1868097;1541030418;asciilifeform;'jurov moved the Foundation website to the Foundation's server hosted at Pizarro' << confirmed that it worx, a++ btw, ty jurov 1868098;1541030438;mod6;yeah, srsly, thx jurov -- works good for me now too. 1868099;1541030453;mod6;And now I'm not personally hosting the foundation website, so that'll save me some pocket-lint. 1868100;1541030468;mod6;!Xview 1004 1868101;1541030468;auctionbot;Sell order # 1004: 9.5k wFF q0 Opening: 1.5bn ecu Leading Bid: 1.5bn ecu Ending: 2018-10-31 17:00:23.871700 UTC (4 hours 59 mins) 1868102;1541030541;mod6;mircea_popescu: Hi Sir, if I win the auction here, how would you like me to settle? Via btc from deedbot-wallet, or via ECU and trade in eulora (this may take a day or so to exchange my BTC into ECU hope this isn't a big deal). 1868103;1541030557;mircea_popescu;either way tbh, i dun care. 1868104;1541030558;mod6;Also, if you need instructions for wire, can re-send ofc. 1868105;1541030603;asciilifeform;mod6: d00d still lists a 'Public Bitcoin Node(s)' on his www, the latter dun answer on 8333, the former is some chimera, http://btcbase.org/log/2018-07-23#1837433 1868106;1541030603;a111;Logged on 2018-07-23 14:07 asciilifeform: meanwhile, in heathen lulz, /therealbitcoin.org: (70001) << wtf ? 1868107;1541030607;mod6;mircea_popescu: ok cool, if you don't mind then, I'll probably just do deedbot wallet since it's a bit quicker for me. 1868108;1541030691;mod6;asciilifeform: thanks for the extra info there. I did check the two IPs myself too, no worky. I figure, the man has a -10 from Mr. Popescu, and no longer visits this chamber. Ergo, he's ejected. 1868109;1541030708;asciilifeform;i do sometimes wonder what goes on in the heads, 'hey i hate them nao, mebbe prb is where it's at', wtf 1868110;1541030717;mod6;He can come back here and make his case, should he even have one. Which, by my measure, he does not. But that's up to mircea_popescu. 1868111;1541030806;asciilifeform;i dun see that pete_dushenski has any biznis here. he's where he belongs, with the 'mah fambly' picz, automotive circle-jerks, etc 1868112;1541030838;asciilifeform;e.g. 'I’m just back from a wedding in Calgary. It was a fairly posh affair, if an intimate one befitting the couple’s slightly more mature stage of life. A well-to-do dentist, herself the daughter of an even better-to-do-though-recently-retired dentist, was marrying a charming chap from the Maritimes. It was a slightly exhausting trek with our four-month-old in tow, but in the end so very worth it' etc etc 1868113;1541030877;mod6;Sure. 1868114;1541030900;asciilifeform;'Kanye West is not Picasso Remember Me: All day, nigga' . 1868115;1541030959;mod6;Speaking of hockey... played in another game. Wasn't nearly as out-of-shape as last time. No goals though, but 2 assists, 7 SOG, 1 Hit. 1868116;1541030994;mod6;Someday, I'd like to get the chance to play in a pick-up game with President Putin. 1868117;1541031089;mod6;Nothing serious, just a friendly game of 4:4 perhaps. 1868118;1541031130;asciilifeform;afaik he only plays with ru ex-pro's. but whoknows, can dream 1868119;1541031177;mod6;ikr; I'm not even close to that level. The guys that I've been playing with are ex-college guys, which, are for sure better than I am. 1868120;1541031194;mod6;Although, I'm surprised that they're not ~that~ much better.. 1868121;1541031228;asciilifeform;i dunno how much 'level' buncha 50-60 y.o. d00dz have; but then again i am not aficionado 1868122;1541031279;mod6;Skill goes up the more you practice and play with people whom are better than you are, ofc. For a old-guy pick up game, can fit in even if not as skilled as most, as long as they're not trying too hard. 1868123;1541031297;mod6;If they're going hard, and in good shape, can get rough for d00dz like ole mod6. 1868124;1541031369;asciilifeform;iirc there's a 'sumo' component also 1868125;1541031376;asciilifeform;the heavier folx have advantage 1868126;1541031394;mod6;Well... that kinda depnds. Yes and no. 1868127;1541031437;mod6;If a guy is huge, but can't skate, then maybe he has an advantage as a shitty defensemen -- plopping him in front of the net to keep the crease clear. 1868128;1541031458;mod6;If a guy is huge and can skate well, then more options for versitility. 1868129;1541031466;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform hey, it's all a big highschool cafeteria party, and one gets to pick and choose "his way in life" etc. it all follows, from the insane perspective, its own insane logic etc. 1868130;1541031494;*;asciilifeform quite distant from subj of hockey, saw a grand total of 1 game in whole life, so will leave thread alone rather than emitting lulzhowlers 1868131;1541031511;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: aha, but still gotta wonder. rly, srsly, prb ?? 1868132;1541031515;mod6;no worries. 1868133;1541031516;asciilifeform;what's the draw. 1868134;1541031537;mircea_popescu;it's what THESE other-goth-kids do. what was the draw originally ? 1868135;1541031545;mircea_popescu;what, you though "man sat, thought" ? 1868136;1541031600;asciilifeform;how exactly does it go. 'hey, mircea_popescu et al. are buncha cannibals, lemme go and find... buncha tards, to handle mah coinz, instead' ? 1868137;1541031606;mod6;yeah, exactly. prb is fake-cheese, for losers. can't hack it with the republic, the false choice is thinking that they have an alternative - a loser one at at that. but there really is no alternative. no matter how much you wish it to be REAL cheese, it is not, and never will be. 1868138;1541031626;asciilifeform;mod6: the days when there was any cheese there, of whatever kind, are long gone 1868139;1541031649;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform it's literally, "not band practice anymore, now art class". different locker for your shit, but still a) locker and b) some shit. guitars, make-up, whatever. props. 1868140;1541031657;asciilifeform;mod6: afaik 'current' prb is more or less separate net, for all practical purpose 1868141;1541031672;asciilifeform;iguess. 1868142;1541031710;mircea_popescu;the truth is that there's a bunch of reasons people will follow you / come to your house / whatever. and there's this recurrent element of "why can't everyone just get along / this is what we're all doing" sorta thing. 1868143;1541031720;mircea_popescu;there was a prior guy just-like, something-thieves 1868144;1541031728;asciilifeform;i recall 1868145;1541031735;asciilifeform;got stuck in an airport with him, even 1868146;1541031744;asciilifeform;pretty sad case 1868147;1541031746;mircea_popescu;same fundamental problem, "hey man, i just derp here, it's just a gig, it's not my life" issues. 1868148;1541031759;asciilifeform;complete with cucking-wife, even 1868149;1541031764;asciilifeform;somehow they all got 1 1868150;1541031786;mircea_popescu;can\t even say i blame the peterls / peteds/etcs all that much. they're like those fish, found large female blob to attach to, dispensed of organs etc, now she pumps nutrients. 1868151;1541031793;mircea_popescu;genetics propose. 1868152;1541031797;asciilifeform;yrs ago i scoffed at mircea_popescu's model where 'they all got cucking wife', i scoff no moar 1868153;1541031801;asciilifeform;seems like iron law 1868154;1541031807;mircea_popescu;life is hard. 1868155;1541031825;asciilifeform;esp for folx determined to be stupid 1868156;1541031836;mircea_popescu;(i don't blame wife, either. what's she to do, stuck with big child ? nurture, nurture. 1868157;1541031850;mircea_popescu;you recall those cases of calcified foeti, 30+yrs old, from early modern surgery reports ? 1868158;1541031855;asciilifeform;aha! 1868159;1541031859;asciilifeform;there's a museum of these, in ru 1868160;1541031867;asciilifeform;earliest specimens date to peter's time 1868161;1541031869;mircea_popescu;yeah, pretty fascinating item 1868162;1541031872;asciilifeform;verily 1868163;1541031875;mircea_popescu;there's also a museum of these in anglolands 1868164;1541031881;mircea_popescu;reddit -something they call it. 1868165;1541031919;asciilifeform;there's a famous specimen with a ficus spike in it, peculiar old-school abortion algo, went septic 1868166;1541031936;mircea_popescu;an altogether rather posh affair 1868167;1541031937;mircea_popescu;i'm sure. 1868168;1541031981;mod6;"Here, lemme jus ram this house-plant in there and see if that does the trick..." 1868169;1541031992;asciilifeform;mod6: sometimes... onion 1868170;1541032006;*;mod6 boggles 1868171;1541032012;mircea_popescu;amusingly... ethacrydine 1868172;1541032020;asciilifeform;i recall thread aha 1868173;1541032068;*;mod6 bbl meat 1868174;1541032114;asciilifeform;oh btw re upstack http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-31#1867992 , pre-publication draft >> http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/se42z/?raw=true << cuz we're civilized folx and 'show work' 1868175;1541032114;a111;Logged on 2018-10-31 20:03 asciilifeform: in other lulz, mircea_popescu , diana_coman , http://www.loper-os.org/pub/holyshit.png << guess what. 1868176;1541032312;asciilifeform;diana_coman et al ^ 1868177;1541032358;asciilifeform;proggy has 0 dependencies, btw, should run on all known cltrons 1868178;1541032384;asciilifeform;... even msdos. 1868179;1541032531;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: for yer lulz collection, saw a chix in some public crowd, with shirt 'the future is female' 1868180;1541032642;mircea_popescu;lmao. that'd be a first. 1868181;1541032665;asciilifeform;shirt? pretty sure i've seen it prior, somewhere 1868182;1541032741;asciilifeform;( or didja mean -- proggy. it just moves numberz around, wai should it depend on anyffing... ) 1868183;1541033296;mircea_popescu;the future being female. 1868184;1541033299;mircea_popescu;never happened before. 1868185;1541033300;asciilifeform;aa 1868186;1541033351;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-31#1867988 << can be ; but no, server will sell entropy in this package3. 1868187;1541033351;a111;Logged on 2018-10-31 18:27 asciilifeform: ( iirc symmetric keys are supplied, per protocol, by client, so not an issue there ) 1868188;1541033407;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i.e. supplies it in rsa envelope ? 1868189;1541033416;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-31#1868009 << i'm sure "nadia already had it" or how did that dork put it 1868190;1541033416;a111;Logged on 2018-10-31 20:41 asciilifeform: ( no prizes for guessing why holyshit.png doesn't appear in the orig 'serpent' paper, or the mountain of 'analysis' ... ) 1868191;1541033441;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-04#1809324 1868192;1541033441;a111;Logged on 2018-05-04 17:09 zx2c4: why does the government have an interest in me hearing about nadia's work rather than your work? 1868193;1541033448;mircea_popescu;i dunno dorky... why does it ?! 1868194;1541033450;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: naturally. ( tho 'nadia' will prolly have to wait for asciilifeform to do it, before 'nadia did it' , like the prev time ) 1868195;1541033470;mircea_popescu;that's ok, because while nadia waits the future is female, and once "nadia's done waiting" then it ALWAYS HAD IT. 1868196;1541033478;mircea_popescu;because to the female hindbrain, past, also female. 1868197;1541033478;asciilifeform;approx 1868198;1541033489;mircea_popescu;in fact, everything but the dog pissing their dreams into magic smoke, is female. 1868199;1541033494;mircea_popescu;adn the dog's a psychopath. 1868200;1541033579;asciilifeform;i'm almost curious nao, just which nadia will be getting professorship from 'discovering' the serpent lul. 1868201;1541033621;asciilifeform;( at one point asciilifeform sat in a peanut gallery in the godforsaken heathen pit where 50+ 'nadias' sat in committee, can prolly even make a guess as to likelies ) 1868202;1541033630;mircea_popescu;and we'll show THIS discussion to the jwz/zx2c4/randomoron of the future, too, and he'll be "umm...i dunno... http://trilema.com/2013/mpoe-pr-almost-two-years-in-the-swamp-an-anthology/#selection-1567.0-1567.61 etc. 1868203;1541033680;asciilifeform;nah he'll have ready pocket answer, 'hey, nadia did it in 2013' etc 1868204;1541033692;asciilifeform;'where's the sores' 1868205;1541033695;asciilifeform;'on shithub, here' 1868206;1541033714;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i'm sure whichever http://btcbase.org/log/2014-07-19#761494 gets the birdshit will have amply deserved it. 1868207;1541033714;a111;Logged on 2014-07-19 03:16 mircea_popescu: so, this poor unfortunate soul found herself living her parent's dream : an assistant professor! at the prestigious ubb no less! 1868208;1541033770;mircea_popescu;in other news, the immensity of republican priviledge, you know ? here we sit and, with-subject-and-predicate, piss downwards on the entirety of academia, like so much midly retarded children playdo "art". 1868209;1541033777;asciilifeform;btw is ubb same thing as http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-31#1868059 ? 1868210;1541033777;a111;Logged on 2018-10-31 23:04 asciilifeform: ( by a certain mugurel.andreicacs.pub.ro . wonder if spyked et al know the fella ) 1868211;1541033790;mircea_popescu;a little boy rubs a found bottle, and asks the genie coming out... what ? what can you ask ? 1868212;1541033826;asciilifeform;there's a lulzy sov-era comedic tale about this 1868213;1541033837;asciilifeform;kiddo tries to teach genie to be a good sov citizen 1868214;1541033847;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform ubb = universitatea babes bolyay. cluj item. old man andreica's son was at teh politechnic. diff school. 1868215;1541033855;asciilifeform;aa 1868216;1541033872;mircea_popescu;and yes, personally knew father. sorta like that other google guy. 1868217;1541033875;asciilifeform;sounds like it oughta be in hungary tho 1868218;1541033883;mircea_popescu;father -- famously competent math guy. 1868219;1541033891;asciilifeform;why is bolyai uni. in ro ?! 1868220;1541033902;mircea_popescu;you don't understand that city. 1868221;1541033921;mircea_popescu;most of hungarian culture is the result of cluj people. when i say transylvania is the larger part of two adjacent countries i kid you not, it's true. 1868222;1541033923;asciilifeform;i'ma guess it's in the cool-stuff landz, that were hungarian pre-war 1868223;1541033931;mircea_popescu;exactly. 1868224;1541033948;asciilifeform;( personally witnesses timis vs bucharest, bucharest is worth 'what pig could shit' in comparison ) 1868225;1541033966;mircea_popescu;timis is (or rather, was) the larger part of serbja keks. 1868226;1541034033;*;asciilifeform sings, 'tamo daleko...' 1868227;1541034063;asciilifeform;how come we aint got a serbia Mocky btw. 1868228;1541034091;asciilifeform;has it sunk into europiphate / natostan yet ? 1868229;1541034373;mircea_popescu;kinda meh. 1868230;1541034392;mircea_popescu;besides, what's a mocky needed for, i got a corp and everytrhing right there 1868231;1541034410;asciilifeform;if not needed, then not needed, whoami to say. 1868232;1541034443;asciilifeform;all i got is a map , on which serbia not coloured reich black yet, but possibly simple omission. 1868233;1541034520;mircea_popescu;they don't got the guts to qatar/burma anymore, that's for damn sure. 1868234;1541034609;asciilifeform;orig clinton decocked'em, eh. 1868235;1541034655;asciilifeform;( as i understand, was also a shit-test of eltsin, who 'passed', didn't so much as fart ) 1868236;1541034741;*;asciilifeform bbl,meat 1868237;1541035363;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-31#1868021 << sounds like fucking romania. 1868238;1541035363;a111;Logged on 2018-10-31 21:16 asciilifeform: 'First of all you can’t get power to charge your laptop. Anywhere. Electrical outlets in customer areas: it’s just not done here' << sounds like the ultimate trial for us x60 folk 1868239;1541037774;asciilifeform;lappy that sits plugged in mains socket for 8h while owner sleeps and then good for day or 2, is imho possible; just gotta ditch x86.. 1868240;1541037806;asciilifeform;the 'clothes iron cpu' is a ridiculous thing. esp in lappy 1868241;1541037865;asciilifeform;half a bil transistors, and 400mil of'em so that winblowz can boot.. 1868242;1541039057;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/11/qntra-s-qntr-october-2018-report/ << Qntra - Qntra (S.QNTR) October 2018 Report 1868243;1541042587;mircea_popescu;"It’s not that everything closes, or even that most things close. Just wherever you are going will be closed." << fucking orcistans, all alike. 1868244;1541042632;mircea_popescu;Mocky pedistrian. << pede. 1868245;1541043683;mod6;!Xview 1004 1868246;1541043684;auctionbot;Sell order # 1004: 9.5k wFF q0 Opening: 1.5bn ecu Leading Bid: 1.5bn ecu Ending: 2018-10-31 17:00:23.871700 UTC (1 hours 18 mins) 1868247;1541043719;mod6;Ah dang it. It ok if we just settle up tomorrow then? /me needs some zzz's. 1868248;1541043951;mircea_popescu;np 1868249;1541044177;mod6;Ok thanks! We'll catch back up tomorrow for sure. 1868250;1541048450;auctionbot;Sell order # 1004 has ENDED: 9.5k wFF q0 SOLD to mod6 for 1.5bn ecu. Attn: mircea_popescu 1868251;1541064870;deedbot;http://mocky.org/Signs-and-Wonders-Herald-My-Arrival/ << Mocky.org - Signs and Wonders Herald My Arrival 1868252;1541064969;Mocky;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-01#1868244 thx, fixed 1868253;1541064969;a111;Logged on 2018-11-01 03:23 mircea_popescu: Mocky pedistrian. << pede. 1868254;1541065348;Mocky;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-11#1860606 << btw mystery solved, once I discovered my window opens: https://imgur.com/a/s8q4SHE 1868255;1541065348;a111;Logged on 2018-10-11 13:47 diana_coman: was it the time of day/light that made that "my view" picture so sandy-looking? 1868256;1541065388;Mocky;orange tint that my eyes seemingly adjusted for 1868257;1541065606;diana_coman;lol! 1868258;1541074976;deedbot;http://mocky.org/Souq-Waqif/ << Mocky.org - Souq Waqif 1868259;1541081525;mod6;mornin' 1868260;1541081531;asciilifeform;ohai mod6 1868261;1541081542;BingoBoingo;Mornin' 1868262;1541081590;BingoBoingo;Reading the Mocky blog, I do not think I can survive the local sun exposure. Not without locals that make themselves available for oppression more readily 1868263;1541081608;mod6;!!pay mircea_popescu 1.50000001 1868264;1541081614;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/4Eonh/?raw=true 1868265;1541081780;mod6;!!v 2BB04EA206BDE7D139C9C3E24DE128B9E1FE22A7DECB81CFE322C22BD520A0F9 1868266;1541081787;deedbot;mod6 paid mircea_popescu 1.50000001 1868267;1541081797;mod6;Sweet, thanks mircea_popescu! 1868268;1541081829;mod6;!!ledger mod6 1868269;1541081834;deedbot;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/P8Kqn/?raw=true 1868270;1541081841;mod6;!!sent-invoices 1868271;1541081848;deedbot;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/bIL8Y/?raw=true 1868272;1541084011;deedbot;http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2661 << Loper OS - The Serpent Ciphers Key Schedule Equation System, in Graphical Form. 1868273;1541084978;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/11/pot-to-kettle-please-no-decades-of-pain-that-was-our-schtick/ << Qntra - Pot To Kettle: Please No Decades Of Pain (That Was Our Schtick) 1868274;1541087746;deedbot;http://mocky.org/Cobbler-Stick-to-Your-Last/ << Mocky.org - Cobbler, stick to your last 1868275;1541087977;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo " ssemingly". and keks. 1868276;1541088014;mircea_popescu;"act like a normal nation" aka "don't be a sociopath/psychopath" aka "please recognize incan notions of Holy Mother and Her most reserved role in the playground". 1868277;1541088046;mircea_popescu;the traditional romanian "o fut pe ma-ta" seems particularily crafted for the occasion of interacting with pantsuit. because, literally, io asta fac : le fut mamica. 1868278;1541089035;BingoBoingo;ty fxd 1868279;1541089482;asciilifeform;ohai mircea_popescu 1868280;1541089497;mod6;hola 1868281;1541089573;asciilifeform;hey mircea_popescu , did we ever figure out if blumblumshub were worth anything ? 1868282;1541089686;asciilifeform;subj appears in the l0gz, but nuffin conclusive 1868283;1541089779;asciilifeform;( the fundamental q is not 'canhaz 4 ring binder?' or 'canhaz 3?' or 'canhaz clean desk' but rather 'canhaz symm cipher whose difficulty reduces to factoring but cheaper than abused-rsa ? ' ) 1868284;1541090274;asciilifeform;more interesting, imho, even, is rabin's system, which (unlike rsa) is equiv to factoring problem, and iirc requires only 4 multiplications to decrypt ( and only 1 squaring to encrypt ) 1868285;1541090307;asciilifeform;( tricky to actually use tho, produces decryption 4 ambiguous outputs, of which only 1 is correct answ ) 1868286;1541090749;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform not really looked into that deeply. 1868287;1541090967;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i dunno that'd be the end of the world. part of the problem of the usecase (eulora comms) is that you have highly structured inputs. 1868288;1541090996;mircea_popescu;Mocky "its own". 1868289;1541091119;mircea_popescu;and it turns out qatar is actually more important for india than india itself realises : it's where the aspie indie elite goes to learn to be "gay", ie, "i can't get any cunt anyway, might as well get used to living with another dude, wardrobe as well as everything else comes cheaper this way, cheap enough in fact for even scum like me to get some". 1868290;1541091142;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the 'destructiring problem' is universal to all systems, even rsa 1868291;1541091143;mircea_popescu;a skill that'll prove most important in their own fucking country, last i heard all the fuckable women they grew locally they exported 1868292;1541091151;mircea_popescu;leaving aside how they all look like gypsies anyway. 1868293;1541091182;mircea_popescu;aactually... i guess i should've left that as a comment on the article in q. brb. 1868294;1541091198;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: imho rabin is worth a look. 1868295;1541091203;Mocky;mircea_popescu, ok, thx 1868296;1541091231;asciilifeform;( i've all the necessary logic for it , even : it dun need optimized exponentiations ) 1868297;1541091304;mircea_popescu;Mocky Your comment on the following post is awaiting moderation: http://mocky.org/Souq-Waqif/ << nice cgi work keks 1868298;1541091339;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform right but it seems to me trivially easy to select among 4 possibles seeing how you know "this is a game packet, gotta have so and so serial and so and so id etc" 1868299;1541091359;mircea_popescu;the drawback is that now you mix game code into crypto lib, to discriminate possibles. 1868300;1541091402;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: ideally you'd have some entirely unrelated mechanism, to do it with ( i dun currently have one to give ) 1868301;1541091422;asciilifeform;or rather, 1868302;1541091425;mircea_popescu;i suspect you don't have such. 1868303;1541091430;asciilifeform;actually i do, lol 1868304;1541091436;mircea_popescu;not in the general case at any rate. 1868305;1541091447;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you have what ? 1868306;1541091456;asciilifeform;as part of the rsa payload, give sequence #, and each rabinism will contain the correct next-seq in the correct-of-four roots 1868307;1541091498;asciilifeform;( the roots, note, are only available to the fella who has p*q of the n ) 1868308;1541091508;mircea_popescu;sequence is deliberately defined loosely. 1868309;1541091514;mircea_popescu;only used as ratchet. 1868310;1541091524;asciilifeform;aha, this one'd be strictly for use in which-root 1868311;1541091533;asciilifeform;increment with each rabinogram sent. 1868312;1541091550;asciilifeform;so no need for cryptotron to know about game structures. 1868313;1541091685;mircea_popescu;so have another layer of transport ? 1868314;1541091689;asciilifeform;see, rabin dun replace rsa, because of the 4-roots headache; but given as you kick off the 'session' with a rsagram, the latter can contain a bitstring that gives seq #1 . then it gets incremented and appended to payload of each rabinogram, allowing the 4 roots to be distinguished. 1868315;1541091691;asciilifeform;1 layer. 1868316;1541091711;mircea_popescu;if 1layer then there's no space for your other-sequence. 1868317;1541091718;asciilifeform;( session would contain seq & rabinkey ) 1868318;1541091721;mircea_popescu;eulora comms already has a sequence number defined. 1868319;1541091726;Mocky;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-01#1868297 >> congrats, ur the first person to leave a nameless comment on my blog. I may have to update my cgi to complain now 1868320;1541091726;a111;Logged on 2018-11-01 16:55 mircea_popescu: Mocky Your comment on the following post is awaiting moderation: http://mocky.org/Souq-Waqif/ << nice cgi work keks 1868321;1541091733;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: aa i see what you mean 1868322;1541091738;mircea_popescu;Mocky a win is me. 1868323;1541091749;asciilifeform;yes you'd need a separate seq counter for rabinism. 1868324;1541091778;asciilifeform;so far it's the least retarded variant i can think of. ( beats the shit out of sboxism, at any rate ) 1868325;1541091824;mircea_popescu;whatever, retardation is what we deserve. 1868326;1541091832;asciilifeform;i recommend to at least draw it on paper, before throwing out. 1868327;1541091835;mircea_popescu;we've been talking about c-s for what, 3+ years ? it's still in the same phase. 1868328;1541091842;asciilifeform;c-s is expensive on pc 1868329;1541091848;asciilifeform;( like rsa ) 1868330;1541091918;asciilifeform;the discovery of 3y is that pc is actually pretty slow machine for bignumism once you stop leaking with timings 1868331;1541091933;mircea_popescu;aanayways. 1868332;1541092075;asciilifeform;( pretty lulzy, btw, i had nfi mircea_popescu were so attached to serpent, nao i feel sad, it's almost like i killed his dog or wat ) 1868333;1541092332;mircea_popescu;im not attached to serpent in any way other than in the following sense you're well fucking advised to pay attention to : 1. s.mg is a corporation, meaning ith's here to make money. 2. s.mg is also trying, but as a fucking distant second, to be a "good" corporation, however that is politically defined. it doesn't give a fuck about this, not in any deep sense, if the money's good it'll go against policy, and CHANGE policy as i 1868334;1541092332;mircea_popescu;t's doing it. because this is what la serenissima is all about -- the doge back in venice is more then welcome to wholeheartedly support whatever the fuck the merchants on the blue find correct just and expedient. 1868335;1541092332;mircea_popescu;3. s.mg tried to be the one fucking thing in its line with encrypted comms, for which purpose it attempted to take some guidance and apply it in practice. NOW, after the money's spent, and the work put in, now smartass-architect comes by to explain "how arches really should be" and "why these arches are terrible". this is worse than useless. not a little worse than useless -- much, MUCH worse than useless. all it does is get 1868336;1541092336;mircea_popescu;the little architect hung by the neck until dead. 1868337;1541092340;mircea_popescu;not for his crime of "being smart" and "figuring out the true truth". but for his crime of saying things out of time. because there was a fucking time for this discussion, and it was strictly BEFORE s.mg paid money for people to work their ass off in preference of playing with their kids to get it a serpent. 1868338;1541092361;mircea_popescu;so the way this is going now -- serpent is going to be perfectly good (tm) for the republic, because the republic is the republic of slow moving, mentally confused morons that miss their opportunities to speak usefully. 1868339;1541092365;mircea_popescu;how about that! 1868340;1541092394;mircea_popescu;i ain't about to change the code i have for a theory that might maybe work because the theory behind the code i have might maybe not work according to this drawing. 1868341;1541092434;mircea_popescu;for all i know, just about the time i'm done uprooting this and planting that, you'll be geniusing the exact same thing about that. i have 0 confidence this won't happen, specifically because of historical evolution, and so... 1868342;1541092441;*;asciilifeform eats buffer, might take a while 1868343;1541092985;mircea_popescu;mod6 BingoBoingo send me those deets again, wouldja. 1868344;1541093112;mircea_popescu;Mocky "After enough conversations with chicks I found the pattern. They talk the same by race, they act the same they think the same. It’s like NPCs backed by a bored dialog writer wielding a Markov chain." << honestly, i dunno how much time you spent talking with us-born chickies, but the EXACT SAME THING APPLIES. and they even actively work to create such systematic nonsense, http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-31#1867831 bein 1868345;1541093112;a111;Logged on 2018-10-31 00:12 mircea_popescu: in-group signalling, obviously someone not in-group would not say "drumpf" just like that. 1868346;1541093112;mircea_popescu;g a point in case. if she's aspiring to "work for the government" she'll tell you about how unfair it is for blacks, if she aspires to work "for tech" she'll tell you how bad homeless are, if she wants to marry and dependopopotamusize she'll tell you handgun stats, whatever. 1868347;1541093155;mircea_popescu;this notion of "be anyone" etc is entirely fabricated, out of the venom of mother inca and the overactive brains of idle smart boys. nobody agrees with it, nothing agrees with it in practice, it never is nor ever was nor ever could be found in nature... it's like you thinking santa claus is real. 1868348;1541093349;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i dun get it , you'd willingly use a broken cipher to make a point ? 1868349;1541093368;asciilifeform;( why bother with cipher, then, could make 9000x point by 'i'ma plaintext! take that!' ) 1868350;1541093376;mircea_popescu;not quite the same point. 1868351;1541093402;mircea_popescu;i foresaw this need, in 2015. i put 10 btc behind encouraging people to fix the problem. it died an ignominous death, what i have is serpent, that's what it is. 1868352;1541093406;mircea_popescu;time doesn't flow fucking backwards. 1868353;1541093406;asciilifeform;i certainly dun dispute mircea_popescu's right to do it, if he wants. 1868354;1541093423;mircea_popescu;not a matter of ~want~. i DO NOT HAVE THE OPTION. 1868355;1541093437;mircea_popescu;i saw the problem, in advance, i did my best to solve it, this is what came out of that. 1868356;1541093451;mircea_popescu;maybe you're magical and have this option of going back in time, and good for you. i do not. 1868357;1541093469;asciilifeform;it's how pc/os ended up what it is, neh. buncha folx 'i spent $trillion and nao i Dun Have The Option to stop..' 1868358;1541093472;mircea_popescu;yup. 1868359;1541093490;mircea_popescu;that's ~exactly~ how it all worked. 1868360;1541093533;mircea_popescu;and if you're curious -- the reason they "whisper" is because they have 0 confidence there's any listeners. and listener means a very specific thing : the sort of person who both a) meets the intelligence bar AND!!! ALSO!!!! b) does not hallucinate options. such as "oh, dun need to do this now." 1868361;1541093540;mod6;mircea_popescu: on it. 1868362;1541093578;mircea_popescu;i suspect, if you care to know, that you have a major problem in that you only want to work on anything once it's too late. not coincidentally, but structurally, it being too late is principally part of the criteria impelling you to work. 1868363;1541093589;asciilifeform;what i dun get is wai mircea_popescu thinks he has reached the place where 'no option' , afaik he hasn't baked $trillion asic . conceivably if mircea_popescu ( who 'i will live & die by factoring-is-not-in-P !' ) can reduce problem to factoring-not-in-P, he still has option . 1868364;1541093620;mircea_popescu;i don't follow the logic. 1868365;1541093705;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: you haven't launched $billion mars probe with serpent in silicon. so you have option ( not proposing 'let's rabin! right nao!' , it's naturally a measure-7-times-cut-1ce subj ) 1868366;1541093763;asciilifeform;it's a software, neh. 1868367;1541093833;asciilifeform;unlike the massive pile of pgpgrams-cum-aes we've collectively shat out all over the net, nobody's even ciphered anyffing with serpent of yet, aside from diana_coman's tests 1868368;1541093844;mod6;mircea_popescu: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/WEUIy/?raw=true 1868369;1541093867;mircea_popescu;what, is this discussion abotu some magic number ? 1868370;1541093873;mircea_popescu;i said to diana_coman "implement serpent". that's it. 1868371;1541093885;mircea_popescu;this discussion'd have been useful ~before~. after, it's spurious. 1868372;1541093919;mod6;mircea_popescu: let me know if you have any questions, ofc. 1868373;1541093949;mircea_popescu;and yes, ima implement "a cipher alf doesn't like" over alf's objections. because the only way alf'd be a stakeholder in this is... if... he had participated at a usefgul time. not at the time he felt like. 1868374;1541094038;asciilifeform;i dun see why conjure up the presense that 'didn't participate at useful time' ; asciilifeform attacked problem of 'blockcipherism' ~continuously for 3+ yr. 1868375;1541094053;asciilifeform;'why didntcha find this sooner' is ridiculous q. 1868376;1541094063;mircea_popescu;in the sense of "wait for diana_coman to publish ada code and then i'll maybe give it 6 hours of attention". that's your 3years 1868377;1541094073;mircea_popescu;and it dun fucking work, in practice. 1868378;1541094083;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: fwiw i tried all kinds of approaches to breaking serpent in '16 1868379;1541094123;asciilifeform;turning up the (potential! i aint even got a proof yet) weakness of the scheduler algo, took specifically the 'let's fpgaize, i think this is solid!' approach. 1868380;1541094154;asciilifeform;( and , recall, mircea_popescu almost talked me out of it, 'nobody needs iron disk crypter with questionable serpent' ) 1868381;1541094183;asciilifeform;i found this (potential?) find by carrying out an experiment over mircea_popescu's objection, lol 1868382;1541094189;mircea_popescu;looky, the past 3 days' work could have been done just as well in 2015 as today. 1868383;1541094206;mircea_popescu;the only different element is that today, unlike in 2015 (and not even RIGHT NOW, today as in this year) diana_coman published serpent code. 1868384;1541094209;mircea_popescu;that's all there is to it. 1868385;1541094219;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: she published vintage coad straight off my hdd, lol 1868386;1541094227;asciilifeform;recall thread ? 1868387;1541094237;mircea_popescu;so then what the fuck happened, by your lights ? 1868388;1541094281;asciilifeform;i had to algebraize the thing , and have just the right rng bits flip in head , to get the 'ceiling tiles' ( why didn't mircea_popescu get'em in '15 ? ) 1868389;1541094283;mircea_popescu;is the idea more along then lines of "i knew about this all along, just didn't feel about telling you schmucks anything until after you poured cement" ? rather than "i literally could not be arsed to even look at this until someone poured some cement somewhere so i could pester them then" ? 1868390;1541094298;mircea_popescu;oh, that's easy, i didn't cuz i can't code. 1868391;1541094311;asciilifeform;'why didn't you turn over this stone in '15 ?' 'there's 10^100 stones' 1868392;1541094325;asciilifeform;coad dun come into it, it's a mathematical find 1868393;1541094341;asciilifeform;and mircea_popescu is a trained maths fella, in fact theoretically moar qualified than asciilifeform to have found it 1868394;1541094346;asciilifeform;why didn't find ? 1868395;1541094373;mircea_popescu;understand the position here : code (practice) <-> algos (theory). we currently have actual code for an algo that you persuasively suggest may not be good (but not actually done the work to turn that suggestive theory in practice) and suggest replacement algos (but not done work again). my option is to either put in 0 work for 0 result, or else put in x work for 0 result. 1868396;1541094382;mircea_popescu;it's, as they call in busioness, "a no brainer" -- i ain't doing jack. 1868397;1541094390;asciilifeform;i did not say 'let's use nao this replacement' 1868398;1541094410;mircea_popescu;so what did you say ? 1868399;1541094410;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu actually kicked off thread where 'could have replacement ? ' so added one to the record, in case a replacement turns out to be needed. 1868400;1541094419;mircea_popescu;yes, im going to use a shittier-than-hoped for cipher, for lack of alternative. 1868401;1541094425;mircea_popescu;i did ?! 1868402;1541094437;asciilifeform;aha, http://trilema.com/2018/so-i-designed-a-block-chipher/ 1868403;1541094439;mircea_popescu;i specificalyl said "time for btmsr cipher competition was 2015 -- it died". 1868404;1541094444;mircea_popescu;the point there is I DESIGNED IT!!! 1868405;1541094452;mircea_popescu;im not hiring anyone to do it, not anymore. tried and failed. 1868406;1541094466;asciilifeform;ok, but did not say 'let's nobody else design block cipher! i hate block ciphers' 1868407;1541094489;mircea_popescu;let them design all they want. 1868408;1541094491;asciilifeform;thread was strictly re 'canhaz block ciphers?' , rather than 'let's talk mircea_popescu into switching to $weird' 1868409;1541094499;mircea_popescu;they can go to a posh afair and show the designs to each other. 1868410;1541094539;asciilifeform;incidentally if mircea_popescu dun want to read re serp. scheduler, he dun have to ! 1868411;1541094555;asciilifeform;but to rage over 'why not found this in 1998' is imho odd at the very least. 1868412;1541094564;asciilifeform;could have lived for 100 yrs and looked daily and not found. 1868413;1541094570;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform well, maybe your thread. my thread was re "are we fucking idiots ?! we have a foundation that wants to publish statements of the nothing as its only output, we have a bunch of smart people not helping our own industry avoid pitfals, and in this vein forever" 1868414;1541094582;mircea_popescu;it's not even clear what makes us so damned good, atm. 1868415;1541094615;mircea_popescu;why is s.mg better off with republican stack than with java stack ? it's still using serpent! 1868416;1541094624;mircea_popescu;might as well capitalize on Mocky 's experience turn it into a ruby gem, yes ? 1868417;1541094633;asciilifeform;imho the 'thing that makes us good' is that we dun do dumb shit like 'we know it's broken but we'll still use it because fuckyou should've discovered yer death ray in 1998' 1868418;1541094654;asciilifeform;( btw is it obvious that we haven't , at this time, broken anyffing ? or not ) 1868419;1541094664;mircea_popescu;good thing we have strong entreopy, to run serpent off it. 1868420;1541094672;mircea_popescu;this should be a series of fucking cartoons. 1868421;1541094702;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform it's obvious, we don't even know serpent is in fact no good, hence "you persuasively suggest may not be good (but not actually done the work to turn that suggestive theory in practice)" 1868422;1541094714;asciilifeform;i dun actually have pill ! ( i.e. you're in roughly same position as prior ) 1868423;1541094729;asciilifeform;we already ~did~ know that it has no proof of nonretardation, when picked it up 1868424;1541094731;asciilifeform;so that aint news 1868425;1541094765;asciilifeform;say tomorrow mircea_popescu finds out that factoring is in P . will rage ? at whom ? what if he finds it himself, without any help ? 1868426;1541094778;mircea_popescu;i will guaranteedly rage. 1868427;1541094796;asciilifeform;rage, it's good for circulation. but then come back an' think. 1868428;1541094805;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform and so would alf, when he finds out http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-11#1624968 ; and so on. 1868429;1541094805;a111;Logged on 2017-03-11 00:15 asciilifeform: motherFUCKing whisperers. 1868430;1541094828;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: you have my word that i did not sit on 'ceiling tiles', posted immediately when got'em. 1868431;1541094832;asciilifeform;fwiw. 1868432;1541094838;mircea_popescu;it's healthy, let alone necessary, to rage in certain circumstances. this here being a fine fucking example -- because i still not for a second believe had you earnestly sat ass down in 2015 you couldn't have earned that 10 coin. 1868433;1541094846;asciilifeform;and if i had'em in 1998, would've posted in '98. 1868434;1541094850;asciilifeform;cuz wainot. 1868435;1541094851;mircea_popescu;and i have like a strong suspicion that nothing else you did hence had the same btc/hour return, either. 1868436;1541094880;asciilifeform;i still dun have a proper 'winner' for that tourney ! and neither does anybody else 1868437;1541094893;asciilifeform;for all i know it is not even possible. 1868438;1541094911;asciilifeform;ferfuxxsake we still don't know the complexity class factoring falls into. 1868439;1541094917;asciilifeform;or whether rsa reduces to factoring. 1868440;1541094935;asciilifeform;or even whether P != NP. 1868441;1541094942;mircea_popescu;yes, but wrong approach to it all! "here's why serpent's no good, here's why i don't like dea-aes etc, here's rabin method, imo best" IS something. 1868442;1541094945;mircea_popescu;whereas nothing is nothing. 1868443;1541094951;asciilifeform;i dun have a 'it's no good' 1868444;1541094968;asciilifeform;i have a 'i want to find out what it loox like in algebraic form , let's fpga it' 1868445;1541094975;mircea_popescu;as much as you have now, could have been had then! for, literally, 1-2 man-days, at teh most. you dispute this ? 1868446;1541094979;asciilifeform;incidentally 90% written fpgaization 1868447;1541094985;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: nope. 1868448;1541094992;asciilifeform;couldn't. 1868449;1541095001;mircea_popescu;sooo! what portion of this do you dispute ? 1868450;1541095007;asciilifeform;that 'could have then' 1868451;1541095041;mircea_popescu;"<mircea_popescu> as much as you have now, could have been had then! for, literally, 1-2 man-days, at teh most. you dispute this ?" " mircea_popescu: nope. couldn't" " sooo! what portion of this do you dispute ?" " that 'could have then' " 1868452;1541095051;mircea_popescu;which branch we keep of this contradictory 1=0 ? 1868453;1541095051;asciilifeform;i suppose if the gods had whispered into my ear 'go algebraize the scheduler, even tho it is not actually needed for any implementation, and you'll find buried treasure', would've dug 1868454;1541095060;asciilifeform;but they did not . 1868455;1541095076;mircea_popescu;so a review of extant candidates is not a self-obvious first step in attempting to sit down for such a competition ? 1868456;1541095085;asciilifeform;reviewed ! 1868457;1541095089;asciilifeform;it's how even ended up with serpent. 1868458;1541095096;mircea_popescu;but... 1868459;1541095101;mircea_popescu;reviewed what, oversuperficially ? 1868460;1541095130;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: from your pov, find is obvious ? ( if obvious, why are we the first to find it ? ) 1868461;1541095168;asciilifeform;if tomorrow i tell mircea_popescu how to build death ray, will rage, 'why didntcha back in '98' ? 1868462;1541095169;mircea_popescu;here's the one point i am making, overarchingly and i should hope as loudly as humanly possible : ~THERE IS MAJOR BREAKAGE IN THE EVAL FUNCTION~, whereby man looks at 10btc in 2015, thinks "$500" or w/e it was, and then goes "the amt of anti-superficial $500 buys me is one hour, not one day nor one week". 1868463;1541095194;mircea_popescu;BECAUSE, bitcoin, and ~everything else in the republic this bitcoin is the currency of, ~~~EVERYTHING ELSE~~~~ has a very unlinear time function. 1868464;1541095202;mircea_popescu;dimes from 2015 are millions in 2020, this sort of thing. 1868465;1541095217;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i ( and afaik nobody else ) actually put substantial effort into playing in yer tourney 1868466;1541095225;asciilifeform;so i dun see from where this . 1868467;1541095228;mircea_popescu;if you swear so i'll believe, 1868468;1541095231;mircea_popescu;because i like you, 1868469;1541095238;asciilifeform;i do so swear. 1868470;1541095248;asciilifeform;in fact i still dig for 'winner' even tho nobody offers prize ! 1868471;1541095251;mircea_popescu;but the manager in me wouldn't never buy it, because management goes a certain way, and distrusts a certain way. 1868472;1541095253;asciilifeform;cuz i want one for own self 1868473;1541095280;asciilifeform;i dun work for prizes, medals, mircea_popescu knows this. 1868474;1541095299;mircea_popescu;yes, certainly. 1868475;1541095317;asciilifeform;if i worked for medals, would work in derpistan academy of sciences, rather than with mircea_popescu et al 1868476;1541095325;mircea_popescu;why, our medals are way the fuck cooler. 1868477;1541095329;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu mod6: Here's the data center's info to get the wire to them http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/WH2Fe/?raw=true 1868478;1541095356;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: point being, i actually take the 'causes, not purposes' thing seriously. even have a poster ver. of it, for pet. 1868479;1541095383;mircea_popescu;but this aside -- i suspect you also don't work... how shall i put this... everyone's eval-er that keeps them from making coffin liners works on some heuristics. and i suspect your heuristics are out of whack with the insanity that is bitcoin. ie, the important and the unimportant don't get all that clearly separated. 1868480;1541095411;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo ty. will proceed forthwith, shall keep you posted. 1868481;1541095413;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: dunno about this. even 3y ago i saw 10coin as a fortune. 1868482;1541095430;asciilifeform;to this day i take erry possible chance to buy some up, when i got with what. 1868483;1541095440;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: No, thank you for the liquidity 1868484;1541095460;mircea_popescu;hey, "why didn't you see the goat" is in the end a boundless question, "i just fucking didn't. i don';t know why, obviously it's there, but i did not see it" 1868485;1541095468;asciilifeform;( and from-whom. in e.g. 2009 i did not have any friends with coin, and loathed to use 'exchanges' ) 1868486;1541095473;mircea_popescu;comes up in eg expert oncologist training lots more than anyone'd like. 1868487;1541095488;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i'm moar of a coroner than oncologist. 1868488;1541095498;mircea_popescu;point being, "this spot here" 1868489;1541095507;mircea_popescu;"why did you not see this spot here" 1868490;1541095528;asciilifeform;if could always see 'this spot here', folx would live ~4evah 1868491;1541095544;asciilifeform;'don't cross that road' 'don't get on that plane' 1868492;1541095618;mircea_popescu;anyway, no, i'm not married to serpent. i don't even fucking like it that much. i even said so! 1868493;1541095702;asciilifeform;aha! 1868494;1541095795;mircea_popescu;it does ~seem~ to be weaker than my own intel indicates, but fuck that spot. 1868495;1541095826;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i'm actually ready to believe that we're finders of actual find, rather than 'quimby is laughing' 1868496;1541095845;asciilifeform;i simply cannot rule out the hypothesis of 'quimby laughs' entirely, is all. 1868497;1541095898;mircea_popescu;entirely possibly ; wouldn't even be the first time, at that. 1868498;1541095903;asciilifeform;there is btw a deeper point re key-expanders -- there is a fundamental contradiction between two of the things that folx both want from 'cryptographic hash'. one one hand, they demand 'not reversible', but on other hand they ~also~ demand 'conserves key space' 1868499;1541095916;mircea_popescu;yes! hence the shredder! 1868500;1541095919;mircea_popescu;quite exactly fundamental. 1868501;1541095920;asciilifeform;but if a transform is injective, it is necessarily reversible. 1868502;1541095934;asciilifeform;but! if it is not injective! then you have collisions waiting for you. 1868503;1541095950;mircea_popescu;no, cuz could be non-bijective the other way! 1868504;1541095957;asciilifeform;hm? 1868505;1541095979;asciilifeform;if there's 1 possible output for each input, then it's an 'sbox' , and reversible ( potentially ) 1868506;1541095990;asciilifeform;the only way to guarantee non-reversibility , is to lose sumthing 1868507;1541096018;asciilifeform;( e.g. multiplication of primes, is a ~conjectured~ trapdoor, we dun have any provable trapdoors, nobody ever discovered such afaik ) 1868508;1541096046;mircea_popescu;F(A)->B : bijective : each A has one and exactly one B correspondent. injective : each A has one value ; surjective if each B is corresponded. 1868509;1541096078;mircea_popescu;nfi what anglo terminology is, but -- obviously all bijective functions are reversible ; however there's TWO ways in which to not be bijective. 1868510;1541096109;asciilifeform;1 is that you lose bits somewhere ; what's the other ? 1868511;1541096147;mircea_popescu;you reject some plaintexts. 1868512;1541096155;mircea_popescu;i guess 1868513;1541096169;asciilifeform;i.e. 'sorry, this won't output a hash' ? 1868514;1541096174;mircea_popescu;yes. 1868515;1541096180;asciilifeform;then you still have a hash, simply with unknown input space, neh 1868516;1541096186;asciilifeform;smaller + unknown. 1868517;1541096200;mircea_popescu;something like that. 1868518;1541096217;mircea_popescu;i am mentioning it for completeness. lose ~something~, yes. 1868519;1541096227;asciilifeform;it's essentially what serpent's ( and afaik errybody's ) key inflater already does. except that it doesn't bother to tell you, simply shits out a colliding output. 1868520;1541096249;asciilifeform;there'd still be 1 possible output for erry valid input tho 1868521;1541096267;asciilifeform;( or >1, nothing in re rejecting some inputs, guarantees that there aint ) 1868522;1541096278;mircea_popescu;imo there's a difference between "the hash for this plaintext is undefined" and "we've divided the space of possible plaintexts in synonimy rings for your convenience (which we separated packagely)." 1868523;1541096314;asciilifeform;it is possible to have a hash like this. simplest example, 1868524;1541096372;asciilifeform;err, nope. can't presently think of one. 1868525;1541096387;asciilifeform;( if mircea_popescu can, i promise to read ) 1868526;1541096446;mircea_popescu;anyway, back to it : "blockcipher takes 10 bits of P and no more ; spits out 16 bits of E exactly" a) needs entropy and b) probably reduces to rsa-with-oaep. 1868527;1541096465;mircea_popescu;ie, not a cipher anymore, becomes blockcrypter. 1868528;1541096480;asciilifeform;the other point, is that i dun see why even have key-inflaters. use rng for the fucking key, all of it 1868529;1541096484;mircea_popescu;whole fucking point here is -- we already have strong crypto, can we also get strong (or at least strong-ish) ciphro. 1868530;1541096486;asciilifeform;why this whitening sadness. 1868531;1541096504;asciilifeform;design the cipher around the bitness of the key you actually want to use. 1868532;1541096524;asciilifeform;none of this 'key is 256b but REAL key is 528 bytes' strange 1868533;1541096666;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: btw here, if we must, is an example of an injective key expander that is physically possible, but requires an exotic object : a rsa pub that nobody has the priv to. then can 'hash-expand' by rsa-enciphering message to it. 1868534;1541096708;asciilifeform;afaik the only way to approximate this object is to take, e.g., all of l1, and multiply their public mods together. 1868535;1541096754;asciilifeform;nao i'd still rather have 'the key is the fucking key', but gotta point out for the l0gz that the problem contemplated earlier, is in principle solvable. 1868536;1541096770;asciilifeform;promisetronic, tho, i dun like it. 1868537;1541096783;asciilifeform;it smacks of the nonsense the z-whateveritwascalled people, did 1868538;1541096930;asciilifeform;the 'nobody has priv' is not even a necessary condition, if you can make it so that only the parties who are actually party to the link, have it. 1868539;1541096941;asciilifeform;then it's a perfectly valid injective expand, for whatever purpose. 1868540;1541096949;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i dunno this is exotic. 1868541;1541096964;asciilifeform;right, took me a few sec to see that it aint 1868542;1541096977;mircea_popescu;imo very good key expander, other than the fact it's kinda slow. 1868543;1541096985;asciilifeform;not ruinously slow. 1868544;1541097028;asciilifeform;(cult of 'fast on pc' is how we ended up with all kindsa rubbish. if you want sumthing to be fast, folx, bake iron around it! like civilized folx! ) 1868545;1541097074;mircea_popescu;(the whole idea behind eg http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-30#1867780 is that the only way for this to work is to have both a key AND an input. which... it is.) 1868546;1541097074;a111;Logged on 2018-10-30 19:50 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform ok, how about this : let K being the key n bits long (say 512), and let f(x) = 2 * K[0] * x ^ n + 3 * K[1] * x ^ n-1 + 5 * K[2] * x ^ n-2 + 7 * K[3] * x ^ n-3 + 11 * K[4] * x ^ n-4 +...+ 3643 * K[n-2] * x ^ 2 + 3659 * K[n-1] * x + 3659. f(x) will produce a pile of bits, this pile is cut in half and xored together, the result is cut in half again. one such half is returned as the prng output ; the other such half 1868547;1541097101;mircea_popescu;nothing wrong with using the RSA as the f, but idea remains. 1868548;1541097137;asciilifeform;'rsa as expander' imho is easier to reduce to 'known difficulty' than 'find roots of ~randomly-picked polynomial' is 1868549;1541097157;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform in fact, as eulora comms mandate the parties know at least one rsa key of each other, it becomes eminently possible to use (session-based!) n1*n2 for this purpose. 1868550;1541097162;asciilifeform;correct! 1868551;1541097207;mircea_popescu;in which case yes, it'd seem at least one workable method is for parties to declare F=RSA-n1n2(x) and then use its spew as otp pad for all their stuff. 1868552;1541097207;asciilifeform;( you want exponentiation, tho, i.e. actual rsa op, or snoop can get n2 by gcd of successive msgs ) 1868553;1541097239;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform n1^n2, sure, same money. 1868554;1541097292;asciilifeform;back upstack, this is why i even suggested rabinism, it's a less-expensive rsa that actually plugs into this hole. 1868555;1541097353;mircea_popescu;requires new code being baked, which meh. 1868556;1541097384;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: if you actually need it, i'ma bake it 1868557;1541097400;mircea_popescu;that's ok. 1868558;1541097415;asciilifeform;it's approx 10 lines on top of ch11 . 1868559;1541097429;asciilifeform;( if mircea_popescu dun need it, i'ma bake it anyway, it's imho a great demo ) 1868560;1541097593;asciilifeform;the simplicity and reducibility-to-factoringishard of rabin is appealing, and wai not bake in advance so as mircea_popescu yr later doesn't 'why didntcha!' 1868561;1541097664;mircea_popescu;defensive baking! 1868562;1541097701;asciilifeform;sometimes i suspect that i threw mircea_popescu's 'how hard is $problem' meter out of all possible calibration, given as very often when asciilifeform posts a thing, it is result of year or two of experimentation; and on other hand if i put ~all~ of the intermediates and dead ends into the l0gz, there'd scarcely be any room for anyffing else 1868563;1541097706;asciilifeform;( as it is asciilifeform floods the l0gz ) 1868564;1541097776;mircea_popescu;yes, well, i'm not calibrated by you wth. srsly, what you did to serpent wasn't stroke of genius, but simply spade work. you dispute this ?! 1868565;1541097846;mircea_popescu;and very good that you did it, and yes for some-incomprehensible-reason "people" dun seem to be ever doing it, but it's still what it fucking is -- self evident and systematically applicable to any and all other ciphers. 1868566;1541097957;asciilifeform;spade ! 1868567;1541097971;asciilifeform;pretty much errything i do is spade, mircea_popescu ! 1868568;1541097983;asciilifeform;i aint got so much else than spade. 1868569;1541097996;mircea_popescu;right. 1868570;1541098037;asciilifeform;at any rate not proposing that i single-handedly uncalibrate mircea_popescu , i suspect that other folx contribute, lol 1868571;1541098070;asciilifeform;it's a problem common to pretty much all folx who experiment regularly with techno-crapolade 1868572;1541098070;mircea_popescu;taking the evident and less fraught example of phuctor -- yes, "tel you what, ima dake djb results and apply!", genius. but "let's actually divide some numbers" absolutely spade, and it is this latter that yielded. 1868573;1541098091;asciilifeform;all i got is , 99% spade, and occasional bit of 'where to spade' 1868574;1541098130;asciilifeform;if i had 100% 'where to spade' , we'd be shooting enemy from atomic dirigible with death ray just nao, rather than this thread. 1868575;1541098175;mircea_popescu;yes, well, the entirety of the morning's discussion reduces to "what the fuck've you been spading, i only hear about serpent-this nao". 1868576;1541098234;asciilifeform;could have very easily done same amt of spading, and not found. i dun even know if i'll find a reduction of the matrix, just yet. 1868577;1541098332;asciilifeform;conceivably if asciilifeform were smarter, would've ~began~ with the scheduler, rather than the sboxes 1868578;1541098345;asciilifeform;in retrospect seems obvious that it's the most questionable bit 1868579;1541098371;mircea_popescu;i suppose this is a major (if unsurprising) moral of this story : always start with what htey don't discuss. 1868580;1541098381;asciilifeform;a++ heuristic, can take to the bank 1868581;1541098390;mircea_popescu;they didn't discuss factored keys re rsa, everything and anything but that -- we went ther,e it yielded. 1868582;1541098401;asciilifeform;all stage magic , lives in 'where are you being distracted from?' 1868583;1541098411;mircea_popescu;the point you make re serpent is solid -- discussions, by the dumptruck. of anything and everything BUT. went there, yielded within the week. 1868584;1541098423;mircea_popescu;gotta become standard republican behaviour, insta-go into the silence. 1868585;1541098423;asciilifeform;gotta go to the place-being-distracted-from. 1868586;1541098454;asciilifeform;( it aint always obvious just ~where~ that is, enemy is pretty handy with sleight-of-hand ) 1868587;1541098466;mircea_popescu;yet a picture is starting to emerge. 1868588;1541098471;asciilifeform;verily 1868589;1541098500;mircea_popescu;"what's the only salient point of #metoo '''mopvement''' aka morons on usg.ugc sites ?" "that it only attaches to people who don't laugh at them." 1868590;1541098509;mircea_popescu;and so in this manner, forevermoar. 1868591;1541098511;asciilifeform;while we're on subj, mircea_popescu had a pretty interesting observation in '16, 'the boecks were rousted because we're on to sumthing, but we dun know precisely what yet' 1868592;1541098524;asciilifeform;i still dun know precisely what 1868593;1541098557;mircea_popescu;the problem with "precisely what" being it's elusive. 1868594;1541098557;asciilifeform;perhaps it's simply the fact of duped p's and q's, but could easily be larger 1868595;1541098646;asciilifeform;aha 1868596;1541098937;asciilifeform;btw while we're on subj of spades, asciilifeform is not ( contrary to the apparent picture ) averse to taking input re where to spade. 1868597;1541098980;mircea_popescu;you're very fucking adverse, cuz you have complicated pre-spading requirements. 1868598;1541098992;asciilifeform;dun hesitate to say 'hey this smells like buried goodies' 1868599;1541099014;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: at all times i try to keep some reserve of unallocated spade cycles 1868600;1541099045;mircea_popescu;im not disputing you're consciously trying to overcome it. but as a factual matter -- yes, very adverse. 1868601;1541099261;asciilifeform;will also add, some problems my spade dun work on, and take unseemly long time of 'wtf did you do' to even convert into spadeable form with the tooling available to asciilifeform 1868602;1541099276;mircea_popescu;right. 1868603;1541099314;asciilifeform;early trb , for instance. i had nfi how to cure the db locks thing until mircea_popescu supplied the pill. 1868604;1541099353;asciilifeform;prolly would have found it, but who even knows how much digging would have taken. 1868605;1541099374;mircea_popescu;we're not even talking "magic number only dragons know" sorta items here. take the easy example of "go dig up qatar/uruguay/whatever", not because im trying to underhandedly make you move but because it's a fabulously easy to see example. 1868606;1541099424;asciilifeform;asciilifeform is not a+++ chukcha talker / polar explorer, this aint a seekrit, that crown goes to others. 1868607;1541099448;mircea_popescu;yes, but asciilifeform is not because complicated pre-spading requirements, not because asciilifeform ~actually is not~. 1868608;1541099458;mircea_popescu;and this exact same problem translates in the realm of theoretical work, also. 1868609;1541099556;asciilifeform;it's a cost of specialization / finite hrs in the day. i suppose i could prolly become a middling-to-ok chukcha talker, instead of what i do nao, if comes to it. but i dun think i will ever be a champ, i dun have the decades of doing it, that other folx have. 1868610;1541099598;mircea_popescu;except time doesn\t work this way. 1868611;1541099660;mircea_popescu;take http://btcbase.org/log/2018-08-24#1844323 ; the one thing the bimbo whose summaries you don't like and whose marked improvement over time you disparage had to say was "oh, great idea. we did that at purdue, made a lot of money." she happens to be right, too ; she also hasn't the decades of doing this. or anything else, for that matter -- she can barely speak english. 1868612;1541099660;a111;Logged on 2018-08-24 18:39 mircea_popescu: a shop of used computer parts is a great complement for a dc op. 1868613;1541099665;mircea_popescu;time dun do what you think time does. 1868614;1541099708;asciilifeform;'time' aint a scalar, no, time spend balleting when yer 5 y.o. counts infinitely moar than same when yer 40 1868615;1541099725;asciilifeform;if what you want is to be world class balletist 1868616;1541099757;mircea_popescu;the only passible definition of intelligence i am aware of is, "the reunion of fields of human activity where the time-function has no age-relation." 1868617;1541099769;mircea_popescu;so yes, in ballet. BUT THERE ONLY, for the purposes of this discussion. 1868618;1541099781;asciilifeform;'can ya play violin?' 'dunno, not tried yet' 1868619;1541099800;mircea_popescu;yes, basketball-ballet and stripper-ballet and all other ballets. 1868620;1541100070;asciilifeform;asciilifeform is not , in his opinion, inept to the point of vegetable, but must say that prolly could not do what Mocky did, at least within the budget that he did it in 1868621;1541100084;asciilifeform;so it is good that there is a Mocky 1868622;1541100230;asciilifeform;for that matter, earlier, BingoBoingo : a++ terraformer 1868623;1541100276;mircea_popescu;and this, because Mocky had decades talking to orcs that alf didn't get ? 1868624;1541100290;mircea_popescu;then men in question would disagree, i suspect. 1868625;1541100305;asciilifeform;could simply have moar talent 1868626;1541100330;mircea_popescu;funny thing this tarent, that's at the same time lale and turns out to be arways thele. 1868627;1541100332;mircea_popescu;or something. 1868628;1541100398;*;asciilifeform brb,teatime 1868629;1541101432;Mocky;I didn't have any more experience talking to orcs than chatting up chicks or writing c++, or rebuilding my bike engine back in the day, or fixing a million and one things for the first time. I don't know shit about shit. I never did 1868630;1541101456;Mocky;i know about raising kids, now that they are grown. and I know about java now that I'm sick of it 1868631;1541101480;mircea_popescu;kinda how this goes. 1868632;1541101724;Mocky;but there's no way this kind of spade work is going to be harder than trying to wrap my head around code for hours. I always came out on top of the code, so what I'm not gonna figure out how to talk to people if actually try? 1868633;1541101864;mircea_popescu;in fact a lot of everything is very much like http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-01#1868412 -- before republic tells you to go figure out talking to people, you don't know you can because you don't know to think to try. 1868634;1541101864;a111;Logged on 2018-11-01 17:49 asciilifeform: could have lived for 100 yrs and looked daily and not found. 1868635;1541102141;Mocky;unrelatedly, "In its IPO prospectus, Qatar Aluminium Manufacturing Company said one of the strategic objectives is to maximize shareholder returns by increasing financial returns." -Gulf Times fishwrap 1868636;1541102145;Mocky;such strategy 1868637;1541102195;mircea_popescu;hey, if there didn't exist a bunch of unwashed morons polluting san francisco bay area, such obvious statements wouldn't be needed. 1868638;1541102209;mircea_popescu;buit as it is -- it's good to know they aim to make money as opposed to satisfy the tweeting hordes. 1868639;1541102276;mircea_popescu;linux, for instance, has a "code of conduct" instead. 1868640;1541105313;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform speaking of "taking suggestions" : suppose you bake me a proper drop-in gpg replacement. in ada, constant time, does FG-aware keygen, signing, verification, and encryption/decription. 100% rsa, none of the "cipher" bs as per current. 1868641;1541105334;mircea_popescu;ima pay s.nsa a coupla bitcoin for your trouble, and donate the result to the republic, in lieu of donating moar money to the dead end foundation. 1868642;1541105399;mircea_popescu;ideally also has compatibility layer, which allows it to import gpg 2.0 and 1.4 style keys (and converts them to republican format), verify gpg 2.0 and 1.4 sigs and decrypt gpg 2.0 and 1.4 messages (but not encrypt to them). 1868643;1541105611;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: happens to be exactly what i set out to; on top of that, even got a gpg extractor (currently in py, but slated for adaization) , precisely for same 1868644;1541105644;asciilifeform;it is possible that there's some format gnarl that i haven't accounted for , tho, i haven't tried erry elephantine key on it ( should really test by walking phuctor db ) 1868645;1541105655;asciilifeform;definitely fails on uniturds 1868646;1541105742;asciilifeform;will have to specify the exact meaning of 'drop-in replace' tho, i suspect you dun actually want the keychain bs for instance 1868647;1541105763;asciilifeform;( or e.g. subkeyism ) 1868648;1541105946;asciilifeform;sounds like 'polish off the bloody bignum thing already!', lol. matrix reduction will have to wait, then. 1868649;1541106036;mircea_popescu;well, drop-in in the sense that once it's published ima ask trinque for a timetable for moving deedbot to using it ; and future aspirants to registration will have to use it, bake their own equivalent, or get lost. 1868650;1541106051;asciilifeform;( if, btw, somebody else has the time/inclination to do the latter, i'll only say 'thx'. thing is already in xor-sat form, roll the constant term into the eqn's, set $known-schedule as the output values, and gaussian-reduce... ) 1868651;1541106076;mircea_popescu;nothing wrong with giving that a breather, see where heroes may lie hidden in the woodwork. 1868652;1541106085;asciilifeform;let the heroes rise! 1868653;1541106094;asciilifeform;sword -- right there in that stone. 1868654;1541106096;mircea_popescu;exact sort of thing the very bite-ful "fuck you, world, you're not good enough to play" is articulated out of. 1868655;1541106103;mircea_popescu;"if you were good enough -- you would have had." 1868656;1541106145;*;asciilifeform re-rotates desk to ffa pile 1868657;1541106197;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: once we have the basic variant going, can then take some of the slowbite out of it with asmism etc 1868658;1541110334;bvt;hi, i have made some exploration of linux syscall interface (using musl) http://bvt-trace.net/2018/10/linux-portability-part-1-exploring-musl-architecture-specific-headers/ 1868659;1541110341;bvt;http://bvt-trace.net/2018/10/linux-portability-part-2-exploring-musl-ifdefs-or-define-pdp_endian-3412/ 1868660;1541110359;bvt;can't say these results are any useful until i write a summary (todo for saturday). 1868661;1541110421;bvt;i also intend to genesis a ffatronic base64 encoder/decoder that i wrote as an exercise (also todo for the weekend). 1868662;1541110481;mircea_popescu;trinque can bvt-trace.net be added also plox ? 1868663;1541110487;mircea_popescu;bvt what's a "bvt" anyway ? 1868664;1541110489;trinque;sure 1868665;1541110593;bvt;mircea_popescu: acronym from my name 1868666;1541111090;BingoBoingo; In local news, some old dryed up bag is talking about how Uruguay should break off relations with Brasil. 1868667;1541111315;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/11/alleged-cia-leaker-schulte-alleged-to-continue-leaking-usg-seekrits-from-jail/ << Qntra - Alleged CIA Leaker Schulte Alleged to Continue Leaking USG Seekrits From Jail 1868668;1541111374;mircea_popescu;top keks 1868669;1541111389;BingoBoingo;4real 1868670;1541111406;asciilifeform;lulzy that they din't simply poison him yet 1868671;1541111415;asciilifeform;just how much work is it, srsly 1868672;1541111420;BingoBoingo;Can't afford it 1868673;1541111432;asciilifeform;milosevich yes, rando no ? 1868674;1541111441;asciilifeform;what sense does it make. 1868675;1541111455;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the talking bags don'\t actually do anything or matter in any sense. it's like going "i wonder why dickens' characters didn't murder dickens, he's such a tedious pile of crap" 1868676;1541111455;BingoBoingo;They only had to poison one milosevich 1868677;1541111465;mircea_popescu;how THE FUCK are figments of imagination gonna kill some dude ? 1868678;1541111492;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: erry once in a while when planets align , these dickens chars step out of the page and actually do sumthing, neh 1868679;1541111498;BingoBoingo;You poison a rando you gotta poison the rando stoolies or pay them off to not notice you poisoned the rando they were told to keep tabs on in exchange for getting prettier twinks in their block 1868680;1541111512;mircea_popescu;yes, i get it, if those characters lucked out with a better author, they wouldn't be so fork-eyeingly boring and trite and omfg enough already. 1868681;1541111515;mircea_popescu;but whaty are they to do 1868682;1541111522;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform neh. 1868683;1541111552;mircea_popescu;you're contemplating something along the lines of "today nov 1st the sun rose because someone said ''the sun also rises'' in a book" 1868684;1541111570;asciilifeform;so model is, 'dog barks, caravan moves' ? 1868685;1541111593;mircea_popescu;quite. 1868686;1541111600;BingoBoingo;Today the sun did not in fact rise. At some point the thick clouds dispersed and it was already up 1868687;1541111618;mircea_popescu;ro is "ciinii latra, caravana trece", ie, dogs bark, caravan passes, which imo slightly better. 1868688;1541111629;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo ikr. 1868689;1541111716;BingoBoingo;Local medical student was stabbed and body dumped on Playa Ramirez near Parque Rodo. Peruana's interpretation is "Don't walk Playa Pocitos so late at night" 1868690;1541111749;mircea_popescu;"and if you do, give better head" 1868691;1541111754;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: lol! why wasn't it, e.g., 'don't menstruate so much' ? betcha victim menstruated!11 1868692;1541111765;mircea_popescu;fact : no female that sucked a mean cock was ever stabbed at night. 1868693;1541111766;BingoBoingo;Apparently it was dude medical student 1868694;1541111772;asciilifeform;lolx2 1868695;1541111799;mircea_popescu;not even clear anyth9ing's been contradicted :D 1868696;1541112039;BingoBoingo;I don't know everything going on on the west side of Bulevard Artigas, but on my side the people getting robbed are getting robbed repeatedly because they can't quit their prey behaviors 1868697;1541112218;BingoBoingo;There's folks who whine in the paper that everyone in their family has been robbed twice, yet they fail to wonder "is something wrong with my family?" 1868698;1541112321;mircea_popescu;doh. 1868699;1541112327;mircea_popescu;nothing could ever be wrong with any fambly!!! 1868700;1541112592;BingoBoingo;Seriously though, asciilifeform has met me in person and confirm I am not built like a person who should be seeking out fights. Yet... It isn't rare to be walking about and the sight of some local dork fires something in the brain roughly equivalent to "they aren't as opprosed as they are signalling they should be" 1868701;1541112614;BingoBoingo;*oppressed 1868702;1541112761;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: fwiw asciilifeform walked all around the town, at ~all hrs, not only not stabbed but not even insulted, by orcs 1868703;1541112785;BingoBoingo;Right, because why when the local orcs themselves are the softest targets 1868704;1541112794;asciilifeform;i suspect it takes some serious effort to get stabbed in BingoBoingostan 1868705;1541112865;BingoBoingo;It appears to take the occurrence of a serious cascade of failure. 1868706;1541112917;BingoBoingo;And most of the self identified repeat victims don't recieve more than whatever bumps were necessary to abscond with their shit 1868707;1541113182;asciilifeform;whatcha up to these days, shinohai 1868708;1541113219;BingoBoingo;Ah, here's the latest on the floater https://www.elobservador.com.uy/nota/novia-del-joven-asesinado-en-parque-rodo-nadie-nace-chorro-no-se-combate-la-violencia-con-mas-violencia--2018103121250 1868709;1541113238;shinohai;Heya asciilifeform .... stopped in to grab some keyz from deedbot, gonna try and update my trb with yer patches 1868710;1541113243;trinque;I've lived in some pretty terrible shitholes, always seems that the ones that get picked out on the street wanted to be, on some level 1868711;1541113263;trinque;hola shinohai 1868712;1541113310;shinohai;hola trinque que hay de bueno? 1868713;1541113371;trinque;hackin up the rest of this loser flu that stood no chance. 1868714;1541113375;trinque;yourself? 1868715;1541113456;shinohai;Just battled a round of that meself and won. Whiskey and limon ^.^ 1868716;1541113812;mircea_popescu;goldenho little red tab next to this one. 1868717;1541113979;shinohai;Greetings mircea_popescu 1868718;1541113983;mircea_popescu;heya. 1868719;1541114245;*;shinohai feels nostalgic watching a trb happily sing along again .... 1868720;1541122442;billymg;hi all, sorry i've been away for a bit. last weekend ended up being a social one and tonight's the first chance i've had to poke around with vtools 1868721;1541122613;billymg;managed to press vtools and use vdiff to create a patch of the css tweaks for the "default" theme included in mp-wp http://billymg.com/downloads/mp-wp-css-refine.txt 1868722;1541122646;billymg;however, it's not including the file hashes in the diff 1868723;1541122986;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: soo asciilifeform had a bit of sleep and wakes up and turns out the serpent thing has a twist ending 1868724;1541123018;asciilifeform;shall i spoil it or not ? 1868725;1541123103;asciilifeform;hm, loox like he went to sleep, i suppose i'ma spoil it tomorrow... 1868726;1541123156;asciilifeform;( but yes it's a proper ending, not a 'more studies needed'(tm)(r) ) 1868727;1541123182;*;asciilifeform bbl,meat 1868728;1541126964;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-02#1868722 << must be the dreaded ada/c interop. which version of gnat, which os are you using? 1868729;1541126964;a111;Logged on 2018-11-02 01:37 billymg: however, it's not including the file hashes in the diff 1868730;1541128610;billymg;hey phf, i'm using my pizarro rockchip as my current workbench 1868731;1541128654;billymg;i'm very new to all of this, how do i check the version of gnat? 1868732;1541128757;phf;billymg: did it come pre installed? you can do gnatmake --version for a point of reference 1868733;1541128807;billymg;ahh, that would be it then. i don't seem to have ada, etc. installed 1868734;1541128836;billymg;i'll emerge and try again 1868735;1541128858;phf;wait, but how did you compile it?? 1868736;1541128886;billymg;compile vtools? 1868737;1541128934;mircea_popescu;this is a great conversation. 1868738;1541128981;phf;i suspect you only have the first patch applied, which comes with a makefile, and which will indeed produce a vdiff that doesn't know how to hash 1868739;1541129045;phf;billymg: at the top of your vtools directory, is there a file called "Makefile" and is there are file called "vdiff.gpr"? 1868740;1541129137;billymg;a Makefile, yes, but don't see a vdiff.gpr 1868741;1541129168;billymg;i ran `make` after pressing and got a `vdiff` binary, used that one 1868742;1541129199;billymg;fwiw, i pressed at the keccak.vpatch level 1868743;1541129413;asciilifeform;billymg: you can't 'emerge' gnat on the rk, the only known arm64 gnat is ave1's, and presently gotta be hand-emplaced 1868744;1541129445;billymg;got it 1868745;1541129469;asciilifeform;it's slated for inclusion in cuntoo, so at some point will come standard on rk, but that day not yet come 1868746;1541129472;billymg;ok, phf, i pressed again at `vdiff_keccak.vpatch`, now i have those files in my vtools directory 1868747;1541129504;billymg;and make failed with http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/s3mJ4/?raw=true 1868748;1541129519;asciilifeform;cuz no gnat, lol 1868749;1541129523;billymg;right haha 1868750;1541129533;phf;^ 1868751;1541129538;billymg;makes sense nao 1868752;1541129636;billymg;mircea_popescu: happy i was able to provide a bit of light entertainment 1868753;1541129637;phf;vtools_genesis is a very reduced gnu diff, which has a place for hash, but doesn't know how to produce one, until either sha or keccak is attached in later patches 1868754;1541129860;billymg;phf: ty and apologies for the simple questions. definitely learned a few more things about v this evening 1868755;1541129880;billymg;is this the right place to start reading to get gnat installed? http://ave1.org/2018/building-gnat-on-musl-no-more-usrincludex86_64-linux-gnu/ 1868756;1541129968;asciilifeform;aha 1868757;1541130886;mircea_popescu;billymg don't take it the wrong way ; nothing wrong with not knowing things. i don't know most of them either. 1868758;1541130946;mircea_popescu;and isn't it great that our code of conduct prevents me from actually telling you how i feel about the matter. /sarcasm 1868759;1541131057;mircea_popescu;(somehow the femtards never seem to figure the fucking obvious, "agreeing to be nice" can only possibly result in folger's friendship and no genuine anything to be had anywhere.... god i fucking hate 'em.) 1868760;1541131237;billymg;mircea_popescu: not at all, i was amused myself when i put myself in your shoes and read my messages as "how does the what go into the who now?" 1868761;1541131342;billymg;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-02#1868759 << and yes, one of the many MANY reasons i want to be here. this very thing, constantly, at work and everywhere else, takes its toll on your sanity 1868762;1541131342;a111;Logged on 2018-11-02 03:57 mircea_popescu: (somehow the femtards never seem to figure the fucking obvious, "agreeing to be nice" can only possibly result in folger's friendship and no genuine anything to be had anywhere.... god i fucking hate 'em.) 1868763;1541140568;Mocky;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-01#1868347 I don't see how it's any different from e.g. http://btcbase.org/log-search?q="who+might+you+be" 1868764;1541140568;a111;Logged on 2018-11-01 17:25 mircea_popescu: this notion of "be anyone" etc is entirely fabricated, out of the venom of mother inca and the overactive brains of idle smart boys. nobody agrees with it, nothing agrees with it in practice, it never is nor ever was nor ever could be found in nature... it's like you thinking santa claus is real. 1868765;1541141039;mircea_popescu;wait, what ?! 1868766;1541141077;Mocky;you meet someone new and don't know who they are, they could be anything 1868767;1541142394;mircea_popescu;but who and what aren't the same thing, to begin with. 1868768;1541142417;mircea_popescu;and no, they couldn't be "anything". i'm not asking fucking naively, "please supply a string for my exec()". i'm asking to see whether they're fucking demented or not. 1868769;1541142474;mircea_popescu;because gee whiz, "i am not prepared to answer this question" is strictly speaking dementia, a seven year old is expected to be ahead of that, which is why that's when they start formal schooling. 1868770;1541156847;diana_coman;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-31#1868075 -> there being a few more points there though since "and" requires fixed and same sizes of the two operands while now they are loosely "Integers" ; and sure, I can cast them to some fixed size type but then I make the whole package depend on Interfaces 1868771;1541156847;a111;Logged on 2018-10-31 23:18 mircea_popescu: diana_coman http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-31#1867935 << he;'s got a solid point there. 1868772;1541156920;diana_coman;not at all sure it's worth all that just for preserving the no implicit conditionals restriction (which as asciilifeform pointed out already, is not evil per se http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-31#1867953 )) 1868773;1541156920;a111;Logged on 2018-10-31 17:54 asciilifeform: implicit conditionals aint evil per se , tho ; i banned them in ffa specifically as they get in the way of constanttimeism, is all 1868774;1541156988;diana_coman;if we aimed indeed for constant time, then sure, definitely worth the change but that's not the case 1868775;1541157121;diana_coman;alternatively I suppose I could just declare own limited types and work with that but I still don't think it's worth doing at this point 1868776;1541161879;shinohai;Good mornng #trilema, how goes today? 1868777;1541165523;asciilifeform;morning shinohai 1868778;1541165572;asciilifeform;diana_coman: unlike, e.g., haskellists, we only do things if they make sense : as you pointed out, 'bit-vectorized' keccak aint constant time, no matter what, so no particular reason to bother with the massage 1868779;1541165620;shinohai;Heya asciilifeform ... built trb w/ your aggressive_pushgetblocks.vpatch so tests/observations in progress 1868780;1541165636;diana_coman;asciilifeform, that's my current position, yes; 1868781;1541165657;diana_coman;morning shinohai , what are you doing nowadays? 1868782;1541165717;shinohai;Hi diana_coman nice to see you! I'm back from summer of convalescence, not doing anything in particular yet these days. 1868783;1541165728;shinohai;Reclaiming BTC from shitcoins, etc. 1868784;1541165738;asciilifeform;hey that's a godly work 1868785;1541165807;asciilifeform;( there's prolly enuff of them that one could even squeeze a meager living from it ! like e.g. rat catchers in 18th c london ) 1868786;1541165890;shinohai;Well it hasn't yielded income equal to other pursuits, I just find it amusing (from bouncing about alt-irc shitcoin groups) that so many of these guys really think they are competitor to actual Bitcoin. 1868787;1541165978;shinohai;(Latest is "42coin, priced at roughly 4 BTC each - includes malleable addresses as an "anonymity feature") 1868788;1541165988;diana_coman;I guess I can see asciilifeform's "rat catchers" viewpoint - it basically requires very unsanitary environment 1868789;1541166054;shinohai;Thank God trb is the bleach used to clean up at the end of the day. 1868790;1541166163;diana_coman;I must say that I can't even find it funny anymore: I even received here a flyer with something ~"Oxford women in computer science: Oxford's next Bitcoin Blockchain" and I found it... inane, nothing else 1868791;1541166410;shinohai;What can I say, I've always enjoyed lulzing at shitcoiners, kinda miss doing it on Qntra even. Though yes, it does seem inane and repetitive at times. 1868792;1541168853;deedbot;http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2675 << Loper OS - The Serpent Ciphers Key Schedule Transform is Injective. 1868793;1541168862;asciilifeform;^ diana_coman , mircea_popescu -- conclusion of series. 1868794;1541168961;*;asciilifeform bbl,tea 1868795;1541169315;diana_coman;o.O so it's actually fine re key schedule after all? /me goes to read 1868796;1541170522;diana_coman;it is at any rate a very nice example to follow re investigating something of this sort; thank you asciilifeform ! 1868797;1541172110;BingoBoingo;And people say math can't be any fun for the spectators 1868798;1541173158;asciilifeform;diana_coman: yw 1868799;1541173169;asciilifeform;hopefully nobody's disappointed. 1868800;1541173188;asciilifeform;( we're roughly where we were 1wk ago, if with a coupla new grey hairs ) 1868801;1541173243;asciilifeform;diana_coman: i would not use phrase 'very fine' but it ~isn't~ elementarily botched, is all. there's 2^256 outs, 1 per in. 1868802;1541173260;asciilifeform;lemme know if the proof makes sense, once you get to it. 1868803;1541173521;asciilifeform;and if anyone can think of a shorter one that still 'fits in head', plox to post, and i'ma link to it. 1868804;1541174818;mircea_popescu;heh. so in the end... http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-01#1868494 <<->> http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-02#1868792 TEACUP THUNDERSTORM!!! 1868805;1541174818;a111;Logged on 2018-11-01 18:09 mircea_popescu: it does ~seem~ to be weaker than my own intel indicates, but fuck that spot. 1868806;1541174818;a111;Logged on 2018-11-02 14:27 deedbot: http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2675 << Loper OS - The Serpent Ciphers Key Schedule Transform is Injective. 1868807;1541174857;asciilifeform;lol hey at least nao mircea_popescu knows that i feed'em to him as i get'em, instead of sitting on'em 1868808;1541174891;asciilifeform;( and it is prolly possible to fit the 'storm' into a yet-smaller 'teacup', even ) 1868809;1541174900;mircea_popescu;stormpackers. 1868810;1541174953;asciilifeform;it's what i originally expected to find. 1868811;1541175075;asciilifeform;q's/nitpicks re the proof, welcome 1868812;1541175159;mircea_popescu;oh ?! it is ?! 1868813;1541175213;asciilifeform;at the http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-29#1866995 point, strictly 1868814;1541175213;a111;Logged on 2018-10-29 05:07 asciilifeform: relatedly, asciilifeform tried to bake a proof that the lamehash keyinflater function of serpent is one-to-one ( i.e. actually carries 256bit of the key register's entropy into the 528 bytes of whiteolade ) and not only didnt , but realized that afaik no such proof exists for any 'troo' hash also ( incl keccak.. ) 1868815;1541175233;asciilifeform;then, went to step on erry possible nail in erry plank, lol 1868816;1541175272;mod6;ouchy 1868817;1541175321;asciilifeform;mod6: recall when i went on similarly fruitless expedition into kock.gpg guts, heh 1868818;1541175358;mod6;smarts 1868819;1541175386;asciilifeform;hey, if never dig, never find. 1868820;1541175426;asciilifeform;scheduler would've been a lulzy place to hide the boojum. 1868821;1541175443;mod6;werd. totally agree for the search for the truth. 1868822;1541175448;mircea_popescu;i like how these articles of yours end up in the pulp fiction tradition quentin tarantino so much loved. "the end ... (for now...)" etc. 1868823;1541175460;mircea_popescu;pretty stylish. 1868824;1541175482;asciilifeform;the proggy can be used in fyootoor to similarly examine whatever recurrent function. 1868825;1541175489;asciilifeform;lol 1868826;1541175502;mircea_popescu;diana_coman i just meant what he says stands ; i'm not married to the directive. 1868827;1541175605;mircea_popescu;meanwhile at the other lulzfarm, "LordMPofTMSR Not even kidding. SrirachaSkittles Drop whatever what is? Do you just ignore people’s profiles? LordMPofTMSR Yup." 1868828;1541175622;mircea_popescu;womenz and their insane if hilarious and apparently ubiquitous belyf in wordmagic. 1868829;1541175630;mircea_popescu;IF YOU SAY WORDS THAT DOES THINGS!!!! 1868830;1541175634;mod6;Sriracha + Skittles = ish. 1868831;1541175654;mircea_popescu;who the everloving fuck reads "profiles" ? same people who exec user strings i suppose ? 1868832;1541175657;trinque;she's like, spicy and sweet, you see, but also cheap. 1868833;1541175670;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i once saw a vintage door sign, 'this is a cobbler shop, there are no prostitutes at this address, thank you' 1868834;1541175671;mod6;>D 1868835;1541175685;mircea_popescu;trinque and part of a large collection of indistinct-but-distinguishable sameitems. 1868836;1541175718;trinque;yeah, just spun up my bimbo-emu neural net for a sec 1868837;1541175721;mircea_popescu;this, the definitive femwank, indistinct-but-distinguishable. hence "romantic" (romanticism is in all times and places the shorthand name for the mainstream wank) notions of identification-past-identity, and "true love" and all that. 1868838;1541175738;mircea_popescu;because she specifically wants both ends of the dilemma. she WANTS to be indistinct, and she WANTS to be distinguished in spite of it. 1868839;1541175769;asciilifeform;'i will not be common!'(tm)(r)(some film quoted in mircea_popescu's www) 1868840;1541175777;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform if i were a prankster i'd ring the bell to ask how his wife's doing and when did she pass. 1868841;1541175789;asciilifeform;lol 1868842;1541175816;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform http://trilema.com/2015/very-bad-things/#selection-37.0-37.148 1868843;1541175824;asciilifeform;when i saw it, i was immediately convinced that it must've hung on an actual bordello, as cheap camouflage 1868844;1541175831;mircea_popescu;keks 1868845;1541175939;mircea_popescu;incidentally, to continue the above : the whole "no means no" wank is cheap proxy for "i am woman, and for years I have focused and prepared for words to do things, and I will not be derailed. I will not be embarrassed, and I will not be denied! So tomorrow, words will do things, come hell or high fucking water!" 1868846;1541175984;asciilifeform;hey it's how the end up 'hare'ing krishna an' such. 'words do things' 1868847;1541175989;asciilifeform;*they 1868848;1541175990;mircea_popescu;and if you deny it, the response comes ~as if~ you had denied everything-about-the-idiot, because, to them, you literally have. if wordmagic dun exist, if her words have exactly 0 power to anything, if she could just as well cup her palms, word in her left and piss in her right, then... then... then WHAT WAS IT ALL FOR ?!?!? 1868849;1541176015;diana_coman;asciilifeform, re proof at first pass it looks sound to me; my only current niggle with it (to be addressed at 2nd pass) is if there are any bits of the key interchangeable perhaps (though it doesn't seem likely, I can't yet tell for sure) 1868850;1541176043;asciilifeform;diana_coman: they aint; recall that the square-bracketed items on right hand side are constants 1868851;1541176054;asciilifeform;( if you change one, you ipso facto have a new output ) 1868852;1541176062;mircea_popescu;it's that http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-29#1760109 but for a different sort of socialism : rooslveltist socialism, the femvariant. 1868853;1541176062;a111;Logged on 2017-12-29 00:42 mircea_popescu: o shit there it is, navrozov moment! 1868854;1541176064;asciilifeform;sorta whole result. 1868855;1541176121;asciilifeform;and yes it took asciilifeform coupla passes for it to click. 1868856;1541176142;*;diana_coman will do a 2nd pass of it a bit later today 1868857;1541176144;asciilifeform;( took the printout to bed ) 1868858;1541176194;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-02#1868790 << speaking of, hey Mocky what ever came of the camelridin' bitcointraders ? 1868859;1541176194;a111;Logged on 2018-11-02 13:42 diana_coman: I must say that I can't even find it funny anymore: I even received here a flyer with something ~"Oxford women in computer science: Oxford's next Bitcoin Blockchain" and I found it... inane, nothing else 1868860;1541176240;diana_coman;in other lol: I guess I can claim that I got here the youngest log reader - the child reads a tid-bit of it ~every time he comes by for anything, even though he struggles on some words ("etc?"); makes for a very good example: yes, you CAN read but you still have a pile of stuff to figure out before it makes any sense 1868861;1541176255;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-02#1868800 << amusingly enough i was complaining a few days ago (to a disbelieving audience) that my white beard patch is fading out. 1868862;1541176255;a111;Logged on 2018-11-02 15:39 asciilifeform: ( we're roughly where we were 1wk ago, if with a coupla new grey hairs ) 1868863;1541176264;mircea_popescu;maybe i had just not had enough excitment in my lyf! 1868864;1541176294;mircea_popescu;diana_coman you should see nicole keks. has a notebook with things to ask me "when it's a good time". 1868865;1541176295;asciilifeform;ha maybe it was the '16 beard patch 1868866;1541176332;mod6;Hello, young log reader. Listen to your mom, she knows what she's talking about. 1868867;1541176345;mircea_popescu;a bit! 1868868;1541177169;BingoBoingo;Actual Security Update: November 26th through December 3rd, there will likely be about 400 USG tending to assorted support aircraft in Carrasco for the G20 summit across the river in Buenos Aires. 1868869;1541177205;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: vs how many on typical day ? 1868870;1541177237;Mocky;mircea_popescu, there's a "gulf blockchain foundation" meet up in three days I'm going to. two speaks giving talks then mingle time: "Governance: DAOs and traditional governance" and "Proof of scam: Drawing the line between the good and the bad" 1868871;1541177254;Mocky;this seems to be the only group that actually does anything 1868872;1541177255;asciilifeform;lol!! 1868873;1541177268;asciilifeform;eternal 2016 there, or wat 1868874;1541177286;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: On a typical day they tend to stay in their compound in Barrio Sur (el barrio afrodescendiente) 1868875;1541177366;Mocky;in terms of actual traders, the guy actually trading on localbitcoins pulled his ad. So I posted my own ad up. It's been up for some time now, more than a week i think. no locals contacted me yet 1868876;1541177416;Mocky;but serveral dudes from luxembuourg want's to buy bitcoin from me 1868877;1541177508;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/B4xaa/?raw=true 1868878;1541177570;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Ack 1868879;1541177609;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: imho notbad practice at other times also. 1868880;1541177624;mircea_popescu;Mocky i thought you were specifically going to sell btc to one, buy from the other or somesuch 1868881;1541177649;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-22#1864944 << this convo 1868882;1541177649;a111;Logged on 2018-10-22 18:26 mircea_popescu: ah don't be silly, use the dime. 1868883;1541177650;Mocky;yeah! he disappeared 1868884;1541177654;mircea_popescu;oh. kek 1868885;1541177706;Mocky;i can still buy btc from the one guy, presumably. but the other guy pulled his ad before I got the coin into my account there 1868886;1541177722;Mocky;hasn't been up since 1868887;1541178039;mircea_popescu;i c 1868888;1541178082;mircea_popescu;i'd expect the "sell btc" guy in the http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-20#1864522 vein, not really worth it. 1868889;1541178082;a111;Logged on 2018-10-20 18:52 Mocky: i get the impression from other talks (not today) that there is no end of "i have great biz idea for importing from my home country india" being pitched 1868890;1541178416;Mocky;he still has the same number of trades (12) as when i first spied him in sept. 1868891;1541178513;mircea_popescu;Mocky iirc luxemburg is where the actuial site owner lives. ie, moar of the same "silk road major drug dealer, dork in charge has to buy the lb of coke on his own cuz site is such major" 1868892;1541178569;Mocky;i trolled him, he seemed pissed :) 1868893;1541178643;mircea_popescu;who lol 1868894;1541178671;Mocky;the dude who messaged me from luxemburg wanting to buy coin 1868895;1541178678;mircea_popescu;a a 1868896;1541178827;mircea_popescu;Mocky so are you gonna tell the "Daos" dorks how lulzy they are, what a republic is, and how it's been wearing them for dick ornaments this entire time ? 1868897;1541178893;mircea_popescu;that way we could end up with a bunch of gay-for-convenience indian dudes in skinny jeans tryna import their handicrafts into here, too! 1868898;1541178907;Mocky;hell yeah 1868899;1541178934;mircea_popescu;go pro! livestream! etc!!! 1868900;1541178970;mircea_popescu;srsly tho, get the photog hussy to film you during, livestream it... tom green's suddenly got nothing on you. 1868901;1541179036;Mocky;she's not speaking to me anymore. i've got a few days to get one of these other chicks to do it tho 1868902;1541179054;mircea_popescu;o no ? what happened ? 1868903;1541179146;Mocky;she was 'too busy' after meeting me once 1868904;1541179184;mircea_popescu;aww, i was hoping for something juicy. 1868905;1541179207;mircea_popescu;what was the problem, she expected a tip you didn't provide, as far as you know ? 1868906;1541179292;BingoBoingo;I suspect combination of advanced age dementia leading to a misperception of local cock availability 1868907;1541179331;Mocky;no idea, but given the excess mass, i don't think any cock is on the table 1868908;1541179346;mircea_popescu;oh, white chicks get fat in qatar too ?! 1868909;1541179355;BingoBoingo;Ah, she knows she's in the Nigerian's league 1868910;1541179399;Mocky;filipinas have like 50% obesity rate here in my estimation 1868911;1541179453;mircea_popescu;insanity. 1868912;1541179514;Mocky;the 75/25 male female ratio is actually a lot worse than that, given how locked down a lot of the domestic female workers are 1868913;1541179534;Mocky;not allowed to leave house but one day a week, even then with cerfew 1868914;1541179568;Mocky;and then the whores, oh my god, imma have to do a post on that 1868915;1541179697;Mocky;what would be considered a normal rate for an hour with a whore? i don't know anything about how things are elsewhere 1868916;1541179755;mircea_popescu;definitely do a post on that. 1868917;1541179779;mircea_popescu;but anyway, blowjob in the bushes is traditionally deemed 20 bucks, though it varies, in rural areas with old whores it's a ciggarette or w/e. 1868918;1541179794;mircea_popescu;motel whores are usually 50 to 100. 1868919;1541179801;Mocky;the fun thing is, like any salesman they *have* to talk to you and answer your questions if they think you'll buy 1868920;1541179812;mircea_popescu;dreamy-eyed "students" are, today as in the time of francois villon, whatever you can spare. 1868921;1541179858;mircea_popescu;i dunno about "have" 1868922;1541179981;Mocky;well i don't know but they don't tell me to fuck off, no matter how much i ask them but never agree to pay 1868923;1541180353;mircea_popescu;kek 1868924;1541180360;mircea_popescu;so how much are thye ? 1868925;1541180433;Mocky;20 something attractive white euros 500 / hr and wont negotiate down 1868926;1541180520;mircea_popescu;rials ? 1868927;1541180526;Mocky;everyone else starts at 425 / hr, but will jump at much less 1868928;1541180566;Mocky;no that's converted to USD, 2000 QR / hr 1868929;1541180594;asciilifeform;seems like 'price for rube', but then again i am not subjexpert 1868930;1541180621;mircea_popescu;keks. well, one doesn't traditionally buy whores by getting fixated on a particular one. 1868931;1541180631;mircea_popescu;if you like her that much, pay her,w hy not. 1868932;1541180643;Mocky;the price for rich oil duded swimming in the worlds densest sausage party 1868933;1541180645;mircea_popescu;will come out wayu the fuck cheaper than marriage, that's for damn sure. 1868934;1541180657;Mocky;*dudes* 1868935;1541180681;mircea_popescu;do they have pimps btw ? or is it a case of bureaucracy pimping the girls 1868936;1541180735;Mocky;the hotels do. hotels need a way to distance themselves from the occasionaly law enforcement, scapegoat 1868937;1541180786;Mocky;its either hotels, bars or online, bars an online are freelancers 1868938;1541180832;mircea_popescu;heh. 1868939;1541180838;mircea_popescu;pimpin's a dying art, is it. 1868940;1541180911;Mocky;one hotel has chineese only hookers, which... who wants this lol. but someone must be buying 1868941;1541180939;asciilifeform;Mocky: lol, is theirs sideways or wat 1868942;1541180947;Mocky;heh heh 1868943;1541181390;mircea_popescu;no, just attached to annoying ungoodlooking rest. 1868944;1541181508;asciilifeform;then would expect would be cheaper ( supposing errybody concurs ) 1868945;1541181559;mircea_popescu;in an ideal world of perfect women. but no, irl it won't be. 1868946;1541181570;mircea_popescu;just shittier service because less custom. 1868947;1541181582;asciilifeform;new york plumbers!11 1868948;1541182715;diana_coman;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-02#1868864 -> heh, I can quite easily picture it, yes; fwiw though I think there IS some clear improvement in her summaries 1868949;1541182715;a111;Logged on 2018-11-02 16:31 mircea_popescu: diana_coman you should see nicole keks. has a notebook with things to ask me "when it's a good time". 1868950;1541182805;diana_coman;basically they tend to sound less like "automated result of syntactical analysis " and a bit more like some sort of summary: this and this and that were apparently the topics 1868951;1541183444;mircea_popescu;something like that. 1868952;1541184215;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo in other http://trilema.com/2016/sad-times-in-the-fiat-empire-apparently-you-cant-give-the-dollar-away-these-days/ news : wire processor informs me that they've a HUGE backlog of usd-to-ourside-reich transfers, and they're barely trickling out. 1868953;1541184236;mircea_popescu;it would seem the moloch is experiencing the early phase of a liquidity crunch. 1868954;1541184261;mircea_popescu;they say it may take as much as FIVE WEEKS to get you your dough. now -- you wanna wait ? you wanna explore maybe euros ? you wanna call it off ? 1868955;1541184277;mircea_popescu;i don't expect this is optional, ~everyone~ has the exact same problem. 1868956;1541184565;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: you were moving it from in usa ? 1868957;1541184577;asciilifeform;(1st time i hear of such a thing) 1868958;1541184643;asciilifeform;of the '5 weeks' , i mean 1868959;1541184654;asciilifeform;max i've observed so far is 4day 1868960;1541184691;mircea_popescu;when's last you did it ? 1868961;1541184706;asciilifeform;june i think 1868962;1541184748;mircea_popescu;yes well, this'd be past few weeks. 1868963;1541184798;asciilifeform;nuts 1868964;1541184888;mircea_popescu;this, incidentally, will be familiar to 1980s1990s east euro folk ; and yes i expect that experience's exactly the guide, ie, will get more frequent, ampler and longer lasted as time goes by. 1868965;1541184959;asciilifeform;possibly could pump some life into btc<->orc traders, neh 1868966;1541184989;asciilifeform;( it still aint clear to me why 'otc' is such parched desert ) 1868967;1541185028;mircea_popescu;because http://trilema.com/2017/the-practical-costs-of-hallucinated-freedom/ 1868968;1541185121;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform if worst comes to worst, next time someone does a supply run they fly copa like sane people, and ima have someone meet them in panama with brown paper bag. 1868969;1541185128;mircea_popescu;like the good old days. 1868970;1541185153;asciilifeform;copa a+++ 1868971;1541185172;asciilifeform;and iirc BingoBoingo has bank , can transmute paper bag into what dc eats. 1868972;1541185186;mircea_popescu;srsly tho, i'd like to see the euro side. 1868973;1541186306;asciilifeform;meanwhile, from the spam lint traps, https://www.johndcook.com/blog 1868974;1541186365;asciilifeform;( maths d00d, of a sort. why spams? i do not know ) 1868975;1541186395;mircea_popescu;cuz "bought consulting" from indians./ 1868976;1541186400;asciilifeform;gottabe 1868977;1541186449;mircea_popescu;left him a comment, why not. 1868978;1541186450;asciilifeform;erry so often, i see spamola that cannot be explained any other way (e.g. for some vacuum-moulding shop in milwaukee etc ) 1868979;1541188034;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in heathendom lulz, 'Buffett Loses Nearly $4 Billion as Apple Stock Tanks' 1868980;1541188141;asciilifeform;'"I do not focus on the sales in the next quarter or the next year," he said in August. "I focus on the ... hundreds, hundreds, hundreds millions of people who practically live their lives by it [iPhone]." He also called the iPhone "enormously underpriced," saying that it's worth far more than the $1,000 Apple charges for its latest models.' 1868981;1541188237;mircea_popescu;top kek. 1868982;1541188261;mircea_popescu;i don't get it, dude "didn't understand technology", bought wrigley. is the idea apple phone spits out wrigley spearmint flavour ? 1868983;1541188268;mircea_popescu;or is the idea dude's as hollow as a bagpipe. 1868984;1541188301;asciilifeform;bagpipe 1868985;1541188495;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: for extra lulz, they released yet another $1-2k 'no headphone port, and here buy new power cord' box the other day 1868986;1541188505;mircea_popescu;im sure. 1868987;1541188506;asciilifeform;might have some connection with the lul 1868988;1541188515;asciilifeform;'ipad pro' 1868989;1541188533;mircea_popescu;where's buffett's code of cunduct is what i wanna know. 1868990;1541188544;asciilifeform;( they even got various trad desktop shitware ported to it, e.g. photoshop, positioning as 'you dun need computer no moar' ) 1868991;1541188577;mircea_popescu;isn't this what they've been doing since the 80s ? 1868992;1541188586;mircea_popescu;"here, have a shitbox. you don't need real computer anyway" 1868993;1541188630;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: indeed. the other day was entry of i-nintendo into 'pro' market, as i understand. new turn of frog boiler knob. 1868994;1541188669;asciilifeform;( current crapple doctrine, is that the mac is too much like an actual comp, too easily massaged into at least installing non-crappla apps ) 1868995;1541188675;diana_coman;or possibly the idea is that apple phones are indeed extremely similar to chewing gum 1868996;1541188676;asciilifeform;so it is being phased out 1868997;1541188700;asciilifeform;diana_coman: moar like plasti-car, quasi-mandatory 'installment plan' chump-artifact 1868998;1541188727;diana_coman;imagine the chewing-phone! and lasting about one day max, perfect 1868999;1541188780;asciilifeform;diana_coman: laugh, but it's nearly come; most of the users already have the 'subscription', they break'em regularly and get mailed new 1869000;1541188792;mircea_popescu;seems to me like the empire-of-can't-pay-outside-obligations is moving into a soviet outfit. got plasticar, plastiphone, plastifastfood and on your way. 1869001;1541188795;asciilifeform;( i fughet how often they can break and get 'at no cost!111' new ) 1869002;1541188802;mircea_popescu;the time to get out was, evidently, back when this was first discussed. 1869003;1541188838;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it's actually a return to 'vhs era' barbarism, prior to at&t breakup they also leased pnoje , could not buy ) 1869004;1541188840;mircea_popescu;but asciilifeform "couldn't", then. and i guess we're going to terribly regret not sending in fucking helicopters to extract him from the concentration camp he ended up into through stubbornly refusing to fucking leave on his own two feet for a decade. 1869005;1541189007;asciilifeform;[ insert the mandatory ' if asciilifeform knew useful trades ' thread here ] 1869006;1541189028;BingoBoingo; and iirc BingoBoingo has bank , can transmute paper bag into what dc eats. << Definitely can be done 1869007;1541189188;BingoBoingo; they say it may take as much as FIVE WEEKS to get you your dough. now -- you wanna wait ? you wanna explore maybe euros ? you wanna call it off ? << I'll think about it a bit more. I'll double check the math, but if the transfer is 5 weeks out that still leaves us a margin of safety from the month of guarentee put up when service started. 1869008;1541189233;asciilifeform;ohai BingoBoingo 1869009;1541189244;BingoBoingo;Buenas tardes asciilifeform 1869010;1541190806;mod6;I'd say just let his 9.5k ride, we'll get it eventually. meanwhile, I think we need another 2k. maybe jurov wants to put up an auction? 1869011;1541193823;asciilifeform;meanwhile in heathen lulz, 'gmail' ( now 'upgraded' ) nao takes longer to load than winblowz email client asciilifeform used in mid-1990s did 1869012;1541193847;asciilifeform;( on 30x faster comp, no less ) 1869013;1541193909;*;asciilifeform still occasionally uses email, does not have a stable of meatbots that'd allow him to pretend not to 1869014;1541196299;mircea_popescu;pico! 1869015;1541199247;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/11/another-intel-cpu-sidechannel-leak-documented-with-the-leak-dependent-once-again-on-a-thing-intel-did-to-boost-appearance-of-speed/ << Qntra - Another Intel CPU Sidechannel Leak Documented With The Leak Dependent Once Again On A Thing Intel Did To Boost Appearance Of Speed 1869016;1541199855;trinque;asciilifeform: I shamelessly use emacs as interface to just about every heathen thing (gmail included) I have to touch 1869017;1541199882;trinque;mu4e is probably the best email interface I've used, can shred an inbox of 100s in a few minutes 1869018;1541199925;trinque;fetchmail for inbound, smtpmail-multi out 1869019;1541200534;BingoBoingo;trinque: I suspect they may have killed imap/pop3 login to fetch mail 1869020;1541204107;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-02#1869014 << y'mean pine 1869021;1541204107;a111;Logged on 2018-11-02 22:04 mircea_popescu: pico! 1869022;1541204116;*;asciilifeform nostalgic aficionado 1869023;1541204124;asciilifeform;but of course it dungo with sslism crapola 1869024;1541204166;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-02#1869016 << this is prolly a neato item but (to the possible surprise of some people) asciilifeform doesn't 'live in emacs' in the sense of using it for things that ain't files-on-disk editing 1869025;1541204166;a111;Logged on 2018-11-02 23:04 trinque: asciilifeform: I shamelessly use emacs as interface to just about every heathen thing (gmail included) I have to touch 1869026;1541204269;asciilifeform;hm trinque , deedbot down ? 1869027;1541204587;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-02#1869015 << x86 process isolation is a perma-joke, been clear for ages 1869028;1541204587;a111;Logged on 2018-11-02 22:54 deedbot: http://qntra.net/2018/11/another-intel-cpu-sidechannel-leak-documented-with-the-leak-dependent-once-again-on-a-thing-intel-did-to-boost-appearance-of-speed/ << Qntra - Another Intel CPU Sidechannel Leak Documented With The Leak Dependent Once Again On A Thing Intel Did To Boost Appearance Of Speed 1869029;1541205146;trinque;huh, lemme see 1869030;1541205382;trinque;asciilifeform: anyhow yeah, I'm one of the sickos that uses the thing as wm even. 1869031;1541205398;asciilifeform;trinque: i would easily be, but i like 'ratpoison' 1869032;1541205411;asciilifeform;using it since '01 and intend to continue (at least while on 'c machine'..) 1869033;1541205432;asciilifeform;( or '02 or i dun even recall when ) 1869034;1541205446;trinque;no shame in it; approach looks similar when you squint (either collection of elisp whatnots or collection of (ba)sh) 1869035;1541205473;asciilifeform;theoretically i'd rather have 1 pedal instead of 2, but emacs aint stable/uncrashable enuff for me to comfortably move in 1869036;1541205483;asciilifeform;( slime for instance routinely wedges it on some of my boxes ) 1869037;1541205899;trinque;BingoBoingo: pop3 not dead; I use it. just buried in inanity. 1869038;1541205934;trinque;but I come to realize, running one's own postfix or whatever, also inanity. 1869039;1541205978;trinque;beelzebub can own as many stupid things that shouldn't exist as he likes, from where I sit. google wants smtp mail, oh please, have a second helping. 1869040;1541206659;asciilifeform;trinque: i ran own postfix etc for yrs, and the box still alive, but i've found that actual ~delivery~ of mail ~from~ it into heathendom, is a crap shoot naodays 1869041;1541206675;asciilifeform;erry other time, fails silently 1869042;1541206714;trinque;it is, and I think it's a fool that tries to chase them into the "one moar magical DNS value" or misc other will make it work. 1869043;1541206723;asciilifeform;for reliable delivery apparently gotta use their aol^H^Hmicroshi^H^Hgmail etc 1869044;1541206739;asciilifeform;trinque: i spent moar time trying to make it go than i'd care to admit 1869045;1541206743;asciilifeform;0 useful to show for it 1869046;1541206754;trinque;this has been expanding into a general principle in my life, of the matters that are republican, and the matters that aren't. 1869047;1541206772;trinque;I have as well. I will never touch a fucking smtp server as long as I live. 1869048;1541206780;trinque;*again. 1869049;1541206807;trinque;isn't a republican way to mind your wife either. 1869050;1541208087;mircea_popescu;ah pine, that's right! 1869051;1541208098;asciilifeform;'pine', 'elm' 1869052;1541208114;asciilifeform;possibly others existed, but i only ever used 'pine' 1869053;1541208135;mircea_popescu;shit was fast. 1869054;1541208142;asciilifeform;was ~perfect in erry way 1869055;1541208162;asciilifeform;i threw out a crt coupla yrs ago, with 'pine' burn-in 1869056;1541208175;asciilifeform;( yes it displayed pine. all day, erry day... ) 1869057;1541208192;mircea_popescu;aha. 1869058;1541208194;mircea_popescu;lots of those. 1869059;1541208222;asciilifeform;( doubled as a heater, at one time i lived in a flat where they didn't stoke the boiler till december ) 1869060;1541208296;asciilifeform;funnily enuff, display-burn is ~coming back~, the 'oled' panels suffer from it 1869061;1541208303;asciilifeform;never thought it would, but here it is. 1869062;1541208334;asciilifeform;( they're a lower-current / flatter ver. of crt, really ) 1869063;1541212772;mod6;<+asciilifeform> 'pine', 'elm' << i liked mutt with vi/gnupg integration 1869064;1541212788;mod6;(mutt being a successor to elm) 1869065;1541227407;mircea_popescu;yeah, ye olde crts pumped 1kw in teh atmosphere like nobody's bidniss. 1869066;1541227418;deedbot;http://bimbo.club/?p=72 << Bimbo.Club - TMSR Log Summary - 10/26/2018 1869067;1541241596;jurov;mod6: so you are selling coins and there's 2k$ unfilled? when is the deadline? 1869068;1541250419;shinohai;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-03#1869063 << I still use this lol. ( also gm mod6 ) 1869069;1541250419;a111;Logged on 2018-11-03 02:39 mod6: <+asciilifeform> 'pine', 'elm' << i liked mutt with vi/gnupg integration 1869070;1541254822;mod6;jurov: Yeah, we'd love to have a wire sent by the 10th. 1869071;1541254886;mod6;shinohai: nice! it's rare that i even hear of anyone else using Mutt. When I used to email in earnest, it's all i used. 1869072;1541255084;shinohai;I have my muttrc modded beyond all comprehension, but love the fact it can handle even google surveillance mail. ( at one time even got bitmessage to hook up to it) 1869073;1541257452;mircea_popescu;check out this indiancandy derp! so he's gone through his list of irc channels, now back to spamming this one. 1869074;1541257474;mircea_popescu;there he sits, remote in hand, "checking to see if there's anything interesting on the tv". are we ready to entertain him yet ? or does he come back later ? 1869075;1541257547;mircea_popescu;shinohai your only available position here is "here is what i now understand to have been doing wrong, and shan't be fucking doing again, as exemplified by this excessively costly self sacrifice". not fucking "hey guise, buddy-buddy, are you gonna change to fit me in THIS time or do i come back whenever later try again". 1869076;1541257588;mircea_popescu;the way to pretend to be part of the republic without being part of the republic is AT A DISTANCE. like all those schmucks "working on their phd" telling chicks "o yea, i totally know mp, we netflix and chill all the time" at "tech conferences". not by fucking dribbling here. 1869077;1541257611;mircea_popescu;now shut the fuck up before i crack you one an' ruin your illusions of participation, inclusion and sufficiency for you. 1869078;1541259869;asciilifeform;the list of open problems is kilometre-length, d00d could start actually doing sumthing any time he can be arsed 1869079;1541260006;mircea_popescu;not what he's about. 1869080;1541260012;asciilifeform;seems like 1869081;1541260027;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform btw, anything ever came of http://trilema.com/2018/no-such-labs-snsa-september-2018-statement/#selection-405.11-405.63 ? 1869082;1541260126;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it's in the pipe, directly behind http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-01#1868640 1869083;1541260126;a111;Logged on 2018-11-01 20:48 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform speaking of "taking suggestions" : suppose you bake me a proper drop-in gpg replacement. in ada, constant time, does FG-aware keygen, signing, verification, and encryption/decription. 100% rsa, none of the "cipher" bs as per current. 1869084;1541260138;mircea_popescu;what exactly was it ? 1869085;1541260215;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: non-usgistic fw for ye olde 'edgerouter' box. asciilifeform has a duct-taped version in use locally, mircea_popescu had idea where it gets cleaned up and offered to e.g. pizarro for packet-filter 1869086;1541260273;mircea_popescu;a right right. 1869087;1541260346;asciilifeform;ideally would deploy these with cuntoo 1869088;1541260369;asciilifeform;( mine is equipped with a rather questionable 2010s freebsd ) 1869089;1541260487;asciilifeform;pretty great battlefield test for cuntoo, imho 1869090;1541260582;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform it occurs to me, you never provided an eta, re http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-01#1868656 1869091;1541260582;a111;Logged on 2018-11-01 21:02 asciilifeform re-rotates desk to ffa pile 1869092;1541260615;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i'ma give one once finished reloading thing into head 1869093;1541260629;mircea_popescu;still no eta. 1869094;1541260660;mircea_popescu;say "ima give in [delta time]" not "ima give [apologies/justifications/let's be weird together]" 1869095;1541260698;asciilifeform;there isn't very much remaining, fwiw: 1) evaluation of ave1's gnat (ch12) 2) barrett 3) miller-rabin. 1869096;1541260723;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: can give concrete estimate week from nao. 1869097;1541260728;mircea_popescu;alright. 1869098;1541260824;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu earlier emboldened asciilifeform into a 'let's slow but working rsatron sooner, rather than eternal massage, why not massage later' approach. 1869099;1541260998;asciilifeform;quasi-relatedly: asciilifeform found out that it is actually possible to fit an rsatron into ice40, if one uses a bit-serial multiplier into external sram. a 4096x4096 mul would then take 8192 clock cycles ( 16384 if counting all load/stores. ) but we can come back to this item laters. 1869100;1541261063;asciilifeform;( it doesn't win 'vs pc' other than as proof of concept ) 1869101;1541261109;asciilifeform;1980s algo, from the days of 1uMism. 1869102;1541261156;mircea_popescu;i'd so love to see my "byte is 4096bit" asics... 1869103;1541261163;asciilifeform;8192! 1869104;1541261165;asciilifeform;thinkbig. 1869105;1541261171;mircea_popescu;yaok. 1869106;1541261178;asciilifeform;i'd buy a 8192b-reg mips right nao. 1869107;1541261182;mircea_popescu;ikr ? 1869108;1541261193;mircea_popescu;and it's not even some sort of genius anything, just more spadework. 1869109;1541261198;asciilifeform;it's 100% spade 1869110;1541261216;mircea_popescu;if qatar had any fucking sense, instead of wasting my emissary's time with idiocy, they'd simply take over computing. 1869111;1541261217;asciilifeform;the only seekrit ingredient missing is some way to actually lay the physical circuit down. 1869112;1541261223;mircea_popescu;but goatfuckistan and sense, what can you do. 1869113;1541261230;asciilifeform;it's a 100% solved, in the mathematical sense, problem. 1869114;1541261264;asciilifeform;doesn't even need 10nM or anyffing of the kind 1869115;1541261272;asciilifeform;1995-era process would entirely suffice. 1869116;1541261310;mircea_popescu;myeah. 1869117;1541261314;asciilifeform;( bake it in ECL, then get 'for phree' not only constant-time, but constant-current. 1869118;1541261318;asciilifeform; ) 1869119;1541261335;*;asciilifeform brb,teatime 1869120;1541261950;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2018/no-such-labs-snsa-october-2018-statement/ << Trilema - No Such lAbs (S.NSA), October 2018 Statement 1869121;1541263737;mircea_popescu;incidentally, anyone wanna do a $20 paypal for me ? 1869122;1541264448;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i'll do it, gpggram coords 1869123;1541264458;mircea_popescu;kk1sec 1869124;1541264486;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: re 'sad serpent hole', a d00d like shinohai could easily take my proggy and determine whether e.g. aes's, key expander is injective (afaik nobody ever bothered) 1869125;1541264550;mircea_popescu;it's a very strict cleaving, what. a dood that's useful will be useful and a dood that's not useful will be useless. there's about eight trillion barns separating the slowest gamma from the fastest beta. 1869126;1541264611;asciilifeform;i.e. 'hunchback will straighten in his grave' ? 1869127;1541264612;asciilifeform;possib 1869128;1541264770;asciilifeform;it boggles my brain, that there is 10,000 man-years of things to do, but some folx carefully avoid doing anyffin. 1869129;1541264810;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/wfrI5/?raw=true 1869130;1541264817;asciilifeform;ok 1s 1869131;1541264862;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform similarily there's 10`000 things to do around my household, but some girlies still derp about their "going to college" or "having a boyfriend" or whatnot. 1869132;1541264871;mircea_popescu;idiocy is a matter of mindstate. 1869133;1541264947;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: eggog: Request parameter error and (if by hand) 'user name does not exist' 1869134;1541264960;mircea_popescu;da fuck. 1869135;1541264997;asciilifeform;oh hm on diff browser seems to work, 1s 1869136;1541265001;mircea_popescu;admire the beauty of web design, i guess. 1869137;1541265039;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2018/qntra-sqntr-october-2018-statement/ << Trilema - Qntra (S.QNTR) October 2018 Statement 1869138;1541265043;asciilifeform;grr, logs in, but there's no pay hole 1869139;1541265050;asciilifeform;( orig url still eggog ) 1869140;1541265068;mircea_popescu;20 bux worth of paypal and 5 grand worth of web 2.0 debug 1869141;1541265148;asciilifeform;loaded the flashism, it offers 'buy' various in-games 1869142;1541265155;asciilifeform;which one do you want 1869143;1541265445;*;asciilifeform marvels at the sea of blinkenlights 1869144;1541265542;asciilifeform;ugh it just flipped into some scene where i'm a fairy riding a sow with bow tie and i have nfi what to do with this 1869145;1541265554;asciilifeform;i'ma log out, this one will have to go to sumbody else, mircea_popescu 1869146;1541265556;mircea_popescu;ahaha 1869147;1541265565;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform well if teh link dun work i dunno it can be helped. 1869148;1541265576;mircea_popescu;usure it doesn't tho ? 1869149;1541265592;asciilifeform;tried it on several wwwtron 1869150;1541265603;asciilifeform;fucking wwwliquishit. 1869151;1541265603;mircea_popescu;nuts, these people. 1869152;1541265618;mircea_popescu;i can't imagine they get that much custom. 1869153;1541265640;mircea_popescu;as perhaps evidenced by the fact you... can't custom, even if for inexplicable reasons you'd want to. 1869154;1541265661;asciilifeform;can't make head or tail of this, aha 1869155;1541265662;mircea_popescu;i wonder what galazies have to allign for the next mp to come along, "suyre, here's a twenny" 1869156;1541265670;*;asciilifeform will bbl, gotta sharpen an axe & other chores 1869157;1541265684;mircea_popescu;well thx for tryin. 1869158;1541265850;BingoBoingo;http://trilema.com/2018/qntra-sqntr-october-2018-statement/#comment-126949 << One hell of a number/word intersection 1869159;1541267087;mircea_popescu;indeed! 1869160;1541267091;mircea_popescu;shares added btws. 1869161;1541272680;deedbot;http://bimbo.club/?p=73 << Bimbo.Club - TMSR Log Summary - 10/27/2018 1869162;1541274217;Mocky;just got a nibble on my BTC ad, someone created an account named SyedAlthaf 20 minutes ago and opened a cash buy of 500 QR worth. But then cancelled trade 1 minute later. 1869163;1541275011;mircea_popescu;heh ok 1869164;1541278115;deedbot;http://mocky.org/Qatar-Coworks/ << Mocky.org - Qatar Coworks 1869165;1541281262;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform apparently the pig-riding faery is "complicated", but there is a button labeled RECHARGE in the bottom center, which should take you to the right place if you feel like trying again. 1869166;1541282685;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/11/canadas-regulated-players-failing-to-supply-captive-legal-cannabis-market/ << Qntra - Canada's Regulated Players Failing To Supply Captive "Legal" Cannabis Market 1869167;1541282927;BingoBoingo;^ Indictment prepped for the likely event Canadian "revenue agents" begin kicking down doors 1869168;1541283182;BingoBoingo;In other local prey behaviors, theft from unattended vehicle titled as though it may have been a robbery of the physical person: http://archive.is/hIZ6E https://www.elobservador.com.uy/nota/le-robaron-al-jefe-de-policia-de-montevideo-201811317942 1869169;1541284155;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo "legalalization" ? 1869170;1541284645;BingoBoingo;ty, fxd 1869171;1541284688;mircea_popescu;Mocky so i guess next step is make an appointment with their minister of technology, industry, or whatever the fuck, explain to the secretarial overseer you end up seeing that the republic is in principle willing to do some tech transfer help them become a real country, exchange confused nods and handshakes and set the bozo bit on the ball of faux carpeting yarn pretending to be a country ? 1869172;1541285806;jurov;mod6: everyone: I am offering 6050 USD/BTC exchange rate for the 2k USD wire. Will wait till Thursday November 8, maybe you can make better offer. 1869173;1541287408;bvt;hello. i wrote a summary for linux system call investigation http://bvt-trace.net/2018/11/linux-portability-part-3-summary/ 1869174;1541296212;lobbes;jurov: why not use the auctionbot? 1869175;1541296214;lobbes;!Qcalc (1/6050)*2000 1869176;1541296214;lobbesbot;lobbes: 0.330578512397 1869177;1541296221;lobbes;so, for e.g. something like "!Xsell 0.33bn 120 2k wFF" 1869178;1541307564;hanbot;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-30#1867497 << not even so much interest, i was more or less drafted. i'm happy to do whatever i can, but i see multiple issues here; i don't in any case want to take your seat, and honestly i don't think "outreach" is a splinter of the foundation's operation, fit for a single person. afaik it's the core of what the thing was supposed to do, and the core of its failure to date, and given a potentially unbounded budge 1869179;1541307564;a111;Logged on 2018-10-30 02:26 mod6: hanbot: Still have interest in an offical Co-Chair seat for the Foundation? 1869180;1541307564;hanbot;t and a by now insanely oversaturated market, i can't imagine anything less than hundreds of hours/week is going to save it. i don't have the hours to make it my sole concern, but i do have some to help out. i think it'd be a shame to kinda decoupage some tasks here and there to a floundering ship. as much as i'd like to see it sail, seems obvious to me that here and there won't cut it at all. 1869181;1541307568;mod6;jurov: lobbes has it, I think an auction is the way to go here. 1869182;1541307722;mod6;hanbot: Thanks for your thoughful response. 1869183;1541308711;mircea_popescu;it's certainly true my hope lo so many years ago was that the foundation will provide the basic material (people, expertise, history, and so on) upon which to construct these days a republican diplomatic service ; rather than a library. 1869184;1541309039;deedbot;http://bimbo.club/?p=74 << Bimbo.Club - TMSR Log Summary - 10/28/2018 1869185;1541319161;jurov;I don't get why I should run the auction and not mod6 but let's try 1869186;1541319202;jurov;!Xsell 0.33bn 120 2k wFF 1869187;1541319202;auctionbot;Sell order # 1005 created by jurov: 2k wFF Opening: 0.33bn ecu Ending: 2018-11-08 20:13:41.320151 UTC (119 hours) 1869188;1541338718;deedbot;http://ossasepia.com/2018/11/04/smg-comms-chapter-6-packing-and-unpacking-rsa/ << Ossasepia - SMG Comms Chapter 6: Packing and Unpacking RSA 1869189;1541343755;mircea_popescu;truth be told it'd work equally well either way, but i dunno, they really really wanna be bidding fror some reason. 1869190;1541344766;Mocky;mircea_popescu, I've spent the day going over and cleaning up my outstanding notes to date. I have 6 blog posts that will be dropping the last of which is my evaluation of where I'm currently at with this thing. 1869191;1541345032;mircea_popescu;alright. all these today ? 1869192;1541345037;Mocky;yes 1869193;1541345275;*;mircea_popescu shall read. 1869194;1541351492;deedbot;http://mocky.org/Lazy-Workers/ << Mocky.org - Lazy Workers 1869195;1541351764;mircea_popescu;lmao, that's rich, work slowdown the factory bosses don't even fucking notice. 1869196;1541352190;mircea_popescu;Mocky did i do teh commenting acceptably nao ? 1869197;1541352205;mircea_popescu;(do you have a knob so i don't have to be moderated every single time ? cuz that's a major chill factor) 1869198;1541353143;Mocky;I don't have moderate per se. I have a manual process where by if i type in "pull-comments.sh" i see if there are new comments to manually copy paste into the document 1869199;1541353148;*;Mocky ducks 1869200;1541353205;Mocky;hey! i didn't want to wasted time implementing a big comment thing when i get 1 comment per month 1869201;1541353716;*;ben_vulpes waves 1869202;1541353743;ben_vulpes;not much to report, still assembling personal workstation 1869203;1541353796;mircea_popescu;Mocky you know all these exist as mp-wp already! 1869204;1541353801;mircea_popescu;reimplementing the java over there 1869205;1541353816;ben_vulpes;> com.trilema.blog 1869206;1541353934;Mocky;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-22#1865064 1869207;1541353934;a111;Logged on 2018-10-22 20:11 Mocky: i can't stomach php, which probably sounds rich coming from hardcore java dude. my www is static files and one old school cgi to python for comments 1869208;1541354022;mircea_popescu;that's fine for as long as it works lol 1869209;1541354114;ben_vulpes;Mocky: there's not much stomaching involved with operating an mp-wp. it's a pretty feature-complete blog; if you really want a custom template you can buy one. 1869210;1541354580;mircea_popescu;actually i bet you the http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-02#1868721 fellow would love nothing more than to do a template design for hire. 1869211;1541354580;a111;Logged on 2018-11-02 01:36 billymg: managed to press vtools and use vdiff to create a patch of the css tweaks for the "default" theme included in mp-wp http://billymg.com/downloads/mp-wp-css-refine.txt 1869212;1541354589;deedbot;http://mocky.org/Five-Star-Flop/ << Mocky.org - Five Star Flop 1869213;1541354651;mircea_popescu;Mocky why does become ? :D 1869214;1541354671;mircea_popescu;and hjow do i link to the comment specifically ? 1869215;1541354686;Mocky;not supported yet 1869216;1541354718;mircea_popescu;oic., 1869217;1541354732;mircea_popescu;"they sit around during the late morning and early afternoons having coffee and sweets." << you know i do this shit too ? must be the middle easterner in us. 1869218;1541354750;mircea_popescu;naramnzi water and shisha, laze about post brunch... very levantine i guess. 1869219;1541354767;Mocky;i guess so 1869220;1541354790;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-04#1869188 << kilometre-wide lines, wai! 1869221;1541354790;a111;Logged on 2018-11-04 13:38 deedbot: http://ossasepia.com/2018/11/04/smg-comms-chapter-6-packing-and-unpacking-rsa/ << Ossasepia - SMG Comms Chapter 6: Packing and Unpacking RSA 1869222;1541355266;mircea_popescu;Mocky "who does has been doing" 1869223;1541355323;Mocky;ah, thx 1869224;1541355390;diana_coman;asciilifeform, where/which? 1869225;1541355398;diana_coman;the keys in the testing? 1869226;1541355447;diana_coman;afaik *those* are the only ones, let me know if there is anything else 1869227;1541355503;diana_coman;asciilifeform> http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-04#1869188 << kilometre-wide lines, wai! -> because RSA keys are kilometre-wide! 1869228;1541355503;a111;Logged on 2018-11-04 13:38 deedbot: http://ossasepia.com/2018/11/04/smg-comms-chapter-6-packing-and-unpacking-rsa/ << Ossasepia - SMG Comms Chapter 6: Packing and Unpacking RSA 1869229;1541355660;asciilifeform;what'd be wrong with "line1" & "line2" ..... & "lineN" 1869230;1541355851;diana_coman;the fact that I have to manually and arbitrarily split strings that in fact are of any use only un-splitted 1869231;1541355983;diana_coman;onth I suppose that the 80cols rule either is or isn't, so it should apply even to strings that make no sense split, a bit of cutting to fit the bed style 1869232;1541356088;*;diana_coman will think on this a bit more 1869233;1541356116;*;asciilifeform strong proponent of 80col-ism, even builds with gnat flag that makes >80 an eggog 1869234;1541356122;*;asciilifeform brb 1869235;1541356156;diana_coman;Mocky, "on while goose chases" - wild, I suppose 1869236;1541356191;diana_coman;asciilifeform, I know but I still don't fully buy it, it seems 1869237;1541356257;Mocky;oh, thank you 1869238;1541356326;diana_coman;it still seems at best silly to manually split strings that one would than have to merge if they want to use as such somewhere else 1869239;1541356651;deedbot;http://mocky.org/Qatar-Financial-Center/ << Mocky.org - Qatar Financial Center 1869240;1541358057;deedbot;http://mocky.org/Zombies-Gamers-and-Lost-Souls/ << Mocky.org - Zombies Gamers and Lost Souls 1869241;1541360205;deedbot;http://mocky.org/inshAllah/ << Mocky.org - insh Allah 1869242;1541360904;ben_vulpes;and workstation back online. gentoo happily boots from its original sata port on the motherboard, but hangs at "loading the kernel" when that drive is plugged into any other other sata port. 1869243;1541360968;ben_vulpes;will be making new contacts in the next month to find a shared cab for racking the foundation machine i lugged across the continent 1869244;1541361098;diana_coman;Mocky, hm, I thought it was "trust Allah but tie camel", apparently they lost the 2nd part? 1869245;1541361225;Mocky;more like trust Allah and don't be the faithless one studying knots 1869246;1541361312;diana_coman;sounds more like a study in "how unearned wealth can screw you up" basically 1869247;1541362214;deedbot;http://blog.lobbesblog.com/2018/11/bulletin-on-auctionbot-fees/ << lobbesblog - Bulletin on auctionbot fees 1869248;1541363394;BingoBoingo;http://archive.is/R2CZ4 1869249;1541363499;Mocky;lol 1869250;1541363601;*;BingoBoingo at some point going to have to dive into reducing mysql ram usage on rockchip 1869251;1541367282;deedbot;http://mocky.org/Qatar-25-Day-Report/ << Mocky.org - Qatar: 25 Day Report 1869252;1541367289;Mocky;^ Ok this is my last post of the night. Going to sleep now 1869253;1541367681;mod6;jurov: Ok, that's probably a better way : We'll start the auction, and you can bid on it. We'll do this going forward. 1869254;1541367697;deedbot;http://thetarpit.org/posts/y05/07f-bucharest-ii.html << The Tar Pit - Bucharest, part zwei: Herstru, Cotroceni 1869255;1541367722;mod6;!Qhelp 1869256;1541367722;lobbesbot;mod6: http://lobbesblog.com/lobbesbotcommands 1869257;1541367811;mod6;lobbes: do you have a list of commands for auctionbot somewhere? 1869258;1541367814;mod6;!Xhelp 1869259;1541367814;auctionbot;http://blog.lobbesblog.com/2018/10/auctionbot-is-live/ 1869260;1541367854;mod6;lobbes: nevermind 1869261;1541368101;mod6;!Xbuy .311bn 100 2k wFF 1869262;1541368101;auctionbot;Buy order # 1006 created by mod6: 2k wFF Opening: .311bn ecu Ending: 2018-11-08 13:48:41.550007 UTC (99 hours) 1869263;1541368155;mod6;jurov: go ahead and Xcancel your auction #1005, and plz to bid on mine (#1006) 1869264;1541368157;mod6;Thanks! 1869265;1541368438;mod6;ben_vulpes: cool, thanks. 1869266;1541372713;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-04#1869238 << iirc ( really calls for experimental test ) when you foo : String := "bar" & "baz" ; at compile time it glues'em , and does not drag in secondarystackism, fwiw 1869267;1541372713;a111;Logged on 2018-11-04 18:32 diana_coman: it still seems at best silly to manually split strings that one would than have to merge if they want to use as such somewhere else 1869268;1541372738;asciilifeform;worx same as the multiline notation in c 1869269;1541372830;asciilifeform;i hate to bring back ancient thread re 'how many columns in terminal', but you ~must~ have a finite width, or cannot write even basic thing like vtron without idjit heapism. and i'm heavily biased to 'make'em 80' , that's how wide my terminal and printers are. 1869270;1541372868;asciilifeform;nobody's terminal, afaik, is 980 wide. 1869271;1541372895;asciilifeform;( the width of the constants pictured in http://ossasepia.com/2018/11/04/smg-comms-chapter-6-packing-and-unpacking-rsa/#selection-121.192-121.4240 ) 1869272;1541372917;asciilifeform;i'm a little surprised the vtron even swallowed it. 1869273;1541373030;mircea_popescu;diana_coman imo such items belong in a config file then. though he prolly wants the ~config~ file to also be "human readable" by which he means hard-paged at 80 cols like for idiots. because there's no such thing as a terminal, nor user settings, and i gotta format my text in a way that's aware of his dumb terminal. and he thinks this acceptable, somehow, that at the time i write i must bear in mind how he'll later read. 1869274;1541373047;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-04#1869251 << sounds grim, but afaik Mocky not tried the http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-03#1869171 gambit yet 1869275;1541373047;a111;Logged on 2018-11-04 21:34 deedbot: http://mocky.org/Qatar-25-Day-Report/ << Mocky.org - Qatar: 25 Day Report 1869276;1541373047;a111;Logged on 2018-11-03 22:38 mircea_popescu: Mocky so i guess next step is make an appointment with their minister of technology, industry, or whatever the fuck, explain to the secretarial overseer you end up seeing that the republic is in principle willing to do some tech transfer help them become a real country, exchange confused nods and handshakes and set the bozo bit on the ball of faux carpeting yarn pretending to be a country ? 1869277;1541373059;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: how wide is your terminal ? 1869278;1541373061;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform srsly now, 80cols is a terminal setting. text may not have line breaks for any reason other than new paragraph. 