1957829;1580550377;mircea_popescu;hanbot_abroad, http://trilema.com/2014/the-serious-ipo-a-moment-in-the-life-and-times-of-forum-investing/ << actually that's where it was! 1957830;1580550620;hanbot_abroad;ahahaha mircea_popescu i love that thing. and it's still in vivre sa vie, you just found its hometown ;) 1957831;1580551061;mircea_popescu;:p 1957832;1580559298;spyked;http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-01-31#1957750 <-- that's been on the to-fix list since I installed mp-wp, I should make it a proper to-do item already 1957833;1580559298;ossabot;Logged on 2020-01-31 12:50:54 mircea_popescu: spyked, thetarpit not having footnote tooltips kinda blows! 1957834;1580559317;spyked;http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-01-31#1957752 <-- approved. I'll be away for the weekend, but will answer as soon as I get back to the desk 1957835;1580559317;ossabot;Logged on 2020-01-31 13:22:55 mircea_popescu: jfw, http://thetarpit.org/2020/a-journey-through-the-gales-installation-process#comment-238 << once spyked approves it there's a chunk in there for you. 1957836;1580561807;mircea_popescu;enjoy 1957837;1580565151;*;hanbot_abroad proposes mula for inclusion in republican thesaurus, having no useful source to link to while writing current article and deeming it frequent&occult enough to warrant defining with the other terms. 1957838;1580571752;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2020/02/qntra-s-qntr-january-2020-report/ << Qntra -- Qntra (S.QNTR) January 2020 Report 1957839;1580575471;jfw;http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-01-31#1957752 - replied, in spyked's spam queue. In the mean time, http://fixpoint.welshcomputing.com/2019/gales-linux-initial-release/#comment-182 1957840;1580575471;ossabot;Logged on 2020-01-31 13:22:55 mircea_popescu: jfw, http://thetarpit.org/2020/a-journey-through-the-gales-installation-process#comment-238 << once spyked approves it there's a chunk in there for you. 1957841;1580575548;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2020/02/pantsuitist-illinois-house-speaker-madigans-office-hit-with-search-warrant/ << Qntra -- Pantsuitist Illinois House Speaker Madigan's Office Hit With Search Warrant 1957842;1580575977;mircea_popescu;hanbot_abroad, the problem is that its source is very much [http://trilema.com/2011/oricine-poate-sa/?b=mami&e=mula#select][a romanian article]. 1957843;1580575999;mircea_popescu;one of those "perfectly stated in its original setting and darn impossible to translate" items. what can you do. 1957844;1580576085;mircea_popescu;i suppose one thing i could do is take the pre-footnotes starnote, "Mula este femeia medie cu preocupari medii, cu credinte medii, decenta mediu si-n general urmaritoarea de turma. Aia care se imbraca cum se imbraca fetele, crede ce cred fetele, spera sa se marite ca asa vrea mami si crede pe de-o parte ca va fi fericita-n virtutea inertiei si pe de cealalta ca oricine ar trebui sa procedeze exact la fel, pentru ca asa-i B 1957845;1580576086;mircea_popescu;INE." 1957846;1580576088;mircea_popescu;brb 1957847;1580576492;mircea_popescu;hanbot_abroad, how about it ? 1957848;1580576606;hanbot_abroad;mircea_popescu i'd say it's better than what i ended up using, from the woman's fault, "The term of art for this would be stramula. It comes from a seminal Romanian-language piece on the topic (in which language mula is yet another derogatory term for a stupid woman, not that there's any shortage of these ; whereas stra- is a prefix indicating primacy on the decendency line, sort of like grand in grandfather)." 1957849;1580576624;mircea_popescu;cool 1957850;1580578136;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2020/02/openwrt-package-checksums-not-checked-opening-mitm-opportunities-and-further-downstream-havok/ << Qntra -- OpenWRT Package Checksums Not Checked Opening MITM Opportunities And Further Downstream Havok 1957851;1580578862;feedbot;http://thewhet.net/2020/02/the-basilikon-doron-or-royal-gift-a-constitutional/ << The Whet -- The Basilikon Doron, or "Royal Gift", a Constitutional 1957852;1580579128;jfw;http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-01-28#1957677 - I'll have more chewing to do on the political philosophy angle but otherwise I think I get this point. 1957853;1580579128;ossabot;Logged on 2020-01-28 23:27:44 mircea_popescu: jfw, speaking of http://fixpoint.welshcomputing.com/2020/whats-on-my-mind/#comment-177 i expect one of the better examples could be perhaps http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2018-01-08#1767152 ; i dunno if it's universally as obvious from context as it is to me that indeed i'd have paid the tranny had nobody complained. perhaps even after, had it been litigating less retardedly. 1957854;1580579279;jfw;lobbes: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-01-03#1956535 - doesn't work for me either: hightlights but doesn't jump to the right place. Looks like there's a stray in the article source 1957855;1580579279;ossabot;Logged on 2020-01-03 04:00:09 mircea_popescu: and in other wtf, hey lobbes does http://www.krankendenken.com/2019/12/paying-penance-for-walking-the-path-of-derealisation/?b=honestly%20a%20kind&e=slept#select work as intended for you ? 1957856;1580579599;jfw;http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-01-05#1956632 - "if ($a = 1) ..." worked for me, though in the stupid C sense that the operator has elsewhere, yes. Tried Python and apparently it syntactically forbids single-= in an "if" statement, probably because it has this strict statement vs. expression distinction 1957857;1580579600;ossabot;Logged on 2020-01-05 08:05:45 mircea_popescu: so apparently in php, != is a legitimate op in if expressions. = however, IS NOT. == MUST be used. 1957858;1580579710;mircea_popescu;it's just fundamentally incorrect to asign values within if evaluations. 1957859;1580579756;mircea_popescu;the sort of morons who think god will download sexual ability into their heads immediately after marriage tend to naturally think otherwise, of course. but god hates them. 1957860;1580580127;jfw;mircea_popescu: I get the sense this is more about the user than the tool then. I'd reckon it's equally dumb to call a function with global side-effects from an "if" test, since it's supposed to be just asking a question, not "doing things" 1957861;1580580143;mircea_popescu;i'd say so. 1957862;1580580209;jfw;I like the convention in Scheme where such functions are named ending in !, following the builtin assignment operator "set!" 1957863;1580580233;mircea_popescu;if (a(x) > b(y) ) z is not "more compact" or any "cleverer" than ax = a(x) ; by = b(y) ; if (ax > by ) z. it's not "more conservative", it's not anything but fucking stupid. 1957864;1580580263;mircea_popescu;jfw, i honestly don't like evaluating ifs. there's really nothing gained, besides compiler weight. 1957865;1580580308;mircea_popescu;it doesn't even fucking save memory, the five bytes this'll save over a lifetime is dwarved by the five megabytes in extra libc needed to support the insanity 1957866;1580580340;jfw;ah, back to assembly language then, branches only operating on registers? heh 1957867;1580580363;mircea_popescu;you know, not every thing that seems clever actually delivers what it promised. 1957868;1580580399;mircea_popescu;the average family's not any happier since women are permitted to seek divorce than they were before ; and code gained nothing from this particular "improvement" that seemed but never delivered. 1957869;1580580435;mircea_popescu;this doesn't automatically mean EVERYTHING has now to be unwound, and so branches only on registers for computers and women kept in the gyneceum like ye olde greeks. 1957870;1580580539;mircea_popescu;on the contrary : the "terseness" supposedly achieved by if (a(x) > b(y) ) z sorta constructions is not merely standing on its own ; but it creates personal investments. now you can't comment your code, either, because you're so clever you saved five bytes of text at the cost of five megabytes of object code. so if you then write a sentence explaining wtf you did, well... you're a sucker now, aren't you! 1957871;1580580588;mircea_popescu;perversely, this "superior" code's even more inscrutable than ye olde asm. which civilised people could in fact read, unlike the [http://trinque.org/2019/12/29/a-republican-os-part-2/#comment-142][current shit] 1957872;1580580751;jfw;I don't see the 5mb of code fwiw; if you can have nested expressions anywhere, then you get hidden temporary variables, so in principle costs no more to allow them anywhere. That gets to the essential vs accidental complexity though, totally wouldn't surprise me to find 10k LoC in gcc dedicated to compound expressions in if-statements specifically. 1957873;1580580946;mircea_popescu;10k is an understatement. 1957874;1580581029;jfw;ah right, I forgot, in soviet russia if-statement sorts the other way so they had to copy+paste+tweak it for that locale. 1957875;1580581037;mircea_popescu;lol 1957876;1580581163;mircea_popescu;you know, this is the same gcc of http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-02-17#1897517 fame. 1957877;1580581163;ossabot;Logged on 2019-02-17 10:06:03 mircea_popescu: anyway. seems gcc has a baked-in "max 2097152 symbols" 1957878;1580581201;mircea_popescu;http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-02-17#1897508 << soviet russia, what more do you want! 1957879;1580581201;ossabot;Logged on 2019-02-17 10:03:36 mircea_popescu: "/* The count field we have in the main struct object is somewhat limited, but should suffice for virtually all cases. If the counted value doesn't fit, re-write a zero. The worst that happens is that we re-count next time -- admittedly non-trivial in that this implies some 2M fdes, but at least we function. */" 1957880;1580581380;jfw;This while pulling in not just a bignum lib as dependency (gmp) but also arbitrary-precision float & complex math libs (mpfr, mpc) 1957881;1580581589;jfw;Not that I seriously think they *should* use those for all numbers, I can't see that being anything short of hideous given that it's C, manual memory management and all, "what do you mean you don't know how big the struct will be" 1957882;1580582053;mircea_popescu;not even getting into all of that 1957883;1580639545;feedbot;http://bvt-trace.net/2020/02/vsh-part-1-wrapper-script/ << bvt's backtrace -- v.sh part 1: wrapper script 1957884;1580672718;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2020/02/us-pantsuits-in-disarray-after-impeachment-gambit-fails-with-iowa-causus-looming/ << Qntra -- US Pantsuits In Disarray After Impeachment Gambit Fails With Iowa Causus Looming 1957885;1580673032;mircea_popescu;incidentally, anyone know this eoghan hayes ( rootpaw / lleti) redditard ? 1957886;1580677831;feedbot;http://bingology.net/2020/week-5-2020-review-a-start-to-a-start/ << Bingology - BingoBoingo's Blog -- Week 5 2020 Review - A Start To A Start 1957887;1580750659;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2020/02/montana-gop-disavows-state-senator-over-strong-anti-socialist-position/ << Qntra -- Montana GOP Disavows State Senator Over Strong Anti-Socialist Position 1957888;1580763720;mod6;!!deed http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=N4jD 1957889;1580763725;deedbot;accepted: 1 1957890;1580763786;mod6;Ladies and Gentlemen, I have posted the monthly report for The Foundation in deedbot ^ and here: http://thebitcoin.foundation/reports/btcf_address_202001.txt 1957891;1580765199;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2020/02/desperate-hoaxtoshi-craig-wright-tries-to-patent-everything-bitcoin/ << Qntra -- Desperate Hoaxtoshi Craig Wright Tries To Patent Everything Bitcoin 1957892;1580770647;jfw;mod6: glad to see progress on the keccak tree. I intend to take a look at the patches and try a build, might not be for a while though. What I'm not seeing though: what is the status of asciilifeform_aggressive_pushgetblocks, mod6_excise_hash_truncation, asciilifeform_whogaveblox and mod6_phexdigit_fix ? 1957893;1580771105;jfw;Re item 4, why is a bot needed for vpatch submission? Don't blogs already cover all the aspects - publishing, commentary, discussion, referencing, notification? (Perhaps your article will clarify, in which case don't mind me.) 1957894;1580772418;mod6;Hi there jfw, thanks for the questions. 1957895;1580772504;jfw;oh sorry, asciilifeform_aggressive_pushgetblocks is in there, just the other three then. 1957896;1580772544;mod6;Let me work through these here. Glad you're going to try out a build. Please do let me know how it goes. I did just find three 'gotchas' on CentOS (6.10); whereby 'bison', 'flex' and 'patch' all need to be installed manually. Apparently these are not a part of the default system. 1957897;1580772568;mod6;I've updated the How-To document to reflect that, but otherwise, have had good luck on my own with building. Am interested to hear how it goes for others, though. 1957898;1580772578;mod6;(23:28) <+jfw> oh sorry, asciilifeform_aggressive_pushgetblocks is in there, just the other three then. << correct. 1957899;1580772629;mod6; mod6_excise_hash_truncation << This one in particular is nice, and I've been using it in my test environments for a while. I'm fine at this point with adding it in, it just needs a regrind (again). Can work on that this month. 1957900;1580772699;jfw;^ yep, complete non-starter to debug "I'm having trouble with block 00000000...1" 1957901;1580772709;mod6;asciilifeform_whogaveblox << I'm more open to comments on this one too, I don't see a big issue with it being in the tree. I'm also using this one in a test environment (for quite some time now). Haven't seen any issues with it at this time. It would need a simple regrind. Can do it this month as well. 1957902;1580772910;mod6; mod6_phexdigit_fix << This one I'd like to put in for sure, as it seems, at least according to my own analysis that this is a legit bug (does anyone disagree with this analysis?). Just would need a simple regrind at this point. Can do this month as well. 1957903;1580773005;mod6;Regarding your question re IRC bot for vpatch submission: I've thought about this quite a bit. And I struggle with this. 1957904;1580773112;mod6;For me, I've always liked the mailing list. It's cumbersome, and it's had it's pain points in the past. Everyone, at one time or another, has had a problem getting things stuck in its queue, etc. However, when it works, it does work pretty well. I like how it checks the WoT on submission, has an archive, and we can all go back and look at it years and years later. 1957905;1580773219;mod6;I find it fairly easy to go and dig stuff up in there if I need to do so. I tried to stand it back up, several times, in fact, since it's home on Pizarro went down. But I haven't been successful there. Upon speaking to jurov about it, he suggested instead that we create a bot for this purpose instead. 1957906;1580773275;mod6;Now, I've thought that over a bit; the first thing that came to mind was deedbot. However, I think that deedbot probably isn't the right place for developer doodles. Plus, each one costs actual money. 1957907;1580773385;mod6;TMSR Lords and others seem to publish all their code on their blogs, which, I think is fine. But my hang-up with allowing people to post TRB patches/seals on their blogs instead of sending them in is two-fold: 1) It puts it on me to chase these down. 2) Then I have to place them somewhere for long-term keeping anyway. As we've seen, people's blogs get rather large, hard to find things, or disappear complet 1957908;1580773391;mod6;ely. 1957909;1580773452;mod6;Not that I love having a centralized bot, either. It's just, I'm not 100% sure what the best way to go is on this. The mailing list was centralized, it worked fine. 1957910;1580773505;mod6;I dunno, anyway, I thought it could be good for people to go ahead and submit a vpatch, and seal to the bot, where it can be checked for L1/L2, and stored for the future, all in one place, making less work for the gardener. 1957911;1580773906;BingoBoingo;The biggest problem with the mailing list is the mail part. 1957912;1580773925;mod6;lmao 1957913;1580773942;mod6;yes. a bot that would do this over irc, is basically what I've been thinking about. 1957914;1580774167;BingoBoingo;The second biggest problem is that mp-wp is growing, billmg is putting work into making mp-wp do code hosting more cleanly, and the mailman software the mailing list used is an awful, poorly documented thing. If an IRC patchbot is the way to go, hooking it into mp-wp seems like the better direction to go. 1957915;1580774228;mod6;I fully agree, mailman is a ancient artefact back from, probably literally, the pre-september internet days. Yes, it's quite, well, frustrating to say the least. 1957916;1580774263;mod6;Now the idea to make a bot that would somehow interact with blogs, is an idea I hadn't thought of before. 1957917;1580774350;BingoBoingo;See http://billymg.com/2020/01/embedded-vpatch-formatting-for-mp-wp-draft-vpatch-for-review/ 1957918;1580774438;mod6;Ok, I saw this in January, I may need to re-read it, but on first pass I didn't gather that this would do what I needed it to do. 1957919;1580774519;BingoBoingo;Maybe not all of it, but with the lobbes bot that logs into mp-wp, there's space 1957920;1580774520;lobbes;if I ever get the [http://www.krankendenken.com/category/mp-wp/][mp-wp logger] complete.. well it interfaces with the mp-wp database already so theoretically possible to hook that up to what billymg is doing down the road 1957921;1580774526;lobbes;BingoBoingo, aha 1957922;1580774569;mod6;Ah, alright. Maybe that's it, just a few moving parts here. 1957923;1580774636;jfw;"It puts it on me to chase these down" - this seems to be the core of it; why not leave it to the sponsor(s) of a patch to keep their blogs online & organized enough to find patches (category, code shelf or whatnot)? It's then, what, couple clicks per patch or a wget to import to your own collection - trivial compared to the effort of actually reviewing the patch I'd imagine 1957924;1580774780;mod6;jfw: aside from a possible mp-wp (future) solution to the issue; several clicks notwithstanding, I mearly worry that somehow, the gardener may simply overlook or miss one. 1957925;1580774815;mod6;Anyway, sounds like there might be a solution to this between what billymg and lobbes are working on + maybe another added step? 1957926;1580774892;mod6;All I'm saying, is that without said possible future solution, it may be somewhat difficult to track through 39 different blogs watching for patch submissions all the time. 1957927;1580774963;jfw;perhaps a comment thread on your own blog where someone proposing a patch can "officially submit" it? 1957928;1580775001;mod6;But again, if there is going to be a future solution for this in the form of some kind of existing bot extention, then I'm all for that. At least it would, presumably, notify the gardener (somehow) that there is something to inspect. 