1806832;1525132956;mircea_popescu;i don't get it, they're secret ? 1806833;1525133014;asciilifeform;not seekrit, but unportable; we're unlikely to agree . 1806834;1525133047;mircea_popescu;no agreement is sought. not like we're packing a cinematic capsule for mars and can only fit one removed head. 1806835;1525133091;mircea_popescu;but absent statement, ima suspect something like ambiguously manly bystritskaya. 1806836;1525133287;asciilifeform;see, if one were to ask asciilifeform , even a haphazardly-thrown dart into 1980s su will hit one, e.g. https://archive.li/2VPRj ( tbf does include some older era pics also ) 1806837;1525133337;mircea_popescu;but let's take the case of say drubich. chick didn't even WANT to be an actress ; yet her career conveniently spans the gap, and if you compare her work in the 80s with her work in the 90s, you can readily see the uglification effect of an all-soviet soyuz. even conquers age, somehow 30yo woman looks WAY THE FUCK better than her own teen self. 1806838;1525133539;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/05/qntra-s-qntr-april-2018-report/ << Qntra - Qntra (S.QNTR) April 2018 Report 1806839;1525133591;mircea_popescu;https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w300_and_h450_bestv2/rkmYIFbK0ooOgkxMdCB1aJGWs4Y.jpg << - >> http://viola.bz/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/Tatiana-Drubich-27.jpg 1806840;1525133642;asciilifeform;the one on right hand, has moar skin an' moar photoshop... not 'fair fight' 1806841;1525133679;mircea_popescu;this is the whole fucking point. when the soviets are in charge they decide female sexual competition "not fair" hurr durr. everyone gets lazy, ugly and stupid. 1806842;1525133693;mircea_popescu;whole fucking point is that it's not fair nor will it ever be fair. cheat. 1806843;1525133739;mircea_popescu;https://78.media.tumblr.com/e516da884d9237b8481e7875b18c642b/tumblr_neqjl7Hrbi1tgx3vwo1_1280.jpg << most unsoviet item. 1806844;1525133765;asciilifeform;dun have to like sovok, but to blame it for http://btcbase.org/log/2018-03-30#1791180 is ahistoric 1806845;1525133765;a111;Logged on 2018-03-30 03:40 mircea_popescu: and "peasant civilisation" as in mirvniki or the wooden civilisation that covered the hills of transylvania as late as the 1800s is "both must repress" 1806846;1525133891;mircea_popescu;but the idea isn't that 1980s chickie ~couldn't~ have been beautiful. of course could have been. the problem is that there wasn't who to put random clothespins on her nippes so she actually WAS beautiful. and for lack of that, well... she might as well could not have been, because unactualized potential and absent potential are not distinct in any sense. 1806847;1525133964;asciilifeform;asciilifeform's orig point was precisely that... the clothespins dun do nuffin for asciilifeform . may as well be a hat with feather, or 9000 other things he's entirely insensitive to. and even the skins, i prefer the unedited ones. just-so. 1806848;1525133973;asciilifeform;hence 'unlikely to agree'. 1806849;1525134001;mircea_popescu;you are aware i was using it in the general, to denote the whole kit and kaboodle, high heels, proper posture, not being a lazy fuck, etc ? 1806850;1525134007;asciilifeform;heels ditto 1806851;1525134013;mircea_popescu;~NONE~ of it does anything for you ? 1806852;1525134032;asciilifeform;i hesitate to say 'none', possibly i agree with mircea_popescu's taste ~somewhere~ 1806853;1525134057;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: alf-aesthetics is a rough pass filter 1806854;1525134059;asciilifeform;but i suspect that we came off conveyor with pretty much opposite set of antifuses . 1806855;1525134059;mircea_popescu;you are aware that "safe space" campuses with "no rape" ~= unwashed cunts yes ? 1806856;1525134081;asciilifeform;not aware, but will have to take mircea_popescu's word for it, if he saw this. 1806857;1525134101;mod6;Lords and Ladies of The Most Serene Republic, The Bitcoin Foundation presenets the STATE OF BITCOIN ADDRESS for the month of April, 2018: http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2018-May/000299.html 1806858;1525134101;mircea_popescu;amusingly, it was in the log this morning. with peterl lol. 1806859;1525134103;asciilifeform;( tho in usa folx wash obsessively, to the point of annihilating their skin bacteria dangerously ) 1806860;1525134142;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, yes, but not there. because THEY CANT SEE IT. the difference between pantsuitism and aneurism -- minimal. 1806861;1525134149;BingoBoingo; ( tho in usa folx wash obsessively, to the point of annihilating their skin bacteria dangerously ) << Two of the potato nigger femayos insisted on wearing tank tops while they had actively draining boils in their armpits 1806862;1525134578;mircea_popescu;poor bb. 1806863;1525136491;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/8D28AAA08DE342FF2B891D133AC795D63BDE257A9CE91FC400A285CF0255AC24 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1482...2117 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown FR) 1806864;1525137850;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-01#1806862 << On the plus side more common than Potato Niggers are identical Argentine Schoolgirls 1806865;1525137850;a111;Logged on 2018-05-01 00:29 mircea_popescu: poor bb. 1806866;1525138007;BingoBoingo;But the Cowork is frankly boring. Insufficient turnover there. Same Uruguayos dicking around on photoshop and playing Pinoy all the time. 1806867;1525138382;mircea_popescu;argentine schoolgirls ?! 1806868;1525138469;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Sure, There were a good number of times in January-February where my roommates for the night would be 7 identical argentine schoolgirls. They would sit in a circle and stare at their phones for hours, but at least they understand the importance of ventilation 1806869;1525138494;mircea_popescu;lmao 1806870;1525138664;BingoBoingo;And they make fine room decor hanging about in their lacy things. 1806871;1525138756;BingoBoingo;Another time a family with children booked the other beds in my room and despite "No guests under 18" they were here during one of the Carnaval weekends 1806872;1525139320;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in heathen 'sucklessism' : http://betteros.org 1806873;1525139384;mircea_popescu;heh w/e. 1806874;1525139413;mircea_popescu;"better os because apps have gone to hell and here's some bits from wikipedia. paypal." 1806875;1525139611;asciilifeform;seems to contain a number of kindergarten c/asm tutorials by some orc, and little else 1806876;1525139732;mircea_popescu;it's a great thing he made his own genesis that isn't. 1806877;1525139788;mircea_popescu;if the population of venice consisted of these fucks, the turks would have discovered a decrepit fisherman's village populated of a bunch of stiff retards gathered on the beach pointing at the sea. 1806878;1525139795;mircea_popescu;"are you doing anything here ?" "we're showing the way!" 1806879;1525139814;ben_vulpes;on the topic of OSen, there's also alphabet's new "very much not linux" https://fuchsia.googlesource.com/ 1806880;1525139972;mircea_popescu;o look, fsf totally won. 1806881;1525140000;mircea_popescu;it's not proper to call it linux, it's gnu/linux, ok ? the inept crud on the side mattered, as proven by the fact that it was left behind once the core was stolen! 1806882;1525140201;mircea_popescu;https://blockchain.info/address/172Wm6TXmfnUGp9yXPorJrhRZzj4PSqRor << not even enough of a clue to seed his busking hat, the orc. 1806883;1525142432;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes, mircea_popescu : what sort of sv usg.corp would it be if it did not ( like e.g. crapple ) have own 'microkernel' abomination 1806884;1525142465;mircea_popescu;a slightly less retarded one ? 1806885;1525142565;asciilifeform;think, they collaborated on 'killing' gcc ( to be rid of the human mushroom ) and nao ditto for linuxkernel ( to be rid of the not always-cooperative linus ) 1806886;1525142634;asciilifeform;and in long term to set the stage for 'we finally standardized pc hardware' ( on googlenintendo naturally ) 1806887;1525142656;asciilifeform;i.e. to take over the old functions of usg.microshit. 1806888;1525142961;mod6;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-30#1806718 << Nice! Thanks :] 1806889;1525142961;a111;Logged on 2018-04-30 19:58 mircea_popescu: aaand mpex is back via mpex.biz. 1806890;1525143479;mod6;I kinda dig the clothes-pins. 1806891;1525143566;mod6;Strictly speaking, that's a very nice rack of tits, but the clothes-pins add some nice aesthetic. 1806892;1525143651;mircea_popescu;not to mention ease of handling 1806893;1525143697;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, it's the fate of all government-powered pretend-business : to be rolled up into ever larger dollops, eventually a single one. 1806894;1525143711;mircea_popescu;gosplan is gosplan. 1806895;1525145765;asciilifeform;funnily enuff this is not how orig gosplan worked. ( there was a multitude of -- de-facto independent -- factories , often overlapping in subj matter ) 1806896;1525146671;mircea_popescu;originally. then they slowly got absorbed into larger items 1806897;1525146705;mircea_popescu;kinda the problem with imaginary objects. they converge. 1806898;1525154486;ave1;!Q later tell asciilifeform The gcc makefiles use gnatls to find the runtime system directory, they do 'gnatls -v | grep adalib'. When ADA_OBJECTS_PATH is set, that line will return two directories and the build fails. Could you past the output of gnatls -v? (I can fix it with an extra head or tail call, but that also seems fragile) 1806899;1525154487;lobbesbot;ave1: The operation succeeded. 1806900;1525157543;mircea_popescu;!Qseen phf 1806901;1525157545;lobbesbot;mircea_popescu: phf was last seen in #trilema 13 hours, 26 minutes, and 59 seconds ago: “Happy Birthday, Karl Marx. You Were Right (nytimes.com)” 1806902;1525157554;mircea_popescu;fucking bullshit. 1806903;1525157597;mircea_popescu;i suppose the "reasonable" notion would be to not start this conversation well past midnight ; but my expectation is that were i to wait till tomorrow, or till six weeks from now, it'll still have to be carried exactly in the same manner for exactly the same reason, so what the hell difference does it make. 1806904;1525157614;mircea_popescu;yo phf, what's the status on any of the n items you were going to be delivering except failed to ever mention again ? 1806905;1525157744;mircea_popescu;is the manifest issue fixed ? is the graphing done ? am i what, going to lose v now because i'm too polite to yell, and left to your own devices you're just going to break it, permanently, obscurely, and forget about it ? or what's the fucking logic here. 1806906;1525159511;hanbot;mircea_popescu i noted several times in the last weeks/months phf was reporting pretty clearly what was being worked on, etas, etc, fwiw --eg http://btcbase.org/log/2018-03-25#1789616 , http://btcbase.org/log/2018-02-25#1786023 . it's gotta be difficult to keep absolutely everything not only organized but also organizedly communicated, eh. 1806907;1525159511;a111;Logged on 2018-03-25 19:48 phf: hanbot: note that http://barksinthewind.com/2018/vtools-vpatch/#selection-147.0-192.0 i'm going to fix it by wednesday, but if you can give me an unsigned rough draft of a keccak mp-wp.vpatch before then, i'll be able to use it as a test 1806908;1525159511;a111;Logged on 2018-02-25 19:40 phf: in any case i'll produce a fix by wednesday, but not before. this requires careful work 1806909;1525159609;mircea_popescu;dude check out the timestamps, 25th of feb, 25th of march, 19:40ish ? wtf coincidence is that. 1806910;1525159648;mircea_popescu;hanbot, http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-09#1794613 << did this ever progress past hack afayk ? 1806911;1525159648;a111;Logged on 2018-04-09 14:31 mircea_popescu: a right. hanbot do me a favour : download ~only~ those patches which are in the leftmost trunk seen on phf's viewer (so exclude vtools_vdiff_sha, and its dependents) and try to flow again ? 1806912;1525159864;hanbot;nop, last mention was a little over a week ago tho. http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-20#1803539 1806913;1525159864;a111;Logged on 2018-04-20 04:05 phf: trinque: it wouldn't, i believe there's an antecedent->dependency transformation issues (i.e. the transform in mod6 v is adhoc, so it can't handle the tricky antecedent graph). the approach hanbot used was to just use the patches from the left branch of the graph, until, per mircea_popescu's request, i write a general purpose v graph code. 1806914;1525159960;mircea_popescu;well, so if i'm talking to someone that's not particularly keen on doing me any favours, what do i say to them ? something like "don't use v, it is broken" ? so they can ask me for how long it's been broken and i can say what, a month ? and they can then ask when it is going to be fixed and i can say "dunno" ? 1806915;1525159966;mircea_popescu;i gotta be able to do better than that wtf. 1806916;1525160240;hanbot;well, left branch approach does exist; that's why i was even able to put up the mp-wp genesis, after all. as for fix, sure an eta'd be better than no eta. i'm just sayin', doesn't look much like a runner to me. 1806917;1525160516;mircea_popescu;it's still fucking broken. what's next, "we here at V house all halal, do graph by hand" ? and that's just one thing ; i have the whole http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-27#1759100 / http://btcbase.org/log/2018-03-30#1791593 chain 1806918;1525160516;a111;Logged on 2017-12-27 04:33 mircea_popescu: how about a convention whereby all new genesises must contain a manifest.genesis file, which file will be constantly patched on each patchj, no exceptions, by adding a line which reads : "This is patch #x and the codebase hash is blabla". 1806919;1525160516;a111;Logged on 2018-03-30 23:52 phf: well, i'm now convinced that manifest is an elegant, minimally invasive solution. i'll try it in a regrind. 1806920;1525160611;mircea_popescu;fellow strikes me as intelligent in conversation, then i keep having somehow the exact sort of problems with him that i usually have with idiots : i have no fucking idea what's going on, and i have to twist arms to sorta find out, maybe. 1806921;1525185392;mod6;Back in the old days, there was one tree. I'm still not sure what problem we are trying to solve with all of this. 1806922;1525185439;mod6;If there were vpatches in your flow that went down two different paths, you simply removed those vpatches from your 'patches' directory. Press path A. You want bath B? Then you just add in what ever path B consists. 1806923;1525185487;trinque;the problem is that I have two unrelated patches (in reality, not theoretically) 1806924;1525185515;trinque;how do I introduce a 3rd that doesn't abandon any it does not itself modify. 1806925;1525185529;trinque;this has been restated in the logs several times by now. 1806926;1525185545;trinque;your solution in the makefiles patch was to comment in unrelated files, which was inelegant. 1806927;1525185591;mod6;why are they unrelated ? are they not a part of the same project? 1806928;1525185652;trinque;why did you have to comment in files unrelated to the makefiles patch? 1806929;1525185659;trinque;the answer to your question is right there 1806930;1525185671;mod6;and just because it has been stated several times in the logs, does't mean it makes sense to me. 1806931;1525185709;mod6;I feel like that is two different cases maybe. That was the case of tying up the leaves. 1806932;1525185729;mod6;This is something where you have two totally different trees, merged into one. 1806933;1525185773;mod6;I dunno, nevermind. Maybe will just have to leave this complicated work up to those whom understand it better. 1806934;1525185814;trinque;distinguish "tying up the leaves" from what I said? 1806935;1525185861;trinque;you would have dropped one of the antecedent patches you wanted if you hadn't commented in files they edited, right? 1806936;1525185927;mod6;huh? no. 1806937;1525185942;mod6;not at that time. at that time, we just pressed all leaves anyway. 1806938;1525185950;mod6;this just made it "tidy". 1806939;1525185955;mod6;One leaf. 1806940;1525186090;asciilifeform;trinque: didja ever get a chance to try the algo i demo'd in http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2018-April/000296.html ? what did you think ? 1806941;1525186090;lobbesbot;asciilifeform: Sent 8 hours and 46 minutes ago: The gcc makefiles use gnatls to find the runtime system directory, they do 'gnatls -v | grep adalib'. When ADA_OBJECTS_PATH is set, that line will return two directories and the build fails. Could you past the output of gnatls -v? (I can fix it with an extra head or tail call, but that also seems fragile) 1806942;1525186228;asciilifeform;!Q later tell ave1 http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/jQJBX/?raw=true 1806943;1525186228;lobbesbot;asciilifeform: The operation succeeded. 1806944;1525186233;mod6;I actually did. 1806945;1525186243;mod6;Did nasty things when I tried this with TRB. 1806946;1525186275;mod6;Sad to report. 1806947;1525186278;asciilifeform;mod6: considering that the example i gave ~is~ the totality of the trb tree, i'm a bit puzzled, what was it you tried ? 1806948;1525186360;mod6;I'd have to go back an look, but I seem to recall trying to use it to create the trb patches, then inflate from those. and when I did, lotsa hunks/fuzz etc. 1806949;1525186371;asciilifeform;( if you grab the attachments of the ml post, and follow the instructions, you get bitwise-identical trb on every step of the ladder , vs the respective trb at that step in the orig tree . ) 1806950;1525186374;mod6;I'll pull out my notes later today if you actuall want. 1806951;1525186426;asciilifeform;mod6: generally it's good practice to send in the eggogs some time near the time you actually did the test... 1806952;1525186430;asciilifeform;but better late than never 1806953;1525186432;mod6;It's very possible i just misused this tool. 1806954;1525186506;mod6;well, fwiw, i'm trying to not get sucked back into all of this. as far as I'm concerned V works. 1806955;1525186602;asciilifeform;mod6: the linked item was written in as illustration of 1 possible solution to problem posed by mircea_popescu and trinque , in re spuriously-independent patches creating misleading graph 1806956;1525186679;asciilifeform;and the 'tldr' of it is: if you download the patches/sigs in the example, and press to any particular one, you get a file 'trb', which, when put through included proggy 'txt2dir' results in a bitwise-correct (i.e. bit-identical to classical tree that we have for trb) press. 1806957;1525186750;asciilifeform;in the interest of saving log bandwidth >> http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-02#1792071 << thread, where i described. 1806958;1525186750;a111;Logged on 2018-04-02 22:04 asciilifeform: trinque, phf , other vtronicists : http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2018-April/000296.html 1806959;1525186760;*;trinque considers the ability to be able to move files without miles of diff insanity pretty damned cool 1806960;1525186771;trinque;and in service to fits-in-head 1806961;1525186789;asciilifeform;trinque: moving, renaming, etc. and yes you get it 'for free'. 1806962;1525186801;mod6;asciilifeform: yeah, crystals is neato. Just tried to press (iirc) out the big thing and hit some sort of issues. 1806963;1525186808;asciilifeform;trinque: it's actually your algo, i just proggified it. 1806964;1525186809;trinque;I can also see an argument from mod6 that "pressing all leaves" ~did work, but that's not what's currently done. 1806965;1525186812;mod6;I'll have to get you the info. Probably later today. 1806966;1525187029;mod6;And yea, V 99993K removed that, and now can only press to one leaf. 1806967;1525187045;mod6;I personally find this obnoxious. 1806968;1525187080;mod6;If there are 3 leaves, A, B, and C. And for some reason, I shouldn't have B and C, then I should just be a man, and remove them from my 'patches' dir. 1806969;1525187132;mod6;Otherwise we have a lot of extra complexity and mental gymnatics. 1806970;1525187148;trinque;yeah, could remove press head entirely and press all it can, and operator controls via patch, seals, and wot, eh? 1806971;1525187153;trinque;I can see that argument too 1806972;1525187187;asciilifeform;trinque: fwiw it was how my orig (unreleased) vtron worked. 1806973;1525187209;asciilifeform;( the 'press all it can' specifically ) 1806974;1525188085;mod6;You may just have to disrgard what I was saying above, asciilifeform. 1806975;1525188108;asciilifeform;hm? 1806976;1525188151;mod6;(re: crystals) re-reading the email, it is jogging my memory that I didn't use the included trb files specifically. I recall screwing around and wiring in my vtron, as opposed to your vtron, then who knows. I probably did something dumb. 1806977;1525188188;mod6;Which is why I don't think I ever posted about it. My attention probably turned to other things, and I haven't circled back yet. 1806978;1525188198;mod6;I'll maybe start fresh on it and see how it goes. 1806979;1525188271;asciilifeform;mod6: there's not an urgent and dire need to test the linked item ( though fwiw it stood up to exhaustive test on asciilifeform's side ). i linked it in response to http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-01#1806923 thread strictly. 1806980;1525188271;a111;Logged on 2018-05-01 14:38 trinque: the problem is that I have two unrelated patches (in reality, not theoretically) 1806981;1525188304;asciilifeform;probably i ought to have pointed this out moar clearly. 1806982;1525188368;mod6;well, sure not "urgent", but I shouldn't say "didn't work" either. 1806983;1525188391;mod6;anyway, <3 1806984;1525188393;mod6;bbs 1806985;1525188479;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-01#1806960 << forgot to add: recall, it also abolishes inbandism. 1806986;1525188479;a111;Logged on 2018-05-01 14:59 trinque: and in service to fits-in-head 1806987;1525190221;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-01#1806905 << well my fiat responsibilities are disrupting any kind of reasonable scheduling. i'm not 9 to 5, my fiat work goes through periods of heavy activity that are aligned with particular industry. and right now it's a particular mess, owner had a baby 3 weeks early, 2 weeks ago, another c level is having a baby in a week, and we're in the middle of a release. previous republican work was kind of cutting into some 1806988;1525190221;a111;Logged on 2018-05-01 06:55 mircea_popescu: is the manifest issue fixed ? is the graphing done ? am i what, going to lose v now because i'm too polite to yell, and left to your own devices you're just going to break it, permanently, obscurely, and forget about it ? or what's the fucking logic here. 1806989;1525190221;phf;of that fiat work, but now i can't even afford to borrow against future time. basically since i came back from a vacation when the bulk of V work was done, i had very little free time. the republican policy is variations on "fuck your fiat excuses", but that is what's creating these vacuums of "it'll be done... sometime" 1806990;1525190321;mircea_popescu;phf, ok, so then say. "hey folks -- job fucked me over, i'll be lost in the swamp for [2 days ; 3 weeks ; 4 months]" whatever it is. why should i have to try and guess ? 1806991;1525190377;mircea_popescu;you didn't even as much as say "hey, i have a job irl". am i to assume you do ? why should i have to assume, why should i have to guess, there's simply no benefit to doing it this way. 1806992;1525190396;mircea_popescu;!!up mother[m] 1806993;1525190396;deedbot;mother[m] voiced for 30 minutes. 1806994;1525190496;phf;mircea_popescu: well, we have examples of diana_coman etc. who manages to do republican work while "raising a baby and having a day time job". presumably this shit can somehow be scheduled and managed better, i.e. the fact that those things even need to be communicated is an organizational failure. some progress could be made. 1806995;1525190520;phf;those thing being "i have a job irl" 1806996;1525190526;mircea_popescu;i know her! her day job is working for me! 1806997;1525190536;phf;lol 1806998;1525190552;phf;well then 1806999;1525190556;mircea_popescu;just because i seem to be guessing successfully in case X does not mean you should put me in the situation of guessing about you. it just does not fucking pay. 1807000;1525190592;mircea_popescu;if i have to guess i'll possibly guess wrongly ; if i have to assume i will conceivably assume incorrectly. why ? what does it pay ? just say. i know they told you discreet pays, but they lied. discreet does not pay. blunt wins. 1807001;1525191554;mircea_popescu;mod6, they're "unrelated" in the sense that not all files are touched at the same time, by each patch -- principally because we favour small patches. 1807002;1525191648;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-01#1806945 << "did nasty things" is not a report ;/ 1807003;1525191648;a111;Logged on 2018-05-01 14:50 mod6: Did nasty things when I tried this with TRB. 1807004;1525191747;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-01#1806970 << and operator will bite an anvil made out of solid combinatorialexplosioum. 1807005;1525191747;a111;Logged on 2018-05-01 15:05 trinque: yeah, could remove press head entirely and press all it can, and operator controls via patch, seals, and wot, eh? 1807006;1525191928;phf;aight, i'm going to be out of commission until mid may. i have comments for eulora that i need to type up (i got to sit down with a printout out over this weekend), i'm not sure about the amount of work required for the grapher until i have time to sit down and read v.pl (i sort of have an idea of how to implement it as part of vtools, but i'm not sure if the slicing is adequate), until i do i don't have a clear idea of how long it's going to take. i m 1807007;1525191929;phf;ight have time to sit down with v.pl before mid may. i can also just remove the right hand side of vtools for now, since this new complexity is coming from an experimental v graph anyway. i've no idea though if people are using a sha512 vtools in preference of awk vdiff / gnu patch. 1807008;1525191938;mircea_popescu;cool. so now we know! 1807009;1525191964;mircea_popescu;"fuck your fiat excuses" cuts both ways. we simply don't care, which can mean also we don't mind! just you know, make it easy for everyone to not mind, it'll be that then. 1807010;1525192013;mircea_popescu;trinque, what's your stance here, do you particularly want to implement a grapher / manifest / generally fix a v ? not really ? 1807011;1525192090;mircea_popescu;i specifically don't want it on asciilifeform 's plate because i'm hoping that he and ave1 can actually get gpr work for irl purposes. if i manage to get eulora server off the fsf toolchain it'll be such a win the likes of which i hadn't dared hope for last year. between that and getting pizarro off the ground he has plenty, and not readily replaceable. 1807012;1525192140;mircea_popescu;but we have esthlos waited on a fix, and then there's whatever you were waiting to publish. so i'm guessing it'd have to be one of you. 1807013;1525192149;mircea_popescu;hey mod6 how's your ada v coming along ? 1807014;1525192164;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: speaking of which, his fix seems to work ( build still going , already got past where last barfed ) 1807015;1525192166;phf;well, manifest is in the vtools project, but there's no programmatic support for it, because it's not even clear to me what sort of programmatic support might be needed. as it stands anyone is free to add or not add a manifest to their particular graph. the result of this experiment is that manifest works, you can see its output on the site. problem that we have is the need for a smarter grapher, the solution to which might just be "if it hurts when yo 1807016;1525192166;phf;u do it, don't do it" 1807017;1525192175;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, *thumbs* 1807018;1525192202;asciilifeform;theoretically should output a musltronic gnat. 1807019;1525192203;mircea_popescu;phf, i get it dood, takes some thinking you've not had time to do. it's not the end of the world or anything, what the hell. 1807020;1525192268;mircea_popescu;the ~only~ item here is that if you had said "hey, i work with women, we're at that age when they're becoming patently useless / damaging to a professional career, i'll be fucked till mid may" when they started popping babies while preternding to be "owners" of shit, we'd have had this convo late march not early may. 1807021;1525192309;*;phf nods 1807022;1525192338;mircea_popescu;not like you're the first to run into something in the entire history of the world. 1807023;1525192618;mod6;<+mircea_popescu> http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-01#1806945 << "did nasty things" is not a report ;/ << Yeah, my apologies, I'll re-do. 1807024;1525192618;a111;Logged on 2018-05-01 14:50 mod6: Did nasty things when I tried this with TRB. 1807025;1525192629;phf;ok, back to the grind for me then 1807026;1525192690;mircea_popescu;enjoy. 1807027;1525192692;mod6;<+mircea_popescu> hey mod6 how's your ada v coming along ? << Still stuck in the drawer. I haevn't even touched it since Q3 of 17. I'm distinctly intersted in rawtx tools getting into trb, currently. 1807028;1525192703;mod6;The problem with the Ada version is the string parsing. 1807029;1525192703;mircea_popescu;alrighty, do that then. 1807030;1525192750;mircea_popescu;i should prolly have a betting pool over how many retarded byte errors of the "hey, check them out, they forgot a comma" type he's gonna find before he releases anything. 1807031;1525192769;mod6;And I'll certainly need to write something (or work with someone) to produce a ~fast~ parser. It's a giant ass-pain with the fixed-length strings. 1807032;1525192787;mod6;Where I did get to last year, had some of this working, not all, but some; and it was SLOOOOW. Too much string processing. 1807033;1525192834;mod6;mircea_popescu: oh, betting against us or prb? 1807034;1525192843;mircea_popescu;mod6, there's no rush there, esthlos had 90% of a working lisp v, i expect it can be tweaked into a deliverable. can have ada v later on. 1807035;1525192860;mircea_popescu;mod6, just how many you'll find, it's already 1, and the rule goes 0-1-inf. 1807036;1525192861;asciilifeform;mod6: parser for what ? tx ? you allocate a max-tx-sized (1 decimal MB...) buffer and shift the input into it. 1807037;1525192873;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, no that was re v. 1807038;1525192875;mod6;fwiw, I did look for other appearences of the same bug in all of the trb source files, however, I didn't see one. Doesn't mean that they don't exist. I invite all to examine the source. 1807039;1525192883;asciilifeform;aaa 1807040;1525192893;mircea_popescu;it's not a trivial problem, from ada perspective. 1807041;1525192905;mircea_popescu;"so how long is this gonna be ?" "We don't know." "bitch, go back to picking apples." 1807042;1525192916;mod6;Exactly, 0, 1, inf. I was worried about this. MOre pairs of eyes are good here. 1807043;1525192917;asciilifeform;trivial if you download 'horsecocks.tar' and use my mmap routine. 1807044;1525192918;mircea_popescu;"programming is for when you know." 1807045;1525192923;asciilifeform;then no need to allocate anyffing. 1807046;1525192933;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, there is that. 1807047;1525192951;mod6;see, I did think that alf had produced something of this kind that was connected to ffa. 1807048;1525192958;asciilifeform;mod6: prior 1807049;1525192967;mod6;I need to go and look at that, I might be able to use that outright, or borrow from it. 1807050;1525192973;asciilifeform;it was used in my 'nqb' ( 'not quite bitcoin' ) skeleton 1807051;1525192983;mircea_popescu;mod6, was a while ago. but anyway, nevermind, you'll do all this later. get tx tooling into trb, by all means. 1807052;1525192988;mod6;oh, hmm. I'll have to remind myself. 1807053;1525192992;asciilifeform;and yes it can be used straight, the demo builds on all known gnats iirc 1807054;1525193064;mod6;Yeah, I've got 'getrawtransaction', 'decoderawtransaction' working and minimally tested. createrawtransaction is built and untestd entirely (was working on recent bug report instead). that leaves signrawtransaction, and sendrawtransaction... and maybe listunspent too. 1807055;1525193084;mod6;But listunspent I already had working long ago, but not with the way you wanted it. 1807056;1525193095;mod6;which, requires a lot more changes, so we'll see. 1807057;1525193151;mircea_popescu;aite. 1807058;1525193203;trinque;neat mod6. super useful for the wallet. 1807059;1525193212;mod6;sign and send are gonna be a tough ones, so we'll see how it goes. I've got a new test machine on the way, so I gotta stand that up, etc for all of this too. 1807060;1525193214;trinque;mircea_popescu: I am entirely willing to help esthlos finish his V 1807061;1525193249;asciilifeform;mod6: thread re 'horsecocks' -- http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-06#1666647 , http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-09#1667738 , http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-13#1682491 , possibly elsewhere. 1807062;1525193249;a111;Logged on 2017-06-06 19:40 asciilifeform: mod6, phf , et al : http://nosuchlabs.com/pub/ada/horsecocks.tar.gz << i dun recall posting this before, so here it will live, for nao : unofficial release of mmaptron 1807063;1525193249;a111;Logged on 2017-06-09 17:17 mod6: speaking of ada stuff. i did get horsecocks to compile just fine with the changes that were discussed previously with diana_coman 1807064;1525193249;a111;Logged on 2017-07-13 15:27 asciilifeform: phf: witness what i did re mmap for instance. 1807065;1525193266;asciilifeform;( btw, all of the nosuchlabs/pub/* linx , work again ! ) 1807066;1525193270;mod6;Thanks asciilifeform 1807067;1525193271;asciilifeform;np 1807068;1525193292;mod6;mircea_popescu: thanks too for prodding me about Ada-vtron. I'll poke at it as I can, for sure. 1807069;1525193344;mod6;One other thing about ada-vtron, at the time, I was using system commands to execute `gnupg'. Where as now, perhaps we can use ffa/peh. 1807070;1525193357;mod6;Or work up to that point, anyway. 1807071;1525193382;mod6;Anyway, food for thought. 1807072;1525193386;*;mod6 bbl, meat. 1807073;1525193508;mircea_popescu;mod6, that's actually... exactly the opposite of what i said! 1807074;1525193527;mircea_popescu;do the tx stuff ; ada vtron can wait. 1807075;1525194015;mircea_popescu;trinque, alright, then that's the plan here, you and esthlos come up with a v i can point people at when they have to publish ; you can test it by publishing whatever it was you were about to on it, and there we go. 1807076;1525194128;mircea_popescu;keccak hashing, yes ? 1807077;1525194189;trinque;yep, all sounds good. 1807078;1525194366;mircea_popescu;lobbes, ^ 1807079;1525194424;asciilifeform;quasi-relatedly, asciilifeform found himself wondering, why we're still on fleanode... between pizarro, mircea_popescu's racked boxes ( idk where, but presumably good ones ? ) , asciilifeform's own fiber, trinque , etc. could have a very solid irc net, potentially 1807080;1525194448;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, because they've not kicked us off yet. 1807081;1525194474;asciilifeform;lol! 'why do we live in the train tunnel, we could afford flat' 'they haven't kicked us yet...' 1807082;1525194475;mircea_popescu;what's the problem, anyway, we hang out here with 50k cockcaged retards, singlehandedly make up 99% of all their intellectual products while they pretend we don't exist. 1807083;1525194495;asciilifeform;cruddy connections , afaik, is the only recurrent problem 1807084;1525194520;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, do you propose to bereave me of the future "O yEaH ?!?!?! YOU ARE BANNED THEN!!!!" "you think i care ?" "of course you do! everyone cares!!!!" lulz ? hm ? 1807085;1525194530;asciilifeform;lol point 1807086;1525194592;mircea_popescu;as a smart slut once told peggy, "to have fun you need to organize it" 1807087;1525195684;asciilifeform;!Q later tell ave1 with both vars unset, much farther than before, but still nope : http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/Mm9hN/?raw=true 1807088;1525195685;lobbesbot;asciilifeform: The operation succeeded. 1807089;1525195739;asciilifeform;i can't fucking believe the recipe relies on git, lol 1807090;1525195747;ave1;Aha, and I was just writing my response. 1807091;1525195747;lobbesbot;ave1: Sent 2 hours and 38 minutes ago: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/jQJBX/?raw=true 1807092;1525195748;lobbesbot;ave1: Sent 1 minute ago: with both vars unset, much farther than before, but still nope : http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/Mm9hN/?raw=true 1807093;1525195793;asciilifeform;ave1: the 1 thing that really, really gotta be fixed, is the 'now you get to start the 3h build from 0 every time' thing. 1807094;1525195802;ave1;Yes, I it is, I will remove that dependency promptly. Taking complex scripts from the wild takes some time to fix. 1807095;1525195825;asciilifeform;srsly this was a solved problem in 1985 or whenever first makefile was written. 1807096;1525195837;ave1;Will do, it already has some mechanism to check if something was build and skip that step. I will look at it some more. 1807097;1525195901;ave1;Currently the mechanism is not fail save, so it sometimes skips a step even if it was unsuccessful. 1807098;1525195911;asciilifeform;also needs a central place to put '-j32' where it will be fed to ALL gcc & gnat invocations so that my 32-cpu box can do the Right Thing 1807099;1525195980;ave1;That one should not be too hard, most work is done in the buildinstall function in defs.h 1807100;1525195988;ave1;sorry defs.sh 1807101;1525196366;ave1;before starting do: export MAKEFLAGS="-j32". 1807102;1525196418;*;trinque looks upon his 16 core poverty in shame 1807103;1525196421;asciilifeform;should use gentoo's standard MAKEOPTS 1807104;1525196538;mircea_popescu;the standards in computing are a thing to behold. 1807105;1525197591;*;lobbes apologizes for all the lobbesbot join/part spam. Will have to investigate once out of saltmines 1807106;1525198795;mod6;<+mircea_popescu> mod6, that's actually... exactly the opposite of what i said! << I've got ya. I'm just gonna stay on this rawtx stuffs, I'm making ok progress atm. 1807107;1525199216;mircea_popescu;cool. 1807108;1525200504;BingoBoingo;And we have yet another family with children in the hostel 1807109;1525200739;BingoBoingo;And in the Sportsmen being MEN department: "Bauer told Passan that he repeatedly bugged the Indians’ medical staff to cauterize his finger wound shut with a soldering iron. They laughed at him, but Bauer was 100 percent serious. He truly wanted his already mangled finger to be burnt shut so bad he almost performed the procedure himself." 1807110;1525205276;lobbes;Ugh, so my www on my frantech vps has been dog slow all day. Same vps that hosts lobbesbot, so possibly I have finally outgrown the thing (currently hosts bot, mp-wp, archived urls index, eulora price history, and various misc) 1807111;1525205341;lobbes;Pizarro folx, would rockchip box be enough juice for the above? And is it still $75 for a quarter? 1807112;1525205417;lobbes;Essentially would need it for various php-trons, mp-wp hosting, and irc bottage. 1807113;1525205436;asciilifeform;lobbes: definitely oughta suffice for the described use 1807114;1525205446;asciilifeform;( 4 cores, 2G ram ) 1807115;1525205471;asciilifeform;and afaik price is still same ( confirm with ben_vulpes & mod6 ) 1807116;1525205509;lobbes;And s/"still $75 for quarter?"/"still $75 per month if pay whole quarter?"/ 1807117;1525205521;lobbes;Nice 1807118;1525205524;asciilifeform;correct 1807119;1525205563;asciilifeform;can buy multiple quarters ahead of time if you like, also. 1807120;1525205796;*;asciilifeform has become rather fond of the rockbox , even bought some moar for the torture room after coming back from BingoBoingostan 1807121;1525205886;asciilifeform;err, rockchip box 1807122;1525205953;asciilifeform;i suppose this is not bad time to mention that i have experimental gentoo for a deloused (i.e. degoogleated) c101pa laptop 1807123;1525205982;*;asciilifeform bbl 1807124;1525206013;lobbes;Ty asciilifeform for info. Ima bbl as well (leaving saltmines), but I'm sold. ben_vulpes: plox to invoice me for one quarter of rockchip box when you are able 1807125;1525206069;ben_vulpes;lobbes: ack 1807126;1525206124;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: awesome 1807127;1525207479;asciilifeform;this makes for... 4 of 6 sold 1807128;1525207491;asciilifeform;get'em while they're on the shelf, folx! 1807129;1525211080;mircea_popescu;incidentally, do these come with fg or as an optional ? 1807130;1525211097;mircea_popescu;it occurs to me that ~for the first time~ in the history of computing, we have hardware capable of on the fly rsa-ing. 1807131;1525211117;mod6;This is an interesting question. 1807132;1525211179;mod6;I suppose that one could be connected directly to the board, right asciilifeform? But would it physically have to be placed, i.e. underneath, the riser bolts/pegs? 1807133;1525211199;*;mod6 goes to find the picture 1807134;1525211421;mod6;Like so: http://www.loper-os.org/pub/rockchip1.jpg 1807135;1525211455;mod6;Ooh, I see some are double stacked. 1807136;1525211529;mod6;anyway, bbl 1807137;1525213290;asciilifeform;mod6, mircea_popescu : they have not 1 but 2 uart's, already at ttl signal level, pretty much born to FG 1807138;1525213306;asciilifeform;( naturally they also take conventional usb-ttl FG trivially ) 1807139;1525213372;asciilifeform;and i doubt it would take BingoBoingo very much sweat to craft a suitable shelf to keep the FG-en on. 1807140;1525213441;asciilifeform;( i.e. they do not come with FG by default, but this is available as an option; interested folx should ping ben_vulpes & mod6 and inquire re price ) 1807141;1525213517;asciilifeform;re shelf, there is room on the ~existing~ shelf for 2 FG , without obstruction of airflow. 1807142;1525213527;asciilifeform;( as illustrated in the photo linked by mod6 ) 1807143;1525213613;asciilifeform;keep in mind that this is a pilot plant; in 'adult' 1u and 2u designs there is designated slot for FG for ~each~ board. 1807144;1525213660;asciilifeform;if pilot plant sells out and stays full -- then we construct the full plant ( and eventually migrate pilot customers to it also ) 1807145;1525213794;asciilifeform;incidentally, asciilifeform seems to recall that some yrs ago jurov was looking at an arm-chipset hosting thing. jurov , still looking ? perhaps this one will work for you 1807146;1525213798;mircea_popescu;yeah. it's not a small thing this, safe online rsa. 1807147;1525213968;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: possibly we oughta make the successor FG, in already the 'four holes of rpi3' form factor that rockchip has, so as to stack'em cleanly.. 1807148;1525214005;mircea_popescu;this is indeed where the junction is going, evolve a pcb for official arm item specifically. 1807149;1525214013;mircea_popescu;but premature yet, give it six months in industrial application. 1807150;1525214021;asciilifeform;( tho mebbe not, because one couldn't then http://nosuchlabs.com/fg/fg_typical.jpg ) 1807151;1525214033;mircea_popescu;just a matter of adapted pcb ; still same item. 1807152;1525214047;asciilifeform;aha 1807153;1525214061;diana_coman;ben_vulpes, mod6 what's the price for a rockchip *with* fg as per asciilifeform's description above? 1807154;1525214282;asciilifeform;( in re industrial application -- asciilifeform has found , while back, that FG might be one of the few electronic items which ~like~ elevated , within reason ( dun wanna melt the solder balls or warp the pcb, so no boiling lead plox ) temperatures... ) 1807155;1525214321;mircea_popescu;aha. 1807156;1525214363;asciilifeform;illustration, so to speak, of the connection b/w 'physical' entropy and the rng one 1807157;1525214565;asciilifeform;mod6: they are not merely double- but N- stackable. however power supply gets gnarly in that geometry, and the pilot plant as pictured, oughta be considered full 1807158;1525214651;*;asciilifeform brb,meat 1807159;1525215976;mod6;Ah, ok. Thanks for the info asciilifeform. 1807160;1525216015;mod6;diana_coman: We'll discuss and figure out what makes sense, will report back. 1807161;1525220954;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/BA0450D117008E5A2062860A5DF11353781123CFB44A905CAA74C5836643E636 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1679...6159 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown CN 11) 1807162;1525221640;asciilifeform;!!deed http://www.loper-os.org/pub/piz_apr_parts.txt 1807163;1525221644;deedbot;accepted: 1 1807164;1525221703;asciilifeform;!~ticker --market all 1807165;1525221709;jhvh1;asciilifeform: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 9063.13, vol: 11729.53161711 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 9070.6, vol: 23312.154198539996 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 9070.2, vol: 5338.80882751 | Volume-weighted last average: 9068.37726535 1807166;1525221805;asciilifeform;!!invoice ben_vulpes 0.10813041 http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-02#1807162 1807167;1525221805;a111;Logged on 2018-05-02 00:40 asciilifeform: !!deed http://www.loper-os.org/pub/piz_apr_parts.txt 1807168;1525221808;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/OYbSv/?raw=true 1807169;1525221831;asciilifeform;!!v 407E794ACEEE389CCF771222F9A1D373397ACD165F7A11605C828C61B549B9F8 1807170;1525221835;deedbot;Invoiced ben_vulpes 0.10813041 << http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-02#1807162 1807171;1525221918;asciilifeform;!!invoice ben_vulpes 0.02 2 x 3ware RAID cards (1 in http://logs.bvulpes.com/pizarro?d=2018-3-1#309820 , 1 for smg spare and currently stored in orig packaging in the rack bilge ) 1807172;1525221918;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-03-01 17:59 ben_vulpes: yes sold 1807173;1525221921;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/4lLep/?raw=true 1807174;1525221942;asciilifeform;!!v F6313920EBDB845D8354B33F2C12DDFE496BE90196B6330C2FCA95BE4CFE1DF5 1807175;1525221945;deedbot;Invoiced ben_vulpes 0.02 << 2 x 3ware RAID cards (1 in http://logs.bvulpes.com/pizarro?d=2018-3-1#309820 , 1 for smg spare and currently stored in orig packaging in the rack bilge ) 1807176;1525221945;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-03-01 17:59 ben_vulpes: yes sold 1807177;1525222120;asciilifeform;!!invoice mircea_popescu 0.24737591 asciilifeform-powered snsa->pizarro crossborder transport ( see http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-02#1807162 manifest ) , inclusive of the iron repurchased earlier by pizarro ( i dun recall if the transport cost was part of the purchase, if it wasn't , plox to rebill ben_vulpes et al ) 1807178;1525222120;a111;Logged on 2018-05-02 00:40 asciilifeform: !!deed http://www.loper-os.org/pub/piz_apr_parts.txt 1807179;1525222124;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/QIuPa/?raw=true 1807180;1525222141;asciilifeform;!!v D80DA12DCAC5A938A5D3B7F44D188EB6E9274B1DCB40FEAEE0C9D8585E1DA58C 1807181;1525222179;asciilifeform;... 1807182;1525222194;asciilifeform;lol did i finally hang this thing 1807183;1525222201;asciilifeform;( trinque ^ ? ) 1807184;1525222209;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, basically this is because snsa is paying you to deliver its gear there and also sold pizarro some gear on the trip, right ? 1807185;1525222239;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: right, i'm digging in the log re whether you included transport, but currently can't find, grrr 1807186;1525222275;mircea_popescu;im sure snsa sold parts fob. 1807187;1525222331;mircea_popescu;and so this ~2k is what, plane ticket and those bits of gear we didn't already own that we resold basically ? 1807188;1525222337;trinque;lol, value too long for varchar(255) asciilifeform 1807189;1525222343;trinque;holy damned memo field 1807190;1525222347;asciilifeform;trinque: should i resubmit or wat 1807191;1525222348;trinque;lemme make it yuger 1807192;1525222404;trinque;asciilifeform: ok, resubmit with same girth 1807193;1525222406;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: strictly plane ( 400 alone was 'excess weight surcharge ) + taxis + hotel 1807194;1525222413;asciilifeform;trinque: aite, 1s 1807195;1525222428;mircea_popescu;alright. 1807196;1525222446;asciilifeform;!!invoice mircea_popescu 0.24737591 asciilifeform-powered snsa->pizarro crossborder transport works 1807197;1525222449;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/eKXAu/?raw=true 1807198;1525222459;trinque;pff I said same girth 1807199;1525222463;trinque;but nbd 1807200;1525222468;asciilifeform;!!v 5A66BE94B97DB841FDFC0A5E1ADE2B818A720C8D64ED702D0EF4EA4DF20E7437 1807201;1525222472;deedbot;Invoiced mircea_popescu 0.24737591 << asciilifeform-powered snsa->pizarro crossborder transport works 1807202;1525222476;asciilifeform;oops , sorry trinque 1807203;1525222481;asciilifeform;but this oughta work.. 1807204;1525222495;trinque;yeah that's fine; I just embiggened the type db-side 1807205;1525222497;mircea_popescu;whoa guise i dunno what's going on but this tab keeps flashing o.O O.o 1807206;1525222502;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes lemme know if you have any q re the items in manifest ( they are all in BingoBoingo's inventory nao ) 1807207;1525222551;asciilifeform;anyway this is all in re cost of asciilifeform's 1st expedition to pizarrostan. 1807208;1525222588;asciilifeform;the 1 item i forgot is cost of 1 spare raid cable. but let's consider it a donation... 1807209;1525222588;mircea_popescu;!!invoices 1807210;1525222697;*;asciilifeform wonder how 'asciilifeform airlines' compares, costwise, with fedex, for same mass 1807211;1525222708;asciilifeform;not even to count the customs strange. 1807212;1525222721;mircea_popescu;will be reporting this shortly. 1807213;1525222726;trinque;^ !!received-invoices or !!sent-invoices 1807214;1525222734;mircea_popescu;!!received-invoices 1807215;1525222738;deedbot;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/p0FLu/?raw=true 1807216;1525222776;mircea_popescu;!!pay-invoice asciilifeform 1 1807217;1525222780;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/PjQnW/?raw=true 1807218;1525222825;mircea_popescu;trinque, can pay-invoice require a mangled number format, such as #1 or i1 or something ? i nearly paid ben_vulpes 4 btc a few days ago, and so on. 1807219;1525222836;mircea_popescu;!!sent-invoices 1807220;1525222840;deedbot;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/5QCRM/?raw=true 1807221;1525222875;mircea_popescu;!!ledger 1807222;1525222879;deedbot;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/y95sj/?raw=true 1807223;1525223053;trinque;yeah, I can see the wisdom behind it. gets worse the more it's used, heh! 1807224;1525223062;mircea_popescu;a that's right, pizarro never paid cash, we got bonds. 1807225;1525223098;mircea_popescu;basically asciilifeform the story is incomputable : you cost 1/4 btc to fly over some gear (which iirc cost us .6 ?) of which half we sold to pizarro for ~.5 in equity. figure it out if you can o.O 1807226;1525223124;mircea_popescu;but broadly speaking seems about right, what can i say. 1807227;1525223134;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the gear per se, asciilifeform was repaid for long ago 1807228;1525223139;mircea_popescu;sure. 1807229;1525223150;mircea_popescu;just saying, from a snsa perspective. it looks like a wash really. 1807230;1525223169;asciilifeform;then ben_vulpes purchased a box; and i'm still digging in the log for where and for what; 1807231;1525223197;mircea_popescu;he bought two boxes -- the minigame box and the spare. and he paid 0.5 in pizarro bonds. 1807232;1525223204;asciilifeform;aaaaaa 1807233;1525223236;mircea_popescu;then he later paid a further .4 for a fg bundle, taking nsa to .9 worth of convertible bonds, ie a ~7,5% holderr as th9ings stand 1807234;1525223242;asciilifeform;right-o 1807235;1525223262;mircea_popescu;dis log. FUCKING WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD. 1807236;1525223341;mircea_popescu;the only unclear part to me is the rockchips. nsa never paid you to buy them ; nor was paid for pizarro to acquire them. i imagine this was a side deal ? 1807237;1525223361;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: plz read the manifest 1807238;1525223372;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: there are 2 sections, sect. 1 is for pizarro, sect 2 for snsa 1807239;1525223375;asciilifeform;strictly delineated. 1807240;1525223404;asciilifeform;i put'em both in 1 signed document because they pertain to 1 expedition. but there are 2 sep. totals in there. 1807241;1525223437;mircea_popescu;don't say "plz read the manifest", say "plz read the manifest : http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2277 or w/er it is. what is it ? 1807242;1525223451;asciilifeform;i put it in the !!invoice 1807243;1525223468;asciilifeform;does deedbot display these when you !!received...c ? 1807244;1525223485;asciilifeform;np, i'll repost : http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-02#1807162 1807245;1525223485;a111;Logged on 2018-05-02 00:40 asciilifeform: !!deed http://www.loper-os.org/pub/piz_apr_parts.txt 1807246;1525223498;asciilifeform;^ subj. 1807247;1525223521;mircea_popescu;ty 1807248;1525223541;asciilifeform;lol i can scarcely believe mircea_popescu was about to pay invoice but missed the actual invoice text 1807249;1525223543;mircea_popescu;a ok, so you billed pizarro for those. i see i see. 1807250;1525223586;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, i have every intention to pay it, whence the !!pay ; the checking intervenes between the statement of intention and the execution thereof. 1807251;1525223598;mircea_popescu;kinda why they're two things. 1807252;1525223608;asciilifeform;right 1807253;1525223660;mircea_popescu;!!up BigTexasBingo 1807254;1525223660;deedbot;BigTexasBingo voiced for 30 minutes. 1807255;1525223680;asciilifeform;( strange phakt : on the way out of montevideo, somehow instead of normal taxi, asciilifeform ended up in ~entire bus~ by himself. ...they ran out of ordinary taxis ? nfi ) 1807256;1525223717;deedbot;http://deedbot.org/bundle-520811.txt 1807257;1525223736;BigTexasBingo;Oh boy, the family has a father/cuck lecturing to me in front of the niños 1807258;1525223745;asciilifeform;lolwat 1807259;1525223750;asciilifeform;BigTexasBingo: about what 1807260;1525223760;BigTexasBingo;About how marijuana in his vape is cool, but the rest isn't 1807261;1525223809;BigTexasBingo;And myself, I have to explain the all of it has been legal since 1973 when the dictatorship took power and legalized all the drugs 1807262;1525223847;BigTexasBingo;!Q gabriel_laddel Seriously where the fuck are you. This land is Your land 1807263;1525223865;mircea_popescu;lol 1807264;1525223881;*;asciilifeform computes that ' asciilifeform airlines ' costs 22.42 $ / kg . which is about 5x less than, e.g., u.s. post... 1807265;1525223890;mircea_popescu;BigTexasBingo, what the fuck is the schmuck with kids doing in teenager slum anywyas 1807266;1525223922;BigTexasBingo;Lives in la paloma, can't afford hotels 1807267;1525223927;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, from that pov it is actually not even half bad, esp because includes expert escort + handling. 1807268;1525223942;mircea_popescu;BigTexasBingo, then hopw the fuck does he even dare lift his fucking dumb head. 1807269;1525223951;asciilifeform;verily. i had nailpolishy seals on the crates even. 1807270;1525223953;mircea_popescu;tell him your boss from far away said so! 1807271;1525223968;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, i guess you have all further gear conveyance contracts you wish. 1807272;1525223990;BigTexasBingo;Mircea he was humbled. Offered his kids pizza. 1807273;1525223995;asciilifeform;well for when this day comes, i saved all the blankets, towels, rags, foam blocks... 1807274;1525224008;asciilifeform;( was gonna jettison'em, then thought better ) 1807275;1525224031;BigTexasBingo;Alf freight was very good for the morale as well 1807276;1525224044;asciilifeform;observe also : 0 $ at customs. 1807277;1525224118;BigTexasBingo;Asciilifeform left me with an ice cream habit though. June bioallotment is going to have to go up. 1807278;1525224136;asciilifeform;really oughta 1807279;1525224148;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes, mod6 , plox to put the matter ^ before board. 1807280;1525224193;asciilifeform;BigTexasBingo has been doing a most fine job of pizarro-resident, deserves some raise. 1807281;1525224237;mircea_popescu;haha dood this sounds like it was a helluva trip. 1807282;1525224246;asciilifeform;verily it was 1807283;1525224251;BigTexasBingo;Eh, mostly I have been terrorizing boomers 1807284;1525224272;BigTexasBingo;Alf, fotoblawg when? 1807285;1525224280;asciilifeform;we walked , what, 200km, was it 1807286;1525224299;BigTexasBingo;Easily. How arr your feet? 1807287;1525224305;asciilifeform;BigTexasBingo: still sifting through the 5 or so GB of photolade to find good fodder 1807288;1525224325;asciilifeform;BigTexasBingo: feet work, after skin swapped like on snake 1807289;1525224340;asciilifeform;( this took whole week+ ) 1807290;1525224365;BigTexasBingo;Going back to boots after the sneakers got soaked Saturday was a trip 1807291;1525224390;asciilifeform;say what one will re asciilifeform's 'jackboots', at least they're watertight 1807292;1525224439;BigTexasBingo;I strongly recommend if you do boots next time go for some redwings. 1807293;1525224452;asciilifeform;the ones with iron soles ? 1807294;1525224471;BigTexasBingo;Not the whole sole, but enough of it 1807295;1525224474;asciilifeform;aa 1807296;1525224481;*;asciilifeform will look into this. 1807297;1525224537;BigTexasBingo;I actually think my pair maybe has a fiberglass rod in the sole. The appeal here is non slip rubber and dead cow. 1807298;1525224554;mircea_popescu;check out alf, just like in the fairytales of his native lands! 1807299;1525224554;asciilifeform;these, i got already in existing bootz 1807300;1525224559;mircea_popescu;worn down -- iron boot. found luck. 1807301;1525224575;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: actually i got them bootz in timis 1807302;1525224596;asciilifeform;a+++ but even these, have limits, when pavement is ~= rubble 1807303;1525224605;BigTexasBingo;Jajajaja 1807304;1525224652;BigTexasBingo;December was a month where the boots were *just* broken in enough to serve as a cast for the stress fractures 1807305;1525224820;BigTexasBingo;También the varying textures aren't bad. Wait until you try walking the pretty tiles in the rain. 1807306;1525224848;*;asciilifeform regrets only 1 thing -- not having brought swimming kit 1807307;1525224864;BigTexasBingo;Next time 1807308;1525224867;asciilifeform;picture, 20km of beach, not only empty of orcs but clean enuff to eat from. 1807309;1525224883;asciilifeform;and 40c air. 1807310;1525224905;BigTexasBingo;Only 27cax 1807311;1525224909;BigTexasBingo;Max 1807312;1525224934;BigTexasBingo;40c only happens in old country... Or Paraguay 1807313;1525224949;asciilifeform;felt quite 'tropical' tho. 1807314;1525224956;asciilifeform;like in aquarium shop. 1807315;1525224967;asciilifeform;(humidity, really) 1807316;1525224978;BigTexasBingo;That humidity and MI enemigo el sol 1807317;1525225005;asciilifeform;interestingly enuff, 0 sunburn on asciilifeform , despite having no hat or other means against the sun 1807318;1525225048;asciilifeform;( exactly like in 2015 visit to buenosaires) 1807319;1525225073;BigTexasBingo;I don't really have a burn either so much as gently weeping skin on my face that screams with prolonged pressure like sunglasses on mt nasal bridge 1807320;1525225250;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, what kit is needed i don't get it ? 1807321;1525225268;*;mircea_popescu gave up on trying to wear the retarded recicled coca cola bottles they're selling as "Swimsuits". 1807322;1525225477;asciilifeform;i had a cloth one back home, and did not relish to put on the 'recycled bottles' sold in uy 1807323;1525225575;asciilifeform;in other lulz, phuctor set to roll over 10 mil keys in coupla dayz. 1807324;1525225604;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, im sure the ocean's seen male genitalia before. 1807325;1525225615;asciilifeform;tru 1807326;1525225633;asciilifeform;sand in arse isn't much fun tho. 1807327;1525225674;mircea_popescu;well so pack a towel to sit on. 1807328;1525225718;asciilifeform;it was pretty strange, 0 orcs in the water, at any time of day 1807329;1525225725;mircea_popescu;anyway, never bothered me yet. you'd expect it'd be way the fuck worse with girly bits, but amusingly enough IT IS NOT. the worst part is sand abrasion due to it getting in the slip (as it will) and then the slip moving it about. 1807330;1525225739;mircea_popescu;but in plain terms, it turns out the human body is actually very well designed to not have a problem with sand. 1807331;1525225743;mircea_popescu;nfi why, inexplicabru. 1807332;1525225787;mircea_popescu;especially seeing how the very well design panther tanks -- did. 1807333;1525225794;mircea_popescu;apparently cunt perl > german engineering. 1807334;1525225797;asciilifeform;lol 1807335;1525225817;asciilifeform;sorta helps that we have 'sealed bearings' eh. 1807336;1525225843;mircea_popescu;hey, i made no constraint of it. 1807337;1525225850;asciilifeform;( observe, yer hdd is also unafraid of sand ) 1807338;1525225855;mircea_popescu;aha. 1807339;1525225861;mircea_popescu;salt water tho... 1807340;1525225921;*;asciilifeform at one time had a reasonably watertight hdd ( 'battened down' by hand for the application ) 1807341;1525226067;asciilifeform;incidentally the little 'c101pa' comp , is nifty also on acct of having no exhaust pipe ( passively cooled strictly ) 1807342;1525226081;asciilifeform;the chassis is of aluminum. 1807343;1525226127;asciilifeform;( there is a triangular heat spreader on the cpu and ram, in http://www.loper-os.org/pub/c101pa/c101pa_bottom_nope.jpg can be seen the grease spot from it ) 1807344;1525226164;asciilifeform;also covers the four ferrites above cpu 1807345;1525226179;asciilifeform;and the soldered-on ssd. 1807346;1525226207;asciilifeform;overall a notbad.jpg box, mechanically, esp. for what it costs. 1807347;1525226760;asciilifeform;http://www.loper-os.org/pub/c101pa_top.jpg http://www.loper-os.org/pub/c101pa_open.jpg << moar of subj. with dimension reference. 1807348;1525226772;mod6;Alright, update on asciilifeform 's crystals: It works. http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/ASP9U/?raw=true 1807349;1525226778;asciilifeform;oh hey 1807350;1525226782;mod6;However, I'd like to say that there were a few things that threw me off. 1807351;1525226795;asciilifeform;let's hear 1807352;1525226843;mod6;http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2018-April/000296.html << the script in the body of this email needed updating (and I had forgot about this part from earlier this month) -- my corrections are basically somewhat subject to my directory setup, save these two edits: 1807353;1525226872;mod6;mkdir -p out; 1807354;1525226874;mod6;and 1807355;1525226890;mod6;N=`basename $P .vpatch` 1807356;1525226916;mod6;which I've shown in my log paste above ^. The original one is pasted first, the one that I actually got to work, second. 1807357;1525226937;asciilifeform;is this one of those boxes that lacks 'basename' proggy ? 1807358;1525226952;asciilifeform;iirc this was a headache in early trb days 1807359;1525226962;mod6;No 1807360;1525226983;mod6;instead of $P, you use $patch 1807361;1525226998;mod6;mod6@gentoo ~/alf_crystals $ which basename 1807362;1525226998;mod6;/usr/bin/basename 1807363;1525227001;asciilifeform;why does this barf on mod6's box tho.. 1807364;1525227008;mod6;I do have that binary for what it's worth. 1807365;1525227064;asciilifeform;( for puzzled readers -- script in ^ is a generator of a set of tests for the 'crystals' demo, rather than the thing per se ) 1807366;1525227083;mod6;The barf is actually in that log, there was a lot of those -- one for each vpatch. I should note though, my copy/paste may have thrown in some weird chars there, so just ignore that, that's not from your script, or my edits thereof. 1807367;1525227102;mod6;Anyway, was pretty minor... 1807368;1525227128;asciilifeform;sure, but why did the fix, fix it..? 1807369;1525227143;mod6;Next thing was that I got into some very small trouble with: ./txt2dir.py trb makefiles 1807370;1525227186;mod6;Simply because I didn't know that it was output to 'out/trb', and then I moved the dir to 'trb'. lol. So i tried to run the thing against a dir, not a crystal. Once I realized that, worked fine. 1807371;1525227241;mod6;You'll note that I did follow the steps as posted in the email, and for instance: 1807372;1525227245;mod6;mod6@gentoo ~/alf_crystals/alf $ ./v.pl p . makefiles.monoblok.vpatch 1807373;1525227247;mod6;HEAD: makefiles.monoblok.vpatch not found in flow 1807374;1525227262;asciilifeform;mod6: the press (using ordinary v) creates a text file, 'trb'. which then is 'untarred', if you will, to 'makefiles' . 1807375;1525227307;asciilifeform;mod6: why would it be 'not found in flow' unless you didn't unpack the patches/seals/my key ? 1807376;1525227316;mod6;So, that was minor, had to download all your monobloks and seals from the email. That was all. Overall, I think in early april, I did this late at night and just didn't follow your steps as correctly as I should have. 1807377;1525227341;asciilifeform;aa 1807378;1525227356;mod6;Yeah, sorry, I didnt realize to grab all of your files from the email -- If I wouldn't have done that, my v would drop them on the floor as not-signed. 1807379;1525227366;asciilifeform;mod6: note, even tho the proggy ~could~ be used as-is, i doubt that anybody would want to; it is really demo of a potential frontend to be built into vtron . 1807380;1525227372;mod6;This is probably confusing as hell, it would make mroe sense to read through my log. 1807381;1525227396;mod6;It did seem to produce what it said it would 1807382;1525227429;mod6;I guess I just tripped up on some of the things. But, hey, sorry I didn't just do a report from jumpstreet. 1807383;1525227436;asciilifeform;no worries, mod6 1807384;1525227438;mod6;That is all, cheers! 1807385;1525227452;asciilifeform;( fwiw i specifically warned folx not to blow toomuch time on playing with subj ) 1807386;1525227474;mod6;Hey, two evenings, not overly costly at all Sir. 1807387;1525227492;asciilifeform;mod6: say, tho, whether the ~algo~ made sense to you 1807388;1525227494;mod6;If I would have been more careful the first time, would have been 1. 1807389;1525227927;mod6;I believe so, it does this: 1] It takes a press of v99. 2] Runs dir2txt.py on each dir, doing vdiffs of all the files. Stuffing output into monoblok. 3] Monoblok has 1 antecedent hash, 1 dependant hash, rest meta & source. 4] You load the monobloks (signed ofc) into a vtron, press them. They press into one giant file with metadata and source only. 5] one runs txt2dir.py on teh giant crystal to inflate univ 1807390;1525227933;mod6;erse. 1807391;1525227957;asciilifeform;mod6: gotta separate out the demo-maker from the proggy itself 1807392;1525227961;asciilifeform;but overall i think you grasp it. 1807393;1525228129;asciilifeform;mod6: the included illustration was to the effect of 'what if trb had been made using this type of vtron, from genesis to present day' . 1807394;1525228163;asciilifeform;if you display the thing in phf's viewer, or mod6's , you will see a vertical 'pillar' of flow, rather than the familiar tree. 1807395;1525228218;mod6;And the vertical pillar of flow, in this case, is the crystal. 1807396;1525228257;asciilifeform;mno, 'crystal' is what i arbitrarily titled the tar-like format . 1807397;1525228259;mod6;I dunno, maybe i've forgotten the point of all of this. 1807398;1525228286;asciilifeform;mod6: point was http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-03#1792124 . 1807399;1525228286;a111;Logged on 2018-04-03 00:07 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform seems to me a correctly designed and properly implemented version of trinque 's original doodle, which he summarily described as "bundle all files together and hash" 1807400;1525228316;mod6;Hmm. 1807401;1525228334;asciilifeform;( bonus, is that it also cures inbandism that orig. v suffers from. albeit this requires a slightly modified differ . ) 1807402;1525228406;mod6;I guess I need to noodle on this a while, and perhaps make a different example outside the context of trb. 1807403;1525228437;asciilifeform;mod6: see also the simpler example in the orig post , http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2018-March/000293.html . 1807404;1525228473;mod6;Thanks! 1807405;1525228483;mod6;Alright, I'm off. ni ni 1807406;1525228487;asciilifeform;goodnight mod6 1807407;1525228498;*;asciilifeform also bbl 1807408;1525229134;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/4222F10404D616C1353CAA84FEA591D43C2A91E7E8EEEB54172D168083A04D3A << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1421...4059 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown US MA) 1807409;1525231168;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in water sports, https://78.media.tumblr.com/b3aac988f3fbdeed5e32b8ed6c576033/tumblr_npgtmj3k9c1rx7eu1o1_1280.jpg 1807410;1525231172;mircea_popescu;!!up gabriel_laddel 1807411;1525231173;deedbot;gabriel_laddel voiced for 30 minutes. 1807412;1525231194;gabriel_laddel;Thank you MP. 1807413;1525231206;ben_vulpes;hey gabriel_laddel now that you've got a job and everything, how about a bouncer on the pizarro shared host? 1807414;1525231219;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: inventive! 1807415;1525231219;gabriel_laddel;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-02#1807262 < Not sure why the land of untouchable females & stoners would be "my land", but I'm doing the same thing I always do. Work. FFS, the _point_ of drugs is to be _more_ productive, or to _learn something new_. 1807416;1525231219;a111;Logged on 2018-05-02 01:17 BigTexasBingo: !Q gabriel_laddel Seriously where the fuck are you. This land is Your land 1807417;1525231265;mircea_popescu;o ? what are you working on these days 1807418;1525231268;ben_vulpes;or are you still scared of being seen to transact in btc 1807419;1525231319;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/BA0450D117008E5A2062860A5DF11353781123CFB44A905CAA74C5836643E636 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1561...0167 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown CN 11) 1807420;1525231397;gabriel_laddel;mircea_popescu aside from lisp stuff for money, rewriting some code: https://pastebin.com/m8q6xKLn 1807421;1525231501;gabriel_laddel;ben_vulpes I've no problem with working in BTC, but you have to understand that when I say things like "no really, I've 1 computer, ~400 usd to my name and a package of camels" I really mean it. 1807422;1525231565;gabriel_laddel;ben_vulpes That said, will be in touch. 1807423;1525231597;*;asciilifeform lulz in particular re the heathen 'vpn' ads in the pastebin link 1807424;1525231729;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: 'land of untouchable females' is elsewhere... usa 1807425;1525231732;mircea_popescu;i thought lisp stuff for money is the province of a few remainder whitebeards in usg.missiles grandfathered contracts. 1807426;1525231756;asciilifeform;iirc d00d has saltmine job 1807427;1525231784;asciilifeform;!#s from:gabriel_laddel java 1807428;1525231784;a111;4 results for "from:gabriel_laddel java", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=from%3Agabriel_laddel%20java 1807429;1525231807;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-06#1793474 << 1807430;1525231807;a111;Logged on 2018-04-06 00:59 gabriel_laddel: beetlejuice is suffering gainful employment writing java for the time being 1807431;1525231808;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform I quit 1807432;1525231817;mircea_popescu;how did the sawed off heel work out in the end ? 1807433;1525231847;mircea_popescu;meanwhile, in "bringing the light" news, https://78.media.tumblr.com/ceca99de9986a0a1f54a2684718371cb/tumblr_nhu1gucsFu1qairwpo1_1280.jpg 1807434;1525231870;gabriel_laddel;mircea_popescu I got a stopgap for the time being. 1807435;1525231895;mircea_popescu;wooden ? 1807436;1525231913;gabriel_laddel;Carbon fiber & epoxy. 1807437;1525231920;mircea_popescu;o.O 1807438;1525232095;gabriel_laddel;mircea_popescu lisp jobs exist for ~anyone who is willing to spend some time working for it. Sorta like northstar electronics & the dragonfly 1807439;1525232116;mircea_popescu;i see. 1807440;1525232120;asciilifeform;well 'write it in watever' jobs, really, yes 1807441;1525232198;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: wai still starving, tho ? 1807442;1525232330;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform: Not starving, am just poor (for the time being). 1807443;1525232426;mircea_popescu;well here's to that getting fixed soon, then. 1807444;1525232713;trinque;gabriel_laddel: did you ever post pics of the foot? 1807445;1525232888;gabriel_laddel;trinque: No. That was conditional on someone sending me medical resources. Turns out you can IV cocaine into spine & it will knock out all feeling from there down if you want to be mentally present during such an operation (somewhere in http://www.druglibrary.org/schaffer/History/e1920/nightmareofcocaine.htm ). 1807446;1525232925;gabriel_laddel;^ incidentally, what an ungrateful fuck. He SURVIVED. 1807447;1525233001;asciilifeform;!!up gabriel_laddel 1807448;1525233002;deedbot;gabriel_laddel voiced for 30 minutes. 1807449;1525233210;asciilifeform;'Is there any way out for the majority of addicts who can't buy a boat and sail the Seven Seas?' << lulzy 1807450;1525233268;trinque;heh, at least that one admits the addiction 1807451;1525233504;gabriel_laddel;trinque: well okay Mr. utterly-on-point, was JFK an addict? http://www.historynet.com/jack-kennedy-dr-feelgood.htm 1807452;1525233571;asciilifeform;by all accounts, was 1807453;1525233591;asciilifeform;( though 'to what' remains iirc open q ) 1807454;1525233628;asciilifeform;i suspect , the man himself did not know, had own dr.morrell 1807455;1525233653;asciilifeform;'here's your vitamin shot, mein fuhrer' 1807456;1525234611;ben_vulpes;gabriel_laddel: for poor fuxx like you and me there is only the trilemman 'plan for wealth' 1807457;1525234645;gabriel_laddel;yeah no 1807458;1525234671;ben_vulpes;but rest easy meine freunde there is nothing easier in this world than ballooning your leverage and socking pennies away in btc 1807459;1525234687;ben_vulpes;heh well what getrichquickscheme have y'lit upon now 1807460;1525234750;gabriel_laddel;same one. lisp machine. bulletproofed case & sold to mass market as "save your kid in event of school shooting" 1807461;1525234797;ben_vulpes;to steal a mircea_popescu-ism: nuts. 1807462;1525234808;ben_vulpes;!!up gabriel_laddel 1807463;1525234808;deedbot;gabriel_laddel voiced for 30 minutes. 1807464;1525234921;gabriel_laddel;*shrugs* I'm interested in the lispm. BTC is incidental. Interesting, but incidental. Have sold my absolutely-not-a-lispm in the past & plan to continue doing so in the future. Last time around I was homeless, couldn't get rides to meetups, no ebay account etc. This time around, not so much. 1807465;1525235049;ben_vulpes;look i admire your determination but there's no leverage and no market anywhere to be seen; you could be patient, scraping down food credits and suffering now for what will be an entire IC two decades from now had ye the foresight to not waste your time picking rags 1807466;1525235107;ben_vulpes;which, make no mistake, is precisely what you're doing. pulling refuse from the usgstani fabrication pipeline and "oh dear sir or madam, this posey to spare your child from the plague i mean hailofbullets" 1807467;1525235208;ben_vulpes;https://bugs.chromium.org/p/project-zero/issues/detail?id=1559 1807468;1525235221;*;ben_vulpes to gentoo basement, bbl 1807469;1525235253;gabriel_laddel;fuck patience. That attitude is why we don't have one now. If people had just generally been less of a bunch of complete girly-men at symbolics, or the MIT AI lab, or Franz, or or or we'd have something that's close enough to "troo lispm" for me, even if ascii would be unhappy about it. 1807470;1525235300;gabriel_laddel;but no, they want to "be reasonable", "hold jobs", "have a place to stay", "not do hard drugs" and on and on it goes 1807471;1525235406;ben_vulpes;they had no wot, gabriel_laddel 1807472;1525235439;ben_vulpes;no wot and no non-statally controlled monetary base, and so could build nothing sane. 1807473;1525235515;ben_vulpes;because 'britneyization', the crushing drive to make everything as cheap, of as few and the cheapest atoms possible in order to sell it at the largest scale to the greatest number of people, because this is how socialism works: big tents, eyeballs, "hamburgers served", number of voters 1807474;1525235571;ben_vulpes;and the starkest, most bleak indictment of all, no great men to serve 1807475;1525235603;ben_vulpes;gabriel_laddel: there is much enjoyment to be had in building great moocow milking machines 1807476;1525235649;ben_vulpes;not in the work itself, innards of windows and "whitelabled mobile experiences" are only worthwhile insofar as they drain the beasts of their lifeblood 1807477;1525235701;ben_vulpes;there is nothing "reasonable" about the trilema plan for wealth, come on now. 1807478;1525235733;gabriel_laddel;I'd rather sell crack/arms/precursors than milk moocows. 1807479;1525235940;ben_vulpes;i've yet to see evidence of you doing either, so the objection cannot stand. 1807480;1525235994;ben_vulpes;flail in the dark on your own if you must. 1807481;1525236240;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-02#1807470 << lol, apparently asciilifeform is doingitallwrong!11! 1807482;1525236240;a111;Logged on 2018-05-02 04:28 gabriel_laddel: but no, they want to "be reasonable", "hold jobs", "have a place to stay", "not do hard drugs" and on and on it goes 1807483;1525236353;asciilifeform;!!up gabriel_laddel 1807484;1525236354;deedbot;gabriel_laddel voiced for 30 minutes. 1807485;1525236455;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform loper-os http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-02#1807481 is utterly revolutionary & I wouldn't dream of implying that. 1807486;1525236455;a111;Logged on 2018-05-02 04:44 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-02#1807470 << lol, apparently asciilifeform is doingitallwrong!11! 1807487;1525236505;asciilifeform;i mean, tbf, i haven't tried doing things via the gabriel_laddel way, of yet. 1807488;1525236564;gabriel_laddel;But adali? BB? The old ex-mit-ai-lab guy I met who now just tutors kids in math & DOESNT EVEN TEACH THEM LISP?! Or the other ex-symbolics people? 1807489;1525236566;gabriel_laddel;Fuck em. 1807490;1525236611;gabriel_laddel;*adlai 1807491;1525236656;asciilifeform;folx make fun of 'lsd on roofs' but whirling dervish life prolly has something to recommend it.. 1807492;1525236764;ben_vulpes;gabriel_laddel: i gotta point out that precursors, arms and crack are *all* milkings. 1807493;1525236805;gabriel_laddel;ben_vulpes fair point. But at least it isn't netbeans 1807494;1525236836;ben_vulpes;there are three things to do: britneyize, lash yourself to another man's oar, or be the visionary superman 1807495;1525236874;ben_vulpes;and i get the appeal of visionary supermandom but dude upcycling craptops with a hilarious gentoonotalisp is very shy of that mark 1807496;1525236989;gabriel_laddel;ben_vulpes what do we get out of populating the infodb with s-expression sources and editing with SETF rather than working through files? 1807497;1525237009;ben_vulpes;it is such an asinine question, mon frere 1807498;1525237021;ben_vulpes;wanking over the wallpaper doesn't kneecap the megastate one whit 1807499;1525237057;ben_vulpes;these are tools of intelligence amplification, done correctly. users/eyeballs/hitcounters are *the* antipattern. 1807500;1525237074;gabriel_laddel;ben_vulpes okay, so where do fexpers stand? Can we do away with them given our SETF-editor & populated infodb? 1807501;1525237087;ben_vulpes;IA is for that revered fourth, fifth and sixth standard deviation; not for teh everyonez 1807502;1525237104;ben_vulpes;gabriel_laddel: it doesn't matter for so long as the incans control the fabs. 1807503;1525237111;gabriel_laddel;like, since we already know WHO-MACROEXPANDS, just iterate infodb & re macroexpand. 1807504;1525237157;ben_vulpes;right. put another way, why are you so obsessed over this nominally-solved problem to such a degree that you'd deprive the republic of a capitalized sapper 1807505;1525237175;gabriel_laddel;F- 1807506;1525237267;ben_vulpes;gabriel_laddel: why would i give a shit when you seem dedicated to the penurious style that'll prevent you from ever delivering on the implications. 1807507;1525237357;ben_vulpes;i can have the software written, by devoted historians i train myself or who've built a relationship upon delivery and savvy over years of wot relationships 1807508;1525237727;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-02#1807489 << wait, you object to bingoboingo's moving to uruguay ? or just ... in general ? 1807509;1525237727;a111;Logged on 2018-05-02 04:49 gabriel_laddel: Fuck em. 1807510;1525237784;mircea_popescu;i suppose the correct construction is that he simply doesn't know what's going on. aanyways. 1807511;1525237859;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-02#1807501 << technically speaking, it's for everyone ; the problem is that for the average man intelligence amplification takes a shape very much indistinguishable from sheer pain. 1807512;1525237859;a111;Logged on 2018-05-02 04:58 ben_vulpes: IA is for that revered fourth, fifth and sixth standard deviation; not for teh everyonez 1807513;1525237900;mircea_popescu;which is why ux is such a terrible field. it's caught in this fundamental tension, between moomoos "wanting" to stay moomoos on one hand, and "doctor, my eye hurts every time i take a sip of my coffee" on the other. 1807514;1525237946;mircea_popescu;the eastern/orthodox expression being "durerea-i ziditoare", ie, pain [builds] the kingdom of heaven 1807515;1525237975;mircea_popescu;though, obviously, not any-and-all of it. 1807516;1525238644;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in excellent posture, https://78.media.tumblr.com/0ccf28335e17ac7a6f67befe32bf7b07/tumblr_nq38oiYEpj1tfaasio1_1280.jpg 1807517;1525238702;ben_vulpes;and notbad lighting! 1807518;1525238720;mircea_popescu;indeed. 1807519;1525238796;ben_vulpes;http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2018-5-2#346916 << "On a system I'm testing on, in practice, the RNG just reads the DMI table and then, since the DMI table is way bigger than 64 bytes, immediately moves to crng_init==1 without using even a single sample of interrupt randomness." 1807520;1525238797;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-05-02 04:15 ben_vulpes: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/project-zero/issues/detail?id=1559 1807521;1525238817;mircea_popescu;!Qlater tell bingoboingo is this right, 3035+3058 ? 1807522;1525238817;lobbesbot;mircea_popescu: The operation succeeded. 1807523;1525238870;mircea_popescu;!Qlater tell bingoboingo also were there errors to be rectified from b4 or anything ? 1807524;1525238870;lobbesbot;mircea_popescu: The operation succeeded. 1807525;1525238888;*;ben_vulpes is a day behind, will attend to invoices that need indepth review tomorrow; outstanding invoices will go out this pm 1807526;1525239622;ben_vulpes;http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2016-12-30#76508 << i'm still wrapping my head around dirty reads and how database concurrency implementation strategies affect the possibility; here's a breadcrumb on the trail http://www.interdb.jp/pg/pgsql05.html 1807527;1525239624;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2016-12-30 17:14 mircea_popescu: it really should be up to operator wtf, if i want to read dirty let me read dirty what sort of decision is this for designer to make. 1807528;1525239803;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, consider the eminent case of apache serving mp-wp. the fact that at t1 i updated the article list and at t2 the db read the stale t0 version makes EXACTLY NO DIFFERENCE. 1807529;1525239841;mircea_popescu;it's way the fuck better to ~serve~ even if the article is epsilon seconds "too old" than to hang while you update, or even fucking worse, reject the connection. 1807530;1525239940;mircea_popescu;in the case of trilema, for instance, the db serving articles FROM YESTERDAY OR EARLIER ONLY, ie, 86400000000 microseconds old, is still 99% of the job done. cuz most of the time you're not even using it for "the latest", and even if there is a latest in any meaningful sense it's many millions / billions / trillions microseconds old anyway. 1807531;1525240052;ben_vulpes;my attention is on the original phuctorgenic goal of "i don't care about your concurrency controls, gimme whatever's in the page ritenao!" 1807532;1525240057;mircea_popescu;and even more complicated dirty mixes, whereby eg "the article -- new ; but the comments -- old, so we are serving a false imaginary situation that never could have existed irl!!!" is still... no harm done WHATSOEVER. 1807533;1525240076;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, that case is really no different ; phuctor is just a mechanized trilema with a narrow focus. 1807534;1525240261;ben_vulpes;pg "SSI" does this correctly afaik; would serve coherent versions of comments and article i believe. 1807535;1525240283;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: didja ever benchmark running mpwp on postgres? 1807536;1525240297;mircea_popescu;like a decade ago 1807537;1525240308;ben_vulpes;heh 1807538;1525245772;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in tech, https://78.media.tumblr.com/6814f5228bb204fb3bfca0f25822a272/tumblr_naiw51dkhV1s7ch8qo1_1280.jpg 1807539;1525249319;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2018/chicks-in-pantsuits-winning-arguments-with-yours-truly-a-comedic-goldmine-of-lulz-and-tears/ << Trilema - Chicks in pantsuits winning arguments with yours truly, a comedic goldmine of lulz and tears. 1807540;1525254778;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-30#1806773 <-- was it http://danluu.com/input-lag/ ? anyway, leaving this here for entomology. 1807541;1525254778;a111;Logged on 2018-04-30 22:04 asciilifeform: ( and http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-31#1560740 , and there was a particular link some time in past yr which i now cannot find, where someone actually went and ~measured~ the reaction time delay of msdos, various winblowz boxen from past 20yr, crapple, bolix, etc etc and found exactly what i'd expect him to find ) 1807542;1525255079;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-01#1807007 <-- fwiw I've used the sha512 branch of vtools and will continue to until existing trees get reground with keccak. 1807543;1525255079;a111;Logged on 2018-05-01 16:25 phf: ight have time to sit down with v.pl before mid may. i can also just remove the right hand side of vtools for now, since this new complexity is coming from an experimental v graph anyway. i've no idea though if people are using a sha512 vtools in preference of awk vdiff / gnu patch. 1807544;1525259013;spyked;speaking of which; to all ircbot users: I have a patch proposal for ircbot (and possibly logbot). the problem: nickserv authentication makes a distinction between "nickname" and "user". this allows e.g. to group multiple irc bots (with different nicks) under a single username and cloak. so my proposal is to add a new *optional* "user" slot to ircbot and use it for auth instead of "nick" when available 1807545;1525259105;spyked;current patch draft is at http://lmogo.xyz/v/patches/ircbot-nickserv-auth-add-user-slot.vpatch ; and sig http://lmogo.xyz/v/seals/ircbot-nickserv-auth-add-user-slot.vpatch.spyked.sig . I'm not very sure that my changes to make-ircbot are proper, so I am eager to hear your feedback 1807546;1525259181;spyked;I've added the "user" slot as a keyword argument to highlight optionality, but not sure whether this is the right way to go about it. 1807547;1525259253;spyked;given the growing number of args, I'd rather personally have them all be keyword args. 1807548;1525267273;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/A4CB883A7C6041E87BA7FEDCFEC583AB986A75CAE5ACB933BA02DD5BF566966C << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1724...5429 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (mail.concretefloor.com. SE) 1807549;1525272298;lobbes;Neato spyked. Though, I'll be honest, I don't think I've ever grouped nicks under a user via NickServ. Besides the cloaking, what other utility is there to grouping in this way? 1807550;1525272369;lobbes;I'll probably be splitting lobbesbot into several seperate bots over the coming months/year, so now I am curious 1807551;1525272380;*;lobbes bbl 1807552;1525273132;spyked;lobbes, in general nicks grouped under a user might inherit other properties (e.g. op privileges), but I'm not sure whether this has any utility for bots. I only used it as a very cheap way to get cloak for bots, though probably the correct approach would be to register a user per nick. 1807553;1525273668;*;spyked is of course curious to hear if this is considered an anti-feature by republican standards. but has used it for a while now. 1807554;1525273720;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-02#1807540 << indeed it was! ty spyked ! 1807555;1525273720;a111;Logged on 2018-05-02 09:52 spyked: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-30#1806773 <-- was it http://danluu.com/input-lag/ ? anyway, leaving this here for entomology. 1807556;1525273781;asciilifeform;tho i wonder how he measured the bolix 3620; back when i had mine, it most certainly did not 'feel like' winblowz-levels of i/o lag 1807557;1525273829;asciilifeform;( iirc in old thread we discussed this: asciilifeform suspects that 'subjective lag' is not a function of absolute delay, but of ~variation~ in same ) 1807558;1525274724;spyked;from what I understood, he measured all of them by filming the keypress-to-screen latency with a high fps camera. though this begs the question of what even means "keypress registered" in case of software kbds. at least he put the touchscreens in another table. 1807559;1525275022;mircea_popescu;spyked, there's about 0 interest in importing nickserv behaviours as some kind of perpetual legacy. 1807560;1525275055;mircea_popescu;managing yet-another-ad-hoc-dns... meh. 1807561;1525275519;*;spyked agrees. and also wonders why the whole "cloaks are a privilege handed by fleanode staff" etc. still, uses the bit above for the time being and would have been odd to keep to himself. 1807562;1525275528;mircea_popescu;nwwt. 1807563;1525276022;*;mircea_popescu shall bbl. 1807564;1525277088;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/A4CB883A7C6041E87BA7FEDCFEC583AB986A75CAE5ACB933BA02DD5BF566966C << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1503...6339 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (mail.concretefloor.com. SE) 1807565;1525277918;trinque;it's amazing how much gabriel_laddel reminds me of an old boss. nearly drank himself to death, grand mission to turn the www into a distributed db. the obsessive ones like this only get un-stuck by the threat of death, which is why they try as they might to impose it upon themselves. 1807566;1525277936;asciilifeform;trinque: was it the sql master d00d from old thread ? 1807567;1525277983;trinque;it was 1807568;1525277991;trinque;also a "semantic web" guy 1807569;1525278019;asciilifeform;i admit to a little curiosity re what 'turn into distributed db' meant ( can query it ? who supplies the 10^9000 cpu cycles ..? ) 1807570;1525278188;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/D7F05A220F5EBBE004FBA7875F58A250B066D40105C456157DB011E3B5961101 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1676...5063 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown RU) 1807571;1525278206;trinque;taking the simple case of a blog, node serves up a metadata endpoint that says "posts, comments, etc" and their structure. client can take suggestion from the server on how to display these, or can use whatever it likes on its end instead. 1807572;1525278245;trinque;nodes can also describe transformations from one schema to another, so your "post" table's cols map to mine via a given function 1807573;1525278271;trinque;whole project started at far too high a stack of chairs, atop postgres, browser, etc 1807574;1525278294;asciilifeform;rright, i can picture this-much, but how did d00d's scheme get around the 'all-comers can make you spend 9000 cpu cycles whenever for the asking' problem. 1807575;1525278326;trinque;guy had no notion of WoT, of gossipd, or anything. he's firmly an "our democracy" believer 1807576;1525278358;trinque;made no attempt to solve many unavoidable problems, in pursuit of desired "UX" 1807577;1525278378;asciilifeform;surely had a notion that, e.g., spam, exists ? 1807578;1525278392;asciilifeform;or are we talking about a d00d circa 1992 or somesuch 1807579;1525278525;trinque;postgres can serve up "materialized views" pretty damned fast; that's what would've been the caching solution, similar to what's done with webshits currently 1807580;1525278539;asciilifeform;caching still costs sumthing 1807581;1525278572;trinque;sure, and this was a guy that was spending his own money because "eventually we'll figure out what to do with UX" 1807582;1525278651;asciilifeform;in the end died of vodka ? 1807583;1525278663;trinque;eh, aged beyond his years, but alive 1807584;1525278667;*;trinque left a long while ago 1807585;1525278678;asciilifeform;trinque: any idea what d00d is up to nao ? 1807586;1525278867;trinque;nah not in touch. told him he was among the worst leaders I'd ever labored under, and that was that. 1807587;1525278893;asciilifeform;aa 1807588;1525279622;asciilifeform;trinque: determination is orthogonal to correctness, elementarily; and so i suspect that most folx's experience with inventors, should they have any, resembles this one, 'fella worked on perpetuum mobile under meth for 20yrs , then went broke, drank' 1807589;1525279730;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-02#1807523 << This evening I will run through the last several months reports to check for any outstanding issues 1807590;1525279730;a111;Logged on 2018-05-02 05:27 mircea_popescu: !Qlater tell bingoboingo also were there errors to be rectified from b4 or anything ? 1807591;1525279730;lobbesbot;BingoBoingo: Sent 11 hours and 21 minutes ago: is this right, 3035+3058 ? 1807592;1525279731;lobbesbot;BingoBoingo: Sent 11 hours and 20 minutes ago: also were there errors to be rectified from b4 or anything ? 1807593;1525280005;lobbes;Superman visionaries >> http://achewood.com/index.php?date=03302004 1807594;1525280187;asciilifeform;lobbes: not wholly unrelated ancientthread, http://btcbase.org/log/2014-08-25#808005 1807595;1525280187;a111;Logged on 2014-08-25 03:08 asciilifeform: busy as a bee << funny that they show an idiot sow scrubbing, and not, e.g, paul erdos crapping out theorems 1807596;1525285768;asciilifeform;hey trinque , is it possible to cleanly remove the 8191-byte limitation for indexed fields in postgresql ? 1807597;1525285887;asciilifeform;trinque: turns out, phuctor www end spends ~80% of cpu cycles in sequential scan for modulus, because index refused to be created. ( and no, 'hash them' is not solution, phuctor gotta be able to store ANY set of moduli, and not merely e.g. 512bits of possible ones ) 1807598;1525285939;asciilifeform;^ mircea_popescu , ben_vulpes , other sqlists..? ^ 1807599;1525287551;*;ben_vulpes nfi 1807600;1525298001;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-02#1807521 << That is right, no outstanding errors have been found 1807601;1525298001;a111;Logged on 2018-05-02 05:26 mircea_popescu: !Qlater tell bingoboingo is this right, 3035+3058 ? 1807602;1525299157;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/05/us-boy-scouts-get-neuter-gendered-rename/ << Qntra - US Boy Scouts Get Neuter Gendered Rename 1807603;1525300042;mircea_popescu;"determination is orthogonal to correctness, elementarily" << fortunately, determination is not an elementary item, but can be further broken down and classified. there's the sort of determination resulting from narcissism, where it is simply fueled by the [perceived] cost of changing the other side, "what do you mean my model of sexuality and society is wrong, this'd mean i'd have to have a long talk with the woman in my hou 1807604;1525300042;mircea_popescu;se". 1807605;1525300262;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo, ty. 1807606;1525300365;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, i'm certain this is not something postgres can do. 1807607;1525300395;mircea_popescu;unless you bother to actually find and edit the magic numbers and recompile, which is about on par with rewriting the damned thing. 1807608;1525300403;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: meanwhile i made it do it ( not deployed to production yet, still in test.. ) 1807609;1525300415;mircea_popescu;partial multiindexes ? 1807610;1525300446;asciilifeform;used hashistic index followed by collision test 1807611;1525300454;asciilifeform;( as taught in kindergarten ) 1807612;1525300515;mircea_popescu;aha 1807613;1525301612;asciilifeform;aaaaaand deployed. 1807614;1525301669;asciilifeform;( how to test ? load e.g. various links from http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/factor/2 , observe msec, rather than sec-halfminute as before, load times... ) 1807615;1525301700;trinque;very nice! 1807616;1525301713;asciilifeform;later, i'ma add this to the eater 1807617;1525301731;asciilifeform;( the mixed-blessing of which will be to shorten the 'fuel tank' from 'months' to 'weeks' i suspect ) 1807618;1525301767;*;asciilifeform brb,meat 1807619;1525301964;mircea_popescu;nothing wrong with that. 1807620;1525302027;asciilifeform;the day aint far when the thing will be able to tell you , e.g., 'yer router is nsatronic', the minute you plug it in (i.e. realtime scan an' probe-against-db, no need to queue'em ) 1807621;1525302068;*;asciilifeform brb for realz 1807622;1525302179;mircea_popescu;nice indeed. 1807623;1525302234;mircea_popescu;incidentally zx2c4 you familiar with all the phuctor work ? http://trilema.com/2015/on-how-the-factored-4096-rsa-keys-story-was-handled-and-what-it-means-to-you/ and all that ? 1807624;1525302255;mircea_popescu;just in case you're still belabouring under the misapprehension that the usg puppet show is a "field" with "experts" and whatnot, that is. 1807625;1525309876;esthlos;mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-01#1807012 << to be clear, what fix? 1807626;1525309876;a111;Logged on 2018-05-01 16:29 mircea_popescu: but we have esthlos waited on a fix, and then there's whatever you were waiting to publish. so i'm guessing it'd have to be one of you. 1807627;1525309966;esthlos;trinque: you can find my writeup at http://blog.esthlos.com/a-vtron/ . I recall you wanted to have the thing return sane data from ops instead of format barfage 1807628;1525309993;trinque;yeah, the lisp is a little green 1807629;1525310004;trinque;but that can be cleaned up 1807630;1525310028;esthlos;I'm fairly beginner, don't know many of the useful functions 1807631;1525310040;esthlos;(so I assume) 1807632;1525310154;mircea_popescu;esthlos, a) http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-23#1774760 ; b) how does your item handle the original http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-09#1794417 problem ? 1807633;1525310154;a111;Logged on 2018-01-23 14:28 mircea_popescu: esthlos it is not standard procedure ; the emerging consensus is to have a dedicated philosophy file which a) all patches must touch (by protocol) ; b) contains comments as to the patcher's state of mind and c) contains one line per patch uniquely identifying it, machine generated. the format's not fixed yet, but as phf is working on a new proper vdiff it's probably going to coalesce around a variant of whatever he uses. 1807634;1525310154;a111;Logged on 2018-04-09 04:25 hanbot: phf et al: attempted to press latest vtools to the keccak head. v (mod6's) reports vtools_vpatch_newline not in flow, neither its antecedent vtools_fixes_static_tohex, despite both patches and (verified good) sigs present (they neither show up via flow command). v will press to vtools_vpatch.vpatch, but no further. see http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/oNRhE/?raw=true . 1807635;1525310190;mircea_popescu;i vaguely recall us discussing the matter of graphing and my saying "hang on, phf is about to write one then you can import it", but not worth spelunking for it right now. 1807636;1525310348;esthlos;esthlos-v doesn't touch on (a); I was indeed waiting for standardized philosophy file format. (b) I will test 1807637;1525310453;mircea_popescu;ty 1807638;1525310472;mircea_popescu;and yes, you've got clear way here to producing a standard item, so burn rubber baby. 1807639;1525310541;esthlos;:) 1807640;1525310557;esthlos;that's an evil grin 1807641;1525310700;trinque;don't get too excited; I've got plenty of feedback for you on how this is written 1807642;1525310733;esthlos;ah, yeah 1807643;1525310837;trinque;considering that there may be other lisp programs that want to use this as a dependency, it'd be really nice if instead of returning nils, printing strings, you returned a list of vpatch objects. 1807644;1525310848;trinque;thing needs to be refactored with that in mind 1807645;1525310859;trinque;you then take that item and make it read console args, print to screen, whatever 1807646;1525310874;trinque;make something that eats, processes, and returns sane datastructures first 1807647;1525311033;esthlos;I was thinking of replacing the CLOS with records, or possibly just sexprs 1807648;1525311145;trinque;thereby gaining what 1807649;1525311446;esthlos;I might say, conceptual simplicity. It's possibly a holdover from my scheme origins, but I usually write whatever datastructures I need on my own as closures 1807650;1525311484;trinque;eh please do not hand-roll your own can't-believe-it's-not-CLOS here 1807651;1525311589;ben_vulpes;please no closure datastructures 1807652;1525311610;trinque;the idea is to produce an item that implements the (sorely needed!) functionality correctly, and not as entertainment for one developer 1807653;1525311629;esthlos;alright 1807654;1525311710;trinque;I agree that this thing can get smaller, just not by pretending lisp is scheme. write it like scheme and we're all damend to learn your particular idiosyncracies. 1807655;1525311717;trinque;*damned 1807656;1525311786;asciilifeform;achtung folx : 'super speed' phuctor-eater nao in service. 1807657;1525311829;asciilifeform;( measured rate ~= 100 keys/s ) 1807658;1525311907;esthlos;so trinque, can you provide me with a list of changes (or write your own and diff, if you prefer)? 1807659;1525312021;esthlos;if you do so before friday, I can likely get a prototype by monday. otherwise it will be sometime the week after 1807660;1525312083;trinque;moving from printing to returning objects (recall, you can inform lisp ~how to print your objects at the repl) would be a huge improvement 1807661;1525312125;trinque;not detracting from your having put in the work so far, glad to see a lisp V. 1807662;1525312159;esthlos;cool, that's agenda item 1 1807663;1525312246;trinque;I'll digest more and probably have more proposals for ya, but will get my hands into the code myself too, and we'll get a genesis of this put together. 1807664;1525312763;asciilifeform;i will note, in case it wasn't obvious earlier : folx who previously were refraining from linking phuctor somewhere on account of 'how could it take the heat' are nao invited to open the throttle. 1807665;1525312829;asciilifeform;( i have nfi whether anyone was holding out for the cured db; but will for the record note : the time -- has come. ) 1807666;1525312863;trinque;pretty cool asciilifeform, site is very zippy 1807667;1525312884;mircea_popescu;tbh i'm very happy to have this item back, i can now search for keys again! 1807668;1525312891;asciilifeform;ty to trinque , phf , mircea_popescu , the folx who gave asciilifeform sqltronics hints. 1807669;1525312902;mod6;The Exalted Great Lord Me etcetera You're too old for me, sorry. << lmao 1807670;1525312922;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: lemme know if you find anything other than the stats page ( still O(N) for nao ) that's >1s to load. 1807671;1525312926;mircea_popescu;and yes now it feels like it's an actual republican item rather than ductape-and-windoze press a key and go draw a bath. 1807672;1525312933;asciilifeform;aha 1807673;1525312993;*;asciilifeform realizes with some disappointment that most of today's pops will overflow the deedbot bucket; thing's eaten moar keyz in 20min than typically eats in 2days 1807674;1525313016;asciilifeform;i'ma have to make a moar hightech rss mechanism, with queuing etc 1807675;1525313088;mircea_popescu;doesn't have to overflow ; have it wait 1s between reports. 1807676;1525313097;mircea_popescu;so what if some aren't instareported via rss 1807677;1525313140;asciilifeform;hey trinque , what's the 'magic number' it oughta wait ? 1807678;1525313147;asciilifeform;i suspect that 1s is too few 1807679;1525313212;mircea_popescu;pretty sure it's not. 1807680;1525313395;trinque;asciilifeform: what's the value in the tag on your end? RSS decrees those don't repeat 1807681;1525313410;trinque;the bot's "seen" is based upon that 1807682;1525313457;asciilifeform;trinque: my bucket is 20 deep currently; if fills faster than deedbot watches it, pops are 'lost' 1807683;1525313476;asciilifeform;( and i have nfi what would be the effect of deepening it abruptly, in re deedbot, might cause chan barf ) 1807684;1525313491;trinque;aha, deedbot also will not eat more than 20 entries from a feed at a time 1807685;1525313529;asciilifeform;i inserted the delay mircea_popescu suggested, but imho this is not a troo pill 1807686;1525313578;mircea_popescu;why not ? 1807687;1525313680;asciilifeform;well, what's the deedbot interval ? 1807688;1525313682;asciilifeform;5min ? 1807689;1525313754;trinque;5sec between feeds, has however many feeds, 15-20 1807690;1525313780;mircea_popescu;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/rss << i see 6:21 6:03 3:whatever. 1807691;1525313783;mircea_popescu;scarcely a concern neh ? 1807692;1525313814;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: werker hasn't fired yet 1807693;1525313816;asciilifeform;since the speedup. 1807694;1525313822;asciilifeform;it runs every 6 hrs. 1807695;1525313879;mircea_popescu;so you're proposing that it'll produce more than 10 items / minute after having produced 1 / hour ? 1807696;1525313895;asciilifeform;correct. 1807697;1525313912;mircea_popescu;well so make your rss pit 2k deep, what's to keep you. 1807698;1525313918;trinque;what's an ID of an RSS entry that didn't pop through deedbot? 1807699;1525313947;asciilifeform;trinque: i unfortunately dun have a fast way of answering this riddle 1807700;1525313975;trinque;it's either "RSS was longer than 20 and items missed were past 20" or "saw ID before" 1807701;1525313977;mircea_popescu;trinque, his ids are unique, he's using the fingerprint. 1807702;1525314004;trinque;well can't be fingerprint, because what is used when the next factor pops out 1807703;1525314007;mircea_popescu;imo reporting some rather than all factors for a given modulus is fine, nothing lost. 1807704;1525314018;asciilifeform;for nao i think i'ma put a 20 s. sleep b/w 'ticks' 1807705;1525314074;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/7193BEBB6DE572584240CFD8184BA264171F1BC64AE8DF050FB56556D9269229 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1751...1009 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (ip-88.23.esdm.go.id. ID) 1807706;1525314160;*;asciilifeform resetting things, brb 1807707;1525314372;asciilifeform;oook unless i mistyped something ( can't be ruled out, pretty close to bed ) the troo fun should begin ~hr from nao. 1807708;1525314556;mircea_popescu;i wonder if it'll make a record lines day or not. 1807709;1525314569;asciilifeform;incidentally, i have a collection of ~50k published shitrouter/etc privkeys here, that's been patiently waiting for the db to grow up 1807710;1525314582;asciilifeform;i'ma feed it in when we run out of Framedraggerola 1807711;1525314594;mircea_popescu;you mean pubkeys ? 1807712;1525314600;asciilifeform;i mean privkeys. a la debian. 1807713;1525314622;asciilifeform;should pop a pretty large population of currently 'green' moduli 1807714;1525314623;mircea_popescu;what's the point of adding them ? 1807715;1525314627;mircea_popescu;ah i see 1807716;1525314643;asciilifeform;same point as the debian keys. ( the latter are , what, 90+% of our pops to date ) 1807717;1525314801;asciilifeform;iirc i originally introduced phuctor as 'catalogue of rsa keys which are inexpensively breakable'. for said formulation it does not matter precisely ~how~, if tomorrow i conceive of a wholly novel inexpensive break, i will apply it to phuctor with the others ( as i applied classical methods, gcd, bernsteinistic gcd, fermat, ( in the worx...) lenstra , etc . ) 1807718;1525314916;asciilifeform;hey Framedragger ! ask the sea goddess to letcha go on shore leave! or wherever heaven or hell yer stuck in. 1807719;1525314967;asciilifeform;at the current pace, 100% of 2016-Framedragger collection will be eaten by next thurs. 1807720;1525314973;asciilifeform;could use an updated one! 1807721;1525314974;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, i just figure we can do the "walk ssh collect keys" job to douchebag if he emerges, or some other noob. better being done by multiple parties anyway. 1807722;1525314987;mircea_popescu;and besides there's the rockchip. 1807723;1525314987;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: and think, we never even touched ssl 1807724;1525314994;mircea_popescu;myeah. 1807725;1525315002;asciilifeform;which is prolly good for several GB of sadkeyz 1807726;1525315008;mircea_popescu;who even knows. 1807727;1525315049;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: 100M ( and not wholly unloaded , as far as i can see ) fiber, is not so great for all-of-ipv4-scan 1807728;1525315063;douchebag;hm? 1807729;1525315078;mircea_popescu;bw not a consideration here ; packets are. and you want to find out anyway. consider it free pizarro stresstesting. 1807730;1525315109;asciilifeform;lol i 'stress test' (i.e. saturate) the thing ~daily 1807731;1525315137;mircea_popescu;you understand bw != pw yes ? 1807732;1525315153;asciilifeform;how's that 1807733;1525315160;asciilifeform;packets occupy bw, what else could 1807734;1525315170;asciilifeform;'they're made of meat!' 1807735;1525315197;mircea_popescu;there's two failure modes for a router -- too much bw (ie, the sum bytes of packets is too large) ; and too many packets (ie, the individual count of packets is too large). 1807736;1525315208;mircea_popescu;most ddos is not of the bw sort. 1807737;1525315227;asciilifeform;of the statetable sort 1807738;1525315264;asciilifeform;Framedragger's 'massscan' proggy does not clog state table tho, it has own peculiar ip stack that goes 'statelessly' 1807739;1525315270;mircea_popescu;i doubt the entire ssh run he did even ate a gb. but it ate it over like 10 or 20mn packets something. 1807740;1525315279;asciilifeform;sorta why it is able to work in ~week rather than the expected year 1807741;1525315283;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, your dc still has to route them. 1807742;1525315289;mircea_popescu;eventually they either complain or don't. you want to find out. 1807743;1525315306;asciilifeform;it is ~never the local end that complains 1807744;1525315330;mircea_popescu;it can be ; but irrespective the minutia, you still want to find out early rather than late. 1807745;1525315339;asciilifeform;at any rate it's quite doable from pizarro, just will take roughly 10x as long as Framedragger's took, per my reckonin 1807746;1525315352;*;asciilifeform not in particular hurry, fwiw 1807747;1525315364;mircea_popescu;why ? he used some rando shitvps iirc. 1807748;1525315379;asciilifeform;iirc he used a dozen, in parallel 1807749;1525315385;mircea_popescu;guaranteed less power. 1807750;1525315397;mircea_popescu;that might be, i dun recall the specifics so close. but anyways. 1807751;1525315443;asciilifeform;!#s from:Framedragger ipv4 1807752;1525315443;a111;31 results for "from:Framedragger ipv4", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=from%3AFramedragger%20ipv4 1807753;1525315448;asciilifeform;^ seems to have the detail. 1807754;1525315462;asciilifeform;( tldr : he used a public proggy, experiment oughta be entirely replicable ) 1807755;1525315548;mircea_popescu;indeed. 1807756;1525315789;*;asciilifeform funnily enuff just reread http://trilema.com/2015/more-factored-rsa-keys-and-assorted-other-considerations ; mighty lulzy ride, it was, the original phuctoring 'day x' 1807757;1525316153;asciilifeform;^ bahaha all of the links therein now properly realtimeclickable 1807758;1525316200;asciilifeform;and incidentally 3rdparties can now curlpost ---BEGIN PGP PUBLIC.... keyolade and get ~realtime output... 1807759;1525316210;asciilifeform;sorta how the thing was meant to go from the start. 1807760;1525316264;asciilifeform;!Q later tell trinque does deedbot autosubmit newly regged keys to phuctor ? 1807761;1525316264;lobbesbot;asciilifeform: The operation succeeded. 1807762;1525316642;mircea_popescu;not a bad idea 1807763;1525316689;trinque;nope, but not a bad idea at all 1807764;1525316689;lobbesbot;trinque: Sent 7 minutes ago: does deedbot autosubmit newly regged keys to phuctor ? 1807765;1525316745;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, ahh, recall the fun times! 1807766;1525316758;asciilifeform;aaha, 'cosmic rays' ! 1807767;1525316858;mircea_popescu;more importantly, never before in its history of imbecility with a side serving of bald face lying, was the empire plainly humiliated on public, permanent record by manifestly superior intellectual force. 1807768;1525316892;mircea_popescu;brought to a close some happy decades of self-flattering delusion inaugurated by the berlin wall moment. 1807769;1525317018;mircea_popescu;still worth a retrospective chuckle, just how fucking unprepared they were for it. 1807770;1525317094;asciilifeform;dunno, looked as prepared as they ever get, had the myrmidons ready, the 'why japanese toilets haven't conquered america' replacement article thing at button's push, etc neh 1807771;1525317197;asciilifeform;debug of herr boeck, grade-a imperial политтехнолог ( how does that even go in engl ? ) 1807772;1525317200;mircea_popescu;whole thing stinks very badly of the same ole http://trilema.com/2015/the-fetlife-meatlist-volume-i/#selection-71.13-79.1 and of course http://trilema.com/2017/global-warming-on-triton/#selection-177.0-189.40 1807773;1525317201;asciilifeform;*debut 1807774;1525317236;mircea_popescu;you'd of course expect usg.nsa ie the department of scientifically socialistic-flavoured numbers have ampler resources at its disposal than a shoestring sexploitation outfit in canuckistan. 1807775;1525317248;mircea_popescu;sad days for the fiat empire. 1807776;1525317316;asciilifeform;apparently 25 yrs of planting vulns / suborning iso committees / tapping cables / decrypting rot13 , makes for fat/lazy gestapo, whod'vethunkit 1807777;1525317344;asciilifeform;variation on http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-08#1748753 theme, possibly. 1807778;1525317344;a111;Logged on 2017-12-08 15:02 asciilifeform: the 'good climate makes folx lazy and slowly climbing 'back up to trees' ' item is an old saw, but i'm not aware of any major hole in the theory 1807779;1525318196;mircea_popescu;possibly. 1807780;1525318282;mircea_popescu;talk about "overton windows", though. it totally fucking moved the conversation, now it's about how "nobody accused the us delegation". as fucking if. 1807781;1525318399;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/6623F4E0D1ACC5B1BF803CE6F16904DD0C326AADF1581F1981B5A1481FE9F170 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1088...9787 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown CN) 1807782;1525318959;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/E92D6ECB8C9AF5ABC18307C2968BA6497A9F97EEFDF9F6B67CB9DD36B35DD0A5 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1088...9787 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown CN) 1807783;1525318959;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/6623F4E0D1ACC5B1BF803CE6F16904DD0C326AADF1581F1981B5A1481FE9F170 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1088...9787 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown CN) 1807784;1525318959;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/3EA512ACB8D42B2E09A5F2EC2A983CC90905F81541FA9A6658AB86927349F717 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1532...2373 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown NL NH) 1807785;1525318959;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/322AF6F8F409FBF42EF27A1BCFF25E5F458C355EA2650524EDCEDDEFFB760A65 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1522...8559 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (h- DE) 1807786;1525318959;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/D963994F22CB5485CBB1D82DFABBC72CA6C0273A56C2B0A2CEB9B6B10AFAE915 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1648...4733 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (cm-171-100-190-132.revip10.asianet.co.th. TH) 1807787;1525318959;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/C10265CAC01DE0B5C84F248879FB350192785D1C14FA53C6B4CAAE68A1BBA977 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1615...4883 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown CO ANT) 1807788;1525318959;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/4A308D3BE72368D73D087C8232A993D4EA6EB720FFA63E121231BCCD77E7315F << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1615...4883 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown RU) 1807789;1525318960;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/E643BAEAC308F1BF33B37DDB9A258BBD07E85D30A9A63B95754CBA0BD2FFB346 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1615...4883 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (corp-190-12-56-72.mch.puntonet.ec. EC P) 1807790;1525318960;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/574457D1E4C5441FE340B7910CDD2B10D2B5CD9AFA91BC683820A96AAB8E61D1 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1713...8507 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (video.trktvs.ru. RU) 1807791;1525318961;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/1C98582F53D0D63CF9F6333C6E2B6BA9226C4B01F707CD2589DA33CEAA211B4C << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1787...6967 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (m17s19.vlinux.de. DE) 1807792;1525318961;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/519CFCA8F186F78E30E295D50EB0CEA49A22F34B54D6ACB4AA6ABE1C93D0C745 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1723...6953 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown SG) 1807793;1525318962;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/03AD9E4203066650730045C3361718138D94E9A0620D333F213885812E2577A7 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1713...2743 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (pwrsys.gnu.ac.kr. KR) 1807794;1525319220;mircea_popescu;o hello 1807795;1525319731;mircea_popescu;mod6, really, 25 is too old. the amount of cockroaches they ingested by that age makes fixing a losing proposition. 1807796;1525320082;ben_vulpes;d'you ever encounter "omfg he's prowling the naive noobs!!!1"? 1807797;1525320117;mircea_popescu;latest item is half that. 1807798;1525320129;mircea_popescu;but, yes. very worried pantsuit. 1807799;1525320151;ben_vulpes;everyone atop their own imagined battlements 1807800;1525320185;mircea_popescu;in this case, they have a point. are you aware 2/3 of potential slavegirls' first and foremost concern is "muh college debts" ? 1807801;1525320208;mircea_popescu;they're uniquely dazed once i explain as sovereign over the usg crapolade, i actually have the power to unilaterally forgive that for them. 1807802;1525320240;mircea_popescu;this sort of earthshattering dark magicks are ~exactly~ what the fat ugly ones fear, if generally unconsciously. 1807803;1525320386;mircea_popescu;not to mention, of course, the beta bois of the "hi i r 20yo webisite-DOMINANT!!!" flavour. "seriously, it's either she comes live in my messy studio apartment and we scrounge for rent and beefeather, or else you just forgive her college debt for her ?! SHIT." resulting in some very teary-teared butts beseeching "respect for dynamics" and other such goange. 1807804;1525320407;mircea_popescu;because totally, i'll be supporting their larping, why the hell not o.O 1807805;1525320418;ben_vulpes;dynamics? 1807806;1525320435;mircea_popescu;that's what they call it. "dynamics". 1807807;1525320448;ben_vulpes;call what, though. what is it they want respected 1807808;1525320449;mircea_popescu;i guess they figure it sounds better than all alternatives. 1807809;1525320455;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, the DYNAMICS! 1807810;1525320496;ben_vulpes;"please good sir to not make off with the one mote of joy in my life"? 1807811;1525320509;mircea_popescu;i suppose. 1807812;1525320558;ben_vulpes;those sound almost lulzier 1807813;1525320589;mircea_popescu;meh, who has the time/interest to read boys. srsly now. 1807814;1525320601;ben_vulpes;honestly surprised you even engage with them 1807815;1525320615;ben_vulpes;a beheading is a beheading though! 1807816;1525320643;mircea_popescu;all the hurr durr about "gender equality" is hysterically misdirected. there's a fucking reason any lamb you ever ate was MALE ; and the human herd is just about reached that threshold. nevermind "help women" -- the ones that fucking need gender equality are the bois ; otherwise they can be slaugthered tomorrow without anyone even fucking noticing. 1807817;1525320652;mircea_popescu;which is why it became a "part of the conversation" in the first place. 1807818;1525320661;mircea_popescu;that ~nobody seems to notice~ is the height of involuntary comedy, though. 1807819;1525322263;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-03#1807801 << as i understand , they get this automagically by leaving the reich,neh ( afaik usg hasn't yet sent kidnappigsquad after collegedebtor chix in bananistans , to date ) 1807820;1525322263;a111;Logged on 2018-05-03 04:03 mircea_popescu: they're uniquely dazed once i explain as sovereign over the usg crapolade, i actually have the power to unilaterally forgive that for them. 1807821;1525322304;asciilifeform;or is there a detail i'm missing. 1807822;1525322349;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-03#1807803 << would be veerry entertaining to read a sample of this, if mircea_popescu has one handy 1807823;1525322349;a111;Logged on 2018-05-03 04:06 mircea_popescu: not to mention, of course, the beta bois of the "hi i r 20yo webisite-DOMINANT!!!" flavour. "seriously, it's either she comes live in my messy studio apartment and we scrounge for rent and beefeather, or else you just forgive her college debt for her ?! SHIT." resulting in some very teary-teared butts beseeching "respect for dynamics" and other such goange. 1807824;1525322373;asciilifeform;i had nfi these folx could speak 1807825;1525323330;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/3DB163B42F97E57D32023BD11B0E5A9999FE7A6E28C27B798038272114331D36 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 9944...2297 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown CN) 1807826;1525323330;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/4072127FAD9C5E303F8AE241117FD98BA1875DBD05EAE045CB738D06205CDB77 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 9944...2297 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown HK) 1807827;1525323330;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/E059E09156187992795BA97937017949CC1F7F411BF672EDB1DC1C9A8B66D8F7 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 9944...2297 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown MX CHH) 1807828;1525323330;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/F36A4625C8C277E33958BC151C6CB14673E36EB0B7721D4134592B899F6E9230 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 9944...2297 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown MX CHH) 1807829;1525323330;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/31762CC46B6946377CED8A45CD85895201771C3D9595DE1574B7340562A2D67F << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 9944...2297 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown MY) 1807830;1525323330;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/94A6F35E18A2F4FF28FD257C23B02D32F1B4504A6917F2FBF28EDEDB7E296769 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1073...1643 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown CN 35) 1807831;1525323330;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/9EE551BF5B1DBE96D10E616076AA99A617A5A85B75B421486AB5FB5D92E1C07D << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1073...1643 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' ( CN 13) 1807832;1525323331;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/19C43B3ED8DFC3082486D4AF9F155163615CBD5190C08BA313C14782022FB421 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1073...1643 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown CN 37) 1807833;1525323331;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/06F7E2657F38AC67CC55E982E7A79259627389530A93FF8E0F762C95DAA52809 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1017...6909 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown IT) 1807834;1525323332;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/F94894B4D3044F03B008F6A3132DE6FC990274EB767355235C0A3F01A0CC1783 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1137...7157 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown DE HE) 1807835;1525323332;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/0F24F1106B1860293D15215BC0AFB0B23F0C06BCAB2FC48AB5319E54A0204E6A << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1320...4553 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown US) 1807836;1525323333;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/1D48411A5F5DA7B33C8D29CD78CF9E032811C8DD4F4E2476347FAD47642A5F81 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1320...4553 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown US) 1807837;1525323333;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/7506805F4E6267DA4D0A251E9CDDAFAF2C0FD0863439B2F560503F4C615DFC4E << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1354...4527 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (socialnet02.virtualhosts.de. DE) 1807838;1525323425;ben_vulpes;blammo 1807839;1525323844;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/66798C9D6D528D9F00F1F2BF678241C50233971F3574C9C5200C51743AD68ADB << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1429...5313 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (net77-43-18-190.mclink.it. IT) 1807840;1525323844;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/B5A222F6472595D5A2C938C4E788CC174D010BA50D5D4205D9C88938F10CB605 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1384...2949 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (olivetti.it. IT) 1807841;1525323844;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/B3D4AEB12D27F26180C51D7A205831110C9EAD5567DE8681F64BC3B81AB5C3BA << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1433...2223 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown PE) 1807842;1525323844;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/CB334B5CBC785A7B1E3D61E53A304AA32C1D6D3D8A502463AF520969B46A8136 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1467...7407 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown DK) 1807843;1525323844;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/CC856C437F91957F63325413F4ACEECD8F2799B3460EAA2C9074F8CBF8287106 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1457...3739 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown IR) 1807844;1525323845;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/A8B88075065E2E027B5C84F34DCB93151E57B168A46B789D105694F5E14FECF9 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1446...4887 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (ip- ID) 1807845;1525323845;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/322AF6F8F409FBF42EF27A1BCFF25E5F458C355EA2650524EDCEDDEFFB760A65 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1489...2799 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (h- DE) 1807846;1525323846;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/E9C23DE59C6E0C1F781014EEE6AF185E5B51B6A256324853203247D601E28153 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1673...6189 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (53.sub-166-141-146.myvzw.com. US) 1807847;1525323846;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/C14E661CD32733B0D01AE3C4DAC78155ADA4F3A70294C71E8991C70196F5A004 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1673...6189 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (138.sub-166-141-146.myvzw.com. US) 1807848;1525323847;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/C3B77EDF53BF3481CB145371CB79F33C8A4DDDA53C618F9AFD67B53D4389F81F << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1673...6189 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (171.sub-166-241-210.myvzw.com. US) 1807849;1525323847;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/C7F2FBA63E2B224AB0DAEEA1364C8A120BA3C9075A28285E0BED93DF82F1147F << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1673...6189 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (mobile-166-201-208-117.mycingular.net. US) 1807850;1525323848;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/DE3E4E1DB2E61D508F86A9EBA6967FDD34DDA0013AD7F356EA645DB1B04E59A2 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1388...1513 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (acabion.ibone.ch. DE NW) 1807851;1525323848;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/9F5D06AD573DD65F97CFEF7BCB3CA905B82671398013DDBE7DB887E69B5357A4 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1468...2983 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown LT) 1807852;1525324369;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/E81DA28CFE5F2842F88DF25A6290ADBF0B1B452340C7BC32C7A746900D77D56E << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1569...2309 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (ppp-58-9-125-65.revip2.asianet.co.th. TH 10) 1807853;1525324369;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/7B23EA20571B85A47CAE6512504820222F1472371B4A9E47D8E8E3BE73389183 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1413...6879 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (ip-adsl- BO B) 1807854;1525324369;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/07DC1A00AC7938010BB3FFB407D06CBC922D00286FC12DF842A81BA675DF39C1 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1541...0777 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown GB) 1807855;1525324369;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/C77BA7E685E28542F9442ED433A739F50E6E774C91E0DC18ABC8BD3E29F6EC0F << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1465...1773 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (static-70-00dc.externet.hu. HU JN) 1807856;1525324369;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/437876A329CD5A85A4CE53CEEE1D662114B0B709191D5EDCE7E2FD98399135D7 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1413...2059 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (178.red-81-47-128.staticip.rima-tde.net. ES) 1807857;1525324370;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/C9867AEF137EC4606ABC526049DF24F3FF07E41895453A5C6DA1C9C348A242CE << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1532...9363 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (mail.geosindo.com. ID JB) 1807858;1525324370;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/3B0BB77FBE2E27AFBD49D1D08E1DB8B60001B2668BA40DDFECC9633E9E91B4B5 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1411...6177 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown ZA) 1807859;1525324371;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/27BA116E731587596BB069B7863DF8BDD29616DB45A9D93800375E4CC54BD164 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1442...1769 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' ( RU) 1807860;1525324371;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/B27A2605F703D684DC0F46A2A1C23338E9ACF6421DD401157932F7259E072781 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1428...4819 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (mail.hypo-alpe-adria.com.ua. UA) 1807861;1525324372;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/91806D2F8D4A7E6C8930020F85F1BECF7D295E1052FC35A408776E8005EFA3CF << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1428...4819 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (ln-static-139-255-63-186.link.net.id. ID JK) 1807862;1525324372;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/574457D1E4C5441FE340B7910CDD2B10D2B5CD9AFA91BC683820A96AAB8E61D1 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1477...0867 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (video.trktvs.ru. RU) 1807863;1525324480;ben_vulpes;!!v 84C8FD704EACBF40F6293C027AF433A5D07E8E6B9E657EAD3A8ECC867B86C63D 1807864;1525324484;deedbot;ben_vulpes paid asciilifeform invoice 1 1807865;1525324541;ben_vulpes;!!v 6E828B39772E835FB4E67C5161D312D9A2D5606FE2B01883EE9B5DC47423DAE4 1807866;1525324544;deedbot;ben_vulpes paid asciilifeform invoice 2 1807867;1525324922;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/3F6EE6BB945D76AC2DA00B61E47CD8A8657540411E03427E1C1894E8DF531A94 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1651...6873 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown CZ PR) 1807868;1525324922;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/7193BEBB6DE572584240CFD8184BA264171F1BC64AE8DF050FB56556D9269229 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1564...6217 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (ip-88.23.esdm.go.id. ID) 1807869;1525324922;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/86BCAA9EB125883E120F1CC4D9E576BDE929CD71B9E90EE9E755A1E4AB6D427D << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1572...6813 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown CN 21) 1807870;1525324922;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/6F55F06514DDB5E1585A5BCCEEF3FC2D87F94FF772310DC66B16C8BB10DF1001 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1616...3477 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (globusreisen.ch. DE) 1807871;1525324922;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/758FE3EECF401580B8FDFF9089B4A31D6D5375B1E0EDE22FE2982DFD9D136744 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1596...8757 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (pv522.ncsrv.de. DE) 1807872;1525324922;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/03AD9E4203066650730045C3361718138D94E9A0620D333F213885812E2577A7 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1646...0063 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (pwrsys.gnu.ac.kr. KR) 1807873;1525324922;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/FD2892512C8667C25E58E13D9C386E1BE2BB3C409B002309A851FEB88C1F3B49 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1642...5907 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown SG) 1807874;1525324923;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/5A8E77B0539FB63813776C4DEEABFE8142A6008F95D9BB5B8BBA137EF4E670C1 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1680...3769 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (titan-rielt.ru. RU UD) 1807875;1525324923;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/A6B4EF245862E1B5827DD388F2F052D229BFD7A2F676694B7C9B13B339C06F96 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1629...8393 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (sbs1.gjuteriteknik.se. SE F) 1807876;1525324924;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/447B790C02489386989E9F18C37C25D2B45A5F767EF4D7855CC26353011861DE << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1599...1349 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (h-79-136-125-4.NA.cust.bahnhof.se. SE AB) 1807877;1525325157;ben_vulpes;http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2018-5-2#346680 << other way around, actually. 0.5 for the fuckgoats, 0.4 for the machine 1807878;1525325160;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-05-02 00:55 mircea_popescu: then he later paid a further .4 for a fg bundle, taking nsa to .9 worth of convertible bonds, ie a ~7,5% holderr as th9ings stand 1807879;1525325459;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/C6887176B6CDFC21327154C7CF9890A46E19CDED876A002CF2D2B83CB9BE27D5 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1669...1913 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (nodo.delva.cl. CL RM) 1807880;1525325459;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/3F892AC71C861CADE7E2D4139508FBAF1F639409555A5C50D4B9CC47CFB7F73C << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1631...1963 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (het26.physics.ntua.gr. GR I) 1807881;1525325459;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/CFCDE3948124299CEA77D1AB6372F16C67E7A0EBD1953A7FB16AE4DFEB90B0E6 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1640...0097 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown RU) 1807882;1525325459;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/BA727826811691D3B499B3F329149E4CC188E3EAD3BE394581BCF9FAAB319BD3 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1684...8599 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown HU PE) 1807883;1525325460;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/C367B0415E76EDA10A2650A069AE34C6F3498902D503FDA062C749BEC64095FF << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1658...4067 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (www.icstechnology.com. US NY) 1807884;1525325460;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/55A68581CAB309D2D14A4B2AF7C1B5F8088F0FB68AA5D32B261F122E62BA377C << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1652...6439 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (mail.woobby.com. DE) 1807885;1525325460;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/15F13F71D03AD35093413BBF2F3AC9F360805E1FA92A0C760C609CBF6F66D5F9 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 9461...8009 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown MX CHH) 1807886;1525325461;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/66A1CED0DEFE3C7069D483AF7322FB725909DBDCDBBD55CA015687F600637935 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 9461...8009 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown MX CHH) 1807887;1525325461;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/DCB6B1F4EB07F9AF71DD622786C79F80F02682EFEFD3CFFC4A3949440C154772 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 9461...8009 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown MX CHH) 1807888;1525326669;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, of course they do. but the nature of the beast is that they're so fucking unnatural, it's more "sensible" by their lights that the shaman made the sun rise than to simply accept sun fucking rises on its own. 1807889;1525326715;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, re sample, doth http://trilema.com/2018/must-suck-to-be-one-of-you-average-guy-with-a-great-sense-of-humor-losers-seriously-now/#selection-125.122-125.138 not satisfy ? 1807890;1525328660;ben_vulpes;pizarro report to go out tomorrow; chasing down one last invoice 1807891;1525333211;mircea_popescu;http://bitcoincomlawsuit.info/ << in other lulz. 1807892;1525337735;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2018/patriarchy-vs-matriarchy-the-straight-dope/ << Trilema - Patriarchy vs matriarchy, the straight dope. 1807893;1525351094;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/7C5AA0F8647C698DC26F39805C7A7668AFCAC5951DA2BC8F037715E3DA9E97A2 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1020...6799 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown US NY) 1807894;1525351094;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/E7A1C1F9F8A62C5361ACBC7AFA6E19458556BF986C6492D5EBD6A3EE9762F438 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1020...6799 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown US) 1807895;1525351094;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/2EEDE1E75CD6E3C7BA28384587BF9B13108A1E30BA5E960D1874EB3C7B7E224E << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1020...6799 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown US) 1807896;1525351094;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/0163A03BAAE2ACDC3281253D4AAA24A691FA9DADBB702685DEC8E831F888FBAF << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1105...9113 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown MX CHH) 1807897;1525351094;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/2A2A783D98DF50E3C34F75C79E7D4569F601C1E908790F741DAFA136C4A1E571 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1105...9113 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown MX CHH) 1807898;1525351095;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/66C8EBEA4DE5ACA6EFC6B1B1BE33ECBCC9D4D64BD6D5F1CBEFC5818CE16AE914 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1015...6687 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown CN) 1807899;1525351095;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/78EEABCADE0AAF24BF0A74FFC4499719B490E7A27952560F9860F82FFF341545 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1015...6687 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown CN 33) 1807900;1525351096;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/048F690AEB37B0628987808C964F6B141C13F09CD3CFECE4B8240148B49EB370 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1015...6687 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown CN 33) 1807901;1525351096;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/8F1E48FD50BC89EFA18F3A63DFD88482CB3B74362F99077EA25B771FD7F10AFF << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1015...6687 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown CN) 1807902;1525351097;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/E7520059A2B8056E9DD909153850D274C6F3C141C3F3CC5DACE10A70258779DD << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1147...3087 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (gprs-clients- RU MOW) 1807903;1525351097;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/F436F60E06C046E1088A7085990EE8F787862573F4A802302B1F763023A1A163 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1147...3087 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (gprs-clients- RU MOW) 1807904;1525351098;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/3080859A68891ACD8A7E2560EDB0F4ED4AEA7010E59DA14751B0CAECA15741D8 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1261...8759 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown US) 1807905;1525351098;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/CFA36AD4D7B89240EE33EA7BB81B21A9660048F97E9B87A0617A5F5C50299E70 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1261...8759 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown US) 1807906;1525351099;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/D15B206B8670541965664B946A69D4AE4E6997A9F7FAAB7360090776B8C17567 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1379...1863 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown MZ MPM) 1807907;1525351099;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/50840391E5677882196999C9AE77F3177E6CBF8D35FB4F1FEF848CFADF9088B1 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1379...1863 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown PL MA) 1807908;1525351100;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/674F2EB3301FA29245FEA083C0BC505B7B3F7DFD2C80335451217C5CD63EE4F8 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1379...1863 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown PL KP) 1807909;1525351100;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/717D4A760838A101170142199E0E5544EBADD449BC4BCA39935CB45F3619731E << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1379...1863 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown IT) 1807910;1525351101;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/DA2936A3C042A843055A6BC802FA7034E61D6383EC1FBD4F78DDFFDE77427410 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1356...0747 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown IT) 1807911;1525351101;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/CA73ADBAD9BE089050BFB6984231915917255F4113F57DC2A81EDAC7148E5344 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1356...0747 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown GB) 1807912;1525351102;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/D8D062652A81294834DCFE9E27A16D45702DED0F25B118E912951C479A3BF13C << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1607...3557 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (broadband-109-173-18-44.ip.moscow.rt.ru. RU) 1807913;1525351102;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/B4FC9038AA1333F3AEAA8B2496FAB8AC215BE19581EB89B6E7B28B4D8D118F60 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1644...8767 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' () 1807914;1525351637;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/E9A7DE7BA142DEBA67AD60C5CDFE1CC44ECD521688FE2E2D24AB3348421476F7 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1673...6189 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (66.sub-166-164-170.myvzw.com. US) 1807915;1525351637;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/C7F2FBA63E2B224AB0DAEEA1364C8A120BA3C9075A28285E0BED93DF82F1147F << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1673...6189 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (mobile-166-201-208-117.mycingular.net. US) 1807916;1525351637;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/7F68C4EECA576B24F3EC14A455855264DF85B8E87292E624DE01AD43E52EB2B2 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1673...6189 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (251.sub-166-139-128.myvzw.com. US) 1807917;1525351637;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/C14E661CD32733B0D01AE3C4DAC78155ADA4F3A70294C71E8991C70196F5A004 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1673...6189 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (138.sub-166-141-146.myvzw.com. US) 1807918;1525351637;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/E9C23DE59C6E0C1F781014EEE6AF185E5B51B6A256324853203247D601E28153 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1673...6189 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (53.sub-166-141-146.myvzw.com. US) 1807919;1525351638;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/C3B77EDF53BF3481CB145371CB79F33C8A4DDDA53C618F9AFD67B53D4389F81F << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1673...6189 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (171.sub-166-241-210.myvzw.com. US) 1807920;1525351638;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/FCFEA8149E4FDA14F6FE60B7C020A99D5BF00C13CE82425A316E5F2F7B1310C3 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1607...3557 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (broadband.time.net.my. MY) 1807921;1525351639;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/D8D062652A81294834DCFE9E27A16D45702DED0F25B118E912951C479A3BF13C << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1607...3557 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (broadband-109-173-18-44.ip.moscow.rt.ru. RU) 1807922;1525351639;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/E6EF682A3EDB8A425B48EB2EFD7440D693DB3BCB17E9153F4DBE7BAEF5EFB49F << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1431...6337 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown ID) 1807923;1525351640;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/AD6129A892538DB7ACE33A5752B86F1020D451B6AD7B67D224517F637AC3D1EA << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1431...6337 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (home.jnc.astrakhan.ru. RU) 1807924;1525351640;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/59D5C3BE718D51A1BC5A45B05E94B400938AAFBFDBFC4D36F3CCAA796DFB1CBE << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1644...8767 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (static-cl188134205161.unet.cz. CZ) 1807925;1525351641;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/B4FC9038AA1333F3AEAA8B2496FAB8AC215BE19581EB89B6E7B28B4D8D118F60 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1644...8767 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' () 1807926;1525351641;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/36DE96BA9E59BCD9BC793575690657B697B0206F74666027CD433C5B5E87F139 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1549...2447 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' () 1807927;1525351642;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/E6FF1B688329D63C6CCDE1DE500FA9F83A16524594C7B27AB215FE4F6A33C867 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1549...2447 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' () 1807928;1525351642;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/3E3B6B6C4504FCCA206505232AD38A553ECE9B407028CA4FC0615706E7587115 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1655...3683 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (87-126-230-17.ip.btc-net.bg. BG) 1807929;1525351643;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/CE3054BE86A5AAAABF50B797F6DA6B65DD77CA4D814A5EF491F50EC6B2D7B284 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1655...3683 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown MZ) 1807930;1525351643;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/43F688337974D301C71B4D81F4D11ECDBBE38BD7936AE6C9EF4D2936F52FD146 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1655...3683 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown MZ) 1807931;1525351644;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/ED7AB4871B239710DE3F02ED2C62EB1289F2A657517A2AC108D0C2A2CFDA5722 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1786...0259 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown IR 10) 1807932;1525351644;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/45A1624E93275BA47F6C23FF22A3D55D9FED756494C86BA2C5228C803E1B5239 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1786...0259 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown KH 12) 1807933;1525351645;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/D3B566241FA0601C83442AC12F1F4FF42C4ADE61C53BB6F3317B80AAC0F67A4A << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 8918...3127 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown CN 11) 1807934;1525351645;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/25E0B20B5AAE91F09BD95BC6D96EE6803841442E5CD0AC97B5D2030E9A9EEC80 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 8918...3127 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown MX CHH) 1807935;1525351664;mod6;woah 1807936;1525354402;mod6;<+mircea_popescu> mod6, really, 25 is too old. the amount of cockroaches they ingested by that age makes fixing a losing proposition. << werd to that. anyway, the retort made me lul, muchly. 1807937;1525355577;mod6;The Foundation's node @ Pizarro is fully sync'd I'm please to report. 1807938;1525355972;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/5BBA305C38902FFC8C04346E989DE63DD11E9F770A19C64E4C28C58B815FB280 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1243...1543 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown DE HE) 1807939;1525355972;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/F94894B4D3044F03B008F6A3132DE6FC990274EB767355235C0A3F01A0CC1783 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1209...9679 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown DE HE) 1807940;1525356008;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/3E37C6878CFC021AE2A716DD139E726B6D5A8371BC4EEC459CA50C70C24063E0 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1436...2507 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown PL) 1807941;1525356113;deedbot;http://www.dianacoman.com/2018/05/03/eucrypt-chapter-13-smg-rng/ << Ossasepia - EuCrypt Chapter 13: SMG RNG 1807942;1525356524;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/FC72B1CA319FFBE390F5B54E936CFC0EEF74E08069E011897832CE4D3E233E67 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1550...1317 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (LNeuilly-656-1-151-210.w80-11.abo.wanadoo.fr. FR) 1807943;1525356524;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/17667C2D42301E89E7E493097BD861E7320DDD68F8062DCA7FE7E97F30A84AE4 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1623...0203 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (mail.usparts.fi. FI) 1807944;1525356524;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/9F5D06AD573DD65F97CFEF7BCB3CA905B82671398013DDBE7DB887E69B5357A4 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1571...5309 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown LT) 1807945;1525356524;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/C97F1B18F90D52750B3BBD37C2443AAB73A57A859A59D726AB03A7230329BE2A << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1671...3603 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown IT RM 62) 1807946;1525356524;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/6141EF3AB12729EBECD0D3E4FA8ED86EC6AC5422EF51BF3F2A4C17C28D67CF78 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1733...7049 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown ID JT) 1807947;1525356525;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/6ECDF0E9E311B2420FA0B307A28B0901FF41729A24C28D5B7971187B686A7A4B << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1668...1267 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (proxy2.penki.lt. LT) 1807948;1525356525;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/6FB8EB9DD215ED0DD010D7EADEDAB6D29722E8A6C01A4EAA080B5FDF0B1240EE << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1678...5559 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (CSR873SBC-InFi-HuBe-Or-Ca-c1776-Seacross-V. US CA) 1807949;1525356526;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/41BC1050A6EE17E8A41C8FC4BDA715C165C3A26F57D8A86F20C5F2020FF41EFD << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1629...3987 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown US NJ) 1807950;1525356526;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/C7EB56C58E0951F7F8D52E359ADF2ADDE8FC427753CE6F81118F66AAF19D4C22 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1688...5979 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (jhsvmrelay02.hatteland.com. NO) 1807951;1525356527;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/B71BFA9E5C8B2BBA09FD320D46BF008BE9F706CC2A50A258A2C44392D65DA3CE << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1590...1613 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (xvm-11-138.dc0.ghst.net. FR) 1807952;1525356813;diana_coman;!!v C18E042836B52E2B23563E9DC1EF0BAC7D1B5E992C5922ADDCF944672FE68BB4 1807953;1525356813;deedbot;diana_coman rated Mocky 1 << Euloran noob who reads the wiki and does stuff. 1807954;1525357069;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/6C9CB1BB2CF7C70D0A3A493965475A653013DF29BC12E1BEA52E543D8862D8B0 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1762...6693 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown MY) 1807955;1525357069;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/7B23EA20571B85A47CAE6512504820222F1472371B4A9E47D8E8E3BE73389183 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1763...8013 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (ip-adsl- BO B) 1807956;1525357069;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/2517FABC9AE8A698B7A1D3B50AE5C6B81E0859FCE46905C91C9ED9C93187A9D5 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1725...8067 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (preon.infotropic.com. SE) 1807957;1525357069;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/07DC1A00AC7938010BB3FFB407D06CBC922D00286FC12DF842A81BA675DF39C1 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1619...7919 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown GB) 1807958;1525357069;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/B50CC3C777BED916E20D4859FC78E327FBD6A92938214B1158741203759FD1FA << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1768...7333 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (www.raion.kms.ru. RU) 1807959;1525357069;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/27BA116E731587596BB069B7863DF8BDD29616DB45A9D93800375E4CC54BD164 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1744...7583 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' ( RU) 1807960;1525357069;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/58C4714F94074B8ACC7AAF6464D7F21CF86E1A3046BB35B0EBC575E00F96588B << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1669...1917 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (mail.wolfsystem.cz. CZ PR) 1807961;1525357070;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/32388BBDC7FBE94874EF017600079F4C2D7E390DB55757287CCD1CD079048727 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1664...9033 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (static-83-168-235-140.cust.crystone.se. SE) 1807962;1525357070;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/D5382EF745E43620119A1ADB7C6D4EA7D6B9658D8429AA60DEB7B068BF2EBD0C << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1705...1039 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown MY 10) 1807963;1525357071;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/B7A7D7EA3E57001864E57577EE4CAB6CEB48A59A230566E70D3F02BE2F44787A << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1713...4103 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (ddata-orig.srv.proceau.net. FR) 1807964;1525357610;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/3F6EE6BB945D76AC2DA00B61E47CD8A8657540411E03427E1C1894E8DF531A94 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1655...3817 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown CZ PR) 1807965;1525357610;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/9EA1DC0101654B4123CAAF460B2EF030B70AE239C1A1F5A4721B6267D966FD8D << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1793...6943 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (111.red-88-10-41.dynamicip.rima-tde.net. ES MD M) 1807966;1525357610;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/6F55F06514DDB5E1585A5BCCEEF3FC2D87F94FF772310DC66B16C8BB10DF1001 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1733...6037 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (globusreisen.ch. DE) 1807967;1525357610;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/FD2892512C8667C25E58E13D9C386E1BE2BB3C409B002309A851FEB88C1F3B49 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1719...9803 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown SG) 1807968;1525357610;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/5A8E77B0539FB63813776C4DEEABFE8142A6008F95D9BB5B8BBA137EF4E670C1 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1684...0849 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (titan-rielt.ru. RU UD) 1807969;1525357610;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/447B790C02489386989E9F18C37C25D2B45A5F767EF4D7855CC26353011861DE << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1788...9563 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (h-79-136-125-4.NA.cust.bahnhof.se. SE AB) 1807970;1525357610;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/C6887176B6CDFC21327154C7CF9890A46E19CDED876A002CF2D2B83CB9BE27D5 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1738...3169 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (nodo.delva.cl. CL RM) 1807971;1525357611;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/741E6D8C1626024533782A908A52F52F2D46704BE02284BB8B130B4F4AEF2391 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1773...6703 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown RU) 1807972;1525357611;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/0DBBFE87F1BFEDC316CB4842BF9D388D7717C9E0102CD514759711960CB55856 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1777...4303 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (server.youpme.lt. LT) 1807973;1525357612;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/B6E1AA0D7DC17EA3ECF3221C0DFA9E4918ABCC6493BA93E61BB4490429B939F7 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1782...5869 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (vshg01.mni.thm.de. DE HE) 1807974;1525359565;asciilifeform;!!ledger 1807975;1525359571;deedbot;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/0ZjLZ/?raw=true 1807976;1525359769;asciilifeform;!~ticker --market all 1807977;1525359776;jhvh1;asciilifeform: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 9424.4, vol: 9625.23797700 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 9448.6, vol: 25551.153955799986 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 9421.9, vol: 4159.7965634 | Volume-weighted last average: 9439.85494003 1807978;1525359975;asciilifeform;!!invoice ben_vulpes 0.51144476 pizarro refill ( usd: 1800 BB + 36 wu.fee + 2934.06 latech co. + 50 wr.fee ) 1807979;1525359978;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/EzVPR/?raw=true 1807980;1525360046;asciilifeform;!!v 2FCEA8F4EA0EBE5E349EC7086CEEC806EB87B1B62999A4E60F9D33F94D2022F8 1807981;1525360049;deedbot;Invoiced ben_vulpes 0.51144476 << pizarro refill ( usd: 1800 BB + 36 wu.fee + 2934.06 latech co. + 50 wr.fee ) 1807982;1525360139;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-03#1807840 << bahahaha i had nfi olivetti still existed.. 1807983;1525360139;a111;Logged on 2018-05-03 05:04 deedbot: http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/B5A222F6472595D5A2C938C4E788CC174D010BA50D5D4205D9C88938F10CB605 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1384...2949 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (olivetti.it. IT) 1807984;1525360175;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-03#1807889 << was hoping to see the 'respect my dynamix!11' thing 1807985;1525360175;a111;Logged on 2018-05-03 05:51 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, re sample, doth http://trilema.com/2018/must-suck-to-be-one-of-you-average-guy-with-a-great-sense-of-humor-losers-seriously-now/#selection-125.122-125.138 not satisfy ? 1807986;1525360191;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-03#1807891 << what exactly was it ? the old phoundation? 1807987;1525360191;a111;Logged on 2018-05-03 07:40 mircea_popescu: http://bitcoincomlawsuit.info/ << in other lulz. 1807988;1525360306;asciilifeform;re : phuctor : this is approx what i expected. incidentally , the bottleneck is ~still~ in inputting keys, rather than crunching'em ( they all get crunched at once, and it takes about 45min from start to finish, erry time ) . however no longer much of a bottleneck, all of the remaining Framedragger archive should be done by... saturday night, at current rate 1807989;1525360322;asciilifeform;( perhaps after this, we'll do an sks refresh, high time for one, last time was in 2015 ) 1807990;1525361367;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-03#1807986 << It's Roger Ver's altcoin scam that happens to own the domain name bitcoin.com 1807991;1525361367;a111;Logged on 2018-05-03 15:09 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-03#1807891 << what exactly was it ? the old phoundation? 1807992;1525361414;lobbes;!!v B851EA2E0F9277987B690D9586127A794A24B42FC754F6300340412F58E0C851 1807993;1525361417;deedbot;lobbes paid ben_vulpes invoice 5 1807994;1525362520;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/05/tribal-ritual-in-britain-leads-to-injuries-after-rabbi-tosses-lithium-ion-batteries-in-fire/ << Qntra - Tribal Ritual In Britain Leads To Injuries After Rabbi Tosses Lithium Ion Batteries In Fire 1807995;1525363114;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/9A6E3E7103E47757FEBD6E8B2597D3A8A3633BC2C12545A6743BED30A64E2FFD << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1158...7217 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown CN) 1807996;1525363114;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/EFF772E3327ABBF32493F7353F35F90E7FD2AE6704A900906881B789B54E4037 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1158...7217 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown CN) 1807997;1525363115;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/AEF56D2DEAF0F5036F5D0D155EAB30436C3E21E736D78ACCBD2C2935460ECFA1 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1212...6253 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown DE HE) 1807998;1525363115;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/EEB15388458CCE01B8FF294FF06C809434D953FFF9067CDB4F5A928FCAB16344 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1356...8119 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (ip18-232.cbn.net.id. ID JK) 1807999;1525363115;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/1A7AC4379FB906386F08114F6D4D7EEE852C86ED753B5A193C471A44DCAA2124 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1355...2463 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (mc-217-76-240-152.conetion.net. ES) 1808000;1525363115;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/7F12A60DC47105A9AE3DA0B2446FB37E358448CE57B73B364D6F66A5374047D9 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1351...7213 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (s136.kokusaihoei.co.jp. JP) 1808001;1525363115;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/32840F3F4374562DB10C580031C905752F83CE914A2B4D4E18AD3499C7ACCE46 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1386...3397 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown DE BY) 1808002;1525363116;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/BF68CC2DF8423681620ECD62FD36DE95F5954AA271CC56E593D670EE2707DEEE << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1398...2773 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (vcvps1578.vcdns.de. DE NW) 1808003;1525363116;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/FC8FCAB93ABC476370F34989C22669752DDBBCDADED590A102F33C4F70375A0A << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1415...5593 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown CN 44) 1808004;1525363117;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/9848815DCF93D8BCF2AAF0DBC462B76DF9EF320EC0E6F533ED76106203B35C81 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1351...5343 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (static. US WY) 1808005;1525363117;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/9DB414A2AE38CB4CB36D701C8F769822AFE595453FC65EC0B26FCD6E34272C00 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1363...7533 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (rrcs-71-40-124-62.sw.biz.rr.com. US TX) 1808006;1525363596;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/C120939036D8F61F0174CE6E402F7BF10A53B9795C54AAA866457480A92FA0E6 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1463...3953 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (correo.firstoutlet.com. ES AS O) 1808007;1525363596;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/501EDD3762C7C292208E0349D5CDFDD04D05E56ED6F086FA029EFC3746DC05E1 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1430...5939 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (dns1.fen.uchile.cl. CL RM) 1808008;1525363597;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/C189B04419413959214D3CB6607892186536CC4B3883CE0BA024F2352BBADC91 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1491...8593 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (cm-58-9-99-130.revip16.asianet.co.th. TH 10) 1808009;1525363597;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/76F4F01E372ED930E0F74390249AECE3EC4CE57E52CDB7E5AADD001A1761444E << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1409...1617 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (ppp-124-120-168-139.revip2.asianet.co.th. TH 10) 1808010;1525363597;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/E960CA6794A339A6255D0302BF770BE1F1F746BAF1B6570AE70DC6CC49C8B5E1 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1499...4337 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (87-94-134-5.tampere.customers.dnainternet.fi. FI 11) 1808011;1525363597;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/FC72B1CA319FFBE390F5B54E936CFC0EEF74E08069E011897832CE4D3E233E67 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1471...3369 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (LNeuilly-656-1-151-210.w80-11.abo.wanadoo.fr. FR) 1808012;1525363597;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/17667C2D42301E89E7E493097BD861E7320DDD68F8062DCA7FE7E97F30A84AE4 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1414...5849 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (mail.usparts.fi. FI) 1808013;1525363598;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/7B5BB9CFCD09CD35119EC2D366029A4F376A18198C3E56027D3EE10381E1CE80 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1459...8483 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (acke.verkstad.net. SE) 1808014;1525363598;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/4EC1F312E7C2F2E0B327ED613D54B8A859F851E76A59F414ACFD9C1C01E0F464 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1424...1273 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown IR 24) 1808015;1525363599;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/312DCF2C7FD9DADAE846349295C7DB3A35CD2617B14F38381914539956895083 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1405...1859 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (li15-141.members.linode.com. US GA) 1808016;1525363687;trinque;Framedragger: oughta dig yourself out of pantsuit europussy for a sec and come enjoy teh phuctoring 1808017;1525364131;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/83D30B59826F793E2061EB616570F82FDFB0B8E3F7886051999DFBD4C529696F << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1443...7829 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown NL) 1808018;1525364131;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/2C7AF819D57B1A597E3411B8BBA45C41FE572EB0C6A571E8696CE33077530CBC << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1468...7363 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown IR 31) 1808019;1525364131;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/57B3D21B795A738BAF082ACC6994940D25BBCB74B6A2D6EAD7C598BB86008595 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1431...1917 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (fredec38.net2.nerim.net. FR 75 J) 1808020;1525364131;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/9D1BF23FD9394E3D36FF0E8FFEEFAC4D1DB75D80BA0B2C1D3DE25546F871A1E5 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1376...5309 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (50.48.pppoe.mari-el.ru. RU) 1808021;1525364131;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/901FA43414387E5BEFFFB784833A31D80D6F7EF09C6C203BDE499EB9986C7B75 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1399...4197 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (sd2375.sivit.org. FR) 1808022;1525364131;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/8788DF3147918FB95385A8B308A16C32D8E73FAD50BD8AB6AF19D7D3085CDD4B << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1360...5387 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (41-134-156-242.dsl.mweb.co.za. ZA) 1808023;1525364132;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/3F0F9487CBB7B928B64492478F594B5250F817065AE04E4E2AF3BEA7F8DB319A << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1429...6707 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (pc-212-191-87-180.p.lodz.pl. PL LD) 1808024;1525364132;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/37386E1526E9FC706178BB3313C87A3F93FB47C24CA47D6F96C13483342CA0BF << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1405...1787 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (marbas1-ftst3.corbina.net. RU) 1808025;1525364133;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/250939C02A924DE37E3E541DE7DB9598AD7937D76BB53A12A4FCF4DF062AEB8A << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1470...5839 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (db04.edge.razil.jp. JP) 1808026;1525364133;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/B20991388E53BE0153426DB4DA395675FF881AFAEB2DC5BEB78D56D0B6BDAA80 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1428...4463 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (2640.ovz-ssd8.hc.ru. RU) 1808027;1525364695;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/FC0846AFF0BC5878DF8D726F6EF6EBB214AB68D0F564378874D411EC365409CE << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1570...5017 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown US) 1808028;1525364695;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/32388BBDC7FBE94874EF017600079F4C2D7E390DB55757287CCD1CD079048727 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1525...4473 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (static-83-168-235-140.cust.crystone.se. SE) 1808029;1525364695;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/9F823330B2B34F399C00082DD21E7B6157F5148824EA05BE6F6E4245FE2D520F << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1579...0673 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (panel1.younghosting.nl. NL) 1808030;1525364695;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/7E9C4469D54F4A7F1069CFEA79CDB30E46CAB8459EC414D4C60341F108549DB5 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1527...6883 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown JP) 1808031;1525364695;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/D18E493E52EB9CCD474B652DCA7603770C1A923FE6D11A289373808700623AE4 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1446...4603 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (ds62-138-145-148.dedicated.hosteurope.de. DE NW) 1808032;1525364696;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/C5155C926D558DC21873E0173BA587D4D175D6DCB3CB6F3073B7644823CA2842 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1471...3339 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (3el2nog.ip.hatteland.com. NO) 1808033;1525364696;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/FC6F5FDE141A96F25754CCAA794245663E0033DA0CF6C06DE87BF513940DAD4A << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1467...4969 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown PL LD) 1808034;1525364697;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/704D5E77DE6D2E4EE6576C2B61A59B3CF8AFD0C7BB73139D0005E3E77617586F << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1532...8119 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (mail.v242.ncsrv.de. DE) 1808035;1525364697;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/89703B99786D20EB70AC453401136B3964F10098C6D8A4C79B31FBC97BD77983 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1595...3809 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown CN 21) 1808036;1525364698;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/26C3030A861EE247049867A6C78B3EDFAFCAAF04E8AA8178DB3CF922247DBAE2 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1596...6843 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown NL) 1808037;1525365151;mircea_popescu;lmao this is terrible. 1808038;1525365206;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, we'll have to turn this thing off, it's drowning us. 1808039;1525365226;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it'll run dry after 2-3 bursts. 1808040;1525365238;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/6AFD47E2A0AAAE3326F18F57D1834D4618EFAF6E6EB03BD41CB2DA595D8448B7 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1492...6627 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (klarekoepfe02.virtualhosts.de. DE) 1808041;1525365238;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/E3F3BEB4983BFD1CD2109B33A9D81982ECA4D356DE32709ADF2989EA30054968 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1635...2243 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (host.sindad.com. IR) 1808042;1525365238;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/C0D66445CAD5923F1DDF03962382E5E0182449F6A450D3B72CA44AD5601EAD33 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1538...5119 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (zagreb.std.org. US) 1808043;1525365238;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/A387CC5E87BC8F42B509F4D47452234F5733FAD24CAB9FB38FC4A91AD5ED9102 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1641...0087 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (185-68-155-228.kbpauk.ru. RU) 1808044;1525365238;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/664163BA81AC6A584D6E098A86FAAD73DC3AB1788EFB81E4EC1B7BB0BAEE37AF << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1601...5169 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (server473.mivitec.net. DE) 1808045;1525365238;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/F96006B06625D9A2EDA8AFA20BCAC6E7882CFA85D685AF008044F1D1BBE34AB3 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1588...7183 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown PK) 1808046;1525365239;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/997649958375E243F70710AAC8F7311B20C24C607BA593A4542462FA28389F7C << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1582...3617 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown ID JK) 1808047;1525365239;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/9EA1DC0101654B4123CAAF460B2EF030B70AE239C1A1F5A4721B6267D966FD8D << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1550...6717 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (111.red-88-10-41.dynamicip.rima-tde.net. ES MD M) 1808048;1525365240;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/C076EA75870CBA593C6817C646517C7EB245F4EB5C616539C5781A01D76EC54D << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1632...3737 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (sarik.apedia.com. CZ) 1808049;1525365240;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/2C7B327372F24A01D1AB529B41DB3183D085F69923317EDCBD4F28859CF3ECB8 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1637...6719 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (southernstar.sayergroup.com. TR) 1808050;1525365253;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i propose to arrange it to fire in the wee hours of night (newyork time) strictly 1808051;1525365273;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, bitcoin.com is roger ver's last remaining claim to fame, "oh, i registered a domain name". 1808052;1525365358;asciilifeform;( where it is nao : parcel 10 of 13 is 1/2 way in; each parcel holds ~800k keyz ) 1808053;1525365362;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, the problem is rather, that it makes too many lines. have it rss a single thing each interval : "x keys broken". 1808054;1525365396;mircea_popescu;there's no objective need it should do two dozen items each 9 minutes. could just do a count. 1808055;1525365403;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the only interesting part is actually trinque-generated : the reverse-dns'd hostname of the ip ( e.g. olivetti.it ) 1808056;1525365482;mircea_popescu;i guess it could do that then : "x keys broken the past 9 minutes, ssh 5 (olivetti.it, blabla.dot) ; sks 3." 1808057;1525365512;asciilifeform;trinque: pheature request : tune the rss eater so that if phuctured pop matches the Framedragger pattern , prints as mircea_popescu described; but otherwise (say, classical pgp key pops) the full shebang. 1808058;1525365530;trinque;eh no, I'm not continuing to "optimizing compiler" on my end for this thing 1808059;1525365591;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, not supposed to "tune the eater" ; supposed to tune what you put in the rss feed. 1808060;1525365613;asciilifeform;i haven't the first clue currently how to even implement the current trinque functionality ( hostname ) in the feed 1808061;1525365623;trinque;lemme see what pyturd I used 1808062;1525365634;asciilifeform;right now the feed is entirely lowtech ( it is simply query of last 20 factors found ) 1808063;1525365636;asciilifeform;there is 0 processing 1808064;1525365641;mircea_popescu;and yes, gotta move it away from the rss reader 1808065;1525365762;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in fenotypical ideals, https://78.media.tumblr.com/439293afba3c99e4f582e380e276e64e/tumblr_nfeywtwz7V1u3bduto1_1280.jpg 1808066;1525365784;asciilifeform;( realize, all of these were destined to end up in the logs eventually, but over course of 3months, not 1 day.. ) 1808067;1525365797;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/56F1326523B5F374BA80917CDC14B40E489E04196DFEAAE03A9E3EBE5AB23C22 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1656...4353 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown GB) 1808068;1525365797;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/73F9682E4CDCA616948436DFA00CC37B05DBD13B8578026E2D1B91AD36FC8B01 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1683...6647 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (host229-136-static.10-188-b.business.telecomitalia.it. IT) 1808069;1525365797;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/8FBBA06DD2723874A833D10C4112E8ECFF7DAC61F2249D9146A2123296C2A883 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1654...1757 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (monitor.tapok.ru. RU) 1808070;1525365797;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/741E6D8C1626024533782A908A52F52F2D46704BE02284BB8B130B4F4AEF2391 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1687...8977 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown RU) 1808071;1525365797;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/7D10AB041F54603C5A2530FA2600F7A45DE3B363D96B2A22B6182AE291F03657 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1696...9123 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown FR) 1808072;1525365798;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/0DBBFE87F1BFEDC316CB4842BF9D388D7717C9E0102CD514759711960CB55856 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1721...5003 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (server.youpme.lt. LT) 1808073;1525365798;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/B6E1AA0D7DC17EA3ECF3221C0DFA9E4918ABCC6493BA93E61BB4490429B939F7 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1773...5023 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (vshg01.mni.thm.de. DE HE) 1808074;1525365799;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/D1E272F7C1CE308C8E88C60340B57FEE52AA2A9C362EEF164AD85DD6EB44F134 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1034...3783 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown CN 64) 1808075;1525365799;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/3902697A17BFA1B6D9ABF10A92D12AD614FBD33E6D6465B6F6AC5972C5606314 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1034...3783 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown CN 21) 1808076;1525365800;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/35D7B3CDD93C4119CFC99E11D3CE7DC82C4B041E6B4C461A64D68A79A635E8FE << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 8888...4329 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown MX CHH) 1808077;1525365800;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/48A8D19A6A81384890010F9893258751E9DE627E77E0CF10134C5202B4787F86 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 8888...4329 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown MX CHH) 1808078;1525365801;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/DF285CE5C4B0EE19C83F8D94DB19C7C64CB6E860615DECE9AF352E6605983707 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 8888...4329 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown MX CHH) 1808079;1525365801;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/7AFCB319BA5F87300D36645CC29652B8350BDA7B93FFCEAB37D84668D2E9B5DB << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 8888...4329 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown MX CHH) 1808080;1525365848;trinque;asciilifeform: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/LUck9/?raw=true << used http://www.dnspython.org and https://pythonhosted.org/python-geoip/ 1808081;1525365849;asciilifeform;^ i think this is all ( or nearly all ) for this shot. i've paused the cron, until further notice 1808082;1525365941;mircea_popescu;the sad make-up of reality -- success is its own punishment also ;/ 1808083;1525365969;asciilifeform;thing is, after the Framedragger-2016 archive is eaten, these will be rare again 1808084;1525365996;mircea_popescu;seriously asciilifeform dun take it the wrong way / be discouraged. it's great, so great in fact we can afford the luxury of refinement. while no one else has as much as the lines, we can thumb our noses and only deem the count worthy of insertion. if this isn't luxury i don't know what is. 1808085;1525366007;asciilifeform;sorta why i suggest to allocate a night with low activity , to shit'em all out in 1 go 1808086;1525366014;asciilifeform;then who wants to scroll past, can easily. 1808087;1525366028;mircea_popescu;it's not nearly as good a solution, but if you must. 1808088;1525366044;mircea_popescu;understand what this misdesign implies : all future bundles will now require expensive, hand-made scheduling. 1808089;1525366059;trinque;yep, and I'd like to help, but would be stealing time from other things that are overdue. 1808090;1525366071;asciilifeform;i'ma make proper queue system, and build in trinque's apparatus, prior to next mass feeding. 1808091;1525366082;mircea_popescu;that works. 1808092;1525366093;asciilifeform;thing is, i also have massively overdue item that i'm in the process of rolling out ( reignition of ffa series ! ) 1808093;1525366118;asciilifeform;massive pile of edits/revisions/links to work of other people (ave1, spyked , diana_coman ) etc 1808094;1525366126;mircea_popescu;yes, if one thing is ever sorely needed, more hands (that grow from shoulders) 1808095;1525366140;asciilifeform;right 1808096;1525366142;mircea_popescu;meanwhile the ~entire population of cuntspawn is over there at the cuntspawn farms, whining about the unfairness of it all. 1808097;1525366166;mircea_popescu;they "never got a chance, that's all they wanted, a honest to god shot" dontchaknow. 1808098;1525366171;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: after #10 is eaten ( the eater is still running ) i'ma fire the shitter on your signal ( say, when you go to bed ), just ping. 1808099;1525366186;asciilifeform;then for #11,12,13 we can do similar 1808100;1525366196;mircea_popescu;then by the time i wake up, it'll just have finished filling the scrollback lol./ 1808101;1525366216;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, i thought this was going to be ~one~ thing, before you make proper rss ? now it's 4 ? 1808102;1525366235;mircea_popescu;understand, one of the joys of my life is coming back in the morning to see what happened while i slept! you aim to take that away from me ?! 1808103;1525366243;asciilifeform;can fire'em in 1 shot, or N, take yer pick 1808104;1525366284;asciilifeform;it is also trivial to rate-limit the shitter so that they fall out 1/hr or similar. 1808105;1525366305;mircea_popescu;that'd be better ; the current problem is the megablocks. 1808106;1525366312;mircea_popescu;how many do you actually get per day ? like 50 ? 1808107;1525366356;asciilifeform;seems to be 1 in 3-4000, in Framedragger's archive, so yes 1808108;1525366397;mircea_popescu;aite, so do it every half hour until such a time as you rewrite the rss ? 1808109;1525366403;asciilifeform;ok worx ! 1808110;1525366406;mircea_popescu;cool then. 1808111;1525366418;asciilifeform;starting nightfall tonight, will run on this scheme. 1808112;1525366423;mircea_popescu;perfect. 1808113;1525366506;asciilifeform;( will have to make a slightly complicated change and test locally, because current 'rss is simple sql query' doesn't rate-limit the output of 1-factor-N-moduli-affected events ) 1808114;1525366683;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in "young, nude, and for sale in the street", https://78.media.tumblr.com/ee06dc42c11965281bcd9e31861a1762/tumblr_nhcbxsE3JQ1u6iv9no1_1280.png 1808115;1525366722;asciilifeform;ha loox like timis 1808116;1525366736;asciilifeform;( could be anywhere in civilized world, really, but does resemble ) 1808117;1525367010;asciilifeform;( other items in phuctor conveyor : display of info re factor in the per-factor pg ( e.g. http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/factor/5223 ) when something interesting is known about it -- e.g. 'debian collection', 'nsa.mikrotik', 'cisco', etc 1808118;1525367012;asciilifeform;) 1808119;1525367105;asciilifeform;and, the cherry on the cake, will be the box where you put ip (e.g. own) and it probes ssh/ssl/vpn/etc ports and makes key submission that user can bookmark 1808120;1525367161;asciilifeform;and i think this covers all the major 'wishlist'. 1808121;1525367225;mircea_popescu;indeed it does. 1808122;1525368080;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-10-27#1729837 << upon meditation this is actually so. 1808123;1525368080;a111;Logged on 2017-10-27 18:34 asciilifeform: and that they translate well, i suspect, into ru 1808124;1525368096;mircea_popescu;though cultured ru is required as opposed to marketplace ru. 1808125;1525368440;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-03#1807877 << right you are, http://trilema.com/2018/no-such-labs-snsa-march-2018-statement/#selection-75.0-79.0 1808126;1525368440;a111;Logged on 2018-05-03 05:25 ben_vulpes: http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2018-5-2#346680 << other way around, actually. 0.5 for the fuckgoats, 0.4 for the machine 1808127;1525368950;mircea_popescu;let me say btw this invoice stuff is working MARVELOUSLY for writing reports 1808128;1525368952;mircea_popescu;tyvm trinque 1808129;1525369196;mod6;I'll second that. 1808130;1525370733;mircea_popescu;!!rated mocky 1808131;1525370734;deedbot;mircea_popescu rated mocky 1 at 2018/05/01 16:19:07 << kyla glovendangle. no, seriously. 1808132;1525370757;mircea_popescu;!!rate mocky 2 remarkably mentally organized eulora noob. 1808133;1525370760;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/zCLcL/?raw=true 1808134;1525370909;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2018/no-such-labs-snsa-april-2018-statement/ << Trilema - No Such lAbs (S.NSA), April 2018 Statement 1808135;1525370964;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, ^ let me know if accurate. especially re did we spend anything else ? 1808136;1525370997;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: loox entirely correct 1808137;1525371040;asciilifeform;and from this point on i'ma use trinque's spiffy invoicetron in something like real time 1808138;1525371073;mircea_popescu;indeed. side fucking benefit of idle request, now we have mega accounting documentation feature. 1808139;1525371096;mircea_popescu;all because the preexisting republican log mechanism. who the hell could have predicted that when you build correctly, the features self-support and compound. 1808140;1525371174;ben_vulpes;it is a maaarvel 1808141;1525371185;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, can has invoice for http://logs.minigame.biz/2018-05-03.log.html#t18:07:03 plox ty. 1808142;1525371186;lobbesbot;Logged on 2018-05-03 18:07:03: tell you what, i'll buy you shared hosting on pizarro's server for the rest of the year, you get a blog up there and publish the foregoing. how about that ? 1808143;1525371214;ben_vulpes;sure 1808144;1525371215;mircea_popescu;and i hope for your sake that your board is requiring you to provide the heathen-customer-acquisition plan by some sort of deadline before you all sink, yes. 1808145;1525371305;ben_vulpes;not required but it is the next item on my conveyor after the april report 1808146;1525371313;ben_vulpes;it is *the* margin item 1808147;1525371340;ben_vulpes;Mocky: link to an ssh key in #pizarro please 1808148;1525371403;trinque;glad you gentlemen like the bot! 1808149;1525371503;ben_vulpes;!!invoice mircea_popescu 0.00270968 shared hosting for Mocky through dec 2018 1808150;1525371508;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/zuk6f/?raw=true 1808151;1525371532;ben_vulpes;!!v F64C266E934366EB245C8C459F5027E6CCF2A3079AEC7F0017872E9F798846CD 1808152;1525371536;deedbot;Invoiced mircea_popescu 0.00270968 << shared hosting for Mocky through dec 2018 1808153;1525371558;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes, mircea_popescu : apr report will reveal the rough # of heathens needed , among other key facts 1808154;1525371579;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: your report or this is something you want me to calculate 1808155;1525371585;asciilifeform;nono ben_vulpes's 1808156;1525371596;asciilifeform;but yes ideally ben_vulpes calculates 1808157;1525371608;ben_vulpes;and heathens atop rockchips or heathens atop shared hosting 1808158;1525371614;asciilifeform;linear equation. 1808159;1525371621;ben_vulpes;yesyes 1808160;1525371629;asciilifeform;in however-many variables. 1808161;1525371687;ben_vulpes;since we're on the topic, i want to float the notion of hosting-only plans in the $5/mo range; subscribers get an ftp user and files get served from pizarroisp.net/~wothandle/ 1808162;1525371816;mod6;Is $5 enough? Will there be disk limits? 1808163;1525371849;asciilifeform;absolutely gotta specify qty of disk 1808164;1525371877;ben_vulpes;mk, so hard disk caps, this is doable 1808165;1525371878;mod6;i.e. no = yes, yes = anal, etc. 1808166;1525371891;ben_vulpes;bw caps? 1808167;1525371907;mod6;probably should. 1808168;1525371909;asciilifeform;when dealing with heathens, hard caps is a must 1808169;1525371927;asciilifeform;expectations on both sides of the table must be numeric and set well in advance 1808170;1525371934;asciilifeform;otherwise -- tears. 1808171;1525371941;ben_vulpes;still going to make folks get in the wot though, right? 1808172;1525371957;mircea_popescu;Mocky, you can self-voice, say !!up to deedbot in a pm 1808173;1525371961;mod6;I think it would be best, plus, then you can invoice them the republican way. 1808174;1525371990;mod6;douchebag has shown that any rock-head can get in the wot. 1808175;1525371997;ben_vulpes;UY1 is currently an 'l2 only' tool, so definitionally everyone's gotta be at least gotta have a newblood rating 1808176;1525372020;asciilifeform;btw i'd rather learn the answer to this nao than later, so will ask, does mircea_popescu want to give a list of folx other than adlai whose money aint welcome ? or is this list identical to folx he's negrated; or some other formula. 1808177;1525372037;trinque;!!gettrust deedbot adlai 1808178;1525372038;deedbot;L1: 0, L2: -1 by 5 connections. 1808179;1525372041;mircea_popescu;seems folks anyone's negrated neh ? 1808180;1525372050;asciilifeform;worx, imho 1808181;1525372063;ben_vulpes;and negrates terminate accounts? 1808182;1525372063;mod6;anyone? or any TMSR lord? 1808183;1525372079;asciilifeform;( tho seems to me that the sad folx could easily cheat, make new key ) 1808184;1525372087;mircea_popescu;mod6, any lord, was the thinking. though even if it's not a lord, there'd be some splainin' to do. 1808185;1525372098;mod6;Alrighty. 1808186;1525372099;asciilifeform;( if newborn zeros are welcome, but -1 are not ) 1808187;1525372114;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: ddos vector neh 1808188;1525372121;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-19#1802719 1808189;1525372121;a111;Logged on 2018-04-19 01:40 mircea_popescu: then wait three weeks, "discover" he http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-18#1802143 pretended and negrate, and so on. 1808190;1525372136;trinque;the +1 requirement has worked well for voice here, probably holds for "guest of castle pizarro" 1808191;1525372136;asciilifeform;rright, but gotta nail down ahead of time, in writing, 1808192;1525372145;mircea_popescu;trinque, exactly. 1808193;1525372152;asciilifeform;e.g. 'try and sybil your way around the banhammer, be banished with 0refund' 1808194;1525372160;mircea_popescu;though the problem is, here, you have real time. there, not so much. 1808195;1525372164;ben_vulpes;so the cost prevents the ddos 1808196;1525372172;mircea_popescu;which is why "prevailing +" works here but doesn't work there. 1808197;1525372175;trinque;asciilifeform: works entirely within the system, new sybil just never gets his +1, or if did, gets -10 later 1808198;1525372189;trinque;mircea_popescu: ah that's true 1808199;1525372205;mircea_popescu;anyway, i suppose the shit's on me for not having been clear with what seemed obvious and why. 1808200;1525372211;asciilifeform;i suppose if adlai or karpeles or whoever wants to put on a mask and pretend to be a eulora-playing tits chix for years, there's no real damage 1808201;1525372216;asciilifeform;( if the play is convincing ) 1808202;1525372217;mircea_popescu;but logically, would you really want to rent your garage to anyone ANY of your friends think is no good ? 1808203;1525372255;mircea_popescu;you might do it if your mother thinks they're no good -- the garage, the cunt, the everything. but what this says is simply "mom's clueless", ie you negrate HER. 1808204;1525372261;asciilifeform;i dun dispute the principle; but gotta actually lay it out in the l0gz, and in such a way that takes into account the ease of changing faces 1808205;1525372262;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: "bitcoin corrupts"! 1808206;1525372284;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, the idea is that if they can change faces, they should. because what else is education in the end ? 1808207;1525372292;mircea_popescu;left to their own devices all children are little useless monsters. 1808208;1525372295;asciilifeform;right 1808209;1525372304;mircea_popescu;as sorely displayed by us born females in their thirties these days. 1808210;1525372332;mircea_popescu;!!invoices 1808211;1525372347;mircea_popescu;one day i shall learn all these buttons. 1808212;1525372368;mircea_popescu;!!received-invoices 1808213;1525372372;deedbot;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/lN9GG/?raw=true 1808214;1525372457;mircea_popescu;!!pay-invoice ben_vulpes 5 1808215;1525372460;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/lGwn3/?raw=true 1808216;1525372470;mircea_popescu;l-collision!!1 1808217;1525372471;ben_vulpes;nono it's !!pay ben_vulpes 5 1808218;1525372476;asciilifeform;lol 1808219;1525372477;trinque;lol 1808220;1525372478;mircea_popescu;lmao. 1808221;1525372491;mircea_popescu;the bitch of it being i could even afford it. 1808222;1525372513;mircea_popescu;but that's the hope here, eventually invoice numbers climb so high, exceed balance. 1808223;1525372567;mod6;:D 1808224;1525372581;mircea_popescu;anyway, to get back to the original (and not at all irrelevant or minor discussion, either) : the rule could be "anyone who anyone negrated", with the caveat of course that if we ~want~ to host them and you ~don't~ un-negrate them you might get negrated yourself as the proximate solution. 1808225;1525372624;*;asciilifeform suspects that our graph for this is not acyclic atm 1808226;1525372628;mircea_popescu;i can for instance cleanly see the case where guy not-in-l1 has a powerful neg on some rando ; i can also see the case where petty bickering among say irl acquaintances will be reduced to silence under wot pressure. and so on. 1808227;1525372644;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, that's why it's human handled, because no guarantee of aciclicity can be produced. 1808228;1525372649;asciilifeform;aha 1808229;1525372662;mircea_popescu;this is THE reason wot is "not mechanical" as a point of policy, long discussed but a while ago. 1808230;1525372686;mircea_popescu;otherwise, what machines can do, let machines do, of course. 1808231;1525372946;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-03#1808181 << i expect not in the sense of deletion but yes in the sense of access. 1808232;1525372946;a111;Logged on 2018-05-03 18:27 ben_vulpes: and negrates terminate accounts? 1808233;1525372972;ben_vulpes;aha 1808234;1525372991;ben_vulpes;not so direly short on disk so as to be reclaiming aggressively 1808235;1525372992;ben_vulpes;yet 1808236;1525373068;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, so are you satisfied ? 1808237;1525373091;asciilifeform;mostly. still would like explicit statement of what means 'not deletion, but access' 1808238;1525373117;asciilifeform;considering that a box that 'cannot access' but not yet deleted is scarce resource that cannot be sold to new client 1808239;1525373120;mircea_popescu;that if you ask in such a way as works and ben_vulpes feels like it you get your userdig tar'd and rsa'd to your key. 1808240;1525373127;asciilifeform;aa 1808241;1525373132;mircea_popescu;no more. 1808242;1525373136;asciilifeform;fair'nuff. 1808243;1525373139;mod6;Thats exactly what I was thinking. 1808244;1525373140;*;asciilifeform satisfied 1808245;1525373155;mod6;Tar his shit up, encypt to his key. See ya later. 1808246;1525373188;mod6;I 1808247;1525373189;mircea_popescu;the republic of shit that just works, volume mcdlxiv 1808248;1525373195;asciilifeform;also prolly should make explicit, that heathens who colocate iron and terminate (through whatever reason) account, must pay the cost of transporting it back, should they wish to regain it 1808249;1525373201;trinque;ftr this is how I've considered implementing wot controls more tightly for the wallet. bad standing == all you can do is withdraw, and better do it quick. 1808250;1525373206;mod6;think we'll have to ensure that we look at all heathen wots very closely. 1808251;1525373223;asciilifeform;mod6: heathen wots aren't particularly worth the paper they're written on imho 1808252;1525373238;mircea_popescu;trinque, i can see it. another way would be to require everyone to register a bitcoin address, autoflush to that if need be. 1808253;1525373270;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, i dunno that has to be mentioned really. but sure, if you want to. 1808254;1525373290;trinque;mircea_popescu: indeed, even better 1808255;1525373292;asciilifeform;re 'flush addr' -- prolly good practice for if trinque ever must hit the red switch 1808256;1525373306;trinque;make it part of registration 1808257;1525373315;trinque;with a way to change it 1808258;1525373327;mod6;asciilifeform: I'm fine with that, d00d has colo box, gets tossed out, it's on him to reclaim it however. Has 90 days. 1808259;1525373360;mircea_popescu;mod6, not like we don't have a tried and working method of dispute resolution. 1808260;1525373361;ben_vulpes;!!key Mocky 1808261;1525373363;deedbot;http://wot.deedbot.org/D6EC973F1D3C91CC1DD0AD43CF32BD2C54C2F93D.asc 1808262;1525373369;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: rota? 1808263;1525373371;mircea_popescu;some dood wants to bring a claim, this is the place, let him bring the claim what. 1808264;1525373372;mod6;Of course, 90 days, I'm just throwing that in there, but we cant be expected to hold it forever. 1808265;1525373372;*;ben_vulpes wiggles eyebrows 1808266;1525373391;mod6;mircea_popescu: for sure. 1808267;1525373412;mircea_popescu;which is the point -- why waste your time writing up imaginary cases from the future ? let them fucking emerge, solve them, now there's precedent. 1808268;1525373429;mircea_popescu;what, you have no trust we'll come to a fair and equitable solution or what is it. 1808269;1525373443;asciilifeform;heathens do like advance-warning. 1808270;1525373445;mod6;me? 1808271;1525373466;mircea_popescu;mod6, just saying in general ; asciilifeform so who asked them what they like. let them get used to the real deal. 1808272;1525373482;mircea_popescu;i don't ask noob slavegirl aspirants what they like, they'll say kfc or domino or some dumb shit. 1808273;1525373498;mod6;I see. Ok. 1808274;1525373502;mircea_popescu;i force-feed them leberwurst imported from germany and then ball gag them for the rest of the day. 1808275;1525373507;mircea_popescu;PALATIAL EDUCATION. 1808276;1525373519;mod6;heheh. 1808277;1525373611;mircea_popescu;trinque, logically you'd make it part of !!deposit ; "plox register an address". 1808278;1525373615;mod6;Anyway, I have complete confidence in the body herein to solve these issues. Was just throwin it out there. 1808279;1525373625;mircea_popescu;"thisi s fort your own protection etc". i don't think you have to make it mandatory, either. but offer it. 1808280;1525373686;mircea_popescu;if you make it mandatory, it goes to overhead ; complificates some edge cases (such as exactly http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-03#1808174 ). whereas as optionality it's just that, a useful feature. 1808281;1525373686;a111;Logged on 2018-05-03 18:26 mod6: douchebag has shown that any rock-head can get in the wot. 1808282;1525373708;asciilifeform;makes sense 1808283;1525373781;trinque;yep, does. 1808284;1525373965;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in "when's the last time you saw bookshelves as a backdrop", https://78.media.tumblr.com/6d2b15606ff5d700d56a6604cf6649db/tumblr_onbxbw6UmJ1w8ffkko1_400.gif 1808285;1525374071;asciilifeform;lol such angry 1808286;1525374083;asciilifeform;'take THAT!' 1808287;1525374184;mircea_popescu;you know ? 1808288;1525374198;mircea_popescu;gypsy women tend to argue like this 1808289;1525374206;mircea_popescu;(also breastmilk squirts) 1808290;1525374376;asciilifeform;hey, stronger argument than many. 1808291;1525374385;mircea_popescu;true. 1808292;1525374557;diana_coman;ben_vulpes, I want to rent a rockchip *with* fg please - http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-01#1807153 1808293;1525374557;a111;Logged on 2018-05-01 22:34 diana_coman: ben_vulpes, mod6 what's the price for a rockchip *with* fg as per asciilifeform's description above? 1808294;1525374628;ben_vulpes;one sec diana_coman 1808295;1525374694;asciilifeform;speaking of which : ben_vulpes , you should have a qty of usb-ttl cables in your inventory, that came with your FG deal; plz mail a dozen of them to BingoBoingo ( with invoice from shitazon re their cost; even if he gets hit with import tax, should add up to maybe tenbux ) 1808296;1525374714;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: ack 1808297;1525374715;mircea_popescu;they don't have usb-ttl cables in uruguay either ?! 1808298;1525374722;asciilifeform;he at present time does have with what to satisfy diana_coman's order tho 1808299;1525374740;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: confirm that nope, the 1 and only proper comp shop in montevideo, lacks any notion of such a thing 1808300;1525374751;mircea_popescu;no but i mean -- and far be it from me to inject idiocy into your process -- there HAS GOT to be a specialist electronics shop somewhere in there. 1808301;1525374752;asciilifeform;( to be fair they aren't sold in electronics shops in usa either ) 1808302;1525374776;mircea_popescu;the locals are terrifyingly bad at advertising, it is true, but still, when you DO find the magical garage where they do your four tyres in 28 seconds, you found it. 1808303;1525374788;mircea_popescu;you know there's a custom cnc mill here advertising in the street and nowhere else ? 1808304;1525374794;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo put a heroic ( and continuing ) effort into uncovering the location of one, if such exists, so far with 0 result 1808305;1525374804;mircea_popescu;alright. 1808306;1525374806;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: there was cnc mill in buenos aires also 1808307;1525374809;mircea_popescu;ikr ? 1808308;1525374810;asciilifeform;these -- common 1808309;1525374816;asciilifeform;( all sorts of orcish uses ) 1808310;1525374821;asciilifeform;ttl -- less common. 1808311;1525374827;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, the point was --- advertises in street only 1808312;1525374833;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: please send me a copy of the invoice; box in my inventory does not have such 1808313;1525374836;asciilifeform;actually i had a thought, they MIGHT be in a souped-up-autos supplier 1808314;1525374838;mircea_popescu;who the fuck is going down the avenue and suddenly thinks -- hey, i want some on the spot mahcining 1808315;1525374870;mod6;haha 1808316;1525374875;Mocky;mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes got me set up with a web hosting account, thank you 1808317;1525374878;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0153718YQ << subj 1808318;1525374883;douchebag;yes hello, rock-head here. How may I help you? 1808319;1525374897;ben_vulpes;lol oh you mean just fabricate my own, ok 1808320;1525374902;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: aaactually, erry orc with a 'lada' or whatever ancient jalopy for which new parts cannot be had 1808321;1525374907;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: correct 1808322;1525374930;mircea_popescu;Mocky, my very good pleasure. mp-wp (as pressed by hanbot recently) may be useful to you. 1808323;1525374951;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, alrighty, well, was just a stray thought. 1808324;1525374982;asciilifeform;!Q later tell BingoBoingo plox to investigate automotive supply vendors for subj of usb-ttl & similar 1808325;1525374982;lobbesbot;asciilifeform: The operation succeeded. 1808326;1525374999;asciilifeform;( they are used by ECU diddlers, for instance ) 1808327;1525375017;mircea_popescu;poor bb hasn't yet returned the http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-02#1807589 1808328;1525375017;a111;Logged on 2018-05-02 16:48 BingoBoingo: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-02#1807523 << This evening I will run through the last several months reports to check for any outstanding issues 1808329;1525375031;mircea_popescu;dat venezuelo chick's boning him dry! 1808330;1525375041;asciilifeform;lol 1808331;1525375055;mircea_popescu;douchebag, lol. how's the forum dorkage coming along ? 1808332;1525375079;ben_vulpes;diana_coman: $100 us/mo. ($75 if paid quarterly) for the rockchip, 0.00104167 per month for the FG once we have cabling. 1808333;1525375104;ben_vulpes;http://pizarroisp.net/index.php/pizarro-hosting-rate-sheet/ << updooted with FG rental pricing 1808334;1525375112;asciilifeform;incidentally mircea_popescu if you know of suitable shops in buenos aires -- apparently they've cancelled the 'us passport entry fee' nonsense, so BingoBoingo could potentially go on the boat and do a supply run there. 1808335;1525375132;asciilifeform;( how long does it sail, 2 hours each way ? ) 1808336;1525375138;mircea_popescu;about. 1808337;1525375150;mod6;ben_vulpes: please put ole mod6 down for an fg on my rockchip too. 1808338;1525375152;asciilifeform;iirc 2way ticket is ~benjie 1808339;1525375166;ben_vulpes;i would dearly like to see a .arsventure out of herr BingoBoingo 1808340;1525375187;asciilifeform;it was on asciilifeform's list of what-do , for expedition, but unfortunately didn't make it off the conveyor 1808341;1525375201;asciilifeform;( asciilifeform has a weakness for ye olde buenosaires ) 1808342;1525375204;ben_vulpes;mod6: sure, i hear that we don't have with what to hook them up yet tho 1808343;1525375212;douchebag;mircea_popescu: I've been swamped with my job for the past two days, I'll definitely get on that though 1808344;1525375231;douchebag;I should be getting off call with this customer in about an hour or so 1808345;1525375237;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: iirc there are 2 cables in stock. with mircea_popescu's permission i would also authorize the removal of 1 usbttl from the snsa spare machine. 1808346;1525375272;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: heh me too; $girl floated it as a destination again, although i'm more interested in the chilean border area 1808347;1525375291;mircea_popescu;douchebag, would you prefer re-doing framedragger's scan instead ? or first ? 1808348;1525375297;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: ( dun take as a flame necessarily ) but i gotta ask, how come the ttl cables stayed in usa when you went on the expedition ? 1808349;1525375300;asciilifeform;did they not arrive in time ? 1808350;1525375310;mircea_popescu;(basically, attempt to connect to every box routable, write down the ssh pubkey and the ssl pubkey it answers with) 1808351;1525375330;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, sure. they can borrow both until they get theirs down there 1808352;1525375334;asciilifeform;worx 1808353;1525375342;diana_coman;ben_vulpes, ok, I'll take 1 rockchip with FG on a quarterly plan 1808354;1525375343;douchebag;I could do that 1808355;1525375364;mircea_popescu;douchebag, do you understand what this is for / did you see the previous item in the logs ? 1808356;1525375389;ben_vulpes;isn't he still on the hook for a trb dependency report? 1808357;1525375393;douchebag;No I did not, could you link me to the area where this was discussed? 1808358;1525375394;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, indeed he is. 1808359;1525375416;douchebag;^ 1808360;1525375424;mircea_popescu;i'm humoring his add lonely young male style for unknown reasons. 1808361;1525375483;mircea_popescu;douchebag, phuctor is a rsa super-collider, it uses some advanced maths to try and factor rsa keys. so far managed to factor about 2000. it needs to be fed, moduli. which is what you'd be doing, looking for all rsa moduli known to the internet. you understand what rsa is and how it works, what a modulus is, what N is and so on yes ? (if no -- straight to the library with you). 1808362;1525375486;ben_vulpes;so douchebag i set you up with a rockchip, what, thirteen days ago? assuming trinque is going to grace you the period until you had with what you claim you needed to do the promised research (which...mmmk), clock is fuckin tickin 1808363;1525375525;ben_vulpes;keep on with the lonely young male routine nobody's going to know that you've done anything until you show up on day 28 with lord only knows what 1808364;1525375565;mircea_popescu;and framedragger's work, look into http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=from%3AFramedragger+ssh 1808365;1525375748;*;asciilifeform experimentally ordered , from shitazon, a qty of jumper cables for connection of FG to rockchippen, to be mailed to BingoBoingo , claims they will be received by may the 10th 1808366;1525375783;douchebag;yeah my aplogogies, I've just been super busy lately with my job as well as getting a number of things situated in regards to me travelling Europe in about 5 weeks 1808367;1525375806;mircea_popescu;douchebag, dun worry about it. 1808368;1525375819;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, perfect test item huh. curious how this works. 