+ C57BE38C164F3FA4DDD78683D82FAE14230A83E4A3D571C83F53689C447EEDD0ACA7C9D97C1C67EFF7FE9DA868ED0D7148457CAF5EAFB2357FD973732B153058
(0 . 0)(1 . 700)
20354 <?php
20355 /**
20356 * TextPattern Importer
20357 *
20358 * @package WordPress
20359 * @subpackage Importer
20360 */
20362 if(!function_exists('get_comment_count'))
20363 {
20364 /**
20365 * Get the comment count for posts.
20366 *
20367 * @package WordPress
20368 * @subpackage Textpattern_Import
20369 *
20370 * @param int $post_ID Post ID
20371 * @return int
20372 */
20373 function get_comment_count($post_ID)
20374 {
20375 global $wpdb;
20376 return $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare("SELECT count(*) FROM $wpdb->comments WHERE comment_post_ID = %d", $post_ID) );
20377 }
20378 }
20380 if(!function_exists('link_exists'))
20381 {
20382 /**
20383 * Check whether link already exists.
20384 *
20385 * @package WordPress
20386 * @subpackage Textpattern_Import
20387 *
20388 * @param string $linkname
20389 * @return int
20390 */
20391 function link_exists($linkname)
20392 {
20393 global $wpdb;
20394 return $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare("SELECT link_id FROM $wpdb->links WHERE link_name = %s", $linkname) );
20395 }
20396 }
20398 /**
20399 * TextPattern Importer Class
20400 *
20401 * @since unknown
20402 */
20403 class Textpattern_Import {
20405 function header()
20406 {
20407 echo '<div class="wrap">';
20408 screen_icon();
20409 echo '<h2>'.__('Import Textpattern').'</h2>';
20410 echo '<p>'.__('Steps may take a few minutes depending on the size of your database. Please be patient.').'</p>';
20411 }
20413 function footer()
20414 {
20415 echo '</div>';
20416 }
20418 function greet() {
20419 echo '<div class="narrow">';
20420 echo '<p>'.__('Howdy! This imports categories, users, posts, comments, and links from any Textpattern 4.0.2+ into this blog.').'</p>';
20421 echo '<p>'.__('This has not been tested on previous versions of Textpattern. Mileage may vary.').'</p>';
20422 echo '<p>'.__('Your Textpattern Configuration settings are as follows:').'</p>';
20423 echo '<form action="admin.php?import=textpattern&step=1" method="post">';
20424 wp_nonce_field('import-textpattern');
20425 $this->db_form();
20426 echo '<p class="submit"><input type="submit" name="submit" class="button" value="'.attribute_escape(__('Import')).'" /></p>';
20427 echo '</form>';
20428 echo '</div>';
20429 }
20431 function get_txp_cats()
20432 {
20433 global $wpdb;
20434 // General Housekeeping
20435 $txpdb = new wpdb(get_option('txpuser'), get_option('txppass'), get_option('txpname'), get_option('txphost'));
20436 set_magic_quotes_runtime(0);
20437 $prefix = get_option('tpre');
20439 // Get Categories
20440 return $txpdb->get_results('SELECT
20441 id,
20442 name,
20443 title
20444 FROM '.$prefix.'txp_category
20445 WHERE type = "article"',
20446 ARRAY_A);
20447 }
20449 function get_txp_users()
20450 {
20451 global $wpdb;
20452 // General Housekeeping
20453 $txpdb = new wpdb(get_option('txpuser'), get_option('txppass'), get_option('txpname'), get_option('txphost'));
20454 set_magic_quotes_runtime(0);
20455 $prefix = get_option('tpre');
20457 // Get Users
20459 return $txpdb->get_results('SELECT
20460 user_id,
20461 name,
20462 RealName,
20463 email,
20464 privs
20465 FROM '.$prefix.'txp_users', ARRAY_A);
20466 }
20468 function get_txp_posts()
20469 {
20470 // General Housekeeping
20471 $txpdb = new wpdb(get_option('txpuser'), get_option('txppass'), get_option('txpname'), get_option('txphost'));
20472 set_magic_quotes_runtime(0);
20473 $prefix = get_option('tpre');
20475 // Get Posts
20476 return $txpdb->get_results('SELECT
20477 ID,
20478 Posted,
20479 AuthorID,
20480 LastMod,
20481 Title,
20482 Body,
20483 Excerpt,
20484 Category1,
20485 Category2,