1957929;1580775095;mod6;jfw: This might be fine, but what if I'm not the guy? Meaning, let's say that there are threads on my blog, people publish stuff in the comments, or wherever on there, i dunno, pingbacks somehow. If someone else takes over, I get hit by a bus, blog goes bye bye from non-payment, what happens to thread on new guys blog? 1957930;1580775140;mod6;I suppose the foundation should maybe have its own blog then. 1957931;1580775187;mod6;(I appreciate this discussion, fwiw.) 1957932;1580775223;jfw;Or new maintainer starts new thread, and someone puts up an archive of your blog assuming anyone cared enough to keep one 1957933;1580775270;mod6;I suppose that's fair. 1957934;1580775271;jfw;as always, keeping information alive requires live people to do it 1957935;1580775291;mircea_popescu;i don't get the logic whereby anything is ~wanted~ of someone who "disappeared completely" 1957936;1580775312;mod6;hi mircea_popescu 1957937;1580775338;mircea_popescu;what, they're such impervious snowflakes their deeds overwhelm their existence, is [http://ztkfg.com/2019/12/thoughts-on-shrysr-leaving-younghands-and-asciilifeforms-excommunication/#comment-183][the fantasy] ? 1957938;1580775355;mircea_popescu;if some shit someone vomited that nobody could be arsed to mirror disappears, this is a great and wonderful gain for everyone. 1957939;1580775355;mod6;Yeah, not that we would want stuff from nonpersons, just in the case where, as we've seen recently (even with my own blog) where it was down for a few weeks, or months as people are between hosting or such. 1957940;1580775385;mircea_popescu;mod6, there's a bunch of code shelves you might end up on, if you do the right and proper things. 1957941;1580775421;mod6;Right on. 1957942;1580775442;mod6;I like this better than mirrors too, as it seems that those always tend to disappear or end up way out of date without explanation. 1957943;1580775489;mircea_popescu;i really don't think the known failures of the "engineer" mindset need any encouragement. this whole "i'll overwhelm my horrible idiocy with supposedly worthy deeds" nonsense has little space left to frolic in. 1957944;1580775639;mircea_popescu;so do not ye worry "the gardener may miss one". really, the walflowers aren't even worth pissing on if they were on fire. 1957945;1580775676;mod6;haha, ok. 1957946;1580775747;jfw;observe for instance how the gardener nearly missed a couple patches anyway but I poked, not even being a signer of any as yet 1957947;1580775797;mod6;I appreciate the poking re things TRB. 1957948;1580776235;mod6;Alright gents, I'm gonna go make some food here. bbl. 1957949;1580776285;mircea_popescu;http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-02-03#1957857 << two problems. firstly, how about you just use the rss feeds / feedbot for this purpose. and if you're unhappy with the waterhose, ask the people who do it to maybe make a special category or tag ? and if they don't, consider that maybe this means ~[http://thewhet.net/2020/02/the-basilikon-doron-or-royal-gift-a-constitutional/?b=Assume%20problems&e=head#select][you 1957950;1580776285;mircea_popescu;]~ are in the wrong. 1957951;1580776285;ossabot;Logged on 2020-02-03 20:22:10 mod6: All I'm saying, is that without said possible future solution, it may be somewhat difficult to track through 39 different blogs watching for patch submissions all the time. 1957952;1580776388;mircea_popescu;and secondly, the rpublic isn't intended to work this way. you're supposed to hear about the patches you hear about. you aren't happy with the patches you hear about, [http://trilema.com/2019/usta-swingers-club-ul-jozefa-strusia-5-in-warsaw-poland-and-other-things/?b=precisely%20and%20exactly&e=interested%20in#select][make better friends]. 1957953;1580776410;mircea_popescu;this imaginary self-situation in the seat of god where lo and behold you'll somehow see all patches... what the fuck do you think this is, the github flatlands ? 1957954;1580776420;mircea_popescu;ain't gonna ever happen, the republic's the republic for reasons. 1957955;1580776454;mircea_popescu;but in general, if you can't be arsed to read my blog, you're cordially invited to get the fuck lost and in no case pretend like you're using my patches. 1957956;1580776498;mircea_popescu;where "me" is just about a wildcard, it stands for "anyone" because that's what the fuck "no separation from politics" means. 1957957;1580776603;mircea_popescu;pick some people you actually care about, and connect with those. stop trying to shinohai yourself the imaginary world of where you've wrung the persons out of their deeds, and now looky there's just this pile of hallucinated freedom for you to wither atop of. 1957958;1580777642;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2020/02/probable-impeachment-looming-in-increasingly-unlikely-event-of-biden-presidency/ << Qntra -- Probable Impeachment Looming In Increasingly Unlikely Event Of Biden Presidency 1957959;1580788436;mod6;mircea_popescu: re: rss feeds & feedbot; will check it out. sounds like a good way to stay abreast. 1957960;1580788471;mod6;understood. 1957961;1580791242;feedbot;http://trilema.com/2020/the-problem-with-james/ << Trilema -- The problem with James... 1957962;1580793877;mircea_popescu;so given bvt's recent and indeed quite shiny [http://bvt-trace.net/2020/02/vsh-part-1-wrapper-script/][work on a new v] : is there any interest in actually attempting something like [http://billymg.com/2020/01/mp-wp-patch-viewer-and-code-shelf/comment-page-1/#comment-77][the new clearsign scheme] ? 1957963;1580793931;mircea_popescu;there's a lenghty pile of disadvantages to the current mechanism we use, not least of these being that it actually imports koch-pgp. it also does suspect signature shenanigans of all sorts, which could potentially present security risks 1957964;1580793967;mircea_popescu;re-writing the signature part starting with say diana_coman 's eucrypt could give us a chance to ditch all the warts of a very usgistani past, and even maybe implement PSS or somesuch. 1957965;1580794008;mircea_popescu;ditch the shitty hashes stick to keccak (which is particularly well fit for this job, as it happens), ditch the bad parameters use something convenient (why are keys 4096 bits and the hash 128 ?) 1957966;1580810006;hanbot_abroad;mircea_popescu i managed to get a comment into your mod queue 1957967;1580820765;mircea_popescu;probably because you're a bad seed. 1957968;1580822916;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in 2010-vintage romanian free love, http://archive.is/gybYM (16 yo gypsy alpha raped 10yo visiting girly in school toilet. anal. then zipped up, went back to playing ball.) 1957969;1580830769;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2020/02/pantsuits-fuck-their-iowa-caucus-results-delayed-indefinitely/ << Qntra -- Pantsuits Fuck Their Iowa Caucus, Results Delayed Indefinitely 1957970;1580833174;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2020/02/rush-limbaugh-announces-advanced-lung-cancer-diagnosis/ << Qntra -- Rush Limbaugh Announces Advanced Lung Cancer Diagnosis 1957971;1580869563;mircea_popescu;jfw, re the whole [http://thetarpit.org/2020/a-journey-through-the-gales-installation-process#comment-240][musl & locales issue], it might be an idea to signal to them, "look, we use musl, and we don't think this is a good idea". irrespective of whether it does anything, at least that way they can't say they didn't realise "unanimity" is hallucinated etc. 1957972;1580879530;jfw;mircea_popescu: good idea. ugh, 'Locale support overhaul' and 'resolver support for non-ASCII domains' already [https://wiki.musl-libc.org/roadmap.html][slated for April] 1957973;1580884995;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2020/02/socom-drama-continues-navy-seal-head-on-zher-way-out/ << Qntra -- SOCOM Drama Continues: Navy SEAL Head On Zher Way Out 1957974;1580905964;feedbot;http://ossasepia.com/2020/02/05/the-v-tree-nursery-or-code-control-with-v/ << Ossa Sepia -- The V-Tree Nursery or Code Control with V 1957975;1580921346;feedbot;http://trilema.com/2020/minigame-smg-statement-on-q4-2019/ << Trilema -- MiniGame (S.MG) Statement on Q4 2019 1957976;1580924658;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2020/02/kleptocrats-in-argentina-target-mercado-libre-for-looting/ << Qntra -- Kleptocrats In Argentina Target 'Mercado Libre' For Looting 1957977;1580933492;jurov;!!deed http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=EhqM 1957978;1580933495;deedbot;accepted: 1 1957979;1580939725;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2020/02/trump-acquitted-of-impeachment-charges-as-senate-trial-ends/ << Qntra -- Trump Acquitted Of Impeachment Charges As Senate Trial Ends 1957980;1580956562;mircea_popescu;well, hm. maybe it's time to re-iterate [http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-02-04#1957893][this point], especially seeing how diana_coman 's [http://ossasepia.com/2020/02/05/the-v-tree-nursery-or-code-control-with-v/][recent work], 1957981;1580956562;ossabot;Logged on 2020-02-04 01:38:36 mircea_popescu: so given bvt's recent and indeed quite shiny [http://bvt-trace.net/2020/02/vsh-part-1-wrapper-script/][work on a new v] : is there any interest in actually attempting something like [http://billymg.com/2020/01/mp-wp-patch-viewer-and-code-shelf/comment-page-1/#comment-77][the new clearsign scheme] ? 1957982;1580956630;mircea_popescu;which is perhaps a fine candidate of folding in (or at least, that's the general thrust of [http://bvt-trace.net/2020/02/vsh-part-1-wrapper-script/#comment-127][my comment] -- "why do i have to go outside of the v tool for v work ?") 1957983;1580975122;diana_coman;mircea_popescu: I'd very much like to finally move off koch-gpg and so ~anything in that direction is quite of interest to me; I'll gladly help re eucrypt too if/when needed, if that's a block for anyone. 1957984;1580984066;mircea_popescu;diana_coman, afaik it actually has evreything needed, including rsa, hash function, oaep even ? just no pss implemented ? 1957985;1580992887;diana_coman;mircea_popescu: it has indeed everything needed as far as I know and certainly rsa, keccak, oaep, the whole package. 1957986;1581003727;feedbot;http://ossasepia.com/2020/02/06/euloras-default-water-without-water/ << Ossa Sepia -- Eulora's Default Water without Water 1957987;1581003977;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2020/02/us-army-working-to-develop-cuck-box-technology-to-warn-nags-when-they-have-been-tuned-out/ << Qntra -- US Army Working To Develop "Cuck Box" Technology To Warn Nags When They Have Been Tuned Out 1957988;1581021218;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2020/02/paypal-fucked-companys-payroll-for-iran-memo-line-stringmatch/ << Qntra -- Paypal Fucked Company's Payroll For "Iran" Memo Line Stringmatch 1957989;1581029638;feedbot;http://bingology.net/2020/photos-from-the-archives-january-20-2011/ << Bingology - BingoBoingo's Blog -- Photos From The Archives - January 20, 2011 1957990;1581030290;mircea_popescu;diana_coman, tbh, the reflection looks pretty cool ; there's prolly a hook there to specify "no reflection past heightmap" or somesuch to get rid of the ultramarine legs 1957991;1581072105;diana_coman;http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-02-06#1957921 - thanks; re that hook, I haven't seen it really and I doubt it exists as such; thinking of it, it's more likely to be something of a side effect again of how the water plane, terrain and character sprite interact; for the time being I'll let it be as it doesn't seem a high priority really. 1957992;1581072105;ossabot;Logged on 2020-02-06 19:19:05 mircea_popescu: diana_coman, tbh, the reflection looks pretty cool ; there's prolly a hook there to specify "no reflection past heightmap" or somesuch to get rid of the ultramarine legs 1957993;1581074811;mircea_popescu;i guess this over-optimistic "people are reasonable" tack on my part betrays innocence and little more. 1957994;1581081427;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in "oh, it's easy, whatever it might be, adulthood, culture, public speaking, opening a can of tuna. JUST COLOR BY THE NUMBERS!!!" postcards from ustardia : 1957995;1581081452;mircea_popescu;"Trumpeter and composer Avishai Cohen’s sophomore release on ECM is a reflective journey that grapples with the existential crises facing the world today. At barely 38 minutes, the album’s five tracks present a delicate interplay between temporal precision and intuitive improvisation. Cohen deftly utilizes drummer Nasheet Waits, pianist Yonathan Avishai and bassist Barak Mori to communicate the raw emotions of his musi 1957996;1581081452;mircea_popescu;c. A somber vibe and universal consciousness are the common threads that tie each piece together" 1957997;1581081497;mircea_popescu;there's self-evidently no reason such a thing as an alleged Matt Micucci should exist, and definitely no good cause for it and similar nothings to aggregate, and for the resulting sadness to be labelled anyway other than "garbage". 1957998;1581081503;mircea_popescu;da fuck is a "JazzIz" anyways. 1957999;1581082815;BingoBoingo;Whatever it might be, it sounds inclusive 1958000;1581082922;mircea_popescu;incidentally BingoBoingo do you recall wtf it was, some derpy website for copy/paste "software" or somesuch, that proudly announced how it's for professional experts by professional experts WITH OVER ONE YEAR OF COMBINED EXPERIENCE ? 1958001;1581082972;BingoBoingo;Off the top of my head, I do not though it sounds incredibly familiar. 1958002;1581082981;mircea_popescu;and i ask because... wtf, fucking ridoinculous nonsense! Look for them online, it's an ad at the top (for discountmags.com, "Jazziz Magazine - Check Out Our New Low Price"), one on the side (this one for "redbubble.com", "JAZZIZ “Redemption”" by JAZZIZ " -- yes, including the BROKEN crapsoft quotes -- "Millions of unique stickers ready for laptops, water bottles, helmets, and more. Get up to 50% off. Glossy, matte, and 1958003;1581082981;mircea_popescu; transparent in various sizes." cuz totally, that's what I'll do with a... water bottle.). 1958004;1581082981;mircea_popescu;And then, of course, the first hit, JAZZIZ Magazine [Search domain www.jazziz.com] "For more than [http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-02-07#1957931][three decades], JAZZIZ Magazine has been covering the music scene, documenting innovations, charting industry trends and following the artists whose lives so colorfully inform our own. The award-winning JAZZIZ Magazine is your one-stop destination for entertainment in 1958005;1581082981;ossabot;Logged on 2020-02-07 09:56:20 mircea_popescu: incidentally BingoBoingo do you recall wtf it was, some derpy website for copy/paste "software" or somesuch, that proudly announced how it's for professional experts by professional experts WITH OVER ONE YEAR OF COMBINED EXPERIENCE ? 1958006;1581082984;mircea_popescu;the music world." 1958007;1581083010;mircea_popescu;what the FUCK, jazz in the past three decades ? this is like mc cain's love of his life (for the past 9 months). dude's been dead for a year. 1958008;1581083113;mircea_popescu;https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c8/Avishai_Cohen_2015.jpg/1024px-Avishai_Cohen_2015.jpg << and then the objectionable jewtard himself. how fucking hard could you even be trying, judas fucking christ, with the faux beard and everything, they don't know what a cabotine is in the new york jewish community ? 1958009;1581083159;BingoBoingo;The Jazz zombie today's a sort of extension of the higher ed bubble's "follow your passions" derpery. 1958010;1581083218;mircea_popescu;just about etsy for well to do jewbois, aha. 1958011;1581083259;mircea_popescu;fucking intolerable. this, and the pretense 2010s "conaisseur of foods" revival, with their vomit of wine and cheese and whatnot. 1958012;1581083265;BingoBoingo;Yeah, community colleges, US military bands, etc do these tours telling kids there are careers in the field of making noise in "cafes" 1958013;1581083275;mircea_popescu;cigars suffered some under the onslaught as well. 1958014;1581083338;mircea_popescu;and, of course, bdsm. and all combinations -- including the typical 50yo moron with a "slave" who's a 20something female doing "rituals", such as inane bullshit where she "swallows the ashes". and so on in this theatrically tedious vein. 1958015;1581083444;mircea_popescu;i dunno who the fuck it's supposed to even fool ; then again, apparently the last people to have ever had any money, taste, sense or experience died with the millenium. so i guess the fucktards impress each other. it's gotta be, because otherwise the insanity is inexplicable enough -- it's fucking evident they don't ENJOY any of it, protestations to the contrary notwithstanding (or rather, pleading against their case) 1958016;1581083608;BingoBoingo;I don't know that they even impress each other. Too solipsistic, they seem to just be trying to win tourmament markets that don't even have prizes. 1958017;1581083677;BingoBoingo;Just going through motions for social media. 1958018;1581083805;BingoBoingo;Nevermind Myspace lost all of their shit during one of its zombie reboots, Instagram Immortality! 1958019;1581084478;mircea_popescu;fucking self-falsification, is the infuriating part. 1958020;1581084544;mircea_popescu;by the time the "oh, fu-xi could mean anything, shrimp fucks the cowboy leg is on the menu because literally, our chinese mother tongue does not have any actual meaning" dorks of the future turn their drones to "recreate true europe", it'll be the faux ustaridian "nobody can accuse it of not being europe" ersatz that's all that's left. 1958021;1581084594;mircea_popescu;a beard, "you mean this thing overprocessed to look like groucho marx glued something on ?" 1958022;1581085554;mircea_popescu;yeah bitch, totally, that's exactly what i mean, [http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2017-10-02#1719685][you waterskyiing with the photographer's girlfriend on your back]. 