mp-wp_genesis           1 <?php
mp-wp_genesis 2 /**
mp-wp_genesis 3 * @package TinyMCE
mp-wp_genesis 4 * @author Moxiecode
mp-wp_genesis 5 */
mp-wp_genesis 6
mp-wp_genesis 7 /** @ignore */
mp-wp_genesis 8 require_once('../../../wp-load.php');
mp-wp_genesis 9 header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=' . get_bloginfo('charset'));
mp-wp_genesis 10 ?>
mp-wp_genesis 11 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
mp-wp_genesis 12 <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" <?php language_attributes(); ?>>
mp-wp_genesis 13 <head>
mp-wp_genesis 14 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="<?php bloginfo('html_type'); ?>; charset=<?php echo get_option('blog_charset'); ?>" />
mp-wp_genesis 15 <title><?php _e('Rich Editor Help') ?></title>
mp-wp_genesis 16 <script type="text/javascript" src="tiny_mce_popup.js?ver=321"></script>
mp-wp_genesis 17 <?php
mp-wp_genesis 18 wp_admin_css( 'global', true );
mp-wp_genesis 19 wp_admin_css( 'wp-admin', true );
mp-wp_genesis 20 ?>
mp-wp_genesis 21 <style type="text/css">
mp-wp_genesis 22 #wphead {
mp-wp_genesis 23 font-size: 80%;
mp-wp_genesis 24 border-top: 0;
mp-wp_genesis 25 color: #555;
mp-wp_genesis 26 background-color: #f1f1f1;
mp-wp_genesis 27 }
mp-wp_genesis 28 #wphead h1 {
mp-wp_genesis 29 font-size: 24px;
mp-wp_genesis 30 color: #555;
mp-wp_genesis 31 margin: 0;
mp-wp_genesis 32 padding: 10px;
mp-wp_genesis 33 }
mp-wp_genesis 34 #tabs {
mp-wp_genesis 35 padding: 15px 15px 3px;
mp-wp_genesis 36 background-color: #f1f1f1;
mp-wp_genesis 37 border-bottom: 1px solid #dfdfdf;
mp-wp_genesis 38 }
mp-wp_genesis 39 #tabs li {
mp-wp_genesis 40 display: inline;
mp-wp_genesis 41 }
mp-wp_genesis 42 #tabs a.current {
mp-wp_genesis 43 background-color: #fff;
mp-wp_genesis 44 border-color: #dfdfdf;
mp-wp_genesis 45 border-bottom-color: #fff;
mp-wp_genesis 46 color: #d54e21;
mp-wp_genesis 47 }
mp-wp_genesis 48 #tabs a {
mp-wp_genesis 49 color: #2583AD;
mp-wp_genesis 50 padding: 6px;
mp-wp_genesis 51 border-width: 1px 1px 0;
mp-wp_genesis 52 border-style: solid solid none;
mp-wp_genesis 53 border-color: #f1f1f1;
mp-wp_genesis 54 text-decoration: none;
mp-wp_genesis 55 }
mp-wp_genesis 56 #tabs a:hover {
mp-wp_genesis 57 color: #d54e21;
mp-wp_genesis 58 }
mp-wp_genesis 59 .wrap h2 {
mp-wp_genesis 60 border-bottom-color: #dfdfdf;
mp-wp_genesis 61 color: #555;
mp-wp_genesis 62 margin: 5px 0;
mp-wp_genesis 63 padding: 0;
mp-wp_genesis 64 font-size: 18px;
mp-wp_genesis 65 }
mp-wp_genesis 66 #user_info {
mp-wp_genesis 67 right: 5%;
mp-wp_genesis 68 top: 5px;
mp-wp_genesis 69 }
mp-wp_genesis 70 h3 {
mp-wp_genesis 71 font-size: 1.1em;
mp-wp_genesis 72 margin-top: 10px;
mp-wp_genesis 73 margin-bottom: 0px;
mp-wp_genesis 74 }
mp-wp_genesis 75 #flipper {
mp-wp_genesis 76 margin: 0;
mp-wp_genesis 77 padding: 5px 20px 10px;
mp-wp_genesis 78 background-color: #fff;
mp-wp_genesis 79 border-left: 1px solid #dfdfdf;
mp-wp_genesis 80 border-bottom: 1px solid #dfdfdf;
mp-wp_genesis 81 }
mp-wp_genesis 82 * html {
mp-wp_genesis 83 overflow-x: hidden;
mp-wp_genesis 84 overflow-y: scroll;
mp-wp_genesis 85 }
mp-wp_genesis 86 #flipper div p {
mp-wp_genesis 87 margin-top: 0.4em;
mp-wp_genesis 88 margin-bottom: 0.8em;
mp-wp_genesis 89 text-align: justify;
mp-wp_genesis 90 }
mp-wp_genesis 91 th {
mp-wp_genesis 92 text-align: center;
mp-wp_genesis 93 }
mp-wp_genesis 94 .top th {
