1910374;1556669475;BingoBoingo;https://www.elobservador.com.uy/nota/talvi-pide-respetar-veda-de-publicidad-electoral-ante-violaciones-y-critico-a-sartori-2019430191735 << Difference between local and USistan election ads. The ads here tell you where the candidate is going to be. 1910375;1556669720;mod6;Evening TMSR~: The Bitcoin Foundation, STATE OF BITCOIN Address will be out in two to three days. ty! 1910376;1556670158;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2019/05/qntra-s-qntr-april-2019-report/ << Qntra -- Qntra (S.QNTR) April 2019 Report 1910377;1556673173;BingoBoingo;Also, other than CIA derps firing shots and some human shields finding their way under take treads, Maduro appears to have survived/won the day 1910378;1556689580;lobbes;So with the release of the auctionbot vpatch the next item up in my list was the auto-bidding. However, I'm thinking I may bump the "logotron for #pizarro" item up (eventually releasing as a vpatch). Going to take a stab at making it 100% common lisp. 1910379;1556693894;diana_coman;neata mp_en_viaje 1910380;1556693900;mp_en_viaje;salut! 1910381;1556693900;lobbesbot;mp_en_viaje: Sent 9 hours and 8 minutes ago: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/AoJ53/?raw=true << asciilifeform's attempt, after you went, ftr. 1910382;1556693975;mp_en_viaje;mmmkay. 1910383;1556694258;mp_en_viaje;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-01#1910378 << getting some slack in the logging process is probably quite useful at this point. 1910384;1556694258;a111;Logged on 2019-05-01 05:46 lobbes: So with the release of the auctionbot vpatch the next item up in my list was the auto-bidding. However, I'm thinking I may bump the "logotron for #pizarro" item up (eventually releasing as a vpatch). Going to take a stab at making it 100% common lisp. 1910385;1556694860;mp_en_viaje;in vaguely related lulz : bimbo's lappy's internets are broken. so i bought her an usb dongle. item pops up as a stick, containing (of course), autorun.exe. and also a list of contents, somewjere in tjere, which tells us there's a "Linux" directory for linux users. 1910386;1556694874;mp_en_viaje;wherein is a text file : "for linux users, please download the driver for your system from our website". 1910387;1556694889;mp_en_viaje;THIS is the fucking legacy of these morons. "fame and influence". 1910388;1556694893;mp_en_viaje;fucking bullshit. i wasn't on the 1910389;1556694913;mp_en_viaje;"board" of bitcoin, and it turned out it doesn't fucking matter -- fame and influence beats any "board" conceivable. 1910390;1556694931;mp_en_viaje;if, of course, IF you're willing to use them and know how to use them. if, in other words, you have fame and influence FOR MERIT, rather than by accident/. 1910391;1556694936;mp_en_viaje;which is the whole fucking problem. 1910392;1556696031;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, honestly, the thing seems a case of "well, we've been doing nothing in particular for a decade or so, it should be good enough". 1910393;1556696042;mp_en_viaje;nobody can help the devitalized. 1910394;1556696160;mp_en_viaje;"what do you think about Elbrus?" inane bs. ye olde habit of sitting on ass and talking things, while waiting patiently for world to come to his terms. whatever, epiphenomena of overabundance. 1910395;1556696505;mp_en_viaje;by the way -- http://btcbase.org/log/2016-11-14#1567072 << who wants to do this ? 1910396;1556696505;a111;Logged on 2016-11-14 12:58 mircea_popescu: (likely the patch will come in the shape of a dnsmasq clone, which will handle stuff like "tld" as well as things like http://btcbase.org/log/2016-11-12#1566482 via settings etc) 1910397;1556696571;mp_en_viaje;it's high fucking time we got off ass ; why is republican primary dns system something we're paying money to empire for ? why is the correct alternative [http://btcbase.org/log/2019-04-29#1910177][in teh minority] ? 1910398;1556696571;a111;Logged on 2019-04-29 15:39 asciilifeform: i'ma guess diana_coman is using mircea_popescu's method. canhaz the current ip, diana_coman plox ? 1910399;1556696611;mp_en_viaje;this is a ridoinculous state of affairs ; as the wolf found sharpening his teeth told the inquiring mind, "i sharpen them now that i have no one to fight, because when i'll have someone to fight i won't have the time for it". 1910400;1556696667;mp_en_viaje;who wants to do the tmsr dns ? jurov ? mod6 ? Mocky maybe ? mats ? 1910401;1556696716;mp_en_viaje;we're just about at a point where we're ripe for addressin gthe interesting bootstrapping problems that it raises. 1910402;1556696787;mp_en_viaje;moreover, we'll prolly greatly benefit fro mwatching this particular v tree at work. 1910403;1556697816;mp_en_viaje;and speaking of things on the todo list : http://btcbase.org/log/2019-03-24#1904208 ? http://btcbase.org/log/2019-03-12#1901636 / http://btcbase.org/log/2019-03-25#1904685 ? 1910404;1556697816;a111;Logged on 2019-03-24 15:26 mircea_popescu: speaking of federation and stuff : hey spyked phf ben_vulpes : how much trouble would it be to log every channel in every network over 50 users ? item shouldn't be publicly exposed, but as a fullsearch query (say limited from l1). something like !Xircs "naked sluts" nin?s returning all the lines matching, in a paste encrypted to caller. 1910405;1556697816;a111;Logged on 2019-03-12 23:25 mircea_popescu: anyways, imo the matter still stands. originally my idea was that phf will put up a drawing of a dwarf with a humongo hammer at the close of the 2nd chapter in the tmsr saga (as per last words of http://trilema.com/2019/the-freenode-issue/#comment-128287 ), but i guess instead it'll be a ... large spider ? wtf. 1910406;1556697816;a111;Logged on 2019-03-25 15:34 mircea_popescu: who was talking to networks besides mod6 btw ? did undernet say anything ? 1910407;1556697913;mp_en_viaje;a) who's doing the mega-logger ? i suppose i should quietly merge it into http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-01#1910378 ; give him a taste of "0, 1, infinity" especially as it works when everyone's sitting on ass "what's your opinion on this thing i read about on wikipedia", ie "every one turns into an infinity", huh. 1910408;1556697913;a111;Logged on 2019-05-01 05:46 lobbes: So with the release of the auctionbot vpatch the next item up in my list was the auto-bidding. However, I'm thinking I may bump the "logotron for #pizarro" item up (eventually releasing as a vpatch). Going to take a stab at making it 100% common lisp. 1910409;1556697958;mp_en_viaje;lobbes, can you do that ? make your logger 1) log ~every irc channel over 50 users~, 2) produce this data upon request by a lord only, and for pay ? 1910410;1556698061;mp_en_viaje;aaand b) who's working on the ircd federating thing ? specifically as described in http://trilema.com/2019/the-freenode-issue/#comment-128270 and then sporadically discussed throughout march, but in the intolerable "techrights" manner of discussing things. 1910411;1556698120;mp_en_viaje;phf, what are you doing these days ? 1910412;1556698169;mp_en_viaje;specifically, do you want to pick up that b or would you rather save yourself for something really painful and gnarly, probably to do with "recuperate the x / opengl stack and write me a better blender replacement" ? 1910413;1556698218;mp_en_viaje;ave1, you dead baby ? what's going on with you ? 1910414;1556698673;mp_en_viaje;meanwhile : /me shall be back later today ; and the plan's for settled operations to resume next week. enough en_viaje-ing for a while! 1910415;1556701144;diana_coman;BingoBoingo, asciilifeform I'm looking for a machine to use as experimentation-ground for all sorts of republican software (e.g. cuntoo, logbot); my rockchip fine as it is at doing its blog-hosting job, turns out to be essentially the wrong architecture for this sort of use so I need something else; what can Pizarro offer (even in medium term, it's not something burning)? 1910416;1556708964;mp_en_viaje;diana_coman, prolly hanbot's ex-machine keks 1910417;1556709981;diana_coman;mp_en_viaje: lol 1910418;1556712430;*;mp_en_viaje shall bbl yet again! 1910419;1556716468;mp_en_viaje;ahh 1910420;1556716715;*;mp_en_viaje is in the exact lounge of http://trilema.com/2014/ca-tot-s-a-tras-tot-s-a-fumat-tot-s-a-baut-tot-cum-e-peste-tot-la-fel-ca-peste-tot/#selection-75.0-79.116 1910421;1556716719;mp_en_viaje;~nothing changed whatsoever! 1910422;1556718935;mp_en_viaje;but anyways, i shall bbl yet again! 1910423;1556718950;lobbes;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-01#1910409 << you got it 1910424;1556718950;a111;Logged on 2019-05-01 08:05 mp_en_viaje: lobbes, can you do that ? make your logger 1) log ~every irc channel over 50 users~, 2) produce this data upon request by a lord only, and for pay ? 1910425;1556719094;diana_coman;does #trilema even have 50 users? lolz 1910426;1556721767;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-01#1910420 << lol i was in there also last yr and was , well, entirely same, like tutankhamon's tomb 1910427;1556721767;a111;Logged on 2019-05-01 13:18 mp_en_viaje is in the exact lounge of http://trilema.com/2014/ca-tot-s-a-tras-tot-s-a-fumat-tot-s-a-baut-tot-cum-e-peste-tot-la-fel-ca-peste-tot/#selection-75.0-79.116 1910428;1556721945;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-01#1910386 << iirc i mentioned this yr+ ago, ~0 of the commonly sold 802.11-whatever dongles , work under any form of linux ( the kind where you throw in binariola from ??? cn www , i will not include in category 'linux' ... ) 1910429;1556721945;a111;Logged on 2019-05-01 07:14 mp_en_viaje: wherein is a text file : "for linux users, please download the driver for your system from our website". 1910430;1556721978;asciilifeform;i have 1 that worx -- but bought in 2004. 1910431;1556722013;asciilifeform;( and iirc even there, had to hand-patch the module sores so it'd reset properly ) 1910432;1556722079;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-01#1910392 << i tried and then failed to unearth some evidence that they at some point had done anyffin 1910433;1556722079;a111;Logged on 2019-05-01 07:33 mp_en_viaje: asciilifeform, honestly, the thing seems a case of "well, we've been doing nothing in particular for a decade or so, it should be good enough". 1910434;1556722100;asciilifeform;( i.e. apparently they lose to catv, which long ago produced almost a linux distro of sorts ) 1910435;1556722362;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-01#1910401 << how to handle log links on e.g. blog, such that heathen-loadable tho. ( naked ip, and s/old/new when changes ? ) 1910436;1556722362;a111;Logged on 2019-05-01 07:45 mp_en_viaje: we're just about at a point where we're ripe for addressin gthe interesting bootstrapping problems that it raises. 1910437;1556722455;asciilifeform;( or -- alternatively -- 'gateway' www , where e.g., http://foo.bar/btcbase.org/log , and hook all of our heathen dns records to point to said box, or a constellation of same ? ) 1910438;1556722484;asciilifeform;iirc there was actually a mircea_popescu design doc re subj, but for some reason cannot find it nao in O(1) 1910439;1556722512;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-01#1910410 << i dunthink anyone's begun it , just yet 1910440;1556722512;a111;Logged on 2019-05-01 08:07 mp_en_viaje: aaand b) who's working on the ircd federating thing ? specifically as described in http://trilema.com/2019/the-freenode-issue/#comment-128270 and then sporadically discussed throughout march, but in the intolerable "techrights" manner of discussing things. 1910441;1556722571;asciilifeform;( [http://btcbase.org/log/2019-04-16#1908650][ asciilifeform posed the q ] recently, and nuffin came out ) 1910442;1556722571;a111;Logged on 2019-04-16 15:40 asciilifeform wonders re status of the 'escape from fleanode' proj.. 1910443;1556722623;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-01#1910415 << diana_coman would dulap-style box suffice ? there is one. ( mp_en_viaje pointed out downthread, same 1 as hanbot worked on ) 1910444;1556722623;a111;Logged on 2019-05-01 08:59 diana_coman: BingoBoingo, asciilifeform I'm looking for a machine to use as experimentation-ground for all sorts of republican software (e.g. cuntoo, logbot); my rockchip fine as it is at doing its blog-hosting job, turns out to be essentially the wrong architecture for this sort of use so I need something else; what can Pizarro offer (even in medium term, it's not something burning)? 1910445;1556722643;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-01#1910416 << correct, afaik it's the 1 vacant amd box atm 1910446;1556722643;a111;Logged on 2019-05-01 11:09 mp_en_viaje: diana_coman, prolly hanbot's ex-machine keks 1910447;1556722816;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-01#1910421 << aaactually! nao that i think about it, you may have noticed that the clay fish with boar tusks is missing. cuz i bought it and took home , lol 1910448;1556722816;a111;Logged on 2019-05-01 13:18 mp_en_viaje: ~nothing changed whatsoever! 1910449;1556727845;BingoBoingo;In former presidents saying things https://www.elobservador.com.uy/nota/mujica-sobre-manifestantes-venezolanos-atropellados-no-hay-que-pararse-delante-una-tanqueta--20195112346 1910450;1556727872;asciilifeform;idjits got tiananmen'd, eh 1910451;1556727941;BingoBoingo;They were in the Tank's blindspot 1910452;1556728022;BingoBoingo;During a time where a bunch of confused Venezolanos thought Guiadó's orders were Maduros. Note the armed services settled out of rebellion after the deception was discovered. 1910453;1556728036;asciilifeform;iguess usg accomplished ~sumthing~, lol, nao they can stink about 'spooled onto tank treads' for 30 yrs like they do over cn 1910454;1556728074;BingoBoingo;I'll have to wait till the video pops up on the news again. Thought this one was a wheeled tank 1910455;1556728108;asciilifeform;'you get run over by the tank you have, not the tank you wish you had'(tm) 1910456;1556728129;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2019/05/brits-slam-assange-with-50-weeks-in-prison-over-skipping-bail-on-dropped-charge-while-extradition-formalities-play-out/ << Qntra -- Brits Slam Assange With 50 Weeks In Prison Over Skipping Bail On Dropped Charge While Extradition Formalities Play Out 1910457;1556728265;BingoBoingo;Anyways, Guaidó called for a crowd to protest at Carlota Airbase where they were used as human shields during the assault... At least tank derps knew they were fucking with a tank 1910458;1556728317;BingoBoingo;But the "Maduro is actually really popular" hypothesis continues to gather support 1910459;1556728403;BingoBoingo;Anyways, rural land price data came out today if anyone is looking to homestead https://www.elobservador.com.uy/nota/cayo-la-venta-de-campos-y-el-valor-promedio-por-hectarea-201951123456 1910460;1556729149;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: this is a 'bring yer own reactor an' plumbing' martian landscape , i suppose ? 1910461;1556729236;BingoBoingo;Depends, sometimes there's plumbing. Frequently a reactor connection. The price trend generally offers a clue as to what the situation is in a giver department. 1910462;1556729269;BingoBoingo;Colonia is where cheese comes from. 1910463;1556729277;BingoBoingo;Durazno is where fruit comes from. 1910464;1556729291;BingoBoingo;Artigas is where rocks come from. 1910465;1556729357;BingoBoingo;And so on. These are as mircea_popescu pointed out a very organized people http://trilema.com/2014/colonia-uruguay/ 1910466;1556729383;asciilifeform;i'ma guess then , that '2.5 - 5k usd / hectare' is naked mars, and the 50-150 , is where habitable 1910467;1556729461;asciilifeform;( 'mars' is not even the worst case. iirc there was an ancient thread where mircea_popescu described some scan where 'land for pennies', and on examination turned out to be in the andes, where even to anchor a solar panel is nontrivial ) 1910468;1556729466;asciilifeform;*some scam 1910469;1556729478;BingoBoingo;AHA, the chile "dolar viilante" deal 1910470;1556729522;BingoBoingo;50-150k a hectare is "urban" or "resort" sorta land. The stuff being sold to get outta farming. 1910471;1556729567;BingoBoingo;Anyways, the local ag folks have detailed soil quality maps etc. 1910472;1556729611;asciilifeform;there's famously a pre-1917 ru 'old believers' colony in uy, i think they bought this 1910473;1556729631;BingoBoingo;There's a couple going on. 1910474;1556729635;asciilifeform;lately they've been moving back, putin gave'em some phree lands somewhere 1910475;1556729717;asciilifeform;( pretty interesting folx btw. 4x/diem 4hr prayer shifts, incl. in night, etc ) 1910476;1556729791;asciilifeform;http://ru-ar.ru/starovery << photo-reportage re subj. 1910477;1556729846;asciilifeform;19th c. organization, + cutting edge chinese tractors. 1910478;1556729949;asciilifeform;i.e. not simply 'living time capsule.' i have nfi how they keep up the e.g. 'pnoje yes, tv nope' etc biz. 1910479;1556729993;BingoBoingo;Well, scratching the dirt with hand tools isn't uncommon down here. 1910480;1556730004;asciilifeform;rright but they aint 1910481;1556730027;asciilifeform;they grow enuff even to export. 1910482;1556730095;asciilifeform;imho 1 of the more interesting examples of 'well-run cult' 1910483;1556730141;asciilifeform;afaik they even get by, somehow, without a 'pope' 1910484;1556730279;asciilifeform;they not only breed but the n+1st gen goes 'yeah i'ma live here, and wake up at 400hrs for matins, and then drive tractor, or horse if out of petrol' and it goes. 1910485;1556730805;BingoBoingo;Well, compare to the alternative. If it is farm cult versus being poor, farm cult wins. 1910486;1556730910;asciilifeform;even moar interestingly, visitors all seem to agree re 'they have moonshine, but no alconauts, no one takes to drink' etc 1910487;1556731344;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: other curio in uy , there was a 'civilian' ru colony. but they did not have the cult. so result was -- assimilated, forgot lang, today ~indistinguishable from other local orcs 1910488;1556731362;asciilifeform;iirc this one, is not far from montevideo 1910489;1556731369;asciilifeform;but not particularly interesting to go to 1910490;1556731374;BingoBoingo;Well, you did encounter old woman at the feria speaking russian 1910491;1556731388;asciilifeform;that 1 i suspect modern tourist. 1910492;1556731443;BingoBoingo;Possible 1910493;1556731575;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: they have 'visa-free' treaty with ru , so surprisingly touristy. 1910494;1556731640;BingoBoingo;Well, tourism is the non-ag income here. Lots of visa free arrangements that aren't necessarily reciprocal for the Uruguayo passport holders 1910495;1556731646;asciilifeform;( and iirc paraguay, also has, and ~only~ with ru ) 1910496;1556732143;BingoBoingo;Paraguay is hot dry and humid. Desert areas and a big river. 1910497;1556732455;asciilifeform;i'd be the last to know wtf tourists do there. 1910498;1556733180;BingoBoingo;Well, the Uruguayos use it as a sort of Mexico. Cheaper more lawless place to vacation. 1910499;1556733367;BingoBoingo;Mostly i suspect they go to bring a brick of weed back in their rent-a-car, but... rumors and innuendo 1910500;1556734868;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: why do they go to para- to buy it ? i thought it was entirely available in uru- 1910501;1556734904;BingoBoingo;Cheaper in Paraguay. Paraguay is the continent's top producer. Uruguay legalizing doesn't kill Paraguay's farms. 1910502;1556734907;asciilifeform;aa 1910503;1556735018;BingoBoingo;The Paraguayo brick weed sets a price floor, gets distributed to much of the continent. No reason for the places that can grow coca to grow lower margin cash crop. 1910504;1556735050;asciilifeform;i still dun fully grasp how it is that no one managed to breed a coca that grows on other continents 1910505;1556735061;asciilifeform;seems like ideal open problem for aspiring agronomist 1910506;1556735092;BingoBoingo;Other continents get opium, or in Africa's case Jenkem. 1910507;1556735120;asciilifeform;for that matter, equator is not only in south amer, lol 1910508;1556735128;asciilifeform;wai no coca elsewhere. 1910509;1556735158;asciilifeform;what, medellin shot literally errybody who tried ? 1910510;1556735781;*;asciilifeform vaguely suspects that cocaine is a 'veblen good' , and that this accounts for above puzzler 1910511;1556735892;asciilifeform;... rather like the case of sturgeon caviar. turns out, sturgeon grows a++ in captivity. but nobody's in any hurry to drive its price to the physically-available min. 1910512;1556736061;*;asciilifeform ate considerable qty of sturgeon caviar , as a boy , cuz in su was quite available. they pissed on the cartel, with enthusiasm , and if were alive today, would piss still, and not only on this one 1910513;1556738450;diana_coman;asciilifeform, BingoBoingo judging by hanbot's experience though with that machine, it's not exactly the best for this sort of thing? or what was the trouble? also: will there be more provision after the planned pizarro-run (when will that be)? why does this feel like pulling teeth anyway 1910514;1556738822;asciilifeform;diana_coman: i am not aware of hanbot lodging a complaint re ~the iron~ ( plz point to log if missed ) 1910515;1556738848;asciilifeform;afaik 100% of hanbot's problem was in the experimental (cuntoo) soft 1910516;1556738857;asciilifeform;hanbot plox to correct me if above is wrong. 1910517;1556738858;diana_coman;I just don't fully recall what it was and I thought Pizarro had it in more clear/one place so I don't have to go digging for it 1910518;1556738871;asciilifeform;diana_coman: there is exactly 1 idle amd box currently. 1910519;1556738894;asciilifeform;it is actually the snsa spare , BingoBoingo and asciilifeform were leasing it out to hanbot at colo rate , with mp's permission. 1910520;1556738920;diana_coman;so hm, for one thing it'd again require mp's permission at any rate. 1910521;1556738954;BingoBoingo;diana_coman: Hanbot was also working off of a Cuntoo live image without any persistence. You may have better outcomes starting from an installed system software where changes you make persist. 1910522;1556738998;asciilifeform;diana_coman: to answer the 2nd q, the next delivery run is slated to include two additional machines of the same type. 1910523;1556739056;diana_coman;asciilifeform: ok; can you point me please to spec of the machine as I don't fully have it in-head? 1910524;1556739154;diana_coman;re run: does this mean that currently this is the de-facto "pizarro-iron amd" preferred spec ? 1910525;1556739160;asciilifeform;diana_coman: 1.9GHz x 24core (Opteron 6168) 24G ram. 1910526;1556739202;diana_coman;that should be absolutely enough, I don't see any trouble with it; and disk was a separate issue irc? 1910527;1556739229;asciilifeform;diana_coman: indeed , this is the de-facto piz standard for x86 . on acct of cost , availability, and asciilifeform-approved vintage of subcomponents 1910528;1556739246;asciilifeform;diana_coman: disk, correct, separate. arrange with BingoBoingo re required size of disk . 1910529;1556739260;asciilifeform;there is a qty of 1tb samsungs in stock . 1910530;1556739351;diana_coman;great; maybe Pizarro could be more proud of it though? 1910531;1556739366;diana_coman;re de-facto standard I mean 1910532;1556739373;asciilifeform;diana_coman: as i think is obvious, experimental ~os~ install , over remote wire, is a tricky and potentially painful biz . 1910533;1556739424;asciilifeform;diana_coman: i would proclaim moar loudly that it is 'standard' , but i have no way to guarantee the continued availability of this (or other) particular iron, given as i do not manufacture it , and there is no plan to ever obtain it 'new from factory' , 'clean' amd is no longer produced. 1910534;1556739442;diana_coman;myeah; I'm not a fan of remote-install anything for that matter but anyway. 1910535;1556739472;BingoBoingo; that should be absolutely enough, I don't see any trouble with it; and disk was a separate issue irc? << I have some spinning disks in my surplus pile. 1910536;1556739472;asciilifeform;iirc BingoBoingo has performed a successful beta-cuntoo installation , for own needs. you may choose to delegate the task to him. 1910537;1556739484;diana_coman;asciilifeform: I meant to proclaim what Pizarro did and does, not to claim that it'll be available forever or anything; but honestly, I went all-ways on the website and could-not-find-anything on this 1910538;1556739512;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: I have not. The machine I am working on that with needs some parts, hence the call for importables. 1910539;1556739537;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: i stand corrected then 1910540;1556739538;diana_coman;i.e. looked at this and that, based on it -> this; so far this will be pizarro-iron-type for as long as it can be found/nothing better is found 1910541;1556739575;*;BingoBoingo will get to writing copy about Pizarro-type machines for asciilifeform's technical review 1910542;1556739592;asciilifeform;diana_coman: one we install additional units, this machine will be listed in the catalogue next to rk. ( presently the only available unit is the one discussed earlier, and only by special arrangement as with hanbot ) 1910543;1556739627;diana_coman;ok, but nothing wrong with "coming soon aka after dd/mm/yy" 1910544;1556739643;diana_coman;obv, as long as it actually does come, true. 1910545;1556739691;*;diana_coman will go to dig the log + hanbot's blog and re-load re what went wrong exactly 1910546;1556740873;diana_coman;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-02-09#1894496 -> trinque , did I miss this literate version or still not enough sigs or? 1910547;1556740873;a111;Logged on 2019-02-09 19:36 trinque: reading the logs since I departed, seems like it'd be helpful to do another post (after a bunch of sig verifications) where I do a literate version of the script 1910548;1556742275;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: diana_coman provoked me to think : until arm64 gnat is fixed ( and we dun know when this will be! cuz ave1 is MIA ! ) it does not make sense to expand the rk pilot plant . do we want instead to fill the next crate entirely with amd ? let's make a decision on this in the near term, so that we can put down a definite date re next buildout 1910549;1556742378;BingoBoingo;Without a timeline for arm64 gnat, AMD64 makes a lot more sense 1910550;1556742408;asciilifeform;it saddens asciilifeform to end up loading up on x86 , but unless there is sudden breakthrough , this is what must be done 1910551;1556742450;BingoBoingo;Right, this is where we were at last time this popped up, leaning towards totally AMD64 run and have only moved more towards that with silence on the arm64 front 1910552;1556742488;asciilifeform;the disappearance of ave1 has made the matter moar pressing 1910553;1556742510;asciilifeform;right nao i cannot justify investing large bag of dough in rk 1910554;1556742551;asciilifeform;granted , rk worx fine for 'traditional' soft, e.g. mp's wp ; but let's say 'tmsr dns' or other adatronic proggy becomes part of typical use, then wat. 1910555;1556742618;asciilifeform;what do i then tell people, 'yes canhaz ada, but dun use thread' lol. 1910556;1556742792;asciilifeform;and incidentally, BingoBoingo , asciilifeform owes 1btc + x to piz . plox to determine x , and i'ma pay it in iron , at the moment when we come to final decision re next iron set. 1910557;1556742918;asciilifeform;( x is what remains after the most recent dc refuel by asciilifeform ) 1910558;1556742955;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: also plox to confirm, at yer earliest, that refuel was received. 1910559;1556743299;*;asciilifeform brb:tea. 1910560;1556743642;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Will do the calculation with the statement compilation. Will confirm the refuel's receipt this week. Today is international commie day so the whole country is sorta closed. 1910561;1556748003;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: aite. 1910562;1556748870;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: currently i'm thinking, 2 x dulap-style, 2 x 1u w/ ea. 4 x [https://www.pcengines.ch/apu1d4.htm][apu1 'amd g'] where cuntoo in write-protected rom . ( i have a rom booter for the latter, built on ancient 'coreboot' ) 1910563;1556748941;BingoBoingo;Sounds like a plan, 10 machines in a trip isn't a bad density. 1910564;1556748952;BingoBoingo;Have you baked yourself a cuntoo yet? 1910565;1556748962;asciilifeform;not successfully 1910566;1556748973;asciilifeform;however my last shot was 2 trinque revisions ago. 1910567;1556748994;asciilifeform;i would really like the thing to reach stability (of whatever sort can be achieved in near term) before i burn it to rom tho 1910568;1556748997;asciilifeform;if at all possible 1910569;1556749104;asciilifeform;btw interestingly, the folx who make apu* , [https://www.pcengines.ch/newshop.php?c=4][price the apu1 higher than far moar recent box , w/faster specs], evidently we aint the only folx who like classical (i.e. pre-[http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-04#1552690][fritzchip] ) g-series . 1910570;1556749104;a111;Logged on 2016-10-04 15:36 asciilifeform: ACHTUNG, PANZERS! pc engines 'apu2' (the board with the intel nics - vs. 'apu1', with realtek) , turns out, is crippled, hdt probe barfs with it, the cpu is reputed to have a drm fuse set. 1910571;1556749186;asciilifeform;( if anyone forgot -- this is series of 12v-powered amd64 boxen with published schematics, afaik the only such that's still in production ) 1910572;1556749255;asciilifeform;i have for several yrs nao , 2 of these going in the torture room ( the old 2GB ver. ) , w/various probes soldered in, for various purposes 1910573;1556749303;asciilifeform;among other virtues, it's the only currently produced box that worx with [http://www.loper-os.org/?p=1887][sage device] . 1910574;1556749434;asciilifeform;( above is not ~directly~ piz-pertinent, but ~does~ make it 9000x easier to develop rom payloads for the thing ) 1910575;1556749470;asciilifeform;i.e. 100% 'blobless' boot, like rk. 1910576;1556749540;asciilifeform;interestingly, the disappearance of the 2gb rk has made the apu1 just about price-equivalent with rk . ( tho it ~does~ occupy 5x the physical space, and eat 4x the current ) 1910577;1556749585;asciilifeform;the 1 place where it wins ( aside from 'can use x64 gnat' ) is that it has (not 1 but 3) slots for msata. 1910578;1556749658;*;asciilifeform brb:meat 1910579;1556756847;mod6;Evenin' 1910580;1556756917;mod6;Lords and Ladies of TMSR~, The Bitcoin Foundation's monthly State of Bitcoin Address: http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2019-May/000329.html 1910581;1556757391;mod6; << >> << I still need to get familiarized with this. I haven't had a chance yet in April. Will try to dig in over the next week. 1910582;1556757486;mod6;For what it's worth, still probably way out of my element on the whole thing, but can't hurt to read up on it. 1910583;1556780576;spyked;!!up spyked_trvl 1910584;1556780576;deedbot;spyked_trvl voiced for 30 minutes. 1910585;1556780626;spyked;hmmm. odd. it seems spyked_trvl can't up itself, even tho I rated it. trinque, any idea why? 1910586;1556780667;spyked;anyways, greetings from the shores of Bega! 1910587;1556780675;*;spyked still eatin' dem logz 1910588;1556780801;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-04-27#1910134 <-- makes lotsa sense, actually, so I'll leave it until someone for some reason needs to put a trilemabot in their logbot 1910589;1556780801;a111;Logged on 2019-04-27 21:10 lobbes: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-04-27#1910057 << while not necessarily mutually exclusive, I understood the two branches as "those who want to import postgres as a dependence (logbot/logbot-command-router) and those who don't (ircbot/trilemabot)". 1910590;1556780925;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-04-30#1910275 <-- http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-22#1816494 , http://btcbase.org/log/2018-07-22#1837150 (possibly other threads) 1910591;1556780925;a111;Logged on 2019-04-30 12:17 diana_coman: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-04-30#1910244 -> bwahaha, so smecher -> slut and fetii mosului -> the girls of the mosque, it might be on to something there; but yes, wooden tongue 2.0; I keep having deja vu on this but I can't quite turn it up if indeed it was discussed previously with same conclusion. 1910592;1556780925;a111;Logged on 2018-05-22 05:05 mircea_popescu: google translate works exceedingly well on text not worth reading. 1910593;1556780925;a111;Logged on 2018-07-22 16:53 mircea_popescu: spykedbot well, the google translate approach is dubious at best, but at least ~it handles all inputs~. this is an important property. 1910594;1556781100;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-01#1910378 <-- do you mean the http side of the logotron? I'm quite interested in reading&signing a CL-based httptron, for multiple purposes. is to be one of the high-priority items on my list, unless lobbes wants a stab at it 1910595;1556781100;a111;Logged on 2019-05-01 05:46 lobbes: So with the release of the auctionbot vpatch the next item up in my list was the auto-bidding. However, I'm thinking I may bump the "logotron for #pizarro" item up (eventually releasing as a vpatch). Going to take a stab at making it 100% common lisp. 1910596;1556781239;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-01#1910403 <-- ftr, /me plans to post the next items on his todo list sometime next week, after a coupla photoposts 1910597;1556781239;a111;Logged on 2019-05-01 08:03 mp_en_viaje: and speaking of things on the todo list : http://btcbase.org/log/2019-03-24#1904208 ? http://btcbase.org/log/2019-03-12#1901636 / http://btcbase.org/log/2019-03-25#1904685 ? 1910598;1556781308;spyked;until then, list remains open for new items (although it's not like there isn't enough there as it is) 1910599;1556781394;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-01#1910420 <-- did I miss mp_en_viaje in timisoara? I'm here until cca saturday, lemme know if you're around :D 1910600;1556781394;a111;Logged on 2019-05-01 13:18 mp_en_viaje is in the exact lounge of http://trilema.com/2014/ca-tot-s-a-tras-tot-s-a-fumat-tot-s-a-baut-tot-cum-e-peste-tot-la-fel-ca-peste-tot/#selection-75.0-79.116 1910601;1556781436;*;spyked off to walk and all that, while the weather's still lovely 1910602;1556794874;mircea_popescu;hot damn. 1910603;1556794897;mircea_popescu;so deedbot doesn't work because apaprently p.bvulpes is dead 1910604;1556794901;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, ^ 1910605;1556794966;mircea_popescu;phf, http://btcbase.org/log/2019-04-30#1910230 << done meanwhile ; should be ok now. 1910606;1556794966;a111;Logged on 2019-04-30 08:17 mp_en_viaje: ah so ~any time in may works ? ok, ima definitely get to it by then. 1910607;1556795040;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-01#1910425 << i see 38. but w/e, gotta start somewhere. 1910608;1556795040;a111;Logged on 2019-05-01 13:58 diana_coman: does #trilema even have 50 users? lolz 1910609;1556795082;mircea_popescu;besides, i don't even believe the comparison's adequate. as experience proves time and again, every single other channel is 100% a by-headcount affair, there's no substance and no quality anywhere else, but strictly a brutish dedication to quantity. 1910610;1556795129;mircea_popescu;trilema may exist in any count ; nothing else may dare pretend to existence short of millions. precisely in the manner a good car may cost whatever it costs ; but a cheap car'd better be fucking cheap. 1910611;1556795224;mircea_popescu;and so it goes -- i spend hours here gladly each day ; i can barely summon the interest by the quarter hour, sporadically, a time or two ~in all eternity~ for some other joint. the same standards eminently do not apply, can't possibly apply. 1910612;1556795323;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-01#1910431 << myeah, turns out the only possible manner of running wireless off laptop is by cabling into router and setting router to connect to wifi. ridoinculous concoction, but what can you do. 1910613;1556795323;a111;Logged on 2019-05-01 14:46 asciilifeform: ( and iirc even there, had to hand-patch the module sores so it'd reset properly ) 1910614;1556795349;*;mircea_popescu doesn't so much care, is motorized. 1910615;1556795472;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-01#1910453 << then again nothing factually has to happen for the pantsuit to pantsuit. 1910616;1556795472;a111;Logged on 2019-05-01 16:27 asciilifeform: iguess usg accomplished ~sumthing~, lol, nao they can stink about 'spooled onto tank treads' for 30 yrs like they do over cn 1910617;1556795492;mircea_popescu;here, have an example, in shape of joke merchant trying to size me up offered : 1910618;1556795511;mircea_popescu;putin goes to visit school, kids are invited to ask him a question. 1910619;1556795544;mircea_popescu;school administration tells kids they really shouldn't ask any questions that aren't burning and of great interest to them personally. 1910620;1556795555;mircea_popescu;the mommentuous occasion occurs, kid raises hand 1910621;1556795571;mircea_popescu;"my name's sasha and i want to ask : why did you invade the ukraine ?" 1910622;1556795594;mircea_popescu;everyone gasps, "omfg, THIS is what's burning you ?" and then just as putin starts "well...." the bell rings and class is dismissed. 1910623;1556795606;mircea_popescu;after break they reconvene. "any kids wanna ask questions ?" 1910624;1556795661;mircea_popescu;this obnoxious точило cunt with the requisite humongo glasses, misshapen teeth etc raises her hand 1910625;1556795681;mircea_popescu;"i have three questions : why did you invade the ukraine, what happened to my classmate sasha and why did the bell ring halfway through the period" 1910626;1556795704;mircea_popescu;the idea being, transparently enough, that in pantsuitist alt-reality "putin [as pantsuit defines the term] can 1910627;1556795740;mircea_popescu;never win [as idem]" because "all authority can do is multiply the questions", see, had they not "kidnapped sasha" there'd be fewer "questions to answer" and someone gives a shit etcetera. 1910628;1556795769;mircea_popescu;entirely no need of any actual events for globalwarmingourdemocracyblablabla word fountain to sprout strings. 1910629;1556796417;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-01#1910484 << the alternative being what, "subway to office to be rich" ? nicole has some stories about how that goes. 1910630;1556796417;a111;Logged on 2019-05-01 17:04 asciilifeform: they not only breed but the n+1st gen goes 'yeah i'ma live here, and wake up at 400hrs for matins, and then drive tractor, or horse if out of petrol' and it goes. 1910631;1556796541;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-01#1910507 << grows plenty of places, is not very good. why is new world wine still piss, after a century+ of trial and pretense ? 1910632;1556796541;a111;Logged on 2019-05-01 18:25 asciilifeform: for that matter, equator is not only in south amer, lol 1910633;1556796787;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-01#1910534 << kinda stuck with remote-install until we actually have a standard thing. superficially one could lay into pizarro, "you dorks, get a standard os going already", but a) only likely effect is to provide yet another crevice to hide from only job of pizarro, which still sits undone ; b) it's unclear they have the manpower anyway and c) in relation to b it's neither desirable to limit 1910634;1556796787;a111;Logged on 2019-05-01 19:37 diana_coman: myeah; I'm not a fan of remote-install anything for that matter but anyway. 1910635;1556796787;mircea_popescu;it historically worked -- eg trinque birthed cuntoo etc. 1910636;1556796826;mircea_popescu;so... yeah, it's a dubiously disagregate situation currently. 1910637;1556797085;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-01#1910550 << having a pile of amds is not the worst fate. http://btcbase.org/log/2019-04-27#1910082 and all that. 1910638;1556797085;a111;Logged on 2019-05-01 20:26 asciilifeform: it saddens asciilifeform to end up loading up on x86 , but unless there is sudden breakthrough , this is what must be done 1910639;1556797085;a111;Logged on 2019-04-27 11:33 mp_en_viaje: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-04-25#1910006 << there is, for the record, nothing disqualifying or "bad" about 15 year old kernels. for one thing, pretty muich all the cpus that can be used for any serious purpose are that old or older ; for the other thing i actually use kernels that are that old or older. 1910640;1556797241;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-01#1910575 << certainly a standard worth trying to hold on to 1910641;1556797241;a111;Logged on 2019-05-01 22:24 asciilifeform: i.e. 100% 'blobless' boot, like rk. 1910642;1556797267;mircea_popescu;notwithstanding richard stallman's shameful fraudulent claims on the topic. 1910643;1556797356;mircea_popescu;that the inane cocksucker does spent as much as one waking hour at any point doing anything besides sucking our collective dick for this is in itself such an immoral affront to any sense and all sensibility as few pantsuits could ever hope to match. 1910644;1556797758;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-02#1910580 << prolly time to drop the phraseology and settle for a more adequately modest http://thetarpit.org/posts/y05/082-tmsr-schedule-i.html sorta thing, "this is what i intend to do". doesn't it get akward to "oh, state of bitcoin address, mod6 did this mod6 did that mod6 did the other" ? 1910645;1556797758;a111;Logged on 2019-05-02 00:28 mod6: Lords and Ladies of TMSR~, The Bitcoin Foundation's monthly State of Bitcoin Address: http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2019-May/000329.html 1910646;1556797796;mircea_popescu;frankness always the winning policy ; and besides, always better to make these as ~forward looking~ statements, for the same reason it helps people trying to lose weight. 1910647;1556797898;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-02#1910599 << ima leave for belgrade tomorrow morning ; we can set something up for today but gotta move limberly. 1910648;1556797898;a111;Logged on 2019-05-02 07:16 spyked: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-01#1910420 <-- did I miss mp_en_viaje in timisoara? I'm here until cca saturday, lemme know if you're around :D 1910649;1556797920;diana_coman;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-02#1910609 -> absolutely true. 1910650;1556797920;a111;Logged on 2019-05-02 11:04 mircea_popescu: besides, i don't even believe the comparison's adequate. as experience proves time and again, every single other channel is 100% a by-headcount affair, there's no substance and no quality anywhere else, but strictly a brutish dedication to quantity. 1910651;1556797945;mircea_popescu;did you see those irc channels with "games", ie bot spam ? 1910652;1556797981;diana_coman;I tried all sorts of channels but it *very quickly* gets so annoying that I can't stand it even just looking at it occasionaly 1910653;1556797999;mircea_popescu;myeah 1910654;1556798038;diana_coman;re p.bvulpes - we actually don't have any alternative there, do we? 1910655;1556798309;mircea_popescu;not really. some vague discussion re implementing an img pastebin i saw somwhere, that meanwhile apparently disappeared. 1910656;1556798478;mircea_popescu;diana_coman, do you recall what was the format for exclusion on btcbase search ? 1910657;1556798611;diana_coman;hm, no 1910658;1556798643;mircea_popescu;well, i can't fucking find it. it was a kinda cool pastebin like thing, had a very retro look, like a qr code or soemsuch 1910659;1556798661;mircea_popescu;someone was even going to implement it, which is the last i heard of it. 1910660;1556798691;diana_coman;it seems to me that there are sadly quite a few things that end up like that and it's infuriating 1910661;1556798701;diana_coman;lost like that, I mean, ugh 1910662;1556798782;mircea_popescu;myeah. 1910663;1556799061;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-03-06#1900585 << found it. 1910664;1556799061;a111;Logged on 2019-03-06 09:41 spyked: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-03-05#1900506 <-- I defo wanna make this, can start working on it after I finish the current [http://thetarpit.org/posts/y05/082-tmsr-schedule-i.html][scheduled items] . I'm missing some deadlines myself (got sidetracked by the more urgent need for mirroring gutenberg) and currently working to get back on track 1910665;1556799145;mircea_popescu;re http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-02#1910605 http://archive.is/EUx19 seems indeed back in business. 1910666;1556799145;a111;Logged on 2019-05-02 11:02 mircea_popescu: phf, http://btcbase.org/log/2019-04-30#1910230 << done meanwhile ; should be ok now. 1910667;1556799267;diana_coman;quite recent actually, huh 1910668;1556799316;mircea_popescu;coupla months. 1910669;1556799372;diana_coman;did anyone try to talk to the guy behind it? 1910670;1556799432;diana_coman;oh boy, it's cloudflare, now I get it 1910671;1556799475;mircea_popescu;yes, someone tried to talk to the guy behind it -- pretty sure the someone was me ; pretty sure it went substantially like "techrights" thing recently. 1910672;1556799520;mircea_popescu;it's remarkably how exactly the same these go once one's experienced enough to distinguish the irrelevancy they compose their "personality" and "differences" and "speshulness" out of. 1910673;1556799550;diana_coman;it's such a well-worn ditch they dug themselves into that there isn't even an alternative failure mode anymore, huh 1910674;1556799590;mircea_popescu;perpetually and predictably the exact same "well, so far incan empire's feeding me slop, so ima sit on ass and be skeptical about things". hence all the references to that wunderbar story of prikoke 1910675;1556799598;diana_coman;from github for that project it seemed it's a chinese guy too so I'd have hoped perhaps not exactly same,hm. 1910676;1556799608;mircea_popescu;diana_coman, higher life's just not a calling. 1910677;1556799663;mircea_popescu;diana_coman, yes, but this hope is naive. in practice http://btcbase.org/log/2018-12-20#1882391 / http://btcbase.org/log/2018-12-20#1882393 1910678;1556799663;a111;Logged on 2018-12-20 15:46 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform on meditation, that piece makes it plainly evident redditardation is ~generational~, not ideological. there sit the russki kids, who'd be in a fine position to understand the problem. god knows they have much better access to much better priors that readily illuminate it. 1910679;1556799663;a111;Logged on 2018-12-20 15:51 mircea_popescu: but instead, "совки vs. либерасты" hurr. they reconstructed "the dilemma", truly more meaningful than their lesser brethren's "coke vs pepsi", but to them ~just as meaningless~. the fucking point is that they ~want~ the "superiority" of http://trilema.com/2014/fred-quimby-and-ancient-evils/#footnote_5_53722 1910680;1556799670;diana_coman;I suppose the slop-feeding is in itself test enough - if one actually likes it and doesn't ever see any problem with it then it's precisely fit, what. 1910681;1556799691;mircea_popescu;russian, chinese, qatari, in the end there's no such thing as nationality. burta ai, minte ce-ti mai trebuie. 1910682;1556799703;mircea_popescu;diana_coman, no argument. 1910683;1556799789;mircea_popescu;"Linia dintre noi a fost trasa de strada. Tu stai pe-a ta, eu stau pe-a mea.. ramine-asa." 1910684;1556799798;diana_coman;cam asa, doar burti, ugh. 1910685;1556800185;mircea_popescu;the one true nation of poor people is Stupid. 1910686;1556805090;*;asciilifeform waves to mircea_popescu et al 1910687;1556805104;mircea_popescu;heya 1910688;1556805126;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-02#1910603 << confirmed, fell down. hey trinque , iirc you know where to find ben_vulpes, wake'im up plox ? 1910689;1556805126;a111;Logged on 2019-05-02 11:01 mircea_popescu: so deedbot doesn't work because apaprently p.bvulpes is dead 1910690;1556805180;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-02#1910605 << confirmed, worx 1910691;1556805180;a111;Logged on 2019-05-02 11:02 mircea_popescu: phf, http://btcbase.org/log/2019-04-30#1910230 << done meanwhile ; should be ok now. 1910692;1556805217;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-02#1910609 << i've yet to encounter that mythical beast -- heathen chan that's distinguishable from sewer 1910693;1556805217;a111;Logged on 2019-05-02 11:04 mircea_popescu: besides, i don't even believe the comparison's adequate. as experience proves time and again, every single other channel is 100% a by-headcount affair, there's no substance and no quality anywhere else, but strictly a brutish dedication to quantity. 1910694;1556805240;mircea_popescu;"work is ongoing 1910695;1556805241;mircea_popescu;" 1910696;1556805271;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-02#1910612 << if it's an older lappy, can do what i did with 'x60' ( stuff in 'atheros' mpci card ) , these -- worked 1910697;1556805271;a111;Logged on 2019-05-02 11:08 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-01#1910431 << myeah, turns out the only possible manner of running wireless off laptop is by cabling into router and setting router to connect to wifi. ridoinculous concoction, but what can you do. 1910698;1556805294;mircea_popescu;i literally attached a router. 1910699;1556805303;*;asciilifeform has done this on many occasions 1910700;1556805376;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-02#1910633 << there's actually not 1 but 2 'standard os' available in piz ( 'rk' and 'dulap' tarballs ) but both are stone age gentoos, they are obsoleted by cuntoo (when the latter is pronounced baked, but really even nao, it is impossible to e.g. 'emerge' packages on the vintage gentoo, the upstream package repos went full tard year ago ) 1910701;1556805376;a111;Logged on 2019-05-02 11:33 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-01#1910534 << kinda stuck with remote-install until we actually have a standard thing. superficially one could lay into pizarro, "you dorks, get a standard os going already", but a) only likely effect is to provide yet another crevice to hide from only job of pizarro, which still sits undone ; b) it's unclear they have the manpower anyway and c) in relation to b it's neither desirable to limit 1910702;1556805411;asciilifeform;( these gentoos were based on what asciilifeform uses personally in torture room. ) 1910703;1556805462;asciilifeform;( and gotta be replaced with cuntoo ) 1910704;1556805464;mircea_popescu;standard rather in the sense of definitive. 1910705;1556805470;asciilifeform;aa 1910706;1556805481;asciilifeform;that'd be cuntoo, as i understand. sorta whole pt. 1910707;1556805512;asciilifeform;where includes working vtron, muslgnat, etc 1910708;1556805552;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-02#1910618 << lol, 'headless mutant' of typical sovokjoak structure 1910709;1556805552;a111;Logged on 2019-05-02 11:11 mircea_popescu: putin goes to visit school, kids are invited to ask him a question. 1910710;1556805563;asciilifeform;( where's 'head' ? there's nuffin there ) 1910711;1556805602;mircea_popescu;right ? [http://trilema.com/2014/parody-is-not-there-for-you-cancerous-fags-to-try-and-hide-your-cancer-behind-it/ ][cancerous fags] at work. 1910712;1556805642;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-02#1910631 << i defo aint expert on subj, but what means 'not very good' coca ? afaik there is exactly 1 active organic in it -- 'not good' is simply when less ? oughta still be worth sumthing neh 1910713;1556805642;a111;Logged on 2019-05-02 11:29 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-01#1910507 << grows plenty of places, is not very good. why is new world wine still piss, after a century+ of trial and pretense ? 1910714;1556805659;asciilifeform;i.e. wine is not directly analogous product, where complex mixture 1910715;1556805671;mircea_popescu;im no great expert in the matter, but apparently there is such a thing. 1910716;1556805725;asciilifeform;i expect it means 'so little cocaine as to not be worth extracting' then. ( must be similar to the case with the poison frog ? y'know, the little colourful one. they grow a++ in terrarium, but entirely safe to eat ) 1910717;1556805743;mircea_popescu;the objection is sound on the face, but nevertheless for some unknown to me reason it seems not to prevail. 1910718;1556805743;mircea_popescu;very similar process with opium, as well. burma had cvasi-monopoly in classival world. why ? certainly not because sent agents to kill anyone at unknown distances. 1910719;1556805750;mircea_popescu;and even today, the poppy zones are VERY specific. 1910720;1556805773;asciilifeform;this entirely troo. in south sovok we had both hemp and poppies growing wild, neither was smoked by ~anyone 1910721;1556805777;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, that's because not finds ants it needs for poison. if you feed it ants in terrarium, poisonous. 1910722;1556805787;asciilifeform;aa 1910723;1556805790;mircea_popescu;(me knows this specifically, has seen the frog in question with own eyes, grown etc) 1910724;1556805804;asciilifeform;neato. 1910725;1556805839;*;asciilifeform did not grow frog. only saw in bmore 'national aquarium' thing. 1910726;1556805858;mircea_popescu;somewhat common in cr 1910727;1556805880;asciilifeform;iirc errything connected with the ameri-tropics is common in cr. 1910728;1556805888;asciilifeform;from alligator to jaguar 1910729;1556805890;mircea_popescu;jsutabout yea 1910730;1556806099;diana_coman;asciilifeform: re dulap-tarball, does that mean that it's in fact *that* the gentoo image hanbot was looking for as stepping stone towards cuntoo? i.e. deploy that first and then from there move on to cuntoo? 1910731;1556806124;asciilifeform;diana_coman: it's what you have on s.mg primary machine 1910732;1556806159;asciilifeform;there is not however a mechanism for 'convert from stone age gentoo to cuntoo w/out nuking disk', afaik . 1910733;1556806197;diana_coman;yes but I struggle to understand why was it that hanbot struggled so much with getting a cuntoo first since apparently there is actually this image that is frozen and usable 1910734;1556806203;asciilifeform;( it is in principle possible to make such a thing, but no one afaik has attempted , and i cannot immediately think re how to approach ) 1910735;1556806212;asciilifeform;diana_coman: depends what means 'usable' 1910736;1556806237;asciilifeform;it's what's on s.mg an' dulap. but defo obsolete, it's a stone age glibc-based gentoo. 1910737;1556806257;diana_coman;as far as I understood it, she was simply trying to get some gentoo system installed first i.e. to have A system, not that much to be able to emerge new stuff or whatever 1910738;1556806298;asciilifeform;if you want another s.mg-style box, can be baked very quickly. but it does not reduce the amount of sweat needed to install cuntoo at later point. 1910739;1556806309;asciilifeform;cuz destructive process. 1910740;1556806362;asciilifeform;dulap-gentoo is essentially same item as [http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2295][rk gentoo], and is installed same way. 1910741;1556806434;asciilifeform;iirc hanbot was ~not~ working from dulap-gentoo tho, but from an even older bootstick image. 1910742;1556806450;asciilifeform;( dulap-gentoo does not boot from stick, it requires working hdd to install ) 1910743;1556806572;asciilifeform;to be maximally pedantic : both 'dulap' and 'rk' gentoo tarballs were created by literally tarring up the contents of two respective boxes where asciilifeform hand-sewed a gentoo based on the classic 2015-era 'kill list' gentoo recipe. 1910744;1556806628;asciilifeform;( on each, 'rebuild world' was executed, bins rebuilt with asciilifeform's flags etc ) 1910745;1556806693;asciilifeform;ave1's musltronic gnat does run on each, and so do the musltronic bins it births. however the system utils are still glibcistic. 1910746;1556806864;asciilifeform;iirc diana_coman built the cuntoo that runs on the 2nd s.mg box, on this gentoo. 1910747;1556806869;asciilifeform;so this is known to work. 1910748;1556806931;diana_coman;asciilifeform: that was a proto-cuntoo, essentially not exactly the current cuntoo 1910749;1556806947;asciilifeform;rright but i expect the current item will build similarly 1910750;1556806996;diana_coman;I suppose I'll just have to carve some time and do it. 1910751;1556807006;asciilifeform;afaik no one yet confirmed that this is so re: trinque's latest cut. 1910752;1556807314;*;asciilifeform brb:teatime 1910753;1556807712;lobbes;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-02#1910594 << well, I was going to attack it in pieces anyways, so actually if you want to do the CL-based httptron portion, I'd happily read/sign/use. Ultimately, I figure I'm going to need to first build a 'backend' that pulls the log data from the postgres db (probably using postmodern), and then the 'frontend' or app server that handles client requests (e.g. GET + POST), 1910754;1556807712;a111;Logged on 2019-05-02 07:11 spyked: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-01#1910378 <-- do you mean the http side of the logotron? I'm quite interested in reading&signing a CL-based httptron, for multiple purposes. is to be one of the high-priority items on my list, unless lobbes wants a stab at it 1910755;1556807719;lobbes;though it seems like lots of people here use [https://edicl.github.io/hunchentoot/][hunchentoot] for that purpose, and it seems that hunchentoot is easily modified to interface with apache through mod_lisp 1910756;1556807725;lobbes;now somewhere in all THAT, I'll need something to *generate* the html with, so to come full loop I would not be sad if a spyked cl-http-generator existed. 1910757;1556807768;lobbes;*html generator 1910758;1556808966;mircea_popescu;this is getting ridoinculous 1910759;1556810526;asciilifeform;lobbes: the html gen thing is where i stopped with the http://btcbase.org/log/2019-04-03#1906630 item 1910760;1556810526;a111;Logged on 2019-04-03 15:01 asciilifeform: i dun have the mempool observatory node working yet, so am currently unable to say whether this is widespread problem or asciilifeform simply 'got lucky' errytime 1910761;1556810549;asciilifeform;( and, earlier, with 'cl phuctor frontend' and possibly other minor proggies ) 1910762;1556810624;asciilifeform;none of these currently on front burner, but will be 9000x easier to revive if meanwhile lobbes et al produce an edible cl 'wwwism kit' 1910763;1556810755;BingoBoingo; never win [as idem]" because "all authority can do is multiply the questions", see, had they not "kidnapped sasha" there'd be fewer "questions to answer" and someone gives a shit etcetera. << Watching Pantsuit run against the actual popularity of Maduro has been a trip. "Yes, all the venezolanos you talk to hate Maduro, but how poor were they? How poor are they now?" 1910764;1556810774;mircea_popescu;o hey, deedbot is back to voicing ppls 1910765;1556810794;asciilifeform;p.bvulpes up 1910766;1556810826;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo, pretty lulzy. 1910767;1556810908;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, so what was it ? 1910768;1556810976;BingoBoingo;Literally no one outside the republic can imagine 2/3 of Venezuelans have always been so poor that Maduro has reduced their percieved relative poverty to bringing everyone else to their level. 1910769;1556811022;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: what did yer vz chix have to say on the subj ? 1910770;1556811042;asciilifeform;( she still comes up for air ? or vanished ) 1910771;1556811092;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: They aren't poor so they'd like to see their country back. Still comes up for air. Has too many old folks latched onto her to answer the human shield calls. 1910772;1556811095;asciilifeform;( asciilifeform played tape of said chix for pet. pet : 'why didntcha take her home! i want' ) 1910773;1556811125;BingoBoingo;The six car garage has yet to be redistributed. 1910774;1556811131;mircea_popescu;tape ?! 1910775;1556811175;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i had camera thingie for http://btcbase.org/log/2019-04-17#1908897 -ism 1910776;1556811175;a111;Logged on 2019-04-17 21:13 asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: i take the pics mostly for self, to occasionally look at and remember that there ~is~ an outside 1910777;1556811202;mircea_popescu;aha ? 1910778;1556811234;asciilifeform;iirc caught half minute of BingoBoingo's spanish lesson, or what it was. 1910779;1556811272;mircea_popescu;"Now that the country's traditional extractive and heavy industries have gone or are in decline, Wales' economy depends on the public sector, light and service industries and tourism. " 1910780;1556811283;mircea_popescu;what the fuck is this supposed to even mean, "economy depends on public sector" 1910781;1556811295;asciilifeform;i.e. fed via arse-mouth system ? 1910782;1556811348;BingoBoingo;Wales runs as long as the lenders stay insane 1910783;1556811384;mircea_popescu;nfi what it's supposed t omean, but down with maduro. 1910784;1556812489;BingoBoingo;The local tv is playing Maduro on repeat today. "Que llegó la hora de combatir" 1910785;1556812574;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-02#1910642 << before this thread lost -- it is interesting to asciilifeform , 'apu1' is the 1 (afaik) x64 box still in production where you can actually boot with 100% selfbuilt bios. and 0 discussion of it anywhere on net, aside from tmsr. 1910786;1556812574;a111;Logged on 2019-05-02 11:41 mircea_popescu: notwithstanding richard stallman's shameful fraudulent claims on the topic. 1910787;1556812616;asciilifeform;not even rare or expensive box, a hundy an' a half. 1910788;1556812644;mircea_popescu;the net is too busy with amateurish excursions in phonetics navelgrazing, on the strong basis of how shit sounds to randos and a complete ignorance of phonetic notation. 1910789;1556812655;asciilifeform;busy deep inside own arse aha 1910790;1556812657;mircea_popescu;if at least they picked carpentry or something, they'd run out of fingetrs. 1910791;1556812693;asciilifeform;oh apropos, luvvly lulz : in asciilifeform's old uni, they had 'grand opening' of massive 9story glass monster for 'comp sci dept' . guess what inside ? carpentry, sewing shops! 1910792;1556812747;mircea_popescu;better than githubbing 1910793;1556812753;asciilifeform;and 'tutoring halls' run by 'assoc for women in kompyooting' ( to help 'diversity' , i.e. folx who can't pass the (massively watered down in past 2 decades ) curriculum 1910794;1556812806;asciilifeform;in dept, nao 4000+ warm bodies, of which 700 claimed female. ( in asciilifeform's time, was ~400, and maybe 1 platoon of female, all wearing hijabs ) 1910795;1556812820;mircea_popescu;tech jobs! 1910796;1556812835;asciilifeform;lol 1910797;1556812912;asciilifeform;carpentry hall nominally cuz 'robots are in nao' 1910798;1556812926;*;asciilifeform wondered what then folx do in the 'engineering' hall across the street 1910799;1556812992;BingoBoingo;Engineering probably just does python in their materials labs. 1910800;1556812996;asciilifeform;i was not able to get an answer re why the room with sewing machines. (thought 'maybe programmable, like jaquard's loom?' but looked, nope, 'singer' ) 1910801;1556813135;asciilifeform;then went to 'engineering' . and saw, ~100% to do with toy choppers 1910802;1556813152;asciilifeform;8, 16, 32 propellers, 'raspberry pi', duct tape. 1910803;1556813174;asciilifeform;these reliably produce 'papers', the currency of academitardia, so bottomless appetite. 1910804;1556813235;asciilifeform;recently usb banned the use of toy choppers in the open street, so they built a thing resembling tennis court. grad students on ladders pry the little broken corpses out of the ceiling net. 1910805;1556813239;asciilifeform;*usg banned 1910806;1556813327;asciilifeform;asciilifeform to indian d00d : 'so you folx write the soft?' 'what write, 'ardupilot' ' 1910807;1556813372;mircea_popescu;heh 1910808;1556813382;mircea_popescu;yet usg is not to blame. 1910809;1556813404;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: in 'materials lab', coupla deca-mil$ of irons sit idly eating mains current. where http://btcbase.org/log/2019-04-27#1910137 . 1910810;1556813404;a111;Logged on 2019-04-27 21:50 asciilifeform: in other noose, asciilifeform met with some meatspace folx who rent out time on sem & ion beam station by the hr. 'bout a hundy per hr. 1910811;1556813576;mircea_popescu;i once knew a rich man. he, like so many, had head well infested with goange, for some reason idiotic notion of monogamy, etcetera. predictably ended up with single wife, but "proper", "classy" [http://trilema.com/2013/queers/#selection-149.156-149.175][whatever nonsense] (as opposed to much more adequate [http://trilema.com/2018/le-salaire-de-lidiotie/#selection-237.0-241.8][whore]) and predictably her only product was al 1910812;1556813576;mircea_popescu;so mentally retarded. 1910813;1556813609;mircea_popescu;instead of hanging the abomination, dood constructed elaborate retardarium, where retard's diminutive capacities could be supported and entertained. 1910814;1556813620;asciilifeform;oh hey mircea_popescu was this the same fella who later was found dead on street, and the anatomists found no reason why, 'simply tired of living' ? 1910815;1556813635;mircea_popescu;"what the fuck is wrong with you ?" "what! when my father had a stroke, patience and working out every day the diminished capacities remaining saw him cured within the year" 1910816;1556813667;mircea_popescu;"o yeah ? and how long's this scandalous idiocy ongoing ?" "about four years" "this suggests nothing to you ?" "we're just not fallen on the exact right exercise regimen" 1910817;1556813717;asciilifeform;pretty sad. why didnt he at least birth another 1 1910818;1556813722;mircea_popescu;ustardian optimism, instead of hanging the retards they construct them terrariums, where 20somethings can play at being nine, and perhaps before the decade's out progress to being 10 yo. 1910819;1556813752;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, it's what you get out of "all's nurture" pantsuitism. 1910820;1556813858;mircea_popescu;because, obviously, "what do you want me to do, hang them ?" "yes" "but that does nothing to help them" "precisely". 1910821;1556813895;asciilifeform;sounds like the stage at which fella oughta take up motorcycle, or better still, single-engined prop plane, at least live a little and shorten the misery years 1910822;1556813984;asciilifeform;phunphakt, moar usg army d00dz during iraq years, dead on 'harley' than in the field. 1 way to perma-escape 'dependopotamus'... 1910823;1556814008;mircea_popescu;the reproductively-minded wealthy male has no sane answer to "why not just go to ghetto, get young cunts by the dozen and do the work well" 1910824;1556814024;*;asciilifeform at the time was working , un-uniformed , in army lab thing, and force to sit for 'motorcycle safety class', despite having never owned motorcycle. 1910825;1556814088;asciilifeform;'you wanna park auto on the grounds ? get rubber stamp there' 1910826;1556814249;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i'ma guess story took place in europistan. in usa, 'ghetto' means dark meat, and not errybody has taste for same. 1910827;1556814293;mircea_popescu;no, was us. and wtf, "taste". you wanna procreate or you wanna copulate ? if the former, forget "taste", do your duty eh. if the latter, wtf are you making kids for, 1910828;1556814307;asciilifeform;herr jefferson approved. 1910829;1556814309;mircea_popescu;duty of man is to make his pick. 1910830;1556814320;mircea_popescu;none of this wishy-washy bs. pick and the path follows. 1910831;1556814648;asciilifeform;i expect by nao tardkid is [http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-18#1753268][already 'professor'] 1910832;1556814648;a111;Logged on 2017-12-18 03:09 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform recall that story about the dumbest gilr in my hs that ended up a math assistant prof ? 1910833;1556814668;*;asciilifeform can't for some reason turn up the orig. mega-thread re 'furniture girl' 1910834;1556814780;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2014-07-19#761488 << there we go 1910835;1556814780;a111;Logged on 2014-07-19 03:15 mircea_popescu: now among this dozen, there was a mentally retarded girl. she wasn't badly touched, maybe 80 or so. definitely enough to take care of herself. definitely not enough for high level math. her parents however were i dun recall what academic country gentry, and so they insisted she go. 1910836;1556815020;mircea_popescu;i somehow doubt it. 1910837;1556815319;mircea_popescu;not that i'm even against the effort. if memory serves we ended up with lego out of a very similar preoccupation with turning pig's ears into silk purses. so whatever, i'm sure the ruins of us academia will provide very advanced an' amusing playgrounds for the non-retarded. 1910838;1556815323;mircea_popescu;it's still ridiculous. 1910839;1556815343;asciilifeform;'race is not always to the swift, but that's where smart money bets'(tm)(r) 1910840;1556815414;mircea_popescu;well, rather, smart money does the quotients. "what's the relation between the quotient of the bets on the swift and the fashgionable respectively, and then on their relative swiftnesses ?" 1910841;1556815435;asciilifeform;arthur d. little inc. once sewed silk purse from actual sow's ear. and floated a pb balloon, as advertising stunts, in '20s. but indeed 'remarkable bear, not remarkable dancer' 1910842;1556815459;mircea_popescu;hence the earlier comments. "oh but mp, i don't want to procreate just like that... i want a small count of kids from this one specific woman to raise together bla bla bla" is strict nonsense. 1910843;1556815478;mircea_popescu;one can want such a thing as wine, or red wine, or bordeaux, or even bordeaux from 1957 1910844;1556815504;asciilifeform;'but want bordeaux '57 from the teat of my sow!111' 1910845;1556815517;mircea_popescu;one can not want such a thing as "red wine in a unicorn shaped glass". that's not properly speaking a want, that's just pretense. dood properly speaking wants to be seen by me (god, whatever, same difference), AS HE SEES HIMSELF. 1910846;1556815560;mircea_popescu;that's the whole fucking story there, he's trying to manipulate my divine perception, so he can rest easy. there's no composed wants like that in nature otherwise. 1910847;1556815575;asciilifeform;tlp's 'feel like a trader' eh 1910848;1556815620;mircea_popescu;right ? so no, dood who "wants to feel like a good person" ends up doing the weirdo monogamous bs etcetera. which is what the original dood did also -- he didn't want the kid, he just wanted for he, himself, to feel like "a good person" 1910849;1556815633;mircea_popescu;constructing a circus for his wife's minotaur eminently served that purpose OF HIS. 1910850;1556815657;asciilifeform;imho straight cargo cult -- fella thought himself to be a product of similar process, didn't see 'why can't do again' 1910851;1556815668;mircea_popescu;otherwise -- if you're poor nobody asked you anything and if you're rich and you want kids, the plough's in your pants and the field's over there, get crackin'. 1910852;1556815692;asciilifeform;'bbbut the planes came for grandfather in '43, wai not for me' 1910853;1556815706;mircea_popescu;maybe the planes don't like you. 1910854;1556815739;*;asciilifeform naively imagines it'd sink in by some point, but from mircea_popescu's telling of the story evidently it didn't 1910855;1556815792;asciilifeform;chukcha incidentally very easily conceptualizes 'maybe the gods dun like me'. typically his problem is re the 'wat do' 1910856;1556815820;asciilifeform;..which resolves always to 'maybe moar walrus offerings'. cuz what else. 1910857;1556815909;mircea_popescu;"but mp... it's not so much i want kids as in the bioproduct... i want to RAISE kids...." "wel then wtf are you making new ones for, plenty of already made needing [http://trilema.com/2014/how-i-was-wrong-cuckolding-or-a-story-about-sigmas/#selection-1179.435-1179.478][your cuckservices]. go teach highschool." 1910858;1556816060;asciilifeform;relatedly, asciilifeform barfed, tuned out today from #techderps , it's kilometre of join/part liquishit + 'communi^H^H^H^H^Hlinux on desktop by 1980^H^H^H^Hnext year' snoars etc 1910859;1556816114;*;mircea_popescu somehow unsurprised. 1910860;1556816255;asciilifeform;sorta variation on the http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-02#1910681 theme. 1910861;1556816255;a111;Logged on 2019-05-02 12:21 mircea_popescu: russian, chinese, qatari, in the end there's no such thing as nationality. burta ai, minte ce-ti mai trebuie. 1910862;1556816286;mircea_popescu;"your stomach's there, what's a mind needed for", approx. 1910863;1556816327;asciilifeform;for properly dressing up walrus offering, clearly. 1910864;1556816356;asciilifeform;'this year's best containerization systems on redhat' etc etc garbage. 1910865;1556816408;asciilifeform;0 followup to last night's thrd, or anyffin of the kind, they have memory span of aquarium fish. 1910866;1556816493;*;mircea_popescu shrugs 1910867;1556816516;mircea_popescu;not like the logs are going anywhere. by now, there's like one microscopic grouplet like that per quarter, if not month. hundreds. 1910868;1556816539;asciilifeform;i expect there's a ~bottomless supply of those, if (who? for what?) ever needed 1. 1910869;1556816563;mircea_popescu;waiting patiently in buzzing silence for the divine eye to finally recognze in them the princes[es] they always suspected they were. 1910870;1556816568;asciilifeform;they remind asciilifeform of those glue traps for ants. 1910871;1556816615;asciilifeform;i had occasion to set 1 up recently, and it had maybe 400 by nightfall, and whoknows maybe they also 'wait for divine eye to finally recognize' etc. 1910872;1556816649;mircea_popescu;you know, that's an interesting application for cheap electronics : include counter. 1910873;1556816696;asciilifeform;would be interesting to count the ants ~leaving~ ( the better traps, are mixed in such a way that some small % can get loose, and bring back friends ) 1910874;1556816885;asciilifeform;the 'linux'-flavoured derp traps do seem to have common thread where 'maybe divine eye finally opens' re irons. 'maybe this year china gives us on what to run' etc 1910875;1556816948;asciilifeform;somehow the point is lost on'em, that if for erry 1 $ they spent on 'raspberry' they kept a dime, they could buy half of tmsc co 1910876;1556816984;mircea_popescu;"but what is the point of a national literature ?! for one thing, then you have to read it!" 1910877;1556817003;asciilifeform;i suppose this is unsurprising, the ants also do not , luckily for asciilifeform , know that they collectively exceed him in mass, and could eat him if could all agree 1910878;1556817125;mircea_popescu;it's altogether dubious, this eating business. 1910879;1556817133;mircea_popescu;maybe up to 1800 or so. 1910880;1556817176;asciilifeform;on reflection, there aint much that is mysterious re the opentards' collective failure to bake irons. ( irons require some sorta head, and cannot be baked via 'million fly eyes' process ) 1910881;1556817309;mircea_popescu;it is roughly speaking impossible for things to be done by people who don't particularly want to do anything. 1910882;1556817333;mircea_popescu;there's also not that many pregnancies occuring on deserted islands. similar reasons. 1910883;1556817351;asciilifeform;they're able to maintain a kind of optical illusion of activity, but only in re softs 1910884;1556817355;asciilifeform;where much easier 1910885;1556817379;mircea_popescu;and only for as long as the "illusion" consits of self-published chatlogs and other such typographics, and nobody asks any pointed questions. 1910886;1556817432;mircea_popescu;with this style of open book examination, obama even passed for legal mind. 1910887;1556817479;*;asciilifeform began to see mircea_popescu's point re 'linus set back field by two decades' . the finn's gift to the 'self-published chats' fly eyes folx is moar or less errything they have to work with in re convincing selves that 'yes we do things' 1910888;1556817505;mircea_popescu;just about. 1910889;1556817548;asciilifeform;it's rather like if some scrap dealer took pity on the cargo island folx and gave'em an old boeing carcass. 1910890;1556817549;mircea_popescu;there's a fundamental problem with going into business when you don't mean business : you end up like linus. 1910891;1556817653;asciilifeform;and that's if lucky. 1910892;1556817657;asciilifeform;moar often like murdoch et al. 1910893;1556819244;billymg;!!rate whaack 2 met irl, smart fellow with respectable ambitions. talked of potentially writing republican znc replacement 1910894;1556819246;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/HtINi/?raw=true 1910895;1556819265;billymg;!!v 058AA3F1206F3E7D6A2D5FB5B6ED5DFA0106D68A7D00E09C4788645D36591DF0 1910896;1556819265;deedbot;billymg rated whaack 2 << met irl, smart fellow with respectable ambitions. talked of potentially writing republican znc replacement 1910897;1556819323;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in fallout pronfic, https://x.imagefapusercontent.com/u/Jarritos/5311615/1222520805/1110.jpg 1910898;1556819371;mircea_popescu;!#seen whaack 1910899;1556819371;a111;2019-04-10 !!v CFBFCC094E40EA43B45CEC450C776DA79F2DA8690175F32D3D95C73D296D6394 1910900;1556819444;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-23#1742709 << what ever happened to you anyway 1910901;1556819444;a111;Logged on 2017-11-23 20:46 whaack: diana_conman: cool, when I get back to it I'll try switching out my gnat/gcc first 1910902;1556820202;whaack;as I mentioned in the logs a while back http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-07#1666967 i wound up moving to Costa Rica for quite a while with the plan to fix my ESLness and get out of the US. I was in Tamarindo for about a year and a half, and during that time I fell into the hedonistic lifestyle of a surf bum 1910903;1556820202;a111;Logged on 2017-06-07 22:09 whaack: I'm leaving the US and going to Costa Rica in about a month. In the off chance anyone wants to make some btc by renting out a place there send a msg to my key. Any advice is appreciated as well 1910904;1556820285;mircea_popescu;ha! 1910905;1556820302;mircea_popescu;why tamarindo of all places ?! 1910906;1556820315;whaack;Now i'm back in NYC, which is hell relative to where I was a year ago, but on the bright side I'm actually putting more effort into Spanish here and have found time to read more and have started working through SICP http://ztkfg.com/ 1910907;1556820458;whaack;I picked Tamarindo mostly because of the convenience of it being near Liberia and having what I initially wanted: a decent nightlife, surf spots, gringo friendly atmosphere 1910908;1556820498;mircea_popescu;well, if it supported you for a year and a half could've been that terrible huh! 1910909;1556820731;asciilifeform;i cannot resist to ask, whaack what means 'gringo friendly atmosphere' ? 1910910;1556820817;mircea_popescu;well, if he doesnt speak spanish, he's conceivably dependent on english-language literature, which is very derpy and tends to present "dangers" and other [http://trilema.com/2017/assorted-diversities-or-how-we-went-looking-for-a-brothel-and-all-we-found-was-a-warehouse-church/#selection-93.0-93.11][be carefuls]. 1910911;1556820849;whaack;gringo friendly atmosphere means ticos who know english and are constantly trying to ease your stay by parting you with your cash, more or less 1910912;1556820857;asciilifeform;aa 1910913;1556821020;mircea_popescu;tamarindo is what's called "rather touristy" 1910914;1556821063;mircea_popescu;whaack, picked up a girlfriend or two at the least ? 1910915;1556821105;mircea_popescu;but more's the point : and your hedonism actually kept you away from internets for the interval ?! 1910916;1556821478;mircea_popescu;we could've visited the http://trilema.com/2017/friday-night-or-las-moiras-revisited/ together or some shit. i mean, i guess yes there was that one line in the log, but for reasons i now don't recall didn't make any impression at the time. nor is a single solitary throwaway line like that gonna make that much impression -- you wanna get anywhere you gotta mocky it! 1910917;1556821514;whaack;whaack, picked up a girlfriend or two at the least ? << Of course! The tourism of Tamarindo includes a steady stream of European girls that come to learn Spanish for a few months. 1910918;1556821679;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in heathen lulz, [https://archive.is/SsSQM]['packet of death' on 5.x linux kernels, via braindamaged coad in udp frag reassembler] 1910919;1556821687;BingoBoingo;But no SSL, Spanish Single Languge girls whaack? 1910920;1556821736;whaack;but more's the point : and your hedonism actually kept you away from internets for the interval ?! << it certainly reduced it drastically. but i've been around, reading the logs etc. I would of course love to have done that, but I also feel a duty to keep the SNR down in this channel as i fix a lot of my shortcomings. 1910921;1556821747;asciilifeform;down?! 1910922;1556821757;mircea_popescu;lmao. you're supposed to pick upo the local dwarves, how the ruck else are you going to learn spanish 1910923;1556821790;whaack;asciilifeform: up, XD 1910924;1556821794;asciilifeform;lol 1910925;1556821795;mircea_popescu;he went to tamarindo, picked up a buncha german gals for 18 months, inexplicably his spanish has not improved !!! 1910926;1556821865;mircea_popescu;unglaublich! 1910927;1556821916;whaack;^ exactly. There were a few brief stints with SSL girls, but nothing that stuck 1910928;1556821921;*;BingoBoingo has seens some gringos here fall into similar traps passing through, but not many other year+ gingos in the city. 1910929;1556821940;BingoBoingo;How do the local girls in Costa Rica cook? Maybe that's the problem? 1910930;1556821954;mircea_popescu;well... casado. 1910931;1556821984;BingoBoingo;Is that like some sorta cunt shaped parrilla? 1910932;1556822000;mircea_popescu;nah, bacon, eggs, beans, avocado gallo pinto etc 1910933;1556822095;whaack;yup, all casados. but i can't say that that was a problem as i do like casados. it was just an added effort to be with ticas over the germans that i did not make, and my Spanish paid for it 1910934;1556822130;mircea_popescu;well so anyway, you had fun, good for you. 1910935;1556822131;BingoBoingo;Surely there must have been some Venezolanas. Their food is pretty good. 1910936;1556822166;BingoBoingo;But, lessons learned for next time. 1910937;1556822168;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo, fwis, vz emmigration mostly the same young and distrophic male the arabs export also. 1910938;1556822172;whaack;I was with a Venezuelan for a while, but she spoke English perfectly 1910939;1556822188;BingoBoingo;They tend to do that. 1910940;1556822207;mircea_popescu;whaack, you know, for the record, "here's this vz chick i picked up" does not count as noise on this channel. 1910941;1556822229;BingoBoingo;!!up lobbes_field 1910942;1556822229;deedbot;lobbes_field voiced for 30 minutes. 1910943;1556822240;lobbes_field;ty BingoBoingo 1910944;1556822246;lobbes_field;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-02#1910762 << verily, it is much needed at this point for various applications. Seems like there are several in L1 who probably are much closer to genesis-ing such a kit (phf, ben_vulpes, spyked, prolly a few others), though as it stands now there are still no vpatches. I figure I'll get the ball rolling and if any of the mentioned to 'beat-me-to-the-punch' here (and I welcome this) the worst outc 1910945;1556822246;a111;Logged on 2019-05-02 15:23 asciilifeform: none of these currently on front burner, but will be 9000x easier to revive if meanwhile lobbes et al produce an edible cl 'wwwism kit' 1910946;1556822248;mircea_popescu;heck, most things that consist of someone doing something don't. it's like old style dad wallet pics of the kid : "here's my kid doing this, here's my kid doign that..." 1910947;1556822283;mircea_popescu;lobbes_field, what's the idea here anyway, like a sort of "script html in cl" ? 1910948;1556822293;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Is suspect the number of Venezolanas vs venezolanos I've met here may be a function of distance. The ones here got out on their own or got out with family money. 1910949;1556822310;mircea_popescu;possibru. 1910950;1556822344;mircea_popescu;lobbes_field, also your lengthy line got cut. 1910951;1556822356;lobbes_field;mircea_popescu pretty much, would need something that can take loglines from the logbot's log table and produce html 1910952;1556822373;lobbes_field;Ah whoops 1910953;1556822379;mircea_popescu;hm. 1910954;1556822390;asciilifeform;lobbes_field: i've previously used [https://edicl.github.io/cl-who/]['cl-who'], but it needs to get eaten/genesised/frozen 1910955;1556822396;mircea_popescu;oh, this is only specced as "in lisp" because the rest of the bot is in cl. 1910956;1556822462;lobbes_field;On dumbphone atm, heres rest of line "the worst outcome for me personally would be I learn more cl (i.e. not a bad thing at all). And we get some republican items made in either case." 1910957;1556822517;lobbes_field;asciilifeform I did see that in my research. Glad to know you've used in the past with satisfactory results 1910958;1556822600;lobbes_field;To continue my earlier cut-line: I think in the past I've been too sensitive regarding avoidance of 'duplicitive efforts', but the mircea_popescu quote of "all time is burned time" has been burning in my head. 1910959;1556822604;lobbes_field;I.e. If, say, spyked writes a better cl-www-tron I'd still want to be able to fit the thing in my head. So any work I do toward 'building my own' will only aid me in that task (hence relatedly, I suppose, why 'build yer own v-tron' is a commonly recommended exercise). 1910960;1556822706;lobbes_field;Bit as a practical start, I may just sit down and read some of the existing items out there (cl-who) and then eventually freeze/gebesis 1910961;1556822934;lobbes_field;mircea_popescu: re: specced in lisp, indeed, with the exception of my python command router / auctionbot, the rest of the ircbot/logbot v-tree is lisp. I know python ain't long for the world so I figure it is time I lose those training wheels 1910962;1556823039;mircea_popescu;aite. 1910963;1556823083;lobbes_field;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-02#1910897 << auctionbot 3.0! 1910964;1556823083;a111;Logged on 2019-05-02 17:48 mircea_popescu: meanwhile in fallout pronfic, https://x.imagefapusercontent.com/u/Jarritos/5311615/1222520805/1110.jpg 1910965;1556823107;mircea_popescu;lol 1910966;1556823183;lobbes_field;Anyways, back to mines for me, but I'ma keep noodling on logotronics. bbl 1910967;1556823255;*;asciilifeform observes that 'bot that knows when it has lost contact' is still open , afaik, problem 1910968;1556823312;asciilifeform;1 possible pill is to run'em in pairs, and both reset if dun see pm from the other within x min ( iirc mircea_popescu suggested this some yrs ago ) 1910969;1556823322;whaack;whaack, you know, for the record, "here's this vz chick i picked up" does not count as noise on this channel. << noted! 1910970;1556823658;BingoBoingo;Should be plenty of them in NY from what I hear 1910971;1556824447;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2019/05/yet-another-nobus-backdoor-to-root-on-cisco-kit-burned-after-the-us-set-expanded/ << Qntra -- Yet Another NOBUS Backdoor To Root On Cisco Kit Burned After The "Us" Set Expanded 1910972;1556828393;asciilifeform;lol, this is, wat, 4th ? 1910973;1556828395;asciilifeform;5th? 1910974;1556828433;BingoBoingo;Manyth 1910975;1556829581;BingoBoingo;But... they just won't yield 1910976;1556830449;asciilifeform;lol, wai would they 'yield'. usg prints moola by the gigatonne, gives'em just like gives to microshit. a++ 'biznismodel'. aand nao finally banned competing chinese router ( which, lulzily, is [http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/factor/421][mostly indistinguishable from cisco in any way that matters] ) 1910977;1556830494;asciilifeform;soon enuff i expect cisco will be Officially mandatory in all reich telecom , like at&t gear once was pre-divestiture 1910978;1556832419;Mocky;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-01#1910400 << I want to do the dns. I was reading recently: http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=gns 1910979;1556832419;a111;Logged on 2019-05-01 07:44 mp_en_viaje: who wants to do the tmsr dns ? jurov ? mod6 ? Mocky maybe ? mats ? 1910980;1556832438;Mocky;eating log still 1910981;1556841927;mod6;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-02#1910644 << Aha, yes it does. Thanks for the example link to get me thinking. Will switch it up on the next one. 1910982;1556841927;a111;Logged on 2019-05-02 11:49 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-02#1910580 << prolly time to drop the phraseology and settle for a more adequately modest http://thetarpit.org/posts/y05/082-tmsr-schedule-i.html sorta thing, "this is what i intend to do". doesn't it get akward to "oh, state of bitcoin address, mod6 did this mod6 did that mod6 did the other" ? 1910983;1556853537;Mocky;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-24#1874402 << this suggests that each key holder can only host $key/gns at one ip address. And what about vpatch ordering and the v manifest file? If i have an entry for archive.is and want to change that entry, I can't just make and sign a patch of my own, i have to patch on top of the 'consensus' press, otherwise manifest won't match and can't press multiple heads. Am I wrong about how that works? 1910984;1556853537;a111;Logged on 2018-11-24 19:51 mircea_popescu: i ~suppose~ one manner of handling this is the followingf convention : patches to be acquired from $key/gns/ dir, for all keys in the seals ring. so it'd look for "6160E1CAC8A3C52966FD76998A736F0E2FB7B452/gns" which is not a "valid" domain per usg.verisign "rules" however it DOES resolve in our own system. because we can put ips on anything we want. 1910985;1556857354;Mocky;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-01#1910435 << using gns as proposed, I don't see any other way than passing out ip based links. I can't send a blog link to a slut on fetlife who doesn't have cuntoo, nor can i send a link to cuntoo guide. The whole thing seems like tree forts connected with tin cans and string. For gossipd I have no objection, for name resolution of published material? How is it even published if 'must be this tall to 1910986;1556857354;a111;Logged on 2019-05-01 14:52 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-01#1910401 << how to handle log links on e.g. blog, such that heathen-loadable tho. ( naked ip, and s/old/new when changes ? ) 1910987;1556857354;Mocky;ride' plus 'this tall' means in my wot? 1910988;1556857672;Mocky;I see embrace and extinguish as more appropriate for dns destruction (ala a dnsmasq-esque approach) than isolated bunkers. I mean, i could have joined up with republic prime instead, but they already completed work on gns prime, and maybe they passed out ip based links for a while, but eventually pulled up the ladders to their tree forts and now they can't even be found. So who knows if republic prime or double prime even exists. 1910989;1556857915;Mocky;what's the point of having names if I have to also be ready with the ip addresses all the damn time? 1910990;1556858094;Mocky;i would prefer, 'that link to mocky.istheshit/proof doesn't work? you must have a shitty dns client, here's the right one...' 1910991;1556858221;Mocky;'your machine is broke, here's the fix...' 1910992;1556858308;Mocky;'this tall' to have your own actual domain: yes. 'this tall' to follow a link: no. 1910993;1556867285;diana_coman;Mocky: isn't the "right one" dns client you're talking about simply a bridge? i.e. sure, have as many bridges as you want, too, what exactly is the problem? 1910994;1556870566;mp_en_viaje;hi all from the lovely beograd 1910995;1556870633;mp_en_viaje;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-03#1910983 << mind : the consensus press as visible from your own set of seals! 1910996;1556870633;a111;Logged on 2019-05-03 03:18 Mocky: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-24#1874402 << this suggests that each key holder can only host $key/gns at one ip address. And what about vpatch ordering and the v manifest file? If i have an entry for archive.is and want to change that entry, I can't just make and sign a patch of my own, i have to patch on top of the 'consensus' press, otherwise manifest won't match and can't press multiple heads. Am I wrong about how that works? 1910997;1556870695;mp_en_viaje;so if there's say people a - f and patches counted numerically, supposing you have 1(a-f) -> 2(a, b) / 3 (b c d e f), patch 4 for someone who has a seals list made up of a, b should be on 2, 1910998;1556870705;mp_en_viaje;whereas patch 4 made by someone whose seal list is b c should be on 3 1910999;1556870735;mp_en_viaje;whereas someone who has only b should patch, i suppose, on both 2 and 3. 1911000;1556870772;mp_en_viaje;this produces what looks like a potential problem, in that we'll end up with ambiguous multireferences to same name. i believe this is no problem at all, but merely a licked tooth, and should be kept as such. 1911001;1556871064;mp_en_viaje;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-03#1910987 > i haven't used civillian dns for what, two years now. i dont' care to, either. this usecase is massively more important than "fetlife slut". for one thing, fetlife slut ain't reading anything anyway ; for the other thing, nothing forces you to limit yourself to gns if you don't want to. 1911002;1556871064;a111;Logged on 2019-05-03 04:22 Mocky: ride' plus 'this tall' means in my wot? 1911003;1556871093;mp_en_viaje;how would fetlife slut know about gns anyway ? 1911004;1556871142;mp_en_viaje;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-03#1910988 << i dunno wtf "isolated bunkers" are yo utalking about anyways ? 1911005;1556871142;a111;Logged on 2019-05-03 04:27 Mocky: I see embrace and extinguish as more appropriate for dns destruction (ala a dnsmasq-esque approach) than isolated bunkers. I mean, i could have joined up with republic prime instead, but they already completed work on gns prime, and maybe they passed out ip based links for a while, but eventually pulled up the ladders to their tree forts and now they can't even be found. So who knows if republic prime or double prime even exists. 1911006;1556871500;mp_en_viaje;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-03#1910992 << what exactly can possibly prevent you from keeping retarded dns if that;s what you want ? i mean, just because i'm not stuck editing /etc/hosts by hand all the time does it mean anything about that ? 1911007;1556871500;a111;Logged on 2019-05-03 04:38 Mocky: 'this tall' to have your own actual domain: yes. 'this tall' to follow a link: no. 1911008;1556871587;mp_en_viaje;obviously in time you'll discover that it's eminently not WORTH it to pay 10 bux or w/e to random empire of idiots pretend-authority. and obviously you'll discover it's fun to declare google.com or w/e whitehouse.gov == pronhub. but these future discovery is neither here nor there ; and the fact that my email currently addressed to mp@whitehouse.gov will start even being delivered once gns is live also doesn' tmatter that much 1911009;1556871587;mp_en_viaje; -- not lik i read email anyway. 1911010;1556881063;mp_en_viaje;hi again! 1911011;1556881068;Mocky;hi 1911012;1556881880;mp_en_viaje;Mocky, so, what about dat gns ? 1911013;1556882026;Mocky;so re your patches example, if patch 2 & 3 both declare patch 1 as parent, and I have wot keys for all a - f, I can't press to both heads correct? 1911014;1556882428;Mocky;the idea seems go be that different people have their own view of hosts file updates based on own view of wot, however, it only works a) without the manifest file and b) pressing to all heads, not just one 1911015;1556882484;mp_en_viaje;Mocky, why not ? 1911016;1556882779;Mocky;what would it even look like pressing to multiple heads at the same time? how can you get the updates in both patch 1 and 2 if they are siblings? 1911017;1556882810;Mocky;i'm off to kick some ass and take some names, bbl 1911018;1556885831;mp_en_viaje;jesus the serbs have terribad itnernets. 1911019;1556885914;mp_en_viaje;Mocky, i dunno what you mean. it almost reads like you're talking from a complete unfamiliarity with V altogether. what do you mean even, "press multiple heads AT THE SAME TIME". any v tree permits any v operator the choice of where the fuck to press to. if the tree is 1->2->3 you can choose to press to 1, 2 or 3. this is not "at the same time". 1911020;1556885942;mp_en_viaje;moreover, the selection of seals you put in your seals dir permits you to choose from a multitude of different trees. 1911021;1556885949;mp_en_viaje;which of these is problematic ? 1911022;1556886061;mp_en_viaje;indeed, if the set of signatures in your seals dir signs a bunch of different possible trees, the situation becomes ambiguous. i was saying, i don't think this is a problem at all (if for no other reason, then because either the user cares or doesn't care. if he does care he can just sign whichever he prefers, then put his own signature in the seals and presto. if he does not care then he doesn't care.) 1911023;1556886334;mp_en_viaje;then again, if the user cares about the signatures in his seals NOT doing this in the first place, he can just nuke whoever who does do it (and can use his own sig to bridge whatever bridges he wants bridged) 1911024;1556886343;mp_en_viaje;whichever way this is turned, i dun manage to see what the problem is. 1911025;1556886429;diana_coman;fwiw I don't get what the issue is there and what does the manifest have to do with anything 1911026;1556886444;diana_coman;i.e. manifest is a history with dates but not some prescription re patching 1911027;1556886449;diana_coman;afaik 1911028;1556886542;diana_coman;and a sig on a patch to my mind can't anyway be in isolation like that, "just this patch here is fine but I have no idea of what is being patched" 1911029;1556886545;mp_en_viaje;well it orders patching 1911030;1556886559;mp_en_viaje;but yes in this case the manifest is possibly spurious, as you're always changing the same one file anyway 1911031;1556886634;mp_en_viaje;meanwhile in gringotourism, https://x.imagefapusercontent.com/u/Bicdsubslut/8082234/455345661/50.jpg 1911032;1556886674;diana_coman;and the contents of the manifest file itself are obtained from pressing a tree so it's not like you get mismatch tree <-> manifest and a tangle or I don't see it 1911033;1556886736;mp_en_viaje;myeah. 1911034;1556886775;diana_coman;bleah, burtoi pe popice ce-i ala 1911035;1556886899;mp_en_viaje;lol. 1911036;1556887209;mp_en_viaje;meanwhile in costa rica, https://x.imagefapusercontent.com/u/fisher3-D/8082660/271824794/001.gif 1911037;1556889687;BingoBoingo;Aite, I can see how whaack kept on the German chicks 1911038;1556890474;mp_en_viaje;meanwhile in hungary... https://x.imagefapusercontent.com/u/MisterFavorite/8082587/270478243/3258.jpg 1911039;1556891799;*;asciilifeform waves to mp_en_viaje 1911040;1556891807;mp_en_viaje;how goes alfster 1911041;1556891897;asciilifeform;slowly. 1911042;1556891909;mp_en_viaje;meanwhile in foxy ladies of github, https://x.imagefapusercontent.com/u/Valquorex/8082427/161588295/full-mg-5384.jpg 1911043;1556891922;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: how's serbia ? does http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-01#1868233 still stand ? 1911044;1556891922;a111;Logged on 2018-11-01 01:08 mircea_popescu: they don't got the guts to qatar/burma anymore, that's for damn sure. 1911045;1556891940;mp_en_viaje;i just got here aite! 1911046;1556891945;asciilifeform;lolk 1911047;1556891955;mp_en_viaje;but so far -- as i remember. the females are brave, the males inconsequential. 1911048;1556891979;asciilifeform;the linked chix must be a chemist!11 1911049;1556891991;asciilifeform;( she's obviously looking at a cross-eye stereo pic ! ) 1911050;1556891999;mp_en_viaje;kinda how ye olde austro-hungarian lands work, from bohemia to lithuania etc. 1911051;1556892043;asciilifeform;erry century or two they get someone with balls, then ww1 starts etc 1911052;1556892186;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-03#1910992 << there's a simple , if ugly , pill for giving heathens working links -- http://a.working.box.with.gateway/mocky etc 1911053;1556892186;a111;Logged on 2019-05-03 04:38 Mocky: 'this tall' to have your own actual domain: yes. 'this tall' to follow a link: no. 1911054;1556892214;asciilifeform;it's what the 'i2p' etc folx do to this day iirc 1911055;1556892298;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-03#1911006 << imho the correct use, given working gns, for errybody's stockpile of heathen dns names, is to park gateways 1911056;1556892298;a111;Logged on 2019-05-03 08:18 mp_en_viaje: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-03#1910992 << what exactly can possibly prevent you from keeping retarded dns if that;s what you want ? i mean, just because i'm not stuck editing /etc/hosts by hand all the time does it mean anything about that ? 1911057;1556892314;asciilifeform;e.g. http://trilema.com/gns/mp etc 1911058;1556892347;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu demoed this with mpex aeons ago 1911059;1556892352;mp_en_viaje;holy shit this internet is useless. 1911060;1556892354;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, actually she's midly famous pron girl, "bailey helen" 1911061;1556892375;mp_en_viaje;only notable because reclaiming name of old guard pantsuitist mayo. 1911062;1556892375;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: what are you using for modem, lol, the remains of the killed stealth bomber in belgrad ? 1911063;1556892386;mp_en_viaje;i am beginning to suspect so! 1911064;1556892402;mp_en_viaje;but no, w/e this 4 star hotel thinks is an adequate infrastructure. w/e, house of sluts. moving tomorro. 1911065;1556892411;asciilifeform;tcp over slightly bent rudder. 1911066;1556892453;*;mp_en_viaje stopped at "Public House" 4 star hotel earlier walking about. "i don't think they know what public house means", quoth i to my girls. "of course we do!" quoth reception desk gal. 1911067;1556892470;mp_en_viaje;maybe it really is a brothel ; i doubt it tho, looked like slightly ditzy run of the mill. 1911068;1556892690;asciilifeform;'you said it was brothel, but where is the broth?!' 1911069;1556892921;*;asciilifeform brb:tea 1911070;1556898685;asciilifeform;!Q later tell phf canhaz #p logger ? ( or a 'when' at least ) ? ty 1911071;1556898685;lobbesbot;asciilifeform: The operation succeeded. 1911072;1556898764;asciilifeform;i would like to link to [http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/SOZBT/?raw=true][this] , for instance , and am stuck w/ pastetronics. 1911073;1556902181;BingoBoingo;!Xbuy 154mn 96 500 WFF, WU esta bien 1911074;1556902181;auctionbot;Buy order # 1047 created by BingoBoingo: 500 WFF, WU esta bien Opening: 154mn ecu Ending: 2019-05-07 04:56:28.887251 UTC (95 hours) 1911075;1556902252;BingoBoingo;^ PeterL mats_ jurov lobbes and other interested parties are welcome to begin bidding to set this month's exchange rate 1911076;1556902282;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2019/05/local-governments-in-texas-cease-defense-of-private-property/ << Qntra -- Local Governments In Texas Cease Defense Of Private Property 1911077;1556902314;PeterL;!Xbid 1047 124mn 1911078;1556902315;auctionbot;Buy order # 1047: 500 WFF, WU esta bien Heard: 124mn from PeterL. Ending: 2019-05-07 04:56:28.887251 UTC (95 hours 57 mins) 1911079;1556904283;jurov;!Xbid 1047 120mn 1911080;1556904284;auctionbot;Buy order # 1047: 500 WFF, WU esta bien Heard: 120mn from jurov outbidding PeterL. Ending: 2019-05-07 04:56:28.887251 UTC (95 hours 24 mins) 1911081;1556906439;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-03#1911050 << this slipped by me at 1st but... on my planet lithuania was never in ah afaik 1911082;1556906439;a111;Logged on 2019-05-03 13:59 mp_en_viaje: kinda how ye olde austro-hungarian lands work, from bohemia to lithuania etc. 1911083;1556907289;PeterL;maybe the 10th century southern limit of Lithuania was within the largest extent of AH, but most people don't think of that as part of Lithuania 1911084;1556907462;BingoBoingo;And one of Mujica's MPP buddies is looking a a prosecution, provided the standard latino legislator immunity gets waived https://www.elobservador.com.uy/nota/fiscal-pidio-procesamiento-para-el-diputado-daniel-placeres-201953133842 1911085;1556907615;PeterL;!Xbid 1047 114mn 1911086;1556907615;auctionbot;Buy order # 1047: 500 WFF, WU esta bien Heard: 114mn from PeterL outbidding jurov. Ending: 2019-05-07 04:56:28.887251 UTC (94 hours 29 mins) 1911087;1556908105;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2019/05/europolice-knock-down-two-darknet-markets/ << Qntra -- EuroPolice Knock Down Two Darknet Markets 1911088;1556908407;BingoBoingo;^ The tor woodchipper continues consuming derps 1911089;1556912520;asciilifeform;nobody [http://trilema.com/2013/the-story-of-pointless-and-witless/][makes'em jump in the thing] , lol, they go in on own steam 1911090;1556912777;asciilifeform;dorkmarkets consist on 1 end of usg honeypot and on other, of redditards entirely tired -- apparently -- of living , is afaik all there is to it 1911091;1556912875;asciilifeform;potentially a 'symbiosis' that could live for many yrs, neither ingredient is likely to run out any time soon 1911092;1556917225;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-02#1910605 << ty! 1911093;1556917225;a111;Logged on 2019-05-02 11:02 mircea_popescu: phf, http://btcbase.org/log/2019-04-30#1910230 << done meanwhile ; should be ok now. 1911094;1556917226;lobbesbot;phf: Sent 5 hours and 9 minutes ago: canhaz #p logger ? ( or a 'when' at least ) ? ty 1911095;1556917329;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-01#1910411 << i'm back from a head clearing trip (went to st. petersburg after georgia), so i ought to be back to doing things 1911096;1556917329;a111;Logged on 2019-05-01 08:08 mp_en_viaje: phf, what are you doing these days ? 