with Words; use Words; with FZ_Type; use FZ_Type; package FZ_Cmp is pragma Pure; ------------------------------------------- -- Comparison Predicate Operations on FZ -- ------------------------------------------- -- 1 iff X == Y (branch-free); else 0 function FZ_EqP(X : in FZ; Y: in FZ) return WBool; pragma Precondition(X'Length = Y'Length); -- 1 iff X < Y (branch-free); else 0 function FZ_LessThanP(X : in FZ; Y : in FZ) return WBool; pragma Precondition(X'Length = Y'Length); -- 1 iff X > Y (branch-free); else 0 function FZ_GreaterThanP(X : in FZ; Y : in FZ) return WBool; pragma Precondition(X'Length = Y'Length); end FZ_Cmp;