1958023;1581085555;ossabot;Logged on 2017-10-02 15:09:36 mircea_popescu: sadly the story behind that is that denni parkinson was there with HER BOYFRIEND, who's some photog there to shoot some bs about branson's hobby (some kind of new and improved surfing) 1958024;1581085768;mircea_popescu;the pestilence even reached romania ; these fucktards who really have no good cause to survive managed to squeeze a few "OLD STYLE barber shops" in between the slot machine/"sportsbets" nonense and the "[http://trilema.com/2019/a-services-eco-nomy/][fuck my wife], two for one" establishments/courtyards. 1958025;1581086106;mircea_popescu;ah there we go, meanwhile actually found the piece i was looking for. [http://trilema.com/2019/black-or-white-the-day-of-saturday/?b=the%20pretense&e=ago#select][niciodata...] 1958026;1581086835;feedbot;http://ossasepia.com/2020/02/07/thinkpad-in-gales/ << Ossa Sepia -- Thinkpad in Gales 1958027;1581088717;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2020/02/chicago-app-for-hiring-get-away-cars-suspends-service/ << Qntra -- Chicago App For Hiring Get-Away Cars Suspends Service 1958028;1581090828;feedbot;http://trilema.com/2020/whats-not-to-like/ << Trilema -- What's not to like ? 1958029;1581091075;feedbot;http://thetarpit.org/2020/work-plan-for-m2-2020 << The Tar Pit -- Work plan for M2 2020 1958030;1581091126;mircea_popescu;!!deed http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=8kRi 1958031;1581091130;deedbot;accepted: 1 1958032;1581091281;mircea_popescu;in other historical news, the strangled salassie's one helluva sassy. 1958033;1581091307;mircea_popescu;so the italian dorks are playing empire in his ancient land ; dude fancies himself a descendant of the fucking queen of sheeba in a direct line. therefore he issues a proclamation : 1958034;1581091320;mircea_popescu;"If you withhold from your country Ethiopia the death from cough or head-cold of which you would otherwise die, refusing to resist (in your district, in your patrimony, and in your home) our enemy who is coming from a distant country to attack us, and if you persist in not shedding your blood, you will be rebuked for it by your Creator and will be cursed by your offspring. " 1958035;1581091323;mircea_popescu;and further, 1958036;1581091335;mircea_popescu;"Hence, without cooling your heart of accustomed valour, there emerges your decision to fight fiercely, mindful of your history that will last far into the future… If on your march you touch any property inside houses or cattle and crops outside, not even grass, straw, and dung excluded, it is like killing your brother who is dying with you." 1958037;1581091338;mircea_popescu;how not to like him ?! 1958038;1581091376;hanbot_abroad;whoa. 1958039;1581091389;hanbot_abroad;mircea_popescu i guess medical tourism is a main appendage ofze devil then 1958040;1581091412;mircea_popescu;dude's fucking endearing. 1958041;1581091612;hanbot_abroad;did it work out? 1958042;1581091994;BingoBoingo;hanbot_abroad: Some cult formed around a cardboard cutout of him. They smoke weed and listen to Bob Marley. 1958043;1581092067;mircea_popescu;hanbot_abroad, incomprehensibly he got strangled as an 80yo during some famine. 1958044;1581092076;BingoBoingo;That's the whole of the Rasta thing. "An African beat Italy which is totally European. We've won" 1958045;1581092093;hanbot_abroad;oooh right, this guy! 1958046;1581092104;hanbot_abroad;why strangle an 80 year old! 1958047;1581092114;BingoBoingo;hanbot_abroad: Africa 1958048;1581092336;BingoBoingo;Socialists had a coup. The depose 80 year old had health problems as folks his age tend to. Still too much of a perceived threat to their more equal Africa and... 1958049;1581092413;mircea_popescu;survived the italians which are totally european, didn't survive the redditards, which are just as totally european as the redditalians 1958050;1581092517;hanbot_abroad;how bitter can it get... 1958051;1581092527;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo, in practice they kinda got defeated in all engagements, just wore down the flimsy italians through sheer numbers. very unlike the boer fucking up the brits right and proper a half century prior. 1958052;1581092636;mircea_popescu;anyway, they rather sound like the serbs ; which would be surprising except of course for the part where they're deeply orthodox. just like the serbs. 1958053;1581092737;BingoBoingo;Kinda the only winning strategy for Africa. Throw bodies at the problem, keep taking losses which are actually a win until the other side exhausts. Solve two problems. 1958054;1581093428;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo, this'd be a good theory, except of course ethiopia is very small by african standards. about the same population as the region of lazio at the time, like 10mn. 1958055;1581093776;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: I don't know that absolute or relative bigness is a necessity for exhausting Italians. 1958056;1581094422;mircea_popescu;[http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/the-lion-of-hm.jpg][hm.] 1958057;1581096563;BingoBoingo;His stature indeed appears to have supported his high claims of Solomonic descent. 1958058;1581106484;hanbot_abroad;http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-02-07#1957987 << top shelf withering gaze! 1958059;1581106484;ossabot;Logged on 2020-02-07 13:08:01 mircea_popescu: [http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/the-lion-of-hm.jpg][hm.] 1958060;1581106885;hanbot_abroad;btw http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-02-07#1957931 << >> http://trilema.com/2019/forum-logs-for-13-jul-2014/?b=Built%20and%20operated&e=BlackBerry#select 1958061;1581106886;ossabot;Logged on 2020-02-07 09:56:20 mircea_popescu: incidentally BingoBoingo do you recall wtf it was, some derpy website for copy/paste "software" or somesuch, that proudly announced how it's for professional experts by professional experts WITH OVER ONE YEAR OF COMBINED EXPERIENCE ? 1958062;1581112904;mircea_popescu;hanbot_abroad, that's for sure one of them. however, there was a more recent, not directly bitcoin related, egregious example which literally claimed ONE year. 1958063;1581112929;mircea_popescu;iirc some really idiotic copy/paste construction like "more than {x} years" resulting in "more than 1 year" 1958064;1581114554;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2020/02/virginia-legislature-passes-bill-demanding-destruction-of-lawfully-purchased-proporty/ << Qntra -- Virginia Legislature Passes Bill Demanding Destruction Of Lawfully Purchased Proporty 1958065;1581128509;trinque;http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-02-03#1957835 << it's like you live in a counterfactual, holy shit 1958066;1581128509;ossabot;Logged on 2020-02-03 19:52:30 mod6: For me, I've always liked the mailing list. It's cumbersome, and it's had it's pain points in the past. Everyone, at one time or another, has had a problem getting things stuck in its queue, etc. However, when it works, it does work pretty well. I like how it checks the WoT on submission, has an archive, and we can all go back and look at it years and years later. 1958067;1581128857;trinque;http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-02-03#1957846 << and it just keeps going. pre-september is a reference to the internet-before-AOLification, and in this same breath "ancient artefact" 1958068;1581128857;ossabot;Logged on 2020-02-03 20:11:06 mod6: I fully agree, mailman is a ancient artefact back from, probably literally, the pre-september internet days. Yes, it's quite, well, frustrating to say the least. 1958069;1581128870;trinque;you're a cunt's dumpster, woof. 1958070;1581129293;feedbot;http://trilema.com/2020/nannare/ << Trilema -- Nannar... 1958071;1581130811;mod6;lol aight 1958072;1581153298;diana_coman;!!v ADE25B638C3DE3806B1C3377715340139A2AA91448B7ABDC48C32C6E4E17C13D 1958073;1581153299;deedbot;diana_coman rated c0ncord -2 << man-alone saving the world through coding while hiding under the bed. 1958074;1581153316;diana_coman;!!v 131EB14A81E1A948CCB7DC78E44640B3F2885F68FC7397C5BC73A146CAB9E4B2 1958075;1581153316;deedbot;diana_coman rated d41r -2 << alias for c0ncord, hence the same man-alone saving the world through coding while hiding under the bed. 1958076;1581153338;diana_coman;!!v A96AA074C1CFAA00008EDF3F9BAA0C7992EA30103EA301506C725D2DADFE156C 1958077;1581153338;deedbot;diana_coman updated rating of dorion from 2 to 3 << TMSR-OS management; JWRD; my pageboy; writes at http://dorion-mode.com/ 1958078;1581153353;diana_coman;!!v 573BE148770693E43788BCC53D05C6C8EF06218B37DDD7EA006BC1C14746D3FB 1958079;1581153354;deedbot;diana_coman updated rating of jfw from 2 to 3 << sysadmin; Gales; JWRD; my pageboy; writes at http://fixpoint.welshcomputing.com 1958080;1581171812;feedbot;http://trilema.com/2020/quit-quaffing-dem-queefs-queenie/ << Trilema -- Quit quaffing dem queefs, queenie... 1958081;1581177941;feedbot;http://thewhet.net/2020/02/manage-whats-important-to-you-with-rational-tools-when-you-join-humanity-or-fuck-mozilla/ << The Whet -- Manage what's important to you with rational tools when you join humanity. Or, fuck mozilla. 1958082;1581183777;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2020/02/duterte-ending-visiting-forces-agreement-with-usg-as-tensions-over-philippine-independence-continue/ << Qntra -- Duterte Ending "Visiting Forces Agreement" With USG As Tensions Over Philippine Independence Continue 1958083;1581197148;feedbot;http://bvt-trace.net/2020/02/vsh-part-2-ada-utilities/ << bvt's backtrace -- v.sh part 2: Ada utilities 1958084;1581281919;feedbot;http://bingology.net/2020/week-6-2020-review-with-some-reflections-on-the-subject-of-feedback-and-encountering-bots-blogging-for-bots-nest/ << Bingology - BingoBoingo's Blog -- Week 6 2020 Review - With Some Reflections On The Subject Of Feedback And Encountering Bots Blogging For Bots Nest 1958085;1581291392;diana_coman;trinque: any chance of having the voice model in #ossasepia? 1958086;1581291698;diana_coman;trinque: #ossasepia got so famous and loved that I have dedicated idiots wasting time and space so I really need it; [http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-12-13#1955262][spring] is almost here, so will it get done? 1958087;1581291698;ossabot;Logged on 2019-12-13 21:58:12 trinque: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-12-11#1954934 << I've meanwhile reviewed the article http://trilema.com/2019/the-contemplated-update-to-the-trilema-voice-model/ 1958088;1581291741;mircea_popescu;mmm, a yeah, that was on the list wasn't it. 1958089;1581291796;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2020/02/britain-loses-irish-election/ << Qntra -- Britain Loses Irish Election 1958090;1581291895;mircea_popescu;diana_coman, you know, obviously the correct solution is the correct solution ; but ad interim you can set your chan to [http://trilema.com/2012/trilema-m/][+m] anyways, and then voice whoever you personally want, manually. 1958091;1581291905;mircea_popescu;can also set others to be able to voice people 1958092;1581291920;diana_coman;mircea_popescu: that's a good point, so I'll do just that, thank you. 1958093;1581291932;mircea_popescu;the problem with irc is that if you've actually got a dedicated moron, there's no good way to keep your log from filling with crap otherwise. 1958094;1581291960;mircea_popescu;i mean, you can "ban", but the ban's gotta specify something, and whatever it specifies will be an arbitrary, user-selected string, such as ip or box name or w/e 1958095;1581292063;diana_coman;myeah, I know; I admit that one hand I really didn't believe anyone was so dedicated to my chan and on the other hand I also did not quite grok the extent of disconnect that people can somehow live with. 1958096;1581292148;mircea_popescu;there isn't actually any shortage. the world outside the gates is actually so intractably boring & pointless, it's pretty much necessarily as well as universally the case 100% of all available activity will pour into the republic. 1958097;1581292163;mircea_popescu;in one form or another. most likely, in the anal childhood form, obviously. 1958098;1581292228;mircea_popescu;in any case there is quite literally no alternative whatsoever. 1958099;1581292326;diana_coman;well, they *did live* somehow until they found me, right? so... it's possible! 1958100;1581292463;mircea_popescu;yes, but they lived looking. 1958101;1581293152;diana_coman;well, they are very good at pretense otherwise so they can ...pretend they haven't found anything, right? what is this, half-assed pretense only? 1958102;1581295015;mircea_popescu;heh 1958103;1581296564;mircea_popescu;anyway, i'd very much like the redirect-unvoiced functionality already, also. 1958104;1581306102;mircea_popescu;in other tidbits : von moltke, who was born in the year 1800 and therefore technically qualifies, is thereby the only person born in the 17th century whose voice was recorded and therefore can be heard today : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OythrZ5_sdQ 1958105;1581307094;mircea_popescu;whaack, you did produce grammatically correct trash. i can readily see whence the temptation comes, but what you have to take on faith (lacking as of yet the capacity to for yourself distinguish) is that the various "similarily looking" trilema articles substantially aren't at all similar. 1958106;1581307094;mircea_popescu;when trilema produces something that matches whatever formal pattern, say "oh fuck that ulysses, his boot's untied" it does so in a certain context, with generally careful handling of the negative space, which you (along with lots and lots of other people -- including on occasion experts) are quite apt to miss ; yet it's the determinant of correc 1958107;1581307094;mircea_popescu;tness in such matters. 1958108;1581307096;mircea_popescu;in short, my trivializing, oral style's built out of a whole lotta scholarship, not out of a whole lotta triviality. 1958109;1581339674;mircea_popescu;diana_coman, you know, reading your boys' things, the most striking lulz is the creeping in the usian socialist republic of the traditions of the romanian socialist republic. do you recall how utterly infuriating for the general population it was, in the 80s, the constant need to have all social arrangements dependent on the very flimsy supply arrangements of the bankrupt & dysfunctional state ? 1958110;1581339777;mircea_popescu;it couldn't be, in 1985 cluj, a case of "come meet me [http://trilema.com/2009/eu-ma-joc/?b=Pai%20eu%20ma%20duc&e=tu#select][at X for Y]". it always had to be "[unless they're out]" as a coda. unless theyre's a [too long] queue, etcetera. 1958111;1581339851;diana_coman;mircea_popescu: well, only earlier this morning it dawned on me that yesterday's idiot would have been quite at place at a party meeting so yeah. 1958112;1581339855;mircea_popescu;but by now, "the west" is exactly in that fucking position, "oh, this is the pizzeria, you can't have some pizza, oh that was the steakhouse where i was gonna take my friend as he was leaving, well... there was a queue so we ended up not going, that'll be our memory of our parting in year Z, how we were gonna but didn't because the regime is a piece of shit" 1958113;1581339887;mircea_popescu;pretty much certain it's what got ceausescu shot, in the end, a hundred thousand people with a thousand memories each of "my friend Q, place W, year R ; my friend T, place Y, year U" and so on. 1958114;1581339948;diana_coman;I got the other part - which in hindsight proved good training at least - ie if you want something, you gotta do it yourself or forget about it!! 1958115;1581339981;diana_coman;but apparently they are not at this stage yet/too much fat still to get there or dunno. 1958116;1581340125;mircea_popescu;they fucking reconstructed it, except of course improved by experience. who the fuck do we shoot now! 1958117;1581340209;diana_coman;myeah, version 2.0 revised and updated, quite so. 1958118;1581340236;mircea_popescu;diana_coman, what the fuck, so im gonna make my own boot atelier, produce locally everything, clothes made in the house, have my own pizza oven... do you realise this is EXACTLY what created the "Dark" ages, all the lords retired to their latifundiae and made everything there on slave labour ? 1958119;1581340250;mircea_popescu;not that hanbot_abroad doesn't make >50% of all the sushi we eat by now, but holy hell 1958120;1581340387;diana_coman;and what truly gets me is this memory (that doesn't even seem to be just mine alone/specific to me) of that great-grandfather who hung on to life just to get to ask the guy coming back from the first trip to the US "how is it there,really?" 1958121;1581340437;diana_coman;mircea_popescu: do you mean it's not the effect of the Dark ages but the cause? I don't quite see it tbh. 1958122;1581340482;diana_coman;I suppose I should rather be grateful that they are dead and so don't get to see indeed how it is there, really. 1958123;1581340553;mircea_popescu;[http://trilema.com/2019/din-togo-din-togo-da-de-a-cui/#footnote_8_83953][theirdemocracy] fails so fuckind hard... 1958124;1581340556;mircea_popescu;diana_coman, i certainly had one. 1958125;1581341771;mircea_popescu;diana_coman, i mean it's not the effect but the cause. 1958126;1581341892;diana_coman;mircea_popescu: hm, perhaps I can see the "retreat" as that ie why not cooperate with the rest so that maybe one does x and another y and so on; rather than each tarabostes-style; but otherwise, I don't think there was much *else* to do. 1958127;1581341926;mircea_popescu;well no, but look : lords there shall be. that's the first node. now, what shall they do ? either they gather, or they do not. 1958128;1581341942;mircea_popescu;to gather, they must gather somewhere. if the lordship fails to produce a schelling point, they will not gather. 1958129;1581341982;mircea_popescu;and obviously odoacer had that major effect, of ruining the roman forum's schelling point quality. something which it had, perdurantly, for centuries, was lost one summer, like things are lost, like all lido gets a sandbar eventually. 1958130;1581342022;mircea_popescu;before some point cca 300, all that was good in this world was sorting out the seating arrangements on the benches in this acre of park somewhere. after that point, it was not. 1958131;1581342175;diana_coman;hm, brings the current failure to move off freenode (and still no gossipd either) into focus really. 1958132;1581342234;mircea_popescu;tbh i'd rather have [http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-02-04#1957894][some basic tools] finished first ; but anyways, how do you reason ? 