1883830;1546316130;Mocky;i've just started looking in charlotte recently lobbes. Other than passing on your resume if you're deemed worth, not sure a recruiter ever does anything on behalf of the the candidate 1883831;1546356466;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2019/01/qntra-s-qntr-december-2018-report/ << Qntra -- Qntra (S.QNTR) December 2018 Report 1883832;1546361804;mircea_popescu;well well, happy new year! 1883833;1546362071;diana_coman;happy new year! 1883834;1546364781;BingoBoingo;Feliz año/ano nuevo 1883835;1546368015;asciilifeform;happy ny folx 1883836;1546368772;feedbot;http://trilema.com/2019/i-dont-get-it/ << Trilema -- I don't get it... 1883837;1546371863;mircea_popescu;in random historical lulz : https://ia801607.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/32/items/NewsUK1977UKEnglish/May%2031%201977%2C%20The%20Times%2C%20%2360017%2C%20UK%20%28en%29_jp2.zip&file=May%2031%201977%2C%20The%20Times%2C%20%2360017%2C%20UK%20%28en%29_jp2/May%2031%201977%2C%20The%20Times%2C%20%2360017%2C%20UK%20%28en%29_0000.jp2&scale=2&rotate=0 (21 blacks arrested, responsible for >9/10 of street crime in 1883838;1546371863;mircea_popescu;south london according to "senior police"). 1883839;1546371899;mircea_popescu;(item then resulted in "the battle of lewisham" chapter of british racial harmony lulz.) 1883840;1546385303;lobbes;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-01#1883830 << In my experience they are only useful as conduits to job postings that you may not have been able to see otherwise. 1883841;1546385303;a111;Logged on 2019-01-01 04:15 Mocky: i've just started looking in charlotte recently lobbes. Other than passing on your resume if you're deemed worth, not sure a recruiter ever does anything on behalf of the the candidate 1883842;1546385306;lobbes;Besides that, I agree; I've yet to meet a recruiter who actually knew the job they were filling. For the most part they are just checking boxes on a list of 'keywords' the company's $hr-department gave them (and half the time that hr dept is also blindly following this list) 1883843;1546391141;BingoBoingo;!Xbuy 540mn 69 2k wired Filthy Fiats 1883844;1546391141;auctionbot;Buy order # 1027 created by BingoBoingo: 2k wired Filthy Fiats Opening: 540mn ecu Ending: 2019-01-04 10:08:07.710708 UTC (68 hours) 1883845;1546391206;BingoBoingo;^ Attn bidders, Pizarro fiat Auction for January is live. 1883846;1546408062;mats;inspired by mocky, http://matshome.net/2019/01/the-ice40-saga 1883847;1546409962;mircea_popescu;mazel tov. 1883848;1546411529;mats;and a special thanks to phf for his great www logger! i use it every other day 1883849;1546417782;mircea_popescu;i use it every day lol. 1883850;1546436724;asciilifeform;trinque: deedbot down ? 1883851;1546436982;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in heathendom oddities, https://archive.is/pTck2 1883852;1546443034;asciilifeform;mats: neat overview, in the style of 'why ada' 1883853;1546443088;asciilifeform;mats: i haven't built anyffing useful from ice40 with own hands yet. but, interestingly, when bought a 'scsi2sd' device for replacing disk in bolix box, found that author in fact used ice40 for the job 1883854;1546444321;trinque;I've noticed some problems with tls connections on openbsd using sbcl and cl+ssl, here and elsewhere actually. 1883855;1546444346;trinque;probably the thing to do is a) rip out the tls part and b) get deedbot hosted on cuntoo 1883856;1546445242;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2019/01/usg-mulling-90s-crypto-style-export-controls-on-ai-technology/ << Qntra -- USG Mulling 90's Crypto Style Export Controls On "AI Technology" 1883857;1546445740;asciilifeform;trinque: iirc the tls crapola is only there because fleanode went full tard coupla yrs back and demands it for nick auth 1883858;1546445768;asciilifeform;( plox to correct if i'm mistaken here ) 1883859;1546447001;asciilifeform;trinque: hm, apparently i was wrong about this, it only demands sslism if yer using cloaks 1883860;1546447100;asciilifeform;if one absolutely insists on that feature, prolly Right Thing would be to patch bot so can hang off a znc ( i tried this with own hands, but failed, the existing item is apparently tailored to fleanode-direct connection ) 1883861;1546447253;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: the 'export ban' list is a hilarious read. ~nothing is ever removed from it, most of the thing was written in '80s-90s, and contains such items as fpga (afaik none are made in usa or have ever been, but somehow this dun stop the clowns) , and in practice seems to be used as 'lettre de cachet' against undesirables. 1883862;1546447436;asciilifeform;(for instance, not only 'buy in china, sell to france, while using reich bank' counts as 'export', but usg subjects physically getting up off arse and moving to wherever and working on 'controlled tech' also counts, etc) 1883863;1546448064;BingoBoingo;Well, sure. Thing starts as an ego inflation exercise: "Can't export because SOMOS NUMERO 1" Y despues ObamArgentina goes from un pais rico en Thalers Alemman to incapacity to export soy. 1883864;1546448218;BingoBoingo;Meanwhile in local news (Malvin again): https://www.elobservador.com.uy/nota/robo-en-medio-de-ano-nuevo-y-la-llamada-al-911-cronica-de-futbolista-de-wanderers-201912104932 1883865;1546450387;asciilifeform;in other noose, earlier this wk , asciilifeform tried to repeat http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2906 test , but using 'gmp', the 'uncut' version of koch's thing, with asmism etc. but lo and behold, it is apparently impossible to repeat the full test battery, because : 1883866;1546450402;asciilifeform;https://gmplib.org/manual/Integer-Exponentiation.html#Integer-Exponentiation >> 'void mpz_powm_sec (mpz_t rop, const mpz_t base, const mpz_t exp, const mpz_t mod) ... It is required that exp > 0 and that mod is odd.' 1883867;1546450427;asciilifeform;apparently Only A Terrorist (tm) would want to raise number to ~even~ power. 1883868;1546450487;asciilifeform;( i.e. loox like they use montgomery's algo. ) 1883869;1546450604;asciilifeform;fwiw ordinary (no attempt at constanttime on their end) mpz_powm() , gives 0.005s . (so the asm does help'em.) 1883870;1546450613;asciilifeform;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/00ooZ/?raw=true << sores. 1883871;1546450650;mircea_popescu;for the record, https://archive.vn/pTck2 is exactly rude and nude http://trilema.com/2017/when-did-america-end/#selection-239.0-261.20 1883872;1546450661;asciilifeform;guten tag, mircea_popescu ! 1883873;1546450670;mircea_popescu;if you get rid of the lower bottom, thus and therefore averages climb. 1883874;1546450672;mircea_popescu;heya alfie. 1883875;1546450706;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: iirc auschwitz also had 'elixir of youth' effect on the folx who were still movin' in '45 1883876;1546450721;mircea_popescu;you know ? "i wonder how come all holocaust survivors live so long". 1883877;1546450727;asciilifeform;ditto gulag 1883878;1546450742;mircea_popescu;"i also wonder why all these rich folks gather round and laugh their asses at us, the goddess' chosen folk, all the damn time" 1883879;1546450747;asciilifeform;to the point that some folx used expression 'so-and-so was mothballed' (i.e. 'in conservation') 1883880;1546450789;BingoBoingo;Same thing happens with many cultivated plants. Application of the right and grave trauma (repeatedly in the case of fruit trees) does all sorts of wonders 1883881;1546450794;asciilifeform;( the gulag folx chalked it up to 'lack of vodka' for the most part tho ) 1883882;1546450907;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: that's the usual heathen hypothesis (aka 'hormesis'). mircea_popescu seems to favour the other one (and seems moar plausible to asciilifeform) , where straight 'burn-in test' 1883883;1546450927;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Well, could be a little bit of both 1883884;1546450940;asciilifeform;could; i have nfi. 1883885;1546450989;BingoBoingo;Growing tomatoes back home the biggest bitch and mortality sink was hardening off the indoor started seedlings. 1883886;1546451027;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-02#1883857 << i suspect you might be able to get a plain connection going ; worth checking. 1883887;1546451027;a111;Logged on 2019-01-02 16:15 asciilifeform: trinque: iirc the tls crapola is only there because fleanode went full tard coupla yrs back and demands it for nick auth 1883888;1546451032;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in older lulz : https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20160603/11581934617/fbi-sends-computer-information-collected-hacking-tools-unencrypted-form-over-open-internet.shtml 1883889;1546451038;BingoBoingo;Plants tend to be huge pussies indoors. The survivors tended to do pretty well. 1883890;1546451052;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i have plain old tcp with 'pehbot' ( via trinque's cl proggy ) 1883891;1546451055;asciilifeform;it dun use cloaks tho 1883892;1546451075;mircea_popescu;well, cloaks don't work in any absolute sense, anyway. 1883893;1546451083;asciilifeform;they're decorative, imho. 1883894;1546451103;asciilifeform;i dun see what, if anything, is lost if they were thrown. 1883895;1546451109;mircea_popescu;that they are. i mean nothing wrong with having, and it's an achievement for say nicoleci to get herself one ; but i wouldn't base design decisions on them. 1883896;1546451118;asciilifeform;aha 1883897;1546451175;mircea_popescu;anyway, what's the idea, nickserv rejects your call if un"encrypted" ? 1883898;1546451197;asciilifeform;iirc strictly if using cloaks. 1883899;1546451253;trinque;afaik they're just displaying the rdns in deedbot's case, isn't a cloak 1883900;1546451269;trinque;but yep, will get a build out without sslism and see what happens. 1883901;1546451476;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-02#1883866 << it says the ~mod~ has to be odd, not the exp. the exp nonzero. 1883902;1546451476;a111;Logged on 2019-01-02 17:33 asciilifeform: https://gmplib.org/manual/Integer-Exponentiation.html#Integer-Exponentiation >> 'void mpz_powm_sec (mpz_t rop, const mpz_t base, const mpz_t exp, const mpz_t mod) ... It is required that exp > 0 and that mod is odd.' 1883903;1546451489;mircea_popescu;patch out the test, i guess. they're "clever" like that. 1883904;1546451676;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: montgomery demands that mod an' exp be ~coprime~ 1883905;1546451696;asciilifeform;how they enforce this, is apparently like this 1883906;1546451762;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i didnt try patching out the test ( given as it's got montgomery, the answer will be soup ) but did try for odd exp, got ~same~ as for the nonconstanttime gmp knob ( which is pretty hilarious, means that they dun do anything differently for 'constant time' variant, evidently ) 1883907;1546451790;asciilifeform;at some point if i can be arsed to read their sores, will find out what, specifically. 1883908;1546451832;asciilifeform;the 'uncut' gmp is not afaik used anywhere in our mechanisms, with the exception of phuctor, where a (patched) variant is used for bernsteinization 1883909;1546451882;mircea_popescu;that's what i mean, they're "clever" 1883910;1546451961;asciilifeform;at some point i'ma do the bernsteinizer in straight asm. ( but this is ~9000th on the list of things-to-do atm ) 1883911;1546452658;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-02#1883888 << the sores of the boobytrap leaked same yr, it was mightily disappointing ( no fancy trojan, but instead a little thing that sent back victim's external ip / winblowz ver / nic addr / etc, sorta like what microshit itself sends out when winblowz crash ) 1883912;1546452658;a111;Logged on 2019-01-02 17:43 mircea_popescu: meanwhile in older lulz : https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20160603/11581934617/fbi-sends-computer-information-collected-hacking-tools-unencrypted-form-over-open-internet.shtml 1883913;1546452706;asciilifeform;these, apparently, counted as 'evidence' 1883914;1546453422;mircea_popescu;aha. 1883915;1546453482;mircea_popescu;i think of the various strange ideas you started off with, this "hitler is intellectually respectable, does great magicks" thing fared the worst. 1883916;1546453618;asciilifeform;eh the notion there from start was 'goodstuff is used sparingly'. but i've nfi where used. 1883917;1546453666;asciilifeform;imho e.g. diddled pgp rng, is moar interesting than firefucks buffer overrun, the latter is used 9000/d but for whom is used the former i have nfi, it hasn't publicly leaked. 1883918;1546453776;mircea_popescu;it's a democracy, dood, it has no conception of hierarchy. 1883919;1546453777;asciilifeform;it imho makes sense tho that the most idiotic/bruteforce-powered ( per naggum's http://www.loper-os.org/?p=165#selection-265.249-265.730 formulation ) usgisms, also leak the most . 1883920;1546453807;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: bureaucracy very much has concept of hierarchy tho. 1883921;1546453829;mircea_popescu;not at all. 1883922;1546453879;asciilifeform;ok i cannot resist to bite; how does this work 1883923;1546453909;asciilifeform;we're still talkin' of same thing, neh ? brit-style military bureaucracy. 9000 titles, chains of command, rigour 'to point of rigour mortis' ... neh ? 1883924;1546453969;mircea_popescu;no, we're talking of "we're all in this together and women may even be a part of it and we're not even gonna call them tailhookers, invent pompous nonsense like 'hr' and seat everyone at a table" bs. 1883925;1546453985;asciilifeform;this -- exists 1883926;1546453986;mircea_popescu;brit thing entirely unrelated to this. 1883927;1546454003;mircea_popescu;xx could at the very most be secretary. 1883928;1546454010;asciilifeform;it also seems to coexist with a cohort of folx hired in '60,70s,80s, greybeards, who actually built some working stuff 1883929;1546454037;mircea_popescu;so yes, implicit notion of hierarchy, xy > xx. no more than that, not really, but some hierarchy, no matter how fducking stupid, still beats none. 1883930;1546454062;asciilifeform;granted, scythe of 'father time' does impose an asymptotic bound on the whole thing. eventually usg will be 100% resemble staff of arsebook, google, etc, then curtain call. 1883931;1546454117;asciilifeform;atm it's some (unknown to me) % chetty's gen. 1883932;1546454156;mircea_popescu;hey, "nobody watches pulp fiction because [some anon schmuck claimed she was raped by] Weinstein", i actuallty heard this said (by some girly who never saw any movie worth the mention in her ~~~entire~~~ coupla decades. they say this, too, like it's a thing. "my whole life". ) 1883933;1546454178;mircea_popescu;meanwhile, the last time anything worth watching had anyone from our colonies involved was... about then. 1883934;1546454220;asciilifeform;for asciilifeform , hollywood began (and mostly ended) with those bootleg vhs cassettes in 1990. 1883935;1546454244;mircea_popescu;cuz that is the fucking job of the producer, i don't care what "american moron's association" "trade practices" are. as long as it's a set, and something'\s shooting, the producer's job is to rape the talent. 1883936;1546454259;asciilifeform;iirc he even gets specially-issued leather couch for this 1883937;1546454290;asciilifeform;( in turn designed by freud... ) 1883938;1546454321;mircea_popescu;preferably on-cam. the fundamental moment of cinema is when mr talking potatohead whips out a home-brought stick of butter and unexpectedly buttseks maria schneider over her amazed surprise. naught else. 1883939;1546454341;mircea_popescu;comfortable people don't do things worth watching. 1883940;1546454342;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: In their dreams, that's San Fernando. Hollywood jacks off into plants nowadays, per Miramax. 1883941;1546454557;asciilifeform;btw in other gmp lib lullities, https://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2018/12/31/1 1883942;1546454620;asciilifeform;( tldr : gmp not only relies on 'assert's to barf on various 'prohibited' conditions like even moduli, but barfs coredump ~with seekritz~ and ~cannot be switched off~ ) 1883943;1546454948;asciilifeform;imho it's pretty hilarious, that the heathens think they have 'crypto libs' that 'work' 1883944;1546455456;mircea_popescu;what's hilarious is the ever-present http://trilema.com/2017/global-warming-on-triton/#selection-154.0-157.103 whereby they'll imaginarily seat themselves in my seat and start spewing http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-04#1809349 slash assorted nonsense about "homebrew crypto" lalala. 1883945;1546455456;a111;Logged on 2018-05-04 17:15 zx2c4: mircea_popescu: oh. so. "the world doesnt care about the cool hackers on the internet, but only the assholes with prestigious positions." this has been a widely known complaint for a long time 1883946;1546455470;mircea_popescu;AS FUCKING IF it is or ever could be the case ~they're~ the mp of this world or something. 1883947;1546455521;mircea_popescu;they've got a gpgcrash, a bitcoincrash, an everythingcrash. why don't you care!!! 1883948;1546455531;asciilifeform;it's the same old http://btcbase.org/log/2014-06-04#700916 algo, 4evah, neh 1883949;1546455531;a111;Logged on 2014-06-04 00:08 asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: the buggers' traditional defense is to pretend that the event was a non-event - or, if this is impractical, to continue living in an imaginary world where they 'scooped' the story first, and all of the 'unsanctioned' discussion never happened. 1883950;1546455556;mircea_popescu;here, have a recent sample : AL_GA_Peach 26F Exploring "The message literally cuts off after whatever it is you’re. I don’t know not having all of the information is a mark against my intelligence but okay." 1883951;1546455585;asciilifeform;lol , 9000th ipnoje victim ? 1883952;1546455602;mircea_popescu;moar like 900`000th, but yeah. 1883953;1546455622;asciilifeform;curious, turdroid behave same ? or in fact displays ? 1883954;1546455624;mircea_popescu;"do we already have to DO this" conversation whereby who the fuck told mary sue moron she's the center of the world ? 1883955;1546455639;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform it's the app, not the platform. 1883956;1546455651;asciilifeform;aaa! 1883957;1546455663;asciilifeform;until nao i had nfi there were ~app~ lol 1883958;1546455667;mircea_popescu;doh. 1883959;1546455676;asciilifeform;i thought it was a www '2.0' thingie 1883960;1546455677;mircea_popescu;what do you think all those "jobs" out there are made out of. 1883961;1546455751;mircea_popescu;biquarterly i get a "but mp, you know how you could really improve trilema readership ?! MAKE IT AN APP!!!" "why ?" "because i have unexamined headcockroaches about the influence, importance and interest of social media" "how about we put your cunt on your linkedin and see how long until someone says something ?" "FAPFAPFAPFAP" 1883962;1546455838;mircea_popescu;then the INSTANTLY!!!!! turns into minutes, that turn into long hours and longer days, weeks and whatever, eventually the idea forms in the precious cuntlet's brainbox that no, just because she's never heard anyone call her stupid before dun mean jack ; and all this "consensus" of silence is in the end exactly that : a consensus OF SILENCE. 1883963;1546455870;asciilifeform;what 'jobs' made of << i'm still stuck in 1990s, where they're 'made of' winblowz bugs.. 1883964;1546455881;mircea_popescu;yes well. 1883965;1546455932;asciilifeform;http://www.loper-os.org/?p=388 << oblig vintagelul 1883966;1546456567;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: re 'homebrew crypto', there actually was a 1990s plague of commercial shitware folx who flunked arithmetic and then went to 'implement rsa', with exponent = 1 and so on 1883967;1546456591;asciilifeform;( the punchline is that koch, ssl, etc are ~in this set~ ) 1883968;1546456691;mircea_popescu;yeah, and their name is collectively "koch" and "the gnu foundation" 1883969;1546456695;mircea_popescu;right. 1883970;1546456726;asciilifeform;there's 4 or 5 'libs' in common use (depending on whether count microshit's) 1883971;1546456771;asciilifeform;on top of these, 4 or 5 iron 'libs' ('smartcards', etc), where even sadder algos in use 1883972;1546457000;asciilifeform;i've actually found decent (not constant time, but didn't need, it only checked sigs) rsatrons in malware samples -- kB or so of asm. it aint exactly mystery, how to bake 1883973;1546457033;asciilifeform;the only folx for whom 'mystery' and 'requires' 50,000 ln of overflowlang -- are koch et al 1883974;1546457237;mircea_popescu;the L crowd. 1883975;1546457883;mircea_popescu;in other lulz, firefox zoom is GLOBAL. not per-tab. GLOBAL. holy shit what. 1883976;1546458819;asciilifeform;zoom?! 1883977;1546458878;mircea_popescu;yeah. 1883978;1546458924;asciilifeform;in other heathendom lulzies, http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/mkN7r/?raw=true 1883979;1546459473;diana_coman;ahahah, the intro there sounds like the typical school composition 1883980;1546459757;asciilifeform;came with buncha 'sample' dox crapola, but near as i can tell it's a snoar 1883981;1546460106;diana_coman;trinque, how's it going with getting the Cuntoo .vpatch in fixed shape? 1883982;1546464076;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform this entire, "anonymous" "deep web" etc is the cowboy hat and snap toy pistol of the 2010s. 1883983;1546464424;mircea_popescu;anyone even remembers those things ? long strip of ticker tape rolled up, with spots of gunpowder or w/e, phosphorus in the middle, pistol had a hammer that fell on the spot made some noise and some smoke. 1883984;1546464426;mircea_popescu;VERY AUTHENTIC 1883985;1546464657;BingoBoingo;I remember. They started to disappear from retail something around second grade when anything that wasn't Chicom plastic got purged from the walmart toy shelves 1883986;1546464679;BingoBoingo;There were indeed plastic versions for short time 1883987;1546464730;mircea_popescu;"too violent" or w/e, "insufficiently respectful of the cunt worlview" 1883988;1546464773;BingoBoingo;Well near the end they also switched from tape to rings of 8 charges 1883989;1546464782;mircea_popescu;the only problem is, kids running around with popguns are VERY easy for me to ignore -- witness the 0 import or effect of all the "bust a cap in yo ass" nigglet morons. 1883990;1546464812;mircea_popescu;so it'd have been preferable if retarded cuntspawn spent its days with THAT, rather than http://btcbase.org/log/2018-08-01#1838623 1883991;1546464812;a111;Logged on 2018-08-01 03:03 douchebag: I'm in AT&T Hall of Fame 1883992;1546464845;mircea_popescu;#MoreRapLessCode ploxthx. 1883993;1546464930;BingoBoingo;Granted this was also the time fireworks went from roughly what the Latinos get today to something that required crossing the state line into Missouri for anything other than pussy sparklers and popcaps 1883994;1546466406;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-02#1883983 << i defo had various as a boy 1883995;1546466406;a111;Logged on 2019-01-02 21:27 mircea_popescu: anyone even remembers those things ? long strip of ticker tape rolled up, with spots of gunpowder or w/e, phosphorus in the middle, pistol had a hammer that fell on the spot made some noise and some smoke. 1883996;1546466436;asciilifeform;in '80s su they were obv. theatrics, but allegedly in earlier times they were sometimes made from 'de-mil' actual pistol. 1883997;1546466469;asciilifeform;( and even the theatrics, tended to be made of cast iron and quite realistic in mass, if not function ) 1883998;1546466502;asciilifeform;the spring in toy 'nagant' notably, was quite possibly stiffer than in actual nagant which i fired many yrs later 1883999;1546466784;asciilifeform;https://archive.vn/xJRzH << famous piece on subj (ru) 1884000;1546466995;asciilifeform;'i remember all of my pistols. there wasn't a single one that i hadn't blown out my brains with at least once. we used to shoot ourselves often in those days. pistols and revolvers were indispensable toybox inventory, all kinds : on batteries, with buzzing motors inside, of tin, stinking of burned popgun ribbon, ones that merely snapped, emitted at least a clanking sound, and silent ones, where the throat was called upon to imitate t 1884001;1546466995;asciilifeform;he report. from the age of five, i knew what is 'last round' -- the little shining key that opens in your skull (or heart, tastes vary) the door to soviet Valhalla. the pistol always seems to me not simply a personal, but an intimate weapon, a tuning fork by which one measured resolve: put its barrel to your noggin, and think, will you be able to pull the trigger when the right time comes ? the warring motherland , surrounded by foes 1884002;1546466996;asciilifeform;, prepared her sons for officer duty from early childhood' etc 1884003;1546467055;asciilifeform;( followed by discussion of particulars, but imho this suffices for thread ) 1884004;1546467304;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-02#1883990 << fwiw i dun distinguish the 2 kabikus, both -- snoar from asciilifeform's pov 1884005;1546467304;a111;Logged on 2019-01-02 21:33 mircea_popescu: so it'd have been preferable if retarded cuntspawn spent its days with THAT, rather than http://btcbase.org/log/2018-08-01#1838623 1884006;1546467307;asciilifeform;*kabukis 1884007;1546467757;mircea_popescu;if nothing else the "online" is unhealthy. 1884008;1546467776;mircea_popescu;but there's more to it -- running around the hillside belongs in the fucking hillside, i'll just not camp there. 1884009;1546467836;asciilifeform;this yes. popgun kid annoys only own mother and perhaps neighbours. 'eternal september' kid, annoys '9000' with erry pop 1884010;1546467852;mircea_popescu;so there you go. 1884011;1546467871;mircea_popescu;besides, should fucking annoy her ; otherwise she'll want another. 1884012;1546467935;mircea_popescu;historically childbearing worked essentially as ~punishment~, which is a point readily elided by modern clueless schmucks.\ 1884013;1546469432;feedbot;http://bimbo.club/2019/01/philosophical-transactions-for-the-months-of-september-and-october-1715-part-i/ << Bimbo.Club -- Philosophical Transactions. For the months of September and October, 1715 - Part I. 1884014;1546473614;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu & other 'gnu screen' people -- anybody recall how to switch the thing to vt220 ? 1884015;1546473619;asciilifeform;the docs are shite 1884016;1546473669;asciilifeform;( asciilifeform is, shit thee not, engentooating a dec alpha ) 1884017;1546473741;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform look into termcap macro thingee 1884018;1546473757;asciilifeform;yea digging into that pile o'shit atm 1884019;1546473773;asciilifeform;was hoping there was a simple 'vt220 rightnao' flag i overlooked. 1884020;1546473781;mircea_popescu;iirc it does vt100 nartively, believe it or not. 1884021;1546473796;asciilifeform;100 errybody does 1884022;1546473808;asciilifeform;dec otoh wanted to be speshulsnowflake and their firmware console is... vt220 1884023;1546473867;mircea_popescu;i suspect a large part of why i like it is that i never run into this kinda problem. i had to futz about ansi terminal standards literally never. 1884024;1546473878;asciilifeform;oh metoo 1884025;1546473894;asciilifeform;i only run into this when i pull ancient cursed irons from the dark depths. 1884026;1546473939;asciilifeform;i dunthink classic dec had this horror either (who the fuq! needs colour blinkies in a bios setup?!) , it's a post-compaq-acquisition box 1884027;1546473953;asciilifeform;( sadly all the fast 'alphas' are ) 1884028;1546474019;mircea_popescu;people got really excited about the whole tv txt mode or w/e that was called 1884029;1546474026;mircea_popescu;"i know, minitel worked so well, let's emulate it!" 1884030;1546475914;asciilifeform;for fucks sake, 1h later, still no go, not with 'screen', not with 'minicom', nuffin. 1884031;1546478339;asciilifeform;aaand got vt200ism to ~work -- but for display only. arrow keys still do nuffin. hence cannot toggle knobs. 1884032;1546478341;asciilifeform;open sores ftw. 1884033;1546478660;asciilifeform;aaand console, gentoo boots. 1884034;1546479955;mircea_popescu;impressive 1884035;1546479962;mircea_popescu;wait, is this gentoo or cuntoo ? 1884036;1546480892;mod6;How goes tmsr~? I ~think~ that I have a working wp-mp now. I've converted over my most recent blog post about diana_coman's V Genesis. If you see something broken, or similar please let me know. 1884037;1546480897;mod6;http://blog.mod6.net 1884038;1546481237;mod6;Also, the latest Bitcoin Foundation report was published to the ML: http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2019-January/000321.html 1884039;1546481254;mod6;Mainly outlines what's up next for me in January. 1884040;1546481855;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: vintage gentoo, for smoketest, afaik there is not currently a cuntoo for dec 1884041;1546481970;asciilifeform;aalso i spoke too soon, it stops mid through boot, dun see cd drive. 1884042;1546486139;mircea_popescu;i thought that was the substance of teh announcement :p 1884043;1546486166;asciilifeform;lol no announcement, moar of live microphone. 1884044;1546486600;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in heathen oddities, https://astr0baby.wordpress.com 1884045;1546498479;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i don't get it, what about it ? 1884046;1546499942;diana_coman;mod6, http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2019-January/000321.html gives me http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/aaNkK/?raw=true 1884047;1546509348;feedbot;http://bimbo.club/2019/01/part-i-if-im-lucky/ << Bimbo.Club -- Part I - if im lucky 1884048;1546527517;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-03#1884045 << heathen www, hosted on garbage hoster, but turned out to be packed full of useful retro-comp tidbits, is all. 1884049;1546527517;a111;Logged on 2019-01-03 06:54 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i don't get it, what about it ? 1884050;1546527582;asciilifeform;diana_coman: looks like ml not yet moved to pizarro, it's still hosted wherever it was that jurov had it 1884051;1546527596;asciilifeform;( lulazon iirc ) 1884052;1546527875;diana_coman;I was under the impression it moved 1884053;1546528982;asciilifeform;loox like only the trb www moved, ml was on separate box, still needs moving. 1884054;1546530819;BingoBoingo;!Xview 1027 1884055;1546530819;auctionbot;Buy order # 1027: 2k wired Filthy Fiats Opening: 540mn ecu Leading Bid: None Ending: 2019-01-04 10:08:07.710708 UTC (30 hours 11 mins) 1884056;1546533184;diana_coman;asciilifeform, you broke all your links on your www to FFA code on btcbase when you changed the name of vpatches because of keccak vs sha: e.g. btcbase.org/patches/ffa_ch7_turbo_egyptians/tree/ffa/ffacalc/cmdline.ads#L42 in Ch8 404s now because no ".kv" 1884057;1546533292;asciilifeform;diana_coman: hm , i thought phf had the older ones still in there 1884058;1546533303;asciilifeform;diana_coman: i'ma have to fix by hand. 1884059;1546533419;diana_coman;well, it's meant as replacement not as alternative so I don't see why would one keep the sha patches; onth replacement in place aka no name change doesn't break anything either 1884060;1546533517;asciilifeform;diana_coman: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-09-26#1854819 1884061;1546533517;a111;Logged on 2018-09-26 22:00 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: prolly like most folx who actually work on proggies, asciilifeform has '9000' vtrees on various disk, on various boxen, that are in classical format, and many not even intended for publication, the ones that see daylight naturally will become newtype 1884062;1546533544;asciilifeform;but i'ma have to fix the links. 1884063;1546533581;asciilifeform;( will replace'em all to ch11-and-up-style links to gnathtml-generated snapshots. ) 1884064;1546533630;asciilifeform;ty for the eggog report, diana_coman 1884065;1546533726;diana_coman;np; and yes, I know how/why .kv 1884066;1546534133;asciilifeform;btw, to round off yesterday's http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-03#1884041 , culprit is https://www.spinics.net/lists/linux-scsi/msg08419.html ( 12 yrs! and still not fixed, apparently. ) 1884067;1546534133;a111;Logged on 2019-01-03 02:19 asciilifeform: aalso i spoke too soon, it stops mid through boot, dun see cd drive. 1884068;1546534178;asciilifeform;box is dead in the water on apparently all linux kernels since ~2006ish, and seems like nobody gives a fuck. 1884069;1546534587;asciilifeform;diana_coman: i fixed the links by hand, there were only a handful. 1884070;1546534600;diana_coman;asciilifeform, phf updated with my sigs for FFA ch7 and ch8: http://ossasepia.com/reference-code-shelf/#selection-627.0-665.43 1884071;1546534603;asciilifeform;plz lemme know if it turns out that missed one. 1884072;1546534609;asciilifeform;congrats diana_coman ! 1884073;1546534624;diana_coman;ch8 was esp easy :P 1884074;1546534628;asciilifeform;diana_coman: any interesting finds/nitpicks ? 1884075;1546534662;diana_coman;apeloyee beat me to the cut; nothing else so far 1884076;1546534673;asciilifeform;aite 1884077;1546534678;asciilifeform;ty for putting in the sweat, diana_coman 1884078;1546534688;asciilifeform;currently yer the champ in ffaology. 1884079;1546534722;diana_coman;actually rather curious why doesn't apeloyee sign what he reads 1884080;1546534734;asciilifeform;this, i do not know 1884081;1546534758;asciilifeform;given as the fella didn't end up sticking to republic, i dun expect we'll ever find out. 1884082;1546534853;asciilifeform;btw diana_coman -- your earlier nitpicks made it in to 14b. 1884083;1546534877;diana_coman;cool; one day I'll make it to ch14b too, lol 1884084;1546534896;asciilifeform;no need to hurry. 1884085;1546534955;asciilifeform;ftr i very much appreciate all nitpicks, even purely stylistic ones, an explicit objective of ffa is to be not only bug-free but entirely clean of sharp edges, to the extent possible on the available irons. 1884086;1546534998;diana_coman;the trouble is that "sharp edges" are quite often operator-shaped as it were 1884087;1546535021;diana_coman;ftr I had to refresh a bit on Knuth Vol 2 at some point but I don't see that as a minus at all 1884088;1546535031;asciilifeform;almost always sharp edge is invisible to the orig author, who 'knows where not to run fingers' 1884089;1546535046;asciilifeform;hence the importance of other thinking folx giving the thing a thorough walk. 1884090;1546535096;asciilifeform;diana_coman: where at all possible, i tried to use ~simpler~ algo than what was given by knuth. e.g. karatsuba without moving pivots. 1884091;1546535174;diana_coman;if nitpick at all, the one thing that consistently nags at me (though for which I can't make up my mind as to actual solution) is the implicit reliance on indices to be in fact starting from 1 when copying stuff e.g. http://btcbase.org/patches/ffa_ch7_turbo_egyptians.kv#L187 1884092;1546535264;diana_coman;asciilifeform, yes, it was rather basic stuff but the fact is that I read Knuth ~10 years ago so refresh was long due 1884093;1546535318;diana_coman;re nitpick: in my code I tend to keep to XS'First..XS'First+X'Length but it does make it ugly & long 1884094;1546535328;asciilifeform;diana_coman: where this appears, it is a concession to 1) speed 2) brevity of code . where the indexing of the array is known, because it is a local buffer, it is referred to explicitly; invocations X'First, X'Last, etc cost measurable cpu, it turned out. but where indexing is not known ( e.g. if operand may be part of a karatsuba ) , there it is unavoidably X'First etc. 1884095;1546535363;asciilifeform;as i've said previously, ffa post-ch6 is largely an 'uglification' to buy usable performance on pc. 1884096;1546535386;diana_coman;heh, talked in parallel there; I know and that's why I did not mention it at all at first; it was just because you asked for as much nitpick as possible, so now it's at least said 1884097;1546535395;asciilifeform;i took the approach where i built the thing maximally-compactly, and then proceeded in direction of 'now let's make it go in less than geological time'. 1884098;1546535406;asciilifeform;diana_coman: in fact i did ask; and happy to have it. 1884099;1546535467;asciilifeform;imho the de-facto convention i proposed is reasonable tho -- if the array is a local creation, and its indexing is known, then to refer to it explicitly is permissible. otherwise, not. 1884100;1546535495;asciilifeform;if diana_coman et al find instance where i deviated from said convention ( and not fixed in current spearhead ) -- i would like to know about it. 1884101;1546535569;asciilifeform;btw no doubt must remain whatsoever re this point in the mind of anyone contemplating switching off the range checks in their build (this buys ~2x 'phree' speedup) 1884102;1546535673;asciilifeform;diana_coman: when you read ch10, you will find that i had to rewrite some of the basic arithm logic, so as to remove dependence on indexing. 1884103;1546535758;asciilifeform;when i started with adaism, i initially found the preservation of indexing in array-slices annoying. but then saw the wisdom, it whips programmer into having a much firmer grasp of wtf he is doing. 1884104;1546535879;asciilifeform;( it also buys the ability to know where in array you are, without 'pointerisms' ) 1884105;1546536179;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2019/01/usg-today-two-years-of-divided-congress-begins-partial-shutdown-continues-while-trump-remains-unfulfilled/ << Qntra -- USG Today: Two Years Of Divided Congress Begins, Partial Shutdown Continues While Trump Remains Unfulfilled 1884106;1546537802;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2019/01/france-macron-arrests-particularly-loud-yellow-jacket-protestor-demands-french-people-in-france-submit-to-foreign-world-order/ << Qntra -- France: Macron Arrests Particularly Loud Yellow Jacket Protestor, Demands French People In France Submit To Foreign World Order 1884107;1546540383;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-03#1884066 << aand to properly round off the thread, that box nao runs openbsd ( which worx 100% ) , for nao. 1884108;1546540383;a111;Logged on 2019-01-03 16:48 asciilifeform: btw, to round off yesterday's http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-03#1884041 , culprit is https://www.spinics.net/lists/linux-scsi/msg08419.html ( 12 yrs! and still not fixed, apparently. ) 1884109;1546540425;asciilifeform;that thing has stupendously loud hdd, incidentally -- i can hear it from three rooms. 1884110;1546540469;mircea_popescu;jesus that was the era of loud hdds 1884111;1546540478;asciilifeform;1 of those 15,000rpm scsi items. ( 'alpha' is moar or less the 'money no object' box from late '90s-early-2000s, tended to have the most outlandish periphs 1884112;1546540503;asciilifeform;the spindle sounds like dental drill, the head motor -- like door buzzer. 1884113;1546540525;asciilifeform;and guten tag mircea_popescu ! 1884114;1546540567;mircea_popescu;:) 1884115;1546540603;*;asciilifeform trimmed iron stash down to 2 'alphas', 1 runs barbaric 'tru64' (for that bolix emulator), 1 nao set up for 'ffa on arch that aint x64 or arm' tests laters 1884116;1546540637;mircea_popescu;next we're going to dig up a 1990 era soviet stolen sub to run it on their handcranks also. 1884117;1546540675;mircea_popescu;in other news, i look at the time, and it's 13:37. 1884118;1546540678;asciilifeform;they're nifty boxes, in some ways (e.g. http://btcbase.org/log/2018-12-01#1877067 , and the mobo slides in and out without tools ) 1884119;1546540678;a111;Logged on 2018-12-01 01:22 asciilifeform quite fond of alpha, the architecture book was ~thin~ 1884120;1546540683;asciilifeform;lol 1884121;1546540767;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i won't know whether the 'constanttimeism litmus' actuallyworx, until i dredge up an iron where it outputs negative 1884122;1546540794;mircea_popescu;not much of a priority. 1884123;1546540802;asciilifeform;not burning, no. 1884124;1546540874;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-03#1884048 << oh i see. i just saw a "omfg my traffux" dork "blogger" typical piece, the numbers seemed low for a month of amateur bloggership so had to take a 2nd look, turned out they're FOR THE YEAR, what can yo9u do. 1884125;1546540874;a111;Logged on 2019-01-03 14:58 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-03#1884045 << heathen www, hosted on garbage hoster, but turned out to be packed full of useful retro-comp tidbits, is all. 1884126;1546540960;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i can count on fingers of 1 hand how many times i dig up on 'lone man net' sumthing useful, in a yr 1884127;1546540966;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-03#1884059 << yes, but he gotta invent problems for himself. which he does at an amazing rate, ~comparable to his capacity for solving problems. after all, stability is self-enforcing. 