1678034;1498868994;mod6;Ladies and Gentlemen of the Most Serene Republic, The Bitcoin Foundation Presents: http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2017-July/000268.html 1678035;1498869011;asciilifeform;neato mod6 ! 1678036;1498869021;*;mod6 waves 1678037;1498869067;shinohai;ty mod6 1678038;1498869185;mod6;you're welcome! 1678039;1498869509;sina;tax lodged, off to get some dumplings and help a friend move stuff 1678040;1498869517;sina;have a good day/evening tmsr 1678041;1498875207;asciilifeform;in other lulz, here's a message to the fine folx throwing 'php 0days' by the bucket at phuctor : snoar 1678042;1498875345;shinohai;lel 1678043;1498875372;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/AA47C094752F2F3F452921B9348A20B582CD5EC81B237FB5929CD947B981FBB9 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1743...9567 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown KR) 1678044;1498875372;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/AA47C094752F2F3F452921B9348A20B582CD5EC81B237FB5929CD947B981FBB9 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1668...2737 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown KR) 1678045;1498875372;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/6E4C26FC75C28240D34DBDB579FE9286E55CABF379E848725A31FF989FEA3224 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1739...7303 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (mail.mx-net.cz. CZ MO 801) 1678046;1498875372;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/6E4C26FC75C28240D34DBDB579FE9286E55CABF379E848725A31FF989FEA3224 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1715...4253 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (mail.mx-net.cz. CZ MO 801) 1678047;1498875529;asciilifeform;0 php in'ere. promise. 1678048;1498875588;asciilifeform;i have the barf scrolling on dedicated panel 24/7 and when some is 'new' it catches the eye. 1678049;1498877014;asciilifeform;in other iron, http://6502.org/users/dieter/mt15/mt15.htm 1678050;1498877104;mircea_popescu;i dont think those folks read anything online. including their own barf. since 2004 or so 1678051;1498877391;BingoBoingo;!!deed http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/gRKpz/?raw=true 1678052;1498877408;deedbot;accepted: 1 1678053;1498877520;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2017/07/qntra-s-qntr-june-2017-report/ << Qntra - Qntra (S.QNTR) June 2017 Report 1678054;1498877731;shinohai;jeez I was lacking in lulzworthy submissions this month BingoBoingo 1678055;1498877738;*;shinohai must be losing edge 1678056;1498878113;BingoBoingo;Perhaps month was boring on news front? QNtra is not in fake news business 1678057;1498878473;mircea_popescu;summer eh. 1678058;1498880343;BingoBoingo;And forking isn't such news anymore 1678059;1498881556;mircea_popescu;in other lulz, girlz got a gym membership ; and since it was included they set up nutritionist meeting. why the hell not, right ? 1678060;1498881597;mircea_popescu;"yes it was today but we didn't go" "well we went, but it was like in and out" "yeah" 1678061;1498881600;mircea_popescu;"what happened ?" 1678062;1498881618;mircea_popescu;"nothing happened, the woman was pushing 300 lbs." "i'm not taking any nutritionism advice from THAT." 1678063;1498885299;BingoBoingo;HAMpocrisy! 1678064;1498886199;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/10E6BDFD1FF4DA57C469BA5626B007AB18B45CB7154CD91DC9A4D2FECCCD2E49 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1534...1963 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (server23.drecomm.nl. NL) 1678065;1498886199;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/10E6BDFD1FF4DA57C469BA5626B007AB18B45CB7154CD91DC9A4D2FECCCD2E49 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1770...5119 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (server23.drecomm.nl. NL) 1678066;1498892423;sina;asciilifeform: you should use this new shell https://github.com/mitnk/cicada 1678067;1498913792;asciilifeform;lel 1678068;1498915552;Framedragger;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-22#1673312 << https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/800/1*0L0vei31AKXnhV3yxjDfJQ.png "experienced traders" "honestly can't believe" (https://medium.com/@MattPrusak/an-ethical-dilemma-is-the-ethereum-bubble-amount-to-pop-3b020a866264) 1678069;1498915552;a111;Logged on 2017-06-22 07:43 deedbot: http://qntra.net/2017/06/the-poofening-ether-huffers-suffer-price-flash-crash-as-opposed-to-more-frequently-covered-service-crash/ << Qntra - The Poofening: Ether Huffers Suffer Price Flash Crash (As Opposed To More Frequently Covered Service Crash) 1678070;1498915643;mircea_popescu;lel 1678071;1498916683;shinohai;Poor experienced traderz 1678072;1498916758;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/4EAA17432C68EB5CA290AF87451BE59E9E12F433188D144751F2A9AE71A400F9 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1621...3109 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' ( BR MG) 1678073;1498916758;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/4EAA17432C68EB5CA290AF87451BE59E9E12F433188D144751F2A9AE71A400F9 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1478...7663 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' ( BR MG) 1678074;1498917046;mircea_popescu;hey, teh value of a trader is directly proportional to how many dumbass shit they posted on reddit. totally. 1678075;1498917112;mircea_popescu;Framedragger anyway, appreciate the wisdom of having all that idiotic bubbling consumer behaviour at the outskirts of bitcoin, and the unmitigated power and awesome finesse of actually implementing the wisdom. 1678076;1498917422;Framedragger;yeah... 1678077;1498917439;mircea_popescu;thanlks god for the magical alien lizard nazis of bitcoin! 1678078;1498918729;shinohai;In other investment SFYL http://archive.is/o4JJf 1678079;1498920099;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-01#1678068 << lulzgold, >> '...price of Ethereum Classic...product of a schism in the blockchain community last year, is not interchangeable with the main Ethereum blockchain. In fact, market commentators have predicted that ETC will more or less die off. While it has the same fundamental technology, ETC has essentially nothing to do with the mass adoption of Ethereum by recent projects (and the formati 1678080;1498920099;a111;Logged on 2017-07-01 13:25 Framedragger: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-22#1673312 << https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/800/1*0L0vei31AKXnhV3yxjDfJQ.png "experienced traders" "honestly can't believe" (https://medium.com/@MattPrusak/an-ethical-dilemma-is-the-ethereum-bubble-amount-to-pop-3b020a866264) 1678081;1498920099;asciilifeform;on of the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance) — yet the price continues to rise.' didjaknow 1678082;1498920105;asciilifeform;schism! 1678083;1498920126;mircea_popescu;lol 1678084;1498920160;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-01#1678078 << dun forget to Run Moar Winblowz 1678085;1498920160;a111;Logged on 2017-07-01 14:18 shinohai: In other investment SFYL http://archive.is/o4JJf 1678086;1498920161;mircea_popescu;the crazy batshit they have to argue. "oh, ethereum is rapemeat but totally worth the money also ethereum never happened also ethereum has nothing to do with the enthusiams, also black chix code, also that doesn't matter, also" 1678087;1498920532;asciilifeform;hey, whole point was 'parallel taiwanization' of bitcoin -- normalize tx reversion, 'buy-only' exchanges with periodic margin call sheepshave, etc 1678088;1498920586;mircea_popescu;yeah, and it worked oh so well lmao 1678089;1498920607;mircea_popescu;mit selling me its ips to pay for the ethereum. 1678090;1498920618;mircea_popescu;vorwarts, soviets@ 1678091;1498920639;asciilifeform;would mircea_popescu actually buy ips ? aint that rather like buying land in manhattan 1678092;1498920652;mircea_popescu;turns out, when you attempt to taiwanize your master, your master instead taiwanizes you. 1678093;1498920665;asciilifeform;( or like those legendary trained horses, bought from gypsy, that walk back... ) 1678094;1498920673;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform it's complicated. 1678095;1498920718;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you know, back in the day i used to specifically buy "trained whore", "will run back". they... never did. 1678096;1498920756;mircea_popescu;nothing easier than to overestimate the strength of a length of chain. kinda what compsec turns out to be all about all the time also. 1678097;1498920760;asciilifeform;hey, even double agents sometimes 'up valence' and triple 1678098;1498920790;mircea_popescu;in practice, there's no such thing as a disloyal woman. just women who've not yet met anyone worth bothering with in the sea of schmucks. 1678099;1498920824;mircea_popescu;granted, ips are slightly different. but not THAT different. 1678100;1498920885;asciilifeform;i still wonder why ( afaik ! ) there has not been yet an open schism, where usg: 'ip X belongs to Y' but elsewhere 'no, Z' 1678101;1498920910;mircea_popescu;~because there's still agreement that that'll cost too much. 1678102;1498920960;asciilifeform;soo possibly like the infamous 'nonmilitarization of antarctica' treaties 1678103;1498920973;mircea_popescu;this agreement, much like the http://trilema.com/2014/la-florida-and-other-places/#selection-111.0-117.724 thirld world head roach, are pretty much the fumes on which the usg runs today 1678104;1498920991;mircea_popescu;wringing it away is worth it in and of itself, that's how you destroy the crown. 1678105;1498921029;mircea_popescu;keep facing it with the easy money now dilemma. they ALWAYS make the same choice, which simplifies the management of their rape significantly. 1678106;1498921124;mircea_popescu;all this bakes in the momentary happenstance that the chinese've not yet run out of things to do. once that happens... "cost is no object" as they say. so there's an absolute cap on it anyway. 1678107;1498921406;asciilifeform;re ips -- microshit still gets what it wants 100% of the time, to date, when demands 'sinkhole this botnet c&c ip' 1678108;1498921422;mircea_popescu;so far 1678109;1498921428;asciilifeform;but usually the conversation is re a dozen or two, rather than blocks 1678110;1498921465;mircea_popescu;the way net works in china, there's no owner for a bunch of blocks, practically. 1678111;1498921481;asciilifeform;the 'sinkhole south america, it is a terrorist continent full of mircea_popescus' axe time moment has not afaik yet come. 1678112;1498921520;mircea_popescu;the whole "private net" a campus is prolly the way of the future. "this is the US argentina got a diff one" 1678113;1498921530;asciilifeform;north kr is pioneer here 1678114;1498921534;mircea_popescu;right. 1678115;1498921551;mircea_popescu;but anyway -- state dun just go away because we fucked their dumbass ipv6. they'll just you know, same shit, different node. 1678116;1498921565;asciilifeform;the interesting q is why it has not yet happened. 1678117;1498921568;mircea_popescu;zombie gotta has teh braaaainzzz 1678118;1498921591;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform cuz stiff and shambling. but expect the shitty isps to start "experimenting" with it 1678119;1498921607;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: already long time 'experimented', with zapping incoming ports etc 1678120;1498921614;asciilifeform;but always halfhearted 1678121;1498921630;asciilifeform;because, at least as traditionally understood, every isp knows that it is really warez that keeps it alive 1678122;1498921630;mircea_popescu;a drepper shall be born. 1678123;1498921639;asciilifeform;( or else nobody would shell out for massive bandwidth ) 1678124;1498921656;mircea_popescu;by now, it's the govt that keeps alive both isp and otakus using them. 1678125;1498921673;mircea_popescu;so ~moot. 1678126;1498921703;mircea_popescu;if today people started dropping cable subscription en masse, the last mile isps would petition congress and it'd become illegal to do, like electricity. 1678127;1498921730;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: already happened. they simply jacked the price. 1678128;1498921739;asciilifeform;( of both ! ) 1678129;1498921742;mircea_popescu;heh 1678130;1498921781;mircea_popescu;that's because there's no inflation, happens naturally. 1678131;1498922548;asciilifeform;oblig 'internet of the future' >> http://www.loper-os.org/?p=208 1678132;1498922581;asciilifeform;it was never clear to me why that particular frog is being boiled as slowly as it is. 1678133;1498922624;mircea_popescu;you drastically overestimate the ability of the enemy, and this appears to you as slowness. think : all they could do, ALL they could do to anoint the obama dork was ows. 1678134;1498922637;mircea_popescu;did that look to you like it's capable of boiling frogs any faster ? 1678135;1498922670;mircea_popescu;and it also degrades, pantsuit hilarity got no ows of her own. 1678136;1498922689;asciilifeform;tru 1678137;1498922708;mircea_popescu;all she got was a buncha black hos giving her a lap dance, once. 1678138;1498922720;mircea_popescu;that's basically bottle service, can have any day of the week 1678139;1498923344;mircea_popescu;and speaking of this, it's not JUST ows. the "gamergate" bs is also exactly the same thing -- "leaderless" because the actual leadership is both too pussyfied to actually step in front of the troops, and too fucking stupid to even sort out ideological difficulties and so make such stepping theoretically meaningful. 1678140;1498923385;mircea_popescu;meanwhile the imbecile redditard, who we shall name isis agora fuckhead for no apparent reason except obviously why, ACTUALLY BELIEVEs that it's all the rage and highly fashionable to be part of leaderless "spontaneous movements". 1678141;1498923442;asciilifeform;this might be attributing too much reasoned thought to the fungal mass 1678142;1498923447;mircea_popescu;any half drunk habitual rapist "soldier" throughout history could have summoned enoujgh sense, in the depths of his stupor, adding up five moments of clarity worth ten minutes dispersed over six weeks to figure out that "hey, the fact our so called army has nobody marching in front speaks poorly of its chances or human quality" 1678143;1498923468;asciilifeform;is 'belief' actually involved, or just smooth musculature movement ? 1678144;1498923513;mircea_popescu;yet these "measures of all things" exemplars of pure humanity, that honestly believe their heads are capable of any lifting, if they "just had the facts" hurr durr lol lol snort, nevertheless can't see far enough ahead to realise they're "leaderless" because their leaders are out and out bullshit, and for no other reason. 1678145;1498923516;asciilifeform;and incidentally idiot peasants routinely joined up with 'movements' with ~0 leadership, got slaughtered 1678146;1498923522;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform da fuck even knows. 1678147;1498923534;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform so they did, yes. OURDEMOCRACY is older than calvin. 1678148;1498923553;mircea_popescu;(who, ironically, didn't speak too highly of it, either.) 1678149;1498923563;asciilifeform;older than spartacus 1678150;1498923589;mircea_popescu;meanwhile, http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-21#1672909 1678151;1498923589;a111;Logged on 2017-06-21 14:25 mircea_popescu: and speaking of black chix code : https://www.google.com/search?q=Elena+Istode&tbm=isch 1678152;1498923606;asciilifeform;wassat? 1678153;1498923623;mircea_popescu;ro chick, secret service general no less, spent a decade organizing these "leaderless" bullshits in ro. 1678154;1498923717;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/35PKK claims '59106 ron' per y. 1678155;1498923721;asciilifeform;that's, what, 500bux ? 1678156;1498923723;asciilifeform;mega-general 1678157;1498923729;mircea_popescu;about 20k 1678158;1498923747;asciilifeform;i could see 20k for general of... mali 1678159;1498923748;asciilifeform;but ro ? 1678160;1498923760;mircea_popescu;what can i tell you. socialist state is poor and hopeless. 1678161;1498923785;*;asciilifeform reconsiders changing professions to general of ro !!1111 1678162;1498923792;mircea_popescu;why ? 1678163;1498923796;asciilifeform;pay's shite 1678164;1498923820;mircea_popescu;o, that's your criteria ? 1678165;1498923832;asciilifeform;( there was a 1990s gag shirt -- 'have you RECONSIDERED a career in computer programming' ) 1678166;1498923950;asciilifeform;phunphakt : american general makes not so much moar, see, e.g,. http://www.militaryfactory.com/military_pay_scale.asp 1678167;1498923978;mircea_popescu;unlike the us general, ro chick made plenty. 1678168;1498923986;mircea_popescu;i'd guess about 3-5mn during her tenure. 1678169;1498924012;asciilifeform;carl force - style ? 1678170;1498924216;asciilifeform;( probably the norm in usa also, otherwise it is difficult to explain why a colonel is paid ~same as a programmer ) 1678171;1498924435;mircea_popescu;just about. who doesn't want to be friends with a hot blondy with brains ? 1678172;1498924453;mircea_popescu;she can have whatever she wants, why the hell not. who else ? who'd you be saving it for, your own kids ? 1678173;1498924461;mircea_popescu;meritocracy, let the kids starve. 1678174;1498924511;asciilifeform;lolsaving 1678175;1498924522;asciilifeform;they still have that o're there don't they. 1678176;1498924577;mircea_popescu;well, here used in the general sense, "if elena asks for a car and you don't give it to her, you're saving it. wtf you;'re saving it for ?" 1678177;1498924589;mircea_popescu;general sense lol. epic. 1678178;1498924644;asciilifeform;lol this is like that Framedragger chix 1678179;1498924653;asciilifeform;i am unaware of why this one is so great. 1678180;1498924683;mircea_popescu;whatever, blondy. 1678181;1498924698;asciilifeform;i'd rather roll up the money an' smoke it. 1678182;1498924706;mircea_popescu;really ? 1678183;1498924713;asciilifeform;theoretically. 1678184;1498924720;mircea_popescu;i suppose this'd be why you dun have a network then. 1678185;1498924725;asciilifeform;perhaps. 1678186;1498924752;mircea_popescu;you understand that if you smoke it you're gifting it to mugurel yes ? 1678187;1498924797;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: right, which is why i am not sitting here and smoking benjies 1678188;1498924808;asciilifeform;but ~in preference~ to giving it to some rando quasihuman 1678189;1498924811;asciilifeform;-- would. 1678190;1498924829;mircea_popescu;what sense does that make ? the central bank is just a faceless distillate of all the population. 1678191;1498924835;mircea_popescu;this one at least understands she's supposed to be naked. 1678192;1498924844;asciilifeform;oh did she ? 1678193;1498924856;mircea_popescu;well, hence all the bathing suit pix 1678194;1498924882;asciilifeform;i didn't see any naked ones. but then again did not dig. 1678195;1498924884;mircea_popescu;show me hilarity's. (no, not from now, from back when she didn't understand but should have understood.) 1678196;1498925015;asciilifeform;these are prolly kept next to the launch codes and the rsa pill, lol. 1678197;1498925020;mircea_popescu;heh 1678198;1498925041;mircea_popescu;point being : the "i'd give it to the soviet comissar rather than to this woman" preference ain't supported. 1678199;1498925066;asciilifeform;point was rather ' i can't see diff b/w here and commissar, same faceless face ' 1678200;1498925071;asciilifeform;*her 1678201;1498925095;mircea_popescu;but this one at least understands (even if only spottily applies) that she's supposed to be naked. the other ones generally do not. this one is thereby above average and therefore the preference. 1678202;1498925113;*;asciilifeform can picture. 1678203;1498925136;mircea_popescu;as far as the theory goes, at least. in practice, the preference was very much there, she was quite popular in the basescu years. 1678204;1498925149;mircea_popescu;i dunno anyone who'd turn down her rsvp. 1678205;1498925210;asciilifeform;reminds me of that time asciilifeform went to a party and it was full of nsa colonels 1678206;1498925215;asciilifeform;( 0 chix ) 1678207;1498925220;asciilifeform;mega-snoar 1678208;1498926045;mircea_popescu;honestly, i don't recall ever going to a good party states-side. 1678209;1498926069;mircea_popescu;then again, i wasn't on the west coast ; nor do i have much patience for the flip flop and smoked out crowd. 1678210;1498926180;*;asciilifeform not on west coast, and also does not 1678211;1498926518;mircea_popescu;course our scoring criteria may diverge. 1678212;1498926569;mircea_popescu;as far as i'm concerned, good party = no less than 60 females per 100, no loser/dork males present, good music not too loudly and some public fucking. 1678213;1498926573;mircea_popescu;i think that about covers it. 1678214;1498926631;mircea_popescu;oh, and good music = nothing after 2000, no electronica etc crapolade, none of the boy band nkotb idiocy, no faggots (michael, bowie, whatever nonsense with hats). 1678215;1498926638;mircea_popescu;that also should just about cover it. 1678216;1498927508;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/1516AE8196AC0C480EFDAFD40057777D7097D858A5DC3A58A35E0171ADC9942B << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1380...5417 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' ( NL NH) 1678217;1498927508;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/1516AE8196AC0C480EFDAFD40057777D7097D858A5DC3A58A35E0171ADC9942B << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1608...3899 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' ( NL NH) 1678218;1498928111;asciilifeform;oh holyfuq google nao has a 'report inappropriate predictions' 1678219;1498928158;asciilifeform;'hateful / sexually explicit / violent / dangerous and harmful activity / other' form 1678220;1498928164;mircea_popescu;predictions ? 1678221;1498928200;asciilifeform;in civilian wwwtrons with js, it offers 'predictions' when you type in the search box 1678222;1498928219;asciilifeform;for maybe 7yrs now 1678223;1498928249;asciilifeform;these are - or until recently were - mechanically derived from popular search phrases 1678224;1498928256;mircea_popescu;ah ah 1678225;1498931032;BingoBoingo; oh, and good music = nothing after 2000, no electronica etc crapolade, none of the boy band nkotb idiocy, no faggots (michael, bowie, whatever nonsense with hats). << Celebrate Victory with 10 Years of Van Halen!!! 1678226;1498931043;mircea_popescu;ew 1678227;1498931282;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all 1678228;1498931289;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 2445.53, vol: 8083.60796697 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 2404.804, vol: 3581.20542 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 2368.3, vol: 12581.59897166 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 2625.498525, vol: 4688.50560000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 2433.181, vol: 4603.92317997 | Volume-weighted last average: 2435.67290717 1678229;1498931338;BingoBoingo;Not ew, just another struggle to achieve victory over! Or in program-talk "Another opportunity to work your program" 1678230;1498940252;ben_vulpes;https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/evdd84/10-rich-families-are-paying-their-dollar30000-preschool-tuition-in-bitcoin << let the fleecing begin! 1678231;1498940727;diana_coman;" luxury preschool " lmao 1678232;1498941844;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: if dell and microshit can pseudo-accept btc ( via usgpay ) wai not these. 1678233;1498941877;asciilifeform;'...opened up a Coinbase account for merchants that allows the school to accept cryptocurrency payments from families and automatically convert them into US dollars...' 1678234;1498941952;asciilifeform;no-scheme-too-idiotic to get usd-rich imbeciles used to usgbase 'wallets', cross-contamination of btcsavingsaddrs and usgspendingaddrs, etc. 1678235;1498945024;ben_vulpes;what is this cross-contamination? 1678236;1498952130;sina;https://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues/6237 << "systemd can't handle the process previlege that belongs to user name startswith number, such as 0day" 1678237;1498952162;sina;if you write a systemd unit file with "User=0day", it launches the process as root. Pottering sez: "not a bug" 1678238;1498952260;sina;twitter quote from @i0n1c: "Ohh the irony that boot sectors are writable in Windows to support anti virus software" reply from @WeldPond: "'It became necessary to destroy the town to save it,'" 1678239;1498952303;sina;also: Complete break of RSA-1024 as implemented in Libgcrypt https://eprint.iacr.org/2017/627.pdf, "And 13% of RSA-2048 keys. Whoopsie!", "The new bit is showing that LtR sliding windows are a Very Bad Choice for modular exponentiation. Very nice." 1678240;1498952533;sina;weed is legalised in Nevada 1678241;1498952666;sina;some interesting reading here, https://blog.acolyer.org/2017/06/27/hijacking-bitcoin-routing-attacks-on-cryptocurrencies/ 1678242;1498953103;sina;nothing further to report 1678243;1498953133;asciilifeform;sina: the israeli d00dz with the microphone had this 3y ago 1678244;1498953148;sina;which this? 1678245;1498953154;sina;RSA one? 1678246;1498953157;asciilifeform;and nao bernstein, henninger ( this is what, 3rd paper since she was attached to him ) 'unhappened and rehappened' it 1678247;1498953158;asciilifeform;yes rsa 1678248;1498953169;asciilifeform;Run Moar Nonconstanttime Bignum 1678249;1498953172;asciilifeform;(tm)(r) 1678250;1498954729;mircea_popescu;and in other news from the unexpected jungle, a magistral link affording costa rica access to the brazilian electricity market failed* earlier today, resulting in no power. 1678251;1498954758;mircea_popescu;i don't mean, here where i am. i mean, in costa rica period. and nicaragua. and panama. toda la centroamerica, mang! 1678252;1498954768;mircea_popescu;(*story subject to future revision) 1678253;1498954780;shinohai; O.o 1678254;1498954839;mircea_popescu;no power, no pumps (i live up on a hillside) and so i had the girls... fery water. from the pool, with ex-paper baskets repurposed as sacas, up the fucking stairs. 1678255;1498954877;mircea_popescu;it turned into a lovely teaching moment about the you know, historically principal expenditure of female calories. "that's what they did, all the way to 1800. lugged water. they still do in india." 1678256;1498954947;mircea_popescu;"how do you like it ?" 1678257;1498955253;asciilifeform;and what of the diesels 1678258;1498955280;mircea_popescu;i suppose i should provision a whole generating plant again. 1678259;1498955299;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform those were in buenos aires. i didn't take along. all i got here is yhou know, inverters, batteries, stuff like that. 1678260;1498955311;asciilifeform;i can't picture civilized life in bananistan without a 2wk tank of diesel + at least 100kW of gen 1678261;1498955318;mircea_popescu;allows for a civilised shutdown rather than staying on indefinitely/ 1678262;1498955323;asciilifeform;aah like mine 1678263;1498955345;asciilifeform;pretty lulzy, mircea_popescu rides in ~same auto as asciilifeform even nao, runs on ~same batteries.. 1678264;1498955354;asciilifeform;such economy ! 1678265;1498955363;mircea_popescu;hey, i got a pool >D 1678266;1498955381;asciilifeform;buncha folx even here have these. just not me 1678267;1498955388;mircea_popescu;so THERE!!! 1678268;1498955397;asciilifeform;i also dun have a zoo!11 1678269;1498955404;mircea_popescu;sometimes i wonder what you're thinking, i'm connecting from a different dimension or what,. 1678270;1498955415;asciilifeform;almost. 1678271;1498955427;mircea_popescu;of course it still gets wet when it rains, and sandwiches still fall butter face down 1678272;1498955454;mircea_popescu;and if you feel like spending a quarter mil or we on the generators you do and if oyu don't you don't. 1678273;1498955480;asciilifeform;ah hm often i forget the sheer expense of getting products of industry in bananilandia 1678274;1498955502;mircea_popescu;nah, it's about what a serious setup costs. and if you do, might as well get serious. 1678275;1498955524;asciilifeform;incidentally do they have piped gas in cr ? 1678276;1498955528;mircea_popescu;nope. 1678277;1498955542;mircea_popescu;chicks love teh electric stove tho. 1678278;1498955544;asciilifeform;( over here, piped gas gensets are quite common ) 1678279;1498955548;mircea_popescu;gas was... iffier. 1678280;1498955567;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform ah yes, that'd be much easier. but no gas here, and im not gonna bury a gpl tank (bad soil, hillside). 1678281;1498955578;asciilifeform;yeah these are terrible, i disrecommend 1678282;1498955583;*;asciilifeform worked in a place that had one 1678283;1498955585;mircea_popescu;whereas gasoline generator only really works well as a 50kw+ item 1678284;1498955597;asciilifeform;<10kW actually 1678285;1498955602;asciilifeform;they dun scale so well. 1678286;1498955611;asciilifeform;and light fraction dun keep well. 1678287;1498955616;mircea_popescu;no, they do. the tiny shits suck. but the 10-20-50hp ones work well enough. 1678288;1498955618;asciilifeform;( hence why folx use diesel ) 1678289;1498955619;asciilifeform;hm 1678290;1498955627;mircea_popescu;tiny shits are 2 stoke half the time. 1678291;1498955643;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform oh wait, we were talking at cross purposes. yes the gas ones are small. 1678292;1498955657;asciilifeform;~diesel~ works well as >50kW. 1678293;1498955662;mircea_popescu;right. that's what i mean. 1678294;1498955858;mircea_popescu;i suppose i could break down and put in... SOLAR PANELS. dun dun dun 1678295;1498955899;asciilifeform;probably not even worst possible idea 1678296;1498955913;mircea_popescu;it's VERY sunny here. 1678297;1498955932;asciilifeform;( see if you can score those eternal NiFe cells to go with'em... ) 1678298;1498955950;mircea_popescu;that's what i was thinking, rather than get a diesel, get a very large iron cell set instead. 1678299;1498955959;asciilifeform;apparently commercially available finally. after 100 yr pause. 1678300;1498955973;asciilifeform;http://www.bimblesolar.com/batteries/nifebatteries << randomly picked vendor 1678301;1498955989;mircea_popescu;more a matter of space. what's a cubic meter get me in terms of mj ? 1678302;1498956075;asciilifeform;'Encell ENC30012' 300Ah 12v ( i.e. 30 Ah 120v supposing ideal inverter... ) lasts, purportedly, 11,000 cycles, 48cm x 48cm x 61 cm. 1678303;1498956107;mircea_popescu;!~calc 300 * 3600 / .48 / .48 / .61 1678304;1498956109;jhvh1;mircea_popescu: 300 * 3600 / .48 / .48 / .61 = 7684426.229508197 1678305;1498956120;mircea_popescu;so like 7.5mj ? that's not even horrible. 1678306;1498956123;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/dmpaz << where found the latter. 1678307;1498956143;mircea_popescu;esp if one gets a proper set rather than consumer prepackaged bs. 1678308;1498956154;asciilifeform;they're considerably less dense than lithium but last for century rather than couplayears 1678309;1498956171;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: afaik there is no konsoomer nife. there are only industrial. 1678310;1498956177;asciilifeform;hence the prices. 1678311;1498956184;mircea_popescu;i could readily spare 6-10 m3. which... 1678312;1498956186;mircea_popescu;maybe. 1678313;1498956190;asciilifeform;they are apparently catching on at telcos etc 1678314;1498956360;asciilifeform;this plus a dish antenna or two and you could live on mars... 1678315;1498956368;mircea_popescu;i already have those 1678316;1498956377;asciilifeform;then short work neh. 1678317;1498956382;mircea_popescu;not too much no. 1678318;1498956410;asciilifeform;the hilltop tower house described in article seems ideal : no shades 1678319;1498956428;mircea_popescu;a little iffy because of landslide potential. 1678320;1498956431;asciilifeform;most photopanel aficionados would cream pants, just reading about it. 1678321;1498956450;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i wasn't even rthinking getting the panels too. just get batteries, charge from network 1678322;1498956467;asciilifeform;hey nobody gets to escape all forces of nature. ( usa is good illustration of this : all of the parts with desirable weather, have some periodic cataclysm, earthquake or flood, pick.. ) 1678323;1498956475;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: this'd work pretty well 1678324;1498956480;mircea_popescu;i expect ya 1678325;1498956488;asciilifeform;telco-style. all of the gear is off-the-shelf 1678326;1498956496;asciilifeform;in fact even asciilifeform has most of it right here. 1678327;1498956506;asciilifeform;( i still use bad ol' Pb cells, tho. ) 1678328;1498956521;mircea_popescu;you know, "Even asciilifeform " dun work so well here, you're basically living on a satellite as far as most kitchens are concerned. 1678329;1498956559;asciilifeform;lolmost of my gear came from.. scrapyards 1678330;1498956563;asciilifeform;but sure. 1678331;1498956579;*;asciilifeform bbl, alcohol 1678332;1498957284;shinohai;За здоровье asciilifeform 1678333;1498959958;deedbot;http://deedbot.org/bundle-473611.txt 1678334;1498962648;lobbes;!!deed http://lobbesblog.com/billing/2017/q2/Birdman.txt http://lobbesblog.com/billing/2017/q2/Minigame.txt 1678335;1498962658;deedbot;accepted: 1 1678336;1498962681;lobbes;hm damn. Was hoping it'd snarf both urls 1678337;1498962692;lobbes;forgive the incoming spam 1678338;1498962733;lobbes;!!deed http://lobbesblog.com/billing/2017/q2/Minigame.txt 1678339;1498962739;deedbot;accepted: 1 1678340;1498962742;lobbes;!!deed http://lobbesblog.com/billing/2017/q2/danielpbarron.txt 1678341;1498962744;deedbot;accepted: 1 1678342;1498962750;lobbes;!!deed http://lobbesblog.com/billing/2017/q2/diana_coman.txt 1678343;1498962755;deedbot;accepted: 1 1678344;1498962761;lobbes;!!deed http://lobbesblog.com/billing/2017/q2/hanbot.txt 1678345;1498962765;deedbot;accepted: 1 1678346;1498962772;lobbes;!!deed http://lobbesblog.com/billing/2017/q2/lobbes.txt 1678347;1498962776;deedbot;accepted: 1 1678348;1498962781;lobbes;finally: 1678349;1498962782;lobbes;!!deed http://lobbesblog.com/billing/2017/q2/mircea_popescu.txt 1678350;1498962786;deedbot;accepted: 1 1678351;1498962790;mircea_popescu;lobbes do you take ecu ? 1678352;1498962798;lobbes;I do! 1678353;1498962808;mircea_popescu;meet in game then. 1678354;1498962814;lobbes;k 1678355;1498965275;ben_vulpes;noches 1678356;1498967922;ben_vulpes;in re benchmarking, is 'perf' a reasonable thing to use? 1678357;1498968979;BingoBoingo; whereas gasoline generator only really works well as a 50kw+ item << Biggest problem with gas for backup genset is doesn't store well 1678358;1498969005;BingoBoingo;Unless you go full synthetic on the fuel and they why the fuck not drill for natural gas then 1678359;1498969089;BingoBoingo; mircea_popescu: afaik there is no konsoomer nife. there are only industrial. << In UK "consumer" sets are being marketed for solar crowd 1678360;1498969202;sina;hola 1678361;1498969253;ben_vulpes;sina: got any better ideas for comparing program runtimes than perf? 1678362;1498969309;sina;ben_vulpes: dtrace? 1678363;1498969324;sina;gprof? 1678364;1498969343;sina;I heard good things about systemtap but never used it myself 1678365;1498969375;sina;ben_vulpes: what is wrong with perf for your usecase? 1678366;1498969393;ben_vulpes;sina: i wouldn't know, is why i'm asking 1678367;1498969408;BingoBoingo;Isn't dtrace that Sun Microsystems thing that came with Solaris 10? 1678368;1498969417;sina;BingoBoingo: yah 1678369;1498969424;sina;it's pretty awesome 1678370;1498969442;sina;you can run it on fbsd 1678371;1498969471;sina;systemtap is basically "dtrace for linux" I guess 1678372;1498969480;sina;but again, I haven't used that one 1678373;1498969549;sina;mircea_popescu: around? any time to play with gossipthing? 1678374;1498969569;sina;ben_vulpes: can we roll back and start at the usecase? 1678375;1498969608;ben_vulpes;why to compare mpfhfhfhfhfhfs! 1678376;1498969804;sina;ben_vulpes: oic. and why not just using black box testing? 1678377;1498969837;sina;e.g. "how long does it take to hash document of N bytes size in M bits hash" with varying N and M? 1678378;1498969841;ben_vulpes;... 1678379;1498969843;ben_vulpes;yes 1678380;1498969845;ben_vulpes;eg runtime? 1678381;1498969872;sina;is that all you want to measure? why not just use `time` then? 1678382;1498969897;ben_vulpes;something something not great subsecond resolution or so the various reddits say? 1678383;1498969922;ben_vulpes;obvious counterargument is that "don't bother with subsecond executions, dork" 1678384;1498969929;sina;well 1678385;1498969944;sina;here is the thing, it depends on how anally you want to measure 1678386;1498969977;sina;because, for example, python and lisp, probably most of the time will be spent in starting the runtime/interpreter than actual computation, unless you're doing larger sized stuff 1678387;1498970005;sina;so if you really want super precise, apples <=> apples comparison, you would need to instrument performance on a per lang basis, no? 1678388;1498970029;sina;of the main loop iterating through M 1678389;1498970029;ben_vulpes;no i do intend to black box it 1678390;1498970052;ben_vulpes;runtime startup is a cost of the program, innit? 1678391;1498970059;sina;depends! 1678392;1498970069;ben_vulpes;mk go on, on what does it depend 1678393;1498970070;sina;if I make an mpfhf daemon, then no 1678394;1498970076;sina;(for example) 1678395;1498970079;ben_vulpes;aye 1678396;1498970101;sina;that might be a fairer blackbox test? 1678397;1498970104;ben_vulpes;anything else? 1678398;1498970115;ben_vulpes;lol, well, depends! 1678399;1498970132;sina;well, I dunno too much about lisp, does it "JIT" for long running programs? 1678400;1498970135;ben_vulpes;i wouldn't keep a lisp runtime hanging around just on the offchance i want to hash things 1678401;1498970157;ben_vulpes;i've no idea what you mean by that in this context 1678402;1498970185;ben_vulpes;but extending from what i know of java's jit (not much), no. the whole file (at least in the tests i'm running) is compiled. 1678403;1498970190;sina;for example, pypy is much faster than cpython for long running programs, because it Just In Time compiles 1678404;1498970201;sina;same as LuaJIT vs Lua 1678405;1498970207;sina;right 1678406;1498970232;ben_vulpes;faster in steady state runs or faster to compile? 1678407;1498970268;sina;faster in the run because its no longer "interpreting" 1678408;1498970278;sina;its reading something closer to native compiled code 1678409;1498970341;ben_vulpes;dun think that's really in play here 1678410;1498970385;sina;ben_vulpes: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/wBiP0/?raw=true 1678411;1498970387;sina;as an example 1678412;1498970429;ben_vulpes;buddy how do you think i've been comparing things? 1678413;1498970432;ben_vulpes;a stopwatch? 1678414;1498970456;sina;ben_vulpes: sorry. I am referring to pypy JIT vs python 1678415;1498970466;sina;just as an example of "anything else?" re "depends!" 1678416;1498970478;sina;<+ben_vulpes> runtime startup is a cost of the program, innit? << 1678417;1498970507;ben_vulpes;sina: how does the paste relate to the JIT thread? 1678418;1498970537;ben_vulpes;"cython wouldn't know the input type without chasing pointers all over the place"? 1678419;1498970623;sina;ben_vulpes: you asked what else "it" can depend on, where "it" == whether or not runtime startup is a cost of the program or not 1678420;1498970642;sina;my point was, either you *really* care about evaluating the actual main loop, which is a fair apples/apples 1678421;1498970677;sina;or you are OK with a blackbox, in which case can just use time and avoid calling it with small loops where the runtime startup cost dominantes `time` 1678422;1498970708;sina;y/n? 1678423;1498970727;ben_vulpes;ah yeah i thought we'd put that thread to bed with http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-02#1678389 1678424;1498970727;a111;Logged on 2017-07-02 04:33 ben_vulpes: no i do intend to black box it 1678425;1498970794;sina;black box doesn't have to be invoking from CLI each time tho, you could write a daemon around each impl and measure how long it takes to return a value 1678426;1498970812;ben_vulpes;could, yes 1678427;1498970841;sina;anyway, it does sound like `time` should be fine 1678428;1498970978;ben_vulpes;adequately 'apples' from my pov; not particularly interested in imaginary performance comparisons of subsets of compiled programs 1678429;1498971262;sina;from reading https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12593768/how-is-lisp-dynamic-and-compiled it looks like GNU CLISP compiles down to bytecode, which I guess will be probably performance equivalent to pypy 1678430;1498971769;sina;it does sound like lisp is doing something JIT-like, except you can "re-JIT" at any time during execution? 1678431;1498971934;ben_vulpes;sbcl lays down asm? 1678432;1498971946;sina;ah ok 1678433;1498971983;ben_vulpes;i think 1678434;1498971990;sina;ben_vulpes: did you use sbcl the other day when you mentioned golang impl was faster than lisp impl? 1678435;1498972007;sina;cos that'd be pretty interesting 1678436;1498972007;ben_vulpes;definitely has hooks for disassembling a given function, so it would be nice if it also compiled *to* asm 1678437;1498972014;ben_vulpes;sina: aye, i did 1678438;1498972027;sina;hmm 1678439;1498972038;ben_vulpes;go's some 3-4x faster incl. runtime 1678440;1498972122;sina;well, I guess lets see how the benchmarks play out over a larger dataset, maybe it evens out over a certain bitlength or bytesizer 1678441;1498972210;ben_vulpes;myeah 'tis what i'm thinking 1678442;1498972222;ben_vulpes;well who knows, who'm i to make guesses like that 1678443;1498972240;ben_vulpes;but i am definitely interested to see how performance plays out on large sets 1678444;1498972358;sina;ben_vulpes: will you include pypy? 1678445;1498972403;ben_vulpes;could yeah 1678446;1498972445;sina;ben_vulpes: I am about to head out the door so currently not the best time, but if it would help in anyway I can donate some compute to the effort 1678447;1498972459;sina;can leave me a note with anything you require 1678448;1498972477;ben_vulpes;mk neato 1678449;1498972480;ben_vulpes;no rush 1678450;1498972494;ben_vulpes;i'm well supplied with compute tho, thx 1678451;1498972503;sina;cool 1678452;1498972504;sina;well 1678453;1498972511;sina;I am out. hope all have a wonderful day 1678454;1498972731;ben_vulpes;in other optimizations: https://i.imgur.com/h7WcmU5.gifv 1678455;1498973736;deedbot;http://www.contravex.com/2017/07/01/le-150ieme-partie-i/ << » Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski - Le 150ième – Partie I 1678456;1498975024;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes or you could just instrument your impl to read time at start and end ? 1678457;1498975250;ben_vulpes;sure 1678458;1498975330;mircea_popescu;i'd call it good 1678459;1498975569;ben_vulpes;you mean start and end of actual hashing routine? 1678460;1498975595;ben_vulpes;why disregard runtime startup time? 1678461;1498975953;mircea_popescu;because you're timing the actual impl. 1678462;1498976419;ben_vulpes;hm 1678463;1498976540;ben_vulpes;not "unix tool as it may or may not be used in the future" 1678464;1498976649;mircea_popescu;nobodyu cares about shitix. 1678465;1498976653;ben_vulpes;rightright 1678466;1498976895;ben_vulpes;had like five followups, all of which are probably answered by "this is probably one of those things worth doing rigorously" 1678467;1498977744;ben_vulpes;heh 1678468;1498977791;ben_vulpes;well if i time just the hash impl it does squeak in under the go implementation 1678469;1498978799;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2017/07/bitcoin-network-mining-difficulty-drops-0-43-percent/ << Qntra - Bitcoin Network Mining Difficulty Drops ~0.43 Percent 1678470;1498979451;ben_vulpes;BingoBoingo: gotta a grass q for ya 1678471;1498979458;ben_vulpes;mulch or compost? 1678472;1498979478;BingoBoingo;Your lawn? Compost. Don't mulch your lawn, it needs to breath. 1678473;1498979496;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all 1678474;1498979503;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 2416.74, vol: 10266.02584088 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 2358.591, vol: 2944.95989 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 2333.4, vol: 14881.3570013 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 2543.63455, vol: 7386.44530000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 2397.731, vol: 4991.08122316 | Volume-weighted last average: 2402.67930284 1678475;1498980054;ben_vulpes;BingoBoingo: ty 1678476;1498981443;BingoBoingo;your grass is welcome 1678477;1498982157;ben_vulpes;a not-great thing about this chart is that hash length is in bits but message length is in bytes: http://cascadianhacker.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/100.png 1678478;1498982216;ben_vulpes;sina if you can get your implementations to print \n that'll save me a bit of fiddling 1678479;1498982306;ben_vulpes;https://github.com/sinner-/mpfhf-python/blob/master/LICENSE << hey sina ever read http://trilema.com/2015/a-new-software-licensing-paradigm/#selection-75.0-83.128 ? 1678480;1498998168;sina;ben_vulpes: now enabled "python mpfhf.py " (https://github.com/sinner-/mpfhf-python/commit/a8c37e51e3a893785519052f939c222c2178168a) and "mpfhf-golang -message -bits -time " (https://github.com/sinner-/mpfhf-golang/commit/674a502a93c63de8dacbb07e5eb9a62eb5dbee58) 1678481;1498998181;sina;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-02#1678478 << re this request 1678482;1498998181;a111;Logged on 2017-07-02 07:56 ben_vulpes: sina if you can get your implementations to print \n that'll save me a bit of fiddling 1678483;1498998458;sina;example: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/84afn/?raw=true 1678484;1498998701;sina;asciilifeform: thoughts https://micropython.org/ 1678485;1498999445;asciilifeform;sina: garbage 1678486;1498999466;asciilifeform;even let's suppose it weren't python3 ( which it is ) 1678487;1498999573;asciilifeform;python2 was also garbage, infix pseudolisp with globalinterpreterlock, broken lambda, 1,001 eager idiocies. apparently i write a handful of throwaway rubbish proggies in it ( was less atrocious than perl, so i threw out perl) but now i'm condemned for life to hear about it 1678488;1498999590;asciilifeform;and to have folx suppose that i somehow want to perpetuate it. 1678489;1498999656;asciilifeform;and, worse, to introduce it to places that happily worked without idiotic interpreter ( e.g. microcontroller ) at all 1678490;1498999811;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-02#1678460 << how about we roll the boot time ( to shell!! ) of your cmachinekernel, how about? 1678491;1498999811;a111;Logged on 2017-07-02 06:06 ben_vulpes: why disregard runtime startup time? 1678492;1498999843;asciilifeform;if counting lisp runtime load, why not the c runtime. 1678493;1498999940;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-02#1678431 << not only does it, but there is not even an interpreter in there as fallback ( see the old sbcl vs cmucl threads ) 1678494;1498999940;a111;Logged on 2017-07-02 05:05 ben_vulpes: sbcl lays down asm? 1678495;1499000172;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-02#1678356 << there are afaik no acceptable autoprofilers in existence at all. they all do this idiotic thing with statistical sampling rather than actual per-line timer ( because apparently the year is eternally 1980 and there is no highres timer, or wat.) 1678496;1499000172;a111;Logged on 2017-07-02 03:58 ben_vulpes: in re benchmarking, is 'perf' a reasonable thing to use? 1678497;1499000221;asciilifeform;( see 'blackhole revealer' discussion from coupla mo. ago ) 1678498;1499000452;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-02#1678477 << i have nfi why mircea_popescu went with ascii-010010010111.. for the output format 1678499;1499000452;a111;Logged on 2017-07-02 07:55 ben_vulpes: a not-great thing about this chart is that hash length is in bits but message length is in bytes: http://cascadianhacker.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/100.png 1678500;1499000466;asciilifeform;imho oughta be hexascii like earthlings use 1678501;1499003129;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/479C78D67322671E964668B28E0CC778B7E5CBB10EB315D3E438860DA9014D18 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1612...5087 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown US NY) 1678502;1499003130;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/479C78D67322671E964668B28E0CC778B7E5CBB10EB315D3E438860DA9014D18 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1497...2787 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown US NY) 1678503;1499008285;ben_vulpes;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-02#1678500 << possibly artifact of how my first prototype did output; easily changed 1678504;1499008285;a111;Logged on 2017-07-02 13:01 asciilifeform: imho oughta be hexascii like earthlings use 1678505;1499008389;ben_vulpes;or no, it dates to his prototype 1678506;1499008540;ben_vulpes;but if you'll excuse me, i'm going to go make a hash of breakfast 1678507;1499009762;asciilifeform;btw ben_vulpes your mphash seems to use some shitlibrary that 1) i dun have 2) won't install via quicklisp 1678508;1499013084;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-01#1678237 << and you're running it 1678509;1499013084;a111;Logged on 2017-07-01 23:36 sina: if you write a systemd unit file with "User=0day", it launches the process as root. Pottering sez: "not a bug" 1678510;1499013148;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-01#1678246 << total fucking insult to the heavens. 1678511;1499013148;a111;Logged on 2017-07-01 23:52 asciilifeform: and nao bernstein, henninger ( this is what, 3rd paper since she was attached to him ) 'unhappened and rehappened' it 1678512;1499013278;mircea_popescu;sina "The Bitcoin network has more than 6,000 nodes," << lost interest at that point. 1678513;1499013386;mircea_popescu;and this isn't just mp being hoity toity. the point here is that the sort of superficial schmuck who imagines bitcoin has 6k nodes, is also the superficial schmuck who imagines if bitcoin is framed through usg owned internet, that'll "just oiccur". it won't just occur, the same day there's a nuclear blast on capitol hill, no questions asked. 1678514;1499013481;mircea_popescu;historically, the best way to "inexplicably" die suddenly was to attempt to attack groups of strictly selected, very determined, technologically superior people. bitcoin is no exception, whatever the hallucinations of the "we are talking about it therefore involved in it" crowd may show. 1678515;1499013542;mircea_popescu;(you are aware, yes, usg vulnerable to nuclear blasts, latest studies show ?) 1678516;1499013614;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-02#1678472 << word. 1678517;1499013614;a111;Logged on 2017-07-02 07:11 BingoBoingo: Your lawn? Compost. Don't mulch your lawn, it needs to breath. 1678518;1499013707;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-02#1678479 << to my eye the worst part of it is that it's very badly drawn. a) about half of the Y space is actually used, which is terrible. b) all the same color, they melt together, can't tell apart. can use color gradient ? (yes, on blue, not on red, can't see red). 1678519;1499013707;a111;Logged on 2017-07-02 07:58 ben_vulpes: https://github.com/sinner-/mpfhf-python/blob/master/LICENSE << hey sina ever read http://trilema.com/2015/a-new-software-licensing-paradigm/#selection-75.0-83.128 ? 1678520;1499013734;mircea_popescu;but other than that, looks like exponential on mlen and perhaps linear on hlen ? 1678521;1499013794;asciilifeform;exponential on mlen << that dun look good... 1678522;1499013842;mircea_popescu;kinda badly chosen cutoffs too, i don't specifically care re diff between 40 byte and 70 byte message. make it log on that side and do 16, 128, 1024, 8192 and 65536 byte messages, for 32, 256, 2048 bit hash lengths as a standard of testing. 1678523;1499013877;asciilifeform;if can't hash a 1GB message , or even 1MB, in less than geological time -- not very useful, sadly, algo 1678524;1499013879;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i can't really visually saw that appart, but looks like it's a hlen ** b mlen or such. 1678525;1499013895;asciilifeform;( a 512byte msg doesn't need to be hashed... why would you ) 1678526;1499013904;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform useful for different things. apparently all of modern computing comes to "adjust your expectations". what do you need 1gb codebases for ? 1678527;1499013907;mircea_popescu;a right, nothing. 1678528;1499013921;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: think back to what is the point of a hash to begin with 1678529;1499013933;mircea_popescu;vpatches seem historically to go about 512 - 65535 bytes or so 1678530;1499013943;mircea_popescu;if that'd covered, i'm happy. 1678531;1499014078;asciilifeform;originally algo ( in the 1st , ancient version, suggested by asciilifeform in http://btcbase.org/log/2016-12-24#1589879 thread ) was to destructure inputs for rsa signing 1678532;1499014078;a111;Logged on 2016-12-24 01:02 asciilifeform: incidentally, since (to borrow the lament of turing's school headmaster) 'the room already stinks of mathematics', i'll share a tidbit that i promised folx some half year ago and promptly forgot: 1678533;1499014092;asciilifeform;( what the derps call, maliciously misnamedly, 'padding' ) 1678534;1499014115;asciilifeform;that op doesn't even need much more than a kb or so 1678535;1499014152;asciilifeform;1 of the things i've been curious re mphash is bits-of-message-touched vs message-length 1678536;1499014169;asciilifeform;and bits-of-output-flipped-per-bit-of-message-flipped vs message-length. 1678537;1499014178;mircea_popescu;should be measured yes. 1678538;1499014252;asciilifeform;also ( and should be theoretically possible to calculate ) what is the worst-case cycle count. 1678539;1499014258;mircea_popescu;and in other lulz, #trilema OODA loop : "hey, make an X" "what kind an X ?" "JUST MAKE AN X!" *picks arbitrary params a through w, makes such an X. "here you go" "o cool, now set b to this and q to that, link l to k and make c double d" "here." "holy shit the submarine now flies! and lays eggs! good job man!" 1678540;1499014315;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform what's the 1kb figure ? 1678541;1499014391;asciilifeform;really a few kb 1678542;1499014396;asciilifeform;depending on rsa modulus length 1678543;1499014430;mircea_popescu;right. 1678544;1499014443;asciilifeform;( N bit rsa modulus carries 'naked' payload of N bits ) 1678545;1499014446;mircea_popescu;yes. 1678546;1499014475;mircea_popescu;basically, there's a large number of perfectly useful applications for 64kb capable hash. and upon examination it may be discovered that larger sizes not supported is not a bug 1678547;1499014476;mircea_popescu;but a feature. 1678548;1499014495;asciilifeform;can -- if you must -- merkle tree 1678549;1499014506;mircea_popescu;or other things. and if you don't must, you FUCKING DIDN'T NEED THE GB. 1678550;1499014544;mircea_popescu;large part of usgization of normal processes. "oh, does your msg app support VIDEO ?" bitch, i don't want to watch overweight dudes with their cats braying into a mic. 1678551;1499014562;mircea_popescu;"but this would make it take mbps to use!" "right." 1678552;1499014576;mircea_popescu;"does it at least support unicode ?" "no. you may not teach reading to arabs, it's a sin." 1678553;1499014854;asciilifeform;btw here's another ! , potentially similarly bowel-loosening ! ( to the usual suspects ) hash algo on entirely different principles : 1678554;1499014878;asciilifeform;1) generate a single-use rsa public modulus, M 1678555;1499014925;asciilifeform;2) take the payload bitstring P, and calculate E = nextprime(P) 1678556;1499014932;asciilifeform;3) E is now your public exponent !! 1678557;1499014984;mircea_popescu;this is computationally worse than mpfhf though. imagine, nextprime(todays log). 1678558;1499014991;asciilifeform;actually not so bad. 1678559;1499015006;mircea_popescu;if you have a hardware gmp or something 1678560;1499015011;asciilifeform;no, even on pc. 1678561;1499015014;asciilifeform;try it sometime. 1678562;1499015029;asciilifeform;anyway i'll omit steps 4-6 and leave as exercise. 1678563;1499015059;asciilifeform;but theoretically this scheme -- while algebraic -- is as strong as the rsa used in the wrapping layer. 1678564;1499015076;mircea_popescu;this aside ; i'm kinda loath to mix rsa in both padding and encryption. for all anyone knows they resonate 1678565;1499015085;mircea_popescu;(above is pure magical thinking) 1678566;1499015101;asciilifeform;if you were to use == keys -- they actually would 1678567;1499015104;asciilifeform;but you wouldn't. 1678568;1499015112;mircea_popescu;trivial cases aside. may be hidden class there 1678569;1499015154;asciilifeform;there's a (sadly nameless) principle, where a thing that ~someone else~ could easily do to your ciphertext, is not any added problem if you do it yourself 1678570;1499015167;asciilifeform;( 'someone else' being someone with 0 knowledge of the plaintext, naturally ) 1678571;1499015170;mircea_popescu;certainly. 1678572;1499015206;asciilifeform;funnily enough, last time we had a related thread, i looked for it in schneier 1995 where i THOUGHT i learned it 1678573;1499015211;asciilifeform;and -- mega-surprise -- it ain't there... 1678574;1499015220;mircea_popescu;original printed material ? or did it get expunged ? 1678575;1499015225;asciilifeform;original 1678576;1499015232;mircea_popescu;weird. 1678577;1499015238;asciilifeform;it was never there 1678578;1499015251;asciilifeform;i have nfi where, if anywhere, it lives on paper. 1678579;1499015255;asciilifeform;possibly i dreamed it. 1678580;1499015257;mircea_popescu;anyway -- if you're making both the payload and the hash on the same machine... 1678581;1499015278;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform it's well known, i had conversations re this in 2012. prolly can fish out quote. 1678582;1499015286;asciilifeform;lol why not 'on the same street' 1678583;1499015296;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform have you seen the rngs ? 1678584;1499015321;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i can't imagine it wouldn't be well known. but i was digging for a 'schoolbook' description of it, which i thought existed. 1678585;1499015338;mircea_popescu;this incidentally is a very undiscussed topic, suspiciously. what is the effect of generating BOTH the padding for a message and the key that's used on the same... historical debian / kochatron /etcv 1678586;1499015383;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: one nuance is -- it is folly to plan FOR a broken rng. 'what to do if a shell lands in my trench? jump twenty metres and scatter yerself around' 1678587;1499015394;asciilifeform;the plan 'for broken rng' is to have 7 running from 7 batteries. 1678588;1499015401;mircea_popescu;this is true. 1678589;1499015408;asciilifeform;'jesus bolt' 1678590;1499015429;mircea_popescu;was jesus nut neh ? heli thing ? 1678591;1499015433;asciilifeform;aha yes 1678592;1499015443;asciilifeform;the item that holds the airscrew on. 1678593;1499015448;mircea_popescu;ya. nut. 1678594;1499016040;asciilifeform;incidentally theoretically you don't need the nextprime(), all you need is to compute that gcd(e, p-1) == gcd(e, q-1) == 1. 1678595;1499016095;asciilifeform;( if it isn't -- make a new e, or a new m=p*q, whichever you prefer... ) 1678596;1499016627;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2015/sooo-fetlife-is-butthurt/#comment-122323 in other lulz 1678597;1499016853;*;mircea_popescu imagines alf's 7-prop helicopter... 1678598;1499017043;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2017/qntra-sqntr-june-2017-statement/ << Trilema - Qntra (S.QNTR) June 2017 Statement 1678599;1499017486;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2015-03-31#1080340 << we had thread ! 1678600;1499017486;a111;Logged on 2015-03-31 02:52 asciilifeform: i will now take the liberty of calling the hypothetical machine 'freyacopter' 1678601;1499017519;mircea_popescu;flies equally well through molasses! 1678602;1499021903;deedbot;http://www.contravex.com/2017/07/02/le-150ieme-partie-ii/ << » Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski - Le 150ieme – Partie II 1678603;1499032200;jurov;http://www.explo.yt/inspirobot.jpg << tmsr got its motto? 1678604;1499035314;ben_vulpes;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-02#1678507 << "bit-smasher"? came in from ql just fine for me. i only use it as a crutch to beat strings into bit-vectors. 1678605;1499035314;a111;Logged on 2017-07-02 15:36 asciilifeform: btw ben_vulpes your mphash seems to use some shitlibrary that 1) i dun have 2) won't install via quicklisp 1678606;1499036150;mircea_popescu;consider importing just the function / class you use 1678607;1499036496;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: i haven't 'updated' ql since 2011 and never again intend to ! 1678608;1499036509;asciilifeform;hence no shitbitter or wateveritwas 1678609;1499036534;mircea_popescu;updates. never again. 1678610;1499036534;asciilifeform;no genderolade kthx. 1678611;1499039572;ben_vulpes;yes this refrain does ring a few bells 1678612;1499039754;ben_vulpes;i will probably just implement the slice that i actually need 1678613;1499039862;ben_vulpes;in other news, 65536 byte message, 256 bit hash took some 2.47 hrs 1678614;1499040089;ben_vulpes;and heningerisms: "In this paper we demonstrate a complete break of RSA-1024 as implemented in Libgcrypt." https://eprint.iacr.org/2017/627.pdf 1678615;1499041013;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes that's pretty substantial. s size ? 1678616;1499044239;mircea_popescu;that'd be the other point of interest, "how big does S get" 1678617;1499046377;lobbes;!!deed http://lobbesblog.com/billing/2017/q2/Minigame_payment_receipt.txt 1678618;1499046399;deedbot;accepted: 1 1678619;1499046402;lobbes;!!deed http://lobbesblog.com/billing/2017/q2/diana_coman_payment_receipt.txt 1678620;1499046413;deedbot;accepted: 1 1678621;1499046419;lobbes;!!deed http://lobbesblog.com/billing/2017/q2/mircea_popescu_payment_receipt.txt 1678622;1499046425;deedbot;accepted: 1 1678623;1499047626;mircea_popescu;lobbes are you going to not let delinquents auction till they pay ? :D 1678624;1499048722;lobbes;mircea_popescu, hehe. I was thinking of implementing that once n00bs start using the thing. Make it Wot-based at some level; disabling auction service for people lower down in WoT once delinquent x amount of time 1678625;1499048725;lobbes;I gotta say, I'm experiencing the whole "WoT make decisions easier" thing in practice now. I.e. I know hanbot is good for it, and since I trust danielpbarron's rating of Birdman, I also trust that he, too, will be good for it 1678626;1499049610;mircea_popescu;yeah i think so. 1678627;1499054900;asciilifeform;in very very vintage lullies, http://www.anthropark.wz.cz/venus.htm 1678628;1499059600;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: i'll letcha know after i rerun and capture that 1678629;1499059612;mircea_popescu;:) 1678630;1499059695;ben_vulpes;65536/2048 now at wall clock time of 5.5 hrs 1678631;1499059720;mircea_popescu;dunm dun dun 1678632;1499060056;ben_vulpes;also, was wrong last night, go impl still trouncing 1678633;1499060425;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes you should prolly also capture the M/H pairs 1678634;1499060521;ben_vulpes;noted 1678635;1499060526;ben_vulpes;switch to hex? 1678636;1499060534;mircea_popescu;sure. 1678637;1499060541;mircea_popescu;what arte you using for m source, fg ? 1678638;1499060571;ben_vulpes;uniform strings; still setting all this machinery up 1678639;1499060581;mircea_popescu;i mean for the actual data 1678640;1499060595;ben_vulpes;once i start collecting data in earnest, yes 1678641;1499060603;mircea_popescu;ya, cool 1678642;1499060632;ben_vulpes;going to look at output distribution too 1678643;1499060663;mircea_popescu;and do some standards : M, xor M, M+1, M-1, M shifted 1 etc 1678644;1499060681;mircea_popescu;so we get some "spatial" so to speak H sets 1678645;1499060697;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: keep 'em coming, experimental design in this space is not my strength 1678646;1499060705;ben_vulpes;nifty, yes 1678647;1499060718;mircea_popescu;1sec, lemme do this right. 1678648;1499060725;ben_vulpes;no hurry 1678649;1499061059;mircea_popescu;ok, so for every string of FG bits called M, do hashing of M, M+1, M+2, M with first bit flipped, M with first two bits flipped, inverse of M. that's 6 items. 1678650;1499061260;mircea_popescu;add to that 2 instances of a single randomly located bit flipped. 1678651;1499061286;mircea_popescu;and i think that should be it. 1678652;1499061467;ben_vulpes;okie dokie 1678653;1499061931;mircea_popescu;this is turning into some pretty hardcore computering, 8 versions per M, esp in the 64kb / 2kb format 1678654;1499061950;mircea_popescu;but alf will have a field day diffing the hashes 1678655;1499070668;mircea_popescu;0 1678656;1499092699;*;phf came back from the woods again 1678657;1499092743;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-30#1677284 << i'll take a look. i've been periodically seeings parts of that lisp profiling and optimization thread 1678658;1499092743;a111;Logged on 2017-06-30 09:10 mircea_popescu: paging phf for ben_vulpes 's needs 1678659;1499092761;phf;it's a special thread alright. 1678660;1499093203;phf;i think ascii already made that point, that if you're profiling lisp with the vm startup, then you should also profile c machine from boot time. at the very least the vm should be warmed up by loading all the dependencies into the core, doing save-lisp on it, and then making sure that your foo.lisp has an up to date fasl. inside lisp though to achieve the optimizations you run variants of your function inside (time ...) until you bring it within the ra 1678661;1499093204;phf;nge you want 1678662;1499093421;phf;you can do sampling profiler to get some idea of what your mainloop looks like, but in the code of that size you should be able to reason about it. you then ensure that you have best possible type for your task, and type annotate the mainloop functions. type annotation for speed is tricky and unless you know both the standard and your implementation in and out, you have to look at the assemble of the resulting function 1678663;1499093658;asciilifeform;phf: imho sampling profilers are a wholly useless thing, 'horse with pedals', unless you're working a honeywagon (e.g. virginal trb) and have deeply nfi what the hell the program is doing 1678664;1499093684;asciilifeform;whereas for item that ~you wrote~, you already have the kind of picture that a sampling profiler is giving you -- in your head 1678665;1499094241;phf;i think maybe it's worthwhile as an auxiliary exploration. you can run it and it will either confirm what you already understood, but sometimes it'll correct your understanding. either way you have to understand how sampling profiler works (particularly when it comes to sampling freq), to use it effectively 1678666;1499094343;phf;if you quicklisp bulk of your code, you're still basically in honeywagon territory 1678667;1499094466;asciilifeform;truly 1678668;1499094490;asciilifeform;the puzzler in my head is why a ~sampling~ profiler is even necessary on anything like recent iron 1678669;1499094530;asciilifeform;just rdtsc and add the result to [somewhere] every other instruction. 1678670;1499095697;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-03#1678656 << speaking of which, whatcha up to these days ? 1678671;1499095697;a111;Logged on 2017-07-03 14:38 phf came back from the woods again 1678672;1499095738;mircea_popescu;you're not gonna be remembered as "that guy who spent the whole time touristing" are you. 1678673;1499096076;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-03#1678664 << you've not spent any time managing coders have you. 1678674;1499096076;a111;Logged on 2017-07-03 14:54 asciilifeform: whereas for item that ~you wrote~, you already have the kind of picture that a sampling profiler is giving you -- in your head 1678675;1499096095;mircea_popescu;people have this uncanny ability to describe abstracts they do not in the least comprehend. 1678676;1499096104;mircea_popescu;hence all those devilwish stories for instance. 1678677;1499096118;asciilifeform;if you're 'managing coders' whose 'abstractions they do not in the least comprehend' it is called working honeywagon 1678678;1499096124;mircea_popescu;it is, yes. 1678679;1499096155;asciilifeform;and arguably the superior tool is the whip, not the statisticalprofiler. 1678680;1499096166;mircea_popescu;the whipsical front-and-profile-r. 1678681;1499096206;mircea_popescu;"what's the difference between whimsical and whipsical ?" "the welts." 1678682;1499096642;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-03#1678649 that suit for a start ? 1678683;1499096642;a111;Logged on 2017-07-03 05:50 mircea_popescu: ok, so for every string of FG bits called M, do hashing of M, M+1, M+2, M with first bit flipped, M with first two bits flipped, inverse of M. that's 6 items. 1678684;1499096769;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: yes 1678685;1499096784;mircea_popescu;at the very least should give some indication what to look at closer 1678686;1499096808;asciilifeform;2-3 hrs per 64k is depressing tho 1678687;1499096817;mircea_popescu;i confess i like the idea. 1678688;1499096822;asciilifeform;make the rsa hasher look great in comparison tho 1678689;1499096827;mircea_popescu;as someone who has written 64kb in one sitting, it's ONLY FUCKING FAIR. 1678690;1499096866;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: how would you like to wait 6 months to press a vtree. 1678691;1499096877;asciilifeform;( a SMALL one ) 1678692;1499096887;mircea_popescu;6 months is no less than 500 patches. what tree is 500 patches long ? 1678693;1499096905;mircea_popescu;rebase. now you know why yo uhave to -- nobody's waiting for your 500 long tree. 1678694;1499096907;asciilifeform;oblig : http://lib.ru/ZELQZNY/TheGreatSlowKings.txt 1678695;1499096930;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you can't have a computationally infeasible algo that's also easy to compute! 1678696;1499096935;asciilifeform;sure you can 1678697;1499096939;asciilifeform;it's called motherfucking rsa. 1678698;1499096941;mircea_popescu;in taking hours it is doing EXACTLY what we wanted it to do. 1678699;1499096952;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you can't have alternatives WITHOUT ALTERNATIVE! 1678700;1499096973;asciilifeform;waiwat 1678701;1499097003;mircea_popescu;this can't be a thing "i want a bunch of substantially different items that are all identical to the best performing one in any arbitrarily chosen criteria" 1678702;1499097015;mircea_popescu;this outlook is how america became walmart and cmachine 1678703;1499097059;mircea_popescu;it pushes in 1st stage "well, select some criteria you REALLY care about then" and after that it's "wel lthis ball of warts does that, so fuck you with it" 1678704;1499097146;mircea_popescu;i'm just hoping S is over 1mb for the 64kb/2kb item and yay. 1678705;1499097159;asciilifeform;what'd that do 1678706;1499097165;mircea_popescu;it soaks up memory. 1678707;1499097178;asciilifeform;i have fpga with >1MB ~internal~ sram right here. 1678708;1499097187;asciilifeform;( incidentally mircea_popescu's hash rewards fpgaism like nothing ever has ) 1678709;1499097192;mircea_popescu;good for you. now you can't use it to do 5k hashes parallel. 1678710;1499097214;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform every algorithm rewards not-intel-hardware. 1678711;1499097222;asciilifeform;i dun think i have quite 5k individual fpga in the parts chest, no 1678712;1499097226;asciilifeform;but plenty of folx do. 1678713;1499097227;mircea_popescu;much like any work to be done rewards not-toyota. 1678714;1499097240;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: in case you missed it, intel/nsa bought altera couplayears ago. 1678715;1499097244;asciilifeform;( guess for what. ) 1678716;1499097247;mircea_popescu;for this reason. 1678717;1499097266;mircea_popescu;point being, this isn't a valid objection. any work will take a truck, and any computing will take custom hardware. 1678718;1499097311;asciilifeform;observation is that 'gnarly slow hash with bitwise sliders' is not so much of a pill against theenemy as running on pc hardware suggests 1678719;1499097355;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you can't unwrap it in hardware. unlike rsa, fhfs you sitll hafta iterate. 1678720;1499097361;mircea_popescu;so no, in fact, it is MUCH more of a pill than rsa. 1678721;1499097388;asciilifeform;i don't see any theoretical basis for this statement 1678722;1499097448;mircea_popescu;hm 1678723;1499097456;mircea_popescu;can you explai nhow you'd unwrap it ? 1678724;1499097471;asciilifeform;relatedly, funnily enough mircea_popescu has finally created my ancient cellularautomaton PoW ! >> http://btcbase.org/log/2014-03-29#590886 1678725;1499097471;a111;Logged on 2014-03-29 01:53 asciilifeform: encode payload as bits on a grid, and run cellular automaton 1678726;1499097501;mircea_popescu;in fact the whole game of life thing was exploratory in that direction. 1678727;1499097509;mircea_popescu;it kinda died out, which is a kind of ironic. 1678728;1499097524;asciilifeform;arguably von neumann's original cellular thing was the original 1678729;1499097527;asciilifeform;( pre-conway ) 1678730;1499097559;BingoBoingo;Well, (game of/war of) life is finite. Death infinite! 1678731;1499097580;asciilifeform;incidentally mircea_popescu's hash may well be susceptible to hashlifeization 1678732;1499097587;mircea_popescu;very possible 1678733;1499097590;asciilifeform;( i have not yet tried, hands -- very full atm ) 1678734;1499097622;mircea_popescu;a lot of interesting questions for the thinking man in our age. 1678735;1499097662;asciilifeform;and while we're on subj, i'd still like to see the thing applied in for the purpose i originally suggested -- a 'enemy knows 0 structure ahead of time' bitstring transform 1678736;1499097674;asciilifeform;that nevertheless decompresses in something like O(N) 1678737;1499097677;mircea_popescu;what structure does enemy know here ? 1678738;1499097687;asciilifeform;unrelated, earlier problem 1678739;1499097697;mircea_popescu;seems tyou get that for free./ 1678740;1499097709;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-12-24#1589879 << thread 1678741;1499097709;a111;Logged on 2016-12-24 01:02 asciilifeform: incidentally, since (to borrow the lament of turing's school headmaster) 'the room already stinks of mathematics', i'll share a tidbit that i promised folx some half year ago and promptly forgot: 1678742;1499097774;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-12-24#1589899 << or skip straight to the meat 1678743;1499097774;a111;Logged on 2016-12-24 01:10 asciilifeform: say i want to encipher (dun matter with what) a string, 'To: mircea_popescu Subj: thermonuke launch codes ...' 1678744;1499097934;mircea_popescu;am i missing something here ? 1678745;1499097966;asciilifeform;see the linked thread. original subj was (the eternally misnamed) 'rsa padding' problem. 1678746;1499097973;mircea_popescu;yes... 1678747;1499097986;mircea_popescu;oh. right right. 1678748;1499098005;mircea_popescu;reversibility. 1678749;1499098010;asciilifeform;transform string S into a larger S' where -- no matter what substructure of S enemy might know, he knows nothing at all re any part of S', nor any relation between any particular substrings of S'. 1678750;1499098019;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform tell you what : S + H => M. 1678751;1499098025;mircea_popescu;fhf work for this purpose. 1678752;1499098056;mircea_popescu;so bnasically, fhf as just a m is a hash, as s+m it's a "padding" function 1678753;1499098073;asciilifeform;if S is IN S', you failed 1678754;1499098079;asciilifeform;screamingly 1678755;1499098084;mircea_popescu;i'm sorry ? 1678756;1499098099;asciilifeform;because 'rsa padding' is not actually padding in any sense 1678757;1499098106;mircea_popescu;what S' ? 1678758;1499098116;asciilifeform;S' is a string indistinguishable from rngolade 1678759;1499098120;asciilifeform;has to be. 1678760;1499098125;mircea_popescu;well yes. 1678761;1499098152;asciilifeform;i assumed '+' above meant concatenation. 1678762;1499098173;asciilifeform;if it is some other operation, say which. 1678763;1499098200;mircea_popescu;the idea was that you need them together. maybe concat, i guess. 1678764;1499098210;mircea_popescu;maybe something better chosen. 1678765;1499098226;asciilifeform;i dun see how this is to work 1678766;1499098235;mircea_popescu;which part ? you're being very vague. 1678767;1499098243;asciilifeform;mircea_popescuhash, as currently written, is a lossy operation 1678768;1499098251;asciilifeform;in that you cannot get the input out of the output 1678769;1499098252;mircea_popescu;it is not. 1678770;1499098265;mircea_popescu;if you have the end S of a hashing, you can reconstruct M from H. 1678771;1499098310;asciilifeform;so idea is to use S as the message, rather than the nominal hash result ? 1678772;1499098351;mircea_popescu;no. if you have message M, and compute a fhf on it, and give out the M, you used fhf as a hash. if you give out both H and S, you used fhf as a "bit convertor" or w/e, the original M can be extracted, with sweat. 1678773;1499098359;mircea_popescu;i'd guess 1.5x the time it took to make it. 1678774;1499098377;mircea_popescu;and this should, at least to my superficial mind, work as rsa padding. 1678775;1499098387;asciilifeform;i'ma have to try this on paper. 1678776;1499098397;mircea_popescu;kk 1678777;1499098407;mircea_popescu;i'm not 100% on it, but my own napkins seem to indicate. 1678778;1499098741;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform that's also the precursory to proof of its strenght : to reverse a 64kb msg hash you need to intuit 1mb of data. 1678779;1499098749;mircea_popescu;ALL of it. bitwise identical. 1678780;1499098812;mircea_popescu;speaking of which, this was to be my next step, once ben_vulpes done profiling : impl a reverser, see the impact of bitwise altered S on end result. 1678781;1499098938;asciilifeform;my current reading of the algo incidentally is that it IS possible for the last bit of S to flip only 1 bit of R. 1678782;1499098946;mircea_popescu;is possible, yes. 1678783;1499098988;mircea_popescu;it is similarily possible for last bit of xor otp to flip only last bit of r. 1678784;1499099010;mircea_popescu;except there it's a ceiling and here it's a floor. 1678785;1499099109;asciilifeform;well, there - one bit of input per one of output. whereas here is a hash: flipping ANY bit of the input should have an impractical-to-compute effect on ~all~ of the output 1678786;1499099120;asciilifeform;whereas as i understand it, we do not have this. 1678787;1499099152;mircea_popescu;as i understad, we have it exactly. 1678788;1499099160;mircea_popescu;but go ahead and compute that "possible" into something ? 1678789;1499099248;asciilifeform;this'll have to wait for my own napkin. 1678790;1499099258;mircea_popescu;it waits, it waits. 1678791;1499099383;shinohai;!~ticker --market all 1678792;1499099389;jhvh1;shinohai: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 2560.0, vol: 12050.11464246 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 2518.362, vol: 4959.23008 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 2538.0, vol: 15695.64266697 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 2664.318528, vol: 12913.91030000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 2556.0, vol: 7185.44696892 | Volume-weighted last average: 2574.51815697 1678793;1499099396;mircea_popescu;but why is it crashing 1678794;1499100854;ben_vulpes;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-02#1678277 << electric > gas ?? 1678795;1499100854;a111;Logged on 2017-07-02 00:32 mircea_popescu: chicks love teh electric stove tho. 1678796;1499101834;mircea_popescu;yeah. 1678797;1499101889;ben_vulpes;i always figured the electrical stove was just another shitanium knockoff of The Real Thing; in what ways is it so much better than gas? 1678798;1499101914;mircea_popescu;fine temperature control. 1678799;1499101922;mircea_popescu;gas is you know, powerful. 1678800;1499101945;*;shinohai likes the convection properties of electric ovens 1678801;1499101955;ben_vulpes;you know i was just thinking about wiring pids into my electrical unit for precision control! 1678802;1499101980;ben_vulpes;pidbox is like 13 bucks on ebay with thermocouple included 1678803;1499102050;mircea_popescu;aha! 1678804;1499102054;mircea_popescu;better units come with it anyway. 1678805;1499102224;ben_vulpes;huh, didn't know that 1678806;1499102235;ben_vulpes;odds that i'll ever buy a fancy brand new stove are pretty low anyways 1678807;1499102273;*;ben_vulpes files this away with the refrigerated drawers for the Someday Kitchen 1678808;1499102284;mircea_popescu;those not such a good idea 1678809;1499102305;ben_vulpes;oh why 1678810;1499102311;mircea_popescu;condensation locking 1678811;1499102357;ben_vulpes;oh, as water comes out of the air, pressure drops and makes opening the thing impossible? 1678812;1499102408;mircea_popescu;and as moisutre in the environment cools, it either rusts on them or else outright freezes 1678813;1499102419;mircea_popescu;twoferone! 1678814;1499102440;ben_vulpes;ah, sad 1678815;1499102444;mircea_popescu;even if it neither rusts nor frezes permawet bs is horrible for hygiene 1678816;1499102451;ben_vulpes;yeah yeah 1678817;1499102484;mircea_popescu;then if you insulate them they grow to where the chicks gotta work them in teams... 1678818;1499102487;ben_vulpes;could vinyl slides and drip trays but the complexity begins to mount 1678819;1499102505;ben_vulpes;well, figured the drawers would slide into and out of a refrigerated cabinet 1678820;1499102509;*;mircea_popescu has spent some cycl;es optimizing restaurant kitchen of all things 1678821;1499102513;ben_vulpes;not refrigerate the drawers themselves 1678822;1499103168;mircea_popescu;afaik the only actual implementation oif this that ~works is in morgue. they are side of beef sized drawers, and rather expensive. 1678823;1499103177;mircea_popescu;never saw a way to make them work for you know, 10 to 20lb sizes. 1678824;1499103204;ben_vulpes;just spring for the walk-in, i guess. 1678825;1499103205;mircea_popescu;morgue also gets benefit of 1 open a week. 1678826;1499103221;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes you know what that does to your insurance incidentally ? 1678827;1499103226;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-03#1678798 << funnily enough i always found the ~gas~ to have the superior control 1678828;1499103226;a111;Logged on 2017-07-03 17:11 mircea_popescu: fine temperature control. 1678829;1499103230;mircea_popescu;weirdos saw too many moves 1678830;1499103235;asciilifeform;and not only fine control -- but visible to naked eye in real time 1678831;1499103239;asciilifeform;( tall vs short flame ) 1678832;1499103239;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you prolly use it in the 1000s of c 1678833;1499103257;asciilifeform;lol we're speaking of stove, not forge eh 1678834;1499103273;mircea_popescu;yes but do you ever make souffle ? 1678835;1499103276;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: don't those things have internal actuators? 1678836;1499103300;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes anything made since the war does yea 1678837;1499103304;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: not recently. but it's usually made with handheld gas lamp 1678838;1499103324;mircea_popescu;i was expecting to hear alcohol burner lol 1678839;1499103364;ben_vulpes;and yet with the premiums? 1678840;1499103380;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes i saidf, too many movies 1678841;1499103409;*;asciilifeform at one time worked in a lab with a massive walk in -30c. it was great, esp in july 1678842;1499103432;mircea_popescu;at another time, mp lived in a place where july/dec diff was maybe 2 degrees 1678843;1499103434;asciilifeform;thing wasn't just storage, either, had tables, chairs, experimental setups going 24/7 1678844;1499103435;mircea_popescu;and the kinds of butterflies about 1678845;1499103451;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: hey aintcha there now again ? 1678846;1499103455;mircea_popescu;aha 1678847;1499103611;mircea_popescu;and in other "omfg biodiversitiers" : my power alarm has this very strident, two sharp note bee-bop noise 1678848;1499103633;mircea_popescu;that day, there was a bird doing the ~exact thing outside, we thought nothing of. 1678849;1499103654;mircea_popescu;he's been back ever since, ALL AROUND, perching, singing an ever more dejected bee-bop. 1678850;1499103665;mircea_popescu;i'm half tempted to yank the mains just to humor him 1678851;1499103971;asciilifeform;lol! good company to the dyinghddbird 1678852;1499104235;mircea_popescu;it's like they got audible china in wetware 1678853;1499104640;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/ABF23DE303BE1C82869D7925F0ACF7A8F54B420469D851530FC4121CBEC0B356 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1056...7673 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown MX CHH) 1678854;1499104640;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/916561ADAC038BBBCFAB89EDC04A3C5CCDD51A05666CD46A292571AEC05CFC01 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1056...7673 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown MX CHH) 1678855;1499104640;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/CCD76069BB1F8E630905F5A86CF1C77E184381E6A058E428912D0C5937551E5A << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1056...7673 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown MX CHH) 1678856;1499104640;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/B9546AF73E66CBDE87E3FB00E89C0FE7C53423CDDF964BD60DDEB18B8B6BFE82 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1056...7673 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown MX CHH) 1678857;1499104640;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/916561ADAC038BBBCFAB89EDC04A3C5CCDD51A05666CD46A292571AEC05CFC01 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 8874...5753 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown MX CHH) 1678858;1499104645;mircea_popescu;o.O 1678859;1499104694;asciilifeform;!$ssh 1678860;1499104694;scriba;ssh banner of as seen on 2016-06-13: SSH-1.99-DOPRA-1.5 1678861;1499104695;scriba;ssh banner of as seen on 2016-06-13: SSH-1.99-HUAWEI-1.5 1678862;1499104696;scriba;ssh banner of as seen on 2016-06-13: SSH-1.99-HUAWEI-1.5 1678863;1499104719;asciilifeform;looks pretty typical 1678864;1499104732;mircea_popescu;yeah, turns out. huawei ftw. 1678865;1499110181;asciilifeform;in recent lulz, a 400MHz , nonwinblowztronic logic analyzer now purportedly exists, http://dreamsourcelab.com 1678866;1499110197;asciilifeform;about a hundy , chinese cranking'em out 1678867;1499110226;asciilifeform;xilinx + sdram + usb20tron inside. 1678868;1499110233;*;asciilifeform not yet tried 1678869;1499110244;asciilifeform;even claims to work in openbsd. 1678870;1499110975;mircea_popescu;interesting 1678871;1499111242;asciilifeform;still not quite pc bus speed. but massive improvement over the crapola that litters asciilifeform's bench, at least on paper. 1678872;1499111308;asciilifeform;( re pc vivisection : one item on asciilifeform's wish list, that does not currently exist : a doctored stick of sdram that can be read/written 'out of band', i.e. via another hole ) 1678873;1499111321;mircea_popescu;start with the true read only sticvk 1678874;1499111363;asciilifeform;lol mircea_popescu can make this with a sharp knife right now!1111 1678875;1499111386;asciilifeform;( cut the r/w track ) 1678876;1499111415;asciilifeform;will fail boot test, but you can't have everything!1 1678877;1499111422;mircea_popescu;heh 1678878;1499111575;asciilifeform;anyway for n00bz : a two-hole ram stick will give you snapshots of physical memory, incl. 'prohibited' (i.e. SMM) pages, undetectably to ring-whatever soft. and likewise write - gives you much of what debug probe gives, with the difference that cpu could not refuse 1678879;1499111598;asciilifeform;no matter how crippled ( see amd thread from september ) 1678880;1499111645;asciilifeform;stick also sees the address and data lanes, so can also record all ram fetches ( such that don't hit the cache ) 1678881;1499111662;asciilifeform;bonus if you have a cpu that lets you kill cache 1678882;1499111758;asciilifeform;the ultimate win, of course, is that it also gives you a pc that you can magic into a known state on demand. 1678883;1499111768;asciilifeform;( pipe in memory image. ) 1678884;1499111806;asciilifeform;i had this , handmade and orcish, using sageprobe . but it took ~2h per bringup... 1678885;1499111842;asciilifeform;( and that was a toy box, with 1G !! ) 1678886;1499111866;mircea_popescu;coiuld maybe cheat and only do part of ram 1678887;1499111901;asciilifeform;if you know something about the page table, can sorta cheat 1678888;1499111916;asciilifeform;it dun win much, though, linux is a hog 1678889;1499112175;asciilifeform;btw at some point somebody will ask, 'why not use existing gadget with dma, e.g. usb3, to diddle memory'. so answer, intel et al are implementing 'iommu', so that only nsa-approved diddles go through dma controller. plus os can see if it has usb3 etc hanging off 1678890;1499112187;asciilifeform;so elementary final solution is - instrumented ram. 1678891;1499112238;asciilifeform;there is no possible counter to it, short of microshit introducing single-crystal comps ( was headed there, then mooreslaw croaked, now it is unlikely to ever happen ) 1678892;1499112362;asciilifeform;as it is, even crapple pocket comps have standalone sdram. 1678893;1499112374;asciilifeform;'the analogue hole', if you will. 1678894;1499112549;mircea_popescu;aha. 1678895;1499117443;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2017/07/entertainment-today-pantsuit-legislators-propose-attacking-idea-of-presidency/ << Qntra - Entertainment Today: Pantsuit Legislators Propose Attacking Idea Of Presidency 1678896;1499119448;mircea_popescu;purrfect 1678897;1499121426;BingoBoingo;yvm 1678898;1499121437;BingoBoingo;*tyvm 1678899;1499124092;mircea_popescu;obviously the presidency is a racist/rapist institution no longer adequate fopr the needs of ourdemocracy! 1678900;1499124109;mircea_popescu;just think... one single guy making decisions! on his own! having authority! 1678901;1499124123;mircea_popescu;it's a scandal. 1678902;1499127114;ben_vulpes;BingoBoingo: many fiat stocks showing 123.47 as price 1678903;1499127138;mircea_popescu;this is good for fiatcoin 1678904;1499127138;*;ben_vulpes vanishes in cloud of smoke 1678905;1499128614;mod6;evenin' 1678906;1499129277;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/IeEJo << ben_vulpes loltru! 1678907;1499129349;asciilifeform;the 'unhappenings' will be a riot ( picture the autotrading derp demanding reversed tx , etc ) 1678908;1499129360;mircea_popescu;hey, it's just like ethereum 1678909;1499129370;mircea_popescu;(progressive, as opposed to classic, which doesn't exist because butt still sore) 1678910;1499129405;mircea_popescu;!~google russian hackers did the nyse 1678911;1499129408;jhvh1;mircea_popescu: How Russian Hackers Stole the Nasdaq - Bloomberg: ; Russian hackers infiltrated voter databases in dozens of states ...: ; Russian hackers placed 'digital bomb' in Nasdaq - report - Jul. 17 ...: (1 more message) 1678912;1499129415;mircea_popescu;ooobviously 1678913;1499129479;ben_vulpes;a merry occupation day to ye, ameritards 1678914;1499129881;mircea_popescu;and the funny thing is, they earnestly imagines antyone would want to be their friend. 1678915;1499129889;mircea_popescu;people this stupid shouldn't be allowed to exist. 1678916;1499129989;asciilifeform;the mega-enigma, of course, is why not 123.45 1678917;1499130003;mircea_popescu;typo ? 1678918;1499130021;shinohai; They had to put in their 2 cents! 1678919;1499130024;asciilifeform;or because 7/4... 1678920;1499130081;asciilifeform;( though it ain't 7/4 in east gringolandia for another 3h ) 1678921;1499130099;mircea_popescu;wasn't .74 was it 1678922;1499130107;asciilifeform;47. 1678923;1499130121;asciilifeform;( calling all kabbalists!111 ) 1678924;1499130501;deedbot;http://www.contravex.com/2017/07/03/le-150ieme-partie-iii-2/ << » Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski - Le 150ième – Partie III 1678925;1499136581;phf;cnn at the airport are playing "special" on nixon impeachment. they are not even trying anymore 1678926;1499137174;asciilifeform;phf: matter of time. 1678927;1499137349;phf;it's a multi-series show that's being played back to back 1678928;1499137366;phf;with helpful pantsuit commentary in between the episodes 1678929;1499137512;asciilifeform;!#s kick the dog till it bites 1678930;1499137513;a111;2 results for "kick the dog till it bites", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=kick%20the%20dog%20till%20it%20bites 1678931;1499137557;asciilifeform;eventually provocation will work, trump will 'clintonize', i.e. connect himself with something 'uncontroversially' impeachable. 1678932;1499137798;asciilifeform;in other unsurprises, 'Corrupt data that accidentally flowed out of a NASDAQ systems test caused the share prices...' 1678933;1499137801;asciilifeform;didjaknow. 1678934;1499137846;asciilifeform;'"It's an exchange-side issue, where the Nasdaq disseminated bad data and traded corrupt messages to us during an exchange-side test of their systems," a Bloomberg spokeswoman told AFR, over the phone. ' didjaknow. 1678935;1499138004;asciilifeform;meanwhile, from same fishwrap, https://archive.is/7cEvZ >> 'A Current Affair reporter Ben McCormack has appeared in court for the first time since he was charged with child pornography offences.' << au competes with uk for 'who is premier anglo shithole' 1678936;1499138073;asciilifeform;cocaine in toilet tanks, apparently, was a bit arduous, and called for at least a certain qty of actual cocaine to be tied up, if temporarily, in evidence lockers 1678937;1499138096;asciilifeform;prohibited pr0n is cheaper. 1678938;1499138118;BingoBoingo; BingoBoingo: many fiat stocks showing 123.47 as price << Y no submission? 1678939;1499138212;BingoBoingo; eventually provocation will work, trump will 'clintonize', i.e. connect himself with something 'uncontroversially' impeachable. << There's a deadline for provocation to work. 2018 mid term elections 1678940;1499138244;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: why ? 1678941;1499138280;phf;asciilifeform: i periodically come back from the woods and marvel at the going ons 1678942;1499138294;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Because the fork in the GOP will likely be resolved in the primary season, and Pantsuit is set up to take massive losses in Senate. 1678943;1499138315;BingoBoingo;GOP has few Senate seats to defend in 2018, Pantsuit has many 1678944;1499138355;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: i expect that the number of rules by which 'pantsuit' crowd continues to play, such that they can lose, will grow smaller. 1678945;1499138400;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: The state legislatures that make those rules mostly lean GOP over pantsuit, and rulemaking is a concern after 2020 census. 1678946;1499138405;asciilifeform;'don't play with a deck you haven't glued yourself' 1678947;1499138436;BingoBoingo;What kind of glue do you have that resists razor knife? 1678948;1499138474;BingoBoingo;Meanwhile Trump appointees continue to increase as percentage of people arbitrating rules 1678949;1499138532;BingoBoingo;January 2019 Trump will likely be Nixon proof. Pantsuit will have to resort to Kennedy solutions. 1678950;1499138630;BingoBoingo;Timeline for Kennedying likely ends January 2021 when it would lead to 4 years of Pence, which is likely worst possible outcome for pantsuit 1678951;1499138664;asciilifeform;iirc pence is a perfectly compliant r-flavoured pantsuit 1678952;1499138693;mod6;cog in the wheel, aha 1678953;1499138723;asciilifeform;quite likely no presently sitting congresscritter would object to 4, 8, 44, 88 yrs of him. 1678954;1499138724;BingoBoingo;Perhaps, my read is otherwise. 1678955;1499138732;phf;fwiw there's definitely a sentiment change. it's becoming fashionable to roll eyes at sjws at festivals and be secretly OK with trump. 1678956;1499138783;phf;as the fervor increasing there's a general loss of steam. how many misfires can these people afford? 1678957;1499138854;asciilifeform;phf: 7!1111 1678958;1499138891;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-04#1678923 1678959;1499138891;a111;Logged on 2017-07-04 01:02 asciilifeform: ( calling all kabbalists!111 ) 1678960;1499138909;mircea_popescu;phf not many. 1678961;1499138914;asciilifeform;( per http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-20#1557348 ) 1678962;1499138914;a111;Logged on 2016-10-20 20:40 asciilifeform: 'how many bugs shall we tolerate!?' 'seven!' 1678963;1499138923;mircea_popescu;there's nothing fickler than the sentiments of the crowd. and yes the reversal is underway. 1678964;1499138926;mircea_popescu;brownshirts acomin'. 1678965;1499139066;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2017/07/fiat-denominated-stocks-on-nyse-set-to-123-47-us-dollars/ << Qntra - Fiat Denominated Stocks On NYSE Set To 123.47 US Dollars 1678966;1499139095;asciilifeform;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7EhMmJhm4K8 << oblig. ( for de n00bz: by same subtitlist who did 'fredericus' ) 1678967;1499139611;mircea_popescu;lol you'\re quite systematic are you 1678968;1499139697;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-04#1678931 << don't be ridiculous, dude's already pussygrabbed. 1678969;1499139697;a111;Logged on 2017-07-04 03:05 asciilifeform: eventually provocation will work, trump will 'clintonize', i.e. connect himself with something 'uncontroversially' impeachable. 1678970;1499139699;mircea_popescu;there's nothing else. 1678971;1499139721;mircea_popescu;part of the problem and the font of all the "russianb spies" lulz is that a) thjere's nothing else and b) the fucktards can't believe nobody cares. 1678972;1499139732;mircea_popescu;so they're stuck in the loser's spin of trying to find "the realer real one" 1678973;1499139733;asciilifeform;i did wonder, why not something better. 1678974;1499139764;asciilifeform;( re fredericus et al : i had nfi how many of these d00d had !! e.g. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x5Nwsqy6v_Q is new to asciilifeform ) 1678975;1499139766;asciilifeform;and hilarious 1678976;1499139797;asciilifeform;( http://ingeb.org/Lieder/werhatau.html << lyrics ) 1678977;1499139804;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-04#1678932 all i have to say is http://trilema.com/2013/why-mpex-is-better-than-fiat-institutions-part-349085 1678978;1499139804;a111;Logged on 2017-07-04 03:09 asciilifeform: in other unsurprises, 'Corrupt data that accidentally flowed out of a NASDAQ systems test caused the share prices...' 1678979;1499139823;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: mpex afaik never reverted trades either 1678980;1499139902;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-04#1678937 << aha! you wouldn't download a car only goes so far. 1678981;1499139902;a111;Logged on 2017-07-04 03:14 asciilifeform: prohibited pr0n is cheaper. 1678982;1499139951;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform there was ONE instance of dude having his trade unwound. he promptly got pissed off and went and lost his wad on $randomscam. 1678983;1499139967;asciilifeform;how come he got unwound ? 1678984;1499139989;mircea_popescu;i don't even specifically remember, was years ago. but im sure there was a good reason. 1678985;1499140000;mircea_popescu;something with the options bot at any rate. 1678986;1499140012;asciilifeform;i'm moar curious re what 'good reason' even looks like 1678987;1499140023;asciilifeform;why should trades ever get unwound 1678988;1499140083;mircea_popescu;trades routinely get unwound. you call the shop, "do you have bananas ?" "yes we do". you come to shop, they don't. "Wtf!" "Someone bougth them!" 1678989;1499140099;mircea_popescu;"oh but this wasn't really a trade" "it was an accepted tender!" "mmkay" 1678990;1499140111;asciilifeform;lol doublespend of banana 1678991;1499140127;mircea_popescu;there's a space between closure (as an abstract) and settlement (as a practical). 1678992;1499140143;mircea_popescu;people like to think in terms of the former, it's less impedancy, but reality works on lattert 1678993;1499140166;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform not even doublespend, they were not allocated. therer's such a thing as nonbinding allcoators. 1678994;1499140176;mircea_popescu;"best effort" execution and so on 1678995;1499140197;mircea_popescu;notice that no one goes to the hospital with a "i came here so you make me healthy" contract. 1678996;1499140207;mircea_popescu;not on paper at any rate. even if in their mind. 1678997;1499140211;asciilifeform;this'd make more sense if trading still happened on donkeys; or if earth-mars, and farthest approach, and gotta wait 20 min each way 1678998;1499140233;mircea_popescu;there's no such thing as a human-accessible time interval that's not human accessible. 1678999;1499140238;asciilifeform;but on earth, why should trade not return a hard 'went' or 'not-went' in 100msec or so ? 1679000;1499140260;asciilifeform;supposing we're using a classical centralized market, and not blockchain etc 1679001;1499140290;mircea_popescu;depends how it's implemented, i guess. 1679002;1499140305;mircea_popescu;are you making the rsatron or aren't you ? 1679003;1499140309;mircea_popescu;o oops, 100msec are up. 1679004;1499140326;asciilifeform;lol it's about 100msec on decent ( fpga ) iron!111 1679005;1499140417;mircea_popescu;at any rate, there's a floor under human abstraction. voltages stabilize after a time. etc. 1679006;1499140485;BingoBoingo;http://qntra.net/2017/07/fiat-denominated-stocks-on-nyse-set-to-123-47-us-dollars/ << Fixed 1679007;1499140643;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-04#1678942 << to the tune of reich getting 2/3 1679008;1499140643;a111;Logged on 2017-07-04 03:18 BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Because the fork in the GOP will likely be resolved in the primary season, and Pantsuit is set up to take massive losses in Senate. 1679009;1499140646;mircea_popescu;that shall be a shiow 1679010;1499140664;mircea_popescu;when pantsuit.org discovers that it's antiourdemocracy for senate supermajority to take decisions. 1679011;1499140850;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-04#1678949 << "mentally unstable secret service transgender charlie shoots president. VIOLENT COMPUTER GAMES MAY HAVE BEEN INVOLVED!!!!" 1679012;1499140850;a111;Logged on 2017-07-04 03:22 BingoBoingo: January 2019 Trump will likely be Nixon proof. Pantsuit will have to resort to Kennedy solutions. 1679013;1499142181;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all 1679014;1499142189;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 2612.22, vol: 13002.43778694 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 2503.826, vol: 6281.94379 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 2602.5, vol: 18638.3081568 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 2691.995072, vol: 12614.50490000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 2619.902, vol: 6754.02624087 | Volume-weighted last average: 2615.64317885 1679015;1499142194;BingoBoingo;This news is good for OMG CRASHING!!! 1679016;1499142617;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/E51426CFDA85B249F6D15DC1C02D7D376AC72762320584257E84D9FDE6DC1393 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1379...0579 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown FI) 1679017;1499142617;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/E51426CFDA85B249F6D15DC1C02D7D376AC72762320584257E84D9FDE6DC1393 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1623...1269 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown FI) 1679018;1499143143;lobbes;!!deed http://lobbesblog.com/billing/2017/q1/hanbot_payment_receipt.txt 1679019;1499143160;deedbot;accepted: 1 1679020;1499143162;lobbes;!!deed http://lobbesblog.com/billing/2017/q2/hanbot_payment_receipt.txt 1679021;1499143165;deedbot;accepted: 1 1679022;1499147117;ben_vulpes;BingoBoingo: was otherwise occupied; twas a teep just the teep 1679023;1499148175;hanbot;any spanish speakers here have a decent translation for "match"? to place in a set, not pairing, not equaling, not anything else online dictionaries'd like to synonymize me with. 1679024;1499148226;hanbot;^ shinohai ? 1679025;1499148982;ben_vulpes;not i 1679026;1499148987;ben_vulpes;nevertheless... http://68.media.tumblr.com/0fa6154fd3f3770ccb627406b0d2b6dd/tumblr_osjazdyYj81s2jikwo1_1280.jpg 1679027;1499149465;mod6;nice sideburns 1679028;1499150588;mircea_popescu;hanbot partido. 1679029;1499150707;mircea_popescu;ah im sorry, to match as in a set. conjunto fambly should suit you. 1679030;1499150759;hanbot;conjuuuunto. tyty! 1679031;1499150765;mircea_popescu;yw 1679032;1499174815;shinohai;!~later tell hanbot Ah sorry I missed your message, I was out at that time cojunto-ing with local girls. ;) 1679033;1499174815;jhvh1;shinohai: The operation succeeded. 1679034;1499174828;shinohai;!~ticker --market all 1679035;1499174833;jhvh1;shinohai: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 2621.86, vol: 11540.22746202 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 2537.349, vol: 6658.60169 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 2607.0, vol: 18107.17109604 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 2668.04853, vol: 8983.97320000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 2619.031, vol: 6922.33937901 | Volume-weighted last average: 2613.50135031 1679036;1499175943;phf;i wrote a hilariously bad common lisp version of fhf 1679037;1499176034;phf;ben_vulpes: i'm pretty sure your type annotations are doing nothing useful. cursory look i think only fixnum stuff is taking effect, but that's such a small overhead 1679038;1499176153;phf;i'm pretty sure biggest overhead is in using adjustable arrays, because you lose out on using sbit instead of bit. sbit expects (simple-array bit (*)) and apart from doing basic type check it has very little overhead. 1679039;1499176229;phf;and the other issue with adjustable arrays is that you're doing a lot of expands (and that's what mp's fhf does), you're generating n^2 garbage 1679040;1499176237;phf;*if you're doing 1679041;1499176355;phf;(funny thing re sbit vs bit, sbit generates immediate assembly, where's bit, in sbcl, calls out to a function named SB-KERNEL:HAIRY-DATA-VECTOR-REF. nuff said) 1679042;1499176761;phf;sbcl is the original "modern"11! lisp. it gives "style warnings" on my code, but completely ignores type errors in ben_vulpes's code (compiling same code in cmucl gives a lot of warnings about the types being all kinds of confused) 1679043;1499177050;asciilifeform;now if cmucl actually worked, rather than compiling to crasholade... 1679044;1499177109;phf;yeah, it would've been neat if people carefully improved existing quality system instead of modernizing, alas. i hear wayland also works!!1 1679045;1499177226;asciilifeform;if it worked ( rather than tried to redefine 'work' ) .. 1679046;1499177363;phf;fhf implementation http://paste.lisp.org/display/350018, this one just races against ben_vulpes's, i'll see if i can beat go version once i get to building go environment.. 1679047;1499177458;asciilifeform;phf: there's a couple of order-of-magnitude imho obvious optimizations, but i dun wanna ruin the fun 1679048;1499177481;asciilifeform;but for some reason nobody said anything yet 1679049;1499177551;asciilifeform;one hint -- look at 'screw' as a modular congruence 1679050;1499177553;phf;yeah, this version is straight spec implementation (in fact if you search for (fhf mp ...) that part should directly correspond to spec wording). only optimization i did was to keep the S reallocations down 1679051;1499177585;asciilifeform;other hint -- stop doing mem-access-per-bitflip omfg 1679052;1499177604;phf;right, but that would "break" the spec to code correspondence 1679053;1499177745;asciilifeform;phf: what does your rewind do if pos is 0 ? 1679054;1499177745;phf;part of spec as far as i understand it, that the (fhf mp ...) part is a canonical, but not the only implementation. so yeah you could write optimal version of mp's fhf, but it's not going to speak the same dictionary, and you won't be necessarily able to apply same optimizations to other (fhf ...). (or i guess you can, but require more cleverness than just etc.) 1679055;1499177762;phf;gtfo. 1679056;1499177782;asciilifeform;lol 1679057;1499177859;phf;i mean, there's a bunch of macros that share state through referencing same symbols. if i were to post this to #lisp they would lynch me 1679058;1499177903;asciilifeform;reminds me of my 'nock' compiler 1679059;1499177971;phf;oh, that's actually good point re rewind, that's in the spec "except in the case our position is already 0." 1679060;1499177976;asciilifeform;aaha 1679061;1499178428;phf;man, dusseldorf airport soundtrack is like the best of the 90s that nobody listens to anymore, but used to back in the day. like they are playing bryan adams's "i do it for you" which i remember serenading to some girl. makes me heart tingle it does. 1679062;1499178566;asciilifeform;phf: hm, 'woods' turns out was in de ? 1679063;1499178602;phf;this is new woods 1679064;1499178739;asciilifeform;neato 1679065;1499179033;phf;http://paste.lisp.org/display/350021 1679066;1499179183;asciilifeform;dun need the <= phf 1679067;1499179193;asciilifeform;= will do... 1679068;1499179250;phf;that's true, and is closer to wording.. 1679069;1499179320;asciilifeform;btw this proggy is nostalgiatronic in that i nao return in my head to ye olde naggumwank over 'if*' 1679070;1499179348;asciilifeform;( he had an eternal and bitter feud with the author ) 1679071;1499179565;asciilifeform;unrelatedly, i still have not thought of a proof that mphash terminates on all inputs. 1679072;1499179592;asciilifeform;( and currently suspect that you can construct one where it doesn't ) 1679073;1499179685;phf;i wouldn't call it bitter, at least he didn't think of if* proponents as complete retards. 1679074;1499179731;phf;i wouldn't use it in my own code, but there are occasional cases where it "makes sense", particularly when you're writing potato code 1679075;1499179757;phf;http://www.xach.com/naggum/articles/3131012851256245@naggum.no.html http://www.xach.com/naggum/articles/3131062658198428@naggum.no.html 1679076;1499179848;phf;hmm, never mind his later rants on the subject contain a lot more vitriol 1679077;1499179871;asciilifeform;phf: potato? 1679078;1499179901;phf;https://divmod.readthedocs.io/en/latest/philosophy/potato.html 1679079;1499179972;phf;but i use it to refer to intentionally or unintentionally naive code. like the kind of stuff you would write in BASIC. 1679080;1499180002;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-04#1679041 << bwahahaha 1679081;1499180002;a111;Logged on 2017-07-04 13:52 phf: (funny thing re sbit vs bit, sbit generates immediate assembly, where's bit, in sbcl, calls out to a function named SB-KERNEL:HAIRY-DATA-VECTOR-REF. nuff said) 1679082;1499180026;mircea_popescu;truth be told fhf was designed by a coder hater, and it shows. exactly typical ops a sane person would never even contemplate. 1679083;1499180041;asciilifeform;how's that 1679084;1499180056;mircea_popescu;"enlarge datastruct one bit at a time ? because your mother fed you artichokes whole or why!" 1679085;1499180075;mircea_popescu;"just tell me how large it ends up and stop wasting my time! WHAT THE FUCK IT CAN'T BE KNOWN IN ADVANCE!" 1679086;1499180113;mircea_popescu;and then there's the "screw". as phf sez, nuff said. 1679087;1499180177;mircea_popescu;phf whereas is not where's, etymologically or otherwise. i dunno if you know that. 1679088;1499180179;asciilifeform;the 'potentially infinite mem' and 'potentially not terminates' is the boojum, not exotic bit ops 1679089;1499180205;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform mp-fhf terminates, and in finite mem. of course, other fhfs might not. 1679090;1499180231;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: picture 'i'd luvvv to verify this tx, but gotta buy some ram, and for 3rd time this week' 1679091;1499180239;mircea_popescu;oya. 1679092;1499180243;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: didja prove ? 1679093;1499180247;mircea_popescu;i did not prove ;/ 1679094;1499180248;asciilifeform;that it terminates 1679095;1499180252;asciilifeform;lolk 1679096;1499180271;mircea_popescu;i am surrounded by looseleaf to the degree girl walked in said "you remind me a lot of mr happy" "whassat ?" "pet hamster i had when i was 5" 1679097;1499180288;mircea_popescu;but no prove. 1679098;1499180347;mircea_popescu;nevertheless, the reason it has those bojums flows from the atomic ops, not gift from god. 1679099;1499180771;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-04#1679054 << this is a fine approach. "here's the per spec impl, here's the optimized impl. you can verify they agree wrt results ; and you can trivially verify the former is spec-accurate." 1679100;1499180771;a111;Logged on 2017-07-04 14:15 phf: part of spec as far as i understand it, that the (fhf mp ...) part is a canonical, but not the only implementation. so yeah you could write optimal version of mp's fhf, but it's not going to speak the same dictionary, and you won't be necessarily able to apply same optimizations to other (fhf ...). (or i guess you can, but require more cleverness than just etc.) 1679101;1499180803;mircea_popescu;in fact specified as opposed to farted code has this property, that you write two programs per spec like that. hence "agile" ie "code is the spec" ie "please shoot me" modernity. 1679102;1499180809;mircea_popescu;saves on paper! envirowhiny! 1679103;1499180884;jurov;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-04#1678979 lol what do you smoke? what about numerous dividend mispayments, some resulting in a rollback? 1679104;1499180884;a111;Logged on 2017-07-04 03:43 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: mpex afaik never reverted trades either 1679105;1499180901;mircea_popescu;this is related ? 1679106;1499180923;jurov;dividends are not transactions? 