styles = array( 'decimal' => '1,2...10', 'decimal-leading-zero' => '01, 02...10', 'lower-alpha' => 'a,b...j', 'upper-alpha' => 'A,B...J', 'lower-roman' => 'i,ii...x', 'upper-roman' => 'I,II...X', 'symbol' => 'Symbol' ); // Define default options $this->default_options = array('superscript'=>true, 'pre_backlink'=>' [', 'backlink'=>'↩', 'post_backlink'=>']', 'pre_identifier'=>'', 'list_style_type'=>'decimal', 'list_style_symbol'=>'†', 'post_identifier'=>'', 'pre_footnotes'=>'', 'post_footnotes'=>'', 'style_rules'=>'ol.footnotes{font-size:0.8em; color:#666666;}', 'no_display_home'=>false, 'no_display_archive'=>false, 'no_display_date'=>false, 'no_display_category'=>false, 'no_display_search'=>false, 'no_display_feed'=>false, 'combine_identical_notes'=>false, 'priority'=>11, 'version'=>WP_FOOTNOTES_VERSION); // Get the current settings or setup some defaults if needed if (!$this->current_options = get_option('swas_footnote_options')){ $this->current_options = $this->default_options; update_option('swas_footnote_options', $this->current_options); } else { // Set any unset options if ($this->current_options['version'] != WP_FOOTNOTES_VERSION) { foreach ($this->default_options as $key => $value) { if (!isset($this->current_options[$key])) { $this->current_options[$key] = $value; } } $this->current_options['version'] = WP_FOOTNOTES_VERSION; update_option('swas_footnote_options', $this->current_options); } } /* if (!empty($_POST['save_options'])){ $footnotes_options['superscript'] = (array_key_exists('superscript', $_POST)) ? true : false; $footnotes_options['pre_backlink'] = $_POST['pre_backlink']; $footnotes_options['backlink'] = $_POST['backlink']; $footnotes_options['post_backlink'] = $_POST['post_backlink']; $footnotes_options['pre_identifier'] = $_POST['pre_identifier']; $footnotes_options['list_style_type'] = $_POST['list_style_type']; $footnotes_options['post_identifier'] = $_POST['post_identifier']; $footnotes_options['list_style_symbol'] = $_POST['list_style_symbol']; $footnotes_options['pre_footnotes'] = stripslashes($_POST['pre_footnotes']); $footnotes_options['post_footnotes'] = stripslashes($_POST['post_footnotes']); $footnotes_options['style_rules'] = stripslashes($_POST['style_rules']); $footnotes_options['no_display_home'] = (array_key_exists('no_display_home', $_POST)) ? true : false; $footnotes_options['no_display_archive'] = (array_key_exists('no_display_archive', $_POST)) ? true : false; $footnotes_options['no_display_date'] = (array_key_exists('no_display_date', $_POST)) ? true : false; $footnotes_options['no_display_category'] = (array_key_exists('no_display_category', $_POST)) ? true : false; $footnotes_options['no_display_search'] = (array_key_exists('no_display_search', $_POST)) ? true : false; $footnotes_options['no_display_feed'] = (array_key_exists('no_display_feed', $_POST)) ? true : false; $footnotes_options['combine_identical_notes'] = (array_key_exists('combine_identical_notes', $_POST)) ? true : false; $footnotes_options['priority'] = $_POST['priority']; update_option('swas_footnote_options', $footnotes_options); }elseif(!empty($_POST['reset_options'])){ update_option('swas_footnote_options', ''); update_option('swas_footnote_options', $this->default_options); } */ // Hook me up add_action('the_content', array($this, 'process'), $this->current_options['priority']); add_action('admin_menu', array($this, 'add_options_page')); // Insert the Admin panel. add_action('wp_head', array($this, 'insert_styles')); } /** * Searches the text and extracts footnotes. * Adds the identifier links and creats footnotes list. * @param $data string The content of the post. * @return string The new content with footnotes generated. */ function process($data) { global $post; // Check for and setup the starting number $start_number = (preg_match("||",$data,$start_number_array)==1) ? $start_number_array[1] : 1; // Regex extraction of all footnotes (or return if there are none) if (!preg_match_all("/(".preg_quote(WP_FOOTNOTES_OPEN)."|)(.*)(".preg_quote(WP_FOOTNOTES_CLOSE)."