1884128;1546540966;a111;Logged on 2019-01-03 16:36 diana_coman: well, it's meant as replacement not as alternative so I don't see why would one keep the sha patches; onth replacement in place aka no name change doesn't break anything either 1884129;1546540987;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i believe, but maybe deep link to the something useful. 1884130;1546541114;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-03#1884068 << i don';t expect any of the ten thousand fly eyes has a dec, ever had a dec, or can come up with any actual use for a dec. or for that matter care to know whether their code doesn't work at all. different paradigm!!! 1884131;1546541114;a111;Logged on 2019-01-03 16:49 asciilifeform: box is dead in the water on apparently all linux kernels since ~2006ish, and seems like nobody gives a fuck. 1884132;1546541145;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: well ~that~ d00d has dec. and even dec vax, and ports various soft to'em. 1884133;1546541161;mircea_popescu;not bad. 1884134;1546541188;asciilifeform;largely archaeological interest ( tho he also has some 'modern-day' items, bypasses for winblowz 'seekoority', etc . overall surprisingly high snr. ) 1884135;1546541216;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-03#1884081 << any reason you believe this ? (i have nfi, there's some obligation to participate in the sense of weighing in on decisions for the lordship, but afaikl dude never was/wanted to be, and for the citizenry at large there's no such thing is there ?) 1884136;1546541216;a111;Logged on 2019-01-03 16:59 asciilifeform: given as the fella didn't end up sticking to republic, i dun expect we'll ever find out. 1884137;1546541238;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: fwiw i do not know whether he tuned out entirely, or lurks, or which. 1884138;1546541246;asciilifeform;only that he hasn't been seen since... 1884139;1546541251;asciilifeform;!#seen apeloyee 1884140;1546541251;a111;2018-01-17 !#s whisperers 1884141;1546541263;mircea_popescu;keks nice final note. 1884142;1546541290;mircea_popescu;anyway, many people took yearish hiatuses, mats recently emerged after a slumber for eg. 1884143;1546541314;asciilifeform;i admit that i'd be delighted to see apeloyee return ; he was '9000 level' useful d00d. 1884144;1546541441;asciilifeform;wb Mocky 1884145;1546541449;Mocky;thx asciilifeform 1884146;1546541450;lobbesbot;Mocky: Sent 19 hours and 34 minutes ago: further issue with bot for your list : if it dings two skills, it only trains one. really it should have a check ~before~ crafting whether it can do any skill upgrading somehiow. 1884147;1546541455;mircea_popescu;!!up stratum 1884148;1546541455;deedbot;stratum voiced for 30 minutes. 1884149;1546541461;mircea_popescu;anyone knows who this is then ? 1884150;1546541469;*;asciilifeform does not 1884151;1546541505;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-03#1884083 << bwahahaha. 1884152;1546541505;a111;Logged on 2019-01-03 17:01 diana_coman: cool; one day I'll make it to ch14b too, lol 1884153;1546541525;Mocky;oh hey, never thought about multiple skill dings, I'll note 1884154;1546541610;mircea_popescu;as she points out, http://logs.minigame.biz/2019-01-03.log.html#t14:53:01 1884155;1546541611;lobbesbot;Logged on 2019-01-03 14:53:01: 18 pops, lmao 1884156;1546541665;mircea_popescu;Mocky but the important part is "resilient design" so to speak : it should keep polling after doing what it thought it did. same exact thing as with the "put stuff in inv" : put all you find of the type you're putting, if you miss some on one cycle, catch up on next. sorta thing. 1884157;1546541676;mircea_popescu;there's a good principle in there we're digging out. 1884158;1546541745;asciilifeform;briefly upstack to the archaeologies : switched on the http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-02#1883853 device, and it worx a++++, simulates cdroms even (arbitrary # of'em) , and hdds, etc 1884159;1546541745;a111;Logged on 2019-01-02 15:31 asciilifeform: mats: i haven't built anyffing useful from ice40 with own hands yet. but, interestingly, when bought a 'scsi2sd' device for replacing disk in bolix box, found that author in fact used ice40 for the job 1884160;1546541763;asciilifeform;and has usb hose for mounting same from pc end. 1884161;1546541808;mircea_popescu;specifically : the oldest illustration of "robotics" in the charlie chaplin deeply misguided http://btcbase.org/log/2015-03-06#1043874 approach (and yes, i am very unimpressed by charlie chaplin as the "intellectual great" pantsuit make him out to be, specifically because this sort of deliberate stupidity to cater to pantsuit nonsense dun count as wisdom) is an amelia bedelia-esque "person sent to broom will broom the room, r 1884162;1546541808;a111;Logged on 2015-03-06 02:28 asciilifeform: 'On two occasions I have been asked, 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question.' 1884163;1546541808;mircea_popescu;obot sent to broom will broom individual items" sorta bs. 1884164;1546541819;asciilifeform;( imho must-have gadget for old-irons people , really ) 1884165;1546541843;mircea_popescu;there's no serious reason to write our poor people in the way THEIR poor people would like our poor people to work [for the transparent reason that thusly, our poor people won't outcompete and drown out their poor people]. 1884166;1546541905;mircea_popescu;(and yes, republican bot is ==== imperial "we the people", no question about it.) 1884167;1546541948;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: from the 'steam engine is 'the workerz' 'but minus the drinkin' and unionizin''' pov ? 1884168;1546541958;stratum;i am a real person 1884169;1546541965;mircea_popescu;from the gimme a second ima clean up this bimboconvo. 1884170;1546541965;asciilifeform;oh hey talks 1884171;1546541971;mircea_popescu;stratum and who might you be then ? 1884172;1546542005;stratum;i am a real person who has seen the wonderful dpb spread the gospel and came here to watch 1884173;1546542021;danielpbarron;he is from efnet, l0de fan 1884174;1546542030;asciilifeform;stratum: y'know there is a log, http://btcbase.org/log/ 1884175;1546542054;danielpbarron;also a fan of https and skeptic of rsa 1884176;1546542089;asciilifeform;'promising' already.. 1884177;1546542105;mircea_popescu;cool. 1884178;1546542106;asciilifeform;stratum: let's hear about this ? 1884179;1546542194;stratum;I do not recall any skeptical talk about rsa, though, I do think https can be valuable in attempting to mitigating some issues one may encounter, this is true. 1884180;1546542220;Mocky;yes, a more resilient design is much needed for the bot. it also needs to get out from under the thumb of the ps event/thread model so that adding capabilities doesn't require crimes-against-humanity levels of extra code in order to approach resilience 1884181;1546542260;Mocky;unfortunately my cpp skills are not there yet 1884182;1546542329;asciilifeform;stratum: valuable for what ? 1884183;1546542532;stratum;In some cases, which do not involve a determined attacker or state actor, https can prevent man in the middle attacks, the capture of full browsing sessions, and, while unfortunately involving untrusted third party mega corporations tied to the security state, one can be slightly more assured you're talking to the actual website you intend to. 1884184;1546542644;asciilifeform;stratum: given that the most active criminal is the nato reich itself, what exactly is the worth of pkiistic 'sekoority' where they have master key ? 1884185;1546542662;stratum;It depends on ones threat model. 1884186;1546542682;stratum;I think most IRC people would be more concerned with some random internet jackoff fucking with them than GCHQ. 1884187;1546542736;asciilifeform;actual crypto worx just same against randojackoff and hitler. 1884188;1546542802;stratum;Certainly, but one still has to survive among the internet places as they exist.. We cannot all be RMS and have a helper print out websites for us because we're paranoid. 1884189;1546542828;asciilifeform;the notion pushed by reich where 'it is cheaper to only work against jackass' is fallacious, your cpu can bear the load. 1884190;1546542868;asciilifeform;stratum: why wouldja need 'helper to print web sites' ? 1884191;1546542890;asciilifeform;what's wrong with having multiple boxes for diff uses. 1884192;1546542925;stratum;If one can afford the money, time, and hassle, nothing. 1884193;1546542936;Mocky;also re bot, I do see the underlying problem that is revealed when someone says "oh hey, never thought of..." 1884194;1546543002;asciilifeform;stratum: so enlighten me, what's the logic -- you can't afford to plug in 2 boxes , but want to tell self stories at bedtime re 'secure anyway' ? 1884195;1546543072;stratum;Most people don't even have one "box" -- More and more browsing from their phones as their sole computing device, billions of them. I think there is a disconnect in what we're discussing: which is why I mention RMS and his helpers. 1884196;1546543137;asciilifeform;stratum: y'know, the money argument dun hold water -- a new 'ipnoje' actually costs moar than ~several~ entirely usable pc 1884197;1546543150;asciilifeform;( not even counting its ~subscription~ ) 1884198;1546543183;stratum;I doubt any locksmith, who knows how easily they can be defeated, is arguing against locks for the average person, grandmas, and such. It seems like the argument against https from the likes of dpb is an argument of this type, in my opinion. 1884199;1546543211;Mocky;more like the tsa luggage locks 1884200;1546543225;asciilifeform;except where yer lock aint a lock at all, but instead is rather more similar to the plastic amulets 'boko haram' hands out to soldiers 'to stop bullets' 1884201;1546543289;asciilifeform;!!up stratum 1884202;1546543290;deedbot;stratum voiced for 30 minutes. 1884203;1546543323;asciilifeform;stratum: one doesn't even need to sit on hitler's throne to bypass sslism; typical idjit os comes with root certs from such shitholes as e.g. greece and latvia 1884204;1546543370;asciilifeform;all you need is to buy/borrow/steal 1 ( and not even this, protocol itself is swiss cheese and regularly broken by amateurs without any need to steal privkeys from some derpistan ) 1884205;1546543441;stratum;Right now, for the billions, I think it is probably better than nothing, just like easily popped household locks. 1884206;1546543480;stratum;If individuals want to communicate using heavily encrypted sneakernet to avoid NSA goons, that is certainly okay by me. But I don't see that happening for the billions any time soon. 1884207;1546543536;Mocky;are you an advocate on behalf of the billions? 1884208;1546543547;asciilifeform;stratum: tech 'for the billions' remains a questionable proposition even in re 100 y.o. techs. 'the billions' still have trouble with not dropping running toaster in bathtub. 1884209;1546543618;asciilifeform;the appropriate tech 'for the billions' is prolly the ox-plow ( and with proviso that they turn into a moar manageable 'millions' ) 1884210;1546543677;asciilifeform;danielpbarron: i wonder if the fella knows just what's behind the door he's walked into. 1884211;1546543906;Mocky;unrelatedly, it's strange time distortion to be a newb and compress the reading of back #trilema & #ba logs into 8 months and then see http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-03#1884140 and realize the fella (and plenty others fresh in the mind) hasn't even spoken here for a year 1884212;1546543906;a111;Logged on 2019-01-03 18:47 a111: 2018-01-17 !#s whisperers 1884213;1546543946;danielpbarron;i did not tell him to join, and i have given up on reaching that crowd 1884214;1546544784;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform http://trilema.com/2019/what-is-meant-by-ai/ 'ere you go. 1884215;1546544848;asciilifeform;oh hey 1884216;1546545009;mircea_popescu;stratum we are only interested in destroying the capacity of posturing of the "state actor" known asw the usg. 1884217;1546545034;mircea_popescu;random schmuckette futzing with her phone "losing" her nudes is of no consequence, she is a party favour anyway, whether she knows this or not. 1884218;1546545092;mircea_popescu;and "most irc people" is an undefined symbol. there's the lordship and absolutely nothing else. there's no "irc people". 1884219;1546545261;mircea_popescu;poor danielpbarron, i'm starting to understand his problem : specifically because http://btcbase.org/log/2018-12-18#1881534 ie much lower intellectual bar, it is actually WAY THE FUCK EASIER to sell his church than the republic, to the sort of random interneteer. memory vs thought, hands down easier to memorize than structure the world. 1884220;1546545261;a111;Logged on 2018-12-18 19:57 mircea_popescu: why is it that this church is notable in spite of not having a feedbot ? 1884221;1546545366;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-03#1884196 << the point isn't the "monetary" cost, they have 0 money anyway. the point is the intellectual cost -- they're monkeys, they barely got enough brainpower to cluck at the shiny, what computer, what computers. 1884222;1546545366;a111;Logged on 2019-01-03 19:18 asciilifeform: stratum: y'know, the money argument dun hold water -- a new 'ipnoje' actually costs moar than ~several~ entirely usable pc 1884223;1546545507;mircea_popescu;Mocky we're in the same time distortion field. i recall people dead for centuries as if we just interrupted a coffee conversation days ago ; i forgot idiots i met yesterday as if milennia had passed. 1884224;1546545511;mircea_popescu;time exists in the mind. 1884225;1546545641;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-03#1884103 << i think the logs reflect my thinking similarily at first ; but kinda dropped it also. 1884226;1546545641;a111;Logged on 2019-01-03 17:15 asciilifeform: when i started with adaism, i initially found the preservation of indexing in array-slices annoying. but then saw the wisdom, it whips programmer into having a much firmer grasp of wtf he is doing. 1884227;1546545787;feedbot;http://trilema.com/2019/what-is-meant-by-ai/ << Trilema -- What is meant by AI ? 1884228;1546550888;jurov;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-03#1884050 << asciilifeform next time please spend few precious seconds to actually check A and MX records. No, it's not on lulazon anymore. 1884229;1546550888;a111;Logged on 2019-01-03 14:59 asciilifeform: diana_coman: looks like ml not yet moved to pizarro, it's still hosted wherever it was that jurov had it 1884230;1546552866;asciilifeform;jurov: then mystery deepens . can you offer an explanation for http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-03#1884046 ? 1884231;1546552866;a111;Logged on 2019-01-03 07:19 diana_coman: mod6, http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2019-January/000321.html gives me http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/aaNkK/?raw=true 1884232;1546553024;asciilifeform;why the everliving fuck would anyone ever see 'Generated by cloudfront (CloudFront)' from that thing ?? 1884233;1546553232;feedbot;http://bimbo.club/2019/01/philosophical-transactions-for-the-months-of-november-and-december-1715-part-iii/ << Bimbo.Club -- Philosophical Transactions. For the months of November and December, 1715 - Part III. 1884234;1546556026;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-03#1884225 << ada is surrounded by a kind of roman 'sudes' fort , consisting of 'why the fuck does it make me do this', kills 99+% of maggots on the spot. at least that's my hypothesis re why the thing remains usable ~40 yrs after first made, unlike e.g. unix 1884235;1546556026;a111;Logged on 2019-01-03 20:00 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-03#1884103 << i think the logs reflect my thinking similarily at first ; but kinda dropped it also. 1884236;1546556044;mircea_popescu;possibru. 1884237;1546556099;asciilifeform;( e.g. http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-26#1662671 , and other examples i documented in 2016-7 l0gz ) 1884238;1546556099;a111;Logged on 2017-05-26 18:10 asciilifeform: for instance, the almost ubiquitous c-ism, of creating a pointer (ada 'access') variable on a procedure's local (stack) and passing it to something -- anything -- is illegal 1884239;1546556176;asciilifeform;Mocky collected the whole, iirc, set, i'ma link ftr to http://mocky.org/Log-Reference-Why-Ada/ . 1884240;1546556237;mircea_popescu;memory management in c is one of the weirdest things. this is not directly obvious first off, but if you stop to think about what you're saying ~actually means~ it's a guaranteed starseeing moment. 1884241;1546556297;asciilifeform;c programmers who 'stop to think about what it means' tend to go insane and gouge out own eyes etc. so not much experience of this in the field. 1884242;1546556387;asciilifeform;incidentally i'll add that most published heathen ada proggies use c-style heapism, it isn't banned by the lang per se. 1884243;1546556400;mircea_popescu;i suppose the first step in the wonderful world of language is the kid's "what incantations do" rather than "what does this mean". takes a considerable time exposed to "she is your genie, ask what you will, she'll produce it" sorta situation for the former to mutate into the latter, "what the fuck am i asking these genies to do here!" 1884244;1546556409;asciilifeform;( in fact, if anyffing -- encouraged, the type safety makes it less immediately lethal than otherwise would be ) 1884245;1546556416;*;asciilifeform brb,teatime 1884246;1546556596;feedbot;http://trilema.com/2019/qntra-sqntr-december-2018-statement/ << Trilema -- Qntra (S.QNTR) December 2018 Statement 1884247;1546557694;jurov;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-03#1884230 << perhaps someone is avoiding DNS and has stale static IP entry in hosts.txt ? 1884248;1546557694;a111;Logged on 2019-01-03 22:01 asciilifeform: jurov: then mystery deepens . can you offer an explanation for http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-03#1884046 ? 1884249;1546557837;asciilifeform;jurov: this is entirely possible. lessee what diana_coman says when wakes up. 1884250;1546557845;asciilifeform;( iirc diana_coman was the only 1 afflicted ) 1884251;1546557888;jurov;diana_coman: really, let's seriously troubleshoot this. if you aren't using hosts file, can you please paste the output of: dig therealbitcoin.org and: dig MX therealbitcoin.org 1884252;1546558390;BingoBoingo;dig shows the MX pointed at the foundation's Pizarro box from here 1884253;1546558395;asciilifeform;same here 1884254;1546562778;mod6;Yeah, I get the pizarro ip for both A and MX records. Just in case, I have posted the clearsigned report to my website for viewing: http://mod6.net/2018/December/31/btcf_address_201812.txt 1884255;1546564345;asciilifeform;unrelatedly : hey mircea_popescu , didja have a torrent tracker ? i seem to recall in the log ( tho cannot find. ) or was it an in-house thingie strictly. 1884256;1546564422;asciilifeform;i ask because i have a 9GB disk image from that bolix 'macivory' ( recorded using the 'alpha' from earlier thrd ) but am reluctant to simply put on dulap, soaking up bw for errybody 1884257;1546564457;asciilifeform;( it's ~8GB gzipped ) 1884258;1546564537;asciilifeform;it aint that much good without the iron, but i would like the thing publicly gettable, given as i also baked a 'scsi2sd' config that eats the thing 1884259;1546564560;asciilifeform;( solid state gadget that replaces the ancient whining hdd in the thing ) 1884260;1546565145;asciilifeform;lol holySHIT is gzip inefficient for disk snapshots. '7zip' gets it down to 256MB ! 1884261;1546565262;asciilifeform;possibly dun need torrents after all. ( it is nao smaller than those jpegs from last wk. ) 1884262;1546565307;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform wasn't a tracker, just a large box with the entire collection of trilema reviewed films. on for a year or so, but turned it off recently. 1884263;1546565313;asciilifeform;aa 1884264;1546565322;mircea_popescu;when realised that i do not like the "community" enough to pump 1k/mo into it or anything. 1884265;1546565324;asciilifeform;aite. 1884266;1546565353;asciilifeform;this is a fundamental problem with throwing up warez for 'public'. how to justify to self, the bird feeder. 1884267;1546565371;asciilifeform;it costs real moneyz to throw up GBs. 1884268;1546565480;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2013/some-basic-discussion-of-charity/ what else. 1884269;1546565484;asciilifeform;aha 1884270;1546565517;mircea_popescu;nothing wrong with "here's a list of things you can have ~by request~ in my castle" 1884271;1546565537;asciilifeform;this also. tho it is headachy to arrange in practice. 1884272;1546565566;mircea_popescu;so asker must be this tall to ride. 1884273;1546565576;asciilifeform;i mean on serving end. 1884274;1546565591;mircea_popescu;when joe blow did enough for you that it overwhelms the headache, he can has. 1884275;1546565656;asciilifeform;i have a half-written bot that takes a deedbot-style gpg wot decrypt and puts out a single-use emulated ftp login thing. but it is not alive, because gnarly in practice ( if single-shot, resumes dunwork; and no crypto, and prolly this is solvable but i dun have currently the time budget for massaging it ) 1884276;1546565759;asciilifeform;a reasonably-mechanized process for distributing warez to one's l1/l2 might be useful, but i haven't yet devised one that dun break in annoying ways in the field. 1884277;1546565784;mircea_popescu;the correct way is reverse : take ~ftp login~, dump it in there. 1884278;1546565802;asciilifeform;i.e. receiver puts up ftp ? 1884279;1546565805;mircea_popescu;yup. 1884280;1546565809;asciilifeform;i suppose that'd work ( tho still no crypto ) 1884281;1546565813;mircea_popescu;of course crypto. 1884282;1546565818;asciilifeform;with what ? 1884283;1546565822;mircea_popescu;with his key. 1884284;1546565829;asciilifeform;as in, per file ? 1884285;1546565838;mircea_popescu;per tarball, w/e. 1884286;1546565848;asciilifeform;i guess would work. 1884287;1546565873;asciilifeform;pretty heavy on the serving end, tho, needs scratch buffer of $file-length per each req. 1884288;1546565890;asciilifeform;( of much moar, in fact, than $file-length, cuz gpg is retarded ) 1884289;1546565912;mircea_popescu;you got collection-of-shit 1 throught 99. joe wants shit-item-5-6-7. joe sends !Z http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/12345/?raw=true wherein is found "shit-item-5 ; shit-item-6 ; shit-item-7 ; pubkey" 1884290;1546565939;mircea_popescu;you "shit-item-5 ; shit-item-6 ; shit-item-7" > tar > gpg -aer pubkey > joe.ftp.server 1884291;1546565959;asciilifeform;right, it'd work in principle. but costly on transmitter end. 1884292;1546565964;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform like this you can do it on an as-available basis. 1884293;1546565974;asciilifeform;naturally as-available, how else. 1884294;1546565977;mircea_popescu;WAY the fuck cheaper than alternative. 1884295;1546565980;asciilifeform;but it won't be very available. 1884296;1546565992;mircea_popescu;because www server will attempt to feed any clients at any time 1884297;1546566001;asciilifeform;7 folx want to load, each needs a, what, 4GB+ buffer (if turd is 1GB) 1884298;1546566016;mircea_popescu;nah. it's a 20% overhead or so. 1884299;1546566032;asciilifeform;classical gpg (base64) is a 400% neh 1884300;1546566036;mircea_popescu;neh. 1884301;1546566059;asciilifeform;( assuming incompressible payload ) 1884302;1546566084;asciilifeform;given as most warez is already compressed 1884303;1546566091;mircea_popescu;you don't even have to ascii armor, if that bothers you. 1884304;1546566144;asciilifeform;this is prolly the most practical scheme suggested, to date, for this. but still feels heavy. 1884305;1546566294;mircea_popescu;what can i tell you. 1884306;1546566312;asciilifeform;also suffers from practical gnarl -- say the session gets thrown. how many times is the bot to retry upload. 1884307;1546566319;mircea_popescu;until done. 1884308;1546566343;mircea_popescu;ftp has resume, and besides, you got hashes. 1884309;1546566346;asciilifeform;tru 1884310;1546566354;mircea_popescu;and if it's such a problem, slice it. 1884311;1546566370;asciilifeform;soon enuff we're back to alt.binaries lol 1884312;1546566372;mircea_popescu;(if anyone wonders why all those r00 r01 etc slices back in the day) 1884313;1546566380;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform correct design is correct design. 1884314;1546566392;asciilifeform;oh hey remember the luby-style usenet archiver thing 1884315;1546566396;asciilifeform;i fughet what it was called 1884316;1546566422;asciilifeform;where you only needed e.g. 30 of 36 .rxx etc to magick the whole thing back into shape 1884317;1546566442;mircea_popescu;i dunno anyone actually bothered. 1884318;1546566449;asciilifeform;some defo bothered 1884319;1546566459;asciilifeform;iirc it was a plain reed-solomon tho, not newfangled luby 1884320;1546566965;asciilifeform;http://www.slyck.com/Newsgroups_Guide_PAR_PAR2_Files << found it. 1884321;1546566982;asciilifeform;'PAR'. 1884322;1546567028;asciilifeform;apparently there were even multiple versions of the thing, i had nfi. 1884323;1546567071;asciilifeform;in the last days of the good old days, it was actually pretty common, in asciilifeform's recollection. 1884324;1546567138;asciilifeform;'golden age' of usenet may have ended in '93, before i even got hands on it, but 'silver age' imho ended ~decade later. ( when usenet more or less disappeared entirely ) 1884325;1546567956;mircea_popescu;you and naggum might've been the only ones left by then 1884326;1546568005;asciilifeform;he outlived me there by considerable time. 1884327;1546568061;*;asciilifeform was largely in lurk mode in those days, did not often presume to have what's worth saying. 1884328;1546568136;asciilifeform;there was, however, warez. asciilifeform got most of his msdos-goldenage stuff from alt.binaries.* 1884329;1546568215;asciilifeform;to round off the http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-04#1884258 thrd : item confirmed to work. booted up box with it , it's a mixed blessing ( ~zero seek times, but slightly ~slower~ linear transfer than the mechanical disk. but, theoretically lasts '4evah', given as card can be easily backed up ) 1884330;1546568215;a111;Logged on 2019-01-04 01:15 asciilifeform: it aint that much good without the iron, but i would like the thing publicly gettable, given as i also baked a 'scsi2sd' config that eats the thing 1884331;1546568238;asciilifeform;i'ma post complete recipe laters. 1884332;1546568354;asciilifeform;at the very least, it's quiet, and pulls 1watt instead of 40, reducing strain on the ancient electrolytic caps.. 1884333;1546568398;asciilifeform;phf i expect these will work in your 'xl' also. 1884334;1546568419;asciilifeform;( you can actually set arbitrary block size, so the weirdo 1280byte blox will work ) 1884335;1546568502;asciilifeform;the crapple ftr uses ordinary 512byte blks. 1884336;1546568576;asciilifeform;when i first went to look for the thing, found that there's a whole underworld of vintage crapple people ( and 'amiga' etc ) , most of'em moved to using these things. 1884337;1546568609;asciilifeform;( interestingly also found that nowadays certain vintage crapples command 4fig prices. why -- cannot say. ) 1884338;1546568673;asciilifeform;there's folx running 'aix' even, that old favourite of BingoBoingo . 1884339;1546568678;*;asciilifeform bbl, meat 1884340;1546568935;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: TBF a lot of weird looks good when the alternatives are Windows, Lunix, and ManzanaBSD 1884341;1546569023;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2019/01/longtime-national-security-journalist-quits-nbc-over-networks-pro-war-editorial-position/ << Qntra -- Longtime "National Security" Journalist Quits NBC Over Network's Pro-War Editorial Position 1884342;1546570765;feedbot;http://bimbo.club/2019/01/my-new-g/ << Bimbo.Club -- My new G 1884343;1546576043;trinque;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-02#1883981 << I'll give it some attention this weekend. 1884344;1546576043;a111;Logged on 2019-01-02 20:15 diana_coman: trinque, how's it going with getting the Cuntoo .vpatch in fixed shape? 1884345;1546596817;diana_coman;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-03#1884247 -right, jurov has it; it was my own stale IP in hosts on that machine 1884346;1546596817;a111;Logged on 2019-01-03 23:21 jurov: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-03#1884230 << perhaps someone is avoiding DNS and has stale static IP entry in hosts.txt ? 1884347;1546600179;feedbot;http://ossasepia.com/2019/01/04/tandretea-inceputului-de-an/ << Ossasepia -- Tandretea inceputului de an 1884348;1546604799;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-04#1884340 << point. i suspect that a good chunk of the interest in old irons is driven by the sheer unfathomable depth of retardation of 'modern' comp 1884349;1546604799;a111;Logged on 2019-01-04 02:28 BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: TBF a lot of weird looks good when the alternatives are Windows, Lunix, and ManzanaBSD 1884350;1546606121;BingoBoingo;!Xview 1027 1884351;1546606122;auctionbot;Buy order # 1027: 2k wired Filthy Fiats Opening: 540mn ecu Leading Bid: None Ending: 2019-01-04 10:08:07.710708 UTC (9 hours 16 mins) 1884352;1546606228;asciilifeform;guten morgen BingoBoingo 1884353;1546606341;BingoBoingo;Buenos dias Señores 1884354;1546606410;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-04#1884348 << And too be fair, the Rockchip thing is pretty sweet 1884355;1546606410;a111;Logged on 2019-01-04 12:26 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-04#1884340 << point. i suspect that a good chunk of the interest in old irons is driven by the sheer unfathomable depth of retardation of 'modern' comp 1884356;1546606424;BingoBoingo;Mostly for what isn't on its gentoo 1884357;1546606464;asciilifeform;well yes, sweet except for where it runs unixen 1884358;1546606806;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: possibly i said this before, but i am not fond of arm -- it is horrendously ugly, complex, single-vendored ( the multi-vendoritude is an illusion, they all use same british turd mask ) . i picked it as 'best horse in glue factory' for the application, is all. 1884359;1546606915;BingoBoingo;Well yes, when all the race horses got tumors... 1884360;1546606960;BingoBoingo;You're going to make a lot of glue 1884361;1546608116;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: all the race horses are dead. and we race , if you will, while dragging the carcasses around. so i prefer to go with the smallest when possible. 1884362;1546610292;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Yes, and the smallest ones also don't yeild much glue when boiled 1884363;1546614759;asciilifeform;in other olds-noose, asciilifeform installed a http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-27#1674958 , and it's pretty great. ty phf ! 1884364;1546614759;a111;Logged on 2017-06-27 05:12 phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-27#1674891 << i've been using that one for a while, with a https://www.amazon.com/CST2545-L-Trac-Wired-Performance-Trackball/dp/B00EEFK5QQ trackball in the middle. i'm pretty happy with that setup. i've figured out how to get the firmware out of the controller, so i'm hoping to customize some of the keys (that are otherwise useless) 1884365;1546614886;asciilifeform;the sphere, interestingly, is supposedly the size of a regulation billiard ball, and some folx have replaced it with the latter. 1884366;1546615007;asciilifeform;also interestingly, item claims to be made in usa. 1884367;1546615071;asciilifeform;feels hefty and nearly 'bakelite', like a solid 1980s periph. i can see why phf picked it up. 1884368;1546615528;asciilifeform;there are apparently 2 jacks in the back of the thing, for extra buttons (pedals?) 1884369;1546620108;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2019/01/germany-merkel-regime-and-collaborators-suffer-substantial-data-leak/ << Qntra -- Germany: Merkel Regime And Collaborators Suffer Substantial Data Leak 1884370;1546620273;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-04#1884361 << this image is not only extremely vivid, but upon meditation shockingly accurate. 1884371;1546620273;a111;Logged on 2019-01-04 13:21 asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: all the race horses are dead. and we race , if you will, while dragging the carcasses around. so i prefer to go with the smallest when possible. 1884372;1546620396;mircea_popescu;computers were supposed to be intelligence amplifiers, these devices that make the smart ~more effectual~. 1884373;1546620412;mircea_popescu;but instead of that (and, it has to be said, through AND BECAUSE the ~shameful~, utterly immoral and absolutely unethical efforts of idiots just like http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-03#1884205 and like http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-09#1640999 of http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-09#1641209 fame and so on), they became the exact equivalents of those loud earpieces in that shackley story 1884374;1546620412;a111;Logged on 2019-01-03 19:24 stratum: Right now, for the billions, I think it is probably better than nothing, just like easily popped household locks. 1884375;1546620412;a111;Logged on 2017-04-09 22:03 asciilifeform: most of the heavy lifting was done by a dozen or so people, however. (david moon, richard greenblatt, tom knight, buncha smaller ones ) 1884376;1546620412;a111;Logged on 2017-04-09 23:14 mircea_popescu: "who do you think will win, mr 13, the team with two guys and monkeys or the team with three guys and monkeys ?" 1884377;1546620416;mircea_popescu;intelligence ~equalizers~ 1884378;1546620438;mircea_popescu;ie, EXACTLY these dead horses smart people are dragging around on their own fucking power to sheer exhaustion. 1884379;1546620450;mircea_popescu;THIS IS IN-FUCKING-TOLERABLE, and FUCK YOU ALL IMBECILES. 1884380;1546620496;mircea_popescu;fucking get it already -- if you work with the monkeys people will spit in your eye. 1884381;1546620510;mircea_popescu;fucking shameful. 1884382;1546620547;mircea_popescu;what, i ask you, WHAT is a worse stain than having spent a minute on the needs of the poor ? they're fucking poor for a reason! step on their faces, there's rich people that you could be helping instead. 1884383;1546620627;mircea_popescu;fucktarded socialists hijacking computing for their own ends. just like they tried to hijack bitcoin, because that's what they fucking do, sit around all day trying to come up with some way to tie the sun to their chariot. 1884384;1546620636;mircea_popescu;and the ENTIRE FIELD of "luminaries" ~LETTING THEM~. 1884385;1546620679;mircea_popescu;we can talk of power rangers in bitcoin because they got fucking squashed. but nobody before thought "o hey, you know what knight, stallman, richie etc ALL have in common ?! FUCKING POWER RANGERS JESUS FUCK." 1884386;1546620707;mircea_popescu;they do. it's what they fucking are, first to last, and fuck them all for being so fucking stupid. "oh, mit forced". nobody fucking forced them, they betrayed their kind because of what they are. 1884387;1546620847;mircea_popescu;https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/36/Rinderpest_1896-CN.jpg << this shall now become part of the permanent record. 1884388;1546620920;mircea_popescu;fucking "localized keyboards". that's what i fucking need in the 90s, "let's make computers useful and accessible to the bureaucracy!" "imagine mp, vast fields of fat minnesota cows derping on the computer all day long!" 1884389;1546620930;mircea_popescu;fucking hell. 1884390;1546621352;asciilifeform;ohai mircea_popescu 1884391;1546621793;mircea_popescu;heya. 1884392;1546621809;mircea_popescu;in lighter news, diana_coman 's latest suggests the last indisputable use for the bookshelf. 1884393;1546621817;mircea_popescu;can't really bring up a kid without a book room. 1884394;1546621835;asciilifeform;loox almost exactly like asciilifeform's ancestral b00k room, for that matter 1884395;1546621892;asciilifeform;i remember when i first saw a bookcase without glass doors. 'barbarism' 1884396;1546621901;mircea_popescu;it is, at that. 1884397;1546621911;asciilifeform;( they're ~ungettable in usa. today i haven't any glass. tho i do have air scrubbers, like in museums.. ) 1884398;1546621940;mircea_popescu;i guess one doesn't strictly speaking need it for trophycase/tchotchkecase/whatever, give the slavegirls something to do, dust it biweekly. however books get infected. 1884399;1546621952;asciilifeform;they sure do. 1884400;1546621958;asciilifeform;esp. nice, older, 'edible' ones. 1884401;1546621964;mircea_popescu;myeah. 1884402;1546621979;*;asciilifeform recalls mircea_popescu's gedanken- aluminum book 1884403;1546621996;mircea_popescu;like all crystalline mindmatter -- it grows on ya over time :D 1884404;1546622031;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform can i has link to the story in question for completeness btw ? 1884405;1546622041;asciilifeform;!#s bergeron 1884406;1546622042;a111;10 results for "bergeron", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=bergeron 1884407;1546622069;mircea_popescu;a there we go ty 1884408;1546622070;asciilifeform;if yer thinking of http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-04#1884373 . 1884409;1546622070;a111;Logged on 2019-01-04 16:46 mircea_popescu: but instead of that (and, it has to be said, through AND BECAUSE the ~shameful~, utterly immoral and absolutely unethical efforts of idiots just like http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-03#1884205 and like http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-09#1640999 of http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-09#1641209 fame and so on), they became the exact equivalents of those loud earpieces in that shackley story 1884410;1546622074;asciilifeform;k. vonnegut. 1884411;1546622099;mircea_popescu;yeah. 1884412;1546622145;asciilifeform;in other olds, apparently i slept through this, but in early 2000s some ru d00d actually built a ~non-grazing~ lens for xray. for pennies, at that. 1884413;1546622158;mircea_popescu;out of what ?! 1884414;1546622167;asciilifeform;( tldr : plate of aluminum, with 0.5mm holes drilled. the working surface is ~edge~ of plate. ) 1884415;1546622171;asciilifeform;it's a compound lens. 1884416;1546622174;mircea_popescu;don't tell me "czech glass, dummy. if you polish it like-so.." 1884417;1546622181;mircea_popescu;oh! 1884418;1546622183;asciilifeform;( i.e. each hole refracts by fraction of degree. ) 1884419;1546622188;mircea_popescu;hey, you know what... that's a great idea 1884420;1546622211;asciilifeform;classical http://btcbase.org/log/2014-02-12#498416 solution. 1884421;1546622211;a111;Logged on 2014-02-12 18:27 asciilifeform: 'the best machine is no machine' (herr altschuller) 1884422;1546622219;mircea_popescu;only works on specified x-ray, i expect ? not exactly "lens" in the broad sense. 1884423;1546622236;asciilifeform;worx on all xray. 'harder' (shorter wave) needs moar holes. 1884424;1546622249;asciilifeform;if you use heavier metal, also worx on gamma. 1884425;1546622255;mircea_popescu;man... 1884426;1546622288;mircea_popescu;why the fuck didn't i think of that. 1884427;1546622289;asciilifeform;mysteriously (or i guess not, 'nobody does anyffing any moar'...) item aint (publicly) used for anyffin, afaik. 1884428;1546622294;asciilifeform;was my thought ! 1884429;1546622303;asciilifeform;asciilifeform bit his elbows raw going 'wai didnt i think'!111 1884430;1546622314;mircea_popescu;insanity. 1884431;1546622368;mircea_popescu;right because discontinuous media is THE metamaterial for matter-wave interaction. 1884432;1546622378;mircea_popescu;first fucking lesson in the field, what. 1884433;1546622381;asciilifeform;hey it's how all other lensing worx. 1884434;1546622385;mircea_popescu;you know ? 1884435;1546622397;asciilifeform;'least action path'(tm) 1884436;1546622405;mircea_popescu;"so make it discountinous!" "HOW!!!" "dude drill a hole" "omfg how wise you are mr!" 1884437;1546622426;asciilifeform;nao really one oughta ~etch~ the holes 1884438;1546622431;asciilifeform;but basic principle remains. 1884439;1546622458;mircea_popescu;drill and polish, i'd say, rather than etch. smoother holes this way\ 1884440;1546622497;asciilifeform;drilling 10e6 holes is a bit of a bitch 1884441;1546622505;asciilifeform;but does apparently work. 1884442;1546622507;mircea_popescu;laser! computor actuated! etc! 1884443;1546622516;asciilifeform;aha, number of ways. 1884444;1546622528;asciilifeform;tricky bit is, you want max sphericity 1884445;1546622533;mircea_popescu;i'm totally like one of those old war veterans upon hearing of new weapon 1884446;1546622540;asciilifeform;( error magnifies exponentially ) 1884447;1546622544;mircea_popescu;starts wanting to dust off armors. 1884448;1546622550;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: was my reaction precisely. 1884449;1546622676;mircea_popescu;this is worse than "czech glass, dummy. if you polish it like-so.." ftr. much, much worse. 