- 1B686BCB52A6A5DF9EE7DB45315E32FD9B90EBFF8783CDE2AEC664538B6722A972BE2C060C4DC97EB5138F454413A2DF670ED361B120BFA43ACBA686AEB9A54F
+ F6FDDD5BBECC5891865DC555CAA0D9010976BA1C2E8C2216265D2D1C87DCD0AE2D4A7A2504B0E71E04AB5FE3A1F683042E288EC8F6A5449BADA22C833F4043B0
(32 . 3)(32 . 5)
5 616451 mod6_phexdigit_fix mod6 Adds missing comma to separate values in the phexdigit array in util.cpp.
6 617254 mod6_excise_hash_truncation mod6 Regrind of ben_vulpes original; Removes truncation of hashes printed to TRB log file
7 617255 mod6_whogaveblox mod6 Regrind of asciilifeform original; Record the origin of every incoming candidate block (whether accepted or rejected)
8 xxxxxx obey_sendbuffersize Fix for ancient bug in getdata (asciilifeform & mod6, apr. 2020)
9 687105 asciilifeform_dumpblocks_force_mainchain Fix for bug where 'dumpblocks' may return an orphaned block