1911097;1556918899;Mocky;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-03#1911019 << I stated my assumption, for confirmation, that you can't press to both heads, and you answered with "why not?", and I followed up with 'what would that even look like?' I stated in two different ways that I'm talking about sibling patches with the same parent, not 1->2->3. did you even read what i wrote? 1911098;1556918899;a111;Logged on 2019-05-03 12:18 mp_en_viaje: Mocky, i dunno what you mean. it almost reads like you're talking from a complete unfamiliarity with V altogether. what do you mean even, "press multiple heads AT THE SAME TIME". any v tree permits any v operator the choice of where the fuck to press to. if the tree is 1->2->3 you can choose to press to 1, 2 or 3. this is not "at the same time". 1911099;1556918995;Mocky;I don't have time to expand now before I go, but i can expand later. 1911100;1556919125;Mocky;and i can also expand later on what's with the 'connecting', tcp? and what's with the directories, protocol on top of tcp? I'm hoping that its figurative and you don't literally want to build gns on tcp and http 1911101;1556921952;asciilifeform;Mocky: iirc mircea_popescu's scheme centers around a return to the good ol' days when ~all~ names could be found on a given machine's /etc/hosts (or equiv.) -- so one ~could~ in principle use a very slow mechanism to sync'em, and it'll still work in practice. ( tho i also would rather avoid cementing tcpisms into future design of whatever type ) 1911102;1556922088;asciilifeform;Mocky: re vpatches -- as i understand, the contemplated structure is a linear chain, and 'siblings' could only occur in event of schisms/civil war , rather than as a regular thing 1911103;1556922147;asciilifeform;i.e. an object moar resembling trinque's wot db than a http://btcbase.org/patches?patchset=experimental affair 1911104;1556924439;mp_en_viaje;mkay, the breakage here's more than i know how to readily address. 1911105;1556925181;mp_en_viaje;elementarily you can press to both http://btcbase.org/patches/bitcoin-asciilifeform.2-https_snipsnip and http://btcbase.org/patches/bitcoin-asciilifeform.3-turdmeister-alert-snip for instance. either one or the other at any one time, of course, but both in the general sense of "can press". because it's not clear what you mean by "both", and because the question's either absurd or trivial whichever way one goes, and because you don't seem to diagnos 1911106;1556925181;mp_en_viaje;e this situation therefore i say "apparent unfamiliarity". 1911107;1556925244;mp_en_viaje;in any case i'd say just about any single implication you propose doesn't follow. elementarily different people having differing views of a patchset on the basis of their seals works just fine with manifest files as without. and so on. 1911108;1556925353;mp_en_viaje;to put in in those terms, the problem ain't so much that i didn't read what you said ; the problem's rather that nor i nor anyone else seems to know ~know~ how to read it. 1911109;1556941630;Mocky;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-03#1911101 << I also would rather avoid cementing tcpisms into future design of whatever type, which is why I bring it up 1911110;1556941630;a111;Logged on 2019-05-03 22:19 asciilifeform: Mocky: iirc mircea_popescu's scheme centers around a return to the good ol' days when ~all~ names could be found on a given machine's /etc/hosts (or equiv.) -- so one ~could~ in principle use a very slow mechanism to sync'em, and it'll still work in practice. ( tho i also would rather avoid cementing tcpisms into future design of whatever type ) 1911111;1556942003;Mocky;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-03#1911102 << i guess I don't have the priors to understand the contemplated structure. I'm not sure how to reconcile the obvious linear chain with: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-03#1911020 1911112;1556942003;a111;Logged on 2019-05-03 22:21 asciilifeform: Mocky: re vpatches -- as i understand, the contemplated structure is a linear chain, and 'siblings' could only occur in event of schisms/civil war , rather than as a regular thing 1911113;1556942003;a111;Logged on 2019-05-03 12:19 mp_en_viaje: moreover, the selection of seals you put in your seals dir permits you to choose from a multitude of different trees. 1911114;1556942826;Mocky;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-03#1910995 << no. The proposed spec results in a linear chain, the tip of which is the only place where the next vpatch could go without a schism/civil war. On your own computer you can press wherever you want in the chain (or have private branches w/e), but in public you can only release further vpaches based on the same tip of the chain that everyone has. this is defacto consensus. 1911115;1556942826;a111;Logged on 2019-05-03 08:03 mp_en_viaje: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-03#1910983 << mind : the consensus press as visible from your own set of seals! 1911116;1556943578;Mocky;Maybe my prior comments were too abrasive / snarky making it difficult to engage, if so that's on me. Or maybe I just don't understand. Either way there's no point me trying to continue with the content of an argument that no one can engage with. 1911117;1556947214;mp_en_viaje;Mocky, your ideas of what means "public" an' "private" are unsuitable in two fundamental ways. 1911118;1556947298;mp_en_viaje;the first is that there does not exist a "public" or a "private" as such, in the manner there exists "good guys" or "the rootless cosmopolitans" as found in novels [http://trilema.com/2015/hai-c-am-furat-un-negativ/#selection-133.0-139.59][badly written] by tendentious authors. 1911119;1556947341;mp_en_viaje;there's such a thing as the private1 of mp alone, and the private #2 of mp and slut x, and private #3 of mp and slut y, and private #4 of mp and slut x and slut y, and so following. 1911120;1556947397;mp_en_viaje;then there's the public of right here, but also the public of http://btcbase.org/log/2019-03-26#1904761 ; both of these very much public, but public to different publics. 1911121;1556947397;a111;Logged on 2019-03-26 01:46 mircea_popescu: diana_coman, trinque BingoBoingo mod6 asciilifeform phf lobbes spyked ave1 : http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/c0QfD/?raw=true 1911122;1556947470;mp_en_viaje;the second is that however vectorial or otherwise non-scalar / non-naive extension of bad literature these "public" or "private" be defined, they are NOT properties of the user, deemed as an individual, sovereign and central item in the construction of the world. 1911123;1556947604;mp_en_viaje;the novel does not follow hero ilya muromets (whom you know is the hero cuz that's who the novel follows) and from this perspective describes his adventures in the lands of public or private. 1911124;1556947647;mp_en_viaje;rather, the novel follows ~the hero public~, and from THIS perspective tells the adventures of various cioloveks, ~whose names are only in the first place predicated on THEIR appartenence to the hero of our novel, the status-of-being-public~. 1911125;1556947764;mp_en_viaje;for which reason : yes there is going to be a press for anyone pressing. how exactly this press is constructed out of the universe of possible pressings, that's a matter established through the interplay of domains, as defined by the keys belonging to them. 1911126;1556947898;mp_en_viaje;(in particular http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-03#1911102 is at best naive : if you insist that my key does not sign competing chains [which is not even necessarily a bad idea] i will simply make ~multiple keys~, which will each sign whichver chain i wish to sign for whatever reason, and which will pass the "omg civil war" safeguard while achieving exactly no satisfaction of the bijection contemplated -- they'll still be my keys, one and all.) 1911127;1556947898;a111;Logged on 2019-05-03 22:21 asciilifeform: Mocky: re vpatches -- as i understand, the contemplated structure is a linear chain, and 'siblings' could only occur in event of schisms/civil war , rather than as a regular thing 1911128;1556947990;mp_en_viaje;as it stands, i also do not see a problem with the same one key signing whatever count of ~compatible~ versions of the universe, where the key's to define what compatible actually means, following therefrom that there's exactly jack shit one can systematically do by looking at the totalized pile of keys signatures and possibilities. (the familiar will readily recognize a pattern here). 1911129;1556948651;mp_en_viaje;now then, specifically as to the whole "no. bla bla", let's look at how this works in practice : 1911130;1556948652;mp_en_viaje;At t0, there is a genesis, consisting of a gns file, containing a0 -> b0 ; and a manifest file, containing #t0. 1911131;1556948652;mp_en_viaje;At t1, there is a patch upon t0#t0, transforming gns to a0 -> b0 ; a1 -> b2 ; manifest becomes #t1. this is signed by A, W, F, G, U, K. 1911132;1556948652;mp_en_viaje;At t2, there is a patch upon t0#t0, transforming gns to a1->b1 ; manifest becomes #t1. this is signed by A, Q, G, B, N, I. 1911133;1556948653;mp_en_viaje;At t3, a fellow looks to add a2 -> b5 to the gns. suppose this fellow whose name is R knows only Q. Thus therefore he presses t2#t1, and so gns becomes a1->b1, a2->b5 while manifest becomes #t3. 1911134;1556948656;mp_en_viaje;suppose instead the fellow only knew K. he'd have pressed t1#t1, resulting in a gns a0->b0 ; a1 -> b2 ; a2 -> b5 and a manifest #t3. 1911135;1556948659;mp_en_viaje;suppose yet again the fellow knows A. in this case, he has a choice : either he does the first suppose above, or the second. this choice is ~his~. 1911136;1556948662;mp_en_viaje;at t4, another fellow named F looks to change gns so that a0 -> b8. this fellow goes through all the keys, loads up all possible tips (which are t1#t1, t2#t1, t3#t3, the last one ~in itself ambiguous at this point in our tale) and produces : on the first chain a t4#t2 ; on the 2nd chain a t4#t2 ; on the third chain a t4#t4, and signs all of these. 1911137;1556948669;mp_en_viaje;at t5, yet another fellow has the choice of whether to follow F's chain, or R's chain, or the A-Q-G-B-N-I chain or so following. 1911138;1556948672;mp_en_viaje;where's the civil war ? obviously if A wants to be upsed at F, or R, or for that matter Q or U it's entirely his right and priviledge to proceed ; but what ~systematic~ rule for warmaking can you propose on the basis of this flow of history ? 1911139;1556948676;mp_en_viaje;(pro tip : of fucking course you can't, if you could it'd be therefore cryptographically weak.) 1911140;1556949226;mp_en_viaje;to put it in other terms -- if this fit in head, it'd be broken. the ~mechanism~ is supposed to be fit in head ; not the data. 1911141;1556949249;mp_en_viaje;speaking of which, at some point a while ago hannah wakes up in a panic -- she had a nightmare. 1911142;1556949262;mp_en_viaje;the nightmare was that i had ordered her to document all the water. 1911143;1556949305;mp_en_viaje;nobody's about to order anyone to document all the water -- and by this i mean, asciilifeform ain't gonna send himself on such foolish errands, nor you, nor anyone else. let the water be. 1911144;1556950184;mp_en_viaje;meanwhile in the dungeons, https://x.imagefapusercontent.com/u/Bicdsubslut/8082234/1242057165/bdsmlr-80572-srpk59uhcd.jpg 1911145;1556961311;mp_en_viaje;sadly belgrade's sour milks and bread specialties culture seems to have muchly decayed in the intervening ~decade. 1911146;1556961339;mp_en_viaje;this is a horrible loss to human culture i guess few are apt to appreciate. but horrible nevertheless. 1911147;1556961382;mp_en_viaje;basically the cheap and inedible "fornetti" crap took over. 1911148;1556961441;mp_en_viaje;the industrialized croissant. 1911149;1556967411;diana_coman;heh, fornetti is the universal name for industrialised replacement of replacement in the pastry world; I hadn't realised it had spread that far. 1911150;1556967493;mp_en_viaje;terribad. 1911151;1556967507;mp_en_viaje;poor serbs. they really had the world's best pastries last decade. 1911152;1556967537;diana_coman;well, fornetti and nutella and whatever else, when going cheaper and then cheaper and so on, how else can it really go 1911153;1556967830;diana_coman;hotelmoskva has no better internets than the public house apparently 1911154;1556968237;feedbot;http://trilema.com/2019/la-omu-sarac/ << Trilema -- La omu' sarac... 1911155;1556969454;mp_en_viaje;nutella used to be hazelnut paste ;/ 1911156;1556969455;mp_en_viaje;now, shockingly, it's sweetened & flavoured hydrogenated oils 1911157;1556969457;mp_en_viaje;kinda reminds me of that very argentine http://trilema.com/2016/my-rather-sad-breakfast-or-fuck-you-smart-food-company-srl-and-fuck-you-industria-argentina/ 1911158;1556969469;mp_en_viaje;diana_coman, i guess maybe i'm being ddos'd ? nfi, by now kinda weird. 1911159;1556969965;mp_en_viaje;in other sads, apparently yest trilema header was blank because i used - instead of _ in filename. pshaw. 1911160;1556974625;Mocky;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-04#1911138 << I did not construe asciilifeform's language of civil war/schism to suggest that the proposal is weak to systematic attack, merely that a schism between people could be reflected in the graph 1911161;1556974625;a111;Logged on 2019-05-04 05:44 mp_en_viaje: where's the civil war ? obviously if A wants to be upsed at F, or R, or for that matter Q or U it's entirely his right and priviledge to proceed ; but what ~systematic~ rule for warmaking can you propose on the basis of this flow of history ? 1911162;1556975378;Mocky;mp, I can make my point using your flow if you allow a slight change to the patch at t1, such that instead of 'a0 -> b0, a1 -> b2' it does 'a0 -> b9, a1 -> b2'. 1911163;1556975810;Mocky;supposing that a0, a1 etc. are host names and b0 etc are ip addresses, and further suppose that at time t2 a1 becomes unreachable at b2 and reachable at b1 (precipitating the patch a t2) then there are now no nodes in the flow going all the way out to t5 and beyond where both a0 and a1 would be reachable if pressed 1911164;1556977049;Mocky;my point is not that this is likely to happen, but that it would defeat the purpose of host name resolution to release patches in this way and so it would end up being a linear chain among cooperating folks. But on further consideration I see that this is only true when patches contain more than mapping change 1911165;1556977080;Mocky;"more than one mapping change" 1911166;1556979871;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-04#1911126 << iirc mircea_popescu gave this very same algo for 'how ideally to organize v-branches of proggy'. it remains unclear to asciilifeform why you would want to do this for name/ip tuples tho. 1911167;1556979871;a111;Logged on 2019-05-04 05:31 mp_en_viaje: (in particular http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-03#1911102 is at best naive : if you insist that my key does not sign competing chains [which is not even necessarily a bad idea] i will simply make ~multiple keys~, which will each sign whichver chain i wish to sign for whatever reason, and which will pass the "omg civil war" safeguard while achieving exactly no satisfaction of the bijection contemplated -- they'll still be my keys, one and all.) 1911168;1556980262;asciilifeform;i've prolly [http://btcbase.org/patches?patchset=experimental][signed moar entirely logically-exclusive documents] than anyone else, but they were proggy variants. if one were to do this re ip/name , then, what , gotta manually disentangle vtree erry time you want to resolve a site ?! 1911169;1556980287;asciilifeform;promises to be gnarly. 1911170;1556983036;*;asciilifeform bbl:meat. 1911171;1556992302;mp_en_viaje;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-04#1911165 << it's not clear to me that it would be te case even then. there;s no rule that a domain must resolve to a single ip. 1911172;1556992302;a111;Logged on 2019-05-04 13:38 Mocky: "more than one mapping change" 1911173;1556992351;mp_en_viaje;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-04#1911169 << point isn't that you'd necessarily want to ; point is that you certainly don't want to try and prevent another. 1911174;1556992351;a111;Logged on 2019-05-04 14:31 asciilifeform: promises to be gnarly. 1911175;1556992398;mp_en_viaje;consider education : you could sleep in class instead of paying attention. "but why would i ?" "you fucking wouldn't, obviously. but if someone did -- will you guard them ?" 1911176;1556992499;mp_en_viaje;Mocky, moreover, there's no "one true internet" understood as a collection of equal and idempotent sites. maybe a1 no longer resolving is a feature not a bug for a subset of pressers. 1911177;1556992556;mp_en_viaje;(gns is gns, a's can be domain names as they can be dictionary words. i can see the argument for "global warming" or w/e tv "celebrity" not resolving to anything.) 1911178;1556992607;mp_en_viaje;heck, half my discussions of such start with "that idiot one, with the horse face" or equivalent. i've been living for many years with tons of entries in the pantsuit namespace not resolving to anything whatsoever, and to no detriment. 1911179;1556994915;mp_en_viaje;meanwhile in strange itches, https://x.imagefapusercontent.com/u/xes79/8083421/1241750599/img-20190423-110022.jpg 1911180;1557003047;feedbot;http://ossasepia.com/2019/05/04/euloras-client-core-basic-docs/ << Ossa Sepia -- Eulora's Client Core - Basic Docs 1911181;1557007279;Mocky;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-04#1911176 << I can see that possibility 1911182;1557007279;a111;Logged on 2019-05-04 17:54 mp_en_viaje: Mocky, moreover, there's no "one true internet" understood as a collection of equal and idempotent sites. maybe a1 no longer resolving is a feature not a bug for a subset of pressers. 1911183;1557014023;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-04#1911171 << how wouldja disambiguate ? ( ...pick random ? ...prompt ? ) 1911184;1557014023;a111;Logged on 2019-05-04 17:51 mp_en_viaje: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-04#1911165 << it's not clear to me that it would be te case even then. there;s no rule that a domain must resolve to a single ip. 1911185;1557014267;BingoBoingo;Seems like a tbd 1911186;1557014268;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-04#1911178 << imho that's just about half the appeal -- 'resolve(ads.liquishit.com) ? null!' 1911187;1557014268;a111;Logged on 2019-05-04 17:56 mp_en_viaje: heck, half my discussions of such start with "that idiot one, with the horse face" or equivalent. i've been living for many years with tons of entries in the pantsuit namespace not resolving to anything whatsoever, and to no detriment. 1911188;1557015231;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2019/05/usg-intelligence-organs-fail-spectacularly-in-venezuela-as-maduro-orders-military-to-prepare-for-invasion/ << Qntra -- USG "Intelligence" Organs Fail Spectacularly In Venezuela As Maduro Orders Military To Prepare For Invasion 1911189;1557043339;mp_en_viaje;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-04#1911183 << same exact way it's done now. consider what happens now, dig freenode -> http://trilema.com/2019/the-freenode-issue/#selection-31.0-59.22 1911190;1557043339;a111;Logged on 2019-05-04 23:53 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-04#1911171 << how wouldja disambiguate ? ( ...pick random ? ...prompt ? ) 1911191;1557043638;mp_en_viaje;BingoBoingo,"These USG tantrums lacked any self awareness as details of the plot failed were spilled to the extent that any plausible deniability of the USG's leadership of the plot is undeniable." >> "Besides ample unintentional comedy, the childish lack of self awareness from which these USG tantrums stem renders impossible any sort of deniability of USG's "leadership" (or more properly, dreamership) of the remarkably braindamaged plot." 1911192;1557043652;mp_en_viaje;or something. you gotta sort your subordinate clauses like you speak english, aite ? 1911193;1557044122;BingoBoingo;ty, suggested replacement emplaced 1911194;1557044194;mp_en_viaje;meanwhile, in harem technologies from the future, https://x.imagefapusercontent.com/u/Brownfinger/8051557/1277517574/mask22.jpg 1911195;1557044370;mp_en_viaje;and also, in adult women / excellent attitude in a slavegirl news, https://x.imagefapusercontent.com/u/BettyPorngirl/8081362/479980499/14461027.gif 1911196;1557044443;mp_en_viaje;plenty got that in them ; and plenty got other, and better things. but until you hurt them well, you never know, nor does it ever show. 1911197;1557052838;*;mp_en_viaje shall bbl. 1911198;1557053459;feedbot;http://trilema.com/2019/naked-sluts-in-hotel-rooms-a-frank-discussion-of-harem-sexuality-the-warm-pubic-reception-of-the-general-public-and-other-typos/ << Trilema -- Naked sluts in hotel rooms, a frank discussion of harem sexuality, the warm pubic reception of the general public and other typos. 1911199;1557074478;mp_en_viaje;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-04#1911186 << not to mention all the "tracking pixel" bullshits. 1911200;1557074478;a111;Logged on 2019-05-04 23:57 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-04#1911178 << imho that's just about half the appeal -- 'resolve(ads.liquishit.com) ? null!' 1911201;1557074561;mp_en_viaje;meanwhile in other sad news, belgrade bdsm scene seems to consist 100% of "escort services" 1911202;1557075120;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: what was it like in the old days ? 1911203;1557075185;asciilifeform;( come to think of it, i dun recall at any point mp_en_viaje travelogue where 'this-here country has a++ bsdm!' -- this ever even existed ? ) 1911204;1557080876;BingoBoingo;May have existed in the 1980s? 1911205;1557083752;asciilifeform;lol maybe 1780s. with de sade . 1911206;1557084016;mp_en_viaje;back in the old days they had a male/gay/leather thing and a lesbo/uni/femintard thing. 1911207;1557084067;asciilifeform;iirc mp_en_viaje knows how to strip the electron shell from the latter and make bromine trifluoride neh 1911208;1557084089;mp_en_viaje;notsure it's knowledge per se. 1911209;1557084103;asciilifeform;well 'knows' like fluorine 'knows' 1911210;1557084193;mp_en_viaje;anyways, even with civillians... me spent a few hours in the tiniest spa known to mankind. rando couple, "soo.. .are you a triplet ?" "actually, they're my slaves" "wut?!?!?" "do you know what bdsm is ?" dude : nope ; chick yup. 1911211;1557084227;mp_en_viaje;kinda how this goes, i'd guesstimate about 2/3 of reproductive age females and 1% or so of reproductive age males know-about-it 1911212;1557084547;mp_en_viaje;honestly, i'd propose it's about 0% different from how things work here. have the creds and speak the words, you're in, takes all of three and a half minutes. 1911213;1557084570;mp_en_viaje;absent the two... why, you can lick the walls for decades, go on pixel clicking hunts until you break down your mouse. 1911214;1557084615;mp_en_viaje;what distinguishes lord from orc ? "had what to point to and knew what to ask for". 1911215;1557084761;diana_coman;also knew what he was pointing at, lolz 1911216;1557084848;mp_en_viaje;hm ? 1911217;1557084897;diana_coman;the "had what to point to and knew what to ask for" sounds superficially a "point and babble" sort of thing; doesn't work quite that well if that's ALL there is to it 1911218;1557085156;mp_en_viaje;had what to point to in terms of creds. as in http://archive.is/cpRj6#selection-9.5171-9.5201 1911219;1557085163;mp_en_viaje;"i'm the guy that so and so". 1911220;1557085238;diana_coman;aha; basically having done the work and spoke the words, it takes all of 3 minutes, sure; as always. 1911221;1557085267;mp_en_viaje;yuppers. 1911222;1557085388;mp_en_viaje;kinda the basis of human society, too. dude stops car in gas station, orders a fill. obvious enough he's one of the people who gets fills at gas stations -- there's the car, there he stands asking for gas, in the manner such is done. 1911223;1557085402;mp_en_viaje;had he arrived on a bike, or asked for peanuts, well... it'd have not worked out as well. 1911224;1557085584;mp_en_viaje;anyways. as an anthropological fact males are significantly more sexually conservative and significantly less sexually informed than females. 1911225;1557085592;mp_en_viaje;there's some biological and plenty of social basis for this, too. 1911226;1557085764;diana_coman;ah, that yes 1911227;1557085861;diana_coman;for that matter I'm not even sure what exactly are they *less* conservative about, anyway 1911228;1557085909;mp_en_viaje;death. 1911229;1557085941;mp_en_viaje;in all shapes and forms, from suicide to spending their day fucking with chiclid fish or collecting stamps ; from going to war to editing wikipedia. 1911230;1557085960;mp_en_viaje;males are less conservative with human life. 1911231;1557085984;diana_coman;ah, right; there it is, the one thing indeed. 1911232;1557086072;mp_en_viaje;just consider the lulz of all time : in any sample sufficiently large, males will implicitly overestimate the total amount of copulation going on by about a half-magnitude factor. the sheer naive simplicity that's required of one to thusly behave... 1911233;1557086492;diana_coman;eh, people are quite terrible at estimating anyway and when it's plain guesstimate esp so. 1911234;1557086930;mp_en_viaje;well yes, but one of the very few if not the only available means to scientify about knowledge is to aggregate estimates and compare systematic errors. 1911235;1557086942;mp_en_viaje;sorta like sociological cryptanalysis, really. 1911236;1557087371;mp_en_viaje;all knowing (as the cultural process) is in the end a trapdoor function of some kind and no more. 1911237;1557088185;mp_en_viaje;diana_coman, it wouldn't be plain guesstimates. ask each member of the group, "how many sexual encounters did you participate in last year" say, discover the doods had about 3x as much sex as the gals. somehow. nohomo. 1911238;1557088836;mp_en_viaje;https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Signifyin' << speaking of these retards... check 'em out BingoBoingo , niggas be trippin on dat jenkem. 1911239;1557088867;mp_en_viaje;"Rudy Ray Moore, known as "Dolemite", is well known for having used the term in his comedic performances. While Signifyin(g) is the term coined by Henry Louis Gates, Jr. to represent a black vernacular, the idea stems from the thoughts of Ferdinand De Saussure and the process of signifying—"the association between words and the ideas they indicate."[4] Gates states, "'Signification,' in Standard English, denotes the meaning that a term c 1911240;1557088867;mp_en_viaje;onveys, or is intended to convey." Gates takes this idea of signifying and "doubles" it in order to explain signifyin(g). He states of Black Vernacular, "their complex act of language Signifies upon both formal language use and its conventions, conventions established, at least officially, by middle-class white people."[5] " 1911241;1557088888;mp_en_viaje;"According to Gates, the practice derived from the Trickster archetype found in much African mythology, folklore, and religion: a god, goddess, spirit, man, woman, or anthropomorphic animal who plays tricks or otherwise disobeys normal rules and societal norms." 1911242;1557088915;mp_en_viaje;the african mythological practice of washing when ? wewazkangz o'clock perhaps ? 1911243;1557089019;*;BingoBoingo recalls a "U waz dick washers" meme 1911244;1557089106;mp_en_viaje;"The signifying monkey is a character of African-American folklore that derives from the trickster figure of Yoruba mythology, Esu Elegbara." 1911245;1557089174;mp_en_viaje;by which bullshit we're supposed to not notice that "the signifying monkey is approximately kermit for retards -- something some dude 'came up with' for ~tv in the 50s on the basis of what he remembered of the little he understood from what that german professor visiting his community college said. 1911246;1557089182;BingoBoingo;But yes, black academica after the NAACP's founding is a fountain of lulz 1911247;1557089202;mp_en_viaje;folklore my left fucking foot. 1911248;1557089211;BingoBoingo;Well, they went from a continent with monkeys to a continent with asciilifeform 1911249;1557089216;BingoBoingo;'s trash pandas 1911250;1557089290;BingoBoingo;Plenty of opportunities to obsess over animals fucking with them 1911251;1557089414;mp_en_viaje;if you think about it, raccoons go about in ironic blackface or what. 1911252;1557089451;BingoBoingo;Plenty of monkeys in blackface too. 1911253;1557089472;BingoBoingo;And the baboons with the color coded butts 1911254;1557090756;mp_en_viaje;meanwhile in grindcore metal, https://media.8ch.net/file_store/edbccfd096abecebf999963e01a735a075c51bf4edb11667c403e070c47b64f4.webm 1911255;1557093691;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-05#1911237 << fractional reserve fuck!1 1911256;1557093691;a111;Logged on 2019-05-05 20:29 mp_en_viaje: diana_coman, it wouldn't be plain guesstimates. ask each member of the group, "how many sexual encounters did you participate in last year" say, discover the doods had about 3x as much sex as the gals. somehow. nohomo. 1911257;1557093931;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-05#1911230 << all men kamikaze. just, most slow, lazy. sorta why death, packaged correctly, is [http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-05#1477218][quite marketable 'product'] in own right 1911258;1557093931;a111;Logged on 2019-05-05 19:52 mp_en_viaje: males are less conservative with human life. 1911259;1557093931;a111;Logged on 2016-06-05 02:35 asciilifeform: that human beings don’t only want comfort, safety, short working-hours, hygiene, birth-control and, in general, common sense; they also, at least intermittently, want struggle and self-sacrifice, not to mention drums, flag and loyalty-parades ... Whereas Socialism, and even capitalism in a grudging way, have said to people “I offer you a good time,” Hitler has said to them “I offer you struggle, danger and death,” and as a 1911260;1557094069;asciilifeform;( phunphakt -- the orig. kamikazes were not 'just anyone', but recruits with top marks and gold reccs. at one time dozen or so takers to erry spot. ) 1911261;1557094181;asciilifeform;if tokkotai brigade had somehow formed in '41, and not '44, when ~nuffin left with wings still attached, could have easily sunk entire usg navy. 1911262;1557094223;asciilifeform;'хороша ложка к обеду'(tm)(r) 1911263;1557094655;mp_en_viaje;quite possibru 1911264;1557094675;mp_en_viaje;but in 41, nobody wanted them to, because will need these to live an' help administer manchuko or w/e. 1911265;1557094730;asciilifeform;well no, that's the funny bit, the angle of 'hey cannon fodder, wanna die honourably for emperor?' angle was muchly in place already then. 1911266;1557094735;asciilifeform;but -- disorganized. 1911267;1557094747;mp_en_viaje;http://trilema.com/2013/margaritas-ante-porcos-as-it-were/#selection-429.31-429.108 << afaik the best statement of the situation. 1911268;1557094760;mp_en_viaje;the dangers of the self-realized male. 1911269;1557094801;mp_en_viaje;as the old adage goes, the problem with suicides is that the ones that manage are the only ones you actually want to have failed. 1911270;1557094817;asciilifeform;' I am a corpse looking for a place to drop when this is over ' << aaha 1911271;1557094902;asciilifeform;let's illustrate. 'umi yukaba', jp naval anthem, '37 and on. 'if i go to sea / i shall be a washed up corpse. / if i go to the mountains / a corpse i shall be in the grass / but as i die for the emperor / i will have no regret ' roughly. 1911272;1557094938;asciilifeform;mcarthur -- banned song. today, again it is sung, in what passes for jp navy. entirely above-board. 1911273;1557095268;mp_en_viaje;meanwhile in the other empire, https://media.8ch.net/file_store/366d06ffeef85666c91dc1f6638408fad3da8317bc4fe99454c7e453074a74e6.jpg 1911274;1557095304;asciilifeform;lol!! 1911275;1557095643;asciilifeform;nfi how one might come upon this notion ( want to eat projectile , but not wake up neighbours ? ) but e.g. arbalest entirely adequate to go through left temple and out of right, is ~fiddybux. 1911276;1557095649;asciilifeform;in lolmart, even. 1911277;1557095709;asciilifeform;and much better ergonomics than this 12th century lol. 1911278;1557095738;mp_en_viaje;i expect some homoeroticism went into it. 1911279;1557095758;asciilifeform;gotta be. i dun have the freud-fu to say exactly how tho. 1911280;1557095841;asciilifeform;( incidentally, and may have noted prev., arbalest is a++ trashpanda solver, but slow reload, quite inadequate if you have a herd of 3-4 to dispatch ) 1911281;1557095985;mp_en_viaje;medieval solution for slow reload ? 1911282;1557095988;mp_en_viaje;get a bunch! 1911283;1557096022;asciilifeform;iirc the chinese had some sorta hack for this also. 1911284;1557096123;mp_en_viaje;https://8ch.net/vore/res/29903.html#31101 << there is a dedicated lolcow board, but the lolcows are to be found on the... vore board ? 1911285;1557096147;mp_en_viaje;sygnyfyin'! 1911286;1557096237;asciilifeform;https://media.8ch.net/file_store/8c45aa7d522f14a1b4fc15d5089cc971d3c2c198e5851611d6f876e29d6d6386.jpg << lol! 1911287;1557096553;mp_en_viaje;amusingly enough, there's a sexual paroxism pathway driven by anoxia in mammals (kinda traditionally common male style, actually). so it's quite conceivable ingurgitated prey might ejaculate. 1911288;1557097402;*;mp_en_viaje shall bbl\ 1911289;1557099178;asciilifeform;i suspect that errybody with even surface familiarity with subj of hanging, knows this 1911290;1557099211;asciilifeform;( iirc was why the idjit victorians ended up phasing out public hanging -- 'too sexy' ) 1911291;1557102148;asciilifeform;wb danielpbarron 1911292;1557102163;asciilifeform;danielpbarron: how's the hair shirt life treatin' ya ? 1911293;1557102183;danielpbarron;good 1911294;1557102195;danielpbarron;i bought a house 1911295;1557102213;asciilifeform;w/ coin ? 1911296;1557102225;danielpbarron;well that's my only source of income, so ya i guess 1911297;1557102239;asciilifeform;in oklahomistan ? 1911298;1557102242;danielpbarron;yes 1911299;1557102267;asciilifeform;didja have it Officially proclaimed as a church ? 1911300;1557102284;asciilifeform;iirc mircea_popescu described how/why to do this 1911301;1557102300;danielpbarron;no, we meet in eachother's houses for church and we don't register any of them as such 1911302;1557102331;asciilifeform;iirc in usa it gets you 'benefit of clergy' or sumthing equiv 1911303;1557102357;danielpbarron;it's my understanding that such a registration also comes with strings attached that we don't want attached 1911304;1557102371;asciilifeform;danielpbarron: hm. elaborate for the l0gz ? 1911305;1557102388;*;asciilifeform mostly unfamiliar with subj 1911306;1557102441;asciilifeform;do they send surprise inspectors to 'see if yer churchy enuff' ? 1911307;1557102478;asciilifeform;i've been inside the 'scientology' church in dc, it is luxurious (and utterly batshit) item . so surely cannot be much of obstacle, this. 1911308;1557102481;danielpbarron;i don't know the details of it 1911309;1557102871;BingoBoingo;How are the local orcs in Ok? 1911310;1557102881;danielpbarron;just as bad as in CT 1911311;1557102951;*;asciilifeform dug up at one pt the 'plaintext' details, but usa is 1 of those batshit anglo 'case law' jurisdictions, and asciilifeform dun have the time/inclination to saw through the various paywalls to try an' interpret the necessary 100MB+ of crapola 1911312;1557102999;BingoBoingo;Acquire any livestock? 1911313;1557103002;asciilifeform;danielpbarron: i thought the mega-virtue of oklahomistan is where it is largely empty 1911314;1557103035;danielpbarron;i don't own any animals besides my cat, but several fellow church goers have horses and/or cows 1911315;1557103068;danielpbarron;yes where i got the house we are "in the middle of nowhere" but my appartment is in a college town 1911316;1557103125;danielpbarron;i might get into legal cannabis growing 1911317;1557103147;danielpbarron;medical recently passed here, and licenses go for 2.5k WFF 1911318;1557103287;BingoBoingo;You could try emu or alpaca 1911319;1557103334;danielpbarron;not really my expertise, and the land i bought is not really fit for livestock 1911320;1557103427;BingoBoingo;Could try rabbits like cazalla did 1911321;1557103826;BingoBoingo;Liven the cat's life up a bit 1911322;1557104443;asciilifeform;meanwhile in entirely unrelated lulz, asciilifeform came across a 1984 edition of [http://btcbase.org/log/2019-02-05#1893070][barnes's ada] at flea market , and it's ~pocket-sized . i suspect that if one were to write a 'tmsr ada' dead tree, would look ~similar roughly 1911323;1557104443;a111;Logged on 2019-02-05 21:05 diana_coman: speaking of Barnes' Ada book: it IS very useful and I certainly do go back to it quite often still for all sorts but it still has at times such ideas that I can't stand; e.g. "The reader will probably feel that the activation mechanism is somewhat elaborate. However, in practice, the details will rarely need to be considered. They are mentioned in order to show that the mechanism is well defined rather than because of their everyday import 1911324;1557104467;asciilifeform;( 2012 barnes -- ~phonebook backbreaker ) 1911325;1557104495;asciilifeform;diana_coman iirc also has 1, can confirm 1911326;1557106389;BingoBoingo;Testament to the additive destruction of the wreckers. 1911327;1557108146;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: unfortunately this case is atypical, or asciilifeform would have written for ada83 1911328;1557108167;asciilifeform;only 90% or so post-83, crud 1911329;1557108221;asciilifeform;the remainder, quite valuable (e.g. preconditions, which tightened, rather than loosened, semantics ) 1911330;1557109915;BingoBoingo;Still the book grew too much. Whatever useful things are added get burried in shit 1911331;1557110472;feedbot;http://pizarroisp.net/2019/05/06/pizarro-april-2019-report/ << PizarroISP -- Pizarro April 2019 Report 1911332;1557125740;diana_coman;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-06#1911324 -> yes, it's a brick of a book but in fact not really dense or anything; everytime I haul it out of the shelf and onto the table I inevitably wonder why exactly is it so heavy really. 1911333;1557125740;a111;Logged on 2019-05-06 01:01 asciilifeform: ( 2012 barnes -- ~phonebook backbreaker ) 1911334;1557131348;mp_en_viaje;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-05#1911289 << more to it if you're eaten... nature doesn't belive in multiple designs, an esophagus is just as warm, soft an' juicy as a vagina. 1911335;1557131348;a111;Logged on 2019-05-05 23:32 asciilifeform: i suspect that errybody with even surface familiarity with subj of hanging, knows this 1911336;1557131373;mp_en_viaje;so i suppose the right thing to do, if ever swallowed by some mastoton or w/e, is drop one's pants and fuck the damned thing's gullet. 1911337;1557131511;mp_en_viaje;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-06#1911317 << it's altogether dubious it'll ever make you any money ; but if the goal is to smoke without having to deal with other people then prolly worth it. 1911338;1557131511;a111;Logged on 2019-05-06 00:39 danielpbarron: medical recently passed here, and licenses go for 2.5k WFF 1911339;1557132292;mp_en_viaje;meanwhile in marriage superstitions, https://x.imagefapusercontent.com/u/alienvisitor/8087505/767768748/lady-beetles-720x717.jpg 1911340;1557133351;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-02#1910647 <-- sorry, saw this way late in that evening. schedule was way packed with walking, birdsong listening and others that wait to be documented on teh blogs 1911341;1557133351;a111;Logged on 2019-05-02 11:51 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-02#1910599 << ima leave for belgrade tomorrow morning ; we can set something up for today but gotta move limberly. 1911342;1557133460;spyked;meanwhile, /me is back to his regular schedule and will spend the week processing photos, writing and planning 1911343;1557133470;mp_en_viaje;aite 1911344;1557133662;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-02#1910659 <-- come to think of it, there's no reason to limit pastebin to images. could do text files as well and extend to other formats as needed 1911345;1557133662;a111;Logged on 2019-05-02 12:04 mircea_popescu: someone was even going to implement it, which is the last i heard of it. 1911346;1557133683;mp_en_viaje;yes. 1911347;1557134622;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-02#1910755 <-- I dun much like hunchentoot, on account of http://thetarpit.org/posts/y03/05c-development-log-i.html#selection-187.0-192.0 ; but I'm open to using it if the alternatives turn out to be insufficient 1911348;1557134622;a111;Logged on 2019-05-02 14:35 lobbes: though it seems like lots of people here use [https://edicl.github.io/hunchentoot/][hunchentoot] for that purpose, and it seems that hunchentoot is easily modified to interface with apache through mod_lisp 1911349;1557134771;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-02#1910954 <-- same here. would defo sign cl-who genesis, and will genesis it myself if needed 1911350;1557134771;a111;Logged on 2019-05-02 18:39 asciilifeform: lobbes_field: i've previously used [https://edicl.github.io/cl-who/]['cl-who'], but it needs to get eaten/genesised/frozen 1911351;1557135020;*;mp_en_viaje shall bbl! 1911352;1557135172;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-02#1910762 <-- so far wwwism kit seems to include: a. http server, b. [curl][http://thetarpit.org/posts/y05/082-tmsr-schedule-i.html#selection-125.0-132.0], c. html gen. (a) is the next item on my list, with (c) and (b) coming next, and... is there a (d)? 1911353;1557135172;a111;Logged on 2019-05-02 15:23 asciilifeform: none of these currently on front burner, but will be 9000x easier to revive if meanwhile lobbes et al produce an edible cl 'wwwism kit' 1911354;1557135226;spyked;grrr, I meant b. [http://thetarpit.org/posts/y05/082-tmsr-schedule-i.html#selection-125.0-132.0][curl] 1911355;1557135366;*;spyked bbl himself, back to rowing in the slave galley 1911356;1557135870;phf;spyked: http://thetarpit.org/posts/y03/05c-development-log-i.html#selection-147.0-153.252 << i've used araneida for early btcbase, i've dropped it in transition from cmucl, but i'd say that it's the least encumbered of the bunch. i don't remember it having any "administration interfaces". it's written in the late 90s hacky style, and it's missing functionality (for example i wrote entire form parsing logic when i was trying to add patch 1911357;1557135871;phf;submits) 1911358;1557135925;phf;it doesn't have any kind of "architecture", so more than once i've had to hack somewhere deep inside request parsing code in order to support something or other 1911359;1557136171;phf;spyked: wookie is not a hunchentoot fork, it's its own thing built around an async ffi. one thing you might want to add to your list is how much ffi-ing is required, or rather how "c heavy" the code is. for example teepeedee2 is extremely fast, but doesn't work anywhere but sbcl and linux, because it uses all kinds of libc features. 1911360;1557143789;spyked;phf: I might have misread http://archive.is/iUlSp#selection-2259.0-2270.0 ; anyway, I've only used [http://thetarpit.org/posts/y03/05c-development-log-i.html#selection-289.0-298.0][cl-http-server] seriously so far and would highly appreciate input from phf and ben_vulpes on cl wwwtronics 1911361;1557145079;spyked;re ffi, in that older research I've tried to avoid fast-running code in favour of fits-in-head, but I'll make sure to double-check in this iteration. the only www-related cffi dependency I recall was in cl+ssl, which I will remove on sight before genesis 1911362;1557145278;phf;well, wookie depends on cffi through cl-async which depends on cffi and cl-libuv, where libuv is a C async library. teepeedee2 also depends on cffi and is full of code like https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vii/teepeedee2/master/src/io/epoll.lisp 1911363;1557148451;jurov;I disrecommend. Messed with cl-async (via vim interface) and it's hell to debug. It also takes over debug and trace outputs and redirects then nooneknowswhere. 1911364;1557148476;jurov;Ended up coding own neovim interface from scratch. 1911365;1557148586;jurov;Lest I forget: cl-async does not support slime 1911366;1557148680;jurov;so it would suck in emacs either 1911367;1557151685;mp_en_viaje;spyked, you got the format backwards, linked "curl" with an anchor of http://thetarpit.org/posts/y05/082-tmsr-schedule-i.html#selection-125.0-132.0 1911368;1557151770;mp_en_viaje;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-06#1911362 << why the fuck would they do this. 1911369;1557151770;a111;Logged on 2019-05-06 12:21 phf: well, wookie depends on cffi through cl-async which depends on cffi and cl-libuv, where libuv is a C async library. teepeedee2 also depends on cffi and is full of code like https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vii/teepeedee2/master/src/io/epoll.lisp 1911370;1557151773;mp_en_viaje;seriously now. 1911371;1557151785;mp_en_viaje;evetything depends on happymeal. why do things this way! 1911372;1557151927;mp_en_viaje;https://github.com/cffi/cffi/blob/master/cffi.asd 1911373;1557152008;mp_en_viaje;hurr durr loli veira. why is "ffi" even a thing in the first place. 1911374;1557152511;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: 'foreign function interface', i.e. mechanism for calling unixisms (socket, fileism, mmapism, etc) 1911375;1557152653;asciilifeform;( in particularly egregious cases -- is used to call not merely kernelisms, but entire chunks of c-built binariolade, e.g. db systems etc ) 1911376;1557152753;lobbes;!Xbid 1047 110mn 1911377;1557152754;auctionbot;Buy order # 1047: 500 WFF, WU esta bien Heard: 110mn from lobbes outbidding PeterL. Ending: 2019-05-07 04:56:28.887251 UTC (26 hours 23 mins) 1911378;1557152759;asciilifeform;for bonus ugly, it aint in the cl standard. 1911379;1557152822;asciilifeform;phf described this in detail, in prev. threads. 1911380;1557153018;asciilifeform;( why not standardized, was touched on [http://btcbase.org/log/2018-03-08#1787389][here] and possibly elsewhere ) 1911381;1557153018;a111;Logged on 2018-03-08 19:44 asciilifeform: so can haz a hypothetical contrary ? i.e. how would it have looked to have 'standard interface' to a thing which itself has no intention of obeying any standards ? 1911382;1557153224;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-06#1911332 << heavy cuz glossy paper, i suspect. 1911383;1557153224;a111;Logged on 2019-05-06 06:55 diana_coman: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-06#1911324 -> yes, it's a brick of a book but in fact not really dense or anything; everytime I haul it out of the shelf and onto the table I inevitably wonder why exactly is it so heavy really. 1911384;1557153480;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-06#1911347 << last time i surveyed the available items (~decade ago) 'hunchentoot' turned out to be the only 1 that wasn't fatally defective in some obvious way (some of the alternatives wouldn't build at all, others -- wouldn't use iron threads on x86; yet others missing some large piece , e.g. custom eggog pgs , etc ) but it's been a while 1911385;1557153480;a111;Logged on 2019-05-06 09:23 spyked: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-02#1910755 <-- I dun much like hunchentoot, on account of http://thetarpit.org/posts/y03/05c-development-log-i.html#selection-187.0-192.0 ; but I'm open to using it if the alternatives turn out to be insufficient 1911386;1557153522;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, ok, but why. 1911387;1557153533;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-06#1911356 << i seem to recall that this was when the log www regularly fell down... 1911388;1557153533;a111;Logged on 2019-05-06 09:44 phf: spyked: http://thetarpit.org/posts/y03/05c-development-log-i.html#selection-147.0-153.252 << i've used araneida for early btcbase, i've dropped it in transition from cmucl, but i'd say that it's the least encumbered of the bunch. i don't remember it having any "administration interfaces". it's written in the late 90s hacky style, and it's missing functionality (for example i wrote entire form parsing logic when i was trying to add patch 1911389;1557153582;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: why which ? why open sockets by talking to linux ? i agree, the Right Thing would be a cltron that drives nic directly etc. 1911390;1557153587;asciilifeform;nobody's got 1 yet tho. 1911391;1557153625;mp_en_viaje;even in the situation where a) you have to talk to linux and b) you can't talk to linux, WHY would you make something that eminently IS NOT a ffi, then call the thing that isn't a ffi "ffi" and then purport to use it ? 1911392;1557153685;mp_en_viaje;kids who want a slavegirl but can't afford a slavegirl will sometimes buy a painted pillow and call it susan. but more commonly, and especially if not FUCKING FUCKED IN THE HEAD, they'll just watch older sis shower or something more directly separate. 1911393;1557153770;asciilifeform;which particular piece of braindamage is this in re: ? ( e.g. sbcl, does have a -- ugly, but working -- ffi knob, hence how it does in fact let you open socket etc ) 1911394;1557153792;mp_en_viaje;here, cffi, and why al sorta things that needn't are nevertheless brought to depend on it. 1911395;1557153815;asciilifeform;aa 1911396;1557153826;mp_en_viaje;here's our axe. it depends on happymeal. here's enemy tomahawk. it depends on our happy meal. and here's [our version of] antique roman amphora. it... depends on happy meal. 1911397;1557153849;mp_en_viaje;why the fuck would all the objects in a purported whole wide world depend on the same bit of circumstantial minutia. 1911398;1557153860;asciilifeform;those, are cuz 0 standardized abi on linux . so instead various horrors where gcc is invoked, a small c proggy is shat out in realtime, built, then jumped into. 1911399;1557153887;mp_en_viaje;you KNOW cffi ain't the holy grail of ffi. what is it then, such that it is found in general's boot and wench's bellybutton ornament and airplane tip 1911400;1557153919;asciilifeform;it's a primo demo of how linux idjicy is contagious. 1911401;1557153945;asciilifeform;( and not really isolatable ) 1911402;1557153975;mp_en_viaje;more practically, what the fuck do we do. 1911403;1557154025;asciilifeform;first gotta fully describe the atrocity, so as it is not repeated in future. mp_en_viaje recall that shoemaker-era defunkt public toilet in timis 3 blocks from 'kaufland' ? 1911404;1557154033;asciilifeform;recall how it had rubbish 2 feet deep ? 1911405;1557154044;mp_en_viaje;not particularly, but i'm sure 1911406;1557154053;asciilifeform;consider how this comes about. toilet clogged, dunno, some time in 1990 perhaps. so folx pissed on floor. 1911407;1557154064;asciilifeform;floor thoroughly enpissed. so wai not also throw cig butt on it. 1911408;1557154075;asciilifeform;nao has 6 inch of cig butts. wai not, then , throw bottles. 1911409;1557154096;asciilifeform;nao a foot of bottle 'cultural layer'. d00d walks in, and hey wainot take a shit on it. 1911410;1557154097;mp_en_viaje;from the contrary perspective : i get it that you folk wanna write lisp. the principal problem seems to be that this can't currently be actually done 1911411;1557154135;mp_en_viaje;a different flavour of bootstrap problem : extant lisp can't bootstrap itself a runtime on extant cpus. 1911412;1557154175;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: this isn't even false. the illusion, however, is that 'c links natively, write c proggy' is some kinda improvement. 1911413;1557154190;mp_en_viaje;im not proposing that. 1911414;1557154194;asciilifeform;right 1911415;1557154229;mp_en_viaje;but i am also not happy about ending up with who knows what loli baked into "traditional tmsr process" 1911416;1557154249;asciilifeform;recall naggum's summary, in reply to similar thrd : went sumthing like 'it is correct that unix does not support commonlisp. but it in fact does not properly support ~anything~.' 1911417;1557154275;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: while we sit on unix, we will inevitably 'bake whoknowswhat loli' 1911418;1557154307;mp_en_viaje;if this is the choice i'd rather bake loli anony than loli veira. 1911419;1557154314;phf;i don't think cffi is much about support of anything, it's almost always "there's a gnarly C library that i don't want to write in lisp, going to make a thin wrapper around, now has support for X 1911420;1557154316;phf;" 1911421;1557154339;mp_en_viaje;phf, quite. and, in this statement, it's precisely that sorta loli productivity i object to. 1911422;1557154349;asciilifeform;asciilifeform came to conclusion 'build new irons' decade ago not because masochist, but because direly overdue sole solution to whole slew of otherwise-intractable problem. 1911423;1557154357;mp_en_viaje;"now has support for x" like luis has hacker cred. 1911424;1557154478;auctionbot;Buy order # 1047: 500 WFF, WU esta bien Heard: 106mn from PeterL outbidding lobbes. Ending: 2019-05-07 04:56:28.887251 UTC (25 hours 54 mins) 1911425;1557154516;asciilifeform;phf: it's straight gabrielladdelism. 1911426;1557154534;phf;that's why my original "add how much ffi to your list", so that any ffi can be immediately dismissed 1911427;1557154587;mp_en_viaje;i run into these schmucktards with the "ourdemocracy" beards [http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-05#1911210][all the damned time]. "oh, i've been to spain". no, motherfucker, you haven't been to spain. 1911428;1557154587;a111;Logged on 2019-05-05 19:23 mp_en_viaje: anyways, even with civillians... me spent a few hours in the tiniest spa known to mankind. rando couple, "soo.. .are you a triplet ?" "actually, they're my slaves" "wut?!?!?" "do you know what bdsm is ?" dude : nope ; chick yup. 1911429;1557154629;mp_en_viaje;phf, thinking about it, it would seem the apache approach is the only sane one. 1911430;1557154640;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: the folx who 'i went to 7 countries! i.e. ate 'bigmac' in 7 diff. mcdonaldsen' ? that's exactly it. 1911431;1557154647;mp_en_viaje;have lisp run as a scripting language (which is to say, inferior, kiddy fare) inside adult programs. 1911432;1557154667;mp_en_viaje;rather than try and pretend lisp is a workable systems language on x86 and then "ffi"ing all over the place. 1911433;1557154725;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, really insufferable, this "ease of everything" they've "built" in the way you describe above re broken toilet. it works well for an everything that takes values from the set shit, piss, cigg butt, beer bottle, ad flyer, fcmg wrapper. 1911434;1557154771;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: it's been tried, 'cl as script lang', bog slow cuz bringing it up ( cl on x86 is moar or less halfbaked lispm emulator ) takes time. 1911435;1557154792;mp_en_viaje;i think apache mod cl thing brings it up once per instance (of apache) 1911436;1557154816;mp_en_viaje;i dunno, i've not sawed it thoroughly appart. but seems vaguely flavoured in right thing vein 1911437;1557154821;phf;mp_en_viaje: it's the shitsoup ecosystem, there's a handful of packages smartly written, like hunchentoot or cl-http, and then there's new wave of cffi-everything approaches, that stand tall and pretend to be people 1911438;1557154841;mp_en_viaje;i believe. 1911439;1557154855;asciilifeform;'hunchentoot' etc. are almost always run 'behind' apache as it is ( so static files serve up faster ) 1911440;1557154889;mp_en_viaje;this honestly may be the third workable design : have an "abstract" lisp server for http, have an apache in front of it. 1911441;1557154918;phf;tbnl from which hunchentoot comes used to be pure mod_lisp, another code to look at 1911442;1557154954;mp_en_viaje;ie, the interface will have to exist. now -- it'll either be a) "magic" in the sense of cl-http, whatever, graybeard asked thor and thor did him a personal fabvour ; or else b) "magic", in the sense of loli veira asked her daddy, and her daddy told her she's pretty, so clearly. african magic. 1911443;1557154969;asciilifeform;yer still stuck with ffiism tho, i.e. can't even open socket to receive input from apache w/out it. 1911444;1557154970;mp_en_viaje;but there's also the c) of "use the fucking filesystem as an interface", X dumps to file and Y reads from file 1911445;1557154991;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: bog-slow. 1911446;1557155008;mp_en_viaje;i'm not giving implementation details, i'm tryna draw the architectural lines. 1911447;1557155035;asciilifeform;it is very easy to describe a working scheme, and afaik pretty much all of these variants are in use somewhere. but all have same set of problem. 1911448;1557155057;mp_en_viaje;i thought phf 's idea was to map the set vs the usecase set. 1911449;1557155133;asciilifeform;rright, asciilifeform however must point out why the map will inevitably read like the description of the 'cultural layer' in the timis toilet. 1911450;1557155178;mp_en_viaje;i do not think this is necessarily so, specifically because of the narrowness of http usecase. 1911451;1557155201;mp_en_viaje;if lisp-o-tron spits out html files and apache delivers them, this will be web-fast 1911452;1557155229;mp_en_viaje;meaning, updates may be slow to propagate, but consider -- new trilema article takes 15 mins to make it to rss, and as far as any rss reader is concerned, it 1911453;1557155232;mp_en_viaje;s infinitely fast. 1911454;1557155273;mp_en_viaje;if that's the cut, you may get away with no need to anything besides the fs. 1911455;1557155319;asciilifeform;i'm not aware of any previous cl httptron that made this particular cut, so it's defo worth attempting imho. 1911456;1557155391;*;asciilifeform brb:teatime. 1911457;1557155525;*;mp_en_viaje attempted to read the year-old convo you linked here, seems to me it's substantially unrelated. i was protesting poor organisation on historical lisp team, the "oh but c sucks" point never was either disputed or much engaged. 1911458;1557157681;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: yea it is wrong link. but so far not found the needed one. 1911459;1557157734;mp_en_viaje;aha 1911460;1557158078;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-06#1911437 << at 1 time i dug into phf's leads in prev thread re subj and tried to determine a 'time of death', i.e. approx moment when -- apparently -- the 'old guard' (folx who maybe quasi-remembered, secondhand, lispm) retired/decamped/descended into bottle, and poetterings took over. but then realized it is not esp. useful q to ask. 1911461;1557158078;a111;Logged on 2019-05-06 15:00 phf: mp_en_viaje: it's the shitsoup ecosystem, there's a handful of packages smartly written, like hunchentoot or cl-http, and then there's new wave of cffi-everything approaches, that stand tall and pretend to be people 1911462;1557158102;asciilifeform;given any particular cl relic, it is usually not difficult to say which half of the divide it fell into 1911463;1557158159;asciilifeform;if had to give approx. date, tho, would say ~2011 . 1911464;1557158178;mp_en_viaje;erryone moved into bitcoin heh 1911465;1557158206;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: evidently enuff wreckers were left over for older, smaller things, even tho bitcoin. 1911466;1557158301;*;asciilifeform in 2010-12 'surely usg will muster king's horses and king's men' days , did not expect it to look like gavin, expected moar microshit-style 'embrace&extend', e.g. 'ibm bitcoin client' or sumsuch 1911467;1557158348;asciilifeform;y'know, sorta how was done for linux etc 1911468;1557159001;mp_en_viaje;yawell 1911469;1557159033;mp_en_viaje;kissinger is probably rolling in grave worth at least 2-3 kW over the whole guaio comedy. 1911470;1557159094;asciilifeform;btw, for [thread][http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-06#1911403]-completeness strictly, http://www.loper-os.org/pub/cultural_layer_1.jpg , http://www.loper-os.org/pub/cultural_layer_2.jpg . 1911471;1557159094;a111;Logged on 2019-05-06 14:47 asciilifeform: first gotta fully describe the atrocity, so as it is not repeated in future. mp_en_viaje recall that shoemaker-era defunkt public toilet in timis 3 blocks from 'kaufland' ? 1911472;1557159195;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, i'm not even sure i ever saw that particular one. [http://trilema.com/2011/o-recunoaste-cineva-pe-troglodita-asta/][not that there's any shortage]. 1911473;1557159219;mp_en_viaje;for lulz completness : https://www.hotnews.ro/stiri-cultura-21294613-timisoara-desemnata-capitala-culturala-europeana-2021.htm 1911474;1557159222;asciilifeform;i saw at least 2 other roughly similar. 1911475;1557159360;asciilifeform;and afaik the object is pretty typical in post-sovok space. ( and iirc the celts also returned to shitting where they stood when rome left britain . cuz wainot, right. ) 1911476;1557159399;mp_en_viaje;hootchentoot. 1911477;1557159421;asciilifeform;'anti-communism' types for some reason have this 'biological' antipathy for concept of working public toilet. 'if you want to shit, buy a bigmac and mcd will letya take shit' 1911478;1557159428;asciilifeform;in usa there are ~0 public toilets in the euro sense. 1911479;1557159489;mp_en_viaje;mcd wil llet you shit for free, for that matter. 1911480;1557159515;asciilifeform;dunno re when mp_en_viaje was still there, but incidentally the spiffy underground toilets in the museum square were chained shut, when i saw'em in '17 1911481;1557159520;asciilifeform;all of'em. 1911482;1557159552;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: today yes for free. result is that they nearly always resemble the timis item (albeit with ~working throne) 1911483;1557159559;mp_en_viaje;it occurs to me i had no impulse to seek a public toilet, i can't recall since when. 1911484;1557159566;asciilifeform;cuz not designed to house 200 hobos / hour 1911485;1557159591;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje believes in french method, eh 1911486;1557159616;mp_en_viaje;certainly not since crossing the pond. previously, went to pee in sabana (relatively large cr park) and discovered in the process the toilets there primo A++ gay cruising material, reminiscent of glory days of new york gay life 1911487;1557159633;mp_en_viaje;half dressed dood totally would've sucked it if i said something 1911488;1557159703;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, well, rather's the situation, i move from restaurant to cafe and from cafe to club and from club to hotel and from etcetera. i suppose if i were desperate i could order a girl drink me, but so far's not been any need for that. 1911489;1557159714;asciilifeform;fairnuff 1911490;1557159773;asciilifeform;if they drink tho, will have to empty'em eventually eh. 1911491;1557159777;mp_en_viaje;currently sitting with very nice tawny port, coffee etc in elaborate cafe an' "this place would be so nice if it didn't have a piano" were the last words out of my mouth. 1911492;1557159791;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, you know that experiment with the ducks ? 1911493;1557159799;asciilifeform;hm which 1911494;1557159818;mp_en_viaje;guy established a duck most voracious animal in nature, can eat thirty ducks, through the following pocedure : 1911495;1557159838;mp_en_viaje;started with 30 ducks, cut one up, fed it to remainder 29, ... fed penultimate duck to last duck. 1911496;1557159878;asciilifeform;notbad, lol, pkzip 1911497;1557159910;asciilifeform;iirc there's an english folk song about ~this. 1911498;1557159943;asciilifeform;'then we will die and feed the worms, feed the worms, ducks, they will come and eat'em up, eat'em up, others will come and eat up ducks, eat the ducks...' etc i fughet how the rest. 1911499;1557159977;mp_en_viaje;aha 1911500;1557160068;asciilifeform;i suppose this is a possible 'harem sport' -- chix take turns drinking one another's 'morarji cola' , last 1 to give up, winner 1911501;1557160094;asciilifeform;prolly already televised competition in jp or sumsuch 1911502;1557160237;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-06#1911469 << iirc d00d is still alive somewhere 1911503;1557160237;a111;Logged on 2019-05-06 16:10 mp_en_viaje: kissinger is probably rolling in grave worth at least 2-3 kW over the whole guaio comedy. 1911504;1557160271;asciilifeform;perhaps is the seekrit behind the lulz, even. 100 y.o. d00d is running the show. 1911505;1557160949;BingoBoingo;No matter his location, the rolling must be harnessed 1911506;1557161000;BingoBoingo;2-3 Kw power source with more longevity than an rtg 1911507;1557161330;BingoBoingo;In continued labor flaffing, drivers for Uruguay's petrol company about to stop driving petrol to Petrobras service stations, wreckers at PIT-CNT sure if they thrash enough "puestos de trabajo" can be saved and "Why do they want to leave anyways?" https://www.elobservador.com.uy/nota/fancap-cortara-suministro-de-combustibles-a-petrobras-20195611243 1911508;1557161379;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: what's the prime mover there? e.g. did 'exxon' promise'em miami if they sabotage brazil ? 1911509;1557161503;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Some derps at the Petrobras "Montevideo Gas" natgas distribution plant were fucking around with a rifle inside the plant. At the same time Bolsonaro in Brazil wants to shrink Petrobras and privatize it. Petrobras annouces it wants to sell its 88 service stations and exit the Uruguayo market. Throughout all of this "labor" is thrashing about in disbelief. 1911510;1557161506;mp_en_viaje;rather, the inept cocksuckers "arrested" elite because "corruption", fell nobody-could-have-predictedly in http://trilema.com/2011/povestea-celor-trei-imparati-smecheri-si-a-celor-trei-negustori-fraieri-fabula-in-versuri-ilustrata/#selection-69.206-69.436 failure mode. 1911511;1557161526;mp_en_viaje;brazil can't has leadership for lulz or money, fin. 1911512;1557161566;asciilifeform;hrm didn't it elect a 'great again' lol, or wat was it, last yr 1911513;1557161593;mp_en_viaje;"but mp, you must run for office" "why, so you worthless cocksuckers can whine about how come '''your''' gf'd much rather suck me off ? get lost." 1911514;1557161604;BingoBoingo;Great again ain't no Emperor Pedro 1911515;1557161612;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, yes, well, electing a goat to drive bus ain't gonna get any busses driven. 1911516;1557161632;BingoBoingo;"Además, señaló que va a negociar con el gobierno uruguayo la devolución de la concesión de la distribución de gas. “La escala que tenemos en Uruguay no nos interesa”, expresó al medio brasileño Estadao de San Pablo. La noticia tomó por sorpresa al Poder Ejecutivo y generó que el sindicato le pida al gobierno una actitud más proactiva." 1911517;1557161663;mp_en_viaje;wtf is a more proactive attitude. 1911518;1557161677;mp_en_viaje;shit, why not just "more dynamic and oriented with the requirements of the times" 1911519;1557161707;asciilifeform;in quasirelated lulz, asciilifeform went for 1st time into brazil's embassy in ameristan, the other day (it was on exhibit) . 100% snoar except for the wall deco, whole place was done up with vintage paintings of slaves being unloaded from boats, whipped, auctioned, etc 1911520;1557161760;BingoBoingo;mp_en_viaje: They imagine the president is a servant of the labor syndicate. 1911521;1557161849;BingoBoingo;They keep saying they don't want to go down the Venezuela road while dragging everyone down the Venezuela road 1911522;1557161850;mp_en_viaje;heh. 1911523;1557161875;mp_en_viaje;generally how poor people activity works. look at what they claim not to be doing, it's what they're doing. 1911524;1557162001;asciilifeform;near as i can tell, current-day brazil is a petromiamistan, rather like current ru (picture if ru were moved to equator, for extra [http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-08#1748753][tropical-stupidity radiation damage] ..) 1911525;1557162001;a111;Logged on 2017-12-08 15:02 asciilifeform: the 'good climate makes folx lazy and slowly climbing 'back up to trees' ' item is an old saw, but i'm not aware of any major hole in the theory 1911526;1557162034;BingoBoingo;But its alright because everyone has "estufas de leña" and they'll chase away UPM before they can break ground on the mill in order to have the Eucalyptus planted in the 90's to keep them warm in the winter. 1911527;1557162046;mp_en_viaje;well, in the 80s/90s they promised to be industrial power. (eg, lua is leftover artifact from this time) 1911528;1557162048;asciilifeform;what winter. 1911529;1557162057;mp_en_viaje;then, china took ove rharder than expected, and well... lido got sanded. 1911530;1557162095;BingoBoingo;Rained and smog'd all weekend here because its 60F, gotta fire up the estufas de leña 1911531;1557162153;mp_en_viaje;no idea anyone has any use for brazil except to fuck the slavegirl granddaughters with the pork asses. 1911532;1557162156;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Well, the days get short and the latinos have the narrowest of temperature tolerances 1911533;1557162179;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: lol! i was aboutta say, 'that's where asciilifeform switches off ac, not turns on heat' 1911534;1557162212;*;mp_en_viaje has had heat going even with outside temps at 18 1911535;1557162236;asciilifeform;well nudism, eh 1911536;1557162328;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: re brazil, seems to me that petroexport and industry are a 'pick 1'. qatar case in point. 1911537;1557162339;asciilifeform;if money 'grows on tree', wai have industry. 1911538;1557162398;BingoBoingo;Kinda why the generals exiled emperor Pedro after they got their medals burning Paraguay 1911539;1557162400;asciilifeform;brief industrial spell in history of ru, guess when -- when stalin, and forbade petroexport categorically. 1911540;1557162405;asciilifeform;then died, and poof. 1911541;1557162464;mp_en_viaje;well, have industry so as to extract it. your theory is experimentally weak, romania had lots of oil, had no industry under blue "ourdemcoracy" 1900 version, then had industry under red socialist democracy 1950s version, now they're fucking it up to get back to blue version, etc. 1911542;1557162471;asciilifeform;possibly the 1 thing moar decerebrating than shit poverty, is lottery money. 1911543;1557162474;mp_en_viaje;it all revolves around whether there's ivan groznyi or not 1911544;1557162534;asciilifeform;rright but when 'ivan' he does Right Thing and orders 'the motherland's earth treasures are for building up motherland's factories an' roads' etc 1911545;1557162557;BingoBoingo;Emperor goes old gender, spent decades not grooming any successors, Brazil missed its chance to be lamented like 1904 Argentina because they got their decline underway during the 1870s 1911546;1557162557;asciilifeform;when no ivan, it gets sold to anglos for candy wrappers redeemable in zurich for miami ticket. 1911547;1557162666;mp_en_viaje;https://amp.insider.com/images/57c496efb6fa0217008b4840-960-480.jpg 1911548;1557162716;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: see also https://pbfcomics.com/comics/the-golden-ticket/ . 1911549;1557164059;mp_en_viaje;i confess i don't get it. 1911550;1557164336;asciilifeform;there was old film, which i think mp_en_viaje's link is a frame from 'modern' remake of, where some kid unwraps a chocolate bar and 'ticket to tour the magic factory' where bathe in chocolate and etc 1911551;1557164394;mp_en_viaje;yes. 1911552;1557164408;mp_en_viaje;but i mean, what's the punch of the pbcomics thing 1911553;1557164430;asciilifeform;possib. the eng expression 'see how sausage is made'. 1911554;1557164581;asciilifeform;!!up lobbes_field 1911555;1557164582;deedbot;lobbes_field voiced for 30 minutes. 1911556;1557164597;lobbes_field;ty asciilifeform 1911557;1557164617;lobbes_field;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-06#1911352 << still digesting this morning's logs, but it seems that re: (c) - html gen, everyone is in general agreement that cl-who would be a good place to start 1911558;1557164617;a111;Logged on 2019-05-06 09:32 spyked: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-02#1910762 <-- so far wwwism kit seems to include: a. http server, b. [curl][http://thetarpit.org/posts/y05/082-tmsr-schedule-i.html#selection-125.0-132.0], c. html gen. (a) is the next item on my list, with (c) and (b) coming next, and... is there a (d)? 1911559;1557164623;lobbes_field;Since (c) is in spyked's hopper already, I'll let him take this item (and I will read/sign it once genesised) 1911560;1557164645;lobbes_field;Now, it seems we could go many directions re: (a), but I'm partial to the [http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-06#1911451][lisp-to-apache route] 1911561;1557164645;a111;Logged on 2019-05-06 15:06 mp_en_viaje: if lisp-o-tron spits out html files and apache delivers them, this will be web-fast 1911562;1557164667;lobbes_field;As such, I'll start poking around at [http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-06#1911441][mod_lisp], et al. Will report back 1911563;1557164667;a111;Logged on 2019-05-06 15:01 phf: tbnl from which hunchentoot comes used to be pure mod_lisp, another code to look at 1911564;1557164697;*;lobbes_field back to mines, bbl 1911565;1557167759;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: While you plan your next run down here make sure to re-review Copa's baggage policies. They seem to be shifting as these things do. http://archive.is/mU9FX 1911566;1557167856;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2019/05/after-coup-embarrassment-usg-goes-on-tilt-aggressing-on-all-rivals-at-the-same-time/ << Qntra -- After Coup Embarrassment USG Goes On Tilt Aggressing On All Rivals At The Same Time 1911567;1557167864;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: loox same as before, 'Overweight and oversize baggage for international flights' 33-45kg 200 usd ea. 1911568;1557167989;BingoBoingo;Never hurts to double check 1911569;1557167997;asciilifeform;interestingly, 'business class' nao includes 'phree' 64kg + 175 for another 23 1911570;1557168004;asciilifeform;depending on what costs, might win 1911571;1557168016;asciilifeform;( 175 usd, that is, for + 23kg ) 1911572;1557168046;BingoBoingo;North America/Uruguay gets its own line on the table 1911573;1557168050;asciilifeform;and same as before, no 1 crate may weigh > 45kg. 1911574;1557168075;BingoBoingo;When I came down here business class was at least twice as expensive as economy. 1911575;1557168093;asciilifeform;was like this when asciilifeform went also. 1911576;1557168110;asciilifeform;prolly dun vary much. 1911577;1557168126;BingoBoingo;I suspect the same 1911578;1557168166;asciilifeform;loox like classic variant ('economy' + 2 x 45kg bags ) still teh winner. 1911579;1557168213;BingoBoingo;Maybe possible to get a third in? 1911580;1557168264;asciilifeform;i tried to find this out last time, and turned out that the co. is retarded, they could not even definitively promise that 2 x 45kg will get loaded. 1911581;1557168273;asciilifeform;( they did . but had to find ~empirically~ ) 1911582;1557169770;asciilifeform;extra upstack lulz, re 'cultural layer' : google helpfully informs that [https://goo.gl/maps/gxSw7oFDLDYgMfXz7][it has thickened] ! 1911583;1557169780;asciilifeform;( photo circa aug. '18 ) 1911584;1557169873;asciilifeform;( also reveals that in '12 , it was ~clean. this suggests that it grows by ~foot / yr or so.. ) 1911585;1557170043;asciilifeform;also upstack, 'The US guided-missile destroyers ‘Preble’ and ‘Chung Hoon’ traveled within 12 nautical miles' << lol!! 1911586;1557170047;asciilifeform;apparently not misprint. 1911587;1557170058;asciilifeform;there in fact is a 'uss chung hoon'. 1911588;1557170085;asciilifeform;'named in honor of Rear Admiral Gordon Pai'ea Chung-Hoon (1910–1979)'. 1911589;1557170123;BingoBoingo;There's no bottom to these lolz 1911590;1557170858;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2019/05/new-microsoft-chromium-based-browser-to-include-legacy-ie-attack-surface/ << Qntra -- New Microsoft Chromium Based Browser To Include Legacy IE Attack Surface 1911591;1557184007;mp_en_viaje;BingoBoingo, "has begun intensifying" is derpy. 1911592;1557184191;BingoBoingo;reworded "the criminal organization calling itself the United States Government has impotently gone on tilt by escalating zher ongoing aggression against zher rivals." 1911593;1557184420;mp_en_viaje;cool 1911594;1557184503;*;BingoBoingo finally acquired a "ropero" and assembling the thing so guests stop wondering why all my clothes are perpetually in the luggage. 1911595;1557184576;mp_en_viaje;meanwhile at cunt, inc... https://x.imagefapusercontent.com/u/PewPewPew37/8087616/357771032/cheating-11-19.gif 1911596;1557184607;BingoBoingo;Of all the things the maker could have pre-drilled holes for and neglected... they neglected pilot holes for the latches. It is not an extraordinary impediment to me putting the thing together, but how are the locals supposed to make the doors work? 1911597;1557184696;*;mp_en_viaje lifted his eyes and saw... 5 out of 6 doors of his wardrobe open 1911598;1557184703;mp_en_viaje;maybe locals don't close the doors. 1911599;1557184814;BingoBoingo;Possible, but this artifact is roughly as culturally embedded as the estufa electrica is across the river. 1911600;1557199965;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2019/05/hamplanet-health-minister-in-belgium-still-morbidly-obese-nearly-five-years-in-responsibilities-keep-expanding/ << Qntra -- Hamplanet Health Minister In Belgium Still Morbidly Obese Nearly Five Years In, Resp...ties Keep Expanding 1911601;1557212520;mp_en_viaje;fucking cold snap in yurp, brrr. 1911602;1557212547;mp_en_viaje;it's like 8 here. i had to cut my belgrade stay, wtf may! i r disappoint! 1911603;1557225538;diana_coman;about 14 degrees here in suddenly-sunny england, lolz; tbf at 6am there were only 8-9 but that's ...refreshing at that hour. 1911604;1557225694;mp_en_viaje;it's still maybe 10. 1911605;1557225949;diana_coman;well, spring, unpredictable. 1911606;1557225998;mp_en_viaje;seems insane for may. even in the snowy north im from. 1911607;1557226011;diana_coman;cluj is snowy north? ahahaha 1911608;1557226014;mp_en_viaje;meanwhile in good news, found something from alf kindergarten magazine : https://x.imagefapusercontent.com/u/alienvisitor/8087483/1139655929/54524507-2305147513037713-891195809725415424-n.jpg 1911609;1557226046;mp_en_viaje;diana_coman, well ? no olive trees / figs grow there yes ? that's the criteria. 1911610;1557226100;diana_coman;no penguins, arctic foxes and northern lights there either, according to the other-side criteria 1911611;1557226148;diana_coman;ahahah "giant of fun, adventure and science" 1911612;1557226173;mp_en_viaje;ikr 1911613;1557234597;feedbot;http://trilema.com/2019/rastko-nemanja-and-things-like-that-somewhat/ << Trilema -- Rastko Nemanja and things like that (somewhat) 1911614;1557239871;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: lol, cluj is on same parallel as asciilifeform's homeworld. what 'snowy north' . 1911615;1557242063;*;BingoBoingo thought http://trilema.com/2013/fire-in-alabama-lets-make-the-most-of-it/ is the cannon shot, but is the cannon seat. 1911616;1557242092;BingoBoingo;lobbes: Seems auction bot has run away and stayed away 1911617;1557245091;PeterL;so how does the auction work if auctionbot disappears? Wasn't it supposed to be ending about now? 1911618;1557245148;asciilifeform;PeterL: i expect we'll find out, when lobbes resets the bot, whether it handles this case correctly 1911619;1557245180;mp_en_viaje;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-07#1911614 << haters, one and all! 1911620;1557245180;a111;Logged on 2019-05-07 14:37 asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: lol, cluj is on same parallel as asciilifeform's homeworld. what 'snowy north' . 1911621;1557245197;asciilifeform;lol 1911622;1557245228;mp_en_viaje;BingoBoingo, holy hell, you born librarian you. pretty sure that's it! 1911623;1557245249;PeterL;asciilifeform: what would haldling correctly look like? it just declares the last bid it saw as the winner, or extend the auction based on the time it missed? 1911624;1557245316;asciilifeform;imho oughta extend. otherwise vulnerable to some pretty ugly strange (say, there's just 1 lowball bid, and then fleanode drops the bot until end, etc) 1911625;1557245435;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: iirc you had a much older alabama piece, with moar photo of same item, also 1911626;1557245467;mp_en_viaje;possibru 1911627;1557245535;asciilifeform;in other lulz, microshit w10 nao ships with optional 'linux kernel'. 1911628;1557245589;asciilifeform;dunno why this took 20yrs from the famous 'embrace & extinguish' leaked memo, but there it is. 1911629;1557245616;asciilifeform;!!up lobbes_field 1911630;1557245617;deedbot;lobbes_field voiced for 30 minutes. 1911631;1557245632;lobbes_field;Ty asciilifeform 1911632;1557245672;lobbes_field;Sry about auctionbot downtime. I shoulda checked before I left for the mines. Will bring back online tonight 1911633;1557245689;lobbes_field;Data is safe, auctions and bids preserved 1911634;1557245731;lobbes_field;As for extending, it seems that the bot went down with 12 hours left, so I could easily extend it another 12 1911635;1557245753;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo ^ plox to comment 1911636;1557245770;lobbes_field;In either case will not charge BingoBoingo the traditional fees for this auction due to all the derpage 1911637;1557245805;lobbes_field;*I will not charge (this pjhone "keyboard" is truly maddening) 1911638;1557245918;*;lobbes_field bbl 1911639;1557253792;BingoBoingo;!Qlater tell lobbes Another 24 hours is probably better than 12. 1911640;1557253836;BingoBoingo;Give everyone around the clock a chance to bid 1911641;1557253880;BingoBoingo;mp_en_viaje: I could have swore seeing a picture from the same angle on a trilema post somewhere. 1911642;1557253991;BingoBoingo; imho oughta extend. otherwise vulnerable to some pretty ugly strange (say, there's just 1 lowball bid, and then fleanode drops the bot until end, etc) << Also there's the 90's Ebay factor. People counting on doing bidding during the final stretch. 1911643;1557254386;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: aha 1911644;1557254667;BingoBoingo;We got 360 degree of globe to cover in light of http://trilema.com/2013/two-examples-of-irc-misuse-with-ample-commentary/#selection-215.0-221.104 1911645;1557257333;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in speshul heathen lulz, https://archive.is/wMhh2 1911646;1557258904;feedbot;http://thetarpit.org/posts/y05/08e-mangalia.html << The Tar Pit -- Mangalia 1911647;1557261127;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2019/05/portuguese-national-flying-mirage-jet-downed-in-libya-by-general-haftars-forces/ << Qntra -- Portuguese National Flying Mirage Jet Downed In Libya By General Haftar's Forces 1911648;1557261146;BingoBoingo;^ For the burden of keeping fighter jets file 1911649;1557263395;mp_en_viaje;spyked, chock-full. though it's unclear to me how you reason re "having beaches", and in any case the fucking of eastern girls was more the 90s than the 70s. 1911650;1557263401;mp_en_viaje;nobody fucked anybody in the 70s. 1911651;1557263432;asciilifeform;'в СССР секса нет!'(tm)(r) 1911652;1557263886;mp_en_viaje;quite so. 1911653;1557263917;mp_en_viaje;it's easy to play along and pretend, "oh, there's all these people getting their dick sucked nowadays, it's almost as if mine's sucked too", electron-cloud sorta reasoning. 1911654;1557263953;mp_en_viaje;nevertheless, large objects are discrete, no quantum mechanics applies. as a factual matter, ~nobody had any fucking sex until we came around and taught teens to shave the bush etc, late 80s. 1911655;1557263997;mp_en_viaje;there ~was~ some ongoing bestiality previously, engaged mostly dressed, with the light off and the eyes closed -- in any perspective a shameful act. 1911656;1557264089;asciilifeform;iirc ancient egypt was into shaving, iirc 1911657;1557264096;asciilifeform;possibly elsewhere ditto 1911658;1557264136;asciilifeform;or wat, it still 'aint sex' unless under blue led lamp, in suspension swing made of purest 1060 aluminum ? 1911659;1557271717;BingoBoingo;Welcome back auctionbot 1911660;1557271827;lobbes;!Xview 1047 1911661;1557271838;lobbes;ah whoops, need to voice it. one sec 1911662;1557271879;lobbes;!Xview 1047 1911663;1557271880;auctionbot;Buy order # 1047: 500 WFF, WU esta bien Opening: 154mn ecu Leading Bid: 106mn ecu Ending: 2019-05-08 11:56:28.887251 UTC (24 hours 18 mins) 1911664;1557271892;lobbes;BingoBoingo extended 24hrs ^^ 1911665;1557271901;lobbes;sorry again for teh inconvenience 1911666;1557271903;BingoBoingo;tyvm 1911667;1557271947;BingoBoingo;!Qlater tell pete_dushenski Contravex doesn't seem to be loading normally 1911668;1557271959;lobbes;hm, lemme get the lobbesbot back 1911669;1557272182;BingoBoingo;Ah, I forgot you split the bots 1911670;1557276259;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, well what, ancient history now ? 1911671;1557276263;mp_en_viaje;sure, rome had the fux. 1911672;1557276781;asciilifeform;rright but mp_en_viaje orig. made it sound as if fux were a recent discovery, like vlsi, lol 1911673;1557276816;mp_en_viaje;well, recent in modern world. 1911674;1557276830;mp_en_viaje;like warm water bath. 1911675;1557279991;*;asciilifeform grunting out a [http://qbnz.com/highlighter/geshi-doc.html][wp colorizer mode] for peh, and it's maddening, php is ~undebuggable garbage 1911676;1557280087;asciilifeform;just like perl, if you violate some expectation of orig author's, you get arbitrary barf, rather than eggog even. 1911677;1557280274;mp_en_viaje;examples ? 1911678;1557280323;asciilifeform;difficult to give meaningful example w/out detailing the MB+ pile of shit that is the plugin. simply, config written seemingly according to docs, but there is html barfola in the output. 1911679;1557280375;mp_en_viaje;possibru problem is not php but the plugin 1911680;1557280381;asciilifeform;100% 1911681;1557280391;asciilifeform;but it being ~in~ php makes the thing undebuggable. 1911682;1557280403;mp_en_viaje;why ? 1911683;1557280409;asciilifeform;there is afaik no equiv of slime/macroexpand/etc system for php 1911684;1557280425;asciilifeform;so only way to learn wtf proggy does, is to allow it to run 1911685;1557280450;mp_en_viaje;it's a script processor, wtf other way is there ? not like it compiles anything 1911686;1557280481;asciilifeform;right, processor, but w/ no provision (afaik) for asking it to process individual expression in realtime 1911687;1557280506;asciilifeform;it's rather like debugging gnumake. 1911688;1557280580;*;asciilifeform started by taking the included 'ada mode' and modifying. but thing seems to choke on the single-character keywords of peh 1911689;1557280628;mp_en_viaje;that's weird. 1911690;1557280629;*;asciilifeform prolly doomed to write a 'peh2html' batch proggy, and fughet about wpism 1911691;1557280696;mp_en_viaje;you have this very ineffectual approach to things where you'll try either a very high level thing from first principles (usually, as applied to some extand software) or else a handwritten-on-knee minimalist thing. there's space in between these two, you know. 1911692;1557280699;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: it was apparently designed by a tard. who insisted that 'single-char nonalphabetics' are 'symbols' and treated specially. and hardbaked a dependence on delimeters (i.e. whitespace) in the semantics. and fuckknows whatelse. 1911693;1557280737;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: i'm cutting the wp thing open to see if it can be made to behave, but at some pt will have to throw in towel and do sumthing else 1911694;1557280758;mp_en_viaje;ok, so don't use that. just because random plugin was written by tard doesn't invalidate either php as a ... text processor, nor wp plugins as an extension framerowkr for mp-wp 1911695;1557280774;mp_en_viaje;and yes, obviously php ain't no ada. 1911696;1557280794;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: it's reminiscent of experience of writing tasm macros lol 1911697;1557280797;asciilifeform;( remember tasm ? ) 1911698;1557280820;mp_en_viaje;im not even sure 1911699;1557280823;mp_en_viaje;which was this ? 1911700;1557280830;asciilifeform;'turbo assembler' 1911701;1557280838;asciilifeform;for ye olde msdos 1911702;1557280841;mp_en_viaje;o brother. 1911703;1557280886;asciilifeform;hey that was last time asciilifeform found himself writing proggies in 'you want debug? haha, very funny' pattern substitutron 1911704;1557280886;mp_en_viaje;no but listen : php chiefly exists for the task of "you know what? take every sentence in this text file and put around punctuation marks". that's what it was made for, substitute strings in strings, pretty much. 1911705;1557280893;mp_en_viaje;it's no ~language~ in any sense. 1911706;1557280901;asciilifeform;right, hence the comparison 1911707;1557280964;mp_en_viaje;obviously maniacs abound, the "'single-char nonalphabetics' are 'symbols' and treated specially. and hardbaked a dependence on delimeters (i.e. whitespace) in the semantics. and fuckknows whatelse." parts sound SO FUCKING FAMILIAR 1911708;1557280978;mp_en_viaje;lotta c written like that, too. and everything else. 1911709;1557281009;asciilifeform;hence wai i even mentioned. it's a typical php proggy, and i strongly suspect that folx who spend enuff time writing in blind macroexpander langs, eventually become incapable of producing any other kind 1911710;1557281024;asciilifeform;i.e. it's black lung equiv for the brain. 1911711;1557281039;mp_en_viaje;it seems to me one ~should not~ write another kind in php. 1911712;1557281065;mp_en_viaje;just like javascript isn't there for "here's an implementation of linux kernel in js", just so php is not there for "here's my recursive elegance" or w/e. 1911713;1557281080;asciilifeform;it is ~physicallyimpossible to write any other kind in php. 1911714;1557281094;asciilifeform;just like cannot write a tower of tasm macros that fails gracefully. 1911715;1557281167;mp_en_viaje;but it seems to me your problem is eminently a php task ? "colorize" neh ? 1911716;1557281171;asciilifeform;nao! there ~were~ text processors designed by thinking people, where it ~was~ possible to write a readable proggy with predictable failure conditions. e.g. 'snobol'. but these, buried under 30yrs of sediment, will take serious archaeology to unearth. 1911717;1557281205;asciilifeform;and i gotta get motherfucking ch18c out . so not holding breath for these. 1911718;1557281221;asciilifeform;will have to write new wpism or its equiv. 1911719;1557281294;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: rite ? simple problem , on surface, 'take this grammar and throw colour tags where they belong.' but apparently even this can be fucked up, idjit tower of speshulcases doesn't detect breakage of grammar, instead pisses out unclosed html tags. 1911720;1557281334;mp_en_viaje;sounds like terrible implementation, it shouldn't ever throw unclosed tags in an ycase. 1911721;1557281339;asciilifeform;aha!! 1911722;1557281342;mp_en_viaje;what, is it 1pass ? 1911723;1557281378;asciilifeform;appears to be 1911724;1557281395;asciilifeform;( not that this is a problem , for mathematical pov, for peh, which is also single pass ) 1911725;1557281481;mp_en_viaje;so then wtf. 1911726;1557281488;asciilifeform;ikr! 1911727;1557281550;asciilifeform;( it aint simply for 18c either, i have entire sequence of peh likbez planned , so hand-colouring is prohibitively ugh ) 1911728;1557281575;asciilifeform;will have to bite bullet and write transformer from empty . 1911729;1557281593;mp_en_viaje;you could just fix that thing, from description it's also broken for ada ? 1911730;1557281597;mp_en_viaje;where is it any7way ? 1911731;1557281607;asciilifeform;appears to work for ada, and coupla dozen other langs, w/out issue 1911732;1557281615;asciilifeform;http://qbnz.com/highlighter/geshi-doc.html 1911733;1557281630;asciilifeform;used it for many many yrs on my www , but never before attempted custom lang config . 1911734;1557281658;*;asciilifeform installed some time in 2011, used for c, ada, verilog, bash, etc , these -- worked 1911735;1557281709;mp_en_viaje;spyked, http://thetarpit.org/posts/y03/05a-july-theses.html#selection-893.205-893.499 << aren't these contrary claims ? ie, if they're not north koreans, therefore not r-selected ? 1911736;1557281751;mp_en_viaje;the ultimate problem with debugging -- allows people to exam-take their code design, "oh, doesn't work on anything we've not spent year+ debnugging" 1911737;1557281801;asciilifeform;the exam takers produce exactly same result with 'run an' print' 'debug' . 1911738;1557281808;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, ok, this makes zero fucking sense. item is supposed to use ~css containers~ ; it's not possible to have open html tags therefore at all. 1911739;1557281818;asciilifeform;that was what i thought ! 1911740;1557281923;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, here's a basic thing, not to infuriate you but out of curiosity : https://archive.is/3FJqA#selection-2733.0-2861.26 << have you tried the other container ? 1911741;1557281933;mp_en_viaje;does it fix the whitespace strange ? 1911742;1557281980;asciilifeform;nope. 1911743;1557281993;asciilifeform;and w/out reading the entire pila shit , impossible to say why. 1911744;1557282010;asciilifeform;could spend 1000 yrs turning knobs bruteforcibly, if had 1000 yrs.. 1911745;1557282042;mp_en_viaje;well, using software w/o reading docs is iffy. but anyway. 1911746;1557282061;mp_en_viaje;"The
 header is the default. If you’re familiar with HTML you’ll know that whitespace is rendered “as is” by a 
 element. The advantage for you is that if you use 
 the whitespace you use will appear pretty much exactly how it is in the source, and what’s more GeSHi won’t have to add a whole lot of 
’s and non-breaking spaces ( ) to your code to indent it. This saves you source code (and your valuable visitors w 1911747;1557282061;mp_en_viaje;aiting time and your bandwidth). 1911748;1557282061;mp_en_viaje;But if you don’t like
 or it looks stupid in your browser no matter what styles you try to apply to it or something similar, you might want to use a 
instead. A
will result in more source - GeSHi will have to insert whitespace markup - but in return you can wrap long lines of code that would otherwise have your browser’s horizontal scrollbar appear. Of course with
you can not wrap lines if you please. The highlighter demo 1911749;1557282064;mp_en_viaje;at the GeSHi home page uses the
