This is the Aug 2019 draft of S.NSA WWW logotron and IRC bot kit, as can be seen presently at . To make your own installation, you will need: (1) Traditional 'python' 2.7. (2) 'flask' lib for (1). (3) 'psycopg2' lib for (1). (4) 'postgres' (9 or 10). (5) A WWW server that can serve WSGI applications (e.g. Apache with mod_wsgi installed). - If installing mod_wsgi for the first time be sure to set your target python version to 2.7 (/etc/portage/make.conf in gentoo/dulap systems) #################### DB Setup #################### To use the kit, you will first need to create a user and DB, e.g.: su - postgres psql create user nsabot createdb; alter role nsabot superuser; create database nsalog; grant all privileges on database nsalog to nsabot; ... you can take 'super' away from this user after 1st run, it is needed in order to let him load the pg_trgm indexer plugin. Next, run '' (alter the constants to match the names of your postgres user and the DB), this creates the schema. #################### Importing Logs #################### Then see '' and the '' it uses, re how to fill your log archive DB. '' eats in Phf's classical format, e.g.: 1926177;1564727032;mp_en_viaje;in the meantime, everyone's invited on trilema & other blogs. where 1926177 is absolute line index (in given chan), 1564727032 is unix epochal timestamp, mp_en_viaje is speaker (if he is 'actioning', there will be a * behind his name), and the remainder of the line is the payload. You WILL need to adjust the constants in '', it is not currently capable of eating config file. Set these to your DB and PG user. See subdir 'logconverters' for scripts to convert ZNC and irssi log formats to Phf's format #################### Configuration #################### Now, adjust the constants in 'nsabot.conf' (rename per taste) to specify your IRC params, name of bot, host at which www logger will reside, and other knob values. Set css_file in the conf file to point to your desired CSS file in 'static' subdir. Adjust the 'jinja' templates in 'templates' subdir to give the desired look and feel for the www end IF your CSS changes alone are not sufficient. Currently we are using Phf's classic style sheet, with minor modifications. #################### Running the WWW #################### '' takes one mandatory argument: full path to the config above. - When running as a WSGI module this argument needs to be hardcoded in '' - When running locally pass in as a single command-line argument, e.g. `./ path/to/config` - Optionally, when running locally, set FLASK_ENV=development to allow for auto-reloading on file changes (see Flask documentation for more info). #################### Running the Bot #################### Run and pass in the path to the same config file as a single command-line argument, e.g. `nohup ./ path/to/config &` For you will need a registered nick on fleanode (or wherever it is used.) There are no fleanode-specific hacks in the bot, ergo it can be stood up behind ZNC (although this has not been tested.) #################### Not Yet Implemented #################### Certain important features are presently unimplemented, in no order: (1) Backlinkage. (3) Double-quoted search terms. (4) Paste archiving. (5) Multi-headed IRC bot for weather resistance. (6) Informative eggogology for bot commands. (7) Automatic synchronization with mirrors