1679107;1499180965;mircea_popescu;well depends what you mean and what you're talking about. some people call their http "transactions", and the "road ahead is clear" as they say to next propose mpex css ain't good enough to be nasdaq. 1679108;1499181016;mircea_popescu;but the discussion here isn't "naive perception of item x as compared to naive perception of item y". that'll be biased by the direct interaction. the discussion is "industrial item x vs y". 1679109;1499181024;jurov;"alrighty" 1679110;1499181061;mircea_popescu;if every time a broker advanced cash to a customer you took out nasdaq and shot it, it'd live microseconds each iteration. 1679111;1499181090;jurov;Yet it outlived bitbet. 1679112;1499181171;mircea_popescu;jurov nasdaq solution to bitbet problem is to take kako out and shoot him. that i'm a civilised fellow is not something you can oppose to me. 1679113;1499181183;mircea_popescu;on the contrary, in this context it is my merit and you're welcome to praise. 1679114;1499181225;mircea_popescu;in the sense that if you discuss it at all, all you may say is "mp is so fucking great, he put personal freedom above corporate continuance." 1679115;1499181282;mircea_popescu;yes this is a choice i've made repeatedly and threaten to keep making. it also happens to be fundamental to republican vs you know, imperial outlook. 1679116;1499181458;phf;in fact http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-09#1623811 :/ i was trying to remember recently but failed what it is that i was consistently using wrong 1679117;1499181458;a111;Logged on 2017-03-09 18:06 mircea_popescu: phf you know it's whereas not where's. 1679118;1499181468;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-04#1679049 awww i was waiting for that. 1679119;1499181468;a111;Logged on 2017-07-04 14:12 asciilifeform: one hint -- look at 'screw' as a modular congruence 1679120;1499181489;mircea_popescu;phf what it was that i consistently ; not what it is that i consistently was :D 1679121;1499181499;mircea_popescu;russki! english has backwards tenses. 1679122;1499181526;phf;also articles are optional 1679123;1499181584;mircea_popescu;this is a very fine example, incidentally. it's in my mind right there with the oxford comma ("i had eggs, salmon and biscuits" interpreted as the speaker telling salmon and biscuits as an item that he had eggs) as anglo-antilogic in my head. 1679124;1499181596;mircea_popescu;which is why qntra style says "logical comma always". as opposed to oxfordian. 1679125;1499181629;mircea_popescu;anyway, it is logical to have the error permanent "what it is", and the self-reference tensed "i was". rather than pretend the error has no further substance than its past occurence, whereas the id is eternal and so therefore is. 1679126;1499181672;mircea_popescu;yet in english it's how they do it, and THIS is what they mean when they say the language it speaks will tell you a lot of a people. 1679127;1499181696;mircea_popescu;ie, there is no such thing possible as "a christian english-as-single-language speaker". 1679128;1499182646;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-04#1679072 << this i'd like to see 1679129;1499182646;a111;Logged on 2017-07-04 14:46 asciilifeform: ( and currently suspect that you can construct one where it doesn't ) 1679130;1499182750;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-04#1679079 << i thought samagon was made out of chicken feathers not potatoes. 1679131;1499182750;a111;Logged on 2017-07-04 14:52 phf: but i use it to refer to intentionally or unintentionally naive code. like the kind of stuff you would write in BASIC. 1679132;1499182787;phf;irishmen came up with that term, it's all about potatoes with those people 1679133;1499182868;mircea_popescu;lol 1679134;1499182998;mircea_popescu;"the great potato famine'd have been lots worse were it made out of wheat instead" 1679135;1499183033;asciilifeform;'or if stalin did it and not brit crown' 1679136;1499183087;mircea_popescu;hehe. 1679137;1499183134;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-04#1679092 << my current thinking is, the only way to resolve this within a lifetime is to see if a mpfhf cycle could be constructed. if it can, solved, if it provably can't then it is time&space finite, even as a statistical ceiling argument. 1679138;1499183134;a111;Logged on 2017-07-04 14:57 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: didja prove ? 1679139;1499183146;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: well yes 1679140;1499183149;asciilifeform;how else. 1679141;1499183167;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform there are other ways. they work better on the exact type of hash fhf isn't. 1679142;1499183177;mircea_popescu;haven't yet managed to pin down what teh absolute requirement list for a cycle is though. 1679143;1499183197;asciilifeform;not necessarily cycle tho. if i can construct a 'for (i=0; i; ' (server4718.mivitec.net. DE) 1679184;1499189190;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/61C5D4EF56CBBFBAFDE33BD7F870253F9F5898F82CD8BF8E6954CCDF8A70245E << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1764...8029 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (server4718.mivitec.net. DE) 1679185;1499196896;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2017/no-such-labs-snsa-june-2017-statement/ << Trilema - No Such lAbs (S.NSA), June 2017 Statement 1679186;1499197226;mod6;Good to hear that the lost units came back. 1679187;1499197237;mircea_popescu;yee 1679188;1499200075;ben_vulpes;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-04#1679046 << should beat that as well yeah 1679189;1499200075;a111;Logged on 2017-07-04 14:09 phf: fhf implementation http://paste.lisp.org/display/350018, this one just races against ben_vulpes's, i'll see if i can beat go version once i get to building go environment.. 1679190;1499200143;ben_vulpes;phf: illuminating, ty 1679191;1499202030;mircea_popescu;in other usistani ideas : register "techrite" as a brand. then people can say "he's got the techrite" about your users. 1679192;1499202410;mircea_popescu;not to mention http://dickrite.com http://cockrite.com etc 1679193;1499214052;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all 1679194;1499214059;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 2586.4, vol: 9738.16797447 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 2509.146, vol: 5957.60415 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 2568.8, vol: 15703.98682071 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 2672.89806, vol: 9377.74330000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 2588.045, vol: 5887.51865475 | Volume-weighted last average: 2588.20440617 1679195;1499224800;asciilifeform;happy 2015phorqday folx 1679196;1499224891;BingoBoingo;Happy Phorking day to all you motherphorkers! 1679197;1499228995;mircea_popescu;lol! 1679198;1499230860;mod6;HEH 1679199;1499232327;deedbot;http://thewhet.net/2017/yankee-doodle-henry-part-vi/ << The Whet - Yankee Doodle Henry, Part VI 1679200;1499248138;*;sina waves 1679201;1499248144;sina;evening tmsr 1679202;1499248161;sina;best twitter quote I saw today: "US is free as in mattress" 1679203;1499267918;mircea_popescu;sina i confess i don't get it. free mattress ? 1679204;1499267953;mircea_popescu;like what, the discarded mattresses people locate half a mile out of town or so to fuck randos on ? 1679205;1499268313;phf;doing full type annotation with (mp #*1010101001010011110000101000000000001101011100000001 (expt 2 14)) drops the time from 11s to 7s 1679206;1499268337;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: presumably like discarded mattress in a rubbish heap 1679207;1499268355;mircea_popescu;ic 1679208;1499268375;phf;but requires a handful of unsightly (the ...) in a few places, so not really worth it 1679209;1499268438;mircea_popescu;phf worth to have, though. 1679210;1499268446;mircea_popescu;for typemaps and whatnot 1679211;1499268645;asciilifeform;* sageprobes has quit (Client Quit) << aww 1679212;1499269158;phf; dat, err := ioutil.ReadFile("./gpl-2.0.txt") 1679213;1499269163;phf; message := flag.String("message", string(dat), "message") 1679214;1499269166;asciilifeform;lolwat 1679215;1499269170;phf;sina: is that ^ a correct method? 1679216;1499269208;phf; !~later tell sina http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-05#1679215 1679217;1499269208;a111;Logged on 2017-07-05 15:39 phf: sina: is that ^ a correct method? 1679218;1499269219;phf;hmm 1679219;1499269245;phf;is something supposed to happen when i later tell? 1679220;1499269252;phf;asciilifeform: i don't know how to go 1679221;1499269276;shinohai; phf there was a space before your !~ 1679222;1499269277;asciilifeform;phf: why would you even. what's next, building the microshit F# one ? 1679223;1499269277;phf;but i'm trying to reproduce "single threaded mpfhf-golang can provide a 32-bit mpfhf hash of GPLv2 in ~7m" on my machine 1679224;1499269830;phf;oh flag, lets you pass this stuff as a command line argument.. i guess this approach works too. i'm not sure why i can't just do message = string(dat) but i'm too lazy to figure it out 1679225;1499269860;phf;asciilifeform: maybe if someone inwot were to build one, i'd consider it, at least 1679226;1499269880;asciilifeform;would consider java also ? how about nodejs ? 1679227;1499269887;phf;yes 1679228;1499269890;asciilifeform;or would alternatively consider adjusting wot. 1679229;1499269913;phf;not for the offense of using a heretic language 1679230;1499269924;asciilifeform;it ain't about crud languages 1679231;1499269927;asciilifeform;but camel's noses 1679232;1499269968;asciilifeform;i.e. introduction of genderfuckery crapolade into tmsr infrastructure 1679233;1499269978;phf;well, i agree that particular choice signifies 1679234;1499270232;phf;phuctor still in python i take it? 1679235;1499270249;asciilifeform;the www face of it is. 1679236;1499270253;asciilifeform;and quite a misery. 1679237;1499270256;*;phf cackles 1679238;1499270359;asciilifeform;it is the most laboriously dysfunctional proggy i had ever written, it is my albatross 1679239;1499270381;mircea_popescu;lol i was thinking, "original author hates lisp for some reason" but then i passed for it being too cruel 1679240;1499270386;asciilifeform;it gets a dedicated physical console here, and almost every week i gotta restart it by hand, see wtf , why is db gummed up etc 1679241;1499270468;mircea_popescu;phf no period, it's not " !" it's "!~" 1679242;1499270475;mircea_popescu;a too late soz 1679243;1499270572;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform can't keep a list of verboten camel noses. 1679244;1499270643;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: in practice nobody needs to keep exhaustive list, the nose suffices 1679245;1499270653;asciilifeform;if it stinks of sv -- to the furnace with it. 1679246;1499270661;mircea_popescu;cunt stinks of sv. 1679247;1499270663;asciilifeform;goland -- stinks. 1679248;1499270668;asciilifeform;*golang 1679249;1499270677;mircea_popescu;you saw that movie, incidentally ? the bad redo of le nom de la rose ? 1679250;1499270686;mircea_popescu;with teh credible character who hated laughter ? 1679251;1499270688;asciilifeform;sure did 1679252;1499270698;BingoBoingo; sina i confess i don't get it. free mattress ? << disease vector metaphor 1679253;1499270708;mircea_popescu;it's not a tenable position. even if laughter was in aristotle. because, again, and i mean this most literally, the smell of cv is the smell of cunt. 1679254;1499270719;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo ah ah 1679255;1499270762;mircea_popescu;hm, let's redo that for spealing. 1679256;1499270768;mircea_popescu;it's not a tenable position. even if laughter was not in aristotle. because, again, and i mean this most literally, the smell of sv is the smell of cunt. 1679257;1499270827;asciilifeform;again , it ain't about crud languages. it is about systems, and people. if, e.g., sina, wants to ADOPT golang, and maintain it, such that nothing that happens in tmsr is EVER subject to the whims of genderfuckers at google hq -- no python3isms, no 'language is evolving', no 'you need gcc7 to build this', no 'we no longer support ppc and 386, fuckyou' -- then it can be considered 1679258;1499270835;mircea_popescu;yup. 1679259;1499270841;asciilifeform;otherwise it is a camel's nose, an infiltration of enemy. 1679260;1499270853;mircea_popescu;camel toe. 1679261;1499270917;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform what's the problem with the traditional "use it while it works and then shoot her in a parking lot and leave her there to bleed a la jane fonda" ? 1679262;1499270918;asciilifeform;interestingly 'golang' is a pretty straight ripoff of 'D' (by digital mars co.) 1679263;1499270943;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the problem is that shooting the jane fonda doesn't cure the syphilis and hiv. 1679264;1499270952;asciilifeform;you get to live with it. 1679265;1499270956;mircea_popescu;the reason it's in discusison today is the manyear in engineering hours they put in to fix the hardware impedance 1679266;1499270957;asciilifeform;the way asciilifeform is still living with python 1679267;1499270967;mircea_popescu;so no, they could have picked forth and it'd have been trhe same thing. 1679268;1499270978;asciilifeform;mno. a forth is a few Kb and 0 deps. 1679269;1499270988;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform from experience men don't care about debilitating disease, just dun like the whinery. 1679270;1499270998;asciilifeform;and in fact doesn't need 'thousand man years to fix the mismatches' because it HAS no mismatches with the iron. 1679271;1499271019;mircea_popescu;try the D and see it take twice as loing ? 1679272;1499271119;asciilifeform;if speed is all you want, asm beckons. 1679273;1499271131;mircea_popescu;speed was the point in discussion, not all i want. 1679274;1499271378;asciilifeform;what we have in the golang thing, is a loaded camel for carrying multi-GB of heathen liquishit into tmsr intellectual infrastructure . 1679275;1499271402;mircea_popescu;one needn't fear the smell of cunt in his room. 1679276;1499271411;asciilifeform;i will not be 'adopting' and maintaining it and its deps, and so far no one has stepped up to the job 1679277;1499271488;asciilifeform;because it is a ludicrous proposition -- massive ball of shit, that makes gcc look compact and fits-in-head. 1679278;1499271497;asciilifeform;and the gain -- quite illusory. 1679279;1499271505;mircea_popescu;i had no idea anyone was even contemplationg that. 1679280;1499271513;mircea_popescu;let's get back to shoot her and let her to bleed out in a parking lot. 1679281;1499271596;asciilifeform;lulzily, i am not averse to experimenting with heathen whatevers, i even have an isolated leprosorium for infected winblowz. 1679282;1499271604;mircea_popescu;so then what are you talking about ? 1679283;1499271615;asciilifeform;but to date i have not even succeeded in building clang ! despite trying a number of times, because the lattice fpga thing needs it 1679284;1499271638;asciilifeform;it wants whole planet of liquishit, that apparently one is expected to simply get in binary (?) and swallow whole 1679285;1499271657;mircea_popescu;so cameltoelang ? 1679286;1499271711;asciilifeform;i keep having the thought that we had this thread already, in the past.. 1679287;1499271742;asciilifeform;( found, so far, only the 'baited hook', http://btcbase.org/log/2016-05-19#1468576 ) 1679288;1499271742;a111;Logged on 2016-05-19 15:31 mircea_popescu: anyway, Framedragger golang is not liked here because we don't own it, and we don't like usg.google more than we like usg.anything, and because it seems quite well engineered to work as a baited hook for the usg chump works. 1679289;1499271780;mircea_popescu;sure. 1679290;1499271949;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-05-19#1468551 << possibly here 1679291;1499271949;a111;Logged on 2016-05-19 15:22 asciilifeform: golang --> straight to furnace. 1679292;1499271980;trinque;asciilifeform: still gotta let newbs fuck around / fuck up or you get a generation of idiot puritans, and nobody ever learns anything again. 1679293;1499271986;mircea_popescu;^ 1679294;1499271986;asciilifeform;let'em. 1679295;1499271995;asciilifeform;in cobol, even, if they feel like. 1679296;1499271997;trinque;can then point / laugh / educate and everyone's the better for it. 1679297;1499272017;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform here';s the thing : i didn't get that impression from what you were saying. and the substance of a scam is when the reader doesn't get that impression from the copy. 1679298;1499272021;mircea_popescu;it's a dangerous way to work. 1679299;1499272089;mircea_popescu;i can sort-of decrypt the deadpan rhetorical overstatement to the point of absurdity device you practice about 2/3 of the time or so. but i'm a fucking trained decoder and honestly i dunno if there's another alive. 1679300;1499272181;asciilifeform;the way i see it, it is the duty of a serious n00b , who wants to become an adult practitioner of whatever black art , to learn a human lang like french, english, german, etc , rather than to expect the learned folx to learn his piglang, quechua, whichever... 1679301;1499272203;mircea_popescu;and what is harappan warrior to do, die ? 1679302;1499272227;*;trinque agrees, but arrived here with python, wrote a deedbot 1679303;1499272229;asciilifeform;either kill the funny looking white invader -- or learn his tongue, yes 1679304;1499272232;trinque;learned, wrote next thing in lisp 1679305;1499272273;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform so you could never everr, no matter what, go into their harappan little huts and lift the beaded clothes to find harappan cunt, and then explain to your host, "well, it's ok for a coupla hours i guess, but i wouldn't live here. BECAUSE..." 1679306;1499272319;asciilifeform;trinque: understand, asciilifeform's barf is not in response to 'd00d wrote a proggy in piglang' but to the notion that it is perhaps a thing to be considered for serious deployment, and an experiment that ought to be replicated by other folx who do not normally keep piglang on their iron 1679307;1499272347;mircea_popescu;no such thing was notioned other than in asciilifeform 's own head. it's not present in conversation, not even for the trivial "alf put it there to have a rant basis" 1679308;1499272353;trinque;I think that's the distinction between youth and wisdom, and youth is *meant* to go try to die, and see if it doesn't. 1679309;1499272372;mircea_popescu;moreover a large part of fun consists of doing stupid shit. 1679310;1499272384;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu, trinque: problem , imho, falls into the http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-27#1674857 class. 1679311;1499272384;a111;Logged on 2017-06-27 03:04 mircea_popescu: tis true. bigots = fixated people with beards you couldn't convince of your reasonable position, such as "the rabid dog doesn't bite" on the grounds of it not having bit yet, or "marrying your first cousin is fine" on the basis of hey, cunt that doesn't scare me! 1679312;1499272385;*;mircea_popescu does stupid shit all the time. 1679313;1499272406;mircea_popescu;like, for instance, talking that walk in the first place. 1679314;1499272420;mircea_popescu;you ever visited a brothel asciilifeform ? 1679315;1499272433;asciilifeform;nope 1679316;1499272444;mircea_popescu;because you're afraid you might die ? 1679317;1499272457;asciilifeform;again nope 1679318;1499272466;asciilifeform;just never met an appetizing one, yet. 1679319;1499272474;mircea_popescu;sooo then, you understand golang also. 1679320;1499272482;mircea_popescu;i don't imagien you're picketing brothels. 1679321;1499272543;asciilifeform;brothels ain't an organized effort to take a massive shit in my fits-in-headization of the comp. 1679322;1499272550;mircea_popescu;orly ? 1679323;1499272560;asciilifeform;rly 1679324;1499272574;asciilifeform;no moar so than bakeries, or cement factories. 1679325;1499272577;mircea_popescu;so what you're saying is that if you were a canon of the town church, you WOULD picket them ? 1679326;1499272585;asciilifeform;( i have not ever visited a cement plant in person yet either ) 1679327;1499272592;asciilifeform;i dun get it 1679328;1499272593;mircea_popescu;i have. 1679329;1499272669;mircea_popescu;but anyway, there's really no way to run for oneself. take jurov for instance : years later he's still struggling to come to terms with the specific portions of socialism he can't let go of. if people end up taking teh bait and going to bury themselv es ion google for the rest of their life, what exactly was lost ? 1679330;1499272672;mircea_popescu;win-win as they say. 1679331;1499272691;asciilifeform;very 'calvin' pov here, neh 1679332;1499272695;mircea_popescu;it is. 1679333;1499272700;asciilifeform;'if d00d fell into sin, he was already hellbound' 1679334;1499272706;asciilifeform;i dun subscribe. 1679335;1499272707;mircea_popescu;the limit of what you can do for others is show. 1679336;1499272714;mircea_popescu;you can't save another. 1679337;1499272715;asciilifeform;now this is so. 1679338;1499272750;asciilifeform;i regard my duty of 'showing' to be fulfilled, when i state, without any strong emotion, that i will not run golang, nor encourage others to do so. 1679339;1499272770;asciilifeform;nor will 'aid and abet'. 1679340;1499272770;trinque;in order to have the human machine operate in self-sorting mode, can't have blanket prohibitions, or as mp said http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-11#1641810 1679341;1499272770;a111;Logged on 2017-04-11 00:19 mircea_popescu: lobbes see, because they made the mistake of banning things instead of simply banning stupid. 1679342;1499272776;mircea_popescu;i don't, because it's meaningless as such. but fulfillment is a long way 1679343;1499272799;trinque;meanwhile, dog has been living with "put everything in my mouth" for how many million years, still here 1679344;1499272815;mircea_popescu;also developed a taste for own shit in the process. 1679345;1499272831;mircea_popescu;as one'd have to (children also have it, for the same reason.) 1679346;1499272954;trinque;not saying we want to take up turd-munching, but that "no system of global prohibition" can handle even it, easily 1679347;1499273055;asciilifeform;dunno how we ended up discussion 'prohibitions' -- asciilifeform hasn't the power or desire to confiscate d00d's keyboard for churning out whatever liquishit. 1679348;1499273080;mircea_popescu;because http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-05#1679297 1679349;1499273080;a111;Logged on 2017-07-05 16:26 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform here';s the thing : i didn't get that impression from what you were saying. and the substance of a scam is when the reader doesn't get that impression from the copy. 1679350;1499273115;asciilifeform;but just as honest surgeon will not point to bangladeshis drinking from rivers of shit and call it 'alternate hygiene, just as good' -- i also will not. 1679351;1499273140;mircea_popescu;this is at a considerable distance from what you actually said though. 1679352;1499273165;asciilifeform;i dun see it. 1679353;1499273181;mircea_popescu;well lessee here. 1679354;1499273297;mircea_popescu;what's the alfhf that goes from S = "phf: why would you even." to H = "just as honest surgeon will not point to bangladeshis drinking from rivers of shit and call it 'alternate hygiene, just as good' -- i also will not" ? 1679355;1499273340;asciilifeform;i dun see the disconnect. 1679356;1499273356;mircea_popescu;so they are ~the same thing ? 1679357;1499273365;asciilifeform;as i see it yes 1679358;1499273384;mircea_popescu;do you understand why ahm im sorry. do you have a working theory as to why the bangladeshis are drinking river of shit ? 1679359;1499273401;asciilifeform;orthogonal to the fact of them drinking it 1679360;1499273407;mircea_popescu;it is ? 1679361;1499273409;asciilifeform;it is. 1679362;1499273415;mircea_popescu;so they are devoid of agency ? 1679363;1499273417;asciilifeform;poor hygiene is not necessarily chosen 1679364;1499273425;asciilifeform;( e.g. consider auschwitz ) 1679365;1499273438;mircea_popescu;sooo then... you DO see why they would ? 1679366;1499273477;asciilifeform;which is why observation is not about the drinkers of shit, but re clean-shaved western idiots who point and call 'alternate hygiene, just as good if not better than ours' 1679367;1499273491;mircea_popescu;but where did this occur ? 1679368;1499273516;*;asciilifeform screws in fresh gas mask filter 1679369;1499273598;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: where i ( and , as in linked threads, in the past, mircea_popescu also ) observe that golang is not 'simply another prog lang' but a carefully built intellectual gluetrap for the naive and energetic 1679370;1499273613;mircea_popescu;aha. 1679371;1499273629;asciilifeform;and the thing about glue traps, is that 'entry is a buck, exit -- two' 1679372;1499273629;trinque;meaning no disrespect to sina (and I figure he knows this from output) his pronouncements are not going to have the same effect on tmsr as a Lord's will 1679373;1499273649;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform and so the quality and composition of glue therefore can never be ascertained ? 1679374;1499273650;trinque;said himself he's doing it to learn and so on 1679375;1499273677;trinque;meanwhile what Lord is going to fear that a student's folly will affect anything but himself 1679376;1499273683;mircea_popescu;you know guns kill people and yet i being a people still know how they work and even took one apart once. as opposed to running in screaming terror 1679377;1499273686;mircea_popescu;like a "woman". 1679378;1499273705;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it certainly oughta. but this was not the light in which i saw the thread. 1679379;1499273742;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: y'know, toxicologists who insist on personally tasting every sample, generally do not have long, illustrious career 1679380;1499273760;trinque;ridiculous comparision, they *test each 1679381;1499273766;mircea_popescu;but phf has certainly earned himself the right to make that call ? 1679382;1499273778;asciilifeform;sure. 1679383;1499273811;mircea_popescu;so if he is legitimately bothered by "wtf, does this EVEN REALLY work faster ?" and he goes to look into it, why are you alarmed ? 1679384;1499273814;mircea_popescu;i'm glad to hear. 1679385;1499273842;mircea_popescu;because yes, someone certainly oughta and i couldn't in good conscience tell someone to go do it. 1679386;1499273850;asciilifeform;because if i see an l1 fella eating rat poison, even a very very sweet one, i'd like him to at least be aware of what it is he is doing 1679387;1499273862;asciilifeform;rather than 'hey this is great candy, but why do i feel funny' 1679388;1499273883;mircea_popescu;i am pretty sure he knows what golang is. 1679389;1499273894;asciilifeform;but does the n00b know. 1679390;1499273900;mircea_popescu;but you were talking to phf 1679391;1499273906;asciilifeform;about sina's proggy. 1679392;1499273910;asciilifeform;not, note, phf's. 1679393;1499273917;mircea_popescu;nevertheless. 1679394;1499274137;asciilifeform;( somewhat unrelatedly , i find the fact of google and crapple each adopting a proprietary shitlang, to be a fascinating thing from 'labour politics' pov -- was it an attempt to put a damper on 'poaching' of workers ? or something else. ) 1679395;1499274159;mircea_popescu;on some level i am sure it was. not just the management siude though. 1679396;1499274180;mircea_popescu;labour forcve stability works both ways, the drones wish security just as much as the dronemasters do. 1679397;1499274195;mircea_popescu;this is the fundamental force fucking up it corps in the first place. 1679398;1499274238;mircea_popescu;marginal bob at google figures if there's a shitlang involved that gives him some protective moat agfainst above average fred. 1679399;1499274262;mircea_popescu;meanwhile bob's boss bob figures shitlang being involbved protects him from his bobs going to fred's start-up 1679400;1499274263;mircea_popescu;and so on 1679401;1499274276;mircea_popescu;tivoization of heads, and the tivoheads are oif course lapping it up., 1679402;1499274287;mircea_popescu;because, again, iot's not the martians that did it. 1679403;1499274339;mircea_popescu;there's piles of stupid everywhere principally because stupid piles so well. which is it's only property, really. 1679404;1499274366;mircea_popescu;like prions, stupid is that thing which has no properties besides piling well, and thereby accumulates. 1679405;1499274451;asciilifeform;http://www.xach.com/naggum/articles/3134574475962391@naggum.no.html << oblig naggum on subj 1679406;1499274481;asciilifeform;'...C/C++ are quite interesting languages from a marxist point of view, too (it being May 1 and all): they are so bad that any professional who wants to do interesting work needs to learn new tools all the time and have the employer pay for it. the means of production are thus removed from the hands of the owners into the hands of the workers in a very new way. if the employers were any smart, they would not use languages that remo 1679407;1499274481;asciilifeform;ved _all_ their investments in their people this way, because it is as unhealthy for a market with disproportionate power in the hands of employees as it is with disproportionate power in the hands of employers...' 1679408;1499274499;mircea_popescu;(and yes, that's also why their ~only concern is "how to reduce friction" ie make sure it piles as well as it posdsiblu could". gendercommits and nochildleftbehinds etc all follow. 1679409;1499274518;mircea_popescu;i don't mean the, give poor kids a free delousing and glasses part of no kid left behind. i mean the make smart kids dumber part. 1679410;1499274541;asciilifeform;it isn't clear to me that these can be cut 1679411;1499274549;mircea_popescu;which is these ? 1679412;1499274563;asciilifeform;'delousing' and 'procrust' 1679413;1499274576;mircea_popescu;of course they can. 1679414;1499274582;mircea_popescu;da fuck is this chan if it is not that ? 1679415;1499274600;asciilifeform;hey i did not say 'they cannot be cut' 1679416;1499274608;mircea_popescu;and ftr if it's not that i want no part of it. 1679417;1499274612;asciilifeform;but that it remains an open problem. 1679418;1499274617;mircea_popescu;which is a good chunk of why mp doesn't idle in a buncha chans 1679419;1499274632;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform in the sense nutrition remains open problem. 1679420;1499274672;asciilifeform;aha, or transportation. 1679421;1499274681;mircea_popescu;right. 1679422;1499274708;asciilifeform;( i.e. not a problem that reasonably gets a final solution, but rather shifting sets of engineering compromises ) 1679423;1499274762;mircea_popescu;there's fundamental principles that are known 1679424;1499274781;mircea_popescu;for transport - 3rd law. for this, wot. etcetera. 1679425;1499274903;asciilifeform;( found -- possibly -- the thread, though it wasn't re proglangs : http://btcbase.org/log/2017-02-28#1620042 ) 1679426;1499274903;a111;Logged on 2017-02-28 14:34 asciilifeform: sorta was the original point of a school, neh. a reasonably safe reservation where 'chix who have not yet learned to wash' can lean to wash, without creating dangers to self and others. 1679427;1499274939;mircea_popescu;the danger from reading teh torah comes from trying to read it alone, not from trying to read it at all. 1679428;1499274945;mircea_popescu;the wanna-be shards, similarily. 1679429;1499274964;asciilifeform;tru. 1679430;1499275894;ben_vulpes;in shitantium lols, i submitted my nfc train fare card for inspection this am. portoscanner a: couldn't read through the leater of my wallet, b: came out of the fare inspector's pocket hung, c: unhung only to die for lack of batteries. 1679431;1499275910;asciilifeform;batteries?! 1679432;1499275925;mircea_popescu;too many power outages in the best possible socialism 1679433;1499275928;mircea_popescu;everyone's stuck with batteries. 1679434;1499275937;ben_vulpes;"sorry for the inconvenience sir, you have a good day now. you know they keep saying there's a patch coming that'll improve battery life for these things, but i haven't seen it yet." "heh yeah and i don't beliueve that it'll work." 1679435;1499275943;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: it's a handheld 1679436;1499275962;asciilifeform;aaah aahh the ~reader~ 1679437;1499275995;ben_vulpes;because turnstiles are racist or i don't even know what led to the system designed such that anyone can just wander onto the trains 1679438;1499276167;asciilifeform;we have this type of train here also, asciilifeform + pet ended up with free ride because conductor could not be arsed.. 1679439;1499276249;trinque;ben_vulpes: I dunno that I ever once paid for a train or streetcar in pdx 1679440;1499276279;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform do they do the "i am a black man fighting THE man therefore only white people gotta pay" thing ? 1679441;1499276299;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: apparently not here! 1679442;1499276318;mircea_popescu;seems moar like urban legend than anything 1679443;1499276335;asciilifeform;now the ~reverse~ -- could be 1679444;1499276416;ben_vulpes;trinque: try riding ~every day, the statistics will catch up to you. 1679445;1499276443;mircea_popescu;he can't ride every day the truck parking at pdx statioons sucks 1679446;1499276462;ben_vulpes;it is though, obvious transit welfare for the homeless. "no i don't have id, no i don't have a place of residence, good luck getting the fine out of me" 1679447;1499276501;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: outskirts of town have plentiful parking lots even trinque 's truck could fit into 1679448;1499276519;ben_vulpes;primo spots reserved for charging 'lectrical cars tho, natch 1679449;1499276541;trinque;gotta put a railgun in teh bed, charge that 1679450;1499276554;mircea_popescu;lol 1679451;1499276802;ben_vulpes;heh or just have a dummy cable snake out from under the hood 1679452;1499276825;ben_vulpes;confuse everyone 1679453;1499291528;asciilifeform;in other noose, asciilifeform found that mircea_popescu's hash has an upper bound of... 1679454;1499291535;asciilifeform;O(N^2). 1679455;1499291555;asciilifeform;and betcha mircea_popescu already found the proof of this. 1679456;1499291684;asciilifeform;( the average-case is considerably ~below~ N^2. the reason for this will be apparent when reading the proof. ) 1679457;1499291830;asciilifeform;this thing wouldv'e made a great olympiad problem, midnightmagic 1679458;1499291832;asciilifeform;ggerrrrr 1679459;1499291834;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu, 1679460;1499291854;*;asciilifeform goes to shoot his irc client 1679461;1499292003;BingoBoingo; and the thing about glue traps, is that 'entry is a buck, exit -- two' << Perhaps go and take local pesticide applicator licensing class? May improve your metaphors? 1679462;1499292041;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: i'ma learn from the greats, e.g., BingoBoingo , instead!11 1679463;1499292070;asciilifeform;and yes american ver. of the saying would probably be the thing where 'roach motel! check in, but never check out' 1679464;1499292271;BingoBoingo; the danger from reading teh torah comes from trying to read it alone, not from trying to read it at all. << Same problems occurs with reading "Big Book" alone. People read selectively and get weird ideas. Hence the whole idea of sponsorship, tour guide through the text and steps. 1679465;1499292347;BingoBoingo; BingoBoingo: i'ma learn from the greats, e.g., BingoBoingo , instead!11 << Mebbe an enjoyable part time gig comes out of it? Spend some weekends delousing locals? Covnert difference to benjies and ensuitcase for flight day? 1679466;1499292370;asciilifeform;'doctor, first delouse thyself' or how did it go. 1679467;1499292385;asciilifeform;for now asciilifeform is satisfied with having solved own verminiferous problems. 1679468;1499292400;BingoBoingo; because turnstiles are racist or i don't even know what led to the system designed such that anyone can just wander onto the trains << St Louis trains are like this, finally hit critical mass because "only white man pays" has turned train into war zone 1679469;1499292429;BingoBoingo;Until the next mammal with tenacity 1679470;1499292479;BingoBoingo;As opposed to Tenacity(TM)(R) which is great herbicide for blanching undesirable grassy weeds from cool season lawn. 1679471;1499293689;asciilifeform;re mircea_popescu's hash, another observation : it is not ever necessary to actually invert S. ( i will leave the reason for this, again, as an exercise to readers ) 1679472;1499295284;asciilifeform;and incidentally the bound on operations also binds S ( which grows either once or none times per. ) 1679473;1499295435;asciilifeform;so it looks like the current algo lacks the properties 4 and 5 from mircea_popescu's article. 1679474;1499295495;asciilifeform;( he will probably disagree, and say 'tight bound is not same as 'say how much memory and cpu'... but fact is, this is not quite the unpredictable game-of-life-style automaton contemplated earlier. ) 1679475;1499295505;asciilifeform;*upper bound 1679476;1499295507;asciilifeform;not tight. 1679477;1499297653;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-05#1679457 << twas really your idea to begin with. 1679478;1499297653;a111;Logged on 2017-07-05 21:57 asciilifeform: this thing wouldv'e made a great olympiad problem, midnightmagic 1679479;1499297896;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform a binding of 8mb for 1024 bytes of M seems perfectly fine to me, 1679480;1499297910;mircea_popescu;"unbound within engineering constraints"., 1679481;1499298117;mircea_popescu;it's certainly not practical to simply say "i will just allocate lenM ** 2 bytes for s whenever hashing" 1679482;1499300767;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: where do you get this ? 1679483;1499300780;asciilifeform;S grows by 1 or 0 bits per cycle. 1679484;1499300822;mircea_popescu;the bottle, apparently. 1679485;1499300823;asciilifeform;a cycle ( by mircea_popescu's own proof from other day ) is repeated ( i.e. rewound ) 1-2 times 1679486;1499300839;*;asciilifeform just came back with new bottle incidentally 1679487;1499300882;mircea_popescu;anyway, yes. bound. 1679488;1499300997;asciilifeform;thing is, i'm quite sure that a hashtron satisfying the original ('make it maximally nasty, with provably no respite') condition CAN be made. i'ma come back to it when i wrap up my current megabacklog. 1679489;1499301023;asciilifeform;possibly something based on travelling salesman or similar. 1679490;1499301038;mircea_popescu;not too sure what your idea of maximally nasty is, but your complaint yest was already that this is unpracticably demanding. 1679491;1499301047;asciilifeform;yes but this could have a use ! 1679492;1499301062;mircea_popescu;you want to make things that can't be used ? 1679493;1499301065;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu got me thinkin', about uses. 1679494;1499301107;asciilifeform;'can't be used' is a flexible concept... 1679495;1499301121;mircea_popescu;as i've been witnessing 1679496;1499301205;asciilifeform;many, many years ago, asciilifeform wrote a ( and won't claim to be the only one who had this simple idea ) thing for evading censorware, that'd encipher a blob ( aes, iirc ) and package all but N bits of the key with the compressed ciphertext 1679497;1499301213;asciilifeform;decompressor would brute force the N 1679498;1499301243;mircea_popescu;what's that do ? 1679499;1499301255;asciilifeform;naturally there was nothing provable re aes -- but it served a useful end, which was to make machine evaluation of the contents en masse, impractical 1679500;1499301266;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: got around antivirus 1679501;1499301281;mircea_popescu;a a a the five-points-fridge 1679502;1499301295;mircea_popescu;i keep forgettiong the tards are in bayesian "intelligence" mode. 1679503;1499301316;asciilifeform;maximally noiselike, if you will, polymorphism 1679504;1499301323;mircea_popescu;right 1679505;1499301427;asciilifeform;and likewise there is the 2 or so y.o. thread that all of this is a living branch of, the one with the np-hard boojums. that'd be the real mega-prize 1679506;1499301448;mircea_popescu;mya 1679507;1499301787;asciilifeform;(mostly) unrelatedly, asciilifeform bought some chinese $various , and , in the crate, discovered a phree goodie, a 'voltalert' tool, that supposedly tests for presence of mains current noncontactfully -- by looking for 50/60Hz electric field. but witness the surprise : it gives false negative on maybe 1/3 of the hot mains wires tried... 1679508;1499301795;asciilifeform;hard to think of a more catastrophically useless tool 1679509;1499301810;asciilifeform;if one were to rely on it -- worse than no tools at all, certain demise. 1679510;1499301842;mircea_popescu;well .33 certaom 1679511;1499301852;asciilifeform;certain if you use it 3 times!111 1679512;1499301858;mircea_popescu;nope :D 1679513;1499301865;asciilifeform;.99999999....lel 1679514;1499301889;mircea_popescu;the chinese tool of probable demise. 1679515;1499301906;asciilifeform;and lulzily enough it is a copy of american item, by 'fluke' 1679516;1499301930;mircea_popescu;how can it miss the field anyway, wires are very hot emically. 1679517;1499301940;asciilifeform;is what i thought also! 1679518;1499301964;asciilifeform;possibly delicate balance, between finding it anywhere in the room ( as a poorly made amp will ) and nowhere 1679519;1499302004;mircea_popescu;are you sure you read the manual correctloy ? maybe it's supposed to work after you grab the hot wire. 1679520;1499302010;mircea_popescu;wetware amplified detecting 1679521;1499302012;asciilifeform;i already have THAT one 1679522;1499302015;asciilifeform;( tongue!11 ) 1679523;1499302104;asciilifeform;i have a prehistoric variant of this tool that worx great, but it has a little ring that opens & clamps around wire 1679524;1499302110;asciilifeform;( magnetic, rather than electric ) 1679525;1499302120;asciilifeform;dunno wai this had to be 'modernized'... 1679526;1499302134;mircea_popescu;too many ppls ? 1679527;1499302145;asciilifeform;evidently. 1679528;1499302199;*;asciilifeform off to tend to $contents of $crate, bbl. 1679529;1499304126;ben_vulpes;aaand at the crockchain opinion hour: http://blogs.lse.ac.uk/businessreview/2017/07/04/seven-signs-of-over-hyped-fintech/ 1679530;1499304852;mircea_popescu;black chicks finjourna-ho-ing! 1679531;1499305767;asciilifeform;'Perhaps the best example of claiming credit for a problem that did not exist before is Bitcoin. Bitcoin enthusiasts claim it solved the “double spend” problem. A music MP3 can be copied multiple times so how do you stop digital money being spent multiple times? Very simple, you do not create a form of money that lacks a central authority.' << ahahhahaha 1679532;1499305784;mircea_popescu;durr 1679533;1499305796;asciilifeform;'if god meant man to bitcoinate, he'dve given'im wings' or how did it go 1679534;1499305808;mircea_popescu;as if "Central authority" is EVEN POSSIBLE outside of very temporary, geographically limited arrangements. 1679535;1499305834;mircea_popescu;fiatards are a fine example of claiming they resolved a problem by conceptual contorsion. 1679536;1499305857;asciilifeform;'Regarding security, resilience, privacy, transparency to regulators. Those rules are generally there for very good reasons that do not simply become irrelevant because the technology changes.' << didjaalsoknow!! 1679537;1499305864;asciilifeform;trololol! 1679538;1499305872;mircea_popescu;heh. is it actually a negress signing ? 1679539;1499305879;asciilifeform;trolless 1679540;1499305958;asciilifeform;'Martin Walker is Banking and Finance Director at the Center for Evidence-Based Management (CEBMa) and produces research for financial consultancy Finadium. He has extensive experience in investment banking IT and operations.... Dresdner Kleinwort and Global Head of Prime Brokerage Technology at RBS Markets. He also held roles at Merrill Lynch and HSBC Global Markets...' etc 1679541;1499305997;mircea_popescu;disappointing. keysha mac aleisha 'd have been so much more convincing. 1679542;1499306107;BingoBoingo; hard to think of a more catastrophically useless tool << There a better an worse variants of this tool. Pretty much only the good ones sell for this reason. 1679543;1499306154;BingoBoingo; dunno wai this had to be 'modernized'... << Faster!!! For the modern jobsite!!! 1679544;1499306212;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: wet finger still faster.. 1679545;1499306259;BingoBoingo;No money to be made from Phree wet finger in OSHA "work safety" racket 1679546;1499306362;BingoBoingo;Essentially an extortion racket centered around avoiding the healthcare extortion racket 1679547;1499306406;asciilifeform;interestingly, when asciilifeform was a cable runner he had a very cheap but effective similar-looking 'fox and hound' tool. i suspect that these are easier to get right , because the signal injected by the 'fox' is not 60hz and is not pestilentially everywhere in the house 1679548;1499306466;BingoBoingo;Well, those are used for actually DOING the work 1679549;1499306544;asciilifeform;they work as described in http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-17#1671581 1679550;1499306544;a111;Logged on 2017-06-17 19:56 asciilifeform: idea of pll is that you can indeed see a lit match from mile away in daylight if you know 'exactly when to look' 1679551;1499331812;mod6;mornin' 1679552;1499345287;mod6;wb 1679553;1499345323;mircea_popescu;heya 1679554;1499345372;mod6;power situation any better? 1679555;1499345394;mircea_popescu;ah it wasn't the power, i have it set to disconnect at six in the morning deliberately. 1679556;1499345418;mod6;ah, i mean, where the girls were carrying up buckets of water? 1679557;1499345423;mircea_popescu;i think i even mentioned this in the logs at some point. perpetual connections are unsanitary. 1679558;1499345426;mod6;maybe i imagined that lol. 1679559;1499345432;mircea_popescu;ah, that was 3 hours, then 1679560;1499345448;mod6;ah. 1679561;1499345455;mircea_popescu;they got it back up same evening. (not universally, nicaragua was still without power the next day for instance) 1679562;1499345467;mod6;gotcha 1679563;1499345531;mircea_popescu;teh ticos (costa rican ethnonym) are actually very serious, dedicated people. like shorter, more pleasant californians let's say. the nicaraguans are dorks and the panamanians are all to a man this strange rendition of the frustrated shittier brother. 1679564;1499345544;mircea_popescu;dunno if you've ever seen this in practice, 2nd born with a huge boner/inferiority complex. 1679565;1499345595;mod6;ah, sure. 1679566;1499345618;mircea_popescu;but anyway, if costa rica enlarges its airport because it gets tons of traffic and it HAS TO, panama will built an even larger one!!!! which nobody really needs wants or uses. but THEY ARE BETTER DAMNIT 1679567;1499345637;mircea_popescu;poached the cr soccer coach, it's a thing 1679568;1499345708;mod6;heh, funny 1679569;1499345965;mod6;i didn't sleep a wink last night. 1679570;1499345970;mod6;so now im like... 1679571;1499345982;mod6;chugging coffee. 1679572;1499346362;mircea_popescu;why not ? 1679573;1499346384;mod6;i dunno. just one of those nights i guess. 1679574;1499346389;mircea_popescu;a 1679575;1499346522;mod6;can i also say that this whole lobbesbot thing is a pretty great model. does auctions, then he collects the fees (monthly?). 1679576;1499346747;mod6;oh quarterly, looks like. 1679577;1499346939;mircea_popescu;quarterly yea. 1679578;1499346942;mircea_popescu;very useful item also. 1679579;1499346967;mircea_popescu;the original plan was to tie in payments with deedbot payment system, and im sure that's how it'll work once that bit of infrastructure is ready. 1679580;1499346989;mod6;werd. very cool. 1679581;1499346991;mircea_popescu;then that can also handle deeding fees, and lo and behold, actual cryptoeconomy 1679582;1499347782;mod6;outstanding 1679583;1499347805;mircea_popescu;> http://www.johnderbyshire.com/Opinions/Diaries/2017-05.html#20 ( motherfucker makes his pgs unlinkable individually ) 1679637;1499360149;a111;Logged on 2017-07-06 14:50 phf: http://www.johnderbyshire.com/Opinions/Diaries/2017-06.html << “So far as the question I opened with is concerned — "If we tried to use our nukes, would they work?" — I'm guessing the answer is "probably not."” 1679638;1499360184;asciilifeform;'You can't escape this garbage, even in the pages of respectable math journals. There are no safe spaces. We are doomed.' 1679639;1499360924;asciilifeform;in other crackpotteries, http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-21#1673058 >> http://www.migaloo-submarines.com << claims to sell 'submersible yachts'. asciilifeform watched the ad film, horrified, thing has WINDOWS 1679640;1499360924;a111;Logged on 2017-06-21 15:10 mircea_popescu: rules to fucking live by, you know, "by the time you feel like you wanna live in a submarine, it's time to gtfo and find a better place." 1679641;1499360954;asciilifeform;and... ACRYLIC pressure hull. 1679642;1499360956;asciilifeform;didjaknow. 1679643;1499360987;asciilifeform;and... '2 x 1200 kW, Li-Ion-Batteries' ahahaha 1679644;1499361073;asciilifeform;in terms of separating moneyed idiots from the moolah -- this beats the 'chilean gulch' thing. 1679645;1499361083;asciilifeform;in sheer audacity. 1679646;1499362907;mod6;lol 1679647;1499363052;asciilifeform;abuse of units, incidentally, if this were an actual spec it would read 'kW/H' 1679648;1499363074;asciilifeform;quite obviously not proofread / no actual technical whatevers. involved in its making. 1679649;1499363316;mod6;smh 1679650;1499372871;BingoBoingo;http://qntra.net/2017/05/fiat-wraps-up-miserable-may-as-malaise-reaches-new-lows/#comment-104453 1679651;1499373064;asciilifeform;'even if i run the real bitcoin node, my bitcoins price are going to crash. you can try to isolate yourself with that software, but the price is subjected to whats going on outside.' 1679652;1499373066;asciilifeform;gold 1679653;1499373072;asciilifeform;apparently asciilifeform has been Doing It All Wrong 1679654;1499373081;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform this is more complicated. original church was very much republic, much like original us presidency. then the socialistards got roosevelt in and broke it. similarily to how empire meant something, before napoleon. 1679655;1499373084;asciilifeform;where do i download the client that makes usd exchange rate 1giga ??? 1679656;1499373098;mircea_popescu;the usual mo is this, very strictly antiauthoritarian, "we'll get our own schmuck emperor and then ruin the thing" 1679657;1499373106;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: aha, 'taiwanization' 1679658;1499373142;mircea_popescu;i suppose technically roosevelt broke the shattered remains left after monkeyboy lincoln, but still, general idea. 1679659;1499373172;asciilifeform;and lincoln broke what monkeyboy washington/hamilton left 1679660;1499373189;mircea_popescu;that part i'm not convinced of. 1679661;1499373202;mircea_popescu;who was the proper rep there, jefferson ? 1679662;1499373246;asciilifeform;him, and, iirc, gallatin 1679663;1499373282;mircea_popescu;i don't really see it. jefferson, for all his popularity, was intellectually ~nil. 1679664;1499373300;mircea_popescu;his "ideas" if you can call them that are all sorta broken. 1679665;1499373431;asciilifeform;j wasn't an 'idea man', no 1679666;1499373438;mircea_popescu;so then how can he rep 1679667;1499373444;asciilifeform;but more notable for what he ~wasn't~ doing 1679668;1499373455;asciilifeform;i.e. centralized megastate 1679669;1499373460;mircea_popescu;in this sense the washington monument was the proper government lol 1679670;1499373496;mircea_popescu;hamilton wasn't doping centralized megastate either. it's unclear what washington wass doing, as also not idea man, but probably ALSO not megastate judging by how if he were, he'd have been the king of united states literally. 1679671;1499373508;asciilifeform;consider also shay's and 'whiskey' rebellions 1679672;1499373524;mircea_popescu;what about them are we considering ? 1679673;1499373639;asciilifeform;shay's was the start of usg's long and happy tradition of not paying debts when it dun feel like 1679674;1499373654;asciilifeform;and, as side effect, put washington into presidency 1679675;1499373661;mircea_popescu;veterans not getting paid what they thought was fair is an absolute part of all war. 1679676;1499373701;mircea_popescu;this is the dark secret of gender disparity : after the deed's done, woman gets more than she expected, and man less. 1679677;1499373714;asciilifeform;veterans in debt/starvation is generally part of ~loser~'s side of war 1679678;1499373715;asciilifeform;not winner 1679679;1499373799;asciilifeform;as for whiskey rebellion -- that's when usg first switched to collecting tax forcibly, vs tmsr-style. buncha 'uppity' folx didn't 'get the memo', hanged a few tax collectors, massacred. 1679680;1499373820;mircea_popescu;now how is this relating to say hamilton in preference of say monroe ? 1679681;1499373833;asciilifeform;hamilton was 'washington's brain' 1679682;1499373852;mircea_popescu;recall (part of why i even republishedf that) -- hamilton was an original, and originally a lonely, voice in the "to spend -- you MUST first tax" camp. 1679683;1499373859;mircea_popescu;this is very weak. 1679684;1499373863;asciilifeform;( w was a quasiliterate ) 1679685;1499373939;mircea_popescu;also, "tmsr style" may be a misnomer. the republic receiving tax from the lords voluntarily is one thing, but there's nowehre in statute or custom where it says lord can't grind into paste any subhuman peons it gets his hands on, to extract whatever he extracts. 1679686;1499373943;asciilifeform;at the risk of oversimplification -- washington & co were in favour of setting up 'an england'; j & co -- 'an italy' 1679687;1499373987;mircea_popescu;leaving aside that "an italy" would have been utterly horrible, there's no significant difference between these in respects that interest us. neither wanted "a holy roman empire", and so... 1679688;1499373990;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: that'd be 'a lord', rather than 'a crown purportedly acting in the name of all lords' 1679689;1499374007;mircea_popescu;for the schmucks getting the sharp end of that stick, the difference will be negligible. 1679690;1499374052;asciilifeform;turns out -- not so negligible. nobody in pre-unifications europe paid anything like modern peasant's tax rate 1679691;1499374055;mircea_popescu;and "shoulda been in the forum a while back" will not parse to anything, either. 1679692;1499374071;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform and nobody had anything like modern peasant's productivity, either. 1679693;1499374097;asciilifeform;what's that to do with the theft rate ? 1679694;1499374173;mircea_popescu;here's thje thing. if your capital good worth 100 btc produces 1 btc a year and you pay real estate tax of 0.5% and no income tax, you're payinfg half your income each year. 1679695;1499374205;mircea_popescu;if your 100 btc capital good produces 1k btc a year, and you pay 1 bitcent in real estate tax and 50% income tax, you're paying... half your income each year, plus a bitcent. 1679696;1499374208;mircea_popescu;inflation works this. 1679697;1499374248;mircea_popescu;and yes they had re tax : to own a plot of land you produced knights. 1679698;1499374266;mircea_popescu;very carefully weighed and so on, since before 1k ad, too. 1679699;1499374270;asciilifeform;'your 100 btc capital good produces 1k btc a year' << where does the + come from in this scenario ? 1679700;1499374273;asciilifeform;i dun get it 1679701;1499374288;asciilifeform;( why would a $good that spews forth 1000, be valued at 100 ?? ) 1679702;1499374307;mircea_popescu;well, look at modern business. you throw up a bunch of vynil fresh off the boat, worth 40k if you're drunk that day, and call it a restaurant. then you expect revenue in the mn+ ayear. 1679703;1499374326;PeterL;how about a shovel, costs 10 bucks, but you can make 10 bucks an hour wielding it? 1679704;1499374333;asciilifeform;how's that to work, unless the thing is built on top of a petrowell, in the basement 1679705;1499374334;mircea_popescu;medieval time, you built, out of stone, a tiny shop, cost about a hundred million in today's fiats, and got custom worth... you kjnow, 200 bux a day. 1679706;1499374356;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform look into small business papers sometime ? waht can i tell yoiu, the bezzle's the bezzle, it's what it does. 1679707;1499374368;asciilifeform;PeterL: the system in question is not the shovel, but you+shovel, and it'd sell for >10bux on slavemarket 1679708;1499374372;mircea_popescu;it's why dorks like it, too. "wealth for everyone!" 1679709;1499374384;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: smells of memoryleak 1679710;1499374389;asciilifeform;'where is the + coming from' 1679711;1499374392;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i was discussing capital goods not labour. 1679712;1499374418;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the + is coming oiut of the fed imaginary account, which is cvurrently still credited by china. 1679713;1499374535;mircea_popescu;anyway, PeterL has a solid point : you may think of whatever split between capital goods and labour, but fact is, at the time we are discussing the shovel owned oyu, not the other wayu around. if you owned a shovel you were god damned out there shoveling every day. 1679714;1499374546;mircea_popescu;none of this, "i have these toys in my shop, which i play with today". 1679715;1499374553;mircea_popescu;bitch, you had an harmonica you harmonicaed. 1679716;1499374684;mircea_popescu;ie, historically more yous was the only thing they actually knew how to make. so they did. so... not much of a problem. 1679717;1499375008;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-06#1679687 << i'ma very curious nao, what mircea_popescu finds so horrible about the original disunified italies - y'know, the place that contained the original tmsr... 1679718;1499375008;a111;Logged on 2017-07-06 20:46 mircea_popescu: leaving aside that "an italy" would have been utterly horrible, there's no significant difference between these in respects that interest us. neither wanted "a holy roman empire", and so... 1679719;1499375012;*;asciilifeform brb, tea 1679720;1499375027;mircea_popescu;the disunified italies contained the original argentina and no more. 1679721;1499375051;mircea_popescu;buncha uppity "students" sitting around coffee tables and being idea men. fuck them with the boot shaped peninsula. 1679722;1499375076;mircea_popescu;you can go to the acropolis right now, see the useless fucktarded greeks sitting around. ~same bs. 1679723;1499375118;mircea_popescu;!~google tiganiada 1679724;1499375119;jhvh1;mircea_popescu: Țiganiada - Wikisource: ; Tiganiada - Ion Budai Deleanu - YouTube: ; Amazon.com: Tiganiada (Romanian Edition) (9786069830864): Ion ...: 1679725;1499375132;mircea_popescu;^ very much recommend. better history of italy than any italian ever could write. 1679726;1499375234;mircea_popescu;for that matter, you can drink in tardstalk/reddit/what have you, have your fill. 1679727;1499376471;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: lol, venice (tmsr!), genoa, florence, all shitholes in the parallel universe mircea_popescu apparently posts from? 1679728;1499376480;PeterL;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/S4MzV/?raw=true << mpfhf in python , I was thinking about http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-05#1679471 and flipping a single bit instead of going through the whole array 1679729;1499376480;a111;Logged on 2017-07-05 22:28 asciilifeform: re mircea_popescu's hash, another observation : it is not ever necessary to actually invert S. ( i will leave the reason for this, again, as an exercise to readers ) 1679730;1499376490;mircea_popescu;what you said parsed as 1800 italy. which italy did you have in mind ? 1679731;1499376510;mircea_popescu;you can't fucking reference the original, 1200 tmsr as "disunified italy" wtf is this. 1679732;1499376518;asciilifeform;disunified - i.e. pre-garibaldi 1679733;1499376523;mircea_popescu;that is 1800s. 1679734;1499376529;asciilifeform;pre-washingtonization 1679735;1499376543;mircea_popescu;if you had venice in mind, it'd be more proper to say original pre-unified european union. 1679736;1499376563;asciilifeform;i.e. when 'italy' was a topographic name 1679737;1499376581;asciilifeform;not 1800s, lol! 1679738;1499376587;mircea_popescu;italy was used as a topographic name in the late empire (ie, 300s, italia) and else in the late 1800s 1679739;1499376650;mircea_popescu;anyway, there's entirely no relation between garibaldi and say venice. you wanna talk d'este, sforza, zee germanz etc. 1679740;1499376659;asciilifeform;well noshit. 1679741;1499376675;asciilifeform;but garibaldization removes even possibility of venices. 1679742;1499376707;asciilifeform;ditto washingtonization, bismarckization. 1679743;1499377413;mircea_popescu;by the time garibaldi was even a thing, the lido had long been sanded. 1679744;1499377436;mircea_popescu;i tihnk you have no appreciation of the fact that a thousand years is much MUCH wider than the piddly 5k kms making up the us sideways. 1679745;1499377474;mircea_popescu;somehow in your mind these two things, one on mars, the other on alpha centauri, kinda meld into a single item 1679746;1499378219;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: so argument is, no venice was possible ? why bash garibaldi then 1679747;1499378243;mircea_popescu;i was not. i was stating the gypos then befouling the peninsula are not worthy of inclusion in the species. 1679748;1499378296;asciilifeform;theoretically 'articles of confederation' america could've been moar venice than gypo. 1679749;1499378321;asciilifeform;but washington/hamilton, with their bait'an'switch trick, nuked that. 1679750;1499378321;mircea_popescu;not really. could have been more romiche reich than empire francais, at the very most. 1679751;1499378339;mircea_popescu;that it wasn't is principally due to the germans being congenitally retarded, and no moar. 1679752;1499378350;mircea_popescu;ye olde "live and let live" whereby the conservative is always in the end hung. 1679753;1499378390;asciilifeform;picture if plantation states had managed to build a reasonable defensive army ( feodal-style; with purchased arms, mercenaries.. ) 1679754;1499378426;mircea_popescu;no. picture if plantation owners marched on washington in 1812, and hung a) all declared abolitionists ; b) any preacher of any kind ; c) any old women who did not applaud a and b. 1679755;1499378435;mircea_popescu;THAT is what i mean by "ye olde "live and let live" whereby the conservative is always in the end hung.". 1679756;1499378441;asciilifeform;well yes 1679757;1499378449;mircea_popescu;well yes and no more. 1679758;1499378488;asciilifeform;that's what 'defense' would've rightfully consisted of 1679759;1499378498;asciilifeform;'good offense' 1679760;1499378809;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: soo the 1812 thing - yer thinking of a separate 'southern' peace with britain..? 1679761;1499378843;mircea_popescu;nope. 1679762;1499379421;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the ~only morally or intellectually respectable character in italy, ie the 1800s thing, was to be founbd not in italy but in sicily, which is altogether a different place. 1679763;1499379451;mircea_popescu;he is the continuator of the ancient military traditions of aristocracy, and he yielded the caudillo in south america. he yielded nothing in the southern us, principally because, agian, the germans are congenitally retarded. 1679764;1499379462;mircea_popescu;in sicily he is known as the honorable man, ie mobster. 1679765;1499379499;mircea_popescu;had the south managed to produce a de rosas, it'd have been a very different place. substantially, not just superficially. 1679766;1499379519;mircea_popescu;but as it is -- 19.95 and would you like paper or pl;astioc bag ? 1679767;1499379628;asciilifeform;de rosas was fighting other agrarians, neh 1679768;1499379638;asciilifeform;rather than technologically superior 'martians' 1679769;1499379646;mircea_popescu;england, france, the usual muck. 1679770;1499379664;asciilifeform;england, france, were far 1679771;1499379675;asciilifeform;getting materiel to sa was then almost as today is to orbit 1679772;1499379681;mircea_popescu;closer than they were in 1812 1679773;1499379693;asciilifeform;tru 1679774;1499379744;mircea_popescu;and argentina much closer than japan. 1679775;1499379747;mircea_popescu;or -- india. 1679776;1499379903;mircea_popescu;much lower "perceived spoiliage value", however. and this because indians aren't worth jack shit in a fight ; whreas rosas kinda scared them 1679777;1499380855;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2017/07/illinois-personal-income-tax-rising-13-over-governors-objections/ << Qntra - Illinois Personal Income Tax Rising ~1/3 Over Governor's Objections 1679778;1499380857;BingoBoingo;^ In other CHIraqi failed states 1679779;1499380903;mircea_popescu;1/3 whats ? 1679780;1499381066;BingoBoingo;of what it was 1679781;1499381079;mircea_popescu;so by ~1/3rd ? 1679782;1499381098;BingoBoingo;ty fxd 1679783;1499383732;phf;shinohai: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-06#1679724 i just noticed that jhvh1 seems to mangle urls with escape sequences in them on search 1679784;1499383732;a111;Logged on 2017-07-06 21:05 jhvh1: mircea_popescu: Țiganiada - Wikisource: ; Tiganiada - Ion Budai Deleanu - YouTube: ; Amazon.com: Tiganiada (Romanian Edition) (9786069830864): Ion ...: 1679785;1499383847;shinohai;Yeah phf ....it's the heathen google plugin that came with gribble. I haven't bothered to fix, sorry, since I have a rewrite in the worx 1679786;1499383850;phf;actually, not sure what's going on, that youtube url has slashes escaped for some reason 1679787;1499383860;phf;no worries, just didn't know if you knew 1679788;1499383955;shinohai;While Limnoria is stable bot platform, the way it handles plugins does a lot of crazy shit I've never been able to fix. :/ 1679789;1499384301;mircea_popescu;do they have a chatroom for bugs and suych ? 1679790;1499385390;shinohai;I was in there like maybe a year ago, it's definitely as dead as #b-a 1679791;1499386740;mircea_popescu;sux 1679792;1499388647;mircea_popescu;'Perhaps the best example of claiming credit for a problem that did not exist before is the marine chronometer. The marine chronometer enthusiasts claim it solved the “timing at sea” problem. Two men attempting to meat in front of Saint Paul's need to agree on a time of day, so how do you provide time for a ship at sea ? Very simple, you do not send out ships without a timetelling oracle onboard.' 1679793;1499388752;mircea_popescu;babbage sleeps happily in his grave, serene in the empirical knowledge that the anglotards of today are just as fucked in the head as the anglotards of his day. 1679794;1499388763;phf;wut is this even 1679795;1499388770;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-06#1679531 1679796;1499388770;a111;Logged on 2017-07-06 01:49 asciilifeform: 'Perhaps the best example of claiming credit for a problem that did not exist before is Bitcoin. Bitcoin enthusiasts claim it solved the “double spend” problem. A music MP3 can be copied multiple times so how do you stop digital money being spent multiple times? Very simple, you do not create a form of money that lacks a central authority.' << ahahhahaha 1679797;1499388805;mircea_popescu;"very simple -- you reach backwards through time and jack your dad off!" 1679798;1499388831;phf;aaah 1679799;1499388845;phf;crafty, got a rise out of me! 1679800;1499388849;mircea_popescu;:p 1679801;1499389020;mircea_popescu;this is by no means singular derapage of one stray goat, either. "how do you check the correctness of a program ?" "very simple -- first, you build an universal corectness checker. then, you feed it your problem. done!" 1679802;1499389167;mircea_popescu;cuz you know, dollars don't lack a central authority. somehow. because if we lalalala really hard pantsuit hilarity losing the elections didn't happen and totally the fed is in control of shit. 1679803;1499389186;mircea_popescu;do they serve the two pump hurr durr mocha latte yet or still working on it ? 1679804;1499389223;erlehmann;i wonder what “simple” in that sentence would mean. short? or “i have a beautiful solution but it does not fit into the margin of this input field”? 1679805;1499389239;mircea_popescu;!~google site:trilema.com simple english 1679806;1499389240;jhvh1;mircea_popescu: No matches found. 1679807;1499389251;mircea_popescu;that's because you're retarded, dear google. 1679808;1499389278;erlehmann;i remember reading an article about the trisectors 1679809;1499389293;erlehmann;http://web.mst.edu/~lmhall/WhatToDoWhenTrisectorComes.pdf 1679810;1499389302;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2016/there-has-not-yet-been-seen-a-simple-thing-even-if-were-drowning-in-simple-people/ 1679811;1499389514;asciilifeform;the ' trisectors' piece is hilarious, erlehmann 1679812;1499389518;asciilifeform;pure gold 1679813;1499389542;mircea_popescu;is it the u dudley piece ? 1679814;1499389585;erlehmann;y 1679815;1499389761;erlehmann;> the author has never made a study of these branches of learning 1679816;1499389768;erlehmann;i guess trisectorball cannot into hilbert space 1679817;1499389877;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-07#1679792 >> moar closely, oughta be '...simply do not send out ships out of sight of a clock tower!1' 1679818;1499389877;a111;Logged on 2017-07-07 00:50 mircea_popescu: 'Perhaps the best example of claiming credit for a problem that did not exist before is the marine chronometer. The marine chronometer enthusiasts claim it solved the “timing at sea” problem. Two men attempting to meat in front of Saint Paul's need to agree on a time of day, so how do you provide time for a ship at sea ? Very simple, you do not send out ships without a timetelling oracle onboard.' 1679819;1499389890;mircea_popescu;nope. 1679820;1499389903;mircea_popescu;cuz now you've built a different kind of ship 1679821;1499389913;asciilifeform;( laugh, but the brit royal society considered this... floating towers , cannon signals etc ) 1679822;1499389929;mircea_popescu;(clock towers -- notoriously innacurate, closer to billboards than to quartz watches) 1679823;1499389961;mircea_popescu;moreover, the "central authority" bullshit is LITERALLY and quite exactly "time telling oracle" 1679824;1499389973;mircea_popescu;there is no such thing as central authority, nor ever was. nor could ever be. 1679825;1499389995;mircea_popescu;people pretending otherwise are pretending otherwise, like the girlies trying to get a husband by staring.\ 1679826;1499390015;asciilifeform;did the usg.ntp people ever get a signed version going, i wonder 1679827;1499390023;asciilifeform;prolly closest stab 1679828;1499390071;asciilifeform;( iirc they do finally have a signed private gps band ) 1679829;1499390123;asciilifeform;still won't save the receiver from. 1679830;1499390127;asciilifeform;delay. 1679831;1499390149;*;mircea_popescu reread his own version of dudley. are you aware fermat theorem proofs is in his list ? 1679832;1499390155;mircea_popescu;kinda diminishes the piece in retrospect. 1679833;1499390168;asciilifeform;nope, not diminishes 1679834;1499390181;asciilifeform;recall that crackpots STILL send those 1679835;1499390191;mircea_popescu;but one crackpot sent one that was correct. 1679836;1499390192;asciilifeform;'elementary proofs of fermat's last' 1679837;1499390221;asciilifeform;wiles, see, 'doesn't count' because 'too long and uses things not taught in kindergarten and wtf is this' 1679838;1499390234;mircea_popescu;it counts to my read. 1679839;1499390245;mircea_popescu;SPECIFICALLY because of that tail. 1679840;1499390247;asciilifeform;yes but not to the 'trisectors' 1679841;1499390281;asciilifeform;the ~same folx are to this day sending fermat proofs 3pgs long, with rotten algebra, as before wiles.. 1679842;1499390303;mircea_popescu;sure. and they will. but dudley's piece is now... just as pseudo, and just as crank, as theirs, 1679843;1499390316;asciilifeform;map colouring proof also 1679844;1499390324;mircea_popescu;o i had a lot of fun with that as a kid. 1679845;1499390333;mircea_popescu;you know it got preteen girls REALLY going ? 1679846;1499390339;*;mircea_popescu picked it out of an old gardner book. 1679847;1499390352;asciilifeform;what about the dudley piece is in any way false ? the folx described therein, behave exactly as described, i have met them 1679848;1499390376;asciilifeform;and they're still in business ( to an extent, old age took its toll, and new ones not being made ) 1679849;1499390379;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform but the proposition that a proof for fermat's conjecture is not worth reading past page four is not factual. 1679850;1499390407;asciilifeform;~from rando with no symptoms of any mathematical study~ you betcha not worth reading ! 1679851;1499390427;asciilifeform;wiles was a known pro, 'in the wot', note. 1679852;1499390452;asciilifeform;with known unrelated work, of quality 1679853;1499390454;mircea_popescu;and the digit-of-pi dude ? 1679854;1499390459;asciilifeform;ditto 1679855;1499390473;mircea_popescu;i recall he was a grad student or such 1679856;1499390475;asciilifeform;( he got perelmanned , yes ) 1679857;1499390522;erlehmann;perelmanned? 1679858;1499390547;mircea_popescu;anyway, i don't per se dispute the piece can be rescued with liberal application of benevolent reading balm. i just don't seem inclined. 1679859;1499390561;asciilifeform;i dun see the problem at all 1679860;1499390570;mircea_popescu;well then good there's two of us. 1679861;1499390586;asciilifeform;actual practitioners don't send unsolicited 'elementary proof of 1000yr problem ' 1679862;1499390597;erlehmann;asciilifeform wiles announced proofs at math conference, no? 1679863;1499390604;mircea_popescu;i seem to recall you spending some lines discussing the problem of "unknown practitioner" 1679864;1499390659;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it is theoretically a problem 1679865;1499390673;asciilifeform;but has two edges. 1679866;1499390674;mircea_popescu;and the faucet for when practical in your hand ? 1679867;1499390717;asciilifeform;it is , i mean, problem not only for one side. as the linked piece is about. 1679868;1499390744;mircea_popescu;anyway. his bad for inserting a conjecture among actually known shit. there's a difference between "we don't know if rsa is hard" and "we know you can't compress all files" 1679869;1499390795;asciilifeform;interestingly we aren't (yet!!) awash in attempted proofs of 'rsa is hard' 1679870;1499390801;mircea_popescu;i expect alf himself WILL voraciously read "proof" of former, no matter the source. 1679871;1499390804;asciilifeform;or even of p!=np 1679872;1499390806;mircea_popescu;of latter -- maybe 50% of the time 1679873;1499390841;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform remember the "England -- implementation of logarithm" ? await ye till republic is actually where the idle seek their bread. then watch and be awashed art the deluge 1679874;1499390880;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: if it were fashionable for folx with 3rd grade education to attempt such proofs, and i got one in the mail ( why., though, i dun work in that racket ) i might begin to do as subj link describes, and triage'em by symptoms 1679875;1499390892;mircea_popescu;would you ? 1679876;1499390907;mircea_popescu;allow me to quote : 1679877;1499390923;asciilifeform;in practice, enthusiastic halfwits dun have much originality in their works. 1679878;1499390960;mircea_popescu;"when a man grows old, and his balls grow cold, and the tip of his prick turns blue, he may in turn start do as the subj link describes, an' triage'm by symptoms" 1679879;1499390969;erlehmann;asciilifeform crypto cranks need no proofs. take https://keybase.io/triplesec/ – money quote: “We don't have any exact proof of security for a cascade of block ciphers in CTR mode. But we're pretty sure” 1679880;1499390978;erlehmann;WELL IF THEY ARE PRETTY SURE THAT IS GOOD ENOUGH RIGHT 1679881;1499390986;mircea_popescu;keybase delivers. 1679882;1499390995;asciilifeform;erlehmann: these are a snore and merit 0 brain cycles at all 1679883;1499391008;mircea_popescu;i mostly like the intimation that while they may not have any exact proof, they do have sufficient inexact ones. 1679884;1499391010;asciilifeform;'to the furnace. next.' 1679885;1499391023;asciilifeform;inexactproof lel 1679886;1499391031;mircea_popescu;a nudge is as good as fuckall to the blind bat. 1679887;1499391038;erlehmann;about as useful as tingling feeling in butt 1679888;1499391059;mircea_popescu;hey, this could be gay slang. "is your butt use-full yet, twink ?" 1679889;1499391061;erlehmann;but then those are the ones urging ppl to upload ther private keys 1679890;1499391076;erlehmann;because it's easier (trust us!!!111) 1679891;1499391103;asciilifeform;erlehmann: there are societies devoted to encouraging emo teenagers to jump from roof. why not also for uploading privkeys. 1679892;1499391112;mircea_popescu;in other news, i got one of those bar shot ladle things, for ease of delivery. it's a very useful implement. 1679893;1499391127;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform there are ? you mean the japanese train jumping girly thing ? 1679894;1499391135;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: nah in ru 1679895;1499391148;asciilifeform;caused much scandalwank 1679896;1499391154;mircea_popescu;amuysing factoid -- the japs got rid of the problem by making bereaved families pay fine + repairs. 1679897;1499391203;erlehmann;i am glad such stuff exists, because association with it shows stupid. if i remember correctly, debian response to keybase fuckery was: we consider stuff showing up on keybase compromised, any keys showing up will be shot on sight. 1679898;1499391205;mircea_popescu;apparently "don't step in front of subway, you will die" is a lot less comprehesible to 8 yo japanese girl than "if i end up having to pay a fine for it I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU!" 1679899;1499391231;erlehmann;source? 1679900;1499391243;mircea_popescu;just vafgue memories, nothing definhite 1679901;1499391270;asciilifeform;erlehmann: pretty sure debian nao 100% keybase powered 1679902;1499391330;asciilifeform;after murdock was 'suicided' 1679903;1499391335;mircea_popescu;things that "just happen", inferior nonsense pseudotech gaining usg tendril adoption. 1679904;1499391367;mircea_popescu;you know, like tor. sure symptom of "it's totally leaderless yah" http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-01#1678144 1679905;1499391367;a111;Logged on 2017-07-01 15:38 mircea_popescu: yet these "measures of all things" exemplars of pure humanity, that honestly believe their heads are capable of any lifting, if they "just had the facts" hurr durr lol lol snort, nevertheless can't see far enough ahead to realise they're "leaderless" because their leaders are out and out bullshit, and for no other reason. 1679906;1499391484;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-07#1679878 << i'm curious, what's the non-blue alternative? read all?! then no time to eat, sleep... read 0? state-of-the-art solution, practiced by many. but sometimes crackpot proofs are novel in some entertaining way. hence 'triage' 1679907;1499391484;a111;Logged on 2017-07-07 01:29 mircea_popescu: "when a man grows old, and his balls grow cold, and the tip of his prick turns blue, he may in turn start do as the subj link describes, an' triage'm by symptoms" 1679908;1499391501;asciilifeform;just like folx kink entertaining heathen idiocies here. 1679909;1499391504;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i am not protesting the passage of time, nor its effects. merely remarking on it. 1679910;1499391505;asciilifeform;*link 1679911;1499391543;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: if you were to get 9000 letters / d. would also ignore or triage. 1679912;1499391553;mircea_popescu;i ignore and triage as it is. 1679913;1499391564;asciilifeform;so whence the old blue cock 1679914;1499391589;mircea_popescu;it's the sign of age, what! 1679915;1499391650;mircea_popescu;!~google mark saldana, tokyo's human accidents jinshin jiko and the social meaning of train suicide 1679916;1499391653;jhvh1;mircea_popescu: Tokyo's " Human Accidents ": Jinshin Jiko and the Social Meaning of ...: ; Tokyo : Earthquakes and train suicide . | - Hong Kong Housewife: ; The Culture of Japan - Web Tome: Not until just now but that's fantastic. 1679946;1499392249;erlehmann;> JR East, the line we were trying to take, is the most popular for suicides because it charges the bereaved families the least. 1679947;1499392259;erlehmann;suicide tourism, lulz 1679948;1499392271;mircea_popescu;good suicide will push bad suicide out of circulation! 1679949;1499392273;erlehmann;shop around for a cheap death! 1679950;1499392278;asciilifeform;i dun get it, why trains. why not roofs, bridges, etc 1679951;1499392306;erlehmann;fear of heights? accessible places? 1679952;1499392307;asciilifeform;even if street sweeper charges, what's it cost to hose a pavement. 1679953;1499392308;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform people are not thinking agents. in deprs, transitions are a major consideration, much more so than any others. 1679954;1499392316;mircea_popescu;trains provide numerous and precise transitions. rooftops do not. 1679955;1499392336;asciilifeform;how not? climb, jump, splat..? 1679956;1499392342;mircea_popescu;have you ever seen an idiot stop in a doorway ? because his brain simply shut down confronted with the transition ? "oh, room. outdoors. whoa!" 1679957;1499392363;asciilifeform;actually no! i only ever read about mircea_popescu's argentines doing this 1679958;1499392376;asciilifeform;and the fictional idiot in hanbot's 'yankee' 1679959;1499392386;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform it just sits there. there's no transition on a roof. if anything, the lack of transitions is calming, which is why jumpers can notoriously be talked out of it. make no sudden gesutres, let him take in the outdoors, he';ll climb down. 1679960;1499392429;asciilifeform;i thought only 'demonstrative emos' can be talked out 1679961;1499392454;mircea_popescu;not really so much related. 1679962;1499392454;asciilifeform;d00d with actual reason to call it quits - generally no 1679963;1499392475;mircea_popescu;doesn't have to call it quits on calling it quits. just on calling it quits right then and there. 1679964;1499392480;mircea_popescu;in practice, asciilifeform, there is. 1679965;1499392523;mircea_popescu;anyway, the pretense some derp "reasoned" about suicide is ridiculous of the prime order. who exactly is so equiped that they may so reason ? 1679966;1499392532;mircea_popescu;odds are he's not competent enough to reason about a cup of tea. 1679967;1499392567;erlehmann;suppose people wanted to splat faster, terminal velocity for human in air is around ~200 km/h and is probably not achieved from standard issue rooftop. 1679968;1499392578;mircea_popescu;erlehmann you know how to calculate this ? 1679969;1499392636;mircea_popescu;!~calc (200 / 3.6)**2 / 9.8 1679970;1499392636;gribble;Error: "~calc" is not a valid command. 1679971;1499392637;jhvh1;mircea_popescu: (200 / 3.6)**2 / 9.8 = 314.9407911312673 1679972;1499392637;erlehmann;mircea_popescu of course i have no idea how to calculate drag from human body and believe skydiver websites 1679973;1499392653;erlehmann;oh wait, you meant something different 1679974;1499392660;mircea_popescu;drag really dun matter in this discussion. 1679975;1499392691;mircea_popescu;i just did the math to show you the thing you copy/pasted is nonsense -- surely someone jumping from 214 meters (about 100 floors) will still die. 1679976;1499392711;asciilifeform;5th floor generally enough 1679977;1499392719;erlehmann;ah, but terminal velocity is <--[drag]-- o|< --[gravity]--> (rotate by 90 deg) 1679978;1499392740;asciilifeform; ( ~= auto wreck into stationary wall at typical usa highway speed ) 1679979;1499392753;erlehmann;mircea_popescu 100 floors is reasonably uncommon 1679980;1499392765;asciilifeform;100 is a luxury! 1679981;1499392772;mircea_popescu;erlehmann really ? what do you think drag is, magic ? where does "drag" hide all that energy, not like people splat in flames. 1679982;1499392792;asciilifeform;skyscraper dun have openable windows, tourism decks also glassed in 1679983;1499392819;erlehmann;i regret my remark 1679984;1499392828;asciilifeform;gotta be one hell of a rich d00d, to jump from 100.. 1679985;1499392839;mircea_popescu;"drag" is aconsideration in this discussion for the sort of intellect that reads wikireddit and thinks haskell is a useful programming language. 1679986;1499392862;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-20#1672500 1679987;1499392862;a111;Logged on 2017-06-20 16:30 phf: building wot for all comers will suffer the same fate as pgp. since nobody's using it, it turns into an arms race of easy to use, or "innovation" also known as masturbation over technical minutiae. i sort of realized this when i tried applying tmsr solutions to my cypherpunk friends: "no we don't need to research the difference between signal and telegram, just encrypt it to my gpg key and post it on dpaste or whatever." eliminated all the technical di 1679988;1499392955;asciilifeform;'i need to jump but only got keys to 5th floor so no dice' said afaik nobody ever 1679989;1499392971;mircea_popescu;on concrete, 5-6th floor are just about experimentally enough. 1679990;1499392972;asciilifeform;'hey gotta eat pistol but all i got is 9mm' , picture 1679991;1499392984;*;mircea_popescu witnessed splat left by woman jumping from 7th in tm. 1679992;1499392995;mircea_popescu;there was no question of survival, indentification more a concern. 1679993;1499393015;asciilifeform;more interesting when they fall on a car 1679994;1499393037;asciilifeform;often looks superficially like 'died of nothing', car - 'total' 1679995;1499393037;mircea_popescu;had the deency not to. plain asphalt, smooth, crushed ~every bone in her body. 1679996;1499393058;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the even worst is when the fucking moose does it. 1679997;1499393071;asciilifeform;there, iirc was a chick who survived parachuteless fall from liner 1679998;1499393079;erlehmann;guy in my school from parallel class suicided himself by highspeed train. there were no buildings around with more than three floors (excluding ground level). 1679999;1499393082;mircea_popescu;power of queefs ? 1680000;1499393086;erlehmann;like, years ago, of course 1680001;1499393094;asciilifeform;( suffered from low pressure , so heart did not burst ) 1680002;1499393107;asciilifeform;but bones - liquid 1680003;1499393154;erlehmann;this ends on a weirdo note http://hkhousewife.com/travel/tokyo-earthquakes-and-train-suicide/ 1680004;1499393172;erlehmann;> There’s a very scary trend online now where young people kill themselves online. How terrible is that?! 1680005;1499393273;asciilifeform;pediwikidiots whine that 'ohnoez jp suicide rate' but really it is other countries that suffer from folx with excessive hanging on 1680006;1499393316;asciilifeform;for what does homo redditicus remain alive? 1680007;1499393330;erlehmann;upvotes, most likely 1680008;1499393344;erlehmann;number goes up, mood goes up 1680009;1499393367;mircea_popescu;!~google "i like to get the daily news" 1680010;1499393368;gribble;Error: "~google" is not a valid command. 1680011;1499393368;jhvh1;mircea_popescu: Seinfeld - George wasting his life - YouTube: ; I Like to Get the Daily News | Facebook: ; Contact Us - NY Daily News: 1680012;1499393390;erlehmann;mircea_popescu thanks for link to article about social meaning of train suicide 1680013;1499393453;erlehmann;for some reason the topic makes me think of the book “the queer art of failure” 1680014;1499393458;erlehmann;but i can't really put it together 1680015;1499393590;erlehmann;asciilifeform i think mircea_popescu may be onto something with awareness of transitions. there was this one organization for sucide help (something swiss) and many people who get greenlighted by them actually do not kill themselves. 1680016;1499393659;erlehmann;dignitas, swiss non-profit for assisting with suicide 1680017;1499393715;mircea_popescu;it's the state-of-the-art re the topic, from people who actually study it as opposed to uswank it. 1680018;1499397479;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all 1680019;1499397486;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 2574.98, vol: 8534.13409713 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 2536.007, vol: 3411.41189 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 2563.0, vol: 9818.74684715 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 2616.894, vol: 6255.96960000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 2591.426, vol: 3428.32639488 | Volume-weighted last average: 2577.142686 1680020;1499403831;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/9EB8CD220CEE179362FCED1E03EAE1189209BA1BB060FC776B50744DED80C55E << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1527...8493 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (clock.le.imm.cnr.it. IT) 1680021;1499403831;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/9EB8CD220CEE179362FCED1E03EAE1189209BA1BB060FC776B50744DED80C55E << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1634...0927 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (clock.le.imm.cnr.it. IT) 1680022;1499426554;sina;evening tmsr 1680023;1499426579;sina;asciilifeform: curious about your thoughts on https://www.gnu.org/software/guix/ 1680024;1499426818;*;shinohai can almost hear asciilifeform saying "GNU crapolade!!!!!!" right nao .... 1680025;1499427581;sina;hi shinohai :) 1680026;1499437697;mod6; mornin' 1680027;1499438757;mircea_popescu;hey sina. how's tricks 1680028;1499439522;*;mircea_popescu re-reads drag discussion from yest, realises it is a very fundamental process at the root of socialist empire. consider what happened : 1680029;1499439625;mircea_popescu;reasonably bright, diligent fellow, who also happens to http://trilema.com/2016/please-stop-using-dns-already-and-other-considerations/#selection-711.0-711.610 ended up believing himself 1. NOT in a position to evaluate a claim as to distance because he "can not calculate drag from the human body" ; and then consequently 2. ACCEPT some wikitardation as legitimate on the basis that a) he's impotent (as demonstrated by his cont 1680030;1499439625;mircea_popescu;act with entirely irrelevany complicacy) and b) they're "many", which obviously matters. that they're many ~sybils~ does not matter, for reasons unexplained. 1680031;1499439724;mircea_popescu;now THIS is what we mean by "learned helplessness" in each and every single instance where that term of art is used. guy who could, and on the basis of having passed into 9th grade somehow SHOULD, evaluate a claim as to factuality, accuracy, correctness etcetera fails to do so. the failure is not organic but psychogenic. the replacement of sanity with socialistard blather follows from this, because you know, gotta say somethi 1680032;1499439724;mircea_popescu;ng, so let's discuss the differences between signal and telegram, trump and hilarity, two cans of pepsi. 1680033;1499439827;mircea_popescu;this pretty much sits at the core of the whole dispute. by "fit in head" tmsr simply means "do not engage irrelevant complicacy". complicacy serves as a term of art here, to denote things that are constructively complicated, as opposed to the naturally complicated. what your woman means when she speaks is complicated ; but marriage is complicacy. 1680034;1499439975;mircea_popescu;this is not said once, but multiple times and in multiple aspects ( take http://trilema.com/2014/how-to-deal-with-pseudoscience/ for instance, or phf's comment re cyphercomms, or tons and tons of others), and it all comes to the same root : IF you engage irrelevancy, you will arrive at wrong results. IF you engage irrelevant complicacy, you will arive at an unwarranted misjudgement of yourself -- you will think yourself impot 1680035;1499439975;mircea_popescu;ent. this is not humility, but psychosis, and of the saddest kind. you CAN actually MAKE yourself impotent by insisting with it -- and it works equally well with erections as with thoughts. 1680036;1499440074;mircea_popescu;whenever i write fiction about rando anglotard gleefully jumping into a steel cock cage the usual gleeful anglotard response is that "he just dun understand what could possibly possess dude in story to behave thusly". nevertheless, when presented with the exact, point-by-point equivalent for their head, they without exception jump right in, which creates the very strange yet picturesque situation where a buncha doods with ste 1680037;1499440075;mircea_popescu;el headcages wonder why would a literary character stick one on his dick. 1680038;1499440168;mircea_popescu;meanwhile on the other side, what the chumpmasters are doing is simply create and inject irrelevant complicacy. people discussing splat distance ? let's talk about drag. it is a 0.1% factor at the most, so let's discuss it. people wanna pick a president ? let's find out who said nigger more times. this matters, to 0.1% or below, so let's focus on that. etcetera and forever, and amusingly enough they replicate it. 1680039;1499440178;mircea_popescu;no fucking idea as of yet why or how that works, but they DO replicate it. 1680040;1499440259;mircea_popescu;in any case - i can't calculate drag from human body either, nor can anyone else. there's a reason for both http://btcbase.org/log/2014-03-19#567906 and wind tunnels irl : it's a measured, not calculated. 1680041;1499440259;a111;Logged on 2014-03-19 19:04 asciilifeform: and, finally, his moment arrived! von Kármán surrendered his orange ticket, took a deep breath, and said, "God, explain turbulence." Theodore von Kármán spent the rest of eternity burning in Hell.' 1680042;1499440545;mircea_popescu;(and (on the basis of (having passed into 9th grade somehow)) SHOULD) 1680043;1499440551;mircea_popescu;holy shit ima end up writing lispex. 1680044;1499440582;*;shinohai checks to see if it evals .... 1680045;1499440586;mircea_popescu;lol 1680046;1499441070;mircea_popescu;just think that somehow "race" is a legitimate topic of conversation in a country undergoing full economic collapse where black people are 12% by headcount and 5% if that by capital. 1680047;1499441092;mircea_popescu;i dunno what could be more irrelevant to the united states than the fate of blacks these days, but hey. maybe russian spies. 1680048;1499441118;mircea_popescu;campus rape, cyberpedos, whatever moral panics. 1680049;1499441168;mircea_popescu;and yet -- the thing with blacks is complicated. the economic situation -- not. 1680050;1499441224;mircea_popescu;the matter of disciplining the us population into 90% consumption cuts and 50% productivity gains over the next three to five years is not even vaguely contemplated, amusingly enough. 1680051;1499441261;mircea_popescu;at least the argentards had this in their press, back in 2014, editorials and shit about how "the international neocapitalists" try to make them work moar and waste less, and how THEY ARE ORGANIZED AND WILL RESIST!!1 1680052;1499441264;mod6;too easy to ctrl+p 1680053;1499441324;mircea_popescu;mod6 i think the matter is more, 3rd world understands it is shit, looks up to eu, us, whatever. small brother syndrome. whereas us misperceives itself as civilised, which it isn't nor ever was, and top of teh pile, so couldn't possibly be anyhone to look up to (except of course france, but we dun like to talk about that, liberty fries ha-ha!) 1680054;1499441342;mircea_popescu;anyway -- younger siblings never hit the bottle QUITE like the eldest son. 1680055;1499441391;mod6;ah, fair enough 1680056;1499441426;mircea_popescu;that's why if you have boys it's always a great idea to have two. the first fucking up comes with an almost certainty the 2nd will come out alright. 1680057;1499441543;BingoBoingo; at least the argentards had this in their press, back in 2014, editorials and shit about how "the international neocapitalists" try to make them work moar and waste less, and how THEY ARE ORGANIZED AND WILL RESIST!!1 << Prolly wouldn't make it past typical US head plugs 1680058;1499441558;mircea_popescu;im sure. 1680059;1499441568;*;mircea_popescu goes to dig out that article, it was a riot. 1680060;1499442293;BingoBoingo;The ones who do realize may have the wrong reaction (build a bunker, stockpile canned goods) but they exist on the Trump voting part of the US-sorting 1680061;1499442516;BingoBoingo;Part of pantsuit voter's induction to voting pantisuit is the infection with belief they CAN'T be made to do anything. 1680062;1499442571;BingoBoingo;Hence, the 1200 gender-disabilities on campus that all need "reasonable accomodations" during exams 1680063;1499443162;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-07#1680023 << 'guile' is a steaming pile of shit 1680064;1499443162;a111;Logged on 2017-07-07 11:22 sina: asciilifeform: curious about your thoughts on https://www.gnu.org/software/guix/ 1680065;1499443175;mircea_popescu;well, google dun have it, because nobody gives a shit about the anglotards, and for good reason. but here it is : 1680066;1499443176;mircea_popescu;la globalizacion financiera, la deuda ilegitima y el nuevo curso, by jorge muracciole, "sociologo" no less (tiempo argentino, #1487, june 30 2014, page 24) 1680067;1499443176;mircea_popescu;dias despues de la implosion de la convertibilidad, a pesar del marasmo economico, el hartazgo social y la crisis de conduccion politica, tres ideas diferenciadas campeaban en las cabezas de los devaluados referentes politicos que habian sobrevivido de la debacle economica politica y social mas profunda de las ultimas decadas. 1680068;1499443176;mircea_popescu;los referentes de la derecha liberal estaban dispuestos utopicamente a reincidir en las recetas ajustistas y, amparados por la emergencia, apostaban a implementar el disciplinamiento social, aprovechandose de los elevados indices de desocupacion, sin privarse de la variante represiva en caso que fuera necesario. esos intentos fueron derrotados en las calles con la movilizacion callejera, y en las urnas con el abandono de la c 1680069;1499443180;mircea_popescu;andidatura en segunda vuelta del maximo exponente del 'neoliberalismo-peronista' en el otono de 2003. 1680070;1499443212;asciilifeform;marasmo economico << lol 1680071;1499443215;mircea_popescu;on it goes in that vein, and you should see what a barely literate "diputado nacional" by the name eduardo "wado" de pedro had to say. 1680072;1499443235;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/F3863F4DD4389CA8A3A883920C064484A76114DE2A4C11C1418217EE6BCEC912 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1355...4549 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown PL DS) 1680073;1499443236;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/F3863F4DD4389CA8A3A883920C064484A76114DE2A4C11C1418217EE6BCEC912 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1381...3877 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown PL DS) 1680074;1499443238;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i certify the term is apt. i have NEVER seen a country in worse economic shit, including 1980s kazakhstan. 1680075;1499443296;asciilifeform; << lel 1680076;1499443319;asciilifeform;jeszcze polska ne zginela ! 1680077;1499443364;mircea_popescu;to briefly revisit http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-07#1680050 : the fact that us cattlehead consumption power dropped about 80% in the past three decades (ie, since the 80s, ie since http://trilema.com/2015/other-peoples-money/ or in other words since the political decision was made to simply give up, lay down and die) is ALSO remarkably absent from the fanfics. 1680078;1499443364;a111;Logged on 2017-07-07 15:27 mircea_popescu: the matter of disciplining the us population into 90% consumption cuts and 50% productivity gains over the next three to five years is not even vaguely contemplated, amusingly enough. 1680079;1499443458;asciilifeform;moar than 80 % if you count the children they ain't having 1680080;1499443489;mircea_popescu;very true. 1680081;1499443735;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-07#1680050 << why would the frog boiler chef publicly discuss, to the frogs, the subject of their preparation ? 1680082;1499443735;a111;Logged on 2017-07-07 15:27 mircea_popescu: the matter of disciplining the us population into 90% consumption cuts and 50% productivity gains over the next three to five years is not even vaguely contemplated, amusingly enough. 1680083;1499443744;asciilifeform;will instead discuss anything, ANYTHING else. 1680084;1499443751;mircea_popescu;it pretends to be a state 1680085;1499443776;mircea_popescu;you know, like argentina. "the debt dispute is very debalanced,. becayuse it opposes a tiny group of vulture capialists to a NATIONAL STATE!!!" 1680086;1499443983;asciilifeform;didn't mircea_popescu have an article re greece, where, 'if idiot throws money into a toilet, he is doubly idiotic for expecting to see it again' or how did it go. 1680087;1499444006;mircea_popescu;you understand trhis is where apple's "offsore" "could buy russia" stash is, right ? 1680088;1499444017;asciilifeform;argentina?! 1680089;1499444024;mircea_popescu;"investments" 1680090;1499444027;asciilifeform;or the greek eu credit 1680091;1499444028;asciilifeform;ah 1680092;1499444040;asciilifeform;same nonsense as the 'mortgage assets' locally 1680093;1499444044;mircea_popescu;exactly same 1680094;1499444100;asciilifeform;!!up gabriel_laddel_p 1680095;1499444100;deedbot;gabriel_laddel_p voiced for 30 minutes. 1680096;1499444102;mircea_popescu;turns out that ownership without ownership doth not work very well. 1680097;1499444106;gabriel_laddel_p;asciilifeform: got it. 1680098;1499444108;gabriel_laddel_p;Ty. 1680099;1499444112;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel_p: yer welcome 1680100;1499444119;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel_p: did it work for what you were doing ? 1680101;1499444129;*;asciilifeform sent the d00d an old lappy a while back 1680102;1499444143;gabriel_laddel_p;asciilifeform: remains to be seen. Have not yet compiled masamune for 32bit. 1680103;1499444149;asciilifeform;it's a 64 1680104;1499444170;gabriel_laddel_p;Odd. b/c my resucecd won't work unless using 32 bit kernel. 1680105;1499444182;mircea_popescu;strangely, i am not very shocked by the turn of this covnersation. 1680106;1499444190;asciilifeform;lol 1680107;1499444221;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i sent g_l a surplus 'x61', complete with pen. not a bad box, though weathered 1680108;1499444227;mircea_popescu;i was here. 1680109;1499444761;gabriel_laddel_p;other AML news: If you send bountysource claims to a paypal whose name differs from your screename, the transaction will send, and then paypal will disappear the transaction from the history of the account you sent it to, and remove the funds + bountysource will not respond to emails regarding the matter. 1680110;1499444787;asciilifeform;wat's a bountysource 1680111;1499444798;gabriel_laddel_p;https://www.bountysource.com/ 1680112;1499444800;asciilifeform;i take it, a /dev/null for money 1680113;1499444862;asciilifeform;lol, resembles ye olde 'rentacoder' scamatron 1680114;1499444906;gabriel_laddel_p;I found it to be quite usable until I ended up owing someone for money I'd already spent. 1680115;1499444931;asciilifeform;'jcomeauictx wrote: getting started. sponsor: do you know that Bountysource hasn't been paying out escrowed funds to coders for several weeks now? I'm putting this on hold until I hear from Rappo about this. [2017-06-21T21:35:27PDT got my funds a few minutes ago. front burner again.]' 1680116;1499444949;asciilifeform;lulzy, complete with (presumably) partial payola to keep 'top' chumps stfu-ing 1680117;1499445060;asciilifeform;https://www.bountysource.com/people/19615-gabriel-laddel << gabriel_laddel_p -- yours ? 1680118;1499445073;gabriel_laddel_p;yep. 1680119;1499445645;asciilifeform;https://blog.codinghorror.com/can-you-really-rent-a-coder/ << see also 1680120;1499445739;mircea_popescu;tis hard out there for a pimp 1680121;1499445747;mircea_popescu;when he trynna make dat mony for da rent... 1680122;1499445798;asciilifeform;pretty sure d00d has problems but rent aint one 1680123;1499445811;mircea_popescu;99 problems to be exact ? 1680124;1499445818;asciilifeform;( lives in a corner of a university library , or somesuch ) 1680125;1499445838;asciilifeform;254 problems. 1680126;1499445841;mircea_popescu;did i tell the story of this art major chick who becoming homeless ended up living inside one of her creations ? 1680127;1499445881;asciilifeform;Hungerkünstler ! 1680128;1499445895;mircea_popescu;either that or jonas. but anyway. tru story. 1680129;1499448670;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/E9B8C5178937E2E34273CC6EB1A94CE3254DCA5C3703E699FB9E0E11877D7877 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1691...2237 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (cenda.apedia.com. CZ) 1680130;1499448670;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/E9B8C5178937E2E34273CC6EB1A94CE3254DCA5C3703E699FB9E0E11877D7877 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1734...3457 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (cenda.apedia.com. CZ) 1680131;1499448771;asciilifeform;http://www.e-ubytovani.eu ^ << jurov ? 1680132;1499448882;mircea_popescu;why ? 1680133;1499448888;asciilifeform;czechs 1680134;1499448896;mircea_popescu;iirc he's slovak 1680135;1499448907;asciilifeform;if i'm an ukr, he can be a czech, lel 1680136;1499448918;mircea_popescu;so wait, that makes it his website ? 1680137;1499448923;asciilifeform;lolno 1680138;1499448927;asciilifeform;just relevant!11 1680139;1499448934;mircea_popescu;to his being czech ? 1680140;1499448949;asciilifeform;aha. who knows, he might've seen it prior. 1680141;1499448953;mircea_popescu;i see! 1680142;1499448962;asciilifeform;mebbe it's the czechoslovak airbnb, etc. 1680143;1499448971;mircea_popescu;ima start doing this to you with whores working the wash dc conference circuit. 1680144;1499448978;mircea_popescu;"you know belinda ? the tall one with fake tits ?" 1680145;1499448995;asciilifeform;lolgranted 1680146;1499449001;trinque;"hey trinque, I saw this guy with a big hat. you know him?" 1680147;1499449010;mircea_popescu;"did he spit tobacco ?" 1680148;1499449204;*;asciilifeform notices that OTHER side of glued shoe, has nao come apart 1680149;1499449217;mod6;<+mircea_popescu> "you know belinda ? the tall one with fake tits ?" << lmao 1680150;1499449224;mircea_popescu;ikr? 1680151;1499449596;trinque;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-07#1680033 << btw this brought back to mind http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-27#1648764, in that usglandia snuffs by way of environmental catastrophe folks who don't like the smell of complicacy. 1680152;1499449596;a111;Logged on 2017-07-07 15:03 mircea_popescu: this pretty much sits at the core of the whole dispute. by "fit in head" tmsr simply means "do not engage irrelevant complicacy". complicacy serves as a term of art here, to denote things that are constructively complicated, as opposed to the naturally complicated. what your woman means when she speaks is complicated ; but marriage is complicacy. 1680153;1499449596;a111;Logged on 2017-04-27 18:59 mircea_popescu: inb4 us medical profession wakes up to the sad fact that the raise in autism has nothing to do with ~organic~ causes. the kids just don't like the environment any, opt out. 1680154;1499449645;mircea_popescu;rather. 1680155;1499449673;asciilifeform;re 'opt out', there was a similar phenomenon visible in, e.g., auschwitz. 1680156;1499449677;*;trinque knows a bright young man who didn't say much until about 5yrs old; when he got old enough to judge his surroundings, blood rage. 1680157;1499449692;trinque;gives me a glimmer of optimism for "teh kids" 1680158;1499449731;asciilifeform;trinque: i knew a d00d who had to spend much time, money, to save his 5yo 'illicitly nontalking' son from 'speshul' school and forced dopings 1680159;1499449732;mircea_popescu;there's no papering over hell ; or there can never be a socialist solution to reality. 1680160;1499449765;asciilifeform;(kid would talk just fine at home. just not in the public hell) 1680161;1499449765;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform no. you know a dude who in preference of saving his kid, spent a lot of time and money saving his allegiance to the socialist state. 1680162;1499449772;mircea_popescu;ticket to azerbaijan still $2k. 1680163;1499449778;asciilifeform;less 1680164;1499449789;mircea_popescu;well gotta take the kid also neh 1680165;1499449793;asciilifeform;tru!1 1680166;1499449807;trinque;I just told him he was right, and kid had a lot less cognitive dissonance to endure. 1680167;1499449815;mircea_popescu;but the important point -- contrary to the dood's own mendacious misrepresentation, the time and money was NOT spent on the kid. 1680168;1499449921;asciilifeform;this was indeed a fella who ( afaik ) had never left good ol' gringolandia 1680169;1499449936;mircea_popescu;gotta fix them symptoms and where's the dial glue. 1680170;1499449972;*;mircea_popescu is vaguely amusing at the whole ustardian faux-art... what shall we call it, it;s not a profession, how about community ? 1680171;1499449991;mircea_popescu;because nobody came up with the obvious idea of a lulzworkshop. clearly labeled "dial glue" and other such useful items. 1680172;1499450005;asciilifeform;where was that pic, of the menstruarium 1680173;1499450032;mircea_popescu;between the alaptarium and the leprosorium! 1680174;1499450158;asciilifeform;http://archive.is/lwgxZ << heeere we go. 1680175;1499450160;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform btw, in other lulz : ro for straightedge geometry tool is "echer". obviously from french equerre, but i always told people it's from escher. 1680176;1499450199;asciilifeform;lol! 1680177;1499450209;mircea_popescu;in fairness it fucking should be. 1680178;1499450218;asciilifeform;verily. 1680179;1499450356;mircea_popescu;but imagine, you know, an ancient all steel 8086 case, with a wired mouse on the right and a round metal box on the left, also wired in. box clearly labeled, "#@$!#", and inside, some dead bugs. 1680180;1499450373;mircea_popescu;wtf is art for even ? 1680181;1499450450;mircea_popescu;(the butt of this joke being "but listen, 8086 didn't have mice yet!" "nor bugs.") 1680182;1499450481;mircea_popescu;if they did that sort of shit, i could almost respect artists. 1680183;1499450561;mircea_popescu;but irl, what passes for artists is randal mcfuckhead, what's his name, with the unviolated rights of opressed minorities. 1680184;1499450595;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-07#1679877 << see also! 1680185;1499450595;a111;Logged on 2017-07-07 01:28 asciilifeform: in practice, enthusiastic halfwits dun have much originality in their works. 1680186;1499450607;mircea_popescu;yeah 1680187;1499451183;mircea_popescu;anyway, between this "the vermin came later" 8086 installation, the bottle of dial glue, a pile of equerres labeled "a collection of eschers" and so on, there's just about enough for a collaborative exhibition. and yet... 1680188;1499451755;*;asciilifeform actually had a mouse with the 8086. serial port thing. marvelled at its uselessness 1680189;1499453812;mircea_popescu;i had one too, wide 21 pin thing 1680190;1499453834;asciilifeform;aha, them!! 1680191;1499454870;mircea_popescu;and with this, #trilema stands firmly entrenched at the forefront of anglo cultural space, and at a considerable distance from the rest of the troop, at that!\ 1680192;1499455183;mircea_popescu;"It's an insoluble problem. Furthermore, I think most bug tracking systems fail us because they make us ask the wrong questions. They force you to pick a side. Hatfields vs. McCoys. Coke vs. Pepsi. Bug vs. Feature Request. It's a painful and arbitrary decision, because most of the time, it's both. There's no difference between a bug and a feature request from the user's perspective. If you want to do something with an applica 1680193;1499455183;mircea_popescu;tion (or website) and you can't do it because that feature isn't implemented -- how is that any different than not being able to do something due to an error message?" 1680194;1499455189;mircea_popescu;so jeff atwood is fucking retarded, basically. 1680195;1499455555;mircea_popescu;anyway, fuck him. let's wash the useemly americana out with some cosideration of the beauty of reasoned truth. so : pappus was this greek from alexandria who first documentedly observed that if given two sets of colinear points, then the intersections of the lines uniting them will also be colinear. the beauty is that this theorem holds in all projective planes built over fields, but does not hold in projective planes derived 1680196;1499455555;mircea_popescu; from a noncomutative division ring. 1680197;1499455569;mircea_popescu;in other words, there's a relation between comutativity and colinearity, of all things! 1680198;1499455644;mircea_popescu;and obviously, http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-04#1679049 1680199;1499455644;a111;Logged on 2017-07-04 14:12 asciilifeform: one hint -- look at 'screw' as a modular congruence 1680200;1499457903;jurov;asciilifeform: never heard about e-ubytovani before 1680201;1499457912;asciilifeform;jurov: aite, ty 1680202;1499458029;asciilifeform;in other lulz re ye olde http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-03#1665150 >>> https://blog.regehr.org/archives/1520 1680203;1499458029;a111;Logged on 2017-06-03 02:41 asciilifeform: you can't actually write a nontrivial c proggy without undefined behaviour. 1680204;1499458069;asciilifeform;( tldr : folx continue to administer medicine to the corpse ) 1680205;1499458465;asciilifeform;but meanwhile, from asciilifeform's 'vintage USEFUL material' file, http://programming.sirrida.de/bit_perm.html . 1680206;1499458488;asciilifeform;^ mechanics of shuffles, Beneš networks, etc. 1680207;1499465946;BingoBoingo;!!Up EIC 1680208;1499465946;deedbot;EIC voiced for 30 minutes. 1680209;1499465949;BingoBoingo;Hello EIC 1680210;1499465958;BingoBoingo;Who is your daddy and what does he do? 1680211;1499467534;EIC;hello all. my daddy's retired. 1680212;1499467789;mircea_popescu;heh 1680213;1499467791;mircea_popescu;!!up EIC 1680214;1499467791;deedbot;EIC voiced for 30 minutes. 