ffa_ch17_peh.kv         1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 3 -- This file is part of 'Finite Field Arithmetic', aka 'FFA'. --
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 4 -- --
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 5 -- (C) 2019 Stanislav Datskovskiy ( www.loper-os.org ) --
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 6 -- http://wot.deedbot.org/17215D118B7239507FAFED98B98228A001ABFFC7.html --
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 7 -- --
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 8 -- You do not have, nor can you ever acquire the right to use, copy or --
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 9 -- distribute this software ; Should you use this software for any purpose, --
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 10 -- or copy and distribute it to anyone or in any manner, you are breaking --
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 11 -- the laws of whatever soi-disant jurisdiction, and you promise to --
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 12 -- continue doing so for the indefinite future. In any case, please --
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 13 -- always : read and understand any software ; verify any PGP signatures --
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 14 -- that you use - for any purpose. --
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 15 -- --
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 16 -- See also http://trilema.com/2015/a-new-software-licensing-paradigm . --
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 19
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 20 with OS; use OS;
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 21 with CmdLine; use CmdLine;
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 22 with FFA_RNG; use FFA_RNG;
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 23 with FFA_Calc; use FFA_Calc;
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 24
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 25
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 26 -- This is the 'main' procedure of Peh for all Unixlike OS.
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 27 procedure Peh is
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 28
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 29 PehDim : Peh_Dimensions; -- Operator-specified spacetime footprint.
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 30
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 31 RNG : RNG_Device; -- The selected RNG device. Peh requires a RNG.
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 32
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 33 begin
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 34
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 35 -- If a valid number of command line params was NOT given, print a likbez :
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 36 if Arg_Count < 5 or Arg_Count > 6 then
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 37 Eggog("Usage: ./peh WIDTH HEIGHT TAPESPACE LIFE [/dev/rng]");
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 38 end if;
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 39
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 40 declare
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 41 Arg1 : CmdLineArg;
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 42 Arg2 : CmdLineArg;
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 43 Arg3 : CmdLineArg;
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 44 Arg4 : CmdLineArg;
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 45 begin
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 46
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 47 -- Get commandline args:
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 48 Get_Argument(1, Arg1); -- First mandatory arg : Width
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 49 Get_Argument(2, Arg2); -- Second mandatory arg : Height
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 50 Get_Argument(3, Arg3); -- Third mandatory arg : TapeSpace
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 51 Get_Argument(4, Arg4); -- Fourth mandatory arg : Life
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 52
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 53 if Arg_Count = 6 then
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 54
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 55 -- A RNG was specified (Arg_Count includes program name itself)
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 56 declare
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 57 Arg5 : CmdLineArg;
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 58 begin
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 59 Get_Argument(5, Arg5); -- Fifth arg (optional) : RNG device
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 60
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 61 -- Ada.Sequential_IO chokes on paths with trailing whitespace!
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 62 -- So we have to give it a trimmed path. But we can't use
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 63 -- Ada.Strings.Fixed.Trim, because it suffers from
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 64 -- SecondaryStackism-syphilis. Instead we are stuck doing this:
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 65 Init_RNG(RNG, Arg5(Arg5'First .. Len_Arg(5)));
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 66 end;
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 67
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 68 else
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 69
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 70 -- If RNG was NOT explicitly specified:
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 71 Init_RNG(RNG); -- Use the machine default. The '?' Op requires a RNG.
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 72
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 73 -- Warn the operator that we are going to use the default system RNG:
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 74 Achtung("WARNING: The '?' command will use DEFAULT entropy source : "
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 75 & Default_RNG_Path & " !");
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 76 -- Generally, you do NOT want this, outside of noob exploration/tests.
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 77
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 78 end if;
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 79
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 80 -- Parse the four mandatory arguments into Positives:
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 81 PehDim.Width := Positive'Value( Arg1 );
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 82 PehDim.Height := Positive'Value( Arg2 );
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 83 PehDim.TapeSpace := Peh_Tape_Range'Value( Arg3 );
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 84 PehDim.Life := Natural'Value( Arg4 );
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 85
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 86 exception
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 87
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 88 -- There was an attempt to parse garbage in the init parameters:
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 89 when others =>
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 90 Eggog("Invalid arguments!");
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 91
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 92 end;
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 93
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 94 -- Validate requested Peh Dimensions. If invalid, program will terminate.
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 95 Validate_Peh_Dimensions(PehDim);
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 96
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 97 -- Read, from Unix 'standard input' , and then execute, the Tape:
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 98 declare
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 99
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 100 -- The current Tape input symbol
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 101 Tape_Read_Char : Character;
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 102
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 103 -- The TapeSpace
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 104 TapeSpace : Peh_Tapes(1 .. PehDim.TapeSpace) := (others => ' ');
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 105
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 106 -- 'End of File' condition when reading :
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 107 EOF : Boolean := False;
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 108
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 109 -- Will contain the Verdict produced by the Tape:
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 110 Verdict : Peh_Verdicts;
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 111
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 112 begin
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 113
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 114 -- Attempt to read the entire expected Tapespace length, and no more:
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 115 for TapePosition in TapeSpace'Range loop
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 116
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 117 -- Attempt to receive a symbol from the standard input:
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 118 if Read_Char(Tape_Read_Char) then
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 119
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 120 -- Save the successfully-read symbol to the TapeSpace:
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 121 TapeSpace(TapePosition) := Tape_Read_Char;
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 122
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 123 else
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 124
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 125 -- Got an EOF instead of a symbol:
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 126 EOF := True;
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 127 if TapePosition /= TapeSpace'Length then
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 128 Achtung("WARNING: Short Tape: Tapespace filled to position:" &
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 129 Peh_Tape_Range'Image(TapePosition) & " of" &
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 130 Peh_Tape_Range'Image(TapeSpace'Last) & ".");
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 131 end if;
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 132
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 133 end if;
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 134
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 135 exit when EOF; -- When EOF, halt reading, and proceed to execution.
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 136
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 137 end loop;
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 138
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 139 -- Execute Peh over the given Tape, on Peh Machine with given dimensions:
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 140 Verdict := Peh_Machine(Dimensions => PehDim,
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 141 Tape => TapeSpace,
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 142 RNG => RNG);
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 143
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 144 -- A correctly-written Peh Tape is expected to produce a Verdict.
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 145 -- On Unix, we will give it to the caller process via the usual means:
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 146 case Verdict is
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 147
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 148 -- Tape produced a Verdict of 'Yes' :
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 149 when Yes =>
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 150 Quit(Yes_Code);
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 151
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 152 -- Tape produced a Verdict of 'No' :
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 153 when No =>
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 154 Quit(No_Code);
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 155
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 156 -- Tape ran to completion without producing any Verdict at all.
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 157 -- Outside of simple test scenarios, noob explorations, etc.,
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 158 -- this usually means that there is a logical mistake in the
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 159 -- Tape somewhere, and we will warn the operator:
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 160 when Mu =>
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 161 Achtung("WARNING: Tape terminated without a Verdict.");
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 162 Quit(Mu_Code);
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 163
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 164 end case;
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 165
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 166 -- If the Tape aborted on account of a fatal error condition (e.g. div0)
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 167 -- Peh will Quit(Sad_Code) (see E(..) in ffa_calc.adb .)
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 168 -- Therefore, Peh ALWAYS returns one of FOUR possible Unix return-codes:
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 169 -- -2, -1, 0, 1. (see os.ads .)
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 170
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 171 end;
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 172
ffa_ch17_peh.kv 173 end Peh;