20486 Status,
20487 Keywords,
20488 url_title,
20489 comments_count
20490 FROM '.$prefix.'textpattern
20491 ', ARRAY_A);
20492 }
20494 function get_txp_comments()
20495 {
20496 global $wpdb;
20497 // General Housekeeping
20498 $txpdb = new wpdb(get_option('txpuser'), get_option('txppass'), get_option('txpname'), get_option('txphost'));
20499 set_magic_quotes_runtime(0);
20500 $prefix = get_option('tpre');
20502 // Get Comments
20503 return $txpdb->get_results('SELECT * FROM '.$prefix.'txp_discuss', ARRAY_A);
20504 }
20506 function get_txp_links()
20507 {
20508 //General Housekeeping
20509 $txpdb = new wpdb(get_option('txpuser'), get_option('txppass'), get_option('txpname'), get_option('txphost'));
20510 set_magic_quotes_runtime(0);
20511 $prefix = get_option('tpre');
20513 return $txpdb->get_results('SELECT
20514 id,
20515 date,
20516 category,
20517 url,
20518 linkname,
20519 description
20520 FROM '.$prefix.'txp_link',
20521 ARRAY_A);
20522 }
20524 function cat2wp($categories='')
20525 {
20526 // General Housekeeping
20527 global $wpdb;
20528 $count = 0;
20529 $txpcat2wpcat = array();
20530 // Do the Magic
20531 if(is_array($categories))
20532 {
20533 echo '<p>'.__('Importing Categories...').'<br /><br /></p>';
20534 foreach ($categories as $category)
20535 {
20536 $count++;
20537 extract($category);
20540 // Make Nice Variables
20541 $name = $wpdb->escape($name);
20542 $title = $wpdb->escape($title);
20544 if($cinfo = category_exists($name))
20545 {
20546 $ret_id = wp_insert_category(array('cat_ID' => $cinfo, 'category_nicename' => $name, 'cat_name' => $title));
20547 }
20548 else
20549 {
20550 $ret_id = wp_insert_category(array('category_nicename' => $name, 'cat_name' => $title));
20551 }
20552 $txpcat2wpcat[$id] = $ret_id;
20553 }
20555 // Store category translation for future use
20556 add_option('txpcat2wpcat',$txpcat2wpcat);
20557 echo '<p>'.sprintf(__ngettext('Done! <strong>%1$s</strong> category imported.', 'Done! <strong>%1$s</strong> categories imported.', $count), $count).'<br /><br /></p>';
20558 return true;
20559 }
20560 echo __('No Categories to Import!');
20561 return false;
20562 }
20564 function users2wp($users='')
20565 {
20566 // General Housekeeping
20567 global $wpdb;
20568 $count = 0;
20569 $txpid2wpid = array();
20571 // Midnight Mojo
20572 if(is_array($users))
20573 {
20574 echo '<p>'.__('Importing Users...').'<br /><br /></p>';
20575 foreach($users as $user)
20576 {
20577 $count++;
20578 extract($user);
20580 // Make Nice Variables
20581 $name = $wpdb->escape($name);
20582 $RealName = $wpdb->escape($RealName);
20584 if($uinfo = get_userdatabylogin($name))
20585 {
20587 $ret_id = wp_insert_user(array(
20588 'ID' => $uinfo->ID,
20589 'user_login' => $name,
20590 'user_nicename' => $RealName,
20591 'user_email' => $email,
20592 'user_url' => 'http://',
20593 'display_name' => $name)
20594 );
20595 }
20596 else
20597 {
20598 $ret_id = wp_insert_user(array(
20599 'user_login' => $name,
20600 'user_nicename' => $RealName,
20601 'user_email' => $email,
20602 'user_url' => 'http://',
20603 'display_name' => $name)
20604 );
20605 }
20606 $txpid2wpid[$user_id] = $ret_id;
20608 // Set Textpattern-to-WordPress permissions translation
20609 $transperms = array(1 => '10', 2 => '9', 3 => '5', 4 => '4', 5 => '3', 6 => '2', 7 => '0');
20611 // Update Usermeta Data
20612 $user = new WP_User($ret_id);
20613 if('10' == $transperms[$privs]) { $user->set_role('administrator'); }
20614 if('9' == $transperms[$privs]) { $user->set_role('editor'); }
20615 if('5' == $transperms[$privs]) { $user->set_role('editor'); }
20616 if('4' == $transperms[$privs]) { $user->set_role('author'); }
20617 if('3' == $transperms[$privs]) { $user->set_role('contributor'); }
20618 if('2' == $transperms[$privs]) { $user->set_role('contributor'); }