1680215;1499467801;mircea_popescu;EIC ok, so how's taiwan and what brings you here ? 1680216;1499467825;shinohai;lol you scared him off! 1680217;1499467834;mircea_popescu;aww 1680218;1499467922;mircea_popescu;!!up EIC 1680219;1499467922;deedbot;EIC voiced for 30 minutes. 1680220;1499467938;EIC;i was checking out trilema.com. feels a lot like the anarplex.net approach. more active here. 1680221;1499467952;mircea_popescu;i never seen that one. 1680222;1499467981;EIC;worth checking out #Agora via tor. quiet, but similar thinking. 1680223;1499467991;mircea_popescu;and if one checks it not via tor ? 1680224;1499468011;mircea_popescu;oh this is a whol;e network ? 1680225;1499468014;EIC;i think there's a clearnet address, but no one really uses it. 1680226;1499468017;EIC;IRC. 1680227;1499468028;mircea_popescu;i'd use it, why not. 1680228;1499468055;EIC;it's inhabited by crypto-geeks sworn to absolute secrecy. 1680229;1499468067;EIC;that's about the main reason no one uses clearnet 1680230;1499468086;EIC;good folks, though. 1680231;1499468088;mircea_popescu;anarplex.net 6667 or are the internet dweebs sworn to absolute wankery also weird about their constants ? 1680232;1499468104;EIC;hold on... 1680233;1499468136;EIC;https://anarplex.net/ 1680234;1499468149;mircea_popescu;yes but what port. 1680235;1499468166;shinohai;https://anarplex.net/agorairc/connect.html 1680236;1499468168;shinohai;^ 1680237;1499468171;mircea_popescu;a ty 1680238;1499468180;phf;dorknet 1680239;1499468196;EIC;14716 clearnet, 6667 tor 1680240;1499468204;shinohai;"Connection is already encrypted by Tor, so do NOT enable additional SSL for the connection. " <<< lmao 1680241;1499468205;EIC;cfyfz6afpgfeirst.onion 1680242;1499468207;mircea_popescu;shinohai also weird re constants. 14716. anyway ima kiwiirc if any of the locals developed a taste for watching these 1680243;1499468252;phf;that's all i have really, it's 1am in vienna, and i know for a fact there's at least 3 parties going on right now, but i'm kind of beat and sort of thinking about going to sleep. is that how old age feels? 1680244;1499468265;mircea_popescu;phf not yet. 1680245;1499468482;mircea_popescu;EIC well, can't connect. i dunno, tell them if anyone cares and let me know when they get around to fixing it ? 1680246;1499468516;EIC;i'm connected, so it's working. 1680247;1499468520;EIC;not sure what's up. 1680248;1499468537;EIC;let me check on something... 1680249;1499468540;mircea_popescu;kiwiirc.com/client, server agora.anarplex.net port 14716 1680250;1499468546;mircea_popescu;does it werk ? 1680251;1499468590;shinohai;kiwi is fickle about ssl connections iirc 1680252;1499468599;mircea_popescu;it has a box, i didn't check it 1680253;1499468704;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2017/on-trisection-a-humble-contribution/ << Trilema - On trisection, a humble contribution 1680254;1499468749;EIC;maybe the expired certificate is causing problems with kiwi? 1680255;1499468766;mircea_popescu;no idea. let's see the other one, what was it 1680256;1499468777;EIC;here's a web client: https://anarplex.net/webirc/ 1680257;1499468791;mircea_popescu;aty 1680258;1499468799;mircea_popescu;404 ? 1680259;1499468818;EIC;cfyfz6afpgfeirst.onion:6667 1680260;1499468848;mircea_popescu;ayaya check out this crazy shit : https://anarplex.net/webirc 404s, but https://anarplex.net/webirc/ actually has a copy of freenode's old client. lessee 1680261;1499468886;mircea_popescu;alright, im in, coupla dozen ppl there 1680262;1499468913;EIC;yeah. old timers. cypherpunks and wanna-bees 1680263;1499468934;mircea_popescu;[19:07] == fhp [user@mynet0id.d0q.ejevp0.IP] has joined #agora << this text snippet has gone through seven proxies. 1680264;1499469187;EIC;bbiab 1680265;1499469275;EIC;i get the feeling this is a tight knit group... 1680266;1499469327;mircea_popescu;which ? 1680267;1499469517;EIC;not sure i can cleanly define a subset - too new still. just that feelin' 1680268;1499469663;mircea_popescu;you mean #trilema ? here's a part of the magnificent new tech of the republic : you too can be just as old as everyone, as soon as you get arouind to it! 1680269;1499469698;mircea_popescu;there's logs! like http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-07#1680268 1680270;1499469698;a111;Logged on 2017-07-07 23:21 mircea_popescu: you mean #trilema ? here's a part of the magnificent new tech of the republic : you too can be just as old as everyone, as soon as you get arouind to it! 1680271;1499469699;EIC;all it takes is time... 1680272;1499469703;mircea_popescu;they can be searched, and so on. 1680273;1499469922;mircea_popescu;!!up EIC 1680274;1499469923;deedbot;EIC voiced for 30 minutes. 1680275;1499469937;mircea_popescu;consider regiustering your key with deedbot so you can self voice 1680276;1499470156;mircea_popescu;EIC https://anarplex.net/hosted/files/secondrealm/blog_post.html << the obvious objections being that formally this reads just like yet another ustarded neoprotestant "i heard there's a world yesterday and here's how to fix it" tract, as so many before starting with abolitionism and aparently never endingly ; and fundamentally that "autonomy" is utterly naive. i do not permit autonomy my slavegirls, in the sense they don't ge 1680277;1499470157;mircea_popescu;t to "come up with their own reasons" as to whether they're studying basic arithmetics or not ; i DO permit them autonomy in the sense that if they bring me a dead body i'll get rid of it rather than you know, "report it to the police". 1680278;1499470192;mircea_popescu;this should be enough to illustrate why exactly the linked piece is yet another paradoxing trisection. though dudley would predict it won't work. 1680279;1499470518;mircea_popescu;anyway, to answer the original question, no. new people join all the time. 1680280;1499470845;*;asciilifeform read linked piece, maxed out anglotardism dosimeter 1680281;1499470866;mircea_popescu;tis hard out there for a pimp 1680282;1499470888;asciilifeform;and if i had a bitcent for every 'anarchist' pushing usg.tor... 1680283;1499470929;mircea_popescu;im not even sure why this would be relevant. i'm there on a web browser, nothing happened as of yet. 1680284;1499470968;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: their www seems to be one of those 'onion to http converter' things 1680285;1499470983;asciilifeform;hence the snail speed 1680286;1499471030;mircea_popescu;ah, so like a catholic church where i take two whores in see through garb and they automagically and behind the scenes deck them in white veils, redo their hair to less brothely and sprinkle holyt water everywhere ? 1680287;1499471047;mircea_popescu;in truth, if that's how church went i'd have possibly even gone. 1680288;1499471073;*;mircea_popescu likes the idea 1680289;1499471082;asciilifeform;sumthinglikethis 1680290;1499471093;mircea_popescu;check it out, i've even officially been on tor nao. 1680291;1499471116;mircea_popescu;a most productive eveninfg 1680292;1499471117;phf;"Since we have had several downtimes of our clearnet gateways, all regular visitors are advised to bookmark the darknet addresses as well." 1680293;1499471142;mircea_popescu;phf are you intimating they're just letting me get addicted after which they'll reel me in ??? 1680294;1499471261;phf;nah, just confirming asciilifeform 1680295;1499471284;mircea_popescu;aok then 1680296;1499471294;phf;i have shortage of snark 1680297;1499471416;mircea_popescu;mine reloads while i sleep. 1680298;1499471426;phf;but i take it the roots of these people is the weird california http://www.rawillumination.net/2011/02/interview-with-kevin-macardry-as-ive.html their author guy is interviewed by a robert anton wilson fanblog, and they are namedropping all the different things that were cool in the 80s 1680299;1499471429;mircea_popescu;i bought one of those "make snark while you sleep" things 1680300;1499471471;mircea_popescu;phf its actually both a pity and impenetrable to me, why exactly weird california never actually happy. 1680301;1499471472;shinohai;Snark-o-tron 9000 1680302;1499471475;mircea_popescu;happened* 1680303;1499471487;mircea_popescu;i mean, slightly weird but mostly unwashed seattle happened. wtf was wrong with california ? 1680304;1499471505;mircea_popescu;there was a once almost-worthy frisco-as-seen-by-crumb. where is it and wtf ate it and ??? 1680305;1499471545;phf;mondo 2000, the proto valley crowd, i think we had the thread. basically, jwz. 1680306;1499471577;mircea_popescu;porn valley took over the world. silicon valley did jack the fuck shit already. why ? 1680307;1499471606;mircea_popescu;and plox don't tell me "it's because your instruments are dirty, in factr apple could buy russia", as these discussions usually tend to go. 1680308;1499471663;asciilifeform;'For the past decade I've been a professional agorist, still doing software but working on projects calculated to assist other livestock in getting off the farm as well.' 1680309;1499471678;mircea_popescu;:) 1680310;1499471704;mircea_popescu;i expect he lives in chile, amirite. 1680311;1499471760;asciilifeform;' Well, in the early 2000s I did a secure webmail service which was hosted on Sealand. I've always considered that the control of money and payment systems was the linchpin of farm control mechanisms, so following that I became involved in the digital gold currency (DGC) industry. For the past several years I've been involved with a project related to the virtualization of stored value using cryptographically signed digital bearer cert 1680312;1499471765;asciilifeform;didjaknow!! 1680313;1499471783;mircea_popescu;this is getting sad. 1680314;1499471789;asciilifeform;2011!! 1680315;1499471803;mircea_popescu;hiow did that go, "local mathematician scores near miss". 1680316;1499471817;mircea_popescu;i recall now why i recalled u dudley's piece so firmly. it was because the undescribably sad. 1680317;1499471871;phf;(check it, their second realm book starts out with TAZ in the subtitle, and that was the mondo 2000 thing, that we're going to build anarchist communes online. idiots, hakim bey came out and said very explicitly that the last chapter of TAZ where he ~speculated~ that internet might have a potential for TAZ was a mistake and to not please refer to your "cybercommunes" as TAZ'es anymore) 1680318;1499471911;mircea_popescu;death of the author, bish. he can't say anything, fanfic has established the epileptic trees! 1680319;1499471983;asciilifeform;TAZ >> '...Будь попрочнее старый таз, Длиннее был бы мой рассказ.' comes to mind for some reason. 1680320;1499471987;mircea_popescu;anyway, this existed in romania too, weirdly enough just about syncrhonously, early 90s. it was an incredible collection of chicks nobody would fuck with a hog's dick and really pedosmiled older dudes. 1680321;1499472000;mircea_popescu;was later an anchor to try and give blogging a bad name, decade later phenomenon. 1680322;1499472039;mircea_popescu;buncha tripod sites and such. 1680323;1499472116;asciilifeform;asciilifeform naively imagined that the sr-flavoured honeypot 'agora' would have perma-nuked the 'brand' of 'agorism' 1680324;1499472117;mircea_popescu;hello tightknittly brother sina 1680325;1499472121;asciilifeform;but apparently not 1680326;1499472125;*;sina waves 1680327;1499472139;sina;how all today 1680328;1499472141;sina;weekend! 1680329;1499472145;sina;such excite. 1680330;1499472152;mircea_popescu;we don't have weeks on this planet. 1680331;1499472159;asciilifeform;^ 1680332;1499472168;sina;y'all don't have nothin' 1680333;1499472177;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform aren;t you proud ? but well done, there's nothing more fulfilling than for man to achieve goal he sets for himself. 1680334;1499472178;sina;literally told me you don't believe in time! 1680335;1499472196;mircea_popescu;sina it's a "sleep ad libitum" joke. 1680336;1499472203;sina;:D 1680337;1499472205;asciilifeform;sina: see logs 1680338;1499472212;sina;mircea_popescu: you wanna play with this gossipthing yet?! otherwise I' 1680339;1499472218;sina;'ma tear down the shithost 1680340;1499472246;mircea_popescu;sina honestly i kinda got the tech stuff i wanted to see already, but let's do one so it actually works and there's a "first line exchanged through prototype". 1680341;1499472276;sina;yeah cool that's pretty much what I thought after yoru comments re sqlite/rsa being the main things needing changifying 1680342;1499472339;mircea_popescu;sina ok so, paste the commands again if you will ? i'm logged. 1680343;1499472384;sina;mircea_popescu: ssh root@ in two windows, one 'gossipd'. other 'gossipc --send-message --source whoever --message whatever' and then 'gossipc -g' to view msgs 1680344;1499472465;mircea_popescu;2017-07-08 00:06:57|delivered_by:self|sender:urmom|ugachuga 1680345;1499472466;mircea_popescu;2017-07-08 00:06:58|delivered_by:sina|sender:sinatron|hello worl 1680346;1499472472;mircea_popescu;this has all the makings of cool! 1680347;1499472494;sina;bam! 1680348;1499472506;phf;now we also are cypherpunks! 1680349;1499472513;sina;as you can see in the gossipc stdout, it's all RSA, stateless whatever style 1680350;1499472523;mircea_popescu;win 1680351;1499472558;sina;anyway, if youre happy with that generally as a "first draft" I am keen to refine incrementally 1680352;1499472579;mircea_popescu;i would say i'm quite happy, actually. as far as the user end is concerned this could work just fine. 1680353;1499472599;mircea_popescu;term coloring scheme and you're home. 1680354;1499472606;sina;but again, disclaimer, am not doing this to infiltrate tmsr with shitlang, as asciilifeform seems concerned, just for my own fun! 1680355;1499472612;mircea_popescu;cutting the "irc client" out of the loop altogether, which is a definite plus. 1680356;1499472615;asciilifeform;aside from the triviality of deriving the privkey remotely.. 1680357;1499472617;sina;if you like it too, that makes me happy 1680358;1499472629;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yeah, the back end needs work. the frontend tho, actually passes. 1680359;1499472651;sina;asciilifeform: it is designed to easily rip/replace the RSA and other componenty bits easily 1680360;1499472663;sina;and once all components are happy, can be rewrote in a not shitlang 1680361;1499472681;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i also dun see why not irc-driven. protocol fits on index card, and no need to write it again with shoestring and dead squirrel 1680362;1499472692;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform because terminal uber alles. 1680363;1499472701;asciilifeform;my irc lives in terminal 1680364;1499472708;asciilifeform;and logs, tabcompletes, etc 1680365;1499472720;asciilifeform;all of this is necessary . 1680366;1499472721;mircea_popescu;so you don't have a proper irc client then. see ? i said irc CLIENT. protocol can stay, i see no prob there 1680367;1499472732;mircea_popescu;!~google mirc 1680368;1499472733;jhvh1;mircea_popescu: mIRC : Internet Relay Chat client: ; mIRC - Wikipedia: ; mIRC - Free download and software reviews - CNET Download.com: 1680369;1499472751;asciilifeform;winblows lol 1680370;1499472758;sina;asciilifeform: I do like that idea 1680371;1499472767;sina;here's why 1680372;1499472788;sina;in the gossipthing I made, the transport layer is tied to the encryption layer 1680373;1499472796;sina;although it could be decoupled somewhat 1680374;1499472813;sina;in irctron, you can login to a remote node and keep your privkey operations local 1680375;1499472855;sina;as it currently sits with deedbot, I currently don't, but can, run my irc connection on compartmented box away from gpg 1680376;1499472857;asciilifeform;sina: no remote traffic via irc contemplated at any point in the gossipd threads 1680377;1499472862;phf;i suspect the thinking is that you'll be running a local instance of gossipd, to which you connect over irc, so its main interface is some subset of irc (kind of how bouncers or bitlbee do it) 1680378;1499472868;asciilifeform;only as local loop 1680379;1499472876;asciilifeform;phf has it 1680380;1499472880;sina;that is also good 1680381;1499472934;sina;ok, thanks for validating mircea_popescu, tearing down the shithost 1680382;1499473027;asciilifeform;sina: the reason why i am not particularly hot&bothered, is that your prototype does not contain any of the parts that comprise 99+% of the necessary work of an adult gossipd 1680383;1499473076;sina;yes and it's understood, I'm not trying to make "gossipd for alfs dystopian future" just have some fun for me 1680384;1499473104;asciilifeform;future lol 1680385;1499473159;sina;btw asciilifeform thanks for checking out guix, I thought you might be interested after reading old logs of you complaining re ripping dbus out of emacs 1680386;1499473199;asciilifeform;sina: you might be aware, i run a public box that displays a couplea newly-broken rsa keys ~daily 1680387;1499473208;asciilifeform;all of the, had one thing in common 1680388;1499473212;sina;I am 1680389;1499473234;asciilifeform;i.e. made by folx who 'eh what do i care about alfs dystopian futures' etc 1680390;1499473259;sina;yeah but I am not making this software and saying you sould use it for serious, or even any, thing 1680391;1499473278;asciilifeform;out of curiosity, why didja make it 1680392;1499473286;asciilifeform;vs something else 1680393;1499473298;sina;saw spec on trilema, seemed interesting, why not 1680394;1499473313;sina;same for mpfhf 1680395;1499473343;sina;most "something elses" don't meet my "seemed interesting" criteria 1680396;1499473374;asciilifeform;sina: what are some somethingelses that met it in the past 1680397;1499473378;asciilifeform;? 1680398;1499473406;sina;asciilifeform: feel free to check out my github :P 1680399;1499473416;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform here's the fact of the matter : if you had the drop-in rsa ready, he'd drop it in right now. 1680400;1499473440;mircea_popescu;sina go make a drop-in flatfile db replacement, so people can drop it in right now. there's a market, such as people who aren't happy mp-wp pulls in mysql. 1680401;1499473481;sina;it will be done! 1680402;1499473496;mircea_popescu;do it in v so eg ben_vulpes can just merge it in. 1680403;1499473509;mircea_popescu;and by now you're far far beyond "doing things for fun an' to learn" toylulz. 1680404;1499473518;phf;sina: i actually checked, and fwiw guix doesn't let you build emacs without dbus dependency. (in fact none of the odds and ends like svg, xml or alsa can be disabled without patching the package definition file) 1680405;1499473540;sina;phf: bam 1680406;1499473580;mircea_popescu;do we have a plain and rather complete statement, specific to dbus in teh logs ? 1680407;1499473581;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: dropping it into a pyturd gives 0 useful result -- becomes nonconstanttime , potentially 1680408;1499473601;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i dunno why you read a language in his scribblings, it really is just pseudocode. 1680409;1499473603;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: dbus is a poetteringism 1680410;1499473611;mircea_popescu;you think mpfhf was in php ? 1680411;1499473629;phf;in fact only two ports systems i know that will do it out of the box is gentoo's one and homebrew 1680412;1499473658;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i was looking more for a redo of phf 's very fine "xorg" speech. 1680413;1499473678;asciilifeform;aah. dun think we have an all-in-one yet 1680414;1499473716;sina;mircea_popescu: re pseudocode is exactly how I view it 1680415;1499473723;sina;bang it out, see if it sucks or not 1680416;1499473733;mircea_popescu;it's apparent. 1680417;1499473736;sina;I don't want to carve the stone first time 1680418;1499473803;sina;anyhooz, gentlemanz, off for some dumplings 1680419;1499473807;sina;shall return 1680420;1499473887;mircea_popescu;if the dood bangs out tmsr-db within the next coupla weeks, which fwis isn't exactly inconceivable, is anyone interesrted in making mp-wp switch from mysql/etc to it ? 1680421;1499473901;sina;ME 1680422;1499473905;mircea_popescu;aok 1680423;1499474004;*;asciilifeform doesn't particularly need a db in overflowlang or gcpauselang for anything. but perhaps somebody else does... 1680424;1499474031;mircea_popescu;what's wrong with c ? 1680425;1499474045;asciilifeform;y'mean overflowlang 1680426;1499474067;mircea_popescu;sina write it in ada, that'll really put a bee in his bonnet. 1680427;1499474068;asciilifeform;danglingpointerlang 1680428;1499474086;sina;trolling asciilifeform best done in lang like javascript 1680429;1499474101;mircea_popescu;nah. ada. 1680430;1499474104;asciilifeform;sina: trolling asciilifeform is actually pretty hard 1680431;1499474124;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform trolls don't care about how you feel, alfie. just how you sound. 1680432;1499474133;asciilifeform;i suppose 1680433;1499474157;mircea_popescu;trolling is always a 3rd party oriented performing art. you know, like porn. 1680434;1499474170;mircea_popescu;kin da why it offends the same people. 1680435;1499474265;sina;out forreal! 1680436;1499474297;asciilifeform;re db, imho general-purpose db (i.e. the kind that has query language) is a fundamentally misconceived idea. but we had this thread. 1680437;1499474337;asciilifeform;( it adds a screamingly unwarranted runtime and nonfitsinhead complexity to just about any proggy ) 1680438;1499474343;mircea_popescu;i am deliberately toying with this gordian knot. 1680439;1499474361;mircea_popescu;"oh, but a db for each program will be unmaintainable" "good luck maintaining the feature lists of shared item then" etc 1680440;1499474440;asciilifeform;'general purpose db' is the original 'dwim ai' nonsense, that imho was carried along to date on sheer laziness of programmers 1680441;1499474490;asciilifeform;'omfg you mean i actually have to understand the mechanics of the problem, and craft an appropriate data structure !? atrocity! gimme sql' 1680442;1499474514;mircea_popescu;even as a prototyping item. 1680443;1499474546;mircea_popescu;"i don;t understant the mechanisms YET, give me a worktable. with clearly known knobsw on it." 1680444;1499474547;asciilifeform;sorta goes upstack, even. ease of prototyping has a cost. 1680445;1499474571;mircea_popescu;all your fg pics include a mysql implementation. 1680446;1499474577;asciilifeform;in that prototypes (e.g. bitcoin...) often end up used in battlefield 1680447;1499474581;mircea_popescu;its' the white shit in the background. 1680448;1499474591;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: waiwat 1680449;1499474606;mircea_popescu;yes. that plastic bit with holes. 1680450;1499474616;asciilifeform;idungetit 1680451;1499474617;mircea_popescu;you don't ship fg with it, and so don't ship other things with it either. 1680452;1499474629;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform if you actually want to get it i'll formalize ? 1680453;1499474635;asciilifeform;yesplz 1680454;1499474665;mircea_popescu;a breadboard is, for electronic circuitry, exactly what a general purpose db is for programming. 1680455;1499474679;mircea_popescu;it allows you support to set out all your shit and connect it as you want, and measure and decide how to package it. 1680456;1499474697;mircea_popescu;could be done in your hand, or else in your pants pocket while riding the subway. it'd be harder is all. 1680457;1499474734;mircea_popescu;it is sometimes practiced, and sometimes accepted, to ship circuits back and forth straight on their breadboard. this is entirely up to the people involved and not proper subject of legislation. 1680458;1499474750;mircea_popescu;but yes, it is quite unseemly. 1680459;1499474875;asciilifeform;breadboard aite 1680460;1499474929;asciilifeform;but imho a field where critical battlefield machinery turns out to routinely contain breadboard - has a problem. 1680461;1499474951;mircea_popescu;no argument there. but also -- an aesthetical discussion of breadboards will never result in their banishment from the workshop wtf. 1680462;1499474968;asciilifeform;i learned of the consequences of the sin, in the most painful way, by committing it. 1680463;1499474969;mircea_popescu;try doing any work without one for a laugh. 1680464;1499475021;*;mircea_popescu also, as young tyke, thought "wtf breadboard, useless shit takes more time to set up than it's worth new". then touched 120V a coupla times and grew wiser. 1680465;1499475054;asciilifeform;i suspect that the culprit is cheap cpu cycles. in msdos age, ~every proggy read/wrote wholly custom datastructures from/to disk 1680466;1499475068;asciilifeform;no 'db lib' for the most part, was inconceivable waste 1680467;1499475092;mircea_popescu;and in even earlier days -- most pessimum. 1680468;1499475113;mircea_popescu;optimizing compiler also inconceivable waste, mel didn't like its data positioning. 1680469;1499475162;asciilifeform;if an optimizing compiler is possible for your machine or lang, one, the other, or likely both, are broken. 1680470;1499475176;mircea_popescu;old meaning of the term, not modern. 1680471;1499475216;asciilifeform;( see also my old http://www.loper-os.org/?p=46 ) 1680472;1499475287;asciilifeform;is mel is the fella from the old poem, who 'we buried him face down, nine-edge first' ? 1680473;1499475303;mircea_popescu;!~google ROAR lgp-30 1680474;1499475304;jhvh1;mircea_popescu: LGP - 30 - Wikipedia: ; LGP - 30 - Ed Thelen's Nike Missile Web Site: ; Librascope LGP - 30 - CHM Revolution - Computer History Museum: 1680475;1499475327;phf;asciilifeform: the story of mel? 1680476;1499475338;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the guy with the drum. 1680477;1499475348;asciilifeform;phf: is the only one i know of, yes 1680478;1499475546;mircea_popescu;i suppose it's actually my bad, they called it optimizing assembler back then for some reason. 1680479;1499475687;asciilifeform;recall http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-21#1673190 ? 1680480;1499475687;a111;Logged on 2017-06-21 17:05 asciilifeform: doing FIVE ( yes, it's five ) machine muls, in there, and 5 machine adds ( instead of motherfucking ZERO ) JUST TO GET THE UPPER WORD of word*word mul, is not. 1680481;1499475699;mircea_popescu;aha? 1680482;1499475827;asciilifeform;compilers for braindamaged archs ( i.e. all extant archs ) are rather 'socialism' flavoured, in that you're stuck forcing 'unprincipled exceptions' (inline asm) if you want to use anything close to the iron's full capacity 1680483;1499475870;mircea_popescu;back in msdos days it was int21 and etc for ... video iron's full capacity. 1680484;1499475887;asciilifeform;y'mean ~not~ int21 1680485;1499475895;asciilifeform;but rather direct writes 1680486;1499475897;mircea_popescu;i guess i do lol 1680487;1499475904;mircea_popescu;point being! 1680488;1499475965;asciilifeform;point being that there is an element of implicit lie, in the concept of the compiler. 1680489;1499475979;mircea_popescu;and in the concept of computer. 1680490;1499475984;asciilifeform;the urbit thing was a cartoon-coloured extreme illustration of this. 1680491;1499475999;mircea_popescu;ha! it was at that. 1680492;1499476025;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it is possible to form a realistic mental model, of computer per se. but far less so of 'optimizing' claptrap. 1680493;1499476033;mircea_popescu;guy is kinda predictable, his previous codebase was a cartoon-colored illustration of the impossibility of autodidacticism 1680494;1499476055;asciilifeform;waitasec, what previous codebase 1680495;1499476066;mircea_popescu;what was it called, the blog thing 1680496;1499476073;asciilifeform;aah ah 1680497;1499476092;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the only mental model of computer per se would be "girlfriend". 1680498;1499476093;*;asciilifeform assumed 'code base' meant something mechanised 1680499;1499476101;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform and it was not ? 1680500;1499476122;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the only accurate , useful model, is 'player piano' 1680501;1499476128;asciilifeform;not gurl wtfomfg 1680502;1499476148;mircea_popescu;ask around. decide(); and void think void etc, the writing's on the wall. 1680503;1499476150;asciilifeform;unless mircea_popescu has a very odd, martian meat comp 1680504;1499476174;asciilifeform;which reminds me... brb 1680505;1499476180;mircea_popescu;it is this thing which talks back to you. === girlfriend, are you kidding me ? 1680506;1499476239;mod6;<+mircea_popescu> 2017-07-08 00:06:57|delivered_by:self|sender:urmom|ugachuga << lel @ this message, and it seems to work! 1680507;1499476253;mircea_popescu;so it does! 1680508;1499476285;mircea_popescu;the amusing part not yet picked up (i was expecting alf to jump) is that... it has inband encoding. "self" is a special word! 1680509;1499476289;mircea_popescu;wut do ? 1680510;1499476319;mod6;ah hmm. 1680511;1499476393;phf;pretty sure asciilifeform is actively ignoring the whole initiative, with only periodic pounces. as opposed to his older strategy of annihilating the whole thing upfront. must be getting old 1680512;1499476419;mircea_popescu;you have a theory as to why ? 1680513;1499476840;phf;i think that it's mostly your works. his patterns are better known, there's been damping, etc. 1680514;1499476880;mircea_popescu;wait, what ? i dunno what you just said 1680515;1499476908;phf;well 1680516;1499476957;mircea_popescu;are you saying he switched from trying to annihilate it to being unhappy with it because it has managed to gather some apparent support with me ? 1680517;1499477060;phf;no, it's more like alfs rhetoric approach at some point was encouraged, where's now it seems to be recognized, and often treated with "oh it's just alf doing his thing". 1680518;1499477101;mircea_popescu;hm. 1680519;1499477830;phf;or perhaps now that he has successfully served as the main driving force behind the tenets of tmsr technology and ensured that they are collectively accepted, he doesn't need to reaffirm them as much. but i also have wonder if the tenets have as much of a galvanizing effect now that we mostly had a chance to observe both their positive and negative effects? 1680520;1499477892;phf;*have to wonder 1680521;1499478352;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/517E17312D55D1916D36F9CEF9C8022B875B9FEDEC8FA3F5175C8C4F676AC894 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1762...2773 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown CN 32) 1680522;1499478352;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/517E17312D55D1916D36F9CEF9C8022B875B9FEDEC8FA3F5175C8C4F676AC894 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1379...3483 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown CN 32) 1680523;1499478500;mod6;in this case, even the sina has said so himself, is a simple prototype. i find prototypes to be typically worth making. often there is something to be learned from them. 1680524;1499478503;mircea_popescu;im not sure which these tenets be 1680525;1499478580;mod6;with btc, even if "prototype" was imho worth using in the battlefield. "you go to war with the army you have..." doesn't mean either that it can't be made better or replaced later. 1680526;1499478636;mircea_popescu;phf for my curiosiuty, list tenets and positive/negative effects ? 1680527;1499479075;phf;that's a tricky request, but the tenets are around shitlangs differentiation, "fits in head", v as a way of releasing code, what it means to own a piece of technology. there's a handful of threads that had definitive conclusions, that i consider tenets (i think the word should be in quotes to indicate that while not true tenets, violating them will require reopening large threads) 1680528;1499479167;mircea_popescu;yeah, whole line sounds a lot like baiting, but not at all my intention. 1680529;1499479176;mircea_popescu;just, work happens when prodded, and systematization is work like any other work. 1680530;1499479222;phf;ah, so it's a subtle "what tenets would that be? handy if you made a LIST of them here, eh!" 1680531;1499479236;mircea_popescu;not even so subtle, but sure. 1680532;1499479283;mircea_popescu;certainly above qs could have been asked just as well by a noob, and vague "large threads" reference dun help him any. 1680533;1499479496;phf;right, which is an existing problem 1680534;1499479500;mircea_popescu;and in other news, the logs stay about the same 500 lines they always are, but holy shit it seems somehow they get denser or what the fuck, it's unseemly. 1680535;1499479521;mircea_popescu;feels like headlifting three times the weight these days 1680536;1499479530;mircea_popescu;maybe it's just getting old. 1680537;1499479606;mod6;i think it's highly interesting, but indeed, there's a lot of depth. sometimes takes a while to grok the threads. that's my own personal take. getting old, not for me anyway. 1680538;1499479640;mircea_popescu;mod6 i used to enjoy the luxury of multipass reads through the log. but it's under threat these days 1680539;1499480259;sina;I return, temporarily 1680540;1499480276;mircea_popescu;as opposed to what, death ? 1680541;1499480306;sina;phf: :D 1680542;1499480312;sina;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-05#1679215 1680543;1499480312;a111;Logged on 2017-07-05 15:39 phf: sina: is that ^ a correct method? 1680544;1499480333;sina;did you make a lispy one go faster? 1680545;1499480463;sina;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-08#1680437 << why I used a db: because the spec said use flatfile, I first tried to implement flatfile one and after realising I would need to either shell out to utilities like "touch" and/or "find"/"ls" etc, or implement some of their functionality myself, I decided to import a library that does that stuff not terribly, called sqlite 1680546;1499480463;a111;Logged on 2017-07-08 00:38 asciilifeform: ( it adds a screamingly unwarranted runtime and nonfitsinhead complexity to just about any proggy ) 1680547;1499480489;mircea_popescu;sqlite seems to be the go-to around here. 1680548;1499480491;sina;otherwise, how update functionality like "last seen", or "fetch X messages since last seen" 1680549;1499480540;sina;and now if I want to do it in flatfile, gossipd code becomes gossipd + "sinas shitty db-less attempt" 1680550;1499480590;mircea_popescu;well you were looking for things to try. 1680551;1499480614;mircea_popescu;i don't know it has to be shitty, unless there's some other constraint, like "make it overnight" 1680552;1499480689;sina;imagine flatfile example of "assigning" generated key from "available" => "user" state, or "user" => "bogus" state, that's moving a keyfile from gossipd/keys/available to gossipd/keys/users/foo or similar action, now my program has to either invoke "mv" or write mv-like functionality into my app 1680553;1499480693;mod6;mircea_popescu: re, logs, inline-pr0n helps too :D 1680554;1499480721;mircea_popescu;sina i don't get it ? make file with keys, make file with assignments. why mv ? 1680555;1499480774;sina;ok true, I didn't think of that 1680556;1499480796;mircea_popescu;this idea working as intended then. 1680557;1499480830;mircea_popescu;mod6 word eh. lessee what leggy we can fish out 1680558;1499480837;mod6;yay! 1680559;1499480894;sina;mircea_popescu: but still even in that case I need to "walk" the list of assignments, looking for ^available, so I need to use grep or write a iterating-finder-thingo myself and then something like sed to change the line or write a text-changer-at-a-line myself 1680560;1499480901;mircea_popescu;in today's "bro, does she even lift?!?", http://68.media.tumblr.com/07cb6203aad968e0f035cacb3a1d5fa9/tumblr_mizikdktI41s4ukh7o3_1280.jpg 1680561;1499480925;mircea_popescu;sina or just you know, look into how to do btree and have a hash something ? 1680562;1499480979;sina;wat 1680563;1499480980;mod6;lmao @pic 1680564;1499481035;mircea_popescu;sina you can implement your whatever as a binary tree, leverage the directory structure, and simply check if there's a file / write it. 1680565;1499481077;mircea_popescu;this locks into an older discvussion re bitcoin fs, which was iirc still stalled at perf-ing the various available fs thoroughly for massive directory/file usage. 1680566;1499481103;mircea_popescu;and speaking of locks, http://68.media.tumblr.com/47ddf0e0d49eaf4cdafb9e5af8e0287b/tumblr_oo02vdxVUK1rat4opo2_500.gif 1680567;1499481121;sina;how does that related at all to the "make file with keys" 1680568;1499481138;sina;although I don't get that either now that I think about it, how does the "assignments" file know which key is which? 1680569;1499481145;sina;line numbers? 1680570;1499481154;mod6;mircea_popescu: daang. 1680571;1499481169;sina;assignments file format = ?? 1680572;1499481233;sina;mircea_popescu: I guess the gist of the question is really, how is implementing my own btree different at all to using the pretty much identical thing in sqlite 1680573;1499481248;mod6;i gotta look at this code again here 1680574;1499481264;mircea_popescu;well, for you in that you get to say you did it (ie, have the experience), and for alf that he's not stuck importing ALL THE REST of sqlite. 1680575;1499481317;sina;and you contend the actual final implementation of such a thing will actually be less lines of a code than the existing thing 1680576;1499481341;mircea_popescu;sina simple example and i don't pretend like this is useful : /assignments/0f0a.txt contains or does not contain "hurrdurr". by checking if it does you know hurrdurr is assigned to 0f0a. 1680577;1499481383;mircea_popescu;sina does sqlite have unicode support ? if it does, then it will necessarily be less lines of code. 1680578;1499481406;sina;always lol 1680579;1499481412;sina;I mean, all data is unicode AFAIK 1680580;1499481416;sina;except binary ofc 1680581;1499481420;mircea_popescu;right. well, here all data is ascii. 1680582;1499481606;mircea_popescu;mod6 there's a part two of our show : http://68.media.tumblr.com/949f80bdc5e21cf0d317e4f5b5a3b369/tumblr_oo02vdxVUK1rat4opo1_500.gif 1680583;1499481666;mod6;nice! 1680584;1499481724;sina;ok going out again, will consider some more, but I do wonder 1680585;1499481753;mircea_popescu;not like you HAVE TO. twas a suggestion. 1680586;1499481800;mod6;sina: sure, think on it for a bit. no rush. 1680587;1499481971;mircea_popescu;and in other real dollies, http://68.media.tumblr.com/a72431bb9683fd3181791b292e410b95/tumblr_oqv0v1DHGW1sd72xuo1_1280.jpg 1680588;1499482232;mod6;looks like was taken on a proper ny roof 1680589;1499482275;mircea_popescu;nah, russian ho. "gizel" 1680590;1499482281;mod6;ah 1680591;1499482399;mod6;im ~starting~ to get the hang of this ada stuff. 1680592;1499482552;mod6;as a way to teach it to myself, i've been poking around with a v impl. 1680593;1499482562;mod6;not sure it'll ever see the light of day tho. 1680594;1499483059;BingoBoingo; sina: trolling asciilifeform is actually pretty hard << Then why are the neighborhood's small mammals so successful with their verminating? 1680595;1499483284;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-08#1680511 << partly it is that i'd like to do a fair share of keeping the snr high, by... ~not having same thread 9000 times~, see if perhaps the l0gz will do their bit and answer ' what does asciilifeform say to X ? ' q for those folx who have it 1680596;1499483284;a111;Logged on 2017-07-08 01:13 phf: pretty sure asciilifeform is actively ignoring the whole initiative, with only periodic pounces. as opposed to his older strategy of annihilating the whole thing upfront. must be getting old 1680597;1499483326;asciilifeform;and partly in that i find the 'prototype' that solves 0 of the difficult problems, simply not interesting. i can write a perlism that pushes shitrsa packets over tcp etc. in half hour. but why. 1680598;1499483372;asciilifeform;( and iirc i already explained this in agonizingly pedantic detail. but apparently the requisite lines in the l0gz are magically invisible..? or wut ) 1680599;1499483626;ben_vulpes;> do not use * to mark line suppression 1680600;1499483638;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-08#1680517 << this is quite a bit moar 'mean gurlz' than actually in play, phf. i dun give anything like the suggested amount of fuck. the educable - learn, the rest - will learn by pissing on the electric fence personally; or, when far too late, already having 'fucked the cousin' etc. 1680601;1499483638;a111;Logged on 2017-07-08 01:24 phf: no, it's more like alfs rhetoric approach at some point was encouraged, where's now it seems to be recognized, and often treated with "oh it's just alf doing his thing". 1680602;1499483649;ben_vulpes;am i to take from this line in the od manpage that it doesn't actually output faithfully without extra flags? 1680603;1499483655;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform check it out, you're famous nao, being discussed in absentia. 1680604;1499483667;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: ikr? i was having tea and saw l0gz and 'wtf' 1680605;1499483679;mircea_popescu;hey, happens to the best of us. 1680606;1499483688;asciilifeform;asciilifeform to pet : 'looksy here, they're meangurlzing' 1680607;1499483703;mircea_popescu;no such thing! 1680608;1499483737;asciilifeform;(term of art!11) 1680609;1499483807;BingoBoingo;Well, alf did recommend that film to rest of republic 1680610;1499483811;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-08#1680530 << i actually attempted this , a coupla yrs ago, http://www.loper-os.org/?p=284 1680611;1499483811;a111;Logged on 2017-07-08 02:00 phf: ah, so it's a subtle "what tenets would that be? handy if you made a LIST of them here, eh!" 1680612;1499483833;mod6;lel 'meangurlzing' 1680613;1499483884;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-08#1680532 << at one time we had a fella ( pete_dushenski ? ) embark on a 'major life and times of the l0g' thing. what became of this ? 1680614;1499483884;a111;Logged on 2017-07-08 02:01 mircea_popescu: certainly above qs could have been asked just as well by a noob, and vague "large threads" reference dun help him any. 1680615;1499483939;ben_vulpes;hodang hexdump does this as well 1680616;1499483944;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-08#1680538 << there are times when i spend a whole day only reading the l0gz... 1680617;1499483944;a111;Logged on 2017-07-08 02:07 mircea_popescu: mod6 i used to enjoy the luxury of multipass reads through the log. but it's under threat these days 1680618;1499483969;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: hexdump -v -C 1680619;1499483976;asciilifeform;( switches off the retardation ) 1680620;1499483984;mod6;yeah, i try never to get more than 1 day behind. and sometimes, i take long walks through the l0gs on various threads. 1680621;1499483998;asciilifeform;mod6: i was speaking of vintage logs, rather than backlog 1680622;1499484040;mod6;ah, yeah, the "long walk" 1680623;1499484051;mircea_popescu;!!up ave1 1680624;1499484052;deedbot;ave1 voiced for 30 minutes. 1680625;1499484062;asciilifeform;i'll go ' this one time mircea_popescu and asciilifeform had mega-dispute about planar tilings, where was it... or did i dream it ' and 6 hrs later.. 1680626;1499484097;mod6;oh yeah, those are the hardest to track down. i find myself having to search for very specific words and hope i find it. 1680627;1499484111;mod6;sometimes its a tmsr-ism like 'printolade' 1680628;1499484117;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: yeah, found the flag at about the same time i discovered the idiocy 1680629;1499484129;ben_vulpes;"flag for disabling wtf, would you like?" 1680630;1499484136;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: gotta love these 1680631;1499484149;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: you could write an entire mega-essay re subj, they are legion 1680632;1499484157;asciilifeform;( and again, but WHERE were the others..! ) 1680633;1499484162;ben_vulpes;right? 1680634;1499484170;asciilifeform;somewhere, deep in the l0gz. 1680635;1499484186;asciilifeform;iirc it was pete_dushenski who compared to talmud. 1680636;1499484195;asciilifeform;i went and got hold of an actual talmud, to compare. 1680637;1499484199;ben_vulpes;basically unsafe to use unix tools without reading manpages exhaustively, and probably source to boot 1680638;1499484202;mod6;and as far as pete_dushenski or whomevers quest to write a log digest or whatever, it never happened. the foundation briefly considered a role for gathering up trb related parts, but that was set aside in exchange for tb0t 1680639;1499484212;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: talmud likely five hundred years to early of a comparison 1680640;1499484217;asciilifeform;notrly 1680641;1499484226;asciilifeform;shares some of the very same sharp edges 1680642;1499484239;asciilifeform;( ~wholly unsorted and highly self-referential item ) 1680643;1499484259;asciilifeform;mod6: aha, didn't think so 1680644;1499484276;asciilifeform;iirc everyone who offered to do the job, found that it was far 'more than could chew' 1680645;1499484288;asciilifeform;( or less than his muscle could lift, take your pick ) 1680646;1499484334;ben_vulpes;relatedly, i started rereading the old testament on "kindle" this year, have been missing proper talmud for whole sojurn 1680647;1499484355;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: there's an ipnoje version etc. 1680648;1499484381;ben_vulpes;epub? 1680649;1499484417;asciilifeform;no, thing with concordance, search, multi-lang thing, etc 1680650;1499484427;asciilifeform;iirc there are ports to various pocket comp 1680651;1499484434;ben_vulpes;i did discover epub-scale sheikh pdfs recently 1680652;1499484440;*;asciilifeform not dedicated aficionado, ben_vulpes will have to dig for himself 1680653;1499484445;ben_vulpes;mm 1680654;1499484466;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform hey, the history of roman empire was attempted 500x, why should one fellow stop the rest. 1680655;1499484470;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: https://www.sefaria.org 1680656;1499484474;ben_vulpes;sikh* 1680657;1499484497;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: ( dare i presume that you want the englisch ) 1680658;1499484507;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: tru!! 1680659;1499484540;ben_vulpes;a reasonable daring, my patience for aramaic went the way of my patience for kanji etc 1680660;1499484560;mircea_popescu;mod6 problem with the very specific words is that often enough conversations are carried in wholly metaphorical terms. 1680661;1499484566;ben_vulpes;i have other exciting glyph monstrosities occupying my stack these days like unicode 1680662;1499484574;mircea_popescu;such as, we';re discussing cunts, but oohohohohobviously not rly. 1680663;1499484582;mod6;for sure. 1680664;1499484616;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-08#1680565 << it stalled at the discovery that 1) performance is abysmal 2) for wholly fundamental reasons ( of shit-poor rewritable data structures forced by 'generic fs' shape ) 3) all extant fs would have to be patched regardless to remove idiot node caps, and may as well write proper db from scratch that is bitcoin-shaped 5) asciilifeform then wrote the latter, in ada, and put on shelf, to pick up a 1680665;1499484616;a111;Logged on 2017-07-08 02:31 mircea_popescu: this locks into an older discvussion re bitcoin fs, which was iirc still stalled at perf-ing the various available fs thoroughly for massive directory/file usage. 1680666;1499484616;asciilifeform;fter rsa 1680667;1499484701;asciilifeform;( related lullies : http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-08#1640488 ) 1680668;1499484701;a111;Logged on 2017-04-08 17:13 Framedragger: do you recall when you described the storage of nqb? 1680669;1499484738;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i still didn't get what i'd call good numbers / a good measurement. 1680670;1499484740;asciilifeform;^ where powerrangers immediately took what they could find in the l0gz and tried to use, like the savage finds the flashlight 1680671;1499484773;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-15#1627811 << mine or the classic fsen ? 1680672;1499484773;a111;Logged on 2017-03-15 23:46 asciilifeform: in unrelated noose, 'nqb' reads & parses a full 1MB block, with 2218 tx, and recreates it from fast-form, again to disk, in 0.123 sec. on a 3GHz opteron cum ssd. 1680673;1499484836;asciilifeform;( http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-20#1629439 << yet other thread re subj. ) 1680674;1499484836;a111;Logged on 2017-03-20 17:00 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-20#1629256 << even reiser is almost certainly waste of time, general-purpose fs is very sharply the opposite of what we want, they are all optimized for mutability (can delete/rename/resize/etc) and fast reads at the expense of slow entity creation, as well as carrying out silent rebalances/defrags/etc. 1680675;1499484895;asciilifeform;reiser is afaik the undisputed champ, if somebody still wants to experiment with classical fs. 1680676;1499484921;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the classic fsen. 1680677;1499484976;asciilifeform;i'm already on record as having described, in agonizing detail, why it is a monumental waste of time, but if mircea_popescu et al not convinced -- welcome to 'piss on electric fence' 1680678;1499485005;mircea_popescu;there's nothing wrong with measuring the world around. an attempt to explain why this is a waste of time isn't really going to be entertained. 1680679;1499485022;mircea_popescu;it is fundamentally, and irrecoverably, flawed. measurements are the only basis of thought. 1680680;1499485027;mircea_popescu;and they will be redone forever. 1680681;1499485038;asciilifeform;imho best use of measurement, is to measure unknowns. rather than to try to determine, with ruler, how many degrees a triangle's internals add up to. 1680682;1499485046;mircea_popescu;this is not so. 1680683;1499485073;mircea_popescu;there's no "best use of measurement" for exact same reason there's no "wot best practices", or "ideal rng values" 1680684;1499485136;asciilifeform;there is the use of time, of which king and slave alike has finite qty. but i can only suggest to folx, how to use it. if they want to build perpetuum mobile to 'measure whether possible' -- or trisect angle -- let'em 1680685;1499485196;asciilifeform;imho some of the greatest discoveries were precisely of the 'this is a dead end, don't burn your life on this' type. 1680686;1499485197;mircea_popescu;geting hard numbers on file system performance, something everyone involved in data storage for the past 30 years has been vehehehery deliberately hiding, is certainly better use of time than, for instance, attempting to reason with djb jzw & all. 1680687;1499485215;asciilifeform;i suspect that fellating hogs is better use of time than speaking to djb et al 1680688;1499485225;mircea_popescu;be that as it may. 1680689;1499485270;asciilifeform;incidentally i regularly go looking for 'performance numbers' for various , and it is very frustrating, largely from the ~total nonexistence of anything like standardized hardware setup 1680690;1499485290;mircea_popescu;or for that matter anything like actual measurements. 1680691;1499485306;asciilifeform;i.e. when asciilifeform measures his $proggy runs, he is measuring at the same time a possibly unreproducible combo of ssd+ram+cpu+... 1680692;1499485349;asciilifeform;in the days of, e.g., commodore64, with 100 mil people having SAME pcb, within 5% tolerance of crystals -- time measurements were immediately meaningful. 1680693;1499485362;mircea_popescu;aha 1680694;1499485370;asciilifeform;FG is manufactured, incidentally, to this tolerance 1680695;1499485465;asciilifeform;but today when asciilifeform goes and , e.g., http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-19#1659220 , the measurement is only useful standing next to similar from same box 1680696;1499485465;a111;Logged on 2017-05-19 17:22 asciilifeform: in other news, a 4096-bit A**B takes approx 14 seconds (3GHz) . 1680697;1499485485;mircea_popescu;myeah. particularly "ghz" means jack 1680698;1499485486;asciilifeform; ( for instance, i go and run on a crapple , with slower clock but larger l1, and get 1/7th the interval spent ) 1680699;1499485489;asciilifeform;aha! 1680700;1499485586;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-08#1680575 << ffa is graphical demonstration that this is so 1680701;1499485586;a111;Logged on 2017-07-08 02:35 sina: and you contend the actual final implementation of such a thing will actually be less lines of a code than the existing thing 1680702;1499485593;asciilifeform;and not only 'fewer lines' but 0 of overflowlang 1680703;1499485604;asciilifeform;and 0 pointers 1680704;1499485604;asciilifeform;etc. 1680705;1499485757;asciilifeform;i just counted gpg 1.4.10 : 156,436 loc -- and that ain't counting the autoconf liquishit, or the libs it pulls in 1680706;1499485809;asciilifeform;'p' currently is ~2.5k of ada. and getting thinner. 1680707;1499485832;asciilifeform;( when thin enough -- released. even if a little slow. because i want folx to begin to grasp. ) 1680708;1499485879;asciilifeform;the sheer gap between what is extant and what is possible - is, i suspect, unfathomable to the uninitiated and the weak of heart. 1680709;1499485907;asciilifeform;( and i dun even claim a magical handle on all that is possible. for all i know, next d00d will turn my 2.5k into 250. somehow. ) 1680710;1499485935;asciilifeform;( of ~non-idiomaticidiotic~ clean shaven knuthola, say, even. ) 1680711;1499488987;mircea_popescu;and in other gateways, http://68.media.tumblr.com/b83ff7af950e69b8ed32a2bb05c1ee0c/tumblr_opsq7iDY4U1v5qo9eo1_1280.jpg 1680712;1499491924;mod6;ziiiip 1680713;1499492091;sina;hullo 1680714;1499492467;sina;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-08#1680508 << wat 1680715;1499492467;a111;Logged on 2017-07-08 01:11 mircea_popescu: the amusing part not yet picked up (i was expecting alf to jump) is that... it has inband encoding. "self" is a special word! 1680716;1499492584;mircea_popescu;sina better questions! 1680717;1499492637;sina;mircea_popescu: "self" just signifies the message was published into the local messages list by the local client itself. suggestions are open for other ways to signify same, e.g. if you think the entry should simply be blank 1680718;1499492643;sina;or not recorded 1680719;1499492650;mircea_popescu;and if a guy named "self" sends it ? 1680720;1499492673;mircea_popescu;prolly limit names to alphanum and then use eg "*self" or somesuch is the approach. 1680721;1499492694;sina;fair. names are limited currently to [a-zA-Z0-9_]+ 1680722;1499492715;mircea_popescu;this is correct. 1680723;1499493363;sina;https://github.com/sinner-/gossipd/commit/6b223735793022b4d6851721663d5cde3ade9014 1680724;1499493371;sina;looks like this now: 2017-07-08 05:54:50|delivered_by:*local|sender:sina|hello world 1680725;1499493378;mircea_popescu;cool 1680726;1499493402;sina;alright, now back to my /tmp dir to try and prototype a fs based thing 1680727;1499493415;mircea_popescu;*thumbsup* 1680728;1499493555;sina;oh yeah, the other day, inspired by ben_vulpes wotpaste I made this in golang https://github.com/sinner-/tinypaste 1680729;1499493566;sina;quite happy with it 1680730;1499493568;mircea_popescu;is it live anywhere ? 1680731;1499493614;sina;not right this second, hold pls 1680732;1499493621;mircea_popescu;no rush just in general 1680733;1499493646;mircea_popescu;sort of thing can't hurt to have multiples of 1680734;1499496050;sina;mircea_popescu: http://paste.sina.id.au/ 1680735;1499496523;mircea_popescu;nice 1680736;1499497017;sina;for now it's set to clean up anything older than a week every week 1680737;1499497037;mircea_popescu;works 1680738;1499497474;sina;mircea_popescu: do you have 5-10m to discuss the filesystem thing re gossipthing 1680739;1499497478;mircea_popescu;sure 1680740;1499497510;sina;cool, appreciated. so I currently have 3 tables: keys, peers, messages. let's start with keys I guess. 1680741;1499497548;sina;so there are 3 "states" for a key, 1. available, 2. bogus, 3. assigned 1680742;1499497566;sina;for the assigned keys, it seems fine to have a directory like key/name_of_peer_assigned.key 1680743;1499497577;sina;with the privkey as the contents of the file 1680744;1499497579;mircea_popescu;alright 1680745;1499497627;sina;but what about bogus and available keys? keys/available/???.key and keys/bogus/???.key, so the two questions would be, 1. what are they named, 2. how to transition states, e.g. from available to assigned 1680746;1499497654;mircea_popescu;sina ideally you use symlinks. 1680747;1499497682;sina;if its a matter of moving a key from keys/available/???.key => keys/assigned/name_of_peer_assigned.key ...or symlinking as you mention 1680748;1499497686;mircea_popescu; /key/0fae.key ; /key/assigned/symlink-0fae.key /key/bogus/symlink etc 1680749;1499497689;sina;then I either need to shell out to mv/ln 1680750;1499497695;mircea_popescu;now, whether this works irl or noit, we do not really know 1680751;1499497709;sina;or implement a chunk of mv/ln in my code 1680752;1499497719;mircea_popescu;alternatively (and what everyone does) is make pagefiles and read those. though... 1680753;1499497730;sina;define pagefiles 1680754;1499497733;mircea_popescu;sina you can just create/edit the symlinks like any other files. 1680755;1499497778;mircea_popescu;sina you know, blkblabla.dat 1680756;1499497845;mircea_popescu;sqlite iirc does single file per db 1680757;1499497904;sina;I dunno about this suggestion. for example if I want to assign an available key, I need to list the keys in /keys, then subtract from that list the list of keys in /keys/assigned and /keys/bogus ? 1680758;1499497938;mircea_popescu;well, if you wish to assign a SPECIFIC key, then you must edit the /keys/assigned/key.symlink reference to point to it. 1680759;1499497954;sina;no, I want to assign any available key 1680760;1499497957;mircea_popescu;if you wish to find out what key you can assign, you gotta enumerate the db, though ideally you keep this in ram rather than in the db 1680761;1499497966;sina;right 1680762;1499497967;mircea_popescu;sina there is no such "any" in computing. 1680763;1499497990;sina;what you said "wish to find out what key you can assign" is what I meant 1680764;1499497996;mircea_popescu;sina to find out which keys aren't assigned you also keep a /keys/available then 1680765;1499498013;mircea_popescu;basically, every sql index = a directory tree 1680766;1499498015;sina;but this introduces potential race condition now? 1680767;1499498044;sina;two assignment attempts might list the same available key 1680768;1499498054;sina;sqlite transaction for example protect against this 1680769;1499498057;mircea_popescu;depending on how the whole scheme is implemented, yes. 1680770;1499498080;mircea_popescu;sina they do not protect against this by design, but by implementation. 1680771;1499498115;sina;agreed and understood, I am just subtly trying to make the point of "making me implement a shittier sqlite" 1680772;1499498137;mircea_popescu;i am not making you! and if it dun seem like something you wanna do best not to do. 1680773;1499498162;mircea_popescu;it's not directly obvious why it'd be shittier though. if nothing else, can just cannibalize sqlite code, iuf you think it's that great. 1680774;1499498182;mircea_popescu;in which process you will have for the first time read and tried to understand it, and likely discovered some things re greatness. 1680775;1499498213;sina;I just doubt I can impl, e.g. transactions as well as sqlite guy 1680776;1499498229;mircea_popescu;this is fine, as a general notion, but what is it based on ? 1680777;1499498247;sina;lack of subject matter expertise 1680778;1499498268;mircea_popescu;right. well, do you wish to acquire some ? ~what the whole discussion reduces to. 1680779;1499498296;sina;good question 1680780;1499498304;mircea_popescu;dun has to be answered tonight anywya 1680781;1499498327;sina;one interesting thing is that I thought there would be some databases implemented as flat files, but I can't seem to find any 1680782;1499498361;mircea_popescu;aha 1680783;1499498432;sina;because I definitely remember in the past thinking thoughts along the lines of "filesystem is a ~btree, rdbms is a ~btree, why am I ~btree on top of ~btree", and reading discussions about this topic on the internet, and feel like I remember *someone* mentioning something about this 1680784;1499498437;sina;also 1680785;1499498465;sina;I dunno much about lisp, but I think lisp handles this better in the sense you write state into the "lisp machine" and can flush that entire state out to disk and read it therefrom as well? 1680786;1499498481;mircea_popescu;ideally. 1680787;1499498489;sina;so in lispland you get this kind of native ability to easily export/import primitive datastructures to disk easily 1680788;1499498601;sina;mircea_popescu: I am guessing tmsr is not fond of things like JSON or YAML 1680789;1499498615;mircea_popescu;!#s "json" 1680790;1499498615;a111;555 results for "\"json\"", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%22json%22 1680791;1499498995;sina;as I guessed :P 1680792;1499502607;sina;mircea_popescu: still around? 1680793;1499502612;mircea_popescu;yea ? 1680794;1499502621;sina;question: do bogus keys actually need to be stored? 1680795;1499502657;mircea_popescu;well yes, the program needn't be able to distinguish them from keys generally. bogus is an operator designation. 1680796;1499502677;sina;oh. I might use them for bogus data sendage though or something 1680797;1499502680;sina;so I guess I do need to store them 1680798;1499502691;sina;damn. that would've made my life easier :P 1680799;1499502693;mircea_popescu;and if a machine is captured, and so on 1680800;1499502708;sina;elaborate re machine capture? 1680801;1499502734;mircea_popescu;well suppose enemy finds a gossiptron. why should he be able to tell which keys were bogus ? 1680802;1499502769;sina;in the model you proposed he would be able to anyway right, just by seeing which symlinks are in keys/bogus 1680803;1499502781;mircea_popescu;why would you trust that ? 1680804;1499502809;sina;if you're an enemy capable of capturing a gossiptron and knowing of the things, why wouldn't you? 1680805;1499502828;mircea_popescu;because absence of key is dispositive, whereas scribblings on the key is at best indicative. 1680806;1499502853;sina;fair. In any case I think I must retain for the purpose of "chaff" feature 1680807;1499502857;sina;which is currently not implemented anyway 1680808;1499502860;mircea_popescu;so there you go 1680809;1499511150;sina;https://github.com/sinner-/gossipd/commit/54254c22bdeec2355fea22b069bdeee97a57b1ca << no more sqlite 1680810;1499511189;sina;directory looks like dis: http://paste.sina.id.au/1C36509D7782CE51AA687C02E8A970EFBAD6FA1B 1680811;1499511262;sina;wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be 1680812;1499511358;sina;still needs a tad work to make the code a bit easier to read and finish model.delete_peer() 1680813;1499512285;sina;didn't end up using symlinks 1680814;1499512318;sina;rather each privkey has an additional top-of-file line which states either "-available", "-bogus" or the peer name 1680815;1499525414;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-08#1680811 << mind ye ad-hoc datastructures. 1680816;1499525414;a111;Logged on 2017-07-08 10:54 sina: wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be 1680817;1499525641;sina;fair. possible rejiggings on that tomorrow 1680818;1499525643;sina;for nowe, bed 1680819;1499527891;mircea_popescu;meanwhile @shopping, http://68.media.tumblr.com/6f4052f9a62eb621d5369b59e1e7f08d/tumblr_olnkldFYU21s4dxj3o1_1280.jpg 1680820;1499527926;asciilifeform;lol looks like a python who tried to eat two golf balls 1680821;1499527937;mircea_popescu;and succeeded. 1680822;1499528153;mircea_popescu;but alright, let's get back to basics then. http://68.media.tumblr.com/e5bd4ea1b58dcd51b5e907a09fd4de7c/tumblr_osjxauzx6I1v2rgrno1_1280.gif 1680823;1499528194;shinohai; Constipated? We can fix that! 1680824;1499528288;mircea_popescu;"looks like a python that's trying to swallow a buncha smaller snakes" 1680825;1499531253;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2017/07/g20-summit-fiat-leaders-still-meeting-amid-declining-relevance/ << Qntra - G20 Summit: Fiat Leaders Still Meeting Amid Declining Relevance 1680826;1499531264;mircea_popescu;win 1680827;1499531273;BingoBoingo;tyvm 1680828;1499531349;BingoBoingo;“You wanna know what’s more important than throwin away money at a strip club? Credit/ You ever wonder why Jewish people own all the property in America? This how they did it.” << Line by noted White Supremacist Jay-Z 1680829;1499531378;mircea_popescu;wait, he's trying to turn the horde of aging "trynna make it as a pimp" blacks into good consumers with credit cards ? 1680830;1499531394;mircea_popescu;aaaand... nobody calls him out on it ? gangsta what ? 1680831;1499531441;asciilifeform;i thought 'rap' lyrics were officially required to come out of a certified an'sealed shannonizer, like las vegas one armed bandit rng 1680832;1499531442;mircea_popescu;hot topic muzak, now from black people!!1 1680833;1499531490;BingoBoingo;AHA, he is being called out for "feed[ing] into preconceived notions about Jews and alleged Jewish ‘control’ of the banks and finance." << Jews at Anti Defamation league 1680834;1499531630;mircea_popescu;because hjey, THAT is the real issue yes ? 1680835;1499531650;mircea_popescu;good thing jayz is so very "controversial", i think ima go buy his album 1680836;1499531739;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-13#1669512 1680837;1499531739;a111;Logged on 2017-06-13 15:17 mircea_popescu: and this model ENTIRELY explains all of the "luminaries". werner koch worked the feeder-chumper cycle. stallman worked the feeder-chumper cycle. curtis yarvin worked the etcetera. 1680838;1499531743;mircea_popescu;cycles, everywhere. 1680839;1499531829;mircea_popescu;"the strong take from the weak, and the smart take from the strong. the weak'd better have great cocksucking skills to close teh cycle." 1680840;1499531999;BingoBoingo;Really gotta give the urban youth directions on finding and identifying Jewish neighborhoods 1680841;1499532025;mircea_popescu;tru dat, rachel's been slipping herself roofies in desperation. 1680842;1499532550;BingoBoingo;http://www.jameslafond.com/article.php?id=143 1680843;1499532645;BingoBoingo;http://www.jameslafond.com/article.php?id=8238&pr=1 1680844;1499535661;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all 1680845;1499535668;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 2518.59, vol: 6546.82530631 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 2494.9, vol: 3183.64189 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 2501.9, vol: 13104.35099044 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 2573.9818, vol: 5560.59180000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 2519.233, vol: 5587.7122669 | Volume-weighted last average: 2519.10413738 1680846;1499537375;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2017/mom/ << Trilema - Mom ? 1680847;1499537543;BingoBoingo;Win 1680848;1499537958;mircea_popescu;dun dun dun 1680849;1499537969;mircea_popescu;"i don't know, baby... we'll have to ask your father..." 1680850;1499538352;mod6;<+shinohai> Constipated? We can fix that! << lol 1680851;1499538371;mircea_popescu;ftr, it dun fix it, colon takes the day off after you fuck it. 1680852;1499538429;mircea_popescu;but in other teen issues, http://68.media.tumblr.com/ab5bbea07c6980664a38d8f081687c4b/tumblr_o8m5pi5a2C1uw19aqo1_1280.jpg 1680853;1499538445;shinohai;You have my attention. 1680854;1499538742;mod6;<+mircea_popescu> "i don't know, baby... we'll have to ask your father..." << lol. cuckdad may want in too! 1680855;1499544084;trinque;ah such logs. 1680856;1499544095;*;trinque reaches the top, salutes 1680857;1499544278;trinque;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-08#1680454 << it can be used for this, yes, but because it is a tool for building a taxonomy. many programs reduce to building a catalog of a (mutable) set of objects. 1680858;1499544278;a111;Logged on 2017-07-08 00:44 mircea_popescu: a breadboard is, for electronic circuitry, exactly what a general purpose db is for programming. 1680859;1499544526;trinque;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-08#1680785 << >> http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-10#1641401 1680860;1499544526;a111;Logged on 2017-07-08 07:21 sina: I dunno much about lisp, but I think lisp handles this better in the sense you write state into the "lisp machine" and can flush that entire state out to disk and read it therefrom as well? 1680861;1499544526;a111;Logged on 2017-04-10 16:26 asciilifeform: re lisp state -- not sure this is doable on unix -- how do you dump and restore textual representation of posix threads ? fd's ? 1680862;1499544602;trinque;and mentioning lisp, CLOS is by my lights, the best taxonomy building tool that exists. 1680863;1499544797;trinque;what it lacks (at least as part of the CLOS standard, afaik) is a standard for how one CLOS program shares objects and methods with another, whether on same box or across the network. 1680864;1499544916;trinque;I'd say folks yes, use sqlite because they did not reason the program out completely before beginning to write code, but they often use postgresql as a messaging platform, RPC, or what have you 1680865;1499545053;trinque;anyhow, curious what the lisp graybeards have to say about CLOS over the wire 1680866;1499545141;asciilifeform;trinque: iirc this is one of the things the symbolics folx had to make a proprietary gadget for, because it is nowhere in the standard 1680867;1499545177;asciilifeform;( and probably could not be in the standard, such things as, e.g., width of the machine word, were not universal constants ) 1680868;1499553076;mircea_popescu;one doesn't follow from the other. 1680869;1499553100;mircea_popescu;there's standard cunt operation without standard cunt width. 1680870;1499559203;sina;good morning sirs/ladies 1680871;1499559358;sina;mircea_popescu: suggestions on avoiding ad-hoc datatypes? one idea I was thinking was for example rather than ../messages/ file with contents "sender,delivered_by,message", have a directory ../messages//sender|delivered_by|message files? 1680872;1499560031;sina;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-08#1680865 << is it not such a task as serialization/deserialization? using such as http://www.cliki.net/serialization? 1680873;1499560031;a111;Logged on 2017-07-08 20:17 trinque: anyhow, curious what the lisp graybeards have to say about CLOS over the wire 1680874;1499560137;mircea_popescu;i dun have a general suggestion, perhaps just sit down with the whole thing and make an actual data diagram thing ? 1680875;1499560190;mircea_popescu;and meanwhile at the rancho correcto cocksucko, http://68.media.tumblr.com/a0f030f386bd4c45ef2b7b40bedc133e/tumblr_mr6dx93W6E1rxn0tjo1_1280.jpg 1680876;1499560970;sina;hmmm. I see that the point I was trying to raise yesterday has been discussed previously at high temperature: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-10#1641472 1680877;1499560970;a111;Logged on 2017-04-10 16:53 trinque: so we agree that this thing called "database" is really distinct tools which some idiot welded together 1680878;1499560989;mircea_popescu;this is usually teh case :) 1680879;1499562711;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-09#1680872 << amusingly enough, these links ~all either 404 or lead to shithub 1680880;1499562711;a111;Logged on 2017-07-09 00:27 sina: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-08#1680865 << is it not such a task as serialization/deserialization? using such as http://www.cliki.net/serialization? 1680881;1499564158;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-08#1680868 << recall that the variation was not as simple as 'this one here has 8bit byte but this one - 11, but each one simply represents a 2**n-1 range of uint' 1680882;1499564158;a111;Logged on 2017-07-08 22:31 mircea_popescu: one doesn't follow from the other. 1680883;1499564241;asciilifeform;but rather, e.g., bolix 36bit word had 4 type bits, that actually change what the contents mean ( and can create transparent 'wormholes' to elsewhere in memory, for hardware gc) and hence not actually meaningful on iron that doesn't have same mechanism 1680884;1499564298;asciilifeform;naturally you can still stuff these down a wire. and the box, of course, did so ( to disk, tape, 'chaosnet', etc.) 1680885;1499564335;asciilifeform;BUT above may explain the lack of 'standardization enthusiasm' in those days. 1680886;1499564347;asciilifeform;(for 'serialization' specifically) 1680887;1499564558;asciilifeform;( the other detail, of course, is that the idea of standardization went along with a distinct odor of 'lion and lamb sit down to agree on dinner' in those days . or consider microshit-led 'opendocument committee' etc in more recent times. ) 1680888;1499565370;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform ah yeah, it wasn't the width, it was that they didn't actually have standardized memory in any sense, or any concept of actula machine word 1680889;1499565436;mircea_popescu;and yes, very much pre-tmsr times the lords were stuck with this "well we gotta cypherpunk, ie, pretend nothing can ever happens -- because if anything were to happen it's straight to vessenes' scam foundation" 1680890;1499565453;mircea_popescu;come a long way, have we, from those early bumbling days of early bumbling intellects. 1680891;1499565593;mircea_popescu;(a punk, it bears reminding, is a young man who takes it up the ass on the quiet.) 1680892;1499565647;mircea_popescu;ie, this guy http://trilema.com/2012/big-rock-candy-mountain/#selection-219.0-221.32 1680893;1499567787;asciilifeform;not that the current 'standardized memory' wintel crapolade is so hot. 1680894;1499570238;mircea_popescu;at least it's conceptually a thing, as opposed to "here's some data, and here's some half-tagging, and here's some half-code with it" 1680895;1499570286;mircea_popescu;can take the ram from the crapple and put it in the pc or camera or w/e 1680896;1499570335;mircea_popescu;and in other "unlike my mom, i'm actually good at what i do", http://68.media.tumblr.com/f4278e64cf59227db1d18fe4e0c5459a/tumblr_opv3456GKV1qilbqfo1_500.gif 1680897;1499572992;trinque;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-09#1680872 << no, would among other things, have a standard for expressing structure metadata. see information_schema for a bad example in idiotlandia, or WSDLs for even worse, or... 1680898;1499572992;a111;Logged on 2017-07-09 00:27 sina: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-08#1680865 << is it not such a task as serialization/deserialization? using such as http://www.cliki.net/serialization? 1680899;1499573049;trinque;worse still, index.html on your favorite website, and hurr durr XML hypertext. 1680900;1499573131;trinque;there, gopher wins against http in that it enforces a strict tree 1680901;1499573164;*;trinque meanders to a point 1680902;1499573177;trinque;can't just "this is how I answer" but also, "how do I ask", and "how do I know what I may ask" 1680903;1499573461;trinque;concretely, I would like to connect to your lisp instance from mine and be able to interrogate it for classes of objects it contains, for particular instances (i.e. there is a global notion of identity, global addressing, see threads on GNS), get instances which match some predicate... 1680904;1499573732;trinque;"connect" too, is not quite right, as it would be a superior model for me to huck a request to you, which ~maybe~ you get, and which ~maybe~ you drop on the floor at wire speed, and maybe you huck me something back, if you want. 1680905;1499573926;trinque;why huck just to me either, can turn on the luby hose and let multiple folks drink together, when they have the same question 1680906;1499573930;trinque;!#s luby 1680907;1499573931;a111;29 results for "luby", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=luby 1680908;1499574108;trinque;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-08#1680383 << suppose yourself wandering said wasteland with intermittent network access, "connections" and "request/response cycle" become nonsense 1680909;1499574108;a111;Logged on 2017-07-08 00:17 sina: yes and it's understood, I'm not trying to make "gossipd for alfs dystopian future" just have some fun for me 1680910;1499574160;trinque;"concurrency" in the sense that you handle scads of independent requests for the same item, also complete nonsense. 1680911;1499574342;trinque;http://trilema.com/2016/the-next-generation/ << maybe you've got 5 minutes of hijacked vat reddit console before the maintenance bots come recycle the cylinder 1680912;1499579297;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all 1680913;1499579303;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 2544.82, vol: 4602.79560558 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 2512.918, vol: 2713.53486 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 2524.5, vol: 8817.7847669 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 2603.395587, vol: 5605.06310000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 2537.468, vol: 4239.07829148 | Volume-weighted last average: 2546.02907198 1680914;1499580359;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2017/07/american-student-investor-lynched-in-greece/ << Qntra - American Student Investor Lynched In Greece 1680915;1499580712;BingoBoingo;" Huel‏ @gethuel Jun 19 A new concept in food - 100% vegan with protein, fatty acids, fiber and 27 essential vitamins and minerals​." << Poor naming. "Huel" is mostly known to USians as the name of the fat pickpocket on some "prestige" tv show. 1680916;1499589361;mircea_popescu;in other lulz, i took girl + car out on a survey of local brothels tonite. 1680917;1499589408;mircea_popescu;trinque amusingly, candi does sort-of this, as a prototype of it. 1680918;1499589991;mircea_popescu;lol lynched to death. what other kinds are there, lynched to orgasm ? 1680919;1499606419;deedbot;http://deedbot.org/bundle-474587.txt 1680920;1499607295;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-09#1680895 << funnily enough i no longer have a single pair of boxes that share same ram stick type.. 1680921;1499607295;a111;Logged on 2017-07-09 03:18 mircea_popescu: can take the ram from the crapple and put it in the pc or camera or w/e 1680922;1499607676;BingoBoingo; lol lynched to death. what other kinds are there, lynched to orgasm ? << Well there's the incomplete version which is just a beating 1680923;1499607711;shinohai;Lynched to orgasm sounds like a great porn title though. 1680924;1499608162;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/77A608C9E8E669661E385E3D37E1C49C202D2030A0C1C7420B836A7DF98BAEC5 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1581...1763 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (ns4.tech-trans.com. HK) 1680925;1499608162;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/77A608C9E8E669661E385E3D37E1C49C202D2030A0C1C7420B836A7DF98BAEC5 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1563...7053 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (ns4.tech-trans.com. HK) 1680926;1499609172;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/EAAD960E39D6A2656C6592726A1653EDC9C3E18C3F105066FFC49E6B78D1F241 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1725...8659 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (u2229.netangels.ru. RU) 1680927;1499609172;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/EAAD960E39D6A2656C6592726A1653EDC9C3E18C3F105066FFC49E6B78D1F241 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1717...5907 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (u2229.netangels.ru. RU) 1680928;1499613793;asciilifeform;^ ООО «Уралприбор» -- 'Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Новоуральский приборный завод" - многопрофильное предприятие с мощным производственным и кадровым потенциалом. В составе завода есть Специальное конструкторско-технологич 1680929;1499613793;asciilifeform;еское управление (СКТУ), занимающееся разработкой приборов технологического контроля, аварийной защиты, технических средств и автоматизированных систем управления, электроснабжения предприятий разделительных производств и атомных эл 1680930;1499613793;asciilifeform;ектростанций.' 1680931;1499613845;asciilifeform;i.e. ROSATOM. 1680932;1499613895;asciilifeform;peculiarly, not updated since '15 1680933;1499615158;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-08#1680544 << nope, in fact my "optimized" one i.e. the version where cmucl doesn't complain about unknown types with (speed 3) (safety 0), is about twice as slow as Go version. i'm curious why that would be the case, but haven't had a chance to investigate. 1680934;1499615158;a111;Logged on 2017-07-08 02:18 sina: did you make a lispy one go faster? 1680935;1499615247;phf;in vaguely related annoyances screw/half-screw i*POS is the likeliest candidate for overflows, and it does where your fixnum is 32 bit. go version sidesteps that issue by being 64-bit 1680936;1499615269;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-09#1680903 << moreover fixing this in stone seems like a poorly understood prerequisite for both gossipd and bitcoin itself. 1680937;1499615269;a111;Logged on 2017-07-09 04:11 trinque: concretely, I would like to connect to your lisp instance from mine and be able to interrogate it for classes of objects it contains, for particular instances (i.e. there is a global notion of identity, global addressing, see threads on GNS), get instances which match some predicate... 1680938;1499615300;mircea_popescu;what "bitcoin nodes" currently do is a very shitty attempt at just this. and they are as autonomous as you are conical, also because they fail to correctly implement this. 1680939;1499615314;phf;which made me think that hashes are typically implemented in terms of machine words, so you don't have this kind of issues. fhf might be inherently "unoptimizable" since units that it operates on must be bignums 1680940;1499615330;mircea_popescu;phf that was the intention at least. 1680941;1499615429;mircea_popescu;anyway, i'm very much convinced that the various "oh, it's the same thing really" bad choices hash designers and implementers make, very much typified by the above "machine word so as to '''elegantly''' avoid these problems" very much plays into nsa needs. it's again that same old convenience that makes the usg usg. 1680942;1499615463;mircea_popescu;somehow peeps got the idea it's "unfair", like little kids playing a game, to use computers in certain ways that expose them for being mere machines, rather than your girlfriend. such as making them do things like fhf. 1680943;1499615471;phf;presumably as asciilifeform keeps implying you could rewrite mp's fhf in some closed form that does account for these issues, but.. 1680944;1499615491;mircea_popescu;i don't see a closed form. then again, it's new. 1680945;1499615584;phf;well, one thing that ascii said "don't operate at a byte level", might also be the reason why lisp version is slower. bit vectors are stores as octet arrays, so tweaking single bit pulls a whole octet, does bit twiddling on it, and then puts it back. presumably can be sped up if one were to figure out how to work over an octet at a time 1680946;1499615592;phf;*on a bit level 1680947;1499615598;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-09#1680939 << actually it optimizes beautifully and needs 0 bignum anythings. but i've been holding back on spoiling this olympiad for phf et al 1680948;1499615598;a111;Logged on 2017-07-09 15:48 phf: which made me think that hashes are typically implemented in terms of machine words, so you don't have this kind of issues. fhf might be inherently "unoptimizable" since units that it operates on must be bignums 1680949;1499615615;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2017/the-loverape-relationship/ << Trilema - The love/rape relationship 1680950;1499615622;phf;asciilifeform: literally five lines lower in the logs 1680951;1499615648;*;asciilifeform reads.. 1680952;1499615661;phf;well, there's no solution, just same thing you said :) 1680953;1499615686;phf;i haven't had time to do any of this 1680954;1499615702;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-09#1680916 << have you been to ones in vienna? 1680955;1499615702;a111;Logged on 2017-07-09 08:36 mircea_popescu: in other lulz, i took girl + car out on a survey of local brothels tonite. 1680956;1499615720;mircea_popescu;not same girl, not same car, but yeah, 20 years ago. 1680957;1499615762;phf;lotta "romanian" girls now, i.e. darker, gypsy looking ones. is that normal for romanian girls, or that sort of type is purely gypsies? 1680958;1499615784;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-09#1680923 << it does at that! 1680959;1499615784;a111;Logged on 2017-07-09 13:41 shinohai: Lynched to orgasm sounds like a great porn title though. 1680960;1499615801;mircea_popescu;phf romanian girls look almost exactly like ukrainian girls. so is it normal for them to look turkish ? mnope. 1680961;1499615829;phf;right then, that's what i thought 1680962;1499615832;mircea_popescu;sure, the majority of ukrs are brunettes. romanians too. but the milky kind. 1680963;1499615970;mircea_popescu;also, there's not so much darker gypsy association. one of mah first youthful loves was this blonde horseriding gypsy girl from the danube delta. hot as hell, and about as dark as hillary clinton. 1680964;1499616028;mircea_popescu;i suspect gypsydom is a lot like brazildom. they dumped all the slaves in there, the results are rather varied, but strong contingent of fair brasileiras, even if lots and lots of mulattos. 1680965;1499616238;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in crumblandia, http://68.media.tumblr.com/338b84922777ea8da27086a07da01077/tumblr_ordlzd96P81uya9i0o1_1280.jpg 1680966;1499616315;asciilifeform;lol another python 1680967;1499616352;mircea_popescu;what, you object to big tits now ? 1680968;1499616374;asciilifeform;nah but comical when looks like chix will tip over if wind blows 1680969;1499616418;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-09#1680947 << actually this is interesting, and i mean from a metaperspective. consider, randomly defined cult, they come up with some crankwagen, whatever it may be, say the mpfhf or the correct way rto diet or to cure cancer or w/e. at which point ranking member promises to come out with proof it's shit, and the result is ? 1680970;1499616418;a111;Logged on 2017-07-09 15:53 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-09#1680939 << actually it optimizes beautifully and needs 0 bignum anythings. but i've been holding back on spoiling this olympiad for phf et al 1680971;1499616438;mircea_popescu;a) you know you're going to have a schism and b) you know nobody's going to manage to evaluate the claims, present or future, for any kind of coherent truth value. 1680972;1499616451;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform with those calves she's tipping you over. 1680973;1499616459;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: possibly 1680974;1499616488;mircea_popescu;dun talk smack about the pole dancing and stilt wearing crowd until you greco-roman wrestle a coupla. they're NOT THAT EASY 1680975;1499616490;phf;cmucl has REMOTE and WIRE packages which let you do rpc between two instances (naturally it's bit rotted in the trunk, and only working version at this point is on my branch). it's a combination of simple "spin up server/connect to server", serializer/deserializer and an rpc convention. 1680976;1499616521;mircea_popescu;phf how does one node discover the other node's symbolic representation of the universe ? 1680977;1499616570;mircea_popescu;in a very harsh example : i somehow knew how to say "like ukr girls" above. i found this out somehow. how does the lisp instance find out what to say so it's meaningful ? 1680978;1499616608;phf;same as you would do it locally. it's a transparent rpc, not a specified one. so either the operator does manual discovery, or you define a discovery convention. (and then there's middle ground, where you use standard tooling, like code to list packages and symbols to do discovery for you) 1680979;1499616626;mircea_popescu;the point here being that what we need is the convention ; and it'd better be good. 1680980;1499616635;mircea_popescu;otherwise yes, metals conduct electricity tyvm. 1680981;1499616678;asciilifeform;colour me thick, but so far i have difficulty re what this is about 1680982;1499616692;asciilifeform;what convention is lacking, that is needed 1680983;1499616739;phf;well, right now we don't even have standardized wires (irc and http come closest in tmsr infra) 1680984;1499616760;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you are running a computer. (not crap, an actual tmsr is happy with machine). when i start mine up, i want to get some bits from you. maybe it's "what sina said about mp on gossipd". maybe it's "the nth block in the current blockchain". maybe it's whatever it is. how does it do this ? 1680985;1499616782;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: depends on the item, neh 1680986;1499616793;mircea_popescu;and don't tell me "by-hand optimized datastructs for each app and ad hoc protocols for each connection" if tyou will 1680987;1499616794;mircea_popescu;god damned. 1680988;1499616800;asciilifeform;ahahaha 1680989;1499616810;mircea_popescu;why not just make a datastruct polymorpher then, and have the program just come up with random shit each run 1680990;1499616843;asciilifeform;i dun get the fixation with 'universal db language for all walks of life' 1680991;1499616856;mircea_popescu;mp's rule of computing design : if you know it's gonna be bad, take the trouble to make it actually horrible. 1680992;1499616866;phf;in the WIRE/REMOTE approach you connect to instance, and do a function call that the author told you about ahead of time. in one case it might (gossipd:all-message-since timestamp) in another (ben-vulpes-block-chainer:get-block n) 1680993;1499616869;asciilifeform;it adds mountain of complexity and in the end is still 'wrong tool for every job' 1680994;1499616889;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform let me explain the fixation to you then 1680995;1499616893;mircea_popescu;FITS IN HEAD MOTHERFUCKER 1680996;1499616896;asciilifeform;'swiss army knives' suck 1680997;1499616903;mircea_popescu;you want me to sit here and say "there's fifty different protocols in this box" ? 1680998;1499616914;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: except that the monster lang never fits in any head. 1680999;1499616919;mircea_popescu;phf you see the problem in ahead of time yes ? 1681000;1499616923;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform so make one that does! 1681001;1499616924;asciilifeform;certainly its implementation wont. 1681002;1499617008;asciilifeform;i'd enjoy being proven wrong about this. but don't expect. 1681003;1499617024;phf;mircea_popescu: i think you could design a pretty straightforward discovery protocol once you decided on the wire. we can see this process with irc bots here 1681004;1499617046;mircea_popescu;phf no, i ~know~. he doesn't expect, i don't expect either, but the difference is im being actively optimistic about it. 1681005;1499617095;mircea_popescu;the problem is again one of synthesis, someone gotta sit down and write that scary text. not the one to which there's nothing to add, but the one from which there's nothing left to remove. "here's how a discovery protocol goes". 1681006;1499617155;phf;(all-exposed-functionality) -> ((gossipd:all-message-since "give me all the gossipd message since a certain timestamp") ((timestamp fixnum "timestamp (in seconds since epoch) since which messages") ...)) 1681007;1499617176;mircea_popescu;yes but the problem is the ... 1681008;1499617184;mircea_popescu;gnsen dun work with ... 1681009;1499617216;mircea_popescu;and yes, thius could be done. like, toiday. and yes trinque 's irc bot could be expanded to be a proper connectivity point. and so on. 1681010;1499617252;mircea_popescu;vorwarts, to the uci! 1681011;1499617324;phf;i thought it would be kind of cool if bots could sling signed lisp strings in privmessages, 0ldsch001 scenetech! 1681012;1499617376;mircea_popescu;i don't see why they couldn't. 1681013;1499617389;mircea_popescu;if you recall the data exchange protocol was moving away from csv towards lispenstrings anyway. 1681014;1499617394;mircea_popescu;at least ben_vulpes was pushing it that way. 1681015;1499617433;mircea_popescu;and this is a mature question, ripe for the unburdening, not least of all because http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-08#1680788 1681016;1499617433;a111;Logged on 2017-07-08 07:23 sina: mircea_popescu: I am guessing tmsr is not fond of things like JSON or YAML 1681017;1499617445;mircea_popescu;by the time newcomers start asking, the writ is on teh bathroom wall. 1681018;1499617500;asciilifeform;sexpr 4evah 1681019;1499617767;phf;note that common lisp's sexps are not an ideal data exchange format 1681020;1499617778;mircea_popescu;and in other "i have no idea if alf will think this is a human face or no", http://68.media.tumblr.com/ec2b3b3a67382908205ac498e1fc22ab/tumblr_o84ox08CwI1uu3p4bo1_1280.jpg 1681021;1499618018;phf;(common lisp sexps are backed by a full blown reader, with multiple non-trivial dispatch macros, so for example '(1 #.(+ 1 1) 3) is a valid sexps that's read as '(1 2 3), i.e. (+ 1 1) is evaluated at read time. there's a dispatch for structs, like #S(FOO :A 1 :B 2) results in a structure foo with two slots a and b set to 1 and 2 respectively, but there's no corresponding constructor for classes. there's a reader for arrays, but that one doesn't let you 1681022;1499618019;phf; express the full range of possible array settings, etc.) 1681023;1499618156;phf;there's ISLISP standard, which was supposed to create a subset of multiple different lisps (like common lisp and scheme, but also eulisp, since designed by europeans). i don't think anyone (particularly sexp library authors for other languages) ever tried to conform to it. typical solution is to have a JSON-like subset of sexps, so that you can express (FOO "abc" 2), i.e. symbol, string, number and list and nothing else 1681024;1499618160;mircea_popescu;moreover im affraid sexpr doesn't actuallty separate data from code. 1681025;1499618228;asciilifeform;lol at least proper arse. 1681026;1499618327;mircea_popescu;phf your excited attempts at playiung with candi's ass, back when she was a virgin, is a plain and very obvious indication of what ~every lisp hacker knows but none dare admit, or think about. it's a fundamentally dirty language in that it doesn't, actually, admit there is even in principle differences between data and code. "oh, it's an array, and here's the associated macro, so this .dat file is actually turing complete". f 1681027;1499618328;mircea_popescu;or the same money it could be excel/emacs (for what is emacs but excel with built in virtual basic ?) 1681028;1499618385;phf;mircea_popescu: that whole data/code equivalence is one of the core (advertised) principles 1681029;1499618407;mircea_popescu;yes, but i don't want my number five to have the capacity to really be four. 1681030;1499618436;mircea_popescu;it's bad enough for my letters abx to have the capacity to really be smileyface or whatever. and i dun like that, either. 1681031;1499618462;phf;lisp has its own kind of trisector: a person whose mind is so blown by the whole code/data thing that he's convinced one can build "real AI" using a handful of self modifying macros 1681032;1499618501;mircea_popescu;in the end, here's mp's heresy : lisp never caught on for none of the usually discussed reasons. lisp never caught on because that core advertised principle is both fucking dumb and fucking useless. 1681033;1499618504;asciilifeform;phf: lenat being the patron saint of'em 1681034;1499618595;phf;mircea_popescu: well, in that case there's no value to lisp ~at all~, since the bulk of lisp advantage comes from this fact. but pretending that you somehow can get not-this with a turing machine results in what we have now 1681035;1499618608;mircea_popescu;no argument. 1681036;1499618611;mircea_popescu;nevertheless... 1681037;1499618642;mircea_popescu;i STILL don't want my number five to have the capacity to really be four. 1681038;1499618650;asciilifeform;and it still will. 1681039;1499618652;mircea_popescu;and this is fundamental and won'[t go away nor can it with money and reputations involved. 1681040;1499618657;asciilifeform;zip you or i can do about it. 1681041;1499618665;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you got proof for this ? 1681042;1499618667;phf;i mean, any system can be tweaked into "number five to have the capacity to really be four". pretty much a standard exercise "oh tweak this memory location and now all your TRUEs are FALSE111" 1681043;1499618699;mircea_popescu;phf but that is, for the needs of this mental model, a broken machine. not broken data. 1681044;1499618753;mircea_popescu;the very possiblity of even having such a thing as "broken data", by eg naming your kid "-- DROP table students;" is why i agree with the sql sucks sentiment. 1681045;1499618772;mircea_popescu;everything sucks where there can be such a thing as "this is the table of possible inputs and these are the three that set it on fire". 1681046;1499618785;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: actually i might have what you want ( supposing i correctly apprehend what you wanted. ) it was called 'harvard architecture', i even have a few here, it was once popular in single-chip fiddycent microcontrollers 1681047;1499618792;phf;can't you say the same about lisp? you establish your data format (i.e. a READTABLE that you're going to use for reading it), at which point modifications to that readtable makes for broken machine. the standard specifies how, e.g. number reader works, so if your readtable uses standard number reader 5 is 5 1681048;1499618804;asciilifeform;cpu gets 2 buses, 1 for code, read-only, 1 for data 1681049;1499618810;asciilifeform;(r/w) 1681050;1499618816;mircea_popescu;phf i don't know if you can or if you can't, not sufficiently experienced with the thing. 1681051;1499618840;mircea_popescu;but i can say you not merely should, but absolutely must. the cornerstone of wire protocol is a firm, protocol-derived guarantee of there being no such thing as bad data. 1681052;1499618848;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform this is not even a half-bad idea. 1681053;1499618890;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it never caught on for large machines, i will leave the reason for this as an exercise for reader 1681054;1499618916;mircea_popescu;insufficiently insecure^H^H^H^H^H^Hfast ? 1681055;1499618917;phf;well, i brought up the whole mutability of readtable, because that fact usually trips up novices when dealing with lisp reader. "oh i can just use sexps for everything" and then you do (format ...) on your largish data structure and you get something that's rather non-trivial to parse (an example would be the WOT.sexp) 1681056;1499618940;mircea_popescu;phf and the reason for this is that it tries to take it as code. 1681057;1499618949;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: makes program loading a bitch 1681058;1499618959;mircea_popescu;the best and handiest way to illustrate this folly is, "imagine if your vlc tried to mpfhf every film you played" 1681059;1499618964;phf;so if you want to use common lisp's readtable/printer for data interchange, you'd better ~specify~ what your sexp actually is 1681060;1499618967;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform exactly what i said! 1681061;1499618976;mircea_popescu;phf hence the earlier discussion. 1681062;1499618990;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: not merely slow, but impossible, you gotta insert'em by hand 1681063;1499619002;asciilifeform;hence remains popular for micros where program is 1 rom 1681064;1499619004;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform hey, v is in the same direction. 1681065;1499619018;phf;mircea_popescu: well, sexp ~is~ code, primarily it's for writing your programs, not ~storing~ data. there's no such thing as sexp internally 1681066;1499619025;mircea_popescu;i need someone hacking on my bitcoin like i need someone feather-tickling my spleen. 1681067;1499619046;mircea_popescu;phf yeah, i get that. 1681068;1499619100;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: y'know, even a traditional vonneumann processor can work with immutable code, if roms were actually still available on the market... 1681069;1499619125;mircea_popescu;but nevermind the processor for a second. the discussion here is data interchange. 1681070;1499619130;*;asciilifeform has searched, in vain, for otp rom in useful capacity for years nao 1681071;1499619134;mircea_popescu;the idea is to make the data stay that way. 1681072;1499619177;phf;most lisp rpc is done using serialization/deserialization protocols. personally, that is also my preferred method, something like asn.1 or the format cmucl's wire uses 1681073;1499619208;mircea_popescu;phf this is like saying "this website prevents xss by using base64". 1681074;1499619220;phf;wut 1681075;1499619231;mircea_popescu;if you;'re going to have adnotated data and the adnotations are macros and who the fuck knows what goes on, you've got a miserable protocol. 1681076;1499619282;phf;asn.1 is nothing of the kind, nor is cmucl's wire. it's your typically byte packed binary formats 1681077;1499619300;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/A1F787557922CA32F6C99077C06C1737A42D69F6F8692F20657A365B4B561A78 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1445...3093 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown PL) 1681078;1499619300;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/A1F787557922CA32F6C99077C06C1737A42D69F6F8692F20657A365B4B561A78 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1760...3659 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown PL) 1681079;1499619311;mircea_popescu;phf serialization can at best be a packaging. the issue is, can i say "here's a function that takes a parameter and outputs "your mom's a python" and the data payload is function(is that you daddy)" in order to convey the string "your mom's a python" ? 1681080;1499619389;phf;not with asn.1, because it's a serialization format, not actual RPC. you can certainly do the call with wire/remote, and no "macros" involved in the process 1681081;1499619431;mircea_popescu;for the curious : yes, i also have this problem in speech, especially when discussing complicated things with complicated women, and the solution THERE is the sort and short rule. which in relevant part says here that "(1 #.(+ 1 1) 3)" could NEVER be interpreted as "(+ 1 1)" because "(+ 1 1)" was a shorter statement of that and it wasn't used. 1681082;1499619513;asciilifeform;i thought the solution there was... chalkboard 1681083;1499619517;mircea_popescu;and moreover, and perhaps most importantly, "(+ 1 1)" is NEVER 2. because 2 is 2 and fuck you. 1681084;1499619521;phf;did you intentionally put #. or it just happened to be there? i think that you're looking at that sexp and you recognize its form, but #. is just some fluff? 1681085;1499619534;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform different sort of problem, that's for data entry this is for proper outputs. 1681086;1499619546;mircea_popescu;phf copied yours from above 1681087;1499619570;mircea_popescu;incorrectly, at that. '(1 #.(+ 1 1) 3)' 1681088;1499619592;phf;well, i put it there ~intentionally~ 1681089;1499619604;mircea_popescu;did i misread the intention ? 1681090;1499619649;phf;well, the intent was to make this thing evaluate before the data structure is fully read. 1681091;1499619683;mircea_popescu;ah i thought you were just loading a parser spuriously. 1681092;1499619719;mircea_popescu;"o look, it also has #. in it, gotta load #.parser on top of + parser now". 1681093;1499619720;phf;like i said elsewhere, sexp is not a data exchange format, it's a way of writing common lisp code. various extensions are there to facilitate the process of programming. it's a folly to look at sexp and go "oh, so simple! lets just store our data in it! lets rpc with it too!" because that's not really what it's designed for 1681094;1499619738;mircea_popescu;alright. i thought that was actually on the table. 1681095;1499619743;mircea_popescu;seems folly to me also. 1681096;1499619793;phf;at least in lisp world (in symbolics source code anyway) rpc is done using your good old byte packing protocols. .... 1681097;1499619813;phf;so is serialization 1681098;1499619818;mircea_popescu;phf no bounds ? 1681099;1499619832;phf;depends on the protocol 1681100;1499619838;mircea_popescu;what happens if i do data like "1 byte|ff|2bytes|fff" ? 1681101;1499619854;mircea_popescu;im sorry, 1681102;1499619866;mircea_popescu;what happens if i do data like "1 byte|fff|2bytes|fff" ? 1681103;1499619892;phf;it was an example of what "byte packing protocol" is. designing proper byte packing protocol is left as an exercise to the reader 1681104;1499619912;mircea_popescu;i thought this was native and standard for lisp. 1681105;1499619943;phf;generally "things that might have different size" is not a trivial thing to pack. (that's why there's complexity in ASN.1, because of variable run length encodings) 1681106;1499619981;mircea_popescu;moreover, and here's where it gets biting : if we go with http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-09#1681006 ; which i expect we should, you can end up with implicit types. "you asked me for the 999999th bitcoin block, fucker". what about that ? you will need bounds adnotation yes ? 1681107;1499619981;a111;Logged on 2017-07-09 16:19 phf: (all-exposed-functionality) -> ((gossipd:all-message-since "give me all the gossipd message since a certain timestamp") ((timestamp fixnum "timestamp (in seconds since epoch) since which messages") ...)) 1681108;1499620026;mircea_popescu;so more like all-exposed-functionality) -> ((gossipd:all-message-since "give me all the gossipd message since a certain timestamp") ((timestamp fixnum positive "timestamp (in seconds since epoch) since which messages") ...)) 1681109;1499620079;phf;well, wire/remote is cavalier with byte packing, it knows how to pack various sized types, but variable sized stuff is probably not the most bullet proof (i vaguely suspect it's similar to bitoind, i.e. ... 1681110;1499620107;mircea_popescu;myeah. well, no point in rehashing the suck. 1681111;1499620123;phf;i also doubt that's what we'll ultimately go to. wire/remote is tied to cmucl, and nobody's going to untie it 1681112;1499620141;mircea_popescu;but the problem becomes really complex when you consider "bitcoin block index" is as of right now "positive integer under 474974", and won't stay that way for long. 1681113;1499620155;mircea_popescu;and if asked for "bitcoin block", i do expect to be asked a number according to that exact type. 1681114;1499620262;mircea_popescu;or to put this belaboured thing in different words : if your data exchange protocol includes the concept of "error message", you do not in fact have a data exchange protocol. 1681115;1499620287;mircea_popescu;i don't care if it's a "gui" or a telex or whatever it may be. 1681116;1499620324;phf;arbitrarily sized numbers are a variable sized type. gotta figure out ~some~ way of packing them. you're essentially left with type tagged size variation (if a byte is 0, then next struct is 8byte, if a byte is 1, then next struct is 16byte), but at the end you still will end up falling back to "read this number to know how many bytes to read" 1681117;1499620353;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: this knot can be cut in exactly 2 ways - the 'ffa' and 'gmp', if you will 1681118;1499620365;asciilifeform;'ascii vs ut8', etc 1681119;1499620367;phf;unless by decree you say that "numbers are packed in 64bit blobs" 1681120;1499620369;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i suspect you're entirely correct. 1681121;1499620371;asciilifeform;either them numberz are fixed or not 1681122;1499620381;asciilifeform;tertium non datur 1681123;1499620381;mircea_popescu;phf i would be friendly to the notion of a machine word yes. 1681124;1499620410;phf;well, then you're basically in the whole "nobody's ever going to need more than 64bytes of block size!!1" 1681125;1499620419;asciilifeform;of rsa modulus size lol 1681126;1499620425;mircea_popescu;you said "64 bit blobs" not "single 64 bits" 1681127;1499620448;mircea_popescu;i am ok with chunks of machine word size, ie, quantify data by n bits rather than by 1 bit. 1681128;1499620741;*;phf afk 1681129;1499620956;mircea_popescu;http notably gets this half-right : there's no such thing as an error message the server ever expects to see from a client, such as i dunno, "this page has porn on it, unacceptable, send me another version" or whatever. 1681130;1499631388;trinque;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-09#1680990 << do you not also get the fixation with "all citizens shall speak latin" 1681131;1499631388;a111;Logged on 2017-07-09 16:14 asciilifeform: i dun get the fixation with 'universal db language for all walks of life' 1681132;1499631412;trinque;this goes right along with his "omg social skillz" thing 1681133;1499631425;trinque;blind spot right where one node talks to another 1681134;1499631433;mircea_popescu;somehow 8-bit bytes is standardizable, but this, no. 1681135;1499631458;mircea_popescu;yet obviously swiss-army knife wrong bitsize for every problem! 1681136;1499631502;trinque;nobody's asking you to compute in your home in $standardLang; fuck in perl and shit in brainfuck, but speak something civilized in public. 1681137;1499632729;asciilifeform;trinque: if you're the hero who knows how to standardize $subj without birthing a microshitian shitfest - go, do. 1681138;1499632798;asciilifeform;imho if 9009 attempts at solution yield shitfests, problem - is ill-posed. 1681139;1499634086;ben_vulpes;what's wrong with wsdl?!? 1681140;1499634259;ben_vulpes;whoreticultural trip report: ranier cherries are amazing this year 1681141;1499634287;ben_vulpes;rainier* 1681142;1499636473;BingoBoingo; dun talk smack about the pole dancing and stilt wearing crowd until you greco-roman wrestle a coupla. they're NOT THAT EASY << Original Sport!!! 1681143;1499636545;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform original engines were pretty derpy... 1681144;1499636982;BingoBoingo;http://trilema.com/2017/on-trisection-a-humble-contribution/#comment-122353 << alf did you miss the part where color is a cultural construct and mircea_popescu does it differently? 1681145;1499638249;mircea_popescu;respect muh color diversities 1681146;1499646220;mircea_popescu;anwyay, perhaps best historical example of the "problem -- ill posed" bit is the history of the sewing machine. 1681147;1499646501;mircea_popescu;and re latin : it should be noted that it was by no means a maximally simple, or a maximally adequate-to-human-experience language. it was however ~correctly~ complicated, which to date is its foremost value. 1681148;1499646534;mircea_popescu;"if you're going to complicate -- complicate like latin, don't complicate like puritan society or any other barbarian non-people" 1681149;1499646717;mircea_popescu;in the same vein, the early 1900s investigations into the meaning and structure of number resulted in a correctly complicated notion, from riemann functions to cantor's sets and so on. this is at great variance with non-fields like "artificial intelligence" or say alf's favourite, postmodern qm (say string theory or w/e) -- which evidently are incorrectly complicated even if it's not always evident where exactly. 1681150;1499646946;shinohai;https://dayton.craigslist.org/sys/6201338395.html "you can always sell the bitcoin and buy ether." 1681151;1499646956;shinohai;(-_\) 1681152;1499646980;mircea_popescu;lol 1681153;1499650084;BingoBoingo;Well, gotta remember post-modernism and "social justice" were the actual KGB/Soviet plot to undermine west 1681154;1499650102;BingoBoingo;Roosevelt just fertilized ground with his bully bullshit 1681155;1499661080;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all 1681156;1499661086;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 2500.08, vol: 4560.03660208 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 2464.201, vol: 1952.86003 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 2468.0, vol: 7779.68293227 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 2549.010269, vol: 4006.95730000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 2502.999, vol: 3058.36567106 | Volume-weighted last average: 2494.71196232 1681157;1499697054;mod6;mornin' 1681158;1499697613;asciilifeform;in other lulz, http://bitbet.us >> 404 1681159;1499697631;asciilifeform;( for at least 2d ) 1681160;1499697997;mod6;dude vanished 'eh? 1681161;1499698019;asciilifeform;hey 1 time vanished for ~month and 'no problem' 1681162;1499698330;shinohai;Maybe new owner is busy znorting the profitz ? 1681163;1499698345;shinohai;(ba dum TISS) 1681164;1499698743;phf;https://archive.is/lyT2j << "The American college graduate allegedly beaten to death by a gang of 10 people in Greece was an aspiring entrepreneur who was visiting the country to launch his own fashion line." 1681165;1499698762;asciilifeform;phf: http://qntra.net/2017/07/american-student-investor-lynched-in-greece/ earlier 1681166;1499698790;phf;... i quoted it from qntra apparently 1681167;1499702323;shinohai;!!up EIC 1681168;1499702324;deedbot;EIC voiced for 30 minutes. 1681169;1499704479;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-10#1681164 << amusingly this was discussed a coupla times in the logs, naive "owner" in thailands. 1681170;1499704479;a111;Logged on 2017-07-10 14:59 phf: https://archive.is/lyT2j << "The American college graduate allegedly beaten to death by a gang of 10 people in Greece was an aspiring entrepreneur who was visiting the country to launch his own fashion line." 1681171;1499704512;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: that was my first thought when the qntra thing appeared but when went to look for it, LOST IT AGAIN!11 1681172;1499704529;asciilifeform;at this rate i'ma end up keeping paper notebooks again. 1681173;1499704628;mircea_popescu;lol 1681174;1499705363;mircea_popescu;what are we going to od ?! 1681175;1499705443;mircea_popescu;and in other overachievers, http://68.media.tumblr.com/563433a61a5162c0b7e7acad51ca9ed7/tumblr_ojxn4tCUnT1s5m6tyo1_1280.jpg 1681176;1499705521;mod6;:] 1681177;1499707529;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: in other lulz, https://whycardano.com 1681178;1499707533;asciilifeform;didjaknow. 1681179;1499707723;mircea_popescu;lemme guess, it conveniently makes fries on the side ? LIBERTY fries ? 1681180;1499707772;mircea_popescu;funny how nobody from the "concerned" peanut gallery is there on the congress floor uninvited every day, "hey guise, remember that time when oyu decided to rechristian french fries ? what happened to that ??? I THINK THE USD IS WORTHLESS!!!"