1884450;1546622700;asciilifeform;it's a 'the fucking key was in your pocket, lol' sorta wtf gem. 1884451;1546622754;mircea_popescu;one day my car mechanic is going to come into this room, pour a quart of oil into the box, and make a whole new os this way. 1884452;1546622761;mircea_popescu;then we'll all use that and all will be well. 1884453;1546622767;asciilifeform;1 application asciilifeform immediately thought of, discussed nowhere, is lightweight shielding ( need X times less square metrage of pb sheet as you have diff b/w focused and unfocused ! ) 1884454;1546622792;mircea_popescu;aha! could make some really cool shelters with this. 1884455;1546622816;asciilifeform;was thinking moar along lines of 'fly on mars without frying' mega-puzzler, but yes 1884456;1546622829;mircea_popescu;(likbez : problem with nuclear shelter is that Bremsstrahlung. but with this... well... make it go away) 1884457;1546622870;asciilifeform;aha, as i undestand brems gets refracted along same vector as the orig photon 1884458;1546622877;asciilifeform;so goes to the desired place. 1884459;1546622897;mircea_popescu;(ie, you are MORE likely to die for being behind sheet lead/steel/whatever than not. because high energy electron won't hurt you at all -- or even see you -- but the tons of gamma it spews as the metal plate decelerates it WILL fucking fry you)\ 1884460;1546622908;asciilifeform;(notably ~not~ the case with grazing 'optics' ) 1884461;1546622915;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform exactly. fundamental reason why shelter ~= useless 1884462;1546622927;asciilifeform;well traditionally 'shelter useless' cuz neutrons 1884463;1546622941;mircea_popescu;you can afford to make plate thick enough to neuter those. 1884464;1546622964;mircea_popescu;but all the classical films include "bottom of this here mountain" because do the math, one single electron can produce enough gamma to fry an egg 1884465;1546622964;asciilifeform;neutron happily sails through 100m of iron, if enuff juice. 1884466;1546622974;mircea_popescu;yes but on a power law. 1884467;1546622978;asciilifeform;tru 1884468;1546623004;mircea_popescu;if there's one meter of steel and two meters of you, 99.x% of all neutrons energetic enough to go through the sheet will ALSO be energetic enough to go through you 1884469;1546623033;mircea_popescu;same would be true of electrons, too, except for the braking, which makes 99.x% of the energy of those NOT energetic enough to go through... take your picture. 1884470;1546623039;asciilifeform;the prob is the .x% that capture 1884471;1546623073;mircea_popescu;that is HOW the thickness of the sheet protects you from neutrons -- the thicker the sheet, the lower the loss into you. because that power law. 1884472;1546623085;asciilifeform;( observe that you dun need to cook the victim , like egg, he's just as dead when % of his Na turns to Mg etc 1884473;1546623090;asciilifeform;) 1884474;1546623130;asciilifeform;and naturally subj to power law, like anyffing else, or nuffin could live, sun would roast. 1884475;1546623173;mircea_popescu;this is not factually true. leaving aside how nuclear explosion not nearly as harmful to people as commonly misrepresented (and let's see http://trilema.com/2011/radiatia-si-corpul-omenesc/#comment-44772 re this), there's precious few neutron casualties recorded. 1884476;1546623197;asciilifeform;the jp nukes were neutron-poor, tho 1884477;1546623211;asciilifeform;( and we dun have good body of 'experimental subject' from laters ) 1884478;1546623278;asciilifeform;but indeed, if anybody knows just how much neutron it takes to nail a man in militarily-relevant time frame, they aint tellin' 1884479;1546623427;asciilifeform;it sux, tho, having to bury the dead enemy, + his furniture, walls, the ground his house was on, in pb coffins, to take the territory. 1884480;1546623462;asciilifeform;hence why not so much interest, i suspect, in (misnomer, but) 'neutron bomb' 1884481;1546623897;mircea_popescu;well, there's the dood with the sphere lol 1884482;1546623946;asciilifeform;in moar mundane lulz, asciilifeform , after N-th vivisection of bolixtron, boots it up and finds that it turned into 'ordinary old crapple', i.e. no longer sees the card. thinks 'eh, shit', then -- remembers that it's a fuking '80s machine -- goes, cleans contacts. then finds, box again worx... 1884483;1546623980;mircea_popescu;next time try drilling little holes 1884484;1546623982;mircea_popescu;who knows. 1884485;1546623984;asciilifeform;lol 1884486;1546624001;*;mircea_popescu shall be now drilling holes in everything 1884487;1546624021;asciilifeform;'for 20kbux, i DRILL OWN HOLE!'(tm)(r) 1884488;1546624046;mircea_popescu;lol. eh, i got some of those kitten scratcher things, can drill microholes on the cheap. 1884489;1546624069;asciilifeform;btw electron beam makes exactly the sorta drill you want here. 1884490;1546624081;asciilifeform;good sphericity, steerable, just-so diameter, etc 1884491;1546624086;mircea_popescu;THE WARTENBERG RAKE!!! 1884492;1546624106;asciilifeform;lol 1884493;1546624115;*;asciilifeform actually has 1 somewhere.. 1884494;1546624345;asciilifeform;incidentally might be interesting to get that lens baked as... a pcb ( commercial pcb houses will do al instead of cu, at comparable cost , plus whatever drillings ) 1884495;1546624429;mircea_popescu;you're gonna roast yet. 1884496;1546624449;asciilifeform;but 0.1% less!111 1884497;1546624458;mircea_popescu;heh 1884498;1546624590;asciilifeform;the gods dangle, verily, their lures : largest usable hole so happens is the smallest commercially drillable pcb drill... 1884499;1546626296;mircea_popescu;keks 1884500;1546626621;asciilifeform;aand nao for an archaeo-sumthing compleeetely different : http://www.loper-os.org/pub/daykin/index.html 1884501;1546626666;mircea_popescu;addition only ? 1884502;1546626671;asciilifeform;in fact. 1884503;1546626690;asciilifeform;( addition over a finite field, to be pedantic ) 1884504;1546626697;asciilifeform;which guess what. 1884505;1546626697;mircea_popescu;how the fuck did he pick 10k 1884506;1546626701;mircea_popescu;oh oh oh. 1884507;1546626704;asciilifeform;he was doin' it on paper. 1884508;1546626707;asciilifeform;with base10. 1884509;1546626722;mircea_popescu;lol. right. "addition" my foot. why the fuck do scientists misuse terms of art. "addition over finite field"!="addition" 1884510;1546626727;asciilifeform;now, nobody will be surprised to hear that this was never publicly used for anyffin, never appeared in schoolbooks, etc. 1884511;1546626785;mircea_popescu;why does he think this is fast ? 1884512;1546626792;asciilifeform;uni of reading, uk. wonder if d00d is still alive and within reach of diana_coman 1884513;1546626803;mircea_popescu;and why the fuck does he use ~substraction~, could have used addition instead for same exact money. 1884514;1546626812;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: he doesn't . read carefully. 1884515;1546626817;asciilifeform;he uses a complement. 1884516;1546626829;asciilifeform;( for some reason did not use the standard name for it, why -- i do not know ) 1884517;1546626833;mircea_popescu;right, but he complement-decrements 1884518;1546626841;asciilifeform;he straight-out complements. 1884519;1546626872;mircea_popescu;o he does. he does. right you are, look at that. 1884520;1546626913;asciilifeform;same thing as in e.g. http://www.loper-os.org/pub/ffa/hypertext/ch14/fz_mul__adb.htm#164_7 . 1884521;1546626954;mircea_popescu;"At each subsequent stage, the next number is the last N plus the last Z ; carries out of bounds are ignored ; if anything's ignored the next number's an N, otherwise a Z. " to take it out of the idiotic format. 1884522;1546626992;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the pedantery wherein he explains how "substraction really adition because transform and add 1" is so fucken cute... when is this, 1920 ? 1884523;1546626997;asciilifeform;nfi 1884524;1546627003;asciilifeform;but it ends up resolving to euclid. 1884525;1546627026;asciilifeform;~without~ the 3 separate full-width subtractions that e.g. constanttimeized stein's gcd needs. 1884526;1546627042;asciilifeform;apparently nobody noticed. 1884527;1546627044;mircea_popescu;and look at that, straight up induction proof. 1884528;1546627069;mircea_popescu;did i mention i like your treasure trove finds a lot more these days ? 1884529;1546627080;asciilifeform;i try to find the goodstuff! 1884530;1546627105;mircea_popescu;flow diagram included. 1884531;1546627109;asciilifeform;realize, this is ch.15. 1884532;1546627120;asciilifeform;and directly affects how fast we can bake primes. 1884533;1546627166;asciilifeform;( and yes we'll bake primes without leaking the intermediates. which means that gcd eats full width of register, miller-rabin actually fires 9000 times , etc ) 1884534;1546627424;mircea_popescu;aha 1884535;1546627426;asciilifeform;all i need nao is the proof that the thing needs F(B) turns of the crank to converge, where B is bitness of operands, and it's battlefield-ready. 1884536;1546627458;asciilifeform;( naturally not written as he wrote it, with the shaved additions, but with full widths. but still ) 1884537;1546627458;mircea_popescu;can not converge in more than 2^B turns. 1884538;1546627462;mircea_popescu;there's your proof. 1884539;1546627476;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: this is troo for stein. but gotta show that this is isomorphic to stein. 1884540;1546627515;mircea_popescu;think about it, if it converged in more than 2^B turns, then you'd have a B bit number contain B+k bits of information. 1884541;1546627531;mircea_popescu;(ie, it's encode how many turns) 1884542;1546627558;asciilifeform;well actually typo, stein converges in B shots. 1884543;1546627573;asciilifeform;euclid's subtractor in 2^B, and therefore runs in geological time for bignums 1884544;1546627602;mircea_popescu;ah, yeah. you want LINEAR F 1884545;1546627609;asciilifeform;a usable gcdtron converges in B, or 2B, etc. shots, or it's rubbish 1884546;1546627618;asciilifeform;correct. 1884547;1546627623;asciilifeform;as in stein. 1884548;1546627645;mircea_popescu;pretty sure it doesn't converge in B 1884549;1546627660;asciilifeform;stein -- does 1884550;1546627682;mircea_popescu;no i mean daykin 1884551;1546627685;asciilifeform;( it's in knuth v2 ) 1884552;1546627701;asciilifeform;it appears to, tho. but needs proof. 1884553;1546627771;mircea_popescu;i think it converges in B or B+1 by parity 1884554;1546627780;asciilifeform;that'd mean B+1 1884555;1546627802;mircea_popescu;right 1884556;1546627841;asciilifeform;( recall how constanttimeization is done, when converged, you set the stopper and fz_mux outputs the answer , after that algo runs however many shots remain but without affecting the output ) 1884557;1546627844;mircea_popescu;well, i got other firepits to attend to, but what a great logmorning this has been! 1884558;1546627849;asciilifeform;laters. 1884559;1546628499;asciilifeform;in other lulz for the l0gz, python has some pretty ridiculous inbandisms. consider: 1884560;1546628515;asciilifeform;>>> 511 + 8832 1884561;1546628515;asciilifeform;9343 1884562;1546628516;asciilifeform;but: 1884563;1546628528;asciilifeform;>>> 0511 + 8832 1884564;1546628528;asciilifeform;9161 1884565;1546628556;asciilifeform;apparently it interprets the 05 as.. base prefix. 1884566;1546628577;asciilifeform;somehow i used python for yrs as an adhoc calculator and had nfi this bomb were there. 1884567;1546628664;asciilifeform;motherfucking http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-26#1874871 . 1884568;1546628664;a111;Logged on 2018-11-26 18:22 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i have a strong bias against proggies which try to be 'smart' 1884569;1546628727;asciilifeform;Only A Terrorist(tm)! would ever put in leading zeros! or wat. 1884570;1546628798;asciilifeform;https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-list/2015-July/694349.html << confirmed lul. 1884571;1546628879;asciilifeform;i'd say moar, but mircea_popescu already formulated concisely, in http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-04#1884378 . 1884572;1546628879;a111;Logged on 2019-01-04 16:47 mircea_popescu: ie, EXACTLY these dead horses smart people are dragging around on their own fucking power to sheer exhaustion. 1884573;1546629621;asciilifeform;further upstack , i read http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-04#1884475 and was waiting for mention of free-radical scavengers , e.g. WR-2721 and other variations on the theme, but didn't find.. 1884574;1546629621;a111;Logged on 2019-01-04 17:32 mircea_popescu: this is not factually true. leaving aside how nuclear explosion not nearly as harmful to people as commonly misrepresented (and let's see http://trilema.com/2011/radiatia-si-corpul-omenesc/#comment-44772 re this), there's precious few neutron casualties recorded. 1884575;1546629725;asciilifeform;( aka amifostine . there's 5-6 publicly known variations on same leitmotif ) 1884576;1546629874;asciilifeform;https://archive.vn/Ob6ti << ru army issues yet-others. whole subj shrouded in bolix-esque aura of seekrederpery, for decades. 1884577;1546630767;diana_coman;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-04#1884512 -> last published paper seems to be from 1985, uni reading's website mentions him as part of "combinatorics @ Reading" but "retired" 1884578;1546630767;a111;Logged on 2019-01-04 18:33 asciilifeform: uni of reading, uk. wonder if d00d is still alive and within reach of diana_coman 1884579;1546630783;asciilifeform;not very surprising 1884580;1546630807;asciilifeform;most of the folx whose heads worked in 1970s, long ago reached end of working life 1884581;1546630824;asciilifeform;ty for digging tho, diana_coman . 1884582;1546630840;diana_coman;np, worth a dig anyway 1884583;1546639589;auctionbot;Buy order # 1027 has ENDED: No sale. Attn: BingoBoingo 1884584;1546640431;BingoBoingo;!Xbuy 560mn 60 2k wired Filthy Fiats (WU esta bien) 1884585;1546640431;auctionbot;Buy order # 1032 created by BingoBoingo: 2k wired Filthy Fiats (WU esta bien) Opening: 560mn ecu Ending: 2019-01-06 22:23:04.019590 UTC (59 hours) 1884586;1546656914;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform wtf is wrong with bc 1884587;1546657073;mircea_popescu;"Python ints don't have a fixed number of\ndigits." priceless. especially for the 000a intercalation. 1884588;1546657863;feedbot;http://trilema.com/2019/no-such-labs-snsa-december-2018-statement/ << Trilema -- No Such lAbs (S.NSA), December 2018 Statement 1884589;1546658547;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: nuffin wrong with 'bc', but it aint a replacement for customary full 'perlistic' toolbox really 1884590;1546658582;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-05#1884588 << lol pretty compact 1884591;1546658582;a111;Logged on 2019-01-05 03:11 feedbot: http://trilema.com/2019/no-such-labs-snsa-december-2018-statement/ << Trilema -- No Such lAbs (S.NSA), December 2018 Statement 1884592;1546658725;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: funnily enuff, i've found myself using ffacalc itself, on many occasions when prev would've used python or bc etc 1884593;1546658759;asciilifeform;( esp for modular arithmetic , where neither python, perl , bc , really worx without extensive fiddlage ) 1884594;1546658838;asciilifeform;i'm satisfied with my proof that my e.g. mul, div, modexp, actually work.. which is moar than i can say for 'bc' 1884595;1546658992;asciilifeform;!!up pehbot 1884596;1546658992;deedbot;pehbot voiced for 30 minutes. 1884597;1546659014;asciilifeform;!A .~.80LS# 1884598;1546659015;pehbot;asciilifeform: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF00000000000000000000000000000000 1884599;1546659029;asciilifeform;^ difficult to do in e.g. python, without 5-6lines of crud. 1884600;1546660002;mircea_popescu;i don't expect it can be beat for mod work 1884601;1546697333;mircea_popescu;well, meanwhile it's the 5th day of this fine new year, and it occurs to me it might be a good idea to discuss some things, lest april coming around this year like any other year be perceived as some kind of subjective surprise, rather than the objective necessity it ever is. 1884602;1546697416;mircea_popescu;foremost, the lordship is not a state, but an activity. 1884603;1546697630;mircea_popescu;so : as far as i know, bingoBoingo is working on qntra and on pizarro. he's doing a very fine job with the former ; i'm nonplussed with recently discovering just how broken the latter's mp-wp offering actually was ; moreover it seems to me from a distance pizarro's still financially and customer-wise entirely dependent, ie as close to failure as you can possibly get without spelling it out. 1884604;1546697644;diana_coman;fwiw I can't say I saw a surprise so far in any of the april announcements; at most more of a difference of degree at times (i.e. the expected direction/action but to a larger/smaller degree) 1884605;1546697646;mircea_popescu;yet -- it is not my business ; so i'm just going to count it as such, "working on pizarro" without further inquiry (and with the firm expectation that someone IS doing all that). 1884606;1546697674;mircea_popescu;diana_coman well hopefully thusly we smooth that out. 1884607;1546697691;diana_coman;I'm all for the talk, certainly 1884608;1546697777;mircea_popescu;diana_coman is working for s.mg ; we've recently had this exact talk and revised our plans. originally the idea was to have moved over to cuntoo, and do support work for community-driven effort at a new client. the latter completely collapsed over the shocking weakness of such community ; the former's at best delayed. 1884609;1546697874;mircea_popescu;so, she'll be doing client work with her own two hands, something i had every intention to avoid ; and we'll be looking at integrating cuntoo on the server side later on. there's some db work in the hopper also, but that's even further on the maturity vine. 1884610;1546697922;mircea_popescu;hanbot is working on the mp-wp tree, and manages as she long has a rather largeish wetworks i'm not going to get into the details of. 1884611;1546698042;mircea_popescu;other than maintaining the deedbot infrastructure, trinque is working on cuntoo, which is a rather large piece and it taking a [difficult to predict] while is not by itself the end of the world ; but i'd like to see some roadmapping, tentative and subject to change as it may be, lest the effort degenerates. 1884612;1546698167;mircea_popescu;finally, asciilifeform is working on rsa-based ssl-ism replacement (notwithstanding he ~seems to be~ working on any and all wank on the "side" during spare time he doesn't have and all that), which we want so we can finally move bitcoin off sheer cretinity and into cuntoo (and which is principally why we want sane db also, but as i said -- yet immature). 1884613;1546698332;mircea_popescu;other than this, mod6 is taking time off, since mid-november. nothing wrong with this, but i'd like to see some conclusions at some point. 1884614;1546698419;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron seems lost in a bucolic paradise slash midwestern parochial nightmare of his own choosing. nothing wrong with this either, and unless i hear any better that will be the conclusion. 1884615;1546698458;mircea_popescu;i have no idea what ben_vulpes is doing these days, if anything (other than maintaining his logotron, whatever that takes). i would like to hear. 1884616;1546698521;mircea_popescu;lobbes recently unveiled actionbot, which works fine, and is evidently putting all time he can into paying off technological debt he's responsible for if not necessarily guilty of. nothing wrong with this, and it can stand as such. 1884617;1546698633;mircea_popescu;spyked is evidently trying, hence feedbot, but evidently having trouble reconciling saeculum, which i'm going to let stand as such on the grounds that he's new -- even though experience shows that as a dubious idea [for all the eg one could possibly need witness how asciilifeform 's still in the swamp, so many years later]. 1884618;1546698659;mircea_popescu;let's just say it's my considered oppinion "difficulty in reconciling" such is almost never actually due to said saeculum. 1884619;1546698776;mircea_popescu;ave1 is, i suspect, silently working on gnating things -- which is fine and valuable except for the silently part. there's this tendency of lone wolf scientist to not properly report failures, out of an imaginary saving of time and resources this permits. it must be said that NOTHING could be further from the truth, nothing at all -- there's more to be gained from a properly reported failure to find than out of ten shiny succ 1884620;1546698776;mircea_popescu;esses. 1884621;1546698799;mircea_popescu;but really, it serves no one to let me suspect. i should know. 1884622;1546698875;mircea_popescu;which leaves phf ; who's doing an excellent job maintaining very elegant and well done extant infrastructure, and a very terrifyingly poor job at communicating himself. 1884623;1546699029;mircea_popescu;i do not know, as i sit here, what the conclusion of the http://btcbase.org/log/2018-12-19#1881988 discussion was, three weeks later. the man sits among a republic built on a certain methodology, aims to quietly use the exact ~other~ methodology, makes no prior mention of this, candidly references the latter as if it worked notwithstanding how howlingly it failed to work to date, on and on in this vein and at the end of it al 1884624;1546699029;a111;Logged on 2018-12-19 20:09 phf: you're constantly in logs, confused as to how anyone can get anything from anyone, yet now you're questioning my methods. 1884625;1546699029;mircea_popescu;l i have not the faintest what even came of the long avoided but eventually unavoidable discussion. 1884626;1546699137;mircea_popescu;so, phf : how about you start clearly communicating yourself, beginning with a complete, correct and true to life adnotation of said discussion in your own hand, because this "ima go meditate on things until everyone involved forgot what i was meditating on" isn't a workable approach to intellectual life. 1884627;1546699205;mircea_popescu;this about concludes the state of affairs ; i'd like nothing more than corrections, disputations &c by they involved. 1884628;1546700729;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-05#1884612 << fwiw i've ~exhausted the short-term milk of the particular side cow ( there's a disk snapshot & a recipe to post, but after that will be stalled for aeons ) ; 1884629;1546700729;a111;Logged on 2019-01-05 14:22 mircea_popescu: finally, asciilifeform is working on rsa-based ssl-ism replacement (notwithstanding he ~seems to be~ working on any and all wank on the "side" during spare time he doesn't have and all that), which we want so we can finally move bitcoin off sheer cretinity and into cuntoo (and which is principally why we want sane db also, but as i said -- yet immature). 1884630;1546700746;asciilifeform;currently focused on ch15. 1884631;1546700784;asciilifeform;orig release sched is blown, asciilifeform's current desire is to get again to the point where can patch its tyre and reinflate and have rel sched again 1884632;1546700830;asciilifeform;( in orig timeline also did not include problem of constant-time keccak, which i presently do not have, and neither anyone else, but is necessary to fill mircea_popescu's spec for the final product ) 1884633;1546701004;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-05#1884623 << at the risk of pouring petrol into that particular fire, fella also promised a http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-06#1859075 item iirc 1884634;1546701004;a111;Logged on 2019-01-05 14:37 mircea_popescu: i do not know, as i sit here, what the conclusion of the http://btcbase.org/log/2018-12-19#1881988 discussion was, three weeks later. the man sits among a republic built on a certain methodology, aims to quietly use the exact ~other~ methodology, makes no prior mention of this, candidly references the latter as if it worked notwithstanding how howlingly it failed to work to date, on and on in this vein and at the end of it al 1884635;1546701004;a111;Logged on 2018-10-06 23:51 phf: asciilifeform: i don't have binary diffing even in prototype form, if you could adaize your needleman-wunsch i could add it to vtools, the way i did with diana_coman's keccak 1884636;1546701050;asciilifeform;err, bin ~delete~ knob 1884637;1546701052;mircea_popescu;he promised to ask you for an item ? or is this ada n-w published somewhere meanwhile ? 1884638;1546701057;asciilifeform;i have wrong link, 1s 1884639;1546701070;mircea_popescu;maybe it;s not as wrong as all that. did you ever make that thing ? 1884640;1546701226;asciilifeform;bin differ ? yes. but it was never made to current-day tmsr quality , i shelved it when mircea_popescu said it wasn't particularly useful 1884641;1546701239;asciilifeform;( and i currently agree, really one ought not to have bins in vtrees ) 1884642;1546701310;asciilifeform;i posted a complete needleman in cl ( also a draft, rather than troo genesis, nobody stood up and said 'i want this' so shelved ) 2y ago, also. 1884643;1546701360;mircea_popescu;the ~algo~ tho. not specifically for v trees, but it strikes me there doesn't exist currently a bin differ ~at all~. 1884644;1546701438;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-29#1760563 ( napkin-level but working item i posted on prev occasions ) 1884645;1546701438;a111;Logged on 2017-12-29 05:34 asciilifeform: >>>>> https://archive.is/jMMqT 1884646;1546701473;asciilifeform;and yes it worx. you give it a similarity matrix (i.e. 'what differences are important, in the order of their importance' in matrix form) and it produces an alignment. 1884647;1546701492;mircea_popescu;mkay. in the immortal words of that fellow, http://btcbase.org/log/2018-12-12#1880371 1884648;1546701492;a111;Logged on 2018-12-12 19:41 BingoBoingo: ^ Any awk ninjas want to try this on a few forums? 1884649;1546701518;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: if you have a concrete application in mind, i can spare an hour or 2 to bake 1884650;1546701536;mircea_popescu;alright ; we leave it like this for now. 1884651;1546701542;asciilifeform;aite 1884652;1546701563;asciilifeform;algo's pretty simple btw, 1970s thing ( tho iirc it aint in knuth aop for some reason ) 1884653;1546701677;asciilifeform;grr, was looking for mircea_popescu's also for vtron file movements, still not found in log 1884654;1546701680;asciilifeform;*algo 1884655;1546701706;asciilifeform;the 1 phf went to implement and not yet came back with. 1884656;1546701719;asciilifeform;( phf if yer stuck, pleez say on what ? ) 1884657;1546701737;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-03#1792105 1884658;1546701737;a111;Logged on 2018-04-03 00:02 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform the logged discussion on the topic was, "if hashes match but paths do not, the file was moved ; if hashes match and paths match, the file is untouched ; if hashes do not match but paths match the file was modified ; if hashes do not match and paths do not match the file was created/deleted" 1884659;1546701742;asciilifeform;there we go. 1884660;1546701743;asciilifeform;ty mircea_popescu 1884661;1546701747;mircea_popescu;yw. 1884662;1546701975;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-05#1884609 << mircea_popescu is that db baking blocked on http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-16#1873099 ? 1884663;1546701975;a111;Logged on 2019-01-05 14:17 mircea_popescu: so, she'll be doing client work with her own two hands, something i had every intention to avoid ; and we'll be looking at integrating cuntoo on the server side later on. there's some db work in the hopper also, but that's even further on the maturity vine. 1884664;1546701975;a111;Logged on 2018-11-16 23:13 asciilifeform: it is on hold pending resolution of http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-26#1866266 ( and is taking back seat to ffa currently ) 1884665;1546702024;asciilifeform;( possibly diana_coman will answer this when wakes up ) 1884666;1546702044;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-26#1866266 1884667;1546702044;a111;Logged on 2018-10-26 02:14 asciilifeform: meanwhile, in gnat bugs : apparently ( and this is documented or mentioned nowhere ) : it is impossible to have a Ada.Finalization.Limited_Controlled type ANYWHERE inside a static library, unless it is generic all the way down (i.e. if the lib package is generic, any sub-packages must also be instantiated as generics ) 1884668;1546702064;*;asciilifeform is refreshing chalkboard, would like to get a sense of the set of items he personally owes 1884669;1546702086;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform not ~just~ on that. also on http://btcbase.org/log/2018-12-04#1878240 and on a larger pile of [not entirely specified, and i suspect not entirely known] edges. 1884670;1546702086;a111;Logged on 2018-12-04 15:14 mircea_popescu: it's not exactly clear to me yet what the situation is. it's altogether possible postgres may be rescuable through a process similar to how "peculiar linux candidate packaging sterilized into cuntoo". 1884671;1546702113;asciilifeform;right; i'm mapping out which 'known and unknown edges' are mine 1884672;1546702193;asciilifeform;if diana_coman is 'stuck on X, cannot move' and it is asciilifeform's X, i'd like to know about it asap. 1884673;1546702345;mircea_popescu;certainly. 1884674;1546702379;asciilifeform;since we're refreshing chalkboards in war room, i'ma take the chance to summarize current level of ffaism. currently exponentiator is mature ( aside from the consideration where http://btcbase.org/log/2018-12-28#1883687 , i.e. it's mature when ~other~ thinkingpeople have fit it into head and concurred ) -- i.e. runs fast enuff for many battlefield applications 1884675;1546702379;a111;Logged on 2018-12-28 20:35 asciilifeform: diana_coman: sadly i do not know how to 'guarantee perfection'. all i know how to do is to bake maximally 'fits in head' and bank that the folx here will find mistake if it turns out that i made one. 1884676;1546702419;asciilifeform;what remains is 1) prime-baking 2) rsa (and similar cryptosystems, tho c-s dun need it) padtron -- requires constant-spacetime keccak 3) optional asmistic speedups. 1884677;1546702452;mircea_popescu;wait, when did we move off oaep for rsa padding ?! 1884678;1546702459;asciilifeform;we haven't 1884679;1546702461;asciilifeform;that's item 2. 1884680;1546702467;mircea_popescu;why does it need keccak ? 1884681;1546702476;asciilifeform;cuz that's how mircea_popescu specified the padding 1884682;1546702487;asciilifeform;diana_coman implemented prototype, using koch 1884683;1546702504;mircea_popescu;ima go have to re-read this now 1884684;1546702505;asciilifeform;rsa-oaep requires hashtronics for padding. 1884685;1546702575;mircea_popescu;http://ossasepia.com/2018/03/01/eucrypt-chapter-12-wrapper-c-ada-for-rsa-oaep/#selection-133.1-133.132 << right, and you want to use ~constant time~ keccak 1884686;1546702582;asciilifeform;correct 1884687;1546702640;mircea_popescu;bitcoin, of course, needs this at no juncture. 1884688;1546702640;asciilifeform;otherwise all of the nonleakage guarantees bought at the cost they were bought at, vanish. 1884689;1546702655;asciilifeform;bitcoin dun use rsa at all, at least in classical variant of bitcoin 1884690;1546702675;asciilifeform;it needs an entirely other item ( which can be sewn from ffa parts, but has not been of yet ) 1884691;1546702676;mircea_popescu;right. 1884692;1546702702;asciilifeform;i'ma prolly have to do ~this~ with own hands, too -- no one yet stood up and said 'i will' 1884693;1546702756;mircea_popescu;point being : de-sslification of bitcoin is not stalled on this. it is stalled on prior de-sslification of cuntoo, which as such doesn't yet exist, which is not really stalled on this either. 1884694;1546702798;mircea_popescu;but rather, from what i understand, is taking finishing touches re reproducible builds, consisting principally of hunting for "Where does it piss in date or w/e ruining my sigs" 1884695;1546702814;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: correct. the item that needs padtron, is mircea_popescu's specced 'fuckng replace gpg already' ; and possibly also koch-free euloratrons. 1884696;1546702839;mircea_popescu;in the sense eucrypt uses mpi you mean ? 1884697;1546702848;asciilifeform;aha 1884698;1546702892;asciilifeform;also recall the (surprising to asciilifeform , but apparently nobody else) discovery that ffatron as-is-stands is ~2.5x faster than koch. 1884699;1546702907;mircea_popescu;right. a mpi-eucrypt vs ffa-eucrypt head-on will be interesting to see. 1884700;1546702911;asciilifeform;( otoh euloratron does not spend much cpu in rsa, as currently sewn ) 1884701;1546702967;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform it doesn't ; nor will it, because what truly brings serpent in is the ~space~ not the time problem. ie, because of padding, straight rsa doubles message bulk, which is a major problem for online game. 1884702;1546702977;asciilifeform;right 1884703;1546702989;asciilifeform;this is entirely tru 1884704;1546703009;mircea_popescu;but the fact that we have the eucrypt item is very useful inter alia especially for such simulated-userland-tests for core libs. 1884705;1546703047;asciilifeform;well until last wk it was the only rsatron we had that ran in something like realtime 1884706;1546703048;mircea_popescu;esp because correctly written, with tests etc. so can meaningfully do ffa-eucrypt vs mpi-eucrypt as a benchmark. 1884707;1546703064;asciilifeform;( diana_coman's , that is ) 1884708;1546703103;asciilifeform;and as of right nao it's the only ~complete~ rsatron we have, i.e. that knows how to bake privkeys 1884709;1546703117;asciilifeform;asciilifeform's current thrust is to catch up to ~that~ 1884710;1546703132;mircea_popescu;right. 1884711;1546703165;asciilifeform;( when i have ~complete~ sys, ~then~ mircea_popescu can go 'hmm, which one to sew ~here~' etc ) 1884712;1546703187;mircea_popescu;the more toys to play with, the more playing to be had 1884713;1546703276;asciilifeform;tbh i'm not sure what kochtronic rsa will be good for once i have the keygenning ( it apparently dun win on speed anywhere, even tho it gets to skip 0s in modexp.. ) but this time not yet come. 1884714;1546703332;asciilifeform;the 1 application where ffa defo dunwork, and koch -- does, is phuctor. 1884715;1546703357;asciilifeform;( i dun have e.g. strassen's multiplication algo, and dun have any plans to implement, it only wins for multi-megabyte ints ) 1884716;1546703358;mircea_popescu;irony of ironies. 1884717;1546703368;diana_coman;asciilifeform, what it's good for is at least ...for contrast! 1884718;1546703378;asciilifeform;hey , partizan is perfectly happy to use schmeisser taken off dead german. 1884719;1546703389;asciilifeform;ohai diana_coman 1884720;1546703405;diana_coman;and yes, I'm eating up ffa with an eye on "maybe I can finally get rid of MPI!!" 1884721;1546703419;*;diana_coman waves and catches up on logs 1884722;1546703444;asciilifeform;diana_coman: i described in this log what currently stands between 'throw out mpi' . lemme know if needs moardetail. 1884723;1546703496;asciilifeform;( tldr -- asciilifeform needs : wrapup of gcd; then miller-rabin; then keccak. ) 1884724;1546703599;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: possibly i ought add : ~mpi~ dunhave strassen. ~gmp~ (the older, 'uncut' gnu thingie) has strassen. 1884725;1546703611;asciilifeform;mpi had only (ugly as fuck) karatsubatron. 1884726;1546703649;asciilifeform;i've been referring to mpi and gmp interchangeably as 'koch rsa', but this is unscientific, i must remind that they are diff items. 1884727;1546703658;mircea_popescu;what we call mpi is closer to gmp than what the retard crowd does anyway. 1884728;1546703664;mircea_popescu;right. 1884729;1546703683;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: mpi is subset of gmp that koch cut ( and ate $mil of microshit payola to do it, somehow ) , aha. 1884730;1546703722;diana_coman;asciilifeform, thing is: from eucrypt and eulora pov, mpi is used for "big num arithmetics" only so I CAN in fact switch to ffa even without ct-time miller-rabin esp if ffa turns out to be...faster than mpi 1884731;1546703728;diana_coman;basically there is no reason NOT TO 1884732;1546703728;asciilifeform;( phuctor, ftr, uses a (patched, to enable bigger ints) old gmp. with asmisms enabled. ) 1884733;1546703748;asciilifeform;diana_coman: it still needs m-r 1884734;1546703780;asciilifeform;( as well as still needs diana_coman to eat & digest the thing per se ) 1884735;1546703825;asciilifeform;diana_coman: my current understanding is that in fact it's ~2.5x faster per bit of exponent length. 1884736;1546703894;asciilifeform;( i.e. one would have to put in mircea_popescu's specced exponent bitness where 'Bitness' is in http://www.loper-os.org/pub/ffa/hypertext/ch14/fz_modex__adb.htm#85_14 , to get the speedup ) 1884737;1546703932;asciilifeform;( as well as adjusting 'Wi' , etc. but you get the idea ) 1884738;1546703933;diana_coman;asciilifeform, re m-r: I implemented it using mpi as per http://ossasepia.com/2017/12/28/eucrypt-chapter-3-miller-rabin-implementation/ ; ofc I'd rather use ffa ct-time implementation but it's not a sticking point per se i.e. I can switch my implementation from relying on mpi to relying on ffa, no? 1884739;1546703946;asciilifeform;diana_coman: correct, you in fact could 1884740;1546703967;asciilifeform;( if asciilifeform is flattened by an anvil tonight, i'd expect that diana_coman and mircea_popescu will do something of the kind. ) 1884741;1546703998;asciilifeform;otherwise can wait for asciilifeform's constant-time m-r ( or not, depending on what's in eulora war room chalkboard, i cannot presume to know what the priority is ) 1884742;1546704014;diana_coman;well, don't get flattened please, there's already waay more work than active hands as it is 1884743;1546704027;asciilifeform;i try to avoid anvils, so far succeeded.. 1884744;1546704038;mircea_popescu;diana_coman nothing wrong with ~testing~ it at some point, anyway. 1884745;1546704087;diana_coman;mircea_popescu, exactly 1884746;1546704091;mircea_popescu;put some meat on the bones of his "check it out, speed!" thing, as a courtesy if nothing else. 1884747;1546704094;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: thing was built to be laughably easy to glue to other programs. (if it ain't -- i'd like to know asap why ) 1884748;1546704105;mircea_popescu;and yes, in the process find whatever else. 1884749;1546704186;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in vintage, https://thumb-p0.xhcdn.com/a/NABeAMFkefz66Qu6LjtJ1w/000/015/504/830_1000.jpg 1884750;1546704198;diana_coman;asciilifeform, sometimes I wonder what exactly do you think you need/don't have to move to Romania or wherever else you consider it to be "paradise, can now do just ffa/trb/..." 1884751;1546704210;asciilifeform;diana_coman: moola 1884752;1546704229;asciilifeform;i'd expect that it would cost 1 or 2 diana_coman-days to glue ch14 ffa to euloratron, to see how performs using diana_coman's existing m-r etc. 1884753;1546704233;diana_coman;well yes, but specifically: how much would be "enough"? 1884754;1546704325;asciilifeform;diana_coman: pretty sure i discussed this depressing subj in l0gz prior, would rather not clutter war room log with replay; but it'd have to be enuff to buy new passport, at the very least, and then would need to earn bread somehow ( and as sit-in-torture-room, rather than driving cab , i dun think i'll be of much use to tmsr if living in cab ) 1884755;1546704334;mircea_popescu;diana_coman amusingly, spending 50k or w/e it costs to get an old farm (including barn) in whatever, fucking alba county, go walking on the hillsides with the cowsies, would take him to his paradise, yet there he toils. 1884756;1546704353;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: fields plow themselves in ro, or how does that work , lol 1884757;1546704363;mircea_popescu;how does what work ? 1884758;1546704377;asciilifeform;barn-to-money thermodynamic machine 1884759;1546704383;mircea_popescu;farming is not an economic activity in europe ; nor has it for half a century or more. 1884760;1546704392;asciilifeform;i didn't think so. hence astonishment. 1884761;1546704401;mircea_popescu;i don't know what you're astonished at ? 1884762;1546704424;asciilifeform;what would '50k barn' do for asciilifeform? 1884763;1546704474;mircea_popescu;it'd pay your rent, and most of the cost of your http://btcbase.org/log/2014-10-15#876029 budget. 1884764;1546704474;a111;Logged on 2014-10-15 19:58 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform to follow that model. qntra isn't a seller of 0-dioxin, 1814-equivalent tomatoes, but a greengrocer where they don't hire retards and don't mix shit in the fruit sala.d 1884765;1546704501;diana_coman;mircea_popescu, that's precisely why I asked for concrete sum because the way I see it...he has it 1884766;1546704509;mircea_popescu;specifically, a 5 to 10k% increase in deliverables over what you currently achieve. 