1869279;1541373067;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform as wide as i fucking feel like. 1869280;1541373080;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu like to horizontal-scroll ? 1869281;1541373095;asciilifeform;or he actually has one of those road-sign shaped displays, or which 1869282;1541373151;asciilifeform;( i actually use these. but they're turned on their side, so i can put moar-proggy into'em, rather than longer-line ) 1869283;1541373197;mircea_popescu;i feel about "this string has spurious /n inserted in random places" about the same way you feel about FG getting random control bits pissed into the stream by "helpful" wrappers. 1869284;1541373215;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: keep in mind that it ain't 'text', tho, it's a proggy, the line is a semantic unit 1869285;1541373217;mircea_popescu;IF you can't configure your termina, either get a better one or understand you're at fault for your own pain. 1869286;1541373226;asciilifeform;and to write e.g. vtron, you gotta pick a max length in advance 1869287;1541373231;mircea_popescu;the line as a semantic unit is as long as it fucking is, and the terminal deals with it. 1869288;1541373240;mircea_popescu;it dun ask the author to deal with it for him. 1869289;1541373264;mircea_popescu;and i know no reason vtron must have "max line length picked in advance" either. 1869290;1541373279;asciilifeform;it will, unless you use heapistic diff 1869291;1541373293;mircea_popescu;in any case i don't want control bits spuriously pissed into the stream. what next, ? 1869292;1541373315;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform there's a legacy definition of "text" type in eulora comms protocol specifically for this conversation. 1869293;1541373337;mircea_popescu;"first section is 1 byte long, encodes length of 2nd section ; 2nd section encodes length of payload". 1869294;1541373342;asciilifeform;line breaks to fit on civilized terminals & printers aint spurious. i suspect that we're doomed to disagree. 1869295;1541373365;asciilifeform;i dun have infinitely-sized chairs at my house either, even though 'arse can be any width!11' 1869296;1541373368;asciilifeform;nor barn doors 1869297;1541373391;mircea_popescu;hey. i won't mandate her she write long lines, if she manages in 80 cols all the better. but i will mandate she dun do " & " bullshit. 1869298;1541373406;mircea_popescu;so not only we agree to disagree -- but there's gonna be long lines in there cuz that's how long a line is. 1869299;1541373439;asciilifeform;they're already in, e.g., trb. but was thinking, perhaps folx will eventually stop, cuz it's a headache and to fix it is not in any sense expensive imho. 1869300;1541373454;asciilifeform;( there's 200+ col. lines in trb ) 1869301;1541373468;mircea_popescu;"stop" means to take "text" and turn it into "text" and that's so fucking stupid... 1869302;1541373494;mircea_popescu;srsly now, move on to an adult terminal that can flow the semantic unit for your needs. 1869303;1541373494;asciilifeform;ideally sexprs. but maybe that's next decade. 1869304;1541373503;mircea_popescu;and if emacs can't do this, emacs is plain and unadulterated garbage is all. 1869305;1541373510;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i use printers, and aint about to stop, it's part of my code-eating workflow. 1869306;1541373517;mircea_popescu;so printers can't flow now ? 1869307;1541373525;asciilifeform;and 'fits in head' demands fit-in-page-preserving-indentation. 1869308;1541373527;mircea_popescu;my fucking 24 dot matrix tractor unit could flow. what. 1869309;1541373534;asciilifeform;preserving indentation ! 1869310;1541373556;mircea_popescu;sounds like you're in the market for a printer driver that doesn't suck. 1869311;1541373566;asciilifeform;printer driver dun do this. 1869312;1541373579;asciilifeform;not even my hand-sewn pretty printing liquishit, does this. 1869313;1541373618;asciilifeform;it's not doable without a transformer that's aware of the syntax. and doing it will destroy ability to refer to orig author's lines by number in conversation. 1869314;1541373671;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-04#1764371 << see also prev thrd. 1869315;1541373671;a111;Logged on 2018-01-04 23:45 phf: in a proper program 80 col is an indicator of s/n, density and all kinds of lateral properties, that can be communicated between professionals, because you can know ahead of time, what you're dealing with by shape, and have a rough estimate for the token count 1869316;1541373683;mircea_popescu;i don't see it'd destroy any such thing. 1869317;1541373689;asciilifeform;standard line len makes it possible to meaningfully discuss loc, among other things. 1869318;1541373712;mircea_popescu;but yes, i ask your terminal be aware of the syntax. it must be. because the alternative is having me be aware of your terminal -- and that ain't occurring. 1869319;1541373735;mircea_popescu;standard line length may not be shorter than common lines. which among other things will be rsa keys. so it'll be, willy nily, over 80. 1869320;1541373741;asciilifeform;mechanically-reflowed proggy suxx to read, i can tell that mircea_popescu spends ~0 time actually reading ( as in, go offline for whole day to read 1 proggy ) coad. 1869321;1541373749;mircea_popescu;there can be such a thing as a standard length, yes. but apparently it'll be 512 bytes+ 1869322;1541373763;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: diana_coman's are already 900+ 1869323;1541373766;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the fact all your terminals suck isn't an argument in this convo. 1869324;1541373769;mircea_popescu;fix them! 1869325;1541373774;mircea_popescu;it is not possible to fix the wrong end of this funnel. 1869326;1541373788;asciilifeform;say what's 'fix' then ? 1024 col display ? 1869327;1541373791;hanbot;why not just display it in 2pt and get a monocle, yeesh 1869328;1541373798;mircea_popescu;reflow you like ; or else wider lines ; or anything that works for you. 1869329;1541373800;asciilifeform;hanbot: apparently this is mircea_popescu's prescribed answer 1869330;1541373806;asciilifeform;reflow sucks. 1869331;1541373816;mircea_popescu;basically, any time you go "this string should contain control characters for my convenience" you are living in a state of sin, and should remedy. 1869332;1541373857;asciilifeform;ideally proggy would be distributed as a ast in sexpr, and we wouldn't have 'tabs & spaces' thread. but we aint there yet. 1869333;1541373897;mircea_popescu;but the only way to ever get there is if we run out of town this "let's mix data and markup" approach. 1869334;1541373908;*;mircea_popescu fucking hates hard line ends omfg. 1869335;1541373916;asciilifeform;this is new 1869336;1541373936;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu barfed at my 'let's forbid semantically meaningful newlines in vtronics' item, earlier. 1869337;1541373956;asciilifeform;( recall, 'genetics'-style diff, that refers to actual byte positions ) 1869338;1541373960;mircea_popescu;im sure i mentioned my script to s'\n\n%\r'g | s'\n% 'g | s'\r%\n'g many times before 1869339;1541373989;asciilifeform;lol i have this on by boxes, it goes by 'dos2unix' , standard util neh 1869340;1541373996;asciilifeform;*my 1869341;1541374011;mircea_popescu;it just gets rid of "80 col" or otherwise "preformatted" text in favour of line=paragraph sanity. 1869342;1541374021;mircea_popescu;fucking "lines". jesus. 1869343;1541374075;asciilifeform;then 'loc' is meaningless metric. 1869344;1541374111;mircea_popescu;yes. 1869345;1541374112;mircea_popescu;always was. 1869346;1541374129;mircea_popescu; http://blog.lobbesblog.com/2018/11/bulletin-on-auctionbot-fees/ << lobbesblog - Bulletin on auctionbot fees << cool. 1869347;1541374578;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i'll admit that curious why you ended up flipping on earlier http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-05#1764721 1869348;1541374578;a111;Logged on 2018-01-05 03:07 mircea_popescu: so to have closure, i suppose http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-04#1763975 should read "80 cols plox what is this" 1869349;1541374610;asciilifeform;( i still see it as 'railroad gauge' , gonna publish 80cols till the day i die ) 1869350;1541374996;BingoBoingo;ATTN: http://bingology.net/ will be offline for at least 24 hours until I can free up some time to force the database to fit into the available RAM 1869351;1541375081;*;asciilifeform had the mysql manual open , since BingoBoingo 1st mentioned subj, and somewhat to my surprise found that the thing dun seem to have a max mem knob ! 1869352;1541375172;asciilifeform;https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/memory-use.html ftr. pretty depressing. 1869353;1541375237;BingoBoingo;No, there isn't. There are knobs that influence the range of memory footprints mysql will sit in, and none of them appear to be able to be turned meaningfully down on a living database. 1869354;1541375254;asciilifeform;proggies written by people who see machine resource as bottomless well, are infuriating . 1869355;1541375461;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-04#1869202 << nao gotta ask, why didja transport it in pieces ?! 1869356;1541375461;a111;Logged on 2018-11-04 17:49 ben_vulpes: not much to report, still assembling personal workstation 1869357;1541375485;*;asciilifeform at one time had a 100kg liquid-cooled horror, did not transport in pieces, simply attached wheelbarrow wheels to it... 1869358;1541375609;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-03#1869173 << pretty interesting, and suggests 1 interesting question on top of it : how many of those 'exotic' linux ports ( e.g. s390 ) ~actually work~ today ? 1869359;1541375609;a111;Logged on 2018-11-03 23:23 bvt: hello. i wrote a summary for linux system call investigation http://bvt-trace.net/2018/11/linux-portability-part-3-summary/ 1869360;1541375688;asciilifeform;i've built, fwiw, for mips ( 32 an' 64 -wide ), for arm (ditto), even for 'microblaze' ( spoiler: not an actual iron, but xilinx's oddball 'demo cpu', exists nowhere else but 'virtex' demo boards, of which i have an embarrassingly tall pile ) -- but i ain't ever built for s390, or 68k ... 1869361;1541375736;asciilifeform;at some point i'ma get around to trimming the kernel. how many of these do we actually want ? 1869362;1541375755;asciilifeform;( does anybody even ~have~ a s390, or where to steal one ?? ) 1869363;1541375815;asciilifeform;for that matter, errybody luvvs m68k, but where might one actually get one with enuff ram to fit the current kernel. 1869364;1541375823;asciilifeform;who the fuck maintains that branch, i want to know, and on what ! 1869365;1541375860;asciilifeform;( 68k has, what, 24MB ? max addr space. to let 'modern' kernel eat 12-20 of these, is imho pretty 'rich' ) 1869366;1541375902;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: i seem to recall you had one ? at some point 1869367;1541375910;asciilifeform;what % of ram kernel ate ? 1869368;1541375928;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: I never tried the linux on it 1869369;1541375934;asciilifeform;aah 1869370;1541375937;asciilifeform;was what, 'amiga' ? 1869371;1541375948;BingoBoingo;OpenBSD 3.? 1869372;1541375953;asciilifeform;aa 1869373;1541376012;asciilifeform;iirc even theo gave up on shoehorning his kernel into ancient archs. 1869374;1541376045;BingoBoingo;3.? is when theo gave up on 68k 1869375;1541376056;asciilifeform;i think the smallest unixlike box i currently have, is a pic32 (mips, little endian) , and it's running... sysv 1869376;1541376072;asciilifeform;( byproduct of early cardanoism ) 1869377;1541379852;billymg;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-04#1869210 << yup. Mocky: if this ever becomes a need for you, i'd be more than happy to help 1869378;1541379852;a111;Logged on 2018-11-04 18:03 mircea_popescu: actually i bet you the http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-02#1868721 fellow would love nothing more than to do a template design for hire. 1869379;1541379903;billymg;and at this point i'm just trying to build my reputation so wouldn't be looking for anything beyond a fair rating 1869380;1541380997;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform what flipped is that i'm not about to build magic numbers into the s.mg code process. 1869381;1541381044;mircea_popescu;that can read "80 cols plox what is this" all it wants, it runs into "this is a key, what are you going to do about it, use 80 cols keys" ? 1869382;1541381102;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo i'm willing to bet there's something grossly misconfigured ; item doesn't have memory issues normally. 1869383;1541381155;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: It was on the defaults. 2 GB rockchip and while not a trilema sized blog, bigger than most on mp-wp 1869384;1541381170;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-04#1869361 << ~none. let the heroes participate by bringing their obscura into the fold. 1869385;1541381170;a111;Logged on 2018-11-04 23:55 asciilifeform: at some point i'ma get around to trimming the kernel. how many of these do we actually want ? 1869386;1541381238;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo ps aux | grep mysqld says what ? 1869387;1541381262;mircea_popescu;(5th column, the virtual memory allocated, is the point of interest) 1869388;1541381388;BingoBoingo;1261 0.0 0.0 2248 456 pts/0 S+ 01:30 0:00 grep --colour=auto mysqld 1869389;1541381404;mircea_popescu;why do you think ram is the problem then ?! 1869390;1541381416;BingoBoingo;I can't keep it alive 1869391;1541381436;mircea_popescu;anyway, you might find https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~matt-day32/mysql-tuning-primer/trunk/view/head:/tuning-primer.sh helpful (run AFTER you've read it and satisfied self it's not malicious). 1869392;1541381469;BingoBoingo;The situation is it will have to wait until after Pizarro statement. 1869393;1541381554;mircea_popescu;at your leisure. 1869394;1541381581;BingoBoingo;I keep getting distracted by not quite fixes that let the thing show a dashboard for one page load, as much as I would like it to be top of my list it can't today 1869395;1541381678;BingoBoingo;until then I can't even blog my recent conversion to beach running 1869396;1541381801;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-05#1869384 << is what i was thinking. and i'm going for even moar radical snippetysnip, i.e. of ALL iron that nobody in l1 has / can be arsed to muster, not simply cpu archs. 1869397;1541381801;a111;Logged on 2018-11-05 01:26 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-04#1869361 << ~none. let the heroes participate by bringing their obscura into the fold. 1869398;1541381843;asciilifeform;i dun have e.g. 'hauppauge tv card' and dun intend to dig in junkyard for one just to test driver. 1869399;1541381898;asciilifeform;anybody who finds that he cannot live without one, is welcome to backport the kernelade for it with ~own~ hands, and present signed vpatch. 1869400;1541381981;asciilifeform;ditto s390, though if somebody insists on ibm dinosaur in his tmsr workflow i'ma be curious re wtf,wai 1869401;1541382125;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: would like to get sense of what is thought 'obscura' tho, my obscura may or may not be trinque's obscura, etc. 1869402;1541382216;asciilifeform;optimally , by the time the scissors actually come out, there'll be concretes in the l0gz, of the form of 'hands off my $scsicard, motherfuckers' 1869403;1541383175;mircea_popescu;odds are we'll find out in the shape of error reports. 1869404;1541384471;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/wniiv << meanwhile in vintage lulz. d00d built wankatron with spoon in arse , plugged into mains , with neon lamp to reduce 220v , or so he thought.. it shorted. 1869405;1541392952;mircea_popescu;"I’ve never before had coffee that good. It actually hurts now to drink the instant coffee I have back at my room." << non-us coffee apparently is great generally. 1869406;1541393226;mircea_popescu;http://mocky.org/Qatar-Financial-Center/ <<< top fucking keks. really, arab don't keep appointment ?! this is some next level shit, never heard of it b4. 1869407;1541393353;mircea_popescu;"I guess you could say they identify as bikers." bwajuaja ok, this is entertaining lol 1869408;1541393495;Mocky;good morning mircea_popescu 1869409;1541393502;mircea_popescu;heya mockster 1869410;1541393854;mircea_popescu;ajahjaha check it out, "haymasfuturo" qatar version! jesus these people. 1869411;1541393937;Mocky;re bikers, some of these guys seem so happy to just *have* the bike. i have neighbor who fires his up every 3rd day and twists the throttle for 5 minutes while it sits. but maybe it's to scare all the cats away 1869412;1541394064;mircea_popescu;well, i'd say i'm edified. 1869413;1541394137;mircea_popescu;i still think you should http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-03#1869171 as a parting shot ; not because i expect anything besides the "meet mr al-schmukwari at 8am", but because why not let the remnant of usg.blue congratulate itself on "succeeding" ? let some schmuck "earn" a bonus, what's it to you or me. 1869414;1541394137;a111;Logged on 2018-11-03 22:38 mircea_popescu: Mocky so i guess next step is make an appointment with their minister of technology, industry, or whatever the fuck, explain to the secretarial overseer you end up seeing that the republic is in principle willing to do some tech transfer help them become a real country, exchange confused nods and handshakes and set the bozo bit on the ball of faux carpeting yarn pretending to be a country ? 1869415;1541394182;Mocky;what do you mean by tech transfer? 1869416;1541394260;Mocky;like your computers are shitty but you could remedy that? 1869417;1541396673;mircea_popescu;Mocky like you could build a chip foundry we man and train. the http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-25#1865898 item 1869418;1541396673;a111;Logged on 2018-10-25 15:44 mircea_popescu: now, a 4096 bit native fpga, specifically for rsa-ing and rsa-likes-ing, THAT might be very useful, because there the s-o-d item is major win. 1869419;1541396707;Mocky;ok 1869420;1541396739;mircea_popescu;why don't they fab chips anyway ? got plenty of sand yes ? 1869421;1541396752;mircea_popescu;what, the filipino/indonesians/etc are better in the brain or what ? 1869422;1541396804;mircea_popescu;do you understand what the item in question is, given as example ? would like likbez ? 1869423;1541397077;Mocky;I think I understand but the more examples the better 1869424;1541397094;mircea_popescu;examples ? 1869425;1541397103;mircea_popescu;tell me, what's a bus ? 1869426;1541397125;Mocky;a data pathway 1869427;1541397133;mircea_popescu;that's no answer. 1869428;1541397148;mircea_popescu;how do you distinguish a bus from a cat5 cable ? 1869429;1541397178;Mocky;it's on a board, between chips 1869430;1541397203;mircea_popescu;your definitions are terrible. 1869431;1541397219;mircea_popescu;there's a bus in the basement of the building you're now, for electricity. 1869432;1541397316;mircea_popescu;https://www.caplinq.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/image054.jpg < item 1869433;1541397357;Mocky;ok 1869434;1541397455;mircea_popescu;a direct line is a bus, see. if you switch it's a switched line, if you don't switch it's a bus line. if you packet it's "a data pathway". 1869435;1541397479;mircea_popescu;does this resonate with any familiarity in ye olde phracking and telco or nothing there to resonate with ? 1869436;1541397491;Mocky;yes it does 1869437;1541397520;mircea_popescu;cool. now what's a register ? 1869438;1541397592;Mocky;a named local storage location 1869439;1541397610;mircea_popescu;not at all. 1869440;1541397619;mircea_popescu;a register is the processor byte. 1869441;1541397668;mircea_popescu;do you see why its width would beneifically match the bus width ? 1869442;1541397747;Mocky;operands have to be fetched and results stored along the bus before and after each processor op 1869443;1541397776;mircea_popescu;well no, if they are different witdths you have to... switch 1869444;1541397783;mircea_popescu;the less switrches the cheaper, faster, better etc. 1869445;1541397811;mircea_popescu;right ? 1869446;1541397852;Mocky;i'm trying to see it 1869447;1541397874;mircea_popescu;if your bus pipes in stuff at 32 bits/cycle and your registers are 64 bits, you have to distinguish two kinds of cycles. 1869448;1541397888;mircea_popescu;if instead registers are 16 bits, you have to distinguish two kinds of registers. 1869449;1541397958;Mocky;like a left and right register? 1869450;1541397963;mircea_popescu;or up and down or we 1869451;1541397974;Mocky;ok 1869452;1541397984;mircea_popescu;1st and 2nd portions of a full cycle, 1st and 2nd portions of a full register etc. 1869453;1541397991;Mocky;i see it 1869454;1541398006;mircea_popescu;what ELSE would the register width beneficially match ? 1869455;1541398062;Mocky;the operand size for cpu instructions 1869456;1541398071;mircea_popescu;not at all. 1869457;1541398075;mircea_popescu;that's a list, you don't care. 1869458;1541398088;mircea_popescu;if you need 5 or 56 instructions makes 0 diff. 1869459;1541398127;mircea_popescu;oh oh, wait, maybe i misread. "the operand", wtf does that mean here ? 1869460;1541398128;Mocky;the unit size of memory addresses 1869461;1541398131;mircea_popescu;why ? 1869462;1541398143;Mocky;same thing on the other end of the bus 1869463;1541398161;mircea_popescu;a yeah, that's right. you mewan ~the actual~ byte size of the data. yes ? its native size ? 1869464;1541398272;Mocky;if a fetch from memory grabs 32 bits, and the data is 32 bits on the memory side and the register side then you don't need the switch 1869465;1541398297;mircea_popescu;nah, that's not it. data, what your processor will work with, also has a NATIVE byte. 1869466;1541398329;mircea_popescu;i know thios is unlikely a notion, because the crud of voip or divx or w/e could seemingly have any bytness. however think ... displays have 32 bit color byteness... and 1869467;1541398331;Mocky;oh, that's what i meant by operand size, the unit the processor is woking with 1869468;1541398337;mircea_popescu;importantly... what's the byteness of rsa ? 1869469;1541398428;Mocky;I don't know rsa maths well enough to say 1869470;1541398448;mircea_popescu;well, we use 4096 bit keys, therefore as asciilifeform well points out, the native byte of rsa is 8192. 1869471;1541398456;mircea_popescu;now, what's commercial processors bus and register width ? 1869472;1541398525;Mocky;64 bit bus and iirc 32 bit registers, typically 1869473;1541398530;mircea_popescu;right-o. 1869474;1541398543;mircea_popescu;and so in order to rsa on a commercial processor, you gotta do a mountain of switching 1869475;1541398553;Mocky;right 1869476;1541398558;mircea_popescu;which, because of the nature of crypto ops in the first pace, is very fucking finnicky... switching can leak data. 1869477;1541398581;mircea_popescu;hence the whole effort in ffa, which is nothing else and nothing besides a switching harness for 64 bit cpu so it doesn't leak data while switching it for a 8192 native byte. 1869478;1541398608;mircea_popescu;now, do you see how these magic numbers are nothing else, and if producer wants he can make 19, 4435 or whatever bus and register cpus FOR THE SAME COST ? 1869479;1541398631;Mocky;well power of 2 values i see 1869480;1541398678;mircea_popescu;right. now, do you see how data-native byteness processor made on 1995s tech would beat the shit off inconveniently byted poroessor made yesterday, for the specific application in question ? 1869481;1541398704;Mocky;i do 1869482;1541398717;mircea_popescu;why does there not exist a rsa-sized specialist processor widely available now ? 1869483;1541398773;Mocky;i can't think of a good why not 1869484;1541398790;mircea_popescu;the answer you're looking for is "because confederacy of dunces". 1869485;1541398802;mircea_popescu;now... why is qatar having political problems atm ? 1869486;1541398902;Mocky;nominally because neighbors claim 'allowed terrorist donations' but i don't know the actual why 1869487;1541398923;mircea_popescu;also because confederacy of dunces, perhaps ? the EXACT SAME usg.blue dunces, actually ? 1869488;1541398940;mircea_popescu;do you see why the man besieged by rats and the horse besieged by rats may perhaps make what's called "a couple made in heaven" ? 1869489;1541398956;Mocky;yes 1869490;1541398964;mircea_popescu;now, what's an asic ? 1869491;1541399004;Mocky;hardware baked with a specific algo, not generall purpose 1869492;1541399023;mircea_popescu;keks 1869493;1541399039;mircea_popescu;let's just say it's playdo cpu, right ? you can cut here and there and get various basic units working together. 1869494;1541399053;mircea_popescu;now, perhaps this also could be made in such a way as to data byteness ? 1869495;1541399065;mircea_popescu;point being, there's a LOT they could do to be useful, first of all to themselves. dja see it ? 1869496;1541399076;Mocky;yes 1869497;1541399083;mircea_popescu;so that's the angle. 1869498;1541399120;mircea_popescu;i clearly recall ceausescu's lament back in the 70s, "they sell us today's tech at high prices, because they have tomorrow's lined up. but what can we do?" 1869499;1541399137;mircea_popescu;this is their one shot to buy tomorrow's. whether they have the sense... ceausescu never had the chance. 1869500;1541399264;Mocky;i see it 1869501;1541399528;mircea_popescu;well congrats on surviving half hour of powerhosing. few do. 1869502;1541399685;Mocky;the mp hot seat 1869503;1541411760;diana_coman;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-04#1869273 - a config file seems the better choice, yes; I'll add it to the list to move the keys to a config file and update the tests to read from config file; that should actually meet asciilifeform's requirements too since the code will not contain the >80cols lines (although the config files will, of course) 1869504;1541411760;a111;Logged on 2018-11-04 23:10 mircea_popescu: diana_coman imo such items belong in a config file then. though he prolly wants the ~config~ file to also be "human readable" by which he means hard-paged at 80 cols like for idiots. because there's no such thing as a terminal, nor user settings, and i gotta format my text in a way that's aware of his dumb terminal. and he thinks this acceptable, somehow, that at the time i write i must bear in mind how he'll later read. 1869505;1541412575;diana_coman;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-05#1869406 -> the way I read this was that arab did not consider that as appointment, more like audience granted -perhaps, if allah finds time for it - to lowlife sort of thing 1869506;1541412575;a111;Logged on 2018-11-05 04:47 mircea_popescu: http://mocky.org/Qatar-Financial-Center/ <<< top fucking keks. really, arab don't keep appointment ?! this is some next level shit, never heard of it b4. 1869507;1541426587;mircea_popescu;diana_coman seems the reasonable available goat-and-cabbage pacifier 1869508;1541426760;*;asciilifeform watched in horror as the cabbage ate teh wolf, last time he played w+g+c 1869509;1541426775;diana_coman;ahahhaha, that's a lousy wolf 1869510;1541426811;asciilifeform;can't always source grade a+ wolf... 1869511;1541426832;mircea_popescu;was this a racoon ? 1869512;1541426873;asciilifeform;nah ( my pest control algo for those actually, believe or not , worked, 8 down and none seen lately ) 1869513;1541426903;mircea_popescu;did you shoot them or what was it ? 1869514;1541426906;asciilifeform;rather, was a gnarly mathe-deadend. 1869515;1541426977;mircea_popescu;speaking of cabbage-ate-wolf, yest @bbq had juvenile duck stare down the shit out of adult pitbulls. 1869516;1541426993;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: shot with , roughly, the item from conan doyle's 'the empty house' 1869517;1541426998;mircea_popescu;cuz they're all shy and "waht the FUCK is this then" and the duck's like FUCK YOU MY GRANNY WAS A VELOCIRAPTOR! 1869518;1541427012;asciilifeform;lol 1869519;1541427024;diana_coman;mircea_popescu, that sounds close to "and then goat ate the wolf" 1869520;1541427041;mircea_popescu;i guess at that... 1869521;1541427071;mircea_popescu;aaand in other news of only apparent alf interest, i'm in talks with... a chick from moscow. 1869522;1541427091;mircea_popescu;moscow IDAHO. this is a thing now, fucking paris, texas wan't good enough for these people. they gotta have a moscow also. 1869523;1541427099;asciilifeform;lol!! 1869524;1541427117;asciilifeform;they have a rome in illinois, a odessa in texas, etc so wainot 1869525;1541427123;diana_coman;lol, I never quite understood wtf it is with US that they can't even come up with new names for places or what 1869526;1541427134;mircea_popescu;and if they try to "fucker, get your own names" it's mittikittegoongamooga or w/e the fuck the canadians call things 1869527;1541427143;asciilifeform;at least the had the sense to make newyork prefixed 1869528;1541427143;diana_coman;wounded knee! 1869529;1541427148;asciilifeform;rather than york 1869530;1541427159;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform there's a york. 1869531;1541427169;asciilifeform;is there, i missed 1869532;1541427188;asciilifeform;but not surprising. i think they hashcollided whole planet at this point. 1869533;1541427204;mircea_popescu;https://www.yorkcity.org/ 1869534;1541427219;asciilifeform;ha. 1869535;1541427379;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-05#1869478 << 1 nitpick -- not quite same cost, the size of the adder, barrel shifter, and esp. -- multer, grow with the cube of the reg bitness 1869536;1541427379;a111;Logged on 2018-11-05 06:16 mircea_popescu: now, do you see how these magic numbers are nothing else, and if producer wants he can make 19, 4435 or whatever bus and register cpus FOR THE SAME COST ? 1869537;1541427400;mircea_popescu;same cost as in, fixed cost of the machinery making them 1869538;1541427429;asciilifeform;my orig observation was that this is a less stupid use of die space than e.g tlb cache and the other liquishit x86 is packed with 'so win10 faster' 1869539;1541427472;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: for so long as you can fit in $process -- yes entirely same 1869540;1541427516;mircea_popescu;right. and his bitness doesn't enter into it, though i didn't pick it up. literally, prime-count bus same cost. 1869541;1541427532;mircea_popescu;and for that matter crt bitness is 24 not 32, but apparently nobody cared enough to insist on the exact magic number 1869542;1541427533;mircea_popescu;and so on. 1869543;1541427581;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: depending how you cut it, varies . e.g. my 'eizo' has a 'byteness' of 14 bits ( per channel ) 1869544;1541427612;asciilifeform;for a 'wordness of' 42 1869545;1541427629;mircea_popescu;right. 1869546;1541427664;mircea_popescu;anyways, more in the general, there's a LOT of merit to dennis hopper's monologue in http://trilema.com/2013/true-romance-tarantino-cut/ : "he didn't think to tell me... and i didn't think to ask". 1869547;1541427678;mircea_popescu;MOST of issues in civilised (which strictly means white) world are resolved by that method. 1869548;1541428093;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in weblulz, https://findcrypto.net/bitcoin/bitcoin-ever-wondered-what-the-hell-was-wrong-with-that-max-keiser-guy-this-pretty-much-explains-it/ 1869549;1541428135;mircea_popescu;because what could be better than starting one of these 2008-style spamsites, in 2018 ? 1869550;1541428139;mircea_popescu;NICHE!!! 1869551;1541428657;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i get pingbacks from these nonstop. tho more often they're shannonized 'miner' sites 1869552;1541428716;mircea_popescu;aha. 1869553;1541429659;mircea_popescu;incidentally, apropos de nothing : Jean van Heijenoort is an interesting character, not because of his youthful association with one of the inconsequential marx-zigglers burlesque and slapstick acts of the early 20th century, but because of his later life as a historian of what could only properly be called "the end of nations as an intellectual construct". 1869554;1541429693;mircea_popescu;his "source book" is practically speaking the last time one had to collect and translate previously uncollected and untranslated worldbreakers. 1869555;1541430017;asciilifeform;apropos of upstack -- last wk asciilifeform did the ~yearly dig re 'does anyone actually sell fpga big enuff to demo 8192b-arithmetizer inside, fully unrolled' and turns out that yes (as of 6mo ago) 1869556;1541430040;asciilifeform;( naturally it's the big-fpga monopolist, xilinx . but it's there. ) 1869557;1541430098;asciilifeform;they offer a half-mil. LUT thing. (can fit, e.g., orig 'pentium', say.) 1869558;1541430113;Mocky;how much? 1869559;1541430129;asciilifeform;Mocky: coupla thou. usd 1869560;1541430154;asciilifeform;afaik they're ~only~ used for asic dev, hence the 'we charge weight in diamonds' 1869561;1541430182;asciilifeform;but they're actually in my parts houses' catalogues. 1869562;1541430220;Mocky;speaking of weight in diamnonds, I find the guy I should be talking to here: Hassan Al-Sayed 1869563;1541430220;Mocky; Assistant Undersecretary, Information Technology 1869564;1541430266;asciilifeform;Mocky: sounds like exactly what mircea_popescu was speaking of. see if allah wills that he shows up to his desk.. 1869565;1541430313;Mocky;went down to the ministry of transportation and communitications today to book an appointment. they told me he wasn't at that building but the other ministry building 1869566;1541430333;asciilifeform;'your princess is in another castle'(tm)(r) eh 1869567;1541430347;Mocky;at the other building, they told me he's at commercial bank plaza (home of servcorp coworks) 1869568;1541430364;Mocky;i didn't ahve time to make it over there before ministry closes at 2pm, sigh 1869569;1541430436;Mocky;i'm also skeptical that he's there. i was told by 8 20-something arabs lounging around the lobby desk bored. they had to call over the 9th who was the only one who could speak broken english 1869570;1541430456;Mocky;felt like "yeah he's a mile down the road, can't miss it" 1869571;1541430479;Mocky;I expect to work the phones to find this guy 1869572;1541430557;Mocky;anyway, i'm off to this DAO / blockchain meetup. couldnt' scare up a camera crew so I guess i'll have to film myself 1869573;1541430834;mircea_popescu;not the same thing ~at all~ however. for one thing, it comes with the xilinx shitstack. for the other, it's a sack large enough to contain a car. we're talking about the actual car. 1869574;1541430893;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-05#1869566 << top fucking keks over here. 1869575;1541430893;a111;Logged on 2018-11-05 15:05 asciilifeform: 'your princess is in another castle'(tm)(r) eh 1869576;1541430909;mircea_popescu;Mocky how are you enjoying the emissary extraordinary and plenipotentiary gig btw ? 1869577;1541432338;mod6;mornin' 1869578;1541432445;mod6;!Q later tell jurov http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-04#1869263 1869579;1541432445;a111;Logged on 2018-11-04 21:49 mod6: jurov: go ahead and Xcancel your auction #1005, and plz to bid on mine (#1006) 1869580;1541433920;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: didn't say it was 'same thing', yes it comes with the grandfather of all shitstacks (20+GB of liquishit) . it's for simulating designs, not for deploying ( why wouldja deploy anyffing on such a thing, it makes cluster of pc look vehehery cheap and 'opensores'y by comparison ) 1869581;1541433945;mircea_popescu;right. 1869582;1541434030;asciilifeform;http://www.loper-os.org/?p=797 << ancient asciilifeform article series re: a much older device of this type. 1869583;1541434289;asciilifeform;( was: 'XC5VLX50' , 7.2k 'slices' x 4 LUTs (& 4 flipflops) ea., net 28800 LUTs & equal # of flipflops. ) 1869584;1541434344;asciilifeform;approx 4x the logic carpet of the fattest ice40, for comparison. 1869585;1541434502;asciilifeform;not directly comparable, tho, 'virtex' also had various heterogeneous parts, e.g. cascadable shift registers, adders, etc. inside. 1869586;1541434625;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/11/india-rolls-out-nuclear-ballistic-missile-submarine/ << Qntra - India Rolls Out Nuclear Ballistic Missile Submarine 1869587;1541434653;asciilifeform;( for 'real-life' comparison -- the miniature XC9572XL item in http://btcbase.org/patches/fg-genesis#selection-297.16-297.24 , gives 72 LUTs and nuffin else , of which FG uses all but 1 ) 1869588;1541434775;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: i distinctly recall that thing being advertised in early 2000s 1869589;1541434800;asciilifeform;the boat, i mean 1869590;1541434811;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Apparently they have been bumping their heads against various issues for 30+ years trying not to Argentina themselves 1869591;1541434835;BingoBoingo;But (current year) is the year it floats 1869592;1541435007;mircea_popescu;or the year they really really need its posture as a float be credible, seeing how they also want a chunk of china's sea. 1869593;1541435162;mircea_popescu;in other news, i've been sitting here all morning pondering whether inuit fucker franz boas or mme blavatsky dewey truly deserves the "intellectual father of pantsuit" title. 1869594;1541435260;mircea_popescu;amusingly enough, there's actually two distinguishable pantsuit trends to this day, a mystagogical cvasi-elitism spawned from boas and a mechanicistic mammie-ism visibly spawned off dewey. 1869595;1541435297;BingoBoingo;I am inclined to lean toward Dewey cribbing from the pop culture hegelians. Not a father so much as the theiving sad sack from the "I made this" meme series 1869596;1541435333;mircea_popescu;(alf's "robohitler" mostly exists as alf's own mind's reinterpretation of the boas-pantsuit ; cargo cultish lulz (say in the "artificial intelligence" vein to pick but one of many examples) usually come from the dewey-pantsuit.) 1869597;1541435345;BingoBoingo;Dewey's mammie-ism is just distilling the pop culture hegelians who cam before him 1869598;1541435346;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo just about, yeah! 1869599;1541435397;mircea_popescu;well yes, nobody's seriously contemplating the "ummim an' thurimm" of ye olde paris-moscow-rome-etcetera actually DOING anything. they're just whatever the subliterate peasantry remembers from the old world almanacs. 1869600;1541435411;*;BingoBoingo did do two year of graduate study at SIU when their department still had the old house full of photocopies they dubbed "The Center For Dewey Studies" 1869601;1541435582;BingoBoingo;The transition to library school where Dewey mean a completely different person lead to some confusion in conversations, especially in Missouri where Truman defeated yet another different Dewey 1869602;1541435665;mircea_popescu;haha i bet. 1869603;1541435696;mircea_popescu;anyway, it's fucking lulzy to me how the dumb shit always comes back to "psychic unity of mankind" nonsense. 1869604;1541435701;mircea_popescu;no fucker, WE ARE NOT ALL THE SAME ONE. 1869605;1541435711;mircea_popescu;jesus christ how hard is it to not be three years old anymore already. 1869606;1541436022;mircea_popescu;ah, speaking of young uns / http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-05#1869435 : hey Mocky, did http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-18#1863573 coallesce into something like "oh, herder" ? or did it come entirely outta left field ? 1869607;1541436022;a111;Logged on 2018-11-05 05:57 mircea_popescu: does this resonate with any familiarity in ye olde phracking and telco or nothing there to resonate with ? 1869608;1541436022;a111;Logged on 2018-10-18 18:51 mircea_popescu: Mocky i actually distinguish between smarts (the reductive ability, that powers "i suspect there's no such thing as intelligence", and typified perhaps best by d. kyon) and "intelligence" (the constructive ability, that powers "more loc, more tech, more future", and typified perhaps best by "fm-2030" ). 1869609;1541436160;BingoBoingo; anyway, it's fucking lulzy to me how the dumb shit always comes back to "psychic unity of mankind" nonsense. << Well, in this case I don't see how Hegel isn't the daddy 1869610;1541436177;mircea_popescu;cuz any 3yo is the same exact daddy of THAT. 1869611;1541436184;BingoBoingo;Let's call up Maury and get that daytime tv paternity testing 1869612;1541436208;mircea_popescu;kek 1869613;1541436388;BingoBoingo;Anyways, suppose someone gets a time machine and kills baby Hegel. If Marx is still cribbing from someone in "the conversation" does he go to Fichte instead? Does drunk Steve Bannon arrive a century and a half too soon? 1869614;1541436670;BingoBoingo;And in local news... the coming months will determine which one of these two the transcendental Spirit of Great Again will bless https://www.elobservador.com.uy/nota/llego-sartori-y-se-hizo-el-misterioso-sobre-su-posible-candidatura-les-prometo-que-van-a-estar-al-tanto--201811513835 https://www.elobservador.com.uy/nota/partido-de-la-gente-el-juvenil-de-la-politica-que-no-termina-de-afianzarse-20181155038 1869615;1541438391;asciilifeform;in other noose, yet another http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-30#1867757 found : >>> 1869616;1541438391;a111;Logged on 2018-10-30 18:15 asciilifeform: in unrelated minor lulz, discovered yet another http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-23#1865517 : 1869617;1541438436;asciilifeform;this makes for: 5 known specimens 1869618;1541440099;jurov;!Xcancel 1005 1869619;1541440100;auctionbot;Sell order # 1005 was cancelled by jurov 1869620;1541440114;mod6;nice, thanks jurov 1869621;1541440120;mod6;asciilifeform: hmm, interesting 1869622;1541440129;diana_coman;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-05#1869503 -> and done; asciilifeform and anyone else requiring strictly 80 cols - I've updated the post with a .vpatch to read the keys from file and thus keep them out of the fully-80-cols-now code itself: http://ossasepia.com/2018/11/04/smg-comms-chapter-6-packing-and-unpacking-rsa/#selection-157.0-159.591 1869623;1541440129;a111;Logged on 2018-11-05 09:56 diana_coman: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-04#1869273 - a config file seems the better choice, yes; I'll add it to the list to move the keys to a config file and update the tests to read from config file; that should actually meet asciilifeform's requirements too since the code will not contain the >80cols lines (although the config files will, of course) 1869624;1541440158;asciilifeform;neato, ty diana_coman 1869625;1541440173;jurov;!Xbid 1006 .31bn 1869626;1541440173;auctionbot;Buy order # 1006: 2k wFF Heard: .31bn from jurov. Ending: 2018-11-08 13:48:41.550007 UTC (79 hours 58 mins) 1869627;1541440281;mod6;o7 1869628;1541441433;Mocky;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-05#1869576 >> I like it ok. I see now that I artificially capped my quality of life here by getting too-cheap accommodations. And that got amplified by not having power and internet anywhere else. 1869629;1541441433;a111;Logged on 2018-11-05 15:15 mircea_popescu: Mocky how are you enjoying the emissary extraordinary and plenipotentiary gig btw ? 1869630;1541441659;Mocky;just got back from blockchain event. I told them their ideas of humanity 3.0 governed by blockchain smart contracts was a delusion. And then critcized both the ethereum-roll-backers and the ethereum-continue-with-broken-shit 1869631;1541441743;Mocky;my poor self video skills yielded only my chin basically! 1869632;1541441852;Mocky;but jokes on me, nobody got ruffled feathers because they weren't advocating daos, just raising awareness! starting the conversation! they agreed with me! 1869633;1541442016;BingoBoingo;lol 1869634;1541442137;Mocky;guy said blockchain was gonna fix fake news, it told him his interpretation of the "DAO hack and ether theft" was the fake news 1869635;1541442200;Mocky;but when I watch it back I see that I softened my criticisms a lot 1869636;1541444192;asciilifeform;* amstan_ is now known as amstan << lol! that d00d is still here, i can't properly picture why 1869637;1541444215;asciilifeform;( prolly is a http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-03#1869074 ) 1869638;1541444215;a111;Logged on 2018-11-03 15:04 mircea_popescu: there he sits, remote in hand, "checking to see if there's anything interesting on the tv". are we ready to entertain him yet ? or does he come back later ? 1869639;1541444889;BingoBoingo; but jokes on me, nobody got ruffled feathers because they weren't advocating daos, just raising awareness! starting the conversation! they agreed with me! << It's what orcs do. How much hashish do you estimate the other attendees ate prior to showing up? 1869640;1541445319;Mocky;it was half white dudes in suits with british accents who looked pretty straight laced 1869641;1541445332;BingoBoingo;So, quite a bit 1869642;1541448389;mircea_popescu;Mocky somewhat not surprised. orcs generally take such positions 1869643;1541448409;mircea_popescu;and nothing wrong with diplomat being diplomatic. 1869644;1541450333;bvt;hello. i had to delay making a genesis of base64 lib, will try to finish tomorrow. 1869645;1541450341;bvt;found and unexpected problem that specialization of Ada.Sequential_IO conflicts with Restriction(No_Unchecked_Access) in the test applications. 1869646;1541450373;bvt;i had a look in the .ali file, where presumably list of dependencies for a compiled .adb file is stored, but grep would find nothing in the dependencies 1869647;1541450384;bvt;in the end, just disabled the restriction. 1869648;1541450808;asciilifeform;bvt: which gnat are you using ? i've never observed any such thing ( and i use the same restriction, http://btcbase.org/patches/ffa_ch11_tuning_and_api/tree/ffa/libffa/restrict.adc#L76 , ~with~ sequential i/o, http://btcbase.org/patches/ffa_ch11_tuning_and_api/tree/ffa/ffacalc/ffa_rng.adb#L49 ) 1869649;1541451451;bvt;i used gnat 2017. will test ffa rng code and see if it works out. 1869650;1541451465;diana_coman;I just checked and I can confirm too: that restriction is fine here while using Ada.Sequential_IO 1869651;1541451511;diana_coman;bvt, is that adacore's gnat? 1869652;1541451582;bvt;that is gnat 2017 with ave1's patches (i.e. musltronic) 1869653;1541451628;bvt;but yes, it is adacore -- not the default sad gcc implementation 1869654;1541451695;diana_coman;hm, weird; now I'm really curious if you get the same complaint with asciilifeform's ffa (or my smg comms for that matter) 1869655;1541452225;bvt;just tested ffa-8 where rng was introduced -- it works fine. would be trying to understand what is wrong with my code, then 1869656;1541452677;mircea_popescu;bvt what is the actual underlying that ended up summarized as http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-05#1869645 ? 1869657;1541452677;a111;Logged on 2018-11-05 20:39 bvt: found and unexpected problem that specialization of Ada.Sequential_IO conflicts with Restriction(No_Unchecked_Access) in the test applications. 1869658;1541452949;bvt;i have structured the base64 tree as a directory with a library and example applications; only library is supposed to be compiled with restrictions, but some restrictions propagate to applications as well 1869659;1541453275;bvt;No_Unchecked_Access is such restriction; i have tested a dummy application that does nothing but import and instantiate/specialize Ada.Sequential_IO instance for the datatype from base64 library. test application fails to compile, http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/Vwno8/?raw=true http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/qgs7E/?raw=true 1869660;1541453296;mircea_popescu;hm 1869661;1541453655;bvt;to clarify: base64 lib and applications are two separate gprbuild projects, -gnatec=base64/restrict.adc flag is only in the library project 1869662;1541455948;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-05#1869615 << aaand anothr, 1869663;1541455948;a111;Logged on 2018-11-05 17:19 asciilifeform: in other noose, yet another http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-30#1867757 found : >>> 1869664;1541456517;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/11/onboard-ssd-crypto-demonstrated-to-be-homeopathic-on-numerous-drives/ << Qntra - Onboard SSD Crypto Demonstrated To Be Homeopathic On Numerous Drives 1869665;1541456732;asciilifeform;bahahaha 1869666;1541456798;BingoBoingo;Ticking marketing checkboxes in sequence is its own reward 1869667;1541457951;asciilifeform;there are exactly 0 genuine-crypto hdd on heathen market, you can take this to the bank. 1869668;1541457965;asciilifeform;( there's an unofficial fatwa against it, or sumthing ) 1869669;1541458013;asciilifeform;( a la http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-28#1866864 ) 1869670;1541458013;a111;Logged on 2018-10-28 05:02 mircea_popescu: i have 0 expectation it will do anythingf besides create a lot of idle wank in "law enforcement" circles. 1869671;1541458020;bvt;ok, i have figured out one solution to the problem (at least on gnat 2017): can't have Ada.Sequential_IO specialization in the GPR_Project'Main file 1869672;1541458064;bvt;when i moved all ada.S_IO usage to a separate package/file, everything worked fine 1869673;1541458116;bvt;otoh, when i added a single line 'package SIO is new Ada.Sequential_IO(Positive);' to ffa_calc.adb, it errored out during the compilation in the same way 1869674;1541458117;BingoBoingo; there are exactly 0 genuine-crypto hdd on heathen market, you can take this to the bank. << It's the assumption so safe it's not worth verifying unless your marginal University is trolling for headlines 1869675;1541458154;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: loox like they actually reversed some fw shitware, godly work 1869676;1541458171;asciilifeform;( of course it will be 'patched' and Officially Cured and Stop Asking Questions, Terrorist etc. shortly ) 1869677;1541458212;BingoBoingo;Well, hopefully they now that they have this niche that gets them headlines where they would otherwise have none, they keep pursuing it 1869678;1541458308;BingoBoingo;In other heathen headlines: Apparently Llamas (as opposed to alpacas) might have the proteins necessary for a universal flu vaccine 1869679;1541458367;asciilifeform;bvt: pretty weird. sounds like you uncovered some bugolade in the spirit of the earlier http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-26#1866266 . 1869680;1541458367;a111;Logged on 2018-10-26 02:14 asciilifeform: meanwhile, in gnat bugs : apparently ( and this is documented or mentioned nowhere ) : it is impossible to have a Ada.Finalization.Limited_Controlled type ANYWHERE inside a static library, unless it is generic all the way down (i.e. if the lib package is generic, any sub-packages must also be instantiated as generics ) 1869681;1541458423;asciilifeform;( how gnat goes about enforcing the various restrictions, is largely black art at this point, the most i can say is that it seems to 'fail deadly', i.e. ultra-conservatively banhammers yer entire proggy if it fails to satisfy various obscure this-and-not-that conditions ) 1869682;1541458426;mircea_popescu;not at all clear to me wth is going on with that io stuff. 1869683;1541458453;asciilifeform;really calls for a deep dig into the sores. 1869684;1541458539;asciilifeform;overall pattern is frequently 'aha, you banned this ? goodluck using the standard lib nao, where we used it 9000 times'. saw this with e.g. the secondary stack liquishit. 1869685;1541458650;BingoBoingo;For want of a LISP machine... we are on track for a fascist superMIPs with bignum coprocessor before the end of Trump's second term. 1869686;1541458656;asciilifeform;i also suspect that my use of static linkage exposed buncha implementation strange 1869687;1541458667;asciilifeform;( who outside of us is linking statically... ) 1869688;1541458671;bvt;myeah, i solved it by maximally recreating the ffa project structure, so can't say i did anything informed by the 'first principles' there. 1869689;1541458686;asciilifeform;bvt: it's structured the way it is, for a reason 1869690;1541458707;*;asciilifeform did quite a bit of gnat sores archaeology dig 1869691;1541458843;bvt;so far i had a look only in the runtime, but never looked into the gcc part 1869692;1541458955;asciilifeform;bvt: i structured it so that the moar-restriction-y stuff ends up in static libs that get linked ~into~ the less-restrictiony demolade ( rather than vice-versa ), and so that the lib is statically linkable to begin with 1869693;1541458974;asciilifeform;this pattern is not really escapable if yer using the restrictions 1869694;1541458993;asciilifeform;some language features seem to break the 'encapsulability' , e.g. finalization 1869695;1541458997;asciilifeform;i dun have a pill for this yet 1869696;1541459033;asciilifeform;( it's not a wholly useless thing, i dun have it in current ffa but my 1st draft used it to wipe all data on the stack erry time it goes out of scope ) 1869697;1541459080;asciilifeform;current ffa relies on the user/caller to wipe 1869698;1541459134;asciilifeform;the standard, btw, does not say any such thing as 'using finalization breaks staticity', it seems to be 100% gnat breakage rather than 'standard forbids' 1869699;1541459159;asciilifeform;( for old c/cpp dogs : 'finalization' is analogous to 'destructor' ) 1869700;1541459236;bvt;i dunno if gnat people even tried to implement finalization for static libs/bins. i guess cpp supports destructors in statically linked code? 1869701;1541459273;asciilifeform;bvt: of course it does, trb is 100% static-linked and has plenty 1869702;1541459295;asciilifeform;gnat is entirely ok with finalization in lib so long as the finalized type aint exported 1869703;1541459300;asciilifeform;but thus far seems to break if it is 1869704;1541459308;asciilifeform;( which is why my mmap thing aint posted yet ) 1869705;1541459348;asciilifeform;the 1 workaround i've found is to make the lib 100% generic 'all the way down', but it's ugly imho 1869706;1541459410;asciilifeform;( what 'genericism' does in ada, is to force the compiler to rebuild a copy of the lib for erry time the exported type is invoked in the caller. at which point may as well tell user to drop the src into his, rather than link the lib, the effect is the same ) 1869707;1541459439;asciilifeform;the latter suxx because it infects the caller with the full pragma-restrictiveness of the lib. 1869708;1541459447;asciilifeform;( whereas troo static linkage does not ) 1869709;1541459508;asciilifeform;it isn't actually practical, as i currently understand, to build a large, nontrivial proggy with all of the restrict pragmas switched on. 1869710;1541459533;asciilifeform;hence 'make this linkable' dances. 1869711;1541459590;asciilifeform;the standard specifically promises that restrictions can be applied to narrow sections of coad. therefore gotta be made to work! 1869712;1541459610;asciilifeform;i.e. when gnat fails to deliver this, it is properly speaking a gnat bug. 1869713;1541459640;bvt;what i have fished out trying to solve the problem is that only a subset of restrictions should be contagious 1869714;1541459646;asciilifeform;my aim is to eventually start patching these, rather than cranking out oddball workarounds. 1869715;1541459646;bvt;i.e. https://docs.adacore.com/gnat_rm-docs/html/gnat_rm/gnat_rm/standard_and_implementation_defined_restrictions.html#partition-wide-restrictions 1869716;1541459769;bvt;of course, > 3/4 of all restrictions are contagious, so you are right 1869717;1541459784;asciilifeform;just about all the interesting ones, are, aha 1869718;1541459843;asciilifeform;fwiw i've massaged ffa to the point where it's fully static and the problem dun affect it any. but some of my other stuff (mmap) is hobbled by it. 1869719;1541459887;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-05#1869702 << this sounds entirely like hack, in the proper sense of term -- someone got lazies attack and "nobody would think to check here". 1869720;1541459887;a111;Logged on 2018-11-05 23:08 asciilifeform: gnat is entirely ok with finalization in lib so long as the finalized type aint exported 1869721;1541459916;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it's a completely textbook case, aha, of 'we pulled on the duct tape and after 2 tonnes of pull it comes off' 1869722;1541460314;*;asciilifeform brb,meat 1869723;1541466018;mircea_popescu;speaking of http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-30#1867613 "inconsequential tracts" : i r wondering now just how many of the ustarded "cultural commentators" (the boas-ian wanna-be elite, say) actually did figure out the whole "white racism" in the us is cheap rent re-usage of ww1 german props. 1869724;1541466018;a111;Logged on 2018-10-30 13:07 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-30#1867432 << thinking about it, yes i agree the jew-nazi has a more colorful life story. but think about it : his entire's life work, his sum total accomplishment, is being an aide to an obscure publisher of inconsequential tracts. this is exactly danielpbarron 's position, and it ain't much. that florida beauty queen had them beat, for instance, and she had them beat a) in her 20s, while these 1869725;1541466023;deedbot;http://bimbo.club/?p=75 << Bimbo.Club - TMSR Log Summary - 10/29/2018 1869726;1541466046;mircea_popescu;because they quite literally just picked up the "senegalese" bullshit and morel's daily herald nonsense, blew dust off here and there and that's the whole material. 1869727;1541466410;BingoBoingo;Hard to say. The "It's okay to be white" fliers appear to get evergreen press attention any time they pop up which is disappointingly infrequently 1869728;1541466483;mircea_popescu;i meant more ye olde "jews conspire to bring black degeneracy into the holy land" 1869729;1541466494;mircea_popescu;used to be "heart of europe", but obviously ustard never heard of it. 1869730;1541466618;BingoBoingo;Ah, yeah, they don't seem to go back much further than the 1930's 1869731;1541466652;BingoBoingo;They also don't borrow much from the rich French and Russian anti-semetic traditions 1869732;1541466840;BingoBoingo;As far as I can tell they don't dream of Edward's alt-England either 1869733;1541467525;mircea_popescu;nah, it's pretty much all reheated morel. 1869734;1541467546;mircea_popescu;which... gimme a fucking break. for one thing, socialist moron. for the other, i have spare tyres that can write better. 1869735;1541469253;mircea_popescu;(perhaps pointing out how "the international women's guild" trying to get a sort of geneva convention going banning 4ever and ever smoking^H^H^H^H i mean rape^H^H^H^H using black soldiers in europe never got anywhere worth a chuckle. they didn't believe women back in the [other] 20s or what was it, helga the rhine rivetteer couldn't do it.) 1869736;1541469420;mircea_popescu;Mass protest meeting organised by the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, the National Federation of Women Workers, the Federation of Women Teachers, the Women's Co-operative Guild, the Association of Women Clerks and Secretaries and the Fabian Women's Group (tbh that was absolutely everyone) to condemn France for the alleged war crimes committed by the Senegalese. If you're there on April 27 '20, make sure to 1869737;1541469420;mircea_popescu; send postcards! 1869738;1541470675;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: there's a something-or-other '-of-women-voters' in usa but afaik it's a straight dnc skin 1869739;1541470726;mircea_popescu;this was england in the 1920s. 1869740;1541470743;mod6;evenin' 1869741;1541470744;asciilifeform;yea was clear from context 1869742;1541470747;mod6;!!ledger 1869743;1541470747;asciilifeform;ohai mod6 1869744;1541470752;mod6;!!sent-invoices 1869745;1541470755;deedbot;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/W1vLM/?raw=true 1869746;1541470763;mod6;how goes alf, mircea_popescu ? 1869747;1541470764;deedbot;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/BpNSr/?raw=true 1869748;1541470768;mircea_popescu;not bad! 1869749;1541470804;mod6;Good to hear. Dark and rainy up here. Hope it's better wherever you all are at. :D 1869750;1541470816;asciilifeform;mod6: rereading own ffa , from opening shot to 11 1869751;1541470856;mod6;asciilifeform: nice. I really need to get to that. I kinda went through a lot of it while you were working on it - but I really wanna sit down and work through each chapter. Got other things on the stack first tho. 1869752;1541470870;asciilifeform;doin' it properly, with chalk & all. 1869753;1541470873;mod6;Too many things! 1869754;1541470883;mod6;Yeah, I bought a giant whiteboard just for that purpose. 1869755;1541470916;asciilifeform;mod6: i have an electric chalkboard thingie, but they're just barely usable, imho, need pretty bright light 1869756;1541470963;mod6;interesting. I would have guessed you for a slate + chalk stick like prof at U. 1869757;1541470971;mod6;what does the electricity do for ya? 1869758;1541470971;asciilifeform;used to 1869759;1541470977;asciilifeform;what it does is cut the dust. 1869760;1541470989;mod6;ah, kinda was figuring as much. does it work? 1869761;1541470998;asciilifeform;sorta worx 1869762;1541471005;asciilifeform;can spend the 10bux an' try it yerself 1869763;1541471006;mod6;just makes your hair stand up on your arms? 1869764;1541471049;asciilifeform;e.g. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B076DMWWG9 ( chinesium ) 1869765;1541471094;asciilifeform;pretty much a mechanized version of the wax tablets folx used 300yrs ago 1869766;1541471110;mod6;ah, neat. 1869767;1541471127;asciilifeform;i dunno why nobody's made one that reads black-on-white 1869768;1541471154;mod6;I would probably use slate + chalk myself if I wasn't so weirdly obsessive about needing to keep the board clean. I'd feel like I'd have to wash it all the time after erasure. 1869769;1541471171;asciilifeform;worst thing, they're ~impossible to keep clean 1869770;1541471180;mod6;I dunno, I love to start on a clean board when thinking through things. Otherwise my brain feels some how cluttered. 1869771;1541471193;asciilifeform;sorta why i ended up with the electric thing 1869772;1541471199;asciilifeform;it gives this aesthetic 1869773;1541471219;mod6;*nod* good talk, I gotta step aside and yield the floor. gotta check on these preliminary report numbers. 1869774;1541471221;asciilifeform;( that, & no dust or sponge etc ) 1869775;1541471229;mod6;werd. 1869776;1541471449;asciilifeform;( subj, for the innocent , is simply this thing, a sheet of chemical strange that turns green when you push on it with plastic stake 'pencil', and takes a watch battery, so that when you hit red button it turns black again ) 1869777;1541471653;asciilifeform;iirc was originally sold by the same folx who baked http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-08#1859348 item; but naodays chinese, dime a dozen 1869778;1541471653;a111;Logged on 2018-10-08 00:12 asciilifeform: phf: incidentally i found that sharp inc makes b&w lcd's that run on 0power when holding picture, and beautiful 100% reflector-powered picture. but their biggest is iirc 4 in. and 336 × 536 . 1869779;1541472256;BingoBoingo;So, during beach walk tonight one of the locals nearly lost a young ~30 pound pit bull 1869780;1541472684;mircea_popescu;maybe he should add one of those whistling attachments to it. 1869781;1541472736;BingoBoingo;Oh he was doing the thing where he let it run off leash on the dogs prohibited beach, whistling it back. 1869782;1541472813;BingoBoingo;But twice it cut aggressive angles as I had to wonder if my foot was going through its head or was I going to have to seperate its head from its body with the box cutter before walking myself to the emergencia 1869783;1541472828;BingoBoingo;or taxi stand 1869784;1541472978;BingoBoingo;Which would have been a shame because it appeared to be a fine energetic young pupper 1869785;1541495865;Mocky;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-05#1869564 >> I'm glad I spent the half hour on the phone trying to find out where his desk actually is. His office says that he's out of the country and his calendar is full from the time he gets back until he leaves the country again at the end of November 1869786;1541495865;a111;Logged on 2018-11-05 15:04 asciilifeform: Mocky: sounds like exactly what mircea_popescu was speaking of. see if allah wills that he shows up to his desk.. 1869787;1541496086;Mocky;ahaha I found him. He's in san francisco discussing mutual collaboration with oracle chix: http://www.thepeninsulaqatar.com/article/05/11/2018/Oracle-OpenWorld-event 1869788;1541496100;Mocky;him and his underlings 1869789;1541497173;Mocky;aaaand... the air conditioner is out 1869790;1541497216;Mocky;who could have predicted a used "general cool" ac would prove unreliable 1869791;1541498829;Mocky;maybe I could talk to this guys boss? but no, complete cabinet reshuffle (announced yesterday?!) including not only new ministers all around, but different titles and responsibilities. 1869792;1541498868;Mocky;sheesh, http://www.spglobal.com/platts/en/market-insights/latest-news/oil/110518-qatar-reshuffles-cabinet-appoints-qp-ceo-as-minister-for-energy-affairs 1869793;1541498916;Mocky;there goes the org chart I was working off. 1869794;1541500042;Mocky;I don't know where else to go with this, mircea_popescu. I don't see anymore strings to pull on 1869795;1541501485;Mocky;i had myself all worked up to walk into the grand viziers office, lol. was expecting to get shown the door along with distinct sense of closure 1869796;1541514943;asciilifeform;!!deed http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/9iDMK/?raw=true 1869797;1541514946;deedbot;accepted: 1 1869798;1541514955;asciilifeform;mod6 & other trb folx ^^ 1869799;1541515034;*;asciilifeform brb shortly 1869800;1541516899;mircea_popescu;Mocky_ in some real lulz, that spglobal.com site doesn't even load here ; either it's google hosted or i guess cloudflare proxied or who even knows/cares by now, "shitstack" generically. 1869801;1541516952;mircea_popescu;anyway, i rather agree, qatar didn't manage to do anything with my http://btcbase.org/log/2018-09-01#1846537 1869802;1541516952;a111;Logged on 2018-09-01 15:28 mircea_popescu: like it or not, man has some responsibilities to rhodesia. 1869803;1541516956;mircea_popescu;what can you do. 1869804;1541517260;Mocky;I'm ready to gtfo 1869805;1541517976;mod6;Thanks asciilifeform -- updated the Advertised Republican Node page. 1869806;1541517985;asciilifeform;ty mod6 1869807;1541518041;mod6;np 1869808;1541518173;mircea_popescu;Mocky when's your flight ? 1869809;1541518257;Mocky;mircea_popescu, dec 3rd atm, gotta I move it up 1869810;1541518292;mircea_popescu;aha. alright. 1869811;1541518412;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-06#1869800 << loads here; loox like spamola, http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/36c8w/?raw=true 1869812;1541518412;a111;Logged on 2018-11-06 15:08 mircea_popescu: Mocky_ in some real lulz, that spglobal.com site doesn't even load here ; either it's google hosted or i guess cloudflare proxied or who even knows/cares by now, "shitstack" generically. 1869813;1541518487;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform some "think tank" fulla "information workers" or knowledge or whatr was it. because totally, OUR oligarchs are SO VERY NOT THE SAME!!! thing as russia's, and OUR retarded kids are so very unlike the pakistani womens' exact same kids. it's not spammers, therefore, lest you wish to not understand how the world works! 1869814;1541518511;asciilifeform;to my untrained eye, indistinguishable from the usual link farm 1869815;1541518517;*;asciilifeform brb,teatime 1869816;1541518553;mircea_popescu;cialis-now-maillettes-foot.com are the spammers! spcglobal.com are the wikitards! BIG DIFFERENCES!!! 1869817;1541518617;Mocky;hmm strange 1869818;1541518645;Mocky;http://duckduckgo.com/?q=Qatar+reshuffles+cabinet&t=ffab&df=d&ia=news 1869819;1541518718;mircea_popescu;Mocky ah, the fact wasn't in dispute. 1869820;1541518745;Mocky;alright, lol 1869821;1541518945;mircea_popescu;"allah blesses, but doesn't chase you down the street with it" or how did it go. 1869822;1541520242;mircea_popescu;!Q later tell nicoleci http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/Izn48/?raw=true 1869823;1541520242;lobbesbot;mircea_popescu: The operation succeeded. 1869824;1541520248;asciilifeform;sad to hear re qatar. 'even the best magician cannot pull rabbit from hat unless the rabbit is actually in the hat' or how did it go. 1869825;1541520313;mircea_popescu;eh, whatever. the history of mankind on earth chiefly consists of a string of "couldn't find way out of paper bag, died next to coconut tree" and so on. why should qatar be special. 1869826;1541520392;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in continuing fake news lulz : "On 15 July 2016, a coup d'état was attempted in Turkey against state institutions, including the government and President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.[38] The attempt was carried out by a faction within the Turkish Armed Forces that organized themselves as the Peace at Home Council." << so totally not organized by the same desperate & dying pantsuited hilarity dept of state faction that al 1869827;1541520392;mircea_popescu;so arranged for a new saudi boss that promptly fucked the peninsula for them, etcetera. 1869828;1541520401;asciilifeform;does seem to fit the pattern of 'folx who get used to money gushing out of the ground, get stupid', as per http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-08#1748753 formula 1869829;1541520401;a111;Logged on 2017-12-08 15:02 asciilifeform: the 'good climate makes folx lazy and slowly climbing 'back up to trees' ' item is an old saw, but i'm not aware of any major hole in the theory 1869830;1541520512;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform to me the parallels to http://trilema.com/2013/noob-mp-or-how-it-all-began/#selection-129.1-133.72 are striking. mocky walks into qatar, says "umm.., nobody here then ?" gets back "yes, there are people here", proceeds to the next line and ... well... ummm... 1869831;1541520521;asciilifeform;( how exactly to persuade idjit orc king to build semiconductors , when just 2 or 3 oil wells spoodge out moar moolah than entire taiwan ic industry put together ) 1869832;1541520586;mircea_popescu;no need to persuade. 1869833;1541520599;mircea_popescu;i'm not aware we're in the persuading business 1869834;1541520721;asciilifeform;i do expect mircea_popescu will say 'nah, we're in the 'make offer you can't refuse' biz', but seems like they refused, neh 1869835;1541520799;mircea_popescu;(but since the parallel was underlined, let's underline another bit of lulz : ye http://trilema.com/2018/the-republic-without-mp/ aspirants of the future, i ask you now : can ~you~ quote as the word of god things you said not "many many years ago" but THE FIRST LINES OUT OF YOUR MOUTH!!! as you were sorta-kinda examining a thing that at the time seemed entirely unimportant to you ? because yes that's the fucking standard, not 1869836;1541520799;mircea_popescu; "whether you can code" but whether you can withstand the http://btcbase.org/log/2018-09-19#1851696 storm. all of it, from end to end.) 1869837;1541520799;a111;Logged on 2018-09-19 16:22 mircea_popescu: think of the whole opposability angle, will you. 1. alf : "your summaries suck" 2. bimbo "master, is this true ?" now i'm stuck. i'm not going to do a 3.b. "yes, because i like him" and i can't do a 3.a. "yes, because ~SOMETHING~" as the something's an undefined symbol. 1869838;1541520834;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform to quote, "au facut bani ? Daca miine ma duc si-mi golesc seiful de diamante in troaca porcilor puteti spune ca porcii au facut bani ? Sunt niste porci foarte bogati acum, au diamante, cine mai e ca ei ? Da ?" 1869839;1541520855;mircea_popescu;should i say to the pigs, "either you cough up teh stones or it's the knife for you" and should the pigs oink-oink, would you say "they refused" ? 1869840;1541520884;mircea_popescu;to refuse you must first understand you're being put to the question. 1869841;1541520898;asciilifeform;fair'nuff 1869842;1541520958;mircea_popescu;(and no, eminently NOT "the question is being put to you". because that's the fucking meaning of "offer you can't refuse", also transliterated as "fate took a hand" and so on -- there's two kinds of questions. the kind that goes "would you like waffles for breakfast" is NOT "also a question just like" the kind that goes "would you like to go to qatar". some questions are put to you ; but then again sometimes you are put to so 1869843;1541520958;mircea_popescu;me questions.) 1869844;1541521039;mircea_popescu;all the wank about the extra empty chair at passover and so forth is exactly driven by the fact that to mortal ears, the kinds are often hard to distinguish, and this difficulty makes entirely no difference. 1869845;1541521478;mircea_popescu;to briefly revisit http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-06#1869826 : signature line being "The Council cited [...] and Turkey's loss of credibility in the international arena as reasons for the coup." ; whenever you see that you can be very much certain it's teh usg.blue pantsuit. 1869846;1541521478;a111;Logged on 2018-11-06 16:06 mircea_popescu: meanwhile in continuing fake news lulz : "On 15 July 2016, a coup d'état was attempted in Turkey against state institutions, including the government and President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.[38] The attempt was carried out by a faction within the Turkish Armed Forces that organized themselves as the Peace at Home Council." << so totally not organized by the same desperate & dying pantsuited hilarity dept of state faction that al 1869847;1541521506;asciilifeform;'credibility in the international arena' << lol!! 1869848;1541521520;mircea_popescu;because they're mentally twleve, and because their "city on a hill" has been going downhill ever since http://trilema.com/2017/when-did-america-end/ slash they took over, whenever that was. in 1920, for all the diff it makes. 1869849;1541521522;asciilifeform;reads like straight nuland 1869850;1541521540;mircea_popescu;and for a twelve year old GIRL, the "i know you are but what am i!" "strategy" is all the world. 1869851;1541521550;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform because it ~is. 1869852;1541521598;mircea_popescu;"Gülen has suggested the coup was in fact a "self-coup" carried out by Erdoğan to consolidate his grip on power, a belief shared among some analysts and many Turks." ie, "by many '''analystis'''' and no turks". 1869853;1541521603;mircea_popescu;ah this had been entertaining. 1869854;1541521650;asciilifeform;lol turk trotsky 1869855;1541521667;asciilifeform;( wai no ice pick for him, wonder ) 1869856;1541521824;mircea_popescu;cuz ~nobody cares. 1869857;1541521857;mircea_popescu;stalin and trotsky were butt buddies, yes ? with trotsky being the senior ? 1869858;1541521883;asciilifeform;and even then t had to wait for 2 decades for his 1869859;1541521905;mircea_popescu;icepicks come out when the erstwhile office boy takes over the floundering business, and the erstwhile owner's son, who fucked the office boy in all the holes much to the boy's submissive delight back in the day, moves on to better things. 1869860;1541521914;mircea_popescu;can you form a notion of the feeling of loss ? 1869861;1541521993;asciilifeform;ok model except for the 'better things' -- which better things exactly he went to? kakobreklaing in mexico sadly ? 1869862;1541522043;mircea_popescu;anyway, i suppose morsi should also be mentioned in the list of "great diplomacy successes" of the hilarity era. 1869863;1541522056;mircea_popescu;is he out of jail and "in pennsylvania" yet ? 1869864;1541522083;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform "if you are sultan come and lead your armies, and if i am sultan come and lead my armies". 1869865;1541522091;mircea_popescu;guy went on to better things like murad -- opium. 1869866;1541522094;mircea_popescu;men get old yes. 1869867;1541522096;asciilifeform;aa 1869868;1541524382;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in other http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-06#1869849 lulz : /me just finished going through mubarak's "indictment". item is straight lift from http://trilema.com/2011/procesul-ceausescu/#selection-51.0-57.118 !!! 1869869;1541524382;a111;Logged on 2018-11-06 16:25 asciilifeform: reads like straight nuland 1869870;1541524391;mircea_popescu;you'd think in the intervening decades they got some new material, these morons! 1869871;1541524505;asciilifeform;i think i slept through that one; guillotined or notyet ? 1869872;1541524584;mircea_popescu;iirc he died. 1869873;1541524586;mircea_popescu;dood was OLD. 1869874;1541524588;asciilifeform;aa 1869875;1541524620;mircea_popescu;kept going back and forth re "corruption" and "embezzlement" etc. 1869876;1541524658;asciilifeform;aaha nuland.corruption(tm) 1869877;1541524686;mircea_popescu;"we need all the loot we can get" etc. 1869878;1541524715;asciilifeform;what's even there for nulands to loot in egypt ? pyramids ? 1869879;1541524754;asciilifeform;or is it simply the algo of weasel in chicken coop -- 1st kill errything, then decide if even hungry 1869880;1541525162;mircea_popescu;actually egypt had been pretty successful under mubarak in the ceausescu vein ("non-chinese 20th century industry" sort of thing. like india now)_ 1869881;1541525191;mircea_popescu;so yes, egypt quite richer than the us. 1869882;1541525232;mircea_popescu;by the algo "la household carrying mn in debt it can't service poorer in fact than ghana farmer with yearly surplus" 1869883;1541526715;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in continuation of last month's thrd, http://www.iuma.ulpgc.es/~nunez/clases-FdC/verilog/VHDL%20&%20Verilog%20Compared%20&%20Contrasted.htm 1869884;1541526723;asciilifeform;^ notbad likbez. 1869885;1541527302;mircea_popescu;"The complexity of ASIC and FPGA designs has meant an increase in the number of specialist design consultants with specific tools and with their own libraries of macro and mega cells written in either VHDL or Verilog. As a result, it is important that designers know both VHDL and Verilog and that EDA tools vendors provide tools that provide an environment allowing both languages to be used in unison." 1869886;1541527308;mircea_popescu;ummm.... 1869887;1541527315;mircea_popescu;wait, the infrastructure adapts to consultants ? 1869888;1541527342;asciilifeform;skip the captatio, it has example proggy in ea. 1869889;1541527373;mircea_popescu;"the relatively easy circumstances of life in paris as compared to the rural provinces has given rise to a class of vagrants (that'd be technically bums, as they do not seek to work) which makes it important that shopkeepers put out free food and there's a voting process so some of these can be given the key to the king's treasury periodically". 1869890;1541527375;mircea_popescu;nigga... wut ?! 1869891;1541527418;mircea_popescu;i don't care they call themselves "students", "intellectuals", "consultants", "public oppinion", "transsexuals" or anything else, jesus fuck. 1869892;1541527439;asciilifeform;( very sadly, there is not a vhdl eater for ice40. but when looking over subj 2w ago, i actually came to like vhdl, it's ~exactly ada syntax. ) 1869893;1541527445;mircea_popescu;the more i run into this "free and open society" the less i like it. 1869894;1541527470;mircea_popescu;"Capability Hardware structure can be modeled equally effectively in both VHDL and Verilog. " 1869895;1541527474;mircea_popescu;im sorry, i can't read this. 1869896;1541527498;mircea_popescu;"The choice is not therefore based solely on technical capability but on: personal preferences " 1869897;1541527519;mircea_popescu;fuck this dumb shit, this is not written by anyone i wish to have any dealings with. he can go pluck his "feelings" with the rest of the fetlife "dominates". 1869898;1541527635;asciilifeform;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/Oiro5/?raw=true + http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/L2Jy8/?raw=true << the pertinent bit, flensed of the liquishit , for anyone who actually wants. 1869899;1541527648;asciilifeform;( vhdl in 1st, verilog in 2nd paste ) 1869900;1541527863;mircea_popescu;why ty! 1869901;1541527929;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: Mocky's qatar reportage seems to suggest interesting hypothesis -- that can subtract 'flea and open society'(tm), and even 'aspirational class', and still have idjit deadend camelfuckistan in the sum register 1869902;1541527953;mircea_popescu;i thought i told you as much multiply previously. 1869903;1541527968;asciilifeform;yea 1869904;1541527977;mircea_popescu;the whole usgistan thing is a ~necessary~ solvent for the otherwise even-more-imbecile "nation of kings" bullshit. 1869905;1541527979;asciilifeform;but experimental data confirms!1 1869906;1541528013;asciilifeform;'nation of kings' ? 1869907;1541528016;*;mircea_popescu still can't forget, during his visit in a troglodyte "best part of" nicaragua, how the socialist party organized event centerpiece was some moron singing "con dinero o sin dinery yo siguo siendo el rey" bla bla bla 1869908;1541528035;asciilifeform;lol!! 1869909;1541528044;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform http://trilema.com/2011/povestea-celor-trei-imparati-smecheri-si-a-celor-trei-negustori-fraieri-fabula-in-versuri-ilustrata/ << kings. 1869910;1541528102;mircea_popescu;https://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/vicentefernandez/elrey.html <<< whole item, for republican record 1869911;1541528120;mircea_popescu;100% "monogamy is god-given because even morons like me should have access to cunt" style offensive nonsense 1869912;1541528160;asciilifeform;'Con dinero y sin dinero yo hago siempre lo que quiero y mi palabra es la ley' << bahaha srsly?! 1869913;1541528165;mircea_popescu;yuou know ? 1869914;1541528183;mircea_popescu;fucking morons, sitting around in un-plumbed fecal swamp, malnourished children playing with visibly rabid dogs... 1869915;1541528200;mircea_popescu;meanwhil "No tengo trono ni reina ni nadie que me comprenda pero sigo siendoel rey." 1869916;1541528204;asciilifeform;good climate -- worse than pb in water. 1869917;1541528210;mircea_popescu;kings in their own fucking head, that must be craked open for the goop to get out. 1869918;1541528313;mircea_popescu;so, yes. socialism necessary stage. parthenogenesis follows orthogenesis, and vice versa, and yes for a stage in kids life there's need for socialist mother-led environment. and for peoples, too. 1869919;1541528325;asciilifeform;'napoleon in asylum' joke used to be a staple, but i noticed i dun see it often any moar 1869920;1541528334;asciilifeform;became , seems , the norm. 1869921;1541528341;asciilifeform;lotsa napoleons walking about freely. 1869922;1541528353;mircea_popescu;but that also comes to an end. like weaning, child has to confront the switch at some point, where he goes from being fed for existence and repressed by capacity to the exact opposite : being repressed for existence and fed by capacity. 1869923;1541528416;mircea_popescu;cuz that's the mystery here, mom discourages the more active, smarter, better kids. and feeds the shitiest most. dun matter if she's a sow, pushing the better kids away from her tit with foreleg so the runts can also get some, or mother inca. 1869924;1541528432;asciilifeform;does sow actually do this ? 1869925;1541528437;mircea_popescu;whereas in actual human society, the EXACT reverse must be applied -- under penalty of undergoing the us transition, from republic to shithole. 1869926;1541528444;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform all mammals. but yes. 1869927;1541528462;asciilifeform;dunno re sows, but at least legendarily e.g. wolf does opposite 1869928;1541528472;asciilifeform;she-wolf sets the pups to fight 1869929;1541528481;mircea_popescu;and your mom told your brother "don't beat him, don't you see how uselessly helpless he is ?!" as opposed to the adult "fuck him, if he can't defend himself it's your duty to cull his dumbass." 1869930;1541528489;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform afaik mostly legend. 1869931;1541528511;*;asciilifeform never worked with wolf, cannot meaningfully comment 1869932;1541528571;mircea_popescu;im sure the mythological wolf does all sorts of hting. but the actual animal... slightly dumber racoon. 1869933;1541528625;asciilifeform;wolf supposedly has all kinds of interesting features, can learn even basic tactics, flanking, how to fell moose ( some populations of wolf can do moose, others not ) iirc 1869934;1541528633;asciilifeform;but my depth in subj is limited. 1869935;1541528651;mircea_popescu;wolf definitely has tactics 1869936;1541528665;mircea_popescu;imo (at least ones i've seen) more tactically competent than us army platoon (similarily) 1869937;1541528687;asciilifeform;wolf learns from mistakes, which puts him above u.s. general staff imho 1869938;1541528713;mircea_popescu;that'd be strategy. platoons generally are you know, a dozen or two rural yahoos and a coupla staff sargeants 1869939;1541528725;asciilifeform;aha 1869940;1541528898;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-06#1869914 << 'don bigote ! no mata el perro!' 1869941;1541528898;a111;Logged on 2018-11-06 18:16 mircea_popescu: fucking morons, sitting around in un-plumbed fecal swamp, malnourished children playing with visibly rabid dogs... 1869942;1541528907;mircea_popescu;aha! 1869943;1541529385;BingoBoingo;And if you do put them into a plumbed "modern city" you get Buenos Aires or Montevideo 1869944;1541529423;asciilifeform;raccoon -- crazy-smart , for a vermin, knows what a door is, knows sound of rifle bolt, even (i shit thee not) will defuse traps with sticks etc 1869945;1541529567;asciilifeform;( interestingly, there's precisely 1 kind of trap that worx on him -- iron tube filled with bait, and trigger requires ~pull~, rather than push, he cannot pull with stick, ends up scooping it with bait an' pulling ) 1869946;1541529814;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo exactly. 1869947;1541529857;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform aha. avg racoon smarter than most people. 1869948;1541529882;asciilifeform;astonishingly strong, too -- chain the tube to a fence, and some % of the time he'll walk away with the fence plank + tube 1869949;1541530002;mircea_popescu;chimp thread all over again -- you gain something for denser packed muscle fiber w/o the human innervation 1869950;1541530009;asciilifeform;aha! 1869951;1541530038;asciilifeform;when caught in ordinary bear trap, where he can get lever purchase, he'll... open it 1869952;1541530069;BingoBoingo;In unsurprises as Uruguay's legislature debates letting US warplanes chill at Carrasco for the G20 summit... The party favoring US Troops is the Socialist Fat Forehead party. The Party opposing is the Partido Nacional (or blancos, the rough Uruguayo GOP equivalent) 1869953;1541530639;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: say they were to vote 'nope' -- and usg wants parking spot anyway. with what they will shoot'em ? that 18th spanish cannon on the pit bull beach ? 1869954;1541530698;BingoBoingo;They prolly ask Venezuala to sink an aircraft carrier 1869955;1541530708;asciilifeform;... or maybe with that mig9 rusting sadly in airport ? 1869956;1541530710;asciilifeform;lol 1869957;1541530850;asciilifeform;on subj of venezuela, BingoBoingo how's that chix these dayz 1869958;1541530868;BingoBoingo;Still working on extracting her elders 1869959;1541530982;mircea_popescu;and in the process eldering every day... 1869960;1541531036;BingoBoingo;None of the vehicles in the six car garage work for a want of parts 1869961;1541531043;BingoBoingo;And fluids 1869962;1541531061;BingoBoingo;Apparently transmission fluid can't be had at any price 1869963;1541531078;asciilifeform;mega-petrostan, that can't make hydraulic fluid 1869964;1541531104;BingoBoingo;Their oil is thick, very heavy stuff 1869965;1541531116;BingoBoingo;They have to import cutting agents to pipe it 1869966;1541531224;BingoBoingo;Meanwhile over here a lot of the longer shelf life imported items in Tienda Inglesa and Devoto have stickers with the local mandatory information stuck on labels printed for the Venezualan market 1869967;1541531250;BingoBoingo;Apparently it isn't just the peanut butter 1869968;1541531274;*;asciilifeform was quite impressed with 'tienda inglesa' : better stocked than 95% of american shops 1869969;1541532496;asciilifeform;in other lulz, google's shitmail login pg no longer worx without js. 1869970;1541541859;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/11/venezuala-continuing-gold-repatriation-efforts-despite-british-and-usg-obsctruction/ << Qntra - Venezuala Continuing Gold Repatriation Efforts Despite British And USG Obsctruction 1869971;1541542441;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: venezuela 1869972;1541542569;BingoBoingo;ty, fxd 1869973;1541547795;asciilifeform;!Q later tell jurov is the http://btc.yt/lxr/satoshi/ident?v=makefiles dead ? 1869974;1541547795;lobbesbot;asciilifeform: The operation succeeded. 1869975;1541548396;deedbot;http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2702 << Loper OS - Hypertext Concordance for Finite Field Arithmetic. 1869976;1541548610;asciilifeform;jurov i was gonna link to your lxr ( which i've used 9000 times in all trb work ) as example of why ^ , but it seems to be down 1869977;1541548670;asciilifeform;btw in case other folx ( diana_coman ? ) want to make these for ~their~ proggies, process is pretty simple : 1869978;1541548685;asciilifeform;1) build whole project, so that the .ali intermediate crud is present 1869979;1541548696;phf;asciilifeform: can link to btcbase no? 1869980;1541548707;asciilifeform;phf: it aint the same at all! 1869981;1541548736;asciilifeform;lxr had full clickable concordance for all subcomponents, some basic comprehension of cppism (e.g. 'where defined class'), and search. 1869982;1541548774;asciilifeform;2) cd ffa/ffacalc ; gnathtml.pl -l1 -f -D -I obj -I ../libffa -I ../libffa/obj -p ffa_calc.adp ffa_calc.adb 1869983;1541548810;phf;aah, yes, i remember. i had some rudimentary support for that worked on, but never got to cleaning it up (mostly requires reading through colorize's code, to figure out how to hook into their tokenizer) 1869984;1541548820;asciilifeform;3) -l1 turns on line numbering; -I adds paths to the libraryisms ; -p takes a file containing src_dir=. gpr_file=ffa_calc.gpr . 1869985;1541548821;asciilifeform;that's all. 1869986;1541548880;asciilifeform;phf: if it were simply 'colorizer' i wouldn't bother. 1869987;1541548912;asciilifeform;i can live without colorized src. but really readers oughta be able to click on a token and see where it is defined. 1869988;1541548927;asciilifeform;( ideally also ~where used~, but gnathtml does not give this . ) 1869989;1541548958;phf;well, no, colorize, when it does its colorizing, has to know a bit about identifiers and tokens and such. so hooking in this case involves getting some information from colorize that says "i got an identifier FOO, give me back a link to where it should link" 1869990;1541548968;asciilifeform;right 1869991;1541548975;asciilifeform;i think phf grasps what i was talking about. 1869992;1541549024;phf;simplest form of "link to where" can be essentially a grep through all the files (which i think is how lxr used to do it) 1869993;1541549113;phf;since that will show you both where defined and where used. a bit less "smart" than gnathtml, but possibly more useful 1869994;1541549168;asciilifeform;phf: the default view ( http://www.loper-os.org/pub/ffa/hypertext/ch11/ ) of gnathtml gives you a frames thing with ~worthless alphabetic index in the left pane. really it oughta show 'where currently clicked symbol used' imho 1869995;1541549386;asciilifeform;phf: it's definitely not perfect, e.g. why the FUCK is FFA_FZ_ZeroP not clickable ? 1869996;1541549394;asciilifeform;but beats the shit out of hand-grep imho. 1869997;1541549567;asciilifeform;( it's not ~completely~ fucktarded, all of ffa is still reachable via http://www.loper-os.org/pub/ffa/hypertext/ch11/ffa__ads.htm . but still frustrating ) 1869998;1541549724;asciilifeform;hover text ( and not of .ads, but of actual definition ) would be nice too. 1869999;1541550250;asciilifeform;ultimately also would want individual tokens to be linkable, a la lxr . 1870000;1541550270;asciilifeform;( right nao i cannot link to, e.g., FZ_Add , only to line # offsets into .adb/.ads ) 1870001;1541557403;BingoBoingo;And in other not surprises, the blue wave meme is dying. 1870002;1541557684;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: what was this 1870003;1541557735;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: The mid term election fantasy where Trump loses both houses of the legislature. 1870004;1541557739;asciilifeform;aaa 1870005;1541557790;BingoBoingo;I managed to wrassle US cable news onto the wall 1870006;1541557903;BingoBoingo;Notably the blue party is under performing in Miami 1870007;1541557992;*;asciilifeform can't muster excitement for the coke-vs-pepsi tourney 1870008;1541558039;BingoBoingo;Never went down to the Pony track? 1870009;1541558056;asciilifeform;can't say i have 1870010;1541558067;asciilifeform;played shitoshidice 1ce tho! 1870011;1541558141;*;BingoBoingo had to kil the fox news stream, they overcorrected avoiding haetspeak 1870012;1541570859;mircea_popescu;this is actually a pretty good spec for a... well basically a "compiler for web" as opposed to "compiler for machine" 1870013;1541570896;mircea_popescu;"take code make it readable". incomprehensible to me why is not a clearly delineated function of code processors. obviously shouild be, much in the vein of yest "fix your terminal" discussions 1870014;1541577155;diana_coman;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-06#1869977 -> oh hey, that looks very useful indeed, thanks! 1870015;1541577155;a111;Logged on 2018-11-06 23:57 asciilifeform: btw in case other folx ( diana_coman ? ) want to make these for ~their~ proggies, process is pretty simple : 1870016;1541601111;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it's esp. egregious imho that gcc dun do this, it has the AST internally, could disgorge. ( gnat fixes some of this 'dun disgorge', it puts some raw structure in the .ali intermediate crapola for 'gnathtml' etc to read ) 1870017;1541601186;asciilifeform;( recall the ancient trb flow chart thread ) 1870018;1541608381;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/11/usms-lists-approximately-660-bitcoins-for-sale/ << Qntra - USMS Lists "Approximately" 660 Bitcoins For Sale 1870019;1541610164;mircea_popescu;diana_coman http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/Phfs3/?raw=true 1870020;1541610201;asciilifeform;in other notes from last wk's dig, turns out that ice40 contains onboard otp rom , enuff to store whole config ( somehow i read the docs '9000' times prev. and missed this ). 1870021;1541610340;mircea_popescu;o.O 1870022;1541610443;asciilifeform;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/AVRMP/?raw=true << from horse's mouth 1870023;1541610564;asciilifeform;( the promisetronics with 'difficult to read with microscope, believe!11' thing is, as i gather, for the various folx in the biz of loading $circuit into fpga and selling 'as asic' , it isn't of great interest to asciilifeform in particular ) 1870024;1541610738;mircea_popescu;this is actually pretty cool. 1870025;1541610756;asciilifeform;potentially saves a coupla bux on board cost, at the very least. 1870026;1541610788;asciilifeform;( e.g. classic FG , is only 'upgradeable' because xilinx doesn't offer an otp chip ) 1870027;1541610855;asciilifeform;i have nfi if ice's thing boosts longevity, chances are their 'OTP' is implemented the same way as errybody else's, nowadays, simply a nonwindowed EPROM. 1870028;1541610895;asciilifeform;the 'can't read with optics' does suggest possibility of actual otp tho. 1870029;1541610908;asciilifeform;currently i have no approach to determining experimentally, which it is. 1870030;1541611186;mircea_popescu;hm. 1870031;1541611211;mircea_popescu;you know, even non-"windowed" eeproms will cook in high uv cookers. 1870032;1541611233;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: errything cooks if you heat it enuff, lol 1870033;1541611272;asciilifeform;q is whether can 'restore virginity' and load in new config; and whether this is actually easier than simply soldering on a fresh one 1870034;1541611300;asciilifeform;(or simply switcheroo for fresh board in the mail etc) 1870035;1541611328;mircea_popescu;myeah. 1870036;1541611345;asciilifeform;most 'eprom attack' focuses on angle of 'read back the seekrit config', sumthing that doesn't really affect device where config is published already 1870037;1541611382;mircea_popescu;this is true. 1870038;1541614026;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/11/dutch-seize-encrypted-messaging-service-and-make-some-arrests-while-advertising-their-hope-to-make-many-more-arrests/ << Qntra - Dutch Seize "Encrypted" Messaging Service And Make Some Arrests While Advertising Their Hope To Make Many More Arrests 1870039;1541614078;mircea_popescu;wtf are these "servers" doing anyway ? 1870040;1541614086;mircea_popescu;either it's encrypted or it's servered. 1870041;1541614090;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: near as i can tell, the usual skypeism 1870042;1541614101;asciilifeform;hushmailism. 1870043;1541614110;asciilifeform;promisecryption. 1870044;1541614125;mircea_popescu;i can't imagine who the fuck would be using the crap 1870045;1541614135;asciilifeform;idjits ? 1870046;1541614136;mircea_popescu;and no, i don't mean "who among the silk road retards", that part is clear. 1870047;1541614138;BingoBoingo;People who eat endorsements 1870048;1541614171;mircea_popescu;keks, so basically the dutch are gonna arrest a whole lotta politicians and other momstate items, and they're advertising this so as to avoid embarassment of bitchslapfest ? 1870049;1541614183;BingoBoingo;The Urban enhancers and the back country meth lab crews 1870050;1541614190;BingoBoingo;Sounds like it 1870051;1541614204;mircea_popescu;come to think of it ... makes sernse. 1870052;1541614278;BingoBoingo;Also maybe they have a lot of undercover folk and CIs in renvenue generating positions (DEA style) they don't want off'd 1870053;1541614279;mircea_popescu;in other similar news, i tell you nothing's quite like nursing a hangover with teh online world. bought 16 bottles of fine bordeaux yest, partied with naked girls, to the degree of fucking the same one in the ass twice in the same evening (anal queen this chick jayssu) and so on. 1870054;1541614303;mircea_popescu;i'm biologically exhausted and i'm advertising this fact to avoid pantsuit politician #metoos from falling over themselves. 1870055;1541614315;asciilifeform;lol 1870056;1541614357;mircea_popescu;hm... in retrospect, this logic doesn't work any better when i apply it than when dutch police does. 1870057;1541614366;asciilifeform;consider sleep 1870058;1541614378;mircea_popescu;i already slept! 1870059;1541614395;asciilifeform;but didja sleep 16 bottles' worth 1870060;1541614401;mircea_popescu;i sleep quicker than other people, see. what they take eight-nine hours i can accomplish in like almost four. 1870061;1541614419;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i didn't drink it all myself! 1870062;1541614420;*;asciilifeform also tends to 4-5. but that's with 0 bottles 1870063;1541614422;asciilifeform;lolk 1870064;1541614427;BingoBoingo;Ah, one of those hangovers where it takes the second or third sleeps to take it off 1870065;1541614447;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo not even properly speaking hung over. not like my head hurts or anything. 1870066;1541614463;mircea_popescu;fine wine is up there with ro tuica re post-party effects. it's pretty much all mellow no pain. 1870067;1541614478;asciilifeform;tuica is a++ smooth, asciilifeform attests 1870068;1541614493;asciilifeform;( ~nonexistent, interestingly, in gringolandia ) 1870069;1541614522;mircea_popescu;meanwhile at the other mini-lulz farms : "LordMPofTMSR Not even kidding. brooccofull You do know I can't read the end of that sentence right ? LordMPofTMSR 1870070;1541614523;mircea_popescu;Hey, life sorts you lot into cans and can'ts. brooccofull I mean the text cute halfway. So I don't even know what that sentence is" 1870071;1541614556;mircea_popescu;it's ever fascinating, how DEEPLY and ~UNTOUCHABLY!!!~ implanted in twentysomething skulls this notion is that they "must have a fair opportunity" according to ~their~ definition of fairness. 1870072;1541614557;asciilifeform;lol didja rot13 the 2nd half or wat was it 1870073;1541614570;mircea_popescu;fucking state schools. 1870074;1541614595;mircea_popescu;who the fuck cares you couldn't read the exam questions because they were written in japanese with invisible ink ? YOU STILL FAILED! FOR HAVING FAILED! JESUS. 1870075;1541614618;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform they literally do not understand that their phone cutting random shit off webpages to fit it IS A BUG OF THEIR PHONE. 1870076;1541614631;mircea_popescu;i dunno how to convey this, it is still blowing my own mind. 1870077;1541614641;asciilifeform;recall the ancient usenet lul: went something like 'exam. in 8 minutes a hungry tiger will be admitted to exam room. you will find the 11 parts of the rifle under your desk. any questions' 1870078;1541614659;mircea_popescu;actually... let's put it this way : their terminal cuts at 80cols, right ? and they think "this code does not compile" is an ok reaction to this. 1870079;1541614674;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: ipnoje cuts at 30-40 cols last i knew 1870080;1541614675;BingoBoingo;lol 1870081;1541614687;asciilifeform;not even fully deterministic 1870082;1541614695;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform whatever it is, but the fact their "tool" cuts most of the world out is, according to them, a legitimate complaint to bring UPON THE WORLD. 1870083;1541614711;asciilifeform;i dunget it tho, it's got the finger screen neh 1870084;1541614717;mircea_popescu;I KNOW!!! 1870085;1541614719;asciilifeform;what, their fingers only move up/down ?? 1870086;1541614719;mircea_popescu;i have nfi. 1870087;1541614730;mircea_popescu;hey, it's a tv emulator for a reason right. 1870088;1541614740;mircea_popescu;maybe finger only moves from ass to mouth andf back, what do i know. 1870089;1541614763;asciilifeform;sumhow i dun have this problem on ~my~ lolpad, landau & lifschitz scroll great in both dirs 1870090;1541614768;mircea_popescu;me either, nfi. 1870091;1541614808;mircea_popescu;but imo a fine illustration of the degree, structure, magnitude and physiology of "broken" in the "citizen of free world & open society" aka "useless fucktard headed for redditbagging". 1870092;1541614840;asciilifeform;i'm almost curious what it's actually like to meet these 'people'. in a room. even without 16 bottles. 1870093;1541614845;asciilifeform;must be troo riot. 1870094;1541614846;mircea_popescu;these dumb cunts show up to job interviews, you realise ? expect "respect" and shit ? wanna fucking vote, have oppinions about the world around trhem, what have you 1870095;1541614862;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i generally don't meet THESE (because "they chose not to", of course). 1870096;1541614870;asciilifeform;makes sense 1870097;1541614880;mircea_popescu;amusingly homeostatic, this world we live in. 1870098;1541614880;asciilifeform;you'd have to get'em into a raccoon trap or sumthing 1870099;1541614891;mircea_popescu;(they also use phones "because they choose to", you know.) 1870100;1541614936;asciilifeform;gotta have the pnoje, neh. how else to view lolcat 5 times daily, like praying to mecca 1870101;1541615313;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-07#1870044 << that being said, afaik there simply does not exist a non-tard product in that niche 1870102;1541615313;a111;Logged on 2018-11-07 18:08 mircea_popescu: i can't imagine who the fuck would be using the crap 1870103;1541615374;asciilifeform;( possibly on acct of http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-31#1867907 effect , i've nfi ) 1870104;1541615374;a111;Logged on 2018-10-31 15:54 asciilifeform: the problem faced by even fella with a first-class head, when buying 'crypto iron', is a 9000x hypertrophied instance of the http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-30#1867790 boojum -- to know what he's getting, he is stuck with much ~harder~ problem than even original maker had in making the artifact to begin with ! 1870105;1541615433;asciilifeform;tbh i have nfi who still relies on voice pnoje for sensitive-anyffing, aside from usgtards 1870106;1541615452;asciilifeform;it's a screaming anachronism, imho 1870107;1541615516;asciilifeform;it aint even as if sending text over a wire were new! fucking 1850s tech! 1870108;1541615554;asciilifeform;why yakyak into microphone if ya dun have to ? so that room bug can hear ? 1870109;1541624291;mircea_popescu;obviously mobility solution. 1870110;1541625029;asciilifeform;even the 'must talk from toilet' folx send 'text' nao, i thought 1870111;1541625054;asciilifeform;i suppose in the field, under fire, folx still talk into boxes 1870112;1541625092;asciilifeform;( ~those~ imho pretty 'killer app' for paired-otp... ) 1870113;1541625264;*;asciilifeform bbl,meat 1870114;1541640120;mod6;hola! 1870115;1541640120;lobbesbot;mod6: Sent 8 minutes ago: Updated notes file http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/xPCze/?raw=true attn asciilifeform ben_vulpes mod6 1870116;1541640138;BingoBoingo;Hola 1870117;1541640148;mod6;Ah, thanks for the updated notes file, Sir. 1870118;1541640395;BingoBoingo;you are welcome 1870119;1541640441;BingoBoingo;In other lulz of the day, trump crushed the mixed post election headlines by calling in Jeff Session's undated resignation letter 1870120;1541640487;mod6;Heheh. 1870121;1541640753;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: remind me what this does ? 1870122;1541640822;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: With the Senate solidly his it removes a check on Trump's ability to act without constraint. 1870123;1541640875;asciilifeform;was just as 'his' before iirc ? 1870124;1541640925;BingoBoingo;Not particularly. Jeff Sessions as a pick largely served to keep the old wing of the GOP happy. 1870125;1541640961;BingoBoingo;And for that he was ineffective 1870126;1541640983;asciilifeform;'old wing' not there anymoar? 1870127;1541641014;BingoBoingo;Less relevant with McCain dead 1870128;1541641077;BingoBoingo;Consider McCain's lover Lindsey Graham went from being a shy boy to becoming Trump's biggest cheerleader after cancer won the war on McCain. 1870129;1541641154;BingoBoingo;Meanwhile Session is still burdened by the decision he made to recuse himself from any question touching Russia because he talked to a Russian once apparently without wearing a wire/ 1870130;1541641586;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform it does things like http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-22#1864888 just more accentuated (which practically means -- cutting http://trilema.com/2016/and-they-wont-fucking-yield/#selection-67.86-67.102 from "academia" support faucet, 10x the size of "social security" support faucet). 1870131;1541641586;a111;Logged on 2018-10-22 17:28 mircea_popescu: he's rehauling the "obamacare" health bs. which he was fucking voted in to do. snipping all sorts of blue nonsense in the paybook, including surgery for disphorists. 1870132;1541641604;mircea_popescu;you can look on trump as a smokeless slow burn erdogan, in this context, it entirely delivers. 1870133;1541641708;BingoBoingo;Not to mention with blue party narrowly holding the House he is in a position to rip of the blue party's balls with cannabis legalization by pushing further on it than the dems are willing to go. Sessions has proved too... southern gentleman to help Trump sell it. 1870134;1541641724;asciilifeform;d00d promised to cancel obummer'care' entirely, so far not pulled off 1870135;1541641745;mircea_popescu;for some reason arresting a third of the judges "unthinkable" in the us, even as having such a thing as "activist judges" perfectly thinkable, and totally not the same as corruption. cuz it's only corruption if it fucks over pantsuit, see, otherwise it's "activism". 1870136;1541641763;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you've no fucking idea what you're talking about. it's off. 1870137;1541641795;asciilifeform;then why am i still being charged for it (via ++ insurance premiums) lol 1870138;1541641830;asciilifeform;seems like it's similar to the 1890s telephone tax -- eternal 1870139;1541641839;BingoBoingo;Because you haven't become a socio of the mutualista Española yet 1870140;1541641864;asciilifeform;lol 1870141;1541641876;BingoBoingo;A+++ strep throat ER visit 1870142;1541641918;asciilifeform;( i'm completely willing to believe that the part that actually disgorges dough to the 'customers' is off , tho have not had any occasion to try it with own hands, i dun exactly qualify ) 1870143;1541641946;asciilifeform;spreading--worx!11 1870144;1541641999;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: roundin' up judges needs a stalin, not a trump 1870145;1541642036;BingoBoingo;Not if you indict them with other judge first 1870146;1541642046;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform turk did it. 3k in jail. 1870147;1541642051;mircea_popescu;bout a third of the total. 1870148;1541642056;asciilifeform;neato. 1870149;1541642078;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform to quote fresh meat, "oh, obamacare's been cancelled". they don't spiut out any more cash 1870150;1541642085;mircea_popescu;the point wasn't whether they take it in or not doh 1870151;1541642125;asciilifeform;sorta how the massive 'social security' tax is still collected 100%, even tho nobody with half a brain expects to see the pension thing 1870152;1541642149;mircea_popescu;well yes. it is after all a http://trilema.com/2018/democracy-sucks-the-two-thousand-four-hundred-and-change-years-old-version/ 1870153;1541642170;asciilifeform;and noshit, they dun spit it out, it will buy moar f-35. 1870154;1541642205;BingoBoingo;F-35 is just an excuse not to buy rusted MiG-9 1870155;1541642219;BingoBoingo;Same operational capability 1870156;1541642228;asciilifeform;i haven't actively followed subj ; does it run win10 yet? 1870157;1541642248;BingoBoingo;I think it's on Windows CE 1870158;1541642252;BingoBoingo;1990 1870159;1541642258;BingoBoingo;'s thing 1870160;1541642334;asciilifeform;asciilifeform's brother was stuck working with ce for a while, informs that among such wretches it is pronounced : 'wince' 1870161;1541642386;BingoBoingo;The day of the Lockheed versus Boeing/McDonnelDouglas trials in Saint Louis, those things dominated all 4 channels on tv all day. The Lockheed selection was only beat in local media sad by 9/11 1870162;1541642494;BingoBoingo;Upside is the Super Hornet lines in St Louis are outliving their expected life due to F-35 1870163;1541642605;BingoBoingo;And F-35 means Brasil is going to sell the Super Tucano to the US to support the aging A-10 fleet because F-35 can't help 1870164;1541642662;asciilifeform;lol, the ancient prop thing ?! 1870165;1541642708;asciilifeform;star of argentine air farce ? 1870166;1541642730;BingoBoingo;Not ancient. Front line star if we get a regional war down here 1870167;1541642785;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: it's still ww2 tech, even if some monkeystan somewhere is still makin'it 1870168;1541642850;asciilifeform;prolly can be shot even with ukr-style toy chopper, dun even need rockets 1870169;1541642877;asciilifeform;( heat-seeking toy chopper aint exactly high science ) 1870170;1541642930;mircea_popescu;super toucano ? aaahahaha 1870171;1541642947;asciilifeform;incidentally i'm almost surprised that toy chopper aint used as area denial weapon for actual chopper just yet 1870172;1541642973;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform afaik it is ? actual chopper 100% grounded in all conflict since vietnam war misexperience. 1870173;1541642997;asciilifeform;still plentiful in iraq/afgan iirc 1870174;1541643018;mircea_popescu;you mean, by the poolside ? 1870175;1541643033;asciilifeform;i suppose -- 'green zone' 1870176;1541645327;BingoBoingo;In other US election weird, a KKKalifornia to permanently be off by one hour won. 1870177;1541645965;BingoBoingo;And in still other post election weird, a CNN stooge touched a female whitehouse intern during an altercation and had his press credential to get into the white house revoked 1870178;1541646465;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2018/minigame-smg-october-2018-statement/ << Trilema - MiniGame (S.MG), October 2018 Statement 1870179;1541650204;mircea_popescu;hey, it's trump's pussygrab farm, not murdoch's. 1870180;1541651919;BingoBoingo;Fox is Murdoch's though it has cucked a lot since he handed it to the kids. CNN is buffalo guy Captain Planet's weird fetish project 1870181;1541655732;mircea_popescu;aok 1870182;1541656488;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2018/actual-anthropology-yet-another-minor-function-of-the-functioning-harem/ << Trilema - Actual anthropology, yet another minor function of the functioning harem. 1870183;1541686931;asciilifeform;'the toaster has a cancel button on it,' << lol!! 1870184;1541686994;asciilifeform;i've seen paper shredders with reverse gear, but those at least make some kind of sense ( unjamming ) 1870185;1541688282;mircea_popescu;yup. 1870186;1541688290;mircea_popescu;industrial red button very much different item 1870187;1541688324;mircea_popescu;(most machine powered moving lines come with an emergency stop, which is also mandated by labour safety in many contexts and for good reason ) 1870188;1541688378;lobbes;am I the only one who has seen/used a cancel button on a toaster before? Put toast in for $maxtime, wait until it looks/smells done, hit button and bam, perfect toast. 1870189;1541688380;mircea_popescu;however, you eminently can't cancel toasting, it's the paradigmatic enthalpic process, and anyone with a college education (such as, presumably, anyone involved in the production of objects, and in general in any practical portion of white civilisation) would be aware. 1870190;1541688381;lobbes;I guess the point is that it is redundant; pushing up on the main lever has the same effect. 1870191;1541688398;mircea_popescu;lobbes turning the knob back to 0 not exactly same ? 1870192;1541688409;mircea_popescu;there is, you understand this, there is no way to cancel toasting. 1870193;1541688456;lobbes;I've always seen it as "stop toasting" or "cease your toasting" 1870194;1541688456;mircea_popescu;the "cancelling" will happen either in the imagination ("this bread doesn't really look as if it were toasted so it wasn't") or else in the imagination some other way. but in reality, toasting is irreversible. 1870195;1541688464;mircea_popescu;but this is not the same thing, is it ? 1870196;1541688482;mircea_popescu;hence my point, re "they in the culture are strictly unable of either understanding or meaningfully describing culture" 1870197;1541688483;lobbes;true 1870198;1541688516;mircea_popescu;ie, i wouldn't trust george hunt to explain kawaikutl, ESPECIALLY because he washes and also speaks english./ 1870199;1541688767;mircea_popescu;anyway, there's many portions of "what occurs" that occur strictly in the imagination. "healthy", for instance. this isn't fundamentally wrong -- but anthropology is specifically the scholarly delineation of these. as they're at least seemingly needed for normal functioning in most contexts, and generally adaptative, they're not readily accessible to the common intellect. 1870200;1541688898;mircea_popescu;as per "the soldier whio thinks he'll win makes a better soldier than the soldier who thinks he'll lose -- though nobody yet walked on a battlefield and won". or w/e, replace "gambler" for "soldier" if you prefer. 1870201;1541690023;jurov;mod6: can we close the auction 10 hours early? I won't have much time tomorrow. 1870202;1541690023;lobbesbot;jurov: Sent 1 day, 15 hours, and 30 minutes ago: is the http://btc.yt/lxr/satoshi/ident?v=makefiles dead ? 1870203;1541690209;jurov;asciilifeform: yes dead for now, it was running on same heathenvps as the mailing list 1870204;1541690862;asciilifeform;jurov: can haz it again plox ? it was pretty great, i used it in all of my trb work 1870205;1541690877;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-08#1870187 << i personally own several machines with such buttons, they make perfect sense 1870206;1541690877;a111;Logged on 2018-11-08 14:45 mircea_popescu: (most machine powered moving lines come with an emergency stop, which is also mandated by labour safety in many contexts and for good reason ) 1870207;1541690978;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-08#1870189 << from that pov, 'you can't unsaw fingers' , either, yet the saw has the switch 1870208;1541690978;a111;Logged on 2018-11-08 14:46 mircea_popescu: however, you eminently can't cancel toasting, it's the paradigmatic enthalpic process, and anyone with a college education (such as, presumably, anyone involved in the production of objects, and in general in any practical portion of white civilisation) would be aware. 1870209;1541691018;asciilifeform;i dun think there even ~is~ a power tool that dun fit the 'paradigmatic enthalpic process' formulation 1870210;1541691070;asciilifeform;( 'stop' button on toaster is still a lol, thing has power cord, and i can't picture why you would want to cut the current faster than it takes to yank the cord, it ain't a saw ) 1870211;1541691558;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: actually i can think of 1 industrial tool that is, to a degree, 'reversible' in the thermodynamic sense, even ~after~ finger went in. the thread cutter. standard instruction , if idjit gets his finger in, is to get him to stay put while the thing is slowly put in reverse, then ends up only with heavy bruise, rather than skinned (if pulled straight out) 1870212;1541691570;mod6;jurov: sure, sounds fine to me. 1870213;1541691683;mod6;I'm not sure how to close the auction prematurely. But... 1870214;1541691690;mod6;!Xlist 1870215;1541691691;auctionbot;B#1006 O=311mn LB=310mn E=2018-11-08 13:48:41.550007 (10h6) >>> 2k wFF 1870216;1541691692;auctionbot;--- end of auction list, 310mn total bids --- 1870217;1541691940;mod6;I'm prepared to accept the bid. 1870218;1541691949;mod6;asciilifeform, BingoBoingo any objections here? 1870219;1541691996;asciilifeform;mod6: can't think of any ( but does the bot have an actual cancel-toast button ? ) 1870220;1541692037;asciilifeform;cuz if it doesn't, the toast had better fully toast, or we're living in sin imho 1870221;1541692041;mod6;If not, then jurov, please go ahead and send the wire to the DC ( you can use the same info from last time ). If you need the wire info again, please say so and I'll have BingoBoingo send it to you. 1870222;1541692078;mod6;Also, please send me a btc addy to pay you at, will send the coins within 24 hours -- probably later today for sure. 1870223;1541692104;mod6;asciilifeform: there is an !Xcancel, but not a close. 1870224;1541692139;mod6;Not sure if cancel-toast would untoast the auction. I'd like there to be a record of the auction, so I'm fine to let it close by expiry. 1870225;1541692201;diana_coman;re auction bot: the way this sort of thing worked in eulora is basically by agreement; afaik there is no untoast button (nor do I see how it would make sense really) 1870226;1541692210;asciilifeform;imho letting auction carry on even tho the auctioned item already left the house , is playing with fire 1870227;1541692264;diana_coman;asciilifeform, as long as one has replacement in case it's needed...; for the other part though, there is also the in-wot thing, not like "anyone can bid" 1870228;1541692270;mod6;i can see that arg, asciilifeform. lobbes are you opposed to an !Xclose : which would accept the current highest bid? mircea_popescu, et. al. is this a good idea? 1870229;1541692271;asciilifeform;troo 1870230;1541692335;diana_coman;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-16#1863219 -> whine! I get the record neat representation part in Ada (or so I think). Re serialization though my current understanding is that I *have to* use ...Streams; is this even correct? 1870231;1541692335;a111;Logged on 2018-10-16 13:56 diana_coman: at any rate when I get to the records I might come and whine loudly if I get stuck 1870232;1541692390;asciilifeform;diana_coman: hrm, why wouldja ~have~ to use streams ? 1870233;1541692422;diana_coman;asciilifeform, how can I serialize the record into an array of octets? I keep thinking there's something obvious that I just don't get 1870234;1541692443;diana_coman;or what, just unchecked on the whole thing? 1870235;1541692638;asciilifeform;diana_coman: http://www.adaic.org/resources/add_content/standards/12rm/html/RM-B-3-3.html 1870236;1541692680;asciilifeform;diana_coman: either this, or the 'unchecked conversion' you had earlier (given that you specify a fixed size for the record, you will always end up with the given number of octets, it has no failure mode) 1870237;1541692741;diana_coman;hm, I kept thinking for some reason that there was a 3rd way (i.e. NOT streams and not unchecked) but I just did not see it; I'll have a look at the unchecked unions 1870238;1541692859;asciilifeform;i suppose the 3rd way would be to write simple serializer ( that uses System.Address and yourthing'Size ) to turn your record type into (and out of) the requisite # of octets, and compartmentalize all of the System.Address'ism in 1 module. i have something quite similar to this in my mmap lib. 1870239;1541692903;asciilifeform;but as for the q of 'can haz this without any smell of c sulfur' , the answr is no, because entire concept is slightly antithetical to adaism, and so you gotta 'cheat' at least a little in order to permit it. 1870240;1541692954;asciilifeform;according to the 'rationale' document, serialization is ~the~ reason why streams are even a thing 1870241;1541692965;asciilifeform;hence in 'nqb' , i used a (custom-sewn) stream 1870242;1541692999;diana_coman;that's the thing: wherever I turned re serialization it kept pushing the streams, hence my earlier "it seems I have to use streams,eurgh" 1870243;1541693056;asciilifeform;there's exactly 2 ways to do it -- the above conversion mechanisms, or the stream (read nqb to see how) . cuz transmutation of data types is a specifically dangerous act, that is deliberately not made easy in ada 1870244;1541693059;diana_coman;I still can't quite see the reason to make a stream in order to write a known-size record to a known-size array of octets though 1870245;1541693080;diana_coman;in this particular case the unchecked conversion still makes more sense to me 1870246;1541693094;asciilifeform;diana_coman: it's safe (i.e. endianism-proof) if you actually nail down the layout of the record (see barnes re how) 1870247;1541693097;diana_coman;I'll play a bit with those unchecked unions too though, I hadn't looked at them 1870248;1541693245;asciilifeform;when you do this kind of thing, you gotta make sure that the proggy behaves correctly regardless of what rubbish may have been put into the octet form that gets transformed to the record. ( possibly this is obvious, but imho bears restating ) 1870249;1541693364;asciilifeform;type cast is the single most dangerous operation there is ( second only to pointerism, and notice how ada makes the latter extremely painful ) hence the thing forces you to 'measure 7 times, cut 1ce' 1870250;1541693366;jurov;asciilifeform: lxr should be back up 1870251;1541693375;asciilifeform;jurov: yay! ty! 1870252;1541693421;diana_coman;asciilifeform, I honestly don't feel any pain re pointerism as I don't miss it AT ALL 1870253;1541693445;asciilifeform;diana_coman: so far the only place i've used it, is c glue 1870254;1541693458;asciilifeform;( i.e. where not escapable ) 1870255;1541693463;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform many things are "partially reversible". phb hanging over table ends up with necktie pulled in. reversible up to the isadora duncan moment. 1870256;1541693466;diana_coman;fwiw those past few days I had to get back to some C/CPP code and there was this funny moment where I read some code adding 2 vars of different types and my mind went instantly eeeek 1870257;1541693475;diana_coman;so yes, Ada spoils one basically 1870258;1541693487;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: right 1870259;1541693498;asciilifeform;diana_coman: ikr ? 1870260;1541693513;asciilifeform;it's like going into sewer after working in cleanroom 1870261;1541693530;mircea_popescu;mod6 you can close it prematurely by convention, i guess. there's good reason not to have a dedicated button, however. 1870262;1541693537;diana_coman;quite! and unfortunately I'll still have the works in the sewer in parallel for quite a while 1870263;1541693574;asciilifeform;diana_coman: i'm sorta used to the 'eek', having a daytime saecular work that happens 100% in sewer 1870264;1541693623;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-08#1870226 << what's the fire, you'll be stuck with, in the worst case, two items ? you can use them. 1870265;1541693623;a111;Logged on 2018-11-08 15:50 asciilifeform: imho letting auction carry on even tho the auctioned item already left the house , is playing with fire 1870266;1541693648;asciilifeform;yea makes sense. diana_coman made same observation earlier 1870267;1541693652;mircea_popescu;kk 1870268;1541693713;asciilifeform;could be, i suppose, bigger headache , if auction were for the graf zeppelin, rather than some lunchmoney 1870269;1541693746;mircea_popescu;yes, well, in that case "i'm busy tomorrow" would carry a lot less water. 1870270;1541693752;asciilifeform;heh 1870271;1541693754;mircea_popescu;things work themselves out. 1870272;1541693797;asciilifeform;verily. 1870273;1541694138;jurov;We checked our notes and it came out that exact amount needed for pizarro datacenter payment is $2934.06 USD. The auction was intended for this amount, not just "$2k". Am i right mod6 BingoBoingo? 1870274;1541694176;mod6;Yes, that's correct. I didn't put in the correct amount. 1870275;1541694205;mod6;I thought we had it covered with the two previous auctions, but jurov thankfully noted that we'd have been short. 1870276;1541694274;mod6;We will be using the same price amount per BTC: 1870277;1541694282;mod6;!Qcalc 2000/.31 1870278;1541694282;lobbesbot;mod6: 6451.61290323 1870279;1541694309;mod6;!Qcalc 2934.06/6451.61 1870280;1541694309;lobbesbot;mod6: 0.454779504651 1870281;1541694319;mod6;jurov: Sound good? 1870282;1541694327;mod6;Any other objections to this? asciilifeform, BingoBoingo ? 1870283;1541694342;asciilifeform;mod6: loox ok 1870284;1541694402;jurov;Yes, it's 0.45477950 BTC for $2934.06 USD. 1870285;1541694424;mod6;Sounds like a deal, thanks a ton jurov! 1870286;1541694724;mircea_popescu;lmao 1870287;1541695001;BingoBoingo;Looking good 1870288;1541695045;mod6;*thumbsup* 1870289;1541695313;jurov;Wire sent. 1870290;1541695450;mod6;Nice, thank you, Sir. :] 1870291;1541698846;asciilifeform;btw, diana_coman were you able in the end to make sense of the http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2675 proof ? ( mircea_popescu's s.mg broadcast implies that yes -- but thought i oughta ask conceretely ) 1870292;1541700784;BingoBoingo;And in breaking news, Ruth Bader Ginsburg's ribs. She's on the wrong side of 85... Trump is probably getting a third Supreme Court nominee soon. 1870293;1541701054;asciilifeform;*concretely 1870294;1541701059;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: lol! 1870295;1541701079;asciilifeform;a++ gerontocracy, would brezhnev again!1 1870296;1541705586;bvt;hello, i have finally genesised the ada base64 lib: http://bvt-trace.net/2018/11/base64-genesis/ 1870297;1541706579;diana_coman;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-08#1870291 -> yes! 1870298;1541706579;a111;Logged on 2018-11-08 17:40 asciilifeform: btw, diana_coman were you able in the end to make sense of the http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2675 proof ? ( mircea_popescu's s.mg broadcast implies that yes -- but thought i oughta ask conceretely ) 1870299;1541707077;asciilifeform;diana_coman: ok good 1870300;1541707083;asciilifeform;bvt: neato, i will read 1870301;1541707352;asciilifeform;bvt: the base64 thing will come in very handy for http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-01#1868643 item 1870302;1541707352;a111;Logged on 2018-11-01 20:53 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: happens to be exactly what i set out to; on top of that, even got a gpg extractor (currently in py, but slated for adaization) , precisely for same 1870303;1541707467;asciilifeform;!!rated bvt 1870304;1541707467;deedbot;asciilifeform rated bvt 1 at 2018/10/10 21:20:12 << n00b, ada/vtronics experiments 1870305;1541707494;asciilifeform;!!rate bvt 2 adatronics 1870306;1541707497;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/b1ACj/?raw=true 1870307;1541707521;asciilifeform;!!v 13E785BFE17551850FE162FA3F8EE8FCF0DC73E31F0F660C1BFF0E38BBEF6FFE 1870308;1541707522;deedbot;asciilifeform updated rating of bvt from 1 to 2 << adatronics 1870309;1541707533;*;asciilifeform will bbl 1870310;1541710185;bvt;asciilifeform: thanks. radix-64 (gpg ascii armor) is pretty similar to the RFC base64, so changes to the code will be minimal. 1870311;1541713337;*;asciilifeform was reading recent http://summaries.logs.esthlos.com , and ran into the http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-27#1866726 item; curious, did anybody answer these ? 1870312;1541713337;a111;Logged on 2018-10-27 17:17 hanbot: mod6, ben_vulpes, et al: nicoleci sent 31 emails (as per http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-13#1861765 ) to various news outlets last night, and will report any replies here. i expect more mail to go out this week, will update. 1870313;1541713363;asciilifeform;( or was it 'blue wall of silence', phuctor-style ) 1870314;1541713725;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform none so far. 1870315;1541713731;asciilifeform;damn 1870316;1541713767;asciilifeform;i'dve naively thought that of 31 fishwraps , at least 1 is not fully retarded 1870317;1541713785;asciilifeform;( even phuctor made it into some ru thing 1ce ) 1870318;1541713836;mircea_popescu;i'd be surprised if, over the entirety of conde nast "portofolio", there's a man-day per day of actual attention available. http://trilema.com/2015/okcupidcom-the-dating-site/#selection-45.141-45.160 is in no different shape, and none of the smaller spamfarms differ in any sense. 1870319;1541713851;asciilifeform;most of'em prolly run 100% on perlscript nao, also 1870320;1541713858;asciilifeform;with 0 human in loop 1870321;1541713863;mircea_popescu;the way of the web is "have people talk into the bag", tv minds tryna hard to re-create tv out of the information superhighway truck. 1870322;1541713878;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform as close as practicable, yes, bearing in mind however they use excel scripts. 1870323;1541713886;asciilifeform;ah yea 1870324;1541713896;mircea_popescu;so... some subhuman involved. 1870325;1541713909;mircea_popescu;not the kind that can actually respond to salutations tho. ("too much pressure"). 1870326;1541713934;asciilifeform;subhuman is typically 'programmed' with '3ring' formulary binder, and we aint in it 1870327;1541713945;asciilifeform;'hmm, letter re bitcoin, lessee what gavin says' 1870328;1541714010;asciilifeform;( or whoever the fuck is the current gavin, i've lost track of the concretes ) 1870329;1541714582;BingoBoingo;One of the people with an oddly Dutch appearing name 1870330;1541715290;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/11/ontario-state-cannabis-store-and-canada-post-publish-information-on-canadian-stoners/ << Qntra - Ontario State Cannabis Store And Canada Post Publish Information On Canadian Stoners 1870331;1541720080;mircea_popescu;ie "everybody". 1870332;1541723696;lobbes;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-08#1870228 << the way !Xcancel works right now 'behind the scenes' is that it inserts the into the "closed" table. This isn't much different than when an auction "resolves" normally ( also inserted into same table), the only difference is that the bot doesn't "announce" a winner when !Xcancel is used 1870333;1541723696;a111;Logged on 2018-11-08 15:51 mod6: i can see that arg, asciilifeform. lobbes are you opposed to an !Xclose : which would accept the current highest bid? mircea_popescu, et. al. is this a good idea? 1870334;1541723701;lobbes;In other words, order history (along with all top bids, etc.) is preserved whether you !Xcancel or just let the auction run its course. 1870335;1541723860;lobbes;in other news: I'm going to be getting all 4 of my wisdom teeth yanked out tomorrow. While I'll be near my terminal, I may be out of commission for a few days. I'll be following the logs as usual (assuming I'm not knocked out from pain meds) 1870336;1541723952;trinque;that's a fun one; good luck lobbes 1870337;1541724256;lobbes;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-12#1642735 << relatedly, to add anecdotal evidence to this thread I can confirm: do not try and tempt fate by leaving these suckers in.. it feels like a vice-grip has been slowly tightening on my skull for the last few weeks.. 1870338;1541724256;a111;Logged on 2017-04-12 22:11 mircea_popescu: on the long term this pressure kills them as sure as sugar. 1870339;1541724261;lobbes;thanks trinque 1870340;1541724278;*;lobbes bbl meat 1870341;1541725378;mod6;Hey, thanks for the info lobbes. GL with the dentist. 1870342;1541725398;mod6;!Xcancel 1006 1870343;1541725398;auctionbot;Buy order # 1006 was cancelled by mod6 1870344;1541726472;mod6;!!ledger 1870345;1541726478;deedbot;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/VC1lc/?raw=true 1870346;1541738247;trinque; << hey all, opened up a public toilet for txn. probably doesn't even work. enjoy! 1870347;1541738407;asciilifeform;trinque: what's it made of ? 1870348;1541738719;trinque;about 5 lines of py 1870349;1541738933;asciilifeform;notbad 1870350;1541739040;mircea_popescu;!#seen mocky 1870351;1541739040;a111;I haven't seen mocky 1870352;1541739044;mircea_popescu;!#seen Mocky 1870353;1541739044;a111;2018-11-06 alright, lol 1870354;1541739053;mircea_popescu;did he cook ? 1870355;1541740858;deedbot;http://thewhet.net/2018/11/ingenohl-the-anti-chucker/ << The Whet - Ingenohl, the Anti-Chucker 1870356;1541753412;Mocky;I arrived back in usa 1870357;1541753535;Mocky;my flight left at 1am local time and I wasn't able to sleep on either flight. was up for 42 hours 1870358;1541753622;Mocky;just waking up now from 7 hour nap. it's mid morning back in qatar, where's the sun? :D 1870359;1541754053;Mocky;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-08#1870186 >> I had a toaster with cancel button a few years ago was just this. Once you add the 'feature' of smart toasting whereby turning the knob after toasting has started has no effect and then once you further add the feature that the lift handle is mechanically locked down and can't be lifted during the cycle, then yes, once you accept those things you then 'need' the red button 1870360;1541754053;a111;Logged on 2018-11-08 14:44 mircea_popescu: industrial red button very much different item 1870361;1541754154;Mocky;of course 'smart toasting' was the opposite of smart 1870362;1541754692;mircea_popescu;o wb! 1870363;1541754698;Mocky;thx! 1870364;1541754731;mircea_popescu;say Mocky , does your bloghack support pingbacks ? such as eg http://trilema.com/2018/actual-anthropology-yet-another-minor-function-of-the-functioning-harem/#selection-67.45-71.1 ? 1870365;1541754750;mircea_popescu;because you know, bidirectional linkage fundamental property of proper hypertext and all that... 1870366;1541754820;mircea_popescu;Mocky ftr the item discussed had neither of those misfeatures. 1870367;1541754851;Mocky;no bloghack, lacks the normal actually useful things 1870368;1541755255;Mocky;hard pills to swallow, but i'm going to have to choke down the php and the http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-22#1865105 because I don't want to spend the time to bake the actually moving pieces 1870369;1541755255;a111;Logged on 2018-10-22 20:35 asciilifeform: was speaking of where it recalculates what is by all rights a 100% constant value, 9000 times/hr, eternally 1870370;1541755483;Mocky;i think i'm going to fal backto sleep now 1870371;1541774234;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in vintage lulz, http://dan.corlan.net/wish/2014_01_7forever_operating_system_support_manifest.html 1870372;1541774342;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu do you know this fella ? http://dan.corlan.net 'Alexandru-Dan Corlan, MD, PhD' 'stochastic models of patient evolution and pharmacologic response' 'high performance computing and programming in R, Ada and CommonLisp' 1870373;1541774376;mircea_popescu;Mocky it's mostly slander anyway, as it stands it does that "recalculating" less than 1% of the time. 1870374;1541774383;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform nope. 1870375;1541774452;mircea_popescu;i realise the http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-01#1868214 came as clear sky thunderbolt / supports the notion romania's like 5 people large... but still not all romanians know each other keks 1870376;1541774452;a111;Logged on 2018-11-01 00:57 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform ubb = universitatea babes bolyay. cluj item. old man andreica's son was at teh politechnic. diff school. 1870377;1541774481;asciilifeform;i was almost at the point where 'it's 5 people and mircea_popescu knows'em all' lol 1870378;1541774489;mircea_popescu;lol. 1870379;1541774513;mircea_popescu;let's say i only know the well established clans of the 80s ; maybe this guy 1st gen intellectual ? 1870380;1541774547;asciilifeform;nfi. he showed up in the glue traps. 1870381;1541774551;*;mircea_popescu eg recalls https://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ion_Mu%C8%99lea 's son's dogs etc. 1870382;1541775074;asciilifeform;i'ma write to him 1870383;1541775395;mircea_popescu;good idea. 1870384;1541775501;asciilifeform;done. 1870385;1541776845;mircea_popescu;before i forget : re http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-03#1513931 this item can be exemplared in ro, also. sane clans used the same name for the firstborn, my father was mircea like my grandfather ; but some used vocalic alternation for incomprehensible reason, so the above linked guy's son wasn't ion but "ioan". which is a thoroughly imaginary halph diphtong nonsense ~specifically created for the purpose~. there's no such fucki 1870386;1541776845;a111;Logged on 2016-08-03 15:40 phf: the whole font changes meaning take two is coming from the japanese. they were actively promoting this idea back during early unicode standardization days, where there was a strong drive to include every idiosyncratic version of kanji in the standard, because "that's how my family writes it in our last name". 1870387;1541776845;mircea_popescu;ng thing as "ioan". 1870388;1541776955;mircea_popescu;!