- B61758CE3944DCC4E0D26B170CAC7D65E024B14414AEE50DE039C9BC0EAA7B909DAD56CEC1AE40FAEE7F0CD478CF13B3D92ECD128606E0143F921B717217F88D
+ AB9D675F6E203732F5816A06FD517F96AC66FC7C41DE37BC9C5769F62E96874E898500CA595A2B3931B21F4B2BF5788202BA024F8C72A38E526D4AA93D3644EB
(659 . 7)(659 . 6)
36940 * @return string HTML link content for archive.
36941 */
36942 function get_archives_link($url, $text, $format = 'html', $before = '', $after = '') {
36943 $text = wptexturize($text);
36944 $title_text = attribute_escape($text);
36945 $url = clean_url($url);
(1040 . 7)(1039 . 7)
36948 foreach ( (array) $ak_post_titles as $ak_post_title ) {
36950 $post_title = apply_filters( "the_title", $ak_post_title->post_title );
36951 $post_title = str_replace('"', '"', wptexturize( $post_title ));
36952 $post_title = str_replace('"', '"', $post_title );
36954 if ( empty($ak_titles_for_day['day_'.$ak_post_title->dom]) )
36955 $ak_titles_for_day['day_'.$ak_post_title->dom] = '';
(1410 . 46)(1409 . 19)
36957 * @param string $content Textarea content.
36958 * @param string $id HTML ID attribute value.
36959 * @param string $prev_id HTML ID name for switching back and forth between visual editors.
36960 * @param bool $media_buttons Optional, default is true. Whether to display media buttons.
36961 * @param int $tab_index Optional, default is 2. Tabindex for textarea element.
36962 */
36963 function the_editor($content, $id = 'content', $prev_id = 'title', $media_buttons = true, $tab_index = 2) {
36964 function the_editor($content, $id = 'content', $prev_id = 'title', $tab_index = 2) {
36965 $rows = get_option('default_post_edit_rows');
36966 if (($rows < 3) || ($rows > 100))
36967 $rows = 12;
36969 if ( !current_user_can( 'upload_files' ) )
36970 $media_buttons = false;
36972 $rows = "rows='$rows'";
36974 if ( $media_buttons ) { ?>
36975 <div id="editor-toolbar">
36976 <?php if ( $media_buttons ) { ?>
36977 <div id="media-buttons" class="hide-if-no-js">
36978 <?php do_action( 'media_buttons' ); ?>
36979 </div>
36980 <?php } ?>
36981 </div>
36982 <?php } ?>
36984 <div id="quicktags">
36985 <?php wp_print_scripts( 'quicktags' ); ?>
36986 <script type="text/javascript">edToolbar()</script>
36987 </div>
36989 <?php $the_editor = apply_filters('the_editor', "<div id='editorcontainer'><textarea $rows cols='40' name='$id' tabindex='$tab_index' id='$id'>%s</textarea></div>\n");
36990 $the_editor = apply_filters('the_editor', "<div id='editorcontainer'><textarea $rows cols='40' name='$id' tabindex='$tab_index' id='$id'>%s</textarea></div>\n");
36991 $the_editor_content = apply_filters('the_editor_content', $content);
36993 printf($the_editor, $the_editor_content);
36995 ?>
36996 <script type="text/javascript">
36997 // <![CDATA[
36998 edCanvas = document.getElementById('<?php echo $id; ?>');
36999 // ]]>
37000 </script>
37001 <?php
37002 }
37004 /**
(1637 . 31)(1609 . 6)
37006 }
37008 /**
37009 * Registers an admin colour scheme css file.
37010 *
37011 * Allows a plugin to register a new admin colour scheme. For example:
37012 * <code>
37013 * wp_admin_css_color('classic', __('Classic'), admin_url("css/colors-classic.css"),
37014 * array('#07273E', '#14568A', '#D54E21', '#2683AE'));
37015 * </code>
37016 *
37017 * @since 2.5.0
37018 *
37019 * @param string $key The unique key for this theme.
37020 * @param string $name The name of the theme.
37021 * @param string $url The url of the css file containing the colour scheme.
37022 * @param array @colors An array of CSS color definitions which are used to give the user a feel for the theme.
37023 */
37024 function wp_admin_css_color($key, $name, $url, $colors = array()) {
37025 global $_wp_admin_css_colors;
37027 if ( !isset($_wp_admin_css_colors) )
37028 $_wp_admin_css_colors = array();
37030 $_wp_admin_css_colors[$key] = (object) array('name' => $name, 'url' => $url, 'colors' => $colors);
37031 }
37033 /**
37034 * Display the URL of a WordPress admin CSS file.
37035 *
37036 * @see WP_Styles::_css_href and its style_loader_src filter.
(1724 . 20)(1671 . 6)
37038 }
37040 /**
37041 * Enqueues the default ThickBox js and css.
37042 *
37043 * If any of the settings need to be changed, this can be done with another js
37044 * file similar to media-upload.js and theme-preview.js. That file should
37045 * require array('thickbox') to ensure it is loaded after.
37046 *
37047 * @since 2.5.0
37048 */
37049 function add_thickbox() {
37050 wp_enqueue_script( 'thickbox' );
37051 wp_enqueue_style( 'thickbox' );
37052 }
37054 /**
37055 * Display the XHTML generator that is generated on the wp_head hook.
37056 *
37057 * @since 2.5.0