1884767;1546704533;asciilifeform;diana_coman: a ro passport sells for 800k usd, last i inquired 1884768;1546704566;diana_coman;why do you need the passport *first*? (i.e. not just get one after whatever hoops are in ro, living there for x years etc) 1884769;1546704596;mircea_popescu;most romanians don't have a passport either. 1884770;1546704607;asciilifeform;so as to have gedanken-farm in own name, say ? or to be able to occasionally cross borders without using u-boat , say ? 1884771;1546704611;mircea_popescu;so if anything, not having one makes you MORE romanian, not less. 1884772;1546704617;asciilifeform;( otherwise gotta add cost of u-boat.. ) 1884773;1546704633;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you can cross border on your current one also lol wtf. 1884774;1546704671;asciilifeform;not once usg cancels it for unpaid tribute, neh 1884775;1546704674;mircea_popescu;you know for a fact hanbot lived there for what, better part of a decade. wtf 800k passport. 1884776;1546704684;asciilifeform;hanbot had a patron with castle, neh. 1884777;1546704693;mircea_popescu;well if usg cancels it you're then a refugee. they love those in yurp lol 1884778;1546704697;mircea_popescu;apply for a stateless person thing./ 1884779;1546704735;asciilifeform;theoretically great, in practice they seem to send those back in chains to washingtonschwitz if they're subjects of trumplincton rather than africa 1884780;1546704748;mircea_popescu;your problems are in your own mind. 1884781;1546704766;mircea_popescu;wth, most everyone travels, you go visit the surrounding places now and again, takes care of the whole problem for you. 1884782;1546704768;asciilifeform;sorta why i dun go around expecting other folx to solve'em for me. i solve with own hands ( or not, if not live longenuff ) 1884783;1546704790;mircea_popescu;you don't really want to winter in romania anyway. 1884784;1546704802;asciilifeform;so happens that i like winter on that parallel 1884785;1546704809;asciilifeform;it's my home parallel after all. 1884786;1546704818;mircea_popescu;then you don't wanna summer there. 1884787;1546704828;asciilifeform;do they have mosquitoes yet ? 1884788;1546704854;mircea_popescu;depends on exactly where, but notrly afaik. 1884789;1546704913;asciilifeform;i promise to come back to this thrd, if asked. but would like to not lose the subthread earlier : diana_coman mircea_popescu : is short-term plan to test ffaistic diana_coman-r-m ? and if so, what glue is needed for this from asciilifeform , i'ma bake. 1884790;1546704965;mircea_popescu;i imagine she's going to bake a test as time permits. it's not a top priority item but then again she moves fast. 1884791;1546704969;asciilifeform;aite 1884792;1546704986;asciilifeform;i dun expect it will need many litres of glue. 1884793;1546704992;mircea_popescu;might want to read through it / see it finished first / we. i'm not squeezing it. 1884794;1546705033;asciilifeform;what i prolly oughta roll into the conveyor, is a variant of ffacalc that's libraryized (i.e. callable from other program, with string argument containing pcode, and fills a provided buffer with the output) 1884795;1546705042;diana_coman;asciilifeform, first I do need to finish getting the ffa in, so that will still take quite a while; other than that, it's more a matter of "as time permits" and as mircea_popescu says it's not top priority; that being said yes, I'd like to do it and see some timings and comparison for myself 1884796;1546705048;asciilifeform;right 1884797;1546705139;asciilifeform;diana_coman: btw it is perfectly ok also to simply invoke the knobs exported in ffa.ads directly, but then you gotta take care of 1) endianism of the words being put in and gotten out , to match yours 2) testing for div0 , as done in http://www.loper-os.org/pub/ffa/hypertext/ch14/ffa_calc__adb.htm 1884798;1546705184;asciilifeform;( if you use pcode, these get done inside ffacalc, and ditto the stack memory mechanics, as you prolly knew already ) 1884799;1546705186;diana_coman;will keep in mind, ref the log when I get there; and definitely come and shout at asciilifeform when/if I get stuck on something related to this 1884800;1546705240;asciilifeform;user of pcode never has to manually consider memory, so long as he knows how much stack to instantiate it with ( e.g. for modular exponentiation, you need 3 FZ worth of stack ) , and it properly eggogs if you mismeasure. 1884801;1546705275;asciilifeform;so, to illustrate: 1884802;1546705276;asciilifeform;!!up pehbot 1884803;1546705277;deedbot;pehbot voiced for 30 minutes. 1884804;1546705283;asciilifeform;!A .~# 1884805;1546705283;pehbot;asciilifeform: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 1884806;1546705298;asciilifeform;!A FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0 1884807;1546705298;pehbot;asciilifeform: EGGOG: Pos: 0: Stack Underflow! 1884808;1546705304;asciilifeform;err 1884809;1546705306;asciilifeform;!A .FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0 1884810;1546705307;pehbot;asciilifeform: EGGOG: Pos: 65: Constant Exceeds Bitness! 1884811;1546705310;asciilifeform;^ there we go 1884812;1546705322;asciilifeform;or, e.g., 1884813;1546705335;asciilifeform;!A .1.1.1MX (this is ok ) 1884814;1546705335;pehbot;asciilifeform: 1884815;1546705351;asciilifeform;!A (but this aint ) .1.1MX# 1884816;1546705351;pehbot;asciilifeform: EGGOG: Pos: 22: Stack Underflow! 1884817;1546705356;asciilifeform;and so forth. 1884818;1546705391;asciilifeform;( this being for the given bitness, which in pehbot is hard-welded to 256 ) 1884819;1546705441;asciilifeform;and likewise, you can put as many fz on stack as the stack height given in invocation of ffacalc, but not any moar. 1884820;1546705461;asciilifeform;( i'ma stop here, folx who ate ch4 know all of this kindergartenisms ) 1884821;1546705723;asciilifeform;ffa is designed to be used via pcode (aka 'peh') but i'm not about to tell folx that they absolutely must. given the stated reqs (you gotta test for div0ism, we dun do it internally given as it's thermonuke performance) it can be safely used directly. 1884822;1546705813;asciilifeform;( for the l0gz, refresher: pcode is meant to give a mechanically simple system where yer privkey is a pcode string, and so is yer pubkey, and so are ciphertexts, and whole mechanism is set in motion simply by feeding pcode to the processor ) 1884823;1546705826;diana_coman;well, I hardly see how you can *stop* people from using it directly or why exactly; and the endian + div0 don't sound like a huge layer anyway 1884824;1546705840;asciilifeform;rright, but i dun necessarily mean to even discourage people from using directly. 1884825;1546705850;asciilifeform;so long as they know which end of the rifle bullet goes out from. 1884826;1546705867;diana_coman;well, if they don't, they'll find out quickly :| 1884827;1546705873;asciilifeform;heh 1884828;1546705923;*;diana_coman goes back to chopping client "code" 1884829;1546706032;asciilifeform;( using it directly, is sorta analogous to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4QagenzsK0 . can be done... ) 1884830;1546706220;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-05#1884619 << from ave1 , i hope to see a 'port' of tmsr-gnat that can be hard-welded into cuntoo as primary gcc ( to remove the hack where it builds gcc5, then down to 4.9, and neither of'em being a gnat ) 1884831;1546706220;a111;Logged on 2019-01-05 14:32 mircea_popescu: ave1 is, i suspect, silently working on gnating things -- which is fine and valuable except for the silently part. there's this tendency of lone wolf scientist to not properly report failures, out of an imaginary saving of time and resources this permits. it must be said that NOTHING could be further from the truth, nothing at all -- there's more to be gained from a properly reported failure to find than out of ten shiny succ 1884832;1546706246;asciilifeform;also at some point it'd be great to have a mips gnat, so i can plant ffa on pocket-sized irons. but that's for muchlaters. 1884833;1546706279;asciilifeform;( already hats off to ave1 , who did year+ of gnat cleanup that asciilifeform was solidly convinced he'd have to do with own hands; and the fixed inlining gave us a ~2x ffa speedup 'for phree' ! ) 1884834;1546706400;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-05#1884626 << i suspect phf is hunting elk in kamchatka, or similar , atm ( i.e. still waiting for http://btcbase.org/patches?patchset=ffa refresh , so i dun think he's been at console much recently ) 1884835;1546706400;a111;Logged on 2019-01-05 14:38 mircea_popescu: so, phf : how about you start clearly communicating yourself, beginning with a complete, correct and true to life adnotation of said discussion in your own hand, because this "ima go meditate on things until everyone involved forgot what i was meditating on" isn't a workable approach to intellectual life. 1884836;1546706468;asciilifeform;hopefully he comes back soonish ( i'ma not even pester him re bolix, bolix is asciilifeform's personal war, learned not to expect help from anyone, and currently in refrigerator, i dun expect to spend much time on it while ffa undone ) 1884837;1546706642;asciilifeform;i admit that i'm at least a little curious how phf finally managed escape velocity from the bigzone, but if he doesn't feel like spilling re subj, also won't cry. 1884838;1546706755;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-05#1884603 << BingoBoingo i'd ~really~ like to hear what is current plan for gettin' heathen custom, so as to finally get the hell out of the red. asciilifeform dun have a massive treasure chest that can run pizarro 'on battery' 4evah (hopefully not surprising, this) 1884839;1546706755;a111;Logged on 2019-01-05 14:13 mircea_popescu: so : as far as i know, bingoBoingo is working on qntra and on pizarro. he's doing a very fine job with the former ; i'm nonplussed with recently discovering just how broken the latter's mp-wp offering actually was ; moreover it seems to me from a distance pizarro's still financially and customer-wise entirely dependent, ie as close to failure as you can possibly get without spelling it out. 1884840;1546706810;asciilifeform;and without pizarro, it will be very very cold and dark and we'll be drifting in the unforgiving vacuum of interstellar space. 1884841;1546707014;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: any idea what happened to esthlos ? 1884842;1546707020;asciilifeform;!#seen esthlos 1884843;1546707020;a111;2018-10-23 http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-19#1864316 << apologies alf, I'm running behind! trying to gather time to get caught up in the next week or two 1884844;1546708022;asciilifeform;to round out the 'loose ends' thread -- asciilifeform also has a ~90% built node-walker and www front end for same. but it is in refrigerator, no one is direly starving for the lack of the thing, i expect i'll come back and finish it off strictly after ffa is fielded . 1884845;1546708063;asciilifeform;there is also a serpent-on-ice40 thing, with similar level of unfinishitude; and a ice40-powered 'FG2', ditto. 1884846;1546708142;asciilifeform;( there is also a 'giant ice40' that amberglint dug up recently, that gotta be tested, but i dun even physically have 1 yet, and deliberately not bought so as not to distract from moar urgent matters ) 1884847;1546708297;asciilifeform;to entirely round off the chalkboard, mircea_popescu may be interested to know that no one has called the 1-800 since we last spoke of it. the current summed cost stands at 12 orcbux, and is set to increment by 22 orcbux/mo ( we've spent the vendor's 'test drive' bait). i'ma cover the lunch money cost of this item until given to know that it aint wanted. 1884848;1546708384;asciilifeform;this concludes the 'state of asciilifeform' broadcast for nao -- plox to lemme know if i missed sumthing. 1884849;1546708389;*;asciilifeform will bbl, maintaining meat systems 1884850;1546709676;BingoBoingo; and without pizarro, it will be very very cold and dark and we'll be drifting in the unforgiving vacuum of interstellar space. << Today crunching monthly numbers. Followed on the agenda by reviewing 2018/putting forth tentative plan based on those lessons 2018 1884851;1546711620;lobbes;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-05#1884616 << imo, this is a perfect summary of my current state. I walked through the tmsr doors in ~2014 at roughly epsilon and 'learned as I went'. As a result, many of my projects here were built on unsteady scaffolding, and I have been slowly going back and pouring in proper foundations where needed 1884852;1546711620;a111;Logged on 2019-01-05 14:28 mircea_popescu: lobbes recently unveiled actionbot, which works fine, and is evidently putting all time he can into paying off technological debt he's responsible for if not necessarily guilty of. nothing wrong with this, and it can stand as such. 1884853;1546711625;lobbes;possibly the bar to lordship will raise above me while I rebuild, but regardless I'ma keep rebuilding as it seems the only sane move for me. Ultimately, I just want to continue to be +ev for the republic and no way to do that without paying my technological debts 1884854;1546719171;lobbes;!Xsell 140mn 48 500 wired filthy fiats (WU) 1884855;1546719171;auctionbot;Sell order # 1033 created by lobbes: 500 wired filthy fiats (WU) Opening: 140mn ecu Ending: 2019-01-07 08:15:26.113976 UTC (47 hours) 1884856;1546722615;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in other olds, https://thumb-p1.xhcdn.com/a/YfBOpNSfEGCbtgf3vER4rg/000/015/504/831_1000.jpg 1884857;1546722792;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform no idea re esthlos . maths dude who did summaries, then fell behind, then caught on and wanted to put more effort into it, then fell behind again. maybe he re-emerges. 1884858;1546722912;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yeah, give the phone thing a year or two, whynot. 1884859;1546722948;mircea_popescu;lobbes on the positive side, at least now you know that should that occur, it won't occur in 2019. 1884860;1546723753;lobbes;this is encouraging. And if it occurs in 2020, then by that time I'll hopefully have built the solid foundation upon which to launch back into lordship in 2021. 1884861;1546726884;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: in moar pedestrian matters : daykin's algo , turns out, aint good for much -- at least, not in anyffin like orig form. consider the case where P is large ( but not at all close to complement(P) ) and Q is 1. 1884862;1546726917;asciilifeform;you get a potentially 'geological' number of steps that increment by 1. 1884863;1546726983;asciilifeform;( e.g. 64 bits worth of 'increment this 4096-bit fz by 1' is roughly 400 years... ) 1884864;1546726989;mircea_popescu;works well for the example he gave -- numbers with same digit count. 1884865;1546726998;asciilifeform;aha, for napkin numbers. 1884866;1546727052;asciilifeform;i suspect that it's possible to cure it by adding 2^k-multiples of the small Q instead of Q itself, tho 1884867;1546727061;asciilifeform;( and then shifting out the 2^k ) 1884868;1546727089;asciilifeform;rather like what we did in barrett. 1884869;1546727130;mircea_popescu;possibly 1884870;1546727145;asciilifeform;it is interesting to note, i did an exhaustive dig re gcd algos; and found that there are half a dozen sub-quadratic ones, but none of those can be made constant-time. 1884871;1546727153;asciilifeform;(i.e. working subquadratically in worst-case) 1884872;1546727169;asciilifeform;so anyffin we do for gcd is gonna be quadratic, q is strictly re the constant factor. 1884873;1546727252;asciilifeform;this isnt catastrophic (or surprising, apeloyee warned about it yr+ ago) , and the only place where need gcd is the pre-millerrabin primorial 'divisible by small primes?' litmus. but would still be good to cut the constant down. 1884874;1546727304;asciilifeform;and even a dog-slow gcd is still faster than knuth-division by each of million smallprimes. 1884875;1546728955;mircea_popescu;one simple solution would be to just keep digit-appropriate primorial. 1884876;1546728988;mircea_popescu;test as many small primes as their product is as many digits as your proposed large prime and be done with it, daykin will work ok for same bitness 1884877;1546729091;mircea_popescu;~that~ is one of the exceedingly rare justifications for magic number. "what is this 2048 bit strange ?" "the product of the first as-many-primes-as-their-product-fits-in-2048-bits" 1884878;1546730371;feedbot;http://bimbo.club/2019/01/philosophical-transactions-for-the-months-of-september-and-october-1715-part-ii/ << Bimbo.Club -- Philosophical Transactions. For the months of September and October, 1715 - Part II. 1884879;1546731249;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: magic # primorials are unavoidable. but i dun immediately see how to make it go with daykin, there aint a bailey-borwein-plouffe-style algo for gcd 1884880;1546731259;asciilifeform;( i suspect btw that if there were , you could nail rsa, thinkaboutit ) 1884881;1546731340;mircea_popescu;consider the simpler case of 16 bit rsa. you thus make two 8 bit primes. you daykin each of these with 210, which happens to be the 8 bit primorial, aka 11010010. 1884882;1546731448;mircea_popescu;had you instead used 32 bit rsa, you'd have had two 16 bit primes you'd have daykin'd with 2×3×4×7×11×13 aka 0x5DD8 1884883;1546731719;asciilifeform;soo hm, what's the idea, 8192 stored primorials ? 1884884;1546731785;mircea_popescu;just a 8192 bit number, equal to their product. 1884885;1546731811;mircea_popescu;you simply gcd each candidate prime with the same "product of primes in order up to bitness" 1884886;1546731826;mircea_popescu;it's a one-shot thing, and it eliminates however many dozen small primes. 1884887;1546731890;mircea_popescu;(i suppose if indeed you want to test MORE small primes than fit in one 8kb, you'll have a number of such composite numbers to test about. however many it takes. and yes, you can clever the knobs so they're not in strict order so that the composites are each exactly 8192 bits) 1884888;1546732113;asciilifeform;'product but up to bitness' dun do the same job 1884889;1546732357;asciilifeform;( storing e.g. 8192 primorials, ~would~ work, tho ugly, but ~would~ leak the bitness when fired ) 1884890;1546732739;mircea_popescu;huh ? 1884891;1546732777;asciilifeform;primorial that fits in, e.g., 2047 bits, is not equal to '1st 2047 bits of primorial that fits in 2048' 1884892;1546732787;asciilifeform;( would be nifty if it were, tho... ) 1884893;1546732847;asciilifeform;on top of this, if you actually carry out a diff stream of instructions for 2047 and 2048, you leak the bitness of the integer under test. 1884894;1546732853;asciilifeform;which is a nogo. 1884895;1546732906;asciilifeform;gcd(x, primorial) gotta use same instructions when x = 0, 1, ... as when it equals 2^ffawidth - 1 . 1884896;1546732930;mircea_popescu;dude, why is every little thing such a fucking uphill struggle with you. suppose you wish to see if x is coprime with the number 2. you run gcd (x, 2). suppose then you wish to also see if x is coprime with the number 3. you run gcd(x, 3). all this is EXACTLY EQUIVALENT to running gcd (x, 6) : if this returns 2, it was not coprime with 2, and if it returns 3, it was not coprime with 3. 1884897;1546732957;mircea_popescu;since your best gcd algo seems to be one that expects x and 6 be same bitness, there's nothing wrong with making a buncha prefab such products-of-primes. 1884898;1546732961;mircea_popescu;then test against them. 1884899;1546732969;asciilifeform;this much is correct, and why i have gcd to begin with. right nao i have a modified stein that goes in constanttime. 1884900;1546732979;asciilifeform;orig q was whether it is possible to improve the constant factor of stein. 1884901;1546733005;mircea_popescu;the whole discussion was re daykin, specifically that for our particular usecase, it's not the end of the world that it wants "napkin numbers" : we enjopy the luxury whereby we can construct them to measure. 1884902;1546733020;asciilifeform;it is used to take gcd(x, primorial(currentwidth)) , and if it dun equal 1 or x , then x is 'cheaply known composite' . 1884903;1546733048;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: if you gotta do multiple calls to gcd to take gcd(x, primorial) you lose the win from using gcd. 1884904;1546733060;asciilifeform;whole point is that it tests for divisibility by million small primes in 1 pull of trigger. 1884905;1546733099;mircea_popescu;possibly. that's not clear, nor was it ever discussed before now. it MAY BE that a dozen calls of gdc-daykin(x, daykin-primorial) are in fact cheaper than 1 call to gdc-stein(x, primorial(currentwidth)). 1884906;1546733108;mircea_popescu;it all depends on the quadratic and parameters etc. 1884907;1546733121;asciilifeform;and yes it is possible to daykin with a hardcoded list of primorials, 1 for each possib bitness. the issue aint even that you gotta keep around e.g. 8192 primorials; ( you do, they can't be sliced ) , but that it leaks the bitness of X . 1884908;1546733137;mircea_popescu;the bitness of x is already leaked : 2048. 1884909;1546733140;asciilifeform;nope 1884910;1546733142;asciilifeform;the factual bitness 1884911;1546733142;mircea_popescu;... 1884912;1546733149;asciilifeform;which can be e.g. 1, or 17, etc 1884913;1546733154;asciilifeform;( index of highest 1 bit ) 1884914;1546733154;mircea_popescu;what ? 1884915;1546733163;mircea_popescu;all our factors are 2048 bits per spec. 1884916;1546733167;asciilifeform;bitness in the FZ_Measure sense of the word. 1884917;1546733169;asciilifeform;of X ! 1884918;1546733178;asciilifeform;not of the primorial ( 'Y' if you will ) 1884919;1546733182;mircea_popescu;this wasn't a rsa genprime application ? 1884920;1546733184;asciilifeform;of the unknown integer being tested. 1884921;1546733191;asciilifeform;it is, and x is a random string from rng 1884922;1546733195;mircea_popescu;the "unknown integer" being tested IS ALWAYS 2048 BITS. 1884923;1546733203;asciilifeform;why, cuz you pegged the high bit ? 1884924;1546733217;mircea_popescu;cuz im not going to have non-2048 factors in my 4086 bit rsa key, wtf. 1884925;1546733218;asciilifeform;remember, gcd will be an exposed operator, 'G' . can be used for ~anything~ . 1884926;1546733225;asciilifeform;simply so happens that it is also needed for rsa primegen. 1884927;1546733237;asciilifeform;this is the montgomery thread replayed 1884928;1546733246;asciilifeform;no canhaz montgomery, cuz modexp gotta work for ALL ints. 1884929;1546733249;asciilifeform;same here. 1884930;1546733254;mircea_popescu;i thought this entire discussion was a) specifiucally as to daykin (not to stein) and b) specifically as to primegen for rsa secret key baking, (not "in general math functions). 1884931;1546733261;asciilifeform;tho i finally see what mircea_popescu was getting at earlier re daykin. 1884932;1546733273;asciilifeform;yes , you can do this is if all you want gcd for is primegen. 1884933;1546733283;asciilifeform;so happens that it is needed as a general-purpose knob tho. 1884934;1546733290;mircea_popescu;otherwise, i guess daykin gcd can exist as a class, native or extended, w/e. 1884935;1546733307;mircea_popescu;nobody is going to hate your ffa if it includes montgomery, with the proper warning. 1884936;1546733324;mircea_popescu;(whole thing already comes with a "nozero" rule anyways) 1884937;1546733329;asciilifeform;anyway i suspect that i'm overmassaging this particular piece, most of cost of primegen will be in m-r regardless of how i bake gcd. 1884938;1546733344;mircea_popescu;prolly. 1884939;1546733344;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: nonzero rule is elementarily cuz you cant div0. 1884940;1546733389;asciilifeform;btw iirc apeloyee had a comment re 'why do you want to gcd(x, primorial), why dontcha generate a random x and multiply it by primorial + 1 ' 1884941;1546733411;asciilifeform;i can't recall why i barfed tho, nao i gotta dig out the notes... 1884942;1546733459;asciilifeform;oh hm i recall nao. ( it was because operator 'P' wants to be a general-purpose primality test, valid for any input whatsoever that fits in the ffawidth, rather than simply 'generate prime' ) 1884943;1546733488;asciilifeform;( why this is, is because for certain types of pubkeycrypto, you want to test adjacent nums for primality. rsa in particular. ) 1884944;1546733507;mircea_popescu;i don't get it how you expect to multiply some value by a (product of primes +1) and not get an even number. 1884945;1546733574;asciilifeform;grr nao i gotta find the orig statement, which wasn't obv. broken 1884946;1546733582;asciilifeform;( mircea_popescu is elementarily correct here ) 1884947;1546733617;asciilifeform;aah it was x * (primorial) + 1 obv. 1884948;1546733622;asciilifeform;not x * (primorial + 1 ) lol 1884949;1546733636;mircea_popescu;and this is... an even number. 1884950;1546733636;asciilifeform;as in euclid's proof-there-aint-a-last-prime. 1884951;1546733644;mircea_popescu;behold, 1884952;1546733647;mircea_popescu;!Qcalc 7 * 11 +1 1884953;1546733647;lobbesbot;mircea_popescu: 78 1884954;1546733681;asciilifeform;7 or 11 is a primorial ?! 1884955;1546733700;mircea_popescu;!Qcalc 3 * (5*7*11*13*17)+1 1884956;1546733700;lobbesbot;mircea_popescu: 255256 1884957;1546733722;asciilifeform;ok this dunwork, i'ma have to pull out the orig item 1884958;1546733732;mircea_popescu;well this was entertaining, bbl. 1884959;1546733735;asciilifeform;lol 1884960;1546733830;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-10-07#1722402 << oook here it was. 1884961;1546733830;a111;Logged on 2017-10-07 21:48 apeloyee: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-10-05#1721485 << alternatively, can *construct* numbers which don't have very small factors. pick a nonzero remainder mod 2, mod 3, ... mod largest-prime-fit-in-your-primorial and find what number of primorial is congruent to it using chinese remainder theorem 1884962;1546733859;asciilifeform;not particularly relevant to the problem of general-purpose isPrime() tho, so i'ma put it back on shelf for nao. 1884963;1546734219;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-06#1884935 << i actually considered to have 'if low bit is 0 - i.e. N is even -- then montgomery, otherwise barrett' but what this does is break constanttimeism of modexp -- nao you broadcast the parity of N for whole planet, cuz entirely diff execution profiles for the 2 algos. and montgomery is at the very most a 10% revvup over barrett. 1884964;1546734219;a111;Logged on 2019-01-06 00:08 mircea_popescu: nobody is going to hate your ffa if it includes montgomery, with the proper warning. 1884965;1546734267;asciilifeform;( and if you montgomery, then you gotta either test whether gcd(N, modulus) == 1 , or ~assume~ , the latter is a mine that user will step on. unlike div0ism , it is not an inexpensive test . ) 1884966;1546734278;mircea_popescu;i dunno why you barfed ; but i barfed because it's fucking stupid, you lose a lot of variety in your primes for no gains worth the mention. 1884967;1546734288;mircea_popescu;and i meant include barret ~as an optional~, like a callable function. 1884968;1546734300;mircea_popescu;since you're doing this "general purpose", there's no crime if user can call montgomery. 1884969;1546734305;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: barrett is the 1 that actually works for all integers without restricted domain. 1884970;1546734311;mircea_popescu;so ? 1884971;1546734334;asciilifeform;so , my spec was 'all operators do The Right Thing arithmetically, and program stops if you demand div0' , like yer cpu does. 1884972;1546734346;asciilifeform;rather than 'watch out, be sure that you constructed right inputs, or you might get soup' 1884973;1546734377;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the 'lose variety of primes' was my objection to using wholly-constructed primes. rather than in prelude to m-r . 1884974;1546734408;asciilifeform;( apeloyee originally proposed it as substitute for primality testing per se; where it elementarily constricts the domain of possible primes, and is unacceptable per my lights ) 1884975;1546734415;mircea_popescu;right. 1884976;1546734436;mircea_popescu;anyway, nothing wrong with that ffa design choice, if you like it ; if you don't anymore, also not the end of world. 1884977;1546734451;asciilifeform;upstack, i'ma polish off stein, and see if the lily in fact needs gilding ~after~ 1884978;1546734459;asciilifeform;rather than to hold up orchestra for its gilding. 1884979;1546734558;asciilifeform;( as for the other thing -- much of asciilifeform's oddball 'must work for all integers!' thrust, is on acct of his interest in cryptosystems other than classic rsa, e.g. c-s and variations on theme ) 1884980;1546734601;asciilifeform;c-s actually has 1 interesting win over good old rsa -- it dun need a hash padtron 1884981;1546734618;asciilifeform;but this is a diff thread, possibly. 1884982;1546734639;asciilifeform;( and at any rate we gotta have trad rsa working 1st, before any such side dishes can be considered ) 1884983;1546734792;mircea_popescu;sure. 1884984;1546734799;asciilifeform;i'm carrying out mircea_popescu's orig spec, where 'i want a peh key with my rsa modulus that i carved on the mountain' or how it went. 1884985;1546734824;mircea_popescu;just note that eucrypt having rsa does in no manner hurt your serpent-only-phonecrypto putative app ; just like it having serpent dun hurt a "this is my pgp implementation" usecase, and so on. 1884986;1546734857;asciilifeform;right. whole affair is 'what's the most general arithmetron that is also a useful rsatron', from my pov. 1884987;1546734859;mircea_popescu;libraries, definitionally, contain functionality some end users won't use. 1884988;1546734891;asciilifeform;correct. ( i'ma include jacobi operator, after thing is flying in the field, even tho none of the currently popular schemes use it, for instance. ) 1884989;1546734937;mircea_popescu;right. 1884990;1546734948;asciilifeform;ideally , one'll be able to implement any crypto scheme without having to rip into the ada; simply by writing pcode. 1884991;1546734987;asciilifeform;at ~that~ juncture it'll be possible to ~hardwarize~ the thing, into the ultimate (per horse's mouth) usg nightmare. 1884992;1546734997;asciilifeform;( i.e usefully general-purpose cryptotron. ) 1884993;1546735030;asciilifeform;i.e. that 8192-bit cpu mircea_popescu gedankenexperimented. 1884994;1546735062;mircea_popescu;right. 1884995;1546735103;asciilifeform;it'll be quite a riot, i expect, when the problem for enemy of determining what to do with ~an unknown pubkey~ is suddenly np-hard. 1884996;1546735153;asciilifeform;( suddenly, 'which of these bigints do we need to try and factor, and which are noise' becomes an open human-powered q ! for'em. ) 1884997;1546735219;asciilifeform;it took asciilifeform 2y ( 3, if you count the mpi dead ends ) to build ~that~ deathray. and it's just about ready to fire.. 1884998;1546735313;asciilifeform;i can picture, for instance, that some folx will have a pubkey where 'well, first you gotta decrypt via these 2 rsa keys, and depending on the low 4 bits of the plaintext, the rest is via 1 of these 4 c-s' or the like. 1884999;1546735351;asciilifeform;the problem of even beginning to break, becomes , from empty space, exponential. 1885000;1546735385;asciilifeform;( of course it also becomes possible to blow out yer own brains by misconstructing a pubkey, but this is a problem that existed before me and will exist after ) 1885001;1546735484;asciilifeform;and this is before you even consider that the plaintext itself can be pcode... 1885002;1546735834;mircea_popescu;finally some actual movement in teh damned horses. 1885003;1546735888;asciilifeform;imho yes. actually using 'we have a comp' for sumthing tangible. 1885004;1546735912;asciilifeform;( in this case, to make enemy have to sweat to simply determine ~what cryptosystem~ particular key is for.. ) 1885005;1546735948;asciilifeform;let'em 'ai' or whatever. haruspicy. necromancy. 1885006;1546736005;mircea_popescu;"them" keks. 1885007;1546736019;mircea_popescu;what fucking them. the ~pretense~ is entirely based on cheapness. no cheapness, no pretense. 1885008;1546736030;asciilifeform;for all values of 'thems', present, future. 1885009;1546736040;mircea_popescu;same exact reason preteen boys don't discuss their "sexual conquests" within hearshot of adult woman. 1885010;1546736043;asciilifeform;stupidity, as mircea_popescu pointed out in the old essay, 'has infinite health' 1885011;1546736147;mircea_popescu;i don't recall any villein serfs going around derping about http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-03#1884205 / http://trilema.com/2014/agency-and-other-notes/#selection-31.0-31.271 five centuries ago. 1885012;1546736147;a111;Logged on 2019-01-03 19:24 stratum: Right now, for the billions, I think it is probably better than nothing, just like easily popped household locks. 1885013;1546736160;asciilifeform;5 no , 2 yes 1885014;1546736176;asciilifeform;( even 5 maybe -- hussites ? ) 1885015;1546736227;asciilifeform;or hm, who were the derps on mountain fort with 'equalite liberte'... 1885016;1546736230;asciilifeform;cathars ? 1885017;1546736262;asciilifeform;that sorta thing is always there, somewhere, like polio. 1885018;1546736267;mircea_popescu;closer to southern france resistence to growing crown than anything in the derp vein, but why not./ 1885019;1546736349;asciilifeform;there's 'resistance' but then there's 'кто был ничем тот станет всем'(tm)(r), former dun necessarily roll in the latter 1885020;1546736400;asciilifeform;i suppose if archaeologizing re the latter, oughta start at spartacus.. 1885021;1546744628;Mocky;I just hit double digit grand kids 1885022;1546744837;Mocky;and number 11 is in the oven 1885023;1546745061;asciilifeform;congrats Mocky 1885024;1546745140;asciilifeform;coincidentally, i nailed garbage panda #11 today. 1885025;1546745176;asciilifeform;( http://bimbo.club/#footnote_6_114 << them ) 1885026;1546745231;asciilifeform;( not nearly as sisyphian work as may seem, 1 good hunt removes infestation for 2-3 month ) 1885027;1546745720;Mocky;to bring it full circle, I saw one of my grandsons yesterday watching a cartoon about how helpful raccoons are for eating trash so less waste goes to the land fill, and how clean and friendly they are 1885028;1546745899;Mocky;was hoping to see a russian d00d shoot at them from a window, but no, instead the raccoons went down to the creek after dinner to wash their paws 1885029;1546747603;BingoBoingo;If only there were a way to get the locals to put the reject trash back in the dumpster when they finish mining 1885030;1546748108;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-06#1885027 << oblig >> http://btcbase.org/log/2015-02-11#1015606 1885031;1546748108;a111;Logged on 2019-01-06 03:35 Mocky: to bring it full circle, I saw one of my grandsons yesterday watching a cartoon about how helpful raccoons are for eating trash so less waste goes to the land fill, and how clean and friendly they are 1885032;1546748108;a111;Logged on 2015-02-11 06:58 BingoBoingo: A viewer complained that an episode of the animated children’s series Peppa Pig was inappropriate for an Australian audience because it said that spiders were not to be feared. >> http://about.abc.net.au/complaints/peppa-pig-received/ 1885033;1546748168;asciilifeform;'tis said that in gringolandia there's a steady stream of rabies cases from some derp who hand-feeds 'cute furry' shitpanda 1885034;1546748306;asciilifeform;( fox is rare here, so the primary reservoir of the virus is instead this ) 1885035;1546748429;asciilifeform;nicoleci aint wrong, btw, they'll walk right up to you. 1885036;1546751853;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Yes, as you have observe the local trash digging critters here in the Oriental Republic are more skittish than the panda vermin. 1885037;1546751861;feedbot;http://pizarroisp.net/2019/01/06/pizarro-update-january-6th-2019-november-and-december-2018-statements/ << PizarroISP -- Pizarro Update January 6th, 2019 - November and December 2018 Statements 1885038;1546752291;ave1;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-05#1884619, I worked on arm-ification of the UDP lib, this is done but write up is stuck. 1885039;1546752291;a111;Logged on 2019-01-05 14:32 mircea_popescu: ave1 is, i suspect, silently working on gnating things -- which is fine and valuable except for the silently part. there's this tendency of lone wolf scientist to not properly report failures, out of an imaginary saving of time and resources this permits. it must be said that NOTHING could be further from the truth, nothing at all -- there's more to be gained from a properly reported failure to find than out of ten shiny succ 1885040;1546752314;mircea_popescu;what happened to it ? 1885041;1546752382;auctionbot;Sell order # 1033: 500 wired filthy fiats (WU) Heard: 140mn from BingoBoingo. Ending: 2019-01-07 08:15:26.113976 UTC (38 hours 46 mins) 1885042;1546752398;ave1;well arm part works, but I wanted to do some more experimenting with how the call the asm, as register allocation cannot be specified in GNAT 1885043;1546752421;mircea_popescu;aha 1885044;1546752421;ave1;adding register allocation to gcc turned out to be too gnarly for this round 1885045;1546752432;ave1;so, yes, failure 1885046;1546752443;ave1;needs a write-up 1885047;1546752469;ave1;other thing is the ebuild script for gnat 1885048;1546752479;ave1;for cuntoo in gnat 1885049;1546752509;mircea_popescu;it is ~very~ useful to explain how things like this blew up, in writing. both for others today and for you tomorrow. 1885050;1546752520;mircea_popescu;i know it seems like a waste of time on the spot, the first time. 1885051;1546752531;mircea_popescu;it's a false impression. 1885052;1546752569;ave1;I have installed previous cuntoo versions, but have no machine free at the moment and I concluded from early reports here in the log that it did not work yet, so I postponed this work. 1885053;1546752595;mircea_popescu;Mocky a lot of the femstate's "solutions" to problems consist of this sorta acceptance bs. about as unsuprising as biology can ever get. 1885054;1546752653;ave1;About reporting failures, the reporting itself was also failing, but I will pick this up. 1885055;1546752967;ave1;Time wise, my last job ended in december and I started new job this year. Both finish- and start-up demand(ed) more time than I had earlier foreseen. 1885056;1546753262;mircea_popescu;how these things go. 1885057;1546767626;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-05#1884834 << i like the elk hunting theory, but i actually had a flu the past week 1885058;1546767626;a111;Logged on 2019-01-05 16:40 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-05#1884626 << i suspect phf is hunting elk in kamchatka, or similar , atm ( i.e. still waiting for http://btcbase.org/patches?patchset=ffa refresh , so i dun think he's been at console much recently ) 1885059;1546767626;lobbesbot;phf: Sent 1 week, 2 days, 6 hours, and 13 minutes ago: plox to snarf ch. 14b into http://btcbase.org/patches , ty ! 1885060;1546767641;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-05#1884626 << i wasn't meditating, i just don't have the mental energy to defend myself. i'm in russia primarily to take care of my grandmother who has dementia, and she was in a pretty critical state when i got here. i'm sure it'll stabilize, but as of right now i don't trust myself to have rational conversations around sensitive subjects online. 1885061;1546767641;a111;Logged on 2019-01-05 14:38 mircea_popescu: so, phf : how about you start clearly communicating yourself, beginning with a complete, correct and true to life adnotation of said discussion in your own hand, because this "ima go meditate on things until everyone involved forgot what i was meditating on" isn't a workable approach to intellectual life. 1885062;1546767665;phf;i have nothing to dispute in the thread or in the consecutive conversations that i wasn't part of. for one, i think i lost my shit (i'm sure week 2 of grandmother also didn't help), because the very first mp reaction was the whole deal, with my role and the outcomes being immediately obvious: i made amorphous promises outside of the republic, and then attempted to badly navigate around them, with the inevitable result. trinque's 1885063;1546767666;phf;"talking past each other" comment was on point, i don't know about asciilifeform, but i was just shouting. 1885064;1546767704;phf;i don't see sharing of parts, or the whole with asciilifeform under whatever terms, etc. irrespective of what will be done as resolving anything: i made original promises in good faith, and i'll be breaking them. my ideas of how to work around that were idiotic and in retrospect that was an obvious mistake, which ftr asciilifeform avoided by refusing any kind of dealings. on the other hand the point 1885065;1546767704;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-12-19#1881941 was previously lost on me, so my committment outlay is a given, with the inevitable conclusion of http://btcbase.org/log/2018-12-19#1881910 i figured that out before the tmsr conversation, so the whole thing was just a public reveal of my idiocy, salt on the wound if you will 1885066;1546767704;a111;Logged on 2018-12-19 19:37 mircea_popescu: the very substance of http://trilema.com/2015/heres-what-they-dont-tell-you-when-they-bring-you-those-papers-to-sign/ is ~specifically~ DO NOT MAKE saeculum promises, it will bar you from republican life. 1885067;1546767704;a111;Logged on 2018-12-19 19:24 mircea_popescu: i am however NOT dealing with people who have your sort of committment outlay. 