1808369;1525375846;asciilifeform;theoretically 'not even electronic' tho fuckers still collected 1 $ for every 1 $ as 'import deposit' 1808370;1525375847;douchebag;I am quite interested in phuctor, what sort of hardware is it running on? 1808371;1525375854;*;asciilifeform brb,meat 1808372;1525375870;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: i mighta screwed that up; i cannot recall if they came in before or after i flew out. 1808373;1525375876;mircea_popescu;douchebag, some 32 core something, tis in the logs. 1808374;1525375909;mircea_popescu;douchebag, phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/ , if it's not obvious. 1808375;1525375974;douchebag;Interested 1808376;1525375978;trinque;douchebag: I did put a negrate on the scales if I don't get that report. we had a wager after all. 1808377;1525375991;*;trinque is pretty patient, but things such as ^ are mechanical. 1808378;1525376037;mod6;<+ben_vulpes> mod6: sure, i hear that we don't have with what to hook them up yet tho << totally alright, just kinda trying to reseve my fg. 1808379;1525376051;mod6;*reserve (for when cables are available) 1808380;1525376055;trinque;compiling the public information on a handful of packages really oughtn't be insurmountable 1808381;1525376098;ben_vulpes;mod6: jokes, mircea_popescu freed up both cables! 1808382;1525376103;douchebag;Oh yeah I know, I'll be getting to that. I'll start writing the report right after I get of call with this customer 1808383;1525376145;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in highschool shenanigans, https://78.media.tumblr.com/1364ad5f1833d4d75da644887f46674f/tumblr_p0yyb457lL1tjd582o1_400.gif 1808384;1525376277;ben_vulpes;mod6: gonna invoice you for the same term as your rockchip unless you object 1808385;1525376323;mod6;no objections. 1808386;1525376545;ben_vulpes;!!v DA63516A7ADBC08F2A1D5FA918FCE0F8832DA90C6300891246604E30CA994C7A 1808387;1525376548;deedbot;Invoiced mod6 0.01145837 << fg through april 2019 1808388;1525376587;mod6;!!received-invoices 1808389;1525376591;deedbot;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/hRq6K/?raw=true 1808390;1525376603;ben_vulpes;!!v 42875025764AA303156A614D6FA1BCB186457A27CD341C0B7B2A508C707DFE21 1808391;1525376607;deedbot;Invoiced diana_coman 0.02719567 << rockchip and fg through august 4th, 2018 1808392;1525376703;mod6;!!pay-invoice ben_vulpes 4 1808393;1525376707;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/tbG8Q/?raw=true 1808394;1525376908;diana_coman;!!received-invoices 1808395;1525376912;deedbot;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/P8doR/?raw=true 1808396;1525377103;mod6;!!v B9413C420A198E6D54D5B82AA0CB4E065329C98D2E8F5A7239A1F351397B1C19 1808397;1525377106;deedbot;mod6 paid ben_vulpes invoice 4 1808398;1525377124;mod6;!!ledger 1808399;1525377128;deedbot;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/2UlRk/?raw=true 1808400;1525377619;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: plz lemme know when you've mailed the ttl cables 1808401;1525377628;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: roger 1808402;1525377923;diana_coman;!!pay-invoice ben_vulpes 1 1808403;1525377927;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/UQ9V2/?raw=true 1808404;1525377959;diana_coman;!!v 6023D6B5BFEA03FD3048294A89AF6A0AF8F3177DCC6DB1367D5870B421FCC477 1808405;1525377962;deedbot;diana_coman paid ben_vulpes invoice 1 1808406;1525378019;ben_vulpes;thanks diana_coman, i will send you rockchip creds as soon as it's enrngified 1808407;1525378065;asciilifeform;diana_coman: no reason to wait, perhaps she has os tuning to start on etc 1808408;1525378069;asciilifeform;err, ben_vulpes 1808409;1525378107;ben_vulpes;aye aye 1808410;1525378153;diana_coman;ben_vulpes, asciilifeform can use the rockchip straight away and then plug in the fg when ready, yes 1808411;1525378248;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: plz be sure to update BingoBoingo re: occupancy list of rockchippen via gpggram at yer earliest chance 1808412;1525378272;asciilifeform;so that he knows who's getting FG 1808413;1525378300;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: will do 1808414;1525378319;asciilifeform;( this thread prolly belongs in #p, apologies for log hogging to all present ) 1808415;1525378321;ben_vulpes;lobbes: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/hLfTu/?raw=true 1808416;1525378365;ben_vulpes;diana_coman: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/upqEn/?raw=true 1808417;1525378710;diana_coman;ben_vulpes, ack and connected; thanks 1808418;1525378725;ben_vulpes;right on 1808419;1525378736;mircea_popescu;such a pleasure to watch this dough raise. 1808420;1525378752;mod6;Don't be like me, set your system time, first thing, diana_coman. 1808421;1525378766;asciilifeform;and on erry reboot 1808422;1525378772;mod6;^ 1808423;1525378774;asciilifeform;via whichever means 1808424;1525378788;asciilifeform;( dun have to be ntp , i did not even include ntpism ) 1808425;1525378791;diana_coman;ah, noted; thank you mod6, asciilifeform 1808426;1525378801;asciilifeform;box has a clock, but no battery 1808427;1525378813;asciilifeform;so in theory will keep the time even across reboots 1808428;1525378820;asciilifeform;unless someone were to unplug it 1808429;1525378841;asciilifeform;( and all unpluggings by us, are announced ) 1808430;1525378909;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: this makes for, what... 1 currently vacant rockchip remains ? 1808431;1525378917;diana_coman;cool, I'll just set the time and otherwise at reboot I'll check at least, just in case 1808432;1525378995;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: yeah, 5 booked 1808433;1525379030;asciilifeform;notbad.jpg, for pilot plant, supposing that we can keep these subscribers happy and returning 1808434;1525379047;asciilifeform;covers, what, almost a fifth of the rack rent 1808435;1525379059;asciilifeform;if all 6 were going 1808436;1525379139;ben_vulpes;getting there 1808437;1525379345;lobbes;ben_vulpes: ack and connected as well 1808438;1525379371;ben_vulpes;rockin 1808439;1525380653;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/EB6D3EB890B1A6737554D241FBB09A53316A175EBCC2C5E4C7D00192CDD841EA << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 8888...4329 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown MX CHH) 1808440;1525380958;asciilifeform;ok that's pretty odd, longest db delay ever seen by asciilifeform 1808441;1525380981;asciilifeform;( werker stopped this morning ) 1808442;1525381029;asciilifeform;hm, nm, dupe mod 1808443;1525385519;asciilifeform;( to clarify ftr : a 'dupe mod' ( listed under /dupes ) is a mod that occurs in two or more distinct (hashwise, rather than fpwise, tho distinct fp is also possible on account of variant exponent under constant mod) pgp keyz. 1808444;1525385554;asciilifeform;when dupe mod is met with for a mod which has been previously phuctored, this registers as a 'broken key' event -- despite not being a 'new broken mod' event. this is correct operation. ) 1808445;1525387611;asciilifeform;unrelated to anything specific , has mircea_popescu or other folx contemplated a tmsr www search machine ? because, potentially now there is a place for it to live 1808446;1525387666;asciilifeform;( a google-like 'index every flea on every mouse in every sewer' would be both infeasible and pointless; i was picturing something moar refined, e.g. 'N levels from roots provided by L2' ) 1808447;1525387689;asciilifeform;where N is determined by available disk 1808448;1525388065;asciilifeform;( and yes i realize that the scheme contains an unsolved boojum, the obvious q of how to make it pay for itself ) 1808449;1525388681;trinque;asciilifeform: lobbes has his archival effort underway. iirc mircea_popescu had a thread with him on exactly this 1808450;1525388715;asciilifeform;iirc that was only for material linked from log? 1808451;1525388731;asciilifeform;( possibly i missed a moar general item ) 1808452;1525388794;asciilifeform;... then again log is ~exact proxy for the above 'roots provided by L2'... 1808453;1525388803;trinque;aha, that was the idea iirc 1808454;1525388855;*;asciilifeform has been racking brain to think of 'how to make pizarro hot in heathendom', so far no earthshaking breakthrough 1808455;1525388874;trinque;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-22#1773816 << as far as paysforitself, folks can subscribe. I'd pay. 1808456;1525388874;a111;Logged on 2018-01-22 04:54 mircea_popescu: lobbes implement a (paid) full text search, you'll be ahead of archive.is, amazon's webarchive and EVERYONE else. 1808457;1525388891;asciilifeform;trinque: really, you'd use a search box where you gotta log in, keep cookies, etc ? 1808458;1525389024;trinque;if it worked as described, and www were sorted via personhood and not pantsuit fake ad revenue, in a heartbeat I'd pay. 1808459;1525389045;asciilifeform;trinque: q isn't re the pay, but the friction of 'loginism'-www 1808460;1525389058;trinque;I'll leave the "how" of auth aside for now, and just point out that I tolerate the same "loginism" here, to great benefit 1808461;1525389081;trinque;author could just as well publish a commandline util from which I query the archive, and it barfs up links I use in the browser 1808462;1525389103;trinque;or ircbot which responds to queries in pm 1808463;1525389274;asciilifeform;right, theoretically solvable 1808464;1525389462;ben_vulpes;mp solved this in trilema aeons ago; pay some bitcents get a cookie 1808465;1525389491;ben_vulpes;and yes i have thought about this and yes i want it quite badly 1808466;1525389522;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: can i persuade you to put some of these thoughts on record ? ( either here, or write article..? ) 1808467;1525389550;ben_vulpes;sure 1808468;1525389589;ben_vulpes;not immediately, but yes. 1808469;1525389620;asciilifeform;and perhaps also re other things that ben_vulpes, trinque , wants-badly, and would-buy, that could live in pizarro... 1808470;1525389629;asciilifeform;( or for that matter, other folx. ) 1808471;1525390903;*;lobbes will read and digest all thoughts re: "how to best go about tr00 republican archive" 1808472;1525390952;lobbes;I know ASTifying will be a goal. Full text search of contents idem 1808473;1525391035;lobbes;But yeah, as it stands now all I got is 50gb of downloaded-from-archive.is sitting on a ssd and a search of the url strings only 1808474;1525392545;mod6;Evenin' 1808475;1525396684;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-03#1808449 << indeed. not done yet because the operator still in training and besides dayjob. but will get there. 1808476;1525396684;a111;Logged on 2018-05-03 23:04 trinque: asciilifeform: lobbes has his archival effort underway. iirc mircea_popescu had a thread with him on exactly this 1808477;1525396745;mircea_popescu;"full" text search is a misnomer, even. there's ways to construct conceptual search that anyone who's spent any time with dyslexic children intimately understands. words occur together in their own wot. 1808478;1525396867;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-03#1808454 << conceivably http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-01#1807130 piece of that puzzle. 1808479;1525396867;a111;Logged on 2018-05-03 23:07 asciilifeform has been racking brain to think of 'how to make pizarro hot in heathendom', so far no earthshaking breakthrough 1808480;1525396867;a111;Logged on 2018-05-01 21:44 mircea_popescu: it occurs to me that ~for the first time~ in the history of computing, we have hardware capable of on the fly rsa-ing. 1808481;1525396898;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-03#1808457 << evidently it'd work as !Qsearch. what use is there for a web-based irc service anyway ? 1808482;1525396898;a111;Logged on 2018-05-03 23:08 asciilifeform: trinque: really, you'd use a search box where you gotta log in, keep cookies, etc ? 1808483;1525397203;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-03#1808465 << there's absolutely nothing to it, you want the code ? 1808484;1525397203;a111;Logged on 2018-05-03 23:18 ben_vulpes: and yes i have thought about this and yes i want it quite badly 1808485;1525397257;ben_vulpes;the search, not the php 1808486;1525397508;mircea_popescu;ah ah. yeah. 1808487;1525398370;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-04#1808478 << if mircea_popescu has moarthoughts re subj, i'd muchly like to hear 1808488;1525398370;a111;Logged on 2018-05-04 01:21 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-03#1808454 << conceivably http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-01#1807130 piece of that puzzle. 1808489;1525398450;asciilifeform;( the main trouble with heathens, is that they can't tell troo-rsa from figernail dirt; e.gl FG is just 'weird expensive version of intel rdrand' to them ) 1808490;1525398458;asciilifeform;*e.g 1808491;1525398601;asciilifeform;here's a sample of convos b/w asciilifeform and heathens ( whom he knows irl, over yrs ) : 'why didja put it in UY, bw costs 4x moar than in usa and cia will still steal yer iron eventually' ; 'i have to do what!? to get server in the rack?!' etc 1808492;1525398894;ben_vulpes;sound just like mine! 1808493;1525398898;asciilifeform;tough audience 1808494;1525398936;*;trinque tried to find the "and anyway" mechanism as discussed in logs, found naught 1808495;1525398946;trinque;or was it a trilema 1808496;1525398962;asciilifeform;trinque: in re searchtron ? 1808497;1525399059;trinque;the crabs-in-bucket mechanism that says "why do anything against the empire, satan will X anyway" 1808498;1525399065;asciilifeform;aaa 1808499;1525399107;asciilifeform;trinque: it was in mircea_popescu 's 'the anal child' 1808500;1525399118;asciilifeform;copilul anal iirc 1808501;1525399137;trinque;that was it 1808502;1525399157;asciilifeform;( seminal piece, imho ) 1808503;1525399470;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, so sell it as veblen. 1808504;1525399495;asciilifeform;hasn't made FG a heathen bestseller of yet 1808505;1525399496;mircea_popescu;we're kinda only interested in the sort of heathen that's interested in veblen goods anyway. the collectivist-equalitarianist among them isn't worth anyone's time. 1808506;1525399514;asciilifeform;definitionally only folx with money are of interest, yes 1808507;1525399526;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, rather the opposite problem : a stubborn refusal to properly sell fg has beheaded a few folk. 1808508;1525399529;asciilifeform;( vs 1bedroom neets, say ) 1808509;1525399598;asciilifeform;so far danielpbarron is the champ 1808510;1525399619;asciilifeform;perhaps he might be interested in selling pizarrola on commission..? 1808511;1525399622;mircea_popescu;to sell it has to be sold. no use trying anything else. to have clean sheets you must do a load, and to have sold items you must sell them. 1808512;1525399854;mircea_popescu;anyway, the logic in 'why didja put it in UY, bw costs 4x moar than in usa and cia will still steal yer iron eventually' is pretty amusing. "doesn't it stand to your reasoning that 'cia will steal eventually' is 16x as expensive for the same reason bw costs 4x as much ? if not, why not ?" 1808513;1525399864;mircea_popescu;nothing easier than to expose the magic in magic thinking. 1808514;1525399944;*;mircea_popescu lulz at the poor misfortunate cia strike team, belabouring in montevideo under the usual threat of "you never fucking know where that nut put a sleeper to shoot you in the face" and then stuck paying dollar-for-dollar import duty on all their spurious gear that doesn't even work AND THEN having to find a fucking spoke lost in transit locally and taking three weeks to still not do it. 1808515;1525399995;mircea_popescu;the sort of guy who thinks like this also imagines the only reason he's not running an uruguay dc is because he didn't feel like trying, not because he doesn't have the juice in him to do it if he had a thousand years and the fed's own paper account at his disposal. 1808516;1525400120;asciilifeform;eh pretty sure that cia deathrays go in untaxed diplomatic bag, not konsoomet customs, lol 1808517;1525400131;mircea_popescu;you think ? 1808518;1525400228;mircea_popescu;why, so i can spot the http://btcbase.org/log/2015-04-06#1089712 from google's own satelitte view ? 1808519;1525400228;a111;Logged on 2015-04-06 03:03 mircea_popescu: pete_dushenski old joke, americans ask russians how do they keep discovering their secret agents. "you could try not sending black people..." 1808520;1525400330;asciilifeform;from the fate of dulap-I and -II i can dare to hypothesize that they use moar cheapo local orcs who dream of miami, than 'strike team' with proverbial stainless steel staples in passport . but beyond this, nfi 1808521;1525400390;mircea_popescu;yes ; but we peeled off that layer. 1808522;1525400399;asciilifeform;( hopefully unrelatedly... ) been 24h+ iirc since BingoBoingo spoke. anybody hear from him ? 1808523;1525400408;mircea_popescu;nope. i was just thinking about this. 1808524;1525400450;asciilifeform;!#seen BingoBoingo 1808525;1525400450;a111;2018-05-03 http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-03#1807986 << It's Roger Ver's altcoin scam that happens to own the domain name bitcoin.com 1808526;1525400464;mircea_popescu;did you folk get him a phone or anything btw ? 1808527;1525400476;asciilifeform;iirc ben_vulpes has his pnoje# 1808528;1525400498;asciilifeform;( at one point i even spoke a word into it ) 1808529;1525400586;ben_vulpes;i'll poke him 1808530;1525400589;ben_vulpes;have 1808531;1525400873;asciilifeform;loox like he was alive this morn tho. 1808532;1525401046;mircea_popescu;well, good thing you gave him a raise, just as this thing became one helluva anklet. 1808533;1525401059;mircea_popescu;gotta report erry day or else pulses raise. 1808534;1525401237;*;asciilifeform did , properly in log, ask the board to discuss raise for BingoBoingo , http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-02#1807279 1808535;1525401237;a111;Logged on 2018-05-02 01:22 asciilifeform: ben_vulpes, mod6 , plox to put the matter ^ before board. 1808536;1525401303;asciilifeform;esp considering that i found that the diff b/w what he pays for 'cowork' desk + the flea bed is within 10 percent of what an actual locking-door pad , on low end, goes for in those lands 1808537;1525401322;douchebag;trinque: 1808538;1525401328;douchebag;for these dependencie 1808539;1525401330;douchebag;for these dependencies* 1808540;1525401339;mircea_popescu;yeah prolly about time he gets himself a bachelor pad. gotta be able to entertain the local cunt in style. 1808541;1525401340;douchebag;are there any particular versions 1808542;1525401381;asciilifeform;douchebag: pleeez consider at least attempting to read the trb materials at therealbitcoin.org ? 1808543;1525401399;asciilifeform;( i gotta wonder what he read instead.. ) 1808544;1525401408;douchebag;gcc [version 4.x] 1808545;1525401410;douchebag; 1808546;1525401412;douchebag;g++ [version 4.x] 1808547;1525401414;douchebag; 1808548;1525401416;douchebag;gpg [GnuPG version 1.4.x, 1.4.10 preferred] 1808549;1525401418;douchebag;I'm referring to 1808550;1525401426;douchebag;perl, curl, diff, ect.. 1808551;1525401502;ben_vulpes;ah shit i didn't even think about apartment as bunk + cowork replacement augh i'm so dumb 1808552;1525401506;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, afaik there isn't anywhere a complete list of specified versioning for trb, nor ever was. 1808553;1525401529;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, the reason it was done this way originally was not a price consideration but forced societal insertion. 1808554;1525401535;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: not only list, but full set of signed tarballs, on trb.org 1808555;1525401540;mircea_popescu;now that he's inserted enough to date locally, he can have privacy. 1808556;1525401566;ben_vulpes;i can't believe we're entertaining the notion of depriving the poor chinches 1808557;1525401571;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: he did get useful intel from the flea barrack, e.g. the language chix 1808558;1525401581;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, srsly, like for eulora ? apparently i missed some steps here. 1808559;1525401593;asciilifeform;but nowadays mainly gets interrupted sleep, i think 1808560;1525401630;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: mod6 long ago nailed'em down, most thoroughly, amply discussed in log 1808561;1525401634;asciilifeform;lessee: 1808562;1525401654;trinque;there's a manifest in the deps dir 1808563;1525401660;asciilifeform;http://thebitcoin.foundation/trb-howto.html 1808564;1525401669;asciilifeform;under sect. 'offline build' 1808565;1525401670;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, nah. looky : "You also will need the following packages / binaries / tools on your system:bc" rather than "bc bc 1.06.95" 1808566;1525401717;asciilifeform;aa but to nail down tooling that ~doesnt get compiled in~ ? 1808567;1525401725;mircea_popescu;the correct way would be to have a list of enumerated known-goods ; though this is understandably not done as it is -- because expensive. and satoshi didn't do it because he didn't even have any conception of dependency versioning. 1808568;1525401740;asciilifeform;this was never done because it is only possible to make it happen if cuntoo exists. 1808569;1525401745;mircea_popescu;exactly. 1808570;1525401758;douchebag; 1808571;1525401760;douchebag; oohooh ' 1808572;1525401762;douchebag;ooh okay 1808573;1525401767;mircea_popescu;lmao what the fuck was that. 1808574;1525401771;asciilifeform;or hm waitasec 1808575;1525401777;douchebag;idk why that happened 1808576;1525401782;douchebag;apologizes for my retardation 1808577;1525401784;douchebag;:/ 1808578;1525401786;asciilifeform;in fact it was done. binutils tarball, mircea_popescu 1808579;1525401806;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, yes, but it's just a sample of what works, not a mapping of what works. 1808580;1525401808;asciilifeform;buildroot builds on whatever you got, but builds ~standard~ binutils from mod6 1808581;1525401822;asciilifeform;~then~ builds trb. 1808582;1525401832;asciilifeform;( and only after it built gcc ) 1808583;1525401846;trinque;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/xHwCM/?raw=true << deps manifest 1808584;1525401857;asciilifeform;i introduced this for pogo, mod6 et al generalized to pc. 1808585;1525401884;mircea_popescu;yep. and far be it from me to disparage it in any way. 1808586;1525401906;mircea_popescu;but it must be said that the q is not entirely spurious (even though he didn't actually read, evidently enough). 1808587;1525401953;trinque;douchebag: if you had actually pressed trb this question would've been answered 1808588;1525401983;trinque;it is true that the thing spiders out to "you must have satan-fabbed silicon" but I meant only the deps that had been hard-specified. 1808589;1525401991;asciilifeform;d00d seems intent on doing absolute minimum of work. as if we were his cubicle hell dwellers. 1808590;1525402051;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, it's a powerful approach. 1808591;1525402057;asciilifeform;douchebag: what actually interests you in a project ? 1808592;1525402068;mircea_popescu;it fails to make anything, of course, but gosh gollty does it break things! 1808593;1525402091;asciilifeform;douchebag: and what, if anything, do you find interestingg here? realize, nobody's keepingya from leaving 1808594;1525402156;mircea_popescu;o.O 1808595;1525402171;mircea_popescu;i don't get you. 1808596;1525402189;*;asciilifeform thinks back to looong list of folx who enjoyed #t, and previosuly #b, right up to the point where they were told that actually contributing, was expected 1808597;1525402219;mircea_popescu;wasn't he born this year ? 1808598;1525402233;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i'd like to get a sense of what gets douchebag's pulse going, is all. cuz trb evidently doesnt 1808599;1525402262;asciilifeform;recall how kuklachev trained housecats for circus. 1808600;1525402265;mircea_popescu;eh get out, he's young and he has no fucking idea what anything is or how anything works. it's so fucking oversoon to ask such questions... 1808601;1525402278;asciilifeform;'find the trick the cat was made for, he'll do it' 1808602;1525402301;mircea_popescu;you're here asking six year old girls whether they enjoy vaginal or clitoridal orgasms. 1808603;1525402308;asciilifeform;possibly. 1808604;1525402310;mircea_popescu;the organ must first mature. 1808605;1525402317;asciilifeform;time, i suppose, will tell. 1808606;1525402355;trinque;I can't argue perl or misc other isn't a dep, god knows what all is in there. 1808607;1525402371;trinque;but yes, point of me asking him for this was to get him to press a trb and investigate 1808608;1525402400;asciilifeform;fwiw i was exactly like him at 15 or how old he was. 1808609;1525402405;mircea_popescu;yes, but what's the rush ; and perhaps more interestingly why such an overactive immune response. there's ~no benefit to repelling youth. moreover, it can not even be said that his work to date sums to zero -- it sums to a positive quantity. 1808610;1525402436;*;trinque has no rush, only raised a consequence for doing other than what he said 1808611;1525402441;mircea_popescu;and in the instant case, as in the lengthy history of previous instances that drove inflammatory reaction in response, he does actulaly have a point. not only does he have a point, but if poorly communicated ALSO poorly understood in group terms. 1808612;1525402475;ben_vulpes;BingoBoingo: is alive btw 1808613;1525402479;mircea_popescu;cool. 1808614;1525402482;asciilifeform;gotta be cured of 'how do square roots serve me' tho. eventually. 1808615;1525402492;asciilifeform;oh neato 1808616;1525402511;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, think : you broadsided ME with it too. unlike him i am rather large mass, but the point is fucking there -- we don't actually even know the full dependency tree with any specified precision. 1808617;1525402545;mircea_popescu;unpleasant as this truth is, and readily obscured by republican optics as it may find itself amenable to, it's still fucking there. 1808618;1525402553;ben_vulpes;it's a great honking core sample of modern compute shitstack 1808619;1525402568;mircea_popescu;not to say that we didn't do heroic fucking work to fix it. but fixed -- it is not yet. ahead of anyone else as we may be. 1808620;1525402568;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: worse, nobody alive KNOWS(tm) cpp 1808621;1525402575;mircea_popescu;quite so. 1808622;1525402576;asciilifeform;corner cases etc 1808623;1525402599;mircea_popescu;now why don't you, like me, see the great promise of fundamental thinking in his approach ? 1808624;1525402617;mircea_popescu;kids asking insufferable fucking questions are the prime engine of any thinking republic. 1808625;1525402632;asciilifeform;all quality demolition work , incl asciilifeform 's to date, is directed laziness. 1808626;1525402633;mircea_popescu;the empire -- calls it trolling. 1808627;1525402642;asciilifeform;key tho is ~directed~ 1808628;1525402653;trinque;he came and asked for direction 1808629;1525402660;mircea_popescu;yes well. one year -- one thing. this year -- the spreading. next year -- the eating. 1808630;1525402662;trinque;which is even better than ought to be expected 1808631;1525402675;asciilifeform;right, i did not say 'expel this child forhwith from ze kindergarten' 1808632;1525402700;asciilifeform;but occasionally am curious 'for which trick was this cat, made...' 1808633;1525402724;asciilifeform;i suspect that mircea_popescu , is right. 1808634;1525402742;mircea_popescu;well so far ... this is the third time at least he created three page + flamewar with innocent question. seems a talent alright. 1808635;1525402771;douchebag;Well, the projects I like working generally involve web application exploitation 1808636;1525402815;douchebag;Also, I would like to create a security firm someday primarily focused on Red Team + Blue Team stuff 1808637;1525402827;mircea_popescu;you'll have to tell me what this team stuff is ? 1808638;1525402835;douchebag;Red Team = Offensive 1808639;1525402841;douchebag;Blue Team = Defensive 1808640;1525402848;mircea_popescu;do they get helmets too ? 1808641;1525402879;douchebag;Well, I have seen red team penetration testers use a helmet when conducting a physical penetration test 1808642;1525402892;mircea_popescu;ahahaha 1808643;1525402894;douchebag;when they were sneaking over a fence to break into a building 1808644;1525402917;mircea_popescu;ok, the point here is : that the difference you propose is not borne by reality, but by the need of middle managers to mentally represent an ideal space fundamentally inadherent to the mental processes of middle managers. 1808645;1525402929;trinque;imma have to get a red helmet, "baby it's time for your penetration test" 1808646;1525402940;mircea_popescu;trinque goes on which head ? 1808647;1525402941;douchebag;trinque: I always like to tell them women 1808648;1525402957;trinque;she gets blue, right? 1808649;1525402959;douchebag;Hey bitch, how about you let me hit your backdoor with my 0day and let my heap spray all up in ur buffer till it overflows 1808650;1525402975;*;mircea_popescu falls over. 1808651;1525402981;mircea_popescu;he probably does that, literally. 1808652;1525402993;douchebag;haha 1808653;1525402995;*;trinque doesn't doubt 1808654;1525403004;douchebag;I actually did tell a girl that once 1808655;1525403018;mircea_popescu;i cunt even. 1808656;1525403025;douchebag;in my defense, she worked in infosec field 1808657;1525403031;douchebag;so she got the joke 1808658;1525403033;mircea_popescu;you mean in your blue team. 1808659;1525403056;douchebag;Anyway thoguh 1808660;1525403079;douchebag;My current place of employment primarily does blue team work 1808661;1525403119;douchebag;Setting up security software for enterprise customers, the main software we use is an intercepting proxy that analyzes and blocks malicious traffic 1808662;1525403135;mircea_popescu;im sure it works splendidly. 1808663;1525403145;douchebag;We also push out self-signed or subordinate SSL certs to also intercept ssl traffic 1808664;1525403168;douchebag;It works alright, however in terms of actual security - it is lacking somewhat 1808665;1525403173;mircea_popescu;douchebag, incidentally, do any of your customers use/need any encryption ? 1808666;1525403175;ben_vulpes;ahahahaha 1808667;1525403190;douchebag;For instance I see some customers running Windows Server 2003 1808668;1525403201;douchebag;and I'm not allowed to tell them they need to upgrade that 1808669;1525403206;trinque;so the working alright is keeping you boys employed, eh? 1808670;1525403208;douchebag;because "the customer is always right" bullshit 1808671;1525403222;douchebag;And for each customer I work with 1808672;1525403236;douchebag;Their company pays roughly $30k per install I walk them through 1808673;1525403267;douchebag;In my opinion, I could run a much much better security firm 1808674;1525403273;douchebag;By doing the following 1808675;1525403291;ben_vulpes;douchebag: what *would* you upgrade a windows whatever whenever user to? 1808676;1525403304;douchebag;Windows Server 2016 1808677;1525403313;trinque;that one comes with better helmets 1808678;1525403316;ben_vulpes;tee hee hee 1808679;1525403317;douchebag;Oh yeah 1808680;1525403324;douchebag;I hate Windows Server 1808681;1525403326;douchebag;but 1808682;1525403333;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, get a load of that : he basically did MORE work he does at work for 30k a pop (ie, talk a bunch of retarded crack whores / women in tech) through kleopatra, except he did it for free. we're on the receiving end of 30k x 50 crackwhores or w/e it was. he gifted us a million and a half. what now. 1808683;1525403349;douchebag;At least Windows Server 2016 will not be pwned by eternalblue or ms06_67 1808684;1525403461;douchebag;But anyway, I think by first sending in a red team to identify vulnerabilities on the web/network/physical level and then sending their report to a blue team to resolve those issues 1808685;1525403478;douchebag;as well as install software for monitoring and logging 1808686;1525403487;douchebag;and blocking malicious traffic 1808687;1525403518;douchebag;I think it would be a very successful company, assuming I have employees who are qualified 1808688;1525403535;douchebag;Easily $50k+ per customer 1808689;1525403555;douchebag;For relatively little investment 1808690;1525403565;mircea_popescu;douchebag, so what's keeping you ? 1808691;1525403597;douchebag;I don't have the funds to pay employees who are qualified 1808692;1525403631;mircea_popescu;tell you what : do trinque's thing ; then do the ssh/ssl thing ; then we can talk about you running this thing exactly like pizarro is run, why the hell not. 1808693;1525403646;mircea_popescu;use the time to get potential hires you may be interested in into the wot and there you go. 1808694;1525403679;douchebag;mircea_popescu: If you would be willing to do that, I think we could get something very successful running. 1808695;1525403734;mircea_popescu;i can't imagine why i wouldn't be. kinda why the whole platform exists in the first place, to allow such outgrowth. 1808696;1525403756;douchebag;Also 1808697;1525403771;douchebag;I have a team of extremely skilled individuals for the red team aspect 1808698;1525403784;douchebag;for the blue team, that would be rather easy to find qualified employees 1808699;1525403827;douchebag;because the red team is the group of individuals who need to actually be skilled 1808700;1525403844;douchebag;blue team is just a matter of solving issues that have already been identified and knowing how to install security software 1808701;1525403854;mircea_popescu;this is altogether dubious, but, as they say time will tell. 1808702;1525403860;mircea_popescu;so was ckang one of these ppls or ? 1808703;1525403884;douchebag;He's not a part of that group 1808704;1525403886;douchebag;however 1808705;1525403910;mircea_popescu;you know, you can write your whole thought in a single line, we do actually read long lines. no reason to break up your stuff. 1808706;1525403954;douchebag;Sorry about that, anyway though - ckang definitely is skilled and would be a good team member if he was interested in that sort thing 1808707;1525404318;mircea_popescu;so there, you have a pretty great plan for yourself out of this convo. keep doing dayjob to keep food on table. meanwhile a) deliver for trinque, deliver the rsa pubkey crawl and b) talk to potential employees, get them in the wot. then as all this matures you can pivot into your desired research firm securely and from a position of unmatrched strength. 1808708;1525404364;douchebag;Sounds good! 1808709;1525404658;*;asciilifeform at one time tried to get ( old meat colleague ) b00lcrap, to try this, but i think he drinks nao 1808710;1525404702;asciilifeform;or possibly just has too many children. but in any even inoperative, sadly. 1808711;1525404727;asciilifeform;( d00d was, possibly still is, extremely gifted 0day trufflefinder ) 1808712;1525404741;asciilifeform;*event 1808713;1525404816;asciilifeform;and, bonus, 100% unsullied by school 1808714;1525404848;asciilifeform;( learned his craft at night, drove trucks by day ) 1808715;1525404939;douchebag;asciilifeform: Was he primarily into reverse engineering and binary exploitation? 1808716;1525404946;asciilifeform;attn folx : phuctor reignition will have to wait till tomorrow 1808717;1525404956;asciilifeform;douchebag: strictly that 1808718;1525404969;asciilifeform;douchebag: 0 webism 1808719;1525404975;douchebag;Nice, one of the people in my team is extremely skilled with that 1808720;1525405000;asciilifeform;douchebag: we were oar-mates on a slavegalley, long ago. 1808721;1525405085;asciilifeform;very sharp kid, he was. but i think nao he works as a meat firewall somewhere. just to pay for food. 1808722;1525405092;douchebag;He's also great with hardware hacking. He showed us a proof of concept for hacking a bently. He managed to build a device that. 1.) Unlocked the vehicle 2.) Disable the immobilizer 3.) Use keyless ignition to start the vehicle and drive off 1808723;1525405134;asciilifeform;douchebag: on 100% of current make veblenwagens this is sop feature, from factory. 1808724;1525405147;asciilifeform;so not so surprising. 1808725;1525405160;asciilifeform;just gotta find the magic coad that fires it. 1808726;1525405305;*;mod6 is just catching up here... 1808727;1525405318;asciilifeform;ohai mod6 1808728;1525405363;mod6;Ok, so what is wanted here as a 'mapping' is instead of just saying, for example 'bc', say 'bc ' ? 1808729;1525405433;mod6;<+mircea_popescu> asciilifeform, nah. looky : "You also will need the following packages / binaries / tools on your system:bc" rather than "bc bc 1.06.95" << like this right? 1808730;1525405539;mod6;Anyway, if this is what is requested, I can work on digging up the versions that I've been successful using. 1808731;1525405559;mod6;I apologize if this somehow caused confusion to people. 1808732;1525405637;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, ya, whatever happened to him. 1808733;1525405707;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: as i understand, he's at the bottom of a very deep dayjob well. 1808734;1525405747;mircea_popescu;well, if/when the douchebag show gets on the way, maybe you shoot him a line see if he wants to emerge. 1808735;1525405772;asciilifeform;not only, i'd happily 'emerge' myself , then 1808736;1525405786;mircea_popescu;ikr ? kid has nfi what keg of powder he's sitting on. 1808737;1525405801;*;mircea_popescu personally finds the situation quite quaintly endearing. 1808738;1525405948;asciilifeform;hey if the mythical hero who knows how to turn this type of lensgrinding into actual (i.e. not usg/sv) moolah, were to appear... 1808739;1525405997;asciilifeform;would have whole army of fine craftsmen to stand with him. 1808740;1525406017;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, consider though -- we actually have unmatched synergy here too. if you turn usg moolah here and then lose it to pay for eg pizarro rack, you got an engine! 1808741;1525406021;mircea_popescu;see what i mean ? 1808742;1525406041;asciilifeform;we sorta already have this engine 1808743;1525406046;mircea_popescu;indeed. 1808744;1525406050;mod6;mircea_popescu: Further, what shall I do about ones like gcc 4.x, and g++ 4.x ? 1808745;1525406068;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/1B562B80FC2963227C144AECFB664B80A61E9A26329AF25D93DF3E50A57E654B << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1683...6647 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown DE) 1808746;1525406068;asciilifeform;it is quite painful to be the piston in, tho, i must report 1808747;1525406078;asciilifeform;lol another dup 1808748;1525406078;mircea_popescu;mod6, i know, right ? anything, don't get me wrong, i don't think you have to do anything about it. or anyone else. it's a problem we can't yet well aproach, let it lie. 1808749;1525406083;mod6;As I've found that a variety in this vein will actually work - should I list them all, or all that I've found working? 1808750;1525406094;asciilifeform;( eater is running but werker, not ) 1808751;1525406120;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, what's the piston in this extension of the metaphore ? 1808752;1525406120;asciilifeform;also a 32cpu/1mil shots/key fermatron is running 1808753;1525406120;mod6;Well, I'd rather be explicit rather than implicit. n00bs are gonna n00b. 1808754;1525406127;trinque;mod6: once there's v-portage the deps will be all there and selected, and there will be no need for the entire buildroot process 1808755;1525406145;mod6;trinque: very true, but between now and when that bridge is built... 1808756;1525406147;mircea_popescu;mod6, yes, but it's waited because of developments other places. let it be for now. 1808757;1525406149;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: doing lame wurk in the saeculum, in usa, to run engine 1808758;1525406172;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, ah. well, so maybe his thing takes off, why not. basically the proposition as it stands is adding more piston. what can it hurt. 1808759;1525406176;mod6;Alright Gentlemen, but I'm ready to make those simple changes if requsted, just say when. 1808760;1525406176;trinque;mod6: sure, and won't stand in your way if you want to start selecting 1808761;1525406231;mod6;fair enough, will need to have all these specified for that. 1808762;1525406232;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: lolk. but if dreaming of messianic heroes, may as well picture the kind that gets me out of this zoo 1808763;1525406233;trinque;all I'm looking for from douchebag currently is a review of what ends up in the trb binary as a dep 1808764;1525406297;mircea_popescu;i thought the plan was http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-24#1805118 1808765;1525406297;a111;Logged on 2018-04-24 15:20 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, incidentally, do you see it as a mid term you use pizarro as your springboard to move in uy, releasing BingoBoingo into my hand for further adventures ? 1808766;1525406325;asciilifeform;theoretically. but this is yet very far. 1808767;1525406340;mircea_popescu;everything is very far six months before it's done. 1808768;1525406350;mod6;when you say 'zoo', for some reason i picutre shitting rhinos 1808769;1525406352;mod6;lol 1808770;1525406365;asciilifeform;mod6: not far from it! 1808771;1525406369;mircea_popescu;mod6, you know that there's a job where you have to handle rhino penis into rhino vagina at zoo ? 1808772;1525406376;asciilifeform;surely 1808773;1525406386;mod6;nice. bet it pays well. 1808774;1525406399;mircea_popescu;https://i.ytimg.com/vi/FsEaLvAkWgU/maxresdefault.jpg for clarity. 1808775;1525406405;asciilifeform;tame/captive critters seem to have problem fi guring it out on theirown 1808776;1525406424;mod6;holy christ 1808777;1525406430;mod6;now that's a tallywapper. 1808778;1525406464;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, neets be neets neh. 1808779;1525406482;asciilifeform;lol 1808780;1525406509;mod6;fucker looks like he'd step on it if he wasn't careful! 1808781;1525406574;mircea_popescu;also looks like it could quite enjoy a walk in the grass. 1808782;1525406650;trinque;yeah, if either of those back legs gets tired, he can just swap it out 1808783;1525406876;mod6;heheh, in other pooping education news... http://archive.is/WOyPn 1808784;1525407008;mircea_popescu;india prevails. 1808785;1525407514;mod6;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-05#1793291 << maybe he was trying to spare the poor people of alabama from his state sending them his shit. 1808786;1525407514;a111;Logged on 2018-04-05 19:26 mod6: in other lulz: http://archive.is/vU667 1808787;1525407663;mod6;gets weirder every day it seems 1808788;1525407821;trinque;http://media.nj.com/monmouth_impact/photo/IMG_0010.jpg << nah, just timely illustration of http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-04#1808499 1808789;1525407821;a111;Logged on 2018-05-04 01:58 asciilifeform: trinque: it was in mircea_popescu 's 'the anal child' 1808790;1525408916;mircea_popescu;does twp stand for twerp ? 1808791;1525409378;trinque;gotta be 1808792;1525409381;*;trinque to bed 1808793;1525409418;mircea_popescu;ahh, but what a great day this was! 1808794;1525409593;mod6;me too, ni ni! 1808795;1525411318;hanbot;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-04#1808707 << possibly even achievable if he picks up the habit of reading. so far looks like a potential major impediment tho. hey douchebag, reading's crucial, and there's --so much-- to read here. 1808796;1525411318;a111;Logged on 2018-05-04 03:25 mircea_popescu: so there, you have a pretty great plan for yourself out of this convo. keep doing dayjob to keep food on table. meanwhile a) deliver for trinque, deliver the rsa pubkey crawl and b) talk to potential employees, get them in the wot. then as all this matures you can pivot into your desired research firm securely and from a position of unmatrched strength. 1808797;1525418211;mircea_popescu;hanbot, i imagine it might pick up once he discovers that unlike ~everything else, stuff here's actually worth the trouble to read. 1808798;1525419269;jurov;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-03#1807664 << soooo i can start feeding it the gigabytes of ssh keys scraped from github? 1808799;1525419269;a111;Logged on 2018-05-03 01:59 asciilifeform: i will note, in case it wasn't obvious earlier : folx who previously were refraining from linking phuctor somewhere on account of 'how could it take the heat' are nao invited to open the throttle. 1808800;1525419466;mircea_popescu;jurov, shit i completely forgot. absolutely, yes. can you bundle this up for asciilifeform to download ? 1808801;1525436001;jurov;It was already bundled as csv, he rejected it then, asciilifeform pls what format do you accept? 1808802;1525436482;jurov;!!up fromdeedbot 1808803;1525436483;deedbot;fromdeedbot voiced for 30 minutes. 1808804;1525436524;jurov;fromdeedbot: speak here 1808805;1525436556;fromdeedbot;ah ty 1808806;1525436582;fromdeedbot;I'm very new but i've lurked for a while 1808807;1525436610;fromdeedbot;i read the logs and you guys have productive banter 1808808;1525436899;fromdeedbot;deedbot sounds like the first implementation of a smart contract. I was wondering if you guys thought anything of ethereum. More specifically if you have continued to develop deedbot, or know of a smart contract type platform being devolped on BTC 1808809;1525437052;jurov;how do you define smart contract? 1808810;1525437609;diana_coman;ugh, this 3-step magic approach: 1. put out a disclaimer mixed with minimal-risk pretence of having done some homework 2. flatter generically and at minimal cost to self 3. "ask" about some current buzzwords, as a cheap way of signalling 1808811;1525437640;diana_coman;fromdeedbot, if you genuinely wanted an answer to that question, you'd have searched the logs first 1808812;1525437808;fromdeedbot;no genuine interest in the subject 1808813;1525437870;fromdeedbot;tbh I am seeing the potential of this concept and I know that I'm late 1808814;1525437884;fromdeedbot;but I want to learn 1808815;1525437912;fromdeedbot;I did search the logs maybe i missed it..eth was mentioned a few times but not recently iirc 1808816;1525437983;fromdeedbot;I read most of the logs here 1808817;1525438004;diana_coman;fromdeedbot, "recently" doesn't change anything; read and understand the "old" stuff - around here meaning doesn't magically expire 1808818;1525438028;fromdeedbot;this and cablegate 1808819;1525438082;diana_coman;fromdeedbot, so then, state your question like an intelligent person: I've read this (link) and this (link) and this (link) and as far as I understand it I think you are saying there x and y and z; am I correct? how /why is x.1 so and so rather than so and the other etc. 1808820;1525438098;fromdeedbot;both were early versions of using a blockchain outside of sending coins 1808821;1525438111;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-04#1808816 << liars are not loved here. 1808822;1525438111;a111;Logged on 2018-05-04 12:46 fromdeedbot: I read most of the logs here 1808823;1525438143;diana_coman;asciilifeform, I suspect he "read" them like that tits-girl: in one night he "read" them all, what 1808824;1525438147;fromdeedbot;not lying or trying to waste your time 1808825;1525438151;asciilifeform;ahahalol 1808826;1525438220;diana_coman;fromdeedbot, I gave you a template for asking questions; use it when you ask next question; be warned that if you keep up with the idle "asking" , I will negrate you 1808827;1525438232;fromdeedbot;I was just curious to see if there was a platform similar to Ethereum being built on BTC at the current time 1808828;1525438263;diana_coman;go read about "I just wanted to"; apparently the moment you say "I just..." it's all the same what you follow with 1808829;1525438265;fromdeedbot;I have not been able to find anything on the open web 1808830;1525438280;asciilifeform;!#s ethertards 1808831;1525438280;a111;10 results for "ethertards", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=ethertards 1808832;1525438293;asciilifeform;!#s dao 1808833;1525438293;a111;187 results for "dao", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=dao 1808834;1525438302;asciilifeform;!!up fromdeedbot 1808835;1525438303;deedbot;fromdeedbot voiced for 30 minutes. 1808836;1525438308;fromdeedbot;I read about the dao and the fork 1808837;1525438325;fromdeedbot;and am hesring about a second hard fork now 1808838;1525438328;fromdeedbot;due to parity 1808839;1525438338;fromdeedbot;i dont agree 1808840;1525438360;asciilifeform;fromdeedbot: maybe consider clicking on link above and actually reading some log ? 1808841;1525438363;diana_coman;and who asked you anything about what you agree/don't agree with? 1808842;1525438376;fromdeedbot;if they hard fork in order to add the ability to go back and change something they ruin thespirit or the platform 1808843;1525438397;fromdeedbot;idk 1808844;1525438430;fromdeedbot;sorry to bother, just saw your channel and read a bunch.... you guys figured it out early 1808845;1525438461;fromdeedbot;deedbot is predecessor to smart contract imho 1808846;1525438466;diana_coman;fromdeedbot, read and understand; DO something; come and show "here, I did this because x and y and z" 1808847;1525438471;diana_coman;until then you have nothing to say in there 1808848;1525438474;diana_coman;!!down fromdeedbot 1808849;1525438571;asciilifeform;'brekekekekex' 'whatddayamean frogs have nuffin to say and aint welcome, i've plenty to say! brekeke.....' 1808850;1525438743;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-04#1808801 << jurov i'll take it in any format at all, or if you prefer to pump it into submit box, that is also good ( but would have to use Framedragger's converter and make it rfc2440 ).however, phuctoring is currently off until i figure out how to satisfy mircea_popescu's '1 per 30min' spec 1808851;1525438743;a111;Logged on 2018-05-04 12:13 jurov: It was already bundled as csv, he rejected it then, asciilifeform pls what format do you accept? 1808852;1525438773;asciilifeform;right now i am stumped re how to do it without massive rewrite of entire proggy, 1808853;1525438823;asciilifeform;because 'popped modulus' in the current architecture is not a discrete event that one can put a delay next to, or shove into a queue; 1808854;1525438847;asciilifeform;only ~new factor found~ is an event. but a new factor can potentially pop N moduli. 1808855;1525438881;asciilifeform;therefore i have no way currently to precisely guarantee exactly 1 rss tick per $interval. 1808856;1525438953;asciilifeform;( to be extremely specific: the rss thing is wired to a db query , rather than an explicitly constructed list ) 1808857;1525438989;asciilifeform;i currently have zero non-dbtronic state in phuctor. and would like to keep it that way. 1808858;1525439100;asciilifeform;there are 1.7mil+ moduli in the queue right now; if i fire the werker i expect that it will produce 8-900+ popped-moduli. 1808859;1525439137;asciilifeform;( based on the history to date. ) 1808860;1525439243;asciilifeform;i'ma ask mircea_popescu to say how to cut this knot, when he wakes up. ( e.g., not run werker until i have time to rewrite all of phuctor again? 1808861;1525439254;asciilifeform;i have nfi when i will have time for rewrite 1808862;1525439313;asciilifeform;alternatively can banish the feed, if 'too floody', and then we run it feedlessly; or some other pill, i've nfi ) 1808863;1525441182;jurov;O.o why is rss tightly coupled iside phuctor? can't be independent job that can be ran as required? 1808864;1525441194;jurov;*inside 1808865;1525441289;jurov;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-05-20#1469636 << the archive still lives here 1808866;1525441289;a111;Logged on 2016-05-20 17:47 jurov: asciilifeform: github rsa keys: http://www.explo.yt/phathub-201506.csv.xz 1808867;1525441312;jurov;with sha512sums logged below 1808868;1525441364;jurov;asciilifeform: ^^ 1808869;1525441430;asciilifeform;ty jurov 1808870;1525441488;asciilifeform;re rss, i'll elaborate in a few min after tea 1808871;1525443244;mircea_popescu;jurov, because he's a terrible web programmer lol. 1808872;1525443338;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, frogs go "brekekekex" in your country ?! 1808873;1525443607;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-04#1808808 << - >> http://trilema.com/2016/to-the-dao-and-the-ethereum-community-fuck-you/ 1808874;1525443607;a111;Logged on 2018-05-04 12:28 fromdeedbot: deedbot sounds like the first implementation of a smart contract. I was wondering if you guys thought anything of ethereum. More specifically if you have continued to develop deedbot, or know of a smart contract type platform being devolped on BTC 1808875;1525444059;mircea_popescu;but for the record, there will be an infinite stream of http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-04#1808813 until the very thermic death of the universe. and once we set the plague of french revolution to rest, and its sad effects are nowehre to be found in the world except for flaubert's books on the history of idiocy, there will SIMILARILY be "hi guise i am interested in the concept". exactly in the way and exactly for the reason "pe 1808876;1525444059;a111;Logged on 2018-05-04 12:44 fromdeedbot: tbh I am seeing the potential of this concept and I know that I'm late 1808877;1525444059;mircea_popescu;ople" "interested" in shamanism, or no longer having to wash, or "what good are square roots anyway" will always be found. 1808878;1525444078;mircea_popescu;item promises getting out of having to do some thinking ; the ill equipped towards humanity find it indistinguishable from refined sugar. 1808879;1525444368;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-04#1808823 << do you mean http://trilema.com/contact-pgp/#comment-125467 guy ? 1808880;1525444368;a111;Logged on 2018-05-04 12:49 diana_coman: asciilifeform, I suspect he "read" them like that tits-girl: in one night he "read" them all, what 1808881;1525444375;mircea_popescu;i'm still not certain he wasn't telling the truth even. 1808882;1525444437;mod6;Mornin' TMSR~ 1808883;1525444494;mircea_popescu;heya mod6 1808884;1525444527;*;mod6 reads scrollback 1808885;1525444870;mod6;Alright. :] 1808886;1525444920;diana_coman;mircea_popescu, hmmm, I had in mind an even faster she-reader but I can't seem to find ref; that works too I suppose although I suspect the fromdeedbot guy "read" even faster 1808887;1525444945;mircea_popescu;reading can go surprisingly fast if it doesn't make much difference what order the words come in. 1808888;1525444959;mircea_popescu;sort -u and then just read the histogram, see. 1808889;1525445090;mircea_popescu;(laugh if you will, however a) this is EXACTLY what alphabet imagines "artificial intelligence" means and b) this is EXACTLY what they teach them to do in school these days. so... joke's on you, mr barbarian bereft of bayesian behehehnologies.) 1808890;1525445278;diana_coman;well of course; once that stumbling block, annoying and unfair and barrier to entry and everything that is bad - aka comprehension is removed, all is plain sailing; no surprise there 1808891;1525445521;mircea_popescu;comprehension is only a matter of oppinion!!11 1808892;1525445582;mircea_popescu;(laugh if you will, but this is EXACTLY what they believe, http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/arsdigita-greenspun.html etc). 1808893;1525445623;*;diana_coman is not laughing as she met the belief irl... 1808894;1525445628;mircea_popescu;so when "educators" ie child molesters claim they produce "familiarity" in children with so and so, this is PRECISELY what they mean. 1808895;1525445787;asciilifeform;ohai mircea_popescu 1808896;1525445791;*;mircea_popescu waves 1808897;1525445801;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-04#1808872 << only the literate frogs!11 1808898;1525445801;a111;Logged on 2018-05-04 14:15 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, frogs go "brekekekex" in your country ?! 1808899;1525445818;mircea_popescu;i must confess it's pretty good onomatopoeia. 1808900;1525445830;asciilifeform;the greeks knew what they were doing. 1808901;1525445848;mircea_popescu;in my country they go "oac", which admittedly makes 0 sense. (in fact, my country is famous in the harem for having apparently never heard any of the animal sounds it purportedly renders.) 1808902;1525446037;asciilifeform;jurov: the way it works is, every time /rss pg is generated , we go select mods from factors order by whenfound desc limit N ( n is 20 currently ) ; call this M, it is a list of moduli affected by that factor being known. afterwards , ~each~ of these lists is tested against the set of ~gpg keys~ , in the shape of select * from gpgkeys where [the list from earlier] && mods , and this yields up a list of most-recently-popped ~keys~, w 1808903;1525446037;asciilifeform;hich forms the rss output. 1808904;1525446072;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, you could simply push that into a table and then have a script read from it to populate the rss 1808905;1525446073;asciilifeform;jurov: observe that a factor being found can potentially pop one key, ten, or a thousand. 1808906;1525446091;mircea_popescu;have it add the timestamp whenever it reads ; push out one once the timestamp is old enough, and write the new timestamp next to it. 1808907;1525446102;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: this is 100x more state complexity than i have now, is the point 1808908;1525446109;mircea_popescu;index by modulus so you only report each once and there you go. 1808909;1525446112;asciilifeform;i sat down to write it yesterday and got mired in swamp. 1808910;1525446120;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, it would be entirely separate from what you got now neh ? 1808911;1525446139;asciilifeform;nope, nothing is separate or separable, if the rss generator has state, that's a whole new table and a 2x-as-long total program 1808912;1525446148;asciilifeform;( phuctor www is 700 ln now ) 1808913;1525446198;asciilifeform;see,it did not occur to asciilifeform even in bad dreams that anyone would ever ask for the thing to be rate-limited ! 1808914;1525446204;asciilifeform;so i made no fundamental provision for it. 1808915;1525446282;mircea_popescu;there's in fact two separate problems. one of them is that large walls of robot generated text are hostile to human habitation. the OTHER however, is that the news value of the first factor of a modulus exceeds the news value of all subsequent factors summed by degrees of magnitude, because of the 0, 1 infinity rule. 1808916;1525446303;mircea_popescu;merely addressing the latter may well get you out of addressing the former for a while to come. 1808917;1525446339;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: actually for quite some time i've had it so that it finds both factors in 1 day ( when we're dealing with a proper 2-large-primes mod, rather than random liquishit ) 1808918;1525446355;mircea_popescu;yes, but only one need be reported, is the idea. 1808919;1525446364;asciilifeform;but i can definitely see the merits of 'only publish 1st factor'. problem is that this is even ~more~ complicated to implement than the earlier scheme. 1808920;1525446380;asciilifeform;still requires a stateful machine in a place where i currently have none. 1808921;1525446435;asciilifeform;honestly i had nfi that fixing the db would be to my grief. 1808922;1525446549;mircea_popescu;;/ 1808923;1525446565;mircea_popescu;it's only minor grief! it's mostly great benefit! 1808924;1525446576;asciilifeform;we're talking about an unbounded amount of sweat 1808925;1525446582;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, yet another approach would be to do what ben_vulpes did, make a channel for it ? 1808926;1525446588;asciilifeform;( i cannot with good conscience say how many weeks it will take to do this. ) 1808927;1525446608;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: see, it will spit out another thou or 2, and then it'll be oncie-twocie per week. 1808928;1525446613;asciilifeform;once the Framedragger fodder runs out. 1808929;1525446653;asciilifeform;i do not have a deedbot to throw into a dedicated channel, nor do i have a month in which to write a phuctor-compatible channel-talker. 1808930;1525446676;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, once the Framedragger fodder runs out there's the jurov fodder. 1808931;1525446699;asciilifeform;based on earlier github run, i suspect that it's good for maybe a dozen ticks. 1808932;1525446717;asciilifeform;( but this is pure conjecture. ) 1808933;1525446737;mircea_popescu;but, i confess i absolutely do not follow the logic here. so, making a new table, and a py script to update it and print it as described above, unbounded ammount of sweat, months of work ? 1808934;1525446743;asciilifeform;yes. 1808935;1525446758;mircea_popescu;i can't imagine. 1808936;1525446808;asciilifeform;the utter undebuggability and nonfitting-in-asciilifeform's-head of the pertinent components, results in this. 1808937;1525446826;mircea_popescu;now i can imagine. 1808938;1525446833;asciilifeform;wwwism is foreign and repulsive to asciilifeform , and it was to his grief that he ever stepped into it. 1808939;1525446878;mircea_popescu;well, the proper statement here isn't that "fixing db will be to my grief" ; the proper statement is that "fixing db, while a massive improvement to the $item, has the unfortunate drawback of requiring some trims i'm ill equipped to handle / have to send for across town" 1808940;1525446894;asciilifeform;and observe, i put on heaviest gas mask , and sat with postgres docs for week+, and nao reward 'go and write another 1000ln of postgresolade' 1808941;1525446901;mircea_popescu;much in the vein proper smoked rib bean stu requires allspice. 1808942;1525446913;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: this is pretty much your 'cleaned air filter of lada' story from c3 1808943;1525446920;mircea_popescu;aha. 1808944;1525446984;mod6;What if someone pitched in a hand to make a new bot for ya, so like Mr. P. said, you just have own channel. Then it can just burp as it is necessary. 1808945;1525447004;mod6;This to me, seems like the most painless way. 1808946;1525447008;mircea_popescu;mod6, what i was going to propose is for someone to write his rss python script and needed queries. 1808947;1525447018;mircea_popescu;however, he'd have to run a script he doesn't actually understand. 1808948;1525447023;asciilifeform;mod6: where would you plug it in ? there is no 'new tick' event. 1808949;1525447034;asciilifeform;the 'newness' presently is determined 100% by the rss ~receiver~ 1808950;1525447046;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, it generates its tick, that's what the whole "ave it add the timestamp whenever it reads ; push out one once the timestamp is old enough, and write the new timestamp next to it." is all about. 1808951;1525447096;mircea_popescu;actually, maybe this'll help, let me formalize this for you : 1808952;1525447101;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: unless i catastrophically misunderstand own proggy, this 'tick' is an illusion, it is same db query every time, but returns different things, but at same time proggy does not keep any state to know that they are different from prev query 1808953;1525447114;asciilifeform;there is no state and thereby no possibility of a wedge. 1808954;1525447132;mircea_popescu;1. consider a process which produces tabular data, in the shape of lines of A B C D columns. 1808955;1525447151;*;asciilifeform begins to consider 1808956;1525447153;jurov;asciilifeform: can't add timestamp column to gpgkeys "lastpopped" that gets updated? 1808957;1525447183;asciilifeform;jurov: no, massive slowdown, it's a reading-strictly process 1808958;1525447207;asciilifeform;i deliberately crafted the thing to enable dirty reads one day, whenever i find out how to obtain them at all 1808959;1525447227;mircea_popescu;2. the proposed modification is to create a new table, of columns A B C D timestamp. this is to be indexed on whichever A B C D is the modulus. the proposed use is to have a process sort this table by unique index where timestamp = "" ; report ONE such item, and update ALL the lines with that modulus with current timestamp IF any only IF the highest timestamp found in the table is 900 seconds behind current timestamp. 1808960;1525447231;jurov;with new table it'll be slow, too? 1808961;1525447250;mircea_popescu;3. this will introduce no further state or anything else in the original process ; it just happily spits its output at whatever rate it wishes. 1808962;1525447276;mircea_popescu;and yes, the reason it has separate table is so it doesn't mess up your locks on the main one. 1808963;1525447299;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: this is the correct algo, and i drew it on own chalkboard last night, but my entire point is that i do not know with confidence how long it will take to implement and debug. 1808964;1525447319;mircea_popescu;for some reason it seems trivial to me, but anyways. 1808965;1525447321;asciilifeform;if you can live with stalling phuctor for , potentially, whole month -- we can have it. otherwise not. 1808966;1525447340;asciilifeform;( and ffa correspondingly delay by a new month ... ) 1808967;1525447343;mircea_popescu;im unsure why phuctor would have to be stalled at all. you mean the reporting here of popped moduli ? 1808968;1525447355;asciilifeform;the werker process, period. 1808969;1525447363;asciilifeform;right now it is the ~only~ thing that writes to factors table. 1808970;1525447374;asciilifeform;and if it writes, they go into rss. and if feed is enabled, they appear here. 1808971;1525447397;mircea_popescu;how do they go into rss if it writes ? 1808972;1525447415;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-04#1808902 << 1808973;1525447415;a111;Logged on 2018-05-04 15:00 asciilifeform: jurov: the way it works is, every time /rss pg is generated , we go select mods from factors order by whenfound desc limit N ( n is 20 currently ) ; call this M, it is a list of moduli affected by that factor being known. afterwards , ~each~ of these lists is tested against the set of ~gpg keys~ , in the shape of select * from gpgkeys where [the list from earlier] && mods , and this yields up a list of most-recently-popped ~keys~, w 1808974;1525447430;mircea_popescu;whoa. 1808975;1525447441;jurov;asciilifeform: at this point just add insert into the new table and leave its reading to mod6 or anyone who has irc bot? 1808976;1525447442;mircea_popescu;you understand the other algo would be about 100x less machine work ? 1808977;1525447488;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: this is correct. but there are so few factors known presently, that all operations on factors are ~O(1) 1808978;1525447496;asciilifeform;( i.e. dwarfed by constant factor ) 1808979;1525447520;mircea_popescu;doesn't seem like it'll be very sustainable. vixtim of your own success eh ? 1808980;1525447555;asciilifeform;the actual number of factors known has not increased at anything like the rate of popped moduli, on account of most of said factors being from the debian pool 1808981;1525447592;asciilifeform;( see also orig article re subj, http://qntra.net/2016/11/phuctor-reveals-1-in-2700-ssh-capable-machines-on-the-internet-still-debianized/ ) 1808982;1525447617;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, how about this : you edit your current rss script, so that ~instead~ of what it does, it plunks its results down in a new table ; and someone (tm) writes you the py script to read that new table and put out usable rss for deedbot. how about that ? 1808983;1525447672;asciilifeform;possibly mircea_popescu does not yet grasp how it works ? if you run it today 1000 times, it will return exactly the same 20 items 1000 times 1808984;1525447680;asciilifeform;as currently appear in http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/rss 1808985;1525447705;asciilifeform;the whole notion of 'put into a table' implies ~100% of the requested functionality to be already present 1808986;1525447708;mircea_popescu;redundancy makes no difference here. they'll still only be reported once. 1808987;1525447724;asciilifeform;and how is anyone to get access to said table ? 1808988;1525447744;mircea_popescu;well, you'd be running the rss script yourself. ever ran code you didn't write before ? 1808989;1525447834;asciilifeform;anyone who wants to volunteer to write this, can use the db snapshot i previously published ( it contains, naturally, the schema. ) to test, remove some entries from factors table, then add'em back in ( ideally several dozen at a time ) 1808990;1525447841;mircea_popescu;(also, i'll point out, rss is very much not web ; it's basically pipe.) 1808991;1525447853;asciilifeform;if the volunteered proggy makes sense to me, i will emplace it on dulap and say 'thank you' 1808992;1525447873;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, did you just say "anyone who wants to do this must do it in the way it wasn't specified because i'm not making the principal element everything rests on" ? 1808993;1525447904;asciilifeform;however it must not interfere with the function of the existing code, nor require werker to do anything other than what it presently does, which is to test ALL factors ( bernestein returns ALL factors EVERY time it runs ) against 'factors' table, and , if novel , add factor to it. 1808994;1525447917;mircea_popescu;oy vey. 1808995;1525448024;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i simply went with your hypothesis, which is that the desired feature is truly implementable independently from the rest of the proggy. 1808996;1525448037;mircea_popescu;you still have to create and feed a new table. 1808997;1525448057;asciilifeform;if this is so -- then it should be possible to make it in a separate process that simply reads from db ( can write to own table, even, if it wants, so long as i do not have to know about it ) 1808998;1525448076;mircea_popescu;you have to write to it. 1808999;1525448116;asciilifeform;my writer writes to the factors table. this ought to suffice. 1809000;1525448149;asciilifeform;alternatively you then are asking for entirely different program, that cannot be easily made out of the existing db. 1809001;1525448195;asciilifeform;yes, i can write this program. but no i do not know how long it'll take. and yes it would be to the detriment of other projects. 1809002;1525448225;asciilifeform;asciilifeform does not say this to raise mircea_popescu's blood pressure, but strictly out of truth. 1809003;1525448256;mircea_popescu;anyway. so what's the situation here, phuctor currently going through Framedragger 's and jurov 's set preparing ; reporting of results here disrupted until this is sorted out ? 1809004;1525448345;asciilifeform;situation is that parcels 11 and 12 already added to db; ( 13 would take about 6hrs to swallow , i held off on feeding any moar until we have this thread ) ; werker cron job is currently off, if i switch it on, 45min later we get 1k lines in log ( or alternatively we switch off feed and sleep through 1k pops , take yer pick ) or i go and write a ~new phuctor and nfi when finish. 1809005;1525448379;mircea_popescu;well certainly the whole "get expensive phuctor machine" thing wasn't on nsa books so that it works for three days and then waits forever. 1809006;1525448386;asciilifeform;didnt think so 1809007;1525448403;asciilifeform;y'know, asciilifeform won't cry if mircea_popescu wants to dispense with the feed, also 1809008;1525448411;asciilifeform;( maybe it is a snoar ) 1809009;1525448421;asciilifeform;results will still be browsable on the www 1809010;1525448427;mircea_popescu;it seems to me ridiculous to a degree bordering on infantilism that it is "impossible" to get the data out after being so complexly massaged into utility ; but be that as it may, let phuctor run and report on its website, the interested will try and sift through whatever it publishes on their own time. 1809011;1525448429;mircea_popescu;what can we do. 1809012;1525448447;asciilifeform;i did not say 'impossible', just that i cannot rise to being able to promise 'i know exactly how, it'll take 3 days' 1809013;1525448457;asciilifeform;purely from own lack of www/dbtronics craft. 1809014;1525448469;asciilifeform;certainly not 'impossible', mircea_popescu described the correct algo. 1809015;1525448470;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, in production systems, "machine offline" === "impossible". 1809016;1525448501;asciilifeform;it helps to recall that this product is already at the very outermost edge of what asciilifeform knows how to do. 1809017;1525448512;asciilifeform;by all rights 'it ought never have worked' 1809018;1525448531;mircea_popescu;this will of course bring to the fore the deep reason rss feed was principal avenue into the data, ie that the web view is not really very useful, but anyways. 1809019;1525448547;asciilifeform;i dun even disagree 1809020;1525448566;asciilifeform;tho the principal use imho of phuctor is to the owners of newly-generated rsa keys, to search for self. 1809021;1525448585;mircea_popescu;they need to see the results somehow. 1809022;1525448607;asciilifeform;well they paste in own key and get either green, yellow ( come back in a few hrs ) or... red. 1809023;1525448608;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, what you got running on that machine, lamp ? apache + python bindings ? 1809024;1525448621;asciilifeform;straight python + postgres behind nginx cacher. 1809025;1525448639;asciilifeform;+ entirely separate c proggy that actually does the bernsteinization. 1809026;1525448651;asciilifeform;( i/o solely via the db ) 1809027;1525448653;mircea_popescu;suppose you create a unix user ; give it read-only priviledges on extant tables, and let someone else write a webfacing thing for you ? 1809028;1525448674;asciilifeform;this is ~equiv to handing over the project. 1809029;1525448676;asciilifeform;which i do not want. 1809030;1525448719;mircea_popescu;well yes but looky : all projects to be useful must communicate. giving someone else the communication part certainly has some aspects of relinquishing control, but you can't at the same time not know how to communicate and not work with someone who does. it's self-defeating, this strategy. 1809031;1525448727;asciilifeform;i control the src. 1809032;1525448743;asciilifeform;this is why there is not yet a mit 'lucktor' or whatever they'll call it. 1809033;1525448747;mircea_popescu;the src of which ? 1809034;1525448753;asciilifeform;100% of whole orchestra. 1809035;1525448762;asciilifeform;it is not as separable as you seem to think. 1809036;1525448773;mircea_popescu;weren't you just explaining that there's a python display part and a c work part, and you suck at the python part ? 1809037;1525448784;asciilifeform;they are still intimately welded to each other semantically. 1809038;1525448797;mircea_popescu;i didn't even know this can be done with c and python. 1809039;1525448797;asciilifeform;in the sense where subtly changing one, will subtly break the other, in 9000 possible ways. 1809040;1525448802;asciilifeform;it can. 1809041;1525448822;asciilifeform;thing wasn't built to be dismembered cleanly. 1809042;1525448824;mircea_popescu;but be that as it may : giving someone the capacity to read the db has no bearing on breaking. can reading the db break anything ? 1809043;1525448874;asciilifeform;reading the db -- breaks nothing. and i already published the db ( and ergo schema . ) hence my suggestion from earlier, http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-04#1808989 1809044;1525448874;a111;Logged on 2018-05-04 15:30 asciilifeform: anyone who wants to volunteer to write this, can use the db snapshot i previously published ( it contains, naturally, the schema. ) to test, remove some entries from factors table, then add'em back in ( ideally several dozen at a time ) 1809045;1525448898;asciilifeform;ohai BingoBoingo ! 1809046;1525448909;mircea_popescu;lobbes, you about ? 1809047;1525448922;BingoBoingo;Alive, catching up on logs and about to hit the datacenter 1809048;1525448947;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, yes, but in the very constrained environment there proposed they'll have to do a bunch of debugging, hence the "make them a user" notion. 1809049;1525448958;asciilifeform;i am not averse to the pain of debugging. 1809050;1525448963;mircea_popescu;otherwise you're setting yourself up for failure through 5000 update file requests. 1809051;1525448970;asciilifeform;but if someone stands up to write something for me to debug -- i will 1) say 'thank you' 2) debug it. 1809052;1525449012;lobbes;I still dun get why seperate channel wouldn't work? deedbot today somehow does xyz and successfully announces phuctor pops here. Why can't one of the n00bs stand up a bot to do the same thing... but in a side channel? Shouldn't require any changes at all to standing phuctor process, right? 1809053;1525449045;asciilifeform;lobbes: again, we are discussing permanent (and quite complex) solutions to a temporary problem. after current batch, it'll be 1-2 pops a week if we're lucky. 1809054;1525449046;mircea_popescu;lobbes, how about you look at his published db schema, and propose a py script he can run that delivers the desired rss ? this something you can do ? 1809055;1525449073;mircea_popescu;there's also a chunk doing ip geolocation, trinque published coupla days ago, should go in. 1809056;1525449091;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, that sort of thinking is how we got here in the first place. 1809057;1525449103;mircea_popescu;"oh, there will be >0 pops if we're lucky" 1809058;1525449114;mircea_popescu;then there were thousands. and then... 1809059;1525449123;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: possibly. i can think of a scenario where your bufferizer could become necessary again. 1809060;1525449132;trinque;isn't that the point? lol! 1809061;1525449134;mircea_popescu;i can think of like two. but anyway. 1809062;1525449154;trinque;the code I published will work fine with any logbot someone stands up 1809063;1525449184;mircea_popescu;trinque, honestly i'd much rather just fix the rss than stand up a dedicated bot. way the fuck cheaper and rather more adequate to the actual task at hand. 1809064;1525449186;trinque;it's just a ball of pyshit, reading rss, accounting in sqlite, writing to logbot's outbox table 1809065;1525449200;trinque;mircea_popescu: no argument to the contrary here 1809066;1525449205;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-03#1808327 + http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-02#1807600 << Failed to find any issues with the counts outstanding 1809067;1525449205;a111;Logged on 2018-05-03 19:16 mircea_popescu: poor bb hasn't yet returned the http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-02#1807589 1809068;1525449205;a111;Logged on 2018-05-02 21:53 BingoBoingo: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-02#1807521 << That is right, no outstanding errors have been found 1809069;1525449217;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo, aty. 1809070;1525449274;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-03#1808329 << Last night was the Peruana. The Venezolana is for friendship and learning survival skills, the Peruana is for boning and enjoy the experience of being worshipped for the color of my skin. 1809071;1525449274;a111;Logged on 2018-05-03 19:17 mircea_popescu: dat venezuelo chick's boning him dry! 1809072;1525449285;mircea_popescu;oic 1809073;1525449303;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: do you dine on guinea pig with the peruana ? 1809074;1525449318;*;asciilifeform always wanted to try such meat 1809075;1525449332;mircea_popescu;ever had rabbit ? 1809076;1525449345;asciilifeform;many times, and i know of no finer flesh than rabbit 1809077;1525449346;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Not yet. Can pick some up at the feria. Now that I know we have Loros, I am kinda curious how those taste. 1809078;1525449358;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, imagine if rabbit was beef ; guinea pig would be... pig.\ 1809079;1525449361;mircea_popescu;sweeter/fatter meat. 1809080;1525449365;asciilifeform;interesting 1809081;1525449380;asciilifeform;so sorta like duck vs chicken 1809082;1525449391;BingoBoingo;I have had rabbit a number of times. Enjoy picking out the bits of shot. 1809083;1525449392;mircea_popescu;no, duck is basically goat. gamier. 1809084;1525449409;asciilifeform;aa 1809085;1525449430;mircea_popescu;anytway, chicken dun enter into this, animal's a fucking reptile not a mammal. 1809086;1525449470;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-03#1808335 << Five hours if I take the more expensive ferry out of Montevideo. 6+ if I go to colonia for the cheaper ticket, but that involves a bus. Few things are less enjoyable the being stuck on a tin can full of Uruguayos. 1809087;1525449470;a111;Logged on 2018-05-03 19:18 asciilifeform: ( how long does it sail, 2 hours each way ? ) 1809088;1525449506;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i was speaking strictly of the fat diff 1809089;1525449507;mircea_popescu;oh right you are, it was a coupla hours ~to colonia~. coupla hundy km to montevideo from there. 1809090;1525449549;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, rabbit is however extremely lean. but i suppose in a sense. 1809091;1525449600;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo, take the peruana for a day trip ? i find tits surroundant make airflight bearable. 1809092;1525449700;BingoBoingo;It's a possibility. 1809093;1525449772;mircea_popescu;or take them both, see what happens. 1809094;1525449929;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-04#1808532 << Other than alf voicing general support for the idea, I am completely unaware of any ongoing discussions to improve my compensation. That we have arrived in May without any proposals has me somewhat feeling like I got played for the sucker on this. 1809095;1525449929;a111;Logged on 2018-05-04 02:30 mircea_popescu: well, good thing you gave him a raise, just as this thing became one helluva anklet. 1809096;1525450000;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: i've already brought it up on record 2x. the other members of the board have not yet answered. 1809097;1525450054;mircea_popescu;nuts. 1809098;1525450059;BingoBoingo;And that is appreciated. 1809099;1525450109;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: nobody got 'played', thus far errybody has honoured their part of the pact. but yes imho we can afford to put some fat back on BingoBoingo's bones 1809100;1525450188;asciilifeform;ftr prior to leaving BingoBoingostan, asciilifeform took the liberty of making a modest donation to BingoBoingo out of own pocket. because, imho, proper thing to do. and did not want to wait for board approval, would rather simply pay from pocket. 1809101;1525450276;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: it is greatly appreciated. And there's still a lot of adult business/figuring out exactly what pizarro is going on, which is why I have been letting it slide. But being several months into this venture the silence on this issue from the rest of the board is a sore spot, I have no idea if it is a thing they are even considering. 1809102;1525450277;asciilifeform;mod6, ben_vulpes -- a 10% diff in what BingoBoingo eats, will not make or break us, either we find customers and float, else -- sink. on the other hand, a starved and demoralized BingoBoingo is pretty bad for biznis. we do not have a spare BingoBoingo . 1809103;1525450294;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, you gotta get better at talking things through ; the "other members" talk has its places but this isn't one. 1809104;1525450296;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2018/qntra-sqntr-march-april-2018-statement/ << Trilema - Qntra (S.QNTR) March - April 2018 Statement 1809105;1525450326;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: current board : mod6 + ben_vulpes + asciilifeform 1809106;1525450366;asciilifeform;( at one time asciilifeform nominated phf to serve on the board in asciilifeform's stead, but there was no response, so i took it as a 'no ty' ) 1809107;1525450367;*;ben_vulpes chewing through log 1809108;1525450398;mircea_popescu;understand that when you opt ot make "small donations" as a palliative measure to reconcile the goat and the cabbage you're not using the tool. this is orcism, "i don't know how to work vacuum cleanner but did some fingerbanging of the dust ad interim" 1809109;1525450418;asciilifeform;vaccum cleaner sorely in need of tuneup imho. 1809110;1525450422;mircea_popescu;the board's there to help not to get in the way, as a concept. 1809111;1525450427;asciilifeform;ideally. 1809112;1525450476;lobbes;I'm not opposed to taking a look but my hopper is getting saturated as-is >> http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-04#1809054 1809113;1525450476;a111;Logged on 2018-05-04 15:50 mircea_popescu: lobbes, how about you look at his published db schema, and propose a py script he can run that delivers the desired rss ? this something you can do ? 1809114;1525450480;lobbes;In fact, it occurred to as I was about to list my TODO in-channel that it may be more beneficial to bake it as a blog post. Would allow the forum to suggest re-prioritizations as well as serve as a single place I can point to and say "this be what I'm working on right now". Anyways, I'll bake one tonight 1809115;1525450487;*;lobbes bbl 1809116;1525450509;mircea_popescu;lobbes, this was conceived as a priority item, because ideally quick to do. but ... 1809117;1525450541;mod6;<+asciilifeform> BingoBoingo: i've already brought it up on record 2x. the other members of the board have not yet answered. << I have not seen or been given any formal proposal for anything of such a raise. 1809118;1525450581;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: and yes it was orcish. but it was an uncomfortable place for asciilifeform , d00d spent ~week busting his arse helping asciilifeform , and prior to that -- half yr building up pizarro, and he cannot afford new shoelaces. 1809119;1525450615;mod6;And aside from that, I'm not opposed outright to this, but before we start handing out more money, I'd like to see where Pizarro stands as far as how much further we need to go to break-even, etc. 1809120;1525450622;asciilifeform;mod6: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-02#1807279 , then http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-04#1808534 1809121;1525450622;a111;Logged on 2018-05-02 01:22 asciilifeform: ben_vulpes, mod6 , plox to put the matter ^ before board. 1809122;1525450622;a111;Logged on 2018-05-04 02:33 asciilifeform did , properly in log, ask the board to discuss raise for BingoBoingo , http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-02#1807279 1809123;1525450637;mircea_popescu;anyway, /me will expose the hand, might as well be upfront about things. so, asciilifeform did at some point express some interest in learning the magical crafts of management ; i since fed him the occasional dollop, in the manner this craft was always taught whenever it was taught. as part of this, when he left for montevideo i specifically told him to recognize BingoBoingo 's efforts with a raise early rather than late for 1809124;1525450637;mircea_popescu;very good reasons. 1809125;1525450642;asciilifeform;mod6: see also http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-04#1809102 . 1809126;1525450642;a111;Logged on 2018-05-04 16:11 asciilifeform: mod6, ben_vulpes -- a 10% diff in what BingoBoingo eats, will not make or break us, either we find customers and float, else -- sink. on the other hand, a starved and demoralized BingoBoingo is pretty bad for biznis. we do not have a spare BingoBoingo . 1809127;1525450643;mod6;Maybe picture becomes slightly more clear after this months report. 1809128;1525450652;mircea_popescu;that he ~tried to~ is evident ; that it didn't work is even more evident. you lot have to have words together and get better at this. 1809129;1525450693;mircea_popescu;don't start pointing fingers and acting like idiots about it, either. you've got a problem, because to survive one must stay agile, not senilize before the time. 1809130;1525450731;asciilifeform;an entire rail car full of iron would not do any good, mod6, ben_vulpes , if we dun have a well-oiled BingoBoingo . 1809131;1525450755;mod6;Hey, let's get real for a moment. I'm not disputing any of that! 1809132;1525450782;mod6;Please send me some pgp-gram info on what/where/when/how. 1809133;1525450822;asciilifeform;mod6: no need even for pgpgram. i propose, here and now, a +10% increase in BingoBoingo's pay. this will add up to the cost of 1 1U supermicro in a yr, or alternatively slightly less than ben_vulpes lost in customs lotto. 1809134;1525450853;asciilifeform;effective at the start of next cycle. 1809135;1525450859;mod6;So, you're saying, basically, $180 extra, per month? Or how does this go? 1809136;1525450862;asciilifeform;correct. 1809137;1525450887;asciilifeform;then he can get , possibly, new shoelaces, and even a flat. 1809138;1525450904;asciilifeform;instead of slowly going mad in the flea pit. 1809139;1525450919;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, tis more than just the rss / "wwwism is foreign and repulsive to asciilifeform". you've seen me communicate clearly and early about ten thousand times, and here you are stuck doing late ineffectuality. not good. 1809140;1525450932;asciilifeform;and could start having energy for such things as expeditions to buenos aires to hunt for btc buyers, electric parts, etc 1809141;1525450947;mod6;Really? 1809142;1525450957;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: apparently when i speak, it comes out in martian, or sumthing, folx simply dun register it 1809143;1525451001;mircea_popescu;gotta speak ~to~ whoever you'e speaking to ; not ~of~ whatever you're speaking of. 1809144;1525451041;asciilifeform;i assumed, perhaps mistakenly, that when i say 'proposal for ze board!' it knows who it is 1809145;1525451054;mircea_popescu;the difference between me and ten thousand librarians who also read the same books is that i don't go around spitting out the references in lieu of doing the inadherent wwwism. 1809146;1525451085;mod6;This may have been my fault. I am a busy man, may have over looked it. 1809147;1525451113;mod6;For these sorts of things, don't hesitate to send a formal pgpgram to me. 1809148;1525451114;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i'll be the first to admit, that asciilifeform 'plays the tuba despite not knowing how' 1809149;1525451145;asciilifeform;mod6: pgpgrams are for seekrits, e.g. logins to boxen, missile coordinates. 1809150;1525451167;asciilifeform;this here's an open proposal for board. however if mod6 & ben_vulpes would like me to sign & deedbot it, i will. 1809151;1525451199;mod6;Ok, I'll take the blame here -- I missed whatever proposal in some log. 1809152;1525451208;mod6;Next time, besure to get my attention though. 1809153;1525451252;mod6;And, currently I see no issue with $180 extra per month. We do want our System Administrator to be able to have a liveable life in .uy. Will discuss ofc. 1809154;1525451259;mod6;We'll get back to ya all. 1809155;1525451288;asciilifeform;( but yes, i study from mircea_popescu, and no i'm not yet even journeyman-grade in biznistronics ) 1809156;1525451315;mod6;Just get my attention, "YOH MOD6 WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO ABOUT X!?" 1809157;1525451327;mod6;Then that works a lot better, I'm way less likely to overlook something like that. 1809158;1525451340;asciilifeform;mod6: does your 't-bot' still work ? 1809159;1525451352;asciilifeform;seems like it would be of great win for this type of thing 1809160;1525451364;mod6;I turned it off about the time that douche showed up. 1809161;1525451369;asciilifeform;esp if it can be configed to block the introduction of new $item until $previtem is resolved or formally tabled. 1809162;1525451371;mod6;No one uses it anyway. 1809163;1525451379;mod6;Tickets are still available on the website. 1809164;1525451384;asciilifeform;seems like we've found the natural use for it. 1809165;1525451394;asciilifeform;mod6: can i persuade you to revv it up in #pizarro ? 1809166;1525451404;asciilifeform;its time, imho, has come. 1809167;1525451405;mod6;Maybe. 1809168;1525451426;mod6;Perhaps. 1809169;1525451428;mod6;bbs. 1809170;1525451432;BingoBoingo;I'm going to go do the FG surgery and lets the adults talk through things, but... Remember the $20/day per diem arose out of a time when I was working on BBisp and chasing a prospect. When the statement's out do some math, float some compensation proposals covering a 12 month span, and recognize that and extra $180 a month still leaves me in the position of dipping into my savings rather frequently. Maybe weight the compensation boost 1809171;1525451432;BingoBoingo;more heavily to the end of the year? As it is I am still effectively paying out of my diminishing savings to live amongst the retards. 1809172;1525451434;asciilifeform;pizarro is exactly the sort of thing where it shines. many, many small and mechanical fixes that need tracking. 1809173;1525451438;BingoBoingo;brb 1809174;1525451475;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: if you are dipping into savings just to eat, will have to be straight about it, say exactly how much you would actually need in order to not run on batteries. 1809175;1525451506;asciilifeform;otherwise we are in for unplesant surprise at some point, and this will not do ! 1809176;1525451511;asciilifeform;*unpleasant 1809177;1525451565;zx2c4;mircea_popescu: this sounds vaguely familiar 1809178;1525451593;zx2c4;you found a gpg key with obvious primes or something? 1809179;1525451619;asciilifeform;zx2c4: http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/stats , http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/faq 1809180;1525451627;asciilifeform;and, naturally, 1809181;1525451628;asciilifeform;!#s phuctor 1809182;1525451628;a111;4716 results for "phuctor", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=phuctor 1809183;1525451665;zx2c4;MY GPG KEY IS IN HERE 1809184;1525451669;zx2c4;just messin 1809185;1525451680;asciilifeform;ideally errybody's is 1809186;1525451697;asciilifeform;( if it's public, i.e. i can get to it, it's prolly in there ) 1809187;1525451738;mircea_popescu;aaanyways ; not the end of the world. learning is how learning goes, after all. 1809188;1525451816;zx2c4;ahh looks like hanno has called y'all out on this? 1809189;1525451830;asciilifeform;here comes 1809190;1525451843;asciilifeform;!#s boeck 1809191;1525451844;a111;74 results for "boeck", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=boeck 1809192;1525451952;mircea_popescu;zx2c4, vice-versa. 1809193;1525451990;mircea_popescu;hanno boeck, some chick named nirdlinger or nirflinger or whatever and some other schmucks lied for years about having done research they never actually did. 1809194;1525451999;asciilifeform;henninger 1809195;1525452012;asciilifeform;( & a few other mouths ) 1809196;1525452033;mircea_popescu;then whatever victims they lied to decided rather than admit they were swindled out of whatever the scammers cost, it'd be better for academic facade to pretend the fraud was never exposed, and carry on. 1809197;1525452045;mircea_popescu;this is actually pretty common behaviour, among idiots. 1809198;1525452062;zx2c4;nadia's research is quite real 1809199;1525452064;mircea_popescu;or w/e, "crypto blockchain investors" w/e. 1809200;1525452086;mircea_popescu;zx2c4, "real" in what sense ? it was published once phuctor published the results, through the procedure of copy.pasting it. 1809201;1525452120;zx2c4;oh. is your beef that you were masscanning the net first, and then these other people stole your idea and ran with it? 1809202;1525452142;asciilifeform;zx2c4: the 'idea' is, arguably, euclid's. 1809203;1525452147;mircea_popescu;no. some people were lying about doing research that they did not do. then we came and "stole" their "idea", did it, published results. 1809204;1525452152;mircea_popescu;then they failed to go hang themselves. 1809205;1525452157;mircea_popescu;for all the difference it makes. 1809206;1525452202;asciilifeform;zx2c4: i wrote phuctor in 2013 after yrs of watching academiderps fraudulently pretend to have performed similar experiment ( while they published 0 keys ) 1809207;1525452202;zx2c4;mircea_popescu: when did you first publish your research? 1809208;1525452209;zx2c4;ahh 2013 nice 1809209;1525452247;zx2c4;zmap came out in 2013 1809210;1525452282;zx2c4;halderman and heninger have worked together a lot 1809211;1525452305;mircea_popescu;zx2c4, you're more than welcome to identify sets of keys WITH THE RESPECTIVE FACTORS published by anyone, at any time, then compare this with the phuctor set, and then write to whatever plagiarism committee you imagine is keeping academia from wallowing in the utter gutters of the intellectual world. 1809212;1525452311;zx2c4;https://zmap.io/paper.pdf looks like they did this in 2013 too 1809213;1525452327;zx2c4;https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/CTt5nBHb/image.png 1809214;1525452333;mircea_popescu;it does not look like anything. KEYS and FACTORS. not stories about. the numbers. 1809215;1525452354;zx2c4;ahh so the complaint is that 1809216;1525452359;zx2c4;you guys are publishing the pure data 1809217;1525452366;mircea_popescu;in order to have published, you must publish ; otherwise herodotus' imaginary travels are the first source for animals that don't exist. 1809218;1525452369;zx2c4;whereas academics never publish any code or data and usually just spill latex 1809219;1525452387;asciilifeform;zx2c4: what they do -- we call it fraud. 1809220;1525452402;zx2c4;gotcha 1809221;1525452416;zx2c4;so to summarize your beef with these people, 1809222;1525452419;asciilifeform;and it is not even the old-fashioned pecuniary fraud, but organized smoke screen for nsa. 1809223;1525452435;ben_vulpes;mod6 asciilifeform: i dun object; pizarro needs a better foundation than a writhing pile of chinches. i'd like to get a flat down there; this can consolidate the housing and desk expenses and provide i expect much needed moral uplift. 1809224;1525452436;zx2c4;"They published studies but didnt publish the raw data to support their conclusions" - would this be an accurate summary? 1809225;1525452459;asciilifeform;zx2c4: i refuse to dignify their disinfo with the word 'study' 1809226;1525452470;mircea_popescu;no. the summary is what i told you : they LIED about doing research ; some victims paid them money ; the data was then published by third parties ; they stole it ; the victims ate it. 1809227;1525452471;zx2c4;s/studies/wordsinapdf/ 1809228;1525452478;ben_vulpes;BingoBoingo: i recall many sticking points around the flat; wouldja enumerate? water heater, previous flatrental...? 1809229;1525452479;mircea_popescu;it's plain and simple fraud, and yes of the criminal sort. 1809230;1525452492;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: good, let's discuss in a bit 1809231;1525452495;mircea_popescu;that fraud does not usually get punished by the "legal system" does not mean either boeck or pirate are respectable items. 1809232;1525452497;ben_vulpes;also this has to be in addition to icecream monies. 1809233;1525452502;zx2c4;mircea_popescu: woah okay so thats a whole other dimension 1809234;1525452510;*;ben_vulpes gotta make some breakfast for other dependents, bbiab 1809235;1525452513;zx2c4;you're saying that nadia and alex and people got PAID by the nsa or somebody not to release certain results? 1809236;1525452540;mircea_popescu;for the record, pirate was also indicted by the us circus at ~our~ pressure, and only after it became obvious to the usg that i am actually making it impossible for him to be of any further "use". 1809237;1525452573;mircea_popescu;zx2c4, no. i am saying that they are intelectually incosequential ninnies, who happened to tell a convenient lie. 1809238;1525452580;asciilifeform;zx2c4: pay and written orders are not a necessary hypothesis. fact of the matter is that you do not get to ~become~ 'a nadia' or 'a boeck' unless you behave 'like a civilized academic' and do what is expected of you, without being asked. 1809239;1525452603;zx2c4;well boeck isnt an academic 1809240;1525452608;asciilifeform;for instance 'responsible disclosure' ( i.e. if you find a bug, report to usg first ) 1809241;1525452610;mircea_popescu;right. and he makes money gardening. 1809242;1525452611;zx2c4;he's a journalist who likes tinkering with fuzzers and stuff 1809243;1525452617;mircea_popescu;if you believe that. 1809244;1525452622;asciilifeform;i got a bridge to sellya. 1809245;1525452644;zx2c4;mircea_popescu: i never even considered the possibility that was some kind of conspiratorial cover story. wow. 1809246;1525452662;zx2c4;so im still a bit fuzzy on the claims here 1809247;1525452665;zx2c4;the ones i have down are: 1809248;1525452702;mircea_popescu;zx2c4, understand the full model of this : ambitious people whose hardware does not support their aspirations (ie, the aspirational 14%) say things that are not true. such as "we did research of so and so". now and again, they happen on a useful lie, something the establishment does not actually want researchedf. so they get a little slop, to encourage them to continue with their nonsense, while their imago is then used to pe 1809249;1525452702;mircea_popescu;rhaps discourage "men alone" (such as, prior to finding this place, yourself) from actually doing the research in question. 1809250;1525452718;mircea_popescu;it works well enough, for as long as the republic doesn't mess up things. 1809251;1525452753;asciilifeform;zx2c4: consider, 'researchers' did their 'research' while the debian keys calamity lay unpublic for 3+ yrs. 1809252;1525452758;asciilifeform;somehow. 1809253;1525452782;asciilifeform;even though if anyone had bothered to euclid over they pubkeys, he would have discovered ~immediately~ that there are 32768 possible primes. 1809254;1525452787;zx2c4;the concrete claims i understand you to be making are: 1809255;1525452787;zx2c4;- academics released wordsonapdf without releasing raw data to support conclusions 1809256;1525452787;zx2c4;- they didnt actually do the research and wordsonapdf were entirely fabricated. 1809257;1525452787;zx2c4;- academics were paid or told by NSA to suppress certain conclusions from their publications. 1809258;1525452815;mircea_popescu;zx2c4, 2. 3 is an indirect side effect of no particular consequence. 1809259;1525452846;zx2c4;what is the meaning of the first period in your message? parser error 1809260;1525452867;zx2c4;2&3? part 3 of item 2? 1809261;1525452922;asciilifeform;zx2c4: 2) they did not do the research 1809262;1525452929;zx2c4;oh 1809263;1525452961;asciilifeform;3 is simply not a necessary hypothesis, it is very rare that the skepter has to be raised and something explicitly forbidden from above 1809264;1525452978;mircea_popescu;you can fuzz the nsa if you want, and get money from them this way. the methodology is explained in http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-17#1523269 (reads thew linked item too). 1809265;1525452978;a111;Logged on 2016-08-17 17:02 mircea_popescu: Framedragger the reason there's a lot of credence in phf's perhaps harsh criticism is http://trilema.com/2014/how-to-make-money-on-the-internet-while-pretending-you-know-what-youre-talking-about-and-accumulating-a-legion-of-mindless-followers-for-fun-and-profit/ 1809266;1525453004;mircea_popescu;one could readily mechanize the process that created say curtis yarvin's "identity", say. 1809267;1525453021;zx2c4;alright rereading, resynthesizing, adding a claim i understand you to be making too: 1809268;1525453021;zx2c4;- academics released wordsonapdf without releasing raw data to support conclusions *because* they didn't actually do any research to generate said raw data 1809269;1525453021;zx2c4;- academics were paid or told by NSA to suppress certain conclusions from their publications. 1809270;1525453021;zx2c4;- hanno being a journalist is a mere cover story for a more sinister secret government intelligence job he holds. 1809271;1525453100;zx2c4;i will ask them about this 1809272;1525453104;mircea_popescu;how about this : "academics/journalists/assorted neets released wordsonapdf without releasing raw data to support conclusions *because* they didn't actually do any research to generate said raw data" ; "these baseless claims were paid fiat paper, because the person ion charge of distributing fiat paper to baseless claims picked them out of the sea of similar batshit insane nonsense emanating from the insane asylum at large, f 1809273;1525453104;mircea_popescu;or whatever reasons". 1809274;1525453143;zx2c4;i dont really understand... 1809275;1525453158;mircea_popescu;then, when shit hit the fan and both these matters were publicly proven, the reaction of all involved was to deny ; and of all naive bystanders to "memory hole effect". 1809276;1525453164;mircea_popescu;zx2c4, which part ? 1809277;1525453170;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i suspect that the fella still labours under the impression that boeck et al are the 'authorities' , sitting in judgement of ~us~ , and that it is we who must somehow prove beyond reasonable doubt that they lie 1809278;1525453176;zx2c4;the claims of those zmap papers certainly arent baseless, since you evidently have hit similar results? 1809279;1525453179;mircea_popescu;nothing wrong with that. 1809280;1525453188;mircea_popescu;zx2c4, show me these results! 1809281;1525453196;mircea_popescu;you can't say "x is similar to y" when y exists and x does not. 1809282;1525453204;asciilifeform;zx2c4: the fact that not a single broken key was published prior to phuctor's, is not a problem in your eye ? 1809283;1525453233;asciilifeform;somehow you have faith that 'they wouldn't straight and pull it all out of their arse, mit is respectable!', is that it ? 1809284;1525453252;zx2c4;so what if i told you that 1809285;1525453257;zx2c4;ive seen the results and the data with my own eyes 1809286;1525453267;zx2c4;(i actually havent, dont get too excited) 1809287;1525453279;asciilifeform;zx2c4: then i would ask why you decided to be an accomplice in usg coverup ? 1809288;1525453283;mircea_popescu;then we'd wonder why you didn't publish it. 1809289;1525453289;zx2c4;would you be inclined to believe me or would this be evidence that i'm also in on the conspiracy 1809290;1525453291;mircea_popescu;!#s "whisperers" 1809291;1525453291;a111;21 results for "\"whisperers\"", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%22whisperers%22 1809292;1525453296;asciilifeform;( which , yes, is what 'responsible disclosure' is, no exceptions ) 1809293;1525453304;mircea_popescu;the item exists, re bolix, say. which people saw but did not publish. and are to be very much ashamed of. 1809294;1525453320;zx2c4;well, rest assured, i've personally done a spooky amount of full disclosure stuff... 1809295;1525453321;mircea_popescu;zx2c4, i dunno what conspiracy is under discussion here. 1809296;1525453342;asciilifeform;in ru prison argot, this is also called 'to be a mouse', and is seen as equally damning as 'to be a rat' ( steal from one's fellows , rather than the engl meaning of snitch ) 1809297;1525453355;zx2c4;mircea_popescu: just trying to wrap my head around the NSA angle on all this. i get all the points about academics taking shortcuts or publishing nonsense. im not seeing the government conspiracy though 1809298;1525453358;asciilifeform;i.e. to know what MUST be told to all, but not to reveal. 1809299;1525453372;mircea_popescu;zx2c4, let's think about it together, then. 1809300;1525453461;mircea_popescu;1. research, as a proper item ( http://trilema.com/2017/is-it-still-rape-if-i-write-science-on-my-penis-first/ ) died sometime at the onset of the socialist state. 2. the socialist state isn't willing to admit it will never ever do anything useful intellectually again, sets out to "reproduce" the results of science through what it understands of the method. 3. this in due time creates the "bologna system" of grants and so on. 1809301;1525453461;mircea_popescu; 4. at some juncture, some dood is sitting on a bale of freshly printed newspaper clippings ^H^H moeny, and has to distribute it. 1809302;1525453499;mircea_popescu;since there is no ~possibility~ of rational merit in the deluge of proposals coming his way and no method allowing him to distinguish between sokal items and science, would it take much for his decision process to become political ? 1809303;1525453520;mircea_popescu;and once it's political, everyone wants in. "publish this because special-interest-group-x wants more stuff like it". 1809304;1525453532;mircea_popescu;there's no need of conspiracy ; just the normal working of ambitious stupidity. 1809305;1525453554;zx2c4;oh 1809306;1525453562;zx2c4;yes, certain topics are trendy 1809307;1525453568;zx2c4;and certain topics help you keep academic positions 1809308;1525453577;zx2c4;and certain topics lead to getitng large grants 1809309;1525453605;mircea_popescu;i am not limiting the discussion to "Trendy". some items are useful to special-interest-group-women-are-people ; some other items are useful to special-interest-group-no-research-in-nsa-subersions-plox and so on 1809310;1525453606;asciilifeform;and certain topics are 'trendy' and get grants but only for so long as you walk the unwritten line and 1) do NOT publish result 2) best of all do not even do the experiment, lest the result somehow leak out 1809311;1525453608;mircea_popescu;there's lots of these. 1809312;1525453620;zx2c4;the conspiratorial element in all this would be if, like, the NSA secretly funds academic research in fields it knows to be nonsense, so as to waste the time of otherwise productive people? 1809313;1525453638;mircea_popescu;other than this being well documented already... 1809314;1525453670;mircea_popescu;what the fuck do you expect going to work for nsa is, other than "sit here and waste the rest of your life quietly lest the terorists get hold of you and give you something actually useful to do" ? 1809315;1525453673;zx2c4;alright so im just wondering why you think nadia and alex's research falls into a category like that, when they're essentially drawing the same conclusions as your own work (even if they didnt release rawdata as you say etc) 1809316;1525453682;mircea_popescu;every empire is invested principally in a maintenance of the statu quo. 1809317;1525453696;asciilifeform;zx2c4: the fraudulent content-free publications of supposed 'results' consisting of 'we broke 9000 keys last year, but no we won't say which keys and what the divisors are' are smoke screen, plain and simple. 1809318;1525453706;mircea_popescu;zx2c4, because http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-30#1806663 1809319;1525453706;a111;Logged on 2018-04-30 18:21 mircea_popescu: in front of this, whether we idly decide that he's just dumb or actually evil, ie, his brain dun work like in the case of say bernstein ; or his brain doth work, but he deliberately attempts to shannonize republican words into imperial outcomes, a la curtis yarvin, jwz, whatever.... well what fucking difference does it make. 1809320;1525453742;asciilifeform;specifically to ~prevent~ folx such as zx2c4 from hearing about e.g. phuctor, or other actual attempts at experiment, and if they hear -- from taking seriously. 'boeck did it in 2007' 'but did he publish a divisor?' 'uhhhh' 1809321;1525453745;mircea_popescu;they're not "drawing the same conclusions". they're simply trying the equivalent of google keyword stuffing. "hey, maybe if i publish machine-generated pages with words people search for i'll be able to sell traffic" 1809322;1525453758;zx2c4;ohhh! 1809323;1525453759;zx2c4;gotcha 1809324;1525453799;zx2c4;why does the government have an interest in me hearing about nadia's work rather than your work? 1809325;1525453826;mircea_popescu;in general your government has an interest in you not talking to me, yes. or to anyone else, if at all possible ; and if not possible then ~not in any meaningful way~. 1809326;1525453826;zx2c4;"theyre trying to cover up the divisors!" isnt really a compelling reason 1809327;1525453840;mircea_popescu;your government basically exists out of, and depends upon, you needing it to interface the world for you. 1809328;1525453845;mircea_popescu;much like any other religion. 1809329;1525453887;mircea_popescu;the more you need to be "protected" and "be given just the facts" and so on, the more need for socialism. 1809330;1525453894;zx2c4;and you think that since you've "thought your way out" of the paradigm, you're a threat and so the government has an interest in having people avoid you? kill socrates because he corrupts the young? 1809331;1525453897;asciilifeform;zx2c4: take very concrete case, of the debian keys. i.e. a nsa-planted 'bug'. it was very concretely in the nsa interest to prevent public euclidization , would have revealed the 'bug' immediately. 1809332;1525453900;mircea_popescu;or w/e, catholicism, shamanism, wha have you. 1809333;1525453918;mircea_popescu;zx2c4, i don't think the usg is capable of representing me at all. 1809334;1525453928;mircea_popescu;think back to your original problem, "wtf terrorism". 1809335;1525453939;zx2c4;asciilifeform: arent there some commit logs that show where the debian bug comes from? i honestly cant remember 1809336;1525453941;mircea_popescu;there's very limited capacity for understanding the world in complex systems. kinda why they fail. 1809337;1525453961;asciilifeform;zx2c4: your null hypothesis is defective. 1809338;1525453998;zx2c4;doesnt it seem like an awful amount of work an effort just to make your work disappear and have people not talk to you? 1809339;1525454015;zx2c4;or do you think it's not actually directly targeted at you but rather a systemic thing 1809340;1525454025;zx2c4;where resources funnel to those who do things most benignly? 1809341;1525454027;mircea_popescu;i thought it was obvios enough it's the latter neh. 1809342;1525454029;asciilifeform;no moar effort than trees expend effort to grow. 1809343;1525454042;zx2c4;asciilifeform: whats a null hypthesis 1809344;1525454047;zx2c4;+o 1809345;1525454074;asciilifeform;zx2c4: well, you seem to see the burden of proof, on asciilifeform , to show that debiankeys , or e.g. heartbleed, was a work of nsa plant 1809346;1525454079;mircea_popescu;zx2c4, in statistics, it's the universal "no relevance" ; in practice, this must be translated to meaning. 1809347;1525454091;mircea_popescu;he is saying your translation to meaning is biased. 1809348;1525454097;asciilifeform;so your null hypothesis is to believe the perpetrators of said crimes, 'honest! it was accident! nevermind that it walks and quacks like nsa bug' 1809349;1525454104;zx2c4;mircea_popescu: oh. so. "the world doesnt care about the cool hackers on the internet, but only the assholes with prestigious positions." this has been a widely known complaint for a long time 1809350;1525454130;mircea_popescu;zx2c4, a) it is not a complaint b) seeing how i'm the one with all the money and all the rapes, i can scarcely conceive what "the world" even is. 1809351;1525454151;mircea_popescu;what world is this, iyo, that's not me and of me ? the squalor of shard dorms ? the plastic cubical farms ? what exactly ? 1809352;1525454207;mircea_popescu;what exactly is prestigious outside of my rating it, i don't get it ? you imagine i even for a second see the people eating rubber chicken at conferences above the prostitutes i don't bother to talk to at strip clubs ? why the fuck would i roflmao. 1809353;1525454221;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: don't forget, also world of the general's wives, with voices like unoiled door hinges, and backtalk! how can you not envy!111 the respectable people!11111 1809354;1525454235;mircea_popescu;cuz they're poor, sad and stupid ? i dunno... 1809355;1525454238;zx2c4;re:null - its one thing to make claims about how systemic shifts happen. these are usually compelling arguments and interesting, and usually not conspiratorial but still relevant. but when you argue about a *particular* *conspiracy* -- "the debian bug was nsa sabotage" -- now there's a much harder argument to make, because you're talking about some individual @debian.org guy being complicit in one way or another, and he's a human 1809356;1525454263;mircea_popescu;zx2c4, the debian bug was a nsa plant is neitehr controversial nor requires any conspiracy. 1809357;1525454290;zx2c4;lets say you pull the commit log and you see that dkg@debian.org committed it 1809358;1525454294;mircea_popescu;so ? 1809359;1525454296;zx2c4;so then we go and ask dkg 1809360;1525454302;zx2c4;and he's like, "yea, im an idiot..." 1809361;1525454306;mircea_popescu;!!key dkg 1809362;1525454306;deedbot;Not registered. 1809363;1525454318;zx2c4;and then what? 1809364;1525454319;mircea_popescu;i'm not asking plebs anything. other than perhaps to get in the wot and do their log reading. 1809365;1525454332;zx2c4;now you can either believe that it was an honest mistake 1809366;1525454332;mircea_popescu;you understand this, dkg is ~not capable~ of saying things. 1809367;1525454339;mircea_popescu;i do not believe he can speak. 1809368;1525454348;zx2c4;or you can believe that he's covering things up 1809369;1525454352;mircea_popescu;... 1809370;1525454358;zx2c4;[ftr, i have no idea who committed the bug or if theres even a commit log] 1809371;1525454368;zx2c4;if you believe he's covering it up, 1809372;1525454372;zx2c4;then you get to know the guy, 1809373;1525454377;zx2c4;you become best buds, let's say 1809374;1525454380;zx2c4;he's bestman at your wedding 1809375;1525454385;zx2c4;godfather to your first born child 1809376;1525454394;zx2c4;on his deathbed, you ask him 1809377;1525454398;mircea_popescu;jesus christ. re-do this conversation with a six year old girl instead of dkg. "she either enjoyed it or she lied." motherfucker! SHE IS NOT ABLE TO SPEAK. 1809378;1525454400;zx2c4;"NSA tell you to plant that bug?" 1809379;1525454414;zx2c4;he denies it 1809380;1525454434;zx2c4;you still believe he's lying. in that case, you're really asserting something quite big 1809381;1525454452;mircea_popescu;what am i going to do with this guy. 1809382;1525454462;asciilifeform;zx2c4: see also http://btcbase.org/log/2018-02-04#1780840 1809383;1525454462;a111;Logged on 2018-02-04 00:42 mircea_popescu: so while pretty much every adult romanian saw at least one (often enough in the shape of, hey, do you know this guy you've been frioends for 30 years with, since chiuldhood ? well he was trying to fuck your wife and get you imprisoned), apparently there's a NOFORN clause implicit or something, 0 internets. 1809384;1525454462;zx2c4;haha sorry 1809385;1525454519;zx2c4;anyway, the only point im making with this extended debian example is that it's one thing to point to systemic societal shifts and tendencies. its quite another to make a claim about a particular individual and their deceptions. some people are deceptive. others aren't. but it's not a conclusion you can ever jump to trivially 1809386;1525454521;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, yeah, the experience of the bitter fruits of socialism is always so inadherent to they inebriated by the flowers. 1809387;1525454551;mircea_popescu;zx2c4, not a matter of trivially. what i say has a lot of power, such as to end careers, research lines etcetera. 1809388;1525454569;mircea_popescu;this is why i'm somebody and ten thousand fake media shills are essentially gloves. 1809389;1525454583;asciilifeform;zx2c4: as a matter of fact, is IS a conclusion i can jump to trivially. because your supposed 'person' is actually a nameless cockroach beneath my feet. because he is not in the wot, and thereby not distinguishable from the 90000..+ faux 'humans' usg manufactures on daily basis to further its psyops. 1809390;1525454610;mircea_popescu;i suppose he wasn't here for the gavin beheading, imagines the usg can even protect its agents or something like that. 1809391;1525454634;zx2c4;asciilifeform: that quote from mircea_popescu you just pasted is interesting. i didnt know ceausescu did so much "political policing". i dont think i have any experience living in a society like that 1809392;1525454637;mircea_popescu;zx2c4, are you aware some mit schmuck was "in charge of bitcoin" "left by satoshi" and then i said he'd better get lost and then he was kicked off like so much flotsam ? 1809393;1525454644;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: evidently he also slept through boeck's week-long shilling for craig wright, followed by 'unhappening', or would at least start scratching head when prodded 1809394;1525454665;mircea_popescu;well, "the world" didn't hear "just the facts" about that, either. so... 1809395;1525454695;mircea_popescu;but yes, zx2c4 : there are heuristics which do make human work easier. and it is the tell tale of a made agent, that he gets sent on garbage missions. 1809396;1525454707;zx2c4;mircea_popescu: wait what? an mit dude had satoshi's bitcoins but you told him to get lost and now he's disappeared? 1809397;1525454713;mircea_popescu;(made, in case you also weren't there for the berlin games, means to have been spotted.) 1809398;1525454721;asciilifeform;zx2c4: the society you actually live in, makes ceaucescu's look like refreshing paradise of straight-talk 1809399;1525454738;mircea_popescu;zx2c4, that's not what i said is it ? 1809400;1525454751;zx2c4;mircea_popescu: im really not parsing that sentence 1809401;1525454766;mircea_popescu;ok, well, let's just say there's a lot of history you don't know. 1809402;1525454771;zx2c4;(zx2c4 is a sophisticated chatbot but sometimes his neural network trainings are constrained) 1809403;1525454771;mircea_popescu;the only new thing in the world, right ? 1809404;1525454791;asciilifeform;zx2c4: remember when 'big blocks'(tm)(r) were 'definitely happening any day'(tm)(r) ? 1809405;1525454796;mircea_popescu;!!up phf 1809406;1525454797;deedbot;phf voiced for 30 minutes. 1809407;1525454801;asciilifeform;and then suddenly not ? 1809408;1525454809;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, i dun imagine he was much following bitcoin prior to his sudden realisation that it can do things. 1809409;1525454817;asciilifeform;hm, likely. 1809410;1525454830;phf;freenodes.. 1809411;1525454837;mircea_popescu;how's the saltmines. 1809412;1525454866;phf;http://www.dianacoman.com/2018/04/17/rfc-euloras-communication-protocol-eucomms/#comment-1166 << responded, but stuck in the approval queue 1809413;1525454909;phf;err diana_coman ^ 1809414;1525454933;zx2c4;mircea_popescu: okay lets say there's a lot of history i dont know and that there are only new things in the world? 1809415;1525454960;mircea_popescu;zx2c4, "there are no new things in this world besides the history you do not know" is a somewhat famous quip. 1809416;1525454985;zx2c4;oh that what you meant to say 1809417;1525454992;mircea_popescu;ever heard it before ? 1809418;1525455004;zx2c4;yea sure 1809419;1525455013;zx2c4;clasic american quote 1809420;1525455045;mircea_popescu;alright. so let's just say there's a lot of history you do not know. 1809421;1525455067;mircea_popescu;this, of course, isn't a crime. but it can readily account for diversity of oppinion. 1809422;1525455067;phf;the mines are consistent: when left to their own devices, they slowly crumble, supports go, and men "unexpectedly!!1" die in a periodic collapse. i come back, i bark, triage the victims, assign a team on rebuilding the supports 1809423;1525455077;zx2c4;mircea_popescu: indeed 1809424;1525455094;mircea_popescu;phf, well, sounds like you're having fun then! 1809425;1525455119;zx2c4;im surprised, by the way, to see asciilifeform's claim that communist romania was a picnic compared to modern america. why havent i ever experenced this? 1809426;1525455144;mircea_popescu;zx2c4, why don't you realise b was better than a when your experience of b is mediated by the items that produced a ? 1809427;1525455147;mircea_popescu;i couldn't tell you! 1809428;1525455151;asciilifeform;zx2c4: ever so much as set foot outside of nato reich ? 1809429;1525455159;asciilifeform;or read in lang other than engl? 1809430;1525455172;zx2c4;yes & yes 1809431;1525455194;asciilifeform;then even moar puzzling. 1809432;1525455225;asciilifeform;most amerireich victims at least have the excuse of complete ignorance of the outside of their velveeta-civilization. 1809433;1525455344;mircea_popescu;zx2c4, anyway ; his argument is principally that they were straight talking. which is true, the difference between stalin-socialism and roosevelt-socialism is strictly that the cripple shunned straight talk ; whereas the bank robber reveled in it. 1809434;1525455365;mircea_popescu;some people, given the choice of eating shit and being lied about it or eating shit and being told they're eating shit prefer the latter. 1809435;1525455390;asciilifeform;( the moar 'advanced' ameri-victims will perhaps have been to some place where they watched hairy bedouins fuck camels, from safe distance, and thereby 'understood' that the reich is the only possible home for a civilized and refined soul such as themselves ) 1809436;1525455443;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, that visual is the more amusing if one actually ever rode a camel. the animal is large. 1809437;1525455451;zx2c4;asciilifeform: hahahah 1809438;1525455458;mircea_popescu;i dunno anyone ever tried to fuck it, in preference of say fucking the toilet seat hole. 1809439;1525455463;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i have seen and touched camel and esp. revel in the absurdity of the picture 1809440;1525455509;mircea_popescu;maybe the idea comes from their (somewhat rare habit) of copulating lying down rather than standing. 1809441;1525455613;mircea_popescu;zx2c4, what's your experience of commie ro anyway ? 1809442;1525455667;asciilifeform;zx2c4: the logs countain a thousand examples. e.g. most americans are convinced that they can buy and drink milk in the corner shop ( they cannot, they buy 'ultrapasteurized' rubbish that tastes nothing like actual milk) ; that they live in 'nice house' ( they live in equiv of movie set, made of matchsticks, that falls over when first serious gust of wind ), that ... i could go on for a week and not even scratch the surface 1809443;1525455826;asciilifeform;the moar advanced specimens also seem to think that they have academics who 'do research', judges who 'dispense justice', army which 'wins wars', etc 1809444;1525455871;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, you should see all the tmsr-wannabe stuff emanating from the usarmy "dept of research", by the way. it's all about "network centric" technologees such as fighting bots with ethical ethics and whatnot. one helluva riot. 1809445;1525455891;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: with 'blockchain consensuses', betcha, also! 1809446;1525455897;asciilifeform;or is that last yr's rubbish. 1809447;1525455918;mircea_popescu;kinda. no, it';s more about how "great idea to have robots in combined arms with humans -- they can tattletale!!!" 1809448;1525455933;asciilifeform;the robo-politruk, last hoap of ze empire 1809449;1525455957;mircea_popescu;such luzly cluelessness as to how to win a war, it's possibly the prime field of ustardian bogonism. i mean... they can;'t program computers, sure. but at least the computer doesn't shoot you for being an idiot. 1809450;1525455960;asciilifeform;'not even dumbest bloke will stand for what we are; clearly we need robot' 1809451;1525455983;asciilifeform;i for one can't wait for the DAO-connected-to-rockets 1809452;1525455986;mircea_popescu;i imagine they'll be kinda happy once dead. finally, relieved from all these burdens too great, the embarassment of existence. 1809453;1525456004;asciilifeform;( if it happens tonight, it ain't a day too soon ) 1809454;1525456026;mircea_popescu;apparently they've not earned nirvana just yet. 1809455;1525456043;asciilifeform;coincidentally, jump of www traffic on dulap in past half hr. 1809456;1525456055;asciilifeform;( somebody rousted the hamster hill ? i've nfi ) 1809457;1525456072;mircea_popescu;did you get it back to churning ? 1809458;1525456089;asciilifeform;no, or we couldn't hear ourselves speak, lol 1809459;1525456098;asciilifeform;but site remains browsable. 1809460;1525456109;mircea_popescu;ok, but this isn't also going to take weeks is it ? 1809461;1525456123;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i thought lobbes went off to write a proggy, neh 1809462;1525456139;asciilifeform;iirc i described all of the 'fast' pills i could think of, already. 1809463;1525456173;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-04#1809010 < 1809464;1525456173;a111;Logged on 2018-05-04 15:40 mircea_popescu: it seems to me ridiculous to a degree bordering on infantilism that it is "impossible" to get the data out after being so complexly massaged into utility ; but be that as it may, let phuctor run and report on its website, the interested will try and sift through whatever it publishes on their own time. 1809465;1525456191;asciilifeform;oook so let's signal trinque to switch off feed for nao ? 1809466;1525456210;mircea_popescu;alternatively you can just 404 the /rss 1809467;1525456221;asciilifeform;but then i could not myself read it!111 1809468;1525456228;*;asciilifeform actually reads it. all of it. 1809469;1525456241;mircea_popescu;uh. fine, fine. 1809470;1525456254;mircea_popescu;trinque, de-follow phuctor rss when you have a minute ? 1809471;1525456315;asciilifeform;i'ma then feed in the rest of Framedragger's collection; by the time trinque wakes up, oughta be ready to fire. 1809472;1525456326;mircea_popescu;and jurov's, also ? 1809473;1525456342;asciilifeform;jurov's afterwards . 1809474;1525456348;mircea_popescu;cool. 1809475;1525456358;asciilifeform;and after that, we can do e.g. sks refresh. 1809476;1525456370;mircea_popescu;not to be forgotten about , though, dood's done some excellent work for it. 1809477;1525456376;asciilifeform;aha 1809478;1525456409;asciilifeform;https://archive.li/RoYHH << current snapshot of stats, for comparison later. 1809479;1525456544;mircea_popescu;exciting times. 1809480;1525456697;asciilifeform;relatedly, http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-04#1808752 is about 1/2 done atm 1809481;1525456697;a111;Logged on 2018-05-04 03:55 asciilifeform: also a 32cpu/1mil shots/key fermatron is running 1809482;1525456725;asciilifeform;( thus far reported just the same 2 outputs as in summer of '16 ) 1809483;1525456751;*;asciilifeform took the expected day or 2 of pause, chance, to run fermat 1809484;1525456762;asciilifeform;can't let the delish iron, go to waste. 1809485;1525456880;mircea_popescu;srsly. 1809486;1525457023;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: I can come up with a number, but I would like to see a proposal coming from the board that covers a year and moves away from the month to month shoot from the hip approach. A big part of the appeal of submitting to management was outsourcing the worry allocation. Even if it takes a week or two, seeing the board work through the process of putting an offer together so I don't have to stress over assembling an offer. Now 1809487;1525457023;BingoBoingo;that there are numbers which we didn't have in February it would be a great comfort generally to see the board coming forward with plans, however rough, that at least expand out to a year. 1809488;1525457036;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-04#1809223 << The cinches seem to be a rather solved problem at this point. Since the Cowork bathroom stopped being a viable location for banging, picking up a hotelroom one night every 8-9 days has helped the morale. I can continue the hostel life for quite some time. The bigger morale hit is... the lack of pocket money and the lack of a clear future where there is more pocket money. Room in the budget to 1809489;1525457036;a111;Logged on 2018-05-04 16:47 ben_vulpes: mod6 asciilifeform: i dun object; pizarro needs a better foundation than a writhing pile of chinches. i'd like to get a flat down there; this can consolidate the housing and desk expenses and provide i expect much needed moral uplift. 1809490;1525457036;BingoBoingo;do shit like buy pants that fit without feeling pressured to itemize the expense would be appreciated. A proposal with less leibenstraum could also be acceptable if it includes lump sum payments for hitting certain milestones. 1809491;1525457046;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-04#1809228 << Water heater, all of the furnishings, several kinds of deposits. From there a flat incurs utility bills and "gastos communes" monthly. Then there is the matter of whether it is Pizarro's apartment of Bingo's apartment. I am also a bit apprehensive about personally signing yet another 24 month contract totaling in the 5 figure USD range while so much of Pizarro is still being done on a month 1809492;1525457046;a111;Logged on 2018-05-04 16:47 ben_vulpes: BingoBoingo: i recall many sticking points around the flat; wouldja enumerate? water heater, previous flatrental...? 1809493;1525457046;BingoBoingo;to month basis. 1809494;1525457090;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: how close is the magic personhood card with which to incorporate ? 1809495;1525457132;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: A couple weeks out, Target date to have it in hand is the 16th barring any surprises 1809496;1525457205;asciilifeform;as for numbers, ben_vulpes are you still missing anything ? to make the end-of-april report 1809497;1525457412;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: as soon as he coughs up the april statement ( containing, recall,actual revenue ) i will insist on a discussion of concrete plan to get BingoBoingo into proper flat and into non-itemized regular swap of pants. 1809498;1525457502;mod6;chinches = bedbugs? 1809499;1525457729;asciilifeform;aha 1809500;1525457789;mod6;BingoBoingo: what do you mean by 'leibenstraum'? 1809501;1525457855;asciilifeform;mod6: presumably, lebensraum 1809502;1525457887;mod6;doesnt parse for mod6 1809503;1525457901;asciilifeform;lit. 'space for life' 1809504;1525457920;mod6;Look, I would apprciate if we can use plain language, no spanglish, no whatever flower-y things. I just need to read-once, parse-once. 1809505;1525457942;asciilifeform;mod6: d00d is stewing in own juices in the barracks, surrounded by screeching monkeys 1809506;1525457955;asciilifeform;would like a place to live, where the door closes, like you and i have. 1809507;1525457971;mod6;Lol, oh yeah, i hear ya. I'm not disputing the need for a 'flat' or whatever, just trying to make sure I understand these points being made. 1809508;1525457980;asciilifeform;i think mod6 understands. 1809509;1525458050;mod6;And by all means, use whatever language in #trilema; I'm referring to when discussing pizarro proposals with me in particular. Too many mental gymnastics otherwise. 1809510;1525458070;asciilifeform;mod6: feel entirely free to say, whenever you must, 'this makes 0 sense, gotta concretize' 1809511;1525458090;asciilifeform;and i will personally concretize ( and perhaps be corrected by others, but at any rate will try ) 1809512;1525458103;BingoBoingo;screeching monkeys are more like a one weekend out of every two sort of deal. I stress more over decisions like "when am I going to replace my pants (all of them) with ones that fit?" 1809513;1525458104;mod6;You shouldn't have to do this. 1809514;1525458135;asciilifeform;mod6: theoretically i 'shouldn't have to' lug 100kg of iron in a cart across 2 continents, but sometimes gotta do things 'shouldn't have to', lol 1809515;1525458179;mod6;I'm simply saying, you should not have to translate for men who already 'speak' english. 1809516;1525458201;asciilifeform;ideally. 1809517;1525458225;asciilifeform;at any rate, i'ma let folx do own speaking, iirc i already made clear own position. 1809518;1525458247;mod6;Anyway, I'm all for it if we think we can make it work. 1809519;1525458262;mod6;But maybe some details are in order. 1809520;1525458274;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes's report, for one. 1809521;1525458288;mod6;Yup, exactly. 1809522;1525458294;mod6;2) What is BB spending that is not recorded. 1809523;1525458311;mod6;3) How much is /entire/ cost of flat, bla bla. 1809524;1525458316;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: my current understanding is that it is simply your 'shore leaves' in hotel ? am i right ? 1809525;1525458330;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: it is 1809526;1525458347;mod6;hotel or hostel? 1809527;1525458350;BingoBoingo;Once every 8 or 9 days 1809528;1525458359;asciilifeform;mod6: girls won't go into hostel... 1809529;1525458363;mod6;what is a 'shore leaves' ? 1809530;1525458392;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: plox to describe, for edification of mod6 , the exact procedure. 1809531;1525458407;mod6;I'm totally clueless here, you'll have to forgive me. 1809532;1525458589;mod6;You're saying, every eight or nine days, you need to get a hotel room to bang some girls. 1809533;1525458607;mod6;Got it. Just say that next time, jeeze. 1809534;1525458615;asciilifeform;!Q later tell mircea_popescu i realized nao that if i fire up the thing as described, we won't have the hostnames. they are are (currently) trinque-produced. 1809535;1525458615;lobbesbot;asciilifeform: The operation succeeded. 1809536;1525458648;mod6;Wasting 3 minutes of my time to ponder that is kinda .. exactly what I'm saying. 1809537;1525458695;asciilifeform;mod6: BingoBoingo devoted a great deal of space to the subj in own www and in the logs, i assumed , imho justifiably, that you knew. 1809538;1525458705;BingoBoingo; what is a 'shore leaves' ? << At some point, usually 7 days after the last bang session the peruana starts to feel abandoned and to keep her available I have to find a place to bang her out. For a while the Cowork bathrooms were adequate for this purpose, but after one particularly energetic night/morning using the Cowork bathrooms for exercise became untenable. And people at the hostel gotta sleep. Thusly on day 8 or 9 I get a 1809539;1525458705;BingoBoingo;hotel room, and the Peruana and I get to work on improving morale. 1809540;1525458709;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-04#1809491 << from experience the (complete) cost for a http://trilema.com/2010/doua-fete-argumentul-economic/ locus, ie, 2/3 bedroom apt, is somewhere around 8-9k/year. notrly reaching into five figures, is it ? 1809541;1525458709;a111;Logged on 2018-05-04 18:04 BingoBoingo: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-04#1809228 << Water heater, all of the furnishings, several kinds of deposits. From there a flat incurs utility bills and "gastos communes" monthly. Then there is the matter of whether it is Pizarro's apartment of Bingo's apartment. I am also a bit apprehensive about personally signing yet another 24 month contract totaling in the 5 figure USD range while so much of Pizarro is still being done on a month 1809542;1525458709;lobbesbot;mircea_popescu: Sent 1 minute ago: i realized nao that if i fire up the thing as described, we won't have the hostnames. they are are (currently) trinque-produced. 1809543;1525458766;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: your figure is approx correct, based on various 'find a flat' www that BingoBoingo had found. 1809544;1525458785;mircea_popescu;i didn't expect it moved much in the interval. 1809545;1525458810;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Here they like to stretch the lease to 24 or 36 months. The fifth figure comes from figuring the full contract length. 1809546;1525458821;asciilifeform;supposedly, for low 5fig one can even purchase outright a building in that town. 1809547;1525458823;mod6;<+asciilifeform> mod6: BingoBoingo devoted a great deal of space to the subj in own www and in the logs, i assumed , imho justifiably, that you knew. << I did hear about a 'girl', which I was happy to hear! I just didn't know what 'shore leaves' was. Had to do 3 minutes of gymnastics. This is about comms with mod6. 1809548;1525458859;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo, yeah but i mean, i paid quarterly as a rule, and it was exceptional. they generally do monthly payments. the wisdom of doing 3 year lump sum payments to spanish speaking peoples is debatable in any case. 1809549;1525458870;asciilifeform;mod6: i'ma put ' to be very concrete! with mod6 ! ' on my chalkboard 1809550;1525458886;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, it would not be inconceivable either pizarro or nsa buys some real estate in that town, i guess. 1809551;1525458893;mod6;When discussing business decisions, indeed, this would be great. I'm pretty thick, you see. 1809552;1525458979;mod6;Picture in my mind... when I read 'shore leaves', I start taking that literally, like 'oh, he went to BA?! nice! How come he didn't say so?!?!?!', etc etc. 1809553;1525458985;asciilifeform;aa 1809554;1525458987;asciilifeform;damn 1809555;1525458989;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-04#1809504 << it's a reference to german colonialism. basically, "settlement allowance" or w/e. 1809556;1525458989;a111;Logged on 2018-05-04 18:18 mod6: Look, I would apprciate if we can use plain language, no spanglish, no whatever flower-y things. I just need to read-once, parse-once. 1809557;1525459007;mod6;*nod* 1809558;1525459046;mod6;I just prefer not to look things up if something can be said such as: "hey, the cocksuckers are cramping my style, need some space between myself and them" 1809559;1525459051;mod6;lot less mystery there. 1809560;1525459054;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Right, been burned on the advanced payments here before. Just looking at the total sum of things. 1809561;1525459117;mod6;deep breaths mod6, deep breaths. 1809562;1525459121;mircea_popescu;they do at-will rentals anyway. the term is enforceable against the owner ; not so much the tenant. anyway. 1809563;1525459123;mod6;brb 1809564;1525459226;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-04#1809534 << indeed. 1809565;1525459226;a111;Logged on 2018-05-04 18:30 asciilifeform: !Q later tell mircea_popescu i realized nao that if i fire up the thing as described, we won't have the hostnames. they are are (currently) trinque-produced. 1809566;1525459322;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: what i really ought to do, arguably, is look'em up and retro-diddle the Framedragger keys' userstrings in the db . ~however~ this would change their hash ! and break all the old links. 1809567;1525459328;asciilifeform;so kinda stuck in re subj. 1809568;1525459369;mircea_popescu;i'm not even sure what the contention is here at all. the "hey, we're paying ~same for current arrangement as apt would cost" point was, i thought, thoroughly resolved with http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-04#1808553 convo yest. 1809569;1525459369;a111;Logged on 2018-05-04 02:38 mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes, the reason it was done this way originally was not a price consideration but forced societal insertion. 1809570;1525459381;asciilifeform;trinque had kindly let me 'cheat' by using the logs as the tool to find the hostnames, to date... 1809571;1525459391;BingoBoingo; I just prefer not to look things up if something can be said such as: "hey, the cocksuckers are cramping my style, need some space between myself and them" << As mentioned, I have the hostel side of that rather settled. My immediate concern is pants. That will be followed by something else reaching the end of its service life, etc. 1809572;1525459394;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, just ignore it. eventually the data will have to be prettified. when someone has the time. 1809573;1525459408;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: aite, will throw the switch when trinque gives the signal, then. 1809574;1525459481;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: i proposed +10% as concretely 'flat AND pants'-enabling figure. plox to correct if by your reckoning it is not so. 1809575;1525459511;asciilifeform;( considering that a fairly decent flat can be had ~already~ for cost of the cowork desk + fleapit ) 1809576;1525459531;asciilifeform;as i recall the obstacle was, however, that BingoBoingo would have to front a month of its cost ? or what was it 1809577;1525459568;mircea_popescu;that takes him then to what, (570 +311 +620)*1.1 ? ie, marginally costing more than the dc ? 1809578;1525459611;asciilifeform;1800+180==1980 1809579;1525459616;asciilifeform;less than dc by fat chunk. 1809580;1525459663;mircea_popescu;well, considering from experience few locals have even half that to play with, should make survival possible. 1809581;1525459712;*;mircea_popescu banged plenty of what locally counted for middle class gals who nevertheless maintained the pretense on 5-600 a month. 1809582;1525459749;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: did they have physical digs, tho, or only pretense 1809583;1525459771;mircea_popescu;raised fucking children, are you kidding me ? 1809584;1525459786;mircea_popescu;middle class, you know ? it's a thing. 1809585;1525459794;BingoBoingo; well, considering from experience few locals have even half that to play with, should make survival possible. << The locals have their parents and grandparents to live with. 1809586;1525459802;asciilifeform;well eritreans raise children on $0 and fingernail dirt, so that dun tell us much. but i can picture. 1809587;1525459813;mircea_popescu;sure, wasn't bringing some kind of argument. 1809588;1525459865;mircea_popescu;to quote one of barry fitzgerald's best roles (the naked city) : "Fifty bucks!" 1809589;1525459873;trinque;asciilifeform: optionally I can aim this at you, just like mircea_popescu's trilema comments 1809590;1525459896;asciilifeform;trinque: oh hey, that'd be useful 1809591;1525459899;asciilifeform;can haz ? 1809592;1525459904;trinque;sure 1809593;1525459907;mircea_popescu;oh and a spiffy thing that is indeed! i'm like an eagle with my comments now. 1809594;1525459913;asciilifeform;i'ma post the full barfology in the end, then , on own www 1809595;1525459925;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, trinque this works. 1809596;1525459929;asciilifeform;very , very spiffy , trinque , i am impressed that this exists 1809597;1525459937;asciilifeform;let it shoot. 1809598;1525459942;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, feel free to even quote the choicier bits in the logs. the only problem is the wall, really. 1809599;1525459948;asciilifeform;will do. 1809600;1525459974;mircea_popescu;in the end we came up with a wetware replacement for having to write python wrappers for sql. GO A TEAM! 1809601;1525459974;asciilifeform;however if no one objects i will re-enable crunching tomorrow morning, after fermat is expected to be finished. 1809602;1525459982;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, works. 1809603;1525459985;asciilifeform;cool. 1809604;1525460019;asciilifeform;( incidentally , fermat is great 'torture test' for the box, ~100% cpu utilization for days. ) 1809605;1525460037;trinque;asciilifeform: done, shall barf via pm from now on 1809606;1525460041;asciilifeform;yay 1809607;1525460050;asciilifeform;ty trinque ! 1809608;1525460069;asciilifeform;is it possible to put in more than 1 nick ? ( anybody else wants to subscribe ..? ) 1809609;1525460103;asciilifeform;or am i overbending the stick here 1809610;1525460123;trinque;could, but the thing is dumb and shall hit your rss once per person 1809611;1525460133;asciilifeform;trinque: this is a-ok, it it cached. 1809612;1525460137;asciilifeform;costs us 0. 1809613;1525460161;trinque;doesn't bother me then, folks can let me know if they want to receive. 1809614;1525460178;asciilifeform;cool. 1809615;1525460923;diana_coman;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-04#1809412 <- it's published now 1809616;1525460923;a111;Logged on 2018-05-04 17:27 phf: http://www.dianacoman.com/2018/04/17/rfc-euloras-communication-protocol-eucomms/#comment-1166 << responded, but stuck in the approval queue 1809617;1525461454;lobbes;Phew. Now I can focus on getting trb node up this weekend (hit some barfs last night when building, will post details tonight). Also, logbot-based tickerbot is getting closer (tm) to existing  >> http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-04#1809600 1809618;1525461454;a111;Logged on 2018-05-04 18:52 mircea_popescu: in the end we came up with a wetware replacement for having to write python wrappers for sql. GO A TEAM! 1809619;1525461490;mircea_popescu;lobbes, word. 1809620;1525461886;*;lobbes ended up getting a cheap dedi out in kansas or w/e for 25 bezzlebux. Soley for trb-ing. Drawback is it has hdd, but going to try and use the aggressive pushgetblocks patch. Seems like diana_coman had nice results with similar experimentation 1809621;1525461934;asciilifeform;lobbes, other trbists : another thing that worx, is the combo of pizarro node piped through a cheapo heathen relay-only box. 1809622;1525461943;asciilifeform;( e.g. ssh tunnel ) 1809623;1525461973;diana_coman;lobbes, indeed; pushgetblocks patch seems to keep hdd node at the top without any problem 1809624;1525461986;asciilifeform;( you still get the down side of 'N nodes hanging off a single mains supply' but avoid the hit of 'N nodes in single ip blok' ) 1809625;1525462144;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/S9pax/?raw=true << >> http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-03#1808365 1809626;1525462144;a111;Logged on 2018-05-03 19:29 asciilifeform experimentally ordered , from shitazon, a qty of jumper cables for connection of FG to rockchippen, to be mailed to BingoBoingo , claims they will be received by may the 10th 1809627;1525462230;asciilifeform;^ claims delivery guarantee of may the 7th. if this worx, then it is a viable means of getting (small/inexpensive) items into BingoBoingo's orbit. 1809628;1525462275;asciilifeform;( trick was, only some % of subcontractors of shitazon, will ship abroad, had to find via brute force, which ones ) 1809629;1525462302;asciilifeform;for some reason there is no public list or anything of the sort. 1809630;1525462325;asciilifeform;you can click on an item and 'add to cart' and 19 times out of 20 will get simple eggog when 'ship to $bbaddr' 1809631;1525462408;asciilifeform;diana_coman: i expect mechanical-disk nodes will fall behind again if usg 'stress test of blocks' were to resume. 1809632;1525462538;asciilifeform;https://archive.li/WElit << meanwhile in other usg.noose. 1809633;1525462560;asciilifeform;'ight new security flaws in Intel CPUs' etc. 1809634;1525462565;asciilifeform;*eight 1809635;1525463554;mircea_popescu;yeah, they lost that whole thing. intel's getting cisco'd. 1809636;1525463639;ben_vulpes;what do y'all use for summing big lists of bitcoin values? 1809637;1525463648;ben_vulpes;i'm sitting here getting float errors out of everything but my pad of paper 1809638;1525463660;trinque;postgres "numeric" type 1809639;1525463680;trinque;with the precision set to the appropriate range 1809640;1525463704;ben_vulpes;!!up candi_lustt 1809641;1525463705;deedbot;candi_lustt voiced for 30 minutes. 1809642;1525463743;ben_vulpes;!W (- 9.15831827 0.399861) 1809643;1525463743;candi_lustt;ben_vulpes: 8.758457 1809644;1525463790;ben_vulpes;well that only looks correct because of truncation, sbcl locally sez '8.75863727' 1809645;1525463903;*;ben_vulpes now hand-summing numbers 1809646;1525463933;ben_vulpes;of course satoshi had to pick a number of decimals guaranteed to break everything in the world. 1809647;1525464011;trinque;could fire up a maxima 1809648;1525464045;trinque;or use the python "Decimal" type, with strings passed to constructor 1809649;1525464100;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: i add in sbcl and round in the end by hand as taught in kindergarten 1809650;1525464132;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: i'm getting demonstrably wrong numbers out of sbcl when subtracting 1809651;1525464147;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: mighty interesting, will have to say moar when you have time 1809652;1525464158;ben_vulpes;see the line i sent to candi_lustt just a moment ago 1809653;1525464172;trinque;ben_vulpes: are you using format on the output? 1809654;1525464182;trinque;recall I saw this with the deedbot wallet? type is too small 1809655;1525464223;ben_vulpes;i have a (setf *read-default-float-format* 'double-float) in my .sbclrc 1809656;1525464235;ben_vulpes;and no, unformatted, returning values to the repl 1809657;1525464269;mircea_popescu;trinque> with the precision set to the appropriate range << this is the important part. 1809658;1525464290;trinque;ben_vulpes: hm dunno then. 1809659;1525464329;ben_vulpes;trinque: the error reproduces in the ios "pcalc" but not in the google calculator 1809660;1525464382;ben_vulpes;genuinely thought that i had forgotten my kindergarten subtraction algorithms for a moment 1809661;1525464531;mircea_popescu;i get 8.75845727 amusingly enough. echo "9.15831827-0.399861" | bc 1809662;1525464545;mircea_popescu;maybe your sbcl is brokt ? 1809663;1525464552;asciilifeform;mine matches his 1809664;1525464564;asciilifeform;and i even suspect the reason 1809665;1525464565;trinque;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/GI4Ir/?raw=true << why they can pry sql from my cold dead hands 1809666;1525464593;trinque;isn't a programming environment sure, batshit language, yes, but all *these* sorts of problems were worn off by the flow of industry over the surface 1809667;1525464600;mircea_popescu;even more amusingly : diana_coman spent the past two days working with floats. not entirely unrelated problems. 1809668;1525464609;ben_vulpes;hey trinque wouldja share your definition for bitcoin_amount 1809669;1525464629;ben_vulpes;next month this all goes into a database 1809670;1525464640;ben_vulpes;fancy spreadsheet, i mean 1809671;1525464691;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: i suspect that sbcl uses 'iron' (ieee) floats by default, rather than rational arithmetic, and therefore produces garbage 1809672;1525464692;trinque;ben_vulpes: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/U8TTH/?raw=true 1809673;1525464699;asciilifeform;( Just Say No to machine floats ) 1809674;1525464700;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: interesting 1809675;1525464727;ben_vulpes;trinque: yup makes sense 1809676;1525464733;mircea_popescu;i can do his one better : select '9.15831827' - '0.399861' produces "8.758457270000001". 1809677;1525464776;ben_vulpes;what is better about this? 1809678;1525464787;phf;!!up candi_lustt 1809679;1525464788;deedbot;candi_lustt voiced for 30 minutes. 1809680;1525464793;phf;!W (coerce (- (+ 9 15831827/100000000) (+ 0 399861/1000000)) 'double-float) 1809681;1525464793;candi_lustt;phf: 8.75845727d0 1809682;1525464794;*;ben_vulpes rubs hands excitedly 1809683;1525464842;ben_vulpes;aight, so i'm an uncivilized turd. 1809684;1525465038;phf;i don't know what they did in sbcl that it gives 8.75863727 locally, but with double float cmucl gives 8.758457270000001 and with double-double-float it's 8.75845727w0 1809685;1525465926;asciilifeform;phf: any idea how to make it ditch the whole machinefloat nonsense in favour of troo arithmetic ? 1809686;1525466006;asciilifeform;( it still boggles my mind that anybody, at any point, ever thought that creating an arithmetron that outputs answers which are at variance with kindergarten/napkin, is somehow acceptable ) 1809687;1525466154;asciilifeform;( see also thread, e.g. http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-08#1667301 ) 1809688;1525466154;a111;Logged on 2017-06-08 16:14 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-08#1667112 << i'd like to be rid of the floating point 1809689;1525466315;asciilifeform;( and http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-30#1706280 and http://btcbase.org/log/2016-04-07#1448078 and prolly elsewhere.. ) 1809690;1525466315;a111;Logged on 2017-08-30 13:15 asciilifeform: ( ieee floats are in effect a demented, drooling integer stack which ~pseudorandomly skips bits ) 1809691;1525466315;a111;Logged on 2016-04-07 17:41 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: easy, just don't use the idiot ieee float 1809692;1525467612;deedbot;http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2018/05/04/collected-gripes/ << Bingo Blog - Collected Gripes 1809693;1525467817;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/05/argentine-interest-rates-hit-40-as-argentine-peso-continues-freefall/ << Qntra - Argentine Interest Rates Hit 40% As Argentine Peso Continues Freefall 1809694;1525468664;BingoBoingo;^ ben_vulpes mod6 asciilifeform I have proposed a start for negotiations on a compensation package through February 2019 for your consideration here: http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/#fn1-1909 1809695;1525468823;BingoBoingo;Take your time, do math, and come up with a counter offer. 1809696;1525469158;ben_vulpes;thanks BingoBoingo 1809697;1525469189;ben_vulpes;could i possibly induce you to set up a bouncer on the shared machine so i can tabcomplete your name after you close your laptop? 1809698;1525471174;deedbot;http://pizarroisp.net/index.php/2018/05/04/pizarro-statement-april-2018/ << PizzaroISP - Pizarro Statement, April 2018 1809699;1525471212;asciilifeform;oh hey hey hey lbj ! 1809700;1525471275;*;ben_vulpes emerges into sunlight, blinks 1809701;1525471347;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: the numbers-of-customers are 'on top of existing' or 'incl existing' ? 1809702;1525471355;asciilifeform;( in the last table ) 1809703;1525471452;ben_vulpes;including existing 1809704;1525471502;asciilifeform;ok then i dun get it : from the equation it would seem that the , e.g., 36 colo, means 'if nothing else existed, 36 colos would be needed, at current price, to add up to $burn' 1809705;1525471513;asciilifeform;and ditto for the other params 1809706;1525471664;ben_vulpes;updooted for clarity. 1809707;1525471682;asciilifeform;ty 1809708;1525471723;ben_vulpes;right, that's exactly it. 1809709;1525471728;*;asciilifeform brb,meat 1809710;1525471768;ben_vulpes;mk well let me know what doesn't make sense at your leisure 1809711;1525472265;BingoBoingo;ben_vulpes: Sorry about the join/parts. I will put a bouncer on the punch list. Moved the terminal to do some relaxed balcony computing only to discover this weekend's crowd is a bunch of non-verbal retards here for some sort of convention. 1809712;1525472556;BingoBoingo;If they could communicate, the would probably try insisting they are merely deaf but their movement patterns and posturing betray deficits beyond hearing loss. 1809713;1525472798;ben_vulpes;heh you know precisely what i'm actually bitching about 1809714;1525474918;mod6;ugh that was brutal. nothing says "friday afternoon" like an impromptu VLAN renumbering. 1809715;1525474943;mod6;ben_vulpes: thanks for the posting of the April Report! 1809716;1525475046;mod6;Question for ya: Is the depreciation (monthly) of UY2 really 0.33333333 ? Or maybe is supposed to be 0.03333333 ? 1809717;1525475130;mod6;Also, in your first table (nitpick) : s/S.NG/S.MG/ 1809718;1525475198;asciilifeform;it actually isn't clear to me how these depreciate 1809719;1525475212;asciilifeform;( ... are we talking about mechanical wear ? or something else ? ) 1809720;1525475466;ben_vulpes;mod6: ah that's correct 1809721;1525475757;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: it's an accounting practice; we could in theory only depreciate the SSDs and hold the machines onthebooks forever to reflect your view that the iron doesn't actually lose value. 1809722;1525475783;asciilifeform;aa 1809723;1525475805;ben_vulpes;this is very much not standard practice tho, and imho better to show a conservative estimate of what assets are (losing value month by month) than to inflate possibly controversially the valance sheet 1809724;1525475907;asciilifeform;the answer to this q doesn't really affect the most interesting numbers in the report tho. 1809725;1525475939;ben_vulpes;no not really, it's more interesting later on in the trajectory "revenues on assets of whatever" 1809726;1525475946;ben_vulpes;but go on about the numbers that interest you 1809727;1525476007;mod6;Oh, on the good side today! I went to that .ua place again for a fantastic ruben... and bought some of their sweet italian sausages, and smoked cheddarworst. 1809728;1525476023;mod6;lol, overall, a push I suppose. 1809729;1525477303;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-04#1809677 MOAR PRECISIONS 1809730;1525477303;a111;Logged on 2018-05-04 20:12 ben_vulpes: what is better about this? 1809731;1525477336;asciilifeform;i am making a wwwistic calculator thing, ben_vulpes ; do you have the price table (usd) and current # of subscribers for each type, handy ? 1809732;1525477437;asciilifeform;or do i gotta recompute from the available #s 1809733;1525477448;mircea_popescu;the valance sheet << i like this. 1809734;1525477464;asciilifeform;lol 1809735;1525477546;mircea_popescu;1.18283607 / 1.58269707 not even terribru 1809736;1525477605;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, it's also terrible practice that i read "tooling" and then "zip ties" and "llave". srsly now, put them all in tooling and ((enum)) if need be. 1809737;1525477710;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, more shockingly, can you explain how the hell you folks posted a 0.55620116 ebidta gain this period ? i mean i get it, sold .4 worth of equity ; but the rest ?! 1809738;1525477756;mircea_popescu;also, seeing how 13.86965669 != 13.81965669 your books aren't balanced. wtf happened ? 1809739;1525478076;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, you're confusing the concept of par value for shares (which is 0.00001 considering you issued 1.1mn on 11 btc capital) with book value per share, a different item. 1809740;1525478144;mircea_popescu;ah, the rest because you booked some yearly contracts, i see, i see. 1809741;1525478223;mircea_popescu;prolly should look into the concept of "unearned income". technically money you were paid for services you've not yet rendered belongs to the customers' equity line. 1809742;1525478694;ben_vulpes;i gotta step away for a spell but will come back and address 1809743;1525478870;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes, mod6 , mircea_popescu , et al : http://www.loper-os.org/pub/piz_tab.html << corrections of central column or other init params, welcome 1809744;1525478907;asciilifeform;( and yes i converted FG price to usd, to match the units of the other params ) 1809745;1525478937;asciilifeform;the param 'target' and the params in leftmost and center columns, are editable, will trigger recalc of equation 1809746;1525478995;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: feel free to copy this item onto piz www if you think it merits. 1809747;1525479210;mircea_popescu;seems broken in here lessee... 1809748;1525479218;asciilifeform;it needs js wwwbrowser 1809749;1525479222;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, https://archive.is/LAZOH << so you need 144, got 4 and need 29 more ? 1809750;1525479237;asciilifeform;noooo 1809751;1525479241;asciilifeform;144 is price in usd 1809752;1525479259;mircea_popescu;o i c. 1809753;1525479260;asciilifeform;(144.444...) 1809754;1525479261;asciilifeform;aha 1809755;1525479265;asciilifeform;derived from ben_vulpes table 1809756;1525479267;mircea_popescu;so basically this is the recurring revenue table ? 1809757;1525479271;asciilifeform;correct 1809758;1525479280;asciilifeform;prolly i made a numeric mistake somewhere, will let ben_vulpes confirm 1809759;1525479291;asciilifeform;but it seems to match his outputs in the degenerate cases. 1809760;1525479315;asciilifeform;( if one sets middle col to all 0 ) 1809761;1525479323;mircea_popescu;well, eg the s.mg box, like your largest income driver, isn't in there ? 1809762;1525479336;asciilifeform;it is, under 4 colo + 4 FG 1809763;1525479350;mircea_popescu;why 4 ? 1809764;1525479360;asciilifeform;i counted 4 colo people in ben_vulpes first table 1809765;1525479367;mircea_popescu;box only has 2 fgs ; 1 colo spot ; box rental itself is the rest. 1809766;1525479379;mircea_popescu;then there's the s.nsa box which is just 1 colo 1809767;1525479381;asciilifeform;i mean, total # of colo subscribers existing presently 1809768;1525479394;mircea_popescu;you have more than 2 ? 1809769;1525479415;asciilifeform;s.mg, s.nsa, mod6, trinque 1809770;1525479423;mircea_popescu;o wow really ? nice! 1809771;1525479434;asciilifeform;again i will let ben_vulpes confirm the accuracy of my count. 1809772;1525479491;mircea_popescu;then the 1.1k figure can't be right. 4 x 140 + how many fgs are rented out, at least 4 ? + s.mg box + rockchips hm... seems your true recurrent revenue is more like 2k 1809773;1525479493;asciilifeform;i'm pretty sure my figure is slightly moar pessimistic than the reality 1809774;1525479501;asciilifeform;because i left out 1u rental fees 1809775;1525479509;asciilifeform;s.mg rents rather than owns box, and pays for this 1809776;1525479540;asciilifeform;i gotta fix this 1809777;1525479605;mircea_popescu;anyway, so the story here is that you have ~12% occupancy and ~20-30% revenue ? 1809778;1525479614;asciilifeform;approx 1809779;1525479624;asciilifeform;still digging for the mo. cost of the s.mg unit 1809780;1525479625;mircea_popescu;sounds fab. 1809781;1525479638;mircea_popescu;!Qcalc .4752 / 12 1809782;1525479639;lobbesbot;mircea_popescu: 0.0396 1809783;1525479661;asciilifeform;well sounds ok until realize that we gotta make a qualitative breakthrough somehow in heathendom; i suspect that l1 is tapped out 1809784;1525479672;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it is less, this includes 2 FG 1809785;1525479678;asciilifeform;which i drew as separate param 1809786;1525479680;mircea_popescu;ah. ok. 1809787;1525479689;asciilifeform;i am looking for the exact cost 1809788;1525479814;mircea_popescu;how tight were the 6 rockchips packaged ? 2 u ? 1 ? 1809789;1525479855;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: pilot plant is very undense, http://www.loper-os.org/pub/rockchip1.jpg , http://www.loper-os.org/pub/rockchip2.jpg 1809790;1525479871;mircea_popescu;how dense can you conceivably get it to be ? 1809791;1525479873;asciilifeform;(unbuilt !! yet) adult plant puts 24 in a 1u 1809792;1525479924;asciilifeform;pilot plant was built to answer the -- until then, entirely open -- q of whether anyone even wants any. 1809793;1525479935;mircea_popescu;if i were you folk i would very seriously be looking at geting refinanced, taking ~300 rockchips there and filling a dozen us with them. 1809794;1525479947;asciilifeform;and ~quickly~. ( asciilifeform in fact drilled, tapped the holes, the night before flight , and assembled in hotel ) 1809795;1525479949;mircea_popescu;if you rent them out you're made. 1809796;1525479961;asciilifeform;so far nobody even seems to want unit-6 1809797;1525479970;asciilifeform;gotta drum up demand.. 1809798;1525479990;asciilifeform;and yes imho rockchip is 'ze fyootoor'(tm) 1809799;1525479992;mircea_popescu;have you ever sold anything before ? the situation here isn't "no one seems to even want the last one". the situatio nis "we sold most of them" 1809800;1525480006;asciilifeform;i like mircea_popescu's optimism and good spirit 1809801;1525480012;mircea_popescu;business is business. 1809802;1525480054;asciilifeform;the heaviest question hanging so far , i think, is the heathen question 1809803;1525480063;mircea_popescu;what's a rockchip actually cost i forget ? like 30 bux + the ssd ? 1809804;1525480064;asciilifeform;selling to l1 was comparatively simple 1809805;1525480070;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: with disk -- ~100 1809806;1525480074;mircea_popescu;im sorry, the what did it have, disk ? aha. 1809807;1525480075;asciilifeform;not inclusive of the power supply 1809808;1525480081;asciilifeform;it takes usb3-anythings 1809809;1525480088;mircea_popescu;can you carry 300 ? 1809810;1525480090;asciilifeform;current pilot are equipped with 128G flash drive ea. 1809811;1525480112;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: they weigh 50 grams, but would absolutely have to be carried mounted inside their mount, or customs will behead 1809812;1525480129;asciilifeform;( i had to put on a quite vigorous juggling show just to get my 6 unmolested in ) 1809813;1525480228;asciilifeform;!Qcalc 0.050 * 300 1809814;1525480229;lobbesbot;asciilifeform: 15 1809815;1525480253;asciilifeform;i.e. same mass as s.mg server. but the mounts, power supplies, internal gb ethernet switches, would have to also come. 1809816;1525480276;asciilifeform;( uy customs doesn't give half a shit re anyffing 1u-shaped, apparently , regardless of internals ) 1809817;1525480306;asciilifeform;possibly this would extend to 2u or whatver else fits in case. the allergen is specifically 'pile of naked pcb' 1809818;1525480329;asciilifeform;those -- look enuff like 'bag for sale to orcs in the sunday market' to trigger the light show. 1809819;1525480451;mircea_popescu;alright then. 1809820;1525480458;mircea_popescu;still sounds like it'd fit in 100 kgs. 1809821;1525480478;mircea_popescu;at least now you have a driver. you want a plan, web support, and sales people to push this. you know what you're pushing at least. 1809822;1525480480;asciilifeform;it quite easily could. esp. if i can get a hold of aluminum chassis. 1809823;1525480498;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: trouble is that presently nobody seems to know anything about how to sell anything whatsoever to heathens. 1809824;1525480503;asciilifeform;this will have to be fixed. 1809825;1525480504;mircea_popescu;how many fgs does pizarro even have ? like 50 or so ? 1809826;1525480513;asciilifeform;let's see ben_vulpes's tables: 1809827;1525480577;asciilifeform;answer seems to be 29 , of last (feb) count, but 4 now installed 1809828;1525480583;asciilifeform;so 25 avail. 1809829;1525480601;mircea_popescu;understand, if you lease these even as low as 30/mo, your occupancy jumps to... 15%, while your revenue goes to 200%. 1809830;1525480610;asciilifeform;right 1809831;1525480692;mircea_popescu;well... gotta do it. 1809832;1525480709;asciilifeform;so far nobody's managed to provoke any interest among heathens in fg, rented or bought or etc. , afaik 1809833;1525480720;mircea_popescu;nor tried to any sort of standard. 1809834;1525480725;asciilifeform;possibly 1809835;1525480749;asciilifeform;i spammed a buncha academitards, with the predictable silence as the output 1809836;1525480754;asciilifeform;it was most depressing exercise 1809837;1525480769;mircea_popescu;you're cute. 1809838;1525480798;lobbes;I don't know sales, but I know heathens; I wager those rockchips will be a way easier sell than the shared hosting, for e.g. 1809839;1525480811;mircea_popescu;lobbes, quite. 1809840;1525480823;lobbes;Nice price point, plus the "host anything you want" angle 1809841;1525480835;lobbes;Well "anything" 1809842;1525480846;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes, mod6 : if lobbes is interested in selling on commission, i would like him to begin asap , with your approval 1809843;1525480863;asciilifeform;ditto danielpbarron or anybody else whose hands grow from correct organ and wants to step up to this mission 1809844;1525480894;asciilifeform;meanwhile i will begin preparation for full scale rockchip plant. 1809845;1525480933;asciilifeform;( limited to catalogue shifting and paper design, no expenditure until board approves ) 1809846;1525480937;asciilifeform;*sifting 1809847;1525480957;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, honestly i'd start planning for the next trip. understand the simple fact of the matter : if you manage to get pizarro 300 rockchips racked, you've produced at least a coupla bitcoin's value for it. 1809848;1525480966;asciilifeform;right, incl delivery 1809849;1525480968;mircea_popescu;because nobody else can get them through customs etc. 1809850;1525480971;asciilifeform;these things dun deliver themselves. 1809851;1525481026;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, you have this problem though whereby you don't actually have WHAT to sell as it stands. 1809852;1525481033;asciilifeform;rrright 1809853;1525481045;asciilifeform;did not expect it so quickly, but yes. 1809854;1525481050;mircea_popescu;and you don't really want to turn away the first leads ; they're usually the best in that they reproduce. 1809855;1525481054;asciilifeform;aside from the shared hostings. 1809856;1525481089;asciilifeform;( still the highest-margin product , if anybody can be persuaded to buy it..) 1809857;1525481109;mircea_popescu;they come with hand-rolled minimal gentoo or what was it ? 1809858;1525481112;asciilifeform;they do ! 1809859;1525481119;mircea_popescu;ironically, the tor tulpas should be all over this :D 1809860;1525481120;asciilifeform;>> http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2295 << 1809861;1525481124;asciilifeform;lol 1809862;1525481166;asciilifeform;sadly the tulpapeople are ultra-costsensitive crowd.. 1809863;1525481188;asciilifeform;( afaik their world begins and ends with shitazon/vpn/etc market ) 1809864;1525481300;*;asciilifeform bbl,petting pet 1809865;1525481301;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, other than catalogue sifting, write the words for the eventual kicass page. 1809866;1525481306;lobbes;I would definitely be interested >> (+asciilifeform) ben_vulpes, mod6 : if lobbes is interested in selling on commission, i would like him to begin asap , with your approval 1809867;1525481315;mircea_popescu;explain how it's NO intel inside ; how it's no nsa-ssh ; how etc. 1809868;1525481323;mircea_popescu;lobbes, you ever sold anything before ?! 1809869;1525481349;lobbes;Not really. 1809870;1525481374;mircea_popescu;lol ok. 1809871;1525481385;mircea_popescu;first time for everything, rite. 1809872;1525481399;lobbes;I've had jobs where I had sales quotas way back when, but.. I hated lying 1809873;1525481509;mircea_popescu;nothing wrong with giving it a try ; who knows, you discover a talent -- often people don't know they're great at X thing because of the http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-30#1806663 problem, all "practicians" in the field are boecks. 1809874;1525481509;a111;Logged on 2018-04-30 18:21 mircea_popescu: in front of this, whether we idly decide that he's just dumb or actually evil, ie, his brain dun work like in the case of say bernstein ; or his brain doth work, but he deliberately attempts to shannonize republican words into imperial outcomes, a la curtis yarvin, jwz, whatever.... well what fucking difference does it make. 1809875;1525481522;mircea_popescu;nevertheless, pizarro absolutely needs a star salesman. 1809876;1525481537;lobbes;I was told I was "good at selling myself, so I should do the same for their "products"". Difference was I thought all their 'products' were useless and not needed (this was a retail bank teller job) 1809877;1525481576;lobbes;So I quit; went back to (then) stacking fruit at supermarket 1809878;1525481657;lobbes;"Ask this old lady if she wants a credit card!!" "Ugh.. I'm sure she does not need any moar credit" 1809879;1525481675;mircea_popescu;hey, i'm not trying to discourage you here. 1809880;1525481691;lobbes;Anyways, I guess I'm saying I wouldn't mind trying to sell a product I actually -believe is good- 1809881;1525481729;lobbes;Hey, I'm a customer myself! 1809882;1525481748;mircea_popescu;word hehe. how do you like it ? 1809883;1525481779;lobbes;So far so good. Going to slowly migrate all of my vps shit onto it. 1809884;1525482219;lobbes;Tickerbot will also live there, once it is built. But it is great. I was up and running in no time! I dare anyone to find individualized customer on the level of Pizarro. Try it yourself and you will see immediately what I mean. They offer month-to-month if you just want to try, with discounts for quarterly payments once you feel comfortable << see? sales pitch 1809885;1525482229;lobbes;Anyways, I'ma bbl 1809886;1525482241;mircea_popescu;laters lel 1809887;1525488279;*;ben_vulpes eating log 1809888;1525488739;ben_vulpes;lookit lobbes, already drafting his pitch. lobbes you're ~hired 1809889;1525488848;ben_vulpes;http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2018-5-4#350180 << aah, this makes sense. a liability, effectively. so i'll hafta rework this whole thing. 1809890;1525488850;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-05-04 23:45 mircea_popescu: prolly should look into the concept of "unearned income". technically money you were paid for services you've not yet rendered belongs to the customers' equity line. 1809891;1525488908;ben_vulpes;http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2018-5-4#350177 << well i checked it twice, changed something and then failed to check it again is what happened. so, must rework and restate. 1809892;1525488909;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-05-04 23:37 mircea_popescu: also, seeing how 13.86965669 != 13.81965669 your books aren't balanced. wtf happened ? 1809893;1525488910;mircea_popescu;minigame has a similar item, whereby the fact that players bought ECu does not immediately translate to a gain for minigame. there's >100 btc's worth sloshing around in there. 1809894;1525488927;ben_vulpes;i have seen this, and it was a mistake to not follow suit. 1809895;1525489124;ben_vulpes;http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2018-5-5#350270 << http://archive.is/jp4kZ followed by... 1809896;1525489125;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-05-05 00:25 mircea_popescu: understand, if you lease these even as low as 30/mo, your occupancy jumps to... 15%, while your revenue goes to 200%. 1809897;1525489126;ben_vulpes;http://logs.bvulpes.com/pizarro?d=2018-4-17#337036 1809898;1525489127;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-04-17 14:23 ascii_lander: http://logs.bvulpes.com/pizarro?d=2018-4-17#336946 << ben_vulpes, imho this is starvation-level lowball. your figures do not factor in the cost of ~building out~ the plant, i.e. building new rockchiptrons. 1809899;1525489127;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-04-17 05:19 ben_vulpes: asciilifeform mod6: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/TnPaf/?raw=true 1809900;1525489138;ben_vulpes;!!up quadsar 1809901;1525489138;mircea_popescu;!!up quadsar 1809902;1525489139;deedbot;quadsar voiced for 30 minutes. 1809903;1525489139;deedbot;quadsar voiced for 30 minutes. 1809904;1525489141;ben_vulpes;ohai quadsar 1809905;1525489144;ben_vulpes;who are you 1809906;1525489155;quadsar;uhh 1809907;1525489159;mircea_popescu;lol 1809908;1525489178;quadsar;i was watching l0de radio for the first time i dont really belong here 1809909;1525489194;mircea_popescu;too late now. 1809910;1525489204;ben_vulpes;what are you talking about, more than any pantsuit 'big tent', you can make yourself into the kind of person who belongs here. 1809911;1525489214;ben_vulpes;stick around long enough and you'll either be made into ^ or spat out 1809912;1525489236;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, the logic being that you're being eaten away at the rate of what, 5% each month ? you can either wait a year and a half to die or sally forth and meet the enemy. 1809913;1525489260;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: sorry, i do not follow 1809914;1525489359;mircea_popescu;was in re "building the plant". 1809915;1525489368;mircea_popescu;you put a buncha stuff in log above. 1809916;1525489424;ben_vulpes;ah, is this in re the refinancing for plant buildout? 1809917;1525489476;mircea_popescu;this is in general re -- the very conservative approach with expenditure seen in every other bitcoin corp is due to their having immense balance sheets and tiny forced expenditures. minigame can fucking afford to go slow on nearly ten thousand btc. 1809918;1525489523;mircea_popescu;you however -- you're a wolf rider not a cyclops, if you ever played heroes 3. gotta run there and hit something. 1809919;1525489534;ben_vulpes;i completely agree. 1809920;1525489547;ben_vulpes;time is not on pizarro's side. 1809921;1525489588;mircea_popescu;besides, you can afford it, shockingly enough. 300 x 100 is what, 3.x btc. not the end of the world. if he actually gets it through the blocade you have an item arguably worth twice that. 1809922;1525489599;mircea_popescu;if bitcoin starts dropping again people will be begging to buy into you, logically. 1809923;1525489707;ben_vulpes;this is the "when do you start trading?" thread all over again; i'm going to have to review both in depth i think i'm thick as it didn't stick the first time. 1809924;1525489796;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: baggage holds 4u of machine; there is no practical way to get >24 units of rockchip into a 1u , per my reckoning 1809925;1525489821;asciilifeform;nor is there even the slimmest chance of getting naked bag of naked rockchips in qty approaching 300, through customs. they have to move assembled into 1us. 1809926;1525489834;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: can you pull a number for per-u fab cost out of your rear? 1809927;1525489846;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, so you're thinking like 100 is your limit ? 1809928;1525489884;mircea_popescu;filling that thing 4 u at a time will take like a dozen fucking trips lol. 1809929;1525489887;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: i can give a floor. a rc is about 100bux, with the usbstick. chassis, let's say 400. beefy 5v ps : 200. cabling, negligible, but for pessimism say 100. 1809930;1525489902;mircea_popescu;by which time you'll likely have another one. 1809931;1525489904;asciilifeform;gb switch for 24 arses -- 100. 1809932;1525489956;asciilifeform;!Qcalc 2400 + 400 + 200 + 100 + 100 1809933;1525489956;lobbesbot;asciilifeform: 3200 1809934;1525489971;asciilifeform;in iron strictly. add to this, spare sticks. 1809935;1525490011;ben_vulpes;yeah i know the costs for sticks and rockchippen; i wanna know chassis, your time, stuff like cabling 1809936;1525490015;ben_vulpes;switches 1809937;1525490018;asciilifeform;not exactly pocket change. 1809938;1525490020;*;ben_vulpes tallying 1809939;1525490028;asciilifeform;forget time, i dun get paid for time. 1809940;1525490046;asciilifeform;shouldn't take 4evah to assemble tho. 1 weekend, i picture, per. 1809941;1525490048;ben_vulpes;what it costs to bolt the chassis together i mean 1809942;1525490058;asciilifeform;buncha drilling, really. 1809943;1525490061;ben_vulpes;right 1809944;1525490066;ben_vulpes;so five bucks! for the tap 1809945;1525490074;asciilifeform;4 holes per RC. 1809946;1525490118;ben_vulpes;laugh a little wouldja 1809947;1525490149;asciilifeform;i'm also on the lookout for even smaller arm boards ( found 1 , but the specs do not stand up to bang-per-buck comparison with RC ) 1809948;1525490161;ben_vulpes;look also for boards that'll trbate 1809949;1525490194;asciilifeform;also for compact n-port switches ( the popular ones, are stupidly large physically, and eat away precious space inside the enclosure ) 1809950;1525490220;ben_vulpes;not because i want to pack trbs in but because it is *the* litmus test of compute: "will it bitcoinate?" 1809951;1525490224;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: RC will trbate, if you give it large disk 1809952;1525490229;ben_vulpes;!!update fromdeedbot 1809953;1525490235;asciilifeform;far better, for instance, than my node 'zoolag', specwise 1809954;1525490254;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: huh i was laboring under the impression that it had unforgivably bad io or something 1809955;1525490254;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: the only thing preventing trb on the existing pilotplant rockchippen is the small disk. 1809956;1525490259;asciilifeform;nope. 1809957;1525490263;ben_vulpes;aok then wow marvelous 1809958;1525490264;asciilifeform;usb3 is moar than adequate. 1809959;1525490288;ben_vulpes;rsa *and* bitcoin-safe coloware 1809960;1525490304;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: for about 100bux you can try it yourself, using http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2295 and a home rockchip. 1809961;1525490305;ben_vulpes;this is grade a shitcoin walletfarm fodder 1809962;1525490337;ben_vulpes;if only shitcoinists were gentoo-capable... 1809963;1525490350;asciilifeform;they dun need to magick the gentoo from 0 tho 1809964;1525490359;asciilifeform;we give it with subscription 1809965;1525490373;ben_vulpes;yeah but gimme a break, none of the shitcoins are going to work on anything but ubuntu and with a gui 1809966;1525490387;asciilifeform;( or for that matter without subscription, anybody can get it from above link and make own to try with ) 1809967;1525490402;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: i unfortunately cannot comment on shitcoin-related uses 1809968;1525490431;asciilifeform;tho if we had a miner, it'd be tempting item to install while there's still mains current capacity left over that is already being paid for. tho of course nobody has a miner, not for many years. 1809969;1525490462;ben_vulpes;heh i actually have this usb thinger sitting unused i got as a wedding present forever and a day ago 1809970;1525490470;asciilifeform;y'know what i mean. 1809971;1525490473;ben_vulpes;aha 1809972;1525490474;asciilifeform;the fat, roaring, 4u kind. 1809973;1525490476;asciilifeform;multi-kW. 1809974;1525490602;asciilifeform;upstack re possible hundreds of new boxes -- gotta remember that the bw pipe is not made of rubber 1809975;1525490613;asciilifeform;at some point folx will start to feel cramped. 1809976;1525490621;asciilifeform;( exactly when, i do not know ) 1809977;1525490640;ben_vulpes;after we can afford more bw, i hazard 1809978;1525490640;mircea_popescu;!!up fromdeedbot 1809979;1525490641;deedbot;fromdeedbot voiced for 30 minutes. 1809980;1525490655;ben_vulpes;lol i signaled !!update 1809981;1525490662;fromdeedbot;just lurking 1809982;1525490712;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, different kind of compute. there's two kinds, bitcoinate is the other one. 1809983;1525490763;mircea_popescu;fromdeedbot, you can just read the logs you know. 1809984;1525490778;fromdeedbot;ty i ahve been reading them off and on for a few months 1809985;1525490784;mircea_popescu;a cool. 1809986;1525490792;fromdeedbot;its actually kind of strange actually talking to guys here lol 1809987;1525490796;ben_vulpes;fromdeedbot: so reg a key, rent a rockchip 1809988;1525490803;fromdeedbot;(say actually again) 1809989;1525490811;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, nobody's going to send a proper miner to fucking uruguay. you don't even have the power for it there. 1809990;1525490820;fromdeedbot;i looked i need to download software 1809991;1525490828;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: what'd the other nonbitcoinating kind of compute be? 1809992;1525490840;fromdeedbot;i really like the concept of web based on accountability and credibility 1809993;1525490843;mircea_popescu;fromdeedbot, you can also compile alf's ffa and do it all by hand :D 1809994;1525490845;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: aside from the fact that nobody has any such thing to send... there's 2.5kW iirc in the rack, of which maybe half a kw is actually drawn. so in principle such a thing could. 1809995;1525490877;trinque;considered getting a... UY-facing marketing effort going? 1809996;1525490895;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, serving trilema (ie, high bw, inconsequential io/cpuram) / doing phuctor (heavy cpuram, inconsequentual io/bw). 1809997;1525490913;fromdeedbot;i'm hoping that this system will be streamlined a bit 1809998;1525490927;ben_vulpes;fromdeedbot: for my notebook, what needs streamlining? 1809999;1525490929;mircea_popescu;trinque, sell to locals ?! but why the fuck. 1810000;1525490944;trinque;they don't buy website hosting there? 1810001;1525490964;ben_vulpes;trinque: that was what was behind the minimal hosting gedankenexperiment 1810002;1525490994;trinque;and the other idea I had was sending danielpbarron back into l0de radio hour with an ad 1810003;1525491010;trinque;or one of you folks, but they already heard from him a few times. 1810004;1525491113;asciilifeform;selling to locals might actually be a dangerous liability, for all we know they have 'legal rights' to xyz 1810005;1525491115;ben_vulpes;heh judging from teh l0de patreon page could buy some airtime 1810006;1525491127;asciilifeform;( to complain, wheedle, demand refunds for emptied bottle, etc ) 1810007;1525491134;trinque;!!up danielpbarron 1810008;1525491135;deedbot;danielpbarron voiced for 30 minutes. 1810009;1525491139;fromdeedbot;@ben the process of registering a key 1810010;1525491143;danielpbarron;i just gave a shoutout to pizarro on l0de 1810011;1525491147;trinque;eyyyy! 1810012;1525491149;asciilifeform;neato danielpbarron 1810013;1525491150;ben_vulpes;word, thanks danielpbarron 1810014;1525491175;mircea_popescu;trinque, not really. it's like trying to direct marketing effort at montana. 1810015;1525491193;ben_vulpes;fromdeedbot: a) the whole name is tab-completable and should be used b) it's really not that hard dood 1810016;1525491197;ben_vulpes;have you...tried? 1810017;1525491205;trinque;mircea_popescu: who's the customer you have in mind? 1810018;1525491216;mircea_popescu;zx2c4. 1810019;1525491248;mircea_popescu;and you'll run out of uruguay before you run out of them. 1810020;1525491255;trinque;heh probably so. 1810021;1525491283;mircea_popescu;moreover alf has a solid point. you have 0 interest in dealing with local orcs. there's a reason chinese soy farm in africa dun sell soy to africans. 1810022;1525491327;mircea_popescu;or w/e, ruby mine, brothel, what have you. 1810023;1525491383;ben_vulpes;looks like the monthly cost basis, assuming a 1-yr amortization horizon is 18.35 usd 1810024;1525491441;mircea_popescu;and if they last 10 years you're basically printing money. 1810025;1525491446;ben_vulpes;oodles. 1810026;1525491451;mircea_popescu;and he wanted a bitcoin miner. this is higher btc/watt 1810027;1525491686;ben_vulpes;fully-rented 4u of this would bring us to breakeven at $50/mo, but demands 100% occupancy, otoh that's only 25% of 16U rockchip plant occupancy. so, i don't see a really compelling case for bringing the price down much further. 1810028;1525491751;ben_vulpes;imma rework april, thanks for catching my derps mircea_popescu 1810029;1525491775;ben_vulpes;!!up fromdeedbot you gotta close the web page when you close your laptop 1810030;1525491776;deedbot;fromdeedbot voiced for 30 minutes. 1810031;1525491790;fromdeedbot;my bad i thought i did 1810032;1525491798;fromdeedbot;i have an rsa key now 1810033;1525491802;ben_vulpes;http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2018-5-4#349507 << i too would like some of these dollops, should one slide from your spoon 1810034;1525491803;mircea_popescu;!!key fromdeedbot 1810035;1525491803;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-05-04 16:05 mircea_popescu: anyway, /me will expose the hand, might as well be upfront about things. so, asciilifeform did at some point express some interest in learning the magical crafts of management ; i since fed him the occasional dollop, in the manner this craft was always taught whenever it was taught. as part of this, when he left for montevideo i specifically told him to recognize BingoBoingo 's efforts 1810036;1525491805;deedbot;http://wot.deedbot.org/6DBC69DC83A746F5A2ED84C61FDDE5538BEF220B.asc 1810037;1525491815;mircea_popescu;lmao check him out, he actually registered that nick. 1810038;1525491817;ben_vulpes;lol he actually got the fromdeedbot handle 1810039;1525491820;ben_vulpes;epic 1810040;1525491832;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, you just got one earlier! 1810041;1525491834;mircea_popescu;but noted. 1810042;1525491840;ben_vulpes;yes and thank you! 1810043;1525491848;fromdeedbot;so how do i register it with deedbot 1810044;1525491850;fromdeedbot;!!498478E2A39BD8C1 1810045;1525491859;fromdeedbot;im new 1810046;1525491860;ben_vulpes;fromdeedbot: you read the faq and help pages 1810047;1525491863;mircea_popescu;fromdeedbot, you did already apparently. umm.... wait wait. 1810048;1525491867;trinque;wtf did he even do just now 1810049;1525491867;mircea_popescu;SOMEONE ELSE reg'd that nick. 1810050;1525491873;ben_vulpes;oh lawdamercy 1810051;1525491887;ben_vulpes;fromdeedbot: http://deedbot.org/help.html 1810052;1525491889;fromdeedbot;gpg: key 498478E2A39BD8C1 marked as ultimately trusted 1810053;1525491892;mircea_popescu;fromdeedbot, you can't register this nick ; pick a better one. then say !!register and your fingerprint. 1810054;1525491893;fromdeedbot;from my terminal 1810055;1525491937;trinque;and the way this is going, understand he doesn't mean touch your computer screen 1810056;1525491967;mircea_popescu;i like how there's practically no snark here ever at all. 1810057;1525492043;trinque;d'aw 1810058;1525492155;trinque;come on back with a better nick "fromdeedbot", and register that. 1810059;1525492190;ben_vulpes;fellas ears are probably bright red 1810060;1525492258;mircea_popescu;you know this eulora server is actually more connection-stable than th eother one ? 1810061;1525492327;ben_vulpes;win. 1810062;1525493486;mircea_popescu;these mega fucking logs of late... i dunno how the lurkers do it. 1810063;1525493730;ben_vulpes;oh dear i am going to need a vastly better system for debiting unearned income. 1810064;1525493948;*;ben_vulpes bbl 1810065;1525495945;mircea_popescu;!Qlater tell fromdeedbot stop join/parting. 1810066;1525495945;lobbesbot;mircea_popescu: The operation succeeded. 1810067;1525496547;hanbot;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-04#1809270 << jesus fucking christ, ~every time you're in here there's a new rendition of this abject kramerism. why not read what people are saying rather than jump to the same idiosyncratically-imagined categories of what people could possibly express? what, you figure making the same brushstroke over and over will eventually paint tmsr into what'd be convenient for you personally? 1810068;1525496547;a111;Logged on 2018-05-04 16:57 zx2c4: - hanno being a journalist is a mere cover story for a more sinister secret government intelligence job he holds. 1810069;1525497323;mod6;lobbes: did you ever figure out your trb issue that you ran into? 1810070;1525498271;mod6;<+asciilifeform> i like mircea_popescu's optimism and good spirit << Same, thanks for your advise and insights, Sir. 1810071;1525498272;lobbes;mod6 not yet (been working on getting mp-wp migrated to rockchip). Here's the egogg message I got though >> http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/sOYqV/?raw=true 1810072;1525498305;lobbes;well, the tail end of the log (I neglected to log the output of 'screen') 1810073;1525498352;mircea_popescu;that's mp-wp ? 1810074;1525498376;lobbes;oh no, that is trb 1810075;1525498417;lobbes;i.e. not yet figured out trb, because I've been working on mp-wp migration 1810076;1525498423;mircea_popescu;iirc screen logs automatically. screen.log 1810077;1525498426;mod6;<+asciilifeform> ben_vulpes, mod6 : if lobbes is interested in selling on commission, i would like him to begin asap , with your approval << Sounds good to me, gotta work out the details, etc, but hey, yeah, whatever we can do to push into heathondom 1810078;1525498436;mod6;<+asciilifeform> ditto danielpbarron or anybody else whose hands grow from correct organ and wants to step up to this mission << werd 1810079;1525498458;lobbes;mircea_popescu, oh nice tip! I'll have to check for it.. 1810080;1525498477;*;mod6 looks @ lobbes' error 1810081;1525498538;mod6;lobbes: what OS are you building on? 1810082;1525498558;lobbes;debian 7 1810083;1525498573;lobbes;(wheezy) 1810084;1525498577;mod6;yeah, I believe i have seen something like this before 1810085;1525498619;mod6;did you downgrade your gcc from (6 or whatever it is to 4, I'm guessing you did)? And perhaps I recall something not being quite linked correctly in 1810086;1525498625;*;mod6 scratches head... 1810087;1525498641;mod6; /etc/alternatives or whatever. 1810088;1525498659;mod6;try seeing in your shell if "c" is linked to anything. 1810089;1525498678;lobbes;yeah, I made sure gcc was 4. Actually, I have notes on the exact versions of all the packages listed in: http://thebitcoin.foundation/trb-howto.html 1810090;1525498744;mod6;Yeah, hmm, I might be mis-remembering or misreading this one. Lemme look again 1810091;1525498767;mod6;how much of your log was snipped? looks like tons. 1810092;1525498841;lobbes;yeah, I can jump on and see if I can get the full thing via screen.log 1810093;1525498879;mod6;alright. looks to me like it got all the way through the deps builds, but for some reason puked when trying to build trb itself. 1810094;1525498891;mod6;I presume you got a good press when you used V to press it out? 1810095;1525498902;mod6;(no errors were encountered?) 1810096;1525498921;lobbes;heres package version info >> http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/kuBuY/?raw=true 1810097;1525498934;lobbes;my guess is my press may be the cause 1810098;1525498991;mod6;did you install 'build-essential' ? 1810099;1525499016;mod6;Hey, thanks for saving those versions! 1810100;1525499120;lobbes;I tried to press on the first pass with asciilifeform_aggressive_pushgetblocks.vpatch, and it -seemed- to work. I essentially followed the trb how-to ONLINE build, but then downloaded the aggressive patch and seal from btcbase/patches 1810101;1525499137;lobbes;then issued: "./v.pl p v trb054 asciilifeform_aggressive_pushgetblocks.vpatch" 1810102;1525499165;mod6;hmm. just a sec. 1810103;1525499194;lobbes;no errors and everything made it into tbr054/bitcoin >>http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/sbkbq/?raw=true 1810104;1525499223;lobbes;oh yeah, no rush. I figure I may as well give what I got at once 1810105;1525499451;mod6;Ok, I checked myself, too, and from your above paste of the press, and my experience just now, your press I presume was fine. 1810106;1525499465;mod6;So what does this show you: 1810107;1525499468;mod6;command -v cc 1810108;1525499492;mod6;(i suspect this to be a possible debian weird-ness) 1810109;1525499543;lobbes;/usr/bin/cc 1810110;1525499646;mod6;what does `ls -al /usr/bin/cc` show you? 1810111;1525499710;lobbes;lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 20 May 4 00:29 /usr/bin/cc -> /etc/alternatives/cc 1810112;1525499743;mod6;and if you do `ls -al /etc/alternatives/cc` ? 1810113;1525499894;*;lobbes is following the pattern now >> http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/n8J9Z/?raw=true 1810114;1525499948;lobbes;and then if I try to ls gcc-4.7 I get: ls: cannot access gcc-4.7: No such file or directory 1810115;1525499957;lobbes;damn 1810116;1525499959;mod6;what about `ls -al /usr/bin/g++` ? 1810117;1525499969;mod6;woah 1810118;1525499970;mod6;really? 1810119;1525500020;lobbes;oh wait, duh. that makes sense 1810120;1525500023;mod6;try this: `command -v gcc-4.7` see what it tells you, then do `ls -al 1810121;1525500026;mod6;` 1810122;1525500052;*;lobbes composes more pastes 1810123;1525500052;mod6;it's probably /usr/bin/gcc-4.7 1810124;1525500124;lobbes;yeah it is 1810125;1525500129;mod6;ok 1810126;1525500153;lobbes;for good measure , results of above anyway >> http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/l9RJL/?raw=true 1810127;1525500158;mod6;what i suspect, is that the original makefile.unix can't find something it needs. 1810128;1525500183;mod6;alright. 1810129;1525500305;mod6;well, wanna follow some more steps so we can capture a proper, shorter output? 1810130;1525500342;mod6;(of the error) 1810131;1525500352;lobbes;yeah I'm game 1810132;1525500444;mod6;ok 1810133;1525500461;mod6;so go to your trb machine, and then cd into : bitcoin/src 1810134;1525500479;lobbes;k, I'm there 1810135;1525500531;mod6;alright, next, do this exactly: 1810136;1525500537;mod6;make -f makefile.unix clean 1810137;1525500615;*;lobbes goes to make sure logging is working 1810138;1525500805;lobbes;alright command issued 1810139;1525500821;mod6;ok next, do this exactly: 1810140;1525500844;mod6;cd ../build 1810141;1525500904;lobbes;k 1810142;1525500914;mod6;ok lastly, this exactly: 1810143;1525500933;mod6;make -f Makefile.rotor bitcoind 1810144;1525500969;lobbes;ah, there I got a egogg: make: *** No rule to make target `bitcoin'. Stop. 1810145;1525500978;mod6;'bitcoind' 1810146;1525500999;lobbes;ack. k alright 1810147;1525501012;lobbes;different error now 1810148;1525501017;mod6;post error 1810149;1525501029;mod6;plz 1810150;1525501230;lobbes;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/qtUD9/?raw=true 1810151;1525501294;*;mod6 looks 1810152;1525501329;mod6;ok samething. 1810153;1525501360;mod6;hang tight, one sec here.. 1810154;1525501497;mod6;ok 1810155;1525501500;mod6;<+mod6> did you install 'build-essential' ? 1810156;1525501517;mod6;And if not, I think we might be able to try working around it here quick,. 1810157;1525501562;lobbes;nice! ty for the help 1810158;1525501566;lobbes;brb 1810159;1525501641;mod6;ok 1810160;1525501730;lobbes;back 1810161;1525501765;mod6;are you still in the 'bitcoin/build' directory? 1810162;1525501803;lobbes;yes 1810163;1525501813;mod6;ok try this: 1810164;1525501818;mod6;export CC=/usr/bin/gcc 1810165;1525501868;lobbes;k, issued 1810166;1525501872;mod6;ok next: 1810167;1525501883;mod6;make -f Makefile.rotor bitcoind 1810168;1525501893;mod6;(see if you get anything different this time) 1810169;1525501915;lobbes;same error looks like 1810170;1525501919;mod6;hmm, ok. 1810171;1525501926;mod6;well, this is a deb problem of some kind. 1810172;1525501953;mod6;my next suggestion is to try to install build-essential, ala: `apt-get install build-essential` 1810173;1525501958;mod6;and see if that solves it for ya. 1810174;1525501982;mod6;for folks following along, these problems are very common in ubuntu and debian. 1810175;1525501990;*;lobbes goes to check 1810176;1525502074;lobbes;now that I think of it, I had to install 'make' in the beginning O.o 1810177;1525502084;lobbes;alright, build-essential installed 1810178;1525502094;mod6;ok, try this again: 1810179;1525502098;mod6;make -f Makefile.rotor bitcoind 1810180;1525502134;lobbes;damn, same thing 1810181;1525502140;mod6;alright, do this: 1810182;1525502147;mod6;source ~/.bashrc 1810183;1525502172;mod6;(want to clear the export CC) 1810184;1525502182;mod6;then do this again: 1810185;1525502183;mod6;make -f Makefile.rotor bitcoind 1810186;1525502264;lobbes;ah okay. no ~/.bashrc on this thing, digging on how to clear that in debian 1810187;1525502274;mod6;oh just do this: 1810188;1525502277;mod6;export CC= 1810189;1525502337;lobbes;okay, cleared and tried make again, but same egogg 1810190;1525502367;mod6;this is soemthing really dumb we're missing here. i'm nearly sure i've encountered this before but can't remember what the pill is. 1810191;1525502392;mod6;do this: 1810192;1525502394;mod6;make --version 1810193;1525502491;lobbes;3.81 1810194;1525502504;lobbes;possibly relevant thread >> http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-16#1698646 1810195;1525502504;a111;Logged on 2017-08-16 02:50 mike_c: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/iKxpS/?raw=true 1810196;1525502546;lobbes;error looks similar (archived) >> http://archive.is/UdM7q 1810197;1525502629;*;mod6 looks 1810198;1525502776;mod6;ok standby 1810199;1525502806;mircea_popescu;jesus wth happened here 1810200;1525502850;mod6;lobbes: if you are still in the `bitcoin/build' directory, what does `ls -al toolchain/usr/bin/x86_64-therealbitcoin-linux-musl-g++` return? 1810201;1525502854;mod6;mircea_popescu: no clue. 1810202;1525502890;lobbes;ls: cannot access toolchain/usr/bin/x86_64-therealbitcoin-linux-musl-g++: No such file or directory 1810203;1525502904;mod6;ok. 1810204;1525502918;mircea_popescu;mod6, lobbes any reason this can't work in pm ? 1810205;1525502919;mod6;so something waaaay earlier on failed to build. 1810206;1525502926;mod6;mircea_popescu: done. 1810207;1525503201;douchebag;hey mircea_popescu 1810208;1525503212;mircea_popescu;sup 1810209;1525503220;mod6;Sorry all, thought it might be helpful to others if we got his problem resolved. 1810210;1525503229;douchebag;!!v mother[m] 1810211;1525503243;mod6;Notice that there was no real resolution to the mike_c problem referenced by lobbes. 1810212;1525503269;douchebag;!!up mother[m] 1810213;1525503270;deedbot;mother[m] voiced for 30 minutes. 1810214;1525503311;douchebag;mircea_popescu: mother is one of my friends, he's a businessman and has a lot of good connections and would definitely be of use for the security firm 1810215;1525503366;douchebag;I explained to him the idea, and I was thinking mother[m] could be handling the business aspect 1810216;1525503416;mother[m];Hello 1810217;1525503421;mircea_popescu;hi there. 1810218;1525503441;mircea_popescu;welcome to the republic >.> 1810219;1525503653;mother[m];Good to be here. douchebag gave me the big picture of what this would look like. 1810220;1525503760;mircea_popescu;so wanna tell the group a little about yourself ? 1810221;1525503911;lobbes;!#s http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=who+is+your+daddy 1810222;1525503912;a111;0 results for "http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=who+is+your+daddy", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=http%3A%2F%2Fbtcbase.org%2Flog-search%3Fq%3Dwho%2Bis%2Byour%2Bdaddy 1810223;1525504027;mother[m];Finance/Tech background mostly. Sold the IP in my last company I co-Founded with my friend that was at the Rackspace IPO. Just came back from West Africa using drones for geological surveying reselling the data to mining companies/using a prospect generation business model for new opportunities there. 1810224;1525504297;mircea_popescu;!!rate mother[m] 1 things. 1810225;1525504298;deedbot;mother[m] is not registered in WoT. 1810226;1525504326;mircea_popescu;mother[m], once that goes through you'll be able to voice yourself ; feel free to contribute if there's something. 1810227;1525504340;mircea_popescu;oh. hm. not registered ? 1810228;1525504363;mother[m];I'm on Riot/Matrix, sec. 1810229;1525505178;douchebag;!!up mother[m] 1810230;1525505179;deedbot;mother[m] voiced for 30 minutes. 1810231;1525505195;douchebag;I'll help him get his PGP key setup 1810232;1525505232;mircea_popescu;mother[m], don't you find it difficult to do business without pgp ? i mean... how do you even keep comms secret ? 1810233;1525505243;douchebag;He's doing that right now 1810234;1525505261;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in #entomologist, the great successes of the webworld : https://archive.is/BABpP#selection-1653.0-1650.6 1810235;1525505710;*;mircea_popescu shall bbl. 1810236;1525505748;douchebag;mircea_popescu: About how long? 1810237;1525506517;lobbes;"The site is under heavy development, data shown could be out of sync. And its full with bugs :-)" 1810238;1525525035;asciilifeform;lobbes: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-05#1810194 << exactly it. your musl gcc never built, so trb has nothing to be built ~with~. you must find out why it did not build. but i recommend burning your heathen linux to the ground and using danielpbarron's, or trinque's, or mine, gentoo recipe 1810239;1525525035;a111;Logged on 2018-05-05 06:41 lobbes: possibly relevant thread >> http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-16#1698646 1810240;1525525063;asciilifeform;the 'make[1]: c: Command not found' thing is dead giveaway. 1810241;1525525089;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-05#1810202 << ah there we go. 1810242;1525525089;a111;Logged on 2018-05-05 06:48 lobbes: ls: cannot access toolchain/usr/bin/x86_64-therealbitcoin-linux-musl-g++: No such file or directory 1810243;1525525665;shinohai;Was reading logs this morning and saw: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-05#1810071 ... On newer deb/african pthread issues were solved with `libpthread-stubs0-dev` pkg 1810244;1525525665;a111;Logged on 2018-05-05 05:31 lobbes: mod6 not yet (been working on getting mp-wp migrated to rockchip). Here's the egogg message I got though >> http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/sOYqV/?raw=true 1810245;1525525679;shinohai;I remembered it from the agent zero sessions 1810246;1525525698;shinohai;Anywho, do with it what you will. 1810247;1525527168;douchebag;hey 1810248;1525527175;douchebag;can someone rate mother[m] 1810249;1525527183;douchebag;so that he can up himelf 1810250;1525527383;douchebag;!!rate mother[m] business dude 1810251;1525527404;douchebag;!!rate mother[m] 1 business dude 1810252;1525527406;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/akDvx/?raw=true 1810253;1525527523;douchebag;!!v B2547117925CBD3576E3D588584F3F90F0596EC1E2B45938E999D44D10F2D98C 1810254;1525527523;deedbot;douchebag rated mother[m] 1 << business dude 1810255;1525527629;douchebag;!!up mother[m] 1810256;1525527630;deedbot;mother[m] voiced for 30 minutes. 1810257;1525527669;mother[m];That works. 1810258;1525527834;mother[m];@mircea_popescu have one on Keybase I use, but primarily use Signal, Telegram for co-located team members as the interface gradually became more 'Slack-like' 1810259;1525527871;mother[m];Going forward I wanted to pivot to Keybase Teams. 1810260;1525527926;mother[m];I'm more interested in buying options/forwards on both BTC and ETH. 1810261;1525528019;mother[m];To my knowledge, Nadex is the only regulated exchange on the US markets for this right now. 1810262;1525530971;mod6;asciilifeform: aha, for those following along, we moved that conversation to #trilema-mod6 1810263;1525532408;diana_coman;phf, further clarifications on your questions re eulora's protocol: http://www.dianacoman.com/2018/04/17/rfc-euloras-communication-protocol-eucomms/#comment-1168 1810264;1525538406;mircea_popescu;mother[m], the republic doesn't much care for usg pretense, "regulation" or otherwise. why would you ? 1810265;1525538424;mircea_popescu;moreover, website-security is another way of saying no security. 1810266;1525538674;mircea_popescu;!!key mother[m] 1810267;1525538676;deedbot;http://wot.deedbot.org/7AA8FDF2111A472EC370A85BA3CF0E94E51C0814.asc 1810268;1525538681;mircea_popescu;!!rate mother[m] 1 things 1810269;1525538684;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/tyuRV/?raw=true 1810270;1525538756;mircea_popescu;douchebag, there. 1810271;1525538827;mircea_popescu;in other curios, what's drone utility for geosurvey anyway ? is there some relationship between visual presentation and mineral deposits identified meanwhile ? or what, they carry honest to god radars and ultrasound machinery and whatnot ? afaik none of it could be fit in a ten ton truck let alone a hundred gram drone. 1810272;1525539521;mircea_popescu;anyway, re bitcoin options (and strictly bitcoin options -- ethereum is not a thing nor can be considered as one anymore than you can consider "real estate" on imaginary planets a part of this discussion) there are two problems. 1810273;1525539601;mircea_popescu;the general is that there exists no reliable bitcoin price signal. most (by VERY far most) bitcoin transactions are handled otc, and not reported, and usually settle over non-economic considerations. for instance -- most of the btc the usg has historically lost on the market in its half dozen or so attempts to mainipulate the price were obtained by theft and extortion, not by economic activity, and consequently they didn't ha 1810274;1525539601;mircea_popescu;ve a meaningful price anyone ever ascertained. 1810275;1525539634;mircea_popescu;it's true that there are some websites printing random numbers, but their fantasies lack any economic substance whatsoever, and therefore eminently can;'t be relied on to price derivative instruments. 1810276;1525539686;mircea_popescu;mpex offered options for a long, long time, but mostly because the nascent republic required its currency protected in those early days ; back when i was personaly large enough to maintain some vague semblance of discipline in the marketplace singlehandedly. it's meanwhile wel loutgrown me and so... 1810277;1525539740;mircea_popescu;however, the ~personal~ problem is that even in those early days, options systematically expired at the max pain point (as for instance discussed in http://trilema.com/2011/max-pain/ though it was a regular occurence really. 1810278;1525539772;mircea_popescu;so if you, mother[m], have other goals than losing your shirt, putting your money in bitcoin options, forwards, whatever time-derivative is exactly the incorrect strategy. 1810279;1525543549;mircea_popescu;aand in other items of entomological interest, the wikipedia take on politicized pseudo-literary criticism is something else. aphra behn is lionized, because they're ever-so-desperate to discover, invent or if need be entirely hallucinate "remarkable" cuntbearers of the shakespeare period that some random jailbird is A HEROINE OF FEMINISM!!! 1810280;1525543640;mircea_popescu;meanwhile charles gildon is the bad because a) male and b) said the bad about HEROINES OF FEMINISM. and Edmund Curll is just as bad, because he was friends with that baddie gildon. notwithstanding ~100% of what the aspirational class is all the fuck about is, "being a curll of the 21st century", no more and nothing else. somehow the hero of neets is not remarkable to the very neets in question. 1810281;1525543851;mircea_popescu;turns out the darkness of what's later referred to as a "dark age" is not actually visible from inside the age in question ; pantsuited morons from crisconius to comnena similarly felt well at ease on their redditardits, wikitardits &cetertardits. 1810282;1525552958;BingoBoingo; asciilifeform, nobody's going to send a proper miner to fucking uruguay. you don't even have the power for it there. << Maybe at the dam in Salto, but no way in hell Montevideo. 1810283;1525553324;mircea_popescu;many better options for the cheap mw ; and no fucking way a kw farm is worth anyone's time. that'd be like a 12 sq inch diner. 1810284;1525553352;mircea_popescu;it's the fucking megawatt standard! not the picowatt or anything. 1810285;1525553399;hanbot; turns out the darkness of what's later referred to as a "dark age" is not actually visible from inside the age in question << dunning-kruger ain't just for individuals 1810286;1525553485;mircea_popescu;especially compounded by the only truly universal religion, panglossism. what's a pious fraud or two when at stake's not having to get fat ass off couch! 1810287;1525553522;BingoBoingo;But yeah, in the Pizarro rack would be insanity. For miners in Uruguay to work it would be necessary to take the dam at Salto and mine with the power that would have gone to the Argentine side. 1810288;1525553548;mircea_popescu;the funny part is that these are some people for whom simultaneously two things stand : a) that the best thing they can hear about homework is "it's already done" ; and b) that the best possible state is "youth". 1810289;1525553563;mircea_popescu;well how the fuck do you reconcile a and b, the only thing about youth is that homework's not fucking done! 1810290;1525553735;hanbot;i dunno, i think the best thing they can hear about homework is that they're so special they don't need to do it. their unicornity shall manifest, and better to retain/don the woolies of youth to maximize the potential for manifesting firstbestbiggest. 1810291;1525553793;mircea_popescu;i dunno, i suspect hearing that always comes with a however-hidden sense of shame / suspicion. they kinda look like they think it's tgtbt. 1810292;1525553803;hanbot;which is possibly another reason why curll/gildon are officially bad; they actively did things, making idle spellcasters look bad. 1810293;1525553812;lobbes;the whole "fixation on youth" thing really feeds into the insanity cycle, huh? That age where "anything is possible" as long as you don't let experience (be it from others or self) tell you otherwise 1810294;1525553861;mircea_popescu;lobbes, sure, "Everything is possible" -- with the usual caveat that "just as long as it's not big, noteworthy or important". a kid "can do anything" except nothing interesting, something kids generally keenly feel but apparently ustarded adults somehow forget. 