20619 if('0' == $transperms[$privs]) { $user->set_role('subscriber'); }
20621 update_usermeta( $ret_id, 'wp_user_level', $transperms[$privs] );
20622 update_usermeta( $ret_id, 'rich_editing', 'false');
20623 }// End foreach($users as $user)
20625 // Store id translation array for future use
20626 add_option('txpid2wpid',$txpid2wpid);
20629 echo '<p>'.sprintf(__('Done! <strong>%1$s</strong> users imported.'), $count).'<br /><br /></p>';
20630 return true;
20631 }// End if(is_array($users)
20633 echo __('No Users to Import!');
20634 return false;
20636 }// End function user2wp()
20638 function posts2wp($posts='')
20639 {
20640 // General Housekeeping
20641 global $wpdb;
20642 $count = 0;
20643 $txpposts2wpposts = array();
20644 $cats = array();
20646 // Do the Magic
20647 if(is_array($posts))
20648 {
20649 echo '<p>'.__('Importing Posts...').'<br /><br /></p>';
20650 foreach($posts as $post)
20651 {
20652 $count++;
20653 extract($post);
20655 // Set Textpattern-to-WordPress status translation
20656 $stattrans = array(1 => 'draft', 2 => 'private', 3 => 'draft', 4 => 'publish', 5 => 'publish');
20658 //Can we do this more efficiently?
20659 $uinfo = ( get_userdatabylogin( $AuthorID ) ) ? get_userdatabylogin( $AuthorID ) : 1;
20660 $authorid = ( is_object( $uinfo ) ) ? $uinfo->ID : $uinfo ;
20662 $Title = $wpdb->escape($Title);
20663 $Body = $wpdb->escape($Body);
20664 $Excerpt = $wpdb->escape($Excerpt);
20665 $post_status = $stattrans[$Status];
20667 // Import Post data into WordPress
20669 if($pinfo = post_exists($Title,$Body))
20670 {
20671 $ret_id = wp_insert_post(array(
20672 'ID' => $pinfo,
20673 'post_date' => $Posted,
20674 'post_date_gmt' => $post_date_gmt,
20675 'post_author' => $authorid,
20676 'post_modified' => $LastMod,
20677 'post_modified_gmt' => $post_modified_gmt,
20678 'post_title' => $Title,
20679 'post_content' => $Body,
20680 'post_excerpt' => $Excerpt,
20681 'post_status' => $post_status,
20682 'post_name' => $url_title,
20683 'comment_count' => $comments_count)
20684 );
20685 if ( is_wp_error( $ret_id ) )
20686 return $ret_id;
20687 }
20688 else
20689 {
20690 $ret_id = wp_insert_post(array(
20691 'post_date' => $Posted,
20692 'post_date_gmt' => $post_date_gmt,
20693 'post_author' => $authorid,
20694 'post_modified' => $LastMod,
20695 'post_modified_gmt' => $post_modified_gmt,
20696 'post_title' => $Title,
20697 'post_content' => $Body,
20698 'post_excerpt' => $Excerpt,
20699 'post_status' => $post_status,
20700 'post_name' => $url_title,
20701 'comment_count' => $comments_count)
20702 );
20703 if ( is_wp_error( $ret_id ) )
20704 return $ret_id;
20705 }
20706 $txpposts2wpposts[$ID] = $ret_id;
20708 // Make Post-to-Category associations
20709 $cats = array();
20710 $category1 = get_category_by_slug($Category1);
20711 $category1 = $category1->term_id;
20712 $category2 = get_category_by_slug($Category2);
20713 $category2 = $category2->term_id;
20714 if($cat1 = $category1) { $cats[1] = $cat1; }
20715 if($cat2 = $category2) { $cats[2] = $cat2; }
20717 if(!empty($cats)) { wp_set_post_categories($ret_id, $cats); }
20718 }
20719 }
20720 // Store ID translation for later use
20721 add_option('txpposts2wpposts',$txpposts2wpposts);
20723 echo '<p>'.sprintf(__('Done! <strong>%1$s</strong> posts imported.'), $count).'<br /><br /></p>';
20724 return true;
20725 }
20727 function comments2wp($comments='')
20728 {
20729 // General Housekeeping
20730 global $wpdb;
20731 $count = 0;
20732 $txpcm2wpcm = array();
20733 $postarr = get_option('txpposts2wpposts');
20735 // Magic Mojo
20736 if(is_array($comments))
20737 {
20738 echo '<p>'.__('Importing Comments...').'<br /><br /></p>';
20739 foreach($comments as $comment)
20740 {
20741 $count++;
20742 extract($comment);
