#!/usr/bin/python ############################################################################## import ConfigParser, sys import psycopg2, psycopg2.extras import psycopg2.extensions psycopg2.extensions.register_type(psycopg2.extensions.UNICODE) psycopg2.extensions.register_type(psycopg2.extensions.UNICODEARRAY) import time import datetime from datetime import timedelta import sys reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('utf8') import os import threading import re from datetime import datetime from urlparse import urljoin from flask import Flask, request, session, url_for, redirect, Response, \ render_template, abort, g, flash, _app_ctx_stack, make_response, \ jsonify from flask import Flask ############################################################################## ############################################################################## # Single mandatory arg: config file path if len(sys.argv[1:]) != 1: # Default path for WSGI use (change to yours) : config_path = "/home/nsabot/logger/nsabot.conf" else: # Read Config from given conf file config_path = sys.argv[1] #config_path = os.path.abspath(config_path) cfg = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() cfg.readfp(open(config_path)) try: # IRCism: Nick = cfg.get("irc", "nick") Channels = [x.strip() for x in cfg.get("irc", "chans").split(',')] Bots = [x.strip() for x in cfg.get("logotron", "bots").split(',')] Bots.append(Nick) # Add our own bot to the bot list # DBism: DB_Name = cfg.get("db", "db_name") DB_User = cfg.get("db", "db_user") DB_DEBUG = int(cfg.get("db", "db_debug")) # Logism: Base_URL = cfg.get("logotron", "base_url") Era = int(cfg.get("logotron", "era")) DEBUG = int(cfg.get("logotron", "www_dbg")) Max_Raw_Ln = int(cfg.get("logotron", "max_raw")) Days_Hide = int(cfg.get("logotron", "days_hide")) # WWW: WWW_Port = int(cfg.get("logotron", "www_port")) except Exception as e: print "Invalid config: ", e exit(1) ############################################################################## ############################################################################## ### Knobs not made into config yet ### Default_Chan = Channels[0] Min_Query_Length = 3 Max_Search_Results = 1000 ## Format for Date in Log Lines Date_Short_Format = "%Y-%m-%d" ############################################################################## app = Flask(__name__) app.config.from_object(__name__) def get_db(): db = getattr(g, 'db', None) if db is None: db = g.db = psycopg2.connect("dbname=%s user=%s" % (DB_Name, DB_User)) return db def close_db(): if hasattr(g, 'db'): g.db.close() @app.before_request def before_request(): g.db = get_db() @app.teardown_request def teardown_request(exception): close_db() def query_db(query, args=(), one=False): cur = get_db().cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.RealDictCursor) if (DB_DEBUG): print "query: '{0}'".format(query) cur.execute(query, args) rv = cur.fetchone() if one else cur.fetchall() if (DB_DEBUG): print "query res: '{0}'".format(rv) return rv ############################################################################## ## All eggogs redirect to main page @app.errorhandler(404) def page_not_found(error): return redirect(url_for('log')) ############################################################################## html_escape_table = { "&": "&", '"': """, "'": "'", ">": ">", "<": "<", } def html_escape(text): return "".join(html_escape_table.get(c,c) for c in text) ############################################################################## ## Get base URL def get_base(): if DEBUG: return request.host_url return Base_URL # Get perma-URL corresponding to given log line def line_url(l): return "{0}log/{1}/{2}#{3}".format(get_base(), l['chan'], l['t'].strftime(Date_Short_Format), l['idx']) def gen_chanlist(selected_chan, show_all_chans=False): # Get current time now = datetime.now() # Data for channel display : chan_tbl = {} for chan in Channels: chan_tbl[chan] = {} chan_tbl[chan]['show'] = False chan_formed = chan if chan == selected_chan: chan_formed = "" + chan + "" chan_tbl[chan]['link'] = """{2}""".format( get_base(), chan, chan_formed) last_time = query_db( '''select t, idx from loglines where chan=%s and idx = (select max(idx) from loglines where chan=%s) ;''', [chan, chan], one=True) last_time_txt = "" time_field = "" if last_time != None: span = (now - last_time['t']) days = span.days hours = span.seconds/3600 minutes = (span.seconds%3600)/60 