1958133;1581342234;ossabot;Logged on 2020-02-04 01:39:30 mircea_popescu: there's a lenghty pile of disadvantages to the current mechanism we use, not least of these being that it actually imports koch-pgp. it also does suspect signature shenanigans of all sorts, which could potentially present security risks 1958134;1581342335;diana_coman;mircea_popescu: that is true re basic tools, certainly; it strikes me that we are for all intent and purpose "gathering" here in the forum, no? sure, presumably the blogs can work too as alternative (they did or at least trilema did when needed) but still. 1958135;1581342345;mircea_popescu;and what's wrong with it ? 1958136;1581342473;diana_coman;mircea_popescu: in 2 words, easily gone; only yest freenode was in full blown idiocy with all those parts, not like it can't decide one day to further idiocy. 1958137;1581342557;mircea_popescu;everything that exists is easily gone. rome sits on karstic hills, a guatemala-style sinkhole could have opened up and swallowed it 600 cubits underearth at any point. it didn't, which is besides the point in this discussion. 1958138;1581342623;mircea_popescu;the reason we want better tools is for to manage the interlocking system of options, as per von moltke's doctrine (yes, fellow's not coincidentally mentioned ; but indeed has been for a long time among the greatest influences of manly sanity available), not to actually ~do~ anything forthwith. 1958139;1581342758;diana_coman;mircea_popescu: sure re karstic hills; to my mind redundancy does something though (that is not to say it *guarantees* anything, of course, nor that it's any guarantees that are to be sought anyway). 1958140;1581342773;*;diana_coman shall have to review von moltke 1958141;1581342791;mircea_popescu;yes. it specifically permits one to manage an interlocking system of options. 1958142;1581342828;diana_coman;I can see it. 1958143;1581342897;mircea_popescu;not a bad idea, that. 1958144;1581352015;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2020/02/more-f-35-pain-insufficient-flight-hours-to-establish-maintenance-maturity/ << Qntra -- More F-35 Pain: Insufficient Flight Hours To Establish "Maintenance Maturity" 1958145;1581353940;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2020/02/usg-charges-4-alleged-chinese-officers-for-equifax-breach/ << Qntra -- USG Charges 4 Alleged Chinese Officers For Equifax Breach 1958146;1581354365;feedbot;http://ossasepia.com/2020/02/10/ossasepia-m/ << Ossa Sepia -- #ossasepia +m 1958147;1581355758;mircea_popescu;in other lulz, the media circus of the day revolves around the femstate's "weather satellites" having noticed SO2 over wuhan in concentrations of like... 1400 ug/m3 1958148;1581355800;mircea_popescu;which, you know, ~technically~ could be the result of burning corpses. you know, like because so many people died from the latest "bird flu" nonsense that there's a cloud of sulphur dioxide 1958149;1581355855;mircea_popescu;except, of course, for the part where wuhan was never within western world tolerances for pollutants this millenium, nor since the mid 80s/early 90s, and this includes everything, not just so2. these are the people building coal power plants by the hundred A DAY, after all. 1958150;1581355882;mircea_popescu;but in any case, the math... actually, i suppose i might as well make this an article huh. brb 1958151;1581359079;feedbot;http://trilema.com/2020/the-sulphur-dioxide-so2-cloud-above-wuhan/ << Trilema -- The sulphur dioxide (SO2) cloud above Wuhan 1958152;1581360989;whaack;mircea_popescu: noted. what I gather is I tried to use a style I dun understand and created something amusing in the “laugh at” rather than “laugh with” sense. When you say the various “similarly looking” articles substantially aren’t at all similar - did you mean that the trilema articles are not similar to each other or that they’re not similar to what I produced? 1958153;1581362742;mircea_popescu;the latter 1958154;1581390025;feedbot;http://trilema.com/2020/the-best-spamblast/ << Trilema -- The .best spamblast 1958155;1581442923;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2020/02/usg-ownership-of-crypto-ag-and-use-of-the-firms-products-to-spy-on-allies-and-customers-released-to-the-public/ << Qntra -- USG Ownership Of "Crypto AG" And Use Of The Firm's Products To Spy On "Allies" And Customers Released To The Public 1958156;1581445809;feedbot;http://ossasepia.com/2020/02/11/no-atmos-in-the-atmosphere-euloras-defaults/ << Ossa Sepia -- No Atmos in the Atmosphere (Eulora's Defaults) 1958157;1581467621;feedbot;http://trilema.com/2020/the-great-buck-howard-aint-letting-me-sleep/ << Trilema -- The Great Buck Howard ain't letting me sleep. 1958158;1581524659;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2020/02/panic-over-coronavirus-now-fucking-up-international-mail-delivery/ << Qntra -- Panic Over Coronavirus Now Fucking Up International Mail Delivery 1958159;1581549269;feedbot;http://bimbo.club/2020/02/my-thoughts-on-writing-for-qntranet/ << Bimbo Club -- My thoughts on writing for Qntra.net 1958160;1581557996;mp_en_viaje;aand in other holy shit [http://trilema.com/2017/the-world-has-changed/][the world's decayed], romania caught up with [http://trilema.com/2016/industria-argentina-or-my-life-among-the-tribal-savages/][historical argentina]. 1958161;1581558048;mp_en_viaje;i just temporarily lost the services of a laptop through the cord sparking in the exact same way. fucktards. 1958162;1581562861;feedbot;http://trilema.com/2020/lui-e-peggio-di-me/ << Trilema -- Lui e peggio di me 1958163;1581611055;feedbot;http://thetarpit.org/2020/nu-te-mai-preocupa-esti-vai-de-mortii-tai << The Tar Pit -- Linguistic ruminations on the connection between dead relatives and how "the people" aren't worth two shits; and other urban subcultural considerations 1958164;1581622912;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2020/02/cocaine-refinery-found-back-home-on-the-farm-of-colombian-ambassador-to-uruguay/ << Qntra -- Cocaine Refinery Found Back Home On The Farm Of Colombian Ambassador To Uruguay 1958165;1581630876;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2020/02/zookos-altcoin-to-fund-usg-honeypot-tor/ << Qntra -- Zooko's Altcoin To Fund USG Honeypot Tor 1958166;1581687304;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2020/02/new-york-businessman-who-took-down-former-nypd-commisioner-bernard-kerik-faces-charges-for-operating-education-venture/ << Qntra -- New York Businessman Who Took Down Former NYPD Commisioner Bernard Kerik Faces Charges For Operating Education Venture 1958167;1581688001;feedbot;http://trilema.com/2020/comear/ << Trilema -- Com'ear! 1958168;1581690052;mp_en_viaje;spyked, how's about you know, "you're of pitiable ancestry" 1958169;1581690147;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2020/02/redditard-alleges-he-sent-bitcoin-to-wrong-address-and-flaffs-over-coin-no-longer-his/ << Qntra -- Redditard Alleges He Sent Bitcoin To Wrong Address And Flaffs Over Coin, No Longer His 1958170;1581694845;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2020/02/ohio-man-charged-for-running-bitcoin-mixer-and-feds-press-asset-forfeiture-claim-full-indictment/ << Qntra -- Ohio Man Charged For Running Bitcoin Mixer And Feds Press Asset Forfeiture Claim: Full Indictment 1958171;1581730652;feedbot;http://blog.mod6.net/2020/02/three-trb-vpatches-for-testing/ << mod6's Blog -- Three TRB Vpatches For Testing 1958172;1581788678;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2020/02/new-philadelphi-police-commisioners-first-act-welcoming-her-nails-into-department-grooming-standards/ << Qntra -- New Philadelphi Police Commisioner's First Act: Welcoming Her Nails Into Department Grooming Standards 1958173;1581804316;feedbot;http://ossasepia.com/2020/02/15/the-i-eye-and-aye/ << Ossa Sepia -- The I, Eye and Aye 1958174;1581815286;mp_en_viaje;there we go. 1958175;1581816015;BingoBoingo;!Xbuy 150mn 144 Web crawler described in http://bingology.net/2020/outreach-automation-a-call-for-bids/ 1958176;1581816015;auctionbot;Buy order # 1079 created by BingoBoingo: Web crawler described in http://bingology.net/2020/outreach-automation-a-call-for-bids/ Opening: 150mn ecu Ending: 2020-02-22 07:17:55.278379 UTC (143 hours) 1958177;1581816123;feedbot;http://bingology.net/2020/outreach-automation-a-call-for-bids/ << Bingology - BingoBoingo's Blog -- Outreach Automation: A Call For Bids 1958178;1581816192;mp_en_viaje;wtf call for bids dood 1958179;1581816212;mp_en_viaje;go do shit already 1958180;1581817495;feedbot;http://trilema.com/2020/now-you-tell-me-wheres-this-from/ << Trilema -- Now you tell me where's this from 1958181;1581819139;mp_en_viaje;fucking inane bullshit, you've decided to see what action actionbot can bring ? who the fuck are you ? go measure the thickness of walls somewhere already, there's 0 the fuck need for YET ANOTHER pompous asshole to do me the very great service of counting my balls. 1958182;1581819168;mp_en_viaje;i seriously do not wish to hear anymore from you. if all you've got inside is in that vein, do me the favour and make that your last word. 1958183;1581820624;mp_en_viaje;!!later tell spyked you know i got a comment in your queue since like fri 1958184;1581820651;mp_en_viaje;!Qlater tell spyked you know i got a comment in your queue since like fri 1958185;1581820676;mp_en_viaje;lobbes, heh your bot's down. 1958186;1581820679;mp_en_viaje;the chain of chaining!!! 1958187;1581837042;spyked;http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-02-15#1958115 <-- approved meanwhile, will answer as soon as I get back to the keyboard 1958188;1581837042;ossabot;Logged on 2020-02-15 22:52:40 mp_en_viaje: !Qlater tell spyked you know i got a comment in your queue since like fri 1958189;1581837249;spyked;http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-02-14#1958099 <-- sounds great actually, the "pitiable ancestry" interpretation didn't occur to me until diana_coman mentioned it. but it still misses a connection to the "du-te-n ..." expression 1958190;1581837249;ossabot;Logged on 2020-02-14 10:35:51 mp_en_viaje: spyked, how's about you know, "you're of pitiable ancestry" 1958191;1581837869;mp_en_viaje;why ty 1958192;1581874331;lobbes;http://logs.ericbenevides.com/log/trilema/2020-02-16#1958115 << the toilet vps lobbesbot is on is down again. Will see what they say. (honestly atm lobbesbot has ~only two used commands: !Qlater-tell and !Qcalc ; instead of finding a new home for lobbesbot I'd rather just make another bot do those and retire the thing. But I've got other botworks in the queue) 1958193;1581874331;ericbot;Logged on 2020-02-16 02:44:42 mp_en_viaje: lobbes, heh your bot's down. 1958194;1581874333;lobbes;mp_en_viaje: in other bot news I [http://logs.ericbenevides.com/log/trilema/2020-01-27#1957408][ditched] that last host and found a new one on Friday; they claim 48 hours to deliver so I'm expecting it'll be ready for me to start setting it up by probably Wed. This new host is in Brasil btw 1958195;1581874333;ericbot;Logged on 2020-01-27 13:01:32 mircea_popescu: http://www.krankendenken.com/2020/01/mp-wp-bot-my-current-problem-and-possible-solutions/ << just ditch the shithole host you ran into. 1958196;1581874337;lobbes;I'll keep you posted 1958197;1581880078;lobbes;^ seems vps saw my ping email; lobbesbot back online 1958198;1581888898;feedbot;http://bvt-trace.net/2020/02/vsh-parts-25-and-3-one-binary-ada-solver-and-ada-vfilter-implementation/ << bvt's backtrace -- v.sh parts 2.5 and 3: one-binary Ada solver and Ada vfilter implementation 1958199;1581894544;mp_en_viaje;a ok 1958200;1581894586;mp_en_viaje;im just about gonna be busy here with moving back to cr, so it'll not happen till feb sometime. 1958201;1581894599;mp_en_viaje;march sometime* 1958202;1581901090;feedbot;http://trilema.com/2020/edwgward-allbeen-spellinck/ << Trilema -- Edwgward Allbeen Spellinck 1958203;1581902113;lobbes;mp_en_viaje: ack. This'll give me time to prep the thing anyways 1958204;1581945634;diana_coman;bvt: why does your [http://bvt-trace.net/2020/02/vsh-part-2-ada-utilities/][vpatch] cancel a line from the manifest? To my mind this doesn't quite make sense - if you want to revert to a previous point, that means simply branching the tree from a previous node so using *that* manifest, doesn't it? 1958205;1581945743;diana_coman;maybe I'm not fully getting the idea of the manifest file here but my current understanding is that it's a record of the history and as such I really don't see any case where something gets deleted from it - at most it gets branched from a previous version but that's still an added line to (a previous version of) the manifest file. 1958206;1581948666;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2020/02/usg-welfare-baron-madame-secretary-mike-pompeo-goes-to-senegal-for-security-flavored-welfare-talks/ << Qntra -- USG Welfare Baron, Madame Secretary Mike Pompeo Goes To Senegal For "Security" Flavored Welfare Talks 1958207;1581954424;spyked;http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-02-16#1958118 <-- and [http://thetarpit.org/2020/nu-te-mai-preocupa-esti-vai-de-mortii-tai#comment-251][answered] 1958208;1581954424;ossabot;Logged on 2020-02-16 03:25:51 spyked: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-02-15#1958115 <-- approved meanwhile, will answer as soon as I get back to the keyboard 1958209;1581974925;bvt;diana_coman: ty for spotting this. i will regring vpatches p.1 and p.2; i wanted to make the vpatch p.1 name the same in manifest and file system, but did the wrong thing there just editing the line from previous vpatch in vpatch p.2. 1958210;1581976601;feedbot;http://thewhet.net/2020/02/the-good-old-boys-best-spigot-friends-club/ << The Whet -- The Good Old Boys Best Spigot Friends Club 1958211;1581977812;dorion;http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-02-05#1957911 - it occurs to me that trb could be a good testing/clarification ground for this because a) it's likely the most scruntinized V-tree to date and b) mod6, jfw, and spyked all have some work to do with trb these next weeks. 1958212;1581977812;ossabot;Logged on 2020-02-05 22:50:12 mircea_popescu: well, hm. maybe it's time to re-iterate [http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-02-04#1957893][this point], especially seeing how diana_coman 's [http://ossasepia.com/2020/02/05/the-v-tree-nursery-or-code-control-with-v/][recent work], 1958213;1581977826;dorion;perhaps mod6 takes the lead to implement the clearsigned scheme on his [http://blog.mod6.net/2020/02/three-trb-vpatches-for-testing/][keccak regrind] of the trb tree. 1958214;1581977847;dorion;jfw is [http://younghands.club/2020/02/17/jfw-plan-week-of-17-feb-2020/?b=gbw#select][expecting] to finish the offline side of Gales Bitcoin Wallet this week, so his development plate will be clearing a bit. He has an unpublished patch to trb to simplify the build system on Gales, so checking/working with mod6 and getting his patch published could be his next priority. Among other simplifications 1958215;1581977847;dorion;I'll let him show and tell, his patch removes the whole rotor orchestra since Gales is musl static anyway. 1958216;1581977988;dorion;spyked is [http://thetarpit.org/2020/work-plan-for-m2-2020#comment-252][rebuilding trb] shortly, so if mod6 leads the way, followed by jfw and spyked that's at least 3 people scrutinizing the clearsigning scheme, tools and likely many of the same patches within the same timeframe. 1958217;1581981948;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2020/02/four-virginia-state-senators-break-party-line-to-block-bill-assaulting-certain-pieces-of-private-property/ << Qntra -- Four Virginia State Senators Break Party Line To Block Bill Assaulting Certain Pieces Of Private Property 1958218;1581994338;mircea_popescu;http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-02-17#1958144 << this is a terrible idea for a number of reasons. 1958219;1581994338;mircea_popescu;one is that the spec as sketched by me is nowhere near mature enough for implementation in the first place ; it requires some actual looking at and discussion ; some prototyping, some trying out after it's mature before the implementation is actually in a state where anyone'd trust it with anything ; which first anythings will very likely NOT be the changing of how V works around it. 1958220;1581994338;mircea_popescu;you're burning no less than three major steps here, which is not how things work. 1958221;1581994338;ossabot;Logged on 2020-02-17 18:32:25 dorion: perhaps mod6 takes the lead to implement the clearsigned scheme on his [http://blog.mod6.net/2020/02/three-trb-vpatches-for-testing/][keccak regrind] of the trb tree. 1958222;1581994341;mircea_popescu;another reason is that this throwing darts work allocation method's never been observed to work in practice. the correct way to allocate work, as actually observable in the damned logs you've supposedly read and re-read, actually works on a very hit-and-miss basis in the first place (owing to itemized an' specifically described failures an' assorted head cockroaches of the ~worthless white anglophone young male) 1958223;1581994346;mircea_popescu;while ~everything was built on it (putting it intellectually way ahead of, say, [http://trilema.com/2018/and-in-other-dead-things/?b=lisp&e=not#select][THE ENTIRE COLLECTIVE OF LISP USERS] & their collected historical products, or anything else "the civilised" Western world has to offer), nevertheless it really fails more often than it delivers. 1958224;1581994351;mircea_popescu;yet one in three or four or whatever's still way the fuck more than absolute zero, which is what you'll get out of "hey, [name i picked out of the hat], do [thing i picked out of the hat]". 1958225;1581994354;mircea_popescu;there's more, too but anyways, you're supposed to be aware of these things, as part and parcel of what having an internal life of the mind ever means. 1958226;1581994357;mircea_popescu;wth do you even represent the eventual world-equivalent of your word usage to be ? two weeks hence mod6 shows up with a working drop-in replacement for an intricate, specialist piece of machinery that happens to be built with skills he doesn't have by an advanced programmer he isn't on a worldview he doesn't share ? 1958227;1581994361;mircea_popescu;how the fuck! dude reads the log once a week 1958228;1581994363;mircea_popescu;whenever it's bois freedom afternoon at the household of whatever chick owns his sorry ass, half hour sunday while she's out with her friends or w/e, and then drops random offensive nonsense that doesn't actually go with anything but it's nevertheless the best he could get to in the limited time and with the limited involvement his owner permits. 