20744 // WordPressify Data
20745 $comment_ID = ltrim($discussid, '0');
20746 $comment_post_ID = $postarr[$parentid];
20747 $comment_approved = (1 == $visible) ? 1 : 0;
20748 $name = $wpdb->escape($name);
20749 $email = $wpdb->escape($email);
20750 $web = $wpdb->escape($web);
20751 $message = $wpdb->escape($message);
20753 if($cinfo = comment_exists($name, $posted))
20754 {
20755 // Update comments
20756 $ret_id = wp_update_comment(array(
20757 'comment_ID' => $cinfo,
20758 'comment_post_ID' => $comment_post_ID,
20759 'comment_author' => $name,
20760 'comment_author_email' => $email,
20761 'comment_author_url' => $web,
20762 'comment_date' => $posted,
20763 'comment_content' => $message,
20764 'comment_approved' => $comment_approved)
20765 );
20766 }
20767 else
20768 {
20769 // Insert comments
20770 $ret_id = wp_insert_comment(array(
20771 'comment_post_ID' => $comment_post_ID,
20772 'comment_author' => $name,
20773 'comment_author_email' => $email,
20774 'comment_author_url' => $web,
20775 'comment_author_IP' => $ip,
20776 'comment_date' => $posted,
20777 'comment_content' => $message,
20778 'comment_approved' => $comment_approved)
20779 );
20780 }
20781 $txpcm2wpcm[$comment_ID] = $ret_id;
20782 }
20783 // Store Comment ID translation for future use
20784 add_option('txpcm2wpcm', $txpcm2wpcm);
20786 // Associate newly formed categories with posts
20787 get_comment_count($ret_id);
20790 echo '<p>'.sprintf(__('Done! <strong>%1$s</strong> comments imported.'), $count).'<br /><br /></p>';
20791 return true;
20792 }
20793 echo __('No Comments to Import!');
20794 return false;
20795 }
20797 function links2wp($links='')
20798 {
20799 // General Housekeeping
20800 global $wpdb;
20801 $count = 0;
20803 // Deal with the links
20804 if(is_array($links))
20805 {
20806 echo '<p>'.__('Importing Links...').'<br /><br /></p>';
20807 foreach($links as $link)
20808 {
20809 $count++;
20810 extract($link);
20812 // Make nice vars
20813 $category = $wpdb->escape($category);
20814 $linkname = $wpdb->escape($linkname);
20815 $description = $wpdb->escape($description);
20817 if($linfo = link_exists($linkname))
20818 {
20819 $ret_id = wp_insert_link(array(
20820 'link_id' => $linfo,
20821 'link_url' => $url,
20822 'link_name' => $linkname,
20823 'link_category' => $category,
20824 'link_description' => $description,
20825 'link_updated' => $date)
20826 );
20827 }
20828 else
20829 {
20830 $ret_id = wp_insert_link(array(
20831 'link_url' => $url,
20832 'link_name' => $linkname,
20833 'link_category' => $category,
20834 'link_description' => $description,
20835 'link_updated' => $date)
20836 );
20837 }
20838 $txplinks2wplinks[$link_id] = $ret_id;
20839 }
20840 add_option('txplinks2wplinks',$txplinks2wplinks);
20841 echo '<p>';
20842 printf(__ngettext('Done! <strong>%s</strong> link imported', 'Done! <strong>%s</strong> links imported', $count), $count);
20843 echo '<br /><br /></p>';
20844 return true;
20845 }
20846 echo __('No Links to Import!');
20847 return false;
20848 }
20850 function import_categories()
20851 {
20852 // Category Import
20853 $cats = $this->get_txp_cats();
20854 $this->cat2wp($cats);
20855 add_option('txp_cats', $cats);
20859 echo '<form action="admin.php?import=textpattern&step=2" method="post">';
20860 wp_nonce_field('import-textpattern');
20861 printf('<p class="submit"><input type="submit" name="submit" class="button" value="%s" /></p>', attribute_escape(__('Import Users')));
20862 echo '</form>';
20864 }
20866 function import_users()
20867 {
20868 // User Import
20869 $users = $this->get_txp_users();
20870 $this->users2wp($users);
20872 echo '<form action="admin.php?import=textpattern&step=3" method="post">';
20873 wp_nonce_field('import-textpattern');
