- 385A932DF06790B1C0F63315966076F74D2D2FED040814106B254C5E0D165101992D0C5E9B0BECAD5BE6E6ADF9A5C7615EBB74082E9591B2BBFA9853A8438406
+ E0D91053940C7BBCD2698E7398B83026003B4A4252BD0CF35181776C01833828655E0CF99E1A18AACF22CF570A76C3C1952F6935C6E68DF5471A6923B56D259C
(59 . 8)(59 . 8)
9080 $stamp = __('Submitted on: <b>%1$s</b>');
9081 $date = date_i18n( $datef, strtotime( $comment->comment_date ) );
9082 ?>
9083 <span id="timestamp"><?php printf($stamp, $date); ?></span> <a href="#edit_timestamp" class="edit-timestamp hide-if-no-js" tabindex='4'><?php _e('Edit') ?></a>
9084 <div id='timestampdiv' class='hide-if-js'><?php touch_time(('editcomment' == $action), 0, 5); ?></div>
9085 <span id="timestamp"><?php printf($stamp, $date); ?></span>
9086 <div id='timestampdiv'><?php touch_time(('editcomment' == $action), 0, 5); ?></div>
9087 </div>
9088 </div> <!-- misc actions -->
9089 <div class="clear"></div>
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9094 <a class='submitdelete deletion' href='<?php echo wp_nonce_url("comment.php?action=deletecomment&c=$comment->comment_ID&_wp_original_http_referer=" . wp_get_referer(), 'delete-comment_' . $comment->comment_ID) . "' onclick=\"if ( confirm('" . js_escape(__("You are about to delete this comment. \n 'Cancel' to stop, 'OK' to delete.")) . "') ) { return true;}return false;\">" . __('Delete'); ?></a>
9095 <a
9096 class='submitdelete deletion'
9097 href='<?php echo wp_nonce_url(
9098 "comment.php?action=deletecomment&c=$comment->comment_ID&_wp_original_http_referer=" . wp_get_referer(),
9099 'delete-comment_' . $comment->comment_ID
9100 )?>'
9101 >
9102 Delete
9103 </a>
9104 </div>
9105 <div id="publishing-action">
9106 <input type="submit" name="save" value="<?php _e('Update Comment'); ?>" tabindex="4" class="button-primary" />
(140 . 6)(148 . 3)
9108 </div>
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