1958229;1581994368;mircea_popescu;i get it, you're a nice fellow and would like for things to be good and work out. nothing wrong with that. you wanna help along with the things, excellent. the prompter's at "get the few who actually seem like they could have something intelligent to say on the topic to comment on the proposed spec ; an' help mp figure out why they don't apparently naturally want to ; but without going out of what he's doing, such as fo 1958230;1581994375;mircea_popescu;r instance by speciffically calling them for it point blank. for some reason he didn't do that though he self-evidently could have, maybe there's a reason for that other than his being shy, such as perhaps that he doesn't wanna force march it, for which call there might in turn also be reasons and so on." 1958231;1581994589;mircea_popescu;http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-02-17#1958136 << i'd say you got the right idea here, manifest.txt is an add-only buffer, attempts to modify it ~= pirate patch. 1958232;1581994589;ossabot;Logged on 2020-02-17 09:37:40 diana_coman: maybe I'm not fully getting the idea of the manifest file here but my current understanding is that it's a record of the history and as such I really don't see any case where something gets deleted from it - at most it gets branched from a previous version but that's still an added line to (a previous version of) the manifest file. 1958233;1581994701;mircea_popescu;http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-02-17#1958146 << thanks fucking god for that. 1958234;1581994702;ossabot;Logged on 2020-02-17 18:32:47 dorion: I'll let him show and tell, his patch removes the whole rotor orchestra since Gales is musl static anyway. 1958235;1581996037;dorion;http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-02-17#1958151 - hm, yeah. it did seem that I was forcing it a bit. I just now brought up the [http://trilema.com/2018/euloras-communication-protocol-restated/][eulora comms protocol] and [http://trilema.com/2017/tmsr-rsa-spec-extremely-early-draft/][tmsr rsa] specs as first examples that came to mind to drive your point home further. I ought to have taken 1958236;1581996037;dorion;a step back and asked a question. 1958237;1581996038;ossabot;Logged on 2020-02-17 23:07:38 mircea_popescu: one is that the spec as sketched by me is nowhere near mature enough for implementation in the first place ; it requires some actual looking at and discussion ; some prototyping, some trying out after it's mature before the implementation is actually in a state where anyone'd trust it with anything ; which first anythings will very likely NOT be the changing of how V works around it. 1958238;1581996274;mircea_popescu;you've got bad habits from the other world. 1958239;1581996355;mircea_popescu;imagine by the way what serious problems the concept of heaven actually poses to people. what do they do there all day ? well, conceivably, IF indeed they do something, if haven's something besides hell under another name (the problem with hell self-evidently ain't "the fire", but THE BOREDOM) they conceivably do something. yet... what ? likely not anything driven or inspired by "the flesh", which leaves... what does it 1958240;1581996355;mircea_popescu; leave ? 1958241;1581996397;mircea_popescu;perhaps the best model to inform this issue'd be the western cowbody brought to boston, or any other such savage-in-london rapturous moments. well... do you suppose heaven has a stiff learning curve ? how to conduct yourself such as all the others there don't throw up ? 1958242;1581996725;dorion;it seems like if it is a great place it ought to have a stiff learning curve. 1958243;1581997045;dorion;a reason I read the logs w/o talking was that very "try and figure out how to conduct myself such that the others don't puke." as I had puked myself reading the various douchebags. 1958244;1581997541;dorion;http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-02-17#1958157 - I figured he'd at least show up to ask questions, but I see now if that were the case it would've been done the 5th or 6th or sometime before the 15th when he published 1958245;1581997542;ossabot;Logged on 2020-02-17 23:07:57 mircea_popescu: wth do you even represent the eventual world-equivalent of your word usage to be ? two weeks hence mod6 shows up with a working drop-in replacement for an intricate, specialist piece of machinery that happens to be built with skills he doesn't have by an advanced programmer he isn't on a worldview he doesn't share ? 1958246;1581997546;dorion; his lastest detached sigs. 1958247;1581997965;dorion;http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-02-17#1958160 - ok. I'll work on asking smart questions more often to replace the bad habits of jumping back and forth between a) staying silent and b) jumping ahead with excess optimism. 1958248;1581997965;ossabot;Logged on 2020-02-17 23:08:08 mircea_popescu: i get it, you're a nice fellow and would like for things to be good and work out. nothing wrong with that. you wanna help along with the things, excellent. the prompter's at "get the few who actually seem like they could have something intelligent to say on the topic to comment on the proposed spec ; an' help mp figure out why they don't apparently naturally want to ; but without going out of what he's doing, s 1958249;1582007043;mircea_popescu;that could work 1958250;1582019307;bvt;diana_coman: answered your comment yesterday, uploaded the regrind of p.1 and p.2 yesterday as well. 1958251;1582021318;diana_coman;bvt: cool, I'll give it another spin, hopefully soon. 1958252;1582043618;feedbot;http://ossasepia.com/2020/02/18/strutting-waving-and-skin-sharing-euloras-defaults/ << Ossa Sepia -- Strutting, Waving and Skin Sharing (Eulora's Defaults) 1958253;1582043866;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2020/02/google-carrying-out-take-down-requests-over-word-did-on-behalf-of-dance-india-dance/ << Qntra -- Google Carrying Out Take Down Requests Over Word "Did" On Behalf Of "Dance India Dance" 1958254;1582054997;jfw;http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-02-04#1957902 << >> https://www.openwall.com/lists/musl/2020/02/18/2 . We'll see what happens 1958255;1582054997;ossabot;Logged on 2020-02-04 22:40:07 mircea_popescu: jfw, re the whole [http://thetarpit.org/2020/a-journey-through-the-gales-installation-process#comment-240][musl & locales issue], it might be an idea to signal to them, "look, we use musl, and we don't think this is a good idea". irrespective of whether it does anything, at least that way they can't say they didn't realise "unanimity" is hallucinated etc. 1958256;1582065241;mircea_popescu;i don't expect much happening in that sense. if you bury the dead rather than let them rot under the bird-ladden sky, what happens ? 1958257;1582065310;diana_coman;it stinks less! 1958258;1582066706;jfw;I suppose what happens is the gravedigger who fancied there might be some life in the bodies gets convinced otherwise. From the first response: "Unicode 12.1 added the symbol for the new Japanese era, Reiwa Era. You will be unable to represent current dates in the Japanese calendar without this update." ; "I have been personally impacted by the lack of [political sort order]" ; "No one user 1958259;1582066706;jfw;matters more than another" 1958260;1582067440;mircea_popescu;lol ok 1958261;1582067550;mircea_popescu;how is the "no one user is more important than another" nonsense an argument for their position ? user q wants y, user w wants there not to be y, "no one user is more important than another" =necessarily> no y. 1958262;1582067604;mircea_popescu;jfw, what chan is this anyways ? 1958263;1582067621;diana_coman;mircea_popescu: to my mind the "no one user matters more than another" means of course "no user matters at all" ; because it follows by necessity. 1958264;1582067630;mircea_popescu;i suppose so. 1958265;1582067640;jfw;mircea_popescu: ha, good point. It's their email list 1958266;1582067644;mircea_popescu;a ok. 1958267;1582067787;jfw;!!up tecuane 1958268;1582067788;deedbot;tecuane voiced for 30 minutes. 1958269;1582067810;jfw;hi tecuane, I understand you're here about musl translations 1958270;1582067812;tecuane;so i am confusion 1958271;1582067829;tecuane;apart from using "considered harmful" which is unilaterally considered the most dumbass way to get a point across 1958272;1582067835;tecuane;you dont like non-english languages in your musl 1958273;1582067863;tecuane;which is weird af when you consider the second line of the first link on your ml post: https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/r08ACagY/image.png 1958274;1582067871;mircea_popescu;anyway, your statement is i guess something along the lines of "look, good fellows, your theory as to how users matter is not an argument in the direction you wish to construe it, but exactly opposite. the republic specifically does not want there to be unicode support. if you implement it, that means the republic will fork and maintain your thing pre-implementation. if you do not implement it, some schmuck somewhere wi 1958275;1582067871;mircea_popescu;ll be personally impacted by not being able to represent the "japanese current era" -- something i'm apparently able to represent right now, without using unicode for it (so perhaps, i'm saying, the problem is in the schmuck in question's [http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2018-01-09#1768086][own head]). that'd be it really, do your best under the constraints as they are." 1958276;1582067871;ossabot;Logged on 2018-01-09 18:48:52 phf: mule is probably part of the greater concern within the overal situation which was japanese and unicode 1958277;1582067905;tecuane;tf did i just read 1958278;1582067907;mircea_popescu;tecuane, the problem with supporting non-alphabet approaches to an alphabet is that you get the worst of both worlds. 1958279;1582067926;tecuane;have u worked on a libc 1958280;1582067934;tecuane;beyond yayposting on the mailing lists 1958281;1582067946;mircea_popescu;tecuane, i suppose you read my pov re the issue you're discussing. there's a log : http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-02-18#1958186 1958282;1582067947;ossabot;Logged on 2020-02-18 15:58:41 ossabot: Logged on 2020-02-04 22:40:07 mircea_popescu: jfw, re the whole [http://thetarpit.org/2020/a-journey-through-the-gales-installation-process#comment-240][musl & locales issue], it might be an idea to signal to them, "look, we use musl, and we don't think this is a good idea". irrespective of whether it does anything, at least that way they can't say they didn't realise "unanimity" is hallucinated etc. 1958283;1582067964;mircea_popescu;tecuane, the republic is currently maintaining static linked os, yes. 1958284;1582067974;mircea_popescu;this means private libcs, there's a coupla flavours. 1958285;1582067974;jfw;tecuane: I have no problem at all with what languages people represent on their computer, the more the merrier; I very much have a problem with extra code (+ potential bugs) being added to my computer to support it in core system utilities 1958286;1582067996;tecuane;when you said on your post 1958287;1582068002;tecuane;"come to this channel and pm me and we can discuss it" 1958288;1582068016;mircea_popescu;well, he voiced you, so i guess that's what he meant. 1958289;1582068018;tecuane;i didnt realise i would also be talking to someone who writes in riddles and screeds, using the royal "the republic" instead of "i" 1958290;1582068038;mircea_popescu;that's not exactly what's jhappening lol. the republic's an actual thing, distinct from i. 1958291;1582068050;tecuane;its not fair to bring The Riddler to a conversation 1958292;1582068055;tecuane;thats just rude 1958293;1582068064;mircea_popescu;aite, so you two carry on in pm, i have no objection. 1958294;1582068086;tecuane;are you a sovereign citizen mircea_popescu 1958295;1582068091;tecuane;you talk like someone on the fence about it 1958296;1582068099;mircea_popescu;i am not much of a citizen, so i guess ? 1958297;1582068116;mircea_popescu;is it a term of art ? 1958298;1582068132;tecuane;jfw: it seems like a weird thing to be concerned about 2bh 1958299;1582068163;mircea_popescu;everyting can seem so, including supporting the japanese nonsense. 1958300;1582068203;tecuane;ah so jfw is being 'brutally practical' and you're just being racially intolerant 1958301;1582068203;tecuane;got it 1958302;1582068217;mircea_popescu;look, race doesn't enter into it. 1958303;1582068240;mircea_popescu;having an open ended alphabet is like having a square wheel. not how it works. 1958304;1582068296;mircea_popescu;some people wanan make their imaginary race about using square wheels, that's their fucking problem. 1958305;1582068329;tecuane;"not how it works" is a weird descriptor for something that has worked just fine for kinda a long time imo 1958306;1582068342;mircea_popescu;at no point in its short, tortured existence has unicode worked fine 1958307;1582068350;mircea_popescu;in fact, i would say unicode is the poster child for what broken code even means. 1958308;1582068391;mircea_popescu;it was a worse fucking idea than "object oriented", and it's high time it got marked as such and put in the dustbin where it belongs. 1958309;1582068413;tecuane;just like object-oriented did right 1958310;1582068416;tecuane;o wait 1958311;1582068419;mircea_popescu;right. 1958312;1582068430;tecuane;oo didnt get put in the bin lmao 1958313;1582068442;mircea_popescu;diana_coman, can tell you some joys of oo-idiocy and the sorta lulz it drives. 1958314;1582068469;mircea_popescu;tecuane, lmao, you're not serious are you ? 1958315;1582068482;diana_coman;mircea_popescu: you know, I was trying to not shock tecuane with this notion that it being a public chan there are actually *other* people reading and talking and generally participating. 1958316;1582068494;mircea_popescu;diana_coman, i thought you were just a biorobot. 1958317;1582068529;diana_coman;ahaha 1958318;1582068558;tecuane;mircea_popescu: in what universe has oo been "put in the bin" ever 1958319;1582068566;tecuane;it hasnt even faded from popularity let alone been relegated to the trash 1958320;1582068597;mircea_popescu;i suspect you might have been somewhat isolated for a few years, but i have no way to answer your "in what universe" q, for lack of an indexing mechanism. in not-yours ? 1958321;1582068610;jfw;I at least haven't written a class except as required for Python exceptions in years 1958322;1582068613;tecuane;i feel like that may be the other way around 1958323;1582068620;tecuane;i see it absolutely plenty in code that isnt mine 1958324;1582068624;mircea_popescu;well yeah, that's the sort of sentiment that's necessarily mutual. 1958325;1582068634;mircea_popescu;tecuane, good code ? or shit code ? 1958326;1582068636;tecuane;both 1958327;1582068652;mircea_popescu;i've not seen it in good code. i don't mean recently, i mean ever. 1958328;1582068682;tecuane;as an expert polyglot im sure you are the absolute benchmark for what is and is not "good code" 1958329;1582068702;mircea_popescu;but, be that as it may, "popularity", especially as perceived by people not instrumented to measure anything, is no kind of basis for reason. 1958330;1582068717;mircea_popescu;tecuane, wth is an expert polyglot ? 1958331;1582068742;tecuane;imagine if you could use a service to look up a word 1958332;1582068747;tecuane;even if they were in a different language 1958333;1582068748;tecuane;like french 1958334;1582068748;mircea_popescu;a polyglot is someone who speaks multiple languages. this state doesn't take the "expert" tag. 1958335;1582068779;mircea_popescu;tecuane, your notion of what words mean is inadequate. you can't "look up a word" in this sense, because natural languages do not admit strict equivalency. 1958336;1582068794;tecuane;this behaviour explains the operating system thing so much 1958337;1582068804;tecuane;it all makes way more sense now 1958338;1582068812;jfw;The OO discussion must make us class-ists too I suppose! 1958339;1582068813;mircea_popescu;you'll look up "foutez" and "camp" and decide what, "fuck me the field" is a french idiom ? 1958340;1582068853;tecuane;probably not because i dont spend my time coming up with cool linguistic comebacks in the shower in my downtime from removing other languages from my libc tbh 1958341;1582068898;mircea_popescu;did you ever do any work in an actually secure environment ? because there's a difference of perspective, you realise, between hipster doofuses trying to impress imaginary girlfriends with their code-inclusiveness, and people who write systems that do not lose other people's money. 1958342;1582068909;mircea_popescu;the latter tend to want to take crap out, the former tend to want to put crap in. 1958343;1582068986;mircea_popescu;i don't particularly care if you put a "you're beautiful today" motd in your libc. but i also can't use such a libc, so i'll have to fork it if i want to use it. which is the whole point here. 1958344;1582069000;tecuane;is your gf imaginary too or does being cold hard and full of reason make you Max Chadders 1958345;1582069009;mircea_popescu;i keep slavegirls dood, wth are you talking about. 1958346;1582069019;tecuane;it feels like you watched House MD one too many times and thought "lmao thats a really good personality trait" 1958347;1582069038;mircea_popescu;i'd ask what's house md, but you've such a terrible record answering these. 1958348;1582069051;tecuane;tv show but you probably dont watch those 1958349;1582069058;mircea_popescu;well, i did like seinfeld. 1958350;1582069063;tecuane;it might damage your smooth and imperfection-free brain 1958351;1582069066;mircea_popescu;but yeah, not recently. 1958352;1582069078;jfw;US medical drama with lead who says Mean Things but actually solves problems 1958353;1582069089;jfw;(from the very little I saw.) 1958354;1582069093;tecuane;pretty much 1958355;1582069096;mircea_popescu;no dood, they're just fucking stupid. i watch 1970s adriano celentano made-for-tv movies recently tho, so it's pretty much the same thing. 1958356;1582069103;mircea_popescu;just , you know, being a polyglot affords one choice. 1958357;1582069114;mircea_popescu;jfw, is this the clooney vehicle ? 