1885068;1546767750;phf;i agree that the secrecy approach doesn't work, i wasn't the driver behind it, i was skeptical about it, but i wanted to see it play out, and it failed spectacularly. i did the relevant manual labor and promised not to share what i got out of it. and yes if i thought about it, the blood oath puts me in the position of the very same whisperers, where whatever i have i can't make use of. my vague comments about old men and gold chests are 1885069;1546767750;phf;the result of reflecting on the idiocy of the whole secrecy approach: i basically got suckered by promises of future great reveals, did free work while also locking myself into the selfsame structure. 1885070;1546767870;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-05#1884837 << remote work, but you also have to remember that i moved away much later in life than you did, i have a very large meat wot here 1885071;1546767870;a111;Logged on 2019-01-05 16:44 asciilifeform: i admit that i'm at least a little curious how phf finally managed escape velocity from the bigzone, but if he doesn't feel like spilling re subj, also won't cry. 1885072;1546768042;phf;asciilifeform: also snarfed 1885073;1546768342;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-05#1884636 << if i put that at the top of the free time work list i can get it out fairly fast, but i think keccak regrind that diana_coman is blocked by comes before that anyway 1885074;1546768342;a111;Logged on 2019-01-05 15:10 asciilifeform: err, bin ~delete~ knob 1885075;1546787894;mircea_popescu;phf i'm not going to pass in silence over the obvious "check it out, there's no women in phf's fambly, he's taking care of the last one by own hand" comment ~because~ i like you. 1885076;1546787894;mircea_popescu;yes, obviously your apparent "escape to russia" was just deeper capture ; yes obviously your attempt at corrupting teh fiat backfired. things will continue to work this way for you for as long as you continue acting like a woman, because biology works a certain way and everything else is driven by that and that's what it is. 1885077;1546787894;mircea_popescu;nor am i going to congratulate mocky on his downstream spawncount ; and also because i like him. spawning is a biological function of women, as remarkable as taking a meal, and the day ima start congratulating people for drawing breath is the day i have no further need of myself. 1885078;1546787896;mircea_popescu;the reason i wrote http://trilema.com/2018/patriarchy-vs-matriarchy-the-straight-dope/ wasn't that i was bored that day ; or that i don't like people. for as long as you continue thinking your value is established by some woman, you will continue having the same ~type~ of problems. they can be colored any way you like, and lives can readily be spent in that coloring exercise ; but as far as substance is concerned they will be 1885079;1546787901;mircea_popescu; what they will be and precisely naught else. 1885080;1546787903;mircea_popescu;the sad part, and a problem very much in the vein of the http://trilema.com/2014/la-florida-and-other-places/#selection-111.0-121.824 duality, is that men ~ARBITRARILY~ deciding to live in a matriarchy doesn't merely fuck over them ; it fucks over everyone, now the females of your generation are stuck living in the same shit whether they want to or not ; because unlike your case, there's exactly jack shit ~they~ can do about 1885081;1546787908;mircea_popescu;it. hence all the lashing out. 1885082;1546787912;mircea_popescu;as a factual matter, there's nothing you can say to keloid. it's made out of cells and cells are deterministic mechanisms. societal scar tissue however is the result of ~deliberate choice~ that is then just as deliberately hidden from the self ; not of some sort of complicated protein signalling. 1885083;1546787916;mircea_popescu;all that said, there's no bad blood here. i have infinite time (in the sense that the republic is eternal, not in the sense that i've been around for seven milennia or thereabouts) and every boy has to take his own fucking journey to his eventual himself. for as long as you can continue speaking the truth you're perfectly welcome here, as everyone ever is ; the magic of the workings of the log permit us a luxury no men knew b 1885084;1546787921;mircea_popescu;efore -- that is, zero-cost shouting ; (the bounty of that experience also readily provides us with a luxury no woman knew before -- that is, zero-cost defloration, the experience of the "significant" cost of expression as perceived afore the fact dissolving into nothingness with the consummation, "what a big deal writing this blogpost was going to be that it didn't turn out to be after all") ; and so following. 1885085;1546787926;mircea_popescu;eat, pray, love, or how did that go. 1885086;1546788704;asciilifeform;ha, mircea_popescu woke up 1st! 1885087;1546788709;asciilifeform;guten morgen mircea_popescu 1885088;1546788738;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: perhaps he'll at least inherit the flat... 1885089;1546788794;mircea_popescu;that was the most odessa jew thing you ever yet said. 1885090;1546788814;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-06#1885072 << danke schon, phf. and i aint gonna kick you when yer down, we can always come back to the thread laters. 1885091;1546788814;a111;Logged on 2019-01-06 09:47 phf: asciilifeform: also snarfed 1885092;1546789000;asciilifeform;hey phf, does the left switch on your cst billiard ball seem muffled vs the right ? i can't decide if mine's defective or not, just noticed last night.. 1885093;1546789235;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-06#1885069 << i'll take off hat ; realizing this mistake is perhaps 1st step from alchemist to chemist 1885094;1546789235;a111;Logged on 2019-01-06 09:42 phf: the result of reflecting on the idiocy of the whole secrecy approach: i basically got suckered by promises of future great reveals, did free work while also locking myself into the selfsame structure. 1885095;1546789300;asciilifeform;( and it's a correctable mistake, but again we can come back to this laters. ) 1885096;1546789465;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i woke up at night with the following wtf : you can actually make ~any~ gcdtron converge in same steps as stein's, cuz any time the buffer is even, you can shift it right (unshared factor of 2); and then when you add (or subtract) these odds, you get another even ( and can do it again ) etc. 1885097;1546789512;asciilifeform;so theoretically can have a steinized daykin ( it remains to be sweated out whether this is moar economical than stein, i'ma get to it today ) 1885098;1546789637;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-06#1885042 << this'll be handy when i get to asmized variant of inner muls in ffa. looking forward to reading ave1's piece. 1885099;1546789637;a111;Logged on 2019-01-06 05:26 ave1: well arm part works, but I wanted to do some more experimenting with how the call the asm, as register allocation cannot be specified in GNAT 1885100;1546789913;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-06#1885070 << neato. ( asciilifeform also remotes, but asciilifeform's meatwot is economically ~useless naodays, and so asciilifeform lives under eternal damocle's sword of ending up like mocky . ) 1885101;1546789913;a111;Logged on 2019-01-06 09:44 phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-05#1884837 << remote work, but you also have to remember that i moved away much later in life than you did, i have a very large meat wot here 1885102;1546790031;asciilifeform;( e.g. in 2016, i spent >6mo rowing on a loathesomely usgistic slave galley, while in search of new remote ) 1885103;1546790040;asciilifeform;and was dead in the water, from tmsr pov, the whole time 1885104;1546790185;asciilifeform;( http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-30#1876254 , aka 'butugychag' ) 1885105;1546790185;a111;Logged on 2018-11-30 03:07 asciilifeform: zx2c4: you may find it interesting to learn that i once worked in a dour 'salt mine' where shat out 'correctness proof' all day. in 'sage.' 1885106;1546790318;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-06#1885053 << recall the infamous rat temples of india.. 1885107;1546790318;a111;Logged on 2019-01-06 05:29 mircea_popescu: Mocky a lot of the femstate's "solutions" to problems consist of this sorta acceptance bs. about as unsuprising as biology can ever get. 1885108;1546790349;asciilifeform;https://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~akerr/socrates/personal/rats.html << subj. 1885109;1546790790;*;asciilifeform bbl,tea 1885110;1546791840;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-06#1885065 << if anyone is curious, in the vein of http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-18#1863563 : there's a very strict and very obvious distinction between the ~types~ of promises ; typified by the "forever &ever" coda of imperial bullshit. my slaves serve ~at will~, which is to say until i get tired of one and not a moment longer. there's no security available, offered or contemplated. compare an 1885111;1546791840;a111;Logged on 2019-01-06 09:41 phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-12-19#1881941 was previously lost on me, so my committment outlay is a given, with the inevitable conclusion of http://btcbase.org/log/2018-12-19#1881910 i figured that out before the tmsr conversation, so the whole thing was just a public reveal of my idiocy, salt on the wound if you will 1885112;1546791840;a111;Logged on 2018-10-18 17:42 Mocky: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-18#1863546 >> if this is true then "you're not smart enough be here" is as meaningful as "not telepathic enough" 1885113;1546791840;mircea_popescu;d contrast this with "marriage vows" or whatever bullshit in this vein. 1885114;1546791872;mircea_popescu;saeculum promises include the unpromiseable so regularily as to naturally create the suspicion it's deliberate. 1885115;1546791952;mircea_popescu;so the idea of http://btcbase.org/log/2018-12-19#1881910 isn't as much "don't make promises to people outside the walls" ; it's rather "don't make the ~sort of promises~ they make outside the walls ; but if you're too young to know the difference don't make any at all". 1885116;1546791952;a111;Logged on 2018-12-19 19:24 mircea_popescu: i am however NOT dealing with people who have your sort of committment outlay. 1885117;1546792047;mircea_popescu;"being in legal trouble" is generally a decent first order approximation of that youth. (not that the empire isn't abusing imagignarly "legal process" to attempt to wage war and other such bs, but i guarantee you nobody targetted some schmuck selling fireworks in rural bumfuck because of his roger ver-ness.) 1885118;1546792385;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2015-07-08#1193607 << this makes for a pretty lulzy re-read, in the context of the meanwhile better fleshed out notions of structure and trees and whatnot. isn't it obvious, asciilifeform , that the ~substantial difference~ is not at all the "head rng" but simply the extension and especially quality of the conceptual trees involved ? the "head v" so to speak ? 1885119;1546792385;a111;Logged on 2015-07-08 19:34 ascii_field: far more interesting is the trait hasn eysenck called 'psychoticism' 1885120;1546792929;BingoBoingo;In other news... amazing how comment spam shifted from viagra to... http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/LvP1y/?raw=true 1885121;1546793709;mircea_popescu;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/4YRQW/?raw=true << meanwhile this is what a myspace pageload looks like these days (they call it "facebook" but it's the same "valuable" nonsense by&for morons turner used to make a small fortune out of a large one) 1885122;1546793733;asciilifeform;lol what is that, 50MB ? 1885123;1546793757;mircea_popescu;just the sheer insanity of the js loading model. who the fuck can't put it all in one file ? 1885124;1546793810;mircea_popescu;what sense could https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/rsrc.php/v3iY9E4/yK/l/en_GB/dDLzd487PGS.js https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/rsrc.php/v3ikjf4/yA/l/en_GB/K0iGBg8ivhO.js https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/rsrc.php/v3iMCU4/ys/l/en_GB/RmcHbNGMVjA.js https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/rsrc.php/v3i61e4/yC/l/en_GB/QZPZBXTN_4g.js https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/rsrc.php/v3iVop4/y5/l/en_GB/p37HdZ_jKzM.js https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/rsrc.php/v3iRN04/y0/l/en_GB/u 1885125;1546793810;mircea_popescu;GPoR8851vS.js https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/rsrc.php/v3/yd/r/oy09kyys2-h.js POSSIBLY fucking make ? 1885126;1546793849;asciilifeform;y'know, not only it never made much sense when written, but they put it through mungers also 1885127;1546793865;asciilifeform;can't exactly put rowhammer.js where errybody'll ~see~ it, lol 1885128;1546793866;mircea_popescu;"dDLzd487PGS.js" is 718514 bytes ; "uGPoR8851vS.js" is 730348 bytes. this is just a SECTION 1885129;1546793907;mircea_popescu;there's never been, since the origin of the world, cause or use for a full 100kb of js. what fucking 730k, there's not that much to say in that scriptlang. 1885130;1546793938;asciilifeform;for comparison, ada sores of ch14 ffa, incl. comments, weighs ~300kB 1885131;1546793954;mircea_popescu;much like "all that needs to be, or can be expressed in redskin tongue takes <1 page, which is why they don't need writing, can remember a page" 1885132;1546793987;BingoBoingo;lol, I actually had occasion to hear Incan language last week. 1885133;1546794009;mircea_popescu;any good jokes ? 1885134;1546794050;BingoBoingo;Hard to tell. ~half the conversation was in spanish. Girl's dad made a phone call because he went into the city as he does from time to time. 1885135;1546794091;BingoBoingo;Apparently there's no phones up in Llama herding country 1885136;1546794130;mircea_popescu;maybe they eat the towers. 1885137;1546794144;asciilifeform;mountains 'eat' towers. 1885138;1546794144;mircea_popescu;god knows goats eat shirts. maybe llamas eat sheet metal 1885139;1546794158;asciilifeform;sorta why darkest africa has gsm , but not inca 1885140;1546794180;BingoBoingo;Possible, Goats are know to eat sheet metal and Llamas are big goats in hairy armor 1885141;1546794253;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-06#1885123 << it's deliberate. they fiddle'em regularly, and section'em so the unfiddled bits stay cached 1885142;1546794253;a111;Logged on 2019-01-06 16:55 mircea_popescu: just the sheer insanity of the js loading model. who the fuck can't put it all in one file ? 1885143;1546794330;mircea_popescu;i would be utterly surprised if this worked at all. 1885144;1546794369;mircea_popescu;i expect what really is going on is that they have half dozen copies of the "same" lib, diff versions, w/e, and they load them all i nthe hopes one works. 1885145;1546794370;asciilifeform;i dunno how one'd even begin to answer the q of 'whether it works'. what even means 'works' when referring to the anthill. 1885146;1546794397;mircea_popescu;cuz whenever they hire a new "engineer" he just dumps more code in the pub and that's it, "he fixed things" 1885147;1546794400;asciilifeform;( does it spawn new anthills ? apparently does. do the ants survive winter ? sadly also apparently yes ) 1885148;1546794451;asciilifeform;and yes they keep 9000 copies of 'same' lib. 1885149;1546794454;BingoBoingo; cuz whenever they hire a new "engineer" he just dumps more code in the pub and that's it, "he fixed things" << AHA Heathen WP Pluginisms 1885150;1546794484;asciilifeform;'foolib #3133 worx with barlib #4331 last we knew' and so on 1885151;1546794578;BingoBoingo;Meanwhile in femventures: https://www.elobservador.com.uy/nota/esta-escuela-de-rugby-y-merendero-fue-robada-34-veces-en-seis-meses-201915193311 1885152;1546794641;BingoBoingo;Yes, in Angloland "escuela de Rugby" might imply something vagualy masculine, but here... It's old women trying to save little boys from futbol 1885153;1546794765;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-06#1885068 << for my curiosity, was that labour anything like nicoleci 's ph trans[actions] trans[cribing] ? 1885154;1546794765;a111;Logged on 2019-01-06 09:42 phf: i agree that the secrecy approach doesn't work, i wasn't the driver behind it, i was skeptical about it, but i wanted to see it play out, and it failed spectacularly. i did the relevant manual labor and promised not to share what i got out of it. and yes if i thought about it, the blood oath puts me in the position of the very same whisperers, where whatever i have i can't make use of. my vague comments about old men and gold chests are 1885155;1546794798;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: iirc he described it: agreed to go to indiana jones warehouse and manually photograph manuscripts 1885156;1546794816;mircea_popescu;a a right. 1885157;1546794846;diana_coman;does anybody know whether/how can I use Ada task types from C/CPP code? afaik from GNAT docs there isn't a way to export task types as such 1885158;1546794891;asciilifeform;diana_coman: what wouldja even ~do~ with ada task type from cpp ? 1885159;1546794905;asciilifeform;you can't signal it, or do anyffin else useful to it, there 1885160;1546795003;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: phf is 9000x moar genius spy than asciilifeform , evidently -- i tried 9000 ways to sweet-talk dks into 'lemme into that warehouse', summed to 0 1885161;1546795031;asciilifeform;for that matter, i never even was able to learn where it was ( to any moar precision than 'hbomb radius' ) 1885162;1546795062;diana_coman;asciilifeform, the concrete mess is this: smg_comms is in Ada, has sender and receiver task types so one can create those as needed, perfect; onth eulora client is this ball of CPP mess and it's unclear to me if it can even be made to use smg comms as it is or what 1885163;1546795077;asciilifeform;diana_coman: can , but i suspect you'll need glue 1885164;1546795092;asciilifeform;( i.e. ada knobs that are ordinary procedures and can be fired from the cpp ) 1885165;1546795104;asciilifeform;or, vice-versa, import and fire the necessary cpp knobs from the ada. 1885166;1546795111;diana_coman;in the vein of "fork in cpp and from that thread call Ada proc that then spawns tasks"? 1885167;1546795118;asciilifeform;iirc diana_coman already is quite well-versed in the subj from baking eucrypt 1885168;1546795146;asciilifeform;why wouldja need to fork in cpp if you have ada tasks ? make the cpp coad reentrant and call it from the tasks 1885169;1546795260;diana_coman;mainly because the whole thing is anyway only one thread of the mess as it were; but yes, reentrant should work too 1885170;1546795267;asciilifeform;diana_coman: admittedly i dun know enuff about your proggy to say whether it is possible to make ada piece 'prime mover' 1885171;1546795299;diana_coman;ugh, I was rather hoping I was just thick and not getting it 1885172;1546795500;asciilifeform;diana_coman: if you 'de-thread' the cpp item, you can call its knobs from ada task. is what i meant 'reentrant'. 1885173;1546795524;asciilifeform;then you dun need to try an' pry open the internal structure of ada task to somehow fiddle it from inside cpp. 1885174;1546795573;asciilifeform;it's what i'ma do to trb after i solve the mmap thing. 1885175;1546795626;diana_coman;myeah, all sorts of practical restrictions to consider here; I just wanted to make sure I'm not overlooking some available option before weighing them 1885176;1546795640;diana_coman;sadly it seems I'm not 1885177;1546795700;asciilifeform;the 1st step to adaizing a cpp turd is to remove the cpp threadisms, they will not only not work with ada's sane tasking but actually destroy the guarantees of the latter 1885178;1546795850;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-06#1885097 << you can't simply shift the buffer just because IT is even 1885179;1546795850;a111;Logged on 2019-01-06 15:45 asciilifeform: so theoretically can have a steinized daykin ( it remains to be sweated out whether this is moar economical than stein, i'ma get to it today ) 1885180;1546795851;asciilifeform;hm i think i missed a thread..? diana_coman mircea_popescu ain't Mocky the client dev ? why is diana_coman stuck baking client also..? 1885181;1546795883;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform mocky did some (very good btw) work on the foxybot ; then went to qatar ; now looking for job. 1885182;1546795914;asciilifeform;hm i distinctly recalled a thread where he agreed to work as eulorist -- or was that a temporary thing 1885183;1546795931;mircea_popescu;iirc was coupla months. 1885184;1546795936;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: you can shift; so long as you increment counter when you've shifted ~both~ a and b buffers , cuz that's an actual shared power of 2 factor. ( it's what happens in stein ) 1885185;1546795955;mircea_popescu;hm. 1885186;1546795956;asciilifeform;if only 1 of a,b is shiftable (i.e. even) that's an unshared factor of 2, and preserves gcd if removed. 1885187;1546795965;asciilifeform;sorta why stein works at all. 1885188;1546796222;asciilifeform;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/lzGMl/?raw=true << for thread-compleeetness, traditional form of stein's algo. 1885189;1546797295;BingoBoingo;More local weird https://www.elobservador.com.uy/nota/se-hacia-llamar-rockefeller-y-estafaba-a-unicef-uruguay-201916102020 1885190;1546797336;BingoBoingo;;tldr Teen scams unicife out of 1000 USD, national news 1885191;1546801080;feedbot;http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2943 << Loper OS -- A Solid-State HDD for Symbolics MacIvory Lisp Machines. 1885192;1546806385;asciilifeform;^ phf, amberglint, possibly other 'junkyard wars' folx ^ 1885193;1546808224;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2019/01/usg-sanctions-drama-gets-embarassing-as-foreign-officials-barred-missile-offers-rejected-by-allies/ << Qntra -- USG Sanctions Drama Gets Embarassing As Foreign Officials Barred, Missile Offers Rejected By Allies 1885194;1546814334;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo has lead << led 1885195;1546814351;BingoBoingo;ty, fxd 1885196;1546814520;BingoBoingo;Turkey just keeps delivering 1885197;1546815285;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: 'nasa' is a bag of lulz, even by usg standards -- entirely a 'whitewash' project for ye olde 'black budget', historically ( when e.g. 'shuttle' worked at all, was used largely to enorbit $maxint-yet-disposable spy cameras ) 1885198;1546815388;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Well, thing was born as pseudo-civilian cover for missile technology development 1885199;1546815405;asciilifeform;orig. yes 1885200;1546815430;asciilifeform;copied in turn from hruschev's lulzidea 1885201;1546815453;asciilifeform;( usg seems to have copied just about erry hruschevism, down to the corn thing ) 1885202;1546815494;asciilifeform;( d00d was a mega-believer in the plant and 'let's use it for errything' ) 1885203;1546815588;BingoBoingo;Well as far as agriculturally sourced chemical inputs go... Corn offers big yields in exchange for big nitrogen... 1885204;1546815605;BingoBoingo;It's a weedy annual grass 1885205;1546815634;asciilifeform;not so big yield when you factor in the petrol (not only for tractor, but for pesticide, herbicide, etc.) mircea_popescu has a mega-piece re subj. 1885206;1546815673;asciilifeform;it has 'level 9000' incaization potential tho. hence the interest in the 2 major inca camps. 1885207;1546815701;BingoBoingo;Well, that's the story of all state projects. The "factor in" part. 1885208;1546815729;BingoBoingo;It 1885209;1546815732;asciilifeform;point, from lizard pov, is not so much to '+ev project', but to put new nails in the coffin of the independent farmer. 1885210;1546815759;BingoBoingo;'s easy to hide the inputs behind big ears 1885211;1546815770;asciilifeform;( monsantoization was specifically a refinement of ~that~ ) 1885212;1546815794;asciilifeform;centralized seed distribution from inca palace, wet dream of 5000 yrs of inca. 1885213;1546815806;BingoBoingo;Independent farmers get screwed on every crop. It's a matter of degrees. 1885214;1546815842;asciilifeform;last 'independent farmer' in the reich lands, i suspect, died during reign of carter. if not earlier. 1885215;1546815875;asciilifeform;( i.e. ~actually~ independent, dun need city man for anyffin, not petrol, not toilet paper, nuffin ) 1885216;1546815918;BingoBoingo;Ah yes, even the Amish go to Walmart in the US 1885217;1546815982;asciilifeform;aaand they take 'paypal' at the market. via ipnoje. 1885218;1546815990;asciilifeform;i shit thee not. 1885219;1546815998;BingoBoingo;Plenty of times in old country I'd see the Amish buggies going up IL-13 to the Murphysboro Walmart in order to commune with Inca 1885220;1546816088;asciilifeform;for all i know , somewhere in the reich there's still an old amish d00d remaining, plowing field with horse, eschewing ipnoje, etc. or maybe usg already found him and put into психушка and took land for unpaid tribute. 1885221;1546816362;BingoBoingo;Well, one thing the oppresive VAT here does is keep something of a cash economy alive 1885222;1546816473;asciilifeform;well orcistans typically can't afford to do what usg does ( i.e. print green with which, among other things, to pay chumps to use cards, in the form of 'reward point' ) 1885223;1546816609;asciilifeform;likbez for outside-reich folx : in reich, when folx pay with e.g. 'visa', vendors lose ~5% (they pay for privilege of eating it) and konsoomer wins ~5% ('reward point', exact qty varies by flavour-of-the-day) 1885224;1546816615;BingoBoingo;They try that here. Many of the big chain sucker traps here will offer incredible discounts for using the right card to the point it is anti advertising the pricing of their wares. 1885225;1546816621;asciilifeform;chains yes 1885226;1546816639;asciilifeform;i was speaking of general-purpose 'bank gives you 5% of the spent money back' 1885227;1546816722;asciilifeform;it varies by vendor, and whether yer an idjit (idjits pay interest, cuz they actually use the card as a credit line) 1885228;1546816730;BingoBoingo;They try that here too. Pay with card get X% back as VAT rebate. 1885229;1546816746;asciilifeform;but when, e.g. asciilifeform bought bolix, ~200 orcbux of its cost came back. 1885230;1546816830;BingoBoingo;Then again here they also have this privatized food stand deal where employers can issue a part of employee pay as "alimentation tickets" 1885231;1546816850;asciilifeform;lol! 'i owe my soul to the company store'(tm)(r) 1885232;1546816861;asciilifeform;they do that here with train tickets. 1885233;1546816905;BingoBoingo;Indeed. Which network the employer picks determines employee dietary decisions. 1885234;1546816958;asciilifeform;at one point i noticed that at the food market , good chunk of the crowd wasn't paying with money, or even card, but with wooden monopoly money thing . mostly mex-looking chix, with children. turns out, it's what 'welfare' comes in naodays 1885235;1546816993;asciilifeform;the tomato-sellers take it to usg booth and trade it for ordinary moneys, minus tax. 1885236;1546817577;jurov; /znc clearallchannelbuffers 1885237;1546817587;asciilifeform;lol 1885238;1546817593;jurov;oops :) 1885239;1546821732;feedbot;http://trilema.com/2019/minigame-smg-december-2018-statement/ << Trilema -- MiniGame (S.MG), December 2018 Statement 1885240;1546822782;mircea_popescu;in other lulz, check out the smoldering wikirage : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cigarette 1885241;1546822956;mats;asciilifeform: any idea what thats called? i thought 'food stamps' (EBT) are a debit card 1885242;1546822957;lobbesbot;mats: Sent 1 week, 4 days, 4 hours, and 42 minutes ago: MP-WP hardening and enhancemenst, please acknowledge receipt http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/r1dkc/?raw=true 1885243;1546822963;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: what part of it is interesting ? 1885244;1546822983;asciilifeform;massive snoar , loox like, entirely like other wikisms 1885245;1546823001;mircea_popescu;let's take the first para. 1885246;1546823002;mircea_popescu;"A cigarette is a narrow cylinder containing psychoactive material, usually tobacco, that is rolled into thin paper for smoking. Most cigarettes contain a "reconstituted tobacco" product known as "sheet", which consists of "recycled [tobacco] stems, stalks, scraps, collected dust, and floor sweepings", to which are added glue, chemicals and fillers; the product is then sprayed with nicotine that was extracted from the tobacco 1885247;1546823002;mircea_popescu; scraps, and shaped into curls.[1] The cigarette is ignited at one end, causing it to smolder and allowing smoke to be inhaled from the other end, which is held in or to the mouth. Most modern cigarettes are filtered, although this does not make them safer. Cigarette manufacturers have described cigarettes as a drug administration system for the delivery of nicotine in acceptable and attractive form.[2][3][4][5] Cigarettes ar 1885248;1546823004;mircea_popescu;e addictive (because of nicotine) and cause cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, heart disease, and other health problems. " 1885249;1546823006;asciilifeform;mats: 'wic' 1885250;1546823025;mircea_popescu;~none~ of the points are factual. moreover, imagine an "encyclopedic" article on, say, obama, in the same terms. 1885251;1546823048;mircea_popescu;or "no child left behind", or "black women employed in federal bureaucratic positions" 1885252;1546823050;mircea_popescu;or what have you 1885253;1546823068;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it's afaik ~exact description of ameri-cig. and for that matter, ameri-chicken, an' similar product 1885254;1546823090;asciilifeform;floor sweepings. 1885255;1546823091;mircea_popescu;eh, "exact description" in a very selective sense. 1885256;1546823123;asciilifeform;picture how vegetarian might describe a sausage maker's shop. esp ameri-sausage. 1885257;1546823128;mircea_popescu;for one thing, nicotine is not addictive. for the other thing, EVERYTHING in the us is glue paint and floor sweepings, from usda a+ beef to coca cola. 1885258;1546823140;mircea_popescu;you don't see THAT mentioned in those articles, do you ? 1885259;1546823167;mircea_popescu;you don't see "african americans are the scum of the human race, accidentally transported against their own capacity to our lands" in the respective article, do you ? 1885260;1546823183;asciilifeform;they also dun mention 'sky is blue' and 'water is wet'.. 1885261;1546823191;mircea_popescu;whole item is entirely free of any objective content, consists entirely on subjective positioning./ 1885262;1546823216;mats;asciilifeform: ah, i see, SNAP uses EBT cards, WIC does not 1885263;1546823226;mircea_popescu;anyway, the point is precisely the ridoinculous pretense of wikitards that their particularly weird and slanty libel sheet is exactly not-that. 1885264;1546823249;asciilifeform;it reads exactly like ~erry other wikipg. 1885265;1546823327;mircea_popescu;well no, the page on http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-04#1733001 doesn't say "sue gardern is a sad sack of neoplasms". though this is factually true, all humans contain some neoplastic tissue. 1885266;1546823327;a111;Logged on 2017-11-04 16:40 mircea_popescu: in entirely unrelated lulz : the "womenz in tech" dynastry of aparatchicks over at wikipedia is pretty lulzi : sue gardner's lengthy tenure ended (she was recycled to nsa honeypot "tor project") to be replaced by lila tretikov, two bit russki scammer gal who got sent off (over the whole "knowledge engine" failed wikimedia http://btcbase.org/log/2017-10-26#1729324 attempt) to be replaced by katherine maher. 1885267;1546823378;*;hanbot most recently ran into this particular flavor of wikiwank when looking for specific incident lead on ms-13 the other day, was bombarded by "trump falsely claims!!!" 1885268;1546823532;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-05#1810279 << aphra bern is not "inconsequntial pickpocket" and so on. 1885269;1546823532;a111;Logged on 2018-05-05 18:05 mircea_popescu: aand in other items of entomological interest, the wikipedia take on politicized pseudo-literary criticism is something else. aphra behn is lionized, because they're ever-so-desperate to discover, invent or if need be entirely hallucinate "remarkable" cuntbearers of the shakespeare period that some random jailbird is A HEROINE OF FEMINISM!!! 1885270;1546823565;mircea_popescu;hanbot im sure it got a whole "orange man" spray paint, to cover over the cracking in the previous "ows" paintjob. 1885271;1546823593;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: re tobaccism and its discontents -- i find lulzy that 'secondhand smoke' hysteria expanded to include those electrical things that emit theatric-'smoke', somehow with straight face, even tho less poisonous than typical chix perfume, or vodka breath etc 1885272;1546823625;asciilifeform;( cuz it was never about poisons, noshit ) 1885273;1546823634;mircea_popescu;hey, witchcraft. 1885274;1546823657;mircea_popescu;anyway, to my eyes that item reads like perfect self-parody. 1885275;1546825689;trinque;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-06#1885215 << I know of a biz in oregon, grows all manner of crops, independently owned by revelations cult, makes own biofuel, but yes, they might be the only one. 1885276;1546825689;a111;Logged on 2019-01-06 23:04 asciilifeform: ( i.e. ~actually~ independent, dun need city man for anyffin, not petrol, not toilet paper, nuffin ) 1885277;1546825770;mircea_popescu;it's techically illegal in the us anyway, "impede interstate commerce". 1885278;1546831227;asciilifeform;indeed, famously 1885279;1546831282;asciilifeform;( the very moment, really, when all remaining pretense of 'this aint a reich, and fdr aint fuhrer' was dropped ) 1885280;1546831319;asciilifeform;!#s wickard 1885281;1546831320;a111;10 results for "wickard", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=wickard 1885282;1546831322;asciilifeform;^ see also 1885283;1546831483;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-28#1743774 << e.g. 1885284;1546831483;a111;Logged on 2017-11-28 16:12 asciilifeform: an incidentally interesting bit is that gardens are an 'unprincipled exception' in usgdom just as they were in su. theoretically a garden aficionado owes every 4th tomato or whatever his 'bracket' is, to usg, as tax; things that grow from the ground count, famously, as 'income' -- even if not sold -- per 'wickard v. filburn' 1885285;1546835469;billymg;hanbot: i put together a patch for the svg links mentioned earlier: http://billymg.com/2019/01/mp-wp-vpatch-update-internal-image-references-to-point-to-svg-extensions/ 1885286;1546835486;billymg;there is also now a copy of the mp-wp vtree here http://billymg.com/mp-wp-vtree/ 1885287;1546835529;billymg;it was mostly a search and replace job but i took care not to blow away intentional .gif or .png references 1885288;1546835950;mircea_popescu;there are such ?! 1885289;1546836172;billymg;well, not used as image references, but other instances of those strings. used in, e.g. matchers in a conditional in some script 1885290;1546836238;billymg;although i believe there was one valid .png reference for avatar.png that links to the avatar.png hosted on a commenter's blog 1885291;1546836330;mircea_popescu;a a a 1885292;1546836333;mircea_popescu;right, right. 1885293;1546836340;mircea_popescu;good point. 1885294;1546836497;billymg;it's been nice working on this, if there are other items people want to see done i can look at those too 1885295;1546836578;billymg;i think there also might be some opportunities to remove code from mp-wp. for example, the included tinymce browser text-editor plugin seems to come with three different themes. i haven't looked too closely but i'm guessing only one of them is actually used 1885296;1546836747;mircea_popescu;i expect you could prolly cut the loc in half, with some sweat. 1885297;1546836827;billymg;if that's a worthwhile goal i wouldn't mind tackling some of that next 1885298;1546837189;mircea_popescu;definitely, cutting down loc is god's own work. 1885299;1546837671;billymg;excellent, that will be my next task then 1885300;1546837792;billymg;time for sleep now 1885301;1546837798;*;billymg goes to bed 1885302;1546837803;mircea_popescu;nn 1885303;1546856483;auctionbot;Buy order # 1032 has ENDED: No sale. Attn: BingoBoingo 1885304;1546874275;mircea_popescu;trinque ^ 1885305;1546874538;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in world of spamatronics : https://archive.vn/PR2zr (tldr : htmlism idjicy where 'custom embedded font', apparently explains certain 'line noise'-style spams occasionally seen) 1885306;1546874700;mircea_popescu;all this retarded posturing. "threat actors", and pixelized screenshots and what the fuck. well earned negrate. 1885307;1546874736;mircea_popescu;big fucking whoop, someone made himself a non-alphabetic ordered font. 1885308;1546874753;asciilifeform;explains certain rubbish in my lint trap tho. 1885309;1546874874;mircea_popescu;it's about as novel as windows nt. 1885310;1546874876;mircea_popescu;but ok. 1885311;1546874914;*;asciilifeform not expert spamatronicist, so possibly easily astonished 1885312;1546874988;mircea_popescu;in other news, i fucking loathe that interactivecorp footer. never EVER seen it on a site that didn't suck balls in the exact wikipedia style of cheap cardboard alt-reality. 1885313;1546875105;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in 'mit phuctor'-style lulzattempts at thefts from republic, http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/vL8Rj/?raw=true << d00d implements keccak for z80, and naturally claims great 'invention', where , e.g., 'new meaning to retrocomputing-based perfect forward secrecy. In the contemporary concern about tampering and traps in our computing devices...' 1885314;1546875340;asciilifeform;( per the magick formula of http://btcbase.org/log/2014-06-04#700916 ) 1885315;1546875340;a111;Logged on 2014-06-04 00:08 asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: the buggers' traditional defense is to pretend that the event was a non-event - or, if this is impractical, to continue living in an imaginary world where they 'scooped' the story first, and all of the 'unsanctioned' discussion never happened. 1885316;1546875344;mircea_popescu;meanwhile talking of spam : http://archive.vn/oMEya ("Julia Sowells/534 Posts Julia Sowells has been a technology and security professional. For a decade of experience in technology, [...]" -- looks like your run of the mill 20something instawhore, but whatever, i'm sure she has a decade of "experience" in tabletclucking ; "HackerCombat LLC is a news site, which acts as a source of information for IT security professionals ac 1885317;1546875344;mircea_popescu;ross the world. We have lived it for more than 1 year since 2017, sharing IT expert guidance and insight, [...] ") 1885318;1546875391;mircea_popescu;need i continue ? sure, why not : http://archive.vn/0VU5Q "Rewterz information security Company Our Story" 1885319;1546875417;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i suspect perl script takes pressrelease and attached $randomchix face and shannonized 'bio' , in these fishwraps 1885320;1546875437;BingoBoingo; /me pretty sure the whole "webfonts only have malicious purposes" deal has been happening since webfonts were a thing 1885321;1546875440;mircea_popescu;nooo ? 1885322;1546875540;mircea_popescu;"www" stands for "what happens if all the dogs get the idea nobody can tell they're dogs ?!?!?!" 1885323;1546875779;mircea_popescu;pretty lulzy alt-fetlife, really. 1885324;1546875789;mircea_popescu;"Security Boulevard By Julia Sowells securityboulevard.com — A website getting hacked isn’t really news today; it has become an almost common thing. So, what should you do if your website is hacked? How can you work on recovering things and bouncing back? Well, it’s not that difficult. Here’s a look at some easy steps that could help in the recovery process:Step 1 – Inform hosting company, do some research of your o 1885325;1546875790;mircea_popescu;wnThe first thing that you need to do is inform your hosting company or the person who is hosting your website. " 1885326;1546875812;mircea_popescu;"10 Steps to Recover from a Hacked Website By Julia Sowells techspective.net — A website getting hacked isn’t really news today; it has become an almost common thing. So, what should you do if your website is hacked? How can you work on recovering things and bouncing back? Well, it’s not that difficult. Here’s a look at some easy steps that could help in the recovery process:Step 1 – Inform hosting company, do some 1885327;1546875812;mircea_popescu;research of your ownThe first thing that you need to do is inform your hosting company or the person who is hosting your website." 