mp-wp_genesis 95 text-decoration: underline;
mp-wp_genesis 96 }
mp-wp_genesis 97 .top .key {
mp-wp_genesis 98 text-align: center;
mp-wp_genesis 99 width: 5em;
mp-wp_genesis 100 }
mp-wp_genesis 101 .top .action {
mp-wp_genesis 102 text-align: left;
mp-wp_genesis 103 }
mp-wp_genesis 104 .align {
mp-wp_genesis 105 border-left: 3px double #333;
mp-wp_genesis 106 border-right: 3px double #333;
mp-wp_genesis 107 }
mp-wp_genesis 108 .keys {
mp-wp_genesis 109 margin-bottom: 15px;
mp-wp_genesis 110 }
mp-wp_genesis 111 .keys p {
mp-wp_genesis 112 display: inline-block;
mp-wp_genesis 113 margin: 0px;
mp-wp_genesis 114 padding: 0px;
mp-wp_genesis 115 }
mp-wp_genesis 116 .keys .left { text-align: left; }
mp-wp_genesis 117 .keys .center { text-align: center; }
mp-wp_genesis 118 .keys .right { text-align: right; }
mp-wp_genesis 119 td b {
mp-wp_genesis 120 font-family: "Times New Roman" Times serif;
mp-wp_genesis 121 }
mp-wp_genesis 122 #buttoncontainer {
mp-wp_genesis 123 text-align: center;
mp-wp_genesis 124 margin-bottom: 20px;
mp-wp_genesis 125 }
mp-wp_genesis 126 #buttoncontainer a, #buttoncontainer a:hover {
mp-wp_genesis 127 border-bottom: 0px;
mp-wp_genesis 128 }
mp-wp_genesis 129 </style>
mp-wp_genesis 130 <?php if ( ('rtl' == $wp_locale->text_direction) ) : ?>
mp-wp_genesis 131 <style type="text/css">
mp-wp_genesis 132 #wphead, #tabs {
mp-wp_genesis 133 padding-left: auto;
mp-wp_genesis 134 padding-right: 15px;
mp-wp_genesis 135 }
mp-wp_genesis 136 #flipper {
mp-wp_genesis 137 margin: 5px 0 3px 10px;
mp-wp_genesis 138 }
mp-wp_genesis 139 .keys .left, .top, .action { text-align: right; }
mp-wp_genesis 140 .keys .right { text-align: left; }
mp-wp_genesis 141 td b { font-family: Tahoma, "Times New Roman", Times, serif }
mp-wp_genesis 142 </style>
mp-wp_genesis 143 <?php endif; ?>
mp-wp_genesis 144 <script type="text/javascript">
mp-wp_genesis 145 function d(id) { return document.getElementById(id); }
mp-wp_genesis 146
mp-wp_genesis 147 function flipTab(n) {
mp-wp_genesis 148 for (i=1;i<=4;i++) {
mp-wp_genesis 149 c = d('content'+i.toString());
mp-wp_genesis 150 t = d('tab'+i.toString());
mp-wp_genesis 151 if ( n == i ) {
mp-wp_genesis 152 c.className = '';
mp-wp_genesis 153 t.className = 'current';
mp-wp_genesis 154 } else {
mp-wp_genesis 155 c.className = 'hidden';
mp-wp_genesis 156 t.className = '';
mp-wp_genesis 157 }
mp-wp_genesis 158 }
mp-wp_genesis 159 }
mp-wp_genesis 160
mp-wp_genesis 161 function init() {
mp-wp_genesis 162 document.getElementById('version').innerHTML = tinymce.majorVersion + "." + tinymce.minorVersion;
mp-wp_genesis 163 document.getElementById('date').innerHTML = tinymce.releaseDate;
mp-wp_genesis 164 }
mp-wp_genesis 165 tinyMCEPopup.onInit.add(init);
mp-wp_genesis 166 </script>
mp-wp_genesis 167 </head>
mp-wp_genesis 168 <body>
mp-wp_genesis 169
mp-wp_genesis 170 <div id="wphead"><h1><?php echo get_bloginfo('blogtitle'); ?></h1></div>
mp-wp_genesis 171
mp-wp_genesis 172 <ul id="tabs">
mp-wp_genesis 173 <li><a id="tab1" href="javascript:flipTab(1)" title="<?php _e('Basics of Rich Editing') ?>" accesskey="1" tabindex="1" class="current"><?php _e('Basics') ?></a></li>
mp-wp_genesis 174 <li><a id="tab2" href="javascript:flipTab(2)" title="<?php _e('Advanced use of the Rich Editor') ?>" accesskey="2" tabindex="2"><?php _e('Advanced') ?></a></li>