\ 1681181;1499707787;mircea_popescu;dat hipocrisy hunting, and its remarkably directional application. 1681182;1499707808;asciilifeform;'Find a healthy middle ground for regulators to interact with commerce without compromising some core principles inherited from Bitcoin' 1681183;1499707809;asciilifeform;didjaknow. 1681184;1499707816;mircea_popescu;heh 1681185;1499707833;mircea_popescu;i eagerlyexpect the imperial "fuckgoats" bowdlerization 1681186;1499707854;mircea_popescu;i also do not expect we will ever call anything outside of the "pussygraber" "yesmeansanal" etc antipantsuit set 1681187;1499707900;asciilifeform;aha, i can't think of any good reason to. 1681188;1499707950;mircea_popescu;"that weird cult that calls everything by unprintable names inexplicably because we try to run off with any other names they use hur durr" 1681189;1499708624;asciilifeform;'weirdos who eat garlic with every dinner because we keep trying to vampirize'em' 1681190;1499708691;mircea_popescu;it's exactly how it goes, too. and the funny thing is, the braindead vat dwellers actually go by that. 1681191;1499708702;mircea_popescu;moar win-win has scarcely ever been seen in the history of human stupidity. 1681192;1499708843;mircea_popescu;direct calque off the inept old woman "oh, tell all the young women not to go to the rape hut!!!" except , of course, the sort of girl that'd listen nobody wants there in the first place. 1681193;1499709045;mircea_popescu;(for the anthropocurious : there's three types of primitive civilisation known to either theory or practice. all three had a female hut, where the women did their woman shit. one of them had a male hut where they got drunk and dragged unwilling sexual partners by the hair. another had a male hut where they mostly sat idly about. the final one had no male hut at all, like the chimps, and thereby is very dubiosly a civilisation 1681194;1499709045;mircea_popescu; at all.) 1681195;1499709241;mircea_popescu;and yes, both gerousia and roman senate come off the first branch. 1681196;1499710172;mircea_popescu;and in other "cheap whore under the opposite delusion fittingly depicted atop cheap couch on cheap plastic flooring", http://68.media.tumblr.com/475c27b3bf85f5ee0fe1d2b344939189/tumblr_onxl0wT7jK1w8x9u1o1_1280.jpg 1681197;1499711600;BingoBoingo;At least knows to keep butthole off of dirty cheap plastic 1681198;1499711614;BingoBoingo;"functional clothing" 1681199;1499711660;mircea_popescu;and at happy teen camp, http://68.media.tumblr.com/b40607635b9d1d72440bd1ead172e7fa/tumblr_oqtcsfkq2R1robtkso1_500.gif 1681200;1499712408;BingoBoingo;"Rooney Mara’s character, grieving the death of her lover (Casey Affleck), returns home to find a pie left in her kitchen by a sympathetic friend or neighbor. As the bedsheet-clad ghost of her beloved looks on, Mara’s character, known only as M, unwraps the pie, sinks to the kitchen floor, and devours almost the entire thing in a five-minute, uninterrupted sequence before suddenly dashing to a nearby bathroom to throw up." << Films W 1681201;1499712408;BingoBoingo;aPo reviews for "our democracy", pussygrab 2020! 1681202;1499712446;mircea_popescu;hey, gotta speak to your audience. 1681203;1499712563;BingoBoingo;Other critics on said "cultural milestone": "Rooney attacks that pie like a cake person, engineering such unusual fork scoops (she stabs the pie at least four times before each bite) that I started to wonder whether the actress had even ever seen a pie before. We all do weird things when dealing with grief, but I was tickled by the fact that Mara’s bizarre pie-eating method still managed to leave the crust mostly intact." 1681204;1499712674;BingoBoingo;Our democracy however does not care to speak at all about parallels between protagonist of film who is a "bedsheet ghost" and Klan uniform which is also "bedsheet ghost" 1681205;1499712708;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2013/america-and-intellectual-relevance/#selection-276.0-276.1 1681206;1499712866;*;BingoBoingo unsure that this isn't new levels of irtellectuan int-L-evance 1681207;1499713444;mircea_popescu;meanwhile at python club, http://68.media.tumblr.com/09efcf8b8c0fb3eb22584f95b91c178c/tumblr_op6zh9mWjs1vlase7o1_1280.jpg 1681208;1499714113;asciilifeform;in other noose, ACHTUNG PANZERS, http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-29#1676331 nao 1.99s. 1681209;1499714113;a111;Logged on 2017-06-29 19:57 asciilifeform: in other noose ! nao we have comba's algo multiplier as basecase in karatsuba (currently threshold 8 words) , and http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-21#1673165 becomes now 7.5sec 1681210;1499714120;mircea_popescu;o hey 1681211;1499714134;asciilifeform;this with 0 asm 1681212;1499714148;asciilifeform;and 0 parallelism 1681213;1499714150;mircea_popescu;nice 1681214;1499714191;mircea_popescu;this is 2sec per exp mult is it ? 1681215;1499714198;asciilifeform;correct. 1681216;1499714202;asciilifeform;8192bits in particular. 1681217;1499714217;mircea_popescu;what's a 4kb keygen, gotta look for the primes, say a few hundred emults ? 1681218;1499714237;asciilifeform;depends whether you get lucky, lol 1681219;1499714249;mircea_popescu;yes, but i mean as the middle of distribution 1681220;1499714286;*;asciilifeform goes to the torture room answer this q empirically 1681221;1499714290;asciilifeform;*to 1681222;1499714292;mircea_popescu;kk 1681223;1499714325;mircea_popescu;it's conceivable 2s is actually good enough (tm) 1681224;1499715192;asciilifeform;sooo a 4096b rsa key takes about a dozen modexp's, on avg, on gpg 1.4.10 1681225;1499715206;mircea_popescu;splendid. 1681226;1499715206;asciilifeform;a 8192b key, not yet known, because gotta patch it to even allow one 1681227;1499715212;mod6;<+asciilifeform> and 0 parallelism << cool! 1681228;1499715214;mircea_popescu;i don't want 8kb keys 1681229;1499715361;asciilifeform;i'm writing a proggy meant to be wholly devoid of 640isenoughforeverybody-isms 1681230;1499715378;mircea_popescu;this is sane in any other case but key size. 1681231;1499715405;mircea_popescu;do teh math, if 8kb rsa key is preferable to 4kb rsa key, there's fundamental problems with rsa that make it useless anyway. 1681232;1499715427;mircea_popescu;and this nonsense of offering faux meaningless choice a la kochpgp is unwelcome and shouldn't be perpetuated. keys are 4kb and forget about it. 1681233;1499715443;mircea_popescu;and not even 4096 bits, there's a whole speccing discussion re this in teh logs 1681234;1499715444;asciilifeform;i ain't putting idiot magic numbers in. anywhere. 1681235;1499715451;asciilifeform;not happening. 1681236;1499715473;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform well there is that. nor should you. butwhat happens to 8kb keys is of ~0 interest nevertheless. 1681237;1499715481;asciilifeform;at any rate a p proggy starts with the register bitness 1681238;1499715492;asciilifeform;aite 1681239;1499715511;asciilifeform;incidentally, mircea_popescu's argument could just as readily be made re 4096 vs 2048 etc 1681240;1499715525;asciilifeform;each theoretically 'needs multiple planets' to break via traditional methods 1681241;1499715550;mircea_popescu;not so. why i said do the math : cracking 4kb key the hard way exceeds the universe. this is a categorical argument, substantially different from "i could compute 2 bit key by enumeration on napkin" 1681242;1499715566;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform no. one needs multiple planets, the other exceeds matter. 1681243;1499715610;asciilifeform;i can think of other considerations, as in the thread with the exponents 1681244;1499715705;mircea_popescu;where the fuck is that tmsr-standard-rsa-key discussion 1681245;1499715713;asciilifeform;on mircea_popescu's www iirc 1681246;1499715721;mircea_popescu;o it was ? i was murdering the logsearch 1681247;1499715780;asciilifeform;lol kochgpg ends up computing garbage if the 4096 cap is removed 1681248;1499715791;mircea_popescu;guaranteed bug you found. 1681249;1499715792;asciilifeform;betcha nobody ever tested its bignumtron with longer ints.. 1681250;1499715802;asciilifeform;'doctor, it hurts...' 1681251;1499715804;mircea_popescu;ie, koch bignum dun actulaly work. 1681252;1499715814;asciilifeform;fwiw mine -- worx 1681253;1499715833;asciilifeform;kB, mB, dunmatter. 1681254;1499715880;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-03#1513696 1681255;1499715880;a111;Logged on 2016-08-03 04:34 mircea_popescu: actually to formalize that : a 4096 bits key means a p that is 257 to 259 bytes long ; and a q that is 258 to 260 bytes long. end of fucking story. 1681256;1499715899;asciilifeform;aactually bug in my gpg torturetron, so : 1681257;1499715904;mircea_popescu;^ very specific what a key is. not "interchangeable p and q" 1681258;1499715950;*;asciilifeform reruns the test 1681259;1499716015;mircea_popescu;(yes this yields keys slightly longer than 4kb. good.) 1681260;1499716081;asciilifeform;ok actual answer is about 100. 1681261;1499716090;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform what i had also. 1681262;1499716092;asciilifeform;( modexps per 4096 mod ) 1681263;1499716124;mircea_popescu;it is entirely acceptable for proper keygen to take up to a few hours. 200 seconds is actually exceedingly fast. 1681264;1499716130;asciilifeform;will be moar if greater millerrabin margin is used , also 1681265;1499716159;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform that's another thing i would like : a graph of the relation of the m-r failure rate to the a) entropy quality and b) margin. 1681266;1499716169;mircea_popescu;ie, is the relative impact cuadratic or subquadratic ? 1681267;1499716221;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: this'd be an interesting adjunct to the dh tests even. 1681268;1499716238;mircea_popescu;which incidentally brings us to a very workable and very useful tmsr definition of entropy quality : take a FG string. flip a number of consecutive bits to 1. the result is your entropy quality, such as 100/1mb if you flipped 100 bits. 1681269;1499716246;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yes. 1681270;1499716262;mircea_popescu;could also be derived mathematically, but so far've not managed to. 1681271;1499716465;shinohai;https://github.com/btc1/bitcoin/issues/65 <<< This Summer, even the testnet forks. 1681272;1499716528;asciilifeform;'mathematics of computation' vol. 61, no. 203, july 1993, pp. 177-194 ( https://www.math.dartmouth.edu//~carlp/PDF/paper88.pdf << yes it's a scan, ain't got another ) appears to give the desired bounds for miller-rabin. 1681273;1499716541;mircea_popescu;oh ? 1681274;1499716554;mircea_popescu;now i gotta read a pdf 1681275;1499716578;*;asciilifeform keeps dedicated iron around for the purpose 1681276;1499716584;mod6;how come they don't publish these things in ascii like normal people? 1681277;1499716592;mircea_popescu;possibly maffds 1681278;1499716605;asciilifeform;mod6: if ~you~ type it up, it'll be ascii... 1681279;1499716607;mod6;ah right. still sux tho. 1681280;1499716617;mod6;asciilifeform: lol indeed. 1681281;1499716665;*;shinohai curled it and piped through pdf2text, seems readable .... 1681282;1499716679;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: for completeness, exp with 4096 operands takes ~0.3s. per. on current ffa. 1681283;1499716692;mircea_popescu;not terrible even 1681284;1499716696;asciilifeform;*4096b 1681285;1499716878;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i had actually read this text, though pretty sure not in this paper. but i recall the 100,10 bounds etc 1681286;1499716883;mircea_popescu;this is still less than my graph. 1681287;1499716935;mircea_popescu;they have the p k, 1 < 4 ** (2 - sqrt(k))* k**2 , which is useful, but i also want the p k, m 1681288;1499716979;asciilifeform;prolly hadamard's thing re prime distribution is the closest we're likely to get to an exact answer 1681289;1499716998;mircea_popescu;i would very much like an exact bound, rather than an exact solution 1681290;1499717005;asciilifeform;which is frustrating because you can't resort to 'empirical test' here , because circular, there EXISTS NO 'gold rng' 1681291;1499717029;asciilifeform;hey wouldn'tit be spiffy if we had an exact answer re prime distribution, lol 1681292;1499717058;mircea_popescu;what do you mean there exists no gold rng ? 1681293;1499717070;asciilifeform;recall the dh thread 1681294;1499717085;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform by my lights, exact answer re prime distribution prerequisite to trivial factorization of rsa. 1681295;1499717093;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yes, i recall. 1681296;1499717097;asciilifeform;there is no 'gold standard' to which i could compare fg, etc 1681297;1499717108;mircea_popescu;there is no gold standard to which you could compare the gold standard ? 1681298;1499717114;asciilifeform;aha!11lolyes 1681299;1499717126;mircea_popescu;does this make you suffer greatly ? 1681300;1499717130;asciilifeform;not usually. 1681301;1499717137;asciilifeform;but sometimes it is inconvenient. 1681302;1499717139;mircea_popescu;aite, me either. 1681303;1499717501;asciilifeform;now for another little mindfuck, 1681304;1499717520;asciilifeform;same figure sans karatsuba : 3.7s. 1681305;1499717586;asciilifeform;( alert reader will ask, what did i change ? answer : 1) comba 2) gcc -O2 (this keeps all bounds checks and dun do anything aggressive, just peepholes) ) 1681306;1499717709;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in tit-hello, http://68.media.tumblr.com/5bbc9e2c1caaf38357bb956d156600f6/tumblr_oimi8cQ5Xq1uwwy5ko1_1280.jpg 1681307;1499717852;mod6;asciilifeform: huh 1681308;1499717870;asciilifeform;mod6: i was running with -g -O0 previously, lol 1681309;1499717882;mod6;oh -g 1681310;1499717890;asciilifeform;aha, it also 1681311;1499717902;mod6;im retarded, what is 'comba' ? 1681312;1499717917;asciilifeform;!#s comba 1681313;1499717918;a111;6 results for "comba", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=comba 1681314;1499717942;mod6;cheers 1681315;1499717973;mod6;oohh right. thx 1681316;1499718042;mod6;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-10#1681267 << cool 1681317;1499718042;a111;Logged on 2017-07-10 19:50 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: this'd be an interesting adjunct to the dh tests even. 1681318;1499718078;mircea_popescu;it's generally a pity people don't use numerical methods more. 1681319;1499718093;mircea_popescu;got all this iron, let's do dumbass bayesianisms on it, instead of you know, what people correctly did up to the 90s or so. 1681320;1499719671;asciilifeform;mod6: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/RxYkz/?raw=true 1681321;1499719713;asciilifeform;btw, nobody's exempt from having to eventually grasp how ^ worx 1681322;1499719721;asciilifeform;so may as well get head start. 1681323;1499719778;asciilifeform;incidentally, (imaginary) prize to the first d00d who understands why this had to be rewritten with the loops indexing from 0 .. L-1, rather than, e.g., for i in X'Range ... as formerly 1681324;1499719924;asciilifeform;rot13 spoiler: Nqn neenl fyvprf xrrc gur 'Svefg naq 'Ynfg bs jurerire va gur cnerag gurl pnzr sebz! sbe fbzr ernfba guvf vf abg zragvbarq naljurer ohg va gur fgnaqneq. Xnengfhon bs pbhefr raqf hc vaibxvat gur onfrpnfr zhygvcyvre jvgu fyvprf gung qba'g ortva jvgu mreb, naq gb qrfgvangvba neenl gung yvxrjvfr qbrfa'g. Fb jr tbggn abeznyvmr. 1681325;1499721828;mod6;asciilifeform: thx, will read 1681326;1499722083;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform this sounds like the ugliest of hacks. 1681327;1499722868;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it ain't tho. 1681328;1499722876;mircea_popescu;why does ada do that, anyway ? 1681329;1499722894;asciilifeform;because not doing it would lead to increased ugly. 1681330;1499722914;asciilifeform;though i also found it at first difficult to understand why. 1681331;1499722916;mircea_popescu;i realyl don't like this "and now we magic-variable the numbers". it's one step up from magic constant 1681332;1499722948;asciilifeform;slices are not arrays in their own right, they are offsets into another array 1681333;1499722958;mircea_popescu;ok... 1681334;1499722959;asciilifeform;and ergo retain the original's indexing. 1681335;1499722973;asciilifeform;so you can get it back from a slice 1681336;1499722979;mircea_popescu;wouldn't it actually be proper to copy the slice into its own array ? 1681337;1499722984;asciilifeform;no!!!! 1681338;1499722989;asciilifeform;that ain't called a sloce 1681339;1499722993;asciilifeform;*slice 1681340;1499723003;asciilifeform;that's a copy, we do this also sometimes. 1681341;1499723022;mircea_popescu;wouldn't it be actually proper to copy the slice into its own array and to maintain a pairing of slices and new arrays ; rather trhan do index magics on the mult code ? 1681342;1499723075;asciilifeform;nope. blows the cache. 1681343;1499723080;asciilifeform;and bloats the algo. 1681344;1499723086;asciilifeform;worst of all worlds. 1681345;1499723088;mircea_popescu;i didn't say practical, i was just going with proper 1681346;1499723118;asciilifeform;seekrit : in the 'most fascist' restriction mode, ada... copies slices 1681347;1499723124;mircea_popescu;aha 1681348;1499723125;asciilifeform;( behind the curtain ) 1681349;1499723131;mod6;ah. 1681350;1499723164;asciilifeform;(no_implicit_loops pragma iirc) 1681351;1499723195;mod6;i've read, so far seems ok -- i've got to wrap my mind around the second ("high loop") as I did before. 1681352;1499723223;mod6;gotta take it the whiteboard a bit later perhaps. 1681353;1499723299;asciilifeform;upstack, array slices ( which commonlisp also has ) are important to being rid of having to use c-style pointers 1681354;1499723321;asciilifeform;in much the same way as 'in' parameters (in ada procedures) 1681355;1499723329;mircea_popescu;i am sitting here wondering if this is "getting rid" as in, rid or rid as in, hid. 1681356;1499723337;asciilifeform;rid. 1681357;1499723351;asciilifeform;in that they are replaced with a far more constrained item 1681358;1499723365;asciilifeform;about which you can prove particulars. 1681359;1499723383;mircea_popescu;what particular can i prove re the relation between an array slice and the index fixer variable ? 1681360;1499723416;mircea_popescu;~same as the relation between pointer and its content, "better hope programmer didn't fuck up ; and also it usually blows up if he did so there's that" 1681361;1499723423;asciilifeform;wrong 1681362;1499723439;asciilifeform;they get checked against the bounds 1681363;1499723443;asciilifeform;every. time. 1681364;1499723453;mircea_popescu;ah so no overflow 1681365;1499723458;asciilifeform;aha. 1681366;1499723461;mircea_popescu;but can i overflow THE SLICE ? 1681367;1499723466;asciilifeform;nope. 1681368;1499723473;mircea_popescu;wedll that's something. 1681369;1499723476;asciilifeform;slice has own bounds, the correct ones. 1681370;1499723485;mircea_popescu;i see. 1681371;1499723493;asciilifeform;ada is a thing for a reason, i found. hence this entire thread. 1681372;1499723537;mod6;so recently, i've done some multi-d array programming in ada.. 1681373;1499723542;asciilifeform;every time, to date, when i bashed head against wall and went 'WAI DOES IT DOOO THAT!1!!1' i ended up repenting 1681374;1499723559;asciilifeform;'oooh hey turns out, Right Thing' 1681375;1499723567;mircea_popescu;that's encouraging... 1681376;1499723600;asciilifeform;quite possibly i'dve given up long ago if not for this repeated experience 1681377;1499723634;mod6;all i can say thus far is; stuff seems to be strict. my code may compile, but indeed blows up at runtime. 1681378;1499723643;asciilifeform;every single time it was 'guess wat, this is How It Works in the adult hut. for reasons that Make Sense'... 1681379;1499723669;asciilifeform;mod6: note that 'blow up' still dun mean 'segfault' 1681380;1499723677;mod6;index out of bounds. 1681381;1499723695;mircea_popescu;he means it catches it itself 1681382;1499723701;mod6;or whatever it was. no did not seem to be a segfault. 1681383;1499723724;mod6;im just dumb. it seemed to be smarter than i am. 1681384;1499723727;mod6;at least, for nw. 1681385;1499723735;asciilifeform;mod6: you won't physically ever see a segfault in ada proggy built with default 'fascism' level 1681386;1499723753;asciilifeform;most you'll get is a stop. 1681387;1499723764;mod6;that's what would be ideal 1681388;1499723768;mod6;:] 1681389;1499723787;asciilifeform;in some critical applications (airplane, rsatron) this is still unacceptable and hence spark 1681390;1499723791;mod6;now if i could just my head out of my ass.... 1681391;1499723800;asciilifeform;( and -- fits-in-head !! ) 1681392;1499723812;mod6;head-fits-in-ass 1681393;1499723820;asciilifeform;lol 1681394;1499723849;trinque;!~bash 5 1681395;1499723850;jhvh1;Last 5 lines bashed and pending publication 1681396;1499723854;mod6;heheh, ok. will dig into ur function a bit more here in a little bit. 1681397;1499723864;asciilifeform;i've been reading, btw, the output 1681398;1499723869;asciilifeform;of gnat, i mean 1681399;1499723873;asciilifeform;the asm 1681400;1499723887;mod6;is it doing ~what is expected? 1681401;1499723889;asciilifeform;on -O2 it's surprisingly notbad 1681402;1499723931;asciilifeform;mod6: aha. i wanted to see how the bounds checks are done, and whether gcc4.9 takes any liberties with'em 1681403;1499723943;mod6;good work. 1681404;1499723959;asciilifeform;seems like it works - almost astonishingly - as printed on the box... 1681405;1499723988;asciilifeform;ftr asciilifeform doing this chore does not excuse other folx from same 1681406;1499724018;asciilifeform;my gnat is mine, but what's in yours - only beelzebub knows 1681407;1499724075;asciilifeform;relatedly, after adatronic 'p' is fully nailed down and flying, i'ma bake one in x64 asm. 1681408;1499724096;asciilifeform;in the interest of bootstrapology. 1681409;1499724115;mircea_popescu;not even a bad idea 1681410;1499724135;asciilifeform;( ffa in asm is - somewhat surprisingly - easier than ada or even c ) 1681411;1499724239;asciilifeform;phunphakt -- if you nail down, to a fixed bitness, the N-arity of the arithmetic, you can unroll all of the loops. 1681412;1499724259;asciilifeform;e.g. mircea_popescu's 4096 1681413;1499724292;asciilifeform;pretty lulzy, jmpless rsatron then 1681414;1499724303;asciilifeform;but iirc this came up in old thread. 1681415;1499724313;mircea_popescu;did 1681416;1499724322;mircea_popescu;part of the point 1681417;1499724355;asciilifeform;( i dun know of any compelling practical reason to do this, outside of something like a hand-sewn gossipd packet filter in asm on bare iron, for max horsepower ) 1681418;1499724413;mircea_popescu;unrolled loops means fixed time eh. 1681419;1499724442;asciilifeform;constant-arity loops - equally fixed 1681420;1499724449;asciilifeform;but unrolled is moar cacheable. 1681421;1499724471;mircea_popescu;but unrolled loops you can bake in your alfmachine we were discussing last week 1681422;1499724479;asciilifeform;tru! 1681423;1499724496;mircea_popescu;moreover, if you do fixed as described, you CAN so unroll, if you do or if you don't. 1681424;1499724501;mircea_popescu;otherwise, you CAN NOT. 1681425;1499724528;asciilifeform;in my mind's eye thing would be a 32kBit-arity alu...lol 1681426;1499724550;mircea_popescu;4kbit first 1681427;1499724558;asciilifeform;same principle 1681428;1499724566;mircea_popescu;yes, but cheaper by a factor 1681429;1499724572;asciilifeform;and if made correctly they oughta plug in for longer arity. 1681430;1499724585;asciilifeform;the way folx used to stitch shifters together. 1681431;1499724594;mircea_popescu;well yes, i imagined the 4kb one also composite. 1681432;1499724670;asciilifeform;upstack, ffa wants to double as a 'how to rsa' 'b00k' , i.e. at every point tradeoff was made for clarity rather than speed. 1681433;1499724687;asciilifeform;we can always get the speed BACK later 1681434;1499724695;asciilifeform;but try and get back lost clarity!! 1681435;1499724727;mircea_popescu;just as should be. first spec code then optimized code 1681436;1499724767;asciilifeform;p ain't a 'code is the spec' crock-o-shit tho. up asciilifeform's sleeve, is an actual spec 1681437;1499724816;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-04#1679099 1681438;1499724816;a111;Logged on 2017-07-04 15:06 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-04#1679054 << this is a fine approach. "here's the per spec impl, here's the optimized impl. you can verify they agree wrt results ; and you can trivially verify the former is spec-accurate." 1681439;1499724855;asciilifeform;i don't expect to see many reimplementations, sadly, however, because one of the items of said spec is 'the following ops are in constant spacetime...' 1681440;1499724890;mircea_popescu;which suggests the very important point : bitewise equality over the result space is not sufficient proof of program equivalence. 1681441;1499724909;asciilifeform;probably an ada build and a handrolled asm, per cpu make, is best that can be had. 1681442;1499724912;mircea_popescu;aka "you can not fix a computer by simply rebooting it without any idea what's going on" moonism 1681443;1499724938;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: aka 'path dependent' 1681444;1499724990;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform incidentally, unrelatedly and idly : an optorsatron might also be built if unrolled. 1681445;1499725010;asciilifeform;aha 1681446;1499725017;asciilifeform;or even... mechanical 1681447;1499725027;mircea_popescu;the two aren't that distinct in this application 1681448;1499725041;asciilifeform;( esp. if you use muller's delay-insensitive logic ) 1681449;1499725055;mircea_popescu;but it'd make fine ART, to go back to http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-07#1680182 1681450;1499725055;a111;Logged on 2017-07-07 18:01 mircea_popescu: if they did that sort of shit, i could almost respect artists. 1681451;1499725062;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform aha 1681452;1499725113;mircea_popescu;it should not take the average artist a year of labour to produce the optorsatron out of cheap lasers and stuff ~free in any collegiate lab, once he's stolen the unrolling and idea from log. 1681453;1499725117;asciilifeform;part of what asciilifeform was even doing re 'p' is answering the q of 'what is the minimal practical rsatron' 1681454;1499725174;asciilifeform;( lessay you had to put one in a very... tight space. e.g. 'uci' payload... ) 1681455;1499725203;asciilifeform;the tightest, in practice, space of all, however, is.. the head 1681456;1499725233;asciilifeform;if you want ( and we do ) an ABSOLUTE, iron grasp. 1681457;1499725371;*;asciilifeform bbl, meat 1681458;1499728071;jurov;re: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-09#1681019 i tried and liked https://github.com/conspack/cl-conspack 1681459;1499728071;a111;Logged on 2017-07-09 16:29 phf: note that common lisp's sexps are not an ideal data exchange format 1681460;1499728101;mircea_popescu;!!up EIC 1681461;1499728102;deedbot;EIC voiced for 30 minutes. 1681462;1499728111;mircea_popescu;EIC did you figure out how to reg a key ? 1681463;1499733507;mircea_popescu;and in other "i can't believe it's not butt-er", https://68.media.tumblr.com/f7dcd66710edeb9ffa4565cd0cbf3077/tumblr_omp9juCdzX1vczyw6o2_1280.jpg 1681464;1499733563;shinohai;Cornhole datwith this: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DEahtE1W0AEnWxa.jpg 1681465;1499733849;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-10#1681458 << massive 1681466;1499733849;a111;Logged on 2017-07-10 23:07 jurov: re: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-09#1681019 i tried and liked https://github.com/conspack/cl-conspack 1681467;1499733859;asciilifeform;( and -- damningly -- i can't think of why. ) 1681468;1499735659;mod6;evenin' 1681469;1499735810;*;mod6 sprays down the whiteboard 1681470;1499736197;mod6;!#s toom 1681471;1499736198;a111;11 results for "toom", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=toom 1681472;1499736385;asciilifeform;mod6: toom-cook ? 1681473;1499736410;asciilifeform;generalization of karatsuba, but pretty useless for fitsinhead rsatron imho 1681474;1499736446;asciilifeform;( only begins to +ev a considerable way above 8192b ) 1681475;1499736482;mod6;yeah, just wanted to remember/remind myself of why we didn't use that, and looked at karatsuba instead, but then saw this again: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-21#1659981 1681476;1499736482;a111;Logged on 2017-05-21 16:47 asciilifeform: because ALL ops take same time, so karatsuma, toom-cook, etc. cannot work because they fundamentally rely on breaking large x*y into a number of smaller a1*b1, a2*b2, ... 1681477;1499736500;asciilifeform;same reason i didn't implement fft 1681478;1499736509;mod6;ah, and there was a time when L was not part of the plan 1681479;1499736563;asciilifeform;note that our L does not depend on the results of the arithmetic at any point 1681480;1499736569;mod6;mircea_popescu: my eyyyes 1681481;1499736600;mod6;asciilifeform: indeed, was just re-reading. makes sense. 1681482;1499737534;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/2FAC60661995A00418D5429654E10DD273A94CF808ACA4449782DB8DB28ECE27 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1668...2909 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (fbn162.internetdsl.tpnet.pl. PL) 1681483;1499737534;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/2FAC60661995A00418D5429654E10DD273A94CF808ACA4449782DB8DB28ECE27 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1447...7557 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (fbn162.internetdsl.tpnet.pl. PL) 1681484;1499737807;mod6;f, my ffa is super old 1681485;1499737871;mod6;nevermind found one 1681486;1499739278;mod6;asciilifeform: you mind throwing me your W_Add_D, i don't seem to have one. 1681487;1499739448;asciilifeform;mod6: see in https://archive.is/DGDu1 1681488;1499739741;mod6;thx 1681489;1499741065;mod6;are 'Lo : Word; \n Hi : Word;' initialized to zero on the first pass through Col(...) by default? 1681490;1499741249;asciilifeform;mod6: they dun need initializing, they are the low and high words of word*word mul 1681491;1499741265;asciilifeform;( also posted earlier, at some point ) 1681492;1499741293;asciilifeform;( they get set afresh each time it muls ) 1681493;1499741491;mod6;ok, my bad, i see those are the output words for W_Mul, XY_LW and XY_HI. 1681494;1499741508;mod6;(im going through by hand here...) 1681495;1499741748;mod6;lol, im gonna need a bigger board. 1681496;1499743175;mircea_popescu;mod6 makes a by hand unrolling because why not :D 1681497;1499743238;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in byw news, http://68.media.tumblr.com/8abe3546f7076a75f572488328d5f661/tumblr_oevzazQFPS1rjwj6to1_1280.jpg 1681498;1499743519;mod6;lol, im probably just dim, but i think it's the only way im gonna understand things thing through and through 1681499;1499743530;mircea_popescu;sounds legit actually. 1681500;1499745050;mod6;holy moly 1681501;1499745075;mod6;my gurl is like X_X 1681502;1499745087;mircea_popescu;hm ? 1681503;1499745105;mod6;workin through this on the board. so! 1681504;1499745120;mod6;i did solve a few of my own questions so far on it. 1681505;1499745133;mod6;and gleaned a few things I didn't notice earlier. 1681506;1499745158;mod6;i haven't gone all the way through the W_Mul yet, but just unrolling it as said. 1681507;1499745196;mod6; for i in L .. 2*L - 2 loop 1681508;1499745197;mod6; Col(i, i - L + 1, L - 1); 1681509;1499745206;mod6;this was throwing me off earlier today ^ 1681510;1499745213;mod6;but now, it's starting to make sense. 1681511;1499745540;mod6;this is neat 1681512;1499745687;mod6;now that i've got that part in my head, now can tackle the rest tomorrow. 1681513;1499745852;mod6;damn, i wanna be on whatever deck she's on. 1681514;1499747753;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2017/07/credibility-of-us-universities-falling-as-desire-for-great-again-takes-lead-in-culture-war/ << Qntra - Credibility Of US Universities Falling As Desire For "Great Again" Takes Lead In "Culture War" 1681515;1499751176;deedbot;http://www.contravex.com/2017/07/10/the-wallet-inspectors-promise-v-ico/ << » Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski - The Wallet Inspector’s Promise v.”ICO” 1681516;1499780236;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/6B3CA2F9FC994FCEF29102187AA563F096485E5B262AADFA403E301E941AC291 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1570...7077 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (210-86-180-160.static.asianet.co.th. TH 10) 1681517;1499780236;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/6B3CA2F9FC994FCEF29102187AA563F096485E5B262AADFA403E301E941AC291 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1407...5429 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (210-86-180-160.static.asianet.co.th. TH 10) 1681518;1499780779;asciilifeform; << lol, readable dirs 1681519;1499790523;mod6;mornin' 1681520;1499790547;ben_vulpes;ola 1681521;1499790553;mod6;how goes? 1681522;1499790628;ben_vulpes;self-administered "remedial binary arthmetic with practical applications" course is very educational; going well 1681523;1499790638;ben_vulpes;yrself? 1681524;1499790667;mod6;good! 1681525;1499800547;asciilifeform;in other 'news', '-gnatG' flag is very very spiffy 1681526;1499800558;asciilifeform;barfs raw ast out of gnat 1681527;1499800595;asciilifeform;pretty great for debugging failures of, e.g., pragma Restrictions(No_Implicit_Conditionals); 1681528;1499800605;mod6;cool 1681529;1499800670;asciilifeform;so for instance i throw in pragma Restrictions (No_Exception_Propagation); and see "Constraint_Error may result in unhandled exception" and then wonder where, 1681530;1499800840;asciilifeform;and /me considered pasting the example, but turns out it potentially fires in every single line, lol 1681531;1499800898;mod6;ah. 1681532;1499800991;asciilifeform;mod6: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/Ibqes/?raw=true << example with w_mul 1681533;1499801027;mod6;ok neat, i just ran it against my V stuff, seems to dump out all of the symbols or whatnot 1681534;1499801099;mod6;ah, that's sweet asciilifeform 1681535;1499801104;asciilifeform;ikr? 1681536;1499801197;asciilifeform;see the classic, https://lwn.net/Articles/629259/ , and the rms thread, re why this is not available for c/cpp gcc 1681537;1499801419;asciilifeform;( http://btcbase.org/log/2015-01-10#971993 << thread. possibly elsewhere also. ) 1681538;1499801419;a111;Logged on 2015-01-10 05:46 mircea_popescu: https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-devel/2015-01/msg00205.html 1681539;1499801523;*;mod6 reads the rms thread 1681540;1499802311;mod6;lol 1681541;1499803445;asciilifeform;!!up fromdeedbot 1681542;1499803446;deedbot;fromdeedbot voiced for 30 minutes. 1681543;1499803670;fromdeedbot;!!wot 1681544;1499803676;deedbot;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/xlTE7/?raw=true 1681545;1499804682;phf;bold move 1681546;1499805660;trinque;omg, smash and grab 1681547;1499806681;asciilifeform;http://gcc-melt.org << of potential trbological interest. 1681548;1499806690;asciilifeform;mod6 et al ^ 1681549;1499806765;ben_vulpes;pretty excellent website 1681550;1499806902;shinohai;nifty! 1681551;1499806907;*;asciilifeform has not tried $subj 1681552;1499808103;*;mod6 looks 1681553;1499810408;mircea_popescu;and in percussion engine news, http://68.media.tumblr.com/fa600ff8d20f4ebbca0145e436639b74/tumblr_oaobhtXoVg1tarv7io1_500.gif 1681554;1499810515;shinohai;Such efficiency 1681555;1499810537;mircea_popescu;every stroke is precious, every stroke is good 1681556;1499810542;mircea_popescu;iof a stroke is wasted god gets quire irate 1681557;1499812099;BingoBoingo;In other news: Fake news attacking idiot son (Donald Jr.) for trying to impress father because shut out of campaign as an idiot 1681558;1499813073;shinohai;fake news is where the $ is at these dayz 1681559;1499813295;BingoBoingo;Try telling that to CNN 1681560;1499814257;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2017/07/fake-news-washington-post-changes-tune-on-russian-collusion/ << Qntra - Fake News Washington Post Changes Tune On Russian Collusion 1681561;1499814564;BingoBoingo;^ misc corrections applied. 1681562;1499815403;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-11#1681522 << how's teh fhf perfing coming along ? 1681563;1499815403;a111;Logged on 2017-07-11 16:30 ben_vulpes: self-administered "remedial binary arthmetic with practical applications" course is very educational; going well 1681564;1499815619;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo espicially 1681565;1499815661;mircea_popescu;"As recently as earlier today, the Fake News empire turned idiot son Donald Junior's gullibility with respect to a phishing scheme1 into their latest headline of the day which they will use to sell loyal consumers of their fiction product on the "certain end" of the 8 year Trumpreich in spite of all the actual evidence running to the contrary of their narrative supported instead by a complete lack of evidence." 1681566;1499815664;mircea_popescu;this is not a sentence. 1681567;1499815719;mircea_popescu;wtf, newswriting not dictionary boating accident 1681568;1499815740;asciilifeform;meanwhile in the land of toy crypto, https://eprint.iacr.org/2017/655 >> '...Inmarsat satellite phones... the 64-bit encryption-key... recovered in around 0.02s on average' 1681569;1499815902;asciilifeform;elsewhere, 'karpeles pleads notguilty' 1681570;1499815933;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: slowlybut surely, expanding the horizon of things i understand, taking the time to make sure i understand each part. 1681571;1499815941;mircea_popescu;aite 1681572;1499815979;asciilifeform;...but confesses to tape-painting bot 1681573;1499816007;ben_vulpes;byte arrays to integers for the m+1, m+2, coercions for byte arrays to integers, bit arrays for flipping random bits, 1681574;1499816014;mircea_popescu;karpeles and carl force "trials", parallel lulz constructions. 1681575;1499816131;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes here's a high pay grade question for you : of the two models of "controlled de-entropy" i spawned in a week, specifically a) count of randomly placed flipped bits, as in the discussion with you re that and b) string of randomly initiated, n bit long SET bits, as discussed in http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-10#1681268 which does the bitcoin foundation regard as a better candidate for standardization as "the republic' 1681576;1499816131;a111;Logged on 2017-07-10 19:50 mircea_popescu: which incidentally brings us to a very workable and very useful tmsr definition of entropy quality : take a FG string. flip a number of consecutive bits to 1. the result is your entropy quality, such as 100/1mb if you flipped 100 bits. 1681577;1499816131;mircea_popescu;s measure of de-entropied bitstream" ? 1681578;1499816156;mircea_popescu;and, of course, "and why ?". 1681579;1499816162;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i'd like to see an expanded algo for ^ 1681580;1499816168;mircea_popescu;which ? 1681581;1499816176;asciilifeform;'take a FG string... 100bits' 1681582;1499816222;mircea_popescu;let M = FG[1Mb] ; let P = rnd(0, 1Mb) ; let M[P..P+100] = 1. 1681583;1499816223;asciilifeform;what means 'flip a number of consecutive bits to 1' ? 1681584;1499816253;asciilifeform;( for what does this operation use the original values that came out of the rng ? ) 1681585;1499816269;mircea_popescu;for the other 1048476 bits 1681586;1499816316;*;asciilifeform unable to parse an implementable algo out of the above 1681587;1499816323;mircea_popescu;what's the rub ? 1681588;1499816338;asciilifeform;i have nfi what 'rnd(0, 1Mb)' does 1681589;1499816348;mircea_popescu;produces a random number between 1 and 1048576 1681590;1499816359;asciilifeform;what's FG[1Mb] do ? 1681591;1499816369;asciilifeform;fills 1048576 bits with rngolade? 1681592;1499816370;mircea_popescu;produces a bit-addressable array of 1048576 bits from FG 1681593;1499816399;asciilifeform;and then we take Pth to P+100th bits and.. what then 1681594;1499816404;mircea_popescu;set them to 1. 1681595;1499816407;asciilifeform;what's that do ? 1681596;1499816415;mircea_popescu;it degrades the entropy of M' so obtained. 1681597;1499816442;asciilifeform;aite, and what to do with M and M' ? 1681598;1499816469;mircea_popescu;M' is now a "known low entropy bitfield". we know it to have degraded by 100/1Mb or w/e the case may be 1681599;1499816490;mircea_popescu;then we feed it into entropy-dependent processes (say the rabin miller test, as discussed yest) and see what comes out. 1681600;1499816496;asciilifeform;so this's a 'meta' test of a given dh-style test ? 1681601;1499816526;mircea_popescu;in a sense. it has multiple utilities, it allows you to try and guess (numerically) whether for instance better entropy or more passes are useful for rabin miller 1681602;1499816533;mircea_popescu;which allows you to correctly balance your tester irl. 1681603;1499816552;mircea_popescu;as in, balance it according to a calculation, rather than according t oa feeling. 1681604;1499816557;asciilifeform;incidentally if there's a vonneuman filter in the pipe, setting consecutive bits does 0 1681605;1499816596;asciilifeform;btw, fun project for FG owners -- connect the analogue hoses to something other than the included boards, and see what you get 1681606;1499816682;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform there is that, yes. but we're doiong this for instrumentation in teh lab not for any other purpose. it's a tracer for entropy, like the shit they make you swallow to see your stomach. 1681607;1499816691;mircea_popescu;they -- also do 0 if not used as prescribed 1681608;1499816706;BingoBoingo; wtf, newswriting not dictionary boating accident << Cleanup ongoing. Probably ought to write before baking brain in heat or sleep and proofread before publishing. /me resets "Days since linguistic boating accident" sign back to 0 days 1681609;1499816716;mircea_popescu;:p 1681610;1499816718;*;shinohai likes mircea_popescu 's barium enema analogy 1681611;1499816742;shinohai;or cocktail as case may be 1681612;1499816743;asciilifeform;iirc the d00d who found the koch whitening lulzgem used a proggy that worked quite like 'barium enema' 1681613;1499816744;mircea_popescu;shinohai :p 1681614;1499816752;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform aha! 1681615;1499816752;asciilifeform;traced operand flow 1681616;1499816787;mircea_popescu;poor ben_vulpes has been silent since the blessing of wtf 10 minutes ago. 1681617;1499816797;ben_vulpes;gonna hafta think about it, for sure 1681618;1499816804;mircea_popescu;open question. 1681619;1499816831;mircea_popescu;(ie, i dun have an answer for it myself, nor know how to get one.) 1681620;1499816898;asciilifeform;the possibly paradoxical answer, afaik, is there does not actually exist such a thing as good entropy. only bad and worse. 1681621;1499816911;mircea_popescu;as alf points out, a is "better" in the sense v-n debiaser kills b, if this is a better. unclear. 1681622;1499816943;mircea_popescu;a is also twice as strong, because obviously b will flip on average half the bits it sets. but is this ACTUALLY half ? ie, how do yo umeasure unrandomness ? b is much more strongly patterned than a. 1681623;1499816958;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform no that's exactly what we're doing. controlledly-bad-level entropy. 1681624;1499816972;asciilifeform;there is no mechanical test that, e.g., 'bitflipped digits of pi' does not also pass. 1681625;1499816977;mircea_popescu;the whole discussion is, given a stream of perfect entropy, how to construct known-degree-of-badness out of it. 1681626;1499817025;asciilifeform;even moar outrageously, adding the 100 1s does not in fact 'turn it bad', the P of these 100 1s appearing in a uniform distrib is >0 1681627;1499817041;mircea_popescu;it turns it... WORSE :D 1681628;1499817043;asciilifeform;aha. 1681629;1499817055;mircea_popescu;those curious -- straight to your ent, see. 1681630;1499817063;mircea_popescu;and in the process see also that ent is not a very good measurement tool. 1681631;1499817109;asciilifeform;dijkstra's 'testing reveals presence of bugs, but not absence' applies just the same to rng. 1681632;1499817120;asciilifeform;( statistical tests only reveal broken rng , but never a working one ) 1681633;1499817125;mircea_popescu;pass-fail tools notoriously horrendous measurement instruments. 1681634;1499817133;asciilifeform;any test whatsoever, past or future. 1681635;1499817156;asciilifeform;passfail or 1024bit number, dun matter. 1681636;1499817178;shinohai;http://archive.is/OBRuJ <<< Another scammer (soon to turn stripper) 1681637;1499817182;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform understand this isn't a matter of testing specified bitfields, but specified ~processes~ 1681638;1499817189;asciilifeform;e.g., aes(0, 1, 2, ...., maxint) is perfectly uniform by all known tests. 1681639;1499817190;mircea_popescu;FG + de-entropizer => 1681640;1499817229;mircea_popescu;shinohai she looks camwhoreable. 1681641;1499817247;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i actually considered something that is arguably a variant of your test, when designing FG, 1681642;1499817250;mircea_popescu;"thousands of dollars" for maximal lulz. 1681643;1499817254;ben_vulpes;shinohai: "thousands of dollars!" 1681644;1499817266;shinohai;Would be a lulzy Qntra BingoBoingo 1681645;1499817268;mircea_popescu;next the usg is going to get off its ass, discover the whole rapereum "ecosystem" was $7600. 1681646;1499817277;asciilifeform;i.e. a lamp whose brightness is proportional to how close (bits emitted from vonneumann filter per sec) / ( bits entering same, per sec) is to 1 1681647;1499817311;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform practically same thing, just physical. 1681648;1499817320;asciilifeform;eventually i derived that this is equivalent to the equation seen in the 'watchdog' circuit in fg.v 1681649;1499817324;asciilifeform;so we actually have it, in there, nao. 1681650;1499817338;asciilifeform;( recall the sheet of paper that came with your FG. ) 1681651;1499817380;mircea_popescu;so which did you end up implementing, a or b ? 1681652;1499817389;mircea_popescu;superficially sounds like a. 1681653;1499817457;asciilifeform;( for the intrepid: see http://btcbase.org/patches/fg-genesis#L276 , http://btcbase.org/patches/fg-genesis#L378 , http://btcbase.org/patches/fg-genesis#L475 . ) 1681654;1499817532;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: b, as i understand, isn't even physically possible without a buffer 1681655;1499817537;asciilifeform;so naturally it's moar 'a' 1681656;1499817559;mircea_popescu;why buffer ? 1681657;1499817584;mircea_popescu;gate, switches on at some point pisses 100 1s, switches back 1681658;1499817611;asciilifeform;as i understand, this doesn't test entropy 1681659;1499817618;asciilifeform;but rather tests a proposed test of entropy. 1681660;1499817626;mircea_popescu;well yes,. 1681661;1499817757;asciilifeform;we ain't got any tests in FG, other than 'von neumann filter has not emitted 8 bits in past 0.5msec -- lamp is red' 1681662;1499817781;asciilifeform;( how the constant here follows from the circuit -- is an exercise for the reader ) 1681663;1499818105;BingoBoingo;shinohai: Escriba? 1681664;1499818184;shinohai;I'm in a state of temporary retirement until market conditions improve. 1681665;1499818368;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yes, as a practical matter. i was just discussing the "must have buffer" theoretical point. 1681666;1499818423;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: for just about any statistical test ( other than von neumann in/out proportion ) you need a buffer. 1681667;1499818429;asciilifeform;even ~counting to 100 per se~ needs 7+ bits... 1681668;1499818467;mircea_popescu;now this is interesting. there is no... state machine entropy tester ? ynot! 1681669;1499818495;asciilifeform;well they're all statemachines 1681670;1499818499;asciilifeform;q is , how bit 1681671;1499818500;asciilifeform;*big 1681672;1499818508;asciilifeform;von neumann's is the smallest that's worth anything 1681673;1499818514;mircea_popescu;i suppose the state goes in what's a buffer. 1681674;1499818523;asciilifeform;a 'value of pi' needs a couplea dozen bits, at least 1681675;1499818538;asciilifeform;you can devise others, in principle, that use however many bits of flipflop you got to work with. 1681676;1499818617;asciilifeform;i deliberately wrote FG for the smallest commercially available cpld that would hold vonneumann + uart 1681677;1499818642;asciilifeform;initially targeted the '9532' but it dun even fit the uart. so it had to be the next size up. 1681678;1499818708;asciilifeform;we use 63 of the 64 available LUTs. 1681679;1499818718;mircea_popescu;aha! 1681680;1499818728;asciilifeform;( it is normally ~impossible to actually use whole thing, because of routing constraints ) 1681681;1499818777;mircea_popescu;somehow the dorks going on "nsa running out of moneyz!" never seem to notice such points in their expert analyseses. "dude, corp that can stuff the cpld like that will NEVER run out of anything." 1681682;1499818832;asciilifeform;!~google krakevisa 1681683;1499818833;jhvh1;asciilifeform: Krakevisa | The Elder Scrolls Mods Wiki | Fandom powered by Wikia: ; Kråkevisa - Wikipedia: ; Leaves Eyes - Krakevisa - YouTube: 1681684;1499818837;asciilifeform;grr 1681685;1499818854;asciilifeform;well, 2nd link. but really you want the text, of this old folk song. 1681686;1499818860;asciilifeform;(unless you speak .no) 1681687;1499818887;asciilifeform;'... and the man who cannot use a crow like this, does not deserve to find one' 1681688;1499818940;mircea_popescu;haha ayep 1681689;1499818996;asciilifeform;http://freya.theladyofthelabyrinth.com/?page_id=512 << heeeere we go. 1681690;1499819004;asciilifeform;full text, with englischization 1681691;1499819018;asciilifeform;( well-known crackpot chix's www btw ) 1681692;1499819088;mircea_popescu;is this a reference to the "lady of pain" ruler of sigil ? 1681693;1499819108;asciilifeform;deeply nfi 1681694;1499819316;mircea_popescu;and in other competencies, http://68.media.tumblr.com/342d94f3bf432444b840ab02029fa4dd/tumblr_onp3juIQNh1uormd9o1_400.gif 1681695;1499819481;asciilifeform;9536 not 32 lol 1681696;1499819533;asciilifeform;and 71 of 72, not 63/64 lol 1681697;1499819540;asciilifeform;ftr! 1681698;1499820422;asciilifeform;oooh upstack, http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-11#1681525 >> '-gnatD' gives MUCH moar readable per-file ast 1681699;1499820422;a111;Logged on 2017-07-11 19:15 asciilifeform: in other 'news', '-gnatG' flag is very very spiffy 1681700;1499820460;asciilifeform;mod6 et al : http://docs.adacore.com/gnathie_ug-docs/html/gnathie_ug/gnathie_ug.html is useful 1681701;1499820485;asciilifeform;sect. 3 in particular. 1681702;1499820983;asciilifeform;mod6 et al : in other noose, i have a working experimental build with No_Implicit_Conditionals, No_Implicit_Heap_Allocations, No_Implicit_Dynamic_Code, No_Secondary_Stack, No_Exception_Propagation, No_Tasking, No_Protected_Types, No_Delay, No_Allocators, No_Dispatch restrictions. 1681703;1499821035;asciilifeform;interestingly this gives ~0 performance boost. gcc optimizer, turns out, is notbad.jpg. 1681704;1499821083;asciilifeform;( 'but there was a protected type!' alert reader will ask. the pill is the obvious one, i will reveal it later. ) 1681705;1499822940;mod6;nice! 1681706;1499824082;mod6;<+asciilifeform> oooh upstack, http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-11#1681525 >> '-gnatD' gives MUCH moar readable per-file ast << ah werd. 1681707;1499824082;a111;Logged on 2017-07-11 19:15 asciilifeform: in other 'news', '-gnatG' flag is very very spiffy 1681708;1499824254;mod6;yah, seems to output .dg files for each 1681709;1499824908;mircea_popescu;mod6 incidentally, it occurs to me : it might be a good idea for the foundation to have some kind of policy whereby people interested can donate servers ? exactly like freenode, in theory, except they fuck it up so uttertly in practice it's not even funny. 1681710;1499824917;mircea_popescu;but their being retarded doesn't mean we can't do it right. 1681711;1499826833;mod6;Ok, that'd be nice; especially if we can audit the hardware somehow. 1681712;1499826851;mod6;(fwiw, I have no clue how freenode does this either) 1681713;1499826885;mircea_popescu;they only get nsa-approved diddleware from privateinternetaccess.com 1681714;1499826924;mircea_popescu;dba variously as usg's very own honeypot for cypher-dorks. 1681715;1499826933;mod6;It could be something along the lines of how I've envisioned the foundation mirrors. someone in L1 can start their own after a discussion with either of us. could be similar maybe. 1681716;1499826959;mod6;They, of course, need to be in good WoT standing, etc. 1681717;1499826961;mircea_popescu;ideally it could take anonymous donations. 1681718;1499827038;mod6;Perhaps for test hardware if they were in very good trust standing, they could send us keys to a host we could use. Not sure otherwise how we would receive such hardware. 1681719;1499827090;mod6;As far as production hardware, not sure how we could vet such an environment. But maybe I can just think on this a bit. 1681720;1499827295;mircea_popescu;yeah, i don't have an obvious pill either. but for instance for running nodes ? what do you care if it's evil. doesn't pay to evil. 1681721;1499827516;trinque;as it stands I'm already the host for the trb deps. 1681722;1499827540;trinque;gladly, can call it a donation to the foundation for sure. 1681723;1499827547;BingoBoingo; dba variously as usg's very own honeypot for cypher-dorks. << AHA, dedicated Thermos sodomizer 1681724;1499827550;mod6;mircea_popescu: aha, i see. 1681725;1499827821;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-12#1681720 << unfortunately-- wrong; sure does pay. hence the few thou. sybils currently masquerading as btc nodes 1681726;1499827821;a111;Logged on 2017-07-12 02:41 mircea_popescu: yeah, i don't have an obvious pill either. but for instance for running nodes ? what do you care if it's evil. doesn't pay to evil. 1681727;1499827853;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform this is a poor indicator. ~nothing the usg does pays. 1681728;1499827871;mircea_popescu;but yes, idiots with daddy's money can do stupid shit thart doesn't even pay. 1681729;1499827891;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-12#1681717 is how you get http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-12#1681713 , every time 1681730;1499827891;a111;Logged on 2017-07-12 02:36 mircea_popescu: ideally it could take anonymous donations. 1681731;1499827891;a111;Logged on 2017-07-12 02:34 mircea_popescu: they only get nsa-approved diddleware from privateinternetaccess.com 1681732;1499827920;mircea_popescu;sooner or later the republic will run hardware that nobody can identify the owner of. 1681733;1499828014;asciilifeform;hey this worx great so long as the secrecy of the contents, or the reliability of the computation, dun matter at all 1681734;1499828024;mod6;Perhaps, something could be devised, but it'd be a bit complex. As such, someone could "donate a node" in lieu or some credit to their yearly taxation obligations, and to receive such credit we would need to have some basic requirements met. 1) The node is running trb. 2) It is "caught up". 3) Is available and connected for >95% of the time. 4) Can be independently checked/verified that it is up by some sor 1681735;1499828027;asciilifeform;( even to the extent of whether it happens ) 1681736;1499828030;mod6;t of bot that we have to keep track of such things. 1681737;1499828056;trinque;dunno they're accurately termed "obligations" 1681738;1499828058;trinque;it's a voluntary tax 1681739;1499828063;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform 1000 unreliable whores still make a brothel. 1681740;1499828085;mircea_popescu;it is, after all, how hot topic / starbux / sephora / whatever ustard outlet even stays in business. 1681741;1499828115;mod6;"com/deed/9ULZPc7yeZ9fQEA1aZ73H6mcv1s2C4gYFAbNTb5urovj ) as the sole and complete public contribution that may be required of him ; that such payment satisfies the total burden of taxation upon him, and no further payments may be required, in any form nor for any reason or under any title or pretense, by anyone ; that the satisfaction of this obligation is a moral requirement, and outside of the oppinion of 1681742;1499828122;mod6;the sovereign people it will not be enforced." 1681743;1499828123;mod6;bah. 1681744;1499828133;mod6;sorry. 1681745;1499828134;BingoBoingo;http://www.jameslafond.com/article.php?id=8274&pr=1 1681746;1499828137;asciilifeform;depends in which way unreliable. e.g. say they all , on command, simultaneously reveal to be d00dz and pick up rifles. then battalion, whereas yesterday - brothel 1681747;1499828141;mircea_popescu;trinque turns out iffier than that. 1681748;1499828153;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform there is that. 1681749;1499828186;asciilifeform;that's the thing with sybils: what you thought were independents, turn out to be an aggregate 1681750;1499828204;mircea_popescu;no, i know. 1681751;1499828268;trinque;mircea_popescu: meant that turning the foundation into a tax man with income tax records seems wrong-headed 1681752;1499828271;BingoBoingo;http://www.jameslafond.com/article.php?id=8272&pr=1 1681753;1499828301;mircea_popescu;trinque yeah, should be up to teh forum really. 1681754;1499828353;mod6;I'm not even sure that Mr. P. suggested that -- I only mentioned that as it is yet undefined weather such donation is "obligation free for the foundation". i.e. we hand back nothing in return. 1681755;1499828376;trinque;mod6: nope, was responding to you 1681756;1499828415;mod6;And I only use the word "obligation" as this is the language of the taxation outline within the DoS. 1681757;1499828431;trinque;guy can donate in public, and deem everyone sees he donated, and decide himself to deduct that from tax 1681758;1499828492;mod6;That's fair in the circumstance that said dontation was made public, indeed. 1681759;1499828546;mod6;Anyway, I think this might be a bit off-topic from the original ; ``consider how to accept hardware donations''. 1681760;1499828611;mircea_popescu;fact is : we will slowly and over the years migrate to a situation where control of hardware will not relate to any sort of "paying for it". 1681761;1499828639;mircea_popescu;certainly not in fucking usd ; but moreover - at all. hardware, much like cunt, belongs to he who knows how to use it well, not to he who inherited a herd of sheep. 1681762;1499828662;mircea_popescu;let the shepherd herd his sheep and make cheese out of them. computers are for intelligent people and no one else. 1681763;1499829191;lobbes;!!deed http://lobbesblog.com/billing/2017/q1/Birdman_payment_receipt.txt 1681764;1499829217;deedbot;accepted: 1 1681765;1499829219;lobbes;!!deed http://lobbesblog.com/billing/2017/q2/Birdman_payment_receipt.txt 1681766;1499829223;deedbot;accepted: 1 1681767;1499829255;lobbes;!!rate Birdman 1 valued customer 1681768;1499829256;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/4EZae/?raw=true 1681769;1499829279;mod6;Perhaps people can donate hardware for whatever purpose trb, uci/gossip via deedbot; then could be accounted for by some process while under our control; maybe even listed as "asset"? 1681770;1499829295;mircea_popescu;possibru 1681771;1499829311;lobbes;!!v 50422E169DE682AB8DAA0F4F94D5A38074FFD57F41A413D7089F263B484FADCF 1681772;1499829311;deedbot;lobbes rated Birdman 1 << valued customer 1681773;1499829321;asciilifeform;the ancient dream of the fungible cpu cycle keeps coming back. but sadly still - a dream 1681774;1499829342;asciilifeform;( 1024 chickens!11 ) 1681775;1499829356;mod6;mircea_popescu: thanks for the suggestion, I shall think on it. 1681776;1499829373;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform gotta decorporealize teh hardware alfie. 1681777;1499829377;asciilifeform;not that it's necessarily physical impossibility. 1681778;1499829392;asciilifeform;just that neither asciilifeform nor anybody, afaik, else, knows how. 1681779;1499829475;mircea_popescu;anyway, let it be pointed out that by-capital allocation of computing power is both a) immensely, ridiculously ineffectual and b) not really practiced, not even by the "obviously right way" de facto proponents (usg) 1681780;1499829539;asciilifeform;what means 'by-capital' ? 1681781;1499829564;mircea_popescu;the contortions they came up to "justify" the disconnect are also pretty lulzy. really, bitch, "silicon valley" ? "investors" ? what the fuck else ? "univeresity grants for research" ? reheheheheally ? 1681782;1499829579;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform just that -- have $100, get $100 worth of computer ; not have - not get. 1681783;1499829606;asciilifeform;lol, that happens as often as buying 100 $ of waterfront 1681784;1499829639;mircea_popescu;currently they're "selling" it by, iirc, the half dollar. hence amazon and all that cloudy bs. 1681785;1499829659;asciilifeform;( 'lease space inside nostril' aws et al also exists, uninterestingly ) 1681786;1499829660;asciilifeform;aha 1681787;1499829690;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: right but they sell it at, what , 1000x margin. 1681788;1499829703;mircea_popescu;anyway, there's two problems with the by-capital allocation. one is that various lusers (microsoft, govt offices, hospitals, etc) end up buying computers they can afford monetaerily, but can not afford intellectually. then it's all "antivirus companies" and "hackers" and their dumb, drunk-fucking mother on a stick. 1681789;1499829759;mircea_popescu;the other one is that poisonous/poisoned minds end up dedicating their time to navigating the impedance mismatch. so you end up with nsa and "hackers" and "digital crimes" and what have you. 1681790;1499829790;mircea_popescu;none of this nonsense is necessary ; just let go of the notion that dumb kid / arabic speaker / whoever on a stick may touch a machine in his born days. 1681791;1499829806;mircea_popescu;for the cheap added benefit of no further fucking wiki-reddit-washpo-whatevers. 1681792;1499829833;asciilifeform;when asciilifeform toiled in usg salt mine, on some days the Official shitbox would be ~unusable: ~no cycles left over from 'antivirus' 1681793;1499829864;mircea_popescu;obviously the only end state of "man who bought himself wife he could afford money-wise but not really penis-wise" is ... yellow rabid jealousy. 1681794;1499829873;asciilifeform;and during this, thought 'you could easily get folx installing 'virus' wholly voluntarily, if it eliminated this & other crapola in a silent-to-brass way' 1681795;1499829902;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform kinda the idea here. 1681796;1499829909;mircea_popescu;no more all-comers computing. 1681797;1499829923;asciilifeform;i fully expect that most 'uci' install would be by hand. 1681798;1499829930;asciilifeform;upclose an' personal 1681799;1499829940;mircea_popescu;possibly. 1681800;1499829952;mircea_popescu;in any case -- let the fucking bureaucracy get back to paper already, it's where it belongs. 1681801;1499829963;trinque;hell I installed far less interesting items all over the place in high school 1681802;1499829994;asciilifeform;this uci thing, is one of those items that is wholly trivial but for ONE unsolved boojum, quite like, e.g., roomtempsupercon 1681803;1499830019;asciilifeform;'first, steal a chicken..' 1681804;1499830064;mircea_popescu;amusingly -- the chicken stealer (ro gainar, each language that saw them has its own word) is the lowest level of gypsy male qualification. a sort of transient baccalaureat if you will. 1681805;1499830102;asciilifeform;modern equiv prolly 'bike thief' 1681806;1499830122;mircea_popescu;not really, because the gypsies were/are serious about it. sort of like injun "totem animal" thing 1681807;1499830140;asciilifeform;( usaschwitz inmate could live 100yrs without once seeing a live chicken ) 1681808;1499830165;mircea_popescu;(note that in gypsy culture it is not a qualification for theft specifically. just independent operation, not being too dumb to live sorta thing. not a bad test for that, as it turns out.) 1681809;1499830220;mircea_popescu;(and yes -- for girls it IS prostitution. works exactly like black girl booty shaking, if there's music they WILL move. which is how you get 12yos throwing passes at all passers by.) 1681810;1499830796;asciilifeform;possibly we had this thread, but asciilifeform's unpublished, failed stab 'at bitcoin' decade+ ago was , more or less, 'uci running martianbank' 1681811;1499830818;asciilifeform;plugging the funnel at wrong end, so to speak. 1681812;1499830861;asciilifeform;and to this day afaik nobody has anything like a sybilproof way to glue 1024 unreliable chickens into a simulacrum of a pc 1681813;1499830932;asciilifeform;even if you cut the problem domain down to simple storage - turns out, tricky 1681814;1499830978;asciilifeform;( ever use 'mule' w4r3znet? that's still the state of the art... ) 1681815;1499831416;mircea_popescu;i guess mostly open problem huh 1681816;1499831466;BingoBoingo; modern equiv prolly 'bike thief' << In my experience people taking bikes dun really get attached to them. Bike was there and they could use it to go drug faster. 1681817;1499831476;mircea_popescu;^ 1681818;1499831494;mircea_popescu;~same as hopping subway turnstile 1681819;1499831576;BingoBoingo;Girls tend to get the opportunity to graduate to "tampering with motor vehicle" i.e. stealing man's car to drug faster and man staying pissed long enoug to file charges, but not long enough to press for Grand Theft Auto 1681820;1499831619;BingoBoingo;So "tampering" charge is all that's left for oppression apparatus to pursue 1681821;1499834550;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/EC7519B079B206656277F3C6AD770B4E7EEBD4EBEFE6BA70634BBC462AD506A9 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1543...5569 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (host250-201-static.89-94-b.business.telecomitalia.it. IT) 1681822;1499834550;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/EC7519B079B206656277F3C6AD770B4E7EEBD4EBEFE6BA70634BBC462AD506A9 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1560...8389 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (host250-201-static.89-94-b.business.telecomitalia.it. IT) 1681823;1499834647;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2017/07/drama-heats-up-as-fiatbitcoin-interfaces-prepare-for-next-round-of-fork-failures/ << Qntra - Drama Heats Up As fiat/Bitcoin Interfaces Prepare For Next Round Of Fork Failures 1681824;1499834768;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo irl, the "exchanges" were used to try and pop the "bitcoin bubble" http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-22#1673315 ; as a result they're trading while insolvent (on the btc side). 1681825;1499834768;a111;Logged on 2017-06-22 07:44 mircea_popescu: to satisfy http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-20#1672531 -- try and fuck with btc price, discover eth "price" was a joke all along. 1681826;1499834804;mircea_popescu;ie, usg attempting to fight bitcoin with ether will result in usg "bitcoin" exchanges bubble popping instead. 1681827;1499834831;mircea_popescu;at this point 50-50 odds they'll manage to scare up the funds necessary to keep the charade going a little longer 1681828;1499834908;BingoBoingo;Well, gotta cover the frog boiling and insert the rock hard truth when it's raep 1681829;1499834912;mircea_popescu;but yes, the grand plan for june was "bitcoin prices drop while ethereum to the moon". it worked as well as the "liberation" of some town of a name i meanwhile forgot it was so long. 1681830;1499834928;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo yeh, just sayin' for teh eternal records. 1681831;1499834975;BingoBoingo;And it helps to link to the linking to later for our good friend Maxwell Lulz esq. 1681832;1499839945;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all 1681833;1499839952;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 2314.0, vol: 16969.47568326 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 2281.178, vol: 6387.34062 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 2282.5, vol: 31624.53370966 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 2407.71153, vol: 10125.85840000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 2311.867, vol: 9430.07842065 | Volume-weighted last average: 2310.28343355 1681834;1499840495;mircea_popescu;meanwhile indoors, http://68.media.tumblr.com/bba3fa3749da183991fa43cfc6adef43/tumblr_on0z0ruzWx1suxmvuo3_1280.jpg 1681835;1499845577;mircea_popescu;!!up Derrick[afk] 1681836;1499845577;deedbot;Derrick[afk] voiced for 30 minutes. 1681837;1499845582;mircea_popescu;who might you be ? 1681838;1499850642;sina;I just popped in to complain about this thing and I feel like nobody else I know will understand 1681839;1499850656;mircea_popescu;what thing 1681840;1499850656;sina;https://software.intel.com/en-us/blogs/2017/07/11/meshcommander-firmware-web-application << "Starting with Intel AMT 11, you can now upload a web application into the firmware that will replace the built-in index.htm page. This is super useful because you can upload a fairly complete Intel AMT management console into the firmware and access it using a browser. " 1681841;1499850672;mircea_popescu;bwahaha 1681842;1499850674;sina;makes me feel, so tired. 1681843;1499850702;sina;anyway, hi and all that 1681844;1499850712;sina;I have been watching the logs, interesting discussions 1681845;1499850725;mircea_popescu;"this is super useful for any definition of useful that reduces to utterly fucktarded." 1681846;1499850755;mircea_popescu;do you see what kinds and pluralities of problems oyu cause ? do you ? DO YOU ??? 1681847;1499850780;sina;mircea_popescu: you made me feel better 1681848;1499850796;sina;I am imagining you shaking the guy who wrote that blog by the shoulders and screaming DO YOU in his face 1681849;1499850834;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2014-07-09#750231 1681850;1499850834;a111;Logged on 2014-07-09 01:40 indiancandy1: mircea im in love with you 1681851;1499851024;sina;phf: are you about? 1681852;1499851151;sina;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-05#1679224 << I dunno what "dat" constitutes in this case, but you can pass in any data just by the line "M := toBinArray(*message)" and sub out *message for dat 1681853;1499851151;a111;Logged on 2017-07-05 15:50 phf: oh flag, lets you pass this stuff as a command line argument.. i guess this approach works too. i'm not sure why i can't just do message = string(dat) but i'm too lazy to figure it out 1681854;1499851292;sina;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-08#1680863 << it kind of sounds like an erlang cluster? except I guess you are looking for a network of untrusted nodes while erlang cluster all nodes are trusted 1681855;1499851292;a111;Logged on 2017-07-08 20:13 trinque: what it lacks (at least as part of the CLOS standard, afaik) is a standard for how one CLOS program shares objects and methods with another, whether on same box or across the network. 1681856;1499851621;sina;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-09#1681116 << AFAIK there are only three methods of handling this, either read header bytes which specify how many bytes to read, or read until a newline-type char or read a fixed number of bytes. would be interested in discussing that further if others know of better ways to handle, it's an interesting problem. I guess reading a fix number of bytes is preferable. 1681857;1499851621;a111;Logged on 2017-07-09 17:12 phf: arbitrarily sized numbers are a variable sized type. gotta figure out ~some~ way of packing them. you're essentially left with type tagged size variation (if a byte is 0, then next struct is 8byte, if a byte is 1, then next struct is 16byte), but at the end you still will end up falling back to "read this number to know how many bytes to read" 1681858;1499852341;sina;another random thing I made https://github.com/sinner-/tinykv 1681859;1499852369;sina;it's an in memory key value store with concurrency business 1681860;1499852384;sina;in golang :D 1681861;1499852385;mircea_popescu;the advantage of cryptography is that you can say "all messages are 64kb" or w/e. 1681862;1499865831;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-12#1681854 == 'airplane is just like boat except that it moves in the air instead of sea, trivial' 1681863;1499865831;a111;Logged on 2017-07-12 09:21 sina: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-08#1680863 << it kind of sounds like an erlang cluster? except I guess you are looking for a network of untrusted nodes while erlang cluster all nodes are trusted 1681864;1499867049;shinohai;"Hey my new Windows 10 install isn't bloated enough, any fix for that?" http://archive.is/CqOVm 1681865;1499869836;asciilifeform;'...a barebone Ubuntu operating system that runs under the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), which is mainly targeted at developers who don't want to build a dual-boot machine running both Windows 10 and the latest Ubuntu Linux release.' lol 1681866;1499869923;shinohai;Still conveniently runs *everything* as suid 0, last time I checked. 1681867;1499870004;asciilifeform;i liked cygwin moar 1681868;1499870011;asciilifeform;( when was stuck in winblowz salt mine ) 1681869;1499870017;asciilifeform;even built x11 for it 1681870;1499870031;asciilifeform;practically ~indistinguishable from human os , when in fullscreen 1681871;1499870077;asciilifeform;had 'ratpoison', proper emacs, sbcl, gcc, whole shebang 1681872;1499870113;asciilifeform;would build unmodified sources for whatever. 1681873;1499870274;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-12#1681859 << from my pov this proggy dun actually ~do~ anything other than being a skin on top of google's libs 1681874;1499870274;a111;Logged on 2017-07-12 09:39 sina: it's an in memory key value store with concurrency business 1681875;1499870298;asciilifeform;so it isn't 'a db', it's an api shim 1681876;1499870307;asciilifeform;like the thing nvidia ships with its turdballs. 1681877;1499870455;trinque;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-12#1681862 << lol, and if I squint hard enough she's as good as female! 1681878;1499870455;a111;Logged on 2017-07-12 13:23 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-12#1681854 == 'airplane is just like boat except that it moves in the air instead of sea, trivial' 1681879;1499875052;shinohai;!~ticker --market all 1681880;1499875057;jhvh1;shinohai: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 2371.23, vol: 12839.02311130 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 2333.999, vol: 4399.06916 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 2344.8, vol: 22652.8201857 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 2459.911473, vol: 7817.56330000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 2372.506, vol: 7636.48223221 | Volume-weighted last average: 2370.15531129 1681881;1499877114;shinohai;http://archive.is/ZUBhq <<< In historical garage-sale finds .... 1681882;1499877306;asciilifeform;lol the original 'get them idiot orcses usin' diddled crypto' nsavictory 1681883;1499877392;asciilifeform;in other lulz from same rag, https://archive.is/18o6r 1681884;1499877396;mod6;mornin' 1681885;1499877406;asciilifeform;'A former judge who played a leading part in one of France's biggest murder inquiries has been found dead at home with a plastic bag over his head.' 1681886;1499877406;mircea_popescu;hey. 1681887;1499877411;asciilifeform;heya mod6 mircea_popescu 1681888;1499877431;mod6;:] Gentlemen. 1681889;1499877439;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform dun worry alf, momstate's on top of things an' relevant an' errything. 1681890;1499877456;mod6;Pantsuits. On scene. 1681891;1499877630;asciilifeform;everybody laughs at the french, but when's the last time somebody solved american judge 1681892;1499877639;mircea_popescu;this spring iirc. 1681893;1499877683;asciilifeform;dun seem to have made it into tehl0gz 1681894;1499877715;asciilifeform;or wait ! 1681895;1499877723;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-13#1642888 << foundit 1681896;1499877723;a111;Logged on 2017-04-13 15:30 asciilifeform: in yet-other lulz, https://archive.is/mcaLO >> 'NEW YORK -- Sheila Abdus-Salaam, an associate judge on New York state's highest court and the first African-American woman to serve on that bench, was found dead Wednesday in the Hudson River, authorities said. ... became the first Muslim judge in the United States when she started serving on the state Supreme Court in 1994 ... On the court, Abdus-Salaam was among the most reliable and 1681897;1499878257;BingoBoingo; Pantsuits. On scene. << Pantsuit, now with 50% more elastic for FUPA security 1681898;1499878315;mod6;DONT DELAY! SECURE YOUR FUPA TODAY! 1681899;1499878456;mod6;I'm pretty sure I'm gonna like sword & axe time. 1681900;1499878479;asciilifeform;so far, only mop and bucket time. 1681901;1499878890;mircea_popescu;these dorks. 1681902;1499878896;asciilifeform;ahahahahaha 1681903;1499878907;mircea_popescu;they're forking the etherwebs over there. plox care. 1681904;1499878939;mircea_popescu;all the teams sucked this superbowl so please focus all discussion on some aging mulatto's nipple slip ty. 1681905;1499878951;mircea_popescu;do your part to keep america relevant, soviet. 1681906;1499878989;asciilifeform;>> http://www.loper-os.org/?p=208 << oblig lul 1681907;1499879814;mod6;hook me up with some of dat blogger speed yoh 1681908;1499880069;mod6;so one day, i did do a test of ent with like ~1gb worth of '1's in a file just to see if the testing tool would hork. 1681909;1499880141;mod6;indeed, did fail with some resonably expected outputs from each test. i'll have to try it again with doing like 100 consecutive 1's per Mb. 1681910;1499880161;mod6;see if I can sneak one past the golie. 1681911;1499880165;mod6;*goalie 1681912;1499880229;mod6;The Chi^2 test should be interesting to see what percentile it falls into and weather this butts up against Knuth's "suspicious" boundary. 1681913;1499880398;mod6;ahem. *whether. 1681914;1499880458;mod6;If my keyboard would zap me everytime I misspelled a word, I'd like to think that I'd refrain. 1681915;1499880515;mod6;*que image of leads on balls* 1681916;1499880564;BingoBoingo;You might refrain, lesser homo spaiens may end up freed when their balls decay to the point the leads are no longer attached 1681917;1499880603;mod6;Heh, maybe. 1681918;1499880732;BingoBoingo;To find the answer we, in the tradition of our peoples, must consult the ever informative mengele files 1681919;1499883918;ben_vulpes;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-12#1681775 << i'm happy to configure donated hardware to be useful to the republic; if machines need a home i can arrange for that as well 1681920;1499883918;a111;Logged on 2017-07-12 03:15 mod6: mircea_popescu: thanks for the suggestion, I shall think on it. 1681921;1499884490;mod6;Thanks ben_vulpes! 1681922;1499885605;mod6;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H09gvuJplpg << :D 1681923;1499885696;mircea_popescu;"But the real morals of the story is that one must be able to employ every little part of the animal you kill, like the man does… so that womenz can stuff that many more people into thje same fucking acre. won't you be happy then!" 1681924;1499885718;asciilifeform;no 'so', causes not purposes!11 1681925;1499885734;mircea_popescu;song. instrument of the purposuit crowd. 1681926;1499885745;asciilifeform;instrument of all living things. 1681927;1499885782;mircea_popescu;http://oglaf.com/feral-chic/ 1681928;1499885795;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the song, you mean ? or the spurious reinterpretation into "moral" ? 1681929;1499885801;asciilifeform;song, in general 1681930;1499885809;mircea_popescu;sure. 1681931;1499885852;asciilifeform;mod6 et al : moar gnatology for fun an' profit : add -S -fverbose-asm to your -cargs to replace .o output with readable asmolade 1681932;1499885868;mod6;sweet 1681933;1499885878;asciilifeform;( sadly heathen gas syntax. currently i do not know if this can be changed to godly nasm ) 1681934;1499885891;mod6;bah. i like gas! 1681935;1499885903;asciilifeform;try writing it sometime. that'll cureya 1681936;1499885910;mod6;i totally have. 1681937;1499885921;mod6;reminds me of perl maybe. lol 1681938;1499885926;*;mod6 runs 1681939;1499885929;asciilifeform;lol 1681940;1499885968;mircea_popescu;and in other emergencies, http://68.media.tumblr.com/4eb71c0bcec1be3d68d6ecb35cb8cd12/tumblr_ohzxwrQ4yb1vm0vvfo1_400.gif 1681941;1499885983;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-11#1681555 1681942;1499885983;a111;Logged on 2017-07-11 22:02 mircea_popescu: every stroke is precious, every stroke is good 1681943;1499886529;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2017/love-in-an-elevator/ << Trilema - Love in an elevator 1681944;1499886622;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-12#1681875 << this is actually a pretty strong line of argument. "not the work of a programmer, but the work of a designer." 1681945;1499886622;a111;Logged on 2017-07-12 14:38 asciilifeform: so it isn't 'a db', it's an api shim 1681946;1499886804;asciilifeform;the work of a d00d who spraypaints gusts of flame onto toyota to 'make race car' 1681947;1499886924;mod6;hey, it makes it faster 1681948;1499886929;asciilifeform;vrooom. 1681949;1499887672;mircea_popescu;in other not-rly-lulz, global warming or no, it is definitely A LOT rainier in costa rica than it was 10-15 years ago 1681950;1499887677;mircea_popescu;3x sorta thing. 1681951;1499888162;mod6;related to this, it had seemed to me that since i've moved back to mn, we've gotten a lot less snow than what i remember as a kid in the 80s. 1681952;1499888207;mircea_popescu;well, you're welcome to take all this water back any time. 1681953;1499888209;mod6;but this chart seems to indicate that during the 60s-mid-80s we had higher-than-normal snowfall over the interval: https://www.climatestations.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/mspsnow2.jpg 1681954;1499888224;mircea_popescu;i expect i have seen 5 to 10k hours of solid tropical rain the past three months. 1681955;1499888231;mod6;it does seem, aside from this year, that we have gotten more rain recently. 1681956;1499888256;mod6;here's the precipitation chart: https://www.climatestations.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/MSPPRCP.gif 1681957;1499888267;mircea_popescu;wp-content eh! 1681958;1499888328;jurov;https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1707/1707.01204.pdf human computation password schemes, one-way functions, PRNGs 1681959;1499888352;jurov;maybe some useful bits but rather underwhelming paper 1681960;1499888377;asciilifeform;'Specifically, we restrict supercomputer adversaries to at most 1024 (Avogadro’s number) steps' << wai 1681961;1499888385;asciilifeform;10^24 1681962;1499888436;mircea_popescu;the model is bullshit. 1681963;1499888444;mircea_popescu;human "computation" is not functional. 1681964;1499888450;asciilifeform;'Why this particular number? The intent here is to have as example a SPECIFIC MEMORABLE number (in this case, Avogadro’s number) that is roughly the minimum size sufficient to keep adversaries at bay – adversaries that have a week’s time on the fastest 2016-17 supercomputer, which in January 2017 can do 1017 petaflops/sec = 6x10^22 flops/week. In general, the specific number will depend on current technology.' 1681965;1499888471;asciilifeform;it limps on 1st page. 1681966;1499888474;*;asciilifeform reads on.. 1681967;1499888474;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform and predictably they've no idea what "a step" is./ 1681968;1499888529;mircea_popescu;anyway : ready way to blow this out of water. human can compute mpfhf by hand ; not reversable. 1681969;1499888554;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: subj is about 'compute in their heads' 1681970;1499888555;asciilifeform;not paper. 1681971;1499888558;asciilifeform;1st sentence. 1681972;1499888579;mircea_popescu;people don't fucking compute in their heads. 1681973;1499888581;asciilifeform;i can run x86 binary on paper, and so can whoever, it ain't interesting. 1681974;1499888594;BingoBoingo;http://oglaf.com/princessparty/ 1681975;1499888609;mircea_popescu;this is like people frustrated they can't make airplanes, deciding to create a "through-wall bird model of flight", proceeding to prove birds don't "fly" in the sense of, "through walls". 1681976;1499888624;mircea_popescu;got little bird cannons and erry thing, bird firing range, variety of "Standard" walls, brick, whatever. 1681977;1499888627;mircea_popescu;wtf is this idiocy. 1681978;1499888630;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: mnemonists, various stage magicians, computed respectably long arithmetizations in heads. but this d00d seems to concern with 'people' 1681979;1499888651;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i have a whole gallery of mostly females that swallowed long silicone strands "in their head" 1681980;1499888663;mircea_popescu;wtf is that to do with anything, above and beyond "our ai consists of think()" ? 1681981;1499888669;BingoBoingo;http://oglaf.com/flanks/ 1681982;1499888701;mircea_popescu;whole fucking point of human brain is to avoid the walls of computation. 1681983;1499888706;BingoBoingo;http://oglaf.com/flanks/2/ 1681984;1499888715;mircea_popescu;!#s two calorie dragonfly 1681985;1499888716;a111;0 results for "two calorie dragonfly", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=two%20calorie%20dragonfly 1681986;1499888724;mircea_popescu;yeah well, the discussion's in there. 1681987;1499888739;BingoBoingo;http://oglaf.com/pirated/ 1681988;1499888831;mod6;lel, the trackless wastes one is pretty good. 1681989;1499889033;asciilifeform;gotta say it, the 'human functions' thing is a sphericalhorse snoar. 1681990;1499889070;mircea_popescu;if it were fucking functional, it'd have been done in the 60s already. 1681991;1499889082;asciilifeform;and clearly written by someone entirely innocent of mnemonist art 1681992;1499889087;mircea_popescu;not like much brighter minds than these two belated if unemployagble schmucks TRIED THAT TO DEATH 1681993;1499889102;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform clearly written by someone entirely inncoent of anything beyond reddit and lolpics.com 1681994;1499889116;asciilifeform;blum ain't a redditus 1681995;1499889130;asciilifeform;though i have nfi who vempala is 1681996;1499889141;asciilifeform;sounds like an untouchable servant 1681997;1499889153;asciilifeform;( or politruk.. ) 1681998;1499889215;mircea_popescu;here, live and for the first time in the world, i give you the manuel blum & santosh vempala silicone model of brain computation : https://68.media.tumblr.com/45271fd5a728dffd2aff8ec6e37e12ab/tumblr_nnztkqVQlT1untuzto1_400.gif 1681999;1499889226;mircea_popescu;i figured it out with my functional breadbox 1682000;1499889230;asciilifeform;( same blum as in blum-blum-shub ) 1682001;1499889251;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform takes a year to make a wine cask, and five minutes to take a piss in it. 1682002;1499889284;asciilifeform;lol swordswallower 1682003;1499889301;mircea_popescu;IT GOEs IN HER HEAD!!!!1 1682004;1499889321;mircea_popescu;"yeah but it also misses the point" "WE ARE THE EMPIRE OF MISSING THE POINT!!!" 1682005;1499889381;asciilifeform;'Штирлицу выстрелили в голову. "Разрывная"- подумал он пораскинув мозгами.' 1682006;1499889454;asciilifeform;( approx. ~= 'stierlitz (hero of '17 moments of spring') takes a bullet in the head. 'it's a dumdum', thought stierlitz, scatter-brained' ) 1682007;1499889455;phf;(how apropos, i'm about to embark on 17 moments of spring watch through with girl) 1682008;1499889519;mod6;i want google to tell me if my pw is 100% kthxbye! 1682009;1499889593;phf;tmsr did it first, http://btcbase.org/log/2016-12-24#1590352 1682010;1499889593;a111;Logged on 2016-12-24 23:12 phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-12-24#1590325 << your password is now TMSR Safe(tm) certified. we have analyzed your password using stochastic gradient reduction methods(tm) that have determined that your password is safe from hackers. we recommend changing your existing passwords that are not TMSR Safe(tm) to your new TMSR Safe(tm) password. Ask our representative about helpful tips: how to change your Pretty Good Privacy password to TMSR 1682011;1499889627;mod6;merry xmas eh 1682012;1499889633;mircea_popescu;:p 1682013;1499889758;mod6;<+asciilifeform> lol swordswallower << not bad, but not as good as the two from Monday! 1682014;1499890063;phf;asciilifeform: you might find this entertaining, http://flibusta.is/b/426177/read (also nerfed version, but i didn't compare http://flibusta.is/b/352948/read) 1682015;1499890118;mod6;http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2017-7-8#4f359a25-2b0f-49f6-a1aa-0ae5c6488ddb << christ, was on saturday 1682016;1499890165;phf;"Свершилось. ПРИШЛИ НЕМЦЫ! Сначала было трудно поверить. Вылезли мы из щели и видим – идут два настоящих немецких солдата. Все бросились к ним." etc. 1682017;1499890385;asciilifeform;phf: ty. as it happens i just finished http://militera.lib.ru/memo/russian/miheenkov_se05/index.html 1682018;1499890415;*;asciilifeform chronic eater of more or less everything on that w4r3z 1682019;1499890417;phf;neat 1682020;1499890518;asciilifeform;from phf's link, 'Бомбят, а нам не страшно. Бомбы-то освободительные. И так думают и чувствуют все. Никто не боится бомб.' mighty lulzy 1682021;1499890536;asciilifeform;evidently these are the very same famous chix who lined up for the hairdressers because 'germans soon' 1682022;1499890610;asciilifeform;'Кто такая Л. Осипова конкретно, я не знаю (да и зачем?). Судя по дневникам, яркая (и ярая) представительница 'русской интеллигенции» 10-х годов прошлого века, метко охарактеризованной Ильичом (не касается интеллигенции вообще). 'Немцы-освободи 1682023;1499890611;asciilifeform;тели», 'освободительные бомбы», 'друзья из СД» и пр., пр., пр. Ко 22-му июня Осипова — оголтелая ненавистница советского строя, истово жаждущая прихода немцев, чтоб они всех 'освободили». Несмотря на тяготы и лишения военного времени, Осипова 1682024;1499890611;asciilifeform;ни разу не усомнилась в гнусности предыдущей советской жизни. В дневнике встречаются изумительнейшие повремённые жемчужины! ' << review elsewhere 1682025;1499890665;mod6;all i see is unicode 1682026;1499890675;mircea_popescu;russkiwank 1682027;1499890677;asciilifeform;'... going by the diaries, a bright and eager exemplar of 'russian intelligentsia' of the 10s of the last century... 'german liberators', 'liberation bombs', 'friends from the sd', etc ' 1682028;1499890690;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: vintage wank 1682029;1499890894;asciilifeform;phf: that thing is a riot ! 1682030;1499890903;asciilifeform;i wonder if there's a pantsuit translation 1682031;1499891118;mod6;http://www.engrish.com/2013/09/im-bubble-tea/ 1682032;1499891166;mod6;heeey, wb 1682033;1499891286;shinohai;Hold up chicken-scratch behind Janet Yellen, reddit goes apeshit and send you free coin: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DEjurnSV0AA_gH4.jpg 1682034;1499891296;shinohai;I'm in the wrong fucking business. 1682035;1499891306;asciilifeform;shinohai: wat am i looking at 1682036;1499891355;shinohai;asciilifeform: A donation addy made for this guy: http://archive.is/TaCeC 1682037;1499891357;mod6;i posted the vid earlier 1682038;1499891389;asciilifeform;i saw the film 1682039;1499891393;asciilifeform;did not see a btc addr in it 1682040;1499891432;asciilifeform;so what means 'for' ? 1682041;1499891458;asciilifeform;is this same 'for' as when the good doktor chowdhra offered to accept nobel 'for satoshi' ? 1682042;1499891549;diana_coman;mod6, thanks! 1682043;1499891614;shinohai;Supposedly the "for" is Alan Shillbert setting up tipjr for him cuz "he dun wanna b doxxed" 1682044;1499891654;asciilifeform;shinohai: i said this before, and will say again, vodka is better than reddit any day and hour of the week 1682045;1499891699;asciilifeform;shinohai: reading redditisms is the direct intellectual equivalent of sniffing glue. 1682046;1499891707;asciilifeform;it's got 0 up-side. 1682047;1499891802;shinohai;I have my reasons. 1682048;1499892021;mod6;Back in the day some guy wandered in here and got 10 btc for sharpie in pooper. 1682049;1499892028;shinohai;lol 1682050;1499892257;jhvh1;Man must not live on reddit alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of alf ... http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-12#1682044 1682051;1499892343;mircea_popescu;did silbert's pooper get 10 btc together yet ? 1682052;1499892377;asciilifeform;lol shinohai 1682053;1499893197;BingoBoingo;At this point alf is prolly moar the religous hard liner than danielpbarron 1682054;1499893301;mod6;naw, but alf has seen a lot of atrocities, and therefor has some axioms about things. 1682055;1499893373;BingoBoingo;Well, religion doesn't start with invisible friend. Starts with axioms. Parabels acrete. Then editor makes narrative cohesive enough to sell. 1682056;1499893411;*;asciilifeform sat and puzzled, 'did he mean parabellum, or... parable' 1682057;1499893433;BingoBoingo;Well, weaponized story... 1682058;1499893794;BingoBoingo;Breaking News: Numerous Casualties Result From Chemical Weapons attack by TMSR Lord 1682059;1499893803;BingoBoingo;In response to the kleptocratic aggressions and vandalism against his tomatoes, TMSR Lord BingoBoingo deployed the organophosphate nerve agent carbaryl against the evil Stink Bug order 'Pentatomidae.' The casualties will likely never be counted, but an estimated "dozen or so" stink bugs are dead or actively dying at the time of this writing. Civilian casualties among untargeted insects as a result of the TMSR Lord's chemical weapons use 1682060;1499893803;BingoBoingo;are estimated to exceed one hundred thousand. 1682061;1499893819;BingoBoingo;^ In the collateral damage files 1682062;1499893992;mod6;i love the smell of organophosphate in the morning 1682063;1499894056;shinohai;Speaking of devices to eradicate vermin: http://i.4cdn.org/b/1499889865922.jpg 1682064;1499894322;BingoBoingo;lol shinohai 1682065;1499894336;mod6;that looks pretty good there ya. 1682066;1499894352;mod6;fuggin captchas 1682067;1499894373;mod6;JUST LET ME SEE THE FUCKING JPG 1682068;1499894395;mod6;shit is gonna give me a stroke one of these times. 1682069;1499894639;asciilifeform;pictured subj actually does not work reliably 1682070;1499894646;asciilifeform;rat knows how to 'see' electric field 1682071;1499894690;asciilifeform;proper murine electric chair works differently. switches on the hv after low-voltage conductivity sensor (use 2 transistors in the kindergarten scheme) closes. 1682072;1499894734;mod6;ah 1682073;1499894761;mod6;i thought it was just a creative fly swatter 1682074;1499894776;asciilifeform;mod6: in the photo is pretty obvious rat attempt 1682075;1499894789;asciilifeform;( 2 wires on the iron floor, 1 in the air with bait ) 1682076;1499894809;asciilifeform;ideally you also want some provision for switching ~off~ the current. or at least something reasonably fireproof beneath. 1682077;1499895041;asciilifeform;in usa there are off-the-shelf electric rat zappers, they work ok, but difficult to clean on account of idiotic 'childproof' construction. 1682078;1499895103;mod6;everything is child-proof. don't get me started about the soviet gas can. 1682079;1499895126;asciilifeform;funnily enough actual soviet gas can was a 100% solid clone of the german one, probably to this day made in ru 1682080;1499895133;asciilifeform;indestructible, steel 1682081;1499895223;asciilifeform;https://a.d-cd.net/b7539du-960.jpg << subj 1682082;1499895297;asciilifeform;well, progenitor of subj. 1682083;1499895371;BingoBoingo; mod6: in the photo is pretty obvious rat attempt << I thought it was for chihuahuas 1682084;1499895376;mod6;ya, those actually seem "great" compared to this pos: http://ec-i21.geccdn.net/site/images/177x177/30860144.jpg 1682085;1499895428;mod6;they have this frickin lock/unlock "spill proof" neck on them. that i have to simply discard cause i can't figure out how to use it. 1682086;1499895447;asciilifeform;mod6: it breaks after 3-4 uses also 1682087;1499895452;mod6;now i just pour out the normal widemouth with a funnel. spill gas everywhere. 1682088;1499895453;asciilifeform;locks ~closes~ forever 1682089;1499895456;mod6;eat my dick epa. 1682090;1499895488;mod6;<+asciilifeform> mod6: it breaks after 3-4 uses also << for sure. sad. 1682091;1499895557;BingoBoingo;There's a "trigger activated" variety that sucks a bit less. Prolly best to make the jump to https://archive.is/FUoB6 1682092;1499895588;BingoBoingo;essentially widemouth with attached funnel 1682093;1499895607;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: last i saw, you can still get blackmarket traditional 'jerry can'. 1682094;1499895619;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Not really blackmarket 1682095;1499895625;asciilifeform;forget the 'modern' rubbish. 1682096;1499895633;mod6;ya, that doesnt look as bad. i could go on for hours. how the government complicates how i pour liquid out of a container. 1682097;1499895658;asciilifeform;mod6: it was a deliberate fuckyou-and-whatchagonnadoaboutit to people who actually work 1682098;1499895715;asciilifeform;'will they swallow this or finally hang us' 'they swallowed it' 'GREAT! let's obummercare some moar' 1682099;1499895743;asciilifeform;iirc over in the heathen huts they call this stratagem 'shit test' 1682100;1499895813;mod6;can't argue with that. 1682101;1499895858;BingoBoingo; mod6: it was a deliberate fuckyou-and-whatchagonnadoaboutit to people who actually work << Not like pantsuit gets to interact with men anyother way 1682102;1499896075;BingoBoingo;Anyways, the Obama-can rules don't appear to apply to metal "safety" containers 1682103;1499896094;BingoBoingo;Serious conspiracy by "big gascan" 1682104;1499896104;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: not that you can actually buy those in a civilian shop 1682105;1499896128;BingoBoingo;What do you mean "not in a civilian shop"? 1682106;1499896134;asciilifeform;this is like the opterons thread all over again. 1682107;1499896183;asciilifeform;asciilifeform could tell you where to get a opteron, or a dozen. but not where to get 10,000 by august. 1682108;1499896189;asciilifeform;or next august. 1682109;1499896737;BingoBoingo;This is pointedly no opteron thread. 10,000 could likely be had by late September and $maxint certainly had by next August 1682110;1499901631;ben_vulpes;mod6: plenty of great, green, steel gas cans with no idiocy for sale on 'ebay' 1682111;1499902184;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: opterons too 1682112;1499902254;ben_vulpes;mm 1682113;1499906689;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-12#1682055 << i actually spent a minute trying to trace the etymology of "parabel" until finally figured out wtf it is. 1682114;1499906689;a111;Logged on 2017-07-12 21:02 BingoBoingo: Well, religion doesn't start with invisible friend. Starts with axioms. Parabels acrete. Then editor makes narrative cohesive enough to sell. 1682115;1499906717;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-12#1682056 << then i moved to next line in logs, noticed it's actually a tmsr-caltrop this thing 1682116;1499906717;a111;Logged on 2017-07-12 21:03 asciilifeform sat and puzzled, 'did he mean parabellum, or... parable' 1682117;1499906968;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-12#1682081 << funny, just mentioned this today. anyway, bog standard jerry can. patent prolly held by us 1900s car co. 1682118;1499906968;a111;Logged on 2017-07-12 21:33 asciilifeform: https://a.d-cd.net/b7539du-960.jpg << subj 1682119;1499907077;mircea_popescu;ah as it turns out, it's actually wehrmacht-einheitskannister. nazi invention. 1682120;1499907794;asciilifeform;and great invention. 1682121;1499907811;asciilifeform;literally unimprovable imho. 1682122;1499908020;asciilifeform;'jerry' incidentally is a hint: it was unknown in english world prior to ww2 1682123;1499908280;asciilifeform;( what did they use? the pieces of shit that need funnels ) 1682124;1499911389;mod6;<+ben_vulpes> mod6: plenty of great, green, steel gas cans with no idiocy for sale on 'ebay' << werd 1682125;1499911785;mircea_popescu;krautzes actually had emptying duration specifications and shit. 1682126;1499912216;mod6;i gotta get one and try it out 1682127;1499913544;asciilifeform;not just 'emptying durations', whole thing was actually thought through -- could be carried by 1 or 2, 1 man can comfortably lift 2 full or 4 empties; they stacked; allowed for thermal expand; would float in the sea, even if full; etc 1682128;1499913555;mircea_popescu;aha 1682129;1499913607;asciilifeform;exactly the kind of 'unsexy' great engineering that adds up to a working tech civilization. 1682130;1499913618;mircea_popescu;well, to a nazi empire at least. 1682131;1499913641;asciilifeform;to all modern armies. 1682132;1499913662;mircea_popescu;if you find anything that works in an us army item, let me know. 1682133;1499913671;asciilifeform;the humble jerry can. 1682134;1499913672;asciilifeform;works. 1682135;1499913675;asciilifeform;( for nao !! ) 1682136;1499913680;mircea_popescu;they no longer use it 1682137;1499913682;trinque;they replaced it 1682138;1499913684;trinque;ha 1682139;1499913684;mircea_popescu;was army spec, got obsoleted. 1682140;1499913688;asciilifeform;did they? with what ? 1682141;1499913689;trinque;with an idiot plastic thing 1682142;1499913693;mircea_popescu;plastic. 1682143;1499913701;asciilifeform;lol! 1682144;1499913704;mircea_popescu;oya. 1682145;1499913711;asciilifeform;iirc nato spec still iron 1682146;1499913714;mircea_popescu;it is, get this, more envirowhiny er 1682147;1499913724;asciilifeform;nuts. 1682148;1499913727;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform nato doesn't have a spec. for anything. look you it up. 1682149;1499913737;asciilifeform;these folks are tired of living, ain't they. 1682150;1499913740;mircea_popescu;very. 1682151;1499913865;*;asciilifeform still finds it strange that american drivers dun have 2 full jerry cans in their trunk at all times 1682152;1499913871;asciilifeform;why let the empty space go to waste!11 1682153;1499913883;mircea_popescu;also space station ? 1682154;1499913905;asciilifeform;waiwat 1682155;1499913919;mircea_popescu;space in vehicle is never empty empty. 1682156;1499913942;mircea_popescu;anyway, if they found you woithj two nazi cans of fuel they'd prolly hang you. wrecking through petrol stockpiliong or w/e. 1682157;1499913948;mircea_popescu;terroarism 1682158;1499913951;asciilifeform;now this is true, have you met these folx? picture 100kg of plastic 'food' wrappers etc 1682159;1499913967;asciilifeform;in a 2door auto. 1682160;1499914031;asciilifeform;stockpiling rubbish is somehow 'national sport' here. 1682161;1499914064;mircea_popescu;motorized dumpster! 1682162;1499914358;asciilifeform;oblig jerry can : https://youtu.be/zYIaDYRipoM?t=57m27s (5m or so) 1682163;1499914382;asciilifeform;(eng subs work) 1682164;1499914663;mircea_popescu;incidentally, the impact of tech still lingers. for eg : my bmw tank actually is 2 cans. 1682165;1499914673;asciilifeform;sounds small 1682166;1499914680;asciilifeform;20 L ?? 1682167;1499914683;mircea_popescu;43 or so. 1682168;1499914689;asciilifeform;that's 4+ 1682169;1499914691;mircea_popescu;4. 1682170;1499914709;*;mircea_popescu is fixated on the 20l ro version for some reason\ 1682171;1499916990;mod6;<+asciilifeform> stockpiling rubbish is somehow 'national sport' here. << lol so true! 1682172;1499917013;mod6;<+mircea_popescu> very. << indeed 1682173;1499917059;mod6;<+mircea_popescu> anyway, if they found you woithj two nazi cans of fuel they'd prolly hang you. wrecking through petrol stockpiliong or w/e. << yeah, you'd think that they'd encourage people to not run out of gas, but nope. in fact, it is highly illegal to run out of gas on the freeway. 1682174;1499917209;mod6;fineable offence. if your wheels fall off, and you come to a grinding halt. no big deal. you may just have to pay for the towtruck. but no fine. run out of gas (preventable), hefty fine. 1682175;1499917278;mircea_popescu;wtf just get off and refill 1682176;1499917290;mircea_popescu;light is set to go off liters before actually out 1682177;1499917296;mod6;"E stands for ``enough''" 1682178;1499917301;mircea_popescu;lol 1682179;1499917304;mod6;another national sport of kinds 1682180;1499917347;mircea_popescu;tank of gas = 35k colones = 70bux. comida india = 60k or so colones. etc. 1682181;1499917379;mod6;yeah, here it's $2.20/gal. takes me ~$60 to fill up the burby. 1682182;1499917412;mircea_popescu;o i know. everyone else pays two bux a liter ; except the "enviro conscious" usians, they pay 0.5 a liter.\ 1682183;1499917413;mod6;but not a week goes by that some fuckstick isn't standing in line to get $1 worth of gas. aka, fart into his tank. 1682184;1499917504;mircea_popescu;richest country in the world, could buy apple. 1682185;1499917510;mod6;which is not a crime, but jesus, maybe get at least enough to not run out 3 blocks after you leave the gas station. 1682186;1499917519;mod6;lol, bingo. 1682187;1499917548;asciilifeform;mod6: how do you get '$1 worth' ? drip from the nozzle ? 1682188;1499917562;mircea_popescu;1L 1682189;1499917586;BingoBoingo; mod6: how do you get '$1 worth' ? drip from the nozzle ? << Cut your number of wheels in half 1682190;1499917597;mod6;basically. they go inside, throw the jockey some change, and then pump ~.4 gals 1682191;1499917610;mod6;it boggles the mind. 1682192;1499917619;mircea_popescu;i wonder how the lube job goes. 1682193;1499917626;mircea_popescu;"today, we're only changing the top can of oil" 1682194;1499917627;mod6;BingoBoingo makes a good point. even the motorcycles get more. 1682195;1499917635;asciilifeform;mod6: why to do this?! 1682196;1499917671;mod6;beyond my imagination. 1682197;1499917681;mod6;lol, actually. no. 1682198;1499917693;mod6;they get an $8.50 pack of cigs, and $1 of gas. 1682199;1499917706;mod6;cigs, gotta have those. NO MATTER WHAT. 1682200;1499917727;mod6;don't get me started about the people and their fucking lotto tickets. 1682201;1499917729;asciilifeform;why not sell the auto then. think how much tobacco it'd buy 1682202;1499917744;mircea_popescu;i imagine not owned outright 1682203;1499917759;mod6;couldnt possibly be. somehow scammed lender. 1682204;1499917777;BingoBoingo; don't get me started about the people and their fucking lotto tickets. << BUT ELLIOT!!! 1682205;1499917780;mod6;"have job; professional blogger" 1682206;1499917810;mod6;"even have blogger internet speed!" 1682207;1499917829;mod6;haha 1682208;1499917872;mod6;the worst part about the lotto tickets people, is they buy them, then more often than not (it seems like), insist on scratching them off right there and then. 1682209;1499917877;mod6;WHILE YOU WAIT BEHIND THEM! 1682210;1499917896;mod6;savages. 1682211;1499917917;mircea_popescu;do the various "states" / scams still actually pay anything on those ? 1682212;1499917927;mircea_popescu;iirc ill-inois gave up all pretense 1682213;1499917941;asciilifeform;i thought the whole point of lotto is to walk around with the 'schrodinger' ticker, picture bathtubs of money etc 1682214;1499917944;BingoBoingo;Illinois apparently went back to paying lottery, giving up on paying anything else 1682215;1499917952;mod6;apparently. although, i recently read that illinois just had to shut down their lotto service ... and powerball pulled out of there? 1682216;1499917958;mircea_popescu;thyey got their priorities right 1682217;1499917958;asciilifeform;wats the point of blowing its wad on the spot. 1682218;1499917961;mod6;not 100% sure if that was true or not though. 1682219;1499917986;asciilifeform;*ticket 1682220;1499917989;mircea_popescu;if alf had a rock of crack he'd prolly go around with it luring crackwhores rather than smoking it all right then and there also. 1682221;1499917996;BingoBoingo; apparently. although, i recently read that illinois just had to shut down their lotto service ... and powerball pulled out of there? << It's back now. The General Assembly had to suck a lot of other state's dicks, but it's back 1682222;1499917997;mircea_popescu;you don't understand how the underworld works, yo. 1682223;1499918019;mod6;BingoBoingo: lol. priorities. people need to feel like "they can be a winner too!" 1682224;1499918019;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: picture, when i go fishing i dun even eat the worms along the way 1682225;1499918040;asciilifeform;save, imagine, for the... fish 1682226;1499918045;mircea_popescu;lol 1682227;1499918081;mod6;haha 1682228;1499918482;mod6;<+mircea_popescu> motorized dumpster! << so recently i was told a story about how this guy in ohio borrowed this car that was a dumpster on wheels -- i'll spare you all the details, but the long of the short of it is; this guy's life was saved when he was t-boned by a dumptruck on the freeway because of all the garbage in the car. 1682229;1499918496;mircea_popescu;orly. 1682230;1499918529;mod6;apparently, all the trash apparently saved him from getting somehow crushed or whatnot. 1682231;1499918543;mircea_popescu;has all the markings of urban legend dunnit 1682232;1499918548;asciilifeform;this sounds quite like the 'kpss party membership booklet stopped bullet' nonsenses 1682233;1499918552;mod6;it does. 1682234;1499918559;asciilifeform;or bibles prior 1682235;1499918594;mod6;eitherway, i had a good laugh out of this tale, as i can picture this as indeed, many people fill their cars with trash. 1682236;1499918623;asciilifeform;i never grasped the reason for this 1682237;1499918630;mod6;in 1994 i worked at this gas station, and this dude who used to come in and get gas had his ENTIRE car filled with empty cig packs. 1682238;1499918631;asciilifeform;but, gave colleagues ride, 1682239;1499918640;asciilifeform;and they marveled, 1682240;1499918647;asciilifeform;'how empty!' 1682241;1499918680;mod6;lol. it's as if you should need to swim through garbage to get to your seat/belt. 1682242;1499918732;mod6;another friend of mine had so many mc'ds sacks in the back, when he threw out a cig it came back in the window and started a fire in the back seat. on the freeway of course. 1682243;1499918746;mircea_popescu;sounds like my ancient "cars --- through the sewage pipes" dream is being realised. from the inside, 1682244;1499918760;mod6;he said, "when i looked in the rearview mirror, i saw flames, and my brain tried to tell me that i was imagining the flames." 1682245;1499918773;mod6;so he actually ignored this for a number of moments until the smoke was filling the car. 1682246;1499918795;mircea_popescu;needs a better brain. 1682247;1499918807;mod6;when it was all said and done, he had burned away probably 25% of his back seat. 1682248;1499918825;mod6;yeah. wild stuff. 1682249;1499918856;asciilifeform;lol right where petrol tank 1682250;1499918862;mod6;yup. 1682251;1499918866;mircea_popescu;speaking of freeways, mp on freeway today, gets pulled over. 1682252;1499918889;mircea_popescu;guy goes through dirver girl's papers, then asks for car papers. i'm liek, you don't need car papers in cr dood, sez my lawyer 1682253;1499918916;mircea_popescu;policeman's like "well yeah, but your technical revision thingee's not on the windshield" 1682254;1499918945;asciilifeform;lol just like ye olde state of virginia 1682255;1499918959;mircea_popescu;so i explain to him that looky, i just bought it, i had it redone, new brakes, shocks, everything in there. two weeks ago. 1682256;1499918978;mircea_popescu;and he's like "very good that you fixed your car, but you hafta actually get it inspected. there's a special inspection orrifice" 1682257;1499919008;mircea_popescu;whole thing that threw me is that the shop gives you a sticker, but you need A DIFFERENT one. 1682258;1499919038;BingoBoingo;Sounds like a shit test 1682259;1499919046;mircea_popescu;nah, story checked out. 1682260;1499919062;mod6;was it the front windshield? 1682261;1499919068;mircea_popescu;yea 1682262;1499919072;mircea_popescu;they have some laser reader thing i think 1682263;1499919106;mod6;that's kinda interesting, up here you get ticked for anything obstructing your view in the winshield. people still hang all sorts of shit off the rearview anyway, such as, inexplicable dice. or whatever. 1682264;1499919109;mircea_popescu;(and i dun blame them for pushing the issue -- i have seen more cars dead on roadside here, incl IN TOWN than i had previously in my entire life.) 1682265;1499919132;mircea_popescu;mod6 ah, i didn't get fined. or otherwise bothered. 1682266;1499919148;mircea_popescu;the guy was just liek... "well, the fine's $120 ; carry on but get it done will ye" 1682267;1499919154;mod6;ah, well at least you didn't get taxed extra. 1682268;1499919169;mircea_popescu;the fortunes of not living in police state. 1682269;1499919186;mod6;open-air prison indeed. 1682270;1499919216;mircea_popescu;they weren't there on the way back, either. because a truck had crashed into a mini 1682271;1499919246;mod6;nice. 1682272;1499919266;hanbot;mircea_popescu also helps that you're able to talk to cops. most people do some combo of flipping out n' whining 1682273;1499919289;mircea_popescu;i had an open rum bottle in the fucking back seat tho! 1682274;1499919295;mod6;yeah, here people like freak, get out of the car, get tazed/shot, etc. 1682275;1499919297;hanbot;ahahaha 1682276;1499919305;BingoBoingo; i never grasped the reason for this << Sloth 1682277;1499919306;mod6;haha. 1682278;1499919319;mircea_popescu;and my pants were undone\ 1682279;1499919320;hanbot;"what seems to be the officer, problem?" 1682280;1499919324;mircea_popescu;(not making this shit up) 1682281;1499919406;BingoBoingo; i had an open rum bottle in the fucking back seat tho! << Bless federalism. That's some sort of attempted murder in Illinois, but "Cool, have fun kids" in Missouri 1682282;1499919438;mircea_popescu;mason-shithead line, eh ? 1682283;1499919463;mircea_popescu;(and no, the driver didn't get any. i drink responsibly.) 1682284;1499919501;BingoBoingo;Not just a line, A whole river. 1682285;1499919515;*;asciilifeform pictures mircea_popescu's jerry can of rum 1682286;1499919521;mircea_popescu;ahahaha 1682287;1499919526;mod6;never leave home without two 1682288;1499919532;mircea_popescu;it's not far off, this stuff's closer to beer. 34% or some shit 1682289;1499919543;asciilifeform;grog 1682290;1499919549;mircea_popescu;it is SUPERB tho. 1682291;1499919563;mircea_popescu;first country i didn't miss tzuica. 