approach for this reason." 1911750;1557282070;asciilifeform;i spend most of week with that doc, lol 1911751;1557282075;mp_en_viaje;seems quite evident what they did -- div mode for sanity and pre mode for "whitespace is magic character nao". 1911752;1557282076;asciilifeform;but evidently wk aint enuff 1911753;1557282114;asciilifeform;'geshi' actually weighs moar than trb. 1911754;1557282116;asciilifeform;lol-wise. 1911755;1557282122;asciilifeform;( and that's w/out the configs... ) 1911756;1557282123;mp_en_viaje;looks like it. 1911757;1557282131;asciilifeform;*loc-wise 1911758;1557282172;mp_en_viaje;anyway -- in fairness the "space is magic char" thing very much comes from html spec itself. 1911759;1557282197;asciilifeform;and if only only space . also brackets, ampersand, et 1911760;1557282197;asciilifeform;c 1911761;1557282200;mp_en_viaje;maybe not the written "one" (as fucking if), but defo the factual one as emerged in practice. 1911762;1557282244;asciilifeform;somewhere i had paper spec (nominally!) for just css. it weighed moar than ada spec . 1911763;1557282257;asciilifeform;and iirc i threw it out, to free up shelf . 1911764;1557282291;asciilifeform;unfathomable crock of shit, the lot of it 1911765;1557282301;asciilifeform;the spec for opteron is still on the shelf, it is smaller 1911766;1557282374;*;asciilifeform can only swim in liquishit for so many hrs in one go, off to come up for air. bbl 1911767;1557300675;mp_en_viaje;so i'm sorta toying with the idea of starting a (romanian) political party. 1911768;1557300685;mp_en_viaje;anyone think this is a fucking stupid notion ? 1911769;1557300701;mp_en_viaje;(item also needs 3 founding members. diana_coman spyked you feel like being founding members ?) 1911770;1557301078;nicoleci;mp_en_viaje, check out what i found in the logs: http://btcbase.org/log/2013-11-13#377762 1911771;1557301078;a111;Logged on 2013-11-13 02:09 nubbins`: given that i'm really just here to mess with the signal-to-noise ratio, i'd like to see the latter 1911772;1557301103;mp_en_viaje;heh. 1911773;1557301187;nicoleci;true fact? 1911774;1557301230;mp_en_viaje;mmm 1911775;1557301241;mp_en_viaje;retrospectively i'm guessing it must've been ? 1911776;1557301248;mp_en_viaje;where'd you run into that anyways 1911777;1557301387;nicoleci;http://trilema.com/2013/two-examples-of-irc-misuse-with-ample-commentary/#selection-65.0-71.0 actually 1911778;1557301679;mp_en_viaje;lol check that shit out! 1911779;1557302782;spyked;mp_en_viaje, re new ro party, what's the reasoning behind it? what would be different vs. http://trilema.com/2013/romanias-new-right/ ? 1911780;1557302827;mp_en_viaje;ah, that was an attempt to help out a pre-existing item. (in fairness, romania hasn't had any ideas in 2-3 decades ; as it happens historically the iron guard was ~100% of the romanian modern culture, certainly in the 20th century) 1911781;1557302844;mp_en_viaje;this would be an entirely new thing, reflect tmsr ideology, also help it develop/test out. 1911782;1557303039;mp_en_viaje;in no particular order, militate for the restriction of the franchise, the introduction of the census vote (whereby property counts electorally), amending the constitution to male it illegal for state to own anything or be involved in economy, lower age of sexual consent to 12 and systematically introduce young women to the concept of the sexual market and why it's very fucking stupid to [http://trilema.com/2017/the-day-of-failure-trilemma/#selecti 1911783;1557303039;mp_en_viaje;on-407.0-423.497][traditional stupidity], raise awareness among kids as to the losing idiocy of relationships within their age group, familiarize public with domestic and sexual slavery, promote the harem as the correct alternative to "traditional marriage" nonsense, on it goes. 1911784;1557303103;mp_en_viaje;there's a bunch more re quashing the "aspirational" culture and the fraudulent practice of accomodating people's WoWoW pretense / being stars of their own film through the process of future promises, and on it goes. 1911785;1557303107;mp_en_viaje;did i forget anything important ? 1911786;1557303246;mp_en_viaje;a yeah, deny driver licenses to any who aren;t either professional drivers or in a liberal profession. and especially to "it experts", actresses/singers/newswomen etcetera. 1911787;1557303562;mp_en_viaje;end pensions as a concept, remove personal bankruptcy (replace with prison term), restrict corporations to corporation sole, no more aggregate... 1911788;1557303675;*;spyked needs to grok this for a bit. otoh, finds the experiment worthwhile, but a. has 0 exp with politics (other than following to some degree the local affairs) and b. doesn't know how would the battle on two fronts (i.e. the social-democrats and the xtian socialists) would work strategically 1911789;1557303797;mp_en_viaje;how would any of these groups manage to give battle ? 1911790;1557303870;mp_en_viaje;meanwhile in other battles, https://x.imagefapusercontent.com/u/Wildling46/8090906/700738657/3some5.PNG 1911791;1557304241;spyked;at the very least teh psds are specialized in drawing votes from the general populace. as for xtians, that's (in my very limited experience) where most people who are not completely retarded lie, and they'll cling to that. but that's only as far as I know (which ain't much) 1911792;1557304284;mp_en_viaje;aand in "televizoare diamant", https://x.imagefapusercontent.com/u/Wildling46/8090906/97429096/f04.gif 1911793;1557304311;mp_en_viaje;spyked, yeah, but the interest's not in getting votes. 1911794;1557304321;mp_en_viaje;the interest's in owning the idea space. 1911795;1557304340;spyked;other than that, mentioning census vote and slavery to folx around me seems to lead to the usual humanrights/etc. reaction. their brains dun seem to go any further than that particular pattern match 1911796;1557304372;mp_en_viaje;well, mentioning astronomy to folk in the 1890s led to spitting self. 1911797;1557304382;mp_en_viaje;what sorta criteria can this ever be. 1911798;1557304425;mp_en_viaje;https://ro.wikisource.org/wiki/Cometa_Falb << 1899 lulz. 1911799;1557304656;mp_en_viaje;anyway, whole fuckin thing's an exercise in unwinding, uprooting and destroying automatisms, "slavery => human rights" is not substantially different from "party -> votes" or "party name => democratic" or "party programme => we'd like all to be well" etc. 1911800;1557304666;mp_en_viaje;if anything, the postmodern problem's the overabundance of automatisms. 1911801;1557304924;diana_coman;mp_en_viaje: as a sort of tmsr.ro ? or what would the difference be exactly as I don't quite grok in what way a "political party" is not already included in tmsr as it were 1911802;1557304972;mp_en_viaje;well, it;s not already included in any practical sense (as it doesn't exist). obv its included in all ideal senses, yes. 1911803;1557305032;mp_en_viaje;but i mean, suppose i feel like redoing http://trilema.com/2010/domnisoare-nude-citind/ (probably in budapest). why no tmake it as Romanian Serene Republic party event, and why not say "it's in budapest because romania sucks". 1911804;1557305077;mp_en_viaje;when i go back to cr, why not just leave the mp residence in yurp so others can enjoy a visit/stay ? 1911805;1557305084;mp_en_viaje;all sorts and manner of practical considerations like these. 1911806;1557305109;diana_coman;ah, you mean as a sort of practical irl item 1911807;1557305148;mp_en_viaje;well, the same math that yielded "tmsr should get a church registered in the us", that then danielpbarron judged "these ppl are too dorky to bother for, i'd much rather work with some ok rurals" yields party in yurp. 1911808;1557305166;mp_en_viaje;cuz it's not the same atmosphere, yes, there's no great advantages to eurochurch. 1911809;1557305185;mp_en_viaje;but in any case, a seat in europarliament seems to me within conceivable achievement, esp if alliance. 1911810;1557305193;mp_en_viaje;distant, if conceivable. 1911811;1557305228;diana_coman;well, the way I see it, europarliament like everything else will soon be for everyone, they might even drag you in or something 1911812;1557305236;mp_en_viaje;right ? 1911813;1557305264;diana_coman;I mean: for the lulz,sure; other than that though, wtf would I want to be there. 1911814;1557305274;diana_coman;there for. 1911815;1557305275;mp_en_viaje;and other than that, the formal criterion ~reduces to "having candidate in 3 circumscriptions" or somesuch. which whatever, you get somebody to run for communal council @ancestral home 1911816;1557305285;diana_coman;pretty much, yes 1911817;1557305294;mp_en_viaje;in other words, it's pretty fucking cheap. 1911818;1557305323;diana_coman;yes, but I'm still trying to grok if it's ...worth it; lol, my problems. 1911819;1557305342;mp_en_viaje;well how the fuck could this be established afore the fact. 1911820;1557305358;diana_coman;myeah; onth if one does *everything* that is cheap because it's cheap... 1911821;1557305359;mp_en_viaje;seems to me groking pre-trying whether it'll be worth it likely will cost more than the trial. 1911822;1557305373;diana_coman;time is the only real cost there. 1911823;1557305391;mp_en_viaje;yet at the end of the day, the day's spent anyway. not like you can save time. 1911824;1557305453;mp_en_viaje;anyways, i'm not pushing for an insta-answer or anything ; but my thinking is if you both are interested an' nobody comes up with some major unseen flaw, ima draw a draft statute/documents w/e an' talk to my lawyer about it. 1911825;1557305584;diana_coman;no; you can however spend it on something else and I somehow never manage to run out of "something else"; but yes, I can see the idea; I don't know about who is there to do all the work and get it all growing 1911826;1557305678;mp_en_viaje;but conversely : if there is someone we'll be none the sorrier for it. and if there isn't... what exactly do i have to regret re http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-08#1911779 thing ? that i spent a few grand on getting that party the only headquarters it eve rhad ? or what, some booze some kids drank off me ? 1911827;1557305678;a111;Logged on 2019-05-08 08:06 spyked: mp_en_viaje, re new ro party, what's the reasoning behind it? what would be different vs. http://trilema.com/2013/romanias-new-right/ ? 1911828;1557305705;mp_en_viaje;i'm not even sure i could ever get to writing down a list so complete as to have that sorta nothing figure on its own merits on it. 1911829;1557305730;mp_en_viaje;timewise... what, took maybe 8 hours of my time in 3-4 installments, i dun even recall. 1911830;1557305792;diana_coman;heh, I'm probably too much used to ground-up building work i.e. if starting that then will have to get it off the ground with own hands if need be; hence -> time. 1911831;1557305808;mp_en_viaje;but it did produce http://trilema.com/2013/romanias-new-right/#comment-93307 l which i daresay is one of the finest bits i ever wrote in romanian, not to mention a fineer piece than the iron guard ever produced 1911832;1557305836;mp_en_viaje;this doesn't seem a small thing for me, that if "mp, radu gyr, mircea eliade etc go into a bar... and mp comes up uber alles". 1911833;1557305879;mp_en_viaje;diana_coman, the idea is for it to be fun ; and it's fun when it's this thing of excellence, "what's the absolute best that could be done here". 1911834;1557306004;mp_en_viaje;why i don't regret the above booklet like i don't regret http://trilema.com/2011/sfinta-inocenta-puberala/ 1911835;1557306030;mp_en_viaje;http://trilema.com/2011/se-cauta-minore/#selection-25.0-25.400 top keks 1911836;1557306058;diana_coman;'dat font where d battles t... 1911837;1557306104;diana_coman;reading it now, I seriously doubt the dorks in question knew all the words in there 1911838;1557306146;mp_en_viaje;automatisms, right ? they just wanted it to be good, and to no tbe disturbed. 1911839;1557306169;mp_en_viaje;romanians are fucking hysterical too, you aware they all dress alike ? there's this unviersal cvasi-goretex thing they ALL MUST WEAR 1911840;1557306326;diana_coman;well, one uniform or another; being about as "right" as choosing that uniform over the other 1911841;1557306420;mp_en_viaje;myeah 1911842;1557306556;mp_en_viaje;in other luzl http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/Q5CY1/?raw=true << euro wank re "informed consent" resulted in... automated solution. there's a list of cookies this fairly popular ro magazine thinks it should get to use. 1911843;1557306681;diana_coman;and I'm quite sure it also ignores them down the line anyway i.e. whatever you tick or not tick, it still does the same thing 1911844;1557306729;diana_coman;ye olde approach, time-tested on "rules" 1911845;1557306794;mp_en_viaje;yes, factually it just goes away on reload. 1911846;1557307317;mp_en_viaje;https://www.bzi.ro/milionarul-dan-camarzan-s-a-schimbat-in-totalitate-de-ceva-timp-a-fost-retinut-de-politisti-pentru-omor-692802 << subject. apparently ro millionaire "joined a cult", strangled his grandmother. 1911847;1557307326;mp_en_viaje;also "was god". 1911848;1557307371;mp_en_viaje;apparently lotta manic murder in ro, some rando dude stabbed his wife and two kids over easter "because at such times some elect must die" 1911849;1557307451;diana_coman;funny how the elect are ~always those unlikely to have much chance fighting back 1911850;1557307483;mp_en_viaje;apparently weirdo talked to the poor elects till they died. 1911851;1557307528;mp_en_viaje;imagine this fucking horror, some dork stabs you in your sleep and then it's like "here, let me tell you what i think about chick-fill-a" 1911852;1557307634;diana_coman;I had to switch to another machine to load that bzi stuff; that photo is basically "happy trio with various caps and beretts" 1911853;1557307700;mp_en_viaje;apparently dood went bankrupt, ran off to miami, came back sovereign citizen living with wife, mom and grandmother. 1911854;1557307709;diana_coman;well, hard to believe she hadn't previous training ignoring his bla bla so .. 1911855;1557307736;mp_en_viaje;the harem term being 'shwarmy", because there's an army of these shawn dudes. 1911856;1557307764;diana_coman;"a aderat la un cult si din aceasta cauza a devenit de nerecunoscut" 1911857;1557307801;diana_coman;da' in tot cazul, biata bunica 1911858;1557307816;mp_en_viaje;oh, in other lulz : soros aids vice media to the tune of quarter bn. 1911859;1557307826;mp_en_viaje;apparenty this huffpo not ready to huff po just yet. 1911860;1557307928;mp_en_viaje;https://a1.ro/showbiz/vedete/dan-camarzan-si-a-pus-iubita-capra-in-public-id51756.html << kinda weaksauce hedonism, but w/e. 1911861;1557308052;mp_en_viaje;very http://btcbase.org/log/2019-02-02#1891911 flavour to it, as far as i can see. "oh my god, scandalous!!!". wtf, lame club grinding 1911862;1557308052;a111;Logged on 2019-02-02 22:53 mircea_popescu: you mean the idle schmuck that had a topless wife for an occasion once and they all threw a ridoinculous fit ? 1911863;1557308186;diana_coman;I don't think there is much that in there; different sorts of ridoinculous as far as I can see i.e. the schmuck that found himself with money vs the schmucks that found themselves "writing a newspaper". 1911864;1557308269;mp_en_viaje;yeah, neither's very good at what they do, huh. 1911865;1557308577;mp_en_viaje;meanwhile in other topics, "O fată în vârstă de 13 ani, din comuna Negomir, judeţul Gorj, este însărcinată în cinci luni, după ce ar fi întreţinut relaţii sexuale cu un vecin în vârstă de 63 de ani." ; "Studentă la medicină, goală puşcă în centrul Iaşului. A fost prinsă de poliţişti într-o scară de bloc. Tânăra de 26 de ani vorbea în limba franceză, scrie presa locală. 1911866;1557308577;mp_en_viaje;Fata a fost preluată de echipaje de Poliţie şi SMURD şi transportată la Spitalul de Psihiatrie "Socola" Iaşi." ; "Răzvan Ciobanu, bătut crunt de față cu vecinii. Scene cumplite trăite de regretatul designer înainte de moarte" 1911867;1557308640;diana_coman;numai cine n-a chiar trait la sat/ vorbit pe bune cu oamenii de acolo crede c-ar fi ceva asa extraordinar si de neintalnit 1911868;1557308736;mp_en_viaje;ie, 13 yo girl past abortion, father is 63yo neightbour ; some chick stripped naked in moldavia, evidently she must be insane (spoke french, which no sane people ever do, esp women), taken over to mental hospital by fire dept) [http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-22#1631093][argie levels of lulz] ; anon faggot ("clothes designer") beaten up by his bf. cuz obv gotta be gay if "clothes designer" 1911869;1557308736;a111;Logged on 2017-03-22 22:09 mircea_popescu: in other news, mp takes girl to picnic at neighbourhood park, she goes naked, within 15 minutes there's half a dozen local cops around the blanket being all concerned. 1911870;1557308755;mp_en_viaje;diana_coman, yup ; hence http://trilema.com/2009/fata-satului/ etc. 1911871;1557308777;diana_coman;myeah 1911872;1557308912;mp_en_viaje;"Anamaria Suru, în vârstă de 29 de ani, a fost găsită fără viaţă, luni, 22 aprilie, pe marginea unui drum forestier din pădurea din localitatea Secu, la aproximativ trei kilometri de Reşiţa." for the dead hookers files. 1911873;1557308974;mp_en_viaje;pretty lively place. 1911874;1557309295;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-08#1911825 <-- tbh, other than the opportunity cost, I'm not even entirely sure of the details of *what* work this involves, i.e. cu ce se mananca. or whether I have what it takes etc. but I'm curious of the outcome, given the current state of ro politics. I live here, for one, so... 1911875;1557309295;a111;Logged on 2019-05-08 08:53 diana_coman: no; you can however spend it on something else and I somehow never manage to run out of "something else"; but yes, I can see the idea; I don't know about who is there to do all the work and get it all growing 1911876;1557309382;*;spyked will come back to (re)digesting logs and discussion threads later today 1911877;1557309402;mp_en_viaje;well, if you live there don't you have any elders who were ever involved ? 1911878;1557309414;mp_en_viaje;ask uncle vania, the communal councillor or w/e. 1911879;1557309487;spyked;mp_en_viaje, only one, and just recently (2000s, during basescu electorals). but yeah, that's a good idea 1911880;1557309506;mp_en_viaje;by all means. 1911881;1557310022;diana_coman;re ro politics, while my hometown is one in which ~everything is "political" (petrol industry), that part was always more about feathering X's or Y's nest so I wouldn't use that to get an idea of anything; onth re what I see as political, the way the situation in Ro reads to me is that ultimately people are desperately (and beyond i.e. without hope) looking for someone to take responsibility aka a master essentially. 1911882;1557310454;diana_coman;lacking that, some (generally older but not only) will look up to psd as it (seems to, at least) takes responsibility for their food at least (poisoned as it might be but...); 1911883;1557310492;mp_en_viaje;not even specifically romanian, this. 1911884;1557310510;mp_en_viaje;the ustards've been hoping for the black man to magically rise up and take over for decades. 1911885;1557310525;diana_coman;others (generally younger) who already have in fact the employer-master taking the food-responsibiliy off their shoulders will look up instead to usr/pdl/wtf (I can't quite recall whatever they are nowadays) 1911886;1557310543;diana_coman;basically for a different hole that they think it'll fill 1911887;1557310561;diana_coman;well no, there is no national specific re human needs after all 1911888;1557310630;mp_en_viaje;yeah. 1911889;1557310670;mp_en_viaje;whatever, you know, in the end everyone cu pizda ma-sii, the problems of others are the problems of others, the problem of the individual is adequate expression, lest he becomes an intellectual & starts "resisting through culture" 1911890;1557310768;diana_coman;certainly; not as if one's own problems are not generally more than enough to keep one busy. 1911891;1557310781;mp_en_viaje;indeed. 1911892;1557311807;mp_en_viaje;for the rotaku club : here's a most foamy, in places stylistically vitriolic, antique mp - diana_coman lampoon set. 1. http://trilema.com/2011/vindem-casa-fara-utilitati/ ; 2. http://ossasepia.com/2011/08/28/cand-intentia-bate-realitatea/ ; 3. http://trilema.com/2011/fetele-rele/ ; 4. http://ossasepia.com/2011/08/28/raspuns-autorului-ultragiat/ 1911893;1557324644;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-08#1911793 << iirc there were a few similar trololols on this here side of ocean. e.g. 1 fella ran for pres on platform consisting solely of 'will have bush -- impaled' 1911894;1557324644;a111;Logged on 2019-05-08 08:31 mp_en_viaje: spyked, yeah, but the interest's not in getting votes. 1911895;1557324719;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-08#1911785 << hrm... reintroduction of titles of nobility ? 1911896;1557324719;a111;Logged on 2019-05-08 08:11 mp_en_viaje: did i forget anything important ? 1911897;1557324834;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-08#1911824 << the 1 risk is that mp_en_viaje & co might actually end up in office an' consequently herding swine. rly, want to herd swine ? 1911898;1557324834;a111;Logged on 2019-05-08 08:50 mp_en_viaje: anyways, i'm not pushing for an insta-answer or anything ; but my thinking is if you both are interested an' nobody comes up with some major unseen flaw, ima draw a draft statute/documents w/e an' talk to my lawyer about it. 1911899;1557324924;*;asciilifeform cannot comment in moar detail : the care & feeding of trollparties is quite far out of asciilifeform's depth 1911900;1557325942;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-08#1911809 << Giving spyked a chair in EU parliament seems like great PR/Marketing opportunity 1911901;1557325942;a111;Logged on 2019-05-08 08:46 mp_en_viaje: but in any case, a seat in europarliament seems to me within conceivable achievement, esp if alliance. 1911902;1557332614;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, this has ~nothing to do with presidency tho 1911903;1557332675;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, this "risk" happened once before, mp & friends (tho in all fairness friends & mp) invented party and in a few years took it to leading government. mp wanted no office, left. 1911904;1557332697;mp_en_viaje;(party went to shit, as it happens, but these things happen) 1911905;1557332821;asciilifeform;i confess , try as i might i dun see the point ( in light of e.g. http://btcbase.org/log/2018-06-18#1826391 historical record ) but if mp_en_viaje sees point, who am i to say he oughtn't . 1911906;1557332821;a111;Logged on 2018-06-18 15:36 asciilifeform: btw one pheature of lenin & co that gets vehehery little press these days , when folx like to point out 'he didn't overthrow , other factions did all the work' : lenin & co refused, out of principle, to participate in any 'temporary government' derpage at all. 1911907;1557332858;mp_en_viaje;meanwhile in "caminul studentesc", https://x.imagefapusercontent.com/u/Wildling46/8090906/830756113/tumblr-l1fso6tddr1qbekk5o1-500.jpg 1911908;1557332877;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, what's the relation ? 1911909;1557332900;asciilifeform;in re 'coalition governments' as practiced in current europistan 1911910;1557332908;mp_en_viaje;seems rather opposite, lenin went back to moscow formed microscopic lolparty. by any measure bolsheviks were a numeric joke. 1911911;1557332943;asciilifeform;right, had lolparty, but it refused to participate in coalitions. 1911912;1557332947;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, the two are not the same thing afaik ; but anyway, romanian govt traditionally is formed with hungarian party. was at the time ayways. 1911913;1557332972;asciilifeform;this is interesting -- for what do the hungarians stand ? ( 'give back timis ?' ) 1911914;1557333084;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, well, either that or refused to admit it. "a majority of mensheviks" etc. 1911915;1557333117;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, mostly hungarian language schooling and some local level independence. 1911916;1557333123;asciilifeform;aa 1911917;1557333149;asciilifeform;the mexicans a++ achieved this in usa somehow w/out a party, tho 1911918;1557333161;mp_en_viaje;well, by being the majority of the workers. 1911919;1557333202;asciilifeform;apropos of thread, we just had a 'city dogcatchers' election here. mayor re-elected unopposed. 1911920;1557333215;asciilifeform;nobody could be arsed to run against'im. 1911921;1557333235;mp_en_viaje;typical ourdemocracy. 1911922;1557333252;asciilifeform;entirely typical. as far back as i can remember, went exactly like so. 1911923;1557333589;asciilifeform;since mp_en_viaje asked for nitpicks : how does http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-08#1911782 work w/ the existence of 'varanul' et al ? seems like they have the 'properties' , and so automagically end up with controlling share ? 1911924;1557333589;a111;Logged on 2019-05-08 08:10 mp_en_viaje: in no particular order, militate for the restriction of the franchise, the introduction of the census vote (whereby property counts electorally), amending the constitution to male it illegal for state to own anything or be involved in economy, lower age of sexual consent to 12 and systematically introduce young women to the concept of the sexual market and why it's very fucking stupid to [http://trilema.com/2017/the-day-of-failure-trilemma/#selecti 1911925;1557333723;asciilifeform;unless i misunderstand some part of this, the recipe adds up to a faster, moar streamlined version of ukraine 1911926;1557334586;diana_coman;reading the list of romanian parties from tmb.ro yields all sorts of lol including "party of pensioners and social protection" that became of people and social protection 1911927;1557335046;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, so let them end up with controlling share. great wealth comes with great responsibility ; this can't be fixed from downstream because oh noes. 1911928;1557335056;mp_en_viaje;diana_coman, imagine if you will, the total historical count is under 200. 1911929;1557335067;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: as i understand they have it already -- for what then need party. 1911930;1557335076;asciilifeform;they had it since '90s... like the result ? 1911931;1557335077;mp_en_viaje;romanians have got to be some of the lest politically active / creative people ever invented. 1911932;1557335086;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, i dun care about results. 1911933;1557335098;mp_en_viaje;that's what's called principled. 1911934;1557335101;diana_coman;mp_en_viaje: well yes, I saw that (list includes parties that were registered, even if not existing anymore) 1911935;1557335110;mp_en_viaje;yes, everything historically. 1911936;1557335131;asciilifeform;if result dun matter -- then why not do $whatever -- and with hookers, blackjack. 1911937;1557335173;asciilifeform;then all you need is to enjoy process. 1911938;1557335183;mp_en_viaje;~because~. "results matter" === http://btcbase.org/log/2016-01-21#1379603 ; you don't code like this, you code like "it's this because this is what it has to be" 1911939;1557335183;a111;Logged on 2016-01-21 13:29 asciilifeform: 'if i make it what i think is the right size, it crashes!111' 1911940;1557335237;asciilifeform;dunno, from asciilifeform's pov when he rolls up sleeves to build sumthing, result -- matters, it is not indifferent whether e.g. fg produces even spectrum or 1010101... 1911941;1557335302;asciilifeform;nao, ~with what~ you get result , also matters. but if picked 'whalebone' for 'with what fg', might have problem. 1911942;1557335303;diana_coman;mp_en_viaje: politics is a very alien thing ; and tbh part of the exercise I see precisely in actually showing what that is as opposed to what it "came to be"; similar to what "afaceri" seems to mean if you look at "afaceristi" and so on 1911943;1557335310;mp_en_viaje;and if it did produce 1010101 would you add whitener / 1911944;1557335320;mp_en_viaje;diana_coman, certainly. 1911945;1557335330;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: no, but might re-enroll in kindergarten, lol 1911946;1557335334;mp_en_viaje;so then. 1911947;1557335353;diana_coman;but I have to admit that I wouldn't say that I actually have any political experience. 1911948;1557335433;mp_en_viaje;i'm not going to break politics just because romanians gatherfed in large groups, did the student thing where everyone dropped a buck and thereby invented some schmuck [http://trilema.com/2016/brexit-grexit-departugal-italeave-czechout-finish-oustria-latervia-byegium/#footnote_2_67054]["just as good as any Mircea come from afar"] 1911949;1557335448;mp_en_viaje;diana_coman, yet you seem to do ok here. 1911950;1557335641;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: outta curiosity, only varanul + other native scum get to be earls, or can e.g. putin buy dukedom ? how about soros ? 1911951;1557335772;mp_en_viaje;what dukedom anyway ? 1911952;1557335813;asciilifeform;err, whatever the term is to be, for the 'voting stock' 1911953;1557335836;mp_en_viaje;ah. sure, why not. 1911954;1557335841;asciilifeform;( fief ? ) 1911955;1557335851;diana_coman;as I'm still digesting the whole thing, I still find that my mind keeps going on to "guild" more than to "political party" ; perhaps I see political party as too limited though I really just need to read more on it first (and admitedly, I doubt there is the guild form as such in Ro, lolz) 1911956;1557335853;mp_en_viaje;people who buy a bitcoin also get a bitcoin 1911957;1557335875;mp_en_viaje;diana_coman, guilds were professional organisations. this is a political entity. 1911958;1557336035;diana_coman;well yes, they certainly started as professional though it's not as if they didn't end up political too. 1911959;1557336080;asciilifeform;perhaps microshit will put in a bid. ( they seem to really like ro for some reason ) 1911960;1557336116;mp_en_viaje;diana_coman, yes, but political along professional lines. 1911961;1557336142;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, no franchise for corps (and no aggregate corps in the first place) 1911962;1557336153;asciilifeform;aa 1911963;1557336160;asciilifeform;so then will have to be ballmer personally. 1911964;1557336181;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: buying is an honest process. It's possible to price a purchase. The current herpity derp herd the derps process is fundamentally dishonest. 1911965;1557336211;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: can't disagree with this. 1911966;1557336216;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, dude wants to vote in romania, he can buy it now as well. 1911967;1557336241;mp_en_viaje;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-08#1911817 << this means things you likely do not imagine. 1911968;1557336241;a111;Logged on 2019-05-08 08:48 mp_en_viaje: in other words, it's pretty fucking cheap. 1911969;1557336255;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: iirc ~this~ already for sale ( i even got a quote ) but sorta ridic. price (iirc 800k ameridubloons ) 1911970;1557336277;asciilifeform;... and it only came with 1 vote!11 1911971;1557336336;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: which things ? 1911972;1557336349;mp_en_viaje;for some reason you make ineptitude a point of pride. https://www.hotnews.ro/stiri-arhiva-1248255-4-000-voturi-cumparate-pentru-nastase.htm was more the point. 1911973;1557336383;mp_en_viaje;as it stands being mayor of some small town somewhere will run you less than what a toyota costs. 1911974;1557336392;asciilifeform;aa ukr-style 1911975;1557336398;asciilifeform;ok makes sense 1911976;1557336494;mp_en_viaje;more like athens style. democracy is [http://trilema.com/2018/democracy-sucks-the-two-thousand-four-hundred-and-change-years-old-version/][democracy]. 1911977;1557336505;mp_en_viaje;they're all little alcibiades. 1911978;1557336771;BingoBoingo; as it stands being mayor of some small town somewhere will run you less than what a toyota costs. << And if the Balmers et al run up the cost of mayorship, that is a damned honest signal to the rest of the world that giving away the franchise to all that fall out of a cunt for free is gravely underpricing the franchise. 1911979;1557336895;auctionbot;Buy order # 1047: 500 WFF, WU esta bien Heard: 95mn from mats outbidding PeterL. Ending: 2019-05-08 11:56:28.887251 UTC (6 hours 14 mins) 1911980;1557337850;mp_en_viaje;BingoBoingo, not to mention, at least give the stupid cunts a fair price for their whoredom. 1911981;1557337897;mp_en_viaje;i mean, what difference is there between a herd of "electorate" kept captive for just 2-3 chosen morons to "buy their votes", and a herd of "ambitious young women" kept captive for just 2-3 chosen morons to "seduce" them ? 1911982;1557337906;BingoBoingo;Right. Gotta undo all the dishonest pricing Pantsuit debasement inflicted on the world 1911983;1557337926;asciilifeform;iirc there was a mircea_popescu piece re similar 'give'em price' from '90s, where the derps sold off their privatized flats a la ru 1911984;1557337940;mp_en_viaje;let there be free and open competition among the users, if 17yo boi wants to fuck primo cunt, let him pay market value, not get govt subsidy. and similarily throughout the board. 1911985;1557337945;mp_en_viaje;ori suntem liberali ori nu mai suntem. 1911986;1557338285;hanbot;mircea_popescu asciilifeform http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/HcCLu/?raw=true 1911987;1557338311;hanbot;& hallo #t 1911988;1557338374;mp_en_viaje;hola! 1911989;1557338386;asciilifeform;hanbot: item turned out to be obsoleted by BingoBoingo's work, as i understand. but i'ma let mp tell me how to properly dispose of it (or whether to try an' bring it back to life) 1911990;1557338473;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: plox to invoice asciilifeform for expense, if reqd. 1911991;1557338562;*;mp_en_viaje will go peek over hanbot 's shoulder, wtf is this even. 1911992;1557338597;asciilifeform;hanbot, mp_en_viaje : i assumed the service expired given as i did not go to renew. 1911993;1557338678;*;BingoBoingo doesn't recall obsoleting anything recently 1911994;1557338735;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: was experimental item from long time ago, prior to your expedition . 1911995;1557338795;BingoBoingo;Ah, thought this may be Cuntoo related 1911996;1557338816;mp_en_viaje;oh, right, forgot about this. 1911997;1557338838;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, eh, listen you. it's very bad form, this infantile "ima start things and forget about them". you didn't want it anymore, cuz for whatever reason, can just call the guy and tell him so, not end up with lengthy service you didn't want / did not intend to use. or for that matter answers his emails or w/e. wtf expire, who ever heard of such a thing. 1911998;1557338842;mp_en_viaje;but anyway, so you want it closed ? 1911999;1557338875;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: can you think of a use for it ? 1912000;1557338890;asciilifeform;i currently can't, but this does not mean there isn't one 1912001;1557338918;asciilifeform;( also mp_en_viaje can pleez try an' convince fella to actually use pgp ? i tried in 3 languages, could not ) 1912002;1557338927;mp_en_viaje;i dunno dood, same as always, pay 3% income tax, get 16% discount on euro-vat for construction materials, have employer at your disposal for w/e purposes you might want to employ for, it's a list. 1912003;1557338944;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, is that what broke down comms then ? 1912004;1557338949;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: aha 1912005;1557338984;mp_en_viaje;well, so say this then, and you know, in time. fucking ridiculous to let things just rot in the fridge. 1912006;1557339002;mp_en_viaje;i end up doing debugging of others affairs years later wth am i. 1912007;1557339038;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: i had nfi fridge dutifully preserved the contents in liquid helium and racked up bill, lol. entirely fair if mp_en_viaje invoices asciilifeform for same. 1912008;1557339075;mp_en_viaje;well yeah, it's like domain names say, or hosting or any other such thing. can't just discontinue it, nobody knows what priceless jewelry dood has in there. 1912009;1557339102;mp_en_viaje;think for a moment what chaos'd ensue if that were how it worked. 1912010;1557339105;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: if you think s.nsa can get some mileage out of the item, let's keep it, otherwise plox to dispose, i cannot in good conscience try an' power it with own steam , gotta save the coinz for piz work 1912011;1557339122;mp_en_viaje;i figure if nothing occured since 2017, might as well bury it. 1912012;1557339133;asciilifeform;aite 1912013;1557339165;asciilifeform;if it ends up needed again, can potentially bake new one . 1912014;1557339189;mp_en_viaje;well yes, but not if you get a reputation for doing inane bs. 1912015;1557339232;asciilifeform;fella won't pgp! what, i'm to buy plane ticket erry time ? 1912016;1557339317;mp_en_viaje;i have no idea! conceivably tell him, "dood looky, this is entirely dependent on pgp". not get item you're not satisfied with, i dunno. complain at some point somewhere, so i don't find myself in this weird position where i'm asked about things i dunno about and dunno what to say ? 1912017;1557339332;mp_en_viaje;nfi what his issue is either, i left him a laptop for the express purpose, free of charge, all set up. 1912018;1557339367;asciilifeform;i did tell him, in (what i thought was passable) ro, then eng, we tried ru also, lol 1912019;1557339371;asciilifeform;apparently not worked. 1912020;1557339389;mp_en_viaje;apparently. 1912021;1557339441;asciilifeform;( tried deutsch also but he said nein ) 1912022;1557342787;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2019/05/dying-of-the-light-in-detroit-new-led-streetlights-approaching-systemic-failure/ << Qntra -- Dying Of The Light In Detroit: New LED Streetlights Approaching Systemic Failure 1912023;1557343009;mp_en_viaje;right, cuz the good-for-century sodium lamps were no good. 1912024;1557343033;asciilifeform;philips cartel gotta eat lol 1912025;1557343077;BingoBoingo;I doubt Detroit's electricity is clean enough to support diodes 1912026;1557343678;mp_en_viaje;sodium lamps are some of the highest efficiency, most voltage-variation tolerant light sources known. and by "some of" i mean the. 1912027;1557343695;mp_en_viaje;none of that "high pressure" mercury alloy bs, either. 1912028;1557343730;mp_en_viaje;"oh but mp, it makes older women look unattractive". who the fuck are you putting street lamps in for, hillary clinton an' her merry band of disavowed streetwalkers ? 1912029;1557343820;mp_en_viaje;the switch from most efficient engineeringly best city lights (they're even good for light pollution, least light polluting public source, specifically for the same reason) towards expensive, toxic, ineffective, harmful an' generally bullshit "alternatives" just because sodium spectral emission's unflattering to old bags gotta be the cleanest example of why generalized peripueral fever's much preferable to merkelism. 1912030;1557344713;asciilifeform;sodium a+++ lamp, where in edisonic lamp filament sublimates and sputters onto the glass, in sodium lamp the sublimated tungsten ends up going ~right back~ onto filament ( if somehow could be made to go back to exactly same place as came from -- lamp would be in fact eternal. as it is, 10y or so ) 1912031;1557344762;asciilifeform;an' i dun recall anybody whining about spectra back in gas lamp days. 1912032;1557344816;asciilifeform;srsly wtf, i wouldn't even have conceived of it as what someone would whine about. 1912033;1557344842;asciilifeform;[http://btcbase.org/log/2014-02-16#509010][oblig. dumplings.] 1912034;1557344842;a111;Logged on 2014-02-16 22:04 asciilifeform: they pass an old man who says, 'don't drown this fellow. i'll feed him dumplings, he won't have to do any work but to dip them' 1912035;1557345051;asciilifeform;incidentally, it is in fact possible to buy diode lamp that ain't a piece of shit. but strictly from chinese, and it costs actual dough, and physically large (flat heat sink, ~removable~ rectifier) 1912036;1557345100;asciilifeform;after yrs of spitting, found item , and even verified w/ oscilloscope that it dun flicker . ( why tried at all ? ceiling fixture, bitch to change lamps in ) 1912037;1557345138;asciilifeform;aand as such stories often end : coupla yrs later, tried to buy a 2nd, only to find that orig maker has vanished. 1912038;1557345156;asciilifeform;( philips has long hands?? nfi ) 1912039;1557345477;BingoBoingo;And unflattering for the right reason. Great visibility! 1912040;1557347575;auctionbot;Buy order # 1047: 500 WFF, WU esta bien Heard: 94mn from PeterL outbidding mats. Ending: 2019-05-08 11:56:28.887251 UTC (3 hours 16 mins) 1912041;1557352201;mp_en_viaje;BingoBoingo, nah, it's very close to the zone where humans don't perceive color at all. 1912042;1557352223;mp_en_viaje;case of "either be THIS rosy on the cheek or else look gray" 1912043;1557352268;BingoBoingo;Not all visibility is a color thing. It's a high contrast effect. Take away their color and the old hags are all fault. 1912044;1557352429;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, i bought the "edison lamps", but the filament rather than the fake diode ones, fully expecting they'll go out in a month. they're still lighting cr fortress, easily 2, maybe even 3k hours later. 1912045;1557352452;mp_en_viaje;left me with large supply of spares, as i bought 3x the installed inventory, had not yet opportunity to change any. 1912046;1557352472;asciilifeform;by 'edison' i meant specifically the classic filament one aha 1912047;1557352487;asciilifeform;( incidentally if you run'em undervoltage, can get many decades of use ) 1912048;1557352532;asciilifeform;the ones sold (yes still sold, somehow) in usa, are 100% cartel-compliant, go for about a yr. 1912049;1557352581;asciilifeform;when asciilifeform was 'fresh off the boat' in '92, filament lamp was good for 2-3y. 1912050;1557352612;asciilifeform;late sovok lamp -- similar 1912051;1557352625;asciilifeform;( i suspect, slavish copy of philips ) 1912052;1557353063;mp_en_viaje;meanwhile by reading through [http://trilema.com/2012/de-ce-nu-si-gasesc-ciudatii-prietene/#comment-75409][old tomes], „ Alan M. Turing thought about criteria to settle the question of whether Machines Can Think, a question of which we now know that it is about as relevant as the question of whether Submarines Can Swim” 1912053;1557353166;mp_en_viaje;i'm still not fucking agreeing with djikstra's hipsterism. "submarines can swim" from point a to point b. [http://btcbase.org/log/2018-07-29#1838198][argentine submarines] evidently can't fucking swim ; and djikstra's a fucking retard for imagining "moving through water" is a good model for "thinking". 1912054;1557353166;a111;Logged on 2018-07-29 16:27 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-07-29#1838170 << argentines are literally and without exageration a bunch of soy farmers who pretend FOR NO REASON conceivable, a circumstance of which they are aware AND PRETEND IT DOES NOT MATTER! AT ALL!, pretend they say they're something in the vein of "third power in europe". and that they might have such things as submarines, and so on. it's literally pig going through girls' charm cabinet a 1912055;1557353197;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: funnily enuff, 'whether submarines swim' dunwork in ru ( where both boat and man 'swim' ) , similarly to how in eng both airplane and bird 'fly' 1912056;1557353216;mp_en_viaje;it's god damned fucking relevant, whether machines can think, specificaly because thinking's an open ended process. movement is not fucking open ended, which is why it admits exterior criteria in the first place, 1912057;1557353297;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, it;s offensively fucking stupid, why i even mention it. nfi how otherwise bright minds end up with this sorta shit between the ears. 1912058;1557353374;asciilifeform;i confess i dun see where is the problem. airplane flies, tho quite unlike sparrow, comp kompyoots, etc 1912059;1557353390;mp_en_viaje;yes, but can it think ? 1912060;1557353441;asciilifeform;(luckily for operator) it doesn't, lol . just like luckily for pilot, boeing doesn't have to be coaxed to depart from shitting on statue in park and fly in straight line 1912061;1557353449;mp_en_viaje;"hammer drives nails" "so if i ever need a nail driven i can use it ?" "definitely" "what's a computer do" "it kompyoots" "what's that ?" "umm..." "so what class of problem can it solve for me ?" "well, if you're one day bored..." "this never happens" "how about if you feel like helping many people you've never met ?" "..." 1912062;1557353477;mp_en_viaje;what is the computer a tool for ? 1912063;1557353498;asciilifeform;shitting out log table for her majesty's navy with slightly fewer eggogs!111 1912064;1557353508;mp_en_viaje;that's a calculator. 1912065;1557353512;mp_en_viaje;i know what those are already. 1912066;1557353564;mp_en_viaje;"well mp... it can do metaexpansion" "really ?!" "[http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-08#1911675][nope]. but at least you get to debug it." "really ?!" "just kidding" 1912067;1557353564;a111;Logged on 2019-05-08 01:46 asciilifeform grunting out a [http://qbnz.com/highlighter/geshi-doc.html][wp colorizer mode] for peh, and it's maddening, php is ~undebuggable garbage 1912068;1557353571;asciilifeform;it's still a calculator, lol. ( recall, 'computer' was simply name of a kind of shoemaker, i.e. d00d who would calculate repeatedly based on given 'loop' ) 1912069;1557353594;mp_en_viaje;if it's a calculator why does it have control instructions. 1912070;1557353636;asciilifeform;so owner dun have to press button as often, lol 1912071;1557353640;mp_en_viaje;you're not telling the whole truth here, seeing how even peh ended up with a stack. i know when i'm being led on, the computer's clearly not a calculator. 1912072;1557353680;asciilifeform;why's 'calculator with loop' somehow 'not calculator' ? 1912073;1557353688;asciilifeform;seems like a matter of convention 1912074;1557353696;mp_en_viaje;same reason armchair with dentist's not armchair. 1912075;1557353709;mp_en_viaje;also "matter of convention". also matter of painvention. 1912076;1557353738;asciilifeform;i expected to hear sumthingmoar like 'why machinegun is not rifle' 1912077;1557353739;mp_en_viaje;ever see someone bashing literal head against literal wall over a division ? 1912078;1557353761;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: yes, actually. in ameri-school, can see not only this. 1912079;1557353798;mp_en_viaje;yes, expected. but that expectation's not right. why https://media0dk-a.akamaihd.net/20/96/fe91e3fba3f74c392717b5e132544a3e.jpg is not helmet. 1912080;1557353826;asciilifeform;wtf am i looking at lol 1912081;1557353839;asciilifeform;ant-face cage ?? 1912082;1557353842;mp_en_viaje;a helmputer. 1912083;1557353855;mp_en_viaje;like a helmet, except it doesn't protect the skull. 1912084;1557353881;asciilifeform;are those graphite rods in the spikes ? do they take 220v ? 1912085;1557353888;mp_en_viaje;shotgun shells 1912086;1557353895;asciilifeform;ahahahaha 1912087;1557353895;mp_en_viaje;took the 24v already 1912088;1557353901;asciilifeform;creative. 1912089;1557353904;asciilifeform;who was this hero 1912090;1557353919;mp_en_viaje;as you say, "so owner dun have to press button as often" 1912091;1557354007;asciilifeform;pretty great tho. engineers on their way out have been building finely crafted autoguillotines for 200y nao , it was high time someone took it to 'next level' 1912092;1557354064;*;asciilifeform pictures the lucky fella in the evidence locker who was given that thing to wash 1912093;1557354070;mp_en_viaje;heh 1912094;1557354083;mp_en_viaje;prolly just fromaldehyde bath for a week 1912095;1557354137;asciilifeform;i wonder if builder was a former nuke maintainer. setup is suspiciously reminiscent of ye olde pit detonator setup. 1912096;1557354147;asciilifeform;with head in place of pu 1912097;1557354190;*;asciilifeform wonders if d00d took care to length-match the wires 1912098;1557354192;mp_en_viaje;afaik was teen 1912099;1557354198;mp_en_viaje;and yes 1912100;1557354203;asciilifeform;a+++ 1912101;1557354260;asciilifeform;srsly, i gotta take off hat, how often can you say 'engineered, built, did EXACTLY what was supposed to, with 8x margin' 1912102;1557354324;mp_en_viaje;well, not commonly in computing. 1912103;1557354326;asciilifeform;fg nervously smokes in the corner. 1912104;1557354335;mp_en_viaje;which is why i chose this illustration. apparently helmputer can exist. 1912105;1557354338;mp_en_viaje;why computer ? 1912106;1557354408;mp_en_viaje;(but the "gotta take off hat" was pretty lulzy i must admit) 1912107;1557354590;asciilifeform;why chainsaw. 1912108;1557354768;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/k5LJR << what appears to be orig src. spicy detail, 'He knew something about the skull: thicker and stronger at the front where he placed three shells. it would have made more sense – for maximum kill power – to put the shells at his temples, but it seems like he may have been trying to tic boxes for both homogenous skull obliteration and maximum death' 1912109;1557354873;asciilifeform;with manual backup detonator. respect. 1912110;1557356729;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, point is, that the helmputter seems a much better design ~towards the same goals~ as these computer things. 1912111;1557356765;asciilifeform;'national razor' also best, from this pov, razor. 1912112;1557356775;asciilifeform;closest shave. 1912113;1557357049;*;asciilifeform had [http://www.loper-os.org/?p=405][old piece on roughly this subj] but not quite as effective. 1912114;1557357347;asciilifeform;while we're on the 'best comp is the 1 that takes off yer head to shorten the misery' thread : asciilifeform did in fact get sumthing like a working highlighting from [http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-08#1911733][yesterday's crock of shit] . but still can't trust it to actually not fuck the job , demonstrating mp_en_viaje's point 1912115;1557357347;a111;Logged on 2019-05-08 02:13 asciilifeform: used it for many many yrs on my www , but never before attempted custom lang config . 1912116;1557357373;asciilifeform;i.e. still stuck manually walking over the output errytime 1912117;1557357389;asciilifeform;which i suppose is improvement on manually colouring the input with pencil, but grr. 1912118;1557357444;asciilifeform;[http://btcbase.org/log/2015-04-26#1111319][oblig naggum] . 1912119;1557357444;a111;Logged on 2015-04-26 03:21 asciilifeform: 'certain languages support serious programmers, and others don't. e.g., I don't think it is at all possible to become a serious programmer using Visual Basic or Perl. if you think hard about what Perl code will do on the borders of the known input space, your head will explode. if you write Perl code to handle input problems gracefully, your programs will become gargantuan: the normal failure mode is to terminate with no id 1912120;1557357564;mp_en_viaje;that wasnt the argument. 1912121;1557357573;asciilifeform;hm? 1912122;1557357607;mp_en_viaje;the argument was that it seems so far that the "can computers think" question is not misplaced. in fact, even the question "are computers anything besides elaborate skull crushers" is not misplaced. 1912123;1557357634;mp_en_viaje;in that their actual utility is open ended, THEREFORE the "can they think" line of inquiry is valid. 1912124;1557357655;asciilifeform;grr i was gonna add that famous lathe meat-wind pic to this thread, but cannot nao find. 1912125;1557357697;asciilifeform;( fella put hand on working lathe, wrapped like cord on the bobbin, meat squeezed like toothpaste from skin ) 1912126;1557357760;asciilifeform;imho 'think' is very narrow term, and oughta refer to what the operator is expected to be doing, and not the comp, lathe, saw. 1912127;1557357778;asciilifeform;when operator begins to expect tool to 'think', he has taken 1st step to becoming toothpaste. 1912128;1557358073;asciilifeform;erry power tool is 'elaborate skull crusher', some merely moar obviously than others. 1912129;1557358201;asciilifeform;iirc mircea_popescu , just as asciilifeform , knows what it is to have robot arm go through plate glass and stop inch short of face. in such case the equivalence becomes very obvious. 1912130;1557358297;*;asciilifeform even suspects that this magic moment is a necessary ingredient in apprentice's learning not to http://btcbase.org/log/2016-01-21#1379603 1912131;1557358297;a111;Logged on 2016-01-21 13:29 asciilifeform: 'if i make it what i think is the right size, it crashes!111' 1912132;1557358369;*;asciilifeform once actually said, to understudy, long ago : 'picture if when you overrun a buffer, you were to lose half yer face' 1912133;1557358433;asciilifeform;observe that it was not asciilifeform who devised e.g. ada. it came from the (nao mostly dead) world where this kinda thing was understood . 1912134;1557359403;auctionbot;Buy order # 1047 has ENDED: 500 WFF, WU esta bien SOLD by PeterL for 94mn ecu. Attn: BingoBoingo 1912135;1557359912;BingoBoingo;!Qlater tell PeterL Settle tomorrow morning like last time? 1912136;1557359912;lobbesbot;BingoBoingo: The operation succeeded. 1912137;1557362547;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, the problem here is this : i have various constructions in the real world, built out of people, who indeed think. their thinking covers 99% or so of the cases they encounter ; when a 1% strikes, they kick it up the ladder. 1912138;1557362601;mp_en_viaje;three or four such ladders permit me to intellectually support VERY far reaching organisms, made of "thinking" people. the hard sense of think is this -- will dispose of ~any~ problem. yet the practical sense of think is, "useful as working piece in such organism". 1912139;1557362614;mp_en_viaje;now, the question isn't whether computers can think in the sense of, stand in for mp. 1912140;1557362636;mp_en_viaje;the question is neither whether computers can think in the sense of finding some place in there -- eminently already have. 1912141;1557362648;mp_en_viaje;that'd be a "think" more like submarine swimming. 1912142;1557362673;mp_en_viaje;the question of "can computers think" becomes "how far can this actually go", just how useful a computer can there be built. 1912143;1557362711;mp_en_viaje;and yes, this literally means there'll be computers smarter than MOST people. heck, extant computers already are smarter than most people, hence http://trilema.com/2016/give-computers-the-vote-theyre-cheaper-than-women-even/ 1912144;1557363460;BingoBoingo; From the computers are better than file: http://archive.is/isTJS 1912145;1557364376;mp_en_viaje;meanwhile at excel farms, https://x.imagefapusercontent.com/u/Ragnagna/8089204/654518875/21kkiw-024-9orzzun.jpg 1912146;1557364439;mp_en_viaje;between incel & excel, there's ourdemocracy nudly whole. 1912147;1557367126;PeterL;bingoboingo: actually, I was able to get into WU just before cloing time 1912148;1557367126;lobbesbot;PeterL: Sent 2 hours ago: Settle tomorrow morning like last time? 1912149;1557367162;PeterL;* closing 1912150;1557367420;PeterL;bingoboingo http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/4SNr7/?raw=true 1912151;1557367535;PeterL;!!invoice BingoBoingo 0.094 Pizarro WFF Action 8May2019 1912152;1557367544;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/eRXB7/?raw=true 1912153;1557367592;PeterL;!!v 3A93B4865215B6E58096D7774BA4B36F4F499169B6F839578C651CCCF3178F32 1912154;1557367599;deedbot;Invoiced BingoBoingo 0.094 << Pizarro WFF Action 8May2019 1912155;1557368480;BingoBoingo;PeterL: ty 1912156;1557368498;BingoBoingo;Will pick up in the morning 1912157;1557388082;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-06#1911451 <-- ftr, this is sorta how thetarpit currently works, tho the "spit out html" step in this loop is (for now) human-operated 1912158;1557388082;a111;Logged on 2019-05-06 15:06 mp_en_viaje: if lisp-o-tron spits out html files and apache delivers them, this will be web-fast 1912159;1557388258;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-06#1911470 , http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-06#1911582 <-- lulz, went in that area but didn't notice the place. found other "cultural layers" tho, with e.g. vomit on top of old clothes on top of bottles on top of ... will post some soon. 1912160;1557388258;a111;Logged on 2019-05-06 16:11 asciilifeform: btw, for [thread][http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-06#1911403]-completeness strictly, http://www.loper-os.org/pub/cultural_layer_1.jpg , http://www.loper-os.org/pub/cultural_layer_2.jpg . 1912161;1557388258;a111;Logged on 2019-05-06 19:09 asciilifeform: extra upstack lulz, re 'cultural layer' : google helpfully informs that [https://goo.gl/maps/gxSw7oFDLDYgMfXz7][it has thickened] ! 1912162;1557388460;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-06#1911562 <-- I will give hunchentoot a second look as well, in light of http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-06#1911437 1912163;1557388460;a111;Logged on 2019-05-06 17:44 lobbes_field: As such, I'll start poking around at [http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-06#1911441][mod_lisp], et al. Will report back 1912164;1557388460;a111;Logged on 2019-05-06 15:00 phf: mp_en_viaje: it's the shitsoup ecosystem, there's a handful of packages smartly written, like hunchentoot or cl-http, and then there's new wave of cffi-everything approaches, that stand tall and pretend to be people 1912165;1557388565;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-07#1911649 <-- re beaches, sq km of sandy shore relative to sea opening. tho I wouldn't be surprised if turkey had more total, afaik their black sea shores are mostly rocks. 1912166;1557388565;a111;Logged on 2019-05-07 21:09 mp_en_viaje: spyked, chock-full. though it's unclear to me how you reason re "having beaches", and in any case the fucking of eastern girls was more the 90s than the 70s. 1912167;1557388626;mp_en_viaje;turkey is afaik the ~only contender to cr substitute beaches this side of the world. 1912168;1557388634;spyked;re fucking eastern girls, I wouldn't know myself, but my sources (people who worked in the hotel industry at the time) say that plenty of it happened. but more in the 90s, sure. 1912169;1557388651;mp_en_viaje;but not in mediteranean ; they have nice mediteranean beaches. 1912170;1557388767;mp_en_viaje;spyked, people like to pretend. have you ever seen http://trilema.com/2016/e-pericoloso-sporgersi/ ? exactly representative of 80s [http://trilema.com/2012/ciudateii-astia-cu-hb95-urile/#selection-273.63-273.81]["fucking like rabbits"], "ma stii pe mine -- punct ochit, punc tlovit" etcetera. 1912171;1557388797;mp_en_viaje;nobody was fucking anyone ; and if it wasn't for the us that invented fucking via porn in the 90s, nobody would be fucking anyone today, either. 1912172;1557388995;spyked;on the other hand, why go to neptun and not, say, nice, other than "romania, nice country, beautiful girls" 1912173;1557389075;spyked;(in the 70s-80s I mean; neptun's a ghost town nowadays) 1912174;1557389112;mp_en_viaje;well, watching girls in bikinis. honestly i think most men would much prefer hanging out with a bunch of scantily clad girls they're not fucking than actually have lots of sex. 1912175;1557389151;mp_en_viaje;i have come to suspect the ideal arrangement for the average male is having a house with a pool in a sunny climate and a ~17 yo daughter who has a lot of sleepovers. 1912176;1557389176;mp_en_viaje;best of both worlds, perpetually surrounded by adolescent cunt, never expected to give it what for, nobody else likely to trespass and do it for you... 1912177;1557389231;mp_en_viaje;certainly accounts for the jewish princess pheronomenon. 1912178;1557391928;mp_en_viaje;meanwhile in [http://trilema.com/2017/where-the-fuck-is-everyone/]["where the fuck IS everyone"] lulz, https://x.imagefapusercontent.com/u/Ragnagna/8089198/1997969519/4fu5ak-004-wdjeb1t.jpg 1912179;1557392121;feedbot;http://trilema.com/2019/this-is-the-biggest-mess-this-kitchens-ever-seen/ << Trilema -- "This is the biggest mess this kitchen's ever seen!!!" 1912180;1557418536;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-09#1912142 << in 1721 a (wooden, pedalled) submarine was demoed in front of peter 1. he also asked 'how far can it go.' paid to build coupla moar. eventually unimpressed and demoted the builder to ordinary shipyard carpenter. 1912181;1557418536;a111;Logged on 2019-05-09 00:44 mp_en_viaje: the question of "can computers think" becomes "how far can this actually go", just how useful a computer can there be built. 1912182;1557418560;mp_en_viaje;aha. 1912183;1557418574;asciilifeform;https://static.kulturologia.ru/files/u20225/202255783.jpg << subj (reconstructed) . 1912184;1557418618;mp_en_viaje;amusingly enough, one ~could~ actually build air pumps and air pressure tanks out of wooden tech. so in principle pre-industrialization world could have had useful sub. 1912185;1557418629;mp_en_viaje;the problem is one of pathway -- neither can be DISCOVERED on wood. 1912186;1557418629;asciilifeform;not only could, but did 1912187;1557418643;mp_en_viaje;now, that we discovered them on metal, can retrofit. but at the time... did they ? 1912188;1557418645;asciilifeform;but it worked approx as well as current-day 'thinking comp' 1912189;1557418687;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: counter-intuitively, problem wasn't the wood (they weren't trying to, nor needed, to go kilometer under water, but only below where can be seen from victim vessel) 1912190;1557418695;asciilifeform;problem was the flexible seal around the oars 1912191;1557418700;asciilifeform;had to be leather, no rubber yet. 1912192;1557418712;asciilifeform;leather sucks as wet seal. 1912193;1557418725;asciilifeform;same thing that sank the 1700s air rifle from older thread. 1912194;1557418751;mp_en_viaje;~everything besides rubber sucks for that i guess. 1912195;1557418757;asciilifeform;indeed 1912196;1557418814;mp_en_viaje;see, here's wjhat i don't understand : why oar ? should have had closely fitted rod powering a propeller of some sort, and have a reverse spiral carved at the fitting juncture 1912197;1557418824;mp_en_viaje;so that the spinning pushes the water out, like archimede's screw 1912198;1557418878;asciilifeform;propeller has same problem. funnily enuff enuff, [http://btcbase.org/log/2019-04-15#1908634][even today wood is used for the seal], but needs ~dozen metres of length, hence bigger vessel 1912199;1557418878;a111;Logged on 2019-04-15 22:21 asciilifeform: interestingly, the connection b/w great ships and serious wood , is not entirely gone in modern time -- sov type 636 submarine has shaft bearing from lignum vitae 1912200;1557418917;asciilifeform;~could~ have been built in 1700s, with propeller and lignum vitae. but would've required scaled up vessel, and, as the smaller ones failed -- not built. 1912201;1557418925;asciilifeform;'quantity has quality of its own'(tm)(r) 1912202;1557418975;asciilifeform;pretty typical , imho, 'lisp machine' situation. 1912203;1557418997;mp_en_viaje;i guess so. 1912204;1557419009;mp_en_viaje;lotta retrospectively-theoretically-available techs in this vein, really. 1912205;1557419103;asciilifeform;aha. and among these, quite a few like this, where the Right Thing was not found specifically cuz it was not available at the ~scale~ of the demo model. 1912206;1557420071;BingoBoingo; !!pay-invoice PeterL 3 1912207;1557420150;BingoBoingo;!!pay-invoice PeterL 3 1912208;1557420154;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/v0WGF/?raw=true 1912209;1557420187;BingoBoingo;!!v C8E14B987B3D874316C9CFD50D858671C0311C36071AC702B61CFFABB6BEF77A 1912210;1557420191;deedbot;BingoBoingo paid PeterL invoice 3 1912211;1557421231;billymg;BingoBoingo: http://qntra.net/2019/05/dying-of-the-light-in-detroit-new-led-streetlights-approaching-systemic-failure/ << should the first sentence read "...newly installed LED streetlights are displaying signs of end of life wear..."? 1912212;1557421350;BingoBoingo;billymg: tyvm 1912213;1557421359;billymg;np! 1912214;1557421395;*;billymg is happy to report he's made it safely to tx 1912215;1557421548;BingoBoingo;Very nice. Wearing a six shooter on your hip yet? 1912216;1557421640;billymg;not yet unfortunately 1912217;1557421704;BingoBoingo;Kinda thought that would've been in the welcome basket 1912218;1557421713;billymg;lol 1912219;1557421828;billymg;still taking care of the tedious chores and whatnot of relocating, but operating with a much elevated mood 1912220;1557421972;BingoBoingo;six shooter, brisket, unseemly thick toast, and a welcome to the neighborhood 1912221;1557421997;asciilifeform;seems like this makes... 3? trinque , ben_vulpes , billymg .. in tx 1912222;1557422030;asciilifeform;oughta meet in a dusty spittoon saloon somehere. 1912223;1557422424;*;billymg would certainly not be opposed 1912224;1557426570;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2019/05/tor-using-usg-whistleblower-hit-with-charges-after-leaking-to-omidyars-rag-yet-again/ << Qntra -- Tor Using USG WhistleBlower Hit With Charges After Leaking To Omidyar's Rag (Yet Again) 1912225;1557426589;BingoBoingo;^ Another "Reality Winner" type capture 1912226;1557427156;BingoBoingo;Meanwhile in local Pantsuit campaign stunts: https://www.montevideo.com.uy/Noticias/Martinez-encaro-a-un-hombre-que-le-grito-en-un-acto-politico-Terminaron-en-paz-uc717774 1912227;1557430053;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2019/05/berlin-park-workers-reserve-spaces-for-asylum-seeking-drug-dealers/ << Qntra -- Berlin: Park Workers Reserve Spaces For Asylum Seeking Drug Dealers 1912228;1557437239;BingoBoingo;Meanwhile in local poverty https://www.infobae.com/america/america-latina/2019/05/09/cayo-monica-sosa-la-mujer-que-buscaba-recuperar-a-balazos-contra-su-familia-el-control-de-la-principal-banda-criminal-del-uruguay/ 1912229;1557438276;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2019/05/usg-cuts-electricity-to-venezuelan-embassy-in-dc/ << Qntra -- USG Cuts Electricity To Venezuelan Embassy In DC 1912230;1557440760;mp_en_viaje;pretty lulzy, they can't cut power to bum dwellings even 1912231;1557441717;mp_en_viaje;in other insane wtf : i'm going through the paperwork of caradgea voivod (1818s, "tara romaneasca"). supposedly the public expenditure that year was 8`473`137 thalers (of which, post maintenance, over one sixth). 1912232;1557441759;mp_en_viaje;now, the thaler is a german silver coin, 22.2 grams of 3/4 silver. meaning the romanian principality expended that year > 140 tons of silver, something like 280 MILLION pounds sterling. 1912233;1557441965;mp_en_viaje;meanwhile re the british imperial budget of 1816 was in that year reported to the earl of liverpool as "the immense sum of 14mn sterlin gper annum" 1912234;1557442041;mp_en_viaje;literally, "And let it be recollected with triumphant pride by every true Briton, that this has taken place in the concluding years of a war of unexampled duration and unequalled expence ; when twenty-two years of continued hostilities had swelled the expenditure of the country to the enormous amount of 14,000,000 sterling per annum ; and when the salvation of Europe had been effected by the unremitting fortitude and perseverance of this nation in 1912235;1557442041;mp_en_viaje;the support of burthens which no other people could have borne for a tenth part of the time." 1912236;1557442063;mp_en_viaje;well... apparently one of the two romanian principalities was bearing twenty times that much ?! 1912237;1557442094;mp_en_viaje;something's definitely amiss here (and no, the whole phanariote period did not see in excess of 100 tons of silver, holy hell.) 1912238;1557443100;hanbot;2 lb to the kg, so in 140 tons then 300k or so pounds 1912239;1557443443;mp_en_viaje;oh, right, right. 1912240;1557443662;mp_en_viaje;still seems too much, tbh. 1912241;1557444641;*;asciilifeform eats log, sees runaway decimal point, but then finds that hanbot already found, lol 1912242;1557444733;*;asciilifeform returns to battling regexp liquishit 1912243;1557447322;BingoBoingo;In too much news today: Red opposition Senator made a literary reference and paper had to include the poems in question https://www.elobservador.com.uy/nota/el-discurso-de-bordaberry-y-el-consejo-de-topolansky-en-discusion-por-un-feriado--201959191813 1912244;1557447342;BingoBoingo;Also June 15th is now a holy day for some awful reason 1912245;1557447522;mp_en_viaje;such as nobody remembers what work is nor anything useful left to be done ? 1912246;1557447606;BingoBoingo;Pretty much 1912247;1557447761;feedbot;http://thewhet.net/2019/05/blistering-choice/ << The Whet -- Blistering Choice 1912248;1557448178;hanbot;cheers and accolades to BingoBoingo for helping me solve my neglected blog's hiccups on a moment's notice, btw. i don't miss pre-pizarro in any sense. 1912249;1557448274;mp_en_viaje;nice huh! 1912250;1557448356;hanbot;rather! 1912251;1557448488;asciilifeform;in other noose, asciilifeform saw for 1st time a live mole. 1912252;1557448527;asciilifeform;somehow never before saw alive, only dead. ran, as if trying to swim, with those odd things they have that pass for legs. 1912253;1557448672;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-10#1912244 << bastille day ?! 1912254;1557448672;a111;Logged on 2019-05-10 00:15 BingoBoingo: Also June 15th is now a holy day for some awful reason 1912255;1557448705;BingoBoingo;Unsure, didn't see in the story WTF the holiday was for. 1912256;1557448811;*;asciilifeform celebrated, quietly, his national religious holiday today. 1912257;1557448898;asciilifeform;i wonder if phf got to see parade. 1912258;1557449157;mp_en_viaje;um, romanian kingdom day ?! 1912259;1557449191;asciilifeform;mno, although lulzy if it also may 9 1912260;1557449226;mp_en_viaje;may 10, crowning of carol i. 1912261;1557449242;asciilifeform;aa 1912262;1557449261;asciilifeform;i still dunget why they had to mail-order a king, what, couldn't grow one locally 1912263;1557449275;mp_en_viaje;definitely couldn't. 1912264;1557449300;mp_en_viaje;(also mail-ordered before, all romanian princes were phanar greeks) 1912265;1557449407;asciilifeform;greeks ?! 1912266;1557449410;asciilifeform;i had nfi. 1912267;1557449520;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: relatedly, is there a royalist party in current-day ro ? 1912268;1557449577;asciilifeform;perhaps they oughta try a diff mailorder catalogue. iirc jp emperor recently retired, perhaps he'd be willing to moonlight. 1912269;1557449596;mp_en_viaje;in a very theoretical sense, i guess. 1912270;1557449664;mp_en_viaje;anyway, the irony -- sick of istanbul greeks, romanians decided to mail order from germany. but because too smart for their own good, and possessed of a completely unwarranted pride, came up with idea to make rule that king sons to be raised as romanians. 1912271;1557449675;mp_en_viaje;imported king -- excellent material, arguably best leader romania ever had. 1912272;1557449694;mp_en_viaje;his successor, middling +. 1912273;1557449706;mp_en_viaje;then, middling - ; and finally HORRIBLE, F---. 1912274;1557449714;mp_en_viaje;the more romanian they got... 1912275;1557449726;*;asciilifeform familiar with subj, but strictly from that likbez mp_en_viaje wrote some yrs ago 1912276;1557450082;mp_en_viaje;anyway, anyway, i suppose in principle karl friedrich [of the swabian hohenzollerns] would be the current claimant to the romanian throne. but this is a fact nobody in romania is aware of. 1912277;1557450153;mp_en_viaje;there's various comedians peddling various poorly written fictions, but their relation to anything is about the same, they exist on github, peripherally to computing, or on "natural health" forums peropheral to medicine, etcetera. 1912278;1557450190;mp_en_viaje;there's also a bunch of (usually older) people who are fundamentally anti-democratic, who wrongly imagine this means they're "monarchists", and then further wrongly imagine this has anything to do with either of the two foregoing items. 1912279;1557450214;mp_en_viaje;considering their discernment, they could just as well be persuaded it has something to do with toyota hamburgers. 1912280;1557451080;*;asciilifeform pictures, unwillingly, a 'toyota hamburger'. 1912281;1557451485;mp_en_viaje;anyway, also amusingly enough the principal anti-democratic current comes from the so-called "technocrats", ie the bureaucratic core of the european union. 1912282;1557451574;mp_en_viaje;you should hear what jesuitical philipicals come out of them! how well it would be if they were just proclaimed the aristocracy already! how meritous they are! how special! how specially in communion with whatever possible statement of divinity, and how specially marked by it! how well they'd ordain all matters! equitably! how the politicians and the businessmen ruin the world! and so on and so forth. 1912283;1557451621;mp_en_viaje;(i suppose ~nobody is aware, but the classical antisemitic discourse is just reheated soup, originally it was the jesuits that were poisoning the youth through miseducation, aiming to take over the world, controlled mass media and banks etc etc etc) 1912284;1557451745;mp_en_viaje;philippicals* 1912285;1557485052;mp_en_viaje;in other news, i bought a buncha fx amds, 9590s, 9370s, 8370/8350 ; plus their respective a3+ boards, gigabyte, assus, w/e. 1912286;1557485098;mp_en_viaje;eminently these still exist ; and i daresay might be a good idea for all lords to stock up on some. 1912287;1557487519;mp_en_viaje;in other lulz, 70-80 MBps ul/dl (via fiber to the door) sets one back ~10 bux/mo in romania. 1912288;1557492396;diana_coman;mp_en_viaje: bought in ro or what? 1912289;1557492403;diana_coman;re fx amds 1912290;1557492406;mp_en_viaje;yes. 1912291;1557492423;*;diana_coman adds to the list for next trip to ro 1912292;1557492505;mp_en_viaje;definitely. 1912293;1557492553;mp_en_viaje;the only caveat is, cpus come in 140 and 210 watt types, gotta get the adequate boards for each accordingly. 1912294;1557492563;mp_en_viaje;generally the 8000s are 140 1912295;1557493096;diana_coman;come to think of it, this "stock up while they still exist" has such a eulora-flavour to it.. 1912296;1557494212;feedbot;http://thewhet.net/2019/05/pica-pica/ << The Whet -- Pica pica 1912297;1557497121;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-10#1912285 << heh, no one ever said 'i wish i hadn't bought these vintage amd' ! 1912298;1557497121;a111;Logged on 2019-05-10 10:44 mp_en_viaje: in other news, i bought a buncha fx amds, 9590s, 9370s, 8370/8350 ; plus their respective a3+ boards, gigabyte, assus, w/e. 1912299;1557497152;*;asciilifeform prefers the ones where mobo takes ecc sticks, however 1912300;1557497184;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-10#1912287 << hrm, when i was there, billboard promised Gb/s for 9 $ ! 1912301;1557497184;a111;Logged on 2019-05-10 11:25 mp_en_viaje: in other lulz, 70-80 MBps ul/dl (via fiber to the door) sets one back ~10 bux/mo in romania. 1912302;1557497227;asciilifeform;( ... did that turn into 80Mb/s for 10 when actually try an' buy ? ) 1912303;1557497280;asciilifeform;for comparison : asciilifeform pays 100 / mo for 100 (up/down) 1912304;1557497466;*;asciilifeform did go into a comp shop in timis. it had ridiculous prices, and shit iron. mp_en_viaje evidently did not go to that one. 1912305;1557497543;asciilifeform;gypsy flea market had piles and piles of pc iron tho. however, the savages had nfi what it is and how to keep it, dumped it straight into and out of bags with old rusty wrenches, stolen doorknobs, etc. i dun think there was a single straight pin on the cpus. 1912306;1557497571;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-30#1819907 << subj. 1912307;1557497571;a111;Logged on 2018-05-30 19:23 asciilifeform: http://www.loper-os.org/pub/timis17/timis_gypsies_1.jpg http://www.loper-os.org/pub/timis17/timis_gypsies_2.jpg http://www.loper-os.org/pub/timis17/timis_gypsies_3.jpg http://www.loper-os.org/pub/timis17/timis_gypsies_4.jpg http://www.loper-os.org/pub/timis17/timis_gypsies_5.jpg 1912308;1557497878;mp_en_viaje;diana_coman, quite so. 1912309;1557497931;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, well, this is actually measured. the item is called "1000" bla bla. what can i tell you. 1912310;1557497967;asciilifeform;unusually, asciilifeform's local telco actually delivers the paid-for bw. 1912311;1557497995;BingoBoingo;In other news apparently Deloitte surveyed the local kiosko owners https://ecos.la/9/actualidad/2019/05/09/33176/proximo-gobierno-hara-ajuste-fiscal-segun-90-de-ejecutivos-y-gerentes/ 1912312;1557498011;mp_en_viaje;i don't think a romanian anything ever delivered what was advertised. like, ever. 1912313;1557498020;mp_en_viaje;the government doesn't, nor ever did, either. 1912314;1557498023;asciilifeform;not often in usa either, lol 1912315;1557498051;*;mp_en_viaje is full up on "so and so tax was forever banned with terrible curse. in 1806. in 1814, ruler paid patriarch in constantinople to raise curse, reinstated tax" 1912316;1557498084;*;BingoBoingo discovered there is one registered chlorine producer in Uruguay. Sells to the water utility at 2000 USD/ton. Exports to Brazil 66 USD/ton. 1912317;1557498100;asciilifeform;hey, asciilifeform's 100 bux includes, e.g., a coupla bux of tax imposed during... spanish-amer war 1912318;1557498116;asciilifeform;on the telephones of the period. 1912319;1557498135;asciilifeform;( no tax is ever cancelled in ameristan ) 1912320;1557498181;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: lol!! and util cannot import back from br for 'reasons' eh 1912321;1557498279;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Nominal reason is that the plant still exists and would Brasil even bother shipping chlorine to Uruguay (Can't risk Industria Argentina lowballing the bid). 1912322;1557498296;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: sounds like you built a new base in ro ? ( or didja get that 80Mb/s into a hotel! it did not occur to asciilifeform to try this.. ) 1912323;1557498338;mp_en_viaje;new base. 1912324;1557498343;asciilifeform;neato 1912325;1557498383;mp_en_viaje;BingoBoingo, possible different grades tho. 1912326;1557498413;BingoBoingo;mp_en_viaje: Very possible 1912327;1557498420;spyked;asciilifeform, I am currently downloading (from house mogosanu into slave galley in bucharest) w cca 50MB/s, where the B stands for octets. so defo works as advertised where I am 1912328;1557498448;asciilifeform;spyked: there's the matter of consistency also. isp overselling bw is pestilentially common. 1912329;1557498450;mp_en_viaje;i don't follow the logic ? 50 is not 1000 ? 1912330;1557498492;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: it'd be 400. ( typically bw advertised in 'megabit', so mB * 8 ) 1912331;1557498578;spyked;yep. it's 1000 download/400 upload (tho in truth, I never managed to fill the gigabit download pipe; whether it's my equipment or some issue with the isp infrastructure, no idea) 1912332;1557498627;mp_en_viaje;spyked, so if you get 50 Mbps (and I get 70-80, no argument), how is this 1Gbps ? 1912333;1557498643;mp_en_viaje;aanayways, i shall bbl! 1912334;1557498752;asciilifeform;aah so mp_en_viaje measured 70-80 mB (not mb) ? then pretty great 1912335;1557498777;asciilifeform;(i.e. that'd be 500-600 mb/s ) 1912336;1557498818;*;asciilifeform also bbl, teatime. 1912337;1557498962;spyked;asciilifeform, they advertise gigabit, but home connections don't "guarantee" that, i.e. it may go to 900 Mbps on a good day. to answer mp_en_viaje's question: the 100 difference (or 1000 - 600 = 400) may be other home users sharing the pipe, QoS policies, peering or simply natbox not being able to process (typically, the home media converter/router they provide is shit) 1912338;1557499025;spyked;so the 1000 is just marketing, no argument there. 1912339;1557501134;asciilifeform;spyked: aah so it's one of ~those~ , 'x mb/s if neighbours are asleep' 1912340;1557501151;asciilifeform;most of what's offered in usa, is like this. 1912341;1557501951;BingoBoingo;Well, less people in the US leaving their local isp hubs now 1912342;1557517433;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, yes, mega bytes 1912343;1557517684;mp_en_viaje;and yes, i guess it's closer to $9, 40 lei. 1912344;1557522660;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2019/05/automattics-wordpress-com-purges-dissident-blogs/ << Qntra -- Automattic's WordPress.com Purges Dissident Blogs 1912345;1557531483;mp_en_viaje;meanwhile in poetry appreciation, "E Roma-n flacari, în lacrimi si-n macel, caci Cezarul o stie mai rea si decât el ; e vinu-n cupe de-aur si sângele pe scara, desfrâu de vin-nauntru, desfrâu de sânge-afara... Dar astfel precum este: bizar si criminal, Neron e încercarea de-a fi original. 1912346;1557531483;mp_en_viaje;" 1912347;1557531622;mp_en_viaje;approx, "rome's in flames, in tears and in slaughter, for the Caesar knows it worse than even he himself ; the wine in golden goblet and blood upon the stairs, debauchery of wine within, debauched blood without... but such as it is, bizarre and criminal, Nero's the attempt at being original." 1912348;1557532334;asciilifeform;eminescu ? 1912349;1557532434;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: i would have said 'god's gift to piz' -- but seems like 100% of the afflicted idjits haven't half the brain of a fucking toad 1912350;1557532448;asciilifeform;and will simply go to another usg.hoster 1912351;1557532469;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: see if you can find what remains of the subj d00d, write to'im. 1912352;1557532523;asciilifeform;( iirc at one time he linked to my www... why, i never found out ) 1912353;1557532548;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Banging my head into this wall for the next few hours 1912354;1557532597;BingoBoingo;"You set up a decent website? Better make sure its in a foreign land and one which isn't subject to US/EU powers. Better avoid using major payment processors because they will shut you down whilst you're at it." << Fuck You I'm already in Uruguay 1912355;1557532620;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: try an' make it clear, 'no payment processors' etc 1912356;1557532697;*;asciilifeform goes back to own head bang wall, which is slowly yielding 1912357;1557532734;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, nah, fellow macedonski 1912358;1557532751;asciilifeform;'кто сказал что бесполезно / биться головой о стену? / хлоп на лоб глаза полезли / лоб становится кременным' (tm)(r) 1912359;1557532763;mp_en_viaje;and re the brains of toad : various dorks explained to me why "tjhey don't recommend amd". 1912360;1557532771;asciilifeform;ahahahaha 1912361;1557532784;asciilifeform;the ones selling the irons?!! 1912362;1557532798;mp_en_viaje;fucking mortidifame, romanian rottinculo, "don't recommend". can even lead to bsod!!! 1912363;1557532808;mp_en_viaje;well, not to me, but yes. 1912364;1557532846;mp_en_viaje;it's not like intel's paying them a drilled penny. but there they sit, true orcs, doing it for free. 1912365;1557532851;asciilifeform;let'em think they are being rid of junk. wouldja argue with an idjit who is selling rembrandt as wallpaper. 1912366;1557532860;mp_en_viaje;not like they had it. 1912367;1557532870;mp_en_viaje;just talkin' in general. 1912368;1557532917;*;asciilifeform still 'bites elbows' re having missed the period when lispm were being pawned off 'for gold reclamation', for pennies 1912369;1557532932;mp_en_viaje;always born too late too soon, eh. 1912370;1557533043;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, anyway, re "the subject dood" : http://trilema.com/2018/in-which-a-bizarre-character-wanks-it/ 1912371;1557533049;asciilifeform;aa! 1912372;1557533075;mp_en_viaje;they got issues, you understand, the various "liberated" esltards are typically single-issue rebels, they like socialism in general except for ONE THING 1912373;1557533099;asciilifeform;iirc mp_en_viaje had another piece, where 'went to dentist? why then fight with the anaesthesiologist' etc 1912374;1557533103;mp_en_viaje;be that one thing whatever it may be, substantial discussion doesn't usually get too far, because all the other things they not merely tolerate, but rather, very deeply believe in. 1912375;1557533114;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, quite so. 1912376;1557533250;mp_en_viaje;recall the anally loosened jew who was very much against the anally loosening regime "in general" except for the part where "media companies", that part is great ? 1912377;1557533273;asciilifeform;there's a mass of these, i dun recall a particular 1912378;1557533304;asciilifeform;it's somewhat like tryin' to recall a particular cockroach 1912379;1557533315;mp_en_viaje;it's very much the case, that one wants to fuck 16yos, this one wants to collect guns (he sure as fuck won't use), that other one doesn't like ids this other one doesn't like intel, but in the end, out of a hundred issues each of a hundred "rebels" likes 99 just fine. 1912380;1557533323;mp_en_viaje;not merely likes, but A would reconstruct. 1912381;1557533353;mp_en_viaje;AAA+++ would reconstruct*. 1912382;1557533413;asciilifeform;!#s spittoon 1912383;1557533413;a111;80 results for "spittoon", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=spittoon 1912384;1557533415;mp_en_viaje;very amusing application of the divide and conquer theory (or, from the converse perspective, obviously enough the rock bottom of all stupidity will appeal to most idiots) 1912385;1557533416;asciilifeform;^ see also. 1912386;1557533436;mp_en_viaje;aha, from the yet other polar opposite, quite exactly. 1912387;1557533464;asciilifeform;'just one gulp' 1912388;1557533477;*;asciilifeform brb:meat 1912389;1557533525;mp_en_viaje;and then, of course, gotta count the amusongly strong effects of brainwashing, and carefully curated childhood automatisms. girl who was cutting school to bdsm as a 16yo still has a[n inexplicable] impulse of protest when "underage" sexuality's involved. 1912390;1557533566;mp_en_viaje;makes no sense whatsoever upon the slightest examination, but the impulse's there, because social conditioning's a thing. 1912391;1557533609;BingoBoingo; asciilifeform, anyway, re "the subject dood" : http://trilema.com/2018/in-which-a-bizarre-character-wanks-it/ << Nah, this other one http://trilema.com/2013/apparently-im-not-the-only-one-pointing-out-the-obvious/ 1912392;1557533637;mp_en_viaje;(which, to come round circle, explains what the unpaid orc tards are doing. they're "[http://trilema.com/2014/la-florida-and-other-places/#selection-125.0-129.255][the voice of their people]"). 1912393;1557533920;mp_en_viaje;BingoBoingo, oh, is this the collective thingee, mirror of "motley money" or that law blog with "a community" whichever it was ? 1912394;1557533941;BingoBoingo;Hard to tell if bonafide collective or guy pretending to be collective 1912395;1557533992;BingoBoingo;But deathly allergic to name using 1912396;1557534096;mp_en_viaje;o btw, uber ipo'd, utterly failed [http://trilema.com/2011/succese-ilustrate-in-publicitate/#selection-137.0-137.229][the groupon mark]. 1912397;1557534141;mp_en_viaje;BingoBoingo, entirely possible it's the side project of one of the foregoing. "covering all bases", typical approach for ambitious pencilneck in law, finance, etc. 1912398;1557534212;mp_en_viaje;http://volokh.com/ << keks. 1912399;1557534219;BingoBoingo;Likely. I always suspected some sorta clerk. 1912400;1557534341;mp_en_viaje;aaanyways, in unrelated news, seems cloudfront.net > /etc/hosts mostly gets rid of those obnoxious "european union thinks it can legislate" popups. 1912401;1557537956;asciilifeform;volokh >> http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-29#1760122 1912402;1557537956;a111;Logged on 2017-12-29 00:48 mircea_popescu: where the fuck is that piece commenting on how soviet citizens all sooner or later wake up to the disney quality of their state ? 1912403;1557537969;asciilifeform;went fullbore tard tho iirc. years ago. 1912404;1557537997;asciilifeform;( via the mechanism described by mp_en_viaje upstack. ) 1912405;1557538098;mp_en_viaje;bunches of these, keep coming and going. 1912406;1557538121;mp_en_viaje;i seem to remember a different "legal online community" centered on some blog 1912407;1557538177;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-11#1912396 << at the core, it's a scheme to get derps to buy new cars, on ruinous credit. the 'cabbies' paid out of 'investor' printolade, but i suspect the car vendors pay kickback to the orig scammer, and 1 day will be found precisely how 1912408;1557538177;a111;Logged on 2019-05-11 00:21 mp_en_viaje: o btw, uber ipo'd, utterly failed [http://trilema.com/2011/succese-ilustrate-in-publicitate/#selection-137.0-137.229][the groupon mark]. 1912409;1557538191;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: possibly yer thinking of lessig et al 1912410;1557538193;mp_en_viaje;it's many things. in orclands, it's a dating service 1912411;1557538205;asciilifeform;( 'legal' themed pantsuitism ) 1912412;1557538212;mp_en_viaje;orc cuntlet's ur-dream, this, "what if there were an app on my phone that could send over young boys with cars" 1912413;1557538236;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: over here, 100% of uberists are old african emigre doods 1912414;1557538244;asciilifeform;nigeria etc 1912415;1557538246;mp_en_viaje;the boys are wise to it, too. which is why every kid with daddy's money bmw has the app installed. it's like tinder for the orcs. 1912416;1557538253;mp_en_viaje;leaving the older people with the medallions wondering wtf. 1912417;1557538295;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, this is after all what pantsuitism is all about, the minimal bar of success in the empire -- being different things for different people. 1912418;1557538299;*;asciilifeform tried it a coupla times for lulz, but has limited patience for 'nao walk 3km east to find the cab' 'oops it moved' 1912419;1557538378;mp_en_viaje;i would estimate about one third of uber trips in romania result in a date. 1912420;1557538390;mp_en_viaje;same in costa rica, and i expect same everywhere in orclands. 1912421;1557538407;asciilifeform;i.e. 'this fella has a working auto, he must be worth sumthing' ? 1912422;1557538408;asciilifeform;lol 1912423;1557538412;mp_en_viaje;yuppers. 1912424;1557538433;asciilifeform;i suppose in orcistans they dun sell'em the merc on credit, so perhaps 'works' 1912425;1557538486;mp_en_viaje;consider the orc cuntlet's perpsective. she's precious, wen to school, is dental hygienist or w/e. vehehehery preoccupied of bodily integrity and other "single daugther of two parents +4 grandparents" aging society [http://trilema.com/2017/assorted-diversities-or-how-we-went-looking-for-a-brothel-and-all-we-found-was-a-warehouse-church/#selection-89.0-89.9][issues] 1912426;1557538493;asciilifeform;it's hilarious, take just 1 ride on the thing and then week later snailmail spamola re 'dontcha wanna buy a new merc at 5% + penalties' etc 1912427;1557538514;mp_en_viaje;what's she to do ? she can't take the strip clubs in turns like my whores. she doesn't really want to go clubbing, it's too loud and stupid, not to mention ~dead. 1912428;1557538519;mp_en_viaje;where's she to run into cock ? 1912429;1557538547;asciilifeform;y'mean moneyed cock? 1912430;1557538557;mp_en_viaje;they work in segregated environs, jobs chicks do chicks do alone. 1912431;1557538564;asciilifeform;nowhere, why does 'horseface' think she earns a moneyed cock. 1912432;1557538565;mp_en_viaje;well, not strictly speaking moneyed, but active. 1912433;1557538574;mp_en_viaje;as opposed to you know, dead in the water. 1912434;1557538580;mp_en_viaje;motile sperm doods. 1912435;1557538587;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, youth. 1912436;1557538629;asciilifeform;at any rate the trad mechanism for the sad orc chix was supposed to be http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-12#1871537 1912437;1557538629;a111;Logged on 2018-11-12 16:44 asciilifeform: even on asciilifeform's home planet, good chunk of marriages were 'soft-arranged' -- i.e. 'comrade colonel, you have a bachelor son, i have a ripe daughter' 'comrade lt colonel, let's box'em in a room, wainot' 1912438;1557538637;asciilifeform;if they broke it, their own problem neh. 1912439;1557538644;mp_en_viaje;well, now there's an app. 1912440;1557538664;mp_en_viaje;but yes, the societal cohesion that produced the cunt marketplace you describe meanwhile collapsed. 1912441;1557538664;asciilifeform;there's prolly 'app' that will promise to remove warts also for them. 1912442;1557538693;mp_en_viaje;new cunt marketplace is pretty much uber, fetlife and being very sad. 1912443;1557538718;asciilifeform;iirc there were special-purpose ones that e.g. BingoBoingo used, to some effect 1912444;1557538728;asciilifeform;but i confess, dun follow subj actively in realtime 1912445;1557538733;BingoBoingo; the boys are wise to it, too. which is why every kid with daddy's money bmw has the app installed. it's like tinder for the orcs. << Here the kids get the Uber cars on some sort of ruinous credit. Run 5 or six other ride apps at the same time. 1912446;1557538753;mp_en_viaje;it's much more interesting political topic than anything found in the "media". 1912447;1557538769;mp_en_viaje;politics is at the root and core the os of the cunt marketplace. 1912448;1557538800;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: on my last 'uberism' there was 'last straw that broke the camel', was a screen bolted to the seats showing ad liquishit ~with sound effects!~, ding! ding! , could not be switched off 1912449;1557538812;mp_en_viaje;ahahahaha 1912450;1557538814;asciilifeform;and not even supplied by 'uber' , was own thing 1912451;1557538818;BingoBoingo;lol 1912452;1557538820;asciilifeform;driver swore 'need it to make ends meet' 1912453;1557538833;*;mp_en_viaje personally sunk the idiotic "entrepreneurial idea" trying that in tm as one of his last measures leaving. 1912454;1557538833;asciilifeform;i then swore off the lulzscamcab thing for good 1912455;1557538836;mp_en_viaje;fucktards. 1912456;1557538848;asciilifeform;draped coat over it. but what if had no coat! 1912457;1557538873;mp_en_viaje;these even had power off button, but wtf am i, stupid ? i understand "versioning". 1912458;1557538880;BingoBoingo;Here they are failing in the food delivery market. The entrenched local-ish PedidosYa still has that. 1912459;1557538885;asciilifeform;wonder of wonders, the power button did 0 1912460;1557538891;asciilifeform;nor unplugging, it had battery thing 1912461;1557538896;mp_en_viaje;you must've had the v2.0 1912462;1557538897;asciilifeform;well 'thought out', in a sense. 1912463;1557538906;asciilifeform;ding! ding! play spamcasino!!111 1912464;1557538915;asciilifeform;spin the goat! 1912465;1557538926;asciilifeform;i wish i were making this up. 1912466;1557538954;mp_en_viaje;well, one idea is to accidentally break it. 1912467;1557538977;mp_en_viaje;not worth much money, this idea -- by now the screens are so fucking cheap... 1912468;1557538980;asciilifeform;was pretty solid, would have needed axe, i suspect 1912469;1557538987;asciilifeform;i wish could even buy lcd like this for lappy. 1912470;1557538994;mp_en_viaje;carry axe with coat just in case! 1912471;1557539008;asciilifeform;the axe left in trunk of normal auto , lol 1912472;1557539013;asciilifeform;hence why was even in a cab 1912473;1557539069;mp_en_viaje;start making the gals push kiddy carriage, no kiddy in it, just arsenal of tools and weapons. 1912474;1557539086;asciilifeform;( it is rather impractical to take normal auto to washington, to park it there costs such that it is cheaper to go to town in limousine and back ) 1912475;1557539134;mp_en_viaje;speaking of http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-11#1912400 i swear nothing is more satisfying than breaking something stupid with own hands/. 1912476;1557539134;a111;Logged on 2019-05-11 00:25 mp_en_viaje: aaanyways, in unrelated news, seems cloudfront.net > /etc/hosts mostly gets rid of those obnoxious "european union thinks it can legislate" popups. 1912477;1557539156;mp_en_viaje;i dunno about others, but ever since i was a small kid, and perdurantly hence, this was and remains the one true satisfaction of life. 1912478;1557539187;asciilifeform;!#s angle grinder man 1912479;1557539187;a111;1 result for "angle grinder man", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=angle%20grinder%20man 1912480;1557539210;BingoBoingo;!#s killdozer 1912481;1557539210;a111;16 results for "killdozer", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=killdozer 1912482;1557539305;asciilifeform;there is of course also http://btcbase.org/log/2016-03-23#1438809 . 1912483;1557539305;a111;Logged on 2016-03-23 15:54 mircea_popescu: bum of the town falls asleep drunk on railroad. steam engine comes and thrashes him thoroughly. 1912484;1557539485;BingoBoingo;!#s Saint Terry 1912485;1557539485;a111;2 results for "Saint Terry", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=Saint%20Terry 1912486;1557539568;asciilifeform;davis? eh, five cent 'saint', his 'martyrdom' far too quick. 1912487;1557539657;BingoBoingo;Well, Saint hood bar is low. Blame Linus, Beck, and Deraadt. 1912488;1557575882;mp_en_viaje;sooo, i'm at the gym. 1912489;1557575895;mp_en_viaje;nice plushy couches for me ; the girls are working out across the glass. 1912490;1557575901;mp_en_viaje;SUPERVISION 1912491;1557584601;diana_coman;I always found funny the "glass-cube" style of most gyms; I get it that one wants to look out some window but not so sure all gym goers want by definition to showcase their working out, lolz 1912492;1557588734;asciilifeform;i always thought it were so that 'pumpers' could show off their muscle to pedestrians 1912493;1557588768;asciilifeform;erry single public gym i've ever been to, had glass 1912494;1557589569;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, the doods were very offended by me, so likely. 1912495;1557589582;mp_en_viaje;diana_coman, i suppose it's cheap marketing fo rthe gym 1912496;1557589588;mp_en_viaje;one step below making you wear their tshirts 1912497;1557590078;diana_coman;mp_en_viaje: well yes, quite; asciilifeform I actually know gym without glass and moreover actually impossible to see into from outside but yes, not the run of the mill gym 1912498;1557591042;diana_coman;(for the curious, 2 types I know of: one uses mirror-glass so transparent only one way; the other simply has normal windows (i.e. not full wall) but towards interior garden/area.) 1912499;1557591403;mp_en_viaje;3rd is at home. 1912500;1557591433;diana_coman;obv, except this was about not-at-home gym or so I thought 1912501;1557591680;mp_en_viaje;tru 1912502;1557591932;asciilifeform;aha, i thought this was re the public sort, where you buy a ticket an' pump etc 1912503;1557591955;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: which doods, why offended ..? 1912504;1557591976;mp_en_viaje;the pumpers. i dunno why, cuz i didn;t give a shit ? 1912505;1557592044;asciilifeform;lol what did they expect mp_en_viaje to do.. stand and clap ?? 1912506;1557592096;asciilifeform;in ameristan btw the exercise gear all has fittings for pnoje, and all eyes firmly glued to the respective little screen 1912507;1557592096;mp_en_viaje;well, i dunno exsctly. but i suspect that as people make these "deals" with "the world", they maybe made the deal whereby putting all that hard work in means therefore no male may ever intimidate them again ? 1912508;1557592160;asciilifeform;i have nfi whether this is how 'pumpers' think (possibly word 'think' isn't even applicable) but can't say it is impossible either 1912509;1557592216;asciilifeform;prolly when they see mp_en_viaje they think 'he pumps, somewhere else' 1912510;1557592255;mp_en_viaje;haha nah. i look like traditional euro male, what pumos. 1912511;1557592303;asciilifeform;rright but without gram of extra weight. 1912512;1557592310;asciilifeform;which nowadays is uncommon. 1912513;1557592394;*;asciilifeform bbl:meat 1912514;1557596901;billymg;mp_en_viaje, asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-10#1912285 << amazon appears to have [https://archive.is/hUlY8][some of these models in stock], any reason for readers based in the zone to not scoop these up? 1912515;1557596901;a111;Logged on 2019-05-10 10:44 mp_en_viaje: in other news, i bought a buncha fx amds, 9590s, 9370s, 8370/8350 ; plus their respective a3+ boards, gigabyte, assus, w/e. 1912516;1557596943;mp_en_viaje;used mobos are always suspect, but otherwise notrly. 1912517;1557596970;billymg;the above link is for the cpu, appears to be new-in-retail-box 1912518;1557597053;mp_en_viaje;aha. make sure you get adequate cooling for it, but otherwise no prob. 1912519;1557597069;billymg;appear to be some listings that claim new AM3+ mobos available as well 1912520;1557597093;billymg;this is good news for me, until reading that log line and doing some digging i was unaware anything was still available 1912521;1557597105;billymg;anything pre TrustZone/PSP that is 1912522;1557597133;mp_en_viaje;imo they're actually good on their own merits, even without the trust consdierations. 1912523;1557598168;*;billymg greatly regrets pawning off beautifully working 939 opteron on craigslist back in ~2012 1912524;1557598473;billymg;anyways, ty, going to do some shopping for a future cuntoo box 1912525;1557598572;mp_en_viaje;i expect they're a decent investment, >real estate. 1912526;1557600960;BingoBoingo;Especially in the US where there's so much land and so many sticks with which to build on it. 1912527;1557601207;billymg;yeah, currently i have no plans to http://btcbase.org/log/2018-03-29#1790955 1912528;1557601207;a111;Logged on 2018-03-29 16:48 mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes buying real estate in the reich without an army ? 1912529;1557601342;billymg;much to the dismay of friends and family who seem suspiciously eager to get me to buy into their ponzi of choice 1912530;1557601499;mp_en_viaje;heh 1912531;1557601515;mp_en_viaje;"service economy", aka scammers scamming scammers. 1912532;1557614279;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-11#1912516 << there's used mobos and then there's used mobos. e.g. '99-07 -- the infamous 'capacitor plague', if you get from this period, expect to do some [http://www.loper-os.org/?p=1871][restoration work] . 1912533;1557614279;a111;Logged on 2019-05-11 17:49 mp_en_viaje: used mobos are always suspect, but otherwise notrly. 1912534;1557614335;asciilifeform;usually not worth unless you have ~particular~ mobo that you like and limited spares 1912535;1557614394;asciilifeform;i wouldn't bother 'recapping' a 100bux konsoomer board, typically 1912536;1557616352;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-11#1912525 << burning yer benjies in fireplace, is also better investment than reich 'real estate'. observe that no one ever ended up in debt slavery from burning in fireplace. 1912537;1557616352;a111;Logged on 2019-05-11 18:16 mp_en_viaje: i expect they're a decent investment, >real estate. 1912538;1557618080;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2019/05/venezuelan-navy-repels-uscg-cutter-james-from-entering-national-waters/ << Qntra -- Venezuelan Navy Repels USCG Cutter James From Entering National Waters 1912539;1557618286;BingoBoingo;So the sun went down, temperature dropped to 16C/60F and... Once again smog 1912540;1557618366;BingoBoingo;This city is so incredibly rural everyone's gotta build a campfire to keep warm 1912541;1557620657;*;asciilifeform stopped by another 'embassy expo', this time europistan. estonia pitched its 'startup incubator' scamolas. latvia had a d00d on a podium bragging about 'russian stooges cannot steal ~our~ election, won't even try any moar, we can see right through their lies, dunno why usa couldnt' etc . romania handed out samples of cheese, which tasted like cardboard, i did not taste anything in actual romania that resembled this rubbish. gre 1912542;1557620910;asciilifeform;the ro people have 1 thing tho : the afaik single biggest shortwave antenna in the whole city. ( pictured e.g. [https://archive.is/2J9Ja][here] ) 1912543;1557620961;BingoBoingo;Meanwhile in outer barrio properties for the entertainment of billymg et al https://inmueble.mercadolibre.com.uy/MLU-462251834-oportunidad-casa-quinta-en-venta-por-viaje-65ha-_JM 1912544;1557621025;asciilifeform;*greece -- passed out cups of rotgut. 1912545;1557621068;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: i still dunget why interesting, they cost ~= as in ameristan 1912546;1557621109;asciilifeform;it's exactly reminiscent of mircea_popescu's argentines 1912547;1557621143;asciilifeform;'for sale : 3 bricks from a conquistador fort that burned down in 1500s. 200k usd.' etc 1912548;1557621169;BingoBoingo;6 hectares, big concrete fortress, comes in well under equivalent back in old country 1912549;1557621202;asciilifeform;320 sq. m. indoors tho. 1912550;1557621225;asciilifeform;i think mp's shed in ro was bigger. 1912551;1557621272;BingoBoingo;320 sqm is just under 3500 square feet 1912552;1557621284;BingoBoingo;~2 or 3 US ranch houses 1912553;1557621315;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: or about 1.5 new york subway cars. 1912554;1557621384;BingoBoingo;Still 145 kilodollars back in the midwest buys about half the square footage on 1/12th to 1/24th the lot 1912555;1557621405;*;asciilifeform believes 1912556;1557621498;BingoBoingo;It's the sorta thing you show the US pyramid schemers 1912557;1557621570;asciilifeform;the chatter of the 'precious cuntlets' at the expo was 'interesting' -- 'which law school are you at?' '..something..' 'ugh! i hear it's fulla republicans!' etc 1912558;1557621629;asciilifeform;'got job at xyz policymaking(tm)(r) institute! it's great, went to vietnam last month and next month to...' 1912559;1557621651;asciilifeform;'we lobby against tobacco' 1912560;1557621859;BingoBoingo;If only they were born here they could wear unicef t-shirts and scam the locals 1912561;1557621877;asciilifeform;in estonian embassy : old ameri-d00d was bragging to ambassador, 'i was the first sent to set up cia station in your capital !' 1912562;1557621899;asciilifeform;book case fulla 'atrocities of communism' etc 1912563;1557621948;asciilifeform;( likbez : the 'sprat men' had highest standard of living in entire sovok. today -- lowest in eureich, 50-60% of male population cleaning toilets in berlin, london ) 1912564;1557621990;asciilifeform;poster : 'estonia spent 2.6% of gdp on war materiel; 0.6 higher than nato's mandatory min!' 1912565;1557622044;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: there's prolly a snakepit fulla these folx somewhere in montevideo 1912566;1557622071;asciilifeform;1, in restaurant, bragged : 'i set up the 'peace corps' english teaching corner in tbilisi' 1912567;1557622100;BingoBoingo;There's the Alianza Cultural EEUU on Paraguay 1912568;1557622112;BingoBoingo;Lowest bidder in the City for English lessons 1912569;1557622247;asciilifeform;poster : 'come to estonia, where we legalized self-driving cars!' 1912570;1557622330;BingoBoingo;From time to time national interest groups will set up exhibitions at the Intendencia 1912571;1557622460;BingoBoingo;Chinese seem to be building a fishing base on the outskirts of the city 1912572;1557622493;BingoBoingo;There's just not much money for the snakes to make a pit for 1912573;1557629441;BingoBoingo;That was a hell of a netsplit 1912574;1557630080;mp_en_viaje;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-11#1912532 << very likely to get from this period, seeing a3+ socket is contemporaneous 1912575;1557630080;a111;Logged on 2019-05-11 22:37 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-11#1912516 << there's used mobos and then there's used mobos. e.g. '99-07 -- the infamous 'capacitor plague', if you get from this period, expect to do some [http://www.loper-os.org/?p=1871][restoration work] . 1912576;1557630146;mp_en_viaje;BingoBoingo, sounds very latin america, tbh. years ago they "discussed the soviet union" while not properly shoveling cow dung. but they had opinions and considered considerations. 1912577;1557630160;mp_en_viaje;now they're commenting netflix, while not properly shoveling cow dung. 1912578;1557630185;mp_en_viaje;in another thousand years, the latinos will be living in the exact same stable, discussing importantly whatever happens then, the aliens. 1912579;1557631133;BingoBoingo;When alf was here the Intendencia either had or was prepping for a Russia exhibition 1912580;1557631156;BingoBoingo;But yes. Latin America endures through shared meaning. 1912581;1557631187;BingoBoingo;Life is cheaper in Asia, Costs more in LATAM because no one shoveled 1912582;1557631782;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: not only that period. i have strong suspicion that 'capacitor plague' never trooly ended, or will 1912583;1557631806;mp_en_viaje;no plague ever truly ends. so yeah. 1912584;1557631816;asciilifeform;good % of the electrolytics on the shelf even today, won't give anywhere like decade of life 1912585;1557631913;asciilifeform;this is why if one runs vintage gear, really must have basic kindergarten solder-fu, or have friends who do. 1912586;1557631969;asciilifeform;( for comparison: sovok electrolytics still goin' strong worldwide. and prolly will for next century. ) 1912587;1557632013;mp_en_viaje;i have multiple period boards that have been working fine. from experience, no vid card = no problem. 1912588;1557632054;asciilifeform;it also helps if board was cleverly designed , such as to put'em reasonably far from the 200 (400, in one of mine.. 2x) watt of cpu 1912589;1557632126;asciilifeform;the chinese (fraudulently stamped 'taiyo yuden') caps, rot even when switched off. 1912590;1557632137;mp_en_viaje;the fx 9k series are ~210. the 8k are just 125, it's not so terrible. 1912591;1557632166;asciilifeform;with decent airflow - yea 1912592;1557632243;mp_en_viaje;yea. 1912593;1557632272;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-12#1912579 << i recall this, poster even had marx an' lenin on it, to draw orcs 1912594;1557632272;a111;Logged on 2019-05-12 03:18 BingoBoingo: When alf was here the Intendencia either had or was prepping for a Russia exhibition 1912595;1557632834;asciilifeform;http://www.loper-os.org/pub/uy_sovok_1.jpg http://www.loper-os.org/pub/uy_sovok_2.jpg << subj . 1912596;1557632896;asciilifeform;iirc there were others also, with variations on theme. 1912597;1557633198;BingoBoingo;AHA 1912598;1557634829;mp_en_viaje;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-12#1912553 << don't be silly, r160 is 18x3, 50sqm or so. about six-seven of those (outside dimensions) 1912599;1557634829;a111;Logged on 2019-05-12 00:35 asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: or about 1.5 new york subway cars. 1912600;1557634881;mp_en_viaje;i dunno if you realise this, but that floor metrage has to also be cleaned, maintained etc. you can count about 100sqm / 1k sqft per slavegirl, 320sqm will be dificult for just two women to keep up with. 1912601;1557634958;mp_en_viaje;traditional sovok 4-room large fambly hruscheba "first comfort" was iirc about 80 sqm. 1912602;1557635048;mp_en_viaje;meanwhile ny is chock full of 250 sq ft apts, and that dun mean rent has to be under 1k/mo 1912603;1557635122;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: robovac sweeps 100 m^2 / hr or so. 1912604;1557635134;mp_en_viaje;keks. 1912605;1557635136;mp_en_viaje;mkay 1912606;1557635211;asciilifeform;year aint 1700 nomoar, 'clean' dun have to mean 'chix on knees with tongue an' toothbrush' 1912607;1557635226;mp_en_viaje;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-12#1912557 << ro also fulla law school precious cuntlets nowadays. in fact, it seems the principal change 1912608;1557635226;a111;Logged on 2019-05-12 00:39 asciilifeform: the chatter of the 'precious cuntlets' at the expo was 'interesting' -- 'which law school are you at?' '..something..' 'ugh! i hear it's fulla republicans!' etc 1912609;1557635335;mp_en_viaje;pretty much the same idle derpage, "policymaking", "lobby", "we went to vietnam"... erryone's an eu bureaucrat nowadays. 1912610;1557635339;BingoBoingo; i dunno if you realise this, but that floor metrage has to also be cleaned, maintained etc. you can count about 100sqm / 1k sqft per slavegirl, 320sqm will be dificult for just two women to keep up with. << And the acreage will need quite a few alpacas, goats, and geese to mow 1912611;1557635372;mp_en_viaje;BingoBoingo, nah, robomow mows 1 hectare/hour. just ask alf the theorydog. 1912612;1557635392;asciilifeform;why even mow. what, gotta play football on it ? 1912613;1557635406;mp_en_viaje;you'll be cited by the city for neglect 1912614;1557635415;BingoBoingo;It's a Quinta, why the fuck is the nitrogen the grass ate going to get wasted 1912615;1557635415;asciilifeform;keep jungle off walls is enuff in same jurisdictions. 1912616;1557635429;mp_en_viaje;sometimes i think you never actually owned real estate anywhere. this is how this works : in all places where mowing costs x, the city will fine you x * q if you don't. 1912617;1557635429;asciilifeform;over here indeed fine by city etc 1912618;1557635437;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Linked property actually "city" even if barely. 1912619;1557635460;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: yes and it's reason # 9000 why asciilifeform wants out 1912620;1557635475;mp_en_viaje;you'll still have to do SOME maintenance on your property. 1912621;1557635486;asciilifeform;to keep walls standing - yes 1912622;1557635492;mp_en_viaje;there's no out in the absolute sense (except of course yest helmet, i guess) 1912623;1557635510;asciilifeform;meaningful maintenance , have no prob with 1912624;1557635519;BingoBoingo; why even mow. what, gotta play football on it ? << Insect control 1912625;1557635520;mp_en_viaje;yes, well, maintenance scales with size in all cases. and especially if meaningful. 1912626;1557635530;asciilifeform;'paint wall shade #3 of blue cuz usg commissar proclaims ' - ugh 1912627;1557635588;mp_en_viaje;even if "i make orchard" -- either you cut the trees, clean them and generally support them, or you end up with a mess. a hectare is easily 2-3k trees, a tree is easily 20-30 hours a year, do the math. 1912628;1557635599;mp_en_viaje;and yes, even in orchard, grass still has to be cut. at least 3 times a year. 1912629;1557635603;mp_en_viaje;and so on. 1912630;1557635630;asciilifeform;3x is approx how often i cut it here lol 1912631;1557635632;BingoBoingo;Even pasture *needs* grazed. 1912632;1557635645;mp_en_viaje;yup. and then the cows need milking. or else cow mastitis, and dead cows, and flies. 1912633;1557635671;asciilifeform;and i suppose reactor also needs care or meltdown 1912634;1557635678;mp_en_viaje;quite. 1912635;1557635690;BingoBoingo;And if the grazers don't get moved in a healthy rotation pasture goes desert as in all of the old world 1912636;1557635702;*;asciilifeform presently w/out cow, and, believe or not, w/out own reactor 1912637;1557635715;mp_en_viaje;so then why scoff at 3500 sqft 1912638;1557635731;asciilifeform;strictly b/c price 1912639;1557635744;asciilifeform;would expect , in orcistan, a small town, for 200k 1912640;1557635753;asciilifeform;complete with serfs. 1912641;1557635773;mp_en_viaje;6 hectares = 60`000 square meters, ~650`000 square feet. cents to the sqft, you object to ? whai ? 1912642;1557635792;asciilifeform;was re indoor sq m 1912643;1557635837;BingoBoingo;200k in my barrio gets recent 1 bedroom or problem 2 bedroom, some interesting "horizantal" properties. Never more than 75 sqmeters on list (though nothing sells for list) 1912644;1557635841;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, you can have the small town, complete with serfs, and won't cost all of 200k either. hence http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-08#1911973 1912645;1557635841;a111;Logged on 2019-05-08 17:26 mp_en_viaje: as it stands being mayor of some small town somewhere will run you less than what a toyota costs. 1912646;1557635856;mp_en_viaje;however, you can't have the house. that costs actual money. it's by utility, see ? 1912647;1557635879;mp_en_viaje;nobody wants the serfs now, like nobody wanted the blacks in 1819. like nobody wanted the gypsies in ro at the same time. 1912648;1557635882;asciilifeform;at any rate i'ma let the folx who actually have 200k, think about whether good deal, for asciilifeform sadly academic q entirely. 1912649;1557635886;mp_en_viaje;cost more to feed than their inept efforts bring etc. 1912650;1557635887;BingoBoingo; however, you can't have the house. that costs actual money. it's by utility, see ? << Other odd marginal benefit of particular linked example. Rare Quinta with fiber. 1912651;1557635925;asciilifeform;and yea can readily see mp_en_viaje's pt re the serfs 1912652;1557635934;mp_en_viaje;the whole schtick re slaves is that ~selected~. 1912653;1557635939;mp_en_viaje;bulk slaves are a burden. 1912654;1557635971;asciilifeform;лесоповал , really not good for much else 1912655;1557636169;BingoBoingo;Anyways in other examples: https://inmueble.mercadolibre.com.uy/MLU-461759843-casa-quinta-en-venta-melilla-2-dormitorios-financia-_JM << "protegido por la DINAMA" means "Fuck you, worthless" and https://inmueble.mercadolibre.com.uy/MLU-462960529-en-melilla-_JM << All of these apple trees need replaced with something marketable 1912656;1557636224;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: what's wrong with apple trees ? 1912657;1557636236;mp_en_viaje;(this is a major kek for me whenever among "bdsm people". all sorta incels who explain it to themselves not as strict incapacity, but as selectivity, "i can't find a woman because i want a SLAVE not just a gf". hurr durr. then they figure i have two, and this means twice more than one, and hm... this local guy doing the local flabour of [http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-28#1510754][nursing precious cuntlets] services has one... so that's half". no, i 1912658;1557636236;a111;Logged on 2016-07-28 14:51 mircea_popescu: the work - and it IS work - involved in the average encounter known as a "hook up" or "one night stand" is a lot closer to nursing an elderly stupid patient than to fucking. 1912659;1557636236;mp_en_viaje;t's not fucking half -- exactly in the sense buying one lottery ticket doesn't give you half of the tickets held by the guy holding WINNING lottery tickets) 1912660;1557636258;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: The cultivar in that case. "Pink Lady" doesn't sell here. 1912661;1557636274;mp_en_viaje;BingoBoingo, i'd have expected it's for export anyway. 