#s phtephen 1870389;1541776956;a111;3 results for "phtephen", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=phtephen 1870390;1541778957;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: 'ioan' sounds like an attempt to oldslavonic 1870391;1541779011;asciilifeform;( possibly result of 'acute orthodoxy of the central nervous system'(tm) ? ) 1870392;1541779070;diana_coman;mircea_popescu, hm, I knew also the approach odd/even generations i.e. same name as grandfather rather than father; onth closer home it was meant to be more like same name as godfather but whatevers 1870393;1541779162;asciilifeform;also lulzily, some of the groups in usa have this custom, but they also affix numbers, e.g. i knew a few folx who 'III', and at least 1 fella who 'IV' 1870394;1541779182;asciilifeform;'this letter is for john' 'which' 'VIII' 1870395;1541779184;diana_coman;asciilifeform, I'd suspect the Ioan is simply because of church slavonic, yes 1870396;1541779237;asciilifeform;diana_coman: it is, and still appears in modern ru, e.g. for pope Иоанн Павел II etc 1870397;1541779351;diana_coman;heh, at least it's not Ioann 1870398;1541779385;asciilifeform;'nn' is a creeping germanicism imho 1870399;1541779495;BingoBoingo;I don't recall a IV, at least that advertised it, but I knew a Jewish kid with a III affixed 1870400;1541779549;diana_coman;that sounds like the "we can haz dinastyyy 2" 1870401;1541779597;BingoBoingo;Well, II was a train conductor and him and his wife were about as 70's white trash stereotype as could be in the 1990's 1870402;1541779623;BingoBoingo;III made it to college, the Hillel house took him in and now III R economist 1870403;1541779649;BingoBoingo;In the pantsuit sense of the term 1870404;1541779682;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: interesting; it was my understanding that the j00z frown on I,II,IIIism 1870405;1541779694;asciilifeform;then again iirc only if the elder is alive 1870406;1541779723;asciilifeform;(i.e. recycling dead man's name is a-ok) 1870407;1541779741;BingoBoingo;Meanwhile in the hard luck files: https://archive.is/o0tiw Dude had his thing living off da fat O'da land. Then he hitchhiked in a cop car. 1870408;1541779828;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: These were some pretty atypical jews. Lived a 15 minute drive from town in house with normal town sized yard surrounded by farm on all sides 1870409;1541780001;asciilifeform;i dun recall talmud prohibiting having 'normal sized yard' lol 1870410;1541780266;asciilifeform;living off da fat O'da << d00d oughta consider new career, of beggar an' petty thief in e.g. calcutta. at least there could steal actual food, and not 'protein bar' 1870411;1541780270;BingoBoingo;Well, normally when I think Jews I think more urban locations 1870412;1541784218;Mocky;asciilifeform, I was almost a III but my mom won that argument 1870413;1541784832;asciilifeform;!Q later tell mircea_popescu http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-09#1870382 >>> becomes >>> http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/K1Ug1/?raw=true ( plaintxt ) 1870414;1541784832;a111;Logged on 2018-11-09 14:51 asciilifeform: i'ma write to him 1870415;1541784833;lobbesbot;asciilifeform: The operation succeeded. 1870416;1541785039;mircea_popescu;thanks for the markup lol. otherwise yes, pastes go into pgptron, wtf it's broken all that. 1870417;1541785039;lobbesbot;mircea_popescu: Sent 3 minutes ago: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-09#1870382 >>> becomes >>> http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/K1Ug1/?raw=true ( plaintxt ) 1870418;1541785075;mircea_popescu;and cool deal! 1870419;1541785075;asciilifeform;though so, hence the envelope label. 1870420;1541785086;asciilifeform;nao if only d00d would visit! 1870421;1541785105;asciilifeform;but i suspect asciilifeform lives under a curse, nobody but the redditards ever deign to show 1870422;1541785113;diana_coman;I suppose the " Anyway, e-mail is the communication tool that I am most comfortable with." might be quite common for thinking people that aren't all that young anymore either 1870423;1541785134;diana_coman;asciilifeform, it seems to me the guy is Bucharest-based, no? 1870424;1541785136;asciilifeform;diana_coman: yea, d00d is a greybeard medical doc 1870425;1541785144;asciilifeform;diana_coman: loox like 1870426;1541785166;diana_coman;well, shouldn't be hard to find next time I'm in Ro really 1870427;1541785166;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform also Иоани, of course. 1870428;1541785236;mircea_popescu;Mocky the third ? that's a sad loss to humanilulz! 1870429;1541785416;asciilifeform;'A long time ago, in the late eighties, I myself tried to develop such a system, on a home-made 68K with a cp/m executive (the file system was on a second, z80 processor, that had a floppy drive). It's name was 'li' meaning a half lisp (but it had a simple, non-optimizing JIT compiler that directly generated 68K code)...' << this is at least the 3rd fella i've corresponded with who 'i tried to build lispm in '80s out of 68k' 1870430;1541785443;asciilifeform;they remind me of old man leonardo and his chopper 1870431;1541785448;mircea_popescu;hey, everyonre with the z80s was trying to build cool shit. 1870432;1541785465;asciilifeform;'i know how to build chopper, but no steel yet, grr' 1870433;1541785477;mircea_popescu;nobody with the "smart"phones ever does, which is i guess the living proof of why "smart" phones are for dumb people and the z80 was smart even tho it didn't LABEL ITSELF SUCH 1870434;1541785543;asciilifeform;68k was imho a pretty great all-around allpurpose cpu. and -- mega-unsurprise -- ~unobtainable today... 1870435;1541785553;asciilifeform;( iirc BingoBoingo is even today aficionado of 68k ) 1870436;1541785560;diana_coman;my understanding of the "smart phone" label was in the vein of "smarter than user" so rather accurate, yes 1870437;1541785614;mircea_popescu;that it is. 1870438;1541785649;*;asciilifeform tried to source 68k back in the original draft cardanoism days. found that the only source, aside from vintage collectors, is some goldentoilet co that makes spare parts for usg rockets 1870439;1541786082;asciilifeform;it's prolly the oldest chip, not counting 'heavies' like vax, that can rsa on sumthing like human timescale. 1870440;1541786131;asciilifeform;( rsa on z80, 6502, etc. is ~nonstarter, even if one 'banks' the address lines to give enuff mem, the 8bit buggers lack a multiplier, so you get 'egyptian' speed ) 1870441;1541786819;BingoBoingo;In other updates: The Birthday card mailed in February has been recieved! 1870442;1541786829;asciilifeform;lol! 1870443;1541786844;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: it went as message-in-a-bottle and oceanic currents finally changed, or wat.. 1870444;1541786844;BingoBoingo;What happened between the USPS postmark and the October 30th Correo Uruguayo stamp is a mystery 1870445;1541786921;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: for comparison, round-trip of misaddressed FG to argentina, from asciilifeformistan and back, took slightly under 3 months 1870446;1541786950;BingoBoingo;It probably sat in a pile and the pile was only recently acknowledged 1870447;1541786999;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: in usa, erry so often one hears of a defrocking of a postman who stashed letters in his cellar instead of delivering, 'will do'em later!', sometimes years' worth 1870448;1541787024;asciilifeform;wonder if something like this, was the culprit 1870449;1541787189;BingoBoingo;I suspect it's more of a cultural thing. Someone set the basket of letters in not exactly the right spot. Being ever so off to the side it was studiously ignored because civil servants here "work to rules" deviating from the rules only when their incompetence intervenes. 1870450;1541787238;BingoBoingo;And then 8 months later someone probably asked to throw out the obstacle blocking the walkway only for mail to be discovered 1870451;1541787262;asciilifeform;yea the astonishing part wasn't the months, but that it finally went 1870452;1541787346;BingoBoingo;Then again in this land where you have to register to import packaged goods, it is in a traditional US style paper envelope as opposed to a clear plastic "sobre" the Uruguayos insist on using 1870453;1541788171;asciilifeform;in other olds, http://dan.corlan.net/software/niliada.ada << the 'niliada' corlan was speaking of. 1870454;1541788225;asciilifeform;imho somewhat reminiscent of spyked's http://btcbase.org/patches/adalisp_genesis 1870455;1541788278;asciilifeform;( i half-expected that corlan in '90s would have discovered the non-pointeristic/non-heapistic style asciilifeform works in today -- but apparently nodice ) 1870456;1541788355;asciilifeform;still imho pretty interesting . 1870457;1541788588;asciilifeform;even includes a built-in benchmark, of sorts 1870458;1541788662;asciilifeform;http://dan.corlan.net/software/ilfive.html << some older stuff of his. 1870459;1541789487;asciilifeform;!#s from:phf remind me 1870460;1541789487;a111;5 results for "from:phf remind me", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=from%3Aphf%20remind%20me 1870461;1541789510;asciilifeform;!Q phf didja ever get chance to unearth the http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-15#1862616 item ? 1870462;1541789510;a111;Logged on 2018-10-15 02:44 phf: asciilifeform: i actually forgot! i'm swamped right now, but can you remind me again in about two weeks, i have a thing for you from the dig that will help with the little piece of silicon you have 1870463;1541789513;asciilifeform;err 1870464;1541789517;asciilifeform;!Q later tell phf didja ever get chance to unearth the http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-15#1862616 item ? 1870465;1541789517;a111;Logged on 2018-10-15 02:44 phf: asciilifeform: i actually forgot! i'm swamped right now, but can you remind me again in about two weeks, i have a thing for you from the dig that will help with the little piece of silicon you have 1870466;1541789517;lobbesbot;asciilifeform: The operation succeeded. 1870467;1541789570;asciilifeform;iirc it's been a year+ since phf 1st mentioned it 1870468;1541789604;asciilifeform;phf: i prolly won't get a chance to actually put it to use in near term, hands pretty full with ffa; but would like to have it. if it's there to be had. 1870469;1541789637;asciilifeform;( and if it requires baking a board, process takes coupla months anyway, so why not get the ball rolling ) 1870470;1541791657;mod6;<+BingoBoingo> In other updates: The Birthday card mailed in February has been recieved! << lol 1870471;1541791905;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/11/womens-estheticians-being-targeted-in-canadian-human-rights-tribunals/ << Qntra - Women's Estheticians Being Targeted In Canadian Human Rights Tribunals 1870472;1541792010;BingoBoingo;^ Women's hair removal professionals gotta wax balls now 1870473;1541792917;BingoBoingo;How goes the Odinsleep Mocky? 1870474;1541792987;Mocky;slept another 7. not feeling fully normal, but at least not exhausted anymore 1870475;1541793012;Mocky;mircea_popescu, http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/ojS4h/?raw=true 1870476;1541794940;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: recall the infamous wedding cake thing 1870477;1541796110;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Well, wedding cake doesn't touch health in the way applying hot wax to delicate skin does. 1870478;1541796133;BingoBoingo;And the wedding cake folk won 1870479;1541796138;BingoBoingo;eventually 1870480;1541796236;BingoBoingo;Also yesterday there was no Navidad in Tienda Inglesa. Today there was. 1870481;1541796614;BingoBoingo;And just for asciilifeform: The impact of small differences on Trump's freedom to act as exemplified by Jeff Session's acting replacement "Incredibly Swole Guy" - https://archive.is/oTq9X 1870482;1541796878;BingoBoingo;If that guy runs in 2024, who can the Democrats credibly put against him on a debate stage? 1870483;1541796940;BingoBoingo;Their men won't look credible, and age will catch up to Michelle Obama's arms 1870484;1541797144;mircea_popescu;Mocky http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/O91m1/?raw=true 1870485;1541797651;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: lol! d00d loox just like bezos 1870486;1541797683;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Completely different weight classes 1870487;1541797953;BingoBoingo;Bezos was a skinny kid who turned to doping with fake testosterone late in life. Session's replacement played Iowa football and makes some of Trump's professional wrassler friends look small 1870488;1541797997;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: will come in handy when they switch from yakyak to gladiatorial ring, i suppose 1870489;1541798109;BingoBoingo;They are already kinda moving in that direction 1870490;1541798769;Mocky;mircea_popescu, http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/5mQ2z/?raw=true 1870491;1541799162;mircea_popescu;!!pay mocky 0.2 1870492;1541799174;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/d9WJH/?raw=true 1870493;1541799244;mircea_popescu;!!key thordir> 1870494;1541799244;deedbot;Not registered. 1870495;1541799245;mircea_popescu;!!key thordir 1870496;1541799246;deedbot;http://wot.deedbot.org/96397A4F0E4A4F244D9A0D78E393A7907516BA61.asc 1870497;1541799490;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo sounds liek a decent article illustration lol. 1870498;1541800758;BingoBoingo;When the time comes 1870499;1541802632;mircea_popescu;in otherr documentary lulz, "We who live abroad are accustomed to believe that almost all Eretz Yisrael is now uninhabited desert and whoever wishes can buy land there as he pleases. But this is not true. It is very difficult to find in the land [ha'aretz] cultivated fields that are not used for planting. Only those sand fields or stone mountains that would require the investment of hard labour and great expense to make them 1870500;1541802632;mircea_popescu;good for planting remain uncultivated and that's because the Arabs do not like working too much in the present for a distant future. Therefore, it is very difficult to find good land for cattle. And not only peasants, but also rich landowners, are not selling good land so easily...We who live abroad are accustomed to believing that the Arabs are all wild desert people who, like donkeys, neither see nor understand what is happ 1870501;1541802633;mircea_popescu;ening around them. But this is a grave mistake. The Arab, like all the Semites, is sharp minded and shrewd. All the townships of Syria and Eretz Yisrael are full of Arab merchants who know how to exploit the masses and keep track of everyone with whom they deal – the same as in Europe. The Arabs, especially the urban elite, see and understand what we are doing and what we wish to do on the land, but they keep quiet and pret 1870502;1541802638;mircea_popescu;end not to notice anything. For now, they do not consider our actions as presenting a future danger to them. … But, if the time comes that our people's life in Eretz Yisrael will develop to a point where we are taking their place, either slightly or significantly, the natives are not going to just step aside so easily." 1870503;1541811254;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/wA1f1/?raw=true 1870504;1541811642;BingoBoingo;ack 1870505;1541812518;BingoBoingo;Mocky: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/Jf0d7/?raw=true 1870506;1541813203;hanbot;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-31#1868072 << >> http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-15#1799520 fucking april. it's a travesty largely fueled by my noobishness. i've had a multi-upload form and script pair for months, been looking under pebbles in the quarry that is wp's upload process for a way to connect the dots. most recently i've been trying to map out on paper what seems to me the insane tangle of files involved in uploading --every damned file 1870507;1541813203;a111;Logged on 2018-10-31 23:16 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-31#1867924 << ikr, multi-upload has been on the wishlist for mp-wp ever since... hey hanbot how long's it been now ? 1870508;1541813203;a111;Logged on 2018-04-15 04:19 mircea_popescu: hanbot / everyone : speaking of patches for mp-wp, here's something i'd dearly love : a MASS uploader. so you don't have to upload files one by one in the webinterface. 1870509;1541813203;hanbot;is just stuffed with calls to other files. atm my goosechase sits in wp-admin/includes/media.php, wherein the suspected controlling function media_upload_form lives, consists of multiple other functions not defined in this file. i enjoy trying to sort it out but it's indeed at a snail's pace. 1870510;1541814585;Mocky;BingoBoingo, http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/GrODt/?raw=true 1870511;1541814830;mircea_popescu;hanbot well, keep good notes, maybe unroll the whole monstrosity into a single file eventually. 1870512;1541814839;BingoBoingo;Mocky: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/tBfyb/?raw=true 1870513;1541814845;mircea_popescu;there really is ~0 reason to have something like mp-wp in multiple DIRECTORIES chockfulla files. 1870514;1541814922;Mocky;ok BingoBoingo sounds good, i'll keep you apprised 1870515;1541815330;BingoBoingo;tyvm 1870516;1541815839;asciilifeform;hanbot et al : fwiw i've never 1nce used wp uploader, ever since booting up the current ver of my www in '07 i've used scp via 'midnight commander' for all file upload, worx great, it's just as if the thing were on my local fs 1870517;1541815886;asciilifeform;( and it worx with any box where you have ssh key set up ) 1870518;1541815945;asciilifeform;and comes with bonus, that you can keep all files +r only 1870519;1541815963;asciilifeform;(i.e. chmod 400) 1870520;1541816460;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform mp-wp does a bunch of useful things, such as adnotating the img tags, resizing the image to your pre-set sizes so you never have to worry about formatting, balancing them out in directories etc etc. 1870521;1541816490;mircea_popescu;the thing is yet again "at my sheep farm we don't drink milk from special vessels". sure. nor do you have to. civilisation however is built out of pots and pans. 1870522;1541816547;mircea_popescu;exactly like Mocky 's experience. t0 "oh, ima just make a hand cranked webotron" t1-tn : "does feature i work ?" "nope!" 1870523;1541816577;mircea_popescu;kinda the whole fucking point of having it is so 500 alfs mockys etc don't have to all step on the same rakes on their own time individually. 1870524;1541816624;mircea_popescu;this "oh, i won't play eulora" "oh, i won't use mp-wp" is starting to smack of specialsnowflakeism already. you realise this, dildos fuck your holes exactly as well as anyone else's, they're holes, the hole pre-exists your personal notion of the self. 1870525;1541816797;asciilifeform;lol i dun hate mp's wp of anyffing of the kind 1870526;1541816803;asciilifeform;*or 1870527;1541816845;asciilifeform;but i dun have problem with resizing photos on local box, it isnt clear to me why it is blogotron's job to do such thing 1870528;1541816872;mircea_popescu;it eminently IS blogotron's job to do such, because blogotron knows and you shouldn't care what the constraints are. 1870529;1541816881;asciilifeform;will accept the 'he drinks milk straight from sheep' criticism, if must 1870530;1541816919;mircea_popescu;how big should the pics be ? if you scale them by hand, what do you do, use a byte of memory to save this ? 1870531;1541816987;mircea_popescu;if you want them left-alligned as opposed to centered, do you spew the div code by hand ? do you remember what it is, too ? do you keep it somewhere (and then remember where that is) ? 1870532;1541816995;mircea_popescu;settings belong in config files, gimme a break. 1870533;1541817012;asciilifeform;lol i settled on ' <= 640 wide displays correctly errywhere, vga and on' yrs ago 1870534;1541817059;asciilifeform;and yes i hand-write html on my site ( with the exception of the code formatter thingie ) 1870535;1541817059;mircea_popescu;except 640 px with toolbars (which are needed, long discussion i won't get into, but trilema isn't laid out the way it is because that's what came out of FG), even if you (stupidly) use just one, leaves 400px wide pix. that's a stamp. 1870536;1541817077;asciilifeform;toolbars ? 1870537;1541817119;mircea_popescu;Recent Comments / Recent Articles 1870538;1541817122;asciilifeform;a 1870539;1541817140;asciilifeform;was referring to the 'post body' horiz band strictly 1870540;1541817152;asciilifeform;iirc i have it set to 700 1870541;1541817254;mircea_popescu;700 is no viewport i ever heard of. the choices are 640, 1024 and 1280, practically. 1870542;1541817295;asciilifeform;it's 1024 total, with 700 middle cut for 640 photo + margins, iirc 1870543;1541817323;*;asciilifeform laid it out decade+ ago, scarcely fiddled since 1870544;1541817339;mircea_popescu;aha. 1870545;1541817352;asciilifeform;in the side bar goes the toolbar, links, categories, thingies 1870546;1541817382;asciilifeform;surprisingly enuff, even displays correctly on various horrors, even ipnoje etc 1870547;1541817432;asciilifeform;i've found that the less 'modern' htmlism/css etc is used, the moar likely it is to display properly errywhere 1870548;1541817437;mircea_popescu;trilema inline pics are, i find by looking, either 560 or whatever the fuck http://trilema.com/2018/the-lolz-inflation-continues-unabated/ is 1870549;1541817442;mircea_popescu;which appears to be actually two different sizes. 1870550;1541817451;mircea_popescu;and im so fucking thankful for not needing to know any of this. 1870551;1541817456;asciilifeform;heh 1870552;1541817506;asciilifeform;seems like mircea_popescu automated in php, various things that i do with local perlisms. nuffin wrong with this. 1870553;1541817507;mircea_popescu;all inliuned pics are however linked to 1024px wide originals. 1870554;1541817526;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform something wrong with the perlisms -- unportable ; therefore unstandard[izable] etc. 1870555;1541817559;asciilifeform;evidently mircea_popescu not yet automated errything tho. hence the uploads thread i was responding to. 1870556;1541817561;mircea_popescu;and i'd 1000% rather have php machine do image manipulation than whatever local machine with scp authority, i'll tell you that. 1870557;1541817572;mircea_popescu;what do you even scale them with ? 1870558;1541817586;asciilifeform;'mogrify' 1870559;1541817595;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform at this juncture, trying to automate the automation. going slowly. 1870560;1541817602;asciilifeform;sometimes gimp, if needs hand-twiddling 1870561;1541817613;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform imagemagick ? really ? 1870562;1541817621;mircea_popescu;srsly now, way the fuck better to have that on a webserver. 1870563;1541817634;mircea_popescu;adobe-level champ of holes. 1870564;1541817693;asciilifeform;it lives on nic box anyway. and eats pics shat out of own camera/generated locally. 1870565;1541817757;mircea_popescu;and the box it sits on can only scp into webtron ? (if so, it should be ON webtron ; if not so... that's your hole right there. etc) 1870566;1541817778;mircea_popescu;in short -- none of this elaborate shit is actually idiosyncratic. 1870567;1541817781;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: interestingly pretty much all graphics processing coad is 'swiss cheese', evidently nobody ever heard of bounds checking when writing these, lol 1870568;1541817797;mircea_popescu;just about. 1870569;1541817802;mircea_popescu;"designers". 1870570;1541817868;asciilifeform;fwiw the scpism happens on yet-other box, lol 1870571;1541817884;asciilifeform;there is a reason why asciilifeform's lan switch loox like a hammock. 1870572;1541817927;asciilifeform;and yes its all 'gnarly, nonstandard, barbaric, sheep fucking' 1870573;1541817953;mircea_popescu;well the idea is to cut off parts and clean them up. 1870574;1541817979;mircea_popescu;there may be some reason and room for "ye olde instruments" ; but srsly now, webotrons should utterly not be it. 1870575;1541817993;mircea_popescu;strikes me as in line with "password protected fruit juicer" 1870576;1541817995;asciilifeform;i won't disagree. 1870577;1541818018;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu's approach is ultimately right thing, i suspect 1870578;1541818029;asciilifeform;tho i do wish it didnt have to be php.. 1870579;1541818059;mircea_popescu;in the present situation i'd settle for a three-file 5k loc mp-wp reduction from the current imensity. 1870580;1541818063;asciilifeform;erry time i work with php, i get same taste in mouth as when writing for winblowz 1870581;1541818085;mircea_popescu;this, amusingly, was on my to-do (really, to-have-done, but let's not split camel toes) list for ... 12 years now!!! 1870582;1541818111;BingoBoingo;Can only ada things up in steps, and there's other moving parts underneath www-blogthing 1870583;1541818141;asciilifeform;i actually tried sawing on mp's-wp myself, when he first posted it, but my php-fu proved insufficient 1870584;1541818177;asciilifeform;it prolly could be made considerably thinner 1870585;1541818276;mircea_popescu;certainly. 1870586;1541818333;mircea_popescu;actually, this is the correct direction -- should be collapsed into as few files as necessary (prolly three, seeing how it uses the apache access model to limit admin/users, so you'd have an admin and a public dir), and then cut from that. 1870587;1541818407;mircea_popescu;ill tell you this tho -- only AFTER this is made as thin as it gets are we significantly more advanced on the path towards replacing php 1870588;1541818413;mircea_popescu;no man replaces what he doesn't well understand. 1870589;1541822183;phf;testing http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/KH6e/?raw=true 1870590;1541822183;lobbesbot;phf: Sent 9 hours and 4 minutes ago: didja ever get chance to unearth the http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-15#1862616 item ? 1870591;1541822226;phf;asciilifeform: will look into it this weekend 1870592;1541822257;phf;hmm http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/KH6e/?raw=true 1870593;1541822291;phf;oh oh http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/jKH6e/?raw=true 1870594;1541858820;asciilifeform;ohai Mocky 1870595;1541858836;Mocky;good morning asciilifeform 1870596;1541859011;Mocky;another 9 hours of sleep. now I feel like I'm back to life 1870597;1541859050;Mocky;took the bike out for a spin. had to bundle up, bit of cold shock to my system 1870598;1541859054;*;asciilifeform finally finished rereading ffa, nao preparing ch12 + estimate of just-how-long-to-battlefield promised earlier 1870599;1541860329;asciilifeform;in other noose, yet-another http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-05#1869662 found : 1870600;1541860329;a111;Logged on 2018-11-05 22:12 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-05#1869615 << aaand anothr, 1870601;1541860357;asciilifeform;this makes 7 known. 1870602;1541865988;deedbot;http://ossasepia.com/2018/11/10/smg-comms-chapter-7-readwrite-serpent-keysets-tofrom-serpent-messages/ << Ossasepia - SMG Comms Chapter 7: Read/Write Serpent Keysets to/from Serpent Messages 1870603;1541867246;mircea_popescu;!!rate Mocky 4 ἀποκρισιάριος دولة قطر‎ 1870604;1541867249;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/suPUk/?raw=true 1870605;1541867315;mircea_popescu;!!v CD62A36D1DC3CAB02144BC12622048BC7311B59FC823613AB0A3863CD38B6735 1870606;1541867316;deedbot;mircea_popescu updated rating of Mocky from 3 to 4 << ἀποκρισιάριος دولة قطر‎ 1870607;1541867317;mircea_popescu;pai nu ?! 1870608;1541867442;*;asciilifeform lulzily, was actually able to make sense of this mega-orcogram 1870609;1541867804;asciilifeform;diana_coman: ' I admit I am still not 100% sure of the actual, exact representation of such a record containing itself parametrized records since my understanding is that Ada will allocated maximum space (i.e. space to fit potentially the largest structure) ' >> i dug into this when baked 'nqb'. what it does is exactly this, recursively ( for ~each~ subrecord, allocates the maximum possible size ; ditto any subrecords. ) the represen 1870610;1541867804;asciilifeform;tation is exactly as one expects, but if you want the size params to live inside the record and appear in the raw bitz, you gotta make'em members 1870611;1541867839;asciilifeform;diana_coman: imho mircea_popescu's protocol is simple enuff , however, that it doesn't make a gigantic difference that you walk the records explicitly, in re complexity of proggy 1870612;1541867936;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform win. 1870613;1541868021;asciilifeform;the parametrized record thing i found to be helpful when eating/shitting gnarly heathen datastructures, in nqb in particular (the block/tx representations) but even there i had to do some explicit serialization 1870614;1541868066;asciilifeform;( cuz ada is deliberately a 1-pass parser, it does not permit gnarly interdependency between record members that can't be resolved in 1 walk ) 1870615;1541868131;asciilifeform;this kinda thing can be frustrating, but imho it helps to remember that ada is ~deliberately~ 'not a haskell', it does not try to 'think for you', but rather leans to 'must be obvious to reader what proggy does' 1870616;1541868228;mircea_popescu;diana_coman is the structure actually problematic ? 1870617;1541868511;asciilifeform;diana_coman: btw the LSB/MSB/LMSB thing can be made slightly clearer / less-ctronic by actually making'em into 1-bit members of the record; gnat will do The Right Thing re padding 1870618;1541868543;mircea_popescu;elegant takes a single l while at it. 1870619;1541868590;mircea_popescu;(i agree, it makes no sense, it's a strong l. but english has no conception.) 1870620;1541868737;asciilifeform;diana_coman: and while we're nitpicking, Serpent message types can be an enumeration (see barnes) 1870621;1541868795;asciilifeform;( http://www.adaic.org/resources/add_content/standards/05rm/html/RM-3-5-1.html ) 1870622;1541868983;asciilifeform;also how come you need procedure Cast_LE( LE: in out Raw_Types.Octets ) ? i thought the algo was 'if message invalid, flip endianism in whole thing and re-eval before discard' 1870623;1541869007;asciilifeform;that way needs 0 awareness of native endianism ( or remote ) 1870624;1541869092;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu what do you see when you grep for Shift_Right(Result ? 1870625;1541869119;asciilifeform;i think there's a html inbandism booby in there ( but possibly only in graphic browser ? ) 1870626;1541869144;mircea_popescu;$ curl http://www.adaic.org/resources/add_content/standards/05rm/html/RM-3-5-1.html | grep "Shift_Right(Result" 1870627;1541869144;mircea_popescu; % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current 1870628;1541869144;mircea_popescu; Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 1870629;1541869144;mircea_popescu;100 10178 100 10178 0 0 2621 0 0:00:03 0:00:03 --:--:-- 26925 1870630;1541869146;mircea_popescu;ie, nothing. 1870631;1541869159;asciilifeform;nono 1870632;1541869162;asciilifeform;in diana_coman's article 1870633;1541869198;mircea_popescu;Result := Shift_Right(Result, 8) xor 1870634;1541869210;mircea_popescu;diana_coman your guy has smileys kek. 1870635;1541869213;asciilifeform;lol 1870636;1541869231;asciilifeform;i had nfi this was in mp's-wp!11 1870637;1541869271;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you can define hooks for replacement. i suspect this might be a theme thing. mine replaces gpg code with fixed format... apparently her theme replaces :) 1870638;1541869309;asciilifeform;aa yea i recall, for signed comments 1870639;1541869324;mircea_popescu;right. 1870640;1541869338;asciilifeform;( i backported this to my wp, incidentally , so far the only mpwp item i did this for ) 1870641;1541869349;mircea_popescu;pretty fucking useful. 1870642;1541869357;asciilifeform;verily 1870643;1541874528;mod6;hola 1870644;1541874940;BingoBoingo;Comó andas? 1870645;1541875007;mod6;Bien. 1870646;1541875036;mod6;y tu? 1870647;1541875145;BingoBoingo;Tranquilo 1870648;1541875244;mod6;:] 1870649;1541876160;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/11/malibu-burns/ << Qntra - Malibu Burns 1870650;1541876823;mircea_popescu;because it's totally "normal" for your fucking house to burn, dumb piggy, and it's "an event" which "happens", and there's no such thing as agency in zeklands and so on. 1870651;1541876837;mircea_popescu;in another decade, "find out which celebrity hasn't had running water this week" 1870652;1541876956;BingoBoingo;Sure it'll take that long. This is KKKalifornia 1870653;1541877041;mircea_popescu;nuts. 1870654;1541877111;BingoBoingo;Could be two years and their new governor Gavin decides no water for anyone 1870655;1541877145;mircea_popescu;water is too white amirite. 1870656;1541877158;mircea_popescu;new pepsi black, has what plants crave. 1870657;1541878086;diana_coman;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-10#1870620 -nitpick away! I actually DID consider that and I decided it's not really fitting because think of it: if I make it enumeration that *also* means you can actually go succ and prev which however isn't something that makes sense for message types; it's not like they are an actual ordered thing 1870658;1541878086;a111;Logged on 2018-11-10 16:52 asciilifeform: diana_coman: and while we're nitpicking, Serpent message types can be an enumeration (see barnes) 1870659;1541878147;diana_coman;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-10#1870634 -> lol, I'll fix 1870660;1541878147;a111;Logged on 2018-11-10 17:00 mircea_popescu: diana_coman your guy has smileys kek. 1870661;1541878306;mircea_popescu;i honestly don't understand why ada doesn't have native support for structured data. 1870662;1541878358;mircea_popescu;diana_coman would it be smart if i defined the count types narrowly ? ie, bitwise ? 1870663;1541878374;mircea_popescu;"no fucker, this isn't an "int", this is a 15 bit counter" 1870664;1541878411;diana_coman;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-10#1870616 - I don't think the structure in itself is problematic; I think it's simply the serialize-in-one-go that doesn't mix well with any flexibility at all 1870665;1541878411;a111;Logged on 2018-11-10 16:43 mircea_popescu: diana_coman is the structure actually problematic ? 1870666;1541878415;*;mircea_popescu is not at all adverse to permitting ada metasyntactic considerations leak into the protocol. there's no rule specwork gotta happen in meta-c. 1870667;1541878451;diana_coman;I'm not sure what would the bitwise thing buy exactly? 1870668;1541878462;mircea_popescu;point in case, defining variable in "bitsize". why am i not simply saying "this is a counter from 1 to 19" or w/e ? 1870669;1541878476;mircea_popescu;then the "it allocates whyole counter" becomes nonproblem. 1870670;1541878478;diana_coman;well, that IS what I said though, lol 1870671;1541878492;diana_coman;at implementation time that is how I define the counter for keyset for instance 1870672;1541878497;diana_coman;it isn't a "8-bit value" 1870673;1541878500;diana_coman;but 1 to 40 1870674;1541878555;mircea_popescu;diana_coman specifically, why doesn't http://trilema.com/2018/euloras-communication-protocol-restated/#selection-195.0-195.48 simply say "from 1 to 15" or w/e it is ? 1870675;1541878633;mircea_popescu;then a) ada should allocate this as a 4 bit value and b) ada allocating space for 15 records is entirely fine anyway. with a being a very minor point but b being a major point because we've reoriented ourselves to where features of the language are indistinct rather than inconvenient. this is very much the http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-19#1505418 thing. 1870676;1541878633;a111;Logged on 2016-07-19 14:07 mircea_popescu: the basic, and really only, rule of hermeneutics is : that then you've understood a text when, far from its shortcomings appearing inexplicable errors, they become the actual pillars upon which the damned thing is constructed, and what originally seemed to you sensible and structural takes its true place as accidental. 1870677;1541878635;diana_coman;you're asking me? lol; look at implementation that it becomes exactly that: http://ossasepia.com/2018/11/10/smg-comms-chapter-7-readwrite-serpent-keysets-tofrom-serpent-messages/#selection-71.1721-71.1777 1870678;1541878801;diana_coman;mircea_popescu, the problem (if there is one) is not space in itself for sure 1870679;1541878918;diana_coman;for one thing the solution as implemented is perfectly fine; sure, not a one-line record'write or something like that but not a terrible thing either 1870680;1541878948;diana_coman;for the other I really don't see how exactly to have at the same time flexible size (specifying n and then n* IS flexible size) AND record'write 1870681;1541878963;diana_coman;basically the only way is that: put always max and just write somewhere how much of that is actually meaningful 1870682;1541879000;diana_coman;in which case fine, it can perhaps even work like that for most messages except stuff that has max>message size and/or stuff that has meaningful data *after* this variable part 1870683;1541879358;mircea_popescu;diana_coman the reason n is there is to tell you how much data is useful. what if you fixed n to max at depack size, and then delivered n=max records to application, and it is ITS job to discard the extras ? 1870684;1541879365;mircea_popescu;or does this just move the problem really ? 1870685;1541879449;diana_coman;this is what I had in mind; it helps but: diana_coman> in which case fine, it can perhaps even work like that for most messages except stuff that has max>message size and/or stuff that has meaningful data *after* this variable part 1870686;1541879476;diana_coman;i.e. it should be the last thing in the message 1870687;1541879486;mircea_popescu;why ? 1870688;1541879486;diana_coman;so that the "not meaningful" is essentially padding 1870689;1541879502;diana_coman;uhm, maybe I don't get what you mean then 1870690;1541879517;diana_coman;if you have n and then n*x and then something else 1870691;1541879525;diana_coman;it's not going to fit "max", is it? 1870692;1541879532;mircea_popescu;otoh i don't really want all the structure at one side of message for crypto-shamanistic considerations. 1870693;1541879539;diana_coman;if you have however n and then max and then whatever then sure, yes 1870694;1541879554;mircea_popescu;the idea was to define n as a ada-style var, "from 1 to 19" 1870695;1541879563;mircea_popescu;not as a c-style var, "6 bits" 1870696;1541879678;diana_coman;that in itself doesn't solve the issue 1870697;1541879721;diana_coman;in implementation it gets defined as such although it still gets represented on 8 bits because thus specified; logically speaking it shouldn't be on 8 bits to represent ...40 max so yes, it makes sense to say, pack 1870698;1541879728;diana_coman;but the issue was re what follows 1870699;1541879747;diana_coman;if it is described as a variable length i.e. n* ... then it's variable, what can I do 1870700;1541879768;diana_coman;the only other option is to say it's always nmax*... 1870701;1541880301;mircea_popescu;right. and you can make it always nmax 1870702;1541880331;asciilifeform;diana_coman: it's perfectly permissible to define, e.g., subtype foo 1 .. 40 of a 2**5 modular type that lives in 5bits; and catch the out-of-range eggog when reading it 1870703;1541880337;mircea_popescu;because whatever is there extra is padding. so instead of returning 6 correct records and discarding 2 records' worth of padding, you return 8 records, and let the application asking for records figure out that "6" means it needn't process 7 and 8 1870704;1541880391;diana_coman;yes, that's what I had in mind; and I think it does solve the problem because it effectively fixes the size, yes 1870705;1541880721;mircea_popescu;only question is if this gains anything or just pushes some garbage downstream 1870706;1541880762;asciilifeform;btw diana_coman , i repeatedly refer to 'nqb' but it not yet got genesis'd, i did however gnathtml-ize it for reference : http://www.loper-os.org/pub/nqb/index.htm fwiw 1870707;1541880849;diana_coman;mircea_popescu, myeah, whether there IS a problem really or not quite 1870708;1541881102;mircea_popescu;tbh this is a fundamental issue here anyway. data serialization, we haven't invented, it isn't going away. gotta set down a http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-04#1764004 thing for "how we expect you to serialize". 1870709;1541881102;a111;Logged on 2018-01-04 17:38 mircea_popescu: anyway, absent this logical rule, we'll do what, add "wordwrap(magicnumber" in the unloved v style manual ? 1870710;1541881111;mircea_popescu;to be used generally, eg when we replace php lol. 1870711;1541881144;mircea_popescu;prolly should've been less of an asshole, linked http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-23#1865314 instead. but anyway. 1870712;1541881144;a111;Logged on 2018-10-23 06:31 mircea_popescu: slowly but surely a republican ada style manual is shaping up (and through the exact http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-23#1865304 process, at that!) 1870713;1541881166;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: fwiw i've found that the ada standard serialization, with the streams, does in fact work as specified. however i have not used in battlefield, remains to be properly exercised. 1870714;1541881278;mircea_popescu;moreover, THIS is what a language.io stdlib should even fucking be in the first place. 1870715;1541881281;asciilifeform;http://www.loper-os.org/pub/nqb/varints__adb.htm is example. ( actually worx ) 1870716;1541881297;mircea_popescu;"do it like this because smarter people than you sat down once and figured it ALL out, and go read logs if you have issues" 1870717;1541881474;asciilifeform;( for ref -- 'nqb' in last test ate the 1st 500k blox, correctly recomputed their tx hashes; then subjected it to random bit-flippage, correctly barfed in each test ) 1870718;1541882067;diana_coman;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-10#1870659 - as far as I can tell it's actually a WordPress "feature" where it converts text smileys to graphic images (the 8) is "cool") ; I disabled it now from Settings->Writing, if anyone else runs into this shit 1870719;1541882067;a111;Logged on 2018-11-10 19:29 diana_coman: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-10#1870634 -> lol, I'll fix 1870720;1541882121;mircea_popescu;Mocky_ incidentally, now that you've rested, spending a few weeks publishing fleshouts / completing things / etc will be invaluable. 1870721;1541882128;mircea_popescu;get that memory in bit format before it volatiles away. 1870722;1541882235;mircea_popescu;http://mocky.org/Log-Reference-Why-Ada/ << did we ever discuss this ? :D 1870723;1541883115;diana_coman;I suppose this http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-10#1870622 is linked to http://btcbase.org/log/2018-09-14#1850462 but I fail to see/recall some agreement that "we now first try as it is, then if it fails, try flipped" 1870724;1541883115;a111;Logged on 2018-11-10 16:56 asciilifeform: also how come you need procedure Cast_LE( LE: in out Raw_Types.Octets ) ? i thought the algo was 'if message invalid, flip endianism in whole thing and re-eval before discard' 1870725;1541883115;a111;Logged on 2018-09-14 17:09 mircea_popescu: iirc we even had a discussion re standardizing a byte order ; though from the fact that i don't recall the results i take it i got shown broken cats. 1870726;1541883183;diana_coman;I suppose better link is http://btcbase.org/log/2018-09-14#1850415 1870727;1541883183;a111;Logged on 2018-09-14 16:27 asciilifeform: to round out thread, http://btcbase.org/log/2018-09-14#1850330 << in my orig udp attempt, i dispensed with the traditional 'gotta be in network byte order (tm)' doctrine, in favour of 'if packet doesn't pass muster, THEN flip the endianism and try again 1ce' 1870728;1541883395;mircea_popescu;diana_coman screw that, what "tries" 1870729;1541883458;diana_coman;I also don't get why to do that really, hence current code that doesn't do it, no; (what it does is to simply check if local machine is big endian in which case it flips octets of anything on more than 1 octet) 1870730;1541883502;diana_coman;I suppose the idea there was to *not* specify byte order at all 1870731;1541883516;diana_coman;hence try because you ..don't know in which byte order it is 1870732;1541883560;diana_coman;so perhaps I get the *why* but I don't buy it for a communication protocol, just why to "not know" 1870733;1541884010;asciilifeform;iirc it was mircea_popescu who orig suggested the algo to me 1870734;1541884013;*;asciilifeform digs in l0gz.. 1870735;1541884051;asciilifeform;so far found http://btcbase.org/log/2018-09-14#1850460 thrd 1870736;1541884051;a111;Logged on 2018-09-14 17:09 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-09-14#1850418 << yes, none of that. 1870737;1541884087;asciilifeform;formula was, there are 2 possible states, 'as it came' and 'flipped', and at most 1 of these can ever pass checksum 1870738;1541884101;asciilifeform;so you find which one does, and beyond that there is no reason to ever think about endianism 1870739;1541884131;asciilifeform;( i.e. 2 boxes with opposite endianisms, can speak , via this algo, without any other endian-specific logics ) 1870740;1541884156;Mocky;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-10#1870721 >> aye 1870741;1541884156;a111;Logged on 2018-11-10 20:35 mircea_popescu: get that memory in bit format before it volatiles away. 1870742;1541884242;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-10#1870722 << >> http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-22#1816466 1870743;1541884242;a111;Logged on 2018-11-10 20:37 mircea_popescu: http://mocky.org/Log-Reference-Why-Ada/ << did we ever discuss this ? :D 1870744;1541884242;a111;Logged on 2018-05-22 03:57 asciilifeform: !!rate Mocky 1 'why ada' 1870745;1541884251;asciilifeform;( excellent log walk, imho ) 1870746;1541884790;*;asciilifeform recently had the pleasure of rereading Mocky's 'why ada'. turns it the walk to ada was longer/thornier than asciilifeform remembers it being 1870747;1541884808;mod6;An update on Pizarro's statement for October: BingoBoingo has a draft, of which I've poured through. We seem to have more BTC on hand then is adding up at the moment. So we're going to be auditing some previous statements to see where the problem might be. 1870748;1541885932;mircea_popescu;mod6 coming on the heels of the misspecced auction and so on, this looks terrifying. 1870749;1541885970;mircea_popescu;are you going for the mismanagement triple crown or what is it with you ? 1870750;1541885985;BingoBoingo;It's a grind 1870751;1541886039;mircea_popescu;the grind is going the wrong way. from "you realise these dudes haven't managed to publish a report on time yet" the expectation is "well, next month they will", not "and next month -- new math!" 1870752;1541886769;asciilifeform;mod6: he's right, y'know. and at this point i would not be averse to spending some coin and hiring an l1 accountant, if the necessary hero arises ( jurov ? hanbot ? ) 1870753;1541886847;asciilifeform;incidentally what's the status of ben_vulpes ? is he still spending all of his time building fence around old house, or what was it 1870754;1541886853;asciilifeform;!#seen ben_vulpes 1870755;1541886853;a111;2018-11-04 will be making new contacts in the next month to find a shared cab for racking the foundation machine i lugged across the continent 1870756;1541886858;mircea_popescu;at some point along the way mod6 has turned from "heart of reliability, solid fellow" to "everything this guy touches will explode in shocking ways and half the time silently". i wish to identify when this happened ; i wish to indentify how and why it happened. and i wish it fucking fixed, preferably right the fuck immediately what the fuck. 1870757;1541886923;*;asciilifeform brb,meat 1870758;1541887084;mod6;<+mircea_popescu> mod6 coming on the heels of the misspecced auction and so on, this looks terrifying. << Yeah, I screwed up the auction. I apologize. We had hoped to get some oversight on the last months statement from pizarro but it didn't happen. It might not even be incorrect, and BingoBoingo's draft might not be even incorrect. 1870759;1541887102;mod6;I just have very little clue on this accounting stuff. And other things, it's apparent. 1870760;1541887105;mircea_popescu;oversight from whom ? 1870761;1541887123;mod6;ben_vulpes was going to look it over, but I don't think he had a chance. 1870762;1541887142;mod6;jurov didn't want to touch pizarro or its accounting. so that's out, I tried to hire him months ago. 1870763;1541887170;mircea_popescu;right. 1870764;1541887199;mircea_popescu;in the traditional structure of business, the manager is the manager and the board provides oversight. if the ~board~ itself needs oversight, well, generally it gets reshuffled. cuz that's what it is, the final overseer. 1870765;1541887202;mod6;mircea_popescu: I'm sorry you've lost faith in me, and if I could some how fix it, I would. The only thing I can figure that is wrong here is that I'm in way over my head. 1870766;1541887204;hanbot;fwiw mod6 still figures as "heart of reliability, solid fellow" in my book. he stepped up to some (afaik alien to him) challenges lately and while it may be rough going, i've never seen a drop in commitment from the guy. just sayin'. 1870767;1541887252;mircea_popescu;hanbot the idea of this here republic isn't "the cult of wearing blessed pants". that's mormonism. nor is it "the cult of all reading the new yorker". that's pantsuitism. the idea of this republic is, "we're going to GROW WITH IT". 1870768;1541887280;mircea_popescu;it started as a modest token on a "magic : the gathering" exchange, and it is moving to take over the world. it requires GROWTH. 1870769;1541887301;mircea_popescu;gotta learn new things, and be damn good at them. gotta go new places. gotta master new things. it's entirely what it is. all it is. 1870770;1541887408;mod6;I am trying to learn all of this stuff ; It has been difficult as some things come easy for me, but a lot of what is important in what I think you're frustrated with has not come easy. 1870771;1541887414;hanbot;mircea_popescu: surething. i'm saying i don't think growing pains == unreliability in any sense. 1870772;1541887463;mod6;The acution for instance, was just a careless oversight on my part. But the accounting stuff, this is something pretty far out of my wheelhouse. 1870773;1541887487;mod6;I'm trying to get both BingoBoingo and myself better at this -- but as it is, it's like the blind leading the blind. 1870774;1541887497;mircea_popescu;mod6 i'll tell you, it is fucking painful to have to argue n times over the "here's auction system fucking use it". alf in his worse days, years ago, presented similar challenges. makes me feel like i'm fucking pushing the grain into the chicken, why the fuck would i, let it fucking starve. 1870775;1541887508;mod6;(no offense to BingoBoingo who's doing as good of a job as can be expected with not much to go on) 1870776;1541887515;mircea_popescu;it's infuriating to see movements a la "oh, ima hijack this foundation thingee to crash your standards process", whether meant as that or not. 1870777;1541887533;mircea_popescu;and in general, i can't fathom as we stand right now whence your troubles come. 1870778;1541887578;mod6;what do you mean about the 'hijack the foundation standards process' ? 1870779;1541887582;mircea_popescu;in a most remote, theoretical principle it'd be something like "well, he's either a) lazy or else b) committed to not getting out of a confort zone he delineated silently and that's that or c) he's overwhelmed". now which of these is it ? 1870780;1541887650;mircea_popescu;i said hijach ~the foundation~ to crash ~my~ standards process. 1870781;1541887669;mod6;is this in reference to the keccak vtree? 1870782;1541887672;mircea_popescu;yes. 1870783;1541887690;mod6;I think this was just a misunderstanding, poor communication on my part. 1870784;1541887726;mircea_popescu;having your hands on the levers of power means that, "whether meant as such or not", what you do is what you do. 1870785;1541887728;mod6;I want to do this, and get a keccak vtree. I think I said as much at the time, just wanted to ensure that keccak was in working order before we moved to it. I thought that to be the most prudent thing to do. 1870786;1541887734;mircea_popescu;i get it, not meant as such. 1870787;1541887754;mircea_popescu;moving on : which of the three is it then ? 1870788;1541887812;mod6;Well, I think I have a lot on my plate, and we've discussed that. So I'd say 'c'. Overwhelmed. Too much to work on, and not enough time/hands to do it in. 1870789;1541887843;mod6;But maybe others disagree. I don't think it's 'a'. 1870790;1541887850;mircea_popescu;do me a favour and publish a week's timetable retrospective and the coming week's prospective on your blog ? 1870791;1541887886;mircea_popescu;gotta get into the nitty gritty of this, because i gotta tell you, i publish, on time and for years, 3x or more of the report count you have, and it's a few hours' worth if that. 1870792;1541887906;mircea_popescu;gotta find what exactly is fucking you over before it actually does fuck you over. 1870793;1541887935;mod6;Well, in regards to the statement, specifically, I only got the draft of the statement from BingoBoingo on the 7th. And been going through it since then. 1870794;1541888008;mircea_popescu;"what i have been doing, nov 4th - november 11th" ; "what i intend to be doing, nov 11th - nov 18th". 1870795;1541888134;mod6;Alright. I'll put together a blog post. 1870796;1541888195;mircea_popescu;ty. 1870797;1541893905;deedbot;http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2735 << Loper OS - Finite Field Arithmetic Projected Release Timeline. 1870798;1541893917;asciilifeform;^ mircea_popescu , diana_coman , other potential ffa eaters ^ 1870799;1541893948;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform my problem with "trying" is that you're stuck trying your serpent keys on stuff. 1870800;1541893978;mircea_popescu;nice! 1870801;1541894104;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: serpent's constanttime tho 1870802;1541894113;mircea_popescu;but slow. 1870803;1541894116;asciilifeform;is it ? 1870804;1541894118;asciilifeform;hm 1870805;1541894122;mircea_popescu;in order to support diff endianism i gotta pay the cost of processing twice. 1870806;1541894130;mircea_popescu;i dunno i like alt-endian systems enough to support them\ 1870807;1541894136;mircea_popescu;besides -- let them build in converters. 1870808;1541894140;mircea_popescu;cost on them. 1870809;1541894165;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: you only gotta 'process twice' for rubbish packets ( if legit fella has bigendian, he gets 'twiced' once and flag is set for his connection ) but yes 1870810;1541894176;mircea_popescu;(speaking of -- tmsr.net will be sane endian, not historical-endian, also) 1870811;1541894188;asciilifeform;this is legit, ' mircea_popescu's server is little-endian and if your client aint, flip ~yours~ ) 1870812;1541894190;asciilifeform;' 1870813;1541894203;mircea_popescu;one of the few advantages of the client-server model. 1870814;1541894210;asciilifeform;ftr i still dun have a bigendian box to even try any of this with. 1870815;1541894226;mircea_popescu;nor diana nor can i be arsed to dig through mp's packed museum 1870816;1541894230;asciilifeform;( i got one coming in a week or so, tho, for ffa exhaustive tests ) 1870817;1541894582;asciilifeform;!#s 1870818;1541894582;a111;0 results for "", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q= 1870819;1541894599;asciilifeform;^ yet-another http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-10#1870599 -ism 1870820;1541894599;a111;Logged on 2018-11-10 14:32 asciilifeform: in other noose, yet-another http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-05#1869662 found : 1870821;1541894640;asciilifeform;btw if nobody indicates giving a damn, i'ma leave off cataloging these, i can't think of any use for'em 1870822;1541894713;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: re 'bigendian box' -- i invested in one of them 'asic emulator' mega-fpga thingies, it so happens to come with 2 ppc cores on board, can double as bigendism test system. 1870823;1541895010;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: after ffa/p beta rollout, i'ma be at yer service for the next thing ( fg2? tmsr.mips ? radio ? or other, take yer pick ) 1870824;1541895044;asciilifeform;plenty of time to think. 1870825;1541895224;mircea_popescu;you don't feel like moving to uruguay, trying to get a http://btcbase.org/log/2018-08-24#1844323 off the ground i take it ? 1870826;1541895224;a111;Logged on 2018-08-24 18:39 mircea_popescu: a shop of used computer parts is a great complement for a dc op. 1870827;1541895243;asciilifeform;not just yet 1870828;1541895289;asciilifeform;( and imho it's a somewhat dubious item, it isn't clear to me that anyone outside of us in BingoBoingostan actually ~uses computer~ ) 1870829;1541895326;mircea_popescu;at that level of abstraction, leaking the empire's artefacts selectively into the frankistans is god's work. 1870830;1541895340;asciilifeform;there were quite tall piles of iron at the flea market, and nobody was buying ( i walked for ~4h and it appears to have moved not an inch ) 1870831;1541895358;mircea_popescu;yes but oddly he can never seem to source anything locally. 1870832;1541895363;asciilifeform;besides, if i make my escape to BingoBoingostan, who will ferry the irons from ebayistan in suitcases. 1870833;1541895411;mircea_popescu;you lol. 1870834;1541895438;mircea_popescu;contrary to your "i have no marketable skills" claims, it turns out you were quite successful at nontrivial task. 1870835;1541895452;asciilifeform;erry dog knows 1 trick, heh 1870836;1541895464;mircea_popescu;considering that the average-without-you was pretty sorry indeed. 1870837;1541895475;asciilifeform;now if them monkeys actually knew what to do with comps... 1870838;1541895597;asciilifeform;i'm thinking the terraformed-c101pa is potentially saleable tho. 1870839;1541895601;mircea_popescu;alternatively, you could do a mocky, but @shenzen. 1870840;1541895610;asciilifeform;( and even the serpent disk thing, even, if we ever get around to baking it ) 1870841;1541895828;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: presently i have a quite rare & advantageous ( 0 commute ) saecular throne i'd rather not yet vacate 1870842;1541895838;asciilifeform;but shenzhen is attractive, gotta learn moar hieroglyphs tho 1870843;1541895860;mircea_popescu;otherwise you're rather in the position of the fellow who's dedicated his life to studying catholic architecture but never visited spain. 1870844;1541895867;asciilifeform;indeed 1870845;1541895876;asciilifeform;or classicist who never turkeyed 1870846;1541895882;mircea_popescu;and so on 1870847;1541895885;asciilifeform;verily 1870848;1541895936;asciilifeform;i knew it is in the cards when we first spoke seriously of baking ic, tho, so picked up (cutting through considerable loathing for hieroglyph..) the subj, a while back. 1870849;1541895960;mircea_popescu;im not even so sure hieroglyphs per se are either arequirement or even useful. 1870850;1541895993;asciilifeform;now i'm curious. how wouldja propose to get by without'em ? ask for contracts etc in the king's engl ?! 1870851;1541896021;asciilifeform;i thought the basic winning theorem of orc-craft was to go in as a properly-literate, vs. 'idjit englisher' 1870852;1541896021;mircea_popescu;all the useful anthropological information (such as http://mocky.org/Zombies-Gamers-and-Lost-Souls/ ) will not be found in the http://trilema.com/2018/actual-anthropology-yet-another-minor-function-of-the-functioning-harem/#selection-89.21-89.37 morons' spew. 1870853;1541896032;mircea_popescu;the squigglies, like garnish, once you're in consolidation phase. 1870854;1541896048;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform in their own eyes englisher is supremely literate. 1870855;1541896084;asciilifeform;there is a considerable, btw, number of ru folx working with cn . possibly also angle. 1870856;1541896196;*;asciilifeform quite ill-versed, presently, in matters cn, this will have to be corrected 1870857;1541896268;mircea_popescu;prolly great angle, really. 1870858;1541896274;mircea_popescu;use ru to dig in. 1870859;1541896283;mod6;http://mod6.net/2018/November/10/timetable_first_half_nov.txt 1870860;1541896289;asciilifeform;from ru folx's reports 'from the ground' , would seem that it is less of a 'miamistan' than Mocky's arabs, typical folx, even moneyed, not deeply into english. but ru is diff matter. 1870861;1541896305;mircea_popescu;i could see why. 1870862;1541896318;asciilifeform;oh wow mod6's diary 1870863;1541896355;mod6;The times that I've put in there are a bit subject, my irc client runs on UTC time, and the logs the same, and we've had DLST here this week. I've tried to be as honest with the thing as I can be. 1870864;1541896364;*;asciilifeform takes off hat 1870865;1541896394;*;mircea_popescu was mostly looking for republican hours, rather than everything, but nothing wrong with item as is. 1870866;1541896416;asciilifeform;mod6 i marvel that you are able to do anyffing! mine consists largely of 'eat','sleep','fuck','xx hours at console' 1870867;1541896445;mod6;As I said, I do not have much time. I do what I can. But I know it's not good enough. 1870868;1541896449;asciilifeform;tho i did have to clear jungle today, it was approaching impassable 1870869;1541896541;BingoBoingo; there were quite tall piles of iron at the flea market, and nobody was buying ( i walked for ~4h and it appears to have moved not an inch ) << asciilifeform has a hell of an eye, the local ebayazon suggests richer variety of golden junk in Argentina 1870870;1541896559;BingoBoingo; yes but oddly he can never seem to source anything locally. << Slowly improving 1870871;1541896596;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: recall mircea_popescu's minitower in argentina ? 1870872;1541896599;BingoBoingo;And on this note at the end of the month girl will be visiting her Tía in Argentina. Anyone have shopping list items they want investigated? 1870873;1541896609;asciilifeform;recall what passes for a comp there 1870874;1541896626;mod6;BingoBoingo: I'm gonna look at your invoice numbers now. 1870875;1541896635;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: 8tb hdds; preferably 'seagate' 1870876;1541896670;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: For example if you want a PPC machine to test big endian, all your choices in Uruguay are notebooks with old firehazard batteries. Argentina has "Mac Mini G4" 1870877;1541896697;asciilifeform;mod6: plz dun assume that i am ignoring your mails ! was tied up with straightening own '10 pounds of shit in 1 pound bag', will attend to them asap 1870878;1541896749;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: i'm presently unconvinced that crapple iron with the horsepower of a rk but the footprint of pc, belongs in the rack ( tho will listen to reason if anybody wants to argue the opposite, or for that matter contract to colo one ) 1870879;1541896754;mod6;asciilifeform: alright 1870880;1541896802;mircea_popescu;so to summarize : 1. one hour (!?) wrangling with auctionbot on the 4th (the result still wrong) ; 2. 2 hours handling three conflated processes (why do you keep notes as an intermediate step ?) on the 5th ; 3. 1 hour reading logs on the 6th ; 4. half hour reading logs on the 7th ; 5. 1.3 h mostly brainstorming on the 8th ? ; 6. half hour doing... i don't know what on the 9th ; 7. 4 (four ?!) hours doing i still don't know wh 1870881;1541896802;mircea_popescu;at ; 8. 2 hours preparing and publishing some data to give base to future rescue op. 1870882;1541896802;mircea_popescu;is this correct then ? 1870883;1541896872;mod6;Let me work through it here... 1870884;1541896897;mircea_popescu;because it'd seem to me your week consists by this logic of 12 to 13 hours of, making the timetable (15%), reading logs (13%), and it's not clear to me what (75%). 1870885;1541896934;mod6;#1 was halfhour. i remember it being not 3 seconds because I had to look up the bot commands and try to get that correct, etc. despite the fact that I made it for the wrong amount. 1870886;1541896936;mircea_popescu;how you manage to cram a week's worth of logs in an hour and a half for instance is anyone's guess, god knows my girls don't manage -- it eats in excess of 10 hours weekly, and noobs such as the bimbo are well over the 25 hour mark week in week out. 1870887;1541896964;mircea_popescu;what's anyone's experience btw ? cca how long does it take to ~keep current~ with logs on a weekly basis ? 1870888;1541896965;mod6;Well, as for the logs, I read what I can on the train. 1870889;1541897011;mod6;So usually that leaves 30min-1hour per night, sometimes more depending on the size. Sometimes I fall down a well in the logs if i'm looking for something specific related to any number of things: pizarro, foundation, ada, ffa, who knows. 1870890;1541897025;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i 'cheat' by having logs on dedicated panel in peripheral vision at all times when awake. but when waking up sometimes 20-30min catchup, ditto when venturing into meatspace and returning (for as much as whole day ) can be >hr 1870891;1541897027;mircea_popescu;happens to me also. 1870892;1541897039;mircea_popescu;both of these lol. 1870893;1541897070;asciilifeform;i also have a portable gsm heathen thing that displays logs (but i do not like to speak through it) 1870894;1541897071;BingoBoingo; what's anyone's experience btw ? cca how long does it take to ~keep current~ with logs on a weekly basis ? << I do anywhere from 2 to nearly 4 hours a day on logs when rabbitholing is factored in 1870895;1541897077;mircea_popescu;god knows i sank hours into documentary wells for various edge discussions (bout half of which end up published, mostly because i'm fascist with "in other news" style segues ; but many do not, as it's "yup, was right" or such) 1870896;1541897118;mircea_popescu;mod6 it seems a necessary that you're overwhelmed, if your time budged to do TWO board jobs AND logs is about half what people use to do just the latter part. 1870897;1541897155;mod6;for #2: We keep the notes so we know what's going on with all the customer accounts, our ledgers, and general information about on-goings of the business. This is necessary so we don't have to log-spelunk everything. Logs don't work all the time, like right now, the logging for #pizarro is down. 1870898;1541897162;mod6;brb, being called awayh 1870899;1541897237;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: iirc mod6 has 2 ( 3? 4? ) children, even. but soldiers on. 1870900;1541897271;mircea_popescu;i am not impugning the man. 1870901;1541897281;mircea_popescu;now about this missing payment... did i not pay something ? 1870902;1541897289;mircea_popescu;!!received-invoices 1870903;1541897298;deedbot;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/Riwj5/?raw=true 1870904;1541897305;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: You have an open invoice for the S.MG test machine 1870905;1541897340;asciilifeform;btw the inventory shows that disks are available for that machine, if mircea_popescu & co want it fully en-disked. 1870906;1541897356;BingoBoingo;The disks are indeed available 1870907;1541897398;mircea_popescu;a dang, sorry about that. 1870908;1541897414;mircea_popescu;i seriously ate hours of your combined time because forgot to send a v ? 1870909;1541897441;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: My inclination is to wait and ping when we send the next round of invoices, but the man is overwhelmed 1870910;1541897487;mircea_popescu;!!pay-invoice BingoBoingo 2 1870911;1541897494;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/Yu9L8/?raw=true 1870912;1541897502;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo seems entirely reasonable to me tbh. 1870913;1541897595;mircea_popescu;is this the "accounting issue" then ? or was there more to the mystery ? 1870914;1541897711;mod6;for #3 Again, yeah, I'm sure I did it, may have been an hour. More or less. Those two days (6th and 7th), I recall being pretty busy, but other than the usual stuff, I can't really what I got distracted by. 1870915;1541897723;mod6;*can't really recall what I got distracted by 1870916;1541897729;BingoBoingo;The accounting issue is mod6 has more Pizarro cash than the October draft statement calculated by applying the net change to the previous month's cash account says he should. 1870917;1541897747;mod6;Which also covers #4 1870918;1541897791;mod6;# 5: Yes, that's pretty much accurate 1870919;1541897804;*;asciilifeform bbl, cycling through the http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-11#1870866 register 1870920;1541897804;a111;Logged on 2018-11-11 00:33 asciilifeform: mod6 i marvel that you are able to do anyffing! mine consists largely of 'eat','sleep','fuck','xx hours at console' 1870921;1541897831;mircea_popescu;mod6 the two prongs of the problem seem to be, principally that you have a lot less time available for this than ~most everyone else, by a factor of 2 or more ; and secondarily that elementary tasks that should take an hour or thereabouts take you multiples, by a factor of 3 or 5 or who knows. 1870922;1541897838;mod6;#6 Yes, what I did is in the blog-post there. 1870923;1541897873;mircea_popescu;given this articulation, i agree with asciilifeform , it's a wonder you can keep functioning / managed as long as you have. 1870924;1541897873;mod6;#7 yes, is accurate. 1870925;1541897892;mod6;I'm fairly busy, yea. 1870926;1541897909;BingoBoingo;When I started helping mod6 transition out of the intermin management responsibility, I erred judging that keeping mod6 in charge of the cash account would distribute stress instead of amplifying it. My bad. 1870927;1541897957;mod6;Normally I do tend to work slow so I ensure that my work is accurate, despite recent fuck-ups, which I agree with MP, are not my normal thing. But yes, I'm way overloaded. And it's been hard to keep up with anything foundation related since Pizarro. Especially since Ben left. 1870928;1541898036;mod6;I'd have to say, I was just doing enough to get us by with the Foundation (library) stuff before Pizarro. Much less, even getting a Stanford and world-class embassy. 1870929;1541898157;mod6;I have the hunger to do much. But I fear that I've bitten off more than I can chew -- especially with things that are not in my wheelhouse that really take-away time, or slow down other progress. This being accounting things, or other management stuff. 1870930;1541898212;mod6;I remember when keeping up with the logs + trb + v really felt like a ton of stuff. But that stuff has been wholesale replaced + some even, by pizarro. 1870931;1541898227;mod6;The sad part is, I was good at the former stuff, not so good at the latter stuff. 1870932;1541898681;BingoBoingo;mod6: With respect to Pizarro, you probably ought to just focus on reconciling the cash account to account for the surplus. As you have time to spend on that task. 1870933;1541898786;BingoBoingo;But as overstuffed as your agenda is, that pressure can't help your error rate. 1870934;1541899610;mod6;Yeah, I'm gonna try to stick to the schedule I posted, and get some food now. When I get back, I'll work on the accounting surplus. 1870935;1541900089;BingoBoingo;Once the surplus is accounted for, make your next Pizarro priority a beach vacation before fall hits and the water gets cold. Arrive on a Friday or Saturday to get your odinsleep, we'll hit up the Feria Sunday and tour the rack Sunday or Monday. After you comfort yourself through seeing the hardware I'll put you on a bus to see all those cool beaches on the east coast I hear so much about but don't have the opportunity to check out 1870936;1541900089;BingoBoingo;myself. 1870937;1541900237;BingoBoingo;The familial relationship of Concubine is recognized under Uruguayo law. I am pretty sure the icy north recognizes Shariah law (as established in Rotterdam) by now, so if the local government frowns upon the relationship you develop with a Chileña you can tell them to respect your cultural differences. 1870938;1541900520;BingoBoingo;Maybe you bring some hardware down, but keep it low stress if you do. 1870939;1541900665;BingoBoingo;Also, ice cream. 1870940;1541901156;BingoBoingo;AND NOW WE HAVE UNEXPLAINED FIREWORKS STORM 1870941;1541901318;BingoBoingo;Not New Years quality, but Christmas quality 1870942;1541901341;mircea_popescu;mod6 the problem with "accounting things" is that they're a fundamental life skill ; i can scarcely imagine how you get through the days of your life without as much accounting as is here required. think that you're not asked to upload in head the many volumes of gaap arcana, but merely some very basic "this plus that is the other" sorta stuff, and the complaint sounds somewhat like gravedigger's disdain of readin', takes tim 1870943;1541901341;mircea_popescu;e away from diggin'. 1870944;1541901348;BingoBoingo;Definitely more than for any World Cup round 1870945;1541903443;mod6;mircea_popescu: fair enough. ben said something to me on the phone, "double entry accounting". I don't even know what that is. But, my guess is that I'm supposed to know. 1870946;1541903462;mod6;At one point, I could balance my checkbook. Now, I don't even do that, computer does it for me. 1870947;1541903481;mod6;So my accounting skillz, are basically epsilon. 1870948;1541903531;mod6;Got a lot to learn I guess. But this is totally something I've never even thought about before. 1870949;1541903762;mod6;I wanted to hire an accountant / CFO / whatever for the work, even back when ben was working on Pizarro -- so he could focus more on sales. But no takers. 1870950;1541903788;mod6;But, well, here we are. 1870951;1541903816;mod6;Anyway, i'm gonna be looking for that error. 1870952;1541907381;lobbes;mod6: the key idea behind double-entry accounting is that for every transaction you are involving at least two accounts. E.g. If you pay your water bill from your checking account you'd record a decrease (credit) to your checking account, and record an increase (debit) to your water bill expense account 1870953;1541907386;lobbes;benefit being that over time you have all of your various things accounted for in different piles. Can answer business questions like "how much did I pay for water between time t0 and t1?" really easily 1870954;1541907441;BingoBoingo;lobbes: How does your schedule look over the next 3 months? 1870955;1541907564;lobbes;I'ma be doing the holiday travel thing for a week this month and a week next month. Other than that, just the usual $saltmine 9-5 and then squeezing in republican workload where able 1870956;1541908339;BingoBoingo;lobbes: I ask because it is clear Republican outreach has dropped since cazalla retired and danielpbarron turned hard towards his other cult 1870957;1541908885;trinque;mod6: you don't need a CFO to count the amount of money you guys are moving 1870958;1541908943;trinque;you need to quit circumambulating and run some ads, contact folks you think might be good candidates for clients, literally anything 1870959;1541909132;trinque;and more fundamentally, consider that when you persist in doing things the wrong way (like, do you even have a spreadsheet for this thing) you're probably caught in an avoidance loop of the "I don't even want to be doing this" variety 1870960;1541909150;lobbes;gnucash ftw! 1870961;1541909172;lobbes;BingoBoingo: on the other hand, we have Mocky who just returned from some serious outreaching 1870962;1541909208;BingoBoingo;lobbes: we do have that indeed 1870963;1541909328;BingoBoingo;trinque: We have a text file. 1870964;1541909403;trinque;is there some kind of christian purity involved in the tool choice? 1870965;1541909424;trinque;or does that conveniently suck time from productive activity 1870966;1541909473;trinque;I ftr don't see why BingoBoingo doesn't run the thing, as mircea_popescu has also amply wtf'd 1870967;1541909478;*;trinque bbl 1870968;1541909651;lobbes;mod6: I also recommend getting a proper mp-wp up and running. As someone who also tried to stick with the 'manual html' route, I vastly underestimated the communicative power of a proper blogotron (the speed-up-to-post, the catagorizing, the deedbot announces, comments, pingbacks, etc etc) 1870969;1541909655;BingoBoingo;trinque: We have a legacy hairball to untangle. I encouraged mod6 to continue on with managing the cash account, decentralizing and in the process creating a bigger mess. 1870970;1541909785;mod6;Ok, so I'm gonna call it a night. What I do know at this point is the ``surplus'' that we're seeing in the statements goes back at least through the August report. However, I'm not even certain at this point if what I'm seeing is actually incorrect, as I said earlier. Or if I just don't understand what I'm looking at. There's a strong chance that I just don't understand it. 1870971;1541909851;mod6;Perhaps I can convince ben_vulpes to help take a look at it with us. 1870972;1541909856;*;mod6 is out 1870973;1541909870;BingoBoingo;Whatever you do mod6 don't nightmare about the accounting when you sleep. Have sweet dreams of Cabo Polonia, the lobos marinos, and the brasileras 1870974;1541916765;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo "we have a legacy hairball to entangle" literally says "previous management worked for empire and against republic, created negative value we have to pour value into to bring back to 0". 1870975;1541916769;mircea_popescu;this is fucking intolerable. 1870976;1541916789;mircea_popescu;to do nothing is one thing. to do things that then someone will have to come later and untangle... holy hell on wheels. 1870977;1541943157;mircea_popescu;check me out, i wrote a whole blog article for irc ;/ anyway, here goeth : 1870978;1541943169;mircea_popescu;mod6 after a night's meditation, I still don't see a direct solution for your problem. 1870979;1541943169;mircea_popescu;it seems to me inescapably the case that you have not been putting either enough time or enough thought into this, and continuing in like manner for year upon year. the inescapable result was accumulation, of exactly the wrong kind : every day you personally grew a little smaller than your image in the forum, and compensating for the difference drew, as any other credit, upon your capacities to service, until eventually the g 1870980;1541943169;mircea_popescu;ap could be serviced no more. 1870981;1541943169;mircea_popescu;you can't really be the head of the foundation as a guy who monthly publishes a page of .txt on a website somewhere ; you can't really be the board of the isp as a guy who comes up with http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-05#1858303 and http://btcbase.org/log/2018-08-05#1839737 and http://btcbase.org/log/2018-08-31#1846185 and http://btcbase.org/log/2018-06-13#1825070 1870982;1541943169;a111;Logged on 2018-10-05 01:33 mod6: I actually didn't think it was any big deal, as previous months I had made these deals behind closed doors with jurov as wel. 1870983;1541943169;a111;Logged on 2018-08-05 22:13 mod6: I've gotta run for a bit here, maybe later when you're availble we can go through calculating that customer equity. i did some adding, but I came up about 50% short. clearly missing something there. 1870984;1541943169;a111;Logged on 2018-08-31 16:21 mircea_popescu: you seriously can't be sitting there spending hours on this pennies thing. 1870985;1541943169;a111;Logged on 2018-06-13 20:27 mod6: I was thinking that if L1/L2 people around here want to emplace a banner on their blog to help drive some traffic to PizzaroISP.net and earn some btc, let us know. 1870986;1541943174;mircea_popescu;consider http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-15#1813491 : it was six months ago, and i knew then as you can see now that the passage of time will vindicate the point. if "nobody has been wasting any time by any stretch of the imagination", where did six months go ? 1870987;1541943174;a111;Logged on 2018-05-15 14:36 mod6: We are discussing/thinking about how to recapitalize, get more rockchips, customers. So this is on going. I don't think anyone is wasting anytime by any streach of imagination.[ 1870988;1541943178;mircea_popescu;this may not be obvious to you, though it is screamingly obvious to me (and not just to me, witness http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-11#1870964 / http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-11#1870958 ) : the various inexplicable and outright infantile "problems" you are encountering are entirely manufactured, and transparently as a defense against change. 1870989;1541943178;a111;Logged on 2018-11-11 04:10 trinque: is there some kind of christian purity involved in the tool choice? 1870990;1541943178;a111;Logged on 2018-11-11 04:02 trinque: you need to quit circumambulating and run some ads, contact folks you think might be good candidates for clients, literally anything 1870991;1541943182;mircea_popescu;the "sad" news, from this perspective (though it is boldly and fundamentally the exact opposite of sad) is that no, there isn't any "return to the grand old days" on the table. ~emphatically~ not. bitcoin ain't going back to spending a summer at 2 dollars a coin ; and consequentlly you're not going back to being the mod6 of 2013 on ten hours a week and lukewarm committment. 1870992;1541943187;mircea_popescu;yes hanbot remembers that time fondly ; and certainly so do i. but as things stand presently the practical choices before you are either to make a major committment of both time and attention towards living up to the lofty position of a lord, and catch up on that proverbial "legacy hairball" ; or else to limit yourself to testing some code here and there as time permits and publish the occasional piece. this, on the long term 1870993;1541943192;mircea_popescu;. on the short term you'll have to take some time off and think long and hard and in all seriousness about what you want from this life, because continuing on your present course can't possibly bring much beyond disaster. 1870994;1541943197;mircea_popescu;can you ~believe~ how much like something you'd read on tardstalk "investments" your workproduct ends up ?! and this in 2018 ? why, because you've been secretly saving it through a time capsule, insulated from review, all this time ?! god almighty, last thing i want is the yahoo peterl-ism of 2013 perpetuated a second past the end of that year. 1870995;1541943201;mircea_popescu;you're a good man, and i trust you, and i know as a matter of fact my trust's not misplaced. we absolutely have to either adjust you to the tasks you have or the tasks you have to you, however, because there's simply no way to maintain trustworthyness on the long haul while capacity-activity mismatch is ongoing. 1870996;1541943419;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: fwiw, the 'legacy hairball' was actually a common lisp rewrite of http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-05#1809743 item ( and iirc published here ) 1870997;1541943419;a111;Logged on 2018-05-05 00:07 asciilifeform: ben_vulpes, mod6 , mircea_popescu , et al : http://www.loper-os.org/pub/piz_tab.html << corrections of central column or other init params, welcome 1870998;1541943491;asciilifeform;presently appears that i may have to 'disentangle' it with own hands ( if mod6 has nervous breakdown ) and put it back in service. it was retired when ben_vulpes went into sabbatical, mod6 preferred to do the numbers with pen 1870999;1541943829;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: do you see any potential problem in idea of making the 'spreadshit' realtime-public ? ( when we get heathen customers, they may want their names omitted, i suppose, but as it stands i can't picture why not ) 1871000;1541943889;mircea_popescu;not really. 1871001;1541943901;mircea_popescu;so salt-hash the names, what diff does it make. 1871002;1541943929;asciilifeform;imho it's the Right Thing. 1871003;1541943932;mircea_popescu;double-hash it, customer knows his private hash, knows the salt, can verify his line secretly and no more. 1871004;1541943935;mircea_popescu;what, crypto is new now ? 1871005;1541943949;asciilifeform;good idea 1871006;1541943961;mircea_popescu;notice how in this brief span of ten minutes we've done MORE for pizarro than the above mentioned six months produced! 1871007;1541943981;mircea_popescu;srsly, this obvious market leadership has to await today morning ?! why the fuck, srsly now, nobody here heard of crypto before ? 1871008;1541944109;mircea_popescu;and in the same vein : if i lose my fucking carkeys, my "prospective plan for carkey finding" doesn't read ANYTHING like "day 1 : look for carkeys ; day 2 : look for carkeys ; day 3 : look for carkeys ; day 4...". 1871009;1541944121;asciilifeform;as i understand, doesn't even require crypto, customer supplies ( achtung, customers ! ) arbitrary bitstring, it will be his pseudonym in the document. 1871010;1541944188;mircea_popescu;my plan looks like day 1 : look everywhere (no, that ~everywhere~ isn't a manner of speech) while taking breaks to ejaculate profanity and try and think wtf i did ; day 2 : hang all the servants maids etc in the dungeon and gets the hose again until i am satisfied by the account of each one as to how they've not lost my keys for me ; day 3 : get new keys, install webcams, gps trackers and etc." 1871011;1541944220;mircea_popescu;there's a difference! for one thing, i as well as anyone can tell the 2nd thing ENDS!!! it's not ongoing for fucking ever, who the fuck heard of this "planning with a halting problem" ?! 1871012;1541944230;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform no, issue it to them. 1871013;1541944242;mircea_popescu;don't ask the customer for things you don't have to. customer pays, that's enough. 1871014;1541944255;asciilifeform;indeed better. 1871015;1541944262;mircea_popescu;not like you don't have fg. 1871016;1541944270;asciilifeform;mod6: let's get this off the ground asap 1871017;1541944306;mircea_popescu;amusingly, since pizarro's website runs mp-wp, which is php, this can all be done in... an hour ? 1871018;1541944395;asciilifeform;soon as BingoBoingo & mod6 wake up, we start to glue the necessary pieces . 1871019;1541944458;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes's proggy was not wwwtronic, so i'm thinking we'll begin by updating it to the current numberz and posting it verbatim (signed by the principals) 1871020;1541944482;asciilifeform;(it produces txt output when run) 1871021;1541944597;mircea_popescu;anyway, nothing wrong with doing any way you're doing, pen, lisp, whjatever. but there's something massively wrong with doing it in such a way as to impedance mismatch you to the breaking point, wth. if pen works well then use pen, but IT THEN HAS TO WORK WELL. do not use if works ~poorly~ instead of well. 1871022;1541944607;asciilifeform;after asciilifeform's conveyor ( http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2735 << public ! nao ) is emptied, can then attempt an item which sits on www and takes signed updates via form box, possibly 1871023;1541944626;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: this is 100% troo 1871024;1541944633;mircea_popescu;why can't you just use the normal upload process. give it a txt file and let it work. 1871025;1541944659;mircea_popescu;like it processes an image (in http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-10#1870557 discussion) it can process a report too! there's hooks! 1871026;1541944659;a111;Logged on 2018-11-10 02:39 mircea_popescu: what do you even scale them with ? 1871027;1541944675;mircea_popescu;or a csv or w/e. 1871028;1541944684;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: will start with exactly this. imho it will suffice. 1871029;1541944713;mircea_popescu;anything that doesn't fail to match the numbers indeed suffices! 1871030;1541944715;asciilifeform;only after mine field cleared , will make sense to gild the lily, supposing it even needs gilding. 1871031;1541944935;asciilifeform;the 1 open q is whether mod6 will continue as treasurer, presently he is the only 1 with access to the coins + the realtime tx history which powers the spreadshit 1871032;1541944965;asciilifeform;i'm thinking BingoBoingo oughta take this in own hands ( BingoBoingo ? ) 1871033;1541944986;mircea_popescu;pizarro could get fancy, run a publicly-advertised dedicated node, dumpblocks or w/e to get the txen, push them into mp-wp 100% automatically. 1871034;1541945017;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: this is what i was thinking under header of 'when we gild the lily' 1871035;1541945028;mircea_popescu;(this in no way requires hotwalletisms, you can keep the wallets @home for this just as well - node's watcjhing specified addressen) 1871036;1541945029;asciilifeform;for nao need simple, working number crunch asap. 1871037;1541945040;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform aha, i can see the logic. 1871038;1541945100;mircea_popescu;pretty elegant and certainly value-building. "our isp consists of marketplace relationships, AND remarkable workforce, AND industry-leading custom software process". 1871039;1541945259;asciilifeform;after we get the simplest working item up & running, i'ma ask trinque if he is interested in helping (in exch for shares, perhaps) us to avoid reinventing wheel, and solder his payment system to our acct system 1871040;1541945325;asciilifeform;currently trinque is the grandmaster of noad-powered realtime mechanics. 1871041;1541945340;mircea_popescu;i don't think that's necessarily the way to go. for one thing, man's doing cuntoo ; for the other thing, you are well advised to run own node and do own thing rather than build an irc dependency into your isp. 1871042;1541945368;asciilifeform;we already have an irc dependency ( it is the only contact method ) 1871043;1541945370;mircea_popescu;but, having him consult on how to get your own thing going, that makes perfect sense. 1871044;1541945370;asciilifeform;but i can see the logic 1871045;1541945379;asciilifeform;and yes it dun have to be irc-powered, necessarily 1871046;1541945451;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the contact method's done like that for a very good reason -- to extrude people out of the zekshit. 1871047;1541945471;mircea_popescu;you don't get the same benefit from not running a node ; nor from not knowing how to note-to-web. 1871048;1541945475;mircea_popescu;node*-to-web. 1871049;1541945485;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo, mod6 : i'd like to make as much of that massive txt turd we've been pgp'ing back and forth, public asap -- it is unseemly imho that simple factoids like ' today BingoBoingo was cured of yellow fewer and took delivery of 5 hdds' are 'classified', wtf 1871050;1541945509;mircea_popescu;yeah, what's with this cult of secrecy ? 1871051;1541945527;mircea_popescu;seems pizarro's been growing all kinda pantsuit warts, not mere bureaucracy-ism but the whole shebang. 1871052;1541945537;mircea_popescu;nearly avoided getting a code of conduct, too! 1871053;1541945582;mircea_popescu;imagine what a beauty of foresight and strategic superiority that'd have been, /me proceeds to hang linus on own petard for getting one, "but mp... pizarro also has ?" 1871054;1541945600;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: thing does contain 'launch codes' presently. it needs some actual disentanglement, after which i expect pgp-turd traffic will be minimal ( just how often we change launch codes ?? ) and 99+% of the thing is to be posted in realtime. 1871055;1541945666;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform consider for your own edification that the ~whole~ mocky thing was run with 0 crypto the entire length up until his return. 1871056;1541945684;mircea_popescu;perhaps the first diplomatic mission in the 3k year long history of diplomacy that ~didn't even need crypto~. 1871057;1541945688;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: indeed 1871058;1541945702;mircea_popescu;and it was neither to my loss nor to his nor to the republic in any sense. you read it and you liked it. 1871059;1541945730;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: ours, i think, is moar of a case of 'this is nice rifle, let's take it fishing', pgp offers temptation to 'cipher and then see later', i agree that it is dangerous. 1871060;1541945767;mircea_popescu;yes but holy shit, nobody does it ~here~. why the fuck do you boys go straight back to it the moment you're @treefort ?! 1871061;1541945818;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: there ~is~ small body of non-(realtime)-publishable fact, e.g. who's sending wires, logins, etc 1871062;1541945836;asciilifeform;my concern is that this somehow snowballed to include half a MB of things that have no biznis being seekrit 1871063;1541945870;asciilifeform;initially 'missile codes' were 80%+ of the pizarro comms, so problem was latent 1871064;1541945916;mircea_popescu;sure, so you have some secrets. nothing wrong with this. but you don't have half a mb of secrets, as you well point out. 1871065;1541945943;asciilifeform;and yes this ~is~ the very same disease of which usg is dying. i'd like to fix this before we drown in ocean of stupid. 1871066;1541945949;mircea_popescu;please. 1871067;1541945988;mircea_popescu;a, before i forget -- trinque a++ consultant. i dunno what it is with the man, it's almost as if he earns his living doing this or something. 1871068;1541946003;mircea_popescu;but he installed me a deluge on his cuntoo on my server to spec and a job very well done indeed. 1871069;1541946013;asciilifeform;is why i am hoping to engage him in process. 1871070;1541946032;asciilifeform;( tho as i presently understand, his conveyor is at least as packed as mine ) 1871071;1541946064;mircea_popescu;sounds like nightmare case, you know, "take this popular app, make it run on your hand-distilled industrial machinery in this closet here". come back the next day, "all done" i'm like... 1871072;1541946094;asciilifeform;was it actually a hairball of glibcish dependencies ? or build cleanly 1871073;1541946108;mircea_popescu;i was not involved. but the girls love using it. 1871074;1541946112;asciilifeform;( i have a box here that is waiting for new-cuntoo.. ) 1871075;1541946120;asciilifeform;aa 1871076;1541946360;mircea_popescu;in other fucken lulz, https://www.elitedaily.com/dating/12-reasons-men-never-pick-good-girl/782903 << remember back when it was 2008 and people honestly thought this sort of crap (thinly veiled mfa, really, but otherwise IAC's "publishing", even has the structure) is "the way to riches on web" ? back when they also thought "(((america))) will be wealthy through the process of doing each other's laundry" and other such inaniti 1871077;1541946360;mircea_popescu;es. 1871078;1541946405;asciilifeform;i dunno that any 'think' was involved at any point 1871079;1541946410;mircea_popescu;but do you remember the 70s, back when people honestly thought "equal partnerships" are possible, and even desirable among the genders, and there can be such a thing as "career women" and so on ? and they will be mated through the process of informing men "how to", as if men fucking give a shit, or ever possibly could ? 1871080;1541946411;asciilifeform;straight cargocult, like other spamola 1871081;1541946438;mircea_popescu;ALSO straight cargocult, also like all spamola. really bitch, "this is how men should" ? men fucking should, reheheally ? 1871082;1541946464;asciilifeform;these aint actually words. as in, out of human. they're from shannonizer. 1871083;1541946480;mircea_popescu;to quote from the all-fet, "shadowscar00 20F Rope Bunny 1h How about you drop whatever it is YOURE doing and read my fuckin bio" "LordMPofTMSR 1h Nah." 1871084;1541946485;mircea_popescu;because it ain't fucking happening, what the fuck. 1871085;1541946506;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform no, i guarantee you there's a pete dushenski somewhere pen-on-paper-ing them. 1871086;1541946518;asciilifeform;meat-cranked shannonizer is still shannonizer, neh 1871087;1541946529;asciilifeform;i can't picture anybody actually thinking this crud. 1871088;1541946553;asciilifeform;i dun expect nigerian 419 'prince' actually thinks he ~is~ a prince 1871089;1541946609;mircea_popescu;having met some... yes he does. http://trilema.com/2013/search-and-destroy/#selection-61.1-61.41 1871090;1541946632;asciilifeform;earlier today, racoon said to asciilifeform , 'how about you drop whatever YOUR doing and eat garbage with me' ; asciilifeform answered also 'Nah' 1871091;1541946686;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: met whom? 'prince' ? 1871092;1541946739;mircea_popescu;dork in question literally thinks he "is helping make the world a better place" by "helping men" "understand" "women". in the sense of "understand" from "you have to understand" in http://trilema.com/2017/mimi-metallurgico-ferito-nellonore/#selection-91.19-95.2 ; and in the sense of "women" from "what pantsuited hilarities all over boston would like to pretend the fillies are and do". very much something of the blood and bone 1871093;1541946739;mircea_popescu; of http://trilema.com/2017/juno/#footnote_3_71569 nonsense. 1871094;1541946750;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yes, "prince". 1871095;1541946811;asciilifeform;biologically damaged folx, i.e. 'cucks', do apparently exist, mircea_popescu documented the subj half to death, yes 1871096;1541946812;mircea_popescu;all the http://trilema.com/2018/must-suck-to-be-one-of-you-average-guy-with-a-great-sense-of-humor-losers-seriously-now/ are produced ~somehow~ you realise. this is the avenue they are produced : men who read cucks' notions and ideas about "how the world should be^H^H^H^H is" 1871097;1541946874;asciilifeform;i'm presently unconvinced that they are created by reading anyffin, tho. presumably created in childhood, by some combo of defective progenitors and envir pollutants, ~then~ go on to 'read' things 1871098;1541946879;mircea_popescu;"I’m sorry good girls, but it’s true. But first, allow me to clarify. There are plenty of bad girls who come across as good girls to the untrained eye. These women will play straight arrows out in public, but once they get you behind closed doors, they unleash the beast." << straight up rewrite of the xtian holy book. "they may suck, but maybe deep down there's some nonsuck ?". srsly now ?! 1871099;1541946892;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform these are the environment pollutants. 1871100;1541946909;asciilifeform;i was thinking moar along the lines of oestrogenic plasticizers etc 1871101;1541946931;mircea_popescu;For More Of His Thoughts And Ramblings, Follow Paul Hudson On Twitter And Facebook. 1871102;1541946968;asciilifeform;lol i'd actually rather join racoon in garbage restaurant.. 1871103;1541947953;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu asciilifeform: Thank you for how to cut and kill the hairball 1871104;1541947994;BingoBoingo;And thank you trinque for the questions that started it 1871105;1541948032;mircea_popescu;that's ok, we're here all week. 1871106;1541948457;BingoBoingo; i'm thinking BingoBoingo oughta take this in own hands ( BingoBoingo ? ) << I can do this 1871107;1541948643;BingoBoingo; ben_vulpes's proggy was not wwwtronic, so i'm thinking we'll begin by updating it to the current numberz and posting it verbatim (signed by the principals) << There was a program? 1871108;1541948652;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: yes ! 1871109;1541948752;BingoBoingo;Anyway's I'll start splitting the customer accounts from the notes and then the notes from the launch codes 1871110;1541948760;asciilifeform;ty BingoBoingo 1871111;1541948861;BingoBoingo;The thought of reading that thing with an eye to killing it... I have tears of relief 1871112;1541949027;asciilifeform;it's a fucking disgrace , and i'm party to it, it happened on my watch. i'ma clear my calendar today, BingoBoingo plox to lemme know asap what you need on my end 1871113;1541949324;*;asciilifeform brb 1871114;1541949539;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Will let you know when questions come 1871115;1541950010;mircea_popescu;btw, re http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-11#1871034 : i've ended up conflating two things i think and the result is confusing. so a) obviously as things stand now, and perfectly defensibly for an indefinite future the way to go is to pipe the result of !!balance into some publishatron ; however b) if and when pizarro decides to capitalize on its abundance of highly qualified personnel to create a "bitcoin isp software package", 1871116;1541950010;a111;Logged on 2018-11-11 14:03 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: this is what i was thinking under header of 'when we gild the lily' 1871117;1541950010;mircea_popescu; it is well advised to get to brass tacks and have a node and everything. and i fully agree that b is not here, nor is this anymore than a purely theoretical discussion. 1871118;1541950044;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform ah come the fuck on, he finds out there's a program mid nov ? why, he didn't look in the right place in the pgpball ? 1871119;1541950385;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it was ben_vulpes's thing, and doesn't appear to be in the pgpball, was a separate communique, part of ben_vulpes's 'i'm off to the desert' msg 1871120;1541950406;asciilifeform;is however iirc in pizarro log, presently digging for the most recent known incarnation 1871121;1541950465;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: and yes eventually we will want 'software package' imho 1871122;1541950477;asciilifeform;presently i'm concerned with ripping out the current duct tape, however. 1871123;1541950585;mircea_popescu;the dream includes autonomous robotic isps that set themselves up. so -- yes. 1871124;1541950651;BingoBoingo;Anyways, we already have an mp-wp. Once things are clean and clear and organized, they can land there. 1871125;1541950652;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: a good % of isp is sadly not automatable with present tech. but spreadshit is not one of'em 1871126;1541950664;mircea_popescu;i have nfi what part. 1871127;1541950682;mircea_popescu;but yes, having reich "bank accounts" for imaginary, computer-brained "persons" is certainly part of the overal design. 1871128;1541950686;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the part where physical irons move, get hoisted, endisked, etc 1871129;1541950692;asciilifeform;and yes that also 1871130;1541950702;mircea_popescu;whole fucking point is to degrade empire to that level of http://trilema.com/2016/give-computers-the-vote-theyre-cheaper-than-women-even/ 1871131;1541950719;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform they move by order eh. besides, subs and all that. 1871132;1541950720;asciilifeform;sumbody's gotta interface with heathendom, presently state of the art afaik does not give robot for this 1871133;1541950834;asciilifeform;prior to pizarro, i pictured 'tmsr isp' as a moar 'noncontact' item, where heathen contract is signed and robotic 'bring server into gossip net' item is installed immediately. but FG / we-want-custom-irons etc changed this picture 1871134;1541950978;asciilifeform;if there were advances on the ideal-net-of-perfectly-redundant-boxes front ( as described in e.g. mircea_popescu's 'uci' piece ) conceivably there could be a place for such 'isp'. but it still cannot replace an actual cage where you can put actual sealed irons with custom fillings. 1871135;1541951119;asciilifeform;( asciilifeform strongly suspects that the idea of replacing '2 strong oxen with 1024 chickens' in the ~general case~ is a perpetuum mobile. witness the heathens and their 'cloudism' , it is a circus ) 1871136;1541951262;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform nothing prevents "irene" the bot from hiring such a cage. 1871137;1541951278;asciilifeform;( it worked, in certain sense of 'worked', for bitcoin -- but it is not only a quite narrow problem set, but very diff affair in re process latency than what folx generally expect of 'server' ) 1871138;1541951284;mircea_popescu;yes BingoBoingo is not replaceable. but pizarro can very well be an imaginary woman. 1871139;1541951347;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: if robo-woman can muster the hiring of actual pair of hands, to hoist boxen, weasel heathens into 'bank acct', etc -- then yes. tho it still wouldn't crack the problem of 'loyal hands' 1871140;1541951361;mircea_popescu;has wot for that :) 1871141;1541951374;asciilifeform;lol wot aint automatable 1871142;1541951396;mircea_popescu;not in the general case. but for its needs it is -- "i follow his lordship x, and sink with him". 1871143;1541951412;mircea_popescu;ie, exactly what the shinohais of this world are stuck doing, like it or not like it. 1871144;1541951416;mircea_popescu;not everyone born whole. 1871145;1541951457;asciilifeform;thus far there's exactly 1 BingoBoingo and he'd better not contract yellow fever. not even speaking of hypothetical robot that births BingoBoingos... 1871146;1541951513;mircea_popescu;and before there was one there were none. 1871147;1541951527;asciilifeform;as always neh 1871148;1541951650;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: while we're on 'fyootoor techs' : i suspect that a working radio net would make 'robo-pizarro' a substantially moar practical notion. ( i.e. if 'cage' could in just about anywhere, not necessarily 'dc' ) 1871149;1541951663;mircea_popescu;very much so yes. 1871150;1541951680;asciilifeform;cuz then all you really need is a mains socket. 1871151;1541951690;asciilifeform;( and within range of the nearest jungle mast ) 1871152;1541951692;mircea_popescu;and there's stuff to look at re power and so on. dammi tempu etc. 1871153;1541951752;asciilifeform;traditional dc, with its fiber trunks, is somewhat intrinsically incatronic item imho 1871154;1541951838;asciilifeform;once ~current~ item no longer in acute danger of choking on own vomit, can potentially revisit this. 1871155;1541951846;*;asciilifeform brb,teatime 1871156;1541952006;mircea_popescu;agreed. 1871157;1541952031;BingoBoingo; prior to pizarro, i pictured 'tmsr isp' as a moar 'noncontact' item, where heathen contract is signed and robotic 'bring server into gossip net' item is installed immediately. but FG / we-want-custom-irons etc changed this picture << This and those surprise power cycling of dulap I/II (I forget the dulap version history) 1871158;1541952255;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: When you return let me know if you have a preferred manner for hashing salted customer strings 1871159;1541952311;mircea_popescu;keccak!!! 1871160;1541952395;BingoBoingo;One or two rounds? 1871161;1541952456;BingoBoingo;How much salt to shake out of the FUCKGOATS? 1871162;1541952560;ben_vulpes;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-11#1871118 << i never used a program. i documented and shared the accounting process with mod6 when i took sabbatical. i lack the log link atm but here's a copy of my original instructions http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/8YtMo/?raw=true 1871163;1541952560;a111;Logged on 2018-11-11 15:27 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform ah come the fuck on, he finds out there's a program mid nov ? why, he didn't look in the right place in the pgpball ? 1871164;1541952658;ben_vulpes;and i never used a program because, (again cannot find the log link in reasonable-response time) at one point i was working on a schema for tracking customers and what they were paying for and mircea_popescu said something along the lines of "wtf this is a simple text file and accounting problem" 1871165;1541952710;mircea_popescu;i still can't imagine how ~any approach fails on it, seeing how the whole customer list is what, dozen ? less ? 1871166;1541952964;ben_vulpes;it takes quite a bit of time, and is full of manual ops, missteps on any of which foul the whole thing. my inclination is always to automate these and sweat the correctness of the automation instead of the correctness of the process again and again. 1871167;1541953217;mircea_popescu;the drawback is that you get humans who can't add. 1871168;1541953247;mircea_popescu;there's merit to automating things ; but a strict inability to do basic accounting results in and fosters the development of serious other problems. such as a strict inability to plan. 1871169;1541953251;mircea_popescu;in the end this chokes life out. 1871170;1541953358;mircea_popescu;i certainly can see the narrative that goes "first, the task was to add 6 and 8 and 11 ; then ben_vulpes wanted to take some hours to print out an adhesive 25 to paste on a box we'd therefore call computer ; then mod6 took a few days to complicatedly add by hand to 24 and 26 and so on". it's still a 0.3 second job, harsh mistress experiences notwithstanding. 1871171;1541953692;ben_vulpes;it may be an 0.3s job to you or one of the ladies that you've trained. every time i sat down to categorize the list of incoming/outgoing into cash account vs customer equity; depreciate the hardware; walk the customer list to determine how much to debit the customer equity line; calculate the value of the btc and uyu i spent about eight hours on it in i estimate in retrospect two four hour shifts (from 1871172;1541953694;ben_vulpes;~bedtime until ~midnight by memory), then at least another four to check my results, which frequently included mistakes like mis-markings of which services which customers had paid for and for how long. 1871173;1541953744;ben_vulpes;(ftr about 8 days behind on log, eating from both ends atm) 1871174;1541953793;mircea_popescu;there's something here. 1871175;1541954544;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: i am vehehehery confused nao; i definitely recall a common lisp tabulator thing with numberz 1871176;1541954554;asciilifeform;am i hallucinating or wat 1871177;1541954572;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: never existed. i tabulated in org-mode and did all of the calculations by hand. 1871178;1541954580;asciilifeform;holy fuq 1871179;1541954652;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo, mod6 either of you remember this existing ? did cosmic ray hit asciilifeform's head ?? 1871180;1541954758;ben_vulpes;footsoldiering task for me: regrind financials from april forward, april being the second-to-last time i audited cash held against statement claims (last time was before handoff to mod6, the correctness of which mod6 apparently doubts per http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-11#1870970 ) 1871181;1541954758;a111;Logged on 2018-11-11 04:16 mod6: Ok, so I'm gonna call it a night. What I do know at this point is the ``surplus'' that we're seeing in the statements goes back at least through the August report. However, I'm not even certain at this point if what I'm seeing is actually incorrect, as I said earlier. Or if I just don't understand what I'm looking at. There's a strong chance that I just don't understand it. 1871182;1541954821;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: if you suspect the eggog was on your watch... do you think you can get the correct #s today ? 1871183;1541954827;ben_vulpes;no. 1871184;1541954833;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: It could be a bitflip. 1871185;1541954839;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: ... this wk ? 1871186;1541954860;asciilifeform;what i specifically want to avoid, is the scenario where we 'ok ben_vulpes fix' and then month later we're moar-phucked 1871187;1541954883;ben_vulpes;i'm thinking that i actually want to rerun the numbers at sept, because i was damned certain that everything was kosher at that point. 1871188;1541954892;asciilifeform;i'ma crib a method from mircea_popescu : ben_vulpes how long do ya think you need to say ~whether you have info~ for us to work with 1871189;1541954944;asciilifeform;i.e. should we wait for ben_vulpes function to return ? or must soldier on without 1871190;1541955051;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: i will know when this discrepancy crept in by wednesday. 1871191;1541955056;asciilifeform;ty ben_vulpes ! 1871192;1541955121;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-11#1871149 << before that little subthread gets entirely lost in the cacophony of the moar urgent matters : mircea_popescu i also suspect that even without radio etc exotica, gossiptronic routing would give ~same connective reliability to e.g. a flat in kamchatka with 3 heathen isp pipes, as actual dc cage has today 1871193;1541955121;a111;Logged on 2018-11-11 15:54 mircea_popescu: very much so yes. 1871194;1541955196;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: i betcha you're conflating my confusion in http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-04#1809642 with there being a program written. 1871195;1541955196;a111;Logged on 2018-05-04 19:55 ben_vulpes: !W (- 9.15831827 0.399861) 1871196;1541955216;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: if you swear there aint one, i'ma believe, because i so far have turned up no trace of it in my own records 1871197;1541955226;asciilifeform;will have to go with 'cosmic ray in asciilifeform's head' 1871198;1541955273;asciilifeform;i'll admit to having had this problem in the past, i read so much l0gz that they work into dreams when i sleep 1871199;1541955295;ben_vulpes;i could dig up the reams of satoshi-addition on my eng pad if it would ease your mind 1871200;1541955327;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: lol i dun need 'eased', i'ma be happy when the bug is fixed. 1871201;1541955343;asciilifeform;and the duct tape replaced with proper steel welds. 1871202;1541955371;ben_vulpes;i will find where it came from. 1871203;1541955376;asciilifeform;ty ben_vulpes 1871204;1541955450;BingoBoingo; i'll admit to having had this problem in the past, i read so much l0gz that they work into dreams when i sleep << My worst nighmares have involved text scrolling in a window 1871205;1541955592;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-11#1871158 << it isn't clear to me that hashing is even needed -- issue to each customer a 256bit string (base64 it) out of a FG, that will be his pseudonym in the public spreadshit. 1871206;1541955592;a111;Logged on 2018-11-11 16:04 BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: When you return let me know if you have a preferred manner for hashing salted customer strings 1871207;1541955618;asciilifeform;pgp each acct holder's bitz, to him. 1871208;1541955633;asciilifeform;after that we use'em as handle in the spreadshit to refer to his acct. 1871209;1541955876;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-11#1871157 << ftr BingoBoingo's history is correct, dulap I and II perished by orc hand 1871210;1541955876;a111;Logged on 2018-11-11 16:00 BingoBoingo: prior to pizarro, i pictured 'tmsr isp' as a moar 'noncontact' item, where heathen contract is signed and robotic 'bring server into gossip net' item is installed immediately. but FG / we-want-custom-irons etc changed this picture << This and those surprise power cycling of dulap I/II (I forget the dulap version history) 1871211;1541955879;mircea_popescu;hey, methods are on display to be cribbed. 1871212;1541955955;asciilifeform;incidentally, unmanned 'dc in flat' is imho a potential useful application for ciphered/zeroized-on-disturbance hdd item discussed some wks ago. 1871213;1541956038;mircea_popescu;dc in flat ? 1871214;1541956060;asciilifeform;( e.g. , on my shelf i have a little demo with solid state gyro, lights a 'bang yer dead' symbolic lamp if picked up and moved ~half metre, but not if desk kicked / small earthquake ) 1871215;1541956076;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: was in re http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-11#1871192 minor subthread 1871216;1541956076;a111;Logged on 2018-11-11 16:52 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-11#1871149 << before that little subthread gets entirely lost in the cacophony of the moar urgent matters : mircea_popescu i also suspect that even without radio etc exotica, gossiptronic routing would give ~same connective reliability to e.g. a flat in kamchatka with 3 heathen isp pipes, as actual dc cage has today 1871217;1541956081;mircea_popescu;oh oh 1871218;1541956097;mircea_popescu;for some reason dc resolved to "air conditionning" in my head lol 1871219;1541956106;asciilifeform;aa lol 1871220;1541956152;asciilifeform;aircondition is not entirely irrelevant to server-wrangling, tho. 1871221;1541956167;asciilifeform;but i will add, e.g. rk draws (and emits as heat naturally) ~7watt on a bad day. 1871222;1541956194;asciilifeform;'server' dun have to mean 'opteron graf zeppelin' 1871223;1541956240;asciilifeform;a 20kg crate can carry enuff battery to power rk and any modems for ~week of mains outage. 1871224;1541956483;asciilifeform;imho it is entirely feasible , in principle, to bake these such that a usg.thief (or whatever other species) wins only a few hundy's worth of rusty irons, if he steals. 1871225;1541956793;asciilifeform;( item will be , granted, thinkable only 1ce we have gossip + self-zeroizing hdd ) 1871226;1541956822;*;asciilifeform brb 1871227;1541957284;BingoBoingo; but i will add, e.g. rk draws (and emits as heat naturally) ~7watt on a bad day. << On this note new heavy metal rockchip drives were still cool to the touch when I visited the rack yesterday 1871228;1541957696;mod6;mornin' 1871229;1541957698;*;mod6 reads 1871230;1541958104;mod6;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-11#1870978 << I appreciate you taking the time to think on it, Sir. 1871231;1541958104;a111;Logged on 2018-11-11 13:32 mircea_popescu: mod6 after a night's meditation, I still don't see a direct solution for your problem. 1871232;1541958131;mod6;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-11#1870979 << Yeah, I'm disappointed with how things turned out. 1871233;1541958131;a111;Logged on 2018-11-11 13:32 mircea_popescu: it seems to me inescapably the case that you have not been putting either enough time or enough thought into this, and continuing in like manner for year upon year. the inescapable result was accumulation, of exactly the wrong kind : every day you personally grew a little smaller than your image in the forum, and compensating for the difference drew, as any other credit, upon your capacities to service, until eventually the g 1871234;1541958188;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2018/heres-something-you-dont-see-nearly-often-enough/ << Trilema - Here's something you don't see nearly often enough 1871235;1541958194;mod6;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-11#1870981 << You're right, I'm trying to be objective here, I'm not doing a good job on either. 1871236;1541958194;a111;Logged on 2018-11-11 13:32 mircea_popescu: you can't really be the head of the foundation as a guy who monthly publishes a page of .txt on a website somewhere ; you can't really be the board of the isp as a guy who comes up with http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-05#1858303 and http://btcbase.org/log/2018-08-05#1839737 and http://btcbase.org/log/2018-08-31#1846185 and http://btcbase.org/log/2018-06-13#1825070 1871237;1541958234;mod6;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-11#1870991 << ah yes, what a time it was tho! 1871238;1541958234;a111;Logged on 2018-11-11 13:33 mircea_popescu: the "sad" news, from this perspective (though it is boldly and fundamentally the exact opposite of sad) is that no, there isn't any "return to the grand old days" on the table. ~emphatically~ not. bitcoin ain't going back to spending a summer at 2 dollars a coin ; and consequentlly you're not going back to being the mod6 of 2013 on ten hours a week and lukewarm committment. 1871239;1541958314;mod6;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-11#1870993 << I agree, need to re-think my life. 1871240;1541958314;a111;Logged on 2018-11-11 13:33 mircea_popescu: . on the short term you'll have to take some time off and think long and hard and in all seriousness about what you want from this life, because continuing on your present course can't possibly bring much beyond disaster. 1871241;1541958350;mod6;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-11#1870994 << Having been there myself since '11 and all of the scams, believe me, this is the last thing that I wanted. 1871242;1541958350;a111;Logged on 2018-11-11 13:33 mircea_popescu: can you ~believe~ how much like something you'd read on tardstalk "investments" your workproduct ends up ?! and this in 2018 ? why, because you've been secretly saving it through a time capsule, insulated from review, all this time ?! god almighty, last thing i want is the yahoo peterl-ism of 2013 perpetuated a second past the end of that year. 1871243;1541958416;mod6;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-11#1870995 << Thank you for saying as much, what I've learned from the Republic can not be ever measured. I agree with the point, however. 1871244;1541958416;a111;Logged on 2018-11-11 13:33 mircea_popescu: you're a good man, and i trust you, and i know as a matter of fact my trust's not misplaced. we absolutely have to either adjust you to the tasks you have or the tasks you have to you, however, because there's simply no way to maintain trustworthyness on the long haul while capacity-activity mismatch is ongoing. 1871245;1541958465;mod6;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-11#1871008 << Point taken. 1871246;1541958465;a111;Logged on 2018-11-11 13:48 mircea_popescu: and in the same vein : if i lose my fucking carkeys, my "prospective plan for carkey finding" doesn't read ANYTHING like "day 1 : look for carkeys ; day 2 : look for carkeys ; day 3 : look for carkeys ; day 4...". 1871247;1541958558;mod6;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-11#1871031 << I will not. I will send the remaining Pizarro coins in my deedbot wallet to BingoBoingo today. 1871248;1541958558;a111;Logged on 2018-11-11 14:02 asciilifeform: the 1 open q is whether mod6 will continue as treasurer, presently he is the only 1 with access to the coins + the realtime tx history which powers the spreadshit 1871249;1541958669;mod6;I will take some time to think it over, but this past year has taken a tremendous toll on my physical and mental health. I'm not doing right by myself, my family or the republic. I always said that I wanted to do the Republic as my main thing in life (outside family), but as I've said before, we're just not quite there yet. 1871250;1541958727;mod6;So I think the correct thing to do here is to step-down from the Pizarro board, let someone else direct and lead the company to glory, as opposed to the back pages of tardstalk. 1871251;1541958784;mod6;The same goes with the Foundation, new leadership is required. This means that I will not be within the lordship anymore, but better that, than dishonor. 1871252;1541958797;mircea_popescu;get some rest and see how it looks after. 1871253;1541958825;mod6;Yeah, I'll think it over, Sir. But, my main objective is to do what is best for the whole, instead of the individual. 1871254;1541958872;mircea_popescu;dunno that these two can be distinguished. there's really no whole outside of teh individuals involved. 1871255;1541958943;mod6;In my mind, the Republic isn't just a bunch of individuals - at the low level, of course, we are. But we're here for something greater than ourselves, and that is what drives all of us to put time and money into. 1871256;1541958976;mod6;!!ledger 1871257;1541958983;deedbot;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/MEFVY/?raw=true 1871258;1541959268;asciilifeform;ohey wb mod6 1871259;1541959333;mod6;hai asciilifeform 1871260;1541959411;mod6;!Qcalc 1.16275485 - 0.08479669 1871261;1541959411;lobbesbot;mod6: 1.07795816 1871262;1541959433;mod6;!!pay BingoBoingo 1.07795816 1871263;1541959440;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/9yuhU/?raw=true 1871264;1541959645;asciilifeform;mod6: take sabbatical if you must , but plox to rethink 'i'ma quit errything', you did the work of 6 men, and we're quite short of hands as it is 1871265;1541959716;mod6;!!v 7CCA5775D375C0F6BD172BCB4384A5166BA0444EEC01EDCB40BB1C86C2B19F96 1871266;1541959722;deedbot;mod6 paid BingoBoingo 1.07795816 1871267;1541959804;mod6;ben_vulpes: While we're at it, BingoBoingo reminded me that xmas time is upon us, and it might be a very good time to start shopping for some Pizarro hardware with those amazon credits you're holding. Just a reminder. 1871268;1541959816;mod6;(I had half-forgotten about it myself) 1871269;1541959851;asciilifeform;mod6: consider srsly also BingoBoingo's earlier suggestion, of a coupla wks of low-stress vacation in BingoBoingostan 1871270;1541959871;asciilifeform;( it's a supremely relaxy place, asciilifeform recommends a+++ ) 1871271;1541959888;asciilifeform;aaand it's summer there nao. 1871272;1541959895;BingoBoingo;Can confirm it is summer 1871273;1541959902;mod6;asciilifeform: I'll take some time, but in all honesty, I think Mr. Popescu has it on all accounts. I don't even think he wants to be right on this one, yet he is. And presently, there is nothing I can do to pour myself into the Republic, Foundation, or Pizarro more than I currently am. And at this level of commitment, is harmful to all. 1871274;1541959938;asciilifeform;mod6: pour less, or rather, with less strain to health 1871275;1541959946;asciilifeform;i had similar moment last yr 1871276;1541959988;asciilifeform;took coupla wks ~off, learned buncha hieroglyphs. 1871277;1541960060;mod6;I believe. 1871278;1541960090;mod6;!!sent-invoices 1871279;1541960092;asciilifeform;mod6: it's in the l0gz, recall, mircea_popescu was getting ready to tear off my epaulettes 1871280;1541960096;deedbot;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/XGMWf/?raw=true 1871281;1541960105;mod6;!!ledger 1871282;1541960112;deedbot;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/h948k/?raw=true 1871283;1541960131;mod6;Yeah, I recall. There's just no more to give, presently. 1871284;1541960150;asciilifeform;mod6: msg is not 'give moar' , but 'catch breath' 1871285;1541960227;asciilifeform;mod6: i'ma work with BingoBoingo + ben_vulpes to get the spreadshit aligned & published; mod6 meanwhile srsly spend some time in a hammock 1871286;1541960707;mod6;BingoBoingo: don't forget to send those invoices when you get a chance today. 1871287;1541960917;BingoBoingo;Update: I have hit a groove on a consistent style for the customer account information. I am going to stretch the legs and look for some non-chocolate food soon. For a preview, here is the style as applied to the S.MG and S.NSA accounts - http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/mVzN6/?raw=true 1871288;1541960926;BingoBoingo;Comments, suggestion, and feedback welcome 1871289;1541960926;mircea_popescu;certainly "work less on dead ends, more on productive stuff, and stop grabbing knives by blade" 1871290;1541960968;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: imho loox pretty good 1871291;1541961033;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Most of what's left is continuing down the list and doing good old fashioned janitor work 1871292;1541961062;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: lemme know when you have enuff that it is ready to be programmatized. 1871293;1541961104;*;asciilifeform aiming to grasp the correct end of this knife.. 1871294;1541961208;BingoBoingo; BingoBoingo: don't forget to send those invoices when you get a chance today. << Since I am elbow deep in the customer information today, I plan to fire off the invoices as soon as things are polished up. 1871295;1541961368;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: I will let you know when it's done. I have a poor eye for what would be enough to programmatize from 1871296;1541961385;asciilifeform;the complete set of raw inputs, really 1871297;1541961387;asciilifeform;but aite 1871298;1541961420;asciilifeform;i'ma not wander too far from console today. 1871299;1541961469;asciilifeform;( originally calendar'd today to be spend in mathematical torture room, but this takes precedence ) 1871300;1541961866;BingoBoingo;Well, I am about to set far enough away to grab a big chunk of meat, or maybe some shrimp and savor this delicious pile of tedium in front of me 1871301;1541967725;ben_vulpes;BingoBoingo mod6: are there any non-pizarro transactions in the ledger outputs that i have from both of you? 1871302;1541967858;ben_vulpes;i'm walking from july forward, comparing cash position on the pizarro book at the end of each month to cash held for pizarro in both of your accounts, want to ensure that i'm not rolling any personal transactions into the calculations. 1871303;1541967957;BingoBoingo;ben_vulpes: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/SHMK3/?raw=true 1871304;1541969175;diana_coman;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-10#1870705 -> the more I think of this, the less I see the case for it: essentially I don't think the serialization part should really be that important that it forces upstream to deal with fixed-size records only sort of thing. Also, for the case at hand, it's basically unclear that the gain is worth it anyway: yes, fixed-size (i.e. max-size) record means one can do the serialization of that directly but the 1871305;1541969175;a111;Logged on 2018-11-10 20:12 mircea_popescu: only question is if this gains anything or just pushes some garbage downstream 1871306;1541969175;diana_coman;re are still all those parts that are anyway no concern of upper layers (e.g. crc, padding) so there is still some part that has to walk the thing component-by-component anyway. The more I look at it, the more I get the impression that the idea of "serialize in 1 statement the whole stuff" is not worth pushing beyond simple types (i.e. yes, serialize in one line unsigned_32 but not the whole content of one message) 1871307;1541969808;diana_coman;perhaps if the structures and protocol were way hairier than they there, the gains would be worth it - but in such case I'm not sure it wouldn't point to a need to simplify rather than a need for streams or some such 1871308;1541969876;asciilifeform;diana_coman: fwiw it's exactly where i ended up drawing the line in 'nqb' 1871309;1541969892;diana_coman;asciilifeform, where? 1871310;1541969902;asciilifeform;( had stream-powered serializer-deserializer for the 'varint' type, errything else did diana_coman-style ) 1871311;1541969926;asciilifeform;diana_coman: the 'not worth writing 500 ln so that record can be eaten/shat in 1 line' formulation 1871312;1541969935;diana_coman;ah, I see it; I did look and I saw you used both but I couldn't confidently identify the decision as to where one and where the other 1871313;1541969966;asciilifeform;i used 'stream'ism where it actually made sense to do so, i.e. where otherwise would be stuck kludging together an adhoc reimplementation of stream 1871314;1541970001;asciilifeform;( there's nuffin magic about 'stream' per se, it's just a thing that eats and shits bytes and has an internal fill-position counter ) 1871315;1541970032;diana_coman;streams start looking increasingly to me like an abstraction born out of "I *have to deal* with those insane inputs so ..." 1871316;1541970038;asciilifeform;i also used stream subclass to give automagic 'hash all the bytes that go through this wire' thing 1871317;1541970051;asciilifeform;diana_coman: it's the correct model for ~some~ devices 1871318;1541970063;asciilifeform;defo not all, or anywhere near. 1871319;1541970071;diana_coman;right; I meant in it's current use of "default, everywhere" 1871320;1541970114;diana_coman;its*; gah, my spelling is atrocious lately 1871321;1541970319;asciilifeform;if you have a 'cassette' that contains some unknown number of variably-sized gibblets, e.g. bitcoin block, yer stuck with some form of stream (either ada's, or hand-sewn replacement, tho so far i am actually happy with ada's and see no need to sew replacement) 1871322;1541970331;asciilifeform;outside of that context, it is imho harmful abstraction, only gets in the way 1871323;1541970378;asciilifeform;when i have the choice, i'd rather write proggy to need no such cassettes ( observe, streams are not used in ffa ) 1871324;1541970435;asciilifeform;not outside the unix subsystem's stdio anyway 1871325;1541970439;*;asciilifeform brb 1871326;1541970545;diana_coman;pretty much that: if it's so ugly that you can't handle it sanely, then either fix it or, failing that, use Ada's Streams since that's what they are for anyway. 1871327;1541973520;ben_vulpes;ty BingoBoingo 1871328;1541973784;mod6;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-11#1871301 << looking... 1871329;1541973784;a111;Logged on 2018-11-11 20:22 ben_vulpes: BingoBoingo mod6: are there any non-pizarro transactions in the ledger outputs that i have from both of you? 1871330;1541974174;mod6;Alright, beginning with 2018-07-15, all transactions in my ledger are Pizarro transactions. Nothing personal in there after that date (where ben_vulpes sent me the funds). 1871331;1541974198;BingoBoingo;ATTN ALL - http://pizarroisp.net/pizarro-records/ << Coded Customer Histories and BTC/USD Price Points 1871332;1541974233;BingoBoingo;^ asciilifeform 1871333;1541974249;ben_vulpes;ty mod6 1871334;1541974291;mod6;ben_vulpes: np! 1871335;1541974309;mod6;BingoBoingo: Looks good! The November 2018 link for the price point goes to the wrong log entry. 1871336;1541974319;mod6;Seems to go to the same as the october one. 1871337;1541974319;BingoBoingo;ty, will fix 1871338;1541974323;mod6;np 1871339;1541974348;BingoBoingo;But, kind of a benefit of putting the information in the light is that this stuff gets spotted 1871340;1541974363;mod6;*nod* looks great, I like the use of the hash there. 1871341;1541974391;mod6;I've been doing some chores here, I gotta run away again and do more. :/ ben_vulpes, if you have another Q, just ping me. 1871342;1541974501;BingoBoingo;It's just FUCKGOATS output used for the IDs per the alf suggestion 1871343;1541974952;ben_vulpes;in addition to the furnace door being taped on and the dishwasher motor being burned out, the washing machine drain hose is trying to wiggle itself free today. 1871344;1541975097;BingoBoingo;!!invoice mircea_popescu 0.05786600 S.MG Test Server 1871345;1541975102;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/87lrP/?raw=true 1871346;1541975138;BingoBoingo;!!v 07CF3A4297774926E72D784125B9B123BE002B51B2B13FF4A77BEA9ADEDCDD71 1871347;1541975142;deedbot;Invoiced mircea_popescu 0.05786600 << S.MG Test Server 1871348;1541975173;BingoBoingo;!!invoice trinque 0.02396351 Colocation And Shared Hosting 1871349;1541975180;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/vlWuK/?raw=true 1871350;1541975217;BingoBoingo;!!v 570722B8B1E715A7389CBA7AD27A0F99DBDC119F8DE58B708DBD5EE0C9DA1D77 1871351;1541975221;deedbot;Invoiced trinque 0.02396351 << Colocation And Shared Hosting 1871352;1541975242;BingoBoingo;!!invoice jurov 0.02196351 BTC Foundation Colocation 1871353;1541975251;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/saoer/?raw=true 1871354;1541975303;BingoBoingo;!!v E0B02E2A8006FC0CC76C8F91AA21A9654E41C39CA636987EC9679EA2EEB81A6C 1871355;1541975309;deedbot;Invoiced jurov 0.02196351 << BTC Foundation Colocation 1871356;1541975352;BingoBoingo;!!invoice bvt 0.00266666 Shared Hosting one month + third of a month prorated to regularize billing cycle 1871357;1541975356;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/uSpa8/?raw=true 1871358;1541975386;BingoBoingo;!!v 1448CE3141B6342980CD0DB5D7210CBEDC73F14196A5EF907F3BD40EBF9185E8 1871359;1541975392;deedbot;Invoiced bvt 0.00266666 << Shared Hosting one month + third of a month prorated to regularize billing cycle 1871360;1541975434;BingoBoingo;Invoices dispatched 1871361;1541977666;asciilifeform;ty BingoBoingo ! 1871362;1541977766;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-11#1871331 << loox great. next step will be to get all of the 'and then i got bitten by tsetse fly and then bought 3 hdd' minutiae published 1871363;1541977766;a111;Logged on 2018-11-11 22:09 BingoBoingo: ATTN ALL - http://pizarroisp.net/pizarro-records/ << Coded Customer Histories and BTC/USD Price Points 1871364;1541977785;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-11#1871342 << out of curiosity, BingoBoingo , didja simply strip off the 8th bit or wat, howdidja make'em 1871365;1541977785;a111;Logged on 2018-11-11 22:15 BingoBoingo: It's just FUCKGOATS output used for the IDs per the alf suggestion 1871366;1541978193;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: I just plucked 12 character strings outta the soup 1871367;1541978198;asciilifeform;aa 1871368;1541978232;asciilifeform;i suppose they were right next to the worx of shakespeare and the amd launch coadez!11 1871369;1541978264;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: I expect the minutiae to be ready within the week. I'd like to get some punch list stuff out of the way. 1871370;1541978292;*;BingoBoingo will head to the datacenter to get Rockchip drive imaged per earlier dispatch 1871371;1541978301;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: aite. lemme know if you need asciilifeform to dig through own records 1871372;1541978313;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: oh hey let's 1871373;1541978323;asciilifeform;lemme know if you wanna do it yerself or the classic way. 1871374;1541978506;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: I'll take the standard F image. Will walk over now to place the drive and ping when I get back. Will move imaged drive to the Rockchip during a later walk. 1871375;1541978518;asciilifeform;ok 1871376;1541978557;asciilifeform;make sure plox that it's the only drive plugged into dulap 1871377;1541978571;BingoBoingo;Crisis management today meant missing the weekly Feria round trip walk 1871378;1541979517;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2018/heres-something-you-probably-see-more-often-than-theres-any-need-to/ << Trilema - Here's something you probably see more often than there's any need to 1871379;1541980396;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: It is the only usb drive plugged in 1871380;1541980409;asciilifeform;ok BingoBoingo you want stock 'F' ? 1871381;1541980429;BingoBoingo;Yeah stock F plus iptables 1871382;1541980438;asciilifeform;aite 1871383;1541980508;asciilifeform;gimme 15m 1871384;1541980523;BingoBoingo;In other local news: Peñarol won the national championship this afternoon 1871385;1541980535;asciilifeform;btw BingoBoingo didja ever get the iptables kernel ? 1871386;1541980539;asciilifeform;recall that kernel dun live on the hd 1871387;1541980541;asciilifeform;it lives on sd 1871388;1541980543;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: I did 1871389;1541980569;asciilifeform;ok will be ready in ~10m 1871390;1541980575;BingoBoingo;Sweet 1871391;1541980846;asciilifeform;ok done 1871392;1541980857;asciilifeform;boot up yer rk, BingoBoingo , and then http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/abcAC/?raw=true and lemme know. 1871393;1541981039;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Will do in a bit, got some news of the world to cover 1871394;1541983092;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/11/frances-macron-nationalism-is-a-form-of-treason/ << Qntra - France's Macron: Nationalism Is A Form Of Treason 1871395;1541983109;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: plox to test rk shortly, i gotta go to meat in ~20m 1871396;1541983135;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Will test later tonight. Feel free to enjoy the meat 1871397;1541990608;mircea_popescu;top keks. 1871398;1541990615;mircea_popescu;who the fuck is this macaron anyway. 1871399;1541994233;trinque;!!v 5B236BCA31AFCEB434A8434E9730FC5698337A7795F37ACF85F37C5270A7F008 1871400;1541994238;deedbot;trinque paid BingoBoingo invoice 4 1871401;1541994431;ben_vulpes;BingoBoingo: 2 q's: how much pizarro btc were you holding in your deedbot account as of september 7, and how much elsewhere? 1871402;1541994544;ben_vulpes;prior to september 7th, i mean. 1871403;1541995517;BingoBoingo;Prior to September 7th, zero Pizarro Bitcoin was in the deedbot wallet. The payment of the Foundation colo invoice was the first Pizarro transaction outside of payments as a customer/wildcatter. Outside of deedbot I am holding 0.20113128 BTC Pizarro carryover BTC from the BBISP days. 1871404;1541995558;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Ty, Rockchip tested a success 1871405;1541995599;ben_vulpes;BingoBoingo: ty 1871406;1541995748;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: cool 1871407;1541996682;BingoBoingo;And now to play with auctionbot 1871408;1541996687;BingoBoingo;!Xsell 145mn 96 One lot of 14,500 S.QNTR shares 1871409;1541996688;auctionbot;Sell order # 1007 created by BingoBoingo: One lot of 14,500 S.QNTR shares Opening: 145mn ecu Ending: 2018-11-15 16:25:23.664854 UTC (95 hours) 1871410;1541997159;BingoBoingo;And in other local news as I decompress the brain for sleep, locals keep telling me the pichis aren't the center of Uruguaya culture and yet, the paper of record publishes too much about them https://www.elobservador.com.uy/nota/la-ciudad-de-los-indigentes-2018119195210 1871411;1541998117;trinque;BingoBoingo: why not link the "Remote Hands" text on the Pizarro website to your blog? 1871412;1541998162;BingoBoingo;trinque: Linking to the blog is pointless until I bring the blog online again. It's on the top of tomorrow's do list 1871413;1541998187;trinque;I didn't know it was offline, but at any rate, would make the mention of "remote hands" a hell of a lot more meaningful 1871414;1541998241;BingoBoingo;But, yeah that is definitely a solid idea 1871415;1541998288;trinque;"this is a real person, proved not by our marketing blather but by link straight to the man's letters" 1871416;1541998913;mircea_popescu;!Xbid 1007 145mn 1871417;1541998914;auctionbot;Sell order # 1007: One lot of 14,500 S.QNTR shares Heard: 145mn from mircea_popescu. Ending: 2018-11-15 16:25:23.664854 UTC (95 hours 22 mins) 1871418;1541999043;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo dja even have a eulora acct ? 