1810295;1525553892;hanbot;mircea_popescu eh, shame / suspicion are just anxiety / depression! there's pills, and "everybody goes through it" and "it's not their fault" etc 1810296;1525553913;mircea_popescu;hanbot, not just DID things ; but did things as if they had license to do things. it's this sort of mental independence that botheres them most re gildon i suspect, "how dares he write biographies exactly LIKE HOW WE WRITE THEM!!! not a word of his is true, nor of the official lifestory of obama-clinton-oprah". 1810297;1525553962;hanbot;indeed 1810298;1525554088;mircea_popescu;ye olde http://trilema.com/2018/memoranda-of-congress/#selection-157.596-161.1 1810299;1525554114;mircea_popescu;"that there was a limit where the flaunting of their foul acts and opinions before the world must stop" aka http://trilema.com/2018/discordatum-wormatiense/ aka "pantsuit is only sovereign" 1810300;1525554236;lobbes;"nothing else outside of the empire's walls. this is it", so can do "anything" within that reality, which reduces to "nothing of import". But still, can 1810301;1525554242;lobbes;'t see the dark age from inside 1810302;1525554331;mircea_popescu;cuz it's never dark, from inside. the amusing situation of classical eschatology is that lucifer simply forked the chain, and as best can tell is a very credible and not at all falen angel. 1810303;1525554360;mircea_popescu;ie, http://trilema.com/2016/the-darkening/#selection-63.0-67.346 1810304;1525554381;mircea_popescu;"For as long as there is even one, all the others have died in vain. And once there's not a single one left, they had never existed altogether in the first place." 1810305;1525554609;mircea_popescu;!!up quadsar 1810306;1525554609;deedbot;quadsar voiced for 30 minutes. 1810307;1525555264;mircea_popescu;aaand in other accidentally exposed lulz, http://data.vtc.pw/ 1810308;1525557540;lobbes;in other news, I have a trb node up now and eating blocks (thanks to mod6 for all his troubleshooting efforts, and asciilifeform for confirmation of suspicions) 1810309;1525557568;lobbes;details of resolution can be found over in castle mod6 >> http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema-mod6?d=2018-5-5#350950 1810310;1525557568;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-05-05 21:42 lobbes: as promised, details: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/IBQ84/?raw=true 1810311;1525557646;lobbes;I will soon blog this into a proper post.. but mysql on heathen vps shit the bed. Posts to resume once migration to rockchip box complete 1810312;1525557718;ben_vulpes;trb on rockchip, lobbes ? 1810313;1525557920;lobbes;naw, on heathen cheap dedi 1810314;1525557949;lobbes;rockchip will house blog, www, and botworks most likely 1810315;1525557950;ben_vulpes;gotcha; what are their rates? 1810316;1525557957;ben_vulpes;or who is it 1810317;1525557982;lobbes;25 bezzlebucks a month. Some dc in Kansas or something to that effect 1810318;1525558007;lobbes;"wholesale internet" 1810319;1525558037;lobbes;hdd only, but I got the aggressive patch applied, so will see if it can hack it 1810320;1525560005;mircea_popescu;!!up phatcat 1810321;1525560006;deedbot;phatcat voiced for 30 minutes. 1810322;1525561380;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/05/wife-initiated-pantsuit-code-of-conduct-hypocrisy-leads-to-llvm-developer-departure/ << Qntra - Wife Initiated Pantsuit Code Of Conduct Hypocrisy Leads To LLVM Developer Departure 1810323;1525561964;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-24#1757902 1810324;1525561964;a111;Logged on 2017-12-24 16:11 asciilifeform: kurchatov, supposedly, sat and thought, and few minutes later answered, 'perhaps from philosophical pov this'd be consistent. but then we will have to forget about obtaining the bomb.' 1810325;1525561989;mircea_popescu;apparently usg came to terms with llvm failing in its strategic goals being unavoidable by now. 1810326;1525564817;mod6;lobbes: great job on getting trb going, and on tying up all the ends so if anyone hits that same problem again! 1810327;1525564828;mod6;o7 1810328;1525565283;*;asciilifeform finally switching on phuctor-werker, 3447567 remaining Framedragger keyz will be crunched. 1810329;1525565304;asciilifeform;( 1000000/shots/key fermat took ~3day and found nuffin new ) 1810330;1525565477;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-05#1810259 << holy fuq, i had nfi that particular scamola were still going strong 1810331;1525565477;a111;Logged on 2018-05-05 13:44 mother[m]: Going forward I wanted to pivot to Keybase Teams. 1810332;1525565567;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-05#1810271 << i suspect that there is no physical operation involved, it is 100% chumpatronics, like all other subjects of usg.startupism at this point 1810333;1525565567;a111;Logged on 2018-05-05 16:47 mircea_popescu: in other curios, what's drone utility for geosurvey anyway ? is there some relationship between visual presentation and mineral deposits identified meanwhile ? or what, they carry honest to god radars and ultrasound machinery and whatnot ? afaik none of it could be fit in a ten ton truck let alone a hundred gram drone. 1810334;1525565585;asciilifeform;cocktail of voodoo buzzwords in exchange for monopoly money. 1810335;1525565642;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-05#1810275 << it often bothers asciilifeform that we ~use~ the magic numbers erry time we trade usd etc. but i've nothing to propose to replace this 1810336;1525565642;a111;Logged on 2018-05-05 17:00 mircea_popescu: it's true that there are some websites printing random numbers, but their fantasies lack any economic substance whatsoever, and therefore eminently can;'t be relied on to price derivative instruments. 1810337;1525565792;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-05#1810283 << thinking about this again, i suspect that the age of '1kw miner in half a rack' ended some time in 2013-14 1810338;1525565792;a111;Logged on 2018-05-05 20:48 mircea_popescu: many better options for the cheap mw ; and no fucking way a kw farm is worth anyone's time. that'd be like a 12 sq inch diner. 1810339;1525565809;asciilifeform;today it would prolly not be worth cost of transport, even if one found it at a junkyard 1810340;1525565849;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-05#1810289 << once in a century you find young+did-homework 1810341;1525565849;a111;Logged on 2018-05-05 20:52 mircea_popescu: well how the fuck do you reconcile a and b, the only thing about youth is that homework's not fucking done! 1810342;1525565906;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-05#1810312 << the pilot plant rockchips will sync up to, idk, late 2014, then the 128G disk will fill. ben_vulpes oughta know this. 1810343;1525565906;a111;Logged on 2018-05-05 22:01 ben_vulpes: trb on rockchip, lobbes ? 1810344;1525565987;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-05#1810322 << this is goodforbitcoin (tm)(r) 1810345;1525565987;a111;Logged on 2018-05-05 23:03 deedbot: http://qntra.net/2018/05/wife-initiated-pantsuit-code-of-conduct-hypocrisy-leads-to-llvm-developer-departure/ << Qntra - Wife Initiated Pantsuit Code Of Conduct Hypocrisy Leads To LLVM Developer Departure 1810346;1525566559;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in other olds : https://archive.li/eRWkM << phuctor, october 2013. 1810347;1525566894;asciilifeform; https://archive.li/WFINU << ditto, may 2015; 18 broken keyz. 1810348;1525566921;*;asciilifeform bbl,meat 1810349;1525568047;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, it's not physically possible ; everyone's born a virgin. 1810350;1525569128;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: i was asking him not speaking to my own knowledge 1810351;1525569871;mircea_popescu;aaand in "readers meet trilema, an ancient story" retrospective lulz, http://trilema.com/2014/consent-is-a-myth-lets-see-how-it-came-to-be/#comment-119601 1810352;1525569889;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, i thought you were discreetly suggesting not to try. 1810353;1525570371;ben_vulpes;very much in the vein of "surely you're not..." 1810354;1525570414;mircea_popescu;tis what i thought. 1810355;1525574421;mircea_popescu;Moduli Broken: 2143. over 2k now. 1810356;1525574727;mircea_popescu;that's +76 moduli, +50 factors (35% increase). a most interestign crop. 1810357;1525574793;asciilifeform;still writing , btw 1810358;1525574820;mircea_popescu;much more productive in terms of new-factors density, huh. 1810359;1525574824;mircea_popescu;is this coincidental ? 1810360;1525574850;asciilifeform;well, 3.5mil of new keyz.. 1810361;1525574869;asciilifeform;whoknows what's in there. 1810362;1525574902;mircea_popescu;anyway, the fact that between 4th of may and 6th of may it churned ~2mn moduli and cracked 76 is, in the terms, context and for the mind of us limp dick "researchers" nothing short of staggering. 1810363;1525574904;asciilifeform;( and yes , we can now swallow 3.5m in 2days ) 1810364;1525574909;mircea_popescu;apparently the republic has nsa hardware!!1 1810365;1525574933;asciilifeform;takes about 70GB of ram to run. 1810366;1525574946;asciilifeform;( peak ) 1810367;1525574955;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, anyway, i suppose after the jurov set is also fed a new fermatting is in order ? considering there's a lot of new numbers to play with. 1810368;1525574965;mircea_popescu;ie, the factors set changed significantly enough 1810369;1525574972;asciilifeform;fermat, and conventional , both 1810370;1525574976;asciilifeform;will run. 1810371;1525574989;mircea_popescu;aha. so this is covered for what, about 2 weeks (tm) ? 1810372;1525574996;asciilifeform;approx 1810373;1525575003;asciilifeform;then we can do sks. 1810374;1525575020;asciilifeform;then time for new Framedragger-style hunt. or ssl hunt. 1810375;1525575023;mircea_popescu;funny how the "journalists" with "interests" are all covering the various broken ssh keys in the wild. 1810376;1525575044;asciilifeform;oh hey massive new burst 1810377;1525575051;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, you mean a fresh sks dump ? are we running a server or how did that go ? 1810378;1525575077;asciilifeform;nope, recall, it requires a cooperating existing sks server. we -- leech manually. 1810379;1525575078;mircea_popescu;factors 236 << check that out! it practically doubled it. 1810380;1525575105;mircea_popescu;exciting times. 1810381;1525575112;asciilifeform;takes a day or 2 to grab a snapshot of sks. another day to cut it. then swallows in 1-2d 1810382;1525575128;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, i suppose the fact of the matter is, as keys get added the likeliness of broken moduli staying secret drops... which may account for the seeming density increase. 1810383;1525575148;asciilifeform;correct 1810384;1525575158;mircea_popescu;let's leave some crumbs for the archival : http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/stats 1810385;1525575223;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, anyway, ima try an' write this up after the two weeks. unless you want to ? 1810386;1525575254;asciilifeform;plz go ahead, i muchly enjoyed the last coupla phuctortrilemas 1810387;1525575385;mircea_popescu;aite. 1810388;1525575419;mircea_popescu;anyway, re hunt, i can't imagine why one'd just do either ssl or ssh. gotta do both really at the same time, why not. 1810389;1525575441;asciilifeform;tru 1810390;1525575474;mircea_popescu;see what machine exposes in .well-known/ ; and what it says on 443 just as well as on 22 or w/e. 1810391;1525575583;asciilifeform;ssl crapola scan is useful also to distinguish the brokenssh boxes from one another ( as i did since the orig scan, e.g. mikrotik ) 1810392;1525575606;asciilifeform;( given as sslpubkeys have commentstrings ) 1810393;1525575610;asciilifeform;oh heeey moooar 1810394;1525586474;mother[m];mircea_popsecu definitely not ultrasound machinery. Two ways. One is you have drones on surveillance flights. What it does provide you is a lot of high-res overlapping imagery you can generate aerial footage and 3d models of. You can combine this with other seismic and geotech surveys taken. Another way is that you have drones able to retrieve samples on-site, leaving a surveyors role more on analysis. The cost reductions 1810395;1525586475;mother[m];are substantial. 1810396;1525586587;ben_vulpes;what does the sample-taking equipment look like? 1810397;1525586650;ben_vulpes;what's the sampler-system design, i mean 1810398;1525588258;mother[m];ben_vulpes haven't seen it myself yet so can't say. 1810399;1525588663;mother[m];With Nadex, you're trading binary options and it's at market-set prices. Which is more than what I can say for quotes from Deribit for example. I agree on that about the bitcoin price signal. Do you see BTC trading to or past its highs this year? 1810400;1525588908;mircea_popescu;mother[m], but they'd get very superficial samples neh ? 1810401;1525588943;*;mircea_popescu doesn't know much about mineral survey, but oil at least, assays are all >100m. 1810402;1525589082;mircea_popescu;anyway, bitcoin's natural value is somewhere in between 150% and 300% or so of the M3. so yes, i see bitcoin price exceeding the aggregate cash value of most countries. 1810403;1525589127;mircea_popescu;2.5 haitis to the btc sorta thing. 1810404;1525589791;mircea_popescu;Moduli Broken: 2489 << asciilifeform yeah totally, this did more in a few days than the old one did per month or two. 1810405;1525591332;mircea_popescu;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/factor/380 << this incidentally is a great addition. 1810406;1525591443;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, my question to you is : if there's "Factors Shared by Two or More Moduli: 259" reported on the stats page, yet the factor index goes to 419 (ie, I can see http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/factor/419 ) then what the hell's going on ? are there 259 or 419 factors ? 1810407;1525591500;mircea_popescu;(in other lulz, google fully indexes it, like say https://www.google.com/search?q= or w/e random ip from the reported list). 1810408;1525591918;mircea_popescu;!!up fromdeedbot 1810409;1525591919;deedbot;fromdeedbot voiced for 30 minutes. 1810410;1525592048;fromdeedbot;hey guys so I did register my RSA key to deedbot as "fromdeedbot" but i got it working. I'm learning a lot of things are new to me right now so please xcuse me ahead of time if i do something in bad from, it's not on purpose 1810411;1525592048;lobbesbot;fromdeedbot: Sent 1 day, 2 hours, and 41 minutes ago: stop join/parting. 1810412;1525592079;fromdeedbot;if i leave my irc window open it should just stay logged correct? 1810413;1525592083;mircea_popescu;mkay. don't do the join/part thing, it pisses people off. 1810414;1525592089;fromdeedbot;copy that 1810415;1525592097;mircea_popescu;fromdeedbot, not reliably. why not get a client / bouncer set up ? 1810416;1525592106;fromdeedbot;I'll google that 1810417;1525592183;fromdeedbot;what do you guys think of apps being built on BCH? 1810418;1525592187;fromdeedbot;if anything 1810419;1525592199;mircea_popescu;otherwise, if your internet access is primarily via web, the channel's logged ; the logs are more reliable than your ad-hoc wwwapp will be. see http://btcbase.org/log http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/today 1810420;1525592218;fromdeedbot;ty 1810421;1525592232;fromdeedbot;I started reding the logs here in NOV. 1810422;1525592281;fromdeedbot;impressive stuff... 1810423;1525592325;mircea_popescu;so then you know nobody took the bitcoin crash lulz seriously. 1810424;1525592355;fromdeedbot;bitcoin "crash" or bitcoin crashing, or bot 1810425;1525592368;fromdeedbot;*both 1810426;1525592503;mircea_popescu;"bch". that thing where some busker in san francisco declared himself "emperor of america". 1810427;1525592530;mircea_popescu;except with handpuppets and blockchains. but otherwise, same thing. 1810428;1525592563;fromdeedbot;yeah too many forks not enough steak 1810429;1525592630;fromdeedbot;most "tokenized" use cases are not interested in building their own chain 1810430;1525593399;mircea_popescu;the only stable solution is when 50%+1 of all energy production goes to mining ; there's absolutely no space for "alternate" coins other than an expensive luxury early on. 1810431;1525594174;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in ATM news, https://78.media.tumblr.com/129da98300ef78f827d37edd8e89e4c9/tumblr_p1ycl0m2gU1vowk7zo1_r1_400.gif 1810432;1525615223;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-06#1810406 << there are two types of factor that are factors of ~solely one~ modulus: 1) debianistic ( and other 'special collection' ones, i'ma make it mark them in the factor page soon) , and, 1810433;1525615223;a111;Logged on 2018-05-06 07:24 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, my question to you is : if there's "Factors Shared by Two or More Moduli: 259" reported on the stats page, yet the factor index goes to 419 (ie, I can see http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/factor/419 ) then what the hell's going on ? are there 259 or 419 factors ? 1810434;1525615287;asciilifeform;2) if mod / oneknownfactor is prime, we get the other kind, also a just-that-modulus factor 1810435;1525615308;asciilifeform;i'ma need to put this in faq, really 1810436;1525615350;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-06#1810404 << 2818 currently 1810437;1525615350;a111;Logged on 2018-05-06 06:56 mircea_popescu: Moduli Broken: 2489 << asciilifeform yeah totally, this did more in a few days than the old one did per month or two. 1810438;1525615457;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-06#1810407 << it indexes it in ~realtime , it plus a whole buncha crawlers that have namestrings that dun correspond to anything findable publicly, i suspect the usual suspects, when ipbanned they come back ~immediately from somewhere else 1810439;1525615457;a111;Logged on 2018-05-06 07:25 mircea_popescu: (in other lulz, google fully indexes it, like say https://www.google.com/search?q= or w/e random ip from the reported list). 1810440;1525615472;asciilifeform;this started in 2015 actually 1810441;1525615532;asciilifeform;difference is, now it does not grind to a halt, from this treatment, O(n log n) fetches. 1810442;1525615830;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-06#1810398 << ahaha, i did predict, >> http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-06#1810332 1810443;1525615830;a111;Logged on 2018-05-06 06:30 mother[m]: ben_vulpes haven't seen it myself yet so can't say. 1810444;1525615830;a111;Logged on 2018-05-06 00:12 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-05#1810271 << i suspect that there is no physical operation involved, it is 100% chumpatronics, like all other subjects of usg.startupism at this point 1810445;1525616941;asciilifeform;aaand mods still popping... 1810446;1525622102;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, you don't take my meaning. there can't be at the same time the case that a) "the cardinal of the set of factors is 259" and b) "419 in http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/factor/419 denotes the 419th factor". because if you have a 419th factor, howsoever serialized, the cardinal of the set of factors must be at least 419. 1810447;1525622136;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: there in fact are currently 5182 known factors. 1810448;1525622146;mircea_popescu;and so the status page is way behind ? 1810449;1525622149;asciilifeform;most of them however are factors of only 1 modulus. 1810450;1525622161;asciilifeform;and are not reported under 'Factors Shared by Two or More Moduli' stat. 1810451;1525622187;mircea_popescu;oooo i see! 1810452;1525622187;asciilifeform;( as to how we break a modulus without it sharing any factors with other known moduli: see logs re debianization ) 1810453;1525622196;asciilifeform;aha. 1810454;1525622207;mircea_popescu;right you are ; i was missing that particular edge of braindamage from my mental model. 1810455;1525622210;asciilifeform;good q tho. i was waiting for somebody to ask. 1810456;1525622219;mircea_popescu;maybe time to add "factors of a single modulus" stat to stat page ? 1810457;1525622253;asciilifeform;it is in the conveyor, along with 'where from?' stat in 'factor/123' page (e.g. 'debian collection', 'cisco', etc) 1810458;1525622260;mircea_popescu;cool deal. 1810459;1525622277;mircea_popescu;you know, last time we relocated phuctor there were significant gains. this time, even more significant. 1810460;1525622285;asciilifeform;nao it's sorta realtime 1810461;1525622291;mircea_popescu;i basically hope we keep losing it. seems the more indermeddling, the stronger the republic. 1810462;1525622293;asciilifeform;lol 1810463;1525624378;asciilifeform;soooo summary of the eating of tail end of Framedragger collection: 877 popped mods. nearly matched prediction from earlier ( http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-04#1808858 ) 1810464;1525624378;a111;Logged on 2018-05-04 13:05 asciilifeform: there are 1.7mil+ moduli in the queue right now; if i fire the werker i expect that it will produce 8-900+ popped-moduli. 1810465;1525624763;mircea_popescu;wow check that out. 1810466;1525624853;asciilifeform;trinque may find interesting that deedbot registered , of these, : 702 1810467;1525624935;asciilifeform;!#seen BenBE 1810468;1525624935;a111;2017-04-09 But that's nothing left for today. 1810469;1525624976;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, so what's your prediction re the github set ? how many items even in there ? 1810470;1525625001;asciilifeform;^ d00d with large collection of debian-style 'famous p's and q's', even once showed up here and asked to get phuctor's, and he did, but somehow his collection includes ~whole keys~ rather than factors. soon i'ma feed in ~his~ collection. 1810471;1525625030;asciilifeform;6976695 , in jurov's csv 1810472;1525625049;asciilifeform;i'd predict, but i do not recall how he obtained these. 1810473;1525625071;asciilifeform;( and hey jurov, is it time for refresh ? or should i use the 2016 tarball as-is ) 1810474;1525625160;asciilifeform;!Q later tell danielpbarron http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/48EF022DF9242B52C3F2970BB62613855B089C60B99E8FCE5004CCF30D48D699 << any idea what this is ? 1810475;1525625161;lobbesbot;asciilifeform: The operation succeeded. 1810476;1525625227;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, ah, so not even a mn ? alright. aaand what's your prediction ? 1810477;1525625235;asciilifeform;^ it set off asciilifeform's heuristic bell re 'possible symptom of derps distributing ineptly mutilated lord key' 1810478;1525625260;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, seems likely he signed it no ? 1810479;1525625408;*;asciilifeform looks 1810480;1525625409;asciilifeform;loox like it. 1810481;1525625409;asciilifeform;( this is unfortunately difficult to distinguish mechanically ) 1810482;1525625409;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i predict 0 . ( will be pleasantly surprised, perhaps.. ) 1810483;1525625483;asciilifeform;since the debian incident, enemy stepped up the 'NOBUS' crapola; no noar '32768 possible keys, total', instead things moar in the spirit of http://qntra.net/2016/08/rng-whitening-bug-weakened-all-versions-of-gpg 1810484;1525625549;asciilifeform;( where you apply a magictransform to the whole rfc4880 turd, to get a lattice and get the privs; or at the very least, diddled rng that gives e.g. 48 bits of possible keyspace, so nobody finds straight collision, but their asic can walk it, or the like. 1810485;1525625555;mircea_popescu;hey, what other driver of progress, in republic as empire alike, can there even be. 1810486;1525625641;asciilifeform;sorta ~whole point of phuctor -- to increase the minimal complexity/cost for enemy . 1810487;1525625659;asciilifeform;let him do equiv of 'running in gas mask'. 1810488;1525625712;mircea_popescu;indeed. 1810489;1525625807;asciilifeform;and to whittle away at the nobus idiocy -- ideally we get ~regular whole-ipv4 scans, and erry time a usgtronic router vendor with fixed keys etc is discovered, list of ~live~ boxes is seen by whoever wants. 1810490;1525625862;mircea_popescu;doesn't seem avoidable. Framedragger_ came and went, maybe the next one and maybe even the next after that. but eventualy it's getting settled, like everything else. 1810491;1525625877;asciilifeform;it's a pretty straight mechanical job. 1810492;1525625884;mircea_popescu;great intro item too. 1810493;1525625918;asciilifeform;( the correct place to do it ~from~, might even be the -- repurposed -- usg botnets, e.g. mikrotik etc. ) 1810494;1525625929;asciilifeform;and yes great work for n00bz. 1810495;1525625931;mircea_popescu;conceivably. 1810496;1525625943;BingoBoingo;I mean what else are those phree boxes there for 1810497;1525625957;asciilifeform;scanning is 'embarrassingly parallel', e.g. if you have 2 places to work from , it goes 2x as fast, and so on linearly 1810498;1525626010;mircea_popescu;in fact, the proper sources of tmsr hardware are, in order, a) confiscated usg hardware and b) its own iron outside the reich. that 2017 ended with 0% a and 0% b, and 2018 will likely end with 0%a and whatever%b has no bearing on this : there's always 2019, there's always uci, etcetera. 1810499;1525626061;asciilifeform;for certain uses, spoils iron is the ~only iron, aha 1810500;1525626081;mircea_popescu;for sexual uses. 1810501;1525626089;mircea_popescu;as a general rule, if it's satisfying, it's been taken. 1810502;1525626206;asciilifeform;oh, and to complete earlier snapshot picture : Known Moduli: 10347987 . 1810503;1525626291;asciilifeform;these, from 16010944 submissions ( i.e. gpg keys ) of which 12284842 were Framedragger-generated. 1810504;1525626311;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, in nitpicks today : if phuctor.nosuchlabs.com then also fuckgoats.nosuchlabs.com neh ? 1810505;1525626311;asciilifeform;( the rest, sks, and the tiny remainder, manual submissions. ) 1810506;1525626340;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: nosuchlabs.com/hardware.html , and per mircea_popescu's 2016 spec , given as there is not yet a 2nd iron product, they are idempotent 1810507;1525626345;asciilifeform;( will be revised once there is. ) 1810508;1525626364;asciilifeform;currently bare naked nosuchlabs.com shows FG pg. 1810509;1525626425;mircea_popescu;kk 1810510;1525626865;asciilifeform;incidentally, there's another yet-virginal but i suspect quite fertile field for phuctor : http://btcbase.org/log/2017-10-17#1725945 incident 1810511;1525626865;a111;Logged on 2017-10-17 05:59 jurov: "The flaw resides in the Infineon-developed RSA Library version v1.02.013, specifically within an algorithm it implements for RSA primes generation. " 1810512;1525626883;asciilifeform;^ potentially good for some implausibly-large num of popped mods 1810513;1525626899;asciilifeform;includes ~all 'yubikey' devices, for instance. 1810514;1525626910;asciilifeform;and ~every 'tpm'-generated rsa modulus to date 1810515;1525626945;asciilifeform;( recall? derps used prime-constructor instead of asciilifeform-style 'generate N random bits and probe for primality, if fail -- discard ALL of them' ) 1810516;1525626954;asciilifeform;!!up RagnarDanneskjol 1810517;1525626955;deedbot;RagnarDanneskjol voiced for 30 minutes. 1810518;1525626989;asciilifeform;!#seen RagnarDanneskjol 1810519;1525626989;a111;2018-01-24 Fraudsters? Please clarify 1810520;1525627300;asciilifeform;upstack : http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-06#1810476 << 6`976`695 , mircea_popescu 1810521;1525627300;a111;Logged on 2018-05-06 16:47 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, ah, so not even a mn ? alright. aaand what's your prediction ? 1810522;1525627322;asciilifeform;or 5GB of keyola+usernames 1810523;1525627345;asciilifeform;pretty hefty collection. 1810524;1525627443;mircea_popescu;ah ah. and still you say 0 ? 1810525;1525627478;asciilifeform;hard to say 0, there's simply gotta be at least 1 or 2 debian victims 1810526;1525627574;asciilifeform;... supposing these are ssh keys. i currently can't seem to recall what these are. lessee when jurov wakes up. 1810527;1525628208;BingoBoingo;Aite, the local pharmacies are starting to swiftly become a redeeming factor. One handwritten note with my symptoms and zero expensive ObamaDeathPanel visits is all it took to get Trimetoprim/Sulfametoxazol 1810528;1525628402;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, tedious to get the pubkey out of shit like yubikey tho 1810529;1525628430;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the lusers get it out themselves and distribute, apparently ( the way it is used, other end of channel gotta have it ) 1810530;1525628436;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, they were rsa keys off github iirc ? 1810531;1525628454;asciilifeform;right, but where were they generated/how, i do not recall 1810532;1525628460;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, yes, but they only distribute it to hitler's minions. 1810533;1525628464;asciilifeform;( did the lusers submit ? or shithub genned ? or how. ) 1810534;1525628480;mircea_popescu;possibly a mix. 1810535;1525628501;mircea_popescu;understand how "yubikey" works : hitlerist website buys a boatload, extracts pub/privkeys, sends to losers. 1810536;1525628503;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: nominally yes, only minions; however a large qty iirc has leaked out. would be interesting to get hold of'em somehow. 1810537;1525628507;mircea_popescu;this way both "security" and nobus. 1810538;1525628515;asciilifeform;aha 1810539;1525628547;mircea_popescu;i suppose next someone cracks open one of these fetlifes, can dump the yubikey set this way. tho... very roundabout way of ghoing about things -- could as well just list the privkeys. 1810540;1525628568;asciilifeform;those aint kept around on the server end tho 1810541;1525628577;asciilifeform;( the privs, that is ) 1810542;1525628738;mircea_popescu;they're kept in the safe. 1810543;1525628762;asciilifeform;rright, but in washington, not in whatever flea pit bought the 'yubi' 1810544;1525628778;mircea_popescu;depends on size. either at yubi plant or at buyer. 1810545;1525628789;mircea_popescu;generally, producer doesn't want to be stuck with them. 1810546;1525628812;asciilifeform;producer does not, per the actual magic revealed in the infineon incident, have to know anything at all. 1810547;1525628820;mircea_popescu;whereas fucktarded importance-seeking "investors" of customer tend to imagine this makes them less likely to sink. 1810548;1525628822;asciilifeform;he gets a 'licensed' chip mask, churns out devices, ships. 1810549;1525628835;asciilifeform;said mask contains 'prime constructor' with the obvious boojum intrinsic to it. 1810550;1525628853;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, i meant yubi co, by producer, not whatever random chinese plant spitting these out and making the only money for the only actual economic activity involved. 1810551;1525628865;asciilifeform;apples to both in equal measure. 1810552;1525628881;asciilifeform;0 need to yubi to know any seekrit. 1810553;1525628884;mircea_popescu;anyway, it's not (as your purity seeking mind would prefer) one true magic bojum. 1810554;1525628893;mircea_popescu;there's just a list of crap. "wins at go" algo. 1810555;1525628897;asciilifeform;no particular reason it is 'only one true', aha 1810556;1525628910;asciilifeform;it simply happens that one of them, got out, last autumn. 1810557;1525628939;mircea_popescu;believe it or not, empire still runs on excel, empire still prefers the list 1, 3, 5, 7 to the generator n*2+1. 1810558;1525628950;asciilifeform;( concretely, a key generator that produces a fairly good quality -- from 'nobus' pov -- class of weak keys ) 1810559;1525628979;asciilifeform;well generator is readily transformed into 'list 1,3,5...' prior to being given to whichever minion. 1810560;1525628987;mircea_popescu;which are then specifically enumerated (yes, in an excel spreadsheet), with the respective associations, and then stored in a fucking "safe", ie a spurious hunk of metal that'd do nothing in any case. 1810561;1525629072;asciilifeform;sorta how they started doing with 'radio keys' for costly autos in 1990s, aha 1810562;1525629100;mircea_popescu;then a "court-ordered" whatever the hell takes three weeks because the only person that even knew what an index is in the entire org quit over not wanthing to wear the corporate tshirt at the corporate event and so on. 1810563;1525629102;asciilifeform;( when the 'repo man' side of the easycredit usg.auto.industry started having problem with clean repossession on acct of electrical locks ) 1810564;1525629108;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2018/minigame-smg-april-2018-statement/ << Trilema - MiniGame (S.MG), April 2018 Statement 1810565;1525629120;trinque;asciilifeform: already explained that if the RSS is ever longer than 20 when checked, only 20 are coming through deedbot 1810566;1525629125;trinque;no plans to fix 1810567;1525629135;asciilifeform;trinque: right, makes sense 1810568;1525629140;asciilifeform;trinque: no particular reason to try to fix 1810569;1525629154;mircea_popescu;so then why were you prodding him ? 1810570;1525629157;trinque;naw, but iirc spyked has one coming, maybe he'll do the problem better justice 1810571;1525629207;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: previously thought 'if only deeper queue', then we moved whole thing to 'go and read' 1810572;1525629227;mircea_popescu;pretty much. 1810573;1525629246;mircea_popescu;may be actually the best thing for nsa anyway. let people use the website. 1810574;1525629255;asciilifeform;trinque: fwiw i dun expect any moar 1000-modulus bursts in foreseeable fyootoor 1810575;1525629346;mircea_popescu;hm. 1810576;1525629460;trinque;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-06#1810461 << this has been my experience also. deedbot was more reliable each time I had to rip the thing out of one host, move to other, for obvious reasons of having to look under the log. 1810577;1525629460;a111;Logged on 2018-05-06 15:58 mircea_popescu: i basically hope we keep losing it. seems the more indermeddling, the stronger the republic. 1810578;1525629473;mircea_popescu;the hood ? 1810579;1525629488;trinque;well, "what did I have in tmux" etc 1810580;1525629523;mircea_popescu;aha. 1810581;1525629573;asciilifeform;meanwhile from mircea_popescu's www, 'In my opinion the biggest red flag is that the opie intends to pay the artist by bitcoin. How many people have a bitcoin account. PayPal is a widely recognised payment method that has been around for a long time. It is legtimate, safe and easy to use. Even if the opie does not want to use PayPal what is wrong with bank transfer.' << lol!! 1810582;1525629623;*;asciilifeform was quite certain that this species had properly died out when the usdrate grew its most recent trailing 0 1810583;1525629629;mircea_popescu;there's just this massive class of entirely spurious sacks of shit, want to "participate in leadership" for a living. nothing else, they earned their keep at the ballot box. 1810584;1525629709;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: typo in 'not going to to anything' 1810585;1525629710;mircea_popescu;entirely the source of the vague spasms misrepresented by pantsuit into "public support for the electoral process" and "representative legitimacy" -- dorks who literally imagine they earn their 4 years' living by putting down an x once. 1810586;1525629716;mircea_popescu;ty 1810587;1525631777;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-06#1810463 << in other shit you won't believe : girl cleanned out her purse, as it was getting heavy. produced as a result a satchel of coins, which she shows me, "check this shit out". "whoa, that's like... almost a kg. go weigh it, i'm curious." so she goes weigh it, and the scale says... 877! 1810588;1525631777;a111;Logged on 2018-05-06 16:32 asciilifeform: soooo summary of the eating of tail end of Framedragger collection: 877 popped mods. nearly matched prediction from earlier ( http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-04#1808858 ) 1810589;1525633881;deedbot;http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2018/05/06/it-turns-out-pharmacies-in-uruguay-are-actually-rather-civilized-compared-to-old-country/ << Bingo Blog - It Turns Out Pharmacies In Uruguay Are Actually Rather Civilized Compared To Old Country 1810590;1525634338;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2018/oregon-represent/ << Trilema - Oregon represent! 1810591;1525635460;mircea_popescu;!#s "sulfmeto" 1810592;1525635460;a111;2 results for "\"sulfmeto\"", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%22sulfmeto%22 1810593;1525635485;mircea_popescu;yup, it's both a) the ideal medication for the sort of cold / gonorhea and b) readily available in sane lands. 1810594;1525636033;mircea_popescu;that said, you should prolly still see a doctor if you actually suspect you had pneumonia ; the risk is survivant infection, gotta make sure you actually cleanse the bugs not merely reduce them to livable level. 1810595;1525637305;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-06#1810594 << It's in the cards soon. The option to put the waiting AFTER the relief has started instead of giving the bugs more time to do their damage is nice. 1810596;1525637305;a111;Logged on 2018-05-06 19:47 mircea_popescu: that said, you should prolly still see a doctor if you actually suspect you had pneumonia ; the risk is survivant infection, gotta make sure you actually cleanse the bugs not merely reduce them to livable level. 1810597;1525637370;mircea_popescu;well, pneumonia is still a perfect way to die, even today. so yes, immediate response is necessary an' appropriate. but bear in mind that biseptol+paracetamol is field medicine, once back in town you're really supposed to go to a hospital and have some tailored cocktail made. 1810598;1525637859;mod6;hola 1810599;1525637930;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in weblulz, "ad by Scry We’re building a community of people who can predict the future. We are looking for people who can predict the future, possibly better than experts can. Join Us at Scry." 1810600;1525638047;mod6;:D 1810601;1525638100;mod6;Who wants to rent the last Rockchip available rockchip @ Pizarro? Let us know! First come, first serve. 1810602;1525638118;mod6;bah, redudancy. 1810603;1525638131;mod6;Anyway, one left! 1810604;1525638321;mod6;My rockchip has the FG hooked up, looking good. 1810605;1525639268;jurov;asciilifeform: use the tarball as-is, i have not scanned more since 1810606;1525639505;jurov;and users submit their keys generated outside github, they recommend ssh-keygen 1810607;1525642661;mircea_popescu;in other news : bad teacher (cameron diaz doing her usual fare) is actually pretty good. racoon eyes not giving a shit, very 1990s hipster highschooler aesthetic. 1810608;1525647150;esthlos;looking to cement understanding: with current V, file-level merges are impossible, but patches touching separate files can be applied sequentially. this way, it is possible, e.g., for different folx to work on separate parts of the project, and press there changes into one item. 1810609;1525647265;esthlos;now let's say that the new philosophy file contains hash of all directory contents in lexographic order, onse per patch. As far as i can see, this forces the tree of vpatches to be strictly linear, since latest patch depends strictly on single previous patch 1810610;1525647296;esthlos;so is this what's desired, or am I off the mark? 1810611;1525647415;esthlos;*their changes 1810612;1525647658;trinque;esthlos: that's incorrect, current V does not press all leaves 1810613;1525647681;trinque;current V presses the patches walking upward from the "head" given as a parameter 1810614;1525647699;mod6;^ 1810615;1525647761;trinque;the history file is indeed the chosen solution to the problem of tree fragmentation. all patches which are intended to have permanence in the v tree shall edit that file. 1810616;1525647797;trinque;this oughtn't be enforced by the V implementation. operator might fully intend to *not* include a patch in the formal history of the project 1810617;1525647801;trinque;experimental patches for example. 1810618;1525647838;esthlos;so I'm not talking about pressing all the leaves, but when a vpatch has multiple parents, such as h or i in http://www.mod6.net/sps2_dag.png 1810619;1525647973;trinque;in current V, j had to *edit* items in both h and i to keep them in the set of pressed patches, if pressing to h 1810620;1525648011;trinque;and this is appropriate. the way to solve the problem of "have to edit something in each desired antecedent" is to do that, edit something, the history file 1810621;1525648038;trinque;if I haven't addressed what you're talking about though, please elaborate. 1810622;1525648325;esthlos;I think I understand, though I may be being thick. what I'm describing is differnt 1810623;1525648418;esthlos;if the new V defines the current state of the project as a single hash, then multiple parents (such as h, i, d, and j) becomes impossible 1810624;1525648449;trinque;it doesn't, so how did you get there? 1810625;1525648470;trinque;you should ignore the "history" file notion entirely; it has no bearing on how your v-tron operates 1810626;1525648531;trinque;it is a fact about correct operation of a V, and perhaps a V client does something to help the operator along "hey you didn't edit the history file, wild patch!" but does absolutely nothing differently. it's just another file. 1810627;1525648573;trinque;sections of a given patch will yes, be parented on the previous, in a straight line, but this does not at all mean that the patch doesn't *also* have other parents, following the antecedent lines of the other files 1810628;1525648590;trinque;the graph will still look similar to the png you linked, but with a singular line also running through it 1810629;1525648626;mod6;as a side-note, my vtron when doing operations and graphing checks *all* edges. 1810630;1525648653;esthlos;oh, I thought the new idea was to determine parenthood based off a single line in the philosophy file. this was my interpretation of http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-23#1774751 and http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-23#1774760 1810631;1525648653;a111;Logged on 2018-01-23 12:09 esthlos: to determine if b.vpatch descends from a.vpatch, my idea is to scan through b.vpatch and ensure that each ---(file,hash) matches some +++(file,hash) in a.vpatch. is this the standard procedure? 1810632;1525648653;a111;Logged on 2018-01-23 14:28 mircea_popescu: esthlos it is not standard procedure ; the emerging consensus is to have a dedicated philosophy file which a) all patches must touch (by protocol) ; b) contains comments as to the patcher's state of mind and c) contains one line per patch uniquely identifying it, machine generated. the format's not fixed yet, but as phf is working on a new proper vdiff it's probably going to coalesce around a variant of whatever he uses. 1810633;1525648682;trinque;no, not at all. 1810634;1525648692;trinque;esthlos: you are misunderstanding it entirely 1810635;1525648699;esthlos;hmm 1810636;1525648771;trinque;parenthood is determined by the graph of patches as created by walking across the hashes *per file* 1810637;1525648784;trinque;and it so happens that one is a history file. 1810638;1525648885;esthlos;alright. What I don't understand, then, is mircea_popescu's response 1810639;1525648886;mircea_popescu;esthlos> looking to cement understanding: with current V, file-level merges are impossible << huh ? 1810640;1525648973;trinque;esthlos: if I thought you'd gone that far afield, I would've asked you to do all this instead of a simple cleanup of interfaces 1810641;1525649012;trinque;please do not try to attach complexity barnacles to the history file, because it seemed very important in logs, or something. 1810642;1525649057;trinque;only thing that a V would even conceivably do related to "history" is indicate in "flow" that certain patches are not mainline, for lack of a history file edit 1810643;1525649075;trinque;if I tell the thing to press to a signed patch, it should press, history file edited or not. 1810644;1525649089;mircea_popescu;i confess i don't understand what he understood of v. this for instance fails to parse entirely : http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-06#1810623 1810645;1525649089;a111;Logged on 2018-05-06 23:13 esthlos: if the new V defines the current state of the project as a single hash, then multiple parents (such as h, i, d, and j) becomes impossible 1810646;1525649119;trinque;aha, I haven't a clue how he got to "thus can merge" 1810647;1525649127;esthlos;well, this seems like https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ct4DkT7VYAAuuzx.jpg 1810648;1525649191;mircea_popescu;aanyways ; i agree with trinque in that the "history file" needs not be considered by the v implementation as anything in particular. it's a usage convention not a special case. 1810649;1525649213;mircea_popescu;so yes, a correctly implemented vtron has no history file notion. 1810650;1525649266;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-06#1810638 << which part ? 1810651;1525649266;a111;Logged on 2018-05-06 23:21 esthlos: alright. What I don't understand, then, is mircea_popescu's response 1810652;1525649272;ben_vulpes;esthlos: did you read mod6 or asciilifeform's v implementations before writing yours? 1810653;1525649322;esthlos;ben_vulpes: no, actually that's part of what asciilifeform encouraged me to do 1810654;1525649351;mircea_popescu;apparently in my naivite i bestowed upon trinque a larger dollop than originally realised. 1810655;1525649392;mircea_popescu;esthlos, what sort of barbarian, orcish, utterly insane and self-spiteful approach is this, whereby you set forth to do a thing without understanding the previous iterations of the thing you're doing ?! 1810656;1525649481;mircea_popescu;crossdressing, for all the social stigma, cruising highway bathrooms looking for glory holes, for all the infection potential, sitting by a wall and banging your head against it, they're dubious behaviours, yes, but this fucking takes the cake. what, you hate yourself QUITE TO THAT DEGREE ?! why ? what did you ever do to yourself to take such umbrage with yourself ?! 1810657;1525649566;esthlos;mircea_popescu: what I took away from your comment was that the philosophy file was to be used to determine vpatch ancestry, rather incorrectly it seems 1810658;1525649596;mircea_popescu;the idea was that it'd work passively to determine order in afore-ambiguous situations. 1810659;1525649648;esthlos;and wrt self hatred, I'm really at a loss. somehow it thought like a good idea 1810660;1525649714;mircea_popescu;but doesn't the sadness of solipsism strike you ? it's not hard enough to have to go to war, you'll do it naked and barefoot and hope you can find some flint to make a spear before the vietcong finds you and gangrapes you ?! 1810661;1525649759;mircea_popescu;they're there to help, not to hinder, all the accumulated piles of previous materiel. or does this not seem so ? 1810662;1525649776;esthlos;indeed. I am rather lonely, in general 1810663;1525649790;mod6;moar forum then :] 1810664;1525649791;ben_vulpes;https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/news/a28718/why-men-love-war/ 1810665;1525649865;mircea_popescu;well yes, but you don;'t have to be. i get it, in general everything's crap, but dja think i'd even for a second have permitted it if it were ? the stuff about, it's all stuff that somehow survived the republican demolition frenzy. it's not just random gunk. 1810666;1525650173;trinque;esthlos: so at least less to change about your v-tron right? though definitely *read* the others so you're more certain you understand what the thing is. 1810667;1525650201;trinque;I intentionally aimed you at "fix the interfaces" because it appeared that was the thing most glaringly wrong with it, and not all this 1810668;1525650326;trinque;it'd be a happy thing if I can stay with my welder in portage's innards while this happens and not have to end up doing that part myself 1810669;1525650363;esthlos;mircea_popescu: i'm at a loss of what to say. but really, it's moving 1810670;1525650394;esthlos;trinque: no, I didn't jump off the deep end without discussing it. I've already made the interface changes 1810671;1525650396;mircea_popescu;aite. 1810672;1525650429;esthlos;let me give it a once over, sign it, and send it your way 1810673;1525650439;trinque;ah neato 1810674;1525650524;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in saturday night fun, https://78.media.tumblr.com/413a1d5da92e80bc7b3c705f8f435ed5/tumblr_p7ouhi3DeZ1u7dxx4o1_1280.jpg 1810675;1525650571;esthlos;haha does her collar say BBC? 1810676;1525650720;mircea_popescu;possibru. 1810677;1525657414;esthlos;trinque: updated file at http://files.esthlos.com/crypto/v_2/v.lisp , sig at http://files.esthlos.com/crypto/v_2/v.lisp.esthlos.sig 1810678;1525657721;esthlos;mircea_popescu: wrt http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-03#1807632 << esthlos-v presses fine to vtools_vpatch_newline 1810679;1525657721;a111;Logged on 2018-05-03 01:15 mircea_popescu: esthlos, a) http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-23#1774760 ; b) how does your item handle the original http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-09#1794417 problem ? 1810680;1525657792;trinque;very cool on both counts. reading. 1810681;1525657838;mircea_popescu;nice. 1810682;1525657956;esthlos;i'll field and questions/criticism tomorrow, gotta run for now 1810683;1525658372;esthlos;also want to say that above confusion was mostly misinterpretation of various comments on my part. not about what "v" is _now_, but on what was being asked of me 1810684;1525659667;trinque;the communication gets easier the more you work it, so stick around 1810685;1525659687;trinque;btw looks like missing definition of process-exit-code ? 1810686;1525659764;trinque;I'd also like to see the cl-ppcre dependency drop (not only for the call out to quicklisp to obtain it) 1810687;1525659778;trinque;the parsing here is pretty simple, oughta be able to implement without hauling in a big honking dep 1810688;1525659822;*;trinque will digest more when he has a definition of process-exit-code 1810689;1525659939;mircea_popescu;esthlos, people throwing their hands in despair over something [they thought] you said is always way the fuck preferable to people throwing up their hands in despair over something you did -- specifically because there's a lot more room to misinterpret what's said than what's done. 1810690;1525664702;trinque;ah, sbclism. I'm on ccl over here. and looks like run-program's an undeclared dep on uiop 1810691;1525664825;trinque;wise thing to do is muntz off these foreign entanglements. v needs to stand on its own as much as possible, and ever more so. 1810692;1525664878;trinque;can implement a "run-program" of our own in here, implement for sbcl and ccl. I don't know that I've heard of anyone here using another. 1810693;1525664903;trinque;I'm fine with helping. could take a crack at it tomorrow. 1810694;1525665216;trinque;worth saying also that use of quicklisp is anti-v. it's a wad of packages some dude compiled, he's not in our WoT, no signatures on packages (last I checked), and to top it off, it hauls down foreign code and executes for you as a single op. 1810695;1525665262;trinque;v doesn't import the imperial convenience idiocy. it eats the world from where it stands. 1810696;1525665301;trinque;(think, when this is done, we have a basis for a vtronic lisp repository, aside a vtronic portage, and all the rest) 1810697;1525665460;mircea_popescu;i agree ; must stand on own more than possible 1810698;1525665489;mircea_popescu;trinque, cmucl = ccl ? 1810699;1525665495;trinque;!!v 55614ADF1D52CD18F16C72676CC8FF0FE7C24F13662752368EDE17A2F082F05D 1810700;1525665496;deedbot;trinque rated esthlos 1 << lisp vtronicist 1810701;1525665507;trinque;ccl is "clozure cl" 1810702;1525665548;mircea_popescu;i thought phf mostly did cmu cl 1810703;1525665695;trinque;ah maybe, can go in too. oughta be minimal crud, and clearly contained in one function. couple of whatever they call the implementation identifying macros. 1810704;1525666660;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2018/carnes-mas-o-menos/ << Trilema - Carnes, mas o menos. 1810705;1525673407;mircea_popescu;o look, usg."prime minister" of pakistan got shot a little. 1810706;1525673485;mircea_popescu;inb4 the next mosul lulz (aka "great success of barefoot negresses on the world diplomacy stage") will be the coallition capture of rebel islamabad. 1810707;1525678597;mircea_popescu;and in other battlegear, https://78.media.tumblr.com/376fc109b9ef2f5d26c88f856c576801/tumblr_onnqhpST2Q1uogw2mo1_1280.jpg 1810708;1525703201;mod6;good mornin TMSR~! 1810709;1525703866;BingoBoingo;mod6: Mornin 1810710;1525704381;mod6;How goes today BingoBoingo? 1810711;1525704405;BingoBoingo;The productive cough is more productive, but at least the color is substantially improved 1810712;1525704428;mod6;Ahh. Yeah, the good news of the bad news huh. 1810713;1525704436;mod6;Still raining there? 1810714;1525704447;BingoBoingo;Today it actually isn't 1810715;1525704653;mod6;nice :] 1810716;1525706120;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in mean words, https://78.media.tumblr.com/8d9625677c87c6938052cc801b0ef9d5/tumblr_okr5poCICc1vc2tefo1_1280.jpg 1810717;1525706187;asciilifeform;lol interesting reversal of the classic genre 1810718;1525706392;mircea_popescu;wait, this isn't the classic genre ?! 1810719;1525706441;asciilifeform;is, but with the colours swapped neh 1810720;1525706485;mircea_popescu;not afaik ? ~this~ is the classical. the "black power" stuff is it with the colors swapped neh ? like "cocoa milk, in case you were getting bored with all milk beinbg white" marketing thing ? 1810721;1525706550;asciilifeform;hm tru 1810722;1525706663;mircea_popescu;otherwise you know, as far as pantsuit media outlets / science (ie, wankish fantasy with no reality support whatsoever) goes, there's https://asiangirlsbelongtowhitemen.tumblr.com/ https://sissyasianboy.tumblr.com/post/173275119419/all-asian-boys-should-be-castrated-and-turned-into https://asianwhiteworship.tumblr.com/post/169628017674/the-new-asian-sexuality-an-asian-girl-fucking-her etc etc etc. 1810723;1525706733;mircea_popescu;but you can generally tell these all come from the same source the conceits of "racism" or "democracy" come from. because what the FUCK is "asian" even ? a notion similar to "ant".\ 1810724;1525706816;mircea_popescu;a degree of mental confusion roughly similar to calling people from ohio mexicans because you saw one in a hat once. 1810725;1525706842;ben_vulpes;augh 1810726;1525706998;mircea_popescu;but srsly now, this whole "race" mental cockroach, especially when by "race" is meant things like "the nation of africa" (really bitch ? every saw a guy from senegal ?) or "asia" or whaterver the fuck is SO transparently a redditard's ploy to put the world through the juicer and get "just the facts" out, preferably in the same sort of ram buffer his middle school education required, which is four pictures and five bullet poin 1810727;1525707000;mircea_popescu;ts... 1810728;1525707138;mircea_popescu;really now, a 6 foot 5 dude that evolutionarily exists to outrun turkeys in flight ; a 4 foot pigmy that evolutionarily exists to fit comfortably under elephants and poke their belly with a spear from underneath and some fat government worker are "the nation of Africa" ? for the same money the average sex of mankind is rabbit. 1810729;1525707150;mircea_popescu;cuz it's furry, see ? and it jumps around. LOGIC from the mothership. 1810730;1525707796;asciilifeform;in other sads, http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/YP3Gz/?raw=true ( tldr -- BingoBoingo will probably not get that parcel ) 1810731;1525707861;mircea_popescu;heh 1810732;1525707989;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, i don't get it, what's the problem ? ~exact spanish translation of http://btcbase.org/log/2017-10-02#1719423 1810733;1525707989;a111;Logged on 2017-10-02 11:16 diana_coman: Framedragger, did you ever publish somewhere re the customs fee you had to pay for your fg(s)? 1810734;1525708004;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i ain't sending cc pics or mtgox passport shots 1810735;1525708016;asciilifeform;esp not via plaintxt shitmail 1810736;1525708019;mircea_popescu;"Si usted desea ampararse en la franquicia para compras por internet de particulares uruguayos" 1810737;1525708034;mircea_popescu;if you want to take advantage of the ... "right" to buy from local individuals (3 items per year) 1810738;1525708036;mircea_popescu;you... don't. 1810739;1525708042;*;asciilifeform reads again.. 1810740;1525708050;mircea_popescu;"Si usted no desea utilizar uno de los 3 cupos que tiene con la franquicia para el año, dicho envío será liberado abonando impuestos." 1810741;1525708059;mircea_popescu;if you don't so desire, item will be released upon payment. 1810742;1525708075;asciilifeform;i parsed it as mandatory for some reason 1810743;1525708098;mircea_popescu;by the time they're bringing out the "ampararse" and "franquicia" you know they're blowing bubbles out their ass. 1810744;1525708163;mircea_popescu;batshit insane fucking system they got, incidentally. why not just make a govt amazon, force locals to use it if they don't wanna pay tax. 1810745;1525708188;mircea_popescu;holy shit, the retards. not only are they ever going to use a "smart"phone to go on a website, they DON'T EVEN FUCKING KNOW HOW TO MAKE A WEBSITE ANYMORE. 1810746;1525708195;mircea_popescu;mass literacy was a mistake. 1810747;1525708209;asciilifeform;what will 'govt amazon' stock ? matte cups ? 1810748;1525708233;mircea_popescu;whatever the fuck composes those "3 cupos per ano" 1810749;1525708245;mircea_popescu;local fermented beverages, how the fuck do i know what orcs trade. 1810750;1525708282;asciilifeform;it'd do 0 for us, is the point. 1810751;1525708303;asciilifeform;betcha whole story is really a rerun of the old mircea_popescu article with the anti-busstop protesters 1810752;1525708309;asciilifeform;in buenosaires 1810753;1525708315;mircea_popescu;(anyway, i'm mostly joking. THEY don't know how to speak their previous colonizer's language, and so they say "to buy from locals" when they mean "the buying of locals". w/e) 1810754;1525708322;asciilifeform;'oh noez somebody might buy not from the local orcs' 1810755;1525708377;mircea_popescu;la franquicia para compras por internet de particulares uruguayos << the franchize for internet purchases FROM local private parties is the correct solution. but not only did they lift the bureaucratese, they lifted it wholesale, "de" now means "of" like english works, because why the fuck not, soberania. 1810756;1525708538;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, remember that time we needed like 100kgs worth of sheet metal profiles, ended up having to fly them over with white man's airship because local orcs can't bend metal along predetermined lines ? 1810757;1525708545;asciilifeform;i will add : this is for a 10$ cable with fortybux of importtax ~prepaid~ via shitazon 1810758;1525708548;asciilifeform;~prepaid~ 1810759;1525708577;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i dun think they even know how to make own drainpipes, much less these 1810760;1525708672;mircea_popescu;yeah, because pouring concrete in matrices is like the height of white man's craft, not even black women i'm sorry, WOMEN OF AFRICA ever tried this with ground up mud and spitpies. 1810761;1525708689;asciilifeform;the funny/sad bit, is that i found enuff local material sources that it ~is~ possible to , say, make racks for rockchippen on-site, with some effort. BUT the chance of getting more than a handful of raw pcbs un-encased in protective 'old server' chassis, through orc checkpoint, is ~0 1810762;1525708707;mircea_popescu;aha. 1810763;1525708736;mircea_popescu;see, it's like an orc protection amulet, this. 1920 technology, what stalin sought to copy, is what orcs most fear. 1810764;1525708797;*;asciilifeform also wonders whether there isn't a hidden symbiosis between the usg.corp derps who prolly ship ~100% of the rackable comps ever before shipped to UY, and the 'we want a cut of that printolade you print' bridgetrolls 1810765;1525708827;asciilifeform;( considering BingoBoingo's earlier discovery that almost all industrial comps ever imported there, are via contracts with microshit/dell/minions ) 1810766;1525708831;mircea_popescu;i expect you actually own 100% of all computers ever shipped to uruguay. the rest is in extraterritorial zone. 1810767;1525708854;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the neighbouring racks were not all empty, interestingly. 1810768;1525708864;asciilifeform;and not all full of old desktop dells, even. 1810769;1525708873;mircea_popescu;gotta store the slano somewhere. 1810770;1525708882;asciilifeform;the wat 1810771;1525708921;mircea_popescu;wtf do they call the cured pig fat chunks ? 1810772;1525708929;asciilifeform;salo 1810773;1525708953;mircea_popescu;i thought that's what they called secluded rapespots in the italian countryside. 1810774;1525708963;asciilifeform;( in so far as asciilifeform could see with naked eye : most of the nonempty racks were full of emc. gigagonnes of it. ) 1810775;1525708969;asciilifeform;lol also 1810776;1525708971;mircea_popescu;сланина < there! 1810777;1525708993;asciilifeform;iirc that's what it goes by in ro 1810778;1525709086;mircea_popescu;everywhere but ukr, really. 1810779;1525709128;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, emc, ie "We have extended our commitment to #AI with the announcement of two new 4-socket servers, the PowerEdge R840 and the PowerEdge R940xa. Explore " ? 1810780;1525709168;mircea_popescu;for the same money, wella extended its commitment to #AI with the announcement of two dozen new blonde hair dyes. 1810781;1525709234;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: mega-seller of 'we'll mail you new disks when yours burns out immediately, and support microshit etc etc' crapolade, bought at some point by dell and absorbed into standard usg kompyooting stack 1810782;1525709249;mircea_popescu;right. and meanwhile committed. 1810783;1525709278;asciilifeform;( iirc they landed the nsa disks contract ) 1810784;1525709323;mircea_popescu;aha. or rather -- they're the funnel for which the nsa new development was even made. 1810785;1525709351;mircea_popescu;hence "bought" by dell. 1810786;1525709435;asciilifeform;how else. 1810787;1525710023;mircea_popescu;big scandal in romania these days, btw, because "it turns out" that in 2005 the ustards exported their spy-on-citizens system they brought up online sometime post 2001, and the romanians of course used it to spy on, eg, members of the csat ("supreme council of defense", funny communist leftover item, after the soviet model). and you know, ex "generals" going to the media with "the cia boss, the fbi boss and the military attac 1810788;1525710023;mircea_popescu;he had the keys". cuz, again, soberania. 1810789;1525710026;mircea_popescu;the laugh of all time. 1810790;1525710047;asciilifeform;i recall this from old trilema piece ? 1810791;1525710088;mircea_popescu;not that anyone in the know didn't know, the whole fucking deal is physical-space-for-prison in orcland for online-space-for-excell fuckery in empire imaginary virtualand. 1810792;1525710105;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, ah but you see, "nobody reads trilema" hurr durr, it is a DISCOVERY in 2018. because "the press" hurr durr. 1810793;1525710196;*;asciilifeform wonders whether they have a stable of dedicated boecks for such 'discoveries', or if disposables 1810794;1525712048;mircea_popescu;mostly retiring "generals" in this particular case 1810795;1525712124;mircea_popescu;used to be a time when being a staff officer meant something. now it's mostly i-cant-believe-this-fuckwit-isnt-an-academic / oh-but-he-is. 1810796;1525712924;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: quite far upstack : a quite 'apocalyptic' phuctoring could at some point be had, by making use of shamir & mantin's pill against rc4 ( used in ~every shitprng to date ) 1810797;1525713003;asciilifeform;( rc4-whitened crapola is readily 'distinguishable from random' ) 1810798;1525713343;mircea_popescu;eventually. 1810799;1525713351;mircea_popescu;how you holding up BingoBoingo ? 1810800;1525713368;mircea_popescu;do you have a 2nd person there in case you need anything ? the venezoelana or what was it ? 1810801;1525713459;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Doing a lot better 1810802;1525713491;mircea_popescu;a nice then. 1810803;1525713493;mircea_popescu;standing ? 1810804;1525713580;BingoBoingo;In the hostel, drinking water, and breathing much easier 1810805;1525713636;mircea_popescu;alright. 1810806;1525713645;BingoBoingo;Sitting, standing, walking in circles, and occasionally using the stairs. 1810807;1525713656;mircea_popescu;oj, eh ? they have that delicious fresh pressed stuff, just the thing./ 1810808;1525713696;BingoBoingo;AHA, Considering that or the peach juice 1810809;1525713746;mircea_popescu;absolutely. 1810810;1525713845;BingoBoingo;Nearly feeling good enough for a grocery run. Prolly going to get juice, blue cheese, and whatever the local equivalent of crackers is 1810811;1525713973;mircea_popescu;solid plan 1810812;1525714190;BingoBoingo;Then tomorrow I appear with my paperwork at the Department of identity, then next Tuesday I pick up the Cedula. 1810813;1525714282;BingoBoingo;A kilo or so of icecream will probably be involved somewhere along the way. 1810814;1525714315;mircea_popescu;lol. 1810815;1525714453;BingoBoingo;Anyways, in 8 days I get to use all of this bullshit tax stuff paid here to get my not-Obamacare. Optimistically if I only need the number and not the physical card I could see a doctor as soon as tomorrow. 1810816;1525714690;mircea_popescu;are you out of cash ? 1810817;1525714746;BingoBoingo;Nah, but I also don't want to hand over cash if it can be avoid it. And the Urgency is substantially less than yesterday. 1810818;1525714784;mircea_popescu;so make an appt ; doctor's visit is what, 50 bux, 100 if you're really going to the spa. 1810819;1525714819;BingoBoingo;Aite 1810820;1525714911;mircea_popescu;if the sulfa killed it it was definitely bacterial ; the whole "after rain" story is very streptoccocus. you don't want to end up with an entrenched infection, this is how people end up with lifelong sinusitis and other such unpleasantries. 1810821;1525714991;BingoBoingo;Definitely. 1810822;1525715253;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: did anybody ever collect pubkeys of tor nodes ? or was this mentioned in log, but never done 1810823;1525715291;mircea_popescu;mentioned in log, possibly what actually done Framedragger_ in, he went to talk to the shrews 1810824;1525715299;mircea_popescu;but did he ever return no he never returned, he's the man in the mta... 1810825;1525715311;asciilifeform;( coupla yrs back, a heninger-type academitard demonstratively pretended to do this, with the typical null output ) 1810826;1525715324;asciilifeform;yea. sad. 1810827;1525715357;asciilifeform;gotta wonder what he found on the shrew planet, that was worth staying for. 1810828;1525715389;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, you ever wonder what laika found ? 1810829;1525715410;asciilifeform;lol, what? fiery demise ? 1810830;1525715469;mircea_popescu;well, more's the question what didn't find. 1810831;1525715476;mircea_popescu;what, dog was gonna build a rocket 1810832;1525715567;asciilifeform;iirc d00d did have some parting word to the effect of 'leave me to my model airplanes' 1810833;1525715590;mircea_popescu;i dun recall this ? 1810834;1525715635;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-10#1624181 possibly 1810835;1525715635;a111;Logged on 2017-03-10 14:50 Framedragger: i like my rc airplanes. "the will of history necessitates you to X" has a marx'ified hegelian vibe :p 1810836;1525715687;mircea_popescu;heh. 1810837;1525715795;mircea_popescu;it ~does~ have a vibe, which sure could be classified that way ; or any other way. "Πειθοῦς ἐστι κέλευθος - Ἀληθείῃ γὰρ ὀπηδεῖ - ἡ δ ́ ὡς οὐκ ἔστιν τε καὶ ὡς χρεών ἐστι μὴ εἶναι, τὴν δή τοι φράζω παναπευθέα ἔμμεν ἀταρπόν·" whartever. 1810838;1525715810;mircea_popescu;what is is and necessarily is while what isn't isn't an' necessarily isn't. 1810839;1525715979;mircea_popescu;http://philoctetes.free.fr/parmenidesunicode.htm << parmenides with ye olde burnet translation, for the mentally voracious. 1810840;1525717046;ben_vulpes;https://www.marketwatch.com/story/bill-gates-says-he-would-short-bitcoin-if-there-was-an-easy-way-to-do-it-2018-05-07 << moar wrinkly old men 1810841;1525717145;mircea_popescu;lmao. the guarded bravery of the eromenos. 1810842;1525717227;mircea_popescu;time i recount a story, i suppose. here it is : "Subject: Ah, I remember now :D 1810843;1525717227;mircea_popescu;You are the early BTC adopter and IIRC you were or had used DAO's findings/theft (whatever you call). I thought your name seemed familiar, but I do not always participate in the chatter. I was an early bitcoin adopter too. Then I got around to ethereum. Did a fun ICO - http://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/news/2147-2017kybernetwork-loiluu/ But near December last year, I donated the cash value of almost all of my bitcoins to Bill & Meli 1810844;1525717227;mircea_popescu;nda Gates Foundation. Was not a whole lot. Less than a mil. I made a decent fortune from bitcoins for no reason. And they are doing some really cool projects for humanity. Love their work. I have been to quite a few of Richard Stallman's talks. But still not inspired enough to care so much about OSS. I like it, but I also understand the argument for not having OSS and making money off it. But you did a good thing there. so co 1810845;1525717230;mircea_popescu;ngrats and you have my gratitude :)" 1810846;1525717340;asciilifeform;this from the soulless-cockroaches-given-gift-of-speech-by-mistake file ? 1810847;1525717392;ben_vulpes;and in 'the orly? report': http://gcaptain.com/new-york-governor-vows-dunkirk-style-citizens-fleet-to-block-offshore-drilling 1810848;1525717399;mircea_popescu;rando guild leader. either the most ellaborate troll alive or otherwise just another http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-07#1810722 1810849;1525717399;a111;Logged on 2018-05-07 15:24 mircea_popescu: otherwise you know, as far as pantsuit media outlets / science (ie, wankish fantasy with no reality support whatsoever) goes, there's https://asiangirlsbelongtowhitemen.tumblr.com/ https://sissyasianboy.tumblr.com/post/173275119419/all-asian-boys-should-be-castrated-and-turned-into https://asianwhiteworship.tumblr.com/post/169628017674/the-new-asian-sexuality-an-asian-girl-fucking-her etc etc etc. 1810850;1525717547;mircea_popescu;anyway, the trigger was me explaining why i'm not gonna use skype/discord, no matter what the fuck they do. apparently "daytime talk radio" was meanwhile supplanted by these mutual clucking devices they have. who the fuck knew in three short decades socialism will manage to take all the most obnoxious features of a marginal social phenomenon associated with wage slaves and turn it into a universal locus of youth. 1810851;1525717594;mircea_popescu;at least their fathers knew listening to talk radio in the car was BECAUSE THEIR LIFE SUCKS. these schmucks listen to it in their "spare" time, and don't even go to the trouble of ~selecting~ a moron to uuhhh and aaahhh melifluously, no, any old dweeb will do. 1810852;1525717611;mircea_popescu;0 self respect in the lands of "self confidence". 1810853;1525717750;asciilifeform;i thought skype etc were voip crapola, rather than pseudo-broadcast 1810854;1525717789;mircea_popescu;yes, voip crapola. now think -- they have nothing to say to each other and 1 on 1 is "too much pressure" anyway, so they'd join channels, yes ? 1810855;1525717795;mircea_popescu;the logic of idiocy is not hard to follow. 1810856;1525717828;asciilifeform;prior to this, they did same thing via ordinary phone, neh 1810857;1525717889;ben_vulpes;standard cab driver tech for...decades? 1810858;1525717914;asciilifeform;'cb' aha 1810859;1525717929;*;asciilifeform has a junkyard 'cb' , switches it on sometimes for lulz 1810860;1525717952;mircea_popescu;there's a large (and good god vocal!) population on say fetlife, which is only there to steal the having been stolen from wrt sex. specifically, they're mental 12yos who are there to not have to notice they're entiurely asexual, "how could you think that of me, i'm here engaging in the exact sort of slut-in-training perisexual and cvasisexual behaviours typical of pubescence!". here, sampler : "Law_And_Chaos 26M Dom ah you se 1810861;1525717952;mircea_popescu;em so very keen on slavery I wanted to offer you the chance to be a slave. I've seen a few posts about you asking people to be your slave, well you can be mine instead." "me : Any clue who you're talking to, gopnik ?" "him : couldn't give a damn who i'm talking to. The fact that most groups i'm part of are warning people about you tells me that you're not a good person." 1810862;1525717993;mircea_popescu;imagine this fucking wonder, "not a good person". what the fuck happened in their heads, seriously, this is a drawback, being the guy your mom told you to stay clear of ? he;s going to do me disservice by running around "warning" the gals about how not good i am ? 1810863;1525718045;asciilifeform;i can't resist to ask : mircea_popescu has been drilling shitlife for yrs; anyffing ever come out of the pipe, aside from sludge ? 1810864;1525718066;mircea_popescu;this is not singular : fetlife is at least half by weight people who want a good pretext as to why they're not getting laid (community!) ; gaming is at least half by weight people who want a good pretext as to why they suck at video games (community!) and so on and so following. look at expert sex change in this vein, you'll discover a few things about the sort of questions asked and the placesd they come from. 1810865;1525718081;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, have you seen the pics on trilema ever ? 1810866;1525718103;asciilifeform;which pics 1810867;1525718106;mircea_popescu;the anus and the vulva are separated by a thin membrane by design ; this is what sophia thinks of our habits. 1810868;1525718135;mod6;the taint 1810869;1525718142;mircea_popescu;the taint! 1810870;1525718159;mircea_popescu;if you don't drill the shitpipe, how're you going to end up in cunt ?! 1810871;1525718181;asciilifeform;q wasn't 'why do it, it is pointless', but 'what sludge %' 1810872;1525718185;mircea_popescu;directly ?! what are you, like some kind of pervert ?! 1810873;1525718202;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, hard to count the sludge, see. what % of slag is diamonds ? 1810874;1525718210;asciilifeform;>0 1810875;1525718216;mircea_popescu;definitely >0. 1810876;1525718247;mircea_popescu;anyway, what do i count ? every girl my IA devices ever touched ? that'd be tens of millions, who knows, a billion. every girl in what, my girl's l1 ? l2 ? l which ? 1810877;1525718255;mircea_popescu;it's impossible to establish the numerator. 1810878;1525718270;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: you're just being lazy with your funnel metrics 1810879;1525718274;ben_vulpes;i suggest a wordpress plugin 1810880;1525718282;mircea_popescu;ahahaha.\ 1810881;1525718295;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i was thinking re # that reported for basic training in castle mircea_popescustein, say 1810882;1525718295;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, consider however the 2nd order effects : i know how they think. can you imagine what that radicalurile could possibly serve ? 1810883;1525718303;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, well over half. 1810884;1525718309;asciilifeform;neato 1810885;1525718346;mircea_popescu;understand, it's very hard not to agree with me. takes a sort of determination towards idiocy most people lack. 1810886;1525718377;mircea_popescu;dunno about the whole "people are fundamentally good and seeking the light" aristotelian optimism. however most people can't be arsed to do the stupid when it's obvious it'll be wasted effort. 1810887;1525718564;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, and i'll bet you twentysomething tard dun even know what a gopnik is. and this ignorance does not worry him, "there's this scary not-good dood who said something i didn't even understand" somehow fails to carry the "today is the day you die" signal with it. 1810888;1525718613;asciilifeform;this is sorta like lookig for 'which dodo squawk means 'hunter coming'' 1810889;1525718621;asciilifeform;they ain't got one, i suspect. 1810890;1525718704;mircea_popescu;that's how they won the war for mosul 1810891;1525718888;ben_vulpes;i'm still boggled that people appear to outgrow curiosity 1810892;1525718943;mircea_popescu;curiosity dies naturally, much like the ability to learn languages, or the ability to swim. 1810893;1525718952;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: they don't have any to begin with, see http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-30#1690889 1810894;1525718952;a111;Logged on 2017-07-30 03:42 ascii_modem: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-30#1690886 << steve dutch 1810895;1525718960;mircea_popescu;yes, it's inborn in humans. but in the apes we come from it ends within 18 months ; and in people it ends if not artificially maintained also. 1810896;1525718969;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, they do, else they couldn't speak at all. 1810897;1525718985;asciilifeform;not same thing as adult (i.e. systematized) curiosity. 1810898;1525718993;mircea_popescu;"curiosity" is the atrophied device of what language is learned with ; much like the adult tymus is what's left behind after the "mother's immune protein bank" in children. 1810899;1525718994;*;BingoBoingo taking a break from eating cheese 1810900;1525718999;asciilifeform;as imho very well demonstrated in the linked piece 1810901;1525719019;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, indeed not. 1810902;1525719043;mircea_popescu;but that's the fork : as times goes by, you either get good at fucking or you stop trying. as time goes on, curiosity either systematizes or dies. 1810903;1525719059;mircea_popescu;in the sad results of the "modern democracy" child abuse rings, it dies. 1810904;1525719490;BingoBoingo;Aite, the local version of crackers suck. Thankfully I picked up a garlic loaf. Split open and loaded with ALL the blue cheese and the white cheese, this might beat the half kilo of ice cream as the most decadent thing I have ate in Uruguay. 1810905;1525719551;asciilifeform;^ asciilifeform's lunch in timis 1810906;1525719569;*;asciilifeform still salivates thinking of it 1810907;1525719571;mircea_popescu;hey, perfectly respectable breakfast item, bread crust with cheeses and sour cream 1810908;1525719573;ben_vulpes;BingoBoingo: we gotta get you a kitchen; no reason you should be buying crackers when you can recruit girls to do it for you 1810909;1525719595;ben_vulpes;betcha street shit is riddled with thiamin and friends 1810910;1525719658;BingoBoingo;ben_vulpes: That's actually the name on this Blue, "Queso Azul 'Friendship'" 1810911;1525719677;mircea_popescu;drujba!! 1810912;1525719689;asciilifeform;bahahahahaha 1810913;1525719698;asciilifeform;( was cheapo spready-cheese in su ) 1810914;1525719767;BingoBoingo;Ah, the friendship is only sorta spready. Had to spackle over it with Brie 1810915;1525719896;mircea_popescu;anyway, the above is a major point ben_vulpes is making. cooking at home is ~only way to get decent food in orclands w/o spending a benjie a plate sorta deal. 1810916;1525719922;ben_vulpes;aaha. 1810917;1525719936;ben_vulpes;especially us orclands! 1810918;1525719948;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: there, even benjie/plate doesn't begin to cure 1810919;1525719981;asciilifeform;BingoBoingostan appears to have ample supply of quality dairy tho. 1810920;1525720015;*;asciilifeform brain melted at the sunday market, tho not to the extent it did in timis 1810921;1525720049;mircea_popescu;haha remember the hats ? 1810922;1525720053;mircea_popescu;hanbot, really loved the hats. 1810923;1525721362;asciilifeform;in other noose, jurov's shithub sshkeys output is nearly finished converting; will start to feed it in within hr or so 1810924;1525721498;diana_coman;asciilifeform, ave1 did you succeed building gnat on non-musl gentoo? 1810925;1525721509;mircea_popescu;nice. 1810926;1525721520;asciilifeform;diana_coman: his latest script barfs on account of expecting to load a turd from shithub 1810927;1525721546;asciilifeform;diana_coman: about 80% in, i think. possibly would actually work if i permitted it 1810928;1525721571;diana_coman;hm, that last 20% ... 1810929;1525721734;mircea_popescu;could just localize it, if so... 1810930;1525721759;asciilifeform;to be very concrete, for all i know , his script ~works~ , i simply was not able to test from that point 1810931;1525721777;asciilifeform;( it suffers from very serious problem where you gotta start the 3,4,... hour build from 0 errytimeitstops ) 1810932;1525721818;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/05/german-police-hunting-89-year-old-civilian-wwii-survivor/ << Qntra - German Police Hunting 89 Year Old Civilian WWII Survivor 1810933;1525721917;diana_coman;ave1, any chance you tweak that script so I can at least test it in stages rather than 3-4 hour all-or-nothing thing? 1810934;1525721936;asciilifeform;!#seen ave1 1810935;1525721936;a111;2018-05-01 before starting do: export MAKEFLAGS="-j32". 1810936;1525724820;asciilifeform;aaaaand the jurov collection is going in nao! 1810937;1525724874;asciilifeform;eating the ~7mil keyz will take, i expect, about a day. 1810938;1525724895;asciilifeform;( they are on ramdisk, and process is pretty snappy nao ) 1810939;1525725473;mod6;any bets on count? 1810940;1525725494;asciilifeform;mod6: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-06#1810520 << thread 1810941;1525725494;a111;Logged on 2018-05-06 17:21 asciilifeform: upstack : http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-06#1810476 << 6`976`695 , mircea_popescu 1810942;1525725522;mod6;Sorry, meaning number popped 1810943;1525725530;asciilifeform;mod6: yes, see thread 1810944;1525725538;*;mod6 re-reads 1810945;1525725603;mod6;ah, hmm. We'll see I guess :] 1810946;1525725846;*;asciilifeform is still waiting for that magical day, when a valid-rsa-key-generated-by-a-human-on-a-pc pops 1810947;1525725903;asciilifeform;...closest item to date is the khadeer incident. but that was almost certainly a not-by-named-party creation imho 1810948;1525727238;mircea_popescu;there's many dozens of keys that are of dubious origin. who's to know. 1810949;1525727280;mircea_popescu;if i know anything about esltards, it's that far FAR from "i made this so and so, here's the tool binary at the very least, if not source i compiled" they'll instead be "oh nothing happened". 1810950;1525727280;asciilifeform;rright but e.g. 'divisible by 5' is not under category of 'valid rsa mod' no matter how one cuts it 1810951;1525727290;mircea_popescu;it's how they handle their amorous life, finances, education, everything. 1810952;1525727313;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, i was discussing the dozen gpg generated, sks vintage keys that weren't divisible by 5. 1810953;1525727335;asciilifeform;canhaz phuctorlink? 1810954;1525727401;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2015/more-factored-rsa-keys-and-assorted-other-considerations/#selection-301.0-341.111 etc 1810955;1525727407;asciilifeform;mirrorolade 1810956;1525727442;asciilifeform;all 3 of the given. 1810957;1525727482;mircea_popescu;it's not clear to me what the standard you propose is, but anyway. 1810958;1525727483;asciilifeform;( you can click the links, incidentally, and immediately learn this ) 1810959;1525727498;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the standard is ~could have come out of a pc pgptron, e.g. gpg~ 1810960;1525727512;mircea_popescu;yes, the time when a key whose N is the product of two numbers nevertheless is discoveref to have factors other than the two prime numbers in question is, indeed, a most rapturous occasion. 1810961;1525727529;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, as far as anyone knows, that's exactly where they came from. 1810962;1525727531;asciilifeform;there is no known version of gpg that shits or even eats mirrorolade, it can only come out of a purpose-built mutilator, OR one of the various js pgptrons that dun check or produce selfsigs 1810963;1525727545;mircea_popescu;"there is no known" is no argument. 1810964;1525727554;mircea_popescu;indeed, there is no known, meaning anything can be the case. 1810965;1525727578;asciilifeform;argument is that you gotta mutilate any and all of the extant gpgs pretty heavily to get'em to even eat 1. 1810966;1525727607;asciilifeform;and yes it is conceivable that the proggy that produced'em, was given name of 'gpg', somewhere, somehow. 1810967;1525727638;mircea_popescu;you gotta mutilate ssh also to get it to spit out / use the 2k+ broken ssh keys ? 1810968;1525727672;asciilifeform;but has not much in common with what you and i , use. and, more importantly, given 'piltdown man'-stitched-out-of-parts ~random selfsigs, ~anyone~ could have produced the mirrorolade. you can trivially create it for every pubkey in phuctor. 1810969;1525727705;mircea_popescu;afaik this exact discussion ended in 2015 with the showing of how gpg will eat. 1810970;1525727708;asciilifeform;nope 1810971;1525727711;asciilifeform;js shitpgp eats. 1810972;1525727732;asciilifeform;( jurov found 2 separate ones, they've been in the faq for a while ) 1810973;1525727773;asciilifeform;under section VIII . 1810974;1525727801;asciilifeform;hmm 2nd link dead nao! 1810975;1525727864;asciilifeform;( http://ianpurton.com/online-pgp ) 1810976;1525727939;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it is also possible that winblowz 'original' pgp eats. but afaik nobody yet tried. 1810977;1525728074;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, so the standard here is, "a key from the sks system which my gpg at home eats and which is nevertheless not prime and excepting A50591247C8E37A64117B74F78AB527059E13694 / B01584E9F6CB9E76DEA61E2A73786CA0F4EACC4F because reasons and with a special review clause for later on left blank atm" ? 1810978;1525728093;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: actually i missed 1 : that german thing 1810979;1525728097;asciilifeform;possibly qualifies. 1810980;1525728115;mircea_popescu;the exact problem of "can't specify the denominator" problem discussed earlier. 1810981;1525728183;asciilifeform;( http://qntra.net/2016/08/phuctor-finds-seven-keys-produced-with-null-rng-and-other-curiosities in vintage lulz ; still digging for the item above ) 1810982;1525728297;mircea_popescu;anyway, honestly nfi what's so magical about gpg in your mind. they're just as rsa keys as the ssh set ; and just as debian, and etcetera. 1810983;1525728376;asciilifeform;different and yet-undiscovered orifice. 1810984;1525728386;asciilifeform;( ~errybody already knows about the debianism. ) 1810985;1525728447;mircea_popescu;the way the internet works, everybody already knows about everything on the solid basis of http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-07#1810891 etc. 1810986;1525728447;a111;Logged on 2018-05-07 18:48 ben_vulpes: i'm still boggled that people appear to outgrow curiosity 1810987;1525728466;mircea_popescu;but sure, i don't disagree, the more it finds the better. 1810988;1525728561;asciilifeform;but really, mircea_popescu , if i find , let's say, a set of breakable pubkeys that with reasonable certainty came from gpg 1.4.10, this will not be a more interesting find than debianized ssh set ? 1810989;1525728566;asciilifeform;imho it -- would 1810990;1525728653;mircea_popescu;in your mind, the chicken is spherical. in practice, the chicken you'd find would come with the usual gunk and mud the "average person" attaches to things. "oh, we were only joking/doing exercise/it's obvious this doesn't count" "oh we researched this and forgot to publish anything" bla bla bla. then the real chicken you found will seem insufficiently spherical to you just like all the others prior. 1810991;1525728657;mircea_popescu;so -- in practice, nope. 1810992;1525728694;mircea_popescu;the debian scandal is unparallelable because for me it made the phase transition from "these are people" to "these are not people". similarily to how the blockchain genesis is more important than block x+1. 1810993;1525728719;asciilifeform;asciilifeform has an obvious and unashamed bias in favour of 0days in ~things he actually uses~ , verily 1810994;1525728734;asciilifeform;in re 'what is interesting' 1810995;1525728790;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: which these ? ( the victims ? perps ? ..both ? ) 1810996;1525728804;mircea_popescu;it's rather comparable to how say that inenarable imbecile murdock changed my view with the http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-02#1692407 1810997;1525728804;a111;Logged on 2017-08-02 01:17 mircea_popescu: phf reminds me of fucktard murdock "oh, we were first apple store" 1810998;1525728820;asciilifeform;aaaa 1810999;1525728840;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, zx2c4 's "academics" or w/e you'd call them. the rubber chicken guzzlers, the conference goers, the code-of-conducted, the everyday cuck 1811000;1525728874;mircea_popescu;how do you call them ? doods jammed in traffic on the information superhighway, listening to the atlantic talk radio show. 1811001;1525728886;mircea_popescu;everyone-but-us-and-the-innocent. 1811002;1525728907;mircea_popescu;(innocent here being a way to denote the mentally simple) 1811003;1525728948;mircea_popescu;men-in-tech, the modern man-at-war. wtf do you even call the scum 1811004;1525728951;asciilifeform;academitards quite solidly fall into the most irrevocably damned class of sinner, the knowing type. 1811005;1525729265;mircea_popescu;contrary to all the pretense, there's really 0 difference. "tech journalist" / "academic" / "entrepreneur" / whatever the fuck. i don't distinguish between the doubtless present and in-character very visible "sorts" and "kinds" of african garbage pickers trying to turn the refuse of a great civilisation that doesan't include them into some root paste or w/e they eat. you know for a fact they are so, because the various classe 1811006;1525729265;mircea_popescu;s of london poor two centuries ago, depending as they were upon the continued feeding of the urban midden for their subsistence, DID classify, and a rag picker thought himself different from a bone monger or w/e. 1811007;1525729326;asciilifeform;mudlarks(tm)(r) 1811008;1525729345;mircea_popescu;very similarily, the pile of esltards trying to salvage the remains of french philosophy, british merchantship and spanish bigotry into some kind of whatever that'll get them through the night can not be fucking distinguished from outside ; nor really are functionally distinct. which is how "academics" denied tenure become either entrepreneurs or journalists, or rather both and indistinctly. 1811009;1525729347;asciilifeform;possibly oughta revive this name for'em 1811010;1525729367;mircea_popescu;what the fuck is even the difference between publish-or-perish-i and publish-or-perish-ii ? 1811011;1525729403;mircea_popescu;not like any one among them has anything to say, or anything to contribute, or even has understood anything -- or even SAT DOWN with anything in an attempt, however cursory, to understand. 1811012;1525729430;mircea_popescu;and if they ever did, a la bernstein, it does eventually get washed out. 1811013;1525729442;asciilifeform;well once time asciilifeform went to an entomology lab and there was a glass case with a coupla hundred indistinguishable, to asciilifeform's naked eye, mosquitoes . but for the pest control specialist, the exact species presumably -- matters. 1811014;1525729483;mircea_popescu;i am not yet that advanced. as things stand right now, i can't even explain what'd be the morphological differences. at all. 1811015;1525729515;mircea_popescu;i mean, the specialist will tell you ~something~. counts legs, counts hairs on legs, counts fucking something. then i can take what he said and apply it and not end up in a contradiction. 1811016;1525729535;mircea_popescu;good luck with this fauna, i've not yet seen the wonder where classification was meaningful in any perspective. 1811017;1525729600;mircea_popescu;and whenever classification fails, we know two things : one is that the subject is not worth the mention, hence why they're called "scum" and otherwise not considered ; and the other is that the subject is amorphous, like, exactly, scum. 1811018;1525729745;asciilifeform;to distinguish'em, is only really a productive work if it can be found that they e.g. respond to different ddt. 1811019;1525729875;mircea_popescu;the best model i can summon is indeed the http://trilema.com/2016/the-eastern-rpg/ : there's a "mage" which has 4 spells which do a) 30 dmg + 5x to 1 target ; b) 15dmg + 7x to 1 target ; c) 5 dmg + 3x to 3 targets and d) 10 dmg + 10x to all targets provided a b or c were cast five times prior. then there's an... "assassin", whatever the fuck, paladin, electropostalist, metamicronicist, anything whatsoever -- which (importantl 1811020;1525729876;mircea_popescu;y!) has 4 NOT!!!11-spells but something ENTIRELY-elses, which nevertheless do a) 30 dmg + 5x to 1 target ; b) 15dmg + 7x to 1 target ; c) 5 dmg + 3x to 3 targets and d) 10 dmg + 10x to all targets provided a b or c were cast five times prior. 1811021;1525729931;mircea_popescu;what are they, aspirants to the "middle class" in the exact sense rednecks are aspirants to "the traditional family" and christians aspire to catholicism. 1811022;1525729965;mircea_popescu;none of them will ever get what they seek, for what they seek a) never existed in the fragmentary, orcish way they represent it and b) existed when it did in a context which specifically requires, as an absolute necessity, their non-existence to exist. so.... 1811023;1525730071;mircea_popescu;rural mommies all over the soviet union prayed for their children to get "an office job" in the great new state being built ; and before the soviet union was invented the EXACT SAME women, physically identically the same notwithstanding the centuries in between them, were praying for at least one of their sons to be a priest. for the same exact reasons, escapism is fundamentally the losers' adaptation. 1811024;1525730303;mircea_popescu;anyway, very much an open problem, of course. you never know, maybe someday someone actually comes up with some manner of classifying the scum into something. 1811025;1525730392;mircea_popescu;but my expectation is that it'll be purely subjective, "i divide fire into good-useful fire (GUF) such as when i cook, insidious-noxious fire (INF) such as when my pregnant wife smokes and bad-terrible fire (BTF) such as when arson." the guf-inf-btf model is however not a fucking classification of fire. 1811026;1525736828;BingoBoingo;Still alive 1811027;1525737210;BingoBoingo;And in the latest Pantsuit thrashings via WaPo on money laundering: "Not taking on debt from a regulated lender, in short, can remove an entire layer of scrutiny from the acquisition process." 1811028;1525737268;mircea_popescu;awwww. 1811029;1525737345;BingoBoingo;From a piece butthurt Trump starting paying cash for some real estate purchases... 1811030;1525737378;mircea_popescu;i don't think i ever paid anything but cash or personal notes. wtf "lenders". 1811031;1525737433;BingoBoingo;Well, this is Trump who powered his comedy through the 1990s on bankruptcy law 1811032;1525737478;mircea_popescu;heh, he's not alone. the vegas strip was built out of junk bonds after all. 1811033;1525737486;mircea_popescu;that whole fucking country exists out of bankruptcy law. 1811034;1525737564;BingoBoingo;But apparently the controversy is that AFTER that... He paid cash for some golf courses outside the US. 1811035;1525737593;mircea_popescu;aaa 1811036;1525737614;BingoBoingo;Becuase who would lend at a favorable rate for that. Or as Trump want to deal with bankruptcy in different jurisdictions 1811037;1525737648;BingoBoingo;The stretching for anything at all to scandalize is stretching far 1811038;1525737667;mircea_popescu;i thought the big story out of the soviet united these days is which geezer said which other geezer isn't welcome at his funeral. 1811039;1525737679;mircea_popescu;because totally, politburo didn't die, it just caught a charter flight to ny. 1811040;1525737697;BingoBoingo;Eh, they are dead on the inside anyway 1811041;1525740084;ben_vulpes;mccain's deathbed lulz are grade a: he'd rather have the aborter-in-chief around, totally fries leeb heads who'd just started to like the old coot 1811042;1525741944;BingoBoingo;McCain needs to be bitter about the things that matter, like when Dubya stole his nomination in 2000 1811043;1525743164;mod6;evenin' 1811044;1525743273;BingoBoingo;Evenin' 1811045;1525743551;BingoBoingo;https://archive.is/sDXsS 1811046;1525744019;mod6;i'd like to say 'sad', but then i aught to feel sad for myself as I probably eat a lot of feed-lot beef myself. 1811047;1525744061;mod6;i don't eat as much beef as i used to i guess. more pork & chicken these days 1811048;1525745150;BingoBoingo;My concern is more the local consumer behavior 1811049;1525746057;mod6;ah, sure. 1811050;1525746063;mod6;the guy is probably right. 1811051;1525746069;mod6;you feelin' any better? 1811052;1525747625;mircea_popescu;eh some retard saw something in a shop. odds are it's imported us beef, because "tienda inglesa" bs. 1811053;1525748413;mircea_popescu;in other lulz : while walking through the barrio chino, i'm struck by the unmistakable effluvia of... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ 1811054;1525748438;mircea_popescu;upon examination, they are exuding from a chicken rotisserie with disco lights that is evidently a brothel that is having karaoke night. 1811055;1525748454;mircea_popescu;it is possible they were rickrolled and didn't realise it, i didn't stick around to investigate. 1811056;1525748798;*;lobbes has only done karaoke once, and it was to rickroll the audience 1811057;1525748902;lobbes;only a handful got it, but it was enough 1811058;1525749064;mircea_popescu;heh 1811059;1525749069;mircea_popescu;but i mean... in 2018 ?! 1811060;1525749175;lobbes;haha yes, good point 1811061;1525749237;lobbes;well, hell, the later the better mebbe 1811062;1525749305;trinque;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/YfrpQ/?raw=true << check out the inept node pestering from some ip in mordor 1811063;1525749313;mircea_popescu;in other lulz, https://www.theregister.co.uk/2018/05/07/2017_intelligence_community_transparency_report/ 1811064;1525749358;mircea_popescu;trinque, but i mean, you ban it for 0-30 seconds ? 1811065;1525749390;trinque;this is a trb log, not some banthing I made 1811066;1525749455;trinque;far as I'm aware it's logging the rejected connect attempts 1811067;1525749482;mircea_popescu;a a 1811068;1525750661;lobbes;trinque, how'd you get your log to show timestamps? Mine seems to be missing them 1811069;1525750799;trinque;got it running in the "runit" service manager, has a logger called svlogd which reads from stdin, farts to logfile with timestamps (if directed) 1811070;1525751238;lobbes;ah nice. ty 1811071;1525781911;esthlos;trinque: yesterday could not make it to irc. removing the dependancy on cl-ppcre shoudn't be too hard. sbcl comes with sb-ext:run-program, which wraps a call to execvp (http://www.sbcl.org/manual/#DOCF7). if somehow uiop is being thrown into the mix, then it shouldn't be 1811072;1525782049;esthlos;it should be fixed if I replace the current call to run-program with the full sb-ext:run-program, and really the call should be fixed to work on ccl as well 1811073;1525782107;esthlos;will bbl 1811074;1525788599;mod6;mornin! 1811075;1525789453;asciilifeform;ohai mod6 1811076;1525789689;asciilifeform;in other noose, ~4.5m of 7m jurov keyz eaten. 1811077;1525789737;mod6;wow, phuctor is crunchin through 'em quick huh 1811078;1525789741;asciilifeform;0 crunched yet 1811079;1525789744;asciilifeform;merely eaten 1811080;1525789753;asciilifeform;i'ma grind'em all in 1 batch 1811081;1525789783;mod6;yah, that's what i mean. eaten. 1811082;1525789811;mod6;get with wthe lingo mod6 1811083;1525789812;asciilifeform;( the way bernsteinism works, a given run does not reduce the work of subsequent run in any way ) 1811084;1525790232;BingoBoingo;From the mines: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/D3Lfw/?raw=true 1811085;1525790756;ave1;diana_coman, http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-07#1810933, I'm working on it, getting rid of the git line was a bit harder than expected (apparently nobody hosts this as as a tar.gz file). Also, all my parallel builds of the whole thing fail. 1811086;1525790756;a111;Logged on 2018-05-07 19:38 diana_coman: ave1, any chance you tweak that script so I can at least test it in stages rather than 3-4 hour all-or-nothing thing? 1811087;1525791074;asciilifeform;oh hey ave1 1811088;1525791081;asciilifeform;ave1: how, precisely, do they fail ? 1811089;1525791095;ave1;random point in building gcc 1811090;1525791102;asciilifeform;paste the barf plz ? 1811091;1525791335;ave1;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/dYf1v/?raw=true, is with -j2 1811092;1525791358;ave1;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/a3zfz/?raw=true, is with -j10 1811093;1525791377;ave1;I suspect the ada makefile(s) have a problem with some of the rules 1811094;1525791416;asciilifeform;this will be problematic when this becomes, say, a cuntoo port, where global makeflags will apply and e.g. mine are -j32 1811095;1525791480;ave1;Yes, I was looking into how I could make the flags not apply for specific makefiles 1811096;1525791489;asciilifeform;( my own ada items, fwiw, build quite fine under arbitrary gcc parallelism ) 1811097;1525791549;ave1;These are not modified as far as rules go, just small fixes to make cross-compiling with differently named compilers possible 1811098;1525791588;asciilifeform;ave1: prolly the correct pill is to find where the http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/dYf1v/?raw=true items are built, and to force correct precedence in the makefile ( i'd bet that currently they are listed on one line ) 1811099;1525791594;ave1;It may also be something with the gmake on this machine, an earlier glibc also failed to build in parallel 1811100;1525791606;asciilifeform;stock glibc ? 1811101;1525791643;ave1;Yes, 2.14 (this was to find out if I could make glibc produce smaller statically build outputs) 1811102;1525791647;ave1;I could not 1811103;1525791651;asciilifeform;hmm sounds like a broken os then 1811104;1525791688;ave1;Probably, I will first focus to get the stages building done, that will make it way more easy to debug 1811105;1525791701;asciilifeform;aite 1811106;1525791813;ave1;It does have a rudimentary version, but then it re-uses the directories for the next round. Currently, I hope to get this done this week. 1811107;1525791908;ave1;The weather has suddenly gone from 15 degrees celcius /cloudy/raining to over 25 with sun here, so the garden is exploding and needs some serious cutting 1811108;1525792615;trinque;esthlos: ah ok, thought run-program was coming from uiop. sounds like sbcl, cmucl, and ccl would be the desired targets. 1811109;1525792672;trinque;did phf or other lispers have commentary on esthlos' item? ben_vulpes? asciilifeform? 1811110;1525792713;ben_vulpes;i'll give it a read today 1811111;1525792715;asciilifeform;trinque: the vtron ? 1811112;1525792727;trinque;yep, that. 1811113;1525792730;ben_vulpes;i just found my old cl v as well; gonna dust it off for lulz 1811114;1525792735;asciilifeform;not read yet, no 1811115;1525792736;ben_vulpes;whimsy is thiiiick in there 1811116;1525792818;ben_vulpes;esthlos: where do you want input? comments on a-vtron ? 1811117;1525792947;trinque;it's not where he wants input, it's where we want changes 1811118;1525792956;trinque;if any. if not great. 1811119;1525793252;phf;i've skimmed it when it came out and i agree with your feedback. primarily making it self contained, i.e. getting rid of cl-ppcre for parsing (!!1) and needless dependencies like uiop by way of classical (defun run-program (foo bar) #+sbcl (sb-ext:...) #+ccl (ccl:...) #-(or ccl sbcl) (error ...)) 1811120;1525793402;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-08#1811080 << ah ok, i was all "look at that, 0 news" 1811121;1525793402;a111;Logged on 2018-05-08 14:29 asciilifeform: i'ma grind'em all in 1 batch 1811122;1525793537;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-08#1811085 << minigame would host it ; so would deedbot. you saw the trb build style, specifically http://thebitcoin.foundation/trb-howto.html (the parts where it goes 'curl http://deedbot.org/deed-430460-2.txt > rotor.tar.gz.asc') 1811123;1525793537;a111;Logged on 2018-05-08 14:45 ave1: diana_coman, http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-07#1810933, I'm working on it, getting rid of the git line was a bit harder than expected (apparently nobody hosts this as as a tar.gz file). Also, all my parallel builds of the whole thing fail. 1811124;1525793596;ben_vulpes;esthlos: seems your v doesn't take a head to which to press, but implicitly presses whatever comes out of the toposort; this is incorrect and the operator needs a lever there 1811125;1525793676;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-08#1811107 << we seriously need to get off the ground a service whereby this type of reports (or say bb getting pneumonia) triggers an airplane trip for a few girls eager to do garden cutting in the buff. 1811126;1525793676;a111;Logged on 2018-05-08 15:05 ave1: The weather has suddenly gone from 15 degrees celcius /cloudy/raining to over 25 with sun here, so the garden is exploding and needs some serious cutting 1811127;1525793680;ben_vulpes;use a tempdir for gnupg's keyring; thing must be stateless. 1811128;1525793690;ben_vulpes;esthlos: ^^ 1811129;1525793710;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, didn't realise you got more :p 1811130;1525793727;ben_vulpes;we're adults, can interleave 1811131;1525793734;ben_vulpes;at least i pretend to be 1811132;1525793763;mircea_popescu;word. 1811133;1525793805;ben_vulpes;esthlos: i would like to see it complain loudly if it finds a bad signature, not merely look for some good ones 1811134;1525793862;ben_vulpes;actually invalid signature in .seals should stop the world, but i don't recall offhand if that's differentiable from the no key for signature case 1811135;1525793885;mircea_popescu;it is, yes, and it should, yes. 1811136;1525793932;mircea_popescu;anyway, the definition isn't "at least one good signature from declared .wot in .seals dir" but "at least one good signature and no bad signatures from declared .wot in .seals dir". 1811137;1525794263;*;asciilifeform has veeery little patience left for proggies that eggog but do not say precisely where/why 1811138;1525794278;mircea_popescu;there is also that. 1811139;1525794290;ben_vulpes;esthlos: also needs a build script to produce a binary for use outside of a LISP repl; my lisp v implementation ran afoul of this years ago. ~nobody would fire up a lisp repl to test the thing. this may be different today, but the fact remains that for this to make it into widespread use it's going to need to be callable from the linux cli. 1811140;1525794297;ben_vulpes;http://cascadianhacker.com/vehlisp-genesisvpatch in case anyone forgot 1811141;1525794368;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, an' if it's different today it has a lot to do with candi_lustt 1811142;1525794464;ben_vulpes;also esthlos what's with the linefeeds and extreeeeemely wide codeformatting? 1811143;1525794498;ben_vulpes;form feed? 1811144;1525794564;ben_vulpes;shows up as speshulchar ^L in emacs; i've seen this before in other lispwads written by the github crew and don't really know what to make of it. convention of the ancients? perhaps asciilifeform or phf or someone else who's literate and knows history could enlighten me. 1811145;1525794610;ben_vulpes;that'sallfornow 1811146;1525794725;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: i suspect uniturd 1811147;1525794728;phf;it's a page break, historically used to indicate sections, so when you e.g. spool it to printer you get a page break at the end of each section. emacs (but so did zwei) have special keys for handling it at top level 1811148;1525794768;asciilifeform;oh ha. 1811149;1525794811;*;asciilifeform for some reason thought that this was ascii #7, 'ring bell' 1811150;1525794841;ben_vulpes;thx phf 1811151;1525794936;ben_vulpes;aaaaand in oldie-but-guaranteed-to-bring-childish-joy-to-the-face-of-the-rocketry-enthusiast-goodies: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jgv5ixxgTsQ 1811152;1525795011;ben_vulpes;goddamn i wanna BLOW SHIT UP 1811153;1525795375;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: loox like a failure , the pigeons -- escaped 1811154;1525795430;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: i was saddened that they're apparently in bed with such jews that they can't bring themselves to sink the target ship 1811155;1525795483;ben_vulpes;now i sympathize deeply but the apparent frugality is at such odds with the otherwise liberal combustion of dollars that it induces a painful headache of cognitive dissonance 1811156;1525795512;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: scrap iron is turkey-dollars. 1811157;1525795562;asciilifeform;( not to mention, they won't use e.g. old aircraft carrier, as target, because gotta maintain 'unsinkable' mythology ) 1811158;1525795642;*;ben_vulpes looking forward to that puncturing 1811159;1525795712;ben_vulpes;in other usg idiocies, i recently found a dood who achieved the not-insignificant feat of a constant propspeed belt-drive GAS ENGINE QUADCOPTER butbutbut the rotor pitch variation mechanism RUNS OVER WIFI 1811160;1525795737;asciilifeform;why the fuck to use belts 1811161;1525795751;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: what instead, chain? 1811162;1525795757;asciilifeform;motor-generator 1811163;1525795762;asciilifeform;we had the thread. 1811164;1525795775;ben_vulpes;extra weight from generator. 1811165;1525795778;asciilifeform;you get the fine control n-copter demands, and reasonable efficiency 1811166;1525795797;ben_vulpes;you can get the fine control with mechanical rotor pitch variation as well. 1811167;1525795820;asciilifeform;and the pitch-controllers are massless ? 1811168;1525795854;ben_vulpes;no, but vastly less so than the generator assy. it's a collar around each prop. 1811169;1525795863;asciilifeform;and when you have 17 props ? 1811170;1525795878;asciilifeform;collar, + servos, + cabling , neh 1811171;1525795883;phf;asciilifeform: i suspect there are old school historic reasons for not using own vessels for target practice. 1811172;1525795904;ben_vulpes;constant speed has fundamentally appealing attributes, way lower prop inertia for same power output for one. 1811173;1525795908;asciilifeform;phf: whole 1950s thermonuke test period of usg consisted of it tho. 1811174;1525795913;ben_vulpes;reversible direction for another 1811175;1525795922;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, ^L is page break, very early printer-bound substitute for the later notion of "files" 1811176;1525795922;phf;oh i see 1811177;1525795943;mircea_popescu;back when projects really were in one single file. 1811178;1525795988;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: what's to keep you from reversing electric motor ? 1811179;1525796017;asciilifeform;oh i see 1811180;1525796101;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: prop inertia 1811181;1525796111;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: quasi-relatedly, asciilifeform has wondered why engines with favourable cost/mass/thrust that nevertheless aren't great sells in manned vehicles -- namely, peroxide -- haven't made an entrance in quadcopterism 1811182;1525796131;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-08#1811158 << they're actually some of the better hull designs, owing to who made them and when they were made. not unsinkable, by any means, but certainly also not prone to break in half like the clittoral combat sneaker. 1811183;1525796131;a111;Logged on 2018-05-08 16:07 ben_vulpes looking forward to that puncturing 1811184;1525796147;ben_vulpes;because intellectually lazy americans have outgrown their curiosity, and buy kits to bolt together. "look ma, i r aerospace engineer!" 1811185;1525796155;mircea_popescu;^ this is why. 1811186;1525796186;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: peroxide goes through half-decade-ly popularity cycles, folks discover the cat packs are a pita, move on to propane or other low-dough exotics. 1811187;1525796239;ben_vulpes;anyways, lawnmower engine can lift all that you could possibly want to lift. no need to optimize on this axis. 1811188;1525796363;asciilifeform;whereas for 'disposable' flying machines, that either explode, or make 1way journey ( a la http://btcbase.org/log/2015-03-28#1075949 thread ) can use electric engines and zinc-air battery ( that dun need to carry oxidizer ) 1811189;1525796363;a111;Logged on 2015-03-28 02:23 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: re: pigeons: let's scratch the arithmetic itch. approx. 8400 km from me to b-a. a LiMnO2 (non-rechargeable) battery yields approx. 400 Wh/kg. 1811190;1525796389;mircea_popescu;i would personally really like a metal-miniaturization school. i would like to see not only really tiny machine guns as in ye ancient discussion of anti-fly capable tabletop AA batteries ; but also tiny engines, as in matchbox sized model cars THAT ACTUALLY TAKE FUEL, from the dropper. one drop = full tank. and then go. 1811191;1525796406;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: lawnmower engine i suspect will have problems at altitude. tho i suppose it depends what you're doing. 1811192;1525796430;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, the true reason "no need to optimize on that axis" is because it's a flying machine that doesn't threaten the usg. 1811193;1525796433;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: there was in fact just such a machinegun -- and engine -- in 1970s su 1811194;1525796440;asciilifeform;bahahaha yes 1811195;1525796447;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, sure, once. but as a thing, you know ? as a ~school~. 1811196;1525796475;asciilifeform;as a school, iirc it did not take off, requires more clockmaker patience than most can muster 1811197;1525796489;mircea_popescu;anyway -- lawnmower flying machines are slow enough, loud enough, limited enough, targettable enough, undynamic enough and everything else enough that even 1980s tech bound empire can handle them, even "en masse" (they can't mass well either) 1811198;1525796515;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, but clockmaking WAS a school, back before the "you can do anything" and "you're perfect the way ytou are" 1789 moment. 1811199;1525796516;asciilifeform;( small engines also come against intrinsic problems of scale -- surface/vol. ratio makes cooling tricky ) 1811200;1525796574;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: hence peroxide, zinc-air cells, other 'it only needs to work for 1hour' trickery, being imho promising 1811201;1525796611;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: and observe, clockmaking ~was~. in past tense. 1811202;1525796618;asciilifeform;afaik today ~none remain. 1811203;1525796820;mircea_popescu;well, there's a large pile of veblenizers that make "heirloom" watches. but they're all mechanically made and consequently fundamentally uninteresting. talk about "Accept the form of the argument so as to debate its conclusions" failure mode. somehow nobody told them that if they do move to industrial process, there's no possible argument as to why not quartz. 1811204;1525796853;asciilifeform;right, i meant ~actual~ clockmakers, a la harrison 1811205;1525796858;mircea_popescu;mechanical movements with standardized parts, now THAT is one fucking lulz. 1811206;1525796866;asciilifeform;aha 1811207;1525796904;asciilifeform;( harrison-style craftsmen were able to do things that today seen 'impossible', e.g. lathe work ~without slide~, i.e. with handheld cutter and 0 ruler ) 1811208;1525796949;asciilifeform;^ granted, this was possible because 0 standardized parts. 'cut until it fits'. 1811209;1525796972;mircea_popescu;and the problem isn't even that "it takes a skilled man 5 years to handmake a watch", because half-mn watches would sell and skilled people make less than 100k a year routinely. the problem is rather "are you fucking kidding me, the only way you can find whores is if you find someone to persuade women-on-couches that whoring wouldn't inconvenience their couch-bound lifestyle, wtf handmade clocks. you're lucky if they can be a 1811210;1525796972;mircea_popescu;rsed to open the kibble package on their own and without complaining it's too hard to open." 1811211;1525797087;asciilifeform;the 'half-mn' watch that costs 10bux to make, however , outcompeted the '5 year' one. ( likely because the original notion where clockmaker is used as an ad-hoc orcish 'proof of work', was ill-founded ) 1811212;1525797097;asciilifeform;veblenism has ~0 to do with actual quality. 1811213;1525797145;asciilifeform;entirely constructed item, and orthogonal to the physical product ( which does not even need to exist ) 1811214;1525797403;mircea_popescu;depends in what market. i suspect the "chilling effect" is far stronger than the actual effect. ie, in a market with demand for 1bn watches and supply for ~100mn (which was the case cca 1940, ftr, take say shadow of a doubt : bank clerk who can support wife and daughters in humongous mansion in desirable californa location (santa rosa) out of his bank clerk job is very proud, and his friends are very envious, when he finally 1811215;1525797403;mircea_popescu;gets a wristwatch) the introduction of the quartz movement resolved the problem, pushing supply to ~infinity bn and therefore demand first to 900mn and eventually to maybe half bn. (i haven't worn a wristwatch in like 20 years, because why.) 1811216;1525797425;mircea_popescu;HOWEVER, the collapse was of 500mn not of 1bn. it did reduce the demand, but not wipe it out entirely. 1811217;1525797450;mircea_popescu;now, the demand for "a watch made out of the sufference of small children and the tears of young virgin widows" was never 0 ; and will never be 0, no matter what happens. 1811218;1525797503;mircea_popescu;and even if it stands to unexamined imagination, "the $5 watch renders the demand for $500`000 watches 0", this is never true. no demand ever reaches actual 0, for very good reasons that have to do with how negative numbers don't exist irl. 1811219;1525797514;asciilifeform;the hilarious bit however is that the watch made 'of dirt and air' and for three cents, keeps better time and is ~indestructible 1811220;1525797520;mircea_popescu;yup. 1811221;1525797530;asciilifeform;the veblenism was strained pretty thin, to survive that one. 1811222;1525797537;mircea_popescu;but this is also irrelevant : local brothel offers much better deal than local wedding chappel in all times and places. 1811223;1525797586;asciilifeform;observe where veblenism ended up going : 1) there exists a $mil phone 2) it consists of ipboje with diamonds glued on. 1811224;1525797593;mircea_popescu;if men can somehow convince themselves women are "people, just like them", they certainly can convince themselves watches are people just like them. 1811225;1525797607;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, i propose this has nothing to do with anything. 1811226;1525797620;asciilifeform;it has to do with the demise of craftsman as a class. 1811227;1525797624;mircea_popescu;ie, the phenomenology of the lost is a product of the loss. 1811228;1525797658;mircea_popescu;this is like proposing that "look where videogame sexualization ended up" in a discussion about modern sexuality. really, what pipe dreams the pipe smokers dream is not a proper basis for argument. 1811229;1525797706;asciilifeform;so how would mircea_popescu put on a theoretical footing, the transition from faberge to 'vertu phone' ? 1811230;1525797750;asciilifeform;( orig thread -- http://btcbase.org/log/2017-09-13#1713764 ) 1811231;1525797750;a111;Logged on 2017-09-13 19:34 mircea_popescu: so : the faberge egg, the original, was made in 1885 ; but it was the continuation and in a sense the crowing of a current of thought (ie, culture) and proper civilisation that reached back over a centry. 1811232;1525797766;mircea_popescu;i would not. speaking of actual items, ie watches, it's not the case that every existent demand can be economically exploited. there's also uranium in the ocean etc. speaking of phones, they're not proper items, they are, like say the jet fighter, merely the sign of something somewhere else. 1811233;1525797787;mircea_popescu;trivial to sell vertu phones : make a proper encrypted, nsa-proof network, only allow vertuphones to connect. end of story. 1811234;1525797811;asciilifeform;fried ice. 1811235;1525797822;mircea_popescu;the phone is not an object, you understand this. 1811236;1525797833;asciilifeform;no more than order of lenin is an object, sure 1811237;1525797842;mircea_popescu;the phone is a sort of college degree, meaningless outside the sturcture of meaning that produced it. 1811238;1525797850;asciilifeform;this is true of all veblenoids tho. 1811239;1525797878;mircea_popescu;(in fact, the immense importance of the phone, and the cellphone, in cultural terms, was exactly this : showing skeptics such as yours truly that bottled hallucination doth sell on actual economic grounds.) 1811240;1525797909;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, it is very much not true, no. veblen goods are as i said above, " made out of the sufference of small children and the tears of young virgin widows". it is an item of denial. 1811241;1525797941;mircea_popescu;networked items, such as phones, bank cheques, copyright certificates, college degrees etcetera are made of the ~acceptance of all~, not of the suffering of some. 1811242;1525797952;asciilifeform;in faberge era. in, e.g., modern usgschwitz, it is more often than not, e.g. a polyester tshirt with magical word printed on it. 1811243;1525797986;mircea_popescu;but see, the word printed on it isn't "please! NOT MY DAUGHTER!" in the blood of a double rape and murder victim. 1811244;1525798008;asciilifeform;by this logic, the ultimate veblen product is simply skulls 1811245;1525798008;mircea_popescu;the word printed on it is "toYOta", as in, "would you like to be my friend ? we're both exactly just as empty of anything". 1811246;1525798020;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, recall the teeth coin discussion ? 1811247;1525798022;asciilifeform;aha! 1811248;1525798039;asciilifeform;several possible variations on this theme. but for some reason out of fashion. 1811249;1525798054;mircea_popescu;patriarchy/matriarchy issue. 1811250;1525798064;mircea_popescu;back when the germans still existed as a people, plenty of demand for human skin couches. 1811251;1525798098;asciilifeform;even in fdr's empire. there is a letter preserved, where he thanked a d00d who gifted him iirc a japanese skull 1811252;1525798105;mircea_popescu;but in the degenerate herd that replaced the nation, well... how did that go, http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-07#1810844 1811253;1525798105;a111;Logged on 2018-05-07 18:20 mircea_popescu: nda Gates Foundation. Was not a whole lot. Less than a mil. I made a decent fortune from bitcoins for no reason. And they are doing some really cool projects for humanity. Love their work. I have been to quite a few of Richard Stallman's talks. But still not inspired enough to care so much about OSS. I like it, but I also understand the argument for not having OSS and making money off it. But you did a good thing there. so co 1811254;1525798109;mircea_popescu;cool projects for humanity!!! 1811255;1525798134;mircea_popescu;the word "project" is not incidental, by the way. hallucinatory world would be all about hallucinations. 1811256;1525798139;asciilifeform;stalin, according to traditional legend, had ashtray from hitler's skull 1811257;1525798142;mircea_popescu;but they call them "projects". 1811258;1525798145;asciilifeform;( supposedly still exists somewhere ) 1811259;1525798238;mircea_popescu;anyway, there's a reason veblen goods end up pricey whereas hallucination excreta ends up cheap. 1811260;1525798297;mircea_popescu;the limiting factor on human leather goods is the "strong winds" of ye olde prophete ; the driving force of hallucinatoria is mass acceptance, meaning that the individual item value is actually negative. a phone in the factory costs... -5$. not even zero, below 0. whereas once in "consumer" hands, it's worth whatever, 75 bux. 1811261;1525798303;asciilifeform;i'm beginning to suspect that mircea_popescu is thinking strictly of civilization-era veblens ( faberge, lampshades ) to the exclusion of what passes for'em today, under this word 1811262;1525798315;mircea_popescu;so the sale is always a sham, and the "corporate phone" necessarily the underlying support should sales falter. 1811263;1525798336;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, i don't permit socialist redefinitions of words universally, this is not much discovery. 1811264;1525798349;mircea_popescu;anyway, let me tell you a lulzy story : so the brexit, yes ? 1811265;1525798362;mircea_popescu;now tell me, what is the absolutely ~dumbest~ thing bruxells could have done ? 1811266;1525798400;asciilifeform;dunno... admit the ukrs ? 1811267;1525798441;mircea_popescu;ha. no. they decided they're not going to recognize uk-issued driving licenses on the continent. 1811268;1525798481;*;asciilifeform had nfi that this existed to begin with 1811269;1525798486;mircea_popescu;to which of course, the brits will respond in kind, predictibly enough -- and here's the capper : the loss to a group of 1mn for rejecting 1k who 1k then reject the 1mn back is... ~999k. 1811270;1525798509;mircea_popescu;ie, having eu licenses admitted in the island is worth about... 40% of the value of the eu license. 1811271;1525798539;mircea_popescu;to trade 40% of the world for 60% of a shitty island... "it profits a man nothing to trade his soul for the whole world... but for walles ?!?!" 1811272;1525798565;asciilifeform;just how many tourists drive themselves with own hands, anyway 1811273;1525798599;asciilifeform;( asciilifeform was informed that his usa driving license worx in uruguay. but not for a minute considered 'nao where do i find something to drive..' ) 1811274;1525798639;mircea_popescu;so now back to it : idle marketing gimmicks whereby they crust diamonds to a cellphone / put crowns on random selected poor from the socialist horde etc, so as to sell the phones/electoral nonsense w/e they're selling, "it's worth spending your time waiting tables in la, because this one chick we picked gets 10mn a year and so couldn't you (unless of course we arbitrarily and entirely outside of your control pick you)." matte 1811275;1525798639;mircea_popescu;r not one whit in the discussion. 1811276;1525798662;mircea_popescu;you know for a fact that if people ~didn't~ buy cellphones, they'd be forced down their throats via "employer '''bought''' and here it is, wear it". 1811277;1525798694;asciilifeform;i suspect that subtracting the rolex,vertu,patek,etc. pseudo-craftsman industrial garbage, leaves the null set tho. 1811278;1525798703;asciilifeform;( today, not in faberge's time, naturally ) 1811279;1525798721;mircea_popescu;that they're idiots enough to buy of own volition (not out of own pocket, not like they own or make money, anyway -- which is why all the discussion re "taxes" is such lulz, what fucking taxes lmao) has no bearing ; and to propose that it's "because" jobbs crusted diamonds to one once and held it over his head is so much logicking with the stones. 1811280;1525798762;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, can't be the null set, there's a handcrafted gentoo for instance. 1811281;1525798800;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-08#1811272 << can't rent a car w/o valid driver's license. 1811282;1525798800;a111;Logged on 2018-05-08 16:56 asciilifeform: just how many tourists drive themselves with own hands, anyway 1811283;1525798847;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: out of curiosity, why rent car in a country where cab ride across town costs a buck ? 1811284;1525798876;mircea_popescu;now i'm confused. england is this shitty island with bad weather and very expensive cabs, you heard of it ? 1811285;1525798880;asciilifeform;aaaaaa 1811286;1525798883;asciilifeform;england yes 1811287;1525798886;asciilifeform;ok makes sense 1811288;1525798933;mircea_popescu;not many ~tourists~, but to imagine anyone goes to the shithole of the western hemisphere for the ... what was it, for the food ? 1811289;1525798965;mircea_popescu;they got the worst food, worst amenties, worst weather, worst service, most expensive ugly whores and really, every ingrown hair conceivable out of anywhere. 1811290;1525798974;mircea_popescu;hong kong is kramped, but at least the food's mostly edible. 1811291;1525798999;mircea_popescu;have you ever even fucking seen british "real estate" ? it's like the doghouse show! 1811292;1525799016;*;asciilifeform has not had the 'good fortune' of ever setting foot there 1811293;1525799068;mircea_popescu;i visited in like... 92 i think. and very much liked it ; something that never recurred on subsequent visits. place's an unredeemed shithole. 1811294;1525799087;asciilifeform;what was likable in '92, and where did run off to ? 1811295;1525799099;asciilifeform;*did it 1811296;1525799102;mircea_popescu;like if you took all the canadians, allowed the smater 10% to leave, then plonked them all down in haiti. 1811297;1525799208;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, in 92 of interest were items like "hey, check it out, road w/o potholes" and "you can go to shop in X field and they'll either have or produce through specified process any item in field" etcetera. what experience informed by 25 years' research identifies as intolerable food was then merely weird. idiots i can smell from miles away now merely counted as very strange and bizarre people. and so on. 1811298;1525799214;mircea_popescu;it went nowhere, i grew up. 1811299;1525799230;asciilifeform;aaaa 1811300;1525799240;asciilifeform;sorta like asciilifeform&co's usa of '92. 1811301;1525799304;mircea_popescu;i expect. i mean... i was walking through town yesterday, we went by a sign, girly is, "hey, would you like to take their beautification class ? matricula abierta!" and i'm like... "bitch, i probably know more than they do." it's fucking true. and the next item was "manipulacion de alimentos". there I DEFINITELY!!! know more than they do. 1811302;1525799313;mircea_popescu;it's simple enough : no pula! and no mani! in the alimentos! 1811303;1525799338;mircea_popescu;but i didn't know more than they do in ~any and all fields as a wee tyke in 92, now did i. in fact, that's pretty much how i found out. 1811304;1525799412;mircea_popescu;(for the innocent : "don't put your hands or your dick in the food". because to people familiar with latin and its derivatives, "manipulacion de alimentos" sounds 100% like the wrong approach to handling food.) 1811305;1525799484;*;asciilifeform asciilifeform recalls father's tale re the great bulgarian freighter, the 'pula', that had to be repainted when sent to constanta... 1811306;1525799557;mircea_popescu;lol 1811307;1525799656;mircea_popescu;hey, mr hui didn't do so well as an envoy to kishinev either. 1811308;1525799782;asciilifeform;( oblig vysotskiy: '...И ведь, главное, знаю отлично я, / Как они произносятся, - / Но чтой-то весьма неприличное / На язык ко мне просится : / Хун-вэй-бины...' ( http://www.bards.ru/archives/part.php?id=15376 ) ) 1811309;1525799818;mircea_popescu;lol 1811310;1525799854;*;asciilifeform went to dig for pete_dushenski's veblenism-clocks article, found that he is ~still~ writing'em, e.g. http://www.contravex.com/2018/05/07/what-does-it-mean-to-tell-the-time-or-urwerks-opera 1811311;1525799927;mircea_popescu;a yeah, whatever happened to him 1811312;1525799993;asciilifeform;apparently still collectin' clocks an' such. 1811313;1525800528;mircea_popescu;i suppose he's the exact item that drove lenin up the wall and resulted in the eventual rape of the "kulak" : comfortable people will politely listen, perhaps, but why bother ? 1811314;1525800530;ben_vulpes;and in methinks the democrat doth protest too much news, another meetooist has been getting slappy in bed: https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/four-women-accuse-new-yorks-attorney-general-of-physical-abuse 1811315;1525800577;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, did they ever sit down and write the "manual of use" or is their usage of "abuse" still just as spurious as it was when they started whining about it ? 1811316;1525800640;ben_vulpes;"manual of use is how i use women!" 1811317;1525800659;asciilifeform;hey we're discussing the same savages whose supreme court judge famously 'i know it when i see it!' 1811318;1525800663;asciilifeform;so what manual. 1811319;1525800669;asciilifeform;next to ask for manual of not-being-a-witch. 1811320;1525800750;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: i'm none too interested in the specifics; i'm more interested in/amused by the long-predicted continually-lowering-bar-to-defrockment tearing the pantsuit organizations apart from the top., 1811321;1525800783;ben_vulpes;and lo, isn't it interesting that as the barrier for lordship goes up and the bar for defrocking goes down, the pantsuit imitate to their detriment while the republic purges dross? 1811322;1525800806;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: i dun see the 'tearing apart', afaik it's classical purge-and-replace-with-politruk 1811323;1525800840;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, indeed. 1811324;1525800852;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, but they're replacing politruks lol. 1811325;1525800866;asciilifeform;with, presumably, more responsive marionettes, neh 1811326;1525800870;mircea_popescu;neh. 1811327;1525800886;mircea_popescu;it is not possible, and for hard reasons. 1811328;1525800940;mircea_popescu;that's the point of http://trilema.com/2014/the-problem-of-ideal-social-systems-reprint/ : that it is not ~POSSIBLE~ to act meaningfully in socialism. 1811329;1525800948;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: believable political careers take time to fabricate. schniederman mighta been a someone in some other context, but what's his replacement? another "first $minoritygroup to NYAG"? even diehard leftists are not so bullish on firsts after the first black man to run the show gleefully doubletapped weddings for his entire stay in the whitehouse. 1811330;1525800948;asciilifeform;in my head i mapped , e.g., the weinstein thing, to the sov replacement of e.g. old factory owner, with moscow-appointee director 1811331;1525800957;asciilifeform;possibly this ain't it, i have nfi. 1811332;1525801134;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, what's doubletapped weddings here ?! 1811333;1525801161;ben_vulpes;where you bomb a wedding and then bomb it again when the women and children rush back in screaming to pull their husbands and sons from the carnage 1811334;1525801183;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, yes, but your mapping is incorrect. soviets had a lot of pre-existing fat to burn down in 1920s lulzfest. usg arguably had same in the 70s, when they started with "rights for wife in divorce and woman in workplace" nonsense. it's been half a century, there's nothing left to eat in the great empire of yore. 1811335;1525801207;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, oh oh. for a moment i thought big black man had as much dick as nero, went and fucked husband and wife for a wedding blessing. 1811336;1525801229;ben_vulpes;$oblig-rhino-photo 1811337;1525801290;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the fight over remnants of old infrastructure, esp. still-operating chumpatrons (hollywood etc) i expect will continue for many years 1811338;1525801345;asciilifeform;sorta how roman mosaics continued to decorate sword hilts long past expiration date of western empire 1811339;1525801356;mircea_popescu;there's really nothing left. 1811340;1525801383;asciilifeform;the folx fighting over the scraps evidently disagree. 1811341;1525801384;mircea_popescu;all that remains is the "not rock boat" struggle so as china continues to drop the pellet in the beautiful ones' cage. 1811342;1525801398;mircea_popescu;there aren't any scraps, the whole thing is under glass and someone drops glucose. 1811343;1525801536;mircea_popescu;so no, it's very much not "first, we behead the owner, keep the young aspirant manager director / fucker of owner's daughter against owner's will ; THEN we behead him, once we've trained a working class successor ; THEN we behead successor, put in politruk" cycle of nazi (and then COPIED, lifted wholesale by soviets, like everything else). 1811344;1525801557;mircea_popescu;it's a "i wonder which of these idle fucks would our overlords think is a best incarnation of their batshit notion of aryan". 1811345;1525801582;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: copied how, with time machine ? 1811346;1525801594;mircea_popescu;that's why nyt jewry is so eager to "fight with russia", has no mention of china whatsoever. they figure that's what china'd like to see. 1811347;1525801621;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, no, if you look at the history, the soviets were doing it ~after~ zee germans. 1811348;1525801632;mircea_popescu;not much after. but the methodology is strictly fascist. 1811349;1525801640;asciilifeform;by '34 su had already cranked through 2-3 turns of the cycle 1811350;1525801647;asciilifeform;unless we're thinking of different things 1811351;1525801924;mircea_popescu;i r disagree. take the history of say... eh what the fuck is zee jewish german family with the radios ? i'm sure i put it in the logs, albert or albrecht or something 1811352;1525801928;mircea_popescu;of course now i can't fucking find it. 1811353;1525801945;mircea_popescu;anyway, dramatized in "cabaret" (the thing with liza minelli in it, with the "tomorrow belongs to me" hurr) 1811354;1525801964;asciilifeform;asciilifeform's pet was just not long ago singing it, lol 1811355;1525801974;asciilifeform;( with the correct gesticulation, even ) 1811356;1525801978;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-23#1757498 1811357;1525801978;a111;Logged on 2017-12-23 16:55 mircea_popescu: anyway, speaking of not-as-dumb-as-average jews, hermann fambly, owners of radio works in berlin, sold 1935 and split. 1811358;1525802015;mircea_popescu;Aron Elektrizitäts-Ges.mbH bzw 1811359;1525802028;mircea_popescu;guys came up with the electricity meter iirc. 1811360;1525802046;asciilifeform;meter existed in edison's time 1811361;1525802050;asciilifeform;so gotta be something else 1811362;1525802072;mircea_popescu;well not the edison one ; the one used nowadays. 1811363;1525802075;asciilifeform;aa 1811364;1525802086;asciilifeform;iirc edison's sucked, it had a dissolving tab that had to be swapped 1811365;1525802135;mircea_popescu;look it up, hermann aron fellow, was a sort of german heaviside 1811366;1525802146;asciilifeform;( insert here the customary asciilifeform thread re 'microshit is philosophical continuation of edison' ) 1811367;1525802215;asciilifeform;hmm i seem to recall the aron thread nao 1811368;1525802292;asciilifeform;but i still dun grasp the argument . in su ~similar process went through its cycle in the '20s. and then -- germany. 1811369;1525802300;mircea_popescu;now, the soviets did a bunch of butchering, indiscriminate and nonsensical, 1916-1926 or so ; but under italian intellectual pressure the germans realised and structured the effort, and then the soviets copied in a year or two. 1811370;1525802324;asciilifeform;so contention here is re '37-38 purge ? 1811371;1525802342;mircea_popescu;this isn't some kind of argument in the line of "russki orcs" ; in point of fact tanks led strategies were invented by russians ; but copied and employed at first by zee germans. 1811372;1525802409;asciilifeform;[insert here tiger vs 34 thread] 1811373;1525802410;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, contention here is the structuring of activity as theoretically summarized, it's not driven by events but by the need to produce the structure trees needed by indefinitely scalalable summaries. 1811374;1525802464;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, nah, see, the ~doctrine~ of tank-driven war was theoretically produced, as a necessary logical step, by russian staff, including a young zhukov. but the russian industry lacked the means to make the needed items. 1811375;1525802481;mircea_popescu;the german -- didn't lack ; and in the upheaval, the political barriers to innovation turned out to be also weak. so they made. 1811376;1525802553;*;asciilifeform wonders why modern students read guderian, but (typically) not zhukov 1811377;1525802587;mircea_popescu;because stalin was an idiot. 1811378;1525802830;asciilifeform;i suspect that if had had been slightly smarter, along the axis contemplated here, he would prolly be remembered as just another purged d00d, along with tuhachevsky 1811379;1525803309;mircea_popescu;possibly, sure. 1811380;1525803324;mircea_popescu;i can't imagine zhukov purging him, but then again my imagination isn't the arbiter of history. 1811381;1525803341;mircea_popescu;also, though, not being purged isn't the end all be all summum bonum. 1811382;1525803371;mircea_popescu;the idea is to not get purged by idiots, not to not get purged in general. zhukov thinks he can be a better stalin than stalin, what's stalin's objective incentive to get in the way ? fucking let him. 1811383;1525803647;asciilifeform;the folx who 'let' , prolly existed, but we will not know who they were. 1811384;1525803697;mircea_popescu;sure, we do. cincinnatus, rite ? 1811385;1525803718;asciilifeform;rite, him 1811386;1525803730;asciilifeform;can count them on fingers. 1811387;1525803780;mircea_popescu;so what's wrong with fingers, now. 1811388;1525803875;mircea_popescu;and for that matter, what's wrong with you not knowing who they were. 1811389;1525803903;mircea_popescu;ask god when your time comes, who they were. just as soon he's done with explaining turbulent flow he'll explain history to you, too. 1811390;1525804402;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, i tell you though, the sad situation where all that's left to gather around your piss-soaked body is beria, hruschev, malenkov etcetera... 1811391;1525804408;mircea_popescu;i can't figure how it'd be worth anyone's time. 1811392;1525804707;mircea_popescu;and in today's dollop of hysterical lulz : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vladimir_Lenin manages to go through 10k words without even mentioning the nevzorov sisters, coincidentally the reason the fuckbuddy of some old imperial chick even got to be stalin's successor. 1811393;1525804998;asciilifeform;lol readmoar engl pediwikia!11 1811394;1525805021;asciilifeform;i'd expect it similarly shines across the board 1811395;1525805085;mircea_popescu;the repository of collective knowledge, right ? uuga-booga. 1811396;1525805165;mircea_popescu;anyway. would ~you~ want valy golubtsova's bf in the fucking room even ? fucktard was so stupid i have doubts he could even add on his own power. 1811397;1525805179;mircea_popescu;in short -- stalin didn't have it so well, to the degree being purged is not directly nor obviously a worse fate. 1811398;1525805251;mircea_popescu;https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Valeria_Golubtsova << check out her wiki page, too! 1811399;1525805282;asciilifeform;d00d died and left, literally, a coupla old shirts. but he wasn't 'in it for the living well', afaik simply enjoyed 'playing civ1' 1811400;1525805293;mircea_popescu;i... guess. 1811401;1525805312;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: 404 1811402;1525805315;mircea_popescu;ikr. 1811403;1525805327;mircea_popescu;she, somehow, is not HEROINE OF FEMINISM. 1811404;1525805354;mircea_popescu;notwithstanding she has 100% of the cv bullet points that recommended HEROINE OF FEMINISM pantsuited hilarity for a run at the presidency. 1811405;1525805424;mircea_popescu;even promoted a fucktard with her own ass. literally. 1811406;1525807718;mircea_popescu;in other items-for-the-mentally-voracious : https://msuweb.montclair.edu/~furrg/research/ezhovinterrogs.html 1811407;1525807745;mircea_popescu;(apparently some guy collected and translated to english the litany of yehzov confessions.) 1811408;1525807822;mircea_popescu;grover furr's page ( https://msuweb.montclair.edu/~furrg/ ) more universally interesting than just soviet early history, at that. 1811409;1525807904;*;asciilifeform tries to read original, manually guesses encoding, and very 1st word is the canonical бНОПНЯ ..! 1811410;1525807919;asciilifeform;!#s бНОПНЯ 1811411;1525807919;a111;10 results for "бНОПНЯ", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%D0%B1%D0%9D%D0%9E%D0%9F%D0%9D%D0%AF 1811412;1525807944;mircea_popescu;lel 1811413;1525807950;asciilifeform;( spoiler: it's 1251, not koi8 ) 1811414;1525807961;mircea_popescu;��������� �.�. ����� 1939 1811415;1525808029;mircea_popescu;"I term these sources "semi-official" since they are quoted unproblematically by all the anticommunist scholars. These scholars ignore them almost completely, and ignore their implications completely, but they do not consider the documents false." 1811416;1525808068;mircea_popescu;turns out the learned distrust and ample spite for "scientists", "researchers", "academics" and other indistinct products of the bologna system is strictly universal. 1811417;1525809355;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: why, out of curiosity, 'bologna system' 1811418;1525809880;asciilifeform;in re ezhov's confessions, i have no particular structure on which to hang the post-sov 'canonical' interpretation where they're 'scripted and 100% rubbish' 1811419;1525809956;asciilifeform;afaik , ~100% of the claimed 'how i organized failed coup' detail is , by itself, plausible. 1811420;1525811580;BingoBoingo;Still alive, weather today is humid with a side of SMOG! 1811421;1525811585;asciilifeform;ohai BingoBoingo 1811422;1525811594;BingoBoingo;I hate these people so very much 1811423;1525811639;asciilifeform;unrelatedly, jurov collection expected to be fully eaten in 3-4 hrs. mircea_popescu , trinque , if you feel like switching on phuctor-deedbot-ticker prior to the 7mil keys being crunched, lemme know. ( if not , also say, then i'ma run it without waiting ) 1811424;1525811661;asciilifeform;keep in mind that there is not currently a simple knob to display ~solely~ those mods that will pop from this run. 1811425;1525811722;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: what have they done nao? 1811426;1525811799;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Went to the Department of Identity today. Stood in three seperate lines waiting to be called. The result was a piece of paper I have to bring back next week to actually get the cedula. 1811427;1525811824;BingoBoingo;An hour and a half of waiting. 1811428;1525811827;asciilifeform;i thought this was the expected output ? 1811429;1525811859;BingoBoingo;The operational aspect that burnedd an hour and a half was maliciously malcnstructed. 1811430;1525811883;asciilifeform;sounds quite like 'dmv' back home, neh 1811431;1525811894;BingoBoingo;The last longest wait was 45 minutes, AFTER the photo et al. To get the come back next week paper. 1811432;1525812028;BingoBoingo;And the air today has far too much humidity and not enough oxygen 1811433;1525812075;*;asciilifeform definitely had some 'how do they breathe here' episodes in BingoBoingostan. 1811434;1525812129;BingoBoingo;I'd really like the chance to try a desert next if I survive this place. 1811435;1525812147;asciilifeform;kazahstan is waiting... 1811436;1525812181;*;asciilifeform admits that he would also muchly prefer desert; humid hell over here also 1811437;1525812189;BingoBoingo;I was thinking more Chile or Mexico 1811438;1525812201;mod6;santiago? 1811439;1525812202;asciilifeform;chile got, iirc, no fiber 1811440;1525812208;mod6;ah 1811441;1525812238;BingoBoingo;Maybe next place doesn't need great fiber? 1811442;1525812257;asciilifeform;what does BingoBoingo intend to do in the place without great fiber ? 1811443;1525812303;BingoBoingo;dial up? 1811444;1525812332;BingoBoingo;Run new fiber? 1811445;1525812471;BingoBoingo;Herd goats? 1811446;1525812489;asciilifeform;ah if goat retirement, then sure 1811447;1525812542;*;asciilifeform pictures BingoBoingo being brought the year's new blocks, on cdrom, on camel 1811448;1525812568;BingoBoingo;Alpaca 1811449;1525812675;BingoBoingo;And to top it all off, as much as my walking speed has slowed today, THEY STILL WON'T STOP STOPPING 1811450;1525812706;ben_vulpes;gotta see into the future, know which will stop and not be behind them 1811451;1525812712;ben_vulpes;protip: it's all of them 1811452;1525812776;asciilifeform;funnily enuff, the thing i liked most about expedition to BingoBoingo , and miss the most today : having worthwhile places to walk to 1811453;1525812824;BingoBoingo;Having places to walk to is fine. Having bipedal pollution constantly interupting the journey there... 1811454;1525813240;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: https://msuweb.montclair.edu/~furrg/research/trials_ezhovshchina_update0710.html << notbad, and pretty much exactly the conclusion asciilifeform drew from the $sources , yrs ago 1811455;1525813320;asciilifeform;'Why do the anticommunist "scholars", both in Russia and the West, ignore all this evidence? Why do they continue to promote the false notions that no conspiracies existed and that Stalin, not Ezhov, decided to execute hundreds of thousands of innocent people? The only possible explanation is that they do this for ideological reasons alone. The truth, as established by an examination of the primary source evidence, would make Stalin 1811456;1525813320;asciilifeform;and the Bolsheviks "look good" to most people.' etc 1811457;1525813821;asciilifeform;https://msuweb.montclair.edu/~furrg/int/lredgod.html << also of interest. 1811458;1525817785;mircea_popescu;heh. 1811459;1525817802;mircea_popescu;"scholarship" in english, on any topics whatsoever, is a thin calico indeed. 1811460;1525817924;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, "bologna system" because of the name of the cheap salami. seems perfectly adequate. 1811461;1525817929;mircea_popescu;it's also the moment oxford fell off my map. 1811462;1525817965;mircea_popescu;anyway, re confession, the "I think it essential that I inform the investigation of a series of new facts concerning my moral-personal dissoluteness. I mean my longtime vice of homosexuality." part is, at the very least, truthful as far as anyone knows (and corroborated, histortically) 1811463;1525818232;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-08#1811442 <<->> http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-24#1805125 1811464;1525818232;a111;Logged on 2018-05-08 20:44 asciilifeform: what does BingoBoingo intend to do in the place without great fiber ? 1811465;1525818232;a111;Logged on 2018-04-24 15:22 mircea_popescu: show sorrentino how it's done. 1811466;1525818934;BingoBoingo;Also think of all the confusion to result if the next BingoBoingo move ends up rolling Paraguay 1811467;1525820373;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/05/acid-attacks-growing-as-a-cornerstone-of-new-ingsoc-culture/ << Qntra - Acid Attacks Growing As A Cornerstone of New Ingsoc Culture 1811468;1525821365;*;BingoBoingo uploads pictures from Today's adventure 1811469;1525822129;mircea_popescu;ahah 1811470;1525823789;BingoBoingo;!!up pete_dushenski 1811471;1525823790;deedbot;pete_dushenski voiced for 30 minutes. 1811472;1525823832;pete_dushenski;thx bb 1811473;1525823924;pete_dushenski;time flies when you're, well, kulaking 1811474;1525823951;BingoBoingo;It happens 1811475;1525823968;pete_dushenski;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-08#1811310 << were you digging for this one ? http://www.contravex.com/2017/10/29/unearthing-beauty-the-lower-rungs-of-the-art-patrons-ladder-and-a-newfound-appreciation-of-time/#footnote_5_19813 1811476;1525823968;a111;Logged on 2018-05-08 17:17 asciilifeform went to dig for pete_dushenski's veblenism-clocks article, found that he is ~still~ writing'em, e.g. http://www.contravex.com/2018/05/07/what-does-it-mean-to-tell-the-time-or-urwerks-opera 1811477;1525824080;pete_dushenski;even though contravex doesn't pop up here anymore, i get a kick out of the fact that it's still mostly #t'ers and former #t'ers who comment there. i guess this place still is the ballsiest nook of the net no matter what. 1811478;1525824196;BingoBoingo;Well, we will still be here when the kids are done raising you. 1811479;1525824322;pete_dushenski;heh. my goal is to beat them in every sport until they're bar mitzvah'd, by which point they'll be little men and i should be well and retire-ready. 1811480;1525824467;*;BingoBoingo almost done notating pictures 1811481;1525824479;pete_dushenski;i could see all of #t in south america by that point too 1811482;1525824691;BingoBoingo;Maybe by that point Africa? 1811483;1525824711;deedbot;http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2018/05/08/la-ciudad-vieja-and-duelling-statues/ << Bingo Blog - La Ciudad Vieja And Duelling Statues 1811484;1525824752;pete_dushenski;what's africa got that south america doesn't, other than aids ? 1811485;1525824860;BingoBoingo;Biofuel! 1811486;1525824928;pete_dushenski;possibru 1811487;1525825005;mircea_popescu;speaking of pictures, hey asciilifeform ! where's your travelog! 1811488;1525825014;pete_dushenski;couldn't find this in the logs (so apologies if it's a repost) but holy shit is usg.btc scraping the bottom of the barrel if fatso karpeles is being resurrected as "cto" of privateinternetaccess (vpn) http://archive.is/XusOQ 1811489;1525825032;mircea_popescu;pete_dushenski, ajhajhahah. epic. 1811490;1525825060;*;pete_dushenski is still waiting for asciilifeform travelog of romania, and giveaway book list... 1811491;1525825073;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-04#1552627 1811492;1525825073;a111;Logged on 2016-10-04 14:19 mircea_popescu: and in other fucking nonsense, freenode has decided to redirect ALL inbound links to its most recent web page, to advertise to the world privateinternetaccess.com, ie the nsa front ; and their derpitude in support of "resurrecting tor". this of course includes all old manual pages and everything else. 1811493;1525825100;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu: fatso even lost like 20 kilos in prison, so less-fatso now! 1811494;1525825130;mircea_popescu;but did he know you can put mac and cheese on a pizza and it'd taste assewome! 1811495;1525825189;pete_dushenski;lol he'll figure that out the day after he figures out that being "rich" means that you don't have to beg for jobs and "second chances" 1811496;1525825189;mircea_popescu;anyway, even that cockpuppet keiser is back "opining" on prices and matters. because http://trilema.com/2013/in-which-noobs-learn-lessons-and-pay-for-the-privilege/ is 4 years ago so everyone magically forgot it. 1811497;1525825306;pete_dushenski;so many experts, so little expertise 1811498;1525825561;pete_dushenski;just finished reading "NYT #1" (aren't they all) book by yuval harari - homo deus - in which this ~historian~ goes on and on about ai taking ur jerbs, magick biotech pills that will turn us into supermen, and other technodystopianist nonsense. had dude shut up after first 2/3rds of the book and stuck with the history of human technological progress 1811499;1525825561;pete_dushenski;, it would've been a winner. but no, he had had to usg.gavin all over the place and draw dumb straight lines into infinity. 1811500;1525825566;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-09#1811482 << should be interesting to see how all the computing, fabrication, rocketry, mining etc threads converge into actual geointerdicted republican-only zone. 1811501;1525825566;a111;Logged on 2018-05-09 00:11 BingoBoingo: Maybe by that point Africa? 1811502;1525825635;pete_dushenski;doesn't that defeat the advantage of decentralisation ? or are you thinking many such zones ? 1811503;1525825767;mircea_popescu;by the time our automated batteries defend our own mining bots and nobody else can even be online unless they're doing what told, "decentralisation" per se is a rather meaningless concept. 1811504;1525825795;mircea_popescu;decentralization is only meaningful in a structure which permits centrality. 1811505;1525825825;mircea_popescu;much like whining to mommy works in the middle class "atomic family" not in the orphanage. 1811506;1525826019;pete_dushenski;by that time there will also be a handful of accepted definitions of "online", none intersecting. 1811507;1525826037;pete_dushenski;as there increasingly are even today, i suppose 1811508;1525826049;mircea_popescu;indeed. 1811509;1525826072;mircea_popescu;for instance -- the us army thinks itself online ; a ridiculous claim. 1811510;1525826110;pete_dushenski;lol right. they're online like fortnite is online 1811511;1525826182;pete_dushenski;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-04#1792908 << fwiw i have no plans to take the bot directory down 1811512;1525826182;a111;Logged on 2018-04-04 05:42 lobbes: not sure if pete_dushenski is ever coming around again or what, so I went ahead and created a page for the tsmr bot directory: http://lobbesblog.com/static/tmsr_bot_directory.html 1811513;1525826232;pete_dushenski;it's still getting a small and hopefully useful amount of traffic 1811514;1525826408;mircea_popescu;so how do you update it ? 1811515;1525826471;pete_dushenski;i still check for my name in the logs a couple times a week so that's one. another is comment somewhere on contravex or e-mail. 1811516;1525826625;mircea_popescu;ah. 1811517;1525826661;pete_dushenski;off for now, cheers #t! 1811518;1525826869;BingoBoingo;!Q later tell pete_dushenski I forgot to ask... Did you want to rack a time standard of some sort with Pizarro? A lot are already 19in 1U rackmount. Can plug it into a rockchip. 1811519;1525826869;lobbesbot;BingoBoingo: The operation succeeded. 1811520;1525828066;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in hats, https://78.media.tumblr.com/63f1e11701ec85e89e1fc96f6a664b21/tumblr_p7tpwgfPgV1rlma8ho2_1280.jpg 1811521;1525828599;asciilifeform;aaaand the jurov keyz are in. 1811522;1525829155;asciilifeform;nobody said anything re http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-08#1811423 so i'ma fire it nao 1811523;1525829155;a111;Logged on 2018-05-08 20:33 asciilifeform: unrelatedly, jurov collection expected to be fully eaten in 3-4 hrs. mircea_popescu , trinque , if you feel like switching on phuctor-deedbot-ticker prior to the 7mil keys being crunched, lemme know. ( if not , also say, then i'ma run it without waiting ) 1811524;1525829428;asciilifeform;https://archive.li/PaTck << last snapshot prior to firing 1811525;1525829504;esthlos;trinque mircea_popescu phf ben_vulpes mircea_popescu et al: http://blog.esthlos.com/esthlos-v-version-2/ 1811526;1525829536;trinque;esthlos: ah neato. I need to get you into the RSS list. 1811527;1525829550;esthlos;http://blog.esthlos.com/esthlos-v-version-2/ << I'm using tabs as 4 spaces, and I see the code as <80 col. what's your set up? 1811528;1525829562;esthlos;whoops i mean http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-08#1811142 1811529;1525829562;a111;Logged on 2018-05-08 15:47 ben_vulpes: also esthlos what's with the linefeeds and extreeeeemely wide codeformatting? 1811530;1525829606;esthlos;trinque: that would be cool 1811531;1525829633;*;trinque tends to think tabs are ill-suited to lisp 1811532;1525829704;esthlos;trinque: why's that? 1811533;1525829742;trinque;the syntax looks like shit the moment two items at the same level in the AST don't line up 1811534;1525829766;asciilifeform;^ 1811535;1525829792;esthlos;very true. have you tried smart tabs? 1811536;1525829810;esthlos;https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/SmartTabs 1811537;1525829995;trinque;baking in an emacsism is another unnecessary dep imho 1811538;1525830015;*;trinque uses, and practically lives in emacs, yet holds this opinion. 1811539;1525830134;asciilifeform;esthlos: is there a particular reason you stuffed it in a tgz, rather than to leave it web-readable ? 1811540;1525830210;esthlos;asciilifeform: afaik I haven't. what link are you using? 1811541;1525830223;asciilifeform;hm nm 1811542;1525830229;asciilifeform;i hallucinated it 1811543;1525830235;esthlos;huh 1811544;1525830251;asciilifeform;was using shitbrowser that refused to display a .lisp 1811545;1525830263;esthlos;mine does as well 1811546;1525830265;asciilifeform;and ugh this is not readable 1811547;1525830268;trinque;eventually, of course, thing needs to be a genesis vpatch 1811548;1525830279;asciilifeform;massive islands of inexplicable whitespace mid-lines 1811549;1525830296;esthlos;ok, I can fix it in 2 min. sec 1811550;1525830310;asciilifeform;and from where came the dependency on cl-ppcre ? 1811551;1525830319;trinque;asciilifeform: already addressed in his thing there 1811552;1525830350;asciilifeform;aa hm 1811553;1525830393;trinque;pretty well organized 1811554;1525830406;asciilifeform;indeed 1811555;1525830439;trinque;anyhow esthlos most folks here (I assume) slam their lisp code through a formatter at each return, or similar 1811556;1525830473;*;trinque has been using this aggressive-indent thing for a bit, does at each press 1811557;1525830474;esthlos;asciilifeform: removed indents, try now 1811558;1525830497;esthlos;I had a ton of lag with that thing, but was on crappy lappy I suppose 1811559;1525830498;asciilifeform;muchbetter, ty 1811560;1525830511;asciilifeform;trinque: i also use slime with aggression, yes 1811561;1525830515;asciilifeform;( and not only for lisp ) 1811562;1525830532;asciilifeform;err, aggressive indent, in general 1811563;1525830585;*;trinque uses whole computer with aggression 1811564;1525830591;asciilifeform;lol 1811565;1525830596;esthlos;lol 1811566;1525830601;esthlos;http://ergoemacs.org/emacs/why_i_despise_paredit.html if you haven't seen 1811567;1525830615;esthlos;I saw xah fellow here at some point 1811568;1525830705;asciilifeform;esthlos: i wrote to him and he actually showed up. but didn't stick, apparently he prefers the sad loner life 1811569;1525831556;mircea_popescu;would have been so fucking sweet if we didn't have to say that about fucking emacs, and tex. 1811570;1525831613;asciilifeform;in other noose, phuctor-werker nao occupies 112G at peak. 1811571;1525831704;mircea_popescu;what was that box, 256g ? 1811572;1525831718;asciilifeform;roughly speaking, the data set can double in mass one more time, before asciilifeform has to ask for a mechanical disk to be fitted to dulap ( writing 256+GB/day will annihilate ssd in a coupla months ) and get used to much slower run 1811573;1525831719;asciilifeform;256 1811574;1525831743;asciilifeform;and before anybody asks, no room for moar, nor are opteron boxes where moar fits, easily obtainable 1811575;1525831773;mircea_popescu;eh, ssd disks aren't that expensive. this doubles as an effective ssd tester bed. 1811576;1525831790;asciilifeform;getting them to the orbit is expensive. 1811577;1525831802;asciilifeform;and they will fail in sync, whole raid at once, i suspect. 1811578;1525831971;mircea_popescu;so change half mid-term. 1811579;1525831976;deedbot;http://blog.esthlos.com/a-vtron/ << esthlos - A Vtron 1811580;1525831977;deedbot;http://blog.esthlos.com/mp-wp-setup/ << esthlos - Setting up mp-wp 1811581;1525831977;deedbot;http://blog.esthlos.com/a-brief-overview-of-eucrypts-mpi-library/ << esthlos - A Brief Overview of Eucrypt's MPI Library 1811582;1525831977;deedbot;http://blog.esthlos.com/esthlos-v-version-2/ << esthlos - esthlos-v Version 2 1811583;1525831985;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: this is the plan. but gotta know what 'term' is. 1811584;1525831988;mircea_popescu;and expensive or not, there's not yuet been nor will there ever be an isp without pile of ssds. 1811585;1525831995;mircea_popescu;it's like doctor's office without latex gloves 1811586;1525832025;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, stagger anyway, take some out 6 weeks in, whatever. 1811587;1525832032;asciilifeform;right, i do this here. 1811588;1525832049;asciilifeform;( the box i'm sitting on just this minute, actually staggered over whole year ) 1811589;1525832334;mircea_popescu;it's that paredit violates fundamental principle, that it encourages and enforces the work flow of manual formatting on every line. << ftr, i think he has an excellent point. 1811590;1525857406;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-06#1810568 <-- hey asciilifeform, sorry for the late reply on this. what do you think about throwing an instance of my experimental rss bot in a separate chan (say, #phuctor) to spit however many new phuctorings? it's not fit for #t yet (deedbot self-voicing not yet ready) and not 100% stable yet, but it'd give me a chance to test it; and you to give me a kick in the rear if it doesn't work. 1811591;1525857406;a111;Logged on 2018-05-06 17:52 asciilifeform: trinque: no particular reason to try to fix 1811592;1525857494;spyked;could also add a (similarly: yet experimental) logger bot into the mix 1811593;1525858013;spyked;and of course, thing can advertise rss via pm as well. but I'll only post public details about the bot as soon as I'm fairly confident that it won't shatter upon douchebag's first attempt to exploit it. 1811594;1525866177;asciilifeform;spyked: it already arrives to me via pm from deedbot, see log. and deedbot misses ~20% of the output, and i suspect yours will also 1811595;1525866193;asciilifeform;spyked: feel free to make a chan and test your bot, so long as i do not have to do anything 1811596;1525866205;asciilifeform;( my hands are very very full ) 1811597;1525866555;spyked;asciilifeform, ACK. I already have it running in a testbed chan, was wondering whether you'd like to have it in a specific place. 1811598;1525866642;asciilifeform;spyked: not yet. and definitely full hands, currently debugging a completely unexpected oom in phuctor-werker 1811599;1525866663;asciilifeform;( as in, oom-while-free-mem-exists. i suspect fragging ) 1811600;1525866805;asciilifeform;spyked: i will also not that i want ~less~ fleanode backed into my systems, and not more. 1811601;1525866904;asciilifeform;*baked 1811602;1525866967;asciilifeform;spyked: plz feel free to put your bot in own chan and announce to folx tho, don't let me discourage 1811603;1525867080;*;asciilifeform brb 1811604;1525867203;spyked;aha. my reply was strictly re the "place to follow phuctorings other than #t" subj. not sure whether this is needed. if ppl here find any value in something similar to #chainstate for phuctor, then I can do this pretty easily. 1811605;1525867277;spyked;(with the caveat that the available infrastructure is still very much under test/wip) 1811606;1525873749;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/05/ebola-is-back-again/ << Qntra - Ebola Is Back Again 1811607;1525875481;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/05/as-us-opioid-fad-continues-constipation-med-overdoses-now-a-thing/ << Qntra - As US Opioid Fad Continues Constipation Med Overdoses Now A Thing 1811608;1525876570;mod6;mornin TMSR~ 1811609;1525876685;BingoBoingo;Mornin' mod6 1811610;1525877136;mod6;Mornin' BingoBoingo. Feelin any better? 1811611;1525877147;BingoBoingo;Quite a bit 1811612;1525877251;mod6;Ah, good to hear. 1811613;1525877260;mod6;The humidity is nasty tho huh? 1811614;1525877726;BingoBoingo;Yeah, but it rained last night so quite a bit of the humidity is sitting on the ground waiting to reenter the air 1811615;1525878774;mod6;Ugh. 1811616;1525882461;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/05/german-police-capture-89-year-old-wwii-surviving-politcal-dissident/ << Qntra - German Police Capture 89 Year Old WWII Surviving Politcal Dissident 1811617;1525882475;BingoBoingo;On the plus side, I do get to write about the Jewish problem in Germany while sitting on a balcony in South America. 1811618;1525882873;mod6;Heheh. 1811619;1525883149;BingoBoingo;In other news, US Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnel (The turtle guy) tweeted out a shooped picture of himself with lots of cocaine to celebrate one of his boy's primary wins 1811620;1525885477;mircea_popescu;!!up steel 1811621;1525885478;deedbot;steel voiced for 30 minutes. 1811622;1525885775;steel;Hi, what is Bitcoin to you? 1811623;1525885895;steel;Is "Bitcoin" a movement? Who decides what is Bitcoin? I am having trouble understanding 1811624;1525886050;mircea_popescu;bitcoin is the currency of the most serene republic, the world's only sovereign. 1811625;1525886151;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, Moduli Waiting for Test: 6976474 << still same figure, meaning it's still churning hasn't yet returned ? 1811626;1525886162;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: plox to eat log 1811627;1525886171;mircea_popescu;a kk eating. 1811628;1525886839;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-09#1811598 << o.O what happened, grew past 112g ? pretty interesting, actually. 1811629;1525886839;a111;Logged on 2018-05-09 11:50 asciilifeform: spyked: not yet. and definitely full hands, currently debugging a completely unexpected oom in phuctor-werker 1811630;1525886889;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-09#1811617 << bwahahaha there is some win in that. 1811631;1525886889;a111;Logged on 2018-05-09 16:14 BingoBoingo: On the plus side, I do get to write about the Jewish problem in Germany while sitting on a balcony in South America. 1811632;1525887036;mircea_popescu;steel, but, to return the favour, who are you (not "to yourself", but to the world) ? 1811633;1525887385;mircea_popescu;heh. 1811634;1525887388;mircea_popescu;!!up steel 1811635;1525887389;deedbot;steel voiced for 30 minutes. 1811636;1525887396;mircea_popescu;go register a key so i don't have to keep upping you. 1811637;1525887423;steel;I'm a nobody trying to find my way 1811638;1525887494;steel;I want to break free from shackles and be financially free 1811639;1525887503;steel;But now, I dont know what Bitcoin is 1811640;1525887536;steel;Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin Segwit, Bitcoin Lite, unlimited Bitcoin X's 1811641;1525887540;steel;Will end badly 1811642;1525887615;steel;Now I am forced to buy Segwits being sold as Bitcoin 1811643;1525887623;mircea_popescu;no you're not lol. 1811644;1525887654;steel;Everywhere to exchange my fiat paper to Bitcoin, is Segwit tainted 1811645;1525887676;steel;everywhere as in, scammy exchanges 1811646;1525887693;mircea_popescu;a) have you read http://trilema.com/2013/digging-through-archives-yields-gold/ ? not like it's the first time the pantsuit empire is trying to ruin sanity ; b) have you read http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=segwit ? 1811647;1525887774;mircea_popescu;anyway. bitcoin is bitcoin. the various "i can't believe it's not bitcoin" scams the usg has been trying to push are just that, margerine ~nobody cares about (notwithstanding every nigger out there is trying to pretend like they're eating it an' lovin' it) 1811648;1525887886;trinque;> buy segwits 1811649;1525887924;mircea_popescu;trinque, i suppose his (intuitive, unexamined) idea is that the item's reversible and will get reversed (as it is, and will) and doesn't know how it'd work in practice. 1811650;1525887945;mircea_popescu;but if he reads the log as indicated, it's all discussed in therew. 1811651;1525888232;steel;Will read logs. "will get reversed", I hope not 1811652;1525888241;steel;The fact that it can. 1811653;1525888494;mircea_popescu;of course it will. 1811654;1525888533;mircea_popescu;this is an absolute certainty. the only part up in the air is when, but absolutely, everything the power rangers do will get reverted, as a matter of course. 1811655;1525888839;steel;That would be bad for the real Bitcoin, no? Why wouldn't I wait to buy MUCH much more real Bitcoin after revert with same fiat paper 1811656;1525889715;BingoBoingo;steel: The way weird brokenshit like segwit and other turds that live in addresses that start with 3 work is that real nodes see them as "spend to any" 1811657;1525889752;BingoBoingo;Thusly segwit rollback does not mean rewinding blocks 1811658;1525889800;BingoBoingo;It means the miners that had been enforcing rules beyond those real Bitcoin nodes care about simply stop enforcing the extra rules 1811659;1525889851;BingoBoingo;As long as your coins sit in an address that starts with the number 1 and you control the keys your are safe 1811660;1525890050;BingoBoingo;Related, some people take the difference between Llamas and Alpacas VERY seriously 1811661;1525890970;hanbot;esthlos : your blog's comments are borkt (commenter sees 'Error: please fill the required fields (name, email).' despite entering fields), see the "edit" here for the fix http://thewhet.net/2017/10/a-compendium-of-possibly-helpful-stuffs-for-erecting-mircea-popescus-wordpress-with-nearly-free-speech-hosting/ 1811662;1525891163;hanbot;and that'll be mp-wp's first patch, eta this week. 1811663;1525893559;asciilifeform;holy FUQ the number of shithub users with garbage keyz 1811664;1525893567;asciilifeform;( 1st run is wrapping up, soon will fire the 2nd, with debianization probe ) 1811665;1525893598;asciilifeform;i can already picture the 'cosmic ray' denials 1811666;1525893632;asciilifeform;at the end of this run, i will post whole shebang in the form of an article. 1811667;1525893648;asciilifeform;( with links to individual phuctor pgs ) 1811668;1525893715;asciilifeform;hey mircea_popescu ( or anybody else ) do you happen to have a script handy for mass submission of links to archive.is ? 1811669;1525893732;trinque;I wager lobbes does 1811670;1525893743;asciilifeform;i'd like to snapshot the https://github.com/loser.keys links 1811671;1525893766;asciilifeform;( interestingly, for some of the lusers, their account is still live BUT above loads a null. ) 1811672;1525894382;mircea_popescu;ahahaha 1811673;1525894410;mircea_popescu;sadly, i dun have such a thing on hand 1811674;1525894552;asciilifeform;no large factors yet 1811675;1525894638;asciilifeform;( will be interesting to find out if luser whose shithub modulus is divisible by 3, can still log in... ) 1811676;1525894901;ben_vulpes;http://pizarroisp.net/index.php/2018/05/04/pizarro-statement-april-2018/ << updated 1811677;1525894993;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: could i persuade you to keep an updated ver of http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-05#1809743 ? or too hightech/ugly ? 1811678;1525894993;a111;Logged on 2018-05-05 00:07 asciilifeform: ben_vulpes, mod6 , mircea_popescu , et al : http://www.loper-os.org/pub/piz_tab.html << corrections of central column or other init params, welcome 1811679;1525895237;asciilifeform;the other thing, ben_vulpes : ~where~ updated ? it is terrible form to make people do 'eyeball diff' with old copy ( supposing they have one handy ) 1811680;1525895456;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: the next item after setting Mocky up with python cgi on UY1 (dear lord, it never ends) will be to databize our customer list, ip assignations, rack assignations, subscriptions etc. i will then reproduce your calculator with actual numbers. 1811681;1525895470;asciilifeform;neato, ty ben_vulpes 1811682;1525895478;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: i guess next month i will make vpatch reports 1811683;1525895493;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: for now it'd suffice imho to say, approx what was updated 1811684;1525895496;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, awesome, article! 1811685;1525895509;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: mk, will callout at top the changes in a bit. 1811686;1525895557;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: in re production rockchip plant, is it feasible to, with some netboot magic, bring a rockchip up with a specific ssh key emplaced? 1811687;1525895566;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i'm taking ideas re pills against 'these were never keyz, you pulled them out of arse' 1811688;1525895590;mircea_popescu;eh, who the fuck cares what boecks boeck. 1811689;1525895591;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2018/my-verbiage-on-trilema/ << Trilema - My verbiage on #trilema 1811690;1525895591;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: currently re-customering a rockchip requires pulling the usbstick and sd and reimaging 1811691;1525895612;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: on top of this it'd be quite simple to emplace given, on cmdline, sshkey -- simple mount-and-copy 1811692;1525895648;ben_vulpes;mk 1811693;1525895696;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i'd like to make some sort of non-debiable/unhealable hole in the boeck bubble, and it almost seems possible in this case 1811694;1525895706;asciilifeform;*non-deniable 1811695;1525895773;mircea_popescu;it'll be denied. and the denial will "stick" in the sense luke skywalker really has a "laser sword", for as long as you stay in battlestar galactica universe or w/e the scientology fanfic was. because, for better or worse, http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-28#1704268 1811696;1525895773;a111;Logged on 2017-08-28 23:10 mircea_popescu: kanzure " Obviously there is no possiblity of meaning outside of a structure of authority, and the authority can not be predicated on the meaning." 1811697;1525895867;mircea_popescu;need i remind you of, say, http://trilema.com/2013/the-endless-story-of-korea/#selection-77.0-77.246 ie "Plaintiff seeks to make his case solely upon the theory that, by reason of the change in the weight of the dollar he is entitled to $1.69 in the present currency for every dollar promised by the bond, regardless of any actual loss he has suffered" ? 1811698;1525895888;mircea_popescu;or do you hope to somehow make a "more undeniable" hole than "this is specifically what we agreed you won't do" ? 1811699;1525895956;asciilifeform;well there's more- and less- deniable dents. i dun recall louis xvi walking around and pretending his head were still attached.. 1811700;1525896016;asciilifeform;incidentally, douchebag still around ?? 1811701;1525896038;asciilifeform;hey douchebag ! we're about to post buncha ssh privkeys. some, connected to -- nominally live -- shithubs. 1811702;1525896061;mircea_popescu;but even if you got the entire pantsuit party, from everyone-involved-with-github to everyone-opining-on-the-internet to sign an agreement aforehand, they'll STILL deny after the fact. 1811703;1525896081;mircea_popescu;electoral college is good for the empire / bad for the empire. same people, two weeks apart. what do you want ? 1811704;1525896092;mircea_popescu;authority is the concern, not some sort of really tall tower of chairs of meaning. 1811705;1525896170;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i think i grasp the idea, they'll be denying even as the 'shower' door slams and the zyklon hisses 1811706;1525896290;mircea_popescu;yup. 1811707;1525896304;mircea_popescu;anyway, im taking the bitches for a beach trip ; mind holding off till i'm back ? 1811708;1525896314;mircea_popescu;should be < 8 hours. 1811709;1525896320;asciilifeform;oh i'ma hold off for whole day, still waiting for debianism output 1811710;1525896342;asciilifeform;and no moar ramdisk, so it's 5x+ slower than typical 1811711;1525896348;mircea_popescu;alright then. 1811712;1525896352;asciilifeform;( will detail the ram sadness later ) 1811713;1525896359;asciilifeform;enjoy the beach, mircea_popescu 1811714;1525898172;asciilifeform;!Q later tell jurov plz tell me how you obtained the KEYID in the 'phathub' collection; and more generally how the scan was made... 1811715;1525898172;lobbesbot;asciilifeform: The operation succeeded. 1811716;1525900102;asciilifeform;!Q later tell ben_vulpes i oughta elaborate re http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-09#1811686 : neither rockchip ( nor any device in its price range, afaik ) has any mechanism for netbooting, that does not at the same time reside in something the previous user could have overwritten ( flash rom ). on top of this, rockchip has ~no~ onboard flash , nor can it boot from usb without a valid bootloader ~on sd~ . so a new tenant requires a refr 1811717;1525900102;a111;Logged on 2018-05-09 19:52 ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: in re production rockchip plant, is it feasible to, with some netboot magic, bring a rockchip up with a specific ssh key emplaced? 1811718;1525900103;asciilifeform;esh of both sd and usb drives. 1811719;1525900103;lobbesbot;asciilifeform: The operation succeeded. 1811720;1525900133;ben_vulpes;i figured that something like this was the case and appreciate the followup 1811721;1525900133;lobbesbot;ben_vulpes: Sent just now: i oughta elaborate re http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-09#1811686 : neither rockchip ( nor any device in its price range, afaik ) has any mechanism for netbooting, that does not at the same time reside in something the previous user could have overwritten ( flash rom ). on top of this, rockchip has ~no~ onboard flash , nor can it boot from usb without a valid bootloader ~on sd~ . so a new tenant requires a refr 1811722;1525900196;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: nao the problem ~could~ be finessed with custom hardware. but not with something that can be built quickly. 1811723;1525900203;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: not worthwhile imho 1811724;1525900210;asciilifeform;( you would have to, more or less, bake a rockchip board from 0 ) 1811725;1525900233;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in the peanut gallery: 1811726;1525900260;asciilifeform; - - [09/May/2018:17:11:33 -0400] "GET /phuctored HTTP/1.1" 200 9578812 "http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/stats" "Mozilla/4.0 (MSIE 6.0';DROP TABLE browsers;--\x22{!=&})" "-" 1811727;1525900281;ben_vulpes;i imagine some kind of remotehands queue of "make rockchip with sshkey of XXX, upload which IP addr or other unique identifier got the key in question" 1811728;1525900306;ben_vulpes;there'll be ~no way around asking each user for a gpg key i don't think 1811729;1525900310;trinque;table... browsers!? 1811730;1525900316;asciilifeform;trinque: i've nfi ! 1811731;1525900332;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: prospective pizarro user gets into wot. so there's the key. 1811732;1525900371;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: mhm mhm 1811733;1525900420;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: you think this is optional ? 1811734;1525900421;ben_vulpes;the freenode nick/handle constraint does grate. 1811735;1525900432;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: i' 1811736;1525900447;asciilifeform;how , for instance, would you propose to match up who paid with their box ? send creds ? ( what, via plaintext shitmail ?? ) 1811737;1525900477;asciilifeform;it does not make any sense to attempt to do business with folx who won't pgp 1811738;1525900530;ben_vulpes;i'm not necessarily loathe to give up the "dump pubkey and sshkey in hole, pay invoice, receive server deets at this url encrypted to your key" model, but i worry the irc demands are an unnecessary salting of friction 1811739;1525900568;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: if $luser won't irc, how is he to access pizarro for support/maintenance/payment q's ? 1811740;1525900580;ben_vulpes;there is also the concern of every customer now gotta be rated, likely by me, which puts me in the nanotube position 1811741;1525900601;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: make dedicated key and rate it. 1811742;1525900618;ben_vulpes;i've been thinking about a pizarro wot identity, yes 1811743;1525900657;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: from experience, chat is a miserable way to manage support tickets. 1811744;1525900661;asciilifeform;well it wouldn't be a pizarro wot identity ( multi-owner privkeys are problematic ) but rather a ' ben_vulpes-pizarro ' 1811745;1525900681;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: i sure as fuck won't sift through GB of spam to read strangermail 1811746;1525900685;asciilifeform;in a shitmail box 1811747;1525900693;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: quit jumping to conclusions 1811748;1525900718;asciilifeform;if you have a pill to make email 1992-style usable again... i'll be quite impressed 1811749;1525900719;ben_vulpes;i'm half of a mind to take offense at the implication i'd impose email on anybody in the republic 1811750;1525900735;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: what am i missing 1811751;1525900748;ben_vulpes;that i've not proposed a solution yet lol 1811752;1525900753;asciilifeform;lolk 1811753;1525900817;ben_vulpes;but, and many details not designed at this rate since you press me, something along the lines of pizarro/$fp/ renders an encrypted account status including support tickets 1811754;1525900852;asciilifeform;would work 1811755;1525900876;ben_vulpes;ben_vulpes apparently utter sucker for webdrudgery 1811756;1525900890;asciilifeform;hey this is more or less exactly how asciilifeform implemented the snsa wwwshop 1811757;1525900900;ben_vulpes;yes well steal from the best 1811758;1525900912;asciilifeform;( i lifted the idea from mircea_popescu ) 1811759;1525900947;ben_vulpes;another approach is to challenge-response and hand over a session token 1811760;1525900956;ben_vulpes;but this sucks for obvious reasons 1811761;1525900959;ben_vulpes;leaks account data 1811762;1525900998;asciilifeform;pizarro/$fp leaks just the same, neh? 1811763;1525901014;asciilifeform;( if you have a set of $fp values, you can enumerate which have acct at pizarro ) 1811764;1525901035;asciilifeform;and ditto if you have a rsa key, and a set of captured outputs of www....pizarro/$fp/ , you can match'em up 1811765;1525901038;ben_vulpes;user decrypts, leaks, their problem. set a session key, broadcast data unencrypted, leak is pizarro's fault 1811766;1525901082;ben_vulpes;can also generate unique account identifiers from fg, use that instead 1811767;1525901090;ben_vulpes;"dun fuckin lose this!" 1811768;1525901122;ben_vulpes;but brittle solution, ~spinning blade near controls. 1811769;1525901150;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: let us table it for a bit, i do not have a proposal baked and understand all of the things you've pointed out so far. 1811770;1525901168;ben_vulpes;will save time if i bring a polished design instead of this adhoc bikeshedding. 1811771;1525901176;ben_vulpes;plus, gotta do the customerdatabase first in anycase. 1811772;1525901182;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: in the abstract, it'd be pretty great to have mechanisms that work with and without fleanode 1811773;1525901188;asciilifeform;but yes i'ma let this alone for nao 1811774;1525901193;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: yeah, upstack, is what i want. 1811775;1525901270;*;asciilifeform bbl,meat 1811776;1525903493;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-09#1811726 << Should I get a sleeping bag and sleep in the datacenter hall tonight? 1811777;1525903493;a111;Logged on 2018-05-09 21:11 asciilifeform: - - [09/May/2018:17:11:33 -0400] "GET /phuctored HTTP/1.1" 200 9578812 "http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/stats" "Mozilla/4.0 (MSIE 6.0';DROP TABLE browsers;--\x22{!=&})" "-" 1811778;1525903513;BingoBoingo;The dry air might actually be a positive 1811779;1525903519;asciilifeform;lolwhy 1811780;1525903648;BingoBoingo;My lungs are so very wet. 1811781;1525903776;BingoBoingo;And the professional opinion came in today. Keep taking the same antibiotic, same dose for 10 more days and if it isn't substantially better in a week chest X-ray. Also was recommended a different anti-mucus syrup. 1811782;1525903947;trinque;make sure you get your gut critters in order after dropping nukes on them 1811783;1525903976;trinque;yogurt, probiotic, or something 1811784;1525904076;BingoBoingo;been taking yogurt and blue cheese before my evening ice creams 1811785;1525904122;trinque;ah cool 1811786;1525904346;BingoBoingo;Yogurt is a big thing here 1811787;1525904517;BingoBoingo;As as humid as it is here, I don't want mushrooms growing inside me. It's a river valley so everyone is assumed to be carrying histoplasmosis 1811788;1525905759;BingoBoingo;In other local investigations: urology here consists of boner drugs of assorted dosages, quantities, and prices http://archive.is/vfL5y while psych drugs consist of lithium, an antipsycotic, melatonin, and a bunch of herbal stuff (one of which is a rather active MAOI) http://archive.is/36Okq 1811789;1525906122;lobbes;If you give me the list of URLs I'll feed 'em through the meatgrinder >> http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-09#1811668 1811790;1525906122;a111;Logged on 2018-05-09 19:21 asciilifeform: hey mircea_popescu ( or anybody else ) do you happen to have a script handy for mass submission of links to archive.is ? 1811791;1525906221;lobbes;I'll bbl tonight. I gotta do some maintenance on archive process tonight so I can send em through then 1811792;1525906224;ben_vulpes;which one is the maoi, BingoBoingo ? 1811793;1525906360;BingoBoingo;ben_vulpes: The "Vitango" with rhodiala 1811794;1525906433;BingoBoingo;http://archive.is/KgtD9 << It is also far cheaper here to get protein from beef tenderloin than powdered dairy biproducts 1811795;1525907252;asciilifeform;Estabilizador del humor << lol! 1811796;1525907266;asciilifeform;( from BingoBoingo's link, 'eskalit' ) 1811797;1525907286;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: That's just lithium salt 1811798;1525907292;asciilifeform;right 1811799;1525908145;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in vintage chix, https://www.sovsekretno.ru/public/userfiles/images/2006/03/15/060301173725b.jpg 1811800;1525908668;BingoBoingo;Is that carnaval? 1811801;1525908678;asciilifeform;butyrka 1811802;1525908752;BingoBoingo;Ah 1811803;1525908853;douchebag;https://i.imgur.com/MFOCARO.png 1811804;1525908877;asciilifeform;douchebag: is there a reason this is a pic ? 1811805;1525908897;douchebag;It's just what I've been working on - not complete yet 1811806;1525908904;asciilifeform;yes but why screenshit 1811807;1525908907;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: i've always assumed it's because dood can't copy/paste 1811808;1525908950;douchebag;I didn't want to shit up the logs posting CVE's and their descriptions 1811809;1525908955;ben_vulpes;douchebag: the image approach is impossibly frustrating; will not reflow across my screen 1811810;1525908962;ben_vulpes;douchebag: there is always p.bvulpes.com 1811811;1525908964;asciilifeform;douchebag: p.bvulpes.com 1811812;1525909002;ben_vulpes;i think that'd be a fine thing with which to 'shit the logs up' 1811813;1525909009;douchebag;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/LeUbS/?raw=true 1811814;1525909012;ben_vulpes;"hey dudes did you know that $whatever?" 1811815;1525909024;ben_vulpes;douchebag: aaah now that's more like it 1811816;1525909051;asciilifeform;douchebag: much better. 1811817;1525909078;douchebag;like I said, not complete yet - but it is in progress 1811818;1525909115;ben_vulpes;douchebag: now how would one go about determining if any of these mines were steppable-upon or stepped-upon in the context of trb? 1811819;1525909183;ben_vulpes;native bluetooth stack i'm going to guess does not affect trb build 1811820;1525909215;douchebag;Determining how the various vulnerable libraries pose an impact, and wether or not they could be leveraged by an attacker 1811821;1525909271;douchebag;So essentially a full code audit 1811822;1525909291;*;ben_vulpes curious to see if the guy leaves off at 'osint' copypasta 1811823;1525909552;ben_vulpes;take heart douchebag, determining how far to go above the bare minimum is a lifelong project :P sometimes 'not one iota' is a fine response. 1811824;1525909646;douchebag;Yeah I know, like I said it's definitely not complete 1811825;1525909879;ben_vulpes;looking forward to it 1811826;1525909971;mod6;ben_vulpes: re april report update, did we wanna alter the depreciation of UY2 to 0.03333333 ? 1811827;1525910027;ben_vulpes;dammit 1811828;1525910029;ben_vulpes;yes i do 1811829;1525910042;mod6;lol, ok. cheers 1811830;1525910043;ben_vulpes;thank you mod6 1811831;1525910047;mod6;anytime 1811832;1525910114;mod6;asciilifeform: I did bring back tb0t here. I think I just forgot to restart it after some planned downtime on my host. Anyway, if we wanted to use it for Pizarro, I'm open to that but it may need some alterations. 1811833;1525910153;mod6;And we should probably discuss some details about how it should work, etc. (For instance, would L1 only be able enter tickets, or would all clients, or anyone?) That kinda thing. 1811834;1525910229;mod6;mircea_popescu: cool stats post 1811835;1525910343;mod6;douchebag: once you get through you're current pile of requested work, I think I have some pen testing for you to do on tb0t. We can arrange a time, later on. (That is, of course, if you want to.) 1811836;1525910643;douchebag;mod6: I think pentesting a bot would be pretty fun and in my area of expertise, I'll definitely be interested in arranging that once completed work is finished 1811837;1525910702;mod6;Ok cool, holler when the current items are finished. 1811838;1525915487;phf;http://qntra.net/2018/05/german-police-capture-89-year-old-wwii-surviving-politcal-dissident/ << politcal 1811839;1525915501;phf;BingoBoingo ^ 1811840;1525916838;phf;mircea_popescu: the word count thing slipped through cracks, and i even wrote code for it. thousand apologies 1811841;1525919620;mircea_popescu;phf, dun worry about it, gave me the chance to write one liner db implementation. in awk. 1811842;1525919629;mircea_popescu;mod6 glad you liked! 1811843;1525919932;mod6;Yeah, came in hard with the awk-foo. 1811844;1525919947;mod6;:] 1811845;1525920119;mircea_popescu;can you believe that shit even works ? 1811846;1525920147;mod6;it's pretty neat, really. 1811847;1525922100;mircea_popescu;very fucking powerful, if you dont have to maintain them. 1811848;1525922242;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-09#1811726 << who the fuck gives wwwtron drop permissions ?! 1811849;1525922242;a111;Logged on 2018-05-09 21:11 asciilifeform: - - [09/May/2018:17:11:33 -0400] "GET /phuctored HTTP/1.1" 200 9578812 "http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/stats" "Mozilla/4.0 (MSIE 6.0';DROP TABLE browsers;--\x22{!=&})" "-" 1811850;1525922305;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-09#1811740 << why ? i've been rating randos for a long time, you figure it hurt anything ? 1811851;1525922305;a111;Logged on 2018-05-09 21:16 ben_vulpes: there is also the concern of every customer now gotta be rated, likely by me, which puts me in the nanotube position 1811852;1525922345;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-09#1811743 << i dunno what experience is this ? worked fucking fabulously for ~all the everything we did so far neh? 1811853;1525922345;a111;Logged on 2018-05-09 21:17 ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: from experience, chat is a miserable way to manage support tickets. 1811854;1525922485;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-09#1811772 << i can't imagine why ; if and when replaced will be replaced with gossipd if mature, or with ad interim if not. in any case a chat there will be. 1811855;1525922485;a111;Logged on 2018-05-09 21:26 asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: in the abstract, it'd be pretty great to have mechanisms that work with and without fleanode 1811856;1525922513;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-09#1811781 << win. well done then. 1811857;1525922513;a111;Logged on 2018-05-09 22:09 BingoBoingo: And the professional opinion came in today. Keep taking the same antibiotic, same dose for 10 more days and if it isn't substantially better in a week chest X-ray. Also was recommended a different anti-mucus syrup. 1811858;1525922559;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-09#1811784 << ftr, blue cheese is sterlizer not flora supplement. the buggers that make it blue are ~same that make penicillin. 1811859;1525922559;a111;Logged on 2018-05-09 22:14 BingoBoingo: been taking yogurt and blue cheese before my evening ice creams 1811860;1525922641;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-09#1811795 << you recall the fabled vagostabyl ? 1811861;1525922641;a111;Logged on 2018-05-09 23:07 asciilifeform: Estabilizador del humor << lol! 1811862;1525922765;mircea_popescu;GNU Binutils 2.24 pile of luls. smh. 1811863;1525924005;mod6;yeah 1811864;1525924222;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2018/the-fabulous-day-of-many-firsts/ << Trilema - The fabulous day of many firsts 1811865;1525925663;mod6;Sounds like a nice day at the beach! 1811866;1525928070;mircea_popescu;word! 1811867;1525932139;hanbot;a good one i heard today: what does a dyslexic, insomniac agnostic do at night? lays awake wondering if there's a dog. 1811868;1525932505;mircea_popescu;lol 1811869;1525958482;jurov;asciilifeform: the IDs are straight from here: https://developer.github.com/v3/users/keys/, and it's github internal ID 1811870;1525958482;lobbesbot;jurov: Sent 16 hours and 45 minutes ago: plz tell me how you obtained the KEYID in the 'phathub' collection; and more generally how the scan was made... 1811871;1525958581;jurov;the scan listed all users and the keys for every user via api above 1811872;1525959402;BingoBoingo;phf: ty, fxd 1811873;1525959465;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-10#1811858 << The Blue stuff like the ice cream is medicine for the spirit 1811874;1525959465;a111;Logged on 2018-05-10 03:22 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-09#1811784 << ftr, blue cheese is sterlizer not flora supplement. the buggers that make it blue are ~same that make penicillin. 1811875;1525960675;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/05/largest-israeli-missile-barrage-in-7-years-of-syrian-war-aggresses-against-iranian-positions/ << Qntra - Largest Israeli Missile Barrage In 7 Years Of Syrian War Aggresses Against Iranian Positions 1811876;1525960907;BingoBoingo;douchebag: Do you happen to have much experience spreading links? 1811877;1525961043;BingoBoingo;And the ongoing struggles of the human mushroom: https://archive.is/0I21L "Please do not remove it. GNU is not a purely technical project, so the fact that this is not strictly and grimly technical is not a reason to remove this." 1811878;1525962569;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/05/great-again-candidate-leading-wide-presidential-field-in-early-stage-of-campaign-in-brazil/ << Qntra - "Great Again" Candidate Leading Wide Presidential Field In Early Stage Of Campaign In Brazil 1811879;1525962883;mod6;Mornin' 1811880;1525962923;BingoBoingo;mornin 1811881;1525962974;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: check your postbox today 1811882;1525963002;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Will do 1811883;1525963147;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-10#1811871 << how didja enumerate the users ? 1811884;1525963147;a111;Logged on 2018-05-10 13:23 jurov: the scan listed all users and the keys for every user via api above 1811885;1525964655;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/05/us-pentagon-investigation-no-one-to-blame-for-green-beret-deaths-in-niger/ << Qntra - US Pentagon Investigation: No One To Blame For Green Beret Deaths In Niger 1811886;1525967570;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo, hysterical. and, amusingly, goes right to the purging stalin discussion. 1811887;1525967599;mircea_popescu;"Carlos O'Donnell, a senior software engineer at Red Hat, suggested that trying to wring humor out of abortion "could be a trigger for certain individuals" 1811888;1525967609;asciilifeform;ohai mircea_popescu . i have a spiffy present for you , dun go to sleep yet 1811889;1525967617;asciilifeform;( it is grinding out as we speak ) 1811890;1525967622;mircea_popescu;if you work with red hat i will negrate you on sight. if you EVER worked with red hat, i will consider it also. 1811891;1525967639;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, cool. ill be around. 1811892;1525967654;asciilifeform;oh hey rathead, home of poettering & co 1811893;1525967669;mircea_popescu;red hat is officially a banned organisation. enough of the stupid shit. 1811894;1525967673;asciilifeform;( when will it merge with microshit's linux group, i wonder ) 1811895;1525967734;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, incidentally, notice how fsf is 100% ~latino orcs by mass now ? 1811896;1525967776;asciilifeform;i have nfi if same orc% as rest of usa or not 1811897;1525967804;mircea_popescu;looks like it went the way of "hire mexicans, they at least work", ended up with a bunch of argentinotards. 1811898;1525967962;mircea_popescu;http://qntra.net/2018/05/us-pentagon-investigation-no-one-to-blame-for-green-beret-deaths-in-niger/ << Qntra - US Pentagon Investigation: No One To Blame For Green Beret Deaths In Niger <<< aaaahahahahaha! OF COURSE "no one", what, could it possibly be http://trilema.com/2017/color-revolutions-green-or-today-in-usg-corruption-careerism-cronyism-and-malfeasance-in-the-special-warfare-center/#selection-243.0-243.29 ie "MG Sonnt 1811899;1525967964;mircea_popescu;ag and COL Kornburger" ?! 1811900;1525968592;asciilifeform;in other persistent idiocies, http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/YCgtq/?raw=true 1811901;1525968629;asciilifeform;'Si usted no desea utilizar uno de los 3 cupos ... Para esta modalidad de liberación, necesitamos nos haga llegar solamente la imagen de su documento de identidad de ambos lados o imagen del pasaporte en caso de ser extranjero' 1811902;1525968755;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, let bb pick it up, what do you care. 1811903;1525968785;asciilifeform;seems to imply that it won't go into his postbox unless asciilifeform mtgoxes scan of whatevers 1811904;1525968951;mircea_popescu;looky here, and read this thrice and understand it thoroughly : the "no identity outside of wot" / "all sybil heads are sybil heads" works EVERYWHERE, not just where you realise it does. the circumstance that the sybil is talking to ~you~ does not get to a) corroborate with the fact that you have a strong idea of the self and therefore b) result in any practical effect. as far as they are concerned, we're all exactly equal an 1811905;1525968952;mircea_popescu;d interchangeable. which is how eg danielpbarron paid for random game account i allegedly at some point used or pete_d paid for flowers i sent chet etcetera. 1811906;1525968963;mircea_popescu;identity is signature only ; stop caring about ANYTHING else. 1811907;1525968980;asciilifeform;thread is re the experiment re whether BingoBoingo gets the (cheap) crate or not. 1811908;1525968995;mircea_popescu;so give him the details, he can go to their oficina and pick them up. 1811909;1525969019;asciilifeform;i did. and instructed him to try ( it is supposed to, if dhl is to be believed, have landed in the city on monday ) 1811910;1525969055;mircea_popescu;cool then. 1811911;1525969091;mircea_popescu;and generally, always expose the more convenient edge of the wot to the sybil. "you" can buy stuff from there and "you" can pick it up here and so on and so forth. 1811912;1525969241;mircea_popescu;the one thing pantsuit kept saying early on was "oh, everyone is mp". this is not coincidental -- as far as the lost are concerned, we are literally all tulpas in one single solitary dood's head. because that's what comes out of their b&w camera when they try and photograph copper sulphate : the exact same dull gray as if ground granite. 1811913;1525969500;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/XXltp/?raw=true 1811914;1525969538;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, reading. 1811915;1525969554;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: lemme know if any of it dun make sense. 1811916;1525969894;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/Co1nx/?raw=true 1811917;1525969923;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-10#1811895 << Redhatists are a serious pest here. 1811918;1525969923;a111;Logged on 2018-05-10 15:55 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, incidentally, notice how fsf is 100% ~latino orcs by mass now ? 1811919;1525970109;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-10#1811909 << Current status is I am waiting for either the box or manilla envelope with DHL hostage papers to arrive in the mailbox. 1811920;1525970109;a111;Logged on 2018-05-10 16:16 asciilifeform: i did. and instructed him to try ( it is supposed to, if dhl is to be believed, have landed in the city on monday ) 1811921;1525970135;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo, go by the office and ask one of these days. 1811922;1525970318;BingoBoingo;I will. The last time a dhl package got held here (Christmas cookies from mom), there was a manilla envelope with retrieval instructions delivered after Aduanas reached their verdict. 1811923;1525970427;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/wB0n6/?raw=true 1811924;1525970690;mircea_popescu;word. 1811925;1525971534;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, ahaha I KNOW!!! one of these people. rather hot chick, too. 1811926;1525971544;asciilifeform;lolwaaat 1811927;1525971556;mircea_popescu;fucking epic. 1811928;1525971575;asciilifeform;btw mircea_popescu i'm beginning to think that my proof is wrong, and it gotta be 3 2/3-sized segments, rather than 4 1/2-sized , to work. 1811929;1525971581;asciilifeform;possibly later on we should lay it out here. 1811930;1525971606;mircea_popescu;wasn't going to include that part anyway. can do blogpost, or i guess here if you want to. 1811931;1525971616;asciilifeform;eh not burning. 1811932;1525971624;asciilifeform;i'ma come back to it. 1811933;1525971727;mircea_popescu;aaanyways, i'm going to put pics and everything in it. why the hell not, make a proper lulzfest. 1811934;1525971732;asciilifeform;neato. 1811935;1525971736;*;asciilifeform looks forward. 1811936;1525974243;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, o yeah. i think you'll like this. 1811937;1525975318;*;BingoBoingo can't wait to see this baking victory 1811938;1525975701;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/PCuv5/?raw=true 1811939;1525975776;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: nifty 1811940;1525975783;asciilifeform;and ty 1811941;1525976152;ben_vulpes;https://www.reddit.com/r/Python/comments/8hvzja/backdoor_in_sshdecorator_package/ 1811942;1525976223;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: i send you a dhl tracking thing some time last wk, take a look 1811943;1525976223;asciilifeform;*sent 1811944;1525976336;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Sent to where? 1811945;1525976349;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: gpggram 1811946;1525976353;asciilifeform;here. 1811947;1525976365;asciilifeform;check yer archive. 1811948;1525976614;asciilifeform;https://i.redd.it/zu0guck3cmw01.png << lol 1811949;1525976651;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: I am not seeing it in the archives 1811950;1525976731;BingoBoingo;Digging through logs looking for where a paste might have been sent, but I have not found it yet. 1811951;1525976745;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/r2aDD/?raw=true 1811952;1525976903;BingoBoingo;ty 1811953;1525977263;deedbot;http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2018/05/10/more-assorted-trivia/ << Bingo Blog - More Assorted Trivia 1811954;1525977648;mircea_popescu;meanwhile lulzdraft upgraded with a "i think i know his mom", also. ima go have lunch, this is a monster. 1811955;1525977717;asciilifeform;lol! 1811956;1525979766;mircea_popescu;to keep up the hype engine : further upgraded with the phrase "1,653 contributions in the last year." 1811957;1525979776;asciilifeform;bahahaha 1811958;1525979822;mircea_popescu;no, it's not a sum. 1811959;1525979870;*;asciilifeform did not immediately recognize any of the $lusers ; but did not look very closely as of yet 1811960;1525979882;mircea_popescu;takes a whole lotta looking. 1811961;1525979934;asciilifeform;( i stabbed at random and got a few pond scum ) 1811962;1525980108;mircea_popescu;in other lulz/"hatefacts" : "Hypothes.is is a 501(c) open-source software project that aims to collect comments about statements made in any web-accessible content, and filter and rank those comments to assess each statement's credibility." 1811963;1525980141;mircea_popescu;where "credibility" is of course a keyword in the sense "thrice cursed running dog" is a keyword in the other korea. 1811964;1525980177;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: see also older bunkum in same genre , http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-07#1478076 1811965;1525980177;a111;Logged on 2016-06-07 18:18 asciilifeform: some derp named hanson was pushing a crackpottery called 'futarchy', where you have a bitbet-like item that is actually plugged into a robotic monarch that issues edicts 1811966;1525980200;asciilifeform;truthiness(tm)(r) 1811967;1525980314;asciilifeform;!#s hypothes.is 1811968;1525980314;a111;4 results for "hypothes.is", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=hypothes.is 1811969;1525980320;asciilifeform;^ hah, apparently popped up before 1811970;1525980542;mircea_popescu;aaand we have a major microsoft maintainer. 1811971;1525980617;mircea_popescu;also, i'm barely 1/3 through sifting the data, this will take a few more hours. 1811972;1525981782;mircea_popescu;o look at that, stanford postdocs too. 1811973;1525981822;ben_vulpes;i wouldn't be surprised to find an old key of mine in there from a mac 1811974;1525983727;mircea_popescu;aand we got a... 3 digit github user. (obviously, github user db trivially ennumerable). not even high 3 digit, at that. 1811975;1525983824;mircea_popescu;in other news, irc apparently works a lot better than twitter at being twitter. who could have predicted. 1811976;1525983842;mod6;srsly 1811977;1525983879;mod6;twitter sucks. they're all irc wanna-be's. 1811978;1525983948;mircea_popescu;word. 1811979;1525984521;mircea_popescu;aaand facebook employee. 1811980;1525984841;mod6;punch them in their buttholes 1811981;1525986913;BingoBoingo;"For the best performance of our website, we kindly ask you to activate Java Script. Hit the button bellow to start" << Japoneses, button bellow 1811982;1525986939;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: what means 'at being twitter' ? 1811983;1525986945;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: what was it 1811984;1525986989;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: the landing page for the domain in the email of the top entry on the nsa /stats page 1811985;1525987010;asciilifeform;in other lullies: 1811986;1525987020;asciilifeform; - - [10/May/2018:17:13:40 -0400] "\x16\x03\x01\x00\x8B\x01\x00\x00\x87\x03\x03h\xD9\x83P'!\x98^3\x14t\xF3\xC0\xA4Q\x5C\xD4\x1C\xF9dt\x02\x9E\xC3\xB3L\x8D\xA68\xC1\xC2\xAC\x00\x00\x1A\xC0/\xC0+\xC0\x11\xC0\x07\xC0\x13\xC0\x09\xC0\x14\xC0" 400 173 "-" "-" "-" 1811987;1525987034;asciilifeform;^ either 0day or custom, 0 googlehits 1811988;1525987096;asciilifeform;^ if anyobody ( ... douchebag ? ) knows for what ^ is , plox to write in 1811989;1525987148;BingoBoingo;"internet-census.org" 1811990;1525987532;asciilifeform;'Current fortran code to calculate neutron skin thicknesses with a variety of NEDF and carry out bootstrap analysis' << notbad ( from luserlist ) 1811991;1525988190;mod6;Some of the bytes seem to match this array from this mass scanner thing: https://github.com/robertdavidgraham/masscan/blob/master/src/script-heartbleed.c 1811992;1525989657;douchebag;probably not an 0day 1811993;1525989681;asciilifeform;yea loox like old crapola with rubbish added as pill for idsen 1811994;1525989974;mircea_popescu;oooo and mit assistant professor, 1k contacts. 1811995;1525990016;asciilifeform;lollomatic 1811996;1525990172;mircea_popescu;was at stanford before. model catamite. 1811997;1525992647;BingoBoingo;!Q later tell jurov http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/ajIrQ/?raw=true Take your time 1811998;1525992647;lobbesbot;BingoBoingo: The operation succeeded. 1811999;1525993232;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/05/turnbull-in-australia-trying-to-limit-size-of-cash-payments/ << Qntra - Turnbull In Australia Trying To Limit Size Of Cash Payments 1812000;1526002075;esthlos;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-09#1811661 << thanks, seems to be working now 1812001;1526002075;a111;Logged on 2018-05-09 18:36 hanbot: esthlos : your blog's comments are borkt (commenter sees 'Error: please fill the required fields (name, email).' despite entering fields), see the "edit" here for the fix http://thewhet.net/2017/10/a-compendium-of-possibly-helpful-stuffs-for-erecting-mircea-popescus-wordpress-with-nearly-free-speech-hosting/ 1812002;1526003891;ben_vulpes;https://www.military.com/daily-news/2018/05/08/fitzgerald-officer-deck-pleads-guilty-court-martial.html 1812003;1526003967;asciilifeform;'Lt. j.g. Sarah Coppock's job was to ensure safe navigation of the USS Fitzgerald. On June 17, 2017, she was "derelict in the performance of those duties," resulting in the deaths of seven sailors, according to the single charge she faced Tuesday.' << somebody give this chix order of lenin. 1812004;1526004026;ben_vulpes;heh 1812005;1526004027;asciilifeform;it is very difficult , however, to beat the record of the http://btcbase.org/log/2014-09-07#821351 d00d 1812006;1526004027;a111;Logged on 2014-09-07 04:09 asciilifeform: (who? him: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/navy-nuclear-submarine-burned-arsonist-scrapped-article-1.1421356) 1812007;1526006486;esthlos;trinque asciilifeform phf etc: what's the best way to deal with sbcl's package lock error when redefining run-program? my naive approach was to define a new package for the vtron. But I'm pounding my head against use-package anyway 1812008;1526007066;esthlos;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-08#1811127 << ben_vulpes: can you elaborate on what you envision here? for instance, I could build up and tear down keyring on every press, which seems only way to be stateless with gnupg. how does that sound? 1812009;1526007066;a111;Logged on 2018-05-08 15:34 ben_vulpes: use a tempdir for gnupg's keyring; thing must be stateless. 1812010;1526007089;asciilifeform;esthlos: have you considered reading my original v ? 1812011;1526007104;asciilifeform;generally recommended, for folx writing their own. 1812012;1526007199;esthlos;I have it locally, compared parts of it after writing my implementation 1812013;1526007238;mod6;i agree, read alf's. 1812014;1526007239;esthlos;not to make excuses: makes sense to read it 1812015;1526007323;trinque;esthlos: I don't think anyone demands you use precisely that name, if doing so results in more needless complexity than just picking another. 