if days != 0: last_time_txt += '%dd ' % days if hours != 0: last_time_txt += '%dh ' % hours if minutes != 0: last_time_txt += '%dm' % minutes time_field = """{4}""".format( get_base(), chan, last_time['t'].strftime(Date_Short_Format), last_time['idx'], last_time_txt) if (days <= Days_Hide) or (chan == selected_chan) or show_all_chans: chan_tbl[chan]['show'] = True chan_tbl[chan]['time'] = time_field ## Generate channel selector bar : s = """""" for chan in Channels: if chan_tbl[chan]['show']: s += """""".format(chan_tbl[chan]['link']) s += "" ## Generate last-activ. links for above : for chan in Channels: if chan_tbl[chan]['show']: s += """""".format(chan_tbl[chan]['time']) # wrap up: s += "
" return s # Make above callable from inside htm templater: app.jinja_env.globals.update(gen_chanlist=gen_chanlist) # HTML Tag Regex tag_regex = re.compile("(<[^>]+>)") # Find the segments of a block of text which constitute HTML tags def get_link_intervals(str): links = [] span = [] for match in tag_regex.finditer(str): span = match.span() links += [span] return links # Highlight all matched tokens in given text def highlight_matches(strings, text): e = '(' + ('|'.join(strings)) + ')' return re.sub(e, r"""\1""", text, flags=re.I) # Highlight matched tokens in the display of a search result logline, # but leave HTML tags alone def highlight_text(strings, text): result = "" last = 0 for i in get_link_intervals(text): i_start, i_end = i result += highlight_matches(strings, text[last:i_start]) result += text[i_start:i_end] # the HTML tag, leave it alone last = i_end result += highlight_matches(strings, text[last:]) # last block return result # Regexps used in format_logline: boxlinks_re = re.compile( '\[\s*]*>[^ <]+\s*\]\[([^\[\]]+)\]') stdlinks_re = re.compile('(http[^ \[\]]+)') ## Format given log line for display def format_logline(l, highlights = [], select=[], showchan=False): payload = html_escape(l['payload']) # Format ordinary links: payload = re.sub(stdlinks_re, r'\1', payload) # Now also format [link][text] links : payload = re.sub(boxlinks_re, r'\2', payload) # If this is a search result, illuminate the matched strings: if highlights != []: payload = highlight_text(highlights, payload) bot = "" if l['speaker'] in Bots: bot = " bot" # default -- no selection dclass = l['speaker'] # If selection is given: if select != []: ss, se = select if ss <= l['idx'] <= se: dclass = "highlight" speaker = l['speaker'] separator = ":" if showchan: speaker = '(' + l['chan'] + ') ' + speaker # If 'action', annotate: if l['self']: separator = "" payload = "" + payload + "" speaker = "" + speaker + "" # HTMLize the given line : s = ("
" "{1}{7} {4}
").format(l['idx'], speaker, l['t'], line_url(l), payload, bot, dclass, separator) return s # Make above callable from inside htm templater: app.jinja_env.globals.update(format_logline=format_logline) @app.route('/rnd/') def rnd(chan): # Handle rubbish chan: if chan not in Channels: return redirect(url_for('log')) rnd_line = query_db( '''select * from loglines where chan=%s order by random() limit 1 ;''', [chan], one=True) return redirect(line_url(rnd_line)) @app.route('/log//') @app.route('/log/', defaults={'date': None}) @app.route('/log/', defaults={'chan': Default_Chan, 'date': None}) @app.route('/log', defaults={'chan': Default_Chan, 'date': None}) def log(chan, date): # Handle rubbish chan: if chan not in Channels: return redirect(url_for('log')) # Get possible selection start and end sel_start = request.args.get('ss', default = 0, type = int) sel_end = request.args.get('se', default = 0, type = int) # Get possible 'reverse gear' rev = request.args.get('rev', default = 0, type = int) # Get possible 'show all' show_all = request.args.get('all', default = 0, type = int) # Get current time now = datetime.now() # Whether we are viewing 'current' tail tail = False # If viewing 'current' log: if date == None: date = now.strftime(Date_Short_Format) tail = True # Parse given date, and redirect to default log if rubbish: try: day_start = datetime.strptime(date, Date_Short_Format) except Exception, e: return redirect(url_for('log')) # Determine the end of the interval being shown day_end = day_start + timedelta(days=1) # Enable 'tail' is day_end is after end of current day if day_end > now: tail = True # Get the loglines from DB lines = query_db( '''select * from loglines where chan=%s and t between %s and %s order by idx