1885328;1546875830;asciilifeform;'99 easy recipes spammers dunwant you to know'!11 1885329;1546875860;mircea_popescu;https://twitter.com/juliasowells << even twitter acct, with a typically "powerpoint"-informed montage in the background. " Julia Sowells @juliasowells Senior #Information #Security Specialist #Cybersecurity Author @Hacker_Combat | Got Tips? Contact me: juliasowells@hackercombat.com" 1885330;1546875865;mircea_popescu;#WomenInTech i'm sure. 1885331;1546876082;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-07#1885323 << ~100% of heathenwww is precisely 'alt-fetlife' by mass 1885332;1546876082;a111;Logged on 2019-01-07 15:42 mircea_popescu: pretty lulzy alt-fetlife, really. 1885333;1546876103;asciilifeform;elizas talkin' to parrys. 1885334;1546876123;mircea_popescu;"DanaBot Banking Trojan’s Journey to North America DanaBot, a nasty banking trojan is wreaking havoc now in the North American continent. First appeared in May 2018 targeting Australian corporations hackercombat.com " << check it out, age of sail. 1885335;1546876134;asciilifeform;actual human reader is quite out of his element there. it's sorta like listening to modem whine. 1885336;1546876149;mircea_popescu;no, because i could eventually whistle meaningfully @ the modem. 1885337;1546876166;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu is perhaps better whistler than i , i can only 300baud on good day.. 1885338;1546876168;mircea_popescu;i think anyone who spent any significant time with the damned "bauds" could whistle a reset so as not to stand up 1885339;1546876203;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform well not data, what am i. 1885340;1546876207;asciilifeform;lol 1885341;1546876249;mircea_popescu;"If you are one of those enthusiastic and adventurous entrepreneurs who are on the verge of launching your own startup, here’s an important question for you: Have you secured your startup enough so that it can resist the security threats of today? Because if you haven’t, considering the security threats which are raining down on the digital world of today, you may in for a lot of trouble. 1885342;1546876249;mircea_popescu;Therefore in this blog, let’s take a look at some of the cyber security measures every entrepreneur should take, to ensure their startup stays safe from all forms of hacking." 1885343;1546876314;*;asciilifeform actually dug into subj of implementing compact 'soft' acoustic-modems on e.g. ice40, yr or so ago, for fyootoor applications 1885344;1546876315;mircea_popescu;letting the girls into the office was ~such~ a fucking dumb idea... what, precisely, is gained by having a bunch of verbose maids running about attempting to "redefine" the "space" more towards their terms and interests ? 1885345;1546876359;asciilifeform;if mircea_popescu says it's actual meat gurlz doin' this, rather than plain old perl, i'ma believe 1885346;1546876371;asciilifeform;but the 2 hypotheses aint distinguishable from my perch 1885347;1546876379;mircea_popescu;as it stands now, i believe this julia chick is basically douchebag. 1885348;1546876394;mircea_popescu;ie, physically extant novel cuntspawn "just tryna make it in dis biz" 1885349;1546876410;asciilifeform;rright but douchebag passed, at least initially, turing test, and these 'people' generally do not 1885350;1546876438;mircea_popescu;heck, odds are they met "at a conference" where they "being professional" to each other etc (ie, didn't fuck, notwithstanding how dimly regarded teens who don't do it are) 1885351;1546876450;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform that's because your test is biased against women. 1885352;1546876492;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: possibly; but i'ma not that despite many unfortunate yrs spent in the company of the degenerates populating that 'biz', never once witnessed a perpetrator describable as female 1885353;1546876505;asciilifeform;*i'ma add that 1885354;1546876569;asciilifeform;there were chix, to be sure, but doing the old-nicolecci thing, shuffling paper ~silently 1885355;1546876707;asciilifeform;i also have nfi what the 'space' might have looked like prior to 'getting redefined' -- near as i can tell, whole 'industry', from rise of microshit and up, consisted of exactly this 1885356;1546876776;asciilifeform;and i even witnessed the early-90s 'space', e.g. http://www.loper-os.org/?p=568#selection-57.0-57.368 , as a kid, and even then laughed. 1885357;1546876779;mircea_popescu;i dunno, i've only seen the other side of the wall 80s, and it consisted of research labs, basically. just like any others, hence the prestige. 1885358;1546876852;asciilifeform;research folx had research-grade irons , and ~separate ecosystem. ( pdp, then suns, hp, sgi, alpha, even bolix somewhere close to money printers, etc. but that 'atlantis' sank without a trace ) 1885359;1546876885;asciilifeform;it's gone, what's left is descendants of 'computer shopper magazine' and other 80s chump-baits 1885360;1546877045;mircea_popescu;https://twitter.com/juliasowells/status/907929912945795072 << item starts in 13 Sep 2017 ; spends a while derping about "niche relevant" re-crapped crap ("First Female White House CIO on #Cybersecurity #Talent" bla bla), buncha zdnet, techradar whatever. then it's "Julia Sowells Retweeted Kevin Jones‏ @kevinjones_hc 10 Oct 2017 British @security experts are stopping two MAJOR #hackattacks every day" ("Hello this is Kevin Jo 1885361;1546877045;mircea_popescu;nes, #Malware #cybersecurity Specialist and Author at @Hacker_Combat * Real-Life News Reader" << https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/958699043579871232/ntdF9E5X.jpg perfectly punchable amir taaki face) and so well... it's either his irl gf or his online fursona, whichever. 1885362;1546877045;asciilifeform;current-day lusercomp has approx as much to do with '80s research lab, as http://btcbase.org/log/2018-12-01#1877160 has with mircea_popescu's bmw 1885363;1546877045;a111;Logged on 2018-12-01 02:17 asciilifeform: amberglint: it's a http://funnypicture.zoda.ru/bd/2011/10/14/8e55f8a1cd38eb6ed761e4897058d1b7.jpg 1885364;1546877077;mircea_popescu;just because you didn't see douchebag's julia... o wait. i think you might've... 1885365;1546877079;*;asciilifeform brb,teatime 1885366;1546877140;mircea_popescu;awww, you're opting out of the wonderful world of IT expert guidance and insight ?! 1885367;1546877149;mircea_popescu;i really thought we had something going here... 1885368;1546877624;BingoBoingo; rright but douchebag passed, at least initially, turing test, and these 'people' generally do not << Lacking tits douchbag has to try to brand and personality. Having tits in the Femoocracy, girl just has to scrape and paste. 1885369;1546877949;mircea_popescu;there, intel kicks in : julia sowells, lives with mom @3036 Powell Rd, Blossvale, NY 13308, a single family home worth about 100k market / 60k on tax basis. 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, 1ksqft. 1885370;1546878134;mircea_popescu;anyway, this lulztron just won't quit. "Kriti Sarda, Recently moved to the United States Answered Jan 6, 2016 I work at Appknox and we are thought leaders in the mobile app security domain. I can unanimously agree with everyone here that cyber attacks WILL rise in 2016. Apart from that here are our predictions for the upcoming year - " (meanwhile this quora expert moved back to dfjkhgfkjhgkdjhkfj injia" 1885371;1546879475;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2019/01/britain-to-ban-transactions-involving-puppies-and-kittens-through-most-channels/ << Qntra -- Britain To Ban Transactions Involving Puppies And Kittens Through Most Channels 1885372;1546879489;BingoBoingo;^ From the place that brought the world "monkey baiting" 1885373;1546879547;mircea_popescu;this bizarro notion opf "banning". rly ? 1885374;1546879578;BingoBoingo;Well if they can "council house" Syrian refugees from Ghana... 1885375;1546879610;diana_coman;that "unanimously agree" is cherry on top 1885376;1546879971;BingoBoingo; that "unanimously agree" is cherry on top << Consult the traditional culture of Indo-Argentina http://trilema.com/2015/why-should-the-argentine-population-go-graze-already/#selection-31.0-45.71 1885377;1546880242;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: lol; what didja ~think~ brit parliament did on typical weekday, when not busy fellating overseas hitler . naturally 'making rules' re the procedure for selling dogs , etc, 'regulating' what time of day 'subjects of her majesty' may take a shit, and similar 1885378;1546880314;asciilifeform;'if the great inca wants you to have dog, he will issue you one' or how did it go. 1885379;1546880381;BingoBoingo;Still the decay Pantsuitism has wrought in 20 centuries must be documented 1885380;1546880458;BingoBoingo;Before too long dogs will prolly be "banned" in the UK because offensive to muslims 1885381;1546880477;mircea_popescu;diana_coman he can unanimously agree all by his lonesome! because prajeet, they be legion. 1885382;1546880503;asciilifeform;before long, http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-06#1885108 will be the only permitted domestic animal in reich. 1885383;1546880503;a111;Logged on 2019-01-06 15:59 asciilifeform: https://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~akerr/socrates/personal/rats.html << subj. 1885384;1546880567;diana_coman;mircea_popescu, quite; I read it as "tripping over oneself in desperation to signalsignalsignal agreement^n" 1885385;1546880590;mircea_popescu;well, and "success" and employment and emigration and a whole hosta things. 1885386;1546880599;mircea_popescu;still not getting any, but heck, WELL ON THE WAY TO 1885387;1546880615;asciilifeform;'luxor centre for bizniss'(tm)(r) 1885388;1546880938;mircea_popescu;but yes, the perpetual and universal hostis generis is precisely this "wanna everything be good and why can't everyone just be friends" schmuck. 1885389;1546882095;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-07#1885361 << there's by nao a lengthy gallery of these 'asking for brick'(tm) faces in the l0gz. i admit to curiosity re how come these folx so reliably have'em. 1885390;1546882095;a111;Logged on 2019-01-07 16:04 mircea_popescu: nes, #Malware #cybersecurity Specialist and Author at @Hacker_Combat * Real-Life News Reader" << https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/958699043579871232/ntdF9E5X.jpg perfectly punchable amir taaki face) and so well... it's either his irl gf or his online fursona, whichever. 1885391;1546882124;mircea_popescu;combination of diet and schooling. 1885392;1546882524;BingoBoingo;Diet, schooling, and post Walt Disney. 1885393;1546882556;mircea_popescu;i suspect we also select for them 1885394;1546882802;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: dunno re 'select'. recall the shithub experiment ? good % of the pages had 'brickface' on'em iirc 1885395;1546882948;mircea_popescu;truly. 1885396;1546884143;BingoBoingo;!Xview 1035 1885397;1546884144;auctionbot;Buy order # 1035: 1500 Filthy Fiats, Wired, WU, or Moneygram Opening: 400mn ecu Leading Bid: None Ending: 2019-01-09 06:04:18.169529 UTC (47 hours 59 mins) 1885398;1546885478;asciilifeform;meanwhile, also in zoology, but somewhat diff faces, witness http://www.fishcamp.com/photo_gallery.html 1885399;1546885491;asciilifeform;( wonder, are they even alive nao? date '2009'... ) 1885400;1546885693;BingoBoingo;Everything about that building's exterior except the entrance could be here in orcistan. 1885401;1546885723;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: it's standard 'it dun snow here' wooden shack, as i see it 1885402;1546885822;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Well, there's the narrow windows and indications the exterior walls extend above the roof creating a slow fence for the azeotea. 1885403;1546886440;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2019/01/ruth-bader-ginsburg-absent-from-oral-arguments/ << Qntra -- Ruth Bader Ginsburg Absent From Oral Arguments 1885404;1546886794;mircea_popescu;hex angels ahahaha 1885405;1546887145;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: afaik, to the extent anyffin resembling engineering still happens in current usa -- it happens in places like that. four greybeards in a barn. 1885406;1546887224;asciilifeform;(i.e. no 'hr', no 'powerpoint', no 'quarterly reports', etc, just four d00dz, four 'harleys', and a coupla oscilloscopes.. ) 1885407;1546887246;asciilifeform;i admit it's how i picture the joint where ben_vulpes and trinque live 1885408;1546887299;mircea_popescu;and this afaik is based on your experience here and what else lol. 1885409;1546887315;asciilifeform;experience in a coupla, where else 1885410;1546887321;asciilifeform;not by any means authoritative. 1885411;1546887322;mircea_popescu;because the item you describe is ~not even legal~ 1885412;1546887329;mircea_popescu;in the sense of meth kitchen not legal. 1885413;1546887348;asciilifeform;it's forbidden in the sense gardening ( http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-28#1743774 ) is. 1885414;1546887348;a111;Logged on 2017-11-28 16:12 asciilifeform: an incidentally interesting bit is that gardens are an 'unprincipled exception' in usgdom just as they were in su. theoretically a garden aficionado owes every 4th tomato or whatever his 'bracket' is, to usg, as tax; things that grow from the ground count, famously, as 'income' -- even if not sold -- per 'wickard v. filburn' 1885415;1546887368;mircea_popescu;not at all. 1885416;1546887376;mircea_popescu;it is literally forbidden in the sense cooking meth is. 1885417;1546887419;asciilifeform;well forbidden is forbidden, neh. yet there they are, subcontracting for 'lockheed' etc, for decades ( and on occasion when inca deems it's time, 'have problems', joe stack-style, but not otherwise ) 1885418;1546887432;mircea_popescu;there where ? 1885419;1546887449;mircea_popescu;office park, WITH hr & all. 1885420;1546887456;asciilifeform;in just about erry industrial district in erry ameri-town 1885421;1546887467;asciilifeform;garrett with 2-3 d00ds, no 'hr'. 1885422;1546887486;asciilifeform;they're 'unprincipled exception', in same was as in old su 'cooperatives' 1885423;1546887499;mircea_popescu;and entirely imaginary, much like anti-soviet resistence. 1885424;1546887510;asciilifeform;even 'discrimination law' applies limitedly, to'em. i suggest to rftm, it's a thing. 1885425;1546887511;mircea_popescu;stuff "we could be doing" so "it's just as good as if we did it" etc. 1885426;1546887523;mircea_popescu;just name one. 1885427;1546887530;asciilifeform;linked earlier , neh 1885428;1546887539;mircea_popescu;item expired two decades ago ?! 1885429;1546887544;mircea_popescu;this is not at all what we're discussing. 1885430;1546887571;mircea_popescu;when i discuss some random cuntlet and you propose she's inexistent, i get you concretes. when you discuss some imaginary item, you don't extend the same courtesy. 1885431;1546887574;asciilifeform;or, say, the ones where asciilifeform toiled ( also defunkt today. but not killed 'because no hr' by usg, went old-fashioned broke ) 1885432;1546887607;mircea_popescu;i guarantee you you signed "code of conduct" and promised not to "sexually harass" coworkers and filed in your tax forms and whatnot. ALL of the whatnot. 1885433;1546887611;asciilifeform;nope. 1885434;1546887626;asciilifeform;these appear when you have ~80+ (i fughet exact #, varies by state) warm bodies. 1885435;1546887649;mircea_popescu;pretense to the contrary howsoever instantiated notwithstanding. 1885436;1546887654;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform or income. 1885437;1546887676;mircea_popescu;so yes, i guess "went bankrupt, totally existed, i promise -- never made money never had employees" etc works in the sense of exception. 1885438;1546887778;mircea_popescu;there's a reason neither methlabs nor sane workplaces ~advertise~. "come work here, we don't do the whole usg bs". 1885439;1546887826;mircea_popescu;to cursory examination it'd be the cheapest/sweetest fruit for them, ~nothing else a prospective employer could say scores nearly as highly with prospective employees ~worth employing~. 1885440;1546887843;mircea_popescu;yet mocky is buried under the polar opposite of that -- "security clearance" bs. 1885441;1546887850;asciilifeform;note that the 'hot dog stands' aint any kinda 'workers paradise' , even tho 'no hr' 1885442;1546887855;asciilifeform;just diff sort of hell, is all. 1885443;1546887866;mircea_popescu;there's hr for hot dog stands. 1885444;1546887870;asciilifeform;aha 1885445;1546887872;mircea_popescu;they buy it with the franchise. 1885446;1546887908;asciilifeform;"security clearance" bs << asciilifeform resigned from a shithole specifically when pressed to 'take holy orders', 1 time 1885447;1546887910;mircea_popescu;again -- just because you personally never saw the face of the usg allocated mamie in charge of usg.aspect in question doesn't mean jack. she's still there, and she's still getting the same per capita. 1885448;1546887924;mircea_popescu;the quataris also don't routinely introduce the indian slaves to the qatari admin office. 1885449;1546887956;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: in the small shitholes, 'mamie' comes mainly in the form of ruinous taxations ( erry d00d is taxes as 'businessman' , ~2x the usual rate ) 1885450;1546888041;mircea_popescu;in the end what i'm saying is this : what you perceive as two types (with, and without mammie) are the same type, with mammie. the without-mammie type is illegal. the perceived without-mammie type is merely a particularly cheap outft, where your position is so low you're not showed it. 1885451;1546888046;mircea_popescu;but just as there in either case. 1885452;1546888070;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: for my enlightenment, pray tell, who is the 'hr mamie' when 1 d00d runs 'owner-operator' co ? 1885453;1546888085;asciilifeform;afaik there isn't yet a thing where he gotta hire politruk to 'sexual harass' ~himself~ 1885454;1546888131;mircea_popescu;and if you do not believe, the test is spelled out in ye olde http://trilema.com/2014/the-problem-of-enforcement/ : start some shit about hot-topic-du-jour, see how "your boss" suddenly isn't what he seemed. 1885455;1546888150;mircea_popescu;consider the very similar case of cattle farm : cattle may think billy bob farmer is an ok guy, and doesn't even go to town that often. 1885456;1546888174;mircea_popescu;nevertheless, should quarantine be established, the differences imagined by the cattle between billy bob and that slick asshole at the industrial farm down the streed vanish 1885457;1546888178;asciilifeform;even cattle farm comes in 'feedlot' and 'grass range' flavours, neh 1885458;1546888196;asciilifeform;both go to make prime rib, certainly 1885459;1546888204;mircea_popescu;in some places. but in the fifty contiguous shitholes, it comes in "admittedly feedlot" and "deniedly feedlot" flaours. 1885460;1546888237;mircea_popescu;in short : you ~did~ sign the damned thing whether they bothered to print one to give you to sign or not. 1885461;1546888256;asciilifeform;in the sense that all of reich is subject to whatever 'labour law' etc. ? sure 1885462;1546888286;asciilifeform;but in the sense of 'mamie on premises', from the inmate end imho it makes perceptible diff. 1885463;1546888307;mircea_popescu;in the sense that if you, joe mc speshul, employed at excellence inc to do very-important-whatever walk onto campus during their "women can think" festival and urinate on the speaker in contempt, 1885464;1546888322;mircea_popescu;the end result will not be, your excellence inc enacting ramparts and shooting any and all complainers. 1885465;1546888330;asciilifeform;noshit 1885466;1546888343;mircea_popescu;the end result will be, your being fired. exactly like any other rando nobody working accounting at walmart. 1885467;1546888368;mircea_popescu;the last time anyone tried this test was specifically http://trilema.com/2017/when-did-america-end/#selection-103.0-103.11 1885468;1546888388;mircea_popescu;ie, returning conquering heroes. they didn't get away with putting the precious cuntlets in their tailhookers place ; and that was THE LAST TIME. 1885469;1546888412;asciilifeform;who fires the 1-man shop festival pisser ? 1885470;1546888412;mircea_popescu;there is no engineer so valuable in his geekery he exceeds the valuableness of the last set of jocks to win one for the ole' red, white & blue. 1885471;1546888438;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the bank, to start with. 1885472;1546888448;asciilifeform;which bank ? 1885473;1546888464;mircea_popescu;whichever bank his last pretense to shopdom rests on, in the shape of bank accounts. 1885474;1546888472;mircea_popescu;or is this more of a "shop in the mind" sorta thing ? 1885475;1546888509;asciilifeform;is it unreasonable to hypothesize a shop that does actual biz ? of whatever kind, 'buy cheap, sell dear', parts for turbines, or whatever 1885476;1546888518;asciilifeform;rather than 'eats bank loans and pretense' 1885477;1546888524;mircea_popescu;it is unreasonable to hypothesize ~the unreasonable~. 1885478;1546888565;mircea_popescu;as a factual matter, there is not the object contemplated in the reich : a thinker so valuable in his thinking, usgistic socialism gives him a berth. 1885479;1546888585;mircea_popescu;yes, this is how my life went in the ~other~ socialism ; and in the "transition" thereafter. but it is NOT the case anyone lives like this in the us. 1885480;1546888618;asciilifeform;fughet 'thinkers'. not far from my street there's a d00d who sells cement drills. has for 20+y. his shop is the size of a public toilet, and staffed by his lonesome old carcass. who fires him ? 1885481;1546888632;mircea_popescu;i understand why the notion is interesting, as i understand why the fantasy is appealing. but a fantasy it is. 1885482;1546888648;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform IF he ever becomes politically relevant, his bank, his landlord, etc. 1885483;1546888659;mircea_popescu;look in the history of early ustarded yahoos "starting businesses". 1885484;1546888668;asciilifeform;aite, aka 'having problems'. i thought we were discussing 'fired' in literal sense tho. 1885485;1546888699;mircea_popescu;who fired http://trilema.com/2015/gerald-davis-is-wrong-heres-why/ ? 1885486;1546888702;mircea_popescu;who fired dooglus ? 1885487;1546888708;mircea_popescu;"one man shops" one and all. 1885488;1546888710;asciilifeform;was their own inner devils iirc 1885489;1546888720;mircea_popescu;right. so they fired themselves ? cool then! 1885490;1546888731;mircea_popescu;if i had just said "they'll fire themselves" it'd have seemed like rhetoric. 1885491;1546888735;asciilifeform;hey some folx not simply 'fire self' but eat nagant, also 1885492;1546888786;mircea_popescu;point being -- the boyish fantasy of "i'll get SO SMART they'll have to let me be" does not in practice work. 1885493;1546888812;mircea_popescu;the empire is more than willing to do without bread ; it is not willing to do without stupid. 1885494;1546888817;asciilifeform;it didn't work in 1500s either, luther did not by own lonesome get away with nailing shit to the church door 1885495;1546888837;asciilifeform;('pissed on festival' is exactly imho analogous) 1885496;1546888890;mircea_popescu;yes, but back then the bois aspiring to "an independent life" had enough sense to join highway brigands 1885497;1546889111;mircea_popescu;rather than fantasizing about an island in the sea where they bla bla bla. 1885498;1546889150;asciilifeform;item contemplated upstack was no sort of 'berth of freedom from inca'. d00d designing turbine parts in broom-closet-sized office, seeing no living faces other than in lift, is a thing, seen with own eyes. for the privilege he pays 2-3x tax ( and can , yes, be 'defrocked' at the whim of whatever gosplan commissions the workpieces, if rocks boat. ) however it is quite diff from life as inmate inside cube hell, subjectively. granted fro 1885499;1546889151;asciilifeform;m mircea_popescu's olympus they are indistinguishable, the way untrained human cannot distinguish 2 types of wasp necessarily, will think 'wasp' 1885500;1546889195;mircea_popescu;so what is the difference ? that sees no human face ? 1885501;1546889221;asciilifeform;as described upstack -- no direct 'mamie', no 'powerpoint', etc. 1885502;1546889225;mircea_popescu;are you proposing the general population and the solitary confinement are not in the same prison ? 1885503;1546889250;asciilifeform;in point of fact usg tends to house'em in separate prisons. 1885504;1546889256;mircea_popescu;seems to me either you're arguing "berth of freedom from inca" or you're not arguing it. which specifically is it ? 1885505;1546889269;asciilifeform;solitary prison's exactly the model. 1885506;1546889274;mircea_popescu;cuz if it's the NOT, then what the hell's the difference ? 1885507;1546889297;asciilifeform;some folx in usaschwitz do their time in solitary, some in 3-man cell, some in 'general'. 1885508;1546889300;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i got a secret for you : the shy withdrawing kind almost never get the hole. 1885509;1546889310;mircea_popescu;prisons are run with a view to economy -- to get something, you must first not need it. 1885510;1546889369;asciilifeform;this is generally so, but usg is again perverse, 'terrorists' tend to get, when not hanged, 'max' (aka oubliette) 1885511;1546889373;asciilifeform;e.g. kazynski 1885512;1546889389;mircea_popescu;i suppose in this the model breaks down, with the advent of pseudo"technology", the shy withdrawing type can "HackerCombat LLC is a news site, which acts as a source of information for IT security professionals across the world. We have lived it for more than 1 year since 2017, sharing IT expert guidance and insight, [...] " bla bla bla all day long. 1885513;1546889440;asciilifeform;what precisely is 'shy withdrawing' about spam-'conference'-circuit butterflies ? 1885514;1546889469;mircea_popescu;in that they're (as you well poined out) readily equivalent to "ai", they don't ~have to~ see a face. 1885515;1546889470;mircea_popescu;ever. 1885516;1546889499;asciilifeform;i'm not even convinced there's any meat involved in churning out 'information for it professionals' spamola 1885517;1546889515;mircea_popescu;because you don't want to be. 1885518;1546889529;mircea_popescu;but in any case -- regrettably, there is absolutely ~no glamour~ associated with the red stapler guy. 1885519;1546889543;mircea_popescu;it's not merely that he can't "progress" in "levels" such that empire gives him an exception. 1885520;1546889550;mircea_popescu;it's that he is not AT ALL different from the morons. 1885521;1546889598;mircea_popescu;yes perl scripts issued by the original perl interpreter ( http://btcbase.org/log/2015-04-26#1111325 ) rather than ulterior models ~prefer~ to "conference butterfly". but this personal preference does not enact a difference. 1885522;1546889598;a111;Logged on 2015-04-26 03:24 mircea_popescu: i see nobody wishes to engage the cunt problem. but yes, IT DOES RUN ON PERL. 1885523;1546889667;mircea_popescu;the "d00d designing turbine parts in broom-closet-sized office" and " i'm not even convinced there's any meat involved" are physically and entirely the same exact thing. 1885524;1546889691;asciilifeform;from the pov of 'who does not want to believe, will not' ? 1885525;1546889692;asciilifeform;sure. 1885526;1546889703;mircea_popescu;ie, not merely "just says wasp". i am actually saying there is no way to distinguish between the two. 1885527;1546889731;mircea_popescu;in the very strict terminology of the turing test : if you get a mystery box you can't explain whether it contains type 1 moron or type 2 moron. 1885528;1546889752;asciilifeform;the wasp himself however can certainly distinguish b/w own species and other. 1885529;1546889770;mircea_popescu;chimichurri, who is a boy, went once to the lake, where a dominant duck tried to fuck him. 1885530;1546889776;mircea_popescu;distinguish nothing -- they just spray and pray. 1885531;1546889782;mircea_popescu;cunts run on perl, remember ? 1885532;1546889796;asciilifeform;do the wasps tho. iirc they're quite picky re pheronomal key. 1885533;1546889809;asciilifeform;grr where was that old link, where walrus fucks penguin to death. 1885534;1546889829;asciilifeform;iirc it was a BingoBoingo find. BingoBoingo do you remember ? 1885535;1546889837;mircea_popescu;well, this is where the wasp analogy breaks down -- because there is no way to distinguish between the speshul snowflake "engineer" and the speshul snoflake douchebag. 1885536;1546889891;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: diff is that the latter goes around begging, whereas the former has some hole he drilled into fed pipe and drinks from it (while green comes out) 1885537;1546889921;asciilifeform;sorta like diff b/w mosquito and flea 1885538;1546889931;mircea_popescu;this is a difference of all the substance of "difference between car and car is that car is parked while car is moving" 1885539;1546889951;*;asciilifeform straps on heavy gas mask 1885540;1546889966;mircea_popescu;the begging and the drinking are states, both items switch through them. 1885541;1546889983;asciilifeform;if mircea_popescu is aristotelically determined not to see a diff when it dun suit him, i got nuffin 1885542;1546890070;BingoBoingo;This walrus raping a penguin and getting the gull hot? https://i.imgur.com/lJC5lxu.gifv 1885543;1546890080;mircea_popescu;well what is the difference ?! is http://btcbase.org/log/2018-12-31#1883795 the point of breakdown perhaps ? 1885544;1546890080;a111;Logged on 2018-12-31 03:56 mircea_popescu: Mocky if this may help you take heart, ~everyone's employability is ~epsilon in the us. "jobs" work as alt-welfare conduits, no genuine productivity is present or contemplated. 1885545;1546890089;asciilifeform;ty BingoBoingo , is exactly the item 1885546;1546890175;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2015-08-19#1244625 << Unable to find the first instance. Already referenced as existing a few lines up from the link 1885547;1546890175;a111;Logged on 2015-08-19 23:49 mircea_popescu: the result being that behaviour in the walrus gif 1885548;1546890176;mircea_popescu;i dunno, maybe you're right, and the problem is i've predetermined not to see it. but then again this is a terrifyingly weak argument, because of its association with a dutch moron called søren, whose bright idea it was to propose that the reason you don't see what distinguishes his fsm from all the others is that you don't want to!!! 1885549;1546890212;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: there are public fools, who spam impotently; and there are other folx, whose existence, however wretched/inca-besotten, is silent . i see the latter as less loathesome. this may be an ideological diff, i have nfi. 1885550;1546890228;mircea_popescu;i honestly could as well see it, for the same money i don't see it. not like it costs me. 1885551;1546890289;asciilifeform;spamola, in the most general sense of word, i.e. 'folx who have 0 to say , but open mouth anyway' is imho the principal plague of our time. so from this pov i see diff. 1885552;1546890350;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform if you were saying something like "lice are better than fleas, because i personally have a serious problem with jumping" it'd even be one thing, idiosyncratic but specific. what seems to me you're saying though, is "the flying mosquitoes are worse than the ones settled, because i hate flying", and then beiung surprised by the necessary and equally obvious "but alf -- trhe same ones fly and settle in turns!" 1885553;1546890434;asciilifeform;i recall in buenosaires there were mosquitoes, but somehow they could not penetrate my skin, i watched and laffed as 1 tried 1885554;1546890445;mircea_popescu;how does "d00d designing turbine parts in broom-closet-sized office" in incadom distinguish from spammer ? 1885555;1546890447;asciilifeform;and indeed found'em to be less loathesome than the ones in washingtonistan. 1885556;1546890451;mircea_popescu;not like he's ~making something~. 1885557;1546890490;asciilifeform;i suppose oughta separate the 'which one would rather be condemned to' from 'which moar loathesome to the olympian observer' 1885558;1546890502;asciilifeform;they aint fully separate in my head, cuz i aint an olympian 1885559;1546890508;mircea_popescu;in the end this is the problem, isn't it -- you think that ~yes he is~ making something -- turbine parts. as if the parts have an existence beyond and above the incadom they're made in 1885560;1546890527;mircea_popescu;ie, you're a materialist-idealist. though with some derrogations, you don't like importing the code of these turbine makers., 1885561;1546890549;asciilifeform;aaactually what little i've touched with own hands from 'made in usa' , comes 100% from these. 1885562;1546890554;asciilifeform;granted, '80s-90s. 1885563;1546890610;mircea_popescu;so basically, that's the dispute. you believe turbine part is turbine part qua se, and i'm gonna say, "but alf... these aren't turbine parts, they're ~religious artefacts~. similarity to actual turbine parts ~coincidental~." 1885564;1546890631;asciilifeform;dunno, i have e.g. perfectly working logic analyzer here, made by one such. 1885565;1546890646;asciilifeform;( not even speaking of bolix or other 'holy war' fodders ) 1885566;1546890655;mircea_popescu;and then the conversation flows by itself, "suppose i test one of them artefacts and it matches turbine ?" "then you have ~made~ a turbine ~out of a~ religious artefact" 1885567;1546890686;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the only rerason it is a logic analyzer is your "perfectly working" stamp. 1885568;1546890690;mircea_popescu;otherwise it'd just be rubbish. 1885569;1546890708;asciilifeform;or, say, 'commodore 64', built by ex-auschwitz inmate j. tramiel and 6 other d00dz in some barn. 1885570;1546890720;mircea_popescu;you, alf, have literally produced such a logic analyzer, out of some raw materials. exact same process as electronics factory 1885571;1546890727;mircea_popescu;just, you work with garbage, they work with pcbs 1885572;1546890737;asciilifeform;so all rubbish until breath life into it ? can say this about anyffin at all neh. 1885573;1546890741;asciilifeform;knife, fork, wrench. 1885574;1546890807;mircea_popescu;there's two kinds of civilisations : dead and alive. 1885575;1546890815;mircea_popescu;the dead are distinguished from the alive in that they're broken the meaning covenant. 1885576;1546890824;asciilifeform;( and on other end, it is literally troo of all rubbish -- if zeus could rearrange the atoms, dead racoon could be prime rib, or diamond, etc ) 1885577;1546890832;mircea_popescu;consequently, nothing of theirs can be trusted. they don't have objects in the usual sense. they have religious artefacts. 1885578;1546890837;mircea_popescu;these can be studied, but can not be used. 1885579;1546890877;asciilifeform;imho 30y+ ago they still made occasional object ( in mircea_popescu's sense ) 1885580;1546890882;mircea_popescu;until and unless human culture recoallesces into a form where i can trust their products, it will be the case we have an orc culture, where everything's suspect of poisoning. 1885581;1546890887;mircea_popescu;in any and all cases -- the maker is he whose guarantee we accept. 1885582;1546890906;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform even as late as 2005, in the subjective sense that i ~trusted~ them to. 1885583;1546890911;asciilifeform;i aint about to disagree with this formula ( it's 100% of the thrust of vtronics, say ) 1885584;1546890945;asciilifeform;( observe why asciilifeform regularly refers to his worx as 'junkyard wars' ) 1885585;1546890971;mircea_popescu;observed. 1885586;1546891176;mircea_popescu;in the end this discussion turned out most productive. it makes obivous the distinction between the latins (very much alive) and the christians (deader than disco) : i very much expect a phrase lifted from petronius to ~work for me today~ ; i entirely expect any clipping of the "church fathers" to drip more poison than can be ever documented, and in no case be usable for anything. 1885587;1546891227;asciilifeform;entertainingly, even the '80s-90s' proviso aint 100%; just last week i had occasion to plug in a http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-04#1884363 , nominally made in some barn in usa, and it's a+++ 1885588;1546891227;a111;Logged on 2019-01-04 15:12 asciilifeform: in other olds-noose, asciilifeform installed a http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-27#1674958 , and it's pretty great. ty phf ! 1885589;1546891245;asciilifeform;https://www.clearlysuperiortech.com << where it came from. 1885590;1546891253;asciilifeform;( found via phf's link from coupla yrs ago ) 1885591;1546891276;asciilifeform;thing is built like t34, can break heads with it. 1885592;1546891296;mircea_popescu;"Clearly Superior Technologies is a family business. We take pride in our level of service and the quality and consistency of our products. We cater to all organizations and individuals that want or need easy button access and a large, easy to control ball with a high degree of durability." 1885593;1546891320;mircea_popescu;sadly, novelty name rather than political declaration. but o well, better a fig than nothing at all. 1885594;1546891321;asciilifeform;in so far as the artifact itself is concerned, i suspect they aint lyin' 1885595;1546891344;mircea_popescu;i believe. 1885596;1546891355;asciilifeform;somehow that shop stays in biz. 1885597;1546891379;mircea_popescu;well, somehow. by not being too serious about that "clearly superior tech" thing. 1885598;1546891390;asciilifeform;hm what would be then 'too serious' 1885599;1546891404;asciilifeform;it's a pretty humble item. 1885600;1546891425;asciilifeform;( with -- afaik -- no meaningful competition on quality. sorta like fg ) 1885601;1546891687;mircea_popescu;aiming to replace the entire technological stack currently in use with their own, better alternative. 1885602;1546891699;mircea_popescu;~it's what the words say~. it's not "clearly better trackballs". 1885603;1546891704;asciilifeform;a 3-man co that makes mice?! 1885604;1546891757;asciilifeform;i'll buy the nitpick re the name tho. name 'writes cheque arse can't cash' 1885605;1546891767;asciilifeform;ougtha be 'superior balls'. 1885606;1546891840;asciilifeform;at any rate, i know literally 0 re the outfit aside from what's claimed in their www, and the fact that they made the 1st ballmouse i've touched and not wanted to throw into window 1885607;1546891879;asciilifeform;and the latter in particular counts in favour of the hypothesis that yes, there's life somewhere, inca not exterminated errything. 1885608;1546891906;asciilifeform;it dun 'replace whole techno-stack', no. 1885609;1546892002;auctionbot;Sell order # 1033 has ENDED: 500 wired filthy fiats (WU) SOLD to BingoBoingo for 140mn ecu. Attn: lobbes 1885610;1546892061;asciilifeform;a working ballmouse aint a wunderwaffen, no. but also not 'meaningless religious artifact' that can be entirely dismissed out of hand, imho. 1885611;1546892143;asciilifeform;for that matter, even fg theoretically 'made in usa', by combo of asciilifeform's hands and hired pcb house 1885612;1546892177;asciilifeform;or , e.g., that little disk gadget in http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2943 1885613;1546892196;asciilifeform;also made fg-style (iirc even sores posted, and for ice40 no less) 1885614;1546892275;asciilifeform;or the http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-15#1751813 device. plenty of items right here on my desk. 1885615;1546892275;a111;Logged on 2017-12-15 01:57 phf: asciilifeform: http://downloads.cornall.co/ibm-capsense-usb/ is that what you used for your model f? 1885616;1546892345;asciilifeform;some d00d in a cellar, makes boards, sells. 1885617;1546892349;asciilifeform;no 'hr'. 1885618;1546892410;asciilifeform;i also sadly have artifacts made 'with hr'. that'd be the junk that worx on even-numbered calendar days ( crapple etc. ) 1885619;1546892424;asciilifeform;it is not difficult in practice to tell the diff, on the day you plug it in. 1885620;1546892601;asciilifeform;this was the thrust of asciilifeform's arg in the orig thread -- yes there are still people-who-are-people. even inside reich. and no they havent yet all hoisted the republic banner ( each for own reasons, whether ignorance, or 'gotta pay bills NOW', or whatnot.) but they do make things worth having. and sell ( i suspect largely to one another.. ) 1885621;1546892640;asciilifeform;the tailor who made mircea_popescu's shirt is also not (afaik) in wot yet. 1885622;1546892744;asciilifeform;if they knew how to do biz ~only~ with one another, and not heathens, i suspect -- would. 1885623;1546892751;asciilifeform;but i dun expect to live to see that philosopher's stone. 