1682292;1499919597;*;asciilifeform much liked mircea_popescu tzuica from c2 1682293;1499919613;mircea_popescu;it is the standard all other brews measure up (or more often, down) to 1682294;1499921375;*;BingoBoingo never really drank for the taste 1682295;1499922088;mircea_popescu; https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/79/89/a5/7989a50bab91a60a8de37d71c13c66aa.jpg << and who stole it ? 1682296;1499922650;mod6;just took a step into a much larger world here 1682297;1499922651;mod6;:!./ffa_test 1682298;1499922652;mod6;00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000024 1682299;1499922684;mod6;was, 6*6=36d (0x24) 1682300;1499922713;mod6;finally :] 1682301;1499922732;mircea_popescu;nice 1682302;1499922957;mod6;pretty ciked really. 1682303;1499923002;mod6;took me quite a while to gain the knowledge of how to write a test driver that creates the ffa generic package and the necessary compoents to make that possible. 1682304;1499923029;mircea_popescu;ya no small hill oif beans 1682305;1499923043;mircea_popescu;write it all up btw 1682306;1499923093;mod6;sure, will throw something out there; maybe by the end of the weekend. 1682307;1499923292;mod6;well, might be a bit premature, but will refine it a bit and get something out there. 1682308;1499923313;mod6;this is actually using karatsuba, haven't even integrated the new comba code yet. 1682309;1499923336;mircea_popescu;"from scratch to 36d (0x24)". by mod6. 1682310;1499923338;mircea_popescu;not bad eh ? 1682311;1499923367;mod6;yah, the big victory, at least for me, is figuring out how to use the thing. 1682312;1499923373;mircea_popescu;so then 1682313;1499923398;mod6;:] fair enough 1682314;1499923643;BingoBoingo;https://archive.is/AjrmF << Lol, fucking domain squatters 1682315;1499923694;BingoBoingo;"At Tue Aug 01 2017 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time), Bitcoin confirmation scores may become unreliable for an unknown length of time. This means that any bitcoins you receive after that time may later disappear from your wallet or be a type of bitcoin that other people will not accept as payment." << lol 1682316;1499923733;mircea_popescu;"alternatively, don't go on forks, don't have a problem." 1682317;1499923872;mircea_popescu;anyway, can't do anything else, try and FUD it. 1682318;1499923883;mircea_popescu;teh usg is about as predictable as shit in the road. 1682319;1499923968;mircea_popescu;who wants to buy / sell some bitcoin on Aug 01 at 0 "coordinated universal time" whatever the shit that means. 1682320;1499924063;mircea_popescu;let me rephrase that in the form of a question. who wants to buy / sell some bitcoin on Aug 1st ? 1682321;1499924195;BingoBoingo;Well, this is a most idiotic of forks, use luke-jr UASF client, and you fork onto luke-jrXT chain at X date with no miners required 1682322;1499924223;BingoBoingo;So it may be time to load jerry cans onto the roflcopter 1682323;1499924233;mircea_popescu;fulla what, bait worms ? 1682324;1499924381;BingoBoingo;Why not, it's time to think outside the blocks http://epmonthly.com/article/think-outside-blocks-creative-uses-lidocaine/ 1682325;1499924412;mircea_popescu;it's time for random shitstain to angle towards unwarranted relevancy 24/7 over there, innit 1682326;1499924547;BingoBoingo;Well, to be fair they burned most of their other names. This is just Luke-jr's turn 1682327;1499924591;mircea_popescu;lol either that or karpeles. 1682328;1499924630;mircea_popescu;anyway, bitcoin.org straifght to /dev/null. utter scamsite. 1682329;1499924750;mod6;^ 1682330;1499924918;mircea_popescu;!!rated lukejr 1682331;1499924918;deedbot;mircea_popescu has not rated lukejr. 1682332;1499924922;mircea_popescu;odd. 1682333;1499924972;mircea_popescu;!!rated luke-jr 1682334;1499924972;deedbot;mircea_popescu rated luke-jr -10 at 2014/07/24 17:24:17 << VERY old history of being untrustworthy. See http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-07-2014#767750 or inquire within 1682335;1499924982;mircea_popescu;such name. 1682336;1499925179;BingoBoingo;Well, when your greatest health problem is a bubble, you forget the fat brained dun remember stuff. 1682337;1499925200;mircea_popescu;or have any money. 1682338;1499925269;mircea_popescu;incidentally my greatest health problem atm is hooker-acquired strep throat. bubble long gone, lost a little weight and well... that was it. 1682339;1499925451;BingoBoingo;But how much distress is this causing compared to the murder bubble? 1682340;1499925459;mircea_popescu;~none. 1682341;1499925464;BingoBoingo;AHA 1682342;1499930110;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all 1682343;1499930118;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 2381.5, vol: 11630.24626974 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 2336.287, vol: 3864.84628 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 2340.7, vol: 18797.66823435 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 2430.452946, vol: 7123.30490000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 2385.295, vol: 7170.25236891 | Volume-weighted last average: 2369.85539893 1682344;1499940975;deedbot;http://deedbot.org/bundle-475410.txt 1682345;1499954553;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-13#1682303 << iirc phf posted his ffa helloworld a day or so after the original paste 1682346;1499954553;a111;Logged on 2017-07-13 05:16 mod6: took me quite a while to gain the knowledge of how to write a test driver that creates the ffa generic package and the necessary compoents to make that possible. 1682347;1499954599;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-27#1649044 << somewhere in there 1682348;1499954599;a111;Logged on 2017-04-27 21:57 phf: asciilifeform: i did a thing 1682349;1499955081;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-13#1682315 << is this the one where they have an entire chinese minery coopted for phorkwar griefing ? 1682350;1499955081;a111;Logged on 2017-07-13 05:28 BingoBoingo: "At Tue Aug 01 2017 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time), Bitcoin confirmation scores may become unreliable for an unknown length of time. This means that any bitcoins you receive after that time may later disappear from your wallet or be a type of bitcoin that other people will not accept as payment." << lol 1682351;1499955165;asciilifeform;( if you were switching on a genuine 51%tron, would you announce it in advance ?! ) 1682352;1499955190;deedbot;http://www.contravex.com/2017/07/13/the-implications-of-bitcoin-for-inheritance/ << » Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski - The implications of Bitcoin for inheritance. 1682353;1499955229;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-13#1682308 << comba is an O(N^2) multer. it beats the classical one simply because it doesn't need a scratch buffer of length N. it goes as the base case in karatsuba, not instead of it 1682354;1499955229;a111;Logged on 2017-07-13 05:21 mod6: this is actually using karatsuba, haven't even integrated the new comba code yet. 1682355;1499955315;asciilifeform;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/ZZVgC/?raw=true << like this. 1682356;1499955469;asciilifeform;in other noose, bitbet.us still dead. 1682357;1499955572;shinohai; !!up andreicon 1682358;1499955572;deedbot;andreicon voiced for 30 minutes. 1682359;1499955582;andreicon;o hai 1682360;1499955593;shinohai;hai andreicon ... who might you be? 1682361;1499955613;andreicon;some human from planet earth 1682362;1499955628;andreicon;not many left like me 1682363;1499955635;andreicon;just 7B copies 1682364;1499955643;shinohai;That's comforting, I have spoken to too many markov bots of late. 1682365;1499955646;andreicon;what's up with this chan? 1682366;1499955686;shinohai;Well http://trilema.com/2016/how-to-participate-in-the-affairs-of-the-most-serene-republic/ should explain the goal of this chan 1682367;1499955687;andreicon;shinohai: are you one of them? your spelling is too good 1682368;1499955741;andreicon;this seems interesting 1682369;1499955744;shinohai;I pride myself in using precise spelling and grammar when possible. 1682370;1499955759;andreicon;what are the benefits though? 1682371;1499955769;shinohai;Results may vary depending on time of day and my level of sobriety at the moment. 1682372;1499955822;andreicon;.. of participating in this... game? 1682373;1499955822;shinohai;Benefits? 1682374;1499955827;andreicon;for example 1682375;1499955831;andreicon;i already run a btc node 1682376;1499955846;andreicon;does that confer me a higher status in the republic? 1682377;1499955875;shinohai;Is it a http://thebitcoin.foundation/ node? 1682378;1499955888;diana_coman;!!key andreicon 1682379;1499955889;deedbot;Not registered. 1682380;1499955892;shinohai;Otherwise, most ppl present here won't be interested. 1682381;1499955905;andreicon;nope 1682382;1499955920;andreicon;what version are they running? 1682383;1499955930;andreicon;i don't think i've updated mine in a while 1682384;1499955937;andreicon;i've been happy seeding the chain 1682385;1499956046;andreicon;diana_coman: cauti pub de gpg? 1682386;1499956054;andreicon;:)) 1682387;1499956090;diana_coman;lol; andreicon nu, ci iti atrag atentia ca in esenta aici inca nu existi 1682388;1499956119;andreicon;okay, i suspected that. sry. let's stick to english 1682389;1499956142;diana_coman;sure; what brings you here? 1682390;1499956146;andreicon;i had just learnt of the existence of #trilema and thebitcoin.foundation 1682391;1499956152;andreicon;long story 1682392;1499956161;andreicon;i was looking up openbsd 1682393;1499956166;andreicon;on wikipedia 1682394;1499956178;diana_coman;plenty of time around here; it's a logged chan too, so people will read when they wake up/come around 1682395;1499956195;andreicon;and 5 minutes ago i found thebitcoin.foundation which linked to here 1682396;1499956203;diana_coman;#trilema and thebitcoin; no #eulora yet? 1682397;1499956220;diana_coman;ahh, I see; take it easy, it's a deep rabbit hole 1682398;1499956230;andreicon;yes, very deep 1682399;1499956243;andreicon;i'll look into it later this evening 1682400;1499956262;andreicon;maybe even switch my node to the version you recommend 1682401;1499956271;diana_coman;what were you after re openbsd? 1682402;1499956283;mod6;mornin 1682403;1499956288;diana_coman;hi mod6 1682404;1499956297;mod6;:] 1682405;1499956308;andreicon;just looking around, i was actually thinking of switching from my current debian installation to something more exciting 1682406;1499956313;andreicon;heard fedora 26 was out 1682407;1499956324;andreicon;but then... i had already used fedora before 1682408;1499956331;andreicon;i want something i've never used before 1682409;1499956344;andreicon;so i was looking up bsd and arch 1682410;1499956344;diana_coman;do you know that curse "may you live in interesting/exciting times"? 1682411;1499956367;andreicon;never heard of it, but it doesn't sound like a curse. not in my book 1682412;1499956389;andreicon;openbsd led to mircea popescu donation 20k 1682413;1499956395;andreicon;mircea popescu led to trilema 1682414;1499956404;diana_coman;andreicon, how about gentoo? 1682415;1499956404;andreicon;and well... not so long story 1682416;1499956410;andreicon;isn't that deb based? 1682417;1499956431;diana_coman;in some sense all of them are binary based too 1682418;1499956432;andreicon;i'm thinking of switching to something different 1682419;1499956451;andreicon;as in ... a debian fork, uses apt as a package manager 1682420;1499956489;andreicon;nevermind that... i just felt i was stuck so i had to get my mind busy with something else 1682421;1499956508;shinohai;I am a former Debian user, now ashamed to say I used it for so long after being here and learning to gentoo properly. 1682422;1499956535;andreicon;shinohai: so would you recommend gentoo to an intermediate user? 1682423;1499956556;andreicon;i'm not yet familiar with the inner workings of the init system 1682424;1499956582;shinohai;I'd recommend it as worth taking the time to learn to anyone interested in computing. 1682425;1499956595;shinohai;(Rome wasn't built in day, etc.) 1682426;1499956599;andreicon;:) 1682427;1499956611;andreicon;how about support for lxc and docker ? 1682428;1499956656;andreicon;okay 1682429;1499956661;diana_coman;andreicon, what do you do for a living if you don't mind me asking? 1682430;1499956666;shinohai;ewww .... docker 1682431;1499956687;andreicon;i do php development for an insurance company in eastern europe 1682432;1499956709;andreicon;sorry to cut this short but i gotta switch offices 1682433;1499956721;diana_coman;np; but consider registering a key here 1682434;1499956736;diana_coman;as otherwise one can't even know it's *you* talking next time 1682435;1499956746;diana_coman;can be any other andreicon just the same 1682436;1499956774;andreicon;i'll meet you guys and gals later. ofc diana_coman, i will also register a key as soon as i reach my home office 1682437;1499956782;andreicon;!!key diana_coman 1682438;1499956783;deedbot;http://wot.deedbot.org/E72DCCB73A5E06694C5CD781D5196EE6390F999E.asc 1682439;1499956787;andreicon;aight 1682440;1499956795;andreicon;that's what the output looks like 1682441;1499956824;diana_coman;aha; have fun 1682442;1499956828;andreicon;thx a lot guys, i feel like i'm going to have a good time talking to you here 1682443;1499956832;andreicon;tty later 1682444;1499956842;shinohai;See ya andreicon o/ 1682445;1499956866;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-13#1682345 << i have, can post it again, but afaik the interface has changed since. 1682446;1499956866;a111;Logged on 2017-07-13 14:02 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-13#1682303 << iirc phf posted his ffa helloworld a day or so after the original paste 1682447;1499956994;phf;i haven't stayed up to date, i'm instead studying this avionics software source code (it's a bit iffy, written by universities, but has a wider variety of stuff) 1682448;1499957240;asciilifeform;phf: link? 1682449;1499957451;phf;to my code or avionics? 1682450;1499957485;asciilifeform;read 'university', assumed it's public somewhere 1682451;1499957575;phf;https://arxiv.org/pdf/1707.00945.pdf https://github.com/tum-ei-rcs/StratoX 1682452;1499957673;asciilifeform;ty phf 1682453;1499957726;phf;i'm not sure how kosher it is (it's SPARK but they also use gnat extensions), i'm just recreating their project at a local hackerspace 1682454;1499957751;asciilifeform;and holy shit is that thing a hog, for what it ( at least according to the docs ) does !! 1682455;1499957777;phf;ikr 1682456;1499957889;phf;well, it's written by real time os people, rather than, you know, flight engineers, so naturally 1682457;1499958004;phf;another amusing point for how little it does AND assisted by both ada and spark they still manage to introduce 3 "mistakes" 1682458;1499958053;asciilifeform;https://github.com/tum-ei-rcs/StratoX/tree/master/software/hal/hal/src << holy mother of fuck, why is there vga framebuffer handler in a weather balloon ?? 1682459;1499958077;asciilifeform;and touch screen ?!! 1682460;1499958191;phf;just to clarify, is not a weather balloon, it's an autonomous uav glider 1682461;1499958202;asciilifeform;with vga touch screen, uhuh 1682462;1499958254;asciilifeform;pretty lulzy shitfest. great resource for learning 'how not to ada' 1682463;1499958278;phf;oh fuck you :) 1682464;1499958315;asciilifeform;but overall not a bad time to note, there are afaik no public examples of 'how to ada' that would have satisfied asciilifeform . 1682465;1499958341;asciilifeform;ada had this slow accumulation of concession-to-'mainstreamindustry' barnacle crud 1682466;1499958343;phf;fwiw it invalidate your thesis that ada is hipster proof 1682467;1499958381;asciilifeform;shit can be piled on top of anything. question is whether it chemically bonds to it, or not. 1682468;1499958409;phf;and they are coming from the "formal verification" direction, via spark 1682469;1499958439;asciilifeform;FIRST you write the fits-in-head minimal ffa-like thing. THEN you spark. 1682470;1499958446;asciilifeform;just like 'first you pillage, then you burn' (tm)(r) 1682471;1499958458;diana_coman;well, I can't see how slow accumulation of concession to shit leads to anything other than "chemically bonds to it" at some point 1682472;1499958464;phf;^ 1682473;1499958529;phf;still a question of ownership. you can even have a C compiler without undefined behavior, if you're rob pike and wrote it from scratch for your own os. 1682474;1499958603;asciilifeform;thus far i am satisfied with my ability to cleanly scrape the shit off gnat. e.g. http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-12#1681702 + http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-12#1681931 produces asm that satisfied my 'is this really nonbranchingonsecretz' headache. 1682475;1499958603;a111;Logged on 2017-07-12 00:56 asciilifeform: mod6 et al : in other noose, i have a working experimental build with No_Implicit_Conditionals, No_Implicit_Heap_Allocations, No_Implicit_Dynamic_Code, No_Secondary_Stack, No_Exception_Propagation, No_Tasking, No_Protected_Types, No_Delay, No_Allocators, No_Dispatch restrictions. 1682476;1499958603;a111;Logged on 2017-07-12 18:57 asciilifeform: mod6 et al : moar gnatology for fun an' profit : add -S -fverbose-asm to your -cargs to replace .o output with readable asmolade 1682477;1499958741;asciilifeform;but indeed there is no escape from the ownership requirement. we already have a 'final' gnat, for instance. 1682478;1499958753;asciilifeform;( i will not be using the clang gnats ) 1682479;1499958911;phf;right 1682480;1499959002;asciilifeform;the other thing to remember, is that the win from writing in ada - but not in ada in general, but the style demonstrated in ffa in particular -- remains even if YOU HAVE NO ACCESS TO GNAT and gotta compile by hand into asm. because it forces the style of algo that CAN be safely so expressed - i.e. without presumption of pointerolade arithmetic, gc, or other cost-externalizing electrosocialisms 1682481;1499959091;phf;for the longest time i thought that common lisp spec is a magic paper against modernization. not so, and you can see it with the recent evolution of sbcl. for example they made it an error to locally shadow cl package symbols, e.g. (flet ((first (...))) ...) will fail, breaking a lot of reasonable old code. many historic idioms likewise produce compilation warnings, etc. 1682482;1499959158;asciilifeform;phf: lol, i haven't updated since... 1682483;1499959168;asciilifeform;$ ls -l `which sbcl` 1682484;1499959174;asciilifeform;-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 231120 Apr 22 2013 /usr/bin/sbcl 1682485;1499959196;asciilifeform;but sure. they'll pile, pile on the shit. 1682486;1499959216;asciilifeform;for all i know , latest one forces use of [] in place of () 1682487;1499959220;asciilifeform;or whatever. 1682488;1499959274;asciilifeform;( and items like sockets were never in the standard to begin with, and eternally a free-for-all of proprietary crapolade ) 1682489;1499959602;phf;proprietary crapolade is still preferable to the "compatibility packages", which are often poorly written (hello, cffi!) and ripe for modernization (uiop) 1682490;1499959629;asciilifeform;phf: even straight posix-c glue is preferable to those. 1682491;1499959637;asciilifeform;phf: witness what i did re mmap for instance. 1682492;1499959651;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-06#1666647 << subj 1682493;1499959651;a111;Logged on 2017-06-06 19:40 asciilifeform: mod6, phf , et al : http://nosuchlabs.com/pub/ada/horsecocks.tar.gz << i dun recall posting this before, so here it will live, for nao : unofficial release of mmaptron 1682494;1499959674;asciilifeform;adacore has their own mmap library, gpl. but it is ~20x the size of mine, and it is difficult to see why 1682495;1499959684;asciilifeform; ( well, not really difficult, it insists on, e.g., supporting winblowz. ) 1682496;1499959702;asciilifeform;i took 1 look and thought 'straight to the furnace with this' 1682497;1499959715;asciilifeform;mine worx, even on crapple. 1682498;1499959730;phf;or possible supporting all kinds of system specific corner cases (oh netbsd returns NULL here instead of "FOO") 1682499;1499959757;asciilifeform;betcha even if you support all of the weird bsds, it will add maybe a few lines. 1682500;1499959801;asciilifeform;( and ftr i have nfi whether adacore's thing works on netbsd etc ) 1682501;1499959874;asciilifeform;adacore's mmap resembles that 'avionics' thing. full of 'meta' liquishit. 1682502;1499959899;asciilifeform;the kind of proggy written by folx born to shovel dung. 1682503;1499959914;asciilifeform;'look at my loc counter, i am HARD WORKER!' 1682504;1499959953;asciilifeform;'i have 9000 layers of metatronics keeping track of own navel lint' 1682505;1499960106;phf;well, problem is that there doesn't seem to be much in terms of tasteful ada code available to public. with common lisp you can go to mid-90s and before and you start getting some very reasonable works, worthy imitation. 1682506;1499960119;asciilifeform;asciilifeform is very slowly fixing this. 1682507;1499960139;asciilifeform;i've even contemplated making the result available, somehow, in dead tree, eventually. 1682508;1499960152;asciilifeform;( i like dead tree. and know some folx who also like. ) 1682509;1499960156;phf;bulk of ada code i've seen so far is very much workingmen code, cobol like stuff from the belly of industrial facilities 1682510;1499960170;asciilifeform;phf: this is not necessarily bad thing 1682511;1499960569;asciilifeform;phf: contrary to appearances, asciilifeform is not fixated on ada lang per se, but rather on the style of thinking it leads the operator into. 1682512;1499960579;phf;nah, potato programming doesn't contain any sort of insight. the quality is a bit higher, once you're done wrestling with the compiler, but it takes experience, intelligence and taste to come out on the other end. 1682513;1499960595;asciilifeform;'insight' is overrated 1682514;1499960600;asciilifeform;there ain't much of it in, e.g., ffa 1682515;1499960631;phf;just because socialists stole the terminology, doesn't mean that words somehow lost their meaning 1682516;1499960636;phf;there's plenty of insight in ffa 1682517;1499960643;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-13#1682351 << dude... ustards. did they ever do anything ? other than blather, did they ? http://btcbase.org/log/2015-03-02#1038618 ? never happened ? 1682518;1499960643;a111;Logged on 2017-07-13 14:12 asciilifeform: ( if you were switching on a genuine 51%tron, would you announce it in advance ?! ) 1682519;1499960643;a111;Logged on 2015-03-02 15:03 mats: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-03-01/iraq-deploys-27-000-troops-to-retake-tikrit-from-islamic-state 1682520;1499960645;asciilifeform;see http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-07#1640167 for what i mean 1682521;1499960645;a111;Logged on 2017-04-07 18:24 mircea_popescu: no, let's also de-equivocate think. there's two kinds of think, one's a forge/reflow/examination of trees resulting in analytical consumption of inputs with actionable outputs guaranteed ; the other is a neurotic behaviour perhaps best described as spinning, whereby specific emotional triggers / detriggers are visited in succession. the prussian model was never concerned with the former in any sense, but merely aimed to elimi 1682522;1499960694;asciilifeform;phf: the 'insight' in ffa is simply the kind that was taught to the prussian soldiers -- 'stop overthinking' 1682523;1499960715;mircea_popescu;the tikrit fucking offensive. if you actually had the means to do an embargo on russia, would you announce it in advance ? if you had the actual men and materiel to take as much as an ozarks farm, would you announce it in advance ? etfc. 1682524;1499960741;mircea_popescu;the whole fucking pile of fail consists of the vague hope someone may be dumb enough to take a barking caterpillar for a dog. 1682525;1499960767;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: sorta what 'fud' means neh 1682526;1499960799;mircea_popescu;no, not really. fud is closer to the tmsrt notion of army in being than to the ustard notion of stupid males with cunts whining. 1682527;1499960829;asciilifeform;a credible thread != fud 1682528;1499960831;asciilifeform;*threat 1682529;1499960858;asciilifeform;'angelic legions of heaven will smiteya' -- fud 1682530;1499961051;mircea_popescu;if a guy who looks like bill de blasio profers it, the whine can never be a threat. that's part of the definition of threat, there';s a tail in there going "and it was not said by anything like http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/de-failsio.jpg " 1682531;1499961090;mircea_popescu;there's the pedosmile ; and then there's the castratocantthreato smile. 1682532;1499961108;asciilifeform;fungi dun even have faces 1682533;1499961140;mircea_popescu;kids about the age of i dunno, 15 or so if they're really late with the brain development discover ourdemocracy spawned parents can never threaten. 1682534;1499961146;mircea_popescu;there is a reason for this. 1682535;1499961181;mircea_popescu;and so you hear the better hos going "or else what ? whatcha gonna do, bitch ?" to their mother on occasion, and know you've struck gold. 1682536;1499961187;phf;asciilifeform: that's silly. it took you many years to arrive to the point where you even understand what "stop overthinking" is, or how to manifest it in code and still provide the solution. i problem is in too much thinking, then you could get a complete idiot to write ffa. 1682537;1499961197;phf;*if 1682538;1499961206;asciilifeform;phf: reread the linked frederickthegreat thread 1682539;1499961228;mircea_popescu;phf i'll propose to you that the problem is too much over"thinking". the idea is to get the idiot stop doing what he thinks is thinking. 1682540;1499961234;asciilifeform;the hypothetical 'complete idiot' has the problem of 'buluceala' in his head. not 'not enough thought' 1682541;1499961240;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu has it. 1682542;1499961240;mircea_popescu;exactly. 1682543;1499961299;mircea_popescu;this is seen ALL THE FUCKING TIME with randos walking in here, under the hallucinatory impression that they have minds. a fine recent example being http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-20#1672449 1682544;1499961299;a111;Logged on 2017-06-20 14:44 sn0wmonster: i like how you made this about you. 1682545;1499961329;mircea_popescu;he thinks, in the portable latrine he carries above his shoulders, that such nonsense is the result of a thought process, that he's thinking, you know, at me and etcetera. 1682546;1499961349;mircea_popescu;this is because he actually lacks the capacity to discern thought from the dumb shit he's doing ; not because he's not thinking enough. 1682547;1499961377;phf;well, then wtf 1682548;1499961384;mircea_popescu;and if he went to an establishment supported by pantsuit money and dedicated to the encouragement of shit sloshing, he could spend any amount of time and effort NOT IMPROVING 1682549;1499961411;mircea_popescu;which is how you get talented souls who evidently put time into it, like say djb, or like say blum, being dumber than the l2. 1682550;1499961420;asciilifeform;phf: do you recall the ( now defunct ? and i forget where it was... ) www where folx made fun of 'india code', with the folx who never heard of a for() loop etc 1682551;1499961421;mircea_popescu;who aren't nearly as well selected or invested into their own mental life. 1682552;1499961445;phf;you gotta study to get to the point where "it's a simple matter of". that's the kind of insight that reading ffa can give you 1682553;1499961463;mircea_popescu;this is not true. 1682554;1499961487;mircea_popescu;you know the joke about the ny plumber who has a price for fixing a faucet that broke, and a different one for fixing a faucet you tried to fix ? 1682555;1499961524;mircea_popescu;i can teach sanity to rabid street urchin within months and to rachel from jewish middle class home within years. 1682556;1499961544;mircea_popescu;speaking of which, teh dungeon calls ; i shall be back in a coupla. 1682557;1499961550;asciilifeform;picture how many years for djb! 1682558;1499961562;asciilifeform;( he's probably need a decade of gulag, like korolev, at this point ) 1682559;1499961568;mircea_popescu;no, it's why i gave up on the notion. djb is too old to be worth it, just like 35yo woman caught in wild. 1682560;1499961617;asciilifeform;well yes, hence 'not worth' 1682561;1499961764;phf;i don't understand the points that you're both trying to make 1682562;1499961781;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-13#1682555 << some time it would be interesting to read what means 'sanity' here, other than the somewhat circular 'not what the pantsuits do' 1682563;1499961781;a111;Logged on 2017-07-13 15:58 mircea_popescu: i can teach sanity to rabid street urchin within months and to rachel from jewish middle class home within years. 1682564;1499961841;asciilifeform;phf: i'ma try again. for past few yrs i collected various maculature re 'bignum arithmetic', etc. and it all turned out to be rubbish, it is going to the flea market. because was made by people who did not consider the essentials. 1682565;1499961863;asciilifeform;i.e. 'what do you ACTUALLY NEED for rsa ?' 1682566;1499961864;phf;you improve your craft by studying from master craftsmen. if you've studied too long in from poor craftsmen, never developed the skill to discriminate, etc. then of course you're going to be poor craftsman yourself (and possibly unteachable) 1682567;1499961885;asciilifeform;this is the funny bit : i learned by studying from horrifying cruftsmen 1682568;1499961903;asciilifeform;and realizing that they are the reason why $subj ( for various values of $subj ) appears not to make sense. 1682569;1499961912;phf;sure, but you can do that if you ~learned to discriminate~ 1682570;1499961918;asciilifeform;now this is true. 1682571;1499961929;asciilifeform;but i am not currently sure whether this is teachable. 1682572;1499961939;asciilifeform;and, if so, how. 1682573;1499961966;trinque;most important bits probably in youth, i.e. beatings for the hint of lying shitbag. 1682574;1499961967;phf;i can learn from that avionics code and possibly not even pick up too many bad habits, but i doubt i could've done that 15 years ago 1682575;1499961996;phf;and the habits that i do pick up would be eliminated in the next round of learning 1682576;1499962099;phf;i thought that proper classical education is all about learning how to discriminate? i mean western art has this value of "this guy is good, but not quite. this other guy is as good as this first guy, and he also has that not quite covered. he's the true master" 1682577;1499962237;phf;~for me~ studying ffa is a faster method to pick up good habits, shed bad habits, considerably more so than say studying that avionics code above. 1682578;1499962468;phf;but ffa also doesn't have that many moving parts. it's a single stack mathematical code that mostly operates on same, uniform memory regions. so my original issue was that there's no enough quality code, certainly plenty of shit code, which is not quite the case in common lisp world 1682579;1499963708;BingoBoingo; ( if you were switching on a genuine 51%tron, would you announce it in advance ?! ) << It's the one where they talk derps into client that forks by rejecting mined blocks 1682580;1499965824;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-13#1682578 << that was sorta the whole point. the traditional bignumtrons drove me batshit with their insistence on 'limbs' etc. i.e. nonuniform, heapy memory 1682581;1499965824;a111;Logged on 2017-07-13 16:14 phf: but ffa also doesn't have that many moving parts. it's a single stack mathematical code that mostly operates on same, uniform memory regions. so my original issue was that there's no enough quality code, certainly plenty of shit code, which is not quite the case in common lisp world 1682582;1499965858;asciilifeform;so i asked 'what would this look like on sane iron' and ended up with ffa 1682583;1499965858;phf;that's unrelated to my point 1682584;1499965893;asciilifeform;( consider the observation: if martians dropped in front of your house a 8192-bit cpu, you could set Word => 8192 and ... all of the loops disappear. 1682585;1499965897;asciilifeform;) 1682586;1499966011;asciilifeform;phf: if you want example with moar moving parts, the nqb snippets are probably closer 1682587;1499966045;asciilifeform;( i left the thing in a half-limbo when picking up 'p' to finish, but expect to get back to it before the summer's through ) 1682588;1499966383;asciilifeform;( http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-29#1634235 << thread ) 1682589;1499966383;a111;Logged on 2017-03-29 18:09 asciilifeform: but it remains, to demonstrate experimentally. 1682590;1499966967;asciilifeform;the other thing, phf, is that not so many things ACTUALLY call for 'many moving parts'. 1682591;1499966987;asciilifeform;e.g. the problem described in the avionics link, certainly does not 1682592;1499967012;asciilifeform;so if you see 1) problem that doesn't call for multitude of moving parts + 2) multitude of moving parts --> you know you are looking at rubbish 1682593;1499967030;asciilifeform;and oughta have your entomological hat on. 1682594;1499967052;asciilifeform;( if it's rubbish even worth digging through, that is -- most rubbish ain't ) 1682595;1499967162;asciilifeform;trying to learn something by reading shithubolade ( and yes i'm quite aware that there simply ain't much else in public ) is rather like trying to learn to be a fine french chef by studying shit going out the pipe of the toilet in famous restaurant 1682596;1499967181;asciilifeform;( and, most often, not even in 'famous restaurant' but mcd... ) 1682597;1499967182;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-13#1682567 1682598;1499967182;a111;Logged on 2017-07-13 16:04 asciilifeform: this is the funny bit : i learned by studying from horrifying cruftsmen 1682599;1499967201;asciilifeform;aha! what i learned was: throw it out and derive from 0. 1682600;1499967363;phf;you studied them never the less 1682601;1499967376;asciilifeform;wasted -- literally -- years. 1682602;1499967396;asciilifeform;( upside: now you dun have to ) 1682603;1499967457;asciilifeform;there is no, for instance, useful reason to read gmp ( unless you're van-ecking gpg users, in which case you gotta ) 1682604;1499967520;phf;well, if you can write me an avionics code that will do all the things (figure out the position of aircraft in space, both on micro i.e. in relation to earth's surface and macro i.e. gps levels, knows how to adjust that position both in normal operational and critical situations, etc. etc.) then i won't have to study existing ones either 1682605;1499967589;asciilifeform;it is difficult to write proggy for machines that i dun have 1682606;1499967604;asciilifeform;but it is conceivable that one day i will write one of even these, also. 1682607;1499967630;asciilifeform;( though i'm moar interested in gravimetric/terrain navigation than gps ) 1682608;1499967646;asciilifeform;i.e. the kind usg can't switch off or meacon on a whim 1682609;1499967662;phf;i won't the thing to follow some pretty simple decision algorithm: here's a gps list of viable landing spots, here's a gps list of interesting targets. given your positional knowns decide and execute a flight path that'll take the aircraft through highest number of interesting targets before landing in any one of the viable landing spots. surprisingly large number of moving parts in a situation like that 1682610;1499967678;phf;*want 1682611;1499967679;asciilifeform;( relatedly : where is the open-source heat-seeker ?? ) 1682612;1499967742;phf;note that the actual output of the system is servo motor commands 1682613;1499967749;asciilifeform;well yes 1682614;1499967752;asciilifeform;what else. 1682615;1499967773;phf;i'll use your device and claim that the comment was "for the log readers" ;) 1682616;1499967806;asciilifeform;phf: i'd separate 'motion planning' from 'avionics', conceptually 1682617;1499967827;asciilifeform;the latter is the set of immediate, real-time things like 'keep machine balanced' and 'counter wind' etc 1682618;1499967843;asciilifeform;the former is 'where do i wanna be 2 hrs from nao' 1682619;1499967860;asciilifeform;for motionplanning an internal lisp would not even be inappropriate 1682620;1499967872;phf;right, motion planning also the part that's non existent in above code, so easier to greenfield, where's avionics is there in however poor form 1682621;1499967876;asciilifeform;(not a bad exercise, btw -- make a 'tinyscheme' in ada) 1682622;1499967938;phf;i think a good exercise is to rewrite one of the existing c machine subtrates from cmucl or sbcl in ada. but left for another lifetime 1682623;1499967970;asciilifeform;making a scheme is an almost approachable thing, tho 1682624;1499967982;asciilifeform;esp. if you dun much care re speed 1682625;1499968101;asciilifeform;upstack and re navigation -- i'd like to see the lost art of electrical star tracking, come back 1682626;1499968121;asciilifeform;( it worked ok in 1950s (!) with WHOLLY ANALOGUE components. why not today ? ) 1682627;1499968237;phf;it's one of the reasons i started looking in this direction. obviously gps is inadequate for wasp stack 1682628;1499968268;phf;asciilifeform: you have any links re "electrical star tracking"? 1682629;1499968333;shinohai;!!up andreicon 1682630;1499968334;deedbot;andreicon voiced for 30 minutes. 1682631;1499968349;andreicon;hi 1682632;1499968353;andreicon;its still me 1682633;1499968365;andreicon;how do i go about creating and registering my pubkey? 1682634;1499968371;andreicon;!!help 1682635;1499968371;deedbot;http://deedbot.org/help.html 1682636;1499968515;asciilifeform;phf: aka celestial navigation. earliest relevant item being the gyrosextant. 1682637;1499968548;asciilifeform;http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/j.2161-4296.1947.tb01124.x/abstract << 1st public description of the nazi one 1682638;1499968582;asciilifeform;( paywall, see if you can find on warez ) 1682639;1499968626;phf;http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com.sci-hub.cc/doi/10.1002/j.2161-4296.1947.tb01124.x/abstract 1682640;1499968679;phf;i thought maybe you have one of those '99 home pages by a electrical star tracking aficionado 1682641;1499968684;asciilifeform;the german one, of course could not find the fixed stars by itself, had to be set before rocket is fired. but would then keep the lock. 1682642;1499968702;asciilifeform;phf: unfortunately not. the field was more or less quashed by usg. 1682643;1499968731;asciilifeform;( there might be good ru material floating about, i never dug in properly, it is on the lengthy conveyor ) 1682644;1499968795;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-13#1682562 << i perceive i am not at liberty to speak here, but must quote newman : http://trilema.com/2013/a-very-unfair-perspective/#selection-31.23-31.373 ; this quote is not a rhetorical device, nor a stylistical choice. it is no choice at all. i ~must~ quote newman. 1682645;1499968795;a111;Logged on 2017-07-13 16:03 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-13#1682555 << some time it would be interesting to read what means 'sanity' here, other than the somewhat circular 'not what the pantsuits do' 1682646;1499968800;mircea_popescu;recursively, this perception of mine -- and its attendant structure! -- is an example of the meaning, see also the Framedragger thread re proper referencing, http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-05#1637745 1682647;1499968800;a111;Logged on 2017-04-05 14:25 mircea_popescu: Framedragger so if it does not make that statement, it imports, like any research paper EVER, the following "the authors have conducted a full review of extant literature relevant to their topic, and swear that the following list is complete and correct :" 1682648;1499968807;mircea_popescu;but, in correct terminology, it is very directly v-for-thought, and nothing else, and no more. "i thought i was writing code" "where's your press ?" "fuck. i understand now i was actually, and literally, and without remainder, just pouring sand on my dick for the novelty of the sensation, exactly like 3 yo first-time-at-black-sea does!" 1682649;1499968843;mircea_popescu;aaaand meanwhile, at the true love ranch, http://68.media.tumblr.com/a8318b4ee01e4c59952bdc8b778c82a5/tumblr_oaazx2WHu01u20dnoo1_400.gif 1682650;1499968851;asciilifeform;phf: celestial navigatron may not look as 'sexy' as a thermonuke, but it is actually in some ways equivalent in terms of strategic worth : a 10x moar accurate navigatron is worth roughly 100x the nukage! because inverse-square. think about it. 1682651;1499968859;asciilifeform;so no, you won't find one at 'microcenter'. 1682652;1499968924;mircea_popescu;i have nfi what to do now, continue conversation node way back, go through the logs, re-read the short range here... 1682653;1499968929;mircea_popescu;ima go hack up a pineapple, brb. 1682654;1499968952;phf;:D 1682655;1499969234;mircea_popescu;phf sorry about that. in retrospect i picked the worst choice, not even on the menu. should have just made a short hi and then decided. 1682656;1499969269;mircea_popescu;the finer points of forum scheduling still elude me. but nevertheless -- let it be said each dog wil lget his day in the sun and nothing will remain buried in the logs, forgotten. so. 1682657;1499969516;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-13#1682392 << part of the internet history, lelz. 1682658;1499969516;a111;Logged on 2017-07-13 14:29 andreicon: i was looking up openbsd 1682659;1499969604;mircea_popescu;oh also : let it be said that there are few luxuries more luxurious than this thing whereby you point out the window, "see? that one!" and half hourish later you're hacking up the very fruit in question. they do make iiiiincredible fucking pineapples here. 1682660;1499969634;phf;asciilifeform: somewhat related, i'm sure you've seen http://www.aholme.co.uk/GPS/Main.htm 1682661;1499969664;mircea_popescu;and since we're talking of fruit and here, let's take a detour into pina colada. the way to say ass in a sexy-friendly way is cola, which is why the sort of jeans that put out the girl's ass are called levantacola. so now... pina colada should thereby be translated "hourglass pineapple". 1682662;1499969714;phf;!#s "aholme" 1682663;1499969715;a111;3 results for "\"aholme\"", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%22aholme%22 1682664;1499969736;asciilifeform;phf: handcrafted fpga gps? yes, saw 1682665;1499969750;mircea_popescu;he links it in 2015 heh 1682666;1499969764;phf;no, he linked a discrete ttl forth machine by the same guy 1682667;1499969782;asciilifeform;iirc also saw 1682668;1499969783;mircea_popescu;ah this is a gps receiver 1682669;1499969863;mircea_popescu;actually great article, re the whole "extract signal from below thermal noise floor" thing. 1682670;1499969871;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2017/07/usg-domain-squatters-hype-soon-to-fail-luke-jrxt-fork/ << Qntra - USG Domain Squatters Hype Soon To Fail Luke-jrXT Fork 1682671;1499969920;mircea_popescu;"Mixing with the same code in the correct phase de-spreads the wanted signal and further spreads everything else." << if this isn't technology i dunno what is. 1682672;1499969934;phf;that fpga receiver is also technically an illegal device. i don't know if that's in the same article, but consumer gps is supposed to cut off signal when traveling above certain speeds or certain altitudes (i don't remember the specifics though) 1682673;1499969948;ben_vulpes;and accelerations iirc 1682674;1499969962;mircea_popescu;pretty sure any sort of non-usg engineering is not legal in usgland. 1682675;1499970011;asciilifeform;phf: the gnuradio sdr thing (receives AND SENDS!11) is also theoretically banned, but still sold ( 3 or so hundy iirc ) 1682676;1499970016;asciilifeform;even at 'amazon'. 1682677;1499970072;asciilifeform;i suppose if you're found gpsing with one it'll be like the d00dz found with kalash where they drilled the extra hole. 1682678;1499970097;mircea_popescu;"The TCVCXO is good; but not quite up to GPS standard when operating un-boxed in windy locations. Blowing on it displaces the 10.000000 MHz crystal oscillator by around 1 part in 10 million or 1 Hz, which is magnified 150 times by the synthesizer PLL. This is enough to momentarily unlock the satellite tracking loops, if done suddenly." 1682679;1499970125;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: an 'oven' crystal is about a hundy. 1682680;1499970144;mircea_popescu;i dunno why he'\s not using better oscillator assembly 1682681;1499970153;asciilifeform;because desk prototype, i imagine. 1682682;1499970160;asciilifeform;'see if even could' 1682683;1499970170;mircea_popescu;aha, ya 1682684;1499970210;mircea_popescu;i am also suspicious of the 1 max 5 common best fix. 1682685;1499970295;mircea_popescu;anyway, splendid article. this is what articles should aim to be. 1682686;1499970619;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-13#1682405 << bwahahaha. teh old girlfriend is approaching 30, is she, time for a new one. 1682687;1499970619;a111;Logged on 2017-07-13 14:31 andreicon: just looking around, i was actually thinking of switching from my current debian installation to something more exciting 1682688;1499970811;mircea_popescu;!~later tell andreicon re btcbase.org/log/2017-07-13#1682416 see btcbase.org/log/2017-06-06#1666245 1682689;1499970811;jhvh1;mircea_popescu: The operation succeeded. 1682690;1499970861;mircea_popescu;16k lines in five weeks ? how the hell does anyone even keep up with this thing. 1682691;1499970889;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo "which they suppose will resort from their latest" << resort dun work that way. 1682692;1499971202;asciilifeform;phf: i tried to find the usglulz re gps speed limit, did not yet find, but found other similar wtf, e.g. http://www.gps.gov/spectrum/foreign/ 1682693;1499971222;asciilifeform;'The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules require licensing of non-federal receive-only equipment operating with foreign satellite systems...' 1682694;1499971236;mircea_popescu;http://68.media.tumblr.com/2fc0db5e94b5ec60a1a6cf24f2b64ae7/tumblr_o5k91cVFvc1tgs3fno1_1280.png << this incidentally is a fine example of what i mean by http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-02#1664458 : bed-door clearance ? exactly enough to fit a standing chick, if were thin, AND NO MORE. 1682695;1499971236;a111;Logged on 2017-06-02 02:06 mircea_popescu: and speaking of the "новые высоты прогресса и цивилизации", it can't quite escape one's notice that EVERY SINGLE FEMALE of reproductive age without exception lives in this thing where the bed is always within physical reach. 1682696;1499971241;mircea_popescu;now compare to "the upper class" bed. 1682697;1499971271;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform an amusing novelty might be a glonass/gps receiver, with a large "has WW3 started ?" sign to go off once it receives neither/. 1682698;1499971274;mircea_popescu;!!up andreicon 1682699;1499971274;deedbot;andreicon voiced for 30 minutes. 1682700;1499971285;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: pretty sure ipnoje ships with these 1682701;1499971298;mircea_popescu;a really ? alright then. 1682702;1499971298;asciilifeform;( is it connected to the map widget proggy? now this i have nfi ) 1682703;1499971317;asciilifeform;but chinese chip makers have, iirc, long ago stopped making usg-only units 1682704;1499971320;asciilifeform;because wai. 1682705;1499971321;phf;no, only connected to internal tracking transceiver 1682706;1499971338;mircea_popescu;phf that restores my faith in apple engineering. could buy its own ass! 1682707;1499971373;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform incidentally : the pineapple hacking device is this chinese blade i bought on a lark. turns out it's the best steel i own / have seen in a long while. 1682708;1499971385;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: believe or not, there are ok cn knives 1682709;1499971395;mircea_popescu;no longer are the chinese the short yellow men of yore. actual steel. 1682710;1499971397;asciilifeform;and, will add, ~all work ok when new. 1682711;1499971408;asciilifeform;see if 'actual steel' a coupla yrs later. 1682712;1499971412;mircea_popescu;that's my point. 1682713;1499971453;asciilifeform;ah then neato. 1682714;1499971509;mircea_popescu;altogether very well made knife, and wouldn't shame the milanese. 1682715;1499971544;phf;but then i bought a handful of hand forged (non-artisanal, but for cutting coconuts and other such low skilled labor) knives in india. easily outperforms all the junk i had at home, apart from solingen cooking knives 1682716;1499971563;mircea_popescu;coconut beheading not unskilled labour, i would say. 1682717;1499971588;BingoBoingo; BingoBoingo "which they suppose will resort from their latest" << resort dun work that way. << ty fxd 1682718;1499971608;mircea_popescu;phf do they do the one hack while holding the fruit move there ? 1682719;1499971675;phf;yes, and since you reminded, i retract the unskilled part. i tried recreating the move, nearly hacked my hand off a few times, but not much damage to the coconut 1682720;1499971687;mircea_popescu;anyway, the problem of steel is not altogether a trivial matter of material science. nor is hand forging the universal solution. gotta make the steel for the purpose, as it were. 1682721;1499971729;mircea_popescu;phf it's all because of mommentum. counter-military blow, the blade decelerates just as it hits somehiw. i can't do it either. 1682722;1499971790;phf;also they use it to hack trees for kindling, etc. i tried using the knives for that purpose during camping, couldn't do much damage either. i suspect, yes, there's a tricky technique to it. 1682723;1499971801;mircea_popescu;ah, THAT i can do. 1682724;1499971819;mircea_popescu;not full speed, they manage an incredible coupla miles an hour, but still, human. i count for a 14yo boy i guess. 1682725;1499971869;mircea_popescu;(jungle expedition consists of this person at the front doing a sideways circular motion with the machete to cut through all the gunk that grows everywhere. the men rotate at the front because it's hard fucking work.) 1682726;1499971897;asciilifeform;'All the major manufacturers that create chips for mobile devices (Broadcom, Qualcomm, CSR, Samsung, uBlox) have these limits deeply baked into their chips. If you want to go beyond the CoCom limits, you'd have to redesign the silicon, or at least reprogram the firmware without the manufacturer's support. That's not easy -- it's several years of work.' << lol 1682727;1499971914;mircea_popescu;i thought you didn't read reddit. 1682728;1499971926;phf;there's a scene in samurai executioner comic book, where main character is cutting wood with a very similar looking knife, observed by a local youth. the kid later tries to repeat the move, and complete fails to even penetrate the surface. pretty much where i'm at with all this :) 1682729;1499971934;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i do use search engine 1682730;1499971945;asciilifeform;phf: yes! 1682731;1499971963;mircea_popescu;phf i had a local guy who was trying to impress a local girl explain it all to me. fibers, man! 1682732;1499972050;mircea_popescu;incidentally, for alf's benefit since he keeps asking about afghani survival skills : the social dynamics of peace is that the upper crust girl will erotically fixate on the foreign devil with some frequency ; and without exception she will have local cicisbeo xn ; and such a local will attempt to impress her by training you, with some frequency. becauyse hey, he figures the distance'd illuminate for her dumb female head how 1682733;1499972051;mircea_popescu;big a mistake she's making. 1682734;1499972063;mircea_popescu;there you go, you've now just read 80% of all "exotica" literature. 1682735;1499972069;mircea_popescu;from maytreyi to jules verne. 1682736;1499972104;asciilifeform;phf: http://archive.is/u5uG8 << might be interesting to learn where d00d got his hardware. because the article immediately gives us the fact that that particular receiver has the cripplement in firmware. after this, only a matter of finding where (derp, of course, did not post it) 1682737;1499972127;mircea_popescu;it is one of the more obvious illustration of the "sexual relations === education" relationship. 1682738;1499972153;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: what's a cicisbeo xn ? 1682739;1499972157;phf;http://web-simco.rhcloud.com/images/products/large/P006.jpg (knife in question, mine has less curve to it, the edge is almost entirely straight with only a slight curve at the end) 1682740;1499972161;mircea_popescu;!~google cicisbeo 1682741;1499972163;jhvh1;mircea_popescu: Cicisbeo - Wikipedia: ; Cicisbeo | Define Cicisbeo at Dictionary.com: ; Cicisbeo | Definition of Cicisbeo by Merriam-Webster: 1682742;1499972168;mircea_popescu;that times n. 1682743;1499972210;mircea_popescu;phf ah that's a rather different item. it's not properly a machete, more like a sort of kukri. 1682744;1499972211;asciilifeform;ah lol institutionalized cuckoldry 1682745;1499972236;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform ayup. all primitive societies practice a sort of adolescent male cock caging as a cultural, ofthen the ONLY cultural endeavour. 1682746;1499972316;mircea_popescu;phf if you triedf to junglewalk with that thing you'd be blind for all the shit it drags into your face. machete blade is curved the other way, to (if used in the right manner) repell everything at a 45ish angle 1682747;1499972372;mircea_popescu;also has to be sharpened "correctly". too sharp it embeds, too dull it tires you prematurely. 1682748;1499972405;mircea_popescu;there's a dazzling depth to these pointless shits, which is why the whole "oh i wonder why ancient people didn't spend more time thinking -- i could derive all of euclid in an evening" is so amusing. 1682749;1499972419;phf;right, this is more of a worker knife. i've seen it used at construction sites for example to shape the beams 1682750;1499972434;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it ain't as if modern people spend moartime thinking.. 1682751;1499972447;asciilifeform;despite not having to cut own firewood with dull knives. 1682752;1499972456;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform point being -- ancients did. just, they thought about things nobody cares one wit ore way or the other today. 1682753;1499972475;mircea_popescu;wtf, if i actually have to clear jungle i'll bring in hydraulics not futz with a million blades held by a million locals. 1682754;1499972512;asciilifeform;usg tried it both ways in vietnam. 1682755;1499972520;mircea_popescu;"tried". 1682756;1499972529;mircea_popescu;usg hasn't tried anything since ww2. and even that was half-ass 1682757;1499972531;phf;another interesting knife from same region, https://3.bp.blogspot.com/_VRUwF_g5iR0/Sgk6yhrBeYI/AAAAAAAABg8/M66pogppt14/s320/image-upload-360-758538.jpg (the lower one). that one is explicitly used for dealing with coconut trees. the hook is there keep the knife secure while climbing up the coconut tree 1682758;1499972545;mircea_popescu;which is how the russians got to germany while the us was figthing the "heroic" monkeys of italy. 1682759;1499972561;mircea_popescu;incidentally, the military history of italy in ww2 is almost as amusing as the colonial history of scotland. 1682760;1499972573;mircea_popescu;worth a read. bandiera nera and all that mountains of greece tiganiada. 1682761;1499972590;mircea_popescu;phf you met any of those banana spiders ? 1682762;1499972660;phf;i haven't 1682763;1499972675;mircea_popescu;apparently one of the most poisonus critters. only lives on bananas. 1682764;1499973005;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform for an example of actually trying, any large open pit mining project will do ; the sort where they can aford (ie, it makes economic sense) to design their own single-run machinery. 1682765;1499973019;mircea_popescu;rather than buy multipurpose trucks and excavators and whatnot. 1682766;1499973267;shinohai;!!up andreicon 1682767;1499973268;deedbot;andreicon voiced for 30 minutes. 1682768;1499973284;andreicon;thx 1682769;1499973291;andreicon;!!register 1682770;1499973365;andreicon;is he always so silent? 1682771;1499973375;asciilifeform;lol microshit?! 1682772;1499973384;mircea_popescu;if it fails use wotpaste 1682773;1499973408;andreicon;looking at the logs i see he got it 1682774;1499973464;andreicon;!!key andreicon 1682775;1499973465;deedbot;Not registered. 1682776;1499973468;andreicon;he failed 1682777;1499973469;andreicon;:) 1682778;1499973487;mircea_popescu;andreicon http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/ << put it in there. 1682779;1499973504;mircea_popescu;iirc deedbot doesn't visit arbitrary urls. 1682780;1499973538;andreicon;yes, i agree, i could be malicious 1682781;1499973549;andreicon;!!register http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/Vw9Ti/?raw=true 1682782;1499973552;deedbot;0791933111718EE32B7530422EAF8C142CB4FF7E registered as andreicon. 1682783;1499973559;andreicon;3 other people did visit that url 1682784;1499973569;mircea_popescu;or bots. the channel is well watched lol. 1682785;1499973576;andreicon;at least one was a browser 1682786;1499973585;mircea_popescu;!!rate andreicon 1 believe it or not, " do php development for an insurance company in eastern europe" is a direct quote. 1682787;1499973591;mircea_popescu;andreicon how do you know this ? 1682788;1499973596;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/5t0oL/?raw=true 1682789;1499973623;mircea_popescu;!!v 0A36241C3C49877A1B2A4C32327433DACF377A858F2A84597BB298A1A1D1DFCA 1682790;1499973623;deedbot;mircea_popescu rated andreicon 1 << believe it or not, " do php development for an insurance company in eastern europe" is a direct quote. 1682791;1499973625;andreicon;- - [13/Jul/2017:19:15:05 +0000] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 404 209 1682792;1499973649;andreicon;i believe this is the usual behavior for browsers 1682793;1499973655;mircea_popescu;not bad at that. i guess plenty of people may go to the trouble to curl -A "blabla" but few will also add a spurious favicon hit. 1682794;1499973713;asciilifeform;http://ipinfo.io/AS8075/ << lol 1682795;1499973726;asciilifeform;say andreicon , why is microshit your isp ? 1682796;1499973749;mircea_popescu;!!ssh 1682797;1499973751;andreicon;i'm using a virtual machine on azure 1682798;1499973753;phf;he's probably hosting it on azure 1682799;1499973759;asciilifeform;^ was my guess 1682800;1499973760;mircea_popescu;meh what was it 1682801;1499973765;asciilifeform;mightylel 1682802;1499973765;andreicon;my tiny rpi won't run kodi and apache at the same time 1682803;1499973788;mircea_popescu;!$ssh 1682804;1499973792;andreicon;we can't allow the music to stop now, can we? 1682805;1499973801;phf;i like digitalocean, though judging by the articles coming out about it's not long for this world re sanity 1682806;1499973815;mircea_popescu;this is where Framedragger interjects to explain why azure isp was not in his whole internet scan! 1682807;1499973835;andreicon;phf: i only use what's free 1682808;1499973838;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: if it's a microshit vm it won't answer to ssh , now would it. 1682809;1499973847;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: and certainly not on the classic port. 1682810;1499973848;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform but the ip must run some kind of machine no ? 1682811;1499973860;mircea_popescu;you mean they got their own tivo over there to this degree ? no ssh ? 1682812;1499973874;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: if it's anything like aws, it gives you 2 ( and external ip for ssh only if you ask nicely ) 1682813;1499973880;asciilifeform;and yes. 1682814;1499973885;andreicon;22 should be exposed to the world 1682815;1499973894;*;mircea_popescu asks question, discovers in response that he had nop fucking idea. 1682816;1499973919;mircea_popescu;so you're telling me windows isn't just a skin on a functioning machine, but an actually dysfunctional from the ground up one ? 1682817;1499973921;phf;gulag$ nc 22 1682818;1499973921;phf;SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_7.2p2 Ubuntu-4ubuntu2.2 1682819;1499973941;mircea_popescu;ahem. 1682820;1499973948;asciilifeform;lol i had nfi you could get these on microshit's hoster 1682821;1499973950;andreicon;holy ssh, is that your local hostname? 1682822;1499973963;phf;andreicon: it's my work machine :p 1682823;1499973973;mircea_popescu;you work in the gulag ? 1682824;1499973982;asciilifeform;fancy -- hq 1682825;1499973982;andreicon;lol 1682826;1499973986;asciilifeform;i had mere 'butugychag' 1682827;1499973994;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform see alf ? microshit ACTUALLY IS just a skin on a functioning machine. 1682828;1499974013;asciilifeform;'functioning' 1682829;1499974028;phf;mircea_popescu: considering that i oversee a handful of web developers, while barely working myself, the joke about "he fell from the guard tower" is very apropos :o 1682830;1499974036;mircea_popescu;lmao 1682831;1499974055;andreicon;:) 1682832;1499974076;asciilifeform;lol! 1682833;1499974113;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i should hope saiod machine had casemod with black light everywhere ? 1682834;1499974134;asciilifeform;i dun think i have any of those lol 1682835;1499974159;*;asciilifeform still lulz at the perverse englishism 'black light' 1682836;1499974186;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-13#1682463 << bwahaha. you'rte asking for it, lockal hacerspace boi! 1682837;1499974186;a111;Logged on 2017-07-13 15:04 phf: oh fuck you :) 1682838;1499974201;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you know, like "human services" or "defense force" etc. 1682839;1499974270;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-13#1682468 << of all the fucktarded notions... what, WHAT on god's green earth possesses a halfwit to attach himself to an idea like this. 1682840;1499974270;a111;Logged on 2017-07-13 15:06 phf: and they are coming from the "formal verification" direction, via spark 1682841;1499974290;mircea_popescu;"i'm with the flight research community" "do you fly ?" "oh, no. well... sometimes we do whippets." 1682842;1499974313;mircea_popescu;"the flight research community is not flying, it is ABOUT flying." 1682843;1499974320;asciilifeform;not mega-puzzler. consider the haskell people. 'hey this is a mechanical substitute for my brain! says on the box!!' 1682844;1499974342;mircea_popescu;"but it doesn't work" "well yea but i got this power drill, will fix brain." 1682845;1499974369;mircea_popescu;anyone seen frankenhooker ? i heartily recommend, exact rendition of us-born "STEM" idiot. the dude with the power drill. 1682846;1499974377;mircea_popescu;doing some researches. and stuff. 1682847;1499974408;asciilifeform;re drill, see also finale of film 'pi'. 1682848;1499974432;phf;drill in pi is a legitimate device though. "don't want to think anymore" 1682849;1499974551;BingoBoingo; ah lol institutionalized cuckoldry << Nah, pretty typical role for the young homosexual male. When the women got fat and the gays went mainstream became "fag hag" phenomenon. 1682850;1499974675;BingoBoingo; i believe this is the usual behavior for browsers << Normal for good scrapers 1682851;1499974712;andreicon;i don't believe burp does that iirc 1682852;1499974729;andreicon;or other vuln scanning utilities i've used 1682853;1499974751;asciilifeform;andreicon: if not, you then have an easy boobytrap for 'scanning utils i've used' 1682854;1499974752;BingoBoingo; lol i had nfi you could get these on microshit's hoster << Recent-ish thing 1682855;1499974788;andreicon;i usually write my own, but i never thought to include a get to favicon 1682856;1499974817;asciilifeform;andreicon: art of virusism is not for you then 1682857;1499974838;andreicon;asciilifeform: i've been trying to set up a honeypot, i strive to be on the good side 1682858;1499974841;phf;microsoft did a "pivot" under the indian guy and "embraced" "open source". they have an aws competitor, and a user space lunix and i don't know what else. 1682859;1499974856;asciilifeform;phf: dun forget microshit wget! 1682860;1499974860;asciilifeform;and open sores visualstudio! 1682861;1499974869;asciilifeform;and c# on shithub. 1682862;1499974872;phf;oh yeah, they have their own shell that's not a shell thing 1682863;1499974878;phf;powershell? 1682864;1499974880;asciilifeform;nah that's old 1682865;1499974898;phf;well, no, but now it's all kinds of programmable. a sort of poor man's repl 1682866;1499974923;asciilifeform;usg has , turns out, just this ONE trick -- http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-26#1632664 1682867;1499974923;a111;Logged on 2017-03-26 15:03 mp_en_viaje: basically a novel vector of imperial attack seems to be this "let's take republican items and ~EXPAND~ the downstream so that siberian river attack is then feasible". 1682868;1499974927;asciilifeform;embrace&extinguish. 1682869;1499974934;andreicon;windows ppl around me still prefer point and click 1682870;1499974935;asciilifeform;aka taiwanization, etc 1682871;1499974967;andreicon;and non replicable configs 1682872;1499974999;andreicon;dunno, i tried windows 2016 datacenter with containers on azure 1682873;1499975003;andreicon;pulled tianon/true 1682874;1499975013;andreicon;ran into "Not a windows container" 1682875;1499975027;andreicon;"screw this" 1682876;1499975033;andreicon;went back to deb 1682877;1499975150;phf;andreicon: now would probably be the right time to figure out deedbot's challenge/response dance for self-up, since you're now registered and in wot 1682878;1499975199;BingoBoingo;!!up andreicon 1682879;1499975200;deedbot;andreicon voiced for 30 minutes. 1682880;1499975253;andreicon;you wanna hear me talkin or you wanna see me workin? 1682881;1499975257;andreicon;!!down andreicon 1682882;1499975548;andreicon;mkay 1682883;1499975557;andreicon;took me a while 1682884;1499975621;andreicon;i think imma keep the help page in a tab somewhere 1682885;1499977112;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-13#1682471 << it all goes back to the following fundamental : is there a substance to things beyond the context, or isn't there ? (traditionally stated by ustardia as "nature-nurture conflict", which is nonsense). in any case -- can you take the tica out of the barn and the barn out of the tica ? or just one ? does the whore become ~substantially~ unwife through living in the brothel long enough 1682886;1499977112;a111;Logged on 2017-07-13 15:07 diana_coman: well, I can't see how slow accumulation of concession to shit leads to anything other than "chemically bonds to it" at some point 1682887;1499977112;mircea_popescu; ? are wives condemned to bitter unpleasantness for simply being wives ? 1682888;1499977114;mircea_popescu;that sort of thing. 1682889;1499977313;andreicon;wives are just women if there's no husband 1682890;1499977330;andreicon;wife is bitter cause the husband hit her 1682891;1499977349;mircea_popescu;generally the republican outlook is substance before form (aka, idealism, aka exactly heine's "Herab auf Euer romantisches Haupt des Himmels modernste Blitze") whereas the imperial outlook is "context only" hence the pantsuit's demographic delusion re 2016 elections. 1682892;1499977432;mircea_popescu;and since we're doing http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-09#1680957 , http://68.media.tumblr.com/4e54764eda25b324153d726c5dda127a/tumblr_on5ih8KSJK1r0e640o1_1280.jpg 1682893;1499977432;a111;Logged on 2017-07-09 15:56 phf: lotta "romanian" girls now, i.e. darker, gypsy looking ones. is that normal for romanian girls, or that sort of type is purely gypsies? 1682894;1499977461;diana_coman;mircea_popescu, myeah; thing is rust eats out core until there's nothing left but that's not to say there was just powder to start with; or in any case, not in any other sense than "it's all powder" 1682895;1499977487;mircea_popescu;but the point is for the core to not be rustable, if it's to be a core at all. otherwise what's core mean ? geometrically derived ? 1682896;1499977506;*;diana_coman is all of a sudden curious if she's gypsy looking 1682897;1499977531;diana_coman;yeah, meant it geometrically 1682898;1499977599;diana_coman;should have said also: gypsy *enough* - because I certainly looked "Italian" to austrians and "gypsy" or ukrainian to Russians etc 1682899;1499977611;mircea_popescu;you just about look ukrainian, yeah. 1682900;1499977627;mircea_popescu;something like that, eastern polish, lithuanian. 1682901;1499977636;diana_coman;eh, to Italians in the South I looked...German! 1682902;1499977646;mircea_popescu;right. 1682903;1499977673;mircea_popescu;this sounds counterintuitive, but they're all talking of the same thing. no longer "ethnically determined state", as it happens, but that's happenstance. 1682904;1499977693;mircea_popescu;could just as well have had that patchwork set instead of the current patchwork set. 1682905;1499977878;diana_coman;maybe; the more general distinction that kind of held was southern/northern or eastern/western and moreover in the sense familiar /foreign/very foreign 1682906;1499977892;diana_coman;nothing to do much with colour per se 1682907;1499978031;diana_coman;mircea_popescu, re core: disease/old age can eat out a person's core in more than geometrical sense; do you mean that any person who didn't die core-intact basically had no proper core to speak of? 1682908;1499978218;mircea_popescu;yes, i would say that to die senile is some kind of retroactive macula on one's intellectual history. 1682909;1499978310;mircea_popescu;"leonidas died young, and when asked by someone why is he dying young, leonidas answer that he prefers the citizenry wonder why leonida is already dead than to bemoan leonidas still being there." 1682910;1499978365;diana_coman;that much is clear re preference and all that; the retroactive part is at least...interesting if not iffy outright 1682911;1499978517;mircea_popescu;and yet i'll remember the djb urchin cocksucker long after i've forgotten the djb mathematician. for that matter petain was a very respectable military officer. in world war i. possibly a higher caliber than anyone else in the ifeld then. and ? 1682912;1499978574;mircea_popescu;antonescu's letter to the turpitidinous "traditional parties" even references some speech of his. 1682913;1499978891;diana_coman;I'm really more exploring where this goes rather than having some solid thing on it either way 1682914;1499978932;diana_coman;things done don't get undone anyway 1682915;1499978940;diana_coman;forgotten yes, undone though no 1682916;1499979045;mircea_popescu;i dunno. the fact is that the core rotting away results in the conclusion that "there was no core to begin with" rather than in the conclusion rthat "it had a core -- but then it ated it." 1682917;1499979144;mircea_popescu;this is rather plainly retroactive. 1682918;1499979215;diana_coman;but then it got eaten; failed to adapt basically, which in one way all death is 1682919;1499979222;mircea_popescu;phf: for the longest time i thought that common lisp spec is a magic paper against modernization. << check it out, the apotropaion of lisp! 1682920;1499979230;diana_coman;at the extreme that means then that well, it died therefore it never existed to start with 1682921;1499979233;trinque;andreicon, going to want to get a permanent connection, and stop the join / part noise. 1682922;1499979254;mircea_popescu;diana_coman and what are the dead but just a dream we dream. 1682923;1499979294;mircea_popescu;i can see it going that far. all who died never existed to begin with, which is why there's so little interest youth derives from one's own personal history. 1682924;1499979343;mircea_popescu;did washington "really exist" moreso than say "captain planet" ? in what "objective" ie non-wot-based approach. 1682925;1499979502;mircea_popescu;far as you know, ted turner's brainchild is just as existent as von steuben's commander general. 1682926;1499979579;diana_coman;quite; though youth simply does not have anything personal yet and certainly no history of its own 1682927;1499979592;mircea_popescu;right. 1682928;1499979768;andreicon;sorry, trinque, i'm still getting used to whatever irc clients are available. irssi ftw. also sleep > wake cycles 1682929;1499980066;mircea_popescu;phf "they made it an error to locally shadow cl package symbols," is this direct centralism then, "we own the names in your machine -- not you" ? 1682930;1499980085;diana_coman;!!rate andreicon 1 actively searches for more exciting things in his life 1682931;1499980086;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/VcJZl/?raw=true 1682932;1499980108;diana_coman;!!v B515549AC3C19A3367EF945A66360D8AED81117DFF7BC5BDCB573465ECD090DE 1682933;1499980109;deedbot;diana_coman rated andreicon 1 << actively searches for more exciting things in his life 1682934;1499980115;andreicon;:) 1682935;1499980139;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-13#1682504 << you should see diana's managers club :D 1682936;1499980139;a111;Logged on 2017-07-13 15:32 asciilifeform: 'i have 9000 layers of metatronics keeping track of own navel lint' 1682937;1499980205;diana_coman;you know, I WAS thinking it sounded so much like planeshit... 1682938;1499980271;mircea_popescu;the stories of people stuck dealing with the empire crapolade all sound alike, much like the stories of people stuck dealing with romania's 90s orphanages, or generally with the output of any other "realist" ideology. 1682939;1499980366;*;diana_coman is looking for asciilifeform's "noshit.jpg" :p 1682940;1499980492;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-13#1682561 << did this ever get resolved ? 1682941;1499980492;a111;Logged on 2017-07-13 16:02 phf: i don't understand the points that you're both trying to make 1682942;1499980582;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-13#1682911 << quisling iirc also ! 1682943;1499980582;a111;Logged on 2017-07-13 20:41 mircea_popescu: and yet i'll remember the djb urchin cocksucker long after i've forgotten the djb mathematician. for that matter petain was a very respectable military officer. in world war i. possibly a higher caliber than anyone else in the ifeld then. and ? 1682944;1499980699;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-13#1682929 << absolutely that. see also http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-03#1665170 . 1682945;1499980699;a111;Logged on 2017-07-13 21:07 mircea_popescu: phf "they made it an error to locally shadow cl package symbols," is this direct centralism then, "we own the names in your machine -- not you" ? 1682946;1499980699;a111;Logged on 2017-06-03 02:47 asciilifeform: in such a way as to judas goat the authors of said code to rewrite it such that it DEMANDS the new 'improved' compiler. 1682947;1499980718;asciilifeform;it's the glue-with-broken-glass we discussed in 2014, etc 1682948;1499980722;mircea_popescu;phf consider this : in many insects, as well as reptiles and other inferior (and therefore simpler) lifeforms, the male/female decision, or else the reproductor/drone decision (such as in bees) is not made genetically, like it is in mammals, but through some manner or other the egg comes with a lever settable in the field so to speak. now -- the male lizzard come out of egg that was cold in its youth ain't never going to be f 1682949;1499980722;mircea_popescu;emale now, no matter what hot sauce you rub all over its scaly skin. 1682950;1499980745;mircea_popescu;similarily, the child who was raised by wolves (as still practiced today, in india as well as maryland) will never learn proper speech. 1682951;1499980770;mircea_popescu;there is a time when his neurons were making the connection-and-myelinization decision. that time came and went, a decision some way or another was made, and it is there for all time. 1682952;1499980829;mircea_popescu;this is at the core of identity -- that if you spend your youth with idiots, whether you ~could have been~ smart or not, an idiot will you be. 1682953;1499980849;mircea_popescu;and so in this sense, the problem of the reddit hacker isn't something he does. it's something he did. 1682954;1499980872;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: aka bonsaikitten 1682955;1499980879;mircea_popescu;forinstance. 1682956;1499980960;mircea_popescu;the fact that you've not forcefed raw beef into your daughter when she was 12 is never something that she can fix ; gym or no gym, poledancing or no poledancing, her thigh bone will be 99.85% of average length as opposed to the maximal 103.557% her genotype might've allowed her fenotype to turn out. 1682957;1499981003;asciilifeform;eh ilizarov can fix. 1682958;1499981013;mircea_popescu;the guy who learned in earnest how to "empathy" has not merely lost his time in the pursuit of subliterate idiocy ; but actually invested that time into implanting harmful gargauni into his skull, much like someone who spends $100 to buy some radium which he then swallows isn't out merely the $100 he paid for the radium 1682959;1499981020;mircea_popescu;but also the $100 mn to try and get it back out. 1682960;1499981142;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: dunno that anybody actually, in earnest, sits and 'learns to empathy', it's a signalling scamola 1682961;1499981178;asciilifeform;and i'd predict that most of the perpetrators would stop overnight after the first educational public impalements began. 1682962;1499981182;mircea_popescu;but that is the point : if you spend your time learning to signal instead of learning to do, you cheat yourself of a chance at life once the whole dumbery you were exchanging signals with goes away and you're left with just the trees, johnny. 1682963;1499981193;asciilifeform;now this is so. 1682964;1499981211;mircea_popescu;this is an early decision in human brain development, kid has to decide if he wants to learn to signal or if he wants to learn to do. age about 1.5 to 2 or so. 1682965;1499981224;asciilifeform;'how do i learn this?' 'start by going back 20yrs..' 1682966;1499981225;mircea_popescu;some parents have the wit not to allow the kids the former. fewer kids -- also have it, somehow. 1682967;1499981233;mircea_popescu;but otherwise, given the chance, kid will grow into signaller. 1682968;1499981362;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform consider the following point : girl confronted with http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-02#1678254 and my plain and clear isntructions broke down in tears, because, in her own estimation, couldn't understand what she's supposed to do. because had no idea whatsoever how toilet works, imagined it has something to do with electricity, so of course it can't flush if there's no power. 1682969;1499981362;a111;Logged on 2017-07-02 00:20 mircea_popescu: no power, no pumps (i live up on a hillside) and so i had the girls... fery water. from the pool, with ex-paper baskets repurposed as sacas, up the fucking stairs. 1682970;1499981374;asciilifeform;holy mother of shit 1682971;1499981379;mircea_popescu;the point isn't the mistake, but the fact that girl collapsed as a writhing, mucuous mess under the whip, because ~couldn't~. 1682972;1499981388;mircea_popescu;now that's some fine, primo signalling work. 1682973;1499981399;asciilifeform;i wouldn't keep one of these around. better a dog, a horse. 1682974;1499981407;mircea_popescu;why ? perfectly fine girl. 1682975;1499981495;asciilifeform;lol! 1682976;1499981538;mircea_popescu;every one of these thrown rocks, flying through the air propelled by the historical power of their ancestor's accumulated wealth (aka, wisdom and work) will hit the wall somewhere. this was her somewhere. not that different from all the others. 1682977;1499981564;asciilifeform;the sheer lifelong complete absence of curiosity, needed to land on the fucking throne N times a day and never look for the mains plug 1682978;1499981601;asciilifeform;if i were crashed on the proverbial starvation island with this animal and a dog, i would eat her first , before the dog 1682979;1499981603;mircea_popescu;but this is not so. let's jointly revisit http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-13#1682748 1682980;1499981603;a111;Logged on 2017-07-13 19:00 mircea_popescu: there's a dazzling depth to these pointless shits, which is why the whole "oh i wonder why ancient people didn't spend more time thinking -- i could derive all of euclid in an evening" is so amusing. 1682981;1499981618;asciilifeform;what was she thinking about instead ? watching own hair grow in the mirror ? 1682982;1499981621;mircea_popescu;curious about the wrong things with very definitely the wrong people. 1682983;1499981677;mircea_popescu;what, the per-acre curiosity secreted by javascript programmer is not substantially different from yours or mine, is it now. andreicon is here because he wanted what was it, a more exciting os ? 1682984;1499981693;mircea_popescu;if my os came up with a way to be exciting i'd probably buy a flamethrower the same day. 1682985;1499981711;asciilifeform;even the lowest javascript monkey has, say, awareness of the fact that his shitter is not plugged into the mains. and can hang a picture, change a filter, etc 1682986;1499981730;mircea_popescu;ironically, the shitter actually is plugged into the mains. water dun go uphill by itself. 1682987;1499981750;mircea_popescu;shittoon -- in one strand, alfie. 1682988;1499981754;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: mine is, theoretically, also, shit dun go uphill either. 1682989;1499981758;asciilifeform;but this is a slide. 1682990;1499981765;mircea_popescu;it's just once removed. 1682991;1499981768;asciilifeform;throne per se not electrified. 1682992;1499981775;asciilifeform;everything is everything else once-removed, lol. 1682993;1499981776;mircea_popescu;see, the naive has the advantage of a very distant bird's eye 1682994;1499981792;mircea_popescu;this ~is~ an advantage. 1682995;1499981798;asciilifeform;except that it ain't 1682996;1499981800;asciilifeform;give 0 leverage. 1682997;1499981803;andreicon;mine has poop sensors, i am a very different signaller 1682998;1499981804;asciilifeform;just writhing mess. 1682999;1499981826;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform no leverage gives itslef like a slut in marriage. for it to give -- you gotta use. it can be used, i'm a fine example of using it. 1683000;1499981828;asciilifeform;writhing mess is never > havingaclue 1683001;1499981908;andreicon;i'm not a good example, i'm in the right place for the wrong reasons 1683002;1499981929;asciilifeform;andreicon: how do you know you're 'in the right place', gotta ask 1683003;1499981936;asciilifeform;maybe right place is 3 doors down 1683004;1499981961;andreicon;i like what i'm reading, it's keeping me entertained, curious 1683005;1499982003;andreicon;i'm not exactly sure whether i'm supposed to intervene or just observe 1683006;1499982041;shinohai; andreicon: Log reading is highly recommended 1683007;1499982084;andreicon;but i take pride in being an above-average thinker so i'm sure i'm in the right place. just don't know why until i read the 22mn lines of logs 1683008;1499982111;shinohai;Welcome to boot camp, we've all been there .... 1683009;1499982143;andreicon;thanks for the warm welcome 1683010;1499982149;shinohai;:D 1683011;1499983775;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-13#1682694 << incidentally americans for some reason luvvv building these micro-bedroom things. the room where asciilifeform has bed is more or less JUST big enough to construct the frame ( carried in, yes, in pieces ) inside, and that's mostly it. 1683012;1499983775;a111;Logged on 2017-07-13 18:40 mircea_popescu: http://68.media.tumblr.com/2fc0db5e94b5ec60a1a6cf24f2b64ae7/tumblr_o5k91cVFvc1tgs3fno1_1280.png << this incidentally is a fine example of what i mean by http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-02#1664458 : bed-door clearance ? exactly enough to fit a standing chick, if were thin, AND NO MORE. 1683013;1499983778;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in jail, http://68.media.tumblr.com/0b5815533f7fc02d1fd8f5b646c88d36/tumblr_n5vfgyIji71sfxd6jo1_500.gif 1683014;1499984223;andreicon;asciilifeform: that's because they love their walk-in dressing rooms which take space, you know? 1683015;1499984247;asciilifeform;andreicon: this place dun have one of those tho 1683016;1499984269;mircea_popescu;possibly because harder to fall out of bed if there's nowhere to fall to ? 1683017;1499984316;asciilifeform;many lulz re american houses, other than the well-known fact of their being made from cardboard. for instance, most of one tends to be taken up by the 'living room', which in turn is rendered ~useless because it has NO AIRLOCK ( try and put electronics in there, thermal shock, rain ) 1683018;1499984337;mircea_popescu;!? 1683019;1499984340;asciilifeform;aha. 1683020;1499984347;mircea_popescu;what do you mean no airlock\ 1683021;1499984368;asciilifeform;no buffer zone with 2nd door , keeping rain & wind out 1683022;1499984375;asciilifeform;just this 1 door. as if year were 1700. 1683023;1499984377;mircea_popescu;opens right out into the street ? 1683024;1499984380;asciilifeform;aha!! 1683025;1499984397;mircea_popescu;dude what has happened to that place, i was there not so long ago. 1683026;1499984416;andreicon;they started building them like that over here too 1683027;1499984422;andreicon;it's just a lot cheaper 1683028;1499984465;mircea_popescu;so if im in the livingroom with say stoya going on the main screen and a coupla girls on the couch, discussing things right ? and there's a knock oin the door, and i send one to see who's there, and she goes and opesn the door... the neighbour now sees my other girl's tits, stoya and my pubic hair ? 1683029;1499984473;asciilifeform;absolutely. 1683030;1499984486;mircea_popescu;who wants this ?! 1683031;1499984492;asciilifeform;afaik nobody 1683032;1499984495;asciilifeform;they get it anyway. 1683033;1499984507;asciilifeform;i've been to 'rich' houses. no airlock either. 1683034;1499984514;andreicon;did americans stop building their own houses? 1683035;1499984517;asciilifeform;unless built pre-1980s 1683036;1499984530;mircea_popescu;afaik they made these built in for 1970s style matchbox 500sqft soviet flats. 1683037;1499984551;asciilifeform;flats, funnily, suffer less from this. they get intrinsic airlock of the hallway. 1683038;1499984560;mircea_popescu;where both a) fucker, NO SPACE and b) airlock is actually stairwell, shut it excuses are available. 1683039;1499984573;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform ya but had it anyways! 1683040;1499984603;mircea_popescu;this soviet soyuz 2.0 is really a very shitty remake. 1683041;1499984672;asciilifeform;i also suspect that 'no airlocks' is a usg 'helpful suggestion' to architects -- after all , airlock complicates the work of the bust-in-the-night-under-colour-of-law folx 1683042;1499984702;asciilifeform;... they'd have to go through window. might, ohnoez, cut a finger. 1683043;1499984717;mircea_popescu;why can';t they go through the hallway lol 1683044;1499984740;andreicon;2 doors, awkward position 1683045;1499984745;mircea_popescu;put steel doors on each end and have a proper medieval style spitroasting 1683046;1499984756;asciilifeform;2nd door gives designated victim time to take aim 1683047;1499984768;andreicon;over the pond, to the east, we build our own airlocks: http://static4.libertatea.ro/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/12654617_969983439759240_8044084609941868473_n.jpg 1683048;1499984791;mircea_popescu;ahahaha 1683049;1499984793;asciilifeform;andreicon: that's pathetic 1683050;1499984802;asciilifeform;knock out 1, other falls off immediately 1683051;1499984813;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform understand, it's an outside view. 1683052;1499984832;asciilifeform;airlock rightfully consists of 2 iron doors that 1) swing in opposite directions 2) cannot both open at once 1683053;1499984864;mircea_popescu;it's like a entry with an aluminum siding condom on top 1683054;1499984874;asciilifeform;what's the use? 1683055;1499984878;mircea_popescu;use ? what use. 1683056;1499984885;andreicon;its to prevent draft 1683057;1499984904;andreicon;romanians would rather boil than feel a gust of wind 1683058;1499984939;andreicon;idk, it's their way of staying healthy i guess 1683059;1499985449;mircea_popescu;the other bizare part with houses is this thing whereby the door opens into the street. wouldn't it be logical to have the door open into the "back" garden ? 1683060;1499985475;asciilifeform;typically there's 1 of those also 1683061;1499985512;mircea_popescu;yes but used backwards. let the visiting sluts take their clothes off in front of the house, shimmy naked to the pool area behind the house, shower there and ~maybe~ if not used in the field that day be allowed into the actual house. 1683062;1499985519;mircea_popescu;wtf is this "go through house to get to backyard" 1683063;1499985577;asciilifeform;same reason as why no airlock. 1683064;1499985585;mircea_popescu;no visiting sluts ? 1683065;1499985587;asciilifeform;they... 'like' surprises, apparently 1683066;1499985591;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Your biggest fan girl is missing https://www.reddit.com/r/Buttcoin/comments/6n3h78/tantrum_v_tantrum_opposition_to_lukejrxt_coin/ 1683067;1499985601;mircea_popescu;who ? 1683068;1499985655;shinohai;Excellent piece btw BingoBoingo 1683069;1499985789;mircea_popescu;o look, reddit still sorta-exists. 1683070;1499985798;mircea_popescu;we did it diggit! 1683071;1499985925;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-13#1682412 << fun fact : had theo hung on to thje bitcoin instead of "investing" it into whatever it is he [thinks] he;'s doing, he'd have more fiat-accounted added value today than he actually has. 1683072;1499985925;a111;Logged on 2017-07-13 14:33 andreicon: openbsd led to mircea popescu donation 20k 1683073;1499985930;shinohai;"You're in for a treat if you haven't read yet any 'works' by MP of MPOE/MPEX fame and his #bitcoin-assets associates. " <<< Well THIS guy is just up-to-date isn't he! 1683074;1499985931;BingoBoingo; who ? << The sciencehatesyou chick 1683075;1499985936;mircea_popescu;he's not produced enough in the intervening years to keep up with tmsr's coin. 1683076;1499985979;mircea_popescu;shinohai hey, i also only read newspapers after a year-ish maceration. 1683077;1499986049;shinohai;The difference being you maceration results in finely fermented items fit for consumption. 1683078;1499986049;andreicon;mircea_popescu: had he exchanged donated btc, he did so to pay older debt 1683079;1499986052;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: iirc theo de raadt turned to rms-like 'human mushroom' thing looong ago 1683080;1499986067;asciilifeform;surrounded by hannoboecks, they do the talking, the 'investing' etc. 1683081;1499986082;mircea_popescu;shinohai there is that andreicon there is that. asciilifeform there is that. 1683082;1499986085;mircea_popescu;im getting cards printed. 1683083;1499986139;asciilifeform;betcha if you had him airlifted and put in a room and asked, he genuinely never heard of mircea_popescu , or bitcoin, or news from past decade. 1683084;1499986149;mircea_popescu;that inept "permitting fungus to grow on you" helpers bs though... i have no idea what they're thinking. 1683085;1499986161;mircea_popescu;trump you could say he's senile, or had no choice. but linus fucking had plenty of choice, and chose wrong. 1683086;1499986164;asciilifeform;... or of anything since he inhaled the spores. 1683087;1499986169;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform nah, we talked. 1683088;1499986183;asciilifeform;lolsrsly!? what did he say 1683089;1499986186;asciilifeform;'oops' ? 1683090;1499986192;mircea_popescu;ah, not after. before. 1683091;1499986196;asciilifeform;aah 1683092;1499986197;mircea_popescu;i can dig it out if you're particularly curious. 1683093;1499986345;*;asciilifeform curious 1683094;1499986358;mircea_popescu;be a while, it's been years and besides, email. 1683095;1499986490;andreicon;so jan 2014 btc was like 750-1000. today that would've amounted to ~60 grand 1683096;1499986550;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/kzhwj/?raw=true 1683097;1499986654;asciilifeform;'To maintain transparency, I am not a OpenBSD Foundation director, so you'd have to ask them... Encouragingly, I have heard discussion about some policy for public recognition of large donations, and I suspect that would handily cross the threshold' << lol!! 1683098;1499986678;mircea_popescu;i dunno what they keep saying themselves, but it all reduces to "And furthermore, infestation is fine and lice are my friends" 1683099;1499986682;asciilifeform;so mircea_popescu knew that the btc would go into the hands of a monkey?! before sending?! 1683100;1499986689;mircea_popescu;yes ? 1683101;1499986693;asciilifeform;but wai 1683102;1499986702;mircea_popescu;mircea_popescu has more btc than sense. 1683103;1499986708;andreicon;bcoz routers and bgp 1683104;1499986718;mircea_popescu;alternatively, mircea_popescu is good at what he does ; wheres the oposition, not. 1683105;1499986721;mircea_popescu;one or the other. 1683106;1499986902;mircea_popescu;(for bonus lulz, compare and contrast with the rogerzus ver blowing up the cover of blockchain.info to try and recoup a half bitcoin or some shit. bassically contemporaneous events, and yet at least headcount reddit still thought ver actually has anything to do with bitcoin.) 1683107;1499987023;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform aaaand if you wish to be REALLY rattled in that vein, compare and contrast with mp giving random "bitcoin banker" wanna-bes coupla HUNDRED btc just so they can't keep the pretense up any further. 1683108;1499987066;mircea_popescu;fortunately for me, the advanced kako-nubbins logics of 2016 hadn't yet arrived on the scene back in 2012. somehow. 1683109;1499987067;asciilifeform;was i alive for that one..? 1683110;1499987070;mircea_popescu;nope. 1683111;1499987081;mircea_popescu;and what a riotous time it was! 1683112;1499987081;asciilifeform;didntthinkso 1683113;1499987104;mircea_popescu;i think BingoBoingo might have been ; and had his private chuckles hence. 1683114;1499987135;asciilifeform;asciilifeform was silently sweating over room full of fpga in those dayz. 1683115;1499987565;mircea_popescu;anyway, none of this is anything compared to the literal tens of thousands of btc destroyed in the first attack upon the fledging currency. a bloody victory. 1683116;1499987590;asciilifeform;the 0.8 fork ? 1683117;1499987618;mircea_popescu;nah. was a purely financial event. btc was supposed to crash, except a lot of pressure unwound through mpoe options and the whole thing fizzled. 1683118;1499987652;asciilifeform;the mtgox penny thing ? 1683119;1499987656;mircea_popescu;nope. 1683120;1499987673;asciilifeform;незримого фронта солдаты lol 1683121;1499987690;mircea_popescu;there have been a lot of "tape painting by fake news" events like that. mtgox printing 0's, pirate going on about how "he's going to crash btc", etc. 1683122;1499987706;mircea_popescu;none of these counted for much in rpactice, for the obvious reason : washington post is not powerful. 1683123;1499987748;mircea_popescu;anyway, was early summer 2013 if memory serves. the whole thing's on the books. 1683124;1499987998;mircea_popescu;(unlike washpo, mp is actually powerful even in the purely signalling sense, which is why my "stop buying" worked, and cheaply, and well.) 1683125;1499988151;asciilifeform;in what sense were the 'tens of thousands btc' destroyed btw ? went to enemy ? 1683126;1499988177;andreicon;more likely went to unowned addressed, burnt 1683127;1499988178;mircea_popescu;not specifically, "went into weak hands" i guess would be the best way to put it. 1683128;1499988201;mircea_popescu;there's this ancient piece by hanbot about the structual problems of giving idiots money. 1683129;1499988211;asciilifeform;that was 1st hanbot thing asciilifeform read ! 1683130;1499988222;asciilifeform;mega-article 1683131;1499988225;mircea_popescu;notbad huh. 1683132;1499988261;asciilifeform;the one where 'created a high-powered idiot, who can wreck exchange rates, create pyramids, etc' or how it went. 1683133;1499988261;mircea_popescu;anyway, in something liek that sense destroyed, now the poor darlings have to work their way out of idiotlandia all over again. 1683134;1499988276;mircea_popescu;yes that one. the power to misallocate capital. 1683135;1499988327;andreicon;do share if you have link, pls 1683136;1499988343;mircea_popescu;give a million idiots a trillion dollars so they build half million pizzerias and spend the rest of their short unhappy lives whining about the high prices of flour, the horrible traffic and the absent custom. 1683137;1499988391;mod6;<+mircea_popescu> asciilifeform aaaand if you wish to be REALLY rattled in that vein, compare and contrast with mp giving random "bitcoin banker" wanna-bes coupla HUNDRED btc just so they can't keep the pretense up any further. << aha. scammers abound. 1683138;1499988408;*;shinohai thought about this piece when Coinbase recently asked for more VC $$$but couldn't turn it up ..... 1683139;1499988415;mircea_popescu;o right, mod6 WAS there iirc. recall harnett, rosenfeld & friends ? 1683140;1499988423;mod6;oh ofc. 1683141;1499988569;whaack;What would have been bad with btc sitting at "too high" a price? Is it that a herd of people trying to get as many coins to hold from these "weak hands" would have bought in at a higher price than needed, thus making any concerted effort to raise the price in the long term much more difficult? 1683142;1499988621;hanbot;andreicon> do share if you have link, pls >> https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=106391.msg1167765 1683143;1499988638;mircea_popescu;whaack artificially high prices are a fine way to wreck a symbol. consider how torpedoes work (they don't push at the ship, but create a vacuum. it then gets filled). consider also the parable of the walmart giant and the neighbourhood chair. 1683144;1499988687;asciilifeform;^ or how being dropped from 7th floor window, works. 1683145;1499988702;mircea_popescu;or that. 1683146;1499988744;*;asciilifeform lolling over usg 'mixer' ads on current-day tardstalk behind link 1683147;1499988761;asciilifeform;'MIXING REINVENTED FOR YOUR PRIVACY' etc 1683148;1499988765;mircea_popescu;are they tor-based ? 1683149;1499988771;asciilifeform;dunno, can't be arsed 1683150;1499988782;mircea_popescu;i should hope ssl everywhere. 1683151;1499988813;*;whaack is not familiar with the walmart parable 1683152;1499988883;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2014-11-30#938314 << oddly the oldest reference is not the direct item. wtf happened here. 1683153;1499988883;a111;Logged on 2014-11-30 06:31 mircea_popescu: like the stuff discussed above re usg agency redhat, fuycking up linux. EXACTLY the stiuation of the giant ruining a chair. 1683154;1499988896;asciilifeform;http://trilema.com/2014/minigame-smg-november-2014-statement/#selection-649.0-737.1 1683155;1499988946;mircea_popescu;oh! tyvm/ 1683156;1499988991;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/?date=22-11-2014#931333 << story. 1683157;1499989074;mircea_popescu;dude reading old logs is such a treat. 1683158;1499989189;andreicon;hanbot: thank you. mircea_popescu: oh, it is. especially if they're yours. 1683159;1499989622;andreicon;"Alternatively it is always easier to just not like me. You will lose money." << this is gold 1683160;1499989731;andreicon;so many people getting doxxed on btctalk 1683161;1499989747;andreicon;that site is gonna go down may 2018 1683162;1499989789;shinohai;as opposed to going down ~3-4 times a month as it does already? 1683163;1499989794;mircea_popescu;the bot autoarchives links anywya 1683164;1499989828;mircea_popescu;and i think also saves local copies. maybe. does it ? 1683165;1499989842;mircea_popescu;shinohai was it yours or Framedragger 's ? 1683166;1499989862;shinohai; Framedragger 's I think. 1683167;1499989883;mircea_popescu;Framedragger do me the favour and check if scriba has somewhere on disk a copy of the above tardstalk link content saved ? 1683168;1499989910;andreicon;shinohai: may 2018 some new privacy reform happens in europe, might hinder their activity 1683169;1499989950;mircea_popescu;i wouldn't expect anyone gives much of a shit about merkel and may's "europe" 1683170;1499989979;andreicon;me neither, but their hosting company or isp might 1683171;1499989981;mircea_popescu;their role is strictly in organizing the young female swede fucklines, keep them nude and lubricated. no more.\ 1683172;1499990007;shinohai;Certainly not thermos, champion of tardstalk free speech! (unless you are friends w/ mircea_popescu ) 1683173;1499990029;mircea_popescu;besides, it runs on all-new software already! 1683174;1499990052;mircea_popescu;shinohai speaking of which, they have this bridge here. it was going to will have been finished by mid april. 1683175;1499990067;andreicon;looks like the same software softpedia runs 1683176;1499990372;mircea_popescu;adlai marquardt (aka http://trilema.com/2012/scammer-tag-nefario-theymos-others-known-and-unknown/ ) is chiefly famous for having hired some friends and paid them however many millions from donations to "make a better forum software". 1683177;1499990381;mircea_popescu;was delivered exactly like you'd expect. 1683178;1499990436;mircea_popescu;i mean andreicon ^ 1683179;1499990478;andreicon;"we added AI to our product" means "we added a bunch of ifs to our code" 1683180;1499990520;andreicon;phpBB was good as it was 1683181;1499990955;andreicon;i'm off, cheers 1683182;1499993265;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-13#1682576 << i'm not really aware of this. fill in the $guy ? who ? 1683183;1499993265;a111;Logged on 2017-07-13 16:08 phf: i thought that proper classical education is all about learning how to discriminate? i mean western art has this value of "this guy is good, but not quite. this other guy is as good as this first guy, and he also has that not quite covered. he's the true master" 1683184;1499993519;mircea_popescu;and in other lulz, i put iron maiden on, whole house suddenly took this very 90s aspect. 1683185;1499993746;mircea_popescu;the killer's breed, or the demon's seed. the glamor, the fortune, the pain. back to war again, blood is freedom's stain. don't you pray for my soul anymoar! 1683186;1499993800;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-13#1682609 << isn't this literally the travelling salesman ? what moving parts, it's known-hard. 1683187;1499993800;a111;Logged on 2017-07-13 17:41 phf: i won't the thing to follow some pretty simple decision algorithm: here's a gps list of viable landing spots, here's a gps list of interesting targets. given your positional knowns decide and execute a flight path that'll take the aircraft through highest number of interesting targets before landing in any one of the viable landing spots. surprisingly large number of moving parts in a situation like that 1683188;1499993822;trinque;TWO. MINUTES. TO MIIIIDNIGHT. 1683189;1499993832;trinque;yeah, I'm gonna join in. great idea. 1683190;1499993931;mircea_popescu;trinque woman cooking, me on the couch, computer smoke in the air... totally, the last good decade. 1683191;1499993951;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-13#1682626 << only works if it's not cloudy. pretty much the whole of the current shitstack has this alternative explanation ready, that they moved away from things that absolutely not work some % of the time to things that theoretically work universally, no matter how poorly / exzpensive /etc. 1683192;1499993951;a111;Logged on 2017-07-13 17:48 asciilifeform: ( it worked ok in 1950s (!) with WHOLLY ANALOGUE components. why not today ? ) 1683193;1499994002;mircea_popescu;proper army bootcamp ? doesn't work for non-whites. alright, make the modern us army then, it'll be shittier but whatever. 1683194;1499994006;mircea_popescu;on and on in this manner. 1683195;1499994170;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-13#1682651 << military value of accuracy isn't even quantitative, but qualitative. you won't even WANT nukes if you can get centimeter resolved delivery guaranteed. 1683196;1499994170;a111;Logged on 2017-07-13 18:00 asciilifeform: so no, you won't find one at 'microcenter'. 1683197;1499994193;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: clouds dun exist at the rocket's march height 1683198;1499994202;asciilifeform;so nope. 1683199;1499994232;asciilifeform;( all current icbm -- stellar-guided. just as in 1962. ) 1683200;1499994243;asciilifeform;0 radio. 1683201;1499994274;asciilifeform;( famously, not even a cancellation signal receiver. or so claimed, i suspect that it's a lie ) 1683202;1499994649;asciilifeform;now to be fair, ballistic rocket only needs guidance for maybe 10min. 1683203;1499994866;mircea_popescu;i thought he was doing a plane thing 1683204;1499994887;asciilifeform;phf? prolly 1683205;1499994895;mircea_popescu;so then what are we talking about. 1683206;1499994914;asciilifeform;phunphakt -- 1st model of 747 had a hole for stellar nav 1683207;1499994935;asciilifeform;liner also dun give a fuq re clouds 1683208;1499994947;asciilifeform;clouds are only problem for infantry. 1683209;1499994953;asciilifeform;and navy. 1683210;1499994969;mircea_popescu;q 1683211;1499995210;mircea_popescu;and roflcopters like hackerspaces futz with. 1683212;1499995287;mircea_popescu;trinque "face up, make your stand, and realise you're living in the golden years". fucking said it outright, also. 1683213;1499995309;asciilifeform;i often wonder what the practical speed and ceiling are, for 'roflcopter' 1683214;1499995322;asciilifeform;why couldn't it, in principle, work as strela. 1683215;1499995352;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-13#1682684 << ftr, theoretically optimal gps fix resolution is in the cm range. coupla inches demonstrated in practice. 1683216;1499995352;a111;Logged on 2017-07-13 18:23 mircea_popescu: i am also suspicious of the 1 max 5 common best fix. 1683217;1499995367;asciilifeform;( battery sux, yes, but does it prohibitively suck. ) 1683218;1499995378;mircea_popescu;hey, get a RTG, fly across atlantic on it. 1683219;1499995384;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: that's for stationary antenna 1683220;1499995389;asciilifeform;the cm figure 1683221;1499995408;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform there is no such thing as stationary in this context. 1683222;1499995429;mircea_popescu;it is however for machine capable of complex partial derivates work. 1683223;1499995437;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: no rtg will lift itself in atmosphere. for same reason as steam engine will not. 1683224;1499995443;asciilifeform;power/weight. 1683225;1499995455;mircea_popescu;what, you shield it too ? 1683226;1499995465;asciilifeform;not shield problem 1683227;1499995468;asciilifeform;radiator. 1683228;1499995469;trinque;midnightmagic: goddamned being a man anthem right there. 1683229;1499995473;trinque;d'oh 1683230;1499995474;trinque;mircea_popescu: 1683231;1499995485;trinque;and they have many 1683232;1499995525;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: a 400kg or so rtg, gives 100w or so. 1683233;1499995612;asciilifeform;heat engine - has 2 ends 1683234;1499995615;mircea_popescu;eh, get out. stick of polonium actually glows blue. 140W/g!@ 1683235;1499995626;asciilifeform;2nd law, mircea_popescu 1683236;1499995641;mircea_popescu;make better couplings! 1683237;1499995655;asciilifeform;the cold end, as with stirling engine, is the bitch. 1683238;1499995685;mircea_popescu;you're gonna make me a ... thermic engine, to power an electric motor out of electon emitting battery ? 1683239;1499995688;asciilifeform;would work great for autonomous narcosubmarine tho. 1683240;1499995691;mircea_popescu;wtf is this. use the electrons! 1683241;1499995716;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: we had the betavoltaic thread not long ago 1683242;1499995738;mircea_popescu;ten kgs of polonium are good for 140 days, during which the missing 5kgs will have produced 700 kW. enough to get across teh seas 1683243;1499995785;asciilifeform;kw-hr ? 1683244;1499995790;mircea_popescu;no, kw. 1683245;1499995808;*;asciilifeform bangs head on desk 1683246;1499995814;mircea_popescu;well ? it decays. 1683247;1499995832;asciilifeform;kw ain't a unit of energy 1683248;1499995853;mircea_popescu;am i gonna have to actually do the true maffs here 1683249;1499995878;asciilifeform;at least dun abuse the units, what didtheyeverydotoyou!111 1683250;1499995898;mircea_popescu;starts out as 140watt-seconds each gram. decays. 1683251;1499995927;asciilifeform;see the k40 thread for full calc. 1683252;1499995959;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-18#1658654 1683253;1499995959;a111;Logged on 2017-05-18 20:00 asciilifeform: oh btw mircea_popescu , a mol of k40 : 1683254;1499995972;mircea_popescu;i dun wanna do mols of polonium cuz it's heavy. 1683255;1499996028;asciilifeform;you do the g/mol conv. as in kindergarten. 1683256;1499996051;asciilifeform;y'know, the # printed on mendeleev table. 1683257;1499996060;mircea_popescu;i dun wanna 1683258;1499996079;asciilifeform;make trained pet do it 1683259;1499996104;mircea_popescu;anyway, the naturally occuring (210) does a 5.3mev decay to lead which is of interest. 1683260;1499996124;asciilifeform;( this also brings to mind the 'fly to buenosaires on batteries' vintage thread ) 1683261;1499996154;mircea_popescu;!~calc 6.023 * 10**23 * 5.3 * 10**6 * 1.6 * 10 ** -19 / 84 1683262;1499996155;jhvh1;mircea_popescu: 6.023 * 10**23 * 5.3 * 10**6 * 1.6 * 10 ** -19 / 84 = 6.080361904761904E9 1683263;1499996179;mircea_popescu;6 Gjoules / gram 1683264;1499996223;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/C64C7349E185995A35DD3CD83C8A547ACB469A762F1F052320EF12E768A0E727 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1542...0439 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (92-223-162-81.ip274.fastwebnet.it. IT) 1683265;1499996224;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/C64C7349E185995A35DD3CD83C8A547ACB469A762F1F052320EF12E768A0E727 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1415...4357 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (92-223-162-81.ip274.fastwebnet.it. IT) 1683266;1499996224;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/F3505E30A8EC26D039A902D7AE7FD2CF732B787FD93C5A19F58A8876B4221EB5 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1646...9577 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' ( US MI) 1683267;1499996224;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/F3505E30A8EC26D039A902D7AE7FD2CF732B787FD93C5A19F58A8876B4221EB5 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1400...0629 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' ( US MI) 1683268;1499996256;mircea_popescu;so leave with 10kgs of po 210, arrive with 5kgs of po and 5kgs of lead, have a grand total of 30 Terajoules of energy for the trip. try not to waste so much you can't gain orbit. 1683269;1499996270;asciilifeform;now if we had the induced beta thing. 1683270;1499996286;asciilifeform;( see thread from may ) 1683271;1499996327;asciilifeform;and i doubt there ever existed 10kg of po210 . 1683272;1499996350;asciilifeform;( or even 1 kg ) 1683273;1499996361;mircea_popescu;fine, 10 grams, takes you down to 30 gigajoules for the trip. 1683274;1499996374;mircea_popescu;still counts for a few jerrycans. 1683275;1499996375;asciilifeform;price 1g some time. 1683276;1499996388;mircea_popescu;so if you can't buy it steal it. 1683277;1499996428;asciilifeform;tricky to steal item than only keeps in warehouse for ~yr, that there's maybe 1g of total on planet3. 1683278;1499996476;mircea_popescu;hey, i just make the plans, i don't implement them! 1683279;1499996503;asciilifeform;at any rate if you had induced-beta thing, no need to steal anything, sr90 lying around phree, folx will beg you to take 1683280;1499996517;mircea_popescu;where's the adventure in that 1683281;1499996528;asciilifeform;in coming out alive.. 1683282;1499996555;mircea_popescu;there is that. 1683283;1499996624;asciilifeform;upstack: the lithium thionyl battery ( see thread.. ) is actually exactly what you'd want, for 'circumnavigate globe in lolcopter' 1683284;1499996633;asciilifeform;laughs at -40c 1683285;1499996654;asciilifeform;and roughly half the joule/g of petrol. 1683286;1499996716;asciilifeform;no prop icing, also, because... no exhaust 1683287;1499996860;mod6;mircea_popescu, asciilifeform, tmsr~: http://www.mod6.net/ffa/from_thinair.html 1683288;1499996890;mircea_popescu;mod6 its routines! 1683289;1499996931;mod6;ack! 1683290;1499997006;asciilifeform;neato mod6 1683291;1499997091;mod6;fixed :] thx. 1683292;1499997143;mod6;found another incorrect 'its built-in dumper' too. herpaderpa 1683293;1499997303;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/10B9C5AD7BF686D2783039BCD49B6030C3CAF62449D619C7C0CD762096767C55 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1718...0037 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown DE) 1683294;1499997304;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/10B9C5AD7BF686D2783039BCD49B6030C3CAF62449D619C7C0CD762096767C55 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1438...4343 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown DE) 1683295;1499997304;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/FDCE223C38F58E8566151DC7B61CE305D163C1653C88FAB37AFC33CF23AF24C8 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1672...5009 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (magic.infonova.co.th. TH) 1683296;1499997304;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/FDCE223C38F58E8566151DC7B61CE305D163C1653C88FAB37AFC33CF23AF24C8 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1557...7287 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (magic.infonova.co.th. TH) 1683297;1499997304;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/15AEAD26B1D41896A4CBCECBC7A6D3147157549809CFEED0C8486BDF99DCEBD3 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1757...1549 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (mail.jacques-rijckaert.be. BE WAL WLG) 1683298;1499997304;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/15AEAD26B1D41896A4CBCECBC7A6D3147157549809CFEED0C8486BDF99DCEBD3 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1509...8969 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (mail.jacques-rijckaert.be. BE WAL WLG) 1683299;1499997316;asciilifeform;mod6: shl in some longer numberz 1683300;1499997409;mircea_popescu;very short and elegant really. 