1871419;1541999080;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: I do not yet. Last I looked into trying eulora the Nvidia 'cg' binary dependency was blocking 1871420;1541999096;mircea_popescu;so how are you going to collect lol 1871421;1541999277;BingoBoingo;Pray the auction winner is willing to settle in BTC, or see if Eulora has a text client. In the worst case locally source or junkyard wars a Eulorable machine. 1871422;1541999368;mircea_popescu;aite. 1871423;1541999555;BingoBoingo;It's an experiment. I'd rather test auctionbot on something other than Pizarro criticals, and if it turns out there's substantial bidder interest in S.QNTR maybe it baits some more submissions from The Lordship and the honorable L2. 1871424;1542002091;mircea_popescu;word. 1871425;1542004439;ben_vulpes;BingoBoingo: do you have a provisional statement for october? 1871426;1542004549;BingoBoingo;ben_vulpes: Here's where I was before the blocking cash account issue emerged http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/SkdEN/?raw=true 1871427;1542004556;ben_vulpes;ah it's in the shared notes, i see. 1871428;1542004580;ben_vulpes;viewport was way down in the ledgers. 1871429;1542004611;BingoBoingo;Kinda why I'm excited about breaking down and killing the legacy notes file 1871430;1542004659;BingoBoingo;The thing got unnavigable fast 1871431;1542006557;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/dQWPC/?raw=true 1871432;1542006878;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: after i find these two roots, i would gladly serve and spreadsheetize this into the pizarro mysql/mp-wp 1871433;1542006907;*;ben_vulpes bbl 1871434;1542012088;bvt;!!v 239ACABD3C860AC0B49ACB3A0A3E941EF260C91E3A89ED0F9CAA218226643CA1 1871435;1542012094;deedbot;bvt paid BingoBoingo invoice 2 1871436;1542013147;bvt;trinque: would it be possible to add my blog to deedbot RSS feed? http://bvt-trace.net/feed/ should work. 1871437;1542013188;bvt;meanwhile, http://bvt-trace.net/2018/11/gnat2017-gcc-breaks-smg_comms-mpi-extern-inline-function-issues/ 1871438;1542015001;diana_coman;bvt, that is a known issue with gcc version really 1871439;1542015135;diana_coman;anyway, trinque, would you add bvt's blog to deedbot's feed please? 1871440;1542021083;diana_coman;bvt, http://bvt-trace.net/2018/11/gnat2017-gcc-breaks-smg_comms-mpi-extern-inline-function-issues/comment-page-1/#comment-4 1871441;1542021358;diana_coman;and ugh, bvt , your wp ate part of my comment! there was more between "used by gcc 4.9" and " they want. " wtf 1871442;1542021689;diana_coman;bvt, a recovered full version of the comment: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/d9iWn/?raw=true 1871443;1542021722;diana_coman;I suppose it's the gcc >4.9 that made it eat up the whole part as "html" 1871444;1542024604;bvt;diana_coman: ah, i see. if the c89 vs c99 is the issue, than this vpatch takes the wrong approach, and something along the lines of http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/o7yc9/?raw=true would work better 1871445;1542024629;diana_coman;bvt, yes 1871446;1542024634;bvt;i'll check wtf is wrong with the comments system 1871447;1542024780;bvt;also, i think that pushing gcc-6 patches to frozen system (mpi) defeats the purpose of the standard republican compiler, so the post and vpatch is more of 1871448;1542024796;bvt;report kind 1871449;1542028753;diana_coman;aha; in any case, it's better written there so next person stumbling into this precise issue can be pointed at it and not waste any time at all 1871450;1542030797;diana_coman;!Xbid 1007 150mn 1871451;1542030798;auctionbot;Sell order # 1007: One lot of 14,500 S.QNTR shares Heard: 150mn from diana_coman outbidding mircea_popescu. Ending: 2018-11-15 16:25:23.664854 UTC (86 hours 31 mins) 1871452;1542031775;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-12#1871431 << oh hey 1871453;1542031775;a111;Logged on 2018-11-12 07:09 ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/dQWPC/?raw=true 1871454;1542031858;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-12#1871437 >> << http://btcbase.org/log/2018-03-28#1790119 1871455;1542031858;a111;Logged on 2018-11-12 08:59 bvt: meanwhile, http://bvt-trace.net/2018/11/gnat2017-gcc-breaks-smg_comms-mpi-extern-inline-function-issues/ 1871456;1542031858;a111;Logged on 2018-03-28 20:02 phf: this gnulib solution actually wants you to define FOO_INLINE, which is set to "inline" when defined, and "extern inline" when used, so you can't even avoid the #define hackery with "extern inline". "Other non-C99 compilers use static inline so they suffer from code bloat, but they are not mainline platforms and will die out eventually." 1871457;1542031864;asciilifeform;oh hm diana_coman already noted 1871458;1542032076;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-12#1871443 << inbandism ftw!11 1871459;1542032076;a111;Logged on 2018-11-12 11:22 diana_coman: I suppose it's the gcc >4.9 that made it eat up the whole part as "html" 1871460;1542034875;trinque;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-12#1871439 << certainly 1871461;1542034875;a111;Logged on 2018-11-12 09:32 diana_coman: anyway, trinque, would you add bvt's blog to deedbot's feed please? 1871462;1542034890;diana_coman;thanks! 1871463;1542034945;deedbot;http://bvt-trace.net/2018/10/instead-of-hello-world-fg-tests/ << bvt's backtrace - Instead of Hello World: FG Tests 1871464;1542034946;deedbot;http://bvt-trace.net/2018/10/vpatch-replacing-mktemp3/ << bvt's backtrace - Vpatch: Replacing mktemp(3) 1871465;1542034946;deedbot;http://bvt-trace.net/2018/10/vpatch-replacing-mktemp3-take-two/ << bvt's backtrace - Vpatch: replacing mktemp(3) (no /tmp) 1871466;1542034946;deedbot;http://bvt-trace.net/2018/10/linux-portability-part-1-exploring-musl-architecture-specific-headers/ << bvt's backtrace - Linux Portability, Part 1: Exploring musl Architecture-Specific Headers 1871467;1542034946;deedbot;http://bvt-trace.net/2018/10/linux-portability-part-2-exploring-musl-ifdefs-or-define-pdp_endian-3412/ << bvt's backtrace - Linux Portability, Part 2: Exploring musl #ifdefs, or #define PDP_ENDIAN 3412 1871468;1542034946;deedbot;http://bvt-trace.net/2018/11/linux-portability-part-3-summary/ << bvt's backtrace - Linux Portability, Part 3: Summary 1871469;1542034946;deedbot;http://bvt-trace.net/2018/11/base64-genesis/ << bvt's backtrace - Base64: Genesis. 1871470;1542034947;deedbot;http://bvt-trace.net/2018/11/gnat2017-gcc-breaks-smg_comms-mpi-extern-inline-function-issues/ << bvt's backtrace - GNAT2017 GCC breaks SMG_Comms MPI: extern inline function issues. 1871471;1542036998;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-11#1870872 << i expect you do, specifically btc to ff conversions etc ? 1871472;1542036998;a111;Logged on 2018-11-11 00:36 BingoBoingo: And on this note at the end of the month girl will be visiting her Tía in Argentina. Anyone have shopping list items they want investigated? 1871473;1542037149;mircea_popescu;and speaking of http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-30#1867509 : perhaps this is just the ticket mod6 , take a few days / a week off whatever, ~BY YOURSELF~. so you can fucking think. go hang out with BingoBoingo , fuck some latino whores, get drunk once or twice... these are the mainstay "i'm in a paper bag how do i get out" methods since time immemorial for a fucking reason. 1871474;1542037149;a111;Logged on 2018-10-30 02:34 BingoBoingo: Also December 7, 8, and 9th will be the expocannabis Uruguay. I plan on going there in a recon capacity, if anyone else is looking for a very Uruguay reason to visit Uruguay, that would be the weekend to come on down. 1871475;1542037173;mircea_popescu;life's more than a rat race. at least for me. 1871476;1542037175;mircea_popescu;men* 1871477;1542037328;mircea_popescu;bvt http://bvt-trace.net/2018/11/gnat2017-gcc-breaks-smg_comms-mpi-extern-inline-function-issues/#selection-37.321-37.374 << basically, some lines got arbitrarily truncated and everything went to shit subsequently ? 1871478;1542037367;mircea_popescu;also, if you're going to overwrite your margins why have them. 1871479;1542037441;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-12#1871441 / http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-12#1871446 << did you have a single angle bracket at the point of eating ? because if you did, it ate the ~rest~ of the comment as an unclosed html tag. which, if you think about it, it has to do, in order to be able to process html tags in comments at all. 1871480;1542037441;a111;Logged on 2018-11-12 11:15 diana_coman: and ugh, bvt , your wp ate part of my comment! there was more between "used by gcc 4.9" and " they want. " wtf 1871481;1542037441;a111;Logged on 2018-11-12 12:10 bvt: i'll check wtf is wrong with the comments system 1871482;1542037484;mircea_popescu;known "bug" of sorts, in the sense of frustrating behaviour, but no known way to fix other than "do not use single angle brackets in text" / "do not use magic letters with metasyntactic meanings". as html already fucked the pig on the latter score... 1871483;1542037560;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i wondered in the past why blog comment boxes never come with 'post as txt' / 'post as htm' buttons 1871484;1542037581;mircea_popescu;this actually would be a fine feature to have. 1871485;1542037625;mircea_popescu;alternatively "auto-process as text comments that don't have any > in them", but then it still bites as you could have a link and a log-style << and so on. 1871486;1542037633;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-12#1871477 << gnat dun truncate lines. he gets the 'too long' warning because he cribbed my gpr config 1871487;1542037633;a111;Logged on 2018-11-12 15:42 mircea_popescu: bvt http://bvt-trace.net/2018/11/gnat2017-gcc-breaks-smg_comms-mpi-extern-inline-function-issues/#selection-37.321-37.374 << basically, some lines got arbitrarily truncated and everything went to shit subsequently ? 1871488;1542037644;asciilifeform;it turns >80col ln into a warning, does naught else. 1871489;1542037650;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform meanwhile saw he fixed by "inline" etc, so yeah.\ 1871490;1542037660;asciilifeform;aha but entirely separate boojum. 1871491;1542037676;asciilifeform;gcc5ism. 1871492;1542037683;mircea_popescu;aha. 1871493;1542037738;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-12#1871447 << an ada mpi, however, would be a most interesting item. 1871494;1542037738;a111;Logged on 2018-11-12 12:13 bvt: also, i think that pushing gcc-6 patches to frozen system (mpi) defeats the purpose of the standard republican compiler, so the post and vpatch is more of 1871495;1542037776;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: what exactly is an 'ada mpi' ? ( i.e. i assume it's diff from what i'm baking ) 1871496;1542037806;asciilifeform;... bignum with variable widths / heapistic alloc, built 100% for speed ? 1871497;1542037809;mircea_popescu;no, it'd be the same thing. 1871498;1542037823;asciilifeform;there's imho a niche for the above -- items like phuctor 1871499;1542037825;mircea_popescu;he seemed eager to try his teeth on adult brooms ? 1871500;1542037832;asciilifeform;( but imho oughta be in asm, if anyone attempts ) 1871501;1542037835;mircea_popescu;im trying to help along. 1871502;1542037839;asciilifeform;lolk 1871503;1542038046;asciilifeform;i'll add , tho, that for MB-sized integers, my 20th c algos are not optimal, you'd want e.g. schoenhage-strassen, fft, etc 1871504;1542038576;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-12#1871482 << i find it interesting that uniturdism is ubiquitous, but html etc is still stuck poaching perfectly ordinary 'telex' characters (i.e. found on keyboard) as 'magic' values 1871505;1542038576;a111;Logged on 2018-11-12 15:44 mircea_popescu: known "bug" of sorts, in the sense of frustrating behaviour, but no known way to fix other than "do not use single angle brackets in text" / "do not use magic letters with metasyntactic meanings". as html already fucked the pig on the latter score... 1871506;1542038601;asciilifeform;why not use that 8th bit of the byte for something actually constructive... 1871507;1542038612;asciilifeform;but no, gotta be hiroglyphs? 1871508;1542038622;asciilifeform;*hieroglyphs 1871509;1542038733;asciilifeform;or fughet even 8th bit, there's 32 control chars in ascii ! and space, nl, tab, del, ff, and null, account for only 6 ! 1871510;1542038763;asciilifeform;well, + cr; 7 1871511;1542038769;asciilifeform;this leaves 25 that ~nobody uses for anyffing ! 1871512;1542038828;asciilifeform;and yes i know 'why' they aint used : 'but oh oh, what if someone is on a SLIP modem!11' 1871513;1542038840;asciilifeform;imho still nuttery, and tremendous waste. 1871514;1542038887;asciilifeform;they were meant to be terminal and link control chars. i.e. exactly analogous to what html abuses < , >, &, for 1871515;1542038967;asciilifeform;http://jkorpela.fi/chars/c0.html << likbez re orig ascii controls. 1871516;1542039079;asciilifeform;power co.'s calculate resistive losses on high voltage lines, but for some peculiar reason no one (afaik) ever tallies up the real-life cost of this idjicy. 1871517;1542040596;mircea_popescu;the entire us "tech" industry is built out of unaccounting and malacounting. 1871518;1542040606;mircea_popescu;these two sum to ~99.99999% of "modern progress and democracy" 1871519;1542040656;asciilifeform;picture if an accountant were to walk into an ameri-board with tally of the ~actual~ cost of running winblowz. 1871520;1542040671;mircea_popescu;whereas power lines actually invented by zee germans, by which term we denote the prussians, by which term we denote the "militarist" tendency which the mutinous kiel sailor and "broad elements" of the weimar republic "agreed with the consensus" should "have no place in germany". 1871521;1542040703;mircea_popescu;this is what "militarism" fucking is, entire : keep your books straight OR ELSE! 1871522;1542040775;asciilifeform;lol i thought it was 'keep boots shined or else' 1871523;1542040776;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-08#1811365 << item. 1871524;1542040776;a111;Logged on 2018-05-08 17:55 mircea_popescu: look it up, hermann aron fellow, was a sort of german heaviside 1871525;1542040806;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform all things. see ? that's the fucking point. from boots to "want of a nail" to "keep your household in order and the women in line and the children doing their fucking work" and so on. all the fucking way. 1871526;1542040823;asciilifeform;well yes, notice asciilifeform did not say ' eh shined boots, who needs'em ' 1871527;1542040865;mircea_popescu;and you'll marry and live your life out with who the fuck we choose cuz you're too stupid to choose, and you'll go into the line we choose because idem, and you'll love who the fuck and what the fuck you're supposed to, not "feel like". because the "feel like" is entirely "going by your gut", and the problem with guts is that they're fulla shit. 1871528;1542040873;mircea_popescu;i notice, i notice. 1871529;1542040927;mircea_popescu;picture an accountant walking into room with "here, by any metric you choose to measure it, arranged marriages slightly more successful than ''free choice'' marriages" data. 1871530;1542040940;mircea_popescu;there is A LOT of "nyahnyahnyah" buried at the root of pantsuit tree. 1871531;1542040947;asciilifeform;this one's somehow not a mystery to good 80+% of globe 1871532;1542040976;mircea_popescu;"they just haven't heard the good word yet" dontchaknow. 1871533;1542040996;mircea_popescu;also, there's a bum outside your residence somewhere, who similarily thinks, "alf has not yet heard the good word, will soon be a bum too". 1871534;1542041005;mircea_popescu;he's right, after a fashion, the way that place's going... 1871535;1542041044;mircea_popescu;the necessary correlate of "we'll be rich and powerful with '''service industry''' ie doing each other's laundry" is "we'll be rich and powerful with '''service industry''' ie dancing in the street for nickles". 1871536;1542041053;mircea_popescu;service is service amirite. 1871537;1542041059;asciilifeform;even on asciilifeform's home planet, good chunk of marriages were 'soft-arranged' -- i.e. 'comrade colonel, you have a bachelor son, i have a ripe daughter' 'comrade lt colonel, let's box'em in a room, wainot' 1871538;1542041096;mircea_popescu;ha. you know they tried this on me, kinda ? 1871539;1542041098;mircea_popescu;did not take. but yes. 1871540;1542041106;asciilifeform;of course they'd try 1871541;1542041128;asciilifeform;we're from neighbouring, if you will, home planets. 1871542;1542041133;mircea_popescu;rather. 1871543;1542041162;asciilifeform;fwiw asciilifeform's progenitors were matched up via the above algo 1871544;1542041179;mircea_popescu;seems to have worked out ok. 1871545;1542041192;asciilifeform;certainly if compared to 'freechoice'landia folx. 1871546;1542041267;mircea_popescu;amusingly, ballas sorta-kinda sees parts of the issue ("it is not that i am interested, i perceive it is important and therefore i force myself to be interested" ), but vehehehery safely limited to things like "reading the economist" and such. 1871547;1542044609;diana_coman;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-12#1871477 - that was just another rsa key in the tests; meanwhile fixed once and for all, properly i.e. http://ossasepia.com/2018/11/04/smg-comms-chapter-6-packing-and-unpacking-rsa/comment-page-1/#comment-4457 1871548;1542044609;a111;Logged on 2018-11-12 15:42 mircea_popescu: bvt http://bvt-trace.net/2018/11/gnat2017-gcc-breaks-smg_comms-mpi-extern-inline-function-issues/#selection-37.321-37.374 << basically, some lines got arbitrarily truncated and everything went to shit subsequently ? 1871549;1542044635;mircea_popescu;a ok 1871550;1542044661;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in other perhaps-contentious-yet-barely-relevant obscura, http://trilema.com/2015/the-fetlife-meatlist-volume-v/#comment-127007 1871551;1542044678;mircea_popescu;(really, just a disguised attempt to show off my latest header. ain't that shit insane ?) 1871552;1542046029;asciilifeform;diana_coman: neato 1871553;1542046063;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: a+++ headerface 1871554;1542046074;asciilifeform;where is the comicbook wall in the bg ? 1871555;1542046295;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: quite unrelatedly, what's your recommended formula for 'manifest' in keccak regrinds ? ( i.e. to retrofit manifest to ancient stuff, or only to latest v cut of it ? and with current blockheight, or to somehow estimate the one at the time of original publication ? ) 1871556;1542046309;*;asciilifeform in the process of keccakizing ffa, hence practical q 1871557;1542046431;asciilifeform;originally i was gonna simply regrind ( by running through new vdiff ) ch1-11, and invite reader to hand-diff if he likes and see that only hashes have changed. but then noticed that the new vdiff also processes files in different order, so this won't give clean 'only hashes' diff. so thinking, may as well retrofit manifest to each of ch1-11 1871558;1542046596;phf;asciilifeform: yeah, unfortunately, we even had a thread about it. gnu diff does sort using locale, where's vdiff does strict ascii collation 1871559;1542046603;asciilifeform;phf: right 1871560;1542046614;asciilifeform;it's gnudiff that spewed ~random order. 1871561;1542046658;phf;i think locale based collation for en or us or whatever puts some punctuation marks into odd positions. "gratuitous" i believe is the word, that is we couldn't figure out the sense behind it 1871562;1542046677;asciilifeform;there aint any real sense behind the 'locale' nonsense imho 1871563;1542046695;asciilifeform;i expect it was a concession to the french or some other barbarian tribe 1871564;1542046725;asciilifeform;'here in sheepfuckistan, q goes before z' or somesuch 1871565;1542046732;asciilifeform;lol, err, z/q 1871566;1542046736;asciilifeform;whichever 1871567;1542046786;asciilifeform;( observe, the WHOLE fucking problem ascii standard was meant to solve, quietly got 'reopened' by the unitards ) 1871568;1542046839;asciilifeform;imho if the franks, or the visigoths, want diff sorting order when alphabetizing, they oughta have proclaimed a FSCII and VGSCII etc 1871569;1542046845;asciilifeform;but no, somehow gotta barnacle on orig. 1871570;1542049319;mircea_popescu;i dunno, artists studio whatever. 1871571;1542049352;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform imo manifest ~should~ be historically accurate. 1871572;1542049387;mircea_popescu;and yes, i recall the "what is alphabetic order" wtf 1871573;1542049405;asciilifeform;imho also. the q is what's the most accurate , given that orig had no manifest 1871574;1542049442;asciilifeform;currently looking into how diana_coman did it 1871575;1542049446;mircea_popescu;"This manifest created on x to comply with prevailing standards ; original had no such thing." fir instance ? 1871576;1542049489;asciilifeform;right. but i'm regrinding ch1-11 into keccak. ought manifest only to live in ch12 ( 11 technically had one, but it was adhoc, and not conformant to current formulation ) ? or in all ch1-11 1871577;1542050173;diana_coman;asciilifeform, http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-06#1858798 1871578;1542050173;a111;Logged on 2018-10-06 14:31 diana_coman: I'll soon do the regrind of eucrypt to move it on to keccak hashes; my plan is to keep the patches precisely as they are otherwise (i.e. including NO manifest until I actually added it at the end); the way I see it, it's just a swap-in-place of one hash for another; if anyone sees this sort of thing differently - since I'm hmmm,first to regrind a big project? - yell now ! 1871579;1542050213;asciilifeform;ty diana_coman 1871580;1542050667;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform imo just add it with ch12 1871581;1542050671;asciilifeform;aite 1871582;1542054261;bvt;trinque: thanks! 1871583;1542054271;bvt;diana_coman: i have updated the article with links to the logs. i confirm that using -std=gnu89 fixes the issue. -std=c89 -- does not. 1871584;1542054286;bvt;i have also restored your comment in it's sane form. separating the < and > with spaces (s#<# < #) avoids html detection, though adapting one's habits to wp behavior is definitely not a solution. 1871585;1542054300;bvt;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-12#1871478 << fixing/replacing the theme is on my todo list, however i still haven't fixed all the problems in wp-admin (png/jpg vs svg), so work on the theme will have to wait a bit. 1871586;1542054300;a111;Logged on 2018-11-12 15:42 mircea_popescu: also, if you're going to overwrite your margins why have them. 1871587;1542054413;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-12#1871471 << I do indeed have a list 1871588;1542054413;a111;Logged on 2018-11-12 15:36 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-11#1870872 << i expect you do, specifically btc to ff conversions etc ? 1871589;1542054433;bvt;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-12#1871493 << first, i'd like to do a linux syscall ada tree (focusing on 4 syscalls first: openat,close,mmap,stat) for aarch64 and intel arches. 1871590;1542054433;a111;Logged on 2018-11-12 15:48 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-12#1871447 << an ada mpi, however, would be a most interesting item. 1871591;1542054496;bvt;though i have nothing against work on bignum multiplication and modexp -- but as i see it, it could be a side branch of ffa. ffa already provides a solid foundation for such algorithm exploration. 1871592;1542054654;*;BingoBoingo woke up this morning to a sad home internet connection to troubleshoot 1871593;1542055031;mircea_popescu;bvt that works. 1871594;1542055368;diana_coman;bvt, that sounds good! 1871595;1542059318;asciilifeform;!Q later tell phf http://btcbase.org/patches/v98#L74 leads to http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/WhT97/?raw=true on (apparently all) boxes containing asciilifeform's pubkey 1871596;1542059318;lobbesbot;asciilifeform: The operation succeeded. 1871597;1542059455;asciilifeform;!Q later tell phf for that matter, it does same thing! with yours! pray tell how didja even test the v98 thing, on what. 1871598;1542059456;lobbesbot;asciilifeform: The operation succeeded. 1871599;1542059514;asciilifeform;tho i'm beginning to suspect the culprit : 1871600;1542059588;asciilifeform;i dun have any cuntoo boxes here yet. all of my dev machines run vintage gentoo, where the gpg that python-gnupg sees is gpg2 (cuz idjit portage pulled it in, long ago). asciilifeform's actual pgp-ing happens on diff machine, naturally, with 1.4.10 . but apparently phf's hack for subkeyism breaks the thing in this combo. 1871601;1542059642;asciilifeform;can somebody plz confirm that v98 ( as it appears in http://barksinthewind.com/2018/vpy-updated-for-vtools/ ) actually worked somewhere ? 1871602;1542059660;bvt;mircea_popescu: unfortunately i can't provide a timeline for the syscalls yet: between 19.11. and 07.12. i will have time for only very minor work, following logs, etc. 1871603;1542059666;bvt;if i manage to do something usable this weekend, i'll genesis that, otherwise i'll make an empty genesis and just outline the work i expect. 1871604;1542059717;bvt;asciilifeform: is remerging portage with USE=-rsync-verify an option? you can downgrade to gpg1 afterwards 1871605;1542059729;asciilifeform;( alternatively, does anybody know how to control the gpg binary that python-gnupg sees ? ) 1871606;1542059757;asciilifeform;bvt: i am EXTREMELY reluctant to touch any of the portage knobs, these boxes are 'dried in amber' . 1871607;1542059769;asciilifeform;what i'd like is a pill that is guaranteed not to break ANYTHING else. 1871608;1542059802;mircea_popescu;bvt that's fine. 1871609;1542059811;phf;asciilifeform: i suppose next patch would be to replace gnupg with explicit shell callouts. that python gnupg thing is entirely opaque 1871610;1542059811;lobbesbot;phf: Sent 8 minutes ago: http://btcbase.org/patches/v98#L74 leads to http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/WhT97/?raw=true on (apparently all) boxes containing asciilifeform's pubkey 1871611;1542059812;lobbesbot;phf: Sent 5 minutes ago: for that matter, it does same thing! with yours! pray tell how didja even test the v98 thing, on what. 1871612;1542059845;asciilifeform;phf: it will be even gnarlier, would have to parse the output somehow and essentially recreate all of python-gnupg ( wanna ? ) 1871613;1542059873;phf;asciilifeform: all the other kids do it! 1871614;1542059882;asciilifeform;lol 1871615;1542059884;phf;asciilifeform: everything i test, i test on Linux gravity 4.4.138-1-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Tue Jun 26 21:26:35 MDT 2018 aarch64 GNU/Linux, which is a press of your rk pre-cuntoo 1871616;1542059910;asciilifeform;phf: well that aint what i have here. 1871617;1542059921;asciilifeform;and imho it is pretty sad that a vtron even sees ~anything~ 'systemwide'. 1871618;1542059930;asciilifeform;really oughta be entirely homedir-local. 1871619;1542059949;asciilifeform;and yes it was originally my kludge. but the diff is, mine worked... 1871620;1542059967;asciilifeform;( on , afaik, all known kochian gpg ) 1871621;1542059990;mircea_popescu;very much should be homedir local. 1871622;1542060010;phf;asciilifeform: yours doesn't have any notion of subkeys, so i'm not entirely sure "how" it worked. 1871623;1542060017;asciilifeform;it worked!! 1871624;1542060025;phf;well, that's a useful conversation. 1871625;1542060026;mircea_popescu;this conversation... 1871626;1542060077;asciilifeform;loox like i'ma have to strip out the subkey garbage, and regenesis, 'v98-that-actually-worx'. unless phf has better idea. 1871627;1542060083;mircea_popescu;in more useful news : gpg = gnupg.GPG(binary='path') 1871628;1542060103;*;asciilifeform goes to try mircea_popescu's tip 1871629;1542060151;mircea_popescu;there's also a homedir for the keyring 1871630;1542060163;asciilifeform;TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'binary 1871631;1542060166;asciilifeform;' 1871632;1542060173;asciilifeform;apparently not in my ver, grr 1871633;1542060184;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: v.py never used keyring 1871634;1542060199;asciilifeform;it always baked a tmp to satisfy gpg's keyring idjicy and nuked it after 1871635;1542060206;phf;asciilifeform: try gpgbinary 1871636;1542060221;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform no but how do you call it ? import gnupg ? and then gpg = ? 1871637;1542060243;asciilifeform;phf: worx -- in the sense that no above eggog : but same result as previously, http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/wmR7H/?raw=true 1871638;1542060248;asciilifeform;so apparently gpg2ism is not the culprit 1871639;1542060394;*;asciilifeform went to strace to find what gpg binary it actually invokes, and oddly enuff no mentions of EITHER in strace output... 1871640;1542060395;phf;asciilifeform: what does your gnupg.__version__ return? 1871641;1542060443;asciilifeform;0.3.2 1871642;1542060463;phf;mine is 0.4.1 1871643;1542060483;asciilifeform;ok... 1871644;1542060492;phf;well, time to vpatch gnupg.py 1871645;1542060497;asciilifeform;my orig worked with 0.3.2 ( which is poured into cement and i have no intention to 'upgrade' wtf lol ) 1871646;1542060529;asciilifeform;phf: can you plz remind me why you changed that routine to begin with ? 1871647;1542060597;phf;asciilifeform: because that routine doesn't work with version 0.4.1, it only picks up primary keys 1871648;1542060605;asciilifeform;ugh 1871649;1542060699;asciilifeform;i can't think of anyffing to do but a) make flensed version of phf's that actually worx here, i have NO intention of breaking my legacy toolchain in which i still have 90000 unconverted private patches or b) bake an e.g. if gpg.__version__ = phf : ... else .... thing 1871650;1542060784;phf;asciilifeform: you can also calm the fuck down, and post your version of gnupg, version 0.3.2, unsigned is fine, and we can figure out what the issue is. i'll look at the diff and see if 0.3.2 can be added to v.py as another file 1871651;1542060812;asciilifeform;phf: i dun want to glom python-gnupg into vtron tho! 1871652;1542060815;asciilifeform;it'd be ugly as sin 1871653;1542060820;asciilifeform;and 10xuple its mass 1871654;1542060842;phf;because it is already 10xuple its mass! we are just pretending like it's not 1871655;1542060867;phf;"i have a copy of gnupg that works, and everyone that's using anything else is an idiot" is not much a strategy 1871656;1542060870;asciilifeform;by that token it's 3GB cuz that's how much stripped gentoo weighs, lol 1871657;1542060877;phf;correct. 1871658;1542060964;asciilifeform;it's nonsense tho. 1871659;1542060978;asciilifeform;i wrote ~10kb proggy, not 3GB. 1871660;1542061001;asciilifeform;i will not be answerable for a 3GB ball of shit, there aint even 1% of the necessary hrs to read it, left in my lifespan 1871661;1542061040;asciilifeform;so loox like i'll be going with button 'a' . 1871662;1542061045;phf;asciilifeform: i'm surprised at this entirely un-vtronic argument. your "10kb proggy" brings in a magic dependency, that nobody else has except for you 1871663;1542061066;asciilifeform;really, nobody ? why is it that nobody until phf's v98 felt inclined to change the routine, then ? 1871664;1542061108;asciilifeform;with all respect to phf -- it seems to me that he's the one with the nonstandard envir 1871665;1542061165;phf;that's accidental. most people have been running mod6's v.pl, they also might've pulled the dependency back when v.py came out, of various __version__'s closer to the one you have, but not necessarily exact. i think your attachment to your code clouds your judgment! 1871666;1542061213;asciilifeform;phf: fwiw my orig v.py is pretty sad in several wellknown ways -- i'm not particularly attached to it, would happily take mod6's, if there were (did i miss??) a ver of it patched to work in keccak 1871667;1542061299;asciilifeform;i was able to regrind ffa today, using phf's vdiff, but atm cannot yet press and confirm that it actually presses to same thing as the classical 1871668;1542061305;phf;i've narrated how to make v.pl work with keccak, i think i even posted an unsigned patch for mod6, butman is busy 1871669;1542061317;phf;*but man 1871670;1542061341;asciilifeform;seems like the closest thing to a working keccak-vtron currently is phf's v98 tho 1871671;1542061352;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you seriously can't go after people who happen to not share your ~unpublished~ personal pre-chain. 1871672;1542061376;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: atm i'm not even in a place where i can say who's what is buggy 1871673;1542061379;asciilifeform;still remains to be seen 1871674;1542061394;mircea_popescu;if it were a case of "phf why the fuck are you using non-v or non-tmsr or non-standard or non-something" it'd have legs. as it is it's "phf why didn't you intuit what's in the magic box under my bed" ? 1871675;1542061399;asciilifeform;no i get it 1871676;1542061413;asciilifeform;but gotta find a pill, cuz right nao wheels turning in the mud 1871677;1542061423;mircea_popescu;right. 1871678;1542061432;phf;i have to excuse myself midway through conversation, but will chime in later 1871679;1542061442;asciilifeform;( i need specifically both vtrons to work on these boxen , with no systemwide modifications ) 1871680;1542061454;asciilifeform;phf: np 1871681;1542061484;phf;asciilifeform: well post your gnupg.py and i will at the very least look at the diff between the two. maybe their subkey strategy has changed 1871682;1542061516;mircea_popescu;we gotta get rid of this whole "subkey" bs and kock-shitsandwich bs along with it. 1871683;1542061528;mircea_popescu;fuck you stallman, your "gnu" is as meaningful as "made in america" 1871684;1542061553;asciilifeform;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/UOTkS/?raw=true 1871685;1542061572;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: funnily enuff happens to be exactly what asciilifeform's doing 1871686;1542061596;mircea_popescu;no, i know. and unsurprising enough, also. 1871687;1542061603;asciilifeform;( and currently stepping on erry possible gnu.nail ) 1871688;1542061694;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: stallman has plenty to answer for, but i dunno what he has to do specifically with koch's gpg 1871689;1542061707;mircea_popescu;why's it called "gnu" pg ? 1871690;1542061715;asciilifeform;i'll be happy to see'em sitting on neighbouring stakes tho 1871691;1542061744;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: presumably cuz koch stuck a gpl sticker on it 1871692;1542061751;mircea_popescu;what, specifically, is the tag supposed to convey ? cuz it sure as fuck doesn't seem to be "we'll randomly change abis because why the fuck not, windowns power!" 1871693;1542061772;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform hence the "made in america" comment. the america of africa, as much an america as any other america rite. 1871694;1542061774;asciilifeform;that's yet a third derp, whoever wrote python-gnupg 1871695;1542061784;asciilifeform;( presently dun look like it's a gpg1-vs-2-ism ) 1871696;1542062001;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: entire unixlike ecosystem has never afaik been anyffing other than africa. 1871697;1542062020;asciilifeform;not since leaving at&t cellars at any rate 1871698;1542062068;asciilifeform;it's exactly an africa, complete with tsetse fly. 1871699;1542077414;deedbot;http://blog.lobbesblog.com/2018/11/conveyor-outlook-now-to-feb-2019/ << lobbesblog - Conveyor Outlook: Now to Feb 2019 1871700;1542078120;*;lobbes btw is finding esthlos' summaries to be very helpful in finding threads at times 1871701;1542079061;mircea_popescu;that's pretty cool... 1871702;1542079261;BingoBoingo;ty lobbes 1871703;1542086069;deedbot;http://barksinthewind.com/2018/splitting-the-primary-and-the-sub-key-in-a-gnupg-keychain/ << BARKS IN THE WIND - Splitting the primary and the sub key in a gnupg keychain 1871704;1542092600;mircea_popescu;phf "countrary" contrary 1871705;1542096641;diana_coman;fwiw I actually patched v.pl to use phf's vtools and it works absolutely fine; I guess I'll write-it up and publish the whole thing later today if nobody else does it 1871706;1542099586;mircea_popescu;good idea. 1871707;1542099614;mircea_popescu;and in other news, got a shipment of sprats. old riga, including pronouncements as to how kosher they are, in hebrew on the side. 1871708;1542099618;mircea_popescu;made me think of odessa. 1871709;1542099835;mircea_popescu;phf impressive dance you got there. 1871710;1542100349;diana_coman;hey, old riga sprats are great here too! 1871711;1542100371;diana_coman;as the lithuanian-estonian-russian said "they've always been great, what!" 1871712;1542100407;mircea_popescu;hehe. yeah. 1871713;1542115475;deedbot;http://ave1.org/2018/udp-no-c/ << ave1 - UDP - No C 1871714;1542117089;diana_coman;ave1, nice! I'll add it to my list to give it a spin 1871715;1542117138;asciilifeform;ave1: this is neat 1871716;1542117260;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-13#1871708 << funnily i loaded up on same just coupla days ago 1871717;1542117260;a111;Logged on 2018-11-13 09:00 mircea_popescu: made me think of odessa. 1871718;1542117368;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-13#1871703 << also neato, i expect this'll come in handy when we start extracting moduli / migrating off gpg 1871719;1542117368;a111;Logged on 2018-11-13 05:14 deedbot: http://barksinthewind.com/2018/splitting-the-primary-and-the-sub-key-in-a-gnupg-keychain/ << BARKS IN THE WIND - Splitting the primary and the sub key in a gnupg keychain 1871720;1542117731;ave1;asciilifeform, diana_coman: I'm now looking into arm 64bit, but so far seems to be bit more involved. I've not found a way to directly couple an ada varable to a register. 1871721;1542117758;asciilifeform;ave1: do you mean that inline asm is actually broken on arm64 gnat ? or simply not found how to make it go 1871722;1542117767;asciilifeform;( if broken, will have to be fixed, wtf ) 1871723;1542117769;ave1;no not broken 1871724;1542117794;ave1;in x86, I can specify a constraint 1871725;1542117807;ave1;this variable needs to be in the aex register etc 1871726;1542117824;asciilifeform;right, how can even have inline asmism without this 1871727;1542117841;ave1;arm has a lot more registers, but no constraints for these 1871728;1542117860;ave1;instead gcc assumes you use "C", 1871729;1542117874;ave1;in C you can specify the register for a variable at definition time 1871730;1542117931;ave1;like so: register long x0 __asm__("x0") 1871731;1542117941;asciilifeform;ave1: depending on just how sad gcc turns out to be, may have to put the asm in a separate linkable .o and invoke it as if it were c lib 1871732;1542117970;ave1;I've not found equivalent in gnat docs or source 1871733;1542117981;asciilifeform;ave1: what you describe sounds like catastrophic bug in gcc 1871734;1542118029;ave1;This is in gnat (i.e. for gcc C it works fine) 1871735;1542118058;asciilifeform;it'll have to be fixed. 1871736;1542118060;ave1;first work around is to have a bunch of mov instructions before the syscall 1871737;1542118090;asciilifeform;ave1: elaborate ? 1871738;1542118124;ave1;In the inline assembly you specify that the variable can be in a global (constraint == "g") 1871739;1542118150;ave1;then in the inline assembly code, you do something like: mov %0, %%x0 1871740;1542118160;asciilifeform;ugh 1871741;1542118162;ave1;to get the first argument into the x0 registers 1871742;1542118166;ave1;yes ugh 1871743;1542118194;asciilifeform;and how wouldja get a result ~out~ of register and return from function 1871744;1542118208;ave1;I use it now for the recvfrom / sendto calls for x86_64 1871745;1542118229;ave1;same recipe only mov arguments changed 1871746;1542118268;ave1;syscalls only have one outgoing parameter, the errorcode (all other outs are through pointers) 1871747;1542118470;asciilifeform;in the particular example of udp, a coupla extra MOV's won't make a diff speedwise (vs the latency of the nic) but this sorta thing will be ugly once we start writing kernel mods in ada / moving off unix entirely 1871748;1542118521;asciilifeform;ave1: see if you can find what is the coad in gnat that exists on x64 but not arm64, re register pinning 1871749;1542118543;ave1;I've looked into the "constraints" code support in GCC (for x64), but I'm still in the spaghetti phase 1871750;1542118571;ave1;To be clear, the register pinning is in gcc 1871751;1542118574;asciilifeform;i can't speak for other folx, but i dun expect to need this particularly soon, so there is time to unravel the puzzler 1871752;1542118606;ave1;In C there are 2 ways: (a) in the asm instruction, (b) in the register variable definition 1871753;1542118611;asciilifeform;( but eventually i do want to write e.g., asmtronic MUL, for arm64 ffa ) 1871754;1542118621;ave1;in GNAT ther is one way: the asm instruction 1871755;1542118647;ave1;unfortunately the asm instruction has a limited version of the pinning 1871756;1542118654;asciilifeform;well there is also a 'put all asmism in a standalone .S and feed it to the linker' , for completeness 1871757;1542118673;asciilifeform;i.e. same thing i did with the C routines 1871758;1542118675;ave1;yes, but then you'll have to do stack gymnastics etc 1871759;1542118702;asciilifeform;correct 1871760;1542118736;asciilifeform;i suspect it'll result in tighter coad, tho, in principle 1871761;1542118765;asciilifeform;the big q is whether it'll inline ( which for my application is absolutely vital ) 1871762;1542118896;ave1;I'll see if I can patch gcc and add an extra constraint to the asm statement 1871763;1542118912;asciilifeform;when i started ffa, i did not plan to bake any asm speedups at all. but there's 2 reasons to do it, eventually : one is that on e.g. x86/x64, getting the upper half of a word-sized multiplication, without asm, takes ~four~ MULs plus a buncha additions : http://www.loper-os.org/pub/ffa/hypertext/ch11/w_mul__adb.htm#95_14 1871764;1542118976;asciilifeform;the other is that on iron such as certain ARM ( i have not yet investigated ~which~ ) , and ppc, and certain others, there does not even exist a constant-time MUL, and one is stuck with some variant of http://www.loper-os.org/pub/ffa/hypertext/ch11/w_mul__adb.htm#33_13 -- which really begs to be asmed, is riotously inefficient 1871765;1542119063;asciilifeform;( there is also the fact that such a simple thing as addition with carry takes not 1 ADD instruction, but an entire http://www.loper-os.org/pub/ffa/hypertext/ch11/word_ops__adb.htm#36_13 orchestra ) 1871766;1542119083;ave1;Yes, I remember 1871767;1542119105;asciilifeform;so a proper asmification potentially yields 5-10x speedup 'for phree' , all else being equal 1871768;1542119106;ave1;http://www.loper-os.org/pub/ffa/hypertext/ch11/w_mul__adb.htm#33_13, this is the egyptian mul? 1871769;1542119128;asciilifeform;ave1: correct, it is a special narrowed egyptian mul, word-sized 1871770;1542119161;asciilifeform;( see ch. 9 discussion re why, http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2186 ) 1871771;1542119184;asciilifeform;( scroll to the bloody leg illustration ) 1871772;1542119287;asciilifeform;nao, this being said, my objective is still to give acceptably-performing, re erryday ops, ffa ~without asm~. but asmism will make a serious diff re e.g. key generation, make minutes instead of day+. 1871773;1542119344;asciilifeform;if one wants to generate keys on battery power, asm is not escapable. 1871774;1542119745;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-13#1871705 << this will come in very very handy, looking forward to seeing it 1871775;1542119745;a111;Logged on 2018-11-13 08:10 diana_coman: fwiw I actually patched v.pl to use phf's vtools and it works absolutely fine; I guess I'll write-it up and publish the whole thing later today if nobody else does it 1871776;1542119773;asciilifeform;mod6's vtron is my current all-time favourite 1871777;1542119815;asciilifeform;it got enuff battlefield test that he ironed out afaik all the significant bugs 1871778;1542119990;asciilifeform;fwiw i worked around last night's ugh in phf's variant, but i'd much rather use a properly polished item than my kludge 1871779;1542120068;asciilifeform;i expect to post the reground ch1-11 today; folx who read whichever chapters, will be invited to send in seals 1871780;1542120120;asciilifeform;( i still gotta come up with a fix for the comment box on my www; until then , i'll take seals via p.bvulpes.com etc ) 1871781;1542120201;phf;asciilifeform: i've posted a v.pl patch http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-31#1867871 ( archived http://archive.is/ZJUMM ), unfortunately since v.pl doesn't have its own vtree, doing it properly requires a bunch of extra work 1871782;1542120201;a111;Logged on 2018-10-31 03:21 phf: mod6: just fyi i was able to press eucrypt using v.pl by patching it to use vtools's `ksum' for hashing instead of sha512sum and `vpatch' for pressing instead of gnu. http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/PZ4hX/?raw=true 1871783;1542120203;asciilifeform;btw http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-13#1871763 is somewhat misleading, let's correct : this is the case on ALL known archs, gcc is retarded and does not supply a ready-baked inline word x word mul function 1871784;1542120203;a111;Logged on 2018-11-13 14:21 asciilifeform: when i started ffa, i did not plan to bake any asm speedups at all. but there's 2 reasons to do it, eventually : one is that on e.g. x86/x64, getting the upper half of a word-sized multiplication, without asm, takes ~four~ MULs plus a buncha additions : http://www.loper-os.org/pub/ffa/hypertext/ch11/w_mul__adb.htm#95_14 1871785;1542120268;asciilifeform;phf: right, my current understanding is that presently ~errybody has a kludged vtron, but no one yet posted a 'canonical' variant that's 1) properly genesis'd 2) worx errywhere 1871786;1542120275;asciilifeform;for keccak, that is 1871787;1542120290;asciilifeform;possible exception is esthlos, but i have not tested his item yet 1871788;1542120444;asciilifeform;i'd like to be able to put a link in the 'ffa regrind' article, 'and you can press it with ~this~' 1871789;1542120521;phf;right 1871790;1542120581;phf;v.py unfortunately requires a bunch of work (unrelated to yesterday's issue), it was very much a poc, and i suspect you and i are the only people who actively use(d) it 1871791;1542120592;asciilifeform;quite possibly 1871792;1542120605;asciilifeform;it defo should not be considered 'the' vtron. 1871793;1542120668;asciilifeform;( has ~nonexistent error handling; and misbehaves on oddly shaped trees, this is plentifully described in the l0gz ) 1871794;1542120751;asciilifeform;once we have a One Troo scripting language ( possibly some variant of spyked's gc-less ada lisp.. ) i'd like to write a vtron in that ( supposing nobody else beats me to it ) 1871795;1542120771;asciilifeform;really would like to throw out python, perl, bash, etc eventually. 1871796;1542121129;*;asciilifeform brb,tea 1871797;1542126394;mircea_popescu;hanbot http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/6RdYT/?raw=true 1871798;1542126430;asciilifeform;btw i confirmed that phf's v98 ( when patched to remove the subkey handler thing ) successfully presses ch1-11, with bitwise-correct results ( compared with classic vtron ) 1871799;1542126451;asciilifeform;and that gpg1/2ism has 0 to do with the eggog ( i removed the custom gpg invocation line to 0 effect ) 1871800;1542126533;asciilifeform;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/H7UHO/?raw=true << the variant in question, ftr. 1871801;1542126565;asciilifeform;ohai mircea_popescu 1871802;1542126570;mircea_popescu;hey hey! 1871803;1542126673;asciilifeform;btw phf i am enjoying your new logtron feature, with the paste snapshot 1871804;1542126689;asciilifeform;e.g. http://btcbase.org/archive/cc61590c3ccf59a9384c36e05791a34fc8e432570811f896f5d25e79d82d342462299d4fae8f1122f5b3b97e93cc69b505a54b7457d88e8b87994c13b097afd9 1871805;1542128627;mircea_popescu;yeah, pretty cool! 1871806;1542128745;mircea_popescu;meanwhile at the lulz farms, PrincessVH 25F Princess "Not kidding about what?" LordMPofTMSR "Not the sharpest tool in the shed, I take it." 1871807;1542128745;mircea_popescu;PrincessVH "It's due to the fact that your title of the message has been cut in half and the only part that is readable is "How about you drop whatever it is you're d..."" LordMPofTMSR "Intelligence is specifically this (seemingly "magical") ability to find one's way out of a paper bag." 1871808;1542128759;asciilifeform;lol another 1 of those ! 1871809;1542128765;mircea_popescu;there's a whole wide world out there, chitlins, and it has SO MUCH TO OFFER!!! 1871810;1542128772;mircea_popescu;so much of the very same, but much of it nevertheless! 1871811;1542128786;asciilifeform;gotta wonder what they're using for a terminal 1871812;1542128795;mircea_popescu;"hey fellow africans, i wonder what those strange forms in the mists across the ocean might be" "that's just the way the horizon's painted, brother joshuah" 1871813;1542128867;asciilifeform;btw mircea_popescu does errybody on that site only know engl ? 1871814;1542128907;asciilifeform;( maybe consider try in a human lang, get slightly less retarded folx ? ) 1871815;1542129052;mircea_popescu;more retarded. non-anglo women still need traditional "patriarchy" dissolved out of their stupid heads, as per http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-06#1869904 1871816;1542129052;a111;Logged on 2018-11-06 18:12 mircea_popescu: the whole usgistan thing is a ~necessary~ solvent for the otherwise even-more-imbecile "nation of kings" bullshit. 1871817;1542129071;asciilifeform;hm. 1871818;1542129110;mircea_popescu;the choice is literally "this ~half bn or so of english speakers, who have been so neglected as children as to practically emulate classical africans" or else "these ~3bn women, so fucken retarded they will die in http://trilema.com/2017/in-scams-today-disk-less-terminal-sa-dba-laesquinadelamazmorra/#footnote_3_72501 trap without batting an eyelash). 1871819;1542129122;asciilifeform;does seem like 'nature abhors vacuum' tho, the usa folx got reformatted heads but immediately filled up with ???. 1871820;1542129126;mircea_popescu;do you realise girls here are ~so fucking moronic~ they will hang out with their mothers IN THEIR TWENTIES ? 1871821;1542129136;asciilifeform;i thought that was argentines 1871822;1542129142;mircea_popescu;every civilised female has the same reaction, utter disbelief, "omfg i'd have been too ashamed to do this at 15" 1871823;1542129178;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform no, it's latino "culture" so to speak, tho it has entirely nothing to do with culture, much like "they fuck mud with sticks all day" isn't "african industry", it's just african nothing. 1871824;1542129213;asciilifeform;indeed, physiological thrashing, like beheaded chicken's 1871825;1542129277;asciilifeform;( relatedly, i vaguely recall from some old lit that the turks amused themselves by cauterizing beheadee's stump to see if he can be made to chicken, i.e. not bleed out right off, but dun recall source or whether it worked ) 1871826;1542129282;mircea_popescu;i make a lot of noise about dungeons and chains and whips and etc ; but it is a kind of a society game. i am not prepared, neither mentally nor for that matter materially, to ~actually~ apply all that. because yes, the convertor exists, kidnap among the moronic 3bn, but i mean literally, not play-pretendingly, self-delivered "kidnaps", and then torture them into being enslaved orcs rather than plain orcs. 1871827;1542129295;mircea_popescu;fact of the matter is i need 1800s style southern us slaves like i need genital warts. 1871828;1542129316;asciilifeform;i dun see how it could possibly be worth the effort, lacking cotton for'em to pick 1871829;1542129323;mircea_popescu;and even then 1871830;1542129344;asciilifeform;iirc even there they simply threw the less-compliant 80% into the sea 1871831;1542129349;asciilifeform;to get something to work with 1871832;1542129389;mircea_popescu;(a matter little discussed in the abundant "literature" was the implicit brain drain southern economy imposed on southern us. ie, intelligent boys in the newyork-london sphere migrated rather towards new york (hence all the jews, at the time monopolists of intelligence, hence the hatred but different line all that) ; whereas intelligent kids on the st louis-paris line migrated rather to paris. because nothing the fuck to do i 1871833;1542129389;mircea_popescu;n the south if you're not stupid.) 1871834;1542129446;asciilifeform;fundamental problem with agriculture. if you aint a herbivore, being involved in just about any direct capacity makes you wanna eat yer pistol 1871835;1542129467;mircea_popescu;precisely. but it is not ~with agriculture~. it's with... the people involved in agriculture! 1871836;1542129494;mircea_popescu;the reason "all good things flow to the city" is, and for 3k years has been, "i'd rather hang out with thieves than with farmers holy shit you lot are moronic. really, go to bed at 5pm ?" 1871837;1542129619;mircea_popescu;it's not agriculture per se. it's not the land, it's that the land both fosters and nurtures a certain mindset among those troding upon it. too much "all is well" and way the fuck too much "nothing could ever change" and so on. hence, "my mom's just as good a master as could ever be had!" and hence http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-12#1871537 : in rural environs kids too dumb to find their own fucking holes on their own fucking 1871838;1542129619;a111;Logged on 2018-11-12 16:44 asciilifeform: even on asciilifeform's home planet, good chunk of marriages were 'soft-arranged' -- i.e. 'comrade colonel, you have a bachelor son, i have a ripe daughter' 'comrade lt colonel, let's box'em in a room, wainot' 1871839;1542129619;mircea_popescu;power. 1871840;1542129673;asciilifeform;as i understand , stupidity is occupational hazard of agro-anyffing, and percolates insidiously , like gamma ray 1871841;1542129683;mircea_popescu;and hence "Pangloss was professor of metaphysico-theologico-cosmolo-nigology. He proved admirably that there is no effect without a cause, and that, in this best of all possible worlds, the Baron's castle was the most magnificent of castles, and his lady the best of all possible Baronesses." 1871842;1542129713;asciilifeform;'even had glass in windows!11' 1871843;1542129790;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform not really. the romans were agricultural folk, just as much as the alwa or the indians making wootz steel. 1871844;1542129809;asciilifeform;didn't they staff it mostly with zeks tho 1871845;1542129826;asciilifeform;( under overseers earning commission ) 1871846;1542129868;mircea_popescu;not originally. the might as well as the power of the republic was ~entirely~ agricultural. cincinnatus is not famous for "turning down the purple", but for ~turning down the purple to go back to ploughing."! 1871847;1542129896;mircea_popescu;all latin classicity bemoans the loss of agricultural tradition, their hightly regarded source of intelligence and manliness. 1871848;1542129914;asciilifeform;i'll admit that i credit 'cincinnatus plowing with own 2 hands' approx as much as i credit king arthur 1871849;1542129921;asciilifeform;difficult to picture . 1871850;1542129948;mircea_popescu;no, i believe the story is factual. man was out ploughing, with own two hands, senate legati came to talk to him, asked him to go put his toga on. 1871851;1542129973;mircea_popescu;sounds exactly like 1700s pennsylvania. and the reason it does is because it is. 1871852;1542129982;asciilifeform;there's a reason he's a quasi-mythical figure, tho, like diogen 1871853;1542129996;mircea_popescu;i dunno what yo umean by quasi. am i quasi-mythical figure ? 1871854;1542130006;asciilifeform;100 y from nao ? prolly 1871855;1542130011;mircea_popescu;nonsense. 1871856;1542130017;asciilifeform;'really , he whipped'em himself ? did he also refine own copper ' 1871857;1542130032;mircea_popescu;diogenes pushed his tub, cincinnatus ploughed his field, i... i dunno, took weird pictures of myself put them on trilema. 1871858;1542130045;mircea_popescu;people do things, that's why there's a history in the first place. 1871859;1542130065;asciilifeform;indeed consists of record of folx who could actually be arsed to do things.. 1871860;1542130067;mircea_popescu;history doesn't exist because grandchildren wanked it in the bed at night ; history exists because grandfathers fucked grandmothers. 1871861;1542130110;mircea_popescu;your whole argument is essentially seinfeld's "oh, my parents having sex... i dunno... i haven't seen it... as far as i know they could maybe be just really, REALLY good friends!" 1871862;1542130119;asciilifeform;lol 1871863;1542130129;mircea_popescu;"it's possible" right ? except no, it fucking ain't. 1871864;1542130158;asciilifeform;my point was that cincinnatus was 'typical farmer' like mircea_popescu is 'typical photographer' 1871865;1542130189;asciilifeform;( pro turtle-flipper!111 ) 1871866;1542130243;mircea_popescu;but it wasn't proposed he's "typical" or "normal" or in any way reduce his person to some kind of http://trilema.com/2016/the-herd-of-independent-minds-or-has-the-avantgarde-its-own-mass-culture/#selection-87.551-87.706 falsity. when i call my slave "a slave" i do not by any possible read propose that "she has some kind of slave nature" like nail polish or something. 1871867;1542130264;asciilifeform;then sure 1871868;1542130272;mircea_popescu;it was proposed he was a fucking farmer, in the proper and only sense, like fucking carlyle. farming is a thing BECAUSE cincinnatus farfmed, and bdsm is a thing because MP bdsm's. 1871869;1542130291;mircea_popescu;that there's a bunch of moronic kids over at hot topic in the mall doing "the industry" of things men do... what the fuck of it ? 1871870;1542130302;asciilifeform;i do suspect that http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-13#1871847 was 'admiration from a distance' rather than factual tho. sorta like marie antoinette's milkmaid career. 1871871;1542130302;a111;Logged on 2018-11-13 17:24 mircea_popescu: all latin classicity bemoans the loss of agricultural tradition, their hightly regarded source of intelligence and manliness. 1871872;1542130328;mircea_popescu;circero's certainly was, man had the diseased of comfortable middle class men. 1871873;1542130338;mircea_popescu;cato's... more dubiously. 1871874;1542130344;mircea_popescu;he sounds boer if anything. 1871875;1542130426;mircea_popescu;and that's yet another fine example, see ? french men go to louisiana, produce us south a century later. dutch men go to transvaal, produce south africa a century later. 1871876;1542130435;mircea_popescu;farming. with black slaves. both times. 1871877;1542130437;asciilifeform;there's definitely factual substance to the archetype of 'farmer ready to pick up weapon and defend his not-needing-the-city-for-anyffing', hence the festivities in '20s ru re tambov rebellion ( where the reds pretty much brought back ivan iv's methods, incl. mass impalement ) to put down 1871878;1542130450;mircea_popescu;right ? 1871879;1542130468;asciilifeform;right, point 1871880;1542130516;asciilifeform;possibly this kinda thing even still exists today, in e.g. afgan 1871881;1542130548;asciilifeform;( where cultivate poppy with ~barehands and the only 'modern' tech held in any esteem is kalash ) 1871882;1542130582;mircea_popescu;well, if it exists somewhere we haven't found it yet ; but it certainly informs reasoning lines such as http://btcbase.org/log/2018-09-01#1846537 1871883;1542130582;a111;Logged on 2018-09-01 15:28 mircea_popescu: like it or not, man has some responsibilities to rhodesia. 1871884;1542130602;mircea_popescu;"why does he ?" "because maybe they're doing it right, and that's fucking binding, on the entire world." 1871885;1542130604;asciilifeform;i suspect - if it exists - you'd need a quite long drill to get to it 1871886;1542130611;mircea_popescu;so we're building drills. 1871887;1542130623;mircea_popescu;hardware, amirite ? what's a bit, what's a byte. 1871888;1542130629;asciilifeform;heh 1871889;1542130871;asciilifeform;selective tech adoption is imho a fascinating thing. even the amerinds, for all their miswired heads, picked up horse and rifle and carried on 300+ yrs past their expiration date. ( picture if they had also had radio ! ) 1871890;1542130969;asciilifeform;i suspect that a good chunk of the 'organizational win' from cityism can be cut away from the http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-13#1871872 , to interesting result 1871891;1542130969;a111;Logged on 2018-11-13 17:32 mircea_popescu: circero's certainly was, man had the diseased of comfortable middle class men. 1871892;1542130979;asciilifeform;picture golden horde with cryptoradio. 1871893;1542131015;mircea_popescu;anyway, but the important point can't be overstated enough. it's not a matter of terra-ad-limine, whereby the county is from this limit to that limit to that other limit, and as long as you're not past the limits therefore you're inside and thereby anjie is "in tech" (hey, you can't prove she's out, right ? therefore she;s in ?) and also thereby http://trilema.com/2012/generatia-fara/#selection-145.61-145.72 stands as a party 1871894;1542131015;mircea_popescu; (hey, you can't prove it isn't a party!!!) and other such http://trilema.com/2011/voi-ce-ati-facut-in-viata-asta-ba/#selection-119.375-119.430 nonsense. 1871895;1542131054;mircea_popescu;it's a matter of columnae lucum, whereby ~THIS~, and this and only this and this only is the epitome, and everyone around is closer or further to that epitome, and at the outskirts it becomes unclear if there's even a relation at all or not. 1871896;1542131115;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: do you recall ancient trilema piece , about some derp working in (iirc) google, where you had 'if industry were a rifle, he'd be the fouling on the barrel' ? 1871897;1542131172;asciilifeform;'city' seems to inescapably produce huge qty of such 'fouling'. i find interesting the q of what is 'carnot efficiency' of city, what if anyffing worx to keep down the waste product ( of the most toxic type -- bipedal ) 1871898;1542131205;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the whole fucking point of http://trilema.com/2012/anonimity-or-the-urban-versus-rural-dispute/ (especially as coupled with http://trilema.com/2015/strategy-for-the-antisocial-struggle/ ) is that the world has substantially changed, and there is ~no further win~ to be had from cityism, and a WHOLE lot of cost to be eaten. which is ~the fucking point~ of http://trilema.com/2017/the-world-has-changed/ : given the 1871899;1542131205;mircea_popescu;change, objective and unyielding, of the wheel coming cycle and the up being now down and the shoe on the other foot, "the elders" sat and thought for a half second and decided between boys and walls they'd rather have the walls. 1871900;1542131220;mircea_popescu;consequently, boys gotta be boys lest they break down the walls. and that was that for anglo culture. 1871901;1542131286;mircea_popescu;i'm sorry, i mean 1871902;1542131290;mircea_popescu;consequently, boys gotta be bois lest they break down the walls. and that was that for anglo culture. 1871903;1542131342;asciilifeform;asciilifeform's q wasn't 'whether 4th reich is ripe for the visigoths', seems pretty clear that it is. but whether the entire cycle, where manchu horsemen , 'free and manly' , invade, then turn into fat and idjit empress cixi, is escapable or not 1871904;1542131440;asciilifeform;i guess could rewrite the eqn into the q of whether people are actually smarter than prikoke the pig, or no 1871905;1542131444;mircea_popescu;i and my slaves might laugh at stupid local girlies, "20 in her mom's tow" and at stupid 50yos who are trying to ~now~ be slutty, as if time somehow waited for them to take the 35 years they "needed" to achieve 35 months' worth of intellectual maturation. but as troglodyte as http://trilema.com/2017/the-day-of-failure-trilemma/#selection-423.0-423.517 readily marks all of latino morons in the eyes of any euro whore i ever kne 1871906;1542131444;mircea_popescu;w, nevertheless, NEVERTHELESS!!!! they are way ahead of the anglotarded chicks who http://trilema.com/2018/an-examination-of-conflict/ ie try to enforce "the elders". oh, john, daddy said "sit down, sit down, sit down you're rocking the boat", we'd better sit down!!! 1871907;1542131473;mircea_popescu;so in a very specific, and very purple and meaty sense, the moronic lartinos are way the fuck ahead of the moronic anglos. 1871908;1542131618;asciilifeform;seems that mircea_popescu still prefers the anglo chix as raw material in refinery tho 1871909;1542131619;mircea_popescu;(and this, for the record, is also why i think very little of eg pete_dushenski's private committments : http://trilema.com/2015/very-bad-things/#selection-37.0-37.32 female misbehaviour exists ~specifically~ and strictly and only because they're covering up for this fundamental "between boys and walls daddy chose walls, don't upset him". 1871910;1542131623;asciilifeform;so evidently not too ahead 1871911;1542131657;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yes. this is the fucking problem, if faced with the choice of the crashed bmw or the new toyota i'd still buy and fix the crashed bmw. 1871912;1542131666;asciilifeform;makessense. 1871913;1542131680;mircea_popescu;because i get it, toyota "new from factory", but it's a stupid fucking factory i want little do to with. 1871914;1542131707;asciilifeform;do 'new toyota' come with win10 nao, or notyet 1871915;1542131712;mircea_popescu;i'd rather have bayernische body hammered back into an approximation of its original, genotypic shape, than mexican body as its mom made it. 1871916;1542131730;mircea_popescu;nfi, but i'm not even discussing that. i am discussing THE LINE 1871917;1542131749;mircea_popescu;the problem of art is that the freehand line is the hardest thing i nthe world. put pen to paper, and draw it, and see. 1871918;1542131753;asciilifeform;right. but iirc e.g. new porche is ~= newtoyota. 1871919;1542131761;mircea_popescu;"but mp, why do you think these squigglies are worth millions, there's not even color on them" 1871920;1542131779;mircea_popescu;"fuck you, i'll burn your fambly in da vinci's oven to heat him while he draws another" 1871921;1542131831;mircea_popescu;there is such a thing as an incorrect line -- proven by the fact that the overwhelmingly vast majority of them are. 1871922;1542131839;mircea_popescu;some guys draw correct lines, that's all there is to it. 1871923;1542131858;asciilifeform;seems that we're already in 'late rome' in re 'best tech lives at antique shop', just about across the board 1871924;1542131891;mircea_popescu;either that or 1492 and cinquecento about to turn in 1871925;1542131913;mircea_popescu;an obscure man named something or the other sorta-landed on the shore of crypto a few years ago. 1871926;1542131931;asciilifeform;wheel -- turns. 1871927;1542131968;mircea_popescu;funnily enough, a) he thought he had found "the west indies" and b) he landed on some skirting islands, never found mainland. 1871928;1542131983;mircea_popescu;wheel -- turns -- ALWAYS THE SAME WAY. exept sameness visible only retrospectively. 1871929;1542132055;asciilifeform;asciilifeform ~decade ago went to a traditional american festivity, gigantic flea market where small arms bought and sold in open air. found it interesting that the most valuable wares were not even antiques in the usual sense, of century+, but 1970s-80s : apparently the 'peak' of the tech, modern calibers and 0 zamac. 1871930;1542132071;mircea_popescu;aha. 1871931;1542132106;asciilifeform;( to be fair, not only zamac in this story, but peculiarity of gringostani politics where 'pre-ban' xyz is a thing ) 1871932;1542132149;asciilifeform;all this in re 'crashed bmw better than new toyota' files. 1871933;1542132181;asciilifeform;rusty 'tommy', apparently also better than brand-new ???. 1871934;1542132236;asciilifeform;they come with pedigree papers, too, like picasso ( with the diff that typically if you buy mispedigreed picasso, you dun get jailed for 20y ) 1871935;1542132246;mircea_popescu;lots of that. but really it comes down to http://trilema.com/2015/what-was-the-lomax-any-why-was-it-there-and-who-could-have-lifted-it-to-take-it-somewhere/#selection-67.0-67.13 versus https://www.amore.ng/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/Leonardo-Da-Vinci-Jesus-YouTube.jpg and guess what the fuck wins. 1871936;1542132266;mircea_popescu;the fucking line. pen on a paper. 1871937;1542132358;mircea_popescu;and, amusingly, everyone's now a "designer", that design's so fucking dead... do you ever look at classical soviet oh of courese you do, the buran discussion right ? that item had a line to it, and you can tell from a glance it was made by humans. 1871938;1542132373;asciilifeform;damn thing certainly had 'line'. like mig9. 1871939;1542132387;asciilifeform;felt just about like you could get on the thing and fly. 1871940;1542132392;mircea_popescu;i visited this jewish doctor here, and he looked at my retinas, with this old set he had. i asked him how old it is, and he said "maybe thirty years". "yeah, thirty years counting from the 90s ?" 1871941;1542132422;mircea_popescu;cuz you can fucking tell, a little lantern with mirrors in a case. 1871942;1542132450;asciilifeform;prettu sure '90s was when you could last get one without winblowz on it, yes 1871943;1542132508;asciilifeform;asciilifeform worked in places where 1980s e.g. mass spectrometer, and not because no budget for 1+$mil to replace it, but because nobody wants the 'upgrade' with win vista 1871944;1542132533;asciilifeform;folx cling to the old, working gear for dear life 1871945;1542132575;mircea_popescu;cuz it is dear life. 1871946;1542132586;mircea_popescu;or at any rate the only available approximation thereof. 1871947;1542132622;asciilifeform;i recall thread with BingoBoingo re old iron electric drill. i see'em at flea markets routinely, nobody buys, and then the idjits go to 'home despot' shop and load up on chinesium that breaks in half after 17 uses 1871948;1542132646;asciilifeform;whereas 1940s vintage item still runs 100% 1871949;1542132660;mircea_popescu;the reason "roman art treasure lie forgotten" was specifically that what the fuck is german peasant to do with it lmao. 1871950;1542132691;asciilifeform;quite obvious re 'roman art', but less so re workaday obj like drill 1871951;1542132710;asciilifeform;i'd naively think that the iron drill would be quite exciting find for current-day carpenter 1871952;1542132712;mircea_popescu;roman art WAS workaday obj lol 1871953;1542132730;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform and aqueduct also exciting for medieval town ? 1871954;1542132751;asciilifeform;slightly diff item, aqueduct requires maintenance to some degree 1871955;1542132757;asciilifeform;but i see the point 1871956;1542132777;mircea_popescu;everything requires maintenance. that's the difference of art : man made, requires maintenance. 1871957;1542132812;asciilifeform;troo 1871958;1542132823;mircea_popescu;(art here is used in the classical, and only proper sense. same cognate as "artificial", not "artistic". there is no such fucking thing as "artistic" not anymore than there's "tech industry" or "nation of africa" -- broken abstractions borne of "perceived need" of the ignorant) 1871959;1542132828;asciilifeform;well yes 1871960;1542132838;asciilifeform;( in sane langs afaik this distinction is quite clear right off the page ) 1871961;1542132960;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-13#1871739 << jesus fuck this is what people don't like about emulators. 1871962;1542132960;a111;Logged on 2018-11-13 14:09 ave1: then in the inline assembly code, you do something like: mov %0, %%x0 1871963;1542133015;asciilifeform;btw ave1 i'm pretty sure i recall that gnat knows how to eat godly asm syntax instead of %%%%%%%%%'gas'liquishit 1871964;1542133181;asciilifeform;imho at&t asm syntax is a fucking plague 1871965;1542133198;asciilifeform;and defo belongs on the list of what the gnu people will be held to answer for 1871966;1542133276;asciilifeform;( gcc, objdump, as, etc ALL default to it, ugly as sin as pointlessly verbose ) 1871967;1542133344;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-13#1871767 << i can see it. 1871968;1542133344;a111;Logged on 2018-11-13 14:25 asciilifeform: so a proper asmification potentially yields 5-10x speedup 'for phree' , all else being equal 1871969;1542133344;asciilifeform;and i'll add that the name 'intel format' for the SANE asm syntax, is misnomer -- i had an assembler for e.g. c64, that ate an' shat sane form, and no intel was involved in any shape 1871970;1542133442;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: iirc just comba (basecase mul) alone, if asmified, is 8x speedup , even if all else left alone 1871971;1542133478;asciilifeform;( cuz that's where most time spent when rsa ) 1871972;1542133533;asciilifeform;this of course in barrett reduction variant. ( otherwise most time spend in fz_div ) 1871973;1542133643;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/11/numerous-western-fiat-governments-pushing-for-new-wave-of-internet-totalitarianism/ << Qntra - Numerous Western Fiat "Governments" Pushing For New Wave of Internet Totalitarianism 1871974;1542134519;asciilifeform;gold. 1871975;1542134622;asciilifeform;'Likewise, the moment Macron finished his speech, up popped a Microsoft blog post heralding the speech as a "an important step toward peace and security in the digital world."' 1871976;1542134632;asciilifeform;didjaknow. 1871977;1542134966;asciilifeform;'Building upon successful hash sharing efforts to further assist in proactive removal of illicit content. ... Setting ambitious industry standards, and increasing assistance to smaller companies in developing and deploying illicit content counter-measures. Building and enhancing capabilities to counter foreign interference and disinformation. ... Artificial Intelligence-driven solutions.' << lol 1871978;1542134998;asciilifeform;'spread disinformation and discord to undermine our democratic institutions' 1871979;1542136202;mircea_popescu;"our commitment to protect our citizens from child predators, terrorists, violent extremists and other illicit actors." << o look, it expanded. 1871980;1542136232;mircea_popescu;i fucking hope there's a war already. 1871981;1542136469;asciilifeform;lol war of whom vs whom -- reich vs miamistan ? 1871982;1542136572;asciilifeform;what i can't wrap my head around is why nobody's mass-produced a http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-11#1871212 and put an end to the whole 'digital evidence' 'rule of law' pretense circus 1871983;1542136572;a111;Logged on 2018-11-11 17:05 asciilifeform: incidentally, unmanned 'dc in flat' is imho a potential useful application for ciphered/zeroized-on-disturbance hdd item discussed some wks ago. 1871984;1542136657;asciilifeform;even if only 1 in 10 btc supposedly 'selling at marshals auction' factually exists, that's still ridiculously many coinz that fell into enemy hands when absolutely oughta have gone to /dev/null 1871985;1542136705;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform china (prolly + russia) vs us and its colonies. 1871986;1542136732;asciilifeform;shortest ever war, all they gotta do is stop feeding 1871987;1542136753;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you don't understand how useless the anglos are. do you know that in ALL OF CHICAGO 100% of the "bitcoin market" consists of this one inept fed ? 1871988;1542136779;asciilifeform;( not mega-seekrit, nuffing in usgdom that sails, flies, or drives, moves so much as centimetre without steady supply of chinesium ) 1871989;1542136799;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the advertised market ? not particularly surprised 1871990;1542136808;asciilifeform;sorta how 'online dope market' is 100% usg.dea 1871991;1542136859;mircea_popescu;chicago is a sort of indiana. there is no other market. 1871992;1542136875;mircea_popescu;just a bunch of inept niggers. ran away from missouri century ago, recreated missouri in michigan. 1871993;1542136881;asciilifeform;if mircea_popescu says -- i believe 1871994;1542136920;asciilifeform;( i think of chicago as a kind of massive open air бомжатник , from own experiences there ) 1871995;1542136934;mircea_popescu;and i don't mean, "stop feeding", i mean chinese troops marching in new york, tearing down statue of liberty to replace with huge penis, and forcing everyone to do by-hand electronics picking for the rest of their miserable woirtheless lives. 1871996;1542136956;mircea_popescu;respectively, russians going over to paris, taking all the huysmans building and movingthem in voronetz reservation/park. 1871997;1542136967;mircea_popescu;leaving the "french" ie algerians literally the bare ground. 1871998;1542136991;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: if history's any guide, chinese dun like white devils enuff to actually leave'em alive and use for cotton-pick. i see straight glassing as moar likely 1871999;1542137001;mircea_popescu;also works. 1872000;1542137012;asciilifeform;ru in paris at least has precedent. 1872001;1542137022;mircea_popescu;should have taken the fucking buildings. 1872002;1542137027;asciilifeform;( where fr got 'bistro' do you suppose. ) 1872003;1542137210;asciilifeform;in so far as i can tell with naked eye, 'the war' 1) already happened 2) china won 3) at ~0 cost, in the trad chinese style 1872004;1542137240;asciilifeform;they do ~whatever they like, have ~99% of modern industry inside border, and look at 'west' like we look at chimp in zoo 1872005;1542137259;asciilifeform;( observe, nobody 'declared war' on chimp ) 1872006;1542137352;asciilifeform;they junkyardwars'd together a working ottoman-style org system ought of sumthing like '80s su -- sorta like we trb from prb etc 1872007;1542137457;asciilifeform;it's already to the point where 'white devil' knows automagically where not to walk so as to not step on chinese foot, if he wants to keep both feet 1872008;1542137466;asciilifeform;even absent gigantic cock statue in nyc. 1872009;1542137697;mircea_popescu;sadly, this is quite so. 1872010;1542137719;mircea_popescu;the item i present would be improvement, and the costs for the improvement are externalised (ie, not borne by they benefitting) 1872011;1542137733;asciilifeform;i haven't the faintest idea re just how the yellow hieroglyph folx pulled it off. but apparently they did. 1872012;1542137745;mircea_popescu;how. i'll tell you fucking how. 1872013;1542137780;asciilifeform;i suppose it began with the untimely death of their apex predator, jp 1872014;1542137844;*;asciilifeform if could pick dead empire to fight for, quite fond of hirohito's 1872015;1542137885;*;asciilifeform sings, '同期の桜...' 1872016;1542138036;mircea_popescu;well, apparently i can't find it anymore. is line in log somewhere, "if you understand, like ro girls understood in the 90s, that your cunt does not belong to you, the place will stay cool for slightly longer" or somesuch. 1872017;1542138058;asciilifeform;it was in trilema 1872018;1542138072;asciilifeform;re 'roaring '90s' 1872019;1542138076;mircea_popescu;goes with that whole http://btcbase.org/log/2017-10-27#1729826 1872020;1542138076;a111;Logged on 2017-10-27 17:57 mircea_popescu: "Итак, тебе не заплачу я: Но если ты простая блядь, То знай: за честь должна считать Знакомство юнкерского хуя!" is not some kind of fucking joke. 1872021;1542138083;mircea_popescu;ah that's possible, yeah 1872022;1542138318;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i dunno whether the shoe fits tho, afaik china is very much a http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-13#1871815 kind of affair 1872023;1542138318;a111;Logged on 2018-11-13 17:10 mircea_popescu: more retarded. non-anglo women still need traditional "patriarchy" dissolved out of their stupid heads, as per http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-06#1869904 1872024;1542138358;BingoBoingo; chicago is a sort of indiana. there is no other market. << It grew as a sorta suburb of Texas/Kansas/etcetera as they place they sent their standing cattle to get canned for sale and consumption out east. 1872025;1542138389;BingoBoingo; just a bunch of inept niggers. ran away from missouri century ago, recreated missouri in michigan. << Yeah, chattle followed cattle 1872026;1542138404;mircea_popescu;!Qlater tell spyked to continue the thing that never ends : http://trilema.com/2012/generatia-fara/#footnote_0_34776 <<->> http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-18#1802173 1872027;1542138404;a111;Logged on 2018-04-18 20:08 spyked: LordMPofTMSR, I had no idea. and looking for mihaita dragomirescu, all I found was news items a la http://archive.is/ojKnE and other cancans. if ye know for a fact this is not made-up scandal, then I believe, but otherwise... eh. 1872028;1542138404;lobbesbot;mircea_popescu: The operation succeeded. 1872029;1542138487;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform right, point being "if the baby fails to grow up the house it lived in will be taken over by rats". ie, K selection failure leads to r overwhelming it. 1872030;1542138510;asciilifeform;this yes 1872031;1542138519;asciilifeform;personally asciilifeform is fascinated by modern cn and wtf makes it tick 1872032;1542138537;asciilifeform;it's evidently very diff animal than the zimbabwe that got its arse handed to it in '30s 1872033;1542138647;mircea_popescu;(which, incidentally, is the scientific name for http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-16#1799837 and http://btcbase.org/log/2015-06-12#1161937 indistinctly ) 1872034;1542138647;a111;Logged on 2018-04-16 14:46 mircea_popescu: buildings, however, are a very opposite attempt : the dismal resistance of air (and see also un prophete discussion of winds here) and the minimal and well understood constraint of gravity allow enough free space for design to be a thing. 1872035;1542138647;a111;Logged on 2015-06-12 14:54 mircea_popescu: Sir Thomas More: Oh? And when the last law was down, and the Devil turned 'round on you, where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat? This country is planted thick with laws, from coast to coast, Man's laws, not God's! And if you cut them down, and you're just the man to do it, do you really think you could stand upright in the winds that would blow then? Yes, I'd give the Devil benefit of law, for my own safe 1872036;1542138701;BingoBoingo; personally asciilifeform is fascinated by modern cn and wtf makes it tick << The Japs next door grew up faster than the Chinese language could protect them for a few decades. Eventually homeostatis returned because it turned out Japan was not a Prussia of Asia. 1872037;1542138720;mircea_popescu;not much less, either. 1872038;1542138725;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: near as i can tell, they ~were~ the prussia 1872039;1542138734;asciilifeform;( and today is approx as sad as today's prussia ) 1872040;1542138738;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Real Prussia can't be an island 1872041;1542138769;asciilifeform;sorta why 1st order of biz was to get the fuck off the island and eat china 1872042;1542138775;asciilifeform;and succeeded, too 1872043;1542138779;mircea_popescu;is it worse to fail in your attempt to unify all germany around you rather than "die Kais’rin hat sich mit dem Franzosen alliiert" austrian schmucks ? or to succed only to fail a few short decades later, twice, and over the fucking failure of your admiral to BRAVERY ? 1872044;1542138805;asciilifeform;( until idjit 'west' came to fuck up the 'uppity yellow' ) 1872045;1542138923;BingoBoingo;Failure of potential actor to BRAVERY out of overweighing emperor's cautions seems like the Imperial failure mode 1872046;1542139031;mircea_popescu;verily. 1872047;1542139313;BingoBoingo;Can't win if "try not to lose too much material" turns into "Imma impress the Kaiser by prioritizing not losing ANY material attacking" 1872048;1542139507;BingoBoingo;If only the Graf Spee had limped to port in Buenos Aires instead of limping to Montevideo 1872049;1542141269;mircea_popescu;heh 1872050;1542142772;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-13#1871781 << one of you, diana_coman phf mod6 asciilifeform do me a favour and properly genesisize v.pl huh! 1872051;1542142772;a111;Logged on 2018-11-13 14:43 phf: asciilifeform: i've posted a v.pl patch http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-31#1867871 ( archived http://archive.is/ZJUMM ), unfortunately since v.pl doesn't have its own vtree, doing it properly requires a bunch of extra work 1872052;1542142829;diana_coman;mircea_popescu, it's part and parcel of the promised write-up http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-13#1871705 1872053;1542142829;a111;Logged on 2018-11-13 08:10 diana_coman: fwiw I actually patched v.pl to use phf's vtools and it works absolutely fine; I guess I'll write-it up and publish the whole thing later today if nobody else does it 1872054;1542142837;mircea_popescu;splendid then 1872055;1542143941;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-13#1871787 << afaik his lisptron works to spec, and ~only exists~ because everyone harped poetic about how great lisp "would be", only to predictably return to more brackish "we use python" once someone actually made something that'd need such a wonder as the inexistent lisp machine. 1872056;1542143941;a111;Logged on 2018-11-13 14:44 asciilifeform: possible exception is esthlos, but i have not tested his item yet 1872057;1542144193;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in whatever, https://image.ibb.co/i6kXN0/idiots.jpg 1872058;1542144221;deedbot;http://bimbo.club/?p=76 << Bimbo.Club - TMSR Log Summary - 10/30/2018 1872059;1542144785;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the lisptron was spyked 1872060;1542144794;asciilifeform;( and imho was pretty good start ) 1872061;1542144856;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-13#1872055 << the major issue with using sbcl as a scripting lang in unixland is the 3-5sec (depending on iron) revv-up time 1872062;1542144856;a111;Logged on 2018-11-13 21:19 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-13#1871787 << afaik his lisptron works to spec, and ~only exists~ because everyone harped poetic about how great lisp "would be", only to predictably return to more brackish "we use python" once someone actually made something that'd need such a wonder as the inexistent lisp machine. 1872063;1542144888;asciilifeform;( the down side of it being pure-compiler internally ) 1872064;1542144908;mircea_popescu;noo, didn't estlos make a lisp v ? 1872065;1542144916;asciilifeform;vtron -- yes he did 1872066;1542144921;asciilifeform;it's in my pipe to test. 1872067;1542144935;mircea_popescu;yes. 1872068;1542144938;asciilifeform;( i did read it, was pretty interesting read imho ) 1872069;1542145002;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-13#1872052 << i'ma hold off on posting http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-13#1871779 item , then, so that i can link to diana_coman's vtron 1872070;1542145002;a111;Logged on 2018-11-13 21:00 diana_coman: mircea_popescu, it's part and parcel of the promised write-up http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-13#1871705 1872071;1542145002;a111;Logged on 2018-11-13 14:41 asciilifeform: i expect to post the reground ch1-11 today; folx who read whichever chapters, will be invited to send in seals 1872072;1542145160;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-13#1872057 << dafuq's that ? 1872073;1542145160;a111;Logged on 2018-11-13 21:23 mircea_popescu: meanwhile in whatever, https://image.ibb.co/i6kXN0/idiots.jpg 1872074;1542145182;mircea_popescu;lumea s-a schimbat!!! 1872075;1542145203;mircea_popescu;that is http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-12#1871537 1872076;1542145203;a111;Logged on 2018-11-12 16:44 asciilifeform: even on asciilifeform's home planet, good chunk of marriages were 'soft-arranged' -- i.e. 'comrade colonel, you have a bachelor son, i have a ripe daughter' 'comrade lt colonel, let's box'em in a room, wainot' 1872077;1542145226;asciilifeform;d00d holding his sister down for her first waltz or wat. 1872078;1542145250;*;asciilifeform brb,teatime 1872079;1542146818;asciilifeform;!Q later tell nicoleci s/chipher/cipher , s/Bansky/Banksy , plz 1872080;1542146818;lobbesbot;asciilifeform: The operation succeeded. 1872081;1542147457;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in 'items stumbled into in oldl0gz-walking', http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-29#1744462 1872082;1542147457;a111;Logged on 2017-11-29 21:11 gabriel_laddel: rable' it is simply has no academic interests & probably spends most of their time seeking or finding sexual release (ie #tweaker nation tumblr females. Notice, very few post about meth and the read much closer to 'Ive no purpose, need to reproduce, NOW. What you like meth? OKAYSUREWHATEVERMETOOJUSTFUCKMEALREADY'). The catch however is that you've 1872083;1542147462;asciilifeform;whatever happened to that d00d. 1872084;1542147478;asciilifeform;( i half-suspect he's dead, for some reason ) 1872085;1542147578;BingoBoingo;I took days of rumouring before the locals figured out Honored Uncle Terry's death was newsworth 1872086;1542147579;BingoBoingo;y 1872087;1542147611;asciilifeform;hey edgar poe barfed to death on park bench in bmore, i've been to what claimed to be this very same holy spot. 1872088;1542147645;asciilifeform;( closest thing north amer ever produced to a poet, imho ) 1872089;1542147691;BingoBoingo;Give it 15 years, teen girls will be getting Uncle Terry tattoos and TempleOS devices will be onsale at Spencer's gifts 1872090;1542147735;asciilifeform;lol if only d00d had baked an actual os, instead of the run-in-vmware thingie 1872091;1542147751;asciilifeform;do you recall BingoBoingo , he came upon my www one time ? 1872092;1542147760;BingoBoingo;I thought it was several times 1872093;1542147763;asciilifeform;said only 1 thing, sumthing like 'motherfucker, you stole my name' 1872094;1542147774;BingoBoingo;LoseTheOS 1872095;1542147780;asciilifeform;( i guess he liked to play 'anagram' and lose letters.. ) 1872096;1542147884;asciilifeform;hm, apparently i linked to him , back in the old days, http://www.loper-os.org/?p=36 1872097;1542147889;asciilifeform;prolly how he found. 1872098;1542147890;BingoBoingo;Goes with what other behavioral aspects of his neurology suggest 1872099;1542147926;asciilifeform;www.losethos.com << holy hell, link farm nao 1872100;1542147939;asciilifeform;'FACTORS THAT AFFECT THE APPEARANCE OF A DRESS AND MAKES IT LOOK SPECIAL' etc etc 1872101;1542147953;asciilifeform;sad. 1872102;1542148011;phf;asciilifeform: i've booted templeos on a real hardware 1872103;1542148015;asciilifeform;oh hey 1872104;1542148024;asciilifeform;phf: what iron was it ? 1872105;1542148028;asciilifeform;i never achieved this feat 1872106;1542148031;asciilifeform;( and not from lack of try ) 1872107;1542148217;phf;i had a 300mhz amd that i brought from russia when i moved here in the 90s, but it finally gave out couple of years ago. i suspect booting templeos was one of the last things i did with it.. 1872108;1542148226;asciilifeform;notbad 1872109;1542148241;asciilifeform;iirc thing needs a proper vesa 2.0 vga card, so this makes sense. 1872110;1542148304;*;asciilifeform wonders if anybody bothered to mirror davis's last known release 1872111;1542148308;phf;right, i think i maxed out the memory and the drive sometime in the mid 2000s, but otherwise it was "gorbushka" stock 1872112;1542148360;phf;http://www.templeos.org/TempleOS.iso 1872113;1542148367;asciilifeform;aah hm 1872114;1542148369;asciilifeform;so i had old link. 1872115;1542148389;asciilifeform;i could prolly get it to run on something or other, i think i still have old 'matrox' somewhere, if we ever come to where we want this. 1872116;1542148432;phf;there's an entire archive.org of his stuff apparently. he's a hipster programmer celebrity though 1872117;1542148464;asciilifeform;'safely dead', so i guess makes sense, turned into harmless lolcat. 1872118;1542148526;asciilifeform;'20 phunphakts didja know on reddit! there was a mad d00d, tried to write a working os, despite not working at microshit or even having codeofconduct..' i picture. 1872119;1542148916;asciilifeform;https://archive.org/download/TerryADavis_TempleOS_Archive << indeed, nao housed in usg.loc archive.. 1872120;1542148939;asciilifeform;https://archive.org/download/TerryADavis_TempleOS_Archive/email/Templar%20mailinglist/ << various lulz 1872121;1542148982;asciilifeform;e.g. , http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/pno5n/?raw=true 1872122;1542149293;diana_coman;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-13#1872069 -> http://ossasepia.com/2018/11/13/v-with-vtools-keccak-hashes-and-its-own-tree/ 1872123;1542149293;a111;Logged on 2018-11-13 21:36 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-13#1872052 << i'ma hold off on posting http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-13#1871779 item , then, so that i can link to diana_coman's vtron 1872124;1542149299;asciilifeform;yay! 1872125;1542149301;*;asciilifeform reads 1872126;1542149304;deedbot;http://ossasepia.com/2018/11/13/v-with-vtools-keccak-hashes-and-its-own-tree/ << Ossasepia - V with VTools, Keccak Hashes and Its Own Tree 1872127;1542149426;diana_coman;I've tested it quickly on my Rockchip itself and I couldn't spot any trouble, but let me know if you find any problems with it 1872128;1542149556;asciilifeform;diana_coman: vk.pl doesn't find the vpatch executable in the current dir ( this is not hard to fix tho, i'ma fix ) 1872129;1542149610;asciilifeform;aaah nm they gotta be in PATH 1872130;1542149611;diana_coman;true, it expects it to be in PATH 1872131;1542149616;asciilifeform;yea took me a min 1872132;1542149668;diana_coman;or symlink I suppose, whatever rocks your boat 1872133;1542149926;asciilifeform;diana_coman: confirmed, worx, a++++ 1872134;1542149931;diana_coman;yay! 1872135;1542152514;deedbot;http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2743 << Loper OS - Finite Field Arithmetic Regrind into Keccak-V Format. 1872136;1542152564;asciilifeform;^ folx who sent in seals for the old patches, are invited to carry out press/diff/reseal and send in new, at their leisure ^ 1872137;1542152595;asciilifeform;ty for the help, diana_coman , phf , et al 1872138;1542153160;asciilifeform;^ updated with link to convenient tarball + signature ^ 1872139;1542153253;asciilifeform;behold, above is just above 64kB. 1872140;1542153641;asciilifeform;!Q later tell phf plox to suck http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2743 into http://btcbase.org/patches , ty 1872141;1542153641;lobbesbot;asciilifeform: The operation succeeded. 1872142;1542154721;mod6;1) My toaster has a cancel button 1872143;1542154805;mod6;2) http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-13#1872126 << diana_coman I tried to leave you a note on your blog. But seems that you've based the genesis off of my vtron version 99994K, but there is a newer version: http://thebitcoin.foundation/v/V-20180222.tar.gz http://thebitcoin.foundation/v/V-20180222.tar.gz.mod6.sig Which is denoted as version 99993K. 1872144;1542154805;a111;Logged on 2018-11-13 22:48 deedbot: http://ossasepia.com/2018/11/13/v-with-vtools-keccak-hashes-and-its-own-tree/ << Ossasepia - V with VTools, Keccak Hashes and Its Own Tree 1872145;1542154889;mod6;You may not want the good, and discussed changes in version 99993K. Here's a list of the changes between version 99994K and 99993K in the ML posting: http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2018-February/000290.html 1872146;1542154911;mod6;Anyway, just thought I'd say. o7 1872147;1542154978;asciilifeform;oh hey mod6 1872148;1542154998;asciilifeform;this was pretty serious bugfix, really oughta be in the new one 1872149;1542155009;asciilifeform;diana_coman: see #5 in particular 1872150;1542155025;mod6;I suspect so, ya. 1872151;1542155077;mod6;ah yeah (0x05), it is a significant change from all previous releases of my vtron. 1872152;1542155112;mod6;Anyway, bbl. 1872153;1542155117;*;asciilifeform also bbl,meat 1872154;1542165821;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-13#1871704 << ty fixed 1872155;1542165821;a111;Logged on 2018-11-13 07:03 mircea_popescu: phf "countrary" contrary 1872156;1542165821;lobbesbot;phf: Sent 3 hours and 23 minutes ago: plox to suck http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2743 into http://btcbase.org/patches , ty 1872157;1542171496;mircea_popescu;♖<< is this a chess piece (rook) ? 1872158;1542171779;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-13#1872032 << hey, sinology very valid topic of study at republican ministry of foreign relations. 1872159;1542171779;a111;Logged on 2018-11-13 19:48 asciilifeform: it's evidently very diff animal than the zimbabwe that got its arse handed to it in '30s 1872160;1542172479;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-29#1744472 << heh. aaanyway, it's not that g_l had necessarily a bad grasp of priors, but he did take them to strange, sometimes contorted conclusions. 1872161;1542172479;a111;Logged on 2017-11-29 21:12 gabriel_laddel: MP is the MP of our generation 1872162;1542172601;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-13#1872093 << i utterly don't understand this "stealing" mindset. http://btcbase.org/log/2013-09-13#307975 1872163;1542172601;a111;Logged on 2018-11-13 22:22 asciilifeform: said only 1 thing, sumthing like 'motherfucker, you stole my name' 1872164;1542172601;a111;Logged on 2013-09-13 08:59 mircea_popescu: not like she's made of soap, to wear out... 1872165;1542172776;mircea_popescu;ahh, but what a productive monday this has been! 1872166;1542172811;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-14#1872142 << does it cancel anything ? 1872167;1542172811;a111;Logged on 2018-11-14 00:18 mod6: 1) My toaster has a cancel button 1872168;1542172985;mircea_popescu;http://thebitcoin.foundation/v/ << i suppose looking there would have made it obvious (check it out btw, 20th feb 2016, july 207, 22nd feb 2018!) ; but 1872169;1542173014;mircea_popescu;diana_coman where;d you end up with ye 2017 version from ? just used local copy, missed update ? 1872170;1542175861;deedbot;http://bimbo.club/?p=77 << Bimbo.Club - TMSR Log Summary - 10/31/2018 1872171;1542176549;BingoBoingo;Meanwhile in Matt Mallenwiggle's WP fork: https://archive.is/C22ko 1872172;1542181250;mircea_popescu;"GDPR" heh,. 1872173;1542181256;mircea_popescu;who the fuck would even consider such shaite. 1872174;1542181523;BingoBoingo;The same sort who'd upgrade without knowing why 1872175;1542181579;BingoBoingo;Anyways: Blog update - I think I've found a Rockchip friendlier mysql config. Not expanding to eat all the RAM at the moment. Compiling the rest of the moving parts. 1872176;1542181598;mircea_popescu;right. 1872177;1542181621;BingoBoingo;Finding seems to be Innodb is a poor default 1872178;1542181858;BingoBoingo;Setting MyISAM seems to bring Mysql's RAM usage closer in line with the size of the db 1872179;1542182037;BingoBoingo;The pain comes in settin MyIASM as a default without doing the instictive right appearing thing which is disable Innodb completely. 1872180;1542182066;diana_coman;mod6, I've put the vpatch, neh? 1872181;1542182106;BingoBoingo;Completely disabling Innodb pisses off the "emerge --config dev-db/mysql" script 1872182;1542182109;diana_coman;the genesis IS on 99994K yes, the next vpatch upgrades it to 99993K and only THEN my own vpatch changes it to use Keccak and vtools 1872183;1542182397;diana_coman;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-14#1872169 -> as ^ ; now I'm not sure if anyone actually look at the 2nd vpatch and hence it really is an old version that's there or just got hang up on the fact that I kept to preserve some history and hence genesis+vpatch to version 3 1872184;1542182397;a111;Logged on 2018-11-14 05:23 mircea_popescu: diana_coman where;d you end up with ye 2017 version from ? just used local copy, missed update ? 1872185;1542182597;diana_coman;fwiw the keccak-version of v (i.e. pressing the tree I published all the way to its leaf) IS the corrected one re pressing order ; later today I'll do a diff with precisely the versions mod6 has at http://thebitcoin.foundation/v/ but going by version number I really don't see what "old version" are you saying 1872186;1542182622;diana_coman;if anything, I suppose I could have gotten the genesis with an earlier version 1872187;1542182722;diana_coman;mod6, I don't see any comment from you on my blog, what happened? (re http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-14#1872143 ) 1872188;1542182722;a111;Logged on 2018-11-14 00:20 mod6: 2) http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-13#1872126 << diana_coman I tried to leave you a note on your blog. But seems that you've based the genesis off of my vtron version 99994K, but there is a newer version: http://thebitcoin.foundation/v/V-20180222.tar.gz http://thebitcoin.foundation/v/V-20180222.tar.gz.mod6.sig Which is denoted as version 99993K. 1872189;1542189351;diana_coman;right, doing the diff with the archived versions at http://thebitcoin.foundation/v/ yields: my genesis is precisely http://thebitcoin.foundation/v/V-20170317.tar.gz; the version 3 aka after applying the .vpatch http://ossasepia.com/vpatches/v_mod6_99993.vpatch does bring in the code modifications of http://thebitcoin.foundation/v/V-20180222.tar.gz, but not the docs changes 1872190;1542189521;diana_coman;so to keep this fully aligned, I'll regrind the last 2 patches so that the docs changes are carried over as well; as a result: genesis = http://thebitcoin.foundation/v/V-20170317.tar.gz; 1st patch => http://thebitcoin.foundation/v/V-20180222.tar.gz; 2nd patch => using vtools & keccak instead of sha 1872191;1542192884;diana_coman;and done: the updated .vpatch files and starter_v.zip + sigs are all up; I've checked them on my RK; genesis is the same and result is identical to V-2017; the result of 99993 .vpatch is identical to V-2018; the result of keccak_vtools vpatch is to update BOTH docs and code; re docs, I've nuked the user manual as I won't maintain it and it's becoming confusing due to being out of date; I've updated the quick_guide however, mainly for 1st t 1872192;1542192884;diana_coman;ime users really; re .zip file: the v in there is precisely what one gets by pressing my v_keccak_vtools.vpatch 1872193;1542192925;diana_coman;and yes, my test went precisely on this path: get the .zip first and then use that to press the vpatches and then check results + whether they are the very same 1872194;1542192988;diana_coman;hopefully this is now finally clearly set for future maintenance of any sort, but let me know if there is any other trouble you see with it 1872195;1542200815;bvt;asciilifeform: have you seen https://github.com/Componolit/libsparkcrypto ? their modexp code looks sad, but other components may be interesting 1872196;1542204411;asciilifeform;bvt: https://github.com/Componolit/libsparkcrypto/blob/componolit/src/shared/generic/lsc-bignum.adb << holyfuq, obfuscated ada contest ! 1872197;1542204432;asciilifeform;i am impressed with the sheer volume of liquishit 1872198;1542204488;asciilifeform;i think just his bigendian vs littlendian speshulcases (why he has any?! ffa doesn't..! ) weigh moar than all of ffa together 1872199;1542204670;asciilifeform;https://github.com/Componolit/libsparkcrypto/blob/componolit/src/shared/generic/lsc-bignum.ads << even the declarations suffer from advanced elephantiasis 1872200;1542204756;asciilifeform;tldr : yet-another nonconstanttime , notfitinhead piece of shit, valuable exhibit for kunstkammer of 'how not to ada' 1872201;1542204836;asciilifeform;and 'how not to crypto', pretty good illustration of the tension between 'machine proofs' and 'fits in head' (author resolved wholly in favour of the former and took a tall shit on the latter) 1872202;1542206539;asciilifeform;bvt: in all srs, thx for digging it up, and if anybody finds another , plox to also post, there is room in the kunstkammer . 1872203;1542210218;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform oh i see, you redid the whole tree, that was a patch 1872204;1542210232;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo trilema is mostly on myisam. 1872205;1542210294;mircea_popescu;i meant diana_coman ah i see, you redid the whole tree, that was a patch. 1872206;1542210319;mod6;tarting MDMCommandQueueMonitor through JMX 1872207;1542210319;mod6;2018-11-13 15:35:03,098 [INFO ] [] [MDMCommandQueueMonitor ] - Cancelling existing run of MDMCommandQueueMonitor 1872208;1542210325;mod6;ah jeeze 1872209;1542210331;mircea_popescu;o hai mod6 1872210;1542210345;mod6;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-14#1872182 << Ahhh! I see what you did there. 1872211;1542210345;a111;Logged on 2018-11-14 07:55 diana_coman: the genesis IS on 99994K yes, the next vpatch upgrades it to 99993K and only THEN my own vpatch changes it to use Keccak and vtools 1872212;1542210409;mod6;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-14#1872187 << no worries, I tried to post a comment on your blog post from the train, it may have not went through. 1872213;1542210409;a111;Logged on 2018-11-14 08:05 diana_coman: mod6, I don't see any comment from you on my blog, what happened? (re http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-14#1872143 ) 1872214;1542210506;mod6;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-14#1872191 << Totall get it that you don't want to maintain the user docs, I do disagree that they were are out date tho. I did a diff between them from the 99994K and 99993K versions and I did update it for the Feb release. 1872215;1542210506;a111;Logged on 2018-11-14 10:54 diana_coman: and done: the updated .vpatch files and starter_v.zip + sigs are all up; I've checked them on my RK; genesis is the same and result is identical to V-2017; the result of 99993 .vpatch is identical to V-2018; the result of keccak_vtools vpatch is to update BOTH docs and code; re docs, I've nuked the user manual as I won't maintain it and it's becoming confusing due to being out of date; I've updated the quick_guide however, mainly for 1st t 1872216;1542210556;mod6;Anyway, *nod* looks good. I'll try to test it one of these days when I have a spare minute. 1872217;1542210587;mod6;bbl 1872218;1542211401;mod6;lol, o hai mircea_popescu 1872219;1542211422;mod6;anyway, srsly bb. 1872220;1542211425;mod6;l 1872221;1542211725;diana_coman;mod6, I meant out of date wrt to my vpatch i.e. keccak hashes 1872222;1542211764;diana_coman;if you notice, I said out of date at 3rd vpatch, NOT before; and yes, 2nd vpatch includes them precisely because they are at that point still perfectly fine 1872223;1542211820;diana_coman;the out of date also refers to the fact that meanwhile V has a broader scope really than trb code 1872224;1542211915;diana_coman;onth I kept the quick guide and updated it to point users to a. use the bloody help of V as it's quite useful as it is! b. ask if they get stuck, wtf 1872225;1542211944;diana_coman;anyway, if anyone wants to maintain the full & detailed manual, I will happily sign their .vpatch with it,sure 1872226;1542212068;mod6;<+diana_coman> mod6, I meant out of date wrt to my vpatch i.e. keccak hashes << ahh, gotcha 1872227;1542212343;mod6;thanks for doing all this work diana_coman, I appreciate it. it's long over do for a v'ing. :] 1872228;1542212861;asciilifeform;ohai mod6 , diana_coman , mircea_popescu 1872229;1542215497;BingoBoingo; BingoBoingo trilema is mostly on myisam. << ty 1872230;1542225982;diana_coman;mod6, re comment, it seems it got lost, I could not find it anywhere so not in queue nor anything 1872231;1542226103;*;diana_coman waves to asciilifeform 1872232;1542226114;asciilifeform;ohai diana_coman 1872233;1542226135;diana_coman;the table with FFA patches looks great; I'll look into carving again some space to re-start on it 1872234;1542226169;asciilifeform;diana_coman: lemme know if you run into anyffing to any degree confusing. 1872235;1542226194;asciilifeform;( iirc you already ate the most difficult material ) 1872236;1542226211;*;diana_coman will come and complain loudly if confused 1872237;1542226220;asciilifeform;so far conveyor is on schedule. 1872238;1542226221;diana_coman;but it might still take a while to get back to it 1872239;1542226285;asciilifeform;i in turn am working through diana_coman's oaep articles 1872240;1542226307;diana_coman;eucrypt? 1872241;1542226312;asciilifeform;aha 1872242;1542226333;asciilifeform;ch. 10 in particular 1872243;1542226354;asciilifeform;it's 1 of the coupla items i dun have yet 1872244;1542226357;diana_coman;meanwhile the oaep got sorted better as part of smg comms really (i.e. only ada calling c, no back and forth dance and that gets rid of a LOT of confusion) 1872245;1542226378;asciilifeform;fortunately i dun have ~that~ problem ( instead i have others, lol ) 1872246;1542226425;asciilifeform;i was hoping to avoid baking hashing into ffa/p , but loox like it isn't escapable if we're doing oaep 1872247;1542226634;diana_coman;problems are never in short supply, certainly 1872248;1542226668;asciilifeform;the fixed structure elements in oaep bother asciilifeform . ( initially was gonna do destructurization differently : each bit of payload turned into 4 via rng xor, then fisher-yates shuffle, then the 'deshuffling' binarysort code is appended to message. you can prove that the output is 'all or nuffin' transform. ) 1872249;1542226726;*;asciilifeform brb,teatime 1872250;1542226827;diana_coman;my understanding was that nobody actually LIKES oaep all that much but it's (again! another one of those!) the thing we have (as opposed to the thing we might wish for) 1872251;1542226860;*;diana_coman will go afk too 1872252;1542228379;asciilifeform;diana_coman: correct 1872253;1542228394;asciilifeform;diana_coman: it's the most economical, at the very least, algo that sorta does the job 1872254;1542228441;asciilifeform;( that is, oaep ) 1872255;1542228494;asciilifeform;in s.mg's incarnation, carries 245 octets of payload per 512 rsablock, i.e. ~48% efficient 1872256;1542228576;asciilifeform;and hence prolly also is The Right Thing for other space-constrained applications, e.g. udptronic gossipd 1872257;1542228634;asciilifeform;but for general-purpose pgp replacement, conceivably could use something 'hungrier' but with 0 fixed structural bits. i'ma invite mircea_popescu et al to consider the subj. 1872258;1542228765;asciilifeform;ideal algo imho would carry at least 5 bit of entropy for erry bit of payload, and in such a way that all bits are 0/1 with exactly 0.5 prob.; and such that flipping one bit of ciphertext flips at least 1/2 of the output bits. 1872259;1542228789;asciilifeform;( i.e. when ciphertext passed through e.g. 'dieharder' it would be indistinguishable from FG ) 1872260;1542228811;*;asciilifeform bbl,meat 1872261;1542229126;mod6;<+diana_coman> mod6, re comment, it seems it got lost, I could not find it anywhere so not in queue nor anything << not a problem at all. we've resolved it anyhow. thanks for looking. 1872262;1542229563;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/11/us-our-military-edge-has-eroded/ << Qntra - US: Our 'Military Edge' Has Eroded 1872263;1542229722;BingoBoingo;In local news, Prison Mall had a fire. Apparently happens on a roughly annual basis https://www.elobservador.com.uy/nota/incendio-en-shopping-punta-carretas-obligar-interrupcion-del-transito--20181114983 1872264;1542233002;deedbot;http://bingology.net/2018/09/03/hello-world/ << Bingology - BingoBoingo's Blog - Hello world! 1872265;1542233038;BingoBoingo;^ Restoring content, apologies for any noise 1872266;1542233208;lobbes;"el incendio anual" heh 1872267;1542233477;trinque;BingoBoingo: should I null-route your feed for a bit? 1872268;1542233494;BingoBoingo;trinque: Please do, will ping when shit is restored 1872269;1542233989;trinque;can't get to it immediately, in about an hour or two can 1872270;1542240607;BingoBoingo;trinque: ping me at your leisure to announce the silence 1872271;1542242985;trinque;BingoBoingo: done, let 'er rip 1872272;1542243069;BingoBoingo;ty 1872273;1542245855;BingoBoingo; "el incendio anual" heh << Mind that before becoming a mall in a more expensive neighborhood than the Datacenter's, a good chunk of the present legislature or their parents were locked up there for being commie scum 1872274;1542247697;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: didja end up having to glue yer blog back together from archived pages ?! 1872275;1542247709;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Some parts, yes 1872276;1542247712;asciilifeform;damn 1872277;1542247725;asciilifeform;i did say 'let's errybody move to new rk disks asap' , neh 1872278;1542247739;asciilifeform;dunno why BingoBoingo felt compelled to tempt the fates 1872279;1542247770;BingoBoingo;On the plus size, I did learn that using MyISAM instead of Innodb actual RAM available on the Rockchip for not MySQL 1872280;1542247783;asciilifeform;mod6 pleez let me know when we can swap yours, iirc you're the last rk fella on old disk 1872281;1542247829;asciilifeform;also folx, pleeez make backups! i should not even have to remind. there is not such a thing known presently as an immortal disk. 1872282;1542247981;asciilifeform;!Q later tell ben_vulpes didja find the eggog ? you estimated 'wednesday', and the day is nearly at end.. 1872283;1542247982;lobbesbot;asciilifeform: The operation succeeded. 1872284;1542248114;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: if we ever build a rk-like board from the ground up, i'ma give it at least mirror raid. but presently afaik no such thing can be had. 1872285;1542248221;asciilifeform;i was almost gonna say 'we're the first to put arm64 in a dc rack' but then recalled that jurov, years ago, saw such a thing somewhere 1872286;1542248231;asciilifeform;jurov do you recall what it was they used ? ( or was it custom ) 1872287;1542248346;asciilifeform;btw for many yrs i've searched for the obvious simple gadget, a y-shaped thing that'd turn 2 or moar usb sticks into an iron raid. but still not found, dun seem like anybody ever made. 1872288;1542248373;asciilifeform;( plenty of folx made 'soft' raid, but those imho are worse than useless ) 1872289;1542248819;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-15#1872279 << currently i know veeery little about mysql ( always used postgres, and at this point know embarrassingly much re the internals and tuning knobs ) -- but iirc mp's-wp requires specifically mysql, so prolly doomed to study it at some point 1872290;1542248819;a111;Logged on 2018-11-15 02:09 BingoBoingo: On the plus size, I did learn that using MyISAM instead of Innodb actual RAM available on the Rockchip for not MySQL 1872291;1542248870;asciilifeform;he did pick it for a logical reason, but i cannot currently recall what it was ( prolly detailed in l0gz ) 1872292;1542248908;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: It's what wordpress expects. Otherthings can be forced into place at substantial cost. 1872293;1542248950;asciilifeform;phuctor ( and in particular, some of the 'heavier' / unusual pheatures, like search ) i baked specifically around postgres. 1872294;1542249105;asciilifeform;possibly 1 of these days i oughta publish my kludge for making ancient wp go on postgres; but it isn't half as polished as mp's and i dunno that anyone would win from cribbing it 1872295;1542249157;asciilifeform;i view it rather like (i picture) mircea_popescu views his 'mpb' item 1872296;1542249273;BingoBoingo;Changing the storage engine has resulted in a more than 10x reduction in RAM used 1872297;1542249279;asciilifeform;neato 1872298;1542249345;BingoBoingo;From eating more than half the Rockchip's 2gigs to ~130 megs 1872299;1542249374;*;BingoBoingo also moved from lighttpd in the last incarnation to apache in this one 1872300;1542249376;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: fwiw postgres doesn't, 'out of the box', have the runaway ram problem. ( it had exact opposite -- i had to coax it into actually making constructive use of dulap III's very plentiful ram ) 1872301;1542249551;BingoBoingo;Consider Phuctor is a sorta bespoke thing. DB software architect can't antipate a Phuctor and how its filled. On the other hand most mysql installs power wordpress. 1872302;1542249585;asciilifeform;imho people should not default to runaway-ram 1872303;1542249587;asciilifeform;it's unseemly 1872304;1542249622;asciilifeform;erry proggy should at the very least take a param for max ram guzzle 1872305;1542249635;asciilifeform;( and behave gracefully when limit hit ) 1872306;1542249674;asciilifeform;esp. a wwwtronic thing, where there is a readily-available graceful failure mode ( make connector wait a few sec for a free slot ) 1872307;1542249900;BingoBoingo;The failure mode under stress was an attractor to lighttpd, but... configuring it is a pain 1872308;1542249920;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: have you found approx how much ram it eats per request ? 1872309;1542249961;asciilifeform;( seems , at least by my lights, uncharacteristically hungry... does it really take a coupla MB of working ram , per GET , to serve up a blog ? ) 1872310;1542250063;asciilifeform;also iirc diana_coman and hanbot both have mp's-wp on rk , and i dun recall either of'em ever reporting OOM 1872311;1542250092;BingoBoingo;I have not. My understanding of how it worked was it sat in a failry consistent RAM footprint as a running process and played goalie shoving the blog to php-fpm 1872312;1542250101;BingoBoingo;hanbot is on the shared machine 1872313;1542250104;asciilifeform;aaa 1872314;1542250118;asciilifeform;pretty sure that diana_coman is on rk tho 1872315;1542250128;BingoBoingo;Yeah, lobbes as well. 1872316;1542250336;BingoBoingo;Anyways, figuring out chron is now high on the todo list 1872317;1542250666;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: cron ? 1872318;1542250689;BingoBoingo;Yeah, timed mysql dumps 1872319;1542250694;asciilifeform;aa 1872320;1542250744;asciilifeform;i dun expect it'll be esp painful in your case, yours wont be 30+GB 1872321;1542250781;asciilifeform;( current mass of compressed phuctor snapshot ) 1872322;1542251797;BingoBoingo;Several orders of magnitudes less 1872323;1542252298;BingoBoingo;Thankfully Qntra has a backup button, but with mp-wp I gotta dogfood it, because it is what I will be asked about 1872324;1542258361;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-14#1872250 << not so. i actually like it, as being one of the few proven-hard bits of the witches' brew we call crypto. 1872325;1542258361;a111;Logged on 2018-11-14 20:20 diana_coman: my understanding was that nobody actually LIKES oaep all that much but it's (again! another one of those!) the thing we have (as opposed to the thing we might wish for) 1872326;1542258409;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-14#1872257 << i am not aware something better than oaep for rsa padding ~could in principle be had~, let alone actually is known to exist. 1872327;1542258409;a111;Logged on 2018-11-14 20:50 asciilifeform: but for general-purpose pgp replacement, conceivably could use something 'hungrier' but with 0 fixed structural bits. i'ma invite mircea_popescu et al to consider the subj. 1872328;1542260199;BingoBoingo;!Qlater tell trinque Feel free to return the feed 1872329;1542260199;lobbesbot;BingoBoingo: The operation succeeded. 1872330;1542260311;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the 'proof' is iffy ( iirc we dug into this in early thrd ) but that aint the thing that makes me hairs stand up: it's that oaep introduces structurism ( for comparison, even the oldest 'all or nuffin' algo, rivest's , does not ) 1872331;1542260336;mircea_popescu;this intuition is not in fact proven. 1872332;1542260441;asciilifeform;tru ( if i had proofism, would post, promise ) 1872333;1542260528;asciilifeform;it'll turn out to suck tho if it turns out that , say, if you know 3bits of what went into a keccakization, you now know 33 of its oaepization, or the like. i dun know a proof that ~not~ this, if that makes sense 1872334;1542260565;asciilifeform;it puts 9000 tonnes of load on the hash to carry. 1872335;1542260652;asciilifeform;recall the thrd that provoked mircea_popescu into making shot at own hash algo etc. orig was a stab at the generalized problem of destructurizator. 1872336;1542260687;mircea_popescu;if the hash is not there to carry load then why have it. 1872337;1542260710;asciilifeform;( how to take plaintext, with possible known patterns, and turn it into something about which NO useful 'and bit B is X' can be said ) 1872338;1542260731;mircea_popescu;and no, thread that prompted me to publish the lulzitem was specifically the glib "oh, NOW here's shits and giggles" 1872339;1542260754;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: we have hashes cuz some thing simply cannot be done without'em ( short rsa sigs of GB inputs, etc ) 1872340;1542260794;mircea_popescu;this is unrelated. 1872341;1542260836;asciilifeform;but if it were possible to have straight rsa, rather than rsa and hash,would be stronger system ( no hash ever was proven strong, even in the sense rsa is ) 1872342;1542260985;asciilifeform;at any rate, i dun have an obviously-superior replacement for oaep. so presently ( see my rollout calendar ) i'ma implement one. but i dispute that 'cannot be made' claim. 1872343;1542261064;asciilifeform;i'm willing to 'marry' rsa, but not oaep, oaep only willing to casually fuck 1872344;1542261104;asciilifeform;imho it is by far weakest link in the ensemble. 1872345;1542261283;*;asciilifeform bbl, sleep 1872346;1542261432;mircea_popescu;i still don't know what you dislike about it, other than it's continued existence per se. 1872347;1542261492;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform hunts by smell 1872348;1542261513;mircea_popescu;problem is he hunts chunks of flotsam, rock etc half the time. 1872349;1542261540;BingoBoingo;That is a peril facing any Beedog 1872350;1542261541;mircea_popescu;ie, i can't distinguish his process from randomness. 1872351;1542261618;BingoBoingo;If cute girl dildo'd rock, gets investigated by smell, even if it turns out the culprit was honest clams 1872352;1542261626;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo this blog disaster of yours has rescued a bunch of pingbacks you apparently never sent b4 1872353;1542261649;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Turns out lighttpd didn't do the pingback thing 1872354;1542261662;mircea_popescu;heh. cool then 1872355;1542261678;BingoBoingo;Other upside: Lighttpd fuckery dead as an mpwp httpd 1872356;1542261809;mircea_popescu;no idea why you were using it. 1872357;1542261837;BingoBoingo;Curiosity 1872358;1542261987;BingoBoingo;Anyways bunch of lessons to write up 1872359;1542262031;BingoBoingo;Meanwhile in local news: Uber has an office here. Office is in solid favella territory https://www.elobservador.com.uy/nota/oficinas-de-uber-en-montevideo-fueron-apedreadas-y-debieron-cerrar-20181114182928 1872360;1542262192;BingoBoingo;Yes, if you look a an online map it will show the street in question touching the "Palacio legeslativo", but then it goes straight into abject sadness 1872361;1542269233;diana_coman;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-15#1872324 -> by comparison to the rest, yes, I "like" it too. 1872362;1542269233;a111;Logged on 2018-11-15 05:06 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-14#1872250 << not so. i actually like it, as being one of the few proven-hard bits of the witches' brew we call crypto. 1872363;1542269600;mircea_popescu;what can i say. 1872364;1542293931;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-14#1872207 << so practically speaking, http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-12#1871473 or not, http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-11#1870991 or not, you will ABSOLUTELY NOT get some sleep, or anything else in that vein. you will instead simply continue on your collision course, indefinitely and no matter what, and if the republic drops through the cracks fuck it, and if your own health does, or your own s 1872365;1542293931;a111;Logged on 2018-11-14 15:45 mod6: 2018-11-13 15:35:03,098 [INFO ] [] [MDMCommandQueueMonitor ] - Cancelling existing run of MDMCommandQueueMonitor 1872366;1542293931;a111;Logged on 2018-11-12 15:39 mircea_popescu: and speaking of http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-30#1867509 : perhaps this is just the ticket mod6 , take a few days / a week off whatever, ~BY YOURSELF~. so you can fucking think. go hang out with BingoBoingo , fuck some latino whores, get drunk once or twice... these are the mainstay "i'm in a paper bag how do i get out" methods since time immemorial for a fucking reason. 1872367;1542293931;a111;Logged on 2018-11-11 13:33 mircea_popescu: the "sad" news, from this perspective (though it is boldly and fundamentally the exact opposite of sad) is that no, there isn't any "return to the grand old days" on the table. ~emphatically~ not. bitcoin ain't going back to spending a summer at 2 dollars a coin ; and consequentlly you're not going back to being the mod6 of 2013 on ten hours a week and lukewarm committment. 1872368;1542293932;mircea_popescu;anity, or anything, ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING else fuck it with a side order of marschino cherries, and let it be all damned. you've committed to working two jobs to raise some woman's kids, no other women will be considered, no other activities will be considered, just that and that alone until the proverbial http://trilema.com/2014/fred-quimby-and-ancient-evils/#selection-261.158-261.168 ; do i rather get the gist of it ? 1872369;1542295409;mod6;<+asciilifeform> mod6 pleez let me know when we can swap yours, iirc you're the last rk fella on old disk << go ahead when ever you guys are ready. 1872370;1542295466;mod6;mircea_popescu: I can't take any time off of salt-mine, or at least, not the kind of time that I would need to drop all and head down to BBstan. Used my time for this year, already. 1872371;1542295503;mircea_popescu;right. 1872372;1542295590;mod6;I've been trying to stay off of here, as much as I can turn my attention away, this week. But repeated admonishments for my life choices doesn't help anything. 1872373;1542295640;mod6;I did do some thinking over this last week. 1872374;1542295662;mod6;Well, four days, I guess. 1872375;1542295694;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-15#1872348 << i woke up and 'i owe mircea_popescu a proper elaboration' but noticed it is ending up lengthy, and the risk of typo and turning sense into nonsense is high; so prolly oughta be a blog post, i'ma write it after ch12 , supposing nobody's in a dire hurry 1872376;1542295694;a111;Logged on 2018-11-15 05:58 mircea_popescu: problem is he hunts chunks of flotsam, rock etc half the time. 1872377;1542295756;mircea_popescu;mod6 from my pov, you've transparently rotated from not being able to add to not being able to read ; and should something like "alf, do not speak to diana_coman anymore" should issue for some reason, you'll just move on to ~same somewhere else. 1872378;1542295757;*;asciilifeform after the serpent thing has turned to a moar 'measure 7 times, cut 1' direction 1872379;1542295757;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform good idea. 1872380;1542295874;mod6;I was sincerely confused as to why she picked up 99994, just wanted to ensure that whatever happens there, that it was the correct thing. Yes, perhaps I should have spent more time on that reading thouroughly, clearly. 1872381;1542295957;mod6;Anyway, the thoughts from the last week are basically that, I want to work on some things, but I just don't have the capacity any longer, or the same passion that I once had. 1872382;1542295963;mircea_popescu;but in any case, admonishments have nothing to do with any of this. i am stuck in the unenviable position of parenting an infantile adult woman, practically speaking, where i have to construct an image of committments ex post facto, from bits of pieces of silent activty. "oh, i wonder why she failed college, maybe it's because she's hooked up with some dood ?" sorta nonsense. 1872383;1542295982;asciilifeform;mod6: have you considered to get a diff heathen gig ? the kind where you dun have to go anywhere ? in '16 asciilifeform pulled this off, yes it took having to run on batteries for a spell, but was 100% worth it, it's the only reason i had strength to actually do FG, ffa, etc 1872384;1542295994;mircea_popescu;and the problem is on clear display with the "i was sincerely confused" bit. you did the lowest possible effort attempt to get something out of it ; and in your case this was elevated into an actual minicrisis because i trust you. 1872385;1542296009;mircea_popescu;but i trust you to ~have read~ the woman's thing ~before~ you say it does something it does not in fact do. 1872386;1542296026;mod6;This year has been very hard, and I'm going to be getting out of the way so that the Republic can go on doing its good work. 1872387;1542296102;mircea_popescu;by all means. the republic is eternal ; children are like ducklings, one day they http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/best-in-the-world-13-560x373.jpg then you blink and they're 3 lbs being thrown into the pond. come back when you're mocky's age, you can have a lengthy history of java you daren't admit to the self you regret and you can go to burma or w/e. 1872388;1542296104;mod6;mircea_popescu: I had a super-knee jerk reaction to the blog-post on the train that afternoon, I surely should have spent some more time with it as opposed to assuming that she just picked up the wrong one by mistake. 1872389;1542296136;mircea_popescu;speaking of which -- anyone with a burning interest in the rainforests of asia ? it occurs to me it might be worth pinpointing a place by the criterion of "pantsuit radio silence" also. 1872390;1542296220;mod6;asciilifeform: So for the first ... 5 years of my participation here, I did have a 95% wfh job, and that made all the difference. 1872391;1542296266;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i admit to a curiosity re vietnam. ( not only famously succeeded in crushing the anglo-roaches , but persistent rumours that at least part of the reason why invaded was to prevent a native and 'red' semiconductor castle from appearing , was showing symptoms ) 1872392;1542296267;mod6;Well, I take that back, not "all" the difference, but it certainly helped. Now, I've got to be in the fascist-tower daily, with a 2+ hour commute every day. It sucks. 1872393;1542296273;mircea_popescu;so why are you sticking to the nonsense ?! 1872394;1542296285;mircea_popescu;why the fuck would you go to the tower roflmao. 1872395;1542296310;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform seems to me just another costa rica, "nice people and here's their coca cola" 1872396;1542296317;mircea_popescu;but i admit to superficial examination. 1872397;1542296324;mod6;Need the fiat. Someday, when we're at the right levels, I won't need to do any of that. But today isn't that day, sadly. 1872398;1542296343;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: entirely likely. but afaik best-looking horse in that glue factory. observe that e.g. vikrot bout was betrayed by usg.thailand, not vietnam. 1872399;1542296351;asciilifeform;*viktor bout 1872400;1542296379;asciilifeform;simply best-known example. pantsuit is colonial master in good chunk of that subcontinent, but not afaik vietnam. 1872401;1542296391;mircea_popescu;afaik not burma. which is a stronger statement. 1872402;1542296416;asciilifeform;i recall mircea_popescu got wind at one point that burma is industrializing. but i have nfi re detail, it is 'dark matter'. 1872403;1542296451;mircea_popescu;cuz a successful military junta shot all the http://trilema.com/2017/in-case-you-were-wondering-where-all-the-worthless-nuland-drones-ended-up/ and survived the "unsurvivable" just fine. 1872404;1542296473;asciilifeform;this i recall 1872405;1542296502;asciilifeform;what i dun presently know is whether the new fuhrer is presiding over a ~nepal , or sumthing where could actually build iron. 1872406;1542296525;mircea_popescu;hence the original q. 1872407;1542296531;asciilifeform;right 1872408;1542296636;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-15#1872392 << mod6 you absolutely must escape. what wouldja need in order to escape ? 1872409;1542296636;a111;Logged on 2018-11-15 15:37 mod6: Well, I take that back, not "all" the difference, but it certainly helped. Now, I've got to be in the fascist-tower daily, with a 2+ hour commute every day. It sucks. 1872410;1542296710;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: a fighting-shape mod6 is easily worth 2 or 3 asciilifeform's . i dun suppose you have a qatar to evacuate him to ? 1872411;1542296718;mod6;escape the current salt-mine? I've been earnestly looking since last fall. Most of the similar pay jobs have ~some~ remote work, but not all. To go back to basically 100% (or close) wfh time, I'd have to take a pretty big pay-cut. 1872412;1542296725;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform why the fuck do you think i even bother with all this unpleasantness. 1872413;1542296726;mod6;And/or go on contracts. 1872414;1542296742;mircea_popescu;mod6 how about you stop going to work altogether ? what then ? 1872415;1542296767;mod6;Which I've done a lot of before, but it's pretty unsteady. It gets tired having to look for new work every 6mos to 1 year.... although, I do try to switch mines every 2-3 years. 1872416;1542296809;mod6;mircea_popescu: I'd love to. I've got coins, but I was wanting to wait a few years yet maybe before I sell. 1872417;1542296837;mod6;Then, I'd leave that shit for good. 1872418;1542296853;*;mircea_popescu stopped going to work altogether cca 2003, even though it was not really "work" in the sense modern zek imagines, and even though "you can have your office wherever you want, yes we'll call any of your girls to find out what cafebar that is today" and so on. and it was as fucking difficult a decision for me as for anyone ever, because "we need you" and "this shit won't work without you" (duh) and so on and so forth. 1872419;1542296911;mircea_popescu;but, asthe saying goes, you gotta drop a hand when you know it can't win, not when you figure you can afford to lose "your" "share" of the pot. (note -- pot is NOT SHARED, and it only has an owner AFTER, never before. there's no suchj thing as pot equity, fundamentally and necessarily, which is because man-things are anti-woman-"ideas"). 1872420;1542296948;asciilifeform;i recall the post, i think, mircea_popescu used to be a kind of surgeon , resurrected dying corps 1872421;1542296974;mircea_popescu;mod6 so the idea here being that currently fiat valuation of coins is "0.5x fountains of youth" and you're waiting for something more like 1.5x fountains of youth, ie, for it to be a superunitary number of fountains of youths ? 1872422;1542297005;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform he used to be a kind of fixer, owned a town and http://btcbase.org/log/2015-02-28#1036383 1872423;1542297005;a111;Logged on 2015-02-28 23:51 mircea_popescu: you ain't bought a license to kill bookies, and today i ain't sellin' any. 1872424;1542297035;asciilifeform;aha 1872425;1542297043;mod6;Something like that. When I can take 25 coins and retire confidently. Or something of the like. 1872426;1542297096;mircea_popescu;mod6 i don't think the coins will ever buy back our youths. 1872427;1542297106;mircea_popescu;that is a definite ceiling i can absolutely place on the bit-coin 1872428;1542297155;mod6;I don't think it'll buy back youth -- just the time and space to never have to go back to the mines. To be able to use my time as best as mircea_popescu sees fit. 1872429;1542297157;*;asciilifeform pictures a fyootoor emperor qin shihuandi , with stable of alchemists paid in coin, hunting for elixir 1872430;1542297184;mod6;I really could do this today. 1872431;1542297185;mircea_popescu;ahaha mod6 that's like ein anderes level! 1872432;1542297216;mircea_popescu;sick burn. but srsly, i don't have a problem with you using it any way you ~think~ best. but the catch is, i fucking want you to think! not just autopilot into it. 1872433;1542297223;mod6;I just don't want to use that many coins on it, today. 1872434;1542297268;mod6;heheh, *nod* 1872435;1542297303;BingoBoingo; simply best-known example. pantsuit is colonial master in good chunk of that subcontinent, but not afaik vietnam. << Vietnam lost the rent a rack contest due to sad "International" bandwidth 1872436;1542297325;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: not all doings require a+++ bandwidth 1872437;1542297325;mod6;wrt the salt-mine thing, and retirement, I'm just trying to do the most reasonable, responsible thing. I think about it everytime I step foot on the train platform. 1872438;1542297372;mircea_popescu;if you say you think about it i will believe you think about it. as i have believed throughout, when the fuck did i even tell you what to do until you started not doing it. if you say i will beleive, but mind it's not "honest confusion" a la earlier. 1872439;1542297378;mircea_popescu;because that -- that i have no way to check. 1872440;1542297437;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Indeed. Simply pointing out Vietnam lost the datacenter contest for the same reason Cambodia did and not being USG.BFF 1872441;1542297476;mircea_popescu;afaik burma doesn't even have an "international bw". 1872442;1542297499;mircea_popescu;but then again, we have all these autopilot magic flying information-superhighway threads... may benefit from a real jungle endpoint. 1872443;1542297527;asciilifeform;there are things on back burner that ~specifically~ call for 'jungle endpoint'. 1872444;1542297532;mircea_popescu;yes. 1872445;1542297686;BingoBoingo;The Burma situation is lulzy with old girl whats her name having solved whatever petty hangup stood between her and the Junta and going from USG.blue darling to a lesser "orange man" 1872446;1542297998;mircea_popescu;you know ? 1872447;1542298054;mircea_popescu;it would be a little rich if the thing became "but mp, you said man -- responsibilities -- rhodesia ???" "yes well, sorry, beobachter did not list you on rhodesia list" "oh I SEE!!!" 1872448;1542298088;asciilifeform;they did 'list' qatar, neh 1872449;1542298110;asciilifeform;turns out pantsuit fatwa not 100% a++ guide to where are the sane orcs 1872450;1542298118;BingoBoingo; mircea_popescu: I can't take any time off of salt-mine, or at least, not the kind of time that I would need to drop all and head down to BBstan. Used my time for this year, already. << After January 15th the amount of ear confusing Portuguese drops substantially, and the beaches are still here 1872451;1542298162;mod6;Thanks BingoBoingo 1872452;1542298183;mircea_popescu;speaking of which, i am half-considering getting a beach house here for a week or so, to "airbnb" any republicans who might wish to come. this sound interesting at all to anyone ? 1872453;1542298221;asciilifeform;mod6 srsly ^ 1872454;1542298239;mircea_popescu;i'm thinking mid jan to late feb sometime maybe. 1872455;1542298406;mircea_popescu;im also half-thinking of hiring a coupla strippers to do the housework naked for the interval. 1872456;1542298410;mircea_popescu;why not do things in style. 1872457;1542298412;BingoBoingo;Anyways mod6 if you can't hit up the expocannabis next month, the beach doesn't expire. You just don't have to share it with the Bralisero school break crowd. 