mp-wp_genesis           1 <?php
mp-wp_genesis 2 /**
mp-wp_genesis 3 * Bookmark Template Functions for usage in Themes
mp-wp_genesis 4 *
mp-wp_genesis 5 * @package WordPress
mp-wp_genesis 6 * @subpackage Template
mp-wp_genesis 7 */
mp-wp_genesis 8
mp-wp_genesis 9 /**
mp-wp_genesis 10 * The formatted output of a list of bookmarks.
mp-wp_genesis 11 *
mp-wp_genesis 12 * The $bookmarks array must contain bookmark objects and will be iterated over
mp-wp_genesis 13 * to retrieve the bookmark to be used in the output.
mp-wp_genesis 14 *
mp-wp_genesis 15 * The output is formatted as HTML with no way to change that format. However,
mp-wp_genesis 16 * what is between, before, and after can be changed. The link itself will be
mp-wp_genesis 17 * HTML.
mp-wp_genesis 18 *
mp-wp_genesis 19 * This function is used internally by wp_list_bookmarks() and should not be
mp-wp_genesis 20 * used by themes.
mp-wp_genesis 21 *
mp-wp_genesis 22 * The defaults for overwriting are:
mp-wp_genesis 23 * 'show_updated' - Default is 0 (integer). Will show the time of when the
mp-wp_genesis 24 * bookmark was last updated.
mp-wp_genesis 25 * 'show_description' - Default is 0 (integer). Whether to show the description
mp-wp_genesis 26 * of the bookmark.
mp-wp_genesis 27 * 'show_images' - Default is 1 (integer). Whether to show link image if
mp-wp_genesis 28 * available.
mp-wp_genesis 29 * 'show_name' - Default is 1 (integer). Whether to show link name if
mp-wp_genesis 30 * available.
mp-wp_genesis 31 * 'before' - Default is '<li>' (string). The html or text to prepend to each
mp-wp_genesis 32 * bookmarks.
mp-wp_genesis 33 * 'after' - Default is '</li>' (string). The html or text to append to each
mp-wp_genesis 34 * bookmarks.
mp-wp_genesis 35 * 'link_before' - Default is '' (string). The html or text to prepend to each
mp-wp_genesis 36 * bookmarks inside the <a> tag.
mp-wp_genesis 37 * 'link_after' - Default is '' (string). The html or text to append to each
mp-wp_genesis 38 * bookmarks inside the <a> tag.
mp-wp_genesis 39 * 'between' - Default is '\n' (string). The string for use in between the link,
mp-wp_genesis 40 * description, and image.
mp-wp_genesis 41 * 'show_rating' - Default is 0 (integer). Whether to show the link rating.
mp-wp_genesis 42 *
mp-wp_genesis 43 * @since 2.1.0
mp-wp_genesis 44 * @access private
mp-wp_genesis 45 * @usedby wp_list_bookmarks()
mp-wp_genesis 46 *
mp-wp_genesis 47 * @param array $bookmarks List of bookmarks to traverse
mp-wp_genesis 48 * @param string|array $args Optional. Overwrite the defaults.
mp-wp_genesis 49 * @return string Formatted output in HTML
mp-wp_genesis 50 */
mp-wp_genesis 51 function _walk_bookmarks($bookmarks, $args = '' ) {
mp-wp_genesis 52 $defaults = array(
mp-wp_genesis 53 'show_updated' => 0, 'show_description' => 0,
mp-wp_genesis 54 'show_images' => 1, 'show_name' => 0,
mp-wp_genesis 55 'before' => '<li>', 'after' => '</li>', 'between' => "\n",
mp-wp_genesis 56 'show_rating' => 0, 'link_before' => '', 'link_after' => ''
mp-wp_genesis 57 );
mp-wp_genesis 58
mp-wp_genesis 59 $r = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults );
mp-wp_genesis 60 extract( $r, EXTR_SKIP );
mp-wp_genesis 61
mp-wp_genesis 62 $output = ''; // Blank string to start with.