1812016;1526007444;ben_vulpes;esthlos: yeah, that's what i did and i think asciilifeform as well 1812017;1526007454;ben_vulpes;i think mod6's worked that way eventually too 1812018;1526007459;*;ben_vulpes bbiab 1812019;1526007524;esthlos;got it 1812020;1526008563;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/h81Ey/?raw=true << final draft for your review. let me know if anything 1812021;1526008569;mircea_popescu;i plan to publish in ~hour. 1812022;1526008907;ben_vulpes;esthlos: i made a gensym dir in /tmp, passed that to gpg for the workdir, and then various operations take a teardown key, defaulting to true which could be overriden to inspect keyring state should the operator so desire 1812023;1526008954;ben_vulpes;vpatch is 300 lines including examples 1812024;1526009002;*;ben_vulpes quite looking forward to this trilema 1812025;1526009022;mircea_popescu;i;d say is one of the lulziest ever. 1812026;1526009026;ben_vulpes;and also the hn instaban 1812027;1526009091;ben_vulpes;mod6: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/fz5lc/?raw=true 1812028;1526009678;*;mod6 looks 1812029;1526009905;asciilifeform;oh hey ! 1812030;1526009907;*;asciilifeform reads.. 1812031;1526010041;mod6;ben_vulpes: ack 1812032;1526010260;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: fire at will 1812033;1526010262;asciilifeform;loox great. 1812034;1526010373;mircea_popescu;aaand it's out. 1812035;1526010387;asciilifeform;bwahahaha 1812036;1526010406;mircea_popescu;you know it took like 30 woman-hours, this thing ? not even counting my time. 1812037;1526010411;*;asciilifeform can picture. 1812038;1526010436;*;asciilifeform originally thought 'such small find, what can even be had from it' but mircea_popescu's olive press worx wonderz. 1812039;1526010458;mircea_popescu;incidentally, and for all time : http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-09#1811668 <<->> http://trilema.com/2018/and-in-things-that-didnt-happen-today-heres-192-cracked-github-keys-some-hotties-in-tech-included-yes/#footnote_4_79316 1812040;1526010458;a111;Logged on 2018-05-09 19:21 asciilifeform: hey mircea_popescu ( or anybody else ) do you happen to have a script handy for mass submission of links to archive.is ? 1812041;1526010480;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: exactly what i wanted, ty 1812042;1526010521;mircea_popescu;even saves resulting urls. 1812043;1526010663;mod6;nice post mircea_popescu! 1812044;1526010676;mircea_popescu;hm, is the lining messed up ? 1812045;1526010707;asciilifeform;formatting ? looks proper here 1812046;1526010751;mod6;they go cascading from left to right, looks ok but when you get down to 'jgabrielygalan' there is a funny looking wrap where 'key: 1' is left most justified. 1812047;1526010759;mod6;but seems to be pretty good anyway 1812048;1526010778;mod6;(might just be my screen or whatever) 1812049;1526010836;mod6;lmao 'thigh and pelvis arch' 1812050;1526010932;asciilifeform;bahaha fortunately db is o(n log n) nao, since each time mircea_popescu fixes a typo, his wptron loads all 193 keyz... 1812051;1526010932;mircea_popescu;mod6, hit a reload ? 1812052;1526010940;*;mod6 does 1812053;1526010942;mircea_popescu;i put some clearing elements in. 1812054;1526010946;mod6;oh yah, there you go 1812055;1526010963;mod6;*thumbsup* 1812056;1526010976;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, kik 1812057;1526010984;asciilifeform;i assume it's for the pingback feature 1812058;1526010988;mircea_popescu;it is yes. 1812059;1526011036;asciilifeform;at any rate thing oughta be able to stand up to whatever treatment the upstream pipe can give it, nao. 1812060;1526011058;mircea_popescu;curious which of the luminaries of pantsuit technologees gets pwnd first. 1812061;1526011093;asciilifeform;some of the lusers ( i specifically did not bother with exhaustive survey ) swapped keyz since '16, others -- not 1812062;1526011111;mircea_popescu;prolly should re-do the db walk anyways. 1812063;1526011112;asciilifeform;( at some point we do a refresh ) 1812064;1526011116;asciilifeform;aha 1812065;1526011132;asciilifeform;hey douchebag , pretty good entry level problem for you 1812066;1526011157;asciilifeform;i.e. retrieve all https://github.com/luser.keys , for all known values of luser 1812067;1526011174;*;asciilifeform brb,food 1812068;1526011230;mircea_popescu;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/factor/6323 fucking lolz. 1812069;1526011324;mod6;:D 1812070;1526011371;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2018/and-in-things-that-didnt-happen-today-heres-192-cracked-github-keys-some-hotties-in-tech-included-yes/ << Trilema - And in things that "didn't happen" today : here's 192 cracked github keys (some hotties in "tech" included, yes). 1812071;1526011655;mod6;exponent 35 lel! 1812072;1526011900;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, here's a suspicious : so many of these tards have known factors like 2, 3, 5 -- showing there was ~no primality test involved. isn't it bizarre we don't see other factors then, say 111 ? 1812073;1526012188;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, also webnitpick. see eg in https://archive.is/AvNme how the table cuts off the field ? is there some way to flow it instead ? 1812074;1526012454;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: howdja determine "some access to private repos"? 1812075;1526012474;mircea_popescu;i'll have to get back to you on that. 1812076;1526012511;mircea_popescu;(they leak it somewhere, but dun reclal right off where) 1812077;1526012810;ben_vulpes;> especially the varieties you can afford << har har har 1812078;1526012833;ben_vulpes;are ukeleles the instrument for people both too poor for a piano and lazy to learn guitar? 1812079;1526012995;mod6;hahaha 1812080;1526012998;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: adrian popa entry has a random https://archive.is/ string 1812081;1526013100;mod6;Software Engineer at The Nerdery, Minneapolis, MN << leeel 1812082;1526013236;mod6;I love this post. 1812083;1526013249;ben_vulpes;there is, or was i don't really care to look, something named like that in portland too: "The Open Sourcery" 1812084;1526013266;ben_vulpes;'please never give us money or trust us with anything' 1812085;1526013274;ben_vulpes;solid haul asciilifeform mircea_popescu 1812086;1526013365;mod6;Indeed. 1812087;1526013380;mod6;Phuctor prevails! 1812088;1526013917;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, aty 1812089;1526014201;mircea_popescu;its funny too, wp counts 3k words, but it's like 85kb. LONG WORDS 1812090;1526014324;lobbes;jesus, nice sifting mircea_popescu 1812091;1526014333;lobbes;and great win for phuctor overall 1812092;1526014355;mircea_popescu;:) 1812093;1526014407;lobbes;side note, that mass-submit archiver.is script puts mine to shame. You were able to get around the damn cloudshit with that? 1812094;1526014549;mircea_popescu;sure ? 1812095;1526014565;mircea_popescu;try it, why not. 1812096;1526014578;lobbes;yeah sorry, I'm sleep deprived. I remembered I only need the phantom js shit for the -download- portion, not submit 1812097;1526014605;mircea_popescu;you mean download from archive.is ? 1812098;1526014609;lobbes;yeah 1812099;1526014613;mircea_popescu;no wai ?! 1812100;1526014630;lobbes;oh yeah, I've had the automated downloading thing going for months 1812101;1526014648;mircea_popescu;but i mean... for what part ? plain curl will fetch the page. 1812102;1526014673;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-11#1812073 << reflows in all of my browsers 1812103;1526014673;a111;Logged on 2018-05-11 04:16 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, also webnitpick. see eg in https://archive.is/AvNme how the table cuts off the field ? is there some way to flow it instead ? 1812104;1526014685;mircea_popescu;well... not in archive ? 1812105;1526014696;asciilifeform;incl it 1812106;1526014708;asciilifeform;anybody else see nonreflow ? 1812107;1526014726;mircea_popescu;holy shit check this out. 1812108;1526014750;lobbes;mircea_popescu: curl will get the 'https://archive.is/AvNme,' but the thing I'm running downloads the 'https://archive.is/download/AvNme.zip' 1812109;1526014789;mircea_popescu;lobbes, curl will get any url you point it to neh ? curl 'https://archive.is/download/AvNme.zip' > AvNme.zip 1812110;1526014816;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, http://browsershots.org/http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/factor/6335 << notice, some don't. 1812111;1526014824;mircea_popescu;though at this point ima call it "fix your browser". 1812112;1526014841;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-11#1812072 << riemann had sumthing to say re subj iirc 1812113;1526014841;a111;Logged on 2018-05-11 04:11 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, here's a suspicious : so many of these tards have known factors like 2, 3, 5 -- showing there was ~no primality test involved. isn't it bizarre we don't see other factors then, say 111 ? 1812114;1526014865;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, it seems to me the factors ~aren;t~ normally distributed. 1812115;1526014882;mircea_popescu;ie, not ~exactly~ "picked a random number, tested for no primalities". but biased source. 1812116;1526014893;asciilifeform;possibly 1812117;1526014896;lobbes;mircea_popescu: aye, but try that out for yerself; comes back as 0 bytes 1812118;1526014907;lobbes;hence, needing the hack around the cloudshit 1812119;1526014948;lobbes;crude hack, but worx for now. 1812120;1526015086;mircea_popescu;jesus look at that, redirects to .today, which is fakeproxied by cloudflare and attempts to force javascript being active. 1812121;1526015099;lobbes;yup. was a bitch to get around 1812122;1526015121;mircea_popescu;the fucking cheek of these fucktards. 1812123;1526015151;*;lobbes sacrificed an old lappy as the proverbial 'public toilet'; loaded to the hilt with js-crapolade 1812124;1526015298;lobbes;But, once I learn to properly represent www as ASTs we can have the beginnings of a proper republican archive 1812125;1526015320;lobbes;hell, the rockchip may even suffice for a prototype if anything 1812126;1526015353;*;lobbes bbl, sleep 1812127;1526015549;mircea_popescu;lobbes : curl --cookie "__cfduid=dd16c67421dbb9d1705d6bf28b3fa898c1525574538" -A "TMSR fucks cloudflare" http://archive.today/download/AvNme.zip > AvNme.zip 1812128;1526015641;mircea_popescu;basically, scrape its cookie and then fuck it. 1812129;1526015788;mircea_popescu;i suppose in the end that's what phantom.js is doing anywya. 1812130;1526025899;ave1;And unhappening, I cannot find the broken keys on github... (Also bitbucket ssh-key api gives errors) 1812131;1526025930;mircea_popescu;awww 1812132;1526026259;ave1;For example, https://api.github.com/users/rimolive/keys, has a list of keys, but not the one phunctored. For others the list is simply empty 1812133;1526026500;mircea_popescu;ave1, if you feel like taking a break from diddling ada, feel free to walk the github/bitbucket/we db. spit out keys in the republican format ( http://btcbase.org/log/2016-05-20#1469647 ). it'll take a day or two to put in, and the chances of the new set being devoid of lulz are ~0. 1812134;1526026500;a111;Logged on 2016-05-20 17:48 jurov: it's CSV e,N, comment 1812135;1526026706;ave1;I can bash script. But I've never scraped in any real volume. So if anybody has hints to servers that can be used for this... 1812136;1526027012;mircea_popescu;well, put the rockchip to the test i guess. 1812137;1526027136;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-10#1811954 <-- can't help but ask: in the biblical sense? 1812138;1526027136;a111;Logged on 2018-05-10 18:40 mircea_popescu: meanwhile lulzdraft upgraded with a "i think i know his mom", also. ima go have lunch, this is a monster. 1812139;1526027218;spyked;(ftr, /me has read some of dood's work, he seems well-regarded by ro math/logic ppl; unfortunately too ensconced in grantola, sorta the bernstein type I guess) 1812140;1526027335;mircea_popescu;in other lulz, phuctor acts as a de facto ssh to gpg bridge now, can download the gpg style keys. 1812141;1526028591;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, btw, can the form accept ssh format besides gpg format ? 1812142;1526028669;spyked;^ would also like to try $feature. digging through the logs for this, I found http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-16#1671042 , but unfortunately link is broken 1812143;1526028669;a111;Logged on 2017-06-16 15:34 Framedragger: asciilifeform: unless #3 you meant ssh key to rfc4880 pgp converter (http://siphnos.mkj.lt/datadrop/crap-from-scans-to-be-sorted/ssh-to-pgp.py), but again, prolly not. don't remember seeing any phuctor innards tbh (except for fingerprint algo), but could just be me 1812144;1526028971;mircea_popescu;sux 1812145;1526029201;*;mircea_popescu shall bbl. 1812146;1526029669;spyked;aand found! reposting for context --> http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-17#1484266 , http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-04#1552956 1812147;1526029669;a111;Logged on 2016-06-17 19:08 jurov: whoever wants my tool for converting rsa moduli to phuctor, send him to http://explo.yt/post/2016/05/20/Parsing-OpenSSH-RSA-keys-in-Python 1812148;1526029669;a111;Logged on 2016-10-04 19:27 mircea_popescu: there is of course jurov's http://explo.yt/post/2016/05/20/Parsing-OpenSSH-RSA-keys-in-Python 1812149;1526029751;diana_coman;so much weird in that set re key generation; many seem to have e=35 which sounds like one step further from "we like 37" (so why not 35, it's a number just as good as 37!) 1812150;1526029823;diana_coman;(in case anyone wonders: ref there is to google cloud's "/* we like this prime */" ) 1812151;1526031734;ave1;I have a key with e==35! This one was generated 9 years ago on a redhat linux of that period. 1812152;1526031991;spyked;heh. same here, genned on african linux cca 2011. 1812153;1526032012;spyked;or was it 2008. I dun remember exactly. 1812154;1526043114;BingoBoingo;Holy shit, I wake up with FAR less crackling in my lungs AND a milestone on the path to reddit bags for the reading! 1812155;1526044375;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/05/revived-phuctor-breaks-a-big-pile-of-github-developer-ssh-keys-in-return/ << Qntra - Revived Phuctor Breaks A Big Pile Of Github Developer SSH Keys In Return 1812156;1526045526;diana_coman;BingoBoingo, typos "definte" in http://qntra.net/2018/05/revived-phuctor-breaks-a-big-pile-of-github-developer-ssh-keys-in-return/ and "continuing escaltion " + "Not content to the the big" in http://qntra.net/2018/05/largest-israeli-missile-barrage-in-7-years-of-syrian-war-aggresses-against-iranian-positions/; 1812157;1526045555;BingoBoingo;diana_coman: ty, fxing 1812158;1526046050;asciilifeform;!Q later tell spyked http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-11#1812142 << >> http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/j8MGT/?raw=true 1812159;1526046050;a111;Logged on 2018-05-11 08:51 spyked: ^ would also like to try $feature. digging through the logs for this, I found http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-16#1671042 , but unfortunately link is broken 1812160;1526046050;lobbesbot;asciilifeform: The operation succeeded. 1812161;1526046109;asciilifeform;!Q later tell spyked this script takes the format used in jurov's 'phathub' 2016 collection, and produces set of phuctor-compatible keys. do not forget to specify 'legend', the user string, to identify precisely what the key is, otherwise it will remain a mystery forever to reader 1812162;1526046109;lobbesbot;asciilifeform: The operation succeeded. 1812163;1526046201;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-11#1812141 << phuctor was written very tightly around indexing pgp keys, and demands that all keys be indexable in the same ways ( by e.g. gpg-compat fingerprint ) . additionally , it demands that all keys have a human-readable legend, and ssh key format does not give any field for such. 1812164;1526046201;a111;Logged on 2018-05-11 08:49 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, btw, can the form accept ssh format besides gpg format ? 1812165;1526046246;asciilifeform;additionally, the difficulty of keying in random garbage and having it show up as 'key', has worked to date as primitive, yet 100% effective, spam control. 1812166;1526046329;asciilifeform;( see also old thread , http://btcbase.org/log/2016-05-20#1469676 ) 1812167;1526046329;a111;Logged on 2016-05-20 18:00 asciilifeform: try to understand how special cases make complexity of a proggy explode. 1812168;1526046416;asciilifeform;nao ! at some point i'ma rewrite it. again. and build it around 'naked' rsa moduli, and with variant types of indices, etc. but i have nfi when i will get a chance to do this. 1812169;1526046652;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-11#1812151 << iirc we had the thread; nonprime exponent is cryptologically equivalent to using the smallest prime factor of same as the exponent; the bits set in excess of this, simply help timing/radio/DPA attack to succeed 1812170;1526046652;a111;Logged on 2018-05-11 09:42 ave1: I have a key with e==35! This one was generated 9 years ago on a redhat linux of that period. 1812171;1526048979;spyked;ty asciilifeform 1812172;1526048979;lobbesbot;spyked: Sent 48 minutes ago: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-11#1812142 << >> http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/j8MGT/?raw=true 1812173;1526048980;lobbesbot;spyked: Sent 47 minutes ago: this script takes the format used in jurov's 'phathub' 2016 collection, and produces set of phuctor-compatible keys. do not forget to specify 'legend', the user string, to identify precisely what the key is, otherwise it will remain a mystery forever to reader 1812174;1526049326;asciilifeform;spyked: lemme know if you have any problem. 1812175;1526049714;asciilifeform;spyked: the only even modestly difficult part of the puzzle, afaik, is to enumerate the user set. 1812176;1526049730;asciilifeform;( i do not know how precisely jurov did it, but can think of several ways ) 1812177;1526049879;spyked;asciilifeform, what do you mean by user set? 1812178;1526049904;asciilifeform;spyked: the values to put in equation http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-11#1812066 1812179;1526049904;a111;Logged on 2018-05-11 03:59 asciilifeform: i.e. retrieve all https://github.com/luser.keys , for all known values of luser 1812180;1526050171;spyked;ah, I didn't think that far yet. I wanna submit some of the ssh keys I have lying around (or see if they were previously submitted). 1812181;1526050206;spyked;re enumeration, it seems that shithub has this in their public API: https://developer.github.com/v3/users/#get-all-users never tried it though 1812182;1526050411;spyked;can confirm it worx: e.g. https://api.github.com/users?since=46 returns users starting from id 47. 1812183;1526050717;*;asciilifeform somewhat surprised 1812184;1526051388;*;asciilifeform waves to the cia 'cloud' cluster repeatedly (wai..?) leeching the 193 keyz from last night 1812185;1526052964;mircea_popescu;diana_coman, for a while 35 was actually the default exponent in the circus circle. 1812186;1526053023;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-11#1812151 << see, exactly. 1812187;1526053023;a111;Logged on 2018-05-11 09:42 ave1: I have a key with e==35! This one was generated 9 years ago on a redhat linux of that period. 1812188;1526053049;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: at some near future point i'ma put in a 'strange exponents' zoo 1812189;1526053075;asciilifeform;( there's a few keys with outlandishly huge ones; and even 1 with exponent of... 1 ) 1812190;1526053105;mircea_popescu;lol. 1 makes such a great exponent. 1812191;1526053124;asciilifeform;bestest. 1812192;1526053176;mircea_popescu;if hilarity ran for exponent, she'd be a one. 1812193;1526053205;mircea_popescu;btw hanbot, i noticed last night the dogs were lying awake. 1812194;1526053218;mircea_popescu;i suspect they were wondering whether there's a dylsexic agnostic insomniac. 1812195;1526053321;mircea_popescu;"the RSA supercollider and numerical observatory" << ahahaha i like this. a numerical observatory. 1812196;1526053551;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-11#1812163 << are you saying basically that your indexing of keys depends on spurious metadata that's unrelated to the keys ? anyway, ssh key has a comment field implicit, people often drop an email in there say. 1812197;1526053551;a111;Logged on 2018-05-11 13:43 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-11#1812141 << phuctor was written very tightly around indexing pgp keys, and demands that all keys be indexable in the same ways ( by e.g. gpg-compat fingerprint ) . additionally , it demands that all keys have a human-readable legend, and ssh key format does not give any field for such. 1812198;1526053580;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: most extant ssh pubkeys ( as scanned in the wild ) carry no comment. 1812199;1526053591;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-11#1812165 << so basically the idea here is "ssh keys are not self signed". still though, the usecase is this : guy ssh-gens a key, wants to see if openssl fucked him. 1812200;1526053591;a111;Logged on 2018-05-11 13:44 asciilifeform: additionally, the difficulty of keying in random garbage and having it show up as 'key', has worked to date as primitive, yet 100% effective, spam control. 1812201;1526053603;mircea_popescu;as you know, plenty of them have, as proven by recent publishments. 1812202;1526053605;asciilifeform;aactually the generated keys also carry no self-signature 1812203;1526053609;mircea_popescu;it's not entirely a spurious desire. 1812204;1526053611;asciilifeform;( how would they ) 1812205;1526053628;asciilifeform;the ones that come out of Framedragger's, jurov's, and then asciilifeform's , scripts, i mean 1812206;1526053635;mircea_popescu;right. 1812207;1526053657;mircea_popescu;still, do you see what i mean ? 1812208;1526053685;asciilifeform;certainly 1812209;1526053697;mircea_popescu;well, it's mutual ; i also see what you mean. 1812210;1526053697;asciilifeform;hence http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-11#1812168 remark. 1812211;1526053697;a111;Logged on 2018-05-11 13:46 asciilifeform: nao ! at some point i'ma rewrite it. again. and build it around 'naked' rsa moduli, and with variant types of indices, etc. but i have nfi when i will get a chance to do this. 1812212;1526053721;mircea_popescu;yes, but even if you were to, the argument is cogent, "lowering the bar to spamming results in exponential spam volumes" 1812213;1526053742;asciilifeform;really excitable folx, can spam already, in principle. but nobody to date bothered. 1812214;1526053747;mircea_popescu;~possibly~ the solution is to take gpg-only submissions via webform and any-key submissions via an eventual #trilema bot. 1812215;1526053763;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, that's exactly the idea, the herd won't bother until you reach the precise epsilon. 1812216;1526053764;asciilifeform;possibly yea 1812217;1526053847;mircea_popescu;but it goes to show what seems to me actually an intrinsic failure of the ssh key format : the fact that it isn't self-signed (rather more generally, the fact that it "segwits" the metadata, having the whole authority mechanism separated from the actual key [and generally implemented as "this key has authority because $user emailed it to me"]) makes it very vulnerable to any failure outside of itself, and impossible to evalua 1812218;1526053847;mircea_popescu;te as a thing-in-itself. 1812219;1526053850;asciilifeform;btw, since we're on subj, http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/eeYZ8/?raw=true << exponent 1 1812220;1526053859;asciilifeform;11 keys... 1812221;1526053869;mircea_popescu;so at the same time people want to see whether "their" ssh key is fucking them like historically they have ; but we can't distinguish "their" key from garbage. 1812222;1526053896;mircea_popescu;my only concern here is whether this actually invalidates the e, N, comment republican format, as a rsa key format. 1812223;1526053902;mircea_popescu;should really be "self-signed" ? 1812224;1526053911;asciilifeform;i seem to recall a thread where mircea_popescu convincingly described 'self signatures are meaningless' 1812225;1526053917;asciilifeform;currently digging, but not yet found 1812226;1526053951;mircea_popescu;i'd like to review this, i've been thinking about this nonsense ever since you started making noises about the ssh set. 1812227;1526054033;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-16#1522697 << orig mircea_popescu thread 1812228;1526054033;a111;Logged on 2016-08-16 20:59 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform no selfsig. 1812229;1526054044;*;mircea_popescu rereads 1812230;1526054071;mircea_popescu;the excitement of "let's see if we said something stupid two years ago that informed policy for the interval and now we're biting it" in the morning... 1812231;1526054174;asciilifeform;i did not cite $thread in the american judge 'we already precedented!11' sense, but in 'let's reread' 1812232;1526054288;mircea_popescu;aha. 1812233;1526054330;asciilifeform;also the term 'self signature' as used in kochiana/rfc2440/4880 world , is misleading : if all that were signed were a modulus, one could trivially produce 'self sig' for any modulus/exponent that satisfy the rsa equation, incl. ones generated on the spot. 'self sig' in gpg world is simply attempt to tie commentstrings to keys. 1812234;1526054448;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-16#1522739 1812235;1526054448;a111;Logged on 2016-08-16 21:10 mircea_popescu: as it's not acctually correctly designed it 1) creates false sense of security ; 2) creates unnecessary byzantinism and "can't pop the hood on this" 1812236;1526054467;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, indeed. i tell you, i don't see it. the arguments from 2016 prevail, making the ssh-style correct imo. 1812237;1526054476;asciilifeform;rright, recall how (evidently) some pgptron, somewhere, was quite satisfied with 'piltdown man' signatures, ripped out of other keys 1812238;1526054493;mircea_popescu;what gpg tried to do is somehow kludge a whole working republic into their early prototype key "ecosystem". it didn't work in practice, but that aside, it's not actually useful. 1812239;1526054517;asciilifeform;it made for a monumental pile of dysfunctional moving parts. 1812240;1526054520;mircea_popescu;it just creates a pile of counterproductive complexity. 1812241;1526054525;mircea_popescu;right. 1812242;1526054576;mircea_popescu;so there's no way out of it, http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-16#1522722 <<-->> http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-11#1812114 reflect over the ages. 1812243;1526054576;a111;Logged on 2016-08-16 21:03 mircea_popescu: it's not "the sks server" that is retarded. is the concept of machine-spread rsa key that's retarded ; much in the way of "machine-generated trust", be it embodied in "dao" or "colored coins" or "safe bitbet" 1812244;1526054576;a111;Logged on 2018-05-11 05:01 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, it seems to me the factors ~aren;t~ normally distributed. 1812245;1526054587;mircea_popescu;o damn, wrong link lol. 1812246;1526054593;asciilifeform;and the ( let's charitably suppose something other than plain wrecking ) motivation for the very notion, was 'defense against key substitution' which is really an attempt to get around the need for wot 1812247;1526054598;asciilifeform;which is the ultimate folly 1812248;1526054606;mircea_popescu;so there's no way out of it, http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-16#1522722 <<-->> http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-11#1812214 reflect over the ages. 1812249;1526054606;a111;Logged on 2016-08-16 21:03 mircea_popescu: it's not "the sks server" that is retarded. is the concept of machine-spread rsa key that's retarded ; much in the way of "machine-generated trust", be it embodied in "dao" or "colored coins" or "safe bitbet" 1812250;1526054606;a111;Logged on 2018-05-11 15:49 mircea_popescu: ~possibly~ the solution is to take gpg-only submissions via webform and any-key submissions via an eventual #trilema bot. 1812251;1526054620;asciilifeform;there we go. 1812252;1526054651;mircea_popescu;basically, exactly like you say, we have a personhood mechanism, it'll have to be used. can't sit down and "make a mechanical friend JUST FOR THIS ONE CASE" 1812253;1526054674;asciilifeform;some things are not mechanizable, and whoever tries -- will pay the price. 1812254;1526054680;mircea_popescu;the impossibility of mechanical friendship isn't case by case, it's a fundamental problem. 1812255;1526054746;mircea_popescu;well, this is then what even gets one out of bed in the morning : the hope shining through the dread, that even should something from years ago have to be reviewed on grounds of suspected stupidity, there's a shot it may turn out to have actually been quite correct. 1812256;1526054779;asciilifeform;this is quite related to the 'subkeys' thread also. 1812257;1526054798;asciilifeform;certain chores repeatedly invite disastrous attempts at mechanization. 1812258;1526054823;mircea_popescu;indeed. 1812259;1526054834;mircea_popescu;!#s hole night in 1812260;1526054835;a111;18 results for "hole night in", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=hole%20night%20in 1812261;1526054854;asciilifeform;( witness the neverending supply of lost souls who still demand 'pgptron built into email reader' or even automatic signing of this or that ) 1812262;1526054938;mircea_popescu;same people who get "excited" about "paying with credit cards". "it's so much easier!!!". and these days "near field" or w/e they're doing. 1812263;1526055006;asciilifeform;funnily enuff i got stuck behind one of these in a little shop in BingoBoingostan : the lulz was in that the modem in the register was slow enuff that cc folx were ~slower~ than ones paying with ordinary money 1812264;1526055044;mircea_popescu;it's universally the case. the only reason it's not obvious in the us is that everyone there is poor, nobody has anyt money. 1812265;1526055075;asciilifeform;in us it is worse : cachiers are often met with who cannot count, and if you pay with money, you will wait 1812266;1526055128;asciilifeform;( and if you are certain places, like petrol station, you will stand for 20+min in a queue which cc users never see ) 1812267;1526055309;mircea_popescu;twas not my experience, but then again it's been what, 15 years. 1812268;1526055347;asciilifeform;was palpably different place, 15y ago. 1812269;1526055356;asciilifeform;( and this is speaking merely of asciilifeform's locale ) 1812270;1526055361;mircea_popescu;that bad, huh. 1812271;1526055391;mircea_popescu;to think, my impression then was, "pity it all went to shit". 1812272;1526055404;asciilifeform;physical shops selling nonperishables , are visibly dying off, nuked by lulazon 1812273;1526055449;asciilifeform;errywhere they turn into 'space for lease' (never gets filled, as prices are deliberately kept at lunar heights to keep rent up for remaining tenants) 1812274;1526055488;mircea_popescu;so what, buildng a great country of 90% dormitories and 10% "1, mccain memorial law enforcement monumental avenue" cubical concrete abominations ? 1812275;1526055529;ben_vulpes;dude just the chip and pin crap is intolerably slow. 1812276;1526055531;asciilifeform;cardboard dormitories. 1812277;1526055535;asciilifeform;( cement, too costly ) 1812278;1526055565;asciilifeform;cubicle hells still cement, for nao, but i already spotted a few new constructions with gypsum outer walls 1812279;1526055646;BingoBoingo; funnily enuff i got stuck behind one of these in a little shop in BingoBoingostan : the lulz was in that the modem in the register was slow enuff that cc folx were ~slower~ than ones paying with ordinary money << Serious quality of life issue here. The awful part is the locals CAN'T learn to use the pin pads and have to try 3+ times 1812280;1526055812;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: re bank cards : it gets funnier : in usa, many folx dun actually qualify to ~borrow~ moneys, and their cards are imitations, they have to pre-fill'em at specially designated places, in exchange for ordinary money; and it actually ~costs~ something, on top of the fill 1812281;1526055828;mircea_popescu;oh, i know. 1812282;1526055854;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, money is way faster than the cards, though. 1812283;1526055880;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: no argument there 1812284;1526055886;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-11#1812195 << Well, who else is doing interesting observations on wild numbers? 1812285;1526055886;a111;Logged on 2018-05-11 15:42 mircea_popescu: "the RSA supercollider and numerical observatory" << ahahaha i like this. a numerical observatory. 1812286;1526055912;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: chix at princeton!1111 1812287;1526055927;asciilifeform;or was it dour old d00d in tourist hat. 1812288;1526055929;mircea_popescu;in strict, physical terms. i can peel a coupla bills off the roll way before anyone can a) take the card b) orient it to machine slit ; c) slide it through ; d) wait for data to run back and forth to visa servers (include here the pro-rated delay of "servers down" shenanigans) ; e) get me to "sign" like 1100 period barbarians the f) slip of paper it printed and spit out etc. 1812289;1526055959;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: dun forget the 'dial, at 300 baud' in orcistan 1812290;1526055993;ben_vulpes;http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2018-5-11#353878 << i found one made of brick! couldn't believe the thermal inertia. 1812291;1526055994;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-05-11 16:06 asciilifeform: cardboard dormitories. 1812292;1526056019;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: they're building a buncha communal flats over here, they all get decorative fauxbrick panels over the gypsum 1812293;1526056026;asciilifeform;( they come on truck, in pre-cut panels ) 1812294;1526056047;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, my place in tm, had double layered brick walls, proper style. by the time the outside of the inner wall warmed up the sun was setting. 1812295;1526056056;mircea_popescu;a forgotten art, this, to match heating speed of materials with day length. 1812296;1526056083;danielpbarron;Victims include developers at big companies such as Microsoft, Facebook, Eventbrite, and a bunch of Neet employees (probably used the same weak tool) << Guy thinks "neet" is a company? 1812297;1526056110;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron, discussion in harem, "isn't that too much linking on the neet explanation ?" "you'll see". 1812298;1526056112;danielpbarron;http://archive.is/CYbra >> Security researcher finds 192 weakly-factored GitHub SSH keys. 1812299;1526056114;mircea_popescu;can't wait for her to wake up, now. 1812300;1526056143;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: in other lollies, 64377 keys where exp=3 1812301;1526056153;mircea_popescu;these people went to school, beating them over the head repeatedly with any reference is just table stakes, says nothing about eventual outcomes. 1812302;1526056171;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, odds are, antiques. exp was 3 on "cheap" systems throughout the 90s. 1812303;1526056174;asciilifeform;(i.e. bleichenbacher-able ) 1812304;1526056245;asciilifeform;and, interestingly, ~not~ all antiques, a great many e.g. 4096-bit ones 1812305;1526056251;mircea_popescu;ahahaha what. 1812306;1526056255;asciilifeform;aha. 1812307;1526056276;mircea_popescu;christ on a cracker, the e=3 n=4096 bit key. who makes such things. 1812308;1526056278;asciilifeform;plenty of lulz left in the lulzmag. 1812309;1526056313;ben_vulpes;ohay is there a crackernyooz link? 1812310;1526056317;asciilifeform;danielpbarron: '... and a bunch of Neet employees (probably used the same weak tool)' << waaat 1812311;1526056361;*;asciilifeform pictures conglomerate, Neet Heavy Industries, Ltd, with legions of slaves 1812312;1526056367;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, check me out, i made it, security researcher now. 1812313;1526056378;mircea_popescu;!#s calificare la locul de munca. 1812314;1526056378;a111;0 results for "calificare la locul de munca.", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=calificare%20la%20locul%20de%20munca. 1812315;1526056394;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, how was this in sovrussian, "trained in the workplace" ? 1812316;1526056404;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: 'made it' in 2015, recall, https://archive.li/7OxKW 1812317;1526056405;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: this one is nominally double-walled; haven't cut through it...yet. 1812318;1526056416;asciilifeform;the one where 'boeck confirms, not true!' etc 1812319;1526056419;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, oh oh, i gorfot. 1812320;1526056471;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, old friend showed me some wonders... they have cheap enough US machines to use for building valuations now. 1812321;1526056492;mircea_popescu;ridoinculous beeping doohickey, too. i was like "so... is it a boy ?" 1812322;1526056584;asciilifeform;what does such a thing do ? or is this the mechanized dowsing rod thing 1812323;1526056614;ben_vulpes;interesting; i've got to install a hood in the kitchen; so will learn the truth without any electronics. 1812324;1526056658;ben_vulpes;(how the kitchen came to be without a hood is a mystery i do not think i shall ever understand, given that the dood ran cat5 and coax to every room. what, no women cooking in his life or something?) 1812325;1526056698;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: believe or not, none of the places i've ever lived in, had a 'honest' kitchen exhaust (i.e. with actual pipe to the outside world) 1812326;1526056719;asciilifeform;always it is the ersatz, instead, with the charcoal filter (that gives out in coupla months) 1812327;1526056751;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, it does two things. one is that it can mostly distinguish concrete from brick from wood and so on, it has the patterns of specific materials. the other is that it can evaluate "decay", in the sense of how uniform or nonuniform the wall is. so once it decided it's wood it can tell you ~how old ; and if concrete ~how fractured so on. 1812328;1526056776;mircea_popescu;ample potential for hilarious misreads, which is why it's not dispensed with the human operator yet. but way the fuck faster and cheaper than proof hole drilling. 1812329;1526056778;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: i'll do you one just a hair more ridiculous: this place has a whole-house evacuator that "well you can just run the whole-house fan when you're cooking!" 1812330;1526056792;ben_vulpes;motherfucker because i want to dump my entire heated air mass every time the girl fries something 1812331;1526056815;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: aaa the radar thing. funny story with these, the old-world version of this was the gamma-radiograph. in su they used them to evaluate cured cement prior to finishing a block of flat. aaand sometimes they'd forget the sr-90 brick inside the wall, and roast several generations of tenants 1812332;1526056832;mircea_popescu;lol. i heard the legends. 1812333;1526056838;ben_vulpes;oof. 1812334;1526056852;mircea_popescu;not very likely, though, sr brick was $$$. 1812335;1526056882;asciilifeform;not as if the idjit who dropped it into the cement, had to pay 1812336;1526056888;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, this was ultrasound, but same principle. 1812337;1526056947;asciilifeform;hm i misremembered, the most famous incident, in kramatorsk ('80s) involved a cs-137 brick. 1812338;1526056953;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, they came on a signature form thing though! http://btcbase.org/log/2014-11-15#922644 1812339;1526056953;a111;Logged on 2014-11-15 00:28 asciilifeform: one would read instructions. another, turn a wrench, whatever. third would check that 2 corresponds to 1. then, all three sign under that step in recipe. 1812340;1526056956;asciilifeform;but otherwise as-described. 1812341;1526056962;ben_vulpes;anyone have a grahamnews account? submit the phuctoring? 1812342;1526056976;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, they can't do it themselves ? 1812343;1526056989;mircea_popescu;let the aspirants to relevancy work for their aspirations. 1812344;1526056989;ben_vulpes;I HUNGER FOR LOLS 1812345;1526056996;mircea_popescu;so then make an acct lol. 1812346;1526056998;asciilifeform;https://archive.li/kNiIH << for the curious. 1812347;1526057098;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, odds are very much no women cooking in his life. it is universally my experience esl girls do not even conceptuialize such a miracle as "make your own food" is possible. 1812348;1526057129;mircea_popescu;i mean, that nut with the "mac on cheese on pizza awesum!" is actually adventurous and far sighted with reference to her peer group. sad as that may sound. 1812349;1526057158;asciilifeform;it is a curable condition. ( but not quickly, and not painlessly ) 1812350;1526057186;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: sure, dood is like sixty five tho. 1812351;1526057202;mircea_popescu;not that slow either. the mentally livelier ones REALLY get motivated by the "make something with own hands" cheap and early successes. 1812352;1526057223;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, for the record, if your place needs evacuation every time girl fries something you might consider a) getting better oil and b) not smoking the shit out of it. 1812353;1526057424;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: the comments in heathen pits the last coupla times were so predictable, as to be imho complete snoar. but who knows. 1812354;1526057460;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: make boeck work for his pay, why not. 1812355;1526057709;asciilifeform;in related noose, today's phuctor www l0gz include campus of microshit, arsebook, etc; prolly already on conveyor for 'consensus farm' 1812356;1526057783;mircea_popescu;i must say im really impressed with phuctor 3.0 webatron. sensibly more responsive than prev. 1812357;1526057802;asciilifeform;this one actually scales. 1812358;1526057808;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: nono, i exaggerate, grossly. that said, i haven't figured out how to bake a chicken without a cloud of chicken-scent emerging and permeating the domus on every basting. 1812359;1526057879;mircea_popescu;well... the way they do it here is that you take it out to the "rancho" (basically, concrete poles with a roof) and charcoal it there. 1812360;1526057884;mircea_popescu;i am a convert to the method. 1812361;1526057907;ben_vulpes;sounds spiffy! 1812362;1526057930;*;ben_vulpes has been drawing up plans for a permanent gas/charcoal combo griller 1812363;1526057949;mircea_popescu;the very relaxed attitude to fire among these people is a joy to behold. a) anyone can start a lawn fire at any time they feel like, and there's daily sirens from firetrucks rushing to reign in the more successful attempts. 1812364;1526057972;mircea_popescu;b) go to the beach, want to start a fire ? by all means. wanna make a fire in your yard ? yes please. is there a fire going ? cool! 1812365;1526057998;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: place gets enough rain that the whole thing is unlikely to go up at once right? 1812366;1526058017;mircea_popescu;not really, can get pretty dry in dry season. 1812367;1526058042;ben_vulpes;wildfires at all? suffers from the northwestern us problem of excess tinder buildup at all? 1812368;1526058047;mircea_popescu;however a) they build out of steel beams and brick and b) they're built out of solid "don't give a fuck". so... 1812369;1526058055;*;trinque had a nice outing with the girl once, drove 4runner out onto the beach, fucked the night away, cooked breakfast in a fire-pit we made 1812370;1526058064;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, suffers from it moderately. there's occasional wildfire, but nothing like california. 1812371;1526058082;mircea_popescu;trinque, lovely innit! 1812372;1526058092;trinque;indeed 1812373;1526058094;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: sounds like they let it burn off, which'd keep it moderate. the problem usgderps suffer from is *not* letting it burn. 1812374;1526058102;mircea_popescu;charcoal sack is now a mandatory car trunk item. at the rate i'm going i might actually next buy a truck. 1812375;1526058120;*;ben_vulpes pictures mircea_popescu and crew in a unimog 1812376;1526058121;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, also not the same flora here. the wood is about half-value if i had to guess, caloric-wise. 1812377;1526058134;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, unimog-LIMO!! 1812378;1526058138;ben_vulpes;aah this changes things 1812379;1526058139;trinque;lol 1812380;1526058145;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: don't get high sided my man 1812381;1526058151;mircea_popescu;WITH WINGS 1812382;1526058155;ben_vulpes;or or unimog limo with ultra lift kit 1812383;1526058160;mircea_popescu;see ? 1812384;1526058161;ben_vulpes;and three winches 1812385;1526058166;ben_vulpes;and seven wenches 1812386;1526058175;mircea_popescu;ahoy hoy hoy 1812387;1526058178;mircea_popescu;and a bottle of rum 1812388;1526058189;asciilifeform;kamaz! 1812389;1526058190;ben_vulpes;this begs to be ensongified 1812390;1526058192;mircea_popescu;(the bottle of venezuelan rum, btw, has been a standard mandatory for the car for a year now) 1812391;1526058204;ben_vulpes;deeeelux road soda 1812392;1526058223;mircea_popescu;"do you drink and drive ?" "yes. i drink -- she drives." 1812393;1526058294;ben_vulpes;poor asciilifeform, one begins to understand his resentment of the "bars with acres of parking" 1812394;1526058295;asciilifeform;http://www.arms-expo.ru/upload/medialibrary/648/648f42885f02861489fa6bce1a980035.jpg << subj 1812395;1526058325;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, ahahaha, is that a locomotive temple to my penis ? 1812396;1526058346;asciilifeform;kamaz. ( to be fair, they make a buncha different ones ) 1812397;1526058359;mircea_popescu;talk about enforcing the patriarchy. DICKTRUCK 1812398;1526058379;asciilifeform;http://kamaz.ru . 1812399;1526058384;mircea_popescu;"it will ruin your shit. literally, by which i mean anally." 1812400;1526058408;mircea_popescu;"you know how after you're constipated for like the rest of the day ? shit has been ruined!" 1812401;1526058420;asciilifeform;they make, e.g., topol-m launcher, iirc 1812402;1526058433;asciilifeform;( speaking of gigantic cocks ) 1812403;1526058473;mircea_popescu;aha. 1812404;1526058537;asciilifeform;in running-lulz, www hits from arsebook-owned ip ranges in 4 countries, and counting 1812405;1526058549;asciilifeform;( i suppose they ended up with the boecking job this time ) 1812406;1526058552;mircea_popescu;are you having a fun over there ? lol. 1812407;1526058562;asciilifeform;slow-burning fun in 1 eye 1812408;1526058619;asciilifeform;( i still have nfi, fwiw, who/where linked to it, to which heathens, possibly from mircea_popescu's logs later we will know some of it ) 1812409;1526058656;asciilifeform;latest : stanford campus 1812410;1526058678;asciilifeform;( i'm betting, it's on reddit somewhere ) 1812411;1526058721;mircea_popescu;discord! 1812412;1526058727;asciilifeform;lol 1812413;1526058841;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, anyway, yeah, the "wood"... i mean they have all these overgrown grasses which to ~them~ appear woody, but taking an axe to a palm is not so unlike taking down a movie set in anger. 1812414;1526058859;mircea_popescu;you can hold without effort humongous looking clubs, too, it's practically speaking made of packing peanuts. 1812415;1526058907;mircea_popescu;also very large cacti count as "wooden" in this sense. but i mean gimme a break, yes wood is supposed to float, but not in acetone ffs. 1812416;1526058910;asciilifeform;https://archive.li/O1H7v << in re pertinent shithub oldies 1812417;1526059065;asciilifeform;https://blog.benjojo.co.uk/post/auditing-github-users-keys << the horse's mouth re ^ ; orig article by the orig 'henninger' who 'did' the experiment (i.e. experiment-stopper ) and (not)published 1812418;1526059159;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, wait, so they claim they PURGED the debian keys ? in 2015 ? 1812419;1526059163;mircea_popescu;my my is this embarassing then. 1812420;1526059174;asciilifeform;only for the Anointed, naturally 1812421;1526059290;asciilifeform;( ftr asciilifeform suspects that 'debianized' primes are sometimes emplace by ~current-day~ proggies; the debianization is 'deniable cover' of the exact kind usg luvvvs like delish candy ) 1812422;1526059298;asciilifeform;*emplaced 1812423;1526059318;mircea_popescu;not entirely impossible. 1812424;1526059352;asciilifeform;observe, every effort is made to extend , somehow, the life of that particular escapade 1812425;1526060756;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: typo in your article, 'Fritz' archive link goes to the 'innergap' chick 1812426;1526061153;mircea_popescu;oopsie. lessee 1812427;1526061338;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, fixt. ty. 1812428;1526063631;asciilifeform;in other lullies, https://archive.li/1QxgC >> 'Decompiling the ElectrumPro stealware' 1812429;1526063656;asciilifeform;'The "electrum dot com" scheme is taking that attack further: the scammers have managed to take control of the dot com domain, and they have developed a website with a slightly different design and logo. The authors have been claiming that they are developing a legitimate fork of the Electrum project, and that they are trying to improve user experience. The owners of "electrum dot com" went as far as to claim that they are "currently 1812430;1526063656;asciilifeform; undergoing a public security audit which will be released soon".' etc 1812431;1526063737;asciilifeform;( run moar binturds!111 ) 1812432;1526064198;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-11#1812396 << amongst all the different build variations they also have a shiny version that's more palatable for foreigners that they build for dakar rally. been taking first place there for couple of years http://videoscars.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/here-come-the-kamaz-dakar-2016.jpg 1812433;1526064198;a111;Logged on 2018-05-11 17:05 asciilifeform: kamaz. ( to be fair, they make a buncha different ones ) 1812434;1526064283;phf;http://image.trucktrend.com/f/28165691+re0+ar0+st0/1008dp_03%2bdakar_rally_kamaz_dakar_t4_race%2bcenter_of_gravity.jpg 1812435;1526064287;ben_vulpes;heh heh heh nothing like seeing five tons on 1.25 wheels 1812436;1526064363;ben_vulpes;take me out to the deeesert/romp around on the flaaaats/burning oil and lighting off guns/fuck all the liberals i'm gonna have fun/cause it's root root root for the germans/if the diesels get neutered it's a shaaaaaame/cause it's one! two! three! strikes you're out in the us! penitentiary! game! 1812437;1526064400;phf;ben_vulpes: i'd say 1/3 of image search results is with that thing airborne 1812438;1526064415;ben_vulpes;it's the best shot! 1812439;1526064464;ben_vulpes;comic juxtaposition of large mass bouncing gaily around at speed 1812440;1526064735;phf;yeah, dakar rally for trucks is a european take on monster truck rally thing, not as larger than life over the top, but taps the same kind of feelings 1812441;1526067500;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, and this is different from the bitcoin dot com scheme how ? 1812442;1526067581;mircea_popescu;!!up phatcat 1812443;1526067582;deedbot;phatcat voiced for 30 minutes. 1812444;1526067586;mircea_popescu;phf, i thought dakar is in africa. 1812445;1526067899;BingoBoingo;What is Africa but a European playground where the toys took over the playing? 1812446;1526068280;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-11#1812441 << ~same play gets put on regularly, i dun even recall just which # iteration this one is 1812447;1526068280;a111;Logged on 2018-05-11 19:38 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, and this is different from the bitcoin dot com scheme how ? 1812448;1526068390;hanbot;hey danielpbarron (or any other mp-wp users with 'classic' theme goin'), assuming you're using mp's antispam, wouldja mind pasting your themes/classic/comments.php for me so i can see how you're handling the $suffix? differs from the 'default' i'm using, but i'd like to include a fix for it in a comments patch. 1812449;1526068423;mircea_popescu;so maybe not ~exactly~ same flavour ; but more of http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-07#1810716 1812450;1526068423;a111;Logged on 2018-05-07 15:15 mircea_popescu: meanwhile in mean words, https://78.media.tumblr.com/8d9625677c87c6938052cc801b0ef9d5/tumblr_okr5poCICc1vc2tefo1_1280.jpg 1812451;1526068445;mircea_popescu;ie, "all these naked chicks can't even figure out where the praying beads are" 1812452;1526068895;hanbot;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-11#1812288 << yeah, YOU can. way before pretty much anyone else, and certainly way the fuck before the masses can a) be told that yes, in fact, the act of purchasing something involves them paying! b) thereby realize they will have to retrieve monies c) emit a mournful moo d) reach into bottomless purse/euromanpurse/dip hoof into each of eleventeen pockets e) find a button! f) remember that bunion/ill aunt/weather s 1812453;1526068895;a111;Logged on 2018-05-11 16:25 mircea_popescu: in strict, physical terms. i can peel a coupla bills off the roll way before anyone can a) take the card b) orient it to machine slit ; c) slide it through ; d) wait for data to run back and forth to visa servers (include here the pro-rated delay of "servers down" shenanigans) ; e) get me to "sign" like 1100 period barbarians the f) slip of paper it printed and spit out etc. 1812454;1526068895;hanbot;ystem they were going to tell the cashier about.... 1812455;1526068927;mircea_popescu;well there is that. 1812456;1526068933;mircea_popescu;then again, moo moos have no need of money. 1812457;1526068946;mircea_popescu;let them be nude and happy outdoors, chained to the respective chainposts. 1812458;1526069070;mircea_popescu;incidentally asciilifeform you ever read http://trilema.com/2011/paria/ ? 1812459;1526069099;asciilifeform;hmm dunthinkso 1812460;1526069347;mircea_popescu;if you translate ima do a diff. 1812461;1526069636;lobbes;Few weeks ago I was trying to buy a power supply cable and didn't want to wait for lulazon to ship. Tried half-dozen local shops, both "big box retailers" and "mom n pop computer stores"; -none- had any in stock >> http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-11#1812272 1812462;1526069636;a111;Logged on 2018-05-11 16:16 asciilifeform: physical shops selling nonperishables , are visibly dying off, nuked by lulazon 1812463;1526069643;lobbes;Sad state 1812464;1526069690;trinque;no microcenter or fry's in lobbestan? 1812465;1526069818;lobbes;Looks like there's a fry's in Raleigh, roughly three hours from me o.0 1812466;1526069833;lobbes;"Charlotte's got a lot" my foot 1812467;1526069877;mircea_popescu;heh. it occurs to me i've not lived in a city smaller than 1mn in YEARS 1812468;1526069884;mircea_popescu;and i still complain of how fucking rural they are. 1812469;1526069898;mircea_popescu;civilisation just isn't what it used to be, 1mn lazy asses don't sum >0. 1812470;1526070100;lobbes;I will say, I've lived in New England, Ohio, and now here. And, believe it or not, imo the people of Ohio trump the usefulness of people here by a large margin 1812471;1526070149;lobbes;But teh weather here is so much better, so I can't complain too much I guess 1812472;1526070151;mircea_popescu;lobbes, somehow that cable reminded me of the http://trilema.com/2016/industria-argentina-or-my-life-among-the-tribal-savages/ ; at least yours don't burn down in hand. 1812473;1526070188;lobbes;0.o 1812474;1526070201;lobbes;Hey, at least there is that! 1812475;1526070409;asciilifeform;oh hey BingoBoingo , recall the power cable in BingoBoingostan ? where we had to splice it , because in whole country (apparently!) the correct one could not be had ? 1812476;1526070586;asciilifeform;lobbes: even something like, e.g., m3 screws, is (afaik) sold in ~exactly 1~ physical shop in wash dc region . 1812477;1526070605;asciilifeform;~nobody buys such thing from walkable-in shops, around here 1812478;1526070621;mircea_popescu;tell the truth, nobody buys such a thing. period. 1812479;1526070633;mircea_popescu;if it doesn't come out of plastic and it doesn't go on pizza, it's not interesting. 1812480;1526070644;asciilifeform;to the nearest whole number -- definitely 1812481;1526070739;mircea_popescu;lobbes, incidentally, i've noticed the people's subjective reported dissatisfaction is one of the best proxies for local suckitude. ~100% of romanians agreed that romania sucks, 1988, and as a result romania went from ~gabon to ~austria in 30 years. meanwhile columbia people agreed with themselves "they love their country", and columbia went from columbia to columbia in the interval. nicaragua idem. 1812482;1526070768;mircea_popescu;and argentina, or the us, full to the brim of imbeciles thinking "the whole world is in awe of our example", went from top 5 to worst decile in the same interval. 1812483;1526070810;mircea_popescu;i dun recall EVER hearing "carolina is the suck" in local drawl ; but people from ohio will literally ask you "what, and you came here ?!" as if they can't conceive anyone who isn't born there being found there even momentarily. 1812484;1526070814;asciilifeform;contented mooing, naturally is what cattle do. people -- grumble and build things 1812485;1526071020;asciilifeform;( incidentally, if you think m3 ~screw~ is impossible to find in shops here -- try a ~tap~. one time asciilifeform broke a m3 tap and wanted a replacement quickly, and like complete idiot tried to buy ~in shops~. result : wasted weekend ) 1812486;1526071091;danielpbarron;!Q later tell hanbot http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/4x7iw/?raw=true << i also had to make changes in some other file. there's one that makes the form and another that receives the POST data 1812487;1526071091;lobbesbot;danielpbarron: The operation succeeded. 1812488;1526071972;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: does not call ahead? 1812489;1526071984;asciilifeform;waiwat 1812490;1526071991;asciilifeform;call where 1812491;1526072010;ben_vulpes;these physical retail outlets 1812492;1526072025;asciilifeform;shops ? dun make me laugh. they have nfi re inventory of $thing-nobody-bought-in-20yrs even if you walk in. AND they automagically list 'orderable online only' in same catalogue as what is physically present. 1812493;1526072058;lobbes;This was precisely my experience. I remember thinking how *refreshing* it was to come out of the heart of pantsuitlandia (taxachusetts) where everyone was up their own ass in "we are so progressive and enlightened.", to ohio where everyone was "yeah... we pretty much suck. Sorry you have to be here" >> http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-11#1812483 1812494;1526072058;a111;Logged on 2018-05-11 20:33 mircea_popescu: i dun recall EVER hearing "carolina is the suck" in local drawl ; but people from ohio will literally ask you "what, and you came here ?!" as if they can't conceive anyone who isn't born there being found there even momentarily. 1812495;1526072070;lobbes;There's something to this "locals blinded by pretense fall into uselessness" heuristic, I think 1812496;1526072070;ben_vulpes;us, apparently, is many different countries smooshed into one. 1812497;1526072114;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: i somehow get 'em to leave the register and check inventory manually 1812498;1526072132;ben_vulpes;be damned if i'm going to drive around all day on the offchance they have a thing 1812499;1526072187;asciilifeform;the message i got errywhere was, unspokenly, 'you gotta be deeply mentally ill to be buying this not on www' 1812500;1526072215;asciilifeform;and they're right. it can't be had , i suspect, on this entire shore, in shops. ( for various values of 'it' ) 1812501;1526072260;ben_vulpes;sure; i recently got 2 pair of tall jackstands, delivered to house, for ~.6 the cost of item at store which was even shorter 1812502;1526072279;asciilifeform;recall how ratshack co. finally died, despite charging first 10x and then 20 and then 50x... for parts 1812503;1526072287;lobbes;It took some explaining to Best Buy lady on the phone that I a) was not looking for laptop power cord and b) I didn't need the whole power supply, just the cord 1812504;1526072299;ben_vulpes;last time i could be assured of walking out the door and getting a tool (not part!) that i needed was in nyc 1812505;1526072310;lobbes;To finally get answer: "we dun sell just cords" 1812506;1526072341;ben_vulpes;lobbes: especially the bigbox(tm) stores, they don't sell anything nonstandard. 1812507;1526072357;asciilifeform;i assume we're speaking of a iso power cord ? 1812508;1526072362;asciilifeform;what's moar standard than that 1812509;1526072401;ben_vulpes;"who would ever buy one of those without the power supply for the snowflake laptop?" 1812510;1526072409;ben_vulpes;it's an industrial item, not consumer. 1812511;1526072434;ben_vulpes;and unless you're an industrial large enough to warrant snapon deliveries weekly, you better be stocked preemptively. 1812512;1526072447;ben_vulpes;no money in selling parts/strange to the herd. 1812513;1526072466;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-11#1812496 << hey, that'sd been the official republican worldview since 4evar. 1812514;1526072466;a111;Logged on 2018-05-11 20:54 ben_vulpes: us, apparently, is many different countries smooshed into one. 1812515;1526072474;ben_vulpes;they get completely mass produced healthcare/parts/food/'mobile experiences' and fuck'em. 1812516;1526072503;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: astronomical rents, i suspect, also play a part. it is ~impossible to stay open if you stock anything that doesn't move continuously. specialist shops are the first to die. 1812517;1526072568;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-11#1812515 << this is exactly how soviet economy died, too! 1812518;1526072568;a111;Logged on 2018-05-11 21:01 ben_vulpes: they get completely mass produced healthcare/parts/food/'mobile experiences' and fuck'em. 1812519;1526072583;mircea_popescu;"engineered the total immersive soviet citizen experience" 1812520;1526072596;asciilifeform;( once in a veeeery long time, asciilifeform runs into some land-that-time-forgot where a greybeard owns the building and there are motherfucking blisterpacked z80's, 6502's, etc. hanging there, in dark yellowed plastic, since 1982... ) 1812521;1526072622;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, next this happens, invite them here lol. 1812522;1526072623;asciilifeform;^ these tend to keep 'banker's hours' tho, and the next time you come back, there's a carpet shop in there, because d00d finally died... 1812523;1526072642;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: different mechanism: here everyone "making apps", slicing open appendices are ~exactly the same in the head, so everything they produce converges to ~the same thing 1812524;1526072658;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the last one in my list recently evaporated. but will file for future ref 1812525;1526072674;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, what difference do you perceive then ? 1812526;1526072692;ben_vulpes;grand network of corporations and wall street will ensure that americans are "stepped down gently" a la the photosynthesis process, with maximum $anything extracted over the long term 1812527;1526072718;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: hard to tell, never got to experience su glory days 1812528;1526072791;mircea_popescu;they seem indistinguishable to me, "marxism-leninism" or "awareness, eco-friendliness, blabla" serving as a specific sort of distance-only schelling points -- ie they only work at a distance. 1812529;1526072844;mircea_popescu;$agent could answer yes/no whether $measure is leninist or bourgeois, appropriate or racisthateful, but only for the least interesting classes of $measures. 1812530;1526072894;asciilifeform;the diff is that the us folx are bonsaikittens and, for the most part, actually believe in their bunkum. and can't read, write, count, feed selves without ~short~ (oh noez, 3km walk -- death!11) path to mcshittrough 1812531;1526072906;mircea_popescu;soviets actually believed. 1812532;1526072913;asciilifeform;i dun think i ever met those 1812533;1526072928;mircea_popescu;and couldn't read, count, etc. just, the mass of them wasn't anywhere any precious sankt petersburg windowsill flowers ever met. 1812534;1526072978;ben_vulpes;perhaps i misconcieve of the industrial processes, and could benefit from experience, but i labor under the apprehension that there was "teh one su car, designed by su factory" whereas american product is "ten stanford cucks who think the exact same way writing the exact same banking app that chase will release as a feature in two years, written by their peers who took salaries instead of grahams 1812535;1526072980;ben_vulpes;dickintheass" 1812536;1526072985;mircea_popescu;the soviets of russia, much like the soviets of america, very insistently alfabetized the herd ; but lacked the electronic means to plug them in, all they had was electric. and as a result, "people's radio theatre" 1812537;1526072999;ben_vulpes;designed by su department of designing The Right Car, i mean 1812538;1526073023;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, not really ; in the early gosplan days they even had competition, as alf aptly pointed out during some previous discussion. 1812539;1526073037;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: people -- read. ( and to some extent even in modern ru, this survives, it is actually possible to stay afloat economically there as a non-crown-anointed - i.e. not-'bestsellerlist' writer, even today ) 1812540;1526073062;mircea_popescu;the most visible standardization (the hruscheba) is actually also the most defensible behaviour in economic terms (and not so different from us response to same problem). prefab was the way post ww2. 1812541;1526073076;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: in late-gosplan days also had competition. ( life is a bit moar complicated than the cartoon su ) 1812542;1526073093;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, people read in united soviets also, you should see the trainfulls of people with crappy pulp in hand. 1812543;1526073096;mircea_popescu;"mysteries" and whatnot. 1812544;1526073131;ben_vulpes;kindle fulla fifty shades of the same smut 1812545;1526073135;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: largely replaced , on same trains, with pnoje-gazers in recent decade 1812546;1526073138;asciilifeform;watching lolcats 1812547;1526073151;mircea_popescu;i don't think there was ever a system "dedicated to man" that managed to get man to think, though. man will not think, would rather take rape than math questions. 1812548;1526073175;asciilifeform;there's a vernier knob. 1812549;1526073195;mircea_popescu;i am unpersuaded by this theory. 1812550;1526073198;asciilifeform;on top of this, there is the choice of whether to permit illiterates to strut about and pretend to civilization. 1812551;1526073211;asciilifeform;in su -- not ( for the most part, managerial caste is separate convo ) not permitted. 1812552;1526073214;mircea_popescu;and what was the whole "worker class" and aparatchick class but illiterates strutting ? 1812553;1526073253;mircea_popescu;the fundamental pretense of the ~soviet~, in the original sense of the term, is that a group of imbeciles can nevertheless make decisions on the basis of their misapprehension of the environment. 1812554;1526073256;*;asciilifeform suspects that apparatchiks are ~same in ~all times/places 1812555;1526073267;mircea_popescu;so the soldier's soviet will decide which way to charge this evening. 1812556;1526073318;mircea_popescu;this is entirely not different from both "i know obscenity when i see it" and "hi i named rajshit from injun and can moderate your tube sir!" 1812557;1526073319;asciilifeform;this was a lunacy dangled as a lure for idjits ('abolish rank in army!' 'abolish money') and dispensed with more or less immediately during ru civil war . 1812558;1526073335;mircea_popescu;dispensed, not from a good life. 1812559;1526073366;mircea_popescu;they'd have stuck to it if it even vaguely promised to not entirely kill them. because, substantially, that's what the socialism was always about -- the pretense that the whore decides when and how the soldier fucks her. 1812560;1526073370;asciilifeform;dispensed because folx in the driver's seat are, as a rule , never so dumb as to actually drink the 'left' hokum. it is a lure. 1812561;1526073399;mircea_popescu;i guess. though i suspect it's a sad life to play the transvestite as only avenue to getting laid. 1812562;1526073406;asciilifeform;iirc mircea_popescu had a spiffy article, re 'grifters', and where specifically 'lenin played the lure sucker for stalin's grift' 1812563;1526073414;mircea_popescu;sure. 1812564;1526073420;asciilifeform;( anybody recall the specific piece ? ) 1812565;1526073438;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2014/so-the-dollar-vigilante-scam-ring-is-going-to-jail/ 1812566;1526073454;asciilifeform;yes ! it ^ 1812567;1526073592;asciilifeform;there ~are~ plenty of folx who walk, talk, even pretend to do work (in cafe, somewhere, or holding stop signs, or whichever) while earnestly believing in 'equalism', 'abolish ranks', etc. ~but~ these won't become even city dogcatcher, much less fuhrer, simply too much brain damage required, it gets in the way 1812568;1526073724;asciilifeform;sorta why, imho, folx who lament 'and then cruel cynical grifter stalin took over' have it backwards. 1812569;1526073780;asciilifeform;hook -- baited, fish -- bit. 1812570;1526073957;asciilifeform;by the time of the http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-24#1757902 incident, whole edifice was more or less thoroughly hollowed out and had approx as much genuine 'leftism' left inside, as the stuffed heads in a hunting lodge have meat 1812571;1526073957;a111;Logged on 2017-12-24 16:11 asciilifeform: kurchatov, supposedly, sat and thought, and few minutes later answered, 'perhaps from philosophical pov this'd be consistent. but then we will have to forget about obtaining the bomb.' 1812572;1526073994;asciilifeform;( took 3+ rounds of meat grinder, too ) 1812573;1526074127;asciilifeform;to apply mircea_popescu's classic 'thrown brick' model : stalin cleaned up the place, and threw the brick. which stayed , for a short while, in the air, in the form of 1950s-60s techno-extravaganza , rocketry, nukes, etc; then brick, engineless and wingless, on downward trajectory. 1812574;1526074169;asciilifeform;and funnily enuff brick has not even hit bottom yet. 1812575;1526074185;asciilifeform;such was the force of the throw... 1812576;1526074187;*;asciilifeform brb,meat 1812577;1526074200;mircea_popescu;this no-left-in-socialism point is particularly visible if you look at the case of the republica "socialista" romania. from the 60s onwards it was run VERY MUCH on capitalist basis, accumulating wealth, if undistributed, and ekeing itself a tiny colonial empire in the arab lands etc. 1812578;1526074228;mircea_popescu;the signs are everywhere, you go to colombia, look through the paperwork of the embassy, it strikes. it's quite universal. 1812579;1526074319;mircea_popescu;but this is a little like saying "kid pretending to be holding breath is lying". duh. how the fuck is socialism, or however you call the attempt to embody idiocy, supposed to survive in the strictly non-socialist reality ? 1812580;1526074328;mircea_popescu;either it lies, or it dies. there's no third way. 1812581;1526076498;danielpbarron;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/YG6Y7/?raw=true << the tweet has grown, now featuring hanno 1812582;1526078110;mircea_popescu;srsly, they only got one muppet ? 1812583;1526079081;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: I do remember that glorious rooftop surgery. With birds that could be heard by not seen 1812584;1526079631;BingoBoingo;This hanno guy: "this guy has made similar claims in the past and they were always wrong. if you want my advice: don't trust this unless someone has independently checked it." 1812585;1526079706;asciilifeform;bahaha what took him whole day. 1812586;1526079731;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: seems like same muppet still assigned to the case. 1812587;1526079742;asciilifeform;( why would he get swapped out, if 'still works' ) 1812588;1526079750;trinque;lol what claim? go, divide. 1812589;1526079777;asciilifeform;naaa trinque , seee, only Certified usg.adademitards may divide Authoritatively 1812590;1526079782;asciilifeform;ditto multiply 1812591;1526079840;asciilifeform;no good citizen would carry out a long division on a terrorist's instigation!1!! 1812592;1526079882;asciilifeform;and besides, remember , it was Cosmic Rays and at the same time There Are No Broken Keys and incidentally cosmicrays and remember , craigwright is satoshi, and oh oh bigblocks. 1812593;1526080225;danielpbarron;more from hanno >> http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/qustP/?raw=true >> It seems there's a new "trilema factored some keys" story floating around. Take my advice: don't embarrass yourself by retweeting or spreading it, this guy has spread several bogus stories of that kind in the past. 1812594;1526080286;asciilifeform;just when i was about to think 'where is boeck! has he died' 1812595;1526080421;asciilifeform;i bet d00d is pissed, too, phone rang and nao he has to crank out the fud, rather than his light daily routine of nsa.burning xen 'bugs' 1812596;1526080650;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-11#1812579 << it doesn't. however mythical beasts do not need to physiologically add up and live. on other hand, ~socialism-flavoured~ ( or with just about any other flavour, shinto-flavoured or confucius-flavored worx just as well.. ) fuhrerprinzip -- does work. 1812597;1526080650;a111;Logged on 2018-05-11 21:31 mircea_popescu: but this is a little like saying "kid pretending to be holding breath is lying". duh. how the fuck is socialism, or however you call the attempt to embody idiocy, supposed to survive in the strictly non-socialist reality ? 1812598;1526080790;asciilifeform;kurchatov being a great demo case; he had the authority to behead. laboratory -- worked. ( and not merely via 'copy leaked design', the ~indigenous~ nuke was crafted in parallel with the copied 'rds-1' , and subsequently went to production ) 1812599;1526081014;asciilifeform;the canonical mircea_popescu piece re subj of thread being imho http://trilema.com/2017/cemetery-junction/#selection-87.181-111.338 1812600;1526081066;asciilifeform;'...Stupid people organize and through collective action arrive at "consensus", which is batshit nonsense filtered by idiots out of their own ass, entirely unrelated to any kind of reality. And then they attempt to force it upon the actual people... It's not annoying because it works, which of fucking course it doesn't, but because the only way to deal with them is to exploit the fact that they're so fucking stupid, they can't tell t 1812601;1526081066;asciilifeform;he difference between the item that they claim they want and any other item labeled the way they want' in particular. 1812602;1526081478;mircea_popescu;sure, but one would propose howsoever flavoured cyanide is nevertheless cyanide, and similarily penicillin, and etcetera. scarcely can see the point of even discussing the flavouring. 1812603;1526081496;asciilifeform;fuhrerprinzip works. is the only thing that works. 1812604;1526081508;asciilifeform;whether cyanide-flavoured, or apple-flavoured. 1812605;1526081547;mircea_popescu;whether cyanide-however flavoured or penicillin-however flavoured or etcetera. 1812606;1526081554;mircea_popescu;unlike flavouring, cyanide does something. 1812607;1526081621;asciilifeform;not a fan of almond cake, i take it... 1812608;1526081691;mircea_popescu;hey, my recipe for apricot jam has half a dozen cracked seeds in there per jar. 1812609;1526081787;asciilifeform;http://lemur59.ru/node/8786 << with pr0n, 'for the voracious' 1812610;1526081818;mircea_popescu;nb 1812611;1526081838;asciilifeform;( re 'rds-1' ) 1812612;1526081891;mircea_popescu;the drawings of overturned tanks are lulzy 1812613;1526081945;asciilifeform;product of the seekrecy cult , which was every bit as bullheadedly idiotic as in usa 1812614;1526081952;mircea_popescu;aha 1812615;1526081964;asciilifeform;( the orig pics are almost certainly in archive somewhere, and simply not printed ) 1812616;1526081988;mircea_popescu;http://lemur59.ru/sites/default/files/images/%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B7%D1%80%D1%83%D1%88%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%8F0003.JPG << also this is strictly incorrect. 1812617;1526082002;mircea_popescu;the rubble is on the wrong side for the implicit direction of the blast by what's left standing. 1812618;1526082003;trinque;http://www.tsarbomba.org/images/tsar%20bom%20explosion.jpg << always thought this one was real pretty. 1812619;1526082010;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: aaaactually! 1812620;1526082040;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: this is a classic luleffect, rubble ~always~ on wrong side within certain radius of epicenter ( i forget exactly what slice ) because it comes from ~vacuum~ suck 1812621;1526082046;asciilifeform;rather than the 1st pressure front 1812622;1526082055;asciilifeform;trinque: much later item 1812623;1526082063;trinque;sure, biggest one ever built, right? 1812624;1526082071;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, if it were that close the concrete wouldn't be standing at all, though. 1812625;1526082074;asciilifeform;trinque: biggest ~popped~ 1812626;1526082088;mircea_popescu;for the pattern there seen to exist, based on the tech of the time, it must be windblown, naught else. 1812627;1526082094;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it happens not in epicenter, but in outskirts of the blast circle 1812628;1526082118;asciilifeform;the backwards pressure is actually stronger, there, somehow, than the 1st wave outward. 1812629;1526082133;asciilifeform;( why this is possible, i do not now remember, if anyone does -- plox to write in. ) 1812630;1526082137;mircea_popescu;sure. but, were it that close, it would not have kept its fucking roof. 1812631;1526082217;asciilifeform;https://archive.li/UmD1i << lulzy, flowers on 60th bday of 'rds' 1812632;1526082600;*;asciilifeform not expert in subj. but! will leave https://archive.li/8NEUh for the truly lulzcurious, describes lulincident during design , when pure gold (!) bolts were added, in nearly last minute, to homogenize density of the 'implosive' core 1812633;1526088845;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform re http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-11#1812408 the item the idle dorks "following" "open source" and "technology" "news" on "platforms" entirely miss is just how fucking inconsequential they are. not that this is some kind of surprise, lazy nonthinkers being bombarded with vacuous statements of their overpowering importance, so they end up believing the crap ; completely immune to the otherwise obvious and direct 1812634;1526088845;a111;Logged on 2018-05-11 17:10 asciilifeform: ( i still have nfi, fwiw, who/where linked to it, to which heathens, possibly from mircea_popescu's logs later we will know some of it ) 1812635;1526088845;mircea_popescu;observation that the ~ONLY~ reason the empire of stupid puts forth that pretense has nothing to do with them and everything to do with the few remaining intelligent people that even speak the language / bother to tune in (a fine example being the recent "triggering" nonsense re the abort() manual : the pretense the neets matter is SO THAT RMS BELIEVES, not so that anything to do with the neets themselves ; yet somehow this te 1812636;1526088846;mircea_popescu;xtbook example of abuse doesn't curdle anyone's wholly hallucinated "awareness") 1812637;1526088880;mircea_popescu;in practical terms : trilema traffic is 97.5% direct, 1.7% from search engines and 0.5% from website links. 1812638;1526088949;mircea_popescu;ie, it makes exactly 0 difference to its might whether the web even exists tomorrow or not. but even in this very constrained field, btcbase is a larger source than twitter, or facebook, or ycombinator, or you name it (and yes, any and all of the pantsuit platforms are vying for relevancy in my referral log, month after month after month, they just don't get to actually raise to importance on the merits of their own inconsequ 1812639;1526088949;mircea_popescu;ential weakness) 1812640;1526089039;mircea_popescu;and as far as "search traffic" is concerned, 99.x% of it is http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/cockworship-5.gif and so following. 1812641;1526089148;mircea_popescu;in short, the diminutively tiny list of people who, to quote one among them, "I took evening classes from the institute via phone. (I half-listened while clicking through lolcat photos.)"... what difference can they possibly make, to anyone ? 1812642;1526089158;mircea_popescu;(ref is http://trilema.com/2012/the-imbecilitarians/#footnote_7_43344 ). 1812643;1526089206;mircea_popescu;but seriously now, so there's 10k, maybe 50k inept kids in this vertical. do you realise that's less than the average vampire stories franchise gets ? and do you understand they are EXACTLY as useful / capable / potent / whatever objective measure of capacity to alter reality ? 1812644;1526089314;mircea_popescu;yes, slashdot was once the flagship of a mighty youth movement. so was woodstock, at one time. slashdot failed on its own power and found out what it's worth these days for a fucking reason -- the party moved, and it moved years ago. 1812645;1526090379;mircea_popescu;2018 web is ~= 1988 disco or 1968 "rock&roll". there's no beatles, there's no elvis, there's just you know, "rock and roller Little Richard performing in 2007" ie wikipedia. there's fucking F!TV. 1812646;1526090436;mircea_popescu;turn a tv on if you can find one, and tune it to mtv, which still exist. compare/contrast to 1988 mtv, it'll illustrate the matter perfectly. 1812647;1526090538;mircea_popescu;remember 1988 mtv ? peak of live concerts, 120 Minutes was just getting started... whole different story. heck, people who weren't complete mouthbreathers even owned tv sets back then. 1812648;1526092909;mircea_popescu;in other lulz : http://www.pepijnvanerp.nl/2017/01/disappointing-outcome-of-bardens-vs-lanka-measles-proven-to-exist-but-anti-vaxxer-lanka-keeps-his-money/ 1812649;1526093988;hanbot;mircea_popescu, so where did the people go? 1812650;1526093988;lobbesbot;hanbot: Sent 6 hours and 21 minutes ago: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/4x7iw/?raw=true << i also had to make changes in some other file. there's one that makes the form and another that receives the POST data 1812651;1526094006;hanbot;ty danielpbarron 1812652;1526094037;danielpbarron;i should say, the linked item is only comments.php ; if you can find the other file i'll send that one too, i don't recall which one it was 1812653;1526094077;danielpbarron;i've made so many modifications to mp-wp it's like dpb-wp now 1812654;1526094095;mircea_popescu;hanbot, i suppose the answer would be asciilifeform 's "bottle". consider this place -- there's people who come and read the logs. every day, in the morning or in the evening or whatever. there's people who write code, there's people who do all kinds of stuff. where were they BEFORE ? they did physically exist, yes, you can't say "nowhere". so then ? 1812655;1526094122;mircea_popescu;the fact of the matter is people will express their better nature if there's a space where they can do it ~meaningfully~. 1812656;1526094213;mircea_popescu;and meaning is still predicated on a structure of authority, and that structure WILL always be present ; the pretense to its absence is just that, a conceit. exactly like socrates' "everyone has a philosophy", if you "have no authority" backing your structure of meaning, you simply have the dumbest one, like the http://trilema.com/2016/please-stop-using-dns-already-and-other-considerations/#selection-711.0-711.610 idiots. it' 1812657;1526094213;mircea_popescu;ll be a condensate of hot topic and assorted politrucking, but it will be there, as a matter of course. 1812658;1526094244;hanbot;danielpbarron, hey, why not patch on it? 1812659;1526094297;hanbot;mircea_popescu, so while people thought they can bring down the berlin wall they tuned into mtv, and once it became obvious there's nothing there they tuned out? 1812660;1526094342;mircea_popescu;it didn't become obvious "there's nothing there". what became obvious was the curt cobain problem : that the only ~possible~ move remaining for the "man alone" is suicide. 1812661;1526094381;danielpbarron;hanbot, i didn't start with the official v wp-wp. i had a very old original .tar.gz 1812662;1526094669;mircea_popescu;very much the problem of http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-11#1500956 ; though not for the causes he ascribes, nor with the divisions implicit etc. there's no future for man in the brave new world exactly in the sense and exactly for the reasons there was no future for man in soviet russia 8th decade. white, black, turqouise, russian, turkmen, georgian, it dun matter -- the only possible move for they confronted with totalitaria 1812663;1526094669;a111;Logged on 2016-07-11 12:27 mircea_popescu: "If you are white, no positive, active role is left to you. Either you accommodate yourself to the unreasonable, or you play out your life in some futile back alley. You are doomed to this by the disgraceful history of your kind. Maybe it's fair, maybe it's not, but it is the way things are." << from another schmuck with a nobel prize. 1812664;1526094670;mircea_popescu;n systems who insist on staying solitary is suicide. 1812665;1526094721;mircea_popescu;and that's what ultimately killed "music" (as particularly understood in the 1950-1980 interval) for schelling point-ness : the realisation that the only possible conclusion is cobain's ; and hence all the emo / goth / etc bs, tiptoeing around old man charon's boat. 1812666;1526094916;mircea_popescu;and hence the 1990s, and the "information superhighway" bs. they were going to, poor darlings, subvert the morloch, with a very naive, all-inclusive, republic v0.1, built out of "net neutrality" and wikipedia. except of course for the part where it didn't work, it was a splendid plan. 1812667;1526094945;mircea_popescu;but it didn't in fact work. so where do "rock'n'rollers" go when it's disco time ? same place zappa went, neh, to the bottle of bitters. 1812668;1526095373;hanbot;i never thought about it that way. though it seems evident once stated. 1812669;1526095470;mircea_popescu;the world will be either authoritarian or totalitarian ; and only one of those is livable (though to people living through its early dissolution phases, it seems altogether as if things are improving -- much like the case may be that preteen orphans may subjectively perceive their first few hours with their new status actually liberating. then dinner time comes, and wel... the unbearable sadness of solitude sneaks in. somehow 1812670;1526095470;mircea_popescu;.) 1812671;1526095556;mircea_popescu;nevertheless, only one is livable, hence the "where are the rembrandts ?" and http://btcbase.org/log/2017-09-13#1713764 and http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-11#1812598 and on and on. 1812672;1526095556;a111;Logged on 2017-09-13 19:34 mircea_popescu: so : the faberge egg, the original, was made in 1885 ; but it was the continuation and in a sense the crowing of a current of thought (ie, culture) and proper civilisation that reached back over a centry. 1812673;1526095556;a111;Logged on 2018-05-11 23:19 asciilifeform: kurchatov being a great demo case; he had the authority to behead. laboratory -- worked. ( and not merely via 'copy leaked design', the ~indigenous~ nuke was crafted in parallel with the copied 'rds-1' , and subsequently went to production ) 1812674;1526096641;hanbot;danielpbarron still, it'd be great if we could merge dpb-wp with mp-wp and get something going. 1812675;1526099436;lobbes;fig. 1: the mtv of today gave the d00d depicted in this ballas piece his own tv show >> https://thelastpsychiatrist.com/2010/10/catfish.html << http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-12#1812646 1812676;1526099436;a111;Logged on 2018-05-12 02:00 mircea_popescu: turn a tv on if you can find one, and tune it to mtv, which still exist. compare/contrast to 1988 mtv, it'll illustrate the matter perfectly. 1812677;1526099452;lobbes;in other lulz: observe one hanno boeck in his natural habitat, one day before being called up for muppet duty, still doing... nothing >> http://archive.is/c8epK 1812678;1526099907;mircea_popescu;lobbes, holy shit he's fucking retarded, gimp has had scheme built in since 2005. 1812679;1526099982;mircea_popescu;a better example of what exactly it means to be a monkey, with these inane expectations of wysiwyg-ism and gui-ism and rtfm-is-racist and nobody-will-ever-expect-you-to-think-if-they-truly-love-you and on AND ON... 1812680;1526105433;*;mod6 finally sits down to eat log 1812681;1526108989;mircea_popescu;since we're discussing "retards are retarded", here's a fine example : https://archive.is/RbD9o ; it consists of a) let's leak through the inept choice of "pad by the value of padding, so if you need 5 bytes of padding pad with 5 bytes each = 5" (and then pretend this is not to be reviewed "because popular" and also do every other elbow trick in the book to stick it past) followed unneringly by... b) construct elaborate ritua 1812682;1526108989;mircea_popescu;ls to discuss the matter, including spurious naming conventions and all the rest of the monkey dance, EXCEPT in terms of "leaking padding schemes are retarded, DO NOT DO THAT." 1812683;1526109034;mircea_popescu;that's your "experts" zx2c4, from matthew retardenfield all the way down the mongoloid chain. 1812684;1526109137;mircea_popescu;and this is also why ~nobody of any consequence reads any of them. i'd rather read engelbert humperdinck's introduction to greek philosophy. at least he sings, which, unrelated as it may be, IS WAY THE FUCK MORE THAN ANY OF THESE IDLE FUCKTARDS EVER DID. or will ever do. 1812685;1526110047;mircea_popescu;!!up fromdeedbot 1812686;1526110048;deedbot;fromdeedbot voiced for 30 minutes. 1812687;1526110204;fromdeedbot;I want to learn to code/program. I am looking for sound advice on what to learn first. php? oop? python? I have looked all over the web and it seems everyone has a different opinion. any advice would be appredciated 1812688;1526110268;mircea_popescu;either lisp or ada. 1812689;1526110282;fromdeedbot;ty 1812690;1526110315;mircea_popescu;of course, the more cogent question is, ~why~ do you want to learn to code/program 1812691;1526110321;fromdeedbot;i would like to start as low level as i can without overdoing it 1812692;1526110406;fromdeedbot;because I have been into computers for a long time and I feel like I could contribute productive elements to the community if i knew how to exoress my ideas in the right languge 1812693;1526110463;fromdeedbot;It interests me more and more every day… but it is overwhelming where to begin and I dont want to start bad habits 1812694;1526110721;mircea_popescu;well, this overanxious approach is a bad habit all of itself. 1812695;1526110737;fromdeedbot;my apologies 1812696;1526110817;mircea_popescu;hey, i don't mind. but understand that avoiding bad habits is a lifelong uncompletable task, there's no magic pill that'll keep you safe from such. certainly contemplation from outside isn't much of one. 1812697;1526110826;mircea_popescu;anything speciffic you're trying to express ? 1812698;1526111015;fromdeedbot;hah, that’s good advice. noted…. As far as what to express specifically, I’m not sure exactly yet, but this has always interested me and I have waited long enpough 1812699;1526111075;fromdeedbot;buliding smart contrct’ish programs would be a short term goal 1812700;1526111082;mircea_popescu;how old are you then ? 1812701;1526111090;fromdeedbot;38 1812702;1526111121;fromdeedbot;I have been blown away by blockchains use of public private key 1812703;1526111154;fromdeedbot;and how escrows, and othjer such related things could be revolutionized 1812704;1526111254;fromdeedbot;its a new way to set in stone, amongst many oother imagined, and not imagined yet things 1812705;1526111277;mircea_popescu;i guess you'll have to do a bunch of log reading. 1812706;1526111288;fromdeedbot;I been lol 1812707;1526111301;fromdeedbot;and I figured i’d break my silence here 1812708;1526111350;mircea_popescu;might as well pick a better nick. 1812709;1526111419;fromdeedbot;ha! I kinda like it low key, but I’m not “from deedbot” in the way people might think… this is the only channel that I use tghis Nick 1812710;1526111440;fromdeedbot;so you know it’s me, if that matters 1812711;1526111461;mircea_popescu;so when you say you've been reading logs, what do you mean ? 1812712;1526111468;fromdeedbot;So reg a new key with the new nick 1812713;1526111489;mircea_popescu;yes, that's how "we know it's you". 1812714;1526111537;fromdeedbot;well google landed me on your logs when I was researching the whole wiki leeks thing and how it related to bitcoin 1812715;1526111553;fromdeedbot;blockchain more specifically 1812716;1526111570;fromdeedbot;and the deedbot got crossed up in my googling 1812717;1526111571;mircea_popescu;it's more of a half year sort of thing, reading logs. 1812718;1526111647;fromdeedbot;I have to admit I have not read them in full, and if that is a pre req, I will. 1812719;1526111698;fromdeedbot;1I have read a fair bit from here, and a lot of gitter.im logs from web3 and go-ethereum 1812720;1526111747;mircea_popescu;not so much as a prerequisite as a filter. reading helps you figure out if it's for you. 1812721;1526111801;fromdeedbot;that is exactly I why I read them… you guys have came up with a really cool thing 1812722;1526111809;mircea_popescu;https://gitter.im/ << gotta archive this lulzgem. "Where communities thrive Gitter is a chat and networking platform that helps to manage, grow and connect communities through messaging, content and discovery." 1812723;1526111822;fromdeedbot;noted 1812724;1526111864;mircea_popescu;reminds me of this chick on fetlife, "So you don't want to have a smart discuss, you're here for what ? What do you research here ? Because I'm agree with your description." 1812725;1526111870;mircea_popescu;!!up fromdeedbot 1812726;1526111870;deedbot;fromdeedbot voiced for 30 minutes. 1812727;1526111881;mircea_popescu;fromdeedbot, which thing is that ? 1812728;1526111947;fromdeedbot;Requirment of a pgp key to become a part of a new web built on trust and accountability 1812729;1526111955;mircea_popescu;ah. yes. 1812730;1526111976;fromdeedbot;so that peoples online identity has a “fingerprint" 1812731;1526111997;fromdeedbot;and your reputation means something and can be quantified 1812732;1526112040;fromdeedbot;and compared to who backs you up… and who they are, and how old is their nick 1812733;1526112047;fromdeedbot;and are they solid 1812734;1526112048;fromdeedbot;? 1812735;1526112056;fromdeedbot;it’s cool 1812736;1526112097;mircea_popescu;so i take it you read http://trilema.com/2014/what-the-wot-is-for-how-it-works-and-how-to-use-it/ ? 1812737;1526112108;fromdeedbot;yes 1812738;1526112125;mircea_popescu;cool. 1812739;1526112217;fromdeedbot;I thinlk that this type of system could change the way we define “percieved value” and even credit 1812740;1526112249;fromdeedbot;like to get a loan or a lease on a place to live 1812741;1526112261;mircea_popescu;what do you mean "could" ? 1812742;1526112283;fromdeedbot;explain please 1812743;1526112284;mircea_popescu;it long ago has ; the republic built its uruguay datacenter out of what, you expect ? wot. 1812744;1526112312;fromdeedbot;I mean globally 1812745;1526112322;mircea_popescu;what's that mean ? 1812746;1526112323;fromdeedbot;or am i that late 1812747;1526112344;fromdeedbot;lol.. I have looked a lot into estomia e-citizen program as well 1812748;1526112368;mircea_popescu;if by globally you mean "we throw darts at a earth globe", then yes, you're that late. if by globally you mean "every last idiot on two legs" you're way the fuck early, in the sense that such miracle's never gonna happen. 1812749;1526112369;fromdeedbot;it’s roughly along the same lines, but not the samee 1812750;1526112461;fromdeedbot;I am of the belief that things will move this direction naturally 1812751;1526112483;mircea_popescu;not really. most people are neither useful nor interesting. 1812752;1526112522;fromdeedbot;if a new internet is built and a pgp key is mandatory, and everyone is on the new internet.. 1812753;1526112595;fromdeedbot;if www addresses have tumbleweeds rolling by because most businesses have moved to a new more secure web 1812754;1526112597;mircea_popescu;mno. have you seen say http://trilema.com/2014/ill-pay-for-your-tits/ ? 1812755;1526112608;mircea_popescu;everyone gets a tit string ; not everyone gets to be in the wot. 1812756;1526112706;fromdeedbot;I saw that but was distracted while reading 1812757;1526112716;fromdeedbot;what was the purpose of that demonstration? 1812758;1526112777;mircea_popescu;exactly as stated : that some of the usable bipedal mammals will get a serial id ; the unusable will get nothing. there's no birthright to the lordship. 1812759;1526112788;fromdeedbot;noted 1812760;1526112896;fromdeedbot;What do you guys have against Ethereum (if anything, maybe i am not rembering the logs correctly) 1812761;1526112937;fromdeedbot;It seems like a really good concept 1812762;1526113072;mircea_popescu;it starts with http://trilema.com/2013/digging-through-archives-yields-gold/#selection-109.0-109.416 1812763;1526113084;mircea_popescu;why did you think the usg bitcoin-ersatz is a good thing ? 1812764;1526113318;fromdeedbot;sorry my cat got out… brb 1812765;1526114171;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in random lulz, "Copy right laws are in tact and if you violate those rules then you will be prosecuted." 1812766;1526131464;BingoBoingo; I mean globally << What part of moving from Southern Illinois to Uruguay on WoT fuel isn't global? Gotta circumnavigate or something? 1812767;1526133060;BingoBoingo;!!up mother[m] 1812768;1526133060;deedbot;mother[m] voiced for 30 minutes. 1812769;1526133073;BingoBoingo;mother[m]: Comó andas? 1812770;1526140936;mod6;mornin'! logs finally eaten :] 1812771;1526143242;ben_vulpes;i crunched some numbers, and i think it's going to cost around 3 btc to put the production rockchip plant together and get it down south, all based on 4 2U's with 24 rockchippen each, transpo of ~2.5kusd and per-chassis fab costs of ~800usd. i think with the outrageous success of the rockchip pilot plant pizarro's in a *great* spot to refinance per mircea_popescu's suggestion, to provide for the production 1812772;1526143244;ben_vulpes;safe-online-rsabox production plant buildout and consolidate the physical beachhead in .uy. so mod6 asciilifeform is the board inclined to raise more capital to build this out and attend to morale in sudamerica? 1812773;1526143714;mircea_popescu;!!up gunnarson 1812774;1526143715;deedbot;gunnarson voiced for 30 minutes. 1812775;1526143739;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, 3 btc is like 30k, 4 * 8 + 2.5 is like 5k, did we misplace an order of magnitude somewhere ? 1812776;1526143776;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo, if you end up in hong kong next, it'll be 2/3 done! 1812777;1526144064;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: no, there are also the rockchips themselves. full breakdown http://cascadianhacker.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/rockchip.lisp 1812778;1526144084;*;mircea_popescu looks. 1812779;1526144257;mircea_popescu;!!up candi_lustt 1812780;1526144257;deedbot;candi_lustt voiced for 30 minutes. 1812781;1526144269;mircea_popescu;candi_lustt http://cascadianhacker.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/rockchip.lisp 1812782;1526144292;mircea_popescu;i guess this'll take some more tinkering. 1812783;1526144481;ben_vulpes;hm yeah how did i have this thing eat random text 1812784;1526145285;mircea_popescu;anyway, be the details as they may : the original http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-05#1809921 / http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-05#1809793 discussion was looking at a trip 3x the size ; downsizing it (which seems unavoidably necessary for OP considerations) has the tucked in advantage that you don't specifically need to refinance, if you don't want to. so prolly should discuss in board what discounts do you expect to see pre and 1812785;1526145285;a111;Logged on 2018-05-05 03:06 mircea_popescu: besides, you can afford it, shockingly enough. 300 x 100 is what, 3.x btc. not the end of the world. if he actually gets it through the blocade you have an item arguably worth twice that. 1812786;1526145285;a111;Logged on 2018-05-05 00:25 mircea_popescu: if i were you folk i would very seriously be looking at geting refinanced, taking ~300 rockchips there and filling a dozen us with them. 1812787;1526145285;mircea_popescu; post successful delivery. 1812788;1526145352;mircea_popescu;but the good news is that lobbesbot permits you to do a bond auction a la carte. 1812789;1526145378;ben_vulpes;it is pretty neat like that! 1812790;1526145411;*;ben_vulpes bbl 1812791;1526148319;mircea_popescu;!#s opennet.ru/opennews/art.shtml?num=44356 1812792;1526148320;a111;2 results for "opennet.ru/opennews/art.shtml?num=44356", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=opennet.ru%2Fopennews%2Fart.shtml%3Fnum%3D44356 1812793;1526148381;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-05-02#1461007 << you know, i wouldn't even call it lulz. "Система проверяет применение для начальных коэффициентов составных чисел и выявляет использование в разных ключах одинаковых цикличных коэффициентов (модуль), что может указывать на во 1812794;1526148381;a111;Logged on 2016-05-02 12:43 asciilifeform: ;;later tell mircea_popescu https://www.opennet.ru/opennews/art.shtml?num=44356 << moar lulz 1812795;1526148381;mircea_popescu;зможное наличие дубликатов закрытого ключа. ", they produced that on their own power ? that's like... 1000% more than what the esl world managed. 1812796;1526148468;mircea_popescu;anyway, https://www.opennet.ru/opennews/art.shtml?num=48531 item not even terrible. this Максиму Чиркову guy really should be here. https://www.opennet.ru/contact.shtml 1812797;1526150470;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-12#1812776 That's a bit crowded. Maybe best Korea? 1812798;1526150470;a111;Logged on 2018-05-12 16:49 mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo, if you end up in hong kong next, it'll be 2/3 done! 1812799;1526150581;mircea_popescu;ulaan baator. 1812800;1526151244;BingoBoingo;Now there's an option 1812801;1526161736;ben_vulpes;trinque: http://trinque.org/cuntoo.tar.gz 404s 1812802;1526161776;mod6;I'm having a reaaaaaly hard time installing gentoo with a gcc4 now. 1812803;1526161905;mod6;Whatever docs TMSR~ has to install a gentoo are out of date. New ones are required. 1812804;1526161946;trinque;ben_vulpes: I'm awaiting the new V before I re-release that. I'll update the article if you like. 1812805;1526161959;trinque;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-03-14#1787780 << might even be *more* package breakage now than when diana_coman tried. 1812806;1526161959;a111;Logged on 2018-03-14 03:13 trinque: diana_coman: regarding your cuntoo build problem, net-tools upstream has apparently broken build on default gcc-4.9.4. If I pass -std=gnu99, the definer of IFNAMSIZ is included and the thing builds. 1812807;1526162007;mod6;I'm trying to build up two machines so I can do some trb testing with rawtx, et. al. Kinda hung until I can get an OS installed. 1812808;1526162008;trinque;I'd rather get a v-tree of our own portage going than continue to flail at the empire's ceaseless breakage. 1812809;1526162054;trinque;mod6's experience will repeat until we own the portage tree 1812810;1526162063;trinque;esthlos: how goes it? 1812811;1526162070;mod6;yeah, our own thing is 100% required at this point. 1812812;1526162083;trinque;mod6: it's very much in the works. 1812813;1526162119;trinque;if you were to build a gentoo using their standard instructions, nothing in that would block you from replacing with a cuntoo userland later. 1812814;1526162186;mod6;Once opon a time, the docs we put together for trb users to build a gentoo worked. Much better, and much more clear than the gentoo garbage docs. 1812815;1526162215;trinque;sure. and next time you blink they'll require clang 1812816;1526162245;mod6;We need exactly that, but something that yields an actual working box. I was unaware that since apparently last year, the wreckers junked us. 1812817;1526162285;mod6;Yeah, so our own OS, even if we don't know what we're quite doing yet, is more worthwhile than what gentoo has to offer. 1812818;1526162296;trinque;mmmhm. they specifically called out gcc-4.x as excluded from glorious future. 1812819;1526162358;trinque;obviously there are other problems. if you want musl, you need ebuilds with musl patches. as it stands on stock gentoo, this means using "layman" which for the musl overlay, eats directly from shithub 1812820;1526162379;trinque;you know, the one with the chewy ssh keys. 1812821;1526162386;mod6;aha 1812822;1526162808;mod6;alright, im gonna see if I can get ben_vulpes' downgrade dance to do the trick. 1812823;1526162818;mod6;if so, will keep track of the steps for a possible new doc. 1812824;1526164433;asciilifeform;mod6: your hosed gentoo : what year stage4 didja use ? 1812825;1526164481;asciilifeform;if it was q3 or 4 of 2016, or later -- ~impossible to restore sane gcc 1812826;1526164517;ben_vulpes;this is factually incorrect, i have removed gcc6 and 5 from gentoos built with modern stage3. 1812827;1526164542;asciilifeform;hmm 1812828;1526164564;ben_vulpes;granted the 5 is built with a ken thompson'd 6, and the 4 built with a thompson'd 5. 1812829;1526164573;asciilifeform;from q2 2016 or prior, no need to remove 1812830;1526164601;asciilifeform;mod6 is still ultimately right, gotta confiscate portage from the shitgnomes 1812831;1526164654;asciilifeform;my point was, rockchip gentoo was made with 0 gcc reversion gymnastics, all i needed was a vintage stage4 tarball , and my blacklist 1812832;1526164715;ben_vulpes;girthy spittoon, i still don't understand how the overlays of trinque's musl overlay work properly; not even really which knobs to pull 1812833;1526164753;asciilifeform;now ~these~ i have not yet touched. 1812834;1526164776;*;asciilifeform bbl,meat 1812835;1526166061;mod6;Well, I've gotten stuck 2 different times. The first way was with a stage3 from yesterday, which, the install worked, but left me with GCC-6.4.0. 1812836;1526166093;mod6;The second way, I just tried was with a stage3 from 2015: stage3-amd64-nomultilib-20150716.tar.bz2 1812837;1526166105;mod6;(all the details are in #pizarro) 1812838;1526166204;mod6;I thought the second way would work, and in fact `gcc-config -l` does report : x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-4.8.4 ; however, it seems like none of the ebuilds would work with a stage3 that old. 1812839;1526166234;mod6;not even seems like, did report errors. see #pizarro. 1812840;1526169117;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-12#1812820 << no that was some guy being not nice, it never happened. 1812841;1526169117;a111;Logged on 2018-05-12 21:59 trinque: you know, the one with the chewy ssh keys. 1812842;1526169183;mod6;lol 1812843;1526174953;mircea_popescu;!!up GUNNARSON_ 1812844;1526174954;deedbot;GUNNARSON_ voiced for 30 minutes. 1812845;1526183784;ben_vulpes;http://www.wweek.com/news/2018/04/18/oregon-grew-more-cannabis-than-customers-can-smoke-now-shops-and-farmers-are-left-with-mountains-of-unwanted-bud/ << har har har 1812846;1526183810;ben_vulpes;starbucksification is coming for your precious vacation-from-reality businesses, dildos 1812847;1526183991;mircea_popescu;doh, 1812848;1526184002;mircea_popescu;anyone srsly thought anything but the usg is keeping the prices high ? 1812849;1526184026;BingoBoingo;ben_vulpes: From that link: "Jo Ann Hardesty Says She’s the Angry Black Woman Portland City Council Needs. We Agree." 1812850;1526184053;mircea_popescu;governments, the bigest draw on consumers since the invention of consuming. 1812851;1526184188;BingoBoingo;It's an agricultural product. Business seems to draw the "money while you sleep" crowd 1812852;1526184239;ben_vulpes;BingoBoingo: oh i suggest you go look into hardesty 1812853;1526184243;ben_vulpes;the lulz are so very thick 1812854;1526184336;ben_vulpes;anyways this is a solvable problem and it's being solved by the people i told how to solve it by refining the otherwise excess product into shelf-stable distillates and offering lines of credit securitized by the refined product at market prices just like any other asset 1812855;1526184376;ben_vulpes;and yeah farmers get rekt and bankers book it; story of the ages. 1812856;1526184508;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, borrowing against the future dun work. what, then get the usg to "stockpile" it like sugar/corn ? 1812857;1526184518;mircea_popescu;and then what, base the currency on the piles of thc ? 1812858;1526184595;BingoBoingo;I imagine if you are in Oregon the winning move is to export 1812859;1526184602;mircea_popescu;outside of the imperial racket supporting it, ganja is worth exactly the same as usg's "intellectual property" or usg's "real estate" : ~0. 1812860;1526184618;ben_vulpes;it's entirely saleable as an input to industrial processes in precisely the same manner as nicotine is sprayed on cigarettes 1812861;1526184626;ben_vulpes;just, not at the prices the farmers want. 1812862;1526184642;mircea_popescu;exactly. 1812863;1526184672;ben_vulpes;and so the bankers will call on margin again and again as the marktomarket value descends. 1812864;1526184732;trinque;the bluehairs thought legal weed meant they were going to get to smoke weed all day. 1812865;1526184744;trinque;this being the reason anyone ever dealt weed: to have a ton of weed around 1812866;1526184745;ben_vulpes;it'll take a decade but there will be a securitizable asset here, just like pork bellies. only nobody stateside even wants to contemplate the notion because it runs so contrary to their self delusions and delusions of special "girl scout cookie" product burn away 1812867;1526184805;BingoBoingo;Well, trinque They might be able to smoke it all day as price goes in the direction it does for robust agricultural commodities 1812868;1526184913;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, i can't follow your logic. how do you explain eg cowrie shells not being a "securitizable asset" by this same logic ? 1812869;1526184930;mircea_popescu;just because some rasta brains thought "cowrie shells are like, cool! and shit... man" dun mean jack. 1812870;1526185357;mircea_popescu;understand the difference between pork bellies and pot : pork bellies are a) the most closely guarded part of pigs which b) are animals that eat the most closely guarded part of corn which c) leaves exist to produce. there's three degrees of biomass reduction at work here, pork bellies are like tuna, not like fucking zooplankton. which is why prime tuna costs $$$ and pressed nori sheets are in the discount bin at the cheap st 1812871;1526185357;mircea_popescu;ore. 1812872;1526185380;mircea_popescu;an acre of land can produce either ONE pig belly or else about half the bud all of san francisco smoked this month. 1812873;1526185397;mircea_popescu;and yes, it's 80 dollars either way. 1812874;1526185459;hanbot;mircea_popescu half the bud all of san francisco lost might not be half the bud san francisco (bought and then) misplaced this month... 1812875;1526185467;mircea_popescu;of course it isn't. 1812876;1526185469;hanbot;er, half the bud it smoked. 1812877;1526185480;mircea_popescu;they suck at everything equally, if they manage to actually inhale 10% i count it a good month. 1812878;1526185626;BingoBoingo;Despite wed having been legal in Uruguay since the Dictatorship legalized consumption in 1973, the Uruguayos still import from Paraguay 1812879;1526185667;BingoBoingo;And the Uruguayos hate being reminded that the Dictatorship gave them their legal weed. Frente Amplia keeps trying to spam that it was their idea. 1812880;1526185668;mircea_popescu;in other similar news : a) prostitution is legal here ; b) lazier, more disinterested in work "working" girls you never did see. 1812881;1526185714;mircea_popescu;turns out that if it's not illegal, it's not really all that demanded, either. 1812882;1526185766;*;hanbot waits for the "illegalize it" wall scrawls 1812883;1526185782;mircea_popescu;lol 1812884;1526185805;mircea_popescu;not likely gonna happen, it doesn't occur to anyone to "make sugar illegal" to bring back dat cookie jar feelin' 1812885;1526187148;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: granted, it's a single level of biorefinement, but it's a 'lithium' for the folks who refuse to take their ballas-prescribed sedatives, preferring for whatever reason, the "natural stuff". i'm not saying it's not a pink-sheet securitizable, but that standards for the commoditized (and inevitably, securitized) product (thus and such cbd, that and so thc, viscosities of whatever, optical 1812886;1526187151;ben_vulpes;characteristics of arbitrarium, hydrocarbon refinement byproducts of no more than your mom) are coming to further smear the soi-disant independent thinkers into precisely the same paste the megastate produces everywhere 1812887;1526187183;mircea_popescu;in principle. but in practice, if nobody cares, nobody cares. 1812888;1526187201;mircea_popescu;cryptography is not securitizable for the same exact reason - before we came along NOT A SINGLE ANYTHING CARED. 1812889;1526187233;ben_vulpes;how theoretically wouldja securitize cryptography 1812890;1526187296;ben_vulpes;pot at least has yet to achieve full starbuxxification; and that industrial value-extractor-from-american-moocows will want standardized, homogeneous psychoactive product to spray atop its flavor-of-the-week flower imitation 1812891;1526187308;mircea_popescu;by making it secure. 1812892;1526187314;mircea_popescu;what do you suppose "securitization" is, economically ? 1812893;1526187362;ben_vulpes;refinement and aggregation of physical items into fungible paper 1812894;1526187395;mircea_popescu;there's a reason oil refinery doesn't encounter the http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-11#1812485 / http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-12#1812816 problem. 1812895;1526187395;a111;Logged on 2018-05-11 20:37 asciilifeform: ( incidentally, if you think m3 ~screw~ is impossible to find in shops here -- try a ~tap~. one time asciilifeform broke a m3 tap and wanted a replacement quickly, and like complete idiot tried to buy ~in shops~. result : wasted weekend ) 1812896;1526187395;a111;Logged on 2018-05-12 21:57 mod6: We need exactly that, but something that yields an actual working box. I was unaware that since apparently last year, the wreckers junked us. 1812897;1526187422;mircea_popescu;and that reason is... that the supply was made secure. 1812898;1526187475;mircea_popescu;this is the other end of this same rifle barrel, you understand. we're indignant "shitgnomes, shitgnomes EVERYWHERE!!!", but meanwhile people in industry have to jump through flaming fucking hoops to keep the supply lines in working order. and they do. and they get good at it, and are slightly amused at the entitled neckbeards. 1812899;1526187520;ben_vulpes;(imagine living with a foot in both worlds) 1812900;1526187536;mircea_popescu;"what do you mean, if shit only fucking worked and idiots kept their mouth shut and their gefingerpokers in their buttholes heh-heh-heh" 1812901;1526187689;ben_vulpes;perhaps i misunderstand, but when i think "securitized" i think "brent" and the forsakeofargument "bvulpes reserve-grade distillate", which anyone can produce from flower if their heads are screwed on with more than 2 threads 1812902;1526187745;mircea_popescu;your problem is that you're trying "to guess what the word could mean" by "the context". whereas what the word actually means is a lengthy historical story very much in the vein of http://btcbase.org/log/2018-03-02#1786791 1812903;1526187745;a111;Logged on 2018-03-02 18:21 mircea_popescu: JUST SO, the bank ~sold~ people bills to itself. if you pay the bank $5, you get in exchange... a bill for $5, that you can give to the bank, as if the bank had sat in your restaurant and ate $5 worth. 1812904;1526187799;ben_vulpes;i will take this rebuke and mull it over with my kindleberger 1812905;1526187825;mircea_popescu;anyway, in the general : much like to say that there was a limit where the flaunting of their foul acts and opinions before the world must stop" is exactly like saying "the emperor got his crown from the pope -- not the other way around" ie, "pantsuit is the sovereign", just EXACTLY so saying "be liberal in what you accept" is exactly saying "you're not worth two shits". 1812906;1526187848;mircea_popescu;the refinery isn't "liberal in what it accepts" -- on the fucking contrary, everything around it changes to provide it with the ~exact~ expected item. 1812907;1526187881;mircea_popescu;the "robustness" principle is, properly speaking, the "computers are unimportant" principle. 1812908;1526188035;mircea_popescu;and following this logic -- because pot is relatively unimportant therefore it'll never be securitized. sure, it'll exist, like saltpeter exists, but nobody will give enough of a shit to learn by heart arbitrary names for geological deposits like "brent" or "texas sweet crude". 1812909;1526224896;mod6;mornin TMSR~ 1812910;1526224961;mod6;I did get one of the boxes installed so far with 4.9.4 GCC from an old stage3. Interestingly the stage3 from 2015 was too old (was complaining about EAPI things), but my other old stage3 from 20170316 was still ok. 1812911;1526224977;mod6;Now, just gotta do this again with the 2nd box. 1812912;1526224983;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/05/pantsuit-unicef-humanitarian-caught-buggering-street-kids/ << Qntra - Pantsuit Unicef "Humanitarian" Caught Buggering Street Kids 1812913;1526226527;BingoBoingo;mod6: Nice 1812914;1526226598;mod6;ty. it basically is pure luck the old one worked. it won't work forever either. 1812915;1526226630;mod6;soon the only bridge will be the 6->5->4 ben_vulpes dance. (until cuntoo) 1812916;1526226632;asciilifeform;ohai mod6 1812917;1526226649;mod6;mornin' asciilifeform 1812918;1526226706;asciilifeform;mod6: if you still feel like experimenting , i'ma bet stage3-amd64-20161219.tar.bz2 ( the amd64 version of the arm64 stage3 i built the rockchip pilot plant image from ) will work 100% 1812919;1526226721;asciilifeform;without any 6->5->4 massage. 1812920;1526226786;mod6;ah. if you built the rockchips with that, i bet it would then, ya. yesterday, i was wondering which old one you must hvae used. 1812921;1526226802;asciilifeform;mod6: it is discussed in the comments under http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2295 1812922;1526226816;asciilifeform;( specifically one of my replies, dated apr 25 ) 1812923;1526226821;mod6;ah, crud, must have missed that 1812924;1526226837;asciilifeform;and it represents the most recent asciilifeform-baked gentoo 1812925;1526226869;asciilifeform;( iirc gentoo on dulap -- and then as supplied to s.mg -- was baked from a stage4 of same vintage ) 1812926;1526226924;mod6;ahh. part of the whole thing is, even after all this time, im still pretty non-clued on the whole portage usage. i guess, one-adventure-at-a-time, im learning more. 1812927;1526226935;mod6;i really need to wrap my head around some of this stuff; no excuses. 1812928;1526227443;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-13#1812908 << i suspect possible case of 'never say never'; in usa there are traders in... whiskey securities; and 'arbitrary names' abound (scotch, bourbon, etc) ; possible that in e.g. californistan , old man ethyl will give way to the green leaf as 'primary dope' and same agricultural-financial mechanics will apply to the new as did to the old 1812929;1526227443;a111;Logged on 2018-05-13 05:07 mircea_popescu: and following this logic -- because pot is relatively unimportant therefore it'll never be securitized. sure, it'll exist, like saltpeter exists, but nobody will give enough of a shit to learn by heart arbitrary names for geological deposits like "brent" or "texas sweet crude". 1812930;1526227539;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-13#1812870 << continuing with this, observe that obtaining alcohol is considerably simpler than prime pig or even 'californirast grade' pot ; and yet there is such a thing as a 200 $ bottle of whiskey 1812931;1526227539;a111;Logged on 2018-05-13 04:22 mircea_popescu: understand the difference between pork bellies and pot : pork bellies are a) the most closely guarded part of pigs which b) are animals that eat the most closely guarded part of corn which c) leaves exist to produce. there's three degrees of biomass reduction at work here, pork bellies are like tuna, not like fucking zooplankton. which is why prime tuna costs $$$ and pressed nori sheets are in the discount bin at the cheap st 1812932;1526227596;asciilifeform;there's a sufficiently heavy admixture of veblenism , to make engineer-style pronouncement of 'of course you need three acres and three years, and nobody's making more acres or more years' -- questionable 1812933;1526227692;asciilifeform;that being said, afaik folx-with-money in usa prefer whiskey bottle, rather than 'joint' ; but this could change, already recent piles of printolade are distributed in the west, to 'joint' folx, in preference of east cost whiskeyists. 1812934;1526227929;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-13#1812854 << afaik the use of distilled thc 'tar' is comparatively unpopular, vs the raw leaf. sorta like distilled nicotine has not replaced traditional tobacco. 1812935;1526227929;a111;Logged on 2018-05-13 04:05 ben_vulpes: anyways this is a solvable problem and it's being solved by the people i told how to solve it by refining the otherwise excess product into shelf-stable distillates and offering lines of credit securitized by the refined product at market prices just like any other asset 1812936;1526227976;asciilifeform;there's an aesthetic component to the habit, in addition to the merely pharmacological. 1812937;1526228070;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-13#1812861 << observe how ~all~ farming in usa, was put under 'soft kolhoz' by fdr ( and at exactly same time, and for same reasons, as in old su into 'proper' kolhoz) and nobody alive today remembers any other kind of farming 1812938;1526228070;a111;Logged on 2018-05-13 04:10 ben_vulpes: just, not at the prices the farmers want. 1812939;1526228173;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-13#1812888 << tools that ~don'twork , end up unimportant, as they are 'routed around' 1812940;1526228173;a111;Logged on 2018-05-13 04:53 mircea_popescu: cryptography is not securitizable for the same exact reason - before we came along NOT A SINGLE ANYTHING CARED. 1812941;1526228218;asciilifeform;observe that crypto is ~still~ the quintessential lemon market. 1812942;1526228229;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/05/pantsuit-media-tries-to-dethrone-woke-voice-of-a-generation-kanye-west-with-forced-meme/ << Qntra - Pantsuit Media Tries To Dethrone #WOKE Voice of a Generation Kanye West With Forced Meme 1812943;1526228248;asciilifeform;and by extension, for instance, rng ( witness the lack of excitement among heathens in re fg, for instance : 'expensive, and what exactly does this do that my intel doesn't') 1812944;1526228297;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-13#1812934 << Rather soon after Colorado legalized "dabbing" started to become a thing. Folks vaporize distilled oils with LIon powered pocket exploders. Pantsuitist market this a "healthier and safer" than smoking 1812945;1526228297;a111;Logged on 2018-05-13 16:12 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-13#1812854 << afaik the use of distilled thc 'tar' is comparatively unpopular, vs the raw leaf. sorta like distilled nicotine has not replaced traditional tobacco. 1812946;1526228321;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: i expect it will be same dynamic as with the battery-powered nicotine thing 1812947;1526228342;asciilifeform;( i.e. some folx will pick it up, but no visible dent on traditional tobacco market ) 1812948;1526228396;BingoBoingo;I would estimate when I left old country that in my area ~25% of nicotine users had transtioned to the vapes for the majority of their nicotine ingestion 1812949;1526228572;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-13#1812886 << in actual industry ( as opposed to garage dope kitchen ) essential oils are extracted with supercritical co2, rather than petrochem ( i expected that ben_vulpes would know this ) 1812950;1526228572;a111;Logged on 2018-05-13 04:52 ben_vulpes: characteristics of arbitrarium, hydrocarbon refinement byproducts of no more than your mom) are coming to further smear the soi-disant independent thinkers into precisely the same paste the megastate produces everywhere 1812951;1526228673;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Per pantsuitist media reports the Hashoilis use butane. 1812952;1526228682;asciilifeform;well yes, currently they do 1812953;1526228699;asciilifeform;because not so far removed from the kitchen lab, at the moment. 1812954;1526228731;asciilifeform;you need a ~$500k (turkeydollar) plant, to do it the adult way. and i suspect that there are not 500k of turkeydollar between them atm. 1812955;1526228759;BingoBoingo;Might be related to the strong non-polarity of stuff they want as a focus. Could be part kitchen lab, could be the butane has a favorable bias as a solvent. 1812956;1526228777;asciilifeform;these regularly explode. 1812957;1526228783;asciilifeform;hence the pantsuit coverage. 1812958;1526228808;BingoBoingo;The regular exploding is more the lithium ion batteries 1812959;1526228815;asciilifeform;( and yes it's the ~only hardware-store solvent that ~works for the purpose ) 1812960;1526228823;BingoBoingo;Why sell good cells to vapists? 1812961;1526228839;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: the funny bit, is that 'good' lithium-ion cell is a mythical unicorn 1812962;1526228861;asciilifeform;they were rubbish when they first hit conveyor, and are rubbish now; good for intended purpose for maybe a year or 2 when new 1812963;1526228909;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, entirely improbable. alcohol ~is even the reason america exists~, i'll point out ; the driver for slave trade was sugar cane not cotton, historically, and so on. 1812964;1526228918;mircea_popescu;ie, we're still comparing mud pies to the washington monument. 1812965;1526228936;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i cannot comment on the probability. only re the possibility ( it seems -- possible. ) 1812966;1526228968;asciilifeform;the demise of the horse, i suspect, seemed equally improbable. 1812967;1526229029;asciilifeform;old crop of lizards preferred the drunken man; perhaps new crop -- prefers the 'pothead' as the ideal 'new sov^H^H^H^american man'.. 1812968;1526229040;mircea_popescu;the $200 bottle of whiskey is a product of the EXACT same process as "i have a bf, why would i be your slave" patriotism. there is no whiskey extant today, ever existent in history or ever to be devises worth more than $2 a galon. for the very simple and strictly unassailable reason that grain alcohol is one step above wood alcohol, and approximately equal to gasoline. 1812969;1526229061;mircea_popescu;now FRUIT alcohol, ie, the $200 bottle of wine, THAT exists. but it's also so finnicky to actually make as to justify the price. 1812970;1526229095;asciilifeform;which one of these , pot-growing is closer to , i'ma leave to the folx who know 1812971;1526229140;mircea_popescu;note that there's no veuve cliquot securities, notwithstanding that is a genuinely and on its own merits $50 bottle. 1812972;1526229169;mircea_popescu;(there are no $1000 bottles, either, it's not THAT bad. unless for purely historical reasons, "this is the bottle marie antoinette vaginally inserted" etc) 1812973;1526229211;mircea_popescu;but that said -- seems almost a certainty that the pothead is preferable to the drunk, from the socialist nigger's perspective. 1812974;1526229230;asciilifeform;aha -- sedate, pliant folx 1812975;1526229255;asciilifeform;( only problem, from pig-farm pov, being their 'munchies' but the corn people will take care... ) 1812976;1526229264;mircea_popescu;alcohol is sedative in quantity and uninhibitor in mini doses ; pot is sedative in mini doses and psychogenic in quantity. seems evidently the better deal. 1812977;1526229310;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, do you recall, incidentally, the trilema piece discussing the future ? the bit about how "if meth is legal, trucker MUST do meth, like it or not" ? 1812978;1526229343;mircea_popescu;turns out that pot mandate has extended past "the service industry" ie the white girl job (waitress) and the black guy job ("custodian", amirite ?) into the neet lands. 1812979;1526229393;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i recall the piece. can't currently picture how it applies to pot tho -- it isn't 'performance dope' 1812980;1526229437;asciilifeform;unless notion is 'opiate for the masses', where 'neet' is herded into barns that are 'undendurable without pot' 1812981;1526229460;mircea_popescu;of course it is. understand this : the us is, for all intents and purposes, an aquarium. someone now and again drops some food pellets in, the fishies inside are either depressed or part of the pantsuit club of "how to correctly display the beauty of aquariums for the benefit of the aquarium feeder folk outside". 1812982;1526229484;mircea_popescu;as far as the zeks are concerned, their performance is purely performative : they're employed at the task of "being americans", so the chinese can take pictures of authentic. 1812983;1526229526;mircea_popescu;in this sense, pot is as much a performance drug as meth is for trucker. 1812984;1526229537;asciilifeform;the aquarium model is imho spot-on, but with the detail that most of the usa inmates are not fish in the aquarium, but zooplankton, quite invisible to the owner and the fish alike 1812985;1526229550;mircea_popescu;and this is why it started with waitresses and janitors, too. their job is to PRETEND like they're servants so the "upper" class can pretend it's upper. 1812986;1526229593;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, sure. and then again there's this pesky algae bloom of maga, and so on. 1812987;1526229605;asciilifeform;aaha 1812988;1526229636;mircea_popescu;but there's a fucking reason they're "concerned" about "russian spies" rather than chinese spies. "those aren't spies, dummy, those are the peopel dropping food pellets in. they should get a good show, put out!" 1812989;1526229693;asciilifeform;pre-q2-2016 fixation was still 'chinese spies' 1812990;1526229713;mircea_popescu;imagine, if you will, wehrmacht-sd being "concerned" about azerbaijani spies. 1812991;1526229728;*;asciilifeform was slaving in a 'seekoority'-flavoured salt mine hell at the time, and remembers the switch, quite abrupt 1812992;1526229738;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, funny, huh. 1812993;1526229754;lobbes;I will note that some of the moar chronic (decade + of "smoke all day every day") $potusers I know can no longer get high off of the leaves; need the refined "dabs". >> (+asciilifeform) [16:31:35] which one of these , pot-growing is closer to , i'ma leave to the folx who know 1812994;1526229784;mircea_popescu;lobbes, pot has a number of misfortunate qualities that interdict its large scale usage, which is why coca civilisation existed even, but not pot. 1812995;1526229801;mircea_popescu;but why bother the idiots with knowledge, let them "we've done the experiment and forgot to publish results" until they fall over. 1812996;1526229803;asciilifeform;lobbes: afaik even heroin users have concept of 'knock down the dose', where they abstain for a spell. pot smokers -- not ? 1812997;1526229851;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, let me simplify this for you : pot smokers are socialist. if their brain worked, pot'd be more of a concern, but as it is... 1812998;1526229870;mircea_popescu;you know the joke with the very brave man, went through the horrible leg-cutting bear trap ? 1812999;1526229884;asciilifeform;hm? 1813000;1526229896;mircea_popescu;a very brave man once braved a horrible leg-cutting bear trap 1813001;1526229904;mircea_popescu;interviewed afterwards, as to how did he do it ?! 1813002;1526229909;mircea_popescu;"i was born without legs, ma'am." 1813003;1526229998;asciilifeform;'Хорошо тому живется, У кого одна нога, У того яйцо не трется, И не надо сапога.' (tm)(r) 1813004;1526230040;mircea_popescu;ahahaha! 1813005;1526230044;mircea_popescu;man this is great. 1813006;1526230055;asciilifeform;there's a whole genre of these. 1813007;1526230114;mircea_popescu;"Понос... Дизентирия... Геморрой. не казала б девка ты худую грудь и в такую попку парни не буть накачаю попку, припаяю грудь пусть меня в деревне парни все буть." 1813008;1526230166;mircea_popescu;Дед Епифан! fucking win. 1813009;1526230170;lobbes;asciilifeform: I posed the same "why not take tolerance break" q to them as well. They claim "doesn't work" but I suspect they simply didn't wait long enough 1813010;1526230193;mircea_popescu;lobbes, it doesn't work as well as it works for say ecstasy. 1813011;1526230251;asciilifeform;sorta like how when asciilifeform suggests to nicotine aficionados, to do it 'like the indians, erry 3-6mo.' they look like at martian 1813012;1526230273;mircea_popescu;you know i kinda lost that ? 1813013;1526230281;asciilifeform;completely ? as in, it does 0 ? 1813014;1526230287;mircea_popescu;for two decades i've been smoking, maybe once or twice a week, or so. 1813015;1526230295;asciilifeform;or as in '6 mo go by, but still dun feel like any' 1813016;1526230298;mircea_popescu;but it's been months, the cigars been piling up, eventually i turned off the supply... and well... 1813017;1526230308;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, yeah, i just lost interest in smoking altogether. 1813018;1526230322;asciilifeform;it does happen. 1813019;1526230326;mircea_popescu;apparently. 1813020;1526230398;asciilifeform;the pets dun do cigars ? 1813021;1526230439;mircea_popescu;notrly. 1813022;1526230443;BingoBoingo; of course it is. understand this : the us is, for all intents and purposes, an aquarium. someone now and again drops some food pellets in, the fishies inside are either depressed or part of the pantsuit club of "how to correctly display the beauty of aquariums for the benefit of the aquarium feeder folk outside". << Uruguay is the FUTURE!!! 1813023;1526230465;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo, moar liek futa is da future amirite. 1813024;1526230508;BingoBoingo;Defo 1813025;1526230510;lobbes;Though, I think mr p's "aquarium performance drug" theory is spot on re: pot. Encourages general complacency with less "action" than alcohol inspires. 1813026;1526230543;mircea_popescu;certainly "beautiful ones" look better smoked than drunk. 1813027;1526230552;BingoBoingo;And there are few "people" (cerdos humanos) more complacent than Uruguayos 1813028;1526230625;lobbes;40+ yr case study right there in .uy huh? 1813029;1526230658;BingoBoingo;lobbes: Well, what is an almost purely tourist oriented economy? If it isn't a type of aquarium... 1813030;1526230809;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in other rude awakenings, http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/uDvnz/?raw=true 1813031;1526230931;mircea_popescu;!#s beautiful ones 1813032;1526230931;a111;9 results for "beautiful ones", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=beautiful%20ones 1813033;1526230949;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2015-02-25#1033675 << there we go. 1813034;1526230949;a111;Logged on 2015-02-25 21:16 ascii_field: their own young. Procreation slumped, infant abandonment and mortality soared. Lone females retreated to isolated nesting boxes on penthouse levels. Other males, a group Calhoun termed “the beautiful ones,” never sought sex and never fought—they just ate, slept, and groomed, wrapped in narcissistic introspection.' 1813035;1526231058;mircea_popescu;might as well redrop the orig source for archival http://www.cabinetmagazine.org/issues/42/wiles.php 1813036;1526231227;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-13#1812937 << farming is NOT AMENABLE to any other kind of farming. the pretense to "independent farmers" is how the pantsuit chicks got the less able men off the cattle growing, you understand. the notion of "independent farmer" is a hallucination exactly like the notion of "successful starlet", sold by the press of a commercial concern for a commercial interest. hollywood WANTED a bunch of gir 1813037;1526231227;a111;Logged on 2018-05-13 16:14 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-13#1812861 << observe how ~all~ farming in usa, was put under 'soft kolhoz' by fdr ( and at exactly same time, and for same reasons, as in old su into 'proper' kolhoz) and nobody alive today remembers any other kind of farming 1813038;1526231227;mircea_popescu;lies breaking off family bonds to come serve them on hands and knees ; and churchgoing uppity "homely" (=ugly) women WANTED a bunch of retards to think "cowboy life is dangerous, dun take guns to town, stay on farm with the sow" 1813039;1526231252;mircea_popescu;but once the specific environment changed, once there isn't a cattle farming interest to join, well... why keep up the pretense. 1813040;1526231302;mircea_popescu;understand, mom will make paper copies of rifles for kiddy for only just as long as the soldiers pass in the street. once they're gone, once the immediate, obvious stimulus ceases, there's other things to do, so why don't you go make your bed. 1813041;1526231487;mircea_popescu;epically more evident in period russia, where choice before every country bumpkin/ciolovek actually had to decide whether stay on farm or go join bandits. and, for that matter, the deep reason for http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-08#1811354 is exactly that, german youth deserted the old woman "state" en masse, joined "the bandits". 1813042;1526231487;a111;Logged on 2018-05-08 17:52 asciilifeform: asciilifeform's pet was just not long ago singing it, lol 1813043;1526231504;asciilifeform;kolhoz did not happen because martians came, no. technological inevitability, like artillery. 1813044;1526231620;mircea_popescu;rather. farm life is farm life, whadda ya want. waste effort on supporting too many children, pray the mongols don't come to merv you out. 1813045;1526231621;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: related, in re period, 'На одной ноге я пришел с войны, / Привязал коня сел я у жены. / Но часу не прошло комиссар пришел, / Отвязал коня и жену увел. ...' 1813046;1526231644;mircea_popescu;it's fundamentally unsustainable, but hey, for while the "headcount is only count that matters" delusion holds, women wanna spawn. 1813047;1526232047;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-13#1812954 << costa rica is introducing a lulz of al ltime tiered licensing system. the top tier is about 2mn in royalties. 1813048;1526232047;a111;Logged on 2018-05-13 16:25 asciilifeform: you need a ~$500k (turkeydollar) plant, to do it the adult way. and i suspect that there are not 500k of turkeydollar between them atm. 1813049;1526232060;mircea_popescu;i expect they'll get paid ; the pot lulz is not without financing. 1813050;1526232190;asciilifeform;i still suspect that folx who 'i'ma get in on ground floor and GetRich(tm)', a la ben_vulpes's friend, are misguided , because http://btcbase.org/log/2015-03-06#1044114 1813051;1526232190;a111;Logged on 2015-03-06 03:29 mircea_popescu: making money is a purely ~political~ function. if you are among the favoured elite of the respublica veneta, you then may invest in the ships, and make a profit. if not, not. 1813052;1526232219;mircea_popescu;of course. but you have to understand, lots of imaginary money sloshing around. 1813053;1526232241;mircea_popescu;the one thing the germans were clamoring for, interbellum, was "for a way to give all this useless paper back to the govt". 1813054;1526232254;asciilifeform;rright. nobody promised that the constraint mechanism would be same as in venice or king leopold's belgium. today it is in the turket vs vapour usd divide 1813055;1526232255;mircea_popescu;because that's what worthless money wants, most of all : to go back an' meet its maker. 1813056;1526232274;asciilifeform;i.e. one investor's 500k builds a co2 extractor; the other's 2m usd -- mysteriously evaporates without building much of anything 1813057;1526232286;mircea_popescu;oh, but it was invested in the great opportunity of groupon 1813058;1526232291;asciilifeform;bahahayes 1813059;1526232310;mircea_popescu;which all the fucktards who hyped it feel no need to ever mention again ; they'll just reuse the hype with s/groupon/apple/g instead. 1813060;1526232312;mircea_popescu;problem ? 1813061;1526232351;*;asciilifeform remembers walking into dc metro and literally every square metre on which paper could be glued -- pavement, walls, trains, escalator -- was covered: 'groupon' 1813062;1526232366;asciilifeform;for weeks. 1813063;1526232482;*;asciilifeform even today has nfi -- though admittedly, did not dig in deeply -- re what, exactly , distinguishes 'groupon' from ye olde 'mmm' 1813064;1526232869;mircea_popescu;exactly nothing. but sometime between Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC and groupon they actually gave up on even pretending to prosecute fraud. 1813065;1526232879;mircea_popescu;otherwise, books cooked ~exactly~ same way in both cases. 1813066;1526232924;mircea_popescu;(there was actually the mf global issue right in between there, as an intermediate stage) 1813067;1526233472;mircea_popescu;"Individuals born under these circumstances will be so out of touch with reality as to be incapable even of alienation. Their most complex behaviors will become fragmented. Acquisition, creation and utilization of ideas appropriate for life in a post-industrial cultural-conceptual-technological society will have been blocked." 1813068;1526233501;mircea_popescu;i find this eerlily apt. the fundamental fact of the neet isn't that it's alienated ; but that it lacks the capacity for alienation altogether. 1813069;1526233821;mircea_popescu;"In Stand on Zanzibar, John Brunner’s 1972 novel of a hyperactive, overpopulated world, society is plagued by “muckers,” individuals who suddenly and for no obvious reason run amok, killing and wounding others." << now the uncomfortable question becomes, whether that's the actual problem of 2018 because that's what the people of 1972 thought it will be ? 1813070;1526233844;asciilifeform;!#s zanzibar from:asciilifeform 1813071;1526233844;a111;11 results for "zanzibar from:asciilifeform", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=zanzibar%20from%3Aasciilifeform 1813072;1526233847;asciilifeform;^ see also. 1813073;1526233988;mircea_popescu;certainly there's directly evident a fundamental inability to acquire or process ideas at the root of the http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-12#1812645 / more general "web has failed" discussion. 1813074;1526233988;a111;Logged on 2018-05-12 01:59 mircea_popescu: 2018 web is ~= 1988 disco or 1968 "rock&roll". there's no beatles, there's no elvis, there's just you know, "rock and roller Little Richard performing in 2007" ie wikipedia. there's fucking F!TV. 1813075;1526234016;mircea_popescu;ie, http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-11#1812588 1813076;1526234016;a111;Logged on 2018-05-11 23:02 trinque: lol what claim? go, divide. 1813077;1526234275;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2014-05-25#688733 << the shit one finds digging through the logs. 1813078;1526234275;a111;Logged on 2014-05-25 21:19 mircea_popescu: Goat owe me 3740.35 BTC. This is a serious scam and he is playing rich with MY money. 2012 I invested a lot in his Tygrr-bot. I thought it sounded like a cool arbitrage bot. It was hard to go profit and a lesser amount was lost to exchange failure. 1813079;1526234334;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2014-05-28#691540 << is dead link, unsurprisingly. replaced with proper quality warez, nao, for now at http://nosuchlabs.com/pub/warez/soz.txt.gz . 1813080;1526234334;a111;Logged on 2014-05-28 00:43 asciilifeform: http://www.pdfarchive.info/pdf/B/Br/Brunner_John_-_Stand_on_Zanzibar.pdf 1813081;1526234513;mircea_popescu;why ty. 1813082;1526234515;mircea_popescu;aaanyway, the problem isn't even the demographic-theoretical identified there ("when there's more mice than social roles, mice society collapses, because the demands upon the role fillers are overgreat wrt individual mice biological capacity ; and the path for the role-aspirants is no longer clear, which definitionally is what "society has failed" even means, http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-23#1742439 ) ; but rather informatio 1813083;1526234515;a111;Logged on 2017-11-23 15:25 mircea_popescu: though mostly quoted for the fundamental prpblem -- these are college educated or educating esltards (maybe not ALL at MIT, but if you're on the internet.en you're either out of or currently in college) WHO DO NOT KNOW HOW TO BECOME MILLIONAIRES. 1813084;1526234515;mircea_popescu;n-theoretical : when there's more ideas than mental capacity for juggling ideas, one's stuck trying to pretend like they're some kind of me, sitting atop a complex apparatus fine-tuned to provide them with summaries and classification. 1813085;1526234538;mircea_popescu;in the end, the remaining "value proposition" of jewish outlets is, "all put together a penny or two, and we'll provide a harem for all of you!" 1813086;1526234548;mircea_popescu;sorta like that bad 1950s film with kim novak. 1813087;1526234648;mircea_popescu;basically, to answer http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-11#1812588 : they're a) not doing it because b) if they tried to they'd run out of time before they'd run out of divisions and therefore c) waiting for someone to d) collapse this AND OTHER SUCH things into a more manageable super-idea except e) quid custodiet, which is necessarily at odds with the requirements of b-c, and therefore the whole thing's paralyzed. 1813088;1526234648;a111;Logged on 2018-05-11 23:02 trinque: lol what claim? go, divide. 1813089;1526234692;mircea_popescu;this is the fucking problem : man who can plow an acre who got a square mile, can't start on plowing the acre he can plow because waiting for tractor, except can not trust item he receives actually plows anything. -> famine. 1813090;1526234730;asciilifeform;the same folx will do mountain of work to, e.g., build 'rust' compiler or other heathen nonsense. but unsurprisingly won't lift a finger to look through terrorist telescope and , heavens forbid, see an extra moon where mother church proclaimed, Officially, there be none 1813091;1526234937;asciilifeform;i suspect (but cannot prove) that there is at least a trace of underlying thought of 'so suppose he's telling the truth. nao wat? throw away mit diploma? eat pistol? eat from dumpsters?' 1813092;1526235175;mircea_popescu;not so. 1813093;1526235182;mircea_popescu;they'll just download a script 1813094;1526235215;asciilifeform;lol script. these people spend all day, erry day, fiddling with the products of one another's dysfunctional hands growing from arse 1813095;1526235242;asciilifeform;( try and, one day, build one of their supposed 'just worx, run script!' lol ) 1813096;1526236529;mircea_popescu;but they don't care about the eventual results. 1813097;1526236550;mircea_popescu;they get fifty, run them all, pick whichever result looks least banged up and there, that's gonna be their wife now. 1813098;1526236623;mircea_popescu;see, there's a difference between work and activity. they're not completely inactive, yes, but they do no work. cuz work is when you know what's gonna come out. if you don't know what's gonna come out, it's fucking not work. 1813099;1526236644;asciilifeform;they do 'work' of the rat turning a wheel, yes 1813100;1526236690;mircea_popescu;rat lacks the capacity for work. it can do "work" in the physical sense, of ef-delta-dee. but in the social sense, work is directed activity not merely activity undirected. 1813101;1526236770;asciilifeform;activity of shaman, or rust programmer, is 'directed', from his pov 1813102;1526241362;BingoBoingo;In other agricultural products: http://trilema.com/2016/pili/#selection-89.445-89.546 1813103;1526241524;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in euroclassics, the ~original~ malleus ( http://www.sacred-texts.com/pag/mm has decent engl. trans. ) is actually pretty great. e.g. : 1813104;1526241529;asciilifeform;'And what, then, is to be thought of those witches who in this way sometimes collect male organs in great numbers, as many as twenty or thirty members together, and put them in a bird's nest, or shut them up in a box, where they move themselves like living members, and eat oats and corn, as has been seen by many and is a matter of common report? It is to be said that it is all done by devil's work and illusion, for the senses of thos 1813105;1526241529;asciilifeform;e who see them are deluded in the way we have said. For a certain man tells that, when he had lost his member, he approached a known witch to ask her to restore it to him. She told the afflicted man to climb a certain tree, and that he might take which he liked out of the nest in which there were several members. And when he tried to take a big one, the witch said: You must not take that one; adding, because it belongs to a parish pr 1813106;1526241530;asciilifeform;iest.' 1813107;1526241541;asciilifeform;( part 2, ch. vii ) 1813108;1526241667;asciilifeform;or, p. 1., 'question' xviii, '...why do not witches become rich? Secondly, why, having the favour of princes, do they not co-operate for the destruction of all their enemies? Thirdly, why are they unable to injure Preachers and others who persecute them? 1813109;1526241667;asciilifeform; For the first, it is to be said that witches are not generally rich for this reason: that the devils like to show their contempt for the Creator by buying witches for the lowest possible price.' 1813110;1526242546;BingoBoingo;And I found the green Rio de la Plata parrots on Trilema http://trilema.com/2016/peruvian-immigrants-argentine-natives/ 1813111;1526245090;esthlos;trinque: gonna try to get most of this thing done today 1813112;1526253223;deedbot;http://danielpbarron.com/2018/the-unbearable-lightness-of-being/ << Daniel P. Barron - The Unbearable Lightness of Being 1813113;1526265854;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2018/an-examination-of-conflict/ << Trilema - An examination of conflict 1813114;1526267520;esthlos;question for all: should the gnupg temp files be deleted in all_ cases of a failed press? perhaps someone might want it for debugging? 1813115;1526268209;mircea_popescu;afaik the idea is to go to our own rsa eventuyally anyway 1813116;1526268296;mod6;alright, both machines finally installed with Gentoo & 4.9.4 GCC. 1813117;1526268302;mod6;Thanks for the help all. 1813118;1526268325;mircea_popescu;win. 1813119;1526268407;mod6;srs aventure this weekend 1813120;1526268413;mod6;an adventure too. 1813121;1526268431;mod6;how's it goin mircea_popescu? 1813122;1526268456;mircea_popescu;not bad. 1813123;1526268476;mod6;right on. 1813124;1526268566;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-13#1813108 >> pretty fucking great huh 1813125;1526268566;a111;Logged on 2018-05-13 20:01 asciilifeform: or, p. 1., 'question' xviii, '...why do not witches become rich? Secondly, why, having the favour of princes, do they not co-operate for the destruction of all their enemies? Thirdly, why are they unable to injure Preachers and others who persecute them? 1813126;1526268616;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron, figure of speech 1813127;1526268884;danielpbarron;ty 1813128;1526270097;trinque;danielpbarron: eh you know, I was going to call the book the (apparent) movie is based upon garbage, but gears began to turn, and if recollection serves, the thing's a passable depiction of what happens to meaning in the aftermath of destroyed structures of authority, a la mircea_popescu 1813129;1526270154;trinque;the narcissism of each character is cartoonish, but here we are amidst even more cartoonish pieces of shit claiming their bundle of infantile urges is an identity. 1813130;1526270503;trinque;it's been ten years since I cracked Kundera, couldn't say whether he intended said depiction, or it's just my own digestive process that says so 1813131;1526270638;trinque;(and also, what destroyed structure of authority, you pussies http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-09#1641162 ) 1813132;1526270638;a111;Logged on 2017-04-09 23:02 phf: asciilifeform: true king is a later invention, actual process is "choose king amongst yourself", and failure to do so is stupidity 1813133;1526270892;danielpbarron;yeah i liked the movie 1813134;1526275346;ben_vulpes;esthlos: it is very useful to leave them around; the kb wasted in /tmp are negligible and useful in edge case failures 1813135;1526299989;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: a correctly-written adult vtron should NEVER fail during press 1813136;1526300000;asciilifeform;short of a dying hdd 1813137;1526304376;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in http://btcbase.org/log/2014-08-16#798008 lulz : http://efail.de >> '... abuse vulnerabilities in the specification of OpenPGP and S/MIME to exfiltrate the plaintex...' 1813138;1526304376;a111;Logged on 2014-08-16 02:27 mircea_popescu: by now i can sorta distinguish the noobs from the veterans because the noobs send me gpg blobs with "Content-Type: multipart/mixed;" mixed in, whereas the veterans just neatly paste the pgp in the email body. 1813139;1526304648;asciilifeform;^ pretty lulzy prehistory -- usg is burning the vuln in the most traditional way, complete with 'responsible disclosure'ism and a boeck-style 'researcher' ; nao spinning in every propaganda organ in unison as 'pgp broken!' 1813140;1526304983;BingoBoingo;AHA, I was just getting ready to write up "Vulnerability In Common Email Client Handling Of Decrypted Plaintext" 1813141;1526305005;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Do you want it instead? 1813142;1526305211;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: naa write 1813143;1526305269;BingoBoingo;k 1813144;1526305274;asciilifeform;interesting lulgem from the paper, 'An email client receiving a PGP-signed message may try to automatically download the corresponding public key.' << i never used 'pgp for lusers' emailtrons and had nfi. would explain one obvious modality for the 'mirrorolade' item 1813145;1526305315;BingoBoingo;Today is shapping up to be a heavy lulz day in the early going between Italy and Iraqi politics 1813146;1526305433;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Mirrolade, etc and other lulz are kinda why I would like to see the asciilifeform take on this one 1813147;1526305822;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: asciilifeform's take, is already in the log, above. 1813148;1526305831;BingoBoingo;Aite 1813149;1526307094;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/05/smime-and-poor-openpgp-email-client-behavior-leak-plaintext/ << Qntra - S/MIME And Poor OpenPGP Email Client Behavior Leak Plaintext 1813150;1526307320;BingoBoingo; ^ pretty lulzy prehistory -- usg is burning the vuln in the most traditional way, complete with 'responsible disclosure'ism and a boeck-style 'researcher' ; nao spinning in every propaganda organ in unison as 'pgp broken!' << Apparently @hanno has a take on this too that sums to the rest of the party line "who could be using this with hygeine?" 1813151;1526307832;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: paste ? ( i can't be arsed to read the d00d's www ) 1813152;1526307960;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform It's a single tweet: @hanno 'Saying "our protocol and API is fine, it's just that everyone uses it wrong" is not a particularly good defense #efail #gpg' 1813153;1526307976;asciilifeform;lol 1813154;1526308065;asciilifeform;the footnotes of the 'paper', also lulzy, full of marlinspike, boeck, etc. 'why pgp is dead' articles 1813155;1526308255;BingoBoingo;Take heart, this is not the only mega-lol in today's magazine 1813156;1526309165;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/05/iraq-election-muqtada-al-sadr-getting-the-win/ << Qntra - Iraq Election: Muqtada al-Sadr Getting The Win 1813157;1526309211;BingoBoingo;^ Anyone else remember when this guy was evening news material? 1813158;1526309685;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: most famous from the saddam h hanging tape, where the crowd chanted his name 1813159;1526309750;BingoBoingo;AHA 1813160;1526310553;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/05/italian-election-five-star-and-the-league-nearing-coalition-deal/ << Qntra - Italian Election: Five Star And The League Nearing Coalition Deal 1813161;1526310764;mod6;mornin' TMSR~ 1813162;1526310784;asciilifeform;ohai mod6 1813163;1526310854;BingoBoingo;mornin mod6 1813164;1526311652;*;mod6 waves 1813165;1526311656;mod6;how's everyone doin today? 1813166;1526311915;BingoBoingo;Still alive 1813167;1526312059;mod6;Glad to hear you're feeling better. 1813168;1526313611;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-14#1813128 << milan kundera isn't the end-all be-all of anything. however, he is a representative of a milieu (by which we mean, historical context + group construction, ie wot+varietyspeak+etc) and can't be meaningfully approached (which means, dismissed, either) if one's not familiar. from adam michnik to http://trilema.com/2011/ahahahahahaaaaa/ http://trilema.com/2011/pauldimir-gosmaneanu/ et 1813169;1526313611;a111;Logged on 2018-05-14 03:54 trinque: danielpbarron: eh you know, I was going to call the book the (apparent) movie is based upon garbage, but gears began to turn, and if recollection serves, the thing's a passable depiction of what happens to meaning in the aftermath of destroyed structures of authority, a la mircea_popescu 1813170;1526313611;mircea_popescu;cetera etcetera, it's a whole pile there, with solidarnosc raisins in a light samizdat confit. 1813171;1526313640;mircea_popescu;the so called "80s generation". 1813172;1526313646;*;asciilifeform tried, but could not digest, allergic 1813173;1526313884;mircea_popescu;in any case, it's what makes danielpbarron 's review thoroughly horrible : he tries to watch the already juiced matter (no, the film of the book wasn't very good, because americans) with completely ahistoric eyes, and wonders how they managed to die in car crash on those roads, you can barely go 35. 1813174;1526313914;mircea_popescu;it's fucking true! the dirt roads of behind the iron curtain barely permitted 35. and yes, i miself survived a crash at twice the speed. so wtf were they thinking ? 1813175;1526313960;mircea_popescu;EXCEPT, i survived it in a 90s mercedes, not in a 70s lada (this thing : http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-03#1808320 ), and moreover first responders were there in five minutes not in two hours and a half. 1813176;1526313960;a111;Logged on 2018-05-03 19:15 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: aaactually, erry orc with a 'lada' or whatever ancient jalopy for which new parts cannot be had 1813177;1526314026;mircea_popescu;which yes, very much kills, take the case of http://trilema.com/2014/the-disadvantages-of-living-among-idiots/ 1813178;1526314057;mircea_popescu;as a factual matter, driving casualties existed in the 80s among warsaw pact signatories ; and yes "speed unadjusted to driving conditions" was universally blamed. 1813179;1526314256;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: iirc good % of road casualties was pedestrian ( just as everywhere and even today ) 1813180;1526314265;mircea_popescu;nah. 1813181;1526314275;mircea_popescu;well, good %, sure. not all, though. 1813182;1526314323;asciilifeform;other nitpick, if the wheels on gravel can go 35 , and collision of oncoming -- sums 1813183;1526314333;asciilifeform;so just as readily 2x. 1813184;1526314498;mircea_popescu;it always sums, neh ? but i don't think anyone living today can imagine what, specifically, "jalopy" means. considering the ~author~ couldn't : http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-31#1778955 1813185;1526314498;a111;Logged on 2018-01-31 17:21 asciilifeform: incidentally in what country are there cabs with back seat passenger arm rest ? 1813186;1526314525;mircea_popescu;they were fucking tuna cans, what. you'd die in there at a light breeze exactly like steel helmeted ww1 monkeys. 1813187;1526314817;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, anyway, allergy is always unfortunate. for instance item such as http://trilema.com/2011/voi-ce-ati-facut-in-viata-asta-ba/#selection-37.0-41.102 can't possibly be comprehended without a comprehensive read of the fellow in question (emil cioran). 1813188;1526314936;mircea_popescu;and since i;m doing this, http://trilema.com/2011/voi-ce-ati-facut-in-viata-asta-ba/#selection-45.99-49.7 is a learned reference, to "Am avut un copil si-o nevasta Acum o suta, o mie de ani 1813189;1526314936;mircea_popescu;Auziti paianjeni ? Auziti sobolani ? Am avut un copil si-o nevasta." ie radu gyr, ie http://trilema.com/2010/poveste/ 1813190;1526315422;danielpbarron;should i not have made the review? not even watched the film? 1813191;1526315451;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron, i can't see why not. you just shouldn't have expected to get all that much from it, which i don't gather you had expected. so no harm no foul. 1813192;1526315479;mircea_popescu;on the contrary, it opened up an opportunity for the above discussion. or more in general : activity is never wasted, even if it rarely delivers what it seemed it will. 1813193;1526315553;mircea_popescu;it certainly is the fundamental public purpose for the blog : it illuminates where the author is, currently, so the other can direct fire. (the private purpose is exactly the same : it illuminates where the author was at some arbitrarily selected point in the past, so the same author can, later in life, interact with more of himself than his memory provides). 1813194;1526315739;mircea_popescu;(and yes, "the other" there is very much l'autre, from sartre to levinas) 1813195;1526315966;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i'm still waiting to run across the kundera, solzhenitsyn, or the like, whose work shows any symptoms of grasping that 1) 'free world' was a cheap scam 2) switching moscow whip for washington whip won't improve anything 3) the uppity orcs will lose whatever sovereignty, industrial civ level, etc. they have under sov colonization, when (2) happens , and remain sad and dependent 1813196;1526316044;asciilifeform;see also: 1813197;1526316047;asciilifeform;!#s drink bavarian 1813198;1526316047;a111;0 results for "drink bavarian", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=drink%20bavarian 1813199;1526316047;mircea_popescu;funny, it seems to me about half of them grasp, on some level. one in six or so even arguably states some variant. but then again i mostly read the french/ro/czech/jugo set rather than the russian/polish/whatever. there is some north/south division among the stalinvictims vaguely similar to the east/west division of zee franks. 1813200;1526316050;asciilifeform;hm 1813201;1526316087;mircea_popescu;note however that "moscow whip" is a very dubious item altogether, at least in the case of actually authoritarian regimes. ceausescu drove gorby mad with his "what apologize, you fucking apologize, fucker, i wasn't there." 1813202;1526316101;asciilifeform;there's a common set of jokes from su, q: 'if only we let germany win, we'd be drinking bavarian! riding in mercedes!' a: '... yes, ride in mercedes. but -- as the leather seat.' 1813203;1526316109;mircea_popescu;lol 1813204;1526316157;mircea_popescu;this is true, actually. generalplan ost was some choice rib of insanity re political sociobiology. they were gonna make a New Bavaria in odessa like "the englishers" had made New York in missisiauga 1813205;1526316205;asciilifeform;it is not much of a mystery, what was planned there. complete with specific references to 'like the indians' 1813206;1526316206;mircea_popescu;somehow "the poles are not the fucking sioux, nutmeg!" just didn't turn any wheels. 1813207;1526316272;mircea_popescu;anyway, there's actually a lot of substance to the rooseveltian-socialist "the hitler-socialists were pretty divorced from reality" claims / agitprop. even if not usually the substance they'd like there to be. 1813208;1526316370;asciilifeform;must note, that everybody who stands up and tries to build something, or colonize a continent, or do pretty much anything substantial, is 'rebelling against reality'. it only gets counted as 'eh, he went against The Way World Worx'(tm)(r) if he fails. 1813209;1526316403;asciilifeform;if cards had fallen slightly differently -- then yes, poles == sioux. 1813210;1526316454;mircea_popescu;this is not true, which is why boston is not darien. it's true that the original colony was eaten by wolves in both cases ; but one in 1600 and the other in 1800, see. 1813211;1526316479;mircea_popescu;obviously "everyone was mentally inadherent to reality" -- but the first set produced the bible and the nth set were called john smith. 1813212;1526316484;mircea_popescu;ahistorism is never a safe play. 1813213;1526316518;mircea_popescu;and no, the poles were never going to be the sioux at any point past about 1100. the generalplan ost was late by about eight centuries -- and this is ENTIRELY unsuperable. 1813214;1526316518;asciilifeform;imho to write off germany as 'obviously bit more than it could chew, on day 1' also ahistorical. 1813215;1526316527;mircea_popescu;this was never the contention. 1813216;1526316566;asciilifeform;( it is pretty common sin among ru-speaking authors, incidentally, 'germany was doomed, should've known..' etc ) 1813217;1526316626;mircea_popescu;germany was doomed once it broke the pact. they didn't know ; neither did the russkies know (not even stalin, he just got lucky, but lucky with brown underwear). and the british self-importantly gave their ex-contender in the great race two weeks. but by the time they crossed the don, the germans were doomed. 1813218;1526316636;mircea_popescu;(and about half the general staff knew or suspected as much, too) 1813219;1526316652;asciilifeform;nitpick is re the 'know' . 1813220;1526316674;*;asciilifeform does not disagree with the above sketch, and afaik it isn't particularly controversial 1813221;1526316688;mircea_popescu;it's not so hard to take ammo production figures for 1940, multiply by 10k, divide by russian land surface and look at the figure. 1813222;1526316721;mircea_popescu;"oh, so we basically got one infantry rifle bullet per sq km ? well..." 1813223;1526316741;asciilifeform;of course , by this logic nobody would ever go to war, but would instead sit and comparatively count ammo... 1813224;1526316751;mircea_popescu;hey, it was the history ever since. 1813225;1526316759;asciilifeform;mostly. 1813226;1526316767;mircea_popescu;well not everyone can count. 1813227;1526316773;asciilifeform;verily. 1813228;1526316897;mircea_popescu;anyway, amusingly enough had the german strategy employed so far been employed consistently (ie, stopped at the don, offered the russians military help to go conquer china), we'd most likely be drinking bavarese altogether. 1813229;1526316922;mircea_popescu;i doubt stalin actually wanted the ukraine. much better if hitler shoots them all. 1813230;1526317017;mircea_popescu;in the end, this is the only military strategy that EVER worked ; it is how alexander conquered "the world" to the degree of having cesar weep on his tomb ; it's how the mongol horde worked, it's how the "shocking" ottoman empire worked, it's how war works when it does. 1813231;1526317081;asciilifeform;i dun recall any cases of conqueror pausing mid-exterminatus and successfully offering alliance to 'sioux' 1813232;1526317103;mircea_popescu;really ? how do you think sioux got horses and rifles ? 1813233;1526317108;mircea_popescu;not like either grew in the bushes they picked. 1813234;1526317114;asciilifeform;diffusion 1813235;1526317118;mircea_popescu;hahahah. really ? 1813236;1526317135;asciilifeform;actually. buncha 'first contact, and they have horses, but never saw english' on record. 1813237;1526317140;mircea_popescu;i get it, jews are inadherent to history. nevertheless -- indians were part of "alliances" among western powers regularly. 1813238;1526317181;asciilifeform;the interesting bit is that many of these saw the english as 'yet another tribe' to make/break alliances with 1813239;1526317189;mircea_popescu;you figure the average indian tribe was possessed enough to ~WASTE~ however many galon's worth of whiskey to get a rifle ? no way no how. 1813240;1526317229;mircea_popescu;anyway, point being : the great push west was mostly done by indians themselves. 1813241;1526317231;asciilifeform;no comment re 'average'. and it is not a mystery where their trajectory was after intro to whiskey. 1813242;1526317245;mircea_popescu;by the time white settlers actually followed, 90% of the locals had been shot or displaced. 1813243;1526317252;asciilifeform;this yes. 1813244;1526317269;mircea_popescu;well this is what's said. take ukraina, but leave russians with the caucasus, and send them to wipe china. 1813245;1526317286;mircea_popescu;they will -- because they know in 1940 if they don't they'll be sitting around in 1960 worrying china might come. 1813246;1526317289;asciilifeform;but, observe, not as result of any unified front with english. ( not that such a thing can even be drawn in this picture, there was no unified 'indian nation' nor a stalin, to make any unified front with anyone. ) 1813247;1526317303;mircea_popescu;there actually was an indian stalin. 1813248;1526317315;mircea_popescu;made massive trans-tribal alliances never before seen 1813249;1526317335;mircea_popescu;(and no, the dream of "soviet integration" is moscow-only. the russians were tribes, with the georgians about as russian as the small rus') 1813250;1526317393;asciilifeform;the german invasion -- integrated (most of them, the exceptions starred in stalin's deportation extravaganza post-war) once and for all. 1813251;1526317406;mircea_popescu;yes, but only because foolishly crosssed the don. see ? 1813252;1526317421;asciilifeform;there's a reason why may9 is ~the~ surviving national holiday in ru, and culturally the axis on which whole propeller turns. 1813253;1526317423;mircea_popescu;"no mother, your son shouldn't die to rescrue the ukrs" very different ring to it. 1813254;1526317436;asciilifeform;the creation of ~these~ ukrs is quite recent. 1813255;1526317442;asciilifeform;and a major success for the beast. 1813256;1526317487;mircea_popescu;really ? cuz i seem to recall a whole bunch of ukr ustasa groups. 1813257;1526317519;asciilifeform;that's the interesting bit, stalin 1) ordered the continuing ukr brush war, hushed up 2) proclaimed blanket amnesty for surrendering rebels 1813258;1526317531;asciilifeform;and hruschev even continued it. 1813259;1526317549;mircea_popescu;but he only had the space to do this because hitler was fucking inept, put the hot iron to the wound for him.\ 1813260;1526317560;asciilifeform;arguably. 1813261;1526317565;mircea_popescu;tis my argument. 1813262;1526317608;mircea_popescu;anyway, there's an important point in stalin's life, and that is the war. he visibly matured from 1939 to 1943, 1942 even. three years, but he went from being 14 to being 25. 1813263;1526317686;asciilifeform;not only stalin's. 1813264;1526317713;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-14#1813129 << in recent trilema terms one could say it captures the moment where patriarchy gave way to matriarchy in one man's mind and coincidentally at the same time in that man's country. this is not altogether a lossy summary, and it betrays literary value in the work. 1813265;1526317713;a111;Logged on 2018-05-14 03:55 trinque: the narcissism of each character is cartoonish, but here we are amidst even more cartoonish pieces of shit claiming their bundle of infantile urges is an identity. 1813266;1526317717;asciilifeform;the war was the formative event of su, taking it from a kind of zimbabwe to -- very briefly -- a serious business. 1813267;1526317722;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, indeed not. yes. 1813268;1526317929;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-14#1813131 << in the specific case of czechoslovakia, they got wet because tanks in prague. now and again "science fiction" pops up containing gender-indeterminate species, which choose a gender by context, "with joe in the room i'm samantha the slut, but when moe's around i'm butch". this is EXACTLY how societies work, they are gendered by context, and sending a bunch of tanks can very well fli 1813269;1526317929;a111;Logged on 2018-05-14 04:03 trinque: (and also, what destroyed structure of authority, you pussies http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-09#1641162 ) 1813270;1526317929;mircea_popescu;p a small thing. 1813271;1526317960;mircea_popescu;venice, for instance, was nominally ended by napoleon, but it actually transformed beyond functionality once charles soldiers got the girls so fucking wet centuries prior. 1813272;1526318029;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-14#1813139 << pretty much all they're good for. honestly, if they discourage the few remainign morons from sending "pgp-encrypted" email like retards because "thunderbird" i'll be quite happy. 1813273;1526318029;a111;Logged on 2018-05-14 13:30 asciilifeform: ^ pretty lulzy prehistory -- usg is burning the vuln in the most traditional way, complete with 'responsible disclosure'ism and a boeck-style 'researcher' ; nao spinning in every propaganda organ in unison as 'pgp broken!' 1813274;1526318061;asciilifeform;i suspect the thrust is to 'discourage, and push to shitogram' or whatever the latest keybase is called 1813275;1526318075;asciilifeform;plus a bonus helping of 'drown out trilema piece on shithubkeyz' 1813276;1526318108;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo, hygeine << hygiene 1813277;1526318148;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, pretty lulzy in any case. 1813278;1526318179;asciilifeform;rather. and not as if they weren't ~explicitly~ warned 5y ago. 1813279;1526318210;asciilifeform;( oblig naggumism : http://btcbase.org/log/2014-09-26#846137 ) 1813280;1526318210;a111;Logged on 2014-09-26 18:07 asciilifeform: 'to take but one simple example: suppose you thought of the new millennium when you wrote your application back in 1972 -- not only wouldn't you be invited to the party, those who knew you had done it right from the start and who probably laughed at you at the time would positively hate you now, and they sure as hell wouldn't tell people about you. and the more stupid they are, the more important it would be to 1813281;1526318215;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-14#1813157 << funny how it's always the unmentionables that fuck the hilarity in the ass. 1813282;1526318215;a111;Logged on 2018-05-14 14:46 BingoBoingo: ^ Anyone else remember when this guy was evening news material? 1813283;1526318426;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: ty fxd 1813284;1526318582;asciilifeform;( see also whole thread, example http://btcbase.org/log/2014-09-26#846123 ) 1813285;1526318582;a111;Logged on 2014-09-26 17:59 mircea_popescu: none of this "but mp, you never gave any proof". there's your motherfuc king proof now stfu and shine my boots. 1813286;1526318619;mircea_popescu;lulzy huh. 1813287;1526318655;mircea_popescu;anywya, i think ima reprint (and adnotate) the trinque -linked bolix discussion, because i fear it's so concise and the language so tense, nobody, including myself, will understand wtf was being said in a few more years. 1813288;1526319276;mircea_popescu;i'm cutting it between http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-09#1640940 and http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-10#1641242 ; if anyone disagrees lemme know. 1813289;1526319276;a111;Logged on 2017-04-09 21:11 phf: mcclim always reminds me of how rms was planning on competing with symbolics by reimplementing everything they had on top of gnu platform. that was the goal. only a handful people who actually worked with a genera realize how "special" the result of rms's work was. 1813290;1526319276;a111;Logged on 2017-04-10 01:04 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform there's realy no more to it. 1813291;1526319317;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: looks proper 1813292;1526323773;BingoBoingo;No further information required: "Now, the Web Platform Incubator Community Group (WICG) at the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), has released details about a browser-specific API for standardizing picture-in-picture interactions that allow websites to open an external "floating video" popup outside the browser window itself. [...] Chrome and Safari have already shipped out the new Picture-in-Picture API." 1813293;1526323844;mircea_popescu;lmao 1813294;1526323889;BingoBoingo;INNOVATION!!!111! 1813295;1526324328;asciilifeform;unrelatedly, BingoBoingo didja ever pick up that crate ? 1813296;1526324338;asciilifeform;it's been sitting sadly for week+ nao 1813297;1526324384;asciilifeform;imho this is a useful experiment and i'd like to see an output 1813298;1526324385;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Wednesday morning I plan on heading to the airport. Was there any other paperwork besides the tracking page that might aid the cause of getting the package released? 1813299;1526324390;asciilifeform;not afaik 1813300;1526324403;asciilifeform;it has motherfucking PREPAID import tax 1813301;1526324422;asciilifeform;which, like complete idiot, i assumed means that it will go to postbox like normal package in normal country 1813302;1526324494;BingoBoingo;The papers where they asked you for the ID and such? Whose name was on the package as the recipient, etc... 1813303;1526324501;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: yours 1813304;1526324506;BingoBoingo;Aite 1813305;1526324545;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: how do you know that it is at the airport ? 1813306;1526324547;BingoBoingo;Could you forward those messages to me somehow, because the tracking page only shows where the package has been. 1813307;1526324559;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: i pasted whole thing here, it is in the log 1813308;1526324562;asciilifeform;all of it 1813309;1526324601;asciilifeform;( there were no magic numbers or otherwise crate-specific info in any of the crapola ) 1813310;1526324616;BingoBoingo; BingoBoingo: how do you know that it is at the airport ? << That's where Aduanas holds things. 1813311;1526324636;asciilifeform;aite 1813312;1526324646;asciilifeform;i have nfi, incidentally, how long they hold'em 1813313;1526324655;asciilifeform;possibly it is even nao on its way to /dev/null 1813314;1526325019;BingoBoingo;Aite, found the textpaste dump. Tomorrow when I have the cedula in hand, will scan. Reply to that message with the scans, we can see if it shows up Wednesday. 1813315;1526327191;mircea_popescu;!!uy 1813316;1526327194;mircea_popescu;!!up FreeMASON 1813317;1526327195;deedbot;FreeMASON voiced for 30 minutes. 1813318;1526327273;mircea_popescu;FreeMASON, i don't get pms, fyi. 1813319;1526327279;mircea_popescu;it just tells me someone wants voice. 1813320;1526327369;FreeMASON;read what i wrote 1813321;1526327376;FreeMASON;in private msg 1813322;1526327385;FreeMASON;then i leave 1813323;1526327411;FreeMASON;read ? 1813324;1526327427;mircea_popescu;also try to use one line per thought. 1813325;1526327434;FreeMASON;bye 1813326;1526327532;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: http://aaronrogier.net/voy00.PDF.gpg << Send them this. Hopefully it saves a trip and get it here sooner. 1813327;1526328313;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: aite, will send 1813328;1526328334;*;asciilifeform also, ftr, doesn't see PM in real time ( they queue ) 1813329;1526328530;mircea_popescu;web-borne noobs have a lot of trouble mentally handling sanity, what can i say. 1813330;1526328943;asciilifeform;bbbbut how couldja not take an interest in the SEEKRIT MASONIC magic offer!111 1813331;1526328970;asciilifeform;some tresses need covering! 1813332;1526329005;asciilifeform;!#seen covertress 1813333;1526329005;a111;2016-09-17 lol 1813334;1526332872;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2018/the-symbolics-discussion/ << Trilema - The Symbolics discussion 1813335;1526332935;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, phf trinque BingoBoingo ^ lemme know if issues. 1813336;1526333318;mircea_popescu;in other lulz : "The PDP-6 (Programmed Data Processor-6) was a computer" 1813337;1526333331;mircea_popescu;really bitch ? the data processor was a computer ? ZI SA MORI TU\ 1813338;1526336408;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: good thread, and notes, but the central q is still unresolved in my head -- argument is that 'they should have left mit and built the machine, in a garage, in zimbabwe ( so as to avoid paying license fee )' ? or 'should have built it without having ever been at mit' ? or which 1813339;1526336444;asciilifeform;and if so, the folx in su who built lunar lander, also should have done it in a garage ? instead of with dirty ckkpss moneys ? or not ? 1813340;1526336585;asciilifeform;because to asciilifeform , it seems that http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-13#1813036 applies not merely to farming. but to ~everything~ sufficiently expensive. 1813341;1526336585;a111;Logged on 2018-05-13 17:07 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-13#1812937 << farming is NOT AMENABLE to any other kind of farming. the pretense to "independent farmers" is how the pantsuit chicks got the less able men off the cattle growing, you understand. the notion of "independent farmer" is a hallucination exactly like the notion of "successful starlet", sold by the press of a commercial concern for a commercial interest. hollywood WANTED a bunch of gir 1813342;1526336653;asciilifeform;by the time of the bolix escapades, it was a done deal, if you wanted to build heavy experimental gear with substantial upfront cost and no clear market prospect -- you went to a kolhoz (e.g. mit) and prayed that they'd take . 1813343;1526336678;asciilifeform;there were no medici to go to, in 1974, no. 1813344;1526336770;asciilifeform;and as for the set of 'lord kelvin' ('i was born into money AND i like to experiment') : was ~null set. at least as evidenced by the results. 1813345;1526336830;asciilifeform;it is possible to build some things 'in spare time, out of belly button lint', e.g. 1970s microcomps. it was NOT possible to build lispm 'out of lint'. 1813346;1526336837;asciilifeform;no more than lunar lander. 1813347;1526337036;asciilifeform;the other nitpick is with http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-09#1640940 , but iirc i registered objection at the time ( 'gnu' was nowhere even in sight when the events in question took place, the mushroom's 'i will reimplement IT ALL!' was a flowered-up recollection of his employment at lmi, one of the 3 mit licensee corps ) 1813348;1526337036;a111;Logged on 2017-04-09 21:11 phf: mcclim always reminds me of how rms was planning on competing with symbolics by reimplementing everything they had on top of gnu platform. that was the goal. only a handful people who actually worked with a genera realize how "special" the result of rms's work was. 1813349;1526338521;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-14#1813338 << neither of these. should have simply built, ignored the pantsuit wrangling altogether. 1813350;1526338521;a111;Logged on 2018-05-14 22:20 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: good thread, and notes, but the central q is still unresolved in my head -- argument is that 'they should have left mit and built the machine, in a garage, in zimbabwe ( so as to avoid paying license fee )' ? or 'should have built it without having ever been at mit' ? or which 1813351;1526338539;mircea_popescu;ignoring is ignoring, you understand, when you "retreat to garage" you aren't ignoring, you're alternatively validating. 1813352;1526338554;asciilifeform;built ~out of what~ ? 1813353;1526338566;asciilifeform;own arse ? 1813354;1526338587;mircea_popescu;no, out of mit's gear. 1813355;1526338593;asciilifeform;they did, neh 1813356;1526338600;mircea_popescu;that is not the objection. 1813357;1526338604;mircea_popescu;the objection is the other half. 1813358;1526338615;mircea_popescu;out of mit's gear. NOT on mit's terms. use, you understand me ? use. like a thing. 1813359;1526338618;mircea_popescu;not consider. use. 1813360;1526338629;mircea_popescu;do you ask the banana how it wants to be eaten ? 1813361;1526338647;mircea_popescu;do you eat bananas like a fucking orc, in "certain ways" that are "spiritual" according to the imaginary bananashamans ? 1813362;1526338648;asciilifeform;these folx were playing by the 'free world'(tm)(r) rules, with the patent and copyright etc claptrap. so naturally 'by mit rules' 1813363;1526338658;mircea_popescu;no "naturally" in perversity. 1813364;1526338670;asciilifeform;i suppose they could have ran off to su and tried to persuade brezhnev to build a lispm ? 1813365;1526338689;asciilifeform;my argument is that 'underground, out of old tires', yes you can build borz that way, but no not lispm. 1813366;1526338691;mircea_popescu;nope. they could have simply ignored anything to do with the mit itself ; and then let the mit-tards figure out ON THEIR OWN TIME what's going on. 1813367;1526338766;asciilifeform;for my edification, plz sketch this out ? 1813368;1526338821;mircea_popescu;other than what we've been fucking doing ? sure, why the hell not. the people involved build the thing ; when mit said some things, they ignored them altogether. give me some examples of thins mit said and i could just ignore for your edification ? 1813369;1526338827;mircea_popescu;otherwise, just rinse and repeat. 1813370;1526338848;asciilifeform;( every so often, you see zeks who 'i'ma build anyway'; recall recent case, john carmack, and his ocular thing. built company , popular gadget, then the patent trolls show up; now they own it. ) 1813371;1526338869;mircea_popescu;mit says minksy must use the color green. minsky ignored. mit spent 500 politruk-hours to discern whether he even did what they said or not ; came up with either of these. minsky still ignored. 1813372;1526338883;asciilifeform;different when actual money on the table. 1813373;1526338885;mircea_popescu;for random reasons mit decides minsky is no longer allowed in the building ; sussman gave him his key card. 1813374;1526338913;mircea_popescu;they then decided sussman isn't welcome either ; eventually they had to make a new "lab", to alleviate both the problem of their pretense to sovereignity, and of the people not caring what they say 1813375;1526338935;mircea_popescu;and so on. how long do i need to extend this before it catches ? ~~~NOTHING~~~ the monkeys say is interpreted. at all, in any way, to any degree, never. 1813376;1526338980;asciilifeform;unless i misunderstand, this is a 'here's a tank grenade, take some with you' argument. and perfectly valid. 1813377;1526338992;mircea_popescu;doing "the opposite" or "moving to garage", or anything, ANYTHING WHATSOEVER that in any way is biased by the mit is no go. 1813378;1526339026;mircea_popescu;you don't put an anti-prng in the fg. why should any of the ai people put an anti-mit or a f(mit) however defined in their behaviour ? 1813379;1526339028;asciilifeform;not all nuisances go away when you close eyes and pretend they aren't there. 1813380;1526339033;mircea_popescu;just. fucking. ignore. it. 1813381;1526339038;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, so what can happen ? 1813382;1526339050;mircea_popescu;~existing~ things don't go away ; imaginary nuisances -- do go away. 1813383;1526339103;mircea_popescu;and existence is predicated on intelligence, and mit never had one. it's just a humongous pile of printed dollars, the us-style equivalent of the chinese "sovereign funds". 1813384;1526339118;mircea_popescu;that it has a "university" attached instead of a "temple" is irrelevant. 1813385;1526339127;asciilifeform;i suppose if you're mircea_popescu , you can describe the problem of folx for whom bank acct being zeroed, blacklisting from employment, declared outlaw, as 'imaginary'. 1813386;1526339139;asciilifeform;for people who aren't mircea_popescu -- these are very real problem. 1813387;1526339156;mircea_popescu;except they're not problems in the way you describe them. 1813388;1526339167;asciilifeform;hows that 1813389;1526339171;mircea_popescu;what do you propose killed the recently discussed yehzov, his "incorrect actions at mit" ? 1813390;1526339188;asciilifeform;fwiw i still have nfi precisely what killed yezhov. 1813391;1526339190;asciilifeform;wish i knew 1813392;1526339194;mircea_popescu;any zek can be fucked at any time ; you know this going in. attempting to ascribe fucking to activity, and especially to discrete activity items, is folly. 1813393;1526339220;mircea_popescu;that minsky had or had not "his" "bank account" zeroed is ENTIRELY not related to minsky. 1813394;1526339232;mircea_popescu;same is true for all the great heroes of socialism, whether they died in bed or in prison. 1813395;1526339275;asciilifeform;this is a pretty odd, to put it softly, position, that , say, pugachev was dragged in a cage to the chopping block 'randomly' and 'anybody could have' ? 1813396;1526339289;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, same thing fucked yehzov as the ligthning fucked tree. what, you think the clouds aim ?! 1813397;1526339297;asciilifeform;the clouds aim. 1813398;1526339313;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, it is strictly my position ; the clouds don't fucking aim ; nor does, nor ~CAN~ socialism aim. 1813399;1526339339;mircea_popescu;it's like thinking you were "targetted" for a street mugging. yes, you were, guess by what ? you were targetted as one of the schmucks who imagines they can be targetted by street muggings. 1813400;1526339413;mircea_popescu;pugachev and zhukov, exactly same : RANDOMLY. and yes, any other one could have, these could not have, etcetera. 1813401;1526339434;asciilifeform;lightning is not bad model -- strikes, typically, tallest. 1813402;1526339459;asciilifeform;quite verily biased-random. 1813403;1526339473;mircea_popescu;if you're willing to go with "typically", you're going to also say "clouds typically look like dragons" 1813404;1526339487;asciilifeform;observed fact. 1813405;1526339500;mircea_popescu;"typically tallest", "typically loneliest", typically whatever. sure, observed typicallies. 1813406;1526339532;mircea_popescu;cancer also tends to strike typically healthy people, did you observe that ? 1813407;1526339549;mircea_popescu;maybe a little bit o' the clap's the best thing for ye. 1813408;1526339598;mircea_popescu;or maybe a coronary. even more "typically" protective, very few people with coronaries get cancer indeed! 1813409;1526339991;asciilifeform;i think i get it, mircea_popescu is a zhukov-style 'mine field, what mine field, cowards, you have feet, nao move'em why dontcha' sort of commander. 1813410;1526340010;mircea_popescu;mines objectively exist. mit does not. 1813411;1526340057;asciilifeform;the armed evicters who show up when the rent check bounces, do exist, i've seen'em at work 1813412;1526340088;asciilifeform;ditto the nice folx who remove unplugged zeks from the grocery etc. when it bounces there. 1813413;1526340118;mircea_popescu;no relation between these items. 1813414;1526340128;asciilifeform;see also mircea_popescu's observations re the aquarium. what, exactly, is aquarium fish to do, if he doesn't like the owner ? 1813415;1526340152;mircea_popescu;meanwhile moving on : the malleus item linked has a "The source version of this text, with notes and additional material, can be found at MalleusMaleficarum.org [External Site]." except the "external site" doth not include such an item. 1813416;1526340162;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, mit is the owner of ~nothing. 1813417;1526340164;*;asciilifeform at one time lived in a house with an aquarium; on several occasion the fish -- jumped out. perhaps this is it. 1813418;1526340187;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the external site is a bag o'lulz, belongs to iirc some radical feminist types 1813419;1526340201;mircea_popescu;heh. 1813420;1526340223;asciilifeform;and i half-expected to find mircea_popescu quoting from sprenger's latin original 1813421;1526340280;asciilifeform;( it is pretty great b00k, all around, and quite 'liberal' even, contrary to what the derps in amerischool 'teach' about it -- forbade trials by ordeal, imposed procedure , proclaimed heretical some of the moar odd claims popular at the time re subj ) 1813422;1526340317;mircea_popescu;anyway, what i wanted to quote : "Qui credit, posse fieri aliquam creaturam, aut in melius deteriúsve transmutari, aut in aliam speciem vel similitudinem transformari, quàm abipso omnium Creatore, pagano et infideli deterior est." 1813423;1526340327;asciilifeform;aha!! 1813424;1526340333;mircea_popescu;approximately, "whosoever believes in self-improvement is worse than a pagan" 1813425;1526340335;asciilifeform;exactly the 'more odd claims' i meant 1813426;1526340368;asciilifeform;tho i read it as in application to 'they turn men into birds, and birds into men' etc 1813427;1526340386;mircea_popescu;well, it generally rejects the possibility of change. very platonic. 1813428;1526340405;mircea_popescu;thieves ~are~ thieves, there's no point in "re-education" jail etc. 1813429;1526340427;mircea_popescu;very refreshingly medieval perspective. what's all this "i'm a producer" bs. 1813430;1526340457;asciilifeform;standard civilized world pov, until quite recently 1813431;1526340475;asciilifeform;кто ты по жизни etc 1813432;1526340627;mircea_popescu;actually it even has a "zero one infinity" statement. "if demons could alter the world then what'd stop them at all" 1813433;1526340631;mircea_popescu;!!up Bitcoin 1813434;1526340632;deedbot;Bitcoin voiced for 30 minutes. 1813435;1526340637;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: repeatedly makes the point, yes 1813436;1526340645;asciilifeform;'if they could once, they could rm -rf / ' 1813437;1526340668;asciilifeform;pretty advanced, conceptually, text, working from clearly specified priors, a+++ 1813438;1526340671;mircea_popescu;not even a bad argument ; kinda example of why i occasionally say scholastics' not what moderntards make it seem. 1813439;1526340679;*;asciilifeform thoroughly enjoyed the read 1813440;1526340701;mircea_popescu;anyway, the english translation is terrible. consider : 1813441;1526340708;mircea_popescu;(english) Moreover, every alteration that takes place in a human body - for example, a state of health or a state of sickness - can be brought down to a question of natural causes, as Aristotle has shown in his 7th book of Physics. And the greatest of these is the influence of the stars. But the devils cannot interfere with the stars. This is the opinion of Dionysius in his epistle to S. Polycarp. For this alone God can do. T 1813442;1526340709;mircea_popescu;herefore it is evident the demons cannot actually effect any permanent transformation in human bodies; that is to say, no real metamorphosis. And so we must refer the appearance of any such change to some dark and occult cause. 1813443;1526340710;asciilifeform;oh throw out the eng translation, lol 1813444;1526340747;asciilifeform;( the ru translation is pretty much 1:1, and prolly likewise the ro, and the contemporary de transl ditto ) 1813445;1526340769;mircea_popescu;(latin) Prætereà, omnis alteratio corporalis, puta circa infirmitates aut sanitates protreandas, reducitur in motum localem, patet ex 7.phys. Quovumcanque est motus c li. Sed Dæinones motu c ll variare non possunt, Dionysius in epis. ad Polycarpum. Quia hocsolius Dei est. Ergo videtur, quòd nusla mitrasmutationem ad minus veram, in corporib. causare possunt, quòd necesse sit homini transmut ationes in aliquã causam occ 1813446;1526340769;mircea_popescu;ultam reducere. 1813447;1526340776;mircea_popescu;now where the FUCK did they say the bit about the stars ? 1813448;1526340900;asciilifeform;http://krotov.info/acts/15/3/molot00.html << pretty good stalin-era translation. 1813449;1526341008;mircea_popescu;"For devils have no power at all save by a certain subtle art. But an art cannot permanently produce a true form." aka "Item Dæmones non operantur nisi per artem. Sed ais non potest dare ver am formam." 1813450;1526341032;mircea_popescu;subtle my fucking foot. the ~point~ is that art can not create new forms. which is why the fuck they even did the constant copying of masters to learn arts. 1813451;1526341049;mircea_popescu;whole item is about as anti-modern as it gets. 1813452;1526341226;asciilifeform;sorta the appeal, from my pov. countermodernity pr0n. 1813453;1526343212;mircea_popescu;aand in today's olde trilema lulz, http://trilema.com/2011/exercitiu-practic-de-dileme-morale/ 1813454;1526349840;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2018/gay-bullshit-matador-laberinto-de-pasiones-ley-del-deseo/ << Trilema - Gay Bullshit : Matador, Laberinto de pasiones & Ley del deseo 1813455;1526350051;*;mod6 re-reads 1813456;1526358827;ben_vulpes;mk, makin some progress on the pizarro accounting/assettracking db 1813457;1526358911;ben_vulpes;i'm going to do it in postgres; should be a lot easier to get php to do both the mysql for the pizarro mpwp and the postgres for deedbot than to port deedbot to mysql 1813458;1526358952;ben_vulpes;logbot, i mean. 1813459;1526359385;mircea_popescu;are you burning time on any random useless nothing you can think of, just as long as it's not http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-03#1808145 ? 1813460;1526359385;a111;Logged on 2018-05-03 18:15 ben_vulpes: not required but it is the next item on my conveyor after the april report 1813461;1526359834;ben_vulpes;i don't think it useless nothing as it will snip significant time off report generation. the pressure from the board is to forge forward with the rockchips, but if there's change to be eked from the shared hosting i should capture that as well, so thanks for the prodding. 1813462;1526359921;mircea_popescu;nuts. 1813463;1526388446;asciilifeform;i must confess that i agree with mircea_popescu : the postgres db thing is neither here nor there, and in fact harmful, i would like to be able to run ben_vulpes's calculations as before , using his lisp proggies, without having to fuck with a db snapshot, wtf srsly 1813464;1526388469;asciilifeform;it strikes me as archaetypical wankage 1813465;1526390675;deedbot;http://ave1.org/2018/building-gnat-on-musl-now-with-partial-and-parallel-build-support/ << ave1 - Building GNAT on MUSL, now with partial and parallel build support 1813466;1526391545;asciilifeform;oh hey 1813467;1526391876;*;asciilifeform set up test of above, lessee if worx 1813468;1526392121;asciilifeform;1 prelim result : the parallelism dunwork 1813469;1526392128;asciilifeform;strictly 1 cpu in use 1813470;1526392133;asciilifeform;ave1 ^ 1813471;1526392157;asciilifeform;( and yes i set the -jxxxx in the configs ) 1813472;1526392382;ave1;will be picked up from env, not in config.sh, the tarball script will make it's own config.sh in build/build-bootstrap (in general in build/build-) 1813473;1526392396;asciilifeform;in env it's -j32 , and no effect from this either 1813474;1526392432;asciilifeform;unless it wants a nonstandard var name ? ( what does it want? there are 0 docs ) 1813475;1526392439;ave1;hmm, I've got to go now, but will check in later 1813476;1526392444;asciilifeform;aite 1813477;1526393467;mircea_popescu;well, why not kick him while he's down. so, ben_vulpes , do you understand the meaning of "They know how to work those" in http://trilema.com/2013/attention-cunt/#selection-37.37-37.64 ? 1813478;1526393504;mircea_popescu;you find yourself in the unique position of a start-up running out of runway that doesn't have AS MUCH AS A LANDING PAGE. suppose i wanted to send people over ; where the everloving fuck do i even send them ? 1813479;1526393525;mircea_popescu;you've been "managing" the thing for months, haven't yet hired a single salesman. what are you managing over there, the transition into bureaucracy ? 1813480;1526393546;mircea_popescu;do you have as much as an active account on a webmaster forum even ? 1813481;1526394701;mod6;So. I created this database back in March to help track inventory, payments, customer accounts, etc. This all to help ben_vulpes save time when doing reporting. Which, as I understand is taking him a lot of time each month. 1813482;1526394742;mod6;Now do I think he's wasting time? No. I'm sure he hasn't spent much time on it at all since I even created it, but he would have to say for himself. 1813483;1526394780;asciilifeform;mod6: 'waste' may be wrong word. but quite hard to see why it is a blocker for the more urgent puzzler of 'where to get customers' 1813484;1526394800;mod6;Now what is a waste of time, for me, is this lisp/sexp shit. For instance, lastnight it cost us 2 man hours. 1 for me, 1 for ben who had to take me through the entire rockchip lisp thing that he created. 1813485;1526394841;mod6;And I guess, it is not up to me how Mr. Vulpes wants to track these things for Pizarro, however, if I'm asked to make decisions, I EXPECT that these things are clear, in plain language. 1813486;1526394849;mod6;I've said this as recently as last week. 1813487;1526394895;mod6;I don't think it is a 'blocker', but Mr. Vulpes will have to respond to that. 1813488;1526394909;mod6;This is a simply, 'nice to have', in my personal opinion. 1813489;1526394938;mod6;I'm no accountant, or anything, however, I find it insane to try to keep track of things in a lisp script. Do we really want to debug our accounting things every week/month? 1813490;1526395005;asciilifeform;mod6: it was my understanding that all of the inventory work was already done. 1813491;1526395017;mod6;We are discussing/thinking about how to recapitalize, get more rockchips, customers. So this is on going. I don't think anyone is wasting anytime by any streach of imagination.[ 1813492;1526395018;asciilifeform;( we have not any new inventory items since my expedition ) 1813493;1526395028;mircea_popescu;you're a nice guy, mod6, and your point is without merit. nevertheless, the whole thing's a bike shed. who the hell even cares what the infrastructure is like for handling six numbers ? 1813494;1526395049;mod6;I want all of the things in a place we can all refer to and say "oh there it is! now I can see how many x are in there" or whatever. 1813495;1526395055;mod6;I don't care if it's a flat file either. 1813496;1526395065;mod6;Just /SOMETHING/ that doesn't require debugging. 1813497;1526395084;mod6;God forbid that ben_vulpes get's hit by a car on his bike tomorrow and then we have to pick this up. 1813498;1526395092;mod6;How the fuck are we to know what is what. 1813499;1526395112;mod6;How is this without merit? 1813500;1526395150;mod6;All I'm saying is, a business should have a formal way to track things, this is all. 1813501;1526395160;mod6;It is not a waste of time. 1813502;1526395170;mod6;And I can agree, that it doesn't have to happen right now. 1813503;1526395171;mircea_popescu;it can't just be a csv ? 1813504;1526395187;mod6;Perhaps, whatever it is, it must yield something that mod6 can read. 1813505;1526395222;mircea_popescu;yes ; but if the present trend continues you won't have all that much to read altogether. 1813506;1526395238;mod6;I don't think anyone is arguing otherwise. 1813507;1526395239;asciilifeform;it wouldn't even bother me if it were a js hack, along the lines of my http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-05#1809743 example 1813508;1526395239;a111;Logged on 2018-05-05 00:07 asciilifeform: ben_vulpes, mod6 , mircea_popescu , et al : http://www.loper-os.org/pub/piz_tab.html << corrections of central column or other init params, welcome 1813509;1526395245;asciilifeform;but it does not need to take months to make, wtf 1813510;1526395251;asciilifeform;i made the above ^ in <1hr 1813511;1526395275;asciilifeform;and it has all of the pertinent functionality of a microshit spreadshit etc 1813512;1526395276;mod6;I didn't say this was top priority either. 1813513;1526395301;mircea_popescu;hey, you get a free db with the file system, i never was arsed to do any better on my reports. not that i'm proposing my laziness as the model for anyone else nor that i think the bikeshedding discussion needs to continue, now extented into a theoretical comparison of the merits and dismerits of postgress and implicit-fs-db. 1813514;1526395327;mod6;asciilifeform: it wasn't months. I spent probably 1 weekend hacking on a psql ddl back in march, and ben_vulpes is finally getting around to looking at it now. 1813515;1526395347;mod6;I dont even think that he really wants to use it specifically either, as, again, mod6 is not accountant. 1813516;1526395383;mod6;I'm not impartial to database. I just want something that we can all see, and all the info about the business is contained within. 1813517;1526395393;mod6;*partial 1813518;1526395416;mod6;Customers, who's paid, who hasen't, what do we own, when are teh bills due. 1813519;1526395421;mod6;This makes 100% sense to me. 1813520;1526395496;mod6;Again, not the top priority either. Anyway, moving on... 1813521;1526396068;mod6;Ok. 1813522;1526396107;mod6;So, let's say that we thought that we would need to raise 50 BTC (just throwing it out there) - I'd like to talk about how that might work. 1813523;1526396191;mod6;Let's say, for instance, 5 different people each came in with 10 BTC. Would that create 5 new board seats each? 1813524;1526396201;mod6;not each, 5 total. 1813525;1526396240;mod6;I believe this is probably a good way to get Pizarro into better financial shape, but it's hard for me to imagine how this works. 1813526;1526396248;mod6;So let's discuss :] 1813527;1526396304;asciilifeform;mod6: there is more than 1 difficulty with this scheme, but the most obvious one i know of, is that i dun think i actually know 5 people who ~have~ 10btc (much less wanting to play) 1813528;1526396422;mod6;This is just an example. 1813529;1526396424;mircea_popescu;mod6, generally, if you refinance the old board gets trashed. 1813530;1526396433;mod6;Aha. Ok. 1813531;1526396436;mircea_popescu;old interest ~might~ get one seat ; but usually does not. 1813532;1526396450;mod6;This is good to know. 1813533;1526396462;mod6;What happens to old bond holders? 1813534;1526396472;mod6;Such as me? Does someone pay for my bonds? 1813535;1526396482;mod6;Or equity or whatever it is. 1813536;1526396484;mircea_popescu;it's not really practical to have no boards, generally ; but also not larger than maybe a half dozen+1. even that's large. 1813537;1526396505;mod6;Yeah, I think 4 is plenty. 1813538;1526396510;mircea_popescu;mod6, well, if it's a sale, like how you got it, then yes. if it's just refinancing, then you keep whatever %. 1813539;1526396529;mod6;Ok, makes sense. 1813540;1526396558;mircea_popescu;there's an indirection layer there, between owning equity and board seats. 1813541;1526396598;mircea_popescu;equity entitles you to a say, but the necessities of physical world (whereby there's only so many seats for the thing to work ; and whereby those have to be seated on by physical people) make the relationship between board and equity somewhat electoral. 1813542;1526396679;mircea_popescu;and of course you can also just issue bonds ; whether convertible or not, until conversion event they sit on the passive. 1813543;1526396692;mod6;Alright. 1813544;1526396706;mircea_popescu;but you will have hell on wheel in your hands trying to get more money as a palliative solution to "i don't feel like building sales today". 1813545;1526396823;mod6;Alright, so what do you suggest here? I thought that you were saying, multiple times that we should refinance. This is what I've been thinking about most lately. 1813546;1526396843;mircea_popescu;!#s refinance 1813547;1526396843;a111;19 results for "refinance", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=refinance 1813548;1526396906;asciilifeform;also worth to keep in mind, that, e.g., asciilifeform is willing to jump through certain flaming rings for 50% stake, that he would not so eagerly jump through for 1% 1813549;1526396930;mod6;I suspected this as well. 1813550;1526396942;asciilifeform;esp given as the fact that the project has cost asciilifeform a good % of his btc and the bulk of his usd 1813551;1526396942;mircea_popescu;i said it once, you know. aanyway : the original idea (get >=300 rockchips there, in a dozen+ Us) was trashed by practical considerations (as alf pointed out, he can't carry 12 us in one go) ; but it'd have required refinancing because you simply did not have enough money to pay for it. 1813552;1526396974;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, oh, are you running out of cash, too ? 1813553;1526397009;asciilifeform;eventually will begin to run out, if no one else shares the chore of producing it 1813554;1526397042;mircea_popescu;did you ever manage to get a btc->fiatola conversion going ? or what, still mired in paperwork is it ? 1813555;1526397061;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i gotta do a ro expedition. 1813556;1526397069;mircea_popescu;tsk. 1813557;1526397070;asciilifeform;supposedly 100% of paperwork, up. 1813558;1526397098;*;asciilifeform wishes there were a spare asciilifeform , because asciilifeform is 150% loaded with chores 1813559;1526397151;mircea_popescu;aite, let's get back to this. 1813560;1526397235;mircea_popescu;mod6, you understand, refinancing is people putting money on a proposition. it depends immensely what the proposition is. P1 = "our book value is ~11 and consists 95% of exotic hardware nobody else can get where it is" is very different from P2 = "we ate through our seed A+++ would do some more dicking about with files we download. oh and there's also some hardware." 1813561;1526397257;mircea_popescu;does this make sense to you ? 1813562;1526397302;mircea_popescu;pretty much the ~whole~ of economic activity is the process of a) building b) truthful propositions that c) describe some sort of comparative advantage and d) lots of it, especially e) of a very easily defended kind. 1813563;1526397389;asciilifeform;asciilifeform's particular concern , is , in short form : right now we have the ~physical~ component of the item we wanted for yrs , a l1-operated locking-cage isp. but not ~economic~ component, because l1 does not presently add up to sufficient custom to power the thing 100% . so it needs heathen power. but this must be achieved without compromising on the 'l1 isp' . 1813564;1526397404;asciilifeform;heathens on the board, for instance, imho would thoroughly trash the 'l1 isp' premise. 1813565;1526397444;mod6;<+mircea_popescu> does this make sense to you ? << Yes, Sir. Got it. 1813566;1526397458;mircea_popescu;the problem as far as i discern it is, "not only there's no conversation going, but the mutism threatens to entrench itself as a 'way to be', and it's not sustainable". when's the last time pizarro talked to anyone ? gotta talk to people, somehow, somewhere. silence is a first approximation of death. 1813567;1526397506;mircea_popescu;and this;d be a major problem ~even if~ l1 added up to 50%+1 of the entire world. 1813568;1526397553;asciilifeform;asciilifeform reached out to several intelligent heathen folk of old acquaintance ; and got same response from each , i.e. http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-04#1808491 1813569;1526397553;a111;Logged on 2018-05-04 01:50 asciilifeform: here's a sample of convos b/w asciilifeform and heathens ( whom he knows irl, over yrs ) : 'why didja put it in UY, bw costs 4x moar than in usa and cia will still steal yer iron eventually' ; 'i have to do what!? to get server in the rack?!' etc 1813570;1526397569;asciilifeform;but asciilifeform is no sales genius. 1813571;1526397600;mircea_popescu;but you didn't do this in a useful way ; because there's, for instance, no way for your friends (such as, say, you from the future) to reference it! or for the op to see anything. 1813572;1526397617;asciilifeform;entirely correct, i was not even able to persuade'em to join #p 1813573;1526397643;asciilifeform;( heathens virtually always insist on 'private' comm, and have to be beaten with a stick to even contemplate sane conversation ) 1813574;1526397655;mircea_popescu;consider for instance how the whole http://www.dianacoman.com/2018/04/17/rfc-euloras-communication-protocol-eucomms/#comment-1169 pile worked. we know things from there we don't know from what you're describing. 1813575;1526397692;*;asciilifeform agrees 100% 1813576;1526397764;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, ok, but take https://forums.digitalpoint.com/threads/how-to-get-more-traffic.2694475/ : oodlebunches of linda patels having a smart discuss! 1813577;1526397773;mircea_popescu;they're even more retarded than tardstalk, if that were even possible. 1813578;1526397798;asciilifeform;what's the smart discussion there? i'm not seeing it 1813579;1526397808;mircea_popescu;https://www.digitalpoint.com/members/marry-john.787297/ << look at marry john. does zhe look familiar ?! 1813580;1526397825;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-12#1812724 1813581;1526397825;a111;Logged on 2018-05-12 07:57 mircea_popescu: reminds me of this chick on fetlife, "So you don't want to have a smart discuss, you're here for what ? What do you research here ? Because I'm agree with your description." 1813582;1526397829;mircea_popescu;i was being sarcastic. 1813583;1526397832;asciilifeform;lolk 1813584;1526397840;asciilifeform;for a sec i was thinking 'hmm wat' 1813585;1526397860;mircea_popescu;dorks don't even bother to crop the copyright notices off their "profile" pics. 1813586;1526397886;asciilifeform;this is why asciilifeform has serious headache , re the heathen component -- currently i've nfi how to appeal to them in any way at all 1813587;1526397904;asciilifeform;and the lack of discussion , is quite worrisome 1813588;1526397965;mircea_popescu;i don't know of any method besides filter feeding. and do you know what's the primary ingredient for filter feeding ? 1813589;1526397978;asciilifeform;fact of the matter is, for the price of pizarro rockchip, heathen can get 5x the cpu with 10x the bandwidth in heathendom. how to persuade him to instead buy this ? 1813590;1526398002;mircea_popescu;whale takes up what, 50 tons of water PER MOUTHFUL ? 1813591;1526398124;asciilifeform;whale is looking for plankton; if he were filter feeding for, e.g. , rabbits, in the sea -- might have problem 1813592;1526398145;mod6;Well, I can agree, we need to get the word out. 1813593;1526398233;mircea_popescu;whale's just looking for protein. how the protein subjectively sees itself as packaged, "krill", "rabbit"... frankly none of the whale's problem. 1813594;1526398301;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: sorta why i doubt that the whale is the correct model. not all protein , from our pov, is created equally, a webtard with a few satoshi to his name, does us no good 1813595;1526398369;mircea_popescu;that'd be "no protein" 1813596;1526398389;mircea_popescu;seawater does whale no good either. 1813597;1526398395;asciilifeform;right 1813598;1526398397;asciilifeform;then yes 1813599;1526398443;mircea_popescu;takes up 50 tons of water per mouthful, one mouthful per minute, each minute, all day fucking long, each day of the loving year. 1813600;1526398454;asciilifeform;( the other front line , is that we gotta get moar saleables, in particular rockchip system, asap ) 1813601;1526398459;mircea_popescu;results in just enough protein intake to maintain its mass. 1813602;1526398465;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, that's true. 1813603;1526398475;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: right, the whale eats the way we breathe 1813604;1526398480;mircea_popescu;nevertheless, the problem of selling starts with the cheaper bits. 1813605;1526398493;asciilifeform;( recall, btw, the crackpot who wanted to disperse food into the air and breathe it , lol ) 1813606;1526398498;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, well, actually, the whales eat the way successful business sells : like we breathe. 1813607;1526398929;mod6;asciilifeform: 48 rockchips fit into 4U right? 1813608;1526398954;asciilifeform;mod6: in theory: in 2u 1813609;1526398977;mod6;oh. huh. ok. 1813610;1526399196;mod6;24032 (from ben's lisp thing) / 8500 = 2.82 BTC at todays prices for 24 Rockchips delivered is what we had figured out. 1813611;1526399210;mod6;I think. 1813612;1526399235;mod6;Just trying to see if we have enough money to get 48 RC's built and delivered down there. 1813613;1526399241;mircea_popescu;wait, what ?! 1813614;1526399274;mircea_popescu;i have nfi how this works, but pizarro seems to be getting ever less for ever more money. 1813615;1526399312;mod6;I may have screwed this up: http://cascadianhacker.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/rockchip.lisp 1813616;1526399326;ben_vulpes;no this is incorrect. i am fighting a fire elsewhere right now, will be back as soon as i can. 1813617;1526399327;mod6;I'm just trying to figure out if Pizarro has enough cash to get 48 of these down there. 1813618;1526399429;mod6;ah, maybe that as for 96. anyway, will wait for ben_vulpes 1813619;1526399454;mod6;Still, having them is required, but we still gotta sell 'em. 1813620;1526399593;mod6;I gotta get some shitty coffee. bbs. 1813621;1526400734;ave1;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-15#1813474, it uses MAKEOPTS, could you paste the contents of "build/build-bootstrap/config.sh" ? I will add a readme file to the set. 1813622;1526400734;a111;Logged on 2018-05-15 13:53 asciilifeform: unless it wants a nonstandard var name ? ( what does it want? there are 0 docs ) 1813623;1526400913;asciilifeform;a111: fail btw, http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/Lo1TQ/?raw=true 1813624;1526401114;ave1;same as last time, ADA_OBJECTS_PATH and ADA_INCLUDE_PATH need to be *not* set. I can add the resetting of these variables to the script, but unsetting a variable is not something I usually do in a script. 1813625;1526401626;ben_vulpes;http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2018-5-15#355861 << shant, then. 1813626;1526401627;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-05-15 12:35 asciilifeform: it strikes me as archaetypical wankage 1813627;1526401641;ben_vulpes;http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2018-5-15#355891 << ouch, yes. 1813628;1526401642;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-05-15 13:58 mircea_popescu: well, why not kick him while he's down. so, ben_vulpes , do you understand the meaning of "They know how to work those" in http://trilema.com/2013/attention-cunt/#selection-37.37-37.64 ? 1813629;1526402077;ben_vulpes;http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2018-5-15#356051 << ~2.75 BTC at ~current rates gets 4 chassis with 96 total rockchippen, includes 1 delivery run per chassis. 1813630;1526402080;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-05-15 15:37 mod6: ah, maybe that as for 96. anyway, will wait for ben_vulpes 1813631;1526402166;mod6;ah, thanks SIr. 1813632;1526402552;asciilifeform;ave1: i unset ADA_OBJECTS_PATH and ADA_INCLUDE_PATH 1813633;1526402579;asciilifeform;ave1: but i did remember it after 1 failed run. possibly gotta zap the existing build ? 1813634;1526402898;ave1;should not be needed, the makefiles request the variables, not configure 1813635;1526402945;asciilifeform;i'ma try it again, looks like OBJECTS was still set somehow 1813636;1526408733;BingoBoingo;After substantially more waiting in line, the cedula is in hand 1813637;1526408873;asciilifeform;congrats BingoBoingo ! 1813638;1526409103;jurov;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-10#1811883 << using https://api.github.com/users?since=1 1813639;1526409103;a111;Logged on 2018-05-10 14:39 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-10#1811871 << how didja enumerate the users ? 1813640;1526409439;*;spyked can confirm that the ^ method worx. 1813641;1526409463;spyked;jurov, do you by any chance remember how long it took for you to extract all the keys? 1813642;1526413908;diana_coman;ave1, if I want to test your gnat-building script what steps should I follow so that I have at the end of it maximum info re what works/doesn't and in what context exactly? 1813643;1526415020;asciilifeform;diana_coman: fwiw mine's still going... 1813644;1526415367;diana_coman;asciilifeform, well, I started it too and I'll leave it on, will see tomorrow morning I guess 1813645;1526416410;mircea_popescu;!!up alex__c 1813646;1526416411;deedbot;alex__c voiced for 30 minutes. 1813647;1526416589;mod6;Well, I did talk to a kid at lunch - told him we got cheap hosting. 1813648;1526416641;mod6;Well, not a kid, but young guy. So who knows, maybe we'll make him a customer on the shared-environment. 1813649;1526416677;mod6;We could use some advertising. 1813650;1526416714;mod6;If we can get a landing page up -- then ya, can do some advertising. 1813651;1526416722;mircea_popescu;mod6, one way of looking at it is, "pizarro finds l1's in exile". you know ? "