asc;''', [chan, day_start, day_end], one=False) # Optional 'reverse gear' knob: if rev == 1: lines.reverse() # Generate navbar for the given date: prev_day = "" next_day = "" prev_t = query_db( '''select t from loglines where chan=%s and t < %s order by idx desc limit 1;''', [chan, day_start], one=True) if prev_t != None: prev_day = prev_t['t'].strftime(Date_Short_Format) if not tail: next_t = query_db( '''select t from loglines where chan=%s and t > %s order by idx asc limit 1;''', [chan, day_end], one=True) if next_t != None: next_day = next_t['t'].strftime(Date_Short_Format) # Return the HTMLized text return render_template('log.html', chan = chan, loglines = lines, sel = (sel_start, sel_end), date = date, prev_day = prev_day, next_day = next_day, rev = not rev, show_all = show_all, idle_day = Days_Hide) @app.route('/log-raw/') def rawlog(chan): res = "" # Handle rubbish chan: if chan not in Channels: return Response("EGGOG: No such Channel!", mimetype='text/plain') # Get start and end indices: idx_start = request.args.get('istart', default = 0, type = int) idx_end = request.args.get('iend', default = 0, type = int) # Malformed bounds? if idx_start > idx_end: return Response("EGGOG: Start must precede End!", mimetype='text/plain') # Demanded too many in one burst ? if (idx_end - idx_start) > Max_Raw_Ln : return Response("EGGOG: May request Max. of %s Lines !" % Max_Raw_Ln, mimetype='text/plain') # Get the loglines from DB lines = query_db( '''select * from loglines where chan=%s and idx between %s and %s order by idx asc;''', [chan, idx_start, idx_end], one=False) # Retrieve raw lines in classical Phf format: for l in lines: action = "" speaker = "%s;" % l['speaker'] if l['self']: action = "*;" speaker = "%s " % l['speaker'] res += "%s;%s;%s%s%s\n" % (l['idx'], l['t'].strftime('%s'), action, speaker, l['payload']) # Return plain text: return Response(res, mimetype='text/plain') Name_Chars = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_-" def sanitize_speaker(s): return "".join([ch for ch in s if ch in Name_Chars]) def re_escape(s): return re.sub(r"[(){}\[\].*?|^$\\+-]", r"\\\g<0>", s) # Search knob. Supports 'chan' parameter. @app.route('/log-search') def logsearch(): # The query params: chan = request.args.get('chan', default = Default_Chan, type = str) query = request.args.get('q', default = '', type = str) # page_num = request.args.get('page', default = 0, type = int) # channels to search in chans = [] # whether to indicate chan per log line showchan = False if chan == 'all': # search in all logged channels chans = Channels legend = "all logged channels" showchan = True else: # Handle possible rubbish chan: if chan not in Channels: return redirect(url_for('log')) else: # search in selected channel only chans = [chan] legend = chan nres = 0 searchres = [] tokens_orig = [] search_head = "Query is too short!" # Forbid query that is too short: if len(query) >= Min_Query_Length: # Get the search tokens to use: tokens = query.split() tokens_standard = [] from_users = [] # separate out "from:foo" tokens and ordinary: for t in tokens: if t.startswith("from:") or t.startswith("f:"): from_users.append(t.split(':')[1]) # Record user for 'from' query else: tokens_standard.append(t) from_users = ['%' + sanitize_speaker(t) + '%' for t in from_users] tokens_orig = [re_escape(t) for t in tokens_standard] tokens_formed = ['%' + t + '%' for t in tokens_orig] # Query is usable; perform the search on DB and get the finds if from_users == []: searchres = query_db( '''select * from loglines where chan = any(%s) and payload ilike all(%s) order by t desc limit %s;''', [(chans,), tokens_formed, Max_Search_Results], one=False) else: searchres = query_db( '''select * from loglines where chan = any(%s) and speaker ilike any(%s) and payload ilike all(%s) order by t desc limit %s;''', [(chans,), from_users, tokens_formed, Max_Search_Results], one=False) # Number of entries found nres = len(searchres) search_head = "{0} entries found in {1} for '{2}' :".format( nres, legend, html_escape(query)) # No paging support just yet: return render_template('searchres.html', query = query, nres = nres, chan = chan, search_head = search_head, tokens = tokens_orig, loglines = searchres, showchan = showchan) # Comment this out if you don't have one @app.route('/favicon.ico') def favicon(): return redirect(url_for('static', filename='favicon.ico')) ## App Mode if __name__ == '__main__': app.run(threaded=True, port=WWW_Port)