1912662;1557636285;asciilifeform;or to distill rotgut 1912663;1557636333;BingoBoingo;Possible. "Gala" cultivars have made it here though which means anything else is a niche. 1912664;1557636350;BingoBoingo;Because the mass market is dumb 1912665;1557636413;BingoBoingo;There's also Quintas with 5 hectares of eucalyptus which means defending and energy store from theft. 1912666;1557636464;BingoBoingo;Because everyone in this country is camping means firewood is the local energy resource 1912667;1557636518;BingoBoingo;Smog isn't as bad as it was earlier tonight, but it still smells like a coughdrop bondfire outside 1912668;1557636683;mp_en_viaje;eucalyptus is actually terribru firewood 1912669;1557636856;BingoBoingo;It is and yet, for some awful reason in 1989 they started a program of planting forests of the stuff to have a domestic fuel reserve 1912670;1557636902;BingoBoingo;I have yet to learn the word for chimneysweep in Spanish, but I'm pretty sure I haven't seen ads for any 1912671;1557637301;mp_en_viaje;high resin, and some of the hoghest quality resin in the world. i don't think they can be swept manually. need a drezine. 1912672;1557637550;BingoBoingo;Yeah, dunno why they didn't just go for pine. 1912673;1557637558;BingoBoingo;Any pine really 1912674;1557637594;BingoBoingo;But... a million little creosote distilleries... 1912675;1557637647;BingoBoingo;Or depositories 1912676;1557638558;mp_en_viaje;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-12#1912563 << but there's the smartphones. 1912677;1557638558;a111;Logged on 2019-05-12 00:45 asciilifeform: ( likbez : the 'sprat men' had highest standard of living in entire sovok. today -- lowest in eureich, 50-60% of male population cleaning toilets in berlin, london ) 1912678;1557645025;mp_en_viaje;BingoBoingo, can you do me a solid and fish out the lafond piece where he explains how white dorks think, "black man asking for the time hasn't done any overt aggressive act, therefore can't crack him one" ? 1912679;1557645845;BingoBoingo;One minute 1912680;1557646264;BingoBoingo;https://www.jameslafond.com/article.php?id=10996 https://www.jameslafond.com/article.php?id=4309 https://www.jameslafond.com/article.php?id=4927 https://www.jameslafond.com/article.php?id=10139 1912681;1557646295;BingoBoingo;I've got some options, could swear I remember a better piece from lafond on the subject 1912682;1557646942;mp_en_viaje;was it maybe tlp ?! 1912683;1557646992;BingoBoingo;I swear I remember him elaborating in a story about this point, but Lafond does the insane thing where when he makes enough stories to do a book, he frequently purges the text from his site because it has been booked, 1912684;1557646998;BingoBoingo;insane approach 1912685;1557647049;BingoBoingo;But https://www.jameslafond.com/article.php?id=4309 seems to be the canon explainer 1912686;1557647107;BingoBoingo;http://jameslafond.com/article.php?id=10996 also close to what I remember, but not quite 1912687;1557647231;mp_en_viaje;now that is one stupid fucking habit 1912688;1557647323;BingoBoingo;It is. Was hard to tell it was one he engaged in because the site is so disorganized, yet here we are. 1912689;1557647333;mp_en_viaje;the irony of it all being that i ask people for the time ALL THE GOD DAMNED TIME 1912690;1557647629;BingoBoingo;Well, you are a person who needs the time. 1912691;1557647870;BingoBoingo;Before I understood the awful pichi accents (accent clarity degrades rapidly with declining social position here) I answered all the bum requests with "Ya tengo" whether I have the item in question or not. Got the time "Ya tengo", Want Maracoña "Ya tengo", Una Moneda para comer algo "Ya tengo", etc. Don't stop scowl and eventually the pool of potential new bums runs out. 1912692;1557648117;mp_en_viaje;keks 1912693;1557648210;feedbot;http://trilema.com/2019/diviziuna-sexual-a-muncii-fetele-la-gym-io-la-vidya-%d0%9a%d0%b0%d0%ba-tot-acolo/ << Trilema -- Diviziuna sexual-a muncii : fetele la gym, io la vidya. ? Tot acolo! 1912694;1557648387;BingoBoingo;mp_en_viaje: Small town problems. 1912695;1557649413;BingoBoingo;http://trilema.com/2019/diviziuna-sexual-a-muncii-fetele-la-gym-io-la-vidya-%d0%9a%d0%b0%d0%ba-tot-acolo/#selection-227.160-231.236 << The coins here are steel which means the way to excite a bored latina is put the heavy 10 peso coins in the freezer to chill. 1912696;1557650164;mp_en_viaje;haha 1912697;1557650201;mp_en_viaje;loose coins and chill ? 1912698;1557650284;BingoBoingo;Well, an escalation from the tickle fights 1912699;1557650316;BingoBoingo;Slot a cold one in the crack 1912700;1557650383;BingoBoingo;There is a 50 peso coin made of a sort of bronze of similar size, but... The steel 10 peso coin has more mass 1912701;1557676117;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-12#1912683 << asciilifeform was dumb enuff to buy a couple of these. opened, 'fuck, this is same material as in blog!' they're propping up monitors nao. 1912702;1557676117;a111;Logged on 2019-05-12 07:43 BingoBoingo: I swear I remember him elaborating in a story about this point, but Lafond does the insane thing where when he makes enough stories to do a book, he frequently purges the text from his site because it has been booked, 1912703;1557677318;feedbot;http://bvt-trace.net/2019/05/unrolled-assembly-comba/ << bvt's backtrace -- Unrolled x86_64 Assembly Comba for Ch. 11 FFA 1912704;1557680424;*;mp_en_viaje put the girls to weeding garden. 1912705;1557680427;mp_en_viaje;i can say it is a lotta fun. 1912706;1557680643;asciilifeform;lol, portable en_viaje garden ? 1912707;1557680744;asciilifeform;( ... or was this the 'partidul mp' hq thing..? ) 1912708;1557680785;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, dood, bvt's optimizations are actually pretty sweet 1912709;1557680797;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, well, i got a house, i thas a garden. 1912710;1557680802;asciilifeform;neato 1912711;1557680832;mp_en_viaje;it's not big or anything, just some rose bushes 1912712;1557680845;mp_en_viaje;and you know... weeding. doesn't look like much, esp not to town girl, till she gets to do it. 1912713;1557680846;mp_en_viaje;suddenly... 1912714;1557680859;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: bvt's asmism is correct near as i can tell ( i have not walked with magnifying glass. ) the 1 gotcha is that the actual win from'em aint measurable until bolt'em onto ch14b+ ( where knuth's division is no longer the bulk of the cpu load ) 1912715;1557680904;asciilifeform;in < 14 , it'll ( and iirc he confirmed experimentally ) be just scarcely palpable diff. 1912716;1557680909;mp_en_viaje;he also says so himself. 1912717;1557680921;asciilifeform;aha iirc in last ch, said, with exact figure. 1912718;1557680927;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, nah, he cuts ~70% of runtime 1912719;1557680948;mp_en_viaje;5.9 > ~2 1912720;1557680980;asciilifeform;from multiplication per se aha 1912721;1557681011;asciilifeform;at any rate it's great, bvt did already 60-70% of what asciilifeform thought he would have to do himself after errything else 1912722;1557681029;asciilifeform;i fully expect that the asmistic branch of ffa will be sewn out of bvt's item 1912723;1557681035;mp_en_viaje;very nice. 1912724;1557681035;bvt;hi. the exact cut will depend on what % of ops in barret are mults 1912725;1557681035;lobbesbot;bvt: Sent 2 weeks, 4 days, 1 hour, and 14 minutes ago: ty for digging up the 1801 materials; dun suppose you could get the author in here ? 1912726;1557681048;mp_en_viaje;afaik >haldf 1912727;1557681062;asciilifeform;bvt: iirc 80+% by wallclock 1912728;1557681124;bvt;then, perf increase should be substantial 1912729;1557681134;asciilifeform;there's no reason not to bake similar asmisms for e.g. add/sub/neg, shifts, etc. tho. 1912730;1557681148;asciilifeform;then can have 'speed demon' branch of the thing. 1912731;1557681188;mp_en_viaje;bvt, i expect, yes. he's convinced otherwisw fo rsome reason. 1912732;1557681217;mp_en_viaje;meanwhile in wtf, "Beware verbal commands against groups or larger individuals if they are ebons. Unless you look like some big beast like Tony Cox or are some easy going white negro like Big Ron who has that easy grace that telegraphs ass-kicking proclivities—in other words if you are a normal range man—a command to hoodrats in the hood can get you all the respect that Chinese Gordon got at Khartoum from the Mahdi." (lafond) 1912733;1557681235;mp_en_viaje;what the fuck, SIX fuckingreferences, i don't have any single one of them. wtf is a tony cox. what mahdi. 1912734;1557681246;bvt;asciilifeform: depends on whether there will be a usecase for such item, but in any case shifts/adds should be simpler than comba 1912735;1557681265;mp_en_viaje;if you/re gonna use the high culture style, at least have the fucking decency to have read the high culture books. wtf, can't do this reference-reference bullshit on nobodies from the colonies. 1912736;1557681342;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: pre-barrett ffa , when rsaing, spends most of wallclock time in [http://www.loper-os.org/pub/ffa/hypertext/ch13/fz_divis__adb.htm#83_14][fz_mod] , is all. which dun multiply. in 14+ , i fully expect 2-3x boost from asmism (possibly higher, with massage w/ magnifying glass for pipelineism etc ) 1912737;1557681344;mp_en_viaje;not that he doesn't have a point, when dealing with morons gotta telegrap to the lizzardbrain. i don't speak to them either, just hands. 1912738;1557681383;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, so basically you're saying, for chapter 14 and that alone, it won't help ? but pre-14 and after 14, will ? 1912739;1557681390;asciilifeform;mno 1912740;1557681408;asciilifeform;pre-barrett -- small effect. with barrett -- substantial. 1912741;1557681412;mp_en_viaje;oh, you meant it's there, it just can't be measured ? 1912742;1557681419;mp_en_viaje;um. he already is showing major effect ? 1912743;1557681435;bvt;only on mult, not on modexp 1912744;1557681441;asciilifeform;http://bvt-trace.net/2019/05/unrolled-assembly-comba/#selection-93.193-97.1 1912745;1557681443;asciilifeform;aha 1912746;1557681451;mp_en_viaje;right. 1912747;1557681454;asciilifeform;so errything as expected. 1912748;1557681461;mp_en_viaje;aite 1912749;1557681532;asciilifeform;i expect in the end , say <100msec 4096bit modexp, will be achievable on typical irons 1912750;1557681651;asciilifeform;( note that asciilifeform's 'standard tester' box, where currently, sans any asmisms, [http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2892#selection-4579.0-4579.5][~1.7 s] for same, is 3-4x slower than 'typical irons' of recent years ) 1912751;1557681706;mp_en_viaje;that are just about fatwah'd anyways. 1912752;1557681733;asciilifeform;imho you defo wouldn't want to ffa on a post-2013 amd, or any intels etc aha 1912753;1557681750;asciilifeform;there's still plenty of usable irons faster than asciilifeform's tho. 1912754;1557681761;asciilifeform;even mp_en_viaje's 'fx' i suspect. 1912755;1557681779;mp_en_viaje;what is the box ? 1912756;1557681824;asciilifeform;2393SE , 3.1ghz 1912757;1557681833;asciilifeform;512kB cache. 1912758;1557681863;asciilifeform;http://www.cpu-world.com/CPUs/K10/AMD-Third%20Generation%20Opteron%202393%20SE%20-%20OS2393YCP4DGI.html 1912759;1557681892;mp_en_viaje;ah. yeah. 1912760;1557681981;asciilifeform;these won't win any speed records, but i like'em, they go years b/w downtimes no prob ( i take'em down strictly to clean fans ) 1912761;1557681989;asciilifeform;ecc ram etc. 1912762;1557682094;asciilifeform;speed of ram, interestingly, has ~0 effect on ffa timing, given as the working set ~always fits in cache 1912763;1557682150;asciilifeform;in the parlance of seymor cray et al, ffa is 'cpu-bound problem' 1912764;1557682177;mp_en_viaje;aha. 1912765;1557682192;asciilifeform;( and really, as observed by mp_en_viaje in prev. thrd, 'bus width bound' ) 1912766;1557682311;asciilifeform;this is trivially verifiable experimentally : build for 32bit ( 'MachineBitness' in http://www.loper-os.org/pub/ffa/hypertext/ch18/iron__ads.htm ) and get ~exactly 2x slower. 1912767;1557682606;bvt;this would actually be interesting for x60 machine owners as well. the register pressure would also increase on i386 1912768;1557682637;asciilifeform;bvt: with straight (no asmisms) 64bit ffa, i found ~exactly 2x slower on x60 than on the 2393 1912769;1557682648;asciilifeform;fwiw 1912770;1557682713;asciilifeform;( x60 , at least the 1 in my collection, is an early 64bit intel 'T2400' ) 1912771;1557682735;asciilifeform;1 of the last, if not ~the~ last, intel chipsets w/out the 'me' boobytrap 1912772;1557682784;mp_en_viaje;~exactly is a great item on its own. 1912773;1557682801;asciilifeform;lol 1912774;1557682808;mp_en_viaje;meanwhile in "shit, i forgot this article even existed", http://trilema.com/2014/the-fallacy-machine/#selection-141.0-141.788 1912775;1557682952;asciilifeform;x60 is sadly rare nao, but the rubbish box i sent to spyked has same chipset, he can say later if confirms this benchmark. 1912776;1557682972;asciilifeform;( 'toy' lappy , approx. size of vhs tape ) 1912777;1557683012;asciilifeform;btw spyked , outta curiosity, didja have to pay eurotax on that thing ? how much ? 1912778;1557683013;bvt;hm. i have the same, but T2400 is 64bit in 'PAE' sense, not in register width sense. 1912779;1557683043;asciilifeform;bvt: i'ma have to boot mine up an' see , then, cuz it's defo running a 64bit errything. 1912780;1557683095;bvt;please check, because all docks pointed into '32bit only' direction - perhaps it was disinfo. 1912781;1557683099;*;asciilifeform blows dust off x60... 1912782;1557683102;asciilifeform;brb 1912783;1557683162;asciilifeform;aah there it is : 1912784;1557683183;asciilifeform;t7200 @ 2.00Ghz ; 4096kB cache 1912785;1557683195;asciilifeform;and yes running in longmode 1912786;1557683208;asciilifeform;i.e. 1 of their 1st amd64 clones 1912787;1557683238;bvt;right, t2400 is 32bit, t7200 is later generation - 64bit 1912788;1557683279;asciilifeform;iirc we had a thrd about this at one pt. x60 apparently came in at least 3 variants 1912789;1557683287;asciilifeform;the 1 i have , is this. 1912790;1557683376;bvt;at the time i was getting mine - only w. T2400 and iirc slower cpu were available 1912791;1557683459;asciilifeform;( http://btcbase.org/log/2016-03-03#1421281 << orig. , i think, thrd re this specimen ) 1912792;1557683459;a111;Logged on 2016-03-03 20:46 asciilifeform: i eventually put back the heathen bios on the x60, BUT i ida'd it and nop'd out the imbecile nic whitelist 1912793;1557683627;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-01-11#1601544 << subj of above. 1912794;1557683627;a111;Logged on 2017-01-11 18:50 asciilifeform: http://nosuchlabs.com/pub/x60_diddled.bin 1912795;1557683675;asciilifeform;( aaalso subj of the infamous 'rms laptop' thrd. ) 1912796;1557683731;asciilifeform;at one time i had 'x61' also, but pronounced it sad and sent it to, iirc, gabriel_laddel 1912797;1557683745;asciilifeform;who sold it to feed his dope habit 1912798;1557683788;bvt;is it that much more stable with lenovo bios? i had it overheat with both orig. and coreboot variants, so stayed with coreboot 1912799;1557683822;asciilifeform;bvt: i had it overheat ~immediately when put under load with the 'rms coreboot', so went back to vendor's ( with above patch, or can't use civilized nic in it ) 1912800;1557683841;asciilifeform;with vendor's, never once overheated, under any load 1912801;1557683849;asciilifeform;cuz it has working fan control. 1912802;1557683899;bvt;it has an annoing problem of producing high-pitched noise when running with ext. input devices or wlan on, but overheat happends only after ~45 min of compiling, which i don't do any more. 1912803;1557683902;asciilifeform;iirc it is possible , with the sad coreboot, to peg fan to run at 100% forever. but then you have not a lappy but an 'air cleaner' .. 1912804;1557683932;asciilifeform;bvt: sounds like you have a dud inductor, rather than overheat 1912805;1557684029;asciilifeform;mine fwiw happily runs for week+ (never had occasion to longer) under 100% cpu, and no issues 1912806;1557684062;asciilifeform;then again i do clean these things yearly. 1912807;1557684066;bvt;could be, i never got to disassemble and check the board after changing wlan card. 1912808;1557684102;asciilifeform;when buying vintage lappies, dun fughet to scrub inside, and (if can get) replace fan. 1912809;1557684124;asciilifeform;some folx dun clean, result is 'petrol station toilet' inside of lappy. 1912810;1557684194;asciilifeform;use lint-free tampons on stick, the same kind as for rifles 1912811;1557684244;asciilifeform;1st with medical alcohol , then dry. 1912812;1557684278;asciilifeform;re-grease (alumina, not silicone, greases), tighten. 1912813;1557684503;asciilifeform;!Q later tell phf plox to snarf sig in http://bvt-trace.net/2019/05/unrolled-assembly-comba/ ( and diana_coman 's earlier ) at your earliest , into btcbase, ty 1912814;1557684504;lobbesbot;asciilifeform: The operation succeeded. 1912815;1557684540;bvt;the kind of cloth used for lens cleaning works as well? 1912816;1557684555;asciilifeform;bvt: in principle oughta 1912817;1557684882;*;asciilifeform brb:meat 1912818;1557686031;mp_en_viaje;pretty sure it's exact same thing, material wise. 1912819;1557687155;asciilifeform;'microfiber' aha 1912820;1557687187;*;asciilifeform has witnessed chinese 'microfibers' that still managed to leave crapola behind, however 1912821;1557687515;asciilifeform;re lappies : recently someone wrote to asciilifeform re an [https://archive.is/fV1iE][rk lappy supposedly in pre-production] . 1912822;1557687541;asciilifeform;will have to see, to believe ( same people coupla yrs ago sold a 'kit-assemble' arm lappy, but was legendarily shoddy ) 1912823;1557687596;asciilifeform;this 1 claims rk3399 (same as in ye olde c101pa thing and various chinese boards) 1912824;1557687643;asciilifeform;nao if had fully working arm gnat also... 1912825;1557687753;asciilifeform;!#seen ave1 1912826;1557687753;a111;2019-02-19 Btw asciilifeform, I had to switch my cheap NFS account to a more expensive one as php 5.6 is no longer supported in their new setup. I expect that sometime, at the end of this year, 5.6 will also disappear from "production" sites. 1912827;1557687993;bvt;asciilifeform: rk3399 is a bit trickier in usage than rk3328 of pizarro rockchip -- big.little arch, so scheduling and power management have to come from rockchip kernel tree, not vanilla. 1912828;1557688047;asciilifeform;bvt: my 3328 boxes run off rk's branch to begin with 1912829;1557688056;asciilifeform;'vanilla' never worked afaik. 1912830;1557688099;asciilifeform;nao this ~may~ have changed some time in past yr, but i am loathe to bake new kernels when i have a working one. 1912831;1557688148;asciilifeform;( and in fact would rather leave 'repentant linus'-era kernels entirely alone, if it can be helped, and if cannot , would prefer to pilfer patches an' backport intelligently to old kernel , if it comes to this ) 1912832;1557688155;bvt;iirc changed, but too recently to even consider a switch anyways 1912833;1557688176;asciilifeform;as a rule asciilifeform does not 'fix if it works' 1912834;1557688260;bvt;it is not clear to me if big.little ever worked acceptably with linux -- they are tuning even today 1912835;1557688273;asciilifeform;iirc phf built a working c101 kernel (i.e. 3399) 1912836;1557688279;asciilifeform;but not yet posted recipe 1912837;1557688306;*;asciilifeform digs for thread, but cannot immediately find 1912838;1557688311;asciilifeform;i dun recall whether all the periphs worked 1912839;1557688405;asciilifeform;porting linux to oddball irons does sometimes feel like 'writing in the sand' -- you sweat, then the thing goes out of print and 'ocean washes away' 1912840;1557688441;bvt;i have a http://archive.is/EUW9n item at home, with kernel from some arm64 distro and pizarro rockchip rootfs, but i never got time properly setup this device (plan was, run trb node) 1912841;1557688449;asciilifeform;i.e. asciilifeform ported to pogo (even had working, save for the flash disk, netbsd port) , then the iron vanished from market long before achieved anyffin useful on it 1912842;1557688501;asciilifeform;bvt: you'd have to connect a real disk to have a useful trb, but otherwise i can't see why not 1912843;1557688553;asciilifeform;btw bvt the archive link is a blang pg 1912844;1557688555;asciilifeform;*blank 1912845;1557688595;bvt;i have an m.2 nvme ssd there, but the hw setup is convoluted enough to recommend bying *some other* board for these purposes 1912846;1557688600;asciilifeform;i recall this board, tho, rather costly imho for what's on it 1912847;1557688645;asciilifeform;( beyond this, cannot comment, i do not have one. and i dun much like soldered-on-wifi boards, tbh ) 1912848;1557688693;bvt;(chinese messed with m.2 port wiring, need to buy strange adapter board to bring it to sanity) 1912849;1557688718;asciilifeform;this btw was the dealkiller for asciilifeform re the 1 and only recent mips board on the market -- it had non-removable wifi 1912850;1557688748;asciilifeform;[https://www.mips.com/platform/mips-creator-ci20/]['ci20']. i picked one up in iirc 2015, it gathers dust 1912851;1557688778;asciilifeform;wtf is with the ubiquitous plague of non-expandable ram, incidentally 1912852;1557688789;asciilifeform;really, save 5 cents on dimm socket ? 1912853;1557688799;asciilifeform;and result is ~useless board, no canhaz trb in 1GB 1912854;1557688876;asciilifeform;it's almost like these things are carefully designed to be unusable for any serious job 1912855;1557688982;bvt;well, those are devboards, i don't think anyone sells them as a serious item. but amateurs - buy 1912856;1557688998;asciilifeform;there's nuffin physically impossible about baking an arm (or mips etc) board that eats socketed ecc ram. but there seems to be a de-facto usg fatwa against'em, or sumthing 1912857;1557689043;asciilifeform;bvt: where are the 'non-dev' boards, then ? 1912858;1557689070;asciilifeform;normally 'dev board' means, you can prototype, yes. ok, done prototype, where can have production ?? 1912859;1557689092;mp_en_viaje;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-12#1912831 << aye verily. 1912860;1557689092;a111;Logged on 2019-05-12 19:09 asciilifeform: ( and in fact would rather leave 'repentant linus'-era kernels entirely alone, if it can be helped, and if cannot , would prefer to pilfer patches an' backport intelligently to old kernel , if it comes to this ) 1912861;1557689106;bvt;to my understanding you design them yourself; devboards are just for testing the cpu/chipset 1912862;1557689127;asciilifeform;bvt: aahahaha but then try an' source the chip. 1912863;1557689132;asciilifeform;it aint stocked anywhere, last i saw. 1912864;1557689324;asciilifeform;e.g. 'digikey' stocks even i386. but not that mips. (or any other mips, aside from early 2000s microcontrollers like 'pic32' ) 1912865;1557689359;bvt;yes, but nevertheless the boards with these chips appear every day. perhaps need to show inca earplugs of some minimum size to get them? 1912866;1557689383;bvt;(talking about rk3399 here) 1912867;1557689386;asciilifeform;bvt: naturally, to inca it's all gettable. 1912868;1557689429;asciilifeform;to folx with serious chinese presence, prolly also gettable. 1912869;1557689474;asciilifeform;we had iirc entire thread about this, 'chinese problem'. parts that only ever get mounted in china, tend to not get exported 'naked' at all 1912870;1557689493;asciilifeform;which makes building prototype board quite tricky if you aint already chinese 1912871;1557689548;asciilifeform;( before mp_en_viaje asks -- it sadly aint practical to take a unit off an existing board and reuse. they're all bga . ) 1912872;1557689729;asciilifeform;the moar significant problem tho is that it aint clear whether 'the game is worth the candles', for xyz chinese part. and to answer the q, takes considerable effort and expense, cuz the demo boards are ridiculously crippled. 1912873;1557689784;asciilifeform;the chinese are comically inept imho, to the point that it aint clear whether they even want to live. 1912874;1557689832;asciilifeform;( where the fuck, for instance, is their http://btcbase.org/log/2019-04-23#1909567 ?? ) 1912875;1557689832;a111;Logged on 2019-04-23 23:09 asciilifeform: incidentally, even a very brief look at the 1801 item confirms the troof of http://btcbase.org/log/2019-02-14#1896836 -- thing defo aint a 'and here is where the ameri-crystal does x' , it's a quite 'fits-in-head' object , very evidently produced from page-long spec of the orig instruction set 1912876;1557689865;*;asciilifeform brb:teatime 1912877;1557690556;mp_en_viaje;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-12#1912841 << pretty sure i still have some. 1912878;1557690556;a111;Logged on 2019-05-12 19:14 asciilifeform: i.e. asciilifeform ported to pogo (even had working, save for the flash disk, netbsd port) , then the iron vanished from market long before achieved anyffin useful on it 1912879;1557690633;mp_en_viaje;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-12#1912858 << keks. 1912880;1557690633;a111;Logged on 2019-05-12 19:24 asciilifeform: normally 'dev board' means, you can prototype, yes. ok, done prototype, where can have production ?? 1912881;1557690654;mp_en_viaje;you don't understand technology, do you. it's like policymaking, what production. 1912882;1557693616;asciilifeform;given as the cn folx actually do ship irons, asciilifeform had notion that they differ from 'precious cuntlets of washingtonistan'. but evidently not ~so~ different . 1912883;1557693677;asciilifeform;evidently it is possible to have cargo cult with working (in a sense) planes. 1912884;1557699102;BingoBoingo;So today there was a big futbol game between the two big teams. Game hyped up as "Campeon de Siglio"... The game ended in a 1-1 tie 1912885;1557700032;mp_en_viaje;typical. 1912886;1557700138;BingoBoingo;Stadium restrooms were destroyed, but no biogoop was harmed this time. 1912887;1557700197;BingoBoingo;All of this energy for the most boring sport, no energy for anything else 1912888;1557704085;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2019/05/uk-met-police-document-on-internal-investigation-into-organized-crime-ownership-of-their-force/ << Qntra -- UK: Met Police Document On Internal Investigation Into Organized Crime Ownership Of Their Force 1912889;1557716378;billymg;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-12#1912543 << this looks not bad actually 1912890;1557716378;a111;Logged on 2019-05-12 00:29 BingoBoingo: Meanwhile in outer barrio properties for the entertainment of billymg et al https://inmueble.mercadolibre.com.uy/MLU-462251834-oportunidad-casa-quinta-en-venta-por-viaje-65ha-_JM 1912891;1557716479;billymg;[http://btcbase.org/log/2018-08-24#1844043][this] is what i most want to avoid 1912892;1557716479;a111;Logged on 2018-08-24 00:55 asciilifeform: 'we saw you got 10 btc and didn't declare, that'll be 900k plz by tuesday' 1912893;1557716491;billymg;but still unclear to me the best way to do so 1912894;1557716720;billymg;asciilifeform: if you don't mind me asking -- in that thread you made a good case for leaving the reich as soon as possible, but i've also seen threads (can't find right now) where others in the channel have tried to convince you of the same, without any luck 1912895;1557716867;billymg;so i've always wondered what's kept you here 1912896;1557717710;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2019/05/iran-us-carrier-is-not-a-threat-but-an-opportunity/ << Qntra -- Iran: US Carrier Is Not A Threat But An Opportunity 1912897;1557718855;asciilifeform;billymg: it's very simple -- money. i work for living, and have never done it anywhere other than in the reich, 'meatwot' is there. 1912898;1557719109;asciilifeform;billymg: for past coupla yrs i worked for folx who actually don't care where people live. but suppose it folds... 1912899;1557719125;asciilifeform;... and i did have to go to it physically 1ce, to audition. and earlier, had to work in ninth circle of hell for 6mo+ while looked for it in the 1st place. 1912900;1557719383;asciilifeform;arguably it comes down to a stupid choice of profession. the software pseudo-industry only really exists in the reich + its tendrils, afaik. 1912901;1557719568;asciilifeform;i've lived on the wage of unskilled labourer before. and not interested in doing it again, would rather be gassed. 1912902;1557719580;asciilifeform;that's moar or less it. 1912903;1557719585;*;asciilifeform bbl:meat 1912904;1557720650;billymg;hmm, ok makes sense 1912905;1557722471;mp_en_viaje;"Additionally the fact that none of 1912906;1557722471;mp_en_viaje;these syndicates have been seriously disrupted over the last five years provides an 1912907;1557722471;mp_en_viaje;insight into the effectiveness of their networks." 1912908;1557722533;mp_en_viaje;hurr durr. reading the vomit of "statal actors" is pretty fucking disturbingly like reading http://trilema.com/2016/the-story-of-elliot-rodger-by-elliot-rodger-adnotated-part-nine/#selection-167.12-171.94 1912909;1557722576;mp_en_viaje;extremely incompetent yet extremely ambitious, sorta nonsense that screams for a sound trashing. 1912910;1557722619;mp_en_viaje;"scoping exercise". hurr. 1912911;1557723062;mp_en_viaje;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-13#1912900 << keks no, most ro bois work "in it". ~10k/year. 1912912;1557723062;a111;Logged on 2019-05-13 03:49 asciilifeform: arguably it comes down to a stupid choice of profession. the software pseudo-industry only really exists in the reich + its tendrils, afaik. 1912913;1557723269;mp_en_viaje;anyway, it comes down to very entrenched management ineptitude. guy wants to do what he wants to do not what he must do, has complicated, patiently constructed over time (through selection, much like how species appear) list of explanations/justifications. 1912914;1557723330;mp_en_viaje;this coupled with a very myopic perception of outside reality, whereby the closer inconveniences are always overcounted and structural problems systematically discounted yield a very stable situation : he sits in the worst part of the us, complains about it, and will sit there until the day he dies. 1912915;1557723470;mp_en_viaje;consider for elucidation the model of an android, which for our didactic needs is a) very intelligent ; b) doesn't need to physically eat ; c) is required to appear to the common human as a common human. 1912916;1557723544;mp_en_viaje;the process then becomes evident : c requires it to occasionally engage in the activity of eating, but the "whilst some have been driven by organisational necessity, for example, finite resources." problem, to quote the united knelliot, precludes buying kitchen equipment or raw materials. 1912917;1557723636;mp_en_viaje;what's left is then going to the restaurant, which the android agrees to do ; but at every single juncture where an actual going to a restaurant could occur, the urgent disadvantage of immediate expenditure overwhelms the general principles flowing from c -- through an a-mediated process that slowly improves the quality of "arguments" brought over time under the selection pressure provided by a + whatever ourside source available. 1912918;1557723708;mp_en_viaje;the net result is a "very intelligent' android that's obviously an android to ~everyone in the biz of spotting androids, but who otherwise claims to be hungry and making eternal plans to restaurant meals that ever justifiedly do not occur. 1912919;1557723774;mp_en_viaje;in the end, it's an all-in bet on reich stability. like everyone else in there. 1912920;1557723981;mp_en_viaje;from an engineering perspective, the strategy's "too tight", fails at what could be described as "useful waste". the sort of activity like going on an aimless walk, or talking to an unknown woman, or playing a few rounds of three card monte with some guy on the street. 1912921;1557724070;mp_en_viaje;there's a very marked difference between the people who know it's a scam -- and therefore ~NEVER~ indulge and the people who know it's a scam and yet very occasionally indulge. the difference's the former are "well educated" engineers, whereas the latter "[http://trilema.com/2019/diviziuna-sexual-a-muncii-fetele-la-gym-io-la-vidya-%D0%9A%D0%B0%D0%BA-tot-acolo/#footnote_2_83674][illegal]" 1912922;1557724098;mp_en_viaje;(think about the example -- the fellow running it has been doing it for a while, very readily spots that you 1912923;1557724142;mp_en_viaje;~are aware~ it's a scam. now it suddenly costs him more to figure out wtf you're doing than it costs you to play. sometimes this occurs to him, in which case you sudden;y got a conection in the local underground.) 1912924;1557724660;mp_en_viaje;that sorta thing's how http://btcbase.org/log/2017-10-27#1729820 sorta items are born. 1912925;1557724660;a111;Logged on 2017-10-27 17:56 mircea_popescu: anyway, no theorems isn't it. there's that famous case of my driver whom my mother (who was bumming a ride) asked in shock why'd he'd go around playing valet for a 17yo. he said something like "not everyone's a big deal". man had 0 theorems to prove, but also didn't go around deluding himself on the matter. 1912926;1557725460;asciilifeform;i kept waiting for the inevitable prikoke cite. where is it 1!! 1912927;1557725985;mp_en_viaje;imo fundamentally different item. 1912928;1557726044;mp_en_viaje;prikoke == asciilifeform: I'll stay sceptical for now. 1912929;1557726247;mp_en_viaje;this "sceptical" is very much the same story as afanti's [aka nasreddin] engagedment to teach the local baron's singing in a year, on the theory that "i am hungry now -- who knows what will be in a year". he's skeptical as to the future. you're not, you have a theory as to the future, the difficulties are in the implementation. 1912930;1557726287;mp_en_viaje;engagedment to teach the local baron's singing <-> engagement to teach the local baron's donkey singing. check out the impacted d[onkey]. 1912931;1557726492;*;asciilifeform to bed, but promises to continue this thrd laters 1912932;1557726625;mp_en_viaje;nn 1912933;1557747986;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-10#1912257 << i can corroborate the sentiment, i didn't get to see the parade directly, but saw all the activity around it 1912934;1557747986;a111;Logged on 2019-05-10 00:41 asciilifeform: i wonder if phf got to see parade. 1912935;1557747986;lobbesbot;phf: Sent 17 hours and 38 minutes ago: plox to snarf sig in http://bvt-trace.net/2019/05/unrolled-assembly-comba/ ( and diana_coman 's earlier ) at your earliest , into btcbase, ty 1912936;1557748116;phf;buses full of waving soldiers, some heavy machinery here and there, crazed MVD people driving at high speed through the city for seemingly no other reason than to go fast, people with flags and portraits 1912937;1557748262;phf;it was probably the most engaged of all the celebrations i've seen here. we went to a hookah place, a kind of popular bar/restaurant: the staff were dressed in "military" outfits, there was a bunch of tables full of men eating and drinking vodka, making toasts to the fallen heroes and dead relatives 1912938;1557748364;phf;i didn't bother taking camera with me, because i didn't expect there to be any activity besides the parade, but the city was in full celebration mode 1912939;1557748493;mp_en_viaje;so moral being, always take camera. 1912940;1557748886;phf;i have a dslr that i got off somebody as debt repayment, which ended up putting me into a silly lock: it's heavy and not something you just grab with you, on the other hand i don't want to buy a smaller camera "since i already have dslr and i should sell it first", but then i also don't want to deal with selling it 1912941;1557748920;phf;i ought to just pick up that sony you've mentioned 1912942;1557749431;mp_en_viaje;yeah, exactly why i didn't get a dslr mysle.f 1912943;1557749469;mp_en_viaje;was considering it at some point. but the idea is for it to serve me, not the other way around. 1912944;1557749516;mp_en_viaje;anyway, what's the proble mwith selling it, put it on ebay for a buck, ship to whoever ends up winning bidding war, done. 1912945;1557759927;asciilifeform;in other noose, amd 'family 22' cpu (i.e. where they introduced fritz core in 2013) has obvious breakage in 'usg.random' instruction (also introduced then, in footsteps of intel) : https://archive.is/BMJwJ 1912946;1557760011;asciilifeform;!#s rdrand 1912947;1557760011;a111;11 results for "rdrand", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=rdrand 1912948;1557760191;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-13#1912942 << i had one at 1 pt, sold it for the described reason and bought what is nao known as 'mp cam' in 2011. but earlier this yr retired it in favour of a recently introduced thing that is sorta in between the two, has removable lens but around half the mass of typical dslr. 1912949;1557760191;a111;Logged on 2019-05-13 12:10 mp_en_viaje: yeah, exactly why i didn't get a dslr mysle.f 1912950;1557760254;asciilifeform;also sony, 'a6000', inexpensive. ( anyone thinking of trying it should be aware that the included lens is mediocre however. but it does take vintage lenses of various vendors via adapter. ) 1912951;1557760255;mp_en_viaje;also depends a lot what you do. if you car everywhere, even a tripod in the back may work. if you hands-in-pockets and walk, might even be too bulky. 1912952;1557760263;mp_en_viaje;for me it's a sweetspot of "fits in slavegirl purse". 1912953;1557760294;asciilifeform;this one is approx. the size of the ubiquitous '30s leicas 1912954;1557760315;asciilifeform;worx great w/out legs, too, has electro-stabilizer. 1912955;1557760321;asciilifeform;(just like the 'mp cam' ) 1912956;1557760346;asciilifeform;depending on size of slave purse, may even fit in one. 1912957;1557760419;asciilifeform;example shots : http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2913#selection-298.1-362.3 << via stock lens with 2 chinese extender rings ('miser's macro lens') 1912958;1557760827;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-13#1912936 << supposedly something like 1000 dour emigres showed up with portraits in dc. but i did not see with own eyes. 1912959;1557760827;a111;Logged on 2019-05-13 11:48 phf: buses full of waving soldiers, some heavy machinery here and there, crazed MVD people driving at high speed through the city for seemingly no other reason than to go fast, people with flags and portraits 1912960;1557761061;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-13#1912941 << if you like can have mine for cost of postage. pgpgram where to send it. i think i have a few spare batteries and external charger for'em also, somewhere 1912961;1557761061;a111;Logged on 2019-05-13 12:02 phf: i ought to just pick up that sony you've mentioned 1912962;1557761173;*;asciilifeform has become fond of this method of unloading idle irons. 1912963;1557761278;asciilifeform;would rather put in hands of l1 than sell for twobux on ebay and enrich omidyar et al 1912964;1557761311;*;asciilifeform brb,teatime 1912965;1557762122;mp_en_viaje;it's pretty smart, in that it keeps the marginal value within republican walls. 1912966;1557766172;asciilifeform;aha, that's the idea 1912967;1557766216;asciilifeform;i have other 'surplus' gear also, for folx who have a use; e.g. a 'icestick' (ice40 '4k' (half-size)) proto-board, buncha similars, at some pt i'll make list 1912968;1557767365;asciilifeform;meanwhile , in ru heathendom , (translation mine) : 'there is a sign that distinguishes a troo programmer from an impostor. a true programmer , before going to bed, will put on his nightstand two glasses. one with water -- in case in the night he becomes thirsty. and one empty -- in case not.' 1912969;1557767448;mp_en_viaje;you were gonna make an inventory at some point, iirc. 1912970;1557767488;asciilifeform;aha. may have to wait for next change of flat / excavations, sadly 1912971;1557767522;asciilifeform;let's put this way : if asciilifeform's dwelling were a sokoban level, i am not certain it would be a winnable level.. 1912972;1557767632;mp_en_viaje;lol i suspected. 1912973;1557767645;asciilifeform;as often happens, mp_en_viaje suspects correctly. 1912974;1557767662;mp_en_viaje;in other lulz : my ro lawyer came to me ~this sunday~, to return archived papers. 1912975;1557767710;mp_en_viaje;the place he had them stored in, he got just about the time i was leaving. so my box was in the bottom of the pit. "i must've been thinner then", he says, cuz well... couldn't get into there. eventuslly managed to squeeze in, sideways, but then, once got box... couldn't get back out. 1912976;1557767719;mp_en_viaje;had to call his clerk to come from his office, to extract him. 1912977;1557767731;mp_en_viaje;so he went to market, bought materials, rebuilt his storage there. 1912978;1557767739;asciilifeform;if it's the same fella asciilifeform met, i can picture this scene 1912979;1557767752;mp_en_viaje;thus by the time he was knocking at my door ~2pm, he had been working for 8 hours 1912980;1557767761;mp_en_viaje;dood woke at 6am to get my my papers. on a sunday. 1912981;1557767768;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, aha. 1912982;1557767778;asciilifeform;a++ excavator. nao if he'd learn to pgp... 1912983;1557767853;mp_en_viaje;anyway, to me it was very amusing because, on one hand, "hey nicoleci , where in chicago do i hire lawyer like this" and on the other hand, HOLY SHIT, it's not just computer programmer who goes to turn down volume and is there for two days rewriting the os. 1912984;1557767857;mp_en_viaje;IT'S EVERYBODY! 1912985;1557767869;asciilifeform;( iirc he was not only lawyer but licensed accountant also. bright fella. dunno why resistant to pgp. ) 1912986;1557767875;mp_en_viaje;if you're serious rather than just floating by, every fucking task or thing escalates 4ever 1912987;1557767893;asciilifeform;this -- verily 1912988;1557767944;mp_en_viaje;nah, wife does accountng. 1912989;1557767961;asciilifeform;aa 1912990;1557767966;mp_en_viaje;closest to a functional fambly you ever saw, he has some helpers, she has some helpettes, it's like... 1912991;1557768004;asciilifeform;i saw several of these, we sat for a while tryin' to come up with synthetic language to speak lol 1912992;1557768142;asciilifeform;also funnily, when going there , asciilifeform went in wrong door, ended up in some sorta gurlz' dormitory. labyrinth of unlit hallways; knocked on several doors and faced with surprised orc chix in bathrobes etc 1912993;1557768170;mp_en_viaje;and this suggested nothing to you ? :D 1912994;1557768194;asciilifeform;it suggested 'fuck i'm late' lol 1912995;1557768210;mp_en_viaje;as ye olde deckard cain would say, "shtay a while... and listen..." 1912996;1557768229;asciilifeform;'stay a while.. stay FOREVER!' -- 'mission impossible' game intro on c64 1912997;1557768407;mp_en_viaje;ehehe 1912998;1557768486;mp_en_viaje;THIS, however, is as fine example of http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-13#1912917 as could be had. gypsy boy'd have stayed. atm i suspect that's your exact opposite. 1912999;1557768486;a111;Logged on 2019-05-13 05:00 mp_en_viaje: what's left is then going to the restaurant, which the android agrees to do ; but at every single juncture where an actual going to a restaurant could occur, the urgent disadvantage of immediate expenditure overwhelms the general principles flowing from c -- through an a-mediated process that slowly improves the quality of "arguments" brought over time under the selection pressure provided by a + whatever ourside source available. 1913000;1557768527;asciilifeform;gypsy can do amazing things. iirc mp_en_viaje described, how the half-built palaces asciilifeform saw in timis, were built by'em 1913001;1557768532;asciilifeform;'shoot 1st, ask q's later' 1913002;1557768538;asciilifeform;'oops we ran outta dough to build roof' 1913003;1557768541;mp_en_viaje;aha. 1913004;1557768683;asciilifeform;when i saw these, i was certain they had to be ruins (of the ru '90s 'walls carefully disassembled by scavengers' sort) -- but apparently not 1913005;1557768767;asciilifeform;although, next to that hotel i was in ( same 1 mp_en_viaje held c2 in ) , gigantic and apparently abandoned glass box bldg was having its roof methodically cut by scavengers with torches, quietly loaded each piece on truck and vanished before nightfall 1913006;1557768771;diana_coman;they are new ruins! our ruins are newer and shinier than theirs! 1913007;1557768792;asciilifeform;lol recall albert speer's 'ruins theory' aha 1913008;1557768937;asciilifeform;later dug and found that that place was Officially for sale on www, for 'paltry mil bux', w/ no mention of 'dun come with roof'; so inferred that roof was 'unofficially' sold.. 1913009;1557768991;asciilifeform;or , fuck even knows, roof sold 'legit', and www listing a sham 1913010;1557769017;asciilifeform;impossible to tell w/out retaining a skilled orcologist 1913011;1557769108;asciilifeform;re the gypsy palaces, oblig photo -- http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-28#1743485 1913012;1557769108;a111;Logged on 2017-11-28 00:02 asciilifeform: other typical items : http://www.loper-os.org/pub/timis_sad_mansion.jpg http://www.loper-os.org/pub/timis_sad_mansion_2.jpg http://www.loper-os.org/pub/timis_sad_factory.jpg 1913013;1557769247;asciilifeform;diana_coman: did they have this in your corner of ro ? ( when in bucharest, asciilifeform saw also ruins, and gigantic dead factories, but no torch d00dz , instead all overgrown with vines, trees through roof etc ) 1913014;1557769280;asciilifeform;i suspect in bucharest the locals are moar preoccupied with finding 'sugar' jobs at microshit tentacle and saving up for miami 1913015;1557769558;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-13#1912999 << mp_en_viaje i have to plead 'guilty' to this. asciilifeform when younger many times 'went for broke', pawned shirt, and -- lost shirt. so has roughly same pov as bedouin has re water. 1913016;1557769558;a111;Logged on 2019-05-13 17:28 a111: Logged on 2019-05-13 05:00 mp_en_viaje: what's left is then going to the restaurant, which the android agrees to do ; but at every single juncture where an actual going to a restaurant could occur, the urgent disadvantage of immediate expenditure overwhelms the general principles flowing from c -- through an a-mediated process that slowly improves the quality of "arguments" brought over time under the selection pressure provided by a + whatever ourside source available. 1913017;1557769601;lobbes;yea, but 1913018;1557769604;lobbes;oops 1913019;1557769613;lobbes;went for broke in the reich, no? 1913020;1557769614;mp_en_viaje;yes. but the polar opposite strategy of something that hurt ain' ttherefore gonna work 1913021;1557769625;asciilifeform;( iirc outlined in old thrds, e.g. http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-24#1661113 ) 1913022;1557769625;a111;Logged on 2017-05-24 21:57 asciilifeform: i'd be barfing harder if i hadn't 'seen this exact movie before', with ye olde robot 1913023;1557769637;mp_en_viaje;if it did, all the reaction lesbians and transgenders'd be happy 1913024;1557769690;asciilifeform;nao this is troo. hence why took up the piz matter 1913025;1557769695;asciilifeform;if not risk anything, why to live. 1913026;1557769913;mp_en_viaje;something like that. 1913027;1557769919;mp_en_viaje;how's pizarro doing these days btw 1913028;1557769970;asciilifeform;waiting for asciilifeform to free hands, grr 1913029;1557770004;lobbes;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-03-27#1905113 << speaking of hands, pizarro, and hopping the fence: so what'd be the plan here? Get a republican hardware shop up and running in uruguay? Or perhaps have a second pair of hands on ground to help with pizarro affairs? 1913030;1557770004;a111;Logged on 2019-03-27 17:23 BingoBoingo: (i kinda suspect BingoBoingo would do a lot better with a partner on the grounds, tbh) << I suspect similar 1913031;1557770045;lobbes;I've been doing some hard thinking lately, about what I want in life, and about how I'm way too content with my current living situation in the reich. The problem is that man can indeed be content ~anywhere. Nevertheless, I find myself being sucked closer and closer to the intake of the mass chumpatron. My time, my money, my sanity, slowly but surely slipping away with each day 1913032;1557770069;asciilifeform;lobbes: immediate next item is a pilot plant of 'apu1' and x64 boxen, so as to have what to rent out, we're at ~capacity 1913033;1557770151;asciilifeform;lobbes: i will not go as far as to say 'hardware shop? poppycock' but it is roughly similar to idea of setting one up on the moon 1913034;1557770179;asciilifeform;the difficulty of getting iron over the fence isn't even the worst thing, but rather 'who's to buy' 1913035;1557770209;asciilifeform;the idjit orcs want 'ipnoje', and that's afaik it 1913036;1557770260;lobbes;hm, yeah, I guess so. Same as in usg; all independent harware shops disappearing 1913037;1557770285;asciilifeform;i can't speak for erry type of orc, but in BingoBoingostan they aint even certain re what to do with ~mains current~, much less computer ( these are the people who set up indoor gas grills to cook dinner ) 1913038;1557770362;BingoBoingo; how's pizarro doing these days btw << Waiting for alf hands. In the interim about to send invoices. 1913039;1557770364;asciilifeform;lobbes: i used to frequent such shops. they're all gone nao. from elementary 'giant sat in the chair' dynamic. 1913040;1557770381;asciilifeform;nobody who has to pay to upkeep a shop, can price-compete with lulazon, lulzbay, etc 1913041;1557770613;mp_en_viaje;the idea is of course to foster communities, rather than try and find communities t o exploit. 1913042;1557770620;mp_en_viaje;granted, this is a toilsome approach. 1913043;1557770651;asciilifeform;rright, esp. if what you've to work with, is ~argentines 1913044;1557770663;BingoBoingo; i can't speak for erry type of orc, but in BingoBoingostan they aint even certain re what to do with ~mains current~, much less computer ( these are the people who set up indoor gas grills to cook dinner ) << Well in their language they call the mains "luz" so it does the lights. 1913045;1557770683;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: funnily enuff old sovok folx also 1913046;1557770709;asciilifeform;mains flicker off, 'свет пропал' ( light has gone! ) 1913047;1557770714;BingoBoingo;Electric utility's headquarters naturally is "Palacio de la Luz" 1913048;1557771108;*;BingoBoingo inclined to see if bicycle guy can handle this month's Datacenter payment in light of the growing divide between Republican exchange rate and heathen exchange rate 1913049;1557771110;mp_en_viaje;one can pick his orc, of course. 1913050;1557771154;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, i got gas stove here. what's wrong with that ? 1913051;1557771203;BingoBoingo;Here they use the tanks inside. The pipe cas network is tiny with little coverage. 1913052;1557771222;mp_en_viaje;camping@home! 1913053;1557771223;BingoBoingo;"Supergas" they call it 1913054;1557771225;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: aha BingoBoingo already answr'd. they're using bottled gas 1913055;1557771242;asciilifeform;and apparently their hands grow from arse , regularly set flat on fire 1913056;1557771253;BingoBoingo;Campfire for heat. Camp stove for cook... 1913057;1557771260;mp_en_viaje;minisuper gas or plainly super gas ? 1913058;1557771269;mp_en_viaje;luzliest thing in latam, all sorta mini-super 1913059;1557771274;BingoBoingo;Mundanely super gas 1913060;1557771283;mp_en_viaje;somewhat super could we say. 1913061;1557771318;BingoBoingo;I've not dealth with the stuff much here. Habitation module has electric stove built in. 1913062;1557771561;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-13#1913031 << If you've got some hands what Pizarro can really use is help on the outreach and conversion front. I'd also suggest making a run to Uruguay before picking Uruguay as your escape hole. 1913063;1557771561;a111;Logged on 2019-05-13 17:54 lobbes: I've been doing some hard thinking lately, about what I want in life, and about how I'm way too content with my current living situation in the reich. The problem is that man can indeed be content ~anywhere. Nevertheless, I find myself being sucked closer and closer to the intake of the mass chumpatron. My time, my money, my sanity, slowly but surely slipping away with each day 1913064;1557772062;lobbes;I may indeed take some time in the next months to make a trip down there at least. If anything to clear my head and sort some things out (plus, I've never met another Republican in the meat, so there is also that plus) 1913065;1557772394;BingoBoingo; luzliest thing in latam, all sorta mini-super << I believe the sight that most excited ben_vulpes down here was "Supermercado Winn-Dixie" 1913066;1557772421;mp_en_viaje;lol 1913067;1557772469;BingoBoingo;lobbes: Well, if you want beaches November to Early December is the time. Late January on into the summer heat makes the cyanobacteria bloom. Late December to Mid January is the tourist high season. 1913068;1557772926;lobbes;growing up near beaches, I got bored of them fast; can take em or leave em. and with my pale complexion the idea of visiting uruguay in the cooler months actually sounds nice 1913069;1557772969;mp_en_viaje;who was talking about living off tourist cunny anyways ? 1913070;1557773000;mp_en_viaje;week or two ago. 1913071;1557773007;BingoBoingo;whaack was 1913072;1557773016;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-02#1910907 1913073;1557773016;a111;Logged on 2019-05-02 18:07 whaack: I picked Tamarindo mostly because of the convenience of it being near Liberia and having what I initially wanted: a decent nightlife, surf spots, gringo friendly atmosphere 1913074;1557773068;diana_coman;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-13#1913013 -> not exactly *that* style afaik though some "new ruins" exist; as do old and then older ruins too; basically have your choice of ruins, year and style. 1913075;1557773068;a111;Logged on 2019-05-13 17:40 asciilifeform: diana_coman: did they have this in your corner of ro ? ( when in bucharest, asciilifeform saw also ruins, and gigantic dead factories, but no torch d00dz , instead all overgrown with vines, trees through roof etc ) 1913076;1557773087;asciilifeform;nobody can beat europistan for ruins.. 1913077;1557773106;asciilifeform;esp. 'post-sovok' lands 1913078;1557773203;diana_coman;well, Romanians basically had the germans imported precisely to build some towns finally so in those terms ruins other than the roman ones are relatively recent anyway. 1913079;1557773250;BingoBoingo;In local news fuckers are preparing to start importing live cattle from Brasil to feed the domestic market, and these same fuckers are lamenting how "expensive" Uruguay's beef is. https://www.elobservador.com.uy/nota/uruguay-a-un-paso-de-importar-ganado-en-pie-desde-brasil-2019513145826 1913080;1557773265;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: feedlot, naturally ? 1913081;1557773288;asciilifeform;'giant' dun ever stop looking for new, yet-unbroken chairs to sit down in, eh 1913082;1557773326;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: unsure about the feedlot part, but Brasil does the Zebu cattle. 1913083;1557773335;asciilifeform;wassat? 1913084;1557773361;BingoBoingo;The Indian kind that takes the heat up there better 1913085;1557773363;asciilifeform;a 1913086;1557773465;asciilifeform;there's a sov-legend re how hrusch send to cuba a boat of cows, as gift. unsurprisingly -- all died within weeks, not being of a breed that can stomach the tropics. then coupla yrs later on official visit, gromyko asks to see the herd. is told 'they cannot take the sun, we pasture'em at night'. skeptical, but let matter drop. 1913087;1557773735;BingoBoingo;A number of the policy wank locals find it "problematic" Uruguay's beef is more expensive than Brazil et al's beef completely neglecting Uruguay's beef sells as the premium product since Argentina fucked theirs up. 1913088;1557774095;mp_en_viaje;right, whaack 1913089;1557774287;mp_en_viaje;BingoBoingo, tbh sounds like cattle laundering scheme. 1913090;1557774308;mp_en_viaje;get veals, feedlot in brazil, export to uruguay, keep 3-6 months, bucher and sell as uy non-feedlot. 1913091;1557774469;asciilifeform;when and where no lord to round up the culprits an' pour molten lead down their throats, this kinda thing is as inevitable as sawdust bread, i suspect 1913092;1557774506;BingoBoingo;Supposedly the imported cattle are going to be sold domestic market only, but the fact it so very obviously sounds like a cattle laundering scheme makes the idea retarded. 1913093;1557774529;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: i suspect it's an 'already doing' being presented as 'idea' 1913094;1557774681;BingoBoingo;Possible 1913095;1557774709;asciilifeform;consider, also, a feedlot is moar or less an omnidirectional biowarfare laboratory. proper lord would carpet bomb'em when found. 1913096;1557774816;asciilifeform;ditto 'battery chicken' etc 1913097;1557774834;BingoBoingo;Brazil is roughly on par with the US when it comes to such agricrimes. 1913098;1557774860;asciilifeform;'tis funny, to asciilifeform , lotsa whining re sub-measurable leaks from nuke plants, ~0 whine re 'feed meat antibiotic by the tonne' 1913099;1557774868;BingoBoingo;"Chicken in every pot" What the fuck did the pot do to deserve a chicken 1913100;1557775018;asciilifeform;rright, a chicken in erry indoor propane grill lol 1913101;1557776172;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, you gotta get a gram by prescription, feedlot can get literal tonne. 1913102;1557776204;asciilifeform;aaha 1913103;1557776296;asciilifeform;elementarily could not have 'feedlot' without this , would simply turn into gangrenous mass in short time 1913104;1557776398;mp_en_viaje;in other lulz, https://pubpress.net/houseads/2017/11/22/hiring/house/en/300x250_mrec_blue_php01.png 1913105;1557776422;asciilifeform;ugh 1913106;1557779465;feedbot;http://thetarpit.org/posts/y05/08f-timisoara.html << The Tar Pit -- Temeschwar 1913107;1557781069;asciilifeform;^ lol almost exactly asciilifeform's photoroll, if you subtract the 'hinterlands' (where imho the most interesting oddities) 1913108;1557781115;asciilifeform;http://thetarpit.org/posts/y05/08f-timisoara.html#selection-523.0-523.215 << even i know answr to this riddle -- it's because timis is in austria-hungary , and not really ro at all 1913109;1557781145;asciilifeform;line on map moved, is all 1913110;1557781239;asciilifeform;http://thetarpit.org/posts/y05/08f-timisoara.html#selection-531.0-531.297 << holyfuq. asciilifeform was leaving, thought 'hm, oughta have tried the trams, are they same as on home planet -- oughta be, given as all of our trams were imported from ro' but apparently nodice 1913111;1557782108;asciilifeform;the notion of 'members only' tram, is so preposterous, that i suspect outright sabotage, a la 1960s usa (where various skulduggery resulted in the complete disappearance of the tram -- and in certain places , of ~all public transport -- to prop up 'auto industry' ) 1913112;1557782199;asciilifeform;( today's familiar 'office jerb -- mortgaged house -- car on credit' triangle, as documented by orlov, was being constructed then ) 1913113;1557782443;asciilifeform;planned and successfully-executed re-introduction of serfdom. public transport had to die first, 'or plebs could go without car'. then, cities had to be turned into bmore darkest africa, to nail the possibility of living close enuff to 'office' to walk. and so on. 1913114;1557782556;asciilifeform;'tis hilarious, this seq. of amputations. the capitalists, terrified of urban unionized workers, abolished... industry, and work. ( replaced with 'office plankton' system. ) result is present-day usgistan. 1913115;1557782642;asciilifeform;i.e. they took http://btcbase.org/log/2014-07-07#747451 for an instruction manual ! 1913116;1557782642;a111;Logged on 2014-07-07 11:21 mircea_popescu: ay by the industries of Catalonia and the Basque Country. For Spain to be made healthy, they have to be destroyed. The German Chief of Staff Wolfram von Richthofen listened thunderstruck then recited to Mola all the reasons why it was madness to destroy a country’s industrial base, telling him that ‘I have never in my life heard such idiocy’ 1913117;1557782939;asciilifeform;an' they didn't do it to http://btcbase.org/log/2014-07-07#747456 , either, cuz 'ohnoez, agro-peasants also could be 'red'! ' 1913118;1557782939;a111;Logged on 2014-07-07 11:23 mircea_popescu: mola wanted his sons to go riding in a field where pretty girls labored with their hands forever. 1913119;1557782996;asciilifeform;so no moar workers, no moar peasants, instead homo redditus subsisting off arse-mouth system . 1913120;1557783247;asciilifeform;curious folx, the anglos. it's almost as if they consciously went for a slow-motion [http://btcbase.org/log/2012-11-19#-210234][poincare] scheme. 1913121;1557783247;a111;Logged on 2012-11-19 07:25 mircea_popescu: "the end of human suffering can never be a policy goal because the easiest way to achieve it is to just kill everyone" 1913122;1557783296;*;asciilifeform brb:meat 1913123;1557787814;asciilifeform;meanwhile in olds : [http://www.minuszerodegrees.net/failure.htm][a pretty good likbez] re [http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-11#1912535][capacitor rot] . 1913124;1557787814;a111;Logged on 2019-05-11 22:39 asciilifeform: i wouldn't bother 'recapping' a 100bux konsoomer board, typically 1913125;1557787907;asciilifeform;in particular interesting detail , being that 'capacitance meter' may still show in-spec value for dead unit (which perished in such a way that only ~impedance~ has increased) 1913126;1557788249;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in unsorted lulz, http://www.loper-os.org/?p=568&cpage=4#comment-19789 1913127;1557788406;asciilifeform;at some pt ('in peacetime!'(tm)) asciilifeform is gonna have to crib mp_en_viaje's 'recent comments' wp feature. 1913128;1557788529;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2019/05/sweden-to-put-in-a-competing-assange-extradition-claim/ << Qntra -- Sweden To Put In A Competing Assange Extradition Claim 1913129;1557801714;BingoBoingo;!!invoice mod6 0.18170514 Rockchip and FUCKGOATS annual 2019 1913130;1557801719;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/SXWIq/?raw=true 1913131;1557801761;BingoBoingo;!!v A0DF38A6A859E5F49B3FA2E428924223AB504DF81B8B51EE184444D6425C63A7 1913132;1557801764;deedbot;Invoiced mod6 0.18170514 << Rockchip and FUCKGOATS annual 2019 1913133;1557801788;BingoBoingo;!!invoice lobbes 0.04630118 Rockchip and Shared Hosting Quarterly 1913134;1557801793;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/DyZr2/?raw=true 1913135;1557801827;BingoBoingo;!!v F366B6012681F99911F78F1EE8601E80A5C08085CDC87963ACD28D0ED3102E4F 1913136;1557801830;deedbot;Invoiced lobbes 0.04630118 << Rockchip and Shared Hosting Quarterly 1913137;1557801843;BingoBoingo;!!invoice bvt 0.002 Shared hosting May 1913138;1557801848;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/g5lJm/?raw=true 1913139;1557801891;BingoBoingo;!!v C68A85A4AAD56F741F2E15A933FD3A4B38B904161A9C8CC3379ECADDFB120770 1913140;1557801895;deedbot;Invoiced bvt 0.002 << Shared hosting May 1913141;1557801934;BingoBoingo;!!invoice trinque 0.02864035 Colocation + Shared May 2019 1913142;1557801939;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/jt13P/?raw=true 1913143;1557801972;BingoBoingo;!!v 3D28436F0FB3D6F7112973F07DE4AAF9952AEA8C414184E294A9A04431AAECDD 1913144;1557801976;deedbot;Invoiced trinque 0.02864035 << Colocation + Shared May 2019 1913145;1557802016;BingoBoingo;!!invoice jurov 0.02664035 TBF Colocation May 2019 1913146;1557802020;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/uezIh/?raw=true 1913147;1557802053;BingoBoingo;!!v 75E54DABDF7294B549EF948E18297C4124C5EA77A79D9E4A539A3B56FD451252 1913148;1557802056;deedbot;Invoiced jurov 0.02664035 << TBF Colocation May 2019 1913149;1557802072;BingoBoingo;!!invoice PeterL 0.0216 Shared Hosting 1 year 1913150;1557802077;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/zvRfS/?raw=true 1913151;1557802151;BingoBoingo;!!v C24F12003B73617E185094C79D19C79C61817EFD747F0C53D293EF57766EC1BB 1913152;1557802154;deedbot;Invoiced PeterL 0.0216 << Shared Hosting 1 year 1913153;1557802168;BingoBoingo;!!invoice danielpbarron 0.0216 Shared Hosting 1 year 1913154;1557802172;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/T6Ll1/?raw=true 1913155;1557802213;BingoBoingo;!!v 3D0DAE73F670277618EF9FA4583928CEC43F97C5027BBF76BD81A7E761DEA473 1913156;1557802216;deedbot;Invoiced danielpbarron 0.0216 << Shared Hosting 1 year 1913157;1557802749;lobbes;!!v 90D79787D567639829F84672681B537D5417602EAF663F3601E2245739ACD556 1913158;1557802752;deedbot;lobbes paid BingoBoingo invoice 4 1913159;1557802847;BingoBoingo;!!invoice mircea_popescu 0.05780660 S.MG rental server May http://pizarroisp.net/pizarro-records/#selection-83.1087-83.1532 1913160;1557802855;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/BOGAU/?raw=true 1913161;1557802892;BingoBoingo;!!v 8F5511568AD5E6F68B1FCA056E4743A12285BC85F3DE4D99E62813726744DCCD 1913162;1557802898;deedbot;Invoiced mircea_popescu 0.05780660 << S.MG rental server May http://pizarroisp.net/pizarro-records/#selection-83.1087-83.1532 1913163;1557802941;BingoBoingo;!!invoice mircea_popescu 0.66545732 S.MG (0.34577317 machine rental) Plus 1 year colocation through April 18 2020 http://pizarroisp.net/pizarro-records/#selection-83.569-83.1085 1913164;1557802947;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/wibRd/?raw=true 1913165;1557802978;BingoBoingo;!!v E5B69C622F171C1F19E6CFD98436A5AC907CF0651E4164791EE16BC8AC970D80 1913166;1557802982;deedbot;Invoiced mircea_popescu 0.66545732 << S.MG (0.34577317 machine rental) Plus 1 year colocation through April 18 2020 http://pizarroisp.net/pizarro-records/#selection-83.569-83.1085 1913167;1557803016;BingoBoingo;Apologies for the delay in invoicing this month. This batch required more log reading than normal 1913168;1557807498;mp_en_viaje;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-13#1913114 << "capitalists". the inept sons of capitalists, who were more dedicated to ineptitude than capitalism. 1913169;1557807498;a111;Logged on 2019-05-13 21:22 asciilifeform: 'tis hilarious, this seq. of amputations. the capitalists, terrified of urban unionized workers, abolished... industry, and work. ( replaced with 'office plankton' system. ) result is present-day usgistan. 1913170;1557807654;mp_en_viaje;BingoBoingo, asciilifeform : i fully intend to pay, it's however inconvenient for me to do so at this moment, i'll hafta ask you folk to kindly carry me for a little while. 1913171;1557807925;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, i wanted to leave a "Dear Mr Minor, 1913172;1557807926;mp_en_viaje;I find your precise, explicit style quite refreshing ; please drop by the Most Serene Republic's online forum sometime." comment on your site, but it says "Wrong." 1913173;1557807933;mp_en_viaje;do me the courtesy and invite the fellow over ? 1913174;1557808071;BingoBoingo;mp_en_viaje: This being a republic of men, not law... The integrity of your privates is important to us. Take your time and keep your keys safe. 1913175;1557808096;mp_en_viaje;aha. 1913176;1557808279;mp_en_viaje;spyked, shit, i didn't even realise tha tthing was supposed to be a tv. 1913177;1557808318;mp_en_viaje;fucking fugly bronzes the romanians made. possibly the least talented statuary, ro bronzes are like anglo-american cuisine. 1913178;1557808922;BingoBoingo;Romania appears to have some pretty good graffiti game though 1913179;1557808980;mp_en_viaje;truth is, it's mostly fake grafitti ; after the original works some [usually small rural] towns started giving money to kids to "grafitti". 1913180;1557809112;mp_en_viaje;http://www.minuszerodegrees.net/temp/4/temp_842fh8237tyf3u63.jpg << yeah this guy is doing a pretty good job likbezing. 1913181;1557809286;BingoBoingo;We've got a bit of that too here on the metal roll down gates in the main drags. 1913182;1557809346;BingoBoingo;But then there's these retarded animal non-eaters stenciling "Doble Moral" on the temples of beef 1913183;1557809450;mp_en_viaje;i confess i don't get the hipster pantsuits derping about "double standards". holy shit, of course yes ? wtf, the whole fucking point of society is double standards. the policeman beats him up, not me ; the cute teen spreads her legs for me, not him, the whole fucking point of life altogether is the double standard. 1913184;1557809457;mp_en_viaje;what did they imagine ? it's incomprehensible. 1913185;1557809465;BingoBoingo;With the slogan is an image that's supposed to be dog face on one side cow face on the other 1913186;1557809478;mp_en_viaje;they;re complaining people don't eat dog ? 1913187;1557809486;BingoBoingo;I have to assume 1913188;1557809492;mp_en_viaje;but they do eat dog 1913189;1557809509;BingoBoingo;Here the feed them 1913190;1557809509;mp_en_viaje;maybe they complain dog doesn't eat oats and hay ? 1913191;1557809527;mp_en_viaje;which i must admit, very double standard. if dog ate more like beef, it'd be edible more like beef. 1913192;1557809543;BingoBoingo;Could be that the dog doesn't graze the grass and instead grazes for handouts 1913193;1557809582;mp_en_viaje;speaking of which, there's a very cute old dog a few houses down. he has a friend who lives on the property, inside the fence ; but he lives outside, in this one perma-dry spot under a tree. 1913194;1557809613;mp_en_viaje;so he's, basically, the poo relative, dog-socially speaking. but he waits patiently there, chats up with his friend in dogbark occasionally, it's not that bad a life. 1913195;1557809620;mp_en_viaje;after all, happiness in this world requires one knows his place. 1913196;1557809639;mp_en_viaje;except yest, hanbot made an excellent lamb soup ; and nicoleci took him the... boiled lamb bones. 1913197;1557809666;BingoBoingo;Nice 1913198;1557809685;mp_en_viaje;dog was indescribably fucking happy ; and for once in life, the roles were reversed. the ingfangdog dun eat as good, who the fuck has the sense to get his pet boiled lamb bones. shop treats ftw, "civilised"!!!! 1913199;1557809713;mp_en_viaje;who could have predicted captivity may turn out to be anything but comfortable. 1913200;1557809792;BingoBoingo;Saw a herd of three old black dogs in a park today. But all three had the whitest old dog beards I have ever seen. 1913201;1557809835;mp_en_viaje;yeah, this one has a respectable beard too. kinda funny, the dog beard. 1913202;1557809883;BingoBoingo;Saw very few of them in old country. Fairly common thing here. 1913203;1557809907;mp_en_viaje;i suspect us dogs kinda get butchered aged 10ish. 1913204;1557809922;mp_en_viaje;sorta like blacks. 1913205;1557809935;mp_en_viaje;#doglivesmatter when! 1913206;1557810041;mp_en_viaje;http://www.minuszerodegrees.net/images/aluminium_electrolytic_bad_4.JPG << whoa holy shit, feather! 1913207;1557810217;BingoBoingo;I suspect as much as well. Here people walk old dogs, other old dogs roam free. 1913208;1557810266;mp_en_viaje;incidentally, we probably need a rep over ay http://www.vcfed.org/forum/forum.php by now, i suspect ? 1913209;1557810318;BingoBoingo;Finally figured out who's been leaving dead chickens on the street corners. Apparently there's a local Afro-cult that likes giving flies places to breed. 1913210;1557811052;mp_en_viaje;lmao! 1913211;1557811226;BingoBoingo;Seriously. If you are sacrificing to a diety, use fire to teleport the offering to the diety's chosed realm. Otherwise Imma have to assume the thing being worshipped is the flies. 1913212;1557811683;mp_en_viaje;wait, are you being serious ? 1913213;1557811780;BingoBoingo;They say they have a pantheon of afro comics characters hey worship. 1913214;1557811799;BingoBoingo;They throw trashin in the river for the water one. Leave out chickens for another. 1913215;1557811813;BingoBoingo;I assume the chickens are for some sorta fly god. 1913216;1557812009;mp_en_viaje;nuts. 1913217;1557812386;BingoBoingo;Classic anti-hygenic behavior 1913218;1557820793;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-12#1912777 <-- nope, confused customs lady just asked me what's in there and handed the package over. afaik there's a threshold for goods that aren't e.g. cigarettes that exempts them from taxes 1913219;1557820793;a111;Logged on 2019-05-12 17:43 asciilifeform: btw spyked , outta curiosity, didja have to pay eurotax on that thing ? how much ? 1913220;1557820866;spyked;(also, might only apply to packages sent from and to individuals etc.) 1913221;1557820980;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-13#1913107 <-- /me is curious re which hinterlands. has some photos from places that might qualify, but they didn't make the cut. 1913222;1557820980;a111;Logged on 2019-05-13 20:57 asciilifeform: ^ lol almost exactly asciilifeform's photoroll, if you subtract the 'hinterlands' (where imho the most interesting oddities) 1913223;1557821150;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-13#1913111 <-- in ro it's mostly stupidity, the thing's publicly subsidized anyway. the way local orcs in bucharest circumvent the member-only thing is by not paying for it, even tho it's about a quarter $ per trip. then when the dumbass "controlori" arrive, they play dumb and complain that "nothing ever changes in this country", which sets other frustrated travelers (who, of 1913224;1557821150;a111;Logged on 2019-05-13 21:15 asciilifeform: the notion of 'members only' tram, is so preposterous, that i suspect outright sabotage, a la 1960s usa (where various skulduggery resulted in the complete disappearance of the tram -- and in certain places , of ~all public transport -- to prop up 'auto industry' ) 1913225;1557821157;spyked; course, use the same strategy) on fire to the point that ticket collector goes away with tail between legs. 1913226;1557821289;spyked;it gets extra lulzy in the slums, where once in a while they bring cops/gendarmes for security, otherwise impossible to fine 'em 1913227;1557821413;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-14#1913176 <-- lol, could very well be that I imagined it. cela n'est pas un teveu! 1913228;1557821413;a111;Logged on 2019-05-14 04:31 mp_en_viaje: spyked, shit, i didn't even realise tha tthing was supposed to be a tv. 1913229;1557821493;mp_en_viaje;i dunno, in civilised world there's automated machinery, stuff in bills get day or 3 day pass. 1913230;1557821518;mp_en_viaje;never tried in ro, i don' tsee the point of subway-less "public transportation". i can bus about in my car as well as they can. 1913231;1557821527;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-14#1913178 <-- some pretty shitty graffiti too, incl. derpy "political statements", e.g. "basarabia is romania". might photo some of that next photo session 1913232;1557821527;a111;Logged on 2019-05-14 04:42 BingoBoingo: Romania appears to have some pretty good graffiti game though 1913233;1557821648;spyked;mp_en_viaje, besides timisoara very walkable. morning walk was cca 30 minutes from near the slaughterhouse/sala olimpia to e.g. cathedral. 1913234;1557821734;mp_en_viaje;aha, it's tiny. 1913235;1557821808;*;spyked can definitely see the pointlessness of bus -- and sometimes tram -- transportation, where the bus in question spends most of its time waiting for the traffic to clear. 1913236;1557822325;spyked;re. ticket machines: whole ticket infrastructure in buc (and as far as I could tell timis too) is contracted to UTI, who installed embedded shit that for years wouldn't go past the power-on BIOS screen (they used AMD CPUs with some [http://archive.is/t4L0h][Linux distro] on top). ticket machines are a few decades away, although there are maybe three of those in buc. 1913237;1557822385;*;spyked bbl 1913238;1557824418;mp_en_viaje;could just cross border buy some. 1913239;1557825379;feedbot;http://trilema.com/2019/counterfit-romania/ << Trilema -- Counterfit Romania 1913240;1557827651;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, so i just had the currier drop on me a certain something... 1913241;1557827664;mp_en_viaje;ima put pix up, words do not do it justice. 1913242;1557832270;PeterL;!!v FF6FEDEADAF74CC301A98FDE79AF5BA83FEFCCAE304F8564B8DE368C36E51B5E 1913243;1557832275;deedbot;PeterL paid bingoboingo invoice 4 1913244;1557836313;diana_coman;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-14#1913236 -> lolz! ploiesti (~60km north of bucharest) simply has machine at bus stop, put coins in and get your tickets, get on the bus and stamp them sort of thing; totally works too, as far as I saw none of them broken or anything and they've been around for some years already. 1913245;1557836313;a111;Logged on 2019-05-14 08:25 spyked: re. ticket machines: whole ticket infrastructure in buc (and as far as I could tell timis too) is contracted to UTI, who installed embedded shit that for years wouldn't go past the power-on BIOS screen (they used AMD CPUs with some [http://archive.is/t4L0h][Linux distro] on top). ticket machines are a few decades away, although there are maybe three of those in buc. 1913246;1557836424;feedbot;http://trilema.com/2019/my-new-motorcycle/ << Trilema -- My new motorcycle 1913247;1557841040;mp_en_viaje;meanwhile @beach, https://x.imagefapusercontent.com/u/Bramantino/8103384/838200322/g91.JPG 1913248;1557846387;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-14#1913231 << fwiw, here's a few that i had found then : >> http://www.loper-os.org/pub/timis17/graffiti/index.html 1913249;1557846387;a111;Logged on 2019-05-14 08:12 spyked: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-14#1913178 <-- some pretty shitty graffiti too, incl. derpy "political statements", e.g. "basarabia is romania". might photo some of that next photo session 1913250;1557846506;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-14#1913206 << i've witnessed this. but only in high voltage rectifiers that ate a bit of lightning 1913251;1557846506;a111;Logged on 2019-05-14 05:00 mp_en_viaje: http://www.minuszerodegrees.net/images/aluminium_electrolytic_bad_4.JPG << whoa holy shit, feather! 1913252;1557846581;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-14#1913221 << north-east, where zoo, and along river ( e.g. found http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-28#1743503 interesting place ) 1913253;1557846581;a111;Logged on 2019-05-14 08:03 spyked: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-13#1913107 <-- /me is curious re which hinterlands. has some photos from places that might qualify, but they didn't make the cut. 1913254;1557846581;a111;Logged on 2017-11-28 00:19 asciilifeform: gotta wonder if the derps suspected that it would turn into http://www.loper-os.org/pub/timis_sad_umt1.jpg http://www.loper-os.org/pub/timis_sad_umt2.jpg 1913255;1557846615;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-14#1913246 << lol, a++ 'harley' ! 1913256;1557846615;a111;Logged on 2019-05-14 12:20 feedbot: http://trilema.com/2019/my-new-motorcycle/ << Trilema -- My new motorcycle 1913257;1557846703;asciilifeform;pretty recent mobo, loox like, tho. (ddr3..) 1913258;1557846765;*;asciilifeform brb:teatime 1913259;1557849477;asciilifeform;http://trilema.com/2019/counterfit-romania/#selection-375.40-379.2 << pretty lulzy link btw. apparently 'vhs emigration' still going strong?! 1913260;1557849531;asciilifeform;apparently the [http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-02#1910870][ant trap] still worx... 1913261;1557849531;a111;Logged on 2019-05-02 17:02 asciilifeform: they remind asciilifeform of those glue traps for ants. 1913262;1557849618;asciilifeform;'move to usa! 500 kinds of sausage in the store!' 'cardboard with antibiotic?' 'shuddup terrorist' 1913263;1557849898;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-14#1913236 << hey , here in washingtonistan , cash machine stuck on winxp 'bsod' is still pretty common sight 1913264;1557849898;a111;Logged on 2019-05-14 08:25 spyked: re. ticket machines: whole ticket infrastructure in buc (and as far as I could tell timis too) is contracted to UTI, who installed embedded shit that for years wouldn't go past the power-on BIOS screen (they used AMD CPUs with some [http://archive.is/t4L0h][Linux distro] on top). ticket machines are a few decades away, although there are maybe three of those in buc. 1913265;1557849937;asciilifeform;( ~100% of their public kiosks etc run winblows of 1 kind or another ) 1913266;1557850650;feedbot;http://bimbo.club/2019/05/philosophical-transactions-for-the-months-of-jan-febr-and-march-1716-part-v/ << Bimbo.Club -- Philosophical Transactions. For the months of Jan. Febr. and March, 1716 - Part V. 1913267;1557854540;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-14#1913172 << this is odd -- worx 100% afaik (observe, orig. commenter was able to post.) didja answer the 'x xor y' riddler ? 1913268;1557854540;a111;Logged on 2019-05-14 04:25 mp_en_viaje: I find your precise, explicit style quite refreshing ; please drop by the Most Serene Republic's online forum sometime." comment on your site, but it says "Wrong." 1913269;1557854632;asciilifeform;ftr, on any posixish shell : e.g., printf '%#x\n' "$((0x33 ^ 0x44))" gives 0x77 and so on. 1913270;1557854990;asciilifeform;dahvid.minor at gmail.com btw, if someone wants to ping'im ( asciilifeform is, by all indications, cursed, nobody ever replies ) 1913271;1557856594;asciilifeform;in other heathen lulz, [https://web.maths.unsw.edu.au/~davidharvey/papers/nlogn/][o(n log n)] int mul. ( spoiler: with gigantic constant, a la [http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-18#1753827][aks] ) 1913272;1557856594;a111;Logged on 2017-12-18 23:20 asciilifeform: if somebody made a practical aks, it is a deep, dark seekrit from asciilifeform . 1913273;1557857936;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform mod6: Bicycle based exchange says he can do the datacenter's amount with a week's notice so I am inclined to go that route this month. 1913274;1557857969;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: ok - but wtf is 'bicycle exchange' 1913275;1557857974;asciilifeform;i still have nfi 1913276;1557858009;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: It's the person I've been dealing with to get cash locally 1913277;1557858062;asciilifeform;is 'bicycle exchange' participant in the auction ? 1913278;1557858075;asciilifeform;imho we oughta keep the auction going properly. 1913279;1557858091;asciilifeform;otherwise how can say 'tmsr exchange rate' . 1913280;1557858095;BingoBoingo;Not yet. 1913281;1557858127;BingoBoingo;We've been doing the 500 USD auctions the past few months to set the exchange rate. 500 USD auctions because bidding on higher amounts of WFF has been low 1913282;1557858164;BingoBoingo;And TMSR exchange rate has been running noticably below heathen exchange rate. 1913283;1557858251;BingoBoingo;We have our May exchange rate from the Auction of: May 2019: 1 BTC = 5319 USD 1913284;1557858374;BingoBoingo;If the cash can be acquired locally for just under 8000 USD/Bitcoin to pay the datacenter, it seems like a prudent opportunity to build up the local network of corruption 1913285;1557858421;asciilifeform;seems odd that someone would effectively give 3k / coin to us 'for phree' for the privilege of not participating in auction. 1913286;1557858474;BingoBoingo;I'll try getting the guy to GPG 1913287;1557858564;BingoBoingo;But for the past several months, the Oriental Republic has been paying more for coin than inside the Serene Republic 1913288;1557859271;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: 'tanstaafl'(tm) -- to me, smells like boobytrap. 1913289;1557859328;asciilifeform;( possibly -- directed enemy effort to throw wrench into auction. ) 1913290;1557859364;asciilifeform;say one day 'bicycle' doesn't turn up. then wat. yer out x coin, and there's no fallback bidder. 1913291;1557859415;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: if you can't resist to 'pump' the heat gradient, i'd even prefer if you bid on auction yerself and milked 'bicyclist' w/ own steam. 1913292;1557859452;asciilifeform;but realize that 'ooh, this barrel i found in the taiga is warm!' is how chukcha ends up sawing open rtg. 1913293;1557859461;asciilifeform;there aint no 'accidental' warm barrels in taiga. 1913294;1557859499;asciilifeform;really i'd like to hear what mp_en_viaje thinks re subj, and take as dispositive. 1913295;1557859509;*;asciilifeform suspects -- will agree 1913296;1557859753;BingoBoingo;Link to previous conversation on the subject http://btcbase.org/log/2019-02-10#1894840 1913297;1557859753;a111;Logged on 2019-02-10 22:07 BingoBoingo: Anyways, if there is something I can do whether that is standardizing the length of auction, day of the month it starts, duration, etc feedback is welcome. 1913298;1557859807;asciilifeform;auction aint perfect by any means, but it does give a) participants in wot b) multiple bidders, i.e. fallback if top bidder somehow fails c) publicly readable pricepoint indicator 1913299;1557859814;asciilifeform;'bicyclist' gives none of these 1913300;1557859836;diana_coman;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-14#1913262 -> for one thing you'd be surprised what people actually eat without complaint and for the other it's not even the sausages they are moving for; usually it is more about the "comfort" aka the environment that *least* magnifies their own particular problems (in other words that lies best to them). 1913301;1557859836;a111;Logged on 2019-05-14 16:00 asciilifeform: 'move to usa! 500 kinds of sausage in the store!' 'cardboard with antibiotic?' 'shuddup terrorist' 1913302;1557859865;asciilifeform;diana_coman: i dun think i can be surprised what people can be convinced to eat, 'without complaint', after 25+ yrs in mcdonaldistan 1913303;1557859911;diana_coman;BingoBoingo: if I read that correctly, asciilifeform simply says that you should arbitrate yourself the 2 markets you have access to, since you consider it worth it. 1913304;1557859914;asciilifeform;'sausage emigre' is stock term from rusphere , there folx chronically cited '50 types of sausage' as 'first impressions from new york' etc 1913305;1557859970;diana_coman;well yes, that would have been perfectly ro to in the '90s ; not now though 1913306;1557859995;diana_coman;there are as many types of sausage including cardboard ones in Ro, no problem 1913307;1557860011;asciilifeform;diana_coman: didja read mp_en_viaje's link ? where poor schmuck specifically emits sausageisms e.g. 'better future for children' etc 1913308;1557860067;BingoBoingo;Well we've had this line http://pizarroisp.net/2019/05/06/pizarro-april-2019-report/#selection-13.1470-13.1550 in the monthly reports for a few months now since 500 USD WFF was settled as the bidable parcel 1913309;1557860068;diana_coman;I could *barely* read it ; precisely because it's such a stock-talk of borrowed-"reasons" 1913310;1557860081;asciilifeform;[https://dojoblog.ro/2018/12/01/tu-de-ce-ai-emigrat/][subj, ftr] 1913311;1557860085;diana_coman;so in this sense I don't see what reading it does - it has nothing to do with anything as such 1913312;1557860097;asciilifeform;imho typical 'sausage emigre' 1913313;1557860171;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: i'm not opposed to 'locally acquired fiat'. but imho it oughta be brokered via someone in wot (e.g. BingoBoingo . ) 1913314;1557860191;asciilifeform;so as to build the auction up, rather than it being a secondary sad item 1913315;1557860207;asciilifeform;if 'bicyclist' willing to get in wot himself -- can bid. 1913316;1557860348;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-14#1913306 << diana_coman : the thing typical 'sausage emigre' dun realize, is that in reich there is not only cardboard sausage, but ~cardboard people~ 1913317;1557860348;a111;Logged on 2019-05-14 18:53 diana_coman: there are as many types of sausage including cardboard ones in Ro, no problem 1913318;1557860388;diana_coman;asciilifeform: well, using pre-canned "reasons" so by definition "typical" 1913319;1557860411;diana_coman;eh, they will live among emigrated friends of same type, basically re-making the local village, what 1913320;1557860417;asciilifeform;1st gen -- yes 1913321;1557860423;asciilifeform;2nd -- cardboard, 9 of 10. 1913322;1557860432;asciilifeform;i meet these regularly. 1913323;1557860441;diana_coman;well yes, but they are all about themselves, what; 1913324;1557860456;diana_coman;next you'll think "for the future of the children" actually means something 1913325;1557860492;asciilifeform;as written, noshit, it means 0. but when idiot jumps from cliff 'because will fly like daedalus', still has a physical meaning : splat 1913326;1557860552;asciilifeform;observation is not from pov of 'ooh, must save these poor gullible derps'. i readily agree, neither can be saved nor is particularly interesting use of time to try. 1913327;1557860553;diana_coman;physical effect, sure 1913328;1557860601;BingoBoingo;!!up amberglint 1913329;1557860601;deedbot;amberglint voiced for 30 minutes. 1913330;1557860640;amberglint;hello everyone 1913331;1557860645;asciilifeform;wb amberglint 1913332;1557860647;amberglint;BingoBoingo: thank you, I was too slow 1913333;1557860656;amberglint;asciilifeform: I've stumbled upon a video recording of the lecture on the Ivory given by a bolix engineer in 1987, apparently uploaded by a bolix 'graphics division' alumnus just two weeks ago, thought I should share it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e39LnDVBl4c 1913334;1557860664;amberglint;starring a slide-sized micrograph, which was sadly vhs-blurred 1913335;1557860671;asciilifeform;amberglint: i found recently 1913336;1557860674;asciilifeform;and yes uselessly blurred 1913337;1557860683;asciilifeform;amberglint: the 1 you posted was actually clearer. 1913338;1557860792;asciilifeform;amberglint: most recent movement on this front, is that i [http://btcbase.org/log/2019-04-27#1910137][found microscopy shop] where reasonable price, but self-service -- gotta decap & delayer the thing personally 1913339;1557860792;a111;Logged on 2019-04-27 21:50 asciilifeform: in other noose, asciilifeform met with some meatspace folx who rent out time on sem & ion beam station by the hr. 'bout a hundy per hr. 1913340;1557860820;PeterL;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-14#1913285 << heathen exchange rate moved significantly since auction happened, when the auction finished it was pretty close to heathen rate 1913341;1557860820;a111;Logged on 2019-05-14 18:27 asciilifeform: seems odd that someone would effectively give 3k / coin to us 'for phree' for the privilege of not participating in auction. 1913342;1557860832;amberglint;asciilifeform: I was glad to read in the logs that you found the pinout and those other docs 1913343;1557860850;asciilifeform;amberglint: right. sadly no time at the moment to dig in further 1913344;1557860886;asciilifeform;i have 5 samples of 'ivory' (incl. the 1 installed in working machine) , still not enuff to throw around without thinking 1913345;1557860920;BingoBoingo;There's also this thread in log http://btcbase.org/log/2019-02-10#1894828 Anyways, I do want to see auction built up. Will try to see if I can get bicycle guy into WoT. As far as brokering I don't know how much formality can/should be injected before the ceremony of formaility becomes a handicap. 1913346;1557860920;a111;Logged on 2019-02-10 21:45 BingoBoingo: This update raises a serious issue in the lack of success I have had setting a price point at auction this month http://pizarroisp.net/2019/02/10/pizarro-isp-update-february-10th-2019/#selection-31.0-49.104 1913347;1557860936;BingoBoingo;PeterL: This is true 1913348;1557860941;asciilifeform;amberglint: once i wrap up ffa, will proceed to bake a [http://btcbase.org/log/2019-04-23#1909424][probe] for the working machine, to get oscillogram of couple minutes of bootup/run 1913349;1557860941;a111;Logged on 2019-04-23 14:16 asciilifeform: little flex pcb thing, inserts under the 'ivory' and brings the signals out to analyzer. 1913350;1557860975;asciilifeform;it'll need, i expect, fpga + usb3 chip (cuz 200MB/sec to properly sample all the pins) 1913351;1557861066;asciilifeform;amberglint: for microscopy, difficulty is in decap ( can't afford to lose samples to botched decap ) and then delayer ( i expect will need at least 1 shot with stripped metal , after surface shot , to get useful output ) 1913352;1557861132;amberglint;amberglint: yeah, I remember your recent attempt to x-ray the chip to get a better idea how to decap it 1913353;1557861177;PeterL;bingoboingo: have you considred doing auction 2x per month if you need more fiat? 1913354;1557861199;asciilifeform;amberglint: it did not result in very useful picture ( the 'production' model of ivory has thick metallic lid which my tube does not penetrate. ) xray was bought to photograph the 'macivory' pcb tracks. but since this, i was given a pinout (not published yet, cuz again short on time) 1913355;1557861213;asciilifeform;so possibly dun even need , necessarily, the board layout 1913356;1557861229;asciilifeform;(originally question was how to get pinout spec) 1913357;1557861341;asciilifeform;amberglint: was given not only pinout, but timing, addressing, etc. spec, theoretically could bring up the chip and boot something. 1913358;1557861394;asciilifeform;it isn't anywhere enuff info , however, to make a cycle-accurate clone ( i.e. reliable emulation ) . for this, will need the actual internals . 1913359;1557861586;BingoBoingo;PeterL: I'm not opposed to the idea, but it took dropping the one auction down to 500 USD before it started drawing regular bidding action. Before then I was starting auctions one after another before one would get a bid. Also if an exchange rate auction over 500 USD and pay the datacenter auction over 2835 US vary by too much that gets messy. 1913360;1557861937;amberglint;asciilifeform: have you seen this lecture by Tom Knight? from about the same time, but not strictly about the Ivory: https://www.csail.mit.edu/node/5861 1913361;1557861994;asciilifeform;amberglint: not seen. from fast look , seems to be more about orig lispm ('cadr') tho. 1913362;1557862031;asciilifeform;'cadr' is quite well documented, but not particularly informative re 'ivory', which built after more than decade of refinement/simplification 1913363;1557862148;asciilifeform;( see e.g. [http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-14#1738302][this] thread.. ) 1913364;1557862148;a111;Logged on 2017-11-14 20:45 phf: it's funny that 36xx series is basically an improved cadr. ivory on the other hand? literally scheme86: they poached both the main guy who worked on the cpu ~and the entire toolset~. ivory was still designed on CADR (rather than smbx), because that's where scheme team designed theirs 1913365;1557862244;amberglint;in the end of the video Knight is talking about MultiLisp 1913366;1557862308;amberglint;also talks about RISC 1913367;1557862351;asciilifeform;at this point (where i have pinout, approx description of the internal movements, timings, leaked instruction set spec , a working machine to probe ) i dun expect to find much in the way of useful clue in old talk by designer 1913368;1557862386;asciilifeform;will watch it, just in case, when i have some time. but i dun expect much , from these. 1913369;1557862407;asciilifeform;!!up amberglint 1913370;1557862408;deedbot;amberglint voiced for 30 minutes. 1913371;1557862471;amberglint;by the way, there was a bit of info about the last Symbolics CPU in the 2004 AI Memo by Shrobe 1913372;1557862490;amberglint;the one that was supposed to be a RISC thing, Sunstone 1913373;1557862504;asciilifeform;10y ago i was at the 'what were the designers thinking' stage. but today -- concrete questions. 1913374;1557862513;asciilifeform;amberglint: it was mentioned in the shrobe paper iirc 1913375;1557862525;asciilifeform;afaik did not reach mass production 1913376;1557862542;asciilifeform;there is not even enough public info to say exactly what it was. 1913377;1557862615;asciilifeform;'ivory' + os, on other hand, was extremely polished product (unequaled dev environ, multi-year uptime, etc) , so my interest is specifically there. 1913378;1557862762;asciilifeform;iirc 'sunstone' was actually cancelled several years ~before~ smbx died. 1913379;1557862801;amberglint;it was apparently designed in the west coast part of bolix, which is the graphics division afaik 1913380;1557862967;asciilifeform;dark matter. 1913381;1557862998;amberglint;I could try to probe the uploader of that video, but chances aren't great 1913382;1557863034;asciilifeform;meanwhile, looked for what's around re 'sunstone', and found [https://archive.is/mtu4x][this] oddity. 1913383;1557863082;amberglint;asciilifeform: seems to be a Terry Davis case 1913384;1557863092;asciilifeform;possibly 1913385;1557863157;asciilifeform;somehow i missed this one tho; i thought i had 100% of lisp-flavoured davises catalogued. 1913386;1557863279;asciilifeform;evidently this one went to valhalla before he could write much detail. 1913387;1557863407;asciilifeform;there's a grain of truth at least in that the bolix docs are held much tighter than, e.g., nsa's malware srcs. quite likely a http://btcbase.org/log/2018-12-18#1881634 dynamic is in play, to this day. 1913388;1557863407;a111;Logged on 2018-12-18 23:03 asciilifeform: usg used a fleet of bolix boxen for gulf war I logistics, and fuck knows what else, so in some dusty beetleman's desk it is 'coloured' as 'strategic', and so it gets passed from mallery to mallery. 1913389;1557863493;asciilifeform;ownership changed at least 4 times, and each time was given to a minor-league [http://btcbase.org/log/2014-04-22#634457]['oligarch'] who could be relied on to 1) not manufacture 2) not release to public 3) not sell to anyone suspected of manufacturing anything 1913390;1557863493;a111;Logged on 2014-04-22 11:41 mircea_popescu: one of the best examples is a fellow known as varanul, ie dan voiculescu 1913391;1557863509;mp_en_viaje;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-14#1913257 << the http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-10#1912285 items are all dd3. 1913392;1557863509;a111;Logged on 2019-05-14 15:11 asciilifeform: pretty recent mobo, loox like, tho. (ddr3..) 1913393;1557863509;a111;Logged on 2019-05-10 10:44 mp_en_viaje: in other news, i bought a buncha fx amds, 9590s, 9370s, 8370/8350 ; plus their respective a3+ boards, gigabyte, assus, w/e. 1913394;1557863551;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: i dislike ddr3 (3, 4, +) for safety-critical applications -- 'rowhammer' . but i have nfi for what mp_en_viaje uses these, then again. 1913395;1557863581;mp_en_viaje;meanwhile, https://x.imagefapusercontent.com/u/Bramantino/8103384/1784597508/g95.JPG 1913396;1557863612;asciilifeform;defective!111 there's a clothed one! 1913397;1557863634;mp_en_viaje;lol. it's all about the middle. 1913398;1557863668;mp_en_viaje;anyway, did we ALSO cap ram at ddr2 and i missed the memo ?! 1913399;1557863693;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: not 'officially' iirc. but the boojum is well-documented, erryone can decide for himself 1913400;1557863695;mp_en_viaje;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-14#1913260 << orclands. 1913401;1557863695;a111;Logged on 2019-05-14 15:58 asciilifeform: apparently the [http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-02#1910870][ant trap] still worx... 1913402;1557863741;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: i have ddr3 boxen at piz, BUT they're ecctronic. 1913403;1557863751;asciilifeform;( i.e. not hammerable, by any known method ) 1913404;1557863770;mp_en_viaje;nobody forces you to put bad ram in the slots. and as long as the cpu ain't intel... 1913405;1557863781;asciilifeform;'hammer' dun rely on defective ram. 1913406;1557863817;asciilifeform;( it relies on fact that ddr3+ doesn't actually give the caps enuff time to charge/discharge fully ) 1913407;1557863878;mp_en_viaje;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-14#1913291 << word. 1913408;1557863878;a111;Logged on 2019-05-14 18:43 asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: if you can't resist to 'pump' the heat gradient, i'd even prefer if you bid on auction yerself and milked 'bicyclist' w/ own steam. 1913409;1557863936;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, if a piece of hardware doesn't work in the manner it's expected to, the common word used to describe the situation is "defective". there's no dispute here : nobody has to buy hardware that works in a way that they do not condone. it is not the ddr slot's fault that such hardware can be had, is it. 1913410;1557864010;mp_en_viaje;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-14#1913300 << fwis, well off vhs emigration is almost completely powered on hallucinations about "the kids". 1913411;1557864010;a111;Logged on 2019-05-14 18:50 diana_coman: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-14#1913262 -> for one thing you'd be surprised what people actually eat without complaint and for the other it's not even the sausages they are moving for; usually it is more about the "comfort" aka the environment that *least* magnifies their own particular problems (in other words that lies best to them). 1913412;1557864023;mp_en_viaje;future-as-a-scam, what. which is why they're orcs in the first place -- they buy this sort of shit. 1913413;1557864025;amberglint;asciilifeform: it was great to talk to you, I'm going back to the logs until next time 1913414;1557864058;asciilifeform;amberglint: laters. 1913415;1557864097;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-14#1913410 << can't speak for erry orc, but it was precisely how asciilifeform ended up marooned . 1913416;1557864097;a111;Logged on 2019-05-14 20:00 mp_en_viaje: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-14#1913300 << fwis, well off vhs emigration is almost completely powered on hallucinations about "the kids". 1913417;1557864113;mp_en_viaje;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-14#1913319 << yes, first generation. then the kids grow up, and etc. we know how it goes, of course, having been watching it from the other end for lo these many centuries. 1913418;1557864113;a111;Logged on 2019-05-14 19:00 diana_coman: eh, they will live among emigrated friends of same type, basically re-making the local village, what 1913419;1557864138;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, quite. the chicklet in question's ~your parents. not exactly, but as a cultural item. 1913420;1557864147;asciilifeform;it's moar or less exactly 1913421;1557864181;asciilifeform;and incidentally asciilifeform is not even 'worst case', at least '1 legged'. typical child emigres i meet, are entirely 'legless', many even 'esltarded' 1913422;1557864196;diana_coman;I think the "for the kids" is the usual "parent" cop-out i.e. everything they do is all of a sudden "for the kids" don't you know; the emigration is just one thing, not specific 1913423;1557864216;diana_coman;hence my not focusing on this specifically because it's nothing to do with it even 1913424;1557864242;mp_en_viaje;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-14#1913340 << yeah, moving back to 10k 1913425;1557864242;a111;Logged on 2019-05-14 19:07 PeterL: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-14#1913285 << heathen exchange rate moved significantly since auction happened, when the auction finished it was pretty close to heathen rate 1913426;1557864285;mp_en_viaje;diana_coman, the most eminent example of this was obese woman who "was doing it for the kids" : ate 5-6-7 servings of shawarma / day "because kid can't eat it has to have her chew it for them". LITERAL "REASON". 1913427;1557864300;mp_en_viaje;but guess what, fatlogic's not just about fat. 1913428;1557864306;danielpbarron;!!received-invoices 1913429;1557864313;deedbot;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/lZyg0/?raw=true 1913430;1557864330;diana_coman;oh boy, this I didn't know but I can't say I'm surprised; because yes, there is no limit to it either. 1913431;1557864353;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-14#1913409 << meant, is ~design~ defect, rather than ~manufacture~ (i.e. you can't get a nonhammerable ddr4 stick by buying 100 samples and filtering) 1913432;1557864353;a111;Logged on 2019-05-14 19:58 mp_en_viaje: asciilifeform, if a piece of hardware doesn't work in the manner it's expected to, the common word used to describe the situation is "defective". there's no dispute here : nobody has to buy hardware that works in a way that they do not condone. it is not the ddr slot's fault that such hardware can be had, is it. 1913433;1557864354;mp_en_viaje;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-14#1913344 << it;s not a formality dood, you're making some money. stfu and make it. 1913434;1557864354;a111;Logged on 2019-05-14 19:08 asciilifeform: i have 5 samples of 'ivory' (incl. the 1 installed in working machine) , still not enuff to throw around without thinking 1913435;1557864371;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, but you can buy ecc dd3. 1913436;1557864378;asciilifeform;aha, and did 1913437;1557864384;danielpbarron;!!pay-invoice BingoBoingo 1 1913438;1557864390;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/iceQu/?raw=true 1913439;1557864402;mp_en_viaje;so then, can't say "oh, defective, ddr3". the hole's fine -- if you don't want shit ram don't buy shit ram. 1913440;1557864469;asciilifeform;oughta include the detail that not all mobo route the ecc pins -- entirely correct 1913441;1557864483;mp_en_viaje;afaik this one does, but i haven't gotten to it yet. 1913442;1557864483;asciilifeform;( afaik the 'fx' desktop mobos -- did not ) 1913443;1557864489;asciilifeform;if find out, plox to post 1913444;1557864499;mp_en_viaje;aite. 1913445;1557864756;mp_en_viaje;nsa malware srcs are worth ~nothing. for one thing, they mostly buy them anyway. 1913446;1557864818;asciilifeform;not much in the way of naked docs is worth 'immediately' anything ( as mp_en_viaje often pointed out ), 'no scripts are new'(tm)(r) 1913447;1557864829;asciilifeform;only worth to the people to whom worth. 1913448;1557864829;mp_en_viaje;that also. 1913449;1557864865;asciilifeform;( e.g. http://btcbase.org/log/2014-02-15#505263 ) 1913450;1557864865;a111;Logged on 2014-02-15 20:33 asciilifeform: betcha if you plucked the quasi-mythical Pill Against RSA from its Indiana Jones subterranean vault, perhaps six people alive would understand what they are looking at were it shown to them. 1913451;1557865025;asciilifeform;'key' is worth 0 w/out its 'lock' etc 1913452;1557866563;asciilifeform;briefly upstack to http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-14#1913412 : i find it interesting that the 'vhs' cultural programming is apparently needed, to lubricate the chumpatron. in e.g. 1950s, it was considerably easier to walk out of sovok than '60-70s ( e.g. unguarded border with iran, buncha places ) and for instance in '56 a company of tank men traded their tanks to the hungarians for a map to 'which way is austria', and walked. but ~o 1913453;1557866563;a111;Logged on 2019-05-14 20:00 mp_en_viaje: future-as-a-scam, what. which is why they're orcs in the first place -- they buy this sort of shit. 1913454;1557866564;asciilifeform;nly 1 company~. others -- not walked. 