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" 1813652;1526416746;mod6;'tis a nice touch, mircea_popescu 1813653;1526416769;mircea_popescu;and yes, specific items, right ? suppose someone searches for "arm hosting". well ? 1813654;1526416789;mircea_popescu;suppose there's a facebook group. suppose whatever the fuck, i dunno, i do other things. 1813655;1526416829;mod6;Yah, and possibly fg. I know there is a sentiment that orcs are not interested in fg -- however, there are people I've talked to who are pretty interested in that. Don't have coins to buy one, however, still, interest is there. 1813656;1526416849;mircea_popescu;"orcs" is a pet name for about five billion people. 1813657;1526416859;mod6;I mean, "wotless guys". 1813658;1526416860;mircea_popescu;there's ~some~ diversity even among orcs. 1813659;1526416986;mod6;I don't have many "friends" irl or anything, but once we have a landing page, will do what I can on my meat-side. 1813660;1526417039;mircea_popescu;in utterly other lulz, i just archived a facebook page. anyone care to guess the aggregate byte size ? 1813661;1526417056;mod6;27,054 bytes 1813662;1526417140;mircea_popescu;27`001`189. 1813663;1526417145;mod6;HEH 1813664;1526417150;mod6;jeebus 1813665;1526417166;mircea_popescu;i shit you not. here's the page : https://archive.is/OJrrE ; here's the story : http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/uGngm/?raw=true 1813666;1526417183;mod6;if we were all still on dialup, no one could use facebook... 1813667;1526417195;mod6;"use" 1813668;1526417329;mircea_popescu;the externalized costs, you know ? suddenly puts into a whole new perspective the "net neutrality" thing. srsly, i must buy more switches cuz your "pages" are larger than my porn collection ?! 1813669;1526417334;mod6;mod6.net is ~3000 bytes. 1813670;1526417339;mod6;(homepage) 1813671;1526417380;mircea_popescu;mod6, i don't even have a problem with the mb, per se, i mean holy hell there's trilema pages consisting of tables or novels or w/e the fuck. but that mb is <1% markup for the love of christ, not 99%. 1813672;1526417422;mod6;yeah. 99% crap. at least trilema, when I get 27mb, i get 99% stuff I actually want to read/view. 1813673;1526417439;mod6;Your thing has meaninful content. 1813674;1526417869;asciilifeform;in unrelated noose, http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-06#1810457 is rolled out to production. see stats pg and e.g. http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/factor/6447 ( currently there is only 1 'special collection' of factors -- debian victims; but soon will have many more, from e.g. http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-06#1810470 ) 1813675;1526417869;a111;Logged on 2018-05-06 15:57 asciilifeform: it is in the conveyor, along with 'where from?' stat in 'factor/123' page (e.g. 'debian collection', 'cisco', etc) 1813676;1526417869;a111;Logged on 2018-05-06 16:43 asciilifeform: ^ d00d with large collection of debian-style 'famous p's and q's', even once showed up here and asked to get phuctor's, and he did, but somehow his collection includes ~whole keys~ rather than factors. soon i'ma feed in ~his~ collection. 1813677;1526417927;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/05/us-alleges-some-guy-leaked-cia-tools-but-doesnt-allege-strong-enough-to-bring-charges/ << Qntra - US Alleges Some Guy Leaked CIA Tools But Doesn't Allege Strong Enough To Bring Charges 1813678;1526418076;asciilifeform;'...when he left the CIA in 2016, suspicion fell upon him as “the only one to have recently departed [the CIA engineering group] on poor terms' << lol!! 1813679;1526418091;asciilifeform;and , gold, '...claims that he initially provided assistance to the FBI’s investigation. Following the search of his apartment in March 2017, prosecutors waited six months to bring the child pornography charges' 1813680;1526418124;asciilifeform;apparently usg simply luvvvvvs old, worn out stoolies, gives'em... pensions 1813681;1526418225;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, not bad. 1813682;1526418302;mircea_popescu;anyway, re other lulz, i can't imagine anyone can possibly regard "child pornography charges" / "sexual assault charges" etc brought by the criminal org as anything than shameful fabrications. 1813683;1526418417;asciilifeform;looks like they're bringing'em against otherwise-marked-for-discard tor/proxy/etc operators nao 1813684;1526418459;asciilifeform;( per the letter of the law, iirc they're all 100% guilty , there is not an official 'common carrier' exemption for'em or anyone without Note From Hitler ) 1813685;1526418541;mircea_popescu;talking of tor feels a little like talking of meni rosenfeld's bitcoin scam. anyone recall that "o ya, bcrypt, best tool on the market" lulzfest ? 1813686;1526418593;asciilifeform;seems to be a long-lived chumpatron, like ethertardium 1813687;1526418604;asciilifeform;'gift keeps on giving' 1813688;1526418657;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i think rosenfeld was before my time. tho he came up recently, iirc during adlai's expulsion ( he tried to defend , iirc ) 1813689;1526418660;mircea_popescu;https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/ybaut/do_not_invest_in_bitdaytrade_this_website_is/ 1813690;1526418700;mircea_popescu;ancient lulz. basically the 2nd largest exchange (tree something) ran off with the funds, the people involved re-emerged doing all sorts of real estate and "trading" scams. 1813691;1526418704;mircea_popescu;eventually gone away, i guess. 1813692;1526418775;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: apparently not ~completely~ gone away: https://archive.li/Byweq << in the 'stipendi peccatus mors est' files 1813693;1526418840;*;mircea_popescu shrugs. "just a matter of perspective", right ? and then the proof and the blabla. 1813694;1526418912;asciilifeform;aaaaaaaand ave1 diana_coman mircea_popescu it built compiler ( ' Native compiler prefix built by musl-cross aarch64-linux-musl-native ' ) 1813695;1526418927;mircea_popescu;o hey. 1813696;1526418935;diana_coman;oh, nice 1813697;1526418940;hanbot;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-15#1813690 << tradehill, actually. http://trilema.com/2013/mpoe-pr-almost-two-years-in-the-swamp-an-anthology/#selection-1753.0-1757.232 1813698;1526418940;a111;Logged on 2018-05-15 21:11 mircea_popescu: ancient lulz. basically the 2nd largest exchange (tree something) ran off with the funds, the people involved re-emerged doing all sorts of real estate and "trading" scams. 1813699;1526418955;mircea_popescu;o right, right. tradehill. 1813700;1526418967;asciilifeform;however : i get 'exec format error' when trying to run any of the bins!!! 1813701;1526418971;asciilifeform;ave1 ^ 1813702;1526418982;asciilifeform;oh nm 1813703;1526418991;asciilifeform;apparently his thing builds arm in parallel with x8664 1813704;1526418993;mircea_popescu;lmao you got add over there or what! 1813705;1526419016;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: working through the conveyor... 1813706;1526419024;asciilifeform;anyway seems (preliminarily) to work. 1813707;1526419031;mircea_popescu;"it works! it doesn't work! o wait!" 1813708;1526419123;*;diana_coman is confused 1813709;1526419147;diana_coman;asciilifeform, mind writing it down somewhere head-tail: did this on that and result is this? 1813710;1526419159;asciilifeform;absolutely, gimme a few m 1813711;1526419163;diana_coman;thanks 1813712;1526419188;BingoBoingo;http://media.breitbart.com/media/2018/05/cheesecake.jpg 1813713;1526419252;mircea_popescu;bwahaha. by now the factor of punches to "threats" approaches the facebook.content to facebook.mark-up proportion. 1813714;1526419268;mircea_popescu;a WHOLE RESTAURANT worth of dudes insufficient to produce ~one fucking punch~. 1813715;1526419295;mircea_popescu;27`001`189 bytes of THREATS of content. no content. 1813716;1526419312;mod6;hehehe 1813717;1526419553;asciilifeform;AAAAAAnd we have a winner! ave1's musltronic gnat builds static, musltronic ffa !!!! 1813718;1526419562;asciilifeform;for x86-64 ( arm not yet tested ) 1813719;1526419699;asciilifeform;diana_coman: steps to replicate: 0) on a machine WITH A WORKING GNAT (e.g. adacore's , and it must be in your path already ) 1 ) download the tarball from http://ave1.org/2018/building-gnat-on-musl-now-with-partial-and-parallel-build-support 2) unpack tarball ada-musl-cross-2018-05-15.tgz , go to the dir 3) mkdir bin << this is where the built binariola will live 4) ./build-ada.sh /home/foo/temp/ada/ada-musl-cross-2018-05-15/bin 1813720;1526419699;asciilifeform; << must use full path 1813721;1526419730;asciilifeform;in (4) naturally you put the path of your 'bin' that you made in (3) 1813722;1526419784;asciilifeform;5-6 hours later ( the parallelization thing dun seem to work, and good chunk of time is spent in autoconf, which never parallelizes ) you get x86-64 and arm64 gnats 1813723;1526419793;asciilifeform;even conveniently tars them up for transport to other boxen. 1813724;1526419821;asciilifeform;i built a ch10 ffa with it, and the result runs. 1813725;1526419832;diana_coman;sounds great actually 1813726;1526419875;asciilifeform;i omitted a step 5 ) put in ~/.bash_profile , the path, e.g. PATH="/home/foo/temp/ada/ada-musl-cross-2018-05-15/bin/x86_64-linux-musl/bin/:$PATH"; export PATH 1813727;1526419886;asciilifeform;but this is sorta obvious 1813728;1526419902;diana_coman;apparently my local-gentoo-for-testing is still borked somewhere in some gcc version as it turns out it had died with ..cannot create executables (although gcc is set to 4.9 etc but this is an experimental box so I'll have to sort it out) 1813729;1526419906;asciilifeform;aanyway lessee if this builds for folx who aren't ave1 & asciilifeform 1813730;1526419931;asciilifeform;diana_coman: classic symptom of botched 6->5->4 gymnastics 1813731;1526419942;diana_coman;hm, come to think of it I could try it on my rockchip I suppose 1813732;1526419949;asciilifeform;nope 1813733;1526419952;asciilifeform;remember, needs a gnat 1813734;1526419962;diana_coman;I thought adacore had a gnat for arm too? 1813735;1526419963;diana_coman;no? 1813736;1526419968;asciilifeform;nope 1813737;1526419970;diana_coman;ugh 1813738;1526419972;asciilifeform;sorta how we began this thread ! 1813739;1526419978;asciilifeform;however ave1's script appears to build one. 1813740;1526419982;asciilifeform;( i have not tested yet ) 1813741;1526419993;asciilifeform;it builds x86-64 and arm64 gnats, in one blow 1813742;1526420005;diana_coman;so hm, put it somewhere so I get it to my rockchip and test it in one blow? 1813743;1526420010;asciilifeform;correct. 1813744;1526420013;mircea_popescu;diana_coman, whole thing is bootstrapping gnatbox. 1813745;1526420030;diana_coman;mircea_popescu, yes, but apparently can't bootstrap on arm 1813746;1526420038;asciilifeform;in principle , the thing will run on any box with an already working gnat. 1813747;1526420048;mircea_popescu;not before it's done once, no. 1813748;1526420074;asciilifeform;diana_coman: recall, gnat is a (mostly) ada proggy. 1813749;1526420094;diana_coman;so let's see; if it works with asciilifeform's freshly produced arm64 gnat 1813750;1526420120;asciilifeform;diana_coman: want the tarball ? ( i have not tested it ) 1813751;1526420127;diana_coman;asciilifeform, yes please 1813752;1526420194;asciilifeform;1s.. 1813753;1526420308;asciilifeform;ok, apol. for log clutter : 1813754;1526420310;asciilifeform;e432850de89226c6745301a5932e30c5b09f260b9c850a5e76e8119f66b2f06f1798156138a1741aeff9c46ab90ff1d8ad97d9c089c7d76991a8b7ea8b104bdf muslaarch64-linux-musl-nativeada.tar.gz 1813755;1526420314;asciilifeform;a262186f938b1f1fec335aa6dbf81c5d0110cb9db02d19016943020835293a890d609be795be9bcd18d14023ef54d66da2f86934fe41287b2d009d0db390c188 muslaarch64-linux-muslada.tar.gz 1813756;1526420319;asciilifeform;0c8ea1b6168d0643b7511eb01faf4f37eb34c03ba9e359e1915b18e40b868ecc4f9b54a962be82e3c7b5aceb53ec6151d8eb572b3816e169d2b598b136d2683b muslx86_64-linux-musl-nativeada.tar.gz 1813757;1526420324;asciilifeform;d6d76ec9f372875e8bf5a4acb45175d9593d6c022e98aab18eab55c10acc1f4fb393b0cb31841981da83621efb7170303b02714a3249a1abdf9342c1bd824e48 muslx86_64-linux-muslada.tar.gz 1813758;1526420342;asciilifeform;all live for now at : http://nosuchlabs.com/pub/ada/ave1/FILENAME 1813759;1526420387;asciilifeform;the 'native' ones, iirc, expect an existing musl linux; i tested the x86-64 'muslada' 1813760;1526420414;asciilifeform;result is a 100% static, musltronic elf , which runs without problem on any linux on said arch, expecting no dynamic crapola 1813761;1526420437;asciilifeform;e.g., ldd ./bin/ffa_calc returns 1813762;1526420438;asciilifeform; not a dynamic executable 1813763;1526420482;asciilifeform;and! ditto for , 1813764;1526420488;asciilifeform;$ ldd `which gprbuild ` 1813765;1526420488;asciilifeform; not a dynamic executable 1813766;1526420502;asciilifeform;i.e. the musltronic gnat itself, is a properly static, musltronic elf. 1813767;1526420509;diana_coman;thank you, I'll try it out 1813768;1526420547;mircea_popescu;this guy... 1813769;1526420552;mircea_popescu;!!rated ave1 1813770;1526420552;deedbot;mircea_popescu rated ave1 2 at 2017/07/19 18:58:19 << http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-19#1686605 1813771;1526420633;mircea_popescu;!!rated ave1 2 produced the holy grail : http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-15#1813760 1813772;1526420633;a111;Logged on 2018-05-15 21:40 asciilifeform: result is a 100% static, musltronic elf , which runs without problem on any linux on said arch, expecting no dynamic crapola 1813773;1526420640;mircea_popescu;!!rate ave1 2 produced the holy grail : http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-15#1813760 1813774;1526420640;a111;Logged on 2018-05-15 21:40 asciilifeform: result is a 100% static, musltronic elf , which runs without problem on any linux on said arch, expecting no dynamic crapola 1813775;1526420642;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/rcbGD/?raw=true 1813776;1526420697;asciilifeform;if diana_coman 's arm64 test pans out, this item will be included in the standard rockchip kit from that point on. 1813777;1526420730;asciilifeform;and after this, will become possible to talk about bitwise-repeatable builds of things. 1813778;1526420752;asciilifeform;( we will find and kill wherever it is gcc's back-end pisses time/date/whatever-unique turds into the output elf ) 1813779;1526420832;mircea_popescu;word. 1813780;1526420839;asciilifeform;diana_coman: 1 suggested test, will be to build the thing on itself , on arm 1813781;1526420855;asciilifeform;( if it works for building anything, should just the same build itself ) 1813782;1526420859;diana_coman;asciilifeform, nosuchlabs.com/pub/ada/ave1/muslaarch64-linux-muslada.tar.gz should be for the rockchip, correct? 1813783;1526420866;asciilifeform;correct 1813784;1526420895;asciilifeform;the one i tested earlier, on pc, was muslaarch64-linux-muslada.tar.gz . 1813785;1526420899;asciilifeform;err 1813786;1526420905;asciilifeform;muslx86_64-linux-muslada.tar.gz 1813787;1526420908;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, might be an idea to put the fellow on the pizarro warrants list, considering impact. 1813788;1526420929;asciilifeform;1 step at a time.. 1813789;1526420943;mircea_popescu;yes. 1813790;1526420949;diana_coman;well, I took it, checked it and it was ok, unpacked it and then went to its bin and tried to run gprbuild for instance and it died with exec format error... 1813791;1526420952;*;asciilifeform has no objection , if the rest of the board does not, to awarding fella a modest prize , if this in fact worxxx 1813792;1526420967;diana_coman;this on the rockchip, obv 1813793;1526421001;mircea_popescu;diana_coman, it builds an arm AND a x86 item. using the right one ? 1813794;1526421041;diana_coman;mircea_popescu, this should be the arm thing; hence the above confirmation with asciilifeform that I took the correct thing 1813795;1526421051;diana_coman;and fwiw I tried running from there also ./aarch64-musl-linux-cpp -> same result 1813796;1526421056;asciilifeform;diana_coman: what does readelf -h aarch64-musl-linux-gcc give you ? 1813797;1526421097;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, i certainly am contemplating same for s.mg. after all, if one's not gonna tie himself to the smart ones, who will he tie himself to. 1813798;1526421118;diana_coman;asciilifeform, http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/xkIGf/?raw=true 1813799;1526421132;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: rrright, but let's award the medals ~after~ problem is Trooly Solved ; otherwise we risk to run out of medals prematurely 1813800;1526421144;mircea_popescu;absolutely. 1813801;1526421169;asciilifeform;diana_coman: i suspect mistake : cuz i see http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/gi3gH/?raw=true 1813802;1526421177;asciilifeform;i think you may have unpacked wrong ball 1813803;1526421191;diana_coman;hm, let me try again then 1813804;1526421199;asciilifeform;oh hah 1813805;1526421201;asciilifeform;no not mistake 1813806;1526421204;diana_coman;but kind of weird, I mean: which wrong ball 1813807;1526421211;asciilifeform;his aarch64-native is trooly arm64; 1813808;1526421224;asciilifeform;but his aarch64-linux-musl is... x86-64 1813809;1526421230;asciilifeform;prolly typo in his script. 1813810;1526421238;diana_coman;well, we found it 1813811;1526421248;diana_coman;kind of what testing is for, at any rate 1813812;1526421254;mircea_popescu;ha 1813813;1526421257;asciilifeform;can try the 'native' ( it prolly won't run, iirc it needs a musltronic linux ) 1813814;1526421298;asciilifeform;can try also the pc version, on pc ; or later rebuild and get all 4 proper ones once eggog fixed 1813815;1526421305;asciilifeform;( a build on dulap took ~5 hrs ) 1813816;1526421312;diana_coman;aha, why I chose the other one; but I can try the native one anyway too, sure 1813817;1526421366;mircea_popescu;we prolly want to hold the complete set as a sort of standard somewhere anyway. 1813818;1526421452;asciilifeform;once we get http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-15#1813778 , and determine that the thing builds itself , and result builds itself, .... , n-deep 1813819;1526421452;a111;Logged on 2018-05-15 21:45 asciilifeform: ( we will find and kill wherever it is gcc's back-end pisses time/date/whatever-unique turds into the output elf ) 1813820;1526421464;asciilifeform;then -- can tentatively say 'official binaries' 1813821;1526421476;*;asciilifeform generally deeply dislikes distributing , much less signing, binariola 1813822;1526421591;diana_coman;asciilifeform, I really get that but onth if I have to get a bin I'd much, much rather get one from you than from adacore 1813823;1526421616;asciilifeform;this is fine, so long as it is understood that it is not necessarily 'cleaner' than adacore's 1813824;1526421634;mircea_popescu;there is no way to ~not~ distribute binaries, ever, at all, because of the bootstrap problem. 1813825;1526421638;asciilifeform;( the thing weighs far too much for anyone to ever audit in the sense contemplated with e.g. ffa ) 1813826;1526421642;mircea_popescu;distributing ~just these~ is by far the elegant cut.\ 1813827;1526421647;asciilifeform;right. 1813828;1526421667;mircea_popescu;and nothing weighs too much. human weight on planet earth is half a trn tons. 1813829;1526421688;mircea_popescu;the only impossible task is the undefined task. once we pinned it down in the "this and naught else" format, it's doable. 1813830;1526421703;asciilifeform;incidentally 1 other interesting auxiliary project , would be to determine what is the oldest gnat that will build ave1's generator 1813831;1526421719;asciilifeform;and ideally 'gold' binary, to be built with ~that~ 1813832;1526421726;mircea_popescu;a lot of peripheral, deeply useful work for the intelligent tuned in. 1813833;1526421751;asciilifeform;( this is the kind of thing that uncovers thompsonism, say ) 1813834;1526421757;mircea_popescu;yes. 1813835;1526422244;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: re 'nothing weighs too much', unfortunately this is not so, there are maybe a dozen people who can play, alive, and i actually dun know any of the other 19 , and even a 64kB binturd can be month's work, and problem is not O(n) even. 1813836;1526422252;asciilifeform;*other 11 1813837;1526422257;mircea_popescu;and how do you propose TO MEET THEM ? 1813838;1526422271;asciilifeform;'come and drink the ocean with me' ? 1813839;1526422274;asciilifeform;lol 1813840;1526422302;asciilifeform;point being, it is actually considerably easier to write a new ada. ( in lisp or in whatever. ) 1813841;1526422306;mircea_popescu;you meet intelligent people by having intelligent problems. 1813842;1526422324;asciilifeform;'write new ada from the spect' is an attractive problem. 'drink the ocean' , not so much. 1813843;1526422329;asciilifeform;*spec 1813844;1526422357;mircea_popescu;you meet idiots by having dumb problems. that's what jail fucking is, even : forced dating club for the sort of idiots dumb enough to be petty criminals. 1813845;1526422379;mircea_popescu;and "drink the ocean" is an eminently attractive problem. in fact, i know of no more attractive class. 1813846;1526422447;asciilifeform;it is much harder problem , than, say, to clear ALL of the unexploded ordnance from ww2. a mine, whatever else can be said of it, is at least a physical object. 1813847;1526422464;asciilifeform;whereas a compiler bug can be a constellation of 9,999 conditions that must occur just-so. 1813848;1526422465;mircea_popescu;we weren't discussing hard. 1813849;1526422483;asciilifeform;(and observe that napoleonic ordnance is still sometimes found. not even to speak of ww2.) 1813850;1526422597;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: in my experience ( and to asciilifeform personally ) problems which provide zero incremental reward ( not even to speak of massive penalties for failure ) are not attractive. 1813851;1526422616;asciilifeform;medieval serfs who built '400 year' cathedrals, were at least able to see the stones. 1813852;1526422696;mircea_popescu;what can i tell you. 1813853;1526422709;diana_coman;it might be my weird optimism but I'd say people are so starved of interesting problems that not-being-idiotic is already a huge reward 1813854;1526422726;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the correct way to expose thompsonism, is to implement the compiler, and THEN to diff the bins. 1813855;1526422739;asciilifeform;if even 1 bit differs -- then, inquest. 1813856;1526422776;*;diana_coman quit once a "workplace" with the exact: your idiotic problems won't be my problems anymore 1813857;1526422782;mircea_popescu;looky : a) eventually you will have a binary to cut the boostrap knot ; b) that'll have to be audited ; c) the golden standard of auditing is and remains "check the bricks" rather than "verify the bricking process". hence things like the radioactive brick in cement. 1813858;1526422808;mircea_popescu;attractive problems are always and without exception those where all muck has been cleared and the naked wall of reality is expoised. 1813859;1526422835;mircea_popescu;size and difficulty are not considerations ; the only thing that makes items unattractive is the scent of "other rats" to borrow an eden metaphore. 1813860;1526422894;asciilifeform;it is not possible to say this except when you've never tried to disasm a multiMB turd, what can i say. 1813861;1526422897;asciilifeform;try it some time. 1813862;1526422915;asciilifeform;and then say where the 1 dangling pointer is. 1813863;1526422919;mircea_popescu;at the very least the attempt will inform the "build a compiler" work. 1813864;1526422925;asciilifeform;(there's a reason we're even doing ada.) 1813865;1526422931;*;asciilifeform brb,meat 1813866;1526423189;diana_coman;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-15#1813816 <- rounding this up: tried it and yes, as expected, arm indeed but can't really use it since no musl 1813867;1526423189;a111;Logged on 2018-05-15 21:55 diana_coman: aha, why I chose the other one; but I can try the native one anyway too, sure 1813868;1526423209;diana_coman;so I started ave1's script on a pc and hopefully I'll have a fresh gnat in the morning 1813869;1526423217;mircea_popescu;cool. 1813870;1526423479;jurov;spyked, iirc we used 4 accounts and it took about a month? surely it's in the log 1813871;1526424757;BingoBoingo;!Q later tell jurov http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/ahdGa/?raw=true Thank you 1813872;1526424757;lobbesbot;BingoBoingo: The operation succeeded. 1813873;1526427080;asciilifeform;diana_coman: unless you found and fixed ave1's mistake, you will have same eggogy arm64 gnat as i do 1813874;1526429453;mircea_popescu;re http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-15#1813559 : one important palliative measure would be for ben_vulpes to create a strong presence on localbitcoins, if nowhere else. there's people there willing to do wires for you, and you never know when it comes handy in a pinch. 1813875;1526429453;a111;Logged on 2018-05-15 15:12 mircea_popescu: aite, let's get back to this. 1813876;1526429478;mircea_popescu;but in general, you can't leave this as a dangling pointer. it's a significant threat, gotta be defended in depth. 1813877;1526429484;asciilifeform;iirc last anybody tried localbitcoins, it showed no signs of life 1813878;1526429499;mircea_popescu;link ? 1813879;1526429562;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2015-01-28#995446 1813880;1526429562;a111;Logged on 2015-01-28 07:42 mircea_popescu: In Bitcoin this responsibility is based not in law, but fact. LocalBitcoins chose to fart on their plates and some of their weaker customers who trusted them are now ill. It doesn't matter where what was served was contaminated, but that LocalBitcoins served poison. Yes the consumers ought to have known better, but in the future knowing better means escewing a venue that sells turds as sausages on the virtue of both be 1813881;1526429566;asciilifeform;and possibly elsewhere 1813882;1526429621;asciilifeform;( e.g. http://btcbase.org/log/2015-01-08#969522 ) 1813883;1526429621;a111;Logged on 2015-01-08 05:10 BingoBoingo: As far as anyone knows localbitcoins is 3 Belgians and a 5Is leak. 1813884;1526429643;mircea_popescu;iirc that was a) a quote and b) re buying btc, not selling it. 1813885;1526429671;mircea_popescu;but yes, it is basically a small fetlife from yurp. 1813886;1526429675;asciilifeform;quote << apparently yes 1813887;1526429712;mircea_popescu;anyways -- something is better than nothing ; i'm not insisting on the specific someting, merely provided by means of example. as long as there's something. 1813888;1526429731;mircea_popescu;because this situartion whereby "nothing, because something's flawer" is really a 2nd approximation of death. 1813889;1526429736;mircea_popescu;flawed* 1813890;1526429757;asciilifeform;right, this item gotta be solved 1813891;1526429769;mircea_popescu;most people kinda discover this when kids reach school age -- while no such thing as perfect school... nevertheless, gotta send them somewhere! 1813892;1526429838;mircea_popescu;anyway, considering how little your needs are (what was it, a few k's worth of monthly wire ?), if indeed the whole of localbitcoins can't provide against hard currency, THAT is a qntra lulz item right fucking there. 1813893;1526429847;mircea_popescu;i'm chuckling already. i mean... you know ? 1813894;1526429953;asciilifeform;https://localbitcoins.com/instant-bitcoins/?action=sell&country_code=UY&amount=¤cy=UYU&place_country=UY&online_provider=ALL_ONLINE&find-offers=Search does seem to report ~something~ 1813895;1526429956;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo ^ 1813896;1526429973;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, i don'\t mean uy AT ALL. 1813897;1526429988;mircea_popescu;talk to whatever, belgium. denmark. dutchlands. any and all countries work, you want a ~wire~. 1813898;1526429997;asciilifeform;wire gotta land somewhere neh 1813899;1526430013;asciilifeform;or am i misconfiging the search box 1813900;1526430014;mircea_popescu;sure, you know the bank acct. 1813901;1526430024;asciilifeform;right, i assumed 'country' field is 'to where wire' 1813902;1526430032;mircea_popescu;i somehow doubt that. 1813903;1526430071;asciilifeform;worth a test 1813904;1526430075;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo mod6 ben_vulpes ^ 1813905;1526430093;mircea_popescu;odds are, "country" is "where person selected they;'re located". 1813906;1526430106;asciilifeform;the worst it can do, afaik, is to silently swallow the test probe 1813907;1526430112;mircea_popescu;ie, entirely uninteresting field for you. 1813908;1526430115;asciilifeform;makes sense 1813909;1526430138;mircea_popescu;and if it does that, you got an item. remember the first actually deeded item, smickles' report re i don't recall which scamfest ? 1813910;1526430153;mircea_popescu;predated kako's run to hungary to examine w/e "miner" maker. you recall that btw ? 1813911;1526430160;mircea_popescu;or too early. 1813912;1526430172;asciilifeform;smickles ? i was tuned in but not speaking iirc 1813913;1526430175;asciilifeform;( had nfi what was what ) 1813914;1526430393;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2012/icbitse-the-bucket-shop/#selection-71.0-71.38 1813915;1526430440;mircea_popescu;aand http://btcbase.org/log/2013-09-06#291189 / http://trilema.com/2013/primeasic-most-likely-a-scam/ 1813916;1526430440;a111;Logged on 2013-09-06 20:10 kakobrekla: we debunked primeasic on the second day 1813917;1526430457;asciilifeform;that one i recall 1813918;1526430464;asciilifeform;( the 2013 item ) 1813919;1526431192;mircea_popescu;anyway, by no means isolated effort. continuing through eg http://trilema.com/2015/minigame-smg-june-2015-statement/#footnote_3_62044 or http://trilema.com/2018/minigame-smg-april-2018-statement/#selection-1091.0-1091.47 or etcetera. 1813920;1526431254;mircea_popescu;to add to that pile : looked at "adclerks.com" recently ; advertising item that claims to take bitcoin. discovered that actually the largest sites listed are tiny, and it's altogether dubious the sum of the top dozen or w/e actually adds up to trilema. 1813921;1526431258;mircea_popescu;advertise if you can! 1813922;1526436219;BingoBoingo; odds are, "country" is "where person selected they;'re located". << That's the deal. People doing wires do wires. Just gotta route around USistan 1813923;1526436447;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: ideally can supply BingoBoingo's piggy this way, and free up asciilifeform's usd for rockchip etc physical plant construction and delivery 1813924;1526436521;asciilifeform;( tho i'ma prolly still need a hand with those, from other l1 folx with lulazon accts ) 1813925;1526436526;mircea_popescu;this is so bizarre. it's like talking to the insane. 1813926;1526436539;asciilifeform;hm? 1813927;1526436557;mircea_popescu;how did dc bank account morph into "BingoBoingo's piggy" and why can't you have the same process for, eg, ordering shit off amazon. 1813928;1526436570;asciilifeform;potentially can ! 1813929;1526436596;mircea_popescu;so how did a.1 turn into b.1 while a.2 is entirely aside ? no working classifier, what is it ? 1813930;1526436616;asciilifeform;it doesn't, however, it wires tho. would need a specialized 'localbitcoinist' afaik . 1813931;1526436625;asciilifeform;*eat wires 1813932;1526436636;mircea_popescu;amazon ? 1813933;1526436640;asciilifeform;correct 1813934;1526436647;mircea_popescu;when the hell did that happen ? im pretty sure i ever only paid it via wire 1813935;1526436653;mircea_popescu;not that i use it much. 1813936;1526436653;asciilifeform;afaik eats strictly usa bankcard. 1813937;1526436659;mircea_popescu;no fukcing way. 1813938;1526436664;mircea_popescu;usa bank card is what, 40% of the market. 1813939;1526436675;mircea_popescu;you think amazon doesn't have exactly the same problems as pizarro ? 1813940;1526436685;*;asciilifeform will actually rtfm and find out 1813941;1526436860;asciilifeform;the other thing, i doubt that lulazon is sole source for anything. merely fast/convenient in asciilifeform's locale. but e.g. the rc board ~is~ available elsewhere 1813942;1526436930;asciilifeform;( on top of mircea_popescu prolly being right that it can be made to eat wires, if coaxed ) 1813943;1526436971;mircea_popescu;solutions abound ; but yes they don't fall in the eager open mouths, have to be actually applied to work. 1813944;1526437073;mircea_popescu;for that matter -- specializing a few localbitcoinists, if this is at all possible, has the advantage of you know -- adding people. 1813945;1526437102;mircea_popescu;the more one tends his garden, the more one has shit to rely on later. 1813946;1526437131;asciilifeform;troo 1813947;1526437777;lobbes;fwiw amazon does allow paying via (us based) checking acct. 1813948;1526437837;mircea_popescu;lobbes, were you looking to buy some btc btw ? 1813949;1526437838;asciilifeform;lobbes: it does. doesn't do anything for wires tho. and i looked in the docs, word 'wire' is only mentioned in re third-party sellers on lulazon being able to accept them ( on own power ) as payment 1813950;1526437887;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, this is fine for you neh, talk to rc suppliers, qwho are all in china, until one wants to sell 96 pcs on wire. this way you know who to talk to about ~other~ pieces also later on, as i fucking doubt anyone only sells rc on amazon yes ? 1813951;1526437888;lobbes;asciilifeform, yeah, seems it is only ACH 1813952;1526437909;mircea_popescu;in general, the PERSONALIZATION of all relationships is the key to victory. yes, you met her at the casino bar, but this doesn't mean anything abotu the fucking casino bar. 1813953;1526437915;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: not being a complete idiot, asciilifeform found several independent suppliers of rc. 1813954;1526437931;mircea_popescu;and same for chicks you pick off any other fetlife, whether they call themselves "localzon" or "amabitcoins" or ANYTHING ELSE. meat markets, all of them. 1813955;1526437936;mircea_popescu;find some hunks you like and ~take them home~. 1813956;1526437952;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, cool. any of them want to be wirepaid ? 1813957;1526438008;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: will likely find out soon, i wrote quote reqs 1813958;1526438016;mircea_popescu;cool. 1813959;1526438037;lobbes;mircea_popescu, well, optimally I'd be buying a little btc every certain frequency. Just converted some fiat a month or so ago though buying for pizarro 1813960;1526438040;mircea_popescu;it'd be indeed surprising if a) anyone selling useful electronics wasn't from china or b) anyone from china couldn't eat wires. and so there you go. 1813961;1526438060;mircea_popescu;lobbes, a cool, so you don't need an introduction then. 1813962;1526438074;*;mircea_popescu kinda doesn't know when these are needed nowadays o.O 1813963;1526438116;lobbes;but yeah, I'm almost always interested if pizarro needs some lulazon materials ordered 1813964;1526438118;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the 1 non-cn component ( aside from asciilifeform-crafted ironworks ) is the samsung ssd 1813965;1526438143;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, alrighty, but by now pressure's off you by a degree of magnitude at least. which was the idea, let's put out fires before they catch. 1813966;1526438149;asciilifeform;aha 1813967;1526438201;mircea_popescu;don't a) put yourself in situations where you're overpressured only so that b) you can complain you find yourself in situation of overpressure. whole fucking trick to management, that. 1813968;1526438249;*;asciilifeform not deep ocean fish, does not particularly relish megapressures 1813969;1526438295;mircea_popescu;i bet. 1813970;1526438299;*;trinque is willing to buy btc via pizarro again, as he has already. 1813971;1526438321;trinque;much better than dealing with idiot exchanges 1813972;1526438342;lobbes;verily 1813973;1526438355;lobbes;or randos on bitcoin-otc 1813974;1526438473;mircea_popescu;anyway, amazon also sells larger items, such as electric equipment, boats, w/e. how the fuck they do that via visa is anyone's guess. 1813975;1526438593;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: can buy tanker with visa, if one insists. ( and they also issue own card, and profit thereby , good % of users have it ) 1813976;1526438639;mircea_popescu;not in my experience, they settle in 60 days or some dumb shit. 1813977;1526438648;mircea_popescu;who the fuck's gonna give visa 60 days layover on a mn or two. 1813978;1526438669;asciilifeform;'small biznis' in usa is a funny thing. 1813979;1526438679;mircea_popescu;not to mention nobody but the lozeriest of consumer sellers would ~even consider~ the bs "arbitration" and visa opining on things and matters. 1813980;1526438718;asciilifeform;it's a konsoomer/smallbiznis retail joint. 1813981;1526438729;*;mircea_popescu solidly despises anyone accepting credit cards as means of payment. they're the modern day equivalent of medieval pub wenches, there to have children of unknown paternity each year. 1813982;1526438750;asciilifeform;( and it is unknown to asciilifeform whether anyone actually buys the 100k boats/planes/etc one can find listed on lulazon. it is entirely possible that : not ) 1813983;1526438782;mircea_popescu;well sure as fuck not with a card lol. unless i suppose the occasional "platinum iridium black iridiscent" cuck 1813984;1526438803;mircea_popescu;but those 90s items are kind of a dying breed. 1813985;1526438812;asciilifeform;dun forget, decade passed since mircea_popescu toured usaistan; cards with 100k limit are common nao 1813986;1526438834;asciilifeform;i shred the scamola 'preapproved!111' from these, ~daily 1813987;1526438863;mircea_popescu;heh 1813988;1526438882;asciilifeform;they literally fill my postbox on occasion 1813989;1526438906;asciilifeform;asciilifeform is probably on some list of egregious idjits somewhere 1813990;1526438914;mircea_popescu;haha 1813991;1526438938;asciilifeform;the most annoying thing, sometimes the ~actual card~ is in there 1813992;1526438945;asciilifeform;i had to upgrade the crosscuttron, to eat these... 1813993;1526438958;mircea_popescu;could just throw out whole neh ? 1813994;1526438965;asciilifeform;ahahahaha good one 1813995;1526438969;lobbes;heh 1813996;1526438983;mircea_popescu;>D 1813997;1526439004;asciilifeform;nao they introduced ~metal~ cards. but these dun get sent unsoliced -- yet. when they start to, i'ma have to... idk, first burn, then slice what remains with guillotine ? 1813998;1526439016;asciilifeform;*unsolicited 1813999;1526439028;mircea_popescu;i hear dali made urine etchings. 1814000;1526439038;asciilifeform;i would be surprised if not 1814001;1526439115;asciilifeform;hey ben_vulpes , trinque , mod6 , do you also get these horrors in the post ? 1814002;1526439117;asciilifeform;or just me. 1814003;1526439145;*;lobbes gets 1814004;1526439154;asciilifeform;ha 1814005;1526439158;mircea_popescu;anyway, this discussion is vividly bringing to mind acquaintance there. erry day he'd religiously shred the mail spam. "hey, why do you not read it ?" "well, it's spam, waste of time to read. that's why i shred". erry day, half hour, at the least. saving self from the waste of time. 1814006;1526439179;trinque;sure, one year 0%, then only 25%, and etc 1814007;1526439197;mircea_popescu;you know i never got one ? in my entire life! 1814008;1526439243;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: they get shredded not to shove'em moar compactly into rubbish bin, but because there are 'specialists' who collect'em from rubbish, fill'em out, then swipe from postbox when 'activated' card comes in, then max it, and luser finds out when wages start vanishing 1814009;1526439257;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, i realise. 1814010;1526439280;asciilifeform;( at one time i dismissed this as a laborious/rare scam, until met several people who ended up in it ) 1814011;1526439292;mircea_popescu;it was rare in the 90s ; it's pestilentially common now. 1814012;1526439307;mircea_popescu;more than half of the "global economy threatening" "fraud" comes from this. 1814013;1526439309;asciilifeform;sad part is that it dun actually ~require~ collecting rubbish, these days... 1814014;1526439320;asciilifeform;aaha 1814015;1526439368;asciilifeform;'lulzcharges from $distantlocale on existing card' is considerably less painful for konsoomer in usa, however, than 'brand new card in yername in hands of $joker' 1814016;1526439389;lobbes;apparently us kidz these days are getting their ss#s harvested from the numerous 'ransomware attacks' on schools (i.e phishing government employees to give access to poorly protected data) 1814017;1526439401;lobbes;lulzy out there 1814018;1526439417;asciilifeform;lobbes: typically they're harvested straight from vendor's db 1814019;1526439423;asciilifeform;no xyzware necessary 1814020;1526439428;mircea_popescu;except the way it works is restaurant/bar/whartever you frequent is stuck hiring the fucktarded neets, who have massive turnover, and are potheads/convicts universally. just a matter of time before one swipes your card, and then go, explain that th4e charges were bogus at restaurant down the street you visit weekly. 1814021;1526439444;mircea_popescu;it takes a dose of imbecillity on the level of such displayed in fargo, to use credit card as a means of payment. 1814022;1526439498;trinque;meanwhile creating however many billions of "fraud" within which to hide whatever the bank wants. 1814023;1526439510;mircea_popescu;they ~are~ useful, principally in the sense of giving agent a pile of them when sent on mission. but that's about it. 1814024;1526439525;asciilifeform;( see also thread http://btcbase.org/log/2014-02-13#499334 ) 1814025;1526439525;a111;Logged on 2014-02-13 01:00 asciilifeform: fact is, 'carding' could disappear overnight if the card issuers wished it. (even in countries with ubiquitous old-style magnetic readers. devices which present the correct magnetism, using one-time account #s, are trivial.) 1814026;1526439543;asciilifeform;multilayered and quite complex scamolade pie. 1814027;1526439553;mircea_popescu;also known as "united states economy". 1814028;1526439564;mircea_popescu;because there really isn't anything else. 1814029;1526439572;asciilifeform;noose at eleven.. 1814030;1526440982;mod6;<+asciilifeform> hey ben_vulpes , trinque , mod6 , do you also get these horrors in the post ? << oh yeah. i end up with bushels to burn every quarter. 1814031;1526441071;mircea_popescu;actually he prolly has it, coal bed incineration faster and better than shredding 1814032;1526441160;mod6;it's quite incredible. 1814033;1526441414;mircea_popescu;o btw asciilifeform , here's a hysterical example of the usual boeckisms : http://trilema.com/2015/the-fetlife-meatlist-volume-i/#comment-125502 1814034;1526441510;ben_vulpes;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/iRBZT/?raw=true << entertaining 1814035;1526441518;mircea_popescu;and it's not anything ; random comcast consumer from Joplin, Missouri. 1814036;1526441522;mircea_popescu;this is what they do. 1814037;1526441558;ben_vulpes;yo BingoBoingo how about some scans of that hot cedula :P 1814038;1526441995;ben_vulpes;http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2018-5-16#356543 << i've got folks in-wot i've already pushing btc to over amazon; i'm pretty comfortable with orders in the range of 500-2000 usd; what i'm looking for are folks that want to eat on the order of 10kusd of btc every month or so, that's the comfortable headroom i'd like 1814039;1526441996;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-05-16 02:22 lobbes: but yeah, I'm almost always interested if pizarro needs some lulazon materials ordered 1814040;1526442129;ben_vulpes;http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2018-5-15#355976 << if you're burning usd that shoulda been billed to the corp, pls to do so. otherwise, you're burning the usd to...get btc? i don't really understand the objection. 1814041;1526442131;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-05-15 14:56 asciilifeform: esp given as the fact that the project has cost asciilifeform a good % of his btc and the bulk of his usd 1814042;1526442192;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: all properly billed to date. 1814043;1526442208;ben_vulpes;http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2018-5-16#356583 << have you pulled the opt out lever and contend it doesn't work or have you not yet 1814044;1526442209;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-05-16 02:39 asciilifeform: hey ben_vulpes , trinque , mod6 , do you also get these horrors in the post ? 1814045;1526442224;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: did, and yes 1814046;1526442229;mod6;there's no opt out lever. 1814047;1526442233;trinque;yeah, I went to whatever bullshit site and said pretty pls no bully 1814048;1526442235;ben_vulpes;ah ty asciilifeform, the spare spleen where i keep anxiety thanks you 1814049;1526442251;asciilifeform;mod6: there's a fictional lever 1814050;1526442314;mod6;aha, fictional 1814051;1526442401;ben_vulpes;far more interesting story than context-free bitchin about the spam imho 1814052;1526442421;*;ben_vulpes doesn't depreciate shredder blades on anything but the plastic; everything else gets packed into the prepaid return envelopes 1814053;1526442439;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: sounds laborious 1814054;1526442461;asciilifeform;what, if you get 17 turds, you open'em all ?! 1814055;1526442473;ben_vulpes;why bother 1814056;1526442481;asciilifeform;or do you conscript the childrenz to do it 1814057;1526442485;mircea_popescu;my takeaway from this is, "if establishing natoreich household, saw oil barrel in half, dump grill charcoal + mail there weekly or w/e" 1814058;1526442485;ben_vulpes;one only needs the single return envelope... 1814059;1526442524;mod6;i use firepit + healthy dose of gasoline 1814060;1526442536;mircea_popescu;or that. 1814061;1526442538;ben_vulpes;seventeen lmfao i ain't seen more than 2 in a week in recent memory. far more irksome the raw advertisements from which i must sift actual and extremely rare bits of important mail. 1814062;1526442580;*;asciilifeform has 'enronator', prolly will upgrade to proper honest crematorium soon 1814063;1526442595;mod6;heheh 1814064;1526442760;ben_vulpes;http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2018-5-15#356068 << anyways, since there's cash on hand and building what i think are 2 trips worth of rockchip plant would get us more than clearing rent, imma push to get the next two plants into fab so that when the price inevitably dips we have a basis on which to capture http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-05#1809922 1814065;1526442760;a111;Logged on 2018-05-05 03:06 mircea_popescu: if bitcoin starts dropping again people will be begging to buy into you, logically. 1814066;1526442760;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-05-15 16:21 ben_vulpes: http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2018-5-15#356051 << ~2.75 BTC at ~current rates gets 4 chassis with 96 total rockchippen, includes 1 delivery run per chassis. 1814067;1526442760;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-05-15 15:37 mod6: ah, maybe that as for 96. anyway, will wait for ben_vulpes 1814068;1526442803;mircea_popescu;that's an angle. 1814069;1526442810;mod6;we will need a run of FG tho 'eh? 1814070;1526442816;ben_vulpes;mod6: lemme finish 1814071;1526442821;mod6;my bad 1814072;1526442839;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: 96 units == 1 trip, unless of course you want to mix rc + conventional servers in delivery 1814073;1526442871;ben_vulpes;in the meantime, i'll focus on a landing page, wading through the sea of omg that is webhosting forums and planning in detail how to filter the sea, and booting alternatives to extant l1folks for 10kusd btc sales 1814074;1526442902;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: ah i had some notion that you maxed out at 2 chassis, if we can do it in a single run that'd be great 1814075;1526442921;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: we're not shipping any more single servers down there until uy1 is gagging or l1 asks nicely 1814076;1526442927;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: i delivered 4u of box 1814077;1526442938;asciilifeform;recall. 1814078;1526442946;asciilifeform;just like specced. 1814079;1526442958;ben_vulpes;i do, clearly! 1814080;1526442978;asciilifeform;( plus rc pilot, in rucksack, lol ) 1814081;1526442991;ben_vulpes;my mistaken misunderstanding that you could only do 2 chassis of RC plant is incorrect then, which is actually cool 1814082;1526443031;ben_vulpes;i thought it was 24/chassis, 2u/chassis and (for some reason, obviously incorrect), 2 chassis per trip. 1814083;1526443059;asciilifeform;1 man can carry 4u, or rather 100kg ( it is possible to have >4u in regulation-sized trunks ) plus rucksack 10kg. 1814084;1526443121;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: 24 in ~1u~ chassis. 1814085;1526443133;ben_vulpes;well that's magnificent and the part i missed 1814086;1526443166;ben_vulpes;so we can do an entire production run in one go. fuckin awesome. 1814087;1526443257;ben_vulpes;and yes asciilifeform mircea_popescu can i get a quote for 96 fg or 100 if that's a more convenient batch size? 1814088;1526443280;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: i have vendor quotes pending for 100 units 1814089;1526443313;asciilifeform;incl from manufacturer 1814090;1526443320;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: nifty, keep me poasted 1814091;1526443330;asciilifeform;will 1814092;1526444297;ave1;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-15#1813642, an initial readme here: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/sb5zm/?raw=true 1814093;1526444297;a111;Logged on 2018-05-15 19:51 diana_coman: ave1, if I want to test your gnat-building script what steps should I follow so that I have at the end of it maximum info re what works/doesn't and in what context exactly? 1814094;1526444302;ave1;note that the script creates cross-compilers first 1814095;1526444306;ave1;so, 'aarch64-musl-linux' is x86_64 exe and created aarch64 static bins 1814096;1526444308;ave1;the static binaries, being static, run on all linuxes be it glibc or musl 1814097;1526444326;ave1;the cross-compilers are then used to make 'native' compilers 1814098;1526444354;ave1;so the aarch64-...-native run on aarch64 and are static 1814099;1526444388;ave1;it does not matter if the linux is glibc or musl, I tested also on a clean ubuntu arm64 image 1814100;1526444415;ave1;But ofcourse only for the statically compiled binaries 1814101;1526445170;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, theres no more fgs. 1814102;1526445173;asciilifeform;ave1: plz see log, in particular http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-15#1813808 1814103;1526445173;a111;Logged on 2018-05-15 21:53 asciilifeform: but his aarch64-linux-musl is... x86-64 1814104;1526445348;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: for the love of all that is holy i hope you mean "pizarro bought all teh extant fg" and not "all the fg that will ever be already are" 1814105;1526445361;mircea_popescu;the former, the former. 1814106;1526445368;mircea_popescu;we'll have to fabricate more ; which is in the early stages. 1814107;1526445431;ben_vulpes;right right well knowing that we booughtcha out i'm asking for a quote hoping (since confirmed) that a new run was in the works or to get one underway 1814108;1526445451;mircea_popescu;mind also that 100 fgs are somewhat expensive ; and you're cash starved. neither for time nor for money do you want to marry the rockchip pile to fgs 1814109;1526445457;asciilifeform;iirc dpb still has some in stock 1814110;1526445465;ben_vulpes;scratch that; because we need fg i'm asking for 'em. 1814111;1526445485;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: those were running at a what 4x markup or something stiff last i saw? 1814112;1526445492;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, incidentally, wouldn't we be better served by making a proper run, 500 say ? 1814113;1526445536;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: really i was hoping for next run to be the MB/sec lyso crystal fg. but, potentially, yes 1814114;1526445564;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, honestly, it can wait for the better model. not like he's ~without~ fgs. 1814115;1526445594;asciilifeform;aha 1814116;1526445595;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: what fraction of the plant do you figure should be equipped? 1814117;1526445614;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: paying buyers, as they come 1814118;1526445627;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: and what, ship 'em onebyone? 1814119;1526445628;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, it's a significant chunk of the cost of the rc, you realise ? YOU should be answering this, on the basis of, what you can sell. 1814120;1526445634;mircea_popescu;you already have a pile of what, 50 or so ? 1814121;1526445639;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: no, from current stock 1814122;1526445693;mircea_popescu;you got three items, shared, rc, rc+fg. you tell us, which sells in what proportion to what. 1814123;1526445756;ben_vulpes;ya reasonable, will answer on the next context switch 1814124;1526445770;*;asciilifeform bbl,bed 1814125;1526445791;mircea_popescu;otherwise, nsa is not adverse to making a new run, but it will take a while. 1814126;1526445904;ben_vulpes;noted ty 1814127;1526446006;mircea_popescu;http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2018-5-15#356068 << was this ever broken down ? so 800 per u, 100 per chip, and 2000 transport coming to (800*2+100*96 + 2000) = 13200 ? 1814128;1526446007;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-05-15 16:21 ben_vulpes: http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2018-5-15#356051 << ~2.75 BTC at ~current rates gets 4 chassis with 96 total rockchippen, includes 1 delivery run per chassis. 1814129;1526446007;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-05-15 15:37 mod6: ah, maybe that as for 96. anyway, will wait for ben_vulpes 1814130;1526446265;mircea_popescu;fwiw, i see the ROC-RK3328-CC at ~40 to maybe as high as 55 depending on quantity. 100 in one batch should be about 4000 realistically. 1814131;1526446410;ben_vulpes;~112 per RC, 2500 transpo, 1k for chassis, 4 chassis, 17,252 1814132;1526446426;ben_vulpes;!!up candi_lustt 1814133;1526446427;deedbot;candi_lustt voiced for 30 minutes. 1814134;1526446433;ben_vulpes;!W (+ (* 112 96) (* 4 1000) 2500) 1814135;1526446434;candi_lustt;ben_vulpes: 17252 1814136;1526446455;ben_vulpes;conservative estimate 1814137;1526446565;mircea_popescu;why is the rc about 250% ? 1814138;1526446609;mircea_popescu;and why is the chassis 1k ? am i missing something besides "aluminum" ? and why is the bitcoin 17252/2.75 = 6273? 1814139;1526446657;mircea_popescu;the " the price inevitably dips" theory works A LOT better if it doesn't have to dip under 6k. 1814140;1526446758;ben_vulpes;i haven't updated the rc price since the pilot run, and that number assumed 1 transportation run per chassis since i'd not gotten the refutation of that number until just now. 1814141;1526446771;ben_vulpes;i'll rerun this all right now 1814142;1526446803;mircea_popescu;the cheaper you get your stuff, you understand, the more your intaingibles and equity lines are worth. 1814143;1526446814;mircea_popescu;absolutely fine, if not outright premier way to maximize shareholder value. 1814144;1526446896;ben_vulpes;i'd rather see the price estimate go down as i tighten numerical accuracy than up; i've no desire to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6q4n5TQnpA 1814145;1526446936;mircea_popescu;there's that. 1814146;1526447025;mircea_popescu;incidentally asciilifeform is nsa fabricating chassisen for pizarro ? or is asciilifeform of his own independent self ? 1814147;1526447036;ben_vulpes;unpleasant to run an estimate that comes out kind of marginal and watch hopesndreams go up in smoke as reality sets in 1814148;1526447053;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, it's a tight rope, either way can get unpleasant. 1814149;1526447079;mircea_popescu;that's why it's important to run documented estimates rather than either loose or tight estimates. 1814150;1526447094;ben_vulpes;sure, setting wrong expectations with scary large numbers has its own failure modes 1814151;1526447301;*;ben_vulpes tightens 1814152;1526447568;mircea_popescu;document, that's the right move. "here's an amazon page link, https://www.amazon.com/Libre-Computer-ROC-RK3328-CC-Renegade-Ethernet/dp/B078RMQYHS and here's some other provider https://www.loverpi.com/products/libre-computer-board-roc-rk3328-cc on which basis I'm guessing we should get the boards at around 4k total ; here's why i think the chassis costs so much ; here's why alf's delivery run need not include only 1k in airfa 1814153;1526447568;mircea_popescu;re but also a week's stay, like if rich nsa is paying him a little vacation. altogether it comes to this much on the basis of those assumptions" and so on. 1814154;1526447891;ben_vulpes;i had this in i suppose a too-terse form the other day; shall document with words and links. 1814155;1526448398;ben_vulpes;if any of the mpwpists in teh republic can lend a hand, i could really use it in getting urls that don't have index.php in them 1814156;1526448604;trinque;ben_vulpes: you're welcome to snag the /home/trinque/www/.htaccess 1814157;1526449322;ben_vulpes;neato trinque 1814158;1526449724;ben_vulpes;so i guess that i have to then write a regex to capture all of the old /index.html/y/m/d/post, redirect 'em to /y/m/d/post 1814159;1526450228;ben_vulpes;well i got the rewrite, but can't get mpwp to serve at /y/m/d/post 1814160;1526450754;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, what's in your settings ? 1814161;1526450783;mircea_popescu;specifically wp-admin/options-permalink.php 1814162;1526450800;ben_vulpes;i have the permalink structure as /index.php/year/month/day , but when i switch it over to /year/month/day it 404's 1814163;1526450829;mircea_popescu;ie you clicked the "day and name" item ? 1814164;1526450856;ben_vulpes;correct 1814165;1526450963;mircea_popescu;hm. is your path-to-wp set incorrectly ? 1814166;1526450975;ben_vulpes;where is that? 1814167;1526450983;mircea_popescu;options-general.php address url, two fields. 1814168;1526451067;ben_vulpes;ah, pizarroisp.net 1814169;1526451085;ben_vulpes;i think that's correct 1814170;1526451089;mircea_popescu;"http://pizarroisp.net" for both ? 1814171;1526451093;ben_vulpes;yup. 1814172;1526451142;mircea_popescu;it is possible your theme is not supportive of your directory structure. try "custom structure" = "/%year%/%postname%/" ? 1814173;1526451313;ben_vulpes;nope 1814174;1526451334;ben_vulpes;it tries to redirect to what the right url should be, though 1814175;1526451345;ben_vulpes;however 404's. 1814176;1526451419;mircea_popescu;i expect your htaccess is incorrect. 1814177;1526451439;ben_vulpes;quite possible, i'll look at some others tomorrow. 1814178;1526451449;ben_vulpes;miserable problem. here's something more interesting, a documented estimate http://cascadianhacker.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/rockchipestimates.org 1814179;1526451451;mircea_popescu;other than that, did you fuck anything to include "index.html" ? 1814180;1526451486;mircea_popescu;could textfiles be .txt ? 1814181;1526451491;ben_vulpes;sure 1814182;1526451562;ben_vulpes;http://cascadianhacker.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/rockchipestimates.txt 1814183;1526451568;mircea_popescu;!!up can 1814184;1526451569;deedbot;can voiced for 30 minutes. 1814185;1526451569;mircea_popescu;!!up candi_lustt 1814186;1526451570;deedbot;candi_lustt voiced for 30 minutes. 1814187;1526451599;mircea_popescu;!W (+ 1500 200 (* 5 150) (* 4 (+ 200 400 100 (* 28 (+ 35 1.0 6.89 34.99))))) 1814188;1526451599;candi_lustt;mircea_popescu: 13972.561 1814189;1526451660;ben_vulpes;i'm running out of steam, will have to resume tomorrow unless mircea_popescu has pressing qs or comments 1814190;1526451666;mircea_popescu;no pressing. 1814191;1526451675;ben_vulpes;evening then 1814192;1526451680;mircea_popescu;but for tomorrow : 28 per chassis then ? 1814193;1526452082;lobbes;aye. I can confirm this is outside of my eating capacity; /me can only really swing the small-potato ad-hoc buys >> http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-16#1814038 1814194;1526452082;a111;Logged on 2018-05-16 03:39 ben_vulpes: http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2018-5-16#356543 << i've got folks in-wot i've already pushing btc to over amazon; i'm pretty comfortable with orders in the range of 500-2000 usd; what i'm looking for are folks that want to eat on the order of 10kusd of btc every month or so, that's the comfortable headroom i'd like 1814195;1526452082;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-05-16 02:22 lobbes: but yeah, I'm almost always interested if pizarro needs some lulazon materials ordered 1814196;1526452121;*;lobbes likewise, off to bed 1814197;1526454779;mircea_popescu;!!up diginet 1814198;1526454780;deedbot;diginet voiced for 30 minutes. 1814199;1526454792;diginet;what is this channel 1814200;1526454803;diginet;I found it while googling some Fortran stuff 1814201;1526454859;mircea_popescu;do you see the topic ? 1814202;1526454960;diginet;yes, that just made me more confused 1814203;1526455010;mircea_popescu;well, so read the logs etcetera. 1814204;1526455037;mircea_popescu;it's not the sort of question that you can answer for yourself in a minute. 1814205;1526455292;diana_coman;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-16#1814099 <- hm, at least the one asciilifeform obtained did not run on my rockchip (arm arch) so I might need to look deeper into this as to why it didn't; at any rate: mind adding to your post the obtained gnat binaries so I try with them directly from you and then report what fails if anything? 1814206;1526455292;a111;Logged on 2018-05-16 04:19 ave1: it does not matter if the linux is glibc or musl, I tested also on a clean ubuntu arm64 image 1814207;1526458702;ave1;diana_coman, Sure no problem, I'll put it on the site and send a link. Which one did you try? 1814208;1526458787;diana_coman;ave1, see the issues in log here: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-15#1813795 1814209;1526458787;a111;Logged on 2018-05-15 21:50 diana_coman: and fwiw I tried running from there also ./aarch64-musl-linux-cpp -> same result 1814210;1526458807;diana_coman;basically the non-native was not arm; the native at least ran but then the script failed anyway 1814211;1526458826;diana_coman;I did not investigate further but I can do that 1814212;1526459028;ave1;yes, the non-native is a cross compiler, so run on x86_64 and compile for aarch64 1814213;1526459062;diana_coman;aaa, so it's x86_64_for_aarch64 1814214;1526459063;diana_coman;got it 1814215;1526459100;ave1;yes, the original scripts only produced cross compilers, and the new ones now also create "real/native" compilers 1814216;1526459111;ave1;I will update the directory names as this is now confusing 1814217;1526459149;ave1;btw, I've not tried running the scripts with the generated native compilers, I always start with the binary from adacore 1814218;1526459172;ave1;I would be interested in how the scripts failed on your side 1814219;1526459189;diana_coman;well, I was testing so at least tested it to break it, ofc :P 1814220;1526459225;diana_coman;sure, I'll paste the stuff today and ping you 1814221;1526459561;diana_coman;ave1, http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/66jDf/?raw=true 1814222;1526459607;diana_coman;it seems it wants --host to cross-compile the x86 1814223;1526460702;ave1;link is here: http://ave1.org/tarpit/muslaarch64-linux-musl-nativeada.tar.gz 1814224;1526460715;ave1;223b353c4c0299345c13c2abaea9a5e779878b22bd49c8d93a726075a429db8453a45b2fcbeb1d18a1bc282a0e51f695e62dd23cd8b35ca093dd7859caf5dc0a muslaarch64-linux-musl-nativeada.tar.gz 1814225;1526460720;ave1;sha512sum 1814226;1526460759;diana_coman;thanks, I'll try it 1814227;1526460808;ave1;as for the error, can you go to build/build-bootstrap/binutils-2.25.1/build1 and paste the config.log? 1814228;1526460884;ave1;this seems to be the very first "real" step, compile the binutils for your own system. it may be a CFLAGS problem 1814229;1526460960;ave1;oh wait, you are running the scripts on the rockchip? 1814230;1526460989;diana_coman;ave1, yes, that was on the rockchip 1814231;1526460992;ave1;then the ada-build.sh needs adaptation 1814232;1526460992;diana_coman;from yesterday 1814233;1526461029;ave1;so far I only ran these starting on x86_64 1814234;1526461035;ave1;one sec 1814235;1526461091;diana_coman;kk 1814236;1526461099;ave1;it's the 'build-ada.sh' script 1814237;1526461108;ave1;it's last line is now: ../extra/build-tarballs.sh $PREFIX musl ada x86_64 aarch64 1814238;1526461123;ave1;for starting on aarch64 it should be 1814239;1526461132;ave1;../extra/build-tarballs.sh $PREFIX musl ada aarch64 x86_64 1814240;1526461143;ave1;i.e. aarch64 first 1814241;1526461165;diana_coman;ah, let me change that and try it again then 1814242;1526461166;ave1;also you can drop the x86_64, as you will probably not be cross compiling to x86_64 1814243;1526461174;ave1;from aarch64 1814244;1526461200;diana_coman;well, I'd rather cross compile too if it works because then I can use the rockchip as launchpad for everything else, why not 1814245;1526461220;diana_coman;anyways, might as well try it now 1814246;1526461222;ave1;cool idea! 1814247;1526461336;ave1;btw the build process is not small, (nothing is cleaned during the run, to get partial build running) 1814248;1526461342;ave1;so 14G for build 1814249;1526461376;ave1;and 4.1G for install 1814250;1526461414;ave1;note also, that a lot of it is disk bound, the run takes longer with slow disks 1814251;1526461419;ave1;bbl 1814252;1526461496;diana_coman;ave1, seems it needs more tweaking, as it still fails the same: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/IqoYy/?raw=true 1814253;1526461532;diana_coman;good to know really; perhaps add those notes to the post so it's all in one place? 1814254;1526461546;diana_coman;re size and disk I mean 1814255;1526465558;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-15#1813870 <-- ty! 1814256;1526465558;a111;Logged on 2018-05-15 22:31 jurov: spyked, iirc we used 4 accounts and it took about a month? surely it's in the log 1814257;1526465703;spyked;ftr, I've gathered about 700k keys in the last 3-4 days; if the total number hasn't changed too much from the previous 6.9M, I estimate I should have all of them in 20-30 days from now. 1814258;1526467791;ave1;diana_coman, I will try myself too, but need to do some disk shuffling first (I do not have enough room available). Could you send me the config.log in build/build-bootstrap/binutils-2.25.1/build1? 1814259;1526470229;diana_coman;ave1, sure: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/JGYgX/?raw=true 1814260;1526476919;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-16#1814127 << the most detailed guide is still the http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-02#1807162 document; but i'ma elaborate below : 1814261;1526476919;a111;Logged on 2018-05-16 04:46 mircea_popescu: http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2018-5-15#356068 << was this ever broken down ? so 800 per u, 100 per chip, and 2000 transport coming to (800*2+100*96 + 2000) = 13200 ? 1814262;1526476919;a111;Logged on 2018-05-02 00:40 asciilifeform: !!deed http://www.loper-os.org/pub/piz_apr_parts.txt 1814263;1526476919;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-05-15 16:21 ben_vulpes: http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2018-5-15#356051 << ~2.75 BTC at ~current rates gets 4 chassis with 96 total rockchippen, includes 1 delivery run per chassis. 1814264;1526476919;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-05-15 15:37 mod6: ah, maybe that as for 96. anyway, will wait for ben_vulpes 1814265;1526477134;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-16#1814130 << still waiting for quotes in qty 100, but this is approx correct. however a working rockchiptron consists not only of the board, but of heat sink ( 10 usd , and single-source, it gotta have the correct pegs ) , the sd card ( in principle cheapest worx, it ~never gets written to, i am looking into chinese crate ) , ssd ( imho it is pointless to use anything but samsung, and it's ~40 usd in w 1814266;1526477134;a111;Logged on 2018-05-16 04:51 mircea_popescu: fwiw, i see the ROC-RK3328-CC at ~40 to maybe as high as 55 depending on quantity. 100 in one batch should be about 4000 realistically. 1814267;1526477134;asciilifeform;hatever qty, they don't seem to have an oem version ) , and lastly, cabling/fasteners 1814268;1526477202;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-16#1814131 << transport for rockchiptron will be considerably cheaper than 2500, as i can't picture needing a whole week, nor 400 in overweight charge for the crates 1814269;1526477202;a111;Logged on 2018-05-16 04:53 ben_vulpes: ~112 per RC, 2500 transpo, 1k for chassis, 4 chassis, 17,252 1814270;1526477281;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-16#1814138 << 1k for chassis is ~extremely~ pessimistic ; yes it does need 2x redundant 5v supplies, a quantity of brass pegs , cabling , fans. but not 1k worth. 1814271;1526477281;a111;Logged on 2018-05-16 04:56 mircea_popescu: and why is the chassis 1k ? am i missing something besides "aluminum" ? and why is the bitcoin 17252/2.75 = 6273? 1814272;1526477346;asciilifeform;incidentally asciilifeform is still in active search for a suitable chassis : general-purpose atx units that i've found, are unsuitable, they lose ~40% of the internal space to nonremovable drive cages, which do NO good in rockchiptron . additionally, a good half of the chassis on the market, are ( for no reason known to me ) not full depth, these can be rejected right away 1814273;1526477369;asciilifeform;flying with 'handmade' aluminum box is out of the question, it must resemble a 'proper' server . 1814274;1526477416;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-16#1814142 << i think he made the numbers deliberately pessimistic, so as to over- rather than under- shoot 1814275;1526477416;a111;Logged on 2018-05-16 05:00 mircea_popescu: the cheaper you get your stuff, you understand, the more your intaingibles and equity lines are worth. 1814276;1526477443;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-16#1814146 << asciilifeform in his capacity as 50% owner / operator of subj 1814277;1526477443;a111;Logged on 2018-05-16 05:03 mircea_popescu: incidentally asciilifeform is nsa fabricating chassisen for pizarro ? or is asciilifeform of his own independent self ? 1814278;1526477503;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-16#1814152 << currently waiting on quote from manufacturer itself 1814279;1526477503;a111;Logged on 2018-05-16 05:12 mircea_popescu: document, that's the right move. "here's an amazon page link, https://www.amazon.com/Libre-Computer-ROC-RK3328-CC-Renegade-Ethernet/dp/B078RMQYHS and here's some other provider https://www.loverpi.com/products/libre-computer-board-roc-rk3328-cc on which basis I'm guessing we should get the boards at around 4k total ; here's why i think the chassis costs so much ; here's why alf's delivery run need not include only 1k in airfa 1814280;1526477576;asciilifeform;and re time on site : i can't picture needing more than 3 days : 1 to sleep ( asciilifeform can't sleep on planes ) ; 1 to install fg and emplace the boxen into the rack ; 1 for overflow . 1814281;1526477714;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-16#1814192 << definitely not 28. unless a separate fg-less unit is built, then can hold 32 . and yes i have a cad drawing in progress, so as to work like men rather than monkeys in africa 1814282;1526477714;a111;Logged on 2018-05-16 06:21 mircea_popescu: but for tomorrow : 28 per chassis then ? 1814283;1526477811;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-16#1814223 << ave1 can we dispense with building the 'builds dynamic turds, so demands musl on system elsewhere' rubbish ? it is useless. let's stick to useful compiler, that works on any box with matching architecture 1814284;1526477811;a111;Logged on 2018-05-16 08:51 ave1: link is here: http://ave1.org/tarpit/muslaarch64-linux-musl-nativeada.tar.gz 1814285;1526477815;asciilifeform;i.e. static musl. 1814286;1526477868;asciilifeform;cross compiler also not very useful imho. let the thing build a pc and an arm compiler ( and yes if it has to build cross compiler in the process, let it , but consider it to be a strictly intermediate step ) 1814287;1526477898;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-16#1814257 << keys from where ? plz to specify when reporting 1814288;1526477898;a111;Logged on 2018-05-16 10:15 spyked: ftr, I've gathered about 700k keys in the last 3-4 days; if the total number hasn't changed too much from the previous 6.9M, I estimate I should have all of them in 20-30 days from now. 1814289;1526477903;*;asciilifeform finally eaten log. 1814290;1526478018;ave1;asciilifeform, hmm I had it disabled but it is seems to have crept back in. (this is also why is currently failes for diana_coman). 1814291;1526478139;asciilifeform;ave1: current version seems to build 1) working pc compiler 2) dynamic-turd arm64 compiler 3) pc-to-arm64 cross compiler 1814292;1526478162;*;asciilifeform brb,meat 1814293;1526478203;ave1;BTW the aarch64 will build static but not by default, so that part I will check. 1814294;1526479051;spyked;asciilifeform, shithub. as mentioned in http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-11#1812182 and http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-15#1813638 threads. 1814295;1526479051;a111;Logged on 2018-05-11 14:53 spyked: can confirm it worx: e.g. https://api.github.com/users?since=46 returns users starting from id 47. 1814296;1526479051;a111;Logged on 2018-05-15 18:31 jurov: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-10#1811883 << using https://api.github.com/users?since=1 1814297;1526480946;asciilifeform;spyked: ah, ty 1814298;1526480974;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-16#1814270 << forgot to mention the largest and gnarliest component : the ethernet switch 1814299;1526480974;a111;Logged on 2018-05-16 13:28 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-16#1814138 << 1k for chassis is ~extremely~ pessimistic ; yes it does need 2x redundant 5v supplies, a quantity of brass pegs , cabling , fans. but not 1k worth. 1814300;1526481042;asciilifeform;( and yes it absolutely needs ~internal~ switch , cabling to external switch was quite bulky even in the pilot plant with merely 6 units ) 1814301;1526481290;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-16#1814293 << issue is that the current arm64 build won't even ~run~ on any available machine 1814302;1526481290;a111;Logged on 2018-05-16 13:43 ave1: BTW the aarch64 will build static but not by default, so that part I will check. 1814303;1526481304;asciilifeform;( currently nobody has a musltronic gentoo for arm64, afaik ) 1814304;1526481671;asciilifeform;ave1: it should be made to do exactly same thing as the working pc version -- linked ~statically~ so it runs on ~any~ arm64 linux ; and build, similarly, statically linked, musltronic bins. 1814305;1526481741;asciilifeform;( retaining some knob for dynamic linkage isn't totally useless, it enables such things as valgrind ; but i'm quite prepared to lose valgrind, it is not really so necessary when writing asciilifeform-style -- heapless -- ada ) 1814306;1526481788;asciilifeform;now what i do not know is what diana_coman et al would think of this, iirc s.mg includes a substantial ball of cpp 1814307;1526481931;diana_coman;o.O as much as I'd like to lose cpp all together and even forget that it ever existed, that's not feasible atm 1814308;1526481995;mircea_popescu;eventually, but not yet. 1814309;1526482008;mircea_popescu;trb, also, ball of cpp. 1814310;1526482226;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: fortunately conventional gcc already exists on the target system 1814311;1526482244;asciilifeform;( gnat can be reserved for building actual ada proggies/subsystems ) 1814312;1526482295;mircea_popescu;cool. 1814313;1526482317;asciilifeform;something to keep in mind when building heavily mixed gnat/cpp hybrid proggies tho. 1814314;1526482337;asciilifeform;(ftr : if you heap-allocate from within ada, you will not be able to valgrind, on static-musltronic gnat.) 1814315;1526482366;mircea_popescu;!!up diginet 1814316;1526482366;deedbot;diginet voiced for 30 minutes. 1814317;1526482373;mircea_popescu;diginet, btw, you got a rsa key ? 1814318;1526482503;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-16#1814244 << yes. 1814319;1526482503;a111;Logged on 2018-05-16 09:00 diana_coman: well, I'd rather cross compile too if it works because then I can use the rockchip as launchpad for everything else, why not 1814320;1526482642;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-21#1646855 / http://btcbase.org/log/2018-02-17#1784325 etc. ITS COMING TO LYF! 1814321;1526482642;a111;Logged on 2017-04-21 17:09 mircea_popescu: republican isp = competent sysadmin who handles relationship with multiple dcs in terms of getting hardware installed and refuses any requests made under color of law by the terrorist organisation known as "the united states government". and publishes them. 1814322;1526482642;a111;Logged on 2018-02-17 04:59 mircea_popescu: so basically is the idea that you'll just do whatever and we're missing this opportunity to attempt an' standardize iron ? 1814323;1526482923;asciilifeform;no escape , from standard iron 1814324;1526482977;*;asciilifeform does wish that arm64 were available in ecc ram ( or even upgradeable!! ram at all ) variant; but 'if wishes were horses' 1814325;1526483036;mircea_popescu;otoh arm is cheap enough to run 50 and pretend you're 1950s space program. 1814326;1526483042;mircea_popescu;which ~also~ didn't have ecc ram. 1814327;1526483052;asciilifeform;aaactually 1814328;1526483062;asciilifeform;( spoiler : they had ecc ) 1814329;1526483064;mircea_popescu;yaya. magnetism in space. 1814330;1526483085;mircea_popescu;they didn't have ecc. they ~implemented~ ecc exactly in the way described. 1814331;1526483100;asciilifeform;well yes, martians did not land and hand it to their waiting arms 1814332;1526483107;mircea_popescu;well so then. 1814333;1526483167;mircea_popescu;the nightmare this is becoming for the "nobus" bunch though. /me cackles. 1814334;1526483168;asciilifeform;( the difficulty with 'majoritator' -- or what is it even called in engl.?? -- system, is the component itself , where the n-of-m magick itself happens. it is inescapably the weak link. ) 1814335;1526483185;mircea_popescu;there is that. 1814336;1526483213;mircea_popescu;but can also be implemented as a distributed system, ie, EXACTLY LIKE IN PEOPLE. 1814337;1526483224;asciilifeform;in other noose, some basic annotation of certain major phuctorisms is in place, e.g. http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/factor/412 , http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/factor/4961 , http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/factor/384 1814338;1526483236;mircea_popescu;where any one component admits TWO levels of failure : direct failure, and meta-failure. the former warrants destruction. 1814339;1526483258;mircea_popescu;(meta-failure, of course, being the failure to conceptualize it failed) 1814340;1526483300;asciilifeform;sadly the machine that does not eventually meta-fail , is not yet built 1814341;1526483371;mircea_popescu;to drive it into the dirt : a) suppose you want reliable addition, for which purpose you comission rockchip machines 1 through 6. b) you pass along the string "5+6". the answers come 11 11 11 65524 11 11. c) machine 3 notices it is the only one with that result via its distributed n-of-m magick module, and returns "op fail" instead. 1814342;1526483407;mircea_popescu;suppose instead c'. machine failed to so notice, returned 65524 : step d. the other machines return "reject 3." 1814343;1526483425;mircea_popescu;and yes, this can very well be implemented as, "overvotlage its power line" 1814344;1526483430;asciilifeform;right, and one of the major selling points of machines with multiple nic 1814345;1526483436;asciilifeform;( another wish list item re arm64 ) 1814346;1526483437;mircea_popescu;at that. 1814347;1526483496;asciilifeform;also mircea_popescu's scheme readily scales to the earlier 'uci' item 1814348;1526483508;mircea_popescu;it does. being whence it came from. 1814349;1526483513;asciilifeform;( where to order a computation, you inject it into any particular node in the net ) 1814350;1526483514;mircea_popescu;"trust, but verify" in the original persian. 1814351;1526483551;asciilifeform;observe that correctness guarantees are much easier to arrive at than secrecy guarantee 1814352;1526483600;*;mircea_popescu , incidentally, is a huge persian poetry fan. i mean the pre rinascimento stuff. 1814353;1526483622;asciilifeform;( distributed arithmetizing under the three basic enemy models, 'randomly broken', 'honest-curious', 'malicious' -- is entire mathematical subfield, and unfortunately will not fit 'in the margin of this page' ) 1814354;1526483630;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, secrecy is not so much a public matter. your harem slaves will keep your secrets, but why are you talking secretly outside of their bodies ? 1814355;1526483661;*;asciilifeform also fan of old persians, but reads'em in ru transl, his persian-fu being laughably weak at present time 1814356;1526483694;mircea_popescu;it's one of the major cultural languages least comprehended by contemporary hermeneutics. 1814357;1526483711;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: observation was mainly re uci , where enemy model is 'some % of nodes captured and instrumented by hitler' 1814358;1526483726;mircea_popescu;sure. 1814359;1526483731;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it's a surprisingly 'euro' lang, structurally, try it some time 1814360;1526483735;mircea_popescu;doh. 1814361;1526483785;mircea_popescu;nevertheless, exactly like with http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-14#1813451 ; the "scholars" are gleefully unequipped to match sign and sense. 1814362;1526483785;a111;Logged on 2018-05-14 23:37 mircea_popescu: whole item is about as anti-modern as it gets. 1814363;1526483799;asciilifeform;( there's , to asciilifeform's naked eye, moar turk influence in current ro and even ru , than arabic flavour in current persian , if you discount the borrowed alphabet ) 1814364;1526483805;mircea_popescu;so it's quite the rewarding activity, trying to puzzle out what the fuck they wanted from lyf. 1814365;1526483817;asciilifeform;verily 1814366;1526483838;mircea_popescu;i dunno, i have scant interest in current persian. might as well care about neogreek. to what, to see how they decided to transliterate mcdonalds ? 1814367;1526483870;mircea_popescu;i couldn't fucking care less. 1814368;1526483870;asciilifeform;'current' is flexible, i was thinking from firdousi's time and on. 1814369;1526483879;mircea_popescu;i guess. 1814370;1526483881;asciilifeform;sorta like 'current ru' is from pushkin and up. 1814371;1526483888;asciilifeform;or current de -- from goethe 1814372;1526483905;mircea_popescu;i use the italian renaissance for the cut. 1814373;1526483913;mircea_popescu;because it's visible, somehow they went to shit. 1814374;1526483939;mircea_popescu;i dunno, in other cases -- like, say, dutchland went to shit with william because doh, they all moved over to the island to be english nao -- it's obvious enough wtf happened. 1814375;1526483947;mircea_popescu;but there's no major "let's all move to italy then" moment there. 1814376;1526484014;mircea_popescu;(the correct cut would be, obviously, the arab invasion -- but i choose to be this insulting.) 1814377;1526484292;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-16#1814257 << nice! 1814378;1526484292;a111;Logged on 2018-05-16 10:15 spyked: ftr, I've gathered about 700k keys in the last 3-4 days; if the total number hasn't changed too much from the previous 6.9M, I estimate I should have all of them in 20-30 days from now. 1814379;1526484330;mircea_popescu;in "things that willn't have happened 20-30 days from now, say security experts" 1814380;1526484404;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-16#1814268 << i was thinking. cool then, they need every break they can get. 1814381;1526484404;a111;Logged on 2018-05-16 13:26 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-16#1814131 << transport for rockchiptron will be considerably cheaper than 2500, as i can't picture needing a whole week, nor 400 in overweight charge for the crates 1814382;1526484517;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-16#1814276 << yes, but this encounters the following problem : http://btcbase.org/log/2016-01-16#1373235 ; while obviously this won't go as far as "every idea alf has", nevertheless by the time alf makes objects, and independently from nsa, then what is nsa ? 1814383;1526484517;a111;Logged on 2018-05-16 13:30 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-16#1814146 << asciilifeform in his capacity as 50% owner / operator of subj 1814384;1526484517;a111;Logged on 2016-01-16 20:58 phf: i find the framing odd, i thought purpose of s.nsa capital was to assist ascii in his b-a aligned, but essentially personal endeavor, which might potentially have a return. somehow it turned into "pay ascii by the hour". if ascii doesn't want to work on cardano, it's not a b-a way to coerce him, but if the project still exists, is being worked on, then money will be spent when there's something to spend it on, and there will be a 1814385;1526484606;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: idea is that a working ( built out, and populated ) pizarro, could , in principle, eventually free asciilifeform from the unspeakable nonsense on which he burns most of his time currently. 1814386;1526484647;mircea_popescu;yes, but what's the significant problem with nsa selling pizarro custom built chassisen ? 1814387;1526484717;mircea_popescu;when you last flew over (on nsa dime) we sold them servers an' nobody died. 1814388;1526484744;asciilifeform;no particular problem, aside from the stark contrast between the 100% repeatability and hygiene of , e.g., FG, and the possibly nsa-laden ( i don't design arm crystal, or the pcb, or the switches, etc ) server 1814389;1526484792;mircea_popescu;okay, but the larger concern seems to be that you'd rather put all your fabrication under nsa than have to explain to shareholders why not and wherefore in the future. 1814390;1526484826;mircea_popescu;there's not some rule that all nsa products must be available to the general public. 1814391;1526484852;mircea_popescu;it can do consultancy / custom jobs for isps/dcs, why the hell not. 1814392;1526484873;asciilifeform;i will admit however that i dun particularly like the endgame i see in this, where let's say s.nsa sponsors, produces, and sells to pizarro the iron for shares, ends up owning ~100% of pizarro, and asciilifeform doesn't see a dime of profit until ( merely for starters ) he can even afford mpex acct ( which is a major if, rather than a when, it is quite possibly that neither i nor anyone else will ever actually earn 50 btc , and this 1814393;1526484873;asciilifeform;is even supposing that mircea_popescu doesn't feel like raising his price again ) . 1814394;1526484901;mircea_popescu;it doesn't ~have to~ sell for shares. can sell for cash, why not ? 1814395;1526484917;mircea_popescu;we were doing that as an easement, but it's evidently our option neh ? 1814396;1526484923;asciilifeform;cuz it doesn't have much in the way of cash. 1814397;1526484954;mircea_popescu;well how much pizarro has in the way of cash isn't changed by ooooh i see the problem, you hafta recirculate this is it ? 1814398;1526484972;asciilifeform;recirculate ? 1814399;1526484998;mircea_popescu;if you do it as "myself" you get whatever chassis cost in btc in your pocket. if you do it as s.nsa you don't, is the logic ? 1814400;1526485010;mircea_popescu;except you do, iirc materials get paid anyway ? what am i missing here ? 1814401;1526485081;asciilifeform;this isn't actually the problem, pizarro ( and other l1 folx ! thank you ! ) supplied asciilifeform in recent times with 100% of the btc-buying opportunities he can digest 1814402;1526485109;asciilifeform;the 'i dun like the endgame' observation was specifically in re the scenario where s.nsa ends up swallowing pizarro. 1814403;1526485129;mircea_popescu;i don't think there's any intention of that. i certainly would vote against the measure. 1814404;1526485169;mircea_popescu;and one step down, nsa doesn't even have to permit equity buys, can insist on being paid cash. i was permitting it because i thought it's desirable, but if you don't like it evidently won't happen. 1814405;1526485227;asciilifeform;( in case it isn't clear, asciilifeform views s.nsa as in effect a scientific collaboration / partizan front , with mircea_popescu , as asciilifeform does not expect to see any coin from it, i would like to be proven wrong about this, but i don't see selling >50 btc's profit worth of anything, esp not if the climb carries on ) 1814406;1526485277;mircea_popescu;afaik nsa always was exactly what phf is quoted above as having understood it is : the umbrella org for your manufactory. 1814407;1526485346;mircea_popescu;practically the situation here is this : we can either live in universe 1, whereby chassis for pizarro is produced by you for nsa, and sold by nsa to pizarro. in this world nsa stays what it always was, as above, and pizarro can (at practically your option, as i can go either way) pay with undiscounted bonds for cash-equivalent mateirals ; 1814408;1526485396;mircea_popescu;or else universe 2, whereby chassis for pizarro is produced by you as free agent. in this world we have to now explain what nsa actually is, which becomes a rather difficult task, and pizarro will have to sell its bonds on market, to whatever discount. 1814409;1526485397;asciilifeform;right; but it oughta be understood that my manufacturing capacity is quite limited, until and unless it somehow permits a full-time asciilifeform . 1814410;1526485411;mircea_popescu;but no, the universe 3 whereby "people made a 300 btc donation to unclear future goals" isn't really on the table. 1814411;1526485437;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, and it isn't so understood ? 1814412;1526485466;asciilifeform;i'ma let mircea_popescu say how to crack this nut, my teeth are not up to the job, and pick from his variants, if he dun object 1814413;1526485513;mircea_popescu;i'd very much rather we go with 1. they booked the chassises at 1k each, tentatively, which is not what's going to happen. bill 120% materials like it seems it's becoming the repuiblican "standard profit" and there we go. neh ? 1814414;1526485530;mircea_popescu;they get a cheaper chassis and we get a working economy. 1814415;1526485550;mircea_popescu;mod6, you see holes in ye logic ? 1814416;1526485551;asciilifeform;worx for me. but ftr if ben_vulpes and mod6 succumb to temptation of equity-buying, and mircea_popescu , in turn, agrees, it will likely lead to the regrettable situation pictured earlier. 1814417;1526485577;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, im not gonna let them. i had no idea you didn't think it's the most excellent the idea. now that i do, hey. 1814418;1526485594;asciilifeform;i try to at least sometimes think n-moves ahead.. 1814419;1526485608;mircea_popescu;i dunno why i assumed that's the case, but good you said something, as it'd never have occured to me to ask, either. 1814420;1526485740;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, anyway, an' ftr, if your concern is that you're underweight pizarro, you can just as well do a second round. see if mod6 wants to either a) give it more btc or else b) move into a minority position. pizarro would certainly benefit from a larger piggy giving it more solidity etc, so you can do another 10-20 round either by yourself if mod6 is agreeable or else match together or any which old way. this isn't an u 1814421;1526485740;mircea_popescu;nsurmountable problem. 1814422;1526485741;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i have nothing against 's.nsa owns 10%' scenario, early in the game it was a much-needed breathing room for pizarro. but would like to avoid the situation of the well-known children's physics demo, with the two connected balloons. 1814423;1526485766;mircea_popescu;well one direct solution is to enlarge baloon as above. 1814424;1526485768;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i'm not opposed to 2nd round, and would participate, iirc ben_vulpes & mod6 are weighing the numberz even as we speak. 1814425;1526485780;mircea_popescu;a cool then. 1814426;1526485786;mircea_popescu;alright, so. a most productive morning. 1814427;1526486204;asciilifeform;btw i dunno if i ever did, but would like to thank mircea_popescu for teaching to asciilifeform , slowly and painfully and for phree, his craft ( organizational, commercial ) . 1814428;1526486226;mircea_popescu;hey, other then the times i get pissed off it's a pleasure. 1814429;1526486281;asciilifeform;there are still many people from whom one can learn e.g. mathematics; but not so many mircea_popescus. 1814430;1526486305;mircea_popescu;this is the sad fact of the matter, fucktarded bureaucrats have managed to shit over the true core of what europe even fucking ever was. 1814431;1526486564;asciilifeform;at one time asciilifeform hypothesized 'lizards want to unwind the mechant age and install selves as pseudo-feudal nobility' but today not sure of any such thing, possibly just fungal growth 1814432;1526486570;asciilifeform;*merchant age 1814433;1526486597;mircea_popescu;in any case is the strategic reason for the republican positioning. 1814434;1526486701;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-16#1814281 << good. 1814435;1526486701;a111;Logged on 2018-05-16 13:35 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-16#1814192 << definitely not 28. unless a separate fg-less unit is built, then can hold 32 . and yes i have a cad drawing in progress, so as to work like men rather than monkeys in africa 1814436;1526486752;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-16#1814286 << this isn't even such a terrible way to go about things. 1814437;1526486752;a111;Logged on 2018-05-16 13:37 asciilifeform: cross compiler also not very useful imho. let the thing build a pc and an arm compiler ( and yes if it has to build cross compiler in the process, let it , but consider it to be a strictly intermediate step ) 1814438;1526486774;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-16#1814287 << he's doing a ssh walk. 1814439;1526486774;a111;Logged on 2018-05-16 13:38 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-16#1814257 << keys from where ? plz to specify when reporting 1814440;1526486788;mircea_popescu;spyked, by the way, are you hitting both ssh and https for cert keys ? or just ssh ? 1814441;1526486795;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: that was mats . iirc spyked is doing shithub rewalk 1814442;1526486856;mircea_popescu;oh ? hm. i thought that was ave1 lol. 1814443;1526486857;mod6;<+mircea_popescu> mod6, you see holes in ye logic ? << Sounds good. I think that s.nsa building the chassis then we do it as stated is fine. (unless I misunderstand). Pizarro will pay for these in cash. I agree too on staying away from the equity buys as well. 1814444;1526486875;mircea_popescu;alrighty then. 1814445;1526486957;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, oh turns out i was confused, it is github he's doing. 1814446;1526486975;mircea_popescu;spyked, sorry, nm. 1814447;1526487001;mod6;<+asciilifeform> mircea_popescu: i'm not opposed to 2nd round, and would participate, iirc ben_vulpes & mod6 are weighing the numberz even as we speak. << yeah, we've been talking about this, indeed. 1814448;1526487080;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-16#1814305 << i was thinking, valgrind is more of a "let's see what the githubheads did here" tool than a "i wonder if i can write code" tool. 1814449;1526487080;a111;Logged on 2018-05-16 14:42 asciilifeform: ( retaining some knob for dynamic linkage isn't totally useless, it enables such things as valgrind ; but i'm quite prepared to lose valgrind, it is not really so necessary when writing asciilifeform-style -- heapless -- ada ) 1814450;1526487106;mod6;I think I'm fine to personally add in another 5 BTC at least, maybe 10 BTC. But depends on discussions, etc. 1814451;1526487131;mircea_popescu;well then pizarro is doing fine! 1814452;1526487156;mod6;One thing that's immediately pressing us is that we need to figure out this BTC->USD conversion problem discussed yesterday. 1814453;1526487174;mod6;So there's a couple things in the air: We're workin on it. :] 1814454;1526487399;mod6;asciilifeform: how do you feel about such a proposition? If I add in another, say 5 or 10 BTC, does this present any problems in your mind? 1814455;1526487910;asciilifeform;mod6: was thinking 5 ( and that'll be most of asciilifeform's coin ... ) 1814456;1526487931;mircea_popescu;so what, you do 5 each ? 1814457;1526487948;mircea_popescu;or does mod6 do 20 you do 5 and you're ballooned out ? :D 1814458;1526487977;asciilifeform;if he wants to 1814459;1526487995;asciilifeform;( i dun insist that other folx 'keep in the pants' ) 1814460;1526488020;mircea_popescu;eh, don't be silly. 1814461;1526488076;mircea_popescu;the fact that pizarro is actually well supported is the principal part, for its commercial credit. otherwise, it can't well spend even the 10 it has so far, 1.5 or so go to the rockchips, then it's all "get sales going". 1814462;1526488116;asciilifeform;troo 1814463;1526488340;mod6;<+mircea_popescu> or does mod6 do 20 you do 5 and you're ballooned out ? :D << This is a possibility. Although, I'm not sure I want to outlay that much at the moment. 1814464;1526488356;mod6;But, yeah, we're trying to figure out what makes sense here. 1814465;1526488503;mircea_popescu;so agree that you'll each add another 5btc as circumstances merit ; then pizarro has all the backing it needs and a clear path to success. and if the circumstances "merit" in the sense that it needs rescuing rather than it's expanding, you can fire the management and get someone else or w/e. 1814466;1526488514;mircea_popescu;welcome to the lifecycle of business intro course! 1814467;1526488585;mod6;:] 1814468;1526488636;mod6;I'm fine to do another round of at least 5 (maybe more) -- but I was under the impression that asciilifeform was sort-of nearly btc-tapped out. But I didn't want to presume anything. 1814469;1526488652;ben_vulpes;pretty fine intro course 1814470;1526488656;mod6;mod6 can make up the difference if required (I believe). 1814471;1526488657;ben_vulpes;good morning 1814472;1526488662;mod6;mornin ben_vulpes 1814473;1526488733;mircea_popescu;oh btw, is today the 16th of may ? 1814474;1526488739;mod6;Yeah. 1814475;1526488745;mircea_popescu;the day we celebrate the international phf's pregnancies day ? 1814476;1526488745;mod6;We need to pay billz :D 1814477;1526488763;mod6;Oh!? Congrats phf! 1814478;1526488776;mircea_popescu;bwahahaha 1814479;1526488784;*;mircea_popescu hasn't had this much fun since highschool. 1814480;1526488808;mircea_popescu;mod6, http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-01#1807006 1814481;1526488808;a111;Logged on 2018-05-01 16:25 phf: aight, i'm going to be out of commission until mid may. i have comments for eulora that i need to type up (i got to sit down with a printout out over this weekend), i'm not sure about the amount of work required for the grapher until i have time to sit down and read v.pl (i sort of have an idea of how to implement it as part of vtools, but i'm not sure if the slicing is adequate), until i do i don't have a clear idea of how long it's going to take. i m 1814482;1526489002;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform mod6: y'all have a timeline for this second round or are we going to leave it at "when necessary"? i prefer to capture commitments shortly after their made (none of this private equity "you commit twenty million today, we ask for it in three years and returns are evaluated on time from wire clearing to divestment date" silliness), and moreover having and not needing trumps needing and having to 1814483;1526489005;ben_vulpes;walk around with hat-in-hand, even to boston partizans 1814484;1526489682;mod6;I think we could maybe get it done by end of May. However, we have two other things that need primary focus (others may disagree) at the moment. We need to pay bills, and we need BTC->USD interface. 1814485;1526489729;mod6;I guess, it may all be moot if we can't easily convert the BTC->USD to pay ze bills. 1814486;1526489748;mod6;Any, regardless of other struggles, I'm rather flexible! 1814487;1526489769;mod6;ben_vulpes: but overall, I agree, sooner is better than later. 1814488;1526489782;mod6;I'll check back, bbs: meat. 1814489;1526489845;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-16#1814280 << If you want more overflow time in UY, there's plenty of racks in the barracks this time of year 1814490;1526489845;a111;Logged on 2018-05-16 13:32 asciilifeform: and re time on site : i can't picture needing more than 3 days : 1 to sleep ( asciilifeform can't sleep on planes ) ; 1 to install fg and emplace the boxen into the rack ; 1 for overflow . 1814491;1526489885;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: i dun do flea pits. ( might stay extra day or two at own expense, in proper room, as time permits ) 1814492;1526489937;BingoBoingo;Going on six weeks without a sighting. I was worried the Irish would reinfest the place, but that worry hasn't been realized 1814493;1526490055;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-16#1814083 << Unless it changed on Copa from the US you should be getting two checked bags, one overhead carryon up to 22kg, and one rucksack for under the seat in front of you. 1814494;1526490055;a111;Logged on 2018-05-16 03:57 asciilifeform: 1 man can carry 4u, or rather 100kg ( it is possible to have >4u in regulation-sized trunks ) plus rucksack 10kg. 1814495;1526492352;mircea_popescu;to continue http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-16#1814352 : take the nizami story of khosrow (last persian ruler) and shirin (possibly roman princess). not only is it usually rendered in pantsuit retellings as "farhad and shirin" (farhad being the politruk, modernist element / in his own mind only rival to the king), but the very naive "women get a say, not the natural but the fabricated sort" it's steeped in (written as it is fi 1814496;1526492352;a111;Logged on 2018-05-16 15:13 mircea_popescu , incidentally, is a huge persian poetry fan. i mean the pre rinascimento stuff. 1814497;1526492352;mircea_popescu;ve centuries after the fact) directly map into current republican ideology on the topic. 1814498;1526492367;mircea_popescu;"why no more persian empire after 600 ?" "because they started asking the wrong things of the wrong people" 1814499;1526492888;diana_coman;ave1, happy to say that your script worked perfectly fine on x86_64 with Adacore's 2016 gnat! 1814500;1526492961;diana_coman;I'd really like to have a clear and tested way to bootstrap with non-adacore gnat though 1814501;1526492994;asciilifeform;diana_coman: i.e. with fsf's gnat ? 1814502;1526493004;diana_coman;asciilifeform, fsf? 1814503;1526493015;asciilifeform;this'd be quite a feat, even small proggies apparently have problems building with the 'gnuified' gnat 1814504;1526493051;asciilifeform;diana_coman: there are 2 known gnat codebase 'forks' , 'fsf'/gnu and adacore 1814505;1526493059;asciilifeform;i assume 'non-adacore' implied the former ? 1814506;1526493063;diana_coman;ah, free bla bla; no, I meant with the output of ave1's script (even if at the very root one used adacore's, once upon a time, fine); basically what I was trying to do yesterday on rockchip 1814507;1526493066;asciilifeform;aaaa 1814508;1526493108;asciilifeform;in theory this is exactly what you'll get if you 1) install the output of ave1's system on a clean box 2) build the thing, now there, again 1814509;1526493142;asciilifeform;( in shot 1, it used the adacore gnat installed in first step of procedure http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-15#1813719 ) 1814510;1526493142;a111;Logged on 2018-05-15 21:28 asciilifeform: diana_coman: steps to replicate: 0) on a machine WITH A WORKING GNAT (e.g. adacore's , and it must be in your path already ) 1 ) download the tarball from http://ave1.org/2018/building-gnat-on-musl-now-with-partial-and-parallel-build-support 2) unpack tarball ada-musl-cross-2018-05-15.tgz , go to the dir 3) mkdir bin << this is where the built binariola will live 4) ./build-ada.sh /home/foo/temp/ada/ada-musl-cross-2018-05-15/bin 1814511;1526493150;jurov;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-16#1813874 << i was somewhat successful on localbitcoins, until (presumably, noone said me details) they started to wire me stolen money. 1814512;1526493150;a111;Logged on 2018-05-16 00:10 mircea_popescu: re http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-15#1813559 : one important palliative measure would be for ben_vulpes to create a strong presence on localbitcoins, if nowhere else. there's people there willing to do wires for you, and you never know when it comes handy in a pinch. 1814513;1526493150;lobbesbot;jurov: Sent 18 hours and 59 minutes ago: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/ahdGa/?raw=true Thank you 1814514;1526493189;asciilifeform;jurov: what , exactly , happened ? the wire unwound ? police showed up and burned down house ? 1814515;1526493190;diana_coman;asciilifeform, aha, I know; my point was: we need to have this tested and ironed out and we are golden 1814516;1526493225;jurov;asciilifeform: transferwise declined all further wires to my acct 1814517;1526493239;mircea_popescu;who's "transferwise" ? 1814518;1526493247;asciilifeform;i was about to ask 1814519;1526493253;jurov;it's sth like western union 1814520;1526493259;mircea_popescu;so who asked them ? 1814521;1526493265;mircea_popescu;wires aren't negotiable instruments. 1814522;1526493278;jurov;how would i obtain such information, pls? 1814523;1526493296;mircea_popescu;well, you ask whoever told you "so and so decliend" who asked them anything. 1814524;1526493305;asciilifeform;jurov: from the description, it sounds like a paypal. so say you were proclaimed persona non grata by paypal. what's it to you ? 1814525;1526493321;mircea_popescu;i dunno specifically, but you follow the trail, in general. 1814526;1526493327;asciilifeform;or do 100% of localbitcoinists, use it, and not real wires ? or wat 1814527;1526493340;jurov;i don't care. 1814528;1526493345;mircea_popescu;a well then there's that. 1814529;1526493415;asciilifeform;i mean, out of context, it reads quite oddly, '... and then i was excommunicated' 'but were you even in the church' 'no' '???' 1814530;1526493449;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/05/maduros-gang-in-venezuala-seizes-cereal-plant/ << Qntra - Maduro's Gang In Venezuala Seizes Cereal Plant 1814531;1526493449;mircea_popescu;well, fwis "something happened i can't be arsed to debug". which is a perfectly fine and even somewhat common failure mode. 1814532;1526493454;jurov;transferwise was better than paypal as they don't hold funds, they send each wire directly to my bank. if i used paypal, they have no problem to seize whole account. 1814533;1526493456;BingoBoingo;from wikipedoia: "TransferWise routes payments not by transferring the sender's money directly to the recipient, but by redirecting them to the recipient of an equivalent transfer going in the opposite direction. Likewise, the recipient of the transfer receives a payment not from the sender initiating the transfer, but from the sender of the equivalent transfer. This process avoids currency conversion and transfers crossing borders" 1814534;1526493469;mircea_popescu;jurov, you could just ~get actual wires~ neh ? 1814535;1526493470;jurov;and ofc, NO ONE i know of got any answer "why" frm paypl 1814536;1526493488;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: sounds like the old 'ripple' scamola 1814537;1526493503;mircea_popescu;who the fuck would want to get involved with that nonsense jebus. 1814538;1526493526;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Kinds looks like the idea the RIPple folks RIPple'd off. 1814539;1526493536;mircea_popescu;jurov, glad you said something, we can now ban "transferwise" explicitly. 1814540;1526493554;asciilifeform;my current guess ( given that jurov did not say in detail ) is that he was involved with it on ~receiving~ end, unknowingly , and that some % of the folx offering 'wire' for btc, actually send spamolafauxwire 1814541;1526493561;jurov;before bitcoin, i was paid from australia by wires and it was deplorable, ~50 euro fees unpredictable every time 1814542;1526493585;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, some of the "transferwise" "customers" are evidently into money laundering, as the entire "service" transparently reeks of. soo... mno. 1814543;1526493609;mircea_popescu;jurov, yes, wires are not free. i'd rather pay that 50 than almost any other 50 though. 1814544;1526493645;mircea_popescu;just like i'd rather pay bitcoin tx fees than other chrap. jesus christ. 1814545;1526493744;mircea_popescu;http://qntra.net/2018/05/maduros-gang-in-venezuala-seizes-cereal-plant/ << maduro is getting supar cereal! 1814546;1526493841;mircea_popescu;anyway, the fucking cheek of those fuckers. seriously, they're going to be the indirection layer between you and your friends ? and what else, "web platforms" ? 1814547;1526493846;mircea_popescu;burn the whole shitpile down omfg. 1814548;1526494049;BingoBoingo;And in other developments, Cambios are now buying Argentine pesos for 0.9 Pesos Uruguayos. The cambios however are still selling Argentine Pesos for 1.6 Pesos Uruguayos. 1814549;1526494069;mircea_popescu;hey, better than the 3.5x it was for a while. 1814550;1526494161;BingoBoingo;It's a hell of a spread, but this is the lowest I've seen the Argentine peso in my time here. Compra/Venta on the USD is 30/31 so the Pesos Uruguayo has dropped a bit too, but WTF Argentina 1814551;1526494277;mircea_popescu;and i bet you they're still pompously going about buenos aires, buying socks on credit and acting like renting their hovels is anything but an act of grace such that you get the wife/daugthers every night you feel like. 1814552;1526494337;asciilifeform;speaking of orcistans, BingoBoingo didja ever get that crate ? 1814553;1526494337;BingoBoingo;Exchange rates are on BIG signs in the windows of cambios in every corner, and yet the common perception is the peso Argentino is "worth more" than the peso Uruguayo 1814554;1526494345;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: or any news of it at all 1814555;1526494356;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: and yes i mailed'em your photo, as you asked, 0 reply 1814556;1526494602;BingoBoingo;I have heard nothing. Did you simply mail them the scan, or did you accompany it with: With respect to [tracking number] here is the requested document. Considering [whatever prepaid customs program, and Amazon order #], I am confused as to why this parcel has not been delivered. 1814557;1526494625;asciilifeform;the latter 1814558;1526494644;asciilifeform;( was, as instructed, reply to msg containing same ) 1814559;1526494686;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: have you been to the magic booth in ( the airport ? iirc ) of yet ? 1814560;1526494932;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, perhaps should organize a carrying of various spare odds and ends such as a dc must have on hand but the orcs do not : assorted cables, spare hdds / cards etc. 1814561;1526494959;BingoBoingo;Not yet, I'm not thrilled with the prospect of a 3-4 hour minimum airport adventure trying to argue the finer points of a pre-paid customs program I am unfamiliar with. Have you tried twisting the nipple of the prepaid customs folks yet? Escalating the DHL thing? 1814562;1526494963;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: already began this, with asciilifeform's 1st expedition, delivered a sizeable ( tho by no means sufficient forever ) box of miscellany 1814563;1526494966;mircea_popescu;incide4ntally, is the samsung item availavble locally ? "no oem" may have the counter-property that "same price everywhere" 1814564;1526495017;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: in my tour of the ( sadly quite few ) working comp shops of BingoBoingostan , no identical or comparable unit turned up 1814565;1526495028;ben_vulpes;BingoBoingo: how are you going to learn how to do it but by doing it 1814566;1526495068;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the absolute requirement is for a usb3 ( specifically, otherwise box unusably laggy ) drive, with reasonable write-wear endurance ( rules out 'no-names' quite thoroughly ) 1814567;1526495073;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo, hey, you got 8 hours every day to fit it in. 1814568;1526495124;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: are you in fighting shape now ? no moar plague ? 1814569;1526495150;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Still rather cough-y 1814570;1526495273;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: And are there reciepts or anything beyond the tracking page and demand letter? These people are big on invoices and I lack one. 1814571;1526495302;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: 1s 1814572;1526495612;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/hMA6m/?raw=true 1814573;1526495627;asciilifeform;try an' give'em this 1814574;1526496552;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: ty. I'll plan to get on the bus Friday. In the interim if you could send keepalive/IRunhappy packets to AES/DHL, just to see if the package could appear without getting on the tin can of misery it would be appreciated. 1814575;1526498570;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: got an ack, of sorts, just nao, 'Muchas gracias por la información enviada' 1814576;1526498879;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: ty. If there's a way to avoid transit in the tin can of sadness, it is appreciated. 1814577;1526499535;BingoBoingo;After the rest of today's business will probably hacer a blogpoast on the subject 1814578;1526502057;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in entomology: among people deemed 'notable' by ye olde pediwikia: https://archive.li/9ea4p ( 'talk' https://archive.li/iURe0 ) << infamous 1990s net crackpot d00d 1814579;1526504211;asciilifeform;!!up PeterL 1814580;1526504212;deedbot;PeterL voiced for 30 minutes. 1814581;1526504217;PeterL;Oh, hi there 1814582;1526504296;asciilifeform;what's new, PeterL ? 1814583;1526504297;PeterL;Just got a new computer at work, testing things out. (they upgraded us all to Winblows 10, horay! bleh) 1814584;1526504310;asciilifeform;barfalicious 1814585;1526504345;trinque;dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda is but a livecd away 1814586;1526506869;deedbot;http://danielpbarron.com/2018/irssi-on-pizarro-shared-hosting/ << Daniel P. Barron - irssi on pizarro shared hosting 1814587;1526507408;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Tracking information updated. Looks like a trip in la lata miserable will be avoided 1814588;1526507496;asciilifeform;oh hey. 1814589;1526508016;asciilifeform;in other noose, phuctor frontend updated; e.g. in http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/factors , formatting of individual factor pages , and a few other minor things 1814590;1526508198;asciilifeform;( the other change, is not interesting to anyone but asciilifeform , but i will put it on the record : the thing has a 'json' api nao ) 1814591;1526508247;asciilifeform;( ^ this permits decoupling of the front- and back- ends, theoretically 'anyone' can offer a valid factor for a particular modulus, and the db will Do The Right Thing . but currently only used in-house ) 1814592;1526508369;asciilifeform;( in re 'minor changes' , nao we indicate if a mod is Fully Phuctored, e.g. http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/ABF23DE303BE1C82869D7925F0ACF7A8F54B420469D851530FC4121CBEC0B356 ) 1814593;1526509460;asciilifeform;danielpbarron: your perl scripts are unloadable -- permissions eggog 1814594;1526513966;asciilifeform;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/factors << updated some moar. 1814595;1526526498;deedbot;http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2018/05/16/tin-cans-full-of-misery-riding-the-bus-in-uruguay/ << Bingo Blog - Tin Cans Full Of Misery Riding The Bus In Uruguay 1814596;1526527735;deedbot;http://blog.esthlos.com/esthlos-v-prerelease/ << esthlos - esthlos-v Prerelease 1814597;1526527931;esthlos;^^ please check out the prerelease 1814598;1526529803;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron, http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/kdDdf/?raw=true trinque, http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/aOt6H/?raw=true 1814599;1526529808;*;mircea_popescu waves hello. 1814600;1526529887;mircea_popescu;"Patrick Flanagan (born October 11, 1944) is an American New Age author and inventor." bwhahaha 1814601;1526530120;mircea_popescu;in other fetlife lulz, "You look like you run a cult so I’m gonna pass." 1814602;1526530131;ben_vulpes;what, you don't want facial brandings? 1814603;1526530163;mircea_popescu;i have nfi how she figured that out, but i suppose i actually do huh. 1814604;1526530180;ben_vulpes;did we do https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/17/nyregion/nxivm-women-branded-albany.html yet? 1814605;1526530246;ben_vulpes;http://hollywoodlife.com/2018/05/16/allison-mack-first-week-nxivm-joined-cult/ also 1814606;1526530258;mircea_popescu;are you fucking kidding me ?! most pimps brand the hos, wtf. 1814607;1526530275;mircea_popescu;the only reason is most rather than all is because pimps are lazy and disorganized. cattle ranchers, all. 1814608;1526530312;ben_vulpes;meuuuuh 1814609;1526530347;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, holy shit, so i was on the beach where we ran into this very bubbly florida chick there for "a women's empowerment seminar", which i thought was bizarre. 1814610;1526530367;mircea_popescu;she was extremely bubbly and "omfg, HAVE YOU SEEN $this" with values of $this ~= everything, sky, sand, w/e. 1814611;1526530376;mircea_popescu;but now i'm thinking MAYBE A NEFARIOUS UNDERSTORY! 1814612;1526530456;ben_vulpes;so didja get to see her cult? 1814613;1526531531;mircea_popescu;lol nah. 1814614;1526531538;mircea_popescu;it never occured to me to ask. 1814615;1526531546;mircea_popescu;had i seen the channel first though.... 1814616;1526531581;mircea_popescu;aaanyway. we burned some sort of local cedar or something, i have nfi what it is, but i smelled delicious in the shower. and there's someone sniffing my shirt from the laundry basket. 1814617;1526531916;mircea_popescu;might as well archive the lulz. http://www.keithraniere.com/ 1814618;1526531941;mircea_popescu;"acclaimed doctor and author, Luis Eugenio Todd." 1814619;1526531950;mircea_popescu;apparently Gack was taken. 1814620;1526533476;danielpbarron;asciilifeform, ty fixed 1814621;1526534024;danielpbarron;mircea_popescu, http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/qco5w/?raw=true 1814622;1526534063;mircea_popescu;works. 1814623;1526534109;danielpbarron;now? 1814624;1526534273;mircea_popescu;tomorrow. 1814625;1526535681;mod6;Have been thinking about the refinancing, revisiting some old logs. Wondering if mircea_popescu would be willing to educate me a bit, and entertain a few possible scenarios. 1814626;1526535769;mircea_popescu;sure. 1814627;1526535917;mod6;For instance, let us use a scenario such as: asciilifeform puts in X BTC, mod6 matches alf's X BTC (where X <= 5), can this be created as stock then? In this scenario 500`000 shares would be assigned to alf & mod6 alike. In the circumstance I would put in (10 - X) more BTC, this could be assigned to me as "convertable bonds". I've been revisiting our conversation from a while back on the Pricing of Capita 1814628;1526535923;mod6;l: 1814629;1526535960;mod6;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-02-18#1784757 1814630;1526535960;a111;Logged on 2018-02-18 18:01 ben_vulpes: for a convertible note like that, how'd you go about setting the conversion rate? lots of yelling? 1814631;1526536044;mod6;This is something that would be figured out at some later date (the conversion rate). However, can Pizarro issue bonds just to me? Or does there need to be a tranche of them offered otherwise? 1814632;1526536187;ben_vulpes;i'd prefer to have a bond mechanism in place. 1814633;1526536254;ben_vulpes;i don't have a clear picture of how pricing these would work either. part of my concern with bonds is that for a largely fiat denominated operation, interest on a btc loan can murder you if the fiat/btc rate goes up significantly, and fiat incomes stay the same. 1814634;1526536262;mod6;If my scenario, or anything is not clear, just say, will try to formalize better. I think it may be more agreeable if asciilifeform and mod6 hold the same mount of stock. Alternatively, both of us could just take convertable bonds. 1814635;1526536264;mircea_popescu;mod6, technically you don't have stock as you're not listed ; but yes, you'd own whatever % regardless. 1814636;1526536279;mod6;Ah, solid point. 1814637;1526536292;mircea_popescu;and yes, pizarro can issue bonds in general. who buys them depends on who pizarro wants to sell them to. 1814638;1526536308;ben_vulpes;unrelatedly, BingoBoingo asked for documentation on the UY1 shared hosting setup, and automation for same so i put this together: http://pizarroisp.net/newaccounts.txt asciilifeform mod6 pls to eyeball 1814639;1526536320;mod6;mircea_popescu: Ok good deal there. 1814640;1526536326;mircea_popescu;mod6, anyway, what happened to http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-16#1814465 ? 1814641;1526536326;a111;Logged on 2018-05-16 16:35 mircea_popescu: so agree that you'll each add another 5btc as circumstances merit ; then pizarro has all the backing it needs and a clear path to success. and if the circumstances "merit" in the sense that it needs rescuing rather than it's expanding, you can fire the management and get someone else or w/e. 1814642;1526536402;mod6;Hm? I think that's what we're just trying to figure out. 1814643;1526536484;*;mod6 re-reads 1814644;1526536530;mod6;ah, yeah. Just trying to sort out the finer points I believe. 1814645;1526536602;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, let me tell you some things. a while ago you got these doods into a miserable situation they don't know how to extract themselves from, by ending up with 10x the warrants bingoboingo got. last i checked the dood actually moved down there. 1814646;1526536602;mircea_popescu;now currently you're engaging in a boatload of pussyfooting around the fact that pizarro doesn't need more capital as it is ; and the only conceivable function more capital could possibly serve as things stand is to give you some other excuse to not get sales going. 1814647;1526536602;mircea_popescu;i dunno how you're working all this out in your skull, but so far you're being a liability rather than an asset. why isn't this obvious ? 1814648;1526536918;ben_vulpes;seems pretty obvious to me that i'm barely keeping my nose above water with just the mechanics of pushing this along. mod6 wants to talk about putting more money in, that's his perogative. i'm assuaging BingoBoingo on bus factor of maintaining the shared server tonight and trying to make sense of the web hosting forums to filter them per yesterday's chat. once mod6 and asciilifeform make a decision about 1814649;1526536920;ben_vulpes;selling themselves more equity or not, i'm going to bring up paying BingoBoingo more since that's a pretty important point. 1814650;1526537086;ben_vulpes;i'm listening to your critiques and working to address them directly. if i'm such a drag, mod6 and asciilifeform should probably replace me 1814651;1526537470;mod6;If I may, I think there's always room for improvement, and such critiques are good, help us to get better. 1814652;1526537570;mod6;We have a variety of urgent matters to address. As soon as we get the additional money in place, we can get the new rockchips going. Give BingoBoingo a raise (& new digs?). 1814653;1526537576;mod6;Sales. 1814654;1526537625;mod6;We gotta get that going, mircea_popescu worries for us. I know he wants to see this succeed. 1814655;1526537842;mod6;I think ben_vulpes is doing a very good job with all that he has coming at him, BingoBoingo and asciilifeform too. I don't want to replace anyone. Time is a luxury that we don't have. However, for a moment, if we step back and look at what we've accomplished so far, I think it's something to be proud of. 1814656;1526537874;mod6;We just need to keep pressing, not a moment to lose, as mircea_popescu keeps reminding us. 1814657;1526537883;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, it's not that i dislike you or anything ; but you gotta understand there's two views to any phenomena, id est subjective and objective. from the objective view you look bad. it's not the end of the world, but rather a very valuable signal. 1814658;1526537883;mod6;Rightly so. 1814659;1526537936;mircea_popescu;they'll replace you in good time, which is to say if they have to pour more money in at the earliest. but that day's not yet upon you, and until it is, might as well give it your best shot. 1814660;1526537947;mircea_popescu;just, shoot in the direction of the target, not in the direction of the general room. 1814661;1526538327;mircea_popescu;mod6, anyway, to answer some angle of the question asked, rather than "the question read between the lines" -- pizarro wirh 8 something btc in cash whatever it is does not specifically require more cash to confront a 1.x expenditure and some months of .5 each overhead or w/e it is. the fact that you two are committed to further putting money in as need may be is utterly sufficient, as far as i can discern. ymmv, but you asked. 1814662;1526538431;mod6;Yeah, the commitment is there. 1814663;1526538462;mod6;I better get some zzzs. We can pick it back up tomorrow. 1814664;1526538474;mod6;night! 1814665;1526538484;ben_vulpes;look my greatest reservation in even taking this gig was that i've not really the know-how, and would be performing poorly in public the whole while. the much-maligned "learning on the job", not that i want in the slightest to 'fake it till i make it'. that by trying, i was more likely to get drummed out of the whole party for not doing a good job. and that's a cost i'm willing pay, i guess, if it builds the 1814666;1526538486;ben_vulpes;republic even the tiniest shittiest beachhead, 1814667;1526538757;mircea_popescu;performing poorly in public is a great fucking boon. that's what school is, basically. 1814668;1526538789;ben_vulpes;i don't come here to not be disliked, i come and work because it's challenging, the people here make me think and work hard and don't soft-pedal critiques, and because there's no other ideological island out there that wouldn't be exile after the past four years. 1814669;1526538822;mircea_popescu;nobody's yet, or ever, drumming anybody out for not doing a good job. the drums start drumming only if you stick to not doing a good job. 1814670;1526538942;ben_vulpes;and yeah, it's school. we don't have those where i come from, so i have a lot of work to do. 1814671;1526539073;ben_vulpes;anyways, keep highlighting where you think i'm dropping the ball and i'll work to not. 1814672;1526539403;mircea_popescu;alright. 1814673;1526548194;ave1;As to this: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-16#1814283. This is all a matter of the specsfile apparently. Now I can do a dumpspec and sed script to make it always do statics, or I can change the source-code that has references to shared/static dispersed over C and H file in the gcc/config/ directory. This will take some time to get right (if the first approach works then I know what to do for the second). This will take some days 1814674;1526548194;a111;Logged on 2018-05-16 13:36 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-16#1814223 << ave1 can we dispense with building the 'builds dynamic turds, so demands musl on system elsewhere' rubbish ? it is useless. let's stick to useful compiler, that works on any box with matching architecture 1814675;1526548387;ave1;Reading through the gcc code does produce lulz btw, this http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/LaACm/?raw=true is in gcc/config/gnu-user.h. It's in 4.9.4 and still in 8.1.0, nobody is reading the code (http://trilema.com/2016/why-is-that/#comment-117906). 1814676;1526548603;ave1;wrong paste btw 1814677;1526548629;ave1;now to find the right one 1814678;1526548920;ave1;i thought that one was a copy paste, but my dyslexia played up again 1814679;1526549725;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-16#1814442 <-- sorry for the confusion, this was miscommunication on my part. I took a look at http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-11#1812181 , then one thing led to another and I ended up doing shithub key harvesting. still on track for new rss bot though. 1814680;1526549725;a111;Logged on 2018-05-16 16:07 mircea_popescu: oh ? hm. i thought that was ave1 lol. 1814681;1526549725;a111;Logged on 2018-05-11 14:50 spyked: re enumeration, it seems that shithub has this in their public API: https://developer.github.com/v3/users/#get-all-users never tried it though 1814682;1526567183;mircea_popescu;spyked, works, it's needed anyway. 1814683;1526567249;mircea_popescu;ave1, well, some people are apparently reading trilema... 1814684;1526567411;mircea_popescu;(though, technically, usg.nsa.redhat ~is~ doing some reading. https://access.redhat.com/solutions/3029191 ) 1814685;1526567602;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-17#1814638 << loox correct on 1st inspection; ty ben_vulpes 1814686;1526567602;a111;Logged on 2018-05-17 05:51 ben_vulpes: unrelatedly, BingoBoingo asked for documentation on the UY1 shared hosting setup, and automation for same so i put this together: http://pizarroisp.net/newaccounts.txt asciilifeform mod6 pls to eyeball 1814687;1526567666;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-17#1814642 << i suspect that mod6 & ben_vulpes would profit from installing... chalkboards ( can be whiteboard etc ) like asciilifeform ended up with 1814688;1526567666;a111;Logged on 2018-05-17 05:53 mod6: Hm? I think that's what we're just trying to figure out. 1814689;1526567736;asciilifeform;a good % of http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-17#1814646 i suspect comes from elementary info overload. 1814690;1526567736;a111;Logged on 2018-05-17 05:56 mircea_popescu: now currently you're engaging in a boatload of pussyfooting around the fact that pizarro doesn't need more capital as it is ; and the only conceivable function more capital could possibly serve as things stand is to give you some other excuse to not get sales going. 1814691;1526567976;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-17#1814661 << per ben_vulpes's published numberz, mircea_popescu is elementarily correct -- even if we do an astoundingly princely rockchiptron buildout, will still have a good half yr of runway ( at present exch rate ) remaining ( but , more importantly , something to sell ! right nao we've nuffin to sell aside from the shared unix and the 1 remaining rc ) 1814692;1526567976;a111;Logged on 2018-05-17 06:25 mircea_popescu: mod6, anyway, to answer some angle of the question asked, rather than "the question read between the lines" -- pizarro wirh 8 something btc in cash whatever it is does not specifically require more cash to confront a 1.x expenditure and some months of .5 each overhead or w/e it is. the fact that you two are committed to further putting money in as need may be is utterly sufficient, as far as i can discern. ymmv, but you asked. 1814693;1526568474;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, the merit of the shared unix is its cheapness. it's generally the experience of businessmen than orgs selling cheap items can be upgraded to also sell more expensive items ; while the reverse rarely works irl. 1814694;1526568513;mircea_popescu;lifetimes have been spent chasing the magic dust of "but why this be", so it can stay a black box for nao, it's just yet another strange property of the universe surroundant. 1814695;1526568553;asciilifeform;the only serious weakness of shared-unix is what happens when you start populating it with randos, rather than the l1/tight-l2 currently living there 1814696;1526568563;mircea_popescu;this is very true. 1814697;1526568580;asciilifeform;sorta why it went ~extinct in heathendom 1814698;1526568589;asciilifeform;( replaced with 'i can't believe it's not server' vpsolade ) 1814699;1526568609;mircea_popescu;i doubt this is true ; it may be, but it may also be it went extinct in heathendom for the reason food went extinct -- too lazy, and "better, moar technological" alternatives. 1814700;1526568634;mircea_popescu;why's marriage gone extinct ? not like the present day idiocy makes anyone happy. yet, they think they gotta "respect" the woman. 1814701;1526568671;mircea_popescu;why would anyone think such a thing ? it never worked in practice yet, but then again somehow "what works" ain't nobody's got time for. 1814702;1526568708;asciilifeform;fact of the matter is that shared unix tenant can create problems for the others ( without necessarily revealing himself as the source of said problem ) quite trivially . ( vps is moar 'nobus' in this respect, generally the 'escapes' are not public ) 1814703;1526568723;mircea_popescu;this is true. 1814704;1526568746;mircea_popescu;anyway, i'm not proposing x.1 as a counterargument of y.2, they're separate trees, and separate trees are reconciled at the roots by a manager. 1814705;1526568803;mircea_popescu;speaking of which, ben_vulpes, it occurs to me that in the hubub yesterday you omitted to explain the reasoning behind the various items. i guess it's maybe not evident, but the semantic content of "i dunno how you're working all this out in your skull" is "please explain how you're thinking". 1814706;1526568803;mircea_popescu;this isn't some kind of internet powergames special dweeb hour / the empire of flies / politica pe bat cu pic si poc / http://btcbase.org/log/2018-02-17#1784352 ; it's the republic of thinking men. 1814707;1526568803;a111;Logged on 2018-02-17 05:48 lobbes: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-02-17#1784318 << ah damn, sir. Why are you playing with knives here. It was obvious a long time ago that mircea_popescu just wanted you to submit. You can't block the king from intervening in lordly affairs in his own kingdom. 1814708;1526568803;mircea_popescu;that's not just a word / "something you say" / etc, we're not doing word salad, we're doing ASTs for lack of a better term, there's trees everywhere at the basis of and underneath expression, and those trees are sorted and organized by rational criteria. 1814709;1526568805;mircea_popescu;the examination of those trees, and the procedures that produced them, are the substance of "that's what school is". 1814710;1526568810;mircea_popescu;so, how did your reasoning go that produced 100k hither, 10k thither ? 1814711;1526568812;mircea_popescu;what is behind comments like http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-16#1814037, "I moved more recently than this fellow and I'll get my id after he does" ? "I don't, properly speaking, think bb is a person, at least not in the same sense / to the same degree I am" ? 1814712;1526568812;a111;Logged on 2018-05-16 03:32 ben_vulpes: yo BingoBoingo how about some scans of that hot cedula :P 1814713;1526568816;mircea_popescu;i don't know ; and i'd like to know ; but i'd rather not guess, which is the entire point of even having a wot in the first place, take the guessing out of society, bring reason back among people. 1814714;1526568819;mircea_popescu;understand that what's required of you isn't a bland "do better", somehow magically and on your own power ; it's evident that your own power gets you where it got you, idly power-cycling the machine isn't the republican game. 1814715;1526568822;mircea_popescu;what's required of you is to explain ~how~ you processed sense data to end up in what looks from outside like wedges and thereby how to avoid it in future. even if it's a lot of explaining and fixing takes a lifetime, nevertheless, that's the process, and that's ~why~ "we're not x, we're y". 1814716;1526568842;danielpbarron;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/XsZ36/?raw=true << email sent to me from keybase says i should remove PGP from my profile 1814717;1526568850;mircea_popescu;(and i'll point out that the eulora movement away from prices-because-prices to prices-for-these-reasons that's been evident in the coupla years past is very much of this exact same substance. a rational universe, plox, had enough of the emotional one.) 1814718;1526568865;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron, you should remove keybase from your profile. 1814719;1526568873;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: oh hah i assumed he wanted the 'cedula' scan for the same purpose BingoBoingo sent me his old americedula scan ( so as to send crates his way ) 1814720;1526568874;danielpbarron;already did 1814721;1526568914;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, entirely possible, i've nfi. 1814722;1526568938;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu has a point tho, we should not be stuck sitting and guessing. 1814723;1526568984;asciilifeform;danielpbarron: hilarious, i had nfi 1814724;1526569007;*;asciilifeform never was able to bring himself to make acct on 'keybase' even for entomological work 1814725;1526569029;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, why else all the pretense, you know. bitpay exists to "please stop using bitcoin", keybase exists to "please stop using rsa", the WHOLE point of the usg ersatzen is exactly this, to get the sort of retard who can't tell the difference between item and usg.fake to stop using item. 1814726;1526569033;danielpbarron;oh i haven't used it in many years 1814727;1526569047;asciilifeform;danielpbarron: seems like it might be high time to walk it for pgp keys, for refresh, if it is not already too late 1814728;1526569056;mircea_popescu;HOW else " the reason food went extinct -- too lazy, and "better, moar technological" alternatives." / "why's marriage gone extinct ? not like the present day idiocy makes anyone happy. " etc. 1814729;1526569058;asciilifeform;i suspect that soon they will vanish'em 1814730;1526569081;mircea_popescu;there's the equivalent of ferments, pushing chemistry "against" thermodynamics, ie, niggers pushing suckers against their own interest. 1814731;1526569085;mircea_popescu;what does a sugar know. 1814732;1526569123;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, it was never significant ; ten k or so lusers, and generally of the "adlai and friends" ilk. 1814733;1526569180;mircea_popescu;if they're not out there advertising it as a srsly, it's utterly not worth our/anyone's time to consider whatever data they have. 1814734;1526569258;mircea_popescu;the question of "whether stupidity is a conspiracy" remains, of course, open. 1814735;1526569265;mircea_popescu;it might as well fucking be, of course. 1814736;1526569746;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-17#1814689 << this is glaringly the parsimonious explanation. 1814737;1526569746;a111;Logged on 2018-05-17 14:35 asciilifeform: a good % of http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-17#1814646 i suspect comes from elementary info overload. 1814738;1526569883;mircea_popescu;i suspect, further, that this is traditionally, and nearly universally, the failure mode in "tech" ie computer fabrication and utilization (and thereby may be a major item in say http://trilema.com/2018/the-symbolics-discussion/ ) : the production of ideal objects involved is so complex, management ends up in info overload and the technologists involved end up misinterpreting the barf as meaningful ~within their visible edges 1814739;1526569883;mircea_popescu;~. much easier to produce mistrust than trust in the process of organizing work with computers. 1814740;1526569953;mircea_popescu;this is then summarized as "asciilifeform iirc rms really hated noftsker, for some reason", and always in that same format, too, "for some reason". the reason, above : x said something y took somewhere. 1814741;1526569988;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it is known to have contributed to the bolixocalypse -- famously they built an entire factory -- based on faulty logic ; it hastened the bankruptcy 1814742;1526570018;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: rms hating noftsker has 0 to do with the death of bolix, but with the ~birth~ 1814743;1526570035;asciilifeform;( iirc this was laid out in pedantic detail in the log ) 1814744;1526570336;mircea_popescu;wasn't specifically saying birth or death, merely trying to examine the mechanism. 1814745;1526570356;mircea_popescu;from out in the darkness, because the "very intelligent" people invovled weren't, apparently, intelligent enough to help me with this problem. 1814746;1526570394;asciilifeform;pretty sure that all the actually intelligent folx who sank on that titanic, are dead nao 1814747;1526570532;mircea_popescu;yeah well. 1814748;1526570611;mircea_popescu;these are eminently the sorts of problems of the stupid, whereby those who come after can't fucking discern what the everloving fuck were you thinking. however the empire managed to wedge them into stupid, through creating a hallucinatory "need for secrecy" or through "women get to choose, and you'll produce choices for them free of charge" or whatever nonsense -- the fact remains, here i sit, and they could've been the hitti 1814749;1526570611;mircea_popescu;tes for thesame money. 1814750;1526570632;mircea_popescu;if there can even be such a thing as a goal of human existence, "do not have the problems of the stupid" is a prime candidate. 1814751;1526570642;asciilifeform;in other noose, asciilifeform found that otp microsd cards exist!! should substantially lower the labour cost of maintaining rockchip cluster. IF i can actually find a vendor ! 1814752;1526570661;asciilifeform;( picture, non-overwriteable bootloader/kernel ) 1814753;1526570665;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, isn't this what goes into eg digicams ? 1814754;1526570668;asciilifeform;nope 1814755;1526570677;asciilifeform;otp. as in, one-time programmable 1814756;1526570698;mircea_popescu;oh oh. i read oem. 1814757;1526570701;mircea_popescu;was baffled. 1814758;1526570755;asciilifeform;( one gnarly headache with the rockchip board, is that it can ~only~ boot from microsd, and there is no way to keep tentant from overwriting it. so it gotta be painfully pulled, reimaged, when box is repopulated ) 1814759;1526570768;mircea_popescu;ya. 1814760;1526570803;asciilifeform;ideally these things will boot from readonly cards, and the usb can be brought out to jacks in front panel. so box dun have to be pulled and opened when repopulating . 1814761;1526571057;mircea_popescu;sounds pretty good, actually. 1814762;1526571241;asciilifeform;right but if i can find the item. thus far it only seems to be offered in china and in container-sized min order. 1814763;1526571284;asciilifeform;( and, lulzily, classical sd card ~does not support write protect~, it has the same usg.nonsensical 'software read writeprotect tab' as old floppies ) 1814764;1526571442;mircea_popescu;kinda why we need someone in china, to dissolve exactly this sort of "only seems to be offered in china and in container-sized min order" situation ; which arises for very good reasons to do with industrialization, and is eminently solvable -- but not by the red skins, nor from inside the reservation. 1814765;1526571455;BingoBoingo;Lots of log to digest. 1814766;1526571462;mircea_popescu;as it is bound to recur. 1814767;1526571485;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it isn't clear to me how such a problem gets solved without ~someone, somewhere~ buying at least 1 whole container. but i am not expert in subj. 1814768;1526571505;mircea_popescu;but you know someone somewhere did so buy, and either sold or otherwise lost chunks. 1814769;1526571587;asciilifeform;afaik they are used in heavy industrial equipment strictly. ( but yes, someone, somewhere, buys; just not for retail , it is an item of 0 conceivable use to konsoomer ) 1814770;1526571710;mircea_popescu;didn't you end up with all sorts of industrial gear, on the cheap ? and what did you say about it, "not in jungle", yes ? 1814771;1526571724;mircea_popescu;the byproducs of industry are always available -- but only to people in the town where industry is. 1814772;1526571737;mircea_popescu;the failure of the us means you can get mechanical but not electronical parts is all. 1814773;1526571737;asciilifeform;rrright, but an otp rom is not reusable, unlike most surplusolade 1814774;1526571746;asciilifeform;gotta get it ~new~ 1814775;1526571750;mircea_popescu;never got never-used surpluss ? 1814776;1526571755;asciilifeform;think ! it's an otp 1814777;1526571763;asciilifeform;yes, got. but ~common~ items. 1814778;1526571783;mircea_popescu;this is a common item by any definition, in the sense of "consumable". 1814779;1526571805;*;asciilifeform recalls (but can't seem to unearth) at least 1 thread where we discussed the increasing rarity of otp roms, on acct of 'upgradeism' and progressing software rot 1814780;1526571832;asciilifeform;it isn't a 'consumable' as such; doesn't wear out on read, and lasts for as long as the machine it is installed into 1814781;1526571893;asciilifeform;at any rate, if anyone has something like a clue that these items exist, and not merely advertised for vapour-sale by chinese hucksters, asciilifeform would like to hear about it. 1814782;1526571906;mircea_popescu;we need someone in china already. 1814783;1526572134;*;asciilifeform has wondered for long time, why china is so (apparently) impenetrable 1814784;1526572145;asciilifeform;it doesn't seem to be even in outer reaches of l3 1814785;1526572298;BingoBoingo; http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/XsZ36/?raw=true << email sent to me from keybase says i should remove PGP from my profile << This is blog fodder. Perfect material for exercise of organizing the thoughts by examining how anti-informed the Keybase position is. 1814786;1526572547;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform because "white man" aka esltard won't learn fucking languages, or leave "the country" ie zone. and when he does, he takes care to first arm self with such impenetrable armor of shit-for-brains as to practically make no possible difference to anyone. 1814787;1526572563;mircea_popescu;colonialism is bad mkay and jewing got the jews burneds so let's never ever fucking do anything ever again. 1814788;1526574358;asciilifeform;fwiw plenty of ru folx doing biznis in cn 1814789;1526574391;asciilifeform;(it ~is~ learnable) 1814790;1526574903;mircea_popescu;certainly. 1814791;1526574914;mircea_popescu;they didn't fall in shenzen from mars. 1814792;1526575892;mircea_popescu;hanbot, in other nominalist lulz, there existed in antiquity a she by the name "hind bint". find thee what she occupied herself with :D 1814793;1526576227;deedbot;http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2369 << Loper OS - Wanted: Write-Once MicroSD Card ! 1814794;1526576459;ben_vulpes;http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2018-5-17#357607 << if this is in reference to my and BingoBoingo's warrants from the first month of operations, pizarro covers BingoBoingo's rent and fodder, and doesn't pay me at all; it is a trade of cash for equity. 1814795;1526576460;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-05-17 14:40 mircea_popescu: so, how did your reasoning go that produced 100k hither, 10k thither ? 1814796;1526576954;ben_vulpes;http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2018-5-17#357608 << since discarded notion of posting an ad on localbitcoins; but there are plenty of offers to pick from in the ~2.5-3% markup range. 1814797;1526576956;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-05-17 14:40 mircea_popescu: what is behind comments like http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-16#1814037, "I moved more recently than this fellow and I'll get my id after he does" ? "I don't, properly speaking, think bb is a person, at least not in the same sense / to the same degree I am" ? 1814798;1526577059;ben_vulpes;speaking of, BingoBoingo, now that you have the cedula, are you approaching the point where i can buy usd for wire into your local bank account? 1814799;1526578437;BingoBoingo; speaking of, BingoBoingo, now that you have the cedula, are you approaching the point where i can buy usd for wire into your local bank account? << BTC to bank wire can be done, for some amounts it can be done now. The concern is blowing up the current low tax regime my current unipersonal is sitting in. I would like more clarity on a plan for doing this other than "[ben_vulpes] can buy usd for wire into "BingoBoingo's] 1814800;1526578437;BingoBoingo;local bank account?" 1814801;1526578437;BingoBoingo;I can prepare reports on the local corporate options, and from what I understand asciilifeform is working on a corporate conduit for this sort of transaction as well. 1814802;1526578437;BingoBoingo;As many contracts etc that we have sitting in my personal name, I am wary of the bus factor (either getting hit by or brain irrecoverably eggog'ing inside of). I have serious reservations for a plan that involves sending scans of my personal non-US identity document to allow someone sitting inside the empire to play trader, if that is what the request is for. I apologize if this is an uncharitable reading, but if you want me to instead 1814803;1526578442;BingoBoingo;put some of my idle time into compiling reports on Pizarro's options for accomplishing certain goals (getting a UY corp, etc) I can do that. I need clarity of instructions. 1814804;1526578547;ben_vulpes;no, scans not a great idea. i would like to know what line over which blows you out of the low tax regime, some 20kusd per year do i recall correctly? 1814805;1526578548;BingoBoingo;With the lessons learned on the way to my UY cedula, we can probably condense the next fellow's ordeal down to 3-ish weeks. 1814806;1526578589;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: i thought 'cedula' Officially needs 6 mo ? 1814807;1526578686;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: A decision on residence requires 6-12 months. The cedula itself can be done faster, now that I know everyone around me in this country is an idiot. 1814808;1526578710;asciilifeform;so wait, these are separate items ? 1814809;1526578720;ben_vulpes;BingoBoingo: won't a second uy corp just incur more taxes, and then more more taxes when it exceeds the low tax regime hole? 1814810;1526578942;BingoBoingo;ben_vulpes: A UY corp would be an actual corp. What I have now, as discussed previously is a unipersonal, essentially I am a registered person doing business. This means what I do as the Unipersonal is all personal liability. Corps can receive all kinds of incoming transactions that aren't necessarily "income". 1814811;1526578959;BingoBoingo;Investment, etc. 1814812;1526579042;BingoBoingo; so wait, these are separate items ? << They are, to get the cedula you have to start the residency process, but it doesn't need to be compeltely decided upon. 1814813;1526579093;asciilifeform;so, lemme get this straight, a '3 week cedula' is as good as a native BingoBoingostani passport , for e.g. banks ? 1814814;1526579097;asciilifeform;... or not ? 1814815;1526579152;ben_vulpes;and i recall that the driver for setting up either uycorp or some other foreigncorp is to get the liability for the dc contract off BingoBoingo's personal neck and onto an impersonal corporation, correct? 1814816;1526579167;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: it is. Granted it would take at least 3 continuous weeks in country, substantially more standing in line 1814817;1526579208;BingoBoingo; and i recall that the driver for setting up either uycorp or some other foreigncorp is to get the liability for the dc contract off BingoBoingo's personal neck and onto an impersonal corporation, correct? << This and getting a BTC/USD conduit, and proceeding to get IPs straight from the regional registry 1814818;1526579332;BingoBoingo;Something that can hold an IP block assignment and DC contract at least, if you want to use something else for the BTC/fiat conduit 1814819;1526579509;ben_vulpes;BingoBoingo: do you know what the costs for establishing this corp in uy are? asciilifeform you still need another trip to .ro to finalize your corp? 1814820;1526579516;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: aye 1814821;1526579550;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: my item should be regarded as spare/auxiliary , nobody should hold breath for it 1814822;1526579559;ben_vulpes;k 1814823;1526579587;BingoBoingo;ben_vulpes: I will try to extract some updated numbers. 1814824;1526579675;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes, mod6 : currently occupied with component search for rockchiptron 1814825;1526579679;ben_vulpes;BingoBoingo: looks like the uy corp is necessary for ips for the rockchips at the very least; and possibly recipient of wires from btc sales 1814826;1526579713;ben_vulpes;BingoBoingo: cedula gets you ability to open corporate bank accounts, i hope? 1814827;1526579723;BingoBoingo;ben_vulpes: Here's the flyer the government publishes on the types of structures available here. www.uruguayxxi.gub.uy/guide/descargas/Set%20up%20a%20company.pdf 1814828;1526579742;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: at the very least, need a 680mm ( or at worst, 650mm ) 2u ( most economical bang/buck variant ) chassis with NO welded-in internal partitions 1814829;1526579742;ben_vulpes;will read 1814830;1526579747;BingoBoingo; BingoBoingo: cedula gets you ability to open corporate bank accounts, i hope? << I would help with this. Doing it with the US Passport would have negated having a corp. 1814831;1526579857;BingoBoingo;If you are looking for a temporary liquidity source though, have you considered pete_dushenski? He might be interested in the opportunity to buy BTC from Pizarro. 1814832;1526579907;ben_vulpes;i think the liquidity is handled but i'll keep that in mind 1814833;1526580057;ben_vulpes;this guide has some good chuckles: gotta denominate corporate accounts in local currency but all fees are denominated in usd for one 1814834;1526580281;BingoBoingo;It's the flyer the government produces as gringo bait 1814835;1526580322;mircea_popescu;the search for actually useful local accts specialists as fruitless as search for w/e, electronic parts supplioers ?\ 1814836;1526580351;asciilifeform;iirc BingoBoingo found what looked like one, turned out to be expensive nuisance 1814837;1526580356;mircea_popescu;aha. 1814838;1526580428;mircea_popescu;sounded exactly like http://trilema.com/2010/aventurile-zilei/#selection-49.0-49.1103 1814839;1526580466;asciilifeform;( with parts, the fact that they have to arrive in the country with either 300% tax , or in submarine, or up an arse, at least partly explains. but why there are ~no sane accounting folx , remains puzzler ) 1814840;1526580502;asciilifeform;possibly the 2 are connected -- no serious commerce, ergo no specialists 1814841;1526580540;BingoBoingo;Here's another gringo fixer's guide on the incorporation process, but his own fees which he neglects to list are still more expensive http://www.mondaq.com/Uruguay/x/583558/Corporate+Commercial+Law/Forming+A+Company+In+Uruguay 1814842;1526580573;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: i suspect that english material is a leper's bell 1814843;1526580579;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron, http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/l7jD6/?raw=true 1814844;1526580582;asciilifeform;'idjit gringos come here, to be eaten' 1814845;1526580601;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, because nobody ever told them they better be useful. so they're "nice" or w/e. 1814846;1526580609;BingoBoingo; ( with parts, the fact that they have to arrive in the country with either 300% tax , or in submarine, or up an arse, at least partly explains. but why there are ~no sane accounting folx , remains puzzler ) << Now in May there appear to be better options accessible than in december, but they don't have languages other than Spanish in their toolkit. 1814847;1526580618;mircea_popescu;de-colonialism has its disadvantages 1814848;1526580634;BingoBoingo; BingoBoingo: i suspect that english material is a leper's bell << It is 1814849;1526580636;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo, this is very common. but now your spanish is better. 1814850;1526580729;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Sure, but to approach them on behalf of Pizarro, Pizarro's gotta have something for me to ask of them. 1814851;1526580744;mircea_popescu;this is not so clear. 1814852;1526581416;BingoBoingo;Well, sure. I speak friendly to at least one confirmed accountant at the cowork. There are definitely more candidates I can audition than in December. 1814853;1526581442;mircea_popescu;you will sooner or later run into issues you need actual professional help with. just like the cold. 1814854;1526581650;BingoBoingo;Yes 1814855;1526581834;*;BingoBoingo continuing to wait while management digests http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-04#1809694 1814856;1526581834;a111;Logged on 2018-05-04 21:17 BingoBoingo: ^ ben_vulpes mod6 asciilifeform I have proposed a start for negotiations on a compensation package through February 2019 for your consideration here: http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/#fn1-1909 1814857;1526581957;ave1;asciilifeform, http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-17#1814751, did you look at this tool https://github.com/BertoldVdb/sdtool? 1814858;1526581957;a111;Logged on 2018-05-17 15:24 asciilifeform: in other noose, asciilifeform found that otp microsd cards exist!! should substantially lower the labour cost of maintaining rockchip cluster. IF i can actually find a vendor ! 1814859;1526581990;asciilifeform;ave1: is the meaning of 'true hardware write protect' unclear ?!! 1814860;1526581995;asciilifeform;NO SOFTWARE TOGGLES 1814861;1526582042;asciilifeform;i know, for a fact, that the software-settable flag, is software-clearable. 1814862;1526582163;ave1;no it is not unclear, it's reported to be unresettable everywhere and I do not have a card laying about here. 1814863;1526582183;asciilifeform;i distinctly recall reading of a means to reset said flag. unfortunately, cannot now find, grrr 1814864;1526582211;danielpbarron;mircea_popescu, http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/S8cXO/?raw=true 1814865;1526582222;ben_vulpes;so to enloggify BingoBoingo's opening ask, that's ~1.9 btc let's call them bonuses and then another ~.7 btc in salary over the year (all at current rates), is that right? 1814866;1526582252;asciilifeform;ave1: even if by all appearances it's a truly perma-settable bit, i'd still muchly prefer a card where i can actually toggle the WR leg of the eeprom 1814867;1526582300;asciilifeform;ave1: consider the central idea in e.g. http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-18#1801998 thread. 1814868;1526582300;a111;Logged on 2018-04-18 11:59 ascii_lander: 'we do not have isolation' is more honest than 'we have cisco-powered isolation' 1814869;1526582509;ave1;yes, I see, unfortunately the pins do not have a rx/tx like serial 1814870;1526582532;asciilifeform;i was speaking of the ~back~ end of the thing. not front. 1814871;1526582541;asciilifeform;inside there is a commercial flash ic. it has a WR leg. 1814872;1526582552;asciilifeform;but not brought out, apparently ever, Because Reasons (tm)(r) 1814873;1526582595;ave1;aha 1814874;1526582846;trinque;looks like sandisk and a few others released some 2008-2010ish, and then radio silence 1814875;1526583055;mircea_popescu;!!pay danielpbarron 0.0164342 1814876;1526583058;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/fSk3I/?raw=true 1814877;1526583122;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo, why do you suspect pizarro can pay something like that ? 1814878;1526583153;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, there's some argument (cheapness) for including one single antifuse rather than making the whole thing out of them. 1814879;1526583182;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i wasn't even thinking of asking for true antifuse sd card , considering that antifuse roms have been unavailable since early 1990s ( see prev thread re subj ) 1814880;1526583198;asciilifeform;not for love or money can you get'em, other than laughably tiny old-stock things (1kB and below) 1814881;1526583205;mircea_popescu;heh. 1814882;1526583212;asciilifeform;all 'otp roms' sold today are actually eproms with the write leg tied to ground. 1814883;1526583220;asciilifeform;erase leg, rather. 1814884;1526583241;mircea_popescu;is this something we could maybe do ? 1814885;1526583245;asciilifeform;and they suffer same bitrot and single-event problems as eeproms/'flash', incl. 'throw it out after 20 yrs' 1814886;1526583281;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: if we had any fab capacity to speak of, these'd be the priority items : 1) large homogeneous fpga 2) otp roms 3) 1+2 1814887;1526583307;mircea_popescu;is there some way to slice the wipe leg off the assemblage 1814888;1526583318;asciilifeform;nope, sd card is apparently monocrystalline 1814889;1526583333;mircea_popescu;isn't the leg brought out to the contacts ? 1814890;1526583338;asciilifeform;nope 1814891;1526583341;mircea_popescu;"leg". sux. 1814892;1526583343;asciilifeform;if it were, we wouldn't have this thread 1814893;1526583344;BingoBoingo; BingoBoingo, why do you suspect pizarro can pay something like that ? << The idea is that there is a path for pizarro to get revenue. If pizarro can´t afford something closer to that than the current arrangement, I suspect they can't afford to keep someone in Uruguay. 1814894;1526583374;asciilifeform;>> http://bunniefoo.com/bunnie/30c3-controller.png << subj 1814895;1526583387;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo, obviously people working at something should pick the rewards of their work. what i don't get is why are you formulating this split in absolute rather than relative terms ? 1814896;1526583436;mircea_popescu;saying "well, there's objective costs to $X, be it installing a rack or being in uy, these have to be paid" is one thing ; but seems you're discussing another thing, and how can you, i, ben_vulpes , anyone else transform "future" into "btc value" ? 1814897;1526583807;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: They asked me to put forward an idea. It isn't the best idea, but it one that makes the idea of continuing to stomach life in a country populated by a people I hate and who are culturally programmed to piss me off. I would like them to structure something they can afford instead of biting on this proposal. 1814898;1526583831;mircea_popescu;seemed to me the way ben_vulpes was going was towards a yes/no type response. aanyways. 1814899;1526583886;BingoBoingo;At least it would be a response. 1814900;1526584010;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2018/the-retards-handshake/ << Trilema - The retard's handshake 1814901;1526584061;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo, for my entirely idle curiosity, what sort of time occupancy have you seen in the past month ? 12.5% ie hour/day ? more ? less ? 1814902;1526584296;BingoBoingo;In the past month, aside from asciilifeform's visit roughly and hour to and hour and a half a day on strictly pizzaro business, minus time awaiting instructions. For the couple weeks after the ben_vulpes visit there was a consecutive run of days well over 8 hours. The work has been incredibly bursty in its flavor. 1814903;1526584530;mircea_popescu;so we could say part of your problem here is idleness. 1814904;1526584559;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, why do you have an idle resource on the ground ? this is what management is, yes ? keeping the mills fed ? 1814905;1526584599;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo will , i suspect , have all 8 hands full when the full-scale rockchiptron is brought online and tentants come/go regularly 1814906;1526584627;asciilifeform;at least initially , until population settles in 1814907;1526584696;*;BingoBoingo works on drinking the ocean 1814908;1526584752;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: it is. i have neglected sales and putting BingoBoingo to work on that and conveying to him what he needs to know in order to do the shared hosting work that has until now landed on my plate. with the manual i published yesterday im now in a position to hand off new shared shell customers to him, and am looking at a list of hosting forums i put together for filtering over the past two days. 1814909;1526584906;ben_vulpes;the active filtering i'd like to put in is either a regular set of eyeballs (BingoBoingo's, or the mentioned-tangentially sales guy to hire) on the "design" corners of these hosting forums to pm our ads for shells on the shared server to folks who are building websites directly 1814910;1526584930;ben_vulpes;or a mircea_popescu fetlife-style automated PMer to do the outbound 1814911;1526584995;ben_vulpes;hostingdiscussion.com at least has a user-enumerable db, but i don't know if an automated approach would get pizarro blacklisted, or even if we care, right? can make another account and pick up where left off. 1814912;1526584999;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: recall, lobbes offered to work sales on commission 1814913;1526585011;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: i recall 1814914;1526585027;asciilifeform;really i advise ben_vulpes to get that chalkboard. quite srsly, i do not say this to make ben_vulpes cry, but because it is genuinely a win 1814915;1526585045;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, understand that merely clear signs that management is aware of problems and working on them, and open communications are a larger morale boost than pretty much anything else. it's how folk manage to man pill boxes, which suck for any other criteria. 1814916;1526585061;asciilifeform;^ 1814917;1526585073;BingoBoingo; so we could say part of your problem here is idleness. << Indeed. Laying groundwork to start drinking webhosting ocean. 1814918;1526585083;ben_vulpes;noted, is obvious when put so. 1814919;1526585104;mircea_popescu;i have absolutely no trouble at all repelling http://trilema.com/2016/why-is-that/#comment-117928 "o noes, sky is fall't" ~for a reason~. 1814920;1526585155;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: i also have open problems that you could probably help with. for instance, i am in search of a http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-17#1814828 , and of 32 ( or at worst , 2 x 16 ) port GB/s ~bare pcb~ ethernet switches that don't come with 'minumal order 1000' chinesium insult 1814921;1526585155;a111;Logged on 2018-05-17 17:55 asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: at the very least, need a 680mm ( or at worst, 650mm ) 2u ( most economical bang/buck variant ) chassis with NO welded-in internal partitions 1814922;1526585157;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, let me put it even sharper : you have a man who conquered a drinking habit in a position which regularily drives men to drink ; and he's complained about not having sane AA there what, twice ? 1814923;1526585169;mircea_popescu;management is playing with people's lives, one's well advised to be considerate. 1814924;1526585236;*;asciilifeform spent week in the company of BingoBoingo , and confirms that the most serious problem currently is morale , d00d needs some light in his pillbox 1814925;1526585297;ben_vulpes;lobbes, and BingoBoingo while i'm at it since i want to get you on the same train, what kind of commission makes sense to you for flogging shared shells? 1814926;1526585340;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: i hate to add to already tall pile of puzzlers, but at some point we will have to seriously consider the http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-17#1814695 item . 1814927;1526585340;a111;Logged on 2018-05-17 14:49 asciilifeform: the only serious weakness of shared-unix is what happens when you start populating it with randos, rather than the l1/tight-l2 currently living there 1814928;1526585384;*;ben_vulpes appends to whiteboard 1814929;1526585426;asciilifeform;i suppose i gotta illustrate. 1814930;1526585430;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: can you tell me what kind of bad behavior can be monitored for and how much of a pain it is to set up? 1814931;1526585451;mircea_popescu;the answer to that is no. 1814932;1526585454;asciilifeform;given an account on a linux box, e.g. asciilifeform ( who is not in particularly top shape re subj ) can get root, in a few days or few wks (max) of sweat 1814933;1526585459;mircea_popescu;you'll end up with rebuilsing the vps you fled from. 1814934;1526585463;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu has it. 1814935;1526585541;mircea_popescu;(which, incidentallty, ~still~ doesn't work ; but doesn't work ellaborately and expensively) 1814936;1526585629;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: look back to the thread where i gave the current shared-box scheme: http://logs.bvulpes.com/pizarro?d=2018-3-22#317360 1814937;1526585630;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-03-22 17:08 asciilifeform: i for instance do not see why , if it's wot l1 people living in it, it has to expend the cpu overhead to pretend-isolate and vm-ize. why not simply traditional unix accounts. 1814938;1526585649;BingoBoingo;The easy, inconvenient cut is a second 1U box for the crowd. Web panel, quotas, frequent regular backups, and maybe a hot spare box.. 1814939;1526585686;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: the problem set in http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-17#1814702 is unfortunately not limited to 'hose the box' 1814940;1526585686;a111;Logged on 2018-05-17 14:51 asciilifeform: fact of the matter is that shared unix tenant can create problems for the others ( without necessarily revealing himself as the source of said problem ) quite trivially . ( vps is moar 'nobus' in this respect, generally the 'escapes' are not public ) 1814941;1526585841;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: so even user-level isolation is a lie on linux? 1814942;1526585846;asciilifeform;100% 1814943;1526585851;ben_vulpes;a few weeks of sweat to get root? 1814944;1526585862;asciilifeform;it's roughly same isolation as the lock on your house's bathroom. 1814945;1526585884;trinque;all you need is a privesc in one of the services running as root, or kernel-side bug, or.. 1814946;1526585886;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: the 'weeks' can mean 'minutes' in practice, if the planets align 1814947;1526585891;asciilifeform;trinque has it 1814948;1526585940;ben_vulpes;does this extend to ftp users as well? 1814949;1526585948;asciilifeform;in the current scheme, you dun even need privescs to cause headaches for people, users can connect to each other's sql db listeners etc 1814950;1526585987;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, yes. 1814951;1526585988;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: it is possible to set up ftp properly . 1814952;1526586001;mircea_popescu;you still get to time the machine ; and whosoever times the machine owns the machine. 1814953;1526586014;ben_vulpes;how the fuck am i to meaningfully sell shared shells on this thing then, if anyone who pays for a month can get in and wreck everyone else on it. 1814954;1526586017;asciilifeform;( asciilifeform for instance has a rough draft of an adatronic ftpd . but this is not production-ready ) 1814955;1526586041;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, what, they told you twas gonna be easy ? come up with something!!11 1814956;1526586116;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: this is the reason why i even built the rc pilot cluster; because it is a (laborious, and expensive, but genuine) solution to $problem 1814957;1526586143;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, simplest solution is, periodic backups and not giving a shit. if it craps out reinstall. 1814958;1526586145;asciilifeform;if ben_vulpes or anybody else can think of a better pill -- asciilifeform is all ears. 1814959;1526586178;ben_vulpes;i had nfi linux user isolation was actually completely broken. 1814960;1526586183;mircea_popescu;why not ?! 1814961;1526586204;BingoBoingo; BingoBoingo: i also have open problems that you could probably help with. for instance, i am in search of a http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-17#1814828 , and of 32 ( or at worst , 2 x 16 ) port GB/s ~bare pcb~ ethernet switches that don't come with 'minumal order 1000' chinesium insult << Will get to searching. Thoughts on a good way to perform epoxy potting on my personal FUCKGOAT that would be actually transparent 1814962;1526586204;a111;Logged on 2018-05-17 17:55 asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: at the very least, need a 680mm ( or at worst, 650mm ) 2u ( most economical bang/buck variant ) chassis with NO welded-in internal partitions 1814963;1526586204;BingoBoingo;instead of amber tinted? 1814964;1526586204;mircea_popescu;anyway, it's not completely broken. it'\s completely breakable, which is a different thing. 1814965;1526586205;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: let's for sake of argument ignore other problems than 'whole box craps out' (i.e. particular users being hosed, by unknown party, with no recourse ) . how to determine which customer is culprit ? 1814966;1526586211;*;trinque has to run, but behold usg.aws lacks arm hosting 1814967;1526586218;trinque;imho *that* is the product 1814968;1526586224;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, you guess. 1814969;1526586236;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: i have a jar of clear and nonexothermic potting epoxy right here. unfortunately it probably would not make it through airport 1814970;1526586264;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: guess ?! 'which of 1500 users , hey let me throw a dart ' ? lol 1814971;1526586267;mircea_popescu;yup. 1814972;1526586275;mircea_popescu;how did you think luzerhosting works ? 1814973;1526586284;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: 3M has a branch office here, if you can pass me the name of the specific product that would be swell. 1814974;1526586288;mircea_popescu;same way "moderation" of fetlife works. 1814975;1526586295;mircea_popescu;facebook, youtube, whatever. 1814976;1526586308;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: dp270 1814977;1526586312;BingoBoingo;ty 1814978;1526586332;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: i confess that i dun see why this is a pressing item for BingoBoingo . but it could come in handy. 1814979;1526586345;mircea_popescu;anyway, i'm not insisting or even proposing this insanity be continued. i am merely stating the world. 1814980;1526586443;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: keep in mind, it ain't cheap 1814981;1526586452;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: can you elaborate on "time the box"? leaking of user passwords by timing sidechannel? 1814982;1526586453;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: It's not pressing, punchlist item for next rennovation of personal workstation whenever that happens. 1814983;1526586461;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: a drum is something like 2k usd 1814984;1526586475;asciilifeform;400 mL -- about a hundy. 1814985;1526586495;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, the machine itself, hardware-wise, is incapable of multiuser. it leaks its memory via cache timings on 3 or 4 different layers ; it lacks its state via nic delays, it leaks like a sieve. 1814986;1526586518;mircea_popescu;these are not fixable in software anymore than a dirty couch can be cleanned by photographic it with the right angle lens. 1814987;1526586599;mircea_popescu;the killer micro was simply never designed for this. 1814988;1526586962;ben_vulpes;so seems like ftp for l2 heathens, and shell for known l2 and heathens who bathe/stick around for a while and get friendly is a plausible perforation 1814989;1526587069;BingoBoingo;If they bathe and stick around they are likely to end up in L2 before too long 1814990;1526587085;BingoBoingo;*known L2 1814991;1526587158;mircea_popescu;making it obvious that owning the box is neither glorious nor productive may be sufficient deterrent. who even knows. 1814992;1526587260;ben_vulpes;BingoBoingo: pretty much what i'm driving at 1814993;1526587597;mod6;qwX19@^8vFg 1814994;1526587602;mod6;goddamnit 1814995;1526587606;mircea_popescu;lol! 1814996;1526587618;mod6;damn kvm keeps gettin me. 1814997;1526587650;mircea_popescu;are you getting enough sleep mod6 ? 1814998;1526587655;mod6;no 1814999;1526587791;BingoBoingo;* asciilifeform spent week in the company of BingoBoingo , and confirms that the most serious problem currently is morale , d00d needs some light in his pillbox << That was actually a high point for the morale. The boost carried over well into the next week. Definitely the high point of the post-bedbug era. 1815000;1526589096;mod6;Alright, since this keeps pressing here... 1815001;1526589125;mod6;BingoBoingo: The raise you propse is 1 BTC at end of February of 2019, and ~8k USD now right? 1815002;1526589410;mod6;And furthermore, this raise does not include whatever expenses you would require to get an apartment in .uy, correct? 1815003;1526589645;BingoBoingo;mod6: The core components I am looking for are 1) A lump sum now or in the near future so that when http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-17#1814853 comes I am not caught horribly undercapitalized. 2) an increase in the daily per diem to an amount that includes breathing room 3) Something sort of future award contingent on staying here. And apartment was not figured into that because it is unclear if Pizarro wants to get an apartment or if 1815004;1526589645;a111;Logged on 2018-05-17 18:24 mircea_popescu: you will sooner or later run into issues you need actual professional help with. just like the cold. 1815005;1526589646;BingoBoingo;Pizarro wants to get BingoBoingo an apartment. 1815006;1526589770;ben_vulpes;what is the difference? 1815007;1526589998;mod6;Here's the problem. We obviously need you / want you to stay. I'm told you've been doing a good job there. We have limited money at this time, as obviously, we just got into business here; and we're still trying to figure out how to get to break-even. I think the 1 BTC at the end of next february is something we can do for ya. 1815008;1526590134;mod6;As far as the 8000 now, this really cuts into our available cash flow. Aside from the plainly stated fact that we then also, aside from paying bills, need to figure out how to translate another ~1 BTC in to USD and then have someone wire/WU it down to you. 1815009;1526590185;ben_vulpes;mod6: "lump sum of BTC equivalent to 7500 usd", so no conversion necessary 1815010;1526590188;BingoBoingo;mod6: Honestly the whatever happens at the end of next February part is actually the one I feel the most flexible on. For the immediate capitalization component I am perfectly capable of recieving BTC. 1815011;1526590299;mod6;How about this. $7500, payable in BTC monthly, over the next 9 months? 1815012;1526590333;mod6;That should give you some cash to work with, and allow us to not have to crush our immediate cash position on the balance sheet. 1815013;1526590345;ben_vulpes;mod6: doesn't really make a difference to the books, a liability is a liability. it's going to show up on the balance sheet regardless. 1815014;1526590382;mod6;I would like the draw this out a bit, instead of a big lumpsum payment now. 1815015;1526590415;ben_vulpes;mk then 1815016;1526590457;mod6;Would that work for ya BingoBoingo? ben_vulpes ? asciilifeform ? 1815017;1526590464;BingoBoingo;My own fear of encountering a big unavoidable expense requiring a lumpsum is why It's part of the ask. 1815018;1526590476;ben_vulpes;BingoBoingo: wouldja be willing to take an incentive payment next may gated on helping me filter the ocean for shared shell customers? 1815019;1526590499;BingoBoingo;ben_vulpes: How would that be structured. 1815020;1526590506;mod6;We've been handling things like dentist/doctor up until now right? Or have you been paying for that out of pocket? 1815021;1526590596;BingoBoingo;mod6: Well pizarro got billed for the dentist. The doctor is out of my pocket. Part of the idea is getting these things off of Pizarro's line and into my own. 1815022;1526590609;mod6;Ok understood. 1815023;1526590731;mod6;I think 5000 now is what I'm willing to do, payable in btc, and then the next 2500 (also payable in btc) September 1st. 1815024;1526590765;mod6;That sound ok for ya? 1815025;1526590848;BingoBoingo;What kind of adjustment to the per diem would you pair that with? 1815026;1526590869;mod6;Sorry? 1815027;1526590893;mod6;I don't follow. 1815028;1526590940;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-17#1815003 << Contains three elements. You offered a proposal on the first part. 1815029;1526590940;a111;Logged on 2018-05-17 20:40 BingoBoingo: mod6: The core components I am looking for are 1) A lump sum now or in the near future so that when http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-17#1814853 comes I am not caught horribly undercapitalized. 2) an increase in the daily per diem to an amount that includes breathing room 3) Something sort of future award contingent on staying here. And apartment was not figured into that because it is unclear if Pizarro wants to get an apartment or if 1815030;1526590979;mod6;ben_vulpes: help me out here. 1815031;1526590980;BingoBoingo;The board and management are free to move around on all three parts to construct something palatable. 1815032;1526590993;ben_vulpes;mod6: he wants, reasonably, a counteroffer on all three axes. 1815033;1526591047;mod6;Yeah, #2, and #3 are not a part of the 7500 total. 1815034;1526591074;ben_vulpes;you want flexibility on the thing he's most insistent on, i'm crunching numbers on an incentive program, so he's leaning on you to make up the difference in the second axis. 1815035;1526591090;mod6;We will still need to increase your overall $1800 per month (or whatever it is, so you can have pants and shoes, etc.), and an apartment was in the discussion as well. 1815036;1526591121;mod6;What I want, is a commitment for no further renegotiations until at least this time of next year. 1815037;1526591123;ben_vulpes;yeah in re the apartment, BingoBoingo you want to live in the dorms forever or why wasn't that in your ask 1815038;1526591236;BingoBoingo; yeah in re the apartment, BingoBoingo you want to live in the dorms forever or why wasn't that in your ask << It's something I am flexible on. 1815039;1526591332;BingoBoingo; What I want, is a commitment for no further renegotiations until at least this time of next year. << That is the goal. It's also why I started the push this month before any more machines are holding me hostage in the cabinet. 1815040;1526591362;ben_vulpes;i'd rather pay increased living costs either as a flat fee to get into the apartment or monthly on the rental so that you can cook for yourself and get off the street food 1815041;1526591414;ben_vulpes;BingoBoingo: would own quarters move the needle significantly on morale? 1815042;1526591441;BingoBoingo;That is a substantial unknown. 1815043;1526591457;ben_vulpes;you've astonishing will to keep yourself together around the addicts but i worry about the cost of keeping clenched constantly 1815044;1526591530;BingoBoingo;The people everywhere bu the hostel fire the disgust receptors far more frequently than the ones inside. 1815045;1526591771;ben_vulpes;sure, but i'm talking about quality of existence here. own place to shit, own food prep area, not having to constantly piss on preferred chairs. it buys security for effects, and calm of mind that i think BingoBoingo underestimates (unless he is a very different animal from what i imagine) 1815046;1526591899;mod6;BingoBoingo: how much of your savings did you personally spend on this adventure? 1815047;1526591934;mod6;(dollar terms) 1815048;1526591965;BingoBoingo;Well, I have been living out of suitcases for nearly half a year 1815049;1526592039;mod6;It's worrying to me that I offered to pay this 7500 out over the next year, which doesn't seem to excite you, then I offered to pay some now, some in 90 days, that's not taking either it seems. 1815050;1526592050;mod6;So what do you need 7500 for now? 1815051;1526592070;mod6;If its to repay your savings you spent on this whole adventure, then you'll get your money. 1815052;1526592096;mod6;That I can understand. But I don't want to give you 7500 to go and spend on hookers and blow. 1815053;1526592107;BingoBoingo;mod6: I didn't object to the 2 part split. 1815054;1526592188;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo struck asciilifeform as a sensible fella, who won't blow whole wad on the proverbial h&b. more like , wants to maybe go on shore leave some day; and not to be 1 broken leg or frivolous charges filed by city hall (like they did to him in usa) away from penury 1815055;1526592196;mod6;So that'd be ok with ya? 5000 now, 2500 september 1st? 1815056;1526592252;mod6;Especially if you deem that it makes you "whole" from all the blood, sweat, tears, and cash you put into this adveture. Which, we all very much appreciate. 1815057;1526592254;BingoBoingo;mod6: That would, From an FX risk perspective though the even monthly split is a killer. 1815058;1526592436;mod6;Ah, you think that the september 1st payment will be a killer cause btc will be lower, ok. 1815059;1526592446;mod6;Or are you saying, something else here? Not sure. 1815060;1526592484;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: elaborate re what's wrong with normal btc ( you can sell it now, or later, or convert to whatever suits you ) 1815061;1526592495;BingoBoingo;I am saying the " So that'd be ok with ya? 5000 now, 2500 september 1st?" is not objectionable. Breaking it down into even payments is objectionable. 1815062;1526592527;BingoBoingo; BingoBoingo: elaborate re what's wrong with normal btc ( you can sell it now, or later, or convert to whatever suits you ) << Normal BTC is fine for this, but for pizarro's sake I am denominating this in Dosiedoes 1815063;1526592578;mod6;Hmm? well, i am saying "5000" now to give you some padding, and feel better about it, and then 2500 later to help us get our feet a bit. 1815064;1526592631;mod6;I suppose we could do 2500 now, 2500 end of july, and 2500 sept 1st or something if that seems more agreeable. 1815065;1526592709;BingoBoingo;The now/September split is preferrable to others that have been proposed. 1815066;1526592787;mod6;ben_vulpes, asciilifeform you guys ok with that? 1815067;1526592801;ben_vulpes;sure. 1815068;1526592830;ben_vulpes;BingoBoingo: am i crazy in trying to push for an apartment for you? 1815069;1526592839;mod6;Everyone wins: BB gets his raise, and 1 BTC end of feb 2019, and we get to hang on to a bit of cash for the summer to help ouselves out. 1815070;1526592846;ben_vulpes;mod6: i 1815071;1526592857;ben_vulpes;mod6: haven't settled on next year's incentive payment yet 1815072;1526592865;mod6;Alright. 1815073;1526592882;ben_vulpes;gotta figure a) whether the apartment thing is crazy for some reason i don't understand b) structure for next years incentive 1815074;1526592885;BingoBoingo; BingoBoingo: am i crazy in trying to push for an apartment for you? << You aren't but the monthly expense of an apartment isn't so different from the hostel+cowork. 1815075;1526592888;mod6;I do think we should get an apt for him, I've stayed in hostels before and I can't imagine staying there for 6 months. 1815076;1526592907;ben_vulpes;BingoBoingo: there are not insignificant upfront costs iirc 1815077;1526592918;BingoBoingo;Right 1815078;1526592918;mod6;And the per-diem money, if we can get it to "reasonable bump" per month, is a done-deal in my opinion. 1815079;1526592948;ben_vulpes;BingoBoingo: help me enumerate these costs? 1815080;1526592968;mod6;BingoBoingo: bud, you need your own place to hang your hat, you're a Lord of the Republic, not a random street orc. 1815081;1526592982;BingoBoingo; And the per-diem money, if we can get it to "reasonable bump" per month, is a done-deal in my opinion. << I am willing to table the future incentive so you can come up with something more favorable to Pizarro than 1 integer BTC. 1815082;1526593029;BingoBoingo; BingoBoingo: help me enumerate these costs? A substantial guarentee upfront (3-6 months rent) and then furnishing the apartment. 1815083;1526593056;BingoBoingo;brb, low battery 1815084;1526593131;ben_vulpes;so that's some 800/mo at the bare minimum; an upfront of around 4.8k at that rate 1815085;1526593154;ben_vulpes;plus table, chairs, bed, cutlery, hot water heater? 1815086;1526593184;mod6;there's a guy we know in BSAS who can hook you up with a cage and whipping post/cross thing too if you need 'em. 1815087;1526593233;ben_vulpes;lol 1815088;1526593277;mod6;can always fabricate your own too, just sayin', if your in a pinch. 1815089;1526593337;mod6;Anyway, ok. So we still need to settle the year-incentive payment. 1815090;1526593365;ben_vulpes;mod6: http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2018-5-17#358008 1815091;1526593368;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-05-17 21:23 BingoBoingo: And the per-diem money, if we can get it to "reasonable bump" per month, is a done-deal in my opinion. << I am willing to table the future incentive so you can come up with something more favorable to Pizarro than 1 integer BTC. 1815092;1526593433;mod6;Yeah, maybe we could commit to some amount now, then build in a bouns structure for sales met or something. 1815093;1526593446;mod6;I think you were thinking about this already, ya? 1815094;1526593546;mod6;I've gotta run here. I'll bbl 1815095;1526593846;ben_vulpes;yeah, it's fuckin tricky, though. i'm trying to estimate what could reasonably be packed into uy1 from a shared shell and ftp perspective, but i think 20 shell accounts and 100 lower-end ftp-only accounts is probably the max that box can carry without overbooking it, and if we can get to that point within a year i'll be pleased as punch, as it'll cover a significant fraction of the whole pizarro operation's 1815096;1526593848;ben_vulpes;expenses and would be willing to put down a half btc incentive if we hit that. i'm also considering that the apartment rental is going to be maybe 20% more expensive than the combined cowork and bunk, and propose moving some of the end-of-year incentive forward in time to pay for that. 1815097;1526595581;BingoBoingo; yeah, it's fuckin tricky, though. i'm trying to estimate what could reasonably be packed into uy1 from a shared shell and ftp perspective, but i think 20 shell accounts and 100 lower-end ftp-only accounts is probably the max that box can carry without overbooking it, and if we can get to that point within a year i'll be pleased as punch, as it'll cover a significant fraction of the whole pizarro operation's << Sweet 1815098;1526596968;mod6;So, BingoBoingo : Sounds like we have most of a plan then. 1815099;1526596991;BingoBoingo;It does indeed 1815100;1526597061;mod6;Can I get your assurances that this won't come up again for a long time, at least a year or ever? We're just dumping cash. And we're not going to be in business long at all. 1815101;1526597070;BingoBoingo; plus table, chairs, bed, cutlery, hot water heater? << Whiteboard 1815102;1526597084;mod6;I'm not made of BTC like some people, and we are still way under where we need to be at. 1815103;1526597166;mod6;So my willingness to keep putting money into this is contingent on whether or not we can even reach profitibility. Which we'll never get there if "raises" and other "surpises" keep coming ujp. 1815104;1526597205;BingoBoingo; Can I get your assurances that this won't come up again for a long time, at least a year or ever? We're just dumping cash. And we're not going to be in business long at all. << You have my assurance. This discussion was started in Februay had been tabled without activity since then. Hence reviving it when we have a path to get to where we need to be, but before we get another infusion of iron down here. 1815105;1526597227;mod6;Alright then. 1815106;1526597363;ben_vulpes;BingoBoingo: you are now going to go and start canvassing apartments pricing concretely, yes? 1815107;1526597368;BingoBoingo;But like the IP situation and the BTC/fiat conduit situation, there are limits on how long these discussions can be tabled. 1815108;1526597492;ben_vulpes;true of everything in this world 1815109;1526597514;BingoBoingo;ben_vulpes: I will start that, also inquire about setting up a corporation, and register accounts on the filter feeding forums so they can start getting some age. 1815110;1526597593;ben_vulpes;great, i mentioned hostingdiscussion.com , webhostingtalk.com, forums.hostsearch.com to you, also warriorforum.com from mircea_popescu's mentions once upon a time. i'll dig up some others as well. 1815111;1526597628;ben_vulpes;i disqualified some others for ~zero activity in the past two years, but haven't ruled out hostsearch or warriorforum yet 1815112;1526597861;*;ben_vulpes bbl 1815113;1526599047;mod6;Sounds good BingoBoingo 1815114;1526599729;asciilifeform;achtung phuctor readers! about to remove 676 spurious factors ( they equal their moduli, and are factors of no others) from the db; these crept in in late 2016 1815115;1526599767;asciilifeform;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/factor/4913 << example 1815116;1526599803;asciilifeform;^ from 2018 ! ( asciilifeform very recently fixed the corner case in bernstein which permitted this kind of thing ) 1815117;1526600003;asciilifeform;aaalso about to do a primality walk, where (ditto from corner case) a prime p is known where m/p is a prime q but q was not registered. 1815118;1526600030;asciilifeform;this should make the displayed results 100% free of wtf. 1815119;1526600138;asciilifeform;3.. 2... 1... 1815120;1526600206;asciilifeform;aaaand they're gone. 1815121;1526600217;BingoBoingo;Congrats asciilifeform 1815122;1526600232;asciilifeform;not so much 'congrats', this was a disgraceful eggog that sat for waay too long 1815123;1526600236;asciilifeform;but ty BingoBoingo 1815124;1526600377;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Today is a day of cleaning where it was settled that whiteboard is practically an L1 (and aspiring L2) essential. Happy festivus. 1815125;1526602332;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in curio chest, http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/E20100393E2E24EB45823FBCAA258E7F3FEE15295A324C0E6E1854DE51159884 << 13338-bit modulus, 6667-bit exponent 1815126;1526602587;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Maybe you should shoot him an email and see if live. 1815127;1526602620;asciilifeform;what wouldja put in said mail ? 'hey d00d, yer key still unphuctored' ? 1815128;1526602646;asciilifeform;( why did asciilifeform even pull it out ? it came up in the 'candidates for wiener attack' probe ) 1815129;1526602675;asciilifeform;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/A33528608B6606FC9F90094E605BCF8787E1EBE71420BB3DD9F34DF74B02A2E0 << from same d00d 1815130;1526602704;asciilifeform;the interesting bit is that he could not have used stock gpg ( which won't crank out anything bigger than 8kbit ) 1815131;1526602820;BingoBoingo;Well, yeah. The natural contents of the message would be "Hey, you have an interesting public key. Who is your daddy and what did he teach you?" 1815132;1526602996;mircea_popescu;well since you're building lists : there's a thing the heeathens have, which intermediates action sales. "clickbank" or somesuch. 1815133;1526603020;mircea_popescu;ie, you can have the sale-on-ocmission thing mechanized to some degree. 1815134;1526603869;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-17#1814909 << one possible way out of the conundrum is to offer "website design" saas and not even allow box login to the customers. 1815135;1526603869;a111;Logged on 2018-05-17 19:21 ben_vulpes: the active filtering i'd like to put in is either a regular set of eyeballs (BingoBoingo's, or the mentioned-tangentially sales guy to hire) on the "design" corners of these hosting forums to pm our ads for shells on the shared server to folks who are building websites directly 1815136;1526603882;mircea_popescu;their only relation to their shared server is a box where they explain to you what they want done. 1815137;1526603900;mircea_popescu;sorta premium-shared, catering to what most "non-technical" people actually want from a website. 1815138;1526603929;mircea_popescu;i know a bunch of people tried this, some of which managed to bootstrap themselves into middle class existences (from humble orc nobodyhood) ; but plenty failing miserably. 1815139;1526604190;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-17#1815013 << check him out, he understands finance. yes mod6 , once a liability is entered the exact disbursal schedule is relatively a minor point. 1815140;1526604190;a111;Logged on 2018-05-17 20:52 ben_vulpes: mod6: doesn't really make a difference to the books, a liability is a liability. it's going to show up on the balance sheet regardless. 1815141;1526604339;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-17#1815021 << consider the http://trilema.com/2011/mami-trimite-urgent-de-mincare/#selection-25.584-25.736 classic ; this situation whereby one's paying x with the money for y and y with the ... etc etc is dubious in a 20something girl and unseemly in a 30something man. 1815142;1526604339;a111;Logged on 2018-05-17 20:56 BingoBoingo: mod6: Well pizarro got billed for the dentist. The doctor is out of my pocket. Part of the idea is getting these things off of Pizarro's line and into my own. 1815143;1526604386;mircea_popescu;i can see the point, too, "i am so many years old and not getting younger ; if i sit and twiddle my thumbs in this jungle rather than some other jungle it'd better not be just so i end up 40 something and asked "Кто..." and not have an answer" 1815144;1526604574;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-17#1815045 << the make food area incidentally is easy to misjudge. it'll make a world of difference, both in qol and what that qol costs, once you get a proper kitchen going. ideally with womanly help as i dunno you're that competent. have bread going every other day, have a pot of soup always, the good old strictures of european ie civilised life. 1815145;1526604574;a111;Logged on 2018-05-17 21:16 ben_vulpes: sure, but i'm talking about quality of existence here. own place to shit, own food prep area, not having to constantly piss on preferred chairs. it buys security for effects, and calm of mind that i think BingoBoingo underestimates (unless he is a very different animal from what i imagine) 1815146;1526604684;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-17#1815069 << poor mod6. i feel ya, dood. 1815147;1526604684;a111;Logged on 2018-05-17 21:33 mod6: Everyone wins: BB gets his raise, and 1 BTC end of feb 2019, and we get to hang on to a bit of cash for the summer to help ouselves out. 1815148;1526604881;ben_vulpes;http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2018-5-18#358067 << this is something like "a wordpress and you're welcome"? 1815149;1526604882;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-05-18 00:24 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-17#1814909 << one possible way out of the conundrum is to offer "website design" saas and not even allow box login to the customers. 1815150;1526604922;ben_vulpes;i can see it opening up the altcoinist scam market for least-effort websites 1815151;1526604973;ben_vulpes;are there other things besides wordpress that fit the bill for this kind of thing? 1815152;1526606365;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, well, depends what they want. but basically. 1815153;1526606391;mircea_popescu;consider how fiercely loyal alf is to that dumbass outfit, nfw or w/e it's called. it's over something like this. 1815154;1526606500;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-17#1815080 << i'm very much of the same mind ; people get used to untenable situations and tend to extend them past due date. but this hostel thing has outlived its utility. 1815155;1526606500;a111;Logged on 2018-05-17 21:36 mod6: BingoBoingo: bud, you need your own place to hang your hat, you're a Lord of the Republic, not a random street orc. 1815156;1526606596;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: nfs ? they dun write html for you or anything of the kind, it's simply an ultraminimal hoster thing (somewhere between vps and plain unixhosting , hard to classify into 1 of the traditional categories) 1815157;1526606605;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-17#1815082 << i was able to find (after A LOT of expert searching, it is true) furnished apts conveniently located for all the girls ; didn't end up paying much of anything upfrtont either (they wanted a month's rent, i was paying quarterly anyway, so it sorta went away). gotta talk to "the people" (=dueno) though, "agencies" aren't so useful. but there's a 5% of the population that makes ends m 1815158;1526606605;a111;Logged on 2018-05-17 21:37 BingoBoingo: BingoBoingo: help me enumerate these costs? A substantial guarentee upfront (3-6 months rent) and then furnishing the apartment. 1815159;1526606606;mircea_popescu;eet by renting an apt 1815160;1526606616;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, they fuck your dns zones for you. 1815161;1526606618;mircea_popescu;same thing. 1815162;1526606654;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: indeed they do, it's how the ddosproofing thing works. 1815163;1526606683;mircea_popescu;well, so they'll fuck people's public_html for them, it's how "don;'t take over box plox" works. 1815164;1526606756;mircea_popescu;aaanyway, not to extend this cheese omlet too much : it's not the end of the world if shared webhosting remains a http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-03#1808132 item strictly. 1815165;1526606756;a111;Logged on 2018-05-03 18:05 mircea_popescu: !!rate mocky 2 remarkably mentally organized eulora noob. 1815166;1526606814;asciilifeform;meanwhile : achtung phuctor readers : http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-17#1815117 is finished, transforming e.g. https://archive.li/s5G5m into https://archive.li/4kMpY , bringing us up to , funnily enuff, ~same count of factors as prior to http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-17#1815114 operation. 1815167;1526606814;a111;Logged on 2018-05-17 23:33 asciilifeform: aaalso about to do a primality walk, where (ditto from corner case) a prime p is known where m/p is a prime q but q was not registered. 1815168;1526606814;a111;Logged on 2018-05-17 23:28 asciilifeform: achtung phuctor readers! about to remove 676 spurious factors ( they equal their moduli, and are factors of no others) from the db; these crept in in late 2016 1815169;1526606841;mircea_popescu;lol. 1815170;1526606863;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-17#1815086 << oh, mod6 was at the fabled conference when we went to the club, wasn't he! 1815171;1526606863;a111;Logged on 2018-05-17 21:39 mod6: there's a guy we know in BSAS who can hook you up with a cage and whipping post/cross thing too if you need 'em. 1815172;1526606869;asciilifeform;db is nao 100% consistent with kindergarten arithmetic and common sense. 1815173;1526606877;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: he was ! 1815174;1526606912;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-17#1815092 << you didn't even give him a workorder yet (as you don't evne have a sales plan yet) and you want to add incentives to it ? kinda ass-backwards! 1815175;1526606912;a111;Logged on 2018-05-17 21:43 mod6: Yeah, maybe we could commit to some amount now, then build in a bouns structure for sales met or something. 1815176;1526606950;asciilifeform;iirc there were : mircea_popescu , hanbot , mike_c , davout, asciilifeform , mod6 , ben_vulpes 1815177;1526606975;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, "but i think 20 shell accounts and 100 lower-end ftp-only accounts is probably the max" << on what basis ? deductive approach from lack of experience ? 1815178;1526607018;mircea_popescu;mthreat was there too with some girlies neh ? 1815179;1526607033;asciilifeform;briefly 1815180;1526607042;mircea_popescu;well some are better at pickups than others!!! 1815181;1526607152;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-17#1815103 << understand though that the only reason they're surprising is because they weren't handled either properly or in time. there's a lot of leeway in how surprising the sort of predictable surprises are, by being what's called "proactive" 1815182;1526607152;a111;Logged on 2018-05-17 22:46 mod6: So my willingness to keep putting money into this is contingent on whether or not we can even reach profitibility. Which we'll never get there if "raises" and other "surpises" keep coming ujp. 1815183;1526607227;mircea_popescu;ie, don't discover that a guy who's there at your pleasure is sitting on arms all day long contemplating roaches climb the walls because ~i point it out~, don't be surprised by the attentand morale issues. 1815184;1526607560;asciilifeform;mod6, ben_vulpes : maybe odd q, but do we have a pizarro logotype ? i'd like something in the vein of http://nosuchlabs.com/fg/snsa.jpg to put below same on phuctor www 1815185;1526607571;asciilifeform;and own site etc 1815186;1526607593;mircea_popescu;logo! 1815187;1526607610;asciilifeform;aha 1815188;1526607676;asciilifeform;while we're on subj : mircea_popescu can you think of anything that would conceivably make sense in a 'private api' for paid subscribers, in phuctor ? 1815189;1526607692;*;asciilifeform could not, aside from , possibly, full-text search, but nfi who would buy subscription merely for it 1815190;1526607716;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, the ssh key thing. "pay some dough, have the capacity to add ssh keys" 1815191;1526607737;asciilifeform;rright but even nao people can add these, i posted converter ( and jurov earlier posted ) 1815192;1526607781;mircea_popescu;maybe you're not familiar with what money buys 1815193;1526607797;mircea_popescu;but generally it's not "things you couldn't do at home" ; but "things you can't be arsed to do at home" 1815194;1526607812;asciilifeform;i was thinking that ideally it'd be something that cannot be supplied by anybody who isn't actually running whole thing (i.e. anyone not us) 1815195;1526607860;mod6;<+mircea_popescu> mthreat was there too with some girlies neh ? << chetty too 1815196;1526607881;asciilifeform;mod6: right, yes! for part of the time , there was 1815197;1526607929;mircea_popescu;mod6, we were talkign about the cocks being sucked in corners bdsm club thing. 1815198;1526607976;mod6;ooh 1815199;1526607991;asciilifeform;lol it was moar like a reasonable simulacrum of a crowded subway train, with 'club' lights and a few ceremonial fixtures largely for show.. 1815200;1526608016;mod6;sooo hot in there, omg. mod6 in a three-piece and a 40lb backpack. 1815201;1526608051;mod6;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-18#1815174 << yeah, pretty much. just chuckin out possibilities as I hadn't contemplated the matter much. obv. 1815202;1526608051;a111;Logged on 2018-05-18 01:28 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-17#1815092 << you didn't even give him a workorder yet (as you don't evne have a sales plan yet) and you want to add incentives to it ? kinda ass-backwards! 1815203;1526608068;asciilifeform;mod6: lel, iirc mircea_popescu was in his 6+-piece, but i suspect that his is refrigerated, like cosmonaut's 1815204;1526608089;mod6;i think so too. 1815205;1526608099;mircea_popescu;special materials! 