+ D6E5FAEE35C92B829D83F16C74EC7BCBFE66214AEB7A4AD914C5ACB84B561DCF0D311D7FBDDC4A9EDF4D5FEBA462B5BFB709AA42ADB9B75B40C515275B1454BD
(0 . 0)(1 . 69)
224 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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226 -- This file is part of 'Finite Field Arithmetic', aka 'FFA'. --
227 -- --
228 -- (C) 2017 Stanislav Datskovskiy ( www.loper-os.org ) --
229 -- http://wot.deedbot.org/17215D118B7239507FAFED98B98228A001ABFFC7.html --
230 -- --
231 -- You do not have, nor can you ever acquire the right to use, copy or --
232 -- distribute this software ; Should you use this software for any purpose, --
233 -- or copy and distribute it to anyone or in any manner, you are breaking --
234 -- the laws of whatever soi-disant jurisdiction, and you promise to --
235 -- continue doing so for the indefinite future. In any case, please --
236 -- always : read and understand any software ; verify any PGP signatures --
237 -- that you use - for any purpose. --
238 -- --
239 -- See also http://trilema.com/2015/a-new-software-licensing-paradigm . --
240 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
241 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
243 with "../libffa/ffa.gpr";
245 project FFA_Demo is
247 for Object_Dir use "obj";
249 type Mode_Type is ("debug", "release");
250 Mode : Mode_Type := external ("mode", "release");
252 for Languages use ("Ada");
253 for Source_Dirs use (".");
254 for Exec_Dir use "bin";
255 for Main use ("ffa_demo.adb");
257 package Compiler is
258 case Mode is
259 when "debug" =>
260 for Switches ("Ada")
261 use ("-g");
262 when "release" =>
263 for Switches ("Ada")
264 use ("-O2", "-fdump-scos", "-gnata", "-fstack-check",
265 "-fdata-sections", "-ffunction-sections");
266 end case;
267 end Compiler;
269 package Binder is
270 case Mode is
271 when "debug" =>
272 for Switches ("Ada")
273 use ();
274 when "release" =>
275 for Switches ("Ada")
276 use ("-static");
277 end case;
278 end Binder;
280 package Linker is
281 case Mode is
282 when "debug" =>
283 for Switches ("Ada")
284 use ();
285 when "release" =>
286 for Switches ("Ada")
287 use ("-Wl,--gc-sections",
288 "-static");
289 end case;
290 end Linker;
292 end FFA_Demo;