mp-wp_genesis 63
mp-wp_genesis 64 foreach ( (array) $bookmarks as $bookmark ) {
mp-wp_genesis 65 if ( !isset($bookmark->recently_updated) )
mp-wp_genesis 66 $bookmark->recently_updated = false;
mp-wp_genesis 67 $output .= $before;
mp-wp_genesis 68 if ( $show_updated && $bookmark->recently_updated )
mp-wp_genesis 69 $output .= get_option('links_recently_updated_prepend');
mp-wp_genesis 70
mp-wp_genesis 71 $the_link = '#';
mp-wp_genesis 72 if ( !empty($bookmark->link_url) )
mp-wp_genesis 73 $the_link = clean_url($bookmark->link_url);
mp-wp_genesis 74
mp-wp_genesis 75 $rel = $bookmark->link_rel;
mp-wp_genesis 76 if ( '' != $rel )
mp-wp_genesis 77 $rel = ' rel="' . $rel . '"';
mp-wp_genesis 78
mp-wp_genesis 79 $desc = attribute_escape(sanitize_bookmark_field('link_description', $bookmark->link_description, $bookmark->link_id, 'display'));
mp-wp_genesis 80 $name = attribute_escape(sanitize_bookmark_field('link_name', $bookmark->link_name, $bookmark->link_id, 'display'));
mp-wp_genesis 81 $title = $desc;
mp-wp_genesis 82
mp-wp_genesis 83 if ( $show_updated )
mp-wp_genesis 84 if ( '00' != substr($bookmark->link_updated_f, 0, 2) ) {
mp-wp_genesis 85 $title .= ' (';
mp-wp_genesis 86 $title .= sprintf(__('Last updated: %s'), date(get_option('links_updated_date_format'), $bookmark->link_updated_f + (get_option('gmt_offset') * 3600)));
mp-wp_genesis 87 $title .= ')';
mp-wp_genesis 88 }
mp-wp_genesis 89
mp-wp_genesis 90 if ( '' != $title )
mp-wp_genesis 91 $title = ' title="' . $title . '"';
mp-wp_genesis 92
mp-wp_genesis 93 $alt = ' alt="' . $name . '"';
mp-wp_genesis 94
mp-wp_genesis 95 $target = $bookmark->link_target;
mp-wp_genesis 96 if ( '' != $target )
mp-wp_genesis 97 $target = ' target="' . $target . '"';
mp-wp_genesis 98
mp-wp_genesis 99 $output .= '<a href="' . $the_link . '"' . $rel . $title . $target. '>';
mp-wp_genesis 100
mp-wp_genesis 101 $output .= $link_before;
mp-wp_genesis 102
mp-wp_genesis 103 if ( $bookmark->link_image != null && $show_images ) {
mp-wp_genesis 104 if ( strpos($bookmark->link_image, 'http') !== false )
mp-wp_genesis 105 $output .= "<img src=\"$bookmark->link_image\" $alt $title />";
mp-wp_genesis 106 else // If it's a relative path
mp-wp_genesis 107 $output .= "<img src=\"" . get_option('siteurl') . "$bookmark->link_image\" $alt $title />";
mp-wp_genesis 108
mp-wp_genesis 109 if ($show_name) $output .= $name;
mp-wp_genesis 110 } else {
mp-wp_genesis 111 $output .= $name;
mp-wp_genesis 112 }
mp-wp_genesis 113
mp-wp_genesis 114 $output .= $link_after;
mp-wp_genesis 115
mp-wp_genesis 116 $output .= '</a>';
mp-wp_genesis 117
mp-wp_genesis 118 if ( $show_updated && $bookmark->recently_updated )
mp-wp_genesis 119 $output .= get_option('links_recently_updated_append');
mp-wp_genesis 120
mp-wp_genesis 121 if ( $show_description && '' != $desc )
mp-wp_genesis 122 $output .= $between . $desc;
mp-wp_genesis 123
mp-wp_genesis 124 if ($show_rating) {
mp-wp_genesis 125 $output .= $between . sanitize_bookmark_field('link_rating', $bookmark->link_rating, $bookmark->link_id, 'display');
mp-wp_genesis 126 }
mp-wp_genesis 127
mp-wp_genesis 128 $output .= "$after\n";
mp-wp_genesis 129 } // end while
mp-wp_genesis 130
mp-wp_genesis 131 return $output;
mp-wp_genesis 132 }
mp-wp_genesis 133
mp-wp_genesis 134 /**
mp-wp_genesis 135 * Retrieve or echo all of the bookmarks.
