- ACF6B4C38D37946380913EEA64E19B5B8D8A497E6721D8969F6DDA318111B93D0699141210CC0298BE41AF8B65B332A2268560B7E726F290FADADCB4DBDAFCB9
+ 6D47BBC24996DBF2A24BF6D91ABF6AB3DE3B2AEF33884BF3E583A784BB3BC5D16F6D9C2F1C308C576C319A0A520B62A4432AB13F858C5DAE9AC253BA7628B2D3
(3 . 3)(3 . 4)
5 558370 mp-wp_update-image-references-to-svg billymg Update all internal image references to use .svg extensions
6 568792 mp-wp_html-comments-regrind hanbot Anonymous function in kses.php given variables to allow for html and other desired tags in comments compatible with PHP versions 5 and above. Also, trilema-specific database parameter for spam cleanup converted to (reground: correct) variable table name for compatibility. Spurious trilema-specific commented-out code deleted.
7 569483 mp-wp_remove-tinymce-and-other-crud billymg Remove tinymce, most of the importers, the self-update feature, and the google gears and press-this plugins
8 602064 mp-wp_apply-htmlspecialchars-to-post-edit-content billymg Run post content through htmlspecialchars() before loading into the post edit UI