1815206;1526608102;mod6;cryo-suit 1815207;1526608202;mod6;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-18#1815181 << it occurs to me that my statmens re surprises are unwarrented. i had only remembered the 1BTC in feb of 19, i somehow entirely forgot the other 7500 a part. so wasn't a surprise, just something that i somehow blocked out. 1815208;1526608202;a111;Logged on 2018-05-18 01:32 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-17#1815103 << understand though that the only reason they're surprising is because they weren't handled either properly or in time. there's a lot of leeway in how surprising the sort of predictable surprises are, by being what's called "proactive" 1815209;1526608215;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, anyway, phuctor is kinda deliberately designed to not be a "only us" item. so what can you do. 1815210;1526608254;mircea_popescu;mod6, you gotta sleep enough. it's of the same ilk as http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-17#1815080 exactly. the hovel may seem livable ; but it is not. 1815211;1526608254;a111;Logged on 2018-05-17 21:36 mod6: BingoBoingo: bud, you need your own place to hang your hat, you're a Lord of the Republic, not a random street orc. 1815212;1526608265;mod6;<+mircea_popescu> logo! << as long as it costs ~0 i'm game :D 1815213;1526608269;mircea_popescu;hehe. 1815214;1526608293;mircea_popescu;if only artists weren't thoroughly illiterate, we could like, have one. 1815215;1526608297;mod6;oh yeah, i gotta get some extra sleep tonight before i do something dumb. like type my root password in here. 1815216;1526608297;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: for thread-completeness, my other notions in re 'for subscribers of phuctor' were , in no particular order : earlier access to new pops (after queue is ready, conceivably give subscribers day, week, etc head start ) ; ability to download generated ~privkeys~ for Fully Phuctored mods , in various formats ; full-text search ; built-in converters ( your item, but it is on the for-everybody conveyor for a while nao ) 1815217;1526608384;asciilifeform;but currently not clear to asciilifeform whether 'game is worth the candles' 1815218;1526608385;mircea_popescu;imo the former is a bad move. the 2nd is nb, but meh. someone will go steal someone's popsicle and random posturing dork will go "conspiracy!!!" and i won't care but you'll have to either shoot a "judge" or talk to him. 1815219;1526608432;asciilifeform;i'd be surprised if there were any popsicles left to pinch 1815220;1526608462;asciilifeform;picture, for instance, the poor mikrotik boxes , for which no fewer than 3 remote-root orifices were published in recent yrs (~on top~ of their phuctoring) 1815221;1526608466;mircea_popescu;i thought he was just done explaining how he didn't like surprises. wanna go for a round yourself ? 1815222;1526608482;asciilifeform;lol 1815223;1526608508;asciilifeform;upstack -- i'm inclined to agree with mircea_popescu , in re http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-18#1815209 1815224;1526608508;a111;Logged on 2018-05-18 01:50 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, anyway, phuctor is kinda deliberately designed to not be a "only us" item. so what can you do. 1815225;1526608539;mircea_popescu;not everything has to be monetized. though of course considering how you'd do it is just about mandatory. 1815226;1526608549;asciilifeform;thought in asciilifeform's mind was, it's a quite expensive item, and got to at least gedankenexperiment re offsetting some of its cost. 1815227;1526608558;mircea_popescu;indeed 1815228;1526608576;asciilifeform;if other folx have thought re subj -- plox to write in. 1815229;1526608743;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, you could of course put in ye olde mp-wp page limiter, and give all the boecks a very sad surprise. 1815230;1526608749;ben_vulpes;http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2018-5-18#358110 << 100 accounts at 10gb, leaves 35 gb for l1/2 shell users on a 1.7 tb machine 1815231;1526608750;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-05-18 01:16 mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes, "but i think 20 shell accounts and 100 lower-end ftp-only accounts is probably the max" << on what basis ? deductive approach from lack of experience ? 1815232;1526608750;mircea_popescu;("only x moduli per interval allowed") 1815233;1526608798;mircea_popescu;how'd you get the 10gb figure ? 1815234;1526608811;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: could, but then also would lose the lulz where sad-rsa victims see their name in google outputs 1815235;1526608824;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, nope, it was google-transparent. 1815236;1526608833;asciilifeform;hm was it ? will have to take a look, how this worked 1815237;1526608854;asciilifeform;( did it have hardwired exemptions for google's ip range , or wat ) 1815238;1526608883;mircea_popescu;i don't recall exactly how it was done ; but all trilema was google indexed. 1815239;1526608937;asciilifeform;neato 1815240;1526608941;*;asciilifeform bbl,meat 1815241;1526608946;mircea_popescu;well, still is. that's the part the dweebs rarely understand : trilema is 10k articles that are as interesting today as they ever were. they imagine just because nobody looks for 2015 huffington post in 2018 and no other sites have the sort of size trilema does besides "news" outlets, that such a thing dun exist. but it does exist -- the bugs luv the blackbody radiations. 1815242;1526608997;mircea_popescu;if one thing can be done with machine-powered text classifiers, is discovering just how utterly uninteresting 10`000 articles on feminist-daily nonsense outlet actually are. 1815243;1526609001;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: a guess at what storage a 10 dollar/mo plan might be reasonably marketed at, informed by scrolling through a few pages of shared hosting offers and looking at a few in detail 1815244;1526609010;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, alright, works then. 1815245;1526609046;*;ben_vulpes bbl 1815246;1526609049;mircea_popescu;be sure to make a point of pointing out this is true allocated fs space, as most everyone sells a number but delivers a best effort 1815247;1526609065;mircea_popescu;kinda how google showed "free inbox space" on gmail for a while. 1815248;1526610977;ben_vulpes;https://thehackernews.com/2018/05/signal-desktop-hacking.html << "because the developers used a function literally called 'dangerouslySetInnerHTML' that doesn't escape HTML" 1815249;1526611035;ben_vulpes;marlinspike / rosenfield 's " 1815250;1526611045;ben_vulpes;gpg is too haaaard!" replacement 1815251;1526611502;mod6;alright, TMSR~ 1815252;1526611508;mod6;early bed time. ni ni 1815253;1526615437;trinque;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-17#1814596 << gave this a whirl, but press of trb's makefiles.vpatch says GnuPG failed to import key ".../wot/ben_vulpes.asc". 1815254;1526615437;a111;Logged on 2018-05-17 03:28 deedbot: http://blog.esthlos.com/esthlos-v-prerelease/ << esthlos - esthlos-v Prerelease 1815255;1526615447;trinque;file is there, known good, etc 1815256;1526615488;*;trinque is peeling back the layers trying to see what gpg is cranky about. meanwhile, why'd the (defpackage :v ...) go away? 1815257;1526615576;trinque;I don't think it's good form to litter the COMMON-LISP-USER package with this. 1815258;1526617221;mircea_popescu;aand in other "shit that wasn't in the logs yet", 𐏃𐎧𐎠𐎶𐎴𐎡𐏁 1815259;1526617274;mircea_popescu;(original name of ye olde persian empire, the thing the greeks fought/emulated, cyrus' creation.) 1815260;1526618517;asciilifeform;!!up fettiffany 1815261;1526618517;deedbot;fettiffany voiced for 30 minutes. 1815262;1526618529;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: funnily enuff , my terminal doesn't show this orcogram 1815263;1526618541;mircea_popescu;cuneiform! 1815264;1526618570;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-18#1815258 << phf's logotron handles it like a champ. 1815265;1526618570;a111;Logged on 2018-05-18 04:20 mircea_popescu: aand in other "shit that wasn't in the logs yet", 𐏃𐎧𐎠𐎶𐎴𐎡𐏁 1815266;1526619922;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, anyway, i ended up with a lot of cuneiform syllabusing because check this out : the principal trick of darius was to pretend the person he deposed ~wasn't~, actually, the person they claimed to be. ie, nebuchadnezzar morphed to an impostor (Nedintu-something), bardiya (brother of legitimate persian king) was really "gaumata" etc etc. 1815267;1526619950;mircea_popescu;pretty interesting device in light of how the current empire works. it's a wonder they didn't discover "it wasn't hillary that lost, but a different hydra of the same name" 1815268;1526626060;lobbes;I slapped together the following if you'd like to use: http://lobbesblog.com/static/pizarro_demo_logo1.png, http://lobbesblog.com/static/pizarro_demo2_logo2_w_sword.png >> http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-18#1815212 1815269;1526626060;a111;Logged on 2018-05-18 01:51 mod6: <+mircea_popescu> logo! << as long as it costs ~0 i'm game :D 1815270;1526626063;lobbes;I have the sword and the "P" saved as vector images, so scaling and general fiddling shouldn't be an issue if you want me to 1815271;1526626148;mircea_popescu;might be an idea to use a trace of the dood's face. he has an epic "wut ?" face imo. 1815272;1526626371;lobbes;lol, so he does >> http://personajeshistoricos.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Francisco-Pizarro-13.jpg 1815273;1526626876;lobbes;This I am not sure of. My gut says a small percentage of each sale, but I've no idea what constitutes a "standard percentage" here. I am also a) inexperienced in sales, and b) motivated on the basis that the tmsr crisis isn't really over until a profitable Pizarro exists, so I'm pretty open on terms >> http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-17#1814925 1815274;1526626876;a111;Logged on 2018-05-17 19:28 ben_vulpes: lobbes, and BingoBoingo while i'm at it since i want to get you on the same train, what kind of commission makes sense to you for flogging shared shells? 1815275;1526626984;*;lobbes bbl, sleep n' meat 1815276;1526653324;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-18#1815157 << This appears to be a thing here too. The search will take some forcing, but it should be possible to cut the agencias out. 1815277;1526653324;a111;Logged on 2018-05-18 01:23 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-17#1815082 << i was able to find (after A LOT of expert searching, it is true) furnished apts conveniently located for all the girls ; didn't end up paying much of anything upfrtont either (they wanted a month's rent, i was paying quarterly anyway, so it sorta went away). gotta talk to "the people" (=dueno) though, "agencies" aren't so useful. but there's a 5% of the population that makes ends m 1815278;1526653337;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-18#1815210 << 2018, The Republic learns self care and organization 1815279;1526653337;a111;Logged on 2018-05-18 01:50 mircea_popescu: mod6, you gotta sleep enough. it's of the same ilk as http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-17#1815080 exactly. the hovel may seem livable ; but it is not. 1815280;1526653357;asciilifeform;ohai BingoBoingo 1815281;1526653366;BingoBoingo;Buen dia 1815282;1526653448;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Package in enduring the local rite of passage know as waiting in line. By all appearances DHL dorcs and Aduanas orcs should work it out before too long. 1815283;1526654156;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-18#1815144 << This is probable. I've just become rather adapted/maladapted to the hostel life. On the plus side the hostel adaptation is useful for future pathfinding adventures. 1815284;1526654156;a111;Logged on 2018-05-18 00:49 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-17#1815045 << the make food area incidentally is easy to misjudge. it'll make a world of difference, both in qol and what that qol costs, once you get a proper kitchen going. ideally with womanly help as i dunno you're that competent. have bread going every other day, have a pot of soup always, the good old strictures of european ie civilised life. 1815285;1526654703;mod6;mornin TMSR~ 1815286;1526654732;asciilifeform;ohai mod6 1815287;1526654747;mod6;how goes asciilifeform ? 1815288;1526654817;asciilifeform;was looking at '24 2.5" disks in 2U' chassis, for potentially 'tru ssd via usb3-to-sata cords' variant of rockchiptron; but seems as if all, without exception, such items ever made, feature 'sas expander', where all 24 hang off 1 plug. which is great for pc but completely destroys my notion. 1815289;1526654902;asciilifeform;( typical example : Supermicro SC216A-R900UB ) 1815290;1526654902;mod6;ah. what model are those ones? 1815291;1526654908;*;mod6 looks 1815292;1526654918;asciilifeform;http://www.supermicro.com/products/chassis/2U/216/SC216A-R900UB 1815293;1526654952;asciilifeform;aaanyway it's a dead end. 1815294;1526654974;mod6;ok. 1815295;1526655007;asciilifeform;which is unfortunate; the 'stick' drive is the central handicap of the current scheme. 1815296;1526655698;asciilifeform;!~ticker --market all 1815297;1526655704;jhvh1;asciilifeform: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 8081.58, vol: 8312.10405631 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 8075.7, vol: 28116.92948719 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 8073.5, vol: 4899.89873207 | Volume-weighted last average: 8076.62176092 1815298;1526655799;asciilifeform;!!invoice ben_vulpes 0.22286546 May 2018 BB refuel ( 1800 ) 1815299;1526655804;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/UXl6C/?raw=true 1815300;1526655825;asciilifeform;!!v 27CF9660CDB08A71345DA0562AB857615A222A5D54EFCC6AFA144B4E1E9C5BD3 1815301;1526655830;deedbot;Invoiced ben_vulpes 0.22286546 << May 2018 BB refuel ( 1800 ) 1815302;1526656024;mod6;Thanks again, asciilifeform ! 1815303;1526660045;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2018/democracy-sucks-the-two-thousand-four-hundred-and-change-years-old-version/ << Trilema - Democracy sucks, the two thousand four hundred (and change) years old version. 1815304;1526663667;mircea_popescu;!!up IamNotWhatIam 1815305;1526663667;deedbot;IamNotWhatIam voiced for 30 minutes. 1815306;1526663705;Mircea_PopeSkew;thx for the +v 1815307;1526663734;Mircea_PopeSkew;a != a 1815308;1526663874;mircea_popescu;anything more substantial ? 1815309;1526663910;Mircea_PopeSkew;just hear for the abuse for now. 1815310;1526663964;Mircea_PopeSkew;I will come back with a real identity and ask my encryption question to someone who will understand, like you. 1815311;1526664664;douchebag_junior;!!down Mircea_PopeSkew 1815312;1526664665;deedbot;douchebag_junior may not $down Mircea_PopeSkew. 1815313;1526665571;douchebag;Anyone know these people? 1815314;1526665629;douchebag;also i'd like to note he's going to be perma voiced unless the bot was updated 1815315;1526665678;ben_vulpes;!!down douchebag_junior 1815316;1526665817;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-18#1815264 << interestingly, i had to turn on a crapple box, to finally see the glyphs 1815317;1526665817;a111;Logged on 2018-05-18 04:42 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-18#1815258 << phf's logotron handles it like a champ. 1815318;1526665852;asciilifeform;i suspect that asciilifeform wins the 'most vintage unupdated linuxen' prize 1815319;1526665939;BingoBoingo;What are the glyphs, I see generic unicode noise character 1815320;1526665952;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: cuneiform 1815321;1526666001;BingoBoingo;That's an entire system of encoding. Is unicode broken enough to squeeze that into two glyphs? 1815322;1526666002;asciilifeform;( which crapple apparently ships with... i gotta wonder, does it also have, e.g., egyptian hieroglyph codepage ? ) 1815323;1526666045;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: looks like some substantial number of distinct glyphs, rather than any compositing system 1815324;1526666413;mircea_popescu;douchebag, nobody cares that intensely. 1815325;1526666454;douchebag;Figured it was worth mentioning 1815326;1526666565;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo, approximately ha-xā-ma-ni-š. "friendly minded" 1815327;1526668026;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in last yr's lulz, https://archive.li/ROnpA << ~transparent usg shill, 'don't use keccak! because Reasons!' 1815328;1526668062;asciilifeform;e.g. 'We don't need an­other slow, se­cure hash func­tion' , 'no com­pelling ad­van­tage ', 'I don't feel that solv­ing length-ex­ten­sion is a suf­fi­ciently press­ing con­cern that we should all in­vest in SHA-3 now, rather than a hash func­tion that hope­fully comes with more ad­van­tages' , etc 1815329;1526668730;mircea_popescu;"we" ? what fucking we. 1815330;1526669479;BingoBoingo;I like the part in dude's fever dream where hash functions just "come" with "more advantages" 1815331;1526669558;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in the lullicus maxiumus, http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/factor/5332 >> 1) it's a prime 2) it's a... i'ma leave this as exercise for the reader ! 1815332;1526669570;asciilifeform;turns out , there are several of these , already in db 1815333;1526669580;asciilifeform;and a bunch moar, with small variations on the theme. 1815334;1526670709;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/05/airstrip-one-to-arm-rural-police-as-insecurity-grips-the-land-of-ingsoc/ << Qntra - Airstrip One To Arm Rural Police As Insecurity Grips The Land Of Ingsoc 1815335;1526671535;mod6;And I don't think it's whatever USD. Per the conversation it's $5000 USD worth of BTC right? 1815336;1526671549;mod6;oops, wrong channel 1815337;1526671775;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all 1815338;1526671779;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 8225.55, vol: 8332.63719846 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 8230.5, vol: 29181.858867100003 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 8226.8, vol: 4927.09850888 | Volume-weighted last average: 8229.0986196 1815339;1526671911;BingoBoingo;!!invoice ben_vulpes 0.6076 http://logs.bvulpes.com/pizarro?d=2018-5-18#358430 1815340;1526671911;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-05-18 19:13 ben_vulpes: BingoBoingo: go ahead and invoice now is fine 1815341;1526671916;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/hbqJK/?raw=true 1815342;1526671924;ben_vulpes;ty BingoBoingo 1815343;1526671951;BingoBoingo;!!v E9BC80AD1CB0042F2B2C8F970DC286B304A7B4991154F0323CF154F85EED51C9 1815344;1526671955;deedbot;Invoiced ben_vulpes 0.6076 << http://logs.bvulpes.com/pizarro?d=2018-5-18#358430 1815345;1526671955;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-05-18 19:13 ben_vulpes: BingoBoingo: go ahead and invoice now is fine 1815346;1526673016;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2018/pepi-luci-bom-y-otras-chicas-del-monton/ << Trilema - Pepi, luci, Bom y otras chicas del monton 1815347;1526674707;mod6;!!up fettiffany 1815348;1526674708;deedbot;fettiffany voiced for 30 minutes. 1815349;1526674815;mod6;!!reputation fettiffany 1815350;1526674816;deedbot;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/IAfUE/?raw=true 1815351;1526674870;mod6;fettiffany: read http://deedbot.org/help.html and get yourself a PGP key, and register it with deedbot per help page. 1815352;1526674936;fettiffany;huh? 1815353;1526674981;mod6;Hai, what brings ya here? 1815354;1526675086;fettiffany;i was talking with someone, he brought me here 1815355;1526675111;fettiffany;why? 1815356;1526675158;danielpbarron;fetlife chick for mircea_popescu 1815357;1526675227;mod6;Ah, gotcha. Well, generally, if you want to be a person, you need to get yourself a key and register with deedbot. Then you can self-voice, and participate. As one does. 1815358;1526675277;mod6;Mr. P. may help you through this process, I dunno. This is genrally the steps for newbs tho. 1815359;1526675285;fettiffany;and why i would do that? 1815360;1526675335;mod6;lol. 1815361;1526675337;mod6;Ok. 1815362;1526675346;mod6;See, this is why I never answer the door. 1815363;1526675370;fettiffany;actually i have no idea what this site is 1815364;1526675416;fettiffany;so, i don't see the need to register 1815365;1526675450;mod6;You've basically come to the chamber of The Most Serene Republic. 1815366;1526675457;danielpbarron;this "site" is a chat room for people involved in Bitcoin to talk about anything. having a key registered lets you participate with more features 1815367;1526675603;fettiffany;oh.. i see.. but i don't have nothing to do with bitcoins so.. hahaha 1815368;1526675610;danielpbarron;not yet.. 1815369;1526675622;fettiffany;what? 1815370;1526675642;danielpbarron;stick around here and you will have something to do with bitcoin 1815371;1526675710;fettiffany;now i'm curious 1815372;1526675782;danielpbarron;http://www.eulorum.org/Account_Setup << here's instructions on how to get a key 1815373;1526675828;ben_vulpes;fettiffany: here's some more context http://thebitcoin.foundation/declaration.txt 1815374;1526675859;fettiffany;i'm reading 1815375;1526676560;mod6;!!up fettiffany 1815376;1526676561;deedbot;fettiffany voiced for 30 minutes. 1815377;1526676750;fettiffany;ok, i'm back 1815378;1526676779;fettiffany;I read it a couple of times 1815379;1526676942;ben_vulpes;what do you think of it? 1815380;1526676944;hanbot;fettiffany, make any sense to you? and whaddya do with yourself when not stumbling into spooky irc dens? 1815381;1526677030;fettiffany;Could you write me correctly? I don't understand that jargon 1815382;1526677042;fettiffany;i'm still a little bit confused 1815383;1526677061;hanbot;fettiffany what's your mother tongue (first language)? 1815384;1526677121;fettiffany;spanish 1815385;1526677239;hanbot;ah. tenemos varios personas aqui que hablan espanol, pero normalmente si, hablamos en ingles. i asked you if the "declaration" you read a couple times made any sense to you, and in general what your hobbies/jobs are. 1815386;1526677467;fettiffany;ya le habia dicho a mircea_popescu que solia trabajar en un call center pero despidieron a un monton de personas incluyendome. asi que me encuentro nuevamente buscando empleo, y aun peor porque no me encuntro en mi pais. 1815387;1526677482;fettiffany;me gusta la musica, el canto, la fotografia. 1815388;1526677501;hanbot;cual es tu pais? 1815389;1526677505;fettiffany;mas o menos entendi el articulo, pero en si cual es el fin de todo? 1815390;1526677535;fettiffany;te dare un acertijo, cual es el pais en donde gobierna un bigotudo hijo de puta? 1815391;1526677654;hanbot;haha, asi todos son gobiernados por hijos de putas. ;D pero venezuela, eh? 1815392;1526677708;hanbot;tenes un blog o algo? 1815393;1526677778;fettiffany;hahahaha, exactamente, venezuela. 1815394;1526677788;fettiffany;y no, lamentablemente no tengo un blog. 1815395;1526677834;ben_vulpes;funny how deeply the actual people notionally represented by the soi disant speakers for the people hate said speakers 1815396;1526678048;fettiffany;why? 1815397;1526678109;hanbot;fettiffany tenes que hacer uno, es siempre un buen idea. mientras tanto hay mucho aqui para leer, como la historia diaria http://btcbase.org/log/ , y por supuesto el blog de mircea_popescu. me imagine que el va a ser activo aqui mas tarde hoy. 1815398;1526678110;ben_vulpes;porque no te gustas maduro? 1815399;1526678138;hanbot;ben_vulpes if they could mean for the people but not speak for them, then they'd have somethin' by george. 1815400;1526678256;fettiffany;because socialism is crap, that's what has destroyed my country 1815401;1526678305;fettiffany;de que trata? 1815402;1526678307;BingoBoingo;fettiffany: Qué otros paises tiene amigos y familia que se fue? 1815403;1526678337;fettiffany;chile, argentina, uruguay, guatemala, colombia, brasil, canada, estados unidos... casi el mundo entero 1815404;1526678354;BingoBoingo;Conoces alguien se fue a China? 1815405;1526678372;BingoBoingo;!!up fettiffany 1815406;1526678372;deedbot;fettiffany voiced for 30 minutes. 1815407;1526678389;hanbot;"'I'm ready for the battle, ready to make history," the 55-year-old politician bellowed at his final campaign rally in Caracas on Thursday, where he was flanked by the Argentinian football star Diego Maradona and wore a pickle-coloured shirt emblazoned with the image of Hugo Chavez." (via archive.is/YSHZF) << pickle-coloured shirt, eh? methinks the guardian's been reading BingoBoingo's blog lol 1815408;1526678419;BingoBoingo;hanbot: What else can they read? 1815409;1526678486;fettiffany;a china? no. no conozco a nadie en china 1815410;1526678653;BingoBoingo;Cuál año has ido afuera de Vzla? 1815411;1526678719;fettiffany;el año pasado 1815412;1526678791;BingoBoingo;Muy reciente 1815413;1526678887;fettiffany;lo habria hecho antes pero pensaba que venezuela saldria de la crisis. y no fue asi. 1815414;1526678998;trinque;fettiffany: I'm curious, how widespread is the realization in venezuela that "socialism is crap"? 1815415;1526679162;fettiffany;et's see. in 2012 there was an economic crisis in venezuela, but you still went to the supermarket and got products. Today 2018 in the supermarkets there is nothing and if you get a product the price is equivalent to a minimum salary. How are people supposed to eat, buy medicine or clothes? 1815416;1526679208;trinque;sure, but do most people say "boohoo, govt needs to stock the shelves", "fuck the government" or both? 1815417;1526679218;BingoBoingo;fettiffany: From what I understand they get it in the mail from people outside the country and the mail gets stolen in transit. 1815418;1526679223;fettiffany; 153/5000 since hugo chavez entered the presidency venezuela was decaying every day, until he died and left the piece of shit that is today president 1815419;1526679284;fettiffany;they all complain, they march and protest but it's useless. 1815420;1526679358;fettiffany;According to Diosdado they were going to charge a percentage of the remittances that family members made to Venezuela. and that's a steal 1815421;1526679494;BingoBoingo;Comó son las arepas en tu nuestro pais? 1815422;1526679645;fettiffany;haahaham, redondas. 1815423;1526679660;fettiffany;de harina de maiz, blanca o amarilla. rellena de muchas cosas. 1815424;1526679736;BingoBoingo;Qué piensas de las arepas Colombianas? 1815425;1526679773;fettiffany;aun no las pruebo 1815426;1526679785;fettiffany;a ti te gustan? 1815427;1526679894;BingoBoingo;Yo prefiero arepas venezolanas. Arepas Colombianas son mas delgadas, con cosas encima. Y de harina mas duro. 1815428;1526680043;ben_vulpes;fettiffany: are folks buying/selling bitcoins and dollars? how are folks defending against the inflation 1815429;1526680054;fettiffany;a mi solo me gustan las arepas que yo preparo. las hago un poco dulces 1815430;1526680316;BingoBoingo;!!up fettiffany 1815431;1526680317;deedbot;fettiffany voiced for 30 minutes. 1815432;1526680332;mircea_popescu;o hai. 1815433;1526680377;fettiffany;hat's the worst, they spend their time complaining about inflation and dollar today (it's a page that puts the prices of the dollar and the euro at black market prices) and they are selling dollars and bitcoins or satoshis at exaggerated prices. they complain when they are supporting corruption 1815434;1526680379;fettiffany;oh. hi 1815435;1526680718;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-18#1815362 << lel! 1815436;1526680718;a111;Logged on 2018-05-18 20:29 mod6: See, this is why I never answer the door. 1815437;1526680753;mircea_popescu;you're too nice, yo. the 2nd line in the "trust, but verify" cuneiform manual is "answer the door, answer, but with nailed club." 1815438;1526680893;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/05/woman-killed-by-pack-of-small-dogs-in-us/ << Qntra - Woman Killed By Pack Of Small Dogs In US 1815439;1526680909;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-18#1815363 << it's not a site, silly. it's like the parliament. 1815440;1526680909;a111;Logged on 2018-05-18 20:29 fettiffany: actually i have no idea what this site is 1815441;1526681076;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-18#1815395 << you ain't seen nothing yet. 1815442;1526681076;a111;Logged on 2018-05-18 21:10 ben_vulpes: funny how deeply the actual people notionally represented by the soi disant speakers for the people hate said speakers 1815443;1526681091;hanbot;how the fuck do you get killed by daschunds?! 1815444;1526681106;mircea_popescu;but in general, the surest way to ensure the deepest level of hatred that can be summoned in any situation is to pretend to things outside purview. dumbos claiming to be "presidents" etc just about do it. 1815445;1526681115;BingoBoingo;hanbot: That's why it's news. Part of the collapse freakshow. 1815446;1526681142;mircea_popescu;hanbot, by being the sort of imbecile that had no business existing in the first place and then going http://trilema.com/2018/the-retards-handshake/#selection-163.0-167.2 at them. 1815447;1526681152;mircea_popescu;unlike me, dogs generally think it's worth their time to eat shit. 1815448;1526681255;hanbot;i guess monty python's brutal rabbit is next. 1815449;1526681258;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-18#1815398 << gusta. gustan if there were 2 maduros ; but with the s it rather means "why don't you taste yourself some". "porque no te gustas esta picha" = "why don't you have a lick". 1815450;1526681258;a111;Logged on 2018-05-18 21:15 ben_vulpes: porque no te gustas maduro? 1815451;1526681574;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-18#1815419 << hey, chaves has a very nice thing going : some working oil rigs, and a bunch of spare fucktards. he's getting rid of the spare fucktards whilke keeping the oil rigs going. 1815452;1526681574;a111;Logged on 2018-05-18 21:34 fettiffany: they all complain, they march and protest but it's useless. 1815453;1526681586;mircea_popescu;the sooner the spare fucktards understand nobody wants them, the better for everyone. 1815454;1526681587;ben_vulpes;ah shoot, thank you. the finer points have slipped away. 1815455;1526681602;mircea_popescu;it's not so much that "the shelves are empty". it's that the shelves aren't worth filling. not for these dorks. 1815456;1526681603;ben_vulpes;even some of the baisc ones. 1815457;1526681650;mircea_popescu;and i'm pretty sure the realization is spreading faster than they are. why would anyone bother to "keep the populace content" in 2018 ? to what exactly, get type A twitter storms ? 1815458;1526681655;mircea_popescu;nobody can possibly give a shit. 1815459;1526681805;mircea_popescu;http://mocky.org/prelude-to-hacking-on-eulora/ << in other newcomers. 1815460;1526682240;mircea_popescu;"This is not a guide to a correct Eulora build on Windows. It’s the story of how someone did it while knowing virtually nothing about the tools, language or project. For all I know, it’s the worst way to do it that ends up working. " << i really like how this dood's mind is organized. 1815461;1526691339;lobbes;lol, this guy's great >> "SHAZAM! We have lift-off. Foxybot’s jukin' and jivin' and building those claims. Make me dat money, daddy’s gotta make a livin'!" 1815462;1526691341;lobbes;!!v DC4E0FBA6D9385F38119FBF7E8D029ABC1881FFB3D3886D39E520ED63068D2F4 1815463;1526691342;deedbot;lobbes rated Mocky 1 << newblood^rad; does things, keeps blog 1815464;1526700707;Mocky;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-18#1815228 years ago there were sites that would crack a windows login for you if you paste in the hash. rainbow tables I expect. It would take about 10 seconds most of the time, but they made you wait 3 days. Or get it now for a price. Not sure if that appeals 1815465;1526700707;a111;Logged on 2018-05-18 01:56 asciilifeform: if other folx have thought re subj -- plox to write in. 1815466;1526700822;Mocky;not quite the same idea, but maybe it triggers a line of thought 1815467;1526701772;Mocky;reading the logs - I'm trying to understand how 'kalash' is being used here. I don't see it in http://trilema.com/2016/republican-thesaurus-with-vocabulary-and-dictionary/ maybe it's a common thing I just haven't heard of. The use seems consistent with https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Kalash 1815468;1526701869;Mocky;and with http://btcbase.org/log/2015-11-11#1321780 but it seems like you are using it for more and I can't tell if it's "minimal weapon that lets you climb out of swords and spear warfare" or if its "battle tested solidly reliable" 1815469;1526701869;a111;Logged on 2015-11-11 04:55 mircea_popescu: and in other news, http://36.media.tumblr.com/205fc2394e3169753298a37dfdaf8032/tumblr_n71q0qKyOs1r59rt8o1_1280.jpg 1815470;1526702034;Mocky;and also 'inca' is that like "group thinks they are a pinnacle-of-the-world civ but about to get wiped out" or just like "spear chuckers" ? 1815471;1526702267;lobbes;more the former 1815472;1526702388;lobbes;current decaying empire of socialisms 1815473;1526703112;Mocky;ok, i can see it 1815474;1526703278;Mocky;I'm also curious if fuckgoats had its name inspired by the ascent of alfred 1815475;1526743140;mod6;mornin' 1815476;1526743152;BingoBoingo;Mocky: I don't remember a settled term for spear chuckers. Kalash's are sufficiently in circulation that literal spear chucking isn't much of a thing anymore. We do rip on societies here that remain pre-spearchucking in development like the Italians though. 1815477;1526743160;BingoBoingo;mornin' mod6 1815478;1526743198;mod6;how goes today? 1815479;1526743237;BingoBoingo;Not too bad. The sky is doing that thing where it gets the ground wet, stops, and then wets the ground just as it is about to dry. 1815480;1526743408;mod6;Ah, sure. Doin kinda the same here. 1815481;1526743464;BingoBoingo;Ah, yeah. today is not a day for balcony computing. 1815482;1526743530;mod6;maybe between pissings there'll be a chance to walk on the beach later, get ya outside a bit. 1815483;1526744740;BingoBoingo;It's possible. I picked up an impermeable jacket so drizzle isn't a problem 1815484;1526744855;mod6;Ah ok yeah, best to stay dry so you get rid of that cold. 1815485;1526746877;BingoBoingo;Irony of ironies, Thursday and Friday when I was enrolling in the healthcare association were the days where the cold/bronchitis/pneumonia had crossed the line into feeling over with. 1815486;1526747147;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron, btw, i'm curious : has your fish friend figured out the "He admits he cannot name one other Christian leader outside his own little band of followers—anyone who has lived in the two millennia between the death of the last apostle and the advent of Darwin Fish—who has remained faithful to the truth." bla bla bla "criticism" is very strictly a http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%22there+was+a+limit+where+the+fla 1815487;1526747147;mircea_popescu;unting+of+their+foul+acts+and+opinions+before+the+world+must+stop%22 ploy, ie, "pick a mommy among our number, and we'll produce where she says you're notgood.jpg" ? 1815488;1526747158;mircea_popescu;seems very transparently the issue to me. 1815489;1526747254;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-19#1815467 << kalash, short for the ak-47, denotes a cheap and effective weapon. it is specifically designed for effective mass production ; and to whitstand intensive field use in burst mode. whenever an item has the "task at hand and no shits given" spirit, it stands the kalash metaphore. 1815490;1526747254;a111;Logged on 2018-05-19 03:49 Mocky: reading the logs - I'm trying to understand how 'kalash' is being used here. I don't see it in http://trilema.com/2016/republican-thesaurus-with-vocabulary-and-dictionary/ maybe it's a common thing I just haven't heard of. The use seems consistent with https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Kalash 1815491;1526747331;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-19#1815470 << inca was the first slave empire. (here, "slave" is the republican term of art, not the imperial term of art. it denotes something akin to "everyone living in socialism" or "the products of a bureaucratic state", the guys populating 1984.) 1815492;1526747331;a111;Logged on 2018-05-19 03:53 Mocky: and also 'inca' is that like "group thinks they are a pinnacle-of-the-world civ but about to get wiped out" or just like "spear chuckers" ? 1815493;1526747372;mircea_popescu;look up its history sometime, it's instructively amusing. (no, "progress" and "change" and blablabla avatars of rooseveltian socialism aren't in any sense NOVEL. they're fucking ancient, reversion to pre-literate society.) 1815494;1526747591;mircea_popescu;but yes, they thought they're the bees' knees', got wiped by the ~marginal~ elements of an onslaught. they weren't even fucking central. 1815495;1526747630;mircea_popescu;much like europe nearly drowned in the mongol invasion ; but europe very much wasn't inca, but polar opposite. 1815496;1526747657;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-19#1815474 << afaik it predates that. 1815497;1526747657;a111;Logged on 2018-05-19 04:14 Mocky: I'm also curious if fuckgoats had its name inspired by the ascent of alfred 1815498;1526747658;mircea_popescu; it certainly predates the chick showing up here 1815499;1526747794;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-11-05#1563132 << check it out, first log mention of fg is nov 5th 2016 ; fwicd the alfred thing was early now 2016. THE THEORY CAN NOT BE READILY DISPELLED! 1815500;1526747794;a111;Logged on 2016-11-05 15:08 hanbot: "S.NSA is expected to realise operating revenue next period." << exciting bonbon in this month's s.nsa report. if FUCKGOATS didn't knock one's tongue out, anyway. 1815501;1526747938;mircea_popescu;aanyway; there's a buncha alfreds in the logs ( http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=alfred ), including http://btcbase.org/log/2016-05-30#1473532 ; but it'd seem the republic only heard of the item in question in 2017 : http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-16#1671175 1815502;1526747938;a111;Logged on 2016-05-30 04:14 mircea_popescu: didn't alfred wainwright invent nude fell walking ? 1815503;1526747938;a111;Logged on 2017-06-16 23:00 asciilifeform: asciilifeform notices that his desk has an uncanny resemblance to the one in 'ascension of alfred' 1815504;1526748381;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-19#1815476 << what's wrong with http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=chukcha / http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=chuka / whatever (apparently i cnat spael). 1815505;1526748381;a111;Logged on 2018-05-19 15:19 BingoBoingo: Mocky: I don't remember a settled term for spear chuckers. Kalash's are sufficiently in circulation that literal spear chucking isn't much of a thing anymore. We do rip on societies here that remain pre-spearchucking in development like the Italians though. 1815506;1526748400;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-19#1772980 1815507;1526748400;a111;Logged on 2018-01-19 02:45 asciilifeform: 'chukcha wrote a book. we open the book: pg 1: 'man got on a horse.' pg . N : 'man got off horse' pg . 2 .. N-1 : 'tgdyk, tgdyk, tdgyk...' ' 1815508;1526748830;asciilifeform;iirc the convo was approx : asciilifeform : it's ready, nao what should we call it mircea_popescu : how about FUCKGOATS asciilifeform : loox good, let's 1815509;1526748889;asciilifeform;i dun recall the string being in 'alfred' tho 1815510;1526748894;mircea_popescu;was it mine ? in that case absolutely not related, i definitely only heard of the alfred thing after you said something. 1815511;1526748930;asciilifeform;i saw 'alfred' full yr+ later, iirc 1815512;1526748938;mircea_popescu;anyway. the ~idea~ was to name it something that'll make it impossible for the idiots to ~even think about it~. 1815513;1526748951;asciilifeform;incidentally whatever happened to that chix. 1815514;1526748975;jurov;!Q later tell BingoBoingo http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/HjOig/?raw=true 1815515;1526748976;lobbesbot;jurov: The operation succeeded. 1815516;1526748982;mircea_popescu;which ftr it managed superbly well. 1815517;1526749011;asciilifeform;the film imho was notbad, and then she even showed up here and said ~nothing substantial, and then fell again through the floor 1815518;1526749037;mircea_popescu;actually, she got excited, was gonna help the boys get out of idiocy, but then she didn't manage and never came back. 1815519;1526749046;Mocky;i thought it was a stretch but alfred at timecode ~5:00 is the only other place i can remember seeing the term 1815520;1526749060;mircea_popescu;not sure why, not like i specifically expected her to be successful. they're where they are because not very intelligent, not for other reasons. 1815521;1526749069;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i seem to recall there was somebody who bought a few units and tried to resell with some name of his own making ( pete_dushenski ? ) and didn't seem to help him. so magic is not only in the name, it seems 1815522;1526749118;mircea_popescu;Mocky, no, actually, it's common term as term. http://btcbase.org/log/2012-09-06#-279203 http://btcbase.org/log/2013-12-22#429483 etc etc 1815523;1526749118;a111;Logged on 2012-09-06 19:10 Chaang-Noi: im a goat mother fuckers! 1815524;1526749118;a111;Logged on 2013-12-22 18:53 asciilifeform: 'you fuck one goat...' 1815525;1526749196;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, there was some proposal to shadow the name, but it got rejected. basically pete_dushenski spent a few months doing the entire http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-15#1813477 thing himself, http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-03#1651459 1815526;1526749196;a111;Logged on 2018-05-15 14:11 mircea_popescu: well, why not kick him while he's down. so, ben_vulpes , do you understand the meaning of "They know how to work those" in http://trilema.com/2013/attention-cunt/#selection-37.37-37.64 ? 1815527;1526749196;a111;Logged on 2017-05-03 20:04 mircea_popescu: dude, just call. nevermind the "questions" and rest of the crap. spend 1/10 of the time you frittered away already "on" this to call, write up your report, "i, pete d, aspiring to one day lordship, spent 8 hours today cold calling. i managed a total of 76 calls, which would get me fired from the average call center but hey, i'm new. these 76 calls went to so and so, here's the script, here's why i ammended it and when, here's 1815528;1526749226;asciilifeform;ha, seems as if Mocky did find a 'fuckgoats', http://www.loper-os.org/pub/aoa_fg.jpg 1815529;1526749228;mircea_popescu;there's this big great temptation to "prepare", like getting up a website, finding a new name, doing a WHOLE lot of adolescentine http://btcbase.org/log/2016-11-07#1563435 masturbation. 1815530;1526749228;a111;Logged on 2016-11-07 17:27 mircea_popescu: of course, most of this "money" isn't much more substantial than the imaginary fortunes of adolescents cycling through their fantasy business career after fapping and pre falling asleep. 1815531;1526749264;mircea_popescu;the problem with it is how very fucking feminine it is. IT IS THE GIRLS!!!! that are supposed to spend hours in the mirror with the colored things, "getting ready", all the while mulling over in their mind how they're getting raped later on and how it'll go and so on. 1815532;1526749352;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, i hadn't even noticed that. i dun think i ever actually watched it that far in. srsly Mocky, it's a somewhat common term in hacker culture. esp the ru set. 1815533;1526749373;mircea_popescu;ie, i didn't ~invent~ it, i simply went through my lateral vocabulary picked something. 1815534;1526749376;asciilifeform;i also did not notice fwiw until he pointed where in the film. 1815535;1526749403;mircea_popescu;and since we're doing words, might also propose the great "butaforie" (ru бyтaфopия). 1815536;1526749419;asciilifeform;ha i had nfi this existed in ro 1815537;1526749419;Mocky;oh i believe. not really up on my hacker culture 1815538;1526749420;mircea_popescu;it's like a reverse metaphore! 1815539;1526749450;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, in ro it's approx "papier mache" in the direct. ie, indistinct glue and crap used to make cheap theatrical decors. 1815540;1526749466;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: бyтaфopия typically refers to a physical accessory of a sham, in the movie set / potemkin village sense 1815541;1526749472;mircea_popescu;right. 1815542;1526749742;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-19#1815489 << all of this so, and with a side dollop of 'withstands abuse, incl. irregular/nonexistent maintenance' 1815543;1526749742;a111;Logged on 2018-05-19 16:27 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-19#1815467 << kalash, short for the ak-47, denotes a cheap and effective weapon. it is specifically designed for effective mass production ; and to whitstand intensive field use in burst mode. whenever an item has the "task at hand and no shits given" spirit, it stands the kalash metaphore. 1815544;1526749767;mircea_popescu;Mocky, incidentally, where have you been keeping yourself ? you're the strangest mix, windows head on one hand, not even cursorily cognizant of the many different small fixes to that problem, nevertheless http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-18#1815460 1815545;1526749767;a111;Logged on 2018-05-18 22:24 mircea_popescu: "This is not a guide to a correct Eulora build on Windows. It’s the story of how someone did it while knowing virtually nothing about the tools, language or project. For all I know, it’s the worst way to do it that ends up working. " << i really like how this dood's mind is organized. 1815546;1526749771;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-19#1815491 << notably, earliest (afaik) kolhoz. i.e. 100% tax on crop followed by palace redistribution. 1815547;1526749771;a111;Logged on 2018-05-19 16:28 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-19#1815470 << inca was the first slave empire. (here, "slave" is the republican term of art, not the imperial term of art. it denotes something akin to "everyone living in socialism" or "the products of a bureaucratic state", the guys populating 1984.) 1815548;1526749788;mircea_popescu;i dunno if you're aware, but such a thing isn't even supposed to be possible, and certainly not likely. so what do you do for a living ? 1815549;1526749820;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, well, certainly the first pretentious. lots and lots of stone soups in the history of human poverty. 1815550;1526750026;mircea_popescu;a right right, i forgot that part! kalash == maitenance is an act of love and devotion, not a matter of necessity. this is deeper than it sounds, consider this recent exchange : http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/NQRtP/?raw=true 1815551;1526750114;asciilifeform;exactly so 1815552;1526750134;mircea_popescu;it's an important fucking difference, "maintenance -- when i want ; not when it's needed. it's never needed". this is very much a male ideal, viz both the eastern ( http://trilema.com/2014/the-battlefield-of-the-future/#selection-93.458-93.517 ) and the western ( http://trilema.com/2016/mochila-o-muerte/#selection-87.64-99.1 ). this all follows from men being, well... http://trilema.com/2016/a-complete-theory-of-politics/#sel 1815553;1526750134;mircea_popescu;ection-63.0-63.47 1815554;1526750170;asciilifeform;not so many current-day examples of this type of thing, afaik; but imho FG qualifies 1815555;1526750205;asciilifeform;( incidentally if anybody did a loving diehard etc massage and it isn't linked from http://nosuchlabs.com/hardware.html , plz write in ) 1815556;1526750255;mircea_popescu;if you think about it, what we're ~even fixing~ about computers is EXACTLY this : god damned, maintenance ? the whole "please upgrade" bs started exactly when the female worldview became socially acceptable. 1815557;1526750286;mircea_popescu;how about instead of making the female worldview the male mental default and physical females socially unacceptable, we go about the other fucking way around! LIKE SANE PEOPLE! 1815558;1526750736;BingoBoingo;!Q later tell jurov http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/QodBe/?raw=true 1815559;1526750736;lobbesbot;BingoBoingo: The operation succeeded. 1815560;1526750737;lobbesbot;BingoBoingo: Sent 29 minutes ago: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/HjOig/?raw=true 1815561;1526750785;Mocky;re: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-19#1815544 I've had my head up my own ass for so long I wonder where I've been keeping myself as well. I believed in a lot of things built a life on that, god, marriage, mortgage, best usa, being 'good citizen' 1815562;1526750785;a111;Logged on 2018-05-19 17:09 mircea_popescu: Mocky, incidentally, where have you been keeping yourself ? you're the strangest mix, windows head on one hand, not even cursorily cognizant of the many different small fixes to that problem, nevertheless http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-18#1815460 1815563;1526750857;Mocky;got to reading some lesswrong stuff, made me think, eventually i rememberd how to think and realized i based my life on bullshit, so i blew it all up 1815564;1526750919;Mocky;for a living, well i wasn't good enough to sling dope, so i became a java programmer 1815565;1526750951;Mocky;i hate windows and i hate linux. end up using windows more since need for my job 1815566;1526750978;Mocky;i wont touch a mac, so lets not even go there 1815567;1526751071;douchebag;I love my Macbook Pro 1815568;1526751369;mircea_popescu;java huh. 1815569;1526751382;Mocky;i used to teach java for sun microsystems long ago 1815570;1526751437;mircea_popescu;well, "lesswrong" included. dood's checked all the checkboxes. recovery should have been impossible, if one credits the "merituous recovery" theory of recovery. 1815571;1526751451;Mocky;hey i'm not an evangelist of it, but at least it has an actual spec, coherent memory model and thread model. but if i have to write one more corporate java web app imma choke 1815572;1526751483;mircea_popescu;nobody said the devil doesn't have a nice, thick, pleasant penis. the problem with the devil isn't that EVERYTHING is wrong. 1815573;1526751523;Mocky;i read yudkowski and liked, went to less wrong 'community' and was bunch of tards ingrouping the hell out of eachother 1815574;1526751598;Mocky;i even liked his harry potter fan fic, at least better than actual harry potter 1815575;1526751601;mircea_popescu;what did you like ? my knowledge is limited (by disinterest) and centered on his (very "romanian blogger"-like) failure to conceptualize / engage http://trilema.com/2015/the-harry-potter-challenge/ 1815576;1526751644;mircea_popescu;dude's become a bit of a laughingstock here, after that. 1815577;1526752110;Mocky;his writing had for me a flavor of what i would now say is: (read in logs here can't find now) "stop being so fucking stupid for one goddammed minute" 1815578;1526752229;Mocky;yeah he sounded so smart and clear thinking, but in the end ,spoiler alert, cryogenics and save the world from evil ai, wtf! 1815579;1526753672;Mocky;speaking of plot twists, pretty surprised by the Ada usage. I pictured usg.DOD-design-by-committee lang commissioned to help build out the chumpatronic-mass-programmer infrastructure for gov contracts. I guess it's time to reevaluate my priors. 1815580;1526754402;asciilifeform;Mocky: funnily enuff, it was resisted ( by lockheed et al, the whole golden toilet 'industry' ) from ~day1, and is pretty much dead in usgdom ( with respect to new contracts ) , the brass began to succumb to 'use cpp + massmarket programmertards + these-here-fancy-auditing-toolz-that-totally-work-we-promise in 1990 or so) 1815581;1526754480;asciilifeform;afaik boeing's passenger craft division is the last major usgdom holdout where still used 1815582;1526754617;asciilifeform;( folx-on-the-periphery-of-l1 : might be a good use of coupla hrs to dredge the logs for 'why ada' material that could point n00bz to, e.g. http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-13#1682480 ) 1815583;1526754617;a111;Logged on 2017-07-13 15:16 asciilifeform: the other thing to remember, is that the win from writing in ada - but not in ada in general, but the style demonstrated in ffa in particular -- remains even if YOU HAVE NO ACCESS TO GNAT and gotta compile by hand into asm. because it forces the style of algo that CAN be safely so expressed - i.e. without presumption of pointerolade arithmetic, gc, or other cost-externalizing electrosocialisms 1815584;1526754714;asciilifeform;!#s bounds checked 1815585;1526754714;a111;9 results for "bounds checked", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=bounds%20checked 1815586;1526754722;asciilifeform;^ a notbad place to start from. 1815587;1526754792;Mocky;i'll have a look at that 1815588;1526754916;asciilifeform;Mocky: it was the one item left standing when asciilifeform went methodically through list of all known prog langs , and crossed off anything that didn't : bounds-check, operate free of gc, produce compact binaries for e.g. microcontrollers, support all major cpu archs , have written standard. 1815589;1526754966;asciilifeform;the closest runner-up contender was standard ml, but it demands a ~MB-sized runtime , and imposes gc , nobody is ever stuffing it into 32kB. 1815590;1526755055;asciilifeform;( it also failed on http://btcbase.org/log/2014-08-30#815513 condition ) 1815591;1526755055;a111;Logged on 2014-08-30 01:55 asciilifeform generally believes that safety-critical code must be written in such a way that auditor can see a tight correspondence between every line and what machine physically does. note that this doesn't entail 'use C!' but can also mean different machine. 1815592;1526755247;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2015-02-13#1017692 << iirc the 1st ada thread here 1815593;1526755247;a111;Logged on 2015-02-13 23:03 asciilifeform: i suspect that mircea_popescu would actually like ada. not writing it, mind you, but seeing it written 1815594;1526755325;Mocky;asciilifeform, I must to confess to having been a reader of your blog years ago for a short time. but you seemed so bitter about the state of hardware and future prospects. maybe just my perception. 1815595;1526755495;asciilifeform;Mocky: hardware is in an ever more dire state, than before, http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-30#1806757 , 0 progress afaik anywhere at all on the http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-30#1806521 front 1815596;1526755495;a111;Logged on 2018-04-30 21:46 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: in ~factory~ machinery, afaik the trend's been quite the opposite ( small manufacturers of ic existed in 1970s by the thousand, in 1980s -- by the hundred, today -- gone. ) 1815597;1526755495;a111;Logged on 2018-04-30 16:16 asciilifeform: ( for the sake of thread-completeness, what would the ~alternative~ to this story look like? i suggest -- it'd be a process which does to ic fab what 'polaroid' process did to colour photography. find way of etching the circuit from prefab 'sandwich' without caustic baths, sputtering, etc... ) 1815598;1526755840;asciilifeform;nao, there ~is~ today something that there wasn't 5y ago, which is the properly-reversed fpga : 1815599;1526755842;asciilifeform;!#s ice40 1815600;1526755842;a111;46 results for "ice40", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=ice40 1815601;1526755855;asciilifeform;unfortunately you can't build much of a comp from it, on account of http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-04#1764242 1815602;1526755855;a111;Logged on 2018-01-04 20:06 asciilifeform: in other 'news', it is apparently impossible to fit even ONE 4096-bit adder into an ice40-8k ( the largest in the series ) 1815603;1526755900;asciilifeform;aaaand 1) nobody makes larger homogeneous fpga 2) is likely to ever ; see thread http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-11#1769061 . 1815604;1526755900;a111;Logged on 2018-01-11 17:00 asciilifeform: so yes, the only reason why anybody sells ice and 95xx -like 'sea of gates' at all, is that for 'glue' (simple boolean functions of signals, for e.g. bus decoding, addressing, simple i/o multiplexing) is that you can't actually do it reliably with the non-seaofgates devices 1815605;1526755957;Mocky;I have had an interest in working on hardware for the past few years. Not in the 'make ic fab' sense, but just like 'know how to make something'. But I haven't known where to start. Not super juiced to drop some python on a raspberry pi and consider myself a 'maker' 1815606;1526756009;asciilifeform;( http://btcbase.org/log/2017-09-02#1710095 << moar thread, for the curious n00b ) 1815607;1526756009;a111;Logged on 2017-09-02 19:42 asciilifeform: phf: let's start with the gate count 1815608;1526756041;asciilifeform;Mocky: is english your favourite language to read in ? 1815609;1526756047;Mocky;I'm more interested in the EE side, ie actually knowing enough about the physical machine to be said auditor: http://btcbase.org/log/2014-08-30#815513 1815610;1526756047;a111;Logged on 2014-08-30 01:55 asciilifeform generally believes that safety-critical code must be written in such a way that auditor can see a tight correspondence between every line and what machine physically does. note that this doesn't entail 'use C!' but can also mean different machine. 1815611;1526756051;asciilifeform;Mocky: if it is, start with one forrest mims 1815612;1526756052;Mocky;english yes 1815613;1526756065;asciilifeform;( author of children's books on electronics ) 1815614;1526756075;asciilifeform;after mims, find horowitz & hill's 'the art of electronics' 1815615;1526756090;asciilifeform;and get breadboard, a bag of parts from a dead man's estate sale, start building simple things. 1815616;1526756233;Mocky;ok, thx 1815617;1526756339;mircea_popescu;Mocky, the empire of evil started as the republic of men. 1815618;1526756385;Mocky;how so? 1815619;1526756512;mircea_popescu;the switch only happened recently. the exact date is debatable, perhaps http://trilema.com/2017/when-did-america-end/ ; certainly the taq would be 2001. 1815620;1526756534;mircea_popescu;Mocky, you'll hafta ask a better question than that. 1815621;1526756668;Mocky;on a different note, i see this Boneh fellow, is all over the logs. I think this is the same guy i took a video class coarsera "crypto 101' 18 months ago 1815622;1526756691;mircea_popescu;possibly ; he's not unknown. 1815623;1526756722;asciilifeform;!#s boneh 1815624;1526756722;a111;31 results for "boneh", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=boneh 1815625;1526756724;asciilifeform;^ see also. 1815626;1526756732;mircea_popescu;thatg's what he was saying lol.\ 1815627;1526756750;asciilifeform;lol apparently i missed a line 1815628;1526756784;mircea_popescu;(taq, btw, = terminus ante quem. upper time bound) 1815629;1526756816;asciilifeform;Mocky: boneh is example of a not-entirely-talentless maths d00d who , for whatever reason, joined enemy camp as a professional fifth columnist in open-publication academia , rather than nsa in-house 1815630;1526756867;Mocky;i dont' recall seeing taq before, is that latin? 1815631;1526756873;mircea_popescu;yes. 1815632;1526756901;Mocky;my high school latin fails me then 1815633;1526756911;mircea_popescu;i just explained it lol. 1815634;1526756962;Mocky;failed to look familiar even after explanation 1815635;1526757007;mircea_popescu;taq/tpq : limit up to / from which something is measured ; there's also terminus a quo / terminus ad quem, but i don't like them because confusing to non-latin speakers. 1815636;1526757072;mircea_popescu;Mocky, so we know you've not spent any considerable time in the field between literary theory and hermeneutics, however you'd call it. "advanced reading". 1815637;1526757219;Mocky;i suppose i haven't 1815638;1526757288;mircea_popescu;in summary : comprehension of a text permits two approaches, one constructive and the other historical. if you approach it constructively, a text means the most it possibly can, irrespective of any auctorial considerations. it is from this school that we have eg, the theory of value in art, whereby "art are those texts that continue to mean after their context was extinguished". if you approach it historically, a major concer 1815639;1526757288;mircea_popescu;n in the reduction of the tree of "what could the author possibly have meant" built on first pass is "what was author aware of". a direct way to bruteforce this problem is to look at dates -- exactly like we did above re FG question. if you'll look at dates, they become essentially the equivalent of the set limits in set theory -- and it is thereby you know the historical approach is intellectually valid -- it permits a const 1815640;1526757289;mircea_popescu;ructive explanation of itself, making it meaningful in the alternative view. 1815641;1526757338;mircea_popescu;(ie, the constructive read theory of the legitimacy of the historical read would be, "it reproduces the structure of set theory without explicitly importing the priors, therefore it's valid". or something in that vein.) 1815642;1526757652;Mocky;I have not read many historical texts. i think i've become too accustomed to being around people who don't read at all. i've certainly not spent time to date thinking explicitly about approaches to text comprehension 1815643;1526757664;lobbes;much like Roman Republic > Roman Empire milllennia before >> mircea_popescu> [18:58:59] Mocky, the empire of evil started as the republic of men 1815644;1526757737;Mocky;re: boneh, he seem legit as he's teaching you to trivially break reused otp, and flawed padding schemes, but that's all i know about him, just surprised to see in the logs 1815645;1526757744;mircea_popescu;lobbes, sure ; though it's iffier there, in that caesar and then espeically augustus actually attempted a restart of the proper republic out of the ashes of the shit it had ended up in. caesar in this sense is the polar opposite of lincoln, ie, attempted to manipulate the overwhelming pantsuit into the extinction-or-sanity dilemma, rather than being manipulated by the underwhelming pantsuit into internecine warfare. 1815646;1526757762;mircea_popescu;Mocky, why surprised ? the republic's well informed, its spies reach far indeed. 1815647;1526757795;mircea_popescu;anyway -- you can start with say http://trilema.com/2018/democracy-sucks-the-two-thousand-four-hundred-and-change-years-old-version/ ; not the first but certainly the most recent "read, motherfuckers." 1815648;1526757817;Mocky;surprised random dude teaching noobs over the web, was worth the mention 1815649;1526757849;mircea_popescu;i suppose as far as the orcs are concerned, it's mostly a boneh-or-boeck distinction. 1815650;1526757878;mircea_popescu;in this sense i suppose djb is a boneh, though i don't like how he runs his harem ; wheras yuk dude is a boeck. 1815651;1526757925;asciilifeform;Mocky: boneh is a well-funded, quite prolific usg.corrupt mathematician, with (formerly, iirc) a day job teaching undergrads ( hence your exposure ) 1815652;1526757969;mircea_popescu;oh, they kicked him out of teaching ? 1815653;1526758074;asciilifeform;( re boneh, see, e.g. http://btcbase.org/log/2018-02-09#1783082 , http://btcbase.org/log/2017-09-15#1715003 , http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-03#1513443 ) 1815654;1526758074;a111;Logged on 2018-02-09 16:14 asciilifeform: ^ usg's premier public pusher of elaborately-braindamaged pseudocrypto 1815655;1526758074;a111;Logged on 2017-09-15 23:51 asciilifeform: boneh is imho an interesting example of a man who thought that intellectual and political integrity were severable 1815656;1526758074;a111;Logged on 2016-08-03 02:13 asciilifeform: in other lulz, 'Exploring Encryption and Potential Mechanisms for Authorized Government Access to Plaintext: Proceedings of a Workshop.' Anne Johnson, Emily Grumbling, and Jon Eisenberg, Rapporteurs. THE NATIONAL ACADEMIES PRESS 500 Fifth Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 This activity was supported by the Office of the Director for National Intelligence, under Contract.... 1815657;1526758093;mircea_popescu;on meditation, i suspect the reason for http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-19#1815573 actually is, that the item exists (at least at its core) as a campus dating club. 1815658;1526758093;a111;Logged on 2018-05-19 17:38 Mocky: i read yudkowski and liked, went to less wrong 'community' and was bunch of tards ingrouping the hell out of eachother 1815659;1526758103;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i don't specifically know, in his case. but typically they get 'promoted out' of it when reading that level. 1815660;1526758117;mircea_popescu;doesn't ~anyone~ get tenure anymore ?! 1815661;1526758136;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: phunphakt re yudkowsky -- d00d has the dubious distinction, among others, of having had 'his' harem... hijacked 1815662;1526758162;asciilifeform;( in the http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-24#1805137 sense ) 1815663;1526758162;a111;Logged on 2018-04-24 15:26 mircea_popescu: you should see the panic when i send girl to swoop her. 1815664;1526758170;mircea_popescu;this is not so rare ; most harems end up hijacked. if slut follows soldier, then necessarily. 1815665;1526758200;mircea_popescu;and besides -- what the fuck should happen ? eventually you're old. and then dead. what, all of them should kill themselves ? 1815666;1526758209;BingoBoingo; doesn't ~anyone~ get tenure anymore ?! << Promoted out of it suggest the idle life of a single graduate seminar every other semester + lab. 1815667;1526758224;mircea_popescu;i guess. 1815668;1526758289;mircea_popescu;anyway, if it wasn't evident, http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-19#1815617 was re http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-19#1815579 1815669;1526758289;a111;Logged on 2018-05-19 18:58 mircea_popescu: Mocky, the empire of evil started as the republic of men. 1815670;1526758289;a111;Logged on 2018-05-19 18:14 Mocky: speaking of plot twists, pretty surprised by the Ada usage. I pictured usg.DOD-design-by-committee lang commissioned to help build out the chumpatronic-mass-programmer infrastructure for gov contracts. I guess it's time to reevaluate my priors. 1815671;1526758303;Mocky;yeah but isnt' that why you call it polyamory, so that after it gets jacked then well it was never a 'harem' and it was never 'yours' ? 1815672;1526758353;mircea_popescu;not afaik ; moreover polyamory has naught to do with the harem ; and this even before you consider "polyamory" ie http://trilema.com/2018/heres-what-polyamory-is-not/ 1815673;1526758488;mircea_popescu;in fact, polyamory and the harem are exact opposites under this aspect, that polyamory is transparently enough an attempt to limit the depth of investment (after all, good soviet shouldn't love anything more than the party, right) whereas harem is on the contrary, what pitre'd call "an exagerated" investment. absolute enough to consider "move on or burn myself" dilemma as such. 1815674;1526758518;mircea_popescu;(pitre ref being http://trilema.com/2016/house-of-strangers/#selection-65.554-69.1 ) 1815675;1526758609;Mocky;this is hard to keep up with, i haven't even gotten though "Democracy sucks..." yet, lol 1815676;1526758618;mircea_popescu;lol. 1815677;1526758657;mircea_popescu;hey, trilema is like, the larger half of the internets. 1815678;1526758758;mircea_popescu;anyway, there's a golden thread uniting the house of strangers and http://trilema.com/2018/pepi-luci-bom-y-otras-chicas-del-monton/ : that woman, the misfortunate burden bearer, beset by stupid girlies and stupider boys. 1815679;1526758762;mircea_popescu;and generally alone. 1815680;1526758789;lobbes;Mocky, dun feel bad, it took me yesterday and today to finally get through that one. (well, except for the Greek, because, well, it is all Greek to me!) 1815681;1526758871;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/05/dubious-yet-encouraging-report-supposes-bitcoin-mining-achieved-or-set-to-promptly-achieve-0-5-of-world-energy-consumption/ << Qntra - Dubious Yet Encouraging Report Supposes Bitcoin Mining Achieved Or Set To Promptly Achieve 0.5% of World Energy Consumption 1815682;1526758901;BingoBoingo;^ Mocky you might be interested in where the trilemas linked in that news item lead 1815683;1526758905;mircea_popescu;ha. only two degrees of magnitude left. 1815684;1526758912;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Seriously 1815685;1526758940;mircea_popescu;lobbes, if you're inclined, there's an excellent item that you can use to teach yourself greek : http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus:text:1999.01.0157 1815686;1526758992;mircea_popescu;the horiz arrows / bars on top take you through the text ; if you click on any word you get a report, and lexicon links (multiple, because http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-11#1697164 1815687;1526758992;a111;Logged on 2017-08-11 18:37 mircea_popescu: this is how it manages the inapproximable "whisks" of meaning that latin-style then has so much trouble noting down. 1815688;1526759019;mircea_popescu;nevertheless with patience you can construct your own dictionary translation, which may be informative ; and in any case is a process of actual learning as opposed to going to us.school. 1815689;1526759112;mircea_popescu;it's true that on one hand this failed spectacularily with chinese in my own hands ( http://trilema.com/2016/lets-do-chinese-together/ ) ; and that a girl's on the record as having spent A YEAR with a moderate length ENGLIS?H text in this way. nevertheless, no other avenues work, long and involved and beset with perils as this one may indeed turn out to be. 1815690;1526759266;mircea_popescu;aande in random words today : talaz, meaning wave in romanian. because θάλασσα. 1815691;1526759527;mircea_popescu;ima put this in there, because ahahaha. touton : http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/morph?l=tou%3Dton&la=greek&can=tou%3Dton0&prior=ei%28/lonto&d=Perseus:text:1999.01.0157:chapter=1&i=1#lexicon 1815692;1526759536;Mocky;i don't remember that last time anyone recommended reading to me unsolicited, and now my post-it note reading list system is struggling to keep up. I'm going to need something better 1815693;1526759612;mircea_popescu;put everything on hooks! 1815694;1526759652;Mocky;the books and the crooks 1815695;1526759671;mircea_popescu;it's a seinfeld joke. from the virgin. "you could get forty hooks in here!" 1815696;1526759780;Mocky;wow i missed a seinfeld reference, i just watched all 6 good seasons of that, damn 2 years ago 1815697;1526759937;danielpbarron;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-19#1815486 << this went over my head 1815698;1526759937;a111;Logged on 2018-05-19 16:25 mircea_popescu: danielpbarron, btw, i'm curious : has your fish friend figured out the "He admits he cannot name one other Christian leader outside his own little band of followers—anyone who has lived in the two millennia between the death of the last apostle and the advent of Darwin Fish—who has remained faithful to the truth." bla bla bla "criticism" is very strictly a http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%22there+was+a+limit+where+the+fla 1815699;1526759948;mircea_popescu;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a2xF3UMesFw 1815700;1526759973;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron, you aware the dood has a set of detractors/"critics" yes ? 1815701;1526760053;danielpbarron;yes 1815702;1526760229;mircea_popescu;ok. and upon summarization, the most notable point that remains of their accreted body of critique is, "this guy doesn't think anyone else was righteous", as in eg https://archive.is/KGCUs#selection-479.25-479.267 1815703;1526760296;danielpbarron;we don't know of anyone else, which is not to say there aren't or haven't been any 1815704;1526760352;mircea_popescu;be that as it may ; the question was, "are you aware why they ask". 1815705;1526760723;danielpbarron;they can't fault us on matters of scripture, so they find extra-Biblical points 1815706;1526760797;danielpbarron;and the "you think you're the only one" is an especially weak point, seeing as how scripture indicates there will be very few who truely believe 1815707;1526760905;mircea_popescu;rather, you realise, david fish is not ~personally~ interesting to whatever ocean trawler neoprotestant californian "mega" church. the strict item that interests them is to reduce the sovereignity issue. as far as they're concerned the most important property of the universe is integration, a single center with everything in a star pattern. so he's supposed to be confronted very much with a "choice" (in the http://trilema.com 1815708;1526760905;mircea_popescu;/2015/heres-what-they-dont-tell-you-when-they-bring-you-those-papers-to-sign/ sense of choice) : either he picks "someone", where someone is defined as ~one of them~, some boeck or other, in which case, "here's an article by the boeck ~you picked~ saying ~you're wrong" ; or else VERY BAD AND WE WILL ALL SHAKE OUR HEAD AND PRETEND LIKE YOU DID UNSPEAKABLE WRONGS 1815709;1526760917;mircea_popescu;because this works, especially if you're a 40yo woman confronting a 5yo boy. 1815710;1526760998;mircea_popescu;this is incidentally a pretty decent parlour trick : take a bonbon in one hand and nothing i nthe other, and present young child with the choice -- but shake your head no as he goes for the bonbon. you'll be surprised (really, in esl lands you'll be downright shocked) how much trouble young kids have in escaping this trap. 1815711;1526761097;danielpbarron;so you're saying darwin is the good guy? 1815712;1526761127;mircea_popescu;i'm not making any judgement about him ; but i am pointing out the whatever they're called, the dudes he's fixated on, are very obviously total tards. 1815713;1526761163;mircea_popescu;well adapted to life in a democracy, sure, but that's besides the point. mentally vacuous as all get-out. 1815714;1526761226;Mocky;this darwin guy was part of grace community church? 1815715;1526761232;mircea_popescu;"Grace Community Church". what a stupid name. 1815716;1526761236;mircea_popescu;Mocky, yeah. 1815717;1526761254;mircea_popescu;he was put on the radar once his lordship danielpbarron decided to move to rural ok. 1815718;1526761254;danielpbarron;Mocky, you've heard of them? 1815719;1526761260;Mocky;like, with that macarthur guy, oh man 1815720;1526761273;mircea_popescu;ah, you live around there ? 1815721;1526761289;Mocky;yeah was a huge 'fan' of macarthur for years, had macarthur study bible i carried around, listened to him on the radio etc 1815722;1526761298;mircea_popescu;btw lobbes, let me ask you this : when is a door not a door ? 1815723;1526761308;mircea_popescu;Mocky, anything good ? 1815724;1526761364;danielpbarron;Mocky, http://www.atruechurch.info/macarthur.html 1815725;1526761573;Mocky;i thought he was a good speaker at the time, i guess his shtick was explaining (his understanding of) the scriptural hermeneutics to people who don't care about such things but want to feel as if they do 1815726;1526761610;Mocky;anyway after god died, i didn't bother keeping the bible 1815727;1526761620;mircea_popescu;may i suggest one of your next posts, by the title "A summary of MacArthur & stuff, for the use of MP, who doesn't give a shit about such things" ? 1815728;1526761675;mircea_popescu;anyway, ~most~ of what's left of imperial cultural / intellectual life is exactly, "explaining bits and pieces of the deceased culture of the white man, for gorillas that aren't white man but like to feel like they ~could be~, if they ~really wanted to~. 1815729;1526761802;danielpbarron;there is a lot of similarity between atruechurch and trilema -- fixation on what the retards are teaching other retards, hated for it, and every so often someone gets it and stops by 1815730;1526761845;douchebag;Woo, got a $1k bug bounty :D 1815731;1526761873;mircea_popescu;wd. 1815732;1526761882;douchebag;thx 1815733;1526761922;douchebag;That's going to really help for when I travel Europe soon, had fun with it too :^) 1815734;1526761927;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron, while present, i'd say these are marginal considerations here, mostly exploited for their comedic potential. 1815735;1526761966;Mocky;douchebag, what was it you found? 1815736;1526761996;douchebag;Mocky: I chained CSRF with XSS -> Account Takeover 1815737;1526762009;mircea_popescu;he really likes the web stuff. 1815738;1526762032;douchebag;I also found an open redirect, which they patched. I was able to bypass their fix so I'm waiting on a reply from that now 1815739;1526762047;mircea_popescu;lol 1815740;1526762145;Mocky;i tried my hand at that stuff a year ago, you heard of ncc group? 1815741;1526762170;douchebag;Possibly, what does ncc stand for? 1815742;1526762337;Mocky;i don't remenmber, some bigish security consultancy, do a lot of conference talks, anyway almost interviews with those lying bastards, after spending a month doing their 'hack the firmware' challenge and 'find all the security holes in this web site' challenge 1815743;1526762381;douchebag;I was at a 3 security conferences in the past month, had a great time 1815744;1526762389;mircea_popescu;any chicks ? 1815745;1526762399;douchebag;Surprisingly, yes 1815746;1526762427;mircea_popescu;cool! 1815747;1526762515;Mocky;i figured can't be worse than programming java, and it was a cool feeling owning some web app, but didn't pan out 1815748;1526762518;douchebag;Yeah, I went there with 2 people from class one was a female and she introduced me to a bunch of her coworkers which were primarily female so we just got drunk and watched conference talks 1815749;1526762563;mircea_popescu;this sounds like an actual party. 1815750;1526762597;douchebag;It is man! I definitely reccomend attending some of the larger security conferences 1815751;1526762634;mircea_popescu;hanbot, feel like going sometime ? 1815752;1526762690;douchebag;I also got to meet some internet friends there - it was a great time 1815753;1526762814;douchebag;Also made friends with a couple of people I had no idea were even going, they just happened to mention they were at the same conference in chat so we met up 1815754;1526763201;douchebag;Lulz: http://bugbounty.fail/ 1815755;1526765742;asciilifeform;unrelatedly: since nobody answered http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-18#1815331 riddle, i'ma post the answer : 1815756;1526765742;a111;Logged on 2018-05-18 18:52 asciilifeform: meanwhile, in the lullicus maxiumus, http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/factor/5332 >> 1) it's a prime 2) it's a... i'ma leave this as exercise for the reader ! 1815757;1526765754;asciilifeform;the prime is... 0xcd0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000d9 !! 1815758;1526765772;mircea_popescu;o.O 1815759;1526765775;asciilifeform;aaaha. 1815760;1526765817;mircea_popescu;what, actual barf made it into the buffer ? 1815761;1526765825;asciilifeform;hey it obeys the 'set coupla upper bits and get nextprime()' algo! so wat if forgot to rngize !11 1815762;1526765834;mircea_popescu;"our prime generator consists of crashing the program and using the core dump" 1815763;1526765840;asciilifeform;not barf ! genuine prime. 1815764;1526765856;asciilifeform;with a sprinkle of nobus on top. 1815765;1526765870;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, it's 128 bytes! 1815766;1526765892;asciilifeform;aha, part of a 2048b modulus 1815767;1526765907;mircea_popescu;ie, conceivably, someone had a set of 64-bit registers, one of which contained "cd" 1815768;1526765954;asciilifeform;seems more likely that top byte was deliberately set != 0 , this seems to be the custom in erry single rsatron i ran across 1815769;1526765983;asciilifeform;( the odds against uninited buffer having just those, are heavy ) 1815770;1526765997;mircea_popescu;entirely possible also. except cd is 11001101 1815771;1526766020;asciilifeform;aha 1815772;1526766042;mircea_popescu;anyway, the fact that both and used ~different~ keys that had this as a factor kinda favour your theory, "set bit on null-rnd, nextprime()". 1815773;1526766054;mircea_popescu;as it's fucking unlikely two machines crashed the particular way i describe. 1815774;1526766105;asciilifeform;recall, we already had a 'set top bit and nexprime()' bunch: http://qntra.net/2016/08/phuctor-finds-seven-keys-produced-with-null-rng-and-other-curiosities 1815775;1526766123;mircea_popescu;yeah 1815776;1526766164;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, you realise what this suggests : try all primes of the format xx(124 bits of 0)yy. 1815777;1526766180;mircea_popescu;there'd conceivably be onlty a coupla thousand of them. 1815778;1526766186;asciilifeform;already wrote up the generator for this, last night 1815779;1526766194;mircea_popescu;also 123 and 125 bits of 0 ? 1815780;1526766195;asciilifeform;it is going into production in coupla day 1815781;1526766230;asciilifeform;gonna feed in 256,512,1024,2048,4096,8192-long variants of this . 1815782;1526766236;asciilifeform;for starters. 1815783;1526766245;mircea_popescu;wait, why 256 ? 1815784;1526766254;asciilifeform;buncha 512b keys in the collection 1815785;1526766258;mircea_popescu;N is 256. 1815786;1526766273;mircea_popescu;do you mean "64 to 128 bytes" ? 1815787;1526766278;asciilifeform;was speaking above of the ~primes~ 1815788;1526766287;asciilifeform;and bit lengths 1815789;1526766294;mircea_popescu;oh oh BIT lengths. 1815790;1526766295;*;asciilifeform normally thinks of 'bitness' in re rsa, rather than 'byteness' 1815791;1526766313;mircea_popescu;makes sense actually. alrighty! 1815792;1526766328;mircea_popescu;should be interesting to see what pops with this. 1815793;1526766345;mircea_popescu;Moduli Broken: 3036. heh. 1815794;1526766421;asciilifeform;in other lullies re subj : http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/QazsK/?raw=true << nontrivial (256b and up) primes known to phuctor, sorted by ascending ~ent score~ 1815795;1526766488;asciilifeform;( made with simple proggy http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/E9C6q/?raw=true ) 1815796;1526766571;asciilifeform;this alone is not , arguably, interesting ; but then turns out that the score of the ~modulus~ is not uncorrelated with that of the constituent primes. 1815797;1526766731;mircea_popescu;o.O 1815798;1526766786;asciilifeform;see, moar interesting than brute strength, would be an electrical litmus for all such moduli. 1815799;1526766802;asciilifeform;this is possible via lattice method, but sadly i haven't currently the free hands 1815800;1526766802;mircea_popescu;or at least some more classification. 1815801;1526766807;mircea_popescu;right. 1815802;1526766920;asciilifeform;other potentially-interesting stabs in the dark include nextprime(sha1/2(dictionarypassword)) and the like. 1815803;1526767188;mircea_popescu;by now getting kinda dim tho. but the 0000 sets, definitely worth doing. 1815804;1526770299;lobbes;oh hey, thank you. this is a pretty cool tool >> http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-19#1815685 1815805;1526770299;a111;Logged on 2018-05-19 19:42 mircea_popescu: lobbes, if you're inclined, there's an excellent item that you can use to teach yourself greek : http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus:text:1999.01.0157 1815806;1526770307;lobbes;this is how I've been approaching Deutsch lernen von Kant; I've been going through word-by-word and physically writing down my own researched definitions of each word. Then I'll re-read trying to reconstruct with my new definitions in hand until I encounter something new, then repeat. Slow going (I can read a total of 3 sentences now without checking my notes) but it has been working for me so far, daran ist gar kein Zweifel >> http://btcbase.org 1815807;1526770307;lobbes;/log/2018-05-19#1815688 1815808;1526770413;mircea_popescu;ehehehe 1815809;1526770466;mircea_popescu;mind that there's no point in putting a bonus on "not checking notes". that's why they're notes, to be checked. let memory adapt naturally and unconstrained -- when the animal you inhabit has had enough of the motor effort to check up $X, it'll memorize it ; and before--- it checks. 1815810;1526770481;mircea_popescu;the ~checking~ is the only part that needs your enforcement ; the rest it does itself. 1815811;1526770505;lobbes;this makes sense 1815812;1526770521;mircea_popescu;then over time it learns to trust you're not bullshiting it, either, and so i ended up learning all of physics magic numberds without ever trying to. to the despair of the kids that did. 1815813;1526770525;mircea_popescu;and then as an adult, the building code. 1815814;1526770559;mircea_popescu;and even today, i know ~nothing "without checking my notes". nor do i want to, wtf. that's why there's a log, after all, because of this style. 1815815;1526770601;mircea_popescu;the point is to know ~with~ your knotes. you're not auditioning for laika over here. 1815816;1526770671;mircea_popescu;and the model is readily expanded to writing software, too. by the time you've had enough of writing $x, you'll write a script to write $x for you. AND NOT BEFORE. 1815817;1526770771;mircea_popescu;this simple measure experimentally increases productivity by an order of magnitude, counterintuitive as that may be. because "programming" essentially consists of people spending ten hours to save five minutes, much like "business" is, by bulk, people working 14 to 16 hour days to make a dime an hour ~while they sleep~, except they only sleep 4-5 hours a night. 1815818;1526770937;mircea_popescu;defining knowledge as "that which happens without your notes" is not unlike telling a bunch of F1 pilots that speed is that which happens without their car. really ? 1815819;1526771065;mircea_popescu;presumably next step after that, they'll challenge the king of persia to "single combat". talk about infantile worldviews. 1815820;1526771323;lobbes;I will say, I've started keeping very detailed notes of everything I do re: my various projects. has become an extension of my brain really >> mircea_popescu> and even today, i know ~nothing "without checking my notes". nor do i want to, wtf. that's why there's a log, after all, because of this style. 1815821;1526771366;lobbes;tedious at first, but has already saved my ass on so many occasions (my trb install adventure, recently, for example) 1815822;1526771368;mircea_popescu;"ia, not ai." 1815823;1526771380;lobbes;I'm truly beginning to grok that these days 1815824;1526771565;mircea_popescu;in any case -- kant without greek is an iffy proposition, because the fellow was practically the last athenian. 1815825;1526771577;mircea_popescu;and so the spittoon unstrands... 1815826;1526771721;lobbes;phew, I've got a lifetime of translating ahead of me. It is fun, however 1815827;1526771757;mircea_popescu;it's certainly better than running about chasing own tail in the nonsensical dilemmas of democracy. 1815828;1526772815;lobbes;it really is. most depressing quote I overheard the other day in the cubicle fields: "I just want to climb the corporate ladder". It is like the legends of "band continuing to play while Titanic sank" 1815829;1526773072;lobbes;I really need to get back to reading Gibbon's "Decline and Fall", though I'm starting to think that perhaps I should be starting with a text that deals with the -rise and formation- of the republic and eventual empire so as to give better context as to what, exactly, was declining. And on that note: anyone recommend a good text for that subject? >> http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-19#1815645 1815830;1526773072;a111;Logged on 2018-05-19 19:22 mircea_popescu: lobbes, sure ; though it's iffier there, in that caesar and then espeically augustus actually attempted a restart of the proper republic out of the ashes of the shit it had ended up in. caesar in this sense is the polar opposite of lincoln, ie, attempted to manipulate the overwhelming pantsuit into the extinction-or-sanity dilemma, rather than being manipulated by the underwhelming pantsuit into internecine warfare. 1815831;1526773084;*;lobbes bbl, meat 1815832;1526773512;mircea_popescu;lobbes, cicero. indirectly cesar, but rather informative. 1815833;1526773530;mircea_popescu;there's also polybius, in greek. 1815834;1526773548;mircea_popescu;fellow was present for the sack of cartago. 1815835;1526773797;mircea_popescu;then there's nepos, appian, dio... 1815836;1526776910;trinque;lobbes: I find your quoting style kinda hard to read. looks like a non sequitur in whatever thread they appear until the end is reached, and oh ">>" 1815837;1526776919;trinque;imho the quote and then comment style is far superior 1815838;1526782852;lobbes;trinque: ah yeah, I see your point. 1815839;1526783077;lobbes;mircea_popescu> [23:49:57] then there's nepos, appian, dio.. << ah, excellent, these give me a lot to run with. ty 1815840;1526783260;asciilifeform;lobbes: i gotta ask, is there a reason you dislike using proper logline quoting ? 1815841;1526783293;asciilifeform;y'know, the civilized , clickable, back-referenceable kind 1815842;1526783486;trinque;esthlos: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-18#1815256 << yo, what of this, and the other things addressed to you? 1815843;1526783486;a111;Logged on 2018-05-18 03:51 trinque is peeling back the layers trying to see what gpg is cranky about. meanwhile, why'd the (defpackage :v ...) go away? 1815844;1526783576;trinque;it'd be bad form to try to throw a genesis patch "over the wall" for this without taking the time to have the necessary threads. 1815845;1526784387;lobbes;asciilifeform: I don't dislike. I was operating under the mode of "reduce log clutter (via not triggering $quotebot) if quote being referenced is ~10 lines away" 1815846;1526784420;lobbes;but, I suppose in this situation, I may as well use the "username:" and forgo the quote 1815847;1526784456;trinque;aha, people are going to be able to tell the context. 1815848;1526785411;trinque;esthlos: there's also no sense in giving the thing a version number. the "version" is the patch the operator pressed to. 1815849;1526785435;trinque;speaking of press, press needs to ask where to press as a parameter, and not have a default. 1815850;1526785445;trinque;since I haven't heard from you, I'm proceeding with these changes myself 1815851;1526785484;asciilifeform;write ops with default destinations are ugh in general 1815852;1526786608;trinque;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-18#1815253 << moved my own keyring aside, and it pressed. so this isn't fully isolated from user's default keyring. 1815853;1526786608;a111;Logged on 2018-05-18 03:50 trinque: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-17#1814596 << gave this a whirl, but press of trb's makefiles.vpatch says GnuPG failed to import key ".../wot/ben_vulpes.asc". 1815854;1526786631;trinque;btw see how I'm having a thread with myself and getting somewhere? imagine if ya joined in! 1815855;1526786680;*;trinque will start ragging on the guy. good work, but needs to develop out of the solipsist phase of the republican encounter 1815856;1526786692;trinque;*stop, heh 1815857;1526786906;trinque;!!v 78B23DC1EE11372E8869A71DDC6DB65368D11395A923AE03ABE8C276727AEFA8 1815858;1526786906;deedbot;trinque updated rating of douchebag from 1 to -1 << http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-03#1808376 1815859;1526786933;trinque;^ in other solipsisms 1815860;1526787033;douchebag;trinque: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/m11O0/?raw=true 1815861;1526787067;douchebag;Not all of them, but a decent amount 1815862;1526787143;trinque;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-03-29#1790212 << wtf, p.bvulpes is your blog? 1815863;1526787143;a111;Logged on 2018-03-29 00:21 trinque: great. I'd like you to review the dependencies of trb (which were frozen at particular versions) for known public exploits, and to publish a report of this on your own mpwp blog. 1815864;1526787217;douchebag;Well, it's not complete so I didn't get that done yet. 1815865;1526787674;trinque;there are "incomplete" items on everyone's blog here. 1815866;1526787708;trinque;you latest crop of socially damaged derps will learn to communicate, and that's all. 1815867;1526787749;mircea_popescu;motherfucker 1815868;1526787788;mircea_popescu;so get a load of this : i'm going uphill in the pitch darkness, you know, these complete hairpin curves, and WHAM! there's a fucking police truck, parked, searchlights etc, on THE WRONG WAY 1815869;1526787797;douchebag;Alright, I can have that done in the next week or so. I'm currently using the rockchip box to host a webpage to troll someone, so I want the lulz there to continue to it's full potential 1815870;1526787810;mircea_popescu;so girl goes around it, therefgore also on wrong way, and the next thing there's a fucking motorcycle coming downhill. 1815871;1526787821;mircea_popescu;if that guy's not wearing brown underwear now... 1815872;1526787962;trinque;heh damn. lucky his ass is still attached to the rest of him. 1815873;1526787988;mircea_popescu;and there's these foot+ ditches on either side, there's no surviving as a bike. 1815874;1526788009;Mocky;damn, I had a soccer mom in a mini van try to lane change on me without looking first just yesterday while riding 1815875;1526788140;*;trinque prefers about 5000lbs of metal per vehicle 1815876;1526788227;mircea_popescu;^ 1815877;1526788264;*;Mocky has skin in the game 1815878;1526788286;trinque;I was driving on the highway once, tight traffic, and a guy comes by on a crotch rocket laying like superman on the seat, feet out behind him, weaves through the cars at close to 100mph 1815879;1526788366;douchebag;trinque: also in theory, since I got RCE on lobbes bot, in theory I could have determined the balance of the bot if I decided to comprimise the system rather than proof of concept :^) 1815880;1526788388;trinque;what does his bot have to do with mine? 1815881;1526788407;trinque;stop pulling your dick and do some work, nobody cares 1815882;1526788408;douchebag;The wager was to determine balance of any other user 1815883;1526788419;douchebag;without permission 1815884;1526788424;trinque;no, *arbitrary user* 1815885;1526788435;Mocky;yeah i've seen crazy shit like that, most of it in flordia. once saw a dude riding a wheelie on the interstate opposite direction. never saw his front tire on the ground 1815886;1526788440;trinque;I choose. 1815887;1526788560;trinque;douchebag: you know, in theory my girlfriend could be fabulously rich, given she heard about bitcoin first in 2010. and yet. 1815888;1526788610;mircea_popescu;before me, even! what's she do ? 1815889;1526788618;trinque;(her reaction ftr was something like "computers are shit, that will never work") 1815890;1526788646;trinque;she went to religious school, got an english lit degree and a huge pile o' debt 1815891;1526788772;mircea_popescu;interesting case of "correct reasoning rewarded by missing out" 1815892;1526788981;mircea_popescu;i wonder how many unemplyable grads are filling online job applications while thinking "if only i had gotten 20k/50k/100k worth of bitcoin in 2010/2011/2012 instead of this stinking education toilet paper..." 1815893;1526789020;douchebag;Where is mpwp 1815894;1526789028;trinque;ah yeah, she gets cruel estimates of what her pizza money would be worth today all the time. 1815895;1526789087;mircea_popescu;what's she specialize in anyway, chaucer ? 1815896;1526789147;mircea_popescu;douchebag, http://thewhet.net/2018/04/mp-wp-genesis/ 1815897;1526789546;trinque;much later and less interesting stuff, I think. she relates the experience as an expensive waste of time. 1815898;1526790613;mircea_popescu;!!key diginet 1815899;1526790613;deedbot;Not registered. 1815900;1526792587;lobbes;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-20#1815879 << also to note, you would have had to compromise my network (which, sure, possible) because the box you achieved RCE on is a dedicated public toilet box containing no privkeys of import. I use a proper airgapped machine for important stuff (ala http://trilema.com/2013/how-to-airgap-a-practical-guide/) 1815901;1526792587;a111;Logged on 2018-05-20 03:52 douchebag: trinque: also in theory, since I got RCE on lobbes bot, in theory I could have determined the balance of the bot if I decided to comprimise the system rather than proof of concept :^) 1815902;1526793295;lobbes;so, in theory, sure. But in practice you'd have to expend quite a bit of effort to find the gpg privkey in order to decrypt deedbot's challenge to determine the balance of that one deedbot wallet, which still isn't finding a flaw in deedbot, just good social engineering attack (e.g. picking a key off someone's person does not mean the lock the key belongs to is flawed) 1815903;1526793973;douchebag;I could have got a reverse shell on the box though, is the gpg privkey for the bot not sitting on the vulnerable machine? 1815904;1526794032;mircea_popescu;dude, discussions of could have are stupid. 1815905;1526794149;douchebag;I just don't think social engineering would be the right word to use for remote command execution 1815906;1526794196;mircea_popescu;i guess not. 1815907;1526794415;Mocky;couldn't be arsed sounds worse to me than couldn't find 1815908;1526794437;trinque;properly, if he had lobbes key, he is lobbes. 1815909;1526794605;mircea_popescu;well, lobbesbot. 1815910;1526794621;trinque;ah right 1815911;1526794666;mircea_popescu;but anyway, yes, the social engineering part is trying to downgrade the look at the bot (ie, ANY one key) to look at randos (ie, a CERTAIN key). 1815912;1526794677;mircea_popescu;and yes it's misplaced. 1815913;1526795517;mircea_popescu;aaand in today;s excellent old trilema, http://trilema.com/2017/pronouncements-on-camp/ 1815914;1526795677;lobbes;douchebag: The 'social engineering' in my statement refers to leveraging the RCE to (painfully, because lobbesbot privkey does not control any deedbot funds, so you'd need -my- privkey, which does not reside on public toilet box you RCE'd into) use deedbot -normally- by becoming lobbes through key theft 1815915;1526795900;lobbes;(lobbesbot privkey, also, does not reside on that box, but you know) 1815916;1526795908;lobbes;but yeah, "could talk", bleh 1815917;1526795911;lobbes;off to bed 1815918;1526817759;spyked;lobbes, I am curious: how do you have lobbesbot self-voice then? do you do it manually? 1815919;1526817904;spyked;(I suspect there is no way to separate privkey storage from bot operation *and* automatically perform e.g. deedbot self-voicing; but I might be wrong) 1815920;1526825825;trinque;spyked: one could make many voicing OTPs, and put them in a hopper for the bot. 1815921;1526826195;spyked;hm. so trinque, OTPs don't have any sort of expiration? the scenario I'm thinking of is that eventually my (for example) home ISP would do some stupid thing that would lead to the TCP connection going down. but that could happen in a week, a month or six from now, so I'd want that OTP to be valid whenever that happens. 1815922;1526826276;spyked;if that's the case, then this semi-automated approach is pretty neat, actually. 1815923;1526826647;trinque;I don't have a defined expiration time for them. If bot operators are interested in ^ maybe we'll go ahead and say it's 3 months, or whatever's sensible. 1815924;1526826968;mircea_popescu;the above ^ is the current model ftr. 1815925;1526828138;mircea_popescu;aaand in other ancient truths, http://trilema.com/2013/things-that-matter-these-days-things-that-dont-matter-these-days/#selection-97.1-105.118 1815926;1526828286;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2018/eulora%e2%80%99s-communication-protocol-restated/ << Trilema - Euloras Communication Protocol, restated. 1815927;1526828303;mircea_popescu;phf, Mocky ^ 1815928;1526828467;*;Mocky reads 1815929;1526828640;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: '(1960*4-8-8-16-64-24-6144 -- this includes two commas and a 2048 bit exponent)' << out of curiosity, how come your exponent is capped at 2048 ? or did i misread this ? 1815930;1526828953;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, it's an eucrypt-ism, http://www.dianacoman.com/2018/01/11/eucrypt-chapter-5-c-m-e-mod-n/#selection-441.8-453.233 1815931;1526828981;Mocky;re: "int64(4 byte)" should that be 8 byte? and "object (size of 80 bits : int64 followed by int16 followed by int16)" should that be 'size of 96 bits' ? 1815932;1526828994;mircea_popescu;Mocky, ty, fixing! 1815933;1526829042;mircea_popescu;im also changing the structure to lists, at reader suggestion. 1815934;1526829648;mircea_popescu;done. 1815935;1526829821;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, (and i guess apeloyee, if tuned in) : i'll be most interested in theoretical attacks of the proposed scheme. 1815936;1526832184;esthlos;trinque: my current plan has been this: I digest the logs in batches every few days, but search for my nick at least once a day. since my nick wasn't referred to in http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-18#1815256 , I missed it. my approach may be inadequate, since trilema is the first time I've used irc and I don't really know what I'm doing. but it's a reality of my schedule that sometimes I won't be able to respond for two days or so 1815937;1526832184;a111;Logged on 2018-05-18 03:51 trinque is peeling back the layers trying to see what gpg is cranky about. meanwhile, why'd the (defpackage :v ...) go away? 1815938;1526832238;esthlos;if I need to be able to respond within a day to work with you guys, I will do my best to change things around 1815939;1526832329;esthlos;but you should know that, new as I am, it takes me a long time to even get through one day of log while understanding what is going on 1815940;1526832498;esthlos;now for your comments: getting rid of the defpackage was a bad oversight, no real reason. My guess why gpg is failing is because I'm using 2.2.4 while I think most of you guys use 1.x . Moving to 1.x is on my backlog, but it was deprioritized becasue I didn't want to spend the time converting my keys. Another oversight, I suppose 1815941;1526832871;esthlos;now I'm going to go through the logs and see if I've missed anything else. let me know what you've done on http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-20#1815850 so we don't double spend on time. and to sum it up, yeah, my bad on the communication 1815942;1526832871;a111;Logged on 2018-05-20 03:04 trinque: since I haven't heard from you, I'm proceeding with these changes myself 1815943;1526834353;asciilifeform;esthlos: you don't need to convert keys to switch from 2.x to 1.x 1815944;1526834364;asciilifeform;they use same format 1815945;1526834377;Mocky;mircea_popescu, http://trilema.com/2018/eulora%e2%80%99s-communication-protocol-restated/#comment-125734 1815946;1526834403;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-20#1815935 << i'ma give it a proper look 1815947;1526834403;a111;Logged on 2018-05-20 15:23 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, (and i guess apeloyee, if tuned in) : i'll be most interested in theoretical attacks of the proposed scheme. 1815948;1526834536;esthlos;asciilifeform: yep, just did it, thanks. 1815949;1526834611;trinque;esthlos: nobody here is using a 2.x gpg 1815950;1526834641;trinque;and yes, your approach is inadequate. gotta read all the logs since your last visit. 1815951;1526834644;asciilifeform;trinque: very early on, i actually had it, but it was 100% painless to switch away from 1815952;1526834662;asciilifeform;( which i did when mircea_popescu published his archived 1.4.10 tarball ) 1815953;1526834674;trinque;sure, just describing current state of affairs. 1815954;1526834688;trinque;there is a 1.4.something preserved in a deed 1815955;1526834696;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu's 1815956;1526834701;esthlos;oh wow, the gpg behaivor is...special 1815957;1526834731;asciilifeform;trinque: http://btcbase.org/log/2015-10-10#1295983 << for ref 1815958;1526834731;a111;Logged on 2015-10-10 12:08 mircea_popescu: deedbot- http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/gnupg-1.4.10.tar.gz.asc 1815959;1526834744;esthlos;think I see why it's breaking 1815960;1526834820;trinque;esthlos: I'd rather let you perform whatever changes to this thing, so I can keep working with gentoo entrails. 1815961;1526834834;esthlos;works for me 1815962;1526834900;trinque;just driving at using the logs in a particular manner, so threads build towards more coherence. working in isolation, v-in-my-head disjoins from v-in-yours. 1815963;1526834930;trinque;I really like how this thing is coming together, ftr, and can't wait to start using it with portage. 1815964;1526834974;esthlos;in case anyone missed these lulz: if you pass --no-default-keyring to gpg but don't supply another keyring, gpg... uses the default keyring. and if you pass a keyring, it assumes it's in the home directory 1815965;1526835002;trinque;woof. so it was trying $home/tmp/whatever ? 1815966;1526835003;esthlos;glad to hear it! 1815967;1526835009;esthlos;yep 1815968;1526838887;mod6;sooo... trinque, is the neg-rating on douchebag going to stand? because mircea_popescu has rented him a rockchip (right?) and according to the rules we laid out, I think we said that douchebag would be removed from access to the hardware. 1815969;1526838894;mod6;mircea_popescu: thoughts? 1815970;1526839035;trinque;what do you mean by "going to stand" ? 1815971;1526839072;mod6;Is this a 'forever -1'? 1815972;1526839086;trinque;I really don't like the idea of negotiating with anyone on what my ratings shall be 1815973;1526839124;mod6;This is not a negotiation. Just asking what the deal is. Cause Pizarro is going to end up removing him from the hardware. 1815974;1526839231;douchebag;I just need to set up an mpwp blog and post the work I already have done 1815975;1526839232;trinque;if you follow the log lines I referenced back, you'll see exactly why I did it. 1815976;1526839276;mod6;Ok forget I asked. 1815977;1526839283;trinque;if you press me on terms I'll remove the -1, you risk creating a mommyprocess anyone with a negrate can appeal to. 1815978;1526839294;mod6;mircea_popescu: how should Pizarro handle this, in your opinion, given the last conversation about this? 1815979;1526839362;douchebag;I already have a webserver running on my pizarro box. I just don't know how I'm supposed to unpack mpwp 1815980;1526839374;mod6;trinque: I only asked you, not as an appeal process, personally I couldn't care less. However, just wondering if you are going to remove that rating should the man do whatever in the next say day or two, whatever. 1815981;1526839423;trinque;I think "nobody does business with any L1-negrated party" is a bit strict. folks need to be able to beat someone over the head with disapproval without removing their ability to take part in society by having done so. 1815982;1526839452;mod6;This is what mircea_popescu wanted it to be, regardles. 1815983;1526839455;mod6;*regardless. 1815984;1526839455;trinque;mod6: if I tell you, I'm giving someone I'm already punishing for weaselbehavior a defined mechanism to weasel further 1815985;1526839511;mod6;This is fine, my thinking is that he will be removed. If the rating changes at some point, then we will reconsider allowing him to be a customer. 1815986;1526839564;douchebag;./v.pl p v mpwp mp-wp_genesis.vpatch 1815987;1526839566;douchebag;HEAD: mp-wp_genesis.vpatch not found in flow 1815988;1526839573;trinque;(this is not even to mention that either he or the other guy was contacting me as tittynicks asking when their money will be sent, lol) 1815989;1526839630;trinque;douchebag: since I can read, I can see a spurious "v" in that command 1815990;1526839649;mod6;that's fine trinque -- the extra 'v' is for 'verbose' mode. 1815991;1526839657;trinque;ah, alright 1815992;1526839682;mod6;it's not found in the flow because something is either wrong with the signature of the vpatch, or the signatory is not in the current wot. 1815993;1526839753;douchebag;okay, that makes sense 1815994;1526839929;trinque;if douchebag wants to appeal to me directly, he can. 1815995;1526839998;douchebag;!!key hanbot 1815996;1526839999;deedbot;http://wot.deedbot.org/EA0FAD90985B3025576A5061454B0FC0BC07B87E.asc 1815997;1526840035;esthlos;to butt in: should only patches with good seals show in the flow? 1815998;1526840053;mod6;yes. 1815999;1526840056;trinque;mod6: contracts often have a cure period, eh? suppose it's "negrated party has $time to fix his reputation" 1816000;1526840068;esthlos;ok, will fix that 1816001;1526840149;mod6;There is no contract here. I don't want to ask anyone about their ratings. Perhaps I shouldn't have asked what I asked there above. 1816002;1526840165;mod6;Was just trying to avoid (perhaps stupidly) some Pizarro gyrations. 1816003;1526840182;mod6;Because I don't want us to ever ask someone about things such as this; their rating of someone. 1816004;1526840189;trinque;the intent here is to force him to make good on his word. earlier he said the rockchip was going to be a tool to get acquainted with trb, and now it's http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-20#1815869 1816005;1526840189;a111;Logged on 2018-05-20 03:43 douchebag: Alright, I can have that done in the next week or so. I'm currently using the rockchip box to host a webpage to troll someone, so I want the lulz there to continue to it's full potential 1816006;1526840225;trinque;because dick-pulling comes before the republic. immature bullshit to be weeded out. 1816007;1526840249;trinque;mod6: I don't mean there's an actual contract, just referencing the notion of "cure period" 1816008;1526840259;mod6;And what I should have said is: In light of the douchebag being neg-rated by a someone, a TMSR~ Lord especially, douchebag will be removed from access. This may change if his status changes. 1816009;1526840406;trinque;mod6: since his remedy involves access to a place to post the report, I'll give it until the end of the day, which is ample time to get a blog up and a post (even incomplete, so what) up. 1816010;1526840422;trinque;!!unrate douchebag 1816011;1526840424;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/wRuOP/?raw=true 1816012;1526840446;trinque;!!v 288B82ED7F03FDE3B82AC90AF53DD317F0836E94B04B6F1EE0B85AAC26049E39 1816013;1526840447;deedbot;trinque unrated douchebag. 1816014;1526840469;mod6;Well... see, this is not really how it should be. Don't let ole mod6 talk ya down. 1816015;1526840471;trinque;douchebag: tomorrow comes and no post, negrated and that's that. 1816016;1526840496;mod6;Tomorrow is in like what... 6 hours? Or you mean CDT? 1816017;1526840500;trinque;mod6: the example's illustrated for logs, and now e can discuss it 1816018;1526840503;trinque;*we 1816019;1526840560;trinque;mod6: means from where my butt sits, if it's tomorrow, I pull the trigger. so get crackin 1816020;1526840569;douchebag; 1816021;1526840575;mod6;Alright, sounds good trinque. 1816022;1526840593;douchebag;I need to get a domain now, and get mpwp setup 1816023;1526840615;douchebag;right now, I just threw that up so that I have something at least 1816024;1526840615;mod6;lol, looks like v worked 'eh? 1816025;1526840644;douchebag;No, I'm trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong right now 1816026;1526840675;mod6;What is it complainig about? Btw, I'm not sure that this projct even works with my version of V. 1816027;1526840741;lobbes;re wot: I mean, the serenity of leveraging the wot, imho, is that it is a purely individual-to-individual thing by design. In this case, you have Pizarro (P) who has customer relationships with MP and D. D has been negrated by T on the basis of Tx. MP can either decide 1) Tx means enough to request P get rid of D, in which case P now determines if it values MP or D moar, or 2) MP decides Tx does not mean enough to request P get rid of D. 1816028;1526840838;mod6;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-03#1808182 1816029;1526840838;a111;Logged on 2018-05-03 18:27 mod6: anyone? or any TMSR lord? 1816030;1526840866;douchebag;gonna buy a domain right now 1816031;1526840872;danielpbarron;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-20#1816003 << it's not always wrong to ask about ratings (that is, asking if they can be changed) -- see: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-03-29#1790898 1816032;1526840872;a111;Logged on 2018-05-20 18:16 mod6: Because I don't want us to ever ask someone about things such as this; their rating of someone. 1816033;1526840872;a111;Logged on 2018-03-29 14:37 mircea_popescu: anyway, whadda ya think mod6 , can we get him back to positive rating ? 1816034;1526840936;trinque;wasn't that about the same guy? 1816035;1526840942;danielpbarron;yep 1816036;1526840958;douchebag;do you guys think douchebag.press is a good domain name? 1816037;1526840969;mod6;yeah, alf had him negrated for snr 1816038;1526840998;mod6;douchebag: fine by me, whatever works best for ya. could be: goatraper.com for all i car. 1816039;1526841001;mod6;*care 1816040;1526841009;danielpbarron;i also have him at -1 for mouthing off to me in the eftard channel 1816041;1526841049;mod6;and further, not even sure why you need a domain. (unless for some reason wp-mp doesn't work without one) 1816042;1526841078;*;trinque cares not; phf had just an IP for a long while 1816043;1526841112;douchebag;If I'm going to run a blog, wouldn't it make sense to have a domain name that's easy to remember? 1816044;1526841133;mod6;Depends on the audience maybe. 1816045;1526841134;trinque;and douchebag, sounds like you have another lord from whom to ask forgiveness; pizarro account is still in peril 1816046;1526841143;trinque;if danielpbarron has negrated 1816047;1526841157;mod6;!!reputation douchebag 1816048;1526841159;deedbot;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/mbt8A/?raw=true 1816049;1526841183;trinque;hm, ben_vulpes also 1816050;1526841201;mod6;and esthlos 1816051;1526841215;danielpbarron;looks like mp and lobbes more than balance it out though. +2 from each 1816052;1526841228;mod6;true, but "any lord". 1816053;1526841228;trinque;the rule is any lord. 1816054;1526841242;danielpbarron;hm, ok 1816055;1526841250;mod6;fwiw, i didn't even know ben_vulpes neg'd him :D 1816056;1526841254;trinque;this is a pretty shitty reputation all around. 1816057;1526841261;mod6;well, i probably saw at one point, but forgot o.O 1816058;1526841297;danielpbarron;i'm not married to the rating, will consider arguments 1816059;1526841312;douchebag;danielpbarron: what's the exact reason you negrated me? 1816060;1526841331;danielpbarron;you're a douchebag 1816061;1526841360;douchebag;that's my name 1816062;1526841411;mod6;I would say, focus on trinque's task list. Then read back on the other neg ratings given and see if some repair can be done to your wot-status. 1816063;1526841439;mod6;I'll be around for a bit if you need some help with v.pl. 1816064;1526841482;danielpbarron;i don't know exacts, but you were talking back to me over in lrh around the same time you were polluting snr in here, and my +1 was preventing others from !!downing you 1816065;1526841511;douchebag;https://i.imgur.com/q91y37j.png 1816066;1526841545;mod6;mother of god. 1816067;1526841598;mod6;ok try this: ./v.pl f pd mpwp 1816068;1526841602;mod6;see what it tells you 1816069;1526841621;douchebag;it ran the command, no output. going to try verbose 1816070;1526841630;mod6;crud, one sec. im guessing you have a separate .seals dir for the mpwp vpatch too right? 1816071;1526841634;mod6;cause you will need that. 1816072;1526841636;douchebag;https://i.imgur.com/4W4mBwq.png 1816073;1526841651;douchebag;no, i'll create that right now 1816074;1526841668;mod6;then the command would be like: ./v.pl f pd mpwp sd .mpwp-seals 1816075;1526841676;mod6;or whatever you named the different seals dir. 1816076;1526841704;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-20#1815871 << Tuesday I was on the bus and we went past and ambulance. Behind the ambulance was an old lady bleeding profusely from the head, head propped up on... CARDBOARD. 1816077;1526841704;a111;Logged on 2018-05-20 03:43 mircea_popescu: if that guy's not wearing brown underwear now... 1816078;1526841720;danielpbarron;douchebag, curl "http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/5Eger/?raw=true" > ~/wotpaste ; chmod +x ~/wotpaste 1816079;1526841723;BingoBoingo;I assume she was hit while wandering aimlessly in traffic as the zombies tend to do here 1816080;1526841747;mod6;When you see it in the flow, then you should be good. Then you'll have to do : ./v.pl p v mpwp mp-wp_genesis.vpatch pd mpwp sd .mpwp-seals 1816081;1526841767;douchebag;okay, I think it's working! yay 1816082;1526841823;douchebag;https://i.imgur.com/xMuGhxe.png 1816083;1526841849;mod6;yeah, my v doesn't work with that thing. 1816084;1526841874;mod6;this is what brought on the whole thing about phf doing his v stuffs or whatever. 1816085;1526841891;mod6;hanbot: how are you currently pressing mpwp, what tools should douchebag use for this? 1816086;1526841942;mod6;so douchebag: nope that's not working, if it fails like that, just blow away your press dir, whatever is there is no good. 1816087;1526842001;mod6;in a pinch -- you could always try to just : `patch -F 0 -E -p1 < mp-wp_genesis.vpatch` in some directory and just inflate the thing. 1816088;1526842013;mod6;but this is strictly un-republican, and un-verified. 1816089;1526842029;mod6;'heathen-istic method' 1816090;1526842096;lobbes;mod6: re pizarro wot policy: so you're saying positive lordly ratings do not cancel out negative lordly ratings? i.e. rule is simply: "any lordly negrate disualifies?" 1816091;1526842146;mod6;Read that log post that I pasted above. That is the current rule. 1816092;1526842192;diana_coman;lobbes, there is no positive cancels negative; for starters, it's not a sum 1816093;1526842193;mod6;douchebag: scroll up, said somethings, or just check the log 1816094;1526842216;diana_coman;mod6, my reading is that pizarro does business with mp here though, not with douchebag 1816095;1526842238;lobbes;diana_coman: ah okay. gotcha 1816096;1526842246;BingoBoingo;If I recall it was MP that rented the rockchip for douchebag. 1816097;1526842258;mod6;This is overall dubious then. If someone scams me, and I neg-rate them, but their mircea_popescu's person in question, then what? 1816098;1526842274;diana_coman;then you go and talk to mircea_popescu , yes 1816099;1526842285;diana_coman;what does otherwise "it's mircea_popescu's person" mean? 1816100;1526842287;mod6;Pizarro shall follow the rule and remove access to that scammer. Simple as that. 1816101;1526842310;diana_coman;well yes, but first and foremost: what does it meant then "it's X's person"? 1816102;1526842312;BingoBoingo;mod6: But in the case the negrated fellow isn't leasing the chip. MP is. 1816103;1526842342;mod6;This is all why this discussion is needed. Because it's a pretty inflexible rule, as it stands. 1816104;1526842374;mod6;diana_coman: i simply mean, mircea_popescu rented the thing for the guy. 'tis all. 1816105;1526842381;BingoBoingo;If you have been disenfranchised, the case is that yes, you have to have others do thing for you because you can't (MP in the case of leasing the rockchip douchebag uses) 1816106;1526842392;diana_coman;^^ 1816107;1526842402;mod6;could have been you, renting it for person X. Person X is under your wing, so to speak. 1816108;1526842405;BingoBoingo; diana_coman: i simply mean, mircea_popescu rented the thing for the guy. 'tis all. << MP rented the thing because the guy can't 1816109;1526842418;BingoBoingo; could have been you, renting it for person X. Person X is under your wing, so to speak. << At your mercy is more like it 1816110;1526842477;lobbes;mod6: ah okay. logline you originally posted was phrased as a question, but reading further I see now that it resolves to the 'negrate from -any one- lord disqualifies': http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-03#1808202 1816111;1526842477;a111;Logged on 2018-05-03 18:30 mircea_popescu: but logically, would you really want to rent your garage to anyone ANY of your friends think is no good ? 1816112;1526842488;lobbes;makes sense 1816113;1526842505;mod6;So, what we're saying then is, if someone rents a box for someone else, and that someone else gets neg-rated, then it's up to the renter to figure it out? What if the renter says, "hey fuck what pizarro and its customers think". Does Pizarro not have a say in it's own customer usage then? 1816114;1526842546;diana_coman;mod6, you do have a say; but you have your say with the one paying for the box! 1816115;1526842562;douchebag;Well, I have a blog post. It's not complete and mpwp isn't installed yet. 1816116;1526842576;mod6;I agree, which why, if you read above, I'm posing the question to our customer, mircea_popescu. 1816117;1526842584;douchebag;But right now I'm setting up nginx + php + mysql on the bbox 1816118;1526842602;mod6;He'll let us know, which is fine. But overall, it's best to try to get a clear understanding of how to handle these now. 1816119;1526842633;mod6;douchebag: you just happen to be the first one. That's all, could have been anyone. 1816120;1526842701;douchebag;Forsure, I should have got to working on this earlier. I've just been incredibly busy lately with finals for college, work, and preparing to move overseas in about 2.5 weeks 1816121;1526842740;mod6;WoT is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans. 1816122;1526842935;douchebag;https://i.imgur.com/JMM0nah.png 1816123;1526842954;mod6;for god sake man, please, just learn how to use p.bvulpes.com. 1816124;1526843019;mod6;Did you ever set the system time? 1816125;1526843028;douchebag;No I didn't 1816126;1526843028;mod6;Because shit will go sideways unless you do. 1816127;1526843033;mod6;Do that, then try again. 1816128;1526843151;mod6;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-03#1808420 << note what asciilifeform says below that too 1816129;1526843151;a111;Logged on 2018-05-03 20:19 mod6: Don't be like me, set your system time, first thing, diana_coman. 1816130;1526844250;esthlos;trinque etc: do you want an eggog when flow fails because of bad seal on a vpatch? or let's be more general: do you want an eggog WHENEVER a bad seal is found? 1816131;1526844296;mod6;yes, should error immediately. thats what mine does anyway. 1816132;1526844350;esthlos;ok, and to that point, should EVERY operation spitting out vpatches (flow, antecedents, and so on) check all vpatches for sig? 1816133;1526844361;mod6;yes. 1816134;1526844367;esthlos;mmk, thanks 1816135;1526844386;trinque;yep, totally. 1816136;1526844410;mod6;for instance, my thing basically checks all people in the current wot, then verifies the seals based upon the current wot, then build a map, from which I build a flow. then all operations take place fro mthat. 1816137;1526844420;*;trinque bbl 1816138;1526844463;esthlos;yep mod6, that's effectively what I'll be doing. 1816139;1526844470;esthlos;bbl, meatspace 1816140;1526844481;mod6;well, not always based on flow, but it might be, depending on the operation, otherwise the map is used to traverse, sometimes. 1816141;1526844516;esthlos;ah true, no point in generating flow for antecedents, etc 1816142;1526844521;mod6;right. 1816143;1526844524;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-20#1815938 << depends what you do, but not generally ~needed~, even though obviously the faster you move the faster oyu move. but -- the highlight name point is sound. 1816144;1526844524;a111;Logged on 2018-05-20 16:03 esthlos: if I need to be able to respond within a day to work with you guys, I will do my best to change things around 1816145;1526844572;douchebag;would anyone mind chatting with me via PM so I don't shit up the logs asking questions about how to get everything on this gentoo box sorted? I have minimal expereince working with gentoo so I have quite a few questions 1816146;1526844599;mod6;is it specifically about the rockchip? or v? 1816147;1526844609;mod6;let's take the rockchip discussion into #pizarro 1816148;1526844614;douchebag;okay 1816149;1526844659;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-20#1815940 << 2.x is specifically blacklisted. can't use that. 1816150;1526844659;a111;Logged on 2018-05-20 16:08 esthlos: now for your comments: getting rid of the defpackage was a bad oversight, no real reason. My guess why gpg is failing is because I'm using 2.2.4 while I think most of you guys use 1.x . Moving to 1.x is on my backlog, but it was deprioritized becasue I didn't want to spend the time converting my keys. Another oversight, I suppose 1816151;1526844731;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-20#1815945 << i actually get the comments rss feed as pms from deedbot, so i never miss any. tip top feature. 1816152;1526844731;a111;Logged on 2018-05-20 16:39 Mocky: mircea_popescu, http://trilema.com/2018/eulora%e2%80%99s-communication-protocol-restated/#comment-125734 1816153;1526844779;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-20#1815950 << if he doesn't actually aim to lordship, i suppose he could get away with reading his highlighs and their context only. 1816154;1526844779;a111;Logged on 2018-05-20 16:44 trinque: and yes, your approach is inadequate. gotta read all the logs since your last visit. 1816155;1526844837;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/05/german-cartoonist-fired-by-paper-that-published-his-jew-cartoon/ << Qntra - German Cartoonist Fired By Paper That Published His Jew Cartoon 1816156;1526845540;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-20#1815978 << honestly i don't fucking know. it's all uncharted territory / shit we came up with. 1816157;1526845540;a111;Logged on 2018-05-20 18:01 mod6: mircea_popescu: how should Pizarro handle this, in your opinion, given the last conversation about this? 1816158;1526845584;mircea_popescu;while i can appreciate http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-20#1815977 ; it seems unavoidable that in fact peri-rating negotiations will be a fact of life ; only weren't historically because historically the importance of ratings was relatively small (even if ever growing). 1816159;1526845584;a111;Logged on 2018-05-20 18:01 trinque: if you press me on terms I'll remove the -1, you risk creating a mommyprocess anyone with a negrate can appeal to. 1816160;1526845749;mircea_popescu;~technically~ pizarro is blocked (rather, protected) from the need to act by, indeed as pointed out, i having rented it in my own name. "for him" or not, pizarro's not held to care. but this was a palliative in place specifically because i expected something in this vein, the fellow is very phenomena-driven, sorta like the brains of frogs only work when there's ligjht bombarding the retinas and thereby powering the rest of th 1816161;1526845749;mircea_popescu;e cortex. 1816162;1526845795;hanbot;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-19#1815751 << sure, in theory. in practice i imagine heaps of e.g. http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-24#1558640 and "we can't/won't communicate off our phnojesy app du jour", but it's not impossible some folks go hoping to be rescued eh. 1816163;1526845795;a111;Logged on 2018-05-19 20:43 mircea_popescu: hanbot, feel like going sometime ? 1816164;1526845795;a111;Logged on 2016-10-24 19:19 hanbot: http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20161024/#103 << i was actually gonna check out some "linux chix" meeting at the local red hat hole when i noticed 'pre-registration with documento' was required, you know, for 'security'. 1816165;1526845796;scriba;Logged on 2016-10-24: [16:27:02] these and other tips and tricks brought to you by red hat entreprise security department. 1816166;1526845905;hanbot;http://thewhet.net/2018/04/panama-makes-me-ill/ << and then there's the sort of "bitcoin embassy" denizens i imagine abounding, whose ideas of security/tech whatever boil down to "we've got these here tshirts, herp" 1816167;1526845932;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-20#1815981 << iirc it was never quite this strict hence http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-19#1802711 / http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-03#1808202 1816168;1526845932;a111;Logged on 2018-05-20 18:03 trinque: I think "nobody does business with any L1-negrated party" is a bit strict. folks need to be able to beat someone over the head with disapproval without removing their ability to take part in society by having done so. 1816169;1526845932;a111;Logged on 2018-04-19 01:36 mircea_popescu: ascii_lander, it's not a firm "no trading with bozos" ; seems to me you appreciate the distinction between selling an item and selling hosting in other contexts. people that are willing to take your cash payment upfront for a piece of hard candy might nevertheless not agree to rent you their garage. 1816170;1526845932;a111;Logged on 2018-05-03 18:30 mircea_popescu: but logically, would you really want to rent your garage to anyone ANY of your friends think is no good ? 1816171;1526845994;mircea_popescu;but if you're looking for actionable practicalia, you could do something like, "well, we'll consider the matter whenever it becomes salient. such as when someone complains ; or when issuing invoices. we just won't invoice people with neg ratings, and they can sort it out." 1816172;1526846032;mircea_popescu;should be low effort enough. 1816173;1526846036;mod6;mircea_popescu: ah, thanks for the quick responses here. 1816174;1526846055;mircea_popescu;hanbot, haha, a case of ymmv huh. 1816175;1526846109;mod6;I think that may be a workable solution. 1816176;1526846190;hanbot;yeah. in short, i'm not averse to trying, and now and then do dive in the soup to see. i pretty much emerge with piss variously lodged in my eyesockets and zero pearls. 1816177;1526846237;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-20#1815984 << hence the "only part missing is installing mpwp" solution, which in itself is lulzy. BUT, the sad fact of the matter is, trinque , that the beginnings of education and the refusal of education are strictly indistinguishable. let's leave this be and consider the case of girly in http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-19#1815550 : if i were to reject her on the basis of her initial advances 1816178;1526846237;a111;Logged on 2018-05-20 18:04 trinque: mod6: if I tell you, I'm giving someone I'm already punishing for weaselbehavior a defined mechanism to weasel further 1816179;1526846237;a111;Logged on 2018-05-19 17:13 mircea_popescu: a right right, i forgot that part! kalash == maitenance is an act of love and devotion, not a matter of necessity. this is deeper than it sounds, consider this recent exchange : http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/NQRtP/?raw=true 1816180;1526846237;mircea_popescu;being inept (and by inept we mean, exactly wrong), nobody could ever make it in. 1816181;1526846329;mircea_popescu;in other words : providing someone being punished for weaselbehaviour with a specified mechanism to weasel further helps them by removing the ~defining~ of the weaselbehaviour from their hands, which is the first step towards becoming sane already. 1816182;1526846374;deedbot;http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2018/05/20/how-do-you-want-to-be-memorialized/ << Bingo Blog - How Do You Want To Be Memorialized? 1816183;1526846421;hanbot;danielpbarron when you have a moment please post yer wp-comments-post.php for me. 1816184;1526846749;hanbot; hanbot: how are you currently pressing mpwp, what tools should douchebag use for this? << pressed with http://barksinthewind.com/2018/vtools-keccak-regrind/ (only those patches on the left branch of http://btcbase.org/patches?patchset=vtools&search= ). 1816185;1526846751;mircea_popescu;here's a direct sample in this vein : http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/4xtpc/?raw=true . for most children, the first experience with negative reinforcement comes through their attempt to manipulate the processes around to avoid negative reinforcement. 1816186;1526846775;mod6;hanbot: awesome, thanks! 1816187;1526846786;mircea_popescu;and boy howdy, does anyone on earth, including its subinept management, derive more fucking value from the fetlife holding pens than yours truly. 1816188;1526846792;mod6;douchebag: you'll have to follow what hanbot is posting here for that mpwp part. 1816189;1526846881;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-20#1815989 << no, that's verbose. 1816190;1526846881;a111;Logged on 2018-05-20 18:07 trinque: douchebag: since I can read, I can see a spurious "v" in that command 1816191;1526846956;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-20#1815997 << that's the whole point ; ~however~ the thinking is that the user should be warned (and pressing should stop) if there are invalid signatures in his .seals dir, ~because~ it is not expected he'd have put them there, so something needs humnan eyes. 1816192;1526846956;a111;Logged on 2018-05-20 18:13 esthlos: to butt in: should only patches with good seals show in the flow? 1816193;1526846994;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-20#1816001 << i don't see how it could have been avoided. sooner or later it was coming up, so why not sooner. 1816194;1526846994;a111;Logged on 2018-05-20 18:15 mod6: There is no contract here. I don't want to ask anyone about their ratings. Perhaps I shouldn't have asked what I asked there above. 1816195;1526847028;mod6;yeah, exactly. glad I brought it up. our first test of this. 1816196;1526847054;mircea_popescu;and you most definitely ~can~ ask anyone about their rating. the whole fucking thing is built on nothing besides this, http://trilema.com/2014/what-the-wot-is-for-how-it-works-and-how-to-use-it/#selection-131.113-131.167 1816197;1526847060;mod6;lol, "if it were not for your ``friends'' I would think that this was a normal chat site" 1816198;1526847074;mircea_popescu;whether you can lean on people to chainge their ratings is iffier, and very much depends on your relationship. but the logs are full of this also. 1816199;1526847108;mircea_popescu;mod6, "i got friends... they're multiplyin'... an' i'm loooosin'... control!" 1816200;1526847108;mod6;*nod* 1816201;1526847110;mircea_popescu;" you gotta shape up..." 1816202;1526847113;BingoBoingo;Anyways there is a difference between a "-1 inquire within" and a "-10 social death sentence" 1816203;1526847196;mod6;Sure, BingoBoingo. Just a solid test case against the rule formulated earlier. That's all this is. 1816204;1526847211;mod6;Better to hash it out now, than to be surprised later. 1816205;1526847262;mod6;lol mircea_popescu, I haven't heard that song in quite a while. 1816206;1526847271;mircea_popescu;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J01QPxZFlw4 :D 1816207;1526847390;mod6;<+mircea_popescu> http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-20#1815989 << no, that's verbose. << this is awesome 1816208;1526847390;a111;Logged on 2018-05-20 18:07 trinque: douchebag: since I can read, I can see a spurious "v" in that command 1816209;1526847427;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-20#1816006 << i'm not even sure he has a clear distinction between the two ; and amusingly enough that difference, whether present, it's not even a fundamental. it only emerges from context. 1816210;1526847427;a111;Logged on 2018-05-20 18:17 trinque: because dick-pulling comes before the republic. immature bullshit to be weeded out. 1816211;1526847443;mircea_popescu;mod6, lol, what ? 1816212;1526847471;mod6;You've read the docs & use my vtron enough to know this! 1816213;1526847506;mircea_popescu;no, i just expect v is verbose everywhere, and know it's in your case by that sure sign, that i've not bitched at you about it! :D 1816214;1526847519;mod6;hahaha, fair enough. 1816215;1526847522;mircea_popescu;fucking retarded grep uses it as "invert pattern", bloody hell. 1816216;1526847528;mod6;right?! 1816217;1526847536;mircea_popescu;who the fuck headshat that one! 1816218;1526847553;mod6;on that note, am I the only one that didn't know that grep returns (technically) an error if something doens't match your pattern? 1816219;1526847564;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-20#1816009 << if he manages to stand up a blog in a day i'll fucking fall over. 1816220;1526847564;a111;Logged on 2018-05-20 18:20 trinque: mod6: since his remedy involves access to a place to post the report, I'll give it until the end of the day, which is ample time to get a blog up and a post (even incomplete, so what) up. 1816221;1526847566;danielpbarron;hanbot, http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/DVVhZ/?raw=true 1816222;1526847586;mircea_popescu;mod6, if nothing does, you mean ? 1816223;1526847590;danielpbarron;i think the only change i made there is to
 on the gpg thing
1816224;1526847636;mod6;Ah yeah.  If i grep for "foo" and it isn't found.  It just hands you back your shell.  Which I just always thought "oh, nothing found".  But this is actually a non-zero return code.
1816225;1526847665;mod6;Learned that about a week ago, and felt preeeety sheepish.
1816226;1526847672;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-20#1816023 << ahaha check that out. hey douchebag , is that list complete ? :D
1816227;1526847672;a111;Logged on 2018-05-20 18:23 douchebag: right now, I just threw that up so that I have something at least
1816228;1526847702;mircea_popescu;(i don't mean, "i can't read headings, help me out" ; i mean : for the present headings, are these all the vulns known ? by ~whom~ (ie, what source used) ?)
1816229;1526847731;mircea_popescu;mod6, tons of annoying grep-captured scripts out there to handle the nothing found case.
1816230;1526847757;mod6;Ah ya.
1816231;1526847832;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-20#1816034 << amusingly enough, yes!
1816232;1526847832;a111;Logged on 2018-05-20 18:28 trinque: wasn't that about the same guy?
1816233;1526847852;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-20#1816036 << sounds great, actually.
1816234;1526847852;a111;Logged on 2018-05-20 18:29 douchebag: do you guys think douchebag.press is a good domain name?
1816235;1526847916;mircea_popescu;i had nfi they made a .press tld ; i expect they made it for the "journalism", but of course that being dead and presses being a thing...
1816236;1526847947;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-20#1816041 << does not specifically need one, but hey.
1816237;1526847947;a111;Logged on 2018-05-20 18:30 mod6: and further, not even sure why you need a domain.  (unless for some reason wp-mp doesn't work without one)
1816238;1526848043;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-20#1816056 << dang, he sure got well banged up, didn't he. yo douchebag , why do you have so much trouble working with people ?
1816239;1526848043;a111;Logged on 2018-05-20 18:34 trinque: this is a pretty shitty reputation all around.
1816240;1526848129;mod6;Yeah, I've got domains, makes it easier.  But yah, not specifically required.
1816241;1526848129;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-20#1816065 << normally i'd have said "don't use fucking screencaps wtf is wrong with you", but in this case i doubt a proper paste could have risen to the required heights of lul.
1816242;1526848129;a111;Logged on 2018-05-20 18:38 douchebag: https://i.imgur.com/q91y37j.png
1816243;1526848270;mod6;To be fair on that point, I would have asked him for approx the same information.
1816244;1526848431;mod6;douchebag: A few finer points on the matter.  1] p.bvulpes.com pastes are archived (thanks lobbes!), which help for future trips through old logs. 2] Not everyone who can help is always on a machine with a gui capable of viewing images.
1816245;1526848595;mod6;Thanks all, I'll bbl, gotta do a few chores.
1816246;1526849378;lobbes;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-19#1815722 << I give up, is it "when it is locked?"
1816247;1526849378;a111;Logged on 2018-05-19 20:21 mircea_popescu: btw lobbes, let me ask you this : when is a door not a door ?
1816248;1526849384;lobbes;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-20#1815918 << It actually never occured to me to use the "many OTPs stored for later use" trick that trinque mentioned, which is pretty spiffy indeed (I may start doing just this). But to answer your question: lobbesbot's only involvement in my archive process is to listen to irc and insert urls it comes across into a sqlite3 db. That database is then 'shipped off' to separ
1816249;1526849384;a111;Logged on 2018-05-20 12:02 spyked: lobbes, I am curious: how do you have lobbesbot self-voice then? do you do it manually?
1816250;1526849389;lobbes;ate box for processing
1816251;1526849879;douchebag;mircea_popescu: As far as source used, I'm using https://cve.mitre.org/
1816252;1526851912;danielpbarron;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-20#1816246 << when it is "ajar"
1816253;1526851912;a111;Logged on 2018-05-20 20:49 lobbes: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-19#1815722 << I give up, is it "when it is locked?"
1816254;1526852192;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron, aha. well, "when it is a jar", but yes
1816256;1526852330;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-20#1816079 << i expect. you should see these idiots, biking with no lights, dressed in camuflage gear (srsly dorky, black shit because white's too hard to wash, still see no reason you shouldn't be out at night ?) on the side of the fucking highway. what, problem ?
1816257;1526852330;a111;Logged on 2018-05-20 18:42 BingoBoingo: I assume she was hit while wandering aimlessly in traffic as the zombies tend to do here
1816258;1526852394;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-20#1816090 << depends the rule for what. but no, generally the fact that you're dearly beloved by the baker doesn't "cancel out" your raping the plumber's daugther.
1816259;1526852394;a111;Logged on 2018-05-20 18:48 lobbes: mod6: re pizarro wot policy: so you're saying positive lordly ratings do not cancel out negative lordly ratings? i.e. rule is simply: "any lordly negrate disualifies?"
1816260;1526852622;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-20#1816097 << the reason this exists is because you have no way around the http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-03#1808200 ; guy could just register a new name, get a rating from anyone willing to, and there you go.
1816261;1526852622;a111;Logged on 2018-05-20 18:50 mod6: This is overall dubious then.  If someone scams me, and I neg-rate them, but their mircea_popescu's person in question, then what?
1816262;1526852622;a111;Logged on 2018-05-03 18:30 asciilifeform: i suppose if adlai or karpeles or whoever wants to put on a mask and pretend to be a eulora-playing tits chix for years, there's no real damage
1816263;1526852684;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-20#1816104 << you only know this as a courtesy, it's not something you can rely on knowing.
1816264;1526852684;a111;Logged on 2018-05-20 18:52 mod6: diana_coman: i simply mean, mircea_popescu rented the thing for the guy.  'tis all.
1816265;1526856289;mircea_popescu;trinque, http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/A0dYe/?raw=true
1816266;1526856475;mircea_popescu;!!rated Mocky
1816267;1526856475;deedbot;mircea_popescu rated Mocky 2 at 2018/05/03 19:07:05 << remarkably mentally organized eulora noob.
1816268;1526857043;mircea_popescu;Mocky, http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/fAFNU/?raw=true
1816269;1526857669;trinque;mircea_popescu: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/STAkJ/?raw=true
1816270;1526857815;mircea_popescu;and in other 2018s, guess what's dead ? sourceforge. https://archive.is/WFvmU
1816271;1526858021;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: sadly not dead; merely ( and along with growing list of assorted usg.derps ) blocks the bot
1816272;1526858226;Mocky;mircea_popescu, i'm fine with that
1816273;1526858260;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-20#1816065 http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-20#1816072 etc << this crapola doesn't even display properly on my terminal, and i refuse to fiddle with it to read it, d00d was warned repeatedly to stop spewing nonsearchable, nontextrenderable screenshit liquishit , and yet persists
1816274;1526858260;a111;Logged on 2018-05-20 18:38 douchebag: https://i.imgur.com/q91y37j.png
1816275;1526858260;a111;Logged on 2018-05-20 18:40 douchebag: https://i.imgur.com/4W4mBwq.png
1816276;1526858398;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-20#1816096 << it was
1816277;1526858398;a111;Logged on 2018-05-20 18:50 BingoBoingo: If I recall it was MP that rented the rockchip for douchebag.
1816278;1526858512;asciilifeform;i for one have noticed no symptoms of educability , thus far, in douchebag . but he's not my pupil, he's mircea_popescu's , when mircea_popescu has had his fill, he will throw him out .
1816279;1526858993;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-20#1816251 << classic example of the 'frog brain' ( http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-20#1816160 ) . i.e. as if we have no hands and could not use search engine, and it had to wait for him.
1816280;1526858993;a111;Logged on 2018-05-20 20:57 douchebag: mircea_popescu: As far as source used, I'm using https://cve.mitre.org/
1816281;1526858993;a111;Logged on 2018-05-20 19:49 mircea_popescu: ~technically~ pizarro is blocked (rather, protected) from the need to act by, indeed as pointed out, i having rented it in my own name. "for him" or not, pizarro's not held to care. but this was a palliative in place specifically because i expected something in this vein, the fellow is very phenomena-driven, sorta like the brains of frogs only work when there's ligjht bombarding the retinas and thereby powering the rest of th
1816282;1526859400;asciilifeform;in unrelated noose, http://www.good-display.com << possibly world's slowest commercial www ( chinese parts supplier asciilifeform was trying to search catalogue of ) , it makes ~version 1~ phuctor seem fast by comparison
1816283;1526859440;mircea_popescu;!!rate Mocky 3 Mocky Habeeb. Wrote a book on Amazon DB ; works for infraWise (which is pretty lulzy, but don't hold it against him).
1816284;1526859443;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/0KsCj/?raw=true
1816285;1526859452;mircea_popescu;does the guy have the coolest name or what.
1816286;1526859556;Mocky;^ said nobody, ever
1816287;1526859651;mircea_popescu;really ?~
1816288;1526859660;mircea_popescu;why the hell not ?
1816289;1526859755;Mocky;being a Habeeb has been hell, since 9/11. I quit flying cuz of the "special pat down" treatment. I guess TSA loves that name tho, lol
1816291;1526859806;mircea_popescu;i dunno, maybe time to leave mordor ?
1816292;1526860031;Mocky;that would be nice. I haven't looked at foreign job prospects. I guess you'd call me ESL
1816293;1526860086;Mocky;I don't think my pending invention of inverted waffle iron plates is going to make me rich
1816294;1526860332;mircea_popescu;hey, i got good news for you : a) BingoBoingo escaped to uruguay on the strength of pizarro ; and diana_coman started her s.mg career as an effectual player.
1816295;1526860842;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, i honestly can't say what not dead is this ; it's off the web, it's off the web. "oh but it shows up on ipnoje". sooo ?
1816296;1526860900;asciilifeform;by ~that~ measure it was dead 3+y ago , when it turned to openly infecting the stored tarballs
1816297;1526860913;asciilifeform;( recall. )
1816298;1526861235;asciilifeform;!Q later tell BingoBoingo http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2018/05/20/how-do-you-want-to-be-memorialized/#comment-115095
1816299;1526861235;lobbesbot;asciilifeform: The operation succeeded.
1816300;1526861269;asciilifeform;!Q later tell ben_vulpes is there a problem with the invoice ? ( aside from the fact that i forgot the 36 usd fee , in it ) ? how come i'm still waiting ?
1816301;1526861269;lobbesbot;asciilifeform: The operation succeeded.
1816302;1526861309;*;asciilifeform brb,meat
1816303;1526862471;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/JbbnU/?raw=true
1816304;1526863385;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: will have to pass this time, sadly
1816305;1526863411;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the tanks are nearing bottom.
1816306;1526887678;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2018/printul/ << Trilema - Printul.
1816307;1526897567;ave1;does anyone have a ru to eng or de translation dictionary as a text file?
1816308;1526902516;spyked;in other oddities: http://archive.is/9haFQ <-- potential alternative to http://btcbase.org/patches/vtools_fixes_static_tohex#L8 (also see: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-03-01#1786600 , http://btcbase.org/log/2018-03-29#1790868 and others). ftr, it didn't do much for me. or, to be more precise:
1816309;1526902516;a111;Logged on 2018-03-01 13:52 spyked: anyway, comment was that I managed to compile and run vdiff with small mods; error: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/BiBTI/?raw=true and fix patch: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/9mOiz/?raw=true (tested this with the generated vdiff); I can try to link this reply later in a comment to test.
1816310;1526902516;a111;Logged on 2018-03-29 10:22 spyked: phf's ld might add an "static" to "inline"; or not, not sure; can verify by objdump'ing vdiff and seeing if there appear multiple (with local linkage) definitions of xnmalloc in the same file.
1816311;1526902626;spyked;1. pressed latest vtools; 2. changed all "static inline" to "extern inline __attribute__((gnu_inline))" in http://btcbase.org/patches/vtools_fixes_static_tohex#L5 ; 3. compiled; 4. diffed the symbols in the generated vdiff against the unmodified version => no changes, xnmalloc et al. are not included in the final binary.
1816312;1526902842;spyked;the __attribute__((gnu_inline)) attr is of course very stupid through its lack of portability, but as per https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Inline.html , it seems that the wrecking to this compiling/linking behaviour of inline was done pretty early on (C90).
1816313;1526903070;spyked;(or that might be C99, actually)
1816314;1526903291;spyked;it might also in a way be interesting to report how I stumbled upon this: I tried to recompile gnupg-1.4.10 on my broken debian system and got the same "multiple definition" linking errors as in vtools' case (though I *did* use gcc<5). so I dug and found the usual kochs "fixing" things to compile gnupg on newer gccs.
1816315;1526903340;spyked;might as well add reference for archival: https://lists.gt.net/gnupg/devel/59492
1816316;1526913279;mod6;Mornin' TMSR~
1816317;1526914090;trinque;hey mod6, how goes?
1816318;1526914262;mod6;Alright!  Yourself?
1816319;1526914602;trinque;doing just fine. watching the rain come down.
1816324;1526917214;mod6;trinque: yeah, I think it's gonna rain here today too.
1816325;1526920468;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-21#1816308 << is there any need for that alternative? from my research static inline is one of the few behavioral commonalities between c99 and pre-c99. it also supposedly works across different compilers, etc.
1816326;1526920468;a111;Logged on 2018-05-21 11:35 spyked: in other oddities: http://archive.is/9haFQ <-- potential alternative to http://btcbase.org/patches/vtools_fixes_static_tohex#L8 (also see: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-03-01#1786600 , http://btcbase.org/log/2018-03-29#1790868 and others). ftr, it didn't do much for me. or, to be more precise:
1816327;1526920496;phf;i'm alive by the way, will start catching up on the mother of logs
1816328;1526920523;esthlos;anyone have a good idea for generating unique identifiers for v's gpg keyring name? I just spent a painful hour debugging because CL's #'get-universal-time is only precise to the second
1816329;1526920544;asciilifeform;esthlos: (gensym)
1816330;1526920548;asciilifeform;phf: wb
1816331;1526920582;phf;asciilifeform: that's not going to work cross-invocations though. gensym is incremental across the instance, so same invocations should produce roughly same gensym numbers
1816332;1526920602;phf;(i assume he's basically asking for a lisp-only "mkstemp")
1816333;1526920608;esthlos;phf: was about to mention that
1816334;1526920618;asciilifeform;why does it need to work cross-invocations tho
1816335;1526920627;asciilifeform;it's a temp dir, should live for, what, a few seconds
1816336;1526920686;asciilifeform;( if you need a heavy-duty gensym, http://btcbase.org/log/2018-03-28#1790082 works and is easy to implement )
1816337;1526920686;a111;Logged on 2018-03-28 19:32 asciilifeform: funnily enuff, if working rng were standard on pc, 128bits from it would give unique-gensym ( the supposed problem , according to the gcc nitwits, with mktemp , is collision ) without O(N) searching ( as in mkstemp) with probability ~1
1816338;1526920690;esthlos;but under current behaivor, program won't clean up tempdir when it eggogs
1816339;1526920698;phf;true, i'd still just go for an ffi to mkstemp. you're dealing with a unix substrate, might as well use unix tooling. otherwise you have to juggle file-probe, create-directory, but restart if there's exception, etc.
1816340;1526920870;esthlos;phf, I assume by ffi you mean a call to run-program, not a use of cffi?
1816341;1526920972;esthlos;oh I see, sbcl has its own ffi
1816342;1526920999;phf;cffi is compatibility layer to native ffis (a rather dodgy one too)
1816343;1526921025;phf;sbcl has both own ffi, and there's also SB-UNIX:SB-MKSTEMP
1816344;1526921211;phf;actually you want mkdtemp, but it's for some reason not included in sb-unix..
1816345;1526921233;esthlos;clozue doesn't look like it has equivalent functions
1816346;1526921258;esthlos;may just have to get dirty with the ffi
1816347;1526921273;phf;clozure doesn't need to, #_mkdtemp
1816348;1526921320;esthlos;is that a reader macro for system calls?
1816349;1526921356;phf;it's a reader macro for ffi
1816350;1526921366;esthlos;that's damn neat
1816351;1526921387;esthlos;gotta run for a bit, thanks for the info phf
1816352;1526921396;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/05/another-set-of-undocumented-default-static-user-credentials-spotted-in-cisco-gear/ << Qntra - Another Set Of "Undocumented Default Static User Credentials" Spotted In Cisco Gear
1816353;1526921468;phf;ccl has a fancy system, based on hacked up gcc, for generating ffi mappings (called interfaces), which you then can use with (use-interface-dir :foo) (#_foobar ...)
1816354;1526921732;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-20#1815927 << i'll take a look, i had further comments about diana_coman's original spec and the responses, but does this new spec replaces the other one entirely?
1816355;1526921732;a111;Logged on 2018-05-20 14:58 mircea_popescu: phf, Mocky ^
1816356;1526922108;diana_coman;phf, yes, it does; it's basically version 2.0
1816357;1526922847;asciilifeform;!!up pipp8
1816358;1526922848;deedbot;pipp8 voiced for 30 minutes.
1816359;1526923795;phf;diana_coman: ty
1816360;1526926996;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-21#1816325 <-- it's not needed, at least not in the case of vtools. it may have been worth it if it had reduced binary size, but from my experiment it makes no difference. gcc seems to remove the definitions of static-inlined functions (after inlining them), but I don't really know if it does that in general.
1816361;1526926996;a111;Logged on 2018-05-21 16:34 phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-21#1816308 << is there any need for that alternative? from my research static inline is one of the few behavioral commonalities between c99 and pre-c99. it also supposedly works across different compilers, etc.
1816362;1526927036;spyked;but this is easy to verify with readelf -s | grep inlined_func
1816363;1526929252;BingoBoingo;And we have another holiday. Battle of Las Piedras day.
1816364;1526929404;phf;spyked: you kind of have a choice between #define equivalent inline, which is going to be actual inline and increase the binary size, or else i don't think it really matters. supposedly the annotation makes the calls "faster", but the notion of faster is very vague. i suspect it's essentially an equivalent of "register" keyword: things are maybe sometimes reshuffled to make things maybe sometimes faster
1816365;1526929524;spyked;ah. my intuition was that static inline might increase the size by leaving unused definitions in every .o file generated from the respective .c that imported the header.
1816366;1526929612;spyked;I'm pretty sure that happens with functions qualified as static. but the inline qualifier might cause the compiler to eliminate those definitions.
1816367;1526930412;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in honeypot entomology, https://amrron.com/2018/05/02/product-review-amrron-dark-labs-adl-1-otp-generator , https://amrron.com/2018/03/18/amrron-dark-labs-otp ( https://archive.li/kxNrA , https://archive.li/dGneI )
1816368;1526930510;asciilifeform;somewhat to asciilifeform's surprise, the schematic is on the ( lulzy in 9000 ways ) linked www ; and even seems to use FG-like johnson noise source
1816369;1526930558;asciilifeform;no photos of device interior / shields, at least where i could immediately find. preprocessor seems to ( surprised? ) whiten.
1816370;1526930584;asciilifeform;from comments, mar. 28, 2018 'I purchased one and am very happy with it. While I too have the dice, it is so time consuming, and this is so much quicker and simple. I have had no issues with the unit and plan on purchasing another.'
1816371;1526930603;asciilifeform;'AmRRON Dark Labs, a type of Skunk Works for the Patriot community, has built a machine...' blah
1816372;1526930815;asciilifeform;interestingly, whitens with... keccak
1816373;1526930852;asciilifeform;https://amrron.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/AD1_1_Firmware_Source.zip << sores.
1816374;1526935984;BingoBoingo; 'AmRRON Dark Labs, a type of Skunk Works for the Patriot community, has built a machine...' blah << LOL, FBI-otron in the wild!
1816375;1526936005;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: classiest one to date, afaik
1816376;1526936029;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Well, the existence of FUCKGOATS raises the bar
1816377;1526936090;asciilifeform;another funny bit is that i described, in the l0gz, the simple scheme for ~identical gadget, on several occasions.
1816378;1526936114;asciilifeform;( most recently detailed in http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2146 )
1816379;1526936259;*;asciilifeform rereads, finds that http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-09#1767833 link is dead ?!
1816380;1526936259;a111;Logged on 2018-01-09 20:29 asciilifeform: in other oldies, seiko's 'DPU414' thermal printer, can be had for 
1816388;1526938952;a111;Logged on 2018-01-09 18:57 mircea_popescu: unicode is the solution!
1816389;1526940386;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-21#1816385 << I doubt anyone can keep up with unicode's output
1816390;1526940386;a111;Logged on 2018-05-21 21:41 phf: some of the unicode indiancandy was spitting cl-unicode doesn't have names for http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-09#1767678
1816391;1526940821;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-17#1814796 << in context of http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-16#1814152 it bears pointing out incidentally that you still haven't explained ~why~.
1816392;1526940821;a111;Logged on 2018-05-17 17:09 ben_vulpes: http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2018-5-17#357608 << since discarded notion of posting an ad on localbitcoins; but there are plenty of offers to pick from in the ~2.5-3% markup range.
1816393;1526940821;a111;Logged on 2018-05-16 05:12 mircea_popescu: document, that's the right move. "here's an amazon page link, https://www.amazon.com/Libre-Computer-ROC-RK3328-CC-Renegade-Ethernet/dp/B078RMQYHS and here's some other provider https://www.loverpi.com/products/libre-computer-board-roc-rk3328-cc on which basis I'm guessing we should get the boards at around 4k total ; here's why i think the chassis costs so much ; here's why alf's delivery run need not include only 1k in airfa
1816394;1526940821;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-05-17 14:40 mircea_popescu: what is behind comments like http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-16#1814037, "I moved more recently than this fellow and I'll get my id after he does" ? "I don't, properly speaking, think bb is a person, at least not in the same sense / to the same degree I am" ?
1816395;1526940856;mircea_popescu;there's two important advantages of reasoned decisionmaking. first and foremost it gathers your people around you, this is what loyalty is made of, at its best. secondly and more importantly it permits history, which is to say humanity.
1816396;1526941267;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: it doesn't make sense to put delicate items acquired with much suffering like BingoBoingo's cedula immediately into the statists hopper (localbitcoins demands "an ID" to post ads), when one can pick from the sale offers and operate on the side of the transaction where id is not asked for
1816397;1526941267;lobbesbot;ben_vulpes: Sent 22 hours and 13 minutes ago:  is there a problem with the invoice ? ( aside from the fact that i forgot the 36 usd fee , in it ) ? how come i'm still waiting ?
1816398;1526941285;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, but you can also talk to ads already posted.
1816399;1526941294;ben_vulpes;that is what i am trying to say
1816401;1526941326;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform BingoBoingo: i await a transaction to clear through deedbot, then i shall settle your invoices
1816402;1526941587;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-21#1816296 << yeah. wasn't that some prime lulz (that meanwhile didn't happen / it didn't count, w/e).
1816403;1526941587;a111;Logged on 2018-05-21 00:01 asciilifeform: by ~that~ measure it was dead 3+y ago , when it turned to openly infecting the stored tarballs
1816404;1526941639;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-21#1816307 << this is actually a prime thing to have. didja ever publish asciilifeform ?
1816405;1526941639;a111;Logged on 2018-05-21 10:12 ave1: does anyone have a ru to eng or de translation dictionary as a text file?
1816406;1526941704;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-21#1816312 << that's a pretty informative find / equiv proof actually.
1816407;1526941704;a111;Logged on 2018-05-21 11:40 spyked: the __attribute__((gnu_inline)) attr is of course very stupid through its lack of portability, but as per https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Inline.html , it seems that the wrecking to this compiling/linking behaviour of inline was done pretty early on (C90).
1816408;1526941821;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-21#1816338 << possibly do a composite, "time program was called"+gensym. that'll resolve the conflict.
1816409;1526941821;a111;Logged on 2018-05-21 16:38 esthlos: but under current behaivor, program won't clean up tempdir when it eggogs
1816410;1526941838;mircea_popescu;usefully, too, if anyoen wants to keep these they're autosorted by run
1816411;1526942028;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-21#1816354 << yes ; outside i guess of context from the old that may help inform the reader as to the new.
1816412;1526942028;a111;Logged on 2018-05-21 16:55 phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-20#1815927 << i'll take a look, i had further comments about diana_coman's original spec and the responses, but does this new spec replaces the other one entirely?
1816413;1526942130;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-21#1816371 << good thing they came up with all this on their own hehe.
1816414;1526942130;a111;Logged on 2018-05-21 19:23 asciilifeform: 'AmRRON Dark Labs, a type of Skunk Works for the Patriot community, has built a machine...' blah
1816415;1526942202;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-21#1816385 << that wasn't even unicode, that was her attempt to register a binary dump of her pubkey.
1816416;1526942202;a111;Logged on 2018-05-21 21:41 phf: some of the unicode indiancandy was spitting cl-unicode doesn't have names for http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-09#1767678
1816417;1526942872;ben_vulpes;mod6 asciilifeform: a sales incentive scheme proposal: we kick back 5% of revenue to affiliates who've recruited up to 10 paying customers, 10% up to 25 paying customers, 15% to 50 customers and then 20% for recruiting over 50 customers, which'd be a tidy .03 btc/mo, way better than any other "while you sleep" scheme out there.
1816418;1526942928;ben_vulpes;lobbes, BingoBoingo: thoughts re ^?
1816419;1526943963;mircea_popescu;aand in today's aphorisms, "Licking the power socket will never kill the licking of power sockets, even though it may kill all lickers of power sockets."
1816420;1526944302;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-21#1816404 << believe or not, i dun actually have a en<->de .txt . ( the arch-bestseller , v. k. mueller's en<->ru , is errywhere, e.g. http://www.alleng.ru/d/engl/engl150.htm )
1816421;1526944302;a111;Logged on 2018-05-21 22:27 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-21#1816307 << this is actually a prime thing to have. didja ever publish asciilifeform ?
1816422;1526944338;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-21#1816417 << looks good to me
1816423;1526944338;a111;Logged on 2018-05-21 22:47 ben_vulpes: mod6 asciilifeform: a sales incentive scheme proposal: we kick back 5% of revenue to affiliates who've recruited up to 10 paying customers, 10% up to 25 paying customers, 15% to 50 customers and then 20% for recruiting over 50 customers, which'd be a tidy .03 btc/mo, way better than any other "while you sleep" scheme out there.
1816424;1526944359;*;asciilifeform brb,meat
1816425;1526945307;lobbes;ben_vulpes: Here's my initial q's: 1) Is that in perpetuity? 2) I assume this is a percentage of the revenue of the set of the customers the sales person recruits and not of the entire set of customers?
1816426;1526945350;ben_vulpes;lobbes: for so long as a customer is paying pizarro is the intention
1816427;1526945368;lobbes;makes sense
1816428;1526945369;ben_vulpes;and yes, of the affiliate's recruited set, not of all customers.
1816429;1526945411;ben_vulpes;this incentivizes the hunt for long term customers
1816430;1526945416;lobbes;and would this be for both shared hosting customers and rockchip (and anything else)?
1816431;1526945468;ben_vulpes;lobbes: shared shell alone, i haven't examined the implications of this scheme for rockchips yet
1816433;1526945710;lobbes;well, sounds good to me.
1816435;1526946349;lobbes;in other news, lobbesnode1 just passed block height 300000!
1816436;1526946356;lobbes;getting there..
1816438;1526947581;ben_vulpes;stand by to slow down
1816439;1526951562;mod6;made a landing page for ``blog'' posts: http://www.mod6.net/blog.html
1816440;1526951728;mod6;lobbes: cool!
1816441;1526957897;asciilifeform;meanwhile, for incorrigible rotakus strictly, http://manualul.info ( found, naturally, while digging for the orig kindergarten src of http://trilema.com/2018/printul )
1816442;1526958066;asciilifeform;bahaha complete with anthem and tov. c in front covers!
1816443;1526958193;asciilifeform;http://manualul.info/Abecedar_82/Abecedar_82.pdf << subj. ( compl. with the 'un vis' )
1816444;1526958601;asciilifeform;'Oriunde merg, / în tot ce simt / Alături ești / Iubit Partid!' lol!!
1816445;1526959011;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, o ya. authentic item.
1816446;1526959057;asciilifeform;this thing has like9000 lethal doses of nostalgium. and it aint even asciilifeform's orcistan
1816448;1526959077;mircea_popescu;but y9ou see, it wasn't a country, it was a world.
1816450;1526959096;mircea_popescu;for space odyssey human, turkish delight or texas steak, still "from earth!"
1816451;1526959120;asciilifeform;quite a bit like asciilifeform's homeworld.
1816452;1526959383;mircea_popescu;also, that's not kindergarten. it's 1st year of school, reuniting children no older than 7 years.
1816453;1526959400;asciilifeform;hm that makes sense.
1816454;1526959469;mircea_popescu;anyway, the item is fulla all sorts of references, subversions, wordplay etcetera. "ana are mere" is a locus in ro vernacular even today, for instance.
1816455;1526959521;mircea_popescu;complete with https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KfXtKKFIFN0 say
1816456;1526960150;Mocky;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-19#1815582 << >> http://mocky.org/Log-Reference-Why-Ada/
1816457;1526960150;a111;Logged on 2018-05-19 18:30 asciilifeform: ( folx-on-the-periphery-of-l1 : might be a good use of coupla hrs to dredge the logs for 'why ada' material that could point n00bz to, e.g. http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-13#1682480 )
1816458;1526960353;Mocky;comments are disabled on that page, happy to take corrections / additions here
1816459;1526960358;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2018/fireflies-and-other-things/ << Trilema - Fireflies and other things.
1816460;1526960473;ben_vulpes;trinque: it would be nice on my nerves and doublecheckment routines if pay-invoice OTPs had invoice memo and amount
1816461;1526960596;trinque;it's not as though the invoice numbers change, just check !!received-invoices first, but sure
1816462;1526960662;*;trinque tosses that one in the org file
1816463;1526961002;ben_vulpes;yeah, that's in the double checking routine
1816464;1526961048;ben_vulpes;not urgent by any means, possibly even a good switch-cover.
1816465;1526961135;*;ben_vulpes bbl
1816466;1526961477;asciilifeform;!!rate Mocky 1 'why ada'
1816467;1526961480;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/nSX1W/?raw=true
1816468;1526961506;asciilifeform;!!v BB79B3A8159EDB5C190E69B1EA57B1C43A2CC1F71E0BC8EBB0917A9B60BEAA37
1816469;1526961506;deedbot;asciilifeform rated Mocky 1 << 'why ada'
1816471;1526962449;mod6;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-21#1816417 << This sounds good to me, although, perhaps maybe consider the 'over 50'.  As by this, one would not be very motivated to pass 51.
1816472;1526962449;a111;Logged on 2018-05-21 22:47 ben_vulpes: mod6 asciilifeform: a sales incentive scheme proposal: we kick back 5% of revenue to affiliates who've recruited up to 10 paying customers, 10% up to 25 paying customers, 15% to 50 customers and then 20% for recruiting over 50 customers, which'd be a tidy .03 btc/mo, way better than any other "while you sleep" scheme out there.
1816473;1526962646;mircea_popescu;mod6, why not ? pays better than starting over neh.
1816474;1526962746;mod6;Well, if you get 15% when you get to 50, and 20% at 51.  Just thinking maybe bump it up.  20% at 75 or something.
1816475;1526962783;mod6;Graduate the scale on the long end, tis all.
1816476;1526963073;mod6;or, bump it down in the middle maybe: 5% @ 10, 10% @ 25, 15% @ 40, 20% >= 50 (something like that)
1816477;1526963136;mod6;doesn't have to be, just my 0.02
1816478;1526963171;mircea_popescu;Mocky, that was a pretty good read.
1816479;1526963209;mircea_popescu;mod6, ah, sure. can't say i've thought about it much nor have an oppinion. just a set of magic numbers afaik.
1816481;1526964433;mircea_popescu;Mocky, for the completeness list, http://btcbase.org/log/2012-08-21#-307780 ; http://btcbase.org/log/2015-04-28#1114017 ; http://btcbase.org/log/2015-05-01#1117963 ; http://btcbase.org/log/2015-08-21#1246852 ; http://btcbase.org/log/2016-03-12#1430987 ; though these are more for the flavour and color than all that central.
1816482;1526964433;a111;Logged on 2012-08-21 09:20 mircea_popescu: honestly i thought ruby is dead like ada.
1816483;1526964433;a111;Logged on 2015-04-28 17:29 mircea_popescu: because much like ada, brainfuck is an actually specified language
1816484;1526964433;a111;Logged on 2015-05-01 17:16 mircea_popescu: the path from the current FOSS, roughly approximating a spunk-crusted sock floating in a pringles can half full with week old urine
1816485;1526964433;a111;Logged on 2015-08-21 03:41 mircea_popescu: yeah. hey, anyone looking for something to do that'd be useful and also an incredible walk on coals ?
1816486;1526964433;a111;Logged on 2016-03-12 00:38 mircea_popescu: why not read the documentation ?
1816487;1526964868;Mocky;I will add
1816488;1526964892;mircea_popescu;i'm more curious whether you had seen them. doesn't necessarily have to be any larger than it is.
1816489;1526964940;Mocky;I saw the first two and omitted as not about why. the last three did not see, reading now
1816490;1526964978;mircea_popescu;yeah. kinda the problem with any attempt at summarizing logs, there's this long tail of ever less related stuff.
1816491;1526965093;Mocky;less related yes, but I must admit to spending much longer than strictly necessary for this task via continuing to read well past the topic in mind
1816492;1526965331;mircea_popescu;didja finish trilema yet ?
1816493;1526965470;Mocky;not finish, but did actually take a stab at some ro articles, via google translate. ha ha so much for google's ai, translate's not worth a damn
1816494;1526965556;mircea_popescu;google translate works exceedingly well on text not worth reading.
1816495;1526965624;mircea_popescu;kinda what this is about, yes ? admirable translation from english into orcland of bureaucratese, so that the overarching goal of esl bureaucracy (integration of worldwide police state at speed that exceeds integration of worldwide world in general) can be supported.
1816496;1526965631;mircea_popescu;it's not a "general purpose" item.
1816497;1526965710;mircea_popescu;it's an item borne of the fundamentally correct observation that speed of integration is the principal predictor of maintenance of statu quo.
1816498;1526965887;mircea_popescu;this paradigm readily explains the soviet state - "rock and roll" relationship, and moreover that historical accident had a lot to do with why alphabet even ~exists~ today. otherwise, on the naked strength of imaginary "advertising revenue" google is worth ~dozen stackexchanges/slashdots/sourceforges. but, generals always fight last year's war, and so here we are, "bayesian lesswisdom".
1816499;1526966054;Mocky;what is the soviet state rock and roll relationship?
1816500;1526966281;mircea_popescu;it's two pronged. on one hand, http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=vhs+america ; on the other hand http://trilema.com/2011/un-rasad-uscat/ ; https://www.pri.org/stories/2011-05-19/how-rock-and-roll-brought-soviet-union-down ; https://blogs.lt.vt.edu/aalrussia2014/2014/12/07/behind-the-iron-curtain-western-music-and-the-soviet-collapse/ and piles of similar wank. they misrepresent and misunderstand everything involved, of course,
1816501;1526966281;mircea_popescu;but not the broad strokes. much like chukcha confronted with car understands ~some~ things about it, but picture chukcha's blog describing cars.
1816502;1526966338;mircea_popescu;long story short, soviet kids integrated into youth culture faster than soviet state integrated "soviet world" ; the result was the failure of the soviet state.
1816503;1526966461;lobbes;Mocky: btw you may enjoy alf's ro to eng dictionary >> http://www.loper-os.org/pub/ro_eng_ascii.txt
1816504;1526966630;Mocky;thx lobbes
1816505;1526967170;Mocky;a fi copil din flori`to be born on the wrong side of the blanket
1816506;1526967228;Mocky;seems quite thorough
1816507;1526967979;mircea_popescu;lol. actually, that's simply a bastard.
1816508;1526967994;mircea_popescu;ro custom actually was, for a long time, to give flower names to kids of unknown parentage.
1816509;1526968036;mircea_popescu;and there is such a thing as a "bride's shame" plant too. so yes, the proposed conceit was that girls impregnated out of wedlock had taken as stroll through a flowery meadow and well... it caught.
1816510;1526969882;mircea_popescu;in other lulz, all these fucktards derping about "regulators". it is strictly impossible to have anything intelligent or meaningful to say if it includes the word "regulator" ; EXACTLY in the way it was impossible to say anything intelligent if your verbiage included "phlogiston" a century ago, or geocentrism six centuries ago and so following.
1816511;1526969895;mircea_popescu;it's so fucking broken a conceit as to be strictly incompatible with thought.
1816512;1526977382;ave1;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-21#1816420, Thanks! I could only find stupid online services (of which dict.cc allows you to download the dictionary, but I wonder about the correctness of this site).
1816513;1526977382;a111;Logged on 2018-05-21 23:11 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-21#1816404 << believe or not, i dun actually have a en<->de .txt . ( the arch-bestseller , v. k. mueller's en<->ru , is errywhere, e.g. http://www.alleng.ru/d/engl/engl150.htm )
1816514;1526984991;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in other web technologies & platforms involuntary humour, https://archive.is/akno9
1816515;1526988088;shinohai;would welcome trinque 's thoughts on this make.conf for playing eulora/steam http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/HikUV/?raw=true
1816516;1526988143;shinohai;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-19#1815611   <<< warez available: http://btcinfo.sdf.org/library/ForrestMims3rdEdition.pdf
1816517;1526988143;a111;Logged on 2018-05-19 18:54 asciilifeform: Mocky: if it is, start with one forrest mims
1816518;1526988429;mircea_popescu;aand in other racism lulz, https://archive.is/cGjtW#selection-1363.392-1363.407
1816519;1526989462;mircea_popescu;bwahahaha this is hysterical.
1816520;1526989475;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, https://archive.is/E5mUP#selection-1049.101-1042.8 << check out this dumb shit. STONED lives! in 2018!
1816521;1526989490;mircea_popescu;the fucktards apparently can't reconstruct a mbr ; and who needs jfs anyway.
1816522;1526992270;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-22#1816441 <-- this is golden! /me stumbles upon http://manualul.info/Alg_X_1989/ , looks at ToC: "elemente de prelucrare automată a datelor --> câteva instrucțiuni ale limbajului BASIC". and to think, this was wahahay before the days of "everyone and their dog has computer in their pocket" and "teach all kidz computer science"!
1816523;1526992270;a111;Logged on 2018-05-22 02:58 asciilifeform: meanwhile, for incorrigible rotakus strictly, http://manualul.info ( found, naturally, while digging for the orig kindergarten src of http://trilema.com/2018/printul )
1816524;1526992434;spyked;but sure, not at all a coincidence, since I got my first http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-23#1774876 in 1992.
1816525;1526992434;a111;Logged on 2018-01-23 18:20 spyked: asciilifeform: http://thetarpit.org/uploads/2015/02/hc-85.jpg (though mine was a HC 90 I think). Romanian ZX Spectrum clone, similar to many others discussed here
1816526;1526993238;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-22#1816456 <-- hey, neat archeologgy! may I persuade you to reflow the preformatted content somehow (replace pre with blockquote or something else)? it's a pita to read long log lines on 80 column setups.
1816527;1526993238;a111;Logged on 2018-05-22 03:35 Mocky: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-19#1815582 << >> http://mocky.org/Log-Reference-Why-Ada/
1816528;1526996363;Mocky;shinohai, thanks re: mims warez. I found similar, already a 3rd of the way thru. a book hand printed in mechanical pencil... remarkable
1816529;1526996509;shinohai;still haz analog edition in lab
1816530;1526996870;trinque;shinohai: looks sensible to me. eulora will probably be way easier than steam, obviously, since you can't compile steam yourself. iirc, last time I put steam on linux, it was in an african linux chroot
1816531;1526996924;trinque;this before I gave up and put a nintendo^wwindows machine on my toiletnet
1816532;1526996945;trinque;these days I rarely find time for gaming anyway.
1816533;1526996978;shinohai;meh i just unpack the .deb package and cheat, never given me issues
1816534;1526997083;trinque;well that, and it requires installing a bunch of required libs neh?
1816535;1526997342;shinohai;nah I just unpack stean-latest .deb using `ar x` ... then cd to the resulting usr/bin/ and ./steam
1816537;1526997708;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-21#1816417 << Sounds like a sweet deal
1816538;1526997708;a111;Logged on 2018-05-21 22:47 ben_vulpes: mod6 asciilifeform: a sales incentive scheme proposal: we kick back 5% of revenue to affiliates who've recruited up to 10 paying customers, 10% up to 25 paying customers, 15% to 50 customers and then 20% for recruiting over 50 customers, which'd be a tidy .03 btc/mo, way better than any other "while you sleep" scheme out there.
1816540;1526998490;trinque;first thing a salesman is going to ask for is marketing material. website with list of offered services would be a good start.
1816541;1526998513;trinque;i.e. if I ran some ads somewhere, where's the ad's link end up?
1816542;1526999117;Mocky;spyked, re: reflow, should be better now
1816543;1526999479;spyked;ty! :) looks good
1816544;1526999937;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/05/new-cpu-speculative-execution-flaws-just-keep-rolling-in/ << Qntra - New CPU Speculative Execution Flaws Just Keep Rolling In
1816545;1527002370;asciilifeform;!~ticker --market all
1816546;1527002376;jhvh1;asciilifeform: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 8245.99, vol: 7541.78166533 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 8233.0, vol: 17008.085135149995 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 8240.4, vol: 3144.61833089 | Volume-weighted last average: 8237.37769176
1816547;1527002561;asciilifeform;!!invoice ben_vulpes 0.36662881 May 2018 refueling: 36 w.u. fee from BB refuel ( omitted from prev inv ) + 2934.06 latech co. + 50 wr.fee
1816548;1527002566;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/qtuWU/?raw=true
1816549;1527002597;asciilifeform;!!v 66C6C76D25BEC54A0C80D05B2508749C37957ADEA4580512CD1A0F2B29B704D0
1816550;1527002597;mod6;Thanks asciilifeform!
1816551;1527002602;deedbot;Invoiced ben_vulpes 0.36662881 << May 2018 refueling: 36 w.u. fee from BB refuel ( omitted from prev inv ) + 2934.06 latech co. + 50 wr.fee
1816552;1527002637;asciilifeform;mod6: np
1816553;1527002646;asciilifeform;next one will have to be somebody else tho
1816554;1527002656;asciilifeform;( this is not the 1st warning, either )
1816555;1527002685;mod6;Yup, noted.
1816556;1527002798;asciilifeform;mod6: not because i don't like to, lol, i'd happily eat 100% of these 4evah if i had with what.
1816557;1527002857;mod6;Totally understood.
1816558;1527005079;lobbes;trinque's got a point re: marketing materials. Also, can I get a copy of the service agreement pizarro has with dc (en español is fine)? The primary selling point for the shared hosting is going to be "host whatever you want", but it obviously cannot be "anything" so salesperson needs to know the edges
1816559;1527005169;asciilifeform;lobbes: he posted it a while back
1816560;1527005186;BingoBoingo;lobbes: http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2018/02/06/contract/
1816561;1527005421;lobbes;Ah, muchas gracias
1816562;1527005453;BingoBoingo;De nada
1816563;1527005467;trinque;"(b) la infracción a los derechos de propiedad intelectual e industrial" << so no seedboxen eh?
1816564;1527005575;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/05/brits-hassel-business-man-over-foreign-cash-deemed-not-conducive-to-public-good/ << Qntra - Brits Hassel Business Man Over "foreign cash deemed not conducive to public good"
1816565;1527005832;asciilifeform;trinque: afaik every known fiatola isp, incl. in ru and cn, (formally) forbid warez . whether this adds up to an actual problem , is another matter.
1816566;1527005904;trinque;really depends on whether it's a "throw switch first and ask questions later" or "if somebody whines, you have $duration to tell user to stop"
1816567;1527007094;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: fat qntra upcoming, dun go to bed
1816569;1527008401;ben_vulpes;aight great, i'm going to get to work on marketing matls/landing page today
1816571;1527008965;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: ty for the heads up, got an eta
1816573;1527009230;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/ZWx71/?raw=true <<<
1816574;1527009340;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: i forgot to make a title. use your imagination.
1816575;1527009688;asciilifeform;hm BingoBoingo did qntra swallow my comment silently ?
1816576;1527009693;asciilifeform;( under "Brits..." )
1816577;1527009719;asciilifeform;or is it queued somewhere
1816578;1527009755;ben_vulpes;hassel -> hassle
1816579;1527009768;asciilifeform;this also
1816580;1527009905;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: ty
1816581;1527009951;BingoBoingo;and ty, comment was swallowed
1816582;1527009957;asciilifeform;so wat do ?
1816583;1527009965;asciilifeform;or hm wait
1816584;1527009974;asciilifeform;aa posted. ok ty
1816585;1527010566;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/05/us-kangaroo-court-issues-conviction-for-kidnapped-antivirus-operator/ << Qntra - US Kangaroo Court Issues Conviction For Kidnapped Antivirus Operator
1816586;1527010670;BingoBoingo;brb, gotta give a girl some fun
1816587;1527010698;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: plox to fix stray html tags
1816588;1527010707;asciilifeform;in footnote 2
1816589;1527011441;asciilifeform;!!up wgromniak
1816590;1527011441;deedbot;wgromniak voiced for 30 minutes.
1816591;1527011661;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: ty fxd
1816592;1527018783;mircea_popescu;re http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-16#1813874 ; in light of http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-16#1814511 i had my own intel examine it. it turns out that a) fraud is indeed rampant there, and especially for larger ammounts (this is web world, so larger is > 49.95 or so) and b) aged accounts with large trade histories are regularily bought/sold on fraudster forums.
1816593;1527018783;a111;Logged on 2018-05-16 00:10 mircea_popescu: re http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-15#1813559 : one important palliative measure would be for ben_vulpes to create a strong presence on localbitcoins, if nowhere else. there's people there willing to do wires for you, and you never know when it comes handy in a pinch.
1816594;1527018783;a111;Logged on 2018-05-16 17:52 jurov: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-16#1813874 << i was somewhat successful on localbitcoins, until (presumably, noone said me details) they started to wire me stolen money.
1816595;1527018832;ben_vulpes;thanks, mircea_popescu
1816596;1527018905;mircea_popescu;the point of concern is that if indeed you are paid with stolen funds, your recourse is very limited (hurr durr, "negrate" guy on web-fake-wot, so what, you invested btc in improving some unalligend bs website ?) and without your own bank account, your ability to evaluate the cost of risk is also very limited (dood hijacks some losers windows-broswer-session, sends you 5k, the bank of the loser sends it, then a week later ask
1816597;1527018905;mircea_popescu;s for it back. if you sent it straight to your dc's account, well, they may either get their bank account closed down, or spend however long doing paperwork, neither of which is something they're ready for, so they'll conceivably panic.)
1816598;1527019022;mircea_popescu;the correct approach, of course, is to not merely have an account with a bank outside of nato reich, but to have sufficient legal presence there that you get to the actual bottom of things with the bank (ie, not "retail shop clerk told me some random nonsense he assumed to be the case"), and then only clear transfers once the wire has in fact cleared (a signal most banks don't expose to most customers, because everyone involv
1816599;1527019022;mircea_popescu;ed is 10-ways retarded).
1816600;1527019136;asciilifeform;iirc bank won't ever say 'it cleared, 100% guarantee of no-clawback' because 'helps to launder' and leads to burning at the usg stake
1816601;1527019145;mircea_popescu;there's all sorts of rot and bullshit meanwhile baked into the system, such as, "sepa" (ie, i-can't-believe-it's-not-a-wire eurozone-only ersatz) has a two week recallable period. other banks may have other arrangements. the standard is that the other bank will ask for the money to be sent back "voluntarily" ; the bank may do it and pretend you agreed -- and feel free to take them to court, if your lawyers never met their law
1816602;1527019145;mircea_popescu;yers they're not going to fear that ; or else may ask you whether you agree. but if you don't agree, the other bank will send ANOTHER request, to refund and also ban your account. which your bank again, may do even IF they met your lawyers.
1816603;1527019148;mircea_popescu;and so following.
1816604;1527019162;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, of course they do. just, not for random dick.
1816605;1527019193;asciilifeform;well for soros they'll not only not clawback but send complimentary whores and chocolate, sure.
1816606;1527019204;mircea_popescu;industrial process can't have this "maybe the money's there, maybe there isn't". so people who actually keep the shit moving ain't got time for the bs. meanwhile non-essential services get shafted all the time, nobody cares you sent 10k copies of your extra speshial ladies fashion mag.
1816607;1527019230;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, not a matter of soros. a matter of two truckloads of screws vs two piles of "information products".
1816608;1527019284;mircea_popescu;the trucks dun move until the money is in, definitely. and so that's the point here, peeling more and ever more layers off. when we send bitcoin, we're sending something > trucks of lcd panels, not something < vogue magazine.
1816609;1527019301;mircea_popescu;but the empire assumes the assumptions that favour its nonsense, and they'll have to be drilled through.
1816610;1527019449;mircea_popescu;now all this withstanding, asciilifeform has a point in the following sense : if you constantly end up with stolen funds, something will ahve to be done about it -- and by you, as a sane fucking person. money transfers don't exist so idle fucktards can sit around on wealth they didn't work for, "oh, i wonder if i should do my homework or read up on carding forums".
1816611;1527019510;mircea_popescu;ie, even if the bank welcomed it (which it doesn't because they're trying to do business not participate in la revolucion), you couldn't in good conscience condone a process that constantly results in you processing stolen money. cuz you're not in that fucking business, and if you'd rather be then go work for the ny families or something.
1816612;1527019542;asciilifeform;'carding' ~as a concept~ is 100% usg-engineered 'anarchotyranny' -- http://btcbase.org/log/2014-02-13#499334
1816613;1527019542;a111;Logged on 2014-02-13 01:00 asciilifeform: fact is, 'carding' could disappear overnight if the card issuers wished it. (even in countries with ubiquitous old-style magnetic readers. devices which present the correct magnetism, using one-time account #s, are trivial.)
1816614;1527019573;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, i do not necessarily disagree with your theory. but let me walk you through a practical anecdote, so we understand the world better together, shall we ?
1816615;1527019580;asciilifeform;it exists to supply one of the pretexts for usg nationalization of banking infrastructure.
1816616;1527019592;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: fire away
1816617;1527019620;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, http://uploads.gazetadecluj.ro/gazcluj/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/ion-clamparu.jpg << look at this ugly fuck. knowing he is known as "cap de porc" ie "pighead", tell me what he does for a living ?
1816618;1527019634;asciilifeform;( asciilifeform's orig. argument, summarized : if bank cards used actual nonleaking rsa, and signed individual transactions under direct physical control of user -- there would be no 'carding'. qed. )
1816619;1527019673;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: executes contracts with blunt weapons ?
1816622;1527019706;mircea_popescu;here it is : he was convicted of a murder (the inept rural sort, ie, exactly what you say) many years ago. he got a term which turned to about 7 years.
1816623;1527019740;mircea_popescu;he spent those 7 years building up a network inside the prison. he then got out, moved to spain, and started what's called "human trafficking". ie, he'd trick idiot girlies into coming over, chained them to a post and soldf fuck tickets.
1816624;1527019796;mircea_popescu;he was convicted in spain, returned to romania, where also convicted, though it's not exactly clear if of same deeds (except at the getting girls, rather than selling fuck tickets end of it) or other deeds. he applied to court ot have punishments processed together,
1816625;1527019836;mircea_popescu;which is how he ended up with my people, i left sleepers to look for legal lulz for my own personal amusement. and it turned out that he ALSO had a large term in italy that neither the spanish nor the romanians even knew about.
1816626;1527019843;mircea_popescu;because eurozone amirite, what are they for.
1816627;1527019851;mircea_popescu;now, tell me this : how was he convicted ?
1816628;1527019885;asciilifeform;that q melts my brain. how could he ~not~ be, once captured by reich's agents, convicted, sentenced, whole hog
1816629;1527019932;mircea_popescu;this guy did not permit the girls to talk to one another. do you understand, to any degree, the sort of psychosis wilful people develop in prison ? he ran that operation as tight as fuck, not like he advertised for help on tardstalk.
1816630;1527019941;mircea_popescu;how did it leak ?
1816631;1527019968;asciilifeform;... 2 escaped gurlz met ?
1816633;1527019997;mircea_popescu;n, not two, N! i don't even know HOW HIGH ABOVE A DOZEN!!! girls were... i'm not sure anyone is ready for this... they were rescued by customers.
1816634;1527019998;asciilifeform;... they picked him up for wrong colour of staples in passport, searched house, found gurl ?
1816636;1527020010;mircea_popescu;let me put this in words, if words will allow it.
1816637;1527020086;mircea_popescu;some dumbass spanish redditard, yes, becuause who buys fucktickets from inept pigheads, some dumbass 45yo stackexchanger, expert sexchanger, some fucktard "computer engineer" DARED, not merely to steal the woman of a convicted murderer running a prostitution ring, but then not even go into hiding in fuckbumstan. no, he went with her ~to the fucking police~.
1816638;1527020123;mircea_popescu;and this idiot beyond what epithets can mark, this idiot kept losing girls. and he somehow explained this to himself as normal. if my engine loses oil i fucking have it checked by experts, this moron kept losing girls and thinking nothing of it.
1816639;1527020193;mircea_popescu;if i was doing this and someone did that, i'd fucking gut them, saw their children where their guts used to be and dumped them in assemblage in the sewage plant. but the ~most dangerous romanian criminal~, established the press, dun feel the need to bother.
1816640;1527020230;asciilifeform;i was waiting for the curtain call part of the story, with 'and what he did to the stoolie'
1816641;1527020235;asciilifeform;turns out, nuffin?!
1816643;1527020278;mircea_popescu;so this is the tripartite system -- the mirvniki, iiincredibly fuycking insane. they dare all sorts of inconceivable out-of-line behaviour, because they really think they're protected by the lcd screen. got used to do this, eventually their brain rots, tyhey think they're safe. except of course if the reich comes asking for them to sign "confession". THEN they're affraid ; of that, yes. they push over like butter, as if the f
1816644;1527020279;mircea_popescu;ucking bureaucrats can ever do anything.
1816645;1527020289;mircea_popescu;meanwhile, the vory, they're so fucking indolent as described.
1816646;1527020302;asciilifeform;i mean, we do have these in usa, can call'em 'budget model' criminals, they have money for the toy pistol with which to hold up bank, but not for the getaway car; for the 'carding' dataset but not for the ticket to iran; etc
1816647;1527020343;mircea_popescu;and the devils, well, they don't fucking know which side their head faces. i mean, nevermind the "oh, we're the legal system of cluelessness". dja realise i personally humiliated the european union delegation at bucharest (calling tiself "romanian government" for 0 rerasons) because ~they did not know how many heads of pigs lived on the land at given date~ ?
1816648;1527020367;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, if this guy meets your definition of "budget model" then i am at a loss for words. how would the putative mob set the hiring standards higher ?
1816649;1527020383;asciilifeform;why should they count pigs? i suppose the thought was, let washington/nato count'em, they bought'em
1816650;1527020394;mircea_popescu;they give them fucking id cards, are you kidding me ?
1816651;1527020410;mircea_popescu;don't you expect the lowest most basic requirement of any issuance to be able to produce count(issued) ?
1816652;1527020445;asciilifeform;there is also the variant where they knew the # , but not yet settled in agreement on precisely how to cook the books
1816653;1527020448;mircea_popescu;anyway, this is the tripartite system : fearless peons (except will sign any confession if asked by hitler) - indolent thieves - clueless bureaucrats.
1816654;1527020454;mircea_popescu;your theory, only covers one portion of the problem.
1816655;1527020483;*;asciilifeform doesn't pretend to have a tight grip on the problem, relying as he does on 'astronomical' observations through a thick fog of crapola
1816656;1527020497;mircea_popescu;do you realise ~every single fucktarded sub 25 yo girly on fetlife~ thinks "her relationship is great" and "my guy gives me everything i want, which you couldn't" ?
1816657;1527020508;mircea_popescu;when THE FUCK was this not the case, but even contemplatable as the case ?!
1816658;1527020562;asciilifeform;i suspect that the reality of the matter , in re the above , is beyond the squirrel brains of the gurlz, they are not equipped to process it and reject as ufology
1816659;1527020583;mircea_popescu;socialism has created a broken world. which takes us right back to the rock'n'roll / soviet state thing from yest : the 1988 problem ~wasn't~ aesthetic. it was that the "responses" provided by "the system" were strictly speaking http://trilema.com/2018/printul/#selection-39.91-39.107
1816660;1527020592;asciilifeform;( per http://btcbase.org/log/2015-05-04#1119480 effect )
1816661;1527020592;a111;Logged on 2015-05-04 13:42 mircea_popescu: and the monkey is going "fuck you bitch" quite literally at the experimenter, whom it (wrongly) perceives as a monkey of the same age and sex.
1816662;1527020633;mircea_popescu;yes, but think! think! rodrigo bonzalez the javascript expert of a shitty apt with not even a working lock in madrid perceived pighead the hard timer as... ALSO!!!! a javascript expert.
1816663;1527020649;mircea_popescu;their apparently shared expecation is that they can sit in a bar at a table together and drink the same beer.
1816664;1527020676;mircea_popescu;and not even for money! FOR A WOMAN!!!!
1816665;1527020685;mircea_popescu;is there anything worth less in the reich than a fucking woman ?!
1816666;1527020687;asciilifeform;asciilifeform suspects that, according to even 'well-read' plankton , mircea_popescu obviously cannot exist , as the last mircea_popescu was ghaddafi and the latter got bayonet up his starfish, erryoneknows
1816667;1527020689;mircea_popescu;even a child's worth a little money.
1816668;1527020786;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, except they DO KNOW he exists. recently present retard dared say http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-18#1815400 as a proxy for "fuck maduro", rather than being there, naked on hands and knees, begging to be allowed into the system. as per http://trilema.com/2016/mochila-o-muerte/#selection-57.0-56.1 and http://trilema.com/2017/in-scams-today-disk-less-terminal-sa-dba-laesquinadelamazmorra/#selection-167.0-175.137 an
1816669;1527020786;a111;Logged on 2018-05-18 21:17 fettiffany: because socialism is crap, that's what has destroyed my country
1816670;1527020786;mircea_popescu;d general fucking basic logic.
1816671;1527020802;mircea_popescu;if what maduro is running there is socialism i'm a woman.
1816672;1527020827;asciilifeform;this case is quite typical tho, the reich prosecutes 'death ray plots' while allah happily snackbars ~biweekly in londonabad/al-paris/etc , not much new there
1816673;1527020959;mircea_popescu;nevertheless, to return to your theory : if government somehow decided to hire you to make them a proper card and implemented your design, the other end of the retard empire, "the people themselves" (aka, http://trilema.com/2014/the-definitive-tract-on-sociopathy/#selection-97.245-97.262 ) woul;d not use it because (and this is a direct quote) "it's too much pressure".
1816674;1527020988;mircea_popescu;by which they mean fo course, "this doesn't take us closer to http://trilema.com/2018/democracy-sucks-the-two-thousand-four-hundred-and-change-years-old-version/ but further away from it, so we'll drag our feet as much as possibru).
1816675;1527021041;mircea_popescu;all three parties are captive in the system! the devils can't fix, because the mirvniki won't let them and the vory permit them to not fix ; the mirvniki won't fix because the vory won't let them and the devils permit them to not fix. and the vory won't fix because... the devils won't let them and the mirvniki permit them to not fix.
1816676;1527021046;mircea_popescu;see ? it's perfectly stable!
1816677;1527021093;mircea_popescu;and ~this~, this and only this, is why i said and i've been saying that only burning the whole thing down is a feasible approach. because of this.
1816678;1527021134;mircea_popescu;hey Mocky , how do you like the power of logs and blogs leveraged to make incredibly fine points incredibly well ? this'd be why http://trilema.com/2010/cartile-au-murit/
1816679;1527021142;asciilifeform;the 'they hire somebody to make proper rsa card', it's a 'fried ice' hypothetical, tho. because the cc 'fraud' is a required element of maintaining the konsoomer 'purchasing' circulation the system needs in order to live.
1816680;1527021165;asciilifeform;and yes it's stable.
1816681;1527021168;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, it being exactly what i said!
1816682;1527021289;asciilifeform;but yes, this makes sense
1816683;1527021314;mircea_popescu;anyway. what ambitious girly with http://trilema.com/2017/the-day-of-failure-trilemma/#selection-133.251-133.334 delusions as to "how the world works" meant by "socialism has ruined my country" was, "This nazi Maduro dared make venezuela uninhabitable for stupid cunts like me!!!! CALL MOMMY!!!". nothing else.
1816684;1527021327;asciilifeform;this was implicit in the 'anarchotyranny' label, which i stole from somebody or other (moldbug?) where it was described how a predator-prey equilibrium is carefully maintained by usg
1816685;1527021345;mircea_popescu;exactly a restatement of http://trilema.com/2018/the-retards-handshake/#selection-151.0-187.20
1816686;1527021383;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, except the modbug inept restatement of the foregoing attempts to enact his sponsor as some kind of aloof superior. whereas in reality it very much isn't, all parties are exactly equal, in their idiocy.
1816687;1527021438;mircea_popescu;the http://trilema.com/2012/law-enforcement-never-fails-to-unintentionally-entertain/#selection-119.0-119.99 is as much a part of the shitworld they built for themselves as is "herp derp your words can never touch me"
1816688;1527021571;asciilifeform;this applies to all 3 points in the triangle. i do not know whether the cc thieves and dope peddlers understand that without usg's maintenance of the upside-down world, they would work just as hard and for just as little, as used tyre sellers and train station pickpockets. ( i suspect that the smarter ones -- do ; but nfi )
1816690;1527021635;mircea_popescu;because tghat's the other angle of it : the "enchanted world of carding" is carefully engineered so it works as about 92% of the return-per-work that "legit" drudgery works out to .
1816691;1527021650;mircea_popescu;except the people involved aren't good at math, in the sense of compartimentalizing things in their heads.
1816692;1527021662;mircea_popescu;no "for the same money" ever issued out of their cubicalized brain.
1816693;1527021668;asciilifeform;as for the zooplankton, i have yet to meet one who appears to grasp the implications of no-carding world ( 'and when my money's gone, it's gone, and i can't borrow moar, time to sell daughters ?! holyfuq' ) but watch their faces when shown bitcoin, where this is the order of things
1816694;1527021726;asciilifeform;!#s while you sleep
1816695;1527021727;a111;50 results for "while you sleep", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=while%20you%20sleep
1816696;1527021762;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it's complicated, for them; all of the examples i've witnessed up close, were simply running from cube hell, and absolutely did not give half a shit at what, exact , cost; and i can't really blame;em
1816697;1527021792;asciilifeform;so no, there is not a 'same money', it absolutely is not 'same money' if it has to be earned in a cube and wearing an id badge '9 to 5'
1816699;1527021854;mircea_popescu;the illusion of improvement is after all the most important mechanism in empire.
1816700;1527021859;asciilifeform;they aren't (all) terrible at maths. simply there is a hidden term in this equation.
1816701;1527021863;mircea_popescu;"change you can believe in", let alone whether anything changes or not.
1816702;1527021869;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, which ?
1816703;1527021906;asciilifeform;the 'i'd rather make 50k as a free man in sunlight, even if running from police, than 500k under fluorescent lights writing usg reports'
1816704;1527021917;mircea_popescu;except... not made as free man either.
1816705;1527021947;mircea_popescu;just, "you can either get three food pellets a day and here's the cage bars, or else two and a half food pellets and we use the special invisible bars for your cage. same cost to us, what's your preference ?"
1816706;1527021948;asciilifeform;well yes, they play the role of lions and rhinos in a kind of safari park for usg 'threeletters'
1816707;1527021970;asciilifeform;( see in particular today's qntra, incidentally )
1816708;1527021972;mircea_popescu;and the cost ~to the system~ (because no, NOBODY who speaks english as a primary language PRODUCES anything, nor has, nor will while this lasts) of either kind is very finely equal
1816709;1527021984;mircea_popescu;which is why their per-sweadrop returns vary and are so precisely alligned.
1816710;1527021985;mircea_popescu;see ?
1816711;1527022023;asciilifeform;i must agree, because if the system is disequilibriated somewhere, it is to small enuff amount that i cannot see , with naked eye, where.
1816712;1527022028;asciilifeform;so it follows that it must be balanced.
1816713;1527022032;asciilifeform;( at least approx )
1816714;1527022100;asciilifeform;this also calls to mind the several previous threads re 'why do carders/smugglers/etc still use paypalade and convert bitcoin to usd whenever they get any' etc.
1816715;1527022125;mircea_popescu;moreover it's remarkable how well the averages are attracted. for anyone with functional analysis practice the underlying equality is evident.
1816716;1527022134;asciilifeform;to a man, they never 'checked out mentally' from usg reich, they still dream, in the end somehow, of miami.
1816717;1527022203;asciilifeform;( observe, abramovich remains in his miami, london, despite (supposedly) upcoming dekulakization. because life 'unthinkable' otherwise. )
1816718;1527022335;*;mircea_popescu recently re-watched http://trilema.com/2011/drugstore-cowboy/ ; it is notable because pretty much the last extant footage of w s burroughs.
1816719;1527022374;mircea_popescu;transparently, the reason the old man even did the film, and what they tgold him to be in it etc, is because he wanted to put the following phrase out there where i could reach it : "that in a few years, the right wingers will use the narcotics pretext to create an international police state".
1816720;1527022403;asciilifeform;there was ample warning, starting from the orig american prohibitionists.
1816721;1527022405;mircea_popescu;now, he didn't figure out that his notion of "right wingers" exactly maps to "clinton democrats", but otherwise, the problems of integration still drive the democratic world.
1816722;1527022566;mircea_popescu;("but mp, you don't do drugs ; what's more, you despise the junkie lifestyle -- shouldn't you despise burroughs ?!" "riight, because i'm you and http://trilema.com/2016/give-computers-the-vote-theyre-cheaper-than-women-even/#selection-373.681-373.811 applies to me, narf.")
1816723;1527022636;asciilifeform;now that we reviewed the usg-plankton-thieves triangle , possibly mircea_popescu grasps why asciilifeform disagrees with the moral angle of http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-22#1816611 : yes , it is problem to accept 'dirty' fiatola, but not from ethical angle, but because we don't have the tank divisions and orbital thermonuke droppers to properly counter a fully-rousted enemy anthill, yet
1816724;1527022636;a111;Logged on 2018-05-22 20:05 mircea_popescu: ie, even if the bank welcomed it (which it doesn't because they're trying to do business not participate in la revolucion), you couldn't in good conscience condone a process that constantly results in you processing stolen money. cuz you're not in that fucking business, and if you'd rather be then go work for the ny families or something.
1816725;1527022751;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, do you understand how the "bitcoin corrupts" portion of republican ideology works ?
1816726;1527022760;asciilifeform;i think so
1816727;1527022786;mircea_popescu;well, do you then see how this is the only available blade of "fiat corrupts" for the empire ? dull and small as it is, it's their mangy goat, one and only.
1816728;1527022830;asciilifeform;( i.e. at certain point, all of the working brains in the enemy camp, 'sell out to bitcoin', and what remains is buncha weirdos shouting orders impotently like the old man ceausescu )
1816729;1527022896;mircea_popescu;no. not the certain point. every day, every agent opf the empire is confronted with the http://trilema.com/2014/pushing-the-soft-tender-flesh-of-a-friend-against-the-sharp-rotating-blades-of-the-immutable-machine/#selection-967.295-971.2 problem. it is why they send people to steal the bitcoin from that "silkworm" tard, then sent more people to steal it from the people they sent to steal if and ended up stealing it ~for thems
1816731;1527022920;mircea_popescu;this is how the republic corrupts, in that once it's on the table, every man is now compelled to make a choice, and the other choice is incompatible with intelligence.
1816732;1527022954;asciilifeform;the mega-problem is, that it remains to be seen... whether bitcoin actually works. ( consider, in principle, errybody, from the dc folx, to the cheese sellers at the sunday market, ought to be cutting one another's throats for a chance to get some of that sweet coin sent their way. BUT in actuality, they do not! why not ? )
1816733;1527023038;mircea_popescu;sure. yet, for illustration : suppose camelfucker (as esltard imagines it) were sent to bomb vhs-america (as orc imagines it). the result ? after weeks of silence, "hey man, why do you want to harm these ppl, they're cool. i put in my greencard application and found a local gf, don't call her a whore she just likes to give head in bathrooms, it's all good"
1816734;1527023085;mircea_popescu;this ~actually happened~, which is why all sorts of ideological products centered on flower-power (mostly made by kids who were 12ish during woodstock and not admitted, so they got bitter and dreamed up their woodstock in heavens) contain more or less exact, direct depictions.
1816735;1527023102;asciilifeform;whereas in reality, osama et al can attend oxbridge, fuck 9000 choice aboriginals, and come back to goatfuckistan to make peroxide of acetone in cave
1816736;1527023148;asciilifeform;nao granted this is in post-2001 usa, vs 'vhs'
1816737;1527023161;asciilifeform;'vhs america' did have e.g. su 'residents' who went native.
1816738;1527023167;mircea_popescu;classical london, the model the us briefly seemed to manage immitating, was the place where all sorts of orcs (such as you know, lenin) went into "exile", because unlike their originating goatfuckistan, london did not give a shit about "politics" and "ideologies". because it had a better one.
1816739;1527023170;mircea_popescu;period and full stop.
1816740;1527023208;asciilifeform;lenin? zurich
1816741;1527023215;asciilifeform;but otherwise yes
1816743;1527023384;asciilifeform;in re 'silk road' food chain, the coin can in fact be stolen from usg agents, in turn by usg.thieves, in turn by usg agents again, in turn by miami-dreaming latvians, and again by usg, and so forth, infinitely many times. none of these get visibly 'corrupted' , they continue to dream of miami afaik.
1816744;1527023415;asciilifeform;granted in theory ~eventually~ it will settle into some ground state, perhaps in mircea_popescu's pocket , but this doesn't fix the problem of fiatola interface, necessarily.
1816745;1527023420;mircea_popescu;this is not so, the first thieves usg sent actually went bitcoin native.
1816746;1527023451;asciilifeform;apparently not, if they aren't openly in the wot and standing up to lordship ?
1816747;1527023456;mircea_popescu;and i imagine they're in the deepest hole the reich has, not because of "guilt" but because they're radioactive, can train others.
1816748;1527023461;asciilifeform;( or what means 'native' ?? )
1816749;1527023478;asciilifeform;aaaa captured d00dz
1816750;1527023508;mircea_popescu;well yes.
1816751;1527023533;asciilifeform;from this it'd follow that the coin is now in some idcard-carrying vermin's safe, and guarded by http://btcbase.org/log/2015-06-10#1158785 , and potentially stable situation ~forever, like with nuke warehouse.
1816752;1527023533;a111;Logged on 2015-06-10 03:40 asciilifeform: 'watchman may not know what is behind the door he is guarding; if he knew - would steal it himself' (tm) (r) (sov army)
1816754;1527023599;mircea_popescu;except, of course, of how fearless the zeks are.
1816755;1527023627;asciilifeform;so , granted bitcoin corrupts, like mercury reacts with aluminum, but observe that despite mercury being plentiful on planet3, aluminum airplanes still fly
1816756;1527023666;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: how do the fearless zeks play in ?
1816757;1527023671;mircea_popescu;see, this is to my eyes the principal vulnerability of the whole charade. always it is the case with tripartite stable systems you get a sewing together somewhewre, and so is here. the zeks must, at the same time, be brave enough to steal from pighead and ALSO cowardly enough they'll eagerly participate in samokritika sessions.
1816758;1527023678;mircea_popescu;this partition is where the light comes in.
1816759;1527023694;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, they'll just go in and fucking steal it.
1816760;1527023756;asciilifeform;they can steal it any number of times, but they have no ideological drive to ~keep~ it, so it ends up in the usg safe next to the aes weak key formula and the nuke src. all over again.
1816761;1527023763;asciilifeform;where there ~is~ the ideological drive.
1816762;1527023782;mircea_popescu;ever seen http://trilema.com/2011/bad-teacher/ ? bitch wants new tits and dun wanna suck cock for it, because "that's bad and no http://trilema.com/2013/queers/#selection-135.66-135.84 dame would ever do it". so INSTEAD she breaks into fed vault, steals standardized test a day before it's administered.
1816763;1527023797;mircea_popescu;and, this is the kicker, ~gets away with it~.
1816764;1527023814;mircea_popescu;ever seen http://trilema.com/2011/bound/ ? two lezbos steal from the mob. and ~they get away with it~.
1816765;1527023824;asciilifeform;does she get away with it by flying away in ufo, blasting death ray ?
1816766;1527023839;asciilifeform;in film -- anyffing can happen
1816767;1527023844;mircea_popescu;this is ~all they see, and therefore they believe it. hey, if you're as cute as a button and don't bow to patriarchy, you can just walk with a hunk of gold from fort knox.
1816768;1527023872;asciilifeform;i saw a film exactly like this once; utter rubbish, where some 'historian' d00d steals 'declaration of independence' from museum
1816769;1527023875;mircea_popescu;bravery, see ? he who dares take gang hookers on a whim, can in principle dare to go steal the nuke keys.