mp-wp_genesis 175 <li><a id="tab3" href="javascript:flipTab(3)" title="<?php _e('Hotkeys') ?>" accesskey="3" tabindex="3"><?php _e('Hotkeys') ?></a></li>
mp-wp_genesis 176 <li><a id="tab4" href="javascript:flipTab(4)" title="<?php _e('About the software') ?>" accesskey="4" tabindex="4"><?php _e('About') ?></a></li>
mp-wp_genesis 177 </ul>
mp-wp_genesis 178
mp-wp_genesis 179 <div id="flipper" class="wrap">
mp-wp_genesis 180
mp-wp_genesis 181 <div id="content1">
mp-wp_genesis 182 <h2><?php _e('Rich Editing Basics') ?></h2>
mp-wp_genesis 183 <p><?php _e('<em>Rich editing</em>, also called WYSIWYG for What You See Is What You Get, means your text is formatted as you type. The rich editor creates HTML code behind the scenes while you concentrate on writing. Font styles, links and images all appear approximately as they will on the internet.') ?></p>
mp-wp_genesis 184 <p><?php _e('WordPress includes a rich HTML editor that works well in all major web browsers used today. However editing HTML is not the same as typing text. Each web page has two major components: the structure, which is the actual HTML code and is produced by the editor as you type, and the display, that is applied to it by the currently selected WordPress theme and is defined in style.css. WordPress is producing valid XHTML 1.0 which means that inserting multiple line breaks (BR tags) after a paragraph would not produce white space on the web page. The BR tags will be removed as invalid by the internal HTML correcting functions.') ?></p>
mp-wp_genesis 185 <p><?php _e('While using the editor, most basic keyboard shortcuts work like in any other text editor. For example: Shift+Enter inserts line break, Ctrl+C = copy, Ctrl+X = cut, Ctrl+Z = undo, Ctrl+Y = redo, Ctrl+A = select all, etc. (on Mac use the Command key instead of Ctrl). See the Hotkeys tab for all available keyboard shortcuts.') ?></p>
mp-wp_genesis 186 <p><?php _e('If you do not like the way the rich editor works, you may turn it off from Your Profile submenu, under Users in the admin menu.') ?></p>
mp-wp_genesis 187 </div>
mp-wp_genesis 188
mp-wp_genesis 189 <div id="content2" class="hidden">
mp-wp_genesis 190 <h2><?php _e('Advanced Rich Editing') ?></h2>
mp-wp_genesis 191 <h3><?php _e('Images and Attachments') ?></h3>
mp-wp_genesis 192 <p><?php _e('There is a button in the editor toolbar for inserting images that are already hosted somewhere on the internet. If you have a URL for an image, click this button and enter the URL in the box which appears.') ?></p>
mp-wp_genesis 193 <p><?php _e('If you need to upload an image or another media file from your computer, you can use the Media Library buttons above the editor. The media library will attempt to create a thumbnail-sized copy from each uploaded image. To insert your image into the post, first click on the thumbnail to reveal a menu of options. When you have selected the options you like, click "Send to Editor" and your image or file will appear in the post you are editing. If you are inserting a movie, there are additional options in the "Media" dialog that can be opened from the second toolbar row.') ?></p>
mp-wp_genesis 194 <h3><?php _e('HTML in the Rich Editor') ?></h3>
