# Convert poorly structured test data to C arrays. from sys import argv def is_lane(s): return len(s) == 16 and all(c in '0123456789ABCDEF' for c in s) test_files = argv[1:] print '#define NTESTS ' + str(len(test_files)) print '#define TEST_STEPS (1 + 24*5)' print 'static lane_t tests[NTESTS][TEST_STEPS][25] = {' for path in test_files: with open(path) as f: tokens = f.read().split() lane = 0 print '\t{' for t in tokens: if is_lane(t): if lane == 0: print '\t\t{' print '\t\t\t0x' + t + ',' lane += 1 if lane == 25: lane = 0 print '\t\t},' print '\t},' print '};'