1872458;1542298473;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: i can't resist to ask, what've you got against the brazil folx anyway . i worked with a bunch for yrs, jolly good chaps 1872459;1542298499;asciilifeform;( admittedly they were 100% solid miamiseeker ) 1872460;1542298535;mircea_popescu;i think he just doesn't like schoolkids 1872461;1542298536;BingoBoingo;They are good people, but based on my experience shortly after landing the whole "third language dominating all the spaces" deal can be disorienting 1872462;1542298545;BingoBoingo; i think he just doesn't like schoolkids << Mostly this 1872463;1542298566;BingoBoingo;And not particularly fond of "teachers" either 1872464;1542298587;asciilifeform;eh portuguese is 'language' like ukr is 1872465;1542298591;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo becoming stereotypical gruff male. 1872466;1542298796;mircea_popescu;anyway, i wish to hear re foregoing! 1872467;1542299361;asciilifeform;wb Mocky 1872468;1542299389;Mocky;thx asciilifeform, been off grid a few days 1872469;1542299410;mircea_popescu;how's being back ? 1872470;1542299497;trinque;BingoBoingo: feed re-enabled 1872471;1542299498;lobbesbot;trinque: Sent 10 hours and 54 minutes ago: Feel free to return the feed 1872472;1542299628;Mocky;it was good until all my plans went awry. Had planned 3 months of normal living off savings to find a new job. unexpectedly I'm in immediate need of income and acute rationing / mooching off family has already begun 1872473;1542299638;mircea_popescu;how come ? 1872474;1542299674;trinque;mod6: I don't mean to thump on you further, but you've gotta be the least selfish guy sitting here. I encourage you to look out for #1 a bit more. we need a sharp, rich, powerful mod6, not one running himself ragged piously. 1872475;1542299701;mircea_popescu;i think he might actually be the least selfish guy here. 1872476;1542299724;mircea_popescu;and yes, when good men forego power, all that happens is power ends up concentrated with idiots. NOTHING else. 1872477;1542299740;Mocky;most of my savings was lost to my own idiocy, and my other stream of income has been delayed 1872478;1542299749;mircea_popescu;it's significantly more shameful an act to not be powerful than to go around rural train stations jacking off. 1872479;1542299767;trinque;hey, jacking-off dood is leaving his mark 1872480;1542299783;mircea_popescu;Mocky didja ever get the BingoBoingo thing settled or is that distressed consequently ? 1872481;1542299847;BingoBoingo;It's a lot easier to go around rural train stations jacking off if your rural has train stations 1872482;1542299889;mircea_popescu;eurocentric worldview ftw. 1872483;1542299912;Mocky;mircea_popescu, BingoBoingo thing is still in progress and not distressed. but you'll have to !!v if you want the remainder to proceed http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-09#1870491 1872484;1542299912;a111;Logged on 2018-11-09 21:32 mircea_popescu: !!pay mocky 0.2 1872485;1542299933;mircea_popescu;no fucking way ?! 1872486;1542299944;mircea_popescu;brb, checking this. jesus wtf is with my v process. 1872487;1542299986;trinque;probably just lack of caps 1872488;1542300008;trinque;if the thing doesn't confirm back to you that the !!pay happened, didn't 1872489;1542300061;mircea_popescu;!!v F654A0B4F8FCF45412A50B62FE4EAF783A6846B1D281EB8860F2C9394012F38F 1872490;1542300084;mircea_popescu;hm. i take it it's expired ? 1872491;1542300120;trinque;looks already consumed, yep. one sec and lemme fix the caps-sensitivity 1872492;1542300141;mircea_popescu;oooo caps. 1872493;1542300161;trinque;give it a pull again with lowercase please? 1872494;1542300166;mircea_popescu;Mocky thanks fucking god i said something. 1872495;1542300184;mircea_popescu;trinque sorry, it's not clear to me. should i do something ? what ? 1872496;1542300238;Mocky;mircea_popescu, you were going to get a reminder from me tomorrow if it hadn't gone thru by then. 1872497;1542300243;trinque;the command should now work with any casing 1872498;1542300278;trinque;but you'll need to re-issue it and !!v again 1872499;1542300283;mircea_popescu;trinque so the payment he references is actually dead, and i should re-do it (and in redoing it say "mocky" not "Mocky" so you can test) ? 1872500;1542300288;mircea_popescu;alrighty. 1872501;1542300288;trinque;correct 1872502;1542300292;mircea_popescu;!!pay mocky 0.2 1872503;1542300302;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/9hKQ3/?raw=true 1872504;1542300330;mircea_popescu;Mocky imagine, never before was i tempted to type a nick by hand, so we never knew. 1872505;1542300357;mircea_popescu;!!v 76448389511874988173ADAC8EE65CEE8A9B2AF07975B3F38E34412E988550DA 1872506;1542300363;deedbot;mircea_popescu paid mocky 0.2 1872507;1542300375;trinque;neato, thanks 1872508;1542300386;mircea_popescu;my very good pleasure. 1872509;1542300435;Mocky;ok, looks good 1872510;1542300529;Mocky;anyway, I'm putting in 80hr/week interview prep as that's my bottleneck, plus as many more hours as I can cram in before it shuts down 1872511;1542300598;mircea_popescu;now this out of the way : your credit's still good, you want a coin or so on your marker ? 1872512;1542300837;Mocky;I'd appreciate it, I'm not in a position to turn it down as much as I'd like to 1872513;1542300900;mircea_popescu;you want it settled as fiat or as coin ? 1872514;1542300918;Mocky;coin 1872515;1542300996;mircea_popescu;!!pay Mocky 1 1872516;1542301004;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/5v2Sn/?raw=true 1872517;1542301067;mircea_popescu;!!v DE9F4E16DEFA1DAE7F6B3AD1C6B075DA9ABAF6125E1A01E377B8D6240367B111 1872518;1542301073;deedbot;mircea_popescu paid Mocky 1 1872519;1542301085;Mocky;ty mircea_popescu 1872520;1542301092;mircea_popescu;i'll want the coin back next year. now go forth and own stupidity no more! 1872521;1542301156;Mocky;ok 1872522;1542301803;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/11/japan-cybersecurity-minister-has-not-used-a-computer/ << Qntra - Japan: Cybersecurity Minister Has Not Used A Computer 1872523;1542302122;BingoBoingo;re: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-15#1872387 How is Chimichurri Raptorson doing these days? 1872524;1542302122;a111;Logged on 2018-11-15 15:35 mircea_popescu: by all means. the republic is eternal ; children are like ducklings, one day they http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/best-in-the-world-13-560x373.jpg then you blink and they're 3 lbs being thrown into the pond. come back when you're mocky's age, you can have a lengthy history of java you daren't admit to the self you regret and you can go to burma or w/e. 1872525;1542302667;mircea_popescu;feathers, lol 1872526;1542302749;BingoBoingo;Anyways, the ability to keep house ducklings for eventual retirement to the pond on the back 40 is a distinct advantage of rural life 1872527;1542303163;mircea_popescu;heh. 1872528;1542303534;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: loox like http://bingology.net sidebar is vanished ? 1872529;1542303536;BingoBoingo;Perpetual duckling machine 1872530;1542303571;asciilifeform;lol 1872531;1542303573;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: It's on the repair que 1872532;1542303577;asciilifeform;backups, folx!! 1872533;1542303607;asciilifeform;no one ever said last words 'i wish i hadn't made backup' heh 1872534;1542303746;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: unrelatedly, did anyone ever actually bake a pdf2www viewer gizmo ? ( i wanted to link to e.g. http://btcbase.org/log/2017-09-16#1715210 and other oldstuff, at various points, but am loathe to link direct turd, really oughta be a thing which eats link to pdf and shits a http://www.loper-os.org/pub/hl/hl.html - style item ) 1872535;1542303746;a111;Logged on 2017-09-16 02:53 mircea_popescu: incidentally, should prolly take a look at http://www.shoup.net/papers/oaep.pdf also 1872536;1542303803;asciilifeform;i distinctly recall that several people ( incl. gabriel_laddel ) threatened to bake this, but did anyone bake ? 1872537;1542303813;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform nope. 1872538;1542303823;asciilifeform;damn 1872539;1542303826;mircea_popescu;ikr. 1872540;1542303857;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Fixed 1872541;1542303861;asciilifeform;sumthing like a rk, booted to ram disk, would make a perfectly fine toilet for such a thing imho 1872542;1542303910;mircea_popescu;iirc i even put in the logs url of very fine service in this vein, back a few years ago when i still even considered i might be interested in reading something that came in a pdf. 1872543;1542303928;asciilifeform;it very rarely comes up , aha 1872544;1542303960;mircea_popescu;meanwhile kinda moved past it -- if it's in pdf it's as good as if it's in http://trilema.com/2013/the-linguistic-mark-of-cultural-failure/ language as far as i'm concerned : dead to reason and to no loss of reason for it. 1872545;1542303984;asciilifeform;at times i wanna link to orig pubs of various algos, e.g. barrett, and frustrating 1872546;1542304012;mircea_popescu;at some point, man has to discriminate. as much sense as the woman's wail "o look, he has TOES!!! there are SOME human-like parts!!" may seem to make sense on the surface. 1872547;1542304015;asciilifeform;( not to mention, various heathen dirt in e.g. qntra, typically i put it through ocr but result aint always edible ) 1872548;1542304069;asciilifeform;imho a thing that'd swallow a pdf/ps/etc and shit out html with sequenced jpeg, would be entirely useful item. 1872549;1542304113;mircea_popescu;surely. 1872550;1542304126;asciilifeform;iirc lobbes attempted one, but got stuck on sumthing 1872551;1542304132;mircea_popescu;and the republic's insistent refusal to bake it, over the years since it was first specced, an entirely resounding and clear refusal of the theory. 1872552;1542304158;asciilifeform;it definitely, let's say, not top of list of open problem 1872553;1542304160;mircea_popescu;i'm perfectly willing to turn the de facto "we of tmsr do not believe anything in a pdf should ever be read" into law. 1872554;1542304185;asciilifeform;i wish i could concur, but while baking ffa i had to eat a good 100GB of pdf. 1872555;1542304206;asciilifeform;( if anybody's curious how -- printer ) 1872556;1542304211;mircea_popescu;kinda how it goes. 1872557;1542304243;mircea_popescu;anyway, the problem afaik is that pdf is a) not a format and b) not digital. 1872558;1542304266;mircea_popescu;by a i mean : a zip of pngs can be presented as ".pdf" and this is legal ; just as vectored text or ascii text could. 1872559;1542304283;mircea_popescu;and by b) i mean inept shit like "this text is a picture" 1872560;1542304310;mircea_popescu;so imo saddling anyone with "transform pdf into sanity" is not unlike saddling the one with any other restatement of "build machine, shit in, prunes out". 1872561;1542304344;mircea_popescu;yet another exercise in http://trilema.com/2018/so-i-designed-a-block-chipher/ 1872562;1542304437;asciilifeform;sanity -- defo not; but conceivably could be frozen in amber the way nintendo games were. 1872563;1542304445;asciilifeform;supposing anybody can ever be arsed. 1872564;1542304451;mircea_popescu;i don't think i want amber statues of pdf. 1872565;1542304469;mircea_popescu;decay, dissolution and doom are ~good~ things. 1872566;1542304514;asciilifeform;the thread provoked by reading dulap l0gz this morning, and asciilifeform noticed a mysterious upsurge of heathen interest in ye olde http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-28#1491985 turd collection. by all rights they oughta be seeing it as jpeg encrusted with tmsr ad banners etc 1872567;1542304514;a111;Logged on 2016-06-28 04:51 asciilifeform: http://nosuchlabs.com/pub/lenat-leaks.tar.gz 1872568;1542304524;mircea_popescu;just re-genesis anything you happen to find and care about in a pdf as if it were your own original invention. 1872569;1542304529;mircea_popescu;as far as im concerned, it strictly is. 1872570;1542304532;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: kinda what ffa is 1872571;1542304541;mircea_popescu;sure. 1872572;1542304544;asciilifeform;( no algo in ffa is newer than 1988 or so ) 1872573;1542304564;asciilifeform;and they all orig were born as typewritten page in pdf thing 1872574;1542304599;mircea_popescu;pdf can't "own" bits anymore than wikipedia can. if i drop a can of tuna in dogshit, it;s not now "dogshit brand tuna" 1872575;1542304627;asciilifeform;contemplated strictly as archaeologist's spade, rather than some continued 'legit' existence for the sadformat. 1872576;1542304655;mircea_popescu;i honestly believe the item linked cca 2015 is perfect answer. do you know which i mean or need i go spelunking for it ? 1872577;1542304671;asciilifeform;diggin in the l0gz since mircea_popescu brought it up 5min ago, but not found yet 1872578;1542304684;mircea_popescu;aite will try and refind. 1872579;1542304687;asciilifeform;ty 1872580;1542304702;asciilifeform;( if not find, i won't cry, either ) 1872581;1542305051;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2014-11-09#915458 << ancients 1872582;1542305051;a111;Logged on 2014-11-09 06:38 mircea_popescu: kakobrekla feature request : when assbot parses a pdf url, can it spit it out with http://btcscoop.com/cgi-bin/convert.py?docurl= prefixed for convenience, while also making a http request so as to start the conversion ? 1872583;1542305062;asciilifeform;dead 1872584;1542305077;jurov;!!v 9B78C9E6ACC1D3005E3B8CDB410DDEC33B46494C8ACF5E1125C1A1E5660C8CDE 1872585;1542305082;asciilifeform;'The Sponsored Listings displayed above are served automatically by a third party. Neither Parkingcrew nor the domain owner maintain any relationship with the advertisers.' 1872586;1542305083;deedbot;jurov paid BingoBoingo invoice 3 1872587;1542305116;mircea_popescu;im sure 1872588;1542305139;BingoBoingo;jurov: ty 1872589;1542305146;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: what did it look like when alive ? was it essentially a http://www.loper-os.org/pub/hl/hl.html thing ? 1872590;1542305181;asciilifeform;( i've seen various heathen crapola that takes pdf and makes www, but all seems to use ocean of js and scarcely improvement over orig gnarl imho ) 1872591;1542305194;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i think it actually was https://pdftotext.com/ 1872592;1542305199;mircea_popescu;give it a spin plox ? 1872593;1542305209;*;asciilifeform goes to try 1872594;1542305277;asciilifeform;gives me line noise for pretty much anyffing i put in 1872595;1542305297;asciilifeform;( not even 7bit-clean line noise ) 1872596;1542305317;asciilifeform;i suspect it only worx on pdf with pre-existing ocr track 1872597;1542305329;asciilifeform;( i.e. not maffs, not scans ) 1872598;1542305336;mircea_popescu;possible ? or i got the wrong item, who the fuck even knows. 1872599;1542305345;*;mircea_popescu throws hands up, this was the available budget for pdf bs. 1872600;1542305356;asciilifeform;if anybody knows of such a thing that actually seems to work, plox to write in. 1872601;1542305544;Mocky;I've used online-convert.com, has an option for OCR but I haven't tested that. https://document.online-convert.com/convert-to-txt 1872602;1542305570;asciilifeform;Mocky: the sad bit is that ocr never has and prolly never will work worth half a shit on maffs 1872603;1542305594;asciilifeform;( where not only gnarly notations but where even 1 character bitflip is unacceptably many ) 1872604;1542305641;asciilifeform;it's kinda why knuth wrote tex 1872605;1542305657;asciilifeform;( wanted to get human monkeys out of the typesetting loop, unacceptable bit rot even with professional typists ) 1872606;1542305729;mircea_popescu;there's no ~need~ for it to work, is the important point. 1872607;1542305762;asciilifeform;very easy to say when you aint an archaeologist eating 100GB of old maffs. 1872608;1542305763;BingoBoingo;Aite, I have found a ~56kb chunk of php which will let mp-wp shit out database backups from the dashboard. Going to put reading the PHP in the que, because php chunk's alleged author is this guy: http://austinmatzko.com/ 1872609;1542305766;mircea_popescu;nothing in a pdf is actually worth reading / taking as such. http://trilema.com/2014/how-to-deal-with-pseudoscience/ specifically says, "no need to mechanically process pdfs" 1872610;1542305782;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo what is wrong with just using mysql like sane people ? 1872611;1542305801;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i ended up killing coupla trees, with http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-15#1872555 , to do it, conceivably they didnt have to die.. 1872612;1542305801;a111;Logged on 2018-11-15 17:50 asciilifeform: ( if anybody's curious how -- printer ) 1872613;1542305818;mircea_popescu;let them die. 1872614;1542305856;*;asciilifeform actually ran 2 printers into the ground since started ffa 1872615;1542305866;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Workflow thing. I don't keep a constant ssh tunnel into the server, but if there's a button of the constantly open wpdashboard which shits db for my local machine Imma hit that button at least daily. 1872616;1542305866;mircea_popescu;if you're going to do spelunking, at least do it. 1872617;1542305897;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo no screen / scripts where you live ?! 1872618;1542305928;mircea_popescu;you will have to at some time backup other things than mpwp you realiose 1872619;1542305936;mircea_popescu;why are you learning the wrong lesson andf baking php into your process 1872620;1542305998;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: it might take a little work for other folx, but realize that you can back up your rk just by picking up the disk, lol, with hands, and sticking in yer lappy and dd if=/dev/sdb | gzip > backup 1872621;1542306016;mircea_popescu;kek 1872622;1542306077;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: This is a point. I found a bandaid, gotta not let the bandaid turn into a load bearing structural member 1872623;1542306126;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: That is a point 1872624;1542306163;BingoBoingo;At least now with Iron heat dissapating disk. 1872625;1542306179;asciilifeform;with any disk ,lol 1872626;1542306180;BingoBoingo;Harder to do with the old port fouling plastic shrouded thinds 1872627;1542306206;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: i used a chip puller when i was prototyping here, worked a++ 1872628;1542306227;asciilifeform;( part of any respectable toolbox, imho ) 1872629;1542306240;asciilifeform;mine i fished from a dumpster when i was a kid 1872630;1542306285;asciilifeform;but yes, new ones you oughta be able to pull with 2 fingers 1872631;1542306313;Mocky;was kid asciilifeform hanging out in dumpsters or went in specifically for a chip puller? 1872632;1542306358;asciilifeform;Mocky: when asciilifeform & co moved to usa, father worked as a 'building super' in industrial shithole, lotsa goodies thrown for the pickin' 1872633;1542306371;asciilifeform;yes hung in dumpsters 1872634;1542306412;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu had to ride horse and burn vienna to get 286, but here idjits simply threw out 486 etc 1872635;1542306549;Mocky;my first born has regular side income selling old servers and hardware fished from his work dumpster, sometimes asks me for help loading when loot pile is especially big 1872636;1542307454;asciilifeform;Mocky: i used to shop at a dealer like that 1872637;1542307471;asciilifeform;( since sadly closed, i suspect he died, d00d was uncommonly fat even for ameristan ) 1872638;1542307500;asciilifeform;was great shop -- no price stickers, proprietor made up prices as he went along, and usually were in 'lunch money' range, even for e.g. pallet of sgi 'origin' etc 1872639;1542307548;asciilifeform;'oh hi mr d , i've been saving this naval 300kV xray machine for you, surely you want' 1872640;1542307841;asciilifeform;in other noose, asciilifeform's ancient venerable hoster seems to be outaged ( iirc 2nd time since 2015 .. ) 1872641;1542307864;asciilifeform;( anybody able to load my www ? ) 1872642;1542307885;asciilifeform;hrm, seems to work nao.. 1872643;1542307900;asciilifeform;shortest outage ever.. 1872644;1542310261;mircea_popescu;wb lol 1872645;1542310697;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in other places, "The whole scope of the essay is to recommend culture as the great help out of our present difficulties; culture being a pursuit of our total perfection by means of getting to know, on all the matters which most concern us, the best which has been thought and said in the world, and, through this knowledge, turning a stream of fresh and free thought upon our stock notions and habits, which we now fol 1872646;1542310697;mircea_popescu;low staunchly but mechanically, vainly imagining that there is a virtue in following them staunchly which makes up for the mischief of following them mechanically." 1872647;1542310802;diana_coman;BingoBoingo, fwiw all my backups are basically scripts+cron 1872648;1542310853;diana_coman;and re the wp backup from dashboard specifically, the one time when I used it on old blog it turned out to be shit because although it said "backup ALL" it failed to actually backup /restore the categories too... 1872649;1542310873;BingoBoingo;Ah, the export thing is a pain I have bumped into before 1872650;1542310881;BingoBoingo;Yes, that omits categories 1872651;1542310937;diana_coman;I can't begin to imagine what was the design idea there "oh, ALL does not mean categories because you might want to just re-categorize all your writing" or what 1872652;1542312182;deedbot;http://bimbo.club/?p=78 << Bimbo.Club - TMSR Log Summary - 11/01/2018 1872653;1542316451;asciilifeform;diana_coman: sorta why asciilifeform wish list includes plain-files-on-disk blogotron -- then trivial to back up 1872654;1542316457;asciilifeform;simply tar up the dir & go. 1872655;1542316524;asciilifeform;even a super-heaviweight bag of txt/jpg like mircea_popescu's, would damn near certainly work a++ as a filesystem thing 1872656;1542316549;asciilifeform;( even phuctor did! back when it weighed a GB or 2 ) 1872657;1542316570;asciilifeform;and the jpg live on fs as it is. 1872658;1542316619;asciilifeform;db only really wins when yer doing a) complex queries b) over million+ items , or a+b , really 1872659;1542316759;asciilifeform;imho the wp mix-and-match, where some stuff lives in db, other on disk -- is worst of both worlds 1872660;1542316778;asciilifeform;if you simply ~must~ db, stuff it all in db already 1872661;1542316804;asciilifeform;( phuctor keeps errything, even raw keyz, in db, nowadays ) 1872662;1542316894;asciilifeform;long ago, asciilifeform used to have a plain txt www . only moved to wp because wanted search box, comments, etc, and couldn't be arsed to bake a blogotron by hand 1872663;1542317464;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/11/el-chapo-im-not-the-boss-i-just-work-for-him-the-same-as-mexican-presidents-do/ << Qntra - El Chapo: I'm Not The Boss, I Just Work For Him The Same As Mexican Presidents Do 1872664;1542318865;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/11/anti-trump-wop-arrested-for-wife-beating-in-la-is-presently-blaming-jewish-trump-supporter-instead-of-repeating-believe-women/ << Qntra - Anti-Trump Wop Arrested For Wife Beating In LA, Is Presently Blaming Jewish Trump Supporter Instead Of Repeating "Believe Women" 1872665;1542326025;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform all blogotrons are "plain files on disk" 1872666;1542326048;mircea_popescu;mysql db is direcylu back-up-able by copying two files. php IS FUCKING FILES ON DISK 1872667;1542326053;mircea_popescu;wtf already with all this idiocy. 1872668;1542326110;mircea_popescu;and you are doing a+b. you are taking three different sources of data and merging them together, because it is ~deeply inconvenient~ to store comments together with articles. 1872669;1542326157;mircea_popescu;and since you got that, you also use markup and configuration, which are similarily separate, and there you go, your naive "i am an idiot who must make his own nails by hand" "files on disk" has four... directories is it ? 1872670;1542326367;mircea_popescu;LAW OFFICES OF Jnrrnnv Ltcmuex 1872671;1542326368;mircea_popescu;nice. 1872672;1542326514;mircea_popescu;i beleive this Jnrrnnv Ltcmuex, esq shall become a character. 1872673;1542327763;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: what happens if you were to copy the msql db mid-write ? 1872674;1542327776;asciilifeform;( laugh all you like, this was actual problem in phuctor initially ) 1872675;1542327779;mircea_popescu;you lose the uncompleted bit. 1872676;1542327789;asciilifeform;aha 1872677;1542327794;mircea_popescu;mysql only commits to disk sane records. 1872678;1542327809;asciilifeform;iirc got 'journal' thing aha 1872679;1542327830;mircea_popescu;yes, it's a journaling fs with indexes. which is why i like it. 1872680;1542327860;mircea_popescu;i am not saying very specific applications (such as bitcoin, due to blocks being b locks) can't benefit from purpose made fs. nor am i saying the extant ~fs~ are defensible and not an atrocity against sense and taste. 1872681;1542327870;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: doesn't it ever strike you as odd that the machine needs ~2~ journals, 1 on top of other ? 1872682;1542327875;mircea_popescu;however, the db is not at fault for our forebearers being dropped on the head. 1872683;1542327881;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform it doesn't need THE OTHER ONE 1872684;1542327887;asciilifeform;aha!! 1872685;1542327891;mircea_popescu;this one is the good one, as it's actually correctly designed. 1872686;1542327914;mircea_popescu;until anhero comes by with the ~correct~ general purpose fs, mysql-on-ext4 is the way to go. 1872687;1542327916;asciilifeform;asciilifeform's objection is not 'i dun like mircea_popescu's db, it smells of burnt trotyl and tuica' but 'why machine needs TWO?!' 1872688;1542327953;mircea_popescu;cuz we don't have the manpower to write ~general purpose fs~. we don't even have the manpower to write fucking ~narrow purpose fs~, for lack of the manpower to fucking read patches before we mis-add numbers! 1872689;1542327967;asciilifeform;lol 1872690;1542327988;mircea_popescu;fermeture provisoire pour cause de fermeture definitive! 1872691;1542328000;asciilifeform;i wrote, fwiw, a nqb 'fs'. but not battlefield-grade yet. 1872692;1542328023;asciilifeform;( simply cuz not genesis'd yet , needs massage and will have to wait ) 1872693;1542328051;asciilifeform;~O(1) tx load/store. 1872694;1542328073;mircea_popescu;who THE FUCK thought it's ok for the fs to not take arbitrary indices, like, ever, in the whole thirty seconds history of sitting-here-quietly-and-thinking-abnout-computers as it stretches from 1971 onwards. 1872695;1542328090;asciilifeform;dumb unix fucks who else 1872696;1542328096;asciilifeform;recall thread, 'you can have 9000 files' etc 1872697;1542328149;mircea_popescu;"oh, cuz then you can't have ACCESS CONTROLS!!!" "oh ?" "so we won't implement those, either" "ah i see. and which is the store where they don't have fish again ?" 1872698;1542328172;asciilifeform;funnily enuff they still have one in timis 1872699;1542328177;asciilifeform;i went 10 times and 0 fish 1872700;1542328184;mircea_popescu;keks 1872701;1542328192;asciilifeform;just empty tables, buncha weirdos, and pigeons 1872702;1542328199;mircea_popescu;maybe their trawler wasn't in 1872703;1542328213;asciilifeform;devil knows 1872704;1542328227;asciilifeform;nearest fish prolly lives 900km away 1872705;1542328273;mircea_popescu;i was being farcetious 1872706;1542328320;asciilifeform;speaking of heathen gnarl, took another look coupla wks ago at 'risc-v' ( e.g. instr set https://archive.is/TfPrq ) and pretty depressing. yes it's the simplest cpu currently targeted by gcc , and somebody even sells iron nao, but still a mess. 1872707;1542328367;asciilifeform;( attraction is supposed to be 'open standard', 'no royalty', whatever. but still bizarrely imho complex. e.g. variable-length instructions -- wai!?? ) 1872708;1542328400;asciilifeform;and buncha crapola -- page table, floating point, etc. that simply dun need to exist. 1872709;1542328533;asciilifeform;'you bolt shit to side of rifle, still not hit broad side of barn' 1872710;1542328592;*;asciilifeform brb,meat 1872711;1542328610;mircea_popescu;imo if you're going to use "new processor, cuz simple" it will BETTER not have 1980s imbecile nonsense like "floating point" 1872712;1542328633;mircea_popescu;which imo is ~exactly~ "unicode, implemented as best we could" 1872713;1542329043;asciilifeform;variable-length instructions (a la x86 incidentally) is ~exactly~ unitardism 1872714;1542329155;asciilifeform;i carved out an evening to actually read the standard docs, thinking 'maybe asciilifeform was wrong re http://btcbase.org/log/2018-06-11#1823089 , http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-16#1739675 , http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-16#1739666 , etc ' but guess wat. 1872715;1542329155;a111;Logged on 2018-06-11 20:57 asciilifeform: fuck riscv. it was deliberately designed with no arithmetical carry, to cripple cryptography. 1872716;1542329155;a111;Logged on 2017-11-16 17:43 asciilifeform: 'risc-v' is a well-crafted attempt to steal the name, much like gypsies tried to steal even the name of the country they lived in 1872717;1542329155;a111;Logged on 2017-11-16 17:41 asciilifeform: moar concretely they go around propagandizing that if you build a fpga board you gotta use it, because 'mips is patented' ( in what country ? even in usa patent is 25y ) or 'risc-v is simplest' ( uh, nope ) and other idiocy. 1872718;1542329723;asciilifeform;funnily enuff, an almost ~exact opposite~ of asciilifeform's experience in digging up ada ( reputation for gnarl, turns out actually simple & clean 'when used as prescribed' ) , risc-v - reputation for 'simple and clean', turns out ball o' hair 1872719;1542332113;BingoBoingo; i beleive this Jnrrnnv Ltcmuex, esq shall become a character. << Hey, in a world where only machines can read pdf ocr hell into text, courts have to live with their illegible data writing 1872720;1542336634;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in oddball heathen tech, https://archive.is/p7UYV 1872721;1542336666;*;asciilifeform never ran into the thing previously , somehow, and then saw and wtf 1872722;1542336756;asciilifeform;tldr : heathen altcoin hash algo which supposedly 'memory hard', but then you look and it only wants 2MB ( and possibly less, with optimizations) -- evidently so that fluffypony or watshisname could use ~his~ seekrit fpga.. 1872723;1542336850;asciilifeform;i knew about his lossy signatures nuttery, but not about this, it doubles the lulz 1872724;1542336932;asciilifeform;( it so happens that asciilifeform knows that fpga with 2MB sram became available just as that thing was written ) 1872725;1542341109;*;asciilifeform suspects that there are other lulz like this to be found in the 'asic resistant alts' circus, but does not actively follow the subj 1872726;1542342317;auctionbot;Sell order # 1007 has ENDED: One lot of 14,500 S.QNTR shares SOLD to diana_coman for 150mn ecu. Attn: BingoBoingo 1872727;1542347395;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform aha. 1872728;1542347435;mircea_popescu;guy seemed like "honest, quiet man", then seemed like obvious expert scammer. because that's the problem with sticking to the "honest quiet man" schtick -- only scammers are actually that. 1872729;1542347460;mircea_popescu;with everyone else, it goes away over time. 1872730;1542347537;mircea_popescu;ye olde italian "chi non mangia in compagnia o è un ladro, o è una spia" proverb specifically says that the one reason for systematically quiet is affraid-of-own-web-of-lies. 1872731;1542353019;deedbot;http://bimbo.club/?p=79 << Bimbo.Club - TMSR Log Summary - 11/02/2018 1872732;1542374920;asciilifeform;ohai Mocky , mircea_popescu 1872733;1542375130;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in spam trap, http://bitcoinrabbithole.org/writings << links to heathens ~and~ mircea_popescu , which is atypical 1872734;1542375145;diana_coman;BingoBoingo, let me know how you prefer to settle 1872735;1542375229;asciilifeform;ohai diana_coman 1872736;1542375246;*;diana_coman waves 1872737;1542375339;Mocky;good morning asciilifeform 1872738;1542375363;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-16#1872728 << the only part of the scheme that dun immediately make sense is how he drummed up exchange rate for his lolcoin; i'ma guess it was with the standard 'wash trade' sleight of hand 1872739;1542375363;a111;Logged on 2018-11-16 05:50 mircea_popescu: guy seemed like "honest, quiet man", then seemed like obvious expert scammer. because that's the problem with sticking to the "honest quiet man" schtick -- only scammers are actually that. 1872740;1542375423;asciilifeform;thing also seems to dominate the mining-with-virii niche currently, which is how it came to asciilifeform's attention 1872741;1542375474;asciilifeform;( presently ~0 winblowz trojans are mining anyffing else ) 1872742;1542375663;asciilifeform;Mocky: how is gringostan treating you ? miss the desert yet ? 1872743;1542376040;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: other thing -- i have a vague sympathy for the 'asic-resist' perpetuum-mobile folx; i dun particularly see what's so great about chinese monopoly on mining in classical btc. but it is tempered by the fact that they're some admixture of outright scamola and dumb-as-rocks -- consider, we described a perfectly-usable 'disk-hard' pow algo, http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-01#1620665 , and they're still derping with 'ram-har 1872744;1542376040;a111;Logged on 2017-03-01 19:34 asciilifeform: there is no way to practically compute this value without having a copy of the blockchain. and it also ends up being luby-transformable into any one of the 3 old tx if you have the other 2. a kind of perpetual redundancy in the storage . 1872745;1542376040;asciilifeform;d' etc 1872746;1542376084;Mocky;the cold season is a more difficult transition than normal. In a way I sort of do miss the heat. 1872747;1542376351;Mocky;being in qatar where so many things were different.. I never really missed home, but once I got back everything felt so familiar all of a sudden. I don't really know how to explain it. 1872748;1542376406;Mocky;like, "holy shit, chix walking around in yoga pants and short shorts.. how could I have forgotten that these things exist?" 1872749;1542376409;asciilifeform;Mocky: funnily enuff, whenever i go off the reservation, i ~anti~-miss home 1872750;1542376421;asciilifeform;'grr, time to go back into bigzone' 1872751;1542376458;BingoBoingo;diana_coman: I prefer Bitcoin. GPGgram me a destination for the shares and I will arrange delivery with Jurov. Thank you for your interest in Journalism. 1872752;1542376459;asciilifeform;just once i gotta go to some place that's moar of a shithole than here, just to see what it feels like. 1872753;1542376482;asciilifeform;but it'd prolly have to be in africa, and i'd rather not africa 1872754;1542376492;diana_coman;BingoBoingo, invoice me via deedbot then 1872755;1542376505;Mocky;i kind of got used to seeing what few chicks there were draped in black with only eyes showing 1872756;1542376510;BingoBoingo;diana_coman: Will do 1872757;1542376544;BingoBoingo;First Lettuce not forget how Fluffypony came to the attentions of these halls http://trilema.com/2013/why-finance-shouldnt-be-open-to-your-average-schmoe/ 1872758;1542376620;BingoBoingo;!!invoice diana_coman 0.15 S.QNTR Auction winner 1872759;1542376624;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/Tir7U/?raw=true 1872760;1542376645;Mocky;but those who were draped in black, covering the eyes as well with some see-thru black cloth: i never got used to that, always felt disconcerting and I don't know why. not like its that much different 1872761;1542376660;BingoBoingo;!!v B0A27ECC59545E027C4F47D628C9FC08D5914DE5109B3083C2122B406A30455C 1872762;1542376665;deedbot;Invoiced diana_coman 0.15 << S.QNTR Auction winner 1872763;1542376961;BingoBoingo; like, "holy shit, chix walking around in yoga pants and short shorts.. how could I have forgotten that these things exist?" << It's definitely going to feel weird when I finally pick up an air cooled VW and start driving again 1872764;1542377306;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-15#1872488 << thinking about all this, shouldn't the bot say "i don't know who X is" rather than spit out a pad it knows anyway won't be honored ? 1872765;1542377306;a111;Logged on 2018-11-15 16:40 trinque: if the thing doesn't confirm back to you that the !!pay happened, didn't 1872766;1542377319;mircea_popescu;silence is a terrible error isgnal on irc. 1872767;1542377478;Mocky;over there, every day was like a new out-of-comfort-zone experience and all the work involved asking "wtf should I best be doing right now?" It was exciting even though I don't see success along any dimension except personal learning. 1872768;1542377556;diana_coman;!!v 65ABB72AB2D8B63CFE994544EDAD678B77EE127DBD9C3ECCAA2458C22842C326 1872769;1542377560;deedbot;diana_coman paid BingoBoingo invoice 1 1872770;1542377614;mircea_popescu;Mocky let's engage in the following gedankenexperiment. 1872771;1542377691;mircea_popescu;suppose there's the forum-in-heaven, exactly like this one, but in heaven. every agent (ie, entity capable of self-reflection) has an account in ~that~ wot ; and ultimate-form-mp sits presiding, in its ultimate form of whatever it is, "alien dragon being of pure energy". 1872772;1542377721;diana_coman;BingoBoingo, http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/EoZVJ/?raw=true 1872773;1542377731;mircea_popescu;so they're looking into what qatar's been doing with itself, and the discussion isn't going all that well, at which juncture qatar says "fuck you guise, we were ~at least trying~ and nobody would fucking help!" 1872774;1542377761;mircea_popescu;at which point i say "bullshit!" and if the point's at all contentious i point to you. 1872775;1542377797;mircea_popescu;now, at ~that~ juncture, would you say the matter will be adjudicated as "damn you idiots, qatar tried and nobody fucking helped" or as "damn you qatar, fucking idiot, people tried you just won't fucking listen" ? 1872776;1542377829;Mocky;the latter 1872777;1542377838;mircea_popescu;so then why isn't that a dimension of success ? 1872778;1542377962;mircea_popescu;all success ever is, because of all success EVER COULD POSSIBLY BE, is the reduction of such a case to a specified alternative among the alternatives. 1872779;1542378011;mircea_popescu;it's not fucking "people are impressed". it's always "well, should Y question be raised, z opposition is available to it, and it'll fucking stick". the latter part, that's success. 1872780;1542378025;Mocky;well that's success for you! I was looking for something and turned out either not there or well hidden. 1872781;1542378053;mircea_popescu;so all the mathematicians who prove negatives, such as "there's no circle with square corners" are ultimately failures at mathematicing ? 1872782;1542378089;mircea_popescu;"don't come telling me there's no even prime numbers larger than my mother!!! COME BACK WHEN YOU FOUND SOME!!!" 1872783;1542378109;Mocky;I don't feel bad about it, or regret or anything like that. I'm happy with the whole thing. It just doesn't appear to me as success. 1872784;1542378110;Mocky;lol 1872785;1542378144;mircea_popescu;aokthan 1872786;1542378150;Mocky;seems less like proof and more like testimony of "i looked hard but didn't find" 1872787;1542378166;mircea_popescu;well yes, irl there's no such thing as proof of a negative. 1872788;1542378242;Mocky;anyhow, a+ experience, would do again 1872789;1542378264;Mocky;but next time with driver's license and gold crown 1872790;1542378269;mircea_popescu;kek 1872791;1542378280;mircea_popescu;is this your way of saying you wanna go to burma ? 1872792;1542378284;mircea_popescu;i thought you hate azn cunt. 1872793;1542378295;mircea_popescu;then again, considering how much arab cunt you got to see anyway.... 1872794;1542378329;Mocky;burma? 1872795;1542378339;mircea_popescu;not current on logs are we! 1872796;1542378343;diana_coman;I think they call it myanmar nowadays 1872797;1542378394;Mocky;im current! 1872798;1542378405;Mocky;but didn't realize that was serious 1872799;1542378448;mircea_popescu;it wasn't urgent, but what do you mean not serious. i am seriouse guise. 1872800;1542378684;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you're naive if you think "asic resistant" will break "chinese monopoly". you don't like that, get someone else to make some chips. 1872801;1542378704;mircea_popescu;for as long as only slanty eyes has horses, all horse races however drafted will have their fucking horses winning. 1872802;1542378747;mircea_popescu;and "disk" is no solution, china owns indonesia notwithstanding hilarity posturing to the contrary. 1872803;1542378886;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-16#1872755 << supposedly this is indeed very easy to get used to. 1872804;1542378886;a111;Logged on 2018-11-16 13:55 Mocky: i kind of got used to seeing what few chicks there were draped in black with only eyes showing 1872805;1542378940;Mocky;a lot of the time i was thinking, "pretty sure you look better covered" 1872806;1542378969;Mocky;like 65yo granny needs that level of 'modesty' 1872807;1542378985;mircea_popescu;i dunno that's got anything to do with it at all. 1872808;1542379003;mircea_popescu;i believe it's more in the line of seinfeld's "everyone can be great friends if there's no possiblity of sex" 1872809;1542379133;Mocky;well I totally got used to it, except for on sub 5 foot chix... it looks like a halloween costume on a kid and there's no way around it 1872810;1542379155;mircea_popescu;kek 1872811;1542379190;mircea_popescu;i can't find it now, but im pretty sure i recounted this tale of me + chet climbing in wrong (girls-only) car in cairo subway. made the girls giddy, but the ~dudes~ in the other cars nearly threw a riot. 1872812;1542379227;mircea_popescu;and transparently because while the girls were in that-car-overthere by themselves it was one thing, but once it was with-that-dude suddenly they were forcibly confronted with their own personal failure, and that smells too much like death. 1872813;1542379236;mircea_popescu;people can readily get used to less death scent. 1872814;1542379298;Mocky;I, evidently, sat on a girl bench at a mall that had one girl 30 feet away. was asked to move by security guard who pointed me over to 30 foot bench full of dudes 1872815;1542379326;mircea_popescu;kek 1872816;1542379357;mircea_popescu;see, the more i hear the more i prefer the egyptians. i took girl to evidently man-only tea-and-shisheria. lotta old dudes looked on in silence, bothered me none. 1872817;1542379402;mircea_popescu;i don't think i appeared ~that~ fierce. i just think they were polite. ~everything i hear of qatar strikes me with an overpowering scent of what in teh old world was called nouveau riche. 1872818;1542379430;mircea_popescu;meanwhile cairo has been there for a long fucking time. 1872819;1542379463;Mocky;one beautiful thing I notices was that old busy bodies can't even give you a dirty look when their face has to be covered. 1872820;1542379506;mircea_popescu;oh, you have that in the us huh ? 1872821;1542379673;Mocky;not really that often but I was expecting qataris to express a higher level of indignation at foreigners flouting their strict conduct rules. but in actuality not even possible to achieve eye contact 1872822;1542380167;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-16#1872800 << i know quite well that it doesn't, hence 'perpetuum mobile' observation 1872823;1542380167;a111;Logged on 2018-11-16 14:31 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform you're naive if you think "asic resistant" will break "chinese monopoly". you don't like that, get someone else to make some chips. 1872824;1542380188;*;asciilifeform rewinds, eats l0g 1872825;1542380409;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-16#1872781 << imho 'no can haz' proofs are the single most valuable type of result in all of mathematics. they remove (for sane folx, at least, there ~are~ still circle-squarers walking around) dead ends from consideration, save much brain juice for other things that actually yield 1872826;1542380409;a111;Logged on 2018-11-16 14:20 mircea_popescu: so all the mathematicians who prove negatives, such as "there's no circle with square corners" are ultimately failures at mathematicing ? 1872827;1542380509;Mocky;my opinion changed about asians. I chatted with a bunch of actually cute asians. and it wasn't even like, "weeks in this female wasteland and now asians are starting to look good." That was the africans. 1872828;1542380597;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-16#1872802 << 'proof of disk' is 'solution' in the sense that the amt of disk required grows 4evah ( just as what we have now in trad btc, except that shitoshi did not see it fit to include block-walks in mining eqn ) . granted it doesn't magic away the 'only asia' thing, nuffin could, as mircea_popescu pointed out in the horse example. may very well transform 'chinese monopoly' to 'korean' 1872829;1542380597;a111;Logged on 2018-11-16 14:32 mircea_popescu: and "disk" is no solution, china owns indonesia notwithstanding hilarity posturing to the contrary. 1872830;1542380615;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i quite agree. 1872831;1542380616;asciilifeform;the part where it wins is that it actually forces folx to store the blox, rather than 'resist' anyffing. 1872832;1542380647;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform hence http://trilema.com/2016/the-necessary-prerequisite-for-any-change-to-the-bitcoin-protocol/ 1872833;1542380665;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: aha, tho i was extending the chain of the thread we had re that piece in '17 1872834;1542380672;asciilifeform;recall, with the luby(3 blox) thing 1872835;1542380707;mircea_popescu;yes. 1872836;1542380712;mircea_popescu;i quoted for teh title 1872837;1542380819;asciilifeform;btw i was going through my ffa notebooks and found a margin note that was actually about this, that prolly oughta go in the l0gz : if yer 'pow' is a walk-through-storage, 1 problem is that initial state of the system gives too little material to walk. so 1 interesting answer might be to include a 'ballast', consisting of, say, the first 9 yrs of classical btc blox, 1...N, that is part of the luby'd set (as raw bytes, rather than as m 1872838;1542380819;asciilifeform;eaningful item) 1872839;1542380855;asciilifeform;this way the miner immediately needs 200GB of random access, to play. 1872840;1542380880;asciilifeform;( and as side effect helps to cement classical btc history 4evah ) 1872841;1542381077;asciilifeform;the ballast could just as readily be FG output, but i like this variant much moar ( and it removes the suspicion that 'they used prng and can trot out the seekrit formula and save 200GB of space in their seekrit miner' etc ) 1872842;1542381230;asciilifeform;as for 'resist', the only sense in which it does is that the scheme has very little (tho not zero) reward for custom irons, any storage device that is good for 'proof of blox-on-disk' is also a good general-purpose random access store, and is saleable commodity 1872843;1542381297;asciilifeform;( even if it is 'custom' in the sense of being a write-once rom . these, too , saleable, i'd buy a whole crate right nao if anybody were selling ) 1872844;1542381399;Mocky;so anyway, i would totally do burma. but I have such a mess here of my own making that I couldn't even afford to feed myself burmese rice while there, much less lodging. So what then, go completely on mircea_popescu's dime? is that really desirable? 1872845;1542381431;asciilifeform;Mocky: if it aint mega-seekrit, what precisely was it that happened to you ? house burned down ? 1872846;1542381745;Mocky;I sold my coin for bank-transferolade and I thought I had mitigated the risk but 2 months later transfers got reversed 1872847;1542381754;asciilifeform;ugh 1872848;1542381788;asciilifeform;i thought hard limit for that was 6weeks or similar?! 1872849;1542381795;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu didja know ?? 1872850;1542381841;asciilifeform;loox like ameri-banks are an item exactly like gox nao, 'keep there only what you can afford to lose' ( but i suppose this aint news ) 1872851;1542381879;Mocky;it was "zelle", us bank cartel's answer to paypal/venmo 1872852;1542381896;asciilifeform;aa so not traditional bank wire ? 1872853;1542381920;asciilifeform;iirc even paypal has hard limit of 30d for reverse 1872854;1542381927;asciilifeform;( i could be mistaken ) 1872855;1542381954;BingoBoingo;!Qlater tell jurov http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/SSwUv/?raw=true 1872856;1542381954;lobbesbot;BingoBoingo: The operation succeeded. 1872857;1542381988;Mocky;right. yeah was close to two months if not 2. 1872858;1542382119;Mocky;i would have been ok too, I moved the money. wouldn't have cried over a burned bank acct. but after a month I thought I was good 1872859;1542382982;asciilifeform;Mocky: sux 1872860;1542383020;asciilifeform;banks died as a rational concept, we're sorta back to the old days of buried treasure as storage 1872861;1542383095;Mocky;extremely valuable object lesson 1872862;1542383126;mircea_popescu;Mocky yeah, back to back like that not really promoting sanity. and besides, all the http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-10#1870721 stil lleft to do. 1872863;1542383126;a111;Logged on 2018-11-10 20:35 mircea_popescu: get that memory in bit format before it volatiles away. 1872864;1542383162;mircea_popescu;Mocky very stupid idea. why not say something here ffs. 1872865;1542383173;mircea_popescu;could have told you not to do that then. 1872866;1542383228;mircea_popescu;were you trying to not meet people in person or what the fuck was the thinking anyway. 1872867;1542383305;Mocky;I went through all the people in person I could find 1872868;1542383387;mircea_popescu;ah 1872869;1542383401;Mocky;I can see quite clearly now that it was very stupid 1872870;1542383406;mircea_popescu;remarkable how poor teh us is huh. 1872871;1542383441;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-13#1871987 on one hand, where are you again, ct ? can't absorb a piddly coin ? 1872872;1542383441;a111;Logged on 2018-11-13 19:19 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform you don't understand how useless the anglos are. do you know that in ALL OF CHICAGO 100% of the "bitcoin market" consists of this one inept fed ? 1872873;1542383459;asciilifeform;iirc qatar, with $maxint, also 'could not absorb a piddly coin' 1872874;1542383475;asciilifeform;( invites the q, of where, exactly, is 'rich' ) 1872875;1542383525;Mocky;north carolina 1872876;1542383544;BingoBoingo;Uruguay may not be rich enought to eat a whole coin, but seems to reliably deliver 500 USD to any given bench within 1-2 hours of arranging delivery 1872877;1542383572;BingoBoingo;(Provided you didn't eat the 500 USD of liquidity too recently) 1872878;1542383745;mircea_popescu;this now begs the questrion whether if i send my valkiries they would somehow manifest liquidity. god knows i had no problem dealing as much as i wanted in buenos aires. nor here. nor apparently anywhere (except when it comes to wiring to bb, which is becoming the lulz of all time, somehow) 1872879;1542383768;Mocky;in fairness, absorbed 2 coins choked on third 1872880;1542383775;mircea_popescu;oh. 1872881;1542383796;mircea_popescu;wait, i thought i gave you two for qatar adventure 1872882;1542383828;Mocky;yes, those 2 turned to cash in person 1872883;1542383909;mircea_popescu;so then how months i don't get it, you mean the other coin from yest ? 1872884;1542384042;Mocky;before leaving for qatar I sold your 2 coins and then my own coin. 1872885;1542384097;mircea_popescu;oh i c 1872886;1542385206;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/11/in-filing-begging-for-sealed-charges-copypaste-mishap-confirms-assange-as-target-of-us-prosecutors/ << Qntra - In Filing Begging For Sealed Charges Copy/Paste Mishap Confirms Assange As Target Of US Prosecutors 1872887;1542385391;mircea_popescu;aww 1872888;1542385444;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo epic keks 1872889;1542385489;asciilifeform;lol! 1872890;1542385492;asciilifeform;ms excel bug, or wat. 1872891;1542385589;asciilifeform;also i dunget what is the point of 'seekrit charges' etc. already pretty clear that if d00d ever ends up in reich he'll be rolled in bear cage to the national square where drawn and quartered, what 'charges' 1872892;1542385733;BingoBoingo;Well, it's paperwork to present to whatever orcs pop up along the way 1872893;1542385777;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: evidently the paper can be whatever they like, if rng-generated names are apparently ok nao 1872894;1542385786;asciilifeform;why not whole thing from rng. 1872895;1542385808;asciilifeform;'by order of her majesty clitler, this here mr winston smith is to be delivered to tower and held at the queen's pleasure' etc 1872896;1542385850;asciilifeform;same document will work for assange, for BingoBoingo , asciilifeform , etc., can print a crate of'em, wainot 1872897;1542386114;BingoBoingo;Orc's like paperwork, pageantry, and the impression they are in on a seekrit. All they gotta do is put a gold foil stamp on an envelope containing 'seekrit identity' of Mr Pseudonym and they are prolly riding 90% orc compliance rate. 1872898;1542386452;mircea_popescu;the latter. 1872899;1542386461;mircea_popescu;empire is selling orcs the impression "they're in on a secret" 1872900;1542386539;asciilifeform;that actually makes sense 1872901;1542386562;asciilifeform;pretty much the only lure the reich has remaining to offer idjits 1872902;1542386567;BingoBoingo;If you can print holographs and swear solemnly to be divulging seekrits, you've done 90% 1872903;1542387084;BingoBoingo;Anyways Dick Cheney can't assume he's not going to be arrested if he goes to certain other countries either. 1872904;1542387315;mircea_popescu;im fucking arresting him if he ever shows up, that's for sure. 1872905;1542387498;Mocky;he used to be my boss. secretary of defense when I was driving tank 1872906;1542388392;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2018/do-you-know-what-an-unicorn-is/ << Trilema - Do you know what an unicorn is ? 1872907;1542388949;asciilifeform;http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/unicorn-4.jpg << lol there's a 'valve' like that in washington also ( iirc gift from jp in 1930s! ) 1872908;1542388964;asciilifeform;i see it erry spring when i go to the sakuras 1872909;1542388983;asciilifeform;( they -- also in same gift ) 1872910;1542389036;asciilifeform;http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/unicorn-5.jpg << loox like kerosene lamp! 1872911;1542389089;BingoBoingo;Well, it is a smoking lamp 1872912;1542389109;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: what are the oddball protrusions for ? 1872913;1542389122;asciilifeform;( decorative ? or they have a mechanical function ? ) 1872914;1542389168;BingoBoingo;Functional 1872915;1542389176;asciilifeform;elaborate? 1872916;1542389207;BingoBoingo;They provide more paths for the smoke to percolate through the water so it is easier to pull the smoke deep into the lungs 1872917;1542389211;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform afaik lanterns no ? 1872918;1542389229;asciilifeform;hm 1872919;1542389242;asciilifeform;i didn't think smoked pot burns all that brightly as it goes 1872920;1542389247;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: It works as described by mircea_popescu in the blog 1872921;1542389250;mircea_popescu;the first lol 1872922;1542389258;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: still reading, lol 1872923;1542389260;mircea_popescu;"valve" 1872924;1542389274;asciilifeform;oh oh 1872925;1542389280;asciilifeform;i was speaking of the glass thing 1872926;1542389357;mircea_popescu;anyway, the item is quiote well made. so smoke goes from slider into side of conical shape, towards top. bottom of this conical shape has dozen+ round cylinders which let out into the bottom bowl. this bottom bowl is sealed off from the suction tube atop on the direct path ; the only respondency is through the four bubbles, which have a low and a high feeder and let out smoke into the top suction tube 1872927;1542389377;mircea_popescu;through yet another pipe. 1872928;1542389394;mircea_popescu;and item seems a+ grade lead glass, proper thickness, very solid. 1872929;1542389410;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: you may find it interesting that there's a shop selling items like that thing on ~erry street where i live. and some are quite elaborate, over a metre tall, and clearly hand-made, very ornate. possibly the last major handicraft remaining in this here orcistan. 1872930;1542389421;mircea_popescu;aha. i am aware. 1872931;1542389459;mircea_popescu;this piece, evidently industrially made ; but i do not regret it, for it has all the advantages that promises (uniformity, solidity, etc). handmade is pretty but fragile, nothing wrong with it but diff class. 1872932;1542389495;*;asciilifeform luvvvs laboratory glass, at one time had a fairly large collection, prolly enuff to be jailed for 25yr in new york or wherever it was 1872933;1542389519;*;mircea_popescu believes "handmade" and "art" to be unrelated ; one can have industrial art (such as, eminently, the z80, and such as very much NOT warhola's crapolade) 1872934;1542389527;asciilifeform;verily 1872935;1542389536;mircea_popescu;so this imo is fine exemplar of that. 1872936;1542389552;mircea_popescu;anti-chinesium if you will. 1872937;1542389557;asciilifeform;( i actually have a b00k by orig designer of z80, where he actually walks through the die, transistor by transistor, as if it were picasso ) 1872938;1542389572;*;asciilifeform hopes to live to write a b00k like that 1872939;1542389580;mircea_popescu;godspeed! 1872940;1542389603;asciilifeform;try to picture this for an abomination like intel's 1872941;1542389609;asciilifeform;simply impossible to even contemplate 1872942;1542389622;mircea_popescu;the less you know, the easier to contemplate. 1872943;1542389743;asciilifeform;http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/unicorn-6.jpg << good old thinkpad x40 ? 1872944;1542389769;mircea_popescu;aha. 1872945;1542389778;mircea_popescu;right model, too. 1872946;1542389799;*;asciilifeform has owned at various times prolly entire line 1872947;1542389815;asciilifeform;even a coupla from after they turned sad 1872948;1542389828;mircea_popescu;~ibm~ x40. wirth the old logo on the face too 1872949;1542389833;asciilifeform;aha! 1872950;1542389837;*;asciilifeform still has 1 of these 1872951;1542389847;mircea_popescu;evidently, so do i. 1872952;1542389851;asciilifeform;i watched films on it for yrs 1872953;1542389863;mircea_popescu;yup. what it does. the vertical cable goes to suspended screen 1872954;1542389875;asciilifeform;( iirc was 1st lappy i ever owned that had enuff horse to reliably play avi ) 1872955;1542389905;mircea_popescu;chokes on 1080 / stupid formats, but otherwise will even do mkv 1872956;1542389925;asciilifeform;oh it was in old times, i did not have external screen then 1872957;1542389940;asciilifeform;so anyffing that actually fit in 1024x768, rendered ok, it was perfect match 1872958;1542389955;mircea_popescu;aha. 1872959;1542389990;asciilifeform;( and later x60 is pretty much a physically shrunken version of that box, with slightly faster cpu ) 1872960;1542390509;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-16#1872832 << btw i enjoyed rereading this 1872961;1542390509;a111;Logged on 2018-11-16 15:04 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform hence http://trilema.com/2016/the-necessary-prerequisite-for-any-change-to-the-bitcoin-protocol/ 1872962;1542390524;asciilifeform;( incl some of the comments i apparently missed on the 1st coupla passes ) 1872963;1542394666;ave1;asciilifeform, Do you have a title or reference for this book? http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-16#1872937 (So far I found Masatoshi Shima as the principal designer, but no book by him yet...) 1872964;1542394666;a111;Logged on 2018-11-16 17:32 asciilifeform: ( i actually have a b00k by orig designer of z80, where he actually walks through the die, transistor by transistor, as if it were picasso ) 1872965;1542394792;asciilifeform;ave1: i'ma have to dig and come back to you on that 1872966;1542394799;asciilifeform;presently title escapes me 1872967;1542394812;asciilifeform;( iirc i read it as a scan, rather than actual b00k ) 1872968;1542394832;ave1;k, I can wait 1872969;1542394843;asciilifeform;how's things otherwise, ave1 ? 1872970;1542394931;ave1;busy these days, I've been looking for a new job (seems to be the theme of this year...) 1872971;1542395028;ave1;one may be for a semiconductor machine builder 1872972;1542395198;ave1;btw the udp code now also runs on aarch64 1872973;1542395200;ave1;I plan to write it up an publish beginning next week 1872974;1542395206;asciilifeform;neato! 1872975;1542395285;asciilifeform;ave1: c. d. smith, 'the zx spectrum ula: how to design a microcomputer' btw 1872976;1542395300;asciilifeform;and it was moar about the chipset than z80 per se, now that i revisit it 1872977;1542395431;ave1;thx! I was also interested because of http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-16#1872938 1872978;1542395431;a111;Logged on 2018-11-16 17:32 asciilifeform hopes to live to write a b00k like that 1872979;1542395455;asciilifeform;eh it aint actually that great. turns out was much better in my memory than in life. 1872980;1542395474;asciilifeform;but i'd like to write the proper one, lol 1872981;1542395482;ave1;lol 1872982;1542395502;asciilifeform;( about our fyootoor machine, if i live long enuff, rather than z80 ) 1872983;1542395504;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/11/forkcoin-that-split-from-bitcoin-now-struck-by-contentious-hardfork/ << Qntra - Forkcoin That Split From Bitcoin Now Struck By Contentious Hardfork 1872984;1542395524;BingoBoingo;Not everything in print can be Popescu's work on the Urban-Rural dispute or Russel's 'Wasp' 1872985;1542395581;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo apparently fan of efr... pick up any of his other items ? 1872986;1542395613;BingoBoingo;Not yet. Library huge, time constrained. 1872987;1542395641;asciilifeform;https://www.abelard.org/e-f-russell.php << 31337 w4r3z for BingoBoingo 1872988;1542395651;BingoBoingo;tyvm 1872989;1542395691;BingoBoingo;+1 language means there is now +1 literary canon to attack 1872990;1542395702;asciilifeform;this also ( read cervantes yet ? ) 1872991;1542395738;BingoBoingo;Not in the depth I'd like to 1872992;1542395806;*;BingoBoingo has to find where the spanish language print warez lives, what I had ben considering 'general purpose' warez dumps are clogged with translations and adaptations 1872993;1542395828;*;asciilifeform liked g. g. marquez, and in fact sometimes pictures castle mircea_popescustein sitting in marquezian landscape 1872994;1542395858;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: do they have libraries over in BingoBoingostan ? 1872995;1542395877;asciilifeform;even if not, i saw plenty of quite well stocked oldb00k shops 1872996;1542395930;BingoBoingo;There's the oldbook shops and a couple good streets in the feria. Feria is where I found my copy of the Código de Comercio 1872997;1542396038;BingoBoingo;Like the flea markets back home most of the book tables are clogged with mass market paperbacks and low effort "nonfiction" topic books. 1872998;1542396054;asciilifeform;the street where the flea market ? 1872999;1542396085;BingoBoingo;Well, the market is centered on Tristan Narvaja, but it branches off into themed side streets 1873000;1542396090;asciilifeform;aa 1873001;1542396144;BingoBoingo;There's the camera heavy antique street. The kitchenware heave antique street. The book streets. The music cd streets. 1873002;1542396157;BingoBoingo;The corner with the lampshades 1873003;1542396244;BingoBoingo;Get far enough out and it's the Pichis with the week's dumpster finds unwashed in the saddest streets 1873004;1542396339;BingoBoingo;There is a national library and the different Facultads have libraries, but the general "Public Library" as pushed in Anglostan by Carnegie doesn't seem to exist here 1873005;1542396395;asciilifeform;it's pretty much dead in anglostan too ( they've become bum hangouts, with winblowz public toilets where the b00kz used to be ) 1873006;1542396421;asciilifeform;i sometimes still go to the local uni lib, but it too is going down this road 1873007;1542396436;asciilifeform;( already 3 of 8 floors have 0 dead tree ) 1873008;1542396458;BingoBoingo;The one in my Hometown still mostly functioned as it did when I was young, save the winblows toilets have even less space assigned to them than they did in the past. 1873009;1542396554;BingoBoingo;Low bum population is a perk of being rural enough the local authorities have to drive the bums 20 miles away to the county lockup 1873010;1542396615;BingoBoingo;It is a long walk if the bums are set on the one particular small town 1873011;1542396689;BingoBoingo;Now I'm in the opposite geography. Everywhere rural in the country sends their bums here because "there's shelters" 1873012;1542396756;BingoBoingo;Not that the Pichis actual use the shelters 1873013;1542397042;Mocky;BingoBoingo, mircea_popescu: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/iZbA9/?raw=true 1873014;1542397206;BingoBoingo;Mocky: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/xLhch/?raw=true 1873015;1542397344;Mocky;BingoBoingo, will do if needed 1873016;1542398011;BingoBoingo;For the Miami files: https://archive.is/8i6v7 1873017;1542401241;lobbes;amusingly, few weeks ago I was talking with some bums outside of the $work-tower while smoking. They mentioned they had been bumming rides down from W. Virginia, were headed to... Miami! for the winter 1873018;1542401423;Mocky;bum rush 1873019;1542404192;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-14#1872157 << yeah it's a rook. in my mind it's associated with archives behind castle walls, but it's not particularly correct, since a rook is a siege tower. maybe a bishop would've been a better a choice 1873020;1542404192;a111;Logged on 2018-11-14 04:58 mircea_popescu: ♖<< is this a chess piece (rook) ? 1873021;1542404225;deedbot;http://thewhet.net/2018/11/whos-responsible-for-this/ << The Whet - Who's responsible for this?! 1873022;1542404389;phf;it lives in the "miscellaneous symbols" block (like the other symbols i use for annotation), which has been in unicode since '93. there are more appropriate symbols in higher planes, but they either don't render, or have forced emoji equivalents, or render differently on different systems, etc. etc. 1873023;1542404678;asciilifeform;phf: it displays ok on my box 1873024;1542404785;*;asciilifeform gently prods phf re the http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-09#1870461 cheops pyramid 1873025;1542404785;a111;Logged on 2018-11-09 18:51 asciilifeform: !Q phf didja ever get chance to unearth the http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-15#1862616 item ? 1873026;1542404855;phf;asciilifeform: i'll try to do it this weekend, i also have a backlog of vpatches i need to push. my flight is on the 30th and i'm moving out of my current apartment. so things have been busy 1873027;1542404863;asciilifeform;aite 1873028;1542404898;asciilifeform;phf: if the thing is a paper scroll etc, feel free to xerox and post it to my postbox if that's easier than scans 1873029;1542404933;asciilifeform;( addr is in top-left of 1st photo of mircea_popescu's http://trilema.com/2017/fuckgoats-unboxing-of ) 1873030;1542404984;asciilifeform;i'm even ok with a roll of b&w fujifilm, if too big for xerox. 1873031;1542404995;asciilifeform;would like to get hands on that thing tho, at some pt 1873032;1542405067;asciilifeform;phf: invoice asciilifeform if it ends up costing sumthing. 1873033;1542405119;phf;nah, i just need to go through three different scan archives, to find where it was 1873034;1542405161;phf;i had a point in my head, until i realized that it doesn't resolve to anything concrete when it comes to a pile of IMG_123123.JPG, have to go one by one 1873035;1542405164;phf;*pointer 1873036;1542405172;asciilifeform;ideally would like errything pertaining to that ic 1873037;1542405225;asciilifeform;and any boards it was featured in 1873038;1542405323;phf;you overestimate the loot :> i have a lot of 3600 shit, but almost nothing on ivory. i have a handful of relevant documents though, that i can needle out 1873039;1542405332;asciilifeform;aite, ty 1873040;1542405412;asciilifeform;3600 i did not find very interesting, hence why i traded it, lol 1873041;1542405481;phf;given how sparse the materials are, if you're rebuilding the hardware, you might as well start with CADR instead of 3600 1873042;1542405540;asciilifeform;whole point of that particular dig of asciilifeform's, was to see if maybe possible ~not~ to go back to cadr, and maybe we lost only 20 yrs and not 30 1873043;1542405565;asciilifeform;cadr was a horrendous thing because designed around two tonnes of 74xxx 1873044;1542405585;asciilifeform;( if you were to start today with two tonnes of 74xxx, you would end up with something that looks quite a bit like cadr ) 1873045;1542405707;asciilifeform;even ivory had a buncha similar ugly, iirc it still used external weitek thing (same as in yours and mine 486) for arithmetics 1873046;1542405719;asciilifeform;but much less than the old liquishit 1873047;1542406005;phf;oh i thought that cpu looked familiar, yeah i guess it did 1873048;1542406018;asciilifeform;afaik it's the same item 1873049;1542406025;asciilifeform;floating point gizmo 1873050;1542406054;asciilifeform;( back in the days when cult of 'flops' were going strong... ) 1873051;1542406155;asciilifeform;i wouldn't consider ever to put floatism in a new design, but for compat with the vintage soft one would need it ( fortunately unlike 'ivory' the weitek is documented to death, i even have a copy of the datashit from ancient ru stash ) 1873052;1542406195;asciilifeform;literally erry other ic on the 'ivory 3' board is stock ( save possibly for a GAL or 2 ) 1873053;1542406245;asciilifeform;unlike, e.g., 3620, where i remember no fewer than 9 massive pga things 1873054;1542406311;asciilifeform;( along with hundreds of PALs and GALs, which ~each~ could take several hrs of probe just to extract the trooftable , plus fucktonne of board track ) 1873055;1542406581;phf;oh yeah, i've meditated on this problem (even given that some things, e.g. pal truth tables are available), unfortunately i suspect that ~~everything related to ivory is lost. (possibly the mit guy has a copy, but that's a dead end sealed shut. will have to wait for the estate sale and such) 1873056;1542406644;asciilifeform;waitasec what doc are we then speaking of 1873057;1542406647;asciilifeform;in phf's find 1873058;1542406653;asciilifeform;i thought it was specifically re ivory 1873059;1542406731;phf;ivory, and i said "near everything" 1873060;1542406736;asciilifeform;a 1873061;1542406792;phf;ivory is basically part of symbolics's digital age, and i don't know of the existence of e.g. somebody's home folder that you just need to but on the right machine, and you can bring up the "rebuild the ivory from first principles" workspace 1873062;1542406831;asciilifeform;i dun expect that ~this~ exists anywhere outside of indiana jones warehouse, no 1873063;1542406836;phf;but i know for a fact that macsyma source is lost, which is a terrible shame 1873064;1542406859;asciilifeform;what do you mean? i have the u.s. doe one right here 1873065;1542406867;asciilifeform;just how much moar was in the bolix ? 1873066;1542406907;asciilifeform;the way i understand it, bolix macsyma was largely a free ride on the public dollar one 1873067;1542406916;asciilifeform;( incidentally just like wolfram's 'mathematica' in the initial versions ) 1873068;1542406987;asciilifeform;( btw mircea_popescu , consider the sheer mindfuck, the 1st and still to date greatest mechanical algebratron was not only written in usg nuke establishment, but ~openly published~ -- very diff people in '70s ) 1873069;1542407133;phf;well, symbolics macsyma existed for a decade after the dod one. i've tried a few papers from 80s digests, that had macsyma code in them, and they all assumed symbolics and they all refused to run on maxima (because of missing stuff) 1873070;1542407147;asciilifeform;interesting 1873071;1542407155;asciilifeform;so i guess it's sorta like cadr vs 36xx 1873072;1542407372;phf;heh, http://www.symbolics-dks.com/Macsyma-1.htm 1873073;1542407401;asciilifeform;yea that page's been exactly like-that since at least '06 when i 1st saw it 1873074;1542407417;asciilifeform;the disk dun include any sores tho, i checked. 1873075;1542407464;phf;right, because upstream doesn't have it either 1873076;1542407541;asciilifeform;~somebody~ -- has. some http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-19#1863759 type. i dun usually believe in 'losts'. 1873077;1542407541;a111;Logged on 2018-10-19 00:51 asciilifeform: 'i'ma sit on this gold' 'why' 'because i am gnome' 1873078;1542407758;asciilifeform;gnomism is almost like an infectious disease. i still can't properly fathom the behaviour of all those folx who had the alpha genera cd for decade+ and didn't put on piratebay. 1873079;1542407778;asciilifeform;it's almost like folx revert to the condition of the alchemists when given half a chance. 1873080;1542407800;asciilifeform;'pour some mars into the boiling pot of jupiter, and promise not to reveal the seekrit to the profane' 1873081;1542407877;BingoBoingo;gnomes sit on gold because deep down on the inside they want to feel like dragons 1873082;1542407950;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: there's at least a little bit of the healthy dynamic where 'why should i throw the pearls before swine', iirc mircea_popescu expanded on this 1873083;1542407957;BingoBoingo;Never mind that unlike dragons, gnomes are too handicaped to bring results liek dragons. "I R gnome, If I sit on gold liek the dragons do Imma be a dragon too" 1873084;1542407974;asciilifeform;except that one doesn't publish for the swine, you publish for the 3 d00dz who actually have with what to make sense. 1873085;1542408039;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: i dun see much diff b/w the bolix gnomes and the 40 y.o. chix who 'waiting for right man' to pop cherry, as pictured also in mircea_popescu's essays 1873086;1542408297;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: i suspect there's some http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-16#1872899 in the psycho-mix also 1873087;1542408297;a111;Logged on 2018-11-16 16:41 mircea_popescu: empire is selling orcs the impression "they're in on a secret" 1873088;1542408418;asciilifeform;whichever way -- there's apparently a set of people who find it moar satisfying to sit on a trunk of rotting tapes, than to see the idiocy of computing 1990-present cured 1873089;1542408519;asciilifeform;tlp i suspect has the full dirt re subj. i.e. when you have the trunk, you can carry on thinking yer the 'start of movie', but if sumbody else builds , then somehow 'not star' no moar 1873090;1542408529;asciilifeform;*star of movie 1873091;1542408537;BingoBoingo;Hey, someone could criticize or correct them during the curing. While sitting on the tapes they can dream without confronting anything. 1873092;1542408631;asciilifeform;there's also the 'is it really ~the~ tapes' aspect. as in the old thing with the gold bars that nobody wants to drill for tungsten. consider for instance how nikola tesla was able to live in the waldorf for years, with the loan collateral being a trunk containing 'great invention of much dangerous power'. when died, turned out to contain a whetstone bridge. 1873093;1542408730;asciilifeform;( i do not, tbf, know whether this legend is troo, but given the credulous people of the time and the man's talent for self-pr, i can easily buy it ) 1873094;1542408799;asciilifeform;( and will add, it aint as if today's ameritards are less credulous. simply today better corralled, today's hotel owner will equally idiotically invest in usg bonds, rather than tesla's trunk, is all ) 1873095;1542408873;asciilifeform;'the bezzle' is prolly as old as all of culture. 1873096;1542409894;phf;asciilifeform: would you mind reminding me where your ada mmap code lived? 1873097;1542409941;asciilifeform;phf: the early ver that was actually posted is http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-06#1666647 . however there's a clean/rewritten one, in a 90% state of completion, not yet genesis'd 1873098;1542409941;a111;Logged on 2017-06-06 19:40 asciilifeform: mod6, phf , et al : http://nosuchlabs.com/pub/ada/horsecocks.tar.gz << i dun recall posting this before, so here it will live, for nao : unofficial release of mmaptron 1873099;1542409985;asciilifeform;it is on hold pending resolution of http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-26#1866266 ( and is taking back seat to ffa currently ) 1873100;1542409985;a111;Logged on 2018-10-26 02:14 asciilifeform: meanwhile, in gnat bugs : apparently ( and this is documented or mentioned nowhere ) : it is impossible to have a Ada.Finalization.Limited_Controlled type ANYWHERE inside a static library, unless it is generic all the way down (i.e. if the lib package is generic, any sub-packages must also be instantiated as generics ) 1873101;1542410021;asciilifeform;phf: the 'horsecocks' one requires pointerism to be enabled; the new one does not 1873102;1542410022;phf;ty, i've been using linux in console mode on my rk, so i wanted to write a framebuffer tooling for ada, using your mmap as blueprint (i'm not sure there's much overlap though..) 1873103;1542410050;asciilifeform;( uses system.address internally to turn yer mmap into a 100% transparent 'as if you had declared it on stack' variable that is backed to/from disk via mmap ) 1873104;1542410080;phf;yeah, i want similar principle for framebuffer 1873105;1542410081;asciilifeform;i expect if you bake sumthing on 'horsecocks', it will be simple to rewrite on new item, will simply shed a few lines of coad 1873106;1542410114;asciilifeform;keep in mind that horsecocks has hardcoded constants in it that may or may not work on arm ( per bvt's dig ) 1873107;1542410142;*;phf nods 1873108;1542410192;asciilifeform;i'm not sure how one would go about using mmap for frame buffer 1873109;1542410206;asciilifeform;( would specify the iron address, and run as root ?? ) 1873110;1542410270;phf;nah, very explicitly a linuxism "/dev/fb0", which you ioctl for details and then mmap 1873111;1542410271;asciilifeform;if yer running in kernel, you dun need mmap call, you can simply set the address of your array to be the magic iron addr directly 1873112;1542410274;asciilifeform;aa 1873113;1542410278;asciilifeform;ok makes sense 1873114;1542410328;phf;ioctl gives you dimensions and bit depth, and then you mmap x*y*bpp/8 worth 1873115;1542410362;asciilifeform;i admit that i've never actually plugged a display into rk 1873116;1542410372;asciilifeform;have nfi how well it worx and what exactly it takes to get a picture 1873117;1542410409;asciilifeform;iirc the display subsystem was never fully reversed yet 1873118;1542410433;asciilifeform;( or maybe was only the 3d gpu that wasnt, i dun recall ) 1873119;1542410449;phf;i meant the asus, i'm running it without X, but i suspect that pretty much standard way of doing gui on a console is via /dev/fb0. rk eventually will give you similar device if everything else is correct 1873120;1542410458;asciilifeform;aaa 1873121;1542410479;asciilifeform;if you have a working /dev/fb0 you can theoretically have x tho, neh 1873122;1542410504;phf;i've been using the asus as kind of netbook, i'm generally pleased with it *not* having x 1873123;1542410536;asciilifeform;( if yer writing even so much as a tetris, even on dos box you needed a bit more than simply fb to do it without 'tearing', you need some way to insta-flip the 'pages' , possibly ioctl ? ) 1873124;1542410560;phf;it's got ada, emacs, sbcl (and some extra tooling like mutt and a pdf reader) 1873125;1542410576;asciilifeform;so looking to put colour emacs in there or wat 1873126;1542410579;asciilifeform;why need fb 1873127;1542410610;phf;pictures 1873128;1542410614;asciilifeform;aa 1873129;1542410666;phf;also graphs, sometimes you just need to throw up the graphics, and i'd rather not do it with c 1873130;1542410703;asciilifeform;fair'nuff 1873131;1542410714;asciilifeform;i'm looking forward to the hero who pulls off a msdos gnat port btw 1873132;1542410745;asciilifeform;( i deliberately wrote ffa in such a way that it oughta work on under 32bit or even plain 16, supposing somehow enuff ram ) 1873133;1542410791;asciilifeform;( i dun ask that the gnat also ~runs~ under dos, tho that would be 9000x spiffier even . simply ~for~ ) 1873134;1542410863;asciilifeform;( for nitpickers -- 8bit won't work, you cannot represent the ~length~ of a crypto-useful integer in 8 ) 1873135;1542410905;phf;i'd imagine there's gnat as part of djgpp, probably already prebuilt 1873136;1542410931;asciilifeform;i looked for this wonder, but never found ( and supposing it exists, it is almost certainly the wrong gnat, i want ave1's ) 1873137;1542410941;phf;lol 1873138;1542410962;phf;as in good luck with that 1873139;1542410964;asciilifeform;i use preconditions, for instance, and they only work as written with ada2012 1873140;1542410987;asciilifeform;( in earlier ada they were quite ugly ) 1873141;1542411037;asciilifeform;some of my restrict pragmas are also 2012istic 1873142;1542411088;asciilifeform;( fwiw i consider 2012 mature, and can't picture why i'd want later ones, unless perhaps fixes serious bugs like http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-26#1866266 -- and even ~then~ i'd prefer to backport to ave1istic gnat ) 1873143;1542411088;a111;Logged on 2018-10-26 02:14 asciilifeform: meanwhile, in gnat bugs : apparently ( and this is documented or mentioned nowhere ) : it is impossible to have a Ada.Finalization.Limited_Controlled type ANYWHERE inside a static library, unless it is generic all the way down (i.e. if the lib package is generic, any sub-packages must also be instantiated as generics ) 1873144;1542411154;asciilifeform;ffa/p-tron as a dos boot disk would imho rock. 1873145;1542411168;asciilifeform;( fg on serial port, naturally ) 1873146;1542411186;asciilifeform;i/o via the 2nd serial port. 1873147;1542411208;asciilifeform;no disks, whole thing in rom, bahaha. 1873148;1542411264;*;phf afk 1873149;1542411278;asciilifeform;i dun particularly see why unix needs to be happening on an airgapped rsa box. 1873150;1542411306;*;asciilifeform also bbl:meat 1873151;1542414512;BingoBoingo;In other news, apparently the U17 Female world cup is in town and the Españolas shop at Tienda Inglesa 1873152;1542418400;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-15#1872289 << not true, eats postgres as well. 1873153;1542418400;a111;Logged on 2018-11-15 02:26 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-15#1872279 << currently i know veeery little about mysql ( always used postgres, and at this point know embarrassingly much re the internals and tuning knobs ) -- but iirc mp's-wp requires specifically mysql, so prolly doomed to study it at some point 1873154;1542418406;mircea_popescu;i just happen to use mysql. 1873155;1542418429;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-15#1872292 << nah, fairly transparent, config knob 1873156;1542418429;a111;Logged on 2018-11-15 02:28 BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: It's what wordpress expects. Otherthings can be forced into place at substantial cost. 1873157;1542419521;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-16#1872971 << that'd actually be great, if you're asking. 1873158;1542419521;a111;Logged on 2018-11-16 19:03 ave1: one may be for a semiconductor machine builder 1873159;1542419750;deedbot;http://bimbo.club/?p=80 << Bimbo.Club - TMSR Log Summary - 11/03/2018 1873160;1542422999;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-16#1872979 << lol. 1873161;1542422999;a111;Logged on 2018-11-16 19:10 asciilifeform: eh it aint actually that great. turns out was much better in my memory than in life. 1873162;1542424374;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo subsribers 1873163;1542424419;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-16#1872991 << i muchly recommend the spanish adventure romances of the medieval period. 1873164;1542424419;a111;Logged on 2018-11-16 19:15 BingoBoingo: Not in the depth I'd like to 1873165;1542424432;mircea_popescu;much the fuck better than "Westerns", and evidently cribbed liberally rfor the latter. 1873166;1542424807;asciilifeform;of the 20th c folx -- i also liked borges 1873167;1542424894;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-17#1873152 << hm i was recalling having had to mutilate mine to eat postgres -- but it's been 11+y nao since i last touched the thing , so could be entirely off 1873168;1542424894;a111;Logged on 2018-11-17 01:33 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-15#1872289 << not true, eats postgres as well. 1873169;1542425492;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: ty, fxd 1873170;1542433887;phf;asciilifeform: i read borges in ru originally, tried in english and barfed. takes some serious writer to put depth into the english language, like how e.g. faulkner did it. something completely lacking in most translations. 1873171;1542433933;phf;apropos, and i think we had that thread, but best russian translations were always done by actual writers, rather than dedicated translators (though there was a handful of talanted ones) 1873172;1542462438;deedbot;http://ossasepia.com/2018/11/17/smg-comms-chapter-8-keys-management/ << Ossasepia - SMG Comms Chapter 8: Keys Management 1873173;1542471102;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2018/chtonic-civilisation/ << Trilema - Chtonic civilisation 1873174;1542476769;mircea_popescu;and in today's luldose, LordMPofTMSR "Not even kidding." calliemarie_"😂😂😂" LordMPofTMSR "Illiterate, I take it ?" 1873175;1542476962;asciilifeform;calliemarie << at least presumably she's tasty when grilled properly 1873176;1542477360;*;asciilifeform presently massaging ffa ch12, expects to take most of today 1873177;1542477773;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform ikr! 1873178;1542477781;mircea_popescu;they all are. 1873179;1542480929;BingoBoingo;In other news, I am pretty sure I saw the U-17 North Korean team in the Shopping today 1873180;1542480940;BingoBoingo;Unlike the spanish they were not uniformed 1873181;1542481005;BingoBoingo;The did have however a couple twink-Kpop looking handlers and blocked the intersection of two major walkways for a photo 1873182;1542481851;ben_vulpes;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-15#1872282 << asciilifeform i estimated weds to determine if i had what with to find the error, and followed up later with a gpggram saying i would deliver the errors in the two months in which i found errors. 1873183;1542481851;a111;Logged on 2018-11-15 02:13 asciilifeform: !Q later tell ben_vulpes didja find the eggog ? you estimated 'wednesday', and the day is nearly at end.. 1873184;1542481867;asciilifeform;a 1873185;1542481880;ben_vulpes;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-12#1871431 1873186;1542481880;a111;Logged on 2018-11-12 07:09 ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/dQWPC/?raw=true 1873187;1542481897;asciilifeform;ok this slipped through my fingers, grr 1873188;1542481909;asciilifeform;ty ben_vulpes 1873189;1542481915;asciilifeform;lemme know when function returns 1873190;1542481924;ben_vulpes;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-12#1871452 << i assumed this to be an 'ack' 1873191;1542481924;a111;Logged on 2018-11-12 14:09 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-12#1871431 << oh hey 1873192;1542481942;asciilifeform;ack that rx & decoded, but apparently not read lol 1873193;1542481964;*;asciilifeform hands quite full atm 1873194;1542482001;BingoBoingo;ben_vulpes asciilifeform tyvm 1873195;1542490324;jurov;BingoBoingo, on it 1873196;1542490486;jurov;lobbes: the bot dropped (I had a message) 1873197;1542490674;BingoBoingo;jurov: tyvm 1873198;1542492694;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2018/chthonic-civilisation/ << Trilema - Chthonic civilisation 1873199;1542492943;mircea_popescu;keks. reprint! 1873200;1542493081;deedbot;http://pizarroisp.net/2018/11/17/pizarro-weekly-update-november-17th-2018/ << PizarroISP - Pizarro Weekly Update November 17th, 2018 1873201;1542493800;deedbot;http://bimbo.club/?p=81 << Bimbo.Club - TMSR Log Summary - 11/04/2018 1873202;1542495276;lobbes;jurov: ty 1873203;1542497189;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2018/the-bitch-doth-protest-two-woof/ << Trilema - The bitch doth protest two woof. 1873204;1542497710;deedbot;http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2753 << Loper OS - Finite Field Arithmetic. Chapter 12A: Karatsuba Redux. (Part 1 of 2) 1873205;1542497734;mircea_popescu;nothing if not varied. 1873206;1542497749;asciilifeform;warning : still bit of a spine crusher 1873207;1542497862;mircea_popescu;i like your intro. 1873208;1542497875;asciilifeform;why ty 1873209;1542497909;mircea_popescu;http://www.loper-os.org/pub/ffa/ch12_mul_timing.png << so beautifully linear! i would daresay this graph by itself promises corectness. 1873210;1542497916;asciilifeform;log plot , mircea_popescu 1873211;1542497932;asciilifeform;( nitpicks from mircea_popescu & other mathematical folk, welcome as always ) 1873212;1542497933;mircea_popescu;fine. beautifully straight! 1873213;1542497955;asciilifeform;lolyes 1873214;1542498212;asciilifeform;folx who grunted through ch.10 the Proper way, with chalkboard, may find some of 12a to be boring. but the exposition was promised, and so written. 1873215;1542498230;mircea_popescu;fucking colorized. you put a lot of thought into this have you! 1873216;1542498239;asciilifeform;yep 1873217;1542498250;asciilifeform;it is meant for eventual feeding even to pets 1873218;1542498286;mircea_popescu;starting to look like ye olde http://btcbase.org/log/2016-02-10#1401993 1873219;1542498286;a111;Logged on 2016-02-10 13:37 asciilifeform: i was quite certain we had a tigerfibel thread 1873220;1542498293;asciilifeform;deliberate. 1873221;1542498367;mircea_popescu;well good for you 1873222;1542498581;asciilifeform;this stuff didn't take ~2y because vodka, but because actually tricky to lay out in the form where user can 'this is my parachute, i packed it' 1873223;1542498603;asciilifeform;( and tbf it remains to be seen whether i succeeded in this ) 1873224;1542498863;asciilifeform;i will add, thing is deliberately shaped in such a way that it could be hand-compiled to relatively uncomplicated asm, on most archs, by a clueful reader. my yet-ungenesis'd parallel attempt at this is somewhat behind the ada, but i expect will be maybe 3000 ln. total in the end. 1873225;1542498931;asciilifeform;( amd64, for the curious; i haven't touched arm etc of yet ) 1873226;1542498988;asciilifeform;hardwarizable ( in the manner discussed by mircea_popescu ) also, as 'phree' side effect of the constant-spacetime. but this is yet embryonic. 1873227;1542499131;asciilifeform;fwiw i've obtained a secondhand http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-11#1870822 laboratory instrument ( they're quite rare in aftermarket, typically sold new at outrageous usgtronic prices ) for laters, when The Time Comes. 1873228;1542499131;a111;Logged on 2018-11-11 00:05 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: re 'bigendian box' -- i invested in one of them 'asic emulator' mega-fpga thingies, it so happens to come with 2 ppc cores on board, can double as bigendism test system. 1873229;1542499190;asciilifeform;thing will theoretically fit e.g. 'pentium'-weight of gatez. 1873230;1542499234;*;asciilifeform asciilifeform mined his first coin or so on a much smaller version of same item, back in the olden dayz 1873231;1542499274;*;asciilifeform bbl, playing with pet 1873232;1542501038;asciilifeform;grr, howler typo in piece, fixing 1873233;1542501208;asciilifeform;corrected. 1873234;1542501526;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/E0JoO << archive'd copy refreshed. 1873235;1542501583;asciilifeform;re http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-17#1873203 : 1873236;1542501583;a111;Logged on 2018-11-17 23:26 deedbot: http://trilema.com/2018/the-bitch-doth-protest-two-woof/ << Trilema - The bitch doth protest two woof. 1873237;1542501676;*;asciilifeform picture mircea_popescu picking mushrooms in forest. mushroom : 'very ballsy of you, to pick me from ground' mp: 'wtf, why is mushroom talking' mushroom : 'as a self-respecting forest dweller, you should know that you should not pick someone without permission' mp: 'wtf, you are a fungus' fungus : 'i will not submit, you do not interest me!' etc 1873238;1542501909;*;asciilifeform back to meat 1873239;1542502705;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/oo549 << found 1 moar. hopefully the last, wtf. 1873240;1542503053;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/Dry6Q and i'm off to bed lest i pop blood vessel. next one i'ma massage for coupla hrs after final bake prior to post. 1873241;1542505632;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you know ? 1873242;1542505641;mircea_popescu;other people gotta pay for such magic mushrooms. good dough! 1873243;1542517491;deedbot;http://bimbo.club/?p=82 << Bimbo.Club - What a Good Citizen Means to Me. 1873244;1542525126;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform, mod6, BingoBoingo: the mistake in july's statement is all mine: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/POt9B/?raw=true 1873245;1542525127;lobbesbot;ben_vulpes: Sent 3 days, 4 hours, and 59 minutes ago: didja find the eggog ? you estimated 'wednesday', and the day is nearly at end.. 1873246;1542525145;BingoBoingo;ben_vulpes: ty for the update 1873247;1542525182;ben_vulpes;mod6: i ask for your corroboration of a log line in that letter. 1873248;1542525306;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: i will let you know if i need more time to finish the august audit by tomorrow eve. 1873249;1542525366;ben_vulpes;BingoBoingo: glad to be of service 1873250;1542525583;BingoBoingo;ben_vulpes: Let me know if ther is anything I can do to help 1873251;1542525858;BingoBoingo;ben_vulpes: Also let me know if you have any questions about how the clarifying notes were cut from the listing of customer accounts should you have the time. I would like to kill the idea of a pile of clarifying notes being something every account has and restrict account particular notes to being a rare thing noted for eventually bringing an account into concordance with standards, however they fall. 1873252;1542526282;BingoBoingo;!Qlater tell nicoleci I raise your 103 words with a story http://bimbo.club/?p=82&cpage=1#comment-35 1873253;1542526282;lobbesbot;BingoBoingo: The operation succeeded. 1873254;1542527571;ben_vulpes;BingoBoingo: i certainly will on both points, although not tonight. i don't see sticking subscriptions into a db as a particularly difficult thing at all. 1873255;1542527644;BingoBoingo;ben_vulpes: What I've mostly been running into is archaeology, three people saying the same thing three different ways. 1873256;1542527810;ben_vulpes;one of the things dbs are good for is the shared spreadshit and enforcement of only one way of saying things. razoring off places to get creative is a boon to getting shit done. 1873257;1542527847;ben_vulpes;provided the shit getting done is largely the same time and again. 1873258;1542541109;mircea_popescu;http://bimbo.club/?p=82&cpage=1#comment-35 << it's kinda funny that BingoBoingo 's ~current~ memories of his drunken years still sound drunk af. 1873259;1542541156;mircea_popescu;kinda interesting premise for a short, someone starts a drying clinic ~for memories~. "yes mr x, we understand you haven't been drinking for years... but your memories of a decade ago still need wringing out!" 1873260;1542541453;mircea_popescu;re the razoring above : http://trilema.com/2013/youre-gonna-have-to-learn-that-variety-speak/#footnote_15_51632 and think about it : creativity ~has to be limited in place~. can't go creative simply wherever one creatively feels the itch ; the whole point of society, the entire justification of eating the otherwise significant costs of even having a society in the first place, is this limitation of creativity to specific plac 1873261;1542541453;mircea_popescu;es. 1873262;1542541731;mircea_popescu;"Mircea_popescu made the point that, useful people are useful and not useful is useless" ; "Qatar has no sense about opportunity" ; "Bingoboingo provided an update on qntra that, Canada has no bud to sell" this shit is fucking histerical. 1873263;1542541756;mircea_popescu;"Mocky and the republic is attempting to help Qatar become a real country" <<->> http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-03#1869171 1873264;1542541756;a111;Logged on 2018-11-03 22:38 mircea_popescu: Mocky so i guess next step is make an appointment with their minister of technology, industry, or whatever the fuck, explain to the secretarial overseer you end up seeing that the republic is in principle willing to do some tech transfer help them become a real country, exchange confused nods and handshakes and set the bozo bit on the ball of faux carpeting yarn pretending to be a country ? 1873265;1542542003;mircea_popescu;in fairness, there's also the occasional gem. "Forced conduct prohibits genuine relationships" no shit. it's like reading the charlie chaplin version of carnegie. 1873266;1542548874;Mocky;trinque, is there anything wrong with my pending withdrawals from a few days ago or do you just need to hand crank em? 1873267;1542556301;mircea_popescu;"I’m Lia Sweet, an amateur content creator and online sex worker from the beautiful PNW". << http://trilema.com/2018/hey-women-did-you-know-that-before-the-pantsuited-hilarity-gave-you-your-civil-rights-you-were-living-in-slavery/ 1873268;1542556357;mircea_popescu;good fucking thing these morons "progress&civil rights for women". because totally, living in a concrete box @"the beautiful" as a sex slave so much beats being a 1950s housewife 1873269;1542556366;mircea_popescu;at least this is impersonal, right. 1873270;1542557143;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Well, gotta tell the history with fidelity to the memory. 1873271;1542557253;BingoBoingo;Even if the source material is blurry, incomplete, and associated with very strong feelings however inconsistent they are. 1873272;1542558051;mircea_popescu;true. 1873273;1542559684;asciilifeform;pnw << wassat 1873274;1542559697;trinque;Mocky: getting to it right now 1873275;1542559707;trinque;and various other backlog items 1873276;1542559712;trinque;asciilifeform: pacific northwest I wager 1873277;1542559715;asciilifeform;aaa 1873278;1542559856;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you know, where the liberal mares run free 1873279;1542559885;asciilifeform;that's whole of gringostan neh 1873280;1542559903;mircea_popescu;nah. some places it freezes 1873281;1542559908;mircea_popescu;frost kills bums and other bacteria 1873282;1542559916;mircea_popescu;oh im sorry, "content creator/sex worker"s 1873283;1542559925;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i regret to inform that frost fails to kill bums reliably over here 1873284;1542559932;asciilifeform;they hang out in mcd, steam grates, etc 1873285;1542559971;mircea_popescu;ellajanex 23F Undecided "You wrote a whole message in the header? I can’t even read that shit." LordMPofTMSR "Think of it as an intelligence test. That you're failing." ellajanex "I’m out of school i don’t need tests or games lmao" << there, might that substitute ? 1873286;1542559971;asciilifeform;the underground train is also a favourite 1873287;1542559992;mircea_popescu;the pnw is where the liberal mares are "outta school", no moar patriarchy to beat them until they either die or perform at their own liberal option. 1873288;1542560023;asciilifeform;i expect they mix coffee for a living there just as here 1873289;1542560121;mircea_popescu;i should prolly show this one, it's worth it. a secx 1873290;1542560256;mircea_popescu;here we go https://image.ibb.co/meqsZf/liasweet-the-content-creator.jpg 1873291;1542560278;asciilifeform;unrelatedly, ave1 , diana_coman , mircea_popescu , phf , other folx with a gnat and 10min of free time -- asciilifeform would like to see outputs of http://www.loper-os.org/pub/ffa/thousand_muls.txt ( ch12 benchmark ) on various irons 1873292;1542560314;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: loox a little bit like your earlier one, but with paint job 1873293;1542560332;mircea_popescu;american girls. 1873294;1542560373;asciilifeform;i'd imagine it could shed ~half of its mass if put in mircea_popescu's terrarium 1873295;1542560406;mircea_popescu;there's subtle differences chicken farmers notice and anyone else doesn't re sickly chickens. 1873296;1542560446;asciilifeform;what'd that be, for this specimen ? 1873297;1542560465;mircea_popescu;she's too fat to be worth shedding. 1873298;1542560485;asciilifeform;could very well be troo, i have nfi 1873299;1542560507;asciilifeform;iirc at a certain point you gotta snip the extra hide off 1873300;1542560523;mircea_popescu;the body ain't linear, a certain % works one way then... exactly. 1873301;1542560566;asciilifeform;it's a major 'industry', if you will, in usa. like cock-snipping in thailand 1873302;1542560585;asciilifeform;erry so often, d00d with money gets a hold of one of these chickens, and gotta make silk purse from sow's ear somehow 1873303;1542560608;mircea_popescu;and yet they still don['t make the leather couches! 1873304;1542560610;asciilifeform;but yes i cant picture why mircea_popescu would bother 1873305;1542560633;mircea_popescu;would bother with what ? 1873306;1542560650;asciilifeform;taking 1 of these and having it sewn into human form 1873307;1542560736;mircea_popescu;well in practice i havent ; in theory i dunno, cuz we're believers in the human spirit and haven't yet turned down someone because he's black or whatever ? 1873308;1542561095;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform anyway, do you see how this relates to the ia/ai discussion ? 1873309;1542561105;asciilifeform;not directly? 1873310;1542561109;mircea_popescu;you wanna fix the brains that are, or replace them with some other brains that aren't ? 1873311;1542561128;mircea_popescu;!!up bullcosby 1873312;1542561128;deedbot;bullcosby voiced for 30 minutes. 1873313;1542561146;asciilifeform;as i understand, this one is moar re the third path, i.e. search for working brains in the wild 1873314;1542561164;bullcosby;Hello 1873315;1542561167;bullcosby;I was wondering where this image was taken from?: http://trilema.com/wp-content/themes/trilema/images/bg_nov2015.jpg 1873316;1542561182;asciilifeform;from mircea_popescu's www, lol 1873317;1542561190;mircea_popescu;the articulation of the comparison is (brains as in w/e makes males valuable) vs (whatever makes females valuable). as a gender construct. 1873318;1542561200;mircea_popescu;if you're willing to teach bois math, why aren't you willing to sew girls a new coat. 1873319;1542561216;mircea_popescu;bullcosby that's my slavegirl on my roof of my buenos aires residence a few years ago. 1873320;1542561250;bullcosby;mircea_popescu: any more pics of her? 1873321;1542561395;mircea_popescu;sure. 1873322;1542561439;mircea_popescu;!!up echelon 1873323;1542561442;deedbot;echelon voiced for 30 minutes. 1873324;1542561451;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i cannot speak as expert, but as i understand -- not only will new coat not be anything like the orig coat, destroyed by owner's stupidity, but sewn coat will not correct the problem that resulted in needing new 1873325;1542561520;mircea_popescu;and this does not apply to teaching bois math because ? math also won't fix the underlying problem that resulted in their having to learn how to think properly in the first place. 1873326;1542561524;echelon;how do i identify myself to deedbot, it says my key is already registered 1873327;1542561532;mircea_popescu;echelon using that key. 1873328;1542561537;trinque;!!help 1873329;1542561537;deedbot;http://deedbot.org/help.html 1873330;1542561568;bullcosby;mircea_popescu: link? 1873331;1542561584;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: nobody's born knowing maffs, or piano, or pilotage, but most critters come from factory with firmware 'how to stop eating when not hungry'. if this is broken, new coat dun fix 1873332;1542561601;mircea_popescu;bullcosby suppose you just read all of trilema as a goodboi, and let it change what you are, rather than expect you're important enough for your malformed desires to be gratified. 1873333;1542561655;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform and the reason for http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-01#1868388 is different than the reason for "stop eating when not hungry" ? both were equally obvious at all points. 1873334;1542561655;a111;Logged on 2018-11-01 17:44 asciilifeform: i had to algebraize the thing , and have just the right rng bits flip in head , to get the 'ceiling tiles' ( why didn't mircea_popescu get'em in '15 ? ) 1873335;1542561663;mircea_popescu;in that obvious is just as obvious as any other obvious. 1873336;1542561725;echelon;mircea_popescu: which command initiates otp? 1873337;1542561745;mircea_popescu;you say !!up to deedbot privately. 1873338;1542561761;echelon;i did, and it said: You may not $up yourself. 1873339;1542561780;trinque;you are not rated. try introducing yourself first. 1873340;1542561786;mircea_popescu;!!key echelon 1873341;1542561788;deedbot;http://wot.deedbot.org/F924DC9D84B3181E568600D9B5BC4681288D5FCC.asc 1873342;1542561808;mircea_popescu;!#born echelon 1873343;1542561808;a111;2018-11-18 how do i identify myself to deedbot, it says my key is already registered >> http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-18#1873326 1873344;1542561828;mircea_popescu;echelon so when did you register it then ? 1873345;1542561835;trinque;!!reputation echelon 1873346;1542561836;deedbot;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/ba52K/?raw=true 1873347;1542561841;trinque;^ apparently oldtimer but not l1 rated 1873348;1542561842;echelon;i dunno, it said i was already registered 1873349;1542561872;mircea_popescu;echelon deedbot imported gribbles ratings back in the day. 1873350;1542561876;echelon;https://bitcoin-otc.com/viewratingdetail.php?nick=echelon grubble has my rating 1873351;1542561878;asciilifeform;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/1F1F9C0BC12E7C73E78AA81364660EEB11D235950DB7509E5927D826A2ED721B fwiw, has been alive for at least that long 1873352;1542561880;echelon;gribble* 1873353;1542561898;mircea_popescu;the reason you can't up yourself is that nobody here cares about the people who rated you there (indeed, some are known scammers, some are entirely unknown nobodies etc). 1873354;1542561917;echelon;nanotube and theymos? 1873355;1542561928;mircea_popescu;!#s "theymos" 1873356;1542561929;a111;652 results for "\"theymos\"", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%22theymos%22 1873357;1542561966;mircea_popescu;nanotube is the dood that was going to fix gribble to work with deedbot, then didn't. used to have some clout, then a little clout, by today indistinguishable from w/e last months; crop of wanna-bes, fluffypony, josh garza, whatever. 1873358;1542561998;echelon;well, i dunno anything about the interchannel politics 1873359;1542562010;mircea_popescu;what are you doing here anyway ? 1873360;1542562019;echelon;danielpbarron called into lrh last night 1873361;1542562029;mircea_popescu;ah. 1873362;1542562033;asciilifeform;what's lrh ? 1873363;1542562037;mircea_popescu;that radio thing. 1873364;1542562065;asciilifeform;!#seen danielpbarron 1873365;1542562065;a111;2018-10-15 !!up slycordinator 1873366;1542562230;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: aaah the 'pirate' folx 1873367;1542562239;mircea_popescu;echelon ok, so do you do anything ? are you notable for any reason ? 1873368;1542562252;asciilifeform;( who for some perverse reason insist on sticking to heathen voice band , exactly where usg wants'em ) 1873369;1542562295;mircea_popescu;same ole http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-22#1756992 1873370;1542562295;a111;Logged on 2017-12-22 17:18 weevlos: trinque: we are a media publication. our power and capital comes from the number of visitors we have to the site. we aim to transform through culture. if normal people cannot visit our site we are not accomplishing our goal 1873371;1542562302;asciilifeform;exactly these 1873372;1542562352;mircea_popescu;not really so much wanting to "transform" anything other than the misfortunate situation where the system doesn't seem to recognize their mental picture of their own station. in the sense that why does it see them so low!!! 1873373;1542562378;asciilifeform;rezistenta prin cultura ! (tm)(r) 1873374;1542562613;echelon;mircea_popescu: i was the one that originally did the documentation for setting up hidden service fallback nodes, before the client had built-in support for it 1873375;1542562633;asciilifeform;!#s tor 1873376;1542562634;a111;1160 results for "tor", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=tor 1873377;1542562637;asciilifeform;echelon ^ 1873378;1542562648;mircea_popescu;afaik this not the same thing 1873379;1542562667;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: 'hidden service' is a tor (tm)(r) ism, afaik 1873380;1542562677;asciilifeform;i dun know of other systems using the term 1873381;1542562686;trinque;could be i2p? 1873382;1542562704;asciilifeform;potentially ( i.e. the even sadder, lamer knockoff tor ) 1873383;1542562706;echelon;yes, on tor 1873384;1542562718;trinque;echelon: got any other hobbies besides cp on govnet? 1873385;1542562751;mircea_popescu;"[04:17] so has anyone tried launching a rocket from a balloon?" 1873386;1542562756;mircea_popescu;yes, ~everything lol. 1873387;1542562769;echelon;lol, where's that from 1873388;1542562798;echelon;yeah, that was me 1873389;1542562836;mircea_popescu;"[1:40] hi, i installed ubuntu server on a 2011.12 model of raspberry pi model b" 1873390;1542562848;mircea_popescu;lol. srsly, other than hipstering about, do you actually do anything ? 1873391;1542562902;mircea_popescu;"echelon hi, i need to read a structured spreadsheet type of file that's in binary, basically involves reading the record which is the header information as to how the records are structured, and then reading the records. how would i go about doing this?" and so on ad infinitum. 1873392;1542562904;asciilifeform;echelon: at the risk of repeating mircea_popescu's q -- what precisely are you aiming to find here ? 1873393;1542562913;echelon;i'm not active with anything atm, i'm an out of work devops eng 1873394;1542562921;mircea_popescu;what's a devops eng 1873395;1542562958;echelon;development/operations engineer 1873396;1542562974;echelon;for automated deployments and integrated testing 1873397;1542562982;asciilifeform;echelon: tell us about sumthing you've engineered ? 1873398;1542563017;echelon;i worked for hbo, setup their forensic watermarking service 1873399;1542563049;mircea_popescu;more's the thing : is this something you actually are, in the sense of having spent a decade+ doing it, or is it something you simply http://trilema.com/2013/search-and-destroy/#selection-65.1-65.96 wish-to-be ? 1873400;1542563079;echelon;worked for a bitcoin exchange 1873401;1542563182;ben_vulpes;clickin buttons in bezosnet and mashin tab in intellij? 1873402;1542563248;asciilifeform;!!up echelon 1873403;1542563257;*;ben_vulpes tragically intimate, ftr 1873404;1542563258;mircea_popescu;what the fuck is a forensic watermark anyway ? don't you have to have the watermarks ~before~ you can "forensic" ? 1873405;1542563283;deedbot;echelon voiced for 30 minutes. 1873406;1542563288;echelon;ben_vulpes: yeah, on bezosnet, but using the api for automated provisioning with ansible and stuff 1873407;1542563309;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: copyrasty crackpottery, where 'seekrit bitz in .avi so to find which cinema leaked to piratebay' 1873408;1542563323;mircea_popescu;what's this supposed to even be, in human language, "i wrote the bills of purchase for the project manager in charge of provisioning the one room in hbo tower where they take copied hard-drives to see whether there's hbo shows on them, aka devops eng" ? 1873409;1542563339;echelon;mircea_popescu: it's like stegonagraphic watermarking, so even if you resize the video resolution, they could forensically identify the source of the piracy 1873410;1542563348;asciilifeform;i'm moar than a little bit surprised that d00d admits to having perpetrated such lulz, just it alone takes 9000 yrs in purgatory to atone for 1873411;1542563362;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform imo he's just repeating something he's read online. 1873412;1542563376;asciilifeform;prolly 1873413;1542563381;asciilifeform;parsimonious hypothesis 1873414;1542563409;mircea_popescu;which is i guess an ok strategy, both for the http://trilema.com/2012/law-enforcement-never-fails-to-unintentionally-entertain/ fucktards as well as for the sirius/vandroyi/whatever-style "i am disgusted with you morons" autists. 1873415;1542563575;mircea_popescu;consider alf, that you're not the only one to have noticed http://www.loper-os.org/?p=939 ; most intelligent people in fact did. you're just among the few to have managed to break through the usual disease of intelligent people, aka http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-09#1641209 1873416;1542563575;a111;Logged on 2017-04-09 23:14 mircea_popescu: "who do you think will win, mr 13, the team with two guys and monkeys or the team with three guys and monkeys ?" 1873417;1542563641;*;asciilifeform suspects that at this point the primo disease of intelligent folx is the bottle. but this, i suppose, also 1873418;1542563822;mircea_popescu;they're pretty much the same i think. 1873419;1542563839;echelon;asciilifeform: it was watermarked in real-time on their "go" service 1873420;1542563842;mircea_popescu;drinking by yourself, you know. what the fuck is it ? some variant of the above. 1873421;1542563851;echelon;i dunno if they do anything different now 1873422;1542563890;mircea_popescu;was that a "stream over internet hbo shows" thing ? 1873423;1542563900;asciilifeform;echelon: copyrasts' 'technical investments' are possibly some of the dumbest schemes on this side of emperor qin shihuangdi's hg immortality pills 1873424;1542563945;asciilifeform;what exactly is to keep 3 users from taking their 3 'marked' copies and xor'ing together. 1873425;1542563949;echelon;mircea_popescu: yeah, it was actually a separate service from "now" streaming service 1873426;1542563961;echelon;"go" was an offering for cable/satellite subscribers 1873427;1542563997;mircea_popescu;mkay. and the idea was to put the ip or w/e of the "subscriber" into the downloads so that if they turn up on torrents hbo lawyers know what soccer mom to send abusive readers' digest spam to ? 1873428;1542564046;mircea_popescu;ie, a job that's strictly impossible in the general case, but then again dealing with the sort of morons who actually care about hbo, so not quite hard to do in particular. 1873429;1542564096;echelon;yeah, but most pirates just ripped from a tv tuner anyway, so i don't think it had much effect 1873430;1542564105;BingoBoingo;lol 1873431;1542564111;asciilifeform;ahahaha 1873432;1542564146;mircea_popescu;and so it's "devops" because what exactly, you wrote them a ruby gem or w/e. ? 1873433;1542564173;echelon;no, i just worked with ansible and aws api's mostly 1873434;1542564194;mircea_popescu;the chicks that commission actual installations for me, be it an acre of ground-to-ground missile tubes or a parking lot, are devops. not the chicks that copy recipe books. 1873435;1542564197;echelon;and log centralization and alerts 1873436;1542564237;asciilifeform;'i am atomic engineer' 'tell us about sumthing you engineered' 'well, i swept floor of reactor room for coupla weeks' 1873437;1542564239;mircea_popescu;but be that as it may. there's ~nothing of interest to you here, so you can just safely forget about it. 1873438;1542564279;asciilifeform;'which reactor, at least?' 'pons & fleischmann's' 1873439;1542564310;echelon;hmm alright 1873440;1542565655;asciilifeform;!#s yellow dots 1873441;1542565655;a111;13 results for "yellow dots", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=yellow%20dots 1873442;1542565670;asciilifeform;the 'colour of bits' lulz will prolly never die. 1873443;1542565820;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/YZOc4 << the 'colour of bits' thing, ftr, iirc orig thread was prior to archivebot 1873444;1542569416;mod6;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-18#1873244 << Thank you ben_vulpes; looking through this, now. 1873445;1542569416;a111;Logged on 2018-11-18 07:12 ben_vulpes: asciilifeform, mod6, BingoBoingo: the mistake in july's statement is all mine: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/POt9B/?raw=true 1873446;1542569436;mod6;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-18#1873247 << Will check and see what's what. 1873447;1542569436;a111;Logged on 2018-11-18 07:13 ben_vulpes: mod6: i ask for your corroboration of a log line in that letter. 1873448;1542571147;trinque;for those waiting on withdrawals, I'll return and complete them once I stock back up on .....paper! brb 1873449;1542571204;trinque;big transactions take a lulzy amount of the stuff to import into the cold wallet 1873450;1542571230;mod6;BingoBoingo: Can you confirm for us all that you have '0.20113128 BTC' (from ben_vulpes' note above) set aside from bbisp, etc? I only ever see ".2xxxx" mentioned in places. 1873451;1542571234;trinque;just wrote a tool to minimize the human component of doing that, though. 1873452;1542571329;BingoBoingo;mod6: I can confirm 1873453;1542571349;mod6;Ok great. 1873454;1542571352;mod6;Thanks. 1873455;1542571402;mod6;ben_vulpes: An interesting item from your note says: 1873456;1542571431;mod6;"Let's show what we're filtering out as well:", to which this tx, amount, and date appear: 1873457;1542571443;mod6;d10b713fd66312f2a498b8b93620d87836283bafcbd4b969b1b842ccf11b2beb | ben_vulpes | 6.56190000 | 2018-07-11 06:52:43.265797-07 | Transfer of entirety of outstanding Pizarro funds to deedbot wallet. 1873458;1542571452;mod6;(1 row) 1873459;1542571484;mod6;The amount and the date appear to be off to me. 1873460;1542571823;mod6;Before that tx, where you send me the remaining pizarro funds, my balance was "0.08479669 BTC". 1873461;1542571905;mod6;This is how much I received, and on the 15th 1873462;1542571908;mod6; pay | ben_vulpes | mod6 | 6.21445021 | 6.29924690 | 2018-07-15 05:29:59.365463+00 1873463;1542571936;mod6;(this all from what I consider to be the 'source-of-truth'; my deedbot wallet ledger) 1873464;1542572310;mod6;I can confirm that approximately ".2" was said to be held in BingoBoingo's custody outside of the deedbot wallet. And I can confirm that I have notes that state that you paid mats .3, and to reduce the amount by .5 total. 1873465;1542572384;mod6;Anyway, if it's helpful, I'm happy to sign my deedbot wallet ledger and publish it for those to review. Just say the word and will do. 1873466;1542572419;mod6;trinque could even audit my publication and signoff that it indeed matches his records if need be. 1873467;1542572966;mod6;Anyway, we all know that I'm not very clued on this stuff, but I don't see how your records say you sent '6.56190000' to me, and my deedbot wallet ledger shows '6.21445021'. 1873468;1542573433;mod6;Ok, I see where you got that number now. 1873469;1542573490;mod6;http://pizarroisp.net/2018/07/15/june-statement/ << Shows that we had a end-of-June cash balance of '6.71445021'. And you subtracted off .5 from that amount, and sent it to me. 1873470;1542573511;mod6;!Qcalc 6.71445021 - 0.50000000 1873471;1542573511;lobbesbot;mod6: 6.21445021 1873472;1542573573;mod6;Not sure why the dates are off a bit, but the amount seems to make sense to me now. 1873473;1542573633;mod6;Does that complete any corroboration that you were looking for? 1873474;1542573703;mod6;(Thank you again for conducting this audit, I very much appreciate it.) 1873475;1542574253;jurov;!!invoice BingoBoingo 0.02 CoinBr asset transfer 1873476;1542574253;lobbesbot;jurov: Sent 2 days, 5 hours, and 24 minutes ago: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/SSwUv/?raw=true 1873477;1542574259;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/nQxh6/?raw=true 1873478;1542574314;jurov;!!v 5D4542B2AB14558C471992A29B4050DBF1C692C165925B2BB7D6F5697A6FF7CE 1873479;1542574317;deedbot;Invoiced BingoBoingo 0.02 << CoinBr asset transfer 1873480;1542574335;diana_coman;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-18#1873291 - noted and added to the list though it might still take some time to get up to speed with ffa again 1873481;1542574335;a111;Logged on 2018-11-18 16:57 asciilifeform: unrelatedly, ave1 , diana_coman , mircea_popescu , phf , other folx with a gnat and 10min of free time -- asciilifeform would like to see outputs of http://www.loper-os.org/pub/ffa/thousand_muls.txt ( ch12 benchmark ) on various irons 1873482;1542574336;jurov;BingoBoingo: diana_coman: the shares were pushed 1873483;1542574455;diana_coman;jurov, BingoBoingo confirmed, I can see them; thanks! 1873484;1542574820;trinque;mod6: you don't want me derping about like I'm republican transunion. there isn't such a thing. 1873485;1542574985;mod6;As you wish, you're a trusted bitcoin lord though, and you could even charge a fee for a service, perhaps? But what do I know. 1873486;1542575211;trinque;the wot is already the mechanism to do what you're trying to get me to do. 1873487;1542575232;trinque;and it's better than the imperial "some faceless dork with a hat vouches for everyone" 1873488;1542575271;mod6;True, at the end of the day, someone has to take my word for it though when it comes to me signing my ledger. 1873489;1542575315;mod6;Someway to cross-reference this if need-be could be a service. But like I said. Whateves. 1873490;1542575402;trinque;certainly not whatever. I'm not becoming a source of information about people's bot use. the panopticon habits are not made clean when somebody calling himself a lord picks them up. 1873491;1542575425;trinque;it is *your* choice what you say about yourself and that's where it ends. 1873492;1542575437;mod6;Cool. 1873493;1542576124;ben_vulpes;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-18#1873457 << that's the transfer from a trb wallet to my deedbot account, notice that 'tx_to' is 'ben_vulpes' 1873494;1542576124;a111;Logged on 2018-11-18 20:04 mod6: d10b713fd66312f2a498b8b93620d87836283bafcbd4b969b1b842ccf11b2beb | ben_vulpes | 6.56190000 | 2018-07-11 06:52:43.265797-07 | Transfer of entirety of outstanding Pizarro funds to deedbot wallet. 1873495;1542576229;mod6;ben_vulpes: makes sense, thanks. 1873496;1542576258;ben_vulpes;mod6: sorry for the obtuse ask last night. it's not strictly necessary, but i would like you to corroborate that i wrote those two lines to you in a private message on that date. if you grep for "once i get your signoff", you'll find what i'm talking about. 1873497;1542576293;mod6;I do have logs of that, would you like me to paste them here? 1873498;1542576470;mod6;Here ya go: 1873499;1542576471;mod6;(18:24) once i get your signoff on that report, i'll send the balance of the cash to your deedbot account 1873500;1542576474;mod6;(18:25) .2 is sitting in bingoboingo's posession, and .3 was sent to mats in july, so reduce the cash balance by .5 and that's what i'll deliver you 1873501;1542576492;ben_vulpes;works for me, ty 1873502;1542576508;mod6;np. 1873503;1542576533;ben_vulpes;in retrospect, doing any of this in pm was entirely unnecessary and counterproductive. 1873504;1542576564;mod6;no disagreement. 1873505;1542576733;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-18#1873485 << dood, what's with you and wanting to break ~every single item of design~. 1873506;1542576733;a111;Logged on 2018-11-18 21:03 mod6: As you wish, you're a trusted bitcoin lord though, and you could even charge a fee for a service, perhaps? But what do I know. 1873507;1542576782;mod6;I dunno, bad idea I guess. Just realized that there really is no way to verify someones ledger. 1873508;1542576800;mod6;Other than just by what people say. 1873509;1542576826;mircea_popescu;kinda the point, yeh. 1873510;1542576835;mod6;I guess I didn't know that. 1873511;1542576874;mod6;I actually figured, that in the case where or if someone's deedbot history was ever called into question, someone would verify the claim. 1873512;1542577061;mod6;Anyway, I apologize for bringing it up. 1873513;1542577233;trinque;if someone shows me the thing didn't work, I go fix a bug, but dispute resolution between users happens in *your* courts, not mine. if I later condescend to involve myself in the affairs of lowlier folks than anyone present, it'll come yes with a hefty fee, or hanging both, or whatever most dissuades the behavior. 1873514;1542577336;mircea_popescu;mod6 that's fine and dandy, but look how the logic works : 1) the republic exists principally as a succession of schelling points, meaning that "given a situation of structure X, republican will land on selection y" ; 2) the impression is hard to shake that with ~extreme regularity~ your landing diverges from that y, and in specific ways. which leads to 3) somehow mod6 ended up mentally at odds with the fundamentals of tmsr, 1873515;1542577336;mircea_popescu;which then leads to the suspicion that 4) regular dosing with idiocy through direct exposure in his daily life is poisoning mod6. 1873516;1542577429;mod6;I didn't think that was the case! I thought I was being quite logical, tbh. 1873517;1542577458;mod6;Anyway, I know I've fallen out of favor with many, for apparent idiocy. 1873518;1542577490;mod6;Like I said, Mr. P. I'll be stepping away. I only remain just to answer ben_vulpes's questions. 1873519;1542577595;mircea_popescu;no, i know, that's the problem. you thought you were being logical, and the logical thread you were following went along the lines of... 1873520;1542577737;mod6;I didn't mean any offense by the thread, I hope you and trinque will forgive. 1873521;1542577779;mircea_popescu;nobody's offended, man. we're concerned, because you seem to have contracted earworm. 1873522;1542577863;trinque;yeah, I'm not looking for an emotional connection here when I'm talking to you. 1873523;1542577898;trinque;you responded to 0% of the substance of what I said, and came back with "sorry you don't like me". come on, give it some effort! 1873524;1542577928;mod6;Maybe being around here so long has blurred the lines for me, I consider you guys my friends. 1873525;1542577939;mod6;Perhaps, a mistake. 1873526;1542577946;trinque;I don't see how I'm not being a friend, if you like. 1873527;1542577976;mod6;Well, to your point of "emotional". 1873528;1542578059;mod6;And to the 0% part, I just responded "Cool." because you reminded me of what was right and proper. 1873529;1542578112;mod6;I have no real argument with your wanting to stay out of any type of arguments, or discuss anyones deedbot tx's. Which, is the rightful thing to do. 1873530;1542578164;mod6;Basically, if someone says, "mod6 is liar!", and I publish my deedbot ledger, well, then it stands alone. To be evaluated at face value. 1873531;1542578354;mod6;Thanks for the wake-up call. 1873532;1542578373;*;mod6 will bbl to answer q's if required. 1873533;1542578393;trinque;taking it the other way, now there's this process where trinque swears to whoever's ledger that asks (fee or not, doesn't matter here). this comes to signify something, trustworthiness, w/e., can go to wells fargo now and bring in this credit report to get a mortgage. now folks come churn deedbot to produce this empty signifier. later trinque is asked to you know, DETECT FRAUD, maybe with machine learning 1873534;1542578395;trinque;even! 1873535;1542578413;trinque;if you don't see how this leads straight to the contemporary hell, you do need to take that vacation. 1873536;1542578478;mod6;I see your point totally. 1873537;1542578512;mod6;*nod* 1873538;1542578518;mod6;Alright. bbl. 1873539;1542579554;mircea_popescu;hey, we went through a week or so of nubbins going "mp is a liar!!!", did exactly jack. 1873540;1542579804;mod6;Ah, I recall. 1873541;1542579952;mod6;You know, I just went for a quick walk, and the cold air did me some good. I think maybe part of my problem is that the stress from being in the soup for the better part of a year has been a bit rough on me mentally. Been saying idiotic things without thinking, pasting shit without thinking, etc. I dunno feels like a bit of sand-falling through my hands - trying to get back into the good graces without ta 1873542;1542579958;mod6;king the explicit time to get my head screwed back on straight. 1873543;1542579990;mircea_popescu;well so take it easy. 1873544;1542580004;mod6;I do appreciate the wake up call, and I take your words to hard. I'll do better to take a long rest/break and stop spinning my damn brain so hard. 1873545;1542580010;mod6;*heart 1873546;1542580061;mod6;*nod* alright, I gotta run here for a bit. but will bbl. <3 1873547;1542581910;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/11/brexit-set-to-break-britains-government-and-theresa-may/ << Qntra - Brexit Set To Break Britain's Government And Theresa May 1873548;1542582387;mircea_popescu;schmucks. 1873549;1542583699;BingoBoingo;What else can you expect from the prototypical Pantsuit slave society 1873550;1542587134;deedbot;http://bvt-trace.net/2018/11/ada-system-calls-genesis/ << bvt's backtrace - Ada System Calls: Genesis 1873551;1542593085;BingoBoingo;http://bingology.net/2018/11/19/collected-lessons-about-mp-wp-after-rebuilding-this-blog-again/ 1873552;1542593813;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo not bad, though i prefer the fully formatted style, with dates etc, like in http://trilema.com/category/bitcoin/ or http://trilema.com/2017/06/ etc. 1873553;1542597978;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: I'll give it a play with as I work through more punch list items 1873554;1542602494;mircea_popescu;bvt but i mean... what's the logic of an "empty genesis" ? 1873555;1542603996;ben_vulpes;mod6: why does the net change in pizarro's cash account for august not equal the difference between the sum of incoming and outgoing cash transactions? 1873556;1542605442;ben_vulpes;BingoBoingo: why does mod6's ledger show a transaction for 0.1 btc to you on august 12th and then back from you on august 17th? it doesn't affect the accounting, but i am perplexed as you both stated that your ledgers in these shared notes contained all of your pizarro transactions with noted exceptions that do not include that transaction. 1873557;1542605493;ben_vulpes;amend that question to include the detail that *your* submitted ledger does not contain either of those transactions. 1873558;1542609092;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform, mod6, BingoBoingo: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/tHcxD/?raw=true (these missives have not been encrypted, only signed. if any would like to read, please do.) 1873559;1542609178;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: i believe this report settles the reported discrepancies. i will have to respond to queries asynchronously, as i'm traveling for the next week. 1873560;1542611342;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: i've sketched out a set of tables that could hold all pizarro data accounting data and generate statements; the only remaining puzzlers are modeling subscriptions, prepay, and asset depreciation. would you like me to complete the design, put sql to disk and turn this into an accounting spreadsheet for pizarro? 1873561;1542614069;bvt;mircea_popescu: i understand that empty genesis (well, it's not precisely empty, there is a manifest file) is suboptimal, however: 1873562;1542614075;bvt;1. x86 and arm trees will diverge pretty much from the start, i can't see how anything useful and complete can be packed into genesis. 1873563;1542614133;bvt;2. i seem to remember but can't find right now a discussion (around time spyked published adalisp) that making such a genesis should be ok. perhaps i am confused about the context of that discussion and did something stupid. 1873564;1542623680;mircea_popescu;bvt i dunno that it's a huge deal, but maybe dig up the log reference ? 1873565;1542623799;mircea_popescu;i mean, it certainly has the virtue of signalling, "Hey guise, i intend to do this" sorta thing 1873566;1542623978;diana_coman;phf, I wanted to sign your vtools patches but I realised that they are using sha so I don't really know: do you plan to regrind them with keccak? 1873567;1542624085;diana_coman;phf, also, perhaps snarf the V.pl tree from in http://ossasepia.com/2018/11/13/v-with-vtools-keccak-hashes-and-its-own-tree/ ? 1873568;1542624144;diana_coman;bvt, while I don't see a big problem per se with an empty genesis, the question for your specific situation is why glue together 2 trees if they diverge right from the start anyway? 1873569;1542625313;mircea_popescu;something like that. 1873570;1542627391;bvt;ok, so the discussion seems to be here: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-06-25#1829429 , and unlike me, spyked did publish the code. 1873571;1542627391;a111;Logged on 2018-06-25 16:40 mircea_popescu: spyked> I think there's great benefit in the ffa chapter-based approach << that ~started with a genesis~. 1873572;1542627399;bvt;i want the platform-specific branches to be glued together because API for users should be the same in all of them. so that user can press a branch for aarch64 or x86 without changing anything in his code. 1873573;1542627965;diana_coman;bvt, that sounds like you want to start then the tree with ..the API? otherwise at any rate, the user CAN use the same API with whatever provides it, no? 1873574;1542628168;mircea_popescu;bvt this is laudable, provided of course it actulaly works out. 1873575;1542628220;mircea_popescu;experience kinda seems to indicate trying to have the same model for two things is a recipe for tears in this "industry" of apes and aping, but then again... man gotta try. 1873576;1542631120;deedbot;http://bimbo.club/?p=83 << Bimbo.Club - TMSR Log Summary - 11/05/2018 1873577;1542637789;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2018/the-keks-of-all-time/ << Trilema - The keks of all time... 1873578;1542640604;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-19#1873558 << got it; loox like it is ready to mechanize, ben_vulpes ..? 1873579;1542640604;a111;Logged on 2018-11-19 06:31 ben_vulpes: asciilifeform, mod6, BingoBoingo: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/tHcxD/?raw=true (these missives have not been encrypted, only signed. if any would like to read, please do.) 1873580;1542640623;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-19#1873560 << sounds great, plz 1873581;1542640623;a111;Logged on 2018-11-19 07:09 ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: i've sketched out a set of tables that could hold all pizarro data accounting data and generate statements; the only remaining puzzlers are modeling subscriptions, prepay, and asset depreciation. would you like me to complete the design, put sql to disk and turn this into an accounting spreadsheet for pizarro? 1873582;1542640680;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: i assumed the worst, that asciilifeform would have to somehow fit whole thing on his already packed conveyor. 1873583;1542640702;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-19#1873561 << here is where i admit that i dun see wtf is the point of an empty genesis 1873584;1542640702;a111;Logged on 2018-11-19 07:54 bvt: mircea_popescu: i understand that empty genesis (well, it's not precisely empty, there is a manifest file) is suboptimal, however: 1873585;1542640750;asciilifeform;genesis, in my conception, oughta at the very least set the flavour of a tree, with ~some~ semblance of a working item 1873586;1542640773;asciilifeform;( e.g. ffa genesis, is very small, but contained all of the basic fundamental moving parts for simple arithm ) 1873587;1542645225;mod6;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-19#1873558 << Thanks for the audit report ben_vulpes. Looks like you figured out this (http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-19#1873555) from your report notes. 1873588;1542645225;a111;Logged on 2018-11-19 06:31 ben_vulpes: asciilifeform, mod6, BingoBoingo: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/tHcxD/?raw=true (these missives have not been encrypted, only signed. if any would like to read, please do.) 1873589;1542645225;a111;Logged on 2018-11-19 05:06 ben_vulpes: mod6: why does the net change in pizarro's cash account for august not equal the difference between the sum of incoming and outgoing cash transactions? 1873590;1542645285;asciilifeform;ohai mod6 1873591;1542645318;mod6;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-19#1873556 << As for this, BingoBoingo began doing a cut-down of the notes file, so more recent editions have not had older-months notes contained. I have went back and found the notes around the 0.1 BTC sent between us from august. Here is that specific snippit: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/CEgRj/?raw=true 1873592;1542645318;a111;Logged on 2018-11-19 05:30 ben_vulpes: BingoBoingo: why does mod6's ledger show a transaction for 0.1 btc to you on august 12th and then back from you on august 17th? it doesn't affect the accounting, but i am perplexed as you both stated that your ledgers in these shared notes contained all of your pizarro transactions with noted exceptions that do not include that transaction. 1873593;1542645360;mod6;ben_vulpes: In case you are curious, here is the full notes file from the end of august, just for posterity: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/5ZN91/?raw=true 1873594;1542645413;mod6;I won't speak for BingoBoingo as to why his ledger copy does not show the 0.1 BTC sent from me to him, and then back from him to me. I'll let him speak to that. 1873595;1542645421;mod6;Hope this helps. Cheers. 1873596;1542645433;mod6;hai asciilifeform, hope all is well 1873597;1542645450;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-18#1873480 << this is entirely ok, diana_coman , there is not a burning hurry ( tho i expect that anybody who intends on firing ffa on battlefield will first take the time to properly eat it ) 1873598;1542645450;a111;Logged on 2018-11-18 20:52 diana_coman: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-18#1873291 - noted and added to the list though it might still take some time to get up to speed with ffa again 1873599;1542645489;*;mod6 bbl 1873600;1542645500;asciilifeform;mod6: errything well, ( tho asciilifeform as always during weekdays is knee deep in heathen rubbish ) 1873601;1542645972;BingoBoingo;tyvm ben_vulpes 1873602;1542645996;BingoBoingo;mod6: I started my ledger in the Pizarro notes on September 1st. 1873603;1542646236;mod6;Ah, ok BingoBoingo. Then that'd be it, since the 0.1 BTC back and forth took place in mid-August. 1873604;1542646244;mod6;Thanks. 1873605;1542646253;*;mod6 bbl 1873606;1542646273;BingoBoingo;Yeah, it was in case of a price swing while getting an SSD order ready 1873607;1542646419;mod6;Yeah, makes sense to me. I remember that. 1873608;1542646758;BingoBoingo;In other news, Qntra comments hooked a wild derp http://qntra.net/2018/11/forkcoin-that-split-from-bitcoin-now-struck-by-contentious-hardfork/#comment-120500 1873609;1542647080;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: ftr i still dun have anything like a working hypothesis re why the miners let segshitness live for as long as it has 1873610;1542647125;asciilifeform;tho i think mircea_popescu had one, iirc it was 'they're letting the sow fatten for table', approx 1873611;1542647189;asciilifeform;anybody recall whether there's a handy gauge somewhere re just how fat is the sow presently ? ( it ain't particularly hard to calculate , simply add up the coinz presently sitting in 'anyone-spends' ) 1873612;1542647257;asciilifeform;( ex. thread, http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-24#1702787 ) 1873613;1542647257;a111;Logged on 2017-08-24 14:23 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-24#1702759 << eventually this will necessarily happen, yes. "segwit" transactions are stored on the bitcoin network as "anyone can spend", so eventually miners will unroll the segwit chain. how soon is not easily predicted (which is why the idea is stupid/usg-like, introduces impredictability in the currency) 1873614;1542647308;asciilifeform;( or the earlier http://btcbase.org/log/2016-11-07#1563526 , & elsewhere ) 1873615;1542647308;a111;Logged on 2016-11-07 18:26 mircea_popescu: well, it slowly builds, until the miners defect. 