mp-wp_genesis 195 <p><?php _e('Any HTML entered directly into the rich editor will show up as text when the post is viewed. What you see is what you get. When you want to include HTML elements that cannot be generated with the toolbar buttons, you must enter it by hand in the HTML editor. Examples are tables and &lt;code&gt;. To do this, click the HTML tab and edit the code, then switch back to Visual mode. If the code is valid and understood by the editor, you should see it rendered immediately.') ?></p>
mp-wp_genesis 196 <h3><?php _e('Pasting in the Rich Editor') ?></h3>
mp-wp_genesis 197 <p><?php _e('When pasting content from another web page the results can be inconsistent and depend on your browser and on the web page you are pasting from. The editor tries to correct any invalid HTML code that was pasted, but for best results try using the HTML tab or one of the paste buttons that are on the second row. Alternatively try pasting paragraph by paragraph. In most browsers to select one paragraph at a time, triple-click on it.') ?></p>
mp-wp_genesis 198 <p><?php _e('Pasting content from another application, like Word or Excel, is best done with the Paste from Word button on the second row, or in HTML mode.') ?></p>
mp-wp_genesis 199 </div>
mp-wp_genesis 200
mp-wp_genesis 201 <div id="content3" class="hidden">
mp-wp_genesis 202 <h2><?php _e('Writing at Full Speed') ?></h2>
mp-wp_genesis 203 <p><?php _e('Rather than reaching for your mouse to click on the toolbar, use these access keys. Windows and Linux use Ctrl + letter. Macintosh uses Command + letter.') ?></p>
mp-wp_genesis 204 <table class="keys" width="100%" style="border: 0 none;">
mp-wp_genesis 205 <tr class="top"><th class="key center"><?php _e('Letter') ?></th><th class="left"><?php _e('Action') ?></th><th class="key center"><?php _e('Letter') ?></th><th class="left"><?php _e('Action') ?></th></tr>
mp-wp_genesis 206 <tr><th>c</th><td><?php _e('Copy') ?></td><th>v</th><td><?php _e('Paste') ?></td></tr>
mp-wp_genesis 207 <tr><th>a</th><td><?php _e('Select all') ?></td><th>x</th><td><?php _e('Cut') ?></td></tr>
mp-wp_genesis 208 <tr><th>z</th><td><?php _e('Undo') ?></td><th>y</th><td><?php _e('Redo') ?></td></tr>
mp-wp_genesis 209 <script type="text/javascript">
mp-wp_genesis 210 if ( ! tinymce.isWebKit )
mp-wp_genesis 211 document.write("<tr><th>b</th><td><?php _e('Bold') ?></td><th>i</th><td><?php _e('Italic') ?></td></tr>"+
mp-wp_genesis 212 "<tr><th>u</th><td><?php _e('Underline') ?></td><th>1</th><td><?php _e('Header 1') ?></td></tr>"+
mp-wp_genesis 213 "<tr><th>2</th><td><?php _e('Header 2') ?></td><th>3</th><td><?php _e('Header 3') ?></td></tr>"+
mp-wp_genesis 214 "<tr><th>4</th><td><?php _e('Header 4') ?></td><th>5</th><td><?php _e('Header 5') ?></td></tr>"+
mp-wp_genesis 215 "<tr><th>6</th><td><?php _e('Header 6') ?></td><th>9</th><td><?php _e('Address') ?></td></tr>")
mp-wp_genesis 216 </script>
mp-wp_genesis 217 </table>
mp-wp_genesis 218
mp-wp_genesis 219 <p><?php _e('The following shortcuts use different access keys: Alt + Shift + letter.') ?></p>
mp-wp_genesis 220 <table class="keys" width="100%" style="border: 0 none;">
mp-wp_genesis 221 <tr class="top"><th class="key center"><?php _e('Letter') ?></th><th class="left"><?php _e('Action') ?></th><th class="key center"><?php _e('Letter') ?></th><th class="left"><?php _e('Action') ?></th></tr>
mp-wp_genesis 222 <script type="text/javascript">
mp-wp_genesis 223 if ( tinymce.isWebKit )
mp-wp_genesis 224 document.write("<tr><th>b</th><td><?php _e('Bold') ?></td><th>i</th><td><?php _e('Italic') ?></td></tr>")
mp-wp_genesis 225 </script>
