(7 . 3)(7 . 4)
17 605926 mp-wp_comments_filtering diana_coman Recent comments widget should show only people's comments (no track/pingbacks); theme default changed to show trackbacks/pingbacks as last/at the bottom in an article's comments list.
18 629903 mp-wp_remove-textselectionjs-pop3-etc-r2 jfw Remove the unreliable JS-based selection (reground: including wrapper spans), posting by POP3 login, and a stray .php.orig file. Neutralize and comment the example pingback updater.
19 629903 mp-wp_svg-screenshots-and-errorreporting-r2 jfw Allow .svg extensions in theme screenshot search. Don't clobber the user's errorreporting level without WP_DEBUG. (Reground following antecedent.)
20 631542 mp-wp_add-embeddable-codeblocks-and-server-side-selection billymg Add embeddable codeblocks and the server-side select mechanism to the "footnotes" plugin (now "mp-wp content processing")