1958358;1582069141;jfw;mircea_popescu: not sure what you mean, I don't think clooney's involved 1958359;1582069156;mircea_popescu;there's this retard who became "hot" because he was in some medical drama 1958360;1582069173;jfw;ah, House is Hugh Laurie 1958361;1582069180;mircea_popescu;a 1958362;1582069209;mircea_popescu;wait, of fry and laurie ?! aaaahahahaha 1958363;1582069221;mircea_popescu;o god, this is the funniest thing i heard all day. 1958364;1582069263;mircea_popescu;wtf, they've run out, next big thing on tv is going to be... mr bean. 1958365;1582069368;tecuane;welp my time is up and i didnt really learn anything i already knew apart from mircea_popescu likes using the synonym feature of microsoft word a bit too much and the dislike of translations is actually just not liking other languages as opposed to "there might be bugs" 1958366;1582069385;tecuane;this was less whelming than i expected 1958367;1582069470;jfw;funny how mircea_popescu probably speaks more languages than half the musl-using population combined... 1958368;1582069498;mircea_popescu;yes, but this situation was arrived at with a lot of posturing and labeling and such nonsense. 1958369;1582069514;mircea_popescu;anyway, at least i found out there's nothing on tv without having to buy one. 1958370;1582069542;jfw;a productive evening then! 1958371;1582069655;diana_coman;I am still shocked at the idea that ...uhm, was Laurie...hot? as in ..ever? 1958372;1582069680;diana_coman;iirc he worked as an ok Wooster, seemed to fit fine. 1958373;1582069697;mircea_popescu;fry and laurie was this long running british tv show made to fill the hole left by monty python. it was rabidly socialist to an utterly offensive degree, and made the popularity of both faggots involved (among the uk bernie sandals crowd) 1958374;1582069935;mircea_popescu;the only problem is the very lulzy soviet-style gerontocracy involved. i mean, they've nobody but 90yos left to "leadership" them, and if they need somebody to star in a tv production it's gonna be a dude born in the 50s ?! still, today as in 1970, as in 1980, as in forever, the heroes of socialist labour are the same exact physical items ? 1958375;1582069960;diana_coman;mircea_popescu: well, remember arsinel? lolz 1958376;1582069963;mircea_popescu;at least the original soviets had the werewithal to laugh at it on their own power, didn't need foreign polyglots to "not whelm" by pointing and laughing. 1958377;1582069997;mircea_popescu;but then again i suppose that's what an expert polyglot is all about : one who speaks fifty languages in one, by inventing an imaginary "whelm" and perhaps typesetting everything in japanese. 1958378;1582070004;mircea_popescu;diana_coman, ikr. 1958379;1582070042;*;jfw lmao, was trying to figure out if it was over or under that he wasn't whelmed 1958380;1582070095;diana_coman;I honestly thought he meant whelp! 1958381;1582070119;mircea_popescu;incidentally, cristina topescu died recently, as in, over xmas (this was the daughter of just such a wonder, the ONLY romanian sports commenter, one cristian topescu. socialist romania had one of everything, you knew what panties the girl has on before looking and you knew who was gonna narrate the game on the radio while you're looking). the chick was only famous for once on tv -- because hey, she followed the famlby t 1958382;1582070119;mircea_popescu;rade, as part of being independent liberated woman etc -- as a colt she wished something or the other re "oualelor de paste" which is an impossible construction derived off romanian ou ie egg by someone who doesn't understand how difficult genitives form. so she was celebrated for an april in song and lulz 1958383;1582070151;mircea_popescu;diana_coman, but she died BY HERSELF, among 50 dogs, and nobody found her for a week. none of those thousands of facebook friends. 1958384;1582070174;diana_coman;it must be because she didn't use unicode. 1958385;1582070200;mircea_popescu;but i hope that she's regarding her death with the requisite superior detachement, feigned as it may be. "well... that didn't whelm!" 1958386;1582070244;diana_coman;I winced at cristian topescu recollection as I can still hear the descriptions of figure skaters' costumes, colours included, argghhh. 1958387;1582070253;mircea_popescu;you know ? 1958388;1582070273;diana_coman;the things I still...know; lolz. 1958389;1582070342;mircea_popescu;anyways, ff they had known they might have found a world of joy... but as they lived on the midnight side of the mountain... 1958390;1582070361;mircea_popescu;i guess they'll have their own cristian topescu. it's unavoidable. 1958391;1582070522;mircea_popescu;anyways, contrary to the purportings and pretences traditionally [http://trilema.com/2013/valiant-prince-mp-explores-the-mother-of-all-echo-chambers-a-saga-of-our-times/?b=As%20you%20can%20see&e=had#select][required by their culture], i do kinda suspect ye pantsuit gets pretty well overwhelmed in this here copacetic copse of #trilema 1958392;1582070530;mircea_popescu;i can kinda see it in their eyes of the mind. 1958393;1582074787;jfw;http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-02-18#1958204 - I'll be so kind as to fix the reference for him; I suppose raster graphics must seem as good as text when your alphabet is unbounded: http://trinque.org/2019/12/29/a-republican-os-part-2/?b=The%20English&e=.#select 1958394;1582074788;ossabot;Logged on 2020-02-18 19:33:08 tecuane: which is weird af when you consider the second line of the first link on your ml post: https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/r08ACagY/image.png 1958395;1582074986;jfw;trinque: hm, I thought you had implemented selection there but doesn't appear working. 1958396;1582076677;mircea_popescu;so what's the point, casual usage of the word sin is triggering ? 1958397;1582085312;feedbot;http://trilema.com/2020/are-you-a-sovereign-citizen/ << Trilema -- Are you a sovereign citizen ? 1958398;1582103787;hanbot_abroad;http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-02-18#1958312 << wait, wouldn't this family name be "melter"? 1958399;1582103787;ossabot;Logged on 2020-02-18 20:10:44 mircea_popescu: incidentally, cristina topescu died recently, as in, over xmas (this was the daughter of just such a wonder, the ONLY romanian sports commenter, one cristian topescu. socialist romania had one of everything, you knew what panties the girl has on before looking and you knew who was gonna narrate the game on the radio while you're looking). the chick was only famous for once on tv -- because hey, she followed the 1958400;1582107302;mircea_popescu;hanbot_abroad, why melter ? 1958401;1582111378;hanbot_abroad;afaik a topi, topesc means 'to melt'? 1958402;1582115009;mircea_popescu;ahahaha. the guy's name is topescu with a tz, like in https://dexonline.ro/definitie/țoapă ; not with a plain t like in to melt. 1958403;1582115022;mircea_popescu;for some reason these couldn't be further apart in the romanian mind. 1958404;1582139916;jfw;Latest from the musl thread, from the main guy Felker: https://www.openwall.com/lists/musl/2020/02/19/4 ( http://archive.is/maiqg ). In brief - perhaps I'm underinformed on specifics but in general full unicodeism has been their goal from the start 1958405;1582140147;jfw;"Not treating users like they're "illiterate" if they want to be able to write their own name has always been the most important 1958406;1582140155;diana_coman;it reads to me exactly [http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-02-18#1958194][no user matters] and ~all reducing to "we wanted this anyway/for a long time", huh. 1958407;1582140155;ossabot;Logged on 2020-02-18 19:29:06 diana_coman: mircea_popescu: to my mind the "no one user matters more than another" means of course "no user matters at all" ; because it follows by necessity. 1958408;1582140166;jfw;core value of the project, and your attitude towards the matter here does not make me interested in going out of my way to cater to you." 1958409;1582140229;jfw;well at least he puts it in terms of HIS interests rather than all users worldwide in the abstract 1958410;1582140251;jfw;...or I suppose he does that too, hm. 1958411;1582140341;jfw;mircea_popescu: who/what was [http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-02-18#1958327][this] to btw? 1958412;1582140341;ossabot;Logged on 2020-02-18 22:00:03 mircea_popescu: so what's the point, casual usage of the word sin is triggering ? 1958413;1582140567;diana_coman;jfw: eh, that's the usual way socialism always goes - it's "the people's interests" except of course they get defined discarding any given individual's input if it does not match "what the interests should be" etc. 1958414;1582140683;jfw;easiest way to "resolve" the nonexistence of a singluar "people's interests" I guess 1958415;1582140690;jfw;*singular 1958416;1582141032;diana_coman;well, they are certainly stuck to "resolve" through pretense of one sort or another; whether that is the easiest pretense or not doesn't even matter all that much, it's more like a forced move really, what *else* are they going to do since they rule out entirely addressing the root cause? 1958417;1582146987;hanbot;!!3C52E2676A9A4524C392165ADB10AEE263FFD8FEF60806A3965121C503630037 1958418;1582146994;hanbot;!!v v 1958419;1582147000;hanbot;!!v 3C52E2676A9A4524C392165ADB10AEE263FFD8FEF60806A3965121C503630037 1958420;1582147001;deedbot;hanbot updated rating of asciilifeform from 3 to -1 << For all his pretensions to personhood, this guy actually needed me to save him from a hotel bill he couldn't handle as he was too stupid, neglectful, or both, to check out on his own. Years later he's decided to keep raging against acquiring basic skills by attempting to tarnish those who tried to help him. In a word, the ficklest friend I ever thought I had. 1958421;1582147144;*;hanbot fumes a little. 1958422;1582148341;jfw;http://archive.is/ghjcb << my reply to musl, couldn't resist rubbing in a bit more salt. 1958423;1582148347;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2020/02/airstrip-one-nhs-to-deny-non-critical-care-to-racists-sexists/ << Qntra -- Airstrip One: NHS To Deny "Non-Critical" Care To Racists, Sexists 1958424;1582149301;hanbot;"This will allow non-English speakers the ability to understand the errors that are happening on the computers they own." << jfw lol check out the thinly-veiled ownership hierarchy. "you need us in order to pretend to ownership!" 1958425;1582150164;jfw;hanbot: haha yes. Their code is the complete and exclusive source of ability! 1958426;1582159829;mircea_popescu;http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-02-19#1958336 << i guess. these retrospective statements of "what was ALWAYS most important" rather evoke dreamstates. if the person in question was in fact literate, he'd have linked the historical statement, rather than provide an ad-hoc reintrepretation of what he currently thinks was "always" the most important. 1958427;1582159829;ossabot;Logged on 2020-02-19 15:37:57 jfw: "Not treating users like they're "illiterate" if they want to be able to write their own name has always been the most important 1958428;1582159927;mircea_popescu;illiterate users of spellkits for their own name seem to me less desirable than literate people, so whathevers. i guess the practical difference between musl and say [http://trilema.com/2016/minigame-is-probably-never-going-to-support-python-3/][python] is actually nil, and if you want to use it you'll have to fork and maintain it. 1958429;1582160276;mircea_popescu;http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-02-19#1958342 << i dunno, i was trying to unravel a disorderly ball of poorly made references by the illiterate farmhands of the object-oriented cvasi-programming cult. 1958430;1582160276;mircea_popescu;the salient points are 1. http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-02-18#1958204 somehow linked to 2. something off trinque's blog which reads "Therefore we may not sin too much calling complexity the measure of how weaved-with an item is, either in itself or with its surroundings.", if that indeed's what was meant by "second line". 1958431;1582160276;ossabot;Logged on 2020-02-19 15:41:11 jfw: mircea_popescu: who/what was [http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-02-18#1958327][this] to btw? 1958432;1582160276;ossabot;Logged on 2020-02-18 19:33:08 tecuane: which is weird af when you consider the second line of the first link on your ml post: https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/r08ACagY/image.png 1958433;1582160315;mircea_popescu;i dunno what some illiterate moron deems problematic about that sentence, maybe it's the vocabulary, such as the word "sin". god knows they have vocabulary problems all the damned time. 1958434;1582160363;mircea_popescu;http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-02-19#1958344 << quite exactly, the perfect wankdevice. 1958435;1582160363;ossabot;Logged on 2020-02-19 15:44:57 diana_coman: jfw: eh, that's the usual way socialism always goes - it's "the people's interests" except of course they get defined discarding any given individual's input if it does not match "what the interests should be" etc. 1958436;1582160450;jfw;mircea_popescu: ah no, the line he and then I attempted to link was "The English sources at my disposal underwhelm, so let's instead take a stab at the Latin beneath." 1958437;1582160481;mircea_popescu;ahahaha, and THAT is offensive to the illiterate self-spellers ?! 1958438;1582160495;mircea_popescu;good god, with minds like these what need of scholarship. 1958439;1582160515;jfw;I took it as, "wait wut, do these people hate English or everything-but-English??" 1958440;1582160539;mircea_popescu;there's this romanian idiomatic, it goes "te uiti ca vitelu' la poarta noua". 1958441;1582160564;mircea_popescu;literally it means, "you gaze upon it like the veal at the new gate". it translates into literature an ancient experience of an ancient cattle herding people : 1958442;1582160593;mircea_popescu;you see, in traditional culture everything has a time and a place. that's it's principal quality, the thing that makes it a culture in the first place : it's complete. 1958443;1582160621;mircea_popescu;now, the time for the cows to leave the house is in the early morning, they go grazing. whereas the time to fix your outer gate is kinda noon-ish, after more high priorty items were seen to. 1958444;1582160635;mircea_popescu;this necessarily means that every veal returning home will return to a new gate every time the man has fixed his. 1958445;1582160649;mircea_popescu;and the veal does not know what to do. it does sorta look like his house, but then what is THIS thing ?! 1958446;1582160701;mircea_popescu;so it sits an gazes at the thing, and could sit there all evening. you have to know you have to send one of the children to drag the animal back in. it's one of the fringes of proper manhood, things far out in the footnotes of the book of being an 1700s romanian peasant, stuff only a few know, BUT ALL EVENTUALLY DISCOVER. 1958447;1582160742;mircea_popescu;for my sins i find myself surrounded by the problems of my ancestors, which i guess is making them happy. fucking hell. 1958448;1582160891;mircea_popescu;"literate" veals, very capable of scribbling their own name in an alphabet of their choice (somehow nobody notices "using an alphabet of your own choice" is THE OPPOSITE OF SPELLING, and the exact definition of illiteracy -- all the fucking farmhands who can't read or write COULD scribble something down, anyone can screech random squgg;lies, with a shovel in a pile of dirt, with their own piss on driven snow, fingerpain 1958449;1582160891;mircea_popescu;tin' literacy wtf) 1958450;1582160943;mircea_popescu;sitting at the gate tryina figure it out. "do these people hate english ? or everything other than english ? hmmm!!! my premise could not possibly be faulty, i'm a literate veal that can spell his own name, just look at this last cowpie, how well it speals -- VEAL!" 1958451;1582161246;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2020/edwgward-allbeen-spellinck/#comment-147569 << meanwhile in shockingly appropriate literacies. 1958452;1582161256;jfw;They'll need to get that cowpie into unicode 12.2. 1958453;1582161334;mircea_popescu;THAT one, mind youi. 1958454;1582161344;mircea_popescu;no substitutes are acceptable, it has to be the exact one. 1958455;1582161422;mircea_popescu;neways. the cows have enough sense to find their own house, but only if the gate hasn't been changed recently -- the village cattle minder just takes them to the end of the village as the air turns dusky, and they on their own time sorta lumber towards the respective storage units 1958456;1582161445;mircea_popescu;and these scions of africa 2.0, they have enough sense to object-oriented. 1958457;1582161506;mircea_popescu;which, sadly but painfully, has been my experience of europe. i took a coupla sluts born in the colonies to take in the glories of the motherland, and the motherland meanwhile's turned 100% chad. 1958458;1582161566;mircea_popescu;i very vividly remember the STRIVE, the fucking indomitable drive of black people in the 70s an' 80s to catch up, to become, to civilize, to build up their countries. it started in the early years of the century, with luminaries like the emperor of ethiopia ; it bulked out and by the 70s it was a deluge. 1958459;1582161645;mircea_popescu;romania helped, with tech transfer, with political support, including AGAINST the moronic us & friends ([http://trilema.com/2009/a-fost-odata-cand-romania-a-avut-dreptate/][a tradition], by the way). so did the russians, and the chinese, tho veiled by their alt-flavoured imperial pretensions. 1958460;1582161697;mircea_popescu;but now, revisiting the matter half a century later -- the frankfurt-oslo axis barely qualifies for historical addis abeba. 1958461;1582161761;mircea_popescu;the poor fucks never got a chance to catch up, because the other retards, the lazy, inept, EQUALITARIAN retards of "Il est interdit d'interdire !" & co managed to catch down instead. 1958462;1582161775;mircea_popescu;fucking tragedy of this sad millenoum. 1958463;1582161847;jfw;Rough. 1958464;1582161987;mircea_popescu;certainly builds up one's capacity to understand [http://trilema.com/2018/the-saddest-person-in-the-world/][the saddest face]. 1958465;1582162106;jfw;And Europe's still got the infrastructure and scenic castles and classical languages and all that to think it's still a thing 1958466;1582162227;mircea_popescu;well, while that lasts. notre dame went to join its maker. 