1683301;1499997427;mod6;i can certainly try some things like shifts, rotates, etc and make a part II, or III if req. 1683302;1499997434;mircea_popescu;someone should use it to calculate factorials imo. 1683303;1499997436;mod6;moar to come. 1683304;1499997446;mircea_popescu;"here's a list of factorials calculated by alf's ffa : " 1683305;1499997460;mircea_popescu;"this last one took about half a day overnight while i slept" 1683306;1499997566;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: you can even say right nao how long N! will run. 1683307;1499997570;mircea_popescu;aha 1683308;1499997570;mod6;ah, sure. can try some of these too. 1683309;1499997571;asciilifeform;without doing it. 1683310;1499997628;mircea_popescu;i think fgor most bright young minds it's the first encounter with "wtf bs 8bit" 1683311;1499997653;asciilifeform;mod6: another phunexperiment - change the word size. 1683312;1499997660;asciilifeform;it dun have to be a machine word 1683313;1499997665;mircea_popescu;well yes! 1683314;1499997679;asciilifeform;or even multiple of it. so long as it fits in one. 1683315;1499997695;mod6;i've tried using like 2**8, and 2**16 too iirc. 1683316;1499997706;mod6;just spits out a shorter FZ as expected. 1683317;1499997713;asciilifeform;( spoiler : linear speed ding ) 1683318;1499997769;asciilifeform;and yes, thing will work ok in msdos. 1683319;1499997772;mod6;for instance, 2**8: 1683320;1499997773;mod6;:!./ffa_test 1683321;1499997773;mod6;0000000000000024 1683322;1499997774;asciilifeform;in realmode. 1683323;1499997823;mod6;i need to integrate W_Mul_Comba & W_Add_D and do some of the other things suggested above. 1683324;1499997840;mod6;currently using an ffa sneakpreviewed ~3 weeks ago or so. 1683325;1499997860;mod6;(contains completed karatsuba, but no comba) 1683326;1499997975;asciilifeform;mod6: i posted this today 1683327;1499998016;asciilifeform;would post whole thing again, but currently rearranging bunch of things to go with the fascism pragmas 1683328;1499998032;asciilifeform;incl. - yes - gotta change the invocation again. 1683329;1499998052;asciilifeform;( no moar record type. plain array of words everywhere nao. ) 1683330;1499998235;mod6;ah, ok. 1683331;1499998376;shinohai;http://archive.is/7TqvG <<< lol Alpha Bay admin conveniently does an hero in his cell 1683332;1499998387;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-13#1682355 << mod6 1683333;1499998387;a111;Logged on 2017-07-13 14:15 asciilifeform: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/ZZVgC/?raw=true << like this. 1683334;1499998442;asciilifeform;shinohai: lel, overexcited cokemachine operator.. 1683335;1499998535;mircea_popescu;"according to Andrei Barysevich, a director at Recorded Future Inc., which sells data about online threats and the Dark Web." 1683336;1499998537;mircea_popescu;check them out lolz. 1683337;1499998559;mircea_popescu;such a strong "we have america! in russian!" vibe these things give me 1683338;1499998571;asciilifeform;orcs aim to please. 1683339;1499998580;asciilifeform;luxor centre for malwaremen 1683340;1499998597;mircea_popescu;no, not that part. the "i would like to interact with bitcoin" sed lizzard, "but i am afraid contact might be transformative. wut do ?" 1683341;1499998614;mircea_popescu;"oh i know... have a fiat corp sell dataz about it! that'll be so still usgtronic it wikll be safe!" 1683342;1499998636;mod6;<+asciilifeform> http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-13#1682355 << mod6 << ah ok, thx. 1683343;1499998636;a111;Logged on 2017-07-13 14:15 asciilifeform: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/ZZVgC/?raw=true << like this. 1683344;1499998638;mircea_popescu;all influenza victims died with antibodies in their bloodstream after all 1683345;1499998655;asciilifeform;~of~ 1683346;1499998662;asciilifeform;bonuslol. 1683347;1499998670;mircea_popescu;reminds me of how 90s courts wanted paper printouts of webpages as FILED EVIDENCE! 1683348;1499998675;mircea_popescu;maybe that'll protect them who knows 1683349;1499998679;asciilifeform;prolly still do. 1683350;1499998688;asciilifeform;( recall lavabit ) 1683351;1499998688;mircea_popescu;and such world of good it did them, too. 1683352;1499998723;mircea_popescu;thing is, if you don't like something all you really gotta do os shake head really hard and go nopenopenopenope. that's it. 1683353;1499998746;asciilifeform;worx better if head against the wall!111 1683354;1499998763;mircea_popescu;or if ass against proboscis. 1683355;1499998779;trinque;ah, in 2017 screenshits of your ipnoje are evidence. 1683356;1499998793;mod6;asciilifeform: got it, add parts, works! 1683357;1499998793;asciilifeform;incidentally i always wondered if the 'rule of law' derps simply take whatever comes out of 'lexis' as authentic precedent 1683358;1499998804;mircea_popescu;100%. tried and tested. 1683359;1499998805;trinque;gotta be screenshitted by a super cereal digital forensics guy though. 1683360;1499998806;asciilifeform;or insist on looking at old deadtree 1683361;1499998817;asciilifeform;because otherwise... 1683362;1499998827;mircea_popescu;average paralegal is not capable of retrieving old dead tree 1683363;1499998832;mircea_popescu;even if present in firm's library. 1683364;1499998856;mircea_popescu;also young of counsel less qualified than average paralegal in his chosen profession 1683365;1499998876;mircea_popescu;(it's ok though, he "does networking" and "is working on his personal brand" which is jhust as good) 1683366;1499999011;asciilifeform;lel 1683367;1499999297;mircea_popescu;and also, and this is the best part, just about 0% measurable "this is not right" in folks under 40, even when presented with egregious "subtle" changes in supposedly very well known, foundational tests. 1683368;1499999298;shinohai;This will be much to the chagrin of asciilifeform I suspect, but the darknet masterminds on reddit are warning of those that used "Auto Encryption" on there LOLZ http://archive.is/7gcTS 1683369;1499999319;asciilifeform;shinohai: wassat 1683370;1499999322;mircea_popescu;WILL gleefully fix grammar error and move on ; no shits given to the obvious "wait, how come there was a glaring gramatical error in supposed reference text" 1683371;1499999374;shinohai;asciilifeform: Appears Alpha Bay had their own Magic encryption service built-in 1683372;1499999386;shinohai;For those too lazy, etc.to GPG 1683373;1499999433;mircea_popescu;"In the first six months of 2017, AlphaBay sold more than $5 million in stolen credit-card numbers, Mr. Barysevich said. “AlphaBay was the biggest marketplace on the Dark Web,” he said." 1683374;1499999435;asciilifeform;shinohai: whaddayaexpect of imbeciles for whom the tor cmu thing, sr parallelcons, etc neverhappened 1683375;1499999436;mircea_popescu;AHAHAHAHA 1683376;1499999443;mircea_popescu;bwahahah oh help me rwanda. 1683377;1499999505;mircea_popescu;the 2017 benchmark report has online fraud at about 12% of us gdp, which is to say -- bigger than black people. twice over. 1683378;1499999535;mircea_popescu;meanwhile sub million/month was "the biggest" ? the biggest what, the biggest pimple on barysevich's micropenis ? 1683379;1499999842;asciilifeform;i suspect that most of it is http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-10#1517871 . 1683380;1499999842;a111;Logged on 2016-08-10 18:56 asciilifeform: goes right back to the 'soooo you won't spend yer money on konsoomer crud, terrorist? we'll HELP you' 1683381;1499999902;asciilifeform;( usgological 'economy' is structured so that the cc fraud is essential nutrient to it. hence the studious avoidance of anything even vaguely smelling of a final solution - e.g. genuine crypto, single-use cc #, etc ) 1683382;1499999974;asciilifeform;( see also http://btcbase.org/log/2014-11-07#913404 ) 1683383;1499999974;a111;Logged on 2014-11-07 05:21 asciilifeform: likely, no 'xbox' and no actual buyer. just a sp4mz0r washing his stolen cc #s. 1683384;1500000071;BingoBoingo; even the lowest javascript monkey has, say, awareness of the fact that his shitter is not plugged into the mains. and can hang a picture, change a filter, etc << No. Seriously put in some time at a hardware store. Be astounded at the idiocy. 1683385;1500000115;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: long, long ago, i worked as a sysop, similar 1683386;1500000146;asciilifeform;i never saw the total blindkitten helplessness described by mircea_popescu in $thread, in a male 1683387;1500000174;BingoBoingo; but i take pride in being an above-average thinker so i'm sure i'm in the right place. just don't know why until i read the 22mn lines of logs << Recommend reading Trilema the blog from transition to English in 2012 through 2013 alongside log 1683388;1500000180;asciilifeform;i still remember in uni dorm, astonishment, there existed people who did not own hammer, screwdriver. 1683389;1500000185;asciilifeform;0 males among these. 1683390;1500000319;BingoBoingo;https://archive.is/IXxJ2 << A compliment!!! "Also this bit's quite nicely phrased" 1683391;1500000833;BingoBoingo; i think BingoBoingo might have been ; and had his private chuckles hence. << Was waking up into personhood. Started exploring active involvement in BTC out of hunger around time of GLBSE explosion. Found fledgling TMSR early 2013, in time to use BitBet on SuperBowl. 1683392;1500000938;BingoBoingo; there have been a lot of "tape painting by fake news" events like that. mtgox printing 0's, pirate going on about how "he's going to crash btc", etc. << AHA, environment easier to evaluate back then. Time from "herd u leik BTC" to MP IS RIGHT took little time to discover. Now with all the noise discovery could probably not be made blackout drunk anymore. 1683393;1500001587;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: For all idiocies assorted US building codes allow, left to own devices still greater idiocies emerge organically. Like idea to replace sink S-trap pipe with wet/dry vacuum hose because "measuring and cutting plastic sounds hard, and hand tightening slip joints still harder!!!" 1683394;1500002231;asciilifeform;in other usefuls, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=avqHf5YU11E 1683395;1500003221;BingoBoingo;Nice 1683396;1500004361;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2017/07/darknet-market-alphabay-shut-down-alleged-operator-dies-in-jail-cell/ << Qntra - Darknet Market Alphabay Shut Down: Alleged Operator Dies In Jail Cell 1683397;1500004604;BingoBoingo;ty fxd 1683398;1500004788;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform cluelessness is not directly helplessness. the best example for this being person trying to navigate thirld world town. 1683399;1500004794;mircea_popescu;dumbass locals signal NOTHING. 1683400;1500004884;asciilifeform;'dunno where's what in pygmylandia' != 'dun know that toilet dun plug into mains' 1683401;1500004885;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform chet had a screwdriver in her purse. with fittable heads. and a tiny one separately. 1683402;1500004893;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform but it IS cluelessness. 1683403;1500004911;asciilifeform;chet was from the era when people were people. 1683404;1500004930;asciilifeform;y'know, when chix flew biplanes over german lines and dropped frags 1683405;1500004932;asciilifeform;and died like men. 1683406;1500005008;mircea_popescu;was funny, too, with all the airports and shit. "is that a screwdriver ?" "yeah" "you can't take screwdrivers on the airplane!" "no, it's ok, see, it has fittable heads" "ah... uh... i see. well it's ok then." 1683407;1500005058;BingoBoingo; asciilifeform but it IS cluelessness. << AHA, and it transforms it to more finessed cluelessness with actual education and practice. "Is this fasterner best attacked with ratchet, breaker bar, or impact gun" 1683408;1500005774;mircea_popescu;anyway, i don't score cluelessness for stupidity. it's structured and self defending/perpetuating cluelessness that triggers. 1683409;1500005855;mircea_popescu;most of the girls had no idea eg, thermodynamics puts strict limits and firm relations between movement and energy, including as it pertains to their eating. or that all things that exist can be made and are in fact made. or how to evaluate anything, a distance, a cost, a length or a volume. or so on. 1683410;1500005862;mircea_popescu;they come out of it. 1683411;1500005924;*;BingoBoingo scores it as indicator of environmental defect 1683412;1500005977;mircea_popescu;just had lulz on a walk with girl yest, in that we saw a larger than common cement mixer on a construction site, and i said it's they're normally like a coupla galon's worth, and she agreed, and then she guessed the present one at 30 and i said it's like 120 yeah and she was totally blown out, no way it's 120 galons ? no, liters. this girl, two years ago, misjudged the volume of a hangar she was physically present in by three 1683413;1500005977;mircea_popescu; degrees of magnitude ; and now found a 4x factor inconceivably off for an item half mile in the distance. 1683414;1500006133;BingoBoingo;Progress (actual sort!) not perfection, works while you work it 1683415;1500006149;mircea_popescu;quite exactly. the normal brain will retool if at all possible. 1683416;1500006327;BingoBoingo;This is why conversion therapy works. 1683417;1500006343;mircea_popescu; i've not found it to work in anyone but the young. 1683418;1500006380;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/426D6DCE7975B06B502ACEEFD67592401856611663D9997FEC743FEBAE1B507D << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1358...7273 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (152-224.80-90.static-ip.oleane.fr. FR) 1683419;1500006380;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/426D6DCE7975B06B502ACEEFD67592401856611663D9997FEC743FEBAE1B507D << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1607...5277 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (152-224.80-90.static-ip.oleane.fr. FR) 1683420;1500006391;mircea_popescu;very active phuctor these days huh 1683421;1500006422;BingoBoingo;I've seen it work in the old, but then again looking different places. 1683422;1500006444;BingoBoingo;In old requires substantial desperation 1683423;1500006466;BingoBoingo;And still more substantial resignation 1683424;1500006482;mircea_popescu;nah, it leaves sechellae. 1683425;1500006496;mircea_popescu;i suppose different definitions of work 1683426;1500006558;asciilifeform;https://youtu.be/DBmQ7Vbl42Y?t=1m17s << in other educationals. 1683427;1500006684;BingoBoingo;Well, there are different degrees of works 1683428;1500006854;mircea_popescu;ya 1683429;1500006947;BingoBoingo;Daily repreive contingent on maintaining one's spiritual health works when discussion 60 year old alcoholic crack addicts who have more than half a decade of continuous sobriety. 1683430;1500006956;BingoBoingo;Seems to count as works 1683431;1500006968;mircea_popescu;but they can't go into a bar and have a drink. 1683432;1500007014;mircea_popescu;my ex-dumb sluts CAN go into a whatever, starbux, and have a chat with their ex-peers. 1683433;1500007074;*;BingoBoingo suspects there's less physical pathology in the ex-dumb 1683434;1500007087;mircea_popescu;which was the original point here, started with alf's recoil. 1683435;1500007269;*;BingoBoingo just likes dropping "conversion therapy works" bomb in log for the point that it is toxic to socialists 1683436;1500007282;mircea_popescu;a is it ? 1683437;1500007625;BingoBoingo;It doesn't feed Inca is one point where it is toxic, but the other point I observe is people when recovering appear to become more ideologically sane as part of transformation. 1683438;1500007640;mircea_popescu;well that;s a given. 1683439;1500007711;BingoBoingo;This makes them more resistant to socialistoid indoctrination. This is why pantsuit loves people smoking the funky green shit. 1683440;1500007722;BingoBoingo;Not occasionally, but habitually 1683441;1500007844;BingoBoingo;Nothing better for pantsuit demographics than brain numbed stoners 1683442;1500007850;mircea_popescu;fo sho 1683443;1500008340;BingoBoingo;For every functional, sane, moderate using danielpbarron there are many more who become chemically demotivated and endumbed 1683444;1500008357;mircea_popescu;im sure. 1683445;1500008388;mircea_popescu;popularily known as flock of seagulls. 1683446;1500010456;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2017/07/harvard-faculty-seek-to-restrict-voluntary-student-participation-in-off-campus-associations/ << Qntra - Harvard Faculty Seek To Restrict Voluntary Student Participation In Off Campus Associations 1683447;1500010477;mircea_popescu;lmao. that's legal now ? 1683448;1500010518;BingoBoingo;Who cares about Law at Harvard? 1683449;1500010522;mircea_popescu;ikr. 1683450;1500010535;BingoBoingo;Surely not alumni Hussein Bahamas 1683451;1500010541;mircea_popescu;inb4 somebody comes up with the idea of forbidding black students in missouri from involvement with the dnc. 1683452;1500010557;mircea_popescu;"pantsuitardation. not even once." 1683453;1500010680;BingoBoingo;Hopefully this is an indicator that we are moving into a lulzier part of 2017 1683454;1500010742;mircea_popescu;i don't see how we could not. 1683455;1500011399;BingoBoingo;http://www.jameslafond.com/article.php?id=8295 << More Law'ls 1683456;1500012579;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2017/07/surveillance-videos-of-mass-attack-on-bart-train-withheld-in-the-name-of-bias-prevention/ << Qntra - Surveillance Videos Of Mass Attack On BART Train Withheld In The Name Of Bias Prevention 1683457;1500012706;BingoBoingo;Congratulations to whaack on his successful submission to Qntra! 1683458;1500012740;whaack;why shux ty 1683459;1500012859;mircea_popescu;ahahaha nice. 1683460;1500012903;mircea_popescu;what do the brits need their own brains for anyway. off with their heads, miserable half-man species. 1683461;1500013024;mircea_popescu;if that isn't an occupation government, what exactly would constitute one ? 1683462;1500013553;BingoBoingo;BART isn't Brits, it is "Bay Area 'Rapid' Transit" 1683463;1500013586;mircea_popescu;oh isn't it british assrape something ? my bad then! 1683464;1500013603;BingoBoingo;So presumably raid was less Raperham and more Ferguson 1683465;1500013633;mircea_popescu;this is shockingly enough even more retarded. what will the inference be, that a buncha azns did it ? 1683466;1500013634;BingoBoingo;But it could have also been good at math or owned all the property. 1683467;1500013647;BingoBoingo;lol, I typed too slow 1683468;1500013680;mircea_popescu;those fucking pinoy man, always gangsta and shit. 1683469;1500013761;BingoBoingo;lol, just wait till those Hmong find the internet 1683470;1500013775;mircea_popescu;also, samoans. 1683471;1500013791;mircea_popescu;those are the worst. leberworst. 1683472;1500013803;BingoBoingo;Samoans aren't azn, too big and wrestler stereotyped 1683473;1500013849;mircea_popescu;if samoans aren't azn then why are the japanese azn ? 1683474;1500013956;BingoBoingo;Because the japanese don't want to be azn as evidenced by the white skin, blue eyes, and blond hair when they draw themselves as cartoons. 1683475;1500013964;whaack;peehaps there are no recordings, and many of the alleged "cameras" are made of cardboard to keep cattle in check 1683476;1500013967;mircea_popescu;hm 1683477;1500014002;mircea_popescu;whaack not even so far off, after the huge camcraze of the 2000s washed by and the costs began to mount many places started just running loops of a few days and such 1683478;1500014016;BingoBoingo;brb, sleep 1683479;1500037648;shinohai;"shwifteey described FUCK token as the new Dogecoin," >>> https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/evd5je/an-ethereum-token-called-fuck-raised-dollar30000-in-30-minutes 1683480;1500039722;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all 1683481;1500039732;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: BTC-E BTCUSD last: 2251.65, vol: 3012.33826 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 2273.0, vol: 17874.92457231 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 2325.842288, vol: 7348.12240000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 2285.287, vol: 5359.70954282 | Volume-weighted last average: 2284.60386455 1683482;1500041860;mod6;mornin' 1683483;1500041917;shinohai;Buenas Dias mod6 1683484;1500042096;mod6;Buenas Dias, Sr. shinohai 1683485;1500042100;mod6;:] 1683486;1500044962;asciilifeform;in other noose, the 'china must be colonized for 300 years to become civilized' solzhederp finally croaked 1683487;1500044982;asciilifeform;( liu xiaobo ) 1683488;1500045208;asciilifeform;was thrown in the clink after accepting, iirc, 600k $ from usg , and then 'peace nobel' 1683489;1500045290;asciilifeform;torrent of tears from all orifices of 'our demoocracy' today, re subj. 1683490;1500045544;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-14#1683463 << british anal re-education temple 1683491;1500045544;a111;Logged on 2017-07-14 06:26 mircea_popescu: oh isn't it british assrape something ? my bad then! 1683492;1500049858;asciilifeform;!!up freeuser420 1683493;1500049859;deedbot;freeuser420 voiced for 30 minutes. 1683494;1500050399;Framedragger;[PSA, framedraggerish duties to resume soon and answers to irc pings to come (country move done nao, much win). talk soon] 1683495;1500050443;Framedragger;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-13#1683167 << will do 1683496;1500050443;a111;Logged on 2017-07-13 23:51 mircea_popescu: Framedragger do me the favour and check if scriba has somewhere on disk a copy of the above tardstalk link content saved ? 1683497;1500050470;asciilifeform;wb Framedragger 1683498;1500050610;Framedragger;ty asciilifeform :) 1683499;1500050622;Framedragger;mircea_popescu is this the link in question? http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-13#1683142 1683500;1500050622;a111;Logged on 2017-07-13 23:30 hanbot: andreicon> do share if you have link, pls >> https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=106391.msg1167765 1683501;1500050654;Framedragger;if so, only thing scriba has is -- not a local copy, but a note of link being successfully archived, and link to archive => 1683502;1500050659;Framedragger;!$getarchive https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=106391.msg1167765 1683503;1500050660;scriba;Previously archived URL: http://archive.is/nQLP9 (this was archived by scriba: yes) 1683504;1500050676;Framedragger;but i'll catch up on log, may be missing (lots of) context 1683505;1500050755;mircea_popescu;Framedragger incidentally, as it just finally occured to me -- are you married, to a romanian girl ? 1683506;1500050818;Framedragger;hahaha NO 1683507;1500050822;asciilifeform;lol should he be ? 1683508;1500050825;mircea_popescu;aaand trinque, incidentally, as it just occured to me -- can you get deedbot payments online by the end of the month ? seems somewhat likely usg is gonna turn off its "webwallet" bullshits from blockchain.info down. 1683509;1500050841;Framedragger;i'm sure mp has some weird probabilistic intel hahaha 1683510;1500050860;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform no no, just, two different people telling me you know, a story that sorta was converging. i'm like... no fucking way! 1683511;1500050879;Framedragger;hehe :) 1683512;1500050880;*;Framedragger bbl, washing up from german fatty food 1683513;1500050881;mircea_popescu;total shot in teh dark. 1683514;1500050899;*;asciilifeform pictures Framedragger on a pile of sausages 1683515;1500050910;Framedragger;basically. 1683516;1500050912;*;mircea_popescu kinda misses proper leberwurst 1683517;1500050930;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/2948A9C44E91DA3E33AB76F8E300E280318F98B9D533CB0C15DCFB68F28154BC << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1518...8989 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (pv.cm-sec.cz. CZ) 1683518;1500050930;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/2948A9C44E91DA3E33AB76F8E300E280318F98B9D533CB0C15DCFB68F28154BC << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1626...1869 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (pv.cm-sec.cz. CZ) 1683519;1500050963;asciilifeform;lol: 'CM security system s.r.o. 1683520;1500050964;asciilifeform;Komplexní řešení zabezpečení objektů' 1683521;1500050970;asciilifeform;didjaknow! 1683522;1500050985;asciilifeform;hey jurov!111 1683523;1500051004;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-14#1683479 << a fake news 2nd tier outlet failed to understand how cryptocurrency works 10 years after "covering" it, still imagines sending a trillion tokens for a trip in your wallet amounts to something. 1683524;1500051004;a111;Logged on 2017-07-14 13:07 shinohai: "shwifteey described FUCK token as the new Dogecoin," >>> https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/evd5je/an-ethereum-token-called-fuck-raised-dollar30000-in-30-minutes 1683525;1500051028;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform lmao y u so troll 1683526;1500051083;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-14#1683486 << seems it worked with 30 years of self-colonisation. about the same it took russia, also (i vaguely recall equivalent notion there a century ago) 1683527;1500051083;a111;Logged on 2017-07-14 15:09 asciilifeform: in other noose, the 'china must be colonized for 300 years to become civilized' solzhederp finally croaked 1683528;1500051118;asciilifeform;jeszcze Česká nie zginela!111 1683529;1500051156;asciilifeform;self-colonization lol 1683530;1500051181;asciilifeform;( see also http://btcbase.org/log/2015-05-04#1119717 ) 1683531;1500051181;a111;Logged on 2015-05-04 18:40 ascii_field: pete_dushenski: this is actually the historic ru model of development, once termed 'colonialism with crown as the sole european' 1683532;1500051182;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-14#1683501 >> that is the link in question, yes. it's be tremendously useful if it also had a copy of http://archive.is/download/nQLP9.zip stored somewhere. 1683533;1500051182;a111;Logged on 2017-07-14 16:44 Framedragger: if so, only thing scriba has is -- not a local copy, but a note of link being successfully archived, and link to archive => 1683534;1500051193;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform what;d you call what they did ? 1683535;1500051214;mircea_popescu;right. 1683536;1500051226;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: petro-pipereich 1683537;1500051231;asciilifeform;a la saud. 1683538;1500051233;mircea_popescu;it is, actually, the german model. that's how they modernized. 1683539;1500051247;asciilifeform;ru hasn't modernized. pipeized. 1683540;1500051248;mircea_popescu;and then the japanese copied it. to also great success. which is why both japan and russia allied with germany. 1683541;1500051261;mircea_popescu;the simple country boy is loyal, the problem is the town boy is nutty. 1683542;1500051276;asciilifeform;last proper modernizer of ru was old man iosif vissarionovich. 1683543;1500051299;mircea_popescu;well yes, that's exactly what we're discussing, ru went 1910-1940 about same way china went 1975-2005. 1683544;1500051304;asciilifeform;then yes! 1683545;1500051307;mircea_popescu;right. 1683546;1500051313;asciilifeform;i was reading 'today', and wtf'd 1683547;1500051325;asciilifeform;but then -- very muchly yes. 1683548;1500051364;mircea_popescu;so - germany, first. then japan. upon jealous consideration of japan, russia. these tried to actually band together and strangle anglotardism once and for all. they fucked it up, like the idiots they are. 1683549;1500051376;mircea_popescu;finally, after mature consideration, china. and my money's not on the anglotards. 1683550;1500051457;trinque;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-14#1683508 << I'll start chopping things down and aim for it, yes. 1683551;1500051457;a111;Logged on 2017-07-14 16:47 mircea_popescu: aaand trinque, incidentally, as it just occured to me -- can you get deedbot payments online by the end of the month ? seems somewhat likely usg is gonna turn off its "webwallet" bullshits from blockchain.info down. 1683552;1500051463;mircea_popescu;cool deal. 1683553;1500051590;shinohai;All signs point to this .... blockchain.info is added as DNS seed for segwit2x in recent commits on shithub 1683554;1500051655;mircea_popescu;would have been great if we had a service that had already been open, tested and could be advertised ; but it'll be useful even to have it new, not like the dorks have much memory or mental consideration space anyway. 1683555;1500051688;mircea_popescu;meanwhile on reddit, http://68.media.tumblr.com/819174ba7f70638a0c21c2e9083a8ade/tumblr_nw6j1v2Pug1ubttx2o1_400.gif 1683556;1500051780;asciilifeform;lol dns seeds 1683557;1500051789;asciilifeform;i nearly forgot that this existed. 1683558;1500051894;mircea_popescu;you probably also forgot shitwater existed. easy to forget if you're not served it every day. 1683559;1500052801;mircea_popescu;and in other lulz, https://68.media.tumblr.com/cfe04343bcc6cbd71ede67255146fdc6/tumblr_ot3c4gShzL1wuktzvo1_1280.jpg 1683560;1500052936;shinohai;Couldn't fault MP for wanting to initial dat 1683561;1500052951;mircea_popescu;mp had nothin' to do with it! 1683562;1500053046;asciilifeform;in other lullomatics, asciilifeform found a trivial 2x speedup for ffa exp 1683563;1500053057;asciilifeform;sometimes i wonder if anybody actually reads these things. 1683564;1500053058;mircea_popescu;only compute half the bits ? 1683565;1500053063;asciilifeform;mno. 1683566;1500053504;mircea_popescu;"and thus they bid farewell to carnal dishes and solid meats, and highly spiced ragouts to live for fortry days on ill-dresses fishes, because they add no sauces to their stews." 1683567;1500055502;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-14#1683186 << traveling salesman has approximate solution strategies. besides in this case there's additional complexity of upper limit on travel distance, which is also constantly changing. so if your maximum distance is above shortest path, then you want tsp, but if it's below then you probably have to rely on nearest neighbor/nearest fragment heuristics anyway 1683568;1500055502;a111;Logged on 2017-07-14 00:56 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-13#1682609 << isn't this literally the travelling salesman ? what moving parts, it's known-hard. 1683569;1500055559;mircea_popescu;phf but necessarily you won't have a closed form solution to an ill defined class of a known hard problem. 1683570;1500055589;phf;of course, but does that mean i should completely abandon the problem? 1683571;1500055601;mircea_popescu;not at all. but -- adjust your expectations :D 1683572;1500055742;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-14#1683203 << glider specifically. you drop a glider from a balloon, you have known altitude, air foil and weight, you can figure out maximum distance, but that one's constantly changing, which you can track from rate of descent vs distance traveled. your drop point is also random because of the balloon drift, but it's somewhere around sites of interest 1683573;1500055742;a111;Logged on 2017-07-14 01:14 mircea_popescu: i thought he was doing a plane thing 1683574;1500055743;mircea_popescu;for instance : if i were solving this for military purposes i would have the machine list all targets it can visit such that it can still reach one landing spot, and then choose one to visit RANDOMLY. this offers some very strong guarantees : a) each machine will touch one target ; b) the algo can be recursed at ANY point (such as power failure) ; c) if you make a fleet of them you get coverage at no communication expense. 1683575;1500055822;mircea_popescu;i suppose this being what you meant by moving parts. 1683576;1500055830;phf;:) 1683577;1500055842;mircea_popescu;undiscovered externalities moar like it. 1683578;1500055891;phf;well, your basic algorithm is nearest neighbor, but then you can assign random weights to sites of interest, to ensure that different machines prioritize different walks (even if they get dropped from same location) 1683579;1500055966;mircea_popescu;fwiw balloon-glider is a solution to this problem in the sense straight razor and barber's bowl is a solution to flebotomy. it does work, as it did long ago, but it does also kinda ignore the more recent past. 1683580;1500056109;mircea_popescu;if you are destroying the targets the solution is rocket engine, which by now are cheap and easy to make. if you are merely diddling the target the solution is flying lawnmower. (although if you only want to do it monentarily, such as picture taking as opposed to eg van ecking the solution really is satellite). 1683581;1500056175;mircea_popescu;glider bs is ww2 reich wunderwaffen (and i hope you read german for they did explore this to death) 1683582;1500056297;phf;well, it's certainly silly to put all this complicated electronics on a device that would be trivial to also make self-propellent 1683583;1500056364;phf;but without having necessary craftsmen immediately available, it's hard to make fast progress. 1683584;1500056404;phf;i mean, the hackerspaces told me that it's "too hard", but they've been launching the same weather balloons with a camera for payload for like years now. literally a highschool project 1683585;1500056447;mircea_popescu;but that said, a large baloon with a string of gliders underneath that detach bottom first like some sort of strange technofruit losing its seeds like some sort of anemochorious epiphyte. 1683586;1500056461;mircea_popescu;would be one hell of an art item, steampunk or no steampunk 1683587;1500056476;mircea_popescu;of course for maximal artsy i'd make your gliders asymmetrical. give it some nutty spin. 1683588;1500056480;phf;hah, make them talk over radio to do a distributed coordination for tps 1683589;1500056518;mircea_popescu;phf i dunno what you've been doing with your life to this point, but let me point out to you in no certain terms that adjusting what you do by what's available is the child's lot. 1683590;1500056555;mircea_popescu;if you need engine people get 'em, don't redesign around 'em. 1683591;1500056612;phf;how do your attempts to source graphics artists in argentina fit into that? 1683592;1500056621;mircea_popescu;i was mostly looking for sluts. 1683593;1500056700;asciilifeform;and where's my 8192bit cpu!11 1683594;1500056703;mircea_popescu;that's the problem with me, i'm seldom actually doing what i'm say i'm doing. 1683595;1500056709;phf;hah, well, this project has similar pedigree! 1683596;1500056713;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i thought you were making it 1683597;1500056717;mircea_popescu;phf lel. found anything good ? 1683598;1500056775;andreicon;good evening 1683599;1500056795;andreicon;haha mp, you an me both 1683600;1500056807;mircea_popescu;phf for my curiosity, don't you find it to work better when the girl's looking for them ? 1683601;1500056816;mircea_popescu;andreicon sorry, i and you both what ? 1683602;1500056828;andreicon;seldomly do what we think of doing 1683603;1500056846;andreicon;i'd rather train others to carry out tasks on my behalf 1683604;1500056853;andreicon;speaking of which 1683605;1500056867;mircea_popescu;how old are you andreicon ? 1683606;1500056870;andreicon;i've coded a bot in js that would voice me when i ask it 1683607;1500056873;andreicon;haha 1683608;1500056881;andreicon;haven't i told you? 1683609;1500056892;andreicon;i don't know how to search the logs yet 1683610;1500056896;shinohai;js + crypto, what could go wrong? 1683611;1500056900;mircea_popescu;i've no recollection of it. 1683612;1500056904;andreicon;haha shinohai 1683613;1500056912;mircea_popescu;!#s haha\ 1683614;1500056913;a111;0 results for "haha\\", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=haha%5C 1683615;1500056914;andreicon;i'm passing the decrypt to gpg on the os 1683616;1500056921;andreicon;okay, thx 1683617;1500056926;andreicon;rtfm on my part 1683618;1500056932;andreicon;i'm 29 1683619;1500057005;andreicon;am i allowed to use a bot to get voiced here? 1683620;1500057040;andreicon;it'll run on an azure instance, only respond to me and have its own pubkey registered with deedbot 1683621;1500057054;mircea_popescu;you're allowed to to whatever the hell you please, at least for now. 1683622;1500057065;mircea_popescu;anyway, why do you think you've got something to train others ? 1683623;1500057094;andreicon;not as of yet, i'm still getting my shit together 1683624;1500057124;andreicon;but soon 1683625;1500057148;andreicon;docker swarm + an army of webservers + w3 + truffle 1683626;1500057156;phf;mircea_popescu: i'm pretty sure we've even had that conversation before, re girls looking for girls 1683627;1500057161;andreicon;hopefully i'll have something to sell for mETH 1683628;1500057166;mircea_popescu;phf possibly. 1683629;1500057190;mircea_popescu;andreicon glty. 1683630;1500057206;andreicon;you want mETH too? 1683631;1500057243;mircea_popescu;lol. notrly. 1683632;1500057266;mircea_popescu;i guess there's a lot of new things in the world for you huh :) 1683633;1500057288;andreicon;not necessarily new, just a few things i haven't tried 1683634;1500057319;andreicon;and with the advent of technology, it's now easy to put x and y together and get something exciting 1683635;1500057327;andreicon;kinda like btc 1683636;1500057336;andreicon;pow was years old 1683637;1500057339;mircea_popescu;the advent of technology huh. 1683638;1500057356;andreicon;easy access to the same technology* 1683639;1500057442;mircea_popescu;do you mean microsoft windows and javascript ? 1683640;1500057449;diana_coman;andreicon> not necessarily new, just a few things i haven't tried <- the not-exciting ones? 1683641;1500057474;andreicon;srsly, do you think that's all there is to me? 1683642;1500057485;andreicon;windows and js? 1683643;1500057509;andreicon;Linux andrei 4.11.0-1-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.11.6-1 (2017-06-19) x86_64 GNU/Linux 1683644;1500057534;andreicon;i admit, i'm deep in microshit at work 1683645;1500057553;andreicon;i find it challenging dealing with the politics, windows degrades itself 1683646;1500057556;shinohai;!#s Debianized 1683647;1500057556;a111;28 results for "Debianized", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=Debianized 1683648;1500057556;mircea_popescu;diana_coman amusingly enough, i recall a few... dozen moments of this "advent of technology" spring. like you know, Коммунизм = советская власть + электрификация всей страны. 1683649;1500057608;mircea_popescu;andreicon the illusion of "~easy~ access to ~same~ technology" is universally and i find without exception the macula of the modern slave. 1683650;1500057612;andreicon;:)) who coined that term? 1683651;1500057631;mircea_popescu;just as the black worker on the plantation thought he is a slave because god made him stupid ; just so the redditard of today thinks he has easy equal access to everything. 1683652;1500057639;phf;^ http://club.foto.ru/classics/images/photos/pr/1539.jpg 1683653;1500057659;mircea_popescu;phf word. 1683654;1500057667;andreicon;i don't think i have ~equal~ access 1683655;1500057669;diana_coman;mircea_popescu, eh, that's history aka dead things aka things that never even existed 'cause dead, hence... old exciting is dead, on to the new exciting 1683656;1500057674;trinque;check out that guy's hipster garb; they even wear the same clothes 1683657;1500057677;mircea_popescu;andreicon that's what "same" means dunnit. 1683658;1500057686;shinohai;lol trinque 1683659;1500057697;mircea_popescu;trinque back then the gray was soot. it's apparently antiseptic and anti-stenkik. 1683660;1500057728;shinohai;Am I to presume the pockmarked face = smallpox? 1683661;1500057749;mircea_popescu;pretty much 1683662;1500057785;andreicon;mircea_popescu: by ~same~ i meant not new but recycled 1683663;1500057814;andreicon;i mean sha256 and ripemd160 were already available, just hacked into doing something else 1683664;1500057859;mircea_popescu;andreicon yet consider : when the pantsuited hilarity was aiming to somehow establish herself as actually real and existent as opposed to merely imaginary fiction (in the face of trump's onslaught) her argument was ... "i was in the situation room!!!". she was saying, basically, that while she formally appears a redditard like any other, let them not forget that nevertheless she has... priviledged access to... special technol 1683665;1500057859;mircea_popescu;ogies. 1683666;1500057875;mircea_popescu;that was the whole thing. that's all she had to communicate, when all is said and done. 1683667;1500057879;mircea_popescu;so what are you talking about ? 1683668;1500057956;andreicon;then some russki said she runs win2003 on her exchange server and from there it all went to shit 1683669;1500057968;mircea_popescu;mno. 1683670;1500057995;mircea_popescu;the time when people with better access to superior technologies ruined her inept shit precedes this event. 1683671;1500058015;mircea_popescu;(ie yes, the boneheaded fucktard is also incapable of learning from her own experience, but whatever, it's what the us politruk class is all about) 1683672;1500058042;andreicon;so she thought she had the same shit everyone else had 1683673;1500058049;andreicon;she couldn't possibly lose 1683674;1500058069;andreicon;but then it turns out there's hidden tech, some stuff you never knew existed 1683675;1500058084;andreicon;i'm not willing to be a public face for that 1683676;1500058086;andreicon;:)) 1683677;1500058093;mircea_popescu;mkay. 1683678;1500058098;andreicon;yea, i'm a skiddie 1683679;1500058112;andreicon;most likely, that's the first thing that comes to mind 1683680;1500058142;mircea_popescu;not specifically. that was mostly a 90s item, resulting from the uneven development of broadband and the uneasy interaction between society and internet. 1683681;1500058150;mircea_popescu;a sort of soviet cultural worker if you will. 1683682;1500058165;mircea_popescu;taught the masses their chief marketable skill of today -- the copy/paste. 1683683;1500058182;andreicon;but is that not a skill? 1683684;1500058185;mircea_popescu;it is. 1683685;1500058197;andreicon;it's actually a trait, you have it or you don't 1683686;1500058200;andreicon;you adapt or get bent 1683687;1500058221;mircea_popescu;women are better equipped than you are to adapt in this sense. plus it self-lubricates. 1683688;1500058227;andreicon;:)) 1683689;1500058284;andreicon;they still have years of catching up to do 1683690;1500058290;andreicon;the vast majority 1683691;1500058307;andreicon;i do agree, they have an accelerated pace 1683692;1500058310;mircea_popescu;you know what a system of reference is, in physics ? 1683693;1500058317;shinohai;For those that *don't* self-lubricate, its helpful to be a purveyor of astroglide. 1683694;1500058320;andreicon;but let's win this while we're ahead 1683695;1500058329;andreicon;'course 1683696;1500058332;mircea_popescu;tell me ? 1683697;1500058349;andreicon;damn be the theoretical definition 1683698;1500058353;andreicon;*ed 1683699;1500058358;mircea_popescu;... 1683700;1500058420;andreicon;a body or a system of bodies 1683701;1500058445;mircea_popescu;if your definition includes an or it is not a definition. 1683702;1500058479;andreicon;okay, i don't know the formal definition 1683703;1500058486;andreicon;*sigh* 1683704;1500058542;mircea_popescu;look here : in physics (which is a practical matter), you can have such a thing as a set with a measure and yet thereby not obtain an ordering. in mathematics, your ring (set + idempotent/unit items) also thereby has an ordering. 1683705;1500058590;mircea_popescu;this is your error here : when you say "they still have years of catching up to do" you imagine a theoretical construct that has no bearing to reality. just because you're far away doesn't mean you're far ahead. as it happens, you aren't, western women will survive much better than western men. 1683706;1500058604;mircea_popescu;as per tradition. 1683707;1500058628;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-14#1683606 << ahahahahaha 1683708;1500058628;a111;Logged on 2017-07-14 18:27 andreicon: i've coded a bot in js that would voice me when i ask it 1683709;1500058631;andreicon;i'm only observing my surroundings 1683710;1500058637;mircea_popescu;of course. 1683711;1500058641;asciilifeform;!#s reactor rods 1683712;1500058642;a111;9 results for "reactor rods", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=reactor%20rods 1683713;1500058666;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform it's a journey, huh. 1683714;1500058678;andreicon;okay, "by hand" tells the whole story 1683715;1500058688;andreicon;:)) 1683716;1500058723;andreicon;i'm essentially putting a trapdoor in my door 1683717;1500058740;andreicon;it ain't easy being lazy 1683718;1500058758;mircea_popescu;gotta start somewhere. 1683719;1500058778;andreicon;lazy alone leads to certain death 1683720;1500058785;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-14#1683634 << the picture that invites itself is that 1890s drunken d00d putting the two wires together 1683721;1500058785;a111;Logged on 2017-07-14 18:35 andreicon: and with the advent of technology, it's now easy to put x and y together and get something exciting 1683722;1500058791;asciilifeform;... he certainly Got Something Exciting. 1683723;1500058812;andreicon;a debate? 1683724;1500058842;andreicon;sparking up a talk is always exciting 1683725;1500058857;asciilifeform;kzzzbzzpt. 1683726;1500058897;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-14#1683652 << lol лампочка ильича (tm)(r)!!! 1683727;1500058897;a111;Logged on 2017-07-14 18:40 phf: ^ http://club.foto.ru/classics/images/photos/pr/1539.jpg 1683728;1500058955;asciilifeform;and, oblig, http://citramon.net/uploads/images/00/00/02/2014/11/16/f0a62f.jpg . 1683729;1500058985;mircea_popescu;ahahaha 1683730;1500058995;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you saw my series of lulzlenins ? 1683731;1500059017;asciilifeform;http://ixbt.photo/?id=photo:1161014 also. 1683732;1500059022;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: dun think so 1683733;1500059057;andreicon;i'm baffled 1683734;1500059067;andreicon;i actually don't know how to react :)) 1683735;1500059096;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform http://trilema.com/2009/lenin-in-imagini/ 1683736;1500059102;shinohai;It happens andreicon .... sensory overload happens at first. 1683737;1500059111;trinque;andreicon: what's this :)) about anyway, trying to flirt with someone? 1683738;1500059131;mircea_popescu;trinque he's trying not to be hostile. 1683739;1500059163;andreicon;i'm actually trying not to defend myself too much 1683740;1500059191;andreicon;i know why i may be under a microscope 1683741;1500059203;andreicon;looked down on by a very skeptical observer 1683742;1500059213;andreicon;not why. 1683743;1500059217;andreicon;that* 1683744;1500059252;trinque;the skeptical observers are good for your noggin. 1683745;1500059254;andreicon;but i'm not living with the impression that i know too much 1683746;1500059258;andreicon;or anything at all 1683747;1500059269;andreicon;i came here to learn 1683748;1500059284;andreicon;possibly follow a wave of trendsetters 1683749;1500059287;mircea_popescu;andreicon dun stress out, it'll be okay. 1683750;1500059315;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-14#1683618 << 'at your age, sergei lazo was already circling around the locomotive!' 1683751;1500059315;a111;Logged on 2017-07-14 18:28 andreicon: i'm 29 1683752;1500059388;mircea_popescu;lol 1683753;1500059417;mircea_popescu;and gengis was what, getting lipstick rainbows on his tiny dick from austrian "students" ? 1683754;1500059474;asciilifeform;lol 1683755;1500059478;andreicon;yea, and mihai the great was 9 when he first ruled 1683756;1500059481;trinque;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-14#1683212 1683757;1500059481;a111;Logged on 2017-07-14 01:21 mircea_popescu: trinque "face up, make your stand, and realise you're living in the golden years". fucking said it outright, also. 1683758;1500059507;trinque;alexander had conquered his known world also, eh? 1683759;1500059522;mircea_popescu;aaaand caesar was weeping at his grave for being too old to matter. 1683760;1500059527;trinque;lol 1683761;1500059530;mircea_popescu;not to mention, a minor bureaucrat with maxed out credit cards 1683762;1500059530;andreicon;guys, running out of juice, be back in 3 hrs. read ya later 1683763;1500059532;mircea_popescu;(tru story) 1683764;1500059537;andreicon;sad story 1683765;1500059577;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform incidentally that line sounds SO very odessan. 1683766;1500059590;trinque;andreicon: nothing sad about the towering achievements of better men, aside one's own narcissism 1683767;1500059622;trinque;or if sad's your thing, that's fine too 1683768;1500059675;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: lolyes 1683769;1500059752;mircea_popescu;trinque young Martial walks into the office of the Odessan Poet Combine, explains to the man at the desk behind the typerwiter that he wants to be a poet. "are you sad, young man ?" "no." "then what do you want ?!" 1683770;1500059857;trinque;lol 1683771;1500061015;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform and since i'm doing ancient trilemas, here : http://trilema.com/2011/marea-afacere-cu-tuns-iarba/ re lawn mowing! 1683772;1500061019;mircea_popescu;i got errything! 1683773;1500061086;asciilifeform;iirc there was an english of this also 1683774;1500061093;asciilifeform;or at least the last para 1683775;1500061119;asciilifeform;the one about 'beelzebub put them upon the green earth to work to death' or how it went 1683776;1500061306;mircea_popescu;thius is the one yea. 1683777;1500061311;mircea_popescu;i dun think it ever was in english 1683778;1500061362;mircea_popescu;of course now i can't find the whole classification. do you recall where it sez there's two types, the type that prices her cunt to work and the type that prices it to not work ? 1683779;1500061373;asciilifeform;not immediately 1683780;1500061382;asciilifeform;but sounds quite familiar. 1683781;1500061393;mircea_popescu;i need a divine oracle already. 1683782;1500061692;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2010/romanul-si-comertul/#selection-59.0-63.644 << here it is. 1683783;1500061806;asciilifeform;in other lulz, folx pumping MBs of liquishit into snsa shop POST form 1683784;1500061812;asciilifeform;because totally does sumthing. 1683785;1500062145;mircea_popescu;any encrypted yet ? 1683786;1500062159;asciilifeform;0 1683787;1500062169;asciilifeform;phpolade 1683788;1500062234;trinque;it's the fuzz! 1683789;1500063047;mircea_popescu;aand in other wtf, i just ran into an unexpected wall. 1683790;1500063061;asciilifeform;lolwut 1683791;1500063074;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform do you know of any russian item more or less like здреанца ? 1683792;1500063095;asciilifeform;nein 1683793;1500063108;mircea_popescu;well here's the beauty of it : this item does exist in russian, according to romanians. 1683794;1500063115;mircea_popescu;!~google "davai zdreanta, desdemona" 1683795;1500063116;jhvh1;mircea_popescu: Raw - Kakaia surpriza bre Desdemona . Davai zdreanta . | Facebook: ; Chemarea Nordului (26): Davai zdreanţa , Desdemona ! | explorish.ro: ; Cacaia zdreanța? - Jurnal de Dambovita: (1 more message) 1683796;1500063134;mircea_popescu;i don't mean, it exists a little. i mean it exists like sevastopol. 1683797;1500063166;mircea_popescu;how do you say hankerchief besides batista ? 1683798;1500063212;asciilifeform;платок? 1683799;1500063216;mircea_popescu;hm. 1683800;1500063251;mircea_popescu;you understand an entire people hallucinated a whole fucking etymological line in a neighbour's language ? 1683801;1500063259;asciilifeform;wouldn't be the 1st time 1683802;1500063271;mircea_popescu;but for no gain! just out of sheer wtf , boredom ? 1683803;1500063359;asciilifeform;evidently 1683804;1500063392;mircea_popescu;nuts. 1683805;1500063445;asciilifeform;my dictionary suggests that it is a rag, not a handkerchief ? 1683806;1500063545;phf;apparently the complete form is "davai zdreanta, desdemona! -- kakoy zdreanta, otela, blya??" 1683807;1500063561;asciilifeform;lol 1683808;1500063561;mircea_popescu;lol 1683809;1500063579;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform did you find it ? 1683810;1500063591;mircea_popescu;i thought rag is tryapka 1683811;1500063613;asciilifeform;right 1683812;1500063616;mircea_popescu;phf are you proposing this is merely kishinev nonsense ? 1683813;1500063617;asciilifeform;so that'd be yer word then 1683814;1500063645;asciilifeform;oblig: 'Штирлиц встал утром спозаранку и отодрал на окне занавеску. Он не знал, что Позаранку и Занавеску были румынскими разведчицами...' 1683815;1500063666;mircea_popescu;aaahahahahaa 1683816;1500063711;mircea_popescu;just ftr : Штирлиц should properly be shtirlits. 1683817;1500063823;mircea_popescu;for everyone else : занавеску (zanavesku) is how you say curtain ; but the esku final sounds exactly like the romanian name thing, pop-escu. 1683818;1500063865;asciilifeform;занавеска, ->у because she's getting it 1683819;1500063878;mircea_popescu;yes yes. 1683820;1500063896;mircea_popescu;dream on, shtrliboviz. 1683821;1500064183;phf;asciilifeform: i used to try and clarify the inflection, but then realized that it's mostly meaningless for the anglophones. so however much it grates, 1683822;1500064200;phf;"zanavesku is how you say curtain" is probably the correct method 1683823;1500064221;mircea_popescu;he was intimating someone besides ro army conquered odessa! 1683824;1500064236;asciilifeform;hey they're (surprise..) people too, can in fact learn human languages 1683825;1500064242;asciilifeform;asciilifeform's pet is doing pretty well with ru 1683826;1500064256;mircea_popescu;it's all political i tell you! 1683827;1500064269;phf;asciilifeform: same here! but not for genpop 1683828;1500064279;asciilifeform;we have a genpop?! 1683829;1500064298;*;asciilifeform had nfi it were there, waves to it 1683830;1500064302;phf;the elusive Reader of The Logs, you know nsa agents. don't want them to stress too much 1683831;1500064311;mircea_popescu;political!!! 1683832;1500064331;asciilifeform;poor darlings 1683833;1500064343;asciilifeform;what happened to 'learn langs even if you gotta hang upside down, like odin' 1683834;1500064346;phf;just doing my part in making the logs inclusive AND gender neutral 1683835;1500067828;mod6;can anyone confirm if 14! is 144C3B2800 in hex? 1683836;1500067832;mod6;0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000144C3B2800 1683837;1500067885;mod6;i guess online tools say that's correct. neat. 1683838;1500068218;phf;!!up candi_lustt 1683839;1500068218;deedbot;candi_lustt voiced for 30 minutes. 1683840;1500068232;phf;!W (DEFUN FACTORIAL (N &OPTIONAL (ACC 1)) (IF (<= N 1) ACC (FACTORIAL (- N 1) (* ACC N)))) 1683841;1500068232;candi_lustt;phf: FACTORIAL 1683842;1500068242;phf;!W (format nil "~x" (factorial 14)) 1683843;1500068242;candi_lustt;phf: 144C3B2800 1683844;1500068274;mod6;!W (format ni "~x" (factorial 256)) 1683845;1500068275;candi_lustt;mod6: error, see: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/cbecy/?raw=true 1683846;1500068314;mod6;!W (format nil "~x" (factorial 256)) 1683847;1500068314;candi_lustt;mod6: FF578F57C15BB743BEAA77D27637E02B598DFFA9AEBD15889187FE6EB3BDCA516C3FA1A52EABEF31F33B4B8C2E5B5524F1AA4F3329393912F40DBBE23D7F39723E0BE05B6696B11F8EEA0ABE365A11D9F2735AC7E5B4E015AB19B35B84893685B37A9A0A62A566D6571D7E00D4241687F5C804F37CDE9BF311C0781F51CC007C5A01A94F6CFCECEA640B8E9AB7BD43E73E5DF5D0E1EEB4D9B6CC44BE67B7CAD80808B17869561B579FFE0BBDECA5C83139E458000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 1683848;1500068436;mod6;okiedokie, i get the same thing. 1683849;1500068442;mod6;thanks phf! 1683850;1500068519;mod6;100ms 1683851;1500069660;asciilifeform;mod6: on what ? 1683852;1500069901;BingoBoingo;OMG, Reddit has a hard on for the Stasi's insistance Alphabay victim found by his captors hanged https://archive.is/UJETj 1683853;1500069953;BingoBoingo; of course for maximal artsy i'd make your gliders asymmetrical. give it some nutty spin. << Maple seeds! 1683854;1500069983;BingoBoingo; that's the problem with me, i'm seldom actually doing what i'm say i'm doing. << OMG spoiler alert!!! That's supposed to take time to figure out. 1683855;1500070089;BingoBoingo;Also http://qntra.net/2017/07/darknet-market-alphabay-shut-down-alleged-operator-dies-in-jail-cell/#comment-105061 1683856;1500070096;BingoBoingo;Was in moderation que 1683857;1500070128;shinohai;'Twas `assisted suicide` 1683858;1500070694;BingoBoingo;"E drept ca intr-o prima faza am lasat-o sa creasca in legea ei, mai ales pentru ca ocupantii anteriori fura cam nepriceputi la doxa, si taiara iarba dupa metoda de-i zice-n englezeste scalping (adica foarte jos si foarte scurt), pina mi-or umplut curtea de gauri." << This is very common mistake because idiots think "golf course and sports field are shot" and assume shorter is better. They fail to consider that there are different kinds 1683859;1500070695;BingoBoingo;of grasses. 1683860;1500070714;whaack;for the well endowed victim 1683861;1500070730;andreicon; /query mircea_popescu 1683862;1500070734;andreicon;lol 1683863;1500070738;andreicon;dafuq irssq 1683864;1500070896;mod6;<+asciilifeform> mod6: on what ? << box 1683865;1500071001;asciilifeform;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwczkhCMYgM << in other unboxings.. 1683866;1500071021;BingoBoingo;http://trilema.com/2011/marea-afacere-cu-tuns-iarba/#comment-56455 << Lawnmower blades usually come from factory painted dull for our safeocracy. Idea is paint wears down and deck gets disgusting which discourages curiosity by the time sharp edge is exposed. 1683867;1500071026;mod6;this is a core i5 box / 8Gb ram 1683868;1500071030;mod6;gentoo 1683869;1500071048;mod6;actually no. deb. 1683870;1500071094;BingoBoingo;!!up testtttt 1683871;1500071095;deedbot;testtttt voiced for 30 minutes. 1683872;1500071107;BingoBoingo;testtttt: Who is your daddy and what does he do? 1683873;1500071229;mod6;asciilifeform: what is that thing? claymore? 1683874;1500071695;asciilifeform;mod6: su equiv. 1683875;1500071741;asciilifeform;d00d has a number of these films. 1683876;1500071749;asciilifeform;apparently subj was well-packed. 1683877;1500072028;mod6;yah. 1683878;1500072390;*;asciilifeform wonders if 'unboxing vid' for nuke has yet been filmed. if not, genre has room for growth!111 1683879;1500072579;BingoBoingo;Priorities http://www.jameslafond.com/article.php?id=8308 1683880;1500072700;BingoBoingo;Which was a response to http://www.jameslafond.com/article.php?id=8301 1683881;1500072887;shinohai;http://archive.is/YO0wN <<< LOL Trump admin doxes voters 1683882;1500073027;BingoBoingo;Well, they should have signed up to do the Reich thing instead of trying to fight it 1683883;1500074290;shinohai;!!up floog 1683884;1500074290;deedbot;floog voiced for 30 minutes. 1683885;1500075003;floog;hello 1683886;1500075032;shinohai;Heya floog ... who's your daddy and what does he do? 1683887;1500075396;floog;he's an old hippie burnout who became a doctor 1683888;1500076319;mod6;asciilifeform: nao 8ms 1683889;1500076417;asciilifeform;mod6: ...what is 1683890;1500076423;asciilifeform;? and why 1683891;1500076431;mod6;actually, nevermind. 1683892;1500076470;shinohai;!!up floog 1683893;1500076470;deedbot;floog voiced for 30 minutes. 1683894;1500076480;mod6;ok 44ms is more accurate for 256! 1683895;1500076510;mod6;i refactored my factorial code by getting rid of an FZ_Set that i didn't need 1683896;1500076542;floog;!!register http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/hDBGG/?raw=true 1683897;1500076545;deedbot;7B308B69A7CD283E3B7549DBE9B833266594AD15 registered as floog. 1683898;1500076582;lobbes;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-13#1682208 << when I was a teen-lobbes I worked the service desk at a grocery store. In addition to selling lotto/scratch tickets I also handed out (and, if requested, cashed) the paychex to fellow coworkers. 1683899;1500076582;a111;Logged on 2017-07-13 03:51 mod6: the worst part about the lotto tickets people, is they buy them, then more often than not (it seems like), insist on scratching them off right there and then. 1683900;1500076584;lobbes;On several occasions I witnessed same 40ish y/o dude cash his check (roughly $200), buy 10 $20 scratch tickets, scratch them on-the-spot, then 're-invest' any winnings until he reached $0. 1683901;1500076595;lobbes;This was always amusingly contrasted with the many foreigners that worked there in the summer; they'd Western Union that shit immediately to home country. 1683902;1500076618;mod6;lol 1683903;1500077135;erlehmann;so it turns out that thumbnailers are worse than antivirus, regarding parsing things better left unparsed 1683904;1500077217;erlehmann;this made me look at a few thumbnailers available for GNOME https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=784630 1683905;1500077227;erlehmann;in one, i found the exact same vulnerability 1683906;1500077274;erlehmann;but in gnome-exe-thumbnailer, the filename is inserted into ad-hoc vbscript that is then executed using wine. fun stuff! 1683907;1500077376;trinque;erlehmann: got a blog? I'd read. 1683908;1500077416;erlehmann;trinque i sometimes write on http://news.dieweltistgarnichtso.net/posts/index.html 1683909;1500077444;erlehmann;i should probably do a writeup of the vbscript thing, it's too funny 1683910;1500077500;trinque;erlehmann: consider a qntra of it 1683911;1500077501;erlehmann;the only thing that prevented me from immediately gaining execution is that the created script for some reason is UTF-16 LE – and of course my code-injection-via-filename is UTF-8. 1683912;1500077657;erlehmann;in other news, the base64 module in python3 will happily eat garbage and pretend it is filet mignon. 1683913;1500077700;shinohai;Much like python3 pretends it is meat 1683914;1500077775;erlehmann;>>> base64.b64decode(b'Vm0=') 1683915;1500077775;erlehmann;b'Vm' 1683916;1500077780;erlehmann;>>> base64.b64decode(b'V=m=0=w') 1683917;1500077780;erlehmann;b'Vm' 1683918;1500077791;erlehmann;only one of those inputs conforms to the expected grammar 1683919;1500077882;erlehmann;also have you heard about getpid() 1683920;1500077889;erlehmann;it became slower, or so fefe claimed 1683921;1500077901;erlehmann;bonus: only affected program is systemd 1683922;1500077906;trinque;erlehmann: the logs would benefit greatly from a proper writeup of these, so the next time someone goes "hurr durr $shitlang" the blog post can be linked 1683923;1500077935;erlehmann;because journald spends like 95% of its time trying to find out its own pid 1683924;1500078030;erlehmann;real quality software that tries to call getpid(2) >70000 times in <5 seconds 1683925;1500078202;erlehmann;deedbot is funny btw 1683926;1500078219;erlehmann;only client so far that answers to PING with unknown 1683927;1500078271;trinque;no pings for allcomers! 1683928;1500078290;erlehmann;proper OPSEC 1683929;1500078314;erlehmann;i don't even know deedbot's given name! 1683930;1500078330;erlehmann;meanwhile, i'll do a writeup 1683931;1500078335;trinque;neato 1683932;1500078529;phf;erlehmann: i think it's maybe your client that's misinterpreting the result 1683933;1500078548;erlehmann;phf hmm, might be. 1683934;1500078555;erlehmann;let me check 1683935;1500078559;phf;not that whatever's deedbot returning is correct (nor does a111), according to my client 1683936;1500078569;phf;20:27 CTCP-reply PING from deedbot : 521771260.04 sec 1683937;1500078631;trinque;ah, I figured this was something I didn't implement. 1683938;1500078651;erlehmann;it just returns [SOH]PING[SOH] 1683939;1500078736;erlehmann;seems sane otherwise 1683940;1500078757;trinque;I admit I went as far into IRC as to make the thing stay connected, and otherwise didn't want IRC that far into my head 1683941;1500078784;trinque;the IRC bot part does very little. 1683942;1500078790;erlehmann;i understand completely, i wrote an IRC client myself once. 1683943;1500078801;shinohai;I like teh simplicity 1683944;1500078807;erlehmann;it is very simple to just stay connected. PONG 1683945;1500078809;erlehmann;telnet style 1683946;1500079068;phf;hmm, odd because cl-irc defines a default handler for it.. 1683947;1500079125;phf;ctcp version for example leaks 1683948;1500079402;trinque;hm yeah, we only added a handler for pong, not ping. 1683949;1500079901;erlehmann;phf he 1683950;1500079902;erlehmann;:D 1683951;1500081839;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/4E57E90DD90597C2D996C3D158F95E0BDBDA56B4E35C5A18FDD25E016CE40B2C << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1299...5703 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown CN) 1683952;1500081839;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/4E57E90DD90597C2D996C3D158F95E0BDBDA56B4E35C5A18FDD25E016CE40B2C << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1290...0619 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown CN) 1683953;1500081839;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/62B75E92FE606681941AA0A26B30B63C88E6D31FF19B913EF3FEF8A5DD0969AE << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1290...0619 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown CN) 1683954;1500081839;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/62B75E92FE606681941AA0A26B30B63C88E6D31FF19B913EF3FEF8A5DD0969AE << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1334...5187 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown CN) 1683955;1500082686;erlehmann;first writeup http://news.dieweltistgarnichtso.net/posts/python-base64-langsec-fail.html 1683956;1500084186;lobbes;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-14#1683550 << /me is excited 1683957;1500084186;a111;Logged on 2017-07-14 16:57 trinque: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-14#1683508 << I'll start chopping things down and aim for it, yes. 1683958;1500084524;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/274CF10DC6ADAE595391AE7E26B9ECBADFA4CFB74A1C858D7F05A52D3083AE23 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1789...2259 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (ebusiness.reitze.com. DE) 1683959;1500084524;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/274CF10DC6ADAE595391AE7E26B9ECBADFA4CFB74A1C858D7F05A52D3083AE23 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1630...6747 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (ebusiness.reitze.com. DE) 1683960;1500085357;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-15#1683928 << try, some time : BRAINSEC 1683961;1500085357;a111;Logged on 2017-07-15 00:24 erlehmann: proper OPSEC 1683962;1500085363;asciilifeform;aka fits-in-head. 1683963;1500085410;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-15#1683912 << see also http://trilema.com/2016/minigame-is-probably-never-going-to-support-python-3/ 1683964;1500085410;a111;Logged on 2017-07-15 00:14 erlehmann: in other news, the base64 module in python3 will happily eat garbage and pretend it is filet mignon. 1683965;1500085477;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-15#1683904 << try using machine without poettering on it. i recommend. 1683966;1500085477;a111;Logged on 2017-07-15 00:06 erlehmann: this made me look at a few thumbnailers available for GNOME https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=784630 1683967;1500085547;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-14#1683901 << it is not clear to asciilifeform that the 'wire 50bux to somalia and it costs 70' people are any smarter than the lottery players. 1683968;1500085547;a111;Logged on 2017-07-14 23:56 lobbes: This was always amusingly contrasted with the many foreigners that worked there in the summer; they'd Western Union that shit immediately to home country. 1683969;1500086166;lobbes;at least that 50bux in somalia is > 0bux. Beats lotto player, but that is a good point: after wire fees it doesn't beat it by much 1683970;1500086335;lobbes;not much contrast afterall. Elliots everywhere! 1683971;1500091562;BingoBoingo;Hey, Elliot avoided gambler's fallacy. Gave powerball a deadline to make his dreams come true! 1683972;1500093735;mircea_popescu;hola! 1683973;1500093779;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-14#1683835 << ayup 1683974;1500093779;a111;Logged on 2017-07-14 21:30 mod6: can anyone confirm if 14! is 144C3B2800 in hex? 1683975;1500093845;mircea_popescu;and 15! = 2C5077D36B8C40000 16! = 3CEEA4C2B3E0D80000 17! = 57970CD7E2933680000 18! = 83629343D3DCD1C00000 19! = CD4A0619FB0907BC00000 an finally 20! = 32AD5A155C6748AC18B9A580000000 1683976;1500093900;mircea_popescu;aaand 30! = 7B9A69E35CB2D866437E5C47F97AEF2C42CAEE5C00000000000 and 50! = 71864253B6AFFA79C2EA1BC52A6A1D446CA57E6FFC4196E88AF1B894823817F63F40C910E81FCC940000000000000000000 and im really impressed with my bignumatron by now 1683977;1500093935;mircea_popescu;85! = A0B8A2976BEA2078E2EB644384859F3B46323AF1FCD2BDBBA7707F6836A5F94F4EB20DDCED88F6F04D2F5C01AC3510E4A37AEBC4C5AB05C3CFA9AC51F8F3C1BB2A4A664EE145EE0BEDD1330ACE1400000000000000000000000000000000 and finally did one that took a second 1683978;1500094109;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-14#1683853 << there's all kinds of cool gliding seeds, including 3 axis rotational ones. 1683979;1500094109;a111;Logged on 2017-07-14 22:05 BingoBoingo: of course for maximal artsy i'd make your gliders asymmetrical. give it some nutty spin. << Maple seeds! 1683980;1500094160;BingoBoingo;Yeah, prolly ought to assemble a variety for the artisic alien weapon expo 1683981;1500094179;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-14#1683859 << not only that. they also watch porn on their bigscreen and see the girls taking it in the ass so ass-ume the gf can do the same out of the box. 1683982;1500094179;a111;Logged on 2017-07-14 22:18 BingoBoingo: of grasses. 1683983;1500094199;BingoBoingo;aha 1683984;1500094330;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-14#1683861 << >> http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=private+%22i+don%27t+know%22+from%3Amircea 1683985;1500094330;a111;Logged on 2017-07-14 22:18 andreicon: /query mircea_popescu 1683986;1500094427;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-14#1683878 << there were those people doing "unboxing" of nuke silos iirc... 1683987;1500094427;a111;Logged on 2017-07-14 22:46 asciilifeform wonders if 'unboxing vid' for nuke has yet been filmed. if not, genre has room for growth!111 1683988;1500094604;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-14#1683901 << i suspect the 40yo might have been actually getting more for his money. 1683989;1500094604;a111;Logged on 2017-07-14 23:56 lobbes: This was always amusingly contrasted with the many foreigners that worked there in the summer; they'd Western Union that shit immediately to home country. 1683990;1500094693;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-15#1683922 << he has a point you know. and make your own blog. 1683991;1500094693;a111;Logged on 2017-07-15 00:18 trinque: erlehmann: the logs would benefit greatly from a proper writeup of these, so the next time someone goes "hurr durr $shitlang" the blog post can be linked 1683992;1500094825;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-15#1683969 << but if this were actually true, why is the guy not in somalia then ? 1683993;1500094825;a111;Logged on 2017-07-15 02:36 lobbes: at least that 50bux in somalia is > 0bux. Beats lotto player, but that is a good point: after wire fees it doesn't beat it by much 1683994;1500094856;mircea_popescu;seems wiring money to the same idiots that made it necessary for you to abandon country and fambly with their rampant idiocy might be a worse move than just pouring it into cement. 1683995;1500094882;mircea_popescu;unless, of course, he's wiring it to some radical group. though i vaguely don't expect western union would "allow" that. 1683996;1500094990;erlehmann;don't worry, i'll do the “if you use chrome, wine and gnome, visiting random websites might yield vbscript” writeup sometime soon. it's too hilarious. 1683997;1500094999;mircea_popescu;aite. 1683998;1500095182;erlehmann;i might want to figure out the UTF-16 LE issue before that. of course, i can do my injection in UTF-16 LE, but i want to know where it comes from. 1683999;1500095302;mircea_popescu;same place the fixed font thing came from we were lulzing at a few days ago 1684000;1500095419;mircea_popescu;in other lulz : i took girl to strip joint crawl today. highlight of the night, this plastered drunk waitress / whore that wouldn't take 3k for a 2k tab. literally, she gave it back to me, evidently i made a mistake. 1684001;1500095444;erlehmann;> drunk waitress / whore 1684002;1500095454;erlehmann;seems both like jobs where being sober helps 1684003;1500095504;mircea_popescu;if you're any good at it, at least. 1684004;1500095567;mircea_popescu;it's incomprehensible they even manage to have strip clubs here AT ALL. the girls are so utterly innocent of anything to do with either money or fucking that they might as well be the local highschool volley team. 1684005;1500095597;mircea_popescu;in fact, ~every one i've seen played soccer on the monitors. except for the one that had VERY BAD porn. i mean terribly bad. 1684006;1500095633;erlehmann;i use GNU unifont wherever i can. fits in head. 1684007;1500095705;erlehmann;(conceptually, at least. non-scalable 8x16 / 16x16 glyphs all the way down.) 1684008;1500095738;erlehmann;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-11-18#1570036 << i almost smiled 1684009;1500095738;a111;Logged on 2016-11-18 21:29 mircea_popescu: "i'll believe it when i see it with big font in rounded corners." 1684010;1500095755;erlehmann;too real 1684011;1500095781;mircea_popescu;moomoos. 1684012;1500095831;mircea_popescu;erlehmann anyway, it was something about how random windoze userland used arbitrary font for form making or i don't recall, some management function anyway. 1684013;1500096003;erlehmann;if i recall correctly, windows has font handling at an entirely wrong abstraction level (think TTF kernel exploit) 1684014;1500096032;erlehmann;https://googleprojectzero.blogspot.de/2016/06/a-year-of-windows-kernel-font-fuzzing-1_27.html 1684015;1500096093;erlehmann;> One generic approach is to limit the privileges of font processing code in their respective environments, such as enforcing sandboxing of the FreeType library, or moving the font engine out of the kernel in Windows (which Microsoft has done starting with Windows 10). However, that is mostly beyond our reach. 1684016;1500096096;erlehmann;madness 1684017;1500096177;mircea_popescu;heh 1684018;1500096187;erlehmann;so much about userland, eh? 1684019;1500096195;mircea_popescu;the problem with the systemd approach to system design is that everything ends up wanting to be its own master-exceptional-class. 1684020;1500096207;mircea_popescu;you see it in the dumbass faux bitcoins the usg "developers" keep producing too. 1684021;1500096262;mircea_popescu;that's kinda the point no systemd detractor ever made : that systemd is fundamentally and by itself an unstable arrangement, and it'll end up stuck systemding itself to death, very much like how the dnc keeps revolutionizing itself into irrelevancy. 1684022;1500096409;erlehmann;it surely has a very low bus factor. 1684023;1500096430;BingoBoingo;Very high stepping in front of a bus factor though 1684024;1500096476;mircea_popescu;!#s "can we have everything louder than everything else" 1684025;1500096476;a111;0 results for "\"can we have everything louder than everything else\"", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%22can%20we%20have%20everything%20louder%20than%20everything%20else%22 1684026;1500096478;mircea_popescu;really ?! 1684027;1500096487;mircea_popescu;famous moment of systemd sound engineering. 1684028;1500096544;mircea_popescu;Ritchie/Gillan. 1684029;1500096546;erlehmann;i remember a post from “the old new thing” about “why can't we have a method to have our window on top of all others?” 1684030;1500096583;mircea_popescu;erlehmann and you know what will happen -- two will call it at the same time. and you know what they'll do -- a Top.Window.Manager to handle the conflict. and so on. 1684031;1500096586;erlehmann;oh, but then i looked for it and there exist several 1684032;1500096586;mircea_popescu;very much india code. 1684033;1500096589;erlehmann;https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/20110310-00/?p=11253 1684034;1500096670;erlehmann;mircea_popescu in the past i wondered how people who ask that question never consider someone else might think themselves such an exceptional snowflake. 1684035;1500096690;mircea_popescu;you know the cool guy joke ? 1684036;1500096703;erlehmann;probably not 1684037;1500096733;mircea_popescu;guy asks hotel desk to call him a cab, which they do. he gets in and not long after discovers that the madcap driver is actually not accidentally blowing a red light, but systematically blowing each and every one of them. 1684038;1500096753;mircea_popescu;so he asks, hey, aren't you supposed to stop on red ? and the driver replies that he's a cool guy, an' cool guys don't have to stop for shit. 1684039;1500096779;mircea_popescu;the guy is sorta pondering this away in his head, when suddenly they run into a green light and the driver breaks like all gedup. 1684040;1500096788;mircea_popescu;"what the hell's the matter now ? it was green ?" 1684041;1500096796;mircea_popescu;"yeah, but what if there's a cool guy coming the other way ?" 1684042;1500096833;erlehmann;i must admit that cheered me up a bit, even though i knew how it would turn out halfway through :) 1684043;1500096838;erlehmann;i must so the cool guy has not reached maximum snowflake 1684044;1500096839;mircea_popescu;:p 1684045;1500096844;erlehmann;sorry 1684046;1500096845;erlehmann;sleepy 1684047;1500096862;*;BingoBoingo was expecting peak snowflake, collision 1684048;1500096870;mircea_popescu;no, the thing is the cool guy is dealing with a physical system. it has backblow, if you're too special you're not gonna be around anymore. 1684049;1500096875;erlehmann;so the cool guy must not have reached maximum snowflake level (where no one else could even think themselves snowflake) 1684050;1500096881;mircea_popescu;reality is self-healing, tjhat's why the pantsuits live on pizza and reddits. 1684051;1500096909;mircea_popescu;or i'm sorry, "nutritionally balanced diets" and "science". 1684052;1500097040;BingoBoingo;self-healing can be funny 1684053;1500097052;mircea_popescu;sure. 1684054;1500097137;BingoBoingo;See the green scam v. fire code http://qntra.net/2017/06/poor-brits-evacuated-from-their-warehousing-in-green-incinerators/ 1684055;1500097201;erlehmann;problem is timespan. systemd already could not handle an empty string and executed tasks for users named “0day” as root because names starting with numbers are hard, mmmkay?! it might take a long time before it collapses. 1684056;1500097216;erlehmann;consider PHP still exists 1684057;1500097227;BingoBoingo;Who needs to block egress when entire building shell can be clad in flammable polyurethane foam 1684058;1500097258;BingoBoingo;PHP has a niche 1684059;1500097306;mircea_popescu;erlehmann php is not a system in absolutely any sense. it is a text processor, why would it not exist. 1684060;1500097308;erlehmann;also, any individual car using systemd and literally crashing because of it is unlikely to contain lennart. 1684061;1500097333;BingoBoingo;It's that thing everyone assumes Phuctor uses so Phuctor gets to collect all the PHP run time exploits thrown into not a PHP run time 1684062;1500097398;mircea_popescu;there is a substantial difference between someone trying to build a house with a badly formulated pi, who ends up building a spiral instead of a tower and never thereby finishing ; and someone who in his house builds a clay pot with his own hands and no potter's wheel. so what if the pot will leak ? it can hold a potted plant or whatever, hang on a wall, participate in a domestic argument... 1684063;1500097447;BingoBoingo;In some of those applications, leak is a plus! 1684064;1500097500;BingoBoingo;excess plant water drains through leak, nail to wall goes through other leak 1684065;1500097622;BingoBoingo;Anyways, this was an excellent self healing http://qntra.net/2017/06/dead-alt-soros-no-longer-effective-in-protecting-daughter-from-truth/ Latest not news is former GOP congress critter/TV host quit GOP over hurtbutt 1684066;1500097692;BingoBoingo;This is a very bullish win for leakcoin 1684067;1500097737;mircea_popescu;heh 1684068;1500097749;mircea_popescu;what specifically has she to leak ? titfilling ? 1684069;1500098027;erlehmann;titcoin 1684070;1500098030;BingoBoingo;Nah, it's the alt-soros reality distortion field leaking onto her face. Also her face was leaking blood because likely cialis can only do so much for Morning Joe. 1684071;1500098053;BingoBoingo;Surgical youth simulation 1684072;1500098206;BingoBoingo;The reality leaking in is that the most important man in her life is gone and the new most important man, lacks eldritch powers she is accustomed to. Whole new set of daddy issues in her fifth decade. 1684073;1500098322;mircea_popescu;there's always going to be more zsa zsa gabors around than free drinks available. 1684074;1500098351;*;BingoBoingo just wonders who had honor of destroying the phylactery 1684075;1500098770;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all 1684076;1500098775;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 2081.33, vol: 16109.31127362 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 2076.104, vol: 7524.01997 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 2080.0, vol: 32969.27098191 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 2158.946676, vol: 13045.88760000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 2093.71, vol: 9320.16916233 | Volume-weighted last average: 2094.56046991 1684077;1500099391;mod6;mircea_popescu: thanks for the hex factorials. 1684078;1500099471;mircea_popescu;yee 1684079;1500099960;mod6;!W (format nil "~x" (factorial 15)) 1684080;1500100255;mod6;we're getting some pretty different answers actually. for 15!, i'm getting (in hex): 1684081;1500100258;mod6;00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000013077775800 1684082;1500100269;mod6;which is: 1307674368000 (dec) 1684083;1500100330;mircea_popescu;!!up candi_lustt 1684084;1500100330;deedbot;candi_lustt voiced for 30 minutes. 1684085;1500100333;mircea_popescu;!W (format nil "~x" (factorial 15)) 1684086;1500100333;candi_lustt;mircea_popescu: 13077775800 1684087;1500100342;mircea_popescu;da fux 1684088;1500100378;mircea_popescu;mod6 lol my values were IN HEX. 1684089;1500100410;mod6;yah, saw that 1684090;1500100416;mircea_popescu;21! = 15x0! = 2C5077D36B8C40000x0 1684091;1500100432;mircea_popescu;= 51090942171709440000 1684092;1500100446;mircea_popescu;muh bads. 1684093;1500101067;mod6;no worries! here's what i'm getting with simple `time`ings: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/ucLj9/?raw=true 1684094;1500101220;mircea_popescu;no time at all huh. 1684095;1500101228;mircea_popescu;do 1024 ? 1684096;1500101260;mircea_popescu;should be 450kb or so 1684097;1500101372;mod6;lol, funny you say, just did 1024. 1684098;1500101407;mod6;oh dang, wrapped nasty. hang on, will break @ 80 1684099;1500101488;mircea_popescu;kk 1684100;1500101708;mod6;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/a9G5F/?raw=true 1684101;1500101766;mod6;lol, had to use 2**64 words with FZ(196) 1684102;1500101854;mod6;1154ms for that one 1684103;1500102191;mod6;found a website that produces what seems to be the same 2193 digit value 1684104;1500102265;mircea_popescu;1s ? this is quite reasonably fast isn'rt it. 1684105;1500102390;mircea_popescu;2022 F5988 yep, right it is. 1684106;1500102543;mod6;it seems to be be pretty quick, ya 1684107;1500102567;mircea_popescu;!!up candi_lustt 1684108;1500102567;deedbot;candi_lustt voiced for 30 minutes. 1684109;1500102572;mircea_popescu;!W (format nil "~x" (factorial 1024)) 1684110;1500102572;candi_lustt;mircea_popescu: 2022F598887B1B677793EEA7338140B96EDD924FCAB3A183421F3DCFE257E91FDB9FBDA6FDC765C78087E0AFB0469EE9DC04E88B57DBC8A8850C431640A70A5553F274CF95CF31EF50FF773BB46B4F14BADBEF976885D017EDB30CA9D17100464466D8E2C424C4EB35A8AD96698AB9DA18C5941A808585B16D700EA60FE4742B55D151D2FA72FB5314BF93374F6BA357B7E7B81928B2FCEF3B564380DC3BD2D0D3580A28D5AEAD0D707CDD521CB09F953E45849E4EA04445DB770F4473BFD62494BA215E1370DF02ADB30F0AEC0DC9ADCCC96284CF6D8FFED1DD283 1684111;1500102580;mircea_popescu;she's pretty blazing also. 1684112;1500102590;mircea_popescu;!W (format nil "~x" (factorial 65536)) 1684113;1500102596;candi_lustt;mircea_popescu: 1D1CB6CEFC854C98FC338B0A2757950AE2F876268442F789102C1C43044777BC974C055AB02139BCBD8ABA7370498742FF2D49241C3F4F2A110A0BC600280FC288996B7784835D603AEC3623C06332DDBABB7BEA4A2F777C77E7DFA4FD942821E0C0A2D28DA1D614C66E668349589EDFB477DB532EF98604FECB1A5163FD32284726321766A3BF49C4DDC16698372425A96E1AC8956FD6842D2E7991762A386515FE01FF8591FC10EA7274026D895BDF94F43042245A40A6A35003B18CA765D0B6EDE66E6BA2B0C63AF98BBF115C8533616ED83823A204963EE07F1 1684114;1500102602;mircea_popescu;advance apologies to ben_vulpes 1684115;1500102694;mod6;lol, im doing 65536 too 1684116;1500102708;mod6;now, 2048 was ~5000ms 1684117;1500102712;mircea_popescu;!W (format t "~x" (factorial 65)) 1684118;1500102716;mod6;but 65536, still running 1684119;1500102716;mircea_popescu;!!up candi_lustt 1684120;1500102716;deedbot;candi_lustt voiced for 30 minutes. 1684121;1500102718;mircea_popescu;!W (format t "~x" (factorial 65)) 1684122;1500102719;candi_lustt;mircea_popescu: error, see: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/w3k6A/?raw=true 1684123;1500102731;mircea_popescu;!W (format t (factorial 65)) 1684124;1500102732;candi_lustt;mircea_popescu: error, see: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/dzzKA/?raw=true 1684125;1500102854;mircea_popescu;!W (format nil "~6.2F" (factorial 65)) 1684126;1500102854;candi_lustt;mircea_popescu: error, see: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/0Xo9p/?raw=true 1684127;1500102905;mircea_popescu;!W (format nil "~6,2F" (factorial 65)) 1684128;1500102906;candi_lustt;mircea_popescu: error, see: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/RAoX5/?raw=true 1684129;1500102909;mircea_popescu;motherfucker 1684130;1500102925;mircea_popescu;oh i crashed it doh 1684131;1500102943;mircea_popescu;!W (DEFUN FACTORIAL (N &OPTIONAL (ACC 1)) (IF (<= N 1) ACC (FACTORIAL (- N 1) (* ACC N)))) 1684132;1500102943;candi_lustt;mircea_popescu: FACTORIAL 1684133;1500102947;mircea_popescu;!W (format nil "~6,2F" (factorial 65)) 1684134;1500102947;candi_lustt;mircea_popescu: error, see: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/UjOa9/?raw=true 1684135;1500102971;mircea_popescu;!W (format nil "~6,2F" (factorial 1024**2)) 1684136;1500102972;candi_lustt;mircea_popescu: error, see: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/WsQTf/?raw=true 1684137;1500102987;mircea_popescu;!W (format nil "~6,2F" (factorial (^ 1024 2))) 1684138;1500102988;candi_lustt;mircea_popescu: error, see: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/Alvne/?raw=true 1684139;1500103004;mircea_popescu;!W (format nil "~6,2F" (factorial (* 1024 1024))) 1684140;1500103113;mod6;this 65536 one is gonna run for a while i think... 1684141;1500103178;mircea_popescu;well, candi's still rubbing it... 1684142;1500103204;mircea_popescu;amusing life slyce right here : user will read error message after the 4th pass and not before ; and will mess up the bot after 4 tries thence. 1684143;1500103218;mod6;it could be perhaps that FZ(16384) isn't long enough ... might need like 32k 1684144;1500103311;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2017/beppo-adnotated/ << Trilema - Beppo, adnotated 1684145;1500103565;mircea_popescu;btw, does asciilifeform know about the right honorable the lord brougham and vaux pc qc frs ? 1684146;1500104268;mod6;ah, Ada was Lord Byron's daughter 1684147;1500104532;mircea_popescu;!!up candi_lustt 1684148;1500104533;deedbot;candi_lustt voiced for 30 minutes. 1684149;1500104597;mod6;alright, i restarted mine. 1684150;1500104612;mod6;i bumped it up to 32768 1684151;1500105843;candi_lustt;mircea_popescu: error, see: http://p.bvulpes.com/ 1684152;1500107920;mircea_popescu;so almost an hour, and then failed to return. alrighty. 1684153;1500108464;mod6;yeah mine is still going. 1684154;1500108489;mod6;I liked your comments about byron. That was the first i've read of him. 1684155;1500108531;mircea_popescu;a rlt ? 1684156;1500108626;mod6;ya. heard many times, just never gave it a turn. 1684157;1500108645;mircea_popescu;so how'd you find it ? 1684158;1500108726;mod6;there was some warts in the prose. 1684159;1500108755;mod6;as you denoted. it kept me reading, which, counts for something. 1684160;1500108822;mod6;i agree about how Laura was written, pretty plain and dull. 1684161;1500108837;mircea_popescu;ah, i meant the painting. 1684162;1500108884;mod6;painting? 1684163;1500108944;mod6;i must have missed somethin 1684164;1500108949;mircea_popescu;http://aparences.net/wp-content/uploads/giorgione_laura.jpg 1684165;1500108977;mod6;aha. 1684166;1500109234;mod6;this seems to be the analogue of the modern-day soccer-mom 3/4 boob selfie. in the text, she criticizes her friends for being "suburban" and "dowdyish"; but to me, she seems like one of the same. 1684167;1500109250;mircea_popescu;something like that 1684168;1500109276;mod6;pretty ave. i'd hit it. 1684169;1500109311;mod6;lol 1684170;1500109370;mircea_popescu;and in other "internet is for lulz", http://www.gutenberg.org/files/43617/43617-h/43617-h.htm was downloaded... 77 times. 1684171;1500109386;mircea_popescu;meanwhile faux news outlets imagine they have over a dozen readers. 1684172;1500109447;mod6;heheh, "such readership" 1684173;1500109474;mod6;alright, i better catch some zzzs. i'll check in on the factorial here when I wake up. 1684174;1500109495;mod6;buenos noches! 1684175;1500114205;mircea_popescu;buenas nachos! 1684176;1500114847;sina;hola 1684177;1500114853;mircea_popescu;hey 1684178;1500114878;sina;how doin 1684179;1500114886;sina;I just upgraded to Fedora 26 :) 1684180;1500114889;mircea_popescu;not bad, whorin' and poetryin'. 1684181;1500114898;sina;haha that sounds a lot more fun 1684182;1500114930;mircea_popescu;tis conceivable! 1684183;1500114956;sina;anyway I just wanted to test and make sure all of my things were working post upgrade 1684184;1500114963;sina;not gonna hang around, got a headache 1684185;1500114965;sina;have a nice evenin all 1684186;1500114998;mircea_popescu;why would any bad franchise get 26 sequels anyway. 1684187;1500122611;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-15#1684143 << use stirling's method, or you will waste many days 1684188;1500122611;a111;Logged on 2017-07-15 07:20 mod6: it could be perhaps that FZ(16384) isn't long enough ... might need like 32k 1684189;1500122700;asciilifeform;while we're on subj, ffa is more or less guaranteed to lose to just about any heathen bignumtron in factorial speed, and it should not be hard to see why. 1684190;1500122773;asciilifeform;( in fact it will never win speedwise against ~anything at all. but factorial is probably the worst item. ) 1684191;1500123061;asciilifeform;not built for speed. but for simplicity. the only concessions to optimization (karatsuba, etc) are strictly what was necessary to get to where rsa happens in merely annoying, rather than geological, time . 1684192;1500123144;asciilifeform;i am considering including a karatsuba squaring case - for 2x speed boost; but that's definitely it. 1684193;1500123258;asciilifeform;( it is possible also to get 3x speed boost , on machines with 3 or moar cpu cores, on top of all, by allowing tasking ; this adds 12 or so lines. but i'd rather not , it subtracts from msdosificatability ) 1684194;1500123335;asciilifeform;now for the truly ugly variant, asm for the inner w*w mult gives another 2x. 1684195;1500123340;asciilifeform;but wai. 1684196;1500123375;asciilifeform;i kinda like it how it was : short, sweet, portable to whatever, apple2. 1684197;1500123391;asciilifeform;( it dun even need >8bit cpu, to work ) 1684198;1500123613;asciilifeform;btw if you're actually doing something that doesn't need constanttime, you can simply put the obvious check-for-zero in the karatsuba and get 2-9000x boost for mul. 1684199;1500123658;asciilifeform;i quite deliberately did not put this in. who wants, can put in at his own peril. 1684200;1500123692;asciilifeform;1linel 1684201;1500123697;asciilifeform;line. 1684202;1500128664;asciilifeform;!~later tell mod6 1.326 + log2(N)/2 + (log2(N) - 1.443)*N gives bitlength of N! to 1% or so. 1684203;1500128664;jhvh1;asciilifeform: The operation succeeded. 1684204;1500128899;asciilifeform;( spoiler for http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-15#1684187 . ) 1684205;1500128899;a111;Logged on 2017-07-15 12:43 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-15#1684143 << use stirling's method, or you will waste many days 1684206;1500129211;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-15#1684145 << lol the original pediwikia d00d!111 1684207;1500129211;a111;Logged on 2017-07-15 07:26 mircea_popescu: btw, does asciilifeform know about the right honorable the lord brougham and vaux pc qc frs ? 1684208;1500129499;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-15#1684164 << this is a hot chix, she almost has a determined, 'partizan' face. 1684209;1500129499;a111;Logged on 2017-07-15 08:55 mircea_popescu: http://aparences.net/wp-content/uploads/giorgione_laura.jpg 1684210;1500129686;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-15#1684140 << let's, 1684211;1500129686;a111;Logged on 2017-07-15 07:18 mod6: this 65536 one is gonna run for a while i think... 1684212;1500129688;asciilifeform;!!up gribble 1684213;1500129688;gribble;Error: "!up" is not a valid command. 1684214;1500129688;deedbot;gribble voiced for 30 minutes. 1684215;1500129720;asciilifeform;;;calc 1.326 + log(65536)/2*log(2) + (log(65536)/log(2) - 1.443)*65536 1684216;1500129720;gribble;954012.721624 1684217;1500129741;asciilifeform;almost a MB 1684218;1500129760;asciilifeform;didja give it one, mod6 ? 1684219;1500130865;asciilifeform;well Mb rather. 1684220;1500131314;mod6;ah no. lol, it is still going. 1684221;1500131339;asciilifeform;mod6: it won't affect whether it's still going, but whether you get anything resembling the correct answer on the way out 1684222;1500131342;asciilifeform;or overflowola. 1684223;1500131351;mod6;bingo ^ 1684224;1500131371;mod6;i'd rather have something sane to read at the end of the journey. 1684225;1500131376;asciilifeform;meanwhile!, in sunny monkeylandia, https://archive.is/a3GZE >> 'Visa... offering up to $10,000 each to 50 U.S.-based small business owners that are committed to going cashless... "We are declaring war on cash," said Andy Gerlt, a spokesman for Visa.' 1684226;1500131471;asciilifeform;mod6: notice, we could trivially trap on overflow, but that ain't constanttime! 1684227;1500131679;mod6;asciilifeform: werd. 1684228;1500131762;mod6;1.326 + log(65536)/2*log(2) + (log(65536)/log(2) - 1.443)*65536 << during this exercise, i started, very quickly to see this expansion pattern. was thinking there must be some square law to predict the probable size of the outcome. 1684229;1500131773;mod6;does that have a name? ^ 1684230;1500131774;asciilifeform;mod6: think of ffa as a soldier's entrenching spade. you wouldn't dig a foundation for a new house with it. but it is bare naked simple, + adequate and entirely so for entrenching, and for the occasional bout of hand-to-hand. 1684231;1500131782;asciilifeform;mod6: stirling's method 1684232;1500131788;mod6;coool 1684233;1500131797;asciilifeform;well, numerical fudge thereof 1684234;1500131822;mod6;sure, but perhaps, getting one close is good enough in this case. 1684235;1500131873;mod6;asciilifeform: entrenching tool, aha. 1684236;1500131924;mod6;ok ima kill this off then throw in some 1mb FZ 1684237;1500131938;asciilifeform;mod6: if you actually had to work with Mb-sized ints regularly, you'd want fft mul 1684238;1500131994;asciilifeform;which, btw, imho is intrinsically unsuitable for a fits-in-head rsatron, it is extremely gnarly and uses float approximations that get magically unfudged back to int, etc 1684239;1500132119;asciilifeform;mod6: other thing, since ffa is constant time, your N! is in O(N) (if mul were considered a constant op and brought outside of the brackets. which is is, 10! with 4096bit ffa, takes exactly C longer than 9! with 4096bit ffa. etc ) 1684240;1500132129;asciilifeform;you can immediately say how long the thing will take. 1684241;1500132139;asciilifeform;just determine the C, and multiply. 1684242;1500132332;asciilifeform;mod6: re upstack, http://mathworld.wolfram.com/StirlingsApproximation.html has the details. 1684243;1500132336;mod6;aha. gotcha. 1684244;1500132374;mod6;<+asciilifeform> which, btw, imho is intrinsically unsuitable for a fits-in-head rsatron, it is extremely gnarly and uses float approximations that get magically unfudged back to int, etc << ugh. right. 1684245;1500132388;mod6;you want me to post my code before I run this again? 1684246;1500132391;asciilifeform;sure 1684247;1500132397;mod6;aight, just a sec. 1684248;1500132533;asciilifeform;on my box, a 1048576bit ffa has a 240ms mul. 1684249;1500132536;asciilifeform;so, 1684250;1500132554;asciilifeform;!~calc 0.240 * 65536 1684251;1500132555;jhvh1;asciilifeform: 0.240 * 65536 = 15728.64 1684252;1500132572;asciilifeform;sec. for mod6's thing, approx. 1684253;1500132615;asciilifeform;( the increment is about 4ms each, so neglected ) 1684254;1500132700;mod6;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/EosZp/?raw=true 1684255;1500132741;asciilifeform;ugh 1684256;1500132748;asciilifeform;why do you have a ffa-wide comparison in there. 1684257;1500132766;asciilifeform;use a human integer as the counter 1684258;1500132779;asciilifeform;and go up by 1 1684259;1500132801;asciilifeform;( FZ_Add(F, ... whatever ) 1684260;1500132801;mod6;ooh. for some reason, i didn't think that it could? 1684261;1500132806;asciilifeform;what's to keep you ? 1684262;1500132815;asciilifeform;you don't need to examine F for any reason 1684263;1500132820;asciilifeform;or O 1684264;1500132829;mod6;i dunno, just the strict types thing. 1684265;1500132856;asciilifeform;O can start at 1, and get incremented (with FZ_Add) I times ( for i ..... loop) 1684266;1500132876;asciilifeform;there's no type rape, because you don't use i for anything but to do the thing i times 1684267;1500133007;mod6;ah, ok. duh. lemme see here... 1684268;1500133160;asciilifeform;also you got a bunch of ??? in there (what does IO do ? ) 1684269;1500133212;mod6;ah, that was used for some debugging 1684270;1500133217;mod6;will axe 1684271;1500133474;mod6;anyway, got some chores to do, will have to come back to this later. 1684272;1500133545;asciilifeform;gimme 1s 1684273;1500133762;asciilifeform;mod6: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/TvufZ/?raw=true << replace 10 with whatever 1684274;1500133802;asciilifeform;also you forgot, in the original, to divide the length of ffa by 64 (bits), yours will blow up instead of run, gcc by default does not give infinite stack 1684275;1500133882;asciilifeform;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/2GCid/?raw=true << 'purist' version 1684276;1500133896;asciilifeform;( where we do as i said, incrementing the T , using i for nothing but loop ) 1684277;1500135519;asciilifeform;!~ticker --market all 1684278;1500135525;jhvh1;asciilifeform: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 2049.99, vol: 21747.98828631 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 2040.0, vol: 9897.42431 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 2049.9, vol: 43773.46200243 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 2108.925036, vol: 16981.30690000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 2041.956, vol: 12025.5025457 | Volume-weighted last average: 2057.66403319 1684279;1500135531;asciilifeform;cheapcoinz!!1111 1684280;1500135868;trinque;asciilifeform, I put my life savings into bitcoin at $3k, please help 1684281;1500135887;*;asciilifeform helps 1684282;1500136244;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/BD9C3B8922865EF3611398E882E6EED96E77A5FC17B29E50A29915F8B7D0875A << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1362...5743 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (vcvps476.vcdns.de. DE NW) 1684283;1500136244;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/BD9C3B8922865EF3611398E882E6EED96E77A5FC17B29E50A29915F8B7D0875A << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1733...4117 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (vcvps476.vcdns.de. DE NW) 1684284;1500136824;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-15#1684006 << via this, found >> http://unifoundry.com/pub/unifont-10.0.05/unifont-10.0.05.bmp << which is lulzy, weep at the sheer bulk of the orc hieroglyph liquishit 1684285;1500136824;a111;Logged on 2017-07-15 05:13 erlehmann: i use GNU unifont wherever i can. fits in head. 1684286;1500136884;asciilifeform;( why was it necessary to unicodize the fucking hieroglyphs ? even supposing the chinese are inseparable from them. why not simply carry them as bitmap matrix.) 1684287;1500137037;erlehmann;asciilifeform the sole purpose of unicode is to replace all other glyph standards. from that follows all else, i.e. incorporation of wingdings, emoji, etc. 1684288;1500137049;asciilifeform;it is rampaging idiocy 1684289;1500137069;erlehmann;what do you suggest as an alternative? 1684290;1500137101;erlehmann;switching encodings needs out of band signaling which IMO is worse 1684291;1500137105;asciilifeform;mno. 1684292;1500137115;asciilifeform;people who want to use hieroglyphs, should be passing around bitmaps. 1684293;1500137339;asciilifeform;they wanna say 妓 -- let'em be stuck saying 32 bytes (16x16 bit matrix, more than enough for any hierohorror) rather than 2 bytes !!! 1684294;1500137353;erlehmann;what actually happened is that people who wanted to use hieroglyphs passed around codes such as A13 – a standard reference exists (gardiner's sign list) that was incorporated into unicode 1684295;1500137355;erlehmann;that's all 1684296;1500137364;asciilifeform;definitely not 'all' 1684297;1500137398;asciilifeform;it's a shambling horror, with empty desert, duplicated glyphs, no particular rhyme or reason, and all the consistency of microshit 1684298;1500137422;erlehmann;okay, but most of it. a special interest group (egyptologican geeks) used a glyph standard. unicode swallowed that standard. this is how it usually goes. 1684299;1500137470;erlehmann;also, for everyday communication i find E1, E2, E3, E4 etc. much better than trying to pass around bitmaps 1684300;1500137472;asciilifeform;this nonsense has no future, erlehmann . 1684301;1500137482;asciilifeform;dun wanna pass bitmaps -- use godly alphabets. 1684302;1500137495;asciilifeform;with $smallint number of glyphs. 1684303;1500137515;erlehmann;can it be that your complaint is more with the egyptian glyphs than with unicode itself? 1684304;1500137535;asciilifeform;mno, that'd be mircea_popescu's. 1684305;1500137578;erlehmann;some writing systems contain non-abstract symbols. all the same to me, as long as everything fits in 16×16 bits. 1684306;1500137602;asciilifeform;though i definitely see the strength of his argument, that people who use more glyphs than there are keys on keyboard, have severe problem, and their place is by the cultural latrine, and not bloating the os for civilized folx 1684307;1500137697;asciilifeform;erlehmann: didja ever read the pernicious-standardization thread in the logz ? 1684308;1500137708;erlehmann;no, link? 1684309;1500137765;erlehmann;asciilifeform i strongly suspect you do not distinguish between complexity and sheer numbers. i saw bloat always as referring to needless complexity, size of something only as evidence, not as bloat itself. 1684310;1500137816;asciilifeform;gonna tell me that hieroglyphic writing is not needless bloat ? 1684311;1500137839;asciilifeform;if i start writing english as strings of 16-bit indices into the oxford dictionary, people will laugh. 1684312;1500137848;asciilifeform;but for some reason will not laugh if chairman mao does the same thing. 1684313;1500137850;asciilifeform;why not? 1684314;1500137866;asciilifeform;why, because 'come to expect' ? 1684315;1500137870;asciilifeform;fuck that, with red hot poker. 1684316;1500137877;erlehmann;one point is that incorporating something in unicode does not increase processing complexity by any means. i actually installed a new version of unifont on an old phone and instantly it could display all the new characters. 1684317;1500137911;asciilifeform;the mere possibility of 'new characters' is antisanity. 1684318;1500137915;erlehmann;so if code does not care if there exist 250 or 2500 or 250000 characters, why should i? 1684319;1500137932;asciilifeform;well for starters 250,000 > 65536 1684320;1500137950;asciilifeform;so you now have either 24bit chars, or O(N) stringlen operator. 1684321;1500137954;erlehmann;that turns out to be a problem with the abysmally bad TTF file format. 1684322;1500137965;asciilifeform;you want to tell me that this is not a cost ? 1684323;1500137996;erlehmann;yes, but this cost has already been incurred. unicode actually tried to prevent too many new characters in the past, leading to misfeature han unification. 1684324;1500137999;asciilifeform;just like the poettershits convinced idiots that 16bit chars were 0cost 1684325;1500138005;asciilifeform;it has NOT been incurred. 1684326;1500138006;erlehmann;https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Han_unification 1684327;1500138018;asciilifeform;i do not write non8bit text processors, and don't intend to ever. 1684328;1500138055;erlehmann;chinese, japanese, korean now share unihan, with all the processing complexity and technical debt incurred from that 1684329;1500138067;erlehmann;asciilifeform ok enjoy your latin1 while it lasts. 1684330;1500138077;asciilifeform;'it lasts' lol 1684331;1500138084;asciilifeform;from my cold dead hands, motherfuckers. 1684332;1500138102;erlehmann;version 1 of unicode was designed to keep under 16 bits 1684333;1500138111;asciilifeform;incidentally i use 'orc glyphs' every day. koi8 etc. 1684334;1500138133;erlehmann;in those days, only ~21k characters were reserved for CJK 1684335;1500138150;erlehmann;which obviously is not enough (i read something about ~100k characters being enough) 1684336;1500138162;jurov;"incorporating something in unicode does not increase processing complexity" orly? maybe unless you want to do anything interesting with the text, like... count the characters. or case convert. or detect whitespace. or compare two strings. or... 1684337;1500138209;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-23#1631972 << 1 'standards' thread 1684338;1500138209;a111;Logged on 2017-03-23 18:21 mircea_popescu: this notion that i will support the wintel FOR FREE is the lolz of all time. 1684339;1500138214;erlehmann;asciilifeform thx 1684340;1500138255;erlehmann;jurov converting case is locale-specific, therefore better left undone. 1684341;1500138277;jurov;dude. all of above is locale specific 1684342;1500138279;erlehmann;also, comparing two strings should be done bytewise, always. everything else is madness. 1684343;1500138302;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=from%3Amircea_popescu+unicode << in there somewhere 1684344;1500138305;erlehmann;character count and whitespace is locale specific? AFAIK whitespace is an ENUM 1684345;1500138347;erlehmann;one with only 25 members, seems sensible 1684346;1500138350;jurov;erlehmann my language has such a delightful case of "ch" character. which is a "digraph" and to be counted as one char. 1684347;1500138361;jurov;and collated in between h and k 1684348;1500138379;jurov;unicode has zillions if these cases 1684349;1500138397;erlehmann;well, if ch is one character, i rather have it as one codepoint. 1684350;1500138407;erlehmann;instead of having to postprocess ASCII 1684351;1500138416;jurov;your client will not supply it as one 1684352;1500138449;jurov;they will just expect it to work 1684353;1500138525;jurov;there are plenty of articles "what programmers mush know about unicode" with such gotchaz. just educate yourself. 1684354;1500138530;jurov;*must 1684355;1500138558;erlehmann;ch does not exist as unicode ligature, but as i understand distinguishing characters is one of the problems unicode is at least intended to solve. as soon as everyone uses Æ for “ AE” the postprocessing is no longer needed. 1684356;1500138570;erlehmann;note that postprocessing is always wrong. 1684357;1500138620;erlehmann;in standard german, ß / ẞ / ss / SS are not ambiguous, but in german variants that do not use ß / ẞ, the ss / SS could be a digraph depending on context. 1684358;1500138702;erlehmann;e.g. those who do not use ß / ẞ write “Der grosse Duden” instead of “Der große Duden” 1684359;1500138759;asciilifeform;ᛋᛋ ! 1684360;1500138810;erlehmann;asciilifeform unicode has you covered 1684361;1500138829;erlehmann;i suggest put the following in your .XCompose if you use X11 1684362;1500138832;erlehmann;