1873616;1542647321;asciilifeform;and , moar pertinently, http://btcbase.org/log/2016-11-07#1563528 1873617;1542647321;a111;Logged on 2016-11-07 18:27 mircea_popescu: im sure nobody had the sense to create a "total payout to defecting miners" watch, because hey, they're "developers" not thinkers. 1873618;1542647613;asciilifeform;!#s prikoke 1873619;1542647613;a111;10 results for "prikoke", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=prikoke 1873620;1542647622;asciilifeform;^ oblig. 1873621;1542653392;*;lobbes enjoyed >> http://thetarpit.org/posts/y04/073-prikoke.html 1873622;1542653613;asciilifeform;lobbes: it's a riff on h. c. andersen ( who prolly lifted it from yet-elsewhere, i dun immediately recall from where ) 1873623;1542653622;asciilifeform;prolly tale is as old as pig-keepin'. 1873624;1542657052;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/11/pantsuit-lolsuit-against-russia-stumped-by-sovereign-immunity/ << Qntra - Pantsuit Lolsuit Against Russia Stumped By Sovereign Immunity 1873625;1542658619;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: ru foreign ministry, not ministry of justice 1873626;1542658645;asciilifeform;or hm, nm, loox like 1 of each 1873627;1542658755;BingoBoingo;ty fxd 1873628;1542660328;bvt;hello 1873629;1542660333;bvt;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-19#1873573 << i will have to think more about vtree organization. if i use api as the foundation for the tree, adding new system calls would cause regrind; in this case, the api should be complete from day one. 1873630;1542660333;a111;Logged on 2018-11-19 11:46 diana_coman: bvt, that sounds like you want to start then the tree with ..the API? otherwise at any rate, the user CAN use the same API with whatever provides it, no? 1873631;1542660343;bvt;for example, ftruncate is also useful for mmaptron, should it go in? 1873632;1542660361;bvt;otoh, if system call asm packages are at the tree foundation, the api uniformity will be enforced by convetion only, and the branches will diverge right after genesis. 1873633;1542660365;diana_coman;bvt, from experience I can tell you that "complete from day one" is not likely to ever happen 1873634;1542660377;diana_coman;basically it's just a way to cause yourself trouble, I wouldn't recommend 1873635;1542660402;diana_coman;the only case in which such a thing makes sense is if it's already a fixed /known /set in stone set 1873636;1542660456;bvt;yes, i can definitely see that. scope of the tree must be fixed at the moment of creation. which is not necessarily a bad thing. 1873637;1542660456;diana_coman;anyway, the purpose of V is not to force something onto the user 1873638;1542660553;bvt;ftr, i don't expect that i will make this tree without a single regrind 1873639;1542660604;bvt;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-19#1873575 << this is why i'd like to work on struct stat (well, it is also required for mmap): fairly complex structure, which differs across architectures. 1873640;1542660604;a111;Logged on 2018-11-19 11:50 mircea_popescu: experience kinda seems to indicate trying to have the same model for two things is a recipe for tears in this "industry" of apes and aping, but then again... man gotta try. 1873641;1542660739;bvt;i hope that for tmsr.os most of these things will become unnecessary; lower levels of libc/libada are not the right place to fix the underlying problem. 1873642;1542660745;diana_coman;bvt, precisely because it can't be fully clear in advance I'd suggest to choose the more flexible v-structure rather than something with set in stone requirements (such as API as root of the v tree sort of thing); this is NOT to say or guarantee you won't regrind but simply to not make ~surely needed 1873643;1542660816;diana_coman;regrinds are not evil or anything of the sort but they do have a cost ; and if you get others to sign your patches, the cost increases since you lose the original signatures basically 1873644;1542660933;diana_coman;so if you are not sure, I'd even keep the trees separately, I still don't quite see the problem with this (the benefit being that it doesn't force you to decide NOW on something you don't yet ...know) 1873645;1542661004;diana_coman;keeping the trees in sync is probably cheaper than regrinding the whole thing anyway; and if /when it's not, then...regrind it as a single tree and that's that 1873646;1542661054;bvt;i totally agree with all these points. tree diverging after empty genesis is separate enough in my view. 1873647;1542661422;bvt;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-19#1873583 << this is unfortunate, i won't have possibility to work on this code in coming days; there will be a vtree stump for ~2 weeks. 1873648;1542661422;a111;Logged on 2018-11-19 15:18 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-19#1873561 << here is where i admit that i dun see wtf is the point of an empty genesis 1873649;1542661436;bvt;and also i got useful feedback (thanks, diana_coman!) 1873650;1542662477;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-19#1873629 << waiiiwaaaat ?! 1873651;1542662477;a111;Logged on 2018-11-19 20:45 bvt: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-19#1873573 << i will have to think more about vtree organization. if i use api as the foundation for the tree, adding new system calls would cause regrind; in this case, the api should be complete from day one. 1873652;1542662484;asciilifeform;why would it 'cause regrind' ?? 1873653;1542662512;asciilifeform;i've added all kindsa 'new api' in ffa, but the only regrind was when we took up new hash type for vtrons 1873654;1542662528;asciilifeform;i suspect bvt fundamentally misunderstood how v mechanics work, oughta review 1873655;1542662619;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-19#1873641 << entirely agrees with my pov, which is why i had the .c in udp lib ( http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2557 ) instead of five kilometres of 'let's try to parse the c struct of 17 diff cpus in ada' 1873656;1542662619;a111;Logged on 2018-11-19 20:52 bvt: i hope that for tmsr.os most of these things will become unnecessary; lower levels of libc/libada are not the right place to fix the underlying problem. 1873657;1542662641;asciilifeform;imho the minimal .c glue is actually The Right Thing while we're still stuck on unix 1873658;1542662738;diana_coman;asciilifeform, in my understanding he wanted to cement "common api" hence possibly root since that's the only common part for the 2 trees, hence "regrind" if new (because not in root etc) 1873659;1542662793;asciilifeform;diana_coman: consider, if i'd done 'api first' for udp, would have ended up with ~same thing as ave1's hairball, i.e. 'just like gnat.sockets but maybe slightly less sad' 1873660;1542662833;diana_coman;asciilifeform, read on, not as if recommended for the task, no 1873661;1542662838;asciilifeform;it is quite impossible to say entirely in advance what api for glue layer on buncha unix garbage, will be, until fully grasped at least the outer surface of said garbage 1873662;1542662855;*;asciilifeform still eating log 1873663;1542662862;diana_coman;yep 1873664;1542663849;bvt;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-19#1873650 << well, if i do common part (api) first, then diverging system-specific branches, i still could add new functionality on top of *each* of these branches. i don't like this option. 1873665;1542663849;a111;Logged on 2018-11-19 21:21 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-19#1873629 << waiiiwaaaat ?! 1873666;1542663865;bvt;alternatively, i could add new functions at common tree part if i don't touch any files included in later vpatches (so adding entries to manifest would be not possible). seems like some quite unnatural acrobatics to me. 1873667;1542663879;bvt;but i would agree that one's understanding of vtronics is determined by ones toposorter implementation. 1873668;1542666255;asciilifeform;bvt: when you absolutely must publish mutually-exclusive variants of a thing, they oughta be v leaves, yes 1873669;1542666296;asciilifeform;( and if you extend on one such, and want to propagate into the others, then must regrind -- but strictly the piece in question ) 1873670;1542666378;asciilifeform;!#s ifdefism 1873671;1542666378;a111;5 results for "ifdefism", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=ifdefism 1873672;1542666398;asciilifeform;^ the heathen barbarism that goes counter to this formulation, that we're thankfully rid of 1873673;1542666605;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-19#1873666 << much of what seems to n00bs as 'unnatural acrobatics' in vtronics is in fact the actual and inevitable cost of writing proggies ~honestly~ -- i.e. without pretending, as the heathens do, that 'i only changed this one little thing, whatddayamean it's a new program now' 1873674;1542666605;a111;Logged on 2018-11-19 21:44 bvt: alternatively, i could add new functions at common tree part if i don't touch any files included in later vpatches (so adding entries to manifest would be not possible). seems like some quite unnatural acrobatics to me. 1873675;1542667295;asciilifeform;arguably v is a labour-saving device ~specifically for readers~, rather than writers, of programs -- if we were passing signed tarballs around, as we did prior to v, reader would be stuck determining exactly what changed, after manually verifying sig. 1873676;1542667302;asciilifeform;v makes it possible to sign a compartmentalized change , so reader is not stuck having to manually diff contents of signed_foo.today.tar.gz against signed_foo.tomorrow.tar.gz to see where the changes were. but what it deliberately does ~not~ do is to enable the pretense ( carried on in git & other heathen abominations ) that a proggy where something semantically upstream of $place were changed, is ~same~ proggy ~but for $place~ . 1873677;1542667343;asciilifeform;the 'one little thing' is only 'little' when ~nothing depends on it~ -- i.e. is an extension of a leaf node, graph-theoretically speaking 1873678;1542667349;diana_coman;bvt> http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-19#1873650 << well, if i do common part (api) first, then diverging system-specific branches, i still could add new functionality on top of *each* of these branches. i don't like this option. -> perhaps unsurprisingly, the part that one doesn't like is however actually correct i.e. yes, you'll have to maintain the two separately if they are separate; hence my original "they are 2 trees" - because that's 1873679;1542667349;a111;Logged on 2018-11-19 21:21 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-19#1873629 << waiiiwaaaat ?! 1873680;1542667349;diana_coman;what they are anyway, until/unless you cement the API 1873681;1542667401;asciilifeform;if it is an item which conceivably affects the meaning of other text in unpredictable ways, then the patch must reflect this ( and we get 'reground' code. ) 1873682;1542667497;asciilifeform;diana_coman has it ( i'm expanding pedantically specifically for n00bs, but same point ) 1873683;1542667858;asciilifeform;to put it in mircea_popescuine terminology -- the scenario that v makes specifically and rightfully impossible is 'hey, i changed 'wife' to 'dog' in your marriage contract, but yer still just as married, you signed all the downstreams' 1873684;1542668273;asciilifeform;bvt: it's in fact exactly the same thing that e.g. bitcoin does -- you cannot go back and flip a bit in block 100, and expect to be on the same chain as other folx, it'll correctly invalidate 101--present from your node's pov ( and your entire existence from other's pov ) 1873685;1542668412;asciilifeform;v is just about exactly same thing as bitcoin's chain, with the difference that it seals with manually-crafted operator signatures, rather than 'proof of work' gymnastics 1873686;1542668626;asciilifeform;bvt: if you understand why bitcoin does not tolerate 'yes i'm on the same chain as you! except that i flipped a single bit in block 100, and really, honestly, nuffin ever depended on the tx where i flipped it!' -- you will also understand why v does not tolerate this either 1873687;1542669081;asciilifeform;the fact that it feels to noobs like 'unnatural acrobatics' is an artifact of writer suddenly having to pay that actual cost of the complexity inflicted on reader. and yes folx whined, just like in ex-ussr folx whined when they started having to pay for mains current . 1873688;1542669188;bvt;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-19#1873678 << what i did not like was following: specifically going for 'api at the tree root' variant, and then bolting on new (platform-independent) apis later. 1873689;1542669188;a111;Logged on 2018-11-19 22:42 diana_coman: bvt> http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-19#1873650 << well, if i do common part (api) first, then diverging system-specific branches, i still could add new functionality on top of *each* of these branches. i don't like this option. -> perhaps unsurprisingly, the part that one doesn't like is however actually correct i.e. yes, you'll have to maintain the two separately if they are separate; hence my original "they are 2 trees" - because that's 1873690;1542669202;bvt;but i see how this is the correct process, and just a bit more optimized case of what i planned with branches diverging at the genesis (saves reader some labour of reading same vpatches in each branch). and if tree becomes to messy, can regrind. 1873691;1542669210;bvt;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-19#1873686 << this part is crystally clear 1873692;1542669210;a111;Logged on 2018-11-19 23:03 asciilifeform: bvt: if you understand why bitcoin does not tolerate 'yes i'm on the same chain as you! except that i flipped a single bit in block 100, and really, honestly, nuffin ever depended on the tx where i flipped it!' -- you will also understand why v does not tolerate this either 1873693;1542669217;asciilifeform;bvt: platform variants belong exclusively in leaves. 1873694;1542669230;asciilifeform;so i can e.g. 'press arm64' , 'press x86' 1873695;1542669300;bvt;no disagreement/misunderstanding here 1873696;1542669304;asciilifeform;ok. 1873697;1542669354;asciilifeform;and yes it is true that if you write 6 platform variants today, and want to change the common trunk tomorrow, you will need to regrind all 6. but this is 'not a bug, but a feature' 1873698;1542669388;asciilifeform;it forced you to proclaim that the 6 are in fact new programs, because you turned a common knob and potentially changed their meanings, of all 6 1873699;1542669392;asciilifeform;*forces 1873700;1542669486;asciilifeform;this is the reason why asciilifeform is saving the optional asm subroutines in ffa for ~dead last~ ( per http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2735 proclamation ) rather than given in beginning of series 1873701;1542669563;asciilifeform;if i had offered them in beginning, the architecture-specific pressable leaves will be gargantuan in size 1873702;1542669581;asciilifeform;and reader would be stuck manually diffing'em, which defeats most of the win from using v vs signed tars etc 1873703;1542669736;asciilifeform;given as i'd have to release N almost-completely-identical patches each time i release a chapter 1873704;1542669757;*;trinque croaks cheeeeeap coiiiins 1873705;1542669807;asciilifeform;20 $ when!111 1873706;1542669821;bvt;i do understand the philosophy behind v (definitely not complaining), but i lack practical experience working with it, so it was useful to get explanations re tree structure. 1873707;1542669841;asciilifeform;bvt: you will find, i think, that with experience comes 'ooooh, that's why, it was Right Thing all along' 1873708;1542669895;bvt;thanks for discusion, asciilifeform, diana_coman. i'm off to bed. 1873709;1542669905;asciilifeform;goodnight bvt 1873710;1542670443;asciilifeform;trinque: i admit that i sometimes miss the days when the amt of shit i gave re what the heathen exch rate is, was the size of a hamster's . pizarro is the 1 bone in throat on that score, it runs on heathenbux and consequently sensitive to the weather, like a bad knee 1873711;1542670496;asciilifeform;'volatility is a tax' or how did mircea_popescu phrase it in the old days. 1873712;1542670774;asciilifeform;prolly the only biz that dun have this problem at all, is s.mg, which of oct '18 broadcast reports '8`484.51538878', i.e. capitalized until the sun burns out 1873713;1542670808;asciilifeform;even if exch rate moves 2 orders of magnitude erry other tuesday 1873714;1542670986;asciilifeform;maybe in the end entire planet will end up as vertically-integrated suppliers for s.mg... 1873715;1542671058;asciilifeform;( and woe be unto those who dun have what to supply to it.. ) 1873716;1542671853;*;asciilifeform bbl,meat 1873717;1542672176;*;trinque still accumulates when the weather's nice 1873718;1542673632;BingoBoingo;In local news: https://www.elobservador.com.uy/nota/-por-que-alan-garcia-eligio-a-uruguay-para-solicitar-el-asilo--20181119131633 1873719;1542673788;BingoBoingo;Also a local news story with a moral "Don't stick your dick in dry old bags kids": https://www.elobservador.com.uy/nota/un-menor-fue-apunalado-en-su-cuello-por-su-amante-una-mujer-de-50-anos-20181119155554 1873720;1542679556;mircea_popescu;o look at deese logs! 1873721;1542679958;mircea_popescu;http://qntra.net/2018/11/forkcoin-that-split-from-bitcoin-now-struck-by-contentious-hardfork/#comment-120500 << srsly the usg tards are pushing that wright imbecile as their spearhead ? what, nobody thinking left in the "think" fishtanks ?! 1873722;1542680411;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-19#1873621 << ohohoh check it out, he translated it & made reference point. NICE! 1873723;1542680411;a111;Logged on 2018-11-19 18:49 lobbes enjoyed >> http://thetarpit.org/posts/y04/073-prikoke.html 1873724;1542680457;mircea_popescu;anyway, mefi because "mefiance" not mephistopheles. 1873725;1542680672;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-19#1873632 << i confess i entirely dun understand what you think a vtree is/does. none of your statements seem to be either relevant or correct, which... 1873726;1542680672;a111;Logged on 2018-11-19 20:46 bvt: otoh, if system call asm packages are at the tree foundation, the api uniformity will be enforced by convetion only, and the branches will diverge right after genesis. 1873727;1542681650;asciilifeform;wb mircea_popescu ! 1873728;1542681669;mircea_popescu;why ty! 1873729;1542681894;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-19#1873669 << why, could just patch the others. 1873730;1542681894;a111;Logged on 2018-11-19 22:24 asciilifeform: ( and if you extend on one such, and want to propagate into the others, then must regrind -- but strictly the piece in question ) 1873731;1542682012;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-19#1873675 << hey, not like you're not still doing it :D 1873732;1542682012;a111;Logged on 2018-11-19 22:41 asciilifeform: arguably v is a labour-saving device ~specifically for readers~, rather than writers, of programs -- if we were passing signed tarballs around, as we did prior to v, reader would be stuck determining exactly what changed, after manually verifying sig. 1873733;1542682252;asciilifeform;i did sign a tarball fulla regrindolade last wk. but largely so folx know they get what i put in, rather than ball fulla patches + usg gnutar 0day impregnated in flight etc 1873734;1542682330;asciilifeform;( btw these are imho a luxury. i simply hate having to click 9000 links to get a tree , and assume other folx do also ) 1873735;1542682347;mircea_popescu;i mena http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-12#1871429 ye dorks! 1873736;1542682347;a111;Logged on 2018-11-12 06:36 BingoBoingo: Kinda why I'm excited about breaking down and killing the legacy notes file 1873737;1542682372;asciilifeform;aa that was much worse 1873738;1542682451;mircea_popescu;tarball passed back and forth, nobody even knows what changed, gotta diff, it has all the blessings you describe. 1873739;1542682451;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: plz lemme know btw if you need any inout from asciilifeform to clean those ughstables 1873740;1542682455;mircea_popescu;you did this. /smh 1873741;1542682480;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: was linear tape of changes. 1873742;1542682497;asciilifeform;i.e. crapola glommed to end erry day. 1873743;1542682561;mircea_popescu;at least most of the time. 1873744;1542682607;mircea_popescu;judging by how unsure all participants are as to contents, it seems evident to me it worked exactly like github program, ie "crapola glommed to end erry day and random shit changed deeper inside at impredictable intervals we might remember or not". 1873745;1542682630;asciilifeform;nao i hear hypertext exists, lessee if can make less of bowel-loosening horror 1873746;1542682689;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: nuffin was changed 'inside' on my watch, but seems like there were arithmetical howler at some pt, so i suppose effectively same 1873747;1542682718;asciilifeform;( record keeping dun do any good if you write down wrong num ) 1873748;1542682781;asciilifeform;while we're on subj, mircea_popescu do you think it'd make sense to keep books vtronically? or would it be a case of 'take the rifle to fishing' 1873749;1542683274;mircea_popescu;seems to me way too much infrastructure for what's still less than a dozen accts with less than a dozen movements / interval in there. but hey, your corp, can't exactly say you don't learn from mistakes, so, if in a position to try things out this is a thing to try like many others. 1873750;1542683630;asciilifeform;point was not 'it's too big' 1873751;1542683651;asciilifeform;but that vtronic record would make certain classes of ugh, impossible 1873752;1542683690;asciilifeform;whether the item being recorded is elephant or mouse size 1873753;1542683712;mircea_popescu;yeah, but because large machinery and no proper domain-restricted walkatrons available, it'd make new classes of ugh available. 1873754;1542683723;asciilifeform;also tru 1873755;1542683779;mircea_popescu;kinda the logic informing my http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-11#1871164 : if you give policeman gun, you now have set of problems resulting from policeman-gun interaction. if you do not give, you do not have. 1873756;1542683779;a111;Logged on 2018-11-11 16:10 ben_vulpes: and i never used a program because, (again cannot find the log link in reasonable-response time) at one point i was working on a schema for tracking customers and what they were paying for and mircea_popescu said something along the lines of "wtf this is a simple text file and accounting problem" 1873757;1542683801;asciilifeform;i suspect that mircea_popescu is right, esp re 'dun have domain-restricted walker', tech aint there yet 1873758;1542683808;mircea_popescu;or i suppose construction crew better example. if you issue them pickaxes, you can at the end of the day look at damage "as men with pickaxes could have produced". if you issue backhoe... 1873759;1542683813;asciilifeform;but imho a vtronic acct system would rock 1873760;1542683859;mircea_popescu;certainly well adapted to each opther, problem and solution. v is masterful at truth and accounting is all about numeric truth. so yes, in principle. but it'll take some doing, dunno if you've got the doers rightnao, and seems more pressing fires. 1873761;1542683868;asciilifeform;yea 1873762;1542683875;asciilifeform;on both pts 1873763;1542684441;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-19#1873704 << hue, sub 5k! 1873764;1542684441;a111;Logged on 2018-11-19 23:22 trinque croaks cheeeeeap coiiiins 1873765;1542684513;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-19#1873714 << that'd be partricularly cool, considering it is a... virtual reality producer 1873766;1542684513;a111;Logged on 2018-11-19 23:43 asciilifeform: maybe in the end entire planet will end up as vertically-integrated suppliers for s.mg... 1873767;1542684520;mircea_popescu;drop-in replacement for teh dmc ? 1873768;1542684543;asciilifeform;i hear it bakes some pretty good virtualities , heh 1873769;1542684639;*;asciilifeform dun presently have time, sadly , to play mud, but if lives to see peacetime would much rather play mircea_popescu's than anybody's 1873770;1542684682;mircea_popescu;that's nice :) 1873771;1542684736;*;asciilifeform went as far as building a new box, with 3d card etc, to 'i'ma finally play that thing', then... realized he gotta write a numeric lib 1873772;1542684843;asciilifeform;laugh, i ended up giving it to my brother, now it runs neuralnetwork thing for go game move-tree variants, 'what if played x' etc 1873773;1542684870;asciilifeform;( apparently game did not die under the thrust of alphagoism, but mutated into a kind of motor sport ) 1873774;1542684883;mircea_popescu;heh 1873775;1542685040;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-20#1873721 << ha , here i was thinking that d00d were finally in australian jail.. 1873776;1542685040;a111;Logged on 2018-11-20 02:12 mircea_popescu: http://qntra.net/2018/11/forkcoin-that-split-from-bitcoin-now-struck-by-contentious-hardfork/#comment-120500 << srsly the usg tards are pushing that wright imbecile as their spearhead ? what, nobody thinking left in the "think" fishtanks ?! 1873777;1542685063;asciilifeform;apparently recycled back into circulation from lack of what else to do ? 1873778;1542685072;asciilifeform;trinque: is deedbot box under artillery fire or wat 1873779;1542685114;mircea_popescu;i have nfi, it's pretty fucking lulzy though. i mean, there's a long list of these defeateds by "fate", but he's one of the most hysterically humiliated humbugs. 1873780;1542685129;asciilifeform;2nd only to gavin, possibly 1873781;1542685155;mircea_popescu;then again, the menagerie's pretty well stocked... recall the gay for pay tard with delusions of oligarchy ? or those two wrestler morons, 100% retired boxer encephalopathy ? 1873782;1542685168;asciilifeform;last i heard those were still 'in biz' 1873783;1542685180;*;asciilifeform admits, doesn't follow subj in realtime 1873784;1542685194;mircea_popescu;heh. 1873785;1542685255;asciilifeform;iirc those boxers were some hybrid of scammer and scammee , they sank whatever $maxint into goxolade 1873786;1542685321;mircea_popescu;i'm personally waiting for the return of the meni rosenfeld / jonathan ryan owens lulzpair. bitdaytrade, segwit, cash-whatever... what the fuck's the difference. 1873787;1542685323;asciilifeform;i.e. 'their' coinz are 'theirs' while 'they agree' to further reich interest 1873788;1542685349;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform in the sense of what, after usg took overt the piggy it declared some clients as principal victims ? 1873789;1542685360;mircea_popescu;sank my ass. 1873790;1542685383;asciilifeform;i dun know the specifics; supposing simply that retired boxer aint gonna run a node. therefore goxism. 1873791;1542685393;*;asciilifeform brb,foods 1873792;1542685468;mircea_popescu;the way british empire intervention worked was that http://trilema.com/2010/general-sir-charles-james-napier-gcb/ got sent with some army and clear orders to not take singh ; then he takes singh ; then some "british merchants" are invented whose "interests were being protected", retroactively. then all this is published back home in the times, and then the empire croaks under the weight of trying to administer afghanistan. 1873793;1542685484;mircea_popescu;4 stroke engine. 1873794;1542688219;mircea_popescu;aaand in today's lulz... https://duckduckgo.com/?q=Vecine...+nu-nteleg%2C+straine...+nu-nteleg+ce+aveti+cu+mine...&t=ffsb&ia=web 1873795;1542688253;mircea_popescu;suffices it for trilema to quote a verse, be it howsoever famous or popular... 1873796;1542688781;BingoBoingo;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/YSdg7/?raw=true << In local finds, cultural collision 1873797;1542688800;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Will let you know 1873798;1542689064;BingoBoingo;Further downthread http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/ElDFJ/?raw=true "Caballos muertos jajajaa la mierdaaa" 1873799;1542689745;trinque;asciilifeform: "disconnected by services" would appear to be freenode doing it 1873800;1542690086;trinque;hm nah, box has been up for 32 minutes. this is dc fuckery. 1873801;1542690100;mircea_popescu;heh. did you get new hdds lol 1873802;1542690132;mircea_popescu;in preparation of http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-18#1873533 progress!! 1873803;1542690132;a111;Logged on 2018-11-18 21:59 trinque: taking it the other way, now there's this process where trinque swears to whoever's ledger that asks (fee or not, doesn't matter here). this comes to signify something, trustworthiness, w/e., can go to wells fargo now and bring in this credit report to get a mortgage. now folks come churn deedbot to produce this empty signifier. later trinque is asked to you know, DETECT FRAUD, maybe with machine learning 1873804;1542690152;trinque;lol, he's planning to compete with transunion! get him! 1873805;1542690182;mircea_popescu;anyway, can you check against local db whether it got shenaniganed ? 1873806;1542690251;mircea_popescu;the whole 23 / 25 / 29 then 59 / 19 / 31 regular tri-cycling is kinda suspicious. 1873807;1542690277;trinque;I can. The box is also in singapore, not known for its perfect internet connections 1873808;1542691371;trinque;christ, wtf 1873809;1542694023;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-19#1873712 << but neveryoumind that. the drop in bitcoin is where pizarro shines, right ? because in between http://btcbase.org/log/2014-01-24#457609 slash http://btcbase.org/log/2018-06-13#1825184 on one hand and wisely deploying http://btcbase.org/log/2016-04-04#1445680 and so on has resulted in significant bitcoin appreciation of pizarro stock, right ? 1873810;1542694023;a111;Logged on 2018-11-19 23:39 asciilifeform: prolly the only biz that dun have this problem at all, is s.mg, which of oct '18 broadcast reports '8`484.51538878', i.e. capitalized until the sun burns out 1873811;1542694023;a111;Logged on 2014-01-24 13:03 mircea_popescu: like sailing, exactly. you can go just fine either with or against either wind or current 1873812;1542694023;a111;Logged on 2018-06-13 21:43 mircea_popescu: a more even split makes the "solar winds" 0-delta. 1873813;1542694023;a111;Logged on 2016-04-04 19:10 mircea_popescu: this plan to stockpile proper chips etc goes hand in hand with a republic-isp, incidentally, becauyse who else to own hardware 1873814;1542694052;mircea_popescu;what portion of teh 25% drop in bitcoin value in fiat have you managed to capture as notional pizarro stock appreciation ? 1873815;1542711951;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in enduring lulz, http://ridiculousfish.com/blog/posts/JavaScript-Rounding.html 1873816;1542712216;mircea_popescu;and in forgotten keks, https://yahoomessenger.tumblr.com/ ("Yahoo Messenger has had an amazing run. Over its twenty years, Yahoo Messenger introduced hundreds of millions of people to the joys of just the right emoticon for the moment (aka emojis)."). this is the ~sum total of what they think they "contributed", an altogether not incorrect assumption (though "early lulzy deployment of caesar ciphers is what stands in my memor 1873817;1542712216;mircea_popescu;y -- idiots had "encrypted" their logfiles by xoring the csv with your username) 1873818;1542712428;mircea_popescu;(in similar lulz, http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/pnic1/?raw=true ) 1873819;1542726795;asciilifeform;'yahoo' still exists ?! 1873820;1542728379;trinque;aaand fighting with the DC about wtf is going on with the deedbot machine. 1873821;1542728402;trinque;looks like the migration to pizarro happens tonight for the bot. 1873822;1542730621;asciilifeform;trinque: 7 power fails in 5 minutes, or what was it 1873823;1542730680;trinque;haven't a damned at the present. I'm just going to redeploy the thing clean elsewhere. 1873824;1542730926;*;asciilifeform looks on dulap-III, 'up 210 days' -- i.e. ever since i taught BingoBoingo how to not elbow the mains plug 1873825;1542730963;asciilifeform;net 0 of unscheduled mains failures, outside of that day, is 0 so far. 1873826;1542730969;asciilifeform;*net # 1873827;1542731057;asciilifeform;trinque: funnily enuff , i was ~just about~ to buy a 'it is tempting fate to put ERRYTHING in 1 rack' box in singapore ! 1873828;1542731070;asciilifeform;now somehow appetite's gone away 1873829;1542733890;mircea_popescu;trinque keks "they don't know" eh ? 1873830;1542733907;mircea_popescu;can definitely count as "secret supoena" bs, by my lights. what dc was it ? 1873831;1542734320;trinque;this is a piece of shit vps on a service called vultr. the thing was being used as little more than a web-toilet which other services elsewhere use. 1873832;1542734335;trinque;looks more like their backup service doesn't work and has been trying and failing to backup the box for about a day 1873833;1542734372;trinque;but who can say. maybe agent dickweed thought he got one in. 1873834;1542734431;asciilifeform;vps ha. so dun even make sense to think 'power fail' etc 1873835;1542734469;mircea_popescu;trinque wouldn't that be more regular than http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-20#1873806 ? 1873836;1542734469;a111;Logged on 2018-11-20 05:04 mircea_popescu: the whole 23 / 25 / 29 then 59 / 19 / 31 regular tri-cycling is kinda suspicious. 1873837;1542734766;asciilifeform;given as it was vps, dollars to doughnuts 'agent dickweed' was trying out a standard xyzbleed-powered vm escape, and hosed buncha processes, incl. trinque's 1873838;1542734805;asciilifeform;( there's what, 5? 6? of'em published nao ? that work on all x86 iron ) 1873839;1542734840;asciilifeform;i've lost count tbh 1873840;1542734878;mircea_popescu;aha. and then "fixed" and then "reverted" and then a few hours later "tried again". 1873841;1542734894;asciilifeform;either him 'restarted' or the robot 1873842;1542734903;mircea_popescu;kinda as signature-y as the dum-dudum sound of trained shooter with ak-47 1873843;1542734991;asciilifeform;the 23 / 25 ... etc is prolly simply how long it happened to take for the thing to restart 1873844;1542735057;mircea_popescu;i don't follow ? 1873845;1542735081;asciilifeform;the down-times 1873846;1542735109;asciilifeform;( did i misread , or weren't those dead times in sec. ) 1873847;1542735156;mircea_popescu;minutes ; and the timing not so strictly relevant. clusters of 3 reboots hours apart seem suspicious to me, is what i said. 1873848;1542735160;asciilifeform;aa 1873849;1542735163;asciilifeform;ok makes sense 1873850;1542735168;mircea_popescu;meanwhile at the #girlscode farms, LordMPofTMSR 3w "Not even kidding." LonelyBunneh 1h "Hi" LordMPofTMSR 6m "Aha ?" LonelyBunneh 5m "What" LordMPofTMSR 2m "Idiot." 1873851;1542735208;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: sounds like yer bot just possibly ran into ~second~ bot 'of opposite sex' 1873852;1542735218;mircea_popescu;dunnit tho. 1873853;1542735231;asciilifeform;tbf a buncha them sound just like. 1873854;1542735246;mircea_popescu;!#s college debt 1873855;1542735247;a111;48 results for "college debt", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=college%20debt 1873856;1542735249;asciilifeform;seems like good % of that site's inhabitants fail turing test 1873857;1542735265;mircea_popescu;that shouldn't prevent #fetgirlscode!!! 1873858;1542735278;asciilifeform;#girlsthatarecode 1873859;1542735301;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2016/give-computers-the-vote-theyre-cheaper-than-women-even/ !!! 1873860;1542735305;asciilifeform;them. 1873861;1542735394;*;asciilifeform tries to picture bot an intelligent mircea_popescu-seeking fetgurl might write, to search for mircea_popescus 1873862;1542735421;asciilifeform;!#s parry eliza 1873863;1542735421;a111;8 results for "parry eliza", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=parry%20eliza 1873864;1542735468;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2014-03-04#546335 << subj >> https://archive.is/JYvP6 for posterity 1873865;1542735468;a111;Logged on 2014-03-04 23:44 asciilifeform: http://www.computableminds.com/post/chatbot/eliza/parry/skynet/human-language/natural-language 1873866;1542735485;asciilifeform;'Later, in 1971, Colby, Weber and Hilf developed PARRY, another chatbot, but this time was a paranoid schizophrenic made to chat with ELIZA. So they hooked up at ARPANET (pre-Internet) and put them to chat together. ' etc 1873867;1542735516;asciilifeform;PARRY: You should pay more attention. ELIZA: Suppose you should pay more attention. PARRY: You're entitled to your own opinion. ELIZA:What makes you think I am entitled to my own opinion? .. 1873868;1542735548;mircea_popescu;those were the days 1873869;1542735562;*;mircea_popescu recently ran into refference to this pairing reading old trilemas. 1873870;1542735899;asciilifeform;the eliza thing, in particular the behaviour of the secretute who was given a whirl at the terminal, was 1 of those 'great advance warnings' of tech, sorta like edison's electrocuted drunk 1873871;1542735904;asciilifeform;( but nobody ever heeds warning ) 1873872;1542735997;asciilifeform;and even nao that we have a 'the net' that consists to five-nines % of elizas and meat-elizas, even now one will still find the story in schoolbooks as 'great advance of ai' rather than 'great fathom of the sheer depth of meat puppet idjicy' 1873873;1542736054;mircea_popescu;well... 1873874;1542736058;asciilifeform;1966 !! 1873875;1542736059;mircea_popescu;"think positive" yes. 1873876;1542736073;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2009/think-positive-si-mori-de-foame/ 1873877;1542736085;asciilifeform;in 1966! already known! that secretute at terminal means , inescapably as lead poisoning , 'net of elizas' 1873878;1542736154;mircea_popescu;but http://trilema.com/2016/sensitivity-human-rights-democracy/ !!! 1873879;1542736166;mircea_popescu;i shall now carry the entirety of this conversation in trilema titles. 1873880;1542736174;asciilifeform;lolbot-rights. 1873881;1542736186;mircea_popescu;yeah well. 1873882;1542736201;mircea_popescu;just because they're stupid doesn't mean they're not some mother's children too! 1873883;1542736202;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i suspect one prolly ~could~ carry on a lengthy thread sewn strictly from trilema titles. 1873884;1542736217;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform so then why blame them for trying! :D 1873885;1542736282;asciilifeform;iirc i suggested this lul yrs prior, but would be hilarious if there were a parallel #trilema consisting simply of bots, 1 for each of us, fed with corpus of log lines + shannonizer 1873886;1542736323;asciilifeform;( n00bs would perhaps be sent there, and only those who graduate given to know of the actual #trilema ... ) 1873887;1542736386;mircea_popescu;lol 1873888;1542736419;mircea_popescu;the funniest bit being, that the above construction is exactly what teh robohitler's notion of luxury line anti-trilema would look like. 1873889;1542736466;asciilifeform;prolly a team of 200 primo java monkeys already on it 1873890;1542737572;mircea_popescu;in other lulz, all the morons still buying into the "ripple" wash trade ? srlsly ? ripple is worth something, really ? even after this week ? 1873891;1542737608;mircea_popescu;takes a minute to knock it in the head to match bitcoin. the relative weights are in excess of 1mn to 1, and yet some idiots somewhere still think ripple's worth more than a used car ?! 1873892;1542737653;asciilifeform;is the existence of 1 such idiot a necessary hypothesis ? or could be 100% wash 1873893;1542737659;mircea_popescu;happened fucking twice, what, unless i package it in lolcats it can stare right there from the graph, eliza dun see naught ? 1873894;1542737675;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform could be , i suppose. 1873895;1542737735;asciilifeform;the 1 probe i can think of would be to try selling a bit of it an' see if it's bought; but i haven't any idea why to bother ( and would have to get some to sell in the 1st place ) 1873896;1542737760;asciilifeform;( recall the bt'cash' experiment... ) 1873897;1542737778;mircea_popescu;oh, it's bought alright. thence the above discussions of weights. 1873898;1542737794;mircea_popescu;but it's bought with what, haliburton's lost palet of "valuable us currency" ? 1873899;1542737826;asciilifeform;prolly 'lazy-evaluated', if mircea_popescu were to show up with a train load , they'll print with what to buy 1873900;1542737909;asciilifeform;at least the 'monero' crackpot folx have some nominal chump lure ( the ring signature song an' dance ) . but 'ripple' i have genuinely nfi who would deal in, other than eliza 1873901;1542737921;asciilifeform;and for what. 1873902;1542737969;mircea_popescu;for what. for http://trilema.com/2013/bitcoin-prices-bitcoin-inflexibility/#selection-121.187-121.355 1873903;1542738003;mircea_popescu;self-proclaimed "independent minds"/fuckwads GOTTA be hurt. that's what their life is about and for, "options". can't simply submit and worship bitcoin cock. 1873904;1542738005;asciilifeform;ah is this the 'we want Just Like Btc but Magically Nonvolatile' people ? 1873905;1542738034;asciilifeform;which particular barb of the cock are they trying to weasel away from 1873906;1542738097;mircea_popescu;by now it's mostly a sort of "dao without mp's splooge up ass" "but dorks... it has it on the face." "only asshole counts now!" 1873907;1542738161;mircea_popescu;anyway, it's kinda difficult / far from trivial to put clucker "thought" into human language. 1873908;1542738294;asciilifeform;my (admittedly nonexpert, i dun have a stable of mata haris to actually infiltrate the fuhrerbunker) model , is that reich has exactly 3 ways of getting hands on coin : 1 ) to mine ( not working so well, on acct of http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-16#1872801 ) ; 2) to whack somebody over the head an' take their keyz. also not doing so hot, e.g. http://qntra.net/2018/11/usms-lists-approximately-660-bitcoins-for-sale/ ; 3 ) to con idjits 1873909;1542738294;a111;Logged on 2018-11-16 14:31 mircea_popescu: for as long as only slanty eyes has horses, all horse races however drafted will have their fucking horses winning. 1873910;1542738294;asciilifeform; who somehow still have btc, into trading it for shitcoins. this last one seems to be the current flagship algo. working, as i understand, surprisingly well, monerism, etc 1873911;1542739712;mircea_popescu;hey, a thousand or two is exactly what usg should have, based on its situation in the world, truthful general importance and so on. 1873912;1542739714;mircea_popescu;so it works out. 1873913;1542739717;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: per http://www.loper-os.org/?p=1446 / http://trilema.com/2014/a-complete-theory-of-sociology/ , cluckers -- go to soup, in all times an' places, but while there are cluckers , farmer eats well 1873914;1542739840;asciilifeform;'Покуда есть на свете дураки, / Обманом жить нам, стало быть, с руки. / Какое небо голубое, / Мы не сторонники разбоя: / На дурака не нужен нож, / Ему с три короба наврёшь - / И делай с ним, что хошь!' (tm)(r)('Приключения Буратино', classic ru kidz b00k very loosely based on 1873915;1542739840;asciilifeform; 'pinocchio') 1873916;1542739965;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: whatever happend to 'they belong in the lime pit' . why 'thousand or two', their correct share is imho 0 1873917;1542739985;mircea_popescu;well are we discussing present or future ? 1873918;1542739996;asciilifeform;future, i gather 1873919;1542740001;mircea_popescu;i was discussing present. 1873920;1542740003;asciilifeform;future is function of the present tho 1873921;1542740045;mircea_popescu;and the bitcoin present value of http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-16#1872899 & periphenalia is about there. 1873922;1542740045;a111;Logged on 2018-11-16 16:41 mircea_popescu: empire is selling orcs the impression "they're in on a secret" 1873923;1542740098;mircea_popescu;going by http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-12#1871541 : is this also known, in "russian from odessa" bestiary, the thing where teenaged girl looking to mate "wants to tell you a secret" ? 1873924;1542740098;a111;Logged on 2018-11-12 16:45 asciilifeform: we're from neighbouring, if you will, home planets. 1873925;1542740101;asciilifeform;i guess 1873926;1542740117;asciilifeform;evidently their extraction engine ~does~ work, or waterfall would have long ago dried 1873927;1542740121;mircea_popescu;how do you say "vreau sa-ti spun ceva" in teh russky ? 1873928;1542740197;asciilifeform;скажу вам кое-что ? 1873929;1542740219;mircea_popescu;does it carry teh burning of girly lips, "return to the blue lagoon" style ? 1873930;1542740224;asciilifeform;or i suppose in anglostan, 'pssst' 1873931;1542741078;asciilifeform;prolly closest'd be 'скажу по-секрету...' 1873932;1542741305;asciilifeform;the imho misfortunate bit, is that for so long as they can http://btcbase.org/log/2018-02-06#1782156 the waterfall, they actually ~have~ what to 'pssst, tell ya a valuable seekrit' to favoured orcs 1873933;1542741305;a111;Logged on 2018-02-06 18:46 BingoBoingo: Well, they gotta let the price run up again before they waterfall for increasingly disappointing crashes a couple more times at least. 1873934;1542741346;asciilifeform;i.e. they share some % of the turbine's output with the folx who help'em refill 1873935;1542741388;mircea_popescu;hey, venerable sexuate reproduction worked well for all these years. every fifteen year old has a "secret" to share that's as unsecret as unsecrets can ever be. 1873936;1542741428;mircea_popescu;"creativity", rite. 1873937;1542741512;asciilifeform;soo the fact that btc/usd would fall 3.5x from dec '17 to today, was not seekrit ?! or contention is that it wasn't product or waterfall ..? which ? 1873938;1542741519;asciilifeform;*of 1873939;1542741609;mircea_popescu;consider for a moment bitcoin valuation in fiat was a monotone function. 1873940;1542741618;*;asciilifeform duly considers 1873941;1542741666;mircea_popescu;now, consider that the ~only problem of human society is the resolution of the http://trilema.com/2017/the-day-of-failure-trilemma/#comment-122811 dispute ; or if you prefer the "this is old and therfore good / this is new and therefore better" dilemma. 1873942;1542741688;mircea_popescu;or of the "it's unfair that guy is a lord just because he read the call back when i wasn't born yet". or however you turn it, it's the same fucking thing. 1873943;1542741708;mircea_popescu;how do you propose to reconcile monotone valuations with cyclical populations ? 1873944;1542741795;asciilifeform;i dun have a perpetuum mobile in my pocket, 'here's how'. simply pointing out that ( as mircea_popescu wrote on his www looong before i tuned in ) 'tard with gigantic bag of dough can wreck whole planets' , and that today this role is played by usg rather than gaggle of free range forumtards 1873945;1542741796;mircea_popescu;"oh woe to me, of course mp is rich, he spent a summer with bitcoin at $2" "and what were you doing late nov 2018 ?" "oh, bitcoin didn't look good anymore ; i'll be back to woe my whine once it comes back up". 1873946;1542741819;mircea_popescu;even without those, there'd still have to be drops. it's just unsanitary not to. 1873947;1542741843;mircea_popescu;the equivalent would be a forum in which the shinohais, http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-18#1873354 shined forever. 1873948;1542741843;a111;Logged on 2018-11-18 17:25 echelon: nanotube and theymos? 1873949;1542741861;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: given as you read my http://www.loper-os.org/?p=939 ( and then invited asciilifeform to party consequently ) you prolly know that asciilifeform is not fixated on magic 'fair' 1873950;1542741876;mircea_popescu;in fact, one of the principal signals of a dead (ie, divorced from reality) monetary system is... 1873951;1542741966;asciilifeform;... physically-implausible stability, sure 1873952;1542742009;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform but the question still stands. it stands ubiquitously and universally, too. your elder slavegirl brings in a maid, http://trilema.com/2016/just-call-me-annah/ style. what now ? who's on top and when and why and so on. 1873953;1542742009;asciilifeform;my q was whether usg has managed to re-create 'the printing press', or reasonable emulation thereof, via controlled waterfall . 1873954;1542742043;mircea_popescu;and i dispute natural (and necessary) fluctuation can ~in principle~ serve as indication in that direction. 1873955;1542742099;asciilifeform;if mircea_popescu says 'natural fluctuation, aint enriching goldman sachs, they do not in fact know exactly when the year's peak and trough will be in advance' then i'ma have to believe , i dun have mata haris to send to find out 1873956;1542742136;mircea_popescu;no mata haris, fine, sure. think of it in game theoretic terms, if you will ? 1873957;1542742180;mircea_popescu;suppose there's two countries, A and B. suppose they have their repsective currencies, a and b. obviously through trade there's at all points going to be some b in A and some a in B. 1873958;1542742192;asciilifeform;that's my whole trouble, i am thinking of it in strictly gametheoretical terms, and it currently seems to me that a sufficiently large holder can inject oscillations into the system which he can then ride. 1873959;1542742208;mircea_popescu;suppose now that for whatever reason, A.dorks decided "they will know in advance" "when a/b ratio is high and when a/b is low. 1873960;1542742234;mircea_popescu;so at the coming time, they declare they shall trade a for b at the specified ratio. and B had a bumper crop, and so B buys a lotta a. 1873961;1542742246;mircea_popescu;do you see how the only outcome of this is B expanding its borders into A ? 1873962;1542742287;asciilifeform;sure 1873963;1542742298;asciilifeform;which element of observed system corresponds to 'bumper crop' of the model ? 1873964;1542742335;mircea_popescu;say http://btcbase.org/log/2018-08-28#1845236 1873965;1542742335;a111;Logged on 2018-08-28 17:22 deedbot: http://qntra.net/2018/08/usg-butthurt-china-wont-share-samples-of-h7n9-flu-virus/ << Qntra - USG Butthurt China Won't Share Samples Of H7N9 Flu Virus 1873966;1542742348;mircea_popescu;or say http://qntra.net/2018/11/pantsuit-lolsuit-against-russia-stumped-by-sovereign-immunity/ 1873967;1542742357;mircea_popescu;or whatever random real event. 1873968;1542742430;mircea_popescu;whole point of "bumper crop" is that A.dorks arbitrary value for a is divergent from market value of a. nothing more than that. 1873969;1542742441;mircea_popescu;and this is a necessary premise of your theory, so i'm not introducing anything here. 1873970;1542742468;asciilifeform;my picture was slightly different tho : consider how you can break a pane of glass with a few joules , that normally would not even be felt on other side, if pumped into it with minimal impedance mismatch (i.e. on resonant phase). as in the famous opera singer trick. 1873971;1542742469;mircea_popescu;for the ~same money you could say "bitcoin is realligning to its true value driven by systematic failure of tmsr. 1873972;1542742563;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform sure, but that requires a few joules kinetic and a few terrabytes gnoseologic. as in your quote with "needed dollar to turn screw and million to know whcih one" 1873973;1542742568;asciilifeform;if 'a' and 'b' are in a 'trench warfare' situation where neither has decisive advantage and can slaughter the other, their interaction will form dynamic system, and oscillate ( as the wolf and the hare taught in diff eq kindergarten ) 1873974;1542742580;mircea_popescu;yes, certainly. 1873975;1542742646;asciilifeform;my q was , whether btc/orcbux have formed such a system; and if so, whether sumbody's 'singing' into it 1873976;1542742662;mircea_popescu;doesn't seem the case to me, but hey. 1873977;1542742711;mircea_popescu;"singing" in this manner isn't nearly trivial, which is why say dogs don't do it. dogs do all sorts of things, but understanding glass as a system to the degree needed here is rather tall a fence. 1873978;1542742716;asciilifeform;( and no, i dun have a cure to offer if indeed it is so, it seems to come with thermodynamics and any proposed 'cure' is likely to kill the eater like qin shihuangdi's mercury pills killed him ) 1873979;1542742743;mircea_popescu;i'm just saying, there's both practical and theoretical views trhat are both more parcimonious and do not need it. 1873980;1542742783;mircea_popescu;what ~did~ you expect bitcoin/usd will do, if we're retreating on foundation, still not solved pizarro market communication a full year later, etcetera ? 1873981;1542742790;asciilifeform;( although, physical-object engineering does offer a ~treatment~, if not cure -- when folx build bridges, they put in dampeners so the thing has a shot at dumping energy even if ends up 'pumped' ) 1873982;1542742799;mircea_popescu;it's the currency of the republic, you're so surprises it follows the flow and ebb of the very republic in question ? 1873983;1542742843;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: if this is how it worx, then evidently it's 2pi radian out of phase ( i.e. peak was when republic was at its lowest ) 1873984;1542742856;mircea_popescu;it was ?! 1873985;1542742875;asciilifeform;when we had smoking crater instead of isp etc 1873986;1542742885;mircea_popescu;what was so bad in dec 2017 ? 1873987;1542742994;asciilifeform;had no rack, neh 1873988;1542743026;mircea_popescu;also didn't look like a bunch of inept dorks. 1873989;1542743104;*;asciilifeform doesn't dispute mircea_popescu's model, as such, but would be surprised if propagation were instantaneous 1873990;1542743151;mircea_popescu;certainly not instantaneous. for that matter, no propagation is proven at all or anything. but rather than "mysterious alien forces", how about you know... "in 2017 we hadn't started building a house which meanwhile we did build, leaky roof y compris" 1873991;1542743163;mircea_popescu;do you think less of the man with no shed, or the man with the leaky roof shed ? 1873992;1542743169;asciilifeform;yea makes sense 1873993;1542743211;mircea_popescu;this for the practical. the theoretical still stands as well : bitcoin valuation in any other currency will fluctuate, because new cunts come out of the skirts every day and they have to be sorted somehow. 1873994;1542743234;asciilifeform;( BingoBoingo : you do recall that yer the pizarro.fuhrer nao ! how are we doing re sealing that roof ?? ) 1873995;1542743244;mircea_popescu;kek 1873996;1542743535;asciilifeform;can kek, but asciilifeform is not a strategist, but only master of proviant, as it currently stands, and would be dangerously out of his depth if were to 'hey BingoBoingo, let's x , y, and z ' 1873997;1542743669;mircea_popescu;in deeply unrelated lulz, "masochisticslut1 22F sub 8m 1. stop sending the same message to multiple girls. youre being blasted on social media by someone else." << can you believe this shit, whereby "social media" is so opaque, this "blasting" can actually NOT BE FOUND, i mean at all, even if specifically looking for it ? 1873998;1542743682;asciilifeform;( if BingoBoingo determines 'we need 4 dulap-class boxes by feb', asciilifeform will obtain, fly'em in, etc ) 1873999;1542743684;mircea_popescu;i'm actually curious if anyone manages to find it. because i dun see it, and i got fucking telescopes. 1874000;1542743703;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: possibly ref to that reddit chix ? 1874001;1542743707;asciilifeform;or was that in '15 1874002;1542743709;mircea_popescu;this whole "social media" thing looks a lot broken-er than anyone realises. 1874003;1542743732;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i doubt 22 yo fetlife moron has the werewithal to reference anything that happened last week, let alone years ago. 1874004;1542743756;asciilifeform;also good % of 'media' is only visible to whichever xyz clique of circle-jerkers ( iirc arsebook & similar, work like this ) 1874005;1542743765;asciilifeform;so not necessarily shows in searchtrons 1874006;1542743767;mircea_popescu;no, basically what's going on is that "EVERYONE!!! has read this vice article me and two other girls read (of which one wrote it)". there's this expectation of exposure that is entirely unsustained in practice. 1874007;1542743869;mircea_popescu;i tend to diagnose this by simple measures such as "well, i published x and y, and then 0.k% of sample is aware of both x and y" sorta thing. vast majority of "linkiedin contacts" of miss piggy have yet to see miss piggy article, vast majority of other side have yet to conceptualize "oh, what do you mean OUT IN THE OPEN", and then there's http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-18#1873320 stuff, with all the pics sitting right the fuc 1874008;1542743869;a111;Logged on 2018-11-18 17:14 bullcosby: mircea_popescu: any more pics of her? 1874009;1542743869;mircea_popescu;k there... 1874010;1542743914;asciilifeform;sorta what the heathen 'industry' specializes in, neh -- to convince erry http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-20#1873877 amoeba that she has a working microphone and 'audience' 1874011;1542743914;a111;Logged on 2018-11-20 17:48 asciilifeform: in 1966! already known! that secretute at terminal means , inescapably as lead poisoning , 'net of elizas' 1874012;1542743947;mircea_popescu;you want "magical goldman sachs" to "resonant frequency" a system of the complexity of tmsr ; and then these people go hiring, and the hiring pool has SERIOUS TROUBLE going past banal "oh, would any girl do that keks" 1874013;1542743977;mircea_popescu;literally, lacking the intellectual sophistication to a) put together items GIVEN TOGETHER ; or else b) realise their tools are broken to this degree. 1874014;1542744017;*;BingoBoingo rehydrates and catches up on logs 1874015;1542744076;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i can only speak what of what i personally witnessed , but presently in the 'software' arm of reich you gotta march in half a regiment or moar, to hire 1 platoon of folx who can 'hello world' 1874016;1542744153;asciilifeform;( this being said, there ~is~ a population of folx who were built before 'soul warehouse ran out of souls' and they're working ~somewhere~ ) 1874017;1542744158;mircea_popescu;how ? how is this miracle supposed to occur ? random girl that lacks the werewithal to skip past "oh, how would any girl do that" into the "wow, apparently this guy actually has had this occur before ?", by the act of being hired by who ? goldman sachs ? magically becomes so finely intelligent she can somehow distil things i don't see into effectual "oscillators" ?! then how the fuck did things like http://trilema.com/2012/la 1874018;1542744158;mircea_popescu;w-enforcement-never-fails-to-unintentionally-entertain/#selection-133.0-133.102 or, for that matter, http://trilema.com/2013/why-mpex-is-better-than-fiat-institutions-part-349085-we-dont-use-excel/#selection-109.0-125.3 ? 1874019;1542744221;asciilifeform;take the slightly moar advanced in the decay , argentine monkeys. i went there , and saw that e.g. traffic lights, worked. ~somebody~ keeps'em working, neh 1874020;1542744226;asciilifeform;and it aint the 'ninxxx's 1874021;1542744234;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform no but the problem here isn't even "write software", which even ALLOWS for something like an ooda coupling. the idea here is to somehow magic trends and events, splice them together into resonant actionables ?! 1874022;1542744273;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform they work until replaced. they're not "kept working" anymore than the earth's "kept rotating". guess what -- once it stops rotating there'll be a new set of gnats and motes. there's no "keeping", "fixing" etc. 1874023;1542744346;asciilifeform;there's a reason i picked traffic light as example -- yes you can buy replacement parts from chinese, but to keep traffic actually moving requires at least 1 d00d in a cellar somewhere with an elementary understanding of impedance , graduated from diff eq kindergarten, etc 1874024;1542744355;mircea_popescu;absolutely not. 1874025;1542744360;asciilifeform;you cannot buy from shanghai ~working system~, matched to the actual terrain 1874026;1542744361;mircea_popescu;all it requires is argentine drivers. 1874027;1542744366;mircea_popescu;"as it works -- so it was intended to work" 1874028;1542744373;asciilifeform;possibly 1874029;1542744383;BingoBoingo; ( if BingoBoingo determines 'we need 4 dulap-class boxes by feb', asciilifeform will obtain, fly'em in, etc ) << I suspect more hardware is part of the solution. The Mocky mission to Qatar was a disappointment in the orc non-responsiveness. 1874030;1542744387;*;asciilifeform didn't observe for long enuff to disagree/agree 1874031;1542744388;mircea_popescu;i am willing to swear no traffic systems work as intended in any orcistan. 1874032;1542744418;mircea_popescu;they certainly ~never~ so worked in romania, to the point of notoriety. 1874033;1542744457;asciilifeform;incidentally where in ro does one have to go to see gridlock ? i did not see in either timis or bucharest 1874034;1542744466;BingoBoingo; i am willing to swear no traffic systems work as intended in any orcistan. << Walking back from the place where rent is paid, there was ancient looking sad bus with police escort. Another U-17 female soccer team. First bus I have seen with police escort. 1874035;1542744474;asciilifeform;lotsa rusting junk piles on kerbs, yes; but no gridlocks 1874036;1542744484;mircea_popescu;i dunno, haven't been in a long time. was never much of a problem historically, but then again back then only cool people had cars anyway 1874037;1542744494;asciilifeform;right, in those times no gridlock anywhere 1874038;1542744515;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo wait, girl soccer ? what ? 1874039;1542744524;asciilifeform;( as there was not in su, outside of 'brezhnev is driving and taking up five streets' days in moscow ) 1874040;1542744609;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Girl soccer world cup 1874041;1542744628;mircea_popescu;terrible female sport wtf. 1874042;1542744634;BingoBoingo;Saw Spanish team in the mall one trip, Probable North Korean team anothe 1874043;1542744635;BingoBoingo;r 1874044;1542744641;mircea_popescu;moar jumping. no volleyball where these ppl live ? 1874045;1542744649;BingoBoingo;No 1874046;1542744660;mircea_popescu;sad. 1874047;1542744683;BingoBoingo;The boys play volleyball on the beach here :( 1874048;1542744746;mircea_popescu;right, cuz femorons gotta sit in the basement and listen to mommy. 1874049;1542744751;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: speaking of which, local uni fishwrap ( of http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-04#1857886 'fame' ) is all on fire with whine re trump, supposedly, threatening to enforce 'frat d00dz accused of 'rape' must get to cross-examine accuser' as condition of the usg funding of nobody-wants-to-watch gurl sports (apparently they're 100% usg-sponsored) 1874050;1542744751;a111;Logged on 2018-10-04 00:02 asciilifeform: i recently got hold of local uni's 'student newspaper', it apparently consists ~100% by weight nao of 'police report : someone wrote 'nigger' on a whiteboard' . 1874051;1542744767;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform doh! 1874052;1542744787;asciilifeform;i.e. ohnoez, they might mandate the minimal standard of jurisprudence given in 'malleus maleficarum' 1874053;1542744808;mircea_popescu;hey, dreams are built of what dreams are built of. 1874054;1542744812;asciilifeform;( currently it's, as i understand, sumthing like lenin's 'troikas' of 1918 ) 1874055;1542744884;mircea_popescu;anyway, now there's possibly the ~upper limit~ of usgistani resonance. 1874056;1542744920;mircea_popescu;play the sports femtards vs the sitting femtards, that's something. 1874057;1542744952;BingoBoingo;Anyways they have basketball here, but it plays second fiddle to soccer because no tall afrodescendientes here 1874058;1542745000;mircea_popescu;basketball even ok girl sport. gotta make the bitches jump, what's so hard about the concept ? it's the ass, stupid. 1874059;1542745002;diana_coman;asciilifeform, I finally saw proper gridlock last year on the outskirts of Bucharest because 1. former village is now colony of office drones so gotta get to/from work at same time 2. "road" was still former village ulita pretty much 3. they were also ..."working" aka half of it was blocked anyway 1874060;1542745011;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-17#1873151 http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-17#1873179 1874061;1542745011;a111;Logged on 2018-11-17 00:28 BingoBoingo: In other news, apparently the U17 Female world cup is in town and the Españolas shop at Tienda Inglesa 1874062;1542745011;a111;Logged on 2018-11-17 18:55 BingoBoingo: In other news, I am pretty sure I saw the U-17 North Korean team in the Shopping today 1874063;1542745051;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: The Spanish girl athletes were odd. Ass deficient and giant calves 1874064;1542745063;asciilifeform;diana_coman: here, too, they tend to have it around clusters of 'worker' (office plankton) anthills , esp. the kind with underground garages and lengthy queues to get in/out 1874065;1542745076;mircea_popescu;diana_coman you know, even in commie time, they had more sense than this latino same hour idiocy. i distinctly recall various large factory bosses in cluj agreeing how to interleave their hours so as to not jampack the conveyances 1874066;1542745099;mircea_popescu;"cug starts 6:30, terapia 7:00 farmec 7:30" etc etc. 1874067;1542745113;asciilifeform;bbbut phreemarket!111 how could have 2 anthills coordinating anyffing!11 1874068;1542745126;mircea_popescu;cuz the guys in question sat for a drink 1874069;1542745128;diana_coman;mircea_popescu, aha; and I wouldn't be surprised if clasa muncitoare resented them for it 1874070;1542745154;mircea_popescu;i dunno. i actuallty dun think anyone ever asked that "clasa muncitoare" anything. 1874071;1542745170;asciilifeform;( somehow the http://btcbase.org/log/2015-07-12#1198305 thing is a-ok, 'unprincipled exception' or what was it called ) 1874072;1542745170;a111;Logged on 2015-07-12 05:19 assbot: End in sight for Google, Apple, Intel and Adobe wage-fixing lawsuit • The Register ... ( http://bit.ly/1L7gXQV ) 1874073;1542745233;diana_coman;sure, not asked; the point was that there was someone to coordinate/think that so it got done; now there isn't, they do what they want rite, so...it's not done 1874074;1542745246;BingoBoingo;In rather convincing spam http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/ISbIF/?raw=true 1874075;1542745268;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: lol! sudan is the new nigeria or wat 1874076;1542745281;diana_coman;onth it makes easier to avoid the mess since it's all at one time, can't quite complain 1874077;1542745284;mircea_popescu;myeah. at least the local lindora morons have the excuse that well, their "office job" being call center for us corps... 1874078;1542745329;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: I'm having trouble telling if Spam (my email filter is rather convinced) or earnest solicitation 1874079;1542745358;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: it it's via email, and out of wot, it is definitionally spamolade 1874080;1542745379;asciilifeform;== 'nigerian prince' 1874081;1542745466;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo it's spam. you can tell because it shows up on abandoned "blogs" that've meanwhile been added to the spamchurn etc. 1874082;1542745476;BingoBoingo;ah 1874083;1542745477;asciilifeform;folx sending 'earnest solicitation' via spammail exist on same planet as 'herbal impotence cure' etc 1874084;1542745540;BingoBoingo;Still hit that fine line separating parody from reality though I have no interest in assisting "Transitional Government of National Unity (TGoNU)" 1874085;1542745595;asciilifeform;'national unity', supposing it lived , rather than work of unimaginative fiction, can reg a key and speak here like errybody else. 1874086;1542745607;BingoBoingo;Back in the hostel days I did meet one fellow from Sudan, before he left he made his dislike of the Montevideo nightlife known 1874087;1542745653;mircea_popescu;in what terms ? 1874088;1542745668;BingoBoingo;Maybe he wasn't used to the hookers being as coy as they are here? He never got specific 1874089;1542745733;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: i dun recall, didja ever detail how hookers work in BingoBoingostan ? ( when i was in buenos aires, there were paper spams plastered over erry surface , dumpsters, gates, etc. with ads for supposed hooker . but in BingoBoingo did not notice any such thing ) 1874090;1542745765;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo so next time ask! 1874091;1542745798;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: In BingoBoingostan they hang out at the bus stops and the Whiskerias. They also have a few competing online ad deals trying to be the PedidosYa of hooking 1874092;1542745826;*;asciilifeform cannot help but picture a 'whiskeria' as 1 of those cafes where you rent cats by the hour... 1874093;1542745862;BingoBoingo; BingoBoingo so next time ask! << Short fat socially awkward african from Sudan, at the time I figured he didn't have social captial outside of whatever feifdom his father carved 1874094;1542745864;diana_coman;fwiw re trinque's troubles with singapore vm - I never had trouble so far with connection or anything else from Singapore though mine is not virtual anything 1874095;1542745889;asciilifeform;diana_coman: 'virtual' host is a server like public toilet stall is a flat 1874096;1542745890;trinque;the idiots got back to me and said "hypervisor was misconfigured". I bet it was! 1874097;1542745912;mircea_popescu;hypervisor was suddenly misconfigured. 1874098;1542745913;trinque;asciilifeform: eh, give me stable management of pizarro how bout, and I'll sit down more firmly on the chair 1874099;1542745957;trinque;for now I'm using the ability to rapidly redeploy this thing (and hosting the most important parts elsewhere) to deal with the shitty landscape 1874100;1542745988;asciilifeform;trinque: i dun have any complaints about the firmness of sitters in the chair. even an indestructible , firmly in-the-black pizarro dun mean that 'put ALL boxes in 1 rack' is good idea, imho 1874101;1542754589;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/11/tumblr-removed-from-apple-store-over-child-porn/ << Qntra - Tumblr Removed From Apple Store Over Child Porn 1874102;1542754614;mircea_popescu;diana_coman http://ossasepia.com/2018/11/17/smg-comms-chapter-8-keys-management/#selection-47.534-47.627 << sounds exactly like teh right move. 1874103;1542756226;*;asciilifeform polishing off '12B' 1874104;1542756315;*;asciilifeform realized that he's gonna need a constant-time keccak for the final chapters, dun have 1 yet 1874105;1542767977;hanbot;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-31#1868072 << meanwhile i have a prototype that lets user upload multiple pix at a time in the sense that there are N boxes with 'browse' button hooked to a single 'upload' click. question is, if this is even a reasonable way to do it, what should N be? 1874106;1542767977;a111;Logged on 2018-10-31 23:16 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-31#1867924 << ikr, multi-upload has been on the wishlist for mp-wp ever since... hey hanbot how long's it been now ? 1874107;1542769014;mircea_popescu;hanbot a moment's meditation reveals that i dun really want to clickl a bunch of boxes. ideally, i'd click once, and shift-select a set of files. does php even support this in any sense ? 1874108;1542769186;mircea_popescu; << apparently this exists now. 1874109;1542770055;hanbot;i get whatcha mean, yeah. looks like specifying multiple and fucking around with arrays should make it work thusly, i'll see if i can coax it. 1874110;1542770719;mircea_popescu;nice! 1874111;1542777256;deedbot;http://bimbo.club/?p=84 << Bimbo.Club - Consider this creative 1874112;1542811438;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in rarest-thing-today, https://image.ibb.co/jC8gZq/ugly-duck-rickles.jpg 1874113;1542812255;mircea_popescu;diana_coman answered 1874114;1542812267;mircea_popescu;btw, do you have the rss feed for that article via deedbot ? 1874115;1542812381;mircea_popescu;(ie !!subscribe http://trilema.com/2018/euloras-communication-protocol-restated/feed will have it pop pms on any new comments to that article) 1874116;1542816325;diana_coman;mircea_popescu, I tend to check it anyway for ref 1874117;1542816340;diana_coman;but yes, I should set it 1874118;1542816406;mircea_popescu;just wanted to make sure you know about it. 1874119;1542816420;*;mircea_popescu is sitting here watching 11MB/s transfers... what a pleasure. 1874120;1542816575;diana_coman;hm, does this need to be in here? I tried in pm and it says it failed 1874121;1542816600;diana_coman;!!subscribe http://trilema.com/2018/euloras-communication-protocol-restated/feed 1874122;1542816602;deedbot;diana_coman subscription to http://trilema.com/2018/euloras-communication-protocol-restated/feed failed 1874123;1542816668;diana_coman;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-24#1804958 -> is this still detached? 1874124;1542816668;a111;Logged on 2018-04-24 02:10 trinque: the !!subscribe lever is detached, yes, since it used to run back to a pretty sad pile of duct tape. 1874125;1542817104;mircea_popescu;oh 1874126;1542817108;mircea_popescu;i guess it must be. 1874127;1542817126;mircea_popescu;im guessing there's no real need to have the rss bot melded into deedbot rly. 1874128;1542817171;mircea_popescu;would rather go with loggers or something 1874129;1542818121;trinque;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-30#1819758 << once there was a guy who was gonna take this over. 1874130;1542818121;a111;Logged on 2018-05-30 14:58 spyked: but I will rebase the rss bot on top of this afterwards and I'll ping you right before I bring rss in-chan. 1874131;1542818237;trinque;spykedbot is apparently still here, but spyked went off dick-in-hand elsewhere? 1874132;1542818256;trinque;diana_coman: you want these aimed at you in pm? 1874133;1542818656;mircea_popescu;heh. hey spyked... what became of ye ? 1874134;1542820584;BingoBoingo;In other lolz, I got a phone call warning me of planned power outage for my block tomorrow 1874135;1542820707;diana_coman;trinque, yes please 1874136;1542820726;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: ! 1874137;1542820735;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: how long outage ? and can you arrange to be there when it happens ? 1874138;1542820797;asciilifeform;cuz it's a mighty convenient time for interloper to diddle boxes. 1874139;1542820831;asciilifeform;( and peculiarly coincident with trinque's deedbot hiccups from last night ) 1874140;1542820892;trinque;diana_coman: done 1874141;1542820899;diana_coman;thanks trinque ! 1874142;1542820904;trinque;yw 1874143;1542820958;asciilifeform;trinque: spyked seems to be on a multi-month 'see the world' thing, e.g. http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-04#1869254 1874144;1542820958;a111;Logged on 2018-11-04 21:41 deedbot: http://thetarpit.org/posts/y05/07f-bucharest-ii.html << The Tar Pit - Bucharest, part zwei: Herstru, Cotroceni 1874145;1542821088;trinque;I guess next time I'm wrestling the portage snake at 11pm I'll say "at least spyked is enjoying himself" 1874146;1542821129;asciilifeform;trinque: portage snake seems pretty long btw -- what did you end up being stuck on ? 1874147;1542821159;*;asciilifeform has a box ready for beta cuntoo any day of the week 1874148;1542821234;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: plz post the exact announced outage time asap 1874149;1542821388;mircea_popescu;haha wtf. 1874150;1542821402;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo definitely gotta be there. 1874151;1542821457;mircea_popescu;da fuck "planned" is this, "tomorrow". 1874152;1542821484;trinque;asciilifeform: not stuck, swapped onto wallet work for a bit. improved the deposit handling and swept a bunch of small outputs. 1874153;1542821506;trinque;I'm running one of my primary work boxes on cuntoo atm, working great. I'm going to try to cut a release during the holiday. 1874154;1542821523;asciilifeform;neato 1874155;1542821537;trinque;just need to make an ebuild of phf's latest, haven't done that yet, and to see what deps it will require in the genesis. 1874156;1542821574;asciilifeform;trinque: i'm quite looking forward to adult cuntoo , eventually would like to move whole buncha boxes to it 1874157;1542821610;trinque;since its set up to have classical gentoo portage as "just another repo" I haven't had a single problem with building things that aren't yet vpatch-ebuilds 1874158;1542821633;trinque;the ebuild porting story is downright comfortable. 1874159;1542822140;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform mircea_popescu: Power outage is not for the rack 1874160;1542822147;BingoBoingo;Is residential power outage 1874161;1542822150;asciilifeform;aaaaa 1874162;1542822152;asciilifeform;lol 1874163;1542822160;mircea_popescu;you mean at your house ? 1874164;1542822172;BingoBoingo;Yeah, apologies for the lack of context 1874165;1542822186;mircea_popescu;ahahaha mmkay. 1874166;1542822193;mircea_popescu;that was trippy. 1874167;1542822208;asciilifeform;verily 1874168;1542822211;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2015-11-18#1326332 << oblig 1874169;1542822211;a111;Logged on 2015-11-18 14:54 asciilifeform: shinohai: 'i heard that ivan won a car in the lotto.' 'yes! but not ivan but piotr, not a car but an overcoat, not in lotto but at cards, and not won but lost' 1874170;1542822253;BingoBoingo;I thought block would imply residential, but rereading after the panic 1874171;1542822512;trinque;asciilifeform: makes me think I gotta learn russian just for the jokes 1874172;1542822682;mircea_popescu;the jokes and the sluts, yea. 1874173;1542822868;BingoBoingo; BingoBoingo: plz post the exact announced outage time asap << FTR the planned outage time is approximadamente entre 9 y 13 1874174;1542822927;BingoBoingo;Which just about eliminates the possibility of actual turkey tomorrow (all locally available are US style giants, frozen god only knows when) 1874175;1542823204;mircea_popescu;in other lulz, "Press Space to pause time." 1874176;1542823243;BingoBoingo;lol 1874177;1542823260;BingoBoingo;That might actually work 1874178;1542823600;mircea_popescu;you know ?! 1874179;1542826635;deedbot;http://bimbo.club/?p=85 << Bimbo.Club - A rewrite 1874180;1542826746;asciilifeform;'I was not much of a calming presence due to my own anxiety about bitcoin and soap.' << lolwat! 1874181;1542827218;mircea_popescu;lmao emo. 1874182;1542827282;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform she had to buy http://trilema.com/2013/were-all-one/#selection-311.1-311.71 (which she did, and which apparently also comes as bars!) 1874183;1542827495;asciilifeform;lol! 1874184;1542827498;asciilifeform;and with btc ?! 1874185;1542828036;mircea_popescu;what, that's something to worry about at any point. ready worry fodder. 1874186;1542828077;asciilifeform;imho worry is waste of cpu. 1874187;1542828159;asciilifeform;in the end ragnarok anyway, yggdrasil topples, serpent nidhogg will eat world. why worry. 1874188;1542828181;*;diana_coman hears asciilifefore singing don't worry, be happy 1874189;1542828212;asciilifeform;eh 'happy' optional 1874190;1542828232;diana_coman;I'm scratching my head more at the "how I was surviving without a smart phone and much longer could I live like this." + notebook maps etc but I suppose I'm essentially already too old to fully grasp the phone attachment thing 1874191;1542828239;asciilifeform;but worry is simply empty loop. ( and i think mircea_popescu hooks'em up to 220v when he finds'em doing it ) 1874192;1542828302;asciilifeform;diana_coman: pnoje-gps-ism is wildly popular in usa, where folx drive 100+km erry day and thing (nominally) walks'em around crashes/jams 1874193;1542828308;asciilifeform;but in orcistan i dunno what'd be the point 1874194;1542828350;diana_coman;I can't quite tell for sure what she means by worry i.e. if empty loop or not 1874195;1542828469;mircea_popescu;or if anything. 1874196;1542828523;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: presuming we're talking about an actual critter rather than eliza, can then assume that if it put down words, then meant ~sumthing~ ? 1874197;1542828530;asciilifeform;rather than rng hiss 1874198;1542828557;mircea_popescu;we can't so assume, because natural language has no definite meaning. 1874199;1542828580;mircea_popescu;we use it by defining arbitrary "gate voltages" if you will, of "something-vs-nothing", but these are cultural, contextual and personal. 1874200;1542828583;mircea_popescu;hence, literature. 1874201;1542828595;asciilifeform;it's supposed to be gate voltage, yes. i.e. narrow down the phase space of possible meaning 1874202;1542828605;mircea_popescu;right. 1874203;1542828704;asciilifeform;( and while we're in 'gate voltages', imho 'worry' is exactly like parasitic oscillation -- whether in electrical machine or the vibration that slowly destroys a sad washing machine ) 1874204;1542829428;mircea_popescu;aha. 1874205;1542829942;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/11/usg-nasa-probing-upstart-contractor-after-achieving-substantially-better-delivery-history-than-old-guard-contractors/ << Qntra - USG.NASA Probing Upstart Contractor After Achieving Substantially Better Delivery History Than Old Guard Contractors 1874206;1542829944;BingoBoingo;^ Play ball with USG on multiple fronts, get robbed on all fronts 1874207;1542829980;mircea_popescu;heh 1874208;1542830418;asciilifeform;'The company's lone violation is for an April 2017 accident in which an employee lost the tips of two fingers, resulting in a $750 fine.' << if troo, this is cleaner record than most auto repair shops, i suspect 1874209;1542830964;BingoBoingo;Or hardware stores 1874210;1542833802;mod6;Hi, was it decided that we would change vpatch names to have the word 'keccak' in them? Or simply keep the same as before? 1874211;1542833889;mod6;(I made a trb keccak tree over here, just about to test it out. So far, that was my only question. Once done testing and things, will bake blog posts about diana_coman's vk.pl and the grinding of the keccak vtree.) 1874212;1542834131;BingoBoingo;In local news: McDonald's second best place to work per the paper of record https://www.elobservador.com.uy/nota/-cuales-son-los-mejores-lugares-para-trabajar-en-uruguay--20181120134523 1874213;1542839723;asciilifeform;mod6: mircea_popescu specifically didn't want to change the file ext. ( but only barfed lightly when asciilifeform proclaimed 'i'ma make mine foo.kv.vpatch cuz i have 90000 private vpatches in old form' ) 1874214;1542839784;asciilifeform;http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2743 << illustrates asciilifeform's style re item 1874215;1542840142;mod6;Thanks for the info asciilifeform. For now, I've just named them the same as the original ones, for testing here on my own. Was able to press with `vk.pl` successfully, and build a trb from that pressed keccak vtree. 1874216;1542840337;diana_coman;mod6, as asciilifeform says, essentially it's preferred to keep same; for ref, logs discussion http://btcbase.org/log/2018-09-19#1851864 1874217;1542840337;a111;Logged on 2018-09-19 17:43 mircea_popescu: now as to new extensions... imo bad idea. there's manifests and things now. 1874218;1542840374;mod6;Thanks diana_coman 1874219;1542840416;*;mod6 bbl 1874220;1542854167;*;asciilifeform proofreading the quite elephantine ch. 12B 1874221;1542901308;mircea_popescu;znc keks 1874222;1542901876;mircea_popescu;!Qlater tell hanbot let me guess, your znc ran out of batteries! 1874223;1542901876;lobbesbot;mircea_popescu: The operation succeeded. 1874224;1542902712;BingoBoingo;And the power at the habitation unit did not go out, but the kiosk on this block dutifully cut their own power at the breakers 1874225;1542902937;mircea_popescu;lmao 1874226;1542903772;BingoBoingo;I expect to get a letter in the mail next week about the outage getting rescheduled por el calor 1874227;1542904960;mircea_popescu;keks 1874228;1542907907;hanbot;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-22#1874222 << yeh, they sent a mini-agent for mine 1874229;1542907907;a111;Logged on 2018-11-22 15:51 mircea_popescu: !Qlater tell hanbot let me guess, your znc ran out of batteries! 1874230;1542907907;lobbesbot;hanbot: Sent 1 hour and 40 minutes ago: let me guess, your znc ran out of batteries! 1874231;1542907955;mircea_popescu;hopefully riding a trained goat! 1874232;1542908437;BingoBoingo;Anyways this agent better now mess up my power now that the chorizo, onions, etc are browning for the stuffing 1874233;1542908472;deedbot;http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2798 << Loper OS - Finite Field Arithmetic. Chapter 12B: Karatsuba Redux. (Part 2 of 2) 1874234;1542908489;asciilifeform;!Q later tell phf plox to snarf http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2798 into http://btcbase.org/patches?patchset=ffa , ty 1874235;1542908489;lobbesbot;asciilifeform: The operation succeeded. 1874236;1542908685;phf;going through the backlog of snarfs right now 1874237;1542908685;lobbesbot;phf: Sent 3 minutes ago: plox to snarf http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2798 into http://btcbase.org/patches?patchset=ffa , ty 1874238;1542908903;asciilifeform;ty phf 1874239;1542920008;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/11/gavin-quits-and-disbands-his-proud-boys-after-fbi-terrorist-classification/ << Qntra - Gavin Quits And Disbands His Proud Boys After FBI Terrorist Classification 1874240;1542922909;deedbot;http://ossasepia.com/2018/11/22/smg-comms-chapter-9-files-transfers-and-requests/ << Ossasepia - SMG Comms Chapter 9: Files (Transfers and Requests) 1874241;1542923060;*;mircea_popescu just put to oven a duck! on cabbage! 1874242;1542923158;diana_coman;awww, did the duckling see it? 1874243;1542923162;mircea_popescu;yes actually. 1874244;1542923169;diana_coman;trauma!! 1874245;1542923172;mircea_popescu;it seems to think the whole hullaballoo was for it! 1874246;1542923181;mircea_popescu;"oh, these big ducks, fixing me the best worm yet!!" 1874247;1542923737;mircea_popescu;re http://ossasepia.com/2018/11/22/smg-comms-chapter-9-files-transfers-and-requests/#selection-41.799-41.846 diana_coman you know we ~could~ do this. "all filenames are 32 characters long followed by a dot and 3 character extension". what's to keep us, filenames only exist as server declares them anyway. 1874248;1542923779;deedbot;http://bimbo.club/?p=86 << Bimbo.Club - Hold up, you wont understand. 1874249;1542923826;mircea_popescu;in other related matters : i'm authorizing her to add a patch on s.mg crypto lib, to permit arbitrary size e. i recall the threads at the time, but there's a ~really~ good reason to do it : we don't want to pass back and forth kbs worth of exponents. udp packets are small, and there's all the complicated matchwork of sizes meeting keys etc. 1874250;1542923936;diana_coman;mircea_popescu, fixed-length strings get rid of all sorts of ugh pretty much everywhere; this being said, I can't quite tell what we need as filenames and recall that they include the path - I think that's the main reason why it will still be variable 1874251;1542923949;mircea_popescu;fuck. 1874252;1542923951;mircea_popescu;DAMN YOU UNIX 1874253;1542923962;mircea_popescu;diana_coman i am tempted to ditch paths. 1874254;1542924004;diana_coman;I can certainly see the temptation; I'd say there is still time to chew on this, as it's not yet burning 1874255;1542924030;mircea_popescu;the data is structured anyway for the program, there's no absolute requirement to ship it with storage adnotations. 1874256;1542924047;mircea_popescu;of course, no paths means there's a 16k limit or so on files or w/e nonsense it was ... 1874257;1542924150;mircea_popescu;incidentally, to continue the related thread of http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-16#1872694 -- what is the difference between ./a/b/file.txt and /ab/file.txt ? RIGHT ? 1874258;1542924150;a111;Logged on 2018-11-16 00:27 mircea_popescu: who THE FUCK thought it's ok for the fs to not take arbitrary indices, like, ever, in the whole thirty seconds history of sitting-here-quietly-and-thinking-abnout-computers as it stretches from 1971 onwards. 1874259;1542933687;BingoBoingo; "oh, these big ducks, fixing me the best worm yet!!" << Nice predator instincts 1874260;1542934231;mircea_popescu;ikr. 1874261;1542934241;mircea_popescu;it literally is like a velociraptor with a beak, that thing. 1874262;1542935384;BingoBoingo;Duckling is best baby easter animal. Much better than fucking rabbits. 1874263;1542935943;BingoBoingo;Maybe a gossling would be the step up, but when it's a 10 kg goose likely to die at your hand for insufficient adorability to aggress in the manner of geese 1874264;1542989372;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/11/ieee-journal-announces-29-article-retractions-without-identifying-articles/ << Qntra - IEEE Journal Announces 29 Article Retractions Without Identifying Articles 1874265;1542989746;BingoBoingo; In local news the bomb squad is doing something in the barrio Goes 1874266;1542989985;BingoBoingo;http://archive.is/9DkIb 1874267;1542990048;BingoBoingo;;tldr Guy holed himself up, wounded two cops, cops wounded his legs and took him 1874268;1542991911;diana_coman;ugh, asciilifeform I can't seem to be able to comment on your blog? (and fwiw it's also a pain because it won't work with ip in hosts only, I have to access it from toilet-pc) 1874269;1542992738;diana_coman;when I say I can't comment I mean it barfs with "incorrect captcha" while the captcha thing says it's shut down so no word to enter 1874270;1542995514;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-23#1874262 << yeah. for one thing, they attach ~something fierce~. possibly the most attachment-inclined living thing. 1874271;1542995514;a111;Logged on 2018-11-23 01:09 BingoBoingo: Duckling is best baby easter animal. Much better than fucking rabbits. 1874272;1542995635;mircea_popescu;for incomprehensible reasons, chimichurri ~loves~ toilet paper. it'll stuff its craw with the stuff, if you hold a square up for it, shred it and pack it like there's no tomorrow. (and then its squeak changes, too, cuz obviously that thing dries out its liquids lmao). so now and again friendly folk might offer it a square. (gotta be the right, fluffy stuff i use tho). 1874273;1542995676;mircea_popescu;so now one day at the beach, when left behind with a girl because its mistress had... well, was busy ok, it wouldn't even eat the most delicious tp! NOT SAFE TO EAT TREATS WITHOUT BELOVED MISTRESS! 1874274;1542995820;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-23#1874263 << duck also pretty fiesty, at that. 1874275;1542995820;a111;Logged on 2018-11-23 01:19 BingoBoingo: Maybe a gossling would be the step up, but when it's a 10 kg goose likely to die at your hand for insufficient adorability to aggress in the manner of geese 1874276;1542995864;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-23#1874269 << this has actually been a problem he's been not fixing for over a year now. 1874277;1542995864;a111;Logged on 2018-11-23 17:05 diana_coman: when I say I can't comment I mean it barfs with "incorrect captcha" while the captcha thing says it's shut down so no word to enter 1874278;1542995883;mircea_popescu;but w/e, anything but install mp-wp, play eulora, etcetera. GOTTA LONEMAN OF INSANITY 1874279;1542996398;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in other lulz : https://cdn.weasyl.com/static/media/69/f8/37/69f837a7167e92fc00820c5c732c92b02408c64c94263e9453b01d1a21d7f10e.png (tarfe being an alternate spelling of ro "tirfe", meaning "[cheap/resilient] whores". 1874280;1542998948;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Looks like your MPEx proxies might have run away again 1874281;1542998954;mircea_popescu;o noes 1874282;1542998975;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo i see eg .biz ? where you be looking ? 1874283;1542998986;BingoBoingo;.biz 1874284;1542998997;mircea_popescu;dang wtf is going on here. 1874285;1542999038;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo some kinda dns issue, looking. 1874286;1542999049;BingoBoingo;Aite 1874287;1542999100;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo meanwhile if you set you can talk to it. 1874288;1542999106;BingoBoingo;ty 1874289;1542999155;mircea_popescu;(really should NOT "dns request" for mpex servers plox. or ~anything, really, but these especially. hosts file costs you nothing folks, wake up to this already. usg.dns costs you not merely your own life, but everyone else's along with it, as well as the very possibility of a world worth living) 1874290;1542999294;mircea_popescu;anyway, slut on top of issue. expect to resolve today. 1874291;1543000672;Mocky;mircea_popescu, BingoBoingo http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/pQkcH/?raw=true 1874292;1543000748;BingoBoingo;Mocky: ty for the update 1874293;1543000764;Mocky;np 1874294;1543001289;BingoBoingo;And for the update on standoff in Goes... Dude sent "threats" to the Argentine and British embassies: https://www.elobservador.com.uy/nota/amenazas-a-embajada-y-a-familia-de-bonomi-con-megaoperativo-en-goes-20181123135952 1874295;1543009928;BingoBoingo;!!up ascii_modem 1874296;1543009928;deedbot;ascii_modem voiced for 30 minutes. 1874297;1543009935;ascii_modem;ty BingoBoingo 1874298;1543009936;BingoBoingo;Buenas tardes 1874299;1543009964;*;ascii_modem visiting people in meatspace, poor connectivity 1874300;1543010032;ascii_modem;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-23#1874276 << longer even! i have time budget to ffa XOR sand and repaint my www, not currently both tho 1874301;1543010032;a111;Logged on 2018-11-23 17:57 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-23#1874269 << this has actually been a problem he's been not fixing for over a year now. 1874302;1543010187;ascii_modem;diana_coman: feel free to put comment here or if long/detailed in #asciilifeform, i will read 1874303;1543010436;ascii_modem;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-23#1874278 << apparently mircea_popescu so happy with my conveyor rate that he thinks not playing enuff game is a problem i have, lol ty! 1874304;1543010436;a111;Logged on 2018-11-23 17:58 mircea_popescu: but w/e, anything but install mp-wp, play eulora, etcetera. GOTTA LONEMAN OF INSANITY 1874305;1543010490;ascii_modem;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-23#1874264 << i'm curious how the fuq this is even possible 1874306;1543010490;a111;Logged on 2018-11-23 16:09 deedbot: http://qntra.net/2018/11/ieee-journal-announces-29-article-retractions-without-identifying-articles/ << Qntra - IEEE Journal Announces 29 Article Retractions Without Identifying Articles 1874307;1543010520;ascii_modem;no one can diff before/after their back catalogue ?? 1874308;1543010538;ascii_modem;or banking that nobody can be arsed? or how. 1874309;1543010920;ascii_modem;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-22#1874249 << what size e now ? ( i'll add, smaller e is proportionally faster modexp in my system, but only if you were to know its size in advance ) 1874310;1543010920;a111;Logged on 2018-11-22 21:57 mircea_popescu: in other related matters : i'm authorizing her to add a patch on s.mg crypto lib, to permit arbitrary size e. i recall the threads at the time, but there's a ~really~ good reason to do it : we don't want to pass back and forth kbs worth of exponents. udp packets are small, and there's all the complicated matchwork of sizes meeting keys etc. 1874311;1543011003;ascii_modem;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-22#1874255 << why wouldja bake unixisms into protocol if dun have to 1874312;1543011003;a111;Logged on 2018-11-22 22:00 mircea_popescu: the data is structured anyway for the program, there's no absolute requirement to ship it with storage adnotations. 1874313;1543011053;BingoBoingo; or banking that nobody can be arsed? or how. << Likely banking on that, no one with a subscription bothering 1874314;1543011140;*;ascii_modem will bbl. 1874315;1543014446;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo lol, pretty amusing nutcase. 1874316;1543014502;mircea_popescu;in other lulz, can you believe what an adventure this has been lmao. 1874317;1543014579;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-01#1868250 << ~one month~ remittance, as the earliest ? fugger had it better for fuck's sake, "the world" has fallen below 1600s civilisational level 1874318;1543014579;a111;Logged on 2018-11-01 05:00 auctionbot: Sell order # 1004 has ENDED: 9.5k wFF q0 SOLD to mod6 for 1.5bn ecu. Attn: mircea_popescu 1874319;1543014719;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-23#1874309 << "At 5.1 the public exponent e of the client's RSA key is fixed as an int64". first bit set, too, so 8 bytes. 1874320;1543014719;a111;Logged on 2018-11-23 22:08 ascii_modem: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-22#1874249 << what size e now ? ( i'll add, smaller e is proportionally faster modexp in my system, but only if you were to know its size in advance ) 1874321;1543017519;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Dude really wanted a rifle and was willing to play both sides 1874322;1543025203;mircea_popescu;so, playing scrabble here. which, in spanish, needless to say nobody's native language, but nevertheless zullas crosses on the z with zumos. i mean... i doubt native fucking speakers are on this level of highly polished, top hat literary scrabble play. 1874323;1543028481;phf;asciilifeform: a downside to your renaming the patches is that it breaks all the old btcbase links. e.g. http://btcbase.org/patches/ffa_ch1_genesis is now http://btcbase.org/patches/ffa_ch1_genesis.kv even though the content is the same 1874324;1543029272;phf;ls 1874325;1543029273;phf;hmm 1874326;1543029298;phf;diana_coman: i've updated eucrypt, smg-comms to the latest, and added "v" for v.pl 1874327;1543033244;deedbot;http://thewhet.net/2018/11/chimichurri-and-the-meaning-of-life/ << The Whet - Chimichurri and the Meaning of Life 1874328;1543043824;diana_coman;phf, thanks! 1874329;1543073138;BingoBoingo;When the local paper publishes interviews telling local people (for the most part) how they fail: https://www.elobservador.com.uy/nota/-los-uruguayos-en-el-exterior-trabajan-perfecto-y-cuando-vuelven-se-achanchan-montevideo-es-como-una-kryptonita--2018112320421 1874330;1543078303;trinque;this linux namespaces thing is probably just more unnecessary complexity, but being able to forbid a process-and-children from using the network stack is nb.jpg for testing cuntoo build 1874331;1543081221;mircea_popescu;trinque if i sign a genesis for republican dns, specifically, "here's ips and domain names, one set per line, that my lordship recognizes", are you willing to replace dns resolution in cuntoo with pressing that tree (according to the users' key dir, of course) ? 1874332;1543081569;mircea_popescu;hanbot hey, where's the "gpg guide for windows tards" ? i thought we had this on eulora wiki somewhere but drawing blanks. 1874333;1543081919;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in the "running into mp on fetlife first 20something moron girly's formative experience, literally NEVER encountered negative reinforcement before in whole lyf" files, 1874334;1543081920;mircea_popescu;LordMPofTMSR "Not even kidding." Queenjuju 21F Kinkster "Drop what now? It won’t show me the rest of the sentence" LordMPofTMSR "Think of it as an intelligence test. That you're failing." Queenjuju "Fuck you" LordMPofTMSR "Lmao. What, nobody told you you're an idiot before ? Sucks, because you still are, whether they tell you or not." 1874335;1543082644;mircea_popescu;nicoleci http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/VeSRC/?raw=true 1874336;1543083726;mircea_popescu;hanbot http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/Tv4dQ/?raw=true 1874337;1543084103;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/11/france-erupts-in-violent-anti-macron-protests/ << Qntra - France Erupts In Violent Anti-Macron Protests 1874338;1543086717;trinque;mircea_popescu: certainly am 1874339;1543086747;mircea_popescu;and indeed the best part of post-thanksgiving, leftovers. shrimp in heavily wasabi'd soy sauce + green beans in heavily garlic'd tzatzichi... top tier breakfast. 1874340;1543086770;mircea_popescu;trinque word. let's talk about the mechanics a little, how would this be aquired ? 1874341;1543086796;mircea_popescu;do you see any merit in dedicated ports for instance ? or just maintain the necessary files on something like diana_coman 's code shelf ? 1874342;1543086906;mircea_popescu;is # acceptable comment inline ? should there be a manifest also ? 1874343;1543088029;trinque;I'll need to read up on how DNS resolution works in musl to recommend something strongly, but might be as simple as having it read a second hosts file. I don't know of any support for including one hosts file in another in either musl or glibc. 1874344;1543088056;mircea_popescu;i am not talking about a second host file. 1874345;1543088067;mircea_popescu;i am talking about wiping everything it currently does, everything. 1874346;1543088076;mircea_popescu;and replacing it with a single mechanism : pressing a hosts file. 1874347;1543088092;trinque;your hosts file is going to contain things mine doesn't, at the very least your hostname 1874348;1543088108;mircea_popescu;can have such a thing as private patches on v trees. 1874349;1543088126;trinque;you can, but you'll regrind them each time 1874350;1543088137;trinque;*each time someone else adds a host you want 1874351;1543088148;mircea_popescu;it is high time to break this "dwim" bs about identity on the net. user HAS to http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-11#1871013 ; because no, paying ain't enough here. 1874352;1543088148;a111;Logged on 2018-11-11 13:50 mircea_popescu: don't ask the customer for things you don't have to. customer pays, that's enough. 1874353;1543088182;mircea_popescu;trinque i suppose so. but i have been thinking about alf's http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-19#1873687 and i suspect he's very much right. 1874354;1543088182;a111;Logged on 2018-11-19 23:11 asciilifeform: the fact that it feels to noobs like 'unnatural acrobatics' is an artifact of writer suddenly having to pay that actual cost of the complexity inflicted on reader. and yes folx whined, just like in ex-ussr folx whined when they started having to pay for mains current . 1874355;1543088190;mircea_popescu;ie, current dns system is simply lying as to the cost. 1874356;1543088201;mircea_popescu;it's still there, even if under a rug. 1874357;1543088210;trinque;oh sure, no argument to the contrary. whole thing should be nuked. 1874358;1543088230;mircea_popescu;it will do away with "usg confiscated domains" for one thing. 1874359;1543088234;mircea_popescu;not to mention -- no more verizon. 1874360;1543088240;mircea_popescu;or w/e, "verisign" 1874361;1543088249;trinque;that's the one. 1874362;1543088253;mircea_popescu;right. 1874363;1543088262;mircea_popescu;so imo eminently the right move, and the right time for moving. 1874364;1543088285;mircea_popescu;but imo also will take some thinking, do it right (which mostly means - simply and intolerantly) 1874365;1543088392;trinque;removing and cauterizing the dns mechanism in the libc is probably the thing, then. leaves no hole for it to return. if folks can also tolerate their local box always being called "localhost" no need for two, or alternatively they make room for local patches in their v workflow. 1874366;1543088410;mircea_popescu;imo libc is the wrong first step. 1874367;1543088419;mircea_popescu;should first nuke it on os level, THEN nuke libc anyway. 1874368;1543088423;mircea_popescu;which afaik we're doing as it is. 1874369;1543088432;trinque;the libc's the guy doing all the dns-ism 1874370;1543088443;mircea_popescu;always easier to get rid of libc after you have functional replacement in place. 1874371;1543088448;mircea_popescu;trinque for userland. 1874372;1543088514;mircea_popescu;trinque is it unclear what im' saying ? 1874373;1543088516;trinque;seems like I'm missing a step in the middle here. 1874374;1543088531;mircea_popescu;ok. currently cuntoo has some mechanisms to do dns, yes ? 1874375;1543088551;mircea_popescu;they're all wrappers on libc function calls, sure. but they nevertheless exist as components, in cuntoo. 1874376;1543088612;trinque;yep 1874377;1543088628;mircea_popescu;take them out. 1874378;1543088642;mircea_popescu;replace them with a single component, which builds a hosts file through pressing v tree. 1874379;1543088664;trinque;least ocean-boiling way of doing that is by patching the libc 1874380;1543088675;trinque;so it reads only hosts file and doesn't know how to use remote DNS servers 1874381;1543088683;mircea_popescu;you're conflating two things. 1874382;1543088689;trinque;rather than cracking it off and then patching firefox, your mail client, etc etc 1874383;1543088691;mircea_popescu;of course this means i dunno, w/e downstream program, curl say, can STILL do dns the wrong way. 1874384;1543088713;mircea_popescu;i don't get it, why would firefox be involved ? 1874385;1543088767;mircea_popescu;https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Netifrc << 1874386;1543088777;mircea_popescu;or w/e it is you're using. are you using netifrc ? 1874387;1543088827;mircea_popescu;or w/e, drop-in replace dnscache if you're using djb's package ? or w/e it is ? 1874388;1543088831;trinque;yeah, that thing eats one set of config files and shits out others, like /etc/resolv.conf 1874389;1543088843;trinque;then the libc reads those when asked getaddrinfo 1874390;1543088854;trinque;by firefox, whoever. 1874391;1543088880;mircea_popescu;cool. so how about it just reads our host file and that's that. 1874392;1543088903;hanbot;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-24#1874332 << >> http://www.eulorum.org/Account_Setup under the Windows bold headin' 1874393;1543088903;a111;Logged on 2018-11-24 17:46 mircea_popescu: hanbot hey, where's the "gpg guide for windows tards" ? i thought we had this on eulora wiki somewhere but drawing blanks. 1874394;1543088918;trinque;yeah, I think what you're asking for is mostly a bunch of deletes. absent w/e upstream DNS lookup it can still snarf the /etc/hosts and nobody else in userland will care 1874395;1543088950;mircea_popescu;hanbot "Select kleopatra, gpg4win's key management gui, from the Windows start menu. Select File from the main menu, then choose New Certificate. Select Create a personal OpenPGP key pair. Enter your name, email, and a comment, click Create Key, then choose a passphrase. " ? i suppose you're right, though 0 chances windoze tards manage to follow terse instructions. 1874396;1543088951;trinque;no newfangled tmsr local dns server required 1874397;1543088958;mircea_popescu;trinque precisely that. 1874398;1543088963;mircea_popescu;a bunch of deletes + the pressing. 1874399;1543088984;mircea_popescu;but ~something~ is required, because think about it : you will want to have a button called "re-press", yes ? 1874400;1543088994;mircea_popescu;and if you do, it'll be a "re-dld and re-press" right ? so where does it dld from ? 1874401;1543089062;hanbot;mircea_popescu tbh i'm quite morally opposed to stuffing hand-holding wordsalad into a set of instructions for the sake of placating idiocy. unclear is one thing, devoid of sparkly alternative interpretational dance is another. 1874402;1543089088;mircea_popescu;i ~suppose~ one manner of handling this is the followingf convention : patches to be acquired from $key/gns/ dir, for all keys in the seals ring. so it'd look for "6160E1CAC8A3C52966FD76998A736F0E2FB7B452/gns" which is not a "valid" domain per usg.verisign "rules" however it DOES resolve in our own system. because we can put ips on anything we want. 1874403;1543089129;mircea_popescu;and so therefore, how about this convention : re-dld gets ~all~ keys from seals dir ; looks in $key/gns for patches. dumps all the found ones in a dir, then proceeds to build and press tree, that's the hosts and that;'s it. 1874404;1543089140;mircea_popescu;hanbot i can see your point. 1874405;1543089260;mircea_popescu;nicoleci, how about you write a "how to gpg on windows" page and put it on eulorum.com 1874406;1543089391;trinque;mircea_popescu: thing nicely generalizes into a vpatch/seal lookup mechanism for everything. 1874407;1543089410;mircea_popescu;hanbot the problem i'm facing is "fetgirl wants to send me nudes, wut do". i was hoping to cheat with eulora linkage. 1874408;1543089415;mircea_popescu;trinque no, i know! 1874409;1543089435;mircea_popescu;cracking dns, replacing with gns, makes the world fucking work already. 1874410;1543089639;hanbot;mircea_popescu in the grand circus of learning, there's no substitute for getting one's face in the cheese grater. but sure, have nicoleci teach that particular course, why nots. 1874411;1543091471;deedbot;http://ossasepia.com/2018/11/24/proposed-change-to-w_borrow-ffa/ << Ossasepia - Proposed Change to W_Borrow (FFA) 1874412;1543091479;diana_coman;asciilifeform, ^ 1874413;1543093004;phf;diana_coman: added the sigs, and the new vpatch 1874414;1543093629;deedbot;http://bimbo.club/?p=87 << Bimbo.Club - TMSR Log Summary - 11/06/2018 1874415;1543094179;phf;mircea_popescu: i have a box of your pogos, i can probably still store them, but i won't be able to keep them safe, nor produce them on short notice 1874416;1543094282;phf;i can transfer them to ascii, if he's willing, sometime next week, or continue as is, but that'll effectively put them into indiana jones storage 1874417;1543094381;phf;my impression is that they are effectively a write off, but if there's a good use that they can be put to, i have a week of very limited time to assist with that 1874418;1543094863;mircea_popescu;so ship them to alf, add to his pile of dubious. 1874419;1543094903;mircea_popescu;he certainly is the one that deserves the pogo storage headache >D 1874420;1543095683;diana_coman;phf, thanks! 1874421;1543098449;*;asciilifeform back at console and in-biz 1874422;1543098454;*;asciilifeform eats diana_coman's piece... 1874423;1543098480;asciilifeform;oh hey did diana_coman find a karnaugh-shorter overflowtron 1874424;1543099461;asciilifeform;diana_coman et al: http://ossasepia.com/2018/11/24/proposed-change-to-w_borrow-ffa/comment-page-1/#comment-4500 1874425;1543099610;asciilifeform;ty diana_coman ! 1874426;1543099635;*;asciilifeform eats remaining l0g.. 1874427;1543099718;asciilifeform;summary : diana_coman was too modest to admit, but did find a 1 cycle shorter form, i'ma put it in. 1874428;1543099794;mircea_popescu;splendid. 1874429;1543099931;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-24#1874378 << aaand see also http://btcbase.org/log/2018-09-12#1849960 1874430;1543099931;a111;Logged on 2018-11-24 19:44 mircea_popescu: replace them with a single component, which builds a hosts file through pressing v tree. 1874431;1543099931;a111;Logged on 2018-09-12 14:18 asciilifeform: btw mircea_popescu reminds me , trinque : here's an idea, let's banish the 'root certs' and any systemwide sslism from cuntoo. if user demands it , let him install locally. 1874432;1543099952;mircea_popescu;word. 1874433;1543099959;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-24#1874369 << is this also true in musl , trinque ? i haven't looked closely yet 1874434;1543099959;a111;Logged on 2018-11-24 19:40 trinque: the libc's the guy doing all the dns-ism 1874435;1543100030;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-24#1874364 << it'll be a pretty savage cut, but i dun have a magic pill for making cut like this painless , it gotta be done somehow 1874436;1543100030;a111;Logged on 2018-11-24 19:38 mircea_popescu: but imo also will take some thinking, do it right (which mostly means - simply and intolerantly) 1874437;1543100099;mircea_popescu;savage cut is like savage fuck -- good for what ails you. 1874438;1543100156;asciilifeform;i'd at least like ~variant~ where can switch off dns. ( sadly will prolly never be able to run entire fleet like this, i do quite a bit of interaction with heathen material as part of not only daily bread but research for tmsr works, interface with vendors, etc ) but even ~option~ is moar than what we had historically. 1874439;1543100189;mircea_popescu;fuck variant. 1874440;1543100200;mircea_popescu;you want a dns record, you put it in. 1874441;1543100209;asciilifeform;( ftr asciilifeform does not have a stable of slaves, like rms, or knuth, or mircea_popescu , to whom can order 'go fetch this from www for me' so that i can pretend i'm not using dns , email, ssl, etc. while still using when want ) 1874442;1543100215;mircea_popescu;you don't put it in, can't be arsed to put it in, think shouldn't have to put it in -- ergo not need it. 1874443;1543100240;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yours is a specious argument. i have stable of slaves BECAUSE i do not use crap. not the other way around. 1874444;1543100262;mircea_popescu;not "because mp has slaves, ergo mp lives in costa rica" but "because mp does not live in washington dc, ergo mp has slaves". 1874445;1543100265;mircea_popescu;and so down the entire fucking line. 1874446;1543100320;asciilifeform;a++ trolol, i promise i'll bite it later, currently got a ch13 to massage.. 1874447;1543100415;asciilifeform;but will say -- i expect that the final item will be even moar extreme than mircea_popescu's scheme -- i'll have 2 consoles on desk, 1 that talks to barbarian net, and 1 that only gossipd 1874448;1543100444;asciilifeform;( nao that i think about it, this is also kinda what usg does , or at least convinces self that it does ) 1874449;1543100458;mircea_popescu;kinda expected, "we do what empire dreams of doing". 1874450;1543100651;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu, trinque -- i'm not even certain dnsism exists on os level, aside from /etc/hosts -- possibly it is just in libc 1874451;1543100666;asciilifeform;worth a dig. 1874452;1543100873;trinque;asciilifeform: it's the libc that *reads* even /etc/hosts 1874453;1543100886;mircea_popescu;if it has no dns servers it'll just do hosts and that's it. 1874454;1543101022;trinque;asciilifeform: ftr this "toilet box" vs "republican box" thing is I gather what we all approximate already 1874455;1543101741;amberglint;Hello everyone 1874456;1543101751;amberglint;asciilifeform: the reverse-engineered toolchain for the iCE40 now supports a larger chip, the ECP5 with 85k LUTs (vs ~8k LUTs of iCE40), possibly worth taking a look at: https://github.com/SymbiFlow/prjtrellis 1874457;1543101893;amberglint;perhaps the rsatron will fit into this larger chip? 1874458;1543101913;mircea_popescu;o.O 1874459;1543101916;mircea_popescu;hi amberglint 1874460;1543101986;asciilifeform;oh hey 1874461;1543102030;asciilifeform;amberglint: i cannot immediately say that it won't fit! at least from first principle. ( yosys's router is pretty rough tho, vs the commercial ones of old, so it is possible that not fit ) 1874462;1543102053;asciilifeform;trinque: indeed 1874463;1543102121;asciilifeform;amberglint: 'dependencies... Lattice Diamond 3.10' << waiwat?! 1874464;1543102135;asciilifeform;it demands the vendor's turd to run ?! how is this 'reverse-engineered toolchain' then ?! 1874465;1543102142;asciilifeform;my ice40 toolchain demanded no such thing. 1874466;1543102170;asciilifeform;if i wanted to continue using closed shitware, i'd be entirely happily fitting rsatron into my 400,000-LUT xilinx etc 1874467;1543102202;amberglint;asciilifeform: I think that's for the reverse-engineering process only? 1874468;1543102205;amberglint;"The documentation is done through a "black box" process were Diamond is asked to generate a large number of designs which then used to create bitstreams." 1874469;1543102236;asciilifeform;hm possibly 1874470;1543102369;asciilifeform;datashit also reveals a 'Dedicated DDR2/DDR3 and LPDDR2/LPDDR3 memory support with DQS logic, up to 800 Mb/s data-rate', wonder if this is supported in the ice40 chain yet 1874471;1543102453;asciilifeform;seems to have iron multiplier, also 1874472;1543102598;asciilifeform;also loox like has iron high-speed uarts, for e.g. GB nic - baking. 1874473;1543102667;asciilifeform;not even outrageously expensive ic, they're ~30bux ea. 1874474;1543102868;amberglint;there's also a presentation about it, haven't found the transcript: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTOkgDZli_o 1874475;1543102945;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2018/titles-are-a-scam-anyway/ << Trilema - Titles are a scam anyway. 1874476;1543103362;asciilifeform;diana_coman: i'ma put your patch into the 'official' sequence, rather than simply sewing it into ch13, i'd like to explicitly honour the work. 1874477;1543103382;asciilifeform;( i.e. ch13 will sit on top of diana_coman's patch, and the latter will be mirrored. ) 1874478;1543103437;asciilifeform;somewhat surprisingly, diana_coman's 5-op (vs old 6-op) subtraction carry, has 0 measurable effect on the benchmarks in 12b . i still find it aesthetically pleasing tho and would like to use it, rather than old. 1874479;1543123646;venatiodecorus;h 1874480;1543123942;mircea_popescu;!!key venatiodecorus 1874481;1543123943;deedbot;http://wot.deedbot.org/FF906B3F96AECBD309ACE64B81F7925933C60814.asc 1874482;1543123950;mircea_popescu;that's a new one. 1874483;1543123954;mircea_popescu;venatiodecorus who might you be then ? 1874484;1543123973;venatiodecorus;i was talking to danielpbarron on efnet 1874485;1543123984;venatiodecorus;he linked some stuff and i got to reading about ur game and bitcoin work and evreything 1874486;1543123987;mircea_popescu;anything good ? 1874487;1543123995;venatiodecorus;sounds interesting 1874488;1543124016;mircea_popescu;so try it out. 1874489;1543124035;venatiodecorus;ok 1874490;1543124129;venatiodecorus;u use tge right? 1874491;1543124140;venatiodecorus;the original version? 1874492;1543124146;venatiodecorus;that's what it looks like 1874493;1543124431;mircea_popescu;hm ? 1874494;1543124453;venatiodecorus;the game engine looks like torque 1874495;1543124930;mircea_popescu;ah. notrly. but yo ucan look through the client, it's published. 1874496;1543125010;venatiodecorus;ah hmm 1874497;1543125027;venatiodecorus;i used to work on an mmo that ran on torque, thought it looked similar to that 1874498;1543125042;venatiodecorus;ill check it out 1874499;1543125401;deedbot;http://bimbo.club/?p=88 << Bimbo.Club - TMSR Log Summary - 11/07/2018 1874500;1543126986;phf;venatiodecorus: originally i believe eulora client was based on planeshift, and it runs on crystal space engine. 1874501;1543127004;venatiodecorus;phf: yeah i was actually just browsing the source and reading up on the history 1874502;1543127029;venatiodecorus;planeshift is a custom engine coupleod with the crystal space 3d rendering engine 1874503;1543127043;mircea_popescu;right. 1874504;1543127084;mircea_popescu;venatiodecorus is lulzsec still alive lol 1874505;1543127098;venatiodecorus;lol no 1874506;1543127123;venatiodecorus;there is a guy on twitter @lulzsecops who claims to have been around them back then or something like that 1874507;1543127146;venatiodecorus;the channel ban expired on 2600net and i grabbed the channel just cuz i thought it was funny 1874508;1543127189;mircea_popescu;ahs. 1874509;1543127578;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in fucking hysterical if entirely inconsequential nonsense, vice delivers : https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/nz7w9b/hacker-outs-himself-as-fbi-snitch-and-claims-he-helped-track-down-isis 1874510;1543127654;mircea_popescu;""It seems believable to me. I dunno why someone would make this up," Cochran told Motherboard in an encrypted chat. " because totally, "attention whoring, just like everyone else in the attention whoring '''industry'''" is not self-evident and arch-sufficient and explanation. and don't forget kids -- ENCRYPTED CHATS!!! 1874511;1543127689;venatiodecorus;yep shmoop 1874512;1543127696;venatiodecorus;he was p entertaining tho 1874513;1543127722;venatiodecorus;honestly tho mircea_popescu jamie knows her shit 1874514;1543127730;venatiodecorus;so if that was her feeling on the matter i'd trust her opinion 1874515;1543127739;mircea_popescu;!!gettrust jamie 1874516;1543127740;deedbot;L1: 0, L2: 0 by 0 connections. 1874517;1543127741;venatiodecorus;well, she knew her shit. rip :( 1874518;1543127751;mircea_popescu;exactly equal to any other dumb cow. 1874519;1543127761;venatiodecorus;naw she was cool 1874520;1543127766;mircea_popescu;though i suppose heifer is the technically accurate term. 1874521;1543128565;mircea_popescu;oh, and in other lulz http://trilema.com/2017/in-case-you-were-wondering-where-all-the-worthless-nuland-drones-ended-up/ : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Counter_Extremism_Project 1874522;1543128589;mircea_popescu;kinda funny, all this obama-era debris. ridiculous libertard cocksuckers and their dumb shit. 1874523;1543129295;mircea_popescu;and to round up the keks, https://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/midlands-news/isis-terrorist-junaid-hussain-killed-10069425 ; moneyshot : "Birmingham Isis terrorist Junaid Hussain effectively signed his own death warrant after clicking on a “poison” internet link pinpointing his location, it was reported. The Times claimed the link was sent to the 21-year-old on the Surespot phone messager app by an undercover agent after 1874524;1543129295;mircea_popescu; GCHQ and its US allies cracked encrypted Islamic State communications." a sort of http://trilema.com/2012/law-enforcement-never-fails-to-unintentionally-entertain/#selection-161.0-161.52 1874525;1543151190;diana_coman;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-24#1874476 - cheers! 1874526;1543151190;a111;Logged on 2018-11-24 23:49 asciilifeform: diana_coman: i'ma put your patch into the 'official' sequence, rather than simply sewing it into ch13, i'd like to explicitly honour the work. 1874527;1543159337;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-25#1874509 << oblig lul >> http://www.loper-os.org/?p=1468 1874528;1543159337;a111;Logged on 2018-11-25 06:32 mircea_popescu: meanwhile in fucking hysterical if entirely inconsequential nonsense, vice delivers : https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/nz7w9b/hacker-outs-himself-as-fbi-snitch-and-claims-he-helped-track-down-isis 1874529;1543159371;mircea_popescu;justabout. 1874530;1543159385;mircea_popescu;in other news, working on some gds specwork, draft later today. 1874531;1543159392;asciilifeform;neato! 1874532;1543159397;mircea_popescu;though i suspect it'll be mostly questions by mass. but ... we discuss. 1874533;1543159412;asciilifeform;y'mean gns ? or renamed 1874534;1543159563;mircea_popescu;typoed. 1874535;1543159567;asciilifeform;lolk 1874536;1543159755;mircea_popescu;it boggles the mind though, these fucktarded morons, they'd actually use usg.dumbphones ? in fucking syria ? PERSONALLY ?! 1874537;1543159778;mircea_popescu;just what the fuck do they put in the water over there in the zekstan ? 1874538;1543159796;diana_coman;possibly the same "how can you live without a smartphone???" 1874539;1543159814;mircea_popescu;is it THAT FUCKING HARD to just have a relay ? i mean... not like i use the fetlife app for fucks sake. because why would i. 1874540;1543159881;mircea_popescu;i never saw that "spittyspot" or w/e thing, but im ready to write an open guarantee it doesn't come with basic functionality. 1874541;1543159897;mircea_popescu;a la fetlife not coming with a "list females under 25" button. becase "reasons", of course. 1874542;1543162902;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: matters so much ~which~ pnoje ? if yer a 10watt microwave lighthouse in middle of desert 1874543;1543162976;mircea_popescu;syria is not a desert. 1874544;1543162986;mircea_popescu;syria is ~california. sage brush and shit. 1874545;1543162995;asciilifeform;lol loox like i gotta actually read the linked lulpiece 1874546;1543163069;asciilifeform;aah apparently asciilifeform stuck in '90s, current.usg dun bother with hf-df anymoar , nao 'click on link and share yer gps coords' 1874547;1543163148;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Yes, USG ferments shitstack for reasons 1874548;1543163688;mircea_popescu;fucking idiocy this html. so i have a long line with no whitespace, and i want it to break CORRECTLY. like an idiot i spent 15 minutes digging up "word-wrap: break-word" magic syntax, and then another 10 for "how to make css go inline into html". as a result, INSTEAD of breaking like i want it to break, typographically, it breaks moronically (stuffs a whole line of the long line into the paragaph, then breaks it off, but the 1874549;1543163688;mircea_popescu;previous line is fuckspaced because obviously, it didn't break an early fragment of the long line to fix the typographic needs of the line coming before it. 1874550;1543163717;mircea_popescu;fucking html, ALWAYS this is my experience with it : sink however long you want into making it do what you want it to, then write off that effort and hand-coerce things instead. 1874551;1543163742;mircea_popescu;in this case, a spurious line break sorta dozen characters in. 1874552;1543163755;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: now you know what half of ffa illustration sweat loox like ! 1874553;1543163766;mircea_popescu;fucking terrible. 1874554;1543163769;asciilifeform;ikr 1874555;1543163809;mircea_popescu;and it takes like 8 fucking tries to get the right length by trial and error, too. fuck my life, why am i living in the chair of an idiot. 1874556;1543163835;asciilifeform;e.g. the karatsuba 'sandwiches' took coupla ~days~ of this. 1874557;1543163863;asciilifeform;( and i found that in order for the result to actually display correctly, gotta throw out ~all post-2000 htmlisms, css, etc and go to 1990s-era tags ) 1874558;1543163884;mircea_popescu;it's what trilema does, and for this reason. and every time i ventrure out... 1874559;1543163908;mircea_popescu;and the annoying part of syntax wrangling is that now it overwrote my mental space, i don't even fucking recall wtf i was saying. 1874560;1543163929;asciilifeform;this is in fact ~the~ cost, not that the drawing takes 4evah 1874561;1543164941;billymg;mircea_popescu, asciilifeform: next time you can simply say "billymg: it should look like this, make it so" 1874562;1543164962;billymg;it won't fix css but it may save you from some headaches 1874563;1543165027;asciilifeform;billymg: do you know the story of why knuth wrote 'tex' ? 1874564;1543165035;billymg;i do not 1874565;1543165114;asciilifeform;knuth was writing a large mathematical encyclopaedia, his famous 'aop' ; and did not like having to wait for typesetter to 'make it so', esp. given as it always took N tries and introduced new mistake erry time ( mistake that typesetter could not even see , not being knuth ) 1874566;1543165161;asciilifeform;!#s ooda loop 1874567;1543165161;a111;19 results for "ooda loop", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=ooda%20loop 1874568;1543165164;asciilifeform;^ see also. 1874569;1543165222;billymg;ah, so would need typesetter that could "see the mistakes" 1874570;1543165241;billymg;if such a thing could even exist 1874571;1543165259;asciilifeform;and works in a few sec, 24/7 1874572;1543165266;asciilifeform;i.e. has to be mechanical. 1874573;1543165300;asciilifeform;and no it doesn't need to 'see mistakes', it needs to not make'em. 1874574;1543165399;mircea_popescu;billymg it should look like this : http://trilema.com/2018/this-gns-thing/#selection-141.91-153.102 1874575;1543165427;mircea_popescu;what code delivers the result of that \n between 3 and 9 ? 1874576;1543165478;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2018/this-gns-thing/ << Trilema - This GNS thing... 1874577;1543165496;billymg;in that example it looks like wordpress spit out a
to manually break the line 1874578;1543165517;mircea_popescu;(obviously the \n fixes nothiong, because every rendering engine will fuck it up differently. which is why it'd be nice to have code, and which is why html was even allowed to exist in the first place -- the promise, meanwhile scandalously defaulted on, that it will resolve exactly such things, cheaply and forever) 1874579;1543165530;billymg;but you're looking for a css property that will break a single string when it reaches the end of the line? 1874580;1543165540;mircea_popescu;billymg yes, i put it in. now tell me the html that makes it look like that without hard linebreak. 1874581;1543165565;mircea_popescu;billymg no. i am looking for a html property that will make text flow correctly. which is to say -- break as much of a long word as needed to fill PREVIOUS line. 1874582;1543165588;mircea_popescu;why the fuck this isn't default is anyone's guess, there's ~no other way anyone wants text to ever go anyway. but w/e. 1874583;1543165680;mircea_popescu;http://archive.is/ZONF2#selection-193.38-201.35 << yup, sure enough it's fucked on archive.is 1874584;1543165714;billymg;i think it's `word-wrap: break-word` 1874585;1543165763;mircea_popescu;what that does is that it fucks the previous line, fills a whole subsequent line with a chunk of the long word, and puts the remainder on a third line 1874586;1543165812;mircea_popescu;looky : if you have words of lengths 5, 5, 6, 17 and a line of 20 characters, the expected behavious is A) 5 5 6 3 / 14. NOT b) 5 5 6 / 17. 1874587;1543166224;billymg;ah ok 1874588;1543166230;*;billymg trial-and-erroring to see if this is possible in css 1874589;1543166569;billymg;so `word-break: break-all` works in that any string will be cut when it hits the end of the line, but this has the unintended consequence of breaking spoken language words as well 1874590;1543166621;billymg;so one solution is to wrap you string in something like `longstring` and setting `.break { word-break: break-all; }` 1874591;1543166652;billymg;it still requires manual markup but it has the benefit of breaking at the right character automatically, rather than finding the character manually and placing a `
` after it 1874592;1543166908;mircea_popescu;let's try this then! 1874593;1543167118;billymg;hey, looks good on my end (in that post) -- previously the `