1958467;1582162377;mircea_popescu;it's quite obvious, incidentally, perusing the collection of liberated rats, that the walls are rather in their way. if there weren't all these things they practically speaking stole from other people (through the complicity of father time, not through some sort of effort on their part) being in the way, if it weren't the case they lack both the drive and the equipment to tear them down, it's rather self-obvious watchin 1958468;1582162377;mircea_popescu;g them go about their day that indeed they'd have reconstructed a world much more in their own image. out of garbage, multicolorous, strangely odorous, europe's little more than one giant brazilian favela -- except, again, for the indignity of ruins preventing their aspirations. 1958469;1582162751;mircea_popescu;and the same thing's obvious if one reads any codebase important enough to have been around since before september. like say [https://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/faq/coreutils-faq.html#Sort-does-not-sort-in-normal-order_0021][coreutils], or like say anything else. 1958470;1582162780;mircea_popescu;oddly i can't find havng discussed that whole pile of unicode breakage in the logs -- though i'm pretty sure i said something on multiple occasions. 1958471;1582162828;mircea_popescu;anyway, let's repair ... 1958472;1582162831;mircea_popescu;"At that point sort appears broken because case is folded and punctuation is ignored because ‘en_US.UTF-8’ specifies this behavior. Once specifically requested by LANG and other LC_* variables, sort and other locale knowledgeable programs must respect that setting and sort according to the operating system locale tables. That is why this is not a bug in sort, sort is doing the right thing, even if the behavior is ge 1958473;1582162831;mircea_popescu;nerally undesirable. Most of the language specific locales have tables that specify the sort behavior to ignore punctuation and to fold case. This is counter intuitive to most long time computer users!" 1958474;1582162864;mircea_popescu;what the fuck "long time computer users" ? we're using periphrases for humanity now ? the fucking cows don't belong in computing already. 1958475;1582162896;jfw;mircea_popescu: you mentioned the broken sorting [http://thetarpit.org/2020/a-journey-through-the-gales-installation-process#comment-238][here] at least 1958476;1582162905;mircea_popescu;oh oh. the comment sections 1958477;1582163021;mircea_popescu;ty 1958478;1582163146;mircea_popescu;in the end it turns out, forking musl is unavoidable on very deep, far reaching, fundamental grounds. 1958479;1582163191;mircea_popescu;So IMHO it's worth stating in the documentation that some command is expected to have certain flags available, which in the end would lead us to a complete enumeration of system utilities and the functionality they provide, which IMHO would be worth at least as much as the current POSIX spec. << this btw is eminently a service and likely to produce the way forward. 1958480;1582163262;jfw;np. Gotta run for now - this bitcoin signing code isn't going to cut itself. 1958481;1582163330;mircea_popescu;enjoy 1958482;1582217591;feedbot;http://thetarpit.org/2020/footnote-callback-tooltips-for-mp-wp-thetarpit-markdown-plugin << The Tar Pit -- Footnote callback tooltips for MP-WP thetarpit Markdown plugin 1958483;1582233916;feedbot;http://bingology.net/2020/a-homework-assignment-from-diana_coman-trawling-ancient-pms-seeking-what-worked-for-early-qntra-and-where-im-at-on-scripting-a-conversion-engine/ << Bingology - BingoBoingo's Blog -- A Homework Assignment From Diana_Coman: Trawling Ancient PMs Seeking What Worked For Early Qntra And Where I'm At On Scripting A Conversion Engine 1958484;1582240994;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2020/02/vexit-joined-by-western-secession-movement-to-add-rural-counties-presently-in-oregon-to-idaho/ << Qntra -- #Vexit Joined By Western Secession Movement To Add Rural Counties Presently In Oregon To Idaho 1958485;1582256025;mircea_popescu;it occurs to me the rather ridiculous ustardanism of "[http://trilema.com/2017/dupa-dealuri/#comment-121113][i think i know how to spell my own name]" passed unadressed in the melee. so let it be said plainly then : this notion that rando mcnobody is nevertheless the authority on the spelling anf pronounciation of the label denoting them socially is little more than quaint provincial affectation. it enjoys neither respe 1958486;1582256025;mircea_popescu;ctable history nor any sort of generality. 1958487;1582256076;mircea_popescu;it's just one of those lulzy ustardian tropes, like "manifest destiny" or "ourdemocracy" or whatever first pass ambergris in that vein. 1958488;1582263361;mircea_popescu;in other coincidentalia, who 1958489;1582263369;mircea_popescu;in other coincidentalia, who's [http://ssw-translation.com/][susane welsh]! 1958490;1582263416;mircea_popescu; "It is salutary to remember that the majority of English mother-tongue applicants for translation posts in the European Commission fail because of the poor quality of their English." << i lulzed. 1958491;1582263518;mircea_popescu;it's true, too. esl tards are UNIQUELY illiterate, you've not seen anything like it, "college graduates" with a sub 1k word vocabulary and understanding of grammar so rudimental as to render them incapable of theoretical production on the level of naming the fucking cases, or practical accomplishment on the level of analysing one phrase... 1958492;1582263560;mircea_popescu;the notion of trees as an approach to human knowledge is such alien mp-arcana not because mp came up with anything, but because everyone else failed 6th grade, can't take sentence produce the grammatical tree therein. 1958493;1582263759;mircea_popescu;jfw, tell mom to come in sometime, i wouldn't mind commissioning ru versions of some trilema articles from ye 30year veteran editor of the executive intelligence review. 1958494;1582278291;feedbot;http://trilema.com/2020/le-clan-des-siciliens/ << Trilema -- Le clan des siciliens 1958495;1582304437;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2020/02/chinese-own-california-pension-system-and-use-it-to-fund-development-of-chinese-missiles/ << Qntra -- Chinese Own California Pension System And Use It To Fund Development Of Chinese Missiles 1958496;1582317336;jfw;mircea_popescu: a consonance of dislikes between my own branch of the old generation and the young republic; how nice & harmonious! 1958497;1582317353;jfw;I'll pass along the invite, why not. She gonna need a GPG key and everything? :D 1958498;1582317562;jfw;Indeed mom taught me the English cases (though perhaps not the fucking cases) and sentence trees while the sixth grade did not; and I remember grandma taught me handwriting exercises that the second grade couldn't be bothered with 1958499;1582336417;mp_en_viaje;jfw, at first you can just voice her, why not. but sure, conceivably she might end up needing it if she sticks around 1958500;1582336473;mp_en_viaje;http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-02-21#1958429 << they become the fucking case if she includes the ablative, and explains the difference between it an' the accusative. otherwise if it's only five of them,they're the simple cases not the fucking cases. 1958501;1582336473;ossabot;Logged on 2020-02-21 16:55:04 jfw: Indeed mom taught me the English cases (though perhaps not the fucking cases) and sentence trees while the sixth grade did not; and I remember grandma taught me handwriting exercises that the second grade couldn't be bothered with 1958502;1582343877;feedbot;http://trilema.com/2020/the-slap-and-human-dignity/ << Trilema -- The slap and human dignity 1958503;1582381893;feedbot;http://trilema.com/2020/un-flic/ << Trilema -- Un flic 1958504;1582391143;mod6;Heads up to TRB users, seems that nodes have wedged on block 618406. A simple restart of TRB seemed to resolve it. Not sure on the cause yet. Will update with more information as I have it. 1958505;1582394725;jfw;mod6: the view from my outbound-only node, with some notes: http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=1_pj 1958506;1582394885;mod6;Thanks jfw. You've removed 'malleus_mikehearnificarum.vpatch', noted. 1958507;1582395348;jfw;mod6: my notion of what that action entails, and please correct if I'm missing a major aspect, is that I'm more exposed to potentially misbehaving or sybil peers, but also potentially better connected and more likely to bridge otherwise partitioned subgraphs of the network. 1958508;1582395669;mod6;Your notion is correct on the former, 'more exposed to potentially misbehaving or sybil peers'. As to the latter, I suspect you will be connected simply more prb nodes. It is possible that you'll also find, in a 'subgraph', nodes that are playing nicely, but seems less likely. 1958509;1582396237;jfw;mod6: do we have any picture of what software the larger miners are running these days? Because that's the possibly-prb-afflicted network I'd rather not be isolated from. 1958510;1582396344;mod6;jfw: I don't have any information regarding what miners of any size are currently running. 1958511;1582402918;mp_en_viaje;as far as the public network's concerned everyone's stuck with some version of postel's nonsense for the obvious reasons 1958512;1582402951;mp_en_viaje;the private networks are generally obscure and mostly handrolled ; but they do not differ as much as the people involved like to imagine. 1958513;1582403056;mp_en_viaje;ultimately, alfisms like the 'malleus_mikehearnificarum' are of little political consequence, coming as they are from an ispless band of socially isolated autists. 1958514;1582403120;mp_en_viaje;it could have mattered a lot more, in theory, in 2016. today, having it on or off is ~same. 1958515;1582413481;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2020/02/twitter-bans-bloomberg-campaign-deputy-field-organizers-for-platform-manipulation/ << Qntra -- Twitter Bans Bloomberg Campaign "Deputy Field Organizers" For "Platform Manipulation" 1958516;1582437072;mp_en_viaje;lobbes, so did the archiving of links in chan die sometime around dec 24th ? 1958517;1582440823;mp_en_viaje;in other lulz, "All history is to be re-written; political science and the whole scope of all moral truth have to be considered and illustrated in the light of the democratic principle. All old subjects of thought and all new questions arising, connected more or less directly with human existence, have to be taken up again and re-examined." 1958518;1582441115;mp_en_viaje;say BingoBoingo, did your discussion of the "young^H^H^H socialist hegelians" an' the broad programme of teh mid 1800s geared towards the [http://trilema.com/2016/double-indemnity/#footnote_2_66359][systematic falsification of history] to better support the socialist mindset ever arrive at any structured anything ? 1958519;1582441125;mp_en_viaje;i recall some passing mention here and there, maybe 1958520;1582441614;mp_en_viaje;yet the lulz of "young america" / [http://trilema.com/2019/lets-look-at-the-mechanism-of-decay/lyceum_and_chautauqua_ordure/][lyceum & chautuqua movement] is evidently related to that earlier euro attempt at cliffnote-everything. "how to be just like yurp on the cheap", ever the dream of the colonies. 1958521;1582441855;mp_en_viaje;(all this sprung up at the time out of a sort of "positive socialism", whereby some strand of [http://trilema.com/2019/so-why-cant-they-be-trained/#comment-128525][the pulpit lobby] came up with the idea of constructing some kind or manner of alternatives to hanging out in bars, as part and parcel of their dogged dedication to destroying their opposition as they perceived it. the end product was a sort of pompous and boring c 1958522;1582441855;mp_en_viaje;ircus, which was then recolonized by vaudeville) 1958523;1582472310;BingoBoingo;mp_en_viaje: Beyond the [http://bingology.net/2016/the-theoretical-foundation-of-social-engineering-practice/][old], I've got some scribblings on William Torrwy Harris, Anna Bracket, the failure of "St. Louis Normal School/Harris-Stowe State College" that aren't very organized at present. Harris and Bracket have some essays on the intentionally severing children's connections to the real world to better shape them into 1958524;1582472313;BingoBoingo;Xtian/Social/Equals. 1958525;1582472325;BingoBoingo;mp_en_viaje: This is a project I could start warming up again and structuring as I work on building my toolset and working towards some sort of actual rather than UStarded level of literacy. If I break these particular mid-19th century retards up into bite sized chunks and publish indictments/annotations on the blog in a structured way, I would be filling a gap in documenting how intentional the failure of US "education" was. 1958526;1582472415;mp_en_viaje;these are rather the next generation though, this is more an emerson & thoreau. 1958527;1582472420;mp_en_viaje;and of course the young obama of the period, a lanky printer's apprentice. 1958528;1582472592;BingoBoingo;I've got a little bit on Emerson. This next generation was roughly the first to get charged with implementing the idiocy. 1958529;1582472596;mp_en_viaje;BingoBoingo, probably after you attend to the actually pressing breaches in own head 1958530;1582472603;BingoBoingo;mp_en_viaje: Alright 1958531;1582485335;lobbes;mp_en_viaje: my bad on the archive. The "submit links to archive.is and download" portion of the process is initialized manually (I just run a shell script and it does the rest). 1958532;1582485336;lobbes;I hadn't pulled the crank it some time but just did now; it'll attempt snarf all links the bot has seen since dec 24th (probably will take about 2 hours to run I'd say) 1958533;1582485562;lobbes;This script was on a cron job initially, but ever since [http://logs.ericbenevides.com/log/trilema/2018-04-03#1792480][douchebag] pooped in the input I moved to manual. The whole archive process is due for a recode; but I deemed it low priority since.. well I read the logs and the logs are the only input so I reason this manual stop-gap approach is fine for now 1958534;1582485562;ericbot;Logged on 2018-04-03 14:09:54 mircea_popescu: !!rate douchebag 2 "your home machine's name is lobbes" 1958535;1582488063;mp_en_viaje;cool 1958536;1582494415;hanbot_abroad;http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-02-23#1958451 << i don't know of many US-driven notions as major in their time or as utterly forgotten by now as this chautauqua thing --at least nominally; ultralame "community"-ing still pushed as a thing by descendants of the same lamers, but the name's entirely absent. 1958537;1582494415;ossabot;Logged on 2020-02-23 03:22:44 mp_en_viaje: yet the lulz of "young america" / [http://trilema.com/2019/lets-look-at-the-mechanism-of-decay/lyceum_and_chautauqua_ordure/][lyceum & chautuqua movement] is evidently related to that earlier euro attempt at cliffnote-everything. "how to be just like yurp on the cheap", ever the dream of the colonies. 1958538;1582498467;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2020/02/austria-ends-passenger-rail-service-to-and-from-italy-as-novel-coronavirus-panic-continues-to-spread/ << Qntra -- Austria Ends Passenger Rail Service To And From Italy As Novel Coronavirus Panic Continues To Spread 1958539;1582514413;mp_en_viaje;hanbot_abroad, they meanwhile grabbed on "democracy" to describe the ~same sterile intellectual fashion. 1958540;1582515446;mp_en_viaje;whaack, you know, none of my cars yet broke down. stop buying fucking lemons -- all these "recent" makes, all the toyotas and whatnots are NOT WORTH MONEY. spend 5k on a pre-2010 mercedes before you spend 50k on a yesterday's shoe. 1958541;1582515521;*;mp_en_viaje would not accept a 2020 made car in his fleet even if offered gratis. 1958542;1582517485;mp_en_viaje;meanwhile #ossasepia is turned the lulz of all time. http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/ossasepia/2020-02-23#1019288 << dude. going through some spam html google was gamed into vomiting back at you is NOT research. 1958543;1582517485;ossabot;(ossasepia) 2020-02-23 whaack: BingoBoingo: From jumping with someone who owns 8+ cars and jumper cables but did not know you could connect the cable to the chasis on the dead car, I gather that people here do not research how to do things and instead learn only from experience. This could be true also with the mechanic, so I will consult with the mechanic and use his tools but I will take his advice with a grain of salt and 1958544;1582517575;mp_en_viaje;research is a [http://trilema.com/2010/hai-sa-studiem-gramatica-impreuna/?b=Insist%20si%20subliniez&e=meriti#select][term of art], it's done [http://trilema.com/2017/is-it-still-rape-if-i-write-science-on-my-penis-first/?b=the%20entirety&e=reality#select][a certain way] and [http://trilema.com/2014/pro-idiotas-which-obviously-means-people-who-have-ideas-ie-idiots/][by certain people], it is NOT done by dumbphone monkeys on 1958545;1582517575;mp_en_viaje; spun html. 1958546;1582517805;mp_en_viaje;so no, you didn't do any research. you used your tv to read webistes, they used their tv to watch soccer games. both are the exact same activity -- leisurable passtimes. gringo pomous nonsense where you think they're niggers and you also think you're god's chosen and therefore their masturbation is jacking off while your masturbation is "research" is a (rather offensive, at that) religious belief of very little theological 1958547;1582517805;mp_en_viaje; value (its practical value as "protestantism" ie, "we don't need to learn proper latin, [http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-02-19#1958379][let the scripture be translated in vernacular]" notwithstanding) 1958548;1582517805;ossabot;Logged on 2020-02-19 21:23:42 mircea_popescu: "literate" veals, very capable of scribbling their own name in an alphabet of their choice (somehow nobody notices "using an alphabet of your own choice" is THE OPPOSITE OF SPELLING, and the exact definition of illiteracy -- all the fucking farmhands who can't read or write COULD scribble something down, anyone can screech random squgg;lies, with a shovel in a pile of dirt, with their own piss on driven snow, f 1958549;1582517864;mp_en_viaje;as to the practical matters, the only use of coca cola is as corrosion stripper, especially off metal ; baking soda i guess works, but honestly i never used any rust stripper besides the great products of the coca cola co in decades, there's no need to. 1958550;1582518685;mp_en_viaje;anyways, why struggle with your "a sense of worthlessness" ? embrace it. you ARE fucking worthless, what of it. of course you are, there you sit an alleged adult, scraping corrosion off the free part of battery terminals, as if this purely aesthetic approach to technology will do something ; and then calling the exact thing applied elsewhere "research" for purely psychotic reasons, and so on in this vein all around, it's w 1958551;1582518685;mp_en_viaje;hat you do in your "inner struggles" as well, dick about with the visible corrosion around the clamps. 