// /****************************\ // * EXPERIMENTAL BRANCH. * // * FOR LABORATORY USE ONLY. * // ******************************** // ************ // ************** // **************** // **** **** **** // *** *** *** // *** *** *** // *** * * ** // ******** ******** // ******* ****** // *** ** // * ******* ** // ** * * * * * // ** * * *** // **** * * * * **** // **** *** * * ** *** // **** ********* ****** // ******* ***** ******* // ********* ****** ** // ** ****** ****** // ** ******* ** // ** ******* *** // **** ******** ************ // ************ ************ // ******** ******* // ****** **** // *** *** // ******************************** // // Unit tests for denial-of-service detection/prevention code // #include // for 'map_list_of()' #include #include #include "../main.h" #include "../net.h" #include "../util.h" using namespace std; BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE(DoS_tests) BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(DoS_banning) { CNode::ClearBanned(); CAddress addr1(0xa0b0c001); CNode dummyNode1(INVALID_SOCKET, addr1, true); dummyNode1.Misbehaving(100); // Should get banned BOOST_CHECK(CNode::IsBanned(addr1.ip)); BOOST_CHECK(!CNode::IsBanned(addr1.ip|0x0000ff00)); // Different ip, not banned CAddress addr2(0xa0b0c002); CNode dummyNode2(INVALID_SOCKET, addr2, true); dummyNode2.Misbehaving(50); BOOST_CHECK(!CNode::IsBanned(addr2.ip)); // 2 not banned yet... BOOST_CHECK(CNode::IsBanned(addr1.ip)); // ... but 1 still should be dummyNode2.Misbehaving(50); BOOST_CHECK(CNode::IsBanned(addr2.ip)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(DoS_banscore) { CNode::ClearBanned(); mapArgs["-banscore"] = "111"; // because 11 is my favorite number CAddress addr1(0xa0b0c001); CNode dummyNode1(INVALID_SOCKET, addr1, true); dummyNode1.Misbehaving(100); BOOST_CHECK(!CNode::IsBanned(addr1.ip)); dummyNode1.Misbehaving(10); BOOST_CHECK(!CNode::IsBanned(addr1.ip)); dummyNode1.Misbehaving(1); BOOST_CHECK(CNode::IsBanned(addr1.ip)); mapArgs["-banscore"] = "100"; } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(DoS_bantime) { CNode::ClearBanned(); int64 nStartTime = GetTime(); SetMockTime(nStartTime); // Overrides future calls to GetTime() CAddress addr(0xa0b0c001); CNode dummyNode(INVALID_SOCKET, addr, true); dummyNode.Misbehaving(100); BOOST_CHECK(CNode::IsBanned(addr.ip)); SetMockTime(nStartTime+60*60); BOOST_CHECK(CNode::IsBanned(addr.ip)); SetMockTime(nStartTime+60*60*24+1); BOOST_CHECK(!CNode::IsBanned(addr.ip)); } static bool CheckNBits(unsigned int nbits1, int64 time1, unsigned int nbits2, int64 time2) { if (time1 > time2) return CheckNBits(nbits2, time2, nbits1, time1); int64 deltaTime = time2-time1; CBigNum required; required.SetCompact(ComputeMinWork(nbits1, deltaTime)); CBigNum have; have.SetCompact(nbits2); return (have <= required); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(DoS_checknbits) { using namespace boost::assign; // for 'map_list_of()' // Timestamps,nBits from the bitcoin blockchain. // These are the block-chain checkpoint blocks typedef std::map BlockData; BlockData chainData = map_list_of(1239852051,486604799)(1262749024,486594666) (1279305360,469854461)(1280200847,469830746)(1281678674,469809688) (1296207707,453179945)(1302624061,453036989)(1309640330,437004818) (1313172719,436789733); // Make sure CheckNBits considers every combination of block-chain-lock-in-points // "sane": BOOST_FOREACH(const BlockData::value_type& i, chainData) { BOOST_FOREACH(const BlockData::value_type& j, chainData) { BOOST_CHECK(CheckNBits(i.second, i.first, j.second, j.first)); } } // Test a couple of insane combinations: BlockData::value_type firstcheck = *(chainData.begin()); BlockData::value_type lastcheck = *(chainData.rbegin()); // First checkpoint difficulty at or a while after the last checkpoint time should fail when // compared to last checkpoint BOOST_CHECK(!CheckNBits(firstcheck.second, lastcheck.first+60*10, lastcheck.second, lastcheck.first)); BOOST_CHECK(!CheckNBits(firstcheck.second, lastcheck.first+60*60*24*14, lastcheck.second, lastcheck.first)); // ... but OK if enough time passed for difficulty to adjust downward: BOOST_CHECK(CheckNBits(firstcheck.second, lastcheck.first+60*60*24*365*4, lastcheck.second, lastcheck.first)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE_END()