: "卐" U5350 # CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-5350 1684363;1500138841;asciilifeform;lol 1684364;1500138854;erlehmann;it nicely complements what they already have out of the box 1684365;1500138912;erlehmann;compose + C C C P → ☭ 1684366;1500139144;phf;fwiw unifont is not even the whole story. consider extensions like CTL, which allows you to have special rendering for a sequence of glyphs. a completely separate technology from ligatures and combining characters, but part of the standard never the less. 1684367;1500139190;erlehmann;phf unifont actually leaves out shitstains like arbitrarily combining glyphs to make national flags. 1684368;1500139223;erlehmann;i just see „DE“ surrounded by a special frame instead of a german flag 1684369;1500139227;erlehmann;and i like it that way 1684370;1500139231;phf;well, without such a "shitstains" you can't for example render arabic or iranian in any meaningful way 1684371;1500139245;erlehmann;no color on my terminal please 1684372;1500139249;erlehmann;unless i made it 1684373;1500139272;phf;combining glyphs to make national flags is yes yet another extension 1684374;1500139358;erlehmann;and one introduced because unicode consortium was sick of other misbehaving standards bodies (ISO country codes), ha-ha! 1684375;1500140218;mod6;<+asciilifeform> also you forgot, in the original, to divide the length of ffa by 64 (bits), yours will blow up instead of run, gcc by default does not give infinite stack << ah thanks for making the changes asciilifeform. bak now. will try this out... 1684376;1500140733;asciilifeform;erlehmann: the 'ligature' liquishit had almost 600 motherfucking years, to get lost, now. since gutenberg. 1684377;1500140759;mod6;one thing, that i never really thought about is going the other direction; 1 * 2 * 3 ... 1684378;1500140768;asciilifeform;if you don't have a gutenberg-compatible alphabet for your language, it is defective . 1684379;1500140770;erlehmann;asciilifeform nichts hält so lange, wie ein provisorium! 1684380;1500140781;asciilifeform;lol 1684381;1500140781;mod6;when I do the factorials in my head, i seem to start with the bigger end for some reason. 1684382;1500140794;mod6;but ofc, computers don't care. 1684383;1500140892;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-15#1684189 << tis nevertheless important to see how much. 1684384;1500140892;a111;Logged on 2017-07-15 12:45 asciilifeform: while we're on subj, ffa is more or less guaranteed to lose to just about any heathen bignumtron in factorial speed, and it should not be hard to see why. 1684385;1500140936;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the difficulty is in predicting how long ops take on heathentron, not on ffa ( which is deadly linear for all ops ) 1684386;1500140967;mircea_popescu;no argument. but i am a practical man and i like plugging things in. 1684387;1500140969;asciilifeform;( see further in same thread ) 1684388;1500141018;asciilifeform;1 ffa mult for B-bit regs take time T. 9000 of them take time 9000T. guaranteed. 1684389;1500141034;asciilifeform;sorta why the thing even exists. 1684390;1500141090;mircea_popescu;again, no argument. T needs to be measured, factorial is a fine case to measure it in, we don't resort to the lab when we wish to prove theory wrong but in all cases and at all times because we like the lab. 1684391;1500141124;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in the army, http://68.media.tumblr.com/900d9a19e3797d8e49d3cae388b0ce63/tumblr_o7m7l34i1B1vv8p8co1_1280.jpg 1684392;1500141152;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: another fine experiment is to do 9000 mults of B-bit rngolade. demonstrates that the payload really has 0 impact on time. 1684393;1500141170;asciilifeform;( to the extent such a thing is to be demonstrated experimentally. ) 1684394;1500141171;mircea_popescu;aha. 1684395;1500141180;mircea_popescu;verified experimentally. 1684396;1500141207;asciilifeform;it doesn't relieve of the burden of having to actually prove correctness tho. 1684397;1500141225;mircea_popescu;does not relieve anything, it's just something you do. 1684398;1500141237;mircea_popescu;not for a purpose but because it's there. 1684399;1500141344;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-15#1684202 << ah good, i was just digging this up. 1684400;1500141344;a111;Logged on 2017-07-15 14:24 asciilifeform: !~later tell mod6 1.326 + log2(N)/2 + (log2(N) - 1.443)*N gives bitlength of N! to 1% or so. 1684401;1500141423;mod6;ok factorial of 65536 with's alf's changes is running. 1684402;1500141432;mod6;salud 1684403;1500141452;mircea_popescu;and yes, brougham is a monument of socialist retardation. devout abolitionist (which, incidentally, is coming together in my mind as the spot where western civilisation actually went off-course, early 1800s), argued with young re wave form of light, argued with some statistician re solar spots impact on wheat prices, tellingly thought everyone else unscientific and by comparison to his bright mind very stupid indeed and perp 1684404;1500141452;mircea_popescu;etually tried to control all aspects of government. 1684405;1500141462;mircea_popescu;he could as well be their fucking patron saint, the party of vaux. 1684406;1500141571;mircea_popescu;ftr, 1M factorial < 19.5MB 1684407;1500141628;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-15#1684225 << lelz. 1684408;1500141628;a111;Logged on 2017-07-15 15:09 asciilifeform: meanwhile!, in sunny monkeylandia, https://archive.is/a3GZE >> 'Visa... offering up to $10,000 each to 50 U.S.-based small business owners that are committed to going cashless... "We are declaring war on cash," said Andy Gerlt, a spokesman for Visa.' 1684409;1500141638;asciilifeform;exercise for reader : write equation to predict, within 1 minute, how long N! takes on your box in ffa 1684410;1500141703;asciilifeform;( i could instead say '1 msec' but crystal jitter, interrupts, etc ) 1684411;1500141717;mircea_popescu;notice how this works : visa is sending "up to $10k in bitcoin" to its own bitcoin addresses to claim "people" have "invested" in whatever nutty bullshit faux coin they have going ; visa is sending "up to 10k" faux news on dead paper to its own offices to claim someone actually gives a shit what the new york times says on any topic ; visa is then giving 10k in cash to 50 of its own merchants to pretend like you and i should d 1684412;1500141718;mircea_popescu;o things this way rather than that... 1684413;1500141726;mircea_popescu;visa could totally buy russia, if russia were dumb enough. 1684414;1500141885;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-15#1684252 << funny, i was expecting a few hours. apparently guessatron not that badly oiled either. 1684415;1500141885;a111;Logged on 2017-07-15 15:29 asciilifeform: sec. for mod6's thing, approx. 1684416;1500142035;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-15#1684284 << dude LOOK AT THAT BULSHIT. fucking azns already. 1684417;1500142035;a111;Logged on 2017-07-15 16:40 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-15#1684006 << via this, found >> http://unifoundry.com/pub/unifont-10.0.05/unifont-10.0.05.bmp << which is lulzy, weep at the sheer bulk of the orc hieroglyph liquishit 1684418;1500142057;mircea_popescu;there is NO REASON to continue the nonsense. learn a language. 1684419;1500142125;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-15#1684289 LEARNING A LANGUAGE. accepting that chinese is not a language ; accepting in order to accept that the simple annd obvious fact thjat your mother and father, if you're chinese, were FOR THAT REASON idiots and imbeciles ; and for the reason also that their parenjts in their turn -- idiots and imbeciles. 1684420;1500142125;a111;Logged on 2017-07-15 16:44 erlehmann: what do you suggest as an alternative? 1684421;1500142162;mircea_popescu;coming to that minimal point of self-awareness any bimbo with half a peanut in her skull manages in fact to come to, where she realises it's not the fucking squiglies painted on her nails that make her unique. 1684422;1500142167;asciilifeform;hey, mao did answer 'but your father swallowed french revolution, we dun know which is more lethally stupid yet' 1684423;1500142184;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform but we DO know mine still permits the use of language. 1684424;1500142193;BingoBoingo; asciilifeform ok enjoy your latin1 while it lasts. << 卍 We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children 卍 1684425;1500142208;mircea_popescu;i'm not proposing a sorting here. i am just proposing they notice the parts of their skull made of cow dung. 1684426;1500142225;asciilifeform;i'm a bit surprised that pantsuits have not yet attempted to transform english into 'wordicode', a la http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-15#1684311 . 1684427;1500142225;a111;Logged on 2017-07-15 16:57 asciilifeform: if i start writing english as strings of 16-bit indices into the oxford dictionary, people will laugh. 1684428;1500142233;asciilifeform;choose-from-these-palace-approved-words. 1684429;1500142243;mircea_popescu;they're glacially going that way. 1684430;1500142252;mircea_popescu;look at bureaucrat wank, it's directly translatable to word table. 1684431;1500142260;asciilifeform;newspeak(tm)(r) 1684432;1500142342;mircea_popescu;"oh but all teh great literature shall be lost" hurr durr. egyptian had just as great literature. JUST as great. its loss was thought important for centuries, before drunk soldiers broke the code and it was discovered -- egyptian literature is barely fit to grace toilet paper. 1684433;1500142414;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-15#1684298 << yes, this is how socialism always goes. not how "it" "usually" goes. when the socialists are involved -- always goes. when they are not -- never goes. 1684434;1500142414;a111;Logged on 2017-07-15 16:50 erlehmann: okay, but most of it. a special interest group (egyptologican geeks) used a glyph standard. unicode swallowed that standard. this is how it usually goes. 1684435;1500142417;mircea_popescu;we are the never goes camp. 1684436;1500142444;erlehmann;i think it is not about the literature. i think it is to cater to the special interest groups. 1684437;1500142455;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-15#1684303 << the complaint is about the concept of tolerance, equality and so on. 1684438;1500142455;a111;Logged on 2017-07-15 16:51 erlehmann: can it be that your complaint is more with the egyptian glyphs than with unicode itself? 1684439;1500142457;erlehmann;unicode consortium sees group using not-unicode, swallows. 1684440;1500142469;erlehmann;to me that is not tolerance, but annexation 1684441;1500142470;mircea_popescu;there shall be no equality, and there shall be no tolerance. black man either dresses like white man or picks cotton. 1684442;1500142471;erlehmann;logic of empire 1684443;1500142471;BingoBoingo; i think it is not about the literature. i think it is to cater to the special interest groups. << Maybe these groups need specialler interests? 1684444;1500142495;mircea_popescu;erlehmann but that's prtecisely what tolerance is. an ill designed attempt to swallow. 1684445;1500142512;erlehmann;mircea_popescu empire does not pretend equality, but tolerance it has. EU has 23 official languages AFAIK. 1684446;1500142529;erlehmann;just pay your taxes and you'll be spared from war or worse! 1684447;1500142535;mircea_popescu;and is going to shit. BECAUSE of it. not simply "in the time of it", but BECAUSE of it. 1684448;1500142583;mircea_popescu;and i don't mean, because eu bureaucrats tolerate greek, eu is going to shit. i mean -- because eu has absolutely no project (which is the direct equivalent) everyone is only there while the food flows. and furthermore, because the men tolerate the misbehaviours of the women, the countries are dropping off thje map, and so on. 1684449;1500142606;mircea_popescu;erlehmann security, yeah, that old "come be eaten by ants for you're too scared of hunting bear" 1684450;1500142610;erlehmann;i thought singular project is interconnection. make war less profitable than peace. 1684451;1500142622;mircea_popescu;this is simply a restatement of the foregoing idiocy. 1684452;1500142632;erlehmann;consider that idiots like hitler, napoleon etc. pp. found war more profitable than peace 1684453;1500142641;mircea_popescu;"make domestic arguments less profitable than watching tv". this isn't washing the dishes. 1684454;1500142655;mircea_popescu;erlehmann war IS more profitable than peace. whether you find this or not. 1684455;1500142683;erlehmann;mircea_popescu it's only war in europe that is made less profitable. lots of wars to shop around for otherwhere. 1684456;1500142693;mircea_popescu;war makes the only thing peace never can, that is -- empty space. the value of empty space varies, from negative after a war to infinite during socialism. 1684457;1500142714;erlehmann;[[lebensraum intensifies]] 1684458;1500142724;mircea_popescu;erlehmann and yet, funnily, everyone comes to make war in europe. and yet, funnilky enough, the byzantine empire still prays to their legions in heaven, notwithstanding the reality daily debunk 1684459;1500142737;asciilifeform;'war was invented by people living downstream of herds' (tm)(r)(uncle al) 1684460;1500142762;erlehmann;asciilifeform can you actually see ™ and ® btw? 1684461;1500142772;asciilifeform;erlehmann: on some boxes yes, on some -- no 1684462;1500142823;erlehmann;asciilifeform what you think of unifont hex file format? 1684463;1500142843;asciilifeform;erlehmann: see the earlier thread / 1684464;1500142844;asciilifeform;? 1684465;1500142854;asciilifeform;multibyte chars == crock of shit 1684466;1500142864;asciilifeform;and fuck the hieroglyphists with their own severed limbs. 1684467;1500142868;erlehmann;no, just the hex file format 1684468;1500142874;asciilifeform;there is no 'no, just'. 1684469;1500142890;mircea_popescu;erlehmann let me tell you a story. after the fall of the romanian socialist republic, people were left with no practically useful skills and no capital. a mad rush to accumulate both ensued, which was subsidiarily great because it put young people above old people and as a result produced the only sort of society worthj living in -- with anxiety way way underregulated. now then -- what did the old people do, as their principa 1684470;1500142890;mircea_popescu;l neo-society endeavour ? 1684471;1500142894;erlehmann;i created unifont glyphs using emacs and sed 1684472;1500142899;mircea_popescu;do guess, you i hear are from the right germany to guess./ 1684473;1500142930;erlehmann;mircea_popescu would you explain regulation of anxiety? 1684474;1500142941;erlehmann;maybe an idiom i do not understand 1684475;1500142963;mircea_popescu;yes. if you permit the woman to act out her "worry" about "What may happen" you will sink. if you beat her black and blue every time she worries -- about anything, you'll suddenly get great parties. 1684476;1500143002;mircea_popescu;you won't get a bike helmet industry, which is a tolerable loss. 1684477;1500143013;erlehmann;sounds like what a qualified cognitive-behavioural therapist would say indeed! 1684478;1500143016;mircea_popescu;(helmets -- great. the process that normally produces them -- poison) 1684479;1500143025;mircea_popescu;alright, now to the question. 1684480;1500143039;erlehmann;process that produces them → people die from head injuries? 1684481;1500143052;mircea_popescu;no. people worring about people drying from head injuries. 1684482;1500143070;mircea_popescu;note helmet works -- before the fact. it's not fucking antibiotics. 1684483;1500143117;mircea_popescu;process that produces antibiotics -> people needing to hold on to a tree while peeing. 1684484;1500143123;erlehmann;large scale deployments are always driven by statistics. i once read that many stats have no bike helmet laws because lawmakers are convinced this would reduce biking to the point where more cardiovascular diseases outrun benefits of less head injuries. 1684485;1500143132;erlehmann;s/stats/states/ 1684486;1500143160;mircea_popescu;this is not so, but let us not diverge any more. what did the old people do, as their principal neo-society endeavour ? 1684487;1500143309;erlehmann;collect bottles, receive monies? 1684488;1500143315;erlehmann;what poor old people do, right? 1684489;1500143317;mircea_popescu;no. wanna try more or satisfied ? 1684490;1500143337;erlehmann;not in the mood for guessing history i'm not familiar with 1684491;1500143358;mircea_popescu;you probably are familiar with, but anyway : they ~~~ENCLOSED THEIR BALCONIES~~~. 1684492;1500143408;mircea_popescu;this is to say, standard soviet matchbox dwelling, like berlin is still full of, came from the maker with a "balcony", which was open to the outside. they -- paid, scions of the decrepit metalworking industry, to solder/weld/glue to the balustrades ugly scrap metal pikes and pipes, and in between them put glass. 1684493;1500143438;mircea_popescu;just as soon as they managed to get a little capital, which is to say money not needed day to day, they stuck it in this deeply improductive activity. not went to istanbul to buy cheap colorful crap to resell, not anything else. 1684494;1500143464;mircea_popescu;why ? because even in their sclerotic stupid fucking heads that should by rights have been taken off en masse at the very onset, the value of SPACE exceeded all other values. 1684495;1500143476;mircea_popescu;the ~only thing all survivors of socialism agreed on, even the ones too dumb to live. 1684496;1500143499;mircea_popescu;even if it was a little meaningless bit of useless space misplaced and so on. 1684497;1500143500;asciilifeform;dingdingding winnner 1684498;1500143509;asciilifeform;asciilifeform's grandfather indeed with own hands enclosed the balcony 1684499;1500143513;mircea_popescu;now tell me they did not do this in berlin and i shall not believe you. 1684500;1500143526;asciilifeform;and today asciilifeform spends manymanybux on... space. 1684501;1500143528;asciilifeform;for the sake of space. 1684502;1500143529;mircea_popescu;instead tell me you were there while it happened and didn't notice, and i shall believe it, but also point to it for your benefit. 1684503;1500143567;asciilifeform;and it ain't useless space, either, i like my current dig mainly for the enclosedbalcony. sunlight, it's a thing. 1684504;1500143582;mircea_popescu;space, in socialism, is worth ten thousand wars. 1684505;1500143618;mircea_popescu;to use a chinese idiomatic which, oddly, i can actually introduce without importing shitsquiggles.tiff first. 1684506;1500143649;mircea_popescu;perhaps because man with superior encoding is superior man. or shall we say MMMMMMMMMMx instead. 1684507;1500143709;trinque;I was relating the uniturd thread to $girl in the pool just now, and she challenged erlehmann to start writing software in emojis. and if not, why communicate with it. 1684508;1500143724;asciilifeform;trinque: apl! 1684509;1500143755;asciilifeform;http://xahlee.info/comp/unicode_APL_symbols.html << it's in there, apparently. 1684510;1500143761;asciilifeform;( bonus xah lee ! ) 1684511;1500143787;trinque;http://www.chilton.com/~jimw/a2ap1g1.gif << oh jesus christ 1684512;1500143839;erlehmann;trinque we'll start here http://news.dieweltistgarnichtso.net/bin/unicode 1684513;1500143844;asciilifeform;i dun actually hate apl. it ain't chinese liquishit, is actually pretty small and readable alphabet. that probably oughta have occupied the upper half of ansi 8bit coding, instead of the rubbish that's in there nao. 1684514;1500143885;trinque;erlehmann: been treated amply in logs you haven't read 1684515;1500143901;mircea_popescu;such a texan this guy. 1684516;1500143902;erlehmann;i should read more 1684517;1500143912;erlehmann;logs are life of irc channels 1684518;1500143921;erlehmann;i noticed once logs of another channel were gone 1684519;1500143989;trinque;asciilifeform: if it had found its way into ansi, the shitgnomes would've demanded moar glyphs, and ended up in exactly the same place 1684520;1500144000;asciilifeform;trinque: there weren't any shitgnomes yet. 1684521;1500144004;trinque;so? 1684522;1500144020;mircea_popescu;trinque your girl is in for a lot of anal, i guess. 1684523;1500144031;trinque;ahaha fucked into nap already 1684524;1500144051;mircea_popescu;lel 1684525;1500144092;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform wtf yet lol. there is no such time there weren't. AN END TO SLAVERY! 1684526;1500144201;asciilifeform;http://www.asciitable.com/index/extend.gif << oblig 8thbit liquishit 1684527;1500144229;asciilifeform;бНОПНЯ ВХРЮК!!!! 1684528;1500144247;trinque;^ question marks in my term. zealotry! 1684529;1500144251;BingoBoingo; large scale deployments are always driven by statistics. i once read that many stats have no bike helmet laws because lawmakers are convinced this would reduce biking to the point where more cardiovascular diseases outrun benefits of less head injuries. << For all the idiocies Illinois does participate in, it refrains from helmet laws. This means the occasional perosn riding a chromed up cruisers with a DOT non-compliant Pick 1684530;1500144251;BingoBoingo;elhaube and buncha kids riding in organ donation mode 1684531;1500144289;asciilifeform;'Знает каждый на Руси - вХРЮК, оХГДЕЖ и МЮ УСИ' (tm)(r) 1684532;1500144305;erlehmann;trinque if ${girl?} wanted to make a joke, she should know: APL is not the worst offender, merely the first. rules for identifiers in c# correspond to unicode standard annex 15. 1684533;1500144327;trinque;she had a joek of the pointed variety. 1684534;1500144330;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-15#1684311 << the amusing part here is that ~possibly~, as an entirely speculative, rather literary than linguistic notion, the chinese started out early, and as such started out small : they had but 8 or so letters, which they combined in words (with silent winds, as was the fashion 5000 years pre-magdalene). as the complexity driven by a large empire ever piled, these short and few letters sta 1684535;1500144330;a111;Logged on 2017-07-15 16:57 asciilifeform: if i start writing english as strings of 16-bit indices into the oxford dictionary, people will laugh. 1684536;1500144330;mircea_popescu;rted to carry multiple meanings. FILIP B is still how you say philip the 2nd in greek to this day, because B is also 2. it means a number of things, and if you didn't know "set" is the english word with the largest number of meanings. 1684537;1500144340;mircea_popescu;now -- birthday paradox, you only get 8 boxes you end up with a LOT of meanings. 1684538;1500144354;mircea_popescu;then they made the stupid move of coming up with separate notiations for the 16 meanings of the letter tsa. 1684539;1500144367;mircea_popescu;thereby coming up with the confucianist horror we all know and loathe today. 1684540;1500144459;erlehmann;BingoBoingo i recall there was a study about helmet laws https://msu.edu/~telder/donorcycles6-10-09.pdf 1684541;1500144524;erlehmann;> estimates imply that every death of helmetless imbecile prevents or delays as many as 0.33 deaths among imbeciles on transplant waiting list 1684542;1500144667;trinque;I'm still an idiot flash-card-level student of latin, but worth discussing that as the standard for "proper alphabetical lang". even things like "afui" make me feel like a bumbling idiot when in english I have to say "I was away". only way with pictographs to combine meanings and generate new would seem to be "well yeah, go with me on this one, but this one is sorta related-looking to these other two" 1684543;1500144693;*;trinque dun see how it could be anything but the squashiest of thinking tools 1684544;1500144726;BingoBoingo;erlehmann: Anyways the point is, even pickeljaube still can't make Illinois as cool as Missouri where people wear DOT helmets, but are allowed to attach scabbard and ride with carbine on steel horse 1684545;1500144727;trinque;or god, "having been built" -> "aedificatus" iirc 1684546;1500144752;trinque;you'd have more symbols than atoms in universe by long 1684547;1500144793;trinque;or more likely, never turn combinations into their *own* singular concepts, upon which to build other relationships in mind 1684548;1500144811;asciilifeform;trinque: wait till you remember that the cn folx are fractally damaged, they can't ~speak~ like normal humans either, gotta do this 11-tone singsong thing 1684549;1500144813;trinque;you know, ABCDEFG has this relationship with JKERQ 1684550;1500144827;asciilifeform;( at least jp moved away from this some time bc ) 1684551;1500144852;trinque;standardizing writing *below* concepts appears the only possible sanity 1684552;1500144877;mod6;BingoBoingo: that is pretty cool 1684553;1500145269;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-15#1684534 << afaik there is 0 evidence of their ever having had a syllabulary... pictograph liquishit from cave drawings to today. 1684554;1500145269;a111;Logged on 2017-07-15 18:45 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-15#1684311 << the amusing part here is that ~possibly~, as an entirely speculative, rather literary than linguistic notion, the chinese started out early, and as such started out small : they had but 8 or so letters, which they combined in words (with silent winds, as was the fashion 5000 years pre-magdalene). as the complexity driven by a large empire ever piled, these short and few letters sta 1684555;1500145305;asciilifeform;( with obvious 'man', 'woman', 'cow', etc stick figures still embedded in the most vintage glyphs ) 1684556;1500145340;mircea_popescu;trinque the sad news being that your equivalences are very much in the http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-14#1683821 vein. if the built were a girl you'd say it differently. 1684557;1500145340;a111;Logged on 2017-07-14 20:29 phf: asciilifeform: i used to try and clarify the inflection, but then realized that it's mostly meaningless for the anglophones. so however much it grates, 1684558;1500145371;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform most languages were notated after long time spoken though. 1684559;1500145379;asciilifeform;troo 1684560;1500145407;mircea_popescu;now, if the jews and other golden crescents notated six centuries later whereas the chinese notated a few centuries before but a language already 2500 years old... 1684561;1500145414;mircea_popescu;ie, they possibly spoke too soon. 1684562;1500145505;trinque;mircea_popescu: said differently without writing differently? 1684563;1500145514;mircea_popescu;no, written also aedificata. 1684564;1500145544;trinque;ah, well sorta still works. meant that in latin the user can generate concepts on the fly, and have them known as singular items upon which to anchor others 1684565;1500145553;trinque;and I don't see how this'd not be way more cumbersome with the ideographs 1684566;1500145565;mircea_popescu;anyway. your chief point is correct, in that flexion is pure lisp for language, that i even to this day can say inexistent words whose meanings are directly evident to romanian speakers is a large matter. english even has rudiments of proper flexion, i can say "the built" and it connotes, but not to all speakers. 1684567;1500145572;mircea_popescu;trinque exactly. 1684568;1500145640;asciilifeform;english has tattered remnants of various attributes of proper human tongue 1684569;1500145658;mircea_popescu;this is why i like that romanian cartoon series, "robotzi". they do it extensively, to breaking point. single example : at some point one says to the other "daca stiam c-ai sa ajungi un ghetzalit nespalat". this is evidently in standard romanian "if i knew you'll end up and unwashed ???". the ??? is iffy, because ghetzalit is not a word in romanian. in fact, it's a construction : ghetz is how you say sperm in hungarian, and - 1684570;1500145658;mircea_popescu;it is the correct mark of the perfective participle in this circumstance. so "cumfaced" i guess. 1684571;1500145691;mircea_popescu;this is done universally and to everything, german, russian, turkish. zdreantsa! 1684572;1500145719;mircea_popescu;"romanian thinks all other languages are badly written romanian", and this because it actually continues latin. 1684573;1500145747;asciilifeform;how do you even say, e.g., отпидарашенный, in engl. 1684574;1500145771;asciilifeform;afaik you can't. it turns into a whole paragraph. 1684575;1500145800;mircea_popescu;same exact principle. czar, eh ? :D 1684576;1500145816;asciilifeform;( was my guess for == to 'ghetzalit' btw ) 1684577;1500145835;asciilifeform;neither is in the oxford dictionaries. 1684578;1500145843;asciilifeform;but made of same cloth. 1684579;1500145848;mircea_popescu;nor, and here's the important point, and the utf bane, nor could! 1684580;1500145886;mircea_popescu;you can not, still to this day, in spite of all sort of "published research", include a statement of its own coherence in a coherent system sufficiently complex (so as to include a statement of certain mathematical truths...) 1684581;1500145913;mircea_popescu;the problem with bureaucrats is that it universally is not possible to provide them with an above-secondary education. 1684582;1500145932;mircea_popescu;consequently they form a highschooler's toolbox and then go build themselves monumental graves. 1684583;1500146049;asciilifeform;one could attempt a, say, 'be-arsewaltzed' but not same effect. and doesn't generalize. 1684584;1500146063;mircea_popescu;the latter being also the chief point. 1684585;1500146105;mircea_popescu;which brings a different matter home : traduttore tradditore etcetera, but only if trying to cross the human-monkey linguistic divide. 1684586;1500146114;asciilifeform;^ 1684587;1500146126;asciilifeform;translating to engl always feels like hand-compiling to risc asm 1684588;1500146134;mircea_popescu;(amusingly, 1800s public person is on teh record saying you can readily understand so-and-so's broken romanian : first, transl;ate it back to german.) 1684589;1500146135;asciilifeform;a line becomes a para becomes a page .... 1684590;1500146143;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform rather. 1684591;1500146338;BingoBoingo; the problem with bureaucrats is that it universally is not possible to provide them with an above-secondary education. << AHA, they pursue baccalaureate education in studying their High School experiences 1684592;1500146345;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2017/07/bitcoin-network-difficulty-spiked-13-53-this-week/ << Qntra - Bitcoin Network Difficulty Spiked ~13.53% This Week 1684593;1500146347;mircea_popescu;heh 1684594;1500146431;asciilifeform;speaking of risc asm, asciilifeform found out that ppc has a nonconstanttime iron mul. 1684595;1500146482;asciilifeform;ppc users MUST use an egyptological w_mul... 1684596;1500146488;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-15#1684317 relates to http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-28#1675632 and in general is a very fucking important point. what do you expect NEW characters could POSSIBLY mean to you ? they're new ergo meaningless! they have to be! "oh but guess from context what could it mean" is the typical ustardian delusion. 1684597;1500146488;a111;Logged on 2017-07-15 16:58 asciilifeform: the mere possibility of 'new characters' is antisanity. 1684598;1500146488;a111;Logged on 2017-06-28 02:19 mircea_popescu: there's no peer discovery as a gossipd function ; at all times it knows already all the peers it will ever know. in lawyer speak this is called "never ask a question you don't know the answer to." 1684599;1500146500;mircea_popescu;"guessing from context" does specifically and fundamentally not work. 1684600;1500146536;mircea_popescu;re which, i heartily recommend http://trilema.com/2016/vacation/ for the ustard "guessing from context" what rimjob means 1684601;1500146541;mircea_popescu;"i mean, what could it be, right ?" 1684602;1500146562;mircea_popescu;aka "i am a human perfect in every way and equal to all others, what could there be that's not directly obvious to me as well as anyone" 1684603;1500146639;asciilifeform;'new characters', e.g. integral sign, are MINDBOGGLINGLY EXPENSIVE. to the point where i dun expect to ever live to see a halfway justified case for one. 1684604;1500146648;asciilifeform;not 'let's make a new smiley with ebola face', no. 1684605;1500146674;asciilifeform;anyone recall how long punctuation marks took, to catch on? 1684606;1500146684;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-15#1684325 << no socialism has been baked in. everything is open to revision, and everything WILL be revised. bitcoin code, abolition of slavery, EVERY single socialist "victory" is on the table and will be reversed. 1684607;1500146684;a111;Logged on 2017-07-15 17:00 asciilifeform: it has NOT been incurred. 1684608;1500146702;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform new symbols are indeed the most expensive luxury there is. 1684609;1500146744;mircea_popescu;erlehmann that is the important point here : the bicentennial folly is neither relevant nor long for this world. it is no proper part of human history, nor will be long remembered. 1684610;1500146769;asciilifeform;had better be remembered, or will repeat. as mazdakism was forgotten, and today repeats. 1684611;1500146783;mircea_popescu;remembered as folly ; not as a thing to be. 1684612;1500146807;asciilifeform;redditidjits worry about marking nuke tombs to be comprehensible to monkeys. how about marking liberasty. 1684613;1500146808;erlehmann;asciilifeform expensive in what terms? 1684614;1500146815;mircea_popescu;in terms of neuron-calorie. 1684615;1500146819;asciilifeform;erlehmann: in the only terms that matter : brain cycles. 1684616;1500146838;erlehmann;i tend to not waste brain cycles on codepages i do not use 1684617;1500146843;erlehmann;gibberish to me 1684618;1500146847;mircea_popescu;this is very naive. 1684619;1500146850;erlehmann;while codepages i use are gibberish to CJK 1684620;1500146852;asciilifeform;erlehmann: do you understand that IT EXISTING is a massive cost ? 1684621;1500146859;mircea_popescu;do you also tend to not waste brain cycles on cohabiting women you don'\t fuck ? 1684622;1500146869;mircea_popescu;or just on the occasionally missing carkeys, cellphones, etc. 1684623;1500146872;asciilifeform;even if you personally never intend to implement an os, a text renderer, build printer with own hands, etc 1684624;1500146887;erlehmann;mircea_popescu i tend to fuck people i can stand enough to live with, so … yes? unless i misunderstood that. 1684625;1500146888;asciilifeform;it makes every single text-touching thing 9000x moar complicated and riddled with ???. 1684626;1500146901;asciilifeform;than it otherwise could be. than it was in 1990. 1684627;1500146927;mircea_popescu;erlehmann so one day new face shows up in your flat, and you're like, whatever, i dun care. 1684628;1500146939;erlehmann;having delved into plan9 innards, i can say that some ill-thought abstractions make obvious shittery obvious, that is all. 1684629;1500146979;asciilifeform;and making me read an ENTIRE MOTHERFUCKING STRING before i can say how many chars are in it, or whether a certain substring occurs at the end -- is not ill-thought ? 1684630;1500146996;erlehmann;mircea_popescu i negotiate such things beforehand. wants to live with me? must live up to my standards. 1684631;1500147024;mircea_popescu;erlehmann so then what is so different with the characters ? 1684632;1500147032;mircea_popescu;you seem to apply different standards. 1684633;1500147064;mircea_popescu;"who the fuck are you and why are your clothes still on" applies equally well to cunt and to squiggly. it is my house like it is my computer, exactly. 1684634;1500147101;whaack;BingoBoingo: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/egIN5/?raw=true 1684635;1500147108;erlehmann;let me say it like thit: a friend of mine once randomly started to masturbate beside me while visiting. i did not care as i was occupied otherwise, since she did not leave stains. if she had, i would have told her to clean it up. 1684636;1500147130;mircea_popescu;(lulzy bit re that, weeks ago stark naked local girl with grandiose tits assuring us that "she doesn't steal". i was like... woman... WHERE WOULD YOU PUT IT.) 1684637;1500147139;erlehmann;harr 1684638;1500147175;mircea_popescu;erlehmann well let me know if balloon-with-face cleans up the residue when you tell it to. 1684639;1500147199;asciilifeform;or how about the raging idiocy of, e.g., nonprintingspace char. 1684640;1500147209;asciilifeform;'it's invisible ! magic !' 1684641;1500147212;mircea_popescu;^H ? 1684642;1500147214;asciilifeform;mno 1684643;1500147218;mircea_popescu;:) 1684644;1500147221;asciilifeform;the one in shiticode 1684645;1500147268;asciilifeform;or the wonderful duped a, a, e, p, that lets whoever log in as 'mircea_popescu' on fleanode and it will display EXACTLY in 'modernized' terminal as the actual mircea_popescu 1684646;1500147287;asciilifeform;( and ditto in 'modern', e.g., crapple, www browsers, in urls ) 1684647;1500147295;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-15#1684340 << bwahahahaha. "actually rebuilding mosul is mosul specific, therefore it has become necessary to destroy the world's heritage to save it" 1684648;1500147295;a111;Logged on 2017-07-15 17:04 erlehmann: jurov converting case is locale-specific, therefore better left undone. 1684649;1500147298;asciilifeform;need i go on.. 1684650;1500147320;erlehmann;mircea_popescu if i was not entirely sure she would never have gotten there. 1684651;1500147333;mircea_popescu;erlehmann the woman, or the letter ? 1684652;1500147338;erlehmann;the woman. 1684653;1500147344;asciilifeform;dun forget to insert nonprintingspaces between the chars for good measure, for potentially INFINITE bytewise-permutes mapping to SAME VISUAL STRING 1684654;1500147346;mircea_popescu;and the distinction is based on ??? 1684655;1500147360;erlehmann;about characters, if you start using shit i do not expect, prepare to fail at the input frontier. 1684656;1500147377;erlehmann;at least that is for software i write. full recognition etc. pp. 1684657;1500147380;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform hey, the desire to break the visually-inspectable quality of the machine has been long in the tooth. they want their girlfriends "mystique", the libertards. 1684658;1500147390;erlehmann;lots of software is broken beyond repair considering characters 1684659;1500147402;mircea_popescu;erlehmann so your implementations of unicode include a filter table which consists of... ascii, and which rejects all non-ascii chars ? 1684660;1500147406;mircea_popescu;hey, mine too! 1684661;1500147422;asciilifeform;mno looks like he only rejects ones crapple and gnome hadn't yet signed off on 1684662;1500147429;mircea_popescu;heh. 1684663;1500147433;erlehmann;my “those people are almost certainly charlatans” moment with urbit was when their software barfed on a character being more than one byte, despite claiming unicode support. 1684664;1500147456;mircea_popescu;are they paying you for this btw ? or do you just donate to them for free and then donate to them also the HAVING DONATED, like bob beck "has grown accustomed to expect" ? 1684665;1500147500;erlehmann;mircea_popescu when i write software that considers the input language, i tend to write a grammar for the subset i am going to handle. so yes, i have written software that considers i.e. only characters valid in urlencoded base64 as input and rejects everything else. 1684666;1500147525;erlehmann;almost half of the code of epigraph is a recognizer for the input 1684667;1500147526;mircea_popescu;so then you do ~what we do when you're having a moment of clarity and are promiscuous when drunk. 1684668;1500147529;mircea_popescu;seems about right. 1684669;1500147623;erlehmann;mircea_popescu that is actually a major point from me. i tend to drink only with people who either proved they can behave appropriately or it would not bother me if they fucked me in the ass with a supersized dragon dildo while i'm too drunk to resist. 1684670;1500147634;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-15#1684356 << note that post-processing is always what you do to a language anyway. 1684671;1500147634;a111;Logged on 2017-07-15 17:09 erlehmann: note that postprocessing is always wrong. 1684672;1500147671;erlehmann;intersection of statements: no one is right. everyone is wrong. 1684673;1500147716;erlehmann;one of the few things about urbit i like is that the system tries to not allow users to input statements not syntactically valid. 1684674;1500147727;mircea_popescu;and why do you like this ? 1684675;1500147740;erlehmann;it makes it immediately clear what is part of the grammar and what not 1684676;1500147750;mircea_popescu;it lost me at "tries". no computer should try anything. that's for (young) girlfriends on their way to the dungeon cell. 1684677;1500147752;mircea_popescu;computers should do. 1684678;1500147753;erlehmann;want to write garbage? guess you can't 1684679;1500147761;erlehmann;i wrote „tries“ because authors are charlatans 1684680;1500147771;mircea_popescu;or perhaps because the notion is an escher. 1684681;1500147773;erlehmann;i guess they „try“, as in keeping up appearances 1684682;1500147802;mircea_popescu;you know, when the emperor died of arsenic poisoning upon eating the "endless life pill", it was not exactly because the alchemists were charlatans. 1684683;1500147807;mircea_popescu;not that they weren't, at that. 1684684;1500147860;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-15#1684366 << or that stupid encoding shceme they came up with to allow the russkis to pretend like they have cyrillic domain names. ewgh. 1684685;1500147860;a111;Logged on 2017-07-15 17:19 phf: fwiw unifont is not even the whole story. consider extensions like CTL, which allows you to have special rendering for a sequence of glyphs. a completely separate technology from ligatures and combining characters, but part of the standard never the less. 1684686;1500147896;erlehmann;it's koi8-r right? 1684687;1500147900;mircea_popescu;nope. 1684688;1500147907;mircea_popescu;look into it sometime, it's a whole turing machine. 1684689;1500147919;erlehmann;ah, you mean punycode? 1684690;1500147927;mircea_popescu;yes, i mean punycode. 1684691;1500147931;erlehmann;xn--GARBAGE-PLACE-HERE 1684692;1500148003;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-15#1684382 commutative op. 1684693;1500148003;a111;Logged on 2017-07-15 17:46 mod6: but ofc, computers don't care. 1684694;1500148067;mod6;i felt like had been silly not even considering going 1...N as opposed to N...1 1684695;1500148182;mod6;anyway, a couple days ago, i was messing around trying to go from 1 .. Word. And I thought that I got a compile error saying "Expected Standard.Integer, found "Word"" or something of the kind. 1684696;1500148190;mod6;But alf's seems to compile just fine. So i dunno wtf. 1684697;1500148233;mod6;fact(65536) still running btw... 1684698;1500148234;erlehmann;koi8-r was the one where bitfuckery rearranged the cyrillic glyphs so that taking away a bit made it ASCII 1684699;1500148249;erlehmann;Русский becomes rUSSKIJ 1684700;1500148391;asciilifeform;mod6: if your box is anything like mine, it'll be 4-5 hrs. 1684701;1500148412;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: 'punycode' rubbish is used ~entirely by cn spammers. 1684702;1500148444;mod6;asciilifeform: ah, ok. 1684703;1500148446;mircea_popescu;nooo ? 1684704;1500148461;asciilifeform;erlehmann: that's the only forgiveable way of doing orc alphabets ( ru, il, gr ) 1684705;1500148479;asciilifeform;with maximally soft fallback to roman 1684706;1500148482;mircea_popescu;you mean ... just like everyting ELSE the socialistards came up with ? 1684707;1500148490;mircea_popescu;all they do is spawn vermin ? i never noticed this ! 1684708;1500148508;erlehmann;asciilifeform you long for the days of codepage switching, i guess? 1684709;1500148521;asciilifeform;erlehmann: dun switch if you dun wanna. 1684710;1500148523;mircea_popescu;they were fine days - i never switched a page throughout. 1684711;1500148524;asciilifeform;can read romanji. 1684712;1500148550;erlehmann;worst unicode fail was that i wrote a book with a friend, published with o'reilly http://internetmeme.de 1684713;1500148559;asciilifeform;jeszcze polska ne zginela etc. 1684714;1500148560;erlehmann;and they actually failed at astral plane unicode characters 1684715;1500148575;erlehmann;there are squares where cat faces should be 1684716;1500148603;erlehmann;in a chapter about evolution of traditional smilies to emoji 1684717;1500148617;mircea_popescu;sounds about par for o'reilly quality. 1684718;1500148633;erlehmann;german o'reilly was different. worse, if you ask me. 1684719;1500148640;erlehmann;but i accidentally made someone hate me i guess 1684720;1500148663;erlehmann;we developed book using git and RST (because almost plaintext), with reviewers who also used git. 1684721;1500148693;erlehmann;but then drafts had to be sent as ODT and came back as PDF to be annotated. in hindsight that was probably a measure to prevent too many annotations. 1684722;1500148705;erlehmann;turns out a bit of ghostscript can fix that problem 1684723;1500148727;mircea_popescu;i did my galley proofs by hand , on printed paper. 1684724;1500148754;erlehmann;i think we submitted more changes than any other book by one or two orders of magnitude, just because we had it automated. 1684725;1500148782;erlehmann;i later learned someone corrected all that stuff in the file sent to the printer by hand. their loss. 1684726;1500148797;erlehmann;result: i tell people to not write a book. 1684727;1500148805;erlehmann;unless a lot of money is involved 1684728;1500148807;mircea_popescu;hey, me 2! 1684729;1500148870;mircea_popescu;anyway, this endless lulz of socialism whereby they come up with a dumb "solution" to a non-problem which sane people ignore ("code pages") and THEN they come up with an "improved" solution to the same nonproblem and expect sane people to not piss on their face because hey, IMPROVED! 1684730;1500148891;mircea_popescu;children that should have died of exonsure suspended from anal hooks in the open before the age of twelve. 1684731;1500148939;erlehmann;great leap forward was self-correcting, wasn't it? 1684732;1500148951;mircea_popescu;no. 1684733;1500148981;mircea_popescu;fucking "spellchekers", they have 1/3 my vocabulary and no head for puns. 1684734;1500148993;mircea_popescu;96% or so false positives. such tool. 1684735;1500149056;mircea_popescu;of the http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-06#1679507 ilk 1684736;1500149056;a111;Logged on 2017-07-06 00:43 asciilifeform: (mostly) unrelatedly, asciilifeform bought some chinese $various , and , in the crate, discovered a phree goodie, a 'voltalert' tool, that supposedly tests for presence of mains current noncontactfully -- by looking for 50/60Hz electric field. but witness the surprise : it gives false negative on maybe 1/3 of the hot mains wires tried... 1684737;1500149389;mircea_popescu;erlehmann the "improved" comment was re your http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-15#1684708 1684738;1500149389;a111;Logged on 2017-07-15 19:55 erlehmann: asciilifeform you long for the days of codepage switching, i guess? 1684739;1500149473;erlehmann;mircea_popescu registered 1684740;1500149485;erlehmann;asciilifeform have you reverse engineered the thing and analyzed the fault? 1684741;1500149490;erlehmann;what makes it fail? 1684742;1500150214;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-06#1679518 << erlehmann 1684743;1500150214;a111;Logged on 2017-07-06 00:46 asciilifeform: possibly delicate balance, between finding it anywhere in the room ( as a poorly made amp will ) and nowhere 1684744;1500150227;asciilifeform;it was ill-conceived 1684745;1500150256;asciilifeform;afaik you cannot actually make a tool like this , that would work reasonably. 1684746;1500150303;asciilifeform;gotta go either contact ( normal people's voltmeter ) or induction sense ring ( magnetic field ) 1684747;1500150307;erlehmann;asciilifeform reminds me of http://prefrontal.org/files/posters/Bennett-Salmon-2009.pdf 1684748;1500150317;asciilifeform;trying to use electric field -- ends badly 1684749;1500150332;erlehmann;bennett put dead salmon in fMRI machine 1684750;1500150349;asciilifeform;classic 1684751;1500150352;erlehmann;and showed it pictures of humans 1684752;1500150397;mircea_popescu;discussions of how mri is not science plastered all over teh logs. 1684753;1500150461;asciilifeform;fmri 1684754;1500150473;asciilifeform;size&shape old school mri -- worx 1684755;1500150557;mircea_popescu;works my foot. "this section of the brain fucked your mother" 1684756;1500150605;asciilifeform;again yer speaking of the f 1684757;1500150613;mircea_popescu;our cook's thermometer clearly indicates that the fault in koch's gpg is located in the upper left cpu quadrant. 1684758;1500150632;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i am speaking of the principle, described ^ 1684759;1500150634;erlehmann;chuckled 1684760;1500150635;asciilifeform;classic mri is simply like a 3d xray that shows soft tissue 1684761;1500150644;asciilifeform;no brain lights involved. 1684762;1500150687;mircea_popescu;how classical is your classical, becuase that item is ~60s ? 1684763;1500150693;asciilifeform;60s 1684764;1500150697;mircea_popescu;heh k. 1684765;1500150712;asciilifeform;50s when was still called nmr.. 1684766;1500150725;asciilifeform;( ~same iron, scaled up ) 1684767;1500153875;mircea_popescu;trinque a fine example, too, the more i think of it the more i like it. aedificium (=building) != aedificans (... building) != aedificant (still!!! building) and so on and so forth qs. 1684768;1500154391;mircea_popescu;meanwhile at blue competency camp, http://68.media.tumblr.com/4b54ddf842ea74e692172a79e3bae321/tumblr_oglbf9KvxO1sg1lgao1_500.gif 1684769;1500157662;asciilifeform;!~later tell mod6 incidentally didja build with -cargs -O2 ?????? 1684770;1500157662;jhvh1;asciilifeform: The operation succeeded. 1684771;1500157746;asciilifeform;mod6 et al : http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/YEHNs/?raw=true << asciilifeform's current an' all-time gnat makefile 1684772;1500157860;asciilifeform;( pretty sure i posted this before. but here it is again. ) 1684773;1500158592;*;mod6 looks 1684774;1500158642;mod6;nice, i do have one, but it was from a while ago. 1684775;1500158662;mod6;no, didn't build with -cargs -O2, just did `gnatmake ffa ffa_fact` 1684776;1500158673;mod6;it's still running. should i recompile & re-run? 1684777;1500158744;asciilifeform;mod6: yes! 1684778;1500158751;mod6;hehe, ok. 1684779;1500158780;asciilifeform;gnat apparently has the utterly worthless ( even for auditing, it produces megatonne of liquishit ) O0 as default. 1684780;1500158817;asciilifeform;also you gotta use all of my flags to have comparable result. 1684781;1500158839;asciilifeform;( i enable all - afaik - of the checks that are for some reason off by default ) 1684782;1500158863;asciilifeform;fwiw i left mod6's factorial thing running on 3 different boxes 1684783;1500158871;asciilifeform;tomorrow will see how varies. 1684784;1500158945;mod6;ok, it doesnt recognize `gnatmake -cflags -02 ffa ffa_fact` 1684785;1500158960;mod6;barfs spitting out flag usage, neither of which are available. 1684786;1500158977;mod6;also, makefile doesnt seem to work, i seem to recall this from before. 1684787;1500159002;mod6;Makefile:33: *** missing separator. Stop. 1684788;1500159100;mod6;to resolve those, i had to yank target instructions to the same line as the target var. 1684789;1500159109;mod6;then add '\' following those. 1684790;1500159120;mod6;now i get: make: *** No rule to make target 'gnatmake', needed by 'ffa'. Stop. 1684791;1500159126;asciilifeform;for fucks sake 1684792;1500159148;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes's paste thing must be mutilating endings 1684793;1500159152;asciilifeform;or similar 1684794;1500159167;mod6;yah, gotta be the version of my make is different than yours, plus, i'm not using adacore's gnat 1684795;1500159189;asciilifeform;i have it working on both types 1684796;1500159194;asciilifeform;and even on crapple. 1684797;1500159199;asciilifeform;bitwise same makefile. 1684798;1500159251;asciilifeform;what's line 33 anyway 1684799;1500159312;asciilifeform;this is infuriating 1684800;1500159324;mod6;was this: 1684801;1500159324;mod6; $(GNATMAKE) -c $(PROGRAM) $(ARGS) 1684802;1500159326;mod6;now is 1684803;1500159347;asciilifeform;and i will say, if my makefile dun work on your box, in fact you do not have a working ada setup. 1684804;1500159360;mod6;this seems to get me past the 33 error: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/FRKI7/?raw=true 1684805;1500159381;mod6;ok, yeah, i guess it doesn't work. 1684806;1500159382;asciilifeform;i have nfi why this was needed. 1684807;1500159385;mod6;brb, chores. 1684808;1500160593;asciilifeform;!~later tell mod6 http://nosuchlabs.com/pub/fact.tar.gz << complete kit for above. sha512==26198604bff50d3411e343a30b97f4babe3a6b291fca267435cecd6a5438a08862b550198a49dd5549dda00c841d95afc1443f597587710b83c7fa65effa9c73 1684809;1500160593;jhvh1;asciilifeform: The operation succeeded. 1684810;1500160615;asciilifeform;mod6: if this does not build on your box, you gotta find out why, before attempting anything other adatronic experiments. 1684811;1500160631;asciilifeform;this goes for phf and whoever else is tuned in and following along. 1684812;1500160643;shinohai;thx asciilifeform 1684813;1500160758;asciilifeform;and YES ben_vulpes your paster MUTILATES TABS 1684814;1500160761;asciilifeform;FORFUCKSSAKE WHY 1684815;1500160766;asciilifeform;WAIWAIWAI 1684816;1500160770;asciilifeform;can't leave'em ALONE?? 1684817;1500160830;*;asciilifeform bbl: meat. 1684818;1500162476;phf;asciilifeform: i don't think it's ben_vulpes's paster, it must be something in the pipeline 1684819;1500162493;phf;gulag$ curl --silent $(printf '\t'|wotpaste)|xxd 1684820;1500162493;phf;00000000: 09 . 1684821;1500162540;phf;where wotpaste is http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/K916E/?raw=true 1684822;1500162593;phf;gulag$ curl --silent $(printf '\tFOO\t\t'|wotpaste)|xxd 1684823;1500162593;phf;00000000: 0946 4f4f 0909 .FOO.. 1684824;1500163424;sina;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-15#1684813 << paste.sina.id.au doesn't! :D :D 1684825;1500163424;a111;Logged on 2017-07-15 23:19 asciilifeform: and YES ben_vulpes your paster MUTILATES TABS 1684826;1500163436;sina;also, morning all! 1684827;1500163466;sina;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-15#1684186 << it's hard more than that AFAIK, although I only started using it about 1.5y ago 1684828;1500163466;a111;Logged on 2017-07-15 10:36 mircea_popescu: why would any bad franchise get 26 sequels anyway. 1684829;1500163702;trinque;sina: maybe read on a bit before "hurr durr loud bandwagon" 1684830;1500164187;sina;trinque: I just came to try and get a rise out of asciilifeform :P 1684831;1500168368;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/4029EAF0CD4D7EB8C1669A0DAC6769392648135131E696D584E9425F9C526AEE << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1468...9739 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' ( US MA) 1684832;1500168368;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/4029EAF0CD4D7EB8C1669A0DAC6769392648135131E696D584E9425F9C526AEE << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1466...3193 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' ( US MA) 1684833;1500169078;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-15#1684783 << ended up with a tmsr-approved "flops" measure on top of errything did we 1684834;1500169078;a111;Logged on 2017-07-15 22:47 asciilifeform: tomorrow will see how varies. 1684835;1500169115;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-15#1684794 << check the 0a 0d s ? 1684836;1500169115;a111;Logged on 2017-07-15 22:52 mod6: yah, gotta be the version of my make is different than yours, plus, i'm not using adacore's gnat 1684837;1500169215;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-15#1684813 << no it doesn't dood, stop flying off the handle, we had it tried nad tested in every which way and it was fine. 1684838;1500169215;a111;Logged on 2017-07-15 23:19 asciilifeform: and YES ben_vulpes your paster MUTILATES TABS 1684839;1500169233;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-16#1684824 << lmao smartass 1684840;1500169233;a111;Logged on 2017-07-16 00:03 sina: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-15#1684813 << paste.sina.id.au doesn't! :D :D 1684841;1500169729;sina;all for a laff 1684842;1500169756;mircea_popescu;lel 1684843;1500170124;mod6;<+asciilifeform> !~later tell mod6 http://nosuchlabs.com/pub/fact.tar.gz << complete kit for above. sha512==26198604bff50d3411e343a30b97f4babe3a6b291fca267435cecd6a5438a08862b550198a49dd5549dda00c841d95afc1443f597587710b83c7fa65effa9c73 << alright thanks! 1684844;1500170148;mod6;I'll check into wtf is going on. I'm running gnat on 4.9.2 on deb. 1684845;1500170191;mod6;im probably condemmed to going through all the hoops to get gnat setup on gentoo. i just haven't ventured into it yes as it seems like a pretty timely, process. 1684846;1500170201;mod6;*time consuming 1684847;1500170206;mod6;but worthwhile. 1684848;1500170330;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-16#1684837 << i diffed it, it mutilates... 1684849;1500170330;a111;Logged on 2017-07-16 01:40 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-15#1684813 << no it doesn't dood, stop flying off the handle, we had it tried nad tested in every which way and it was fine. 1684850;1500170337;asciilifeform;try yourself 1684851;1500170352;mircea_popescu;i have, they're there. 1684852;1500170386;asciilifeform;( use the one in the tar, paste in, then, e.g., wget -- what happens? ) 1684853;1500170404;*;asciilifeform brb 1684854;1500170406;mircea_popescu;uh 1684855;1500170450;mod6;asciilifeform: here's what I get when I grab the generic Makefile, and use your fact.tar.gz: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/RaNYu/?raw=true 1684856;1500170473;mod6;im gonna try to see if I can resolve the issues. probably just my environment or whateve.r 1684857;1500171488;phf;it does seem to mangle ~something~ 1684858;1500171497;phf;$ dd if=/dev/random of=foo bs=1024 count=100 1684859;1500171497;phf;$ shasum foo 1684860;1500171497;phf;82a2e85430ce36b759c5422a7433001d6e64b777 foo 1684861;1500171499;phf;$ curl --silent $(cat foo|wotpaste)|shasum 1684862;1500171501;phf;42a67f70e3128dba8978def6e03ba9577f11dad0 - 1684863;1500171517;mircea_popescu;wtf 1684864;1500171783;phf;oh i think it transcodes 1684865;1500171833;mircea_popescu;phf i think your curl transcodes ? 1684866;1500171864;mircea_popescu;send it as postdata or what was it, special binary format 1684867;1500171929;mircea_popescu;otherwise html spec is to % binary posted in forms 1684868;1500171947;phf;that's what i'm doing (this is the curl command ftr http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-15#1684821) 1684869;1500171947;a111;Logged on 2017-07-15 23:49 phf: where wotpaste is http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/K916E/?raw=true 1684870;1500171957;mircea_popescu;ah i thought it was the above quoted 1684871;1500171981;mircea_popescu;phf no that's not it 1684872;1500171993;phf;yeah, wotpaste does the pasting, curl then pulls it back. i wonder if curl download negotiates it up to unicode 1684873;1500172023;mircea_popescu;--data-ascii HTTP POST ASCII data (H) 1684874;1500172024;mircea_popescu; --data-binary HTTP POST binary data (H) 1684875;1500172026;mircea_popescu;first is default 1684876;1500172743;phf;since i'm posting to a form though, it must be rfc 2388 compliant. afaiu posting raw binary data wouldn't work, because server needs to know which field the data is associated with 1684877;1500172827;phf;do you have a full command with --data-binary that you're using to upload? 1684878;1500172830;mircea_popescu;use --data-binary, will work fine 1684879;1500172843;mircea_popescu;phf it's just a flag, put it in. 1684880;1500172883;phf;it's not, --data-binary takes as an argument, at least according to man 1684881;1500172905;mircea_popescu;(nfi why we're even testing uploading binary to wotpaste, as that's not what it's for, but w/e.) 1684882;1500173012;phf;well, i wanted to see what sort of bits it mangles if any. and right now my combination of commands posts a file http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/q7PCa/?raw=true but returns http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/ieRBr/?raw=true 1684883;1500173055;mircea_popescu;you mispasted a wotpaste link i think 1684884;1500173122;phf;o_O 1684885;1500173130;phf;i checked them, they look correct 1684886;1500173140;mircea_popescu;is the first the command tyou use ? 1684887;1500173165;mircea_popescu;because i see 00000000: 0001 0203 0405 0607 0809 0a0b 0c0d 0e0f ................ as first line 1684888;1500173181;mircea_popescu;oh wait, you post the first one and get back the 2nd one ? 1684889;1500173186;phf;yes 1684890;1500173194;mircea_popescu;um 1684891;1500173249;mircea_popescu;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/gjWkN/?raw=true 1684892;1500173253;mircea_popescu;i get the expected. 1684893;1500173355;phf;sorry, the two are not actual files, but hexdumps of the files i'm trying to post/getting back 1684894;1500173379;mircea_popescu;post the actual bash you're using ? 1684895;1500173455;phf;i'm using this function http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/K916E/?raw=true to post this file http://glyf.org/tmp/foo i'm posting it by doing a command "cat foo | wotpaste" 1684896;1500173526;mircea_popescu;try repolacing -F 'pastebox=@-' \ with --data-binary 'pastebox=@-' 1684897;1500173629;phf;doesn't work, it posts, but the contents of the paste are e.g. http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/ORZ0T/?raw=true 1684898;1500173671;mircea_popescu;oh 1684899;1500173683;mircea_popescu;try repolacing -F 'pastebox=@-' \ with --data-binary -F 'pastebox=@-' \ 1684900;1500173714;phf;doesn't post, returns "http://pastebox=@-/server errorhttp://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/" instead 1684901;1500173740;mircea_popescu;ah because you set -X 1684902;1500173780;phf;no, because --data-binary takes an argument 1684903;1500173790;mircea_popescu;wotpaste() { echo $(curl -Ls -o /dev/null -w %{url_effective} --data-binary -F 'pastebox=@-' http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com\)} 1684904;1500173802;mircea_popescu;you have -w url-effective twice in there ftr. 1684905;1500173840;mircea_popescu;phf it does, the actual stuff you're sending. i imagine you feed it to curl via something somewhere in the call yes ? 1684906;1500173844;mircea_popescu;such as >> 1684907;1500173915;mircea_popescu;no idea why i'm taking partial code/functions and making assumptions. here : 1684908;1500174029;phf;everything that i'm doing is expressed in this single message so i've no idea why you're making assumptions: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-16#1684895 1684909;1500174029;a111;Logged on 2017-07-16 02:50 phf: i'm using this function http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/K916E/?raw=true to post this file http://glyf.org/tmp/foo i'm posting it by doing a command "cat foo | wotpaste" 1684910;1500174032;sina;hey phf, quick q, is lisp memory safe? 1684911;1500174098;phf;moo 1684912;1500174353;phf;common lisp specification defines a memory safe language, yes, but in the crevices of "undefined behavior" you can have memory related exceptions. for example you can define a function with (safety 0) optimization declaration, which will neglect to check the type of a passed argument, which might (and often will) result in a memory exception. 1684913;1500174411;sina;hmm ok thanks 1684914;1500174424;sina;that sounds reasonable 1684915;1500174607;mircea_popescu;phf http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/Wp2yc/?raw=true << use that 1684916;1500174616;mircea_popescu;put your test lines in the first file ; examine the results.txt file for the results. 1684917;1500174728;trinque;diff <(curl -s $(cat foo | wotpaste)) foo Binary files /proc/self/fd/11 and foo differ << with his wotpaste func and foo 1684918;1500174780;mircea_popescu;phf what i mean is, im stuck guessing how wotpaste() { is called and etcetera. 1684919;1500174805;phf;i say it right there! "cat foo | wotpaste" 1684920;1500174852;mircea_popescu;aaanyway. try teh http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/Wp2yc/?raw=true 1684921;1500174933;phf;... 1684922;1500175007;mircea_popescu;wha ? 1684923;1500175251;trinque;http://apps.timwhitlock.info/unicode/inspect?s=%EF%BF%BD 1684924;1500175346;trinque;seems sorta like there's a double encode happening. 1684925;1500177464;sina;double encoding is the best and least confusing kind of encoding 1684926;1500177996;sina;alright ladies and gentlemen, off to visit some friends and have some pho 1684927;1500178002;sina;enjoy your remaining weekend! 1684928;1500178158;ben_vulpes;thanks for the debugging input phf, mircea_popescu 1684929;1500178382;ben_vulpes;i'm very recently hamstrung in degrees of freedom by hardware failures, so i won't be terribly responsive for the immediate future. working on it tho. 1684930;1500181754;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/CF7104E180D93212963FB33EB49FF838B1D7C7C85384115C10C6DFDC6862D51B << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1625...2137 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown IR 24) 1684931;1500181754;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/CF7104E180D93212963FB33EB49FF838B1D7C7C85384115C10C6DFDC6862D51B << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1679...4837 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown IR 24) 1684932;1500182436;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-16#1684855 << i'ma need a copy of your ada tarballs, to see exactly how, but it has been shitgnomed into uselessness 1684933;1500182436;a111;Logged on 2017-07-16 02:00 mod6: asciilifeform: here's what I get when I grab the generic Makefile, and use your fact.tar.gz: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/RaNYu/?raw=true 1684934;1500182457;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2017/07/us-entertainer-kid-rock-takes-aim-at-pantsuit-senators-job/ << Qntra - US Entertainer Kid Rock Takes Aim At Pantsuit Senator's Job 1684935;1500182491;BingoBoingo;In other comments http://qntra.net/2017/07/bitcoin-network-difficulty-spiked-13-53-this-week/#comment-105121 1684936;1500182668;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-16#1684924 << mega-puzzle is, ~where~ did it happen 1684937;1500182668;a111;Logged on 2017-07-16 03:22 trinque: seems sorta like there's a double encode happening. 1684938;1500182684;asciilifeform;( in curl ?! wai?! ) 1684939;1500182704;asciilifeform;verdict so far is, makefiles dun survive being pasted. 1684940;1500183112;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo usg.pinoy moved on to whining about imminent usg defeat ? 1684941;1500183160;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Hard to tell if usg.pinoy or PRC.Chinoy 1684942;1500183281;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform best i can tell, wotpaste simply drops nonascii chars. was something in the makefile not ascii ? 1684943;1500183488;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: absolutely not 1684944;1500183524;asciilifeform;no winblowz line endings either ( from where..? ) 1684945;1500183636;*;asciilifeform bbl 1684946;1500183650;trinque;spent more time freaking out than producing a diff would've taken. 1684947;1500183663;trinque;seems it wasn't the tabs; those came back 1684948;1500183951;mircea_popescu;trinque i am actually running a terst and it's pretty mindboggling. 1684949;1500184064;mircea_popescu;here : http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/XwluN/?raw=true 1684950;1500184194;mircea_popescu;meanwhile running without the shasums produces http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/iKMzq/?raw=true 1684951;1500184211;trinque;I think echo adds a newline, for one 1684952;1500184211;mircea_popescu;so it'd seem an 0a/0d gets mangled ? 1684953;1500184225;mircea_popescu;why the fuck would it do that. 1684954;1500184253;trinque;just... does. and look, they gave ya a "echo -n" to undo it! choice 1684955;1500184254;mircea_popescu;(i don't expect it does, because look in 2nd paste. the -=== bit is produced by echo. 1684956;1500184271;trinque;-n do not output the trailing newline 1684957;1500184297;mircea_popescu;god damned that was it, -n fixes it! 1684958;1500184302;mircea_popescu;oMY FUCXKING GOD ALREADY 1684959;1500184649;mircea_popescu;anyway. now they match. 1684960;1500184689;*;mircea_popescu very much recommends this test : pick random textfile, put it through the above code, see if you find a dismatching line. 1684961;1500184731;mircea_popescu;atm watching it scroll, however many 100s of lines in, they all match. 1684962;1500184892;trinque;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/nCPv5/?raw=true << just one with tabs. 1684963;1500184929;trinque;phf's "foo" breaks it, though really, if the thing's an ascii paster, I dunno that the bug's anything but "fed uniturds, did not tell user to fuck off" 1684964;1500184968;mircea_popescu;pretty sure it simply drops non-ascii chars silently. which is the right thing at that. 1684965;1500185004;mircea_popescu;anyway, i'm calling it good before i fill the guy;'s disk with random lines. 1684966;1500188724;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all 1684967;1500188729;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 1990.18, vol: 19107.72677751 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 1980.001, vol: 7272.76637 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 1992.9, vol: 40170.85769058 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 2073.623544, vol: 13827.40170000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 1971.542, vol: 12007.1922058 | Volume-weighted last average: 2000.62804597 1684968;1500218750;phf;ben_vulpes: are you using hunchentoot? 1684969;1500219240;phf;so it shouldn't be loosing anything in 0-127 range, at least the foo file comes through clean. it is trying to parse the input as unicode (and i'm pretty sure it's the server doing it, because curl is sending it 8bit clean) 1684970;1500219279;mircea_popescu;phf got a sample case to work on ? 1684971;1500219311;phf;because everything >127 is getting replaced with efbfbd which is unicode "REPLACEMENT CHARACTER" in utf-8 1684972;1500219353;mircea_popescu;phf yes but does it ever collate into an unicode character or anything of the sort ? 1684973;1500219417;phf;it parses input file as unicode and replaces anything that's ascii code >127 with http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/fffd/index.htm 1684974;1500219447;mircea_popescu;hm. 1684975;1500219454;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-16#1684895 1684976;1500219454;a111;Logged on 2017-07-16 02:50 phf: i'm using this function http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/K916E/?raw=true to post this file http://glyf.org/tmp/foo i'm posting it by doing a command "cat foo | wotpaste" 1684977;1500219492;phf;foo is a specially crafted file which is simply a sequence of bytes from 0 to 255 1684978;1500219497;mircea_popescu;possibly there's something else afot though, because that wouldn't have afected a makefile, ie the original problem is it. 1684979;1500219506;mircea_popescu;no, i see that. 1684980;1500219558;phf;right, we're in agreement here. ascii should've remained untouched 1684981;1500219613;phf;i mean, we've had very many tests demonstrating it, part of ongoing "paster ate my characters" asciilifeform saga 1684982;1500219639;phf;but i figure i'll try pushing a binary file through (which wasn't the spec anyway, just wanted to see what actually happens) 1684983;1500219664;mircea_popescu;fwiw i never did manage to verify the saga was anything more than alf's extremely short fuse. 1684984;1500219674;phf;:> 1684985;1500219682;mircea_popescu;and i am not about to see 500 or 5 million instances of that morph into some kind of actual proof of anything. 1684986;1500219718;phf;nor would my explorations ever corroborate that 1684987;1500219741;mircea_popescu;anyway, so far : it's not clear that it actually does anything untoward to ascii ; my tests as they were failed to find an example. we did discover it replaces nonascii chars with some random gunk, which yes should be changed but not really much of a point or anything 1684988;1500219824;mircea_popescu;i thought maybe it is the case that it takes a 2 or 3 byte item which starts with valid ascii and tries to interpret it as some sort of unicode bs and in the process ends up applying a transform to the text somehow. but unless we have the actual magic string, we're not finding this. 1684989;1500219831;mircea_popescu;which is why i asked if you have anything like that. 1684990;1500219869;mircea_popescu;i tried for isntance feeding the original makefile in line by line with my comparer thing, but all the lines match. 1684991;1500220062;phf;so the utf-8 parser takes anything in the 0-127 range as is, so we definitely wouldn't have any "magic string" cases in the happy path (the unhappy path being that you can apparently specify file type and encoding when posting to an rfc2388 form, and the server can happily decide to transcode it in whatever way it pleases) 1684992;1500220095;mircea_popescu;there's no way he's fixcing that however, outside of making a whole new tmsr http 1684993;1500220182;mircea_popescu;meanwhile at the faux buffet, http://68.media.tumblr.com/f2bceb97702aa6374118a870fafe0bc1/tumblr_oi6f6tt2zr1stzc8to1_1280.jpg 1684994;1500220233;phf;https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/0e/Toshusai_Sharaku-_Otani_Oniji%2C_1794.jpg 1684995;1500220255;mircea_popescu;lmao 1684996;1500220263;shinohai; LOL 1684997;1500220265;mircea_popescu;bwahahaha 1684998;1500220952;mircea_popescu;!!up aerial 1684999;1500220952;deedbot;aerial voiced for 30 minutes. 1685000;1500223847;mircea_popescu;eh ferfuxsake 1685001;1500223854;mircea_popescu;!$ssh 1685002;1500225285;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/DBC974CE0394913DF318F937ADB15DBBD96D696597F2F644DCF58B13DD87FAE5 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1588...8217 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' () 1685003;1500225285;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/DBC974CE0394913DF318F937ADB15DBBD96D696597F2F644DCF58B13DD87FAE5 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1604...2403 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' () 1685004;1500225910;Framedragger;http://archive.is/download/nQLP9.zip << do you mean a copy of this file *from earlier*, or (only) to have a general mechanism for downloading these archive copies? 1685005;1500225945;Framedragger;i'll do the latter, as to the former, i'm afraid it doesn't have it as of yet 1685006;1500226002;Framedragger;ah i meant to quote http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-14#1683532 1685007;1500226002;a111;Logged on 2017-07-14 16:53 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-14#1683501 >> that is the link in question, yes. it's be tremendously useful if it also had a copy of http://archive.is/download/nQLP9.zip stored somewhere. 1685008;1500226041;mircea_popescu;Framedragger imagine you know, five years from now the situation repeats. except then there's no tardstalk anymore. but it's ok, we have the archive link. o look, it's just a dangling link. 1685009;1500226064;mircea_popescu;good thing we saved it then! (tm) 1685010;1500226086;Framedragger;yes of course and i agree 1685011;1500226107;Framedragger;i just wasn't sure if you were looking for a particular downloaded-from-earlier copy of that zip file 1685012;1500226118;mircea_popescu;instead of that sad fate, pile them into monthl;y tarballs, deed the previous month's tarball each time a new month starts and lo! major piece of infrastructure. 1685013;1500226126;Framedragger;(i thought you maybe wanted to check if archive.is tampered with it; which yes we should be able to do as well) 1685014;1500226126;mircea_popescu;Framedragger nah, just in general. 1685015;1500226135;Framedragger;aha, ok. alrighty 1685016;1500226148;mircea_popescu;Framedragger above described mechanism will do that for free, yeah, just gotta have to care enough to put a link in log. 1685017;1500226161;Framedragger;yeah. 1685018;1500228267;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2017/07/cuts-on-campus-follow-illinois-tax-hike/ << Qntra - Cuts On Campus Follow Illinois Tax Hike 1685019;1500228310;shinohai;!~ticker --market all 1685020;1500228318;jhvh1;shinohai: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 1932.04, vol: 23428.84569111 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 1955.58, vol: 10221.57286 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 1919.7, vol: 49221.3374292 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 2002.933476, vol: 12473.25150000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 1923.25, vol: 13245.4099681 | Volume-weighted last average: 1935.73341543 1685021;1500228326;shinohai;wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 1685022;1500229720;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2017/assorted-diversities-or-how-we-went-looking-for-a-brothel-and-all-we-found-was-a-warehouse-church/ << Trilema - Assorted diversities, or how we went looking for a brothel and all we found was a warehouse church. 1685023;1500230148;BingoBoingo;OMG Costa Rica has warehouse churches too!!! 1685024;1500232539;mircea_popescu;oya 1685025;1500232821;mircea_popescu;and in random vintage trilema, http://trilema.com/2013/you-probably-have-no-idea-how-funny-the-law-is/ 1685026;1500234595;*;BingoBoingo was a bit disappointed, this was merely traditional church building kept as warehouse. Was expecting USian phenomenon where new construction church is actually build in the manner of a warehouse. Corrugated steel and all. 1685027;1500235656;asciilifeform;in other noose, achtung mod6 et al: 1685028;1500235662;asciilifeform;results of torture test: 1685029;1500235674;asciilifeform;'Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4800MQ CPU @ 2.70GHz' : 153m7.214s 1685030;1500235684;asciilifeform;'Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4870HQ CPU @ 2.50GHz' (Crapple MBP) : 155m57.246s 1685031;1500235705;asciilifeform;'AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 2393 SE @ 3.1 GHz' : 298m6.240s 1685032;1500235732;asciilifeform;operation is the one in http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-15#1684808 . 1685033;1500235732;a111;Logged on 2017-07-15 23:16 asciilifeform: !~later tell mod6 http://nosuchlabs.com/pub/fact.tar.gz << complete kit for above. sha512==26198604bff50d3411e343a30b97f4babe3a6b291fca267435cecd6a5438a08862b550198a49dd5549dda00c841d95afc1443f597587710b83c7fa65effa9c73 1685034;1500235894;asciilifeform;for anyone not tuned in : ^ computes factorial of 65536. 1685035;1500235909;asciilifeform;the sha512 of the output of the program, on all 3 machines, is 2540ed1fa8d4eb82916417df9136b79657c27cfc9c590d0b43fa14a03c7b2831f0371a598bd8040d7ba1ed0a6c1fd0cd87287d477388f2a2ed962f3f5601f366. 1685036;1500236006;asciilifeform;width, as readers of the proggy recall, is 1024000-bit. 1685037;1500236025;asciilifeform;the output lives now at http://nosuchlabs.com/pub/fact_out.txt , if someone knows what 65536! ought to equal -- compare and say. 1685038;1500236122;phf;asciilifeform: just fyi, your package of goodies compiles, i haven't ran it through, but with gdb i can catch it mostly doing Mul, and producing sensible states 1685039;1500236142;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo no, that's precisely what it was. 1685040;1500236148;lobbes;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-16#1685026 << >> 1685041;1500236148;a111;Logged on 2017-07-16 19:49 BingoBoingo was a bit disappointed, this was merely traditional church building kept as warehouse. Was expecting USian phenomenon where new construction church is actually build in the manner of a warehouse. Corrugated steel and all. 1685042;1500236148;lobbes;https://i2.wp.com/www.philrosephoto.com/galleries/journalism/photos/Warehouse_Church.jpg?resize=229%2C152 1685043;1500236149;asciilifeform;neato phf 1685044;1500236168;asciilifeform;phf: something is very very very wrong with mod6's gnat, but i do not yet know what 1685045;1500236193;asciilifeform;( ftr i tested it on both of the two major species of gnat ) 1685046;1500236217;asciilifeform;i have done this continuously ever since mod6 unearthed the sharp edge with 'Image operator 1685047;1500236332;phf;let's see 1685048;1500236337;phf;!!up mimisbrunnr 1685049;1500236338;deedbot;mimisbrunnr voiced for 30 minutes. 1685050;1500236358;phf;!W (defvar *ref* (parse-integer (drakma:http-request "http://nosuchlabs.com/pub/fact_out.txt") :radix 16)) 1685051;1500236362;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform my 65536! is like 6710214DD etc. 1685052;1500236383;asciilifeform;plox to post whole thing 1685053;1500236400;mircea_popescu;alrighty, will later today. 1685054;1500236439;phf;!W (= *ref* 0) 1685055;1500236454;mircea_popescu;phf you need candi_lustt yes ? 1685056;1500236454;shinohai;!!up candi_lustt 1685057;1500236455;deedbot;candi_lustt voiced for 30 minutes. 1685058;1500236462;phf;oh right right 1685059;1500236463;mircea_popescu;anyway, i'll bbl. 1685060;1500236465;phf;!W (= *ref* 0) 1685061;1500236465;candi_lustt;phf: NIL 1685062;1500236473;phf;ok 1685063;1500236478;phf;!W (DEFUN FACTORIAL (N &OPTIONAL (ACC 1)) (IF (<= N 1) ACC (FACTORIAL (- N 1) (* ACC N)))) 1685064;1500236479;candi_lustt;phf: FACTORIAL 1685065;1500236484;phf;!W (= *ref* (factorial 65536)) 1685066;1500236489;candi_lustt;phf: T 1685067;1500236494;phf;asciilifeform: ^ 1685068;1500236495;BingoBoingo; BingoBoingo no, that's precisely what it was. << Ah 1685069;1500236560;asciilifeform;dafuq is *ref* , phf 1685070;1500236589;phf;it's few lines above, parse-integer'd fact_out.txt 1685071;1500236613;asciilifeform;can haz the interval in which the (factorial...) ran ? 1685072;1500236623;asciilifeform;because earlier it was for some reason nowhere 1685073;1500236692;asciilifeform;and incidentally in case anyone reading this is not really awake, the method of calculating factorial shown in the ada proggy is brainmeltingly dumb. you really want a tree, most of it is smallint mult 1685074;1500236712;asciilifeform;as displayed in phf's. 1685075;1500236728;asciilifeform;thing is, you can't do this with ffa. 1685076;1500236832;asciilifeform;i'ma guess you'd get a very similar speed, however, if you permitted http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-15#1684198 . 1685077;1500236832;a111;Logged on 2017-07-15 13:00 asciilifeform: btw if you're actually doing something that doesn't need constanttime, you can simply put the obvious check-for-zero in the karatsuba and get 2-9000x boost for mul. 1685078;1500236958;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-16#1685050 << lol i missed this earlier 1685079;1500236958;a111;Logged on 2017-07-16 20:19 phf: !W (defvar *ref* (parse-integer (drakma:http-request "http://nosuchlabs.com/pub/fact_out.txt") :radix 16)) 1685080;1500236960;asciilifeform;neato phf . 1685081;1500236988;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu you might want to get a new calculator.. 1685082;1500237029;phf;parse-integer actually took significantly longer than factorial (i'm trying to figure out how to get a millisecond timer out of sbcl to wrap factorial to answer your question, but i don't think there's anything native) 1685083;1500237088;asciilifeform;if it's dwarfed by i/o, we can say it took 0!1111 1685084;1500237106;asciilifeform;and no joak either -- if it drowns in the noise, there is no signal. 1685085;1500237232;phf;!W (let ((t0 (get-internal-run-time))) (factorial 65536) (float (/ (- (get-internal-run-time) t0) internal-time-units-per-second))) 1685086;1500237236;candi_lustt;phf: 4.16 1685087;1500237332;asciilifeform;yeah unsurprise, considering that all but a handful of the muls are singleword 1685088;1500237774;BingoBoingo;!!Up what 1685089;1500237775;deedbot;what voiced for 30 minutes. 1685090;1500237778;BingoBoingo;!!up whatisthis 1685091;1500237778;deedbot;whatisthis voiced for 30 minutes. 1685092;1500237787;BingoBoingo;whatisthis: Who is your daddy and what does he do? 1685093;1500237868;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: looks like yet another 'strong and silent type' 1685094;1500238180;whatisthis;hi! 1685095;1500238203;whatisthis;im reading the trilema site. and I don't really understand what's going on. But I'm terribly intrigued to continue reading it 1685096;1500238252;whatisthis;so, my question is my nick. what is this? 1685097;1500238281;asciilifeform;which this ? 1685098;1500238285;whatisthis;trilema 1685099;1500238318;asciilifeform;see the subject line for the chan ? 1685100;1500238483;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-16#1684964 << there are no non-ascii chars in my input. i ran a test, of the makefile in the tarball, and ended up with http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/Au741/?raw=true 1685101;1500238483;a111;Logged on 2017-07-16 06:02 mircea_popescu: pretty sure it simply drops non-ascii chars silently. which is the right thing at that. 1685102;1500238484;whatisthis;yes. sell all of my stuff and contribute to TMSR however I can? 1685103;1500238529;asciilifeform;xxd dump of curling the paste back, http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/WOzLL/?raw=true >> many many winblowzified line endings, but seemingly intact tabs 1685104;1500238684;asciilifeform;gnumake is sensitive to whitespace, it is how the idiots made it. and doesn't cleanly eat winblowz line endings, which unfailingly appear whenever www liquishit is in the loop. 1685105;1500238694;BingoBoingo; yes. sell all of my stuff and contribute to TMSR however I can? << No, first tell up who your daddy is and what does he do 1685106;1500238728;BingoBoingo;Then, maybe http://trilema.com/2016/how-to-participate-in-the-affairs-of-the-most-serene-republic/ 1685107;1500238744;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: already suggested to d00d, to read the subj line. 1685108;1500238756;asciilifeform;but apparently this is one of those 5minuteattentionspan modern wonders. 1685109;1500238913;phf;whatisthis: trilema is some guy's personal blog. it kind of should be obvious from the format of things. typically when one discovers something, one should spend some time circling it, this way and that, trying to figure out its nature. you will gain very little by coming on "hey guyz! whacha doing here!!" 1685110;1500238942;asciilifeform;i often wonder, when this question is asked, what the asker expects the answer to look like. 1685111;1500238953;asciilifeform;'we're painting this old toyota' ? 1685112;1500239008;phf;it's a barn raising! you in? and then we'll have us a good ol' lynching! 1685113;1500239034;asciilifeform;nah everybody knows, first lynching, then barnraising 1685114;1500239515;phf;asciilifeform: i'm sure you've seen https://www.bunniestudios.com/blog/?p=4937 1685115;1500239893;mod6;<+asciilifeform> results of torture test: << thanks for posting your results. 1685116;1500239962;mod6;I'll be spending some time this week to try to get adacore's stuff built into gentoo with gcc. not sure now how this will go, but will let you guys know. 1685117;1500239986;mod6;perhaps if i can get that working, then I can use the -cflags -O2 thing alright without issues. 1685118;1500241756;BingoBoingo; nah everybody knows, first lynching, then barnraising << AHA, barn commemorates honored tree! 1685119;1500244036;asciilifeform;phf: pretty neat 1685120;1500244063;asciilifeform;phf: now if only it weren't one of the world's largest golden toilets. 1685121;1500244182;phf;"why would we use it to scan what you're asking us to scan, if we can just go and get the original, lulz" 1685122;1500244189;asciilifeform;aaha. 1685123;1500244382;asciilifeform;mod6: not the problem. my thing builds on both adacore's and trad gnu gnat. 1685124;1500245063;BingoBoingo;From someone who dun wanna auth https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9LwbJGh3OE 1685125;1500245451;*;BingoBoingo wonders if we have moved on yet from Axe Time, Sword Time on to Wind Time, Wolf Time 1685126;1500245515;asciilifeform;looks like still mop time, bucket time, from here. 1685127;1500245533;BingoBoingo;I thought that comes last 1685128;1500251668;*;asciilifeform set up mod6's benchmark on a few moar comps 1685129;1500251792;asciilifeform;!~later tell trinque didja ever get a gnat going on your g5 ? 1685130;1500251792;jhvh1;asciilifeform: The operation succeeded. 1685131;1500251794;asciilifeform;or ben_vulpes ^ 1685132;1500251804;asciilifeform;who do we have with what else exotica 1685133;1500251807;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo..? 1685134;1500251815;asciilifeform;( m68k..? ) 1685135;1500251820;asciilifeform;jurov with arm ? 1685136;1500251838;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu with cray!111? 1685137;1500251873;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel with old but well-configured rusty bucket? 1685138;1500251928;asciilifeform;'Grishnak mit große Hammer / Zorg mit rostig Schwert / Raufen, Saufen, Schnaufen / Bis sich nichts mehr wehrt!' (tm)(r)('Zehn Orks') 1685139;1500252147;asciilifeform;but yes ideally somebody other than asciilifeform will stand up to do the chore of showing that thing is indeed endian-neutral ( which, unlike afaik every other bignumtron , it in fact is ) 1685140;1500252178;asciilifeform;i dun presently have a working bigendian box here. 1685141;1500252189;asciilifeform;( last g4 died while ago ) 1685142;1500254199;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the blessings of reals ;/ your value's right. 1685143;1500254234;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-16#1685084 << this is actually quite true. 1685144;1500254234;a111;Logged on 2017-07-16 20:31 asciilifeform: and no joak either -- if it drowns in the noise, there is no signal. 1685145;1500254372;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-16#1685096 << practically speaking, "this" as in #trilema would be c-span for the senate of a "terrorist organisation". best guess. 1685146;1500254372;a111;Logged on 2017-07-16 20:50 whatisthis: so, my question is my nick. what is this? 1685147;1500254514;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-16#1685108 << a yeah, whatever happened to the exciting kid a few days back. 1685148;1500254514;a111;Logged on 2017-07-16 20:59 asciilifeform: but apparently this is one of those 5minuteattentionspan modern wonders. 1685149;1500254640;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-16#1685111 << obviously the purpose of the "asking" is the stroking of the implicit assumptions of equality baked in. the question isn't "what is this ?" but rather "hey, i know i'm a guy 100% interchangeable with any/all of youze, right, i can even pm mp if i feel like it, so say something to signify your agreement, whatever it is, when i ask you hey guys what is this ?" 1685150;1500254640;a111;Logged on 2017-07-16 21:02 asciilifeform: 'we're painting this old toyota' ? 1685151;1500254687;mircea_popescu;which is kinda funny in that it's a question crafted to bother the asker. 1685152;1500254811;asciilifeform;the other end of that 'we ain't fancy people' catv handshake thing 1685153;1500254826;asciilifeform;( see also trilema postmortem re subj ) 1685154;1500254944;mircea_popescu;meanwhile, in lulz of all time, some dork (arachni@email.gr / put a bunch of "1"'`--" in vartious fields comments into trilema. BY HAND. 1685155;1500255034;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform just about, i expect. 1685156;1500255070;asciilifeform;what's "1... supposed to do..? 1685157;1500255104;mircea_popescu;anyway. dorks trying to interact with the world on their own terms, as if they were somehow human by plain working of nature. http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-20#1672444 in various coats of paint. 1685158;1500255104;a111;Logged on 2017-06-20 14:43 mircea_popescu: sn0wmonster you're not here to learn. you're here to try and bludgeon the world into a shape your head may fit. this is the opposite of learning. learning is when you change. 1685159;1500255123;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i expect the -- is supposed to do something or the other to mysql. the rest is just a selection of terminators. 1685160;1500255131;mircea_popescu;-- is // in mysqltalk 1685161;1500255142;asciilifeform;i see 3-4 of these every day 1685162;1500255151;asciilifeform;live, on the phuctor term 1685163;1500255164;mircea_popescu;by hand tho ? 1685164;1500255172;asciilifeform;and fuck knows how many at night, i dun even always bother to catalogue 1685165;1500255187;asciilifeform;at least 1 every day suggestive of 'by hand' 1685166;1500255201;asciilifeform;( that, or lovingly crafted bot with delay rng ) 1685167;1500255377;mircea_popescu;pretty sure this was the first non-automated attempt to "take over trilema!!!" since http://trilema.com/2012/the-storm-that-was-fel/#comment-90298 1685168;1500255381;mircea_popescu;five years. 1685169;1500255492;asciilifeform;somehow phuctor is a junkyard magnet for this style of nonsense. and, i imagine, a very frustrating one 1685170;1500255507;asciilifeform;( shows 0 reaction ) 1685171;1500255699;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in not-sweden, http://68.media.tumblr.com/e2df86edb0302ca576dde8238c9b43ac/tumblr_ofc4q5qmx71uaw4ceo1_400.gif 1685172;1500256518;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Portion of Zoo in operating condition as slimmed considerably 1685173;1500256638;mod6; <+asciilifeform> mod6: not the problem. my thing builds on both adacore's and trad gnu gnat. << yeah not sure what the problem is. it's a binary installation of gnat via apt-get, so that, i'm sure is part of the issue. however, it works better than the first ada configuration that I had, which, didn't work at all. 1685174;1500256680;mod6;My thinking is that, if i need to be able to use all the switches ad denoted in your makefile (since my mine doesn't seem to allow for that), I may need the adacore configuration. 1685175;1500256728;mod6;I'd be happy to try anything on my environment for you if it were to help sus out what might be wrong with it. I truly have no idea where to begin on this thing. 1685176;1500256814;BingoBoingo;http://www.dailystar.co.uk/sport/ufc/624635/UFC-star-Felice-Herrig-naked-body-video-fight-footage-MMA-weigh-in?utm_source=traffic.outbrain&utm_medium=traffic.outbrain&utm_term=traffic.outbrain&utm_content=traffic.outbrain&utm_campaign=traffic.outbrain 1685177;1500256833;BingoBoingo;dat url, how do referrers work anymoar? 1685178;1500256958;asciilifeform;mod6: plz post the tarballs that your gnat was made from 1685179;1500256969;asciilifeform;so i can replicate your wtf. 1685180;1500256982;asciilifeform;( possibly... ) 1685181;1500257009;mod6;not even sure if that's possible... will look 1685182;1500257021;asciilifeform;it had to come from somewhere, neh 1685183;1500257073;mircea_popescu;mod6 possibly not aptgetting a binary but instead building source may fix it for you ? 1685184;1500257103;asciilifeform;fwiw i have a box with the adacore bin gnat, everything worx great even there 1685185;1500257113;mircea_popescu;it's not all that rare that precompiled binaries are incorrectly marked and don't actually run on specific setups 1685186;1500257149;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yea, but one of those things, works if it works and doesn't if it doesn't. 1685187;1500257160;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: his runs but somehow barfs, for 1st time, on this particular ffa. 1685188;1500257166;mircea_popescu;hm 1685189;1500257175;mircea_popescu;that doesn't sound very much like it then huh. 1685190;1500257205;asciilifeform;mod6: plz repaste your barf 1685191;1500257211;asciilifeform;i misplaced it 1685192;1500257498;mod6;this is all the stuff that is installed (i think) via apt for gnat: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/mZRtO/?raw=true 1685193;1500257517;mod6;i can, i guess, bundle all those deb packages and send 'em. 1685194;1500257542;mod6;<+asciilifeform> mod6: plz repaste your barf << ok, shall I rerun your make, included with the fact.tar.gz ? 1685195;1500257605;asciilifeform;yesplz 1685196;1500257649;asciilifeform;btw mod6 , you ran it with the contents of the tarball, yes ? 1685197;1500257654;asciilifeform;as it was 1685198;1500257659;asciilifeform;or changed ? 1685199;1500257774;mod6;yup. totally unchanged. am posting... 1685200;1500257791;mod6;http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/ruy0P/?raw=true 1685201;1500257796;asciilifeform;ty mod6 1685202;1500257821;mod6;np, thank you for the help! 1685203;1500257846;mod6;im not sure what it doesn't like about 142, 146 -- they look like a lot of otherlines in ffa. so not sure what it thinks isn't kosher. 1685204;1500257980;mod6; <+mircea_popescu> mod6 possibly not aptgetting a binary but instead building source may fix it for you ? << yeah, this is always a bad idea. only reason i did it, was to get an ada env stood up quickly. i had a super weird problem on the first environment that I tried on. the gnat version didn't match the gcc version and was getting like non-determinstic errors. 1685205;1500257994;mod6;so, as a trial, i set it up on my eulora box. 1685206;1500258003;mod6;and, suprisingly it worked. 1685207;1500258030;mod6;my goal is to get gnat setup on gentoo, but the main problem is there, you have to hand-roll the entire thing because the gnat package for gentoo requires gcc6 1685208;1500258069;mod6;shinohai, I think, figured out a way to do this, and pointed me at: http://www.adacore.com/products , but I haven't dug into it yet myself. 1685209;1500258080;asciilifeform;we might have to confiscate gentoo etc sooner rather than later. 1685210;1500258121;asciilifeform;mod6: the official adacore gnat installs in 3minutes, but with obvious caveat (you live with binarolade) 1685211;1500258145;mod6;well, like I was saying in #trilema-mod6 around that same day was, perhaps we're going to need to start freezing some of the things required to stand up a gcc4+gnat4 if it becomes required. i have a fear that this shit will start to disappear eventually. 1685212;1500258184;asciilifeform;seems like already disappeared from gentoo latest portage neh. 1685213;1500258201;mod6; <+asciilifeform> mod6: the official adacore gnat installs in 3minutes, but with obvious caveat (you live with binarolade) << yeah, i see they do have bins, but was going to custom handroll my own, to not only get one sanely built for my own environment, but will also allow me to set whatever ./configure flags I might need for optimizations. 1685214;1500258222;asciilifeform;though i will point out that gnat+gcc5/6 might not in fact suffer from same horrors as cpp on same. 1685215;1500258235;mod6;asciilifeform: yah, gentoo is looking for a package maintainer for gnat. 1685216;1500258236;mod6;but... 1685217;1500258257;mod6;im more referring to the massive tarball that you get from adacore 1685218;1500258279;mod6;it actually distributes a ton of inner packages (requirements) like, gcc, gdb, zlib, etc etc. 1685219;1500258298;mod6;(instead of just being a tar of just it's own source0 1685220;1500258513;asciilifeform;mod6: you may recall, that it is not possible to build gnat without... gnat 1685221;1500258541;asciilifeform;( how this was finessed on day0 -- i do not presently know ) 1685222;1500258550;mod6;lol 1685223;1500258567;mod6;i guess i didn't realize that, i thought you just, ofc, need a working gcc. 1685224;1500258575;asciilifeform;this so far is in fact the thing i like least. 1685225;1500258584;asciilifeform;mod6: gnat is an ada proggy. 1685226;1500258599;mod6;aha, ok. i get what you're sayin' 1685227;1500258599;asciilifeform;so 'working gcc' is guaranteed to not suffice. 1685228;1500258622;asciilifeform;it uses gcc backend tho, so also needs a working gcc. 1685229;1500258644;asciilifeform;but you already knew this. 1685230;1500258864;mod6;also, above, I pasted the wrong link to adacore, here's the one that I was given to get the adacore source: http://libre.adacore.com/download/configurations 1685231;1500258873;mod6;my apologies to anyone following along. 1685232;1500258904;phf;presumably original version was assembled by jean ichbiah out of twigs, a simula compiler, a UNIVAC machine, a chicken, a wrench, a discarded truck tire. the process was documented in BUILD-PROC.TXT.3 1685233;1500259874;mod6;ok, so i dropped on a binary install of adacore onto my gentoo environment here just to test... 1685234;1500259891;mod6;will grab alf's fact.tar.gz nao, and see if it works. 1685235;1500260024;mod6;lol, wait till you see this: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/a3Hw9/?raw=true 1685236;1500260202;mircea_popescu;phf i thought that was lisp 1685237;1500260437;mod6;asciilifeform: also, what's weird is, despite the errors in the last paste above, an 'ffa_fact' binary is still compiled. 1685238;1500260440;mod6;and works. 1685239;1500260443;mod6;*blink* 1685240;1500260484;phf;nah, lisp has been using the same image file since the early mccarthy days. each consecutive versions were implemented by manually patching the image file roughly into the needed shape all the way to present implementations 1685241;1500260527;mircea_popescu;that'd explain all the ebcdic 1685242;1500260751;mircea_popescu;and in other news, bilderburg. https://statusrsk.com/files/hist-lst.html 1685243;1500261095;phf;kind of reminds me of those personal homepages of schizophrenics back in the early days of the internets 1685244;1500261123;mircea_popescu;kinda reminds me of the various "cryptocurrencty" and "blockchain" communities. 1685245;1500261145;mircea_popescu;i suppose these are rather compatible memories. 1685246;1500261176;asciilifeform;'No Mircea Popescu (his blog, ranting) is not the DAO hacker, but he does know what actually happened to Cryptsy. Polonix.com doesn't know how to handle floats/doubles/scientific-notation and it is being manipulated in margin trading. 10% (soon to be 20%) of all mining rewards go to the Bilderburg Group' << lollamatic 1685247;1500261198;mircea_popescu;in other sads, i spent most of the day at the local celebration, which included ~1000 horses. everything smells of manure. 1685248;1500261212;mircea_popescu;it's like i fell into 1717 somehow. 1685249;1500261287;asciilifeform;mod6: i suspect that your env path needs tweaking 1685250;1500261317;asciilifeform;e.g. PATH=/opt/gnat/bin:$PATH;export PATH; in your .bashrc --- or wherever it is 1685251;1500261347;mod6;oh, weird, i installed everything to /usr/local/gnat 1685252;1500261378;mod6;and i already added: PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/gnat/bin to my ~/.bashrc 1685253;1500261464;mod6;PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/gnat/bin; export PATH 1685254;1500261476;mod6;weird. 1685255;1500261567;mod6;<+phf> kind of reminds me of those personal homepages of schizophrenics back in the early days of the internets << scammers. 1685256;1500261649;mod6;fwiw, if i just run `gnatmake ffa_fact`, does not error. 1685257;1500261671;asciilifeform;on what box did it ever ? 1685258;1500261744;mod6;never did, that always seems to work. can't figure out why it says "gcc: error: language ada not recognized" 1685259;1500261757;mod6;either way, think I should run the ffa_fact test? 1685260;1500261821;asciilifeform;if it runs... 1685261;1500261885;phf;nah, you guys, there used to be sites, geocities style, made by actual schizophrenics. they were awesome. it was the kind of place where they discussed bildeberg and complained about the high doses of lithium or whatever prescribed by their doctor (who was taking direct orders from ronald reagan who was secretly still controlling the shadow government of the united states through the high concentration of ...) 1685262;1500261893;asciilifeform;timecube!! 1685263;1500261915;asciilifeform;i do wonder where these vanished to 1685264;1500261915;mod6;see how long it takes? this is a core2duo (old box) with 4gb of ram 1685265;1500261929;mod6;<+asciilifeform> if it runs... << ok will try 1685266;1500261931;asciilifeform;mod6: ram is 100% irrelevant here 1685267;1500261937;mircea_popescu;now they're fat girls raving about how they were almost raped by the subway. 1685268;1500261960;phf;oh yeah, timecube, but that one is almost legit. 1685269;1500261965;asciilifeform;yeah but where are the original 'they' 1685270;1500261969;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i expect they're still there ; unfindable now because we stupidly decided to take google seriously. 1685271;1500261973;asciilifeform;aah 1685272;1500261976;asciilifeform;likely. 1685273;1500262005;asciilifeform;this and possibly + speedy deletion by 'blogger' etc kolhozed for 'term of service violation' for lese mageste 1685274;1500262006;mircea_popescu;when i was a child, i read a story, well written in the fantastic realist embryonic style. it contained a lamp for making darkness, which struck me then as the pinnacle of antipossible objects. 1685275;1500262013;mircea_popescu;except, that is ~the only proper way to describe google. 1685276;1500262024;mircea_popescu;it is the world's first, and to my knowledge the world's only, darkness making lamp. 1685277;1500262032;mod6;ok off it goes. 1685278;1500262051;trinque;ha strangely apt, mod6. 1685279;1500262055;BingoBoingo; we might have to confiscate gentoo etc sooner rather than later. << It'll need renamed to keep pantsuitists from using 1685280;1500262074;asciilifeform;incidentally we have moar data!!! : 1685281;1500262079;mod6;this box does nothing else other than just test builds/dev for trb, and is currently idle. should be a decent test. albiet much slower than the metrics collected with alf's i7 box. 1685282;1500262081;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo cuntoo, evidently. 1685283;1500262093;asciilifeform;trial #2 of http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-16#1685029 >>>>> 153m13.636s 1685284;1500262093;a111;Logged on 2017-07-16 20:07 asciilifeform: 'Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4800MQ CPU @ 2.70GHz' : 153m7.214s 1685285;1500262104;asciilifeform;( others -- still cookin' ) 1685286;1500262158;mod6;<+mircea_popescu> BingoBoingo cuntoo, evidently. << i think this is a winner. 1685287;1500262180;mircea_popescu;can have a logo of a cunt with two balls, like cartman's idea. cunt-o-o 1685288;1500262193;*;BingoBoingo thinks Cuntshoo may be more fitting 1685289;1500262200;trinque;asciilifeform: let ya know about the g5 gnat; haven't tried yet. 1685290;1500262235;asciilifeform;aaaand, literally <2min later, we have trial #2 of http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-16#1685030 >>> 155m54.188s 1685291;1500262235;a111;Logged on 2017-07-16 20:08 asciilifeform: 'Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4870HQ CPU @ 2.50GHz' (Crapple MBP) : 155m57.246s 1685292;1500262238;mod6;<+asciilifeform> mod6: ram is 100% irrelevant here << not saying it isn't, trying to be more descriptive than "box". lol 1685293;1500262255;BingoBoingo;Cunt, two balls, two shoes; for the stomping! 1685294;1500262258;mod6;asciilifeform: nice 1685295;1500262260;asciilifeform;mod6: i gotta clarify, the ~size~ is irrelevant , the bus speed, however, quite relevant. 1685296;1500262269;asciilifeform;possibly the sole bottleneck. 1685297;1500262279;mircea_popescu;right. 1685298;1500262288;asciilifeform;( witness the figures for 2.5 vs 2.7 GHz intels ) 1685299;1500262334;mod6;CPU0: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E7500 @ 2.93GHz 1685300;1500262391;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu, BingoBoingo : i immediately pictured an 'abstract' dentata logo 1685301;1500262396;asciilifeform;for 'cuntoo'. 1685302;1500262414;mircea_popescu;kinda hard to make tho 1685303;1500262427;asciilifeform;nah, just picture bear trap teeth , vertical. 1685304;1500262443;phf;i have to say cuntoo readers/sounds better than cuntshoo, easier to write, straight to the point, etc. 1685305;1500262445;mircea_popescu;nubbin on top ? 1685306;1500262452;asciilifeform;naturally! 1685307;1500262458;mircea_popescu;phf im not sure how the shoes cut in. BingoBoingo what's the shoe idea ? 1685308;1500262492;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you know the funny thing with clitoral presentation is that both top and bottom are "naturally" just to different people! 1685309;1500262513;asciilifeform;aha! 1685310;1500263528;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Well feet have balls and Cartman's cunts have balls. Also the oo sound. Why not have Cuntshoos. Very detective sounding like Gumshoe 1685311;1500263560;asciilifeform;meh, extra letters 1685312;1500264179;mircea_popescu;myeah. 1685313;1500264320;BingoBoingo;Eh, there's always room to name flavors 1685314;1500265092;mircea_popescu;true 1685315;1500266354;mircea_popescu;and in other pools, http://68.media.tumblr.com/be57a88d478a19f420ba6bcd8a01c062/tumblr_ndvydn1kEV1u0ns10o1_1280.jpg 1685316;1500266391;mod6;i need to go to that pool party 1685317;1500266691;mircea_popescu;totally. 1685318;1500266704;mircea_popescu;of course... her blocks are getting kinda full. 1685319;1500266978;BingoBoingo;Well, rate limited scarcity!!! 1685320;1500267001;mircea_popescu;should hambeast for great justice ? 1685321;1500267019;BingoBoingo;Nah 1685322;1500267058;mircea_popescu;"put down the fork and eat no more... eat no more..." 1685323;1500267070;mircea_popescu;"eat no more shit..." 1685324;1500268119;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2017/07/as-fake-news-hammers-russian-fanfiction-number-of-believers-crashes/ << Qntra - As Fake News Hammers Russian Fanfiction Number Of Believers Crashes 1685325;1500268187;BingoBoingo;^ related "eat no more shit..." 1685326;1500268358;mircea_popescu;hehe 1685327;1500268812;mircea_popescu;good thing the fake media has readership, otherwise it'd be like, less influential than trilema irl. 1685328;1500269008;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/9B2B6BCD108A73255D7C96C56F4D05290FDCF0D4EB76182146B86644232D3EE8 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1449...5427 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (poseidon.zonemail.co.za. US NJ) 1685329;1500269008;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/9B2B6BCD108A73255D7C96C56F4D05290FDCF0D4EB76182146B86644232D3EE8 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1686...4417 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (poseidon.zonemail.co.za. US NJ) 1685330;1500272013;mircea_popescu;!!up fromdeedbot 1685331;1500272013;deedbot;fromdeedbot voiced for 30 minutes. 1685332;1500272057;BingoBoingo;fromdeedbot: WHo is your daddy? What does he do? 1685333;1500272100;BingoBoingo;please don't let it be https://archive.is/GrHgo 1685334;1500272662;mircea_popescu;in a shocking development 1685335;1500272800;BingoBoingo;Maybe you shouldn't ground yourself if you don't want shocks? 1685336;1500279095;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2017/07/columbia-university-settles-in-case-of-mattress-harassment-against-student/ << Qntra - Columbia University Settles In Case Of Mattress Harassment Against Student 1685337;1500294236;mod6;asciilifeform: real 313m41.727s 1685338;1500294312;mod6;the start of the number is 1D1CB6CEFC854C98FC338B0A2757950AE2F87 ... 1685339;1500294347;mod6;im gonna re-run, see what it looks like second time. 1685340;1500297083;shinohai;In btc phork lulz: https://github.com/btc1/bitcoin/issues/81 1685341;1500297633;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/4896C098CC22A82F9EBFCBF5DA65C1EA90B6525A51EC838B320C27F0CBB62C4C << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1231...7439 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown DE HE) 1685342;1500297633;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/4896C098CC22A82F9EBFCBF5DA65C1EA90B6525A51EC838B320C27F0CBB62C4C << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1213...2489 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown DE HE) 1685343;1500297918;asciilifeform;soooo mod6 et al: 1685344;1500297931;asciilifeform;trial #3 of http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-16#1685029 >>>> 153m11.170s 1685345;1500297931;a111;Logged on 2017-07-16 20:07 asciilifeform: 'Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4800MQ CPU @ 2.70GHz' : 153m7.214s 1685346;1500297961;asciilifeform;trial #3 of http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-16#1685030 >>>> 155m49.960s 1685347;1500297961;a111;Logged on 2017-07-16 20:08 asciilifeform: 'Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4870HQ CPU @ 2.50GHz' (Crapple MBP) : 155m57.246s 1685348;1500297986;asciilifeform;nao for some new: 1685349;1500298001;asciilifeform;'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-1660 v3 @ 3.00GHz' : 221m26.876s 1685350;1500298086;asciilifeform;i also got hold of a 'celeron', but that one is running STILL ! 1685351;1500298152;asciilifeform;oh, almost forgot, trial #2 of http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-16#1685031 >>>> 298m12.551s 1685352;1500298152;a111;Logged on 2017-07-16 20:08 asciilifeform: 'AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 2393 SE @ 3.1 GHz' : 298m6.240s 1685353;1500298326;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-17#1685338 << mod6 please diff with the actual answer, at http://nosuchlabs.com/pub/fact_out.txt . 1685354;1500298326;a111;Logged on 2017-07-17 12:25 mod6: the start of the number is 1D1CB6CEFC854C98FC338B0A2757950AE2F87 ... 1685355;1500298340;asciilifeform;live is too short to attempt to use eyeballs as diff. 1685356;1500298342;asciilifeform;*life 1685357;1500299818;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/6A7EA940DD01FFB67446D983270359E0A7B7D937312B63ADE36B17982CC8863B << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1623...1337 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (web03.luenecom.de. DE) 1685358;1500299818;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/6A7EA940DD01FFB67446D983270359E0A7B7D937312B63ADE36B17982CC8863B << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1621...3919 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (web03.luenecom.de. DE) 1685359;1500300791;mod6;<+asciilifeform> http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-17#1685338 << mod6 please diff with the actual answer, at http://nosuchlabs.com/pub/fact_out.txt . << ok, will check it out and report back 1685360;1500300791;a111;Logged on 2017-07-17 12:25 mod6: the start of the number is 1D1CB6CEFC854C98FC338B0A2757950AE2F87 ... 1685361;1500300796;mod6;thanks for the link. 1685362;1500302393;asciilifeform;in other noose, 'Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU N2807 @ 1.58GHz' >>>> 840m49.075s 1685363;1500304828;erlehmann;http://news.dieweltistgarnichtso.net/posts/gnome-thumbnailer-msi-fail.html 1685364;1500305422;asciilifeform;'Thumbnail generation for MSI files in GNOME Files executes arbitrary VBScript.' << run moar wingnomez!111 1685365;1500305450;asciilifeform;'Remedy (for users) Delete all files in /usr/share/thumbnailers....' << wai not 'remove gnome and all other poetteringware' ?? erlehmann 1685366;1500305587;erlehmann;oh, i found a typo 1685367;1500305965;erlehmann;asciilifeform gnome-core depends on nautilus. 1685368;1500305970;asciilifeform;so? 1685369;1500305972;erlehmann;this means kebab will be removed from premises 1685370;1500305980;asciilifeform;wtf even is that 1685371;1500306006;erlehmann;if you uninstall nautilus (the GNOME file manager), the majority of gnome follows suit 1685372;1500306011;asciilifeform;and..? 1685373;1500306019;erlehmann;so my suggestion involves uninstalling it? 1685374;1500306025;asciilifeform;straight to the furnace with ALL of it 1685375;1500306036;asciilifeform;not 'majority'. ALL. 1685376;1500306067;erlehmann;i have no wish to engage with gnome internals to find out HOW MUCH is uninstalled when you remove its core libraries 1685377;1500306077;asciilifeform;just. don't. install. any. 1685378;1500306084;erlehmann;as it would either mean reading about dependencies or installing gnome 1685379;1500306090;erlehmann;both concepts i am not too fond of 1685380;1500306094;asciilifeform;why is it on your box?!! to begin with 1685381;1500306104;erlehmann;i read about the evince CVE 1685382;1500306116;erlehmann;code execution in comic book parsers 1685383;1500306128;erlehmann;and then i was like “other thumbnailers are surely as stupid” 1685384;1500306136;erlehmann;and behold, i found a COPY of that CVE, in the source code of atril 1685385;1500306141;erlehmann;copy & paste coding 1685386;1500306152;erlehmann;also i found this vbscript goodness 1685387;1500306174;asciilifeform;erlehmann: gnome etc. is same nsaware as the microshit icon-and-payload-loader garbage 1685388;1500306189;erlehmann;then i stopped looking, as around a third of the thumbnail handlers had obvious issues and this topic bores me already. 1685389;1500306201;erlehmann;i'd bet money that thumbnail handlers on every OS are uniformly garbage 1685390;1500306220;asciilifeform;adult os dun have 'thumnail handler' or any such thing. 1685391;1500306222;erlehmann;i don't need them anway, so why look more for stuff? 1685392;1500306229;asciilifeform;or 'desktop', etc. 1685393;1500312054;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-17#1685340 << summer of lulz 1685394;1500312054;a111;Logged on 2017-07-17 13:11 shinohai: In btc phork lulz: https://github.com/btc1/bitcoin/issues/81 1685395;1500312117;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-17#1685355 << he has a point. plus it seems to never work for me. 1685396;1500312117;a111;Logged on 2017-07-17 13:32 asciilifeform: live is too short to attempt to use eyeballs as diff. 1685397;1500312357;BingoBoingo; erlehmann: gnome etc. is same nsaware as the microshit icon-and-payload-loader garbage << AHA! Very coordinated these pixels. 1685398;1500312387;BingoBoingo; i'd bet money that thumbnail handlers on every OS are uniformly garbage << Not all... 1685399;1500312502;BingoBoingo;This is how pantsuit mind works "What could we undermine that CANNOT be done without? THUMBNAILER!!!" 1685400;1500312512;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-17#1685367 and also, http://trilema.com/2014/ubuntu-is-a-worse-piece-of-shit-than-ms-dos-ever-was/#selection-149.0-149.273 1685401;1500312512;a111;Logged on 2017-07-17 15:39 erlehmann: asciilifeform gnome-core depends on nautilus. 1685402;1500312535;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo i suspect you're right, at that. because their niggers could never go outta da house without the bling. 1685403;1500312540;erlehmann;for context: nautilus == gnome files 1685404;1500312557;mircea_popescu;nautilus = ubuntu default file manager. 1685405;1500312572;mircea_popescu;you can get ~any file manager to work with any x-skin, which is what kde gnome etc all are. 1685406;1500312585;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: To solve that problem your gotta edit /etc/niggers.txt 1685407;1500312609;BingoBoingo;!up EIC 1685408;1500312629;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo moar like change registry entry for AreUsANigger to 42. 1685409;1500312680;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Nah, that's how people without any land do it. Registry isn't robust enough for active farm use though. 1685410;1500312732;erlehmann;sorry, but when is a suit a pantsuit? 1685411;1500312738;erlehmann;when a clinton or merkel wears it? 1685412;1500312765;erlehmann;we have a word for that in german – hosenanzug 1685413;1500312770;erlehmann;but i don't get the difference at all 1685414;1500312827;mircea_popescu;erlehmann a pantsuit denotes a certain sort of female mind -- that puts the esteem of the female herd above the esteem of randomly chosen male. 1685415;1500312834;mircea_popescu;it is the opposite behaviour of what they call a slut. 1685416;1500312879;mircea_popescu;the girl who would say "i can't leave with you, i'm here with my friends", just like the boy that'd vote hillary, just like anyone who reads the fake news media, just like the drones in offices who never propositioned their coworkers for sex in the elevators == pantsuits. 1685417;1500312892;erlehmann;get it 1685418;1500312935;mircea_popescu;basically the socialist is he who has thought about the matter, and for his sins and utterly broken head has come to the conclusion that yes indeed, the problems of individuals are to be resolved by recoursew to groups ; whereas the pantsuit is he who has never stopped to consider, but instinctually or otherwise follows this herd. 1685419;1500313045;BingoBoingo;^ Pantsuit label attaches to behavior and ideology, is imposed upon guilty without regard for party affiliation 1685420;1500313094;BingoBoingo;For its fiat counterweight see "IPP" 1685421;1500313106;BingoBoingo;*fiat world 1685422;1500313124;BingoBoingo;http://qntra.net/2017/01/trump-now-president-ushered-in-by-a-show/ << MWGA 1685423;1500313145;asciilifeform;meanwhile #2 of http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-17#1685349 , with less extraneous load >>>> 202m2.191s . 