1958552;1582518715;mp_en_viaje;how did you end up with this batshit insane not to mention riotously ridiculous notion you're worth two shits, anyways ?! don't fucking tell me research, hein! 1958553;1582518737;mp_en_viaje;you're worthless, forget about it. and now that you know, what can you actually do ? 1958554;1582518903;*;mp_en_viaje vaguely recalls how "shocking" this self-obvious statement of fact "appeared" (to interested parties) [http://trilema.com/2019/closing-statement-for-no-such-labs-snsa/?b=It%20would%20seem&e=hear#select][last time], too. 1958555;1582518931;mp_en_viaje;wtf, who got this cockroach implanted in ye heads anyways ?! 1958556;1582519262;mp_en_viaje;o wait wait, it's "i don't have to actually do, because [http://thewhet.net/2017/01/feminine-exceptionalism/?b=The%20follow&e=The%20following%20is%20a[n%20attempt%20at]%20translation%20of%20the%20Trilema%20piece%20Exceptionalismul%20feme#select][i am worth]", i recall beating speshul cuntlets black and blue over the same delusionary approach, yes, yes, certainly. 1958557;1582519342;mp_en_viaje;speaking of which hey hanbot_abroad it's femInin not femenin. i can see why you'd make the mistake, but they're right, it's femina not femena ; and besides [https://dexonline.ro/definitie/famen][famen]'s a word. 1958558;1582527658;hanbot_abroad;mp_en_viaje hrm, seems self-evident but apparently not a coupla years ago? i'll have another look, atm tho' on the brink of disconnectivity. in curand & scl! 1958559;1582573365;whaack;http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-02-24#1958477 Alright, I am the one who is more niggardly. I could be wrong about connecting to the chasis for all I know. The car owner's method of deciding how to wire the jump based off experienced is better than mine which is based off of google vomit. http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-02-24#1958481 I embrace it. Writing about failing every 1958560;1582573365;whaack;which way for 20 weeks straight has made my worthlessness clear. The "struggle with 'sense' of worthlessness" is really a "struggle with 'acceptance' of worthlessness". 1958561;1582573365;ossabot;Logged on 2020-02-24 00:32:40 mp_en_viaje: so no, you didn't do any research. you used your tv to read webistes, they used their tv to watch soccer games. both are the exact same activity -- leisurable passtimes. gringo pomous nonsense where you think they're niggers and you also think you're god's chosen and therefore their masturbation is jacking off while your masturbation is "research" is a (rather offensive, at that) religious belief of very little th 1958562;1582573365;ossabot;Logged on 2020-02-24 00:47:20 mp_en_viaje: anyways, why struggle with your "a sense of worthlessness" ? embrace it. you ARE fucking worthless, what of it. of course you are, there you sit an alleged adult, scraping corrosion off the free part of battery terminals, as if this purely aesthetic approach to technology will do something ; and then calling the exact thing applied elsewhere "research" for purely psychotic reasons, and so on in this vein all aroun 1958563;1582588876;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2020/02/dow-drops-3-56-sp-500-down-3-35-and-nasdaq-down-3-71/ << Qntra -- Dow Drops 3.56% S&P 500 Down 3.35% And Nasdaq Down 3.71% 1958564;1582613002;feedbot;http://bvt-trace.net/2020/02/a-tiny-and-incomplete-trb-wedgetrace/ << bvt's backtrace -- A tiny and incomplete TRB wedgetrace 1958565;1582649301;mod6;Thanks for the article & trace bvt. 1958566;1582653949;feedbot;http://www.loper-os.org/?p=3665 << Loper OS -- "Watchglass" Genesis. 1958567;1582659460;bvt;mod6: ty, i will try to figure out what is going on further 1958568;1582662115;mod6;Thanks for your work on this, I'm following along in #asciilifeform log. 1958569;1582662201;mod6;I'll throw something in here if it's relevant. 1958570;1582662639;bvt;mod6 or anyone else interested in this wedged bitcoind condition: do you want to get the coredump and the binary? 1958571;1582663182;mod6;Yeah, I would, that'd be great. 1958572;1582664107;bvt;BingoBoingo: ok if i upload the data to anyserver? it's 3Gb compressed. 1958573;1582664645;BingoBoingo;bvt: Go for it, but do edit your .htaccess rules to require the retrieving referrer to be set to your blog's url. Probably best not to keep it up forever. 1958574;1582665331;bvt;ty, i will upload it in ~30 min 1958575;1582665984;mod6;ty both 1958576;1582666161;feedbot;http://blog.mod6.net/2020/02/multiple-vpatches-tested-and-signed/ << mod6's Blog -- Multiple Vpatches Tested And Signed 1958577;1582671650;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2020/02/man-arrested-after-failing-to-destroy-motor-vehicle-in-pentagon-parking-lot/ << Qntra -- Man Arrested After Failing To Destroy Motor Vehicle In Pentagon Parking Lot 1958578;1582740369;*;mp_en_viaje waves 1958579;1582741425;bvt;http://bvt-trace.net/2020/02/a-tiny-and-incomplete-trb-wedgetrace/#comment-139 - did some more debugging today, but cannot get a wedge when i do need it 1958580;1582741646;mp_en_viaje;bvt, don't feel too bad, this is a massive problem owing to the insanity of the gearbox involved. the vast majority of historically observed wedges were never reproduced 1958581;1582741662;mp_en_viaje;i guess in some quarters this counts for "intrinsic stability" or something, but... 1958582;1582741828;bvt;well, the only thing i feel bad about in this situation is that for some time i was getting wedged in ~30 min, did not check the logs, assumed the DB corruption, rolled back to month-old chain snapshot without keeping the current 1958583;1582742374;mp_en_viaje;a 1958584;1582743031;bvt;anyone debug.log snapshots of wedge: did the period before wedge involve a large number of continous block requests? 1958585;1582743910;*;diana_coman waves a generated-sphere-on-a-bone-that-is-not-a-bone-they-are-idiots 1958586;1582750885;mod6;bvt: Yes, I experience exactly like you describe; right before 'wedge', incoming 30k or so of 'received getdata for: block' in debug.log. 1958587;1582751122;mod6;I have a debug.log that is ~12G that goes back ~3 mos to block #605198, i do see those requests, but in the dozens at a time at most. but not a tidal wave of tens of thousands. 1958588;1582751183;mod6;When alf alerted about this wedge on the 22nd, I was quick to point out this wave of stuff that I don't typicaly see. 1958589;1582751219;mod6;Happy to provide the 12G log if you want that, or a shorter one that shows on 22nd or 23rd my node starting, then getting wedged after wave. 1958590;1582751453;mod6;Apparently main.cpp:ProcessMessage() allows for quite a number of these getdata commands before flagged as 'Misbehaving'. But I've not seen waves like this before now. Quite possible I've just not seen them either tho. 1958591;1582751593;mod6;http://btcbase.org/patches/genesis#L11361 (I'm sure you've already looked at this tho. But for folks following along...) 1958592;1582751919;mod6;Here's that quick deebot snippit I posted on Friday night (iirc): http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=Oj7N 1958593;1582752879;mod6;If others have this same type of behavior, please write in and say, show us the debug.log if you can. Thanks. 1958594;1582755362;mp_en_viaje;lol diana_coman 1958595;1582755605;mod6;bvt: et, al. Was able to use alf's wedger tool to replicate the problem. It took exactly 1 try. Here's my notes and debug.log (renamed) from the test: http://www.mod6.net/wedger/mod6_wedger_test1.log http://www.mod6.net/wedger/trb_debug_wedgerpy_test1.log 1958596;1582760372;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2020/02/spike-in-us-population-of-undocumented-indian-migrants/ << Qntra -- Spike In US Population Of Illegal Indian Migrants 1958597;1582764366;mod6;bvt: et, al. Still testing/debugging. Tried an experimental vpatch, didn't work. Going to make some changes and continue on. Here's the latest logs for the curious: http://www.mod6.net/wedger/mod6_wedger_test2.log http://www.mod6.net/wedger/trb_debug_wedgerpy_test2.log 1958598;1582775752;mod6;Alright, got a fix for this. *whew* 1958599;1582775939;mod6;Took some work and chasing some red-herrings in net.h. I drove through the testing and changes while asciilifeform helped think me through the problem. 1958600;1582775968;mod6;Going to push up my logs & notes, and then make a vpatch. 1958601;1582777207;mod6;Ok all of the logs are in http://www.mod6.net/wedger/ 1958602;1582779099;mp_en_viaje;mod6, suppose instead of all this ad-hoc "emergency" pantsuit nonsense you make a proper blog, like normal people, follow the path, like normal people, etcetera. 1958603;1582779166;mp_en_viaje;or what exactly is the idea, erryone's gonna be so fucking impressed with the whole "oh, you know what, ye olde bitcoin has, among its many race conditions, one where you can dos it by getblock spam" that we'll just move right back on to 2015 ? it ain't ever gonna be 2015 again, make a blog, find a master, do some work AS THEY DIRECT YOU, and so on. 1958604;1582779182;mod6;I'll make a proper post on my blog, indeed. Just want to get this out for folks; now that there is a wedger tool out there, and it's been a number of days of reorccuring wedges. 1958605;1582779255;mp_en_viaje;0 chances ima deploy some patch you cooked up as things stand right now. also 0 chances ima deploy any patch baked of this "21:02. tried a patch, not worked. 00:12 oh now fixed it. i think" washington post / planeshift "development" model/nonsense. 1958606;1582779262;mp_en_viaje;what "folks" dude ? 1958607;1582779272;mp_en_viaje;who are these "folks" consuming this nonsense ? i've never met one. did you ? 1958608;1582779304;mod6;I suppose not. 1958609;1582779309;mp_en_viaje;i met plenty of would-be producers. what's the actual market for it / 1958610;1582779326;mod6;I'll just, withold the patch. Make a blog post. If people want it, I guess they can say. 1958611;1582779327;mp_en_viaje;you wanna be useful, be useful in the way of being useful, not in the way of you wanna. 1958612;1582779360;mod6;Anyway, I haven't even eaten today. So I'm gonna head out. 1958613;1582779364;mp_en_viaje;yes, indeed. asciilifeform has a whole lot of those. can sure take more -- the overwhelming abundance to date hasn't bothered anything, so definitely could double, triple, infinite-etc. 1958614;1582779368;mp_en_viaje;laters. 1958615;1582832505;mp_en_viaje;in other news from ourdemocracy lands, socialism sucks. 1958616;1582832592;diana_coman;mp_en_viaje: the news is at most in what it found to suck, lolz. 1958617;1582832637;mp_en_viaje;lol 1958618;1582848315;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2020/02/trace-mayer-pumps-dorkcoin-at-conference/ << Qntra -- Trace Mayer Pumps DorkCoin At Conference 1958619;1582865831;mp_en_viaje;ourdemocracy.tar.gz 14% 11MB 107.2KB/s 09:44 ETA << hhurray for technologically advanced germany, gloriously confronting the challenges of 1990 1958620;1582865976;mp_en_viaje;!!seen billymg 1958621;1582865976;deedbot;2020/01/29 15:35:46 spyked: comment approved 1958622;1582866008;mp_en_viaje;!Q later tell billymg hey, you still alive ? 1958623;1582866092;mp_en_viaje;!Qlater tell billymg hey, you still alive ? 1958624;1582866134;mp_en_viaje;lobbes, oh, the bot died. is it the case it should simply be retired, this thing ? 1958625;1582866222;mp_en_viaje;http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-02-16#1958123 << pretty much said as much. honestly, from practice it seems the functionality is not really all that useful. 1958626;1582866222;ossabot;Logged on 2020-02-16 13:47:23 lobbes: http://logs.ericbenevides.com/log/trilema/2020-02-16#1958115 << the toilet vps lobbesbot is on is down again. Will see what they say. (honestly atm lobbesbot has ~only two used commands: !Qlater-tell and !Qcalc ; instead of finding a new home for lobbesbot I'd rather just make another bot do those and retire the thing. But I've got other botworks in the queue) 1958627;1582866222;ericbot;Logged on 2020-02-16 02:44:42 mp_en_viaje: lobbes, heh your bot's down. 1958628;1582866466;mp_en_viaje;talking about later tell, it seems the only practical usage actually is to annoy people : either they do read the log, in which case it's spurious, or else they don't read the log, in which case it doesn't do anything useful. 1958629;1582866490;mp_en_viaje;i also tried out a subsidiary "send notes to self on main nick" putative utility a while back, didn't actually pan out irl. 1958630;1582866523;mp_en_viaje;so i dunno, maybe we don't even want it as such ? 1958631;1582866681;mp_en_viaje;i guess as a concept it harkens back from an olden time, when people were comparatively more superficially equipped and more superficially involved ; today the proper avenue for making a timeline-breaching note on some topic is a comment the person's blog (and if they don't have one that'd cotextually-support the concern then "person" who ?) ; whereas non-timeline-breaching points obviously belong in their day's log context, as they can't be meaningf 1958632;1582866682;mp_en_viaje;ully detached from it -- so if the person doesn't read that day's log, they miss out on that day's log, necessarily including the point in question. 1958633;1582866845;mp_en_viaje;whereas the calc function seems was only ever extensively used in #eulora, for inter-player trade. 1958634;1582866962;mp_en_viaje;it seems to me it does provide a significant service for that particular use, because it permits players to show each other the bills of trade correctly. 1958635;1582866962;mp_en_viaje;i can't be arsed to drag out where in the log this point was made for ignoramus asciilifeform 's benefit, HEY, JUSTIFY PRICES LIKE CIVILISED PEOPLE, 1958636;1582866962;mp_en_viaje;but the point remains, [http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/eulora/2018-07-22#982543][that functionality], "you have to pay 1.76 million ~~~because this and that and so and so~~~" is the only sane way to go about things. 1958637;1582866962;ossabot;(eulora) 2018-07-22 Birdman: !Qcalc (54*.32*10*1000)+(378*.37*10*964)+(180*1.35*1000) 1958638;1582866973;mp_en_viaje;i guess maybe roll it into auctionbot or something ? 1958639;1582869166;mp_en_viaje;motherfucker this piece of shit, internet that works like schoolchildren brains, fifty minutes out of the hour. 1958640;1582869173;mp_en_viaje;needs its breaks, the poor darling/ 1958641;1582873950;diana_coman;http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-02-28#1958559 - I have no use for it either and precisely for this reason that it's enough if it's in the logs as far as I see it. 1958642;1582873950;ossabot;Logged on 2020-02-28 01:24:04 mp_en_viaje: talking about later tell, it seems the only practical usage actually is to annoy people : either they do read the log, in which case it's spurious, or else they don't read the log, in which case it doesn't do anything useful. 1958643;1582880540;feedbot;http://trilema.com/2020/our-democracy-or-rather-mostly-theirs/ << Trilema -- Our democracy, or rather mostly theirs. 1958644;1582905548;billymg;http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-02-28#1958554 << hiya mp, yup still alive. i've just been finishing up the last few pieces of the move and if all goes well should be in cr in about a week 1958645;1582905549;ossabot;Logged on 2020-02-28 01:17:51 mp_en_viaje: !Qlater tell billymg hey, you still alive ? 1958646;1582906003;lobbes;http://logs.ericbenevides.com/log/trilema/2020-02-28#1958568 << agreed on the !later tell not being that useful. And sounds like a plan; I'll have on my list to roll the !Qcalc into auctionbot and retire lobbesbot 1958647;1582906003;ericbot;Logged on 2020-02-28 05:23:26 mp_en_viaje: i guess maybe roll it into auctionbot or something ? 1958648;1582931757;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2020/02/us-stock-indexes-take-worst-weekly-losses-since-2008/ << Qntra -- US Stock Indexes Take Worst Weekly Losses Since 2008 1958649;1583002863;mod6;Hey all, here's the Foundation report for February: http://thebitcoin.foundation/reports/btcf_address_202002.txt 1958650;1583009265;feedbot;http://ossasepia.com/2020/02/29/a-basic-requirement-for-the-literate-introducing-of-new-tools/ << Ossa Sepia -- A Basic Requirement for the Literate Introducing of New Tools 1958651;1583013947;mp_en_viaje;aaad hello from lovely costa rica! 1958652;1583013976;mp_en_viaje;god i missed this place. 1958653;1583014074;mp_en_viaje;billymg, ah, you're not even here yet ?!?! i was gonna hit you up 1958654;1583014087;mp_en_viaje;well, at least after sleeping, which i've not done in about 40 hours now. 1958655;1583014131;mp_en_viaje;lobbes, worx. 1958656;1583014184;mp_en_viaje;meanwhile met a spanish/swiss developer (an' his lovely ukrainian gf). seems everyone here's doing land development these days. 1958657;1583017251;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2020/02/madam-secretary-pompeo-oversees-usg-surrender-to-taliban/ << Qntra -- Madam Secretary Pompeo Oversees USG Surrender To Taliban 1958658;1583018406;billymg;http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-02-29#1958582 << /me waves from so-so austin, tx 1958659;1583018406;ossabot;Logged on 2020-02-29 18:22:16 mp_en_viaje: aaad hello from lovely costa rica! 1958660;1583018431;billymg;mp_en_viaje: yeah, unfortunately not quite yet, very close though with most of the difficult items sorted 1958661;1583018442;mp_en_viaje;cool. 1958662;1583018481;mp_en_viaje;and yeah, a long journey from munich to minsk has clearly delineated a) europe sucks way more than at any prior point known to me and b) dun compare too well to kiskadee land. 1958663;1583018534;mp_en_viaje;eleven months and a common man's fortune expended towards the scouring of olde yurp has in the end made me quite happy to be back home. 1958664;1583019081;mp_en_viaje;well, more techncially it'd be a thousand miles between frankfurt and kiev, and sixteen hundred miles from istanbul to oslo, but anyways, something in that vein. 1958665;1583019298;billymg;from your travelog articles it seems like europe is not much different from usia in terms of cultural decay, i.e. the sysco food, the hipsters and their oh-so-cool detachment, the clerks with their "i'm sorry, we can't do that, it's the 'policy'" 1958666;1583019312;billymg;that was one of my takeaways at least, how strikingly similar it sounded to what i see here