` was breaking it a bit too soon and leaving some whitespace at the end of the line, before printing the remainder on the next line 1874594;1543167137;mircea_popescu;billymg no, see : http://archive.is/x2Ci6#selection-189.0-197.209 ? this is breakage. 1874595;1543167171;mircea_popescu;again, the desire behaviour is 5-5-6-FRAGMENT OF 3 then on next line remainder of 14. NOT!!!! 5-5-6-whitespace then on next line WHOLE 17. 1874596;1543167199;billymg;that's how it appears on my screen 1874597;1543167229;billymg;ugh, perhaps a property not widely supported 1874598;1543167470;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2018/this-gns-thing/ << fixed, finally. 1874599;1543167493;mircea_popescu;ima put this in the log, as a testament to just how indescribably retarded html is : 1874600;1543167517;mircea_popescu;FC66C0C5D98C42A1D4A98B6B42Fv9985AFAB953C4/17215D118B7239507FAFED98B98228A001ABFFC7/gns 1874602;1543167593;billymg;lol, that's awful 1874603;1543167612;billymg;fwiw the word-break thing on trilema was rendering like this for me http://billymg.com/downloads/word-break.png 1874604;1543167641;billymg;it apparently is supposed to be supported as of firefox 15 1874605;1543167709;billymg;but that could just mean the property, and not all values for the property 1874606;1543168483;mircea_popescu;i believe... but if eg archive doesn't see it properly... 1874607;1543169079;deedbot;http://bimbo.club/?p=89 << Bimbo.Club - TMSR Log Summary - 11/08/2018 1874608;1543169304;billymg;it was rendering fine on archive.is for me too, since they just snapshot the html/css (and i inspected to see that it had the styled `` in there) 1874609;1543169350;billymg;but i see your point, if it doesn't render properly on a republican box then it doesn't render properly 1874610;1543169515;billymg;which is quite disappointing for me, i was excited at the prospect of a line of my css making it into trilema! :D 1874611;1543169767;mircea_popescu;billymg link ? 1874612;1543169801;billymg;in this archive link you posted: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-25#1874594 1874613;1543169801;a111;Logged on 2018-11-25 17:32 mircea_popescu: billymg no, see : http://archive.is/x2Ci6#selection-189.0-197.209 ? this is breakage. 1874614;1543169832;mircea_popescu;oh, right, it'd be my browser fucking it up huh. 1874615;1543169865;mircea_popescu;though i looked at it through various. 1874616;1543169870;billymg;yeah, and not surprising considering they update the "spec" every coupla months 1874617;1543169873;mircea_popescu;aaanyway. wbr it is, that works universally. 1874618;1543170084;billymg;unrelated, mircea_popescu: what do you think of the lake arenal region? i visited once and was playing around with the idea of even moving there 1874619;1543170105;billymg;at this point i think it's either that or texas for me (as a temp solution) 1874620;1543170141;billymg;with the goal of being able to arrange my life in such a way that provides more time for actual work 1874621;1543170177;mircea_popescu;i don't know that i'd move there ; but it's certainly a pleasant two day trip. 1874622;1543170219;billymg;because of how remote it is from any city? 1874623;1543171434;mircea_popescu;well, arenal was actually active last i was here, 15 years ago. 1874624;1543171491;mircea_popescu;i mean, i watched the lava flow at night from my bed. living on the side of an active volcano doesn't strike me as "humanity's best moment" material. 1874625;1543171542;mircea_popescu;and yes, it's remote and so supply-inconvenient, for all sorts of things. 1874626;1543171595;mircea_popescu;also, there are no cities here. the local's notion of building strictly meets barn criteria, they throw up some sheet metal atop soldered metal pikes and call it done. the only city is san jose, and it's a sorry sort of akron, at that. 1874627;1543171603;mircea_popescu;everything else is shanty-town. 1874628;1543171787;mircea_popescu;there's some merits to this, considering square foot of floor space is cheaper here than anywhere else, and by a degree of magnitude (unless, of course, one buys into the miami idiocy -- then it's a good 50% more expensive). 1874629;1543171817;mircea_popescu;moreover, earthquakes are frequent, the terrain very uneven and the need for insulation nil -- heavy masonry building like my culture favours ( http://btcbase.org/log/2014-09-10#824588 ) provides great insulation and significant earthquake vulnerability but requires flat terrain -- a terrible fit for the actual situation. 1874630;1543171817;a111;Logged on 2014-09-10 15:02 mircea_popescu: well yeah. was a bunch o people, they got building permit and proceeded to built like at home. concrete pillars, brick walls etc. 1874631;1543171867;mircea_popescu;basically, conditions that in maramures produced a wood civilisation are producing a metal civilisation among these gypsies -- salt-of-the-earth man's ideal toy is soldering kit. 1874632;1543172145;billymg;ah, makes sense, thank you 1874633;1543179163;phf;asciilifeform: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/HGgIN/?raw=true 1874634;1543179388;deedbot;http://pizarroisp.net/2018/11/25/pizarro-weekly-update-november-25th-2018/ << PizarroISP - Pizarro Weekly Update November 25th 2018 1874635;1543179734;trinque;BingoBoingo: might I suggest contacting some of the n00bs directly, here, and asking them what would make them a pizarro customer 1874636;1543179770;trinque;could very well be that plenty hadn't had - you know - the thought, man. 1874637;1543179809;BingoBoingo;trinque: Quite of few new arrivals are already subscribed, but this is a point 1874638;1543179834;trinque;I'll say for the record that while I've been quite the loud activist customer, it's precisely because I'm thrilled with the level of service, and want to see the thing thrive. 1874639;1543179881;BingoBoingo;Your thrills are appreciated 1874640;1543179894;trinque;BingoBoingo: could also incentivize them to do their own selling, "get a month free when you invite" kind of thing 1874641;1543179918;*;trinque brb 1874642;1543180089;BingoBoingo;Incentivizing selling is definitely been a thing we haven't succeeded much with so far and could be ripe. 1874643;1543180454;BingoBoingo;Another thing that seems to have been tabled which I am finding more interesting after my blog disaster is an adult Rockchip plant. Especially now that MP-WP appears to be less of a threat to exhaust RAM after tweaking 1 MYSQL knob. 1874644;1543180576;trinque;yep, look at my recent vps lulz re: "oh hypervisor was misconfigured". thin hosting on real hardware is a market, whether derps know it yet or not. tell 'em. 1874645;1543181439;asciilifeform;!Q later tell phf plz send to addr in http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-16#1873029 , ty 1874646;1543181439;a111;Logged on 2018-11-16 21:48 asciilifeform: ( addr is in top-left of 1st photo of mircea_popescu's http://trilema.com/2017/fuckgoats-unboxing-of ) 1874647;1543181439;lobbesbot;asciilifeform: The operation succeeded. 1874648;1543181452;phf;asciilifeform: ack 1874649;1543181452;lobbesbot;phf: Sent just now: plz send to addr in http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-16#1873029 , ty 1874650;1543188926;BingoBoingo;!Qlater tell asciilifeform http://aaronrogier.net/4_alf.tar.gz.gpg 1874651;1543188926;lobbesbot;BingoBoingo: The operation succeeded. 1874652;1543188992;asciilifeform;mein gott, 33MB! 1874653;1543188992;lobbesbot;asciilifeform: Sent 1 minute ago: http://aaronrogier.net/4_alf.tar.gz.gpg 1874654;1543189044;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: It's a certain porn shoot you requested a couple weeks back for today 1874655;1543189075;asciilifeform;aaaa 1874656;1543189079;asciilifeform;ty BingoBoingo 1874657;1543189104;BingoBoingo;yw asciilifeform 1874658;1543189144;asciilifeform;a good % of these are underexposed / invisible 1874659;1543189151;asciilifeform;i suggest to BingoBoingo to bring a lamp and retake 1874660;1543189159;asciilifeform;( dun have to send me the result, just sit on it ) 1874661;1543189198;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Will do 1874662;1543189249;asciilifeform;ty BingoBoingo 1874663;1543189299;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: also you'll want to draw on'em 1874664;1543189313;asciilifeform;( dun particularly matter what, so long as you recognize the 'tit shoot' laters ) 1874665;1543189325;asciilifeform;take note of the examples i left behind. 1874666;1543189346;BingoBoingo;Aite, I'll make sure to apply the Johnson oil liberally 1874667;1543189357;asciilifeform;worx. 1874668;1543196461;trinque;is there some cleaner way of having vdiff produce a genesis than having an empty directory laying around with which to vdiff? 1874669;1543197198;asciilifeform;imho the empty dir approach needs no sugar 1874670;1543198911;trinque;fair nuff 1874671;1543200364;deedbot;http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2822 << Loper OS - Finite Field Arithmetic. Chapter 13: Width-Measure and Quiet Shifts. 1874672;1543200369;asciilifeform;diana_coman et al ^ 1874673;1543200394;asciilifeform;!Q later tell phf plox to snarf http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2822 into http://btcbase.org/patches?patchset=ffa , ty 1874674;1543200394;lobbesbot;asciilifeform: The operation succeeded. 1874675;1543200870;*;asciilifeform bbl;meat 1874676;1543204809;BingoBoingo;In anthro lulz an Elliot who decided to cope by marrying Jesus got killed by natives on an Island nominally part of India and nobody has any idea how to collect the cadaver 1874677;1543205250;trinque;seems kinda screwy that vdiff exits nonzero when the parameters differ. I know this is classical diff behavior, but eh. I'd expect that to mean "wasn't able to perform diff" 1874678;1543205277;trinque;do/don't differ is known by whether there's output 1874679;1543205314;*;trinque holds his nose and appends a || true 1874680;1543205559;trinque;asciilifeform: cuntoo bootstrapper produces the same genesis.vpatch repeatedly, runs without network (so we can be certain all deps have been captured). Running once more with ^ and that oughta be that. I'll post the poast tomorrow so it doesn't sound like the tired pile of notebook scribblings it currently does. 1874681;1543205778;asciilifeform;trinque: sounds delish! 1874682;1543206497;BingoBoingo;Also, to put on the recruiting calendar... July 2020 Hans Reiser first becomes eligible for parole 1874683;1543206774;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: eh i suspect they'll let ~him~ out ~after~ they let asciilifeform ( who aint even in yet ) out. 1874684;1543207561;BingoBoingo;Eh, all he is alleged to have done is housekeeping 1874685;1543208550;*;asciilifeform reiserfs user 4evah 1874686;1543208554;asciilifeform;cold dead hands, motherfuckers 1874687;1543215501;deedbot;http://bimbo.club/?p=90 << Bimbo.Club - TMSR Log Summary - 11/09/2018 1874688;1543215631;mircea_popescu;wait, i thought the guy died 1874689;1543215777;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: not afaik 1874690;1543215824;mircea_popescu;oh, wait, conflating with templeos guy. my bad 1874691;1543215825;asciilifeform;( not to be confused with debian derp; reiser iirc is doing 20tolife for nailing exwife ) 1874692;1543215838;mircea_popescu;yes yes, it's now coming back to me. 1874693;1543220743;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in daily keks, http://confessionsofademisexual.tumblr.com/ 1874694;1543220777;mircea_popescu;i wonder, (sitting all day derping about nonsense) and (begging for a tenner) could possibly be related in any manner ? 1874695;1543234028;*;spyked back from the bottomless tar pits of meat, preparing status report 1874696;1543234028;lobbesbot;spyked: Sent 1 week, 5 days, 16 hours, and 20 minutes ago: to continue the thing that never ends : http://trilema.com/2012/generatia-fara/#footnote_0_34776 <<->> http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-18#1802173 1874697;1543234227;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-21#1874133 <-- things were all nice and sweet back when http://thetarpit.org/posts/y05/07f-bucharest-ii.html#selection-499.71-499.250 and I got the wheels greased for ircbot regrind and rss bot (got both sitting here, the former's ready to be published), when my old man started getting intermittent fevers coupled with an excruciating pain in the leg muscles. we ended up burning our time in hospitals and still no clue wtf' 1874698;1543234227;a111;Logged on 2018-11-21 16:44 mircea_popescu: heh. hey spyked... what became of ye ? 1874699;1543234336;spyked;anyway, this is no excuse for my long silence, so: I'ma bring rss bot here in the following hour (it's been under heavy testing for the last month, so it should at least be a decent replacement for current deedbot rss functionality) and keccak+manifest ircbot tree should be out by the 1st of december 1874700;1543234403;spyked;and there's a long backlog of lines that I need to answer, will come with schedule for those and other work this week. 1874701;1543234898;spyked;!!rate feedbot 1 rss bot-in-tests, poke spyked for details 1874702;1543234900;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/z06X5/?raw=true 1874703;1543234943;spyked;!!v EEB8FD8B72972A7B17ED8540D0F7AB34CE16DA1336EB7E3FC6A49E330EAB6897 1874704;1543234943;deedbot;spyked rated feedbot 1 << rss bot-in-tests, poke spyked for details 1874705;1543235157;spyked;!1help 1874706;1543235157;feedbot;Usage: !1 {subscribe,unsubscribe} feed_url 1874707;1543235269;spyked;^ likbez on how to use. to subscribe feeds for pm, pm feedbot, to subscribe for #trilema send command in-channel. 1874708;1543235335;spyked;notification for current republican feeds has already been added for #trilema, so you can disable the rss piece in deedbot, trinque 1874709;1543235481;spyked;of course, this will disable notification via pm as well, so if there's any way you want me to handle this (e.g. mass-adding existing pm notifications) lemme know 1874710;1543237846;diana_coman;wb spyked ; feedbot looks good - I sent it pm to subscribe to http://trilema.com/2018/euloras-communication-protocol-restated/feed/ and it apparently got it (bonus, it correctly said I was already subscribed when I poked it the 2nd time with the same thing) 1874711;1543238049;diana_coman;it apparently took feedbot 2 minutes though to spill a first bunch of the comments after the subscribe, lol 1874712;1543238679;spyked;hey diana_coman, ty for testing! yeah, it's a bit slow because it grabs the feeds serially, I'll have to fix that. 1874713;1543238802;spyked;also nb, drakma has no equivalent for curl's --max-time, so I had to cook something up the first time I noticed this issue. sometimes connections don't fail, but they clog the pipeline by keeping the client waiting. 1874714;1543241169;phf;trinque: that's a valid idea re status code, semantics have changed 1874715;1543241169;lobbesbot;phf: Sent 11 hours and 19 minutes ago: plox to snarf http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2822 into http://btcbase.org/patches?patchset=ffa , ty 1874716;1543241227;phf;unless there are objections from others i'll add it to backlog 1874717;1543241740;phf;as far as the other idea re empty dir for genesis, i'll play with it. there are some non-v legacy corner cases right now that i should fix anyway when it comes to different kinds of diffed arguments 1874718;1543241945;phf;vpatch is picky about what it accepts, it's basically only a/foo/* b/foo/*, where's vdiff can accept a totally random stuff like /foo/bar/qux diffed against /dev/null or whatever. right now even diffing two straight files e.g. vdiff x y will produce a non-pressable vpatch. this is all not so much a bug as an unexplored aspect of vdiffing which is also part of the whole rename tracking. 1874719;1543242060;phf;but to your point specifically, i was thinking that if you provide only one argument, right now vdiff errors out, so i think it would be better if it produced genesis. e.g. vdiff foo could produce a a/foo/* false b/foo/* 123 vpatch 1874720;1543242278;phf;or perhaps vdiff foo/{bar,buz}/... should be producing /a/foo/bar/... /b/foo/bar/... and /a/foo/buz/... /b/foo/buz/... 1874721;1543242347;phf;err vdiff foo where inside foo you have multiple folders. it's tied to whether or not those parent folders a and b should be implicit, and if vdiff should do the right thing in that case, or keep it all explicit and require the creation of a and b top level folders always. 1874722;1543242592;asciilifeform;phf: i like the explicit a/b dirs 1874723;1543242631;asciilifeform;helps in keeping the thing straight, if they werent reqd i'd be stuck making'em anyway 1874724;1543243389;phf;asciilifeform: right, that's possibly something to make mandatory then, that is a diff of any two directories produces a a/... b/... patch. so that you can have v1/foo v2/foo v3/foo and vdiff v2 v3 produces a/foo b/foo 1874725;1543243424;phf;and then vdiff v1 will give you a/foo b/foo genesis 1874726;1543243761;asciilifeform;phf: i really dun see what's wrong with the old form 1874727;1543243783;asciilifeform;i always make actual a,b dirs, it dun feel like backbreaking work 1874728;1543243813;asciilifeform;definitely is the absolutely smallest part of a vtronic project 1874729;1543243860;phf;asciilifeform: i don't think so either, but it's a question of what's the format of vpatch. if the a/foo b/foo is mandatory or if you e.g. can have v2/foo v3/foo. right now the answer is "don't do it that way", which is fine, but it's cheap to talk through that stuff. 1874730;1543243930;*;phf brb 1874731;1543244102;asciilifeform;aaah 1874732;1543244114;asciilifeform;imho a,b oughta be the standard, yes 1874733;1543245889;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in spam lulz, http://www.eghtesadban.com/events/5560171/finite-field-arithmetic-chapter-12b-karatsuba-redux-part-2-of-2 1874734;1543246045;asciilifeform;phf: i fughet, is there a hopper in http://btcbase.org/patches that i can dump patches into, so i dun have to http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-26#1874673 ? or is that still in the worx 1874735;1543246045;a111;Logged on 2018-11-26 02:46 asciilifeform: !Q later tell phf plox to snarf http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2822 into http://btcbase.org/patches?patchset=ffa , ty 1874736;1543250495;mircea_popescu;http://archive.is/UhPRW << top keks... it even links to the original ? wtf is this. 1874737;1543250508;asciilifeform;i have nfi! 1874738;1543250558;mircea_popescu;http://archive.is/fjNn5 << root. i'm guessing 2010s era mfa technologies 1874739;1543251185;mircea_popescu;o hey, wb spyked 1874740;1543251275;asciilifeform;!#s mfa 1874741;1543251276;a111;28 results for "mfa", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=mfa 1874742;1543251298;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-26#1874708 << lmao this is a little brusque isn't it. suppose you disable it in this feedbot thing we now see for the first time. let it do pm only, work out a roadmap to switch over with trinque that consists of something else than straight bombardment, and THEN. 1874743;1543251298;a111;Logged on 2018-11-26 12:28 spyked: notification for current republican feeds has already been added for #trilema, so you can disable the rss piece in deedbot, trinque 1874744;1543251310;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: what's mfa ? i.e. spamola ? or moar specific ? 1874745;1543251378;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform "made for adsense", early republican technology that consisted of force-leaching of turkey dollars from pre-alphabet google's http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-30#1663222 1874746;1543251378;a111;Logged on 2017-05-30 16:07 asciilifeform: no word so far on what the brits will do when they discover that the 'sticker prices' for the golden toilets are a work of '2 old jews and their painting' fiction , and ~worthless on market 1874747;1543251390;asciilifeform;aaaaa clickpump 1874748;1543251446;mircea_popescu;essentially driven the "abstraction" cycle of that abomination, resulting in today's situation, where google is practically dead on the black side of the ledger, 0 utility for anyone, and extremely expensive on the red side. 1874749;1543251485;mircea_popescu;cuz how do you "fight terrorists" aka people wielding uncomfortable realities, other than by hiding in ever deeper layers of imaginary nonsense. 1874750;1543251511;asciilifeform;hey if ibm can live for 40 yrs on milking real estate , wainot also these 1874751;1543251571;mircea_popescu;oh, they certainly will. though looks more like 40 years of milking old people's idiocies, "old man's otherwise dead eyes seem to light up when i mention i'm locked up in google cell block, as opposed to ordinary cell block. nfi why, but in truth i never saw that idiot genuinely happy, so what can you do." 1874752;1543251588;BingoBoingo;Update on the G20 invasion: https://www.elobservador.com.uy/nota/lluvia-de-solicitudes-para-sobrevolar-el-territorio-uruguayo--20181125144049 1874753;1543251682;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: lol! so they did kowtow. 1874754;1543251708;mircea_popescu;as a side point, i wonder how many of these cardboard imbeciles, "i'm not fucking my daughter because there's no space in the kitchen robot atop my shoulders for such out there things, not because i totally could but don't really feel like it" understand they strictly can't be anyone's father, or anything else. just items, like the table, "approving" or "disapproving" of entirely nothing in particular. 1874755;1543251719;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform why wouldn't they, lol. 1874756;1543251737;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i naively thought there was a chance that they'd protest 1874757;1543251742;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Well, Globalist Pantsuitist Fat Forehead Party 1874758;1543251747;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform why ? 1874759;1543251752;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: The Blanco Party protested 1874760;1543251775;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: dunno, i dun have a good model of the miami-seekers, apparently 1874761;1543251791;BingoBoingo;Anyways, a lot more military vessels passing by the beach this past week 1874762;1543251859;mircea_popescu;but i mean, you realise this is ~free money, yes ? 1874763;1543251871;asciilifeform;they get paid?! 1874764;1543251879;mircea_popescu;you ever flew an airplane ? 1874765;1543251909;asciilifeform;see, i had picture that it's like potus visit to flyover states -- massive ding for local coffer (they offload as much of the cost as they can on podunk) 1874766;1543251919;mircea_popescu;not at all, lol. 1874767;1543251926;asciilifeform;then makes sense 1874768;1543251929;mircea_popescu;c-17 refuels, for instance. 1874769;1543251948;mircea_popescu;all those people, get off, pay the local whores. 0 clue as to anything. 1874770;1543251957;mircea_popescu;the only time most of the local morons actually see custom is when usg.tards land. 1874771;1543252037;mircea_popescu;hercules tank is like 30k gallons. per plane. if they surcharge a coupla bucks a liter, which they do, uruguay airport made 100k in one day for the first time since it was inaugurated. 1874772;1543252121;BingoBoingo; hercules tank is like 30k gallons. per plane. if they surcharge a coupla bucks a liter, which they do, uruguay airport made 100k in one day for the first time since it was inaugurated. << The price of aviation fuels went up last week quite a bit as well to the protest of some airlines 1874773;1543252122;mircea_popescu;i bet you they sold machine sandwiches they had sitting around since i was last there. 1874774;1543252129;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo hurr. 1874775;1543252161;BingoBoingo;But yes, Uruguay seems to be taking money 1874776;1543252176;BingoBoingo;Then there's going to be the hookers getting paid by the chair force folks 1874777;1543252226;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: what's the margin on the fuel ? 1874778;1543252234;BingoBoingo;Locals who don't glaze over at the sight of dollars, because they track dollar prices here like folks back home track gas prices 1874779;1543252264;*;asciilifeform has nfi 1874780;1543252277;asciilifeform;i'd be surprised if it were 'coupla bux / litre' tho 1874781;1543252284;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: the margin it appears they are facing is more than a trickle of rectal blood given the airline shitfit over prices. Will try to dig up that article 1874782;1543252309;asciilifeform;( 'coupla bux' would be a ~100% margin, neh ) 1874783;1543252431;BingoBoingo;https://www.elobservador.com.uy/nota/aerolineas-se-reunieron-con-ancap-preocupadas-por-costo-del-combustible--2018112018470 Maybe I misremembered the recency 1874784;1543252498;BingoBoingo;Anyways, USG is going to likely be buying fuel made with VZLA's oil 1874785;1543252654;BingoBoingo;Mind this is a country where https://www.elobservador.com.uy/nota/para-de-fleteros-dejo-sin-combustible-al-aeropuerto-de-carrasco-20181016204544 happens 1874786;1543253174;asciilifeform;in other lulz, - - [26/Nov/2018:12:42:53 -0500] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 1542 "http://trilema.com/2017/fuckgoats-unboxing-of/" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/61.0.3163.79 Safari/537.36 Maxthon/" "-" << argentina 1874787;1543253565;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you lack this fundamental experience, of either taking a boat/yacht/whatever, or a private plane, to port. it's this very specific thing, like the post-party restaurant bill or taking a harem grocery shopping. 1874788;1543253579;mircea_popescu;suddenly there's this mile-and-a-half ticker tape. 1874789;1543253651;mircea_popescu;but yes, fuel-bought-at-airport is in same class as sandwich-bought-at-airport. 100% isn't even a bad deal. 1874790;1543253669;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: guilty. i haven't flown space station, either. 1874791;1543253681;asciilifeform;not even submarine. 1874792;1543253702;*;asciilifeform believes mircea_popescu's summary. 1874793;1543253764;mircea_popescu;but i mean, you can reconstruct it mentally in any case, yes ? "there's a fee for the dock spot" "aha" "and would you like your tanks pumped ?" "sure" "this is for fuel this is for black water this is for fresh water do you want air" "go on" "oh there's also mandatory veterinarian inspection" "i got no anima..ugh. i only got bipedal pets on board" "can be waived for fee" 1874794;1543253766;*;BingoBoingo during the apartment search breifly considered a dock at the Yacht Club's Puertito Buceo. Floating house stray thought did not survive 5 minutes. 1874795;1543253783;asciilifeform;yea makes sense. 1874796;1543253802;mircea_popescu;and i mean, what are you going to do ? not pump the tank ? 1874797;1543253803;asciilifeform;( asciilifeform's notion was that usg, unlike yachtsman, somehow mooches the cost from the orcs ) 1874798;1543253816;mircea_popescu;large portion of ye olde "it's expensive to live in places humans do not naturally live in, be it air water mars w/e" 1874799;1543253837;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the way they try to close the circle is by aspirating large chunks later, "sells them military technology". 1874800;1543253856;mircea_popescu;70-80% of what usg embassy even does, is try to get the dubaloos back in large coups. 1874801;1543253900;BingoBoingo;UY.MIl kit distinctly lacks USG tech 1874802;1543253955;mircea_popescu;in those cases there's also "joint-ventures", http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-13#1861717 1874803;1543253955;a111;Logged on 2018-10-13 04:41 mircea_popescu: meanwhile in lulz nobody likely gives a shit about : romania apparently has some natgas in its chunk of black sea shelf ; usg wants to steal this ; ro senate wrote a law for them ; ro commons rejected it, because this one guy (liviu dragnea) said so. his majority collapsed because "hungarian" miniparty changed its mind overnight (ie, transparently got bought out) and well... guess who is "accused" of supposedly having FORCED 1874804;1543253959;asciilifeform;!!up pehbot 1874805;1543253959;deedbot;pehbot voiced for 30 minutes. 1874806;1543253961;asciilifeform;!A help 1874807;1543253961;pehbot;asciilifeform: I am PehBot. See also http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2822 . My Width is currently fixed to 256 and Height to 32. 1874808;1543253963;asciilifeform;^ updated. 1874809;1543253970;mircea_popescu;wb peh kek 1874810;1543253971;asciilifeform;diana_coman et al ^ 1874811;1543253991;asciilifeform;( i'ma move it to #asciilifeform later today, to cut down on rubbish in log ) 1874812;1543254010;mircea_popescu;ftr, that dragnea fellow being http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-22#1741883 1874813;1543254010;a111;Logged on 2017-11-22 00:50 mircea_popescu: but take this forinstance : thorouyghly hated politician active these days MADE his own fucking ARO (70s romanian SUV). OUT OF PARTS. WHICH HE BOUGTH. 1874814;1543254098;asciilifeform;!A .1.FFLS# 1874815;1543254098;pehbot;asciilifeform: 8000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 1874816;1543254108;asciilifeform;!A .1.FFLS.FFRS# 1874817;1543254108;pehbot;asciilifeform: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 1874818;1543254120;asciilifeform;!A .1.FFW# 1874819;1543254120;pehbot;asciilifeform: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000008 1874820;1543254136;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i honestly don't even see the problem with this being here. let people learn how to code, what. 1874821;1543254140;asciilifeform;aite 1874822;1543254143;mircea_popescu;if and when it ~actually~ becomes annoying, then. 1874823;1543254150;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: UY doesn't really have natgas or any other hydrocarbons of its own. It has cows. The supermarket turkeys though were US imports though. 1874824;1543254153;asciilifeform;it's quiet by default, so sure. 1874825;1543254176;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform kinda the point of the design/spec yeah. BingoBoingo heh. 1874826;1543254186;asciilifeform;!A .1.FFLSW# 1874827;1543254187;pehbot;asciilifeform: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100 1874828;1543254204;asciilifeform;^ sums up ch13. 1874829;1543254221;mircea_popescu;!A .117.FFLS# 1874830;1543254221;pehbot;mircea_popescu: 8000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 1874831;1543254321;mircea_popescu;!A .1.FFLS.FFW.FFRS# 1874832;1543254322;pehbot;mircea_popescu: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 1874833;1543254338;mircea_popescu;leet. 1874834;1543254385;asciilifeform;!A .7.D.5M*# 1874835;1543254385;pehbot;asciilifeform: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 1874836;1543254513;asciilifeform;btw: 1874837;1543254518;asciilifeform;!A H 1874838;1543254518;pehbot;asciilifeform: EGGOG: Pos: 0: This Operator is not defined yet: H 1874839;1543254527;asciilifeform;^ also a ch13ism. 1874840;1543254536;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-26#1874716 << no i think he has a point, shouldn't have to keep adding or-true to code. 1874841;1543254536;a111;Logged on 2018-11-26 14:07 phf: unless there are objections from others i'll add it to backlog 1874842;1543254578;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform can has broken up output tho ? 5s or 4s or w/e you prefer ? 1874843;1543254594;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: plox to elaborate ? broken up where 1874844;1543254611;mircea_popescu; asciilifeform: 00000000000000000000000000000001 >> asciilifeform: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 1874845;1543254664;asciilifeform;could, in principle ( could even discard leading 0s ) but i wrote the orig logic mircea_popescu-style, 'do not want spurious whitespaces' 1874846;1543254676;asciilifeform;( observe that input mechanism dun require the leading 0s ) 1874847;1543254714;asciilifeform;in cmdline work , the leading 0s actually make life easier ( can see if leading bit is in the expected place , etc ) 1874848;1543254762;asciilifeform;pehbot is simply a wrapper around compiled ffa_calc , currently it gives closest possible picture to what you get if you ran the proggy itself locally. 1874849;1543254822;asciilifeform;( bonus is that the ~output printing~ itself is constant-time, ha ) 1874850;1543254904;asciilifeform;i perma-welded it to 256bit cuz irc lines are short . 1874851;1543254970;BingoBoingo;In still other lulz, MS paint map made by alleged local socialist kid of imaginary train system they would like to see in the city, Maybe USG is going to try to get their money back selling one? https://i.redd.it/f7xva1zoqd021.png 1874852;1543255034;asciilifeform;!A .~.80LS.80RS# 1874853;1543255034;pehbot;asciilifeform: 00000000000000000000000000000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 1874854;1543255054;asciilifeform;aanyways who wants, can switch it on whenever. 1874855;1543255188;asciilifeform;there's still iirc a bug in auto-reconnector, but is upstream in the http://btcbase.org/patches/ircbot-multiple-channels-corrected , i'ma attend to it laters ( unless trinque & ben_vulpes know a ready pill ) 1874856;1543255362;asciilifeform;!A .~.~.80LS.80RS-# 1874857;1543255362;pehbot;asciilifeform: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF00000000000000000000000000000000 1874858;1543255369;mircea_popescu;incidentally, re http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-25#1874601 it occurs to me i should probably also share the echo "FC66C0C5D98C42A1D4A98B6B42Fv9985AFAB953C4/17215D118B7239507FAFED98B98228A001ABFFC7/gns" | sed 's%.\{1\}%&%g' that produced it. 1874859;1543255369;a111;Logged on 2018-11-25 17:38 mircea_popescu: br />507FAFED98B98228A001ABFFC7/gns 1874860;1543255403;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform fair enuff. 1874861;1543255484;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo in any case the pumps to keep the sea out right. 1874862;1543255582;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: That's the least of the problems. The imaginary trains appear to just run portions of bus routes with little coverage of interesting city and long runs into the favelas 1874863;1543255588;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-26#1874718 << philosophically i don't see the problem with having an empty dir around in project trees, as a permanent reminder of what perfect code looks like. 1874864;1543255588;a111;Logged on 2018-11-26 14:19 phf: vpatch is picky about what it accepts, it's basically only a/foo/* b/foo/*, where's vdiff can accept a totally random stuff like /foo/bar/qux diffed against /dev/null or whatever. right now even diffing two straight files e.g. vdiff x y will produce a non-pressable vpatch. this is all not so much a bug as an unexplored aspect of vdiffing which is also part of the whole rename tracking. 1874865;1543255601;mircea_popescu;but then again nothing substantially wrong with "genesis is when you vdiff against /dev/null". 1874866;1543255623;mircea_popescu;the ~only wrong thing is if there ends up added a switch, to turn machinery from "normal" to "genesis mode". that, no. 1874867;1543255654;asciilifeform;lol, re 'perfect code', oughta mention the philosophical complement to genesis : eschaton ( diff proj against null ...! ) 1874868;1543255678;asciilifeform;i aint had occasion to do ~this~ yet, but whoknows. 1874869;1543255684;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-26#1874722 << yeah. wrong place to have implicits./ 1874870;1543255684;a111;Logged on 2018-11-26 14:29 asciilifeform: phf: i like the explicit a/b dirs 1874871;1543256579;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i have a strong bias against proggies which try to be 'smart' 1874872;1543256620;asciilifeform;good % of the daily sisyphean boulder work of programmer, is to tear up these past attempts at 'smart' so that work can happen 1874873;1543256691;mircea_popescu;you should see ~people~ being "smart". 1874874;1543256702;mircea_popescu;daily work of man... 1874875;1543256715;asciilifeform;cleaning up ~those~ is much higher grade of exterminator work than asciilifeform's.. 1874876;1543256727;asciilifeform;costs correspondingly moar. 1874877;1543256850;asciilifeform;( archaetypical ill-conceived 'smart' -- koch's 'keychain' nonsense ) 1874878;1543257024;asciilifeform;incidentally, is microshit still paying that derp megabux to 'maintain' his turd, i wonder 1874879;1543257096;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/s8cIZ << as of '15 apparently was 1874880;1543257113;asciilifeform;'Feb. 5, 2015, 8:10 p.m.: After this article appeared, Werner Koch informed us that last week he was awarded a one-time grant of $60,000 from Linux Foundation's Core Infrastructure Initiative. Werner told us he only received permission to disclose it after our article published. Meanwhile, since our story was posted, donations flooded Werner's website donation page and he reached his funding goal of $137,000. In addition, Facebook an 1874881;1543257113;asciilifeform;d the online payment processor Stripe each pledged to donate $50,000 a year to Koch’s project.' etc 1874882;1543257955;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/11/tensions-heat-up-in-europe-after-ukranian-ships-seized-while-aggressing-on-kerch-strait-bridge/ << Qntra - Tensions Heat Up In Europe After Ukranian Ships Seized While Aggressing On Kerch Strait Bridge 1874883;1543258017;feedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/11/tensions-heat-up-in-europe-after-ukranian-ships-seized-while-aggressing-on-kerch-strait-bridge/ << Qntra -- Tensions Heat Up In Europe After Ukranian Ships Seized While Aggressing On Kerch Strait Bridge 1874884;1543258116;BingoBoingo;I guess if a news is going to be double posted it ought to be Merkel's opportunity to go out with a bang 1874885;1543258871;mircea_popescu;there's no other way here, is there. 1874886;1543258933;mircea_popescu;spyked plox to see http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-26#1874742 1874887;1543258933;a111;Logged on 2018-11-26 16:54 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-26#1874708 << lmao this is a little brusque isn't it. suppose you disable it in this feedbot thing we now see for the first time. let it do pm only, work out a roadmap to switch over with trinque that consists of something else than straight bombardment, and THEN. 1874888;1543259027;deedbot;http://bimbo.club/?p=91 << Bimbo.Club - TMSR Log Summary - 11/10/2018 1874889;1543259352;asciilifeform;lol whatever happened to testing gadgets before firing in battlefield 1874890;1543259432;asciilifeform;'Mp-wp standardizes unnecessary work' << bahahaha 1874891;1543260024;mircea_popescu;i guess he just got eager to contribute. 1874892;1543260039;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform and what's the objection ? 1874893;1543260718;asciilifeform;nuffin, mircea_popescu was awake to pull the breaker 1874894;1543260720;diana_coman;asciilifeform, I only skimmed the last chapter so Peh's output makes at least some sense but I still need to work my way through all the previous chapters; and time is limited as always... 1874895;1543260730;asciilifeform;btw diana_coman et al : comments on asciilifeform's www fixed 1874896;1543260738;diana_coman;ooo, yay! 1874897;1543260747;diana_coman;so it ..did not take all that long in fact? 1874898;1543260759;asciilifeform;( replaced the google liquishit with a simple and humane kindergarden arithmetic thing ) 1874899;1543260806;asciilifeform;diana_coman: you could say that i cheated tho, lessee if actually worx 1874900;1543260899;asciilifeform;comments will still go to mod queue, but asciilifeform gets pinged and will review in sumthing close to realtime. 1874901;1543260929;asciilifeform;diana_coman: there is no reason to rush through the material, eat it at own pace 1874902;1543263489;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform no i meant, re the mp-wp 1874903;1543263531;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: phrase 'standardizes unnecessary work' is lulzy imho 1874904;1543263550;mircea_popescu;i guess i'm just auto-filling "standardizes [away the need to do] unnecessary work" 1874905;1543263562;asciilifeform;lol 1874906;1543263944;asciilifeform;in other noose, e.g. : http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2822#selection-457.1-533.1 1874907;1543263952;asciilifeform;ty mircea_popescu for the gadget. 1874908;1543264156;asciilifeform;diana_coman: dun seem like you have it on your www ? it's pretty simple to weld on 1874909;1543264171;diana_coman;asciilifeform, ? 1874910;1543264177;asciilifeform;the selector thingie 1874911;1543264183;diana_coman;the selection thing? I have it but on posts, not on main 1874912;1543264206;asciilifeform;aah 1874913;1543264215;asciilifeform;same, nm 1874914;1543264220;asciilifeform;worx 1874915;1543264246;asciilifeform;( it might be possible to make it work correctly from main pg, but the stock one doesn't , aha ) 1874916;1543264530;mircea_popescu;all you have to do is edit the main.php or w/e it;'s called, page template. single posts were single.php etc. 1874917;1543264584;asciilifeform;ugh loox like i found bug ( only with my url scheme, loox like ) 1874918;1543264591;asciilifeform;if selection is cancelled, url turns into bare domain 1874919;1543264598;asciilifeform;and all subsequent sels are invalid 1874920;1543264983;*;asciilifeform tries to puzzle out wtf, so far stumped 1874921;1543265060;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2822 vs http://trilema.com/2018/an-examination-of-conflict/ ; the thing assumes proper dir-like structure rather than simple GET-overloaded url. 1874922;1543265108;asciilifeform;i guessed as much 1874923;1543265114;mircea_popescu;you can try and hack it so it mixes ?& and # correctly ; but iirc this was a major pile of http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-25#1874550 unpleasant decade or so ago 1874924;1543265114;a111;Logged on 2018-11-25 16:35 mircea_popescu: fucking html, ALWAYS this is my experience with it : sink however long you want into making it do what you want it to, then write off that effort and hand-coerce things instead. 1874925;1543265205;asciilifeform;gnarly 1874926;1543265241;asciilifeform;1 of the reasons i haven't taken up mircea_popescu's wp wholesale is 1) i dun wanna break ~any~ urls 2) at same time, i refuse to give wp write access to disk. so that means hand-genning .htaccess, ugh 1874927;1543265291;asciilifeform;( would like to get eventually mp's wp, and human-readable urls, but promises to be painful ) 1874928;1543265299;mircea_popescu;we discuss this periodically, and it's always coming out the same way -- i show you you're wrong and you mumble something and ignore it. 1874929;1543265310;asciilifeform;where wrong here ? 1874930;1543265319;asciilifeform;'give it write access, damn it' ? i dunwanna. 1874931;1543265338;mircea_popescu;see how http://trilema.com/?p=1338 resolves ? there's no url broken with sane scheme. because mp-wp is written for me not for "the web". 1874932;1543265341;asciilifeform;phplade dun belong being able to change files on my disk. 1874933;1543265358;mircea_popescu;and there's no requirement to auto-edit htaccess, nfi what that is about. 1874934;1543265375;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: wp needs write access to bake the auto-redirect thing. tried. 1874935;1543265431;asciilifeform;( possibly this is only the case if there's a set of ~existing~ posts that have old sad scheme, i'ma have to dig ) 1874936;1543265463;mircea_popescu;no dude. just put the !-f !-d lines in your htaccess. da fuck does it know or care. 1874937;1543265497;mircea_popescu;pretty sure it even gives you the option to upload the item manually. 1874938;1543265506;*;asciilifeform goes to rtfm. 1874939;1543265530;mircea_popescu;nfi why you think you're running php without disk write access, either. 1874940;1543265542;mircea_popescu;auto-has it via apache anyway. 1874941;1543265565;asciilifeform;cuz i chmodded the contents, lol, to not be writable. 1874942;1543265575;mircea_popescu;so then what diff does it make lmao. 1874943;1543265597;mircea_popescu;let it write its htaccess and chmod it back, o noes. 1874944;1543265607;mircea_popescu;the problems you construct for yourself, i swear. 1874945;1543265649;asciilifeform;11 yrs with 0 breakage is not my picture of 'problem' 1874946;1543265673;asciilifeform;( and 0 spam, and 0 irregularities of any kind ) 1874947;1543265740;mircea_popescu;except where nobody could leave you a freaking comment for like a year. wtf is an "irregularity". 1874948;1543265757;asciilifeform;third parties flipping bits on the disk when they oughtn't, for starters 1874949;1543265779;mircea_popescu;im sure you have just as much childpornyourhonor as the next citizen over. 1874950;1543265799;mircea_popescu;it's a fucking web box, who even cares at that level. 1874951;1543265830;asciilifeform;i care in that i gotta maintain the thing with own hands, i dun have meat bots. 1874952;1543265867;mircea_popescu;i'm sure if someone defaces ffa series to talk about what-ustards-understood-of-foucaults-sexnonsense-half-century-later someone'll notify you. 1874953;1543265875;asciilifeform;lol why ty. 1874954;1543265947;trinque;and then maybe we'll get another flood of tits out of it, even, when the 1337 haxor shows up for a month or two. 1874955;1543265963;mircea_popescu;oh was that what that was ? 1874956;1543265992;trinque;actually dun think douchebag ever defaced anything, just aspired to, and "knew people that" 1874957;1543265994;asciilifeform;yea iirc start of douchebag's short 'career' was that sumbody ( lobbes ? ) turned out to have world-writable thing 1874958;1543266002;trinque;ah that was it 1874959;1543266013;mircea_popescu;wasn't it my php hacked together something-or-other ? 1874960;1543266021;mircea_popescu;maybe the algo-hash thing 1874961;1543266032;asciilifeform;i dun recall him touching that one 1874962;1543266048;mircea_popescu;was something like "why does echo.php?contet=fuckyou print a bad word???" 1874963;1543266074;asciilifeform;nah iirc was honest 'run arbitrary bin' 1874964;1543266085;mircea_popescu;"cuz you told it to" "but i mean that's not how the web is supposed to work". was a whole mega-wtf, unfathomable depth of disagrement thing 1874965;1543266102;asciilifeform;in point of fact ~all~ proggies 'are because told to' 1874966;1543266112;asciilifeform;whether trivial lul where door left open or '0day' 1874967;1543266119;mircea_popescu;not in usg.web world. there, they only do what inca told them to. 1874968;1543266126;mircea_popescu;come to think, banks, also. and cars. and so on. 1874969;1543266145;mircea_popescu;the internet-vs-tv battle rages on, 1993 is but a memory. 1874970;1543266159;asciilifeform;is there even 1 usg www that doesn't have a shitcoin miner js in it yet ? 1874971;1543266167;mircea_popescu;nfi 1874972;1543266203;*;asciilifeform has a box here with stale thermal grease that reliably died when these are loaded 1874973;1543266220;mircea_popescu;lol detector 1874974;1543266226;asciilifeform;of sorts.. 1874975;1543266379;*;asciilifeform finds it vaguely interesting that js mining is still worth the candles somewhere -- suggests that the shitcoins in question are uninteresting even to fpgaize 1874976;1543266443;asciilifeform;considering that even coupla watt worth of fpga outweighs coupla thou. js-eaters, in general 1874977;1543266492;asciilifeform;entirely possible that whole affair is entirely like other spamola, i.e. not actually +ev for anybody 1874978;1543266618;mircea_popescu;i'd expect. 1874979;1543266633;mircea_popescu;"gotta try things out". there's a lot of this rumspringa behaviour in usg."tech". 1874980;1543266785;asciilifeform;as i see it, it's damn near proof that the shitcoin 'exchange rates' are works of fiction -- 'if this is actually sellable for bitcent/ea., where is fpga ? ' 1874981;1543266844;asciilifeform;( in some particular cases, not hard to guess where, e.g. http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-16#1872722 ) 1874982;1543266844;a111;Logged on 2018-11-16 02:52 asciilifeform: tldr : heathen altcoin hash algo which supposedly 'memory hard', but then you look and it only wants 2MB ( and possibly less, with optimizations) -- evidently so that fluffypony or watshisname could use ~his~ seekrit fpga.. 1874983;1543266847;mircea_popescu;speaking of which, /me goes to check the state of the fictions. 1874984;1543266853;mircea_popescu;o look, 3k btc! 1874985;1543266887;asciilifeform;3 $ when. 1874986;1543266946;mircea_popescu;free bitcoin!!! the final fronteer! every one of an infinity of tards can have as many as it wants of these 21mn total things!!! OBAMACARE! 1874987;1543266959;asciilifeform;for some values of phree 1874988;1543267253;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: do you recall your 'gold asteroid' essay ? 1874989;1543267267;asciilifeform;can't seem to unearth it in O(1) 1874990;1543267330;asciilifeform;the one where 'metallists are dumb if they think 'fixed supply', gold asteroid 20 metres diameter could hit any day of the week' 1874991;1543267425;asciilifeform;i am wondering where exactly is the practical diff, b/w that, and '21mn fixed supply' where unknown % is in hands of idjits who can mass dump any day of week 1874992;1543267434;*;asciilifeform brb,teatime 1874993;1543269951;BingoBoingo; mircea_popescu: wp needs write access to bake the auto-redirect thing. tried. << It needs only a stanza in htaccess, provided human readable urls were used from the start 1874994;1543270239;mircea_popescu;it really doesn't matter, start or no start. the fake directory structure is just an indirection layer, internally articles are still referenced by counts. 1874995;1543270248;mircea_popescu;just, no particular need to expose that to the web. 1874996;1543270421;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform there's no pill against idiocy ; and yes it's immoral to give idiots things, that's the whole fucking point -- if you give idiots things they fuck them up. 1874997;1543270889;BingoBoingo;Depending on how far his wordpress is from MP-WP and in which direction is going to determine how much of a pain preserving those counts will be. 1874998;1543271012;mircea_popescu;but in digging for the item you want, ran into http://trilema.com/2013/the-bitcoiners-press-manual/ and http://trilema.com/2015/naivity-in-finance/ and http://trilema.com/2015/oil-theory/ and holy shit trilema's a great read. 1874999;1543271019;mircea_popescu;nevertheless, the item you want is prolly http://trilema.com/2012/law-enforcement-never-fails-to-unintentionally-entertain/#selection-175.0-175.758 ? 1875000;1543271040;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo why ? i don't follow it, articles go in a table, has an id field, that;s it. 1875001;1543271131;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Mullenwaggle's wp fork constantly changed the database field structures over the upgrades. How far his version "outran" the fork determines how much massaging the SQL dump is going to need to restore it for sanity 1875002;1543271151;mircea_popescu;ah 1875003;1543271205;BingoBoingo;Doing the xml dump import into a new mp-wp (or other wp) is going to change the counts 1875004;1543272452;mircea_popescu;it is ? 1875005;1543272455;mircea_popescu;then it's fucking broken lol 1875006;1543272465;mircea_popescu;anyqway, why not just a mysql dump like sane ppl. 1875007;1543272759;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-26#1874999 << yes ! ty mircea_popescu 1875008;1543272759;a111;Logged on 2018-11-26 22:23 mircea_popescu: nevertheless, the item you want is prolly http://trilema.com/2012/law-enforcement-never-fails-to-unintentionally-entertain/#selection-175.0-175.758 ? 1875009;1543272765;asciilifeform;it's exactly it 1875010;1543272931;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-26#1874996 << 1 of the apparent interesting things re btc was, that it seemed to climb the gradient and ~not~ concentrate in hands of idjit 1875011;1543272931;a111;Logged on 2018-11-26 22:13 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform there's no pill against idiocy ; and yes it's immoral to give idiots things, that's the whole fucking point -- if you give idiots things they fuck them up. 1875012;1543272955;asciilifeform;but possibly this only worx on a ~very~ long timescale 1875013;1543273074;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-26#1874993 << BingoBoingo my case was ~specifically~ the one where ~not~ were used from start 1875014;1543273074;a111;Logged on 2018-11-26 22:05 BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: wp needs write access to bake the auto-redirect thing. tried. << It needs only a stanza in htaccess, provided human readable urls were used from the start 1875015;1543273075;mircea_popescu;there's a contradictory force. consider what counted as http://btcbase.org/log/2018-06-19#1826859 just a few brief short years ago. 1875016;1543273075;a111;Logged on 2018-06-19 16:55 mircea_popescu: douchebag looky, the place's not for you. you're not smart enough to be here. what's so hard to grok about this ? some people are smart, some people aren't smart, you're not smart. what, you have to be dragged out, your legs don't work, what is it ? 1875017;1543273091;asciilifeform;s/years/months lol 1875018;1543273107;mircea_popescu;the previous douchebag was called kakobrekla, took weeks of all hands on deck to resove. in 2016. in 2018, it takes a minute of occasional attention freom whoever happens to be bored. 1875019;1543273145;mircea_popescu;what passes for "wise man" in pashtun village is ~anyone, from ben stiller to alan ginsburg. 1875020;1543273177;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Right, the question is what version of wordpress you are sitting on determines how much massaging you have to do to your database dump. Once MP-WP eats a correctly massaged dump your numbers counts survive and the numbers and human urls both work. 1875021;1543273201;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: i'ma actually try this on a scratch box. ( but, prolly not today ) 1875022;1543273204;mircea_popescu;so yes, climbs the gradient. the gradient climbs too. the hope, or at least my hope, is that the gradient climbing is self-limiting. in a manner of speaking like cleaning. yes if you neglect doing ANY housework at all, then for an interval the more housework you do, the more housework there is to be done. 1875023;1543273207;mircea_popescu;for a BRIEF interval. 1875024;1543273223;mircea_popescu;eventually removing a layer of crusted socks fails to produce an occult layer of crusted underwear. 1875025;1543273240;asciilifeform;ugh,this picture 1875026;1543273244;mircea_popescu;it's true that white man has neglected all things of the mind for a good half century now. 1875027;1543273259;mircea_popescu;but by now we're cringing at idiocy from the 70s, we're evidently running out. 1875028;1543273323;asciilifeform;dunno, there's still the geologic strata of idjicy from ~18~70s, demoocracies, and 1770s liberte egalite, etc 1875029;1543273341;asciilifeform;and i recall mircea_popescu's drills excavating a 1370s concordate, etc 1875030;1543273350;mircea_popescu;not really worth much mention. world productivity in the whole 1700s was a good modern quarter. 1875031;1543273367;mircea_popescu;like it or not, people from long ago ~did very little~. however well, good, interesting, whatever it might've been -- they did LITTLE. 1875032;1543273393;asciilifeform;the little was moar % faberge and less ipnoje tho 1875033;1543273421;mircea_popescu;no argument, but i really don't need much more time or tools to send off diderot than caleb crain. ~same size object. 1875034;1543273447;asciilifeform;right, but there's 3e9 crains and 1 diderot 1875035;1543273475;mircea_popescu;pantsuit imbecile of 1700 is lightweight indeed, compare the ineptly ineffectual paintsuitry of cardinal newman with the elaborately effectual (comparatively) idiocy of c s lewis or arthur blair. 1875036;1543273496;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i will be sure to mark the grave of the king gnat separately. it still dies with one flick. 1875037;1543273727;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-06-19#1826872 << lulzy thread btw 1875038;1543273727;a111;Logged on 2018-06-19 16:57 douchebag: mircea_popescu: What makes someone smart enough to be here exactly then? 1875039;1543273824;*;mircea_popescu thinks of naggum, and how sad he was for missing 1875040;1543273830;mircea_popescu;the exact item im here discussing. 1875041;1543273831;mircea_popescu;rip. 1875042;1543274096;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the lulziest part is that Mocky asked "the same question", got much better answer quicklier. http://trilema.com/2014/pro-idiotas-which-obviously-means-people-who-have-ideas-ie-idiots/#selection-145.313-145.392 prevails ; and good fucking luck to the "bayesian" hopeful aspies. 1875043;1543274371;asciilifeform;possibly cuz Mocky was actually asking a q. as opposed to douchebag's... well, that thing where people shout incoherently on the stake 1875044;1543274388;mircea_popescu;ain't it always that. 1875045;1543274422;asciilifeform;it's exactly as in mircea_popescu's linked piece -- bag of lettered dice can't 'ask questions' 1875046;1543274486;mircea_popescu;and the bar to what it takes to ~not~ be directly approximabloe by bag of lettered dice raises over time, too! 1875047;1543274626;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-26#1875018 << i dun see that they're instances of same item tho -- 1 was dumb http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-26#1874979 kid, other was a - quite clever enuff - bought an' paid-for pantsuit mole 1875048;1543274626;a111;Logged on 2018-11-26 22:58 mircea_popescu: the previous douchebag was called kakobrekla, took weeks of all hands on deck to resove. in 2016. in 2018, it takes a minute of occasional attention freom whoever happens to be bored. 1875049;1543274626;a111;Logged on 2018-11-26 21:10 mircea_popescu: "gotta try things out". there's a lot of this rumspringa behaviour in usg."tech". 1875050;1543274710;mircea_popescu;i've no idea there's that difference. two young males, fractional girlfriend of ~0 value, living with parents, aspiring to business... 1875051;1543274713;asciilifeform;in usa they have a local historic character, gen. benedict arnold, roughly same household word for 'betrayal' as e.g. vidkun quisling in old world ( and for same reason, was a reasonably passing hero before flipped sign bit ) 1875052;1543274781;asciilifeform;ok nao i cannot resist to ask -- what is a 'fractional girlfriend' 1875053;1543274783;mircea_popescu;(i suppose this isn't directly evident, but "equal partnership" bla bla "monogamous" bla bla "traditional" relationships sprung of "dating" etc are these situations where one has a fraction of a girl. maybe 1-epsilon, perhaps, but never 1. 1875054;1543274808;asciilifeform;hm is that what he had 1875055;1543274808;mircea_popescu;and obviously the situation where one's woman can't be freely sold are situations of girlie, ~0 value. 1875056;1543274817;mircea_popescu;it's no way to live, to my eyes, but then again.) 1875057;1543274848;asciilifeform;dunno that errything valuable is liquid 1875058;1543274882;mircea_popescu;liquid in the sense of "to an arbitrary degree" or liquid in the sense of "at all" ? 1875059;1543274884;asciilifeform;just about 100% of the gear asciilifeform is sitting in the middle of, from the lenses in his specs to the 400kg of elaborate space heater, prolly wouldn't fetch moar than weight in scrap iron in junkyard 1875060;1543274889;asciilifeform;at all. 1875061;1543274905;mircea_popescu;because if it's not liquid AT ALL, in the blender-can't-liquify-cookie, it's necessarily worthless, by the very definition of terms. 1875062;1543274921;asciilifeform;worthless other than to owner 1875063;1543274944;mircea_popescu;insanity is worthless other than to owner, a calc over how sin is meaningless except to the sinner. 1875064;1543274981;asciilifeform;is the spiffy body-fitting suit mircea_popescu is sitting in, also 'insane' ? 1875065;1543274998;asciilifeform;betcha flea market would pay a penny to the buck for it, vs what it cost to bake 1875066;1543274998;mircea_popescu;you think it can't be sold ? 1875067;1543275002;asciilifeform;errything can be sold. 1875068;1543275009;asciilifeform;q is for how much vs what bought it 1875069;1543275012;mircea_popescu;no, not errything. 1875070;1543275018;asciilifeform;damn near errything 1875071;1543275027;mircea_popescu;not at all. the issue with "girlfriends" as understood by idiots is that they can ~not~ be sold. 1875072;1543275038;mircea_popescu;and this strictly and necessarily means, worthless. 1875073;1543275060;asciilifeform;if it cannot be sold at all, as in you'd have to pay someone to take it, then analogous to radwaste 1875074;1543275067;mircea_popescu;which is my point. 1875075;1543275083;asciilifeform;makes sense ( tho i have nfi whether applies to orig d00d or not ) 1875076;1543275126;mircea_popescu;to restate in these terms, "two young males, fractional '''girlfriend''' they'd have to pay to get rid of, living with parents, hoping to be one day paid by inca for the useless '''work''' they want to do" etc. 1875077;1543275167;asciilifeform;i vaguely recall kako bragging that he's just about блатной , never worked a lick for inca 1875078;1543275171;mircea_popescu;(and yes, eminently "wife" in usg.zone is the above, whether you call it "divorce settlement" or anything else.) 1875079;1543275172;asciilifeform;but again have nfi what troo and what fiction 1875080;1543275209;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you familiar with ballas' point that "independent consultants" getting inca's various programs going are exactly like company men but without dental ? 1875081;1543275219;asciilifeform;familiar in >1 way yes 1875082;1543275239;mircea_popescu;ie, no difference between fat nigglet hired by Dept of Hurr and "independent doctor of liberal profession" writing her reports ? 1875083;1543275275;asciilifeform;aha 1875084;1543275310;mircea_popescu;anyway. there's differences i'm sure, if nothing else the tag strings differ. but i fail to see any comparably important to the similarities, and so it goes. 1875085;1543275311;BingoBoingo;fat nigglet takes more paperwork to get rid of 1875086;1543275717;mircea_popescu;i suppose, upon a coupla minutes' examination, the foremost difference'd be kakobrekla character spoke another language ; dubious whether the other one did. though i guess not possible. 1875087;1543275736;mircea_popescu;i guess why not*, possible. 1875088;1543275775;asciilifeform;iirc douchebag admitted that not 1875089;1543275788;asciilifeform;( 19yo kiddo with typical ameri-schooling ) 1875090;1543276292;BingoBoingo;Also hard to discern in douchebag a desire to learn or indication he understood having other languages is a good thing 1875091;1543277722;mircea_popescu;in other ustard web lulz : count of consumer ips first seen on http://trilema.com/2014/interacting-with-fiat-institutions-a-guide/ : 2184. count of ips last seen on http://trilema.com/2014/interacting-with-fiat-institutions-a-guide/ : 2182. 1875092;1543277736;mircea_popescu;how the fuck can anyone read that ~and stop there~ ? and yet, they can. they do. 1875093;1543277749;mircea_popescu;question i guess very similar to "how can anyone read algebra I and stop there". 1875094;1543278042;mircea_popescu;merely wondering "hm, i wonder wtf?!" is already ~one in a thousand~. these aren't invented numbers, this isn't a manner of speech. two in 2184. 1875095;1543280986;BingoBoingo;Filtering the ocean for gold 1875096;1543282526;mircea_popescu;it's a wonder anyone manages to wear pants. 1875097;1543282541;mircea_popescu;pretty complicated garment, if you think about it. 1875098;1543282711;*;trinque imagines a circus act where person-of-walmart is brought out in chains, made to attempt pants, abused by onlookers as they fail. 1875099;1543282762;mircea_popescu;kinda hard to put pants on in chains tho :D 1875100;1543282789;trinque;neck chain! loller 1875101;1543282902;mircea_popescu;it's actually a largely unexplored space, "what can girl do while handcuffed". 1875102;1543282916;mircea_popescu;just as "how do you think your life would go if you may not use furniture" and such wonders. 1875103;1543286655;mircea_popescu;trinque incidentally, you ever read http://trilema.com/2018/this-gns-thing/ ? 1875104;1543292060;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in old thread lulz, http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-16#1739725 1875105;1543292060;a111;Logged on 2017-11-16 18:07 mircea_popescu: you can't do self-amputation. 1875106;1543292157;mircea_popescu;is this gabriel laddel ? 1875107;1543292162;asciilifeform;aha 1875108;1543292180;asciilifeform;the foot thread 1875109;1543293608;trinque;mircea_popescu: not yet but certainly will digest it and respond. 1875110;1543293670;trinque;appears to be the culmination of many different threads, vtronic www, vtronic portage, much else. 1875111;1543294550;mircea_popescu;kk 1875112;1543294559;mircea_popescu;no rush, really. 1875113;1543299118;deedbot;http://bimbo.club/?p=92 << Bimbo.Club - TMSR Log Summary - 11/11/2018 1875114;1543325946;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-26#1874742 <-- oops, apologies for the trouble. this makes perfect sense, my initial impression was that trinque was eager to get rid of the rss piece in deedbot, but some sort of transition seems reasonable. 1875115;1543325946;a111;Logged on 2018-11-26 16:54 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-26#1874708 << lmao this is a little brusque isn't it. suppose you disable it in this feedbot thing we now see for the first time. let it do pm only, work out a roadmap to switch over with trinque that consists of something else than straight bombardment, and THEN. 1875116;1543326270;spyked;trinque, mircea_popescu: one thing I could do is have it deliver a small number of feeds (e.g. thetarpit, since that's under my control anyway) and have it subscribed to the others whenever you feel like. for now, all delivery to #trilema is disabled (and I'll bring the bot back on mircea_popescu's sign). 1875117;1543326328;spyked;ftr, feedbot also sends republican rss in castle #spyked, for potentially interested testers. 1875118;1543329533;trinque;spyked: point is a simple "hey trinque, lets make the swap at $date, and get the PM subscriptions ported over meanwhile" 1875119;1543329546;trinque;you know, talking to people, not being radio dark for months, that sort of thing. 1875120;1543331154;asciilifeform;in other lulz, http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-26#1874898 worx a+++ : prior, there was always 1 or 2 spamola in the mod queue erry day, ~through the broken google liquishit~, whereas nao -- none 1875121;1543331154;a111;Logged on 2018-11-26 19:32 asciilifeform: ( replaced the google liquishit with a simple and humane kindergarden arithmetic thing ) 1875122;1543332114;deedbot;http://trinque.org/2018/11/27/cuntoo-bootstrapper/ << trinque - Cuntoo Bootstrapper 1875123;1543332118;trinque;^ I'll go over this with a caffeinated brain later, but wanted to get the thing into hands immediately. Let me know if you reproduce my genesis.vpatch folks. 1875124;1543332121;asciilifeform;oh hey 1875125;1543332125;*;asciilifeform reads.. 1875126;1543332269;asciilifeform;trinque: i'ma test-fire in the next coupla days 1875127;1543332356;asciilifeform;trinque: how come 'two GCC versions to step through before arriving at 4.9.4' ? 1875128;1543332391;asciilifeform;( i thought plan was to roll in ave1's gcc ? ) 1875129;1543332549;trinque;asciilifeform: we had a thread on the stepping down before, jumping directly to 4.9.4 does not work on musl. not a clue why. 1875130;1543332572;asciilifeform;i dun recall whether anybody's tried building straight with ave1's 1875131;1543332580;trinque;and the plan is indeed to get ave1's in, and I invite him to write the ebuild. the point of what I released is to preserve the found item, can now start changing it 1875132;1543332601;asciilifeform;makes sense 1875133;1543332644;asciilifeform;will also be interesting to see if trb can sit down on trinque's libressl thing, instead of the frozen ancient openssl it currently goes with 1875134;1543332645;trinque;long term the "bootstrap.sh" will be converted to an installer which presumes an existing working cuntoo, and that installer will come as an ebuild vpatch atop genesis 1875135;1543332669;trinque;asciilifeform: right, that's one reason for keeping an ssltron for now 1875136;1543332686;asciilifeform;( given a musltronic cuntoo, the 'rotor'-descended buildroot process for trb is theoretically redundant ) 1875137;1543332789;asciilifeform;eventual convergence of ye olde 'emerge' and hypothetical 'vmerge', also of interest. 1875138;1543332985;trinque;yep, and ebuild tree and src tree really have no business being separate, aside from preserving the imperial "there is a package repository for all-of-us" 1875139;1543333129;phf;i have a poc, that uses vpy as an alternative to EGIT_REPO_URI. you put all of the vpatches and sigs into /usr/portage/distfiles/vpatches and you have your wot in /etc/wot and you say V_HEAD='foobar' and it attempts to press whatever's in distfiles to the corresponding head, and then use it as a build target. it works, but i'm not sure that's the right direction.. 1875140;1543333264;trinque;phf: sounds awesome, would like to eyeball it 1875141;1543333288;trinque;emerge's last act oughta be its own brain transplant. 1875142;1543333298;*;trinque afk for a while 1875143;1543333442;phf;i also have another approach, with V_PATCHES=[('http://.../foo.vpatch', 'http://.../foo.vpatch.first.sig', 'http://.../foo.vpatch.another.sig'),...] where ebuild basically keeps explicit press order, but can also rely on emerge for pulling the files from remote. none of it is particularly satisfying 1875144;1543333508;phf;trinque: i'll pull it out, right after my move. flight's only few days away, and i'm only half way through gutting the apartment. 1875145;1543333515;*;phf afk 1875146;1543337561;*;asciilifeform gently prods phf , http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-26#1874673 pleez ? 1875147;1543337561;a111;Logged on 2018-11-26 02:46 asciilifeform: !Q later tell phf plox to snarf http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2822 into http://btcbase.org/patches?patchset=ffa , ty 1875148;1543337938;phf;asciilifeform: done, can you please check that it's correct, i'm doing it from console only linux and my update function said it picked up a patch, that i thought was already there.. 1875149;1543337948;*;asciilifeform looks 1875150;1543337979;asciilifeform;phf: loox correct, to naked eye 1875151;1543337993;phf;kk 1875152;1543337996;asciilifeform;which patch did it say picked up, that was already there ? 1875153;1543338120;phf;borrow expr, ah i see what happened you renamed it to .kv from diana_coman's original 1875154;1543338146;asciilifeform;aha 1875155;1543338167;asciilifeform;phf's mechanism did The Right Thing tho, a++, ty phf 1875156;1543338190;asciilifeform;( so long as the sigs validate and hashes line up, names are immaterial ) 1875157;1543338802;asciilifeform;meanwhile in heathen lulz: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/5wqxB/?raw=true << rathead, centos , debian, privesc 1875158;1543339074;asciilifeform;phf: imho the correct thing to do, if you have 2 bitwise-identical patches , is to display only 1 ( i'd prefer it be the one using my naming scheme, given as it is my proj, but i also won't cry if it's the other ) -- and the sigs that match it 1875159;1543339226;phf;asciilifeform: i ended up dumping one of them since they are bitwise identical 1875160;1543339251;asciilifeform;ty 1875161;1543339332;phf;i'm not particularly keen on the whole archivist aspect of it, these are curated live artifacts, no need to be too pedantic with them 1875162;1543339333;asciilifeform;ftr asciilifeform is very very fond of phf's http://btcbase.org/patches , refers to it several times just about erry day 1875163;1543339342;asciilifeform;it is unspeakably helpful. 1875164;1543339404;phf;ty 1875165;1543339440;phf;it has a backlog of love also, one thing that i want to wire next is a search for a keyword, gives back a list of patches of a list of files that match. i implemented it already, but haven't wired it in 1875166;1543339456;*;asciilifeform intended to release a thing somewhat like it with the orig 2015 vtron, but asciilifeform's wwwtronics was not equal to the task, never made a usable incarnation of item 1875167;1543339519;asciilifeform;i was aiming for a kind of hybrid of jurov's http://btc.yt/lxr/satoshi/source/?v=makefiles and what phf has today 1875168;1543339536;asciilifeform;so i ended up getting hung up on the coad-eating logics 1875169;1543339610;phf;yeah and btcbase is not there yet 1875170;1543339662;asciilifeform;still mighty useful. ( presently i'm continuing with the http://www.loper-os.org/pub/ffa/hypertext/ch13/ffa_calc__adb.htm thing, to fill that niche ) 1875171;1543339711;asciilifeform;gnathtml has some pretty serious missing parts tho, mainly that it is impossible to link to individual lines of proggy unless they contain concordance'd symbols 1875172;1543339722;asciilifeform;it also mysteriously fails to concord the occasional symbol 1875173;1543339744;asciilifeform;( e.g. in above example -- FFA_FZ_Get_Head is not linkable, and several hrs of dig failed to tell me why ) 1875174;1543339792;asciilifeform;( it is certainly indexed in the place where it lives -- http://www.loper-os.org/pub/ffa/hypertext/ch13/fz_basic__adb.htm#72_13 -- but for some reason not in ffa_calc__adb... ) 1875175;1543339827;asciilifeform;i presently suspect that this is because gnathtml uses gcc's AST for the input data, rather than the raw proggy text 1875176;1543339836;asciilifeform;and so inlined routines occasionally end up invisible to it 1875177;1543339896;asciilifeform;thing still displays entire coadbase, so i'd still much rather have it, than nuffin at all. but it is frustrating. 1875178;1543340589;BingoBoingo; will also be interesting to see if trb can sit down on trinque's libressl thing, instead of the frozen ancient openssl it currently goes with << I run a bitcoind linked against libressl 2.5.5 and so far it hasn't forked 1875179;1543341451;*;asciilifeform nearly said ' 'so far hasn't forked' aint exactly a scientific standard ' but we aint got a better 1875180;1543341685;asciilifeform;trinque: now that i think about it -- what was the logic for including the alt-ssl in cuntoo, vs trb's frozen thing ? 1875181;1543341723;asciilifeform;( i dun have any notion that one is 'better' than the other, in either direction, but imho the matter deserves discussion ) 1875182;1543341765;asciilifeform;for that matter, why does cuntoo need to include own sslism, afaik the only proggy that hard-depends on having one is trb 1875183;1543341824;trinque;libressl is being decrufted by the openbsd folks, result of which is that several pretty nasty bugs in openssl didn't affect libressl since they forked it. I can't vouch for the work, and it's certainly up for debate. 1875184;1543341859;phf;asciilifeform: presumably entire portage tree pulls from https:// unless trinque also hosting a mirror of everything (i haven't looked yet) 1875185;1543341866;trinque;much as the openbsd folks shoot themselves in the foot politically, I don't know that I trust them less than w/e derps contribute to openssl 1875186;1543341868;asciilifeform;if said bugs affect trb logic, than it oughta be in trb asap ; if they do not, then not clear to me why better 1875187;1543341876;asciilifeform;phf: iirc trinque removed all network-dependency 1875188;1543341883;trinque;correct 1875189;1543341891;trinque;you can build this thing without nic turned on 1875190;1543341899;phf;neat 1875191;1543341902;asciilifeform;a+++ 1875192;1543341913;mircea_popescu;!#s openbsd 1875193;1543341913;a111;1079 results for "openbsd", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=openbsd 1875194;1543341916;mircea_popescu;what did they do now ? 1875195;1543341918;trinque;I've been building with unshare -n , uses the linux namespaces thing to detach the process from the network stack (fig leaf yes, but at least was a decent way to test) 1875196;1543341935;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: afaik they've done ~nuffin in years, we're discussing an archaeological artifact 1875197;1543341949;phf;trinque: how does that work with genesis, is it some other mechanism than having all the files in /distfiles? (i'm curious, but i don't have time to investigate) 1875198;1543341960;mircea_popescu;was fishing for the "shot in the foot" reference. 1875199;1543341981;mircea_popescu;but yes, done ~nothing for like a decade. still, http://btcbase.org/log/2018-06-29#1830623 1875200;1543341981;a111;Logged on 2018-06-29 01:57 mircea_popescu: if anyone still cares, freebsd 6.82%, openbsd 93.17% 1875201;1543341982;trinque;mircea_popescu: just their episode with you was all. 1875202;1543341991;mircea_popescu;trinque wasn't that de raadt ? 1875203;1543342032;asciilifeform;near as i can tell, de raadt pupated into his mushroom form ( like rms ) yrs ago 1875204;1543342057;asciilifeform;dun talk, as such, no moar, sits in a flower pot, 'talkers' do the talkin' 'for him' 1875205;1543342066;mircea_popescu;anyway, i suppose this is the issue, i had mental image similar to what asciilifeform discusses, "openbsd the ancient artefact" ; was discussion more about usg.openbsd replacement in recent years ? 1875206;1543342103;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: there's an 'openbsd-branded' item, 'libressl', quite similar to the hairball carried along in trb but weighing slightly less 1875207;1543342114;mircea_popescu;i mean... http://btcbase.org/log/2017-09-29#1718269 will work just fine without the current usg muppet. 1875208;1543342114;a111;Logged on 2017-09-29 16:34 mircea_popescu: trinque except you gotta maintain openbsd now. 1875209;1543342118;asciilifeform;it is currently in the beta cuntoo 1875210;1543342120;trinque;mircea_popescu: thought there was some kind of "we don't want your money" instance, but now don't recall details 1875211;1543342134;trinque;the openbsd folks took openssl and forked it, does not need openbsd to build 1875212;1543342149;trinque;it's just a thinned out openssl. 1875213;1543342157;trinque;if we're taking one, I think it's a candidate for taking. 1875214;1543342170;asciilifeform;( ideally we'd simply keep the logic demanded by trb and burn the rest. but dunno that anyone has the free hands for this presently ) 1875215;1543342180;trinque;correct, that'd be the next step 1875216;1543342207;mircea_popescu;trinque in summary, the thing flew as such : 1. de raadt announced "openbsd dead as going concern without like 20k" ; 2. nobody cared ; 3. somebody brought it here ; 4. i paid his 20k ; 5. complex face-saving dance of usg commenced, very much blueprint for all later http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-26#1874881 ; 6. i told them exactly how unimpressed i am. which i still am. 1875217;1543342207;a111;Logged on 2018-11-26 18:31 asciilifeform: d the online payment processor Stripe each pledged to donate $50,000 a year to Koch’s project.' etc 1875218;1543342227;asciilifeform;!#s bobbeck 1875219;1543342227;a111;8 results for "bobbeck", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=bobbeck 1875220;1543342230;asciilifeform;!#s bob beck 1875221;1543342231;a111;43 results for "bob beck", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=bob%20beck 1875222;1543342235;asciilifeform;^ see also 1875223;1543342239;mircea_popescu;but it's not exactly clear what relationship there is, between the 2015 died-anyway would-be openbsd continuator, and the 1990s "fuck windows" alf's-apple-notion competitor. 1875224;1543342270;phf;recently carmack donated to openbsd, they made a very big deal out if it being "the first individual silver level donor" 1875225;1543342285;mircea_popescu;phf and i'm entirely unimpressed with carmack, either. 1875226;1543342292;asciilifeform;lol, didn't carmack lose his shirt to patent troll not long ago 1875227;1543342296;asciilifeform;what's he even got remaining to donate. 1875228;1543342319;diana_coman;trinque, that looks great; if I understand correctly, the archive there contains the means to a. install cuntoo b. make the genesis of cuntoo/portage that could in principle be used to move an existing gentoo to cuntoo; is this correct? 1875229;1543342338;phf;asciilifeform: he "won" the suite, presumably spent fortune on lawyers, but donated immediately after. 1875230;1543342399;trinque;diana_coman: it produces the genesis.vpatch that represents the state of the bootstrapped system. porting an existing gentoo over has additional complications. in theory you could yes, introduce what's in /cuntoo/ to an existing machine, but I think this deserves its own guide. 1875231;1543342442;trinque;if you're feeling adventurous, read the bootstrap scripts and it should indicate what'd need to happen to convert a living system, but I had the thing generate a new bootable blockdev because of these hairy complications 1875232;1543342472;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform dead men walking, all these http://btcbase.org/log/2015-01-12#974526 1875233;1543342472;a111;Logged on 2015-01-12 18:59 mircea_popescu: bitcoin_charlie didn't you make a plea bargain ? 1875234;1543342500;diana_coman;aha; (tbh it seemed like that but I was being optimistic for once); so atm I'd need to basically nuke s.mg's test machine to move it on to cuntoo 1875235;1543342501;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: maybe in 2015 'walking', today mostly flailing like beheaded chicken 1875236;1543342502;mircea_popescu;a sort of philosophical zombie, vessels carrying forth the voice of collective motherhood. 1875237;1543342513;mircea_popescu;yeah well, it's hard. gradient rising boils all frogs. 1875238;1543342535;BingoBoingo;In the too fat to jail files: https://www.elobservador.com.uy/nota/amplian-procesamiento-de-michelle-suarez-por-falsificar-certificados-medicos-20181127112539 1875239;1543342549;trinque;diana_coman: not necessarily, but I'd want to write you a guide before encouraging you to attempt (or have you write a guide using a machine locally) 1875240;1543342578;diana_coman;the test before the test; well, yes, I'll have to 1875241;1543342581;trinque;for now I'd like folks to confirm they get the same genesis.vpatch out the other end 1875242;1543342593;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-27#1875116 << alright, go ahead. 1875243;1543342593;a111;Logged on 2018-11-27 13:44 spyked: trinque, mircea_popescu: one thing I could do is have it deliver a small number of feeds (e.g. thetarpit, since that's under my control anyway) and have it subscribed to the others whenever you feel like. for now, all delivery to #trilema is disabled (and I'll bring the bot back on mircea_popescu's sign). 1875244;1543342628;asciilifeform;diana_coman, trinque : it isn't clear to me that 'move existing gentoo to cuntoo' without reformat of hdd is worth attempting -- non-musltronic dyn-linked sad gentoo bins will all barf once the pertinent libs are removed ( and they dun belong, imho, on a cuntoo box ) 1875245;1543342686;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-27#1875120 << worked fab for bitbet for YEARS. contrary to ubiquitous claims, web 100% beheaded chickens by mass, nobody can as much as write a line of anything. 1875246;1543342686;a111;Logged on 2018-11-27 15:05 asciilifeform: in other lulz, http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-26#1874898 worx a+++ : prior, there was always 1 or 2 spamola in the mod queue erry day, ~through the broken google liquishit~, whereas nao -- none 1875247;1543342699;diana_coman;asciilifeform, smg's test machine is running proto-cuntoo so it's not just any gentoo really 1875248;1543342704;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i stole the idea from there, yes 1875249;1543342723;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: ( with minor variation -- xor instead of add , imho a human oughta know what is xor ) 1875250;1543342734;mircea_popescu;aaaahahahahaha 1875251;1543342763;asciilifeform;diana_coman: correct, theoretically may be movable ( tho as i recall, you currently have 1 disk, and if you're planning on filling the other disk holes -- and disks are available -- may as well install clean ) 1875252;1543342812;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-27#1875131 << reasonable ; but yeah, plox ave1 write a patch for the damn thing, the dance is vaguely reminiscent of those organically-evolved early clocks. 1875253;1543342812;a111;Logged on 2018-11-27 15:29 trinque: and the plan is indeed to get ave1's in, and I invite him to write the ebuild. the point of what I released is to preserve the found item, can now start changing it 1875254;1543342858;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i.e. the kind where somebody had to climb into the gears erry 6mo to change the frayed windlass rope ? 1875255;1543342952;mircea_popescu;nah, the kind which were repaired dozens of times over the generations, where "repair" was interpreted to mean "add a mechanism to compensate for perceived errors". 1875256;1543342965;asciilifeform;aa 1875257;1543342971;asciilifeform;there's 1 of those in e.g. moscow 1875258;1543342977;diana_coman;asciilifeform, correct re 1 disk; for the rest I'll have to decide but first step has to be testing trinque's new item locally anyway 1875259;1543343006;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-27#1875133 << it's not clear to me why we have ssl AT ALL. the idea is to replace that whole pile with straight rsa, much like we're taking out dns (and touched upon in same piece) 1875260;1543343006;a111;Logged on 2018-11-27 15:30 asciilifeform: will also be interesting to see if trb can sit down on trinque's libressl thing, instead of the frozen ancient openssl it currently goes with 1875261;1543343009;mircea_popescu;why is ssl needed ? 1875262;1543343019;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: afaik only in trb is needed 1875263;1543343031;mircea_popescu;not even there, just patch it to use our own ~correct~ code. 1875264;1543343053;mircea_popescu;why import ssl into trb anyway, makes 0 sense. 1875265;1543343054;trinque;this is too much ocenboiling for the first patch, akin to fixing everything wrong with trb in its genesis 1875266;1543343054;asciilifeform;well yes, eventually all of trb oughta turn into 'our correct coad' 1875267;1543343063;trinque;*oceanboiling 1875268;1543343068;mircea_popescu;trinque not in any case discussing first patch. just the roadmap. 1875269;1543343078;trinque;ah, don't mind me then. I agree entirely. 1875270;1543343080;mircea_popescu;there's 0 pressure to "put everything in first fuck", you realise. 1875271;1543343083;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i proposed this several yrs ago, but it was mircea_popescu who then reminded about air filters in old dacia 1875272;1543343087;asciilifeform;( was at c3 iirc ) 1875273;1543343093;mircea_popescu;certainly no tolerance of "i'm waiting on fondling for the fuck to get here" 1875274;1543343117;asciilifeform;!#s grandfather's pistols 1875275;1543343117;a111;0 results for "grandfather's pistols", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=grandfather%27s%20pistols 1875276;1543343120;asciilifeform;hm 1875277;1543343124;asciilifeform;!#s father's pistols 1875278;1543343124;a111;10 results for "father's pistols", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=father%27s%20pistols 1875279;1543343131;asciilifeform;^ see also 1875280;1543343168;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform http://trilema.com/how-things-have-changed : http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-20#1873982 1875281;1543343168;a111;Logged on 2018-11-20 19:39 mircea_popescu: it's the currency of the republic, you're so surprises it follows the flow and ebb of the very republic in question ? 1875282;1543343201;asciilifeform;if mircea_popescu gives signal that we're fucking done with the old flintlock pistols, then i'ma start welding on ffa in trb as soon as the former is battlefield-ready. 1875283;1543343233;mircea_popescu;but yes, as far as trb work is concerned, a) taking off the bulidroot process because b) move it to cuntoo and also c) replace ssl dependency with one file, <1k loc are the priorities. 1875284;1543343268;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu's old observation re the dacia air filter still holds tho, potentially replacing the hairball in trb with a 100% correct numeric set, will result in a forkable. 1875285;1543343270;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform constant time is a d) in that scheme. though i guess c-d may well package. 1875286;1543343294;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform at this point, it's irrelevant. there's ~10 bucks of kentucky happy meals on the putative "other networks". 1875287;1543343306;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: so idea here is 1st to cut the classic tar to 'what used in trb' ? 1875288;1543343310;mircea_popescu;see ? there's immense benefits to "exchange dropped!!!" 1875289;1543343320;mircea_popescu;which classic tar ? 1875290;1543343348;asciilifeform;the one where http://therealbitcoin.org/trb-howto.html : 0x12) Get http://deedbot.org/deed-422651-4.txt : name it 'openssl-1.0.1g.tar.gz.asc' 1875291;1543343357;mircea_popescu;nope. 1875292;1543343363;mircea_popescu;re-write what trb uses. 1875293;1543343383;mircea_popescu;ideally, with as little re-factoring of trb components as possible. 1875294;1543343403;asciilifeform;to be clear, we're talking about the eccolade numerics stack 1875295;1543343411;mircea_popescu;exactly. 1875296;1543343427;mircea_popescu;we made our own keccak, we made our own serpent, you made / are making our own rsa -- time for our own ecc. 1875297;1543343436;asciilifeform;can be written from scratch ( whoever thinks that he can do it faster than asciilifeform's ffa, is welcome to try, i promise to take off hat ) or on ffa, either. 1875298;1543343457;mircea_popescu;and yes, ffa majorily useful, and no, not necessarily against writing for it. but there may be a timing issue (trb that takes > minute to check block is useless) 1875299;1543343460;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: 'own ecc' naturally gotta be made, q is on what numtron 1875300;1543343484;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i can't answer that q yet. 1875301;1543343497;mircea_popescu;politically, ffa is fine. practically, it might not work. 1875302;1543343502;phf;asciilifeform: apropos i've attempted two years ago to do a rewrite for my cl-bitcoin, got bogged down in group theory, at this point still trying to power through an "introduction to group theory" text book. 1875303;1543343533;mircea_popescu;phf need i tell you how cool'd it have been had you said this 2016 rather than 2018 ? 1875304;1543343561;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: could, for example, use diana_coman's. or a modified permissive ffa. or even the thing that came with gnat. but in any case would be 'sapper errs once' component, gotta be bug-free 1875305;1543343590;mircea_popescu;bug free, fast enough, etc. not like we're pressed by anything here, not like trb ceases to exist while we cut its guts open and so on. 1875306;1543343598;asciilifeform;right 1875307;1543343609;phf;mircea_popescu: i did, i believe the reaction at the time was "let's see what'll come out of it", nothing came out of it though: cl-bitcoin in it's half baked state is using cffi to openssl 1875308;1543343623;asciilifeform;ftr 1 of the many ruins that litter asciilifeform's hdds is a half-written ada ecc ( pre-ffa ) 1875309;1543343624;mircea_popescu;ah. ok then! 1875310;1543343637;mircea_popescu;i'd have thought with all the lisp fans it'd have spurned some fermentation. 1875311;1543343654;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform don't you love how this here tmsr eventually uses all your ruins ? 1875312;1543343663;asciilifeform;mine was conceived with angle 'when we make wallets' and so cl was ruled out, can't gc 1875313;1543343667;asciilifeform;on micro 1875314;1543343687;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: ikr ? the mpi thing, straight from my garbage can 1875315;1543343696;asciilifeform;'they use even the sqeal'(tm)(r) 1875316;1543343703;mircea_popescu;sad days of end days. 1875317;1543343756;asciilifeform;hey, viet cong picked up dead 'd' batteries dropped by ameri-grunts, filled bamboo stick with'em , coupla dozen added up to 1 set of live ones for radio, supposedly 1875318;1543343787;phf;there's much general fascination with lisp, but when we had to get shit done, turns out many limitations 1875319;1543343805;asciilifeform;phf: part of this is that we're stuck with 'fast pdp' c-irons 1875320;1543343809;mircea_popescu;whole lisp community reminds me of teenager females and their interest in sex. 1875321;1543343829;mircea_popescu;"so you're a femme fatale ?" "i sure am, mister" "take off your clothes" "whoa" 1875322;1543343847;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the 'community' is archaeological artifact, afaik we're ~100% of what's actually left 1875323;1543343908;asciilifeform;fwiw i prototype algos in cl, which later turn into ada , but this is 'harem' rather than forum 1875324;1543343932;mircea_popescu;nono, i mean the community. expert sex change etcetera. you know, the echelons and the http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-25#1874513 and the http://btcbase.org/log/2016-12-28#1592242 1875325;1543343932;a111;Logged on 2018-11-25 06:35 venatiodecorus: honestly tho mircea_popescu jamie knows her shit 1875326;1543343932;a111;Logged on 2016-12-28 21:47 Framedragger: this isis girl in tor reads crypto papers and implements them and runs their bridges infrastructure which uses its own nifty things (hashrings for distributing bridge nodes etc), i'm quite certain she hasn't heard 1875327;1543343939;mircea_popescu;the conference crowd, what. community. 1875328;1543343966;phf;i was very much insulated from open sores lisp with acl, just sort of assumed that they were all basically the same. turns out that common lisp world is a cargo cult. for when spec was never supposed to be and all be all: it was a _thin_ common ground of a variety of rich lisp ecosystem. writing _just_ to spec is an exercise in frustration.. 1875329;1543343973;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: there was a short time when those folx played at cl, 2005-9 roughly, but long gone nao 1875330;1543344008;mircea_popescu;apparently naggum was the one thing holding them in. 1875331;1543344023;mircea_popescu;his harakiri meant they lost interest. 1875332;1543344023;asciilifeform;phf: interestingly, http://www.loper-os.org/?cat=51 is example of useful (if you will) proggy written 100% in standard cl 1875333;1543344025;trinque;phf: I'm developing a sense that lisp is a thinking tool, not an engineering tool. 1875334;1543344028;asciilifeform;so they dun entirely not-exist 1875335;1543344045;mircea_popescu;trinque and what, lame is the engineering tool ? 1875336;1543344056;mircea_popescu;"this item looks like it was thought in lisp and implemented by lame". 1875337;1543344069;trinque;ada, or insert strictly typed draconian item of choice 1875338;1543344075;asciilifeform;c irons force this dynamic 1875339;1543344081;asciilifeform;we dun have iron with bounds checkers 1875340;1543344083;*;mircea_popescu is done with aesthetic value wordplay for the day. 1875341;1543344106;asciilifeform;if we had irons with bounds checkers, i would not even have dug up ada. 1875342;1543344128;mircea_popescu;right, ada sort of fortran-with-real-machine-emulator. 1875343;1543344137;asciilifeform;( does errybody recall how many barf bags they went through when asciilifeform 1st suggested ada ?? ) 1875344;1543344151;mircea_popescu;actually, you should collate a retrospective! 1875345;1543344161;asciilifeform;Mocky beat me to it 1875346;1543344169;asciilifeform;http://mocky.org/Log-Reference-Why-Ada/ << 1875347;1543344171;phf;trinque: aha 1875348;1543344174;diana_coman;asciilifeform, I don't remember any barf bag of my own! 1875349;1543344186;mircea_popescu;diana_coman neither do i, which makes me suspicious!\ 1875350;1543344188;asciilifeform;diana_coman's stomach does seem to be stronger than most folxs' 1875351;1543344196;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-27#1875138 << this is eminently true. in fact all these converge to v tree eventually anyway. 1875352;1543344196;a111;Logged on 2018-11-27 15:36 trinque: yep, and ebuild tree and src tree really have no business being separate, aside from preserving the imperial "there is a package repository for all-of-us" 1875353;1543344235;asciilifeform;iirc diana_coman did time in heavy industry tho, possibly less allergic to ada flavour as result 1875354;1543344245;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-27#1875139 << sounds to me like the right direction, what's the source of doubt ? 1875355;1543344245;a111;Logged on 2018-11-27 15:38 phf: i have a poc, that uses vpy as an alternative to EGIT_REPO_URI. you put all of the vpatches and sigs into /usr/portage/distfiles/vpatches and you have your wot in /etc/wot and you say V_HEAD='foobar' and it attempts to press whatever's in distfiles to the corresponding head, and then use it as a build target. it works, but i'm not sure that's the right direction.. 1875356;1543344284;mircea_popescu;i suppose the using of the weird directory structure's an eyesore, but whatever, can be fixed later. 1875357;1543344345;diana_coman;asciilifeform, no; possibly having started with Pascal in highschool & the "one programming language per week" crazy uni year of choice -> "stronger stomach", if anything 1875358;1543344367;asciilifeform;diana_coman: funnily enuff, i also pascal in school 1875359;1543344373;asciilifeform;it used to be common 1875360;1543344392;phf;mircea_popescu: my impression is that trinque has some kind of mechanism of inlining source code into cuntoo, so instead of it being a matrioshka doll of nested vpatches, any new vpatch to cuntoo brings in ebuild AND the already unpacked source code. my approach keeps the vpatches separate from cuntoo: you install cuntoo first, then pull vpatches separately. i haven't looked at cuntoo yet, so i'm not sure how he's doing it though 1875361;1543344404;*;asciilifeform still has buncha rubbish written for borland tp7 somewhere on tape 1875362;1543344445;phf;actually i'm not sure what i just said made any kind of sense. i need to look at cuntoo first, and then reassess what i'm trying to say. 1875363;1543344456;mircea_popescu;it doesn't. so yeah. 1875364;1543344524;asciilifeform;diana_coman: funnily enuff we also had here '1 lang/week' curriculum. tho i did learn that many yrs ago it was abolished at asciilifeform's sad old uni, in favour of iphonism etc 1875365;1543344552;phf;ftr i had no objections to ada either, i suspect the barfs were coming from peanut gallery of people who since dropped off 1875366;1543344576;asciilifeform;diana_coman: when i went , all the good profs were already grey and weary, so not particularly surprising, i expect they died 1875367;1543344626;asciilifeform;phf: good % of the barf was actually my own, thing struck me as gnarly and with all the wrongest kinds of pedigree initially 1875368;1543344690;asciilifeform;i wasn't even immediately aware that gnat existed, thought that one had to get some TB-sized winliquishit from lockheed etc in order to ada. 1875369;1543344763;asciilifeform;( these --- do apparently exist! tho i presently have nfi who uses'em, and for what ) 1875370;1543344793;asciilifeform;esp. given that gnat, like other gcc, builds for winblowz just fine if one insists. 1875371;1543344858;mircea_popescu;it did look poorly born, at that. 1875372;1543344858;*;asciilifeform in old salt mines built winblowz, incl. w7, device drivers, with stock gcc, worked just fine, merely had to reproduce the header liquishit 1875373;1543344863;asciilifeform;*for winblowz 1875374;1543344887;mircea_popescu;a bit like ye olde "reproduce yahoo messenger login" exercise huh. 1875375;1543344913;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: correct, with the diff that it's ~1MB of headerola, took coupla months to reproduce. 1875376;1543344921;mircea_popescu;now ~those~ were the days of http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-27#1875245 1875377;1543344921;a111;Logged on 2018-11-27 18:18 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-27#1875120 << worked fab for bitbet for YEARS. contrary to ubiquitous claims, web 100% beheaded chickens by mass, nobody can as much as write a line of anything. 1875378;1543344953;asciilifeform;( if anyone wonders why -- was for peculiar industrial application where device driver gets built ~in real time~ based on custom params; no can do with microshit's compiler ) 1875379;1543344959;mircea_popescu;Integer overflow in Linux's create_elf_tables() 1875380;1543344960;mircea_popescu;cute. 1875381;1543344990;mircea_popescu;Only kernels with commit b6a2fea39318 ("mm: variable length argument support", from July 19, 2007) but without commit da029c11e6b1 ("exec: 1875382;1543344990;mircea_popescu;Limit arg stack to at most 75% of _STK_LIM", from July 7, 2017) are exploitable. 1875383;1543345020;mircea_popescu;check it out, the imperial process in full display. 1) introduce bugs ; 2) decade later turn them off ; 3) use md5 hashes for it all. 1875384;1543345032;asciilifeform;sop rathead 1875385;1543345046;asciilifeform;i got a whole stamp album fulla these. 1875386;1543345100;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-27#1875158 << this is rapidly becoming an (ill-specified) unsolvable problem. how the fuck is the program supposed to pick the word in the basket that "best goes with the rest of the novel" ? there's a fucking reason for naming conventions. 1875387;1543345100;a111;Logged on 2018-11-27 17:17 asciilifeform: phf: imho the correct thing to do, if you have 2 bitwise-identical patches , is to display only 1 ( i'd prefer it be the one using my naming scheme, given as it is my proj, but i also won't cry if it's the other ) -- and the sigs that match it 1875388;1543345100;asciilifeform;it's exactly how, e.g., 1875389;1543345104;asciilifeform;!#s debian rng 1875390;1543345105;a111;14 results for "debian rng", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=debian%20rng 1875391;1543345107;asciilifeform;!#s debianized 1875392;1543345108;a111;34 results for "debianized", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=debianized 1875393;1543345111;asciilifeform;^ was also. 1875394;1543345132;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: vtron (including phf's , and in fact his esp. well) solves. 1875395;1543345184;asciilifeform;and ftr naming convention ( carried on since asciilifeform's original vtron ) is simply that patch is $string.vpatch and sig is $string.vpatch.author.sig . 1875396;1543345193;asciilifeform;nuffing asciilifeform's done, breaks this. 1875397;1543345214;mircea_popescu;there's somewhere i explain the problem with small children, that they take a look at world around them, which creates a snapshot in their mind that's static, and then they fall over because they don't natively understand that just because the fulcrum's left side is up like the chair next to it is up, nevertheless, the load bearing capacity of the fulcrum is less than a percent of the chairs'. 1875398;1543345227;mircea_popescu;you're putting load on the wrong things. 1875399;1543345237;asciilifeform;correct vtron duncare whether $string contains . 1875400;1543345247;mircea_popescu;but you'd prefer. 1875401;1543345248;asciilifeform;( phf's , mine, mod6's -- demonstrated correct ) 1875402;1543345270;mircea_popescu;and your preference is not groundless, and soon enough we'll be left with a messy patchwork of nonsense. 1875403;1543345275;asciilifeform;i prefer to be able to name files on own hdd with arbitrary names , so long as it dun break anyffing. and it doesn;t. 1875404;1543345283;asciilifeform;imho there is not an open problem there. 1875405;1543345309;mircea_popescu;i suppose in the end we can't end up worse off than with hashes or something. 1875406;1543345316;asciilifeform;we're already signing the hashes. 1875407;1543345322;mircea_popescu;i meant for names. 1875408;1543345323;asciilifeform;( gpg dun look at file names for anyffing ) 1875409;1543345340;asciilifeform;really filenames are 'harem' logic 1875410;1543345349;mircea_popescu;wouldn't it be ~nice~ if you used some kind of sane naming convention ? trb.adding-ffa.alf ? something ? 1875411;1543345359;mircea_popescu;proximate genus dot speciffic difference dot author ? 1875412;1543345381;asciilifeform;$string.vpatch . 1875413;1543345401;asciilifeform;authorship is already clear from seals. 1875414;1543345413;asciilifeform;why have promisetronic layers where there is already solid steel. 1875415;1543345439;mircea_popescu;we could also call a fox "da029c11e6b1" ; but instead we say vulpes vulpes for some reason. 1875416;1543345473;asciilifeform;and davout called him vulp, cuz france. names of the rose. 1875417;1543345479;mircea_popescu;soit. 1875418;1543345502;asciilifeform;!#seen davout 1875419;1543345502;a111;2018-04-14 should have synced by the end of next week 1875420;1543345516;mircea_popescu;(amusingly, he also pointed out to me that it's not de fun, it's funES!! he's spanish!) 1875421;1543345523;asciilifeform;when does awol turn into mia 1875422;1543345552;mircea_popescu;when he had some action lol. was he doing anything ? 1875423;1543345605;mircea_popescu;(i gotta recall to say /vulˈpɛs/ to the man's face, see what he says) 1875424;1543345724;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-27#1875175 << pretty sure it does, actually. 1875425;1543345724;a111;Logged on 2018-11-27 17:30 asciilifeform: i presently suspect that this is because gnathtml uses gcc's AST for the input data, rather than the raw proggy text 1875426;1543345735;asciilifeform;iirc d00d learned new profession, flies airbusen nao 1875427;1543345742;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: indeed does 1875428;1543345751;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-27#1875178 << same here. 1875429;1543345751;a111;Logged on 2018-11-27 17:43 BingoBoingo: will also be interesting to see if trb can sit down on trinque's libressl thing, instead of the frozen ancient openssl it currently goes with << I run a bitcoind linked against libressl 2.5.5 and so far it hasn't forked 1875430;1543345813;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: trb dun use any 'wwwism' from ssl, only the ecc numerics, so i expect just about any extant version will link and run. the rub is how it'd behave in unexplored corner cases, as in the der sig affair 1875431;1543345834;mircea_popescu;2.3.9, but anyway. 1875432;1543345858;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform myeah. though in fairness, those corner cases rarely in the ffa or ffa-lite deployed. 1875433;1543345903;asciilifeform;whole point, ~unexplored~ corners, deliberately proddable, in the ~orig~ shitoshi sslism 1875434;1543345920;asciilifeform;naturally they won't be present in a correct 4000ln ffaistic ecc 1875435;1543345930;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-27#1875184 << he does, and if useful i / others also certainly will. 1875436;1543345930;a111;Logged on 2018-11-27 18:04 phf: asciilifeform: presumably entire portage tree pulls from https:// unless trinque also hosting a mirror of everything (i haven't looked yet) 1875437;1543345943;asciilifeform;i defo intend to host mirror 1875438;1543345961;asciilifeform;( and to start porting packages that i use in life ) 1875439;1543345977;mircea_popescu;i imagine that'll be spyked's next thing, bot-driven vtrees mirror service. 1875440;1543345998;asciilifeform;trb, emacs ( might be hard cookie, but gotta ) , various engineering tools 1875441;1543346247;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-27#1875422 << it pains asciilifeform to note this, but afaik it's been several ~yrs~ since fella actually ~did~ anyffin 1875442;1543346247;a111;Logged on 2018-11-27 19:05 mircea_popescu: when he had some action lol. was he doing anything ? 1875443;1543346255;asciilifeform;( plox to correct me here, mircea_popescu , if i'm mistaken ) 1875444;1543346365;asciilifeform;near as i can tell, threatened to do ~sumthing or other~ with wallet trb... in 2017 1875445;1543346430;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-01-03#1595646 1875446;1543346430;a111;Logged on 2017-01-03 19:05 davout: still working on my take on cutting the wallet out of TRB 1875447;1543346530;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-02-04#1781066 << most recent update afaik , unless sumbody's heard from him in priv 1875448;1543346530;a111;Logged on 2018-02-04 21:57 davout: started training for my airline transport pilot license in december, and i'm stuck in ground school phase until may~june, until then i barely even make time to go take a shit 1875449;1543346550;asciilifeform;aaanyway. 1875450;1543346644;mircea_popescu;well, he was tech for the ~only exchange worth two shits, back in the early days. then that thing got subverted into aml crap, he bounced around a while, "transition phase" or w/e you'd call it, then he did the bitbet receivership and that was ~last anyone heard. 1875451;1543346659;mircea_popescu;whatever, there's lots of these "could've, but didn't". 1875452;1543346663;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in heathen lulz, mircea_popescu recall http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-27#1866809 saga ? apparently there's a philosophical child of it, this time chix, for extra spice, https://archive.is/TYVGF 1875453;1543346663;a111;Logged on 2018-10-27 18:40 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-27#1866787 << for the record >> http://trilema.com/2013/badbios-aka-badlydonedamagecontrol/ 1875454;1543346696;asciilifeform;'An NCC Group graduate trainee who emailed 300 coworkers to ask for help with what she deemed to be "unusual" behaviour from her Kali Linux VM; contacted the firm’s incident response team to complain about a faulty laptop; and said the machine had been "deliberately sabotaged", has had her victimisation claim thrown out by an employment tribunal' etc 1875455;1543346713;mircea_popescu;im so fed up with the whole attention whore tech industry... 1875456;1543346864;asciilifeform;i suspect that 400y ago this chix would've insisted that devils inseminated her while slept etc 1875457;1543346886;mircea_popescu;400y ago nobody'd have reproduced her insane claims. 1875458;1543346888;asciilifeform;( troo phakt -- burning at stake did not discourage this type of 'attention whoring tech industry' either ) 1875459;1543346893;mircea_popescu;"rabbit births" only became a thing with diderot's idiocy. 1875460;1543346909;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: didja know , there was broadway play about the rabbit chix ? 1875461;1543346913;asciilifeform;( spoiler : it sucked ) 1875462;1543346916;asciilifeform;but somebody bothered ! 1875463;1543346942;mircea_popescu;femtards, they got time and, sadly, a smattering of resources these days. 1875464;1543346964;asciilifeform;iirc was by (nominally) a d00d 1875465;1543347103;mircea_popescu;oh this is precious. "If it were just a one-off I wouldn't mention it... but if I do notice it happening again it would be good to know what process I should follow." 1875466;1543347117;mircea_popescu;femtards can code would like to know "what process to follow" when her windows laptop dun work. 1875467;1543347153;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: from cursory dig, seems like whole thing took place at a kind of trade school where they taught 'seekoority', i.e. how to install av on winblowz etc 1875468;1543347154;mircea_popescu;i suppose, by the above logic, 400 years ago she'd have asked the lord of the mannor, parish priest, and passing royal messenger "plox help, my cows udders seem to be growing, wut do, wut do". helluva milk maid. 1875469;1543347164;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform aha. 1875470;1543347182;mircea_popescu;you know what nicole's moronic age peers do for "schooling to better themselves in marketplace" ? 1875471;1543347185;mircea_popescu;"adwords expertise". 1875472;1543347195;asciilifeform;( somehow 'badbios'-style odin's-own-gift-to-sec-researcher never seems to fall on the head of anybody with half a clue, but only ever milkmaid ) 1875473;1543347200;mircea_popescu;as fucking if there's room for another adwords consultant in this world. someone's gonna pay for thius ? 1875474;1543347211;mircea_popescu;at least in clinton's day they made supernumerary lawyers, not supernumerary nothings. 1875475;1543347233;asciilifeform;'devil finds work for idle hand', clinton's lawyers are preets nao 1875476;1543347240;mircea_popescu;surely. 1875477;1543347255;asciilifeform;( there's ~0 other employment for'em outside of restaurant ) 1875478;1543347274;mircea_popescu;i don't want that moron touching my food. restaurant is for subbie sluts anyway, who the fuck needs this item. 1875479;1543347309;asciilifeform;lol was naturally speaking of ameri-restaurant, rather than where mircea_popescu gets his water glass filled with virgin tear spritz 1875480;1543347369;mircea_popescu;"Hoang also emailed associate ops director Darren James to say her personal phone "may potentially have some kind of breach as it has been acting peculiarly," telling the tribunal under cross-examination that "it was intuition" which led her to believe this." 1875481;1543347370;mircea_popescu;fucking epic. 1875482;1543347379;mircea_popescu;FEMALE INTUITION, THE TECHNOLOGY AND INDUSTRY OF ~. 1875483;1543347450;asciilifeform;( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZo2mbbCmKQ << oblig illustration of ameri-restaurant ) 1875484;1543347542;mircea_popescu;https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1998/23/section/1 << amusingly, here's a snapshot of the uk's soviet pioneer statute. 1875485;1543347590;mircea_popescu;tl;dr : your company owns whatever information is left after any employee discloses whatever ~that employee~, in ~his own judgement~ deems ~might~ ber interesting to mother inca. 1875486;1543347598;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: usa has ~identical one, it's only known use is to prosecute 'unapproved leak, could've gone to Official grievance room' folx 1875487;1543347615;mircea_popescu;aha. 1875488;1543347636;mircea_popescu;if leaked from usg."corp" of course. otherwise... 1875489;1543347682;mircea_popescu;"A disclosure of information in respect of which a claim to legal professional privilege (or, in Scotland, to confidentiality as between client and professional legal adviser) could be maintained in legal proceedings is not a qualifying disclosure if it is made by a person to whom the information had been disclosed in the course of obtaining legal advice." << ie, your lawyer's receptionist dun count. 1875490;1543347697;asciilifeform;sorta how they have statute for nailing 'insider trade' if and only if ~grunt~ absconds with 'cachebleed', but for blueblood nobody gives half a fuck, e.g. http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-03#1763152 1875491;1543347697;a111;Logged on 2018-01-03 16:03 asciilifeform: in other lulz, intel ceo sells 100% of the stock his contract permitted him to sell ( and even filed the mandatory usg report to hitler, hence how it came out ) 1875492;1543347812;mircea_popescu;"It must by now be the experience of most people that computers develop hardware faults, and also that there are often software issues causing unexpected things to happen." << legal precedent in pantsuit lands nao :D 1875493;1543347823;mircea_popescu;no such bs, fucker. 1875494;1543347832;mircea_popescu;not among white people, anyway. 1875495;1543347858;asciilifeform;microshitiana aint 'white people' tech tho. 1875496;1543347868;asciilifeform;but quite exactly africa-emulator 1875497;1543347893;asciilifeform;so in so far as i can tell case was thrown on 'just because, suck it, plebe' grounds, rather than logicals 1875498;1543347949;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/11/node-js-event-stream-library-added-bitcoin-wallet-stealer-after-new-maintainer-takes-over/ << Qntra - Node.js "event-stream" Library Added Bitcoin Wallet Stealer After New Maintainer Takes Over 1875499;1543347982;mircea_popescu;what else are "new maintainers" for. 1875500;1543348064;mircea_popescu;!#s "danielpbarron.com/2017/shitgnomes/" 1875501;1543348064;a111;2 results for "\"danielpbarron.com/2017/shitgnomes/\"", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%22danielpbarron.com%2F2017%2Fshitgnomes%2F%22 1875502;1543348091;mircea_popescu;soooo... http://danielpbarron.com/2017/shitgnomes/ item linked from trinque 's previous discussion of cuntoo, meanwhile disappeared ? 1875503;1543348316;*;mircea_popescu shall buy a lappy just to try trinque's thing on! 1875504;1543348685;mircea_popescu;!!up diginet 1875505;1543348686;deedbot;diginet voiced for 30 minutes. 1875506;1543348691;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-16#1814204 << so, did you ever get anywhere ? 1875507;1543348691;a111;Logged on 2018-05-16 07:17 mircea_popescu: it's not the sort of question that you can answer for yourself in a minute. 1875508;1543349413;deedbot;http://bimbo.club/?p=93 << Bimbo.Club - TMSR Log Summary - 11/12/2018 1875509;1543349827;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: 'if anyone had been bothering to read code they run' link broken 1875510;1543350231;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: ty, fxd 1875511;1543350308;BingoBoingo;And to celebrate Trinque's work on Cuntoo https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Trinque 1875512;1543350639;*;asciilifeform enjoyed rereading that item 1875513;1543350649;asciilifeform;( the linked mircea_popescu piece ) 1875514;1543350774;danielpbarron;mircea_popescu, it's back up now, but my recipe doesn't work anymore. 1875515;1543350823;asciilifeform;http://danielpbarron.com/2018/what-unhappiness-you-must-dwell-in/ << interesting btw 1875516;1543350895;danielpbarron;re that ^, it didn't get pushed by deedbot. has my site been removed from the rsstron? 1875517;1543350909;asciilifeform;http://danielpbarron.com/2017/shitgnomes/ << confirmed, loads 1875518;1543352251;BingoBoingo;!!up grubles 1875519;1543352252;deedbot;grubles voiced for 30 minutes. 1875520;1543352285;BingoBoingo;grubles: Name looks familiar. Life story in 20 words or less. You have 28 minutes. 1875521;1543352321;grubles;hey what was the other channel you guys used to hang out in? 1875522;1543352327;grubles;#bitcoin-assets? 1875523;1543352352;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2015-05-25#1144966 ... 1875524;1543352352;a111;Logged on 2015-05-25 23:50 assbot: You rated user grubles on 23-Dec-2014, with a rating of -1, and supplied these additional notes: Disingenuous at best. One of the large group of everyday nitwits that wandered into Bitcoin early on enough so as to end up with a much larger momentary fortune than their limited brainpower could support. After squandering it through the usual means, they prefer to pretend their funciar stupidity is someone else's fault.. 1875525;1543352367;asciilifeform;!!gettrust grubles 1875526;1543352367;deedbot;L1: 0, L2: -1 by 1 connections. 1875527;1543352401;asciilifeform;http://wot.deedbot.org/D191CE495914F681F7CA94EB31040DE39974C0B2.html << loox like mircea_popescu's rating above still standing 1875528;1543352424;asciilifeform;( and nobody else alive knows anyffing re this fella ) 1875529;1543352446;asciilifeform;grubles: you got maybe half minute to explain wtf you are doing here 1875530;1543352467;grubles;i asked a question. did you not see it above? 1875531;1543352480;grubles;meh 1875532;1543352661;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: And so it does 1875533;1543352994;mircea_popescu;i don't even recall, rando hanger-on from the -otc days. 1875534;1543353023;mircea_popescu;does that thing still exist even ? 1875535;1543353105;asciilifeform;https://bitcoin-otc.com << supposedly 1875536;1543353114;asciilifeform;i suspect it's the usual kind of zombie 'existence' 1875537;1543353139;asciilifeform;https://wiki.bitcoin-otc.com/wiki/Main_Page >> '29 January 2013, at 15:09.' etc 1875538;1543353191;asciilifeform;https://bitcoin-otc.com/vieworderbook.php << seems to sum to lunch money 1875539;1543353206;mircea_popescu;Visit our sponsors: https://bitcoin-otc.com/pia.png << right. 1875540;1543353246;asciilifeform;bonus lulz, 1 of the few inhabitants, https://bitcoin-otc.com/viewratingdetail.php?nick=Hasimir >> << http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-17#1523022 1875541;1543353246;a111;Logged on 2016-08-17 12:54 asciilifeform: ' Hasimir and the "corrupt keys" FUD raised semi-regularly by certain people in another bitcoin channel is just that; ill-informed FUD' 1875542;1543353286;asciilifeform;of the 3 apparently remaining users, 1 is this known and prolific usg.lolcow 1875543;1543353298;asciilifeform;( the other 2 i have nfi about, prolly similar critters ) 1875544;1543353307;mircea_popescu;https://bitly.com/a/warning?hash=NFg1Yy&url=http%3A%2F%2Fbitcoinstats.com%2Firc%2Fbitcoin-otc%2Flogs%2F << in other lulz (redirected from wiki page) 1875545;1543353336;asciilifeform;lol! 1875546;1543353427;mircea_popescu;so of that entire line,
  • channel logs channel stats channel stats 2
  • 1875547;1543353453;mircea_popescu;there's two dead sites and a bitly link. why the fuck would you "bit.ly". unless, of course, you're nanotube, and your brain long ago ceased to work. 1875548;1543353521;mircea_popescu;Transcript for #bitcoin-otc 2018/11/27 IRC logs have been disabled due to the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). © 2010 — 2018 BitcoinStats 1875549;1543353534;mircea_popescu;(Donations welcome: 1PT78metKnSblabla) 1875550;1543353569;mircea_popescu;could these muppets be any more ridiculous through liberal application of deliberate effort ? 1875551;1543353762;asciilifeform;lol 'compliant'(tm)(r) eurotards 1875552;1543353771;mircea_popescu;!!rated nanotube 1875553;1543353771;deedbot;mircea_popescu rated nanotube -1 at 2018/01/24 19:57:26 << took the blue pill at some point prior to the republic, chasing the tenure dream somewhere lost in the imperial wastes. 1875554;1543353791;mircea_popescu;a ok then. whatever, the raccons not worth the buckshot at this point. 1875555;1543353803;asciilifeform;dunno, i always give'em a control shot 1875556;1543353839;mircea_popescu;yeah but i mean wtf even is a "hasimir" or w/e. 1875557;1543353847;asciilifeform;!!rated hasimir 1875558;1543353847;deedbot;asciilifeform has not rated hasimir. 1875559;1543353849;asciilifeform;hmm 1875560;1543353864;asciilifeform;really?! 1875561;1543353867;asciilifeform;gotta fix! 1875562;1543353874;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-17#1523164 i mean, apparently, i had an idea at some point. 1875563;1543353874;a111;Logged on 2016-08-17 16:34 mircea_popescu: (other than in a discussion with the sort of imbecile typified today by hasimir, i dunno either of us gives half a shit.) 1875564;1543353878;mircea_popescu;long ago gc'd. 1875565;1543353904;asciilifeform;!!rate hasimir -10 http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-17#1523022 & elsewhere, inquire within 1875566;1543353904;a111;Logged on 2016-08-17 12:54 asciilifeform: ' Hasimir and the "corrupt keys" FUD raised semi-regularly by certain people in another bitcoin channel is just that; ill-informed FUD' 1875567;1543353907;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/J59ws/?raw=true 1875568;1543353934;asciilifeform;!!v A52D4270BCBD54CCD5606F0CE103EF89D344B0CAEF79433120080A149164BFA7 1875569;1543353934;deedbot;asciilifeform rated hasimir -10 << http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-17#1523022 & elsewhere, inquire within 1875570;1543353979;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the 'australia pirate party' d00d. 1875571;1543353992;mircea_popescu;oh that's what it was ? 1875572;1543353996;asciilifeform;aha him 1875573;1543354021;asciilifeform;as starred in e.g. http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-20#1755533 1875574;1543354021;a111;Logged on 2017-12-20 19:53 mircea_popescu: though ALL SORTS of rank imbeciles, such as that "pirate party" fucktard, had complaints of the proofy proof flavour. 1875575;1543354031;mircea_popescu;i do recall an http://trilema.com/2017/the-practical-costs-of-hallucinated-freedom/ "skeptical" moron ; buit the name didn't ring for some reason. 1875576;1543354034;asciilifeform;an' http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-02#1635758 , & elsewhere. 1875577;1543354034;a111;Logged on 2017-04-02 02:28 mircea_popescu vaguely recalls some "pirate party" associated dorks producing lame "oh, can't factor a key anyway" verbiage cca 2015 1875578;1543354050;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2015-05-21#1142297 < 1875579;1543354050;a111;Logged on 2015-05-21 22:13 Hasimir: oh, did I forget to mention, I'm the treasurer of pirate party australia 1875580;1543354057;asciilifeform;showed up in reaction to the phuctor pop of same. 1875581;1543354063;mircea_popescu;alright. 1875582;1543354115;asciilifeform;near as i can tell, 'loyal opposition' chumpatron, and somewhat long past its expiration date 1875583;1543354165;mircea_popescu;the "pirate party" thing you mean ? 1875584;1543354168;asciilifeform;aha 1875585;1543354205;asciilifeform;in usa they even tried to start a pedo party. for roughly same type honeytrap . but pedos apparently smarter, on avg, than 'activists', didn't catch on 1875586;1543354223;*;asciilifeform brb, teatime 1875587;1543354265;mircea_popescu;the problem with "chinese disidents" aka married-with-childrens http://trilema.com/2012/cine-se-casatoreste/ schmucks, is ~precisely~ ye olde http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-20#1687624 ; specifically, whenever they try to "start a republic", the item they start is over-inflitrated before it gets off the napkin, so to speak. 1875588;1543354265;a111;Logged on 2017-07-20 19:52 asciilifeform: because unlearns faster than learns. 1875589;1543354303;mircea_popescu;sort-of like if cows were surgeons. before cow even started building operating room, the dung-carried bacteria'd be everywhere. because expensive for cow to be surgeon, and cheap for e coli to move along with flying dung. 1875590;1543354505;mircea_popescu;so yeah, openbsd was kinda-maybe cool for even a few months, possibly. if they hadn't started taking http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-27#1875466 BEFORE the thing was even born, and giving them policy positions too! and similarily lisp, before they all went http://btcbase.org/log/2018-08-18#1842812 / http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-09#1641207 1875591;1543354505;a111;Logged on 2018-11-27 19:31 mircea_popescu: femtards can code would like to know "what process to follow" when her windows laptop dun work. 1875592;1543354505;a111;Logged on 2018-08-18 22:27 mircea_popescu: they're always very "creative", with their nonsense, the monkeys, aren't they. little baskets to comemorate Goddess in basket form can always be found. they can't add, of course, and don't wash between the toes. creative math or creative hygiene, where they self-improve in actual fields where they're marginal, this NEVER happens 1875593;1543354505;a111;Logged on 2017-04-09 23:14 mircea_popescu: well, on top of a world ontologically constituted as "12 men on monkey island" attempting to construct alternate world hallucinatorily constituted as "men and money teams compete for island special olympics". 1875594;1543354526;mircea_popescu;and in this like manner, that "pirate party" thing was even cool, for the negative time interval between when it was formed and when it was suborned. 1875595;1543354679;mircea_popescu;gnu managed to drive directx into the ground, on the strength of naive if well meaning contributors, and then managed to give the advantage back to windows, and snatch defeat from the very jaws of victory, on the strength of imbecile management. 1875596;1543354706;mircea_popescu;and i could keep on going in this manner, but the fact remains : the wooden sword cut no heads. 1875597;1543355332;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2012/cine-se-casatoreste/#comment-83174 << reading through trilema yields gold. in the instant case, "wouldn't it be cool if some troll chick implanted selected ovules from fundamental xtian women only, and then aborted them 10 weeks in for the lulz" 1875598;1543355818;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-27#1875587 << i suspect that most of'em dun even get as far as start un-infiltrated in own head 1875599;1543355818;a111;Logged on 2018-11-27 21:31 mircea_popescu: the problem with "chinese disidents" aka married-with-childrens http://trilema.com/2012/cine-se-casatoreste/ schmucks, is ~precisely~ ye olde http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-20#1687624 ; specifically, whenever they try to "start a republic", the item they start is over-inflitrated before it gets off the napkin, so to speak. 1875600;1543355834;mircea_popescu;prolly not. 1875601;1543355843;asciilifeform;typically 'rezistenta prin cultura' before it even hits forebrain 1875602;1543355879;mircea_popescu;whatever, ima go have profiterols and lol at teh issues. 1875603;1543356473;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-27#1875589 << ftr this is only marginally less troo of man than of cow ( unprepped hand & room is much closer to freshly-shat arse , bacteriologically, than to proper operating theatre ) 1875604;1543356473;a111;Logged on 2018-11-27 21:31 mircea_popescu: sort-of like if cows were surgeons. before cow even started building operating room, the dung-carried bacteria'd be everywhere. because expensive for cow to be surgeon, and cheap for e coli to move along with flying dung. 1875605;1543356587;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-27#1875596 << no heads. but, funnily enuff, recently asciilifeform read old treatise on harakiri, and apparently, sometimes , as 'sprezzatura', it was performed with wooden knife 1875606;1543356587;a111;Logged on 2018-11-27 21:38 mircea_popescu: and i could keep on going in this manner, but the fact remains : the wooden sword cut no heads. 1875607;1543356623;asciilifeform;( the japanese never could resist to attempt to make something 'more of itself' ) 1875608;1543357353;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/11/trinque-publishes-cuntoo-bootstrapper/ << Qntra - Trinque Publishes Cuntoo Bootstrapper 1875609;1543364052;mircea_popescu;so i got a bunch of danielpbarron pingbacks from like 2016 for some reason (beat that, rw mail services)! among which one for http://danielpbarron.com/2016/are-you-thankful/ 1875610;1543364078;danielpbarron;yeah i'm putting old stuff into my new setup finally 1875611;1543364087;asciilifeform;lol possibly asciilifeform loses championship crown of 'whose www b0rked the longest' 1875612;1543364103;danielpbarron;pingbacks never worked for me until i got on pizarro 1875613;1543364120;mircea_popescu;a. 1875614;1543364750;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron i'll confess trying to follow the logic of your articles fails here. do you even want to be in the lordship then ? 1875615;1543364770;danielpbarron;yes 1875616;1543364798;mircea_popescu;but why ? 1875617;1543365194;danielpbarron;bitcoin is still an interest of mine, and i enjoy the position. I'm very much invested in it between maintaining a node and my holdings in Eulora 1875618;1543365223;asciilifeform;danielpbarron: are you still running FG dealership ? 1875619;1543365225;mircea_popescu;but i mean... it's not "build on biblical principles". nor is it going to be. 1875620;1543365237;danielpbarron;asciilifeform, yes 1875621;1543365252;mircea_popescu;in fact, as the only sovereign, it is literally the superior node of god in general, and of any statement of divinity, whether it originates with some guy in rural oklahoma or rural canaan. 1875622;1543365308;danielpbarron;it's not wrong for me to be involved, although it wouldn't be good for me to become a partner in business with people who don't believe 1875623;1543365320;*;asciilifeform at one point tried to systematically fit in head danielpbarron's theology, but it appears to be at least as complicated as ffa; broke teeth 1875624;1543365514;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron nevermind involved, that's not the topic. you say you want to be in the lordship, but that you disagree with the fundamental premises of the whole thing. well, how do you reconcile these ? 1875625;1543365626;danielpbarron;if a requirement of being a lord is that i have to call tmsr the true and only god, then i do not want to be called one 1875626;1543365727;mircea_popescu;i don't even know it's a requirement. for that matter, it's not clear how precisely the republic would even come to notice something as ridiculously trivial as whatever religious belief (unless i suppose you end up doing dumb shit "because of it", but even then, 0 difference between "religion" and "but then i got high" or w/e). 1875627;1543365755;mircea_popescu;i'm rather curious what goes on in your own mind, which is why i said i don't follow the logic. "i wanna be in the lordship though i don't think the republic makes sense". well ?! 1875628;1543365800;danielpbarron;well it doesn't make sense like any government doesn't make sense, but this is the best one I know of 1875629;1543365836;mircea_popescu;so then the contention is essentially that your other religious notions are in the end irrelevant to you ? 1875630;1543365867;mircea_popescu;sorta like "well, i should diet, in principle. meanwhile, this profiterol is the only dessert that doesn't suck, so give me another" ? 1875631;1543365943;danielpbarron;i don't think it is wrong to be involved in this or any other government, in principle 1875632;1543366150;*;asciilifeform remembers old su joak. orthodox j00 kid is going to town for 1st time. asks, 'rebbe, there are many temptations in the city, what should i avoid looking at' 'waddayamean' 'well, i heard there are chix' 'what of'em?' 'well, i hear there's them strippers... good jew should not look at strippers?' 'you can look at strippers' 'there are bare cunts! really, good jew can look at cunts?!' 'yes' 'so what ~shouldn't~ a good jew look at 1875633;1543366279;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron you keep bringing it to this "involved". the discussion is not at the level of "being involved", as the lowest possible standard. the discussion is being part of the lordship, as the highest possible standard. 1875634;1543366540;mircea_popescu;let's try different terminology : why would you want to be one of the dozen-or-so "apostles" of this pizzeria owner by the name melchisedec, if you believe the other jesus guy, in the trattoria down the street, is the true pastafarian in town ?! 1875635;1543366581;mircea_popescu;not a matter of "well, when coming from out of town pizzeria is closer, whereas when going out of town trattoria is closer, so whatever, depending on how hungry i am i sit where it happens" 1875636;1543366849;danielpbarron;i don't see the two being exclusive of each other. If you are saying that I don't do enough here, I can't disagree. But the reason for not doing enough isn't that I am morally opposed to it. If i'm to be removeed as lord it should be because I have been too lazy about it; not that it was in irreconcilable conflict with my religious beliefs 1875637;1543366906;asciilifeform;danielpbarron: if it aint a mega-seekrit -- what is it that you do with most of yer time ? 1875638;1543366925;danielpbarron;not a whole lot, shamefully 1875639;1543366958;asciilifeform;dare i to ask how that worx ? what is it, ...eat mushroom and watch cartoons on ceiling? 1875640;1543366962;asciilifeform;...reddit ? 1875641;1543367000;danielpbarron;something like that 1875642;1543367015;asciilifeform;the good news is that it's curable 1875643;1543367021;asciilifeform;( but gotta want to be cured ) 1875644;1543367061;danielpbarron;i would like to be as productive in my free time as i used to be in my professional life 1875645;1543367072;danielpbarron;i'm not a very good manager of myself 1875646;1543367145;mircea_popescu;how do you even know what "the reason is" ? 1875647;1543367422;danielpbarron;i know what is not the reason, beyond that perhaps i don't know 1875648;1543367609;mircea_popescu;seems to me you've managed to work yourself into a hole. 1875649;1543367630;mircea_popescu;different, i grant, from the usual "find some dependocunt to worship along with her spawn", but rather in coloring than substance. 1875650;1543368000;*;trinque wonders where sloth figures into danielpbarron's inner emulated yahweh 1875651;1543368019;danielpbarron;it's bad 1875652;1543368130;mircea_popescu;i'm starting to see a pattern here. "republic is unbiblical but i wanna be in the lordship, sloth is bad but what i do is not much, etc". you know, the principal theory as to ~why~ the catholics go to hell is specifically the trade in "indulgences", which is to say, EXACTLY that procedure ? 1875653;1543368147;mircea_popescu;there can be such a thing as a naive practicing catholic, you know. what one says isn't the be all end all. 1875654;1543368574;danielpbarron;you're right, i need to do what i say 1875655;1543368632;mircea_popescu;or stop saying things that can't be done. either because meaningless, self-contradictory, unimportant, whatever. 1875656;1543368672;mircea_popescu;i never heard before of some guy who CAN live independently, moving to rural shithole to not be bothered, and then having ~same to show for a year of his life as mod6. at least that dood is holding down a job and a coupla kids meanwhile. 1875657;1543368685;danielpbarron;i'm not going to give up hope 1875658;1543368710;mircea_popescu;you do understand the part where most guys in the lordship would very much LIKE to be able to move to fucking stickville and just not have to deal with the whole pile of crap. 1875659;1543368725;trinque;wanton use of the declarative cuts both ways. this internalized "because bible, full stop" can just as easily "because on my ass is what I do, full stop". 1875660;1543368748;danielpbarron;mircea_popescu, yes 1875661;1543368933;trinque;drug users (see: g_l) do this, go around declaring doctrines like lisplinux-chimera god and inventing pegleg rituals of devotion to her 1875662;1543368944;mircea_popescu;quite. 1875663;1543369221;asciilifeform;trinque: lulzily, i recently looked at the https://github.com/gabriel-laddel/masamune thing : lo and behold, 'Latest commit b7332fe on Apr 6, 2017' << prolly d00d is truly dead 1875664;1543369271;trinque;kid was dead when his mother let the state give him amphetamines while his brain was developing. 1875665;1543369294;asciilifeform;trinque: hrm, i thought he took it up as grown man 1875666;1543369343;*;asciilifeform not expert on q of typical disease progression in subj 1875667;1543369352;mircea_popescu;they do this "declare the few boys showing signs of not being femtarded sick ; and then treat them" . 1875668;1543369379;*;trinque came up in a generation of kids given amphetamine salts for ^ 1875669;1543369424;asciilifeform;trinque: escaped ? or didja have to 'cold turkey' or wat 1875670;1543369448;mircea_popescu;pretty sure parental connivance was still required. 1875671;1543369452;trinque;dad thought these "doctors" were communist pussies, bless him 1875672;1543369493;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform isn't it the height of cargo cultist idiocy, this "6 character commit ids" thing shithub does. 1875673;1543369496;asciilifeform;'child shrink' racket created, or so i hear, '9000' exciting new diseases 1875674;1543369527;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: they're really e.g. https://github.com/gabriel-laddel/masamune/commit/b7332fe26e69ff4d60f075f3c21179cd1eae8bae , they do the kochtard 'short fp' thing in the ui 1875675;1543369538;mircea_popescu;aha. 1875676;1543400213;diana_coman;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-28#1875644 -> so wanting to be a lord while at the same time needing someone to use a whip on you already? 1875677;1543400213;a111;Logged on 2018-11-28 01:04 danielpbarron: i would like to be as productive in my free time as i used to be in my professional life 1875678;1543418265;asciilifeform;diana_coman: lol, maybe he wants to be vassal 1875679;1543419164;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-28#1875663 << btw, ftr i was apparently wrong about this : there's a single solitary comment from the d00d on some shithub somewhere, from ~week ago. 1875680;1543419164;a111;Logged on 2018-11-28 01:40 asciilifeform: trinque: lulzily, i recently looked at the https://github.com/gabriel-laddel/masamune thing : lo and behold, 'Latest commit b7332fe on Apr 6, 2017' << prolly d00d is truly dead 1875681;1543419178;asciilifeform;( maybe he was in bum jail ? ) 1875682;1543419328;asciilifeform;while on subj: https://github.com/gabriel-laddel/masamune/blob/master/culture.lisp << lulzy 1875683;1543419356;asciilifeform;( http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/vpNY3/?raw=true << plain txt, for folx who have lulhub nullrouted ) 1875684;1543419503;trinque;nice amulet he made there. 1875685;1543419518;asciilifeform;trinque: reminds me of terry davis's pile of ? 1875686;1543419597;asciilifeform;( see also old thrd where http://btcbase.org/log/2014-03-05#548267 ) 1875687;1543419597;a111;Logged on 2014-03-05 23:10 asciilifeform: the mechanism in their heads that is needed to dis-invest in an unproductive line of inquiry breaks. 1875688;1543419677;asciilifeform;trinque: consider, d00d went off the rails, but could have instead built cuntoo , 2y ago. 1875689;1543419711;asciilifeform;( iirc he was nearly barking up the right tree, with the auto-builder thing ) 1875690;1543419734;asciilifeform;ohai amberglint 1875691;1543419736;amberglint;Hello everyone 1875692;1543419743;amberglint;asciilifeform: I found someone who can decap your Ivory: http://www.seanriddle.com/decap.html 1875693;1543419748;amberglint;I wrote him an email, and he said he'd be happy to do it 1875694;1543419756;amberglint;this is the decapping that got me interested, he even transcribed the microcode ROM: http://www.seanriddle.com/scn68000c8n64.html 1875695;1543419782;asciilifeform;amberglint: do ya think you can persuade him to come here ? 1875696;1543419797;amberglint;asciilifeform: I think I can 1875697;1543419801;asciilifeform;good 1875698;1543419811;asciilifeform;let him come, reg his pubkey, get in wot. 1875699;1543419821;asciilifeform;i only got 2 ivories, they're a nonrenewable resource 1875700;1543419859;amberglint;hopefully he won't lose interest if I make him go through the standard procedure here 1875701;1543419859;asciilifeform;took me >10y to get'em, and could take another 20yr to get another. 1875702;1543419893;asciilifeform;amberglint: that's the basic litmus test. if comes, gets in wot, then ~possibly~ serious 1875703;1543419932;amberglint;"I do have to warn that although I’ve had very good luck decapping chips and getting pictures, I have had some failures and there is always the possibility that I could damage the chip so badly that pictures would not be useful." 1875704;1543419954;amberglint;he did a lot of decappings, so I think he's not too bad 1875705;1543419966;asciilifeform;i believe 1875706;1543419987;asciilifeform;simply, they're ~priceless rembrandts, and i'd rather not send one to a d00d sight-unseen 1875707;1543419995;amberglint;I understand 1875708;1543420037;asciilifeform;iirc phf already gave one to some d00d who never came back 1875709;1543420123;asciilifeform;the die shots on the linked page look decent, but not high res enuff to actually work from ( is he hard up for hosting, and reluctant to put 500MB photo ? ) 1875710;1543420169;amberglint;haven't asked that yet, but he did transcribe a ROM so I guess he has higher res ones 1875711;1543420201;asciilifeform;http://www.seanriddle.com/sc1die.html << suggests that this is the case, the link to 'Here's a 17436x15128 pixel version (HD View on another server)' goes to some microshit site that doesn't actually load for me 1875712;1543420345;asciilifeform;also that signetics is iirc a 3.5uM process. i dunno if he ever did a 1uM die 1875713;1543420369;asciilifeform;( none of the listed items seems to be even a 2uM, much less 1 ) 1875714;1543420398;amberglint;I mentioned in the email that the chip is 1uM, he did not object 1875715;1543420426;asciilifeform;if this were any other ic, i'd say 'gift horse', but in this case 'sapper errs once' ( or , i suppose, twice.. ) 1875716;1543420460;asciilifeform;anyway if he comes -- we'll talk 1875717;1543420482;amberglint;good, I'll try to guide him here 1875718;1543420488;asciilifeform;thx amberglint 1875719;1543420697;asciilifeform;( for n00bz -- decapping, even if done perfectly, is irreversible process, we dun know how many layers even in ivory, and to take pic of n+1st layer gotta dissolve the n-th... ) 1875720;1543420776;asciilifeform;and 1uM was just about the last process where optical microscopy yields anyffin 1875721;1543420792;asciilifeform;it's right about on the borderline of what can be done with that instrument 1875722;1543422417;phf;asciilifeform: before you agree to a decap, give me some more time to get you the docs, maybe they'll be enough to get things going. i'd hate to lose an ivory to get some pretty but useless pictures, i'd rather it fry on a breadboard in the process of directed discovery 1875723;1543424252;asciilifeform;phf: aite 1875724;1543424358;asciilifeform;phf: tho imho ideally, we'd still get a decap of #2 after #1 is happily in a ersatz-ivory board and booting the full archaeological soft stack 1875725;1543424408;asciilifeform;( there could, for instance, be instructions in the physical device that bolix never had a chance to use in os, but exist in some last-days userland proggy like ns etc ) 1875726;1543424515;asciilifeform;i also suspect that there is coad that won't work without ~cycle-accurate~ copy of the cpu ( the periodic barfage of the 'official' emulator suggests this -- did they use empty loop delays in place of mutexes, or what, i do not yet know ) 1875727;1543424554;asciilifeform;phf: i'm hoping i dun have to wait another full year for those docs... 1875728;1543424624;phf;busywait, cadr particularly is full of it. and yes reliance on particular cpu timing. i suspect there's a limited amount of it, but enough to make fast emulation buggy 1875729;1543424637;asciilifeform;i also suspect that this experiment will need the contents of whatever's in those roms on the ivory3 1875730;1543424646;asciilifeform;( iirc they contain bringup microcoad ) 1875731;1543424941;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/jvkUK << photo of ivory-2 . appears to contain 1 rom, prolly no moar than a 32kB, going by the pin count. 1875732;1543424964;*;asciilifeform was never able to find a high-res photo of ivory-3. perhaps phf has ? 1875733;1543425055;asciilifeform;there's a buncha shit-res jpg on the net, but they all have the cache daughterboard mounted, which obscures half of the card 1875734;1543425154;phf;there's a few photos that i took, but they are somewhere in the pile 1875735;1543425288;phf;http://fare.tunes.org/files/pics/lispm/2003-01-19-lispm-fare.jpg << current wrecker of asdf 1875736;1543425303;asciilifeform;yes i know who he is. 1875737;1543425323;phf;asciilifeform: that's for the logs, i just thought it was a particularly goofy picture 1875738;1543425334;asciilifeform;all these folx seem quite alike, 9000 mug shots of grinning muzzle, and 0 highres jpeg of board 1875739;1543425342;asciilifeform;much less rom dump 1875740;1543425387;asciilifeform;( srsly, nobody has a fiddybux TL866a and 10 minutes and can be arsed ?! ) 1875741;1543425415;asciilifeform;it's a socketed rom. if yer hands dun grow from arse, there's 0 risk of killing it 1875742;1543426129;*;asciilifeform brb;meat 1875743;1543427580;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/11/64-year-old-woman-jailed-in-us-over-cotton-candy-released-months-later/ << Qntra - 64 Year Old Woman Jailed In US Over Cotton Candy, Released Months Later 1875744;1543428875;asciilifeform;phf: imho the ultimate bolix caper would be to rack a coupla working clones at pizarro & rent'em out. but admittedly this is , presently, nearly as far as the moon 1875745;1543428948;asciilifeform;( for n00bz -- racking an actual bolix is afaik a nonstarter -- the remaining units lack not only the requisite 24/7 reliability / component life , but also any means to cleanly wash the whore between customers, the way i do with e.g rk ) 1875746;1543429025;asciilifeform;the mechanics of use is actually 'easy part' -- they take x11 pipe over tcp, and are pretty light on graphics (1bit raster) 1875747;1543429291;asciilifeform;( see, e.g., thread http://btcbase.org/log/2016-04-12#1450695 ) 1875748;1543429291;a111;Logged on 2016-04-12 21:42 asciilifeform: symbolics co. sold quite a few boxes ~the only~ UI to which was x11 over the lan. 1875749;1543430843;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/11/usg-issues-sanctions-against-two-bitcoin-addresses/ << Qntra - USG Issues Sanctions Against Two Bitcoin Addresses 1875750;1543431227;asciilifeform;next up : the number 3137 sentenced to 20 yrs in gulag. ( for being prime and 3137ist scum on top! ) 1875751;1543431541;BingoBoingo;I suspect USG is going to try pushing some power ranger to an ethereum type "evil address" fork 1875752;1543431587;asciilifeform;hey, phree coin. 1875753;1543431591;asciilifeform;like the bch thing last yr. 1875754;1543431602;asciilifeform;what's not to like. 1875755;1543431746;BingoBoingo;Well it could be the opportunity for USG to try capturing lords still stuck behind the wire for breaking obscure rules in the where the fuck did that come from book 1875756;1543431913;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: as mircea_popescu is quite fond of pointing out, they can shoot these any time they like , by 'oops wrong address for swat'; no particular need for oddball new fatwas for that 1875757;1543431959;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: i for instance prolly good for three or four hangings, simply on what's in the l0gz 1875758;1543431968;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: You forget the criminal organization is its own species of especially superstitious orc. They have their rituals too. 1875759;1543432029;asciilifeform;oh and guten tag mircea_popescu 1875760;1543432363;mircea_popescu;hola. 1875761;1543432493;mircea_popescu;by the way : http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-28#1875661 <<--->> http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-13#1798405 just to have it on the record. 