20874 printf('<p class="submit"><input type="submit" name="submit" class="button" value="%s" /></p>', attribute_escape(__('Import Posts')));
20875 echo '</form>';
20876 }
20878 function import_posts()
20879 {
20880 // Post Import
20881 $posts = $this->get_txp_posts();
20882 $result = $this->posts2wp($posts);
20883 if ( is_wp_error( $result ) )
20884 return $result;
20886 echo '<form action="admin.php?import=textpattern&step=4" method="post">';
20887 wp_nonce_field('import-textpattern');
20888 printf('<p class="submit"><input type="submit" name="submit" class="button" value="%s" /></p>', attribute_escape(__('Import Comments')));
20889 echo '</form>';
20890 }
20892 function import_comments()
20893 {
20894 // Comment Import
20895 $comments = $this->get_txp_comments();
20896 $this->comments2wp($comments);
20898 echo '<form action="admin.php?import=textpattern&step=5" method="post">';
20899 wp_nonce_field('import-textpattern');
20900 printf('<p class="submit"><input type="submit" name="submit" class="button" value="%s" /></p>', attribute_escape(__('Import Links')));
20901 echo '</form>';
20902 }
20904 function import_links()
20905 {
20906 //Link Import
20907 $links = $this->get_txp_links();
20908 $this->links2wp($links);
20909 add_option('txp_links', $links);
20911 echo '<form action="admin.php?import=textpattern&step=6" method="post">';
20912 wp_nonce_field('import-textpattern');
20913 printf('<p class="submit"><input type="submit" name="submit" class="button" value="%s" /></p>', attribute_escape(__('Finish')));
20914 echo '</form>';
20915 }
20917 function cleanup_txpimport()
20918 {
20919 delete_option('tpre');
20920 delete_option('txp_cats');
20921 delete_option('txpid2wpid');
20922 delete_option('txpcat2wpcat');
20923 delete_option('txpposts2wpposts');
20924 delete_option('txpcm2wpcm');
20925 delete_option('txplinks2wplinks');
20926 delete_option('txpuser');
20927 delete_option('txppass');
20928 delete_option('txpname');
20929 delete_option('txphost');
20930 do_action('import_done', 'textpattern');
20931 $this->tips();
20932 }
20934 function tips()
20935 {
20936 echo '<p>'.__('Welcome to WordPress. We hope (and expect!) that you will find this platform incredibly rewarding! As a new WordPress user coming from Textpattern, there are some things that we would like to point out. Hopefully, they will help your transition go as smoothly as possible.').'</p>';
20937 echo '<h3>'.__('Users').'</h3>';
20938 echo '<p>'.sprintf(__('You have already setup WordPress and have been assigned an administrative login and password. Forget it. You didn’t have that login in Textpattern, why should you have it here? Instead we have taken care to import all of your users into our system. Unfortunately there is one downside. Because both WordPress and Textpattern uses a strong encryption hash with passwords, it is impossible to decrypt it and we are forced to assign temporary passwords to all your users. <strong>Every user has the same username, but their passwords are reset to password123.</strong> So <a href="%1$s">Login</a> and change it.'), get_bloginfo( 'wpurl' ) . '/wp-login.php').'</p>';
20939 echo '<h3>'.__('Preserving Authors').'</h3>';
20940 echo '<p>'.__('Secondly, we have attempted to preserve post authors. If you are the only author or contributor to your blog, then you are safe. In most cases, we are successful in this preservation endeavor. However, if we cannot ascertain the name of the writer due to discrepancies between database tables, we assign it to you, the administrative user.').'</p>';
20941 echo '<h3>'.__('Textile').'</h3>';
20942 echo '<p>'.__('Also, since you’re coming from Textpattern, you probably have been using Textile to format your comments and posts. If this is the case, we recommend downloading and installing <a href="http://www.huddledmasses.org/category/development/wordpress/textile/">Textile for WordPress</a>. Trust me... You’ll want it.').'</p>';