1885624;1546892839;asciilifeform;in re the mouseball people, there is for instance rumour that they live mainly by selling shipboard ballmice to usg, for submarines. 1885625;1546892843;asciilifeform;i can believe it. 1885626;1546892868;asciilifeform;( trad pc mouse cannot be used on ships or aircraft, for reasons i think are clear ) 1885627;1546893000;asciilifeform;i am unequipped to pontificate whether this counts as a http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-07#1885478 tho. 1885628;1546893000;a111;Logged on 2019-01-07 19:16 mircea_popescu: as a factual matter, there is not the object contemplated in the reich : a thinker so valuable in his thinking, usgistic socialism gives him a berth. 1885629;1546893090;asciilifeform;but to the extent the props of the reich are working physical artifacts, and they haven't yet descended to shaking pointed sticks and 'ook ook' sounds, they're made by somebody. and that's largely who, folx given -- yes -- some sorta berth. 1885630;1546893769;BingoBoingo;!Qlater tell lobbes http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/r6rks/?raw=true 1885631;1546893770;lobbesbot;BingoBoingo: The operation succeeded. 1885632;1546894500;asciilifeform;( for aficionados of earlier subj -- http://xahlee.info/kbd/itac_mouse-trak_trackball.html compares a coupla similars ) 1885633;1546906066;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-07#1885607 << this is where we do not agree. "Clearly Superior Technologies is a family business." aka a dork manaloning somewhere with the support of a dedicated wife does NOT constitute life ; much in the manner "perhaps some bacteria on mars" does not mean "extraterrestrial civilisation". 1885634;1546906066;a111;Logged on 2019-01-07 20:11 asciilifeform: and the latter in particular counts in favour of the hypothesis that yes, there's life somewhere, inca not exterminated errything. 1885635;1546906080;asciilifeform;yaya only olympus is life 1885636;1546906082;mircea_popescu;the capacity for life of menalone is ~potential~. it is not actual. 1885637;1546906084;asciilifeform;and only ambrosia, food 1885638;1546906099;mircea_popescu;men alone are not actually alive ; they are suspected of being perhaps capable of coming alive. that's all. 1885639;1546906133;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you see some problem with distinctions in general or just some of them ? 1885640;1546906165;asciilifeform;i've nfi if even equipped to comment, per the scheme, possibly never been alive 1885641;1546906210;mircea_popescu;eh. 1885642;1546906235;mircea_popescu;dude's not publishing patches for anyone to sign, and your kind if ineffectual attempts to sign them anyway don't enact patches out of a void. 1885643;1546906267;asciilifeform;i dun know how to sign a pipe wrench either 1885644;1546906274;asciilifeform;yet i dare say i've got a pretty good one here 1885645;1546906297;mircea_popescu;if the standard is low enough for stco to pass, then 1941s france contained 10mn resistence fighters : 9.9 mn of which carefully preserved a room somewhere in the house "where no german set foot", through the procedure of no german happening to want to. 1885646;1546906311;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform same way you signed a fg, which is the exact same fucking thing. 1885647;1546906334;asciilifeform;you may recall that the impossibility of signing a concrete, physical fg, continues to give asciilifeform headache 1885648;1546906349;mircea_popescu;imagine this wonder, "we're winning world war 2, llc", manufacturer of extremely effectual shove handles. THEY NEVER SPLINTER! 1885649;1546906362;asciilifeform;i aint invented a means to sign physical objs yet (and afaik nobody else has either) 1885650;1546906383;mircea_popescu;maybe i'm naive, but i'm satisfied with the extant methods as they stand. 1885651;1546906396;mircea_popescu;"a) here's signed ideal ; b) here's concrete -- c) check" 1885652;1546906410;asciilifeform;i aint about to argue with a satisfied customer 1885653;1546906419;asciilifeform;but the particular problem is imho real. 1885654;1546906423;mircea_popescu;why not ? the true mark of the true engineer! :D 1885655;1546906442;mircea_popescu;remember that time corp imploded through engineers invovled telling anyone not to buy product, it sucks, they're making way better one ? 1885656;1546906450;asciilifeform;osborne 1885657;1546906467;mircea_popescu;happened plenty of times. aanyways -- what problem is real then ? 1885658;1546906500;asciilifeform;the one where once it goes in the postbox, i cannot definitely say what will come out on other end. 1885659;1546906579;mircea_popescu;notice that the collaose of white civilisation happened exactly around the forcelines of http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-08#1885650 : they ~fucked up~ the publications of the ideal (through efforts very much like http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-07#1885267 ) resulting in the collapse of the checking and thus the necessary http://trilema.com/2014/how-to-deal-with-pseudoscience/ death. 1885660;1546906579;a111;Logged on 2019-01-08 00:13 mircea_popescu: maybe i'm naive, but i'm satisfied with the extant methods as they stand. 1885661;1546906579;a111;Logged on 2019-01-07 01:09 hanbot most recently ran into this particular flavor of wikiwank when looking for specific incident lead on ms-13 the other day, was bombarded by "trump falsely claims!!!" 1885662;1546906723;asciilifeform;relatedly, it is said that usg has an internal , proprietary pediwikia. but i've nfi what's in it, prolly a case of http://btcbase.org/log/2014-07-30#778095 1885663;1546906723;a111;Logged on 2014-07-30 13:57 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: remember the story about gorby and andropov? 1885664;1546906877;mircea_popescu;nah, more like a case of -- http://btcbase.org/log/2016-09-23#1547879 1885665;1546906877;a111;Logged on 2016-09-23 23:22 mircea_popescu: and in other lulz, http://www.trackingterrorism.org/search/apachesolr_search/bitcoin 1885666;1546906892;mircea_popescu;or any of a bunch of such ridiculous nonsense we mocked over the yeears. 1885667;1546906914;mircea_popescu;i recall recent example i put in, except for the specifics. obama era meanwhile defunded pile of spurious posturing. 1885668;1546906924;asciilifeform;!#s intellipedia 1885669;1546906925;a111;0 results for "intellipedia", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=intellipedia 1885670;1546906926;asciilifeform;hm. 1885671;1546906949;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-25#1874521 << there it is. 1885672;1546906949;a111;Logged on 2018-11-25 06:49 mircea_popescu: oh, and in other lulz http://trilema.com/2017/in-case-you-were-wondering-where-all-the-worthless-nuland-drones-ended-up/ : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Counter_Extremism_Project 1885673;1546906957;mircea_popescu;there's a lotta these. 1885674;1546906958;asciilifeform;nah diff item 1885675;1546906963;asciilifeform;the one on 'siprnet' etc 1885676;1546906977;mircea_popescu;yaya. we're back to the "no difference" discussion. 1885677;1546906979;asciilifeform;y'know, analogous to the 'sov real budget' 1885678;1546906986;asciilifeform;that andropov wouldn't show gorby 1885679;1546907015;mircea_popescu;nope. analoguous to "oh, this bureaucracy can't just put mp-wp on, gotta spend 5mns to pay some indian monkey $500 to wing an "in house" one overnight" 1885680;1546907164;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-07#1885620 << i'm satisfied with my stance that "this is all fantasy", if nothing else then because even the clouds make "patterns worth watching" now and again, especially as a function of mood ; and time's certainly going the way of my stance being correct, rather than the opposite. 1885681;1546907164;a111;Logged on 2019-01-07 20:23 asciilifeform: this was the thrust of asciilifeform's arg in the orig thread -- yes there are still people-who-are-people. even inside reich. and no they havent yet all hoisted the republic banner ( each for own reasons, whether ignorance, or 'gotta pay bills NOW', or whatnot.) but they do make things worth having. and sell ( i suspect largely to one another.. ) 1885682;1546907177;mircea_popescu;menalone llc will spawn as it's principal product, and the spawn ain't gonna be like daddy. 1885683;1546907181;mircea_popescu;the spawn's gonna be like mommy. 1885684;1546907224;asciilifeform;they dun spawn, as such , they make $wrench for coupla decades and then the old man dies and that's it. 1885685;1546907247;asciilifeform;they're embers from fire that burned out some long time ago. 1885686;1546907273;mircea_popescu;leaving behind a coupla kids to "deal" with "the complicated legacy". you know p s hoffman ? 1885687;1546907287;mircea_popescu;fat faggot, died recently of faggotry-related health issues. he's been in so many of these... 1885688;1546907327;asciilifeform;my current impression is that most dun leave anyffin but a memory ( and sometimes a dusty warehouse ) 1885689;1546907501;mircea_popescu;they leave behind a coupla degenerate morons, http://trilema.com/2016/the-savages/ style . or i guess http://trilema.com/2013/magnolia/ ;l same thing really. 1885690;1546907514;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-06-20#1827481 << older thread about 1 of these 1885691;1546907514;a111;Logged on 2018-06-20 00:37 asciilifeform: there's a fab in usa where, believe or not, they still make 2um classics like cdp1802 for usg. but they dun take walkins. 1885692;1546907553;mircea_popescu;spawn, what. between tom cruise "accomplishments" and kirsten wiig accomplishments, more or less michael cera. 1885693;1546907555;asciilifeform;( yep they have a private 2uM fab going. is why the old 'warthog' still flies, and other 'vhs'-era tech ) 1885694;1546907559;mircea_popescu;or was it michael zero. 1885695;1546907577;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the warthog got withdrawn. ~for lack of that fab~. 1885696;1546907597;*;asciilifeform sadly cannot build on the cinematic refs, knows only 'tom cruise -- actor?' and is all 1885697;1546907614;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: possibly, all i know re subj is 3-4 yrs old 1885698;1546907625;asciilifeform;when it was still inbiz 1885699;1546907644;mircea_popescu;i doubt it was anywhere near any biz, seeing how the warthog withdrawal happened prior. 1885700;1546907649;asciilifeform;i even managed to purchase a cdp1802 baked there, for lulz. but is all. 1885701;1546907655;mircea_popescu;died, cca 2003, like all others. 1885702;1546907762;asciilifeform;oh hey 2016 1885703;1546907767;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-07#1885621 << nor is there any need for that. what, you're going to get the suit off a dead mp and wear it on to victory ? 1885704;1546907767;a111;Logged on 2019-01-07 20:24 asciilifeform: the tailor who made mircea_popescu's shirt is also not (afaik) in wot yet. 1885705;1546907770;asciilifeform;'In September 2016, it was announced that Renesas was to acquire Intersil for $3.2 billion' 1885706;1546907777;mircea_popescu;let the suit die wit hthe man ; socket wrenches another matter. 1885707;1546907791;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: was in re hypothetical 'what if republic worked as closed sys' 1885708;1546907821;mircea_popescu;it does work as a closed system : gotta be this intellectually tall to ride is the securest seal ever invented. 1885709;1546907941;asciilifeform;https://www.renesas.com/us/en/products/space-harsh-environment/harsh-environment/microprocessors-peripherals/device/CDP1802A.html#ordering << lol, japan still sells, i had nfi 1885710;1546907949;asciilifeform;thought it'd evaporate with the swallowing. 1885711;1546907981;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-07#1885622 << no, they fucking wouldn't, because they were spawned by strippers. who are still sitting around today, posturing idly in the vein of http://trilema.com/2017/heres-why-you-will-end-your-days-in-a-concentration-camp/ between the carrot of http://trilema.com/2013/various-kinds-of-stickiness/#comment-112932 and the cudgel of http://trilema.com/2017/the-day-of-failure-trilemma/ 1885712;1546907981;a111;Logged on 2019-01-07 20:25 asciilifeform: if they knew how to do biz ~only~ with one another, and not heathens, i suspect -- would. 1885713;1546908224;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-07#1885629 << last anyone's seen, they've so descended, yes. 1885714;1546908224;a111;Logged on 2019-01-07 20:31 asciilifeform: but to the extent the props of the reich are working physical artifacts, and they haven't yet descended to shaking pointed sticks and 'ook ook' sounds, they're made by somebody. and that's largely who, folx given -- yes -- some sorta berth. 1885715;1546908230;mircea_popescu;even the handcuffs are now zip ties. 1885716;1546908274;mircea_popescu;and no, you can't ressurect a dead argument on the tail end of having been hammered into the ground. there's nobody alive ; there's no berths ; you can pursue this fantasy at a terrible cost anyway. 1885717;1546908310;asciilifeform;it's impossible to 'win argument' against 'tanana cant hear you', yes 1885718;1546908436;asciilifeform;a:'hey mircea_popescu , i saw kangaroo in a zoo once' m:'yer delusional , there aint no such animal, fuckin' brits lied about it' a:'looked quite like the drawing' m:'destructive fantasy, and at terrible cost, you saw mutilated donkey' a:'...' 1885719;1546908585;mircea_popescu;doesn't seem to me it's how it went, but aaalrighty. 1885720;1546908979;mircea_popescu;in any case, it's the (heavily promoted, of course) fantasy of the "geek" in mainstream ustard culture, "oh, i'll be SO GOOD IN CLASS little slut rosa's defo gonna get wet for me". as cameron diaz well points out : never gonna fucking happen. 1885721;1546909004;mircea_popescu;there ~isn't~ a way to be good ~at your chosen field~ such that you're a successful chowdry in incadom. 1885722;1546909051;mircea_popescu;yes, it was an extremely popular delusion in the 90s even, which is to say "within living memory", hence "entrepreneurial culture" and all that wank. nevertheless, delusions, howsoever popular (and therefore osmotically persuasive) they may get, stay delusions. 1885723;1546909247;mircea_popescu;for as long starvation / being eaten alive by wild animals while very fucking cold is not on the table, little slut rosa has other shit to attend to ; outside of deliberate and constructed exclusion of the stupid poor from the workings of society, the stupid poor have no incentive to respect same. and so on. 1885724;1546909452;asciilifeform;it's what 'vhs 1980s' was shorthand for, neh, 'work on salary and afford 3 houses and boat' 1885725;1546909460;asciilifeform;went away long ago, if existed, i never saw it 1885726;1546909488;mircea_popescu;and since we're here, let's go on an archeological detour. 1885727;1546909521;mircea_popescu;the (batshit insane, in modern terminology) claim of the xtians that their fsb controls "life everlasting" was ~meaningful~ in times past, and built out of the following articulation of logic : 1885728;1546909597;mircea_popescu;as the life habits [they stole from "those pagans" the stoics] promoted longevity, it was a trivial observation (for they inclined to observe, of course) that xtians ~live longer~ than non-xtians. THIS was the substance of the entirety of the supernatural claim, for a thousand years or so, and yes, to the orc mind it makes sense that the bearded dood in the sky who makes these weirdos die 70s not 50s perhaps has more of the s 1885729;1546909597;mircea_popescu;ame in store ofr later. 1885730;1546909619;asciilifeform;the hindu did this even better iirc 1885731;1546909626;mircea_popescu;as rational inquiry divorced longevity from religiosity, the claim lost its meaning, but it is ever present in strangeola like "smoking is a sin". 1885732;1546909643;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the reason there were three religions in the mediteranean was that specifically all three delivered this. 1885733;1546909663;asciilifeform;( it showed up again in modern times, in the form of http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-02#1883881 ) 1885734;1546909663;a111;Logged on 2019-01-02 17:39 asciilifeform: ( the gulag folx chalked it up to 'lack of vodka' for the most part tho ) 1885735;1546909677;mircea_popescu;indeed. 1885736;1546909738;mircea_popescu;hence an unbroken chain, from http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-10#1735907 to http://trilema.com/2018/yes-bitch-i-would-bring-it/ 1885737;1546909738;a111;Logged on 2017-11-10 15:12 mircea_popescu: stipendi peccatus mors est. 1885738;1546909742;asciilifeform;of course there is also mark twain's addendum to this, 'quit drink, quit smoke, you might not live >100 but it will ~feel~ like 1000' or how did it go 1885739;1546909798;mircea_popescu;well yes. the socialist trade is always a case of "substitute vinyl siding for brick wall". 1885740;1546909826;mircea_popescu;"substitute moses for zeno" same exact deal. 1885741;1546910062;mircea_popescu;now then : all these fantasies, "i'll worship so purely i'll never die", "i'll get a paycheck so huge i won't have to go on dates anymore", "i'll be that kurchatov" rely on something specific : there's gotta be a stalin. there's no stalin of long living, nor is there a stalin of rooseveltian socialism -- the thing's built ~specifically~ (and ~purposefully~, deliberately) as a "stalinism without any stalin". 1885742;1546910175;mircea_popescu;"but mp, you own this-and-so company that got specific safe harbour /legal extemption/ whatever precisely fitting "berth" definition item from x/y/z posturer to authority". "yes, i did ; and i can, too. but it is a) not ever obtained through the avenue here contemplated and, importantly, MUCH more importantly, b) a dodge. it is strictly there to mask from the dangerous the fundamental state of affairs." 1885743;1546910236;asciilifeform;i actually have deeply nfi how they were (or are?) obtained, today or 40y ago 1885744;1546910245;asciilifeform;could be through marriage into nobility for all i know. 1885745;1546910313;mircea_popescu;it's how anything valuable ever is obtained : http://btcbase.org/log/2015-01-30#998185 1885746;1546910313;a111;Logged on 2015-01-30 05:51 mircea_popescu: which is why i am not ever giving it up. the freedom to threaten is not merely my fundamental, unassailable sovereign property, but moreover essential for the construction of effectual instruments to squash the socialists and their golums. 1885747;1546910362;asciilifeform;i suppose could be 'leave my cement factory alone or i send you yer daughter's other ear' 1885748;1546910364;asciilifeform;i've nfi. 1885749;1546910421;mircea_popescu;remember the famous tito-stalin "leave yugo alone" exhange ? keks. 1885750;1546910425;asciilifeform;aha 1885751;1546910477;asciilifeform;( or for that matter, whether renesas co. of tokyo was able to swallow usg's intersil co. because jp sent preet his daugher's other ear, or because preet married jp princess and sits on throne there, i also have nfi ) 1885752;1546910499;mircea_popescu;can't say i've been following. 1885753;1546910521;mircea_popescu;if i had to take a blind wager, it'd be ye olde "information differential" -- jp knew and usg didn't. 1885754;1546910548;mircea_popescu;same way peter minuit bought manhattan. married no slovenly local cuntlet. 1885755;1546910558;asciilifeform;!#s principal agent 1885756;1546910559;a111;8 results for "principal agent", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=principal%20agent 1885757;1546910594;asciilifeform;i'd guess it was a case of http://trilema.com/2018/the-principal-agent-problem-or-how-america-went-away/#selection-131.79-131.97 , some ameri-monkey was in a position to take the 3.2B in paper in exch for whatever crater, and did 1885758;1546910612;asciilifeform;and turned it into 100k of turkey green spendable in thailand to fuck sheep, and is doing so nao 1885759;1546910650;asciilifeform;err, possibly wrong link 1885760;1546910680;asciilifeform;moar http://trilema.com/2018/the-principal-agent-problem-or-how-america-went-away/#selection-205.1-217.110 1885761;1546910971;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-08#1885715 << revisiting this lul : not long ago i saw a cop collar some monkeys on the street, and believe or not, bona fide cuffs 1885762;1546910971;a111;Logged on 2019-01-08 00:43 mircea_popescu: even the handcuffs are now zip ties. 1885763;1546911003;asciilifeform;possibly in flyshit, ohio -- zip ties. 1885764;1546911114;asciilifeform;( phunphakt -- in ye olde su, handcuff was uncommon, outside of where it was used as an instrument of 'question of the third degree', in a form of old-school 'strappado' . ) 1885765;1546911261;mircea_popescu;maybe until the unionized cops who still know how to work a lock-and-key last, who knows. 1885766;1546911425;asciilifeform;they carry cheap imported pistol, cuffs, flashlight, and the traditional 'democratizer', and these props havent visibly changed in asciilifeform's living memory 1885767;1546911470;asciilifeform;iirc coupla yrs ago i linked to photos i took at a 'police expo' where all of this was proudly exhibited to gawking public 1885768;1546911488;asciilifeform;complete with tiny little chopper, held 1 d00d 1885769;1546911506;mircea_popescu;also the 800 lb incendiary "entry devices" ? lol. 1885770;1546911518;asciilifeform;a:'where do you put prisoner' cop:'wtf you smoking? chopper takes pictures' 1885771;1546911525;asciilifeform;them. 1885772;1546911529;mircea_popescu;golden age came and went. 1885773;1546911556;asciilifeform;it's mostly surplus gear from iraq 1885774;1546911561;asciilifeform;i dun expect it lasts 4evah 1885775;1546911575;asciilifeform;(with the possible exception of the cast-iron battering rams, dunno how those'd break) 1885776;1546911596;asciilifeform;there was a schmeisser-like thing, rusted solid, dunno why they even bothered showing it 1885777;1546911605;asciilifeform;(possibly to evoke pity ? 'we want moar grant') 1885778;1546911645;mircea_popescu;keks. 1885779;1546911655;asciilifeform;1 item looked like old 'lahti' antitank rifle. i asked 'why'. beat cop : 'cars' 1885780;1546911716;asciilifeform;possibly the 1 interesting item in the exhibit, was approx as long as i am tall 1885781;1546911860;asciilifeform;there was also a http://btcbase.org/log/2015-03-26#1072977 -style caterpillar bot thing , with shotgun, but unremarkable 1885782;1546911860;a111;Logged on 2015-03-26 20:43 asciilifeform: one to break doors, gates; one to threaten bystanders, if any, with 'accidental' fire; one to shoot; and perhaps one with a cage that arrestee -might- be permitted to surrender into, if the bot's voice-recognition system works and if orders included a possible live capture 1885783;1546911869;asciilifeform;( these are standard nao, as i understand, even in flyshit ohio ) 1885784;1546911978;asciilifeform;one might naively expect that the bot would have a belt-fed shooter of some kind, but nope -- it had double barrel '12gauge' , loaded by hand. 1885785;1546911999;asciilifeform;could say 'golden age over', but i dunthink their goldenage included shotgun bots. 1885786;1546915792;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2019/01/ethereum-classic-experiences-chain-reorganization-100-blocks/ << Qntra -- Ethereum Classic Experiences Chain Reorganization > 100 Blocks 1885787;1546922722;lobbes;!Qlater tell BingoBoingo http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/GkTmo/?raw=true 1885788;1546922722;lobbesbot;lobbes: The operation succeeded. 1885789;1546922723;lobbesbot;lobbes: Sent 8 hours and 2 minutes ago: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/r6rks/?raw=true 1885790;1546923318;BingoBoingo;lobbes ty 1885791;1546923318;lobbesbot;BingoBoingo: Sent 9 minutes ago: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/GkTmo/?raw=true 1885792;1546962949;Mocky;I had the most vivid dream last night that I met mp and hanbot. I shook mp's hand and then I turned and shook hanbot's hand and when I turned back mp was gone but left me a note with his signature and "kek" then I turned and habot was gone too 1885793;1546963006;asciilifeform;guten morgen Mocky 1885794;1546963016;Mocky;mornin' 1885795;1546963086;BingoBoingo;Mornin folks 1885796;1546963090;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2019/01/dead-black-man-found-at-major-pantsuit-donors-home-for-second-time-in-less-than-two-years/ << Qntra -- Dead Black Man Found At Major Pantsuit Donor's Home For Second Time In Less Than Two Years 1885797;1546964669;mircea_popescu;Mocky lol auction off the note, prolly bigbux(tm)! 1885798;1546964715;*;asciilifeform upturned a stack of papers with elbow last night, a mircea_popescu card came flying out 1885799;1546964766;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo are these tynisha ysais relatives ? any bits missing ? 1885800;1546964783;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform what's a mp card ? 1885801;1546964789;mircea_popescu;oh, you mean the black business card things ? 1885802;1546964793;asciilifeform;aha that 1885803;1546964805;asciilifeform;the 1 with the gpg fp 1885804;1546964841;mircea_popescu;pretty cool item, if i do say so myself. the face of all the people who've since got one... worth erry penny. 1885805;1546964849;asciilifeform;it's nifty. 1885806;1546964862;asciilifeform;i still think an electric one would be even spiffier tho 1885807;1546964942;asciilifeform;(i.e. plug it in, it 'types' the modulus) 1885808;1546964943;mircea_popescu;how'd an electric one go ? 1885809;1546964949;Mocky;electric, what, to pull itself out of your pocket? 1885810;1546964949;mircea_popescu;i dun see it. 1885811;1546964954;mircea_popescu;you know ? 1885812;1546964971;mircea_popescu;i mean, if it ~speaks~ it, it could be cooler in the intended market ; but honestly speaking is inferior tech to reading. 1885813;1546965017;asciilifeform;typing in 4096bit is bit of a pain 1885814;1546965106;mircea_popescu;SLAVEGIRLS. 1885815;1546965120;asciilifeform;lol 1885816;1546965136;Mocky;so long as it doesn't have cancel button 1885817;1546965154;asciilifeform;ahahahaha 1885818;1546965185;mircea_popescu;there's two solutions to "x is painful" : a) make x', just-like-x-but-not-painful ; and b) use it in training, where pain is both desirable, useful and necessary. 1885819;1546965216;asciilifeform;there's also the 3rd, 'make it == x but slightly less pain' but admittedly takes work 1885820;1546965255;asciilifeform;( i'll observe, mircea_popescu's ship has diesels, rather than oars, last i knew ) 1885821;1546965266;mircea_popescu;(and, for completeness & rounding off [kek kek] of the "dating" reference yesterday : the ~other~ locus of man, other than "doing very well on a date", is sitting on a couch [of power] and pointing at which fancy fanciula he intends to sozomize next. just sayin'.) 1885822;1546965297;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform oars are not merely painful, but also train biceps. mp is not so keep in bicep-y slavegirls, THEREFORE has not oars. 1885823;1546965306;mircea_popescu;if oars promoted instead stoic values, it'd have fucking oars. 1885824;1546965318;mircea_popescu;not so keen* i meep 1885825;1546965319;asciilifeform;couch << very suleiman, i'd expect 'throne' 1885826;1546965321;mircea_popescu;meen* 1885827;1546965331;asciilifeform;i can see re the biceps tho 1885828;1546965346;asciilifeform;perhaps give'em pedals. 1885829;1546965359;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform this is an eastern power, what can i tell you. 1885830;1546965411;mircea_popescu;or, to quote from fetgirl, "mistey25 19F Switch Also an intelegence test? What makes you think you have what it takes to judge if someone is smart or not. There’s a quote from Albert Einstein “if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree it will live its whole life believing it’s an idiot”. And you’re judging me based off of things you’re pulling out of your ass. Why don’t I give you a bit of judgement. Yo 1885831;1546965411;mircea_popescu;u look like a goat fucker." 1885832;1546965466;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: didja reply 'perfect, you look exactly like goat 1885833;1546965467;asciilifeform;' ? 1885834;1546965499;mircea_popescu;lol nope. i said goats are cute but not to the point of fucking one. 1885835;1546965516;asciilifeform;btw are they all xyzpqrDIGITDIGIT ? it's like aol never died 1885836;1546965540;mircea_popescu;anyway, it's testament to my famous capacity of fitting in -- comes from the fact i use as main profile pic a shot hanbot took in turkey, where i was being INCREDIBLY fucking fit-in. 1885837;1546965598;mircea_popescu;(the first time around, decade or so prior, turkey ss guy intercepted me. like on the street. asked if i'm from the us, i said romania, he said no fucking way, what are you selling me here. was pretty lulzy.) 1885838;1546965715;asciilifeform;twist : he asked in hungarian 1885839;1546965741;asciilifeform;'english, french, and japanese spy'(tm)(r) 1885840;1546965848;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform they are not. here, have a sampler http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/ufhi6/?raw=true 1885841;1546965876;asciilifeform;oh hah, only a ~third of'em.. 1885842;1546965881;mircea_popescu;aha. 1885843;1546965903;mircea_popescu;did some countwork at some point irrc. lotta "kitten" (spoiler : generally fatties), lotta stuff like that. 1885844;1546965953;asciilifeform;in other esoterica, on gentoo 'xinput' dumps list of mice, and then 'xinput --set-prop yermousenumber 269 -1' switches off mouse-acceleration. ( possibly phf already knew this, but gives 9000x moar usable roller ) 1885845;1546965968;mircea_popescu;how are you to use a mouse w/o acceleration ?! 1885846;1546965979;asciilifeform;well if it's a trad mouse you generally wouldn't 1885847;1546965984;asciilifeform;but for rollerballs it worx great 1885848;1546965994;asciilifeform;( 1:1 mm/rolled to pixels ) 1885849;1546965995;mircea_popescu;ah works diff for rollers ? mkay 1885850;1546966000;*;mircea_popescu never got into that. 1885851;1546966017;asciilifeform;me neither, until recently 1885852;1546966052;mircea_popescu;i get the "takes less space than mouse" etc. it just seems bulky and inconvenient to me. and too high. and so on. 1885853;1546966058;mircea_popescu;not proposing this as problems ~with the item~. 1885854;1546966069;asciilifeform;it takes ~same space as mouse, if you have a decent two-bricks-sized box 1885855;1546966093;asciilifeform;the win is that when you e.g. cad, less muscle aches. ( asciilifeform aint cad'ing currently but expects to again later this yr.. ) 1885856;1546966107;asciilifeform;i dunno how phf ended up into it tho, iirc he dun cad 1885857;1546966117;asciilifeform;but i got the idea from him 1885858;1546966339;BingoBoingo; BingoBoingo are these tynisha ysais relatives ? any bits missing ? << Apparently they are just dead sex workers 1885859;1546966354;mircea_popescu;black ~men~ ? 1885860;1546966377;asciilifeform;the linked piece read like a 'bugger-for-meth' affair 1885861;1546966390;BingoBoingo;Yeah, black male sex workers. 1885862;1546966439;BingoBoingo;From the text of the Qntra piece: "In the previous incident Gemmel Moore, a 26 year old male sex worker's death was ruled a drug overdose following an investigation which found numerous syringes and indicators of habitual methamphetamine use in Buck's home. According to Moore's journal, Buck introduced him to methamphetamine." 1885863;1546966501;BingoBoingo;White pantsuit hiring black men for sex and hooking them on meth... like that Atlanta dude but with different taste in holes 1885864;1546966522;mircea_popescu;well, in all fairness to the http://trilema.com/2016/welcome-to-baluba-island/ cuck in question -- if your wife fucks a dozen or so "bulls" before they do you in the ass per week say, and it's been a hundred weeks, you're looking at five or so thousand of these having spent a day with you within the past half week, which is the "relation" standard contemplated. 1885865;1546966558;mircea_popescu;that one in x thousand black gay-for-pay tards (who are also drug users, nqa) will od a year... gimme a break. 1885866;1546966565;mircea_popescu;in short : it's a wonder there weren't two dozen. 1885867;1546966629;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo the ridiculous notion " Gemmel Moore, a 26 year old male twink" was ~keepin a journal~. srsly ? with what ? 1885868;1546966670;BingoBoingo;His community college art school supplies? 1885869;1546966710;mircea_popescu;oh, you mean the ipad ? i think they cut off what he was trying to say. 1885870;1546966747;BingoBoingo;Anyways, first incident was dismissed after pantsuit outrage over the investigation as an attack on the old dude's lifestyle 1885871;1546966759;asciilifeform;hey, 'universal literacy'(tm)(r), neh 1885872;1546966771;mircea_popescu;"Edward Bernard Peter Buckmelter began his career as a fashion model in Europe" keks. 1885873;1546966788;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you may think what you wish ; i've seen the fetards and i know better. 1885874;1546966815;asciilifeform;no i get 1885875;1546966816;mircea_popescu;the odds a 20something ~black~ ~male~ actually keeping a journal are 10ppm or so ; having the capacity to even in principle do so 0.1% sorta deal 1885876;1546966829;asciilifeform;it's a lul tho, the incas actually think they have 'literacy' 1885877;1546966845;asciilifeform;( 'can read stop sign? here's yer school diploma' ) 1885878;1546966852;mircea_popescu;He formerly served on the steering committee of the Stonewall Democratic Club. He has donated "nearly $30,000" to Democratic candidates like Hillary Clinton, Ted Lieu, Pete Aguilar and Raja Krishnamoorthi as well as the Getting Things Done PAC. << dude give me a fucking break ? 1885879;1546966870;mircea_popescu;since when the fuck is 30k a sum of money. 1885880;1546966901;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: they have this custom, iirc you can donate 1 orcbuck and still show up on 'list of donor' 1885881;1546966919;BingoBoingo;Other sources report ~500k still small. More interesting is the information brokerage he sold in his 30's. 1885882;1546966934;mircea_popescu;pretty ridoinculous all around. 1885883;1546966936;mircea_popescu;aaanyways. 1885884;1546966957;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform my point is rather that the democrats ~are very fucking poor~. 1885885;1546966972;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: pretty sure most of their dough comes from bezos 1885886;1546966991;asciilifeform;( and saud et al ) 1885887;1546966997;mircea_popescu;precisely the "russian oligarchs" pseudo-economic model, yes. 1885888;1546967026;BingoBoingo;Except cut a couple figures off for the US version 1885889;1546967053;mircea_popescu;somehow this doesn't bother them, "hey, our entire understanding of money is, let's get some schmuck a bunch of taxchest so he can http://trilema.com/2012/dan-voiculescu-acest-gunoi-abject/ all over." 1885890;1546967067;BingoBoingo;Anyways, it seems the reason he didn't pile up 2 dozen stiffs over the years is that same poverty 1885891;1546967301;mircea_popescu;yeah, they ~party~ ie, don't keep a ready supply of the stuff (chemicals, biologicals) for whenever feel like, but rather whenever the "pipe" leaks something run out and buy some of each, twice a eyar or w/e. 1885892;1546967344;mircea_popescu;the unsteady approach being in itself a great catalyst of both the paroxistic problem encountered and the incapacity for management displayed. 1885893;1546967457;mircea_popescu;(that article, btw, remarkable because i told ro bezos "Si, draga Varanule, nu-i clar ca mai ai cinci ani" ie, "dear reptile, it's not clear you have five years left" in 2012 -- by 2014 he was in jail. because hey, mp is right now and again accidentally which is to say 1024/1024 occurences on his blog etc etc) 1885894;1546967466;BingoBoingo;Well, middle class fellow constantly held up by his peers as a party elite 1885895;1546967467;asciilifeform;it's how they od, also 1885896;1546967481;asciilifeform;( observe, goering -- morphinist from ww1 to '45, and never od ) 1885897;1546967512;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: was that the ro berezovsky or who 1885898;1546967560;mircea_popescu;just about yeah. dood ran off with the commies accounts receivable in 1989, so that isarescu was stuck inventing acreditives for fuel ships to unload rather than leave that winter. 1885899;1546967587;mircea_popescu;that was something else, that january. 1885900;1546968221;mircea_popescu;anyway, twas a mere coupla billion. which, at the time, was an IMMENSE sum, that ceausescu had gathered together over decades of hard fucking work for his 20mn slavecrop. 1885901;1546968250;mircea_popescu;now it's like... hey, remember when bitcoin had JUST breached 1k and "mp is a billionaire" still "controversial" / difficult to swallow for the tards talking ? 1885902;1546968397;mircea_popescu;it's one hell of an object to contemplate, this evolution, for someone who was there in the 80s. "you mean every penny saved off every old schmuck that died in soviet-style economical health care system / every bled out 1950s style (in the us, heh, http://trilema.com/2009/comunismul-capitalismul-si-oprimarea-femeii/#selection-71.0-71.8 ) woman because contraceptives cost money whereas her slavespawn is worth money, ALL THAT, 1885903;1546968397;mircea_popescu;every night spent in the cold to "save fuel" by whole neighbourhoods, the inaccessible meat or bananas or whatever -- ALL OF IT!!! went into one "humongous" pile of "the people's wealth" that was, looking in own pockets, not retrospectively that worth the mention ? 1885904;1546968480;mircea_popescu;what the fuck more is there, if this dun suffice re vanitas vanitatum what does. 1885905;1546968664;mircea_popescu;alas, poor yorick. i knew him, horatio... 1885906;1546968667;*;mircea_popescu shall bbl. 1885907;1546970746;asciilifeform;it's exactly scale-model ver of the ru 'privatization' afaik. 1885908;1546970792;asciilifeform;( and for all i know, ro actually involved moar 'turkeydollar', as by mircea_popescu's and other accts was 'tighter ship' ) 1885909;1546972323;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in paleo-entomology, https://archive.ph/ot5UK#selection-6697.0-6705.198 1885910;1546972352;asciilifeform;'There were people working behind the scenes trying to get the Symbolics VLM stuff legitimately released in some way to the hobbyist community - and this is likely to throw a wrench into that effort' 1885911;1546972477;asciilifeform;( 11 yr.-vintage wank re asciilifeform's orig warez link ) 1885912;1546972568;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-08#1885903 << 'pile' wento to washington/eurpoistan coffers, kept the reich going 30yrs past its expiration date 1885913;1546972568;a111;Logged on 2019-01-08 17:26 mircea_popescu: every night spent in the cold to "save fuel" by whole neighbourhoods, the inaccessible meat or bananas or whatever -- ALL OF IT!!! went into one "humongous" pile of "the people's wealth" that was, looking in own pockets, not retrospectively that worth the mention ? 1885914;1546973748;mircea_popescu;in other sad lulz : etsy moved into the new york building where a scottish immigrant invented the prefab packaging box during the gilded age. who knows, maybe it rubs off ? maybe perhaps http://trilema.com/2016/the-%d0%ba%d0%b2%d0%b0%d1%81-bdsm-party/#comment-118604 ? 1885915;1546973843;asciilifeform;and hey, iirc google (or was it crapple?) occupies the old sgi campus 1885916;1546973847;asciilifeform;similar 1885917;1546973930;mircea_popescu;myeah. 1885918;1546973955;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in the 'man alone' dept, http://interim.mntmn.com 1885919;1546973975;asciilifeform;( nfi what happened to it after '15 , but sorta terrydavis-flavour ) 1885920;1546981264;asciilifeform;in other quasi-newz, http://www.loper-os.org/?p=55&cpage=1#comment-19773 1885921;1546981311;asciilifeform;( and it aint a lie, i studied the burroughs arch, indeed was non-overflowistic iron ) 1885922;1546987820;feedbot;http://bimbo.club/2019/01/philosophical-transactions-for-the-months-of-january-february-and-march-1714-part-iii/ << Bimbo.Club -- Philosophical Transactions. For the months of January, February and March, 1714 - Part III. 1885923;1546992170;lobbes;!!v 0A8DFF73C1807887EABEF77020C257A596B3ECB7F244BB74215588B419EF9D29 1885924;1546992175;deedbot;Invoiced BingoBoingo 0.14 << Auction# 1033: 500 wired filthy fiats for 140mn ecu 1885925;1546992737;mircea_popescu;let's then put the more useful part in teh archive hopper : https://archive.org/stream/bitsavers_burroughsBkComputerSystemOrganizationTheB5700B6700_10821314/Organick_Computer_System_Organization_The_B5700_B6700_Series_1973_djvu.txt 1885926;1546992755;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: lol, ~whole thing is diagrams 1885927;1546992762;asciilifeform;it aint edible this way. 1885928;1546992769;mircea_popescu;ah 1885929;1546992770;mircea_popescu;tsk. 1885930;1546992782;asciilifeform;sorta why archaeology is hard 1885931;1546992789;asciilifeform;shit aint searchable/txtable. 1885932;1546992806;mircea_popescu;cuz erryone gotta be spashul, come up with diagrams. text not good anymore etc. 1885933;1546992819;asciilifeform;eh it's a , what, 1960s manuscript. 