1816770;1527023897;asciilifeform;had nice touch where he gets into it through seekrit passage in the adjacent train station ( i go to that train station quite often, and it was an extra lulzgem )
1816771;1527023910;mircea_popescu;and this is the problem. system relies on them being both insanely brave, past any degree of human bravery, and ALSO insanely poltroonish, below what one sees even in 6yos.
1816772;1527023927;asciilifeform;system would prefer that the ballsy folx march into machinegun fire asap, yes.
1816773;1527023938;asciilifeform;rather than plot for 20 yrs to club a guard and steal rifle and etc.
1816774;1527023957;mircea_popescu;nah. just the ~integrated~ ones. see ? the moment they integrate their courage, they a) lose some portions of it and b) become indeed very dangerous.
1816775;1527023976;asciilifeform;the http://btcbase.org/log/2014-04-13#623026 thing , it is precisely for this.
1816776;1527023976;a111;Logged on 2014-04-13 22:23 mircea_popescu: "In 2013, two men from upstate New York were arrested after building a radioactive "death ray" device and plotting to use it against Muslims"
1816777;1527023983;mircea_popescu;that's how democratic state stays stable : a) integrating the world but also b) desintegrating the zek mind.
1816778;1527024048;asciilifeform;i still recall one of the provocateurs who showed up here, who was genuinely puzzled why asciilifeform did not take interest in his 'private' invitations to join 'militia'
1816780;1527024067;asciilifeform;and that's just the 1 that comes to mind.
1816781;1527024096;asciilifeform;their 3ring notebook has just a handful of formulae, and they apply, religiously, each one, forever.
1816782;1527024119;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: do you recall which one this was?
1816783;1527024142;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: something plague, or gangrene-themed nick, i fughet
1816784;1527024161;asciilifeform;iirc autumn of 2015
1816785;1527024177;ben_vulpes;doesn't ring much of a bell
1816786;1527024188;asciilifeform;'scourge' or similar
1816787;1527024194;ben_vulpes;ohoh thescourge
1816788;1527024199;asciilifeform;aaa yes
1816790;1527024464;mircea_popescu;i suspect you're profiled as "crotchety old man with no social skills" because "technical expertise must have this fatal flaw" as per the cinematic rolodex of fatal flaws.
1816792;1527024503;asciilifeform;'or why else would he refuse to help build islamic death ray'
1816793;1527024551;asciilifeform;'errybody MUST want to associate with the back-twothirds snail of the bellcurve! it's written in the biblokoran' or sumthing
1816794;1527024554;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2018/euloras-communication-protocol-restated/ << Trilema - Eulora's Communication Protocol, restated.
1816795;1527024573;mircea_popescu;sorry about that ; somehow had a bad ' in title.
1816796;1527024605;asciilifeform;lol, i was gettin' ready to read a rewritten eulora protocol...
1816797;1527024639;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, notice that the "headcount is the only criterion" is baked very deeply in their cvasi-brains. which is why the recent lulz with dns and http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-22#1756992
1816798;1527024639;a111;Logged on 2017-12-22 17:18 weevlos: trinque: we are a media publication. our power and capital comes from the number of visitors we have to the site. we aim to transform through culture. if normal people cannot visit our site we are not accomplishing our goal
1816799;1527024653;asciilifeform;of course it is.
1816800;1527024755;asciilifeform;they'll sometimes hunt and skin 'low headcount' items , like the 2 latvian idjits, if they see something valuable to steal
1816801;1527024760;mircea_popescu;"transform through culture -- as long as the fundamentals don't change". or, in caragiale's words, century+ ago, "Din două una, dați-mi voie: ori să se revizuiască, primesc! dar să nu se schimbe nimica; ori să nu se revizuiască, primesc! dar atunci să se schimbe pe ici pe colo, și anume în punctele... esențiale... Din această dilemă nu puteți ieși... Am zis! "
1816802;1527024842;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, yes, but only as a "low high headcount".
1816804;1527024859;mircea_popescu;which ?
1816805;1527024865;asciilifeform;'low high headcount'
1816806;1527024869;asciilifeform;sr was , what, 1 d00d
1816807;1527024881;mircea_popescu;anyway, i suspect we might be the only ones to have ~ever~ produced an item that doesn't specifically benefit from headcount as such.
1816808;1527024883;asciilifeform;( 2? if we count the stoolie )
1816809;1527024902;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, that it's still ~ordered~ from low to high, irrespective of how it happens to have a small cardinal.
1816810;1527024930;mircea_popescu;the difference between {1,2} and {1,2,3,4,5,6,7...,190999} is not substantial -- yes one's larger than the other, but the first can be enlarged and it'll keep structure.
1816811;1527024962;mircea_popescu;"all integers up to n" is not much affected by size of n, because the generative rule still is, "up to" "n".
1816812;1527025017;mircea_popescu;so the first is a "low n high headcount" and the 2nd is a "high n high headcount", but the first byte is insignificant, "low", "high", maybe 17 is a very large amt of phone number, who's to say.
1816813;1527025052;asciilifeform;they did at least Officially feign surprise that 'it's just 1 d00d', so i can picture it.
1816815;1527025162;mircea_popescu;consider the illustrative case of art. so a man gets an itch, and as a result of this itch in due time comes an item.
1816816;1527025178;mircea_popescu;the system picks up item, proclaims it is a "painting", and gives man something for it.
1816817;1527025197;mircea_popescu;at this point, man diverges into two fundamentally disjunct and irreconcilable possiblities.
1816818;1527025220;mircea_popescu;if man is a dullard, man will engage in "high headcount", female generative process : how to make ANOTHER item JUST LIKE THE FIRST.
1816819;1527025268;mircea_popescu;if man is intelligent, will engage in "difference and variety", scientific ( http://trilema.com/2017/is-it-still-rape-if-i-write-science-on-my-penis-first/ ) generative process : how to make another item not at all like the first, except where it utterly has to.
1816820;1527025280;asciilifeform;all shamanism is based on the 'just like the first!' pattern, aha
1816821;1527025441;asciilifeform;must note, however, that 'low head count' comes with own set of problems.
1816822;1527025475;mircea_popescu;nobody's proposing deductive solutions. the only observation is that trying to build one-legged walkers will result in grief.
1816823;1527025481;asciilifeform;( and always. recall how stalin, whatever else he succeeded in, was unable to create a half-passable replacement for himself. ditto peter. )
1816824;1527025573;asciilifeform;in re deductive solutions -- it still puzzles me how e.g. bitcoin can be 'worth 8k' but simultaenously no dc anywhere wants any.
1816825;1527025618;trinque;china shut down the exchanges, not the mines
1816826;1527025642;trinque;looks like they very much want some, and don't want it leaking
1816827;1527025669;mircea_popescu;so far that's even the reason empire crossed the threshold into oblivion ( i'm too lazy to dig up ye olde trilema where i say "state may exist for as long as it so closely mimmicks my will i can't discern it's there, and not one second past that" ) and now must be destroyed. had it had the sense (rather, the capacity) to maintain both forms, i'd nwever have even noticed it, and it could have continued to exist therefore.
1816828;1527025693;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, it can get way worse than that,
1816829;1527025696;mircea_popescu;!Qgoogle joshua bell
1816830;1527025741;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2014-07-18#761314 there we go
1816831;1527025741;a111;Logged on 2014-07-18 20:19 princessnell: they can't identify a maestro for a mendicant https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UM21gPmkDpI
1816832;1527025849;asciilifeform;i remember bell very, very well.
1816833;1527025880;asciilifeform;1st publicly-visible case of d00d pissing on the usg's anti-bitcoin ( yes, before bitcoin ) electric fence.
1816834;1527025906;mircea_popescu;trinque, no more https://www.huobi.com/ ?
1816835;1527025940;asciilifeform;or hm that's a different bell !!
1816836;1527025947;asciilifeform;i was thinking of 'assassination politics' d00d
1816837;1527025962;asciilifeform;jim bell.
1816839;1527026057;trinque;iirc they were all shuttered at the end of last year
1816840;1527026066;asciilifeform;trinque: they want it , but strictly to safely sequester in bunker, per http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-22#1816751 .
1816841;1527026066;a111;Logged on 2018-05-22 21:12 asciilifeform: from this it'd follow that the coin is now in some idcard-carrying vermin's safe, and guarded by http://btcbase.org/log/2015-06-10#1158785 , and potentially stable situation ~forever, like with nuke warehouse.
1816842;1527026145;asciilifeform;from both euro-american and chinese lizard pov, world without bitcoin is best, but second-best is world where it is exactly like plutonium, plebe who somehow finds some has no choice but to bury in the deepest hole he can dig and forget that it happened
1816843;1527026165;asciilifeform;like gold in old su
1816844;1527026197;mircea_popescu;i suppose so, huh.
1816845;1527026203;Mocky;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-22#1816678 I think it's head and shoulders above whatever else, specifically for those who can write well and who have fine points actually worth making
1816846;1527026203;a111;Logged on 2018-05-22 20:32 mircea_popescu: hey Mocky , how do you like the power of logs and blogs leveraged to make incredibly fine points incredibly well ? this'd be why http://trilema.com/2010/cartile-au-murit/
1816847;1527026220;mircea_popescu;in the end, the aquarium feeder and the aquarium fauna have more in common than they'd like to admit necessarily.
1816848;1527026247;asciilifeform;i dun see any fundamental difference between east and west aquariae
1816849;1527026277;mircea_popescu;Mocky, sadly, the whatever else is mostly "books". because the only fucking altgernative is writing simple books about simple databases for http://trilema.com/2016/there-has-not-yet-been-seen-a-simple-thing-even-if-were-drowning-in-simple-people/
1816850;1527026519;asciilifeform;trinque: if pekin actually shuttered the exchanges, this is dumbest possible move, nao chinese coin will be sold in new york for usd and put in usg bank to steal.
1816851;1527026538;asciilifeform;( granted, hope probably is 'not sold at all, and the Party will eventually take it' )
1816852;1527026596;mircea_popescu;it's possible they're trying some kind of monetarism, "if dried crickets we put in china aquarium can no longer be traded for bitcoin, on account of how poor us aquarium is kept the price of bitcoin will drop we can buy cheaper". or whatever inane monetarism.
1816853;1527026602;mircea_popescu;the chinese were never famed for their intelligence.
1816854;1527026608;asciilifeform;reich can continue to soldier on ~indefinitely for so long as it can afford to maintain a miami for idiot orcs to salivate for. this could prove to be a very long time.
1816855;1527026658;asciilifeform;it's a stable strategy, like the lantern fish.
1816856;1527026673;mircea_popescu;athens-miami was here 2500 years ago, and will be here 2500 years from now.
1816857;1527026683;mircea_popescu;what the normies salivate at has ~no bearing to anything.
1816858;1527026714;asciilifeform;plankton, no bearing, no; folx with 'actual power' (i.e. coin) trading it 'for fetish of power' (usd in nyc) -- bearing.
1816859;1527026716;mircea_popescu;the problem is that the value of normie "work", ie, what normie can do, was >0 from age of sail to end of industrialization, mid 1800s. whereas since orwell it's not been the case./
1816860;1527026766;mircea_popescu;so there shall not long exist the sort of things one expects of "Working socialist reich". consider -- it is infinitely easier now to find a girlfriend (in medieval parlance whore) than a houseworker (in medieval parlance, maid). by a factor of at least 100.
1816861;1527026769;asciilifeform;rrright, hence the item re the madura chix
1816862;1527026781;mircea_popescu;this is strictly because socialist democracy. otherwise -- it's 100x the other way.
1816863;1527026810;asciilifeform;servants, in the customary sense, are ~banned in the reich ('they have RIGHTS!')
1816864;1527026834;mircea_popescu;also, "convenience" as in store etc, is not supportable in kingdom, monarchy only item. which is why you want to buy parts and your 1600 counterpart had them hand-made by expert he maintained relatiosnhip with (ie, house and so on)
1816865;1527026861;mircea_popescu;but then again, as you discover ~no store holds anything interesting anyway, as seen in recent logs...
1816866;1527026898;asciilifeform;... or when they do, 1000% markup ( recall the thread about the lids on FUCKGOATS analogue board ? )
1816867;1527026916;mircea_popescu;so there you go. it's not a matter of "if".
1816868;1527027034;asciilifeform;store -- holds parts such as are used in 'fishtank' maintenance. want anything else -- stuck building it in spare time, for years.
1816869;1527027064;asciilifeform;i suppose for people with money, the equation differs, but i am not , never was, and never expect to be such a thing, and cannot comment authoritatively.
1816870;1527027138;mircea_popescu;point remains -- stores in vhs america hold "anything you could possibly want". that is the exact statement ; and it is a fundamental requirement. no longe satisfied -- no longer to the camelfuckers go native in your newyorklondonzurich
1816871;1527027145;asciilifeform;( 'money' begins, roughly, at the freight liner level , as in http://trilema.com/2018/on-namespaces/#selection-237.0-243.73 )
1816872;1527027204;asciilifeform;camelfuckers seems to aspire to become fat, lazy newyorkers, wanting strictly what the snail of the bellcurve always wants; rather than screws with exotic threads.
1816873;1527027270;douchebag;http://douchebag.press/ <<< Updated, all known CVE's for dependencies have been listed.
1816874;1527027271;mircea_popescu;this is not my experience.
1816875;1527027299;mircea_popescu;douchebag, now go through your wot, ask the people with -s to please take them off, see what they want from you to do so.
1816876;1527027303;asciilifeform;douchebag: this looks exactly same as 2days ago
1816877;1527027307;asciilifeform;just nao with usg.dns
1816878;1527027313;douchebag;update it
1816879;1527027317;douchebag;or refresh
1816880;1527027351;asciilifeform;i did
1816881;1527027352;douchebag;I just added dependcy exploits for m4, mpc, mpfr, musl, ncurses and pkgconf
1816882;1527027364;asciilifeform;and i still don't seen any vulns in anything that actually gets linked to AND CALLED FROM trb
1816883;1527027374;asciilifeform;on this list.
1816884;1527027381;asciilifeform;( not that i expected to )
1816885;1527027388;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, it's not, it grew about 30%
1816886;1527027404;douchebag;I was only asked to find exploits for the dependencies being used
1816887;1527027465;asciilifeform;!#s exam taking
1816888;1527027465;a111;12 results for "exam taking", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=exam%20taking
1816889;1527027494;asciilifeform;douchebag: understand that this behaviour 1) has a name 2) might work LITERALLY EVERYWHERE ELSE on planet, but won't work here.
1816890;1527027530;asciilifeform;nao granted this might technically satisfy in re what douchebag promised to trinque ( lessee if the latter -- agrees 0
1816892;1527027561;asciilifeform;but imho it does not indicate that douchebag has learned anything in his time here.
1816893;1527027613;douchebag;asciilifeform: Keep in mind, this is not the type of auditing I usually do.
1816894;1527027635;asciilifeform;guess what, it also isn't what any of us do. because it's completely useless.
1816895;1527027656;douchebag;I was just doing what was asked of me
1816896;1527027664;asciilifeform;searching usg.cve lists is literally kindergarten minimal step ; even usg's automatic c/cpp auditor nonsense, does an ok job of it
1816897;1527027710;asciilifeform;douchebag: that's precisely the problem !
1816899;1527027732;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-05-09 23:29 ben_vulpes: ACTION curious to see if the guy leaves off at 'osint' copypasta
1816900;1527027742;asciilifeform;douchebag: you did ~only~ the minimal interpretation of what was asked. like a schoolboy. instead of, e.g., annotating this list with 'is this an actual vuln in actual physical trb'
1816901;1527027764;douchebag;I don't program in c or c++, I don't do binary exploitation, I don't do reverse engineering
1816902;1527027800;asciilifeform;nobody was born knowing these. or carpentry. or anything else but sucking tit
1816903;1527027811;asciilifeform;but douchebag if you want to 'security expert', web liquishit won't cut it here.
1816904;1527027815;diana_coman;asciilifeform, eh, he's a schoolboy, not a lord; what of it; when (if) he grows up, revisit;
1816905;1527027831;asciilifeform;diana_coman: i'd like to determine if 'short because boy' or 'short because dwarf'
1816906;1527027838;asciilifeform;so far, shows dangerous symptoms of the latter
1816907;1527027859;douchebag;asciilifeform: When it comes to web application exploitation - I'm a pro and it's rather profitible
1816908;1527027864;ben_vulpes;unrelated, "She had initially hesitated to work on criminal cases because she was unsure of legal and ethical issues, especially if people uploading their DNA to GEDmatch were unaware police were trawling through the database." https://archive.is/6zrLD#selection-1651.70-1651.284
1816909;1527027864;asciilifeform;and if boy -- certainly won't grow without kicking.
1816910;1527027886;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: old noose, eh
1816911;1527027915;ben_vulpes;yes but the "unsure if i should do this until people cheered for me" bit was lulzy
1816912;1527027930;ben_vulpes;"But the positive feedback since the Golden State Killer case convinced her to make the plunge."
1816913;1527028012;asciilifeform;plankton moves with the current, what.
1816914;1527028020;douchebag;also asciilifeform, for the type of job I would like to have web application exploitation, network attacks, and social engineering attacks are the main things I need to focus on
1816915;1527028050;douchebag;I think reverse engineering is cool as fuck, however it's not going to be very helpful to achieve my end goal
1816916;1527028065;diana_coman;douchebag, what is your end goal ?
1816917;1527028066;douchebag;regardless, I'd like to learn more about it over time
1816918;1527028081;asciilifeform;douchebag: for so long as you understand that you become a usg electro-echafaudage expert, and your fortune will rise and fall with usg's -- like patent lawyer's -- then why not, do it
1816919;1527028118;douchebag;diana_coman: I'd like to offer commercial penetration testing services
1816920;1527028136;asciilifeform;douchebag: and the 'fool's gold', usd, will buy only miami, for so long as there's any miami left, and there's long queue of people ahead of you.
1816921;1527028136;diana_coman;well, you can offer them already, what sort of goal is this
1816922;1527028159;*;diana_coman goes to offer commercial penetration testing, sampling and peppering services
1816923;1527028181;douchebag;Well I can, but I'd like to have a job doing it. Perhaps start a security firm someday
1816924;1527028198;asciilifeform;douchebag: the world's first ACTUAL security firm ?
1816925;1527028205;asciilifeform;or yet another usg appendage ?
1816926;1527028221;diana_coman;so your end goal is "to have a job"?
1816927;1527028229;asciilifeform;douchebag: do you understand the difference ?
1816928;1527028232;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-22#1816892 << dood, what are you talking about.
1816929;1527028232;a111;Logged on 2018-05-22 22:19 asciilifeform: but imho it does not indicate that douchebag has learned anything in his time here.
1816930;1527028264;douchebag;asciilifeform: Well, the security firm I currently work for doesn't allow me to give customers actual advice on security. eg. "Hey maybe running windows server 2003 isn't a good idea for your company"
1816931;1527028274;mircea_popescu;why not ?
1816932;1527028296;douchebag;Because that wouldn't be good for business, all they let me do is install security software and configure it for customers
1816933;1527028296;mircea_popescu;strategic advice reserved for more senior roles, or do they simply not like any permanent fixes ?
1816935;1527028311;mircea_popescu;sounds like a terribly crummy job.
1816936;1527028312;asciilifeform;prolly because ibm and oracle won't dispense fresh, thick greens of printolade for uttering heresies ?
1816937;1527028317;douchebag;mircea_popescu: You're right,
1816938;1527028354;douchebag;I want to work a fulfilling job where I know that I am actually providing a good service and giving customers a high quality security audit as well as high quality security products
1816939;1527028425;douchebag;Installing security software that intercepts all traffic (even ssl traffic) on a windows server 2003 install made me cringe
1816940;1527028427;diana_coman;douchebag, does it matter in your books who are the customers?
1816941;1527028430;asciilifeform;douchebag: 'security business' in the form in which it exists today, is strictly religious/ritual arm of usg church; legitimate security business consists solely and strictly in the systematic disassembly of usg; and once disassembled properly, it will exist no longer.
1816942;1527028438;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, let me give you a little puzzler here. so, stanley wojtowicz, the guy that robbed a brooklyn bank to pay for lizzie eden's sex change operation but failed to produce any money this way, nevertheless got paid when sidney lumet made his film. he was paid, 1% of the net. what's wrong with this ?
1816943;1527028464;mircea_popescu;douchebag, the risk is, of course, that you end up the next http://qntra.net/2018/05/us-kangaroo-court-issues-conviction-for-kidnapped-antivirus-operator/
1816944;1527028469;diana_coman;asciilifeform, for all the world if the above doesn't scream "boy" at you (instead of dwarf, I don't know what else can)
1816945;1527028487;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: nuffin wrong, per se, so long as d00d understands what he gets into.
1816947;1527028498;mircea_popescu;OF THE GROSS.
1816948;1527028503;douchebag;diana_coman: I'd imagine that only companies who actually care about their security would purchase my services
1816949;1527028505;mircea_popescu;every fucking noob knows this. KNOW THIS.
1816950;1527028516;mircea_popescu;% of the gross or no deal. hollywood is notorious for cooking books.
1816951;1527028526;asciilifeform;( i'll immediately admit that i am not familiar with the story )
1816952;1527028531;douchebag;Primarily because they would know upfront, this isn't just an audit to help them pass compliance tests
1816953;1527028562;mircea_popescu;douchebag, it doesn't pay for companies to actually care about their security, because of the principal-agent problem and the easy exit "nobody could have predicted" offers.
1816954;1527028573;diana_coman;heh, weren't you just "I wanna pass compliance tests" one sec ago?
1816955;1527028581;diana_coman;because you don't do x and don't know y and etc
1816956;1527028631;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-22#1816901 << understand, most of the "tasks" you'll get here, and for a long while, are principally useful to you, in that they get you to fix things about yourself, such as the foregoing.
1816957;1527028631;a111;Logged on 2018-05-22 22:22 douchebag: I don't program in c or c++, I don't do binary exploitation, I don't do reverse engineering
1816958;1527028632;douchebag;Well, most security firms just run a scanner and tell companies to "update x install y to pass compliance"
1816959;1527028689;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: so far it doesn't look to me like he's at risk of http://qntra.net/2018/05/us-kangaroo-court-issues-conviction-for-kidnapped-antivirus-operator/ , instead he's at risk of a) running 'the next mandiant' , and making 'million dollars', and thinking as result that he has something to do with 'security' or that the million is 'actual money' or, far more likely,  b ) ending in sad , tall pile of hollywood-waitress-style bo
1816960;1527028689;asciilifeform;dies of failed attempts at (a)
1816961;1527028745;douchebag;I would be doing a more comprehensive audit, as well as telling them exactly what they need to do to actually be secure their company - even though my service would require more work for them it would be a betterend result for them
1816962;1527028745;asciilifeform;( it isn't any seekrit that asciilifeform is , among other things, a burned-out veteran of 'b' , yrs past )
1816963;1527028818;asciilifeform;douchebag: absolutely NO usd-paying customers of the 'security industry' give HALF A SHIT about actual results. if you do not get this through your thick skull now, you can learn it on own skin later, it doesn't make much diff to asciilifeform , which one you choose.
1816964;1527028857;asciilifeform;look back to the http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-23#1774662 thread.
1816965;1527028857;a111;Logged on 2018-01-23 06:31 mircea_popescu: aite, here : "does ubervu have a chance of ever being profitable ? absolutely never. there's complicated considerations involved, but principally determinant two : first, and absolutely unsurmountable, is that such products do not add any value, but are merely used in the way witches use crystal balls. exactly in the way. therefore, the more popular witches decide the brand of "best" crystal balls
1816966;1527028870;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-22#1816908 << i'll point something out, in the vein of the previous "tripartite idiocy" discussion : law enforcement consists of very minimal work, and even less useful work these days. you know those century-old complicated "murder investigations", with barry fitzgerald going "tis a heavy case" and so on ? NONE of that still exist ; the line-ups to pick up suspects are mostly gone, etcetera. la
1816967;1527028870;a111;Logged on 2018-05-22 22:24 ben_vulpes: unrelated, "She had initially hesitated to work on criminal cases because she was unsure of legal and ethical issues, especially if people uploading their DNA to GEDmatch were unaware police were trawling through the database." https://archive.is/6zrLD#selection-1651.70-1651.284
1816968;1527028870;mircea_popescu;w enforcement is ever more a vacuous activity, consisting of a narrow few items. "found drugs in house / car" "found '''child pornography''' on computer / guy was holding a gun in the bank" etc. all that's still ongoing are tyhe "taskforces", driven by specific special interest groups, the "drugs", the "sex trafficking", the "money laundering" etc. in the 70s large cities stopped prosecuting breaking and entering, much like i
1816969;1527028871;mircea_popescu;n the 60s small cities stopped prosecutting petty theft. by now -- everything but murder is entirely opaque, and even murder is not actually researched in any seriousness.
1816970;1527028882;asciilifeform;well guess what, asciilifeform & friends had 'crystal ball' that actually ~did~ something . guess how much diff it made in 'marketplace'.
1816971;1527028883;douchebag;Well actually, I've found there are a lot of companies who actually do care about security. Primarily because they run bug bounty programs instead of sueing the fuck about anyone who points out their security flaws.
1816972;1527028884;asciilifeform;( spoiler : 0 )
1816973;1527028890;mircea_popescu;point in case, there are OVER A DOZEN serial killers active in california right now ; and nobody can be arsed to even know this.
1816974;1527028901;diana_coman;douchebag, from here it really looks like your end goal is really "that the world finally finds my hobby extremely useful and terribly important to the point that it ALSO becomes very meaningful"
1816975;1527028959;asciilifeform;douchebag: if they 'cared about security', they'd have , for instance, FUCKGOATS ( whether purchased from snsa, or built 'independently', take your pick. ) do they ??
1816976;1527029011;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: 'serial killer' is a saint, to the police state, supplies neverending flow of serfs eager to bend over and get arse searched, 'for security'
1816977;1527029019;douchebag;asciilifeform: Well, when you take risk appetite into consideration - attacks involving breaking prng's are rather rare and diffucult to achieve
1816978;1527029021;mircea_popescu;diana_coman, in either case the determination is tather premature. what's the rush. if he's a boy he has time by definition.
1816979;1527029039;mircea_popescu;douchebag, difficult for whom.
1816980;1527029042;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: remember chikatillo ? word is, 3 men were shot for his crimes, before him. # of prosecutors shot : 0
1816981;1527029050;mircea_popescu;rare, in what terms. etc.
1816982;1527029057;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, aha.
1816983;1527029098;asciilifeform;chikatillo is every bit the godfearing loyal soldier of regime, as a street mugger is.
1816984;1527029110;diana_coman;sure; I'm exposing current image, not giving a rating
1816985;1527029112;asciilifeform;!#s anarchotyranny
1816986;1527029112;a111;9 results for "anarchotyranny", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=anarchotyranny
1816987;1527029114;mircea_popescu;hey, his link was knee deep in "ethical considerations" and other pompous wank, dun talk to me, talk to the mentally splitten zeks, who steal from criminals but bend over for bureaucrats, discuss ethical minutia of imaginary situations and then work with doubletap usg, etc.
1816988;1527029117;douchebag;mircea_popescu: It's not a commonly used attack by criminals working to hack companies to steal information. It's not difficult for nations state actors, however a criminal is not going to work breaking a prng when they can just use default credentials to pwn their network
1816989;1527029125;deedbot;http://danielpbarron.com/2018/i-would-certainly-not-like-to-be-a-bit-of-your-plankton/ << Daniel P. Barron - I would certainly not like to be a bit of your plankton.
1816990;1527029154;mircea_popescu;douchebag, 99% of criminals hacking companies are working for a criminal organisation calling itself "the united states govewrnment", and 99% of the time their hacks include some rng-breaking component,.
1816991;1527029174;mircea_popescu;which is why nsa made phuctor not mitre-indexer.
1816992;1527029237;douchebag;mircea_popescu: I've seen very few cases of a company being pwned by a prng being broken, I see companies getting pwned via SQLi, RCE, XXE, IDOR all the time
1816993;1527029256;mircea_popescu;i suppose "mine owne eyes" is a tough nut to crack.
1816994;1527029322;douchebag;mircea_popescu: Can you provide some references about companies being pwned via broken prng, and we can compare those that were pwned via SQLi, RCE, XXE, and IDOR?
1816995;1527029337;asciilifeform;douchebag: what to you means 'owned' ? script kiddie on forum defaces crapple.com ? because this simply isn't interesting, to anyone here. the ONLY type of 'owned' worth caring about, is , e.g., natanz uranium centrifuge, destroyed by usg without firing a shot.
1816996;1527029341;asciilifeform;and similar owned.
1816997;1527029356;mircea_popescu;douchebag, it's not easy to construct a meaningful base for this comparison. how do you propose to count ?
1816998;1527029360;douchebag;asciilifeform: Stuxnet?
1816999;1527029371;mircea_popescu;!#s debian bug
1817000;1527029371;a111;30 results for "debian bug", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=debian%20bug
1817001;1527029376;mircea_popescu;^ you know what we mean by that ?
1817002;1527029386;douchebag;Equifax got pwned via a struts2 RCE
1817003;1527029397;asciilifeform;douchebag: perhaps poor example, because the poor idjit persians signed up for it, by buying siemens and running winblowz. but it is illustration of the point of MINIMAL bar for 'matters'
1817004;1527029483;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron, the anon-e-mouse thing is a reference to a cartoon serioes by alan moore.
1817005;1527029510;mircea_popescu;eg, https://i.imgur.com/DKSAxns.jpg ; fellow's being clever, what can you do.
1817006;1527029557;douchebag;asciilifeform: Well I get what you're saying, breaking a prng is an incredibly effective attack vector. However, I feel that most companies are more at risk of actually being hacked via less-elegant means
1817007;1527029573;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, ceausescu is on the record with "they sell us todays' tech at tomorrow's prices, but what can you do". persians bought what could be bought. not like anyone sells them useful stuff.
1817008;1527029590;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: granted, forced mistake
1817009;1527029599;asciilifeform;just like ru still runs on winblowz.
1817010;1527029616;mircea_popescu;they lack the initiative to do anything about it and the means to do anything without the initiative and so on. chain of foibles.
1817011;1527029652;asciilifeform;nao either ~could~ , in deep theory, show up here , and ask nicely.
1817012;1527029658;asciilifeform;but i expect hell will freeze first.
1817013;1527029678;douchebag;Now with that said, I think it would be a very interesting career being a vulnerability broker - however there are a lot more risks in terms of nations state attacks for that sort of stuff.
1817014;1527029697;douchebag;For instance, Zerodium
1817017;1527029717;mircea_popescu;douchebag, look, sooner or later you'll have to decide if you wish to be an engineer or a singer. it's one or the other, however you call them, the carpenter-or-whore dilemma.
1817018;1527029720;asciilifeform;douchebag: what makes you think you know what 'vulnerability broker' looks like ? or even that such a thing is even possible ?
1817019;1527029759;mircea_popescu;neither this decision, nor the definitions of the terms involved, work as a matter of future projection. it's all in the past, the singer processes past experience one way, the engineer another way. that's all there is to it.
1817020;1527029847;mircea_popescu;as it happens, mostly as a function of personal bias, ~everyone here with the exception of me assings value to engineering and no value to whoring. i tend to assign a value of about to cents to either, allowing for roundings.
1817021;1527029894;douchebag;asciilifeform: Well, if you're a vulnerability broker you're purchasing and selling exploits that have extremely high potential impact. I think it's safe to assume there's a high level of risk associated with holding
1817022;1527029928;mircea_popescu;kinda ~same as associated with being superman.
1817024;1527029981;asciilifeform;douchebag: i hold that it is impossible to sell exploits, and the NO ONE does it. what they do instead, is accept gifts of chocolate and flowers (aka 100s of k usd ) from usg agents, in exchange for keeping nsa vulns off the public forum for a few extra bonus months.
1817025;1527030009;asciilifeform;understand ? microshit's '250k for exploit for win10' is SAME THING AS BOX OF CHOCOLATE to , e.g., asciilifeform .
1817026;1527030010;asciilifeform;or to you.
1817027;1527030019;mircea_popescu;well maybe not to him.
1817028;1527030020;asciilifeform;after the tax people get done with you, you'll ~owe~
1817029;1527030043;asciilifeform;would you take leprous cock in every hole, douchebag , for box of chocolate ??
1817030;1527030044;mircea_popescu;this is an exaggeration.
1817031;1527030070;asciilifeform;( because that's what it is , to willingly keep a secret for microshit. leprous cock. )
1817032;1527030097;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: point being that it ain't serious money, it will not buy a man freedom
1817033;1527030104;mircea_popescu;due to how the imperial tax regime works, a gift of a few %s of your current income may end up a net negative if it bumps your bracket, so you have the choice of either paying 15% of 100% or else 22% of 106%, the latter is worse even if 106% is more.
1817034;1527030107;asciilifeform;or even upgrade him to 'inner party shop'
1817035;1527030118;mircea_popescu;nevertheless, this applies to a few thousands ; 250k takes you into top bracket anyway.
1817036;1527030137;asciilifeform;it's 1-2 yr's pay, for programmer.
1817037;1527030141;asciilifeform;you spend it, it's gone.
1817038;1527030157;mircea_popescu;the "buy freedom" thing is an unrelated consideration. no one has to my knowledge yet manage to bottle freedom ; so necessarily those pursuing it in the walmart shelvery are deluding themselves.
1817039;1527030170;mircea_popescu;there's all sorts of pulp/sf in this vein, "buying memories", whatever.
1817040;1527030194;mircea_popescu;but in point of fact the sort of freedom you buy is sold to you by clinton.
1817041;1527030208;mircea_popescu;and it's more properly called "rights".
1817042;1527030252;asciilifeform;in practice there is such a thing as 'enuff coin to never work for a living again', and granted it comes with caveats , like for instance not being part of the snail of the bellcurve . but nevertheless it exists.
1817043;1527030262;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-22#1816938 << wait until he discovers that the customers dun want quality, and other problems with the democratic world.
1817044;1527030262;a111;Logged on 2018-05-22 22:32 douchebag: I want to work a fulfilling job where I know that I am actually providing a good service and giving customers a high quality security audit as well as high quality security products
1817045;1527030276;asciilifeform;gotta luvvv 'fulfilling job' phrase.
1817046;1527030288;asciilifeform;i dun think i've ever seen it emitted by a d00d in earnest, vs on stage
1817047;1527030294;mircea_popescu;it is a legitimate desire, why not.
1817048;1527030299;asciilifeform;because it's a fried ice.
1817049;1527030309;mircea_popescu;what they call "fulfilling job" is "item satisfying layers 1-3 on mp's restatement of maslow pyramid"
1817050;1527030313;asciilifeform;ain't nobody about to pay a whore to self-fulfill, other than by happenstance.
1817051;1527030364;asciilifeform;fulfillment is what happens in costa rica, surrounded by slavegurlz and rocket battery, in throne.
1817052;1527030368;mircea_popescu;he means a job that 1. provides him with the physical necessities (physical dominance) and 2. with time-security (ie, not that he's fed now but that he can feed himself, permanently) and 3. with recognition (ie, that nubile women notice he got 1 and 2 and flock to him).
1817053;1527030370;asciilifeform;not at 'job'.
1817054;1527030378;mircea_popescu;this is the basis of the unexamined life neh.
1817055;1527030437;asciilifeform;no i know what the physiological urges are.
1817056;1527030440;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2014/that-aint-the-maslow-pyramid-yo/#selection-611.0-665.0 << orig.
1817057;1527030483;asciilifeform;point being, the fact that d00d thinks that they can be meaningfully fulfilled , as a palpable, achievable thing, ~as usg jobsworth~, is astonishing, to me.
1817058;1527030504;mircea_popescu;why ? he's young.
1817059;1527030531;mircea_popescu;and besides -- not so very long ago, it could be. almost.
1817060;1527030538;asciilifeform;vhs america.
1817061;1527030550;douchebag;I just want to have a job that I can enjoy doing. The reason I don't enjoy my current job is because it doesn't require any critical thinking, and in fact is discourages it. I would have a great time hacking companies and telling them how to fix their security.
1817062;1527030558;asciilifeform;populated, as mircea_popescu helpfully reminds readers, with 'wives who talk back'
1817063;1527030658;douchebag;I'd also like to publish writeups about my research and be recognized as someone who actually knows what the hell they're doing.
1817064;1527030673;asciilifeform;douchebag: picture, for the sake of argument, that they ~actually fixed~. what'll you do then ?
1817065;1527030689;asciilifeform;or , lemme guess, you do not actually want to see it ~fixed~.
1817066;1527030699;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, you picture, for the sake of argument, that anyone already knew, so was no further need of writing trilema.
1817067;1527030708;douchebag;Fix the next companies security, there will always be someone that secures their shit.
1817068;1527030709;mircea_popescu;"What would i do then ?!" fuck me, i dunno, break down and cry, really ?!
1817069;1527030712;mircea_popescu;how about nothing.
1817070;1527030733;douchebag;and do that until I can retire
1817071;1527030735;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: yer not aspiring to be a saddles-and-bridles makin' craftsman, tho
1817072;1527030744;mircea_popescu;i'm not aspiring to anything.
1817074;1527030751;asciilifeform;but douchebag -- apparently is
1817075;1527030752;mircea_popescu;but that also changes nothing.
1817076;1527030865;mircea_popescu;https://archive.is/6zrLD#selection-1593.15-1605.1 << anyway, pretty great biophuctor item, this.
1817077;1527030880;asciilifeform;asciilifeform not so long ago read a treatise on psychology of india, by a 1880s british preacher. was interesting document, but in particular author is astonished re the dedication to work, and to the utterly meaningless drudgery, of the lowest castes. probably phf saw this even in modern india, when he went. and asciilifeform to some degree saw among some emigres in usa. douchebag you ain't from india, perchance ?
1817079;1527030915;asciilifeform;then even moar perverse.
1817080;1527030929;asciilifeform;if you were from india, douchebag , it'd make some kind of sense.
1817081;1527030954;douchebag;Well, I just don't see why it's a bad thing to want to do something I enjoy and be good at it.
1817082;1527030965;douchebag;Doesn't everyone want to do that?
1817083;1527030971;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: they've thrown money at the 'we still have holdout from whom we don't have samples, how to use cousins' problem.
1817084;1527030997;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, i see that even here. these people LOVE to work.\
1817085;1527031004;mircea_popescu;horribly mismanaged, but work, they love.
1817086;1527031009;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: at this point it is safe to suppose that usg has biophuctor coverage of erryone in nato reich, and a good % -- outside.
1817087;1527031044;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it is one possible way to fill empty souls; and it beats , in re habitability of locale, the other stable state.
1817088;1527031056;mircea_popescu;im not sure that's the driver, but anyway.
1817089;1527031509;mircea_popescu;funny thing, this dude, who had more sex than ~anyone in california (50+ rapes, srsly ? 1 in 1000 males or less do 50 different girls over their lifetime) nevertheless had a small penis.
1817090;1527031561;douchebag;I don't have a small penis
1817091;1527031573;douchebag;I'm also not a rapist
1817092;1527031625;douchebag;50+ though, what's the average?
1817093;1527031666;mircea_popescu;not you dood. this "golden state killer" with the dna evidence.
1817094;1527031688;douchebag;I know, I stopped counting at 30 when I was 17
1817095;1527031696;douchebag;34 actually
1817096;1527032000;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it isn't clear that gigantic cocks make the work of serial raping, any easier ( if anyffing -- harder ? )
1817097;1527032033;mircea_popescu;there's a school in the modern phrenology that calls itself "physchology" relating high testosterone with aggressive behaviour and larger penii.
1817098;1527032101;mircea_popescu;anyway, fwiw, the guy did criminal life correctly. extensive research, and follow-up calls, to selecte & educate the victims of previous rape, strict avoidance of the low-ante trap, there's entirely no flaw in there.
1817099;1527032137;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-22#1816718 << hah, i originally watched it for the same reason, and the only thing i even remember is burroughs sitting in the chair, and spitting the "narcotics" prediction in his famous squeaky voice
1817100;1527032137;a111;Logged on 2018-05-22 20:52 mircea_popescu recently re-watched http://trilema.com/2011/drugstore-cowboy/ ; it is notable because pretty much the last extant footage of w s burroughs.
1817101;1527032154;mircea_popescu;phf, ~nothing else there.
1817102;1527032414;phf;for the logs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZszbqdOq7g
1817103;1527032524;phf;man spent his old age lending his presence to all kinds of experimental projects, all of which a remembered only through "burroughs once stopped by our studio"
1817105;1527032683;mircea_popescu;what else can old man do with his husk ?
1817106;1527032896;asciilifeform;momentarily revisiting douchebag : 5yrs ago asciilifeform suffered from same fog, thought there was ( or at least could be ) such a thing as 'security company' , or 'make a living finding bugs', etc., even went and opened up a thing, with coupla other d00dz, and we had an actual working piece of tech, BUT no friends in nomenklatura, and -- quite predictably -- it ended with nothing to show but empty pockets and old faded stationary.
1817107;1527032896;asciilifeform;( could have ended more painfully, i suppose, latvian-style , say )
1817108;1527032924;asciilifeform;and asciilifeform suffers from the typical delusion of old people , specifically that it is somehow worthwhile to warn young folx away from obvious chumpatron bear trap.
1817109;1527032932;asciilifeform;but i suppose it ain't worth it, they gotta step in the bear trap.
1817110;1527032937;asciilifeform;to learn anything at all.
1817111;1527032970;*;asciilifeform bbl,meat
1817112;1527033162;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, the problem with you isdn't that you lack useful experience, but that you lack any apparent clue in how to communicate it effectually. when dealing with people who are both a) unsurprised and b) well structured, they can sometimes, if within the effort cap they're willing to expend, break up the content out of its very unfortunate prison of form. but otherwise, the communication fails to occur, and especially a
1817113;1527033162;mircea_popescu;t the polar opposite of  dealing with kids, you are terrifyingly bad.
1817114;1527033476;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-22#1817082 >> no, actually. most women want to http://trilema.com/2017/the-day-of-failure-trilemma/#selection-133.57-133.334 ; which is the point of diana_coman 's http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-22#1816974 comment (not that she's a woman ; but it's not clear to her whether your worldview is womanly in this sense). note importantly that the objection is ~re the source of meaning~, which is a cult
1817115;1527033476;a111;Logged on 2018-05-22 23:16 douchebag: Doesn't everyone want to do that?
1817116;1527033476;a111;Logged on 2018-05-22 22:41 diana_coman: douchebag, from here it really looks like your end goal is really "that the world finally finds my hobby extremely useful and terribly important to the point that it ALSO becomes very meaningful"
1817117;1527033476;mircea_popescu;ural not a civilisational aspect, and not immediately measurable.
1817118;1527033595;mircea_popescu;there being a difference between the hunter that catches some quarry and the bear that catches the same exact quarry : the bear -- is not a hunter. which goes right into the lengthy strand of http://trilema.com/2015/peripateticists-kinda-except-girls-not-boys-bare-cunt-instead-of-toga-and-walking-around-the-house-not-the-garden-but-otherwise-exactly-the-same/#selection-571.0-570.1 spittoon.
1817119;1527033910;mircea_popescu;and which also illuminates the indictment of xtianity as a fundamentally female worldview, and all the rest of http://trilema.com/2017/and-dont-go-around-upgrading-the-testaments-either/ : by the time they invent a "son" of god so that "You don't follow for a very simple reason : these men are screwballs. God has children ? What, and a dog ? A collie, maybe ? God doesn't have children. He's a bachelor. And very angry!" "He us
1817120;1527033910;mircea_popescu;ed to be angry." "What, he got over it ?" ( http://trilema.com/2016/hail-cesar/#selection-53.0-52.9 ), which "son" then has to come up with inane bullshit like "look at the birds and the bees -- they're not hunters, nor do their sow or reap, their existence is flatly meaningless, so could you live in the perfect womb of jonah's whale whose name is stupidity" or if you prefer the direct quote, "want to live darkly and richly i
1817121;1527033911;mircea_popescu;n my femaleness." / http://trilema.com/2010/feminismul-inteles-drept-cult/#selection-27.0-27.120 ...
1817122;1527034213;douchebag;asciilifeform: What sort of security company?
1817123;1527034310;douchebag;I know loads of people in the InfoSec field, and for the most part they're all well off
1817124;1527034328;douchebag;For fucks sake, I know a 17 year old who has made $70k this year alone
1817125;1527034431;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-22#1817061 << in fact, the problem with this discouragement isn't ~the job~, but the world in which the job exists.
1817126;1527034431;a111;Logged on 2018-05-22 23:09 douchebag: I just want to have a job that I can enjoy doing. The reason I don't enjoy my current job is because it doesn't require any critical thinking, and in fact is discourages it. I would have a great time hacking companies and telling them how to fix their security.
1817127;1527034439;mircea_popescu;douchebag, this isn't in dispute, sure, why not.
1817128;1527034498;douchebag;mircea_popescu: Just curious, what problems do you see in my train of thought in regards to an InfoSec career?
1817129;1527034565;mircea_popescu;specifically that your expectation that the solution to the " it doesn't require any critical thinking, and in fact is discourages it" problem being "change the job" is about as naive as thinking the solution to "there's no deeper connection" is "change hooker".
1817130;1527034586;mircea_popescu;but i also do not see anything fundamentally wrong with you holding this view until changed a few hookers.
1817131;1527034640;douchebag;Well, I've spoken to management about this and they basically told me that they aren't willing to do anything to actually help the customers and just want to sell our service
1817133;1527034670;douchebag;Not to mention, I'm only making $35k/yr and I work 60 hours a week
1817134;1527034732;douchebag;It's really easy to think I need a job change, when I made more in 30 minutes of bug bounty hunting last week than I do in three weeks from my current job after tax
1817136;1527034768;mircea_popescu;hey, looky, i'm not saying you can't do better for yourself with a few simple tweaks, without requiring revolutionary, massive changes.
1817137;1527034782;mircea_popescu;moreover, i'm a great supported of incremental progress.
1817138;1527034890;douchebag;I'm at the point right now, where I feel like if someone offered me $700/week to do any InfoSec work that I'm qualified to do - I would quit this job and take it in two seconds flat.
1817139;1527034937;douchebag;Everyone at this job just works there because they know that it will never require more out of them but to run an installer and configure this specific software for the customer.
1817140;1527034946;mircea_popescu;i expect.
1817141;1527034950;douchebag;I don't work well with these type of people
1817142;1527034951;mircea_popescu;one step above mcdonalds.
1817144;1527035058;douchebag;Hell, I would even be more willing to get paid less as long as I knew it wasn't going to be the same shit, everyday, with no signs of ever improving
1817145;1527035102;mircea_popescu;the correct approach is to a) build yourself a nest egg and b) start up.
1817146;1527035140;douchebag;Could you elaborate on a) build yourself a nest egg?
1817147;1527035173;mircea_popescu;which is roughly what informed http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-04#1808692 ie the previous pass.
1817148;1527035173;a111;Logged on 2018-05-04 03:13 mircea_popescu: tell you what : do trinque's thing ; then do the ssh/ssl thing ; then we can talk about you running this thing exactly like pizarro is run, why the hell not.
1817149;1527035192;douchebag;I'll do that right now
1817150;1527035196;mircea_popescu;douchebag, it helps immensely to have a pile of money lying about. you never know what you have to pay for ; and you don't want to have to take a job.
1817151;1527035254;douchebag;I only got the job I'm working at right now because I need to do something so that I can move
1817153;1527035487;douchebag;mircea_popescu: So for the ssh/ssl thing
1817154;1527035518;douchebag;ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCnGPcqozjoIC989MI+KKzeWIhGupgUQlbhHp0rXlAmvRHUIJHFqmcIPA9wW6Q46mOg7EdS27H/9qgREFbZOqf8CAcVMUWyJ4AhFCTcmt0uv0ETVWwqT1/puJ92/qK6ycpzR0xWeUTsQwXEemMQsR8f4fA9OiH8rIAXV2zesQbg4sijeadcK3a3FEwyowU1WsqYqOxpK2HDl7vAiOu5RXI2Ed6Bmmt/z+9S4SdNBdrGwK1VT886HERQOlaIWy0dh1u8O9g8zmhUiNwhOw7HsmvmuFp39tKQw1hnAXd6JrU4qrklOgV2lFQLcLMSRKHWRj1nuHiJ/QNK2Mud3WwWnD5R
1817155;1527035531;douchebag;I would just be grabbing that and loading it into phuctor, correct?
1817156;1527035665;douchebag;-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----
1817163;1527035679;douchebag;-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----
1817164;1527035681;douchebag;or that actually
1817165;1527035688;mircea_popescu;there's a numbert of things here. one is, get a settlement with trinque. the second is, http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-22#1816875.
1817166;1527035688;a111;Logged on 2018-05-22 22:14 mircea_popescu: douchebag, now go through your wot, ask the people with -s to please take them off, see what they want from you to do so.
1817167;1527035722;mircea_popescu;those are more important, we're trying to work to limit the reputational damage you incur by being the word's most improbable mixture of youthful add and solipsistic otaku.
1817169;1527035767;mircea_popescu;and once that is done : connect to every machine on the internet, for ssh ~and https~, and extract all the keys they have, such as the item you listed above, yes, for ssh, and the pubkeys they keep in cert dirs for https.
1817170;1527035776;douchebag;!!reputation douchebag
1817172;1527035796;mircea_popescu;these will have to be converted into a useful form, but fitting this up can be done during your scan, which will take weeks anyway.
1817173;1527035843;douchebag;ben_vulpes, esthlos, and danielpbarron - is there anything I can do to to repair my reputation? Let me know, and get back to me.
1817174;1527037815;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-22#1817113 << evidently !
1817175;1527037815;a111;Logged on 2018-05-22 23:52 mircea_popescu: t the polar opposite of  dealing with kids, you are terrifyingly bad.
1817176;1527037919;mircea_popescu;well... it doesn't have to be that way. you simply must collapse the trees on the basis of the constructed image of the kid's mental structure, not on the basis of the subjective perception of importance.
1817177;1527037931;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-23#1817122 << roughly speaking, http://btcbase.org/log/2015-08-12#1236241 , but it's long dead and buried nao.
1817178;1527037931;a111;Logged on 2018-05-23 00:10 douchebag: asciilifeform: What sort of security company?
1817179;1527037931;a111;Logged on 2015-08-12 19:04 ascii_field: the gold standard for this kind of work is instrumented hardware
1817180;1527037958;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i suspect that my grasp of the former, is deficient
1817181;1527037980;mircea_popescu;yes the most important point if discussing geometry is how it's exaclty undifferentiable from algebra ; but nobody was helped by this observation in front of the 5th grade math class.
1817182;1527038021;mircea_popescu;and yes it's strictly wrong to think "math has fields", but then again kuhn explains to you why the spurious arbitrary structures are ~needed~.
1817183;1527038081;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-23#1817124 << douchebag , this only seems like 'big bux' to a young fella. and yes you can be a salary man and your salary will go up 4x in 10 yrs; but your living expenses, they will go up 5x. and they will keep going up when salary plateaus, and the rent is still due when you are between slave galleys, and rowing on a galley just fundamentally sucks arse regardless of how many green candy wrappers the
1817184;1527038081;a111;Logged on 2018-05-23 00:12 douchebag: For fucks sake, I know a 17 year old who has made $70k this year alone
1817185;1527038081;asciilifeform;y give you.
1817186;1527038182;mircea_popescu;the one allowance to be made here is that ~not for everyone~. some people -- genuinely content to.
1817187;1527038198;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-23#1817133 << ever work with audio amps ? or with radio transmitter ? do you know what is a decibel, or why a 1000 watt radio station is only , in effect, twice as 'loud' as a 100 watt ? this applies to wage labour, 300k will not feel '10x better' than 30k.
1817188;1527038198;a111;Logged on 2018-05-23 00:17 douchebag: Not to mention, I'm only making $35k/yr and I work 60 hours a week
1817189;1527038221;asciilifeform;esp. not if it comes with 15x higher bills.
1817190;1527038263;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: some people , somewhere, are content to eat scraps from train station floor, i am sure.
1817191;1527038281;mircea_popescu;the point is that you gotta talk to whoever you're talking to, not talk "in general".
1817192;1527038309;asciilifeform;well i dun have debug probe into d00d's head; he resembled, vaguely, a younger asciilifeform , so i took that tack.
1817193;1527038350;mircea_popescu;it's just an engineering like any other -- you build a mental model of what's going on, make predictions and verify them.
1817194;1527038401;asciilifeform;currently i can't decide whether d00d really wants to work on interesting problems, or is content to make cve lists in exchange for infinite supply of ice cream and a cot to sleep on.
1817195;1527038408;mircea_popescu;guessing is not prerequisite, but ulterior emergent property ; much like in the case of http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-19#1815809 where memory is not prerequisite but ex post facto emergent result.
1817196;1527038408;a111;Logged on 2018-05-19 22:54 mircea_popescu: mind that there's no point in putting a bonus on "not checking notes". that's why they're notes, to be checked. let memory adapt naturally and unconstrained -- when the animal you inhabit has had enough of the motor effort to check up $X, it'll memorize it ; and before--- it checks.
1817197;1527038438;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, i am satisfied he's not yet found a means to answer this even for himself. so... premature concern.
1817198;1527038452;asciilifeform;i guess.
1817199;1527038664;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i also admit, i feel not fully qualified to teach douchebag , because i am not a 'success story' ; can only teach him what ~not~ to do
1817200;1527038701;asciilifeform;( there are no success stories in the snake oil biz; there are only lottery winners )
1817201;1527038703;mircea_popescu;it's altogether doubtful the history of mankind includes such an item as the "success story".
1817203;1527038741;mircea_popescu;excluding of course items such as described in http://trilema.com/2017/resplenduminous/ ; and other similar ~works of fiction~ dedicated specifically to addressing that problem
1817204;1527038746;mircea_popescu;such as schoolbooks.
1817205;1527038817;asciilifeform;my current intuition is that he is at level of 17 y.o. asciilifeform 's 'want good job'(tm)(r); when he saves up some dough, he will move on to upgrade, 'want to make 'next mandiant''; then will lose it all and become hardened and into bottle.
1817206;1527038875;mircea_popescu;what's the rush. one step at a time.
1817207;1527038876;asciilifeform;'success stories' are the lure of the usg.wintel lanternfish, and never fail to lead folx to their doom.
1817208;1527038943;asciilifeform;well we can help him skip straight to bottle!11! lol
1817210;1527039055;mircea_popescu;notrly how this works tho.
1817211;1527039115;douchebag;host: github.com
1817212;1527039117;douchebag;-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----
1817220;1527039133;douchebag;-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----
1817221;1527039138;asciilifeform;douchebag: why dontcha put them in the correct hole. phuctor's.
1817222;1527039147;asciilifeform;they dun do any good here in the log.
1817223;1527039230;asciilifeform;fwiw this is not a valid pgp key. you gotta convert'em, douchebag .
1817224;1527039322;douchebag;Yeah i know, i know what my problem is
1817225;1527039324;douchebag;fixing that right now
1817226;1527039333;asciilifeform;!Q later tell BingoBoingo didja ever get that crate ?
1817227;1527039333;lobbesbot;asciilifeform: The operation succeeded.
1817228;1527039356;*;asciilifeform will bbl
1817229;1527039397;Mocky;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-22#1816849 to actually answer the original question: I do like, it's quite the education.
1817230;1527039397;a111;Logged on 2018-05-22 21:57 mircea_popescu: Mocky, sadly, the whatever else is mostly "books". because the only fucking altgernative is writing simple books about simple databases for http://trilema.com/2016/there-has-not-yet-been-seen-a-simple-thing-even-if-were-drowning-in-simple-people/
1817231;1527039433;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, would you prefer he web-submits rather than just spitting out a tarball for you ?!
1817232;1527040188;trinque;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-23#1817165 << I consider the bet squared up. douchebag, proceed honorably eh? if you say you're doing something, do it.
1817233;1527040188;a111;Logged on 2018-05-23 00:34 mircea_popescu: there's a numbert of things here. one is, get a settlement with trinque. the second is, http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-22#1816875.
1817235;1527040814;mircea_popescu;for completeness : to my eyes, disinterested as i am re rando impotent sadists, the lulziest bit re chikatilo was that moment when both the defense attorney AND the prosecutor indicted the judge as being fucking clueless.
1817236;1527041143;douchebag;mircea_popescu: When I try to load these keys into phuctor, it just asks if it's a real key
1817237;1527041157;douchebag;ssh-keyscan -t rsa github.com | sed "s/^[^ ]* //" > github.pub
1817238;1527041164;douchebag;ssh-keygen -f github.pub -e -m pem > github.pem
1817239;1527041168;mircea_popescu;douchebag, they're not correctly formatted.
1817240;1527041170;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-23#1817231 << for a n00b, i'd prefer to see a handful of his samples 1st, rather than e.g. deal with million keys submitted with same or garbled user comment string, say
1817241;1527041170;a111;Logged on 2018-05-23 01:37 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, would you prefer he web-submits rather than just spitting out a tarball for you ?!
1817242;1527041182;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, solid.
1817243;1527041201;asciilifeform;douchebag: it doesnt eat pems. read the log and find how to feed it.
1817244;1527041216;asciilifeform;( hint, i posted a script a wk or so ago )
1817245;1527041276;asciilifeform;and douchebag , recall that we want the what/wherefound to be in said commentstring.
1817246;1527041287;asciilifeform;to avoid the Framedragger problem
1817247;1527041302;asciilifeform;( he put only ip in the comment. )
1817248;1527041356;asciilifeform;whereas ~all~ humanreadable, within reason, strings that can be physically pulled from the scanned box, oughta be in there.
1817249;1527041363;asciilifeform;incl list of open ports.
1817250;1527041432;asciilifeform;ssh useragent; ssl cert comment; if www host -- title of pg; if dns reverse lookupable - it also.
1817251;1527041452;asciilifeform;if has ftp -- greeting strings.
1817252;1527041462;asciilifeform;and response to anon login attempt.
1817253;1527041514;asciilifeform;see table in http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/factors ? this is how the verdict happens.
1817254;1527041554;douchebag;mircea_popescu: are you referring to: http://archive.is/F4u7T
1817255;1527041591;mircea_popescu;hm ?
1817256;1527041597;asciilifeform;( some items obviously do not fall into any obv class of broken crapola; these have no note. but most simply have no live box at the ip in Framedragger_'s comment, by the time they popped )
1817257;1527041612;asciilifeform;douchebag: yes
1817258;1527041625;asciilifeform;or wait
1817259;1527041660;asciilifeform;no, douchebag , this is ancient script, only gives you a phuctor url hash, if key already known
1817260;1527041683;asciilifeform;it's a 2017 item, this
1817261;1527041705;asciilifeform;you want jurov's pem eater
1817262;1527042024;deedbot;http://thewhet.net/2018/05/the-state-of-the-cards/ << The Whet - The State of the Cards
1817263;1527042228;mircea_popescu;nice. what was that in the end, like 20 woman-hours ?
1817264;1527042272;asciilifeform;hanbot: i suspect that today's fiatola thread, is pertinent ; the reichsbanks formed a unified front against bitcoin
1817265;1527042272;hanbot;29.5 actually, but sure.
1817266;1527042290;mircea_popescu;how many ?
1817267;1527042292;esthlos;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-23#1817173 << well in all honesty, I'm not sure I understand what wot ratings mean, since I don't see where negative ratings fit in to http://trilema.com/2014/what-the-wot-is-for-how-it-works-and-how-to-use-it/#selection-289.0-297.96 . I rated you -1 because I detect a self-image not fitting a young guy making 35K a year for 60 hrs/week, which ultimately filters down to your ability to think rationally.
1817268;1527042292;a111;Logged on 2018-05-23 00:37 douchebag: ben_vulpes, esthlos, and danielpbarron - is there anything I can do to to repair my reputation? Let me know, and get back to me.
1817269;1527042292;esthlos;(though it is exactly typical of a young guy in the situation, but you don't want to be like every other bozo, right?) plus, the spam with the whores annoyed me, and cutsey shit like http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-20#1816061 , and doing the minimum possible to get a job done multiple times
1817270;1527042292;a111;Logged on 2018-05-20 18:36 douchebag: that's my name
1817271;1527042300;asciilifeform;took'em nearly decade..
1817273;1527042400;esthlos;now look, esthlos is not all that much better in some ways, but the attitute you're expressing is exactly what I'm trying to fight off
1817274;1527042525;esthlos;of course, I got what, at least 5 years on you? but I'm not sure if my rating should reflect _potential_ or current timeslice
1817275;1527042563;douchebag;What attitude are you referring to exactly?
1817276;1527042644;esthlos;arrogance simply because you're pretty clever compared to the dogshit around you
1817277;1527042739;mircea_popescu;esthlos, it fits directly, "i have a small amt of information of relatively low confidence re this guy (1) and it is negative (-)".
1817278;1527042784;esthlos;my view flipped around when I finally encountered people who were clearly superior in a quite towering way, and I realized that in too many ways I am closer to ant than boot wearer
1817279;1527042790;mircea_popescu;but outside of this, wot ratings are very specifically not intended to converge to a unified ruleset.
1817280;1527042796;mircea_popescu;so you're required to make up your own.
1817282;1527042834;douchebag;Well, is there anything I can do to resolve my negrate?
1817283;1527042917;esthlos;well what I really want to know, is if you ask because "negrate is bad, let's get rid of it" or "what flaw might this guy be seeing that I can repair and come out superior?"
1817284;1527042982;douchebag;Well, ultimately I'm trying to resolve any issues others have with me.
1817285;1527043023;douchebag;In addition to that, I'd like to know what those issues are so they don't occur again
1817286;1527043146;esthlos;right, but that goal only gets you past this barrier, not all the others. imho you'd be better served with a goal of "get better", so that "resolve any issues" is really "what can these people teach me" rather than "how can I make them see my true form of pure energy"
1817287;1527043207;*;trinque can relate to mustering overabundance of confidence merely to cope with the sea of shit he was born into.
1817288;1527043239;esthlos;I don't want to keep rambling. my point is, I think you're somewhat irrational, and your approach is weak supporting evidence to that, though it's a step in the right direction. hence you're a -1, not a -3
1817289;1527043297;trinque;douchebag: the lack of reflection on what is a coping mechanism in you, and as far as I can tell no reflection whatsoever, that's the deficit
1817290;1527043331;trinque;the recitation of lines one might use at a tradeshow, etc.
1817291;1527043379;Mocky;!!v EEE5606F6C2CC8D12CF7C24E46CF15B2D7D5B0E8096962ED9347AC2EA151E9E1
1817292;1527043379;deedbot;Mocky rated diana_coman 1 << helped me get started in eulora, has written a lot of helpful blog posts
1817293;1527043400;esthlos;btw trinque, have made most of changes to vtron, just have to add mkstemp for ccl (which I know thanks to phf is #_mkstemp)
1817294;1527043419;trinque;yeah, I didn't even know about that feature myself, very cool.
1817295;1527043426;esthlos;will be ready for (another) review tomorrow evening
1817296;1527043560;*;trinque sees the complexity, because what, you want the young males to change their mind every time they encounter words they don't understand? of course not.
1817297;1527043578;douchebag;trinque: Well, I don't think my over confidence is necessarily a coping mechanism. I'm not afraid to admit when I'm wrong, however I'm a very strong willed and I'm not afraid to argue if I truly believe that I am in the right.
1817298;1527043616;esthlos;!!rate Mocky 2 delicious post on Ada
1817299;1527043619;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/Ridax/?raw=true
1817300;1527043644;trinque;douchebag: being unteachable isn't a merit.
1817301;1527043647;esthlos;!!v 3667259ECA10A3974220FFE234E16692881CF66D33AC02AA790F21E619565E5D
1817302;1527043648;deedbot;esthlos rated Mocky 2 << delicious post on Ada
1817303;1527043710;esthlos;douchebag: but think about it, what % of things to you think 20 year old making 35K a year working 60 hrs/week is right about? you're not looking at the evidence
1817304;1527043713;douchebag;trinque: Well that's why I argue, if the other person can prove me wrong I'm more than willing to come to an agreement.
1817305;1527043726;esthlos;you shoud assume you're wrong first
1817306;1527043783;douchebag;esthlos: Well, generally speaking I don't assume I'm right or wrong without some sort of evidence.
1817307;1527043869;esthlos;hmm, I don't know you well enough to speak to that.
1817308;1527043941;esthlos;but, I see that you come here, bunch of lords rate you negative, and no indication from you that you detect a personal deficiency
1817309;1527043966;esthlos;I don't have much more to say on the matter
1817310;1527043983;trinque;douchebag: what do you make of the notion that the "consumer economy" will not last forever?
1817311;1527044032;esthlos;trinque: bbbut asteroid mining!
1817312;1527044038;trinque;central banks printing money so the people of walmart can buy "content", pressed shitboard, plastic, etc
1817313;1527044038;douchebag;I'm not too sure I really have an opinion on that, what do you make of it?
1817314;1527044113;douchebag;Well, obviously there's always going to be some sort of economy. As far as central banks go, I think it would be better off without them - however, I'm not sure if central banks are going to disappear any time in the near future.
1817315;1527044282;douchebag;A decentralized solution such as bitcoin would be great for the world and for the future, however I think it will take some time before it catches on more. As decentralized solutions begin to catch on, the banks that print currency are just going to continue to fight it
1817316;1527044298;douchebag;However, I'm not sure if that's a fight they will be able to win in the longrun
1817317;1527044334;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-23#1817296 << that is ~exactly~ the problem. the subjective notion of the self, while factually incorrect, is psychogenic noise emergent from a certain stability of worldview. it is simply ~impossible~, not "undesired" or anything of the sort but strictly speaking impossible for the worldview to change with arbitrary frequency.
1817318;1527044334;a111;Logged on 2018-05-23 02:46 trinque sees the complexity, because what, you want the young males to change their mind every time they encounter words they don't understand? of course not.
1817319;1527044370;mircea_popescu;how often it can change while the individual remains realised (as opposed to "derealized", as in the psych term of art) is a subjective measure, in the vein of "intelligence", and a much better predictor of future performance than most anything else.
1817320;1527044576;mircea_popescu;the only known pill to the mess being a sort of encapsulation, "the worldview from x priors through y structure is z" ; which is why disciplines such as http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-19#1815636 are even interesting to the thinking man. it's not that "in reading ancient cuneiform i gain a new skill of flour and water mixing into novel bread", but it is that "in managing to regard the world through the eyes of a reconstructed
1817321;1527044576;a111;Logged on 2018-05-19 19:11 mircea_popescu: Mocky, so we know you've not spent any considerable time in the field between literary theory and hermeneutics, however you'd call it. "advanced reading".
1817322;1527044577;mircea_popescu;babylonian for finite and self-chosen arbitrary intervals at a time i relieve the pressure of sheer insanity the complexity of reality would otherwise force upon me".
1817323;1527044799;Mocky;that sounds like an interesting effect. I don't see that I'd ever come to even think about such a thing on my own.
1817324;1527044955;mircea_popescu;everyone sooner or later encounters the "To be, or not to be, that is the question: Whether 'tis a) nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or b) to take Arms against a Sea of troubles, and by opposing end them: c) to die, to sleep
1817325;1527044955;mircea_popescu;No more; and by a sleep, to say we end the heart-ache, and the thousand natural shocks that Flesh is heir to? 'Tis a consummation devoutly to be wished. To die, to sleep. To sleep, perchance to Dream;" trilemma.
1817326;1527044976;douchebag;Just found a local file disclosure vulnerability in the UK National Health Service
1817327;1527044988;mircea_popescu;haha. nice.
1817328;1527045030;douchebag;Here's their /etc/passwd file for anyone interested
1817331;1527045056;mircea_popescu;did they use weak debian too, to prove the point re rngs for your benefit ?
1817332;1527045107;douchebag;Linux version 3.10.0-327.13.1.el7.x86_64 (builder@kbuilder.dev.centos.org) (gcc version 4.8.3 20140911 (Red Hat 4.8.3-9) (GCC) ) #1 SMP Thu Mar 31 16:04:38 UTC 2016
1817333;1527045202;mircea_popescu;probably late enough.
1817334;1527045627;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-23#1817305 << and how do you get out of bed in the morning with that assumption ? severe cases of this were documented, in the early days. http://btcbase.org/log/2014-05-20#682845 say.
1817335;1527045627;a111;Logged on 2018-05-23 02:48 esthlos: you shoud assume you're wrong first
1817336;1527045627;a111;Logged on 2014-05-20 13:40 mircea_popescu: there was a necrodearia/mizerydearia character active 2009-2011ish, the utter epitome of it.
1817337;1527045753;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-23#1817310 << fucking can't have 1600s style "examinations on the doctrine of the faith", chiefly because of goedel's objection. our doctrine is not actually either complete or coherent.
1817338;1527045753;a111;Logged on 2018-05-23 02:53 trinque: douchebag: what do you make of the notion that the "consumer economy" will not last forever?
1817339;1527045774;mircea_popescu;are you aware btw of that great write-up of the stubborn physics student ?
1817340;1527045861;mircea_popescu;https://www.mrao.cam.ac.uk/~steve/astrophysics/webpages/barometer_story.htm << for the future reader.
1817341;1527046090;mircea_popescu;"the student should just have played along with the http://trilema.com/2014/kink-high/ du jour" "perhaps the student should have, but we're gathered here specifically because we don't."
1817342;1527046199;mircea_popescu;"so what's wrong with following social convention ? it has its uses, such as you know, the rote possibility of meaning in language" "sure. there's nothing wrong with following social convention. but there's plenty wrong with attempting to enforce it on unwilling participants. maybe they have good reasons they're not following it ~in that case~."
1817343;1527046208;mircea_popescu;and so on until we fall over.
1817344;1527046455;Mocky;unrelatedly, is mexico part of mordor?
1817345;1527046467;mircea_popescu;the matter's unresolved.
1817346;1527046569;Mocky;I've never been, but a look at job listings for mexico city features tons of amzn, cisco, jpmorgn, ibm, honeywell etc.
1817347;1527046595;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-23#1817316 << there's also that historically, "decentralized banks" were deemed an evil which people sought protection from.
1817348;1527046595;a111;Logged on 2018-05-23 02:58 douchebag: However, I'm not sure if that's a fight they will be able to win in the longrun
1817349;1527046637;mircea_popescu;Mocky, there's a usg-reservation in mexico. there's however also the headquarters of the only military force to humiliate the usg at home to date, they pretty much conquered the old mexican lands well into arizona.
1817350;1527046839;*;trinque had not read the barometer piece, hilarious.
1817351;1527046895;trinque;and hey, for all I know there's money to be chumped out of the webturd security racket and into bitcoin, and he's just the man to do it.
1817353;1527046943;douchebag;Fun fact: Hackerone offers payout in bitcoin.
1817354;1527047070;mircea_popescu;trinque, for instance. or maybe there's a great book awaiting the writing in there ; or a great woman he's not yet met, or nobody knows the future. which is why the "things not to do" list is so fucking short and vague.
1817355;1527047074;asciilifeform;douchebag: https://www.hackerone.com/disclosure-guidelines << 'responsible disclosure'ism, payment in kycolade, etc crapola
1817356;1527047089;asciilifeform;not to mention toy/childrens bounties
1817357;1527047102;mircea_popescu;douchebag, in the same vein, "various outfits offer bitcoin plastic" as per recent piece hanbot published.
1817358;1527047124;mircea_popescu;it is not always the case one can take the contents of webpages at face value.
1817359;1527047141;asciilifeform;oh and, behold, 'code of conduct'(tm)(r)
1817360;1527047245;esthlos;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-23#1817334 << how else can I make the probability as low as possible that I'm not missing something crucial?
1817361;1527047245;a111;Logged on 2018-05-23 03:20 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-23#1817305 << and how do you get out of bed in the morning with that assumption ? severe cases of this were documented, in the early days. http://btcbase.org/log/2014-05-20#682845 say.
1817362;1527047330;douchebag;Well I've been paid via bitcoin through hackerone before. Oh and yeah, I don't agree with the code of conduct shit either, but it's whatever. It's worth considering that all of these companies have a dedicated security team patching the vulnerabilities found, triagers are being paid to validate reports, and obviously people who make these reports are being paid.
1817363;1527047482;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: my current understanding is that, to the extent 'bitcoin plastic' had a physically real existence, however brief, it was stung to death by a million http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-22#1816727 flies
1817364;1527047482;a111;Logged on 2018-05-22 20:59 mircea_popescu: well, do you then see how this is the only available blade of "fiat corrupts" for the empire ? dull and small as it is, it's their mangy goat, one and only.
1817365;1527047514;asciilifeform;i.e. became instant magnet for 'carders' from every corner of planet, and burned at the stake.
1817366;1527047668;douchebag;Aside from that, I don't really see what's bad about a responsible disclosure policy. I don't believe that asking people to not fuck your shit up in exchange for payment is too much to ask
1817367;1527047725;asciilifeform;douchebag: do you understand that it amounts to keeping secrets for usg, in exchange for hush money ?
1817368;1527047765;asciilifeform;the only responsible, in actuality, disclosure, is one that deals maximal damage to the fucking great satan.
1817369;1527047791;asciilifeform;i.e. to terrorists first and foremost. failing that -- to public.
1817370;1527047805;douchebag;Well, not exactly since the vulnerabilities are being patched
1817371;1527047827;douchebag;Thus, making it impossible for terrorist to exploit
1817372;1527047828;asciilifeform;let'em get raped plenty while birthing patch.
1817373;1527047845;asciilifeform;douchebag: hence 'ideally to terorists first'
1817374;1527047860;douchebag;Well, you see how this would be a bad business strategy?
1817375;1527047887;asciilifeform;taking usg cock for pittances, aint 'business' either
1817376;1527047941;douchebag;Well I would much rather be paid for finding a vulnerability than go and exploit it and risk going to prison
1817377;1527047946;asciilifeform;i for one will take vulns to my grave, rather than 'responsibly' give to microshit for a pot of taxolade.
1817378;1527047990;esthlos;in the vein of http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-23#1817320 , trying to reconcile the sheer fraud of USG technology has driven me to the limits of sanity for a number of years now, and even with trilema providing the only solid counterstructure I've found, I do fragment when very successful (in USGland) people around me see no fundamental problem with USG system
1817379;1527047990;a111;Logged on 2018-05-23 03:02 mircea_popescu: the only known pill to the mess being a sort of encapsulation, "the worldview from x priors through y structure is z" ; which is why disciplines such as http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-19#1815636 are even interesting to the thinking man. it's not that "in reading ancient cuneiform i gain a new skill of flour and water mixing into novel bread", but it is that "in managing to regard the world through the eyes of a reconstructed
1817380;1527048104;mircea_popescu;esthlos, i don't know!
1817381;1527048112;Mocky;gotta ask, has asciilifeform done such disclosure in the past and regrets?
1817382;1527048123;esthlos;presteigous company full of smart people, 100+B USD in assets, and tech is all microshit, aws, scala... what the fuck do I believe
1817383;1527048128;asciilifeform;Mocky: no, and don't intend to.
1817384;1527048147;asciilifeform;Mocky: i've never been an alley whore either.
1817385;1527048169;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, no, it worked the other way, spend bitcoin to get this usd credit. you know, ~debit~ card.
1817387;1527048188;asciilifeform;did this ever exist ?
1817389;1527048246;mircea_popescu;all sorts of thing "exist" as far as google's web of lies is concerned, and then disintegrate into the usual http://trilema.com/2017/fake-news-are-just-one-tail-of-the-failed-female-state/ at the slightest examination.
1817390;1527048289;trinque;esthlos: what do you mean by fragment?
1817391;1527048323;*;mircea_popescu is also curious.
1817392;1527048342;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: perhaps naive model, in asciilifeform's head, but it would seem to me that in order for it to exist, it has to be either massive bag of usd , which eventually runs out, or to include a recirculator, i.e. some way to sell btc and get usd, in the system
1817393;1527048368;asciilifeform;and given as there is no serious market to reliably sell btc for printola...
1817394;1527048468;mircea_popescu;or have private large buyers, or or or.
1817395;1527048491;asciilifeform;this immediately comes back to the thief wires thing then.
1817396;1527048499;asciilifeform;if the system has a usd intake.
1817397;1527048507;mircea_popescu;if, eg, i had found of bitcoin in 2015 as opposed to 2011, i might have conceivably bought a card concession like the debit store cards things, and simply offered it to the world until i had bought enough
1817398;1527048520;esthlos;that I'm encountering two incommeasurable pictures of reality, and instead of solidly believing one, I try to straddle the gap. but this fails and always leaves me babbling incoherently
1817399;1527048521;mircea_popescu;they're not expensive to set up.
1817400;1527048524;asciilifeform;right, 'bag' model
1817401;1527048557;asciilifeform;asciilifeform was running a miniature ver of this, for pizarro, could say.
1817402;1527048582;mircea_popescu;alternatively, you know, can sell these chunks at auction, like usg pretends to have done. or w/e.
1817403;1527048647;mircea_popescu;but yes, broadly speaking, the model is either closed or recycled, as you say.
1817404;1527048734;asciilifeform;the lack of closed model suggests that large fiatola holders prefer to buy coin on the sly or not at all. which makes sense in light of cowardice.
1817405;1527048741;esthlos;to be clear, model A is standard USG model, where I most clearly see the fraud in the tech (if you recal, my original draw here was lispm, after I read history and saw current state of retardation), and model B is trilema, as I'm beginning to understand it
1817406;1527048762;trinque;asciilifeform: lol, you'd rather they move the market like crazy each time?
1817407;1527048769;trinque;they'd rather otherwise
1817408;1527048796;asciilifeform;trinque: what market.
1817409;1527048805;asciilifeform;gox chorus aint a market.
1817410;1527048828;trinque;so where'd you want them to buy again?
1817411;1527048830;mircea_popescu;i am not aware of a market in which large packets are advertised. the best kept secret of any brokerage, say, is when large packets are bought or sold.
1817412;1527048842;asciilifeform;if there is an actual free market in btc, i've never seen it, smelled it, heard it.
1817413;1527048854;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, you're also deeply antisocial.
1817414;1527048888;asciilifeform;on top of this, i haven't, i suspect, the table stakes.
1817415;1527048892;trinque;esthlos: I was looking for the thread where mircea_popescu mentions minds leaning schizoid or paranoid
1817416;1527048920;mircea_popescu;but be that as it may, many moons ago i eg sold some coins on an outfit davout worked for at the time ; they showed up in bank as advertised, closed at price as advertised etc.
1817417;1527048944;asciilifeform;i believe.
1817418;1527048949;asciilifeform;where is it now tho?
1817419;1527048979;mircea_popescu;i haven't been following so closely. iirc they at some point wanted i dun recall what paperwork, i sneered and turned off the light.
1817420;1527048999;asciilifeform;aa so absorbed into the beast then.
1817421;1527049006;mircea_popescu;anyway, what exactly is the standard you're following here ?
1817422;1527049065;asciilifeform;the elementary one: 1) no kyc, in any form 2) wot uber alles 3) no usg price-fiddling influence
1817423;1527049078;asciilifeform;and i'm not even sure if 3 is physically possible
1817424;1527049094;mircea_popescu;me either. prices are finnicky, and price formation without actual economic activity a pipe dream in all cases.
1817426;1527049102;mircea_popescu;bitcoin is not yet economically integrated, like it or not.
1817427;1527049118;asciilifeform;witness, even we, poll goxes to get 'usd rate'
1817428;1527049125;mircea_popescu;but we're working on it, evidently.
1817429;1527049160;asciilifeform;it bothers me that i can't even picture what a successful cut away of goxism would look like.
1817430;1527049185;mircea_popescu;trinque, http://trilema.com/2015/recursive-dunning-kruger/#footnote_2_60039
1817431;1527049196;asciilifeform;let's make a small gedankenexperiment , mircea_popescu
1817432;1527049222;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, afaik it looks like http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=!!pay-invoice+ben_vulpes+
1817433;1527049240;asciilifeform;suppose we proclaimed , like ussr proclaimed for ruble, that btc is worth , e.g., 50k usd ea. nao and 4evah
1817434;1527049251;mircea_popescu;anyway, your 1 criterion is impossible -- to wire, must know at least an iban.
1817435;1527049262;asciilifeform;but then anyone can come and work heat engine against usl
1817437;1527049280;trinque;aaa that's it! too bad search hasn't eaten the linked items yet
1817438;1527049281;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, only for as long as they got the 50k or 1 btc.
1817439;1527049292;asciilifeform;for so long as we're actually smaller than the goxes collectively
1817441;1527049353;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i was speaking of usg-style kyc, with 'scans', 'where is the money from', clawbacks.
1817442;1527049372;mircea_popescu;anyway, i struggle to conceptualize what it is you want here, in a way that'd take it out of storytelling and into reality. there's outfits selling gold for btc -- but they have to send it somewhere. iirc one even permits you to pick it up... but ummm... HOW are they to know "you" are picking it up ? and so on.
1817443;1527049421;mircea_popescu;this "trade without physical existence" strikes me to come out of the same pot as "extrasensory events". really, ghost can interact with matter now ? how, prythee ?!
1817444;1527049423;asciilifeform;afaik each and every one of these, is guilty of selectively cancelling orders when exch rate swings wrong way
1817445;1527049446;mircea_popescu;well, alternatively they charge an insurance. what third option is there ?
1817446;1527049473;trinque;esthlos: doesn't seem to me that the compartmentalization is anything other than a skill. only why be sad about it
1817447;1527049483;mircea_popescu;this is a perpetual problem in time-settled deals, hence "cure period" trinque was mentiuoning etc
1817448;1527049491;asciilifeform;i don't demand the frictionless wheel, mircea_popescu . but currently all of the 'wheels' aint even round.
1817449;1527049496;asciilifeform;they dun roll, at all.
1817450;1527049500;trinque;they suck, you know how to push the buttons and make 'em go this way and that, enjoy it
1817451;1527049506;mircea_popescu;i have yet to see a round wheel (to arbitrary standard of roundness).
1817452;1527049543;esthlos;trinque: that's rather interesting. anyway, I'm sure you see the dilemma: everyone "successful" around me sees no fundamental problem with usg system, and when you say "this spec is atrocious; have you ever heard of the CLHS?" or any infinite variation on that theme, the only response is incredulity. but what, somehow I have the magic sauce and everyone around me is wrong? this is my current resistance to trilema thought
1817453;1527049585;esthlos;trinque: I'm a geometer, always searching for higher symmetries, unifying disjoint worldviews
1817454;1527049588;mircea_popescu;anyway, the ~only time i was specifically interested, ie, when the question of defeating argentina's whore in the election was on the table, i personally moved macroscopic piles of dough for the purpose, with little difficulty.
1817455;1527049635;mircea_popescu;i suppose i should say "i have no proof  free market in btc exists as i've not given much of a shit re usd thence", but really now, how often needs the dough be proofed ?
1817456;1527049708;esthlos;but i don't know, probably just have to grow up
1817457;1527049755;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: to be fair , pizarro dun necessarily need usd-flavour printolade, comceivably other flavours would suffice
1817458;1527049780;mircea_popescu;argentina did need, on account of its local crap being useless.
1817459;1527049790;asciilifeform;rright i recall
1817460;1527049800;asciilifeform;it went 90s-ruble
1817461;1527049806;esthlos;gotta hit the sack for now, vtron tomorrow
1817462;1527049811;mircea_popescu;just about.
1817463;1527049817;trinque;esthlos: cya!
1817464;1527049824;asciilifeform;nighty esthlos
1817466;1527049857;trinque;asciilifeform: what volume of printolade does pizarro need per month?
1817467;1527049896;mircea_popescu;coupla grand or something like that if memory serves
1817468;1527049951;asciilifeform;trinque: see today + yesterday invoice
1817469;1527049963;asciilifeform;or piz_tab
1817470;1527049977;asciilifeform;!#s piz_tab
1817471;1527049977;a111;4 results for "piz_tab", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=piz_tab
1817472;1527050032;trinque;doesn't look like the whole picture, but I'm not going to piece it together myself
1817473;1527050081;trinque;one option would be to formalize the process and present it to the wot; surely there's a few grand of buying per month on rotation at the very least
1817474;1527050155;asciilifeform;trinque: i suspect that this is the only viable pill
1817475;1527050159;mircea_popescu;incidentally, i might as well put it in the open : if anyone in the l1 / my wot is trying to buy bitcoin but has trouble doing so, i'll sell you a few as a courtesy so we don't find ourselves in this situation where clerical difficulties enact a division in the republic.
1817476;1527050192;mircea_popescu;but definitely feed eg pizarro first.
1817477;1527050348;mircea_popescu;(and incidentally, a process for price formation was actually proposed, back in the pre-pizarro tmsr isp days : http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-15#1738849 )
1817478;1527050348;a111;Logged on 2017-11-15 11:26 mircea_popescu: every fixing day (arbitrary day of week we choose), tmsr.isp lists the TOTAL it has to pay, and makes a bitcoin/usd offer. it can be arbitrarily anything, but in practice it'll be the output of !~ticker --market all Volume-weighted last average: bit (which is fucking ridiculous already, we're tracking bitfinex who the fuck came up with this) or else whatever rate whatever exchange the isp uses.
1817479;1527050418;mircea_popescu;though i'm guessing pizarro might actually prefer monthly rather than weekly fixings
1817480;1527050451;asciilifeform;it irritates asciilifeform that hitler gets to set the exch rate,  by way of goxes, and ride the waves
1817481;1527050501;asciilifeform;but otoh the time for stalin's ruble peg prolly hasnt come quite yet.
1817482;1527050541;ben_vulpes;trinque: it's about 5kusd/mo, will go up somewhat in the near future
1817483;1527050582;ben_vulpes;needs a wire and a WU-gram; and speaking of, BingoBoingo anything to report on the .uy corp formation front?
1817484;1527050582;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, there is no possibility of secret pricing.
1817485;1527050593;mircea_popescu;you understand, there's a list of impossible economic objects, yes ?
1817486;1527050606;asciilifeform;who said 'secret'
1817487;1527050614;mircea_popescu;" hitler gets to set the exch rate"
1817488;1527050635;asciilifeform;he sets it openly. just , today he knows tomorrow's rate
1817489;1527050635;ben_vulpes;iirc the stumbling block to a single transaction is that we want to avoid pushing BingoBoingo's local account over the minimum tax line. with i think the local equiv. of an llc BingoBoingo can receive money and it won't count as his income until it hits his account.
1817490;1527050641;mircea_popescu;buit sure, you can limit the visibility to arbitrary set, say l1, and ask thjem to nda, if you must.
1817491;1527050641;asciilifeform;and trades on it
1817492;1527050652;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, you wire to the dc acct neh ?
1817493;1527050671;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: and then dc pays bingo his food allotment in cash from the extra?
1817495;1527050682;mircea_popescu;i thought that was the wu
1817496;1527050685;mircea_popescu;i guess i misread
1817497;1527050689;trinque;multiple wires being entirely impossible
1817498;1527050709;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i dun like that it's tied to goxes, not the fact that it's public
1817499;1527050718;ben_vulpes;now now, i dislike the extra wire fees and coordination overhead trinque .
1817500;1527050724;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, ah i see whjat you mean now, i thought you meant you hate the idea hitler can see pizarro-set price and ride.
1817502;1527050741;ben_vulpes;yes they are possible, and to date have been firing in tandem
1817503;1527050761;ben_vulpes;albeit one to western union for reasons of tax bracket.
1817504;1527050773;asciilifeform;prices are published, how else, esp if selling, as we evidently must ( tho i muchly wish it werent so ) to heathendom
1817505;1527050827;mircea_popescu;i'd guess a 5k ish wire is actually an "optimal" in the sense of "lowest worth actually wiring" amt.
1817506;1527050851;asciilifeform;here in this monkeystan, a wire costs fiddybux.
1817507;1527050860;asciilifeform;a wu, oddly, costs slightly less.
1817508;1527050864;mircea_popescu;just about, more or less.
1817509;1527050867;asciilifeform;( and independent
1817510;1527050868;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, i thought wu was extortionate.
1817511;1527050874;ben_vulpes;no clawbacks on the wu
1817512;1527050880;asciilifeform;ly of qty, oddly )
1817513;1527050896;ben_vulpes;there's your 15 bucks of overhead for interacting with the fiat banking system.
1817514;1527050904;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: depends, apparenty, on receiving country
1817515;1527050906;mircea_popescu;wasn';t it a "$5 if up to 50 bux, $20 if up to 100 bux, $75 if up to 1k which is max" or somesuch ?
1817516;1527050916;asciilifeform;to ru.
1817518;1527050948;asciilifeform;and admittedly i last saw during bush reign.
1817519;1527050953;mircea_popescu;so if wu is cheaper and no clawbacks, why not use it
1817520;1527050961;asciilifeform;to BingoBoingostan -- 36.
1817521;1527050975;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: dc dun eat wu, afaik.
1817522;1527050985;ben_vulpes;BingoBoingo: objected to walking two grand usd over the the dc; shit was busy at the time and i didn't press.
1817523;1527050986;mircea_popescu;you asked them ?!
1817524;1527050996;mircea_popescu;he did ?!
1817525;1527051012;ben_vulpes;i don't have notes on this, he may contradict, but that is my memory.
1817526;1527051015;asciilifeform;hey BingoBoingo , does dc eat paper wu output ?
1817527;1527051026;mircea_popescu;i'm pretty sure there's a bunch of wu/store credit cards for bitcoin outfits that actually work
1817528;1527051041;mircea_popescu;surety based on the fact that i now and again send girlies around the world various $nothings.
1817529;1527051056;asciilifeform;5k-weighing nothings ?
1817530;1527051068;mircea_popescu;nah, fiddy bux or whatever.
1817531;1527051074;ben_vulpes;did intel cast shade upon wu-firing localbitcoins accounts?
1817532;1527051079;asciilifeform;different, i suspect, worlds.
1817533;1527051090;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, not afaik reviewed.
1817534;1527051091;trinque;the reluctance to have cash in pocket might abate with proper human lodgings
1817535;1527051109;ben_vulpes;trinque: this, i press. and for reason.
1817537;1527051141;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, confirmed, not within scope of review.
1817538;1527051155;asciilifeform;while i agree in re 'penny saved is penny earned', wr and wu fee diff does not rank 1st, or even 20th, in the expenses table
1817539;1527051175;asciilifeform;it is somewhere below bus fares
1817540;1527051175;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: fertile ground tho, no telling where the conversation might go.
1817541;1527051177;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, i dislike being skimmed, s'all.
1817542;1527051192;asciilifeform;makes sense
1817543;1527051202;ben_vulpes;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-15#1738849 << i had entirely forgotten this, ty mircea_popescu
1817544;1527051202;a111;Logged on 2017-11-15 11:26 mircea_popescu: every fixing day (arbitrary day of week we choose), tmsr.isp lists the TOTAL it has to pay, and makes a bitcoin/usd offer. it can be arbitrarily anything, but in practice it'll be the output of !~ticker --market all Volume-weighted last average: bit (which is fucking ridiculous already, we're tracking bitfinex who the fuck came up with this) or else whatever rate whatever exchange the isp uses.
1817545;1527051211;mircea_popescu;being shaved a half penny by dishonest riding broker is not anywhere in "will arbitrage work or not work" risk table either ; but so help me i'llfucking shoot the one that tries.
1817546;1527051229;mircea_popescu;and so following.
1817547;1527051242;ben_vulpes;not just wonder why the pennies are walking to the station?!
1817549;1527051282;mircea_popescu;i mean, "hm ?"
1817550;1527051302;ben_vulpes;cap de porc
1817551;1527051318;mircea_popescu;i dun get what you're saying!
1817552;1527051335;ben_vulpes;he wondered why the girlies walked to the station and didn't shoot the redditard
1817553;1527051349;asciilifeform;i think he's bringing up the fella who failed to shoot aha
1817554;1527051349;mircea_popescu;wait, who did ?!
1817556;1527051373;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-05-22 19:53 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, http://uploads.gazetadecluj.ro/gazcluj/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/ion-clamparu.jpg << look at this ugly fuck. knowing he is known as "cap de porc" ie "pighead", tell me what he does for a living ?
1817557;1527051398;mircea_popescu;ok, but how are the "rescued" hos figure into this ? why'd they shoot the random dweeb trying to convert them from honest workers into dependopopotami ?
1817558;1527051443;ben_vulpes;the ho's are the pennies, the broker the redditard, mircea_popescu the pighead
1817559;1527051446;mircea_popescu;oh oh oooohhh.
1817560;1527051451;mircea_popescu;ok sorry about that, took me a while.
1817561;1527051493;ben_vulpes;i'm planning to die on stage soon, this is good practice.
1817562;1527051517;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: yer riddles are nphard, lol, require stepping through all possible mappings!111
1817564;1527051576;mircea_popescu;for instance : given "he wondered why the girlies walked to the station and didn't shoot the redditard" the implicit read is "(he wondered why (the girlies (walked to the station) and (didn't shoot the redditard)))" not "(he wondered why (the girlies walked to the station) and (didn't shoot the redditard))"
1817565;1527051599;asciilifeform;aha i also LL(1) parsed it
1817566;1527051655;mod6;*whew* finally ate mega-l0g
1817567;1527051660;mircea_popescu;wd mod6
1817568;1527051676;mircea_popescu;15k words since last night, are4 you fucking kidding me, everyone current is reading two novels / week.
1817569;1527051676;ben_vulpes;well he wasn't pimping, they were chained
1817570;1527051678;mod6;good evening Gentlemen.
1817571;1527051688;asciilifeform;ohai mod6
1817572;1527051697;mircea_popescu;except of course novels are "jim opened the door" not "fuck you and here's 5 centuries' worth of accumulated reference in an endless maze HAAHHA"
1817573;1527051763;ben_vulpes;evening mod6 http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/HPDq7/?raw=true
1817574;1527051831;*;mod6 looks
1817575;1527051877;*;asciilifeform bbl,sleep
1817576;1527051880;mod6;ni ni
1817577;1527051888;mircea_popescu;should prolly change the topic to "if you'd like to help see $X, if you'd like to sleep you're fucked."
1817578;1527051944;ben_vulpes;mod6: belay that, read this http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/uh7Xt/?raw=true
1817579;1527051971;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: i am enjoying this pace!
1817580;1527051994;mod6;ben_vulpes: ok
1817581;1527052359;douchebag;ben_vulpes: Is there anything I can do to resolve my negrate?
1817582;1527052380;ben_vulpes;not hassle me while i chew through my whiteboard
1817583;1527052408;douchebag;Sounds good
1817584;1527052415;ben_vulpes;i read the logs, saw your ping.
1817585;1527052548;danielpbarron;that you care about your bad reputation goes a long way for me, but i can't say there is anything in particular you can do to remedy. if you don't do anything else annoying i'll prolly switch it to positive the next time i go through my ratings.
1817586;1527052565;ben_vulpes;jurov: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/enD8E/?raw=true
1817587;1527052576;douchebag;Sounds good danielpbarron
1817588;1527052597;ben_vulpes;trinque: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/PBypt/?raw=true
1817589;1527052683;ben_vulpes;ahahaha oh man i just reread my douchebag rating
1817590;1527052783;ben_vulpes;douchebag: yeah i'll drop the neg but you gotta work on picking up how shit works around here. the list of annoying crap you do is unenumerable but the two things that drive me personally up a wall are eg http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2018-5-23#361197 and then also posting screenshots of text
1817591;1527052784;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-05-23 00:20 douchebag: -----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----
1817592;1527052815;ben_vulpes;which i can't even fathom dude because wtf you're willing to clutter up the logs with line after line of key noise and then otoh...screenshots
1817593;1527052912;douchebag;Yeah, I'll definitely start using p.bvulpes.com more. It's just a bad habit because I use discord a lot where I can post multi-line messages & screenshots are automatically displayed to people.
1817594;1527053132;ben_vulpes;dooooon't care, just stoppit. spend more time watching and listening and learning the cultural norms and if you're going to deliberately not follow them then i'm interested in your good reason per http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2018-5-23#361418
1817595;1527053133;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-05-23 03:16 mircea_popescu: "so what's wrong with following social convention ? it has its uses, such as you know, the rote possibility of meaning in language" "sure. there's nothing wrong with following social convention. but there's plenty wrong with attempting to enforce it on unwilling participants. maybe they have good reasons they're not following it ~in that case~."
1817596;1527053179;ben_vulpes;!!v E8314E9D628E6F35170D8D517C534BED72FB92C4D3DB073F929475394C4B6908
1817597;1527053180;deedbot;ben_vulpes unrated douchebag.
1817598;1527053310;mod6;I gotta catch some zzz's, but I'll talk to you all in the AM.  Night!
1817600;1527053318;ben_vulpes;later mod6
1817602;1527053327;ben_vulpes;ya great softy
1817604;1527053412;ben_vulpes;Mocky: why's that ada article not on the homepage of yer blog?
1817605;1527053432;ben_vulpes;also lol good footer
1817606;1527054517;douchebag;mircea_popescu: Are you much of a wine drinker?
1817607;1527055549;mircea_popescu;not really ; i mostly keep up with the girls.
1817608;1527055661;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-23#1817605 << i think he might have stolen it WITHOUT PERMISSION
1817609;1527055661;a111;Logged on 2018-05-23 05:30 ben_vulpes: also lol good footer
1817610;1527055763;ben_vulpes;on a scale of useless bullshit to practical for republican shared hosting, how useless are cgroups?
1817611;1527055767;douchebag;Ahh I see, saw an article earlier and I've had a taste for wine ever since
1817612;1527056592;ben_vulpes;heh freenode webchat doesn't use ssl omfg!
1817613;1527056821;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: check my understanding of a thing please: if apache runs its own php pool, then user-level cgroups won't affect how much ram apache eats while serving a user's php, right?
1817614;1527057909;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, generally handled by ulimit neh ?
1817615;1527057977;mircea_popescu;or what are you trying to achieve here ?
1817616;1527058065;ben_vulpes;ulimit's per-process, yeah?
1817617;1527058101;ben_vulpes;curious about how tractable, workable, and useful setting user-level memory limits on the shared hosting is.
1817618;1527058106;mircea_popescu;it basically makes sure you can always talk to the box, even if apache maxes out, you won't be locked out of using say ssh.
1817619;1527058142;ben_vulpes;that's probably some amount of useful.
1817620;1527058766;mircea_popescu;it's the only amount of useful that makes sense. think about it : the whole point of the box is to pool resources. if you have 100 users and each can at all times use 1/100 of the ram you get much worse results than if there's 100 users and they can use whatever ram's available ; and if it gets too tight you start politely inviting the larger consumers to move up ion the world.
1817621;1527058872;mircea_popescu;trinque, http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/Jvk47/?raw=true
1817622;1527059015;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: how is ram different from fs in the context of http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2018-5-18#358183
1817623;1527059016;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-05-18 01:51 mircea_popescu: be sure to make a point of pointing out this is true allocated fs space, as most everyone sells a number but delivers a best effort
1817624;1527059046;mircea_popescu;much easier to enforce.
1817625;1527059104;mircea_popescu;also much easier for user to interact with meaningfully, as the only way fs gets used up is by user personally putting something there ; whereas ram is eaten by 3rd party requests.
1817626;1527059140;ben_vulpes;as in www?
1817627;1527059738;ben_vulpes;lobbes, BingoBoingo (and mod6 and asciilifeform, mircea_popescu if he's inclined) here's a draft of the copy for the shared hosting landing page: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/PcA2p/?raw=true
1817628;1527059782;ben_vulpes;landing pages and ad copy is not a gadget i know how to work, so let me know what you think. this also has what i think the "
1817629;1527059847;ben_vulpes;plans" should be, so look at pricing as well. if these rates are attractive to the market and we get out there and flog 'em i think there's some money to be made
1817630;1527060412;*;mircea_popescu recommends it to hanbot 's eye also.
1817631;1527060698;ben_vulpes;ooh yes please
1817632;1527060828;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-22#1816563 << on a fucking shared server ? gimme a break. personal fucking blogs, maybe some "baby's first steps with php". wtf else ?
1817633;1527060828;a111;Logged on 2018-05-22 16:11 trinque: "(b) la infracción a los derechos de propiedad intelectual e industrial" << so no seedboxen eh?
1817634;1527063051;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-23#1817453 << it's not so hard to end up the only repository of truth in a consensus-seeking group. the only thing consensus-seeking does predictably and well is error.
1817635;1527063051;a111;Logged on 2018-05-23 04:26 esthlos: trinque: I'm a geometer, always searching for higher symmetries, unifying disjoint worldviews
1817636;1527063087;mircea_popescu;your objection pretends to feed itself from "oh, there are 500 people here, they're all independent, and disjunct, and intelligent, what are the odds NO ONE ELSE found magos edible ?!?!".
1817637;1527063108;mircea_popescu;except they're not 500 people in the first place, leave aside independent or intelligent. they're not even disjunct, they're just trying to monkey each other.
1817638;1527063167;mircea_popescu;comparable to how copernicus needn't have been concerned re how the scholastics all agreed with themselves. of course they did, as part and parcel of what their cognitive system evben was, "consensus interpretations of aristotle".
1817639;1527063385;mircea_popescu;magos = mangos, of course.
1817640;1527078576;Mocky;http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2018-5-23#361702 << fixed
1817641;1527078577;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-05-23 05:16 ben_vulpes: Mocky: why's that ada article not on the homepage of yer blog?
1817642;1527078710;Mocky;http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2018-5-23#361703 << you weren't supposed to read that...
1817643;1527078712;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-05-23 05:17 ben_vulpes: also lol good footer
1817644;1527078810;Mocky;http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2018-5-23#361709 << nope, self-invented 10 days ago
1817645;1527078811;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-05-23 05:54 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-23#1817605 << i think he might have stolen it WITHOUT PERMISSION
1817646;1527080585;asciilifeform;Mocky: nope, still doesnt't show from your main page
1817647;1527080619;asciilifeform;or rather, only in header,  but not in article list
1817648;1527080714;Mocky;yeah, it is a page not a post so not in post list
1817649;1527080949;Mocky;I can make it post, then it will show on main page, and archive
1817650;1527081556;Mocky;that's fixed now
1817651;1527081600;asciilifeform;meanwhile in classic trilema, http://trilema.com/2014/lets-pretend
1817652;1527085528;spyked;hey, ave1! I gave http://ave1.org/2018/building-gnat-on-musl-now-with-partial-and-parallel-build-support/ a run and I'm sad to report that it failed. attached a screenlog of the run at http://lmogo.xyz/randomio/gnat-musl-screenlog.0 (notice: file is ~5MB in size). unfortunately my hands are full now, so I've no time to dig further, but I'll provide any further info if you need.
1817653;1527085743;spyked;I'll also give it a shot on a machine with native gcc 4.9 (trying to do this in the weekend), to see if there's something wrong the system headers on the other one (so far this is the only guess I have re the failure)
1817654;1527086079;BingoBoingo;Ah, a megalog night
1817655;1527086079;lobbesbot;BingoBoingo: Sent 12 hours and 59 minutes ago:  didja ever get that crate ?
1817656;1527086196;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: It appears the crate will be arriving today
1817657;1527086482;asciilifeform;oh hey.
1817658;1527086580;asciilifeform;spyked: this looks like classic gcc5ism
1817659;1527086587;asciilifeform;spyked: what ver gcc was it building with ?
1817660;1527086685;spyked;asciilifeform, gcc --version returns adacore's (2016) 4.9.4
1817661;1527086775;asciilifeform;pretty odd
1817662;1527086812;spyked;native gcc on the system is indeed >4 (5.4 to be more precise), but I expected that one to not be used at all? anyway, that might it. in this case I expect my next run to finish without trouble.
1817663;1527086993;spyked;ave1, ^ if the error looks too cryptic, or if you've encountered it on broken systems -- or if you know that the system compiler is used at all, then don't let me waste your time. can report again after experimenting on system with proper gcc.
1817664;1527087847;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-23#1817293 << i started writing a lispy make-temp-directory but the implementation is not particularly elegant (C concerns are at odds with lisp concerns), you can pouch the ccl bits though. i'm not sure if there's a better way to do errno handling, without relying on private ccl symbols
1817665;1527087847;a111;Logged on 2018-05-23 02:43 esthlos: btw trinque, have made most of changes to vtron, just have to add mkstemp for ccl (which I know thanks to phf is #_mkstemp)
1817667;1527088005;phf;(i think a proper lisp interface ought to separate pathname defaults from the name pattern, so you call it like (m-t-d "fooXXX" #p"/tmp/") but return #p"/tmp/fooabc/". that's not a consequential concern for anyone except for me though)
1817668;1527090943;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in a galaxy far away, 'where did bernstein go?' 'to write crappy stego apps' >> http://elligator.cr.yp.to ( https://archive.li/KwRAu )
1817669;1527092325;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-23#1817483 << Working on extracting incorporation pricing from candidates
1817670;1527092325;a111;Logged on 2018-05-23 04:43 ben_vulpes: needs a wire and a WU-gram; and speaking of, BingoBoingo anything to report on the .uy corp formation front?
1817671;1527092695;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: is there a reason not to go straight to city hall or wherever the magic actually happens ?
1817672;1527092705;asciilifeform;why repeat the mistake with the accountant.
1817673;1527092707;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-23#1817526 << I am wary of brining payments to the datacenter that they might lose, and during the earliest meetings they wrinkled their noses when I offered the possiility of showing up with envelopes of cash while waiting for a local bank account. I suspect they have a cultural hangup against eating anything other than wires due to their self images.
1817674;1527092707;a111;Logged on 2018-05-23 04:50 asciilifeform: hey BingoBoingo , does dc eat paper wu output ?
1817675;1527092719;ave1;spyked, http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-23#1817663, no problem in fact the opposite. This helps in getting the cowwebs out of the build process (I've also tested on machines with gcc 7). The build process is picking up the glibc linux headers at a point where only musl headers should be used. This is usually caused by a system library being picked up in the build process.
1817676;1527092719;a111;Logged on 2018-05-23 14:49 spyked: ave1, ^ if the error looks too cryptic, or if you've encountered it on broken systems -- or if you know that the system compiler is used at all, then don't let me waste your time. can report again after experimenting on system with proper gcc.
1817677;1527092749;ave1;I will look into it further, but I have no time for it right now.
1817678;1527092762;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: possibly they dun trust the employees to handle cash ? or aren't contracted with cash van co.
1817679;1527092766;BingoBoingo; BingoBoingo: is there a reason not to go straight to city hall or wherever the magic actually happens ? << The paperwork prices for the gov's part is published online in a 3rd local currency, the "Index Unit" which needs to be converted to pesos.
1817680;1527092772;BingoBoingo; BingoBoingo: possibly they dun trust the employees to handle cash ? or aren't contracted with cash van co. << Also common here
1817681;1527092782;asciilifeform;( handling cash in orcistan where cash van robbery is national sport, is , i'd expect, not inexpensive )
1817682;1527092793;ave1;Could you check if you have any CFLAGS or LDFLAGS in your environment?
1817683;1527092831;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: https://www.agesic.gub.uy/innovaportal/v/2462/1/agesic/empresa_en_el_dia.html << One of serveral .gov.uy portals on the subject
1817684;1527092863;BingoBoingo; ( handling cash in orcistan where cash van robbery is national sport, is , i'd expect, not inexpensive ) << Seems more like a tourist activity done by Chileños here
1817685;1527093066;spyked;ave1, printenv | grep CFLAGS/LDFLAGS both return nil so I'm okay on that front. but my glibc/ld are post-gcc-4.9, so your explanation about system headers being used sounds plausible.
1817686;1527093102;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-23#1817568 << When I tell the girls I am reading on the balcony they always ask "What book?"
1817687;1527093102;a111;Logged on 2018-05-23 05:01 mircea_popescu: 15k words since last night, are4 you fucking kidding me, everyone current is reading two novels / week.
1817688;1527093189;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-23#1817627 << Will throw in the hopper
1817689;1527093189;a111;Logged on 2018-05-23 07:15 ben_vulpes: lobbes, BingoBoingo (and mod6 and asciilifeform, mircea_popescu if he's inclined) here's a draft of the copy for the shared hosting landing page: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/PcA2p/?raw=true
1817690;1527093367;asciilifeform;also holyfuq, what is 'index unit' ? is this like ye olde 'convertible ruble' ?!
1817691;1527093468;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: It's 3.6 ish pesos
1817692;1527093493;BingoBoingo;https://www.agesic.gub.uy/innovaportal/v/6409/17/agesic/sa.html?padre=6407&idPadre=6 << This page shows the assorted filing fees as pesos
1817693;1527093540;BingoBoingo;Much as dollars in Uruguay are U$S and pesos are $, the index unit appears as UI or IU
1817694;1527093817;*;mircea_popescu is unsure mocky is ready for the whoa.
1817695;1527093878;*;Mocky is unsure
1817696;1527094006;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-23#1817644 <<->> http://btcbase.org/log/2015-02-03#1004896 (see eg http://thebitcoin.foundation/index.html )
1817697;1527094006;a111;Logged on 2018-05-23 12:33 Mocky: http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2018-5-23#361709 << nope, self-invented 10 days ago
1817698;1527094006;a111;Logged on 2015-02-03 19:37 PeterL: mircea_popescu: "You do not have, nor you can ever acquire the right to use, copy or distribute this software" << should be "nor can you ever"
1817699;1527094007;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-05-23 05:54 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-23#1817605 << i think he might have stolen it WITHOUT PERMISSION
1817701;1527094322;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Package made it, delivered to desk
1817702;1527094380;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2014/lets-pretend/#selection-257.0-257.156 ahaha eeepic.
1817703;1527094384;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo, win!
1817704;1527094405;mod6;good to hear that in some form or fashion, things can make it there.
1817705;1527094411;Mocky;well I've seen the bitcoin foundation page before so evidently 'mocky invented' ~= 'mocky pulled from subconscious'
1817706;1527094416;mircea_popescu;good thing you folk ~tried~.
1817707;1527094424;mircea_popescu;Mocky, ha-HA!
1817708;1527094445;mircea_popescu;1:0 beotch, take your alfred and fuckgoats it!!!1 mwahahaha.
1817709;1527094552;Mocky;reminds me of the time I 'invented' the trie in anger, meanwhile knuth vol 3 sitting on my desk (having not finished vol 1)
1817710;1527094625;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-23#1817664 << did you mean "poach" as in what a poacher (hunter on other's lands) does ?
1817711;1527094625;a111;Logged on 2018-05-23 15:04 phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-23#1817293 << i started writing a lispy make-temp-directory but the implementation is not particularly elegant (C concerns are at odds with lisp concerns), you can pouch the ccl bits though. i'm not sure if there's a better way to do errno handling, without relying on private ccl symbols
1817712;1527094645;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: congrats!
1817713;1527094645;mircea_popescu;Mocky, wait till you get to "cheating in wolf form".
1817714;1527094692;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: took 20 days, from moment order put in, to nao
1817715;1527094710;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: of which only 5 was spent , according to dhl, for crate to travel to UY
1817716;1527094739;BingoBoingo;Everything after the scans were ack'd spent waiting for inspection.
1817717;1527094753;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: and the cable cost 9.92 usd, but in total crate cost 57.58 usd , plus whatever BingoBoingo paid ( anything ? bus fares ? )
1817718;1527094770;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-23#1817678 << i expect.
1817719;1527094770;a111;Logged on 2018-05-23 16:26 asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: possibly they dun trust the employees to handle cash ? or aren't contracted with cash van co.
1817720;1527094776;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: It came to my desk once DHL got it back from Aduanas
1817721;1527094864;asciilifeform;!~ticker --market all
1817722;1527094869;jhvh1;asciilifeform: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 7622.55, vol: 13732.14374654 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 7609.0, vol: 33476.92354476 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 7616.0, vol: 6972.7722204 | Volume-weighted last average: 7613.33503099
1817723;1527094960;asciilifeform;!!invoice ben_vulpes 0.00756304 FG<->rockchip TTL cables ( incl. orc delivery )
1817724;1527094964;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/a6YJM/?raw=true
1817725;1527095005;asciilifeform;!!v 643E588AD1C290B0358F5C0D268ED12167F9AD6E709F259685086DF6E8116C56
1817726;1527095009;deedbot;Invoiced ben_vulpes 0.00756304 << FG<->rockchip TTL cables ( incl. orc delivery )
1817727;1527095091;asciilifeform;^ this item, it appears cost literally its weight in gold, to deliver.
1817728;1527095099;mircea_popescu;check it out lol, 10k reported sales brought it down 10%. such orcland prices.
1817729;1527095258;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i was thinking moar re http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-23#1817438 thread. it is almost certainly the case that the usg gox ensemble would try to prevent a hypothetical usg-long mircea_popescu from buying up all of the coin and sending price to maxint. but what could they do to prevent 9000 types of insect who show up to buy 9k coin to take to 'we give 50k/per' dispenser.
1817730;1527095258;a111;Logged on 2018-05-23 04:21 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, only for as long as they got the 50k or 1 btc.
1817731;1527095278;asciilifeform;seems to me that anyone with a bag of usd, could thermonuke the gox price-dampener scam.
1817732;1527095288;asciilifeform;without any direct contact with goxes.
1817734;1527095340;mircea_popescu;in general the way the proxy game is played is exactly like that, by proxy.
1817735;1527095376;mircea_popescu;but yes, your intuition is broadly correct : usg lacks both the actual size and the self-perceived size of soviet russia. as a result, they don't come out with a "x per rouble" statement.
1817736;1527095379;asciilifeform;but is there a flaw in asciilifeform's logic ? if the goxes are really as shallowly supplied with btc as previously suggested, it ought to take a quite modest bag of usd, to do them in. and yet nobody's done ?
1817737;1527095400;mircea_popescu;however, they also lack the very military modesty of soviet russia, being instead old spinster maids. so they make a ... "here's a not really value we were only kidding k ?"
1817738;1527095410;mircea_popescu;like 15yo girls trying to get fucked if it's not painful.
1817739;1527095432;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, nobody other than you will attempt to play the game on enemy terms.
1817740;1527095460;asciilifeform;plox to expand ?
1817741;1527095486;asciilifeform;( 'nobody can be arsed' is imho a valid hypothesis, and i've nuffin to offer against it )
1817742;1527095524;mircea_popescu;i'm not "earning" the sub's submission. you read say http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/NQRtP/?raw=true now on the third pass through the logs ?
1817743;1527095532;asciilifeform;'this tank , it is inflatable, why to waste a bomb on it;
1817745;1527095553;mircea_popescu;it's not that "nobody can be arsed". is that, unlike asciilifeform , nobody regards website-with-random-numbers as relevant. i also don't spend my time trying to "be mentioned by new york times".
1817746;1527095572;asciilifeform;!#s !~ticker
1817747;1527095572;a111;665 results for "!~ticker", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=!%7Eticker
1817748;1527095581;asciilifeform;^ not counted as 'regard as relevant' ?
1817749;1527095586;ben_vulpes;tangentially, "Before December 2017, there was no market for bitcoin derivatives." https://www.frbsf.org/economic-research/publications/economic-letter/2018/may/how-futures-trading-changed-bitcoin-prices/
1817750;1527095601;mircea_popescu;and no, it's not because of girly reason-substitute ("oh, it's too hard, rite, that's why you don't spend your life rasiing my spawn, because you ain't got what it takes!!!!") either.
1817751;1527095652;asciilifeform;recall, whole subthread started as, roughly, as asciilifeform:'why is there a gox in our process loop'
1817752;1527095663;asciilifeform;nyt is not in our process loops. yet for some reason gox is.
1817753;1527095667;asciilifeform;imho this is a bug.
1817754;1527095703;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, curl "http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=ticker" | grep "mircea" | wc -l
1817755;1527095703;mircea_popescu;  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
1817756;1527095703;mircea_popescu;                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
1817757;1527095703;mircea_popescu;100 27050  100 27050    0     0  64381      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 82721
1817759;1527095733;mircea_popescu;the republican substitute for this purpose was documented last year. yes ? no ?
1817760;1527095764;asciilifeform;there's a substitute that doesn't use gox temperatures for anything ?!
1817761;1527095783;mircea_popescu;o for fucks sake. will you start reading the logs at any point, or is the douchebag issue contagious.
1817762;1527095799;asciilifeform;i'm not objecting to the 'opens tcp to to usg server' part. but to the price signal.
1817764;1527095851;a111;Logged on 2018-05-23 04:53 ben_vulpes: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-15#1738849 << i had entirely forgotten this, ty mircea_popescu
1817765;1527095872;asciilifeform;i did read this ( both 1st pass, when posted, and last night )
1817766;1527095905;mircea_popescu;alright! so then what is the problem ? you wanna use gox for settlement, you're allowed. you don't wanna, there's an alternative scheme. you wanna use something else, all the better.
1817767;1527095911;ben_vulpes;i intend to do this for the july bills.
1817768;1527095915;asciilifeform;it does not solve the problem ( am i only one who sees it as problem ? ), merely moves it , like the orthodox j00z moved their bread oven lighting to goy-modem
1817769;1527095917;mircea_popescu;why sit and fret that "which thing i choose to do -- is the thing i choose to do" ?
1817770;1527095924;mircea_popescu;i don['t follow.
1817771;1527095992;asciilifeform;if tomorrow usg decides 'btc will crash to 5k' and moves the arrow on goxes to 5k/per , everybody goes 'it's 5k', even folx who swear they never look at a gox. imho this is a bug. and no i do not have a proposed pill. is all.
1817772;1527096013;mircea_popescu;so basically your objection is "why don't i have more friends" ? i dunno, why don't you ?
1817773;1527096019;asciilifeform;in linked thread , asciilifeform asks the q of whether this problem is even theoretically approachable.
1817774;1527096028;mircea_popescu;have more friends / be nicerf to the folk who, however ineptly, tries to be your friends, talk to more people, etc.
1817775;1527096037;asciilifeform;and yes it prolly reduces to what mircea_popescu said, 'suck slightly less'
1817776;1527096061;mircea_popescu;well ? i mean what, you want to control the future now, as a SIDE POINT ?
1817777;1527096079;mircea_popescu;controlling the future is the ultimate point, there's no "if onlyt i could control the sunrise time i could make myself some cheap coffee"
1817778;1527096088;asciilifeform;'neuter the goxs' ability to ride pseudo-price wave' is not equiv to 'control all future', neh
1817779;1527096097;mircea_popescu;it is.
1817780;1527096112;mircea_popescu;because the reason the gox exist is that they're cheap to make, and therefore the democracy makes.
1817781;1527096152;Mocky;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-23#1817713 << I'm unfamiliar. I found this: http://trilema.com/2016/introducing-permanence/#comment-117184  But I don't understand. Many things here I struggle to understand in real time, in this case at all.
1817782;1527096152;a111;Logged on 2018-05-23 16:57 mircea_popescu: Mocky, wait till you get to "cheating in wolf form".
1817783;1527096165;mircea_popescu;and it's way the fuck more expensive and involved to neuter all mosquitoes than it is for a mosquito to lay eggs.
1817784;1527096168;asciilifeform;they're cheap, but observe what happened to the ones that wouldn't reliably play ball with hitler. all of the current goxes exist by crown sufferance, afaik.
1817786;1527096191;mircea_popescu;sending some thugs to scare the peons is the 2nd cheapest thing in the book.
1817787;1527096246;asciilifeform;so, to return frame upstack, per mircea_popescu the problem is not solveable short of total victory and nurembergification of the culprits etc ?
1817788;1527096256;asciilifeform;( horses watered in the potomak river , etc )
1817789;1527096357;mircea_popescu;the problem defined as "alf does not want there to exist such a thing as a website printing random numbers" can not be solved in general. it can be rendered mute, but only by nuking the web, and the sort of item that produced it, which is to say neets.
1817790;1527096383;mircea_popescu;if and only if everyone's in chains, then and then only can you be entirely sure nobody's linked two z80 chips together and cycling "alf is a pooperhead" back and forth between them.
1817791;1527096399;asciilifeform;can maybe skip the sophistry ? problem is emphatically not 'www site prints random numbers', but 'usg controls root of price signal hierarchy'
1817792;1527096403;mircea_popescu;but anyway, im off to manage some efforts to research the world for pizarro's benefit inter alia, so bbs.
1817794;1527096414;mircea_popescu;dude wtf is wrong with you.
1817795;1527096419;mircea_popescu;usg controls A POSSIBLE ROOT.
1817796;1527096432;mircea_popescu;you want to not credit it, don't. you want nobody to credit it, HAVE MORE FRIENDS.
1817798;1527096471;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/05/us-embassy-staff-member-suffers-alleged-sonic-brain-injury-in-china/ << Qntra - US Embassy Staff Member Suffers Alleged "Sonic Brain Injury" In China
1817799;1527096518;ben_vulpes;this is reaching penis-theft proportions of lol
1817800;1527096586;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: gotta love the 'sonic attack' usg.partyline idiocy. described item ( supposing it physically took place ) is 100% consistent with rf injury.
1817801;1527097071;ben_vulpes;wouldn't put it past either the usg or cn engineering departments to fail at recreating the su rf-illuminated snooper but to screw up the power by a few orders of magnitude
1817802;1527097091;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: the rf-illuminated snooper was re-created in '50s and is used by 100% of world today
1817803;1527097104;asciilifeform;( see e.g. nsa 'ant-2' catalogue, for a dozen examples )
1817804;1527097160;asciilifeform;!#s ragemaster
1817805;1527097160;a111;1 result for "ragemaster", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=ragemaster
1817806;1527097162;asciilifeform;^ e.g
1817807;1527097195;asciilifeform; << re-create it yourself.
1817808;1527097249;asciilifeform;^ funnily enuff, his junkyard magnetron, is a... 'Decatur MV715 RangeMaster'.
1817809;1527097257;asciilifeform;perhaps orig usg author's -- also was.
1817810;1527097368;asciilifeform; << whole site, lulzy.
1817811;1527097441;BingoBoingo; ben_vulpes: gotta love the 'sonic attack' usg.partyline idiocy. described item ( supposing it physically took place ) is 100% consistent with rf injury. << Or transient ischemia which is common in the chair sitting classes.
1817812;1527097989;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: 17 'transient ischemia' in 1 day ?
1817813;1527098014;asciilifeform;i suppose it's possible if ~whole thing is disinfo , in the style of http://btcbase.org/log/2015-11-18#1326332
1817814;1527098014;a111;Logged on 2015-11-18 14:54 asciilifeform: shinohai: 'i heard that ivan won a car in the lotto.' 'yes! but not ivan but piotr, not a car but an overcoat, not in lotto but at cards, and not won but lost'
1817815;1527098026;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Sure, Poorly designed chairs and lunch high in vitamin K
1817817;1527098102;BingoBoingo;But no one talks about the Aeron Thrombolyticus Maximus chairs being installed that day
1817818;1527101210;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-23#1817710 << yes, i seem to make these kind of homonym errors a lot actually, and i reread the sentence every time, but don't see it until the issue is pointed out.
1817819;1527101210;a111;Logged on 2018-05-23 16:57 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-23#1817664 << did you mean "poach" as in what a poacher (hunter on other's lands) does ?
1817820;1527111185;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in entomology dept, https://archive.li/Uj74z << the reich claims ownership of all satellites
1817821;1527112047;danielpbarron;in the is-deedbot-working dept, http://danielpbarron.com/2018/no-country-for-old-men/
1817823;1527112656;douchebag;There appears to be an issue w/ homebrew and Eulora.
1817824;1527112678;asciilifeform;wtf is 'homebrew'
1817825;1527112707;douchebag;It's a MacOS package manager
1817826;1527113321;ben_vulpes;douchebag: yeah it's the mac part
1817827;1527113330;ben_vulpes;possibly the homebrew part
1817828;1527113335;ben_vulpes;could be all the way down in the ruby
1817829;1527113506;ben_vulpes;on a less glib line, homebrew changed the calling syntax on the tap. you should read the error message for the correction instruction.
1817830;1527113598;ben_vulpes;brew edit $formula might help, but i ditched the mac nigh for reasons of pervasive upgradism like this a year ago, haven't looked back, can't suggest that you spend much time doing battle with republican softs on the crapple.
1817831;1527113654;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: it's a rubby trojan horse masquerading as a package manager that posts ~/.gnupg to www.google-analytics.com
1817832;1527113701;asciilifeform;lol notbad
1817833;1527113759;ben_vulpes;douchebag: have you tried installing gentoo on your macbook?
1817834;1527113761;douchebag;ben_vulpes: I use MacOS as my main OS because it's actually pretty nice for work. However, all of my sensitive stuff (PGP) happens in Linux VM's
1817835;1527113771;ben_vulpes;douchebag: a vm on the macbook?
1817837;1527113786;ben_vulpes;i do not think this does what you think it does
1817838;1527113800;douchebag;Can you elaborate?
1817839;1527113810;ben_vulpes;what does using a vm on a compromised computer getcha?
1817840;1527113874;douchebag;Well, although many people will disagree with this statement. I'm a pretty boring person, and I'm not too concerned about if the NSA is watching me - if the NSA wants to watch me they will do it regardless.
1817841;1527113885;ben_vulpes;so why bother with the vm
1817842;1527113942;douchebag;Even though most Linux applications work just fine with MacOS, a lot of them don't.
1817843;1527113958;ben_vulpes;gnupg does, so for the third time why are you using a vm, what do you imagine it gets you
1817844;1527114001;douchebag;I'm not really imagining it does anything, I just happened to make my keypair in the VM because that's what I was using at the time I created thm
1817846;1527114085;ben_vulpes;ever wonder about how the deterministic number generator on that vm was configulated?
1817847;1527114166;douchebag;Nope, not really. Can you tell me about that or provide some resources?
1817848;1527114244;ben_vulpes;i'm obliquely suggesting that you have nfi how your keys were put together because the layers of abstraction are too thick.
1817849;1527114276;ben_vulpes;the debian rng bug is a good example of hosed RNGs, that's a fine place to start
1817850;1527116430;asciilifeform;!!up LordMPofTMSR
1817851;1527116431;deedbot;LordMPofTMSR voiced for 30 minutes.
1817853;1527116444;asciilifeform;sat dish mp ?
1817854;1527116493;LordMPofTMSR;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-23#1817820 << pretty lulzy ; but then again if you ask them...
1817855;1527116493;a111;Logged on 2018-05-23 21:33 asciilifeform: meanwhile, in entomology dept, https://archive.li/Uj74z << the reich claims ownership of all satellites
1817856;1527116512;LordMPofTMSR;asciilifeform, yeah, hanging out with the neet crowd.
1817857;1527116552;asciilifeform;found it by accident when asked q of 'when's the last time they caught a sw pirate' ( answ: apparently not since 1st bush term )
1817858;1527116558;LordMPofTMSR;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-23#1817823 << the only person who either managed or almost-managed (or, i guess, were going to manage) running eulora on mac was phf, maybe two years ago. i dunno it ever went anywhere ; nor am i all that sure macs are computers.
1817859;1527116558;a111;Logged on 2018-05-23 21:57 douchebag: There appears to be an issue w/ homebrew and Eulora.
1817860;1527116561;asciilifeform;LordMPofTMSR: anyffing good ? casino chix ?
1817862;1527116645;asciilifeform;LordMPofTMSR: getting any nontrivial proggy to build on crapple, is a herculean labour , and typically not imho worth it
1817863;1527116656;LordMPofTMSR;the vm on the mac thing was pretty great.
1817864;1527116668;asciilifeform;( commandline items like ffa generally work; anything with video/audio -- prepare to suffer )
1817865;1527116712;LordMPofTMSR;imperial boons : a wife is a female that agrees with you for as long as you're not saying anything and a mac is a computer that works for as long as you're not trying to run anything.
1817866;1527116730;LordMPofTMSR;all the solved problems!
1817867;1527116756;asciilifeform;at one time , 2001-2014(?) it was ~usable as a xterm -- until they stopped shipping x !
1817868;1527116767;LordMPofTMSR;download the carplanesubmarine app for not going anywhere!
1817869;1527116781;Mocky;ok, I found it: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-02-09#1401054  http://btcbase.org/log/2016-02-09#1401055
1817870;1527116781;a111;Logged on 2016-02-09 18:09 mircea_popescu: cheat as much as humanly possible
1817871;1527116781;a111;Logged on 2016-02-09 18:09 mircea_popescu: then turn into your wolf form and cheat some more.
1817872;1527116786;asciilifeform;('hey, all the other commercial unix vendors croaked, we can do the bait an' switch nao')
1817873;1527116800;LordMPofTMSR;Mocky, wd.
1817874;1527116928;LordMPofTMSR;asciilifeform, in nomine diaboli avocando, maybe x finally became too large a pile of hair, exceeded their capacity to translate hair to wet noodles.
1817875;1527116939;LordMPofTMSR;god knows x has had cancer for a decade.
1817876;1527116939;asciilifeform;they used same one, iirc, for ages
1817877;1527116946;LordMPofTMSR;then i dunno
1817878;1527116978;asciilifeform;it eats disk, and they started selling a series of boxes with ludicrously small ssd, in 2010s, and decided that it can vanish
1817879;1527116994;LordMPofTMSR;a that may be it then
1817880;1527117000;asciilifeform;'store moar lolcats'
1817881;1527117010;Mocky;my log reading suggests that asciilifeform has a massive workbench with projects in progress: e.g. http://btcbase.org/log/2016-02-09#1401016
1817882;1527117010;a111;Logged on 2016-02-09 17:51 asciilifeform: jurov: my unreleased prototype is driven using (local) irc listener, yes
1817883;1527117116;LordMPofTMSR;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-23#1817840 << this is not so different from saying "i have plenty of blood, and if the lice wants to get it they'll get it regardless." hygiene is not directly a consideration of denying the alimentary cycle of parasytes ; it's rather a question of self-respect, and in the 2nd line a question of socialization, because no matter how cool you might be "otherwise", at least some chicks won't fuck you with lice no matter
1817884;1527117116;a111;Logged on 2018-05-23 22:17 douchebag: Well, although many people will disagree with this statement. I'm a pretty boring person, and I'm not too concerned about if the NSA is watching me - if the NSA wants to watch me they will do it regardless.
1817885;1527117117;LordMPofTMSR; what else.
1817886;1527117126;asciilifeform;Mocky: quite a few folx, not only asciilifeform .
1817887;1527117534;douchebag;LordMPofTMSR: I know, I just haven't seen evidence proving MacOS is comprimised other than the fact that it's a large company
1817888;1527117773;LordMPofTMSR;well, i think most people hate them because they're inept and unwieldy, not specifically "compromised" whatever that even is.
1817889;1527117972;ben_vulpes;douchebag: the pushing of multigigabyte files to "your" computer doesn't make you pucker at running gpg on the thing?
1817890;1527117979;ben_vulpes;this is not a very secure perspective, mon frere.
1817891;1527117993;ben_vulpes;or or, have you tried deleting "iPhoto"?
1817892;1527118000;douchebag;I've been running MacOS for about two years, prior I used Linux for 6 years. I love my Macbook, I find that I can multitask a lot better, the window manager is great
1817893;1527118012;ben_vulpes;it doesn't tile, what fucking great.
1817894;1527118013;douchebag;ben_vulpes: I don't have iPhoto installed
1817895;1527118031;ben_vulpes;purged it manually, after throwing the "no seriously i am a grownup" switch?
1817896;1527118059;ben_vulpes;fwiw xquartz works fine
1817897;1527118071;ben_vulpes;reports are that even exwm works with it
1817898;1527118117;ben_vulpes;from coinbase: "Get $10 of free Bitcoin for every user you refer!" why not eth, ltc...
1817899;1527118232;ben_vulpes;douchebag: the incessant whining to "upgrade!", the lockout of gdb shy of signing executables for execution, none of this screams "not your computer! get your hands out of the machine!" to you?
1817900;1527118237;asciilifeform;!!up LordMPofTMSR
1817901;1527118238;deedbot;LordMPofTMSR voiced for 30 minutes.
1817902;1527118419;douchebag;ben_vulpes: I've never had any issues doing what I need to do, I can get root privs so I never really noticed any issues.
1817903;1527118515;ben_vulpes;is "can get root privs" all you need to feel comfortable using gpg on the thing?
1817904;1527118569;ben_vulpes;they would never back your whole hdd, precious linux vms and gnupg keychains and all to icloud, no never.
1817905;1527118597;asciilifeform;who the fuck needs the 'whole hdd'; why not just the key log.
1817906;1527118616;ben_vulpes;i'm not prodding you about "issues" you mighta "noticed" but to think about who's involved in your decryption and signing flow.
1817907;1527118636;ben_vulpes;you won't notice lead in the water until your kids are born all fucked up either.
1817908;1527118678;ben_vulpes;nevertheless, "once upon a time we made cars in flint, and the water was unsafe to drink in mexico. these days, they make the cars in mexico and flint's water is poison."
1817909;1527121766;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-23#1817823 << the taps you're using are for previous release of eulora (which already had some odd issues on mac, but worked). i took a stab at updating them when the latest release came out, and enough targets moved that it was again non-trivial to build the stack. i've managed to hand build it/jerry rig homebrew to build it, but the result out of the box was working even worse (mostly i lost textures entirely). around t
1817910;1527121766;a111;Logged on 2018-05-23 21:57 douchebag: There appears to be an issue w/ homebrew and Eulora.
1817911;1527121766;phf;hat time it was concluded that the effort of mac upkeep is not there, and i believe that's also when mp/diana decided to go with a custom protocol for a future non-crystal space implementation
1817912;1527121901;phf;*jury rig
1817913;1527122222;phf;crystal space has some complicated, xml based module system, and planeshift, i believe, approached that module system not necessarily from first principles either. i couldn't really devote enough time (and i spent couple of weeks on the whole thing the first time as it is) to figuring out how the whole thing is supposed to come together. it's definitely possible to run it on mac, but the effort literally costs more than buying a dedicated linux box
1817914;1527123101;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-23#1817898 << guess. meanwhile some other coinbase prints a "bitcoin domination" % (spoiler : it's very low, bitcoin dun matter bla bla bla), and then WHENEVER bitcoin moves the ENTIRE list of "blockchains" and "cryptocurrencies" movesd in sync. anyone with half a fucking clue would observe that if the movement is 100% coupled then yes tyvm, bitcoin domination = 100%. but then again, democratic
1817915;1527123101;a111;Logged on 2018-05-23 23:28 ben_vulpes: from coinbase: "Get $10 of free Bitcoin for every user you refer!" why not eth, ltc...
1817916;1527123101;mircea_popescu;mind dun wanna.
1817917;1527123214;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-24#1817911 << note that the protocol; is re comms ; what client uses is entirely at client writer's leisure.
1817918;1527123214;a111;Logged on 2018-05-24 00:29 phf: hat time it was concluded that the effort of mac upkeep is not there, and i believe that's also when mp/diana decided to go with a custom protocol for a future non-crystal space implementation
1817919;1527123976;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-23#1817627 << that thing is terrible ; not even worth fixing. complete re-do.
1817920;1527123976;a111;Logged on 2018-05-23 07:15 ben_vulpes: lobbes, BingoBoingo (and mod6 and asciilifeform, mircea_popescu if he's inclined) here's a draft of the copy for the shared hosting landing page: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/PcA2p/?raw=true
1817922;1527127646;mod6;evenin TMSR~
1817923;1527128954;mod6;i love this pic: a jar of pickled peppers? high heels, an empty plastic bag, and a map.  Everything one needs!
1817924;1527129866;mircea_popescu;there's coffee in the thermos ; and the jar is pickled chillies.
1817925;1527130106;mod6;ahhh, lol.
1817926;1527137158;esthlos;trinque phf et al: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/OYaGd/?raw=true << further steps on the vtron. currently it is freaking out when used with my ccl 1.11.5 . the make-temp-dir function phf provided throws an error on the first invocation, which prevents use as an executable, but oddly the function works if I return to the top level and then call it again.
1817927;1527137185;esthlos;to be clear: prevents use as an executable with ccl. sbcl seems to work fine
1817928;1527137248;esthlos;I'm not free again until Friday evening, so I won't be able to respond or do anything until then
1817929;1527137472;trinque;esthlos: just built it, looks like it's trying to create temp keychains in root
1817930;1527137480;*;trinque will dig deeper
1817931;1527137483;trinque;built it with sbcl
1817932;1527137572;trinque;changed the temp keychain dir to /tmp and hey! successful press!
1817933;1527137580;trinque;fuck yeah.
1817935;1527137900;esthlos;i've notices that the behaivor of sbcl and ccl for make-pathname is slightly different
1817936;1527138177;esthlos;okay, the keychain in root should be fixed now
1817937;1527138203;esthlos;but gotta sleep now. night
1817939;1527154963;ave1;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-23#1817627, I think the text is too technical. This is my try: http://ave1.org/planding.html.
1817940;1527154963;a111;Logged on 2018-05-23 07:15 ben_vulpes: lobbes, BingoBoingo (and mod6 and asciilifeform, mircea_popescu if he's inclined) here's a draft of the copy for the shared hosting landing page: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/PcA2p/?raw=true
1817941;1527168474;mircea_popescu;in re http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-23#1817537 / http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-23#1817792 : there are a few dozen accounts advertising western union payments on localbitcoins. the majority of these are neets in orclands trying to live off shaving website-enacted realities (as an alternative to living off freelancer.com / uber.com / etcetera -- it's evidently a lifestyle, the french fries / grocery bagging of 2018).
1817942;1527168474;a111;Logged on 2018-05-23 04:52 mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes, confirmed, not within scope of review.
1817943;1527168474;a111;Logged on 2018-05-23 17:26 mircea_popescu: but anyway, im off to manage some efforts to research the world for pizarro's benefit inter alia, so bbs.
1817944;1527168474;mircea_popescu;western union expects you to know a magic number ("mtcn", 10 digits) the sender is issued upon sending, and present id. the sender only needs your name and city where you pick up payment. western union will ask you a bunch of inane questions (where you live, who the sender is, how do you know them, what's the money for, etcetera) for which they require no documentation.
1817945;1527168475;mircea_popescu;the first time you use a piece of id for id they'll also want a photocopy of it, and plenty of "wu locations" are in fact a counter in a pivapollo place somewhere, without a copier (they see no problem with this). about one in ten "wu locations" have not the cash on hand to make payment, and they see no problem with this, either.
1817946;1527168479;mircea_popescu;(i ran 0.1 tests, so about 700 bucks. how a 10`000 sq foot of floor space electronics-and-white-goods specialist can not have made 700 bucks worth of sales by mid day is anyone's fucking guess. here is mine : nobody but me has any money.)
1817947;1527168485;mircea_popescu;you can expect actual payments in your hand in 1 to 2 cases out of ten tries (defining a "try" as having initiated a tx on localbitcoins -- which btw jumps randomly for unclear reasons), worth about 90% of the lulsite price.
1817948;1527168487;mircea_popescu;you can further expect a strong showing of scammers. these will be variations of "here's something, release payment". in about half the cases these are advanced enough to output some kind of official-looking falsified screenshot / whatever bizarro standards of visual certification of truth they use in their world (no, douchebag didn't come up with the screencapping on his own, it's a thing in his age-peer group, the "proof").
1817949;1527168493;mircea_popescu;a minority are sophistica
1817950;1527168495;mircea_popescu;ted enough to issue a fake "mtcn" (number-password western union expects you to know), try to get you to release payment, and then pretend like they "cancelled" for whatever imaginary reasons when you come to complain western union didn't have it -- a splendid way to waste an hour or so in city traffic.
1817951;1527168498;mircea_popescu;the vast majority of localbitcoin lusers will require ~major~ amounts of decerebrated handholding (indulging them may improve the 1 to 2 in 10 figure quoted above), in the form of incessant messenger-style confirmations and encouragements, "yes really, let's really, we're really doing this" etc etc, easily 20 dribblets / head. the damage wrought on the preteen brain of the contemporary 20something by "smart"phones and "apps"
1817952;1527168503;mircea_popescu;is in full display.
1817953;1527168505;mircea_popescu;in the end, administrative overhead (finding localbitcoinists, talking to them, talking to western union, updating the site objects according to reality in the field etcetera) comes around 2 hours / successful payment.
1817954;1527168509;mircea_popescu;i would say it is an absolute requirement for pizarro to maintain a localbitcoins account and sink in the required time to build itself a network of known-good users, as these in fact appear to exist, and may constitute humanity candidates / come in useful laterally.
1817955;1527168855;mircea_popescu;currencies other than eur and usd were out of scope for this amusement, though i doubt there's much meaningful existence in the "currencies other than eur and usd" category.
1817956;1527169462;asciilifeform;ty for the experimental work, mircea_popescu !
1817957;1527169486;mircea_popescu;hey, now you know what i mean by intel / how reports look / stuffs and things.
1817958;1527169514;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-24#1817944 << BingoBoingo does have a reliable wu ~emittter~ : we've used it for his meat refuel, since day1
1817959;1527169514;a111;Logged on 2018-05-24 13:27 mircea_popescu: western union expects you to know a magic number ("mtcn", 10 digits) the sender is issued upon sending, and present id. the sender only needs your name and city where you pick up payment. western union will ask you a bunch of inane questions (where you live, who the sender is, how do you know them, what's the money for, etcetera) for which they require no documentation.
1817960;1527169528;mircea_popescu;well yes, but it's a numbers game. what's one buy you.
1817961;1527169545;mircea_popescu;the more gfs you have, the less you care about girls on the rag.
1817962;1527169561;asciilifeform;i mean for receiving. in re the 'some emitters are counters in pivapollo and lack dough'
1817963;1527169573;mircea_popescu;ah ah.
1817964;1527169651;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-24#1817947 << does this translate into the losse of 80% of the coin ? or do i misread
1817965;1527169651;a111;Logged on 2018-05-24 13:28 mircea_popescu: you can expect actual payments in your hand in 1 to 2 cases out of ten tries (defining a "try" as having initiated a tx on localbitcoins -- which btw jumps randomly for unclear reasons), worth about 90% of the lulsite price.
1817966;1527169675;mircea_popescu;nah, you lose nothing, there's a green button "release bitcoin" you don't click.
1817967;1527169721;mircea_popescu;well, nothing besides administrative overhead, of course, of course. some of these are cancelled on the spot, some end up disputed, the whole ghostly dance of inexistent items trying to pretend to existence.
1817968;1527169856;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, they have an automated escrow thing, see. localbitcoins i mean. here : 1. people tender offers ; 2. you close one ; 3. they either cancel or mark it as satisfied ; 4. you check and either release payment or dispute 3.
1817970;1527169869;asciilifeform;i gotta rtfm
1817971;1527169881;mircea_popescu;i didn't include a description of how lb works.
1817972;1527169891;mircea_popescu;SO AS TO SAVE SPACE!@!!11
1817973;1527169900;asciilifeform;ok this makes sense.
1817974;1527170104;mircea_popescu;(also, i hope everyone is reading pivopollo correctly as /pɪvopõʎɔ/, yes)
1817975;1527170146;*;asciilifeform can't picture any other reading, lol 
1817976;1527170163;mircea_popescu;you never know.
1817977;1527170285;Mocky;for noobs, what does that mean, approx?
1817978;1527170409;mircea_popescu;Mocky, http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-25#1805477
1817979;1527170409;a111;Logged on 2018-04-25 04:19 phf: pivo and pollo mexican russian fusion food odessa, tx
1817980;1527170429;mircea_popescu;though i like how you gave up any hope of "what does that mean, no approx" >D
1817981;1527170475;mircea_popescu;bbs putting this into the lexicon.
1817982;1527170501;Mocky;ahh, ty
1817983;1527170821;mircea_popescu;http://ave1.org/planding.html << this is altogether not terrible. if it's not much of a landing page, at least it's clean and legible.
1817984;1527170878;mircea_popescu;some people even like the engineer-spawned failures at commercial speech ; but seriously now, what THE FUCK do they do in highschool these days ?! the whole point of the exercise, once they gave up teaching anyone anything back in the 70s, was "you go to hs to learn how to talk to girls and businessmen".
1817985;1527171364;mircea_popescu;Mocky, how do you enjoy blogging btw ?
1817986;1527171492;Mocky;I enjoy it very much. It seems worthwhile i guess having something to say.
1817987;1527171502;mircea_popescu;it's pleasant to read, too.
1817988;1527171526;Mocky;thank you
1817989;1527171704;mircea_popescu;and in fetlife lulz today, https://image.ibb.co/d2Hny8/00056803_7191_0ffc_4b0a_89586b312613_958.jpg
1817990;1527171941;mircea_popescu;you'd almost suspect, "whoa, now that's a thinking chick, best landing page ever, bet you she sells all the pot she's trying to". except, of course, no such subtility or sophistication is ever to be suspected online. she's genuinely just https://preview.ibb.co/e6azd8/hurr.jpg -ing about.
1817991;1527172279;mod6;ave1: Looks like you maybe took your attempt at the Pizarro landing page down?
1817992;1527172309;mircea_popescu;http://ave1.org/planding.html << i see it.
1817993;1527172353;mircea_popescu;mod6, if not archive also has it.
1817994;1527172466;mod6;ooh, i see the problem, I clicked the link from his posting above, which my browser added the '.' on the end of the .html - this resulted in a 404.
1817995;1527172474;mod6;Thanks mircea_popescu.
1817996;1527172544;mod6;ave1: hey, not bad!
1817997;1527172552;mircea_popescu;mod6, as they gain experience linking things people learn not to put punctuation marks after the link >D
1817998;1527172591;lobbes;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-24#1817939 << I don't think being too technical is necessarily a bad thing, but my own issue with ben_vulpes' original was that a) too 'cheesy' b) too much 'digging' to unearth the selling points. Conversely, I like how ave1's version is straight and to the point (e.g. bullet points of "why Pizarro" are front and center). Good skeleton imo
1817999;1527172591;a111;Logged on 2018-05-24 09:42 ave1: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-23#1817627, I think the text is too technical. This is my try: http://ave1.org/planding.html.
1818000;1527172687;mircea_popescu;there's technical writing and there's commercial copy writing, much like there's technical drawing and pornography. crumb (if you ever saw the footage of his interacting with his estranged son), is imo the best example of the evanescent item here under discussion : the old man ~tries~ to tell the young squirt what to do, but of course the young'un knows better.
1818001;1527172889;asciilifeform;ave1: yours is imho the best version thus far
1818002;1527176049;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-24#1817962 << Perk of having Cambios on every corner in a cash heavy economy.
1818003;1527176049;a111;Logged on 2018-05-24 13:46 asciilifeform: i mean for receiving. in re the 'some emitters are counters in pivapollo and lack dough'
1818004;1527176107;*;BingoBoingo would like to see Mocky blog hit the RSS
1818005;1527176337;trinque;I'd be happy to add it, but spyked, how's your rss bot coming along?
1818006;1527176391;BingoBoingo;!!v 7AE998500B4D88D5DF67AD02D22F14F17FE8DF83BD576F775A6FE75AD4CBFFB0
1818007;1527176392;deedbot;BingoBoingo rated Mocky 1 << New Blood, blogs and insights
1818008;1527177062;mircea_popescu;it's mostly eulora stuff to date, you can see it in #eulora
1818009;1527177335;BingoBoingo;I've just been plugging in the url and bingereading
1818010;1527177578;trinque;mircea_popescu: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/h99G4/?raw=true
1818011;1527177603;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2018/que-he-hecho-yo-para-merecer-esto/ << Trilema - Que he hecho YO para merecer esto ?
1818012;1527177615;mircea_popescu;^ very recommended btw. one of the best films ever.
1818013;1527177648;mircea_popescu;ty trinque
1818014;1527177701;trinque;my pleasure
1818015;1527177727;ben_vulpes;http://archive.is/S1lfr << methinks the lady doth protest too much
1818017;1527177808;mircea_popescu;the "read something in #trilema and got moving" part '''inexplicably''' missing from jewonline.today.
1818018;1527177885;*;mircea_popescu suspects alf will be nothing short of thrilled to discover he now has the power to shape usg "law enforcement" policy.
1818019;1527177944;mod6;I think I caught BB's cold. :[
1818020;1527177984;mircea_popescu;sharing hussies ?
1818021;1527178016;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: standby for qntra input
1818023;1527178028;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Ty
1818024;1527178067;ben_vulpes;btw thanks ave1
1818025;1527178076;BingoBoingo;mod6: Got crackling in the lungs or just a very wet nose?
1818026;1527178082;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Standing by
1818027;1527178215;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo, btw, did you actually come out of it back to health ?
1818028;1527178221;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: I did indeed
1818029;1527178225;mircea_popescu;glad ot hear.
1818030;1527178242;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/hqUa8/?raw=true
1818031;1527178247;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/05/existence-of-big-botnet-made-from-small-routers-announced/ << Qntra - Existence Of Big Botnet Made From Small Routers Announced
1818032;1527178264;mircea_popescu;that was some primo quality standby-ing!
1818033;1527178267;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: the first day I felt compeltely relieved was ironically the day before I formally affiliated with a hospital here
1818034;1527178270;asciilifeform;ugh BingoBoingo
1818035;1527178277;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Coincidence
1818036;1527178298;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: i just sent you a moar detailed piece on same
1818037;1527178332;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: This can be handled
1818038;1527178348;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: at your option, run new piece, and replace my 'cisco' link with yours
1818040;1527178400;trinque;RAID1 n00z
1818041;1527178407;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-24#1818018 << i'm quite certain that they will have a show trial or two for 'putin's wreckers' who 'manipulated the price upward'
1818042;1527178407;a111;Logged on 2018-05-24 16:04 mircea_popescu suspects alf will be nothing short of thrilled to discover he now has the power to shape usg "law enforcement" policy.
1818043;1527178427;asciilifeform;( manipulation downward, of course, is from their pov god's work )
1818044;1527178450;mircea_popescu;hey ; be that as it may it's still more than what trump managed to date.
1818045;1527178462;asciilifeform;'spreading -- works'(tm)(r)
1818046;1527178502;mircea_popescu;anyway, the "up" and "down" may not be as firmly manifest as you personally imagine. postmodernism is bizarro world, up is down, they say hello when they leave...
1818047;1527178747;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: 'esearchers' -> 'researchers' ?
1818048;1527178761;asciilifeform;unveilled -> unveiled
1818049;1527178764;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform et al, the remedy: http://qntra.net/2018/05/existence-of-big-botnet-made-from-small-routers-announced/
1818050;1527178771;asciilifeform;err, unveil
1818051;1527178793;BingoBoingo;ty fxd
1818053;1527178878;mod6;<+BingoBoingo> mod6: Got crackling in the lungs or just a very wet nose? << got the throat tickle and the coughing is starting.
1818056;1527178940;mod6;these people make me sick
1818057;1527178947;mircea_popescu;oh i forgot to mention -- yest as i was moving about town somebody shot up the mexican embassy here
1818058;1527178952;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: admittedly knowing nuffin but what i can see through my telescope, all i see in http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-24#1818015 is yet another moar explicit tightening of the noose
1818059;1527178952;a111;Logged on 2018-05-24 16:02 ben_vulpes: http://archive.is/S1lfr << methinks the lady doth protest too much
1818060;1527178984;asciilifeform;hm what's the use in shooting up an embassy
1818061;1527178986;mod6;mircea_popescu: heavily?
1818062;1527179011;mod6;or just like "pop-pop, chinga tu madre."
1818063;1527179017;mircea_popescu;italian not mexican, sorry (they're next to each other). and yes some deds.
1818066;1527179252;asciilifeform;seems like there was a specific target, tho, rather than 'embassy'
1818067;1527179262;asciilifeform;(from above item, at least)
1818068;1527179276;mircea_popescu;possibru, yeah.
1818069;1527179277;mod6;yeah, assassination.
1818070;1527179306;mod6;unless he really just didn't like the guys shoes.
1818071;1527179328;mircea_popescu;or the venezoelana moving up in the world.
1818072;1527179376;asciilifeform;re upstack -- hey mircea_popescu , recall http://btcbase.org/log/2015-07-08#1193376 ? i suspect that near-fyootoor usg-'regulated' 'market' will consist of 1 counter where wintel stock is dealt, where 'you can only buy' (or stand accused of 'manipulation', and another counter where bitcoin 'you can only sell' (or ditto), lol
1818073;1527179376;a111;Logged on 2015-07-08 17:08 mircea_popescu: mod6 "our free market is this thing you can only buy!!1"
1818074;1527179395;BingoBoingo;There's so many embassies in this city if there were shootings outside the slums they would just about have to be in front of an embassy.
1818075;1527179405;mircea_popescu;it's how the soviets did it, isn't it ? in that brief interval between when they died and when they fell.
1818076;1527179440;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo, shootings outside of slums is a little like shittings outside of bathroom.
1818077;1527179459;BingoBoingo;Hey, both happen here.
1818078;1527179464;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: maybe in moar 'western' sovblok places like ro, with the 'tehnologia navigatiei cu vele' tricks. in proper su, economy was sufficiently 'demonetarized' that nothing directly comparable afaik existed.
1818079;1527179468;BingoBoingo;Just not as frequently as back home
1818080;1527179502;mircea_popescu;i doubt that. what was the black market dollar rate in 1985 moscow ?
1818081;1527179645;*;asciilifeform can't give a decently accurate answer, wasn't there
1818082;1527179683;asciilifeform;'exchange' is possibly wrong q tho, what's it mean to have 'exchange rate' when the local orc coin dun buy much
1818083;1527179688;asciilifeform;in whatever qty
1818084;1527179702;mircea_popescu;ro was about 100 lei to the dollar, making the avg salary then about $30 or so. (per month, about 1/30 or so of us average salary at the time).
1818085;1527179723;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, local coin does always buy ~something~. drujba, whatever it may buy.
1818086;1527179745;asciilifeform;well sometimes all it buys is nth copy of 'navigatiei cu vele', lol
1818087;1527179766;asciilifeform;( are these to be assessed as pulp ? ...firewood ? )
1818088;1527179784;mircea_popescu;exactly like "what does dolalr buy today" ? "well, if you disperse it enough, it buys you some inept wrangling from local orcs". exctly like how $1mn does not buy you much ; but if you break it into $20 chunks you can have "marketing online" "services" from retarded university-of-maryland-criminlogy whores,
1818089;1527179801;mircea_popescu;just so a chunk of rubles bought nothinmg, but if broken into small eno9ugh chunks it bought you say state secrets.
1818090;1527179833;mircea_popescu;it's always going to be a purely aribtrary market created by authority fiart, whether it's "write this string on your tits" or "tell me the string yulyiana has written on her tiots"
1818091;1527179846;asciilifeform;rright, the abstraction where money is a scalar and the operations commute, associate, and transpose, is a peacetime thing
1818092;1527179860;mircea_popescu;rather, a "i don't know how to write sales copy" thing.
1818093;1527180016;mircea_popescu;anyway, the one thing the soviets (all of them) did well was confound the issue. see, because "not consumer but industrial economy", various industrial goods were significantly cheaper, and all sorts of consumer goods significantly more expensive, than in "real world" of reagan thatcher and friends.
1818094;1527180072;mircea_popescu;consequently, some at least cursory argument could be had that the price signals are substantially enough different to not be comparable (and god only knows how many man-hours the inept "intel" services of the firm of r, t & f spent trying to discern if official ruble is .5 or 4 to 1 dollars TRULY.)
1818095;1527180122;asciilifeform;prolly similarly wasted hrs as gorby & friends tried to discern 'how many dollar is ruble TRULY'
1818096;1527180183;mircea_popescu;they had a comparatively easier time, seeing how they had much better control on trade.
1818097;1527180202;mircea_popescu;democracy has well documented troubles controling what people buy. soviets... hey, only state could buy anything anyway.
1818098;1527180222;mircea_popescu;stalin says "4:1 because 14:1 is ridiculous", that's what it is.
1818099;1527180232;asciilifeform;( internal mechanics of ruble is a tall bag of lulz about which not errything even today is known. but there were several ~independently-circulating subspecies . one of which technically existed until even 2010 or so ! )
1818100;1527180241;asciilifeform;^ speaking of ~su~ ruble specifically
1818101;1527180277;mircea_popescu;anyway, but yes, the principal reason ru had a relatively easy time in the 80s (unlike, say, 2015s argentina) is because VERY LITTLE dollars in private hands.
1818102;1527180285;mircea_popescu;which is why it's important to keep the influx going.
1818103;1527180316;mircea_popescu;(and yes it was a crime to own bitcoins for soviet citizek.)
1818104;1527180359;asciilifeform;recall hruschev's retroactive death sentence for the gold peddlers.
1818105;1527180408;asciilifeform;!#s rokotov
1818106;1527180409;a111;0 results for "rokotov", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=rokotov
1818108;1527180454;asciilifeform;hmm is there no english ver of this anywhere..?!
1818109;1527180524;asciilifeform;holy FUCK they turned 'rokotov & fainberg' into... a jeans brand in usa
1818110;1527180535;mircea_popescu;(anyway, for documentary lulz : once the russkis introduced a vague approximation of an interbank currency market in 1991, the volumes traded were in the 10mn range. this is ALL THE DOLLARS IN THE COUNTRY. think.)
1818111;1527180555;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, what else ? usa, where ideas go to die.
1818112;1527180672;mircea_popescu;and also : no real interdependence of price and supply. generally, when the supply increased the price also increased ; while when the supply dropped, the price also dropped.
1818113;1527180725;asciilifeform;the latter sounds like symptom of 'nope, not a market, but some d00d pushing it'
1818114;1527180788;mircea_popescu;rather, it's a symptom of rarity. the currency function of a good depends on some contextual properties ; if there's few enough dollars in the country, the dollar bill is less money and more... artwork, say. becomes a kind of stamp.
1818115;1527180814;mircea_popescu;in order for something to be money it must be "at least this common" ; much like in order for locusts to swarm they must be touched at least this often by other locusts.
1818116;1527180845;asciilifeform;right, makes sense
1818117;1527181044;mircea_popescu;moreover, currency collapse is always driven by naggum's idiots ("in order to be in a position where one must either strike or die, one must have put themselves into such a position, for instance by expecting to buy a lot of things they cou;dn't make"). the camp/blackface duality ( http://trilema.com/2017/pronouncements-on-camp/#selection-161.66-161.165 ) is very much apropos : without a "nouveau riche" class, ie, without a b
1818118;1527181045;mircea_popescu;unch of http://trilema.com/2017/in-case-you-were-wondering-where-all-the-worthless-nuland-drones-ended-up/ missionaries, there can be no explosive devaluation.
1818119;1527181085;mircea_popescu;this is the deep issue uniting "rock and roll in the soviet union" with "malinche, lover of hernan cortes" : without a ~well connected local~ to spit on the local items, there can not be a serious devaluation of them.
1818120;1527181113;mircea_popescu;the key ingredient for the "shovel-and-wheelbarrow" mark in germany isn't so much the paper itself, as it is the individuals who'd have traded "all of this" for "any little of that".
1818121;1527181180;asciilifeform;iirc this imaginary spirit that flies away from the wheelbarrow mark/ruble , the chinese called 'mandate of heaven'
1818122;1527181215;mircea_popescu;can be, yes. but in any case -- there's no such thing as blackface devaluation. blackface is ALWAYS a camp phenomenon.
1818123;1527181231;mircea_popescu;i'm sorry. i mean, ~devaluation~ is always a camp phenomenoin.
1818124;1527181300;mircea_popescu;also, understand the very informative self-destructive pattern that became evident in dying su and was by all appearences well understood by "western world", judging at least by how they keep trying to apply it :
1818125;1527181389;mircea_popescu;suppose you have the following elements : I[ndustry], producing goods whichg can be exported and needing materials and equipment to be imported ; and P[opulace], expecting to be paid a living wage (anyone's pretense to the contrary are idle, all the advanced socialist peons want or ever wanted was "cash for being here", that'\s why socialist states even exist or ever existed, to provide that, from napoleonic france onward) an
1818126;1527181389;mircea_popescu;d to be able to spend it.
1818127;1527181437;mircea_popescu;now, the needs of I are relatively fixed ; the "needs" of P vary. should P decide that it only wants import goods, you may be tempted to create a "tourist" rate for the foreign currency
1818128;1527181467;mircea_popescu;should you do that, you'll have a directly addressable measure of wrecking : the Ps will push the TR above the level where I can finance its import needs out of the receipts for its exports.
1818129;1527181509;mircea_popescu;this is called "inefficiency", but it's not industrial inefficiency, it's socially-mediated pseudo-inefficiency created by the Ps deliberately (if "unknowingly") choking out I because they;'ve decided they want their country dead.
1818130;1527181529;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: oh hey is this what was behind the 'viermi neadormiti' remark ??
1818131;1527181543;mircea_popescu;i said before that the principal question of the 80s was "da-i romaneasca ?" ie, "but is it made here ?". this'd be why.
1818132;1527181548;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, ayup.
1818133;1527181565;mircea_popescu;the people involved weren't ~stupid~, see. notwithstanding what the officious jews "all agreed".
1818134;1527181579;*;asciilifeform can see with unarmed eye that they weren't
1818135;1527181628;mircea_popescu;now, the "creation" of "ethereum" is entirely out of the playbook of clinton "bringing rock'n'roll dollars to moscow" or mp bringing dollars to buenos aires etc.
1818136;1527181655;mircea_popescu;the only unexpected element is the discovery that the population of fucktards ~wasn't actually relevant~ for the republic.
1818137;1527181680;asciilifeform;iirc mircea_popescu had an old piece about the mechanics of dope 'pushing' . where 'pusher' ~creates~, rather than satisfies (as per classical economic model a merchant might) appetites
1818138;1527181681;mircea_popescu;otherwise, same processes were supposed to work the same way ; and most of the peripheral agents not in the "need to know" bubble are even to thsi day claiming they worked as supposed.
1818139;1527181698;asciilifeform;this is (uncontroversially) how su brass saw the proverbial 'import jeans'
1818140;1527181769;mircea_popescu;of course it is. much like anyone with head out of ass sees apple as apple. wtf would they have seen it as.
1818141;1527181776;asciilifeform;or for that matter, summed up in 'сегодня ты играешь джаз а завтра родину продашь'(tm)(r)
1818142;1527181817;asciilifeform;('today you're playing jazz, tomorrow you'll be selling out your motherland')
1818143;1527181849;mircea_popescu;anyway. so the rate that'd have allowed soviet industry a positive epsilon return on capital goods was cca 10-20:1 in 1992 (depending how and what you sort) and the "tourist rate" was 60:1. bingo.
1818144;1527181853;mircea_popescu;"i wonder why" etc.
1818145;1527181912;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, this understanding nevertheless does NOT relieve the soviet brass from having had to and having failed to either a) produce something alternatative for them to sing or b) shoot them all, a la maduro.
1818146;1527181930;asciilifeform;i still suspect that it would not have been winnable even if closer game ratiowise; it went almost like the smallpox-vs-indians item. orc konsoomer had no immune cells against veblenism and 200+yrs of fine chumpatronics perfected in the west
1818147;1527181931;mircea_popescu;either of which is a perfectly acceptable solution, but one of which MUST always be deployed.
1818148;1527181957;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, kinda why we have the negrate mechanism. cheap and effectual, better than any kalash.
1818149;1527182000;mircea_popescu;and kinda why they're stuck with the "legitimacy" mechanism, "gadaffi is not the legitimate owner of syria"
1818150;1527182013;mircea_popescu;or i'm sorry, venezuela, what was it. france.
1818151;1527182014;asciilifeform;hey they also had it, at one point the l1 got together and all went ;;rate -1 hruschev old fart
1818152;1527182032;asciilifeform;(spoiler -- didn't help)
1818153;1527182060;mircea_popescu;understand though -- they were ALL WHISPERERS.
1818154;1527182067;mircea_popescu;they never fucking sat down to speak the truth.
1818155;1527182099;asciilifeform;supposedly they did. but their logs ~to this day~ seekrit.
1818156;1527182126;mircea_popescu;and you're thinking of the wrong side of this. nevermind -1 hruschev. think -1 yuri derpopovich herpopov. all 50 mn of them. not "prevent emigration", but dump at sea ~everyone.
1818157;1527182135;mircea_popescu;lose 90% of the population over a five year plan.
1818158;1527182154;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, isn't "secret logs" === whisperers ?
1818159;1527182181;asciilifeform;i usually picture 'whisperers' as , graphtheoretically, a noncomplete clique
1818160;1527182198;asciilifeform;whereas 'secret ck-kpss log' presumes ~complete
1818161;1527182198;mircea_popescu;i just see it as wankers, the sort that could participate but doesn't.
1818162;1527182213;asciilifeform;but wanking together in circle jerk, or pairwise.
1818163;1527182219;mircea_popescu;matters ?
1818164;1527182234;asciilifeform;imho they're usefully separable species
1818165;1527182250;mircea_popescu;anyway --- if i ran the moscow polytechnic, the advertisement would have been "either make it in the 1% or else we will paradop you in america, or whatever other african shithole you belong to".
1818166;1527182252;mircea_popescu;and then enforced it.
1818167;1527182285;mircea_popescu;the ~punishment~ for ~failure~ to perform exceptionally well would have been a one way ticket to jeansland.
1818168;1527182288;mircea_popescu;and fucking stay there.
1818169;1527182302;asciilifeform;in this picture, who plows/sows/reaps/works conveyors/guards gulag fence ? martians ?
1818170;1527182323;mircea_popescu;machinery / imports.
1818171;1527182333;mircea_popescu;nobody says the land must be worked. fucking hunt.
1818172;1527182346;asciilifeform;( stalin had the 'purge excess meat' thing down to fine art, but he never approached 20% much less 90 )
1818173;1527182375;asciilifeform;lol hunt. and hunt wild tank and wild uranium on the hoof, yes
1818174;1527182377;mircea_popescu;he didn't live in a world where this was possible. but by 1980 -- eminently doable.
1818175;1527182405;asciilifeform;the populous neighbours overrun you, game ends, gotta restart civ1...
1818176;1527182408;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, you are sitting there seriously proposing to me that a man-and-his-bushels uranium mining op is more productive than a mechanized item ?
1818178;1527182427;mircea_popescu;if populace was the criteria, should have applied for admission as chinese ssr in 1972.
1818179;1527182464;mircea_popescu;but populace eminently is not the criteria, which is why the "totally not a dating site" "community" of fetlife can't stand up to... me.
1818180;1527182465;asciilifeform;they sorta did apply, when they ~stopped breeding
1818181;1527182472;asciilifeform;chinese ssr is ~reality today.
1818182;1527182527;asciilifeform;incidentally, 'tiny but clever population standing up to maxint orcs by way of robot and deathray' is ~the~ american geofantasy; isn't working out so well for them
1818183;1527182530;mircea_popescu;yes it is. but the argument presented is specious in either reading -- there's no "neighbours overrun", and if there is -- the proposed measures did nothing about it.
1818184;1527182544;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, because they're not at ALL serious about "clever".
1818185;1527182562;mircea_popescu;when's the last time a bearer of us passport confronted a "be this tall or die" dilemma ?
1818186;1527182578;asciilifeform;conceivably this is a 'sufficiently smart compiler'(tm)(r) item.
1818187;1527182592;mircea_popescu;because ro kids did -- various hung selves 18yo females can attest. and it is the ~only reason romania is ever mentioned by name this century.
1818188;1527182632;mircea_popescu;understand, such a thing as teenage female suicide is not known in classical works. it only appears once the need for the pressure to perform appears, at high enough tech densities.
1818189;1527182642;asciilifeform;jp teenagers self-checkout in packs, erry yr at exam week. jp still sinking into deep hole of sad.
1818190;1527182661;mircea_popescu;yes. girlies are doing their job, society is failing them.
1818191;1527182693;mircea_popescu;understand, antrhiopology is not optional, this isn't some kind of elective course. in year X, Y must be done. "not doing it" isn't meaningful -- Y' will still be done, with shitty results.
1818193;1527182731;mircea_popescu;whether you go "everyone takes exam, bottom 10% get hung by those poles in schoolyard" or you go "nobody has to do anything and i can't explain all this cutting and anorexia", it makes entirely no difference.
1818194;1527182736;mircea_popescu;the girlies need to hang ; they know this.
1818195;1527182792;asciilifeform;sorta why cherokee-style 'let's hunt' doesn't work , the folx who can fly choppers will pick you off, leisurely, with thermovisor and downward flechette rounds right through the tree cover.
1818196;1527182804;mircea_popescu;that "person in charge" doesn't know this, speaks as to the incredible decay of explicit understanding -- by the time you lack the words and preformed expressions to describe necessity you've fallen into pre-literate times ; unequal to herodotus.
1818197;1527182820;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, i think you misunderstood the "let's hunt".
1818199;1527182833;mircea_popescu;what have you eaten today ?
1818201;1527182878;asciilifeform;and a cuppa tea
1818202;1527182880;asciilifeform;and i think that's it
1818204;1527182903;mircea_popescu;and you bought these at supermarket ?
1818205;1527182921;asciilifeform;the bread, baked here
1818206;1527182929;mircea_popescu;alright. now consider this extension :
1818207;1527182968;mircea_popescu;instead of you having to contend with 5mn other idiots trying to live in the same state ; you have to contend with only 50k. as a result, all real estate available consists of plots in excess of 50 acres, which include a creek, and forest. goes for the same price as you pay now, but it is what it is.
1818208;1527182985;mircea_popescu;once a week or when you feel like, you don your hunt gear and go out shoot a dear phasant whatever.
1818209;1527182993;mircea_popescu;same girl that made the bread now, makes the bread then.
1818210;1527182997;asciilifeform;aaa so we're talking about cranking back to , idk, 1870
1818211;1527183009;mircea_popescu;does this arrangement, with your private cheese cellar etc, connote some kind of techno-weakness on your part ?
1818212;1527183019;mircea_popescu;no, we're not talking to cranking back.
1818213;1527183034;mircea_popescu;we're simply talking of killing most everyone, and using the space like people rather than like rats.
1818214;1527183042;asciilifeform;not unless and until world war and it's time to send waves of surplus males over barbed wire
1818215;1527183050;mircea_popescu;and why the fuck would you do that.
1818216;1527183054;asciilifeform;and to stamp out a plane erry 40 min
1818217;1527183071;mircea_popescu;you can stamp a plane every 40min BY YOURSELF in your house
1818218;1527183071;asciilifeform;why? because neighbours started the party, why.
1818219;1527183081;mircea_popescu;see, that's the meaning of stalin-couldn't, by 80s, feasible.
1818220;1527183090;mircea_popescu;today it's fucking trivial, wtf, make planes, what's to keep you.
1818221;1527183094;asciilifeform;i dun have a molybdenum mine in house. or the rest, etc
1818222;1527183109;mircea_popescu;joe from two states down has.
1818223;1527183146;mircea_popescu;same thing you say, can and is said by today's neet. "i don't have microscope in house lel"
1818224;1527183160;mircea_popescu;sure, you don't. the reason you don't is cuz you didn't put one in. nothing else.
1818225;1527183215;asciilifeform;joe from two states down can't agree on the price. and we both get encircled and hang. or he's using his moly to make kitchen knives to sell to orcs , it's +ev for him, he thinks. or, other possible variants.
1818226;1527183226;mircea_popescu;why the fuck would you even need a price, you're friends.
1818227;1527183232;mircea_popescu;he's in your wot, how couldn't he not be.
1818228;1527183262;asciilifeform;let's suppose. now it's time to mine, and transport. he does with own hands? with army of self-maintaining and self-replicating robots from yr 3000 ? or which.
1818229;1527183282;mircea_popescu;the trashing the orclands get at our hands every fucking time we deign to rape them is not enough model of how this'd go ? joe from two states down will just send you some free molybdenum because fuck those orcs, and besides, you gave him a painting last year
1818230;1527183298;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, what fducking own hands, are you kidding me ?! NO ORC TODAY WORKS!!!! you understand thids ?!
1818231;1527183310;mircea_popescu;they're all in "government" offices going "Gimme" in a chorus. what fucking "hands" ?
1818232;1527183321;mircea_popescu;peon hands haven't seen a stitch of honest work in decades.
1818233;1527183329;asciilifeform;sometimes i wonder whether mircea_popescu is posting from a far alt-fyootoor where software actually works, where robots actually maintain selves, rather than being the end product of 500 people working around the clock, as per http://btcbase.org/log/2014-11-26#935358
1818234;1527183329;a111;Logged on 2014-11-26 06:39 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: have to understand, jet fighter is not really a complete machine. it is a tentacle of the larger industrial slave empire which produced and employed it. much like your finger cannot function for long or very usefully unless attached to the rest of you << so very aptly put.
1818235;1527183344;mircea_popescu;no, you do it with machinery, as everything everywhere. that's what "modern" means, that the per-capita productivity is not actually finite.
1818236;1527183355;mircea_popescu;'per-capita' being an entirely menaingless, baseless non-notion.
1818237;1527183387;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, if you think the robots are maintained by orcs...
1818238;1527183396;mircea_popescu;how does this work ? is your code written by chickens, too ?
1818239;1527183434;asciilifeform;ever see photos of factory in cn ?
1818240;1527183437;mircea_popescu;no item that works, now or ever, was produced through ANY OTHER MEANS than the you-joe method discussed above. not EVER.
1818241;1527183459;mircea_popescu;some of the things that don't work don't work because no you/joe, and some don't work because IN SPITE of you-joe there werealso some orcs involved.
1818242;1527183460;mircea_popescu;but that's it.
1818243;1527183473;asciilifeform;this is not the point of disagreement; rather the 'gigantic populations are obsolete' item
1818244;1527183500;mircea_popescu;dude i couldn't care less what chinese are trying to emulate white man working economy on.
1818245;1527183532;mircea_popescu;robotization is a fact ; modern factories don't need workers ; and the robots are not made by fucking hand, no.
1818247;1527183552;asciilifeform;it is entirely troo that 500 mn ameri-derps who know only how to press tv remote button, are of little use against 5mn actual people. but 500mn actual people would demolish 5.
1818248;1527183559;mircea_popescu;there's 0 utility to 99% of the us population, in economic terms. there's ~maybe~ some sexual utility in 9%. but 90% can be ablated today and without adverse effects.
1818249;1527183574;asciilifeform;recall fate of germany.
1818250;1527183581;asciilifeform;( wunderwaffen, somehow, did not help. )
1818251;1527183597;mircea_popescu;stalin era.
1818252;1527183613;mircea_popescu;there's a very sharp chance in 1980, which is why "the 80s".
1818254;1527183688;asciilifeform;errybody loves the theoretical possibility, of 'robot army'; but afaik the problem of 'self-copying robot' (specifically iron, vs meat) was posed by von neumann and remains exactly in same place today as where he left it.
1818255;1527183808;mircea_popescu;why would this be related ?
1818256;1527183837;asciilifeform;it's entailed by the 'infinite leverage from finite hands with machinery' item.
1818257;1527183884;mircea_popescu;it is not. consider -- i can (even thouigh ben_vulpes apparently can't) spin up endless instances of whatever boxen, notwithstanding "such a thing as the self-packing os was posed by neumann and stays where it was posed" bla bla.
1818258;1527183906;mircea_popescu;other than this, "infinite" is not required. just a large enough factor, but 9 digits are far from "infinity"
1818259;1527183912;asciilifeform;anything whatsoever is possible, and with the illusion of infinity, if somebody else does the work.
1818260;1527184149;asciilifeform;( possibly side item : not sure which ben_vulpes item is being referred to ; rockchip trivially copies own os to fresh unit as many times as you like )
1818261;1527184718;deedbot;http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2018/05/24/draft-pizarro-shared-hosting-ad-copy/ << Bingo Blog - Draft Pizarro Shared Hosting Ad Copy
1818262;1527184769;*;ben_vulpes reads
1818263;1527184777;BingoBoingo;^ ben_vulpes My attempt at ad copy
1818264;1527185306;ben_vulpes;looks pretty good to me, BingoBoingo
1818265;1527185333;asciilifeform;it's pretty good; imho ought to also mention colo option
1818266;1527185344;asciilifeform;( why restrict to marketing ~only~ shared box )
1818267;1527185346;BingoBoingo;It could do with more links to "how to" pages including the most current Republican GPG setup guide
1818268;1527185407;BingoBoingo;Anyways, it is a draft.
1818269;1527185459;BingoBoingo;But the idea is as more offerings happen, (2nd shared account machine, etc) the page structure has room to eat them.
1818270;1527185531;ben_vulpes;gonna work it more or should i pick it up from here? fine starting point i think (will wait for contradiction), i can fill in the details.
1818271;1527185619;BingoBoingo;Well, the thing about ad copy is you gotta have economy of words. Last place you want eyes glazing over is where you are selling.
1818272;1527185817;ben_vulpes;pricing details i mean
1818273;1527185838;mod6;BingoBoingo: hey, nice job!
1818274;1527186033;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, i'm just picking on him. but anyway -- very large leverages are in fact both experimentally demonstrated and theoretically predicted. and the "someone else" argument is not germane -- i didn't specify who joe is ; if you object to my presumption that you'd be willing to work by including you, by all means, we could say sally instead. you think that does anything ?
1818275;1527186037;mircea_popescu;hanbot, http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/JEMEm/?raw=true
1818276;1527186098;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i dun object in re the thermodynamics , but re the kinetics. we ain't there. yet.
1818277;1527186127;mircea_popescu;this is the sort of objection that can only be resolved by historians.
1818279;1527186132;mircea_popescu;sometime after it's done.
1818280;1527186146;mircea_popescu;"evidently, at tx -- they were there"
1818281;1527186153;asciilifeform;( recall mao's, when asked 'was french rev a good idea' 'too soon to say' )
1818282;1527186161;mircea_popescu;meanwhile we can say.
1818283;1527186219;asciilifeform;recall, incidentally, n. tesla's crackpot screen re 'death ray will make small serbia the equal of titan germany and france'
1818285;1527186259;mircea_popescu;this is altogether dubious.
1818286;1527186280;asciilifeform;well 'dubious' is a bit soft; there was no deathray
1818287;1527186414;mircea_popescu;and even if there were.
1818288;1527186431;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-24#1818028 << a different outcome would've been historically appropriate
1818289;1527186431;a111;Logged on 2018-05-24 16:10 BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: I did indeed
1818290;1527186450;mircea_popescu;lol how so ?!
1818291;1527186513;BingoBoingo;Underprepared gringo runs off to orcistan, gets done in not by human hazards, but an ancient killer is what I am guessing
1818293;1527186582;phf;no, a lot more generous. representatives of superior civilization land en force anticipating deservedly easy pickings, most of men die from conditions
1818295;1527186688;phf;"month 6 in this godless, accursed land. last night as the fever broke the captain died, since the chaplain died a month ago, the men had to hold service, however sparse it was"
1818296;1527186762;phf;"month 12, i BingoBoingo will marry my daughter and with her start the most pure blood line" etc. etc.
1818298;1527186860;asciilifeform;'the pack ice around our misfortunate vessel presses in, the hull strums like a banjo, lately in a quite martial tone'
1818299;1527186862;asciilifeform;or how did it go
1818301;1527187636;mircea_popescu;phf, is there a lot of romanesque, scifi etcetera work missing from your blog ?
1818302;1527187965;danielpbarron;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-24#1818207 << sounds like oklahoma
1818303;1527187965;a111;Logged on 2018-05-24 17:29 mircea_popescu: instead of you having to contend with 5mn other idiots trying to live in the same state ; you have to contend with only 50k. as a result, all real estate available consists of plots in excess of 50 acres, which include a creek, and forest. goes for the same price as you pay now, but it is what it is.
1818304;1527188132;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron, no ; because oklahoma was selected for idiocy over two centuries. you know what brain drain is, yes ?
1818305;1527188174;mircea_popescu;"deserted hinterland" is never approximation of "world depopulated of idiots", because the former is deserted ~because everyone chose to move somewhere else~, and the smart are more capable of enforcing that choice ; whereas the latter is deserted ~because idiots were killed~.
1818306;1527188187;mircea_popescu;so no, eminently not like oklahoma. like soviet-occupied berlin.
1818307;1527188194;mircea_popescu;hence "the rape of berlin".
1818308;1527188227;danielpbarron;that paricular line though, the 50 acres including creek and forest, for same price
1818309;1527188229;trinque;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-24#1818220 << http://www.raptor-aircraft.com/ << leaving aside the various herpityderp, this guy absolutely is making an item that flies, and plenty of "experimental aircraft" folks make the same "in garage" all the time
1818310;1527188229;a111;Logged on 2018-05-24 17:31 mircea_popescu: today it's fucking trivial, wtf, make planes, what's to keep you.
1818311;1527188262;trinque;if any of them had the sense to stop at the scale model and make that a drone instead, there you go.
1818312;1527188271;asciilifeform;trinque: d00d makes the engine also ?
1818313;1527188282;trinque;don't you but-anyway me
1818314;1527188329;asciilifeform;no. if we're doing 'can stalin make planes faster than hitler can shoot'em down, using only own minerals' scaling down to garage, you do NOT get to do the '3d printer' enthusiast thing and conveniently exclude copper coils in motors etc.
1818315;1527188332;asciilifeform;all or nothing.
1818316;1527188369;trinque;why do you insist on excluding all economic models but stalin's eh?
1818317;1527188383;trinque;the linked item uses a glorified car engine; these... are available
1818318;1527188384;mircea_popescu;in unrelated lulz, "faleze de nisip" is fucking hysterical for its montage of "man goes to visit den of prostitution after his obnoxious gf gets uppity and moves out".
1818319;1527188407;mircea_popescu;the commie notion of "den of prostitution" as fit to put on film... o brother. RIGHT THERE is why driving TR past any value the idiots could survive is 100% justified.
1818320;1527188418;asciilifeform;trinque: seem to be jet, neh
1818321;1527188431;trinque;nah, this thing has a rear prop
1818322;1527188453;asciilifeform;if it really does fly on toyota engine -- i promise to clap
1818323;1527188468;mircea_popescu;rearprop ?!
1818324;1527188471;mircea_popescu;but but... why ?!
1818325;1527188492;trinque;all I'm pointing to is the c&c milling + carbon fiber process he's using, not the design of the plane
1818326;1527188546;asciilifeform;the wings were 'easy' part of airplane even prior to cnc & fiber.
1818327;1527188551;mircea_popescu;eh, i don't imagine anyone but alf could seriously contemplate the "fabrication difficulties". gimme a break, i can and have bought machining tools that'd have been worth "hal;f the empire" in 1935 for a pittance. they make complex shaped metal sheets, and are cheap as fuck
1818328;1527188560;mircea_popescu;which is why cars stopped looking like 1970s sometime in 1980s.
1818329;1527188561;asciilifeform;( ww2 japan stood on its legs for 2yr past expiration date on wooden plane wings )
1818330;1527188598;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: yes, because i am the only one here who actually made physical objects in qty, lol
1818331;1527188610;asciilifeform;hence 'only alf seriously could contemplate manufacturing difficulty'
1818332;1527188636;asciilifeform;to errybody else -- yes, seems so easy, why would complain
1818333;1527188717;trinque;rednecks rebuild junkyard engines all the livelong day, if we're seriously imagining that suddenly we're back to grand soviet ideas and only buran makes toilets, space ships, dildos
1818334;1527188753;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, no you're not dood, wtf.
1818335;1527188765;asciilifeform;trinque: side q -- does the linked d00d ever explain how he gets the 'audi v6' engine to avoid icing, and to breathe air at altitude ?
1818336;1527188773;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: yes i'm aware that you had b00kz printed
1818337;1527188777;mircea_popescu;by niot going at altitude heh. rearprop.
1818338;1527188786;asciilifeform;ha possibly
1818339;1527188797;asciilifeform;( why not make chopper, then. could even work. )
1818340;1527188803;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, nevermind books printed. i had interests in ~all sorts~ of manufacturers aite ?
1818341;1527188815;mircea_popescu;from building to laminate production.
1818342;1527188819;trinque;they're claiming 25k ft max altitude, as per specs page
1818343;1527188825;asciilifeform;'have interests' != select-materials-and-design-from-0
1818344;1527188828;trinque;who knows, pretty detailed videos the guy's posting
1818345;1527188834;asciilifeform;but if mircea_popescu says he did -- i'll believe him
1818346;1527188836;mircea_popescu;but also != "has no fucking clue what's going on"
1818347;1527188850;mircea_popescu;has interest ~means "can not be kept out of any space for any reason".
1818348;1527188863;asciilifeform;i did not say 'has no clue'. but observe, 'compains re manufacture difficulty' does happen in proportion to actual involvement with own hands.
1818349;1527188870;asciilifeform;try and see with others.
1818350;1527188882;mircea_popescu;from managerial experience this is very much not a factual point.
1818351;1527188894;mircea_popescu;complaints universally happen in proportion to a certain mental structure.
1818352;1527188958;asciilifeform;rrright because when asciilifeform's fab house sent back proto-FG repeatedly with poor reflow and dud analogue board, asciilifeform complains 'from certain mental structure' and not because imbeciles all the way down like turtles on elephants.
1818353;1527189035;mircea_popescu;the cognitive articulation of the complaint is thus : 1. i understand deeply the trees of implications of a few simple rules (ref http://trilema.com/2018/technology-and-governance/ ) ; 2. i apprehend a novel object and create a mental model for it ; 3. i discover perceptible reality does not play well with the product of 2 ; 4. i complain.
1818354;1527189058;asciilifeform;but yes if FG had been instead commissioned by mircea_popescu in his capacity as vp of mitsubishi, he would never see this . at least not with own eyes, it would show up as http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-07#1733631 factor .
1818355;1527189058;a111;Logged on 2017-11-07 20:01 asciilifeform: observe, the problem dun exist if you already have your own pyongyang and can happily put a megawatt station there and invite whoever objects, to pound sand up his arse
1818356;1527189068;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, yes, specifically, "i expected something else". "but why did you expect ?" "What do you want me to do, sit ?!".
1818357;1527189080;mircea_popescu;this isn't a judgement of value. it's just a description aite ?
1818359;1527189106;mircea_popescu;and mircea_popescu only sees this if he asks specifically, because yes, mircea_popescu has friends. so does asciilifeform. everyone only sees some portions.
1818360;1527189118;asciilifeform;err, i put wrong link, lesseeee
1818361;1527189136;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-02-19#1615434 - factor.
1818362;1527189136;a111;Logged on 2017-02-19 03:54 asciilifeform: (iirc we had a thread where i described how corporate ameritards, if given a problem like phuctor, would happily soak up a few $mil and megawatt of iron)
1818363;1527189143;mircea_popescu;for instance earlioer -- i was enjoying a bowl of delicious soup made yesterday. kitten slings by, pours herself a bowl too. then she discovers -- a dead beetle in there. it's beetle season, they're crazy. under pemra lights there's an inch thick beetle soil.
1818364;1527189151;mircea_popescu;so now i can't  eat my soup anymore. "should i not have said anything ?"
1818365;1527189181;*;asciilifeform has this exact exchange with asciilifeform's pet , regularly
1818366;1527189194;mircea_popescu;so there you go.
1818367;1527189209;mircea_popescu;this doesn't mean bugless soups are impossible ; nor does it mean all soups you ever ate are bugless.
1818369;1527189241;mircea_popescu;but the statement made, "x -- impossible" is very different from the correct, "x -- will take some doing"
1818370;1527189243;*;asciilifeform possibly gets.
1818371;1527189272;mircea_popescu;and renaming "x -- will take an inordinate amt of doing" as "x -- impossible" is a category error.
1818372;1527189280;asciilifeform;trinque: mostly orthogonally to this thread , your linked airplane maker pattern matches the chilean fortress vapour-scamola
1818373;1527189357;asciilifeform;auto engine not only not built for the type of load ( and , srsly, what will do , gearbox it to the prop ?! ) , but hasn't the redundancies that even in 1920s flyers correctly insisted on ( e.g. two separate magneto )
1818374;1527189383;mircea_popescu;trinque, i have serious reservations re an item with broken design. it's a little bit like reading ancient greek imaginary descriptions of places "they heard exist", i have trouble digesting.
1818375;1527189383;asciilifeform;trinque: your 'cessna' , it has 2 sets of sparks, etc.
1818376;1527189446;*;asciilifeform waits for 'but this is diesel'
1818377;1527189466;asciilifeform;fwiw tupolev ~did~ make a flying diesel. stalin scrapped it, as just-barely-+ev
1818378;1527189478;mircea_popescu;bunker oil.
1818379;1527189489;asciilifeform;diesel cycle has own problems at altitude.
1818380;1527189509;trinque;I proposed the manufacturing process for *drones*
1818381;1527189513;asciilifeform;( tupolev -- solved. supposedly. but still resulted in massively lower power/mass than petrol engine of the period. )
1818382;1527189520;trinque;in response to whether one man could hit many targets himself
1818383;1527189524;mircea_popescu;trinque, you mean, electric engines or what's drone mean here ?
1818384;1527189536;asciilifeform;trinque: for these, you want motorcycle motor, at most
1818385;1527189560;trinque;semidisposable drones can be built in the garage, was the claim
1818386;1527189584;asciilifeform;trinque: i was digesting the linked item as the product it offers, first
1818387;1527189599;trinque;I said this in the log-line that linked it
1818388;1527189619;mircea_popescu;the claim was rather whether ~enough~ drones of ~sufficient~ quality can be built on short enough interval ~by single person~.\
1818389;1527189620;asciilifeform;trinque: in garage in new york -- yes. in garage in costa rica -- harder. in garage in montevideo -- you have to bring suitcase from newyork...
1818390;1527189656;mircea_popescu;but yes, evidently they can. this was after all the fucking point of even fabricating fgs / getting isp up etc : we CAN, as a factual matter, operate.
1818391;1527189668;mircea_popescu;which means that yes, if tmsr builds a drone assembly line, it will work as designed.
1818392;1527189681;mircea_popescu;and operator will do what operator does and there you go.
1818393;1527189704;mircea_popescu;unlike, say, freenode >D
1818395;1527189822;asciilifeform;incidentally asciilifeform was going through notebooks and found a theoretical nugget that iirc hasn't been posted. 1w of shortwave, using the error code discussed in prev thread, can propagate trans-continentally ( i.e. easily new york to montevideo ) . and can easily come out of unattended ( solar, thermal-charged ) box , at ~day intervals, hanging from tree in woods, illicitly glued into wall at tower construction site, etc
1818396;1527189834;mircea_popescu;that's the point here. consider 1950s process to make fighter jet. "iron ore is in ground -- must be taken to conveyor belt by hand because no sewing machine sophisticated enough to do this yet" ; then conveyor belted all the way to furnace, but "has to be poured by hand because no machine" ; then "has to be polished by hand because no machine". and so on.
1818397;1527189847;mircea_popescu;MOST of these "need 5000 miners and 3000 forgers and 120 assemblers" etc are gone now.
1818398;1527189847;asciilifeform;-NickServ- Account asciilifeform dropped, forcing logout <<< ?
1818399;1527189859;trinque;are the dashes a fake account?
1818400;1527189869;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, they're notoriously bad at erorr messages.
1818401;1527189870;asciilifeform;either that, or goodnight fleanode ?
1818402;1527189879;mircea_popescu;trinque, dashes are a weird sort of pm.
1818403;1527189894;asciilifeform;errybody got it, or just asciilifeform ?
1818404;1527189904;mircea_popescu;just you.
1818406;1527189932;trinque;looks like I got a few notices about them herping with NickServ
1818407;1527189945;*;mircea_popescu shall bbs.
1818408;1527189980;trinque;mquin (~mike@freenode/staff/mquin): :[Global Notice] Seems that was premature. There are ongoing issues with services that are being looked into - please bear with us << asciilifeform shaping fleanode policy now too!
1818410;1527190094;asciilifeform;we can leave fleanode to the worms and flies , and jump into pizzarro + mircea_popescu's box + wherever else , within a day of mircea_popescu giving signal.
1818411;1527190123;mircea_popescu;i thought you were complaining about having too much work. now not enough ?
1818412;1527190150;asciilifeform;it's a halfhr job.
1818414;1527190404;mod6;In other we-totally-know-what-we're-doing-news: http://archive.is/8Hun5
1818416;1527190850;shinohai;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-24#1818414  <<< lol mod6, see also http://btcinfo.sdf.org/blog/abnormal-sound-incident-forces-evacuation-of-us-diplomat-in-china.html for today's lulz
1818417;1527190850;a111;Logged on 2018-05-24 19:33 mod6: In other we-totally-know-what-we're-doing-news: http://archive.is/8Hun5
1818418;1527190884;asciilifeform;shinohai: http://qntra.net/2018/05/us-embassy-staff-member-suffers-alleged-sonic-brain-injury-in-china/
1818419;1527190910;asciilifeform;shinohai: if yer gonna do the 'i have own parallel qntra' thing nao, at least try to 'scoop' the events ~before~
1818420;1527190920;shinohai;ahahaha did not see
1818421;1527190953;asciilifeform;!Q later tell mod6 i get eggog '#trilema-mod6 (Channel is invite only)'
1818422;1527190953;lobbesbot;asciilifeform: The operation succeeded.
1818423;1527190957;shinohai;blog is for personal tidbits, in no way meant to parallel qntra
1818424;1527191051;mircea_popescu;o look, all the noobs!
1818425;1527191112;shinohai;anywho, appears air force has graduated from bath salts to more grown-up hallucinogenics
1818426;1527191136;mircea_popescu;"After investigators closed in, one airman deserted to Mexico." << heh
1818427;1527191313;asciilifeform;lol re 'February 2016 photo, members of the 790th Missile Security Forces Squadron demonstrate their training for recapturing a Minuteman missile silo after being taken over by an intruder/attacker'
1818428;1527191332;asciilifeform;because 'intruder/attacker' will do something other than drop a frag in the shaft and leave.
1818429;1527191382;asciilifeform;( thermite-welding the hatch closed also worx wonders, asciilifeform's father as a grunt in su was trained for, among others, this party trick )
1818430;1527191426;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, you don't understand. the principal wank of ustarded princess is that ~someonew wants her useless snatch~.
1818431;1527191453;mircea_popescu;much like byzantines imagined mongols come over to steal the "true cross" because it's so fucking valuable in their eyes. because how couldn't it be. and so on.
1818432;1527191454;asciilifeform;the land-based rockets are a joke within a joke, even usg assigns the saddest sacks of sads, explicitly, to the detail
1818433;1527191522;mircea_popescu;"nobody cares" might be the hardest thing to grok.
1818434;1527191637;asciilifeform;phunphakt, unlike ye olde su, usg does not station permanent guards around the land launchers; only chain link fence with alarm; there's 1 set of guards per N tubes and they gotta drive to it when bell rings.
1818435;1527191656;asciilifeform;claim is that they're 8min drive away, iirc. ( what happens if >1 tube rings alarm? stop asking, terrorist )
1818436;1527191757;mircea_popescu;do they test the grunts and only admit those who take up the girls for more than 8 mins at a time ?
1818437;1527191838;asciilifeform;i have nfi. they're supposed to have a few choppers, apc's, etc. on top of the usual trucks.
1818438;1527191957;asciilifeform;http://www.warren.af.mil << subj has www even.
1818439;1527191991;asciilifeform;containing, i shit thee not, a twatter feed, even, with words '“The public was never in danger and the safety and security of the Minuteman system was never in doubt,” said Col. Matthew Dillow, 90th Missile Wing vice commander.'
1818440;1527192045;asciilifeform;this ~not~ in re the lsd. but apparently some other lulz, https://archive.li/e7ma7 , where burglar alarm went off.
1818441;1527192146;asciilifeform;'Senior leaders meet with industry to discuss utilizing artificial intelligence and quantum science throughout the Air Force'
1818443;1527192172;asciilifeform;( https://archive.li/snefM , for dedicated entomologists. )
1818444;1527192350;asciilifeform;!#s fedex wrench
1818445;1527192351;a111;0 results for "fedex wrench", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=fedex%20wrench
1818447;1527192389;asciilifeform;forfuckssake this WAS in the log.
1818448;1527192424;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2014-11-14#921213 << was in here.
1818449;1527192424;a111;Logged on 2014-11-14 04:48 asciilifeform: ( http://www.nytimes.com/2014/11/14/us/politics/pentagon-studies-reveal-major-nuclear-problems.html )
1818450;1527192440;asciilifeform;'“They started FedExing the one tool” to three bases spread across the country, one official familiar with the contents of the reports said Thursday. No one had checked in years “to see if new tools were being made,” the official said. This was one of many maintenance problems that had “been around so long that no one reported them anymore.”'
1818451;1527192537;asciilifeform;there was another scandal where it was found that latrines clogged , never fixed, and the grunts shat right off the maintenance gangway onto the rocket. but i can't be arsed to dig for it.
1818452;1527194815;mircea_popescu;"today you need to shit, tomorrow you will betray the fatherland"
1818453;1527194829;mircea_popescu;who could have predicted people don't stop shitting just because "the people" is unprepared to handle it.
1818454;1527199070;deedbot;http://www.dianacoman.com/2018/05/24/a-tiny-stab-at-a-little-pricing-problem/ << Ossasepia - A Tiny Stab at a Little Pricing Problem
1818455;1527206386;lobbes;!Qlater tell shinohai why no comments allowed on yer blog?
1818456;1527206387;lobbesbot;lobbes: The operation succeeded.
1818457;1527210446;mod6;baby, i've got a fever.
1818458;1527210446;lobbesbot;mod6: Sent 5 hours and 24 minutes ago:  i get eggog '#trilema-mod6 (Channel is invite only)'
1818459;1527210457;mod6;and the only cure is MOAR COWBELL
1818460;1527214155;asciilifeform;in other entomo-horrors, https://archive.li/yNOSl << for all i ever said in defense of this d00d -- will have to take it back; he's gone full tard
1818461;1527214173;asciilifeform;!#s locklin
1818462;1527214173;a111;69 results for "locklin", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=locklin
1818463;1527214284;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, sadly in some fields there's only enumerable stable states, once not-in-1, then-in-other becomes unavoidable.