mp-wp_genesis 136 *
mp-wp_genesis 137 * List of default arguments are as follows:
mp-wp_genesis 138 * 'orderby' - Default is 'name' (string). How to order the links by. String is
mp-wp_genesis 139 * based off of the bookmark scheme.
mp-wp_genesis 140 * 'order' - Default is 'ASC' (string). Either 'ASC' or 'DESC'. Orders in either
mp-wp_genesis 141 * ascending or descending order.
mp-wp_genesis 142 * 'limit' - Default is -1 (integer) or show all. The amount of bookmarks to
mp-wp_genesis 143 * display.
mp-wp_genesis 144 * 'category' - Default is empty string (string). Include the links in what
mp-wp_genesis 145 * category ID(s).
mp-wp_genesis 146 * 'category_name' - Default is empty string (string). Get links by category
mp-wp_genesis 147 * name.
mp-wp_genesis 148 * 'hide_invisible' - Default is 1 (integer). Whether to show (default) or hide
mp-wp_genesis 149 * links marked as 'invisible'.
mp-wp_genesis 150 * 'show_updated' - Default is 0 (integer). Will show the time of when the
mp-wp_genesis 151 * bookmark was last updated.
mp-wp_genesis 152 * 'echo' - Default is 1 (integer). Whether to echo (default) or return the
mp-wp_genesis 153 * formatted bookmarks.
mp-wp_genesis 154 * 'categorize' - Default is 1 (integer). Whether to show links listed by
mp-wp_genesis 155 * category (default) or show links in one column.
mp-wp_genesis 156 *
mp-wp_genesis 157 * These options define how the Category name will appear before the category
mp-wp_genesis 158 * links are displayed, if 'categorize' is 1. If 'categorize' is 0, then it will
mp-wp_genesis 159 * display for only the 'title_li' string and only if 'title_li' is not empty.
mp-wp_genesis 160 * 'title_li' - Default is 'Bookmarks' (translatable string). What to show
mp-wp_genesis 161 * before the links appear.
mp-wp_genesis 162 * 'title_before' - Default is '<h2>' (string). The HTML or text to show before
mp-wp_genesis 163 * the 'title_li' string.
mp-wp_genesis 164 * 'title_after' - Default is '</h2>' (string). The HTML or text to show after
mp-wp_genesis 165 * the 'title_li' string.
mp-wp_genesis 166 * 'class' - Default is 'linkcat' (string). The CSS class to use for the
mp-wp_genesis 167 * 'title_li'.
mp-wp_genesis 168 *
mp-wp_genesis 169 * 'category_before' - Default is '<li id="%id" class="%class">'. String must
mp-wp_genesis 170 * contain '%id' and '%class' to get
mp-wp_genesis 171 * the id of the category and the 'class' argument. These are used for
mp-wp_genesis 172 * formatting in themes.
mp-wp_genesis 173 * Argument will be displayed before the 'title_before' argument.
mp-wp_genesis 174 * 'category_after' - Default is '</li>' (string). The HTML or text that will
mp-wp_genesis 175 * appear after the list of links.
mp-wp_genesis 176 *
mp-wp_genesis 177 * These are only used if 'categorize' is set to 1 or true.
mp-wp_genesis 178 * 'category_orderby' - Default is 'name'. How to order the bookmark category
mp-wp_genesis 179 * based on term scheme.
mp-wp_genesis 180 * 'category_order' - Default is 'ASC'. Set the order by either ASC (ascending)
mp-wp_genesis 181 * or DESC (descending).
mp-wp_genesis 182 *
mp-wp_genesis 183 * @see _walk_bookmarks() For other arguments that can be set in this function
mp-wp_genesis 184 * and passed to _walk_bookmarks().
mp-wp_genesis 185 * @see get_bookmarks() For other arguments that can be set in this function and
mp-wp_genesis 186 * passed to get_bookmarks().
mp-wp_genesis 187 * @link http://codex.wordpress.org/Template_Tags/wp_list_bookmarks
mp-wp_genesis 188 *
mp-wp_genesis 189 * @since 2.1.0
mp-wp_genesis 190 * @uses _list_bookmarks() Used to iterate over all of the bookmarks and return
mp-wp_genesis 191 * the html
mp-wp_genesis 192 * @uses get_terms() Gets all of the categories that are for links.