1885934;1546992826;mircea_popescu;i'm just bitter. 1885935;1546992829;asciilifeform;next can complain that newton didn't put out 7bit ascii. 1885936;1546992838;mircea_popescu;i can, and i do. 1885937;1546993173;BingoBoingo;!!v 069163137FC5BE03C43D22E16938F9670CBCF86D92B8B580CF13C01C3365AA3E 1885938;1546993177;deedbot;BingoBoingo paid lobbes invoice 2 1885939;1546993190;asciilifeform;in other noose, constant-time stein-gcd aint so bad, 1msec (2048bit operands) , 6msec (4096bit) , 21msec (8192bit), 81msec (16384bit) 1885940;1546993261;asciilifeform;incidentally, whether it is possible to gcd arbitrary ints in non-quadratic time, is an open problem in numtheory 1885941;1546993288;BingoBoingo;ty lobbes 1885942;1546993290;asciilifeform;( afaik nobody ever proved that you couldn't, and the nonconstanttime lehmer and variations run in ~O(n) for ~all inputs ) 1885943;1546993306;asciilifeform;the catch is that ~all != all. 1885944;1546993670;asciilifeform;on a box with 1 FG, the wait for a random fillup of a e.g. 2048bit reg, i suspect dwarfs the runtime of stein (and possibly even of m-r, dunno yet) 1885945;1546993789;asciilifeform;let's say yer baking one of the p, q of a 4096bit rsa mod. it needs 2048bit , i.e. 256byte of FG. a standard FG at room temp shits out 7kByte/s. therefore 256 / (7 x 1024) ~= 0.0357 sec., for a fillup of candidate register. 1885946;1546993864;asciilifeform;if primality test ( which consists of GCD ~and~ m-r, in order to constant-time ) does not exceed 0.0356sec, then on machine with 1 FG it can be considered that the FG is the limiting reactant. 1885947;1546993870;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu diana_coman et al ^ 1885948;1546993903;asciilifeform;on a machine with multiple FG harnessed together, divide the figure by the # of FG in use. 1885949;1546994037;asciilifeform;( all of this assumes that nothing is parallelized. asciilifeform in particular does not like parallelized subcomponents in rsatron, if it can be avoided , tho there aint anyffin wrong with running ~multiple~ rsatrons , on diff inputs, in parallel , if iron is available ) 1885950;1546994137;asciilifeform;nao, philosophical q : does one actually want to gcd + m-r always ? or is it acceptable to reject input after failed gcd litmus, and only ~then~ m-r . 1885951;1546994148;asciilifeform;cuz in the former case, there aint actually any point to gcd. 1885952;1546994178;asciilifeform;( afaik there are no integers that are divisible by small prime (such as will fit in the primorial) and fail ~any~ number of m-r shots. 1885953;1546994180;asciilifeform; ) 1885954;1546994441;asciilifeform;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/TkmoM/?raw=true << sneak peek of constant-time stein. ( afaik there isn't one anywhere else on the net, funnily enuff. ) 1885955;1546994469;mircea_popescu;the whole idea of prior gcd was to save on rm time. 1885956;1546994475;asciilifeform;right 1885957;1546994476;mircea_popescu;if it doesn't save any time it's not worth having 1885958;1546994504;asciilifeform;well at least not in the initial sieve ( one might still want it for e.g. pocklington's test ) 1885959;1546994521;mircea_popescu;something like that. 1885960;1546994540;asciilifeform;i'd be satisfied with gcd as initial sieve (given that i have one that dun leak anyffin) ~followed~ by m-r. 1885961;1546994590;mircea_popescu;i don't see the point. 1885962;1546994631;asciilifeform;of what ? that's the obv. version ( get from rng, until gcd shows that no small factors, and then m-r ) 1885963;1546994644;asciilifeform;i.e. to save on r-m time. 1885964;1546994707;asciilifeform;my observation was that on a box with 1 FG, the latter will almost certainly be the limiting reactant in prime-baking. 1885965;1546994854;asciilifeform;( and that on iron where m-r ends up taking substantially less time than FG takes to fill up candidate reg, there may not be a point to pre-sieving ) 1885966;1546994877;asciilifeform;i dun have the m-r yet, so cannot give the equation quite yet. 1885967;1546994942;asciilifeform;the interesting thing about m-r however, is that it can make use of any available cpu given to it, to produce smaller probability of death 1885968;1546994973;asciilifeform;so depending on how many m-r shots you want, it can make sense to pre-sieve, to give m-r moar shots. 1885969;1546995047;asciilifeform;grr, moar complicated than i initially pictured, because m-r ~also~ demands rng 1885970;1546995064;asciilifeform;i'ma come back to this binomial once i have the m-r. 1885971;1546995265;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform IF rm doesn't take much time, THEN i don't see the point of doing any gcd. because r-m is a complete test for what we need, and gcd is not. 1885972;1546995272;asciilifeform;right 1885973;1546995292;mircea_popescu;why overload the machinery with unreliable testing. 1885974;1546995303;asciilifeform;how 'many r-m shots' is a free variable tho. 1885975;1546995324;mircea_popescu;gcding small primes doesn't reduce the m-r constant. 1885976;1546995347;asciilifeform;it potentially frees up cpu for moar shots of m-r, was the idea 1885977;1546995391;mircea_popescu;what does ? not bothering to gcd ? 1885978;1546995394;asciilifeform;no 1885979;1546995396;asciilifeform;the opposite 1885980;1546995403;asciilifeform;~doing~ the gcd pre-sieve 1885981;1546995404;mircea_popescu;... 1885982;1546995412;asciilifeform;then you only m-r on inputs that already passed gcd 1885983;1546995418;mircea_popescu;the count of m-r shots is established on mathematical not circumstancial grounds. 1885984;1546995422;mircea_popescu;dude... 1885985;1546995424;asciilifeform;the ~minimal~ count 1885986;1546995431;mircea_popescu;this discussion is broken. 1885987;1546995541;asciilifeform;let's spell out the algo. 1. reg := read_from_fg(2048bits). 2. l = gcd(reg, primorial) 3. if l != 1, goto 1 4. mr = m-r(reg, shots) 5. if mr != true, goto 1. 6. reg is probabilistically-prime . 1885988;1546995555;asciilifeform;this is the 'pre-sieve' variant contemplated. 1885989;1546995617;asciilifeform;nao, on a machine with 1 FG, step 1 takes ~36msec. every time. 1885990;1546995658;asciilifeform;step 2 takes ~1msec (on asciilifeform's aged box, and less elsewhere.) 1885991;1546995710;asciilifeform;steps 3, 5, 6 take ~0. step 4 takes a certain yet-unknown time, which is a function of width(reg) and shots. 1885992;1546995739;mircea_popescu;right, which is precisely what makes it a discussion about nothing. 1885993;1546995764;mircea_popescu;IF 4 takes too little to bother, 2-3 aren't worth doing ; otherwise, otherwise. 1885994;1546995768;asciilifeform;i dun have the necessary figure yet. hence 'i'ma come back'. 1885995;1546995777;mircea_popescu;this is exactlyu how things stood 50 lines ~before~, also. 1885996;1546995852;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i not only gotta write proggy, but to make sure that it makes sense to people 1885997;1546995894;mircea_popescu;in other news, reading old logs is something else, my the snr has changed. http://btcbase.org/log/2014-03-18#565157 << back in 2014 dorky kids still thought "putin" is how you say "cool". in the intervening years -- they, changed not at all. everything around them... 1885998;1546995894;a111;Logged on 2014-03-18 09:39 LordPutin: what do you mean they haven't? Are they facing legalaction? 1885999;1546996018;*;asciilifeform finds good % of the 2014-prior l0gz to be indigestible. (tho regularly goes to read'em anyway) 1886000;1546996072;mod6;evenin' 1886001;1546996079;mircea_popescu;yeah, something else. 1886002;1546996084;asciilifeform;might be interesting ( phf? ) to have a filter toggle that only shows people who are still alive 1886003;1546996101;mircea_popescu;nah. 1886004;1546996110;asciilifeform;( i find what e.g. mircea_popescu said in 2014 , interesting, but not xyzputin3333 ) 1886005;1546996127;mircea_popescu;it's still the context. 2014 mp actually talked to ~those~ dorks. 1886006;1546996134;asciilifeform;tru 1886007;1546996144;asciilifeform;tho not only ( also talked to ben_vulpes and other folx who tuned in prior to asciilifeform ) 1886008;1546996145;mircea_popescu;it'd be nice if this is how it worked, "lenin without the nieces". but historically... 1886009;1546996193;asciilifeform;wb mod6 1886010;1546996267;mod6;thx! 1886011;1546996300;*;mod6 has been working on the big blog post that outlines my work to create the keccak regrind for trb. 1886012;1546996347;asciilifeform;mod6: at the risk of sounding like mircea_popescu in earlier thread -- why is this a mega-project ? i reground ffa to keccak in about 10minute (after getting hold of a working keccak-vtron) 1886013;1546996376;asciilifeform;trb has , what, 3x the # of patches, so it'll take you 30m at most. 1886014;1546996432;asciilifeform;or do i misread, and mod6 already reground, and writing re how. 1886015;1546996512;*;asciilifeform brb,meat 1886016;1546996516;mod6;Yeah, have already reground, indeed. This is a write up of how I did this. 1886017;1546996533;mircea_popescu;pretty cool 1886018;1546996564;mod6;And I think that makes sense, this isn't my personal project. How this work was done for the foundation should be a public facing thing, and reviewed by people before vpatches published. 1886019;1546996587;mircea_popescu;you always wrote quite excellent / delightfully complete such recipes. 1886020;1546996618;mod6;Thanks mircea_popescu, I appreciate that. 1886021;1546996864;asciilifeform;neato mod6 , i look fwd to reading 1886022;1546996972;mod6;*nod* I appreciate that asciilifeform, your eyes on such things always are a Good Thing. Not long after I post it, I'll be looking for people to help test the updated HOWTO guide too if anyone feels so inclined. (Please reach out if interested.) 1886023;1546997321;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2014-03-18#565557 << in lulzy 2014isms 1886024;1546997321;a111;Logged on 2014-03-18 16:00 benkay: gpg is not even necessary for wot participation, you should know. 1886025;1546998346;BingoBoingo;Well, in 2014 the screws hadn't much been turned at all 1886026;1546998362;BingoBoingo;gribble still "worked" for some definitions of work 1886027;1546998591;mircea_popescu;aha. 1886028;1547001885;lobbes;BingoBoingo: yw 1886029;1547001927;lobbes;wb mod6. I also look forward to reading your keccak regrind post (hopefully I can sponge some useful info) 1886030;1547004767;mod6;:] Thank you lobbes. 1886031;1547005408;feedbot;http://blog.lobbesblog.com/2019/01/initial-cuntoo-testing/ << lobbesblog -- Initial Cuntoo Testing 1886032;1547007169;trinque;lobbes: why didn't you read the script.. 1886033;1547007188;trinque;it didn't set a password on root. it asked you what user you wanted to create. 1886034;1547007372;mircea_popescu;this is cute. 1886035;1547007781;lobbes;trinque: fair enough, but then I should be able to login with that user right? Or at least chrooting in and setting the root password should've worked (I'd imagine) 1886036;1547007994;*;lobbes goes to read scripts properly this time 1886037;1547008640;trinque;I recommend you read it, understand what it's doing, and then talk about it from knowledge of substance rather than knowledge of surface. 1886038;1547008672;trinque;it's not as if the script's setting anyone's password on anything; it's just calling the util that does. 1886039;1547008711;trinque;also glad to see it getting used! 1886040;1547008761;trinque;I'm still gunning after the nondeterminism in the genesis. 1886041;1547009635;hanbot;billymg, phf: in billymg's latest mp-wp vpatch (http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-07#1885285), i see the old "\ No newline at end of file" spew on two of the touched files (was symptom of bug last yr: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-02-25#1786014). still indicative of proablem with presser/patch? 1886042;1547009635;a111;Logged on 2019-01-07 04:31 billymg: hanbot: i put together a patch for the svg links mentioned earlier: http://billymg.com/2019/01/mp-wp-vpatch-update-internal-image-references-to-point-to-svg-extensions/ 1886043;1547009635;a111;Logged on 2018-02-25 19:25 phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-02-25#1785986 << i thought that it was just a helpful warning, but upon reflection i realized that this is actually a bug. investigating it further i took a wrong direction on a diff's command line flag switch, and as it stands if you see this warning it 1886044;1547009654;hanbot;billymg nice work btw, am ready to sign once above is cleared up 1886045;1547009662;lobbes;trinque: I agree that I could use a more substantive grasp on the script as a whole (and will indeed study moar), however I want to say I'm at least understanding the bit in "create_user.sh" where it calls useradd and passwd, and then adds the $USER to etc/sudoers. I'm just missing -why- the user/password I set through useradd/passwd wasn't working when trying to login. Probably something elementary 1886046;1547009668;lobbes;that's under my nose.. 1886047;1547009843;trinque;you could've like, mistyped it, maaan 1886048;1547010283;lobbes;hahaha 1886049;1547010351;lobbes;but both times? (plus all dozen of my passwd resets?). Anyways, more study for me. But for now bed 1886050;1547010466;trinque;no idea, maybe passwd file manglement somehow. I'll look forward to what you find 1886051;1547010472;lobbes;ty for helping me think this through trinque (and for the work on cuntoo in general. I'ma keep at this thing) 1886052;1547010476;*;lobbes bbl 1886053;1547010492;trinque;sure thing 1886054;1547030473;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-09#1886041 << not a bug anymore (last year it was printed as a warning with no effects on the patch, effectively forcing newline always. i then adjusted vdiff to put correct "\ No newline.." directive, while vpatch knows to omit final newline when that directive is present) 1886055;1547030473;a111;Logged on 2019-01-09 04:53 hanbot: billymg, phf: in billymg's latest mp-wp vpatch (http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-07#1885285), i see the old "\ No newline at end of file" spew on two of the touched files (was symptom of bug last yr: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-02-25#1786014). still indicative of proablem with presser/patch? 1886056;1547032023;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-08#1885856 << i was having some trackpad issues in india (macbook's trackpad would stop working after about an hour outside), which made me contemplate problems of mousing at sea, which made me think that it's likely that someone makes rugged trackballs for industrial application. imagine my surprised when i discovered that someone actually does. 1886057;1547032023;a111;Logged on 2019-01-08 16:48 asciilifeform: i dunno how phf ended up into it tho, iirc he dun cad 1886058;1547032141;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-08#1885844 << you can also switch between three acceleration modes by, i believe, holding middle button and clicking right button (or similar, should be in the manual) 1886059;1547032141;a111;Logged on 2019-01-08 16:45 asciilifeform: in other esoterica, on gentoo 'xinput' dumps list of mice, and then 'xinput --set-prop yermousenumber 269 -1' switches off mouse-acceleration. ( possibly phf already knew this, but gives 9000x moar usable roller ) 1886060;1547032493;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-06#1885092 << i have a couple and the first one i bought i think had that issue, i didn't bother replacing it, and after first cleaning i believe it went away, or possibly i stopped noticing. the one at my office definitely has clean clicks on all they keys, so if it bothers you perhaps worth replacing 1886061;1547032493;a111;Logged on 2019-01-06 15:36 asciilifeform: hey phf, does the left switch on your cst billiard ball seem muffled vs the right ? i can't decide if mine's defective or not, just noticed last night.. 1886062;1547040077;mircea_popescu;imagine my surprise << i can imagine! 1886063;1547042865;diana_coman;in other eulora-client headaches: to get the cpp client to use my ada lib (that I want to keep separate! away from cpp swamp!), it seems I need to make my lib "standalone encapsulated dynamic" 1886064;1547042877;diana_coman;can't make it static because then it doesn't link in the adainit, adafinal 1886065;1547042893;diana_coman;(those are needed to do the elaboration in ada so can't do without them either) 1886066;1547042921;diana_coman;with the standalone encapsulated dynamic lib approach, I got it to work 1886067;1547042922;mircea_popescu;da fuck is a "catamaran of butts in two boats" thingee. 1886068;1547043067;diana_coman;basically the only way available to make a non-ada-main do the ada elaboration 1886069;1547043119;diana_coman;the encapsulated part means it depends only on static libs at least (or so I read in the docs...) 1886070;1547043122;mircea_popescu;entirely new category for me. is it different from dynamic ? 1886071;1547043208;diana_coman;it has a donkey-horse as far as I can tell: a dynamic lib does not include all the code it requires so you'll need to further link /distribute stuff 1886072;1547043221;diana_coman;onth a static lib does not have the elaboration... 1886073;1547043247;mircea_popescu;why not ? 1886074;1547043260;mircea_popescu;elaboration ~= cpp.init etc right ? 1886075;1547043276;diana_coman;my trajectory in hitting walls on this was precisely that: make it static -> surprise, no adainit exported/included, checked the .a file and everything, went nuts; make it dynamic -> ugh, need -lgnat and whatnot; rtfm again and again, there is this calo-magar 1886076;1547043301;diana_coman;mircea_popescu, no, it's an ada thing, nothing to do with cpp precisely 1886077;1547043348;mircea_popescu;are we thus the first to try and call an ada library from a c main ? 1886078;1547043395;diana_coman;no; the "way" to do that is meant to be precisely this standalone thingie 1886079;1547043417;diana_coman;i.e. if you want to call ada from something-else main then you don't really have any choice that works other than this 1886080;1547043425;diana_coman;or at least none that I'm aware of 1886081;1547043463;mircea_popescu;so basically "the way to call ada from non-ada context is called 'standalone encapsulated dynamic' in ada" is the idea here ? 1886082;1547043469;diana_coman;exactly 1886083;1547043475;mircea_popescu;til. 1886084;1547043506;mircea_popescu;!#s standalone encapsulated dynamic 1886085;1547043507;a111;3 results for "standalone encapsulated dynamic", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=standalone%20encapsulated%20dynamic 1886086;1547043589;diana_coman;the log is our days' own encyclopedia really 1886087;1547044134;diana_coman;re ada elaboration since apparently it's not summarised in the logs as such: it's basically the code that runs *before* the main program starts and what it does is broadly initializing variables that the main program may expect to be able to access (e.g. "global" or in libs that are used) and running the "main" code (aka between begin and end of a package as opposed to that in procedures/functions) from units that are used 1886088;1547044163;diana_coman;a sort of "getting everything ready" for the program to run 1886089;1547044240;mircea_popescu;right. 1886090;1547044246;diana_coman;as it is specific to ada, a non-ada main has no idea (nor does it care) about it and therefore won't do it automatically; the only way to have it done is to call explicitly the "init" procedure for the Ada unit that is to be used; and the only way to *have* such an init procedure seems to be the standalone lib thing 1886091;1547044258;diana_coman;i.e. have it as a procedure, exposed and accessible from cpp 1886092;1547044399;mircea_popescu;aha 1886093;1547045384;feedbot;http://trilema.com/2019/i-think-it-might-be-the-case-im-becoming-pretentious/ << Trilema -- I think it might be the case I'm becoming pretentious. 1886094;1547046376;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-09#1886060 << ah ty phf , precisely what i wanted to learn 1886095;1547046376;a111;Logged on 2019-01-09 11:14 phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-06#1885092 << i have a couple and the first one i bought i think had that issue, i didn't bother replacing it, and after first cleaning i believe it went away, or possibly i stopped noticing. the one at my office definitely has clean clicks on all they keys, so if it bothers you perhaps worth replacing 1886096;1547046478;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-09#1886058 << i set mine to max when i uncrated it, but noticed that 'overshoots'. turned out, they aint acceleration modes, but pulses-per-radian, and http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-08#1885844 actually made it feel proper (i.e. can turn the roller 2pi, and then -2pi, and come to same pixel ) 1886097;1547046478;a111;Logged on 2019-01-09 11:09 phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-08#1885844 << you can also switch between three acceleration modes by, i believe, holding middle button and clicking right button (or similar, should be in the manual) 1886098;1547046478;a111;Logged on 2019-01-08 16:45 asciilifeform: in other esoterica, on gentoo 'xinput' dumps list of mice, and then 'xinput --set-prop yermousenumber 269 -1' switches off mouse-acceleration. ( possibly phf already knew this, but gives 9000x moar usable roller ) 1886099;1547046632;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-09#1886065 << hmm diana_coman , what piece in your proggy actually uses elaboration ? ( is it the tasking ? ) 1886100;1547046632;a111;Logged on 2019-01-09 14:08 diana_coman: (those are needed to do the elaboration in ada so can't do without them either) 1886101;1547046667;asciilifeform;( mine has no elaboration . but i escaped using all sortsa things ) 1886102;1547046816;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-09#1886056 << i tried and failed to find & buy whatever it is they make for the sea ( why settle for konsoomer plastic ) but no dice, it aint gettable anywhere 1886103;1547046816;a111;Logged on 2019-01-09 11:07 phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-08#1885856 << i was having some trackpad issues in india (macbook's trackpad would stop working after about an hour outside), which made me contemplate problems of mousing at sea, which made me think that it's likely that someone makes rugged trackballs for industrial application. imagine my surprised when i discovered that someone actually does. 1886104;1547046963;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-09#1886064 << iirc ave1 found how to expose the init knob explicitly. you may want to try his method 1886105;1547046963;a111;Logged on 2019-01-09 14:07 diana_coman: can't make it static because then it doesn't link in the adainit, adafinal 1886106;1547047387;asciilifeform;guten morgen, Mocky 1886107;1547047405;Mocky;good morning 1886108;1547047554;Mocky;how goes ch 15 asciilifeform ? 1886109;1547047584;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2019/i-think-it-might-be-the-case-im-becoming-pretentious/#comment-127374 1886110;1547047596;asciilifeform;Mocky: proggy written, nao writin' proof 1886111;1547047639;asciilifeform;Mocky: ( yes stein is a pretty simple item, quite unlike e.g. barrett, but still gotta give pedantic convergence proof for it ) 1886112;1547047713;asciilifeform;Mocky: ch16 will be about m-r . 1886113;1547048192;asciilifeform;last night i re-read diana_coman's piece on m-r , it is interesting just how much sweat diana_coman had to put in simply on account of koch gnarl 1886114;1547048601;*;asciilifeform brb,teatime 1886115;1547049409;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2019/01/lone-university-employed-sokal-squared-author-faces-sanctions-as-apparently-academic-journal-editors-are-uninformed-human-research-subjects-and-not-human-spam-filters/ << Qntra -- Lone University Employed 'Sokal Squared' Author Faces Sanctions As Apparently Academic Journal Editors Are 'Uninformed Human Research Subjects' And Not Human Spam Filters 1886116;1547049656;diana_coman;asciilifeform, yes, it's the tasking re http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-09#1886099 1886117;1547049656;a111;Logged on 2019-01-09 15:10 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-09#1886065 << hmm diana_coman , what piece in your proggy actually uses elaboration ? ( is it the tasking ? ) 1886118;1547049921;diana_coman;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-09#1886104 -> I seem to have missed this; ave1, did you find a way to expose the adainit for static libs? 1886119;1547049921;a111;Logged on 2019-01-09 15:16 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-09#1886064 << iirc ave1 found how to expose the init knob explicitly. you may want to try his method 1886120;1547050387;mircea_popescu;keks, they finally found the "legalaction" way to plug the femtard "scholar" hole ? 1886121;1547050398;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform answered! 1886122;1547051898;asciilifeform;diana_coman: i suspect that even if you get the thing to properly link, you will discover new headaches on acct of http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-06#1885177 . really imho proggy that has ada tasks oughta have ada main , and (if must) call static cpp turdola, not vice-versa 1886123;1547051898;a111;Logged on 2019-01-06 17:28 asciilifeform: the 1st step to adaizing a cpp turd is to remove the cpp threadisms, they will not only not work with ada's sane tasking but actually destroy the guarantees of the latter 1886124;1547051971;asciilifeform;cuz in the vice-versa variant, what you'll have is ~two~ threading systems that dun know about one another, and the shit one (cpp) doesn't have any concept of sane locks etc 1886125;1547052115;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: hey, if microshit can have weev jailed for munging URLs, why not acade-microshit and some other d00d , similarly 1886126;1547052281;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform consider the problem at hand : there's 200k loc in a hairball currently. 1886127;1547052290;asciilifeform;oh i recall 1886128;1547052292;asciilifeform;it's a trb-like item 1886129;1547052295;mircea_popescu;right 1886130;1547052318;mircea_popescu;now obviously, "best place for ada code is in ada program". but the issue here is how to effectually corrupt, stupidity into sense. 1886131;1547052320;asciilifeform;i strongly suspect it'll have to be de-threaded to work reliably with ada-cum-tasks , sadly 1886132;1547052333;mircea_popescu;it's getting dethreaded, sure. 1886133;1547052337;asciilifeform;(i.e. cut into sections that can run reentrantly) 1886134;1547052347;mircea_popescu;fwiw, it uses threads for no practical purpose, just ot say it uses them 1886135;1547052354;asciilifeform;exactly like trb then 1886136;1547052359;mircea_popescu;quite, yes. 1886137;1547052377;*;asciilifeform has not studied mircea_popescu's proggy, of yet, doesn't dare to comment in detail 1886138;1547052393;mircea_popescu;in fact it's 100% trb toy/"training muppet" 1886139;1547052408;mircea_popescu;"learn how to operate by cutting on this textile dolly" 1886140;1547052414;asciilifeform;aint there a multi-MB '3d' lib in there also ? 1886141;1547052426;mircea_popescu;but no ssl :D 1886142;1547052636;asciilifeform;lol prolly no bdb also 1886143;1547052805;mircea_popescu;mysql. 1886144;1547052813;mircea_popescu;~same, really. 1886145;1547052884;asciilifeform;hm it actually links in ~all~ of mysql ? or just has the typical 'connect to local instance' skin ? 1886146;1547052891;mircea_popescu;skin 1886147;1547052894;asciilifeform;aa 1886148;1547052898;asciilifeform;so like phuctor. 1886149;1547052922;mircea_popescu;nah, i'd hope phuctor's better interfaced. 1886150;1547052973;asciilifeform;( phuctor connects to a local instance of postgres, so in that sense similar ) 1886151;1547053036;asciilifeform;incidentally i cant think of any reason it wouldn't work exactly same with mysql, with the exception of where i dun yet know how to do the o(n log n) indices in mysql 1886152;1547053213;asciilifeform;re: ada elaboration, i found http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-20#1741485 item useful when i was last puzzling over subj 1886153;1547053213;a111;Logged on 2017-11-20 23:36 asciilifeform: meanwhile, from the dept of interesting but dead, http://adagin.blogspot.com 1886154;1547053248;asciilifeform;( pretty lively pedagogy, too, e.g. http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-20#1741487 ) 1886155;1547053248;a111;Logged on 2017-11-20 23:38 asciilifeform: typical, http://adagin.blogspot.com/2013/12/ada-2005-access-types-part-i.html , lively : type Hooker_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Hooker_Class_Ptr; procedure Violate_Bodies (x : Hooker_Array); ... 'We want to track all our victims, presumably in some sort of set or container, so that we might disinter them later as needed. Similarly, we might also want to do strange, awful things with the dead bodies of the hookers.' 1886156;1547053507;mircea_popescu;"This is neatly decomposed (ha!) into a class hierarchy:" << guy's pretty cool. 1886157;1547053547;asciilifeform;sadly vanished in '15 1886158;1547053580;asciilifeform;i suspect he was 'old guard' (ada greybeard) and the bottle took its toll. 1886159;1547053596;mircea_popescu;"But the type conversion rules for pointers are not so easily duped; there are no "classwide pointers" (thought perhaps life would be different if there were!). " << motherfucker on a stick, i want "classwide pointers" ie, "this door ambiguously links to any of the mcdonalds not any specific one" as i want to wake up to being assfucked by chtulhu. 1886160;1547053598;mircea_popescu;what the fuck. 1886161;1547053606;BingoBoingo; BingoBoingo: hey, if microshit can have weev jailed for munging URLs, why not acade-microshit and some other d00d , similarly << There is still lulz to play out. He's being prosecuted in university research court (similar to University title ix court), unlikely to be fired, but if he is the bar will be lowered. Maybe to the point we can have a fire PSU faculty bot. 1886162;1547053608;mircea_popescu;am i the only one to whom this seems like going the exact wrong fucking way ? 1886163;1547053614;mircea_popescu;and what fucking "object oriented" 1886164;1547053652;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: sorta why i suspect 'greybeard'. prolly he also had a 200kloc (or 2e6...) that had to be dealt with as-is, pointerola & all. 1886165;1547053682;asciilifeform;( observe, the only 'access pointer' in ffa is where it sucks in cmdline args from unix ) 1886166;1547053767;asciilifeform;the world of the folx who wrote ada for moneys in the saeculum, is not , as i gather, a happy place. sorta why asciilifeform had to learn buncha things from 1st principles, rather than by reading their ugh 1886167;1547053791;mircea_popescu;this guy's write-up makes me want to ban ada. 1886168;1547053818;asciilifeform;i have even moar wtf items in my collection. 1886169;1547053902;asciilifeform;( observe that ch1 ffa actually starts out by http://www.loper-os.org/?p=1913#selection-337.0-1150.0 , i.e. banning 90% of ada.. why didja suppose this was. ) 1886170;1547054046;asciilifeform;'new shithouse is built from the rubble of the old, not imported brick' or how did lenin put it. 1886171;1547054377;asciilifeform;phunphakt: in ye olde bolixtron, there is an ada ( and fortran! ) compiler. (however asciilifeform has not tried either item, beyond 'hello world' ) 1886172;1547054424;asciilifeform;it , if one is to believe the docs, implements the '83 standard. 1886173;1547054440;asciilifeform;( the fortran - f77 ) 1886174;1547054473;*;asciilifeform actually considered a fortran ffa, in '16 1886175;1547054736;diana_coman;http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-09#1886159 -> well yes, trying to "dupe" the rules can't be anything other than trying to corrupt the thing back into what-we-know (and possibly like or not but at least are used to it) 1886176;1547054736;a111;Logged on 2019-01-09 17:06 mircea_popescu: "But the type conversion rules for pointers are not so easily duped; there are no "classwide pointers" (thought perhaps life would be different if there were!). " << motherfucker on a stick, i want "classwide pointers" ie, "this door ambiguously links to any of the mcdonalds not any specific one" as i want to wake up to being assfucked by chtulhu. 1886177;1547058155;ave1;hmm I was talking to feedbot to up myself 1886178;1547058161;ave1;diana_coman, look into https://www.cs.fsu.edu/~baker/ada/gnat/html/gnat_ugn_5.html#SEC73 1886179;1547058189;ave1;all these extra code generation in Ada is managed with gnatbind 1886180;1547058271;asciilifeform;wb ave1 1886181;1547058303;diana_coman;ave1, hm, I did look in there when I made the first go aka I compiled step by step the whole thing; but I don't recollect any real alternative to the standalone lib if one wants to pack the code really 1886182;1547058316;diana_coman;I'll have another look at any rate, can't hurt 1886183;1547058381;ave1;I can do some experimentation, but this will take a bit longer (got to go now...) 1886184;1547058390;diana_coman;I suppose I can further look at what gprbuild does for standalone libs and then force it into what I want but ... 1886185;1547058401;diana_coman;ave1, it's not burning right now, no 1886186;1547061312;diana_coman;ffs jamfile shit: I did not have a space between lib name and ; so it...silently ignored it and ate my time grrrr 1886187;1547061331;diana_coman;if there was more need for hating jam, it's there 1886188;1547061413;asciilifeform;diana_coman: what is 'jam' ? 1886189;1547061472;diana_coman;yet another tool that "makes building simple" don't you know; eulora's client has a WHOLE pile of scripts on top of jam on top of autotools and all that 1886190;1547061508;asciilifeform;ugh 1886191;1547061513;diana_coman;for all my hate of them, atm they...build the whole mess of plugins and whatnots so sweeping them aside would take some effort, not insignificant 1886192;1547061529;diana_coman;yes, a ton of ugh 1886193;1547061536;asciilifeform;what's it do that gnumake, cmake, etc dun do ? 1886194;1547061575;asciilifeform;btw it is possible to build cpp with gnatmake, believe or not ( i only tried for simplest case, but does work ) 1886195;1547061584;diana_coman;asciilifeform, I suppose www.perforce.com/documentation/jam-documentation will explain that in triplicate 1886196;1547061638;diana_coman;and yes, I'd much rather use gnatmake for the whole pile of shit but atm the idea was to focus on a *different* part of the shit, since there are so many and I'm only one 1886197;1547061652;asciilifeform;'Jam runs on UNIX, VMS, NT, OS/2, Mac OS X, and Mac MPW' << if troo, notbad at least in re portability 1886198;1547061682;diana_coman;myeah, that's part of the thing: as it is, it is at least tested that people managed to compile the whole thing on different platforms 1886199;1547061719;asciilifeform;i find it interesting just how many half-working substitutes for gnumake folx have written 1886200;1547061764;diana_coman;in the same vein of interesting as http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-09#1886113 1886201;1547061764;a111;Logged on 2019-01-09 15:36 asciilifeform: last night i re-read diana_coman's piece on m-r , it is interesting just how much sweat diana_coman had to put in simply on account of koch gnarl 1886202;1547062001;asciilifeform;there are so many and I'm only one << i admit that i'm a little curious why diana_coman & mircea_popescu dun enlist Mocky to carry on client dev -- but it's not my biz , if they dun feel like going into subj, i won't cry 1886203;1547062062;asciilifeform;( perhaps can assume either that Mocky could not stomach it, or charged toomuch ) 1886204;1547062538;Mocky;asciilifeform, http://logs.bvulpes.com/eulora?d=2018-7-16#401001 1886205;1547062774;asciilifeform;aah 1886206;1547065595;BingoBoingo;Meanwhile in local news: Argentina ~30% poorer than last year in yet another metric https://www.elobservador.com.uy/nota/-desastre-y-fatal-temporada-en-punta-del-este-segun-comerciantes-201917204123 1886207;1547077630;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform ftjam pretty much the standard alternative to mod6 style handmade .sh 1886208;1547077725;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i read the link from earlier, made sense 1886209;1547077735;asciilifeform;there's 9000 of these, 'cmake', 'bake', 'qtmake', etc 1886210;1547077768;mircea_popescu;yeah, but this one works. sorta like there's 5000 "operating systems", but we use cuntoo. 1886211;1547077829;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: does it work in that 'it worx, and 7 others previously barfed' or 'it was 1st i happened to try and it seems to work' ? 1886212;1547077936;mircea_popescu;the former, chet spent 3 months with this shit cca 2013 1886213;1547077979;asciilifeform;if mircea_popescu says -- i'll believe 1886214;1547078016;asciilifeform;in the past asciilifeform used ordinary gnumake for this kinda thing. but it usually resulted in 1000ln 'make'. 1886215;1547078023;mircea_popescu;yes well. 1886216;1547078057;asciilifeform;( aand on top of that, is victim of the faux-standardization pestilential in unixland ) 1886217;1547078058;mircea_popescu;also, remarkably stable, i've not had to fiddle with the original ftjam, client compiles today same exact way it did back then. which... 1886218;1547078068;mircea_popescu;i know of no project that can say same over half decade. 1886219;1547078100;asciilifeform;if you never fiddled with the layout, why shouldn't it work 1886220;1547079168;mircea_popescu;client went through two major and a bunch of minor versions. 1886221;1547079182;mircea_popescu;was a point in iirc 2015 when it was "get new client or can't connect" 1886222;1547079467;mircea_popescu;nicoleci http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/VAX51/?raw=true 1886223;1547079760;asciilifeform;in other noose, asciilifeform made the unhappy discovery that shift-by-zero takes fewer cpu cycles on pretty much all x86 iron vs shift-by-1 . 1886224;1547079855;asciilifeform;this means not only slightly slower gcd than the draft posted earlier (it'll need a mux) but it also means that e.g. http://www.loper-os.org/pub/ffa/hypertext/ch14/fz_qshft__adb.htm#111_14 was in fact leaking, albeit undetectable on the tests given in ch14, and will need mandatory HaveBarrelShifter = 0 (i.e. 5% or so penalty) 1886225;1547080187;asciilifeform;( and before anyone asks -- neither intel nor amd publish 'tick tables' the way they did in 1990s, and haven't for many yrs ) 1886226;1547080465;asciilifeform;this appears to be the kind of boobytrap that can only be found empirically. 1886227;1547080501;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2019/01/systemd-journald-exploits-found-all-systemd-distros-affected/ << Qntra -- Systemd Journald Exploits Found All Systemd Distros Affected 1886228;1547080826;*;asciilifeform found the shift booby by generating ridiculously long random inputs, with variety of hamming weight ranges, and plain old wallclock 1886229;1547081819;lobbes;!Xview 1035 1886230;1547081820;auctionbot;Buy order # 1035: 1500 Filthy Fiats, Wired, WU, or Moneygram Opened at: 400mn ecu Winning Bid: None [Closed] 1886231;1547081822;lobbes;auctionbot was down for ~9 hours today (back online now). I'm going to give a 100 ecu per auction hour credit to everyone who had auctions going during this downtime, since no one could put in bids during that time and I don't wanna charge fees for those hours. Thinking I'll make this standard policy going forward 1886232;1547083790;*;asciilifeform set up an experiment with variants of http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/RMcd3/?raw=true ; will report re same tomorrow 1886233;1547084809;*;asciilifeform let it go on 2 diff opterons and 2 intels 1886234;1547085132;asciilifeform;hm , prolly oughta test both left and right, and make the operand nonzero (in case the iron does 'clever' with zeros), so gotta redo.. 1886235;1547085710;asciilifeform;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/7zNhD/?raw=true << the final ver., for the record. 1886236;1547088776;mircea_popescu;and today being january, let us celebrate the SECOND year yossi kreinin failed to engage the utter destruction of his inept nonsense found in http://trilema.com/2017/my-ai-problems-a-humble-confession/ 1886237;1547088812;mircea_popescu;because hey, this is optional now, yossik is at liberty to redress his stupidity or not as he well pleases, there's no obligation my intellectual superiority creates for him or anything. 1886238;1547089828;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: hm what made you remember that d00d existed ? 1886239;1547089939;mircea_popescu;coincidentally dug up article for inquiring young minds. 1886240;1547090472;billymg;hanbot: thanks for checking it out, i'll take a look at the "no newline" issue and see if i can get rid of it 1886241;1547090678;billymg;i also noticed that the selection-magic.txt (which is to be renamed to selection-magic.php) ( http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/selection-magic.txt ) contains comments at the top marked with // that are not parsed as comments because they're outside the