|<\/footnote>)/Us", $data, $identifiers, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { return $data; } // Check whether we are displaying them or not $display = true; if ($this->current_options['no_display_home'] && is_home()) $display = false; if ($this->current_options['no_display_archive'] && is_archive()) $display = false; if ($this->current_options['no_display_date'] && is_date()) $display = false; if ($this->current_options['no_display_category'] && is_category()) $display = false; if ($this->current_options['no_display_search'] && is_search()) $display = false; if ($this->current_options['no_display_feed'] && is_feed()) $display = false; $footnotes = array(); // Check if this post is using a different list style to the settings if ( array_key_exists(get_post_meta($post->ID, 'footnote_style', true), $this->styles) ) { $style = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'footnote_style', true); } else { $style = $this->current_options['list_style_type']; } // Create 'em for ($i=0; $icurrent_options['combine_identical_notes']){ for ($j=0; $j $value) { $id_id = "identifier_".$key."_".$post->ID; $id_num = ($style == 'decimal') ? $value['use_footnote']+$start_number : $this->convert_num($value['use_footnote']+$start_number, $style, count($footnotes)); $id_href = ( ($use_full_link) ? get_permalink($post->ID) : '' ) . "#footnote_".$value['use_footnote']."_".$post->ID; // $id_title = str_replace('"', """, htmlentities(strip_tags($value['text']), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8')); $id_title = str_replace('"', '`', strip_tags($value['text'])); $id_replace = $this->current_options['pre_identifier'].''.$id_num.''.$this->current_options['post_identifier']; if ($this->current_options['superscript']) $id_replace = ''.$id_replace.''; if ($display) $data = substr_replace($data, $id_replace, strpos($data,$value[0]),strlen($value[0])); else $data = substr_replace($data, '', strpos($data,$value[0]),strlen($value[0])); } // Display footnotes if ($display) { $start = ($start_number != 1) ? 'start="'.$start_number.'" ' : ''; $data = $data.$this->current_options['pre_footnotes']; $data = $data . '
    '; foreach ($footnotes as $key => $value) { $data = $data.'
  1. current_options['list_style_type']) { $data = $data . ' style="list-style-type:' . $style . ';"'; } $data = $data . '>'; if ($style == 'symbol') { $data = $data . '' . $this->convert_num($key+$start_number, $style, count($footnotes)) . ' '; } $data = $data.$value['text']; if (!is_feed()){ foreach($value['identifiers'] as $identifier){ $data = $data.$this->current_options['pre_backlink'].''.$this->current_options['backlink'].''.$this->current_options['post_backlink']; } } $data = $data . '
  2. '; } $data = $data . '
' . $this->current_options['post_footnotes']; } return $data; } /** * Really insert the options page. */ function footnotes_options_page() { $this->current_options = get_option('swas_footnote_options'); foreach ($this->current_options as $key=>$setting) { $new_setting[$key] = htmlentities($setting); } $this->current_options = $new_setting; unset($new_setting); include (dirname(__FILE__) . '/options.php'); } /** * Insert the options page into the admin area. */ function add_options_page() { // Add a new menu under Options: add_options_page('Footnotes', 'Footnotes', 8, __FILE__, array($this, 'footnotes_options_page')); } function upgrade_post($data){ $data = str_replace('',WP_FOOTNOTES_OPEN,$data); $data = str_replace('',WP_FOOTNOTES_CLOSE,$data); return $data; } function insert_styles(){ ?> roman($num, 'lower'); case 'upper-roman' : return $this->roman($num); case 'lower-alpha' : return $this->alpha($num, 'lower'); case 'upper-alpha' : return $this->alpha($num); case 'symbol' : $sym = ''; for ($i = 0; $i<$num; $i++) { $sym .= $this->current_options['list_style_symbol']; } return $sym; } } /** * Convert to a roman numeral. * * Thanks to for the improved algorithm. * * * @param int $num The number to convert. * @param string $case Upper or lower case. * @return string The roman numeral */ function roman($num, $case= 'upper'){ $num = (int) $num; $conversion = array('M'=>1000, 'CM'=>900, 'D'=>500, 'CD'=>400, 'C'=>100, 'XC'=>90, 'L'=>50, 'XL'=>40, 'X'=>10, 'IX'=>9, 'V'=>5, 'IV'=>4, 'I'=>1); $roman = ''; foreach ($conversion as $r => $d){ $roman .= str_repeat($r, (int)($num / $d)); $num %= $d; } return ($case == 'lower') ? strtolower($roman) : $roman; } function alpha($num, $case='upper'){ $j = 1; for ($i = 'A'; $i <= 'ZZ'; $i++){ if ($j == $num){ if ($case == 'lower') return strtolower($i); else return $i; } $j++; } } }