1913455;1557866589;asciilifeform;ditto berlin, for several yrs 'wall' was made of chalk and rope, and not really obstacle 1913456;1557866652;asciilifeform;supports, imho, mp_en_viaje's thesis where 'tallest wall is in head' 1913457;1557866917;feedbot;http://thewhet.net/2019/05/%d0%ba%d0%b0%d0%bb%d0%b5%d0%bc%d0%b5%d0%b3%d0%b4%d0%b0%d0%bdo%d1%86%d0%be%d1%80%d0%b2%d0%b8%d0%b4/ << The Whet -- o 1913458;1557867165;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, confirmed to work. the board in question (GA-970A-D3 rev 2.0) supports unbuffered ecc trivially, and everything else with some bios tweaking. this is contrary to the manual, but factual nevertheless. 1913459;1557867184;asciilifeform;neato -- i.e. there's a 'switch on ecc' in bios ? 1913460;1557867189;mp_en_viaje;yes, 1913461;1557867192;asciilifeform;a+++ 1913462;1557867208;mp_en_viaje;also a buncha assus boards also support it. but i don't want to have all the boards from same manuf. 1913463;1557867221;asciilifeform;i'ma get meself a sample or 2 1913464;1557867231;mp_en_viaje;hundy or so, no big deal. 1913465;1557867238;asciilifeform;previously only encountered working eccism in 'opteron' boards. 1913466;1557867253;asciilifeform;( the vendors had annoying habit of not routing the pins. why, cannot say ) 1913467;1557867292;asciilifeform;btw afaik ~all~ amd cpu since k7 support eccism. issue only ever was chipset/mobo. 1913468;1557867302;mp_en_viaje;aha. 1913469;1557867340;asciilifeform;imho -- significant find, ty mp_en_viaje 1913470;1557867349;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: any idea if these people made a multi-socket board ? 1913471;1557867378;mp_en_viaje;this one is a mega-video board. has TWO agp slots and THREE of the mini-power feeder things. 1913472;1557867390;asciilifeform;aa , meant cpu hole 1913473;1557867393;mp_en_viaje;but right off i dun recall. i think there may be an assus. 1913474;1557867503;asciilifeform;there's the famous 'KFN4-D16' asus, afaik the very last to support the very last amd-sans-fritzchip. but that was 'opteron' , rather than 'fx' (and quite rare.) 1913475;1557867541;asciilifeform;2013 iirc. 1913476;1557867594;asciilifeform;( in turn, this was the last combo made where could boot 'blobless' 'coreboot' (aka 'linuxbios') etc ) 1913477;1557867635;asciilifeform;i.e. last gasp before http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/search?q=amd+turd . 1913478;1557867640;mp_en_viaje;i suspect this will also boot blobless (though probably not in dual vidcard support) 1913479;1557867649;asciilifeform;it oughta! being 'fx' 1913480;1557867660;*;mp_en_viaje doesn't have so much time to fuck with this right now, but i wanted to get the above out early. 1913481;1557867686;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: thing absolutely is bootable clean. is from prior to the madness. 1913482;1557867711;asciilifeform;(just like the 'g-series' in 'apu1' etc) 1913483;1557867731;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: are you thinking of planting cuntoo ? 1913484;1557867763;mp_en_viaje;well yeah, gotta give hanbot something to suffer throught 1913485;1557867795;asciilifeform;lol 1913486;1557869499;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2019/05/semiconductor-market-headed-towards-downturn-as-more-intel-data-leak-flaws-emerge/ << Qntra -- Semiconductor Market Headed Towards Downturn As More Intel Data Leak Flaws Emerge 1913487;1557873912;asciilifeform;^ in related noose, reportedly 'everspin', the 'magnetic ram' people , is tanking. which on one hand is sad, 'eeprom that dun wear out' is imho neat and [http://www.loper-os.org/?p=231][moar or less required for sane computer] . but on other hand, perhaps usg.patentholder co. gotta die for the thing to become economically viable 1913488;1557874073;asciilifeform;( last i looked, coupla month ago, their flagship product was a 35nsec nonvolatile ram, 256mbit , guaranteed for ~infinite write cycles ) 1913489;1557874193;asciilifeform;principal competition is of course 'ordinary sram + battery'. but batteries gotta be kept fresh, and misbehave at temperature extremes, occupy space, catch fire, etc 1913490;1557874307;asciilifeform;'magnetic ram' also claimed to have serious radiation resistance ( unlike conventional sram ) , but i have not verified . physically sound claim tho. 1913491;1557880136;mod6;!!v 9576B7ED0D5102D8E77CB18D961923368E37CFF584872F2D2A6B4F3B56B2D45F 1913492;1557880140;deedbot;mod6 paid BingoBoingo invoice 5 1913493;1557899112;mp_en_viaje;credible enough, what's radiation to do to magnetics 1913494;1557901457;mp_en_viaje;so, /me notices referrals from something called 7ooo.ru/forums to ye olde http://trilema.com/2015/on-how-the-factored-4096-rsa-keys-story-was-handled-and-what-it-means-to-you/ 1913495;1557901753;mp_en_viaje;this is potentially interesting ; goes to check... first matching line in the log is 1913496;1557902170;mp_en_viaje; - - [04/May/2019:20:59:39 -0400] "GET /o-hai-let-me-wanna-be.php?id=www.billporter.info/2013/11/20/last-minute-haunted-house-automation-with-arduino/ HTTP/1.1" 200 58866 "https://7ooo.ru/forum/" "Re-re Studio (+http://re-re.ru/)" 1913497;1557902228;mp_en_viaje;how does one end up with 9757647 loglines in half a month ? like fuckingthis, 99% of the web is pure vomit. 1913498;1557902325;mp_en_viaje;bitcoinrabbithole.org/writings/ok-so-what-is-bitcoin-disrupting/ imagine that shit, and then http://archive.is/IqhDe#selection-605.1-607.13 (fancy that wonder, i'm the #1 author, with 6 "works" to nic carter's 5.) 1913499;1557902372;mp_en_viaje;and then there's inept bullshit from redditswikisfacebooks etc, 0 effort nonsense of the most superficial sort possible. and so the fuck on. 1913500;1557930038;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: asciilifeform's serv log fwiw loox ~exactly like this. 1913501;1557930725;asciilifeform;in other noose, loox like ben_vulpes fixed his logbot (e.g. http://logs.bvulpes.com/asciilifeform worx ) . ty ben_vulpes . 1913502;1557936635;mp_en_viaje;win. 1913503;1557936883;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2019/05/adobe-threatens-users-of-old-software-versions-with-litigation-potential/ << Qntra -- Adobe Threatens Users Of Old Software Versions With Litigation Potential 1913504;1557937528;asciilifeform;^ lulzily, for coupla yrs nao, they dun even ~sell~ the proggies, but moved to [http://btcbase.org/log/2016-12-05#1577979]['subscription'] chumpatron 1913505;1557937528;a111;Logged on 2016-12-05 16:47 asciilifeform: in other lulz, very far away, 'Autodesk will stop the sale of perpetual licences of all its software on January 31st, 2017. The purchase of new licences by both new and existing customers will only be available by subscription after that date. ... Why is Autodesk transitioning to subscription licences? Subscription licences offer customers a lower entry price, greater choice of tools and the ability to pay-as-you-go. With its shift a 1913506;1557938097;mp_en_viaje;someone srsly uses adobe ? 1913507;1557938142;asciilifeform;at one time i tried to find out who. apparently in world of printing (i.e. where 'colour calibrations' etc) it is monopoly, the presses for last decade or so demand adobism 1913508;1557938246;asciilifeform;also supposedly monopoly on proggy that eats 'raw' inputs from various heavy (40+mpixel) industrial camera 1913509;1557938263;asciilifeform;classic microshit-style format lock-in. 1913510;1557938326;mp_en_viaje;that world of printing was ~dead cca 2000. 1913511;1557938331;mp_en_viaje;twenty years ago 1913512;1557938365;asciilifeform;like number of other dead things, it's zombiein' along, nobody put stake in its heart just yet 1913513;1557938443;asciilifeform;near as i can tell, adobe et al sustained by advert 'industry'. if errybody involved contracted mysterious virus and keeled over tonight, wouldn't be soon enuff imho. 1913514;1557938568;BingoBoingo;I suspect most of their customers are marketers or the sortof ESL marketing victim who imagines he has to pay Adobe to be "creative" despite anti-producing 1913515;1557938573;asciilifeform;as it is, asciilifeform's snailmailbox has to be emptied daily of superbly colour-calibrated spamola liquishit. 1913516;1557938621;asciilifeform;only with adobeolade, apparently, can the mcd 'freedom fried' be painted the just-so shade of yellow. 1913517;1557938677;asciilifeform;*fries 1913518;1557938754;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: there's prolly a population of 'aspirational' wankers who 'i want same proggy as used to make 'time magazine' 'you, person of the year' pic' etc 1913519;1557938772;BingoBoingo;Right, the ESL marketing victims 1913520;1557938782;BingoBoingo;"creatives" 1913521;1557938790;asciilifeform;entirely even possible that they add up to moar dough than the advercrap etc 1913522;1557938841;BingoBoingo;Puede ser 1913523;1557939345;asciilifeform;iirc adobe also 'market leader' in the 'retouch undesirable people out of photos / put obama in' , aka 'news' , tooling. 1913524;1557939497;mp_en_viaje;i guess. 1913525;1557939521;mp_en_viaje;i tell you i don't see it. 1913526;1557939524;mp_en_viaje;but anyways. 1913527;1557939581;lobbes;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-15#1913507 << baked into the universities as well. I remember when I was in school they had entire multi-semester courses in the "Graphic Design" track for adobeolade; "Adobe Photoshop Intro", "Adobe Photoshop Advanced" etc.. 1913528;1557939581;a111;Logged on 2019-05-15 16:35 asciilifeform: at one time i tried to find out who. apparently in world of printing (i.e. where 'colour calibrations' etc) it is monopoly, the presses for last decade or so demand adobism 1913529;1557939616;lobbes;they'd also, of course, offer "student discounts" on the "educational versions" 1913530;1557939630;lobbes;lulzy indeed 1913531;1557939930;mp_en_viaje;a, now that may be it. 1913532;1557939942;mp_en_viaje;various community colleges "tech" dept etc. 1913533;1557940215;mp_en_viaje;meanwhile in she-hounds, https://x.imagefapusercontent.com/u/Backpacker18/8105991/1373193543/1.jpg 1913534;1557941224;asciilifeform;lobbes: at local uni here, 'book' shop was always full of 'student ver.' shitware, incl. adobeism lineup 1913535;1557941424;asciilifeform;related lul from last time i was there : http://www.loper-os.org/pub/umd_book_lulz.jpg 1913536;1557944812;lobbes;lol 1913537;1557945074;mp_en_viaje;meanwhile in really bad shorts, https://x.imagefapusercontent.com/u/gifusfan/8103715/2063172578/4-23.gif 1913538;1557946197;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in archaeology, [https://archive.is/R8sWx][apparently possible] to enable eccism-with-amd-fx on certain board which route the pins but have retarded bios. 1913539;1557947338;mp_en_viaje;aha. 1913540;1557950537;*;asciilifeform finally got recursive bracket regexing to work in the motherfucking geshi pile o'shit 1913541;1557996758;*;mp_en_viaje is reading "old" ie early 19th century romanian matter ; whenever has to look up words, discovers the ONLY example usage available is taken from the very text he's working on, often enough the EXACT context. eg, clironomie is, technically, a romanian word (cognate of ϰλιρουόμος, and not FROM it, because at the time greece did not exist, and most of the elite greeks lived in istanbul and in current romania. we could rigurously say Ï°Î 1913542;1557996766;mp_en_viaje;it's a very dubious state pf affairs! 1913543;1558002620;diana_coman;hm, poor as in "only one use for such word" ? perhaps that specific work is in fact available online hence the example usage from it? 1913544;1558003381;mp_en_viaje;offline matter. 1913545;1558007940;feedbot;http://trilema.com/2019/domestic-casting/ << Trilema -- Domestic casting 1913546;1558016874;jurov;!!v 7B596FFBF5092F02E59A72596D61BFD5202BF95D043F822E76FBE20D87A2FD70 1913547;1558016878;deedbot;jurov paid BingoBoingo invoice 11 1913548;1558017561;mp_en_viaje;in other ancient lulzies, http://washington.cbslocal.com/2012/05/14/tsa-agents-conduct-full-monty-pat-down-on-henry-kissinger/ 1913549;1558017593;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: iirc he's still alive even nao 1913550;1558017608;mp_en_viaje;aha. 1913551;1558017666;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-16#1913541 << btw i see a http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-30#1532187 . on what sorta box didja greek this in 1913552;1558017666;a111;Logged on 2019-05-16 08:52 mp_en_viaje is reading "old" ie early 19th century romanian matter ; whenever has to look up words, discovers the ONLY example usage available is taken from the very text he's working on, often enough the EXACT context. eg, clironomie is, technically, a romanian word (cognate of ϰλιρουόμος, and not FROM it, because at the time greece did not exist, and most of the elite greeks lived in istanbul and in current romania. we could rigurously say Ï°Î 1913553;1558017666;a111;Logged on 2016-08-30 20:34 asciilifeform: бНОПНЯ ВХРЮК? (tm) (r) 1913554;1558017786;mp_en_viaje;ej wtf 1913555;1558017926;mp_en_viaje;ϰλιρουομία != χλιρουομια huh! 1913556;1558017930;asciilifeform;[http://www.loper-os.org/pub/bnopnja.jpg][screenshit]. 1913557;1558017941;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: ~this~ one displays tho. 1913558;1558017960;mp_en_viaje;both tho ? and in log too ? 1913559;1558017965;asciilifeform;in log also. 1913560;1558017972;asciilifeform;and on several diff terminals. 1913561;1558017977;mp_en_viaje;though you will notice, chars AEE DIFFERENT! 1913562;1558017993;asciilifeform;the line after 'wtf' displays a+++ 1913563;1558018002;asciilifeform;both sides of != 1913564;1558018033;*;mp_en_viaje is reading "old" ie early 19th century romanian matter ; whenever has to look up words, discovers the ONLY example usage available is taken from the very text he's working on, often enough the EXACT context. eg, clironomie is, technically, a romanian word (cognate of ϰλιρουόμος, and not FROM it, because at the time greece did not exist, and most of the elite greeks lived in istanbul and in current romania. we could rigurously say Ï°Î 1913565;1558018050;mp_en_viaje;ϰλιρουόμος ϰλιρουομία χλιρουομια 1913566;1558018088;mp_en_viaje;what the holy fuck. so 1st line above is exact repost of logline original ; 2nd line is paste of content 1913567;1558018112;asciilifeform;i suspect mp_en_viaje's term settings but cannot immediately guess wtf 1913568;1558018125;mp_en_viaje;cognate of ϰλιρουόμος, and not FROM it, because at the time greece did not exist, and most of the elite greeks lived in istanbul and in current romania. we could rigurously say ϰλιρουόμος 1913569;1558018137;mp_en_viaje;HAHA! 1913570;1558018139;asciilifeform;nao worx 1913571;1558018148;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, check this out : line ends up cut, so therefore utf meaning gets fucked. 1913572;1558018153;mp_en_viaje;cut is right through the greek word. 1913573;1558018168;asciilifeform;cuz, evidently, uni-sad, cut off a 0xfe or what was the leading char 1913574;1558018198;asciilifeform;('frame shift' in geneticist's parlance... ) 1913575;1558018879;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-15#1913498 lulz, apparently http://bitcoinrabbithole.org/writings/bitcoin-or-how-to-hammer-in-nails-with-a-microscope/ also. seems like a straight case of http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-26#1874733 -ism. 1913576;1558018879;a111;Logged on 2019-05-15 06:38 mp_en_viaje: bitcoinrabbithole.org/writings/ok-so-what-is-bitcoin-disrupting/ imagine that shit, and then http://archive.is/IqhDe#selection-605.1-607.13 (fancy that wonder, i'm the #1 author, with 6 "works" to nic carter's 5.) 1913577;1558018879;a111;Logged on 2018-11-26 15:24 asciilifeform: meanwhile, in spam lulz, http://www.eghtesadban.com/events/5560171/finite-field-arithmetic-chapter-12b-karatsuba-redux-part-2-of-2 1913578;1558018981;asciilifeform;'brilliant biznis model', i suppose. 'let's lift text and inject ads' 1913579;1558019612;BingoBoingo;And we appear to have an ethically sourced, wild caught question in the Qntrmments http://qntra.net/2019/05/semiconductor-market-headed-towards-downturn-as-more-intel-data-leak-flaws-emerge/#comment-129460 1913580;1558019680;asciilifeform;answr'd 1913581;1558020120;BingoBoingo;tyvm 1913582;1558020201;*;asciilifeform wonders wtf the asker was thinking 1913583;1558020204;*;asciilifeform brb:teatime. 1913584;1558022048;mp_en_viaje;in other lulz, $ echo "ϰλιρουόμος ϰλιρουομία χλιρουομια" | xxd 1913585;1558022049;mp_en_viaje;0000000: cfb0 cebb ceb9 cf81 cebf cf85 cf8c cebc ................ 1913586;1558022049;mp_en_viaje;0000010: cebf cf82 20cf b0ce bbce b9cf 81ce bfcf .... ........... 1913587;1558022049;mp_en_viaje;0000020: 85ce bfce bcce afce b120 cf87 cebb ceb9 ......... ...... 1913588;1558022049;mp_en_viaje;0000030: cf81 cebf cf85 cebf cebc ceb9 ceb1 0a ............... 1913589;1558022074;mp_en_viaje;cfb0, cfb0, cf87. wtf. 1913590;1558022220;mp_en_viaje;why the fuck are there two ambiguous minuscule chis ?! 1913591;1558023738;asciilifeform;wonderful world of unibarf 1913592;1558023765;asciilifeform;there's at least a dozen ambiguous (often, bitwise-identical bitmap on output) variants for ~erry char 1913593;1558023788;mp_en_viaje;muts. 1913594;1558023796;mp_en_viaje;nuts.* 1913595;1558023835;mp_en_viaje;anyway, my archive aparently uses the 1st one ; google apparently uses the 2nd one. 1913596;1558023854;mp_en_viaje;not really got the time to look into digital etymology right nao, but pretty fucking stupid. 1913597;1558023903;asciilifeform;it's merely tip of a stupidity iceberg that goes all the way down to fucking cthulhu at bottom of the sea 1913598;1558024087;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2019/05/cold-dead-hands-new-zealand-swat-teams-start-overwhelming-force-gun-confiscation-raids/ << Qntra -- Cold Dead Hands? New Zealand SWAT Teams Start "Overwhelming Force" Gun Confiscation Raids 1913599;1558024162;mp_en_viaje;o hey, leningrad. 1913600;1558024240;BingoBoingo;"A phone call would have worked just as well." << For who? 1913601;1558024292;asciilifeform;seems like nz is 'behind the curve' vs usa. here they simply show up an' machinegun yer cardboard house from 2 sides and ~then~ search 1913602;1558024318;BingoBoingo;US uses pretext though. 1913603;1558024334;asciilifeform;pretext costs half a penny or so of printer paper at local 'court' 1913604;1558024486;BingoBoingo;Right. Skipping the pretext and rolling up with 30 stooges seems an expensive option. 1913605;1558024537;mp_en_viaje;especially because should someone shoot a few sets of 30 stooges, that'd be strictly speasking the end of pantsuit government in the island. permanently. 1913606;1558024540;mp_en_viaje;irreplaceable resource. 1913607;1558024584;BingoBoingo;Indeed. Whereas pretext and "war on pretext" lets the derealization continue over a few body piles. 1913608;1558024592;asciilifeform;in usa, 'future of policing' is prolly http://btcbase.org/log/2015-03-26#1072977 ; in usg periphery like nz, i expect soon enuff they'll just drop 500kg bomb from air and write down 'today neutralized terrorist compound' etc 1913609;1558024592;a111;Logged on 2015-03-26 20:43 asciilifeform: one to break doors, gates; one to threaten bystanders, if any, with 'accidental' fire; one to shoot; and perhaps one with a cage that arrestee -might- be permitted to surrender into, if the bot's voice-recognition system works and if orders included a possible live capture 1913610;1558024593;mp_en_viaje;kinda how i explain this sort of behaviour. if you were a deeply unpopular, and irredeemably, unfixably unpopular tyranny, and all you had were two sets of reserves for your 30-man strong repressive police, wouldn't YOU go all out ? 1913611;1558024603;mp_en_viaje;now, while you still have it ? because it fucking obviously won't last ? 1913612;1558024623;mp_en_viaje;seems typical besieged cavalry behaviour, "if we charge now we charge now, and if we wait till tomorrow we charge with hungrier horses" 1913613;1558024635;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: what makesya think 'irreplaceable' ? there's always collaborators to be had 1913614;1558024647;asciilifeform;just like in erry other occupied shithole 1913615;1558024655;mp_en_viaje;absolutely never. i npoint of fact im not so sure about the 30. 1913616;1558024674;mp_en_viaje;do this experiment : walk up to kids gathered on college campus, ask "how man yof you would fight me if i raped this girl ?" 1913617;1558024700;mp_en_viaje;count the hands. rape the girl, then break the arms off the 2-3 brave/irrational idiots and bash their heads in with them 1913618;1558024704;mp_en_viaje;then ask again, and count again. 1913619;1558024711;BingoBoingo;30 sounds about right. That's a classroom. Probably a safety in numbers thing. 1913620;1558024727;mp_en_viaje;it's my guess that systematically shooting about 15% or so of the first line troops would result in >80% deserion rate. 1913621;1558024761;mp_en_viaje;this guess is also well buttressed by texas, new mexico, arizona and southern california "law enforcement" experience -- all it took for the usg to abandon the southern provinces was for the cartel to frown. 1913622;1558024802;mp_en_viaje;see, it's not "collaborators" that are needed. it's people brave enough to go into room and maybe get shot. for pantsuitism! where the fuck can such be had ? russia couldn't produce anymore for afghanistan than usg could for vietnam. 1913623;1558024820;asciilifeform;somewhat diff. proposition from abandoning christchurch or washington, neh. if abandon capital, they may as well wagner/cyanide 1913624;1558024825;mp_en_viaje;socialisms just don't grow men, what's so hard about this ? 1913625;1558024838;mp_en_viaje;"an athenian woman once asked gorgo, how come spartans are the only greeks who respect women ???" 1913626;1558024861;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, christchurch isn't the nz capital. look over at tripoli lulz. 1913627;1558024896;asciilifeform;right, sorta how nyc aint officially usg capital 1913628;1558024913;asciilifeform;but afaik nypd not yet disbanded 1913629;1558024918;mp_en_viaje;chirstchurch is a smallish town, ironically on the short list of possible mp migration spots lo many years ago. 1913630;1558024926;asciilifeform;i recall this 1913631;1558024930;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, nobody happens to want ny. 1913632;1558024991;mp_en_viaje;anyway. all it'd take is the deliberate execution of about 5 new zealand govt batausi. 1913633;1558025009;mp_en_viaje;after which, no more new zealand government, for at least three-four decades. haiti-like. 1913634;1558025018;asciilifeform;who wants nz tho. ( chinese ? ) 1913635;1558025030;mp_en_viaje;i imagine the arabs. nfi tbh. 1913636;1558025088;asciilifeform;iirc the argies also thought 'no one will want falklands' tho. 1913637;1558025099;mp_en_viaje;fwiw, we could note the dispute is strictly internal socialist dispute, the ultra-reds "terroristed" the moderate-blue group. 1913638;1558025177;asciilifeform;rright, subj d00d accused of trotsk^H^H^H^H^H^H'islamophobic' plot 1913639;1558025423;*;asciilifeform realizes that he hasn't the faintest clue re nz, never could even be arsed to see aerial map of it. pictures it as a sort of larger falklands. 1913640;1558025453;asciilifeform;i.e. brit reservation fulla sheep fuckers 1913641;1558025574;asciilifeform;i dun recall whether mp_en_viaje ever said anyffin re how it fell of his list. ( if above theory correct, mp_en_viaje could even nao have himself crowned king there etc ) 1913642;1558025580;asciilifeform;*fell off 1913643;1558025619;asciilifeform;!!up stjohn_piano_2 1913644;1558025620;deedbot;stjohn_piano_2 voiced for 30 minutes. 1913645;1558025641;stjohn_piano_2;thanks asciilifeform for the !!up 1913646;1558025646;asciilifeform;stjohn_piano_2: plox to say quickly who you are, and what biz you have here. 1913647;1558025659;stjohn_piano_2;my name is stjohn piano. i run edgecase.net, which offers several services that may be of interest to people here. 1913648;1558025664;stjohn_piano_2;i've read a lot of the logs 1913649;1558025682;stjohn_piano_2;i have registered my communications public key with deedbot. my master public key (which is nearly 2 years old, timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain) is http://edgecase.net/articles/public_key_identity_document_stjohn_piano 1913650;1558025696;stjohn_piano_2;i made this current key my communications agent via this contract: http://edgecase.net/articles/contract_0 1913651;1558025715;asciilifeform;!!key stjohn_piano_2 1913652;1558025716;deedbot;http://wot.deedbot.org/CF59A71DAC5722F695C3A730F6DC1E61599152AC.asc 1913653;1558025740;asciilifeform;!!rate stjohn_piano_2 1 temp voice / new blood 1913654;1558025742;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/q34GD/?raw=true 1913655;1558025745;stjohn_piano_2;thanks 1913656;1558025767;asciilifeform;!!v FF7C9ADCF790A263E1B28677967A89BF6540306F3F59FB42BAC41C73894342B5 1913657;1558025767;deedbot;asciilifeform rated stjohn_piano_2 1 << temp voice / new blood 1913658;1558025856;asciilifeform;http://edgecase.net/articles/offline_installation_of_a_c_compiler_on_centos_69_minimal_on_kalkin << tried 'cuntoo' yet ? 1913659;1558025904;stjohn_piano_2;no, but it's on my list. 1913660;1558025906;stjohn_piano_2;hm. 1913661;1558025919;asciilifeform;how about ave1's gnat ? 1913662;1558025935;stjohn_piano_2;i had some prepared commands, but i'm having some trouble decrypting the otp. 1913663;1558025944;stjohn_piano_2;asciilifeform: ditto. 1913664;1558025978;asciilifeform;cat yer_otp.txt | gpg --decrypt ? 1913665;1558026010;stjohn_piano_2;well, i'm using the sequences i developed in 1913666;1558026013;stjohn_piano_2;http://edgecase.net/articles/gpg_1410_stateless_operations 1913667;1558026015;asciilifeform;if you have the key you regged with, it'll go 1913668;1558026029;stjohn_piano_2;i'll try that 1913669;1558026070;asciilifeform;stjohn_piano_2: [http://btcbase.org/patches/v98/tree/v/v.py][ asciilifeform's 'stateless pgp' ] mechanism. 1913670;1558026129;*;mp_en_viaje recently took girls at local [http://trilema.com/2016/pili/#selection-47.0-47.23][argentine-style] socialist hq here in romania. if the argentines were totally useless retards, they'd make the place an embassy. but of course they are totally useless retards. 1913671;1558026145;stjohn_piano_2;ah ty 1913672;1558026150;mp_en_viaje;anyway, 100% borderline sleeve priceless cuntlets and their typical cultural and civilisational environs. 1913673;1558026171;mp_en_viaje;including printed matter about "real estate justice" in the typical argentine style, the works. 1913674;1558026186;mp_en_viaje;they were very bothered by my cheesing & wineing the two sluts. 1913675;1558026188;asciilifeform;lol wtf is 'real estate justice' ? errybody gets a phree palace ? 1913676;1558026204;stjohn_piano_2;asciilifeform: when i run your command there, I get: "gpg: encrypted with RSA key, ID C8EFFF13, gpg: decryption failed: secret key not available" 1913677;1558026233;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, lengthy interviews with morons living in social dwellings as if they were people, pretentious if ineptly constructed "studies", discussions of "the potentials and limits of legality -- how to construct the altcoin irl" 1913678;1558026233;mp_en_viaje;and so on. 1913679;1558026234;asciilifeform;stjohn_piano_2: plz compare output of http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-16#1913651 w/ your key 1913680;1558026234;a111;Logged on 2019-05-16 16:55 asciilifeform: !!key stjohn_piano_2 1913681;1558026257;mp_en_viaje;really, 100% tardstalk but in this guise of "every moron that should have been hanged is a point of interest and nothing else really matters" 1913682;1558026345;stjohn_piano_2;asciilifeform: diff shows "Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)" as the only difference. 1913683;1558026351;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: i can grasp the 'old world socialism', where http://btcbase.org/log/2019-03-25#1904728 ; i dun really grasp ~these~, they dun even make surface sense to the uninitated 1913684;1558026351;a111;Logged on 2019-03-25 16:40 asciilifeform: oblig : 'Всіх панів до ’дної ями, Буржуїв за буржуями Будем, будем бить! Будем, будем бить!'(tm)(r)(pavlo tichina)(ukr) 1913685;1558026357;mp_en_viaje;exactly what you'd expect of a "partido marxista-leninista-maoista", the theory of the squatting and "criticism of unbridled capitalism" 1913686;1558026367;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, socialism never made sense. 1913687;1558026386;mp_en_viaje;today;s socialism continues that tradition, in exactly the same way, through new forms. 1913688;1558026482;mp_en_viaje;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-16#1913639 << it's really a sort of haiti. 1913689;1558026482;a111;Logged on 2019-05-16 16:50 asciilifeform realizes that he hasn't the faintest clue re nz, never could even be arsed to see aerial map of it. pictures it as a sort of larger falklands. 1913690;1558026531;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: robber getting run over by train because he thought could hop on, 'makes sense' . terry davis getting run over cuz he thought train was an angel coming to take him to st peter's gate, doesn't rise even to the level, it requires being a terry davis to grasp 1913691;1558026535;mp_en_viaje;but anyway, you can't crown yourself king in places that aren't kingdom. the only thing you can crown yourself, or be crowned for that matter, in new zealand is scapegoat. which isn't the sort of crowning anyone who's not actually a biological goat is interested in. 1913692;1558026559;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, which portion of socialism do you say made sense like the former rather than like the latter ? 1913693;1558026596;mp_en_viaje;imo each and all forever and always "made sense" only like the latter. from late 1700s french nonsense to 1800 italian lulz, all through the johhny come latelyes in anglo and russoworld. 1913694;1558026636;mp_en_viaje;stjohn_piano_2, http://edgecase.net/ << is this modelled visually after trilema ? 1913695;1558026644;asciilifeform;y'know, the 1917 wave, where 'let's kill landlord and divide the lands', it at least obeyed conservation of mass. 'erryone deserves phree palace' is next level of wtf. who is to provide, martians ? 1913696;1558026645;mp_en_viaje;cuz to me teh similarity's striking. 1913697;1558026655;BingoBoingo; fwiw, we could note the dispute is strictly internal socialist dispute, the ultra-reds "terroristed" the moderate-blue group. << Guy claimed to be a "green" fwiw 1913698;1558026705;stjohn_piano_2;asciilifeform: gpg --list-packets shows that the key ID is C8EFFF13 in the OTP file. The key ID of my public key is 5991 52AC. Is this expected? (the fingerprint shown by deedbot in the earlier line is correct, though). 1913699;1558026724;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, and how does the "let's kill [http://trilema.com/2013/the-dead-jew-and-the-raped-girl/#selection-661.64-667.296][the only people who know wtf is going on]" make sense ? 1913700;1558026734;stjohn_piano_2;mp_en_viaje: yes, very much so. 1913701;1558026736;asciilifeform;stjohn_piano_2: diff the pgpdump -i output of the two pubkeys. 1913702;1558026741;stjohn_piano_2;i studied trilema's layout. 1913703;1558026746;mp_en_viaje;interesting. 1913704;1558026750;stjohn_piano_2;asciilifeform: will do. 1913705;1558026771;mp_en_viaje;stjohn_piano_2, why not make a mp-wp tree patch then ? 1913706;1558026788;mp_en_viaje;iirc people were looking for some more themes 1913707;1558026791;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: consider diff b/w 'im'a go pirate on the high seas, take spanish gold' vs 'i'ma pray for gold to fall from sky', is the contemplated diff. 1913708;1558026805;mp_en_viaje;http://btcbase.org/patches?patchset=mp-wp&search= << item 1913709;1558026819;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, i tell you i don't see it. 1913710;1558026825;stjohn_piano_2;mp_en_viaje: i severely dislike PHP. 1913711;1558026836;stjohn_piano_2;but i did consider it. 1913712;1558026845;asciilifeform;stjohn_piano_2: what didja write yer www in ? 1913713;1558026847;mp_en_viaje;you have to understand, you can't ~anachronize~ ; you gotta explain how it makes sense in time-bound context. otherwise yes forever it'll be the case "past makes sense, present does not" 1913714;1558026853;stjohn_piano_2;asciilifeform: python 1913715;1558026868;mp_en_viaje;so this is a python blog thing ? 1913716;1558026888;stjohn_piano_2;sort of. 1913717;1558026914;stjohn_piano_2;it's an html rendering / presentation of a series of text articles. 1913718;1558026934;stjohn_piano_2;the original items can be downloaded via the "Download this article" link. 1913719;1558026961;mp_en_viaje;http://edgecase.net/pages/edgecase_datafeed << http://edgecase.net/articles/contract_0 what is this nonsense tho ? what's "This article has been digitally signed by Edgecase Datafeed." even mean ?! 1913720;1558026996;asciilifeform;loox like stjohn_piano_2 built/attempted to build a 'display these pgp-signed .txt with html sugar' mechanism ? 1913721;1558027004;stjohn_piano_2;asciilifeform has it. 1913722;1558027016;stjohn_piano_2;except that the signature is wrapped and embedded at the end of the text article. 1913723;1558027027;mp_en_viaje;and do you also hate v along with php ? 1913724;1558027035;mp_en_viaje;http://edgecase.net/tools/manage_ip_addresses << what;s this do ? 1913725;1558027041;*;stjohn_piano_2 is learning pgpdump in the background, btw 1913726;1558027058;stjohn_piano_2;mp_en_viaje: no, just haven't got to it yet. 1913727;1558027084;asciilifeform;stjohn_piano_2: how long, approx, have you been eating the logs ? 1913728;1558027116;stjohn_piano_2;manage_ip_addresses is a small interface for the paywall ip addresses. it's a thrown-together paywall, not fantastic, but functional. 1913729;1558027121;stjohn_piano_2;asciilifeform: a long time. 1913730;1558027128;stjohn_piano_2;but i've been recovering from severe rsi 1913731;1558027137;mp_en_viaje;http://edgecase.net/articles/conversation_programmer_licences << what's the weird here ? a) wrt to a buncha people calling themselves x piano ; b) wrt to hand-publishing what's eminently a chatlog, as such ? why not use a logger and only publish selected snippets that need notes and such ? 1913732;1558027138;asciilifeform;stjohn_piano_2: v is aug '15 -- present day item. 1913733;1558027139;stjohn_piano_2;until recently, chat has been an unaffordable liability. 1913734;1558027156;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, apparently he implemented ye olde trilema credits thing.. 1913735;1558027181;asciilifeform;loox like 1913736;1558027194;mp_en_viaje;wth is a rsi ? 1913737;1558027199;stjohn_piano_2;asciilifeform: will eventually switch over to v, yes. 1913738;1558027217;stjohn_piano_2;repetitive strain injury. too much typing, causes muscle buildup. 1913739;1558027222;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: hand mutilation from misconfigged kbd, typically 1913740;1558027223;mp_en_viaje;http://edgecase.net/articles/checkpoint_8 << what;s this ? 1913741;1558027228;stjohn_piano_2;http://edgecase.net/articles/an_overview_of_repetitive_strain_injury_rsi 1913742;1558027230;mp_en_viaje;aok. 1913743;1558027261;asciilifeform;[http://btcbase.org/log/2014-09-22#839367][oblig naggum re subj] 1913744;1558027261;a111;Logged on 2014-09-22 04:33 asciilifeform: switching caps lock and ctrl << 'Emacs actually comes with a builting Emacs Aptitude Test. Do you remap your keyboard or the Emacs keybindings before the chords and sequences it comes with by default have wreaked havoc with your hands? If you do not do anything to make Emacs more convenient for yourself, you may not have the prerequisite aptitude to use it productive.' (naggum, who else. http://www.xach.com/na 1913745;1558027279;stjohn_piano_2;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-16#1913731 << i've only recently set up IRC. http://edgecase.net/articles/setting_up_irc_irssi_znc_digital_ocean_freenode 1913746;1558027279;a111;Logged on 2019-05-16 17:18 mp_en_viaje: http://edgecase.net/articles/conversation_programmer_licences << what's the weird here ? a) wrt to a buncha people calling themselves x piano ; b) wrt to hand-publishing what's eminently a chatlog, as such ? why not use a logger and only publish selected snippets that need notes and such ? 1913747;1558027286;mp_en_viaje;http://edgecase.net/articles/gpg_1410_stateless_operations << this sounds a lot like what ben_vulpes was doing at some point iirc. 1913748;1558027298;mp_en_viaje;stjohn_piano_2, but why the heck would you use digital ocean. 1913749;1558027319;stjohn_piano_2;mp_en_viaje: first thing i bumped into that solved my problem. 1913750;1558027328;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: re gpg, seems like he reimplemented the mechanism in orig v 1913751;1558027336;asciilifeform;where 'homedir' in /tmp etc 1913752;1558027337;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, aha. 1913753;1558027345;mp_en_viaje;stjohn_piano_2, ok, so what services would we be interested in ? 1913754;1558027405;asciilifeform;'Nicholas Piano: It needs to be something that proves someone's worth beyond a doubt. Imagine we treated programmer failure like the death of a patient in surgery. Think of a system tested so completely that every possible use case has been accounted for. Perhaps an air traffic control simulation ...' 1913755;1558027424;asciilifeform;stjohn_piano_2: ever read [http://www.loper-os.org/?cat=49][ffa series] ? 1913756;1558027427;asciilifeform;!!up stjohn_piano_2 1913757;1558027427;deedbot;stjohn_piano_2 voiced for 30 minutes. 1913758;1558027444;stjohn_piano_2;thanks for voice. 1913759;1558027453;mp_en_viaje;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-16#1913697 << yes, but there;s no such thin gas green. there's red-socialist as in http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-22#1702376 and then the blue socialists as in clinton-dnc 1913760;1558027453;a111;Logged on 2019-05-16 17:10 BingoBoingo: fwiw, we could note the dispute is strictly internal socialist dispute, the ultra-reds "terroristed" the moderate-blue group. << Guy claimed to be a "green" fwiw 1913761;1558027453;a111;Logged on 2017-08-22 19:36 mircea_popescu: which, amusingly, makes the jesus pantsuits ACTUALLY MORE PROGRESSIVE than the new yorker crowd. 1913762;1558027459;stjohn_piano_2;asciilifeform: yes, although i have not been able to understand it. 1913763;1558027478;mp_en_viaje;that's a strange yes. 1913764;1558027485;stjohn_piano_2;mp_en_viaje: http://edgecase.net/pages/edgecase_services 1913765;1558027496;asciilifeform;stjohn_piano_2: this is actually 1st time anyone wrote in and said 'i tried but not understood'. plz feel free to leave comments re what did not understand. 1913766;1558027499;stjohn_piano_2;i mean, i understand the idea. 1913767;1558027511;stjohn_piano_2;i have not spent the time to go through the pieces manually. 1913768;1558027516;asciilifeform;aa 1913769;1558027526;mp_en_viaje;ok, but "consulting services" means nothing and secure publication's what qntra already exists for ? why would i use your thing ? 1913770;1558027558;BingoBoingo;mp_en_viaje: In practice it seems so. Neither the reds nor the blues have a monopoly on the mud hut deindustrialists. 1913771;1558027560;stjohn_piano_2;checkpoint articles are hashed and made into bitcoin addresses. some bitcoin is transferred to this address, much like deedbot. 1913772;1558027572;stjohn_piano_2;i cannot alter previously published articles. 1913773;1558027586;mp_en_viaje;and it's worth your time to do this by yourself rather than actually use deedbot because why ? tryina learn how shit works ? 1913774;1558027604;asciilifeform;stjohn_piano_2: didja notice that output of http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-16#1913740 is a eggog ? 1913775;1558027604;a111;Logged on 2019-05-16 17:20 mp_en_viaje: http://edgecase.net/articles/checkpoint_8 << what;s this ? 1913776;1558027631;stjohn_piano_2;mp_en_viaje: yes, I've learned a lot. also distribution of risk. 1913777;1558027643;mp_en_viaje;http://edgecase.net/articles/displaying_hex_bytes_for_manual_copying << is this exactly what i did in http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-16#1913584 ?! 1913778;1558027643;a111;Logged on 2019-05-16 15:54 mp_en_viaje: in other lulz, $ echo "ϰλιρουόμος ϰλιρουομία χλιρουομια" | xxd 1913779;1558027647;stjohn_piano_2;you wrote an article once about parsimony vs efficiency, i think. 1913780;1558027664;stjohn_piano_2;asciilifeform: i did not. thanks. 1913781;1558027669;mp_en_viaje;right. 1913782;1558027688;mp_en_viaje;so i take it the pissing into blockchain of article checksum is automated ? or you do it by hand on some level ? 1913783;1558027702;stjohn_piano_2;hand-crafted transactions. 1913784;1558027718;stjohn_piano_2;uploaded to one of the various broadcast places. 1913785;1558027722;mp_en_viaje;umm. why the fuck would anyone. then whine about rsi ? how about not waste your time doing machine works. 1913786;1558027770;*;mp_en_viaje is currently quite satisfied with the trilema/rss > irc > archive.is system of archival. for one thing, on very rare occasions i will retrofix a typo or something. for the other, if i actually wanted to deed each trilema article i would, but by automating that itnerface. seems overkill atm. 1913787;1558027770;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: i'ma guess he's trying to 'airgap' but with no slave typists 1913788;1558027786;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, what's the sense in airgapping published material ? 1913789;1558027796;stjohn_piano_2;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-16#1913777 << yes 1913790;1558027796;a111;Logged on 2019-05-16 17:27 mp_en_viaje: http://edgecase.net/articles/displaying_hex_bytes_for_manual_copying << is this exactly what i did in http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-16#1913584 ?! 1913791;1558027797;asciilifeform;the tx i mean 1913792;1558027804;stjohn_piano_2;asciilifeform: exactly 1913793;1558027820;mp_en_viaje;stjohn_piano_2, so do you see something wrong with having an article about a script that does |xxd ? 1913794;1558027851;mp_en_viaje;because if i had a criticism to present toyou re your (in many ways quite laudable) efforts -- it'd be this scratching around head with wrong hand approach to life. 1913795;1558027851;stjohn_piano_2;mp_en_viaje: certainly. i'm not certain that i knew about xxd at the time. 1913796;1558027858;mp_en_viaje;are you coming from academia or something ? 1913797;1558027866;stjohn_piano_2;ah fair 1913798;1558027868;stjohn_piano_2;no 1913799;1558027878;mp_en_viaje;but you nevertheless understand what i mean ? 1913800;1558027882;stjohn_piano_2;yes 1913801;1558027889;mp_en_viaje;aite. 1913802;1558027941;stjohn_piano_2;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-16#1913785 << well, i had time to think. wanted to understand transactions, and by doing so achieve airgapped bitcoin storage. 1913803;1558027941;a111;Logged on 2019-05-16 17:28 mp_en_viaje: umm. why the fuck would anyone. then whine about rsi ? how about not waste your time doing machine works. 1913804;1558027954;mp_en_viaje;fair enough. 1913805;1558027957;stjohn_piano_2;transactions for timestamping is a bonus. 1913806;1558027994;mp_en_viaje;anyway, to belabour the point : there is immense value in having low barriers. part of why trilema is so great is all the time i put into making it very easy for myself to write on/for it. and my life in general is very finely tuned by this principle. 1913807;1558028023;stjohn_piano_2;makes sense. 1913808;1558028041;mp_en_viaje;if soemthing you should do can be accomplished in one hand motion, you'll do it a lot easier than if you have to first curtsy and then proceed. and a curtsy can be anything -- including having to remember the name of a script. 1913809;1558028084;asciilifeform;^ is how asciilifeform ended up with pedal board, bank of programmable keys, etc.. 1913810;1558028097;mp_en_viaje;all sorts of unexpected things improve productivity, and the thing with improved productivity is that it's a very hard exponential -- cutting yet another 1% dead weight produces massive gains because it lowers effort under pleasure threshold. 1913811;1558028125;mp_en_viaje;one sure as fuck loves writing when the path from idea to published article is an hour or so. 1913812;1558028149;stjohn_piano_2;asciilifeform: diffing the output of pgpdump -i [key] and pgpdump -i [deedbotkey] shows no difference. 1913813;1558028152;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, aha, and how linux ended up with the lulzy util names. and so on 1913814;1558028162;mp_en_viaje;does he even have ratings ? 1913815;1558028172;mp_en_viaje;!!key stjohn_piano_2 1913816;1558028174;deedbot;http://wot.deedbot.org/CF59A71DAC5722F695C3A730F6DC1E61599152AC.asc 1913817;1558028178;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-16#1913653 1913818;1558028178;a111;Logged on 2019-05-16 16:55 asciilifeform: !!rate stjohn_piano_2 1 temp voice / new blood 1913819;1558028197;mp_en_viaje;a ok. 1913820;1558028198;stjohn_piano_2;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-16#1913808 << have learned this painfully, yes. 1913821;1558028198;a111;Logged on 2019-05-16 17:34 mp_en_viaje: if soemthing you should do can be accomplished in one hand motion, you'll do it a lot easier than if you have to first curtsy and then proceed. and a curtsy can be anything -- including having to remember the name of a script. 1913822;1558028212;asciilifeform;!!gettrust stjohn_piano_2 1913823;1558028212;deedbot;L1: 1, L2: 0 by 0 connections. 1913824;1558028218;mp_en_viaje;... 1913825;1558028219;asciilifeform;seems like that part worx 1913826;1558028228;mp_en_viaje;a right right. 1913827;1558028265;mp_en_viaje;stjohn_piano_2, so why "If Edgecase cannot answer your question, Edgecase will probably be able to suggest some potential avenues of exploration." ? wtf is an edgecase then 1913828;1558028278;stjohn_piano_2;mp_en_viaje: the name of the company 1913829;1558028305;mp_en_viaje;so is it you and a friend made a company and you call each other piano-something and the company is edgecase ? 1913830;1558028343;stjohn_piano_2;mp_en_viaje: my name is actually StJohn Piano. my brother's name is Nicholas Piano. the company is just me. 1913831;1558028350;mp_en_viaje;why can't i select "Plaintext renditions of books, documents, and PDF files" off http://edgecase.net/pages/edgecase_services ? you against javascript also ? 1913832;1558028360;mp_en_viaje;wait, that is your actual name ?! 1913833;1558028367;stjohn_piano_2;i have not implemented a javascript select thing yet. 1913834;1558028368;stjohn_piano_2;mp_en_viaje: yes 1913835;1558028414;*;stjohn_piano_2 is reading http://edgecase.net/articles/basic_gpg_commands to try to use GPG the normal way to decrypt the otp. 1913836;1558028441;mp_en_viaje;nuts. it so happens it sounds exactly like what the "transparently clever & ironic" made-up name an [http://trilema.com/2016/xkcd/][xkcd]-minded 2010s cleverist would come up with. 1913837;1558028463;mp_en_viaje;so i guess i just assumed, lol. sat. 1913838;1558028495;stjohn_piano_2;mp_en_viaje: i agree. no problem, i'm used to that reaction. 1913839;1558028498;asciilifeform;stjohn_piano_2: at the risk of belabouring the obv., you gotta see to it that yer custom pgp wrapper actually has access to the priv that went with the pub you regged 1913840;1558028530;stjohn_piano_2;asciilifeform: yes. i have imported the corresponding priv key to this instance of gpg. 1913841;1558028535;mp_en_viaje;stjohn_piano_2, to continue that line, what'd http://bimbo.club/2019/05/philosophical-transactions-for-the-months-of-jan-febr-and-march-1716-part-v/ cost if edgecase did it ? 1913842;1558028560;stjohn_piano_2;mp_en_viaje: i highly doubt that edgecase can compete with slave labour. 1913843;1558028567;mp_en_viaje;may i be curious ? 1913844;1558028574;stjohn_piano_2;hm. 1913845;1558028577;mp_en_viaje;nicoleci, ey bimbo, how long did that take you ? 1913846;1558028642;stjohn_piano_2;well, we'd choose some hourly rate agreeable to both of us. i'd use an OCR site and correct the result. eventually, i might invest time in my own ocr fork. 1913847;1558028667;mp_en_viaje;you can't ocr that. 1913848;1558028676;mp_en_viaje;i mean, it'll be more work to correct than to write. 1913849;1558028676;stjohn_piano_2;ah. i'll look at the original. 1913850;1558028691;asciilifeform;was gonna say. stjohn_piano_2 take a look at his input, it's the ultimate, possibly, torture test for ocrtron, 18th c. manuscript. 1913851;1558028692;nicoleci;mp_en_viaje, that was a long one, five hours... 1913852;1558028707;mp_en_viaje;ty nicoleci 1913853;1558028735;stjohn_piano_2;ah. ouch. 1913854;1558028764;asciilifeform;stjohn_piano_2: if you're a serious meat-ocr, asciilifeform has a tough cookie, http://btcbase.org/log/2019-04-23#1909563 , would defo pay for quality hand-entry of it 1913855;1558028764;a111;Logged on 2019-04-23 22:59 asciilifeform: here we go : [http://nosuchlabs.com/pub/sovok/1801BM2_schematics.djvu][1801 schematics] ; [http://nosuchlabs.com/pub/sovok/1801BM2_description_vol1.djvu][1801 manual vol.1] [http://nosuchlabs.com/pub/sovok/1801BM2_description_vol2.djvu][1801 manual vol.2] . 1913856;1558028780;stjohn_piano_2;well, i'd use human-powered ocr then (given residual rsi). i've hired transcribers before. i'd then correct the result myself. 1913857;1558028788;asciilifeform;possibly even worse ^ , btw, than mp_en_viaje's item 1913858;1558028817;BingoBoingo;human-powered ocr has a high error rate when the wrong bipeds are involved 1913859;1558028843;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: noshit 1913860;1558028876;stjohn_piano_2;asciilifeform: this computer doesn't have a djvu reader, but i have no doubt that it's painful. 1913861;1558028883;asciilifeform;i dare say this is not the 1st line of work i'd picture a fella with broken hands going into.. 1913862;1558028885;mp_en_viaje;so look, and i hope you don't take this the wrong way (a hope mostly fed by your claim to have read the logs) : you're a guy with an evident humanities / non-technical background trying to get something going, start a company, all that stuff. nothing wrong with that. you are however currently beset by two prongs of problem. one is that in your quest to do something, you often do things that are getting in your own way -- there's no benefit for you f 1913863;1558028885;mp_en_viaje;rom all the pomp of "datafeed article 103," etc. it just clunks up your thought process. i know you don' tthink so, familiarity breeds a feeling of safety etc. but it's absolutely never worth it to have more shit than you need. 1913864;1558028894;BingoBoingo;And a lot of people advertising for "transcription" aren't the sort equipped to decode cultureal artifacts 1913865;1558028896;stjohn_piano_2;BingoBoingo: I use relatives. 1913866;1558028906;mp_en_viaje;the other prong is that you don't actually have anything you can compete in. slave labour or no slave labour, she does it in five hours and you don't. 1913867;1558028912;mp_en_viaje;now -- the 2nd is probably more approachable. 1913868;1558028913;asciilifeform;stjohn_piano_2: soviet-era typewritten + pencilled corrections, if yer curious 1913869;1558028979;stjohn_piano_2;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-16#1913862 << yes, reading logs has thickened skin substantially. 1913870;1558028979;a111;Logged on 2019-05-16 17:48 mp_en_viaje: so look, and i hope you don't take this the wrong way (a hope mostly fed by your claim to have read the logs) : you're a guy with an evident humanities / non-technical background trying to get something going, start a company, all that stuff. nothing wrong with that. you are however currently beset by two prongs of problem. one is that in your quest to do something, you often do things that are getting in your own way -- there's no benefit for you f 1913871;1558028990;mp_en_viaje;so, what are you realy good at ? 1913872;1558029002;stjohn_piano_2;asciilifeform: ah interesting. 1913873;1558029004;stjohn_piano_2;hm. 1913874;1558029036;stjohn_piano_2;mp_en_viaje: thanks for feedback, by the way. 1913875;1558029087;stjohn_piano_2;i have unfortunately worked mostly in small businesses, making me something of a "learn this thing quickly well enough to get it to do X function". 1913876;1558029130;stjohn_piano_2;i guess i could say that i'm very good at reading a lot of material and picking out the bit that is necessary for a problem. 1913877;1558029172;asciilifeform;stjohn_piano_2: this sorta thing is almost universal afflication of young folx. i can see why you choked on ffa tho, it has literally no 'parts that can be safely skipped' 1913878;1558029177;asciilifeform;curable, is the good news 1913879;1558029197;stjohn_piano_2;ha 1913880;1558029202;stjohn_piano_2;yes. 1913881;1558029239;asciilifeform;!!up stjohn_piano_2 1913882;1558029239;deedbot;stjohn_piano_2 voiced for 30 minutes. 1913883;1558029264;asciilifeform;stjohn_piano_2: got anywhere re the puzzler of why key noworky? 1913884;1558029273;asciilifeform;you'll defo want to fix asap. 1913885;1558029303;stjohn_piano_2;asciilifeform: no. still tracing back over the steps. 1913886;1558029316;stjohn_piano_2;i know, hadn't expected this part to produce trouble. 1913887;1558029349;asciilifeform;this sorta underscores mp_en_viaje's point -- if you have automation in the loop, it had better work and actually save time 1913888;1558029367;asciilifeform;unreliable robotics is far worse than none at all 1913889;1558029387;stjohn_piano_2;agreed. 1913890;1558029416;mp_en_viaje;stjohn_piano_2, in a sense, the issue here you'll now have to transition into maturity. 1913891;1558029432;mp_en_viaje;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-09-05#1848033 and all that. 1913892;1558029432;a111;Logged on 2018-09-05 16:52 mircea_popescu: well, there's that old "as i became a man i put the things of childhood aside". "something else", you know ? not a girl, no, but who knows what terror ?! 1913893;1558029503;mp_en_viaje;certainly displays the patience required, to, eg, make a quite pretty mp-wp clone in python. 1913894;1558029510;mp_en_viaje;did you yourself do that btw ? 1913895;1558029558;stjohn_piano_2;puzzler: why the key ID in the otp message is C8EFFF13, while my key's fingerprint is 599152AC. importing the private key into gpg produces (in gpg --list-keys) the correct key ID 599152AC. diffing the key returned by deedbot with my public key shows no difference. 1913896;1558029576;stjohn_piano_2;(correct key ID of the public key) * 1913897;1558029600;asciilifeform;stjohn_piano_2: seems like your pgptron still doesn't have access to the corresponding priv ? 1913898;1558029601;stjohn_piano_2;mp_en_viaje: re: maturity: good point. 1913899;1558029630;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, he prolly registered they main but gpg wants to use the sub (or vice-versa, i dun recall which this was) 1913900;1558029657;stjohn_piano_2;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-16#1913894 << really wanted more-or-less self-contained unchangeable publishing. thought i might as well make it look nice. 1913901;1558029657;a111;Logged on 2019-05-16 17:58 mp_en_viaje: did you yourself do that btw ? 1913902;1558029684;stjohn_piano_2;my pgptron is gpg 1.4.10, compiled from mp's original source in deedbot. 1913903;1558029698;stjohn_piano_2;i've abandoned the stateless commands and am using the basic stuff. 1913904;1558029765;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: in the case of subkeyism, he oughta then see a diff b/w the dumps, as i understand 1913905;1558029774;stjohn_piano_2;asciilifeform: i have imported the corresponding priv. will now export pub and confirm that it's the same as the one in deedbot. 1913906;1558029858;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, if you think about it, not only common, but forced because necessary. the human condition in postmodernism, as "lost on a raft atop sea of nonsense" kinda forces the tribe's expendable labour (ie, young males) into the "quickly search through large portions of sea" 1913907;1558029961;stjohn_piano_2;asciilifeform: have exported pub-derived-from-priv and diffed it with pub-downloaded-from-deedbot. no difference other than "Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)". 1913908;1558029966;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: hey, dun have to go far for this, e.g. asciilifeform earns bread these days by 'which 11 pages of microshit docs add up to the truth re $kernelknob' etc 1913909;1558029979;stjohn_piano_2;so my working assumption is that the priv is in fact the right one. 1913910;1558029993;mp_en_viaje;stjohn_piano_2, do the voicing in here 1913911;1558029997;mp_en_viaje;say !!up 1913912;1558030006;asciilifeform;stjohn_piano_2: also plz paste the eggog output from attempt 1913913;1558030054;stjohn_piano_2;eggog: 1913914;1558030055;stjohn_piano_2;$ gpg --decrypt encrypted_otp.asc 1913915;1558030055;stjohn_piano_2;gpg: encrypted with RSA key, ID C8EFFF13 1913916;1558030056;stjohn_piano_2;gpg: decryption failed: secret key not available 1913917;1558030075;mp_en_viaje;do it here. 1913918;1558030075;stjohn_piano_2;mp_en_viaje: ok. round 2 i.e. new OTP? 1913919;1558030085;mp_en_viaje;just say !!up 1913920;1558030089;stjohn_piano_2;!!up 1913921;1558030092;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/tiMdL/?raw=true 1913922;1558030093;stjohn_piano_2;!!up stjohn_piano_2 1913923;1558030095;stjohn_piano_2;ah 1913924;1558030095;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/yXnbk/?raw=true 1913925;1558030104;mp_en_viaje;moterucker, just once. 1913926;1558030107;stjohn_piano_2;sorry 1913927;1558030125;stjohn_piano_2;should i use the first or second, or either? 1913928;1558030136;mp_en_viaje;curl http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/yXnbk/?raw=true | gpg 1913929;1558030141;mp_en_viaje;^ put that in a term 1913930;1558030143;stjohn_piano_2;ok 1913931;1558030145;asciilifeform; Key ID - 0xEB915D5A625FF273 interestingly in both 1913932;1558030160;asciilifeform;which aint any of the subs in his regged pub 1913933;1558030183;stjohn_piano_2;mp_en_viaje: result: 1913934;1558030183;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, seems inconceivable the nick was pre-registered ?! 1913935;1558030184;stjohn_piano_2;gpg: encrypted with 4096-bit RSA key, ID 625FF273, created 2019-04-15 "stjohn_piano_2" 1913936;1558030187;stjohn_piano_2;UP stjohn_piano_2 1913937;1558030189;stjohn_piano_2;224B5AF74B3FDF7674566BBBC2C7AF0E46D68F6586E03C255C2631FD34BE60DD 1913938;1558030203;mp_en_viaje;stjohn_piano_2, say !!v 224B5AF74B3FDF7674566BBBC2C7AF0E46D68F6586E03C255C2631FD34BE60DD 1913939;1558030210;stjohn_piano_2;!!v 224B5AF74B3FDF7674566BBBC2C7AF0E46D68F6586E03C255C2631FD34BE60DD 1913940;1558030211;deedbot;You are now voiced in #trilema 1913941;1558030214;stjohn_piano_2;huh 1913942;1558030219;mp_en_viaje;you're such a dork... 1913943;1558030221;asciilifeform;oh hey, decrypted 1913944;1558030236;stjohn_piano_2;ah. first time -> opened link in browser, copied text into file. did not use curl. 1913945;1558030246;stjohn_piano_2;possibly browser introduced some stuff. 1913946;1558030279;mp_en_viaje;browser eh. 1913947;1558030369;asciilifeform;aa there we go, [http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/C3DE963218C881762D721256F0FEFF0F3D803D6DC5833B4B52D8E7BB569849B0][...273] was his primary (pgpdump for soemreason doesn't dump fphash of primary) 1913948;1558030372;stjohn_piano_2;asciiliform, mp_en_viaje: thanks for the help 1913949;1558030381;mp_en_viaje;yw. 1913950;1558030428;mp_en_viaje;speaking of slave labour, naked girls in my room packing my shirts. "watch, like this. see ?" 1913951;1558030564;asciilifeform;stjohn_piano_2: in the future, you'll want to do exactly same manipulation, but in privmsg w/ deedbot . 1913952;1558030579;mp_en_viaje;well he'll be hard pressed to do it here if unvoiced, lol 1913953;1558030584;asciilifeform;aha 1913954;1558030752;stjohn_piano_2;asciilifeform: ah. thanks. 1913955;1558030789;stjohn_piano_2;strange. doing the operation again with the original OTP still produces the error. 1913956;1558030795;stjohn_piano_2;curl http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/q34GD/?raw=true | gpg produces: 1913957;1558030801;stjohn_piano_2;gpg: encrypted with RSA key, ID C8EFFF13 1913958;1558030802;stjohn_piano_2;gpg: decryption failed: secret key not available 1913959;1558030826;mp_en_viaje;anyway, here's a consultancy i'm willing to hire you for : find some place that a) doesn't suck and b) offers a good price to advertise trilema on. large venues only ; none of the pompous bullshit. bulk adult traffic would do fine for instance, maybe talk to the juicyads dorks. 1913960;1558030835;mp_en_viaje;that something within your scope ? 1913961;1558030907;stjohn_piano_2;not so far, but i can certainly see if i can do it. 1913962;1558030958;asciilifeform; Key ID - 0x889ACC4FC8EFFF13 is defo not any of his subs ~or~ the primary. trinque ^ prolly worth a look 1913963;1558030969;mp_en_viaje;well, maybe i misread the substance of http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-16#1913875 ; afaik 80% of what "small business" means for the past ~decade is exaftly the above. 1913964;1558030969;a111;Logged on 2019-05-16 17:51 stjohn_piano_2: i have unfortunately worked mostly in small businesses, making me something of a "learn this thing quickly well enough to get it to do X function". 1913965;1558030982;stjohn_piano_2;ah 1913966;1558030991;stjohn_piano_2;hm. let's do a quick run-through: 1913967;1558031011;mp_en_viaje;ever since that graham scammer completely lost it, and started whining about some idiots who "handmade cereal boxes to sell their idea" 1913968;1558031095;stjohn_piano_2;I've done: writing python scripts to sort large amounts of transcription data, running transcription projects, setting up raspberry-pi-powered cameras, figuring out what to do about gdpr, bookkeeping. 1913969;1558031122;stjohn_piano_2;as a quick snapshot. 1913970;1558031143;asciilifeform;soo mainly to do with automating ocr ? 1913971;1558031161;mp_en_viaje;ah i see. 1913972;1558031163;stjohn_piano_2;no, not as paid work. 1913973;1558031173;stjohn_piano_2;that was just experimentation with edgecase. 1913974;1558031190;mp_en_viaje;so basically you were involved in one small biz, and it had something or the other to do with digitization, or w/e in that vein. 1913975;1558031197;asciilifeform;a. stjohn_piano_2 what have you done for pay ? 1913976;1558031219;stjohn_piano_2;ah. actually two businesses. one was a furniture factory, one did speech rec system tuning. 1913977;1558031250;stjohn_piano_2;furniture factory wanted to see if they could make and sell a cnc mini-mill. 1913978;1558031265;stjohn_piano_2;speec rec company wanted transcription projects to test the speech systems. 1913979;1558031280;asciilifeform;mini-mill << ~extremely~ saturated market btw. 1913980;1558031282;stjohn_piano_2;asciilifeform: ^ those, for pay. 1913981;1558031295;stjohn_piano_2;asciilifeform: so i discovered, yes. 1913982;1558031301;*;mp_en_viaje chuckles thinking back on the dfays of http://trilema.com/2012/lets-have-fun-with-paul-graham/ ; remember back when internet "people" actually thought paul graham has shit to say on topics and things ? 1913983;1558031319;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: even did have, circa 2008 or so 1913984;1558031332;mp_en_viaje;stjohn_piano_2, ok, but what did you do for them ? accounting ? 1913985;1558031377;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, more like in 90s, didn't they write a lisp-web thing ? 1913986;1558031388;mp_en_viaje;tho i suspect other guy wrote, graham talked. 1913987;1558031394;stjohn_piano_2;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-16#1913906 << this is an excellent description 1913988;1558031394;a111;Logged on 2019-05-16 18:04 mp_en_viaje: asciilifeform, if you think about it, not only common, but forced because necessary. the human condition in postmodernism, as "lost on a raft atop sea of nonsense" kinda forces the tribe's expendable labour (ie, young males) into the "quickly search through large portions of sea" 1913989;1558031403;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: did, but wasn't what he was known for, was still trade seekrit. was known for 2 schoolbooks on commonlisp. 1913990;1558031412;*;asciilifeform has both on shelf, they're notbad 1913991;1558031421;asciilifeform;mid-1990s 1913992;1558031429;mp_en_viaje;his forray into business however, is sadly reminiscent of tucker max. 1913993;1558031449;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: pg openly admitted it was 'yahoo'-powered peripheral scam. 1913994;1558031471;asciilifeform;~then~ something snapped in his head, and came delusions of 'biznis genius' 1913995;1558031476;mp_en_viaje;aha. but i meant since, made a "ycombinator" thing. 1913996;1558031478;stjohn_piano_2;mp_en_viaje: furniture factory: i studied all the components i was given and tried to make them work together: so, camera, computer, motion controller, servomotors, wiring etc. 1913997;1558031491;stjohn_piano_2;to make mini-mill thing for wood. 1913998;1558031499;mp_en_viaje;apparently those are easy to get, in usgistan. then again... long standing tradition, who still recalls the "tribes" genius. 1913999;1558031510;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: right, it's what he did with the bag of moola. immediately politruks appeared to 'help' him 'see light' etc 1914000;1558031522;mp_en_viaje;stjohn_piano_2, so mechanical engineer for factory and then software engineer for sound recording thing ? 1914001;1558031553;mp_en_viaje;!#s seth godin 1914002;1558031553;a111;7 results for "seth godin", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=seth%20godin 1914003;1558031560;mp_en_viaje;o look! logs remember. 1914004;1558031577;stjohn_piano_2;speech rec company: learned to build / tune /test speech rec systems (nuance, grxml). ran transcription projects for the test data. wrote statistical sampler scripts for the output. 1914005;1558031595;stjohn_piano_2;mp_en_viaje: yes, exactly 1914006;1558031603;asciilifeform;stjohn_piano_2: i have cnc mill (for metal, not only wood, albeit slow) right here, made from scavenged materials + 1970s 'sherline'. it's a weekend's work. i.e. pretty hard to make profit selling'em, china nao ships complete kits. 1914007;1558031621;stjohn_piano_2;although for speech rec, it was small company (my father), so I also did bookkeeping, reading about taxes, setting up computers, etc. 1914008;1558031622;mp_en_viaje;"One of the most popular in the world 7,000 posts so far, more than a million readers." ; dude's still going, check him out. les keks. 1914009;1558031628;mp_en_viaje;stjohn_piano_2, so what did you go to school for ? 1914010;1558031649;stjohn_piano_2;asciilifeform: i agree. goal was to make "cnc mill for consumers" i.e. cheap. 1914011;1558031653;mp_en_viaje;inb4 "painting" 1914012;1558031666;stjohn_piano_2;mp_en_viaje: electronic engineering 1914013;1558031680;asciilifeform;stjohn_piano_2: the rub is, 'konsoomer' dun particularly care to spray cutting oil and aluminum swarf all over himself 1914014;1558031689;asciilifeform;hence popularity of '3d print' nonsense 1914015;1558031701;stjohn_piano_2;asciilifeform: i learned early on that he who has the money gets to decide what to spend it on. 1914016;1558031702;mp_en_viaje;stjohn_piano_2, aite. i guess you're fated to thicken the rows of techs then. 1914017;1558031717;stjohn_piano_2;in this case, mini-mill for consumer. 1914018;1558031742;asciilifeform;stjohn_piano_2: as you have also probably found already, it is quite difficult to manufacture ~anything~ 'cheap' in ameristan. 1914019;1558031762;stjohn_piano_2;mp_en_viaje: makes sense. i don't think i'm a good choice for advertising work. 1914020;1558031764;mp_en_viaje;Kinds of truth “Gravity’s not just a good idea, it’s the law.” << check out the schmuck, "oh, here, nobody will notice pantsuitist pretense, let's talk about how gravity is the law. because hilary mcloser voted it!!!" 1914021;1558031790;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: where was this 1914022;1558031792;stjohn_piano_2;asciilifeform: i have indeed. 1914023;1558031798;mp_en_viaje;https://seths.blog/2019/05/kinds-of-truth/ << this might be the dumbest piece of drivel i read today. 1914024;1558031812;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: aint that an infamous crap artist ? i fughet 1914025;1558031866;mp_en_viaje;yeah. they're this cloud of idiots, this dude, graham, jobs, they all wear stupid clothes and aim to impress the gullible public by a certain style of fireworks. 1914026;1558031901;mp_en_viaje;usually shaved head, rolled up sweater, "eternal life", etcetera. 1914027;1558031911;mp_en_viaje;goes all the way back to tang dynasty. 1914028;1558031927;asciilifeform;[http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-16#1913731][upstack], '...those who purchase programming time now have a reason to care about programmer quality much more than they used to... obviously this will take a while. it'll happen first wherever software systems are interfacing with bitcoin. or are under pressure from ransomware. wherever it hurts the most.' 1914029;1558031927;a111;Logged on 2019-05-16 17:18 mp_en_viaje: http://edgecase.net/articles/conversation_programmer_licences << what's the weird here ? a) wrt to a buncha people calling themselves x piano ; b) wrt to hand-publishing what's eminently a chatlog, as such ? why not use a logger and only publish selected snippets that need notes and such ? 1914030;1558031969;asciilifeform;stjohn_piano_2 ^ is true. but slow. e.g. mp_en_viaje and asciilifeform baked a [http://nosuchlabs.com/hardware.html][trng] in '16; one might imagine erry single serious btc user would've bought. but guess what. 1914031;1558031982;asciilifeform;'the gears of the gods turn slowly' etc 1914032;1558031983;mp_en_viaje;every single serious user did buy 1914033;1558031990;asciilifeform;could even be 1914034;1558032036;asciilifeform;scratch surface of $subj, and find that the # of 'serious' folx is 100-1000x smaller than you could have dreamed. 1914035;1558032075;stjohn_piano_2;asciilifeform: yes, unfortunately. 1914036;1558032093;asciilifeform;the ultimate mindfuck, is when you find that you already know 100% of'em, by name.. 1914037;1558032114;stjohn_piano_2;interest from my friends and acquaintances in "store bitcoin on paper securely" using edgecase stuff has been: ~0. 1914038;1558032150;asciilifeform;thing is, erryone already has paper 1914039;1558032174;stjohn_piano_2;variant in this case is: use raspberry pi to generate offline transaction to confirm address validity. 1914040;1558032207;asciilifeform;why generate tx to validate addr ? it's a pretty simple algo, with checksum 1914041;1558032224;asciilifeform;dun even need computer, really 1914042;1558032273;stjohn_piano_2;well, in my initial half-understanding of bitcoin, was nervous about moving bitcoin into offline address without knowing (for certain) that i could retrieve it. 1914043;1558032381;asciilifeform;stjohn_piano_2: ftr [http://btcbase.org/log/2015-03-07#1044696][1 of the worst possible choices] of iron for anyffin safety-critical 1914044;1558032381;a111;Logged on 2015-03-07 00:01 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: and deliberately pseudo-open architecture (runs linux, sure, but with massive closed blobs required even to boot. and vendor regularly pays media mouthpieces to lie about it; also posts astroturfed comments) 1914045;1558032449;stjohn_piano_2;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-16#1914041 << well, i don't yet know how to do ecdsa, ripemd160, sha256 on paper. 1914046;1558032449;a111;Logged on 2019-05-16 18:43 asciilifeform: dun even need computer, really 1914047;1558032452;asciilifeform;( popularly said 'it is cheap at least', but even this is disinfo, there are similar chinese boards costing half or less ) 1914048;1558032504;stjohn_piano_2;asciilifeform: all this is true. is it still a bad idea if you run the raspi offline forever? 1914049;1558032517;asciilifeform;certainly terrible idea, if yer using e.g. the onboard rng. 1914050;1558032521;stjohn_piano_2;nope 1914051;1558032522;stjohn_piano_2;dice. 1914052;1558032533;asciilifeform;i'd still rather use old 486 etc. 1914053;1558032574;stjohn_piano_2;ah. when i started on quest, i had filed all computers under "untrustworthy". 1914054;1558032613;stjohn_piano_2;having spent significant time in their guts 1914055;1558032669;stjohn_piano_2;e.g. dig dig dig "ah, this Y is a wrapper around a half-melted X" 1914056;1558032725;asciilifeform;generally speaking, ideal irons for safety-critical system are from [http://btcbase.org/log/2019-04-23#1909563]['pre-internet age'], i.e. the kind you could write working emulator for in a weekend or 2 1914057;1558032725;a111;Logged on 2019-04-23 22:59 asciilifeform: here we go : [http://nosuchlabs.com/pub/sovok/1801BM2_schematics.djvu][1801 schematics] ; [http://nosuchlabs.com/pub/sovok/1801BM2_description_vol1.djvu][1801 manual vol.1] [http://nosuchlabs.com/pub/sovok/1801BM2_description_vol2.djvu][1801 manual vol.2] . 1914058;1558032784;asciilifeform;[http://trilema.com/2013/how-to-airgap-a-practical-guide/#selection-89.0-89.502][see also mp_en_viaje's formulation] . 1914059;1558032873;stjohn_piano_2;asciilifeform: yes. the approach, for now, is fine. 1914060;1558032882;asciilifeform;asciilifeform, for instance, has small stockpile of soviet-made cpu. not enuff for 'let's make wallet product', and certainly there aint enuff demand to even consider such thing, but for personal use. 1914061;1558032887;stjohn_piano_2;i contemplated a future (my middle age?) in which all of the old stuff no longer works. 1914062;1558032894;asciilifeform;stjohn_piano_2: that 'future' is now. 1914063;1558032912;stjohn_piano_2;ah cool 1914064;1558032926;stjohn_piano_2;yes, very nearly. but some 90s-era cpus still run, no? 1914065;1558032937;asciilifeform;70s, 80s, also work a+++ 1914066;1558032961;stjohn_piano_2;ah interesting. did not know that. had assumed old stuff would break in some way over time. 1914067;1558032968;asciilifeform;issue tends to be with [http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-12#1912582][2000s 'konsoomer' irons] . 1914068;1558032968;a111;Logged on 2019-05-12 03:29 asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: not only that period. i have strong suspicion that 'capacitor plague' never trooly ended, or will 1914069;1558032986;stjohn_piano_2;aha. 1914070;1558033004;asciilifeform;around 10y ago the expectation became 'will be thrown out in 2-3y' and manufactured accordingly. 1914071;1558033007;stjohn_piano_2;well, when (roughly) can ~all the 70s, 80s stuff be expected to be dead, purely from entropy. 1914072;1558033010;stjohn_piano_2;? 1914073;1558033033;asciilifeform;stjohn_piano_2: you will find interesting that it is possible to build computer to last 100+ yrs. 1914074;1558033038;asciilifeform;and without even trying specifically. 1914075;1558033046;stjohn_piano_2;asciilifeform: yes. i noticed. i have a 10yo macbook that functions still, while newer ones.... well, not so good. 1914076;1558033069;asciilifeform;i have 1980s items that still not only work, but with original seals. 1914077;1558033073;stjohn_piano_2;huh. now that is interesting. 1914078;1558033086;asciilifeform;even hard disks. 1914079;1558033088;stjohn_piano_2;so digging through junkyards is actually workable for my lifetime? 1914080;1558033107;asciilifeform;depends where -- over here in east usa, junkyard nowadays contains 2-3 y.o. comps. 1914081;1558033120;stjohn_piano_2;i'm in the uk, for my sins. 1914082;1558033142;asciilifeform;stjohn_piano_2: consider a trip to e.g. [http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-30#1819907][romania] . 1914083;1558033142;a111;Logged on 2018-05-30 19:23 asciilifeform: http://www.loper-os.org/pub/timis17/timis_gypsies_1.jpg http://www.loper-os.org/pub/timis17/timis_gypsies_2.jpg http://www.loper-os.org/pub/timis17/timis_gypsies_3.jpg http://www.loper-os.org/pub/timis17/timis_gypsies_4.jpg http://www.loper-os.org/pub/timis17/timis_gypsies_5.jpg 1914084;1558033168;stjohn_piano_2;aha 1914085;1558033174;asciilifeform;take a large trunk or two. 1914086;1558033240;stjohn_piano_2;question becomes: spend lots of time becoming expert in old tech, run homebrew hardware for running a wallet, but then: how to monetise? the expenditure in time alone is enormous. 1914087;1558033296;asciilifeform;stjohn_piano_2: i'll be the very last to say 'how to monetize'. the subj is re the simple matter of with what to construct machine so that you can even ~have~ money, should you come up with from where to get. 1914088;1558033322;stjohn_piano_2;the question in my mind is: does this strategy lose out to write-bitcoin-scripts-in-scripting-language to run offline on whatever cheap hardware china makes? 1914089;1558033335;asciilifeform;the 20-30 serious btc people that apparently exist, already each constructed for himself an acceptable walletron, is my understanding. 1914090;1558033342;stjohn_piano_2;asciilifeform: ah. 1914091;1558033396;asciilifeform;the risk from using one built by another pair of hands, pretty much always makes it seem a losing proposition to purchase a walletron of any kind whatsoever. hence why the market for'em is fulla rubbish, built for chumps. 1914092;1558033424;stjohn_piano_2;yeah. 1914093;1558033429;asciilifeform;consider how leonid brezhnev insisted on driving own limo. 1914094;1558033475;asciilifeform;there is famous joke from the time, where some official gets a ride in his car, and thinks 'who is that fella, who is so high and mighty that brezhnev himself is his driver !!' 1914095;1558033498;asciilifeform;( 'important' was... his driver. who was there simply in case he gets tired. ) 1914096;1558033572;stjohn_piano_2;ouch. 1914097;1558033603;stjohn_piano_2;although, i am surprised. i had thought "driver" was one category of subordinate where you could trust that the subordinate would do the work carefully, for his own sake. 1914098;1558033662;asciilifeform;'trust but verify' 1914099;1558033704;asciilifeform;sultan abdul hamid ii of course had guards. but also could, is said, hit a thimble from 50 metres with nagant, with either hand 1914100;1558033744;asciilifeform;( and iirc so can mp_en_viaje ) 1914101;1558033801;asciilifeform;point being, even if you have 100 pairs of hands, for the 1 that is actually attached to your shoulders there is not really a substitute. 1914102;1558033804;stjohn_piano_2;ah. 1914103;1558033864;stjohn_piano_2;yes. people try, but final responsibility can never be outsourced. 1914104;1558033931;asciilifeform;observe, on [http://nosuchlabs.com/hardware.html][fg www], the series of 'and now x tested' links. the buyers, did not simply 'believe' that unit worx, they took the time to verify. 1914105;1558033947;stjohn_piano_2;people reeeeally try though. "machine learning" (rather than "statistical sampler with paremeter adjustment"). 1914106;1558033999;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje had a [http://trilema.com/2018/the-principal-agent-problem-or-how-america-went-away/][piece] re the futility. 1914107;1558034039;asciilifeform;'As to the agent... his interests are very much not aligned with theirs. He wants to take as much for himself -- as well is his right, and as exactly is proper. They should have nothing, and he should have it all.' etc 1914108;1558034064;stjohn_piano_2;re: testing: excellent. i will eventually buy one. need to get a job first. 1914109;1558034068;mp_en_viaje;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-16#1914042 << bitcoin addresses have a checksum built in, last coupla chars. 1914110;1558034068;a111;Logged on 2019-05-16 18:44 stjohn_piano_2: well, in my initial half-understanding of bitcoin, was nervous about moving bitcoin into offline address without knowing (for certain) that i could retrieve it. 1914111;1558034110;stjohn_piano_2;asciilifeform: thanks. i have read it already though (and much of trilema). 1914112;1558034215;stjohn_piano_2;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-16#1914109 << yes. i didn't even trust the implementation of the hash function though. i started out with the assumption "it's all terrible" and the conclusion was "the only true test is to get a transaction from this address into the blockchain". 1914113;1558034215;a111;Logged on 2019-05-16 19:14 mp_en_viaje: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-16#1914042 << bitcoin addresses have a checksum built in, last coupla chars. 1914114;1558034245;mp_en_viaje;i guess so. 1914115;1558034266;mp_en_viaje;you understand there's a (very theoretical) weaking of an address through reuse tho ? 1914116;1558034271;stjohn_piano_2;yes 1914117;1558034325;asciilifeform;stjohn_piano_2: there's a potential down-side tho, of this method -- addr that has never transacted is shielded by the hash (i.e. the pubkey is not available to third party yet) as well as the ecc mechanism; one that has transacted , is only shielded by the latter 1914118;1558034366;mp_en_viaje;right. 1914119;1558034367;stjohn_piano_2;yup 1914120;1558034373;stjohn_piano_2;i wrote this up myself, to figure it out 1914121;1558034378;*;stjohn_piano_2 digs for link 1914122;1558034388;stjohn_piano_2;http://edgecase.net/articles/using_a_transaction_to_validate_a_bitcoin_address 1914123;1558034410;stjohn_piano_2;section is called "Does the hash in a Bitcoin address provide any protection?" (if you search the page for that string, you'll get to it) 1914124;1558034414;mp_en_viaje;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-16#1914097 << some people use slave labour. 1914125;1558034414;a111;Logged on 2019-05-16 19:06 stjohn_piano_2: although, i am surprised. i had thought "driver" was one category of subordinate where you could trust that the subordinate would do the work carefully, for his own sake. 1914126;1558034423;mp_en_viaje;hard to beat the loving slave in most personal applications. 1914127;1558034438;stjohn_piano_2;to quote myself "To attack a hidden-key address, an adversary would need to discover weaknesses in: ECDSA, SHA256, RIPEMD-160. These weaknesses would also have to be compatible. To attack a known-key address, an adversary would only need to discover a weakness in ECDSA." 1914128;1558034467;stjohn_piano_2;mp_en_viaje: yes. 1914129;1558034508;mp_en_viaje;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-16#1914105 << this is actually a pretty decent name for it. SSPA. 1914130;1558034508;a111;Logged on 2019-05-16 19:12 stjohn_piano_2: people reeeeally try though. "machine learning" (rather than "statistical sampler with paremeter adjustment"). 1914131;1558034519;mp_en_viaje;parameter*, but anyway. 1914132;1558034601;stjohn_piano_2;i'm going to get off the screen for today. 1914133;1558034611;stjohn_piano_2;asciilifeform, mp_en_viaje: thanks again for the patient help. 1914134;1558034721;asciilifeform;stjohn_piano_2: laters. 1914135;1558036022;mp_en_viaje;meanwhile in [http://trilema.com/2015/on-how-the-factored-4096-rsa-keys-story-was-handled-and-what-it-means-to-you/][same old] lulz : a) https://www.linkedin.com/in/nicolereneecichocki purged (ineptly, https://duckduckgo.com/?q=nicole+renee+cichocki][google] eg still lists it) ; b) spare invented http://www.truthbeautyandgoodness.net/about 1914136;1558036038;mp_en_viaje;"Nicole's curiosity about life has put her on a path of ever-deepening self-discovery. She believes in gentleness towards oneself, practicing gratitude, always having fun, and that laughter is one of the great keys to well-being." 1914137;1558036043;mp_en_viaje;a ~hair stylist~, mind you. 1914138;1558036328;diana_coman;o.O they replaced her profile on linked in?? 1914139;1558036443;diana_coman;lmao embeautyment 1914140;1558036463;mp_en_viaje;diana_coman, well, removed any tmsr reference on one ; invented a spare. 1914141;1558036562;mp_en_viaje;the mechanical similarity to the phuctor example should be illustrative enough. it's one thing for the "sceptical" tard to say whatever bla-bla re the former case ; but the two presented together are particularly strong, because absolutely the only commonality is their unpalatability to the femstate. 1914142;1558036594;diana_coman;ah, ah, purged refs on it; (linked in site was derping re login bla bla so I didn't get to see the content) 1914143;1558036597;mp_en_viaje;precisely how one defeats the pantsuit strategy : unconnected examples. 1914144;1558036619;mp_en_viaje;diana_coman, https://nl.linkedin.com/in/nicolereneecichocki also wants login / 1914145;1558036621;mp_en_viaje;? 1914146;1558036646;diana_coman;yes 1914147;1558036687;diana_coman;at least on the public toilet I can even access it 1914148;1558036705;mp_en_viaje;(anyway, this is the answer, for the record, as to "but mp... why would you EVEN DO such a silly thing ?!?!" i do such "silly things" because nobody cancelled http://trilema.com/2012/strategic-superiority-a-saga/ ; i know what i wanted to have done last year to humiliate stupidity today.) 1914149;1558036715;diana_coman;on which I can access the linkedin site I mean; possibly some paywall or whatever, didn't bother to really go around it 1914150;1558036734;mp_en_viaje;diana_coman, i dunno, they do some rotation whining and displaying thing. 1914151;1558036761;*;diana_coman even still has somewhere a profile in there but can't be quite bothered atm about it 1914152;1558037402;stjohn_piano_2;just back to say: solved (non-)mystery of OTP 1914153;1558037425;stjohn_piano_2;by mistake, i was attempting to decrypt the OTP sent to asciilifeform 1914154;1558037463;stjohn_piano_2;in my notes, i had this sequence: 1) join forum, 2) deedbot will present OTP, 3) decrypt OTP, 4) use !!v OTP. 1914155;1558037478;stjohn_piano_2;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-16#1913654 << pattern-matched as "ah, here is OTP" 1914156;1558037478;a111;Logged on 2019-05-16 16:55 deedbot: Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/q34GD/?raw=true 1914157;1558037479;diana_coman;heh, as I was reading the log, I was wondering if you were trying there the right OTP or someone else's 1914158;1558037495;diana_coman;stjohn_piano_2: you need to ask; and it's a more general rule really 1914159;1558037503;diana_coman;nobody pushing stuff at you 1914160;1558037513;mp_en_viaje;diana_coman, https://i.ibb.co/9qMb2jS/nicole.png 1914161;1558037528;stjohn_piano_2;diana_coman: yes. makes sense. annoying mistake on my part. 1914162;1558037563;diana_coman;btw re http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-16#1914012 -> I'd have thought you'd go straight for asciilifeform's TRNG schematics then, at the very least? 1914163;1558037563;a111;Logged on 2019-05-16 18:34 stjohn_piano_2: mp_en_viaje: electronic engineering 1914164;1558037573;stjohn_piano_2;^ trinque. hope you see the above about OTP before doing any investigation. 1914165;1558037590;diana_coman;mp_en_viaje: ty 1914166;1558037712;stjohn_piano_2;diana_coman: i had a look. 1914167;1558037857;diana_coman;stjohn_piano_2: re programming otherwise, there's eulora with a shit-ton of interesting stuff to do but there like ~anywhere, it's always about digging deeper rather than looking wider as it were 1914168;1558037966;stjohn_piano_2;diana_coman: gtg for now. will reply at a later date. 1914169;1558037973;diana_coman;laters 1914170;1558041458;BingoBoingo;In other news: African Face http://archive.is/xOE0e#selection-825.1-831.174 1914171;1558041766;mp_en_viaje;the question as to WHY " They couldn’t even get real Africans for the parts. " is amusingly left unaddressed. 1914172;1558041785;mp_en_viaje;hey, maybe if real africans weren't really subhuman, they could be economically useful ? 1914173;1558041791;mp_en_viaje;#justathought. 1914174;1558041832;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-16#1914135 << bahahahahaha! and for extra lulz, phuctor was 'replaced' in <2hrs -- whereas this took, wat was it, 6mo ? 1914175;1558041832;a111;Logged on 2019-05-16 19:47 mp_en_viaje: meanwhile in [http://trilema.com/2015/on-how-the-factored-4096-rsa-keys-story-was-handled-and-what-it-means-to-you/][same old] lulz : a) https://www.linkedin.com/in/nicolereneecichocki purged (ineptly, https://duckduckgo.com/?q=nicole+renee+cichocki][google] eg still lists it) ; b) spare invented http://www.truthbeautyandgoodness.net/about 1914176;1558041892;mp_en_viaje;the answer's in http://trilema.com/2013/attention-cunt/ 1914177;1558041916;asciilifeform;re wai took >6mo?! aint cunt supposed to be a nonmaskable-interrupt 1914178;1558041943;mp_en_viaje;"they know how to work those" 1914179;1558041958;asciilifeform;also wtf re the randomly dropping terrorist paragraph. normally they simply delete whole page 1914180;1558041986;mp_en_viaje;i dunno, "being plausibly deniable & unobvious" i guess. 1914181;1558041990;*;asciilifeform guesses that if nicoleci were to log in an' put back, will find it readonly ? 1914182;1558042023;mp_en_viaje;nah, prolly stays for a while, is deleted again, then "please verify acct", then "here's an imaginary someone else by your name", then etc. 1914183;1558042043;asciilifeform;like erry other heathen 'host' www, 'linkedin' has 'term of service' where 'we can drop yer account if we dun like your face' . but iirc nuffin about 'we will blue-pencil paragraphs' 1914184;1558042084;mp_en_viaje;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-01#1511945 and all that. socialism has a grand total of exactly 1 strategies. 1914185;1558042084;a111;Logged on 2016-08-01 00:44 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-01#1511937 << oh, "color revolutions" dun work ? tell you what, we'll steal your country's exports and with the proceeds finance an alt-country we'll pretend is realy your country. ha-ha! 1914186;1558042116;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: i actually used it briefly , many yrs ago, at the time it was just this tool for workers to drop in their cv and auto-spam it to employers etc 1914187;1558042122;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, currently im most amused at the inventing imaginary person with the most obscure of names. somehow oddly this chick didn't exist last year. 1914188;1558042140;asciilifeform;[http://www.loper-os.org/?p=1468][oblig] 1914189;1558042157;mp_en_viaje;"oh mp, existed, you just didn't dig deep enough" "yeah. right." 1914190;1558042216;asciilifeform;the sheer hamfistedness, pretty entertaining imho 1914191;1558042221;mp_en_viaje;ikr. 1914192;1558042434;mp_en_viaje;anyway, i dunno imperial "platforms" have much utility beyond this derivative comedy value, of making a laughingstock of the empire and it's inept movements. 1914193;1558042435;*;asciilifeform wonders whether fatlife yet 'replaced' mp_en_viaje with that old fart retired mayor d00d or who was it 1914194;1558042471;mp_en_viaje;heh. haven't logged in forever, they might even have. 1914195;1558042507;mp_en_viaje;i dunno, kinda thoroughly squeezed lemon, imo. 1914196;1558042537;asciilifeform;thought so, given as not mentioned in log for a while nao 1914197;1558042646;mp_en_viaje;yeah, cuz frankly i can't imagine what more. 1914198;1558042700;asciilifeform;iirc mp_en_viaje wrote a pretty good sifter for it, so if lemon had juice yet, would presumably still give juice 1914199;1558042724;nicoleci;it seems like some linkedin 'developers' read the logs and got butthurt 1914200;1558042737;mp_en_viaje;nicoleci, how you figure ? 1914201;1558042782;nicoleci;mp_en_viaje, it shows that people from linkedin viewed my profile and like asciilifeform said, why just delete the company instead of the whole profile 1914202;1558042788;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, part and parcel of problem there is fetlife really nosedived past ~coupla years. it's one thing to sift through mountain river for gold ; it's another to sift through garden hose spout. 1914203;1558042798;mp_en_viaje;nicoleci, ahahaha! can screencap ? 1914204;1558042818;mp_en_viaje;use alt-f2 in firefox to open up console, then type :screenshot filename.png --fullscreen 1914205;1558042822;asciilifeform;btw fwiw , http://www.loper-os.org/pub/ddg_nicoleci.jpg << ddg still lists 1914206;1558042843;mp_en_viaje;then upload to https://imgbb.com/ ; double-click on icon, left click copy image link 1914207;1558042846;asciilifeform;yandex ditto 1914208;1558042921;asciilifeform;nicoleci, mp_en_viaje : i have possible piece for this puzzler : asciilifeform's old notes suggest that this particular heathen pit structures text for censors as 'patch' deltas 1914209;1558042927;asciilifeform;hence why 'deleted 1 para' possib. 1914210;1558042938;diana_coman;possibly they "cleaned" her account for herself since it can't possibly be that she wrote such a thing there !! 1914211;1558042968;asciilifeform;diana_coman: there in fact are trojans which post spam to this & other heathen pits as 'updates' 1914212;1558042990;asciilifeform;so possibly framed as this, on the derp end 1914213;1558042993;mp_en_viaje;i'd expect. item leaks like a sieve. 1914214;1558042995;diana_coman;aha 1914215;1558043001;mp_en_viaje;in fact, possibly the WORST software i've ever seen. 1914216;1558043015;nicoleci;mp_en_viaje, cant since i clicked off and it now shows different views, unless of course i wanna pay for that sweet sweet premium account 1914217;1558043020;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: it's a pretty standard, as they go, 'indian code' 1914218;1558043028;asciilifeform;rather similar to fatlife, arsebook, etc 1914219;1558043038;mp_en_viaje;ALL the script-side cleverness you can imagine, it;s beyond comprehension. i do nto expect they currently can maintain their codebase. 1914220;1558043047;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, dissimilar in terms of complexity. 1914221;1558043052;mp_en_viaje;nicoleci, aok 1914222;1558043053;asciilifeform;india 'maintains'.. 1914223;1558043073;*;asciilifeform can't speak re the complexity, did not use intensively 1914224;1558043084;mp_en_viaje;fetlife relatively straightforward naive, linkedin employs truly complicated tower of obfuscation to prevent scraping. 1914225;1558043110;asciilifeform;lol! 1914226;1558043118;asciilifeform;typically these , are the tallest piles o'shit 1914227;1558043118;mp_en_viaje;i didn't use at all. i know things through... guru meditation. 1914228;1558043137;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, it;s so bad they're stuck having multiple paths for reliability. 1914229;1558043139;asciilifeform;( result eventually is ~always where ~only~ scrapers can even read ) 1914230;1558043142;mp_en_viaje;if you can imagine this. 1914231;1558043211;asciilifeform;nicoleci: lol, 'premium acct' ?! what do ~these~ get, 9000x faster censor ? 1914232;1558043223;mp_en_viaje;ie, if obfuscator of pathway A results in unloadable page, there's also pathway B. 1914233;1558043253;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: via cloudfart or how 1914234;1558043262;asciilifeform;iirc we saw a thing like this at one pt 1914235;1558043264;mp_en_viaje;no, all in js. 1914236;1558043268;asciilifeform;a 1914237;1558043270;asciilifeform;nuts. 1914238;1558043283;mp_en_viaje;js deliverer estimates if the final webdocument whatever is right or not, tries diff approach. 1914239;1558043314;asciilifeform;sounds like typical india. betcha there's a 1000-tall pile of if-thens in there. 1914240;1558043321;mp_en_viaje;can play six hours of original doom on the cpu juice one linkedin pageload requires. 1914241;1558043334;nicoleci;asciilifeform, lol. you get the special privilege of getting the FULL linkedin approved names of whose viewed your profile instead of just the job titles, plus all the other hr bullshit like being able to post a job add 1914242;1558043358;nicoleci;they spam their premium feature 1914243;1558043378;asciilifeform;nicoleci: iirc this was a usg.valley play at 'arsebook, but for work, make it so that plebe can't find work if we kick him off site' 1914244;1558043404;asciilifeform;haven't heard much about it in past 5-6y tho 1914245;1558043433;mp_en_viaje;pretty much all of the "web 2.0" usg."tech" stuff peaked cca lehman brothers days. 1914246;1558043470;asciilifeform;btw there was an actual Official similar www for usg civil service. in, naturally, microshit 'asp', erry other page load was eggog 1914247;1558043489;asciilifeform;prolly still exists today. 1914248;1558043511;nicoleci;asciilifeform, sounds about right with the theme of connections vs qualifications 1914249;1558043517;asciilifeform;afaik the only ministry that didn't use it, was nsa, they had even shoddier thing in java 1914250;1558043553;*;asciilifeform 10y ago or so, was starving long enuff to actually try'em all 1914251;1558043576;mp_en_viaje;i imagine Mocky recently did also. 1914252;1558043608;asciilifeform;nsa had the classiest output, they actually sent ~snail mail~ 'we regret to inform you...' full year, like clockwork , erry 8 weeks 1914253;1558043620;asciilifeform;( some statute required'em , iirc, to 'consider' applicant N times ' 1914254;1558043621;asciilifeform;) 1914255;1558043738;asciilifeform;nicoleci: the 'connections' wank was hilarious. e.g. asciilifeform had generals, admirals, etc. as 'connections' 1914256;1558043746;mp_en_viaje;nicoleci, try the screenshot thing in any case, so you learn how to use it. 1914257;1558043750;asciilifeform;( you could spam people and they usually clicked 'ok wainot' ) 1914258;1558043795;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, great way to earn a living from eg albanian secret service. "oh look, i have connection!!!" 1914259;1558043805;nicoleci;asciilifeform, 'we regret to inform you' is built into sites like careerbuilder and indeed jobs now. they even write the reject message for hr people 1914260;1558043807;asciilifeform;if they're dumbenuff, wainot 1914261;1558043827;asciilifeform;nicoleci: was form letter, mandated by statute in 1972 or somesuch 1914262;1558043874;nicoleci;mp_en_viaje, ok yes Master 1914263;1558043886;asciilifeform;the lulzy part was that snailmail, from ft meade, complete with eagles etc 1914264;1558043898;mp_en_viaje;not yet moved to octopi ? 1914265;1558043914;asciilifeform;this slightly prior to octopus with 'gott mit uns' lol 1914266;1558043943;mp_en_viaje;such a lizzard, that octopus. 1914267;1558043948;nicoleci;asciilifeform, i think it is still mandated to send letters for government jobs (more regulations for proof of hire eligibility) 1914268;1558043950;asciilifeform;(~that~ was logo of spy satellite ministry, iirc also applied there, but no snail) 1914269;1558044023;asciilifeform;on acct of some ancient and obscure bureaucratic degree, usg has ~two~ nsa, 1 usual and 1 that does sats 1914270;1558044032;asciilifeform;*decree 1914271;1558044055;mp_en_viaje;actually, for a decade or so it has a real nsa and the traditional nsa. on top of ^ 1914272;1558044062;asciilifeform;( + cia + two dozen or so misc. tentacles staffed mostly by ex-army ) 1914273;1558044069;asciilifeform;and these 1914274;1558044085;asciilifeform;and whoknows whateelse, asciilifeform doesn't get reports on his desk re how many there are atm 1914275;1558044130;asciilifeform;the various lulzministries grow like mushrooms, there is no decree that they may not overlap, quite opposite 1914276;1558044154;mp_en_viaje;the less they do, the more are needed. 1914277;1558044185;Mocky;I used a few different sites, but nsa or anything with 'clearance'... not *that* hungry 1914278;1558044187;asciilifeform;naturally, like any other hypertrophied organ 1914279;1558044220;asciilifeform;Mocky: for extra lulz, i still get megatonnes of recruiter spam, 'dear sir, if you have 'top seekrit clearance', we have a ... opening' 1914280;1558044335;Mocky;I had one recruiter 'if you get hired, they will sponsor your clearance' 'no thx' 'what??!??' 1914281;1558044389;asciilifeform;Mocky: i left a slave galley at one time when they presented me with a fully-filled set of forms and 'we shall do you great honour, mr. d, already paid for, nao please sign here to take holy orders' 1914282;1558044494;asciilifeform;Mocky: the ones where already gotta be a eunuch right off the door, pretty easy to avoid 1914283;1558044514;asciilifeform;otoh the other kind, where you sit for 6mo and then 'we have a great honour for you...' trickier 1914284;1558044536;mp_en_viaje;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/aX2bw/?raw=true << leaving aside nonstandard html codes, consider : 9452+3436+189943+46242+29630+76205+10674+604+1353+126745 = half mb of js. 1914285;1558044541;Mocky;got my current job via linkedin, msg from recruiter wed, I answered thurs, interview friday and monday 1914286;1558044559;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: half MB is even 'slim' by modern standards, for these. 1914287;1558044562;mp_en_viaje;https://static.licdn.com/sc/h/bimxgd2lcefc8j7rjufg6duxj sampler. and yeah, all instance-generated 1914288;1558044585;asciilifeform;of course generated. i doubt that the collective stable of monkeys have typed in half MB all together in 10y 1914289;1558044585;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, slim because naive derpitude load large piles of ~unused libs. but this is trimmed. 1914290;1558044630;asciilifeform;'var Fingerprinting={sendFingerprint:function(b,d,e){var a=Fingerprinting.getFingerprintData(),c=new XMLHttpRequest;a["x-f-uc"]=e;a.csrf_token=d;c.open("POST",b);c.setRequestHeader("Content-type","application/json");c.send(JSON.stringify(a))},collectInitialFingerprint:function(b,d,e,a){setTimeout(function(){Fingerprinting.sendFingerprint(b,d,e)},a)}...' lol 1914291;1558044634;asciilifeform;+ half MB of obfuscolade 1914292;1558044640;mp_en_viaje;yeah 1914293;1558044676;mp_en_viaje;then lulz like https://radar.cedexis.com/1556296336/radar.html?customer-id=11326 and https://i2-zuvofetrjalsubyssxcwblzgemxbus.init.cedexis-radar.net/i2/1/11326/j1/20/115/1558044281/0/0/providers.json?imagesok=1&n=0&p=1&r=0&t=1 1914294;1558044692;Mocky;rounded corners aint cheap 1914295;1558044719;mp_en_viaje;(citrixism) 1914296;1558044730;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: entertainingly, some yrs ago i had to write a 'decompiler' for these, to pull out ie 'sploits etc 1914297;1558044780;mp_en_viaje;"Real user monitoring data drives all aspects of Citrix Intelligent Traffic Management Citrix collects information from across more than 50,000 networks daily. Over 130 Clouds, CDNs and Datacenters are measured daily. Hundreds of millions of clients generate over 14 billion RUM data points every day." 1914298;1558044797;mp_en_viaje;~tor for corporate. 1914299;1558044820;mp_en_viaje;in fact, the codebase similarity is staggering. 1914300;1558044866;asciilifeform;'convergent evolution' . y'know, like how 'new world' & 'old world' vulture, unrelated birds, but to naked eye exactly alike 1914301;1558045013;asciilifeform;upstack : asciilifeform at one time learned that nsa has an unofficial exemption from 'discrimination laws', they dun hire ru folx -- but china a+++ a-ok 1914302;1558045052;mp_en_viaje;rather, very narrow pool. as in http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-16#1913620 1914303;1558045052;a111;Logged on 2019-05-16 16:38 mp_en_viaje: it's my guess that systematically shooting about 15% or so of the first line troops would result in >80% deserion rate. 1914304;1558045055;asciilifeform;( dunno re cia, was never yet hungry enuff to try ~there~ ) 1914305;1558045111;mp_en_viaje;~nobody available that can write the sort of shit they want, is willing to do it, and will even talk to them. so... reuse, recycle, reduce. 1914306;1558045122;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: i recall coupla yrs ago an nsa flunkie reportedly ate a bullet in afghan. was novel enuff that was newsworthy. 1914307;1558045158;asciilifeform;( dunno how 'desk flyer' ends up in afghan, i guess grunts could not be trusted not to mate cable connectors using sledgehammer..? ) 1914308;1558045160;mp_en_viaje;gotta distinguish the tiny core of productive employees from the large skirtings of african employees. 1914309;1558045206;asciilifeform;iirc we had coupla thrds re whether they even still ~have~ a 'core of productive' somewhere. 1914310;1558045266;asciilifeform;it dun take so many hands to turn 'and we put buffer overflow at X' from microshit, into 'deliverables' 1914311;1558045291;mp_en_viaje;well, this was more re producing the webolade. 1914312;1558045314;asciilifeform;last i knew, ~that~ was contracted out to same people who http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-16#1914284 1914313;1558045314;a111;Logged on 2019-05-16 22:08 mp_en_viaje: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/aX2bw/?raw=true << leaving aside nonstandard html codes, consider : 9452+3436+189943+46242+29630+76205+10674+604+1353+126745 = half mb of js. 1914314;1558045346;mp_en_viaje;both tor-likes and linkedin-likes are ~same vintage and ~same flavour for a reason. 1914315;1558045353;asciilifeform;it dun happen in the gulag proper 1914316;1558045369;asciilifeform;happens at 10-20man shops scattered all over 1914317;1558045384;mp_en_viaje;this is not coincidental ; nor is it yesterday or yesteryear vintage (which latest circumstance is prolly least happy re reich prospects) 1914318;1558045554;mp_en_viaje;Mocky, just sat and sifted through recruiter spam ? 1914319;1558045582;Mocky;in fact yes 1914320;1558045620;mp_en_viaje;aha. 1914321;1558046225;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-16#1914153 << lol, after asciilifeform went for tea thought 'hrm, that fp looked familiar', sure enuff http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-16#1913962 << >> [http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/3FD8822B236A7D809CB7D94A9B5E7DF08251829E6DCB988208AD8D3A768CAB9B][ asciilifeform's primary sub fp ] 1914322;1558046225;a111;Logged on 2019-05-16 20:10 stjohn_piano_2: by mistake, i was attempting to decrypt the OTP sent to asciilifeform 1914323;1558046225;a111;Logged on 2019-05-16 18:22 asciilifeform: Key ID - 0x889ACC4FC8EFFF13 is defo not any of his subs ~or~ the primary. trinque ^ prolly worth a look 1914324;1558046241;asciilifeform;but loox like stjohn_piano_2 realized already. 1914325;1558046266;asciilifeform;afaik 1st fella to press ~this~ particular 'anykey' .. 1914326;1558046389;asciilifeform;'doctor, you gave me these pills but nothing happens' 'didja take'em?' 