mp-wp_genesis 226 <tr><th>n</th><td><?php _e('Check Spelling') ?></td><th>l</th><td><?php _e('Align Left') ?></td></tr>
mp-wp_genesis 227 <tr><th>j</th><td><?php _e('Justify Text') ?></td><th>c</th><td><?php _e('Align Center') ?></td></tr>
mp-wp_genesis 228 <tr><th>d</th><td><span style="text-decoration: line-through;"><?php _e('Strikethrough') ?></span></td><th>r</th><td><?php _e('Align Right') ?></td></tr>
mp-wp_genesis 229 <tr><th>u</th><td><strong>&bull;</strong> <?php _e('List') ?></td><th>a</th><td><?php _e('Insert link') ?></td></tr>
mp-wp_genesis 230 <tr><th>o</th><td>1. <?php _e('List') ?></td><th>s</th><td><?php _e('Remove link') ?></td></tr>
mp-wp_genesis 231 <tr><th>q</th><td><?php _e('Quote') ?></td><th>m</th><td><?php _e('Insert Image') ?></td></tr>
mp-wp_genesis 232 <tr><th>g</th><td><?php _e('Full Screen') ?></td><th>t</th><td><?php _e('Insert More Tag') ?></td></tr>
mp-wp_genesis 233 <tr><th>p</th><td><?php _e('Insert Page Break tag') ?></td><th>h</th><td><?php _e('Help') ?></td></tr>
mp-wp_genesis 234 <tr><th>e</th><td colspan="3"><?php _e('Switch to HTML mode') ?></td></tr>
mp-wp_genesis 235 </table>
mp-wp_genesis 236 </div>
mp-wp_genesis 237
mp-wp_genesis 238 <div id="content4" class="hidden">
mp-wp_genesis 239 <h2><?php _e('About TinyMCE'); ?></h2>
mp-wp_genesis 240
mp-wp_genesis 241 <p><?php _e('Version:'); ?> <span id="version"></span> (<span id="date"></span>)</p>
mp-wp_genesis 242 <p><?php printf(__('TinyMCE is a platform independent web based Javascript HTML WYSIWYG editor control released as Open Source under %sLGPL</a> by Moxiecode Systems AB. It has the ability to convert HTML TEXTAREA fields or other HTML elements to editor instances.'), '<a href="'.get_bloginfo('url').'/wp-includes/js/tinymce/license.txt" target="_blank" title="'.__('GNU Library General Public Licence').'">') ?></p>
mp-wp_genesis 243 <p><?php _e('Copyright &copy; 2003-2007, <a href="http://www.moxiecode.com" target="_blank">Moxiecode Systems AB</a>, All rights reserved.') ?></p>
mp-wp_genesis 244 <p><?php _e('For more information about this software visit the <a href="http://tinymce.moxiecode.com" target="_blank">TinyMCE website</a>.') ?></p>
mp-wp_genesis 245
mp-wp_genesis 246 <div id="buttoncontainer">
mp-wp_update-imag... 247 <a href="http://www.moxiecode.com" target="_new"><img src="themes/advanced/img/gotmoxie.svg" alt="<?php _e('Got Moxie?') ?>" style="border: none;" /></a>
mp-wp_update-imag... 248 <a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/tinymce/" target="_blank"><img src="themes/advanced/img/sflogo.svg" alt="<?php _e('Hosted By Sourceforge') ?>" style="border: none;" /></a>
mp-wp_update-imag... 249 <a href="http://www.freshmeat.net/projects/tinymce" target="_blank"><img src="themes/advanced/img/fm.svg" alt="<?php _e('Also on freshmeat') ?>" style="border: none;" /></a>
mp-wp_genesis 250 </div>
mp-wp_genesis 251
mp-wp_genesis 252 </div>
mp-wp_genesis 253 </div>
mp-wp_genesis 254
mp-wp_genesis 255 <div class="mceActionPanel">
mp-wp_genesis 256 <div style="margin: 8px auto; text-align: center;padding-bottom: 10px;">
mp-wp_genesis 257 <input type="button" id="cancel" name="cancel" value="<?php _e('Close'); ?>" title="<?php _e('Close'); ?>" onclick="tinyMCEPopup.close();" />
mp-wp_genesis 258 </div>
mp-wp_genesis 259 </div>
mp-wp_genesis 260
mp-wp_genesis 261 </body>
mp-wp_genesis 262 </html>