1818464;1527214320;asciilifeform;he ~could~ have gone to build toyota engines !1
1818465;1527214336;mircea_popescu;anyway, seems to me the piece is pure wank, "here's things i say about women i supposedly fucked in the hope anyone reading thinks i ever get laid".
1818466;1527214365;mircea_popescu;dude suffered for a while from this "i don't wanna X!!!" syndrome, as if anyone was in any danger of asking anything like it. "i don't wanna go to the prom!!!" "fatty... who's asking you to ?!"
1818467;1527214371;asciilifeform;i was not able to extract sense from it, reads like pure spamola
1818468;1527214413;mircea_popescu;i just skimmed, saw "facebook is syphilis".
1818469;1527214423;asciilifeform;bonus: the item he linked as dayjob, is ~indistinguishable from dogecoin
1818470;1527214447;asciilifeform;( crackpot browser with micropay-somethingorother built in )
1818471;1527214497;asciilifeform;bonuslulz : 'I’d posit that any blockchain type who can’t find productive employment on socially useful projects or isn’t in danger of financial independence either  doesn’t feel like working, doesn’t care about money or doesn’t actually know anything about blockchain. In the former cases you can’t recruit them, and in the latter case, you really shouldn’t.'
1818472;1527214507;asciilifeform;'blockchain type' didjaknow
1818473;1527214537;mircea_popescu;anyway, lulzy that his links are https://archive.li/o/yNOSl/https://youexec.com/dev/2017/1/14/google-facebook-ads-traffic-is-useless rather than trilema.com/2015/heres-what-you-dont-know-or-understand-about-facebook-everything/ trilema.com/2015/facebook-sends-traffic11eleven/ etcetera, even though only some of the authors are experts in the field ; but then again ever since i knew him it was obvious he prefers the johny come
1818474;1527214537;mircea_popescu;lately clueless dweebs to the original works.
1818475;1527214574;mircea_popescu;anyways, whatever. who cares about yet another "52 M Dom" fetlife profile ? he never was more than that.
1818476;1527214619;asciilifeform;veerry long time ago he had pieces re scams, usg grantolade lulz, etc.
1818477;1527214640;asciilifeform;seemed like clever honest d00d.
1818478;1527214750;asciilifeform;i have him filed in my head as a victim of the 'goldbug disease' (i.e. pissed that btc stole 'their' lightning, in idjit tilt and consorting with enemy ever since )
1818479;1527214762;mircea_popescu;"sadly, in some fields there's only enumerable stable states, once not-in-1, then-in-other becomes unavoidable." there's no such thing as clever honest man-alone.
1818480;1527214912;asciilifeform;not detectably, at any rate
1818481;1527214935;*;asciilifeform allows for theoretical possibility of honest folx writing 'into desks' 
1818482;1527215000;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2013-04-16#-9192 << has an answer meanwhile. "has learned ~something~, is now preoccupied with traffic and dumb shit like that".
1818483;1527215000;a111;Logged on 2013-04-16 16:41 mircea_popescu: i wonder if he learns by it.
1818484;1527215056;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, how are they to ~stay~ in the state ? see, that's the thing, "free floating hydrogen" as a theoretical possibility. sure, why not. "free floating hydrogen as a STABLE STATE"... well... no such theoretical possibility. it can't be a stable state for very clear reasons.
1818485;1527215110;mircea_popescu;in vitro, purified virus is essentially a large molecule, as inert as salt. in vivo... what do you mean purified, and what do you mean inert.
1818486;1527215128;mircea_popescu;either it's in the process of killing the host or else in the process of getting pissed out ; there's no third.
1818487;1527215184;asciilifeform;the h can float for a while; it isn't as if intelligent heathen will find mircea_popescu by reading arsebook/nyt/whichever volkischer beobachter
1818489;1527217973;mircea_popescu;then again, unlike the various jew outlets, mircea_popescu actually dominates the portions of the empire where the empire tries or is forced to interact with reality
1818490;1527217999;mircea_popescu;eg, mocky found this place because ~searched~, on hitler's own "artificially intelligent" zek-bubbler.
1818491;1527218011;asciilifeform;oh hah interesting
1818492;1527218015;mircea_popescu;because the portions where the bubbler is ran by algorithm, mircea_popescu owns.
1818493;1527218026;mircea_popescu;and there's a necessary portion that has to always run that way (also per goedel).
1818494;1527218028;mircea_popescu;and so on.
1818495;1527218102;mircea_popescu;the problem of http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-23#1817790 has a very ready converse, as i'm sure you realised.
1818496;1527218102;a111;Logged on 2018-05-23 17:26 mircea_popescu: if and only if everyone's in chains, then and then only can you be entirely sure nobody's linked two z80 chips together and cycling "alf is a pooperhead" back and forth between them.
1818497;1527218206;*;asciilifeform late evening, listening to elderly ukrs derp on shortwave re horror of their neet chillunz derping on ipnojes; where to read re antennae design; putin.
1818498;1527218224;mircea_popescu;(re hydrogen, for the young'uns : the only stable state in material system of universe is black hole. which is why black hole is even important theoretically -- universe having stable state means it won't last)
1818499;1527218888;mircea_popescu;speaking of which : most large black holes have average densities lower than water. anyone care to explain why, as a 5th grade geometry olympiad problem ?
1818500;1527219128;Mocky;my guess is due to large volume of event horizon
1818501;1527219180;mircea_popescu;this is not acceptable olympiad solution format.
1818502;1527219275;mircea_popescu;"volume is third power proportion of radius ; [schwarzschild] radius is first power proportion of mass ; therefore mass divided by volume is 2nd power inverse proportion of mass"
1818503;1527219279;Mocky;is that like jeapardy format, "what is 4/3 pi r^3?"
1818504;1527219579;Mocky;but wait a minute, your answer doesnt explain why large black holes have average densities lower than water
1818505;1527219681;mircea_popescu;why not ? if density is f(1/m^2) you can pick a m large enough for any arbitrary low density you wish.
1818506;1527219735;Mocky;ah I see it
1818507;1527219883;Mocky;what is bubbler in zek-bubbler?
1818508;1527219885;mircea_popescu;(in some models there's an upper bound on black hole size about 10^40 or so, but w/e, let's not get THAT technical)
1818509;1527219956;mircea_popescu;Mocky, the general purpose of google / the rest of the imperial attempts at colonizing the web revolve around the exact http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-08#1733995 process, except built out of "your interests" rather than plastic.
1818510;1527219956;a111;Logged on 2017-11-08 14:30 mircea_popescu: build vacupack units, keep them fed with biomaterial (plastic, schmucks), dump the results at sea. a 100tdw ship should be able to carry 1mn of the shitheads at a time.
1818511;1527220163;Mocky;I've noticed lately that google has some results that it damn well doesn't want to give me... all the results say "missing search term" for what ever I searched for, even when I put a + infront. but it *has* my results and if i repeat the search term 3 or for times in the query eventually relents and shows me
1818512;1527220280;danielpbarron;don't black holes emit radiation? and does that make them not stable?
1818513;1527220288;Mocky;like the search term was just a mild suggestion, will show if feels like it, or better yet ad from sponsor
1818514;1527220703;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron, only when eating.
1818515;1527220733;mircea_popescu;Mocky, you realise, everyone's model revolves around wrapping zeks. it's just that the democrats are (mostly, unexamiedly) partialists while we're absolutists.
1818516;1527220862;lobbes;In other "the logs had it first", I just investigated a barf I received on an emerge and exclaimed "who are these orcs@gentoo.org that are masking gcc < 5.4??". I must've missed this thread entirely >> http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-30#1761183
1818517;1527220862;a111;Logged on 2017-12-30 19:55 trinque: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/SNOOi/?raw=true << gcc-4.9.4 OFFICIALLY!!1!1! deprecated by gentoo bureaucrats
1818518;1527220866;mircea_popescu;but anyway, since we're doing astrophysics : the largest conceivable power plant / ecological disaster would be, of course, collapsing galactic objects (ie, stars) into galaxy cores (ie, black holes, practically). for instance, pushing the sun into saggitarius would conceivably yield a gross of about 10^40 or so J in a relatively short timespan. certainly wouldn't cost as much. (an intermediate step to this being http://trile
1818519;1527220867;mircea_popescu;ma.com/2016/how-to-fix-global-warming/ of course)
1818520;1527220907;danielpbarron;not only. there are supposed to be particle + anti-particle pairs showing up all over space, in most cases instantly colliding to produce energy for the next pair to form, except when spawned on the event horizon and only one falls in
1818521;1527220936;Mocky;i'm not seeing the partial seems like trying full integration
1818522;1527220963;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron, that is powered by the black star's angular mommentum. only noob black stars have any angular mommentum
1818523;1527220979;mircea_popescu;(in fact, the predicate for "Get a lot of mass in a little bit of volume" is entirely "push out a whole lot of angular mommentum")
1818524;1527220991;mircea_popescu;Mocky, they're not disposing of the bodies.
1818525;1527221026;Mocky;ahhhhh, that kind of absolutism
1818526;1527221078;mircea_popescu;yes. democracy fails to account externalities as a matter of course. see also http://btcbase.org/log/2018-02-14#1783773 thread
1818527;1527221078;a111;Logged on 2018-02-14 14:22 mircea_popescu: MEANWHILE, however, they have 100% unaccounted for the time externality. so basically it's a contest consisting of a guy without legs going about finding fault with people's fingers. because he's decided "legs don't count", and so as he has much better hands than the rest of those losers he should be captain of the football team.
1818528;1527221254;Mocky;fails to account because blinded by fantasy beliefs
1818529;1527221310;mircea_popescu;nah, not at all. fails to account definitionally, that's what it is. the fantasies are empty niche exploitation, coming much later.
1818530;1527221349;mircea_popescu;(sleep is a similar item -- it originally appeared as a learned behaviour to conserve energy and lower capture risk ; as it provided a niche CNS growth parasitized it, and so now oyu need to sleep though your fridge is full and there's no preditors threatening you)
1818531;1527221394;mircea_popescu;just so -- since socialism (or democracy, whatever, no difference between these terms) offers the "we'll ignore half the shit anyway" niche, the fantasy beliefs found a welcoming place to stay.
1818532;1527221521;Mocky;maybe blinded by pretense is a better way to say it then
1818533;1527221662;mircea_popescu;first blind, then pretense, because why not. http://trilema.com/2015/prophylaxis/#footnote_7_62778
1818534;1527221855;mircea_popescu;understand what's at stake here : your theory proposes socialism is curable. no such luck irl, or in seinfeld's words, "when he's dead, he'll be relieved."
1818535;1527222011;Mocky;i see that my theory does propose that, yet I've never seen a socialist cured
1818536;1527222062;mircea_popescu;and if you had, i'd just say "he never really was"
1818537;1527222112;Mocky;no true scotsman
1818538;1527222129;mircea_popescu;this is the hitch uniting http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-23#1817337 and http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-24#1818277 : the observation that hte only functionally useful labels are ex-post-facto.
1818539;1527222129;a111;Logged on 2018-05-23 03:22 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-23#1817310 << fucking can't have 1600s style "examinations on the doctrine of the faith", chiefly because of goedel's objection. our doctrine is not actually either complete or coherent.
1818540;1527222129;a111;Logged on 2018-05-24 18:22 mircea_popescu: this is the sort of objection that can only be resolved by historians.
1818541;1527222191;mircea_popescu;Mocky, the problem with scotsman fallacy is that there's an unresolved duality. i don't propose that one's a) a scotsman for being born of scottish woman and AT THE SAME TIME b) a scotsman because not an irredeemable asshole. i'm just going with b, and that's logically sound.
1818542;1527222381;mircea_popescu;and there's a healthy helping of http://trilema.com/2015/causes-and-purposes/ in all of this : if your labels are ex-post-facto, you can't futurize on their basis lest you end up like the "global warming" muppets, "projecting" on "data" abvout the past that was extrapolated from the present.
1818543;1527222407;Mocky;that makes it sound like my theory could be proposing that while socialism isn't curable, maybe it can find the ones who "never really were"
1818544;1527222488;mircea_popescu;if you can distinguish between those who are pretending because they're blind already anyway and it costs them nothing to pretend and those who are pretending just to fit in, then yes.
1818545;1527222546;mircea_popescu;but removing the perceived positive value of fit (such as, by publicly burning "consensus" as in the imperial facade, as the republic has done) seems a large step in the right direction.
1818546;1527222594;mircea_popescu;prior to empire-of-idiots colonization in the shape of "sane safe and consensual" nonsense, bdsm world rested squarely on "there's no positive value to social fit". of course it was a lot smaller then.
1818547;1527222616;mircea_popescu;much like the faggots were a lot more numerous before the democratic party invaded them with a bunch of fake faggots.
1818548;1527222623;mircea_popescu;a lot less numerous* i mean.
1818549;1527222637;mircea_popescu;you know, pre 1980, back when gay culture was actually creative.
1818550;1527222682;Mocky;what's fake faggots?
1818551;1527222694;mircea_popescu;you know what tulpas are ?
1818552;1527222723;Mocky;like mentally created 'persons'
1818553;1527222751;mircea_popescu;right. can you explain the difference between sadism, as the clinically relevant psych term of art, and "sadism", ie, fake sadism, as the common discourse locus ?
1818554;1527222816;Mocky;no, i'm not familiar with clinical sadism
1818555;1527222883;mircea_popescu;alright. the recently mentioned andrei chikatilo is a textbook model. the man could not achieve an erection with either willing or unwilling partners ; he used stabbing as an erection substitute.
1818556;1527222935;mircea_popescu;this is fetishism, in all cases : a ~substitute~, covering for an absence. a sadist isn't one who slaps the woman around if she talks out of turn ; nor one who enjoys pain and suffering. a sadist is one who can't function normally, and uses a highly structured substitute behaviour. these two factors, in order.
1818557;1527222988;mircea_popescu;the father who can't talk to his son, but enjoys "expressing himself" through their fishing together is just as mentally broken as a proper sadist, just in a different spot of what'd be a normallty working brain.
1818558;1527223002;mircea_popescu;(and these -- they're common, among white people).
1818559;1527223103;mircea_popescu;now back to fake homosexuality : human sexuality is a learned behaviour. proper homosexuality is an inability to learn, akin to dyslexia or lefthandedness. fake homosexuality is the exact contrary, a lot of "what if"ism and "provemewrong"ism and so on. a social, rather than biological phenomenon.
1818560;1527223186;Mocky;like that naacp 'leader' who identified as black
1818561;1527223240;mircea_popescu;there's no curiosity about "what it'd be like" to stab people in the sadist ; he arrives at it, through a very personal dysfunctional process. and there's no curiosity about "what it'd be like" to "be black" or "be gay" or etcetera. when's the last time you met an african who was wondering what'd it be like to be born in africa. hurr.
1818562;1527223306;mircea_popescu;(dysfunctional here isn't even a value judgement ; sexuality is a function of anatomy, a portion of phisiology, like breathing. if you're asphyxiating it doesn't follow you're a bad person thereby.)
1818563;1527223477;mircea_popescu;"african-americans" however are universally "curious about what'd it be like", and for the obvious reason : they're about as african as i am.
1818564;1527223555;trinque;these, the identified-as-black, hip-gay, feminist-ally and the rest, always struck me as having missed a developmental stage
1818565;1527223567;mircea_popescu;anyway, prolly worth the mention, since spoke of chikatilo : he originally did two things : stabbed the victims, and enucleated them.
1818566;1527223573;mircea_popescu;midway, he stopped enucleating, but kept on stabbing.
1818567;1527223577;trinque;the one where they get their ass whipped by an adult male for lying
1818568;1527223613;mircea_popescu;once caught, it came out that he was gouging the eyes out ~because "he had heard that the image of killer remains on body's retina"~ ; he stopped, becauise he figured out it's an old wives' tale
1818569;1527223625;mircea_popescu;he somehow ~didn't~ similarily figure about stabbing young girls.
1818570;1527223630;mircea_popescu;why not ?
1818571;1527223650;mircea_popescu;trinque, it's my read also. retarded, in the proper sense, like 9yo that can't tie own shoes.
1818572;1527223671;mircea_popescu;but i'm not persuaded by the lying-beating coupling.
1818573;1527223735;mircea_popescu;violence is extremely effectual at curing high level delusions -- every "princess" reverts to sanity after a stint in the dungeon. it's not particularly effectual at curing lower level issues, beating kids for suttering doesn't work.
1818574;1527223760;mircea_popescu;bedwetting, perhaps the most eminent example towards your line, also doesn't work. though conceivably hanging bedwetters would work, but in the social sense -- be rid of them.
1818575;1527223837;mircea_popescu;though from experience, talking to the kid works actually a whole of a lot better. just, you need to be capable of actual talk. so hanging ~the parents~ may also be effectual.
1818576;1527224085;mircea_popescu;(and no, i don't mean "talk to kids ~anbout bedwetting~, what a stupid fucking subject. i mean take them out for a sundae and do something interesting or other, whatever the spur of the moment provides.)
1818577;1527224095;trinque;hmmm, I can see it. in the personal anecdote, I wasn't overflowing with loyalty for anyone either.
1818578;1527224132;mircea_popescu;it's a sad state, for a kid growing up.
1818579;1527224143;mircea_popescu;have nothing it'd die for, really ? why even bother growing up.
1818580;1527224218;mircea_popescu;(this is the mechanism that resolves infantile cowardice, ftr : sooner or later the kid goes, "fuck it, none shall pass".)
1818581;1527224361;Mocky;this next generation is going to be epic, with the way schools are now, and raised by ipads and netflix
1818583;1527224423;mircea_popescu;cheapest livelihood anyone ever had.
1818584;1527224478;mircea_popescu;previous discussion re leverage with alf aside ; it's a wonder if they can make one man out of 1k of the neets tied together. i have my doubts. so it's not just "need leverage" on this side -- the empire graciously provides anti-leverage out of its own meat.
1818585;1527224510;mircea_popescu;1000 dollars today, ie one 1985 dollar ; and 1:1mn leverage today, meaning you can do the work of 1k 1985 people.
1818586;1527224797;Mocky;why does wrapping zeks matter?
1818587;1527224862;trinque;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-24#1818431 << because they're so valuable; how could they not be
1818588;1527224862;a111;Logged on 2018-05-24 19:50 mircea_popescu: much like byzantines imagined mongols come over to steal the "true cross" because it's so fucking valuable in their eyes. because how couldn't it be. and so on.
1818589;1527224912;lobbes;plus, reduces cost of keeping status quo for state
1818590;1527224988;lobbes;let fantasy tulpas flourish, fighting imaginary battles for 'purposes'
1818591;1527225028;trinque;seems like whatever "ruling class" the empire has missed a developmental step too
1818592;1527225085;Mocky;i mean why be absolutist about it >> http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-25#1818515
1818593;1527225085;a111;Logged on 2018-05-25 03:58 mircea_popescu: Mocky, you realise, everyone's model revolves around wrapping zeks. it's just that the democrats are (mostly, unexamiedly) partialists while we're absolutists.
1818594;1527225149;mircea_popescu;Mocky, well, if a problem's worth solving, it's worth solving well. neh ?
1818595;1527225170;mircea_popescu;why even bother with half-ass solutions.
1818596;1527225174;Mocky;right so what's the problem
1818597;1527225183;mircea_popescu;there was a problem ?
1818598;1527225191;mircea_popescu;or what do you mean ? problem for whom ?
1818599;1527225274;trinque;I guess their fetish is more or less jars of eyes.
1818600;1527225326;mircea_popescu;even stated as such!
1818601;1527225327;trinque;Mocky: did you read the goo tube piece?
1818602;1527225348;mircea_popescu;narcissist fantasy, "What if the whole world was powerless observers". brasil ftw.
1818603;1527225381;Mocky;trinque, i don't think so
1818604;1527225383;trinque;I find myself daydreaming that mircea_popescu world quite often
1818606;1527225422;mircea_popescu;is it http://trilema.com/2016/the-human-latrine-pig/ ?
1818607;1527225473;trinque;nah, the google heaven where everyone's in goo cylinders redditing, semiverbal dudes wandering and raping
1818608;1527225494;mircea_popescu;oh oh.
1818609;1527225564;mircea_popescu;i sadly dribbled it out in pieces, which i now regret. anyway, http://trilema.com/the-next-generation http://trilema.com/2016/the-darkening/ http://trilema.com/2016/the-dog/ http://trilema.com/2016/the-chosen/
1818610;1527225591;trinque;Mocky: ^ read these; they're awesome, and very much "the problem"
1818611;1527225706;Mocky;human latrine pig... that's definitely going to leave a mark
1818612;1527225726;mircea_popescu;history you didn't know.
1818613;1527225820;Mocky;oh man, this one has a pick of leisure suit larry, lmao
1818614;1527225885;Mocky;brings back terrrible memories of university of maryland
1818615;1527225938;mircea_popescu;i was a very happy 13yo.
1818616;1527225973;Mocky;i'm going to bed
1818617;1527225975;asciilifeform;lol, fellow shithole veteran!
1818618;1527226001;Mocky;not vet, total semester count ... 1, more like reject
1818619;1527226025;mircea_popescu;i had nfy u of m rejects anyone
1818620;1527226066;asciilifeform;bottom 1/2 of (white) bell , really
1818621;1527226075;Mocky;well, got in on 3 scholarships, and lost one couldn't make tuition
1818622;1527226079;asciilifeform;and prolly not even this, today
1818623;1527226094;Mocky;paying full out of state rate
1818624;1527226191;trinque;did you learn your lesson, or go get indebted somewhere else?
1818625;1527226199;Mocky;maybe would have got better grades if not found lesiure suit larry and tetris
1818626;1527226200;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-25#1818606 << phunphakt, the hieroglyph, at one time came to mean simply 'household' ( 'pig' in 'house' box )
1818627;1527226200;a111;Logged on 2018-05-25 05:17 mircea_popescu: is it http://trilema.com/2016/the-human-latrine-pig/ ?
1818630;1527226278;*;asciilifeform went on jp kick in march, ate buncha hieroglyphism 
1818631;1527226281;mircea_popescu;so i jsut re-read the set ; indeed it is grand. i love reading myself.
1818632;1527226304;mircea_popescu;also, if it wasn't obvious, http://trilema.com/2016/the-darkening/ <-> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_QyYaPWasos
1818633;1527226318;Mocky;i was an idiot, got endebted elsewhere, took all the cs classes, and then quit to get a job programming
1818634;1527226366;asciilifeform;Mocky: for sake of argument, what then would've been 'smart' ?
1818635;1527226470;Mocky;not going into debt for a cut-rate education
1818636;1527226511;mircea_popescu;oyu know, i've yet to meet the zek who has somewthing ~other~ to say about his secondary education time than "i was an idiot"
1818637;1527226530;trinque;I'd have loved to have gone to an actual university.
1818638;1527226534;mircea_popescu;what's the problem, you folk don't have the information superhighway where you live, can't communicate with each other, the trucks of internets don't make it, what is it.
1818639;1527226570;mircea_popescu;trinque, there's something exquisitely wrong with "we all agree what we did was stupid". well... why'd you do it then ?!!?!?!?!?!?
1818640;1527226572;asciilifeform;trinque: believe or not, early 2000s um cs dpt was almost 'actual uni'
1818641;1527226577;mircea_popescu;especially as it's been the case for > 10 years by now
1818642;1527226581;asciilifeform;but already waning then.
1818643;1527226583;trinque;I left after one semester.
1818644;1527226591;trinque;so I'm not bemoaning anything
1818645;1527226598;Mocky;when i took data structure class, mind was blown. "you can do all this stuff with a comp and you've been teaching me for loops?"
1818646;1527226608;mircea_popescu;whose class was it ?
1818647;1527226622;asciilifeform;it's dead, and not only long buried, but cement was poured.
1818648;1527226684;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, to ask you what you asked me, "It is not clear why it needs cement poured. What, will escape ?" and to answer me what i answered you,
1818649;1527226687;Mocky;can't remember
1818650;1527226690;mircea_popescu;"There's a certain grace in overdoing things."
1818651;1527226700;mircea_popescu;Mocky, you know, i remember my college by teacher. how else ?
1818652;1527226714;asciilifeform;i can't picture how else
1818653;1527226733;asciilifeform;srsly how not remember? motorcycle accident ?
1818654;1527226745;mircea_popescu;that's right, shame the noob!
1818655;1527226757;Mocky;can't think of name, but i can picture him, scruffy luddite
1818656;1527226782;trinque;forgotten because forgettable
1818657;1527226786;asciilifeform;Mocky: kruskal ?
1818658;1527226791;trinque;I couldn't tell you 5% of my teacher's names
1818660;1527226933;Mocky;my lisp/ai teacher's first and last names were anagrams, and i *never* believed that was his real name. super weird, long white hair. craig graci
1818661;1527226967;asciilifeform;'80s or when
1818662;1527227011;Mocky;90's not at college park, this was the cut-rate SUNY Oswego
1818664;1527227034;asciilifeform;explains it.
1818665;1527227124;asciilifeform;( for the innocent -- like many american unis, um had 1 'proper' campus, and buncha ??? satellites )
1818666;1527227130;*;trinque got invited up to mit one summer after decent ACT scores
1818667;1527227143;trinque;saw those housing buildings by whatever postmodern idiot
1818668;1527227153;asciilifeform;trinque: what saved you
1818670;1527227167;trinque;literally the stupid buildings.
1818671;1527227187;asciilifeform;close shave.
1818672;1527227192;trinque;went to a state school instead, then left to beach-bum on their stipend money
1818673;1527227221;trinque;https://static.dezeen.com/uploads/2017/04/ray-maria-stata-center-frank-gehry-massachusetts-institute-of-technology-10-ten-iconic-buildings-mit-campus_dezeen_sq.jpg << for the innocent
1818674;1527227242;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, kinda the baseball club model neh.
1818675;1527227278;trinque;the butt-huffing even leaks into the filename there
1818677;1527227435;asciilifeform;lucky for trinque that they had this kunstkammer monstrosity, to make him barf in time. or think, trinque , you could be there even nao, fucking elaine shi or what was the eth chix...
1818678;1527227625;trinque;http://www.umiacs.umd.edu/about-us/news/elaine-shi-named-2014-sloan-research-fellow << umd! sorry, that homely beast is all yours.
1818679;1527227695;asciilifeform;iirc it got promoted
1818680;1527227728;asciilifeform;( to where, dun recall, either mit or nearby )
1818681;1527227775;*;trinque will wash gehry and shi out with latrine pig, then to bed
1818683;1527229304;mircea_popescu;"Gotta eat, gotta live, gotta build the time machine." damn, this is fucking poetic.
1818684;1527235674;ave1;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-24#1817983, yes something I need to learn. My current approach is too try something and see if that's it, but I wonder if suggestions or help can be beneficial in learning this? or should all of this be self effident like baking pastries http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-23#1488189 ? I have no idea how to talk to businessmen or come even close to a make an effictive sales pitch.
1818685;1527235674;a111;Logged on 2018-05-24 14:07 mircea_popescu: http://ave1.org/planding.html << this is altogether not terrible. if it's not much of a landing page, at least it's clean and legible.
1818686;1527235674;a111;Logged on 2016-06-23 14:47 mircea_popescu: once you can make 'em it's darn obvious, and before it's impossibru and "vague" and throws fit
1818687;1527238283;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-24#1818005 <-- it's a few (2-3?) weeks away from deployability. full report: basic functionality is pretty stable now (cl-feed-parser library was throwing random errors and wasn't fittable-in-head; so I had to replace and rewrite a significant portion of the rss and atom parsing bits). I still need to implement a. self-voicing and b. an access control mechanism.
1818688;1527238283;a111;Logged on 2018-05-24 15:38 trinque: I'd be happy to add it, but spyked, how's your rss bot coming along?
1818689;1527238410;spyked;re a. it's occured to me a few days ago that the bot must maintain +v/-v state so that it doesn't needlessly attempt to talk in-chan before self-voicing. I intend this part to be separate from the rss bot itself and reusable.
1818690;1527238746;spyked;re b. I have a rfc in the works, should be ready for publishing at the beginning of next week. this is also why I haven't disclosed the bot's name and the channel where it operates at the moment, I want to limit access to relevant bot commands to L1 and L2 only.
1818691;1527239159;spyked;now, the reason why this has been taking me so long is that I hoped I would publish the pieces as I went along. but this is harder than it looked, had to write what is now unreadable (other than by myself) prototype, then (point c. on my list) I'll have to rewrite/refactor and then publish. all this despite the fact that this is "known item", not FFA.
1818692;1527251033;ave1;spyked, I've seen this happening many times (the code is done, but ugly, so I cannot publish yet). I geuss there is a general process behind this. At time (a) you need some code, at time (b) you have it but the code is "ugly". At time (c) the code still works and you have little incentive to clean it up. I know only two ways to get less "ugly" code, in the time between (a) and (b) write non "ugly" code. Or at time (c) publish the code and get shamed into s
1818693;1527251033;ave1;haping it up.
1818694;1527251153;ave1;Or just live with it until the stress becomes big enough that you'll have to do something.
1818695;1527251441;spyked;ave1, the approach in http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-30#1761284 seems to work here, in many cases I learned how the proper version of some piece of code needs to look after writing it.
1818696;1527251441;a111;Logged on 2017-12-30 22:12 asciilifeform: to round off thread -- asciilifeform very much enjoying rewriting ( and it is , yes , a total rewrite ) ffa
1818697;1527251491;spyked;but I knew how the rss bot design should look (I wrote up a draft before starting the implementation), the problem was rather fitting it up with all the "imported" elements.
1818698;1527251869;ave1;It fascinating this space between
1818699;1527251881;ave1;"in the head" and implemtation
1818700;1527251892;spyked;so eventually I expect some of the rss bot components (e.g. command handling, self-voicing) to evolve into standalone scaffolding for #trilema bots that implements a decent subset of http://trilema.com/2016/trilema-bot-spec/
1818701;1527251929;ave1;I sometimes have it all tought out and then it completely fails on writing the first couple of lines.
1818702;1527252234;ave1;Also, yes, once you write it you may see how it should have been written. But I wonder if this is the first step in an infinite cycle.
1818703;1527252269;ave1;Not that the cycle is not useful and the result at each round better
1818704;1527252586;ave1;BTW how would you do this "I want to limit access to relevant bot commands to L1 and L2 only" ? Check if the nick has voice or download the WOT or can deedbot be queried?
1818705;1527252801;spyked;as far as I can see, this first writing pass exposes incorrect assumptions about e.g. data structures and how they're used. if this keeps happening, then it might be that the problem is larger than the mind can chew on in one take.
1818706;1527252835;spyked;ave1, yeah, querying deedbot is kinda what I had in mind (not sure if it can be avoided). something like
1818707;1527252841;spyked;!!gettrust deedbot spyked
1818708;1527252841;deedbot;L1: 1, L2: 3 by 3 connections.
1818709;1527252855;spyked;and decide based on that.
1818710;1527253039;Mocky;isn't that what the deedbot + voicing is for? http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-25#1818690
1818711;1527253039;a111;Logged on 2018-05-25 08:59 spyked: re b. I have a rfc in the works, should be ready for publishing at the beginning of next week. this is also why I haven't disclosed the bot's name and the channel where it operates at the moment, I want to limit access to relevant bot commands to L1 and L2 only.
1818712;1527253090;spyked;the rationale is that there are a few O(n) operations involved (e.g. walking through the list of rss feeds) and I don't want every rando landing on Freenode to be able to abuse this (in particular for advertising sent via pm). let 'em get their own rss bot if they wanna.
1818713;1527253216;Mocky;i mean seems like deedbot + voice is already keeping randos from speaking here
1818714;1527253327;spyked;Mocky: methinks users should be able to talk to the bot via PM, e.g. to subscribe to feeds. the bot will permit "private" subscriptions too, iirc mircea_popescu uses this.
1818715;1527253478;phf;oh man all kinds of craziness
1818716;1527254891;phf;so from http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-24#1818415 till http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-25#1818715 a111 was known as Guest51392, but didn't know its name and logged itself as a111
1818717;1527254891;a111;Logged on 2018-05-24 19:34 trinque: ahaha
1818718;1527254891;a111;Logged on 2018-05-25 13:04 phf: oh man all kinds of craziness
1818719;1527254964;phf;back in the canonical log days, i'd patch the name in the logs, but since we're past that i think it can be left as is, unless there are objections as far as log authenticity.
1818720;1527255227;ave1;I was wondering if something was wrong with my client.
1818721;1527255810;phf;yeah, privmsgs are silent, so you're always making assumptions about your name. i think i have to handle NICK messages from server to know when the bot is force renamed..
1818722;1527258833;asciilifeform;ave1: was http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-16#1814293 ever done ?
1818723;1527258833;a111;Logged on 2018-05-16 13:43 ave1: BTW the aarch64 will build static but not by default, so that part I will check.
1818724;1527258844;asciilifeform;i'd really like a working arm64 gnat...
1818725;1527262500;phf;asciilifeform: hey, have you had further progress with the chromebook? i'm thinking of replacing my x60 with it, or rather i want to try a portable cuntoo install, without nuking existing setup
1818726;1527262673;asciilifeform;phf: i did find the (quite gnarly) method to replace the built-in rsa keys with mine, and how to sign arbitrary kernels. what i did not do , is to build a proper non-googlistic uboot for it, and flash it in in place of old ( 'sapper errs once' , there doesn't seem to be any spi rom contacts brought out on the mainboard for a 2nd try if fails )
1818727;1527262715;asciilifeform;and yes i also will be replacing my x60 with it, if/when i get the time to finish this to a decent state
1818728;1527262717;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/05/forkcoin-bitcoin-gold-hit-by-51-attack/ << Qntra - Forkcoin "Bitcoin Gold" Hit By 51% Attack
1818729;1527262827;asciilifeform;phf: my current understanding is that it will be able to boot the ~userland~ from my rockchip gentoo ( http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2295 ) as-is; will need a proper kernel tho
1818730;1527262885;asciilifeform;i booted a heathen linux on the thing from the sd card, via the heathen ('press ctrl-d in 10 sec on boot or i format yer disk') nonsense, it ran.
1818731;1527262912;phf;ah i see, yeah i figured it's a drop in replacement, but the uboot bit complicates the matter. uboot i take it is a boot loader, or the kernel also goes in there?
1818732;1527262961;asciilifeform;loader. however google's uboot is annoying , it ~mandatorily~ looks for googlersa-signed kernel. replacing certs with own is pretty easy, but you still end up having to keep google's toolchain around in order to sign kernels, and ugh
1818733;1527263019;asciilifeform;i'd like a normal, built-from-src rockchip uboot for this thing. and i worked over the pcb with magnifying glass and found a buncha debug contacts, some of which almost certainly gotta be spi rom. but -- currently no time to chase this.
1818734;1527263035;asciilifeform;http://www.loper-os.org/pub/c101pa/c101pa_bottom_nope.jpg << subj
1818735;1527263070;phf;and i guess you're trying to replace google's uboot with a built-from-src one, that doesn't also have rsa checks etc.
1818736;1527263104;asciilifeform;right, i thought i already said.
1818737;1527263115;phf;i'm just repeating things for own understanding
1818738;1527263117;asciilifeform;i'd like to properly degooglize the box.
1818739;1527263132;trinque;while repeating things, this guy boots without closed firmware blobs?
1818740;1527263141;asciilifeform;trinque: appears to.
1818742;1527263170;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-25#1818457 << Orange juice, chicken soup, and mangoes
1818743;1527263170;a111;Logged on 2018-05-25 01:07 mod6: baby, i've got a fever.
1818744;1527263170;asciilifeform;and interestingly they published the src for the auxiliary microcontroller (drives kbd, battery, leds, etc) unlike any other lappy maker, and it actually builds
1818745;1527263211;asciilifeform;also interestingly, they published the src for their uboot, it is theoretically possible to scrub the crapola out and rebuild. however i have not succeeded in building it.
1818746;1527263229;phf;so an intermediate step that someone else could perform is to take your rockchip gentoo, generate new rsa pair, sign the kernel with pub, patch google's uboot with priv and get a clean booting rockchip gentoo setup, without accidentally bricking the device? (while still retaining known amount of google in the system)
1818747;1527263239;asciilifeform;phf: correct.
1818748;1527263335;phf;aight, thank you
1818749;1527263382;asciilifeform;phf: i also considered looking for the key check thing in the stock bios and simply NOPing it out
1818750;1527263391;asciilifeform;but turned out to be moar sweat than expected
1818751;1527263401;asciilifeform;(even tho src is public)
1818752;1527263463;trinque;phf: an idea for logs, it might be easier to find threads if the scope of a search could be more than one line, perhaps as a parameter like "from:".
1818753;1527263485;trinque;idea being "rockchip blobless scope:15" would bring you to anywhere those terms are within 15 lines of each other
1818754;1527263514;asciilifeform;trinque: i've wanted this for a long time; might be cpu-expensive tho.
1818755;1527263521;trinque;yeah possibly, just throwing it out there
1818756;1527263662;BingoBoingo;In other archeo-coprology The Uruguayo Amateur Radio Association on the web today: https://archive.is/5lTz1 versus February 2013: https://archive.is/klTvj
1818757;1527263682;asciilifeform;phf: if it helps in your archaeology, google's 'seekrit' name for the machine is 'veyron'
1818758;1527263693;asciilifeform;phf: https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromiumos/third_party/coreboot/+/firmware-veyron-6588.B << supposed src
1818759;1527263762;asciilifeform;phf: werentcha in the middle of a vtron or do i misremember tho
1818760;1527263898;phf;asciilifeform: i'm establishing scope, rather then actually doing anything. firefox on my x60 has an uper limit on tabs i have open, because it runs out of memory, so i started thinking that this ain't no way to live :>
1818761;1527263930;asciilifeform;at any rate it doesn't hurt to put asciilifeform's lulzcollection re subj in the log.
1818763;1527263955;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: funnily enuff i was listening to web-sdr boxen in UY not long ago. there's several public ones.
1818764;1527263998;phf;trinque: i like that idea, i'll see if it's easy to implement though. it doesn't map quite cleanly to current search architecture though, which is single pass and stateless
1818765;1527264027;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Were talking about privatizing the water?
1818766;1527264037;BingoBoingo;* were they
1818767;1527264112;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: << see for yourself.
1818768;1527264126;asciilifeform;or hm nm loox dead nao
1818769;1527264148;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: http://www.websdr.org << can try the argentinas, if you feel like, to get a feel.
1818771;1527264180;asciilifeform;^ without some rough idea of what you're looking for, these won't do much good
1818772;1527264252;BingoBoingo;Well, as of last year Uruguay has amateur license classes that allow pumping up to 1500 screaming watts on certain parts of the spectrum
1818773;1527264325;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: 'legal' shortwave is ~useless , iirc we had the thread.
1818774;1527264353;asciilifeform;i suppose i oughta detail in the logs, in concrete example, for fyootoor ref.
1818775;1527264403;BingoBoingo;Well, the cover content sure, but what about the steganographed stuff.
1818776;1527264444;asciilifeform;you gotta start with asking, what you want out of the thing.
1818777;1527264495;asciilifeform;if it's gossipd transport layer, massively loud sw station is the Wrong Thing ( unless you're mircea_popescu , and have the cannon battery around the mast, and can be arsed )
1818778;1527264571;BingoBoingo;Well, why does anyone do amateur radio? Same reason they post on reddit. They want a hot young wife, and a dog and grandchildren who love them, but they settle for DX'ing and postcards.
1818779;1527264579;asciilifeform;understand that 1000w transmitter is only ~2x as 'loud' as 100w.
1818780;1527264616;BingoBoingo;But it is 10x as much megawatt strategy accomplishing contra the 100 watt station
1818781;1527264619;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: i am considering here the tmsr use cases, rather than the old farts chatting about grandchildren use case (the latter already is quite well-documented, folx who are interested in it can simply rtfm)
1818782;1527264647;mod6;<+BingoBoingo> http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-25#1818457 << Orange juice, chicken soup, and mangoes << cheers.
1818783;1527264647;a111;Logged on 2018-05-25 01:07 mod6: baby, i've got a fever.
1818784;1527264684;asciilifeform;http://www.voacap.com/p2p << propagation calculator.
1818785;1527264690;asciilifeform;^ output changes with time of day and season.
1818786;1527264761;asciilifeform;to get answer that makes sense in light of prev thread, set 'tx mode' to ft8 ( a commonplace tone modem ), pick two geographies, and notice that even 1W on a quiet illicit band, already gets you 1000km under the right circumstance.
1818787;1527264808;asciilifeform;i'ma make a long thread , shorter, and summarize, it makes considerably moar sense to have smaller, cheaper, unattended 1-10W checks-rsa-and-relays boxen, then massive 'pirate' mast.
1818789;1527264945;BingoBoingo;Well, depends on how the terraforming goes. In the struggle between righteous corrupting forces vs. Moo Cow idiocy it is possible that someone has a commercial 250kw-1mw transmitter delivering the good tidings of TMSR from somewhere in LATAM or Africa.
1818790;1527264953;asciilifeform;i'ma illustrate with picture, the difference in equipment. :
1818791;1527264957;asciilifeform;1) https://archive.li/nLxLX << this is a chinese 100W sw piratetron. it eats ~150W of mains current, and is the size of a brick, and needs forced air etc. costs about 100 $ , just by itself ( i.e. without whatever gossiptron logic and signal synth you'd have. )
1818792;1527264989;asciilifeform;2) https://archive.li/WjQWt << chinese 2W piratetron. easily runs on battery (incl. e.g. solar) , costs about 10 $ .
1818793;1527265010;asciilifeform;do i need to go on, or does this make sense.
1818794;1527265053;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: if you're interested in ~voice~ , as if the year were 1952, look elsewhere, the subj is beaten to death in the literature.
1818795;1527265066;asciilifeform;asciilifeform's historic interest in the subj is strictly in re gossipd.
1818796;1527265153;BingoBoingo;Sure. gossipd isn't the only use case. Can't expect the moo cows to report to the reddit bags because they have been issued messages over a gossipd they aren't equipped to use. It's a use case that demands voice and/or video.
1818797;1527265155;asciilifeform;https://archive.li/yBBhM << strictly for thread-completeness, this is a typical 10W sw amp. size is approx same as 2 FUCKGOATS laid wide end to end.
1818798;1527265178;asciilifeform;keep in mind ftr also that these need substantial antenna ( can be simple wire, but needs to be at least 10 metres in length, and taught )
1818799;1527265212;asciilifeform;the pigtail stubs used on your familiar uhf hardware (e.g. wifi) won't work for sw.
1818800;1527265430;asciilifeform;https://archive.li/lCGOn << example of typical 'field' sw antennae.
1818801;1527265483;asciilifeform;to properly round out the thread, keep in mind that gossip station would need ~receiver~ as well as transmitter (and obviously a comp)
1818802;1527265513;asciilifeform;ideally whole thing would be a FG-sized board that can be potted in epoxy, with pv cells on either side, and hung from a tree in the middle of forest. maybe next decade.
1818803;1527265581;BingoBoingo;My case for the high power station at some point in the future is that Aconcagua is 6962 meters tall and there are plenty of other high peaks in the Andes. There's the seperate gossipd goal of building a robust relay network, and then there's the "wouldn
1818804;1527265590;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: back to your hypothetical : humour me, say, to whom wouldja broadcast voice? and for what ?
1818805;1527265599;BingoBoingo;'t it be nice dream to loudly piss over the USG.FCC from down south
1818806;1527265626;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-23#1817818 << they're not homonyms, fwiw, unless you'd read stalin the same way as stolin. but otherwise, pouch is like stalin and poach is like stolin.
1818807;1527265626;a111;Logged on 2018-05-23 18:46 phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-23#1817710 << yes, i seem to make these kind of homonym errors a lot actually, and i reread the sentence every time, but don't see it until the issue is pointed out.
1818808;1527265643;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: id'd be the local , orc gestapo you'd be pissing on, tho
1818809;1527265663;asciilifeform;( possibly entirely harmless, or quickly lethal, depending on your orccraft, i suppose )
1818810;1527265678;BingoBoingo; BingoBoingo: id'd be the local , orc gestapo you'd be pissing on, tho << A lot of terraforming and corrupting can happen in 20 years
1818811;1527265694;BingoBoingo;having grandchildren to derp about on shortwave takes time.
1818812;1527265704;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: also know that 'traditional' sw station is a ~very~ expensive pleasure; makes server rack look cheap
1818813;1527265757;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-25#1818596 << meanwhile i figured out what you meant. here's the problem : http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-08#1811449 / http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2018/05/04/collected-gripes/ ($2 -- speaking of which hey bb, selectotron when?) or more in the general http://trilema.com/2009/omul-inutil-sau-pledoarie-pentru-protectie-sociala/
1818814;1527265757;a111;Logged on 2018-05-25 05:12 Mocky: right so what's the problem
1818815;1527265757;a111;Logged on 2018-05-08 20:51 BingoBoingo: And to top it all off, as much as my walking speed has slowed today, THEY STILL WON'T STOP STOPPING
1818816;1527265771;mircea_popescu;and i shall be back soonish!
1818817;1527265943;BingoBoingo;Selectotron sometime before 2019.
1818818;1527268129;ave1;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-25#1818722, I'm in the last rounds (building gnat-musl using gnat-musl on aarch64). The last part is the slowest (I have one core for it). Also, for some reason the download sites are becoming unstable, I had to change one  and it just failed on another.
1818819;1527268129;a111;Logged on 2018-05-25 14:33 asciilifeform: ave1: was http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-16#1814293 ever done ?
1818820;1527268692;asciilifeform;!!up KernelKhaos
1818821;1527268692;deedbot;KernelKhaos voiced for 30 minutes.
1818822;1527268721;KernelKhaos;thx asciilifeform
1818823;1527268731;asciilifeform;KernelKhaos: who might you be ?
1818824;1527268763;KernelKhaos;hmmm. I am not what I am. Probably nobody, till I'm properly keyed.
1818825;1527268794;KernelKhaos;I wotpasted my public key.
1818828;1527268810;asciilifeform;KernelKhaos: ^ rtfm
1818829;1527268894;trinque;KernelKhaos: didn't you drop by as some other cutesy nick?
1818830;1527268910;trinque;how bout you drop the coy 14yr old girl routine and answer the man's question
1818831;1527268925;KernelKhaos;yes, dumb ass nicks.
1818832;1527268949;trinque;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-25#1818824 << what's this, the tagline for your line of self-help podcasts?
1818833;1527268949;a111;Logged on 2018-05-25 17:19 KernelKhaos: hmmm. I am not what I am. Probably nobody, till I'm properly keyed.
1818834;1527268994;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-18#1815304 << last time around
1818835;1527268994;a111;Logged on 2018-05-18 17:14 mircea_popescu: !!up IamNotWhatIam
1818836;1527268999;trinque;there it was
1818837;1527269027;KernelKhaos;lol, podcasts, but no blog, and I avoid publishing most things.
1818838;1527269040;asciilifeform;https://www.oglaf.com/humans << oblig
1818839;1527269056;KernelKhaos;!!up KernelKhaos
1818840;1527269056;deedbot;You may not $up yourself.
1818841;1527269068;trinque;KernelKhaos: last chance to introduce yourself properly
1818842;1527269088;asciilifeform;trinque: douchebag already introduced, why would his sybils need separate introductions
1818843;1527269109;asciilifeform;!!down KernelKhaos
1818845;1527269216;asciilifeform;!Q later tell douchebag if you think the faux-camwhores approach will work to make a 'backup' identity for self, this time with new flavouring -- 1) it won't 2) drop it 3) this is good road to -10
1818846;1527269216;lobbesbot;asciilifeform: The operation succeeded.
1818847;1527269256;trinque;ah, could just as well be some other derp. plenty of solipsists around
1818848;1527269266;asciilifeform;ftr asciilifeform bit through the camwhores nonsense after shot #3 or so
1818849;1527269311;asciilifeform;trinque: d00d seems to suffer from some bizarre compulsion, to leave the 'am what i am' clue
1818851;1527269502;trinque;http://btcbase.org/log/2014-11-06#912903 << omg, asciilifeform running disinfo!!11!1
1818852;1527269502;a111;Logged on 2014-11-06 20:34 asciilifeform: thestringpuller: in practice - i am what i am.
1818854;1527269548;asciilifeform;folx showing symptoms of sybilism, will be shoved into sybil pen.
1818855;1527269551;asciilifeform;no remorse.
1818856;1527269590;ben_vulpes;http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2018-5-25#363112 << https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2018/05/25/rachel-dolezal-who-posed-black-woman-accused-welfare-fraud/643773002/
1818857;1527269591;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-05-25 04:26 Mocky: like that naacp 'leader' who identified as black
1818858;1527269615;ben_vulpes;"hey, she's a reeeeal african american now!"
1818859;1527270442;lobbes;In other real africas >> https://archive.is/bHxk9
1818860;1527270506;asciilifeform;lobbes: lol! last i knew, pseudo-analogue clocks were 'retro-chic' and 'hip'... i guess no moar
1818861;1527270537;trinque;so teaching fractions is right out too, eh?
1818862;1527270560;trinque;"teenagers" << oh.
1818863;1527270578;trinque;if Mocky were here I'd ask him if he sees the problem yet
1818864;1527280531;mircea_popescu;ave1, i'm not advanced enough to make much of a teacher ; but commercial speech is a discipline unto itself. i suppose one approach is to keep track of what seduces you and why ; and others. eventually you end up with some kind of mental image.
1818865;1527280612;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-25#1818694 << this is very stupid.
1818866;1527280612;a111;Logged on 2018-05-25 12:25 ave1: Or just live with it until the stress becomes big enough that you'll have to do something.
1818867;1527280658;mircea_popescu;i expect 80% of the cases of "oh, i am being asked too much, this republic sucks" come from exactly this inept "oh, i won't do a good job, and wait for time to resolve it". yes, time will resolve it, but odds are the solution will hurt the butt.
1818868;1527280714;mircea_popescu;no. write good code from the get go. there's no room here for "oh, this is the code i wrote, but it's not really who i am". it fucking is who you are, irrespective of what the monkey may be saying in your ear. THAT is what you are.
1818869;1527280749;mircea_popescu;trying to maintain this supposed difference between what you do and who you are is exactly how the office drones manage to use a whole life doing exactly nothing whatsoever. all their juice went to the gap.
1818870;1527280797;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-25#1818697 << is this a set of patches on existing bot or a whole new genesis for some reason ?
1818871;1527280797;a111;Logged on 2018-05-25 12:31 spyked: but I knew how the rss bot design should look (I wrote up a draft before starting the implementation), the problem was rather fitting it up with all the "imported" elements.
1818872;1527280836;mircea_popescu;(neither of these options is good. if the former, why the fuck doing the polarbeard stupid, what, not read the logs ? if the latter, umm...)
1818873;1527280910;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-25#1818705 << either that or, usually the case, the mind has bad habits it shall have to discard.
1818874;1527280910;a111;Logged on 2018-05-25 12:53 spyked: as far as I can see, this first writing pass exposes incorrect assumptions about e.g. data structures and how they're used. if this keeps happening, then it might be that the problem is larger than the mind can chew on in one take.
1818875;1527280942;mircea_popescu;!!key blessedmagnus
1818877;1527281007;trinque;an RSS shitting IRC bot is not bigger than the mind can take wtf
1818878;1527281558;spyked;mircea_popescu, i haven't thought about that yet. but needless to say, the bot depends on many pieces that are not v-ified (and for that matter also does ircbot).
1818879;1527281565;spyked;trinque, that wasn't implied in the discussion.
1818880;1527281697;mircea_popescu;spyked, that what ?
1818882;1527281770;a111;Logged on 2018-05-25 20:39 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-25#1818697 << is this a set of patches on existing bot or a whole new genesis for some reason ?
1818883;1527281795;mircea_popescu;then you've done nothing.
1818884;1527281801;mircea_popescu;that's the first step.
1818885;1527282143;spyked;mircea_popescu, I'm not sure what you mean. lemme explain: the rss bot depends on ircbot and other pieces (some imported from heathenlands, some written by scratch from yours truly). from my reading so far, (e.g. diana_coman's use of MPI in Eucrypt) I dun see this as a strictly solved problem. I could a. make a new genesis consisting of ircbot + rss bot + all dependencies, or b. genesis rss bot alone (and mention ircbot + all others as
1818886;1527282149;spyked;dependencies explicitly; this is already the case in the bot's .asd file), or c. add rss bot as set of patches onto ircbot.
1818887;1527282157;mircea_popescu;when i say "wank" i'm not just using a word for the purpose of filling a conversational hole. that's what wank fucking is, "any activity proceeding without having considered that question".
1818888;1527282203;mircea_popescu;if you ask "well, am i extending something or writing de novo", you're participating. if you're doing anything else, you're wanking about ; an activity entirely undistinguishable from chatting up the starbucks waitress or braying under the full moon.
1818889;1527282274;mircea_popescu;spyked, so is it then the case you're writing an rss module for icrbot ?
1818890;1527282411;spyked;mircea_popescu, in the same sense that logbot is a logging module for ircbot, yes. that would mean b (in the a, b, c above)
1818891;1527282451;mircea_popescu;cool. and trying to do this you discovered ircbot can't actually handle voicing itself ?
1818892;1527282624;mircea_popescu;why's that question take 100s of seconds to process anyway. it can't be ~that~ intricate, just copy a register and return.
1818893;1527282637;spyked;mircea_popescu, it can be used to implement self-voicing, but no, it doesn't implement that functionality itself.
1818894;1527282679;mircea_popescu;well, did you protest that anywhere ? preferably as "hey $x, im trying to use ircbot to make rssbot, but you've not got voice going ?!"
1818895;1527282742;spyked;no, why protest. I thought it was obvious that I was gonna implement it?
1818896;1527282749;trinque;eh? why would it voice itself
1818897;1527282796;trinque;he should extend the thing with a subclass that implements deedbot auth, yeah, but recall deedbot auth service is itself down the tree from ircbot
1818898;1527282851;mircea_popescu;spyked, it was obvious you were going to implement voicing to make rss bot ? and it was also obvious that you're going to switch state from "making rss bot" to "implementing voice for ircbot so i can proceed with making rssbot", so you didn't announce that either. do you have a value for $x ?
1818899;1527282985;spyked;mircea_popescu, I admit some of my wording might be confusing, but I announced that in my report today. self-voicing is a prerequisite for rss bot, arising from http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-25#1818700 , so I'm implementing. how is this state switching?
1818900;1527282985;a111;Logged on 2018-05-25 12:38 spyked: so eventually I expect some of the rss bot components (e.g. command handling, self-voicing) to evolve into standalone scaffolding for #trilema bots that implements a decent subset of http://trilema.com/2016/trilema-bot-spec/
1818901;1527283008;mircea_popescu;nevermind that part for now. do you have a value for $x in "hey $x".
1818902;1527283059;spyked;I dun understand
1818903;1527283068;*;spyked rereads
1818904;1527283072;mircea_popescu;you got serious problems my good man.
1818905;1527283207;ben_vulpes;hey BingoBoingo would you apply the same razor you applied to the landing page copy to the rest of the copy on the pizarro site?
1818906;1527283229;trinque;!!gettrust deedbot spyked
1818907;1527283229;deedbot;L1: 1, L2: 3 by 3 connections.
1818908;1527283242;trinque;spyked: did it ever cross your mind that command handling might be a solved problem too?
1818909;1527283244;BingoBoingo;ben_vulpes: Will do.
1818910;1527283273;trinque;if you'd have asked the author of the thing you're apparently using
1818912;1527283294;a111;Logged on 2018-05-20 03:41 trinque: you latest crop of socially damaged derps will learn to communicate, and that's all.
1818913;1527283357;trinque;there's a whole thread on whether or not "fuck you, I'm not marrying bot commands to postgresql" we're denying posterity here
1818914;1527283488;mircea_popescu;well, apparently he doesn't know what goes in $x. which... i have nfi how this is possible, but somehow it occured. "i am working on a thing" "who made it" "dunno" "vorwarts, soviet!"
1818915;1527283639;spyked;mircea_popescu, trinque, aha, now I get my miscommunication. but I confess to being confused by the "value for $x" question.
1818916;1527283740;mircea_popescu;why ?
1818917;1527283798;mircea_popescu;understand, the only reason we even fucking rewrite things is because the imperial "item of unknown ownership, provenance and parentage" breaks republican process.
1818918;1527283822;mircea_popescu;THAT is the process. right there. what are you doing, on whose thing, etcetera. it's entirely univocal, what.
1818919;1527283855;spyked;no, what I mean is really, couldn't evaluate the metaphor in this context. /me admits to being overly thick.
1818920;1527283907;mircea_popescu;what metaphor! it's an metasyntactic variable, you never encountered before ?!
1818921;1527283948;mircea_popescu;do you have a value for "doing the polarbeard stupid" ? can you explain what it is ?
1818922;1527283967;spyked;"man alone"?
1818923;1527284055;mircea_popescu;o brother. what is this, spyked's friendly fuzzing service ?
1818924;1527284102;spyked;but yes, I understand mircea_popescu now, thing is vaporware/non-existent until properly published and signed.
1818925;1527284120;mircea_popescu;it means this : that instead of explicitly communicating state, a. "i r making rss bot" ; b. "hey trinque wtf, ircbot doesn't do voicing ?" ; c. "o well, stopped making rss bot, making voice module for ircbot to be able to make rss bot later" and THEN 1. pushing a voice patch to ircbot BEFORE d. "back to making rss bot"
1818926;1527284151;mircea_popescu;instead you just dump an endless pile of diffs that a) do multiple unrelated things and b) don't even betray any awareness of the process involved in all of this.
1818927;1527284200;trinque;spyked: hasn't to do with the publishing and signing yet. open source is shit precisely because every idiot comes in and does his own thing without talking to the last guy
1818928;1527284215;trinque;because coy and what if he doesn't like me, or fuck knows
1818929;1527284222;mircea_popescu;poor communication with the exterior and poor structuring of the internal process. no, it's not AT ALL the same fucking thing, oh, x is vaguely related to y so let's call it all z." the point isn't to make stu over here.
1818930;1527284281;mircea_popescu;all this communication you opt to not do when it costs you a dime a page i then have to do later, at the cost of a dollar a word. it's fucking bs, save me money.
1818931;1527284451;*;spyked takes this lesson. will make his pre/post-work communication happen (as explicitly as possible) in the future.
1818932;1527284486;trinque;ok, so lets have the thread!
1818933;1527284563;trinque;ircbot does nothing but connect to IRC, does nickserv auth, and provides a minimal api to send/receive messages
1818934;1527284648;trinque;this imho is totally proper, atop that I've written a class logbot that extends ircbot, makes it write messages to a "log" table in postgresql, read outgoing messages from an "outbox" table
1818935;1527284664;spyked;my thought re trilema spec is having something along the lines of a "trilbot" that performs some of the basic scaffolding (self-voicing and command prefix parsing).
1818936;1527284685;mircea_popescu;trinque, is it actually the case ircbot can't do the voicing ?
1818937;1527284685;spyked;could be standalone lisp package, used by e.g. rss bot
1818938;1527284716;spyked;and built on top ircbot
1818939;1527284721;spyked;*on top of it
1818940;1527284722;trinque;mircea_popescu: deedbot is *providing* auth here
1818941;1527284722;mircea_popescu;spyked, so then you were actually going to " writing de novo" ?
1818942;1527284735;trinque;I have not at all implemented *using* auth
1818943;1527284741;trinque;the proper place to do that is not at all ircbot
1818944;1527284752;trinque;it's a descendent class thereof
1818945;1527284760;mircea_popescu;trinque, didja put this anywhere ?
1818946;1527284764;trinque;put what?
1818947;1527284796;mircea_popescu;"here's how i expect this to be used : a) ircbot is a basic class ; b) logbot is an extension of it ; c) if you're ever making a rss bot, scavenge the relevant parts off logbot, and put a different vtree on top of ircbot"
1818948;1527284816;trinque;it's not a vtree on top of ircbot
1818949;1527284841;mircea_popescu;why not ?
1818950;1527284853;trinque;and yeah, the rationale for what each class is used for is in the blog post
1818951;1527284865;mircea_popescu;is the blogpost referenced from the vpatches ?
1818952;1527284879;trinque;the blogpost is the README from each
1818953;1527284899;mircea_popescu;so then properly, the rationale is in the vpatches, something like that.
1818954;1527284911;mircea_popescu;spyked, didja read it ? did it make sense ?
1818955;1527284928;spyked;the reason I was first set off by mircea_popescu's question was that it led me to "what implication do lisp modules (packages?) have for v? is each module/package supposed to have its own v tree?"
1818956;1527284946;spyked;mircea_popescu, yes
1818957;1527284959;trinque;it'd have to; I can write a class that extends n other classes.
1818958;1527284979;trinque;we can't put each descendent class in every parent's v-tree, or there's one v-tree for the whole world
1818959;1527284980;mircea_popescu;spyked, did you say this anywhere ?
1818960;1527285013;trinque;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-25#1818886 <<
1818961;1527285013;a111;Logged on 2018-05-25 21:02 spyked: dependencies explicitly; this is already the case in the bot's .asd file), or c. add rss bot as set of patches onto ircbot.
1818962;1527285016;mircea_popescu;think : if you take the time to say, i don't have to take the time to later ask. it's a penny saved, aka earned.
1818963;1527285018;trinque;that problem is not solved
1818964;1527285071;trinque;however, my work on portage walks towards that.
1818965;1527285100;spyked;mircea_popescu, which "this"? my reading ircbot, or the implication regarding v?
1818966;1527285120;mircea_popescu;"hey $x (=trinque), i read $y and it makes perfect sense. i intend to do $z"
1818967;1527285170;mircea_popescu;"obviously" and "implicitly" are not nearly as friendly as they may seem ; especially in this context.
1818968;1527285172;spyked;no, I didn't. only reported that I began to read once I think, i.e. at http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-03#1792655 , http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-02#1807544
1818969;1527285172;a111;Logged on 2018-04-03 19:46 spyked: mircea_popescu, it's good timing, since I've been doing some reading ircbot code and comparing with my own implementation. I've actually been contemplating http://btcbase.org/log/2018-02-26#1786288 and rolling my own was not a wholly useless endeavour, i.e. http://trilema.com/2016/how-to-participate-in-the-affairs-of-the-most-serene-republic/#selection-322.0-322.5 so I'll document the whole thing on the blog.
1818970;1527285172;a111;Logged on 2018-05-02 11:03 spyked: speaking of which; to all ircbot users: I have a patch proposal for ircbot (and possibly logbot). the problem: nickserv authentication makes a distinction between "nickname" and "user". this allows e.g. to group multiple irc bots (with different nicks) under a single username and cloak. so my proposal is to add a new *optional* "user" slot to ircbot and use it for auth instead of "nick" when available
1818971;1527285198;mircea_popescu;spyked, yes, but you have to pick something at some point. you can't be doing everything at the same time.
1818972;1527285223;mircea_popescu;is it that you're writing a new item ? is it that you're extending an extant one ? this is decided FIRST. not "as we go along, and then changed".
1818973;1527285320;spyked;mircea_popescu, I ended up working on a couple of new ones. a. trilema spec subset and b. rss bot.
1818974;1527285347;mircea_popescu;spyked, you'll discover you'll do much better working serially.
1818975;1527285364;mircea_popescu;but be that as it may : there's always going to be good and bad arguments for whatever choice ; but that has no bearing on the fact that you must still choose, and at the time of choice not at whatever time it may occur to you to.
1818976;1527285381;mircea_popescu;so, is the rss bot ~something you're extending irc bot into~ or ~something you're writing de novo~. one and only one may be the case.
1818977;1527285426;mircea_popescu;and the fact that i have to ask at all, let alone i have to re-ask after an hour's conversation is a very strong marker for a poorly organized mind. you're supposed to know what you're doing, what!
1818978;1527285481;spyked;mircea_popescu, it is going to be separate item, but based on ircbot. can't be an extension of ircbot, for the same reason logbot can't be (some people might not wanna put a rsstron into their ircbot)
1818979;1527285513;mircea_popescu;i don't get it. you can't press to arbitrary heads now ?
1818980;1527285567;douchebag;asciilifeform: elaborate?
1818981;1527285567;lobbesbot;douchebag: Sent 4 hours and 32 minutes ago:  if you think the faux-camwhores approach will work to make a 'backup' identity for self, this time with new flavouring -- 1) it won't 2) drop it 3) this is good road to -10
1818982;1527285596;trinque;he thinks you were that derp from earlier
1818983;1527285604;douchebag;Oh hell nah
1818984;1527285659;spyked;mircea_popescu, the rss bot would branch the ircbot tree then. if trinque or mircea_popescu see any reason for adding rss bot on top of ircbot, I see no reason not to, but it would be disjoint item (i.e. only file changed would be manifest)
1818985;1527285676;mircea_popescu;my mind is blown.
1818986;1527285789;spyked;more to the point: there is a relation between ircbot and the rss bot, but I'm not sure it would make sense for v to enforce that.
1818988;1527285850;mircea_popescu;would it make sense for v to exist at all ?
1818989;1527285944;trinque;does the v-tree suck in a particular version of the linux kernel too?
1818990;1527285950;trinque;I think he's asking where the line is drawn
1818991;1527285969;trinque;ircbot will be a dependency of his thing, so he wants to know how to denote that
1818992;1527285970;mircea_popescu;i don't even know what fucking line. what line ? it's either a genesis or a patchset. that's thje fucking line. what other line ?!
1818993;1527286003;trinque;how would you like me to restate it
1818994;1527286118;mircea_popescu;i dunno. i think it can sit as it is.
1818995;1527286290;spyked;mircea_popescu, lemme try to restate the thing as I see it. the rss bot doesn't make changes to ircbot, it's a new thing that uses ircbot as a dependency. so from this follows (in my mind, so pls to say if broken!) that the new thing will be a genesis.
1818996;1527286414;mircea_popescu;this is factually incorrect. from "item has 1 dependency : otheritem" it follows strictly that item will be a succession of patches on otheritem tree.
1818997;1527286445;mircea_popescu;if it were the case that item has >1 dependency, oi1..n, then it would have been resolved by a) picking one and b) introducing as patches into that tree all otheritems 1..n-1.
1818998;1527286457;spyked;mircea_popescu, then I dun understand why http://btcbase.org/patches?patchset=bot the disjoint graph on the right
1818999;1527286486;mircea_popescu;afaik ben_vulpes made one and trinque the other or somesuch. in general, the cause for this is author1 thinks author2 is an idiot.
1819000;1527286498;trinque;this is absolutely not what was being denoted by that
1819001;1527286508;mircea_popescu;well, it's what i understand. what was being denoted ?
1819002;1527286512;trinque;I don't see that eucrypt code includes the ada compiler? why not?
1819003;1527286531;trinque;or linux kernel, or etc.
1819004;1527286534;mircea_popescu;because nobody willing to sign it has yet been found.
1819005;1527286660;mircea_popescu;but should eg, bitcoin-fs be written, then yes trb will exist in the same tree as bitcoin-fs. and should we go as low as tmsr-os, then yes, tmsr-os as genesis will have bitcoin-fs patchzone and then trb patchzone after that. and people wanting to use bitcoinfs for something else can just press up to there and no further. and projects wanting to import bitcoinfs but not trb will just build off that height of tree, and continue
1819006;1527286660;mircea_popescu; thusly.
1819007;1527286748;mircea_popescu;and yes, "the complete tree of all patches ever downstream from tmsr-os genesis" will include ~everything~ we ever made, and there's nothing wrong with that ; and people not caring to keep the complete patchset will keep whatever subs they want, exactly like http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-09#1794613
1819008;1527286748;a111;Logged on 2018-04-09 14:31 mircea_popescu: a right. hanbot do me a favour : download ~only~ those patches which are in the leftmost trunk seen on phf's viewer (so exclude vtools_vdiff_sha, and its dependents) and try to flow again ?
1819009;1527286789;spyked;mircea_popescu, but say I have a similar itcbot vtree, with logbot on top. then top of it I include trilemabot (handling self-voicing et al.), then on top of that rss bot. then if I want to use rss bot but not logbot (which don't depend on each other), how would I go about that?
1819010;1527286822;mircea_popescu;spyked, why is trilemabot on top of logbot instead of on the side of logbot ?
1819011;1527286847;trinque;I think this is absolutely correct, and I'm in error not putting logbot in ircbot's tree.
1819012;1527286856;mircea_popescu;(the realisation that v-tree management is a lot like playing tetris should probably hit just about now)
1819013;1527286881;mircea_popescu;trinque, not the end of the world, the "author1 thionks author2 is an idiot" can be very mild indeed, "i didn't like the patchlength, collapsed some and regenesised"
1819014;1527286978;spyked;mircea_popescu, then if they're separate branches and if I want to make purely hypothetical spykedbot that does both? would end up with patch with two antecedents, should v press that? should I regrind?
1819015;1527287005;mircea_popescu;spyked, v presses that as it is now, why not. plenty of examples extant.
1819016;1527287130;trinque;I suppose I should've said instead "had there been a gnat v-tree, eucrypt would never find itself in a position where gnat had moved, and nobody can find the gnat to build eucrypt"
1819017;1527287161;mircea_popescu;indeed that'd be so, and how joyous a circumstance.
1819018;1527287172;mircea_popescu;that's even why eucrypt doesn't want to be outside of the tree of its dependencies, after all.
1819019;1527287217;trinque;there's a cultural thing here that just came into view. the work will be regrinding until there's fewer and fewer disjunct trees.
1819020;1527287230;mircea_popescu;whenever the weight of signatures warrants the effort.
1819021;1527287248;*;spyked was thinking, will "the (one and only) v tree" end up eating everything?
1819022;1527287271;mircea_popescu;depends on dependencies. eg you can have independent arm and x86 osen.
1819023;1527287280;mircea_popescu;or can have special purpose osen in other ways, and end up with lone trees.
1819024;1527287383;mircea_popescu;for instance : bitcoinfs may be found useful by someone storing flac muzak. they'd then copy it from its original tmsr-os / trb tree, and put it in their gp-os / torrent tree.
1819025;1527287432;trinque;will be interesting what comes of tracking those lineages
1819026;1527287436;mircea_popescu;this'd take some doing, conceivably, but the someone in question may find the answer to "import or rewrite" favourable on the import side.
1819027;1527287456;mircea_popescu;trinque, i dunno that they're to be tracked, it'd be 100% elbow grease of the porter and his beard.
1819028;1527287498;trinque;sure, but whether the same patch hunk ended up in two places is computable, interesting in a patch-viewer sense, not in a vtron-operation sense
1819029;1527287514;mircea_popescu;i suspect it may not be fully computable. but, sure, we see how it goes.
1819030;1527287832;ben_vulpes;!!up pipp8
1819031;1527287833;deedbot;pipp8 voiced for 30 minutes.
1819032;1527287856;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-25#1818719 << we'll live with the lulz.
1819033;1527287856;a111;Logged on 2018-05-25 13:29 phf: back in the canonical log days, i'd patch the name in the logs, but since we're past that i think it can be left as is, unless there are objections as far as log authenticity.
1819034;1527287909;trinque;spyked: so sounds like you're going to patch your items (in as many small, easy to read patches as possible) atop ircbot?
1819035;1527287937;trinque;and I'm going to graft logbot's v-tree onto ircbot
1819036;1527287957;spyked;trinque, alright.
1819037;1527287969;mircea_popescu;do me a favour and don't wait on the voice part so as to dump it together with the rss part, either.
1819038;1527287982;mircea_popescu;small, easy to read, one at a time.
1819039;1527288024;mircea_popescu;and conceivably both logbot and rssbot want voice module, because logbot will want to read references to its logsite.
1819040;1527288043;pipp8;thanks, Hi all, I'm a little noob about bitcoin, so I'm sorry, But from your website thebitcoin.fundation I can read you still use bitcoin 0.54(or 0.53 official with bug solved) why you have choose this version? what succesive implementations wasn't in line with your thinking?? you don't want?
1819041;1527288061;mircea_popescu;pipp8, read the logs.
1819042;1527288118;spyked;mircea_popescu, okay. the rss bot needs self-voicing, command prefixes et al., so it's eventually going to come further down in the tree, on top of them.
1819043;1527288144;pipp8;mircea_popescu, ok
1819044;1527288150;mircea_popescu;you can of course interleave, it's not the end of the world.
1819045;1527288164;mircea_popescu;ie, as a general rule, always start with the more general parts.
1819046;1527288271;ben_vulpes;pipp8: http://cascadianhacker.com/20_a-summary-of-changes-to-bitcoin-since-0321
1819047;1527288271;spyked;trinque, re. voice and other trilema-bot functionality, I'd like to take a look at the code you have if you're willing to share.
1819048;1527288294;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-25#1818735 << is is settled that rsa checks are waste of time / undesirable ? having a sane process doing kernel check may not be terrible, neh ?
1819049;1527288294;a111;Logged on 2018-05-25 15:44 phf: and i guess you're trying to replace google's uboot with a built-from-src one, that doesn't also have rsa checks etc.
1819050;1527288307;trinque;to reiterate, I do not have code to self-voice. deedbot is providing voice to everyone else.
1819051;1527288327;ben_vulpes;pipp8: because nothing after 0.5.3 was strictly necessary.
1819052;1527288331;mircea_popescu;spyked, do you have a voicer thing ?
1819053;1527288336;trinque;the code I have is to provide the voicing service, which isn't useful for your purposes, but will certainly be released at some point
1819054;1527288381;spyked;mircea_popescu, no, not yet. it's next on the todo list.
1819055;1527288412;mircea_popescu;i'll spare you the "wtf have you been doing thus far". this time.
1819056;1527288413;spyked;trinque, okay, then I'ma do that first. and then get back to you for command prefixes.
1819057;1527288423;trinque;I suspect logbot is terribly named. it's more aptly an IRC-pg bridge.
1819058;1527288439;mircea_popescu;trinque, regrind is the time to rename, huh.
1819059;1527288478;trinque;for sure.
1819060;1527288522;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-25#1818746 << now this is an example of sane approach. *thumbsup*
1819061;1527288522;a111;Logged on 2018-05-25 15:47 phf: so an intermediate step that someone else could perform is to take your rockchip gentoo, generate new rsa pair, sign the kernel with pub, patch google's uboot with priv and get a clean booting rockchip gentoo setup, without accidentally bricking the device? (while still retaining known amount of google in the system)
1819062;1527288613;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-25#1818753 << this is actually a fine spec ; unterschrif't
1819063;1527288613;a111;Logged on 2018-05-25 15:51 trinque: idea being "rockchip blobless scope:15" would bring you to anywhere those terms are within 15 lines of each other
1819064;1527288671;mircea_popescu;and if it ~is~ resource intensive, implement it anyway, publish a way for user to evaluate cost, and charge them like lobbes ' auctionbot. monthly or w/e.
1819065;1527288686;spyked;mircea_popescu, http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/R1NKS/?raw=true for example. lemme know if it breaks
1819066;1527288698;mircea_popescu;i would not object to !!paying whatever pittance my needs may drive me to, and if it's not a pittance i'll either change the needs or be thankful for the useful service.
1819067;1527288817;mircea_popescu;spyked, why is it !F ?
1819068;1527288868;spyked;I'm gonna change that with the one from the bot list when I bring it in the chan
1819069;1527288914;spyked;but it seemed more intuitive for some reason. could be e.g. !R for rss.
1819070;1527288969;mircea_popescu;the value of "i forgot what this is" gotta balance with the value of "this is impossible to fucking type".
1819071;1527288991;mircea_popescu;generally the bias is towards heavy users, not noobs.
1819072;1527289018;mircea_popescu;anyway, it produced no message of any kind.
1819073;1527289069;mircea_popescu;also i'm not exactly instrumented here to handle testing of pming bots, rss or otherwise. so mebbe someone else may be more useful ?
1819074;1527289081;spyked;yeah, it produced an error! gotta debug it. there's no sane rss parser out there.
1819075;1527289155;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-25#1818760 << bear in mind that my girls get in trouble for having over a dozen tabs open. maybe the solution is on the other end!
1819076;1527289155;a111;Logged on 2018-05-25 15:58 phf: asciilifeform: i'm establishing scope, rather then actually doing anything. firefox on my x60 has an uper limit on tabs i have open, because it runs out of memory, so i started thinking that this ain't no way to live :>
1819077;1527289226;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-25#1818764 << may end up having to import Framedragger_ s' multi-line thing as a means to return.
1819078;1527289226;a111;Logged on 2018-05-25 15:59 phf: trinque: i like that idea, i'll see if it's easy to implement though. it doesn't map quite cleanly to current search architecture though, which is single pass and stateless
1819079;1527289236;spyked;mircea_popescu, yeah, the example was only intended to give preview, re "what've you been doing all this time". btw, can unsubscribe using !F unsubscribe . otherwise it'll send you messages after I figure out what's borken.
1819080;1527289278;mircea_popescu;part of the problem is i don't even know if i can receive and can't be arsed to debug something i don't really use anyway. but yes, will clear it nao.
1819081;1527289881;mod6;!!up pipp8
1819082;1527289882;deedbot;pipp8 voiced for 30 minutes.
1819083;1527289911;mod6;pipp8: Make sure to register a key and get yourself into the wot via deedbot.  Here's the help page: http://deedbot.org/help.html
1819084;1527290083;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-25#1818851 <<< bwahahahaah zing
1819085;1527290083;a111;Logged on 2018-05-25 17:31 trinque: http://btcbase.org/log/2014-11-06#912903 << omg, asciilifeform running disinfo!!11!1
1819086;1527290143;mircea_popescu;“Schools will inevitably be doing their best to make young children feel as relaxed as the can be.'
1819087;1527290172;mircea_popescu;then when i say imperial "school" is out and out kiddie fucking they act like they've no idea wtf.
1819088;1527291421;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-25#1819048 << in abstract it's great; but in the concrete case it requires GB of google liquishit tooling to be kept around so as to sign kernels ( unless somebody wants to rewrite and follow the gnarly format.. )
1819089;1527291421;a111;Logged on 2018-05-25 22:44 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-25#1818735 << is is settled that rsa checks are waste of time / undesirable ? having a sane process doing kernel check may not be terrible, neh ?
1819090;1527291471;asciilifeform;it also forces the use of their oddball partition scheme
1819091;1527291521;*;asciilifeform brb,meat 
1819092;1527291624;douchebag;In other news, that retired prostitiute Lola who now pimps out other younger women
1819093;1527291750;douchebag;well, she robbed some dude for $280 of crack and now these black dudes are telling her she has to get into a fist fight with their cousin, and they will forget about the debt. Their cousin is a black dude a few years older than me.
1819094;1527291820;douchebag;So yeah, she's going to get fucked up. I'll post pictures of the aftermath if I see her at all in the next 24 hrs
1819096;1527292109;douchebag;When you fuck with gang members, you get gang treatment. Kind of ironic that she has a tattoo that says loyalty haha
1819097;1527293014;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, i meant specifically make a republican substitute.
1819098;1527293038;mircea_popescu;just preserve the principle, "rsa signed kernels"
1819099;1527323135;jurov;ben_vulpes: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/sUtrF/?raw=true
1819100;1527323135;lobbesbot;jurov: Sent 6 days, 14 hours, and 59 minutes ago:  http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/QodBe/?raw=true
1819101;1527326364;spyked;to clear up the confusion in http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-25#1818920 (and maybe for some bonus lulz): somehow last night my eyes completely overlooked the last part in http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-25#1818894 (yes, after reading *twice*), leading to a very wtf contextless spyked upon ingesting http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-25#1818901 . /me still has much practice to do to follow discussions in real-time, most of my reading happens
1819102;1527326364;a111;Logged on 2018-05-25 21:31 mircea_popescu: what metaphor! it's an metasyntactic variable, you never encountered before ?!
1819103;1527326364;a111;Logged on 2018-05-25 21:11 mircea_popescu: well, did you protest that anywhere ? preferably as "hey $x, im trying to use ircbot to make rssbot, but you've not got voice going ?!"
1819104;1527326364;a111;Logged on 2018-05-25 21:16 mircea_popescu: nevermind that part for now. do you have a value for $x in "hey $x".
1819105;1527326370;spyked;in the logs.
1819106;1527327411;spyked;also, re. http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-25#1819054 my intention is to implement the http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-20#1815920 approach, where: a. user obtains OTPs manually by prodding deedbot with !!ups, decrypts them and feeds them to trilemabot; b. trilemabot maintains a list of OTPs and uses the next one in the list when it needs to self-voice (i.e. after it /joins #trilema). c. user must ensure that the OTP list is not empty,
1819107;1527327411;a111;Logged on 2018-05-25 22:46 spyked: mircea_popescu, no, not yet. it's next on the todo list.
1819108;1527327411;a111;Logged on 2018-05-20 14:17 trinque: spyked: one could make many voicing OTPs, and put them in a hopper for the bot.
1819109;1527327418;spyked;otherwise bot won't self-voice.
1819110;1527327525;spyked;I'll leave this open for discussion for a coupla days or so. meanwhile any comments from other lisp bot operators ( ben_vulpes, lobbes, phf et al.) are muchly appreciated.
1819111;1527344699;mircea_popescu;that's what second pass is for, huh.
1819112;1527345680;spyked;mircea_popescu, word.
1819113;1527346929;mircea_popescu;re the voicing approach : the above is fine. the alternative, where you keep a dedicated key on the bot, is also fine. the damage it can do is very limited (what, spend money it doesn't have ? rate people ?) and the upside is that you get to find out about possible attacks. neither method is wrong or anything.
1819114;1527352020;mircea_popescu;in other news, http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-25#1819057 <-> http://trilema.com/2018/the-v-questionarium-answerarium-2018-edition/#selection-321.35-321.107
1819115;1527352020;a111;Logged on 2018-05-25 22:47 trinque: I suspect logbot is terribly named. it's more aptly an IRC-pg bridge.
1819116;1527352041;mircea_popescu;are we specifiing a gns standard for these ?
1819117;1527352137;mircea_popescu;and in other lulz, anil dash of http://trilema.com/2014/the-nigger-a-practical-exercise/ still exists!
1819118;1527352153;mircea_popescu;"Anil Dash (/ɑːˈniːl ˈdæʃ/; born September 5, 1975) is an American blogger, entrepreneur, and technologist. Previously an independent technology consultant and new media developer for the Village Voice"
1819119;1527352171;mircea_popescu;the things imbecile journahos "become" in the empire! TECHNOLOGISTS!!
1819120;1527352190;mircea_popescu;He was the director of Expert Labs, a "Government 2.0 initiative that aims to connect United States government projects with citizens who want to become more involved in the political discussion"
1819122;1527352269;mircea_popescu;"Anil Dash‏Verified account @anildash 30m30 minutes ago
1819123;1527352269;mircea_popescu;But just a word to journalists aghast at the idea of naming a source who wanted to be off the record: telling the truth and exposing the President’s lies is actually more important than j-school decorum. You’re being played."
1819125;1527352598;mircea_popescu;"I cofounded Activate, the strategy consultancy that guides the leaders of the biggest media, technology and entertainment companies in developing their strategies for growth" << consider the politruk-icity. so, "the biggest" have absolutely nothing to say. they are so inept at creating their own fucking strategies, they'll just hire the political commissar to give them a sheet of paper that's certified by the office of polit
1819126;1527352598;mircea_popescu;ruks and therefore won't get them into political trouble.
1819127;1527352638;mircea_popescu;i'll be very keen to hear someone explain the difference between usg and kpss.
1819128;1527352988;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2018/the-v-questionarium-answerarium-2018-edition/ << Trilema - The V questionarium & answerarium, 2018 edition
1819129;1527355758;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in other alt-science and cvasi-technology, https://www.slaveplanet.net/
1819130;1527362426;diana_coman;has anyone installed php successfully on a rockchip? it fails to build on mine with a lot of "error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type" and a search for this sort of thing seems to suggest it might have to do with libxml version; anyone ran into this and sorted it out already?
1819131;1527362499;diana_coman;for completeness: it's about php 5.6.34 with gcc 4.9.4 ; libxml2 is 2.9.7
1819132;1527362621;deedbot;http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2018/05/26/some-fg-samples-and-test-results/ << Bingo Blog - Some FG Samples And Test Results
1819133;1527364339;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in finance and banking, http://bankofbaroda.co.bw/
1819134;1527364470;BingoBoingo;I like how the Botswana Bank's international outreach is to India
1819135;1527364484;BingoBoingo;And nowhere else
1819136;1527371359;lobbes;diana_coman: I've been on a quest for the last few days trying to get a LAMP running on my rockchip. I was getting barfs on emerging php-5.6 but managed to at least get php 7.2.4 installed
1819137;1527371384;lobbes;did your php 5.6 barfs look like mine too? >> http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/KNEJ4/?raw=true
1819138;1527371810;lobbes;the "error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type" sounds like we have the same issue. Either way, I've no solution yet myself. I figure if I can get mp-wp going with php 7.2 I guess I'll be satisfied for now
1819139;1527372860;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo, it's really owned by the indian govt.
1819140;1527383810;esthlos;hey mircea_popescu, you used to study physics, right? any opinion on mach's principle?
1819141;1527383859;mircea_popescu;i dunno ; grav theory is particularily opaque.
1819143;1527384082;mircea_popescu;anyway, celestial reference is practically useful, and the question "but why should it be" seems ill posed.
1819144;1527384354;mircea_popescu;in any case i find the web 2.0 ish approach intellectually repugnant ; if i'm to explain why one "feels his arms pulled" when spinning under the moon, perhaps i'll be next held to explain why the same one doesn't "feel" the normal pressure in his bladder, or the heliocentric nature of the solar system in his horse's clavicle. let einstein, ziggler, marx, godin and friends answer this nonsense ; anil dash stands ready to angri
1819145;1527384354;mircea_popescu;ly tweet their productions.
1819146;1527384414;mircea_popescu;in short, it's not only ill posed, but rather seems ill posed a certain, familiar way.
1819147;1527384684;esthlos;most admirable physicists I've encountered feel ~ the same. still, idea secudes me from time to time
1819148;1527384844;esthlos;trinque: any time to look at the new vtron? the currently outstanding issues I'm aware of are 1. need to reintroduce a defpackage; 2. weirdness with ccl and building the gpg keychain
1819149;1527385056;mircea_popescu;i suppose the proper term is "new age". funny how that principal designation of pantsuit idiocy during the 80s disappeared once the soviets gave in.
1819150;1527385103;esthlos;funny, they conjure literal beings of pure energy
1819151;1527385253;esthlos;also mircea_popescu , I'm curious what your formula for learning new languages is; or to be more precise, what your advice is to an esltard trying to not be so tarded
1819152;1527385285;mircea_popescu;get a girlfriend.
1819153;1527385486;esthlos;i see
1819154;1527385647;mircea_popescu;not just theory, either. afaik it's how BingoBoingo learned spanish.
1819155;1527385823;esthlos;now to find a deutsche Frau in pantsuit central
1819156;1527386007;trinque;esthlos: yep, I just got to the keyboard. iirc there was something wrong with ccl in regards to keychain path?
1819157;1527386009;*;trinque fires it up
1819158;1527386103;esthlos;well, try this out: load in the file from a ccl repl, run make-wot, back out of the failure, and run wot again
1819159;1527386132;mircea_popescu;no, you go there.
1819160;1527386159;esthlos;ah nevermind, I thought I remembered this working
1819162;1527386318;esthlos;see the different error messages? I find it odd
1819163;1527387292;trinque;esthlos: I wager neither of us knows how to use that ffi macro correctly. doing some reading.
1819164;1527387584;esthlos;I found the piece of code causing the trouble
1819166;1527387663;esthlos;on the first invocation of make-temp-dir, (ccl::%GET-ERRNO) returns -38, which according to https://www.thegeekstuff.com/2010/10/linux-error-codes/ is "function not implemented"
1819167;1527387725;esthlos;sorry, don't mean CCL::%ERRNO-DISP is causing the trouble. CCL::%ERRNO-DISP is setting errno to -38, even though it seems to successfully create the directory
1819168;1527387751;esthlos;err, #_mkdtemp sets errno to -38
1819169;1527387920;trinque;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/kHzNl/?raw=true << this is why I think it's being called incorrectly.
1819170;1527387941;trinque;appears to want some C type there as the argument, which makes sense. I wouldn't know how to provide that, just yet.
1819171;1527388127;trinque;"There's no supported way to directly pass lisp data to foreign functions: scalar lisp data must be coerced to an equivalent foreign representation, and lisp arrays (notably strings) must be copied to non-GCed memory." << right there in the https://ccl.clozure.com/manual/chapter13.2.html
1819172;1527388208;esthlos;yep, and check out on https://ccl.clozure.com/manual/chapter13.3.html
1819173;1527388235;esthlos;example: (ccl:with-cstrs ((x "x")) (#_puts x))
1819174;1527388382;trinque;yep, was over here trying to jam it in with make-cstring
1819175;1527388461;trinque;appears to work, i.e. (#_mkdtemp (ccl::make-cstring "/tmp/fooXXXXXX"))
1819176;1527388482;esthlos;can you check the errno with (ccl::%GET-ERRNO) ?
1819177;1527388564;esthlos;as in (progn (#_mkdtemp (ccl:with-cstrs ((x "/tmp/fooXXXXXX")) (#_mkdtemp x))) (format t "~a" (ccl::%GET-ERRNO)))
1819178;1527388675;trinque;getting a -22 out of that
1819179;1527388704;esthlos;yep, and that's causing the error I believe
1819180;1527388742;esthlos;but, verrry strangely, doing it with make-cstring works for me
1819182;1527388840;trinque;well, expand the with-cstrs macro and see if it does what you assume
1819183;1527388899;trinque;also the code you pasted had a #_mkdtemp wrapped in a #_mkdtemp ?
1819184;1527389103;esthlos;oh, yeah
1819185;1527389115;esthlos;I might need some sleep
1819186;1527389141;esthlos;now it's returning errno 0
1819187;1527389422;trinque;so what are we doing here?
1819188;1527389532;esthlos;I'm looking into the expansion of ccl:with-cstrs to see why it's #_mkdtemp might raise an error
1819189;1527389730;esthlos;make-temp-dir is still setting errno to -38. only my snippet was ill-formed
1819190;1527390003;trinque;I don't think %GET-ERRNO does what it seems. mkdtemp returns a null pointer on error, proper pointer otherwise, and I'm seeing that change depending on whether e.g. there's enough X in the pattern.
1819191;1527390028;trinque;phf, if you're around, would you be more familiar with ^ ?
1819192;1527390755;trinque;esthlos: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/QjAE4/?raw=true << here's a fixed make-temp-dir
1819193;1527390870;esthlos;excellent, I was trying to make heads or tails of http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/eFqSm/?raw=true
1819194;1527391003;esthlos;I am curious though, if http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-23#1817664 was working for phf, because it wasn't for either of us it seems
1819195;1527391003;a111;Logged on 2018-05-23 15:04 phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-23#1817293 << i started writing a lispy make-temp-directory but the implementation is not particularly elegant (C concerns are at odds with lisp concerns), you can pouch the ccl bits though. i'm not sure if there's a better way to do errno handling, without relying on private ccl symbols
1819196;1527391366;trinque;esthlos: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/odjHx/?raw=true << fixed run-subprocess for ccl. external-process-status return is a "values"
1819197;1527391470;trinque;without the format, of course.
1819198;1527391475;esthlos;ah, nice
1819199;1527391502;trinque;with those changes I was able to press trb with a ccl-built binary
1819200;1527391531;esthlos;have to change the make-pathname of make-temp-dir back btw, because sbcl barfs
1819201;1527391572;trinque;ah k
1819202;1527391584;trinque;well, seems like this is pretty close to done!
1819203;1527391589;esthlos;so, what's the path from here?
1819205;1527391681;trinque;get the defpackage in there, test, then when you're satisfied, post a genesis patch on your blog.
1819206;1527391708;esthlos;hey douchebag feel like some pentesting?
1819207;1527391734;esthlos;break my shit
1819208;1527391749;esthlos;sounds good trinque
1819209;1527391770;trinque;eh, I wouldn't rely on him for that. he's yet to show any signs he's pressed a trb himself using the previous V
1819210;1527391794;trinque;I'll be banging on it myself as well.
1819211;1527391797;esthlos;heh, there was some attempted sarcasm there
1819213;1527391810;trinque;what's this contents thing, emacsism?
1819214;1527391842;esthlos;very light literate programming
1819215;1527391849;esthlos;only to stay organized
1819216;1527391908;esthlos;though wrt the pentesting, I would be grateful for any flaws found
1819217;1527392029;esthlos;anyway, think its bedtime. defpackage tomorrow
1819219;1527392174;esthlos;oh I should add, the vast majority of time of the proggy is spent calling gpg. would be nice to replace that turd
1819220;1527392251;trinque;sure would, cya
1819221;1527406807;diana_coman;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-26#1819137 -> they do indeed so it seems it is the same problem, yes; I just didn't know if anyone had already struggled with it with any success
1819222;1527406807;a111;Logged on 2018-05-26 21:49 lobbes: did your php 5.6 barfs look like mine too? >> http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/KNEJ4/?raw=true
1819223;1527406984;diana_coman;lobbes, re php 7.2 I'm totally lost as to what new (as opposed to old) mess it brings in
1819224;1527427469;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-27#1819154 << A girlfriend and girl friends. Mustering attention to pay attention to what the boys are saying usually isn't worth it.
1819225;1527427469;a111;Logged on 2018-05-27 01:47 mircea_popescu: not just theory, either. afaik it's how BingoBoingo learned spanish.
1819226;1527427617;BingoBoingo;But you do have to surround yourself with the language. It doesn't matter if one or a handful of charitable ears understand you, you have to get pronunciation from crashing into everyday tasks of living.
1819227;1527428413;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-27#1819155 << The question is do you want to go to Germany/Austria, or do you want to learn another language and stick to reading German
1819228;1527428413;a111;Logged on 2018-05-27 01:50 esthlos: now to find a deutsche Frau in pantsuit central
1819229;1527433040;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/republican-thesaurus/ << revised, added aspie and the zone. comments as always welcome. rhymes cost extra.
1819230;1527433582;mircea_popescu;incidentally, if anyone can explain wtf selection dun work on pages, i'd be thankful
1819231;1527434020;mircea_popescu;oh, and added "empathy" to http://trilema.com/imperial-thesaurus/
1819232;1527437085;lobbes;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-27#1819227 << This was my realization, as well; to immerse myself in the german language I'd have to move to... europe.pantsuit central >> http://btcbase.org/log/2018-03-29#1790965
1819233;1527437085;a111;Logged on 2018-05-27 13:40 BingoBoingo: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-27#1819155 << The question is do you want to go to Germany/Austria, or do you want to learn another language and stick to reading German
1819234;1527437085;a111;Logged on 2018-03-29 16:50 mircea_popescu: lobbes austria is in the wrong. you buy cheap young hussies generally. romania-czech-slovakia-slovenia-serbia etc, the periphery of the empire. not austria (or hungary), the fucking center of it
1819235;1527437089;*;lobbes has since settled for simply being able to -read- das Deutsch and has begun trying to learn el Español for practical matters (started with Portuguese only to realize.. that only leaves one with Brazil as a potential escape destination vs. the ~entirety of central/south america)
1819236;1527437214;mircea_popescu;nah, portuguese is useful in south china sea
1819237;1527437323;lobbes;interesting, I had no idea. I only knew of Cape Verde, Azores, and of course Portugal (which I wrote off due to: island, island, nato)
1819238;1527439505;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2018/the-common-psychosis/ << Trilema - The common psychosis
1819239;1527441926;BingoBoingo;Yeah, Portuguese gets you Brasil, Macau, Portugal, and parts of Africa
1819240;1527442103;BingoBoingo;!!pay-invoice ben_vulpes 2
1819241;1527442107;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/LPl7e/?raw=true
1819242;1527442143;BingoBoingo;!!v A39276CCE73F01B9C7357D101203D852B662A128DF28DC10726D7F735F8DC3FE
1819243;1527442146;deedbot;BingoBoingo paid ben_vulpes invoice 2
1819244;1527442372;mircea_popescu;aaand in other lmao, "in 2008 the Ugandan army invaded the DRC in search for the LRA in Operation Lightning Thunder."
1819245;1527442403;mircea_popescu;there was this "freedom figther" dude that meanwhile became a "dangerous criminal" because the "evil government" swtiched sides and is now pantsuit-sponsored
1819246;1527443832;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-27#1819230 <-- looking at http://trilema.com/republican-thesaurus/ , I see that the selection script looks for subtrees under the "shash-39332" span element, but there's none to be found in the rest of the document. is the  bit included in page.php? if so, then it's really odd.
1819247;1527443832;a111;Logged on 2018-05-27 15:06 mircea_popescu: incidentally, if anyone can explain wtf selection dun work on pages, i'd be thankful
1819248;1527444100;mircea_popescu;ha! thanks lessee
1819249;1527444173;mircea_popescu;spyked, you found it. tyvm!
1819250;1527444237;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/republican-thesaurus/#selection-43.0-45.0 << behold!
1819251;1527444270;spyked;hey, neat!
1819252;1527444482;mircea_popescu;spyked, btw, ever saw http://trilema.com/2011/cel-mai-bun-film/#selection-97.1-97.24 ? there's genuine romanian spoken in some parts, as well as tits. how the fuck they managed to film that in 1985 is a ~very~ interesting question to me. really, what, paid pcr some $$$ and "here's a slut and some dorks" in exchange ?
1819253;1527444708;spyked;mircea_popescu, didn't see it. but there don't seem to be any romanian names in the cast, so wtf. made me curious, adding it to the list.
1819254;1527444773;douchebag;esthlos: what do you need pentested?
1819255;1527445619;*;spyked finds a moderate amount of time for movies nowadays. has seen http://trilema.com/2009/nunta-muta/ and http://trilema.com/2015/top-secret/ from his list, and was completely blown away by the former. it still didn't fully sink in, might need to watch it again once or twice.
1819256;1527446107;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-26#1819113 <-- I personally like trinque's proposal because it enforces a certain level of hygiene and because it doesn't require calling gpg from lisp. but I'm more curious about what other bot operators have to say about it. so even if for example the poker bot needs to handle funds into its own deedbot wallet, I'm curious whether this semi-manual scheme would be feasible.
1819257;1527446107;a111;Logged on 2018-05-26 15:02 mircea_popescu: re the voicing approach : the above is fine. the alternative, where you keep a dedicated key on the bot, is also fine. the damage it can do is very limited (what, spend money it doesn't have ? rate people ?) and the upside is that you get to find out about possible attacks. neither method is wrong or anything.
1819258;1527446159;spyked;I won't dwell on it too much though. could in principle also end up with both implementations and let operator choose via Common Lisp's *features*... if this doesn't mess up the code too much.
1819259;1527446537;mircea_popescu;amusingly enough, a pre-prepared !!v string for payment of a fixed amt is a de-facto reimplementation of... the banknote.
1819260;1527446802;mircea_popescu;spyked, anyway, i wouldn't say it's a good movie. run of the mill 80s tv camp, with vampires and whatnot. "tales from the crypt" fare, if you recall that show.
1819261;1527446880;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/05/us-and-china-play-naval-footsie/ << Qntra - US And China Play Naval Footsie
1819262;1527446993;spyked;mircea_popescu, dun think I've seen that one either. first somewhat "creepy" movie I've seen was Twin Peaks cca 1992. but not creepy in the horror sense, and I was 4yo at the time, didn't get much of what was happening.
1819263;1527447009;mircea_popescu;ah ah
1819264;1527447066;spyked;among other horror stuff spyked has seen as a youngun is "horror express" (1972). the rolling eyeball thing completely creeped me out, gotta rewatch that sometime.
1819265;1527447114;mircea_popescu;this was a tv show on hbo in the late 80s (at the time hbo was a perfectly respectable premium cable channel, far from the shitpile it has degenerated into after the end of america).
1819266;1527447123;spyked;with telly savalas aka kojak (which was also popular on romanian tv in the early 90s)
1819267;1527447141;mircea_popescu;ever so slightly less fucktarded (american) and possibly the closest esltards ever got to european tv. even had boobs now and again!
1819268;1527447221;spyked;hm. hbo also had a series with boobage starring the guy from x-files, forgot his name. but that was mid-90s I think?
1819269;1527447245;mircea_popescu;90s are a thoroughly different kettle of fish.
1819270;1527447274;mircea_popescu;but yes, that's how the dork ended up in showgirls, notwithstanding he evidently didn't belong there at all.
1819271;1527447394;spyked;hm didn't showgirls have the guy from twin peaks/blue velvet/other lynch movies? kyle maclachlan.
1819272;1527447838;spyked;anyway, /me finds the tv format increasingly repetitive and hard to follow. last thing I saw was cowboy bebop, and found about a third of it boring. the other two thirds were worth it though, I can now say I've seen most tv anime.
1819273;1527448144;deedbot;http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2018/05/27/dumpster-fires-not-just-a-metaphor/ << Bingo Blog - Dumpster Fires: Not Just A Metaphor
1819274;1527448228;BingoBoingo;!Qlater tell shinohai Possibly of interest? http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2018/05/27/dumpster-fires-not-just-a-metaphor/
1819275;1527448228;lobbesbot;BingoBoingo: The operation succeeded.
1819276;1527450222;jurov;mod6: ben_vulpes: perhaps you noticed the foundation has some bitcoin cash/gold. liquidate?
1819277;1527451445;mod6;jurov: thank's for the Q.  I'm fine with liquidation.  ben_vulpes, agree/disagree?
1819278;1527451461;*;mod6 looks at current hodings.
1819279;1527451566;mod6;Ok here's the latest statement: http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2018-May/000300.html
1819280;1527451660;mod6;So we'd be liquidating: 35.39160115 BCH & 35.38714671 BTG
1819281;1527451761;mod6;!Q calc 0.13520700 * 35.39160115
1819282;1527451762;lobbesbot;mod6: 4.78519221669
1819283;1527451825;mod6;!Q calc 0.00598863 * 35.38714671
1819284;1527451826;lobbesbot;mod6: 0.211920528402
1819285;1527451862;mod6;(Using some recent market rates for BTC/BCH & BTC/BTG calc'd above ^)
1819286;1527451942;mod6;So yeah, I'm in to sell those two symbols into BTC.
1819287;1527452041;jurov;OK, the rate will be different because it will take some time (i'm using home-patched electrum to generate the txen)
1819288;1527452101;mod6;fair enough.  I was just trying to get a mental idea of where it's at.  I don't activly track BCH or BTG.  We'll see what ben_vulpes has to say.
1819289;1527452170;mod6;Adding ~5 BTC to our balance sheet sounds great to me.
1819290;1527452244;mod6;In other news, this cold of mine has been really persisting the last 5 days.  Ugh.
1819291;1527454999;mod6;The Advertised Republican Nodes list [http://thebitcoin.foundation/trusted-nodes.html] has been updated to include The Bitcoin Foundation's node @ Pizarro.
1819292;1527455043;mod6;Lords and Ladies, please let me know if there are any changes needed to this list.  Thanks in advance!
1819293;1527463062;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-27#1819191 << maybet get-errno doesn't do what it's supposed to do
1819294;1527463062;a111;Logged on 2018-05-27 03:00 trinque: phf, if you're around, would you be more familiar with ^ ?
1819295;1527463114;phf;(ccl:with-cstrs ((x "/tmp/fooXXXXXX")) (#_mkdtemp x)) should just work. i'm not sure why esthlos has a nesting there
1819296;1527464145;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-27#1819192 << i'm pretty sure you have to free after you use make-cstring. with-cstrs puts the content onto stack (that's what (DECLARE (DYNAMIC-EXTENT X)) in macroexpand does)
1819297;1527464145;a111;Logged on 2018-05-27 03:12 trinque: esthlos: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/QjAE4/?raw=true << here's a fixed make-temp-dir
1819298;1527466169;mircea_popescu;jurov, do you offer sweeping of old bitcoin addies as a service ? might be a decent way to cash some change.
1819299;1527469181;Mocky;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-25#1818863 << so you can't consider it a pool while it's filled with algae and bacteria, more correctly a swamp until after the chlorine?
1819300;1527469181;a111;Logged on 2018-05-25 17:49 trinque: if Mocky were here I'd ask him if he sees the problem yet
1819301;1527473483;mod6;!~ticker --market all
1819302;1527473488;jhvh1;mod6: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 7356.18, vol: 2872.76733420 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 7347.1, vol: 15766.043020869996 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 7337.0, vol: 2258.46927473 | Volume-weighted last average: 7347.25668009
1819303;1527473754;lobbes;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-27#1819256 << lobbesbot uses the 'dedicated key residing on the box it is on' method, but indeed, that key controls does not control any funds nor anything else of consequence besides voicing. Now, when I get tickerbot going (will be a separate bot) I'll probably use the 'pre-prepared !!v string for voicing' method for the same reasons you've stated (hygiene and no need to
1819304;1527473754;a111;Logged on 2018-05-27 18:35 spyked: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-26#1819113 <-- I personally like trinque's proposal because it enforces a certain level of hygiene and because it doesn't require calling gpg from lisp. but I'm more curious about what other bot operators have to say about it. so even if for example the poker bot needs to handle funds into its own deedbot wallet, I'm curious whether this semi-manual scheme would be feasible.
1819305;1527473759;lobbes;interface with gpg via the bot code)
1819306;1527474199;lobbes;conceivably, the 'pre-prepared !!v string' method also has the advantage that when tmsr transitions its infrastructure to be using tmsr-rsa, you won't need to recode your botworks
1819307;1527513403;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/05/italy-pro-eu-president-faces-impeachment-over-coalition-killing-veto/ << Qntra - Italy: Pro-EU President Faces Impeachment Over Coalition Killing Veto
1819308;1527513727;mircea_popescu;lol poor italy. first with the nazis, now with the roosevelzis... before that with charles... who's gonna rape them next ?
1819310;1527513894;mircea_popescu;lol. for srs.
1819311;1527513908;mircea_popescu;ethiopia. must suck to be the smaller half of all your historical colonies.
1819312;1527513948;BingoBoingo;Still, ahead of Elizabeth's island which is being colonized by its former colonies (the dark ones)
1819313;1527514744;mircea_popescu;aaand in other lulz, today's google search terms on trilema include inter alia "coetera désiderantur" ; "کوس کون تنگ ایرانی "; "밑가슴" ; "gazeteler şok" ; "bitcoin limbaj de programare" aaaand "fizica in viata de zi cu zi".
1819314;1527514752;mircea_popescu;not bad for AN ENGLISH LANGUAGE blog.
1819315;1527515307;diana_coman;eh, wasn't it more ro than en on a wordcount basis?
1819316;1527516149;mircea_popescu;i thought google is all about fresh content!
1819317;1527521017;deedbot;http://ave1.org/2018/building-gnat-on-musl-now-always-static/ << ave1 - Building GNAT on MUSL, now always static
1819318;1527521135;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/05/protests-after-english-leader-arrested/ << Qntra - Protests After English Leader Arrested
1819319;1527522730;deedbot;http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2018/05/28/draft-pizarro-isp-good-neighbor-policy-rewrite/ << Bingo Blog - Draft Pizarro ISP "Good Neighbor Policy" Rewrite
1819320;1527522919;ben_vulpes;oh i think that can go
1819321;1527524048;mod6;ben_vulpes: any thoughts re: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-27#1819277
1819322;1527524048;a111;Logged on 2018-05-27 20:04 mod6: jurov: thank's for the Q.  I'm fine with liquidation.  ben_vulpes, agree/disagree?
1819323;1527524141;ben_vulpes;i don't care to hang on to any forkcoins, no
1819324;1527524171;mod6;Ok, sounds good.
1819325;1527524198;mod6;jurov: You may proceed in the sale of the BCH & BTG into BTC.  Thanks!
1819326;1527531295;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron, so on re-reading http://danielpbarron.com/2018/show-me-the-light-by-all-means-but-later/ ; do you in the end dispute the (subsidiary) point that "darwin fish is proof that there will be and can not be any reward for either your effort or your merit in pantsuit empire, and '''proof''' one may attempt to show to the contrary is of the nature of similar '''proof''' offered by any three-card-monte conman" ?
1819327;1527531309;mircea_popescu;will not be and can not be*
1819328;1527532703;danielpbarron;our reward is in the life that is to come, in the kingdom of God
1819329;1527533996;mircea_popescu;be that as it may.
1819330;1527538224;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2018/the-girl-that-had-the-world-ahead-of-her/ << Trilema - The girl that had the world ahead of her
1819331;1527540483;mircea_popescu;in other lulz, https://ahtribune.com/in-depth/1014-homosexuality.html
1819332;1527540492;mircea_popescu;"This series of articles will argue that homosexuals, far from constituting a persecuted minority, are  in fact key protagonists of the ruling class and bourgeois ideology."
1819333;1527541161;mircea_popescu;it even includes a sententious reinstatement of lysenko eventually! this is some primo leftism!
1819334;1527541402;mircea_popescu;http://www.gearoidocolmain.org/us-eu-disintegrate-time-french-renaissance/ <<< ehehehe. A FRENCH RENAISSANCE!!!!
1819335;1527541405;mircea_popescu;o god.
1819336;1527550687;deedbot;http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2018/05/28/learning-portage-together-building-php-5-6-on-arm64-rockchip-gentoo/ << Bingo Blog - Learning Portage Together: Building PHP 5.6 On Arm64 RockChip Gentoo
1819337;1527552027;deedbot;http://cascadianhacker.com/american-unrest-mitigation-1990 << CH - American unrest mitigation: 1990-????
1819338;1527552808;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo, nice work there!
1819339;1527552888;lobbes;Oh hey. Ty BingoBoingo for that php5.6-on-gentoo-rockchip guide. I will try it out (paging diana_coman)
1819340;1527553003;*;asciilifeform waves
1819341;1527553014;*;asciilifeform eats log
1819342;1527553036;mircea_popescu;o hey, there you are. i was starting to think you got kidnapped!
1819343;1527553053;asciilifeform;naa went to meatspace for a spell
1819344;1527554067;mod6;hi asciilifeform
1819345;1527555305;asciilifeform;ohai mod6
1819346;1527555536;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-27#1819266 << the shoemaker's favourite tv , allegedly
1819347;1527555536;a111;Logged on 2018-05-27 18:52 spyked: with telly savalas aka kojak (which was also popular on romanian tv in the early 90s)
1819348;1527555574;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-27#1819283 << ha, i had nfi that any of the shitforks were still chugging along
1819349;1527555574;a111;Logged on 2018-05-27 20:10 mod6: !Q calc 0.00598863 * 35.38714671
1819350;1527555654;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-28#1819298 << during the 1st lolfork, i did this for self, and for a friend, prolly time to revv up the relevant tool again ( if anybody ~really~ doesn't feel like doing his own: gpggram asciilifeform, we'll work something out )
1819351;1527555654;a111;Logged on 2018-05-28 00:09 mircea_popescu: jurov, do you offer sweeping of old bitcoin addies as a service ? might be a decent way to cash some change.
1819352;1527555702;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-28#1819317 << i'ma definitely try this in the coming days, ave1
1819353;1527555702;a111;Logged on 2018-05-28 15:23 deedbot: http://ave1.org/2018/building-gnat-on-musl-now-always-static/ << ave1 - Building GNAT on MUSL, now always static
1819354;1527555793;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-28#1819336 << holyshit, BingoBoingo doing my chores for me! ty BingoBoingo !
1819355;1527555793;a111;Logged on 2018-05-28 23:38 deedbot: http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2018/05/28/learning-portage-together-building-php-5-6-on-arm64-rockchip-gentoo/ << Bingo Blog - Learning Portage Together: Building PHP 5.6 On Arm64 RockChip Gentoo
1819356;1527555806;*;asciilifeform never tested php on arm64 with own hands, of yet, so did not hit $bug
1819357;1527555928;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-28#1819330 << picture what fishing might be like... if fish could speak
1819358;1527555928;a111;Logged on 2018-05-28 20:10 deedbot: http://trilema.com/2018/the-girl-that-had-the-world-ahead-of-her/ << Trilema - The girl that had the world ahead of her
1819359;1527555955;asciilifeform;'hook, what hook, and what frying pan? you are a peculiarly long worm'
1819360;1527556029;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, ideally a bot that just eats a btc address and list of privkeys.
1819361;1527556061;asciilifeform;and autointerfaces to a gox?! or how does it sell
1819362;1527556096;asciilifeform;seems like a mighty flammable mix, to trust to a robot.
1819363;1527556112;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, look into that nationalist-stalinist dood i fished out. now THAT is some primo extinct species. i had nfi such extreme rarities even existed, in my book the only nationalist-stalinists were stalin himself and ceausescu. not even broz tito. but lo and behold, a french-dwelling irishman!
1819364;1527556134;asciilifeform;aaactually loox like a standard limonov
1819365;1527556136;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, ideally interfaces with all the goxen.
1819366;1527556143;asciilifeform;what i did not know, is that english-speaking specimens of this, exist
1819367;1527556156;mircea_popescu;nah, limonov is deeply internationalist.
1819368;1527556163;asciilifeform;but ireland is prime country for these, if they do, consider e.g. valera
1819369;1527556183;mircea_popescu;you mean savenko muppet or which ?
1819371;1527556225;mircea_popescu;he's about as nationalist as moldbug.
1819372;1527556245;mircea_popescu;actually... he's about exactly everything moldbug. except older version = better read.
1819373;1527556253;asciilifeform;which limonov did mircea_popescu read, i now gotta ask
1819374;1527556280;asciilifeform;( today he's a burned out old fart, afaik. but if one reads his prison lit -- yes nationalist )
1819375;1527556340;mircea_popescu;there's also a historian limonov
1819376;1527556446;asciilifeform;'historian' is definitely not how i'd describe eduard l. ( b. savenko ) d00d
1819377;1527556645;mircea_popescu;no no. what was it... hm.
1819378;1527556657;mircea_popescu;medieval studies, something or the other.
1819379;1527556669;mircea_popescu;this is the previous generation, 80s.
1819380;1527556723;asciilifeform;that one i have nfi about.
1819381;1527556798;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, https://www.amazon.com/Rossii%CD%A1a%EF%B8%A1-inostrant%CD%A1s%EF%B8%A1ev-Biblioteka-Stranit%CD%A1s%EF%B8%A1y-Otechestva/dp/5289009442 << this is the fellow ; but not the item.
1819382;1527556804;mircea_popescu;but definitely him, leningrad school.
1819383;1527556825;mircea_popescu;the book though, was early rus
1819384;1527556829;asciilifeform;aa this is very diff fella than the one asciilifeform sometimes mentions.
1819385;1527556864;mircea_popescu;https://catalogue.nla.gov.au/Record/180438?lookfor=author:%22Limonov,%20IU.%20A%22&offset=2&max=2 << here, this is the actual book.
1819386;1527556941;mircea_popescu;anyway, the foggiest of the foggy memories, jesus. but the mind will associate! through a fucking million lines, it will associate.
1819387;1527557026;asciilifeform;btw, the 'true' limonov's masterlulz, was actually translated to english. for aficionados strictly : https://www.e-reading.club/bookreader.php/1002492/Limonov_Edward_-_Its_Me_Eddie.html
1819388;1527557061;mircea_popescu;i thought it was mostly wank published by various french people ~about~ the funny friday fellow that someone imported to his salon.
1819389;1527557100;mircea_popescu;incidentally, ro also has one of these, "check out the genuine afrussican". http://trilema.com/2011/mizerabilul-vasile-ernu/
1819390;1527557106;mircea_popescu;not all that genuine either, but what can you do.
1819391;1527557107;asciilifeform;naa ^this one is autobio, from his time in usa
1819392;1527557132;asciilifeform;where he, e.g., : 'I am on welfare. I live at your expense, you pay taxes and I don't do a fucking thing. Twice a month I go to the clean, spacious welfare office at 1515 Broadway and receive my checks. I consider myself to be scum, the dregs of society, I have no shame or conscience, therefore my conscience doesn't bother me and I don't plan to look for work, I want to receive your money to the end of my days. And my name is Edichka
1819393;1527557133;asciilifeform;, "Eddie-baby."'
1819394;1527557157;asciilifeform;'You don't like me? You don't want to pay? It's precious little – $278 a month. You don't want to pay. Then why the fuck did you invite me, entice me here from Russia, along with a horde of Jews? Present your complaints to your own propaganda, it's too effective. That's what's emptying your pockets, not I.'
1819396;1527557186;asciilifeform;'Who was I over there? What's the difference, what would it change? I hate the past, as I always have, in the name of the present. Well, I was a poet, if you must know, a poet was I, an unofficial, underground poet. That's over forever, and now I am one of yours, I am scum, I'm the one to whom you feed shchi and rotten cheap California wine – $3.59 a gallon – and yet I scorn you. Not all of you, but many. Because you lead dull li
1819397;1527557186;asciilifeform;ves, sell yourselves into the slavery of work, because of your vulgar plaid pants, because you make money and have never seen the world. You're shit!'
1819398;1527557199;asciilifeform;enuff for the l0gz. who wants moar? go, read, weep.
1819399;1527557213;mircea_popescu;the coupla hundred bucks is a problem in the feverish imaginations of campy characters scratching at the windows of the blackface performance.
1819400;1527557309;asciilifeform;( spoiler: d00d eventually went back to ru, had a beer hall putsch of sorts, jailed, sat, wrote buncha lulz, 1000s of pg of lulz, got out, now fringe politics d00d who walks around with swastica-hammersickle hybrid thing, sums to -- afaik -- 0 )
1819401;1527557402;mircea_popescu;well, "poet", whatever. sorta like going around saying you're a homemaker.
1819402;1527557424;asciilifeform;he was poet like yer dog is a sculptor.
1819403;1527557427;mircea_popescu;what the fuck is that, using the human genome to implement a bird, give or take ?
1819404;1527557801;asciilifeform;the translator sweated, however : 'My girl they will snatch / From the car by the nape / And I will then watch / The men commit rape '
1819405;1527557828;mircea_popescu;yeah, it's uniformly terrible. as it happens i just rewatched the original american psycho.
1819406;1527557831;mircea_popescu;just about the level.
1819407;1527557850;mircea_popescu;"we here in america, colony of europe, think 7th grade schooling is great accomplishment"
1819408;1527557909;asciilifeform;'Fuck your world where there's no place for me, I thought in despair. If I can't destroy it, at least I'll die a fine death in the attempt, along with others like me. I had no concrete image of how this would come about, but from past experience I knew that he who seeks fate is always provided an opportunity; I would not remain without one.'
1819409;1527557919;asciilifeform;anyway, for the entomologist.
1819410;1527557921;*;asciilifeform will bbl.
1819411;1527558011;mircea_popescu;in the end the summum of concerns boils down to "whose gray-on-white business card is better".
1819412;1527558237;mod6;i remember the film.  only watched it once though, probably around the time it came out.
1819413;1527558275;mod6;indeed, guy was obsessed with which shade of white his business card was, or something :D
1819414;1527558387;mircea_popescu;well, his principal problem isn't even that ; but rather that there isn't ~anything fucking there~. he'd like to have some sort of relationship with someone, but the problem is that he does not actually encounter anyone capable of it.
1819415;1527558394;mircea_popescu;he's literally the only one not psychotic.
1819416;1527558438;mod6;I gotta re-watch this now.
1819417;1527558464;mircea_popescu;because you know, obviously, if everyone gets to choose everything that happens to them, then necessarily there's no possibility of human interaction. hence http://btcbase.org/log/2015-01-30#998185
1819418;1527558464;a111;Logged on 2015-01-30 05:51 mircea_popescu: which is why i am not ever giving it up. the freedom to threaten is not merely my fundamental, unassailable sovereign property, but moreover essential for the construction of effectual instruments to squash the socialists and their golums.
1819419;1527558546;mircea_popescu;(and obviously the choice will also be illusory, for the fundamental reason explained by qt in reservoir dogs : "if nobody knows anyone they're going to start arguing on scarce resource division ~AND NOT KNOW WHEN TO BACK DOWN~". nobody knows WHY they don't get to go to $exclusiverestaurant when they want to. nor can they know. so there's nothing to talk about.)
1819420;1527558634;mircea_popescu;but anyway, imo american psycho should be watched in tandem with naked city. perfect america sandwich.
1819421;1527558692;mod6;i've never seen 'naked city'
1819422;1527558694;*;mod6 looks up
1819423;1527558708;mircea_popescu;i reviewed it recently. it's pretty great imo.
1819424;1527558724;mod6;Ah, I'll dig up your review here.
1819425;1527558827;mod6;http://trilema.com/2018/the-naked-city/ << 1949 film, got it.  Cheers!
1819426;1527558842;mod6;Year my old man was born.
1819427;1527558884;mircea_popescu;a long, long, time ago... but i can still remember...
1819428;1527559275;mod6;these m00 cow stories are pretty sad, but hilarious at the same time.
1819429;1527559404;mircea_popescu;girls keep betting me they can distinguish the two apart, and then that's the last i hear on the matter.
1819430;1527559530;mod6;Yeah, last footnote there has it.
1819431;1527563297;lobbes;aha! I can confirm BingoBoingo's excellent guide works like a charm; php5.6 successfully built in ol' lobbes' rockchip
1819433;1527563715;mircea_popescu;arm php huh
1819434;1527564346;mod6;nice lobbes
1819435;1527564573;lobbes;now to get it playing nice with mysql..
1819436;1527567316;deedbot;http://thewhet.net/2018/05/mp-wp-fix-for-comments-vpatch/ << The Whet - MP-WP: Fix for Comments vpatch
1819437;1527573392;lobbes;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-15#1799701 << esthlos, how'd you resolve this? I'm having the same issue with mp-wp saying php is missing the mysql extension, despite having the mysql USE flag set when I emerged php5.6. Full details of my issue here: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/zNr0A/?raw=true
1819438;1527573392;a111;Logged on 2018-04-15 22:31 esthlos: there's not even a mysql use flag, just mysqli and PDO
1819439;1527573833;lobbes;seems indeed no mysql for /dev-lang/php (but then.. how did you get mp-wp working if mysqli evidently can't cut the mustard and no mysql O_o) >> https://packages.gentoo.org/packages/dev-lang/php
1819440;1527573893;*;lobbes off to bed-world
1819441;1527590218;deedbot;http://ave1.org/2018/convert-a-tmsr-key-to-pgp/ << ave1 - Convert a TMSR key to PGP
1819442;1527597286;phf;ave1: ^ patch and signature links 404
1819443;1527597463;deedbot;http://ave1.org/2018/pgpy-a-review/ << ave1 - PGPy a review
1819444;1527597705;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-29#1819414 << i could never understand the charges: i always thought that bateman was very earnestly participating in all the games, but it's the world around him that was completely devoid of substance
1819445;1527597705;a111;Logged on 2018-05-29 01:46 mircea_popescu: well, his principal problem isn't even that ; but rather that there isn't ~anything fucking there~. he'd like to have some sort of relationship with someone, but the problem is that he does not actually encounter anyone capable of it.
1819446;1527597924;ave1;phf, thank you, should be fixed now!
1819447;1527599374;mod6;mornin TMSR~
1819449;1527599552;mod6;how goes phf?
1819450;1527599760;mod6;ye ole 170 bps move in .it 2yrs
1819451;1527599863;phf;mod6: it's going alright. i have this general fatigue that i'm having hard time shaking off, but i'm going to go to the ocean on friday for a couple of days, which ought to fix me
1819452;1527599900;mod6;Ah, yeah. Get some well-deserved time off.  R&R for a few days at least.
1819453;1527600025;phf;it's also that brief time of the year in maryland dc area when the weather is _good_. the rollercoaster of winter is past, but the swampy oppressive summer isn't here yet.
1819454;1527600072;phf;mod6: you planning any vacations?
1819455;1527600224;mod6;speaking of maryland, I saw that one town near baltimore had some raging torrents of rain rushing through the streets this weekend.
1819456;1527600259;mod6;up here, we didn't even get a spring.  few weeks back (it seems) was getting blizzards, now last weekend, it was 101 deg. F.
1819457;1527600284;mod6;I'm hoping to get some vacation in, still trying to plan something.  Nothing definite yet though.
1819458;1527600323;*;phf nods
1819459;1527600385;mod6;Werd.  I gotta remember to work on finding some time.  Even if just a long weekened or whatever.
1819460;1527600668;phf;yeah that's what i'm doing, a long weekend
1819461;1527600679;phf;there's a kind of white trash beach resort area 2 hours driving from dc "ocean city". i've been going there with some friends first day of summer for the past few years for that kitsch americana experience: all you can eat crabs, dirty east coast ocean, trashy girls. perfect :)
1819462;1527600929;mod6;haha, nice
1819463;1527602721;diana_coman;BingoBoingo, q re php version: http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2018/05/28/learning-portage-together-building-php-5-6-on-arm64-rockchip-gentoo/#comment-115100
1819464;1527603771;BingoBoingo;diana_coman: Answered http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2018/05/28/learning-portage-together-building-php-5-6-on-arm64-rockchip-gentoo/#comment-115101
1819465;1527603908;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-29#1819338 << ty, I plan on blogging the rest of the walk to mp-wp on the rockchip so it is on the shelf for future reference.
1819466;1527603908;a111;Logged on 2018-05-29 00:13 mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo, nice work there!
1819467;1527604123;diana_coman;BingoBoingo, thanks; looking forward to the rest of the walk to mp-wp at any rate (I can see the appeal of ligthtpd for sure)
1819468;1527604180;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-29#1819354 << You only have so many hands
1819469;1527604180;a111;Logged on 2018-05-29 01:03 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-28#1819336 << holyshit, BingoBoingo doing my chores for me! ty BingoBoingo !
1819470;1527608724;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: ty for your tests! i have linked your pg from http://nosuchlabs.com/hardware.html now.
1819471;1527608771;asciilifeform;^ now has link to mod6 , danielpbarron , trinque , and BingoBoingo 's FG tests. if anyone else posted FG tester outputs and i missed -- please write in !
1819472;1527608921;lobbes;BingoBoingo: I left a comment on yer guide re: php5.6 shitgnomes deprecating mysql in favor of mysqli. (Should be in queue). This will be a boon indeed if we can string all the quirks of mp-wp-on-rockchip in one place
1819473;1527608927;mod6;I do have these ones too for the one hooked up to the rockchip, not sure if interested: http://mod6.net/2018/May/12/rockchip_fg_test.txt
1819474;1527609036;asciilifeform;mod6: definitely, turn it into a blogpost
1819475;1527609062;asciilifeform;mod6 et al : i'm still interested in , at least in theoretical stage, a less-retarded replacement for dieharder
1819476;1527609075;asciilifeform;but afaik nobody's hands are free for this presently.
1819477;1527609099;mod6;That is the blog post :]
1819478;1527609107;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: it's FUCKGOATS, btw, not FUCKGOAT ( re: your post )
1819479;1527609144;mod6;I can html-ify it for ya.
1819480;1527609154;asciilifeform;no need, i can link to as-is
1819481;1527609160;trinque;it is truly poverty for a man to only have one FUCKGOAT
1819483;1527609561;BingoBoingo;lobbes http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2018/05/28/learning-portage-together-building-php-5-6-on-arm64-rockchip-gentoo/#comment-115103
1819484;1527610754;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-29#1819444 << and that's exactly the problem -- he was participating EARNESTLY. he actually tried to do well, and had the wherewithal to do well. he was, if you will, a republican lost in empire.
1819485;1527610754;a111;Logged on 2018-05-29 12:41 phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-29#1819414 << i could never understand the charges: i always thought that bateman was very earnestly participating in all the games, but it's the world around him that was completely devoid of substance
1819486;1527610822;mircea_popescu;they don't earnestly try. that's the fucking point, when presented a paper car you don't ernestly try to drive it ; when presented a "social justice" truth / "Global warming" science etc religious nonsense you don't earnestly try to verify it. you're supposed to be excited and fucking clap, what the fuck, they're filming the advertising not asking you what you think.
1819487;1527610976;mircea_popescu;what if girly in $advertising twiddled her nose and went "meh..." ?!
1819488;1527611314;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-29#1819451 << and if not, try antibiotics.
1819489;1527611314;a111;Logged on 2018-05-29 13:17 phf: mod6: it's going alright. i have this general fatigue that i'm having hard time shaking off, but i'm going to go to the ocean on friday for a couple of days, which ought to fix me
1819490;1527611471;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-29#1819461 << hey, i know a place or two like that around cape cod! though they usually don't get wet.
1819491;1527611471;a111;Logged on 2018-05-29 13:31 phf: there's a kind of white trash beach resort area 2 hours driving from dc "ocean city". i've been going there with some friends first day of summer for the past few years for that kitsch americana experience: all you can eat crabs, dirty east coast ocean, trashy girls. perfect :)
1819492;1527611691;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i was thinking re detail of http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-29#1819365 : theoretically a pure shitcoin<->btc transmutator, does not need gox in the loop, if shitcoin ~buyers~ could be persuaded to visit it and buy
1819493;1527611691;a111;Logged on 2018-05-29 01:08 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, ideally interfaces with all the goxen.
1819494;1527611722;mircea_popescu;this imo is involving the wrong end of the vagina.
1819495;1527611744;asciilifeform;( obvious problem -- the 'buyers' aint human, they consist solely of goxen, quite likely. still could outsource the chore of ferrying shitcoin to gox, and consider the two subsystems as independent )
1819496;1527611766;mircea_popescu;most of the goxen have "api"s .
1819497;1527611880;asciilifeform;they appear to. however they also insist on various idiocies, 'accounts', '2factor'-whatevers, various caltrops to attempt to prevent precisely such automation
1819498;1527611903;asciilifeform;it can be worked around, but game is probably not worth the candles, considering what folx are typically willing to pay for transmuting shitcoin
1819499;1527612037;mircea_popescu;note that i was talking to jurov. considering he's intelligent and seems maybe interested (hard to tell, he's so quiet), and considering he's not currently doing anything, the marginal cost in republican terms is 0.
1819501;1527612163;mircea_popescu;the marginal utility is not 0, ill throw some ex-coin in the hopper if it's made.
1819502;1527612172;asciilifeform;i suspect the result will be interesting mostly as a 'journal of negative results' item. ( gox, for instance, can quietly swallow coin, once it cottons on to who's using api, and why . asciilifeform's acct, last time around, was -- interestingly -- closed by goxkeeper , tho a coupla days too late to have any effect )
1819504;1527612272;asciilifeform;sorta was my point : it isn't that no one can build a convenient ( from user pov ) transmutation reactor ! it can be built. but operation will inevitably involve good deal of regular sweat from the operator, negating most of the automation.
1819505;1527612343;asciilifeform;setting up nodes to actually do the deed of shitcoin removal and movement, for instance, is ( at least in asciilifeform's experience last summer ) a first class bitch
1819506;1527612420;asciilifeform;( the folx running the 'shitcoin is worth something' theatre, have substantial interest in nobody actually running nodes but themselves , etc , this prolly is obvious to the alert reader )
1819507;1527612494;ben_vulpes;the electrum forks make it pretty simple in my experience.
1819508;1527612515;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: electrum is poison
1819509;1527612537;asciilifeform;you are operating nodeless, in effect, when you use it as replacement for own node.
1819510;1527612555;ben_vulpes;i'm not using it as a node, i'm using it as a scalpel to slice flesh off altcoiners
1819511;1527612560;ben_vulpes;so what if it's rusty
1819512;1527612575;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: same problem applies to using it to move shitcoins, as in bitcoin
1819513;1527612595;asciilifeform;i.e. you are relying on somebody else's node .
1819514;1527612651;asciilifeform;if you wouldn't move own bitcoin this way, why wouldja move own shitcoin (worth, nominally, a qty of bitcoin) with it.
1819516;1527612671;trinque;because it's an optimization problem with a disposable item as one of the terms
1819517;1527612691;trinque;I guess asciilifeform never had the proverbial beater car
1819519;1527612701;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, hey, at least documenting the lulz "everyone knows" where everyone takes value from the set of 5 folk who went to the same state street kindergarten we did...
1819520;1527612708;asciilifeform;trinque: i dun think i've ever driven anything but 'beater car'
1819521;1527612741;ben_vulpes;there are things for which i care about maintaining the tree of inputs that resulted in my balance, and there's ephemeral shit
1819522;1527612758;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-29#1819514 << because it isn't, lmao.
1819523;1527612758;a111;Logged on 2018-05-29 16:50 asciilifeform: if you wouldn't move own bitcoin this way, why wouldja move own shitcoin (worth, nominally, a qty of bitcoin) with it.
1819524;1527612762;ben_vulpes;once it turns into a real item, aka bitcoin, i care. until then, nop
1819525;1527612784;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: i guess we can revisit this hypothesis when somebody asks your bot to transmute 100btc worth of shitcoin, and hostile upstream node bamboozles yer electrum into sending it to hitler.
1819526;1527612801;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, so you advertise a tx limit.
1819527;1527612808;mircea_popescu;"nothing over 1 btc plox, we're using a friable stack"
1819528;1527612831;mircea_popescu;and if it blows up, in lieu of the product you give the victims a signed full description of what happened.
1819529;1527612842;asciilifeform;sorta like, you dun care necessarily if somebody steals a turd that a bird shat into your garden. but on other hand, if somali pirates steal a tanker of guano from your guano fleet...
1819530;1527612847;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: how would this bamboozling work, operator still supplies address to spend to
1819531;1527612855;mircea_popescu;item is far, far from "no marginal utility", identified a bunch of significant valuable outputs from it.
1819532;1527612889;ben_vulpes;afaik, the option to bamboozle is in withholding outputs or supplying synthetics
1819533;1527612904;mircea_popescu;especially the 2nd order effect of "mandated post-mortems", none of that inept shit where freenode announces it was nsa infected, promises write-up, then forgets it did and replaces everyone involved.
1819534;1527612931;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-29#1819515 << expedient, expediency.
1819535;1527612931;a111;Logged on 2018-05-29 16:51 BingoBoingo: Expediancy
1819536;1527612942;asciilifeform;lol re fleanode -- this was at least... 3rd time? ( and that's merely since asciilifeform tuned in )
1819537;1527612997;mircea_popescu;i'm just talking about the one they themselves identified, 3 years ago or so.
1819538;1527613040;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-02-19#1410185 << they wiped the old articles, note this goes to root now
1819539;1527613040;a111;Logged on 2016-02-19 15:24 mircea_popescu:  so now with https://blog.freenode.net/2016/02/recent-events-and-future-changes/ it is probably a good time to point out that i've been trying to get you people a server for maybe three years now. are you still unable to be helped or has that bad habit of the past changed also ? kloeri ? mist ? or who do i talk to.
1819540;1527613046;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: i seem to recall electrum being one of those turds that ~nobody was able to get to even build, and ~all of the users used a binturd, which at least 1nce turned out to contain straight back orifice
1819541;1527613101;mircea_popescu;this is correct.
1819542;1527613151;asciilifeform;and mircea_popescu's pill, of limiting payload mass per shot, is prolly The Right Thing ( tho keep in mind that, given the erratic block production of typical shitfork, it will make for a quite slow and volatile dumping )
1819543;1527613185;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, http://btcbase.org/log/2014-10-14#873009 << this item.
1819544;1527613185;a111;Logged on 2014-10-14 17:07 asciilifeform: https://www.nccgroup.com/en/blog/2014/10/analysis-of-the-linux-backdoor-used-in-freenode-irc-network-compromise << http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-08-2014#807732
1819545;1527613193;BingoBoingo;Slow and volatile dumping is desirable for damaging shitfork credibility
1819546;1527613265;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2015-01-31#1000330 is gone etc.
1819547;1527613265;a111;Logged on 2015-01-31 21:23 mircea_popescu: http://blog.freenode.net/2014/10/server-issues-update/
1819548;1527613274;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: that , and last week's , and at least 1nce between the 2
1819549;1527613334;mircea_popescu;anyway. rather than the transparent shenanigans, it is of greater concern that ~no one is on freenode. i mean, the fucktards in #lisp still, TO THIS DAY, haven't yet figured their way out of the paper bag of my asking "hey folk, would you like a candi_lustt ?".
1819550;1527613372;mircea_popescu;there's 20k or whatever who connect, and 99% of the humans involved are on #trilema, it's ridiculous.
1819551;1527613375;asciilifeform;( and for some reason they announced it via spamatron ? or whole thing, disinfo? i've neither any idea, nor particularly care... http://logs.bvulpes.com/pizarro?d=2018-5-26#363971 )
1819552;1527613375;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-05-26 18:13 Neru: Global Notice] Hello freenode, you may have noticed 2 days ago many users got logged out of their NickServ accounts. After our investigation, we have come to the conclusion one or more of our sponsored servers have been compromised. Please change your password IMMEDIATELY. More details are available in #freenode with the command !help
1819553;1527613408;asciilifeform;( consider, why in some chans but not other ? )
1819554;1527613485;asciilifeform;https://freenode.net/news/services-maintenance-password-security << squidink in re last wk's lulz
1819555;1527613485;mircea_popescu;i honestly can't be arsed.
1819556;1527613506;mircea_popescu;we know it's a thoroughly despisable piece of shit.
1819557;1527613512;asciilifeform;aha, pretty tedious
1819558;1527613616;asciilifeform;'Unfortunately, some people have used this opportunity to spread some misinformation, claiming that "all passwords have been released". This is not the case; there has been no threat to account security due to this incident. Additionally, we do not store passwords in a recoverable form at all.' << i've a bridge to sell.
1819560;1527613870;mircea_popescu;the true part (there's no threat to account security) comes from the fact we don't even use their derpy scheme.
1819561;1527613935;asciilifeform;iirc we still have a nonfatal headache potential baked in, if fleanode walks away somebody's nick
1819562;1527613949;mircea_popescu;~= banning neh ?
1819563;1527613952;asciilifeform;( or am i mistaken ? trinque , if can't use nick, can still auth with deedbot ? or not )
1819564;1527613975;mircea_popescu;there's no "auth". there's just voice. and as douchebag aptly pointed out, if you change the name nothing happens.
1819565;1527613988;mircea_popescu;so... we've actually designed around them. dun dun dun.
1819566;1527613996;asciilifeform;( then apparently trinque fixed this and asciilifeform slept through )
1819567;1527614009;mircea_popescu;what was your idea of "auth" ?
1819568;1527614014;asciilifeform;voice, i meant
1819569;1527614020;mircea_popescu;it's how it always work.
1819570;1527614041;mircea_popescu;we specifically took out the gribble "functionality" of "auth state" ; nanotube was to fix his bot to match but then opted to silently not to, ended up negrated for it.
1819571;1527614058;asciilifeform;i thought he was negrated for desertion
1819572;1527614082;BingoBoingo;It's a collection of related disfunctions
1819573;1527614094;mircea_popescu;usually cancer presents as a ball of pasta.
1819574;1527614193;trinque;deedbot doesn't require you be auth'd to nickserv, but does challenge you based on the nick with which you're speaking to it.
1819575;1527614233;asciilifeform;aha, so not 100% cured , then ?
1819576;1527614284;mircea_popescu;you have 30 seconds to do it.
1819577;1527614339;asciilifeform;iirc if nick is proper-banned, you can't sit in it even for 30s
1819578;1527614354;trinque;if the circumstance arose where somebody lifted "asciilifeform" I wouldn't be opposed to changing the alias string for same key to "alfredalfer" as I've handled expired keys in the past, by proving control of key to me
1819579;1527614361;mircea_popescu;which is why i said, ~= banning
1819580;1527614393;mircea_popescu;trinque, eventually, the cost of inept hoops exceeds the cost of let's just move.
1819582;1527614425;mircea_popescu;which is what's his interest in all this, i dunno why he recently figured out he wants a special irc network.
1819584;1527614465;trinque;asciilifeform: have you considered a decentralized design for an IRC replacement?
1819585;1527614467;*;trinque ducks
1819587;1527614904;mircea_popescu;trinque, the whole fucking idea is to replace it once and good, with gossipd.
1819588;1527614920;mircea_popescu;wtf do i want to reimplement bs irc, end up with a dead genesis that we won't use.
1819589;1527614960;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, the issue isn't whether we should have proper rt comms ; the issue is why the fuck would i want an intermediate step here. i don't, it's a great way to waste manhours.
1819590;1527614978;asciilifeform;generally you wouldn't
1819591;1527615011;asciilifeform;however it is not necessarily the case that it'd be a total writeoff. a irc frontend for gossip station would ( iirc we discussed this ) not be useless, it would eliminate the chore of writing chat clients
1819592;1527615042;asciilifeform;so potentially the genesis would not be junk, but could be productively reused.
1819593;1527615082;asciilifeform;( naturally you'd run the frontend on localhost strictly )
1819594;1527615084;trinque;mircea_popescu: I was trolling alf here.
1819595;1527615104;trinque;obviously I've been here for those threads.
1819597;1527615122;asciilifeform;trinque: it's a valid q imho, tho, whether an adatronic irc oughta be baked
1819598;1527615132;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, only after cuntoo is properly made.
1819599;1527615151;mircea_popescu;so far we're having some trouble getting the whole shebang to do eulora server, and so on.
1819600;1527615154;mircea_popescu;there's a progression to things.
1819601;1527615185;asciilifeform;hm i thought the eulora server was up and going ??
1819602;1527615227;asciilifeform;( or was mircea_popescu trying to put it on arm box , and waiting for arm gnat ? )
1819603;1527615330;mircea_popescu;you were there for the threads, neh, diana_coman working with ave1 to get it going ?
1819604;1527615382;asciilifeform;right; however i do not currently grasp where it fits in ( i delivered and gentooized a large amd64 box for s.mg; thought it was to be eulora server )
1819605;1527615398;asciilifeform;incidentally i have ave1's latest tarball queued up for testing at nightfall.
1819606;1527615443;mircea_popescu;nobody's saying we don't have the parts or that they can't be made or anything.
1819607;1527615683;*;trinque has for example been chewing through everything that moved out from under his last cuntoo build script.
1819608;1527615698;asciilifeform;trinque: moved out ?
1819609;1527615699;trinque;debugging a busybox ebuild
1819610;1527615740;trinque;asciilifeform: yes, shitgnomes in both the gentoo and musl-overlay portage trees continued their brownian motion and diana_coman for example couldn't build, one day
1819611;1527615757;asciilifeform;aaaaaaa tarballs
1819612;1527615762;trinque;not only, they delete ebuilds
1819613;1527615812;asciilifeform;trinque: would there be value in offering my /usr/portage/distfiles as a mirror ?
1819614;1527615823;trinque;so I wont be making a release until I again have a whole-item which builds, and then there'll be a genesis vpatch for the portage tree, and goodbye emerge --sync, and layman, and every other external political dependency
1819615;1527615843;asciilifeform;( on dulap, it's only 900MB, incidentally )
1819616;1527615899;asciilifeform;and also incidentally, every rockchip box contains a complete /usr/portage/distfiles reflecting every single item present on that box ( as i emerged world prior to making master image )
1819617;1527615919;trinque;there'll be a whole archeological process of making vpatches for useful ebuilds, but the initial item needs to be small as possible
1819618;1527615930;trinque;and it'll still be a trb-sized genesis of a "found item"
1819619;1527615935;asciilifeform;trinque: imho the rockchip set is your best bet then. it is as minimal as i knew how to make.
1819620;1527615948;asciilifeform;( keeping in mind that it includes no musltronicity patches )
1819621;1527615967;trinque;I already have this minimal set, but thanks
1819622;1527615984;asciilifeform;anyone who doesn't have it -- can extract it trivially from http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2295 ball
1819623;1527615996;trinque;what moved is the constellations of musl and non-musl versions of ebuilds; gotta align the stars again, then take a picture
1819624;1527616001;asciilifeform;^ signed, observe, as 'found turd'
1819625;1527616033;asciilifeform;^ yes, there is a asciilifeform-signed curated gentoo set !
1819626;1527616068;asciilifeform;there's nothing specifically arm-istic about it, either, same tarballs as used on x86 boxen
1819627;1527616123;asciilifeform;the only variant src item is the kernel ( it has rockchip-specific modules )
1819628;1527616133;asciilifeform;full src is in all of the rk boxen.
1819629;1527616160;mircea_popescu;the concept of "political dependency" is actually a rather important one. it most valuably organizes the world.
1819630;1527616186;mircea_popescu;there's meaning derived from meaning and then there's meaning derived from authority, and the shitgnomes trying to pretend equality only confuses matters.
1819631;1527616234;asciilifeform;the set of 'meanings derived from meaning' accessible in practical work is quite small.
1819632;1527616248;asciilifeform;( asciilifeform works on expanding it, but it is a very painful uphill climb )
1819633;1527616269;mircea_popescu;and yet the pretense is ~every fucking time~ that "science" and bla bla.
1819634;1527616295;mircea_popescu;but obviously, one direct measure of "getting away from marxism-leninism" is "how much shit needs stalin notes".
1819635;1527616312;asciilifeform;ahaha yes the 'science' where 'can haz rawdata.txt ?' 'fuckoff terrorist'
1819636;1527616336;mircea_popescu;more in the http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-04#1809349 vein of nonsense
1819637;1527616336;a111;Logged on 2018-05-04 17:15 zx2c4: mircea_popescu: oh. so. "the world doesnt care about the cool hackers on the internet, but only the assholes with prestigious positions." this has been a widely known complaint for a long time
1819638;1527616353;mircea_popescu;"the world", don't you know. which world ? "oh, you know, the imaginary item we produced". what we ?
1819639;1527616355;trinque;or the OS build process that says "first you go see usg.google.gentoo"
1819641;1527616379;asciilifeform;trinque: dun forget to install the usg root certs!111111
1819642;1527616392;asciilifeform;( without which, lulzily, won't even see usg.google.* )
1819643;1527616879;asciilifeform;upstack : congrats to BingoBoingo , subscriber of the last ( in pilot plant ) rockchip !!
1819644;1527616916;asciilifeform;all 6 units currently occupied !
1819645;1527618754;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: in recent lulz : asciilifeform ran into the d00d in http://trilema.com/2014/how-to-start-your-own-country-adnotated/ , in meatspace
1819646;1527618794;asciilifeform;turns out, he's burned out ex-physics , 1960s mit.
1819647;1527618856;asciilifeform;'quit , didn't want to be yet another grunt on yet another particle collider', went into ordinary engineering.
1819648;1527618933;asciilifeform;d00d in his, iirc, 90s. so i ask him about ye olde 'sealand isp'. he waves hand, 'eh, was lame, they could do nothing serious because upstream net access was easily cut'
1819649;1527619194;asciilifeform;then he conceded, more or less, that the whole 'micro-nations' crackpottery, was lame, for more or less the reasons described by mircea_popescu .
1819650;1527619261;mircea_popescu;hey. nice to know.
1819651;1527619362;asciilifeform;also revealed ( not in confidence, this was party with buncha folx ) that thiel ( apparently, friend of his ) is still pushing it, and is frustrated re 'lack of young people with any sense' , 0 takers to crew the lulztanker.
1819652;1527619491;asciilifeform;thiel, apparently, built ( threatened to build? i dun follow the subj... ) a tanker, anchor somewhere, and play similar game to orig 'sealand' . what he lacks, however is the business model ( apparently sealand had a business model, and raked in some dough , briefly -- britain had no commercial radio, at one time, and sealand 'pirate' station accepted ads from brits , paid through proxies )
1819653;1527619694;asciilifeform;( cursory look at heathendom sources suggests that thiel's thing is finally, as of mar. 2018, properly dead and buried )
1819654;1527621675;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2018/kika/ << Trilema - Kika
1819655;1527622668;jurov;mircea_popescu: yes I can do the exchange.
1819656;1527622806;jurov;asciilifeform: i understand you like to blow your fuses over electrum, but I do *not* use electrum online, only the code.
1819657;1527622826;asciilifeform;jurov: what means 'only the code' ?
1819658;1527622828;jurov;I feed it inputs and keys manually via the console, then paste resulting shitcoin transaction somewhere. That's why I said it's somewhat slow.
1819659;1527622888;asciilifeform;jurov: and how do you know what the transaction the closedblob output, is ? i.e. that it goes to the addr you gave (i.e. the gox's) rather than some other ?
1819660;1527622933;jurov;i have read the code
1819661;1527622956;asciilifeform;so jurov you actually got electrum to build ?
1819662;1527622986;jurov;you mean the server? yes, some time ago
1819663;1527622996;asciilifeform;i mean the item you mentioned above. that generates tx.
1819664;1527623003;jurov;the client does it
1819665;1527623022;asciilifeform;jurov please don't dance around my q, you know exactly what i'm asking
1819666;1527623027;jurov;not at all
1819667;1527623036;asciilifeform;are you or are you not using a binturd to generate shitcoin transactions.
1819668;1527623053;jurov;which one?
1819670;1527623073;jurov;electrum is python.
1819671;1527623082;asciilifeform;and you read it ?
1819672;1527623095;jurov;yes, submitted some patches
1819673;1527623103;asciilifeform;ok, ty.
1819674;1527623133;asciilifeform;jurov: plz consider posting a signed (with disclaimers, if you like) tarball ?
1819675;1527623139;asciilifeform;of the thing that you read.
1819677;1527624325;mircea_popescu;jurov, pretty cool, let me know when you want it tested
1819678;1527625535;mircea_popescu;in other lulz, someone made a porny dune 1 ( http://gamcore.com/games/behind_the_dune )
1819679;1527627577;Mocky;what's the story on source code editors on linux? "emacs or gtfo" ?
1819680;1527627659;asciilifeform;Mocky: there's quite a few folx here who use non-emacs editors
1819681;1527627764;*;Mocky would love to hear about them
1819682;1527627857;trinque;douchebag uses Visual Studio (TM) on his MacBook Pro
1819683;1527628007;Mocky;what do you use trinque? (imma guess emacs)
1819684;1527628058;trinque;eh begrudgingly, as the most tunable pile of insane bullshit I can tolerate.
1819685;1527628085;*;asciilifeform hasn't met many emacsists who say anything other than 'i use grudgingly'
1819686;1527628129;mircea_popescu;i write most of my code in the terminal.
1819687;1527628142;asciilifeform;emacs is a massively tall rock of local maximum surrounded by ocean of boiling liquishit.
1819688;1527628170;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i'm almost surprised you dun write it with http://www.loper-os.org/pub/podvig_radista.jpg terminal.
1819689;1527628187;Mocky;I used emacs for a while and didn't strictly hate it, although i did strictly hate elisp
1819691;1527630936;mod6;I just ran across the c3 photos. But the date has me shook.
1819692;1527630951;mod6;Was it really in 2015?  Seems like it was longer ago than that.
1819693;1527630960;asciilifeform;mod6: apr 2015
1819694;1527631019;mod6;Ok, wow.  Seems like a long time.
1819695;1527631239;asciilifeform;possibly feels like this because, i suppose, different epoch.
1819696;1527631406;asciilifeform;( c2 feels, to asciilifeform , even 'longer ago', epochally -- even such a basic thing as trb, say, did not yet exist )
1819697;1527632858;mircea_popescu;lot changed huh
1819698;1527633046;asciilifeform;even v, started at end of aug of '15 -- months after c3
1819699;1527633219;*;asciilifeform remembers finding it odd that kako did not appear at c3
1819700;1527633284;asciilifeform;objectively odd, ye olde bbet was not only still in the saddle but riding at its peak...
1819701;1527634042;mircea_popescu;outside of driving range tho
1819702;1527634114;*;asciilifeform didnt drive there either, lol 
1819704;1527634950;danielpbarron;Mocky, i use vim
1819705;1527635275;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2018/muma-lui-stefan-cel-mare/ << Trilema - Muma lui Stefan cel Mare
1819706;1527635374;Mocky;vim, I could never get used to having modes. didn't feel right. but I know a lot of people like it
1819707;1527635536;mircea_popescu;how did that go, "to obtain random strings on linux, give a windows person vim and ask them to exit"
1819708;1527636090;esthlos;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-27#1819254 << well, if you can find problems with my v implementation, i'd be grateful. any testing is appreciated, really
1819709;1527636090;a111;Logged on 2018-05-27 18:12 douchebag: esthlos: what do you need pentested?
1819710;1527636381;esthlos;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-29#1819437 << I documented most of what worked for me at http://blog.esthlos.com/mp-wp-setup/ , and my portage settings are http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/CY9Vy/?raw=true
1819711;1527636381;a111;Logged on 2018-05-29 05:56 lobbes: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-15#1799701 << esthlos, how'd you resolve this? I'm having the same issue with mp-wp saying php is missing the mysql extension, despite having the mysql USE flag set when I emerged php5.6. Full details of my issue here: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/zNr0A/?raw=true
1819712;1527636761;ben_vulpes;esthlos: what'd you do for theming? i just took a look at "toolbox" at BingoBoingo's request, have you ever touched that?
1819713;1527637172;lobbes;esthlos: ty. Also, I'm assuming this was on an amd64 and not an arm64 box?
1819714;1527637241;esthlos;ben_vulpes: I took the default theme (Kubrick), ripped out most of the php, and tweaked the css. at some point I plan to go through https://codex.wordpress.org/Theme_Development and develop a proper theme, but I've placed it as low priority
1819715;1527637286;esthlos;I also killed the part of wordpress which adds line breaks to raw html code, which I will make a vpatch for at some point
1819717;1527637336;esthlos;oh and no, haven't looked at BingoBoingo 's thingy. I'll check it out
1819718;1527637420;esthlos;lobbes: yeah, not arm. based on https://packages.gentoo.org/packages/dev-lang/php the arm64 coverage looks bad
1819719;1527637921;mod6;<+asciilifeform> possibly feels like this because, i suppose, different epoch. << true enough, Sir.
1819720;1527638382;mod6;<+Mocky> vim, I could never get used to having modes. didn't feel right. but I know a lot of people like it << Vi/M can have a steep learning curve, but once you're good at it, it can ramp up your efficiency quite a bit imho.  however, if you need something simple, there's always 'nano' or whatever.
1819721;1527639676;Mocky;mod6, I don't mind the learning curve. Back in the day I used emacs in viper mode on a slackware disto built from a two foot stack of 3.5in floppies and thought I was the shit. but a couple decades outta that game, just wondering if there's anything new. The full extent of what I know exists: emacs, vi(m), nano, ed, ex, gedit.
1819722;1527640087;mod6;yeah, not much has changed in the editor-game as far as I know.  but i'm kinda old school like that.
1819723;1527642129;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2018/muma-lui-stefan-cel-mare/#comment-125841
1819725;1527648121;deedbot;http://blog.esthlos.com/esthlos-v-genesis-or-who-presses-the-pressor/ << esthlos - esthlos-V Genesis, Or: Who Presses the Pressor?
1819726;1527648135;esthlos;^^ all
1819728;1527650647;douchebag;At the hotel I'm at right now, I have a perfect view of Trump tower
1819729;1527651143;asciilifeform;upstack in re Muma lui Ștefan cel Mare -- https://youtu.be/qNoc1-jk2sU
1819730;1527651215;mircea_popescu;kinda over-read
1819731;1527651383;asciilifeform;i went to look for voice, this was the only one that didn't, apparently , do it with mouth full...
1819732;1527651530;trinque;esthlos: well done indeed!
1819734;1527651640;esthlos;I should mention that I had some trouble pressing it using mod6's v. After the press, the thing complained that the hashes don't match. But if you check it manually, it works out
1819735;1527651725;asciilifeform;https://youtu.be/lXif1YplU7c << slightly better track, imho.
1819736;1527651780;asciilifeform;( at least lacks the melodramatic 'warcraft II' bg of the prev item )
1819738;1527656851;mircea_popescu;turns out there's no actual reads worth the mention online.
1819739;1527657531;ben_vulpes;!~ticker --market all
1819740;1527657554;ben_vulpes;!!up jhvh1
1819741;1527657555;deedbot;jhvh1 voiced for 30 minutes.
1819742;1527657556;ben_vulpes;!~ticker --market all
1819743;1527658612;ben_vulpes;jurov: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/7YpUV/?raw=true
1819744;1527658745;ben_vulpes;jurov aaaalso http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/2TGf0/?raw=true
1819745;1527672140;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-29#1819346 <-- funnily enough, one of the first (at least AFAIK) pointedly american pieces seen on tv in romania was promoted by http://btcbase.org/log/2017-10-25#1728889 in its first year of existence, "die hard" w/bruce willis. they still air it every year in december. this completely ignoring the fact that romanians had their very own diehard-mcclane since the '70s, i.e. comisarul moldovan.
1819746;1527672140;a111;Logged on 2018-05-29 00:58 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-27#1819266 << the shoemaker's favourite tv , allegedly
1819747;1527672140;a111;Logged on 2017-10-25 18:27 mircea_popescu: anyway, to revisit the matter of http://btcbase.org/log/2017-10-25#1728843 : adrian sirbu, possibly the only romanian to have done anything since 1989 (he created the deliberate usg tool Pro Tv in 1995, a media company whose wikipedia page no longer mentions him -- very much a successful equivalent of the failed http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-05#1666048), has recently been accused of... you'll guess this not ? TERRORISM!
1819748;1527682230;diana_coman;esthlos, "is expected to read and understood before use" -> to read and understand the code?
1819749;1527682309;diana_coman;good work though, I'll give it a go
1819750;1527690524;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/05/outage-after-english-leader-sentenced-to-13-months-and-british-court-orders-media-blackout-cowardly-mainstream-publications-including-breitbart-withdrew-articles/ << Qntra - Outage After English Leader Sentenced To 13 Months And British Court Orders Media Blackout  Cowardly Mainstream Publications Including Breitbart Withdrew Articles
1819751;1527690742;mod6;mornin' TMSR~
1819752;1527691306;BingoBoingo;In local developments and Appification: https://www.elobservador.com.uy/una-guerrilla-nuevos-deliveries-montevideo-n1236034
1819753;1527691917;spyked;!!v 9E6F6B0FFA445BA0C5E02758B2BE677459BB0045720B2B45D1AC8CFB31A1E780
1819754;1527691918;deedbot;spyked rated spykedbot 1 << spyked's botworks playground
1819755;1527691931;spyked;^ apologies in advance for any noise this little bugger may make.
1819756;1527692000;trinque;spyked: should I turn off deedbot RSS?
1819757;1527692209;spyked;trinque, no, the bot doesn't do anything yet. but there'll be likely some join/part spam. and I'm also wondering whether it should try to self-voice when it gets a -v
1819758;1527692303;spyked;but I will rebase the rss bot on top of this afterwards and I'll ping you right before I bring rss in-chan.
1819759;1527693294;asciilifeform;!Q later tell ave1 your newest tarball barfs : http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/5FS6l/?raw=true << gmp demands a patch that can't be found, hangs with prompt
1819760;1527693294;lobbesbot;asciilifeform: The operation succeeded.
1819761;1527693554;asciilifeform;in other lulz, via BingoBoingo's links, 'The Daily Stormer is being sued by Jewish terrorists. In order to survive, we need shekels. Send BTC or XMR. This site will be shut down if we don’t win this.'
1819762;1527693585;asciilifeform;( if anyone forgot -- this is the weev crackpottery, that somehow oh-we-must-use-dns etc )
1819763;1527693661;asciilifeform;wtf is xmr anyway.
1819764;1527693736;asciilifeform;!#s xmr
1819765;1527693737;a111;33 results for "xmr", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=xmr
1819766;1527693774;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: XMR is the "ring signature" thing fluffypony defected to
1819767;1527693777;asciilifeform;ah lol that
1819768;1527693805;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: iirc he perpetrated it, not simply 'defected to'
1819769;1527693837;BingoBoingo;That part is opaque
1819770;1527693886;asciilifeform;troo, more or less all usg scamola has a designated 'author' who, however, even if wired to the mains cannot give an arithmetically consistent statement of how it works
1819771;1527694014;asciilifeform;( last time i bothered to look, it was also a sort of final refuge of botnet artists, being one of the few major shitcoins that has not yet been raped by chinese asic makers )
1819772;1527694127;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-30#1819745 << >> http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-24#1703064
1819773;1527694127;a111;Logged on 2018-05-30 09:22 spyked: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-29#1819346 <-- funnily enough, one of the first (at least AFAIK) pointedly american pieces seen on tv in romania was promoted by http://btcbase.org/log/2017-10-25#1728889 in its first year of existence, "die hard" w/bruce willis. they still air it every year in december. this completely ignoring the fact that romanians had their very own diehard-mcclane since the '70s, i.e. comisarul moldovan.
1819774;1527694127;a111;Logged on 2017-08-24 17:24 asciilifeform: e.g. film 'diehard' ended up translated by one 'genius' to title 'умри тяжело'
1819775;1527694287;asciilifeform;!#seen fluffypony
1819776;1527694287;a111;2016-03-24  otherwise you learn nothing and you're forever forced to wallow in your own ignorance
1819777;1527694999;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-03-05#1422814 << the , imho, revealing thread with subj.
1819778;1527694999;a111;Logged on 2016-03-05 19:12 asciilifeform: fluffypony: solve how ?
1819779;1527695841;trinque;spyked: kk
1819780;1527697047;trinque;!!v 9BCF81FBDBB069DE56DE9F721D8EE148E2B7584076BDA1F51CA07D4CAAAEC063
1819781;1527697051;deedbot;trinque paid ben_vulpes invoice 7
1819782;1527697053;trinque;!!v 1F6B436B038BCE18F364C4290E4CAAD32ED33BAFA9F7DA3831E31ABA30AB7118
1819783;1527697058;deedbot;trinque paid ben_vulpes invoice 8
1819784;1527698792;mircea_popescu;spyked, not ignoring ; replacing. THAT is why diehard, otherwise who the fuck cares.
1819785;1527698802;mircea_popescu;"ax handle"
1819786;1527698911;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo, holy shit, these morons. "oh we just want to get along". WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU HERE.
1819787;1527699480;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, no, have not forgot. http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-22#1756992 <<->> http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-30#1819761 ; but somehow FORGOT the part where he comes here, explains he's been stupid and why and wherefore. much like ers is STILL to face the dysfunctional idiocy of his collaboration.
1819788;1527699480;a111;Logged on 2017-12-22 17:18 weevlos: trinque: we are a media publication. our power and capital comes from the number of visitors we have to the site. we aim to transform through culture. if normal people cannot visit our site we are not accomplishing our goal
1819789;1527699480;a111;Logged on 2018-05-30 15:19 asciilifeform: in other lulz, via BingoBoingo's links, 'The Daily Stormer is being sued by Jewish terrorists. In order to survive, we need shekels. Send BTC or XMR. This site will be shut down if we don’t win this.'
1819790;1527699511;mircea_popescu;being retarded has, over being THIS fucking stupid, the serious advantage of 50 or so IQ points.
1819791;1527699536;mircea_popescu;most people don't amount to much in this life ; but to manage to amount to ~ a negative value ~ it really fucking takes some negative IQ.
1819792;1527699608;asciilifeform;derp swallowed 'headcountism', all else follows, neh.
1819793;1527699645;asciilifeform;'if normal people cannot visit our site we are not accomplishing our goal' etc.
1819794;1527699687;mircea_popescu;AND THEN DID NOT ACCOMPLISH GOAL.
1819795;1527699732;mircea_popescu;but yes, it is strictyly incorrect to measure IQ as a natural number. IQ is in R, and is defined as IQ = results ^ -1/(resources-results).
1819796;1527699743;asciilifeform;i find it a puzzler, what the cartoon these folx are watching inside their heads, even ~is~. (e.g. it ain't as if, say, lenin, 'accomplished' by 'normal people visiting')
1819797;1527699753;asciilifeform;what's the intended model.
1819798;1527699788;mircea_popescu;actually myeah, that's not corect.
1819799;1527699823;asciilifeform;results / resources
1819800;1527699829;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform : if results are negative, iq is a negative exponential the result- resource disparity ; if results are positive, iq is a positive logarithmic of same disparity.
1819801;1527699832;asciilifeform;( oblig : http://www.loper-os.org/?p=405 ! )
1819802;1527699897;mircea_popescu;ie, if resources are 10, result of 1000 means iq of 10 ; result of 10mn means iq of 1k. result of -1 means iq of -100 and result of -10 means iq of -1k
1819803;1527699956;mircea_popescu;the iq this defined ~just abou sums~, meaning if a group of 101 peeps contains  100 ppl of iq 10 and one guy of -1k iq, the group net result will be 0.
1819804;1527699969;mircea_popescu;("the net result of the group's activity")
1819805;1527700157;spyked;mircea_popescu, may be. but then I have no idea why mediapro filmed the last (bestest etc., according to them) movie in the series in 2008. musta been an attempt at revival.
1819806;1527700323;mircea_popescu;you still don't understand how stealing the having been stolen from works, huh.
1819807;1527700432;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo, no, dude came to #b-a to see what's being said re monero / what can be used by monero / whatever. finger on pulse. the meet-up was http://trilema.com/2014/fuck-me-fuck-you/
1819808;1527700538;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-30#1819770 << in this case, inexplicably enough refused to, http://btcbase.org/log/2014-09-09#823434 http://btcbase.org/log/2014-10-02#855842
1819809;1527700538;a111;Logged on 2018-05-30 15:24 asciilifeform: troo, more or less all usg scamola has a designated 'author' who, however, even if wired to the mains cannot give an arithmetically consistent statement of how it works
1819810;1527700538;a111;Logged on 2014-09-09 14:10 mircea_popescu: hey fluffypony do you plan to eventually sell the monero idea here once it reaches some sort of maturity or do you just plan to wait indefinitely for b-a to figure it out ?
1819811;1527700538;a111;Logged on 2014-10-02 21:28 mircea_popescu: davidlatapie i have nfi idea what monero is because in spite of being invited fluffypony doesn't want to give the group a presentation. the comment is just as to the improbable nature of the name. why mew and what's someone not in on the jokes to make of it.
1819812;1527700565;mircea_popescu;by now this "won't do what mp says do" is such a bell...
1819813;1527700612;asciilifeform;see linked thread, d00d tapped out at 'go read paper', when asciilifeform:'yes i read paper, now say how ring sig doesn't slowly leak' and fluffypony:'[various squid ink]'
1819814;1527700765;mircea_popescu;that being the alternative available explanation, not that i credit it. "oh, it's too hard to explain to these people wtf, i'd rather just doodle".
1819815;1527700810;asciilifeform;he seemed puzzled by the very idea of an audience that demands an explanation of mechanism.
1819816;1527700848;asciilifeform;'redditus loads up on doge without any such explanations; so why not these folk also' i suspect was it.
1819817;1527701182;asciilifeform;at any rate, in so far as i can tell 'monero' is simply 1 of 3 or 4 tor-style honeypots for the dimwitted 'death ray plot' candidates in the shitcoin space.
1819818;1527701222;asciilifeform;( the others being the z-whatevers, 2 of'em and i can't recall how they differed, the one with 'z-snark' and other other, with the magical rng seed)
1819819;1527701651;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-19#1658941 << in related vintagelulz.
1819820;1527701651;a111;Logged on 2017-05-19 02:04 asciilifeform: '2017-02-21: The patch is surreptitiously snuck into the Monero codebase in pull request #1744. It is kept secret to prevent it being used to attack other CryptoNote coins.'
1819821;1527701755;spyked;mircea_popescu, aha, nao I get it! --> http://trilema.com/2017/a-story-about-romania-thats-totally-not-about-anything-else/#footnote_3_73978
1819822;1527703226;mircea_popescu;spyked, first, you give injuns plastic beads, "just like" their bone beads. THEN you install "american bone bead factory". logix.
1819823;1527704854;ave1;asciilifeform, I'm sorry for this. I ran the build multiple times so I'm not sure how the patch found it's way into the last release. Fix is on it's way. (fix is to remove the patch, gmp-4.3.2-2.musl.diff from the patches directory)
1819824;1527704854;lobbesbot;ave1: Sent 3 hours and 12 minutes ago:  your newest tarball barfs : http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/5FS6l/?raw=true << gmp demands a patch that can't be found, hangs with prompt
1819825;1527704858;ave1;re, http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-30#1819759
1819826;1527704858;a111;Logged on 2018-05-30 15:14 asciilifeform: !Q later tell ave1 your newest tarball barfs : http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/5FS6l/?raw=true << gmp demands a patch that can't be found, hangs with prompt
1819827;1527704891;asciilifeform;ave1: you wouldn't be the first to tar up wrong dir for a release, lol
1819828;1527704917;asciilifeform;ave1: lemme know when you got the real deal ready for test.
1819829;1527704947;ave1;Yes, will do!
1819830;1527704967;*;asciilifeform itches to supply folx with ready-to-eat gnat-on-rockchip, both on pizarro cluster and in the flensed c101pa box
1819831;1527704968;ave1;I'll also post the resulting ada aarch64 compiler
1819832;1527704978;asciilifeform;ave1: that's specifically the item i'm interested in.
1819833;1527704991;asciilifeform;( musl-outputting amd64 also, however )
1819834;1527705002;ave1;K, build takes a while on my aarch64,
1819835;1527705011;asciilifeform;iirc diana_coman is waiting for the amd64 one.
1819836;1527705089;ave1;the previous release does work, but needs -static flag at all times
1819837;1527705107;ave1;the new one does not need that anymore (always static)
1819838;1527705112;asciilifeform;what do you mean, 'does work', it didn't produce anything i can run on arm64
1819839;1527705139;asciilifeform;( nobody, presently, has a multronic gentoo for arm, so the dynamic-musl thing was 100% junk )
1819840;1527705181;ave1;Yes, so in this version I changed the config of gcc so that it only and always produces static
1819841;1527705209;asciilifeform;ok, but it barfed during patching, ~2 seconds into build.
1819842;1527705249;asciilifeform;ave1: plz say specifically , what this builder will output ( what types of gnats? listed by 'runs on X' and 'builds Y-type executables' )
1819843;1527705320;asciilifeform;what's needed is : 1) runs-on-amd64-of-any-kind-builds-static-musl-for-amd64  2) runs-on-arm64-of-any-type-builds-static-musl-for-arm64
1819844;1527705326;ave1;On AMD64 it will create 4 compilers; 1 bogus cross for amd64->amd64, 1 normal that runs on amd64 and creates amd64
1819845;1527705337;ave1;1 cross for amd64->aarch64
1819846;1527705352;asciilifeform;right, unavoidable byproduct
1819847;1527705357;ave1;1 normal that runs on aarch64 and creates aarch64
1819848;1527705379;asciilifeform;that last one, is what was broken in last build
1819849;1527705384;asciilifeform;it demanded a musltronic linux to run on
1819850;1527705391;ave1;The script can also run on aarch64 with that last one
1819851;1527705402;ave1;Yes, I know, should be fixed now
1819853;1527705452;ave1;On aarch64 it creates the last 2, for some reason (might be not enough memory on my aarch64) I could not get it to produce a aarch64->amd64 compiler
1819854;1527705483;asciilifeform;ave1: out of curiosity, what machine were you building on ?
1819855;1527705579;ave1;I build that one on qemu (for further development I ordered an A64 from olimex, but the one I want is still out of stock)
1819856;1527705591;asciilifeform;aa if qemu, simply give it moar ram ?
1819857;1527705639;ave1;Yes, but the machine the qemu runs on is also almost out
1819858;1527705650;ave1;After release of this I'll try
1819859;1527705754;asciilifeform;once gnat-for-X builds gnat-for-Y , for all interesting values of X and Y, can declare victory.
1819860;1527705791;*;asciilifeform is also interested in a mips gnat, but will prolly end up doing this himself as a mod of ave1's script, later
1819861;1527705840;asciilifeform;^ bare iron mips, specifically, rather than linux-
1819862;1527706036;asciilifeform;!Q later tell trinque didja ever succeed in getting a ppc64 gnat ?
1819863;1527706036;lobbesbot;asciilifeform: The operation succeeded.
1819864;1527706056;asciilifeform;( anybody else here with oddball archs ? )
1819865;1527706093;asciilifeform;... sparc ?
1819866;1527706140;asciilifeform;then of course there is the 'holy grail', a cross-gnat for msdos.
1819867;1527706163;asciilifeform;supposedly this even existed at one time, based ob djgpp, but asciilifeform was never able to turn up a working copy.
1819868;1527706175;asciilifeform;*based on
1819869;1527706239;asciilifeform;( i dun expect to see a full adult gnat ~on~ msdos; but to cross-compile a la nintendo, would satisfy this one )
1819870;1527706801;ave1; the script can build a ppc64 little endian gcc cross compiler (I tried this a while ago, I'll have to do that again with the current state of the script)
1819871;1527706821;*;trinque has not used ^ and never finished building his own
1819872;1527706822;lobbesbot;trinque: Sent 13 minutes ago:  didja ever succeed in getting a ppc64 gnat ?
1819873;1527706840;asciilifeform;aa ok
1819874;1527706847;*;asciilifeform does not presently have a ppc64 to try on
1819875;1527706953;trinque;while on the subj of gcc, it would be very nice to get ave1's version in as the default gcc on cuntoo.
1819876;1527706974;asciilifeform;really oughta be the default, aha
1819877;1527706987;asciilifeform;( for n00bz -- gnat is superset of 'normal' gcc )
1819878;1527706996;trinque;and down the line I'd be thrilled to get reproducible build patches for it.
1819879;1527707006;trinque;https://wiki.debian.org/ReproducibleBuilds/ExperimentalToolchain << this has apparently evaporated.
1819880;1527707017;asciilifeform;trinque: ave1's whole orchestra is just that, a reproducible musltronic gnat
1819881;1527707029;trinque;I mean reproducible bins for same source
1819882;1527707043;asciilifeform;or at least will be, once we find and kill with fire whatever turd it is in gcc that shits current unix time into the bin
1819885;1527707246;mircea_popescu;its such a pleasure, reading these logs.
1819886;1527707268;asciilifeform;( recall good ol' msdos dayz, back when 'reproducible bin for same src' was something you got from ANY and EVERY compiler, and wtf, how to even conceive of having this problem )
1819887;1527707297;mircea_popescu;'oh look, the news." "mmmkay. so... did anything good/useful/cool happen today ?" "i dunno, let's check #trilema"
1819888;1527707299;asciilifeform;( nor was 'dynamic linking' a thing at all )
1819889;1527707335;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, oh, i recall. except weren't days of ms-dos, were days of dos and ms was barking at the edges to be let in.
1819890;1527707359;asciilifeform;well 'msdos' was ms- in same way as bsd is crapple, aha.
1819891;1527707379;asciilifeform;( swallowed whole and largely undigested stone inside whale )
1819892;1527707410;mircea_popescu;ie, in the way "tech geniuses" of the empire genius their genius : stolen item with serials shaved off, or as it's known nowadays, "the black clock". http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-30#1806616
1819893;1527707410;a111;Logged on 2018-04-30 18:06 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-30#1806515 << recall the black genius kid who made a clock out of "household materials" such as... a clock ?
1819894;1527707453;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: or those misfortunate roman mosaics, etc
1819895;1527707488;asciilifeform;( iirc mircea_popescu had a piece where 'barbarian cloinks with his hammer...' )
1819896;1527707495;mircea_popescu;for a while in the early 90s one could see local tinboxes with say mercedes wheel cover glued/wired to the hood.
1819897;1527707525;mircea_popescu;(not taped, tape still alien tech in 90s east)
1819898;1527707563;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-30#1819882 << i'll bet you it's the "absolutely must have" dns resolver.
1819899;1527707563;a111;Logged on 2018-05-30 19:04 asciilifeform: or at least will be, once we find and kill with fire whatever turd it is in gcc that shits current unix time into the bin
1819900;1527707702;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: re mercedes wheels to glue : behold! >>> http://www.loper-os.org/pub/mvd_market.jpg
1819901;1527707717;asciilifeform;i was puzzled re wtf all of that was for. now apparerently mircea_popescu has the key.
1819902;1527707728;mircea_popescu;ehehe yep.
1819903;1527707739;mircea_popescu;existed in tm too, holdout from the 90s. i dunno if we visited or no time
1819904;1527707754;asciilifeform;( pictured : typical market carpet in BingoBoingostan sunday market. hood ornaments, wheels, you name it. )
1819907;1527708181;asciilifeform;http://www.loper-os.org/pub/timis17/timis_gypsies_1.jpg http://www.loper-os.org/pub/timis17/timis_gypsies_2.jpg http://www.loper-os.org/pub/timis17/timis_gypsies_3.jpg http://www.loper-os.org/pub/timis17/timis_gypsies_4.jpg http://www.loper-os.org/pub/timis17/timis_gypsies_5.jpg
1819908;1527708190;asciilifeform;^ timis '17, for comparison.
1819909;1527708198;mircea_popescu;aha there we go
1819910;1527708210;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo ^ might find lulzy.
1819911;1527708275;BingoBoingo;HOLY SHIT! The gypos are darker than the "Latino" Uruguayos
1819913;1527708346;asciilifeform;btw , in #5 , for extra lulzpoints, << КР140УД5 >> http://www.chipinfo.ru/dsheets/ic/140/ud5.html
1819914;1527708362;asciilifeform;su op amp.
1819915;1527708369;BingoBoingo;And what technology! Is that a plastic tarp?
1819916;1527708400;asciilifeform;certainly not a stone tarp lol
1819917;1527708469;ben_vulpes;and in other "we could never shoot a cop!"s https://pdxbillboardproject.com/
1819918;1527708561;mircea_popescu;dun load.
1819919;1527708590;asciilifeform;loads here but is deeply hermetic ameritard rubbish, asciilifeform currently can't be arsed to decode
1819920;1527708612;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes can summarize if he feels like.
1819921;1527708617;ben_vulpes;"PORTLAND...IS YOUR WHITE FRAGILITY SHOWING?"
1819922;1527708652;ben_vulpes;the splintering and setting of the electorate at itself continues apace.
1819923;1527708705;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo what didja think gypsies looked like.
1819924;1527708744;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: A sort of Italianish pseudo-white folk.
1819925;1527708813;*;asciilifeform regrets not having bought the hdd's, betcha they were fulla lul
1819926;1527708864;asciilifeform;tho who knows how many, after N times of dumping into and out of the crate with rusty chainsaws, wrenches, etc, still ran
1819927;1527708897;asciilifeform;them gypsies gotta get with the times, start stealing ssds!111
1819928;1527708988;asciilifeform;also ftr they loudly curse when you photo'em but do not rise to fists.
1819929;1527709005;ben_vulpes;who knew hdds had souls
1819930;1527709021;BingoBoingo;Awe, the Uruguayos just mumblespeak when you photo them.
1819931;1527709150;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-30#1819898 << it is absent in musl
1819932;1527709150;a111;Logged on 2018-05-30 19:12 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-30#1819882 << i'll bet you it's the "absolutely must have" dns resolver.
1819933;1527709160;asciilifeform;sorta how asciilifeform even came to musl to begin with.
1819935;1527709232;asciilifeform;musltronic static elf does seem to contain ~something~ that varies; looks to be the right size for timestamp turd. definitely on the conveyor.
1819936;1527709273;asciilifeform;( time + gcc ver, iirc )
1819937;1527709289;asciilifeform;who thought this was a good idea, and why, i will leave as exercise for readers.
1819938;1527709522;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: didja catch the related lul, where all of 'starbucks' ( amer. burned/ersatz coffee chain ) was 'voluntarily' closed for entire day, to atone for some clerk somewhere having thrown out black bum
1819939;1527709608;ben_vulpes;yeah righteous lolz
1819940;1527709623;ben_vulpes;complete with "gtfo, this won't change anything" from the normal blm suspects
1819941;1527709633;ben_vulpes;"of course, nothing's going to change until you start shooting cops"
1819942;1527709637;asciilifeform;https://archive.li/UpACF << subj
1819943;1527709666;BingoBoingo;AHA, Starbucks is getting into the homeless shelter business now!
1819944;1527709692;ben_vulpes;BingoBoingo: mcdonalds still wins on kcal/shitbuck
1819945;1527709717;asciilifeform;the related phunphakt, is that 1) shitbux is publicly traded 2) incident made ~no visible ding on the price
1819946;1527709803;asciilifeform;( how did asciilifeform find out ? happened to walk by a door of a shitbux, there was an actual printed mea culpa affixed to the door ! )
1819947;1527709822;ben_vulpes;i wonder how many days of atonement they'd have to buy before the slippage showed up
1819948;1527709850;asciilifeform;why would it show up in the http://btcbase.org/log/2015-07-08#1193376 'markets' , lol
1819949;1527709850;a111;Logged on 2015-07-08 17:08 mircea_popescu: mod6 "our free market is this thing you can only buy!!1"
1819950;1527709851;ben_vulpes;someone call the impact investors: for every XX dollars you bid up the starbucks stock, we'll take a day off to self-flagellate!
1819951;1527709869;ben_vulpes;social benefit!
1819952;1527710002;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, "publicly" traded. it's gox-traded.
1819953;1527710741;asciilifeform;like erry other ameristock lol
1819954;1527710785;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-05-23#1470731 in similar lulz.
1819955;1527710785;a111;Logged on 2016-05-23 14:58 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform recall the thread about the ICBC that's about as large as the sum total of us banks yet trades in ny on the pink sheets ?
1819956;1527710807;mircea_popescu;"oh, this here pile of paper IS WORTH MORE THAN RUSSIA. oh that there item larger than russia is NOT WORTH ANYTHING!!!! hurr!!! MARKET!!!"
1819957;1527713631;mod6;Elliot's scraps of various colored paper with all sorts of flicks-of-the-pen (and many zeros!) are not compatible with the immutable machine. And thus, will not be honored.
1819958;1527714340;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-30#1819855 <-- same here. and from what I understand, they're also planning to launch a RK3328-based board soon (announcement: https://olimex.wordpress.com/2018/01/16/a20-som204-and-som204-evb-preliminary-info-is-uploaded-on-our-web/ ). OTOH the specs look perfect for a ARM64-based trb machine.
1819959;1527714340;a111;Logged on 2018-05-30 18:39 ave1: I build that one on qemu (for further development I ordered an A64 from olimex, but the one I want is still out of stock)
1819960;1527715136;asciilifeform;spyked: 1G of ram. weak.
1819961;1527715143;asciilifeform;certainly nogood for trb.
1819962;1527715194;*;asciilifeform found 2G to be the barest min. that can run continuously 
1819963;1527715241;asciilifeform;and i'm still waiting for someone, anywhere, to make an arm box, of any kind whatsoever, with expandable ram.
1819964;1527715256;asciilifeform;seems as if 0 ever made, afaik.
1819965;1527716274;BingoBoingo;https://www.cnx-software.com/2016/06/26/599-softiron-overdrive-1000-server-is-powered-by-amd-opteron-a1100-64-bit-arm-processor/ && https://archive.is/CVwS3 << Not sure if actually sold anywhere or vaporware
1819966;1527716464;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: vapor + riotously overpriced
1819967;1527716519;asciilifeform;( for < 2x of that figure, you get a dulap-class box, with 32 cpu, 256G ram, raid card, etc )
1819968;1527716597;asciilifeform;one would have to be a complete idiot to buy 2 of the linked golden toilets ( supposing they were in fact for sale, which they dun appear to be, tho vendor site still alive and claiming )
1819969;1527716889;BingoBoingo;Well, provided it ships thing is "of any kind whatsoever" with expandable RAM
1819970;1527717520;asciilifeform;for all i know, lockheed, or harris, or ibm, etc, ship one. i was speaking strictly of boxes priced to sell, not usg circus props.
1819971;1527717677;asciilifeform;understand, 600 usgbux buys whole ( minus power supply ) rc pilot plant ! incl disk !!
1819972;1527717749;asciilifeform;i.e. 6 boxen, or 24 cpu (4 per), however you like to cut it.
1819973;1527721863;asciilifeform;!!up BreakingRae
1819974;1527721864;deedbot;BreakingRae voiced for 30 minutes.
1819975;1527721896;asciilifeform;BreakingRae: who might you be ?
1819976;1527725192;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in odd spams, https://rndmthts.com
1819979;1527734059;esthlos;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-30#1819748 << yes, thanks
1819980;1527734059;a111;Logged on 2018-05-30 12:10 diana_coman: esthlos, "is expected to read and understood before use" -> to read and understand the code?
1819981;1527735252;mod6;asciilifeform regrets not having bought the hdd's, betcha they were fulla lul << lol, srsly.
1819982;1527736485;asciilifeform;know what asciilifeform won't miss at all when we dump fleanode ? how about the join/part vermin.
1819984;1527736827;*;mircea_popescu apologizes.
1819985;1527736843;mircea_popescu;tis a young domme working to shed it.
1819986;1527736887;esthlos;hey asciilifeform : I'm trying out ratpoison, and lovin it. Mind sharing your workflow/ratpoisonrc?
1819987;1527736908;asciilifeform;esthlos: not only will share, but it'll come standard on those c101pa boxen.
1819989;1527736950;esthlos;might as well ask: do you have a copy of naggum's emacs?
1819990;1527737034;asciilifeform;esthlos: re: .ratpoisonrc : it is different on diff boxen, because screen res. here's http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/LmIrz/?raw=true the one from the box i happen to be sitting at just now.
1819991;1527737068;asciilifeform;esthlos: i do not have a copy of naggum's anything, aside from a few usenet posts
1819992;1527737085;esthlos;ah, sad
1819993;1527737093;asciilifeform;this is not to say that nobody does.
1819994;1527737096;esthlos;thanks for the rc
1819995;1527737098;asciilifeform;but i haven't any notion who.
1819996;1527737101;asciilifeform;esthlos: np
1819997;1527737112;asciilifeform;it isn't very useful, imho, my rc, this is intensely individual thing
1819998;1527737122;asciilifeform;(useful to others, i mean. to me -- very useful)
1819999;1527737140;asciilifeform;it is very particular to my display layout here in this particular room, for instance.
1820000;1527737180;asciilifeform;on lappies you'll want a key that shows battery status, for example.
1820001;1527737184;esthlos;based on "bind e exec emacs": you don't run as a server?
1820003;1527737200;asciilifeform;what's to be gained from it ?
1820004;1527737215;asciilifeform;so that 1 emacs can wedge and hang ALL of them ? nothx
1820005;1527737242;esthlos;mostly protects me from stupidly closing last emacs frame
1820006;1527737255;asciilifeform;why would this be a problem ?
1820007;1527737298;esthlos;well, then I have to spin up my buffers again
1820008;1527737326;asciilifeform;if this is serious problem for you, write a save-restore elisp for yer buffers
1820009;1527737361;esthlos;...never thought of that
1820010;1527737373;asciilifeform;my emacs does not have this problem. prolly on account of the MB or so of multigenerational elisp in'ere
1820011;1527737375;*;asciilifeform bbl,meat
1820012;1527737414;mircea_popescu;if only they had had the sense to v-tree it.
1820013;1527740222;asciilifeform;i suspect that most of what's in mine, would be of very little help to folx who hadn't spent past 20y getting musclememoried to it
1820014;1527740242;asciilifeform;maybe 10% or so, worth publishing/vtreeing
1820015;1527740256;asciilifeform;( supposing we even want to perpetuate emacsism... )
1820016;1527740429;asciilifeform;good chunk of it, has obvious, screaming dysfunctions that i never found satisfactory cures for, and learned to live with.
1820017;1527740452;mircea_popescu;this conversation is starting to veer most dildoesque.
1820018;1527740454;asciilifeform;really not a work of high art that asciilifeform is particularly proud of.
1820020;1527740481;asciilifeform;i was thinking moar along the lines of prosthetic limbs
1820021;1527740492;asciilifeform;but dildo, wainot.
1820022;1527740507;mircea_popescu;if not prosthetic limb, what is a dildo.
1820023;1527740684;asciilifeform;possibly it is actually better to teach small children to smoke, than to teach new people emacs.
1820024;1527754853;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-30#1819960 <-- dunno why I was convinced that they go up to 4GB. would be quite disappointing otherwise, yes. /me is waiting for official release.
1820025;1527754853;a111;Logged on 2018-05-30 21:18 asciilifeform: spyked: 1G of ram. weak.
1820026;1527757428;ave1;spyked, one module has  a 4GB eMMC flash
1820027;1527757624;spyked;hm. yes, that might have been what got me confused
1820028;1527758250;spyked;dun dun dun
1820029;1527758454;ave1;the bot is using a list of OTPs?
1820030;1527759135;spyked;ave1, yep. the process is not refined yet (getting the encrypted OTPs from deedbot is a tad irksome, gotta sift through cl-irc messages), but getting there.
1820031;1527759885;ave1;very cool
1820032;1527761052;spyked;hm. this extra +v wasn't supposed to occur. brb.
1820033;1527761332;spyked;apologies again for the noise. should be alright now.
1820034;1527774681;asciilifeform;BreakingRae -> unbrokenRae -> UnbreakableRae -> unbrokenRae << lol
1820036;1527778152;asciilifeform;ohai mod6
1820037;1527778577;BingoBoingo;Buenos dias
1820038;1527778595;asciilifeform;hola BingoBoingo
1820039;1527778604;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: didja find a usable flat ?
1820040;1527778617;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Found a strong candidate
1820042;1527778631;asciilifeform;haggling over price nao ?
1820043;1527778662;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Herding Latinos to determine what exactly needs to be done to who
1820045;1527778856;mod6;ah, cool
1820046;1527778880;asciilifeform;in other potential finds, https://irclog.whitequark.org/linux-rockchip/2018-05-03 << d00d claims to have clean uboot for c101pa . no complete srcball posted tho, as far as i was able to find, yet
1820047;1527778927;asciilifeform;or possibly i misread and it was the easier c201.
1820048;1527778935;asciilifeform;but theoretically should port, same chipset.
1820049;1527780524;mircea_popescu;i'll be visiting a radio-dark zone today, so cya all tomorrow!
1820051;1527780823;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: give my regards to the ocelots
1820052;1527781697;asciilifeform;in other noose, unmodified pizarro pilotplant rootfs ( as published in http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2295 and to rc customers ) boots ( with, for the time being , heathen kernel ) on cp101pa .
1820053;1527781707;asciilifeform;phf ^
1820054;1527783672;asciilifeform;http://btcinfo.sdf.org/blog/adios-o-la-bifurcacion.html << in other noose.
1820055;1527784863;asciilifeform;!!up timella
1820056;1527784864;deedbot;timella voiced for 30 minutes.
1820057;1527790249;lobbes;shinohai embarking on man-alone adventures eh?
1820058;1527791228;asciilifeform;lobbes: imho better like this ( or for that matter, like, e.g., cazalla , in the past ) than to silently vanish
1820059;1527791283;asciilifeform;until/unless d00d is found to be consorting with enemy or whatever misdeed -- i recommend to see his retirement as a honourable discharge.
1820060;1527792822;trinque;it'd be pointlessly wasteful to say falling out of lordship is the end of all productive life.
1820062;1527792905;mod6;One does not require lordship to mearly participate.
1820063;1527792968;trinque;esthlos here just cranked out a mighty fine vtron without a fancy hat
1820064;1527794265;ben_vulpes;!!deed http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/2TGf0/?raw=true
1820065;1527794270;deedbot;accepted: 1
1820066;1527794322;lobbes;asciilifeform: Ftr, my original !!unrate of shinohai was reflective of the fact that I could not at the time discern if he was coming/going/passive-aggressively-whatevering. When I return to my key I'll rate the guy positively as this satisfies my earlier stated criteria of "there are ways to gracefully exit while preserving reputation"
1820067;1527794390;lobbes;And indeed, as per that trilema, titles (i.e. lordship) are merely pointers for convenience
1820069;1527798328;diana_coman;shinohai's blog looks slick and I wish him all the best but his post reads to me as a full-blown collection of strawmen (what "consensus decided"? what is "official reason given" even supposed to mean exactly? etc); at most I can read it as a mistaken "if not a lord then not a member either" but an honest mistake is just about the most positive reading I can do of that thing
1820070;1527798381;diana_coman;!!rated shinohai
1820071;1527798381;deedbot;diana_coman rated shinohai 1 at 2016/09/03 22:20:37 << Held many euloran noob hands.
1820072;1527798460;diana_coman;that much is certainly true so my rating stands as it is
1820073;1527801524;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/05/populists-thwart-italian-president-candidate-for-finance-minister-found-who-hasnt-talk-about-leaving-eurozone-yet/ << Qntra - Populists Thwart Italian President  Candidate For Finance Minister Found Who Hasn't Talk About Leaving Eurozone Yet
1820074;1527802364;ben_vulpes;BingoBoingo: talk -> talked ?
1820075;1527802391;BingoBoingo;ty fxd
1820076;1527802775;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-31#1819989 << i believe the only piece of "naggum emacs" that was available at any point is his patches against emacs 20 to remove MULE (and maybe also provide his own, unicode based alternative)
1820077;1527802775;a111;Logged on 2018-05-31 03:22 esthlos: might as well ask: do you have a copy of naggum's emacs?
1820078;1527802842;phf;i remember seeing the archive.org version of the relevant page, but i think the correspond tar.gz was not in archive, and i gave up tryin to track it down
1820079;1527802881;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-31#1820052 << ah ty, is that boots, or with video/wifi/suspend?
1820080;1527802881;a111;Logged on 2018-05-31 15:48 asciilifeform: in other noose, unmodified pizarro pilotplant rootfs ( as published in http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2295 and to rc customers ) boots ( with, for the time being , heathen kernel ) on cp101pa .
1820081;1527803094;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-29#1819488 << i vaguelly suspect that's something i need to do, but i don't know if i'm willing to go through the whole song and dance with american medical professionals (tm) to extract the medication out of them. might be easier to wait till my next trip to russia..
1820082;1527803094;a111;Logged on 2018-05-29 16:28 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-29#1819451 << and if not, try antibiotics.
1820083;1527803926;asciilifeform;phf: do what errybody else does, veterinary pharma.
1820084;1527804002;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-31#1820079 << currently, simply boots ( and runs, sans networking, but userland - gcc etc. -- work, and can emerge proggies from heathenos under chroot. ) the remaining iron is expected to work once i get a patched kernel (with baked-in mods) built.
1820085;1527804002;a111;Logged on 2018-05-31 21:41 phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-31#1820052 << ah ty, is that boots, or with video/wifi/suspend?
1820086;1527804038;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-31#1820076 << supposing one could count it as part of emacs -- naggum's oddball kbd mappings are also known
1820087;1527804038;a111;Logged on 2018-05-31 21:39 phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-31#1819989 << i believe the only piece of "naggum emacs" that was available at any point is his patches against emacs 20 to remove MULE (and maybe also provide his own, unicode based alternative)
1820088;1527804043;asciilifeform;but afaik that's all.
1820089;1527804054;asciilifeform;the rest -- presumably went down with the ship.
1820090;1527804936;phf;right after his death his "estate" posted that the archives of naggum's work will be published "soon", outcome not surprising. i suspect somebody illiterate saw magic runes, decided that sits on lead to gold technology, "to be monetized when i retire"
1820091;1527804977;asciilifeform;phf: moar likely, some combo of simply leaving to gather dust, and throwing out
1820092;1527804986;asciilifeform;same thing that happens to most dead folx.
1820093;1527805049;asciilifeform;whatever the debt collectors didn't take.
1820094;1527805170;phf;there are bits and pieces of code in the usenet, i actually use one of naggum's functions extensively: https://www.xach.com/naggum/articles/3115568738543631@naggum.no.html
1820095;1527805213;phf;(it's all the way in the end/signature)
1820096;1527805232;asciilifeform;incidentally phf , the keeper of ^ archive never answered asciilifeform's mail re providing a copy. so really oughta scrape it before it evaporates.
1820097;1527805276;phf;you mean copy of his renderer, or the original usenet messages?
1820098;1527805288;asciilifeform;messages. tho the renderer would be nice also.
1820099;1527805295;asciilifeform;can't exactly scrape the renderer tho.
1820100;1527805306;phf;http://data.xach.com.s3.amazonaws.com/cll.txt.gz http://data.xach.com.s3.amazonaws.com/naggum-articles.tgz
1820101;1527805312;asciilifeform;oh ha i missed this
1820102;1527805334;asciilifeform;ty phf
1820103;1527805340;asciilifeform;( where was this originally linked ? )
1820105;1527805372;asciilifeform;somehow i missed.
1820106;1527805401;phf;he also describes a nifty indexing strategy on same page, that i was thinking of using for logs even (very early on)
1820107;1527805555;phf;(to clarify it's completely useless for logs, for obvious reasons, but it was so simple and lispy i thought it can be modified somehow)
1820108;1527805556;asciilifeform;something like what he describes, is unavoidable when data set gets to weigh enough, if you still want reasonable search times
1820109;1527805607;asciilifeform;kinda why phuctor doesn't have an arbitrary string search
1820110;1527805617;asciilifeform;( i elementarily haven't the memory to make this work reasonably )
1820111;1527805655;phf;right, the approach is sort of one step removed from naive brute force, and now you're paying with extra memory for the index
1820112;1527805672;*;phf afk
1820113;1527810792;asciilifeform;in other... useful... links: http://natribu.org/en/ << multilingual!
1820114;1527810966;danielpbarron;!!v D814418CC2C6E0514157B897F842E5B34F765CA9C18DFE91A0E5133F339D63C0
1820115;1527811027;danielpbarron;trinque, what am i doing wrong? ^
1820116;1527811125;trinque;how bout a little more context there bud
1820117;1527811166;danielpbarron;trying to !!pay someone
1820118;1527811176;trinque;probably had the parameters reversed