mp-wp_genesis 193 *
mp-wp_genesis 194 * @param string|array $args Optional. Overwrite the defaults of the function
mp-wp_genesis 195 * @return string|null Will only return if echo option is set to not echo.
mp-wp_genesis 196 * Default is not return anything.
mp-wp_genesis 197 */
mp-wp_genesis 198 function wp_list_bookmarks($args = '') {
mp-wp_genesis 199 $defaults = array(
mp-wp_genesis 200 'orderby' => 'name', 'order' => 'ASC',
mp-wp_genesis 201 'limit' => -1, 'category' => '', 'exclude_category' => '',
mp-wp_genesis 202 'category_name' => '', 'hide_invisible' => 1,
mp-wp_genesis 203 'show_updated' => 0, 'echo' => 1,
mp-wp_genesis 204 'categorize' => 1, 'title_li' => __('Bookmarks'),
mp-wp_genesis 205 'title_before' => '<h2>', 'title_after' => '</h2>',
mp-wp_genesis 206 'category_orderby' => 'name', 'category_order' => 'ASC',
mp-wp_genesis 207 'class' => 'linkcat', 'category_before' => '<li id="%id" class="%class">',
mp-wp_genesis 208 'category_after' => '</li>'
mp-wp_genesis 209 );
mp-wp_genesis 210
mp-wp_genesis 211 $r = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults );
mp-wp_genesis 212 extract( $r, EXTR_SKIP );
mp-wp_genesis 213
mp-wp_genesis 214 $output = '';
mp-wp_genesis 215
mp-wp_genesis 216 if ( $categorize ) {
mp-wp_genesis 217 //Split the bookmarks into ul's for each category
mp-wp_genesis 218 $cats = get_terms('link_category', array('name__like' => $category_name, 'include' => $category, 'exclude' => $exclude_category, 'orderby' => $category_orderby, 'order' => $category_order, 'hierarchical' => 0));
mp-wp_genesis 219
mp-wp_genesis 220 foreach ( (array) $cats as $cat ) {
mp-wp_genesis 221 $params = array_merge($r, array('category'=>$cat->term_id));
mp-wp_genesis 222 $bookmarks = get_bookmarks($params);
mp-wp_genesis 223 if ( empty($bookmarks) )
mp-wp_genesis 224 continue;
mp-wp_genesis 225 $output .= str_replace(array('%id', '%class'), array("linkcat-$cat->term_id", $class), $category_before);
mp-wp_genesis 226 $catname = apply_filters( "link_category", $cat->name );
mp-wp_genesis 227 $output .= "$title_before$catname$title_after\n\t<ul class='xoxo blogroll'>\n";
mp-wp_genesis 228 $output .= _walk_bookmarks($bookmarks, $r);
mp-wp_genesis 229 $output .= "\n\t</ul>\n$category_after\n";
mp-wp_genesis 230 }
mp-wp_genesis 231 } else {
mp-wp_genesis 232 //output one single list using title_li for the title
mp-wp_genesis 233 $bookmarks = get_bookmarks($r);
mp-wp_genesis 234
mp-wp_genesis 235 if ( !empty($bookmarks) ) {
mp-wp_genesis 236 if ( !empty( $title_li ) ){
mp-wp_genesis 237 $output .= str_replace(array('%id', '%class'), array("linkcat-$category", $class), $category_before);
mp-wp_genesis 238 $output .= "$title_before$title_li$title_after\n\t<ul class='xoxo blogroll'>\n";
mp-wp_genesis 239 $output .= _walk_bookmarks($bookmarks, $r);
mp-wp_genesis 240 $output .= "\n\t</ul>\n$category_after\n";
mp-wp_genesis 241 } else {
mp-wp_genesis 242 $output .= _walk_bookmarks($bookmarks, $r);
mp-wp_genesis 243 }
mp-wp_genesis 244 }
mp-wp_genesis 245 }
mp-wp_genesis 246
mp-wp_genesis 247 $output = apply_filters( 'wp_list_bookmarks', $output );
mp-wp_genesis 248
mp-wp_genesis 249 if ( !$echo )
mp-wp_genesis 250 return $output;
mp-wp_genesis 251 echo $output;
mp-wp_genesis 252 }
mp-wp_genesis 253
mp-wp_genesis 254 ?>