20943 echo '<h3>'.__('WordPress Resources').'</h3>';
20944 echo '<p>'.__('Finally, there are numerous WordPress resources around the internet. Some of them are:').'</p>';
20945 echo '<ul>';
20946 echo '<li>'.__('<a href="http://www.wordpress.org">The official WordPress site</a>').'</li>';
20947 echo '<li>'.__('<a href="http://wordpress.org/support/">The WordPress support forums</a>').'</li>';
20948 echo '<li>'.__('<a href="http://codex.wordpress.org">The Codex (In other words, the WordPress Bible)</a>').'</li>';
20949 echo '</ul>';
20950 echo '<p>'.sprintf(__('That’s it! What are you waiting for? Go <a href="%1$s">login</a>!'), get_bloginfo( 'wpurl' ) . '/wp-login.php').'</p>';
20951 }
20953 function db_form()
20954 {
20955 echo '<table class="form-table">';
20956 printf('<tr><th scope="row"><label for="dbuser">%s</label></th><td><input type="text" name="dbuser" id="dbuser" /></td></tr>', __('Textpattern Database User:'));
20957 printf('<tr><th scope="row"><label for="dbpass">%s</label></th><td><input type="password" name="dbpass" id="dbpass" /></td></tr>', __('Textpattern Database Password:'));
20958 printf('<tr><th scope="row"><label for="dbname">%s</label></th><td><input type="text" id="dbname" name="dbname" /></td></tr>', __('Textpattern Database Name:'));
20959 printf('<tr><th scope="row"><label for="dbhost">%s</label></th><td><input type="text" id="dbhost" name="dbhost" value="localhost" /></td></tr>', __('Textpattern Database Host:'));
20960 printf('<tr><th scope="row"><label for="dbprefix">%s</label></th><td><input type="text" name="dbprefix" id="dbprefix" /></td></tr>', __('Textpattern Table prefix (if any):'));
20961 echo '</table>';
20962 }
20964 function dispatch()
20965 {
20967 if (empty ($_GET['step']))
20968 $step = 0;
20969 else
20970 $step = (int) $_GET['step'];
20971 $this->header();
20973 if ( $step > 0 )
20974 {
20975 check_admin_referer('import-textpattern');
20977 if($_POST['dbuser'])
20978 {
20979 if(get_option('txpuser'))
20980 delete_option('txpuser');
20981 add_option('txpuser', sanitize_user($_POST['dbuser'], true));
20982 }
20983 if($_POST['dbpass'])
20984 {
20985 if(get_option('txppass'))
20986 delete_option('txppass');
20987 add_option('txppass', sanitize_user($_POST['dbpass'], true));
20988 }
20990 if($_POST['dbname'])
20991 {
20992 if(get_option('txpname'))
20993 delete_option('txpname');
20994 add_option('txpname', sanitize_user($_POST['dbname'], true));
20995 }
20996 if($_POST['dbhost'])
20997 {
20998 if(get_option('txphost'))
20999 delete_option('txphost');
21000 add_option('txphost', sanitize_user($_POST['dbhost'], true));
21001 }
21002 if($_POST['dbprefix'])
21003 {
21004 if(get_option('tpre'))
21005 delete_option('tpre');
21006 add_option('tpre', sanitize_user($_POST['dbprefix']));
21007 }
21010 }
21012 switch ($step)
21013 {
21014 default:
21015 case 0 :
21016 $this->greet();
21017 break;
21018 case 1 :
21019 $this->import_categories();
21020 break;
21021 case 2 :
21022 $this->import_users();
21023 break;
21024 case 3 :
21025 $result = $this->import_posts();
21026 if ( is_wp_error( $result ) )
21027 echo $result->get_error_message();
21028 break;
21029 case 4 :
21030 $this->import_comments();
21031 break;
21032 case 5 :
21033 $this->import_links();
21034 break;
21035 case 6 :
21036 $this->cleanup_txpimport();
21037 break;
21038 }
21040 $this->footer();
21041 }
21043 function Textpattern_Import()
21044 {
21045 // Nothing.
21046 }
21047 }
21049 $txp_import = new Textpattern_Import();
21051 register_importer('textpattern', __('Textpattern'), __('Import categories, users, posts, comments, and links from a Textpattern blog.'), array ($txp_import, 'dispatch'));
21053 ?>