'of course took, they're right here in my pocket' 1914327;1558051508;asciilifeform;in other ~recent lulz, 'Mar 9, 2019 - US citizens travelling to Europe will need to obtain a visa from 2021, the European Union (EU) has said.' 1914328;1558051561;asciilifeform;( just as argentina stopped, lol ) 1914329;1558051604;asciilifeform;at least this , 10bux, vs argie 200 1914330;1558064157;mp_en_viaje;10 bux likely won't last, either. 1914331;1558064162;asciilifeform;noshit 1914332;1558064172;mp_en_viaje;it's transparently a slot for us to humiliate itself, which it won't do, so... 1914333;1558064188;asciilifeform;i dunget wai even start with 10 1914334;1558064193;asciilifeform;wainot 100, 1000 1914335;1558064339;asciilifeform;for so long as it's < the typical plane ticket, tourists will prolly still pony up 1914336;1558064550;asciilifeform;( where is the limit of the 'brilliant biz plan', i have nfi, but they haven't even scratched surface yet.. ) 1914337;1558075940;feedbot;http://blog.lobbesblog.com/2019/05/hopper-update-may-2019/ << lobbesblog -- Hopper Update: May 2019 1914338;1558094658;stjohn_piano_2;turns out that for me fast real-time chat is still rather unaffordable at present. going forward, my replies will have significant latency. 1914339;1558094679;stjohn_piano_2;i'll go through some dropped references from yesterday: 1914340;1558094734;stjohn_piano_2;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-16#1913698 << i also completely forgot that GPG encrypts to a subkey, not to the primary, so of course the key ID would be different. 1914341;1558094734;a111;Logged on 2019-05-16 17:11 stjohn_piano_2: asciilifeform: gpg --list-packets shows that the key ID is C8EFFF13 in the OTP file. The key ID of my public key is 5991 52AC. Is this expected? (the fingerprint shown by deedbot in the earlier line is correct, though). 1914342;1558094980;stjohn_piano_2;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-16#1913740 << an error, which i will have to go and fix. checkpoint 8 has been held back from "published" status, because there is a little bitcoin in the address derived from the checkpoint. 1914343;1558094980;a111;Logged on 2019-05-16 17:20 mp_en_viaje: http://edgecase.net/articles/checkpoint_8 << what;s this ? 1914344;1558095056;stjohn_piano_2;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-16#1913779 << this should have been "decentralisation vs parsimony". the article in question is http://trilema.com/2015/that-scary-thing/ 1914345;1558095056;a111;Logged on 2019-05-16 17:27 stjohn_piano_2: you wrote an article once about parsimony vs efficiency, i think. 1914346;1558095157;stjohn_piano_2;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-16#1913810 << this is very true. 1914347;1558095157;a111;Logged on 2019-05-16 17:34 mp_en_viaje: all sorts of unexpected things improve productivity, and the thing with improved productivity is that it's a very hard exponential -- cutting yet another 1% dead weight produces massive gains because it lowers effort under pleasure threshold. 1914348;1558096140;diana_coman;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-17#1914338 -> how/why is that? at any rate, arond here it's more important that you *do* answer (i.e. don't just let stuff get lost) rather than "real-time" 1914349;1558096140;a111;Logged on 2019-05-17 12:04 stjohn_piano_2: turns out that for me fast real-time chat is still rather unaffordable at present. going forward, my replies will have significant latency. 1914350;1558096311;stjohn_piano_2;yum install qpdfview 1914351;1558096318;stjohn_piano_2;woops. wrong window. 1914352;1558097518;stjohn_piano_2;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-16#1913854 << i've had a look through these. 1914353;1558097518;a111;Logged on 2019-05-16 17:46 asciilifeform: stjohn_piano_2: if you're a serious meat-ocr, asciilifeform has a tough cookie, http://btcbase.org/log/2019-04-23#1909563 , would defo pay for quality hand-entry of it 1914354;1558097554;stjohn_piano_2;asciilifeform: what would the desired result look like? 1914355;1558097649;stjohn_piano_2;example: 1) numbered image files containing schematics 2) text files containing transcribed text 3) notes files containing the text on the schematics, with a reference to the corresponding image file. 1914356;1558097884;stjohn_piano_2;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-16#1913861 << i was not contemplating doing the bulk of the typing myself. my preferred approach would be to find a russian speaker, get them to make a GPG key, do the bulk work, and send it to me for correction. 1914357;1558097884;a111;Logged on 2019-05-16 17:48 asciilifeform: i dare say this is not the 1st line of work i'd picture a fella with broken hands going into.. 1914358;1558097925;stjohn_piano_2;i studied some russian once upon a time, i could almost certainly correct it, with a little practice. 1914359;1558098046;stjohn_piano_2;re: broken hands. yes, i cannot sell sheer volume of typing, only reputable attention/focus/correction. 1914360;1558098283;stjohn_piano_2;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-16#1913863 << makes sense. 1914361;1558098283;a111;Logged on 2019-05-16 17:48 mp_en_viaje: rom all the pomp of "datafeed article 103," etc. it just clunks up your thought process. i know you don' tthink so, familiarity breeds a feeling of safety etc. but it's absolutely never worth it to have more shit than you need. 1914362;1558098295;stjohn_piano_2;hm. 1914363;1558098327;stjohn_piano_2;perhaps it's worth mentioning that, at every point when building edgecase, i asked myself "what should a reputable publishing system in the age of cryptography look like?". 1914364;1558098404;stjohn_piano_2;this led to: multi-author, every article is signed (optionally by the author as well), articles are in a linear order (hence "103"), unalterability means that additional authors can trust that the owner can't sabotage their work / code. 1914365;1558098473;stjohn_piano_2;i contemplated the possibility of 20-50 authors on edgecase. not people here now, who already have their own blogs, workers, etc, but new people, who perhaps don't want to run an entire blog, but would like to occasionally sign and publish their work. 1914366;1558098628;stjohn_piano_2;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-16#1913866 << yes. 1914367;1558098628;a111;Logged on 2019-05-16 17:48 mp_en_viaje: the other prong is that you don't actually have anything you can compete in. slave labour or no slave labour, she does it in five hours and you don't. 1914368;1558098684;stjohn_piano_2;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-16#1913871 << have been pondering this question, and particularly the additional question "what answer would i like to be able to give in future?". 1914369;1558098684;a111;Logged on 2019-05-16 17:49 mp_en_viaje: so, what are you realy good at ? 1914370;1558098850;stjohn_piano_2;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-16#1913902 << if anyone is interested, i also worked through verifying the deed: http://edgecase.net/articles/verifying_a_signed_deed_of_the_gpg_1410_source_code 1914371;1558098850;a111;Logged on 2019-05-16 18:01 stjohn_piano_2: my pgptron is gpg 1.4.10, compiled from mp's original source in deedbot. 1914372;1558098909;diana_coman;stjohn_piano_2: wot + causes vs purposes sound both like good (re)reads really. 1914373;1558099206;stjohn_piano_2;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-16#1914162 << i did not look at them in detail. i filed them under "investigate further when i buy one". 1914374;1558099206;a111;Logged on 2019-05-16 20:12 diana_coman: btw re http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-16#1914012 -> I'd have thought you'd go straight for asciilifeform's TRNG schematics then, at the very least? 1914375;1558099306;stjohn_piano_2;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-16#1914167 << i have no doubt that there are interesting problems in eulora, else you and mircea popescu would not spend so much time on it. unfortunately, i have to prioritise looking for paid work / finding a job. 1914376;1558099306;a111;Logged on 2019-05-16 20:17 diana_coman: stjohn_piano_2: re programming otherwise, there's eulora with a shit-ton of interesting stuff to do but there like ~anywhere, it's always about digging deeper rather than looking wider as it were 1914377;1558099392;stjohn_piano_2;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-16#1914325 << a distinction of sorts, i guess. "one body at a time, minefield is cleared". 1914378;1558099392;a111;Logged on 2019-05-16 22:37 asciilifeform: afaik 1st fella to press ~this~ particular 'anykey' .. 1914379;1558099446;stjohn_piano_2;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-17#1914348 << ah ok. 1914380;1558099446;a111;Logged on 2019-05-17 12:29 diana_coman: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-17#1914338 -> how/why is that? at any rate, arond here it's more important that you *do* answer (i.e. don't just let stuff get lost) rather than "real-time" 1914381;1558099575;stjohn_piano_2;re how/why: due to rsi (repetitive strain injury), i currently run at 40-50% text production capacity, if i type slowly and steadily, with breaks. this is up from 0.1% capacity two years ago. trying to respond in real-time, as i did yesterday, is too high a rate for me to keep up. 1914382;1558099651;stjohn_piano_2;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-17#1914372 << yes. i'll go do that. 1914383;1558099651;a111;Logged on 2019-05-17 13:15 diana_coman: stjohn_piano_2: wot + causes vs purposes sound both like good (re)reads really. 1914384;1558099686;diana_coman;stjohn_piano_2: where in the UK are you? 1914385;1558099702;stjohn_piano_2;a small village near newmarket, in suffolk. 1914386;1558099845;diana_coman;ah, Cambridge-inflated area 1914387;1558099946;stjohn_piano_2;yes 1914388;1558103414;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-17#1914356 << plz don't bother unless you have one lined up already; i will prolly do it with own hands sooner 1914389;1558103414;a111;Logged on 2019-05-17 12:58 stjohn_piano_2: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-16#1913861 << i was not contemplating doing the bulk of the typing myself. my preferred approach would be to find a russian speaker, get them to make a GPG key, do the bulk work, and send it to me for correction. 1914390;1558103530;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-17#1914373 << i thought it was obv from the www, but must note that fg was sold out year+ ago . at some point we'll make the third gen. board , but not any time soon. danielpbarron however has a dealership and iirc still has a few in stock. 1914391;1558103530;a111;Logged on 2019-05-17 13:20 stjohn_piano_2: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-16#1914162 << i did not look at them in detail. i filed them under "investigate further when i buy one". 1914392;1558103628;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-17#1914355 << schematics + text in e.g. svg vector graphic. 1914393;1558103628;a111;Logged on 2019-05-17 12:54 stjohn_piano_2: example: 1) numbered image files containing schematics 2) text files containing transcribed text 3) notes files containing the text on the schematics, with a reference to the corresponding image file. 1914394;1558103638;asciilifeform;no bitmaps. 1914395;1558103748;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-17#1914368 << consider ada. ( [http://www.loper-os.org/?cat=49][ffa series] imho makes a decent ada tutorial, and so does [http://ossasepia.com/category/coding/eucrypt/][diana_coman's series] ) 1914396;1558103748;a111;Logged on 2019-05-17 13:11 stjohn_piano_2: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-16#1913871 << have been pondering this question, and particularly the additional question "what answer would i like to be able to give in future?". 1914397;1558104104;diana_coman;I guess part of his problem is being in the UK+cambridge area really - prices&salaries are so inflated that he probably needs a salt-mine-irl place just to make ends meat and that makes it then very hard to have any time/brain left to actually do the meaningful learning he still has to do 1914398;1558104121;asciilifeform;diana_coman: it aint impossible, e.g. asciilifeform manages. 1914399;1558104140;asciilifeform;( afaik similar level of inflatola here ) 1914400;1558104144;diana_coman;stjohn_piano_2: are you actually tied to the UK? and anyway, what sort of job/where are you looking for one? 1914401;1558104201;diana_coman;asciilifeform: for one thing you already have skills he doesn't yet seem to have and for the other thing you constantly say it yourself that at times there is no juice left for ffa /similar. 1914402;1558104228;diana_coman;but sure, not saying it's impossible, no. 1914403;1558104308;asciilifeform;diana_coman: imho it is achievable objective, re salt mines, to have ~some~ juice remaining ~sometimes~ . 1914404;1558104437;asciilifeform;( even auschwitz had an orchestra... ) 1914405;1558104443;diana_coman;sure; onth look at the rather long-list of people that seemed to manage to do it for a while but only for a while. 1914406;1558104469;asciilifeform;yea i suspect e.g. Mocky currently in 1 without an orchestra.. 1914407;1558104548;asciilifeform;fwiw stjohn_piano_2 , unlike many prev. noobs, seems to have the virtue of patience. 1914408;1558104641;diana_coman;moreover, while it is doable (like ~anything else really), it's hard to really see the reason to *choose* to do it when one hasn't yet been sucked into it ; and stjohn_piano_2 strikes me as trying to NOT get sucked into it. 1914409;1558104654;asciilifeform;right 1914410;1558104853;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2019/05/another-cisco-road-to-root-found-in-the-wild-while-anti-huawei-executive-order-published-in-us/ << Qntra -- Another Cisco Road To Root Found In The Wild While Anti-Huawei Executive Order Published In US 1914411;1558111356;lobbes;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-17#1914363 << if you haven't already read, you may be interested in [http://cascadianhacker.com/07_v-tronics-101-a-gentle-introduction-to-the-most-serene-republic-of-bitcoins-cryptographically-backed-version-control-system][ben_vulpes' classic likbez on v] 1914412;1558111356;a111;Logged on 2019-05-17 13:05 stjohn_piano_2: perhaps it's worth mentioning that, at every point when building edgecase, i asked myself "what should a reputable publishing system in the age of cryptography look like?". 1914413;1558111392;lobbes;also, welcome! may your studies be fruitful 1914414;1558113019;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-17#1914364 << this is quite similar to the direct ancestor of v , [http://therealbitcoin.org/mailman/listinfo/btc-dev][ jurov's trb mailing list ] system . 1914415;1558113019;a111;Logged on 2019-05-17 13:06 stjohn_piano_2: this led to: multi-author, every article is signed (optionally by the author as well), articles are in a linear order (hence "103"), unalterability means that additional authors can trust that the owner can't sabotage their work / code. 1914416;1558113289;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-17#1914370 << pretty great piece. hand-cranked verification of mp's gpg1.4.10 tarball deed . 1914417;1558113289;a111;Logged on 2019-05-17 13:14 stjohn_piano_2: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-16#1913902 << if anyone is interested, i also worked through verifying the deed: http://edgecase.net/articles/verifying_a_signed_deed_of_the_gpg_1410_source_code 1914418;1558113346;asciilifeform;sept. 25 , '18 . 1914419;1558113388;asciilifeform;fella defo lurked for a good while, and attentively. 1914420;1558113574;asciilifeform;http://edgecase.net/articles/ << lotsa classic eng. lit of various vintages, transcribed, in there. 1914421;1558113611;*;asciilifeform will take closer look at ^above when hands less full 1914422;1558113714;asciilifeform;http://edgecase.net/articles/how_i_bought_and_stored_some_bitcoin << also notbad, his walletron alluded to in prev thrd. 1914423;1558113729;asciilifeform;'Roll the five dice ten times on a flat, even surface, writing down...' 1914424;1558114788;whaack;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-13#1913067 << I am considering making a trip down to Uruguay some time in October. By that time I should have some fiat saved up to live frugally for a ~year, and I'll be done with current work/family obligations. 1914425;1558114788;a111;Logged on 2019-05-13 18:34 BingoBoingo: lobbes: Well, if you want beaches November to Early December is the time. Late January on into the summer heat makes the cyanobacteria bloom. Late December to Mid January is the tourist high season. 1914426;1558114886;whaack;But I’m not quite sure what I should do with my life. I am considering one of the following: staying in NYC and getting a “linkedin” job for 1-2 years, creating a base in some cheap rural surf part of CR, or moving to a Spanish speaking city. 1914427;1558115228;whaack;I would greatly appreciate the advice of the republic in these matters. I'm 25 and my main priorities are to fix my ESLness through learning Spanish and to have time to get myself an _actual_ cs education. 1914428;1558115261;asciilifeform;whaack: in your position, i'd focus on getting out of reich 1st; can 'book larnin'' 2nd. 1914429;1558115282;asciilifeform;the longer yer in, the harder to break out 1914430;1558115409;asciilifeform;and best way to learn lang, is to live & conduct biz where people speak it, this is gold standard for subj 1914431;1558115686;asciilifeform;'cs education' is, believe, 9000x easier, than to try an' escape reich as old man 1914432;1558116641;whaack;alright ty. I will drop the nyc linkedin plan then, and consider ditching my obligations in order to leave even sooner. related to cs I'm chewing through SICP, just published http://ztkfg.com/2019/05/sicp-21-solutions-introduction-to-data-abstraction/ and should be done with 2.2 exercises shortly. If i'm off course with my priorities on this front plz let me know 1914433;1558116776;asciilifeform;whaack: if yer making piles and piles o'dough in reich, and ~very~ disciplined, it can theoretically be a thing to do, save it up an' buy a block of flats in BingoBoingostan or similar. but i hesitate to recommend to anyone to sit in reich a single day longer than can be helped 1914434;1558116785;asciilifeform;it rots people from inside. 1914435;1558116932;asciilifeform;mp described in detail this subj, better than i could ever hope to 1914436;1558117767;BingoBoingo;whaack: I'd recommend if you come to Uruguay you don't spend the whole year test driving the country without a solid job offer when there's other parts of LATAM to explore. 1914437;1558118096;BingoBoingo;But if you are mining LinkedIn et al for jobs, it probably wouldn't hurt to look down here. 1914438;1558119363;BingoBoingo;The surf part of Uruguay is out east 1914439;1558119804;whaack;I wasn't implying that I would test drive Uruguay for a year. I would try it for 1-2 months first of course. 1914440;1558119906;BingoBoingo;Ah. Anyways, I know a good hostel, which in Uruguay still means you'll be in a foreign language space most of the time. 1914441;1558126272;mp_en_viaje;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-17#1914423 << i don't get it, what's inclined, bumpy surface gonna do ? 1914442;1558126272;a111;Logged on 2019-05-17 17:22 asciilifeform: 'Roll the five dice ten times on a flat, even surface, writing down...' 1914443;1558126586;mp_en_viaje;whaack: alright ty. I will drop the nyc linkedin plan then << nyc is a terrible place to stay in any case. if you're not making bank on wallstreet, you have no excuse to be there ; and even then, it's an excuse. if you're gonna linkedin, do a basic "what job pays - what single family ~house~ costs to buy in location.". if job doesn't pay over what loan would cost you, it is not a job, whatever they call it. 1914444;1558126906;mp_en_viaje;eg, https://www.realtor.com/realestateandhomes-detail/5034-64th-St_Woodside_NY_11377_M30426-76388?view=qv vs https://www.indeed.com/rc/clk?jk=22d3d5270a545891&fccid=c1a7c6d77658a22d&vjs=3 ; 1914445;1558127055;mp_en_viaje;you then put the 898`00 into http://www.interest.com/mortgage/calculators/mortgage-calculator/ to find out that over 10 years fixed 5% interest rate you have to pay 9,524.68 monthly (funny how they quote the rates in monthly and the salaries in yeary, huh), which comes to 114296.16, which is 14701.16 a year MORE than what the Representative of the Director General to the United Nations, who provides leadership and professional d 1914446;1558127055;mp_en_viaje;irection to the staff and operations blablabla makes. 1914447;1558127068;mp_en_viaje;therefore such a person can't afford to live in queens. 1914448;1558127097;mp_en_viaje;whatever, woodside. 1914449;1558127144;mp_en_viaje;by following this procedure you ~might~ find some combination that works ; but by not following this procedure all you'll find is alf's rut. 1914450;1558127671;*;mp_en_viaje always suspected they teach these things in hs ; but never actually checked. 1914451;1558131576;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: guess what else they taught in ameri-hs (e.g. 'if you put in 100 $ , yr later can have 105' , and other meanwhile-retracted 'communism by 1980' promiseisms ) 1914452;1558131732;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-17#1914445 << pretty lulzy detail in there : >> 'a tax-free annual net base salary' . wonder how this worx. 1914453;1558131732;a111;Logged on 2019-05-17 21:04 mp_en_viaje: you then put the 898`00 into http://www.interest.com/mortgage/calculators/mortgage-calculator/ to find out that over 10 years fixed 5% interest rate you have to pay 9,524.68 monthly (funny how they quote the rates in monthly and the salaries in yeary, huh), which comes to 114296.16, which is 14701.16 a year MORE than what the Representative of the Director General to the United Nations, who provides leadership and professional d 1914454;1558131884;asciilifeform;incidentally fwiw the shack asciilifeform lives in , would cost ~2y of his pay to buy. but i ~dun want~ to buy it, why would i want to buy a decaying cardboard-an'-siding thing. 1914455;1558132075;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-17#1914449 << i know a whole platoon of folx , in meatspace, in deeper holes ( e.g. mortgageisms, alimonies, childrenz, 'student loans', drink. ) but there is ~always~ somewhere a deeper hole to be found than whichever . 1914456;1558132075;a111;Logged on 2019-05-17 21:05 mp_en_viaje: by following this procedure you ~might~ find some combination that works ; but by not following this procedure all you'll find is alf's rut. 1914457;1558132216;asciilifeform;i imagine all of the holes look quite similar from mp_en_viaje's olympus tho -- sorta like stones on the ground, mountains to ant, all look ~same from man's height 1914458;1558132393;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-17#1914441 << this is good q imho. the only reason i can think of for 'throw dice on flat table', is to avoid 'came to rest sharp edge up', which can introduce 'must either throw again, or [http://www.loper-os.org/bad-at-entropy/manmach.html][pick between numbers by hand] ' etc 1914459;1558132393;a111;Logged on 2019-05-17 20:51 mp_en_viaje: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-17#1914423 << i don't get it, what's inclined, bumpy surface gonna do ? 1914460;1558135054;trinque;whaack: more important than where you haul your ass is what you're going to do when you get there. 1914461;1558135074;trinque;republic is scant of profit centers 1914462;1558135114;trinque;I could e.g. make deedbot wallet exorbitant for friends, and all this would gain me is beer money and fewer friends. 1914463;1558136182;feedbot;http://www.loper-os.org/?p=3256 << Loper OS -- 25 Years of Loud, Expensive Space Heaters. 1914464;1558139017;asciilifeform;trinque: i once attended a gathering of 'writers'. one unusually introspective type uttered phrase 'do you all understand that we're competing for each other's beer money' 1914465;1558139138;asciilifeform;verily it sounds as nutty as it was, but they were hoping to, believe or not, 'live off writing books'. in usa, no less. 1914466;1558139182;asciilifeform;( i've met 'fresh off the boat' 'was physicist, now cabbie' emigres, who suffered from this delusion. but ~these~ were not emigres... ) 1914467;1558140062;asciilifeform;[http://btcbase.org/log/2018-09-08#1848666][see also e.g.] 1914468;1558140062;a111;Logged on 2018-09-08 15:52 asciilifeform: paulgraham -- before turning into the infamous huckster -- had a piece where 'which biznis should you get into if you LUVV gardening?' '...recovering data from damaged hard disks!' 1914469;1558140415;mod6;Evenin'. I've built trb on cuntoo with ave1's 20180924 tools, with rotor only. Quick test shows pulls connects, pulls blocks. 1914470;1558140464;asciilifeform;mod6: plox to detail ( e.g. if on musltronic cuntoo, why needs 'rotor' system ? it existed only to build musltronic gcc 1st, and ~then~ trb, on heathen envirs , recall ) 1914471;1558140491;asciilifeform;( ... or didja substitute ave1's for rotor's ..? ) 1914472;1558140527;mod6;I used diana_coman's vtron build with the same. Pressed the (yet unverified by lord keccak vpatch bundle that I created in January) keccak tree, made the changes in the makefiles, etc. Have a vpatch. 1914473;1558140567;asciilifeform;mod6: this part makes sense. but i'm curious re the apparently redundant piece 1914474;1558140579;asciilifeform;( or do i misread ? ) 1914475;1558140646;asciilifeform;cuntoo, per my current understanding, obsoletes 'rotor' entirely (by doing same thing to ~entire system~ right off the bat) 1914476;1558140659;mod6;I ran into some trouble with BDB along the way because of a relocation record. '.rodata.values.2406' 1914477;1558140681;asciilifeform;interesting : this happens on ave1's gcc, but not orig rotor's ?! 1914478;1558140693;mod6;So I ended up adding '--disable-shared' to the BDB Makefile portion. 1914479;1558140713;mod6;That seemed to resolve the problem. Let me do a wotpaste of the vpatch so you can see what I've done. 1914480;1558140736;asciilifeform;mod6: 1st pleez say, under which gcc you get this, and under which -- not 1914481;1558140827;mod6;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/olwpU/?raw=true 1914482;1558140919;asciilifeform;mod6: i see what you did, but under which gcc got the eggog ?? 1914483;1558140936;mod6;asciilifeform: I changed all of the CC, CXX, LD to point at all of the binaries located in the tarball I extracted from the build of Ave1's GNAT, like this one: /opt/20180924/x86_64-linux-musl-native/bin/gcc 1914484;1558140937;asciilifeform;i may be thick, but it is not evident from the patch 1914485;1558140941;asciilifeform;aa 1914486;1558141015;asciilifeform;interesting, apparently ave1's demands 'disable-shared' in some yet-unknown case, to actually build static cppism 1914487;1558141026;mod6;it does seem that way, ya. 1914488;1558141029;asciilifeform;( previously thought that it ~always~ builds statics ) 1914489;1558141039;asciilifeform;at least seems to be the case for ada projs. 1914490;1558141112;mod6;I've taken notes, I'll write up something on my blog as soon as I can. Just wanted to share the progress here. Obv. bunch more testing, etc. 1914491;1558141161;asciilifeform;pretty substantial find, mod6 . ty for documenting. 1914492;1558141170;mod6;I hope I'm not doing anything redundant really. The Makefiles itself take care of the compilation of Boost/BDB/OpenSSL. The one thing that I still need from the rotor.tar.gz is 'openssl-004-musl-termios.patch' 1914493;1558141224;mod6;Otherwise, the 'rotor.sh' and 'rotor_bitcoin_only.sh' are not actually utilized. So we could cut those loose too, if desired. 1914494;1558141237;asciilifeform;it makes sense now, you kept only skeleton from 'rotor'. 1914495;1558141243;mod6;*nod* 1914496;1558141335;mod6;Anyway, I'm gonna grab some food here. I'll work on a write up this weekend among other things. o7 1914497;1558141339;trinque;I'd love to see a trb ebuild come of this mod6 1914498;1558141346;asciilifeform;^ 1914499;1558141357;mod6;trinque: We'll get there. 1914500;1558141396;mod6;Thanks gentlemen. bbs. 1914501;1558158014;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, diplomats don't pay income taxes. 1914502;1558158131;mp_en_viaje;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-17#1914454 << talking to you is often enough an exercise in "let's see what this intelligent but illiterate kid deliberately failed to notice in the source material / replaced with constructed story from head". house there linked built ~century ago, brick. specificaly because is not a matter of "what'd it take to buy rabbit-dwelling shoebox in which subjective rabbit lives". it's a matter of what i 1914503;1558158131;a111;Logged on 2019-05-17 22:24 asciilifeform: incidentally fwiw the shack asciilifeform lives in , would cost ~2y of his pay to buy. but i ~dun want~ to buy it, why would i want to buy a decaying cardboard-an'-siding thing. 1914504;1558158132;mp_en_viaje;t'd take to buy a respective portion of the finite turkeys of the land. 1914505;1558158205;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: given example was specifically a ratio of 'cost' / 'budget' tho 1914506;1558158219;asciilifeform;nuffin re '% of national land' 1914507;1558158232;mp_en_viaje;yes.but cost ~of one of the actual houses~. NOT ~of such a hole as plebes might inhabit~ 1914508;1558158268;mp_en_viaje;precisely this sort of substitution, "oh, shoebox also house, hoofpaste also hamburger, etc" socialism is being rejected. 1914509;1558158286;mp_en_viaje;to arrive at exposing the "oh, this also job, this also salary" fraud. 1914510;1558158314;mp_en_viaje;http://trilema.com/2013/the-wonder-of-inflation/#selection-77.0-77.49 << this being the general statement. 1914511;1558158337;asciilifeform;'if rocket puts out less thrust than it weights, it dun go up' 'ok, this is true of my toy chopper also' 'idjit, i was speaking only of my moon lander, plebe' 1914512;1558158377;mp_en_viaje;mno. a : "here is job". b : "this job does not pay enough to buy house" ; a. "but shoebox also house" b : "your scamhouse doesn't make your scamjob a job" 1914513;1558158451;mp_en_viaje;and you did not say "this is true of my toy chopper also". you said ~exactly the opposite~ : "my toy chopper DOES put MUCH MORE thrust than it weighs, but what of it, i can't ride it". 1914514;1558158455;mp_en_viaje;are you actually unaware of this ? 1914515;1558158489;asciilifeform;i read orig thrd as 'yer gulag dun even cover cost of barrack, they make you pay for barrack' but difficult to argue with 'scam house, scam job, and breathe scam air also', all of it is entirely tru 1914516;1558158533;mp_en_viaje;this sort of idiocy has been the stock in trade of your non-technical contribution for the past ... soon to be a decade, holy shit! 1914517;1558158547;mp_en_viaje;look at it : " incidentally fwiw the shack asciilifeform lives in , would cost ~2y of his pay to buy. but i ~dun want~ to buy it" === "my toy chopper DOES put MUCH MORE thrust than it weighs, but what of it, i can't ride it" 1914518;1558158573;mp_en_viaje;then everyone else : "so get a bunch of choppers, if one lifts a little a lot will lift a lot" alf : "oh noes, only can exist one, my toy chopper is magical" 1914519;1558158598;mp_en_viaje;then everyone : "so take it apart, reproduce the pieces on larger scale" ; alf : "oh noex, my toy choper can't be opened, it's magical" 1914520;1558158608;mp_en_viaje;this has been you, since you've been talking about money. 1914521;1558158609;asciilifeform;funnily enuff iirc we had thread re literally whether one could ride 100 toy chopper 1914522;1558158640;mp_en_viaje;now stop squirming about. there's no squirming about. you made a claim, which is false. 1914523;1558158651;asciilifeform;plox to expand? 1914524;1558158655;mp_en_viaje;stop sliding over this sort of thing, because it's rotting your brain. 1914525;1558158661;mp_en_viaje;what expand ? the expansion's afuckingbove. 1914526;1558158673;asciilifeform;false as in 'could ride, idjit' or false in re 'toy' 1914527;1558158697;mp_en_viaje;we were discussing a thing. you came up with some cuntlogic. 1914528;1558158746;mp_en_viaje;then got called on it, and instead of fixing the headgoange, went right into cuntmode. 1914529;1558158763;asciilifeform;possibly i dun follow the analogy. not pretending, swear. 1914530;1558158773;mp_en_viaje;again from the top : 1914531;1558158818;mp_en_viaje;i was explaining to the inquiring mind how to price a supposed job : take an actual house, see what it costs, see how it figures against the supposed job. the process will illuminate whether it's a real job or a scam job. 1914532;1558158840;mp_en_viaje;you intervened to point out that you live in a scamhouse. 1914533;1558158854;asciilifeform;in fact do 1914534;1558158856;mp_en_viaje;this is an invalid basis for an intervention ; not something thinking man does. 1914535;1558158893;mp_en_viaje;i pointed out to you that this is not something thinking man does, you went to argue that 1+1=2. 1914536;1558158907;mp_en_viaje;this, IN TURN, is not a valid response. 1914537;1558158945;asciilifeform;there was 0 in orig thrd re genuine vs scam, read entirely as 'is yer 'job' in fact paying, or do you pay to go to it' 1914538;1558158960;mp_en_viaje;i pointed out to you that this is not a valid response, you ~moved on to attacking me~. guess what, wehther i'm rich or poor, happy or unhappy, tall or short, it is STILL not valid to go into a discussion of 1+2 when i point out to you you did something stupid. 1914539;1558158976;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, yes, this is the difference. job == where they pay you to go ; scamjob == where you pay to go there. 1914540;1558159022;asciilifeform;so , to expand this binomial, 'if yer living in cardboard, thereby you pay to go' ? 1914541;1558159056;mp_en_viaje;where you live makes no difference!!! for as long as "the job" is something which does not pay enough to buy ~house~, THEREFORE you pay to go. wherever you live, whatever your conditions. 1914542;1558159078;mp_en_viaje;if you lived off photosynthesis, the scamjob still stays a scamjob. because whether job is scam or not ~is about the job~. NOT about you, in any capacity. 1914543;1558159088;asciilifeform;aite, so ~was~ strictly re the sums in given units ? 1914544;1558159101;mp_en_viaje;and yes, this happens to be the two-pronged approach of socialism : tryina make the job about you, and tryna making the payment about something else. 1914545;1558159117;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, yes, the discussion was aboout trying to help him evaluate jobs. 1914546;1558159156;mp_en_viaje;like a pair of shoes, which is WHAT THEY ARE. a job isn't who the fuck you are, a job is ~something you bought~. like a tv set or a couch. 1914547;1558159237;asciilifeform;ok, take the succesful broker, 1m/y in. that same brick house, 900k. what is output of algo ? ( per my reading of orig - 'not scam' ? ) 1914548;1558159272;mp_en_viaje;but the fact that the man selling you a job is using some "unrelated" accolytes to collect the cost of job, and the fact man selling you job pretends he's collecting "rent" which is totally no cost of job makes no fucking difference. and the fact man selling you job tries to pretend you gotta buy it, to "have status", much like engagement ring salesmen try to pretend, also make no difference. 1914549;1558159305;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, "if you're not making bank on wallstreet, you have no excuse to be there ; and even then, it's an excuse." 1914550;1558159321;mp_en_viaje;man who makes 1mn a year on wall street has THE EXCUSE. 1914551;1558159334;asciilifeform;right. so per this extended model, even tho on paper broker 'breaks even', he is still chump, as e.g. lives in reich where usg can steal his brick castle on a whim 1914552;1558159366;mp_en_viaje;well, broker more than breaks even. so he does have the caragea argument, "i'm trying to steal enough before they steal it back to take off" 1914553;1558159385;mp_en_viaje;(ioan voda caragea famous 1818s ruler, escaped to transylvania with his loot) 1914554;1558159394;asciilifeform;this is when i admit that i dun think i have with what to disagree with mp_en_viaje 1914555;1558159423;asciilifeform;imho poorly specified didactic problem tho, in orig thrd. 1914556;1558159429;mp_en_viaje;nevermind what to disagree. stop sliding around all the time, it's like you have a cuntprocess in your head, the moment money starts being discussed you're suddenly an octopus on ice. 1914557;1558159506;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: 'wtf, i solved apparent given equation, and this fella goes off re 'cuntlogics'..' != 'slide' 1914558;1558159552;mp_en_viaje;because it takes a certain dose of insanity to think the equation you solved was the equation that was being presented. you recall that episone in married with children when christina applegate was saving cereal box K's to buy car ? 1914559;1558159558;mp_en_viaje;she, also solved. 1914560;1558159570;asciilifeform;will confess, not seen this film 1914561;1558159575;asciilifeform;ought to ? 1914562;1558159602;mp_en_viaje;tv show. not really : blondy public woman, very dim, decides she wants car, asks how much, is told 40G's, starts cutting out the letter g from cereal boxes 1914563;1558159607;mp_en_viaje;then latter is quoted in k 1914564;1558159613;mp_en_viaje;upset, starts over with diff letter. 1914565;1558159620;asciilifeform;lol!! 1914566;1558159661;asciilifeform;!#s дай дураку топор 1914567;1558159661;a111;1 result for "дай дураку топор", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%D0%B4%D0%B0%D0%B9%20%D0%B4%D1%83%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BA%D1%83%20%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%BF%D0%BE%D1%80 1914568;1558159718;mp_en_viaje;which is the substance of my objection : that on certain topics, which aren't randomly distributerd but structurally related to money (in the sense of social interaction) you tend to apply such wildly inadequate macroexpansions. 1914569;1558159730;asciilifeform;( orig. iirc persia, 'to idiot, i gave an axe, so he would cut some wood; but went instead to mosque, the door he smashed best as he could' ) 1914570;1558159796;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: helps to remember that i've never seen actual troo money, except in microscopic quantities, and even this only since btc introduced 1914571;1558159837;mp_en_viaje;this is fine and dandy, but you have to look at the thing, and evaluate it, and improve it through the usual rational process. rather than pretend it's not even there. 1914572;1558159849;asciilifeform;how much shoemaker knows about neutrino ? 1914573;1558159878;mp_en_viaje;minimaxing works fine in engineering and d&d. it is not a workable strategy in energy exchange, be it in the form of boat-on-sea or in the form of picking-up-chick or in the form of find-jerb etc. 1914574;1558159949;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, you know what minimax is, do you ? 1914575;1558159961;asciilifeform;'hill climb' 1914576;1558160003;mp_en_viaje;right, decisionmaking optimised for minimizing loss in worst case. 1914577;1558160018;mp_en_viaje;it works ~sometimes~. 1914578;1558160022;asciilifeform;well not only, but with 0 'uphill' 1914579;1558160037;asciilifeform;to be horridly pedantic. 1914580;1558160080;asciilifeform;( if you can ~sometimes~ move uphill, yer 'simulated anneal', not minimax ) 1914581;1558160114;mp_en_viaje;this is the strategy of blondy : the wildest possible edge of "40Gs" as a price would be if the G's were those found in Kellog's. to ~insure herself against the maximum loss where that's what the yactually were~, she proceeds to cut them out, and see. 1914582;1558160132;asciilifeform;well ultimate minimax is... tree 1914583;1558160135;mp_en_viaje;this strategy works sometimes, but it never works in the context of used cars, because ~many other agents played the game already~. 1914584;1558160139;asciilifeform;as in the plant 1914585;1558160200;mp_en_viaje;in markets, the minimax strategy is universally inept, specifically because you lose through average losses not through catastrophe. 1914586;1558160218;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: iirc the trad term ( for what 'doesn't work in used cars biz' ) is not, is 'robust' 1914587;1558160233;asciilifeform;i.e. working strat in game theor. context 1914588;1558160263;mp_en_viaje;terminology aside. 1914589;1558160273;asciilifeform;also i entirely believe mp_en_viaje that it dun work in markets. predictable, so loses. 1914590;1558160363;mp_en_viaje;not even a matter of predictable (as in, will be defeated in future). it happens to attempt to go agains tthe specific gradient of what the whole system does. market ~altogether exists~ so as to [http://trilema.com/2013/of-skimmed-milk-and-skimming-the-milk/#selection-97.457-97.656][close the 0-infinity gap] 1914591;1558160363;*;asciilifeform is to same degree 'market expert' as 'fighter pilot'. but does know this basic. 1914592;1558160377;mp_en_viaje;infinity-inspired strategies are necessarily weak in context. 1914593;1558160448;mp_en_viaje;in other words, market is what's left once the minimax approach was defeated. much like water doesn't burn -- because it has burned already -- minimaxing in context of money, language, human relationships does not work. 1914594;1558160496;mp_en_viaje;works ~grandiously well~ dealing with first pass nature, hence http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-04#1884426 1914595;1558160496;a111;Logged on 2019-01-04 17:18 mircea_popescu: why the fuck didn't i think of that. 1914596;1558160501;asciilifeform;aa in this context 'market' as an artificial object, of civilized life, like 'plumbing', vs. merely the set of all possible interactions (incl. 'dumping', burning down competitor, etc. ) ? 1914597;1558160529;mp_en_viaje;market is that situation where you can price things. the exact opposite of heroics. 1914598;1558160549;mp_en_viaje;you can not hire a hero ; but you can hire a service. 1914599;1558160557;asciilifeform;ok then makes sense 1914600;1558160619;asciilifeform;( 'hero' incidentally wont go far if he cant hire services.. ) 1914601;1558160629;mp_en_viaje;now, there's nothing wrong with one who just happens to be a hero. EXCEPT if he has such poor grasp of money, inkeeps start laughing at him. 1914602;1558160682;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, quite exactly. a re-read of the ingenious nobleman sir don quixote de la mancha through this critical lens might be most informative. note how panza is ~not hired~. 1914603;1558160699;asciilifeform;this thrd is imho incomplete without a quote from some 16th c italian comedy that asciilifeform never heard of but mp_en_viaje happens to have translated !1 1914604;1558160742;mp_en_viaje;roflmao. 1914605;1558160744;asciilifeform;lol inb4 ( tho did read ~that~ , who didn't ) 1914606;1558160769;asciilifeform;but also not italy!1 1914607;1558160824;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, do you mean http://trilema.com/2011/curiosul-pedepsit-de-luca-ion-caragiale/ aka el curioso impertinente ? 1914608;1558160858;asciilifeform;possibly! not read yet 1914609;1558160915;*;asciilifeform to bed, has all of tomorrow calendared for ffaism, so really ought turn in nao 1914610;1558160948;asciilifeform;goodnight mp_en_viaje 1914611;1558160951;mp_en_viaje; nn 1914612;1558161509;mp_en_viaje;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-17#1914457 << rather, a holes a hole. no doubt makes a difference to prisoners themselves, as well as to professional prisoner herders, what everyone's in for. 1914613;1558161509;a111;Logged on 2019-05-17 22:30 asciilifeform: i imagine all of the holes look quite similar from mp_en_viaje's olympus tho -- sorta like stones on the ground, mountains to ant, all look ~same from man's height 1914614;1558161522;mp_en_viaje;but from the pov of sane man -- everyone's in for having been caught, which is a stupid thing to do . 1914615;1558161607;mp_en_viaje;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-17#1914462 << this is a problem. 1914616;1558161607;a111;Logged on 2019-05-17 23:18 trinque: I could e.g. make deedbot wallet exorbitant for friends, and all this would gain me is beer money and fewer friends. 1914617;1558161652;mp_en_viaje;what's more, it's a problem that only can possibly have two classes of solution : either, like successful merchants, widen the base ; or else, like successful politicians, revolution. 1914618;1558161768;mp_en_viaje;to widen the base you must water down the product, which exposes you downstream to the [http://trilema.com/2019/domestic-casting/#footnote_0_83718][reversion problem] -- even what appeared a bona fide revolution in the 90s could in fact be undone by [http://trilema.com/2015/quantum-mechanics-today-a-machine-to-turn-penis-projectile-vibration-into-eyelash-flutter/#selection-31.0-31.70][the cunt process] ; 1914619;1558161794;mp_en_viaje;meanwhile to revolution you must crack skulls (and even widely successful revolutions a la russia still end up reverted to mean by same cunt process). 1914620;1558161834;mp_en_viaje;so strategically my notion here is to use a separated approach -- keep the theory clean and neat in one place, and encourage activity informed by it, but do not permit said activity to fuck up the theory. 1914621;1558161838;mp_en_viaje;does this make any sense to you trinque ? 1914622;1558165319;mp_en_viaje;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-18#1914464 <<-->> http://trilema.com/2016/and-they-wont-fucking-yield/#selection-127.158-131.25 ; the situation is therefore precisely described. 1914623;1558165319;a111;Logged on 2019-05-18 00:23 asciilifeform: trinque: i once attended a gathering of 'writers'. one unusually introspective type uttered phrase 'do you all understand that we're competing for each other's beer money' 1914624;1558165319;mp_en_viaje;yes on occasion schmuck can [http://trilema.com/2011/prostitextuarea/][sell his body] with some [http://trilema.com/2013/the-pulizer-prostitute/][political] (like the caleb crain idiot hoped to do) or commercial success (like say that j k rowling retard, who "made a billion dollars" (in [http://trilema.com/2015/you-know-what-gets-no-airplay-unflattering-truth/#footnote_23_63204][the usual manner]) by "writing fiction" aka herdin 1914625;1558165319;mp_en_viaje;g morons.) 1914626;1558165319;mp_en_viaje;perhaps the best example in latter this vein would be the case of the guy writing "game of thrones" -- he did two things : gathered a demo and provided an in. his in, craftily written in, was "everyone always dies". 1914627;1558165325;mp_en_viaje;once netflix or whoever bought it, they bought a very valuable franchise : now they can "continue" the "famous work of fiction" but ~without~ killing anyone anymore. this is what they're mass-marketing : "come ye herds, and watch the a) famous work of fiction where everyone dies but b) without anyone dying while you watch". 1914628;1558165328;mp_en_viaje;it's win-win, see : the herd can "[http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-16#1914180][plausibly-deniably]" claim to be watching "something cool". as far as every moomoo in the herd is concerned, they're not a buncha lamers. heck, they're almost cool, they sure as fuck watch true drama, where heroes die (sometime)! 1914629;1558165328;a111;Logged on 2019-05-16 21:26 mp_en_viaje: i dunno, "being plausibly deniable & unobvious" i guess. 1914630;1558165332;mp_en_viaje;meanwhile the capitalists can claim to be marketing quality fiction, they've bridged the gap, see, they have both large herds of moomoos watching and also (plausibly-deniably) a good story being screened! and they even paid the author lotta money! 1914631;1558165336;mp_en_viaje;and the author, who traded his work in for this exact usage (and, i'm pretty convinced, made it exactly to this spec in the first place), is "successful writer" -- [http://trilema.com/2014/on-the-superiority-of-monarchy-or-adnotations-to-why-the-worst-get-on-top/#selection-145.816-145.891][the part that's a writer not successful and the part that's successful, not a writer]. 1914632;1558165341;mp_en_viaje;there's no argument that this can be done. it's a chumpatron, definitionally : get a buncha chumps gathered around an economically exploitable weakness, you thereby have a negotiable instrument that can thus therefore be sold for money. the argument is that doing this ~is not useful~ 1914633;1558165345;mp_en_viaje;(and really, only possible in fundamentally broken societies, and so much so that the mere presence of the mechanism is dispositive, not merely indicative, on the topic of social death -- once NH2(CH2)5NH2 is there therefore life already left). 1914634;1558165702;mp_en_viaje;in which context, the way http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-17#1914461 rather reads to me is the direct converse, "most idiots wallow in their filth". this is even true, but i happen to be a zealot in the following sense : i do not admit any sort of proof can ever be brought so as to show the bad preferable to the good. 1914635;1558165702;a111;Logged on 2019-05-17 23:17 trinque: republic is scant of profit centers 1914636;1558165792;mp_en_viaje;stated by me, it sounds like a "no brainer", but it is in fact zealotry like any other : obviously "as a matter of definition" the good is better than the bad hurr durr ; the hidden coda is that i also hold these to be ~knowable~. suddenly, it's not so directly obvious. 1914637;1558166326;mp_en_viaje;in yet another possible (and idempotently equivalent) statement, the republic's a rare anabolic island in a wider body politic that went full catabolic. obviously our methods, our inputs and our outputs do not match the outside world. but a) we knew this going in and b) the premise is that catabolism does not last. 1914638;1558166403;mp_en_viaje;certainly b is time-weak -- a body as humongous as the empire of the billion white men, built over millenia with great care, is quite capable of rotting for longer than a lifetime. fuck, it has in point of fact been rotting for longer than a lifetime, a few times over, even! both theoreticaly and from direct historical record it's clear enough : b is quite time-weak. 1914639;1558166621;mp_en_viaje;i personally can't be arsed to extract [http://btcbase.org/archive/e94f78047c809dae113a83a6b06b685f3b0de586bd65fec932bdde95930a82c50286c8a354c60855c4863ebfe3c9abaa7e0f5b640071c9cffd7d18137366af5c][money] out of the decay of outside world. this is purely personal -- ive been doing it for a long time, marginal utility of more money for me personally is 0, intellectual curiosity left is nil, how shall this be best put ? fucked that 1914640;1558166621;mp_en_viaje; ugly whore in every hole so many times so many ways i'm utterly done ? 1914641;1558166683;mp_en_viaje;but this is a very personal thing -- i don't begrudge anyone left the interest his interest ; i'll even read the stories of faits d'armes, just because i'm too old to get it up anymore dun mean impotence is desirable now or some shit. fuck that world sideways, take all its money, by all means. 1914642;1558166737;mp_en_viaje;moreover, it's an important rite of passage, it's something everyone should do, i have little faith in the born-impotent, people who never ran catabolic processes to a tidy profit, let alone know, relaxedly and from ample experience, that they always could. 1914643;1558166836;mp_en_viaje;not to mention poverty is an absolute obligation -- can't sit around going "meh" about saprophytism while being hungry. read ye poor people [https://ro.wikisource.org/wiki/Ciocoii_vechi_%C8%99i_noi/F%C4%83-te_om_de_lume_nou%C4%83_s%C4%83_furi_clo%C8%99ca_de_pe_ou%C4%83!][the 1860s manual], go forth and rob "your masters" blind. absolutely. 1914644;1558166898;mp_en_viaje;yet none of this changes what things are. 1914645;1558167000;mp_en_viaje;digestion never produced anything worth the mention. it's true that it can not be skipped, in the quest to "higher expression", but that's also as far as it goes. 1914646;1558168711;feedbot;http://thetarpit.org/posts/y05/090-tmsr-work-ii.html << The Tar Pit -- Schedule for Republican work, May-June 2019 1914647;1558169148;mp_en_viaje;http://thetarpit.org/posts/y05/090-tmsr-work-ii.html#selection-205.216-205.235 << yes but generous which way ? 1914648;1558169322;spyked;mp_en_viaje, should take less than that, giving myself time to work through potential unexpected issues, e.g. it's been a while since last time I used hunchentoot, need to reload it in head. 1914649;1558169331;mp_en_viaje;a a 1914650;1558178130;mp_en_viaje;in other obscura : https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/26/Imper-Barbar.jpg ; attempt at a map of "romania" as defined by [http://btcbase.org/log/2018-12-05#1878502][stubborn traditionalism] ; eminently excluding most of present day state of romania ; suspicious because over-centered on the somewhat arbitrary cutoff in 7-800ad. in practical terms surface extends today WAY past traditiona; mures-nistru space ; in the 1914651;1558178130;a111;Logged on 2018-12-05 15:08 mircea_popescu: romanian peasant proud continuator of rome, through the byzantium method. "we've been holding eyes closed to world for 2k years, because head does not follow reality, reality follows head!" 1914652;1558178131;mp_en_viaje;north well past vistula and in the east all the way to fucking lithuania. 1914653;1558178181;mp_en_viaje;https://i.pinimg.com/originals/3d/4f/59/3d4f5963bb3a3d01c7990d9f7a794392.jpg << fucking obviously enough 1914654;1558184615;mp_en_viaje;"Domnilor, maestrul Verdi, daca mai esistă bunul gust pe lumea asta, nu e decît un mare șarlatan, și daca tinerii compozitori vor merge pe calea însemnată de dînsul, pe curînd vom fi nevoiți a zice adio muzicii, artiștilor și gustului celui bun. Verdi, domnilor, vă declar, și-mi susțin declarațiunea, este un scamator muzical și de se va urma tot așa, Italia, care pierde preeminența sculpturei, picturei, literat 1914655;1558184615;mp_en_viaje;urei și a tutulor științelor, va pierde prea curînd și primatul muzical, singura glorie ce i-a mai rămas și care nu i s-a contestat pînă acum de nici o națiune." << pop music duscussed cca1840s. 1914656;1558184622;mp_en_viaje;VERDI RUINED IT!!! 1914657;1558186201;diana_coman;sau haterii cca 1840, lolz 1914658;1558186677;mp_en_viaje;lol 1914659;1558186715;mp_en_viaje;yet the ~prediction~ it makes is entirely correct. 1914660;1558186776;mp_en_viaje;extremely difficult to dismiss a) text of b) clear ideological tendency which c) nevertheless makes statements as of the future d) at some time in the past which e) were borne by historical flow. 1914661;1558186995;diana_coman;yes, certainly. 1914662;1558187190;diana_coman;for all the good that accurate prediction (and the necessary clear and deep enough understanding of the matter) ever did as it were, esp re outcome. 1914663;1558187334;mp_en_viaje;me shall bbs. 1914664;1558200592;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-18#1914628 << iirc that thing was popular only ~after~ book2film , and strictly ~because~ meat grinder (iirc ~errybody gets killed or at the very least mutilated) 1914665;1558200592;a111;Logged on 2019-05-18 07:42 mp_en_viaje: it's win-win, see : the herd can "[http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-16#1914180][plausibly-deniably]" claim to be watching "something cool". as far as every moomoo in the herd is concerned, they're not a buncha lamers. heck, they're almost cool, they sure as fuck watch true drama, where heroes die (sometime)! 1914666;1558200702;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-18#1914620 << >> http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-24#1757902 ? 1914667;1558200702;a111;Logged on 2019-05-18 06:43 mp_en_viaje: so strategically my notion here is to use a separated approach -- keep the theory clean and neat in one place, and encourage activity informed by it, but do not permit said activity to fuck up the theory. 1914668;1558200702;a111;Logged on 2017-12-24 16:11 asciilifeform: kurchatov, supposedly, sat and thought, and few minutes later answered, 'perhaps from philosophical pov this'd be consistent. but then we will have to forget about obtaining the bomb.' 1914669;1558200969;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-18#1914645 << not strictly correct -- consider how cheese, beer, etc. produced. or , in similar vein, how reich got 'phree' 30+yrs of life out of the 'yeast' digesting sovok 1914670;1558200969;a111;Logged on 2019-05-18 08:10 mp_en_viaje: digestion never produced anything worth the mention. it's true that it can not be skipped, in the quest to "higher expression", but that's also as far as it goes. 1914671;1558201022;asciilifeform;( whether 'worth mention' can be a question, but from pov of the folx who cultured the yeast for half century, certainly looked like a win ) 1914672;1558201119;asciilifeform;to take simply 1 example, asciilifeform's mains socket even nao is connected to... sovok pu, sold at fire sale price in 1990s to usg 1914673;1558201850;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-18#1914634 << in same vein, i think, as http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-31#1663960 , http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-18#1658461 thrd 1914674;1558201850;a111;Logged on 2019-05-18 07:48 mp_en_viaje: in which context, the way http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-17#1914461 rather reads to me is the direct converse, "most idiots wallow in their filth". this is even true, but i happen to be a zealot in the following sense : i do not admit any sort of proof can ever be brought so as to show the bad preferable to the good. 1914675;1558201850;a111;Logged on 2017-05-31 16:28 asciilifeform: and if someone wants to mention godel etc -- ethical engineer MAY NOT cite godel, EVER, just as a police detective MAY NOT cite the supernatural and admit a hypothesis of miraculous theft from a safe 1914676;1558201850;a111;Logged on 2017-05-18 18:37 asciilifeform: and even if he believes that it ~cannot~ be further shrunk, it remains his job to die trying 1914677;1558201923;asciilifeform;or for that matter, the bolix thread. 1914678;1558202395;*;asciilifeform bbl:maffs room 1914679;1558211623;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2019/05/violence-today-modern-democracy-bringing-misery-to-indonesia-arin-iran-and-bolton-watch/ << Qntra -- Violence Today: Modern Democracy Bringing Misery to Indonesia, ARIN, Iran, And Bolton Watch 1914680;1558213245;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2019/05/former-california-governor-arnold-schwarzenegger-attacked-from-behind-at-south-african-event/ << Qntra -- Former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger Attacked From Behind At South African Event 1914681;1558214931;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: re indonesia, oughta add the lulzy detail re the 'jammers' 1914682;1558216008;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: http://qntra.net/2019/05/violence-today-modern-democracy-bringing-misery-to-indonesia-arin-iran-and-bolton-watch/#comment-129538 Added 1914683;1558223459;asciilifeform;trinque: deedbot down? 1914684;1558228071;trinque;apparently so, thanks asciilifeform 1914685;1558228568;mp_en_viaje;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-18#1914669 << i suppose, not strictly true. rennet ftw. 1914686;1558228568;a111;Logged on 2019-05-18 17:36 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-18#1914645 << not strictly correct -- consider how cheese, beer, etc. produced. or , in similar vein, how reich got 'phree' 30+yrs of life out of the 'yeast' digesting sovok 1914687;1558229440;trinque;I'm going to quickly restart deedbot in a repl session, so next time this hang occurs I can fiddle with the thing live. 1914688;1558229609;trinque;alrighty, I'll investigate next time it happens. 1914689;1558229877;trinque;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-18#1914620 << it makes perfect sense, and I agree with the approach 1914690;1558229877;a111;Logged on 2019-05-18 06:43 mp_en_viaje: so strategically my notion here is to use a separated approach -- keep the theory clean and neat in one place, and encourage activity informed by it, but do not permit said activity to fuck up the theory. 1914691;1558229903;mp_en_viaje;aite. 1914692;1558230066;trinque;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-18#1914643 << indeed, I encourage whaack et al to do the fucking, and not simply skip to the imitating having fucked, lest they entirely waste youth. 1914693;1558230066;a111;Logged on 2019-05-18 08:07 mp_en_viaje: not to mention poverty is an absolute obligation -- can't sit around going "meh" about saprophytism while being hungry. read ye poor people [https://ro.wikisource.org/wiki/Ciocoii_vechi_%C8%99i_noi/F%C4%83-te_om_de_lume_nou%C4%83_s%C4%83_furi_clo%C8%99ca_de_pe_ou%C4%83!][the 1860s manual], go forth and rob "your masters" blind. absolutely. 1914694;1558230142;trinque;and meanwhile maybe the fucking infects him, takes him early, as e.g. Framedragger, g_l, others 1914695;1558232860;asciilifeform;trinque: afaik no one ever found out what killed Framedragger 1914696;1558232885;asciilifeform;!Q later tell PeterL http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2032&cpage=1#comment-19792 1914697;1558232885;lobbesbot;asciilifeform: The operation succeeded. 1914698;1558233519;asciilifeform;trinque: g_l , i suspect, is properly dead ( never found a terrydavis-style obit, no, but he did [https://archive.is/vCiai][leave off shithubing] which prolly is unlikely for him if were still alive.. ) 1914699;1558233568;asciilifeform;afaik most folx with his condition, dun make it into old age. 1914700;1558234666;trinque;yep wouldn't shock 1914701;1558234778;whaack;trinque: i can't say i fully grok the advice, perhaps in part because i can't readily read the linked manual, and bc the advice seems to suggest staying in reich, which directly contradicts the usual guidance given here 1914702;1558235355;trinque;not telling you not to leave, nor where to live. just remember that you need to have something you *do* wherever you go. 1914703;1558244772;mp_en_viaje;whaack, in summary, it's application of http://trilema.com/2018/the-principal-agent-problem-or-how-america-went-away/ ; "if you're not rich, pretending to be agent of imperial morons so as to separate them from their earthly goods is time-honored strategy" 1914704;1558244816;mp_en_viaje;this is the cornerstone of survival : the adversative relationship. as long as you know you're there to steal, you measure how much you steal, and you get out on some sort of time horizon, you may survive. 1914705;1558244862;mp_en_viaje;if you're dumb enough to think they're you're friends, if you're dumb enough to buy into socialism "futures" and assorted scams, or "statuses" and other nominalisms, you may not survive. 1914706;1558244932;mp_en_viaje;once you wake up with anything else besides "fuck you, pay me" in your head, once you stop counting how much you stole yesterday, you're basically fucked. 1914707;1558245780;mp_en_viaje;in any case, it's not suggested to stay in reich ; the discussion was rather "if you stay". much like advice for diabetics isn't "first, get diabetes", but rather "if you already have diabetes..." 1914708;1558286453;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in heathendom lulz, https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DViH-tVXUAICMQg.jpg 1914709;1558292871;BingoBoingo;In local lulz https://ecos.la/UY/3/economia/2019/05/19/33420/casi-un-tercio-de-la-riqueza-en-uruguay-proviene-de-herencias/ 1914710;1558297057;mp_en_viaje;in other riquezas, http://www.modiface.com/ 1914711;1558297106;mp_en_viaje;"Our in-store AR mirror software provides a universal set of features for the most popular smart mirrors on the market. Beauty brands and hardware manufacturers can choose any mirror hardware of their choice and can instantly run ModiFace AR technology adopted to their mirrors." 1914712;1558297136;mp_en_viaje;better living through technology, providing answers to the burning "how does this mirror relate to me" question of the general public. 1914713;1558297224;BingoBoingo;lol 1914714;1558297758;mp_en_viaje;in other better living through technology, https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2018/04/t-mobile-deceived-customers-with-false-ring-tones-on-failed-phone-calls/ 1914715;1558297850;mp_en_viaje;the system's meanwhile well expanded throughout europe and south/central america. fining these fucks has the perverse result that it [http://trilema.com/2014/the-logical-impossibility-and-the-moral-untenability-of-forgiveness/#selection-111.133-115.50][gives them a datapoint], which they will then use. 1914716;1558298643;BingoBoingo;And the crime where all of the fine goes to the USG's extortion reception bucket with the matter declared settled after payment to not the injured parties. 1914717;1558302071;feedbot;http://pizarroisp.net/2019/05/19/pizarro-isp-may-19th-update/ << PizarroISP -- Pizarro ISP May 19th Update 1914718;1558304247;*;BingoBoingo to the blogging desk to assemble more Uruguay perspectives with lobbes and whaack showing interest in visiting the place. 1914719;1558316881;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-19#1914714 << to pile on this lulz: afaik that one's actually 1 of the ~least~ scammy carriers in this part of reich 1914720;1558316881;a111;Logged on 2019-05-19 20:29 mp_en_viaje: in other better living through technology, https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2018/04/t-mobile-deceived-customers-with-false-ring-tones-on-failed-phone-calls/ 1914721;1558316892;mp_en_viaje;aha. 1914722;1558316901;asciilifeform;iirc subsidiary of germany 1914723;1558317099;*;asciilifeform subscribed for coupla yrs nao; seems to be the only 1 that worx in orcistans (as modem) at 0 extra cost. and overall 'cheap & angry' 1914724;1558317298;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-19#1914711 << lol! variant of the phone thing?! 'old sow looks in mirror, magically transforms to beauty' ? mega-bizmodel 1914725;1558317298;a111;Logged on 2019-05-19 20:18 mp_en_viaje: "Our in-store AR mirror software provides a universal set of features for the most popular smart mirrors on the market. Beauty brands and hardware manufacturers can choose any mirror hardware of their choice and can instantly run ModiFace AR technology adopted to their mirrors." 1914726;1558317331;mp_en_viaje;ikr. 1914727;1558317457;asciilifeform;all that's missing is an electric attachment that'll fuck'em also 1914728;1558338908;mp_en_viaje;afaik most people don't want to get laid 1914729;1558338913;mp_en_viaje;they want to could have gotten laid. 1914730;1558338924;mp_en_viaje;that electric attachment already internets. 1914731;1558340883;diana_coman;I thought those mirrors/apps/whatevs were about showing how makeup/whatever would look like on the looker's face i.e. with a camera/pic taken not on model; anyways, supposedly if the "could have" was enough, everyone has it, what's to say they could not have gotten whatever at any time. 1914732;1558342869;mp_en_viaje;it's altogether about replacing precious cuntlet as-she-is with a virtual imago that's more in line with her self-expectations. 1914733;1558343311;mp_en_viaje;"making improvements" on http://trilema.com/2019/diviziuna-sexual-a-muncii-fetele-la-gym-io-la-vidya-%d0%9a%d0%b0%d0%ba-tot-acolo/#comment-129134 ; much stronger claim of representativity if "made by ai" than if "found on net" 1914734;1558345893;diana_coman;myeah, I can see it; "ai and science sez it". 1914735;1558363574;asciilifeform;diana_coman: the inevitable association in my head re subj , is how in national museum of natural history in washington, there was at one point a coin-operated thing that 'see yourself as chimpanzee' . 1914736;1558363593;asciilifeform;i guess they built one that worx in 'reverse gear' nao... 1914737;1558363671;*;asciilifeform suspects that they took out the chimptron after certain users complained that the 'before' and 'after' pics were not sufficiently distinct... 1914738;1558363889;asciilifeform;i suspect that mp_en_viaje is right, and even the 'ai beautifier' thing is redundant, all the machine needs to do is to work like the mirror in brothers grimm, whisper 'you are the fairest of them all' to the sow, will suffice. 1914739;1558372651;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in the oddities lint trap, [http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgfp/B6D11647DBD59522670EB91FB4156B9700000000][1 in 2^32 , elementarily, chance of this longfp] 'naturally'. (did he 'mine' it?! lol) 1914740;1558378119;diana_coman;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-20#1914735 - lolz, low and old tech! but yes, essentially the same thing, "see yourself as..." 1914741;1558378119;a111;Logged on 2019-05-20 14:46 asciilifeform: diana_coman: the inevitable association in my head re subj , is how in national museum of natural history in washington, there was at one point a coin-operated thing that 'see yourself as chimpanzee' . 1914742;1558378147;diana_coman;re fp no idea, some people are very unlucky, too! 1914743;1558382581;BingoBoingo;So the headlines in Pantsuit press today almost all relate to http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-18#1914630 coming to an end. Turns out they did a modern democracy and made Sir Elliot of exquisite tastes king. 1914744;1558382581;a111;Logged on 2019-05-18 07:42 mp_en_viaje: meanwhile the capitalists can claim to be marketing quality fiction, they've bridged the gap, see, they have both large herds of moomoos watching and also (plausibly-deniably) a good story being screened! and they even paid the author lotta money! 1914745;1558382734;BingoBoingo;Such is the derealization of socialisms today 1914746;1558384773;diana_coman;funnily enough I got the impression that ~nobody actually likes the ending (whatever it is, I have no idea re the whole "film") 1914747;1558387156;BingoBoingo;Derps derping about it is ABOVE THE FOLD on all the outlets 1914748;1558387187;BingoBoingo;On many of them today it is the only thing above the fold. Derps derping as analysis! 1914749;1558391433;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2019/05/uncommon-law-us-courts-moving-into-secrecy-while-uk-moves-towards-deterministic-juries/ << Qntra -- Uncommon Law: US Courts Moving Into Secrecy While UK Moves Towards Deterministic Juries 1914750;1558392892;BingoBoingo;So a local kiosko underwent a change in ownership. Went from being a husband and wife operation to a father son operation. Soon afterwards they hire... security! 1914751;1558392984;BingoBoingo;Anytime they are open they have a big guy sitting out front dressed like a thug (to the extent folks can here) doing security 1914752;1558395625;BingoBoingo;En la cultura pop: http://archive.is/5UHje 1914753;1558398413;mp_en_viaje;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-20#1914738 << gotta whisper ~convincingly~, though, is the thing. http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-14#1913304 is a process, "you are great and important and special" "how do i know ?" "because we went to trouble of making 50 types of sausage and printing this leaflet to let you know" "ah ok then" 1914754;1558398413;a111;Logged on 2019-05-20 14:51 asciilifeform: i suspect that mp_en_viaje is right, and even the 'ai beautifier' thing is redundant, all the machine needs to do is to work like the mirror in brothers grimm, whisper 'you are the fairest of them all' to the sow, will suffice. 1914755;1558398413;a111;Logged on 2019-05-14 18:51 asciilifeform: 'sausage emigre' is stock term from rusphere , there folx chronically cited '50 types of sausage' as 'first impressions from new york' etc 1914756;1558398504;mp_en_viaje;1980s ro complained that "poor quality", as in, "ceausescu puts soy in salami, chickory in coffee and corn flakes in chocolate". yet 2010s ro paid extra for outside terms, and the middle term item of hipster interest. 1914757;1558398532;mp_en_viaje;meanwhile, 1980s ro were actually upset because ~nobody could be arsed to advertise to them~. subjectively perceived ego wound. 1914758;1558399123;mp_en_viaje;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-20#1914750 << if can't se-cunt-titty, gotta sec-ur-itty. 1914759;1558399123;a111;Logged on 2019-05-20 22:54 BingoBoingo: So a local kiosko underwent a change in ownership. Went from being a husband and wife operation to a father son operation. Soon afterwards they hire... security! 1914760;1558399361;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: 'west reich' 100yrs ahead in zombiefication tech vs. 'east', evidently. 'soy salami' there, undreamed of in sovok, and 0 'mass' complaint, importers of genuine food from e.g. europistan struggle , rather than make mega-bank. 1914761;1558399393;asciilifeform;ameri-sovok achieved the 'dream' of 'soy man', who ~demands~ soy salami. 1914762;1558399407;mp_en_viaje;as long as vanity is catered to, turns out mooman can suffer anything. 1914763;1558399422;asciilifeform;not even suffer. joyfully scarfs up. 1914764;1558399462;asciilifeform;ever open a tin of ameri-'coffee' , out of curiosity ? 1914765;1558399474;BingoBoingo;California, land of the exquisite soy sausage and petrocheese picada 1914766;1558399480;asciilifeform;i knew a fella who could not. i.e. could not be in same hallway with opened can. cuz allergic to cockroach... 1914767;1558399525;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, there's a pic with a can of folgers' somewher 1914768;1558399538;asciilifeform;re 'vanity', not sure the usual word even applicable. can haz 'vanity' after destruction of the self ? 1914769;1558399591;mp_en_viaje;well yes. 1914770;1558399595;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: They don't destroy the self. They preserve it in derealized selfy comfort bubble 1914771;1558399601;mp_en_viaje;can only has vanity after destruction of the self. of what use before ? 1914772;1558399622;mp_en_viaje;vanity ~= phantom pains of the self. 1914773;1558399643;mp_en_viaje;"i know there must be a person somewhere in this person-shaped hole in the air" 1914774;1558399779;asciilifeform;zombiefication system worx pretty well tho to distract the shaped holes from looking inward. 1914775;1558399842;asciilifeform;( and when fails, shrink with neuroleptic prescription is ready to 'help' ) 1914776;1558400017;feedbot;http://trilema.com/2019/romanian-culture-was-rot-since-day-one/ << Trilema -- Romanian "culture" was rot since day one. 1914777;1558400873;mp_en_viaje;in other news, apparently the guy in http://trilema.com/2019/wall-street-1987/ did the whole "paradise island with sluts" thing. 1914778;1558401807;mp_en_viaje;meanwhile in us-euro lulz, http://archive.is/h2tgN 1914779;1558406063;asciilifeform;wtf is that..? great firewall of europistan? 1914780;1558419944;diana_coman;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-21#1914756 - more observant people noted even then: nowadays one complains of sunflower oil for being "not what it used to be, not anymore" but grandparents used to complain that the olive oil was " not what it used to be, not anymore"; so, gradually boiling the frog makes frogs happy to be in the nice, hot water, what. 1914781;1558419944;a111;Logged on 2019-05-21 00:28 mp_en_viaje: 1980s ro complained that "poor quality", as in, "ceausescu puts soy in salami, chickory in coffee and corn flakes in chocolate". yet 2010s ro paid extra for outside terms, and the middle term item of hipster interest. 1914782;1558419999;diana_coman;asciilifeform: possibly the "gdpr" data protection thing 1914783;1558429650;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, just about. 1914784;1558429714;mp_en_viaje;diana_coman, this is actually a workable alt explanation, huh. 1914785;1558429734;mp_en_viaje;though upon meditation it's not so clear it's truly alt. 1914786;1558430185;diana_coman;not sure truly alt, no; rather simply noting that it has been going that way for quite a while and not very surprising at that; by the time it's already the ersatz of an ersatz of a meanwhile forgotten replacement, well... 1914787;1558430395;diana_coman;re soy in salami + oils of all descriptions, I have this unforgettable experience of eating at one point some of those "salami" slices that ended up fried by mistake in... home-made daffodil syrup because it was actually looking more like oil than the oil and, well, mistaken bottle! 1914788;1558431562;mp_en_viaje;diana_coman, hahaha, "the best vermouth here is cough syrup" style 1914789;1558431913;diana_coman;quite like that, yes; lolz. 1914790;1558432358;mp_en_viaje;!!up voodoosurf 1914791;1558432359;deedbot;voodoosurf voiced for 30 minutes. 1914792;1558432379;mp_en_viaje;voodoosurf, yes ? 1914793;1558434771;mp_en_viaje;meanwhile in "holy shit i kick so much ass" , http://trilema.com/2014/natural-law-and-the-problem-of-definitions/ 1914794;1558434809;mp_en_viaje;fucking perfect, especially considering just how dependent "colonial empires" are on the inputs from the margin to mainain their "law" systems. 1914795;1558434888;feedbot;http://trilema.com/2019/am-mers-n-puli-sau-dekadentismus-nudapest-ndsm/ << Trilema -- Am mers-n puli, sau Dekadentismus Nudapest-NDSM 1914796;1558434890;mp_en_viaje;with the added shame, of course, that james a donald hasn't, five years later, yet fulfilled ~his obligations~, natural as well as legal, to that piece. 1914797;1558454510;trinque;anyone know how to get sbcl to cough up the error that caused a particular thread to terminate? 1914798;1558454640;*;asciilifeform sadly does not. tho iirc you can sometimes join-thread and get eggog as if it were from single-threaded proggy 1914799;1558454739;trinque;yeah, tried that, barfs about the thread already being toast 1914800;1558454743;asciilifeform;trinque: back in the day i had catch-all condition handlers in main loop of thread, that shat to verbose logger 1914801;1558454760;trinque;maybe the relevant bits are already gc'd 1914802;1558454764;asciilifeform;quite likely 1914803;1558454788;trinque;I'm going to catch all errors and have the thing log and restart, yes. 1914804;1558454895;asciilifeform;trinque: [http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/HXyEi/?raw=true][ asciilifeform's logger ]. used for many yrs. relies on 'bordeaux' thread glue tho ( can easily change to sbcl's built-in if needed ) 1914805;1558454916;asciilifeform;this is supposing you dun have a working one already ( gotta have the mutex, or lines end up munged, hence why i wrote this ) 1914806;1558454997;asciilifeform;i had this in a robotism thing where coupla dozen indep. threads where each ran separate xyz motor etc 1914807;1558460100;trinque;thanks asciilifeform ! 1914808;1558460129;trinque;I'll implement this, and also see about a proper handler-case for shutting down gracefully and restarting 1914809;1558465455;mp_en_viaje;nice 1914810;1558476706;BingoBoingo;Since feedbot seems to be absent at the moment: http://qntra.net/2019/05/usg-now-targeting-chinese-toy-maker-dji-over-national-security-concerns/ 1914811;1558476775;BingoBoingo;For the record DJI has a more honest commercial presence in Uruguay than Caterpillar. The DJI storefronts have drones. The CAT store fronts cannot even order earthmoving equipment. 1914812;1558477835;mp_en_viaje;hey asciilifeform , remember that ~really~ weird euro fuck that kept pestering you about whatever "bad things" you said about him / ruined his future a few years ago ? 1914813;1558477843;mp_en_viaje;that nobody could make any heads / tails of ? 1914814;1558477857;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: which 1 ? there were 2-3 iirc 1914815;1558477866;mp_en_viaje;help me by listing names ? 1914816;1558477871;mp_en_viaje;horvath ro something like that 1914817;1558477875;asciilifeform;there was a... 1914818;1558477879;asciilifeform;!#s ninjashogun 1914819;1558477879;a111;592 results for "ninjashogun", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=ninjashogun 1914820;1558477882;mp_en_viaje;YES! 1914821;1558477884;asciilifeform;character. 1914822;1558477892;mp_en_viaje;ok, so believe it or not, sluts actually solved the mystery! 1914823;1558477897;asciilifeform;iirc ameritard tho, but for some reason stuck in... hungary> 1914824;1558477918;asciilifeform;( or so he insisted ) 1914825;1558477918;mp_en_viaje;( no-credit-nicole protests that what "sluts", just #slut) 1914826;1558477942;asciilifeform;!!rated ninjashogun 1914827;1558477943;deedbot;asciilifeform rated ninjashogun -1 at 2014/06/26 18:05:58 << nice try, usg - http://www.loper-os.org/pub/ninjashogun.txt 1914828;1558477958;asciilifeform;^ compleet with text chronicle 1914829;1558477960;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, indeed. showed up at bdsm meet, heplfully showed us his dong. whole shebang starts with http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=from%3Arobwhiz 1914830;1558477974;asciilifeform;lol!!! 1914831;1558477975;mp_en_viaje;THAT is what the missing link was. dork "critiqued" cardano. 1914832;1558478001;asciilifeform;next mp_en_viaje will find that gavin et al are there also... 1914833;1558478005;mp_en_viaje;then, supposedly, we ruined his life (in part through he getting banned off whatever shithub) 1914834;1558478018;*;asciilifeform falls down 1914835;1558478040;mp_en_viaje;also "purchased hacks", such as you know, bruteforcing passwords. 1914836;1558478044;asciilifeform;howdja know it was him ? or did he find mp_en_viaje by beard 1914837;1558478046;mp_en_viaje;it's a whole thing. 1914838;1558478058;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, i dunno, nicole found. 1914839;1558478064;asciilifeform;nao that's sumthing. 1914840;1558478079;asciilifeform;i expect he shines shoes nao or wat. 1914841;1558478095;mp_en_viaje;~nobody in empire.it is affluent, so... 1914842;1558478099;mp_en_viaje;whatever, "consulting" 1914843;1558478191;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: nao i'm curious -- is hungary some sorta elephant graveyard where these go to die..? 1914844;1558478217;mp_en_viaje;im sure he was born here. 30something. 1914845;1558478231;asciilifeform;interesting. i had him pegged firmly as a classic ameritard 1914846;1558478271;asciilifeform;mebbe he's a hybrid, like iirc adlai was 1914847;1558478274;mp_en_viaje;i suppose it's possible. 1914848;1558478314;asciilifeform;and apparently not so 'ruined' if he can eat in budapest ( which iirc is not esp. cheap city ) 1914849;1558478330;mp_en_viaje;not that expensive, nor that much eating. 1914850;1558478377;asciilifeform;hrm i suppose, mp_en_viaje in phototour posted a price tag, fiddyeurobux for a mp_en_viaje-grade breakfast, notbad 1914851;1558478422;mp_en_viaje;oh COME ON. 1914852;1558478450;asciilifeform;or, lol, was that for 1 drink..? 1914853;1558478464;asciilifeform;http://trilema.com/2019/am-mers-n-puli-sau-dekadentismus-nudapest-ndsm/#selection-138.0-149.153 << subj 1914854;1558478470;mp_en_viaje;just because i go to budapest's finest and, among people taking one girl out for one cup of coffee, have the stephania steak / lamb in blueberries etc served TWICE, for my pair o fgirls.... 1914855;1558478487;mp_en_viaje;let's not get over ourselves here. happy meal is still $2 in budapest, hu as in budapest, txt. 1914856;1558478501;asciilifeform;point 1914857;1558478589;*;asciilifeform sings, '...И на груди его светилась Медаль за город Будапешт!' 1914858;1558478607;mp_en_viaje;heh 1914859;1558478655;mp_en_viaje;http://btcbase.org/log/2014-03-18#564801 << keks. 1914860;1558478655;a111;Logged on 2014-03-18 02:20 ninjashogun: I'm Robert, as I mentioned. I hadn't talked to you guys before. 1914861;1558478696;asciilifeform;iirc he changed nicks coupla times also. 1914862;1558478712;asciilifeform;and pestered ben_vulpes , and possibly coupla other folx, out of band 1914863;1558478743;asciilifeform;wanted 'raise awareness' or sumthing else not immediately reducible to 'gimme moolah' iirc 1914864;1558478799;mp_en_viaje;makes the ~same wetware shannonizer impression irl. 1914865;1558478896;asciilifeform;dunno that i've met such a marvel, who could do this irl. but will believe. 1914866;1558478946;asciilifeform;( i assumed that in irc he was working 5-6 marks at same time, hence the flavour ) 1914867;1558479090;asciilifeform;maybe naive q, but what's a d00d like that doing at 'bsdm club' ? say chix bites. he'll take her, where, to mchappymeal ? 1914868;1558479220;mp_en_viaje;yup 1914869;1558479242;mp_en_viaje;how do you suppose average relationships work out ? 1914870;1558479319;mp_en_viaje;generally bdsm people do "scenes", meet once a week or w/e for a few hours and pretend / dream jointly about it. 1914871;1558479372;mp_en_viaje;more affordable that way. and, in limine, i don't even see much wrong with it -- so some people who aren't f1 pilots gather around and rent the old cars for a few hours a few times an hour, spin them in an old salt flats. something wrong with this ? 1914872;1558479458;mp_en_viaje;for as long as they don't pompously move into attempts at "governance", or in whatever other way forget [http://trilema.com/2013/youre-the-guy-who-wasnt-good-enough-to-sling-dope/#selection-77.121-77.156][their place], who can deny peacible coloveks the quiet enjoyment of their aftertea dreamtime ? 1914873;1558479469;asciilifeform;fair'nuff. tho if the argentine club was anyffin to go by, most of'em dun even rent the old cars, but sit an' watch with open mouth 1914874;1558479494;mp_en_viaje;as long as it satisfies them and doesn't get in my way... 1914875;1558479532;*;asciilifeform would've asked 'why do they need to pay money and come to club to sit an' watch' but i recall mp_en_viaje [answered this puzzler][http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-20#1914729] earlier 1914876;1558479532;a111;Logged on 2019-05-20 07:55 mp_en_viaje: they want to could have gotten laid. 1914877;1558479731;mp_en_viaje;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-21#1914865 << it's an extremely successful strategy sexually (precisely because [http://trilema.com/2015/quantum-mechanics-today-a-machine-to-turn-penis-projectile-vibration-into-eyelash-flutter/#selection-31.0-31.70][cunts run on perl], they're specifically optimized for just this sorta input). 1914878;1558479731;a111;Logged on 2019-05-21 22:48 asciilifeform: dunno that i've met such a marvel, who could do this irl. but will believe. 1914879;1558479760;asciilifeform;i.e. 'cold reading' ? 1914880;1558479861;mp_en_viaje;it doesn't work nearly as well in pretty much any other field. excepting, perhaps, [http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-12#1681804][chicken theft], which is why it's called gypsy flirting. 1914881;1558479861;a111;Logged on 2017-07-12 03:27 mircea_popescu: amusingly -- the chicken stealer (ro gainar, each language that saw them has its own word) is the lowest level of gypsy male qualification. a sort of transient baccalaureat if you will. 1914882;1558479884;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, no, literally shannonizing. just wordmatch and relay. 1914883;1558479942;mp_en_viaje;you ever saw http://trilema.com/2014/daisies/ ? 1914884;1558479956;mp_en_viaje;if not, might as well, has to my knowledge best cinematic representation of the approach. 1914885;1558479972;asciilifeform;not seen. but sounds like 'meat eliza' 1914886;1558479990;mp_en_viaje;http://trilema.com/2014/daisies/#selection-65.0-79.1 specifically. 1914887;1558480004;mp_en_viaje;it's exactly meat eliza, but with a sexual direction, rather than passive antenna. 1914888;1558484344;asciilifeform;trinque: deedbot fell? 1914889;1558501841;trinque;christ on a stick. 1914890;1558503263;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2019/05/usg-now-targeting-chinese-toy-maker-dji-over-national-security-concerns/ << Qntra -- USG Now Targeting Chinese Toy Maker DJI Over National Security Concerns 1914891;1558503265;feedbot;http://blog.mod6.net/2019/05/building-trb-on-cuntoo-part-1/ << mod6's Blog -- Building TRB on Cuntoo: Part 1 1914892;1558510699;mp_en_viaje;in other purely ustardian lulz, https://journal.firsttuesday.us/brokerage-reminder-dont-be-coy-let-hardship-letters-tell-all/19202/ << the "hardship letter" 1914893;1558510736;mp_en_viaje;i expect the form doesn't read anything like "fucker, i'm not digging up your underwater mortgage for you, get the fuck off that horse" 1914894;1558510815;mp_en_viaje;i dunno who the fuck else can be this fucking batshit. "applying to the bank 1914895;1558510834;mp_en_viaje;s loss mitigator" ? wtf, the office of sour losers ? 1914896;1558513509;mp_en_viaje;meanwhile in random drama nobody gives a shit about, https://twitter.com/mattyoung/status/1129995793467789312 1914897;1558513552;mp_en_viaje;"women of color", "journalists", AUSTRALIANS, "elections" ... it's almost like new zealand. 1914898;1558514346;mp_en_viaje;in similar news, https://www.nairaland.com/488532/samuel-ladoke-akintola/6 << "So why did Akintola place the call to Zik to warn him about Awo's attempt to deal with two parties? Was it not the same Akintola who went to Bello in the company of Rosiji? So how can we conclude that Awo sent Akintola to negotiate with Bello if Akintola called Zik before getting to Bello and then was in the company of Bello, when Bello called Zik? If what you allege is 1914899;1558514346;mp_en_viaje;true, then I can conclude that Akintola was always working with Zik and Bello to frustrate Awo's ambition." 1914900;1558514387;mp_en_viaje;evidently, daytime soaps not entirely wasted -- various sets of africans in obscure shitholes imagine they're doing politics and such whiteman things thereby. 1914901;1558514536;hanbot;"However, I must add that you have willfully chosen not to incorporate the dynamic nature of polity during the era in discuss." 1914902;1558514625;mp_en_viaje;verrry sorry bop, only discuss curry got! 1914903;1558514664;hanbot;are you willfully sorry? 1914904;1558514676;mp_en_viaje;also chicken curry. 1914905;1558516173;diana_coman;lmao; "willful sorry makes chicken curry" or what was it. 1914906;1558516705;mp_en_viaje;hehehe 1914907;1558518360;mp_en_viaje;meanwhile for the assange lulz files : http://archive.is/hSZDg#selection-81.318-81.344 1914908;1558518429;mp_en_viaje;lotta people had rather ridiculous notions about the internet, obtained through the [http://btcbase.org/log/2018-12-01#1877543][usual means]. 1914909;1558518429;a111;Logged on 2018-12-01 21:21 mircea_popescu: "the notion that airplanes could reproduce through laying eggs is merely a naive extension, in the vein of 'object A has properties a and b ; object B shares property a and therefore it is reasonable ~~~on a first approximation~~~ to expect it exhibit proerty b'. nevertheless, artifacts differ from nature in that one fundamental aspect, that they're inefficient, and therefore to achieve same ends end up heavy, and in the case 1914910;1558520587;mp_en_viaje;meanwhile in nigeria, http://gratuitescolaire.info/imgs/ec4938526619a44c83e32682f94808bc.jpg 1914911;1558524767;stjohn_piano_2;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-17#1914388 << ah ok. 1914912;1558524767;a111;Logged on 2019-05-17 14:30 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-17#1914356 << plz don't bother unless you have one lined up already; i will prolly do it with own hands sooner 1914913;1558524812;stjohn_piano_2;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-17#1914392 << makes sense. 1914914;1558524812;a111;Logged on 2019-05-17 14:33 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-17#1914355 << schematics + text in e.g. svg vector graphic. 1914915;1558524896;stjohn_piano_2;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-17#1914395 << from logs + mocky's "why ada", i understand some of the technical merits of ada. however, my perception of the current job market is that trying to make a living at ada leads directly to a hardware sharashka. 1914916;1558524896;a111;Logged on 2019-05-17 14:35 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-17#1914368 << consider ada. ( [http://www.loper-os.org/?cat=49][ffa series] imho makes a decent ada tutorial, and so does [http://ossasepia.com/category/coding/eucrypt/][diana_coman's series] ) 1914917;1558525037;stjohn_piano_2;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-17#1914400 << yes, tied to the UK. I'm currently looking for python dev work in Cambridge/Suffolk area. 1914918;1558525037;a111;Logged on 2019-05-17 14:42 diana_coman: stjohn_piano_2: are you actually tied to the UK? and anyway, what sort of job/where are you looking for one? 1914919;1558525189;stjohn_piano_2;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-17#1914408 << yes, exactly. sadly, small business was not the right path. i've observed firsthand the final stages of the integration of small businesses into the gov. the regulatory overhead is enormous and ever-growing. 1914920;1558525189;a111;Logged on 2019-05-17 14:50 diana_coman: moreover, while it is doable (like ~anything else really), it's hard to really see the reason to *choose* to do it when one hasn't yet been sucked into it ; and stjohn_piano_2 strikes me as trying to NOT get sucked into it. 1914921;1558525262;stjohn_piano_2;i'm now trying to restructure myself into a dev in a field in which remote work can become a viable option. 1914922;1558525342;stjohn_piano_2;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-17#1914411 & http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-17#1914413 << thank you. 1914923;1558525342;a111;Logged on 2019-05-17 16:42 lobbes: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-17#1914363 << if you haven't already read, you may be interested in [http://cascadianhacker.com/07_v-tronics-101-a-gentle-introduction-to-the-most-serene-republic-of-bitcoins-cryptographically-backed-version-control-system][ben_vulpes' classic likbez on v] 1914924;1558525342;a111;Logged on 2019-05-17 16:43 lobbes: also, welcome! may your studies be fruitful 1914925;1558525344;mp_en_viaje;o right, speaking of "most difficult ocr job" : http://trilema.com/2019/romanian-culture-was-rot-since-day-one/#footnote_20_83740 1914926;1558525403;mp_en_viaje;custom slavonic-like alphabet for ro language notation, in use a few decades in 19th century ; all extant matter printed by hand-made (and VERY poorly crafted) blocks, literally no two glyphs are alike 1914927;1558525423;stjohn_piano_2;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-17#1914414 << interesting. 1914928;1558525423;a111;Logged on 2019-05-17 17:10 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-17#1914364 << this is quite similar to the direct ancestor of v , [http://therealbitcoin.org/mailman/listinfo/btc-dev][ jurov's trb mailing list ] system . 1914929;1558525543;stjohn_piano_2;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-17#1914458 << yes. also, easier to scoop up dice again for next throw. 1914930;1558525543;a111;Logged on 2019-05-17 22:33 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-17#1914441 << this is good q imho. the only reason i can think of for 'throw dice on flat table', is to avoid 'came to rest sharp edge up', which can introduce 'must either throw again, or [http://www.loper-os.org/bad-at-entropy/manmach.html][pick between numbers by hand] ' etc 1914931;1558526333;stjohn_piano_2;i logged and summarised my experience of joining the web of trust (probably of interest mostly to noobs): http://edgecase.net/articles/joining_the_web_of_trust 1914932;1558529508;diana_coman;stjohn_piano_2: re ^ , an OTP challenge is a way to check one's identity; hence, deedbot will not send an OTP in response to !!register but WILL send an OTP in response to ~any other command (technically to any command that is a request of *someone* i.e. that requires an identity) 1914933;1558530417;diana_coman;also, this http://edgecase.net/pages/how_to_comment_on_edgecase_datafeed is rather anti-comment; why would anyone go through the trouble of creating an account and having their comment "discussed" to talk to you stjohn_piano_2 ? 1914934;1558530565;diana_coman;anyway, since I'm not going to jump through those silly hooks now, I'll leave it here: you can message deedbot/any user privately directly, you don't need to join some channel first; and re newcomers, it's usually safer for themselves to join one of the lords' channels first, really (e.g. #asciilifeform, #trinque, #eulora) 1914935;1558530955;diana_coman;hoops not hooks, lolz. 1914936;1558531934;stjohn_piano_2;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-22#1914932 << aha. 1914937;1558531934;a111;Logged on 2019-05-22 12:51 diana_coman: stjohn_piano_2: re ^ , an OTP challenge is a way to check one's identity; hence, deedbot will not send an OTP in response to !!register but WILL send an OTP in response to ~any other command (technically to any command that is a request of *someone* i.e. that requires an identity) 1914938;1558531993;stjohn_piano_2;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-22#1914933 << this is the comment policy for the wider internet. 1914939;1558531993;a111;Logged on 2019-05-22 13:06 diana_coman: also, this http://edgecase.net/pages/how_to_comment_on_edgecase_datafeed is rather anti-comment; why would anyone go through the trouble of creating an account and having their comment "discussed" to talk to you stjohn_piano_2 ? 1914940;1558532037;stjohn_piano_2;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-22#1914934 << aha. yes, for the moment, this is how i can handle comments from people in the forum. 1914941;1558532037;a111;Logged on 2019-05-22 13:09 diana_coman: anyway, since I'm not going to jump through those silly hooks now, I'll leave it here: you can message deedbot/any user privately directly, you don't need to join some channel first; and re newcomers, it's usually safer for themselves to join one of the lords' channels first, really (e.g. #asciilifeform, #trinque, #eulora) 1914942;1558532070;stjohn_piano_2;i add comments manually to the data at present. in future, i may construct an automated system that can accept signed comments. 1914943;1558532156;diana_coman;stjohn_piano_2: but why such high-bar for what is meant as a public-facing i.e. by definition wider-public-interaction thing anyway? 1914944;1558532197;stjohn_piano_2;it's certainly public-facing, but i have little interest in interaction with speech that does not come from an established identity of some sort. 1914945;1558532662;diana_coman;well yes, but think of it: you are effectively making it *hard* for people (with established identities so those you say you do want to hear from) to provide feedback to you on the grounds that you don't want to bother with everyone; i.e. you are effectively unloading your work onto those who may be able to/willing to help you; doesn't seem a winning strategy to me. 1914946;1558532680;diana_coman;and note that I would certainly NOT go about providing signed comments wtf 1914947;1558533082;diana_coman;it's the equivalent of "because some people are not worth talking to, you shall show me your passport/ID card every time you want to talk to me (and at every reply even)" 1914948;1558533613;stjohn_piano_2;i understand your point. i've thought about this quite a bit. 1914949;1558533638;stjohn_piano_2;your comment has been published. i'm pleased that the comment system worked. yours is the first external comment. 1914950;1558533666;stjohn_piano_2;there's several threads here. i'll go through them. 1914951;1558533702;stjohn_piano_2;1) until recently, no comment system existed. it is still experimental and manually driven. i am unsure about its final structure. 1914952;1558533746;stjohn_piano_2;2) this first-pass at a comments system makes it impossible for people without an identity to speak. established identities can speak, although it is hard, yes. 1914953;1558533771;stjohn_piano_2;in future, this will become easier for established identities, as i work out how to automate parts of the process. 1914954;1558533789;asciilifeform;stjohn_piano_2: consider mircea_popescu's [method][http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-03#1496469] of spam control (his is wpistic, but can be ported); or asciilifeform's [somewhat simpler pill][http://btcbase.org/log/2019-03-30#1906150]. 1914955;1558533789;a111;Logged on 2016-07-03 22:46 mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2009/trilema-anti-spam/#selection-81.0-109.41 < section of interest. 1914956;1558533789;a111;Logged on 2019-03-30 15:49 asciilifeform: meanwhile, in olds, asciilifeform's 'xor 2 small numbers'+'say fg baud' spam filter seems to be 100% effective (a 1st?!) -- 0 spams in trap since installed ( legit comments , not many , but work -- tho there were never many ) 1914957;1558533921;stjohn_piano_2;3) there may be an approach to signed comments that does not involve the primary key: examples: a) sign with a subordinate key b) validate your current IP for a time period (e.g. a month / year) by decrypting an OTP, like deedbot. 1914958;1558534001;stjohn_piano_2;asciilifeform: i did consider both. ultimately, i decided to stay with identity-based commenting rather than take a sift-the-noise approach. 1914959;1558534022;asciilifeform;stjohn_piano_2: with how much meat-powered spam was your www plagued, that this seemed like a good idea ? 1914960;1558534035;stjohn_piano_2;ideally, 0. 1914961;1558534056;stjohn_piano_2;ah, wait. so far, none, because i never permitted it. 1914962;1558534063;asciilifeform;the typical result of 'heaviweight' spam trap is... the sounds of silence 1914963;1558534070;mp_en_viaje;in other news, europe fucking sucks. 1914964;1558534095;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: lol, didja find an unexploded ordnance in the blueberry steak ? 1914965;1558534102;mp_en_viaje;land of small dicked morons! so, they don't import magnum, because hurr durr, economically independent colony, they got their own. then, they don't fucking have durex extra large. because hurr durr. 1914966;1558534132;mp_en_viaje;THEN!!! i end up having all of fucking central europe scoured by my mounted slutlegions, which produces "masculan XXL", a german brand. 1914967;1558534140;mp_en_viaje;IT IS NARROWER THAN A HORSE'S DICK!!! 1914968;1558534163;mp_en_viaje;apparently they think "xxl" means 1 cm width and 25 cm length. cuz totally, my dick comes on a spool or some other european retarded shit 1914969;1558534226;*;asciilifeform always pictured mp_en_viaje with reusable hand-sewn sheepskin , like henry viii had 1914970;1558534381;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-22#1914915 << wasn't re 'with what to earn bread', lol. was re stjohn_piano_2's 'what to learn to be of use here' q. 1914971;1558534381;a111;Logged on 2019-05-22 11:34 stjohn_piano_2: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-17#1914395 << from logs + mocky's "why ada", i understand some of the technical merits of ada. however, my perception of the current job market is that trying to make a living at ada leads directly to a hardware sharashka. 1914972;1558534392;stjohn_piano_2;asciilifeform: this is not deliberately a spam trap. i had a choice while working: to build an open-access-point to the wider internet, or not to do so. i chose - not. 1914973;1558534395;mp_en_viaje;no, apparently i gotta http://trilema.com/2011/cornul-abundentei-sau-ma-rog/ all over again. because nothing improved in a decade 1914974;1558534403;stjohn_piano_2;asciilifeform: aha. make sense. 1914975;1558534406;stjohn_piano_2;makes* 1914976;1558534409;mp_en_viaje;you'd think, you know, with all the fucking immigrants, they'd come to sense. 1914977;1558534416;mp_en_viaje;but no, cuz gotta import fingerpenised arabs. 1914978;1558534507;asciilifeform;stjohn_piano_2: we even have folx who dun have comment eater on their www at all. and iirc danielpbarron has only hand-cranked 'x wrote in re...' comments. but if you have automated comment box, imho the real win is to occasionally hear from intelligent heathens. 1914979;1558534624;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-22#1914917 << outta curiosity, what ties you to uk? afaik pythonism is not confined to uk 1914980;1558534624;a111;Logged on 2019-05-22 11:37 stjohn_piano_2: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-17#1914400 << yes, tied to the UK. I'm currently looking for python dev work in Cambridge/Suffolk area. 1914981;1558534684;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-22#1914926 << might be interesting to look into how jp does ocr. (iirc they in fact have a working one for hieroglyphs, somehow) 1914982;1558534684;a111;Logged on 2019-05-22 11:43 mp_en_viaje: custom slavonic-like alphabet for ro language notation, in use a few decades in 19th century ; all extant matter printed by hand-made (and VERY poorly crafted) blocks, literally no two glyphs are alike 1914983;1558534765;mp_en_viaje;incidentally, speaking of http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-22#1914907 : the only reasonable construction on something like http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-21#1557757 (and there's A LOT of somethings like) would be "fellow was ordered to do something patently illegal, decided to stockpile documentary evidence". 1914984;1558534765;a111;Logged on 2019-05-22 09:46 mp_en_viaje: meanwhile for the assange lulz files : http://archive.is/hSZDg#selection-81.318-81.344 1914985;1558534765;a111;Logged on 2016-10-21 14:07 asciilifeform: (for folks who have not heard of this show trial - harold martin worked at nsa-tao and was arrested for, supposedly, taking the contents home by the crate.) 1914986;1558534898;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: i.e. d00d was piling it up to show at nuremberg ? conceivable 1914987;1558534906;mp_en_viaje;yuppers. 1914988;1558534906;asciilifeform;tho hilariously, imho, naive 1914989;1558534910;stjohn_piano_2;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-22#1914978 << aha. well, currently, if intelligent heathen really wants to tell me his thoughts, he can create an account. 1914990;1558534910;a111;Logged on 2019-05-22 14:15 asciilifeform: stjohn_piano_2: we even have folx who dun have comment eater on their www at all. and iirc danielpbarron has only hand-cranked 'x wrote in re...' comments. but if you have automated comment box, imho the real win is to occasionally hear from intelligent heathens. 1914991;1558534910;mp_en_viaje;exactly. 1914992;1558534939;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, all civilised life is hilariously naive. 