1875762;1543432493;a111;Logged on 2018-11-28 01:35 trinque: drug users (see: g_l) do this, go around declaring doctrines like lisplinux-chimera god and inventing pegleg rituals of devotion to her 1875763;1543432493;a111;Logged on 2018-04-13 20:10 zx2c4: mircea_popescu: this article is about making a company right? i'm not doing that. im just writing painstaking careful code and giving it to the world for free 1875764;1543432586;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-28#1875676 << wants and needs, right ? http://trilema.com/2014/pro-idiotas-which-obviously-means-people-who-have-ideas-ie-idiots/#selection-533.0-533.386 1875765;1543432586;a111;Logged on 2018-11-28 10:16 diana_coman: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-28#1875644 -> so wanting to be a lord while at the same time needing someone to use a whip on you already? 1875766;1543432659;mircea_popescu;"'вялотекущая шизофрения'" lol. that thing's noit even tewibwu. 1875767;1543432750;deedbot;http://bimbo.club/?p=94 << Bimbo.Club - TMSR Log Summary - 11/13/2018 1875768;1543432852;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-28#1875688 << this "could" is entirely dubious. might've, yes, but... http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-01#1868382 1875769;1543432852;a111;Logged on 2018-11-28 15:41 asciilifeform: trinque: consider, d00d went off the rails, but could have instead built cuntoo , 2y ago. 1875770;1543432852;a111;Logged on 2018-11-01 17:43 mircea_popescu: looky, the past 3 days' work could have been done just as well in 2015 as today. 1875771;1543432884;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: iirc he had a self-building-to-ext-hdd gentoo thing ( but naturally 0 clue as to what-next ) 1875772;1543432927;asciilifeform;then again i personally have nfi what % ran and what % 'spreading worx' 1875773;1543432932;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-28#1875700 << really, a lot cheaper to make a decapper than to make another ivory. so i rather hope he does lose interest, if he's the sort of http://btcbase.org/log/2018-08-04#1839459 retard. 1875774;1543432932;a111;Logged on 2018-11-28 15:44 amberglint: hopefully he won't lose interest if I make him go through the standard procedure here 1875775;1543432932;a111;Logged on 2018-08-04 20:58 mircea_popescu: !!rate cnomad -10 scammer, ran off with a dime. 1875776;1543432943;mircea_popescu;world really has had enough of those, mid 2018. 0 further need. 1875777;1543432949;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: phf rubbed in this point further downthread 1875778;1543432954;mircea_popescu;aok. 1875779;1543432961;*;asciilifeform inclined to agree 1875780;1543433047;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-28#1875711 << suppose you offer him free hosting ? 1875781;1543433047;a111;Logged on 2018-11-28 15:50 asciilifeform: http://www.seanriddle.com/sc1die.html << suggests that this is the case, the link to 'Here's a 17436x15128 pixel version (HD View on another server)' goes to some microshit site that doesn't actually load for me 1875782;1543433048;asciilifeform;btw i'd kinda like to give those ivories to mircea_popescu for safekeep, if he agrees ( they're pocket-sized, so not 'pogo crate' ) 1875783;1543433059;asciilifeform;it'd suck to have'em vanish simply cuz asciilifeform were killed 1875784;1543433071;mircea_popescu;im not prepared to offer "hold your gold for you" services. 1875785;1543433078;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform is invited to not get killed. 1875786;1543433119;asciilifeform;well it'd be mircea_popescu's gold then. but if he dun feel like it, is entirely ok. 1875787;1543433168;mircea_popescu;ty, but have some crown jewels. what am i, the inca here ? http://btcbase.org/log/2017-02-10#1613027 and all that ? 1875788;1543433168;a111;Logged on 2017-02-10 16:28 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform btw, in a very much unrteported move, frankfurt got 300 tons of gold from new york. 1875789;1543433170;mircea_popescu;noty. 1875790;1543433180;asciilifeform;aite. 1875791;1543433228;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-28#1875720 << for my own curiosity : do they actually do interferometry when decapping ? 1875792;1543433228;a111;Logged on 2018-11-28 15:59 asciilifeform: and 1uM was just about the last process where optical microscopy yields anyffin 1875793;1543433252;mircea_popescu;(doesn't have to be stereo or live or anything. just take multiple photos ~in multiple lights~ and then have a computer diff the results, same end product) 1875794;1543433254;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: only if there's 2 dies suspected of subtle diff 1875795;1543433272;mircea_popescu;no, to extend the range into heisenberg's lands. 1875796;1543433278;asciilifeform;tho yer thinking of 'comparison microscope' ( like at old-style police stations for ballistics ) rather than interferometer 1875797;1543433284;mircea_popescu;right. 1875798;1543433285;asciilifeform;ah confocal micro ? 1875799;1543433288;mircea_popescu;no. 1875800;1543433314;mircea_popescu;you put in a violet source, take a pic. next you put in a green source, take a pic. next, yellow and red. 1875801;1543433330;asciilifeform;ah not afaik 1875802;1543433331;mircea_popescu;THEN you reconstruct the ~real~ edges of a material, to get a better resolution final pic. 1875803;1543433346;mircea_popescu;can be done with filters, too. 1875804;1543433351;asciilifeform;tho it strikes me as a thing that oughta boost res 1875805;1543433354;mircea_popescu;(on the source, i mean). 1875806;1543433368;asciilifeform;not so much optical microscopy in current-day reversing biz ( not so many people bringing 1980s dies.. ) 1875807;1543433368;mircea_popescu;of course it does, we had something like this because shitty microscope on fog room. 1875808;1543433381;mircea_popescu;so had a strobe. 1875809;1543433413;asciilifeform;there's a standard microscope for this, i had one when i used fluorescent markers in meat work 1875810;1543433425;mircea_popescu;im sure there is. 1875811;1543433432;asciilifeform;( but afaik not sop in ic-rev-for-coin labs currently ) 1875812;1543433432;mircea_popescu;by any rights there should be. 1875813;1543433437;mircea_popescu;well... ? 1875814;1543433451;mircea_popescu;not like it costs anything. though-- i expect the software doesn't actually exist. 1875815;1543433484;asciilifeform;software is a 'can write later'. the photo gotta exist 1st. 1875816;1543433503;mircea_popescu;yeah. minus possible "oh, really, you know what ? shoulda taken them ~like this~" backflow. 1875817;1543433508;asciilifeform;right 1875818;1543433528;asciilifeform;hence 'they're nonrenewable, d00d, measure not 7 but 7777 times before cutting 1ce' 1875819;1543433530;mircea_popescu;not bloody likely, physics is physics, but sometimes soft edges, "you'd gain a 20% benefit for a 1% cost" you don't see till you see it. 1875820;1543433578;asciilifeform;in a hypothetical peacetime when asciilifeform'd have free hands to do this personally, would start with a crate of less-rare contemporary 1uM die (e.g. 386) 1st 1875821;1543433598;mircea_popescu;yeah, do it on z80s with out of focus microscope. same deal. 1875822;1543433621;asciilifeform;z80 is a much larger-featured item, so not directly applicable. 386/486 is the ticket. 1875823;1543433642;asciilifeform;( you'd want to test system on sumthing with comparable 'micronicity' ) 1875824;1543433683;asciilifeform;if this were a moneyed proj, i'd go straight to the electronists 1875825;1543433696;asciilifeform;slight overkill, but ~guaranteed detail. 1875826;1543433730;asciilifeform;'ivory' is somewhat unique case, imho, i dun expect to ever run across another 1980s item that even begins to merit this treatment. 1875827;1543433744;asciilifeform;(so developing entire process for 1um dies, prolly not worth the candles) 1875828;1543433759;mircea_popescu;if you say i believe. anyway, above described approach really should be the standard. if it isn't / until it is, i'd say premature to decap ivories. 1875829;1543433772;asciilifeform;either it or electron is the ticket, aha 1875830;1543433790;mircea_popescu;well yes but 2+ dom difference in cost. 1875831;1543433811;mircea_popescu;(degree of magnitude) 1875832;1543433814;asciilifeform;if i end up doing the job with own hands, it'll be with mircea_popescu's method, i dun have electron microscope or the floor space to erect one 1875833;1543433880;asciilifeform;( tho what asciilifeform most direly lacks, is the ~time~, hence open to the idea of another pair of hands doing it. just, would MUCH rather it be l1 hands than some ??? folk ) 1875834;1543434058;mircea_popescu;http://fare.tunes.org/files/pics/lispm/2003-01-19-lispm-fare.jpg << why is it always a retarded faggoty boi in all of these ? 1875835;1543434062;asciilifeform;!Q later tell phf i did finally turn up a high-res (enuff to read the ic labels) shot of ivory2; http://www.loper-os.org/pub/ivory2.jpg << mirrored. 1875836;1543434062;lobbesbot;asciilifeform: The operation succeeded. 1875837;1543434077;mircea_popescu;we used to beat the shit out of the "depeche mode" morons in the 90s. wtf did you do! 1875838;1543434080;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: for the obj reason, who else takes 'me, me, me' mug shot with 0 particular reason 1875839;1543434088;mircea_popescu;i do. 1875840;1543434127;mircea_popescu;what's that dumb fuck with the bad audio driver / pid eins nonsense ? practically same exact cocksucker, where do they even find them. 1875841;1543434242;asciilifeform;!Q later tell phf turns out i was wrong re the rom, the rom-shaped object is actually a 1980s 'programmable event timer' thingie, am2971adc 1875842;1543434242;lobbesbot;asciilifeform: The operation succeeded. 1875843;1543434256;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: poettering ? 1875844;1543434283;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-28#1875738 << exactly! and the same fucking mugs! the same everythings! 1875845;1543434283;a111;Logged on 2018-11-28 17:15 asciilifeform: all these folx seem quite alike, 9000 mug shots of grinning muzzle, and 0 highres jpeg of board 1875846;1543434429;mircea_popescu;1984's "bug-like man" was not exactly on point. apparently the socialist future breeds these boyish abominations. 1875847;1543434490;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-28#1875744 << do you recall that time we visited some moron running "a museum", who was going to do exactly this ? 1875848;1543434490;a111;Logged on 2018-11-28 18:14 asciilifeform: phf: imho the ultimate bolix caper would be to rack a coupla working clones at pizarro & rent'em out. but admittedly this is , presently, nearly as far as the moon 1875849;1543434497;mircea_popescu;but then he got high, or whatever the fuck the kanzures do. 1875850;1543434498;asciilifeform;indeed 1875851;1543434537;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo "has targeted a two Bitcoin addresses as" 1875852;1543434541;asciilifeform;imho gotta be clones tho, orig will release magic smoke if run for coupla 100 hrs, optimistically, and no one will fix. 1875853;1543434575;asciilifeform;( e.g. capacitor, can replace, if one knows where, a la http://www.loper-os.org/?p=1871 ; but there are other pieces ) 1875854;1543434603;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: ty, fxd 1875855;1543434610;mircea_popescu;trinque you see any problem with !!withdraw 149w62rY42aZBox8fGcmqNsXUzSStKeq8C 0.1337 / !!withdraw 1AjZPMsnmpdK2Rv9KQNfMurTXinscVro9V 0.1337 ? 1875856;1543434681;mircea_popescu;schmucks wanna break fungibility, gotta learn all they can break is their precious "orifice" or w/e it's called. 1875857;1543434693;asciilifeform;it actually wasn't clear from the fatwa, whether the pertinent folx are already on the stake in washington, and preet has the privkey, or loose 1875858;1543434743;mircea_popescu;hey. 1875859;1543434804;asciilifeform;if whole crock o'shit is a scheme to win a titcoin or two from mircea_popescu , gotta give points for originality 1875860;1543434820;mircea_popescu;0fb6460fcb88a0fbdc85d4f3b9505e69814ceacb3effd20b427d1b8d5689094e / 09c078a4040b1a044dc654e005bcc8b4c23523393d5244fd9c47408968555640 i see mempool txn right now. 1875861;1543434850;mircea_popescu;ae43769a90036b85792c606a0d46e7a0e8c47189f9e5ceaed4bf45979e27c12b << last confirmed, 11th current. 1875862;1543434855;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the fatwa claims winblowz cryptodisk-flavoured virii 'ransom' addr, so prolly 9000 tx 1875863;1543434898;mircea_popescu;they're pretty much empty. 1875864;1543434930;mircea_popescu;amusingly, average income payment is 4 digits, keks. i'd be sending what, 1k x wjhat they make ? roflmao. 1875865;1543434963;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: fwiw asciilifeform personally reversed coupla hundred 'ransomware' trojan turds, almost always the addr is ~empty 1875866;1543434971;asciilifeform;it's a cargocult, for the most part, a la spam. 1875867;1543434983;mircea_popescu;i think these are remnants from like 2014. 1875868;1543434990;asciilifeform;~nobody pays, folx format their hdds and cry into drink 1875869;1543434993;mircea_popescu;back then, btc was cheap, possibly made a few thousand. 1875870;1543435028;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the WHOLE thing is the posturing involved. it really sticks in teh usg's craw whenever it runs into real world not giving a shit about what its mommy told it. 1875871;1543435039;mircea_popescu;hence if you recall one of the few decent orwell pieces 1875872;1543435057;mircea_popescu;im sorry, what's the would-be russian ? 1875873;1543435073;mircea_popescu;with the dysfunctional catamaran ? 1875874;1543435081;asciilifeform;orlov 1875875;1543435091;asciilifeform;( believe or not, still inbiz ) 1875876;1543435120;asciilifeform;e.g. today,s , https://archive.is/HpYAW 1875877;1543435148;mircea_popescu;the one with russians saying no. 1875878;1543435148;asciilifeform;( and actually on subj ) 1875879;1543435153;asciilifeform;yes him 1875880;1543435195;asciilifeform;http://cluborlov.blogspot.com/2016/07/the-power-of-nyet.html << mircea_popescu's subj 1875881;1543435237;mircea_popescu;a there we go. 1875882;1543435401;mircea_popescu;anyway, he pretty much has it -- the "no" is deeply corrosive for the fucktarded brain. and the model exactly is, coddled mommyboi goes out of fenced area and gets assraped. 1875883;1543435409;mircea_popescu;the memory of the delicious anal twinge lingers. 1875884;1543435447;mircea_popescu;The corrosive psychological effect of “nyet” on the American hegemonic psyche cannot be underestimated. If you are supposed to think and act like a hegemon, but only the thinking part still works, then the result is cognitive dissonance. If your job is to bully nations around, and the nations can no longer be bullied, then your job becomes a joke, and you turn into a mental patient. << pretty much exact. 1875885;1543436642;asciilifeform;wb Mocky 1875886;1543436645;Mocky;thx! 1875887;1543436921;Mocky;mircea_popescu, BingoBoingo re wires #1 and #2 that I sent: #1 came back 'cancelled' after 3 days, #2 went to 'completed' after 1 day. I retried #1 (less 1 dollar) and it now is 'completed' after 1 day. BingoBoingo can you verify if actually arrived at bank? 1875888;1543437024;BingoBoingo;Mocky: Will ask, tyvm 1875889;1543437041;Mocky;np 1875890;1543441121;BingoBoingo;Latest G20 lulz is Argentina is going to see if they can afford to buy a nuclear power plant and management of said plant from Russia 1875891;1543441150;BingoBoingo;Seeing how their submarine ownership went... 1875892;1543442694;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-28#1875841 << twist : thing has 622 bits of antifuse-rom state. 1875893;1543442694;a111;Logged on 2018-11-28 19:44 asciilifeform: !Q later tell phf turns out i was wrong re the rom, the rom-shaped object is actually a 1980s 'programmable event timer' thingie, am2971adc 1875894;1543442757;asciilifeform;( i expect they used it as clock & address latch generator ) 1875895;1543443448;Mocky;so many of the jobs out there want secret government clearance now, jeez. who do they think they are kidding with their super secret shit 1875896;1543443678;Mocky;cisco's hiring 2 miles down the road, "Colorful hair? Don’t care. Tattoos? Show off your ink. Like polka dots? That’s cool. Pop culture geek? Many of us are. Be you, with us! #WeAreCisco #GIS #SDx" good luck with that, lol 1875897;1543444587;BingoBoingo;Mocky: In my corner of old country that's how things have been for a few years. Want a tech job? Take you pick of Boeing, mystery contractors scattered in strip malls around the airforce base, or put up with commuting to Saint Louis proper 1875898;1543445033;asciilifeform;Mocky: typically cisco grunts 'clearanced' not even for any interesting seekrit, but simply to be permitted on the grounds in usg dc where they cart the crates to 1875899;1543445070;asciilifeform;kinda like how they used to have 'clearanced' firemen, to put out fires in usg shitholes 1875900;1543445094;asciilifeform;( but no moar, can't afford, in the words of actual live usg seekrecy politruk , to asciilifeform : 'today instruction is 'let it burn' ' ) 1875901;1543445184;asciilifeform;( d00d had pretty good gig: opened safe in the morning, closed in evening, and played 'wow' all day... ) 1875902;1543445262;trinque;mircea_popescu: lulzy, but my coffers aren't stocked up for a supreme court fight just yet 1875903;1543445348;asciilifeform;( took place in a typical salt mine, with mix of what passes for normal folks, and 'cleared'; asciilifeform ended up resigning, rather than taking holy orders , was quite loathesome pit in 9000 ways ) 1875904;1543445522;asciilifeform;trinque: i suspect was moar of a 'plug embrasure of pillbox' idea than 2waymission 1875905;1543446507;asciilifeform;in other lulz : https://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/1lb-14-7oz-vintage-symbolics-vsli-242998915 << photo of what appears to be a pile of bolix ivories, sold for (!) gold recycler recently. epic. 1875906;1543446721;asciilifeform;^ 26, to be exact, 'ivories' ( the rest weitek and 3620 rubbish ) 1875907;1543447683;asciilifeform;meanwhile in spam traps : 'usd coin! buy and sell for $1.00, where supported' 1875908;1543447742;Mocky;these jobs requiring 'clearanced' is actually quite handy, easy filter criteria 1875909;1543447747;asciilifeform;( spam did not see it fit to mention what, precisely, happens if you sell it for 5cents... lightning strikes ? ) 1875910;1543447890;asciilifeform;Mocky: funnily enuff, they dun always bother to mention. i get spam calls erry week, where d00d pitches 'x,y,z,exactly what you do,come work for us' 'ts/sci ?' 'of course' ~click~ 1875911;1543448080;*;asciilifeform would luvv to http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-28#1875656 and never answer pnojes again, but not in the cards yet 1875912;1543448080;a111;Logged on 2018-11-28 01:31 mircea_popescu: i never heard before of some guy who CAN live independently, moving to rural shithole to not be bothered, and then having ~same to show for a year of his life as mod6. at least that dood is holding down a job and a coupla kids meanwhile. 1875913;1543449534;BingoBot;http://bingology.net/2018/11/28/peso-watch-november-2018/ 1875914;1543449541;BingoBot;http://bingology.net/2018/11/28/thanksgiving-and-ongoing-cultural-exchanges/ 1875915;1543450550;asciilifeform;lol is the actual bot down?? 1875916;1543450678;BingoBoingo;Nah, I think I forgot to ping trinque that my blog rebuilt completed with success 1875917;1543450682;asciilifeform;aa 1875918;1543450851;BingoBoingo;Anyways, let me know if anyone or anything that should be in the sidebar is missing 1875919;1543452957;Mocky;blockchain engineer is a job title now? 1875920;1543453629;Mocky;"must be open sores contributor, love python 3" what's next? "line cook, must love toasters with cancel buttons" 1875921;1543453810;BingoBoingo;I miss the belt fed toaster from my first place of employment 1875922;1543470925;mircea_popescu;Mocky these schmucks i swear... 1875923;1543470954;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo argentine sub was diesel. 1875924;1543471030;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-28#1875895 << all that's left of the us pretense to an economy is government wankolade. 1875925;1543471030;a111;Logged on 2018-11-28 22:17 Mocky: so many of the jobs out there want secret government clearance now, jeez. who do they think they are kidding with their super secret shit 1875926;1543471443;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Sub was diesel, but sub and reactor are both outside Argentina's maintenance ability 1875927;1543471459;mircea_popescu;along with a toothpick factory. 1875928;1543471764;mircea_popescu;incidentally, the whole usg "clearance" wank narrowly mirrors the quatari "sponsorhip employment" wank. 1875929;1543471843;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-29#1875920 << in the quaint words of the virgin mary, "yes." 1875930;1543471843;a111;Logged on 2018-11-29 01:07 Mocky: "must be open sores contributor, love python 3" what's next? "line cook, must love toasters with cancel buttons" 1875931;1543476456;deedbot;http://bimbo.club/?p=95 << Bimbo.Club - TMSR Log Summary - 11/14/2018 1875932;1543498209;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-27#1875118 <-- point well taken. my schedule is still a bit erratic at the moment, so what do you think about making the switch on monday (3rd dec)? I'll be tuned in starting cca 6pm utc. 1875933;1543498209;a111;Logged on 2018-11-27 14:38 trinque: spyked: point is a simple "hey trinque, lets make the swap at $date, and get the PM subscriptions ported over meanwhile" 1875934;1543498272;spyked;re pm feeds: if no one objects to this, just gpg me a list of the feeds and the recipients and I'll add them manually. 1875935;1543498555;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-27#1875503 <-- /me ordered a c101pa from shitazon recently, will make prime target for cuntoo testing. 1875936;1543498555;a111;Logged on 2018-11-27 19:51 mircea_popescu shall buy a lappy just to try trinque's thing on! 1875937;1543499077;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-27#1875439 <-- this has been on my mind after seeing http://trilema.com/2018/this-gns-thing/#selection-317.47-317.193 . the next immediate step in my queue after publishing rss bot vpatches will be to look at automating communication with deedbot. 1875938;1543499077;a111;Logged on 2018-11-27 19:12 mircea_popescu: i imagine that'll be spyked's next thing, bot-driven vtrees mirror service. 1875939;1543502468;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-29#1875935 << last i knew , there were still a coupla open problems re actually using that box ( in particular, i did not yet succeed, and presently haven't the time to continue, in baking a bootloader for it that loads non-googlistic kernels ) 1875940;1543502468;a111;Logged on 2018-11-29 13:35 spyked: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-27#1875503 <-- /me ordered a c101pa from shitazon recently, will make prime target for cuntoo testing. 1875941;1543502495;asciilifeform;iirc phf did turn his c101pa into ~some~ form of usable 1875942;1543502816;asciilifeform;( and yes google's loader ~will~ load custom kernels, but only if you sign'em with their tool, so then gotta keep whole shitchain around ) 1875943;1543502863;asciilifeform;spyked: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-09-08#1848779 was where i stopped last. 1875944;1543502863;a111;Logged on 2018-09-08 19:07 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-09-08#1848650 << update : flashing in the uboot with the dram turd from vendor fw, did nothing detectable 1875945;1543502985;asciilifeform;it's a solvable, of course, problem , theoretically 100% of the iron init coad is published . but somebody would have to put in the sweat to port it into e.g. stock uboot. 1875946;1543503048;asciilifeform;then and only then , c101pa will turn into an item like rk, where you can operate strictly with self-built contents 1875947;1543503111;asciilifeform;presently, cuntoo won't run there (even if trinque's process can be coaxed into building arm64 bins) cuz it has no way of blessing the kernel. 1875948;1543503197;asciilifeform;spyked: if you're interested in arm64ifying cuntoo, i recommend to begin with rk. 1875949;1543503698;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-29#1875930 << hilariously, i recently tried to run a simple numeric proggy on a box infested with python3 , and found that it utterly breaks the numeric stack : once you do e.g. x = x / 3 you can no longer e.g. x >> 1 -- because the / converted it to 'float' ! holy mother of fuck. 1875950;1543503698;a111;Logged on 2018-11-29 06:10 a111: Logged on 2018-11-29 01:07 Mocky: "must be open sores contributor, love python 3" what's next? "line cook, must love toasters with cancel buttons" 1875951;1543503812;asciilifeform;presumably they've introduced some new demented syntax for integer divides ? i have nfi, and could not be arsed to find out. 1875952;1543503935;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-29#1875928 << it does indeed ; usg ministry of whateverthefuck in fact charges corp 20-30k $ for the privilege of having a new d00d pierced into secre-pederasty 1875953;1543503935;a111;Logged on 2018-11-29 06:09 mircea_popescu: incidentally, the whole usg "clearance" wank narrowly mirrors the quatari "sponsorhip employment" wank. 1875954;1543504078;asciilifeform;( and iirc, the cost is in fact ~open-ended~, and is proportionate to how many hours the pinkertons actually feel like sinking into particular d00d ) 1875955;1543504186;asciilifeform;traditionally, folx who show symptoms of being able to survive outside of the reich, disqualified. 1875956;1543508221;Mocky;looks like Roger Ver's bitcoin.com is looking for java and js developers for their mining team http://archive.is/MlomS 1875957;1543508368;Mocky;"74 applicants last week" heh 1875958;1543508462;asciilifeform;lol! 1875959;1543508545;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-20#1873779 << see also 1875960;1543508545;a111;Logged on 2018-11-20 03:38 mircea_popescu: i have nfi, it's pretty fucking lulzy though. i mean, there's a long list of these defeateds by "fate", but he's one of the most hysterically humiliated humbugs. 1875961;1543508623;asciilifeform;apparently at least 4 still-not-gone-for-glue horses in usg's stable ( gavin, buterin, wright, ver ) 1875962;1543509745;Mocky;so many damn recruiters. they're like mosquitos in a swamp. they all want to 'have a call' and then 'a skype' 'see if you'll be a good fit'. ugh. two years out of college with a degree in hr, you're gonna decide if i'm worthy to be submitted for a job, and then pressure me to take low ball offer. 1875963;1543509794;Mocky;this is why i worked for the same company for 14 years, i hate this shit. but also what made me soft target for their betrayal 1875964;1543510102;Mocky;i'm convinced this whole ecosystem of outside recruiters is 100% byproduct of startup "investing" that props up the illusion of "high growth" companies that burn thru cash by hiring people so they will qualify for more money 1875965;1543510489;*;asciilifeform 100% in agreement with Mocky , saecular work suxx 1875966;1543510817;Mocky;the only activity in life that makes me understand why people turn to the bottle 1875967;1543510849;asciilifeform;Mocky: i've even worked in a salt mine where the bottle was Officially (i shit thee not) issued, erry friday at noon. 1875968;1543510859;asciilifeform;'happy time' 1875969;1543510862;Mocky;lol 1875970;1543510874;asciilifeform;srsly there was a bar, of sorts, built in, on the grounds 1875971;1543510898;asciilifeform;( same people where http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-28#1875901 ) 1875972;1543510898;a111;Logged on 2018-11-28 22:46 asciilifeform: ( d00d had pretty good gig: opened safe in the morning, closed in evening, and played 'wow' all day... ) 1875973;1543511025;Mocky;reminds me of "20% time", "work on your own projects on friday since we know you'll be doing that anyway" 1875974;1543511042;asciilifeform;afaik this went away with the 1st 'dotcom' hysteria 1875975;1543511081;Mocky;haven't seen it with my own eyes, even then 1875976;1543511114;asciilifeform;( and only even existed on paper in west coast sv shitholes; where stipulation was 'IF you've shat out your quota before friday', which typically is approx as likely as in gulag in 1950 ) 1875977;1543511267;Mocky;I interviewed with a job once that offered "unlimited paid time off" but inside reports were that anyone who tried to use was instantly on the shit list 1875978;1543511300;asciilifeform;it's unfortunate that mircea_popescu is asleep right nao, otherwise he could tell us about how we're idjits and how working for living is for lusers, and how troo hero can run on sunlight and do as he pleases 1875979;1543511443;Mocky;in truth i do feel like idjit for being old man without the brains to have saved anything. i don't even have a workshop full of shit like asciilifeform 1875980;1543511470;asciilifeform;Mocky: as mircea_popescu is fond of pointing out, workshop is very much 2edged sword 1875981;1543511493;asciilifeform;arguably it is better to be '100% theoretical' and have 'workshop' that fits in briefcase, as e.g. phf does 1875982;1543511589;BingoBoingo;https://www.elobservador.com.uy/nota/-como-estan-hoy-los-precios-para-alquilar-en-la-temporada-de-verano--2018101920160 << Argentina's pesos falls, but the attempted controlled descent taking Uruguay's peso down is "The dollar strengthening" 1875983;1543511691;asciilifeform;Mocky: to a 1st approximation, 'saving' in the reich dun actually work, see e.g. http://btcbase.org/log/2018-08-23#1843888 , http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-05#1666161 , http://btcbase.org/log/2016-11-29#1574483 , elsewhere. 1875984;1543511691;a111;Logged on 2018-08-23 17:37 asciilifeform: and indeed usgulag is powered by not only printing press but confiscating savings from ~randomly-picked engineers, little-league 'ceo', etc . a la mr stack. 1875985;1543511691;a111;Logged on 2017-06-05 19:09 asciilifeform: it is interesting how phrase 'life savings' already has an archaic 'patina coat' -- same flavour as 'workhouse', 'savings & loan', 'joint stock' 1875986;1543511691;a111;Logged on 2016-11-29 02:36 asciilifeform: there was iirc something about how an economic landscape stable enough for 'savings' is an ephemeral and quite unnatural thing, rather like billiard table 1875987;1543511771;asciilifeform;it dun even matter so much what the supposed 'savings' are denominated in -- eventually you're out of work and they get wiped. 1875988;1543511792;asciilifeform;reich is set up to ensure that this happens with clockwork regularity to ~erry worker bee. 1875989;1543512002;asciilifeform;( another great way to lose shirt is 'start company , try to sell useful product ' , a+++ worxxx ) 1875990;1543512200;asciilifeform;some folx get to the bottle after 20yrs in workschwitz and cowardice, some after 1,2,3,4 attempts to break out, end result same 1875991;1543512237;asciilifeform;and (at least in asciilifeform's observation) the competent engineer types get to bottle ~sooner~ than the chair warmers. 1875992;1543512271;Mocky;i can't even complain, i ended up with exactly what I wanted as a 20yo, "write software, have a lot of kids" 1875993;1543512365;Mocky;as long as I still had kids at home, never tried to get out 1875994;1543512392;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-29#1875956 << in similar news, there's a gautier, mississippi. 1875995;1543512392;a111;Logged on 2018-11-29 16:17 Mocky: looks like Roger Ver's bitcoin.com is looking for java and js developers for their mining team http://archive.is/MlomS 1875996;1543512403;asciilifeform;oh hey guten tag mircea_popescu 1875997;1543512414;mircea_popescu;hola. 1875998;1543513624;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-29#1875954 << whole shitshow runs like that, "open ended", to make the most of "moneyed". i recall back when i was looking at shooting lawsky imbecile in the head, had brief discussion with "legitimate" new york "detective agency". 1875999;1543513624;a111;Logged on 2018-11-29 15:07 asciilifeform: ( and iirc, the cost is in fact ~open-ended~, and is proportionate to how many hours the pinkertons actually feel like sinking into particular d00d ) 1876000;1543513667;mircea_popescu;was pretty lulzy, typical-to-TV-altreality new york "contractor", "well... we'll have to put 8 men on it in three shifts... that's 54876983769287563984798634... and then..." 1876001;1543513687;mircea_popescu;i was like... lolok. 1876002;1543513803;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-29#1875962 <<< was even dood here for a while, did ~jack shit but loudly for a year or so. 1876003;1543513803;a111;Logged on 2018-11-29 16:42 Mocky: so many damn recruiters. they're like mosquitos in a swamp. they all want to 'have a call' and then 'a skype' 'see if you'll be a good fit'. ugh. two years out of college with a degree in hr, you're gonna decide if i'm worthy to be submitted for a job, and then pressure me to take low ball offer. 1876004;1543513819;mircea_popescu;the problem with a country consisting of doing-other-people's-laundry expects is that... well... 1876005;1543513869;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-29#1875963 << speaking softly ~withouy~ carrying a big stick is a very poor strategy. 1876006;1543513869;a111;Logged on 2018-11-29 16:43 Mocky: this is why i worked for the same company for 14 years, i hate this shit. but also what made me soft target for their betrayal 1876007;1543514000;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-29#1875964 << quite exactly. you ever read http://trilema.com/2015/you-know-what-gets-no-airplay-unflattering-truth/ ? there's a complex GRP-like system that folded the us economy, and yes the red hot core was mis"investing". 1876008;1543514000;a111;Logged on 2018-11-29 16:48 Mocky: i'm convinced this whole ecosystem of outside recruiters is 100% byproduct of startup "investing" that props up the illusion of "high growth" companies that burn thru cash by hiring people so they will qualify for more money 1876009;1543514100;mircea_popescu;led to the usual symptoms of imperial decay -- monetization of real estate (a bad idea throughout, even if it repatriated the money japs made selling toyotas/sinking detroit in the 70s -- sorta like arsenic is bad for you even if it "keeps syphilis inactive" and so on) ; the star model driving and being driven by the fashion cycle, and so the fuck on. 1876010;1543514157;mircea_popescu;(grp, glucose-regulated protein, "chaperones" in microbiology) 1876011;1543514291;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-29#1875967 <<< most of wall street works like this, actually. 1876012;1543514291;a111;Logged on 2018-11-29 17:00 asciilifeform: Mocky: i've even worked in a salt mine where the bottle was Officially (i shit thee not) issued, erry friday at noon. 1876013;1543514293;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: by my reckoning, ~90% of the software worx in usa ( just about all of remainder being -- direct usgisms ) 1876014;1543514307;asciilifeform;fit this description, that is 1876015;1543514328;mircea_popescu;i meant re the bottle. your "boss" will take you "partying" at approved venues etc. 1876016;1543514332;asciilifeform;'we are hiring developers' 'why' 'we got 100m series a' 1876017;1543514336;asciilifeform;aa 1876018;1543514358;asciilifeform;iirc in e.g. jp you can't even work (if yer a d00d) if ya dun drink 1876019;1543514410;asciilifeform;and makes sense that 'partying at approved place', otherwise grunt could party at who-knows, maybe run mouth.. 1876020;1543514431;asciilifeform;( 100% iron reich logic ) 1876021;1543514505;mircea_popescu;aha. 1876022;1543514511;mircea_popescu;esp the sort of scum they hire. 1876023;1543514536;asciilifeform;they hire 'the scum we have, not the scum we wish we had'(tm) 1876024;1543514562;mircea_popescu;the work-on-wallstreet is rather visible a collegiate track, sorta like "nigger". 1876025;1543514585;mircea_popescu;back in the days of pam grier's youth, her brother going "i'm black. i don't dance. i don't athlete. i don't sing. wtf should i do ?!" was kind-of a joke. now though... 1876026;1543514612;*;asciilifeform for most part innocent of that racket, has nuffin to add re subj 1876027;1543514670;asciilifeform;those folx do occasionally pay for software to be written, but the work (perhaps deservingly) is ranked as janitorial and paid accordingly (esp. given where the grunts are to live) 1876028;1543514687;mircea_popescu;considering the shit they get... 1876029;1543514699;mircea_popescu;iirc i reviewed a typical example. 1876030;1543514709;asciilifeform;i have nfi what they get, for all i know 'wall street' is 100% microshit-excel powered even now. 1876031;1543514718;mircea_popescu;let me dig it up. 1876032;1543514720;asciilifeform;( is there a prb plugin for excel yet ?1 ) 1876033;1543514818;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2013/why-mpex-is-better-than-fiat-institutions-part-349085-we-dont-use-excel/#selection-77.0-81.426 << standard of wall street software. 1876034;1543515152;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in totally unrelated news, https://dod.defense.gov/About/Biographies/Biography-View/Article/1281505/ellen-m-lord/ 1876035;1543515172;mircea_popescu;what the fuck do they do now, cross jews and hares ?! 1876036;1543515304;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-29#1875978 << fuck sunlight, i spent hours in the tropically warm bay waters slutwrestling, i am so burned i'm peeling. 1876037;1543515304;a111;Logged on 2018-11-29 17:08 asciilifeform: it's unfortunate that mircea_popescu is asleep right nao, otherwise he could tell us about how we're idjits and how working for living is for lusers, and how troo hero can run on sunlight and do as he pleases 1876038;1543515362;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-29#1875979 << and you're quite right to feel that way. 1876039;1543515362;a111;Logged on 2018-11-29 17:10 Mocky: in truth i do feel like idjit for being old man without the brains to have saved anything. i don't even have a workshop full of shit like asciilifeform 1876040;1543515506;mircea_popescu;ahahaa argentine peso 37 to the dollar. fucktards. 1876041;1543515526;mircea_popescu;and i bet you they're STILL going around pretending. 1876042;1543515633;mircea_popescu;"oh, dollar '''strengthened''', this building's value DOUBLED TO MATCH brekekekekekeke" 1876043;1543515704;BingoBoingo;It takes more than 37 argentine pesos to get a dollar on this side of the river 1876044;1543515719;mircea_popescu;im sure. 1876045;1543517587;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-29#1876036 << sounds like asciilifeform would last 10min in mircea_popescustan. asciilifeform burns to crisp on 39th parallel , in ~20m 1876046;1543517587;a111;Logged on 2018-11-29 18:15 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-29#1875978 << fuck sunlight, i spent hours in the tropically warm bay waters slutwrestling, i am so burned i'm peeling. 1876047;1543517607;asciilifeform;( on at least 1 occasion, even in winter ) 1876048;1543517839;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-29#1876034 >> '... degree in chemistry from the University of ...' << tovarasul elena ceausescu !111 1876049;1543517839;a111;Logged on 2018-11-29 18:12 mircea_popescu: meanwhile in totally unrelated news, https://dod.defense.gov/About/Biographies/Biography-View/Article/1281505/ellen-m-lord/ 1876050;1543517842;Mocky;I got my first "so burned i'm peeling" in 2018, 3 hours on motorcycle in tank top mid day, late june. 1876051;1543518399;asciilifeform;in unrelated lulz, $ wc -l libffa/* >> 3930 , $ wc -l ffacalc/* >> 1184 ; and story not even finished yet. ( tho ch1's 'RSA occupies around 3000 lines, incl. comments' was not a lie, it's exactly what the minimal rsa of ch9 weighs... ) 1876052;1543518410;asciilifeform;perhaps fyootoor folx will find ways to cut sumthing. 1876053;1543518618;asciilifeform;( for comparison: e.g. http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-08#1680705 ; or, current trb is ~22k loc, ~not~ incl. the dep balls ) 1876054;1543518618;a111;Logged on 2017-07-08 03:49 asciilifeform: i just counted gpg 1.4.10 : 156,436 loc -- and that ain't counting the autoconf liquishit, or the libs it pulls in 1876055;1543518699;asciilifeform;( ffa has 0 deps outside of gnat itself and system character i/o, currently posix's ) 1876056;1543518823;asciilifeform;1 of the reasons i wrote the series with the 'and here we have egypt', 'and now we remove egypt', etc. is specifically to show 'well you can cut 1000 ln here if you're ok with 500x longer run times' , i can picture applications where one might want this 1876057;1543518907;asciilifeform;( and on the other end of the digestive tract -- inlining. i'ma quite certainly issue a v-branch that removes inlining, on microcontroller it typically wins 0 , while making 100x bulkier bin ) 1876058;1543519117;asciilifeform;ideally, at some point we actually get that 8192-bit ALU chip, and whole thing can be... 0 ln 1876059;1543519135;asciilifeform;!#s best machine is no machine 1876060;1543519135;a111;9 results for "best machine is no machine", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=best%20machine%20is%20no%20machine 1876061;1543519138;asciilifeform;^ see also. 1876062;1543519170;asciilifeform;( specifically http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-25#1866192 thrd ) 1876063;1543519170;a111;Logged on 2018-10-25 19:15 asciilifeform: at the risk of repeating ancient thread -- 'the best machine is no machine', it weighs nuffin, needs no maintenance. and the best proggy, is no proggy at all, if a problem can be solved without writing proggy, it ought to be. erry line of coad can be rightfully pictured as an act of intellectual littering. y'know, like throwing cig butt or bottle on the ground in the park. 1876064;1543519292;diana_coman;asciilifeform, and the loc is not the whole story either; I'd much rather read *your* 1000 loc than Koch's 100 loc 1876065;1543519299;asciilifeform;why ty diana_coman 1876066;1543519310;diana_coman;although ofc it's more like Koch's 1mn loc ~always 1876067;1543519334;*;diana_coman just ate ffa 3, will sign 1876068;1543519347;asciilifeform;oh hey 1876069;1543519458;asciilifeform;on other front, phf : on occasion of the most recent bolix thread , i went and looked again at the http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-17#1771955 artifact ; it is interesting that they provided 128 iron types, incl. bignum, but not a 'bignum of fixed N words'. i guess in '80s ~nobody was thinking of crypto at all. ( and i was prolly unduly pessimistic to the orig finder of $item, it is prolly 95% of what's needed for cycle-accurate clone. 1876070;1543519458;a111;Logged on 2018-01-17 20:04 fromloper: asciilifeform: someone uploaded "I-Machine Architecture Specification" to Bitsavers three days ago, I thought you might find it interesting: http://www.bitsavers.org/pdf/symbolics/I_Machine/I-Machine%20Architecture%20Specification.pdf 1876071;1543519458;asciilifeform; the tricky bit is that remaining 5% -- ops introduced since that draft, loadable microcode, init logic, etc ) 1876072;1543519474;asciilifeform;err, 64 1876073;1543519479;asciilifeform;types. 1876074;1543519482;asciilifeform;aanyways. 1876075;1543519511;asciilifeform;diana_coman: nitpicks / spiffy karnaugh simplifications / etc. welcome as always. 1876076;1543519576;diana_coman;asciilifeform, the only thing re ch3 that I keep circling because not entirely clear why so is the "overflow in means *or* on word" 1876077;1543519591;asciilifeform;diana_coman: btw you may find it entertaining that i found several vers of the carry & borrow eqns in my orig notes -- including yours. but for some reason i originally rejected that variant because it needed 2 accesses to the result D . but i neglected to write down why, possibly was simple brain fluke. 1876078;1543519603;asciilifeform;diana_coman: plox to link to line ? 1876079;1543519680;diana_coman;asciilifeform, http://btcbase.org/patches/ffa_ch3_shifts.kv#L462 1876080;1543519727;diana_coman;i.e. if one shifts right by 2 bits but provides an overflow of 8 bits than 6 of them get simply or-ed, it's not like they get pushed in 1876081;1543519759;asciilifeform;diana_coman: how would a shift by 2 provide overflow of 8 ? 1876082;1543519770;diana_coman;it doesn't provide it, no 1876083;1543519786;asciilifeform;you mean, what if one were to feed it one when cascading ? 1876084;1543519817;diana_coman;yes, feed it one, whether cascading or not; the point is: what is the meaning of overflow in exactly for a shift op? 1876085;1543519849;asciilifeform;it will produce garbage, yes. i considered to make OF_in a limited type, but it would slow down the place where the item is actually used, substantially ( ada does not offer a fast bit-count-on-word operation ) 1876086;1543519878;asciilifeform;observe that the operators of fz_shifts are not exported in ffa.ads ( ch11 unified api ) , they are strictly for internal use in the lib. 1876087;1543519883;asciilifeform;this is one of the reasons why. 1876088;1543519885;diana_coman;aha; imho this sort of thing would be great added to the comments there 1876089;1543519904;asciilifeform;diana_coman: i'ma absolutely add it to comment and discuss in ch14 mail bag. 1876090;1543519910;diana_coman;thank you! 1876091;1543519987;asciilifeform;and this is prolly not the only instance of the item. ( i discussed it briefly in ch11 , in the section where preconditions -- ended up moving many preconditions to the exported wrappers, they slow things down quite substantially when present on inner-looped invocations, as they prevent (for obv reason) inliner ) 1876092;1543520087;asciilifeform;idea being , exported routines ( current set is shown in http://www.loper-os.org/pub/ffa/hypertext/ch13/ffa__ads.htm ) are to be 'safe on all electrically possible inputs' , with the exception of div0 (user is commanded to test for div0, as example in http://www.loper-os.org/pub/ffa/hypertext/ch13/ffa_calc__adb.htm#172_17 ) 1876093;1543520115;asciilifeform;but the same guarantee cannot be given for erry internal component, not without geological runtime. 1876094;1543520167;asciilifeform;i'ma add commentary/warnings when diana_coman et al point out good additional places where; but no one should live with expectation that ~all~ possible ways to break ffa by monkeying with internals, will be listed 1876095;1543520236;asciilifeform;( the only guarantee i can offer in good conscience is that nuffin can be broken by operating the ~external~ controls -- but even there user is required to see whether his cpu has barrel shifter (see ch13 discussion) , constant-time mul ( see ch9 discussion ) ) 1876096;1543520239;diana_coman;asciilifeform, it's not about exhaustive list of ways-to-break, certainly not 1876097;1543520252;asciilifeform;right 1876098;1543520280;asciilifeform;and in principle i'm not averse to adding detail to comments. ( this is exactly the reason why comments exist -- show what is not necessarily evident from the coad ) 1876099;1543520397;asciilifeform;incidentally even the currently given 'external api' is eventually to be 'internalized', in the sense that user input is expected to be in P-code (presently named as 'ffacalc') and output ditto 1876100;1543520467;asciilifeform;i.e. one will call, roughly, P(pcodestring, ffawidth, ffaheight, maxsteps) and get output. 1876101;1543520499;asciilifeform;(this is, for most part, already what cmdline does. aside from 'maxsteps' not having yet been introduced Officially, cuz no loops yet) 1876102;1543520792;asciilifeform;diana_coman: i'ma also note, _O_I is used strictly in fz_mod : http://www.loper-os.org/pub/ffa/hypertext/ch13/fz_divis__adb.htm#83_14 ; prolly oughta be inlined ~there~ and abolished as a global (even internally) function. 1876103;1543520804;asciilifeform;'best rake is no rake' 1876104;1543520967;asciilifeform;at 1 time, was used in the constant entry ( nibble inserter ) routine, then the latter was replaced with rewritten http://www.loper-os.org/pub/ffa/hypertext/ch13/fz_io__adb.htm#29_14 , nao sole remaining use is in the knuth divider. 1876105;1543520998;asciilifeform;orig was writing from pov of 'most general possible set of subcomponents' , but this is not necessarily what is wanted in the end product, esp. from loc-cut pov. 1876106;1543521087;diana_coman;that's fine, note that my feedback is given as I read them so without actual knowledge of what happens later/where exactly they are used 1876107;1543521115;asciilifeform;my current aim is that in ch22 ( see also http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2735 ) any subcomponents not used, are to be cut; and any that have strictly 1 invocation, are to be made sub-functions and remain visible solely in the scope where used. 1876108;1543521127;asciilifeform;diana_coman: this is a+++ good, it is exactly how it is meant to be read 1876109;1543521161;asciilifeform;anyffing that dun make immediate sense in ~that~ light oughta be either changed or commented. 1876110;1543521516;asciilifeform;on 2nd pass of log, noticed that i did not answr http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-29#1876084 : answr is, it is for shifting ~into~ a FZ . ( if this wasn't clear from thread ) ftr. 1876111;1543521516;a111;Logged on 2018-11-29 19:30 diana_coman: yes, feed it one, whether cascading or not; the point is: what is the meaning of overflow in exactly for a shift op? 1876112;1543521690;diana_coman;aha, that was my understanding of it 1876113;1543521758;asciilifeform;right. ( and as presently stands, i've abolished all but 1 of the algos where this actually takes place ) 1876114;1543521819;*;asciilifeform bbl,teatime 1876115;1543531463;asciilifeform;unrelatedly, to whom does trb noad belong ?? it's been wedged for year+ 1876116;1543531469;asciilifeform;!#s 1876117;1543531469;a111;1 result for "", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q= 1876118;1543531606;asciilifeform;srsly, whoever's poor neglected box this is -- fucking put in 'aggression' or pull the plug, thing is eating mains current to no useful end 1876119;1543531696;*;asciilifeform can't even count nao how many time had convo, 'hulp! my noad is hanging' 'didja aggression' 'no...' '...' 1876120;1543531803;asciilifeform;( observe -- sans agression, the moar reliable is your hosting, the ~more~ certain your noad is to get perma-wedged, as it'll never reboot and never satisfy shitoshi's 'catch up only on cold boot' idjit condition.. ) 1876121;1543533299;lobbes;asciilifeform: heh that's my trb box. funny thing is, I -do- have aggression on that one >> http://btcbase.org/log/2018-07-14#1834350 1876122;1543533299;a111;Logged on 2018-07-14 00:16 lobbes: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-22#1816438 << in other news, you were not kidding! my trb (hdd + aggression) has moved a mere 20K blocks in one month 1876123;1543533319;lobbes;however, I have not yet tried timer patch on that one yet 1876124;1543533379;*;lobbes really needs to get hands into that thing and feel around 1876125;1543538066;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-29#1875991 <<-->> http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-29#1876120 remarkable similarity. i suppose at this point to repeat that "socialism is about hindering the worthy to prop up the unworthy" is too much of a truism. 1876126;1543538066;a111;Logged on 2018-11-29 17:23 asciilifeform: and (at least in asciilifeform's observation) the competent engineer types get to bottle ~sooner~ than the chair warmers. 1876127;1543538066;a111;Logged on 2018-11-29 22:50 asciilifeform: ( observe -- sans agression, the moar reliable is your hosting, the ~more~ certain your noad is to get perma-wedged, as it'll never reboot and never satisfy shitoshi's 'catch up only on cold boot' idjit condition.. ) 1876128;1543538252;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-29#1876053 << the dependency shitballs are very much the problem though. dragging in all sorts of crap, by the mn loc, including wxwidgets or w/e, not to mention crapossl and so on. 1876129;1543538252;a111;Logged on 2018-11-29 19:10 asciilifeform: ( for comparison: e.g. http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-08#1680705 ; or, current trb is ~22k loc, ~not~ incl. the dep balls ) 1876130;1543538325;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-29#1876064 << she has a point. 1876131;1543538325;a111;Logged on 2018-11-29 19:21 diana_coman: asciilifeform, and the loc is not the whole story either; I'd much rather read *your* 1000 loc than Koch's 100 loc 1876132;1543540018;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: wx liquishit , qt, jettisoned loong ago. but bdb, openssl , boost, remained 1876133;1543540027;mircea_popescu;a right, qt. 1876134;1543540031;mircea_popescu;~same 1876135;1543540041;asciilifeform;100x fatter turd mass 1876136;1543540052;asciilifeform;( than wx were ) 1876137;1543540054;asciilifeform;brb 1876138;1543542640;deedbot;http://bimbo.club/?p=96 << Bimbo.Club - TMSR Log Summary - 11/15/2018 1876139;1543543507;zx2c4;ahoy 1876140;1543543903;asciilifeform;!#s zx2c4 1876141;1543543904;a111;218 results for "zx2c4", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=zx2c4 1876142;1543543924;asciilifeform;zx2c4: long time no see. what brings ya back ? 1876143;1543544909;zx2c4;two things 1876144;1543544919;zx2c4;one benign, one bothersome 1876145;1543544924;zx2c4;the first is curosity 1876146;1543544948;zx2c4;the second is wireguard needs funding for 2019 and thought this nation might help carry the weight 1876147;1543544975;zx2c4;also i'm wondering what the usual trilema party line is on rust vs ada 1876148;1543544983;asciilifeform;zx2c4: didnt mircea_popescu send you a coin ? 1876149;1543544991;zx2c4;he did yea 1876150;1543544994;asciilifeform;!#s rust 1876151;1543544995;a111;205 results for "rust", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=rust 1876152;1543544999;asciilifeform;^ 1876153;1543545071;zx2c4;(reading) 1876154;1543545087;zx2c4;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-10#1654303 haha 1876155;1543545087;a111;Logged on 2017-05-10 21:29 phf`: i'm rewriting everything that asciilifeform is releasing in Ada in Rust, because it's secure AND modern! 1876156;1543545099;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-30#1634699 << summary 1876157;1543545099;a111;Logged on 2017-03-30 14:13 asciilifeform: why would anybody even name a comp lang 'rust' ? how about a surgical antiseptic named 'putrescence' ? 1876158;1543545182;asciilifeform;in all seriousness, i don't even presently know of a more leprous pile of shit, either on pedigree or technical pov. 1876159;1543545202;zx2c4;haha 1876160;1543545227;zx2c4;you dont think the borrow checker eliminates large classes of problems in a performant and somewhat elegant way? 1876161;1543545246;asciilifeform;the what? 1876162;1543545296;zx2c4;rust's ownership and borrow semantics 1876163;1543545374;zx2c4;hey ffa in ada 1876164;1543545379;zx2c4;nice post 1876165;1543545397;asciilifeform;zx2c4: weren't you here last yr for a 'the technical cannot be separated from the political' and 'if program+all accessories doesn't Fit In Head, it is garbage, not proof' thread ? 1876166;1543545418;zx2c4;no i dont think so 1876167;1543545440;zx2c4;presumably the premise is something along the lines of complexity making things impossible? 1876168;1543545476;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-04#1809389 << prev visit 1876169;1543545476;a111;Logged on 2018-05-04 17:23 asciilifeform: zx2c4: as a matter of fact, is IS a conclusion i can jump to trivially. because your supposed 'person' is actually a nameless cockroach beneath my feet. because he is not in the wot, and thereby not distinguishable from the 90000..+ faux 'humans' usg manufactures on daily basis to further its psyops. 1876170;1543545547;asciilifeform;zx2c4: point being, i don't practice haskellism. and nit from being illiterate yokel who has nfi how. it so happens that i know how. but consider the whole approach to be braindamaged . 1876171;1543545604;asciilifeform;and, in parallel, to be an organized campaign of sabotage against ~concept~ of actual correctness in programs. 1876172;1543545664;zx2c4;_organized campaign of sabotage_ 1876173;1543545674;zx2c4;that's a much larger accusation 1876174;1543545676;asciilifeform;wtf is the point of 'here's a proof but you need this here 100MB of gnarl to ~run~ it and of course you will trust output, or are you a terrorist' 1876175;1543545703;asciilifeform;proof is proof when it fits in head, now just as in euclid's time. 1876176;1543545711;zx2c4;have you seen HACL*? 1876177;1543545718;zx2c4;https://github.com/project-everest/hacl-star 1876178;1543545721;zx2c4;Kind of an interesting project 1876179;1543545749;zx2c4;They write proofs in F* showing equivalence between some functional description and some imperative description 1876180;1543545749;asciilifeform;have seen 1876181;1543545754;zx2c4;And then they're able to lower the F* down into C 1876182;1543545759;zx2c4;Which is pretty readable 1876183;1543545768;asciilifeform;zx2c4: try to think about what i actually said tho 1876184;1543545776;zx2c4;The proof, however, is gone from the C 1876185;1543545805;zx2c4;Well of course everyone prefers simpler proofs that fit in the head 1876186;1543545807;asciilifeform;if you need a 'proof system' to prove $assertion, you have NOT proven it. not to me. 1876187;1543545810;zx2c4;Simpler code that you can read in a sitting 1876188;1543545815;zx2c4;And so forth 1876189;1543545825;zx2c4;But it turns out now all things are so easily provable as such 1876190;1543545830;zx2c4;Not all math is as simple as Elements 1876191;1543545837;asciilifeform;then they aint proven, basta. 1876192;1543545882;zx2c4;Hasn't writing always been a tool to expand our knowledge / understanding / assurance beyond a single mind? 1876193;1543545892;asciilifeform;not fits in head ? not proven. ( i did not say ~whose~ head, but imho safe to suppose that whole f# microshitiana garbage pail fits in no head ) 1876194;1543545900;zx2c4;Write down thoughts from one day, use writings to your benefit the second day, and now you're two people in essence 1876195;1543545936;asciilifeform;zx2c4: theorem that dun fit in any 1 skullcase, aint proven. 1876196;1543545960;asciilifeform;this is a political declaration, not an astronomical observation, zx2c4 1876197;1543545962;zx2c4;Oh, I mean, if you're willing to allow for anybody's head (as i presume you mean by mentioning ~whose~ head), then you just posit an incredible genius 1876198;1543545988;asciilifeform;not enuff to 'posit' 1876199;1543546020;asciilifeform;gotta actually exist ( and 'genius' btw is the fella who makes the 'fit in 1 head' fit in 9000. ) 1876200;1543546030;asciilifeform;!#s heaviside 1876201;1543546030;a111;21 results for "heaviside", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=heaviside 1876202;1543546037;asciilifeform;^ see also. 1876203;1543546090;zx2c4;I'm not even quite sure what you mean by "fitting" 1876204;1543546100;zx2c4;There are some things I could only prove if I had a paper 1876205;1543546116;asciilifeform;fortunately there is a convenient demo 1876206;1543546128;asciilifeform;ffa. see esp the passage re parachute. 1876207;1543546165;zx2c4;I more or less know the process involved but don't have all of the steps in my head. And as I wrote it down, I forget the details of previously written steps while working out current new steps. Yet I have faith in the process of writing it down systematically and having intermediate results from pages prior 1876208;1543546175;asciilifeform;the statement is quite serious, i and some yet-unknown number of other people will literally bet arse on our grasp of ffa correctness. 1876209;1543546215;asciilifeform;the attribute which permits this approach, vs haskellism and other idolatrous rituals to mechanical molloch, is called 'fits in head'. 1876210;1543546236;zx2c4;> At this time we will walk through the mechanics of our Karatsuba multiplier, so as to cement in the reader’s head the correctness of the routine, and lay groundwork for the optimization which is introduced in Ch. 12B. 1876211;1543546244;zx2c4;Certainly a good pedagogical practice 1876212;1543546381;asciilifeform;let's take from other end of digestive tract. consider 1 AND gate. idealized, no metastability, no breakdown voltages, literally 'ands' two logical values. ( can have physically limited to % of c speed, if you like, but this is uninportant ) 1876213;1543546386;asciilifeform;with me so far ? 1876214;1543546396;zx2c4;so this state of "being proven" for you -- it requires some kind of intuitive bullet shot from start to finish of all particulars of a certain logical progression? and any deference of that to outside tools (like paper, or intermediate results with forgotten details) ruin the intuition? 1876215;1543546411;asciilifeform;lemmas ok, paper ok 1876216;1543546433;asciilifeform;so long as in the end it clicks in your crankcase and is as obvious as that and gate. 1876217;1543546461;zx2c4;alright and you'd freely admit that when you write things down and solve intermediate lemmas, its often the case that by the time you get to the end, you don't have in the forefront of your brain the details of all intermediate steps anymore 1876218;1543546490;asciilifeform;grasp obvious in its totality, as in there is literally NO hesitation to strap the thing on and 'if mistake -- any mistake -- i hit cement at terminal velocity' 1876219;1543546522;asciilifeform;zx2c4: i like paper. and even chalk. 1876220;1543546547;asciilifeform;but they are devices for eventually rearranging contents of your head, permanently, rather than substitutes for head, 1876221;1543546593;zx2c4;so perhaps you prefer chalk and slate to paper then 1876222;1543546595;asciilifeform;i sometimes even use computer algebratrons, in exploratory work. but would never consider presenting output straight from one as 'here, correct' 1876223;1543546601;zx2c4;a temporary buffer, rather than a rolling log 1876224;1543546626;zx2c4;sage? 1876225;1543546636;zx2c4;z3? 1876226;1543546639;asciilifeform;'derive' 1876227;1543546687;asciilifeform;( on some occasion, also macsyma ) 1876228;1543546699;asciilifeform;but is immaterial, next will ask what kinda chalks. 1876229;1543546724;zx2c4;haha, was just curious. i presume you're ancient 1876230;1543546779;asciilifeform;depends how you consider 1876231;1543546787;*;asciilifeform turns 35 next wk 1876232;1543546800;zx2c4;oh. then derive and macsyma surely are jokes 1876233;1543546808;asciilifeform;deadly serious. 1876234;1543546827;*;zx2c4 stares 1876235;1543546840;asciilifeform;( wait till he learns that asciilifeform has a fleet of e.g. dos boxes. ) 1876236;1543546857;zx2c4;just install Coq for heavens sake 1876237;1543546879;asciilifeform;or that FUCKGOATS rng is built to speak rs232 at 115200 baud and always will be 1876238;1543546917;asciilifeform;or that ~ nuffing in asciilifeform's machine room postdates '09 1876239;1543546931;zx2c4;hey i like good ol rs232 too 1876240;1543546959;asciilifeform;zx2c4: whole reason i bother with this thread is to explain why no, i would ~not~ like to suck the coq, if you will 1876241;1543546976;zx2c4;I agree with you in spirit -- I think learning details of a proof enough that you have all of it in your head is a good pedagogical approach and gives you more mathematical agility as you progress forward. I just don't know about the ontological statement regarding the proof's validity 1876242;1543546996;asciilifeform;haskellism is like dope for intellectually-bent folx. it is addictive but ultimately ruin. 1876243;1543547001;zx2c4;(coq is from the late 80s. its still in use, but i guess you could use the 2009 version...) 1876244;1543547012;asciilifeform;intellectual bankruptcy. 1876245;1543547072;asciilifeform;zx2c4: lemme ask, on what authority am i to accept the correctness of a proof generated via e.g. coq ? 1876246;1543547120;zx2c4;i can see that critique of haskellism. endless intellectual masturbation (hello trilema?) that doesn't actually drive at any essential truth. there's a particular benefit in demanding truths remain small rather than large 1876247;1543547130;asciilifeform;i have not read src of coq, to do so would take 20yr ( and i dun mean 'skim', but to find total proof of correctness of whole shebang and load into MY head ) 1876248;1543547151;zx2c4;well, as it turns out, coq had some amazing fallacy in its core code a few years back resulting in the ability to prove any statement true... 1876249;1543547170;asciilifeform;and i'm to take it seriously after that ? pray tell why ? 1876250;1543547187;zx2c4;it's convenient? 1876251;1543547191;asciilifeform;as it is i have less nausea for even honeopaths than for mecha-proof folks 1876252;1543547217;zx2c4;more seriously, if you're mostly after small computer programs to help you out when exploring a field but eventually do the proof by hand, z3 and sage wind up being super practical as day to day work horses 1876253;1543547220;asciilifeform;homeopaths at least only bamboozle the irredeemably stupid 1876254;1543547279;asciilifeform;zx2c4: you may find it interesting to learn that i once worked in a dour 'salt mine' where shat out 'correctness proof' all day. in 'sage.' 1876255;1543547280;zx2c4;(i learned algebra back in the day from a professor who wrote a haskell program to generate our textbook... presumably in your mind, my foundational education could not be more screwed up https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dave_Bayer ) 1876256;1543547294;asciilifeform;'darpa' paid. 1876257;1543547312;asciilifeform;sucked beyond my ability to describe. 1876258;1543547423;zx2c4;z3 is nice for things like 1876259;1543547425;zx2c4;https://xn--4db.cc/ltPtHCKN/py 1876260;1543547447;zx2c4;https://git.zx2c4.com/WireGuard/tree/src/crypto/zinc/poly1305/poly1305-x86_64-glue.c#n72 1876261;1543547469;zx2c4;that z3 script gives a little more assurance we didn't screw up the radix conversion here 1876262;1543547473;asciilifeform;it was a misery. and 'sage' made it ~more~ of misery, if yer gonna commit 'machine proof' atrocities, has no biz doing in a non-homoiconic lang (i.e. any non lisp) 1876263;1543547505;zx2c4;heh 1876264;1543547555;asciilifeform;zx2c4: lemme ask you this -- those mecha-proofs of yours, how much do you actually believe in'em ? 1876265;1543547626;asciilifeform;i.e. wouldja bet life of self, wives, pets, whole clan of yours, on there being no boojum in coq, z3, other claimed brain substitute of the day ? 1876266;1543547651;zx2c4;no. they're mostly just tools 1876267;1543547675;asciilifeform;i'd hope that i dun have to explain that when you write a cryptosystem, you are in fact asking other people to do this. 1876268;1543547698;zx2c4;to do what 1876269;1543547705;asciilifeform;to jump on ~your~ parachute, that you sewed. 1876270;1543547722;zx2c4;oh. yea, as i said, they're mostly just tools 1876271;1543547734;asciilifeform;tools for what ? 1876272;1543547741;zx2c4;an additional check against my feeble human reasoning 1876273;1543547744;asciilifeform;how wouldja describe for what 1876274;1543547747;zx2c4;it also lets me try things super fast without thinking 1876275;1543547754;zx2c4;and then think backwards in order to reason about its correctness later 1876276;1543547768;asciilifeform;so like paper ? 1876277;1543547775;zx2c4;sort of 1876278;1543547782;zx2c4;more efficient paper 1876279;1543547784;asciilifeform;then why do you advertise and publish the 'proofs' ? 1876280;1543547796;zx2c4;huh? 1876281;1543547796;asciilifeform;i dun publish my 'derive' barf 1876282;1543547804;asciilifeform;or chalk board contents 1876283;1543547821;zx2c4;i think in crypto most people refer to it as "verification" 1876284;1543547822;zx2c4;rather than proof 1876285;1543547841;asciilifeform;whereas 'here is my z3 proof' is typically published for cachet among haskellist co-religionists 1876286;1543547875;zx2c4;i save my z3 script so that 1876287;1543547879;zx2c4;later if im changing the code 1876288;1543547883;zx2c4;in addition to reasoning about it 1876289;1543547887;zx2c4;i can quickly re-check my work 1876290;1543547888;asciilifeform;it dun verify jack shit. is machine barf. just like the raw output of your compiler, except less meaningful 1876291;1543547895;zx2c4;make sure i didnt so something immediately dumb 1876292;1543547909;asciilifeform;if you can follow the proof by hand 1876293;1543547922;zx2c4;in the example above, its pretty easy to prove that by hand 1876294;1543547926;asciilifeform;can you, for the one for that routine you linked ? 1876295;1543547933;asciilifeform;how much does it weigh ? 1876296;1543547941;zx2c4;it's not bad at all 1876297;1543547944;zx2c4;its a radix conversion 1876298;1543547949;zx2c4;highschool contest math 1876299;1543547952;asciilifeform;lessee the proof ? 1876300;1543547991;zx2c4;fair enough 1876301;1543548003;asciilifeform;what i see in the link, is a buncha c code, with pointerisms 1876302;1543548032;asciilifeform;does your proof demonstrate that none of them can overflow, regardless of what happens , say ? 1876303;1543548076;zx2c4;right. shows that the carrys work out without overflows given certain bounds on the input 1876304;1543548128;asciilifeform;... or that the #define ULT(a, b) ((a ^ ((a ^ b) | ((a - b) ^ b))) >> (sizeof(a) * 8 - 1)) macro dun turn to barf in the preprocessor on acct of some esoteric beard shaving from dennis richie ? 1876305;1543548146;asciilifeform;and i could continue.. 1876306;1543548199;zx2c4;"unsigned less than" 1876307;1543548243;zx2c4;dennis probably wants those variables surrounded by ( ) 1876308;1543548255;asciilifeform;consider, zx2c4 , i can show that nuffin in my arithm routines can overflow a buffer. even if you were to turn ada's overflow checks off. without any complicated tooling. 1876309;1543548307;zx2c4;with good comments? or some nice feature of ada? or easy arithmetic youre implementing? or what? 1876310;1543548316;asciilifeform;i can show this because the inputs , for given size, literally do not affect the program branch flow. 1876311;1543548329;asciilifeform;zx2c4: with bare hands. 1876312;1543548336;zx2c4;carrys/overflows are handled explicitly or something? 1876313;1543548338;asciilifeform;consider to read the series. 1876314;1543548370;asciilifeform;http://www.loper-os.org/?cat=49 << convenient link. 1876315;1543548392;zx2c4;what you've described sounds good. im wondering if it's the result of comments, the result of just better organized code, or the result of some nice features of ada you're using 1876316;1543548408;asciilifeform;no magical feature of ada 1876317;1543548426;asciilifeform;tho it does helpfully give pascal-style pass by ref, to avoid pointerisms 1876318;1543548464;zx2c4;explicit carries everywhere, cool 1876319;1543548502;zx2c4;what's W_Carry? 1876320;1543548505;asciilifeform;it is result of the specific mathematical approach taken. where code must remain SMALL and NO branching on cryptobits, other than death on div0, is permitted. no memory indexing on cryptobits, either. 1876321;1543548513;zx2c4;or, rather, where can i see the implementation of W_Carry 1876322;1543548514;asciilifeform;zx2c4: see ch1 1876323;1543548570;zx2c4;Shift_Right((A and B) or ((A or B) and (not S)), 1876324;1543548570;zx2c4; Bitness - 1) 1876325;1543548572;zx2c4;aahh that trick 1876326;1543548582;asciilifeform;you can browse whole ch13 at http://www.loper-os.org/pub/ffa/hypertext/ch13/ffa_calc__adb.htm , if lazy 1876327;1543548594;asciilifeform;html concordance. 1876328;1543548656;zx2c4;ever see this book https://jjj.de/fxt/fxtbook.pdf 1876329;1543548674;asciilifeform;yep 1876330;1543548681;asciilifeform;iirc you recced it last time 1876331;1543548691;zx2c4;O_o really? 1876332;1543548696;zx2c4;that would be very surprising 1876333;1543548701;asciilifeform;possibly was sumbodyelse 1876334;1543548709;zx2c4;!s fxt 1876335;1543548730;zx2c4;!#s fxt 1876336;1543548730;a111;3 results for "fxt", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=fxt 1876337;1543548731;asciilifeform;it's sitting in a 3ring here in my tortureroom for whatever reason. 1876338;1543548773;*;zx2c4 sleeps 1876339;1543548780;asciilifeform;nighty 1876340;1543549333;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-30#1876333 << dun seem to be in the logs, possibly was in a private letter from sumbody.. 1876341;1543549333;a111;Logged on 2018-11-30 03:31 asciilifeform: possibly was sumbodyelse 1876342;1543549401;asciilifeform;( it's a not-terrible numerics schoolb00k , ftr ) 1876343;1543549536;asciilifeform;let's bounce the rubble, also.. http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-30#1876304 >> ftr i have iron right here where this will bomb, cuz byte not 8bit there. 1876344;1543549536;a111;Logged on 2018-11-30 03:22 asciilifeform: ... or that the #define ULT(a, b) ((a ^ ((a ^ b) | ((a - b) ^ b))) >> (sizeof(a) * 8 - 1)) macro dun turn to barf in the preprocessor on acct of some esoteric beard shaving from dennis richie ? 1876345;1543549555;asciilifeform;( longtime tuned-in folx, will know what irons ) 1876346;1543549583;asciilifeform;i'ma bet was not acctd for in the 'proof'isms.. 1876347;1543549690;asciilifeform;btw , q for ffa readership, can anybody think of a way to make the digit slider routine non8bitbyte-clean ? ( beyond having ffa eat its pistol on boot if it finds itself on such machine, lol ) 1876348;1543549744;asciilifeform;http://www.loper-os.org/pub/ffa/hypertext/ch13/fz_io__adb.htm#29_14 << subj. presumes existence of 'nibbles' 1876349;1543549799;asciilifeform;afaik all of ffz outside of fz_io , is arbitrary bytebitness and wordbyteness -clean.. 1876350;1543549809;asciilifeform;*ffa 1876351;1543549856;*;asciilifeform bbl,meat,and will come back on console with actual kbd lol 1876352;1543553182;mircea_popescu;0.o 1876353;1543553458;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-30#1876164 << dude, get the fuck off the planet, and take your pompously vacuous self-important idiocy with you. 1876354;1543553458;a111;Logged on 2018-11-30 02:36 zx2c4: nice post 1876355;1543553464;mircea_popescu;what the everloving fuck. 1876356;1543553531;mircea_popescu;next shit out of your dumb mouth fails to string match apologizing for being quite so fucking stupid, i'ma fix the negligence whereby you can still speak here. 1876357;1543553604;zx2c4;On my phone right now, woke up from a dream to see this, not sure if im still dreaming. Care to explain what's provoked your ire? 1876358;1543553633;mircea_popescu;!!rate zx2c4 -1 moron 1876359;1543553636;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/3POmi/?raw=true 1876360;1543553673;zx2c4;My "nice post" remark wasnt sarcastic, if thats what youre responding to 1876361;1543558136;asciilifeform;ваше слово, товарищ маузер! (tm) 1876362;1543569158;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform right, "lalala i can't hear you" until the very last moment, when the curtain drops. because why the fuck not, hurr. 1876363;1543569195;mircea_popescu;all this "self-confidence is the only education needed" nonsense reheheheally paid off. 1876364;1543577519;deedbot;http://ave1.org/2018/%d0%b2%d0%b0%d1%88%d0%b5-%d1%81%d0%bb%d0%be%d0%b2%d0%be-%d1%82%d0%be%d0%b2%d0%b0%d1%80%d0%b8%d1%89-%d0%bc%d0%b0%d1%83%d0%b7%d0%b5%d1%80/ << ave1 - , ! 1876365;1543584713;asciilifeform;https://github.com/project-everest/hacl-star/blob/master/code/bignum/Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Fproduct.fst << holy fuq, the sort of liquishit that d00d's links offered as proofolade... picture trying to ~read~ this. ( and there's 9000 of'em ) 1876366;1543586182;deedbot;http://ossasepia.com/2018/11/30/smg-comms-chapter-10-actions-and-rsa-keys/ << Ossasepia - SMG Comms Chapter 10: Actions and RSA Keys 1876367;1543586753;diana_coman;asciilifeform, phf my sig for ffa ch3: http://ossasepia.com/reference-code-shelf/#selection-513.0-513.24 1876368;1543586799;asciilifeform;ty diana_coman ! i will sew it into ch14. 1876369;1543587487;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-30#1876362 << i'll admit, i kept half-expecting him to actually read a ch of ffa and go 'hmm... maybe i should throw out my c hairball and mecha-proofisms' but of course no dice. 1876370;1543587487;a111;Logged on 2018-11-30 09:12 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform right, "lalala i can't hear you" until the very last moment, when the curtain drops. because why the fuck not, hurr. 1876371;1543587652;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-22#1702334 << see also e.g. 1876372;1543587652;a111;Logged on 2017-08-22 18:12 mircea_popescu: this place is for reading AND FOR CHANGING YOURSELF. 1876373;1543588058;asciilifeform;http://www.loper-os.org/?p=165#selection-387.0-393.1067 << and. 1876374;1543592570;BingoBoingo;Local Prison architecture http://archive.is/pwNgt http://archive.is/M4NEr 1876375;1543592711;Mocky;is it just me or does that look like baltimore? 1876376;1543592754;BingoBoingo;It's Libertad 1876377;1543592839;asciilifeform;hey BingoBoingo what do you call in english those strings ? 1876378;1543592849;asciilifeform;y'know, between the adjacent cell grates 1876379;1543592865;asciilifeform;( in ru world they're кони , 'horses' ) 1876380;1543592885;asciilifeform;one hooks up wads of paper with note , like spitball in kindergarten, to'em 1876381;1543592921;BingoBoingo;I am unsure, I missed them in the photo until you mentioned them 1876382;1543592926;asciilifeform;look specifically in http://archive.is/M4NEr -- the center 2 cells on bottom 2 rows are linked with horses 1876383;1543592980;asciilifeform;d00d whose cot is by the grate has the duty of 'keeping the road', as they called it (again nfi in english world what it is called there, much less in spanish empire) 1876384;1543592991;asciilifeform;road runs mainly at night, for obv reason. 1876385;1543593010;BingoBoingo;Aha 1876386;1543593049;BingoBoingo;Anyways, Libertad is about a third of the way from Montevideo to Colonia 1876387;1543593088;asciilifeform;the procedure for making the 'road' go is quite elaborate and much dwelled on in ru prison lit. ( gotta pull apart a sock, weave rope, make 'fishing rod' out of paper + bread glue etc , then run the 'horse' ) 1876388;1543593625;asciilifeform;( in ru variant, moar laborious cuz their setup tends to look moar like https://www.tyurem.net/album/images/narva_55_jpg.jpg -- iron grate sorta like on modern 'central ac' duct, gotta be pried apart a little with sumthing ) 1876389;1543593815;asciilifeform;( technically 'horse' is the spitball, 'road' is the rope, but again in eng world whoknows, maybe whole tradition died/never born ) 1876390;1543593830;asciilifeform;jailers pull'em down with hooks, so they get rebuilt regularly. 1876391;1543593908;BingoBoingo;The Uruguayos don't tend to lockup people for very long. Year+ in prison seems to be an anomaly 1876392;1543593991;asciilifeform;in current-day ru, as i understand you need repeated (1 corpse generally not suffice) wetwork to merit >decade 1876393;1543594012;asciilifeform;while in usg reich, effectively life sentence for ~errything, at least if yer white , is ~standard 1876394;1543594189;asciilifeform;( there are 'lifers' in ru, typically 5+ corpses on ea., but they typically have life expectancy of ~7y . 1 survived to parole age last yr, it was enuff of an oddity that it was taken up in the fishwraps as newz ) 1876395;1543594418;asciilifeform;diana_coman: http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2051&cpage=1#comment-19756 and thx ! 1876396;1543595105;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/11/argentina-buys-us-soy/ << Qntra - Argentina Buys US Soy 1876397;1543598647;mircea_popescu;trinque re http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-28#1875902 : considering both items in http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-28#1875860 are at 6+ confirms now, i'd say the point re the utter irelevancy and thorough ireality of usg and its figments is well made enough to not need me to throw away dimes to rando idiot spammers. 1876398;1543598647;a111;Logged on 2018-11-28 22:47 trinque: mircea_popescu: lulzy, but my coffers aren't stocked up for a supreme court fight just yet 1876399;1543598647;a111;Logged on 2018-11-28 19:53 mircea_popescu: 0fb6460fcb88a0fbdc85d4f3b9505e69814ceacb3effd20b427d1b8d5689094e / 09c078a4040b1a044dc654e005bcc8b4c23523393d5244fd9c47408968555640 i see mempool txn right now. 1876400;1543598664;asciilifeform;ohai mircea_popescu 1876401;1543598665;mircea_popescu;though maybe BingoBoingo feels like updating the piece that started teh discussion with the corresponding mockery. 1876402;1543598669;mircea_popescu;how goes alfie. 1876403;1543598696;asciilifeform;another day in the lulzroom. 1876404;1543598736;asciilifeform;tried, for instance, to actually read zx2c4's hairball, ran outa barfbags 1876405;1543598778;mircea_popescu;lol if you insist on wasting time... 1876406;1543598836;mircea_popescu;btw Mocky -- teh bot dies through the following : often it makes so much stuff in one click it overwhelms its weight carrying capacity. any chance you can implement a fragmenter-if-overweight ? it's often enough to be a pain in the ass by now. 1876407;1543598879;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: well, asciilifeform is not usually the 'Пастернака не читал, но осуждаю'(tm)(r) type. so yes tried to read. 1876408;1543598886;asciilifeform;but (spoiler!) it aint actually readable. 1876409;1543598908;asciilifeform;approx on par with e.g. koch. 1876410;1543598944;mircea_popescu;dude's mental processes are of a certain ilk, whadda ya want. 1876411;1543598946;asciilifeform;( and , in fact ~to the credit of~ koch, at least the latter didn't fuck about with 'proofs' ) 1876412;1543598965;mircea_popescu;there's not this miracle in nature, "i know he doesn't wash, but he's a great guy!" 1876413;1543598978;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i still can't make heads or tails of wtf was in that d00d's head. shows symptoms of some kinda maths education. but omfg the 'cd-r brain'. 1876414;1543599063;mircea_popescu;usual set of a) "you're special" cuntlet nonsense and b) "if its hard it means you don't have to do it" ustardation. they interplay the same way everywhere, it's a coherently broken philosophical system 1876415;1543599101;asciilifeform;folx ~do~ on occasion get out of e.g. the bottle. but ~this~ appears to be incurable, medicine is powerless. 1876416;1543599109;mircea_popescu;in fact, pretty much every single pantsuit mental cockroach can be deduced from a+b above, ~including~ the strictly contradictory bits, and also including the psychotic nonsednse that allows them to maintain contradictory beliefs. 1876417;1543599136;mircea_popescu;i'm sure curable. his problem is -- medicine is NOT INTERESTED. 1876418;1543599153;mircea_popescu;just like all bois could in fact be reproduced, if there were somewhere a girl with sufficient patience. there isn't. 1876419;1543599165;asciilifeform;i gave ~hour to attempt to cure. in retrospect it was folly, made 0 dent. 1876420;1543599200;mircea_popescu;you're kinda famous for your generosity in this vein, actually. 1876421;1543599203;mircea_popescu;nwwt. 1876422;1543599369;asciilifeform;it was quite similar, imho, to the gabriel laddel fella. clearly there was 'somebody home' in the crankcase, but under a thick haze of substances and detritus from indiscriminate suction of ??? from heathendom. 'salvation of the drowning is work for the selfsame drowning', what can i say. 1876423;1543599384;mircea_popescu;very unlikely. gl dood was young. 1876424;1543599407;asciilifeform;i pictured zx2c4 as also young, but i have nfi specifically 1876425;1543599412;mircea_popescu;there's a certain level of permissible idiocy in the youth. they come out of eggs. 1876426;1543599469;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-30#1876229 was lulzy, incidentally 1876427;1543599469;a111;Logged on 2018-11-30 02:58 zx2c4: haha, was just curious. i presume you're ancient 1876428;1543599487;asciilifeform;it's at least the 5th time i got that q, nearly lost count 1876429;1543599508;mircea_popescu;"how old are you cuz you derive" ? 1876430;1543599535;asciilifeform;the notion that sumbody might turn away from 'modernity' consciously, rather than because alzheimer patient, apparently is a bridge too far for some folx 1876431;1543599540;mircea_popescu;i suppose we're a priviledged set, had derive on ye olde 386, instead of "had stupid family, watched disney" or w/e. 1876432;1543599563;mircea_popescu;right, cuz the part where "it fucking worked" is something "we've all moved past" rite. 1876433;1543599571;asciilifeform;hey i even managed to see disneys. a coupla, with the trad ru dubbing translator with clothspin on his nose going mmmm 1876434;1543599598;mircea_popescu;lol. actually, i recently saw aladdin, at hanbot 's insistence. previously i think jungle book was last. 1876435;1543599603;mircea_popescu;they kinda went to shit in the 00s. 1876436;1543599614;asciilifeform;iirc that was last one i saw ( and the only 1 in orig lang ) 1876437;1543599623;asciilifeform;after that they went to '3d' 1876438;1543599631;asciilifeform;( and ran out of folklore to pillage ) 1876439;1543599660;mircea_popescu;jungle book was honest, in this sense. pillaged their own anglo narratives. 1876440;1543599665;asciilifeform;'where they cut off yer lips! if they dun like yer smile! it's barbaric, but hey it's home!' 1876441;1543599674;asciilifeform;(aladdin) 1876442;1543599696;asciilifeform;^ for some reason was censored from 'dvd' disc ver., iirc 1876443;1543599698;mircea_popescu;but yes, alladin carries a pretty fucking strong scent of "oh, hi, we're ohioan squarejaws wearing bedsheets. totally legit rome sir. rome, ohio." 1876444;1543599713;asciilifeform;rright but moar or less unperfumed with pretense 1876445;1543599727;asciilifeform;was transparently http://pbfcomics.com/comics/now-showing/ 1876446;1543599738;mircea_popescu;yeah, i kinda got the same "oh, we're cluless, aren't we cute tho". 1876447;1543599772;mircea_popescu;anyway, it's a pity san fernando valley was all morons in the 90s. could have bought disney, turn it into slut educational tool. 1876448;1543599780;mircea_popescu;nothing but naked 9yo princesses aspiring to porn valley. 1876449;1543599846;asciilifeform;!!up SeanRiddle 1876450;1543599854;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform that's such a fucking perfect illustration. 1876451;1543599871;asciilifeform;hm deedbot jammed or wat 1876452;1543599882;mircea_popescu;for whatever, early xtianity comprehending "paganism", italian cinquecento "rescuing classical antiquity", what have you. 1876453;1543599885;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it's the alleged ic rev d00d 1876454;1543599893;mircea_popescu;who ?! 1876455;1543599902;asciilifeform;amberglint's fella 1876456;1543599906;mircea_popescu;trinque hey! no deedbot ?! 1876457;1543599908;mircea_popescu;o, really ?! 1876458;1543599914;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-28#1875702 1876459;1543599914;a111;Logged on 2018-11-28 15:44 asciilifeform: amberglint: that's the basic litmus test. if comes, gets in wot, then ~possibly~ serious 1876460;1543599953;mircea_popescu;hm. i wonder if we can do ye olde cartoon thing i couldn't get done before. 1876461;1543599982;asciilifeform;which 1876462;1543600042;trinque;thanks mircea_popescu 1876463;1543600048;asciilifeform;!!up SeanRiddle 1876464;1543600048;deedbot;SeanRiddle voiced for 30 minutes. 1876465;1543600049;trinque;asciilifeform: didn't you say you had spotted a bug? 1876466;1543600076;asciilifeform;trinque: i can't speak for deedbot, but the ircbot code i put pehbot on doesn't autoreconnect at all 1876467;1543600080;mircea_popescu;i kept trying to get a comic going, oglaf chick wouldn't do it, that midnight_on_mars dood with the http://pictures.hentai-foundry.com/m/MidnightonMars/435591/MidnightonMars-435591-Secret_Obsession_-_Overwatch.jpg too fucktarded to communicate... 1876468;1543600087;asciilifeform;( dunno if 'bug' or simply no one yet made variant which knows how ) 1876469;1543600099;SeanRiddle;I can decap it and get pics, and if it's simple enough I can remove the top metal layer and get more pics, but someone will need to vectorize it to RE it 1876470;1543600106;mircea_popescu;http://pbfcomics.com/comics/electro-sutra/ << terrible fucking shit, could greatly benefit from you know... SOME IDEAS. 1876471;1543600110;trinque;deedbot's based upon that, usually reconnects, but it is looking like there's a case where it does not. 1876472;1543600115;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: http://pbfcomics.com/comics/harlots-web/ << some are notbad 1876473;1543600118;mircea_popescu;SeanRiddle haha was this you all along ? 1876474;1543600123;mircea_popescu;!!key SeanRiddle 1876475;1543600125;deedbot;http://wot.deedbot.org/DB1F3B4EB0B57B39781D11056491328274DC7865.asc 1876476;1543600149;mircea_popescu;!!rate SeanRiddle 1 http://pbfcomics.com/comics/now-showing/ 1876477;1543600152;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/DAlwz/?raw=true 1876478;1543600171;mircea_popescu;SeanRiddle you'll be able to self-voice once this expires. also, what do you use to peel layers ? 1876479;1543600224;SeanRiddle;I'm using Whink to remove the passivation layer and top metal layer. 1876480;1543600243;asciilifeform;SeanRiddle: also what res photo can you take ? 1876481;1543600270;asciilifeform;SeanRiddle: i tried to look at the high res samples on your www, but found only http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-28#1875711 1876482;1543600270;a111;Logged on 2018-11-28 15:50 asciilifeform: http://www.seanriddle.com/sc1die.html << suggests that this is the case, the link to 'Here's a 17436x15128 pixel version (HD View on another server)' goes to some microshit site that doesn't actually load for me 1876483;1543600283;mircea_popescu;hahaha rust remover ?! 1876484;1543600321;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i dun expect he has an ion accelerator, no 1876485;1543600321;mircea_popescu;SeanRiddle is it a case you have high resolution photos and lack hosting for them ? 1876486;1543600372;SeanRiddle;http://seanriddledecap.blogspot.com has links to where I uploaded big pics to wikimedia 1876487;1543600404;SeanRiddle;Yep, Whink's an easy way to get weak HFl 1876488;1543600468;SeanRiddle;A lot of the pics on wikimedia are 40Kx40K pixels 1876489;1543600494;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i'd have thought people just use royal water / hcl / something. 1876490;1543600543;mircea_popescu;SeanRiddle what's your medium planning look like ? you wanna do more comicwork ? you wanna expand on your decapping ? what do you do for a living anyway ? 1876491;1543600578;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i dun think he's the comic d00d 1876492;1543600587;asciilifeform;thread crosstalk 1876493;1543600601;SeanRiddle;Just a programmer - no comic stuff. Decapping is just a weekend hobby. 1876494;1543600619;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform didn't you say amberglint's fellow is the decapper / comic dude ? 1876495;1543600644;mircea_popescu;SeanRiddle sorry lol, seems i got confused. sooo what do you program ? 1876496;1543600705;SeanRiddle;Some embedded stuff for oilfield equipment, some apps for decision analysis 1876497;1543600707;asciilifeform;>> http://www.loper-os.org/pub/bolix_ivory.jpg << subj 1876498;1543600746;mircea_popescu;!!rate SeanRiddle 1 decap hobbist 1876499;1543600749;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/Bj4p5/?raw=true 1876500;1543600852;SeanRiddle;So the die's upside down, huh? 1876501;1543600885;mircea_popescu;what do you do if there's multiple layers anyway ? 1876502;1543600941;SeanRiddle;I leave it for someone with better equipment. I don't have any lapping equipment. 1876503;1543600969;mircea_popescu;aha. 1876504;1543601098;asciilifeform;http://www.loper-os.org/pub/bolix_ivory_pinside.jpg 1876505;1543601142;asciilifeform;loox like top is au-plated iron thermal lid, bottom -- ceramic. 1876506;1543601156;mircea_popescu;how many layers is it ? known even ? 1876507;1543601162;asciilifeform;unknown 1876508;1543601179;asciilifeform;nor known what exactly size of die, beyond the obv max visible in the photo 1876509;1543601196;asciilifeform;( suggests that it's 2cm^2 ) 1876510;1543601229;mircea_popescu;kinda fucking hard to peel off an unknown layer count. 1876511;1543601324;asciilifeform;my notes say that it is either '2um cmos' by vlsi co., or '1um cmos' (hp co) if later edition (not known which one we have) 1876512;1543601439;asciilifeform;iirc this means up to 9 layers. 1876513;1543601454;asciilifeform;moar typically 5. 1876514;1543601480;mircea_popescu;so the chip is what, 4mm or so tall ? 1876515;1543601500;asciilifeform;the die ? i dun think even today there is die whole 4mm tall 1876516;1543601501;asciilifeform;more like 1. 1876517;1543601513;mircea_popescu;still, 100 or so um per layer, should be doable without necessarily ion gun 1876518;1543601528;asciilifeform;it's approx same item as 386, chemically 1876519;1543601538;mircea_popescu;right. 1876520;1543601725;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-30#1876364 << lmao 1876521;1543601725;a111;Logged on 2018-11-30 11:31 deedbot: http://ave1.org/2018/%d0%b2%d0%b0%d1%88%d0%b5-%d1%81%d0%bb%d0%be%d0%b2%d0%be-%d1%82%d0%be%d0%b2%d0%b0%d1%80%d0%b8%d1%89-%d0%bc%d0%b0%d1%83%d0%b7%d0%b5%d1%80/ << ave1 - , ! 1876522;1543601735;mircea_popescu;i esp like the - , ! sendoff 1876523;1543601858;mircea_popescu;стихи << does english even have "stih" ? certainly ro word, and afaik they have "diptych" and such later greek derivatives... 1876524;1543601883;asciilifeform;http://www.loper-os.org/pub/bolix-1987-baker.pdf ( warning: pdfturd/scan ) has the only known die shot 1876525;1543601891;mircea_popescu;apparently not. 1876526;1543601894;asciilifeform;may be possible to infer exact metrage from it 1876527;1543601964;asciilifeform;^ is where i got also only known spec re microcode, '1200 word x 180bit rom' 1876528;1543602028;asciilifeform;390`000 transistor. 1876529;1543602091;asciilifeform;item was 1 of the 1st ( if not ~the~ first ) machine-layout'd ic's, so it won't be as simple to re as the early 80s cpus 1876530;1543602160;asciilifeform;( prior to these, masks were drawn 'by hand', on room-sized film, with actual pieces of electrician's tape ) 1876531;1543602182;amberglint;Hello everyone 1876532;1543602200;amberglint;I found a couple more bits about the Ivory https://i.imgur.com/m5HvPHA.png https://i.imgur.com/QEzR2po.png 1876533;1543602224;asciilifeform;oh hey the die size 1876534;1543602233;asciilifeform;claims '12.6 x 12.3 mm' 1876535;1543602276;asciilifeform;and yes photo matches the one given by baker, to the limit of naked eye. 1876536;1543602316;asciilifeform;ty amberglint 1876537;1543602337;amberglint;it's from Howard Shrobe's "Exploring Artificial Intelligence. Survey Talks from the National Conferences on Artificial Intelligence" 1876538;1543602384;asciilifeform;perma-mirrored at http://www.loper-os.org/pub/amberglint_bolix_1.jpg http://www.loper-os.org/pub/amberglint_bolix_2.jpg , ty 1876539;1543602404;amberglint;I can share the whole pdf if you want 1876540;1543602407;asciilifeform;plz 1876541;1543602463;mircea_popescu;SeanRiddle you say !!up to deedbot in a pm. 1876542;1543602485;asciilifeform;iirc phf ( and apparently nobody else ) has the actual pinout, but iirc it is on a tape or the like and he hasn't posted yet 1876543;1543602505;amberglint;here's the pdf: https://www.dropbox.com/s/bal19et85pwc5yb/Howard%20Shrobe-Exploring%20Artificial%20Intelligence.%20Survey%20Talks%20from%20the%20National%20Conferences%20on%20Artificial%20Intelligence-Elsevier%20Inc%2C%20Morgan%20Kaufmann%20Pub%20%281988%29.pdf?dl=0 1876544;1543602536;asciilifeform;ty 1876545;1543602577;amberglint;it says "CMOS - 2 Level metal", does that mean two layers? 1876546;1543602578;mircea_popescu;all those delicious %20s, the unerring sign of computer iliteracy. 1876547;1543602592;mircea_popescu;amberglint can't fucking fit in 2 layers at 1.x sqcm 1876548;1543602592;asciilifeform;http://www.loper-os.org/pub/shrobe-1988.pdf << mirrored nao. 1876549;1543602614;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: winblowz filenames ftw. 1876550;1543602628;mircea_popescu;2 level metal is trade name, a sort of metalization process 1876551;1543602634;amberglint;ah 1876552;1543602649;asciilifeform;simply means there's 2 metal layer ( conductors ) . 1876553;1543602654;asciilifeform;along with buncha else. 1876554;1543602714;mircea_popescu;https://epdf.tips/silicon-processing-for-the-vlsi-era-deep-submicron-process-technology.html << notbad likbez. 1876555;1543602716;asciilifeform;'It is of tiie same complexity as an Intel 80386 or a Motorola 68030. Figure 21 is a photomicrograph of the chip (chip people always seem to need to show their chip pictures). The Ivory chip is more or less divided into three horizontal slices; the top is the datapath and stack cache, the middle is the control system, and the bottom is the memory interface. In the middle of the control system is a very large microstore, again compara 1876556;1543602716;asciilifeform;ble to what you'd see in a 80386 or a 68020 class machine.' 1876557;1543602858;asciilifeform;'Figure 24 show some statistics about Ivory. The size of the chip was about a centimeter-and-a-half on a side in the earliest version which was done using 2-micron CMOS technology. The first commercial version will be done in a 1.6 micron process and will be about a centimeter on a side, as is the TI chip. This makes it a very large, (but not impossibly large), chip to fabricate. There are about 255,000 actual transistors on the die. 1876558;1543602858;asciilifeform; However, the common way of measuring chip complexity is to count the number of transistor sites; this measures the size of the internal ROMs better. Using that count, this is one of the largest chip ever done, containing nearly 400,000 transistor sites. The chip was designed very quickly (it took about 9 months from the freezing of the architecture to the first prototype chip, using a team of only 4 designers).' 1876559;1543603023;mircea_popescu;remember back when they had folks who went to school ? "elite" husband-and-wife team could bake a great z80 game over a summer, and so on. 1876560;1543603023;amberglint;asciilifeform: I also have an article about NS somewhere, don't know if you have it yet 1876561;1543603047;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: recall that these folx had automation that actually worked. 1876562;1543603058;asciilifeform;amberglint: let's have it, for completeness, if you can dig up. 1876563;1543603100;mircea_popescu;and wives that actually worked and banks that actually worked and suppliers and everything else that actually worked ; and very little of the soviet http://btcbase.org/log/2015-06-25#1176177 1876564;1543603100;a111;Logged on 2015-06-25 07:05 mircea_popescu: "Our Solutions Leadership About Us Careers News Contact" who the fuck thought this is how you do it ? it's almost like the soviet butcher, "we're the advertising shop, we don't have publishers. fish is what they don't have in the shop down the street" 1876565;1543603120;mircea_popescu;and people envied them for it and even considered defecting to it, and so on. 1876566;1543603125;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: indeed, tho quite ironically bolix itself was quite analogous to a su research town 1876567;1543603142;amberglint;found it, "CAD Programming in an Object Oriented Programming Environment" by J. Cherry, going to upload it now 1876568;1543603149;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-17#1772041 << see also 1876569;1543603149;a111;Logged on 2018-01-17 20:47 asciilifeform: to be fair the company was not really a honest commercial co, moar like one of those unofficial usg research institutes, they proliferated under reagan and died with him 1876570;1543603155;mircea_popescu;amberglint how about you mp-wp yourself ? 1876571;1543603217;amberglint;mircea_popescu: had it on my mind lately, probably going to do it at some point soon 1876572;1543603237;mircea_popescu;it'd certainly saving on all this "here's rando domain i put stuff on" 1876573;1543603259;asciilifeform;amberglint: there's an unsold rk ( http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2295 ) machine at pizarro, waiting for somebody's sweet bl0g 1876574;1543603294;asciilifeform;diana_coman presently uses, and BingoBoingo , and a few other folx, worx great 1876575;1543603304;mircea_popescu;wasn't there also a shared setup ? 1876576;1543603308;asciilifeform;there is ! 1876577;1543603312;asciilifeform;e.g. hanbot uses 1876578;1543603315;asciilifeform;also worx 1876579;1543603331;asciilifeform;for photo-heavy / warez etc www, i'd recommend the rk 1876580;1543603378;mircea_popescu;i can see it. 1876581;1543603394;amberglint;asciilifeform: I'll consider it, thank you for the offer 1876582;1543603401;amberglint;here's the pdf: https://www.dropbox.com/s/i2e9umvhpcss00b/ns-cherry.pdf?dl=0 1876583;1543603410;amberglint;page 265 1876584;1543603410;asciilifeform;amberglint: they're pretty sweet 4core arm64 boxen; i assembled and engentoo'd with own hand 1876585;1543603442;asciilifeform;ty amberglint 1876586;1543603477;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-30#1876374 << item looks rather like 1980s era soviet collegiate campus. 1876587;1543603477;a111;Logged on 2018-11-30 15:42 BingoBoingo: Local Prison architecture http://archive.is/pwNgt http://archive.is/M4NEr 1876588;1543603482;asciilifeform;http://www.loper-os.org/pub/ns-cherry.pdf mirrored. 1876589;1543603494;amberglint;I wish I could locate the actual docs for NS 1876590;1543603511;asciilifeform;amberglint: afaik nobody's found'em yet 1876591;1543603541;mircea_popescu;amberglint best bet prolly hanging about when the dood what's his name croaks and buying the debris in his house. 1876592;1543603568;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: dks ? made pretty convincing case that they aint at his house ( but whoknows ) 1876593;1543603597;asciilifeform;( he condescended to give asciilifeform a keyboard pinout, and had to 'go to warehouse' to get ) 1876594;1543603612;mircea_popescu;eh, the red stapler guy, shit's always at his house. periodically they find a "traitor" fo this kind, had 9000 "secret" hard drives in basement. 1876595;1543603617;mircea_popescu;i'm sure it's on moldy papers. 1876596;1543603634;asciilifeform;it is on moldy papers. and iirc phf even has been to where. 1876597;1543603642;asciilifeform;( moldy tapes also ) 1876598;1543603714;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: house, was fulla iron, old moldy cards, hdds, consoles. dks was/is a repairman, afaik mechanical engineer orig by trade . 1876599;1543603717;asciilifeform;had 0 to do with design. 1876600;1543603756;mircea_popescu;i'm sure, nor does this change much really. 1876601;1543603802;asciilifeform;nfi 1876602;1543603811;asciilifeform;could have the crown jewels, or not, nobodyknows. 1876603;1543603852;BingoBoingo;Updated http://qntra.net/2018/11/usg-issues-sanctions-against-two-bitcoin-addresses/ 1876604;1543603860;amberglint;Tom Knight still has some schematics for AI Lab's modified PDP-10 and his graphical terminal 1876605;1543603874;amberglint;he shared them with people who are working on PDP-10 emulation 1876606;1543603885;asciilifeform;amberglint: pdp10 is approx as interesting as nintendo tho 1876607;1543603895;amberglint;I know, just interesting that he keeps some old shit 1876608;1543603914;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-30#1876396 <<< aaaahahahaah omfg holy shit this beats all. 1876609;1543603914;a111;Logged on 2018-11-30 16:25 deedbot: http://qntra.net/2018/11/argentina-buys-us-soy/ << Qntra - Argentina Buys US Soy 1876610;1543603920;mircea_popescu;so what do they DO!!!! anymore! 1876611;1543604208;BingoBoingo;Argentina claims to be exporting their whole soy crop to china. I guess they are trying to live off of whatever percent difference minus transport. 1876612;1543604225;BingoBoingo;But yes, somehow they can afford reactor + crew from russia 1876613;1543605148;Mocky;"Still, a total of 6-7 transactions had been sent to the addresses by time of writing, some with intriguing transaction details. For instance, this transaction has an embedded message: 1876614;1543605148;Mocky; The U.S. government cannot ban Bitcoin addresses" http://archive.is/jwoB9#selection-1777.0-1793.48 1876615;1543605195;Mocky;"The other address has one notable transaction which is sent from 1JEWSxAgGhSFuNPHUAr13zftNLjYt5wZaS and 1MoSSaDDSStrRo53YjPaGcXiABAXfYuvEL. A dust transaction, it was confirmed in block 551895." 1876616;1543605263;asciilifeform;Mocky: i dun see where 'embedded' tho 1876617;1543605287;Mocky;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-30#1876406 I won't get a chance to look at this until signed up with new daily bread overlord 1876618;1543605287;a111;Logged on 2018-11-30 17:27 mircea_popescu: btw Mocky -- teh bot dies through the following : often it makes so much stuff in one click it overwhelms its weight carrying capacity. any chance you can implement a fragmenter-if-overweight ? it's often enough to be a pain in the ass by now. 1876619;1543605365;Mocky;asciilifeform, listed as note in https://btc.com/61fea39f4f22e3190fc48c24047c9e52a7a37e2f2d03c242eed016921830e044 1876620;1543605378;asciilifeform;yes, but ~where in the tx~ does the text live 1876621;1543605389;Mocky;ah, dunno 1876622;1543605402;asciilifeform;or is this 1 of those heathen 'blockchain info' 'append note to your tx' promisetronic thingies 1876623;1543605813;amberglint;asciilifeform: I'll try to ask Howard Shrobe about the layers, maybe he still remembers if he deigns to answer 1876624;1543605833;asciilifeform;amberglint: he's 1 of the folx i've tried writing to, in past yrs, perhaps you'll have better luck than i 1876625;1543605836;asciilifeform;always worth a shot 1876626;1543605872;asciilifeform;iirc he went into medicine after bolix folded 1876627;1543605959;asciilifeform;( somewhere on my hdd, there's a photo of shrobe walking across a stage holding up a 3620 , the kind in http://www.loper-os.org/?p=51 , in his hands, 'looksy, first 'portable' bolix' ) 1876628;1543605968;amberglint;from what I know, he's back at MIT 1876629;1543605972;amberglint;CSAIL 1876630;1543605975;asciilifeform;ah 1876631;1543606009;amberglint;even giving interviews https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmFRvIA8lug 1876632;1543606104;asciilifeform;dun appear to be lispm-related, sadly 1876633;1543606108;asciilifeform;( not esp surprising tho ) 1876634;1543606145;asciilifeform;current mit is a kind of nursing home, as i gather 1876635;1543606200;asciilifeform;elderly academics who can barely hold up cup of tea, and buncha quasi-literate young folx ( see infamous http://btcbase.org/log/2013-12-01#400666 ) to wait on'em 1876636;1543606200;a111;Logged on 2013-12-01 15:21 ozbot: MIT graduates cannot power a light bulb with a battery. - YouTube 1876637;1543606207;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform there's a small space in a tx to add some text. 1876638;1543606225;mircea_popescu;your own "blockchain telegraphy" and a buncha "child porn in blockchain" antiqua are there 1876639;1543606232;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: there's several ways to 'add text' , aha , http://www.loper-os.org/?p=1490 1876640;1543606236;asciilifeform;was curious which one was used 1876641;1543606240;asciilifeform;( it wasn't obv from the link ) 1876642;1543606257;asciilifeform;it's easier if you dun intend to recirculate the coinz. 1876643;1543606267;asciilifeform;( then can encode txt as dest addrs ) 1876644;1543606286;mircea_popescu;(by the way, since we're doing usg pretense & impotence : the bitcoin blockchain DOES factually contain child porn. exactly 0 anyone can do about this, which is why exactly 0 mention of this in pravda & co. much like exactly 0 mention on #metoo of all the "evil white men of patriarchy" that laughed @metootard all the way to the brothel.) 1876645;1543606309;asciilifeform;hey didn't sumbody stuff in 'goldbug' virus from 1993 , and thereby trigger microshit's av 1876646;1543606313;asciilifeform;i vaguely recall this gag 1876647;1543606325;mircea_popescu;something like that, yeh. 1876648;1543606358;asciilifeform;but sure can stuff in whatever bytes, iirc addr decoder barfing dun invalidate a tx , classically 1876649;1543606403;asciilifeform;costs whatever the miner fee is, plus epsilon for payload ( most of the current chinese won't mine a 0-summing tx iirc ) 1876650;1543606454;*;asciilifeform has personally used this mechanism for remote control of... autonomous machinery 1876651;1543606551;asciilifeform;in earlier days there were also folx stuffing strings into block hdrs, but dunno if this is still in fashion, and at any rate no longer doable if you aint chinese, to 1st approx 1876652;1543607143;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-30#1876486 >> notbad, e.g. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/44/Oki_m6283_metal.jpg , but still can't see individual transistors there, unless i'm missing sumthing 1876653;1543607143;a111;Logged on 2018-11-30 17:52 SeanRiddle: http://seanriddledecap.blogspot.com has links to where I uploaded big pics to wikimedia 1876654;1543607189;asciilifeform;( also seems to have dirt, which is problem, cuz 1 speck of shit can cover several 100 transistor at this density -- not even speaking of moar recent micronages ) 1876655;1543607222;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-30#1876617 << alright. 1876656;1543607222;a111;Logged on 2018-11-30 19:14 Mocky: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-30#1876406 I won't get a chance to look at this until signed up with new daily bread overlord 1876657;1543607223;asciilifeform;it's a good try, but i dunno that this is usable for re. 1876658;1543607245;mircea_popescu;speaking of which, i guess, if there's any hero waiting in the wings to cut teeth on some code... it's not THAT intricate. 1876659;1543607419;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: was this the http://www.loper-os.org/pub/mp.gif thing ? 1876660;1543607501;asciilifeform;iirc i posted my solver, but for somereason cannot find in log, so will repost, http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/4TeLb/?raw=true 1876661;1543607557;asciilifeform;wb SeanRiddle 1876662;1543607559;SeanRiddle;That's the lo-res pic. Wikimedia sometimes chokes on my big pics, and I have to upload smaller ones. Go down to the File History and there's a link to a 43Kx45K pixel pic. 1876663;1543607580;*;asciilifeform looks 1876664;1543607608;asciilifeform;~600MB notbad 1876665;1543607621;asciilifeform;SeanRiddle: what sorta camera didja use ? 1876666;1543607732;*;asciilifeform tries to find sumthing that'll display that thing without choking 1876667;1543607749;SeanRiddle;It's a Canon EOS 5D 1876668;1543607774;asciilifeform;i had that thing, but it certainly didn't take 43k x 43k photos. didja stitch'em ? 1876669;1543607891;SeanRiddle;Yeah, that was something like 39x60 pics stitched 1876670;1543607934;asciilifeform;notbad 1876671;1543607943;*;asciilifeform sadly does not yet have with what to actually look at the photo 1876672;1543607953;asciilifeform;'gimp' chokes. 1876673;1543608024;asciilifeform;why's it a jpg anyway, wouldn't this introduce artifacts ? 1876674;1543608042;asciilifeform;( what it also does, is prevent from loading the pic in sections, which is annoying ) 1876675;1543608087;amberglint;asciilifeform: can you cut the picture back with something like imagemagick? 1876676;1543608111;asciilifeform;SeanRiddle: is this the orig form of the https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/44/Oki_m6283_metal.jpg item ? with dust & all ? 1876677;1543608121;SeanRiddle;I'm taking jpgs with the camera and then stitching those with fiji. It looks as good to me as using RAW, but a lot easier. 1876678;1543608143;asciilifeform;it is my understanding that any dust at all is a problem for this job 1876679;1543608177;asciilifeform;SeanRiddle: were you ever able to actually re a circuit from your photos ? 1876680;1543608206;SeanRiddle;I haven't but https://plus.google.com/103546033861220813867 1876681;1543608230;SeanRiddle;and http://www.octoate.de/wp/2016/04/18/gate-array-decapped/ 1876682;1543608278;asciilifeform;that 6502, is a 8 micron ic, almost half century old nao 1876683;1543608300;asciilifeform;( and there are at least a dozen micrographs available ) 1876684;1543608308;asciilifeform;ever succeeded with a 1um ? 1876685;1543608310;SeanRiddle;That one was a blowtorch decap, so some of the dirt is residue from the plastic encapsulation. I can clean that with HN03. 1876686;1543608335;asciilifeform;or hm, this one's about a 'Amstrad 40010' 1876687;1543608368;SeanRiddle;I have not. 1876688;1543608372;asciilifeform;blowtorch decap?! 1876689;1543608423;SeanRiddle;www.seanriddle.com/decap.mp4 1876690;1543608438;asciilifeform;SeanRiddle: just so you're aware of the orig subj -- the ic we were looking to see decapped is worth mebbe 10,000 $ ea. ( and at that, i have 0 guarantee of being able to find more . ever. ) i have a grand total of 2. 1876691;1543608468;asciilifeform;SeanRiddle: the link 404's 1876692;1543608540;SeanRiddle;Heh - I was not told the value! Why not use a pro decapper? But you wouldn't torch that package. 1876693;1543608579;asciilifeform;SeanRiddle: pro decapper + microscopist runs about 30k. so that's on hold pending asciilifeform actually having 30k to use on proj. 1876694;1543608633;asciilifeform;if i had 5 or 6 of the 'ivories' i would happily give 1 to SeanRiddle , ftr. but currently must pass. 1876695;1543608679;SeanRiddle;Yeah, I'd be too nervous anyway! 1876696;1543608688;asciilifeform;( it aint even matter of cost; simply we're dealing with an almost-extinct animal. there's maybe a few dozen of these left in the wild, optimistically ) 1876697;1543608743;amberglint;twenty of them were recently scrapped for gold... 1876698;1543608745;mircea_popescu;re argentine lulz, it seems there's an unadvertised trade war going on, in the limited sense that the us produces some soy the chinese deem too shitty to buy. better living through chemistry results. 1876699;1543608750;SeanRiddle;Looking at the package, I'm guessing the protrusion on the bottom would pop off, revealing the top of the die. 1876700;1543608753;asciilifeform;amberglint: indeed, link is in the log 1876701;1543608776;asciilifeform;SeanRiddle: shrobe's photo suggests that die top is on top of package 1876702;1543608784;asciilifeform;but currently hard to be certain 1876703;1543608819;SeanRiddle;I can see traces on the pin side, making me think that the die bonds to them and the heatsink on top is the bottom of the die. 1876704;1543608829;asciilifeform;possible 1876705;1543608847;asciilifeform;i was gonna have the thing xrayed, to learn the truth, but this also not done yet. 1876706;1543608851;mircea_popescu;you know, i think he actually has a point ? 1876707;1543608902;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: he does : http://www.loper-os.org/pub/bolix_ivory.jpg object dun look removable, but rather like it was inserted from other end 1876708;1543608919;mircea_popescu;right. 1876709;1543608936;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-30#1876659 << nah, this is re http://mocky.org/Foxybot-Enhancements-Part-18-Build-35-Release/ 1876710;1543608936;a111;Logged on 2018-11-30 19:50 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: was this the http://www.loper-os.org/pub/mp.gif thing ? 1876711;1543608942;asciilifeform;aa ok 1876712;1543608983;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-30#1876669 << wouldn't it be easier to just present them separate ? not like people can't cat at home. 1876713;1543608983;a111;Logged on 2018-11-30 19:58 SeanRiddle: Yeah, that was something like 39x60 pics stitched 1876714;1543608996;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: stiching is quite cpu/ram-heavy 1876715;1543609004;asciilifeform;( recall, ~no room for error ) 1876716;1543609026;mircea_popescu;then you gotta find http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-30#1876666 1876717;1543609026;a111;Logged on 2018-11-30 19:55 asciilifeform tries to find sumthing that'll display that thing without choking 1876718;1543609035;asciilifeform;in pro shops, they use microscope with stepper motor 1876719;1543609035;mircea_popescu;(which gimp does ok, but then again needs the ram) 1876720;1543609061;asciilifeform;( sorta like how traditional flatbed scanner worx ) 1876721;1543609080;mircea_popescu;i dunno, maybe i'm just not grasping something fundamental. but it seems to me that for reversing work, 2400 pics with margins beats a 600mb monstrosity. 1876722;1543609086;mircea_popescu;people only look in one spot at a time anyway 1876723;1543609092;asciilifeform;really this thing oughta be saved for proper SEM . but currently notenuff dough for this pleasure. 1876724;1543609098;mircea_popescu;is the idea to do machined reversing ? 1876725;1543609110;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it's always machined, it's more or less impossible otherwise. 1876726;1543609117;asciilifeform;a kind of specialized ocr. 1876727;1543609136;mircea_popescu;in my mind people just sat with a patient needle and marked down 300k locations. 1876728;1543609141;asciilifeform;( esp. considering that the transistors were placed by machine to begin with, so they aint in any human-comprehensible order like they are on z80 or 6502 etc ) 1876729;1543609150;mircea_popescu;ah 1876730;1543609162;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: they do sit with needle. but only ~after~, to correct obvious oopses in ocr. 1876731;1543609166;asciilifeform;otherwise 1000 manyears. 1876732;1543609179;mircea_popescu;how do you know when they're done ? 1876733;1543609195;mircea_popescu;"obvious" open ended enough. 1876734;1543609203;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: same way you know when http://btcbase.org/log/2018-07-16#1834941 is done. 1876735;1543609203;a111;Logged on 2018-07-16 15:50 a111: Logged on 2018-06-25 21:45 asciilifeform: (1) http://www.loper-os.org/pub/c101pa/ida/cr50_fritz_ro_sig.png (2) http://www.loper-os.org/pub/c101pa/ida/cr50_fritz_hitler_enforcer.png (3) http://www.loper-os.org/pub/c101pa/ida/cr50_fritz_hitler_enforcement_businessend.png (4) http://www.loper-os.org/pub/c101pa/ida/cr50_fritz_pinned_pubs.png 1876736;1543609215;mircea_popescu;ie "it works" ? 1876737;1543609216;asciilifeform;( i.e. you don't, not till you actually bake a working and satisfying cloned circuit ) 1876738;1543609220;asciilifeform;correct. 1876739;1543609232;mircea_popescu;but i mean... you don't even have the spec against which to check this "works" ? 1876740;1543609265;asciilifeform;all that presently exists in the wild is 1) small number of actual 'ivory' machines/cards, where could put cloned ic 2) the software/os stack 1876741;1543609276;mircea_popescu;maybe you end up with bugbolix machine, accurate to the collection of userland software bugs. 1876742;1543609287;mircea_popescu;(this so neatly mirrors ye trb/prb discussions it bleeds) 1876743;1543609289;asciilifeform;can only rule this out once 'fit in head' yes 1876744;1543609294;asciilifeform;exactly like trb. 1876745;1543609300;asciilifeform;there is no escape from this. 1876746;1543609308;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform and for the puyrpose of fit in head, do you agree 2.4k pics with margins better than 600mb flatpile ? 1876747;1543609314;asciilifeform;fwiw in su they cloned ic's photographically, without any attempt to actually grasp the contents 1876748;1543609322;mircea_popescu;aha. 1876749;1543609348;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: nope, gotta preprocess the thing to get a draft netlist (i.e. what's connected to what) and only then can walk the photos to search for barfolade 1876750;1543609359;mircea_popescu;i hereby dub one possible end result of this process "the bugbolix plague". 1876751;1543609364;asciilifeform;e.g. 'hey why is power connected to ground, must be a speck of skin in pic' 1876752;1543609378;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: fwiw folx did clone e.g. i386. it can be done. 1876753;1543609386;asciilifeform;my 'cyrix' worked a+++. 1876754;1543609399;mircea_popescu;i agree it can. i also think it can result in some pretty lulzy "electrolytes that plants need". 1876755;1543609409;asciilifeform;if done sov-style -- can. 1876756;1543609440;asciilifeform;as it is, micrography only good as 'part of balanced diet' along with http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-29#1876069 intel and the like. 1876757;1543609440;a111;Logged on 2018-11-29 19:24 asciilifeform: on other front, phf : on occasion of the most recent bolix thread , i went and looked again at the http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-17#1771955 artifact ; it is interesting that they provided 128 iron types, incl. bignum, but not a 'bignum of fixed N words'. i guess in '80s ~nobody was thinking of crypto at all. ( and i was prolly unduly pessimistic to the orig finder of $item, it is prolly 95% of what's needed for cycle-accurate clone. 1876758;1543609446;mircea_popescu;you know, if we had working svg thius would be such an eminent application for a svg scroll-through-er. 1876759;1543609452;asciilifeform;verily. 1876760;1543609457;mircea_popescu;interlinked everythyings, adnotate-able... 1876761;1543609468;asciilifeform;would ideally be sumthing that doesn't blow 100 bytes on erry bit of the image like that htmlistic war crime does. 1876762;1543609475;mircea_popescu;the more we tal;k about this, the more it's evident what's lacking isn't MERELY x or y. we're lacking a buncha pieces here. 1876763;1543609480;mircea_popescu;rather productive discussion. 1876764;1543609789;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform is there any difference between the netlist and a binary tree of transistors ? 1876765;1543609807;mircea_popescu;or w/e, the list of binary trees, admitting somehow there's unconnected islands 1876766;1543609825;asciilifeform;i was about to answe this: 1876767;1543609840;asciilifeform;the reason why the scheme is possible to do at all, is that the transistor is not the fundamental semantic unit of the device 1876768;1543609859;asciilifeform;what one does, is to try to determine the repeating functional blocks ( adders, shifters, srams, etc ) 1876769;1543609869;asciilifeform;rather than 'raw netlist of transistor' 1876770;1543609899;mircea_popescu;if you were to attempt to do ~more~ machined reversing than merely "build me netlist", wouldn't the correct approach be to a) build binary tree of transistors and b) sick tree massager on it ? 1876771;1543609906;asciilifeform;and ~then~ ( and this is what we have, but su reversers did not ) you load the thing into a (fairly inexpensive) fpga and try functional tests. 1876772;1543609914;mircea_popescu;ie, while transistor is not natural language semantic unit, isn't it machine language semantic unit ? 1876773;1543609949;mircea_popescu;(the "tree massager" in question being another major moving part we lack, obviously.) 1876774;1543609951;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it is certainly physically possible to do it that way, but the recognition is at best O(N^2) so one'd need some rather substantial irons; and also correspondingly moar sensitive to specks of dust in photo 1876775;1543609973;mircea_popescu;yes -- nevertheless, it'd actually make fucking sense, as opposed to prayer-driven methodology. 1876776;1543609995;asciilifeform;ideally you find the repeating patterns of transistorage and go straight to functional units ( granted this is only practical for bolix, 486, and newer, where there actually ~exist~ these units, as opposed to hand-optimized arbitrary transistorage ) 1876777;1543610005;mircea_popescu;right ? 1876778;1543610012;mircea_popescu;i bet you what you want you'll find hand massage in bolix. 1876779;1543610021;deedbot;http://bimbo.club/?p=97 << Bimbo.Club - TMSR Log Summary - 11/16/2018 1876780;1543610032;mircea_popescu;a horse that goes 90% of the way to paris still can't make any part of stagecoach to paris. 1876781;1543610033;asciilifeform;supposedly it was 100% machine-genned (possibly the 1st such ic) 1876782;1543610038;asciilifeform;hence the 'ns' threads 1876783;1543610039;mircea_popescu;i do not believe. 1876784;1543610060;asciilifeform;i dun find it esp. difficult to swallow, ~100% of iron since 1990 or so was made this way. 1876785;1543610077;asciilifeform;naturally designer gave the machine hints as to where to put what 1876786;1543610083;asciilifeform;just like i do when laying out PCB for e.g. FG 1876787;1543610087;mircea_popescu;i will take my chances on these four deuces. "engineers", i know what this means. 1876788;1543610122;asciilifeform;at any rate the q is answerable. (~if~ we had with what to look inside) 1876789;1543610132;mircea_popescu;true enough. 1876790;1543610143;asciilifeform;once you have pics, can massage 9000 ways to heaven. but not prior. 1876791;1543610158;mircea_popescu;problem being that massage will prolly inform future pic taking. but anyway. 1876792;1543610170;mircea_popescu;we defo need a tree massager. this problem will reccur. 1876793;1543610297;asciilifeform;sorta why one generally wants to capture 9000x moar detail than 'strictly needed' 1876794;1543610302;asciilifeform;( hence SEM vs opticals etc ) 1876795;1543610308;*;asciilifeform brb,t-time 1876796;1543610515;mircea_popescu;SeanRiddle incidentally, you ever saw http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-28#1875800 discussion ? 1876797;1543610515;a111;Logged on 2018-11-28 19:28 mircea_popescu: you put in a violet source, take a pic. next you put in a green source, take a pic. next, yellow and red. 1876798;1543610665;SeanRiddle;I haven't. Fiji can do focus stacking, but I haven't tried that yet. I've got an XY table and I rigged a stepper to the focus knob, so I could take n pics at different focus for each tile. 1876799;1543612121;mircea_popescu;the idea being that there's an absolute limit to optical microscopy due to quantum phenomena (hence the heisenberg reference, his original work as critiqued by bohr dealt exactly with this). however, these limits also depend on frequency, and from comparing measurements in different lights one can get some error correction. 1876800;1543612144;mircea_popescu;but the issue isn't focus ; it simply is the frequency of the photons involved. 1876801;1543612936;mircea_popescu;re : http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-30#1876662 what one ends up doing is curl -k 'https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/archive/4/44/20180902023042!Oki_m6283_metal.jpg/114px-Oki_m6283_metal.jpg' > sean.jpg (note the quotes because wikipedia is made by pedos who are also retarded, and includes bashes and shit). 1876802;1543612936;a111;Logged on 2018-11-30 19:52 SeanRiddle: That's the lo-res pic. Wikimedia sometimes chokes on my big pics, and I have to upload smaller ones. Go down to the File History and there's a link to a 43Kx45K pixel pic. 1876803;1543612953;mircea_popescu;SeanRiddle why the hell would you use this batshit insane process. what's wrong with linking things like sane people, off your own domain and all ? 1876804;1543613138;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in retro news, https://www.octoate.de/wp/2018/11/10/cpcretrodev-2018-results-and-41-new-games/ 1876805;1543613162;SeanRiddle;When I starting posting pics I was hosting my domain at home and the big pics would kill my access. blogspot limits the max size, so I uploaded to wikimedia. Now I'm using a real web host, so I guess I could put everything there. 1876806;1543613227;mircea_popescu;for srs. like a respectable gent. 1876807;1543613265;mircea_popescu;ideally both the pre-stitch and the post-stitch, and absolutely do not use jpg. 1876808;1543613292;mircea_popescu;it may look the same to you, and to anyone else. but if it flipped over a pixel somewhere you're looking at a potential man-year to find where the fuck. 1876809;1543613362;mircea_popescu;the problem with the http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-30#1876736 standard is that one can take relatively few chances. 1876810;1543613362;a111;Logged on 2018-11-30 20:20 mircea_popescu: ie "it works" ? 1876811;1543613764;mircea_popescu;(this is not strictly about jpg. ~any~ image compressing/processing/fucking with the sensor data is dubious. even using such a thing as the camera's "soft" focus (as opposed to the lens-driven hard focus, some handhelds offer this internal processor-driven cvasi-focus) is a bad idea for this task. exact discussion of "whitening" and other such pattern-inserting nonsense from crypto) 1876812;1543614096;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-30#1876667 << proper slr, not soapbox , so loox on that front 1876813;1543614096;a111;Logged on 2018-11-30 19:55 SeanRiddle: It's a Canon EOS 5D 1876814;1543614108;asciilifeform;( i'm assuming, with microscope barrel mount ? ) 1876815;1543614142;asciilifeform;when using mounted slr, focus is solely in the microscope's optics 1876816;1543614182;*;asciilifeform had, yrs ago, access to this setup, but sadly cannot afford to re-create it in torture room, was spiffy 'zeiss' thing 1876817;1543614195;SeanRiddle;Yes; Olympus photomicro adapter 1876818;1543614201;asciilifeform;neato 1876819;1543614243;asciilifeform;if i had the floor space, would just pick up surplus SEM, it costs approx same as ~good~ optic funnily enuff 1876820;1543614251;asciilifeform;( 5-10 k u.s. $ ) 1876821;1543614323;asciilifeform;the surplus units want 10 or so square metres tho, of decent climate-controlled floor. 1876822;1543614337;asciilifeform;plus (typically) 3phase. 1876823;1543614409;*;asciilifeform reminisces re http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-29#1705687 lulzthread 1876824;1543614409;a111;Logged on 2017-08-29 21:40 mircea_popescu: < kanzure> jrayhawk_: would you be willing to host a microscope? responsibilities would include keeping it plugged in and internet connected. also there would be an irc bot that controls where it looks. you'd also be pestered to load samples periodically. << did this 2014 idea ever get implemented ? 1876825;1543614615;asciilifeform;from there , http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-29#1705799 << lul for ave1's lang study 1876826;1543614615;a111;Logged on 2017-08-29 22:19 asciilifeform: phf: 'Собрал царь зверей всех животных в лесу на поляне и говорит: - Cегодня мы будем трахать тех, у кого рот маленький. Правильно ежик? - Даааааа-Даааааа! - сказал ежик. - А завтра мы будем трахать тех, у кого рот большой. Правильно бегемот? - 1876827;1543614620;mircea_popescu;heh. 1876828;1543615149;mircea_popescu;speaking of which, hey ave1 , can has approved comment!!1 1876829;1543615213;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you odn't like uruguay for the purpose ? 1876830;1543616672;asciilifeform;i'd like uruguay, or antarctica, or just about anywhere. 1876831;1543616689;asciilifeform;hard part is obv. not 'where to put SEM' lol. 1876832;1543616719;asciilifeform;( nor 'where plug in SEM'. it's 'where plug in asciilifeform' ) 1876833;1543616745;mircea_popescu;and we're all awaiting with bated breath you settling on something. 1876834;1543616790;asciilifeform;lol mircea_popescu phrases it almost as if asciilifeform were buridaning in front of a set table 1876835;1543616795;asciilifeform;'pick sumthing! all fresh!' 1876836;1543617076;asciilifeform;prolly oughta add that surplus SEM in particular ( and similar irons ) 1) generally live in usa 2) dun exactly fit in smuggle-trunk under old shirts 1876837;1543617130;asciilifeform;prolly wrong approach overall, at that, really oughta find a ave1 or spyked fella with keys to adult lab somewhere. 1876838;1543617211;asciilifeform;sorta how asciilifeform had 'the keys' in 2010 and had all the ducks lined up to run schwartz eotvos, and would have at least achieved some lulz if uncle al had not chickened 1876839;1543617297;asciilifeform;had all the requisite backroom deals & all, but not the fist-sized benzyl xtal, so no dice. 1876840;1543617342;asciilifeform;!#s calorimeter 1876841;1543617343;a111;8 results for "calorimeter", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=calorimeter 1876842;1543617349;asciilifeform;^ somewhere in the old thrds. 1876843;1543617468;asciilifeform;i still can't fucking believe that d00d. 'my experiment requires 3 litres of virgin tears' 'hey al, i took 300 virgins and ran then rom-coms until they cried 3L, here it is in a mason jar' 'but! reasons!' 1876844;1543617485;BingoBoingo; prolly oughta add that surplus SEM in particular ( and similar irons ) 1) generally live in usa 2) dun exactly fit in smuggle-trunk under old shirts << If you can produce an invoice I can recieve it as a prepackaged good 1876845;1543617504;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: we're talkin' half a railcar 1876846;1543617521;BingoBoingo;Well, fill the other half of the container with rockchip plants 1876847;1543617525;asciilifeform;i dun think they'd swallow a 'this is worth 500, rly, srsly' 'receipt' for it. 1876848;1543617542;BingoBoingo;worth ~500 USD/ton 1876849;1543617546;asciilifeform;and i aint got 30% of the 400k they'd think it costs. 1876850;1543617569;BingoBoingo;It's for refurbishing 1876851;1543617580;asciilifeform;let's make a +ev pizarro 1st, lol 1876852;1543617590;asciilifeform;before BingoBoingo starts to picture where he'd park a 10 m^2 SEM 1876853;1543617622;asciilifeform;( even supposing i devise a means of teleporting one to BingoBoingostan ) 1876854;1543617650;BingoBoingo; ( even supposing i devise a means of teleporting one to BingoBoingostan ) << Slow boat with your workshop 1876855;1543617698;asciilifeform;for some reason i immediately picture that story where 'abrams' tank was smuggled to su in diplo-crates, piecemeal 1876856;1543617724;BingoBoingo;Well, Assange taught us Ecuador can't diplo-crate 1876857;1543617734;asciilifeform;can't, won't, i've nfi 1876858;1543617750;asciilifeform;i have difficulty picture how it couldn't, if wanted. 1876859;1543617769;asciilifeform;they like the lolcat exactly where he is, i suspect. 1876860;1543617827;BingoBoingo;Well, you know how Latino elections swing bigger 1876861;1543617858;asciilifeform;afaik ec is a miamistan exactly like the others 1876862;1543617903;BingoBoingo;Sure, but they swing between "Make Miami in Ecuador" and "Make Ecuador Miami Again" 1876863;1543617939;asciilifeform;iirc #2 won election in argentina, made 0 diff except aggravated http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-30#1876396 lulz 1876864;1543617939;a111;Logged on 2018-11-30 16:25 deedbot: http://qntra.net/2018/11/argentina-buys-us-soy/ << Qntra - Argentina Buys US Soy 1876865;1543617994;BingoBoingo;If you gotta feed the Argentards soy, why not feed them crap while China's buying the good stuff 1876866;1543618023;asciilifeform;just picture, if they'd kept the whore , the argentards might finally have keeled over and mircea_popescu would possibly be done by now bulldozing the ruins and terraforming like mars 1876867;1543618058;BingoBoingo;They haven't quite locked her up yet 1876868;1543618072;asciilifeform;( as i understand , it's a++ real estate, supposing you were to redditbag all of the bipedals ) 1876869;1543618337;BingoBoingo;Not all of them. Just the moms and older along with the steers 1876870;1543618361;asciilifeform;i'ma leave this one to the experts. 1876871;1543618430;BingoBoingo;Anyways, if you are setting down something heavy for a while Uruguay's got great bedrock 1876872;1543618447;asciilifeform;eh it aint a holography rig, dun need 4 tonnes of ballast 1876873;1543618471;asciilifeform;does need 3phase mains and reasonably room-temp / dehumidified air tho ( vacuum pump ) 1876874;1543618505;asciilifeform;but even more than this, needs economic underpin for existence 1876875;1543618524;asciilifeform;i dun have a moolah empire that could run one as public service. 1876876;1543618607;asciilifeform;it's rather like a 'caterpillar'. how many folx do you know who have own 'caterpillar' and dun work it erry day for daily bread. 1876877;1543618631;asciilifeform;!#s from:mircea_popescu coffee grinder 1876878;1543618631;a111;11 results for "from:mircea_popescu coffee grinder", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=from%3Amircea_popescu%20coffee%20grinder 1876879;1543618647;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-17#1671721 << see also 1876880;1543618647;a111;Logged on 2017-06-17 23:13 mircea_popescu: but if i buy coffee grinder for factory, it is to work at all times, and girls will change their schedule to keep it going, not it to accomodate them. 1876881;1543618676;BingoBoingo; it's rather like a 'caterpillar'. how many folx do you know who have own 'caterpillar' and dun work it erry day for daily bread. << At least 3 come to mind 1876882;1543618706;asciilifeform;lol 1876883;1543618710;asciilifeform;why would they do this 1876884;1543618715;BingoBoingo;Farming 1876885;1543618715;asciilifeform;ditch-digging hobby ?? 1876886;1543618721;asciilifeform;ah so they ~do~ work it then 1876887;1543618728;BingoBoingo;No where near every day 1876888;1543618745;asciilifeform;yes but presumably often enuff to not rent 1876889;1543618876;BingoBoingo;That part's harder to discern. Depends on how often the other tractors sink into the muck 1876890;1543618939;BingoBoingo;Or how often the road needs snow plowed 1876891;1543619009;BingoBoingo;Having a rebuilt caterpillar is usually a result of it being inconvenient to rent when it brings the most convenience 1876892;1543619076;asciilifeform;rright, sorta how asciilifeform ended up with various (smaller) irons 1876893;1543619102;asciilifeform;( it ~is~ possible to rent e.g. oscilloscopes. but by the time you do it, you'll forget why you even wanted ) 1876894;1543619126;asciilifeform;it'd be like renting knife and fork to eat dinner 1876895;1543619195;asciilifeform;i kinda suspect that if there's a pro microscopist reading these threads, he's busting his gut laughing just like surgeon may have laughed at the http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-16#1739725 thread 1876896;1543619195;a111;Logged on 2017-11-16 18:07 mircea_popescu: you can't do self-amputation. 1876897;1543619211;asciilifeform;'omfg he wants SEM for 1 shot' 1876898;1543619227;BingoBoingo;Well, for one shot, then another... 1876899;1543619250;asciilifeform;prolly i oughta point out that a '90s surplus SEM won't do jack against 2000s-era ics 1876900;1543619256;asciilifeform;it's only good for bolix. 1876901;1543619297;asciilifeform;( or rather, for recent crapola you'd need ion accelerator and other items that quickly take the buildup cost to 6 figs , even if bought 2ndhand ) 1876902;1543619314;asciilifeform;... and then you need customers. 1876903;1543619662;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: it's a biz, there are folx who do it, i've talked to half dozen of'em last yr ( all in cn , 0 in latrine america ) -- but i dun presently know how to break into it 1876904;1543619749;asciilifeform;( or even ~whether~ to -- rly, become piano tuner just cuz i have this 1 piano that's out of tune.. ) 1876905;1543620663;BingoBoingo;In other news, the poor kiosk on the block was apparently a victim of walk in and walk out with something shoplifting for a second time this week 1876906;1543620882;*;BingoBoingo wonders if Vzla or Brasil might have the right equipment otherwise employed 1876907;1543621509;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: http://lnnano.cnpem.br/laboratories/lme/ << Maybe shoot them a letter? 1876908;1543622022;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/11/feds-issue-fines-and-cuffs-to-older-black-men-and-their-handlers-over-endorsement-deals/ << Qntra - Feds Issue Fines And Cuffs To Older Black Men And Their Handlers Over Endorsement Deals