1914993;1558534992;stjohn_piano_2;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-22#1914979 << i am not self-supporting. live with parents, focus on recovery and retraining self. 1914994;1558534992;a111;Logged on 2019-05-22 14:17 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-22#1914917 << outta curiosity, what ties you to uk? afaik pythonism is not confined to uk 1914995;1558535015;mp_en_viaje;follow the logic tho -- highly qualified tech did not get there through being gregarious or politically capable ; because his work is not readily replicable by the people who were gregarious and politically able, he is likely to be ordered things by them, which statistically will be illegal sometimes, and he is not likely to suddenly grow the missing parts and fix their stupid. so... red stapler exit. 1914996;1558535043;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: admits gradations. e.g. http://www.loper-os.org/wp-content/fb/godsurge.png , might appear at nuremberg. martin's pile , went with him to crematorium, and i can't picture how this was surprise to him 1914997;1558535065;mp_en_viaje;sure. 1914998;1558535094;mp_en_viaje;people more often do things to sate a gnawing perceived necessity to do something, than because they actually figured out a plan. 1914999;1558535203;asciilifeform;this is so, and is how 'postal' generally worx 1915000;1558535211;mp_en_viaje;indeed. 1915001;1558535215;asciilifeform;!#s for piglet 1915002;1558535215;a111;14 results for "for piglet", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=for%20piglet 1915003;1558535457;mp_en_viaje;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-22#1914947 << amusingly enough, trilema deals with a commentary flow i'd say about the square of the people trying to solve the problem of dealing with comment flow, and yet i dun have their problems. 1915004;1558535457;a111;Logged on 2019-05-22 13:51 diana_coman: it's the equivalent of "because some people are not worth talking to, you shall show me your passport/ID card every time you want to talk to me (and at every reply even)" 1915005;1558535463;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: i vaguely suspect that at this point, the other haroldmartins, entirely aware of the yellow dots, have burned their piles 1915006;1558535521;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, seems unlikely. the sort of fellow never surrenders, there's this deeply inborn sentiment of invulnerability burning deep in the technomoron. more likely, they're taking it as a "challenge accepted", came up with who knows what ratty, nigger-rigged paliatives. 1915007;1558535604;asciilifeform;if these folx had 'deep sense of invulnerability', they'd be posting it to net, neh? 1915008;1558535606;mp_en_viaje;people keep heewing and hawing about "stem fields" and "intelligence". but neither correlates with reality. intelligence is immaterial, and the only meaningful definition of "stem fields" is after the fact -- "those fields which tend to attract technomorons, defined as those 5 yos who do not play well with others and think themselves invulnerable" 1915009;1558535679;mp_en_viaje;there's nothing substantial about physics or math that make them any other way. it just so happens, for reasons entirely unrelated to math, that the sort of 5yo that will grow up into a technomoron will rather deal with math. had he preferred, for similar, purely subjective reasons, bricklaying or kite flying, THESE would be "advanced" and "require intelligence" and blablabla "stem" 1915010;1558535688;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: was martin in fact a diplomaed 'techmoron' ? or simply bureaucrat 1915011;1558535698;asciilifeform;iirc he was a generic paper-pusher 1915012;1558535725;mp_en_viaje;he is the sort of guy who doesn't fuck a lot of women, doesn't speak a lot of languages, doesn't like reading things he doesn't know how to interpret and spends a lot of time fucking intricately with garbage. 1915013;1558535740;mp_en_viaje;ie, "engineer". 1915014;1558535755;mp_en_viaje;but there's nothing about ~engineering~ that warrants the association. 1915015;1558535808;mp_en_viaje;you can tell, within an hour or (very often) less, by observing 5yos, whether they'll grow up to be "intelligent" or on the contrary, lawyers. 1915016;1558535883;asciilifeform;iirc recent years' crops of reich.lawyers aren't esp. distinguishable from reich.engineers et al, also 'a lot of time fucking intricately with garbage' and the cultural level of sewer rat 1915017;1558535898;mp_en_viaje;yes, most people become nothing. 1915018;1558535971;mp_en_viaje;but at the root of the becoming, in those who do become something, is the problem of perceived vulnerability. there's no such thing as "introvert" or "extrovert", simply, some kids are afraid, and thus seek outside ; some kids are too dumb to be afraid, and thus spend a lot of time in intricacy. 1915019;1558536129;mp_en_viaje;and yes, the welfare state has produced a lot of really dumb engineers, through the simple process of making a lot of parents comfortable. their kids become engineers not because anything to do with either engineering or intelligence -- but simply because that's the sort of thing kids with an invulnerability delusion do. 1915020;1558536161;mp_en_viaje;which is how artefacts like that moron "security expert" who suspected colleagues of conspiring to alter her solitaire highscores are born. remember her / 1915021;1558536200;asciilifeform;i suspect a simpler http://btcbase.org/log/2017-02-18#1615386 mechanism 1915022;1558536200;a111;Logged on 2017-02-18 22:29 asciilifeform: '... what was once dedication is replaced by greed and sometimes sheer need as the motivation to enter the field.' 1915023;1558536211;mp_en_viaje;nobody needs anything. 1915024;1558536222;asciilifeform;the same folx today 'go to engineer school' as became shoemakers in earlier times. 1915025;1558536233;mp_en_viaje;quite -- the ones who didn't make soldiers. 1915026;1558536269;mp_en_viaje;"Mai tot orașul fu mistuit de foc. Cazacii luară din Moldova 26 000 cai, 600 fete tinere." 1915027;1558536272;asciilifeform;somebody gotta make boots for soldier. 1915028;1558536274;mp_en_viaje;here, have some more : Un martor de față descrie astfel răzbunarea românilor asupra bieților locuitori ai Rusciucului: „Multă jale se făcu în ziua aceea și plângerile se înălțau până la ceruri. Toți s-au încărcat cu avere din destul, robi și roabe și-au luat cu prisos; nimica n-a scăpat din mâna lor. Gingașele turcoaice mult răsfățate, ce stau în veci închise, să le fi văzut atunci goale, desculțe, tăvălindu-se î 1915029;1558536274;mp_en_viaje;n zăpadă, unele târâte de par, altele de mână; nu era ostaș care să nu ducă vro turcoaică." 1915030;1558536317;mp_en_viaje;this is the glorybook of romanian history, "at some point in 1600, romanians suddenly and inexplicably stopped taking it up the ass, instead of 1ton of gold/year sent rape & pillage party to istanbul, got within 10 miles of city walls." 1915031;1558536373;mp_en_viaje;so yes, the kids that didn't make soldiers, made ploughsmen. often, the exact same kids. 1915032;1558536469;mp_en_viaje;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-22#1914957 << understand the problem -- if someone wishes to sign something, they're probably making a deed, which they'll publish on their own castle walls and on the republican deedpost. they 1915033;1558536469;a111;Logged on 2019-05-22 14:05 stjohn_piano_2: 3) there may be an approach to signed comments that does not involve the primary key: examples: a) sign with a subordinate key b) validate your current IP for a time period (e.g. a month / year) by decrypting an OTP, like deedbot. 1915034;1558536473;asciilifeform;soldier sometimes get home. ( in old ru empire -- after 20ys . ) then -- back to plough 1915035;1558536479;mp_en_viaje;re very unlikely to sign anything for ~your~ convenience. 1915036;1558536500;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, naw, "go back home" means veteran gets land, comes with young cunt and serfs. 1915037;1558536510;asciilifeform;that'd be a roman, eh 1915038;1558536515;asciilifeform;how long this went. 1915039;1558536515;mp_en_viaje;that'd be a soldier. 1915040;1558536574;mp_en_viaje;long time. they were still doing it during venice (note that at the time merchant was how you said soldier) 1915041;1558536595;mp_en_viaje;judging by the recent charlie sheen lulz, still going now. 1915042;1558536606;mp_en_viaje;though admittedly most soldiers don't know what to ask of the cunts. 1915043;1558536742;mp_en_viaje;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-22#1914993 << recovery from what ? 1915044;1558536742;a111;Logged on 2019-05-22 14:23 stjohn_piano_2: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-22#1914979 << i am not self-supporting. live with parents, focus on recovery and retraining self. 1915045;1558536838;asciilifeform;rome -- a++ soldiering. 'while supplies lasted' (of easy pickings.) but will note that central event of 20th c was that time when ~all of europistan went to go soldierin' , to get their 'land and young cunt serfs', and instead of lands and serfs ended up having arse handed to'em by ploughsmen , and went home to rebuild berlin, budapest, etc with 1 hand and 1 leg while learning to recite marx and lenin in translation 1915046;1558536919;mp_en_viaje;yes well. 1915047;1558536940;mp_en_viaje;came pretty close tho. 1915048;1558536944;asciilifeform;'sometimes sandwich eats you instead' or how it went. 1915049;1558537011;mp_en_viaje;you will definitely notice how my vulnerability/invulnerability divide well underscores, both the situation of zee invaders (why did they invade ?) and of the invaded. 1915050;1558537086;mp_en_viaje;i'm not, after all, saying whether the invulnerability delusion's reality-adequate or reality-inadequate. like all illusions, it proceeds irrespective of such considerations. 1915051;1558537152;asciilifeform;in this scheme, recall the lulzdetails of how (in actuality, not his 'retcon') solzhenitsin ended up on all-expenses vacation 1915052;1558537186;mp_en_viaje; but to bring this full circle -- the stockpiling fellows did not burn their stash, irrespective of what happened, what they were told happened, etc, because, fundamentally, they do not think reality applies to them. because if they had thought that, they'd never have been in their current position -- not for 20 years, not for 20 weeks, in point of fact not even for a week of their schooling. aged 5 they'd have opted off this path. 1915053;1558537196;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, aha. 1915054;1558537221;*;asciilifeform brb,tea 1915055;1558538654;diana_coman;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-22#1915018 -> uhm, how do you define introvert/extrovert? possibly I'm too dumb to be afraid, dunno. 1915056;1558538654;a111;Logged on 2019-05-22 14:39 mp_en_viaje: but at the root of the becoming, in those who do become something, is the problem of perceived vulnerability. there's no such thing as "introvert" or "extrovert", simply, some kids are afraid, and thus seek outside ; some kids are too dumb to be afraid, and thus spend a lot of time in intricacy. 1915057;1558538687;mp_en_viaje;i don't define, it's human behaviour, what define. 1915058;1558538711;diana_coman;well ok, how do you distinguish then? 1915059;1558538735;mp_en_viaje;walk into a packed metro train, pull out a machine gun, hold everyone hostage for a few hours. at the end of the hours, some people in there will know everyone's names, and some other people there will know how many of everythings there were -- windows, cig butts on the floor, etc. 1915060;1558538786;mp_en_viaje;while walking down the street, walk up to someone coming the other way and suddenly slap them hard. some will cry, some will yell. 1915061;1558538822;diana_coman;fine but I don't see what that has to do with introvert vs extrovert 1915062;1558538826;mp_en_viaje;intelligence has naight to do with this, however defined (leaving aside how it can't be defined) ; this divide correlates better with reals/humanities than any other. 1915063;1558538837;diana_coman;and no, nothing to do with intelligence either, sure 1915064;1558538849;mp_en_viaje;diana_coman, i did say " there's no such thing as "introvert" or "extrovert"" as my only reference to the terms. 1915065;1558538924;diana_coman;I suspect there is, but - as usual, I should say - not what it's nowadays "meant" by the terms; pretty much the usual capture-words-and-rend-them-meaningless as with love and everything else; a misnomer at best. 1915066;1558538938;diana_coman;because no, there is certainly no correlation "maths -> introverts" or any such nonsense 1915067;1558539051;mp_en_viaje;if there is, i don't see how it'd be defined outside of the invulnerability divide. 1915068;1558539159;diana_coman;I don't quite grasp this invulnerability divide; to me it looks equally well "doesn't give a damn if gets killed" i.e. not "thinks himself invulnerable" but "thinks himself disposable" 1915069;1558539219;mp_en_viaje;perhaps better phrased as "associates no meaning to existence" 1915070;1558539268;diana_coman;not even sure how exactly do you distinguish between the two; this pile of X is more important than me; sure, X might be garbage but then perhaps obvious only later. 1915071;1558539347;mp_en_viaje;well, you distinguish by prediction. "this bunch of lawyers will 100% change their behaviour on the slightest whiff of '''guidance''' ; this bunch of engineers will NEVER change their behaviour, no matter the fuck what happens". 1915072;1558539466;diana_coman;i.e. this bunch will do as told, this bunch won't do as told? are they manageable or aren't they? 1915073;1558539500;mp_en_viaje;not really, nobody's manageable, the former examtake. 1915074;1558539527;mp_en_viaje;this bunch will talk to girls, this bunch won't talk to girls. 1915075;1558539539;mp_en_viaje;they have comparable nuptiality rates anyway 1915076;1558539557;diana_coman;quite; part of why I don't get it: the former examtake so it's not like they are actually any more reality-anchored as far as I can see 1915077;1558539614;diana_coman;the former examtake, the latter focus on the wrong exam 1915078;1558539615;mp_en_viaje;well, it's a misstated question, "who's the more bear-aware, he who says there's no bear or he who says that bear's a cat" 1915079;1558539646;mp_en_viaje;technically you could say the negative statement requires less bearness to manufacture. 1915080;1558539783;diana_coman;so the afraid divide would be this sort of technicality? it's not that some are afraid so seek outside while others are too dumb to be afraid and focus on intricacy but rather that both are afraid but some deal with it by different pretending? 1915081;1558539811;mp_en_viaje;well yes. 1915082;1558539827;mp_en_viaje;illusion is illusion, question is which comes naturally. 1915083;1558539856;diana_coman;uhm; why is one un-natural, I don't get it. 1915084;1558539887;mp_en_viaje;well, a person will pick something. 1915085;1558539901;mp_en_viaje;whatever they pick, they get better at. 1915086;1558539914;diana_coman;yes, but both choices are as natural as they get 1915087;1558539926;mp_en_viaje;you familiar with the theory saying that the one deciding factor of a young researcher's lifetime field of study is "what provides results first" ? 1915088;1558539956;mp_en_viaje;yes, in and of themselves, of course they are. all natural numbers are equally natural as such. just, nobody tends to ever pick 11103048503480534588333 1915089;1558539958;diana_coman;among other piles of nonsense, I've heard this one too, yess 1915090;1558539958;mp_en_viaje;7 however... 1915091;1558539995;mp_en_viaje;anyway, kid picks one, gets better at it, keeps picking it again and again and there you go, "personality" 1915092;1558540012;diana_coman;well, that sounds like "this choice is easier to make hence we'll call it natural", is that what you mean? 1915093;1558540019;mp_en_viaje;"just as innate as homosexuality" "butt ofcourse" 1915094;1558540031;mp_en_viaje;diana_coman, i just mean "comes natural to x". 1915095;1558540119;diana_coman;as long as it's all about "words", it just about amounts to that in all cases, yes; it can't amount to anything else anyway, since it's always something else, as convenient basically. 1915096;1558540165;mp_en_viaje;i didn't parse that! 1915097;1558540319;diana_coman;it seems to me that it all gets mired into the current use of "personality" and "stem" and "introvert" to mean nothing at all/anything that is convenient; essentially I don't think they are what is currently claimed (intelligent -> stem!!! or whatever other nonsense) but I don't think that there is nothing real otherwise, either (rather: I don't know). 1915098;1558540391;diana_coman;as with the deciding factor for young researcher's lifetime: it is even true for current "research" , sure but... 1915099;1558540417;diana_coman;it has to do with current "research" ended up being, not with actual deciding factors for research 1915100;1558540455;mp_en_viaje;i dunno it gets mired in anything ; obviously if one uses copernican model to discuss ptolemaic astronomy one will end up with a lot of ptolemaic astronomy discussion. doesn't invalidate the heliocentric system tho. 1915101;1558540489;mp_en_viaje;let's see if we can make some statements out of which that can be discussed individually. 1915102;1558540541;feedbot;http://trilema.com/2019/i-give-you-something-new/ << Trilema -- I give you... Something New! 1915103;1558540543;diana_coman;I suppose I don't grok what the equivalent of the heliocentric system is here, precisely. 1915104;1558540549;*;diana_coman listens 1915105;1558540852;mp_en_viaje;1. there is no such thing as intelligence ; 2. the humanities-divinities divide, however redefined (whether you call divinities "natural sciences" or "peri-physeios" or "stem" or whatever else) do not translate a difference in degree of brain function, but merely different patterns of behaviour ; 1915106;1558540852;mp_en_viaje;3. there is no such thing as "a personality" ; 4. what passes for any individual human's personality is the result of a markov process : certain strategies, once made, increase the choosers' skill, thereby increasing the probability of the same strategies being deployed in the future. thus, properly speaking, a list of strategy-skilllevel would completely describe (in the sense of predictability) the individual 1915107;1558540852;mp_en_viaje;5. the strategies in question are few enough to be readily enumerable ; 6. chief among them, the strategy in dealing with the subjective-objective disparity : either deny the meaning of the objective (which is how you get "scientists") or else pretend subjectivity is meaningful (which is how you get "scholars"). 1915108;1558540938;mp_en_viaje;in order to learn a foreign language, you must first and foremost lie to yourself : by pretending others can make sense to you. 1915109;1558540958;mp_en_viaje;in order to discover radioactivity, you must first and foremost lie to yourself : by pretending a rock could never kill you. 1915110;1558540982;*;diana_coman is reading 1915111;1558541086;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: in order to cross street and buy a bag of potato, 'must first lie to yourself and believe that..' a garbage truck with defective brakes could never kill you 1915112;1558541102;asciilifeform;dun seem all that specific. 1915113;1558541117;asciilifeform;1-4 seem like restatement of old man skinner. 1915114;1558541122;mp_en_viaje;i somehow fail to see the problem. 1915115;1558541181;asciilifeform;there aint necessarily 'problem'. the described theory doesn't immediately contradict observables. but where predictive ? 1915116;1558541212;mp_en_viaje;for instance http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-22#1915006 1915117;1558541212;a111;Logged on 2019-05-22 14:32 mp_en_viaje: asciilifeform, seems unlikely. the sort of fellow never surrenders, there's this deeply inborn sentiment of invulnerability burning deep in the technomoron. more likely, they're taking it as a "challenge accepted", came up with who knows what ratty, nigger-rigged paliatives. 1915118;1558541274;asciilifeform;erryone is walking around with 'sense of invulnerability' in this sense tho. incl. the squirrel crossing road. 1915119;1558541275;mp_en_viaje;kinda how the whole theory ended up even stated, by pulling on "why" thread of that prediction. 1915120;1558541304;mp_en_viaje;squirrel, eys. animals, as oft discussed here, make for some excellent scientists. both your raccoons and my jar-captive mouse etc. 1915121;1558541348;asciilifeform;housefly even better 'scientist' them, can buzz in glass jar for days after mouse expires 1915122;1558541420;diana_coman;mp_en_viaje: hm, the "personality/intelligence" part was to my mind related to *how much better does one get at x strategy if they pick it once vs at y strategy if they pick it once" i.e. sure, everyone gets better at whatever they pick but not at the same rate 1915123;1558541421;mp_en_viaje;meanwhile otaku... not scientist. 1915124;1558541434;mp_en_viaje;diana_coman, agreed, not at the same rate. 1915125;1558541448;mp_en_viaje;though in general, the same individual would get better at any strategy they'd happen to pick at ~same rate. 1915126;1558541467;asciilifeform;incidentally the smarts and persistence of raccoon , i suspect , are much overblown. at 1 time i had two traps set next to 1 another, and 4 out of 5 specimens ended up springing ~both~, 1 with each hand 1915127;1558541492;mp_en_viaje;this is where that naggumism re "random element in everyone's life" comes in : chance plays a role specifically because circumstance may seem to randomly favour some strategies. 1915128;1558541653;diana_coman;hm, you are basically saying that there is only a... quality/speed of learning of the individual that applies equally to any choice they make i.e. there is no difference more specific than that? 1915129;1558541655;mp_en_viaje;in other lulz, Teresa H. Shea, last mentioned in 2014 (for siphoning usg money through husban's inqtel) now "working" for raytheon. 1915130;1558541657;asciilifeform;( there was a fascinating film clip i once saw, where raccoon was shot in the spine, in such a way that only bottom half paralyzed; and he happily attempted to eat own spilled guts. i could not help but remember rms and his 'toe jam'... ) 1915131;1558541674;mp_en_viaje;diana_coman, pretty much. 1915132;1558541816;diana_coman;or coming at it from the other side that those choices (deny meaning of objective or pretend subjective has meaning to keep it within the model) do not have any significant difference of requirements 1915133;1558541891;mp_en_viaje;they do not -- being illusionary, all that's required is the subject's mind. 1915134;1558542146;mp_en_viaje;take this woman -- she "moved" from bethesda, md to ashton heights, va, to die. before that, from ellicott to bethesda, to "work" (from "govt" to "public sector"). before that she lived in urbana, went to school. neither intelligence nor personality are to any degree involved -- she just did what she knew how to do. 1915135;1558542152;mp_en_viaje;it's an universal situation. 1915136;1558542169;diana_coman;myeah, but that was I thought the starting point of the "differences" precisely that the requirements on the subject's mind are different i.e. that it's not just a matter of overall flexibility of the mind or whatevers but rather some more specific characteristics 1915137;1558542186;mp_en_viaje;i am well persuaded it's a matter of chance. 1915138;1558542269;*;diana_coman files this under the "I don't yet know what it is; work in progress." 1915139;1558542403;diana_coman;I do agree though that past behaviour is very indicative of future behaviour for people in general so in this sense yes, predictive. 1915140;1558542469;mp_en_viaje;also explains the empirical support (such as it is) of the "you can do anything" crowd. 1915141;1558542504;mp_en_viaje;"if you've made 50 skill points in 20 years, ~any skill tree loadout worth 50 points total would be ~equally achievable for you" 1915142;1558542545;asciilifeform;simply variant of soy sausage. 'you can [pretend to self] to do anything' is elementarily true. doesn't have much to do with the q of who can or cannot ~factually~ do sumthing. 1915143;1558542566;mp_en_viaje;no, i meant factually. 1915144;1558542817;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje's hypothesis, like other 'freudisms', is 1 of those 'simple and clean' items that stands for just so long as you throw out the contradictory inputs. e.g. folx like that same newton, heaviside, tesla, etc who in so far as anyone knows, couldn't even get their cocks to stand on demand, yet still somehow added up to something, despite not fitting mp_en_viaje's [conception of ubermensch][http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-22#1915 1915145;1558542817;a111;Logged on 2013-04-26 20:53 truffles: im focused on other times so its not a big deal 1915146;1558542817;asciilifeform;012] 1915147;1558542833;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-22#1915012 grr 1915148;1558542833;a111;Logged on 2019-05-22 14:35 mp_en_viaje: he is the sort of guy who doesn't fuck a lot of women, doesn't speak a lot of languages, doesn't like reading things he doesn't know how to interpret and spends a lot of time fucking intricately with garbage. 1915149;1558542840;mp_en_viaje;how's this related ? 1915150;1558542847;diana_coman;except what is achievable is always a matter of what one can+has to pay for the achievement rather than the "worth" of the achievement so that worth 50 points total sounds dubious; sure, you can make progress in any direction you choose but that's about it 1915151;1558542865;mp_en_viaje;diana_coman, well, what did you have in mind re achievement ? 1915152;1558542966;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: related in that it's a restatement of ye olde 'errybody who aint an exact replica of mircea_popescu is a tard and oughta slice lengthwise' leitmotif, imho. 1915153;1558543025;mp_en_viaje;because you asked me about martin fellow ? 1915154;1558543067;asciilifeform;specifically in re http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-22#1915018 . 1915155;1558543067;a111;Logged on 2019-05-22 14:39 mp_en_viaje: but at the root of the becoming, in those who do become something, is the problem of perceived vulnerability. there's no such thing as "introvert" or "extrovert", simply, some kids are afraid, and thus seek outside ; some kids are too dumb to be afraid, and thus spend a lot of time in intricacy. 1915156;1558543069;diana_coman;mp_en_viaje: do this clearly defined X here; something defined externally to the subject since "you can do anything" aka nothing to do with "you" as there is no difference between one you or another 1915157;1558543083;mp_en_viaje;i have like dozen+ articles dealing with the converse strategy, all them fetlife lulz etc, you know. i'm fair and balanced! 1915158;1558543139;mp_en_viaje;diana_coman, there's a group of people / cult that keep pushing this angle whereby kids can learn any skill or trade they want, and all that bla bla. there is ~some~ empirical support for their theory, tjough not nearly as much as they like to pretend. 1915159;1558543241;asciilifeform;sovok was the ultimate test ground for this notion. take 9000 childrens and force'em from age 4 to chess, ballet, etc. and found that indeed from 1000, 1-2 will perform on world class. but certainly at no point was there 'erry child' delusion entertained. 1915160;1558543281;diana_coman;mp_en_viaje: you mean as a direct application of the previous one gets better at same rate no matter what choice they make? 1915161;1558543287;mp_en_viaje;~anything you want~. part of the saving grace of the ustardian formulation is that 6yos generally don't seek sex, etc. people tend to want things they can represent. 1915162;1558543341;diana_coman;perhaps better stated as "anything you actually need" 1915163;1558543370;mp_en_viaje;diana_coman, i'm saying that the guy who is within the top 1% mathematicians could also have been within the top 0.5-2% historians, dancers or public women, and that what exact words you use don't matter, because much before any substantial skill or craft there's the 5yo's set of choices. 1915164;1558543390;asciilifeform;if brain of kid was infinitely plastic, as implied in the 'no such thing as talent' item, sovok would have eaten the 'civilized' world for lunch, like the neanderthals are thought to have been eaten by modern man. but for some reason nodice. 1915165;1558543412;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, nowhere in this is a promise of "make better people" 1915166;1558543472;mp_en_viaje;brain of kid ~is~ infinitely plastic, in the simple sense that kid who tries avoidant and keeps trying avoidant will grow up to be an excellent goth, whose poetry nobody understands ; had it tried opposite strategy would have been EQUALLY excellent cheerleader, whose sluttiness nobody understands. 1915167;1558543624;diana_coman;and before the 5yo's set of choices there is nothing but chance? 1915168;1558543654;diana_coman;ultimately everything is chance I suppose so in this sense yes 1915169;1558543696;mp_en_viaje;something happens, right ? kid's gotta do something, not outwardly, but inwardly. put a label on the newly acquired sack of chaos. which label does his mind's hand reach for ? 1915170;1558543714;diana_coman;does it reach at random though? 1915171;1558543719;mp_en_viaje;i'd say which is chance. step 1 of the markov process, even balanced, why not. for all the diff it makes, might as well be. 1915172;1558543729;asciilifeform;somehow, where the 9000 children and trainer with heavy spiked club, and reduced element of chance to the strictly biological, still 1-2 champs and not 9000. 1915173;1558543750;mp_en_viaje;then successive steps change the situation, what was chosen before is both more likely to "work" (as the kid has re-defined working) and to be chosen. 1915174;1558543773;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, strictly biological amply plentiful anyway. 1915175;1558543830;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: indeed, and afaik to the point where the rest seems like hardly necessary hypothesis 1915176;1558543855;mp_en_viaje;hm ? 1915177;1558543927;asciilifeform;the idea that it matters what happens to 6yo in the wild. entirely possib that all the interesting dice were rolled long before kid can even speak. 1915178;1558543959;mp_en_viaje;doesn't seem likely 1915179;1558543979;mp_en_viaje;if it were the case, then there'd be no such things as the doctor-turned-art-critic etc. 1915180;1558544246;asciilifeform;afaik changes of profession in adulthood where result was 'world class' are few/nonexistent 1915181;1558544292;mp_en_viaje;i know a bunch. 1915182;1558544363;asciilifeform;if they're art experts, i'ma have to take mp_en_viaje's word, asciilifeform is not equipped to evaluate 'world class' 1915183;1558544399;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, didn't your favourite chemist take up literature ? 1915184;1558544409;asciilifeform;lol which 1 1915185;1558544426;mp_en_viaje;http://trilema.com/2018/lets-read-together-uncle-al-schwartz-hexadecimal-dependency/#selection-41.1-45.1 1915186;1558544428;asciilifeform;schwartz ? i think he took up... whiskey 1915187;1558544484;asciilifeform;( fella was 'literator', of a sort, from childhood, incidentally. like e.g. knuth (didjaknow) ) 1915188;1558544637;asciilifeform;thinking about it, i dun think i ever met what could be described as a thinking fella, who didn't write at least into a desk 1915189;1558544898;mp_en_viaje;or picked onions or set his vcr. 1915190;1558545795;asciilifeform;lol iirc schwartz himself had a piece on 'those who did not set vcr' 1915191;1558545870;asciilifeform;( recall btw when one could apply similar 'litmus' to pc folx ? 'why didntcha set yer bios clock!' ) 1915192;1558545926;asciilifeform;variety of offered answers was astonishing. but i dun think i met 1 who was honest and replied 'my hands grow from arse' 1915193;1558549248;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2019/05/us-airforce-and-journalist-suffer-cyber-attacks-conducted-by-us-navy-jag/ << Qntra -- US Airforce And Journalist Suffer Cyber Attacks Conducted By US Navy JAG 1915194;1558552131;lobbes;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-19#1914718 << I will definitely read, and am still interested in eventually visiting. Though I will say after reading the various threads re:escape from last week I have a lot more clarity on wtf I should be doing in the shorter-term. I may have to wait a bit before a Uruguay trip 1915195;1558552131;a111;Logged on 2019-05-19 22:17 BingoBoingo to the blogging desk to assemble more Uruguay perspectives with lobbes and whaack showing interest in visiting the place. 1915196;1558552136;lobbes;Long-story short, I woke up one morning and came to the realization that I have not been saving and am headed towards ye olde http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-29#1875979; panicked, etc. Then I cooled it for a second and continued reading, came across http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-19#1914702 and realized that me running to xyz without any idea of what I'd *do* is not any better than what I'm doing now. 1915197;1558552136;a111;Logged on 2018-11-29 17:10 Mocky: in truth i do feel like idjit for being old man without the brains to have saved anything. i don't even have a workshop full of shit like asciilifeform 1915198;1558552136;a111;Logged on 2019-05-19 03:09 trinque: not telling you not to leave, nor where to live. just remember that you need to have something you *do* wherever you go. 1915199;1558552142;lobbes;(i.e. the [http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-16#1863173][approach vs flee] dilemma of problem solving) 1915200;1558552142;a111;Logged on 2018-10-16 03:30 mircea_popescu: this should be approached rather thjan fled from 1915201;1558552146;lobbes;Whether I like it or not, I am currently in a http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-19#1914704 situation. Problem is that while I have been measuring, I have not been stealing enough nor have I set any time horizon for escape. It is now clear to me that I must remedy this before I can really do anything else. 1915202;1558552146;a111;Logged on 2019-05-19 05:46 mp_en_viaje: this is the cornerstone of survival : the adversative relationship. as long as you know you're there to steal, you measure how much you steal, and you get out on some sort of time horizon, you may survive. 1915203;1558552411;mp_en_viaje;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-22#1915196 << if it helps you any, imo (as well as in the opinion of ~all successful merchants of the original most serene republic, along with ALL other successful merchants, up to and including the phanarioti Ἰωάννης Γεώργιος Καρατζάς), "saving" is a misnomer. you may expend a ~SMALL~ fraction of your income. not save a small fraction thereof. living on 1-2-3% of what you make, aged 20 to 30 1915204;1558552411;a111;Logged on 2019-05-22 19:08 lobbes: Long-story short, I woke up one morning and came to the realization that I have not been saving and am headed towards ye olde http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-29#1875979; panicked, etc. Then I cooled it for a second and continued reading, came across http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-19#1914702 and realized that me running to xyz without any idea of what I'd *do* is not any better than what I'm doing now. 1915205;1558552411;mp_en_viaje;, is the ticket. 1915206;1558552614;asciilifeform;with the obv. [http://btcbase.org/log/2016-04-01#1443747][caveat] 1915207;1558552614;a111;Logged on 2016-04-01 17:24 mircea_popescu: saving never worked. 1915208;1558552730;asciilifeform;( incidentally, given as there's a pete_dushenski thread in there -- loox like his www has been stone-dead for coupla wks nao ) 1915209;1558553073;asciilifeform;there was a time when plebe could [http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-17#1914451]['compound'] for 30+yrs , and leave a small fortune that buys a http://btcbase.org/log/2015-09-07#1265005 for each of 3 sons. but this was a historical anomaly imho. 1915210;1558553073;a111;Logged on 2019-05-17 22:19 asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: guess what else they taught in ameri-hs (e.g. 'if you put in 100 $ , yr later can have 105' , and other meanwhile-retracted 'communism by 1980' promiseisms ) 1915211;1558553073;a111;Logged on 2015-09-07 04:00 mircea_popescu: in the 50s a bank CLERK lived in roughly what alf thinks palatial. 1915212;1558553323;asciilifeform;btw in ye olde sovok, coupla million frugal orcs saved up what was by any rights small fortunes. 100% evaporated in '90s. cuz 'currency realigned', on top of 'oh, you own your flat? so cute! how about it now costs you $maxint to pay our 'security service' here , if you dun want tadjiks moving into it next week' etc 1915213;1558553370;asciilifeform;iirc mp_en_viaje had a piece re how 'not even beelzebub can save the passive from the active' or how did it go. 1915214;1558553582;BingoBoingo; ( incidentally, given as there's a pete_dushenski thread in there -- loox like his www has been stone-dead for coupla wks nao ) << It recently started loading for me again 1915215;1558553595;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: i see a 403. 1915216;1558553634;BingoBoingo;I see that he just posted a new poast 1915217;1558553648;BingoBoingo;Though his site loaded slowly in pieces 1915218;1558553682;asciilifeform;interestingly, loads from dulap 1915219;1558553709;asciilifeform;he must've banned my usual ip block 1915220;1558553764;asciilifeform;i look at his site erry coupla months. e.g. curious whether anyone bought his gold-plated fg. 1915221;1558553989;asciilifeform;in other noose, finally fucking 100% correct peh colourizer (coded by O(...) runtime of command) etc. 1915222;1558554052;feedbot;http://thetarpit.org/posts/y05/091-decalog.html << The Tar Pit -- Decalog 1915223;1558554112;mp_en_viaje;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-22#1915221 << nice! 1915224;1558554112;a111;Logged on 2019-05-22 19:39 asciilifeform: in other noose, finally fucking 100% correct peh colourizer (coded by O(...) runtime of command) etc. 1915225;1558554136;asciilifeform;http://www.loper-os.org/pub/peh_colour_sample.jpg << demo. 1915226;1558554280;mp_en_viaje;spyked, some very sad http://trilema.com/2017/the-world-has-changed/ shit right there. 1915227;1558554704;asciilifeform;( for nitpickers : the last comment is a lie, screenshit is from uncorrected ancient draft ) 1915228;1558555384;asciilifeform;summary of colours: O(bitness) (i.e. the cheapest) ops are marked in green; super-linear but subquadratic ops (e.g. *, S) -- brown; the most expensive ops (e.g. MX), and ones with potentially 'infinite' cost (e.g. ?) , red; ops which affect control flow ( : , various Q ) are inverted-red ; ops which affect registers -- purple; constants - black; function defs/invocations -- blue/reverseblue respectively. errything else i think self-e 1915229;1558555384;asciilifeform;xplanatory. 1915230;1558555429;asciilifeform;scheme is designed to be reasonably printer-friendly, fwiw. 1915231;1558555471;asciilifeform;(i.e. still loox readable on b&w , and nothing 'screamingly' garish imho ) 1915232;1558555661;asciilifeform;if anyone really loathes the given colours, nao is the time to speak, i'd prefer not to change these going forward. 1915233;1558555714;*;asciilifeform gently prods mp_en_viaje , the 1 fella i know to have mutant eye 1915234;1558555751;*;asciilifeform bbl:teatime 1915235;1558557360;diana_coman;asciilifeform: nice; colours look ok to me. 1915236;1558557951;lobbes;same; looks ok to my eyes 1915237;1558558680;asciilifeform;the colours, note, are not strictly decorative, idea is that they will slightly make easier the job of reader in estimating the cpu cost ( and following the control flow ) of a given proggy 1915238;1558558862;asciilifeform;( hey mp_en_viaje , which 1 of the knob settings in e.g. https://www.color-blindness.com/coblis-color-blindness-simulator/ were you ? ) 1915239;1558559153;lobbes;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-22#1915203 << this does help, ty. And I guess at the root of it all is http://trilema.com/2013/regarding-money/#selection-107.66-107.411, of which a takeaway may be "don't render yourself lame".. 1915240;1558559153;a111;Logged on 2019-05-22 19:13 mp_en_viaje: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-22#1915196 << if it helps you any, imo (as well as in the opinion of ~all successful merchants of the original most serene republic, along with ALL other successful merchants, up to and including the phanarioti Ἰωάννης Γεώργιος Καρατζάς), "saving" is a misnomer. you may expend a ~SMALL~ fraction of your income. not save a small fraction thereof. living on 1-2-3% of what you make, aged 20 to 30 1915241;1558559260;lobbes;asciilifeform: that's a pretty nifty color-blindness simulator. I'ma have to save for later (I work with someone who is colorblind in meatspace; never sure what is infuriating to his eye) 1915242;1558559318;asciilifeform;lobbes: i randomly pulled it off the net. at one time i had a lcd with built-in one, but sadly retired it coupla yrs ago 1915243;1558559350;asciilifeform;iirc e.g. 'gimp' also has knob for this, but couldn't recall immediately where 1915244;1558560978;lobbes;http://www.thetarpit.org/posts/y05/090-tmsr-work-ii.html#selection-197.31-205.258 << I wager there's a good chance you'll publish a genesis of tbnl/hunchentoot before I eat through mod_lisp, but I agree: as pieces emerge, we can sync up, regrind as needed, etc. 1915245;1558560983;lobbes;As it stands I have two full pages of hand-written notes with various c and apache-stack likbez, and that was just so I could understand up to line 152 of https://github.com/mbattyani/mod_lisp/blob/master/mod_lisp2.c (only 900 or so lines left to eat). I most likely will publish these notes as a blog post once all is said and done 1915246;1558560999;*;lobbes bbl, meat 1915247;1558561138;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2019/05/british-firm-arm-breaking-contracts-with-huawei/ << Qntra -- British Firm ARM Breaking Contracts With Huawei 1915248;1558563587;asciilifeform;'The ban also appeared to apply to ARM China, the China-based company in which ARM Holdings owns a 49% stake' << lol! 1915249;1558563646;BingoBoingo;I dunno if the "US sanctions" wank is going to survive 2025 1915250;1558563648;asciilifeform;usg : 'and naao, to prove that yer a loyal cockeater, lop off left arm' uk : 'will do' 1915251;1558563691;asciilifeform;'They’re not going to be able to easily replace these parts with new, in-house designs - the semiconductor industry in China is nascent.' << rly nao 1915252;1558564076;BingoBoingo;I don't see why they'd do anything other than rebrand and stop paying licenses 1915253;1558564164;BingoBoingo;Note ARM can't stop shipping chips because they can't fab. 1915254;1558564225;BingoBoingo;The question is how long will it take the white worms to realize their "license" revenue isn't going to keep them fat anymore 1915255;1558564274;BingoBoingo;In other news, there was a general strike for a few hours today. Other than parade fucking with traffic the impact was ~0 1915256;1558565770;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: whole huawei episode seems rather like a replay of the 1980s 'ohnoez, mustn't sell pdp11 to warsaw pact' lulz 1915257;1558565875;BingoBoingo;Except Warsaw Pact and US economies didn't interact in quite this way 1915258;1558565931;asciilifeform;not quite ~this~, naturally, but -- interacted. idjit sovok brass could've, e.g., left usg 100% without titanium any day of the week. ( but didn't , just had to have that delish usd.. ) 1915259;1558565961;asciilifeform;funnily enuff they're ~still~ shipping it. 1915260;1558566276;mp_en_viaje;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-22#1915233 << i dun see a problem. 1915261;1558566276;a111;Logged on 2019-05-22 20:08 asciilifeform gently prods mp_en_viaje , the 1 fella i know to have mutant eye 1915262;1558566285;asciilifeform;aite then 1915263;1558566386;asciilifeform;i could've sworn that mp_en_viaje once said he had mutated blue/green cone or what was it. 1915264;1558566464;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, a weaker case of deuteranomaly than there displayed with an even weaker case of protanomaly. 1915265;1558566469;asciilifeform;aa 1915266;1558566492;asciilifeform;if all of the colours still look distinct, then for this purpose suffices. 1915267;1558566742;mp_en_viaje;as long as you don't have me distinguish plain yellow from crude green you're fine 1915268;1558566765;asciilifeform;no yellows, lol, they give headache 1915269;1558566773;mp_en_viaje;you know ? 1915270;1558566809;mp_en_viaje;imo this good rule of thumb in professional colorization anyway. if you're so badly stuck you need yellow/green border, time to think of adding pedals instead. 1915271;1558566878;*;asciilifeform is not a professional colorizer, but has done this kinda thing before, and knows the obvious rakes that get stepped on 1915272;1558566884;mp_en_viaje;aite. 1915273;1558566928;mp_en_viaje;anyway, the mutantism is that i apparently see like parrots, ie, well into uv spectrum. 1915274;1558566961;asciilifeform;funnily enuff i also 1915275;1558566969;asciilifeform;( it dun come in esp. handy, on most days, tho ) 1915276;1558566982;mp_en_viaje;it's fucking terrible, an yclub with "cool" black lights is instabanned 1915277;1558567028;asciilifeform;for asciilifeform at least was pretty simple fix, he wears specs and always has'em coated with uv absorber whenever gets new pair made 1915278;1558567045;mp_en_viaje;bane of my fucking existence, the leds. twenty years ago i could safely go on greyhound trip around. not anymore -- every two bit blue collar driver thinks the best way to improve his life is add some 10 cent uv leds randomly aroundm. 1915279;1558567103;mp_en_viaje;i don't wear glasses. i still got most of my 60/20 vision from youth! 1915280;1558567109;asciilifeform;a++ 1915281;1558567127;asciilifeform;asciilifeform's brother fwiw similar 1915282;1558567180;mp_en_viaje;coulda made great sniper in a diff time. 1915283;1558567181;asciilifeform;some folx have iron eye, stands up to focal length abuse without any complaint 1915284;1558567713;mp_en_viaje;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-22#1915252 << duh. 1915285;1558567713;a111;Logged on 2019-05-22 22:27 BingoBoingo: I don't see why they'd do anything other than rebrand and stop paying licenses 1915286;1558567881;asciilifeform;near as i can tell, arm inc. is exactly microshit, i.e. somehow charging megabux for 'license' to use their megatonne of bugridden cisc ??? pileashit 1915287;1558567918;asciilifeform;the real puzzler is why chinese paid for as long as they did 1915288;1558567950;asciilifeform;( esp. given that all patents on, e.g., mips, expired 20+yrs ago ) 1915289;1558568436;mp_en_viaje;so they could eat the market. 1915290;1558568485;mp_en_viaje;why did petrus play the servant for as long as he did ? 1915291;1558568566;asciilifeform;i guess could. nao time for lenin's ' who said 'a', must also say 'b' ', or how it went. 1915292;1558568581;asciilifeform;i expect time for china to say 'b'.. 1915293;1558568684;mp_en_viaje;seems to be saying. 1915294;1558569796;BingoBoingo;I mean its not like China has their MIPS alternative anywhere visible 1915295;1558569824;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: they had the 'dragon' thing, aka 'rms laptop' 'loongson'. afaik folded. 1915296;1558569850;BingoBoingo;Well, what could have went into that would have not gone into eating the market 1915297;1558569889;BingoBoingo;Huawei switches and routers however have some rather beefy MIPS chips 1915298;1558570177;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: afaik all reich designs. near as i can tell, china succumbed to the old sovok disease, where 'let's make reich-compat. chips so that we can use warez' 1915299;1558570364;BingoBoingo;Huawei already owns the high end fondleslab pNohe market outside the US. Not like they can't use owning the market to shift what the warez is. 1915300;1558570433;asciilifeform;chinese ~could~ learn to write proggies themselves, but for some reason afaik no signs of this yet. 1915301;1558570491;*;asciilifeform has had the misfortune of reading some of their attempts. ~same flavour as 'india coad' generally. 1915302;1558571512;BingoBoingo;And how does that materially differ from Google? 1915303;1558578904;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: google has dozen or so people who can sorta write. 1915304;1558578920;asciilifeform;if china does, it's a deep seekrit. 1915305;1558578983;asciilifeform;( fwiw they're all imported orc hands ) 1915306;1558579002;asciilifeform;google's, that is. 1915307;1558579114;asciilifeform;we've seen this film before, sovok also had the notion 'software, eh, unimportant, let the буржуи write it an' we'll crib' 1915308;1558579630;asciilifeform;those empty blocks they mine, is as clear a symptom as any. 1915309;1558580937;BingoBoingo;Shame Mandarin as a single language appears potentially more crippling than English on an individual level (on a population level, very organized). 1915310;1558591817;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, that;s nonsense. huawei currnently owns the "smart"phone market. it's their own phone, it's better than the reich phone, etc. 1915311;1558591973;mp_en_viaje;just because ~not reported~ by ustards means jack. ~exact same situation as ICBC, which is only mentioned re http://btcbase.org/log/2017-02-07#1612073 but which in fact http://btcbase.org/log/2014-06-05#703768 1915312;1558591973;a111;Logged on 2017-02-07 04:38 mircea_popescu: "Examples of existing business arrangements that constitute violations of the foreign-emoluments clause include: China’s state-owned Industrial and Commercial Bank of China is the largest tenant in Trump Tower, and the state-owned Bank of China is a major lender to Trump." 1915313;1558591973;a111;Logged on 2014-06-05 12:19 mircea_popescu: the icbc is quite present here, to the point they do consumer advertising either. yet the argentines don't seem to have created any sort of synthetic debenture based proxy for the chinese currency 1915314;1558592068;mp_en_viaje;that bank very much [http://trilema.com/2014/the-mobile-revolution-or-what-consumers-have-come-to-expect/#selection-95.92-95.166][buy the us], if anyone wanted suchj. 1915315;1558592117;mp_en_viaje;i get it, they don't do (enough) of what you want them to. but they do what they want to, for some reason they decided to go in through the phone hole. and they're in, orcs buy huawei, and declare it better than reich. 1915316;1558592278;mp_en_viaje;and yes, all of huawei was built on [http://trilema.com/2011/modelele-succesului-intelectual/#comment-46439]]straight theft]. 1915317;1558592772;mp_en_viaje;problem is, took empire decade.5 to start mumbling about it ; and by now it's way too late, and their mumbling is vaguely reminiscent of bush jr's arab genocide attempt. 1915318;1558611342;mp_en_viaje;ahhhh watermenlon 1915319;1558622243;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-23#1915310 << certainly cheaper than crapple, who nao charges ~weight-in-gold for their brick. but afaik, both camps of 'smartpnoje wars' are of chinese iron with reich os. 1915320;1558622243;a111;Logged on 2019-05-23 06:10 mp_en_viaje: asciilifeform, that;s nonsense. huawei currnently owns the "smart"phone market. it's their own phone, it's better than the reich phone, etc. 1915321;1558622274;mp_en_viaje;this is like observing both camps of chinese fighting over world carcass are wearing suits. 1915322;1558622302;asciilifeform;hrm i seem to even recall that 'retro' costume is nao in fashion there 1915323;1558622325;asciilifeform;a la the old imperial civil service garb 1915324;1558622425;asciilifeform;( could be -- disinfo. asciilifeform has not been to china, cannot confirm. ) 1915325;1558622924;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-23#1915314 << for all i know, long ago already bought. reminds me of a fella i knew who compulsively bought old cars ( and garages, all over town, to put'em in, in which for them to rust... ) 1915326;1558622924;a111;Logged on 2019-05-23 06:14 mp_en_viaje: that bank very much [http://trilema.com/2014/the-mobile-revolution-or-what-consumers-have-come-to-expect/#selection-95.92-95.166][buy the us], if anyone wanted suchj. 1915327;1558627706;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Huawei sells pNohe models that dwarf Apple in price. The own the high end with a strong presence in the mid range market 1915328;1558627875;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: canhaz link to item ? 1915329;1558627994;*;asciilifeform with great difficulty pictures anyone other than ameritards paying 4fig price for pnojeisms 1915330;1558628007;BingoBoingo;http://archive.is/bFJMj Apparently some of the iThings that don't sell go higher in price, but 4-figure USD prices 1915331;1558628138;BingoBoingo;Just under 1400 USD seems to be where they top out with the P30 1915332;1558628154;asciilifeform;interesting. complete with crapple-style oled panel 'throw out after 2y from crt-style burn' 1915333;1558628294;BingoBoingo;Well, they gotta keep the old high end from becoming the mid-low end in two years 1915334;1558628364;asciilifeform;if to think about 'price ceiling', there is of course not a ceiling, even in 1990s there was somebody who sold gold-plated, diamond-encrusted motorola brickpnoje 1915335;1558628411;asciilifeform;near as i can tell, all of the '4fig pnojes' are variations on this theme 1915336;1558628474;asciilifeform;'look how rolexy i am, i paid whole comp's price for disposable pocket shit' etc 1915337;1558628585;asciilifeform;crapple, incidentally, jacked up the price not so that rich idjits would buy, but so that poor idjits -- rent 1915338;1558628639;asciilifeform;( if you walk into their store, the actual price iirc aint even printed on the sticker; instead 'monthly' rent ) 1915339;1558628650;BingoBoingo;A computer isn't the price comparison point here. This is Uruguay, they compare to the price of a motocicleta. 1915340;1558628763;asciilifeform;pnoje is used as a comp substitute, neh, not transport 1915341;1558628831;BingoBoingo;Sure, but no one think of computers as a known-price item here. 1915342;1558628845;BingoBoingo;Then know the sticker prices on new motos 1915343;1558629026;BingoBoingo;In the ongoing saga of a [http://trilema.com/2018/in-which-a-bizarre-character-wanks-it/][bizarre character]: https://archive.is/mOwmu 1915344;1558629080;asciilifeform;lol!! 1915345;1558629099;asciilifeform;did danielpbarron lift this fella's login or wat. 1915346;1558629171;BingoBoingo;No idea, seems an organic turn. 1915347;1558629214;asciilifeform;[http://trilema.com/2019/romanian-culture-was-rot-since-day-one/#comment-129194]['acute christianity of the cns'] ...apparently 1915348;1558629346;BingoBoingo;This problem seems to be why every popular effort at making a political right ends up turning into another socialist left 1915349;1558629384;asciilifeform;'ouroboros man', i.e. who disappeared up own arse, has no 'left' or 'right' 1915350;1558629497;BingoBoingo;Sure he does. He just lacks any anchor for comparison that isn't his prostate-nose 1915351;1558629502;*;asciilifeform did not read at length the 'red pill' people, but recalls that they had distinct streak of 'nostalgia' for a quasi-mythical past when 'would be issued a wife by village' etc 1915352;1558630805;BingoBoingo;My impression is that growing up in a land of insanity they ended up searching for sanity and ended up wandering into a different insanity 1915353;1558631248;*;BingoBoingo wonders how much of the turn involves shrooms and psychadelics turning into a fad among that set of kids 1915354;1558633346;asciilifeform;'i was all fuckedup on drugs; but then i found jizzus; nao i'm all fucked up on jizzus; but that's ok, i'm taking drugs for it'(tm)(r)(al schwartz) 1915355;1558633960;asciilifeform;in re http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-23#1915351 , remembered infamous example : [https://www.scottaaronson.com/blog/]['quantum comp' propagandist s. aaronson] at one point admitted that he named his www , 'shtetl-optimized' for this 1915356;1558633960;a111;Logged on 2019-05-23 16:38 asciilifeform did not read at length the 'red pill' people, but recalls that they had distinct streak of 'nostalgia' for a quasi-mythical past when 'would be issued a wife by village' etc 1915357;1558634027;asciilifeform;( he for many years was unable to park his cock, and wrote about how he imagined that in his ancestral j00 village he could have been 'issued wife' and etc. ) 1915358;1558634107;asciilifeform;lulzily, for some yrs i occasionally read his www, and all that time thought it was named for some obscure algo ( y'know, how there is 'ant-colony optimization', variant on simulated annealing with multiple threads and 'pheromone trails' , imagined there is perhaps also a 'shtetl optimization'... ) 1915359;1558634224;asciilifeform;fella used to wite ~readable maffs pieces on occasion. 1915360;1558634230;asciilifeform;*write 1915361;1558634310;asciilifeform;today i can't stomach, even the older ones, barfalicious shilling for 'd-wave' co. etc. 1915362;1558634527;asciilifeform;iirc some time in past coupla yrs he ended up moving to adlaistan and married. 1915363;1558635106;BingoBoingo;Plenty of things I used to find "cool" or "interesting" that I can't tolerate anymore 1915364;1558635217;asciilifeform;at 1 time asciilifeform worked in 'cpu-bound' protein modeling racket and salivated over 'possibility of qc' along with 9000 other chumps etc 1915365;1558636919;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2019/05/usg-anti-massage-parlor-case-crumbling-over-orgasm-free-massage-footage/ << Qntra -- USG Anti-Massage Parlor Case Crumbling Over Orgasm Free Massage Footage 1915366;1558636929;BingoBoingo;^ USG Pantsuits defeated on their home turf 1915367;1558640652;danielpbarron;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-23#1915345 << not me. the guy's brand of false christianity forbids polygyny, apparently 1915368;1558640652;a111;Logged on 2019-05-23 16:31 asciilifeform: did danielpbarron lift this fella's login or wat. 1915369;1558641222;asciilifeform;aa. 1915370;1558641457;mircea_popescu;hahaha 1915371;1558641476;mircea_popescu;hello all, from the european castle mp! 1915372;1558641481;asciilifeform;oh hey an entire mircea_popescu 1915373;1558641502;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: congrats on new castle bringup 1915374;1558641511;mircea_popescu;lemme confirm all those mp_en_viaje was really me 1915375;1558641622;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: thinking of doing the summer-in-europistan/winter-in-americas thing ? 1915376;1558641641;mircea_popescu;in other sads : amd fx proc has one helluva hea tsink. it even includes a cool light rim around the outside 1915377;1558641652;mircea_popescu;HOWEVER, idiots didn't think to make it temp related. just simple cycler 1915378;1558641656;mircea_popescu;why the fuck would anyone do this! 1915379;1558641664;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: lol, 3pin connector, like '90s ?! 1915380;1558641677;mircea_popescu;the fan ? no, they're 4pin 1915381;1558641685;asciilifeform;then oughta pwm, neh 1915382;1558641701;mircea_popescu;hm ? it's a cpu fan, it steps and everything 1915383;1558641708;asciilifeform;aaa 1915384;1558641717;asciilifeform;so was speaking of the lamp 1915385;1558641726;mircea_popescu;yes. they could have made the lamp color BY FAN STEP 1915386;1558641732;mircea_popescu;rather than just dumbly cycle the rainbow 1915387;1558641756;asciilifeform;yea dunno why no one does ( i dun buy the lamps, wtf, i have cork-lined steel chassis , where is the lamp to light ) 1915388;1558641774;mircea_popescu;it came with the thing, i just bought the fx black edition 1915389;1558641801;*;asciilifeform recalls 1 time when he took entire car trunk's worth of cpuvendor-included heatsinks to scrapyard 1915390;1558641802;mircea_popescu;anyway, nothing as structured as al lthat. doing some travelling is all. 1915391;1558641815;mircea_popescu;imo this one is pretty good. 1915392;1558641823;mircea_popescu;copper, for one thing. 1915393;1558641826;BingoBoingo;Nice 1915394;1558641839;asciilifeform;notbad 1915395;1558641864;asciilifeform;nowadays 'full metal jacket' copper rare even in aftermarket hedgehogs 1915396;1558641883;mircea_popescu;aha. 1915397;1558641884;asciilifeform;[http://www.loper-os.org/?p=3256][oblig heatsink archaeology] 1915398;1558641915;mircea_popescu;upon research i am VERY happy with state of comp hw market here. 1915399;1558641942;asciilifeform;if not megaseekrit, where approx is 'here' ? ( suburbs of timis ? ) 1915400;1558641983;mircea_popescu;"NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum" roflmao. 1915401;1558641990;*;asciilifeform brb:teatime 1915402;1558642027;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, ye olde http://btcbase.org/log/2015-07-09#1195397 1915403;1558642027;a111;Logged on 2015-07-09 18:44 asciilifeform: !s царь-государь 1915404;1558642115;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo, so basically, moving into the switch phase of his bait and switch scheme ? didn't work for [http://trilema.com/2017/what-gets-me-hot/][that other cocksucker], either. 1915405;1558642170;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: It is looking so. The switch is only a few hours old, but... 1915406;1558642238;BingoBoingo;The shrooms seem to have influence the speed of the switch 1915407;1558642259;mircea_popescu;honestly, he had ~0 business discussing fucking anyway, utter laughingstock mcdork. 1915408;1558642351;mircea_popescu;come to think of it, whole "pua" "ecosystem" was sad/lulzy porn derivative work, about as consequential as "gonzo porn" or w/e. 1915409;1558642352;BingoBoingo;His audience is/was interesting for being the sort of alt-right which, had chance taken them saner... could have been a recruiting ground. 1915410;1558642365;mircea_popescu;i have mah doubts. 1915411;1558642414;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-23#1915348 << every popular effort to anything turns to shit. because it has to, because populace == shit. 1915412;1558642414;a111;Logged on 2019-05-23 16:35 BingoBoingo: This problem seems to be why every popular effort at making a political right ends up turning into another socialist left 1915413;1558642571;BingoBoingo;The evidence bears that out 1915414;1558643954;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: dunno whether that d00d even had a 'scheme'. was generic loud redditus iirc 1915415;1558644306;mircea_popescu;he wrote this peculiarly elliot-like tedious piece abut fucking a 17yo 1915416;1558644393;asciilifeform;there usedto be a whole 'www ring' of folx like that 1915417;1558644478;asciilifeform;sorta dissipated, afaik, after trump crowned but not resulted in mega-revolutions 1915418;1558645013;mircea_popescu;he predates, iirc early 2010s, obama 2. 1915419;1558645116;asciilifeform;is the period most of'em started in, iirc 1915420;1558645146;asciilifeform;( obama1. 2 was '12-16 ) 1915421;1558645504;mircea_popescu;something thereabouts. end of 1 start of 2 1915422;1558645962;asciilifeform;turned into messianic cult, of sorts, in '16, and then 'messiah' wiped arse with'em 1915423;1558645976;asciilifeform;after that, wagner/cyanide 1915424;1558658785;BingoBoingo;In other lulz, Nuland denied a visa to Russia 1915425;1558663172;trinque;victoria nuland, that's so good. 1915426;1558671530;mircea_popescu;hanbot, http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/Mr179/?raw=true 1915427;1558671856;mircea_popescu;trinque, http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/DixkM/?raw=true 1915428;1558672280;mircea_popescu;in other lulz, egypt visa policy is the lulz of all time. afghanistanis, sudanese, yemeni and lebanese nationals can travel w/o visa, provided either >50 or <16 ; algerians, moroccans, tunisians if <14 ; chinese if got 5 star hotel reservation and $$$$$ (ie, 5 figure) in cash ; libya, if female, or else lives in tobruk ; jordan, if passport does not hold jordanian stamp on page 60 ; 1915429;1558672303;mircea_popescu;reads to me SO like "harem travel only, poorguys get bent" 1915430;1558678403;nicoleci;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-23#1915343 << so this is what you meant by [http://trilema.com/2019/domestic-casting/#footnote_1_83718][reversion to the mean], Master? 1915431;1558678403;a111;Logged on 2019-05-23 16:30 BingoBoingo: In the ongoing saga of a [http://trilema.com/2018/in-which-a-bizarre-character-wanks-it/][bizarre character]: https://archive.is/mOwmu 1915432;1558678504;mircea_popescu;certainly. though the schmuck in question was never [http://trilema.com/2016/two-theoretical-alternatives/][mainstream] ; he's part of a specific outer cloud of wankers that never amounted to anything beyond [http://trilema.com/2012/amir-taaki-has-done-and-continues-to-do-huge-disservice-to-anyone-serious-involved-in-bitcoin/][sadness]. 1915433;1558678657;mircea_popescu;in relatively affluent, urban, educated communities such as 1970s fobourg st germain our revolution yielded masturbatory lulz liek say bruckner&finkielkraut's nouveau désordre amoureux & following ; 1915434;1558678720;mircea_popescu;but in impoverished, rural, "traditional religion" communities, such as the european metropolitan ghettos / ex euro colonies producing their demographic support, it resulted in poorly expressed, highly tensed wank. 1915435;1558678755;mircea_popescu;the immigrant's experience of tearing, right, in the particular case of 1980s to 2000s immigration had a very strong sexual component that the poor fucks in question were eminently ill equipped to digest. 1915436;1558678859;mircea_popescu;thus pedestrian vomit like "pua" as well as reactive nonsense like "re-protestant/original xtianity", "straightedge" etcetera. they're all the ~same thing, epiphenomena among the inconsequential, and you'll readily notice the rlationship between peons' reaction to my showing up and these dudes reaction to porn as a cultural phenomenon. 1915437;1558678915;mircea_popescu;"fascinatingly threatening, so incomprehensible i can't even judge if the opinion i formed on it is meaningful" 1915438;1558679051;mircea_popescu;cooption towards [http://trilema.com/2015/racists-and-the-racist-idea/][their preoccupations] was already a clear sign of imminent reversion. after all, the savage finding a radio will first gaze in mindblown delight, then attempt to cure his warts with it, then go back to chasing squirrels. same here. 1915439;1558679244;mircea_popescu;(for the needs of this discussion, ~all of the united states, excepting san fernando valley, some choice tinybits in san francisco, san diego, arizona and texas fall precisely under "ex-european colonies" heading) 1915440;1558679451;mircea_popescu;amusingly, the "debate" (between sex as a purely performative activity and "moral" sex) directly mirrors the older "purpose of literature" wank. it's a sure sign you're reading cvasi-literate morons when all their crap has a "clear moral tendency". which is actually the deep reason you don't like inane anglowank like jane austen, and ALSO why gay-in-denial us math grad / budapest "writer" does "like" it. 1915441;1558679466;mircea_popescu;though i grant, "there's no anal" is an exceptionally crafty summary of the problem. 1915442;1558679616;mircea_popescu;but what he likes about it is the promise that perhaps sex isn't about sex after all, and thereby ye fearsome http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-20#1914729 might be had for cheaper by him ? please say he doesn't HAVE TO stick the member into the scary hole necessarily ? IT IS DANGEROUS!!! 1915443;1558679616;a111;Logged on 2019-05-20 07:55 mp_en_viaje: they want to could have gotten laid. 1915444;1558679798;nicoleci;mircea_popescu, lol! well he dosent want to assume... now its more clear to me how he makes any money from his 'jane austen fan fiction' 1915445;1558679895;mircea_popescu;cuntfear, produced as the reflection of the (young) female [http://trilema.com/2013/the-ungiven-fucks-a-modern-bedtime-story/#comment-94025][coy behaviour] in the ([http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-22#1915012][socially isolated]) male, is the basic, universal driver of all the idiotic subcultural behaviour. 1915446;1558679895;a111;Logged on 2019-05-22 14:35 mp_en_viaje: he is the sort of guy who doesn't fuck a lot of women, doesn't speak a lot of languages, doesn't like reading things he doesn't know how to interpret and spends a lot of time fucking intricately with garbage. 1915447;1558679914;mircea_popescu;be it "religion" as the male activity, or whatever the fuck else. 1915448;1558679992;mircea_popescu;nicoleci, there's a lot of these schmucks, who "don't want to assume". shit's scary, what! imagine, it bleeds monthly and you don't die, it's always wet yet you don't rust, [http://trilema.com/2011/o-poza-fara-sursa/][IT CREATED THE WORLD]!!! 1915449;1558680014;mircea_popescu;are you kidding me, it's like... livresque already, specifically engineered to sound fearsome. 1915450;1558680096;mircea_popescu;as far as "don't take your guns to town" dorky mcdorkenson is concerned, there's nothing [http://trilema.com/2016/just-call-me-annah/#selection-81.0-81.117][scarier]. 1915451;1558680193;mircea_popescu;anyway, the reflection's particularly amusing : 12 yo girl goes "hmm... i have this thing between my legs... wtf is it ?! seems pretty fucking weird... actually, this shit's scary holy shit" ; 16 yo boy goes "omfg, girls are so fucking great and bestest...hmm... and EVEN THEM in their divine perfection are still affraid of cunt ?! THAT THING IS MONSTROUS!!!!". 1915452;1558680219;mircea_popescu;then they get to be 30 and still stay mentally 16, and voila, http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-23#1915400 1915453;1558680219;a111;Logged on 2019-05-23 20:06 mircea_popescu: "NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum" roflmao. 1915454;1558680274;mircea_popescu;makes perfect sense. if you're [http://trilema.com/2014/fatlogic/][poor and stupid]. 1915455;1558680327;mircea_popescu;aaand now that the log's been thoroughly destroyed for the day, /me shall go write an article! 1915456;1558680370;nicoleci;mircea_popescu, definitely makes sense, ty 1915457;1558680931;diana_coman;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-24#1915445 -> dunno about reflection of coy because if not coy then they get even more scared. 1915458;1558680931;a111;Logged on 2019-05-24 06:38 mircea_popescu: cuntfear, produced as the reflection of the (young) female [http://trilema.com/2013/the-ungiven-fucks-a-modern-bedtime-story/#comment-94025][coy behaviour] in the ([http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-22#1915012][socially isolated]) male, is the basic, universal driver of all the idiotic subcultural behaviour. 1915459;1558680972;mircea_popescu;diana_coman, because "there can not be no coy". 1915460;1558680997;mircea_popescu;what do you find scarier, a mouth open so wide you can see the teeth, or a mouth open so wide you can't even see the teeth ? 1915461;1558681055;diana_coman;possibly again one of those choices 1915462;1558681176;diana_coman;to my mind if it eats you then the rest doesn't make a lot of difference in the end. 1915463;1558681769;mircea_popescu;yes well. 1915464;1558685694;feedbot;http://trilema.com/2019/the-fungus/ << Trilema -- The fungus 1915465;1558690453;stjohn_piano_2;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-22#1915032 << ah. makes sense. 1915466;1558690453;a111;Logged on 2019-05-22 14:47 mp_en_viaje: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-22#1914957 << understand the problem -- if someone wishes to sign something, they're probably making a deed, which they'll publish on their own castle walls and on the republican deedpost. they 1915467;1558690482;stjohn_piano_2;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-22#1915043 << rsi (repetitive strain injury) 1915468;1558690482;a111;Logged on 2019-05-22 14:52 mp_en_viaje: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-22#1914993 << recovery from what ? 1915469;1558692645;mircea_popescu;https://www.oglaf.com/forecast/ << such excellent concise statement of pantsuitism. "nothing to do with us", this is a ~possibility~ to the pantsuit mind. which happens to be the definition of the term : a pantsuit is the mentally deranged who imagines just like a cow or a boulder exist, so his "indemnity" exists, there can be such a thing as "nothing to do with him". ties directly into both [http://trilema.com/2018/the-pr 1915470;1558692645;mircea_popescu;oblem-with-christians/#selection-77.114-85.449][xtianity] and (postmodern) [http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-22#1915019][engineering]. 1915471;1558692645;a111;Logged on 2019-05-22 14:42 mp_en_viaje: and yes, the welfare state has produced a lot of really dumb engineers, through the simple process of making a lot of parents comfortable. their kids become engineers not because anything to do with either engineering or intelligence -- but simply because that's the sort of thing kids with an invulnerability delusion do. 1915472;1558692674;mircea_popescu;ties directly into both [http://trilema.com/2018/the-problem-with-christians/#selection-77.114-85.449][xtianity] and (postmodern) [http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-22#1915019][engineering]. * 1915473;1558692674;a111;Logged on 2019-05-22 14:42 mp_en_viaje: and yes, the welfare state has produced a lot of really dumb engineers, through the simple process of making a lot of parents comfortable. their kids become engineers not because anything to do with either engineering or intelligence -- but simply because that's the sort of thing kids with an invulnerability delusion do. 1915474;1558692686;mircea_popescu;there, now with working linkage. 1915475;1558701227;oglafbot;https://www.oglaf.com/glindr/ 1915476;1558701243;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2019/05/theresa-may-out-as-uk-prime-minister-after-bungling-brexit/ << Qntra -- Theresa May Out As UK Prime Minister After Bungling Brexit 1915477;1558705602;mircea_popescu;and to be replaced by... who the fuck. 1915478;1558705693;mircea_popescu;almira al-chowdry ? not like anyone wanted the job when she got it, either. 1915479;1558706099;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-24#1915464 << absolutely superb piece imho, even beats the 'fuckfly' prev. in series 1915480;1558706099;a111;Logged on 2019-05-24 08:14 feedbot: http://trilema.com/2019/the-fungus/ << Trilema -- The fungus 1915481;1558706282;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-24#1915428 << last i knew, place was riotously packed with ru tourists. ( to the point that errytime they have a car bomb etc go off, ru foreign ministry makes Official broadcast '...and x ru tourists ate frags' 1915482;1558706282;a111;Logged on 2019-05-24 04:31 mircea_popescu: in other lulz, egypt visa policy is the lulz of all time. afghanistanis, sudanese, yemeni and lebanese nationals can travel w/o visa, provided either >50 or <16 ; algerians, moroccans, tunisians if <14 ; chinese if got 5 star hotel reservation and $$$$$ (ie, 5 figure) in cash ; libya, if female, or else lives in tobruk ; jordan, if passport does not hold jordanian stamp on page 60 ; 1915483;1558706305;mircea_popescu;prolly. 1915484;1558706319;asciilifeform;i dunthink they're in '5star' hotels, either 1915485;1558706322;mircea_popescu;from muscovy perspective i'm sure it's "other exactly symmetrical england" 1915486;1558706347;asciilifeform;they go cuz cheap orcistan, and pyramid, etc 1915487;1558706360;mircea_popescu;same reason they went to london. and i expect same russkis. $$$. 1915488;1558706382;asciilifeform;afaik very diff folx. it's the 'discount' tourist trap for'em. 1915489;1558706395;asciilifeform;london is moar of a perma-move miamistan destination. 1915490;1558706416;mircea_popescu;afaik they started moving to cairo once england started being moronic (cca late 90s) 1915491;1558706447;mircea_popescu;but the fungus thanks you! 1915492;1558706483;asciilifeform;that fungus really oughta exist. nao if only 'bioengineering' actually worked.. 1915493;1558706489;mircea_popescu;ikr ? 1915494;1558706497;mircea_popescu;seems palpably credible. 1915495;1558706653;BingoBoingo; and to be replaced by... who the fuck. << To Be Determined 1915496;1558706762;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: it aint as if there were a shortage of suitable meatpuppets 1915497;1558706819;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: But its a terminal gig for whichever meatpuppet gets it. Once they take the chair they get however many months of salary as prime minister and that's it. A very Shremmy problem. 1915498;1558706820;asciilifeform;possib the 1 thing the 'civilized world' has in bottomless supply 1915499;1558707109;BingoBoingo;Anyways, torrys and "Unionists" have some time to pick a stooge for the fall job. If they can't get a fall guy General elections. 1915500;1558707110;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: near as i can tell, brit pm is like gensec of sovok after brezhnev -- they'll take whichever next half-dead dementia patient and 'here's yer caftan' 1915501;1558707147;BingoBoingo;I though half dead was the sovereign 1915502;1558708448;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2019/05/usg-dumps-more-charges-on-assange-amid-dueling-extradition-claims/ << Qntra -- USG Dumps More Charges On Assange Amid Dueling Extradition Claims 1915503;1558709163;BingoBoingo;Meanwhile in local news: https://www.elobservador.com.uy/nota/aduanas-cerro-2018-con-el-mayor-valor-de-incautaciones-de-los-ultimos-tres-anos-2019523191444 1915504;1558710048;BingoBoingo;And from the weird mines http://archive.is/TfUts 1915505;1558713231;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in vintage reich lulz: https://archive.is/A46RP 1915506;1558714969;asciilifeform;'In 1979, Systime's management discovered that it was about 25 per cent. cheaper to buy equipment direct from DEC in the United States than from DEC's subsidiary in the United Kingdom. DEC UK objected to the loss of profit that that implied, and persuaded DEC US to insist that equipment could be bought only from the subsidiary. Subsequently, when DEC US tried to break its contract with the Systime subsidiary in the United States, Sys 1915507;1558714969;asciilifeform;time's management commenced an anti-trust action in which the British Government took an amicus curiae position. DEC drew back and agreed to a partial continuation of supply. Systime appeared to have won a breathing space, but it was only temporary....' 1915508;1558714996;asciilifeform;'In 1979, DEC UK, under its American manager, Mr. Darryl Barbé launched a formal campaign known as the "Kill Systime" campaign. He had the full support of the American management. The DEC president, Mr. Ken Olsen, was subsequently overheard leaving a board-level meeting with another company, declaring that he wished to see Systime out of business. Mr. Pier-Carlo Falotti, European vice-president of DEC, said to DEC staff: I want you 1915509;1558714996;asciilifeform;guys to go out and kill Systime. ' 1915510;1558715065;asciilifeform;'...Amazingly, it is now, and has been for some considerable time, an offence to ship high technology goods from the United Kingdom without United States Government export licences. Systime was fined $400,000 and has had its domestic and export sales put under the direct control of the United States Department of Commerce. ' 1915511;1558715075;asciilifeform;whole thing lulzy. 1915512;1558715180;asciilifeform;apparently uk was certifiably sad much longer than [prev. supposed][http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-24#1915490] 1915513;1558715180;a111;Logged on 2019-05-24 14:00 mircea_popescu: afaik they started moving to cairo once england started being moronic (cca late 90s) 1915514;1558715399;asciilifeform;the [http://qntra.net/2019/05/british-firm-arm-breaking-contracts-with-huawei/][arm thing] evidently is an exact replay of this old film. 1915515;1558716497;mircea_popescu;"peoples of sexuality" ? wtf is this, like "womens of fat" ? 1915516;1558717210;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, back when the uk still pretended, what of it? 1915517;1558717225;mircea_popescu;everyone in yurp in the 70s/80s had this weird rarara kick going 1915518;1558717639;BingoBoingo; "peoples of sexuality" ? wtf is this, like "womens of fat" ? << I assume so. "Womens of fat" need their corn sugar. 1915519;1558717672;mircea_popescu;ustedians, the next instar of ustardians. fucking tedious. 1915520;1558717713;mircea_popescu;anybody on fucktard camp over there EVEN AWARE they're wanking the same trite nonsense over and over again, ever more ridiculously derivative ? 1915521;1558718122;BingoBoingo;I've met a few. They tend to be very sad or angry, but mostly sad. 1915522;1558719131;*;asciilifeform suspects linked item was a shannonized parody 1915523;1558749024;BingoBoingo;In other news, people are dying on Mt. Everest because lines are too long for conditions 1915524;1558754853;BingoBoingo;!Qlater tell trinque http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/kRyU4/?raw=true 1915525;1558754853;lobbesbot;BingoBoingo: The operation succeeded. 1915526;1558759527;mircea_popescu;fucking idiots. "The very real risk of dying while trying to climb the world’s highest peak is part of the deal when attempting to summit Mount Everest. If the endeavor was foolproof and safe, it wouldn’t have the allure that it holds over so many people.' 1915527;1558759579;mircea_popescu;no dude, the ONLY "allure" is that... NOT MANY PEOPLE DO IT. that was fucking it. back when everest was interesting, to british subjects, it was interesting because british empire, first and foremost, and because, like "find nile source" or "go to north pole", there just weren't that many people who dun it. 1915528;1558759588;mircea_popescu;and by "that many" we mean EXACTLY ZERO. 1915529;1558759695;mircea_popescu;somehow the zombie horde of muricans picked one of the three as their [http://trilema.com/2013/the-story-of-pointless-and-witless/][witlessing] point. it's fucking unseemly ; the only thing "i climbed mount everest" does in a social context is communicate you gotta be fucking punched. like "being a nobel laureate" or "having won the oscars" or whatever other such zombie glory. 1915530;1558759819;mircea_popescu;shoulda won the oscars in 1952, what the fuck is this lame-ass post-party shit, "for my kids' 5th birthday we hired michael's 3d reconstructed ghost to touch them on the dolly" / "we went to woodstock 2019 re-enaction" / "i sniffed the seat on which a hot woman sat six hours ago" etc. 1915531;1558760008;BingoBoingo;I have met way too many people who have been to Machu Pichu since December 2017 1915532;1558760111;BingoBoingo;Most of the tourists I met at the hostel whose mothers spoke English seem to have gone there, and Uruguay was just another checkmark somewhere before or after Iguazu depending on the whims of airline ticket prices 1915533;1558760192;mircea_popescu;you know ? 1915534;1558760236;mircea_popescu;buncha fucken wankers, "if i check these checkboxes..." what then ? "mp can't accuse me of being a wanker" ? gimme a fucking break. 1915535;1558760269;BingoBoingo;Then again USG does college loans and not Machu Pichu loans. Now there's the situation where comparatively cheap Machu Pichu is a more reliable class signifier than college degree. Should have done it the other way around. 1915536;1558760303;mircea_popescu;if only. what next, air guitar as a class signifier ? 1915537;1558760420;BingoBoingo;Well, if 1950's USG said "Fuck College financing, GI bill's gonna send our veterans of foreign wars on foreign vacations"... Maybe education wouldn't have been so pantsuited 1915538;1558760477;mircea_popescu;empire of impernanence, "you know what, instead of giving veterans forty acres and a mule, we'll sent them to florida". 1915539;1558760522;BingoBoingo;Put it that way, the proposal isn't novel at all. Simply grew fast. 1915540;1558760591;mircea_popescu;the only way to run a fucking army is a) you sign up for 25 years ; b) you rape and pillage -- get the equivalent loot share as precious metal medal after every fight ; c) when retiring you get plot of land and you are obligated to marry at least two local teenagers and fucking live there with their children. 1915541;1558760636;mircea_popescu;nothing else even fucking qualifies as "war making" what the fuck, men lite. 1915542;1558760666;BingoBoingo;Just can't make the the Italian mistake of letting them skimp on the armor because it's heavy. 1915543;1558760751;mircea_popescu;the very weird thing with this set is that they don't even wanna skimp on the armor. ustardians suffer of ~0% of the classical euro failurem mode, of [http://trilema.com/2011/povestea-celor-trei-imparati-smecheri-si-a-celor-trei-negustori-fraieri-fabula-in-versuri-ilustrata/][being too smart]. they'll go to the fuckign gym just to instagram their abs. 1915544;1558760870;trinque;mircea_popescu: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/EQgwi/?raw=true 1915545;1558760870;lobbesbot;trinque: Sent 1 hour and 40 minutes ago: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/kRyU4/?raw=true 1915546;1558760945;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: If that was the portion of the US they were recruiting. Instead they are having a single moms jobs program eat it all. 1915547;1558760993;mircea_popescu;that's another thing, the army is ~specifically~ not for providing the stupid cunts back at home with a cushy dependoplan. 1915548;1558761003;mircea_popescu;if they wanted those, they'd stay home. 1915549;1558761233;mircea_popescu;in other lulz : bubblegum pop was a studio & producer driven attempt at re-couperating the change pumped into the poor and the stupid. not music in any sense, much like youtube crap today ; but it was marketed to teens, and holy shit look through the charts -- whole thing reads like a "bumpkin discovered sugar" testament. 1915550;1558761235;mircea_popescu;1910 fruitgum company ? the lemon pipers, the ohio express , "sugar, sugar", "dizzy"... need i go on ? 1915551;1558761361;mircea_popescu;shit came on plastic-covered cardboard in back of "cereal" (ie, sugar delivery devices) boxes 1915552;1558762170;BingoBoingo;That's another problem. Once the easy protein got ate the US pivoted quickly to packaging the same couple grains as variety 1915553;1558762243;mircea_popescu;oh and speaking of http://trilema.com/2019/counterfit-romania/#comment-129195 : michael jackson, "king of pop", "one-man rescue team for the music business", icon bla bla bla etcetera etcetera married... his doctor's nurse. just liek any other made-a-litte-money-now-what ustard out there. 1915554;1558762299;mircea_popescu;the more i think about it the more it becomes obvious that a) there's no class in the us, as everyone MEETS THE ~SAME NUMBER OF WOMEN ; b) that number was ALWAYS extremely tiny, a few dozen and obviously c) it's dropped significantly past coupla decades and might continue dropping. 1915555;1558762308;BingoBoingo;From what I understand according to the traditions of his tribe, he was chemically castrated to treat his acne 1915556;1558762351;BingoBoingo;Died prepubescent in middle age 1915557;1558762356;mircea_popescu;i would dare say that the ~average~ trial rate for ESL males was UNDER TWO at any point in the past century (trial rate is where the woman is naked on her knees begging and you're making her call whether to keep her or get rid of her). 1915558;1558762392;mircea_popescu;and i furthermore suspect this went UNDER ONE with the "smart"phone 1915559;1558762446;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo, it's starting to come into focus in my mind, the problem is none of them perform. explain it away if you will, "this one was castrated, that one was busy, this other one bla bla bla", but in point of fact they're completely ineffectual. 1915560;1558762634;mircea_popescu;i suspect this is deeply related to how quickly they go nuts. mj made a little money in the early 80s, was well detached from reality by '86 ? well duh. 1915561;1558763354;BingoBoingo;Why would they perform. They've already been recorded? It's USica 1915562;1558763964;mircea_popescu;if nothing else, because it's fucking fun. 1915563;1558764011;mircea_popescu;what the fuck are you gonna do with your time, read twittewiki ? 1915564;1558764632;mircea_popescu;but exceptions should perhaps also be noted. meet say tommy mottola -- untalented if ambitious average moron. he tried to break into money & fame with his absent talent ; when that failed he went into the administrative side, which matured into his running sony's music publishing for 15 years. at first he did derpy moves like promoting diana ross ; but then the next decade he ~invented~ mariah carey much like those ru pedo 1915565;1558764633;mircea_popescu;s invented the tatu "lesbians" or that ro retired gangster invented "inna" (and yes he married her) ; then he woke up, smartened up, and simply sampled the goods : shakira and j-lo ever shared a bed while sucking his dick as yet-unknown stags. 1915566;1558764646;mircea_popescu;then he retired into a marriage with thalia (this kinda-fat latino-interest "star"). 1915567;1558764783;mircea_popescu;(very strong manager in any case, "king of pop" nothing, music industry came back from the dead in the 80s rather because mottola than because michael) 1915568;1558764895;mircea_popescu;even passes the sisters test ("dixie chicks", no claim to fame besides "vehicle for providing genetically-similar fuckholes to mottola", which is in fact enough) 1915569;1558764993;mircea_popescu;hanbot, incidentally, his latina/inane ohio blondie (jessica simpson etc) sexual preferneces are ~why you're plagued with spanish-language dilutedpop all over the world now. scar tissue dicklets left behind are just you know, following the motions. 1915570;1558765287;mircea_popescu;https://i.pinimg.com/736x/0c/2b/00/0c2b0067afb771a474d8cfdae4289d7f.jpg in visual aids. 1915571;1558765667;mircea_popescu;and in things alf will prolly love, https://www.hotnews.ro/stiri-arhiva-1246917-nicu-gheara-sechestrat-umilit-politistii-care-urmareau.htm 1915572;1558769746;mircea_popescu;gotta put this shit on record before it "disappears", it's just too fucking lulzy stylistically : https://crji.org/?idT=88&idRec=5069 (source is this wanna-be respectable usg.blue character assassination project, made in the usual amerikanski fashion -- on the cheap by local orcs. very fashionable among the ro pantsuit crowd) 1915573;1558774768;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in other [http://trilema.com/2017/fake-news-are-just-one-tail-of-the-failed-female-state/#selection-135.0-173.15][femstate internet] lulz : given that achille delmaet was principally famous for his (numerous, and some quite good) pictures of la goulue nude, why don't you... find some. 1915574;1558819253;BingoBoingo;Meanwhile in the spamtrap http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/kAi47/?raw=true 1915575;1558822098;mircea_popescu;keks wut 1915576;1558823612;BingoBoingo;Apparently it's the latest wordpress spam floating around. Ransom demand with no specifics on how to differentiate ransom. Nothing seeded to address for credibility 1915577;1558824774;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2019/05/blueprints-and-files-related-to-usg-license-plate-scanner-dumped-online/ << Qntra -- Blueprints And Files Related To USG License Plate Scanner Dumped Online 1915578;1558846925;feedbot;http://bingology.net/2019/05/26/overview-of-local-electoral-politics-heading-into-the-impending-party-internals/ << Bingology - BingoBoingo's Blog -- Overview Of Local Electoral Politics Heading Into The Impending Party Internals 1915579;1558846940;BingoBoingo;^ For the Uruguay watchers out there 1915580;1558855673;mircea_popescu;"identifies as an economist" keks 1915581;1558856580;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo, reading your dispatches is a pleasure, they're quite well made. i suspect the answer to the http://bingology.net/2018/09/12/uruguayo-political-snapshot-for-future-reference/#selection-63.1-63.109 riddle as well as the direct cause of a 15k seater costing >100mn is their "great neigjhbour to the distant north". 1915582;1558856622;mircea_popescu;like them or not, the ustards have a pretty functional colonial empire going : the orcs pay them by the wheelbarrow in order to "secretly" ruin their own shit. it's almost an exact re-enaction of medieval papacy functioning. 1915583;1558856816;mircea_popescu;also, it's octogenarian 1915584;1558862054;diana_coman;BingoBoingo: I got that same spam! tbf all spam is rather similar, sort of trying to work out which specific belief to latch on: is it how great one's blog is or is it how dangerous being online is. 1915585;1558863640;mircea_popescu;oddly, i did not get. 1915586;1558870516;feedbot;http://trilema.com/2019/black-or-white-the-day-of-saturday/ << Trilema -- Black or White (The day of Saturday) 1915587;1558878920;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in accounting lulz, https://goingconcern.com/heres-a-visual-a-naked-64-year-old-accountant-in-bed-with-a-madame-surrounded-by-cash/ 1915588;1558893895;BingoBoingo;ty mircea_popescu, it appears I have also attracted LOCAL feedback in the moderation sala de espera: http://bingology.net/2019/05/26/overview-of-local-electoral-politics-heading-into-the-impending-party-internals/#comment-858 1915589;1558897767;BingoBoingo;In other local news 100 ml of Iodine-131 destined to my health care club was stolen in transit https://www.elpais.com.uy/informacion/policiales/policia-advierte-poblacion-robo-peligroso-material-radioactivo.html 1915590;1558906954;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2019/05/72-captured-by-police-during-mass-arrest-event-in-rural-illinois/ << Qntra -- 72 Captured By Police During Mass Arrest Event In Rural Illinois 1915591;1558912659;feedbot;http://pizarroisp.net/2019/05/26/pizarro-isp-may-26th-2019-update/ << PizarroISP -- Pizarro ISP May 26th 2019 Update 1915592;1558958017;Mocky;just got back from a hiking trip. catching up on logs 1915593;1558964645;BingoBoingo;Welcome back 1915594;1558967927;Mocky;thanks BingoBoingo 1915595;1558983814;BingoBoingo;And the stolen Iodine-131 has been found https://www.elobservador.com.uy/nota/aparecieron-en-malvin-las-tarrinas-con-material-radioactivo-robadas--20195271514 1915596;1558987993;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2019/05/eu-parliament-centrist-pantsuits-lost-ground-brexit-party-takes-uk/ << Qntra -- EU Parliament: "Centrist" Pantsuits Lost Ground, Brexit Party Takes UK 1915597;1558988718;*;mp_en_viaje waves from the lovely transylvanian capitol. 1915598;1558991525;mp_en_viaje;holy shit the internet is terribru 1915599;1558992730;diana_coman;mp_en_viaje: lolz, where in ro did you find it? 1915600;1558992738;feedbot;http://ossasepia.com/2019/05/27/euloras-client-core-the-dedicated-requester/ << Ossa Sepia -- Eulora's Client Core: The Dedicated Requester 1915601;1558992921;diana_coman;in other stepping-in-all-the-holes : it seems I found a fail-mode of mp-wp browser interface namely if one pastes the content of a post first and only then (possibly after it rushes to quick save it or whatevers) the title, it fails miserably as it apparently tries to save it with title "" (notwithstanding that no, it should not, there is actually a title to it) 1915602;1558994241;mp_en_viaje;diana_coman, cluj 1915603;1558994274;mp_en_viaje;speaking of which, if anyone is in the area and wants to meet, speak up, i'll be around for a few days 1915604;1558994296;mp_en_viaje;diana_coman, no, it saves it with a numeric title. 1915605;1558994312;diana_coman;o.O ; I wouldn't have expected lousy net connection in Cluj, huh. 1915606;1558994315;mp_en_viaje;you can edit the slug if you want later 1915607;1558994323;mp_en_viaje;me either, but what can you do. 1915608;1558994331;diana_coman;mp_en_viaje: it keeps failing i.e. saying can't 1915609;1558994343;mp_en_viaje;can't what, save ? 1915610;1558994344;diana_coman;so apparently the numeric title is borked or at least borked on my installation 1915611;1558994347;diana_coman;yes 1915612;1558994361;mp_en_viaje;sounds like borked install. what's preview do ? 1915613;1558994369;mp_en_viaje;doesn't preview, either ? 1915614;1558994391;diana_coman;lemme try to reproduce it and see. 1915615;1558994445;mp_en_viaje;what you describe specifically was debugged ; i suppose entirely possible php/whatever stack versioning shenanigans may have managed to regression it, like that insane case we ran into recently with the comments not working 1915616;1558994459;mp_en_viaje;but in principle should not fail in any combination. 1915617;1558994582;diana_coman;ugh, now ofc can't quite reproduce it i.e. it was something more subtle than what it seemed... 1915618;1558994599;mp_en_viaje;ah 1915619;1558994636;mp_en_viaje;well anyway, regardless of implementation, the design idea there is that article title always has a ready gensym in the shape of the numeric id of the table entry, which is unique and always known and therefore should be the fallback default. 1915620;1558994741;diana_coman;that makes perfect sense and is pretty much what I'd have expected; hence the surprise earlier when it apparently refused the title and insisted it was ""; anyway, if I run into it/something else again I'll document it better on the spot I guess. 1915621;1558994759;mp_en_viaje;yeah 1915622;1558994823;mp_en_viaje;]there;s also a js autosave if you have js enabled in browser ; these may have interracted weirdly i guess. 1915623;1558994829;mp_en_viaje;js is fucking impossible to debug. 1915624;1558994871;mp_en_viaje;(there's also a js doing wordcount on pressing enter, and a few other sugar cubes like that) 1915625;1558994899;diana_coman;I quite suspect it is the autosave thing because this much I remember that it was after it auto-saved, hence my suspicion at it; but at least atm it the autosave did not fire and tbh I'm not extremely keen on chasing this right now. 1915626;1558994927;mp_en_viaje;myeah. 1915627;1558994981;mp_en_viaje;let's leave a breadcrumb for billymg, too, whynot. 1915628;1558995114;mp_en_viaje;diana_coman, speaking of http://ossasepia.com/2019/05/27/euloras-client-core-the-dedicated-requester/#selection-41.2-41.111 i don't see the wisdom in this position. suppose your client sees a new type of whatever, and manages to get everything but the icon. a) your path would require it to die trying but b) evidently going ahead while using a ~default~ icon until gets a better one is perfectly acceptable. 1915629;1558995145;mp_en_viaje;in limine, an eulora client which plays with 100% default data objects, everyone-is-an-axe-cutting-axes-with-axes-on-axe-planet is a-ok. 1915630;1558995182;diana_coman;nope, there is no such thing as "everything but the icon" 1915631;1558995188;mp_en_viaje;why not ? 1915632;1558995265;diana_coman;because the requester does not request "x and y and z of 187" ; all it requests is "187" and then it simply checks in EuCache: do you now have 187? Now WHAT EuCache has for 187 is not something requester can know in advance 1915633;1558995282;diana_coman;I suspect I'll need to detail the data model too for it all to make sense 1915634;1558995293;mp_en_viaje;sure. now suppose client asks for 185, 186, 187 and 188, and gets them, within an hour. 1915635;1558995298;mp_en_viaje;should game be unplayable for the hour ? 1915636;1558995319;diana_coman;why would the game be unplayable for the hour? for one thing: why would the game be unplayable at all at any moment anyway? 1915637;1558995327;mp_en_viaje;cuz "die trying". 1915638;1558995349;mp_en_viaje;either it dies, or it doesn't die. if it dies, you can't play it. if it doesn't die, it somehow manages to make do w/o the item (ie, uses defaults) 1915639;1558995359;diana_coman;die trying aka after x successive timeouts (timeouts aka NO data received in the whole interval*x ) 1915640;1558995372;mp_en_viaje;i do not believe it should die at all. 1915641;1558995381;mp_en_viaje;imo it should try ~once~ per mention. 1915642;1558995397;mp_en_viaje;every time the server mentions an object it doesn't have, it asks for it. that's it. 1915643;1558995415;diana_coman;uhm; on one hand the "does it die or not" is a tiny thing i.e. it is a decision of what-do if not received; 1915644;1558995420;diana_coman;it can pass on to next one, sure 1915645;1558995425;diana_coman;i.e. drop it simply 1915646;1558995434;mp_en_viaje;i'm not even sure it's worth producing the retry mechanism. 1915647;1558995439;diana_coman;not a big issue or change of core there 1915648;1558995454;mp_en_viaje;logically speaking, if it's unimportant it's unimportant ; this is a game world criterion your retry cache can't figure out. 1915649;1558995457;diana_coman;it is not as such a "retry" i.e. the request will not be a new one 1915650;1558995466;mp_en_viaje;ah ? 1915651;1558995471;diana_coman;it will be a different one ANYWAY 1915652;1558995483;diana_coman;because it picks up again whatever it can stuff in the request 1915653;1558995496;mp_en_viaje;how do you mean / 1915654;1558995517;diana_coman;the ~only consideration is perhaps whether to re-include whatever it hasn't yet received or just drop them and if they are demanded again then they'll make it again another time 1915655;1558995534;diana_coman;hm; requester received demands for x and y and z, right? 1915656;1558995548;diana_coman;it keeps them in a queue, those items here are demanded 1915657;1558995570;mp_en_viaje;in the capitalistic perspective : if 100 objects are mentioned 10`000 times and requested 10`000 times, then i'd like the one object mentioned 1`000 times be requested 1`000 times and the object mentioned once be requested once. 1915658;1558995591;mp_en_viaje;this seems the correct capitalistic split of the request pie : by mentions. rather than "everyone gets 100" 1915659;1558995621;diana_coman;something still seems rather mixed in there; let me see if I can untangle it 1915660;1558995625;mp_en_viaje;aite. 1915661;1558995647;diana_coman;what is "mentioned" there? demanded ? 1915662;1558995669;mp_en_viaje;mentioned means the client sees an object it doesn't have in a server communication. 1915663;1558995686;diana_coman;why would it even request it *there*? 1915664;1558995692;mp_en_viaje;ie, if 10 people go on a raid and 5 of them wear armor of the stars, said armor will be mentioned by server 5 times. 1915665;1558995708;mp_en_viaje;well, cuz client may well discover "shit, i never heard of this armor before, wtf is it" 1915666;1558995712;diana_coman;but so what, should that then be requested 5 times ? 1915667;1558995717;diana_coman;yes, but ...once 1915668;1558995718;mp_en_viaje;well presuming it doesn't get it. 1915669;1558995724;diana_coman;uhm 1915670;1558995742;mp_en_viaje;whole discussion is predicated on comms failure, client asks but doesn't for some reason get. 1915671;1558995781;diana_coman;yes but there is no generic client asks as such; from pov of client ALL the asks always get - defaults. 1915672;1558995795;mp_en_viaje;as a fall through you mean ? 1915673;1558995854;mp_en_viaje;let me model an interaction to make sure we're on the same page here. 1915674;1558995858;diana_coman;as a higher-level concern than Requester's ; requester is specifically concerned with trying to get whatever is asked of it *from the server*; it can of course decide on what it requests first for instance (perhaps the item that was demanded of it most times since last request) 1915675;1558995891;mp_en_viaje;so, server tells client at t1 "and then you came upon five persons, a, b, c, d, e, f". 1915676;1558995895;diana_coman;and it can also decide on what to do on timeout e.g. drop that item and if it's important it will be demanded again hence it will make it into another request and if not , no 1915677;1558995901;diana_coman;yes 1915678;1558995908;mp_en_viaje;client notices it doesn't know wtf these are ; so at t2 says "what's an a ?" 1915679;1558995926;diana_coman;so a-f are data and therefore stored in cache as such; there are those things a-f ; nothing more 1915680;1558995932;mp_en_viaje;and at t3 server replies : "a is a so and so and back and forth... and on his chest wears the armor of the stars, and bla bla bla". 1915681;1558995975;mp_en_viaje;at t4 client continues its inquiry, "what's a b ?" ; at t5 client notices it doesnt know wtf such an armor is, so asks sefver "what's an armor of the stars ?" 1915682;1558995989;mp_en_viaje;at t6 server replies : "b is a so and so and back and forth... and on his chest wears the armor of the stars, and bla bla bla". 1915683;1558996013;mp_en_viaje;at t7 client decides "well, wtf, it's an armor, so ima show a wearing default armor, and whatever" 1915684;1558996042;mp_en_viaje;then at t8 client notices AGAIN "hm, i'm using default for this armor of the stars, wtf is it ?" and asks the server again. 1915685;1558996052;mp_en_viaje;but because an item it uses a default for is mentioned again, not because of any retries. 1915686;1558996094;mp_en_viaje;at this juncture, if it finally gets a workable armor of the stars, it dresses both a and b in it ; but if not, whatever. 1915687;1558996105;mp_en_viaje;it doesn't die nor does it retry. just plods along. 1915688;1558996117;diana_coman;myeah, this "asks again" is not "asks the server" but "ask the requester" ; i.e. "client" does not directly talk to the server from anywhere because that is how mess is made 1915689;1558996133;mp_en_viaje;alright. 1915690;1558996145;mp_en_viaje;that part is fine, "client asks server through its dedicated monopoly on askings" 1915691;1558996229;diana_coman;yes; and the requester (this dedicated monopoly on askings) will pack and send specific requests: server, what is an armor of the stars and a sword of the pigs? 1915692;1558996235;mp_en_viaje;okay. 1915693;1558996249;mp_en_viaje;but if it's not happy with theresult, not only does it not die -- it doesn't even retry. 1915694;1558996371;diana_coman;you mean if it timeouts on a request then it lets it just lets it be? it makes it even simpler from my pov, not as if it's an issue but essentially I'm not sure how do you then avoid the case where you play happily offline and ...not notice it? 1915695;1558996403;diana_coman;not notice it until all of a sudden nothing fits 1915696;1558996454;diana_coman;at which point recovery is a bitch way worse than restart; I suppose the point might be "don't die, just make it clear there's nobody answering " 1915697;1558996542;diana_coman;lol, internet a la cluj 1915698;1558996867;diana_coman;anyway, if it shouldn't even retry the correct way to put it is that it doesn't *care* at all about the result; i.e. it sends the request, it goes to sleep for timeout interval and then when it wakes up it simply makes and sends the next request, without any care in the world re anything 1915699;1558997504;diana_coman;while this has the advantage of being very simple indeed, all it does in fact is that it pushes the complexity a bit higher up at the added cost of a lot of waste traffic 1915700;1558997679;diana_coman;if that armor of the stars is requested once then it's wanted *anyway* so what's the point in not tracking it where the request is assembled and instead having it tracked through repeated requests; after all this "oh, still not have it" is anyway still a look "is it in the cache now?" just that it's pushed higher up 1915701;1558997935;diana_coman;basically I don't actually think that "needed 100 times" SHOULD translate into "send 100 requests to the server" ; something is either needed or not; it might be more needed than something else, sure but that's a relative (and changing) ordering of requests at most, not a traffic-generator essentially. 1915702;1558997975;*;diana_coman will go to sleep now, will read any replies/continue in the morning. 1915703;1559000775;*;asciilifeform back from meat; slowly eats log 1915704;1559033245;mp_en_viaje;holy hell, deedbot ran off again! 1915705;1559033249;mp_en_viaje;diana_coman, sorry about last night lol. had to order another truckful of internet. 1915706;1559033299;mp_en_viaje;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-27#1915694 << philosophically, the situation where player is happy offline, and unaware of it does not require fixing. take asciilifeform for instance, he's been happily playing eulora offline for years, and hasn't yet noticed! 1915707;1559033299;a111;Logged on 2019-05-27 22:32 diana_coman: you mean if it timeouts on a request then it lets it just lets it be? it makes it even simpler from my pov, not as if it's an issue but essentially I'm not sure how do you then avoid the case where you play happily offline and ...not notice it? 1915708;1559033343;mp_en_viaje;practically, yes it;s undesirable, but the overwhelming consideration is that this undesirableness can not be managed for the client by the server, because the server suffers from a serious knowledge problem wrt it. 1915709;1559033421;mp_en_viaje;therefore will necessarily have to be resolved by the client. in many important fields (such as where the client thinks its located), the server has the important mechanism of denial, to support fast correction. but when it comes to, eg, what icon should represent x item, or how its 3d texture shoudl look etc, there's no shits given. client can display the world any way it does, and the server will not care. 1915710;1559033516;mp_en_viaje;in another statement : there's two classes of data : erste klasse, which is data which the client may reference (such as, move me two to the left), and buluk klasse, which is data the client may never reference (such as, make my armor one iota shinier). 1915711;1559033597;mp_en_viaje;(the fundament of the male world, this division, btw. not permitting any-thing-whatsoever being discussed is what repressing the female mind, worldview and experiential approach is all about) 1915712;1559033875;mp_en_viaje;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-27#1915695 << what would this "nothing fits" look like ? for instance, if a client makes himself a modfile, to have all the characters move lasciviously and otherwise sit about nude, or if joe the manga fan makes his shield sport a tentacle pattern, the server should periodically re-enact the one-true-look with medieval officialness ? why ? 1915713;1559033875;a111;Logged on 2019-05-27 22:33 diana_coman: not notice it until all of a sudden nothing fits 1915714;1559033966;mp_en_viaje;in the vhs-unix-that-never-existed ideal in my own mind, i should be able to, upon encountering for the first time a dude i don't like, alt-tab out of the game, edit the cached file representing this dude's armor, write "dickhead" in spray paint all over the breastplate, and without any further interaction on my part see the dickhead appropriately labeled all over the game forevermore. 1915715;1559033993;mp_en_viaje;whether i can be arsed or not to do this is one thing ; but if i am arsed i should encounter no further difficulty. 1915716;1559034059;mp_en_viaje;(the programmatic logic being that as i focus on the game again, the screen will have to be redrawn, which will suck from the cache ; obviously this may not work ~exactly~ like this for a number of reasons -- which is why it's called an ideal. it should work like this.) 1915717;1559034134;mp_en_viaje;(obviously "forevermore" means -- for as long as he's wearing that type of armor, and include all other dudes wearing the same type, yes, i'm not looking for dwim here.) 1915718;1559034257;mp_en_viaje;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-27#1915697 << trist da' tru. the fucking problem with solving problems is that as the problem solvers get old the next generation takes over, and they only ever dealt with the solution ; didn't ever deal with the problem. consequently they limply expect the solution, in the sad terms of "oh, do we still have to", without any appreciation for the difficulty of the problem, resulting in fucking amer 1915719;1559034257;a111;Logged on 2019-05-27 22:35 diana_coman: lol, internet a la cluj 1915720;1559034257;mp_en_viaje;ver again. 1915721;1559034275;mp_en_viaje;"grandfather was rich, what means 'don't squander. 1915722;1559034295;mp_en_viaje;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-27#1915698 << i would say so. 1915723;1559034295;a111;Logged on 2019-05-27 22:41 diana_coman: anyway, if it shouldn't even retry the correct way to put it is that it doesn't *care* at all about the result; i.e. it sends the request, it goes to sleep for timeout interval and then when it wakes up it simply makes and sends the next request, without any care in the world re anything 1915724;1559034391;mp_en_viaje;and more generally i believe a lot of software systems would greatly improved through liberal application of just this kind of carelessness. the idiots are careless at the wrong ends -- by all means, DO http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-13#1912968 ; do NOT "hi this is the glass from last night, how would you rate your drinking experience please fill out this form". 1915725;1559034391;a111;Logged on 2019-05-13 17:09 asciilifeform: meanwhile , in ru heathendom , (translation mine) : 'there is a sign that distinguishes a troo programmer from an impostor. a true programmer , before going to bed, will put on his nightstand two glasses. one with water -- in case in the night he becomes thirsty. and one empty -- in case not.' 1915726;1559034478;mp_en_viaje;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-27#1915699 << model for me how this waste of traffic would look ? seems exactly the opposite to me, specifically : 1. case careless -- request is sent ; were resppnse receinved, all the better ; otherwise, whatever. total sent : 1 request ; maybe 1 answer. say symbolically 1.5 "packets" 1915727;1559034478;a111;Logged on 2019-05-27 22:51 diana_coman: while this has the advantage of being very simple indeed, all it does in fact is that it pushes the complexity a bit higher up at the added cost of a lot of waste traffic 1915728;1559034576;mp_en_viaje;2. case careful -- request is sent (p=1), if received correctly (p=2) then all is well, else new request sent (p=2.5) and if now received correctly all is well but if not yet new request sent (p=3.5) and if not well again you're looking at... well, depends how noisy/lossy the channel is, but it seems to me the careless case saves a good chunk of bw, roughly speaking the square of the noise rate. 1915729;1559034740;mp_en_viaje;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-27#1915700 << if your argument is actually "the client should asynchronously ask for all data it uses defaults for AT SOME OTHER TIME than in the middle of heavy gameplay, such that all the complex gfx of everyone's armors, mounts and flying dildoes are downloaded piecemeal and while sitting around, rather than en masse whenever teleporting to a large market town" you have a solid point. but it's 1915730;1559034740;a111;Logged on 2019-05-27 22:54 diana_coman: if that armor of the stars is requested once then it's wanted *anyway* so what's the point in not tracking it where the request is assembled and instead having it tracked through repeated requests; after all this "oh, still not have it" is anyway still a look "is it in the cache now?" just that it's pushed higher up 1915731;1559034740;mp_en_viaje; a case for "retry X magic number of times at Y magic intervals which i the designer knew ahead of time, for everyone and for all time". 1915732;1559034834;mp_en_viaje;the elegant solution for this would be for the client to keep a list, "items the server mentioned, we asked for but never received usable answer therefore using a default", and either go through it whenever convenient (eg, when player goes afk) or else even expose a button for player to do himself). 1915733;1559034888;mp_en_viaje;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-27#1915701 << no, let the server stop being fucking stupid and reference things it can't provide. 1915734;1559034888;a111;Logged on 2019-05-27 22:58 diana_coman: basically I don't actually think that "needed 100 times" SHOULD translate into "send 100 requests to the server" ; something is either needed or not; it might be more needed than something else, sure but that's a relative (and changing) ordering of requests at most, not a traffic-generator essentially. 1915735;1559034900;mp_en_viaje;win-win! 1915736;1559043939;*;diana_coman is reading 1915737;1559044043;diana_coman;mp_en_viaje: I suspect it's again one of those things where there is no disagreement at the core but we are not yet fully in sync re various bits and pieces; 1915738;1559044115;diana_coman;one thing that I see there is that you seem to consider that this "request" is ONLY for art stuff; the way I see it, it's not just for that but a generic mechanism for any sort of thing requested, be it art or contents or position or whatever 1915739;1559044167;diana_coman;hence my "doesn't fit" - in this specific data-that-matters sense, not re eye candy 1915740;1559044230;diana_coman;let me expand a bit on the concrete solution I'm talking about: 1915741;1559044284;diana_coman;client asks for data from EuCache; EuCache replies with either true (data found + whatever values that data has) or false (not found + default values) 1915742;1559044315;diana_coman;this can/is to be done by any bit and part of the client that is looking for some data of any sort, be it art, position, whatever 1915743;1559044349;diana_coman;so up to here I think it's clear that yes, client can therefore play happily forever after totally offline 1915744;1559044481;diana_coman;cache will have some default value for anything (because defaults are by type/role so not a problem to have them upfront) and it provides those or better, simply marking them as what they are but never saying "huh, no such thing" 1915745;1559044537;diana_coman;on top of the above, the client further has this choice: it can decide it wants to ask for some fresh stuff basically, be it file or anything else 1915746;1559044594;diana_coman;and I say "fresh" because it's not even necessarily a case that it doesn't have it but maybe (e.g. for position) it considers it obsolete hence deletes it and wants it new 1915747;1559044666;diana_coman;anytime it wants something fresh, it will place a request with the local Requester (hence, NOT directly with the server, for all it cares the data comes from Fuckgoats really) 1915748;1559044730;diana_coman;the Requester is the one who knows where data comes from, what does one need to do to obtain it, what sort of constraints there are (e.g. don't spam server with 1001 requests per second) and even what has to be obtained in order to be able to make a request at all (e.g. a set of Serpent keys!) 1915749;1559044763;diana_coman;so the Requester accepts all and any requests and keeps them neatly in a queue 1915750;1559044840;diana_coman;whenever it decides it CAN actually send a message to the server to ask for something, it packs together as many of those pending requested stuff as it can in one message (protocol allows a request for several files/obj in same message) and it sends it on its way 1915751;1559044900;diana_coman;now there is the apparently disputed bit: in the simplest implementation, requester can now consider that it's job is done and therefore go to sleep until next time when it might send a message 1915752;1559044948;diana_coman;the idea here being that well, if the caller still wants that stuff and it's not there, they will just request it again anyway so it gets again into the queue and at some point it will make it into a message 1915753;1559045161;diana_coman;and now re waste traffic: at t1 there are requests for obj a, b, c; at t2 Requester wakes up and asks the server "what are a, b, c", drops those as "done" and goes back to sleep; at t3 there is another request for a,b,c so Requester puts them back in its queue; at t4 a,b,c arrive; at t5 Requester wakes up and ...asks the server again "what are a,b,c?" because well, they are there in the queue, right? 1915754;1559045251;diana_coman;my proposal was to have the Requester ask "what are a,b,c" and move those three objects into a "pending" queue; when another request for them arrives, that's fine; when requester wakes up, it checks and prunes any that meanwhile are there so it doesn't ask again for stuff it meanwhile got 1915755;1559045312;diana_coman;for that matter I suppose it can even just have one queue, they are all "pending" and simply prune it every time it wakes up; 1915756;1559045490;diana_coman;might add also, since it's perhaps not obvious: there is no exact "repeat request" as such because anyway, how could that be (counter of messages at the very least is different!) but more importantly, every time Requester asks the server for something, it simply asks about as many pending things as it can, there is no "oh, I asked about those and not yet here so let's ask exactly those again" 1915757;1559045629;diana_coman;and given the two-class system those are effectively priorities: at every ask-opportunity, the Requester will choose first object request and only second file request (those really are the ONLY two types of questions the client may ask the server) 1915758;1559045895;diana_coman;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-28#1915729 - fully asynch is the core of it but I don't see the case of x magic number of times; logically speaking x is simply ask until you are answered, there is no set or fixed x times 1915759;1559045895;a111;Logged on 2019-05-28 09:12 mp_en_viaje: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-27#1915700 << if your argument is actually "the client should asynchronously ask for all data it uses defaults for AT SOME OTHER TIME than in the middle of heavy gameplay, such that all the complex gfx of everyone's armors, mounts and flying dildoes are downloaded piecemeal and while sitting around, rather than en masse whenever teleporting to a large market town" you have a solid point. but it's 1915760;1559046057;diana_coman;it's true that atm at least it's more independent from game play rather than "when not busy" 1915761;1559046130;diana_coman;or strictly speaking when "not busy as measured by number of erste klasse requests still pending" 1915762;1559046204;diana_coman;and re Y magic intervals, that is not really there either, that's the whole point of data-received notifications, to NOT rely on magic Y interval 1915763;1559046348;diana_coman;the timeout is the only magic value, yes, but that is literally last resort, aka guaranteed after that time, it WILL send another request; it WILL however send one sooner if the previous one is answered, why would it wait longer than it has to 1915764;1559049831;diana_coman;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-28#1915708 - even on re-re-read I can't follow this: where does it seem as if I'm saying in the least that server should solve this at all for client? (no, it can't, of course); my approach is to solve this in a single point in client aka Requester rather than have it spread throughout client at every point where some part finds out it wants some data. 1915765;1559049831;a111;Logged on 2019-05-28 08:49 mp_en_viaje: practically, yes it;s undesirable, but the overwhelming consideration is that this undesirableness can not be managed for the client by the server, because the server suffers from a serious knowledge problem wrt it. 1915766;1559059550;diana_coman;!!up nocredit 1915767;1559059550;deedbot;nocredit voiced for 30 minutes. 1915768;1559059563;diana_coman;nocredit says he needs support with trb so let's here 1915769;1559059579;diana_coman;what did you do and where are you stuck nocredit ? 1915770;1559059615;nocredit;hi, thanks for the voice. Basically trb (with aggressive patch) simply is too slow to sync, and i'm using a VULTR vps with 6 cores and 16GB of ram. For too slow i mean that after 1 week is just at block height 300k 1915771;1559059711;nocredit;for instance, with bitcoin core in half a day I have a synced node 1915772;1559059717;diana_coman;nocredit: it's unlikely that it's too slow since plenty of people are running same and sync no problem ; it is true that it's not on vps usually but at any rate, it may be all sorts of other stuff: is it blackholed? 1915773;1559059789;diana_coman;it does take time to sync fully if you start from 0, yes; 1915774;1559059835;nocredit;80% of the debug.log is about discarded blocks 1915775;1559059841;diana_coman;you can feed it manually blocks if you have them & are in a hurry but otherwise I don't yet fully grasp your problem as such: is it stalled or is it just that you don't expect it to take longer than 1 week or what? 1915776;1559059858;trinque;having serious problems with the DC I'm using for deedbot, sorry folks. I'm going to try to get the migration to pizarro completed this weekend. 1915777;1559059881;trinque;they had an outage earlier today in singapore, and for some reason this resulted in the bot being permastuck 1915778;1559059898;nocredit;first of all i'd like to ask what is a sane time for sync from zero to 100% 1915779;1559059931;asciilifeform;nocredit: approx 3 weeks, if you're syncing from trb nodes via -addnode . 1915780;1559059964;asciilifeform;this is indep. of cpu/ram, so long as box meets minimum spec (2GB) 1915781;1559060058;nocredit;second, my vps provider (vultr) is complaining with me that i put too much wear and tear to their ssd 1915782;1559060066;asciilifeform;nocredit: the reason your log consists 80+% of 'discarded block' is that trb deliberately does NOT hold on to a received block unless it matches the litmus for possibly being the immediately next block in the chain. this is deliberate, and i personally wrote this patch. 1915783;1559060068;nocredit;is there a recommended vps provider to use? 1915784;1559060076;asciilifeform;nocredit: bitcoin on vps is a nonstarter 1915785;1559060092;asciilifeform;esp. if your hoster is 'oh noes, someone is actually ~using~ what he paid for!' type. 1915786;1559060101;diana_coman;asciilifeform: doesn't pizarro offer anything though? 1915787;1559060114;diana_coman;BingoBoingo: ^ ? 1915788;1559060119;asciilifeform;diana_coman: for trb ?! it already has 3 iirc trb nodes 1915789;1559060132;diana_coman;for paying customers who may want to run trb, what? 1915790;1559060145;asciilifeform;diana_coman: colo people can run trb, or for that matter anythign else 1915791;1559060145;diana_coman;or nao you are not interested in such customers or what? 1915792;1559060155;diana_coman;so there, let the man know about it, no? 1915793;1559060162;asciilifeform;entirely interested. colo available any time, this is on the price sheet. 1915794;1559060245;diana_coman;nocredit: to answer your question: the recommended provider to use is Pizarro; it offers colocation that would fit your needs quite well ; you can join them in #pizarro and ask and you can have a look at http://pizarroisp.net/pizarro-hosting-rate-sheet/ 1915795;1559060260;asciilifeform;incidentally, there's a vacant rk, and if customer chooses to use the available sata snake and a 1tb ssd, he can trb. BingoBoingo plox to add this to the advertised list. 1915796;1559060286;nocredit;my problem is that i don't have a static ip at my premises, so at home it's a pain with the myip parameter. I was trying with a pico vps to bypass this by set up a private vpn, but as now i'm stuck 1915797;1559060310;asciilifeform;nocredit: vps is woefully inadequate for the job. you need a physical machine. 1915798;1559060331;nocredit;the small vps would only handle the network traffic 1915799;1559060344;nocredit;as it's doing VPN host tasks 1915800;1559060347;asciilifeform;nocredit: if you absolutely cannot afford physical colo, you can use vps as a means of getting static ip. set up ssh tunnel to your home node from the vps. 1915801;1559060348;diana_coman;nocredit: re provider I warmly recommend talking to Pizarro and in particular to BingoBoingo in #pizarro. 1915802;1559060386;asciilifeform;nocredit: http://pizarroisp.net . 1915803;1559060463;nocredit;thanks, yes physical colo is too much, i hope that ssh tunnel is stable enough for 3 weeks of sync 1915804;1559060501;*;asciilifeform brb:teatime 1915805;1559060506;BingoBoingo;The vacant rk can indeed be rigged with the SATA snake to add a 1tb drive. 1915806;1559060578;nocredit;another question: if i run core without using segwit features (so sticking with the 1 starting addresses) am i actually protected from an eventual attack on segwit? I know that here is not core support, but there is a way to tell core to dump the segwit part? 1915807;1559060594;BingoBoingo;It takes time, but I can also but a blockchain on a drive. 1915808;1559060627;BingoBoingo;nocredit: Segwit and all the other core weird happens on 3 addresses 1915809;1559060666;BingoBoingo;1 addresses are pay to public key hash. 3 addresses are pay to weird addresses. 1915810;1559060691;diana_coman;nocredit: since you have nothing to do with segwit, you are immune to attacks on segwit, not as much protected as entirely immune by definition, no? 1915811;1559060701;BingoBoingo;The bigger concern with core is the bloat. Shit like the "payment protocol" 1915812;1559060730;nocredit;correct, I appreciate TRB as it removes the bloat. But 3 weeks to sync is really a pain 1915813;1559060757;BingoBoingo;The Gavin or some other shitgnome early on tried to push a "mandatory" segwitting, but that proposal died quickly and they all now pretend that never happened. 1915814;1559060813;BingoBoingo;nocredit: Once synced it is very tenacious with staying synced. Most of the core sync speedup is they stopped verifying many blocks 1915815;1559060872;diana_coman;nocredit: for that matter if running own trb is too big a pain/expense, I suppose you might be better served by getting in the wot and using deedbot's wallet for that matter. 1915816;1559060891;nocredit;and last: if i tar gz everything synced as far as now on the VPS and dump it at my premise, i'll be able to restart at block height 300k in the future? 1915817;1559060899;BingoBoingo;The TRB 3-6 week sync (CPU and disk bound) is a strictly linear, no exceptions to verification affair 1915818;1559060919;BingoBoingo; and last: if i tar gz everything synced as far as now on the VPS and dump it at my premise, i'll be able to restart at block height 300k in the future? << As long as you cleanly shut down the daemon before dumping 1915819;1559060921;nocredit;because vultr vps has sent me a takedown notice 1915820;1559060932;nocredit;with some spare time to dump the hdd 1915821;1559060939;diana_coman;lolz @ service 1915822;1559060942;nocredit;totally a shit service btw 1915823;1559060960;diana_coman;nocredit: you know that saying that one's too poor to use cheap stuff? 1915824;1559060987;BingoBoingo;But you have to shut the daemon down cleanly for blockindex.dat to be portable 1915825;1559060989;nocredit;but yes, i've learn the lesson. Only bare metal at my home 1915826;1559060990;diana_coman;it seems to me you can't afford to not use pizarro for bitcoin really 1915827;1559061004;diana_coman;or that, yes. 1915828;1559061079;nocredit;ok perfect. Will update here when I complete the sync 1915829;1559061093;diana_coman;!!key nocredit 1915830;1559061094;deedbot;Not registered. 1915831;1559061126;BingoBoingo;nocredit: Maybe register a GPG key. Otherwise hard to tell whoever returns is you 1915832;1559061132;diana_coman;nocredit: register a key with deedbot as otherwise there can't possibly be a "next time/later", it's always first time... 1915833;1559061146;nocredit;ok 1915834;1559061760;BingoBoingo;!!up nocredit 1915835;1559061761;deedbot;nocredit voiced for 30 minutes. 1915836;1559061774;BingoBoingo;nocredit: How about you make your way to #pizarro 1915837;1559062004;BingoBoingo;nocredit: Other than running a Bitcoin node, what else do you spend your time on? 1915838;1559063451;feedbot;http://thetarpit.org/posts/y05/092-cl-who.html << The Tar Pit -- CL-WHO genesis 1915839;1559066394;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2019/05/china-squeezes-us-as-tensions-rise-windows-out-in-the-pla-rare-earth-exports-on-the-chopping-block/ << Qntra -- China Squeezes US As Tensions Rise: Windows Out In The PLA, Rare Earth Exports On The Chopping Block 1915840;1559072049;mp_en_viaje;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-28#1915737 << aha 1915841;1559072049;a111;Logged on 2019-05-28 11:47 diana_coman: mp_en_viaje: I suspect it's again one of those things where there is no disagreement at the core but we are not yet fully in sync re various bits and pieces; 1915842;1559072111;mp_en_viaje;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-28#1915741 << imo should not deliver default values every time it delivers a false, lotta traffic wastage. default should be a special object in each class. 1915843;1559072111;a111;Logged on 2019-05-28 11:51 diana_coman: client asks for data from EuCache; EuCache replies with either true (data found + whatever values that data has) or false (not found + default values) 1915844;1559072132;diana_coman;mp_en_viaje: what traffic? 1915845;1559072148;diana_coman;between c and ada ? 1915846;1559072163;mp_en_viaje;it's remarkable, reading through all this, how much like a web browser this client actually is. TTL next ? 1915847;1559072165;diana_coman;for the same money the c code can have the defaults and that is it 1915848;1559072180;diana_coman;not like the cache is on server 1915849;1559072183;diana_coman;ahahhaha 1915850;1559072203;*;diana_coman has just re-read the cs manual so feels rather ..funny 1915851;1559072235;mp_en_viaje;(fucking obviously they got the ttl wrong, who the fuck heard of ttl as a SERVER-side setting. how is the server to know how often my pictures of jodie foster's injured snatch need refreshing ?!) 1915852;1559072308;mp_en_viaje;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-28#1915754 << your proposal does not fix your own proposed problem. suppose things work as you describe, and the requester gets the reques again... it puts it in the queue again yes ? 1915853;1559072308;a111;Logged on 2019-05-28 12:07 diana_coman: my proposal was to have the Requester ask "what are a,b,c" and move those three objects into a "pending" queue; when another request for them arrives, that's fine; when requester wakes up, it checks and prunes any that meanwhile are there so it doesn't ask again for stuff it meanwhile got 1915854;1559072346;diana_coman;uhm, while it still has them pending or what? 1915855;1559072354;mp_en_viaje;diana_coman, if the server asked what's b answers no such thing, use default.jpg every time, you're sending default.jpg every time. 1915856;1559072362;mp_en_viaje;diana_coman, no, after they resolved. 1915857;1559072392;diana_coman;after they resolved is however "refresh", isn't it? 1915858;1559072414;mp_en_viaje;not objectively fresher than they are when there's no queue and t4 comes around. 1915859;1559072461;diana_coman;uhm, wait 1915860;1559072495;mp_en_viaje;aite. 1915861;1559072520;diana_coman;so you say there is no difference between caller asking for it 10 times and this resulting guaranteed in 10 messages to the server because requester does not keep track of anything on one hand and on the other hand 10 requests resulting in only 1 message to server because requester does keep track? 1915862;1559072546;diana_coman;freshness is not objective, no; it's subjective and decided by user of cache 1915863;1559072593;diana_coman;the point is not about "how fresh the final data is" but rather simply that: how many messages get generated for x requests 1915864;1559072664;mp_en_viaje;i am not saying "there is no difference". i am saying "you are proposing to produce a mechanism to resolve a problem you imagine exists, such that the solution's parameters are populated by guesswork and the imagined problem is not eliminated" 1915865;1559072671;diana_coman;the default.jpg is not sent by server, no; local cache has defaults because it has to - it needs to use something before there is even any answer from server; hence the defaults part is not about traffic at all 1915866;1559072684;diana_coman;what parameters? 1915867;1559072684;mp_en_viaje;i do not agree with this. 1915868;1559072694;mp_en_viaje;but let's resolve one issue at a time, because this is not working. 1915869;1559072706;diana_coman;ok 1915870;1559072739;mp_en_viaje;so, as to the matter of client cache. situation 1, no-cache : client wants some item, asks for it, potentially asks again before server has had chance to answer. 1915871;1559072768;mp_en_viaje;situation 2, cache (called "requester") : client will abstain from asking for some item for a certain time after having asked. 1915872;1559072771;diana_coman;uhm, "no cache" is ...impossible; by definition the data on client IS CACHE 1915873;1559072784;diana_coman;only if it throws it away without even using it, can there be "no cache" 1915874;1559072791;mp_en_viaje;o brother. 1915875;1559072810;diana_coman;well yes, because requester is not cache, ugh. 1915876;1559072849;mp_en_viaje;i guess we go back to the text, hang on. 1915877;1559072856;diana_coman;k. 1915878;1559072880;mp_en_viaje;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-28#1915753 & http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-28#1915754 1915879;1559072880;a111;Logged on 2019-05-28 12:06 diana_coman: and now re waste traffic: at t1 there are requests for obj a, b, c; at t2 Requester wakes up and asks the server "what are a, b, c", drops those as "done" and goes back to sleep; at t3 there is another request for a,b,c so Requester puts them back in its queue; at t4 a,b,c arrive; at t5 Requester wakes up and ...asks the server again "what are a,b,c?" because well, they are there in the queue, right? 1915880;1559072880;a111;Logged on 2019-05-28 12:07 diana_coman: my proposal was to have the Requester ask "what are a,b,c" and move those three objects into a "pending" queue; when another request for them arrives, that's fine; when requester wakes up, it checks and prunes any that meanwhile are there so it doesn't ask again for stuff it meanwhile got 1915881;1559072947;diana_coman;move those three IDs* I should have said; not the objects themselves 1915882;1559072948;mp_en_viaje;your proposal does not resolve the t4-t5 problem. having a pending queue does not mean that the client may not decide to ask again JUST as the "requester" took them out of the pending queue. 1915883;1559072964;diana_coman;yes but requester does not put it back in queue 1915884;1559072980;diana_coman;it accepts the new request, looks that it's pending so ..nothing to do with it 1915885;1559073004;diana_coman;i.e. client comes in the shop and asks 100 times for the same thing while shopkeeper is working on delivering it so what 1915886;1559073010;diana_coman;it's still the same thing 1915887;1559073101;diana_coman;otherwise yes, no point in having the queues in the first place really; a duplicate request can have at most the effect of increasing counter of "requests for this here object a" if one wants then to treat them as priorities basically aka ask first for those items that have been demanded most times 1915888;1559073294;diana_coman;or you mean a potential "race condition" there? 1915889;1559073399;mp_en_viaje;lol this shiternet... im getting like 7 lines in a bundle. 1915890;1559073399;mp_en_viaje;diana_coman, nevermind the "it's pending 1915891;1559073399;mp_en_viaje;AFTER it took it out of the queue. immediately after. 1915892;1559073402;mp_en_viaje;nope. 1915893;1559073410;diana_coman;the point is not to forbid to the client repeated request 1915894;1559073459;diana_coman;then I don't get it; because if it is the client's decision to ask immediate refresh then sure, what's the problem? it's their decision and it still is the minimum traffic resulting 1915895;1559073523;mp_en_viaje;dude this piece of shit... it's showing your lines but not sending mine. 1915896;1559073523;mp_en_viaje;i have NEVER seen this shitty internet in my fuckign life jesus 1915897;1559073525;mp_en_viaje;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/G85i2/?raw=true << this is how this convo looks on my side 1915898;1559073581;diana_coman;ugh; at least Internet used to be working well in Ro. 1915899;1559073909;mp_en_viaje;not anymore. anyway, looky : take the object icon.jpg. the client may ask for this item icon.jpg at time intervals Ti which, as far as we know, are random. now, if you have a queue, of fixed duration L, you offer the guarantee that "for any Tjs that are closer than L only the first does go through". this, you say, "reduces overal requests". 1915900;1559073910;mp_en_viaje;it ~might~. you can not prove they do, for all you know all Ti come at L+e. how do you know it helps anything ? 1915901;1559074113;mp_en_viaje;diana_coman, makes sense ? 1915902;1559074179;diana_coman;I don't think I get it and I'm not sure whether it's because some things are still not right (for starters there is no fixed duration as it's dynamic basically) 1915903;1559074192;mp_en_viaje;what is this "dynamic" mean ? 1915904;1559074193;diana_coman;or because I don't get it 1915905;1559074241;diana_coman;it depends on what arrives and when + on the contents of the queue itself really since for instance a huge filename will fill a whole msg 1915906;1559074255;mp_en_viaje;this is such a bizarre issue to have. 1915907;1559074266;diana_coman;let's take it from the other end, maybe it's easier 1915908;1559074270;mp_en_viaje;looky : if there's no queue, you can in principle get a new request just as the old request was satisfied. 1915909;1559074291;diana_coman;what is the gain in forcing every request -> a message to server? 1915910;1559074291;mp_en_viaje;if there IS a queue, you can STILL get a new request just as the queued request is satisfied. 1915911;1559074295;mp_en_viaje;this not self-evident ? 1915912;1559074328;diana_coman;no, because it forces the very same problem higher up where there is even less information to decide on when to request 1915913;1559074409;mp_en_viaje;decision seems simple enough : how about now. 1915914;1559074499;diana_coman;it does seem a weird problem to have in the simple sense that honestly it's just easier to do it as you say: no responsibility for traffic, just shoot whatever and as many times as higher level asks for... data, not for traffic, but whatevers. 1915915;1559074593;mp_en_viaje;it's easier, and it's not clear that the complicateder way is in any sense better. 1915916;1559074602;diana_coman;let me get this part straight though: how is this "now" decided? every frame whoever has something unknown asks for it? some parameter every x ms ask for everything unknown? 1915917;1559074605;diana_coman;or what? 1915918;1559074633;diana_coman;honestly, as a player, I'll then have to hack my own client, lolz 1915919;1559074644;mp_en_viaje;client asks what is X, gets a response including data it doesn't have ; asks for the data. 1915920;1559074652;mp_en_viaje;if it gets it, it uses it. if it doesn't get it, it uses the default. 1915921;1559074655;diana_coman;and here we go again 1915922;1559074674;mp_en_viaje;optionally, as per http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-28#1915732 ; but this doesn't have to be first pass. 1915923;1559074674;a111;Logged on 2019-05-28 09:13 mp_en_viaje: the elegant solution for this would be for the client to keep a list, "items the server mentioned, we asked for but never received usable answer therefore using a default", and either go through it whenever convenient (eg, when player goes afk) or else even expose a button for player to do himself). 1915924;1559074776;diana_coman;is at all clear that there is this separation between the client-part that uses/needs some data on one hand, the one I kept calling "client" or c/cpp and on the other hand the lower layer that is protocol aware and actually "asks what is x"? 1915925;1559074788;diana_coman;or you propose that this shouldn't even be 1915926;1559074789;diana_coman;? 1915927;1559074813;mp_en_viaje;it's clear, one's in c the other in ada, yes. 1915928;1559074898;diana_coman;oook; so then, do you mean that "asks for data" is to be driven by.... what it receives from server rather than attempted use? 1915929;1559074907;mp_en_viaje;yes. 1915930;1559074919;diana_coman;finally at least the whole trouble makes sense 1915931;1559074924;mp_en_viaje;oh ?! 1915932;1559074929;diana_coman;this bit here is the part where we were not in sync 1915933;1559074998;diana_coman;why exactly though would client ask based on what server says rather than based on what it finds itself actually needing to use? 1915934;1559075017;mp_en_viaje;because usage is imperative, and it will use default in any case. 1915935;1559075054;mp_en_viaje;similarily you look up new words when you hear them rather than when you decide to use them. 1915936;1559075060;diana_coman;how is it imperative?? server says this guy wears the helmet of doom; client says meh, can't be arsed to show helmets; how is it imperative? 1915937;1559075082;mp_en_viaje;"now we're printing this guy's helmet. wait, wtf do we put in the press ?!" 1915938;1559075140;diana_coman;the difference being that client (as previously discussed) anyway does not keep everything so asking when it doesn't need it is not solving that problem 1915939;1559075171;diana_coman;(and this thing that "doesn't keep everything" is why I went with the different approach aka ask when needed, not when heard of it) 1915940;1559075255;mp_en_viaje;the client does not keep everything in the sense that it's not required to keep everything, not in the sense that it can be relied on to not keep everything. 1915941;1559075273;mp_en_viaje;function of how much space the user is willing to give the cache, client could indeed keep everything. 1915942;1559075278;diana_coman;"wtf do we put in the press ?! " -> the default. 1915943;1559075296;diana_coman;well yes, but that's the thing, the problem is not solved by asking in advance 1915944;1559075299;mp_en_viaje;hence, imperative. once client decides to print something, IT WILL BE PRINTED. no ifs or buts or lookups. 1915945;1559075312;mp_en_viaje;what advance ? 1915946;1559075352;diana_coman;client asks what is a? server says it's (name this) (position that) (mesh theother) and so on 1915947;1559075375;diana_coman;if client doesn't care about mesh , but it asks for it because it saw it, isn't that in advance? 1915948;1559075412;mp_en_viaje;if it doesn't care, it doesn't ask. 1915949;1559075428;mp_en_viaje;that's what "doesn't care" means, definitionally. 1915950;1559075434;mp_en_viaje;not "does not print" but "does not ask" 1915951;1559075453;diana_coman;uhm 1915952;1559075635;diana_coman;from my pov I'm fine to switch perspective and go then with this approach, so basically there are no "client/cpp demands" anything since Ada-part directly handles it on the principle "if I saw it and it's not there, then I'll ask for it"; how is any limit re space or anything of the sort to be defined and handled in this case? 1915953;1559075663;mp_en_viaje;well, if client sets a limit, then oldest-used files get wiped. 1915954;1559075687;diana_coman;so it needs now to keep in addition a timestamp on data access? 1915955;1559075708;mp_en_viaje;doesn't fs keep this ? 1915956;1559075743;mp_en_viaje;i mean, it's in the stat innit ? 1915957;1559075784;diana_coman;fwiw I'll clearly have to hack my own client at the very least for making it text-only since there's no point in asking for all the graphical parts just because server did inform that those objects have this and that graphical part 1915958;1559075801;mp_en_viaje;how would the server not inform ?! 1915959;1559075810;diana_coman;hm? 1915960;1559075819;mp_en_viaje;i mean, if client doesn't know wtf it is, how is client to use it ? obviously it informs. 1915961;1559075846;diana_coman;I said "server did inform" not didn't, lol 1915962;1559075863;mp_en_viaje;um 1915963;1559075872;mp_en_viaje;so if your client doesn't care about them, it doesn't ask for them, what's the problem ? 1915964;1559075926;diana_coman;it asks for the object; the object descriptor includes the properties; on the principle that "what client doesn't yet know, client will investigate further", it should ask for them further,right? 1915965;1559075959;diana_coman;it cares about the object; this doesn't mean it cares about ALL its properties 1915966;1559075978;mp_en_viaje;ok, so those it cares about it asks about and those it doesn't care about it doesn't ask about. 1915967;1559075979;mp_en_viaje;neh / 1915968;1559075987;diana_coman;but if it is to ask of anything it doesn't yet have/know, then it should ask for all of them, it can't not care about some of them 1915969;1559076005;diana_coman;uhm 1915970;1559076009;mp_en_viaje;"anything it hears mentioned it doesn't know and cares about". 1915971;1559076028;diana_coman;but that care is not "use" from earlier but..what? 1915972;1559076042;mp_en_viaje;client setting. 1915973;1559076059;mp_en_viaje;it's only the user whocan decide "i don't want any sounds" or "no videos" or "no meshes only icons" or anything like this. 1915974;1559076063;diana_coman;(re files and access time I need to look if I can get it, hopefully, via Ada.Directories) 1915975;1559076071;mp_en_viaje;and so i suppose all this can go in config file. 1915976;1559076079;diana_coman;oh joy 1915977;1559076118;mp_en_viaje;this part is not avoidable though, only user can tailor this sorta thing. "how much space to give cache and what sorta thigns to keep there" is emintently the function of config 1915978;1559076280;diana_coman;myeah, "useful" things. 1915979;1559076293;diana_coman;what else does one want in cache really. 1915980;1559076348;mp_en_viaje;if you recall the whole theory with "give alternatives for gfx", server could in principle offer a LIST of meshes. possibly different qualities, and even same quality. 1915981;1559076351;mp_en_viaje;so this goes right into that anyway. 1915982;1559076356;diana_coman;rolling back to the original thing, this is all there is to it: if c/cpp does not actually get to ask for anything then there is no trouble at all, sure. 1915983;1559076364;mp_en_viaje;right. 1915984;1559076378;mp_en_viaje;imo much sounder like that, for myriad reasons. 1915985;1559076465;mp_en_viaje;now what was the other one 1915986;1559076472;diana_coman;iirc it was specifically not a list of meshes but at most a list of overall graphical profiles as it were; i.e. each thing then at any time has only one option 1915987;1559076545;mp_en_viaje;nah! see, "what is armor of the pigs ?" "well, it could be joes_armorofpigs.mesh or moes_armorofpigs.mesh or dyna_armorofpigs.mesh" and client is set to get dyna* so continues "what is dyna_armorofpigs.mesh" 1915988;1559076567;mp_en_viaje;[rough sketch, not exact implementation detail] 1915989;1559076585;diana_coman;ugh, last time the rough sketch sounded as I said above though, lolz 1915990;1559076591;mp_en_viaje;:p 1915991;1559076620;diana_coman;open-ended lists like that are always a mess and doubly so via messages 1915992;1559076630;mp_en_viaje;oh, they're a mesh ? 1915993;1559076667;diana_coman;a mshhh 1915994;1559076670;mp_en_viaje;this design permits fallback ("i want to see dynas but if absent gimme joes" sorta setting) 1915995;1559076690;mp_en_viaje;ie, we can accept incomplete art sets. 1915996;1559076714;mp_en_viaje;aka "trust me, it's really smart (tm)" 1915997;1559076739;diana_coman;it still seems over the top; it's enough if client has a known list of preferences and asks for them in that order, after all; if it doesn't get that, it goes for next and so on 1915998;1559076750;mp_en_viaje;exactly what i mean. 1915999;1559076768;diana_coman;lolz, given earlier thing, possibly not :P 1916000;1559076773;mp_en_viaje;oh, you're saying server shouldn't advertise what it has ? 1916001;1559076784;diana_coman;why would it do it like that for each and every thing? 1916002;1559076841;*;diana_coman now realises this should have been on #eulora 1916003;1559076846;mp_en_viaje;kinda, huh. 1916004;1559076849;mp_en_viaje;are we moving over ? 1916005;1559076854;diana_coman;let's 1916006;1559076856;mp_en_viaje;kk 1916007;1559077894;asciilifeform;meanwhile in ye olde snakepit, http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/GQU8m/?raw=true 1916008;1559077978;asciilifeform;!#seen copypaste 1916009;1559077978;a111;2016-02-14 it's an IDE for a new proprietary language. it's crud, sure, but code generation isn't bad by itself 1916010;1559077992;asciilifeform;!!gettrust copypaste 1916011;1559077993;deedbot;L1: 0, L2: -6 by 2 connections. 1916012;1559078000;asciilifeform;lol 1916013;1559079164;mp_en_viaje;guy's trying. 1916014;1559079287;asciilifeform;'can translate Spanish and Tagalog. sorry if you think this is spam' 1916015;1559079298;asciilifeform;if i knew tagalog, i think i'd try an' keep it seekrit, lol 1916016;1559079315;mp_en_viaje;what's that, pinoy lang ? 1916017;1559079318;mp_en_viaje;i think he lived there. 1916018;1559079318;asciilifeform;aha! 1916019;1559079712;mp_en_viaje;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-28#1915778 << honestly, i don't even see this as a legitimate question. 1916020;1559079712;a111;Logged on 2019-05-28 16:11 nocredit: first of all i'd like to ask what is a sane time for sync from zero to 100% 1916021;1559079728;mp_en_viaje;"how long will it take me to read all the books ? IT SEEMS UNREASONABLY LONG!!!" 1916022;1559079771;asciilifeform;at uni of clony circa 1400 prolly was answerable q , with 'reasonable' number as answr 1916023;1559079773;mp_en_viaje;by and large, a time penalty for being late equal to the square of the years passed seems the lowest possible bottom limit. so, if you start today and sync in less than a century, you're getting off too easy. 1916024;1559079786;mp_en_viaje;shoulda been here in 2009. 1916025;1559079842;mp_en_viaje;holy shit, vps too. dude, go away. 1916026;1559079853;asciilifeform;already went away 1916027;1559079996;mp_en_viaje;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-28#1915806 << yes, if you use bitcoin addresses you're protected from scammers trying to get people to use non-bitcoin addresses ; no, the scam unwinds on its own time not on yours (or anyone else's) time. you similarly can't tell MMM to "stop pyramid scheming" in 1995. 1916028;1559079996;a111;Logged on 2019-05-28 16:22 nocredit: another question: if i run core without using segwit features (so sticking with the 1 starting addresses) am i actually protected from an eventual attack on segwit? I know that here is not core support, but there is a way to tell core to dump the segwit part? 1916029;1559080101;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: iirc this is 1st recorded such case ( d00d took the sweat to build trb, note that there ain't a '4lusers' binariola package or anyffin of the kind) but then went and planted it on a lolhost 1916030;1559080156;mp_en_viaje;the list of fixations. 1916031;1559080167;asciilifeform;hm? 1916032;1559080419;mp_en_viaje;there's a list of ("independent") fixations. even if patient finds way out of one (thereby becoming ballas' "[http://trilema.com/2016/please-stop-using-dns-already-and-other-considerations/#selection-707.0-711.610][single issue independent]"), the rest still remain. 1916033;1559080449;mp_en_viaje;so yes compiled, but ~of course~ uses vps (with any luck, "kubinetes '''deployment'''"), and also coca cola and also cisco router and also and also. 1916034;1559080485;asciilifeform;aa as in http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-04#1497185 1916035;1559080485;a111;Logged on 2016-07-04 21:47 mircea_popescu: but better keep movin' an' don't stand still - if the skeeters don't get you the gators will." 1916036;1559080556;mp_en_viaje;aha 1916037;1559080616;mp_en_viaje;"cogentco doesn't give me ip" "ever wondered why ?" "you mean there's a government conspiraci ?" "no. i mean there doesn't need to be one." 1916038;1559080657;asciilifeform;still gotta add, that trb bringup takes weeks not because the set weighs 100TB ( as erryone already knows, it's below 300GB atm ) but cuz the sync mechanism is rather sad 1916039;1559080712;BingoBoingo;Don't forget the more important part. It takes time because verification IS NOT sad 1916040;1559080716;mp_en_viaje;this is true 1916041;1559080725;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: most of the time aint spent in verify tho 1916042;1559080741;asciilifeform;it's spent waiting for someone to 'please drop a block in my gaping mouth' 1916043;1559080751;mp_en_viaje;moreover verification eminently paralelizable. his "6 cores" make no diff whatsoever. 1916044;1559080770;asciilifeform;this is true even with 'aggressor', the latter merely asks ~newly connected~ peers to give blox 1916045;1559080773;mp_en_viaje;but ~could~. 1916046;1559080826;mp_en_viaje;if 90% of time were spent in verification ; and if verification were ~correctly~ MT, then extant blockchain could be verified in roughly 10days / corecount. 1916047;1559080830;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: db could be not only parallelized but made O(1) , iirc we had lengthy worked example of just how 1916048;1559080836;mp_en_viaje;ie, one day per year ellapsed (and yes, this will stay linear) 1916049;1559080856;asciilifeform;and mp_en_viaje's napkin figure is correct (and pessimistic, could easily ~day on existing irons if rewritten properly ) 1916050;1559080897;mp_en_viaje;only if that properly involves a whole lotta unrolling. which, im not even callin a bad idea 1916051;1559080956;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: no elaborate massage needed -- simply need 32GB or so hashtable . ( who wants, can dig up old thread with the exact algo, atm asciilifeform's hands somewhat full ) 1916052;1559080995;mp_en_viaje;32gb is a lotta unrolling in this context. and yes, not terribru idea, seeing how dataset is >100gb 1916053;1559081026;asciilifeform;handily fits in a reasonable ram. and 99.9999% of queries will land in it in O(1) 1916054;1559081044;mp_en_viaje;* not exact figures 1916055;1559081053;asciilifeform;( the remainder, end up asking for a second lookup ) 1916056;1559081072;mp_en_viaje;im sure his vultr comes with 192gb ram and a takedown notice if you allocate >@ 1916057;1559081074;mp_en_viaje;>2 1916058;1559081078;asciilifeform;lol 1916059;1559081788;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, thinkign about it, there's just no way to have a proper trb without the rainbows. and yes it'd be 32 gb, but so what. the point stands, there is a minimal bitcoin box. 1916060;1559081788;mp_en_viaje;it just happens to need >32gb ram much like it happens to need >100gb hdd 1916061;1559082183;asciilifeform;for uses where absolutely gotta fetch arbitrary tx in O(1) , indeed >=32G 1916062;1559082225;asciilifeform;it's a ~linear trade of time for space tho, conceivably could use same scheme with various sizes of table, at predictable cost 1916063;1559082225;mp_en_viaje;for other uses, just not load it in memory. but trb gotta ship with them. 1916064;1559082271;mp_en_viaje;what i'm sayng here is, that a trb w/o the rainbow tables is shipped defective, like a car without wheels or w/e, toys without batteries. 1916065;1559082381;asciilifeform;can point to ~concrete~ braindamages of orig author that resulted in the sad db. one was the expectation that tx 'down to genesis' are mutable 4evah; the other, the idea that 'utxo set' is what matters to fetch quickly, rather than ~any~ tx 1916066;1559082433;mp_en_viaje;very specifically naive sorta "generality fixation" / premature optimization. but yes. 1916067;1559082483;asciilifeform;granted i cannot say how he ought to have decided on concrete number 'down below which not mutable.' he would've had to [http://btcbase.org/log/2018-12-28#1883569]['guts'] . 1916068;1559082483;a111;Logged on 2018-12-28 17:03 asciilifeform: with guts. 1916069;1559082513;mp_en_viaje;im not sure an actual number need have been produced. 1916070;1559082557;asciilifeform;well for 2-level db ( 'nursery' where blocks that are thought to be part of the snake's tongue that may still reorg ; 'graveyard' where errything else ) does require a number. 1916071;1559082596;mp_en_viaje;consider the following line : 1. the only meaningful measure of tx mutability is the hashpower that went into mining its block ; 2. consequently, the mutability of tx 100k blocks ago is ~= the mutability of tx 600k blocks ago. 1916072;1559082614;asciilifeform;this is entirely correct afaik 1916073;1559082654;mp_en_viaje;so then all that's needed is a % rule. "99% means, graveyward starts where the last 1% of total difficulty starts" 1916074;1559082674;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: this is potentially risky when node is young . 1916075;1559082677;mp_en_viaje;80% similarly. and so on. just pick one -- by which i mean, expose knob in config, let any user pick his hairdo" 1916076;1559082684;asciilifeform;knob -- yes. 1916077;1559082687;mp_en_viaje;right. 1916078;1559082704;mp_en_viaje;start with 100%, change when to what feels like. 1916079;1559082949;mp_en_viaje;moreover, this discussion illustrates a major flaw in current bitcoin protocol -- it does not correctly judge SUMS. 1916080;1559082976;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: i still suspect that safe bringup of a noad where certain blocks are immediately stored in readonly form requires some form of a http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-22#1865197 1916081;1559082976;a111;Logged on 2018-10-22 22:37 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: unrelated to anyffing: i have a tentative thing that eats a http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-20#1864354 and gives trb option of replacing 'checkpoints' with it ( i.e. on boot, tests all already-stored blox against it, and if any blox in the tape are not yet present, then it requests & accepts them and only them, 1 at a time ). do we want this for field use ? (if so i can put on conveyor for cleanup) 1916082;1559082985;mp_en_viaje;i could (in principle) produce an alternate block #2, very cheaply, but of higher diff than the true block #2. this then ~should~ be accepted by syncing node. 1916083;1559083023;mp_en_viaje;then i could continue this way to block 620k. just as long as i have both a) longest chain and b) a more difficultuous block sometime early on, my chain is technically, by protocol rules, the true chain. 1916084;1559083044;mp_en_viaje;this is currently kept off the table by hand. 1916085;1559083044;asciilifeform;( observe that it is rather inexpensive, using current-day iron, to bake a phony chain from genesis to... blk# 200k or so ) 1916086;1559083054;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, to block 1mn or so. 1916087;1559083061;mp_en_viaje;i do not need to match difficulty block by block, see. 1916088;1559083064;asciilifeform;possibly, i have not experimentally verified 1916089;1559083068;asciilifeform;and indeed no need to match diff 1916090;1559083088;asciilifeform;can artificially keep it floating at whatever value 1916091;1559083100;mp_en_viaje;so, real chain weighs 1bn and block #2 weighs 1, i make fake chain with block alt-#2 weigh 2 and total chain weigh 10mn, in 1mn blocks. 1916092;1559083113;asciilifeform;any # that'll fit on yer disk, really 1916093;1559083121;asciilifeform;there's no monotonic component in the diff eqn. 1916094;1559083129;mp_en_viaje;my chain, being both a) longer and b) having a "better" early block, is therefore the "longer chain" in bitcoin sense. 1916095;1559083132;asciilifeform;aha! 1916096;1559083148;asciilifeform;therefore there's an intrinsic wot component in noad bringup 1916097;1559083149;mp_en_viaje;now, this "wouldn't work" because reasons to do with handwave. 1916098;1559083154;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, exactly. 1916099;1559083177;mp_en_viaje;but this is also orig author braindamage. "longer chain" has NO NOTION of "proposed chain sigm-adiff" 1916100;1559083183;asciilifeform;hence why asciilifeform wrote a 'cement' mechanism, where you can explicitly feed in a signed list of hashes to newborn noad 1916101;1559083213;mp_en_viaje;what should have been written, and from out the gate, would've been function to sum all diffs, and declare longer chain == highest hash. 1916102;1559083218;asciilifeform;but iirc i never published this ( not that it's hard to make ) , cuz wasn't burning ( and still unsure whether this was the right approach as such ) 1916103;1559083224;mp_en_viaje;rather than this sad sum of parts. 1916104;1559083254;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: theoretically even nao 'longest chain is the 1 with highest hash' . problem is that this takes arbitrary space to evaluate. 1916105;1559083255;mp_en_viaje;so, in short : to find lulz in bitcoin one needn't indeed look far. 1916106;1559083267;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, what do you mean / 1916107;1559083352;asciilifeform;nm, wrong 1916108;1559083373;asciilifeform;[http://btc.yt/lxr/satoshi/source/src/main.cpp?v=makefiles#1028][ mp_en_viaje's formulation is correct ] 1916109;1559083385;mp_en_viaje;right. 1916110;1559083470;mp_en_viaje;there's a romanian derrogatory negative that exactly sums this problem : "din parti" ie, "no fucking way" (literally, "made of parts"). thisis what satoshi made, the "longest chain" of "highest early block and largest total block count". this does not actually sum to "best chain" 1916111;1559083478;asciilifeform;it's funny, erry yr or so asciilifeform goes 'bbbut i distinctly recall, protocol went like x' ...then dig in the sores again and 'mno, instead did the retarded thing' 1916112;1559083493;asciilifeform;from the 1000000-byte block thing, to this 1916113;1559083496;mp_en_viaje;i recall at least a half dozen of these "nope, nm, mp was right" 1916114;1559083512;asciilifeform;there was at least 1 where we both went 'bbbut x' 1916115;1559083513;*;mp_en_viaje is sad to be right each time 1916116;1559083518;mp_en_viaje;aha! 1916117;1559083587;mp_en_viaje;but the good news is that fixing this is free. simply write the protocol correclty, and let whoever smartass make "bitcoin cash the real bitcoin 1916118;1559083589;mp_en_viaje;by diverging at some point. 1916119;1559083602;mp_en_viaje;since we're discussing "trb should 1916120;1559083606;asciilifeform;nao that i think about it, iirc we indeed had thread where calculated that with 10 or so % of total hash horse , could frag the net ~by orphanage size~ ( us, 0, heathens, a range of x's ) 1916121;1559083613;mp_en_viaje;" and dbs -- trb ALSO should keep track and sum the hash weights. 1916122;1559083636;asciilifeform;by constructing a set of successively-longer reorgable chains that take X 'on credit to allcomer' buffers to actually evaluate 1916123;1559083643;mp_en_viaje;myeah. 1916124;1559083905;asciilifeform;to round out this thrd : asciilifeform suspects that some unknown but nonzero % of 'perma-wedged noad' cases, are accounted for by adhoc attempts to carry out this experiment 1916125;1559083986;asciilifeform;( it'd be easier to say something concrete on this subj if ye olde shitoshi had actually included a reasonable set of debug knobs. but, unsurprisingly, did not, and made it quite difficult to retrofit, also ) 1916126;1559084033;asciilifeform;theoretically if you built with 'dumpblock', can debug this scenario by hand. 1916127;1559084054;*;mp_en_viaje shall bbl 1916128;1559084055;asciilifeform;( to date -- no reports of a live specimen of constructed wedge chain, afaik ) 1916129;1559084058;asciilifeform;laters. 1916130;1559084061;*;asciilifeform also bbl:meat 1916131;1559084344;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2019/05/balkan-tensions-rise-with-serbian-military-on-alert-after-kosovo-police-persecute-ethnic-serbs/ << Qntra -- Balkan Tensions Rise With Serbian Military On Alert After Kosovo Police Persecute Ethnic Serbs 1916132;1559119115;spyked;good morning, #t! following up on the http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-22#1915244 thread: I've started reviewing hunchentoot, the first step would be to figure out which code base to use as a starting point from the genesis. 1916133;1559119115;a111;Logged on 2019-05-22 21:36 lobbes: http://www.thetarpit.org/posts/y05/090-tmsr-work-ii.html#selection-197.31-205.258 << I wager there's a good chance you'll publish a genesis of tbnl/hunchentoot before I eat through mod_lisp, but I agree: as pieces emerge, we can sync up, regrind as needed, etc. 1916134;1559119126;spyked;*for the genesis 1916135;1559119267;spyked;so far I've been looking at [http://archive.is/g9XI6][the project changelog] and the [http://archive.is/RwDjK][patch history] and the patches seem like a mixed bunch, with (perhaps) some useful things and breakage a la sslism. so before going further, I'd like to get some idea of what version of hunchentoot the lordship and the L2 are using 1916136;1559119352;spyked;in particular, I saw trinque, phf and ben_vulpes have been using it in the past, so I'd appreciate any input you have on the matter 1916137;1559119629;spyked;and I guess I'd prefer starting from code already battle-tested by L1 (in the form of a tarball + ksum?) rather than shithub, and turning _that_ into a genesis. although I suspect I'll have to dig deeper into the heathenpits of git commits anyway. 1916138;1559119893;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-22#1915245 <-- in other c coad, /me spent his last 2-3 weeks looking at the tcp stack implementation in linus' kernel. it is truly a fungus, macguyvered with duct tape and rubber bands, such that changing one line almost anywhere breaks shit all over the place. 1916139;1559119893;a111;Logged on 2019-05-22 21:36 lobbes: As it stands I have two full pages of hand-written notes with various c and apache-stack likbez, and that was just so I could understand up to line 152 of https://github.com/mbattyani/mod_lisp/blob/master/mod_lisp2.c (only 900 or so lines left to eat). I most likely will publish these notes as a blog post once all is said and done 1916140;1559120083;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-22#1915226 <-- indeedly so. 1916141;1559120083;a111;Logged on 2019-05-22 19:44 mp_en_viaje: spyked, some very sad http://trilema.com/2017/the-world-has-changed/ shit right there. 1916142;1559120400;diana_coman;by now I suspect most code out there is the fungus sort as that's how things "naturally grow" 1916143;1559120794;spyked;the weird part is that the linux tcp stack ~works~ for the most part. I imagine the maintainer of that particular subsystem must be a neckbeard with 20+y experience in tcp (because sure, it's not only the implementation, the protocol itself is a mountain of complexity) 1916144;1559121174;spyked;and then looking at e.g. https://elixir.bootlin.com/linux/v3.10/source/Documentation/CodingStyle , one can readily notice that half or maybe more of the tcp code doesn't meet that minimum set of criteria. and yet... it's there. so, I guess re. http://btcbase.org/log/2019-03-15#1902966 he was prolly dumb from the very beginning 1916145;1559121174;a111;Logged on 2019-03-15 21:44 mircea_popescu: made slightly mroe interesting by it having been written before rather than after linus went dumb. 1916146;1559121726;*;spyked bbl, cotton-bit-pickin 1916147;1559139074;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-29#1916143 << [for some values of 'works'][https://archive.is/BPeGN] , lol. 1916148;1559139074;a111;Logged on 2019-05-29 09:06 spyked: the weird part is that the linux tcp stack ~works~ for the most part. I imagine the maintainer of that particular subsystem must be a neckbeard with 20+y experience in tcp (because sure, it's not only the implementation, the protocol itself is a mountain of complexity) 1916149;1559139112;asciilifeform;the usual megatonne-of-c-liquishit style of 'works'. 1916150;1559141605;spyked;asciilifeform, sure. it's surprising that it works "for some values" even, imho. to illustrate: http://archive.is/9Ssvh#selection-71637.0-71641.16 <-- saucerful of barf 1916151;1559142835;asciilifeform;spyked: not only is the implementation what it is, but tcp per se is massive pile o'shit, where it aint even possible to implement it w/out 9000 tonnes of state machine gnarl 1916152;1559142899;asciilifeform;i vaguely suspect that it may have been the original usg-'standards committee'-powered explicitly-organized nobus generator 1916153;1559143112;asciilifeform;the protocol is 'fractally retarded' -- i.e. broken on absolutely erry possible level. starting from where it takes exactly 1 trivially forged packet to close someone's connection, to where 'allcomers' get a substantial chunk of memory allocated , and make ddos trivial , to where it forces 9000x moar complicated design of routing gear, to... could continue but why. 1916154;1559143229;asciilifeform;see e.g. [http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-26#1529662][old thrd re subj] . 1916155;1559143229;a111;Logged on 2016-08-26 13:34 asciilifeform: tcp is evil, fundamentally because it violates the 'NEVER something-for-nothing-to-all-comers-FUCKOFFRANDOS' principle. 1916156;1559143401;asciilifeform;... and [http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-14#1626846][here] ; and elsewhere. 1916157;1559143401;a111;Logged on 2017-03-14 14:31 asciilifeform: Framedragger: the problem with tcp isn't simply that enemy can insert an RST packet and make you blame your peer. (and whitelists do 0 against this.) but that it is very expensive , computationally, long before you have any idea who you're talking to. 1916158;1559143626;asciilifeform;tcp shows erry possible sign of having been designed, from the start, to extend the ease of snoopage from traditional circuit-switched telco grid, to the packet world. consider e.g. the 'helpfully' plaintext sequence numbers. 1916159;1559143700;asciilifeform;or how routers on erry hop of a connection are forced to maintain a 'circuit' state in memory, as if they were telco switches 1916160;1559144232;BingoBoingo;And routers on network borders need the entire BGP table in RAM 1916161;1559147062;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in alert readers, http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2118&cpage=1#comment-19800 1916162;1559147638;BingoBoingo;In other news, the Cafetera died. An autopsy will be performed. 1916163;1559147654;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: wassat 1916164;1559147663;BingoBoingo;The coffee maker 1916165;1559147666;asciilifeform;a 1916166;1559147672;BingoBoingo;Replacement has been secured 1916167;1559147707;BingoBoingo;However I am curious how the cheapest model on the local market failed. 1916168;1559147734;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: get a https://archive.is/UQmLg . cheap, and you'll never want 'machine coffee' after tasted from it. 1916169;1559147737;BingoBoingo;And failed at month 11 of the 1 year guarantee 1916170;1559147743;asciilifeform;+ ~indestructible. 1916171;1559147790;BingoBoingo;I need coffee in volume. ~10 cups minimum 1916172;1559147817;asciilifeform;thing makes up in concentration what it loses in volume. 1916173;1559147825;asciilifeform;can even pack 1:1 volumetric like the turks themselves do. 1916174;1559147919;BingoBoingo;Sure, but that involves breaking a bunch of rather ingrained habits. 1916175;1559154936;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2019/05/huawei-document-deliveries-from-japan-via-fedex-routed-through-us-ieee-professional-association-cuts-ties-with-huawei-affiliated-persons-and-more/ << Qntra -- Huawei Document Deliveries From Japan Via Fedex Routed Through US, IEEE "Professional" Association Cuts Ties With Huawei Affiliated Persons, And More 1916176;1559156241;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: s/owing/owning 1916177;1559156264;BingoBoingo;ty, fxd 1916178;1559159386;BingoBoingo;In other news, the flooding back home is approaching 1993 levels 1916179;1559171505;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2019/05/protonmail-caught-cooperating-with-law-enforcement/ << Qntra -- ProtonMail Caught Cooperating With "Law Enforcement" 1916180;1559172656;mp_en_viaje;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-29#1916138 << this incidentally is as fine a measure of code quality as could ever be hoped for : DLC, "disentangled lines count", the number of lines which can be changed. 1916181;1559172656;a111;Logged on 2019-05-29 08:51 spyked: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-22#1915245 <-- in other c coad, /me spent his last 2-3 weeks looking at the tcp stack implementation in linus' kernel. it is truly a fungus, macguyvered with duct tape and rubber bands, such that changing one line almost anywhere breaks shit all over the place. 1916182;1559172668;mp_en_viaje;perhaps to be given as a ratio with loc, as 78/160k. 1916183;1559172683;mp_en_viaje;meaning in a 160k lines of code, 78 can actually be edited. 1916184;1559172852;mp_en_viaje;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-29#1916147 << you're doing the anchors backwards. 1916185;1559172852;a111;Logged on 2019-05-29 14:11 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-29#1916143 << [for some values of 'works'][https://archive.is/BPeGN] , lol. 1916186;1559172993;mp_en_viaje;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-29#1916158 << certainly persuasive. 1916187;1559172993;a111;Logged on 2019-05-29 15:27 asciilifeform: tcp shows erry possible sign of having been designed, from the start, to extend the ease of snoopage from traditional circuit-switched telco grid, to the packet world. consider e.g. the 'helpfully' plaintext sequence numbers. 1916188;1559173527;mp_en_viaje;being a common "private" email service recommended outside the republic > being a "private" email service commonly recommended outside the republic ? 1916189;1559173575;mp_en_viaje;weasiling > weaseling 1916190;1559173736;BingoBoingo;ty, fxd 1916191;1559174052;BingoBoingo;In wankers "nuclear capacity operating in advanced economies would decline by two-thirds by 2040, from about 280GW in 2018 down to just over 90GW in 2040" << If the capacity is declining, they aren't "advanced economies" unless "advanced" means Africanizing 1916192;1559174526;mp_en_viaje;get the fuck out of here. there will be 10 TW nuclear operational by 2040. 1916193;1559174561;asciilifeform;noshit. but in ru/cn, so 'doesn't exist' from reich muppet pov. 1916194;1559174588;mp_en_viaje;heh. 1916195;1559174599;BingoBoingo;mp_en_viaje: AHA, the catch is IEA doesn't count Russia, China, or India as "advanced economies" 1916196;1559174626;mp_en_viaje;they're also not counting my dick going down their throat. 1916197;1559174665;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-29#1916184 << noticed almost immediately, lol, but ty 1916198;1559174665;a111;Logged on 2019-05-29 23:34 mp_en_viaje: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-29#1916147 << you're doing the anchors backwards. 1916199;1559174670;mp_en_viaje;whatever, next best use for tennessee is the "accidental" re-routing of spent nuclear fuel packages. 1916200;1559174687;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, it's not the first time! 1916201;1559174697;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-29#1916180 << direct or inverse proportion ? in e.g. ffa, the # of 'can be changed an' still work' is ~0 1916202;1559174697;a111;Logged on 2019-05-29 23:30 mp_en_viaje: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-29#1916138 << this incidentally is as fine a measure of code quality as could ever be hoped for : DLC, "disentangled lines count", the number of lines which can be changed. 1916203;1559174743;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, it will ~compile~ tho 1916204;1559174759;asciilifeform;often enuff, won't. sorta half the appeal of ada 1916205;1559174780;asciilifeform;broken proggy , more times than not , gets caught in compiler 1916206;1559174811;mp_en_viaje;how shall i formalize the idea here... 1916207;1559174889;mp_en_viaje;you familiar with this phenomenon when, when a change is required, good program needs 1 line touched and github program needs EVERY line touched ? 1916208;1559174905;asciilifeform;dijkstra's 'spaghetti' 1916209;1559174919;mp_en_viaje;right. that's what i mean re dlc 1916210;1559174956;asciilifeform;then sure. d called it 'structured programming' (i.e. the craft of ~not~ writing a proggy like this) 1916211;1559175023;mp_en_viaje;not sure how to formalize it, because obviously, "change" in general connotes hilary & her merry dnc 1916212;1559175034;*;asciilifeform suspects that dijkstra would've enjoyed 'peh', where there aint even such a thing as a jump 1916213;1559175130;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-29#1916188 << i find it riotously lulzy that anyone still can be found to fall for the 'seekrit email' flavour of scamola. srsly, wtf 1916214;1559175130;a111;Logged on 2019-05-29 23:45 mp_en_viaje: being a common "private" email service recommended outside the republic > being a "private" email service commonly recommended outside the republic ? 1916215;1559175176;asciilifeform;how the fuck do they get marketed..? 'OUR promisejuice is 9000x moar truthy than $rival's' ?! 1916216;1559175183;mp_en_viaje;experimentally, plentyone can still be found to fall for the "just the tip" flavour. 1916217;1559175191;mp_en_viaje;evercunt's everbusy. 1916218;1559175214;asciilifeform;still beggars belief. these imho are almost literally 'selling brooklyn bridge'. 1916219;1559175302;asciilifeform;standing next to the 'seekrit email' people, e.g. the 'herbal viagra' pushers look honest. (at least viagra actually exists) 1916220;1559175354;asciilifeform;and cock exists, and could, in principle, stand. whereas 'private email service' is a dry water, a square circle. 1916221;1559175378;BingoBoingo;Well, here's hwo herbal viagra works. They get some dry herbal and spray with with viagra then put in capsules. Sell as "herbal viagra" far more honest than the seekrit scamola 1916222;1559175393;asciilifeform;for instance. 1916223;1559176791;BingoBoingo;Still, the Herbal and the viagra are there. The seekrit email doesn't have seekrit, and the email part is doubtful 1916224;1559179010;feedbot;http://trilema.com/2019/the-clouds-that-threaten-domestic-bliss/ << Trilema -- The Clouds That Threaten Domestic Bliss 1916225;1559223027;ave1;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-01#1910413, not dead, to get up to speed I let my new job take over my life 1916226;1559223027;a111;Logged on 2019-05-01 08:10 mp_en_viaje: ave1, you dead baby ? what's going on with you ? 1916227;1559223066;ave1;and then the bridge between the insane world and sane trilema became harder and harder to cross 1916228;1559223115;ave1;I'm currently reading May, next April... 1916229;1559223530;mp_en_viaje;a nice t0 hear! 1916230;1559224069;mp_en_viaje;http://btcbase.org/log/2015-05-19#1137548 in other old keks 1916231;1559224069;a111;Logged on 2015-05-19 00:48 justJanne: Every. Single. Time. A governmentally owned institution got sold to a US investor they either closed down 2 days later, became shit, or just expensive. 1916232;1559224098;mp_en_viaje;imagine, if say the usg were sold on the market. do you think it'd either be closed in two days, or just discontinued for being shit ? 1916233;1559224103;mp_en_viaje;clearly, this'd be the fault of the investors. 1916234;1559224138;mp_en_viaje;imagine if someone collected all the us-ranged dependopopotami, all those suburban fat wives looking for someone to validate their concerns, and sold them off. 1916235;1559224159;mp_en_viaje;closed two days later i wonder ? probably... ALSO the investor's fault ? it's not like "everything the government makes IS shit", not at all ? 1916236;1559225797;asciilifeform;wb ave1 ! 1916237;1559228131;mp_en_viaje;in other usg lulz : back in 2010 there was romanian gavin : https://kingofromania.com/2011/12/31/the-foot-of-the-ladder/ 1916238;1559228161;mp_en_viaje;dood moved to romania, made a lot of noise about himself (iirc even married some local). meanwhile moved on to transnistria ("moldavia" thing). 1916239;1559228166;mp_en_viaje;making a lot of noise about... that. 1916240;1559228837;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2019/05/50000-microsoft-sql-servers-captured-and-sent-to-altcoin-mines/ << Qntra -- 50,000 Microsoft SQL Servers Captured And Sent To Altcoin Mines 1916241;1559228879;BingoBoingo;^ In still other USG lulz 1916242;1559228883;ave1;ty asciilifeform 1916243;1559229061;asciilifeform;!#s kingofromania.com 1916244;1559229062;a111;9 results for "kingofromania.com", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=kingofromania.com 1916245;1559229073;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje ^ see also old lulz re subj. 1916246;1559229105;asciilifeform;also waithefuq would anyone move to transnistria. why not to proper ru. 1916247;1559229159;mp_en_viaje;cuz that's where the job sends, yes ? 1916248;1559229167;asciilifeform;wait he had job?! 1916249;1559229179;mp_en_viaje;apparently he's been working for usg.blue this whole time. 1916250;1559229185;asciilifeform;lol!! 1916251;1559229188;asciilifeform;'diplomat' ? 1916252;1559229195;mp_en_viaje;"deep undercover" hurr durr. 1916253;1559229210;mp_en_viaje;~schmuck, but you know how it is, these have the easiest time 1916254;1559229268;asciilifeform;afaik traditionally marrying aboriginals is verboten for these 1916255;1559229291;mp_en_viaje;i think by now they use a sort of auxiliaries that are allowed to marry. 1916256;1559229301;mp_en_viaje;"you're still working for the government, you just don't get a pension" 1916257;1559229318;asciilifeform;so moar informant/stooge than 'spy' then 1916258;1559229336;mp_en_viaje;moar like schmuck. vagabond. bum. how do you call these ? student ? 1916259;1559229346;asciilifeform;lumpen? 1916260;1559229356;mp_en_viaje;alright. 1916261;1559229438;BingoBoingo;"Activist" 1916262;1559229442;asciilifeform;re moldavia : asciilifeform has a hilarious ro textboot, from sovok-era moldavia. exactly , near as i can tell, ordinary ro, but cyrillicized 1916263;1559229463;asciilifeform;( and with modern-day ru-style cyrillic, rather than the slavonic pre-1860 thing seen in ro museums ) 1916264;1559229529;mp_en_viaje;i thought it's a little weird, /me throws [http://trilema.com/2011/un-defect-romanesc/#selection-31.207-47.37][a small bone], dog studiously pretends to not notice while tryna get all sorta typically needful "projects" off ground, like writing books and makign tv pilots. 1916265;1559229549;mp_en_viaje;but patience solves all, apparently. now it snaps into sense shape 1916266;1559229600;asciilifeform;how found that he's a blue muppet ? ( caught and connected to 220v and confessed? ) or indirect ? 1916267;1559229786;*;asciilifeform brb:meat 1916268;1559229858;BingoBoingo;And in local cultural weird, the pichis are more likely to tell the government surveyors they smoke "pasta base" (cocaine refining waste product) than marijuana https://www.elobservador.com.uy/nota/personas-que-viven-en-la-calle-aumentaron-a-2-038-segun-datos-del-mides-2019530111026 1916269;1559233531;mp_en_viaje;asciilifeform, well, meanwhile since i'm here put a little more weight into the network and so on. 1916270;1559233546;*;mp_en_viaje has been working on this god damned article ALL FUCKING DAY 1916271;1559237385;asciilifeform;https://kingofromania.files.wordpress.com/2018/04/cyrillicromanian.jpg << in upstack lulz. 1916272;1559237503;asciilifeform;mp_en_viaje: apparently d00d was kicked out of ro ? 1916273;1559237517;asciilifeform;( sounds like quite a feat ) 1916274;1559237557;mp_en_viaje;indeed. i had sluts live illegally for years, didn't even get fined. 1916275;1559237604;asciilifeform;afaik this worx in ~erry country -- if you never encounter any official busybodies at all, why wouldja get kicked. 1916276;1559237649;mp_en_viaje;nfi. 1916277;1559241937;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-29#1916136 << i'm using hunchentoot-1.2.35 but that's in no way explored, that's whatever i got out of quicklisp on first btcbase deploy 1916278;1559241937;a111;Logged on 2019-05-29 08:42 spyked: in particular, I saw trinque, phf and ben_vulpes have been using it in the past, so I'd appreciate any input you have on the matter 1916279;1559242118;phf;i'm also using http://marijnhaverbeke.nl/talks/defservice/ in front of it, and i added support for hunchentoot, so i rarely write anything that looks like hunchentoot specific code. 1916280;1559242188;phf;i'm not sure that's particularly useful. at the time i was still switching between running btcbase on hunchentoot in prod and on alisp/aserve in development 1916281;1559242901;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-29#1916138 << this is apropos http://btcbase.org/log/2018-08-21#1843481 lukego went on to write snabb switch, which is userspace network appliance construction kit 1916282;1559242901;a111;Logged on 2019-05-29 08:51 spyked: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-22#1915245 <-- in other c coad, /me spent his last 2-3 weeks looking at the tcp stack implementation in linus' kernel. it is truly a fungus, macguyvered with duct tape and rubber bands, such that changing one line almost anywhere breaks shit all over the place. 1916283;1559242901;a111;Logged on 2018-08-21 17:36 phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-08-20#1843300 << little known fact: slime's architecture was originally implemented in a similar project for erlang called distel, by the same author luke gorrie. lukego also wrote an emacs clone in erlang and tcp/ip stack in cmucl. 1916284;1559243042;phf;they use some subset of intel cards that let you push/pull own raw packets from userspace, essentially bypassing linux tcpip implementation. that is a direction to consider.. 1916285;1559243138;mircea_popescu;conceivably. 1916286;1559243189;mircea_popescu;trinque, http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/VJiWz/?raw=true 1916287;1559243305;feedbot;http://trilema.com/2019/din-togo-din-togo-da-de-a-cui/ << Trilema -- Din Togo, din Togo... da' de-a cui ? 1916288;1559243557;asciilifeform;phf: not clear for what one even needs linux if you got a lisptronic ip stack 1916289;1559243586;asciilifeform;( comparatively easy to bake fs, scheduler, etc , next to this ) 1916290;1559243614;asciilifeform;nic is the 1 inescapable peripheral when baking os; and by far the gnarliest. 1916291;1559243617;mircea_popescu;maybe not fs. but it takes a bite. 1916292;1559243916;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/4yVZ5/?raw=true 1916293;1559243918;phf;asciilifeform: right, snabb doesn't have some of our restrictions, i.e. they accept all kinds of modern gnarl in exchange for the ability to send raw packets. i'm not sure their approach even works on old cards 1916294;1559244009;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: got it, worx. plox to deedbot-invoice asciilifeform (i'ma have to refill the piggy before i can fill it tho). 1916295;1559244067;mircea_popescu;no rush. 1916296;1559244091;asciilifeform;ty for the work, mircea_popescu 1916297;1559244133;mircea_popescu;im thinking of catching up with all the invoicing this weekend. 1916298;1559244228;*;asciilifeform also catching up , with the bloody ch18, the php crapola ate up moar sweat than -- i think -- any prev. ch, possibly aside from barrett 1916299;1559244320;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: a++ phototour btw 1916300;1559244329;mircea_popescu;yee! 1916301;1559244443;mircea_popescu;speaking of which, i'm about to transfer ~15 gb worth of pics through http://btcbase.org/log/2019-02-03#1892065 mechanism, and it occurs to me... hey ben_vulpes would this be criminal misuse of the system ? 1916302;1559244443;a111;Logged on 2019-02-03 17:27 mircea_popescu: in other news, mp's own bash grenadiers regiment suggests an ad interim solution for http://btcbase.org/log/2019-02-02#1891951 in the shape of ls | grep ^x..$' | while read line; do curl -Ls -o /dev/null -w %{url_effective} -X POST -F "pastebox=@$line" http://p.bvulpes.com -w %{url_effective}; done 1916303;1559244819;asciilifeform;phf: i once [http://btcbase.org/log/2018-09-04#1847562][sank good bit of time] into attempt to bring up the ubiquitous 'crab nic' (realtek gb) from asm. broke teeth, it needs a working interrupt stack to run (i.e. 'spittoon in 1 strand', need entire os) . since then, found the 'seekrit' datashit, theoretically could do it, but not had time. 1916304;1559244819;a111;Logged on 2018-09-04 16:15 asciilifeform: and recall, at one time asciilifeform burned 6mo+ to try and bring up realtek GB nic from 'raw iron', in the end did not even succeed in this 1916305;1559244859;asciilifeform;( and yes needs interrupt handler to ~send~, as well as receive, a frame, go figure. ) 1916306;1559244923;asciilifeform;in principle a useful os could consist simply of a lisp runtime and nic diddler (dun strictly need fs etc; could store bits on a nfs or the like) 1916307;1559245052;*;asciilifeform brb:teatime 1916308;1559257794;BingoBoingo;lol http://trilema.com/2019/din-togo-din-togo-da-de-a-cui/#selection-966.1-971.71 1916309;1559261471;BingoBoingo;In outsiders neglecting the local situation: https://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias/2012/10/121024_uruguay_arroz_am 1916310;1559261490;BingoBoingo;Local news on arroz: http://www.iciforestal.com.uy/uruguay/17164-la-primavera-se-demora-para-el-agro-uruguayo "El sector del arroz está calentando los motores para iniciar la siembra para el ejercicio 2018/19 con una perspectiva claramente adversa. Hace una semana la industria arrocera Samman cerró dos plantas en la ciudad de Río Branco (Cerro Largo). En tanto, espera que el cereal ocupe en su próxima zafra –que comenza 1916311;1559261490;BingoBoingo;rá en aproximadamente dos semanas– la menor superficie de los últimos 25 años, con una caída del 30% en la intención de siembra (a unas 135 mil hectáreas). Pese a que Uruguay es uno de los líderes en productividad a nivel mundial, los crecientes costos del cultivo encadenan ya cinco campañas consecutivas con números rojos." 1916312;1559261789;BingoBoingo;Anglophages: Everybody must grow rice in the superior Uruguayo style to feed the Africa! 1916313;1559261821;BingoBoingo;Uruguayos: We gotta plant less acres of rice than ever because breaking even on grain is hard! 1916314;1559265267;trinque;mircea_popescu: ack! 1916315;1559266600;BingoBoingo;In the contemporary problem: https://www.elobservador.com.uy/nota/asi-quedo-la-planta-de-friopan-tras-la-ocupacion-del-sindicato-201953020513 1916316;1559266690;BingoBoingo;77 want to work, can't because 38 want not to strike but occupy the workplace and fuck it all to hell 1916317;1559269501;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: do they not have pinkertons there ? or not enuff maxim gun? or which. 1916318;1559270679;asciilifeform;!!up AbuseOfNotation 1916319;1559270680;deedbot;AbuseOfNotation voiced for 30 minutes. 1916320;1559270685;asciilifeform;AbuseOfNotation: who might you be ? 1916321;1559271599;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: PIT-CNT is more or less a parallel local government 1916322;1559271611;BingoBoingo;Also lack of maxim gun 1916323;1559272120;feedbot;http://www.loper-os.org/?p=3378 << Loper OS -- Sometimes, at night, I dream about the boat. 1916324;1559288559;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-31#1916316 << "sindicalism" / "community organizing" in a word. 1916325;1559288559;a111;Logged on 2019-05-31 01:38 BingoBoingo: 77 want to work, can't because 38 want not to strike but occupy the workplace and fuck it all to hell 1916326;1559288583;mircea_popescu;">100 chicks on campus want to suck dick on their knees, can't because 30 nobody would even spit on cockblock all they see" 1916327;1559288585;mircea_popescu;and so on. 1916328;1559290606;mircea_popescu;in other news of little consequence, i added 4 more headers and deleted like a dozen or so (older, shittier ones), leaving the grand total at 57. 1916329;1559290643;mircea_popescu;i didn't delete them off the site, just took 'em out of rotation is all. 1916330;1559291200;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, a yeah, the silence of the classic nuke sub. usgistani agitpropo makers never get this right, from capra's submarine all the way to star trek there's always endless pointless chatter, and bridge bunnies. no such thing in reality. 1916331;1559291229;mircea_popescu;nobody speaks on the boat ; and if someone does, it's because someone else made a mistake. but real men don' tmake mistakes, and boys aren't welcome on the boat. 1916332;1559303956;diana_coman;asciilifeform: fwiw I enjoy your non-programming output 1916333;1559309773;asciilifeform;diana_coman: ty, happy to hear that you found it interesting 1916334;1559309877;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: classic sovok boat was different from the american one in at least 1 fundamental -- there would be ~twodozen 18yo conscripts on board, plus roughly 2x that number of professionals 1916335;1559309944;asciilifeform;some of the former would go on to become the latter, most did not. a conscript sailed for 3y. 1916336;1559310263;asciilifeform;nao the conscripts came, as people do, in degrees of stupid. and instead of idle chat they would sometimes do things like rewiring the 'did you check compartment x in 17 places' buttons to those of adjacent compartment, so that the 'yes checked' lamp would light and they could instead sleep. then would be caught, and disciplined the old-fashioned way, with beating. 1916337;1559310396;asciilifeform;the 'pros' sometimes also made mistake. most of these mistakes are at the bottom of the sea still. 1916338;1559310538;asciilifeform;in 1 particular documented case, where boat was raised 7yrs later, they found that an old salt turned valve in wrong direction. fella served on a diff design for a decade, where dir was opposite. he put such strength into 'closing' valve that the handle was bent. rest of crew breathed for 2wks, aside from one who hung self in bed and another who shorted battery with both hands. 1916339;1559310557;asciilifeform;arguably mistake was of ~designer~. 1916340;1559310591;asciilifeform;lotsa material like this in the lit, for aficionados. 1916341;1559311571;asciilifeform;in 1 recent case, in iirc '07, a diesel boat was sold to india and sailed to purchaser, crewed by ~builders and designers~ (is called 'factory crew'). and there was small fire, during which they ended up pumping halon into wrong compartment. 1916342;1559311700;asciilifeform;( iirc wasn't even thought newsworthy outside of ru. diesels 'not sexy', and besides, didn't sink, merely unloaded half the crew as corpses ) 1916343;1559311813;asciilifeform;asciilifeform doesn't work in the sea. but finds these interesting, because they illustrate engineering fundamentals. 1916344;1559312062;asciilifeform;esp. re trade-offs. e.g., for many decades , air is given 19 % oxygen instead of the typical sea level 21 . reduced fire but at expense of making the men very slightly stupider. 1916345;1559312073;asciilifeform;afaik same in american navy. 1916346;1559312253;asciilifeform;( this, only on nuke boat, naturally, where electrolyser can be had; on diesels air is taken only from atmosphere, when at snorkel depth ) 1916347;1559312551;*;asciilifeform brb:teatime. 1916348;1559317157;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-31#1916332 << word. 1916349;1559317157;a111;Logged on 2019-05-31 11:59 diana_coman: asciilifeform: fwiw I enjoy your non-programming output 1916350;1559317767;asciilifeform;there is an interesting tradition in ru navy. they open a kingston and fill a lamp cover with sea water; the boat dives, and the green recruits are given to drink, and told : 'this salt water will be the last thing you taste if you fuck up' . 1916351;1559317895;*;asciilifeform does not know whether the amerinavy has an equiv., the sources are sparse. 1916352;1559318275;asciilifeform;they also have a thing where the captain can point to anyone, 'you!' , and then point to any piece of gear, from reactor to toilet, and demand an account of what are all of the parts, and how it works, in detail. and the pointed man must pass the exam. if fails, has no moar 'r&r' time , must study, until passes. 1916353;1559318301;asciilifeform;imho this is a mighty fine practice and oughta be adopted elsewhere. 1916354;1559318582;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2019/05/california-public-utilities-commission-approves-measure-allowing-utilities-to-initiate-mass-fire-prevention-blackouts/ << Qntra -- California Public Utilities Commission Approves Measure Allowing Utilities To Initiate Mass "Fire Prevention" Blackouts 1916355;1559318674;BingoBoingo;^ For the growing Mud Hut industry files 1916356;1559318729;asciilifeform;aaah the lolzpeople of lolifornia, land of 10k/mo 1room flats, double-digit sales tax, rolling blackouts... 1916357;1559318824;asciilifeform;i half suspect that it exists simply to make east usa look livable in contrast. 1916358;1559318959;asciilifeform;ftr asciilifeform hasn't been there even as tourist. so many moar interesting places to tour, e.g. north kr... 1916359;1559319241;mircea_popescu;sounds just about right, in any case. 1916360;1559319376;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-31#1916352 << precisely how my harem works, at that. 1916361;1559319376;a111;Logged on 2019-05-31 15:57 asciilifeform: they also have a thing where the captain can point to anyone, 'you!' , and then point to any piece of gear, from reactor to toilet, and demand an account of what are all of the parts, and how it works, in detail. and the pointed man must pass the exam. if fails, has no moar 'r&r' time , must study, until passes. 1916362;1559319387;*;asciilifeform unsurprised 1916363;1559320443;mircea_popescu;in other wowz : http://trilema.com/2015/open-callgraph-for-therealbitcoin-in-svg-format/#comment-114712 << comment automatically (and incorrectly i suspect ?) marked as spam back then 1916364;1559320497;asciilifeform;sadly linked item dead 1916365;1559320612;mircea_popescu;wut can you do ;/ 1916366;1559320616;mircea_popescu;other than, of course, not using protonmail. 1916367;1559320644;asciilifeform;lol! he did?! 1916368;1559320661;mircea_popescu;myeah. 1916369;1559320676;mircea_popescu;stupid name, spammer ip, ~suicide. 1916370;1559320698;asciilifeform;i thought mpwp spamola trap was 100% based on the clever boobytrap described in earlier thrd, no magic banlists 1916371;1559320717;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: If using ip of earlier spammer... 1916372;1559320770;asciilifeform;i confess that i like my method moar. no blacklists, no whitelists, no timers, nuffin. 1916373;1559320808;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, indeed not. think about how this works : a) the comment includes a link not-to-trilema. so it's potentially a spammer ; then b) uses an "vps" ip, which has a very high likeliness of being previously used to a spammer, and marked as such in trilema's own antispam. 1916374;1559320822;asciilifeform;makes sense 1916375;1559320843;mircea_popescu;consider shinohai's [http://trilema.com/2019/the-clouds-that-threaten-domestic-bliss/#comment-129277][latest] : protonmail & ubersmart ip : https://cleantalk.org/blacklists/ 1916376;1559320868;mircea_popescu;0% chances for this to pass if i don't actually fish it out of the spam list by hand. and for obvious fucking reasons : people who use protonmail are retarded. 1916377;1559320913;mircea_popescu;and yeah, sure, he wasn't using that back in february. but just because he wasn't doesn't fucking mean nobody was, amirite. cheapo "safe email" + cheapo "anonimity tools" == internet failure. 1916378;1559320998;mircea_popescu;and i'm not about to change it so these go to mod list. let people pull head out of arse already, understand that http://trilema.com/2013/anonimity-not-for-the-poor/ inter alia. 1916379;1559321041;mircea_popescu;what's the idea anyway, that i'm going to scour earth to find some net dork that sad the unkind about my slaves ? cuz what, i give a fuck ? and what, if i give a fuck it'll be protonmail and 10bux/year vps that's gonna prevent me ? 1916380;1559321069;asciilifeform;ip-banlist filtration imho sucks tho. puts burden on site operator, for no good reason. whereas if erry www keeper made commenters solve even ultra-simple 'reading comprehension' puzzler prior to comment entering queue, ~for so long as said puzzler aint standardized, a la idjit 'captcha'~ -- then spam, at least of the mass-scalable variety, evaporates. 1916381;1559321132;mircea_popescu;this theory is how you have 0 comments from me on loper-os, over half a decade. 1916382;1559321154;asciilifeform;i threw out the googlistic captcha thing only this yr. 1916383;1559321168;asciilifeform;prior to that iirc it was broken entirely for quite long time. 1916384;1559321185;mircea_popescu;that it was. but im still not taking tests to leave a comment. 1916385;1559321214;asciilifeform;if mircea_popescu can't be arsed to xor 2 smallints, then comment surely was not pressing matter. 1916386;1559321225;mircea_popescu;this is also true. 1916387;1559321240;asciilifeform;i have 0 objection to 'this aint pressing enuff to comment' 1916388;1559321289;asciilifeform;since i put in the new booby, had two dozen or so comments from half that many people, who did find pressing, and 0 spam of any description.. 1916389;1559321365;mircea_popescu;i agree that's an improvement over the broken commentbox from before. 1916390;1559321387;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: ftr asciilifeform's approach is not original , it is lifted from ru world, where used quite successfully in number of places. 1916391;1559321401;asciilifeform;tho there people go imho to extremes, asking people to solve triple integrals etc. 1916392;1559321414;mircea_popescu;was used on bitbet, though there less effort than xoring 1916393;1559321424;asciilifeform;iirc it has '2+2' or similar 1916394;1559321433;mircea_popescu;3 + VI i thought 1916395;1559321434;asciilifeform;and afaik also worked ~100%, tho i do not know specifically 1916396;1559321436;asciilifeform;ah 1916397;1559321444;mircea_popescu;and yes, very low failure rate. 1916398;1559321531;asciilifeform;to round out thread : interestingly, prior to adding the 'fg baud' q , i did see several spams. 1916399;1559321549;asciilifeform;evidently people wrote elementary 'ai' to do arithmetics. 1916400;1559321811;diana_coman;asciilifeform: the way I see it re your approach is that it effectively takes the "prove you are not a robot" route i.e. assumed default is robot, human only if proven rather than the other way around. 1916401;1559321834;asciilifeform;diana_coman: correct. sadly valid assumption, 99.999....% of load reqs are from simple robots. 1916402;1559321880;asciilifeform;the old 'whack-a-mole' approach of filtration maybe was workable in '90s, but today 'fresh' ips cost, what, half a penny ea. 1916403;1559321957;mircea_popescu;trilema does ok. 1916404;1559321972;asciilifeform;evidently uses some muscle power tho. 1916405;1559321984;asciilifeform;i dun have, sadly, so much of it to spare. 1916406;1559322042;asciilifeform;fwiw i have also nonzero muscle in the loop, after all still have mod queue, for when inevitable idjit pumps in 10,000 copies of helloworld 1916407;1559322097;mircea_popescu;welll then... 1916408;1559322133;asciilifeform;( asciilifeform put in the ~old~ trap when found that he was spending 40min+ erry day, and ~all of it on nuking clearly autogenned crapola ) 1916409;1559322177;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-31#1916338 << nb story. 1916410;1559322177;a111;Logged on 2019-05-31 13:48 asciilifeform: in 1 particular documented case, where boat was raised 7yrs later, they found that an old salt turned valve in wrong direction. fella served on a diff design for a decade, where dir was opposite. he put such strength into 'closing' valve that the handle was bent. rest of crew breathed for 2wks, aside from one who hung self in bed and another who shorted battery with both hands. 1916411;1559322178;asciilifeform;if i had somehow arrived at mircea_popescu's algo then, prolly would still use it today, it does work wellenuff. 1916412;1559322229;mircea_popescu;honestly, i spent ~5 minutes this week ; 60% of those searching the spam list for "protonmail" after it turned out this last smartypants ended up there directly. which is how i found the 2015 item (contrary to redditard lore, protonmail was never popular, few dozen total) 1916413;1559322341;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: if yer interested, boat was 'С-80' , [https://archive.is/JltVu][sank in '61]. raised and was found that all hands mummified, and was possible to say what each was doing. 1916414;1559322362;mircea_popescu;hard to believe they couldn't fix a handle in 2 weeks 1916415;1559322367;asciilifeform;( i.e. most compartments not flooded ) 1916416;1559322382;asciilifeform;the 1 with the valve, flooded. 1916417;1559322387;mircea_popescu;a yes 1916418;1559322399;asciilifeform;small vessel, diesel. 1916419;1559322412;mircea_popescu;the c80?! 1916420;1559322441;asciilifeform;aha 1916421;1559322450;asciilifeform;iirc mircea_popescu saw with own eyes such a boat, in cr, once 1916422;1559322471;asciilifeform;'type 613'. 1916423;1559322525;mircea_popescu;so the valve compartment was flooded ? 1916424;1559322605;asciilifeform;was the air intake valve , iirc. linked piece has detailed likbez ( there was >1 mistake, vessel could have been saved even after valve , in principle ) 1916425;1559322816;asciilifeform;1 interesting detail, when boat was raised, the brass split into factions, one of which went 'old torpedoes, too dangerous to unload, let's sink it again', arse-covering. but other side prevailed, and sappers volunteered to defuse. then the 'archaeology' took place. 1916426;1559322919;asciilifeform;crew was dissected right in the dried boat, anatomists brought in tables. 1916427;1559323116;asciilifeform;the sailors had done quite a few things, 1st 'standard', then 'nonstandard', e.g. bled air from torpedos to try an' dry out flooded compartments. did not simply sit. 1916428;1559323236;asciilifeform;vertical rudder was found turned 20 degree left. i.e. suggested that vessel had attempted very sharp turn, to avoid obstacle. 1916429;1559323245;asciilifeform;( generally there's exactly 1 type of such obstacle.. ) 1916430;1559324904;asciilifeform;meanwhile, http://trilema.com/2013/anonimity-not-for-the-poor/ is imho pretty interesting reread. 1916431;1559324933;asciilifeform;( iirc this was when mircea_popescu persuaded asciilifeform that oughta make an rng... ) 1916432;1559329268;feedbot;http://bingology.net/2019/05/31/peso-watch-may-2019/ << Bingology - BingoBoingo's Blog -- Peso Watch May 2019 1916433;1559331371;mircea_popescu;aha! 1916434;1559331716;mircea_popescu;and in spite of all that -- anonimity stayed not for the poor. 1916435;1559334061;asciilifeform;afaik 'anonymity' was never the hard part, the tricky bit is getting anyone to give a fuck re the anon spews 1916436;1559334163;asciilifeform;recently asciilifeform dug up ancient case: d00d tried to nail gorby, iirc circa '87. had a++ scheme, sawed off german double-barrel 12ga, overcoat, carried pro-gorby plaquard on metal rod to get past metalsweepers (succeeded) ; 1916437;1559334175;asciilifeform;rehearsed pulling the sawoff under guise of drawing handkerchief (also succeeded) ; 1916438;1559334212;asciilifeform;knew how to get within range, also a++ . but was just slightly too slow on the draw, missed 1st shot, flunkie fell on him during 2nd 1916439;1559334266;asciilifeform;this aint the interesting part tho. prior to this fella went all around moscow and dropped anonlulz leaflets 'kill gorby now'. after printed a run of each, destroyed typewriter, filed off the pads, buried. went through 5 or 6. 1916440;1559334274;asciilifeform;point being, no one gave half a shit re the leaflets. 1916441;1559334276;asciilifeform;not even kgb et al. 1916442;1559334330;asciilifeform;( 1 remaining lulzdetail -- fella's apparently a free man today, and 'activist businessman'(tm) ) 1916443;1559334445;asciilifeform;funnily enuff, according to d00d , the 'trigger' was when he spent his last coin on a tape deck at flea market, and took home crate, opened -- bricks. 1916444;1559334459;asciilifeform;'this is last straw, gorby' 1916445;1559334647;asciilifeform;oblog period sovjoak : buncha d00dz standing in queue, to buy vodka. ( 1985 'dry law', shortage nao of the 1 thing that there was never shortage of... ) finally one of'em had enuff, 'i'ma go off and kill gorby'. hour later comes back to end of queue. they ask 'so didja?' he : 'there was even longer queue there' 1916446;1559334669;asciilifeform;*oblig 1916447;1559334785;asciilifeform;hm, loox like item was in '90 . 1916448;1559334803;asciilifeform;a. a. shmonov, if anyone cares. 1916449;1559334820;asciilifeform;http://shmonov1.narod.ru << has www ! 1916450;1559334861;asciilifeform;[http://www.55522.ru/][even has 'ai'-flavoured crackpot rant.' 'automated system for producing inventions with aid of computer'. 1916451;1559334976;*;asciilifeform not read whole thing, but appears to be inspired by [http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=Altshuller][altshuller]'s [http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=triz]['triz'] , which in fact not a crock of shit, and asciilifeform personally uses. 1916452;1559335017;asciilifeform;grr, let's fix the syntax eggog : 1916453;1559335025;asciilifeform;[http://www.55522.ru/][even has 'ai'-flavoured crackpot rant] : 'automated system for producing inventions with aid of computer'. 1916454;1559335085;asciilifeform;sad orc tho. joined 'microshit bizspark incubator' in '14, nuffin heard since. 1916455;1559335150;asciilifeform;also apparently has [http://shmonov1.narod.ru/kniga.htm][autobio: 'how and why i tried to shoot the head of totalitarian state, m. gorbachev.'] 1916456;1559340619;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-31#1916441 << why'd have kgb given shit re dood killing usg.blue man 1916457;1559340619;a111;Logged on 2019-05-31 20:24 asciilifeform: not even kgb et al. 1916458;1559344405;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: by all indications , it at that pt already also blue