1685424;1500313145;a111;Logged on 2017-07-17 13:26 asciilifeform: 'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-1660 v3 @ 3.00GHz' : 221m26.876s 1685425;1500313393;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in fluid dynamics, http://68.media.tumblr.com/549a7055863498f494a3599da64e2876/tumblr_oeypelGVbk1sytl3wo1_400.gif 1685426;1500315460;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-17#1685400 <<< >>> http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-13#1669650 ! 1685427;1500315460;a111;Logged on 2017-07-17 17:28 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-17#1685367 and also, http://trilema.com/2014/ubuntu-is-a-worse-piece-of-shit-than-ms-dos-ever-was/#selection-149.0-149.273 1685428;1500315460;a111;Logged on 2017-06-13 22:37 asciilifeform: end result is to be a vaguely msdos-like thing that understands how to configure x64 page table, put/get blocks of disk, and speak over rs232 port. and on top of this, a self-building gnat. 1685429;1500315471;mircea_popescu;aha 1685430;1500315502;mircea_popescu;!~later tell EIC wouldja stop with the join/part spam 1685431;1500315502;jhvh1;mircea_popescu: The operation succeeded. 1685432;1500316837;mircea_popescu;ahahaha this stupid bitch was even almost-raped!!11 1685433;1500316936;mircea_popescu;harriette fucking wilson, the apodictical modern girl of the 1800s. just like deep throat she traded all she could for attention as a young ugly woman, and then grown old and growing upset at having derived altogether too little in unearned rents from the entire affair, moved on to trying to attention whore out of the perceived injustice of it all. 1685434;1500317581;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: gotta ask, what exactly is an ~earned rent~ 1685435;1500317633;mircea_popescu;the greatest boy born every year is entitled by the fact of his greatness to eager service of a good majority of the girls similarily born. this is an earned rent -- by right of birth. 1685436;1500317654;mircea_popescu;the man who, walking into a room, overpowers all present, is entitled, by right of force, to whatever he may extract. 1685437;1500317661;mircea_popescu;all rents are earned but by the whiners. 1685438;1500317684;asciilifeform;and the slippiest pickpocket , to all of their wallets, also ? 1685439;1500317688;mircea_popescu;yep. 1685440;1500317708;mircea_popescu;umm 1685441;1500317712;asciilifeform;lol 1685442;1500317739;mircea_popescu;that is the objection -- that she sucks. she wasn't ever any good, and yet hallucinates entitlements for herself. 1685443;1500317757;asciilifeform;why even remembered, if not anygood 1685444;1500317760;asciilifeform;iirc subj was a whore..? 1685445;1500317776;asciilifeform;i have nfi anybody memorialized badwhores 1685446;1500317792;mircea_popescu;not even. she was../. what do you call those japanese schoolgirls that go have diner with lame "businessmen" so the other lame businessmen can see them ? 1685447;1500317800;asciilifeform;enjo kosai 1685448;1500317805;mircea_popescu;no actual fucking, just this very superficial sort of escort service. there, ty. 1685449;1500317828;asciilifeform;though iirc enjo kosai fuck . you're thinking of ameritard 'wingman' 1685450;1500317848;mircea_popescu;this flourished in a time when high born men were shockingly stupid, and she is not remembered. a litany of their names arranged by unclean hands is still, (and only by the most antiquarianly minded) reviewed. 1685451;1500317866;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform all women will fuck on occasion. point being there's no fuck on the bill of fare, as with whores. 1685452;1500317969;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform see, this is the important point here : there may or may not have been a stupid cunt / sack of flesh with the label "harriette wilson" at one point or another. this is ireelevant to anything. a collection of stupidities of people in a meanwhile defunct wot has received, FOR NO REASON, and through coincidental cause, the "same" label. it is not same in any meaningful sense. this is the fate of the various harriet 1685453;1500317970;mircea_popescu;te wilsons : that "their" name shall be used as label, though it wasn't their name nor were they ever anything. 1685454;1500317995;asciilifeform;meanwhile, trial #3 of http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-17#1685351 >>>> 297m57.012s ! 1685455;1500317995;a111;Logged on 2017-07-17 13:29 asciilifeform: oh, almost forgot, trial #2 of http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-16#1685031 >>>> 298m12.551s 1685456;1500318004;mircea_popescu;an entirely unrelated process, whereby lord newton's name is used to denote lord newton's work makes the untrained mind confuse the foregoing for "some kind of this", and imagine "harriette lives through her work" 1685457;1500318006;mircea_popescu;she does not. 1685458;1500318043;asciilifeform;herostratus lol 1685459;1500318060;mircea_popescu;quite. 1685460;1500318129;asciilifeform;funnily enough, his sentence of damnatio memoriae seems to be finally taking effect -- i've yet to meet the usa-born folx who know who subj was 1685461;1500318131;mircea_popescu;yes we call it "hariette wilson's memoirs", but it has no author just like a collection of peasant ballads have no author. the point of interest is that fred lamb or argyle didn't pay to not be named, whereas the early pantsuit ally http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-15#1684405 did. 1685462;1500318131;a111;Logged on 2017-07-15 17:57 mircea_popescu: he could as well be their fucking patron saint, the party of vaux. 1685463;1500318168;asciilifeform;waiwat how did vaux 'pay to not be named' ? 1685464;1500318193;mircea_popescu;the publisher of "harriette wilson" memoirs wrote to all people named to give them the option to pay and have their names elided. 1685465;1500318199;asciilifeform;aa 1685466;1500318209;asciilifeform;interesting business model. 1685467;1500318216;mircea_popescu;this was legal in 1800, and that happenstance combined withtheir batshit insane attitude towards the women clearly paints the picture of a rotten expire. 1685468;1500318615;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: insane how 1685469;1500318687;mircea_popescu;i'm writing an article about it, but at the gist -- allowing one who is neither productive on their own (ie, as a black box) nor competend to examination any degree of autonomy whatsoever. 1685470;1500318714;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-17#1685436 << life-as-neverending-wrestling-match is a very expensive thing, that afaik was not lived out in practice by anybody at all -- samurai included. in practice everybody does some combination of actually squaring off and 'fleet in being'. which eventually converges to britain. 1685471;1500318714;a111;Logged on 2017-07-17 18:54 mircea_popescu: the man who, walking into a room, overpowers all present, is entitled, by right of force, to whatever he may extract. 1685472;1500318721;mircea_popescu;if they let cows graze where they will, opening and closing doors for them and cleanning up after them, you'd term the arrangement insane. the way most people keep "pets" is insane. 1685473;1500318727;mircea_popescu;this is what they did to women, and it was just as insane. 1685474;1500318752;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform does not converge to britain except among the stupid. 1685475;1500318764;mircea_popescu;converges to one hell of a party among the smart. 1685476;1500318766;asciilifeform;i haven't been to the smartpeopleplanet 1685477;1500318769;asciilifeform;so have nfi. 1685478;1500318774;mircea_popescu;you missed out 90s in your native lands. 1685479;1500318785;asciilifeform;i see 0 smart about 90s. orgy of sofa burn. 1685480;1500318788;mircea_popescu;and that -- was a horrible thing to miss. 1685481;1500318800;asciilifeform;'only good party is powered by burning sofa' ?! 1685482;1500318832;mircea_popescu;everything is always powered by burning sofa my good man. the us of today is powered by burning sofa designed by hamilton ; while the china of today is powered by burning sofa designed by confucius. 1685483;1500318839;mircea_popescu;wherever you turn, a sofa burns. 1685484;1500318855;asciilifeform;at some point somebody gotta make new sofa neh 1685485;1500318872;mircea_popescu;stalin's industrializatrion fires were stoked by litographs of the batiushka tzar ; and napoleon's grandee armee was powered by the invisible machinery of richelieu and mazarin. 1685486;1500318896;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform nobody has yet made a new sofa, nor will they. 1685487;1500318956;mircea_popescu;the only point that makes a difference is who burns the sofas, and how they do it. 1685488;1500318967;asciilifeform;how does it make a difference ? 1685489;1500319007;mircea_popescu;the sofas, to be clear, are teh young women and teh young men who aspire to them. the former will graze, and in between their legs which run perl sofas constantly grow to be burned. 1685490;1500319022;mircea_popescu;now -- when old women do the burning, you get a lot of choking smoke and very little fire. 1685491;1500319025;mircea_popescu;a miserable mode. 1685492;1500319043;mircea_popescu;and contrary to old woman pretense, a mode actually preferred by no-one. 1685493;1500319067;asciilifeform;if i didn't know better, i'd think mircea_popescu were an escapee from egypt or usa. in su 'old woman' counted for 0. 1685494;1500319076;asciilifeform;could not possibly have worked on this model. 1685495;1500319090;mircea_popescu;whole fucking pantsuit ideology being an endless repeat of the ridiculous cycle of 1. saint pantsuit told us everyone loves raymond ; 2. apparently nobody can stand raymond ; 3. wut do ? which you know, "gotta educate teh public abou raymond" etc. 1685496;1500319098;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform this is VERY MUCH not so. 1685497;1500319100;asciilifeform;unless 'old woman' is term of art here, and does not refer to actual oldwoman 1685498;1500319113;mircea_popescu;look at how polite and shy phf is and you'll see the hands of old woman all over society. 1685499;1500319122;mircea_popescu;no, it is a term of art that DOES refer to actual old woman. 1685500;1500319131;asciilifeform;i thought that was just from smoking too much hookah 1685501;1500319138;mircea_popescu;perhaps it is. 1685502;1500319168;asciilifeform;'И, склонясь в дыму кальяна На цветной диван, У жемчужного фонтана Дремлет Тегеран' (tm)(r)(lermontov) 1685503;1500319181;mircea_popescu;but lets not talk of the absent, and instead fish it out of your own log lines. 1685504;1500319226;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-14#1643375 << who do you think is responsible for wall rug ? granpa or granma ? 1685505;1500319226;a111;Logged on 2017-04-14 00:41 asciilifeform: in classical su rug like this is 1) on floor 2) on wall (usually next to bed) 1685506;1500319262;asciilifeform;whoever scored it on the market one day, presumably 1685507;1500319278;mircea_popescu;but the ~thought~. the mental space where this notion fits, who made that vacuole ? who maintains it ? 1685508;1500319302;mircea_popescu;who, in the dispute between "we shall move, this place is too cold to live in, and to ugly to boot" provided the "solution" ? 1685509;1500319317;asciilifeform;move where, lol 1685510;1500319325;mircea_popescu;to the other world, obviously. 1685511;1500319330;asciilifeform;still living in this mental space of choices. 1685512;1500319332;mircea_popescu;who still has business to attend in this one ? 1685513;1500319355;mircea_popescu;who knows which perfectly fine way the bread is right and which perfectly fine way the bread is terrible ? who approves or disapperoves of the young girl's curtsy ? 1685514;1500319363;mircea_popescu;who even gives a shit, at all, about the things ? 1685515;1500319406;mircea_popescu;who knoes, or notices, whether the three year old should be naked outdoors or not ? who counts the gray of linens to make comments in church ? 1685516;1500319408;*;asciilifeform gets the drift 1685517;1500319430;mircea_popescu;no but i shall insist for the rest ofg the day, because not only do i have a whole silo of these things, but, importantly, it is THE PILE not the item that makes the point. 1685518;1500319431;asciilifeform;but mircea_popescu himself had observation where 'not the fault of the spring, for being springy, if the ratchet broke' 1685519;1500319443;mircea_popescu;i am not proposing fault ; but responsibility. 1685520;1500319451;mircea_popescu;old women make terrible parties, and that's all there is to it. 1685521;1500319466;asciilifeform;they make ok preflight checklist tho. 1685522;1500319476;mircea_popescu;if alloyed. 1685523;1500319508;mircea_popescu;otherwise, left to their own devices, they make preflight lists consisting of 1. do not fly and then an endless enumerations of items to avoid the reader ever finishing his evaluation of the list. 1685524;1500319533;asciilifeform;they keep these annoying yappydogs too 1685525;1500319544;mircea_popescu;the poor darlings would starve without. 1685526;1500319551;asciilifeform;lol 1685527;1500319637;mircea_popescu;whole generation of dorks and dupes whined in unison "COOOOOME .... AAAS YOU ARE!!!!!" and what, i'm supposed to not notice what that was all about ? 1685528;1500319655;mircea_popescu;"we have to prepare for having a child!" "you prepare, bitch, i'm already as erect as im gonna get." 1685529;1500319770;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2014-12-08#948416 << relatedly. 1685530;1500319770;a111;Logged on 2014-12-08 17:41 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: http://yarchive.net/med/social_osteoporosis.html << related hypothesis 1685531;1500319813;mircea_popescu;contemporary anthropology, as a day-to-day endeavour, suddenly ended one day in the 90s when they finally saw pulp fiction. the heard s l jackson go "if my answers scare you, stop asking scary questions" and there was a collective sigh from the entire fucking profession. 1685532;1500323780;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2017/the-perennial-harriette-wilson/ << Trilema - The perennial Harriette Wilson. 1685533;1500323906;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: 'heavens own her a debt' --> owe ?? 1685534;1500323913;mircea_popescu;aty 1685535;1500324005;asciilifeform;meanwhile #3 of http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-17#1685423 >> 179m53.647s ( loaded with naught but the benchmarkthing ) 1685536;1500324005;a111;Logged on 2017-07-17 17:39 asciilifeform: meanwhile #2 of http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-17#1685349 , with less extraneous load >>>> 202m2.191s . 1685537;1500324070;mircea_popescu;btw, someone make a txt of the list of all factorials up to say 65536 and publish it on yer blog. it dun seem to exist online. 1685538;1500324073;asciilifeform;and sooo it turns out that the current champ horse, from among the x86 runners, is... 1685539;1500324078;asciilifeform;~drumroll~ 1685540;1500324087;asciilifeform;a 'lenovo w540' lappy. 1685541;1500324107;mircea_popescu;lol! 1685542;1500324108;asciilifeform;( and not the much larger, costlier comps ) 1685543;1500324114;asciilifeform;race included, e.g., dulap. 1685544;1500324137;asciilifeform;turns out the initial suspicion was correct, memory bandwidth is the ~sole determinant. 1685545;1500324212;asciilifeform;now for somebody to run on non-x86. 1685546;1500324228;asciilifeform;( anybody got a, e.g., mips64, that ain't otherwise booked ?? ) 1685547;1500324655;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: you want decimal or hex factorials ? 1685548;1500324689;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/oV3pr/?raw=true << gives decimal 1685549;1500324693;mircea_popescu;either should be fine. hex less space, decimal easier for total noobs. 1685550;1500324722;mircea_popescu;a nice. 1685551;1500324723;asciilifeform;( not very efficient proggy, but uses minimum of code not-posted-before-nao ) 1685552;1500324730;asciilifeform;it's about half-done here. 1685553;1500324759;asciilifeform;i suppose we post times-tables next.... 1685554;1500324771;mircea_popescu;what can you do. 1685555;1500324777;mircea_popescu;"everything is online". 1685556;1500324806;mircea_popescu;"really ? factorial table ?" "no i meant, fanfic about simpson episodes" "ah ok then" 1685557;1500324837;asciilifeform;yeah i went to look for one the other day and headache 1685558;1500324862;mircea_popescu;very acultural world, this anglotardlandia. 1685559;1500324908;asciilifeform;this thing promises to be north of 500MB when done 1685560;1500324920;mircea_popescu;so like a sex tape 1685561;1500324923;asciilifeform;aha 1685562;1500324934;asciilifeform;old secam sextape 1685563;1500324983;asciilifeform;'пал рим, и пал секам...' (tm)(r)( asciilifeform's brother ) 1685564;1500325037;mircea_popescu;lol 1685565;1500325267;mircea_popescu;anyway, for the record, "oh, and what is the use of storing 500mb when i can calculate this in seconds" : because, dumbass, you might want as we wanted TO HAVE SOMETHING TO COMPARE YOUR CALCULATIONS TO. 1685566;1500325284;mircea_popescu;bs "what is the point of star maps, you can just look out the window". 1685567;1500325298;asciilifeform;addition table!111 1685568;1500325314;mircea_popescu;actually used to exist. 1685569;1500325339;asciilifeform;anybody recall when i proposed a 'cpu' made 98% by weight of old roms ? 1685570;1500325345;mircea_popescu;yes. 1685571;1500325348;asciilifeform;you can do almost anything via lookup table. 1685572;1500325360;mircea_popescu;yes. 1685573;1500325820;asciilifeform;( the endgame of this method, of course, is illustrated here -- http://btcbase.org/log/2016-01-21#1380077 ) 1685574;1500325820;a111;Logged on 2016-01-21 19:49 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: when i was a small boy, my elder brother taught me a lesson once: 1685575;1500325892;mircea_popescu;sure, culture is not intended to be either a prison or an answer (these haven't yet been unglued). nevertheless, the young man who does not understand why have cameras in the bedroom when mirrors suffice is the fundamental anticultural agent. 1685576;1500325934;mircea_popescu;"but you can't film everything" "of course not" "the noise is distracting" "Youi'll get used to it" "but why!" "you'll see." 1685577;1500325967;asciilifeform;i dungetit, people tripped over each other's heads in the hurry to buy cameras for bedroom, toilet, etc 1685578;1500325978;asciilifeform;who was it who said 'eh mirror suffices' ? 1685579;1500326005;asciilifeform;dunno if today you can buy even electric mop without a camera. 1685580;1500326006;mircea_popescu;ironically -- me :) but that's a different story. 1685581;1500326011;asciilifeform;lol! 1685582;1500326026;mircea_popescu;it is STILL the fundamental anticultural agency. 1685583;1500326199;mircea_popescu;consider though, how easily it flips on its head. mp recommends blogging, which was fashionable like cameraing was at some point, but no longer. and "you can't film everything stays the same", and "but the noise is distracting" morphs into "but i am afraid my well hidden shortcvomings which nobody can otherwise observe may be exposed" and who's teh anticultural nao. 1685584;1500326306;mircea_popescu;!!up user705 1685585;1500326306;deedbot;user705 voiced for 30 minutes. 1685586;1500326334;user705;cool pop in here for first time and MP is here 1685587;1500326354;mircea_popescu;im generally here. 1685588;1500326385;user705;what be the proper way to ask questions 1685589;1500326392;mircea_popescu;just ask 1685590;1500326450;user705;is your view on the segwit lite that seems to be bandied about as the solution same as segwit2x which is just outright wrong? 1685591;1500326481;mircea_popescu;you'll have to unwrap that into something that makes sense. say what ? 1685592;1500326551;user705;the hard fork that was proposed by idiots who claimed to be the economic majority but forgot to sign their BTC balances to actually prove that is obviously a non starter 1685593;1500326574;user705;but what is your view on just the segwit part? 1685594;1500326621;user705;is that still considered to be a block size increase and therefore will lead to a lot of pain for many? 1685595;1500326642;mircea_popescu;let's approach the easier end of this. the necessary precondition for any fork succieeding on the bitcoin network was set forth last year : http://trilema.com/2016/the-necessary-prerequisite-for-any-change-to-the-bitcoin-protocol/ 1685596;1500326650;mircea_popescu;no fork will succeed that does not satisfy that. 1685597;1500326705;user705;hmm I read a lot of trilemma must've missed that one 1685598;1500326706;user705;brb 1685599;1500326743;mircea_popescu;inexplicably, as the dorks made a lot of noise about it then and have studiously pretended to have forgotten all about it ever since, as if that's how this works now. 1685600;1500326983;*;asciilifeform reread the piece and ended up in the old luby thread, lol 1685601;1500327142;mircea_popescu;aha. 1685602;1500327161;mircea_popescu;not a half bad idea at that. 1685603;1500327268;BingoBoingo; very acultural world, this anglotardlandia. << AHA, not even AGRIcultural anymore 1685604;1500327320;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: aha, i have not since found a better pill, nor afaik has anyone else. 1685605;1500327331;asciilifeform;i suspect that it is The Right Thing. 1685606;1500327339;mircea_popescu;nor has the matter been seriously considered by actual thinkers. 1685607;1500327352;mircea_popescu;just the periodic herd wank on turner's captive cow sites. 1685608;1500327365;BingoBoingo;user705: Also, see recent new coverage on Qntra http://qntra.net/2017/07/drama-heats-up-as-fiatbitcoin-interfaces-prepare-for-next-round-of-fork-failures/ and most recently http://qntra.net/2017/07/usg-domain-squatters-hype-soon-to-fail-luke-jrxt-fork/ 1685609;1500327376;user705;I did 1685610;1500327389;user705;that's why I decided to finally go to the source 1685611;1500327398;*;mircea_popescu suspected as much 1685612;1500327418;BingoBoingo;Ah, then perhaps read older Qntra too? Not much has changed since 2015. Enemies of Bitcoin simply cycling through new names as old ones burn credibility 1685613;1500327449;BingoBoingo;Hence going all the way back to 2013 scammer Luke-jr 1685614;1500327456;BingoBoingo;That's how many names have been burned 1685615;1500327481;user705;the instinctual understanding is that hardfork is obviously bad but the way this new softfork was being sold I guess I got bamboozled a bit 1685616;1500327549;mircea_popescu;kinda why the entire fake media exists in the first place. 1685617;1500327561;mircea_popescu;sanity apparently doesn't hold up well to insistent stupidity. 1685618;1500327573;whaack;the idea that segwit is safer because it is a "soft fork" is nonsense. during a hard fork one can vote with their coins. soft forks are a sneak attack to add a new rule on the part of the miners. 1685619;1500327586;user705;stupidity has infinite hitpoints someone once said 1685620;1500327594;mircea_popescu;they did. 1685621;1500327655;mircea_popescu;anyway, the paradigmatic "soft fork" is "we will not mine transactions involving 1Terrorists address". permitting any other one is simply going towards this at whatever pace and from whatever distance. 1685622;1500327671;mircea_popescu;all soft forks are temporary ; and WILL be unwound. 1685623;1500328013;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2015-12-28#1355445 << see also thread. 1685624;1500328013;a111;Logged on 2015-12-28 18:09 mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=28-12-2015#1355361 << quite. all this verbiage about how "oh lalala, if miners stop enforcing X fork they will be excluded" fails to account for the fact that unlike the various PRBs, TRB does NOT actually implement any of the soft forks. so no, they won't be "excluded". nobody will notice they stopped. 1685625;1500328043;mircea_popescu;aha 1685626;1500328421;mircea_popescu;!!up user705 1685627;1500328422;deedbot;user705 voiced for 30 minutes. 1685628;1500328691;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i was thinking, at some point really gotta write up the luby-pow thing into a proper algo 1685629;1500328692;user705;how would one mine on the correct chain or would it not be possible because of pools? 1685630;1500328726;mircea_popescu;user705 you would mine then as you mine now. if you're pool mining, select a pool that isn't scamming you then , just as you would now. 1685631;1500328750;mircea_popescu;the notion that 1 august bears any relevancy is entirely borne out of spending too much time on social media. 1685632;1500328805;mircea_popescu;well, "social media". usg's astroturf for its own sheeple. much like you know, the notion that "embargo of russia" or "recapture of mosul -- two weeks starting in 2016", the sort of ideas with no further substance than "i really watch too much tv" 1685633;1500328908;user705;unfortunately true. have to work hard to change. mining now is an unprofitable venture. but with this fork would coinbase transactions be impacted? no right? but pools would pay out from that so how would it work when it all unwinds? 1685634;1500328934;mircea_popescu;i'm not sure what you're asking. if i send a bitcoin to someone, no third party can do anything to it. 1685635;1500328950;mircea_popescu;do you mean, coinbase as in mining rewards ? 1685636;1500328954;user705;yes 1685637;1500328962;mircea_popescu;a block will still pay what it pays now. 1685638;1500328979;mircea_popescu;at least afaik they've not yet built up the cheek to pretend to change that part. 1685639;1500328979;user705;to the pool then on to individual miners 1685640;1500328988;mircea_popescu;if you use a pool. 1685641;1500328997;user705;yes 1685642;1500329016;mircea_popescu;so, ample opportunity for the entrepreneurial -- start a pool that's not a scam, if all others are, or you perceive they might be. 1685643;1500329017;user705;so with bigger blocks vs smaller blocks the clusterfuck will be epic 1685644;1500329033;mircea_popescu;~nothing observable will happen. 1685645;1500329168;asciilifeform;nothing observable to ~people~ -- i.e. folx using trb -- yes. to redditus running gavincoin etc - thermonukokalypse 1685646;1500329201;mircea_popescu;i thought wediditreddit was ~weekly eveny anyway, in their own little cesspool. 1685647;1500329362;user705;how would the endgame unfold? this "soft" fork will just become a hard fork. right or how would it unwind? 1685648;1500329437;whaack;It's been "the critical moment for a fork" since I've known about btc 1685649;1500329460;mircea_popescu;far as i can tell, people who can't retain employment will whine about it for the next two weeks as if it were a thing, then the date will come, nothing whatsoewver will happebn, and they'll just move on to whining about some other pie in the sky 1685650;1500329470;mircea_popescu;in preference of saying "i was a fucktard and i shall not be a fucktard any longer". 1685651;1500329474;mircea_popescu;ie, path of least resistance. 1685652;1500329511;mircea_popescu;mahahahaybe a few of them will actually manage to find a job instead of dicking around online, but it seems unlikely. who wants to employ an idle ustard and what useful could they do ? 1685653;1500329665;mircea_popescu;but at any event -- i do not care what bitcoin client joe reddit "uses". he has no money in the first place ; and even if he had money he has nothing interesting to do with them. sloshing the payola back and forth from one usg pocket to another is scarcely worth wasting paper, let alone bitcoin ledger. 1685654;1500329690;mircea_popescu;jane reddit may care, or at the least pretend to care what bitcoin client joe reddit uses, in obvious exchange of joe reddit pretending to care about "that one time she was almost raped". 1685655;1500329703;mircea_popescu;but they, both joint and several, can't possibly influence the world. 1685656;1500329721;user705;Bitmain seemed pretty serious with it's footstomping though 1685657;1500329728;mircea_popescu;and not because it would be racist to try ; but because they are impotent. 1685658;1500329735;mircea_popescu;user705 so ? 1685659;1500329768;mircea_popescu;bitmain can either make bitcoin miners or not make bitcoin miners. this isn't evben a choice -- for as long as they can they'll make, and once they become irrelevant they won't make. whether they also whine with it or not... who cares. 1685660;1500329804;user705;true but they certainly can try to cut off the nose to spite the face so to speak 1685661;1500329818;mircea_popescu;so let them. if it works we needed a new bitcoin anyway. 1685662;1500329837;mircea_popescu;and if it doesn't work, it'll just be case #517 or whatever the count is at of self important ustard dorks. 1685663;1500329843;mircea_popescu;how's "the toomim brothers" doing these days ? 1685664;1500329853;mircea_popescu;still wheelin' an' dealin' teh blockchain seas ? 1685665;1500330304;shinohai;https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/zmvg58/hacker-allegedly-steals-dollar74-million-in-ethereum-with-incredibly-simple-trick <<< This is so hilarious I almost wrote it up .... 1685666;1500330336;mircea_popescu;next step on ethereum's fascinating journey being "the one weird trick hacker used to make 74 trillion" 1685667;1500330388;asciilifeform;also pgp never existed, apparently 1685668;1500330394;asciilifeform;nor is there such a thing as a signature 1685669;1500330417;asciilifeform;in fact we are in a everettiverse where nobody invented publickey 1685670;1500330423;mircea_popescu;outbrain eagerly awaits the brainchild of mit, or, to quote, "She does stink. And she should quit. But I don't want it to be because of me. It should be the traditional route. Years of rejection and failure until she's spit out the bottom of the porn industry." 1685671;1500330484;asciilifeform;best part : 'In the official Coindash Slack channel, the app's developers wrote that all investors, even if they sent funds to the phony address, will receive tokens. "All CoinDash investors will get their tokens," the developers wrote in Slack. "We are working to solve the situation."' 1685672;1500330486;asciilifeform;didjaknow. 1685673;1500330492;mircea_popescu;heh 1685674;1500330498;asciilifeform;dilutola just as good as original scam!! 1685675;1500330521;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform this is actually true in their case. 1685676;1500330536;mircea_popescu;!~calc 0*75 = 0*70 1685677;1500330537;jhvh1;mircea_popescu: I could not find an output from Google Calc for: 0*75 = 0*70 1685678;1500330564;mircea_popescu;well jhvh1 look into the official coindash slack channel then 1685679;1500330604;mircea_popescu;impotence is teh least racist of all! 1685680;1500330658;mircea_popescu;!!up Floog 1685681;1500330658;deedbot;Floog voiced for 30 minutes. 1685682;1500330673;mircea_popescu;floog who are you again ? 1685683;1500330710;floog;some dude who found your blog and found the conversation interesting enough to lurk 1685684;1500330717;mircea_popescu;i see. 1685685;1500330847;mircea_popescu;incidentally alf dilutola would make a great postapocalyptic fizz 1685686;1500330852;mircea_popescu;if you ever make fallout-alf... 1685687;1500330875;asciilifeform;lolyes 1685688;1500331059;BingoBoingo;lol, could be great pet-project 1685689;1500331451;mircea_popescu;!!up daffadil 1685690;1500331451;deedbot;daffadil voiced for 30 minutes. 1685691;1500331491;floog;im trying to understand the purpose of V.from the python code it seems like some sort of interpersonal network tool, but that's about as far as i've been able to get 1685692;1500331505;mircea_popescu;no, it's a versioning system 1685693;1500331560;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2015-08-31#1257062 etc 1685694;1500331560;a111;Logged on 2015-08-31 07:10 deedbot-: [Trilema] No Such lAbs releases V for Victory. - http://trilema.com/2015/no-such-labs-releases-v-for-victory/ 1685695;1500331586;BingoBoingo;To be fair, V is the premier tool for anti-social networking 1685696;1500331588;mircea_popescu;http://cascadianhacker.com/blog/2016/02/07_v-tronics-101-a-gentle-introduction-to-the-most-serene-republic-of-bitcoins-cryptographically-backed-version-control-system.html 1685697;1500331626;asciilifeform;floog: see also http://cascadianhacker.com/07_v-tronics-101-a-gentle-introduction-to-the-most-serene-republic-of-bitcoins-cryptographically-backed-version-control-system . 1685698;1500331638;mircea_popescu;ha-HA! 1685699;1500331673;asciilifeform;probably best, to date, n00b tutorial on subj 1685700;1500331682;daffadil;"Friendship" is just a transient software patch that we install on one another. 1685701;1500331720;mircea_popescu;how's the sv scene ? 1685702;1500331750;daffadil;Pretty chill right now ~ 1685703;1500331768;floog;ill take a look 1685704;1500331769;floog;thx 1685705;1500331817;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: good noose : list of factorials 0..65536 is here. 1685706;1500331823;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: bad noose : 9G 1685707;1500331825;asciilifeform;want it / 1685708;1500331826;asciilifeform;? 1685709;1500331827;mircea_popescu;o.O 1685710;1500331855;asciilifeform;( folx who followed the stirling thread, should not be surprised ) 1685711;1500331864;mircea_popescu;sure. 1685712;1500331875;asciilifeform;aite, i'ma gzip & upload. 1685713;1500331895;mircea_popescu;ty 1685714;1500331898;asciilifeform;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/xbK3i/?raw=true << proggy it was output of. 1685715;1500331905;asciilifeform;( any other method, is impractically slow ) 1685716;1500331969;asciilifeform;'we dunno WHY you asked for 9,000 defective transistors, but for your convenience we have packaged them here separately!' 1685717;1500331993;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i have a plan. 1685718;1500332000;asciilifeform;aite. 1685719;1500332016;mircea_popescu;actually, let's save on teh upload and tell you the plan : 1685720;1500332070;mircea_popescu;lettuce create a bitmap image 1024px wide, 32 bit color depth, so that each factorial is followed by a white line, and each pixel from left to right contains 3 bytes of data. 1685721;1500332084;mircea_popescu;that "abstract art" work we shall call the colors of factorial. 1685722;1500332094;asciilifeform;gonna snip the 0s or not ? 1685723;1500332108;mircea_popescu;leading 0s yes. 1685724;1500332115;mircea_popescu;late 0s no. 1685725;1500332126;asciilifeform;there ain't any leading 0s, wtf 1685726;1500332144;asciilifeform;( exercise for reader: prove that 'factorials.txt' will consist %% of late 0s. what is %% ? and is it independent of base ? ) 1685727;1500332173;floog;okay, that makes a lot more sense now 1685728;1500332193;asciilifeform;floog: what did you think v was ? and from where did you hear of it ? 1685729;1500332204;mircea_popescu;some github i'd guess. 1685730;1500332220;asciilifeform;that doesn't explain how he'd end up here. 1685731;1500332334;floog;i was reading http://satoshi.nakamotoinstitute.org/ which linked to a blog, which linked to trilema 1685732;1500332355;mircea_popescu;o was that rochard's thing ? 1685733;1500332404;floog;contravex/bitcoinpete 1685734;1500332441;mircea_popescu;cool. 1685735;1500332460;BingoBoingo;Rochard's thing that occasionally archives pete 1685736;1500332476;BingoBoingo;!!up floog 1685737;1500332477;deedbot;floog voiced for 30 minutes. 1685738;1500332499;floog;i thought it had more to do with tracking people in your wot, which ive just become barely familiar with. but i only briefly skimmed the V.py implementation 1685739;1500332558;floog;a brief skim clearly wasnt enough 1685740;1500332617;mircea_popescu;yes, the ample towers and bridges of the most serene republic's capitol may take a while to mentally unwrap. 1685741;1500332628;mircea_popescu;sina's actually working on something closer to your original idea, gossipd. 1685742;1500332829;floog;ive been looking for something to mentally unwrap, so it seems ive stumbled into the right place 1685743;1500332843;mircea_popescu;enjoy. 1685744;1500332875;mircea_popescu;oh and consider registering your key so you can voice. 1685745;1500332901;floog;how? 1685746;1500332921;mircea_popescu;see bots.contravex, re deedbot 1685747;1500332945;shinohai;http://deedbot.org/help.html 1685748;1500332960;mircea_popescu;also. 1685749;1500333050;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: http://nosuchlabs.com/pub/fct.txt.gz , sha512==5edb867b1a3c7eac1cc3c1e2eddb8c501958f018a98af0d99fa35501c6697269b78f18c7a3d7857efcef313ed6c2410876aca00de51209cf77063d5a6e49f594 1685750;1500333089;mircea_popescu;ty 1685751;1500333098;asciilifeform;np. 1685752;1500333215;asciilifeform;( ~4G gzipped ) 1685753;1500333224;mircea_popescu;looks lkike 4 hrs 1685754;1500333246;asciilifeform;took 5min to upload.. 1685755;1500333266;mircea_popescu;what's the format like ? will hafta write a converter 1685756;1500333300;asciilifeform;exactly 65536 ascii lines 1685757;1500333306;mircea_popescu;a perfect. 1685758;1500333311;asciilifeform;each containing a decimal num. 1685759;1500333319;asciilifeform;terminated by ln. 1685760;1500333320;asciilifeform;is all. 1685761;1500333328;mircea_popescu;very nice. 1685762;1500333340;floog;!!register http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/EcG9n/?raw=true 1685763;1500333340;deedbot;7B308B69A7CD283E3B7549DBE9B833266594AD15 is already registered as floog. 1685764;1500333345;mircea_popescu;ah ? 1685765;1500333352;mircea_popescu;!!gettrust deedbot floog 1685766;1500333352;deedbot;L1: 0, L2: 0 by 0 connections. 1685767;1500333358;floog;hm... did i do it already? 1685768;1500333365;mircea_popescu;apparently ? 1685769;1500333367;mircea_popescu;try !!up 1685770;1500333370;floog;!!up 1685771;1500333371;deedbot;You may not $up yourself. 1685772;1500333374;mircea_popescu;a sec 1685773;1500333389;mircea_popescu;!!rate floog 1 perhaps he's stumbled into the right place 1685774;1500333391;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/BDRoP/?raw=true 1685775;1500333416;mircea_popescu;!!v 189E07B50F03BF618F2E0437D6490449184B1DD31D1ACA9E6189A1CA399D3602 1685776;1500333417;deedbot;mircea_popescu rated floog 1 << perhaps he's stumbled into the right place 1685777;1500333433;mircea_popescu;floog try nao 1685778;1500333440;floog;!!up 1685779;1500333441;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/WuFpQ/?raw=true 1685780;1500333677;floog;!!v 4F41A7CF723A1E05E19D827D600AE03F470F599E475287F2C3BC01275DB26499 1685781;1500333677;deedbot;You are now voiced in #trilema 1685782;1500333768;floog;neat 1685783;1500334843;mircea_popescu;so there you go. 1685784;1500334946;floog;http://cascadianhacker.com/how-to-actually-learn-programming seems like a good next step for me 1685785;1500334970;mircea_popescu;it works if you work it. 1685786;1500335072;floog;? 1685787;1500335099;mircea_popescu;you know, if it seems a good next step then it likely is. 1685788;1500335169;floog;well, the intro seems all too relevant to my current situation as a "software engineer" at a hightraffic clickbait website 1685789;1500335183;mircea_popescu;you poor soul. 1685790;1500335279;floog;at least it pays for the whale of student debt from the private uni that my parents convinced me was a good investment 1685791;1500335289;mircea_popescu;you poor soul! 1685792;1500335371;asciilifeform;http://www.loper-os.org/?p=1821&cpage=1#comment-18258 << in other lulz 1685793;1500335413;floog;emphasis on 'poor' 1685794;1500335447;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform heh i guess you're the internets sageprobe authority. cuz everything is online and mit keeps churning out experts 1685795;1500335463;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: original vendor's site loooong gone. so -- apparently yes 1685796;1500335472;mircea_popescu;aha. 1685797;1500335500;mircea_popescu;in truth avbout half engineering careers of any brightness started with a 15yo in a junkshop going " i wonder if worth " 1685798;1500335726;asciilifeform;the demise of sage co. is imho an interesting thing. afaik amd very specifically killed it -- locked the debug port, as explained in http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-04#1552690 1685799;1500335726;a111;Logged on 2016-10-04 15:36 asciilifeform: ACHTUNG, PANZERS! pc engines 'apu2' (the board with the intel nics - vs. 'apu1', with realtek) , turns out, is crippled, hdt probe barfs with it, the cpu is reputed to have a drm fuse set. 1685800;1500335772;asciilifeform;about the same time as when amd stopped contributing to 'coreboot' 1685801;1500335796;asciilifeform;( i.e. when nsa was tightening the bolts , unifying the 'we control the vertical and horizontal' thing ) 1685802;1500335988;mod6;evenin' 1685803;1500335995;asciilifeform;heya mod6 1685804;1500336469;mod6;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-17#1685337 << second run on same environment was 'real 313m33.341s'; results of the diff between my 65536! and yours: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/xxuX9/?raw=true 1685805;1500336469;a111;Logged on 2017-07-17 12:23 mod6: asciilifeform: real 313m41.727s 1685806;1500336538;mod6;<+mircea_popescu> http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-17#1685355 << he has a point. plus it seems to never work for me. << noted 1685807;1500336538;a111;Logged on 2017-07-17 13:32 asciilifeform: live is too short to attempt to use eyeballs as diff. 1685808;1500336564;mircea_popescu;in other lulz, takes this box longer to sha, or to gzip, than it takes to download. 1685809;1500337009;mod6;<+asciilifeform> mircea_popescu: bad noose : 9G << heh, ok pr0n dvd 1685810;1500338362;mircea_popescu;and in other "a proper weight has its advantages", http://68.media.tumblr.com/7c1877d605646a19a6befb96c5cfbadc/tumblr_ogygp6HaoA1r2sy0fo1_540.gif 1685811;1500338508;mod6;<+asciilifeform> exactly 65536 ascii lines << sweet 1685812;1500338650;mod6;some proper anal right there 1685813;1500338668;mircea_popescu;i'm sorry ? pooper what you say ? 1685814;1500338688;mod6;haha. 1685815;1500338692;mircea_popescu;:p 1685816;1500338706;mod6;<+mircea_popescu> that "abstract art" work we shall call the colors of factorial. << this sounds interesting 1685817;1500339203;floog;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-17#1685784 why is the blue version better than the red version of 'applied crypto'? 1685818;1500339297;mod6;ben_vulpes lays it out there eh? 1685819;1500339319;mod6;there've been a bunch of threads on it in the logs. 1685820;1500339398;floog;well, it just says 'redacted the actual goodies' 1685821;1500339606;mod6;hehe, i just stumbled across this: http://btcbase.org/log/2013-10-12#349139 and http://btcbase.org/log/2013-10-12#349209 1685822;1500339652;mircea_popescu;phf is a111 sick ? 1685823;1500339878;mod6;damn these old logs. 1685824;1500339885;mod6;fun to read this stuff 1685825;1500341104;mircea_popescu;hehe 1685826;1500343359;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/A61681083D411A69B9D431A7AB342C455D3533E16F186CD6D87C1328471F3838 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1741...1867 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (geosinteh.com. UA 30) 1685827;1500343359;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/A61681083D411A69B9D431A7AB342C455D3533E16F186CD6D87C1328471F3838 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1542...3683 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (geosinteh.com. UA 30) 1685828;1500345367;mircea_popescu;and in other great suits, http://68.media.tumblr.com/9c99afcae815353714400dea7e4a744f/tumblr_od3e4rJaKf1u5gkkao1_1280.jpg 1685829;1500347257;BingoBoingo; at least it pays for the whale of student debt from the private uni that my parents convinced me was a good investment << Get fiat poor, stop paying, admit powerlessness. You are at rock bottom. Your bankruptcy now is not a financial one, but a moral and spiritual one. However THERE IS A SOLUTION! 1685830;1500347332;BingoBoingo; emphasis on 'poor' << Next come to believe that a HIGHER POWER (perhaps one your came here to unwrap) can restore you to sanity 1685831;1500347403;BingoBoingo;!!up badD00d 1685832;1500347403;deedbot;badD00d voiced for 30 minutes. 1685833;1500347416;BingoBoingo;badD00d: Who is your daddy and what does he do? 1685834;1500347448;badD00d;my daddy, for your fucking information is.... alive and well 1685835;1500347456;BingoBoingo; some proper anal right there << Also great example of the importance of selecting the woman for ergonomics. 1685836;1500347472;badD00d;question for the TRB node running gentlemen 1685837;1500347477;BingoBoingo;Well, that's somewhat informative. 1685838;1500347537;badD00d;will TRB nodes start rejecting blocks whenever BIP91 or other bologna segwit proposals gain the majority hashing power? 1685839;1500347581;BingoBoingo;TRB will continue accepting valid blocks 1685840;1500347594;asciilifeform;and rejection liquishit tomorrow just as it did yesterday. 1685841;1500347597;asciilifeform;*of 1685842;1500347620;asciilifeform;dun matter what kind. 1685843;1500347628;badD00d;right, and I respect that. I guess I am wondering when you think the majority of hashing power will start agreeing on non-legit shit blocks? 1685844;1500347661;badD00d;like at some point, the shitty masses are going to start consuming their fake shitty blocks. 1685845;1500347708;mircea_popescu;so ? 1685846;1500347722;mircea_popescu;they're consuming teh fiat dollars as it is, doesn't seem to have much impact on anything. 1685847;1500347744;badD00d;I am wondering if you have an estimation as to when this will be and as a second questions (if TRB nodes will be the ONLY non-shit accepting nodes, or if you think there are other groups of people running nodes that will side with your nodes and continue rejecting shit 1685848;1500347774;mircea_popescu;your question is ill posed. if tomorrow a large enough collection of idiots decides to call making hooky "bitcoin", this will be great and good and entirely uninteresting for bitcoin. 1685849;1500347809;mircea_popescu;if the us fed starts printing "one hundred bitcoin" bills instead of the current one hundred dollar bills, this'll also do ~nothing as far as nayone is concerned. 1685850;1500347831;mircea_popescu;the notion that bitcoin can somehow by stolen by name is so ridoinculous as to betray its ustardian origins. bitcoin is not a name. 1685851;1500347888;BingoBoingo;badD00d: TRB now WILL accept segwit blocks, but it will not parse the segwit'd portion as anything other than "anyone can spend" 1685852;1500348126;floog;BingoBoingo: I'm going to keep paying my bills, i'd rather not get rammed by the USG when it comes after its money. im cool with everything else though 1685853;1500348137;mircea_popescu;apparently the "it REALLY doesn't matter what you do" point is entirely incomprehensible to teh esl. 1685854;1500348166;mircea_popescu;floog the only reason you're not getting rammed is that you don't have anything worth stealing. 1685855;1500348168;BingoBoingo;floog: Nah, that's the thing. If you make yourself fiat poor THEY en-PRIVILEDGE YOU 1685856;1500348197;BingoBoingo;The solution is get poor, stack up some turkeys, and blow the joint 1685857;1500348252;badD00d;anyway, thanks for putting up with my questions 1685858;1500348283;floog;where do get turkeys? where do run after turkeys acquired? 1685859;1500348288;mircea_popescu;ikr ? 1685860;1500348328;mircea_popescu;meanwhile at dedicated slut camp, http://68.media.tumblr.com/78838a7a2be17a5c7d1032186851423c/tumblr_myflcjUUTE1qjhn09o1_400.gif 1685861;1500348389;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu or anybody ever so far bothered to count the total coin presently sitting in 'anyonecanspend' ? 1685862;1500348404;BingoBoingo;!http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=turkey+dollars 1685863;1500348425;asciilifeform;probably even nao a pretty good haul for the first serious miner to break cartel and unwind the 'soft' liquishit 1685864;1500348449;mircea_popescu;(echo "obase=16" ; cat fct.txt) | bc >> fact-hex.txt works as expected to convert btw. 1685865;1500348475;asciilifeform;oughta, neh 1685866;1500348484;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform sorta job each miner gotta do for himself neh ? 1685867;1500348498;mircea_popescu;eventually, i expect they will. 1685868;1500348522;asciilifeform;i can already almost smell the shat pants 1685869;1500348537;mircea_popescu;thing is, time builds only one way on that. 1685870;1500348543;mircea_popescu;the taller the tower of shit, the certainer the doom. 1685871;1500348554;asciilifeform;and the moar spectacular. 1685872;1500348557;mircea_popescu;indeed. 1685873;1500348603;asciilifeform;though i imagine the plan of the pantshits is to cement the 'soft' fork as hard, somehow 1685874;1500348606;asciilifeform;before day-x 1685875;1500348611;mircea_popescu;eh, plans. 1685876;1500348629;mircea_popescu;"we'll call it classic and pretend like it's totally different in our fakenews rags" 1685877;1500348634;mircea_popescu;that's a plan. 1685878;1500348702;asciilifeform;iirc prb already is written to reject blocks that attempt to 'illicitly' spend the perfectly legitimately anyonecanspendolade 1685879;1500348714;asciilifeform;so technically already forked, long ago, only latently. 1685880;1500348715;mircea_popescu;sooooo ? 1685881;1500348726;asciilifeform;petrol poured, only needs match. 1685882;1500348737;mircea_popescu;by this understanding of forking, everyone running a bitcoin node on a box that's lost internet connection "forked" 1685883;1500348769;asciilifeform;1 d00d with borked modem is 1 d00d , 9000 is a northkr 1685884;1500348775;asciilifeform;possibly model is the latter. 1685885;1500348785;BingoBoingo;KKKoreaCoin 1685886;1500348787;mircea_popescu;but anyway, it's quite evident and not a matter open to much dispute that a whole lot of not-really-into-bitcoin barnacles have been steadily accumulating, at least in their own esitmation, since 2012 or so. 1685887;1500348813;mircea_popescu;they get scraped off, new sets come on, it's the fate of ship on open seas. 1685888;1500348846;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-13#1683139 ie "the bitcoin banking cartel" very much apropos. 1685889;1500348902;mircea_popescu;ie, people will drop ~a specific form~ of a stupid idea just as soon as it's literally beaten from their cold, dead hands, AND NEVER BEFORE. 1685890;1500348905;mircea_popescu;"gotta try!" 1685891;1500352040;BingoBoingo;!!up punto 1685892;1500352041;deedbot;punto voiced for 30 minutes. 1685893;1500353502;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/668C9FD96F37AB8D564361C2DEEFE384CB10FBA941E794FAEF3166E9F2E159E7 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1481...9079 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (host51-129-static.141-217-b.business.telecomitalia.it. IT) 1685894;1500353503;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/668C9FD96F37AB8D564361C2DEEFE384CB10FBA941E794FAEF3166E9F2E159E7 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1566...1343 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (host51-129-static.141-217-b.business.telecomitalia.it. IT) 1685895;1500353503;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/DC88B93752A72CE2F1E7537866EAD30B23F92A47E335E010486C735210A33A41 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1470...3053 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (lucy.byrei.de. DE) 1685896;1500353504;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/DC88B93752A72CE2F1E7537866EAD30B23F92A47E335E010486C735210A33A41 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1594...4317 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (lucy.byrei.de. DE) 1685897;1500354233;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all 1685898;1500354243;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 2225.0, vol: 27624.25877228 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 2168.0, vol: 9172.94514 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 2187.2, vol: 40989.87519083 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 2234.845746, vol: 14348.85940000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 2183.258, vol: 13560.2812637 | Volume-weighted last average: 2201.37537846 1685899;1500354256;BingoBoingo;OMG RECRASHING 1685900;1500354271;mircea_popescu;o noes i bought at 1950 should i sell ??? 1685901;1500354337;BingoBoingo;I dunno must consult WAPO 1685902;1500354360;mircea_popescu;i only did it to get ethereum tokens 1685903;1500354364;BingoBoingo;WAPO Returns headline: "Swole Jeff Bezos Is Exactly the Meme the World Needed" 1685904;1500354375;mircea_popescu;are still available do ytou know ? 1685905;1500354421;mircea_popescu;could bezos swole russia ? 1685906;1500354458;BingoBoingo;Apparently according to his fake news outlet: "Most people know that online firearm sales create big loopholes that allow customers to bypass background checks—but who knew e-commerce pioneer Jeff Bezos was hawking guns like these?! The Amazon CEO and Washington Post owner showed up to an Idaho conference in a skintight T-shirt last week, displaying a set of arms most reasonable observers would classify as assault weapons." 1685907;1500354482;mircea_popescu;o we're down to "most people know" ? i thought usg shares were firmly at "everyone knows" ? 1685908;1500354512;BingoBoingo;Well, gotta probe vanity publishing ass further: "Bezos used to be a giant baby-faced, Kevin-Spacey-faced nerd who sold textbooks on a website and looked ecstatic merely to be alive. Now, he’s buying up bougie grocery stores and publishing a newspaper with a metal-ass tagline. He’s in the putting businesses out of business business, and he’s got the muscle and shaved head to prove it." 1685909;1500354549;BingoBoingo;Apparently pantsuits like to give the rimjob to the boss? 1685910;1500354567;mircea_popescu;did the guy's payola mcnuggets & happy meals not make it this month or wtf is their problem. 1685911;1500354610;BingoBoingo;Apparently they are sexually harassing the boss to get him fired? Or mebbe he used owning a newspaper to ghostwrite the thing. 1685912;1500354970;asciilifeform;lolwat, his own rag printed this?! 1685913;1500354992;mircea_popescu;see how independent it is ? 1685914;1500355002;BingoBoingo;Yes, and in 18 months Trump will go from equalling Bezos in Senator count to clearly passing Bezos 1685915;1500355009;BingoBoingo;So many Turkeys!!! 1685916;1500355080;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: You gotta read it for what it is, appeal to his re-adolescent ego. 1685917;1500355116;BingoBoingo;i.e. Bezos is on Trenbolone 1685918;1500355199;asciilifeform;wai would a richd00d take ballshrinkelixir 1685919;1500355220;mircea_popescu;wai would he wear a tshirt. 1685920;1500355240;BingoBoingo;Because Bezos sees pantsuit in disarray and wants to become a bull in move to capture pantsuit for self instead of being its bitch boy 1685921;1500355279;mircea_popescu;the "appear hamplanet harmless" ploy not even bad approach to that goal. 1685922;1500355282;BingoBoingo; wai would a richd00d take ballshrinkelixir << Apparently some users find shrank balls more comfortable, also HCG can be used to preven the shrink 1685923;1500355393;mircea_popescu;gives "going to the shrink" a whole new layer. 1685924;1500355802;BingoBoingo;Anyways wears shirt because horrifying cystic acne. t-shirt because cotton is absorbent 1685925;1500356119;*;BingoBoingo predicts trend of pantsuit boy CEO's getting into this sort of artificial masculinity and calling it "biohacking" 1685926;1500356143;mircea_popescu;i can see it. 1685927;1500356163;mircea_popescu;the other half of the faux dilemma. "transsexual or biohacker ?" 1685928;1500356177;mircea_popescu;"gotta pick one or the other!" 1685929;1500356193;BingoBoingo;It's a trilema: transexual, biohacker, or transmayo unsexual 1685930;1500356212;mircea_popescu;no that's the faux dilemma for females. 1685931;1500356232;mircea_popescu;"lich or greaseblob ? MUST PICK ONE!!1" 1685932;1500356236;BingoBoingo;Nah, it's the third gender 1685933;1500356246;mircea_popescu;they're all tired fucking genders. 1685934;1500356310;BingoBoingo;Nah, trenbolone isn't lich sort of thing. Definitely a "burn brighter, faster" sort of thing. Cattle feedlot stuff. 1685935;1500356341;BingoBoingo;Gotta get the steers to put on size without getting tough 1685936;1500356372;mircea_popescu;ic 1685937;1500356415;BingoBoingo;A marginally life shortening "Who wants to be 90 anyways" deal 1685938;1500356493;BingoBoingo;Essentially boosting the engine's compression without upgrading the plumbing, promotes cardiac and psychiatric deaths 1685939;1500356642;BingoBoingo;In the feedlot the doped of course are in supermarket before those outcomes can happen. 1685940;1500356674;mircea_popescu;i kinda like the idea tbh. 1685941;1500356701;mircea_popescu;gotta cut the total male-years somehow, and chem cockcage prolly even cheaper than the steel item. 1685942;1500356777;BingoBoingo;Of all the fake testosterones, Tren is the one that doesn't require supplementing with testosterone in order to allow boners, so popular. Does work as male birth control though. 1685943;1500356820;mircea_popescu;can i donate so usians take this stuff ? 1685944;1500356857;BingoBoingo;Not yet. 1685945;1500356882;mircea_popescu;gotta get some free tren clinics going. 1685946;1500356889;mircea_popescu;it seems to me like it'd be a human right. 1685947;1500356948;BingoBoingo;Well, there's manosphere community corners that promote the artificial testosteroning as the exact thing girly birth control is. Except with cool weight gain. 1685948;1500356973;trinque;seems pretty gay, according to my brief googling. wall of faggy before / after pics. 1685949;1500356984;BingoBoingo;Anyways, it doesn't actually do magic swole imparting without at least some exercise. 1685950;1500356985;mircea_popescu;obviously, that'd be the idea. 1685951;1500356990;trinque;in that, best and lulziest eugenics 1685952;1500356993;BingoBoingo;trinque: Bodybuilding is super gay 1685953;1500357043;BingoBoingo;brb, sleep 1685954;1500357087;trinque;BingoBoingo: better wash out your mind's eye first with !#s in other news 1685955;1500357133;mircea_popescu;lol! in other speaking of whiches, http://68.media.tumblr.com/4ffab76fa0593af3ad614a5c1d1abf82/tumblr_ogvolangKO1ubsampo1_1280.jpg 1685956;1500357168;trinque;ah ah that's cheating! 1685957;1500357225;mircea_popescu;you think ? she looks just like duly owned property. 1685958;1500357452;trinque;nah I meant the segue variation; we're gonna need one of those google AIs nao 1685959;1500357461;*;trinque to bed also 1685960;1500357477;mircea_popescu;"p 1685961;1500384536;asciilifeform;http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20170718/#143 << they're already 'eltsining' to death , with the good old bottle, no fancy dope needed necessarily 1685962;1500384536;scriba;Logged on 2017-07-18: [05:45:01] gotta cut the total male-years somehow, and chem cockcage prolly even cheaper than the steel item. 1685963;1500386061;shinohai;http://archive.is/kBvoX <<< "We'll just roll back the chain, s'all good" 1685964;1500388215;mod6;mornin' 1685965;1500388436;shinohai;heya mod6 1685966;1500388702;mod6;how goes today? 1685967;1500388957;shinohai;Not bad, another hot day already ... catching up on some reading, you? 1685968;1500389101;shinohai;!!up William_4042 1685969;1500389101;deedbot;William_4042 voiced for 30 minutes. 1685970;1500389224;mod6;shinohai: yeah, been hot up here. horrid lately actually. 1685971;1500397804;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in gypsy looks, http://68.media.tumblr.com/2f7734de724346e85ecace86ffba0708/tumblr_ob1fscaSfj1v8ing6o1_1280.jpg 1685972;1500398242;shinohai;Buenas tardes Sr. Popescu 1685973;1500398997;mircea_popescu;hola. tho it's morn here. 1685974;1500399570;shinohai;Ah rite, you guys are 2 hours behind me ... (Stupid DST) 1685975;1500399578;mircea_popescu;:p 1685976;1500399612;shinohai;It is I, shinohai ....IM FROM TEH FUTURE1111 1685977;1500399620;mircea_popescu;ahaha 1685978;1500399784;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/86CCDA0D8AEF376579A2C392E7C6DBB78E9EBDC78C7C454DFF90BF14183490AE << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1522...9987 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown GB) 1685979;1500399784;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/86CCDA0D8AEF376579A2C392E7C6DBB78E9EBDC78C7C454DFF90BF14183490AE << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1775...1423 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown GB) 1685980;1500400767;BingoBoingo;In other news, Trump's going to let Obamacare come to natural death and wait for new Senate after 2018 mid term. GOP primary season will now be VERY interesting. 1685981;1500400778;mircea_popescu;indeed 1685982;1500400843;mircea_popescu;correct play, too. he really has no interest in putting in the work to try and salvage the nonsense ; and the pantsuits will have a hell of a time arguing that "we put on the books laws that don't work because we expect they can be constantly patched as a matter of course -- and this is fine" 1685983;1500400864;mircea_popescu;next time -- write bugless code. 1685984;1500400870;BingoBoingo;Also there's more entertainers expressing interest in GOP contests. Pantsuit entertainers have horrid general election track record. GOP side though... Trumpreich. 1685985;1500400878;mircea_popescu;aha. 1685986;1500400898;mircea_popescu;hey, who knew conventionally-funny comics suck. 1685987;1500400928;BingoBoingo;And most GOP entertainers also value their brand enough to not sink it over giving mouth hugs to mommy state. 1685988;1500400942;mircea_popescu;that part remains to be seen. mebbe. 1685989;1500400987;BingoBoingo;Well, pantsuit has... Al Franken. GOP has Reagan, Sonny Bono, Etc. 1685990;1500401001;mircea_popescu;did he grab cher's pussy ? 1685991;1500401050;BingoBoingo;No idea, twat a different time. Hard to tell from that age's dense forests. 1685992;1500401079;mircea_popescu;lolz 1685993;1500401106;BingoBoingo;Pantsuit McCaskill is not seeking re-election in Missouri. Governor Greitens hasn't declared candidacy yet, but appears to be campaigning. 1685994;1500401123;mircea_popescu;was schwarzy republican or democrat in california ? i forget. 1685995;1500401133;BingoBoingo;Republican 1685996;1500401214;BingoBoingo;Well, GOP. No true Republicans get elected in the US. Not since Jefferson allegedly sired hundreds of farm implements himself. 1685997;1500401226;mircea_popescu;aha 1685998;1500401267;mircea_popescu;you know, back then it was the DEMOCRAT party running the poor-but-white blacks-are-farm-implements tickets. 1685999;1500401321;BingoBoingo;Switch happened in the 1950's through the 1970's. George Wallace was the last 1686000;1500401513;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-18#1685822 << i'm not sure what happened. i initially misdiagnosed the issue, and lost the state necessary to figure out alternatives. i'm pretty sure though that the configuration parameters got reset (how??) and the bot was happily sitting on a random test channel 1686001;1500401513;a111;Logged on 2017-07-18 01:00 mircea_popescu: phf is a111 sick ? 1686002;1500401533;mircea_popescu;weird 1686003;1500401553;BingoBoingo;phf: Have you tried "beefing" a111 up with some Tren? Apparently works for AWS 1686004;1500401555;asciilifeform;phf: is that a usual fallback ? 1686005;1500401559;asciilifeform;( test chan ) 1686006;1500401656;BingoBoingo; http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20170718/#143 << they're already 'eltsining' to death , with the good old bottle, no fancy dope needed necessarily << Not really, cars are too safe nowadays. With crumple zones it is hard to die as a drunk driver and the other alcoholic deaths take time. Also many of them ain't wired right to properly drink selves to death. Somehow their brains signal "drunk enough" and then they stop, I have no 1686007;1500401657;scriba;Logged on 2017-07-18: [05:45:01] gotta cut the total male-years somehow, and chem cockcage prolly even cheaper than the steel item. 1686008;1500401657;BingoBoingo;idea how these aliens work. 1686009;1500401701;mircea_popescu;^ word. i have seen kids drink these days. a) it's all beer and b) they think slightly buzzed = plastered. 1686010;1500401732;mircea_popescu;vast majority of female teenagers who go to school that i've encountered past years have never been drunk. 1686011;1500401755;phf;asciilifeform: so test chan is hard written in code, in a defvar, but there's a config (essentially a setq ...) that's supposed to override it. the config was missing (which i ~vaguely~ remember maybe accidentally doing myself). so in any case defvar should've stayed consistent no matter what. i'm not sure ~how~ it could get reset without a complete reload of an instance or an explicit setq 1686012;1500401790;mircea_popescu;phf really the only important knob after such event is to be able to set "likely bug" or "likely messed with". 1686013;1500401827;asciilifeform;phf: completereload (i.e. uininvited power cycle?) seems likely 1686014;1500401888;BingoBoingo; ^ word. i have seen kids drink these days. a) it's all beer and b) they think slightly buzzed = plastered. << Fuckers were also sober when arriving to bar 1686015;1500401908;phf;asciilifeform: nah, definitely not. there's too much state in "screen", that's been the same since forever. 1686016;1500401958;phf;it's weird enough that i'm going to spin up a new btcbase instance. this would be a really weird way to mess with it (why not nuke everything, etc.) and i'm sure i could've done something carelessly a while ago, and the things only now caught up, but i'd rather not experiment further. 1686017;1500401989;mircea_popescu;the "really weird way" argument is not very productive because enemy is both inept and fearful. 1686018;1500401995;mircea_popescu;that's when people do really weird things. 1686019;1500402024;asciilifeform;log bot seems like a pathetic choice of target, also 1686020;1500402037;mircea_popescu;depends if you're trying to learn or do. 1686021;1500402040;asciilifeform;( why not something that ain't duplicated in 4 places in real time ) 1686022;1500402055;asciilifeform;and/or something with even 1 secret 1686023;1500402077;mircea_popescu;the problem with secrets is that the people who know where they are also know what they are. 1686024;1500402135;asciilifeform;i'm at a loss re what one can get from inside a111 that ain't easier to get from the upstream isp. 1686025;1500402143;mircea_popescu;"phf didn't notice" 1686026;1500402206;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform understand this bit of GT : the knowledge of all the things you don't know thereby constructs a sybil of you. 1686027;1500402240;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: plox to expand, this is too deep a koan for my small brain 1686028;1500402268;mircea_popescu;ok, let's start small. what's the one thing the lover needs to know in order to safely visit the cheating wife ? 1686029;1500402281;asciilifeform;when d00d is not home ? 1686030;1500402284;mircea_popescu;right. 1686031;1500402305;mircea_popescu;"in order to masquerade the husband, youthful aspirant needs knowledge of what... husband doesn't know" 1686032;1500402319;mircea_popescu;what is the basis of adolescent pretense to autonomy, independence and adulthood generally ? 1686033;1500402325;mircea_popescu;a keen awareness of... what their parents... don't notice. 1686034;1500402346;mircea_popescu;the things you don't know, if structured, become an alt-you. 1686035;1500402355;mircea_popescu;whether anyone steps into that form or not, the form IS. 1686036;1500402389;mircea_popescu;that is why it is so trivially easay for me to engage/defeat random pantsuit-minded kiddo straggling in here. his darkness is obviously structured. 1686037;1500402406;mircea_popescu;that's one statement as to why we dun wanna be socialist. I DON'T WANT MY ABSENCE OF MIND STRUCTURED MOTHERFUCKERS. 1686038;1500402407;mircea_popescu;etc. 1686039;1500402515;trinque;asciilifeform: doubtful it'd just be a111; my fail2ban.log is rather long too. and fwiw authlog appears to have fewer IPs when fail2ban's off, moar, when on. 1686040;1500402548;mircea_popescu;trinque say that last bit again ?! 1686041;1500402553;asciilifeform;yea i dun get it 1686042;1500402643;*;trinque had fail2ban off for a while, and looked like there were mostly just two "chinese" IPs chewing on the box. when I re-enabled fail2ban, got moar IPs chewing, either by happenstance or one turd circumventing fail2ban. 1686043;1500402681;mircea_popescu;is the intimation here that fail2ban somehow communicates to the enemy ? 1686044;1500402705;trinque;just that whichever auto-ssh-chewer sybils it up when a particular IP gets banned 1686045;1500402712;mircea_popescu;aaa 1686046;1500402741;mircea_popescu;this is likely, actuaklly, chinese white man's computer liberation farm only forks on ban 1686047;1500402837;mircea_popescu;(this btw is quite possibly actual govt project ; seeing how drastically -ev it is) 1686048;1500403027;asciilifeform;trinque: i get these 'chinese' every day 1686049;1500403049;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform anyway, to continue upstream : education is an effort to resolve the unknowledge-sybil problem. you take in the girl and know full well what she doesn't know, whip her, fuck her, not necessarily in this order, until she gets to the place where you don't know what she doesn't know, at which point she's an adult slave. 1686050;1500403054;asciilifeform;contemplated setting up a honeypot for them to see what is the payload, but ars longa 1686051;1500403177;mircea_popescu;which strictly means that she carries an indelible if invisible brand now, ie, that you could pick her out of any number of identical body clones. 1686052;1500403199;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the knowledge problem is not so simple as pictured here. husband may be at work but built camera into the floor long before he met the whore. phf may know re box but not care ( asciilifeform for instance regards contents of hdd of rental servers as sacrificial , esp after theft of the original dulap , etc ) 1686053;1500403213;mircea_popescu;which is why it says "knowledge of what husband doesn't know". 1686054;1500403222;mircea_popescu;if he knows and you think he doesn't... guess what. now he'll sybil you. 1686055;1500403228;asciilifeform;unless 'husband' is stupid, this knowledge is in principle unavailable. 1686056;1500403236;mircea_popescu;because now HE knows what you don;t know. etc. 1686057;1500403239;asciilifeform;this yes. 1686058;1500403249;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform but this is the point of all art and all science -- to avoid being stupid. 1686059;1500403285;mircea_popescu;precisely because such knowledge is in principle unavailable, ie, if you got fucked it's always because you stumbled. 1686060;1500403289;mircea_popescu;know the joke ? 1686061;1500403297;asciilifeform;hm? 1686062;1500403331;mircea_popescu;rooster sees hen and runs towards her. hen reflexively starts running away. after a short space the hen thinks "if i stop he'll think me a slut, if i keep running he'll think me stupid... how about i stumble." 1686063;1500403339;asciilifeform;ah this yea 1686064;1500403344;mircea_popescu;yeah. 1686065;1500403356;mircea_popescu;if you got fucked... at some point you "stumbled". 1686066;1500403622;BingoBoingo;Welcome back ag3nt_zer0 1686067;1500403634;ag3nt_zer0;hey thanks BingoBoingo 1686068;1500403654;BingoBoingo;brb, sleep 1686069;1500403686;asciilifeform;trinque: fail2ban and similar, only help to unclutter logs 1686070;1500403715;asciilifeform;they give ~0 additional tightness unless your setup was catastrophically ill-conceived to begin with 1686071;1500403753;trinque;yep, no argument here. and agree re: rented boxes being rented toilets. 1686072;1500403772;mircea_popescu;turning off pw auth possibly unclutters them more 1686073;1500403779;asciilifeform;aha 1686074;1500403782;trinque;it's off. 1686075;1500403793;mircea_popescu;lol! 1686076;1500403994;trinque;anyhow the deedbot box has backups on archival dvd, deploy scripts to plop the thing onto another box, etc etc; I'm sure same goes for other infrastructure 1686077;1500404005;trinque;somebody's just making sure his boss's boss knows SERIOUS WORK is being done 1686078;1500404020;asciilifeform;i thought state of the art 'serious work' was... stealing boxes 1686079;1500404029;asciilifeform;'that'll show'em' 1686080;1500404037;trinque;probably in aggregate, on some spreadsheet; i.e. X boxes were "SCANNED FOR VULNERABILITIES" 1686081;1500404089;mircea_popescu;oya. 1686082;1500404100;ag3nt_zer0;might anyone help me with this question? I created a paper wallet using bitaddress.org transferred to little airgapped raspberry pi... not wanting to print on my wifi capable printer, I chose to write down the numbers. Now I am wanting to get my coins the hell off coinbase before the nonsense and am concerned that my private key is legit. so, I learned that I could go back on bitaddress.org, offline of course, and click "wallet de 1686083;1500404127;mircea_popescu;your line got cut. 1686084;1500404162;ag3nt_zer0;will display the correspnding pubkey... if it did this and everything matched can I take this as absolute that I am controlling and privkey will work when I want to send in 10 years? 1686085;1500404184;trinque;ohey you found your passphrase eh? 1686086;1500404186;mircea_popescu;ag3nt_zer0 the point of a private key is that only you know it. 1686087;1500404196;ag3nt_zer0;yes 1686088;1500404223;ag3nt_zer0;but am i just to assume that ANY key generated is legitimate and will work when time comes? 1686089;1500404227;mircea_popescu;so you know, run a proper node, make a new address there, send whatever coinbase/bitaddress/whatever held funds to it and be done. 1686090;1500404231;ag3nt_zer0;keypair sorry 1686091;1500404246;mircea_popescu;ag3nt_zer0 you are to assume that no "generated" key is legitimate or will work reliably at any point. 1686092;1500404252;ag3nt_zer0;yeah 1686093;1500404268;mircea_popescu;get your own node going, have it keep your coin. 1686094;1500404282;ag3nt_zer0;trinque it was just !!v instead of the old !v 1686095;1500404293;mircea_popescu;if this is too inconvenient/complicated/expensiuve whatever, sell your bitcoin, now, and put the fiat in a fiat bank. 1686096;1500404358;ag3nt_zer0;mircea_popescu... yes I need to do this... is it more expedient for a newb like me to attempt this on my old G5 or should I try it on another rasbpi? 1686097;1500404359;trinque;ag3nt_zer0: really ought to keep up with the logs instead of doing these drive-bys 1686098;1500404374;shinohai;Generating keypairs, etc on trb node has worked reliably for me 100% of time since inception 1686099;1500404384;trinque;"I want to plan for my future, as expediently as possible." ? 1686100;1500404401;ag3nt_zer0;trinque no just worried about getting them out at august first 1686101;1500404402;mircea_popescu;ag3nt_zer0 if it doesn't take a ssd, prolly not useful for bitcoin node. otherwise i vaguely recall ppl trying the raspberry pi and blockverification taking too long 1686102;1500404408;ag3nt_zer0;expedient no correct word 1686103;1500404416;shinohai;(Especially now there is importprivkey function) 1686104;1500404420;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: anything takes ssd, i have msdos boxes with ssd... 1686105;1500404439;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform jus sayin' for his benefit. 1686106;1500404657;ag3nt_zer0;ok thank you all kindly for the responses 1686107;1500405579;asciilifeform;ag3nt_zer0: don't be surprised, if waiting for aug1 or whatever 'wediditreddit event' to get your coin out of a gox, if they only offer to give it back in shitcoin ( or not at all ) 1686108;1500405583;asciilifeform;just say no to goxes. 1686109;1500405628;ag3nt_zer0;yes I am trying to get out by tomorrow asciilifeform 1686110;1500406003;ag3nt_zer0;all I can say is thank god I found this sanctuary of the guardians heh... otherwise who knows what I would be doing with my coins right now... 1686111;1500406027;asciilifeform;i actually never understood this, even before encountering mircea_popescu et al : 1686112;1500406040;asciilifeform;why is it that the early bitcoin folx had this 'burning hole in pocket' problem 1686113;1500406098;asciilifeform;from where comes the 'who knows what I would be doing with my coins right now' ? 1686114;1500406100;floog;i converted my btc to ltc until post-aug1 1686115;1500406109;asciilifeform;lol why?! 1686116;1500406120;shinohai;jenyus 1686117;1500406124;mircea_popescu;lol 1686118;1500406192;floog;thought it would be safe? apparently you all disagree 1686119;1500406199;trinque;asciilifeform: insufficent forebrain to override hindbrain's itch for instant gratification 1686120;1500406326;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform elstards are educated from birth to value things only by reference to the herd. it is not important for them to have a great fucktoy at home ; but it is very important for them to take home the girl all the other dorks imagine would be a great accomplishment to take home. 1686121;1500406343;mircea_popescu;which is why when i showed something awful the "here, you can pay people to do things to themselves" it BURNEDDDDDDD 1686122;1500406372;mircea_popescu;not simply because it empowers rapist-racist-pre-trump-trump-me, annoying as that may be ; but because it puts in question the integrity of their valuation mechanism. 1686123;1500406397;mircea_popescu;"maybe mp paid everyuone around me to tell me they'd be all impressed if i married the hairbrush???" 1686124;1500406408;mircea_popescu;to which the only correct answer is the obvious, "of course he did lol" 1686125;1500406465;mircea_popescu;so now -- why owning a ferrari is nothing, unles you can DO things with it, such as ride it around a clump of "your friends" ? 1686126;1500406530;mircea_popescu;it's a strange perversion of capitalism (whereby if it's not useful it's not worth jack) into displayism (whereby if it's not being seen it's not worth having). so you gotta... DO things with your bitcoin for your bitcoin to exist (not individually, but categorically -- a store of value "does not exist" in this addled worldview.) 1686127;1500406565;asciilifeform;i thought it was from old fiatola habit ('spend it nao or it evaporates anyway') 1686128;1500406595;mircea_popescu;i do not think so. these schmucks never had any money, they're the poor generation. their parents, yes, but these are the djb street urchins not the djbs. 1686129;1500406656;trinque;every idiot you pass on teh street glued to the glass rectangle is doing this. "omg, I exist, look there are notifications on the rectangle for 'me'" 1686130;1500406667;trinque;well not mircea_popescu, but asciilifeform passes them 1686131;1500406723;mircea_popescu;trinque hey, you have no idea. so sunday was large celebration, including parade with literal 1k horses. the people ON the horses ? 1686132;1500406736;mircea_popescu;yep, you guessed it, at least a quarter of the riders were taping away at any point. 1686133;1500406741;asciilifeform;lol!! 1686134;1500406745;asciilifeform;and not 1 fell off ? 1686135;1500406747;mircea_popescu;this with the horse underneath! which you know, needs your attention. 1686136;1500406754;mircea_popescu;very fucking disconcerted horses. 1686137;1500406773;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform notrly. horse is very loving, welcoming, girlfriend like animal. it's going to help you in whatever way it can / you need. 1686138;1500406775;mircea_popescu;but god damned... 1686139;1500406776;trinque;ah lol, too bad 1686140;1500406811;mircea_popescu;and in general you know, "i'm not interested in LOOKING at the horses, but where could i snap a selfie from ?" 1686141;1500406858;mircea_popescu;but the truly mindboggling thing, to me, was that they were all fine riders. somehow. i do not know how. feet correctly in the saddle, not one, all, the men, children, women, etc. proper grips on at least half the reins. and so on. 1686142;1500406860;mircea_popescu;and YET... 1686143;1500406900;mircea_popescu;see, cuz if they looked like "u of maryland goes on horseback", half the schmucks seated backwards or whatnot, then it'd make sense. but how did these people manage to acquire riding skills with the constant tapdistraction ? 1686144;1500406907;mircea_popescu;it must be from a time before, i've nothing else. 1686145;1500406922;ag3nt_zer0;asciilifeform... I just mean there is a lot of noise and this place seems to be the clear signal... and I say "seems" simply because I don't understand it as well as I would need to dispose of that qualifier 1686146;1500406941;trinque;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-15#1656354 << no sane authority, meaning erodes, can't create a self, masturbate in portable mirror? 1686147;1500406941;a111;Logged on 2017-05-15 15:38 mircea_popescu: there is no possiblity of meaning outside of a structure of authority, and the authority can not be predicated on the meaning. 1686148;1500406960;mircea_popescu;obviously. 1686149;1500406961;trinque;mircea_popescu: I did see a rather long line at the McD's in San Jose when there 1686150;1500406990;shinohai;ag3nt_zer0: One needs to keep the antenna locked to receive the clear signal! 1686151;1500406995;asciilifeform;i suspect that moar folx in usa know how to fly plane, than to ride horse 1686152;1500406997;ag3nt_zer0;asciilifeform: for instance, I may have traded my coins for doge or whateva 1686153;1500407002;mircea_popescu;o yeah, for some reason they think us stuff is great. my elite grocer, that stocks everything including fine french wines ? they think HORMEL is the best brand of cured meats. 1686154;1500407012;asciilifeform;lol original spam 1686155;1500407018;mircea_popescu;you know ? 1686156;1500407041;mircea_popescu;it's so disconcerting, pate de foie, hormel crap, greek olives, line-up. wtf. 1686157;1500407558;asciilifeform;is it because of escapees from usa among the buyers ? 1686158;1500407567;asciilifeform;sad to say, i bet the spam ~moves~ 1686159;1500407584;asciilifeform;( see also http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-23#1631922 ) 1686160;1500407584;a111;Logged on 2017-03-23 17:06 asciilifeform: not long ago i saw a photo of some american mega-rich d00d, forget who, and nobody cares, his refrigerator, was full of synthetic 'budveiser' beer 1686161;1500407757;asciilifeform;!!up user705 1686162;1500407757;deedbot;user705 voiced for 30 minutes. 1686163;1500407806;trinque;asciilifeform: no, lol, it was not american expats at the San Jose mcdonalds. 1686164;1500407831;asciilifeform;folx who grew up on 'vhs tape usa' then 1686165;1500407840;trinque;has to be. 1686166;1500407847;asciilifeform;though i'd imagine their population would be thinning by nao 1686167;1500407863;asciilifeform;( actually taking a trip to usa is a ~guaranteed cure ) 1686168;1500407956;trinque;possibly not. perhaps the monkeybrain prefers insane authority to none. 1686169;1500407992;mircea_popescu;and speaking of naught in particular, isn't it shocking there's no pornstar named "natasha kinksky" ? 1686170;1500407993;trinque;now there's a perverse state in which to be trapped; relying on the other's insanity to preserve the delusion of one's own sanity. 1686171;1500408015;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i believe it's beause they very literallty and genuinely think the us crap is good. 1686172;1500408015;floog;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-17#1685787 <<< blue book is going to take 3 weeks to ship. any tips of what to read up on/learn in the meantime? 1686173;1500408015;a111;Logged on 2017-07-17 23:44 mircea_popescu: you know, if it seems a good next step then it likely is. 1686174;1500408043;mircea_popescu;hormel prolly status symbol. i have record of "eating at mcdo every sunday" being top of list of old woman trying to sell convenience marriagfe to her poetic daughter. 1686175;1500408055;mircea_popescu;floog you saw the topic ? 1686176;1500408111;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform trip does not cure ; know plenty of girlies who studied "criminalisticologies" in us, came back laden with debt, trying to GET BACK. 1686177;1500408125;mircea_popescu;which is hysterical on its face. you... had to leave... because... it ... didn't suck ?! 1686178;1500408235;floog;mircea_popescu write V implementation?? 1686179;1500408442;mircea_popescu;for instance. 1686180;1500408482;mircea_popescu;or stand up a log bot, or whatever. run a trb node. run the ada implementation passed around recently of a big number calculator and produce 655356! to compare with the given values. 1686181;1500408493;mircea_popescu;the log is full of stuff to do. 1686182;1500408508;mircea_popescu;get a fg, run tests on it, report results, what have you. 1686183;1500408563;mircea_popescu;trinque that perverse state is called borderline personality disorder ; aka wrist sleeves. they generally end up playing enabler to all sorta nutty males. 1686184;1500408697;user705;is there a way to do a trb node not on Linux? 1686185;1500408740;mircea_popescu;can you compile c on the not linux ? 1686186;1500408789;lobbes;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-18#1686119 << This was exactly my case. I have same appreciation towards folx here as ag3nt_zer0. I bought first btc at $20 for purposes of silk road back in early 2014. Price quickly shot up. Found tardstalk 'securities'. I thought "Wow, pretty graphs and charts. Lemme try and catch the next boat11!" 1686187;1500408789;a111;Logged on 2017-07-18 19:29 trinque: asciilifeform: insufficent forebrain to override hindbrain's itch for instant gratification 1686188;1500408795;lobbes;Then I started reading the "trolls", then finally was lead here (I think it was pankkake that tipped me off). Then, it hit me like a "shit-ton of bricks (tm)": I'm retarded! The herd is retarded! I better stop, listen, learn from these evidently superior beings before I'm toast. 1686189;1500408816;shinohai;Sure, the foundation has trb.exe available on website 1686190;1500408826;mircea_popescu;it does ?! 1686191;1500408831;shinohai; /s 1686192;1500408975;shinohai;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DFCRY6xXUAAjbco.jpg "Invalidating idle private keys to force them to upgrade" 1686193;1500408980;shinohai;I've seen it all now 1686194;1500408997;mircea_popescu;ahahaha wut 1686195;1500409079;shinohai;How long befire the BTC phork crowd says "WE SHOULD TOTALLY DO THIS!!!!!" 1686196;1500409108;mircea_popescu;zooko lol. dude's been a cock puppet since what, day 1? 1686197;1500409112;user705;how would one define "idle" 1686198;1500409127;mircea_popescu;user705 "not on list usg.nsa gave zooko deniably" ? 1686199;1500409150;user705;oh mike hearn had that bright idea a while ago 1686200;1500409170;shinohai;Seems zooko also started a new scam coin ... Imma hafta come out of retirement for these lulz 1686201;1500409195;mircea_popescu;hey, ustards perceive "they got names", and gotta burn 'em to cash in. it's the way of progress! 1686202;1500409204;trinque;user705: weird how different people all seem to push in the same direction eh? 1686203;1500409210;trinque;must be wisdom of the crowd or something 1686204;1500409212;mircea_popescu;user705 inasmuch as it's not an idea, yeah. they all have the same ideas, being the same item. 1686205;1500409272;mircea_popescu;meanwhile at the official slack hangout, http://68.media.tumblr.com/6ddc1031c2446d6b41f3a22987808a4c/tumblr_ofd3wt0Rfy1u9uov7o1_400.gif 1686206;1500409289;user705;if ever there was a great price entry point is when people like them quit BTC 1686207;1500409311;mircea_popescu;define quit. 1686208;1500409330;mircea_popescu;stop talking about it ? won't happen. stop being meaningfully involved ? they never were. which of 0, infinity was your notion ? 1686209;1500409399;user705;in his case "quit" was he sold it all or so he said and who knows how much "all" really was 1686210;1500409414;mircea_popescu;he never had any. 1686211;1500409464;mircea_popescu;all the usg experts, from gavin down, were from the get-go paid in fiat to see what they can do to further fiat interest in the republic ; no more. 1686212;1500409530;mircea_popescu;that vesseness could run his scam foundation a little longer by pretending to take donations "for paying gavin's salary" was simply an expedient cover-up. gavin was getting a nsa salary anyway. to pretend like "btc donations" from suckers paid for it was cheap enough a cover-up. 1686213;1500409553;mircea_popescu;this is how teh usg does things, and always has. it takes a special sort of idiot to actually buy into their web of nonsense 1686214;1500409564;mircea_popescu;but thart's ok, as they actually breed the requisite sort of idiot themselves. 1686215;1500409585;shinohai;The same lie Bruce Fenton tried to sell when attempting to resurrect it 1686216;1500409618;mircea_popescu;and why not. if it works it works so they get a little more juice, and if it doesn't work... not like anyone's going to jail. 1686217;1500409642;mircea_popescu;by the time they';re going to jail everyone is anyway, so, they are correctly judging -- better hang for the sheep along with the calf, we're all dead men anyway. 1686218;1500410411;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-18#1686172 << blue book what ? 1686219;1500410411;a111;Logged on 2017-07-18 20:00 floog: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-17#1685787 <<< blue book is going to take 3 weeks to ship. any tips of what to read up on/learn in the meantime? 1686220;1500410461;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-18#1686176 << why would they want to go back?! eager to get back into debt peonage?? 1686221;1500410461;a111;Logged on 2017-07-18 20:01 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform trip does not cure ; know plenty of girlies who studied "criminalisticologies" in us, came back laden with debt, trying to GET BACK. 1686222;1500410486;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the place caters very well to the lazy vanity of the inept. 1686223;1500410506;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-18#1686184 << there were experiments with openbsd, but iirc it is not a currently supported os. so answer is linux unless you're willing to port. 1686224;1500410506;a111;Logged on 2017-07-18 20:11 user705: is there a way to do a trb node not on Linux? 1686225;1500410508;floog;asciilifeform schneier's applied cryptography 1st edition 1686226;1500410512;asciilifeform;waiwat 1686227;1500410514;mircea_popescu;they "have rights" which is to say, debt peonage is never going to be the south east asian brothel bed, or the debtor's prison, or marylebone workhouse. 1686228;1500410536;mircea_popescu;rather than put up with their manifest insufficiency and social inferiority at home, they find it preferable to go be "equal" to "everyone" in dumblandia. 1686229;1500410572;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform he's ordered the early cycle schneier book, what. 1686230;1500410577;asciilifeform;aah 1686231;1500410613;asciilifeform;there is some confusion re subj, and i fear that i created it : 1686232;1500410635;asciilifeform;1) schneier 'applied crypto' 1st ed : blue soft cover. 1686233;1500410646;asciilifeform;2) schneier 'applied crypto' 2nd ed , 1996 : red cover 1686234;1500410659;asciilifeform;2 is NOT censored edition, it is more or less same as 1. 1686235;1500410664;asciilifeform;but there also exists a 3 : 1686236;1500410689;asciilifeform;'cryptography engineering' . dark blue/blackish cover 1686237;1500410694;floog;is 1st edition censored? 1686238;1500410726;asciilifeform;(2010). and it is ENTIRELY different book, largely fluff, 0 mathematics, thin 1686239;1500410741;asciilifeform;1 and 2 are interchangeable for all purposes afaik 1686240;1500410744;asciilifeform;3 is rubbish 1686241;1500410793;asciilifeform;'applied crypto' is moar of an encyclopaedia than anything else 1686242;1500410842;asciilifeform;incidentally, the mega-b00k from which schneier et al plagiarize ~everything, is : 'handbook of applied crypgography', crc press 1686243;1500410862;asciilifeform;by vanstone et al 1686244;1500410906;asciilifeform;*cryptography 1686245;1500411043;floog;so, is vanstone > schneier? 1686246;1500411054;asciilifeform;imho. 1686247;1500411109;asciilifeform;heavier on the mathematics, lighter on the chitchat 1686248;1500411149;asciilifeform;( contains, for instance, pretty good review of finite field arithmetic methods ) 1686249;1500411247;floog;basically, i realized that i suck, and i want to suck less. so i plan to read schneier per ben_vulpes' blog post's recommendation. but maybe i should read vanstone instead? 1686250;1500411269;mircea_popescu;read both, what's the trouble. 1686251;1500411298;asciilifeform;they're encyclopaedias, read whichever sections pleases you 1686252;1500411329;asciilifeform;i started with ancient copy of schneier, later found the vanstone and realized that it is a superset 1686253;1500411364;floog;# of hours in the day 1686254;1500411412;asciilifeform;a very large fraction of ~both~ is devoted to rubbish (des, kerberos, dsa) which are of strictly archaeological/entomological interest 1686255;1500411751;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-18#1686227 << in usa it is 'soft' peonage -- all it does is, if somebody pays you in electro-usgolade, they take ~80%; if you inherit property , they take whole thing 1686256;1500411751;a111;Logged on 2017-07-18 20:41 mircea_popescu: they "have rights" which is to say, debt peonage is never going to be the south east asian brothel bed, or the debtor's prison, or marylebone workhouse. 1686257;1500411784;mircea_popescu;what's indigent to inherit. 1686258;1500411793;mircea_popescu;besides, she figures if she were to inherit shje'\d just run back home. 1686259;1500411793;asciilifeform;they have parents neh 1686260;1500411802;asciilifeform;well yes, back home where irs is waiting 1686261;1500411816;mircea_popescu;in costa rica ? lol. 1686262;1500411821;asciilifeform;mno, usa 1686263;1500411826;asciilifeform;i thought thread was re 'they want back to usa' 1686264;1500411845;mircea_popescu;under discussion was orc girl of no particular qualities aspiring to criminogogology degree from us. 1686265;1500411853;asciilifeform;aaaa 1686266;1500411856;asciilifeform;orc gurl aite 1686267;1500411866;asciilifeform;i thought subj were escapee from usa 1686268;1500411878;mircea_popescu;no. girl from here, goes there, gets "degree", HAS TO COME BACK 1686269;1500411890;mircea_popescu;somehow this is !== "degree sucks" in her head, wants to go back for another spin. 1686270;1500411916;asciilifeform;maybe another spin at 'mrs degree' ? 1686271;1500411916;mircea_popescu;this is how they get pregnant, normally, but the usg has managed to turn that innate female idiocy into actual demographic aggregator for it. 1686272;1500411925;mircea_popescu;she's basically raising cats. 1686273;1500411942;mircea_popescu;"costs nothing" and "love her". after a fashion, both of these. 1686274;1500411978;whaack;what's the point of learning crypto for plebians, the concepts are too hard to follow. there are so many traps in number theory, and the argument to believe that using a scheme like RSA is secure requires understanding so many lemmas. It's so easy to make a false proof, how can one not believe they're not being duped (intentionally or unintentionally) along the way to enlightenment. The one time pad is really the only thing I trust to t 1686275;1500411978;whaack;his day. 1686276;1500412002;mircea_popescu;the point of learning is learning, not immediate productivity. 1686277;1500412009;mircea_popescu;some people are curious ; some aren't. 1686278;1500412037;whaack;so it's just for the pleasure of learning? 1686279;1500412134;mircea_popescu;sure. 1686280;1500412171;asciilifeform;what's the point of learning aerodynamics for plebians, the concepts are too hard to follow, there are so many traps in flying, and the argument to believe that it is possible to safely travel in an airplane requires understanding so many lemmas. it is easy to get into a spin, how can one not believe they are not headed screaming into the ground along the way.... 1686281;1500412231;trinque;eating a bullet would put an end to all this fretful uncertainty! 1686282;1500412241;whaack;aha 1686283;1500412242;trinque;of course what if it doesn't fire 1686284;1500412249;asciilifeform;better make it a 30mm flak round to be sure 1686285;1500412254;shinohai;lolz trinque 1686286;1500412607;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-18#1686192 << that there's the endgame of all usgcoinisms, neh. 1686287;1500412607;a111;Logged on 2017-07-18 20:16 shinohai: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DFCRY6xXUAAjbco.jpg "Invalidating idle private keys to force them to upgrade" 1686288;1500412612;asciilifeform;is whole point. 1686289;1500414516;mircea_popescu;well, whole point would be if the ugly fat kid would get the whole world to love him. but, fail that, picking and choosing which other's private keys can do what when will have to do as a substitute. 1686290;1500415067;mircea_popescu;anyway, to revisit whaack 's earlier lament : never trust the man who says "don't worry your pretty head, sweet" unless you're quite meaning to be whored out ; because meaning or not, it's gonna happen. 1686291;1500417455;whaack;i'm not advocating one doesn't make an effort to learn, I'm just pointing out that the material covered does not "fit in head" (as alf puts it) very easily and thus the main thing gotten from that book, for me at least, is the deep complexity involved with some of these schemes 1686292;1500417501;trinque;loving mother nature says get a bigger head, or die 1686293;1500417514;mircea_popescu;what fits in head depends also on the structuring of the head. 1686294;1500417539;mircea_popescu;which you know, occurs through contact with complexity and labour upon it. 1686295;1500417680;mircea_popescu;for instance : alf gets so livid when certain classes of events occur because they contradict assumptions he's made upon which he built the particular head-fitter he uses. they'd better hold, or else the whole thing is in danger. specifically : a lot less could be fit in head. 1686296;1500417688;mircea_popescu;the discussion as to height of towers and men in prison is apropos. 1686297;1500418691;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all 1686298;1500418706;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 2281.99, vol: 26868.80278162 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 2208.284, vol: 9938.34654 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 2280.9, vol: 45477.77645019 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 2342.845446, vol: 17924.89030000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 2275.0, vol: 14988.9936529 | Volume-weighted last average: 2283.76057022 1686299;1500418725;asciilifeform;whaack is quite likely thinking of the bulk of the b00k, which consists of blockcipher liquishit which is complicated for no reason at all other than the religion where 'it is confusing to ME, author, and therefore Must Be Hard To Break' 1686300;1500418789;asciilifeform;it does not fit in any head because it is rubbish, specifically constructed to be difficult to analyze, but not by virtue of this any more secure in any sense you might care about 1686301;1500418803;asciilifeform;( specifically it is secure ~against your analysis~, but not the nsa designer's ) 1686302;1500418855;whaack;aha yes the blockcipher schemes always seem to be security-by-obfuscation 1686303;1500418877;mircea_popescu;they're really just tradition-wank 1686304;1500418889;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-18#1686295 << mircea_popescu would enjoy surprises no moar than asciilifeform does if he did not have a thick layer of otherpeople to insulate own skin from them 1686305;1500418889;a111;Logged on 2017-07-18 22:41 mircea_popescu: for instance : alf gets so livid when certain classes of events occur because they contradict assumptions he's made upon which he built the particular head-fitter he uses. they'd better hold, or else the whole thing is in danger. specifically : a lot less could be fit in head. 1686306;1500418890;mircea_popescu;"oh, enigma machine sucked, surely if we used computer to emulate one WILL BE SO MUCH BETTER" 1686307;1500418901;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i was not proposing that as a flaw. 1686308;1500418912;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: aha, ALL, without exception, blockcipher and streamcipher, published to date, are ~enigma 1686309;1500418959;mircea_popescu;arguably not as well made, either. the original had a lot of "boxes" and shit. 1686310;1500418972;asciilifeform;actually quite same. 1686311;1500418991;asciilifeform;( today's, e.g. aes, have moar boxes still. but same principle, of rearrangement. ) 1686312;1500419328;mircea_popescu;and in other lulz, best handle for masochistic subbie on bdsm site ? 1686313;1500419334;mircea_popescu;tvoyasovest. 1686314;1500422184;ben_vulpes;in other toxic masculinity news, one of the guys i share the office with brought a set of olympic weights in 1686315;1500422206;mircea_popescu;is this bad for fiatcoin ? 1686316;1500422228;ben_vulpes;swole wot is bad for fiatcoin, yes 1686317;1500422240;mircea_popescu;a ok then 1686318;1500422552;mircea_popescu;funny that antiseptic masculinity should be deemed toxic by the very bugs it is there to exterminate. 1686319;1500422562;mircea_popescu;i could have not predicted this entirely surprising turn of events. 1686320;1500422631;mircea_popescu;should have listend when toupac told us all to get credit cards. 1686321;1500423602;sina;hullo 1686322;1500423619;shinohai;how's sins? 1686323;1500423622;sina;asciilifeform: if you are about I have a question for the resident expert on constanttime stuff 1686324;1500423635;sina;hi shinohai! nb, and you? 1686325;1500423673;shinohai;Same 1686326;1500423726;sina;asciilifeform: basically I am wondering about the "threat model" of constanttime sidechannel stuffs. for example, let's say I want to write you an email with RSA encrypted body, or receive same from you, is there really a sidechannel there? I guess I'm asking in terms of async vs sync encrypted comms 1686327;1500423773;mircea_popescu;sina you mean, is there a side channel for constant time ops ? or for rsa as commonly implemented atm ? 1686328;1500423792;sina;as commonly implemented 1686329;1500423826;sina;I mean, I get that there are timing attacks you could perform if there was a synchronous stream of traffic happening 1686330;1500423859;mircea_popescu;as commonly implem,ented, yes. 1686331;1500423859;sina;but if I write an email on my box, encrypt it with RSA, then send it...what timing info can be derived? 1686332;1500423875;sina;can you give me an example situation mircea_popescu? 1686333;1500423881;mircea_popescu;actual key recovery via acousting channel has been demonstrated recently ; power lines both in draw and as antenna have long been known to leak key bits. 1686334;1500423883;mircea_popescu;etcetera. 1686335;1500423925;mircea_popescu;sina example situation, you decrypt your message in a room with an ipad, lose the key. 1686336;1500424028;sina;I lose the key because an adversary is nearby watching all my EMR? 1686337;1500424047;mircea_popescu;because the processor clicks slightly as it works ; and if you fork on secret bits you are thereby giving the secret bits away. 1686338;1500424072;sina;giving them away to whom? certainly not to a passive network adversary...right? 1686339;1500424089;mircea_popescu;to anyone who happens to listen. 1686340;1500424106;sina;"to listen" ...to...EMR...right? 1686341;1500424118;mircea_popescu;it is perfectly conceivable that by following eg your delay in response to pings on a network-routable box while a decryption is in progress, at least part of the key material can be derived. 1686342;1500424140;asciilifeform;sina: your question is in fact a repeat of old thread , which you participated in, http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-27#1674790 1686343;1500424140;a111;Logged on 2017-06-27 01:45 asciilifeform: EVERYONE eventually asks this 1686344;1500424152;mircea_popescu;sina doesn't have to be "emr". it can be the resonant behaviour of your power lines or the acoustic polution in the room or ping delays or anything else. 1686345;1500424162;mircea_popescu;cache hits to reference the recent rowhammer lulz, you name it. 1686346;1500424180;asciilifeform;the 'write an email on my box, encrypt it with RSA, then send it...what timing info can be derived' contention is merely a special case of http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-27#1674800 1686347;1500424180;a111;Logged on 2017-06-27 01:47 sina: any actual practical example of making it spill out of the time box? lets say two independent processes, one is preparing the payloads and putting them in an "outbox" 1686348;1500424199;asciilifeform;sina: do you know the story of the synchronized machine gun ? 1686349;1500424199;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform apparently it didn't take. 1686350;1500424213;sina;asciilifeform: if you would consider this question as a continuation of that thread rather than repeat, I'd appreciate 1686351;1500424231;asciilifeform;in ww1, at first flyers had to be content with dropping caltrops, frags, firing revolvers, from the cockpit 1686352;1500424234;sina;however I would note that at the end of that thread it was still unclear to me how the final model I proposed was unsafe in any case 1686353;1500424248;asciilifeform;but this was quickly found to be a sad joke, folx wanted to mount machine gun 1686354;1500424254;asciilifeform;problem is, how do you aim. 1686355;1500424271;asciilifeform;can have a second man, but in the cardboard planes this was an expensive mass proposition. 1686356;1500424274;sina;right, I know the thing of synchronizing bullets with the propellor spins 1686357;1500424279;asciilifeform;so the coaxial -- with propeller -- was chosen 1686358;1500424291;asciilifeform;anyway, the 'modern' scheme, with the synchronized bolt, is a german invention 1686359;1500424304;asciilifeform;the french at first took the idiot path of... armouring propellers. 1686360;1500424324;asciilifeform;the 'release modular exponentiation result after time T' is an armoured propeller. 1686361;1500424341;asciilifeform;is it obvious how, or is it necessary to explain ? 1686362;1500424361;sina;I guess I should rephrase my question 1686363;1500424387;sina;what I'm trying to understand, is which adversaries can mount a timing attack, and which cannot, given async comms 1686364;1500424391;trinque;.. just gotta get the thing to leak your sleep timing too 1686365;1500424435;asciilifeform;sina: there is a ru proverb, pertinent, also : 'you cannot conceal an awl inside a sack' 1686366;1500424439;asciilifeform;your modularexp is an awl 1686367;1500424447;asciilifeform;the hypothetical 'time envelope' -- sack 1686368;1500424458;asciilifeform;it is enough for the awl to pierce the sack exactly once, anywhere. 1686369;1500424459;sina;what's awl 1686370;1500424496;asciilifeform;sina: sharp tool for sewing in leather 1686371;1500424551;sina;asciilifeform: so what software do you currently use for RSA encryption 1686372;1500424594;sina;my understandinf of your POV is that there is currently no adequate constanttime impl 1686373;1500424595;asciilifeform;sina: currently there is exactly 1 rsatron that anybody worth mentioning uses, gpg. which is a sad joke in 9,001 ways, and slated for replacement 1686374;1500424636;asciilifeform;the 1 constanttime implementation -- is mine 1686375;1500424641;asciilifeform;but it is right now in prototype phase 1686376;1500424644;sina;right. so you use it, despite it being as "awlish" as anything? 1686377;1500424653;trinque;there is even a historic copy of grandfather's pistol in deedbot 1686378;1500424683;sina;which is fine, and I guess my point, because you must understand there is some adversary which can read your keys and some which cannot and you as of current, accept the risk 1686379;1500424688;trinque;sina: what are you driving at? 1686380;1500424697;trinque;rubber stamp of your own use of gpg? 1686381;1500424700;sina;no 1686382;1500424712;sina;just, hopefully a list of adversary capability mapping to outcomes 1686383;1500424727;sina;for the purpose of proper understanding 1686384;1500424759;sina;e.g. asciilifeform uses gpg, even though he knows some adversary might read his key via timing attack, because the list of adversary which can do so, he has discounted 1686385;1500424764;sina;for now anyway 1686386;1500424766;asciilifeform;sina: our 18th ancestors' perspectives on hygiene are not advice to the modern thinking man. 1686387;1500424769;asciilifeform;ditto gpg. 1686388;1500424789;sina;again, it's understood 1686389;1500424810;sina;asciilifeform: "you cannot conceal an awl inside a sack" understood and accepted 1686390;1500424815;trinque;that you are on a field being mortared does not mean you've discounted the enemy 1686391;1500424821;trinque;just that you're there, so might get hit. 1686392;1500424822;sina;given that. what are the practicalities, today, on the ground 1686393;1500424826;trinque;might think of moving, while you're still alive 1686394;1500424852;asciilifeform;sina: the practicalities are - that every time you unholster your gpg key, you broadcast a few bits of it. 1686395;1500424863;asciilifeform;whether anybody happens to be listening is separate consideration. 1686396;1500424943;asciilifeform;the other practicality is that certain hypothetical uses of rsa -- such as specifically gossipd -- magnify this leak to the point where you are broadcasting the key at a few kHz 1686397;1500424945;sina;trinque: to extend your analogy. you are on a field, in a crater. you are ~impervious to horizontal machine gun attack thanks to the crater, but vulnerable to mortar attack 1686398;1500424956;trinque;there's this reaction to the NSA mindrape that ought to be pointed at directly. and more broadly the socialist mindrape. 1686399;1500424961;trinque;"yes things are that bad. have a great day!" 1686400;1500425032;sina;trinque: my question being, given a sina sitting in the crater, what is the list of things ~impervious to, what is the list of things not 1686401;1500425052;trinque;sina: you do not and likely will not know the manifold ways modern computing has been perforated for imperial tyranny 1686402;1500425112;sina;none of us do, and yet, tmsr uses "18th century hygeine" anyway. I am assuming because of considered evaluation of possible threats and their outcome 1686403;1500425139;sina;at least until 21st century hygeine comes along 1686404;1500425141;sina;no? 1686405;1500425159;asciilifeform;sina: what argument are you trying to make ? 1686406;1500425163;sina;no argument sir 1686407;1500425176;sina;only seeking of complete understanding 1686408;1500425197;sina;given observation of behaviours 1686409;1500425228;sina;feel free to say "it's a dumb question, go away" 1686410;1500425270;sina;I ask here, because I feel here can give a useful answer 1686411;1500425287;trinque;not a dumb question, just already answered http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-19#1686394 1686412;1500425287;a111;Logged on 2017-07-19 00:40 asciilifeform: sina: the practicalities are - that every time you unholster your gpg key, you broadcast a few bits of it. 1686413;1500425354;sina;trinque: given the quoted statement, what are the implications? for example, does it imply that a passive network adversary will not be in a position to mount a timing attack? or does it so? 1686414;1500425399;sina;can I safely state, if I want to email trinque RSA encrypted cake recipe, that asciilifeform can never read it? 1686415;1500425462;asciilifeform;if it's 500 recipes / sec for an hour, i'll read it 1686416;1500425472;asciilifeform;otherwise may or may not, but YOU DON'T KNOW which 1686417;1500425490;sina;or to ask alternatively, broadcast to whom? 1686418;1500425503;asciilifeform;there isn't a 'to whom', that's what word 'broadcast' ~means~ 1686419;1500425508;sina;anyone who can ping my box? anyone in the world? 1686420;1500425510;asciilifeform;it's a 'to whom it may concern..' 1686421;1500425528;asciilifeform;to your neighbour, watching the room lights; to passer-by with antenna; to your isp; varies 1686422;1500425549;asciilifeform;to the other electronics, of various provenance, in your house. in your neighbour's house. to martians. etc 1686423;1500425556;trinque;to the antenna in your CPU! lets go full tinfoil. 1686424;1500425567;asciilifeform;to whoever sits on your pole transformer. 1686425;1500425578;asciilifeform;this list is arbitrarily long and NECESSARILY incomplete 1686426;1500425590;asciilifeform;and ill-conceived -- 'enumeration of badness' 1686427;1500425606;asciilifeform;but refusing to actually plug the leak at the source, dooms you to it 1686428;1500425614;trinque;!#s enumeration of badness 1686429;1500425615;a111;2 results for "enumeration of badness", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=enumeration%20of%20badness 1686430;1500425683;sina;and yet, here we all are, encrypting, decrypting, signing ascii with some RSA stuff all the time, in spite of that 1686431;1500425726;asciilifeform;sina: i'll ask just this one more time : what is your argument ? 1686432;1500425726;trinque;sina: be brave and actually state what made you say that. 1686433;1500425858;sina;it's not an argument, only the next thought that pops into my head as a consequence of the discussion. all here seem on the same page re constanttime stuff, yet all here are using the tool in spite of that, so there must be some thought process which allows someone as reasonably paranoid as asciilifeform to do so, i.e. "I am not concerned with timing attacks of class X, Y, Z from adversary A, B,C when I 1686434;1500425864;sina;want to send my encrypted cake recipe to trinque" 1686435;1500425871;trinque;if standing on hot coals, I bet you'd run even though you'd only step on more coals, at least for a while. 1686436;1500425893;trinque;and meanwhile only sensible strategy would be to move quickly / step as few times as possible til off 1686437;1500425896;sina;otherwise asciilifeform would surely say "what is the point of encrypting, I am broadcasting my key to all, every time" 1686438;1500425926;sina;does my line of thought really make so little sense? 1686439;1500425943;sina;again to reiterate I seek only understanding, not to make a point or argument 1686440;1500425981;asciilifeform;== 'what is the point of obeying traffic signals, i have a good chance of death in traffic anyway' 1686441;1500426008;trinque;sina: never been in a situation where you both had to act and there were no good options? 1686442;1500426012;trinque;(people gotta live more) 1686443;1500426058;sina;trinque: of course! and I ask, is there no value in understanding the consequences of a given act? 1686444;1500426095;sina;it seems the answer so far given is only "the consequence is always the worst, given this particular act" 1686445;1500426125;sina;but that is not congruent with actions taken, otherwise all here would treat their keys as compromised? 1686446;1500426185;sina;whereas I am asking, what is the gradient of consequence, given differing scenarios and adversaries 1686447;1500426194;trinque;how would you measure whether they are or not, other than acting in the world and seeing if you fail? 1686448;1500426213;trinque;and meanwhile refining methods seems sensible 1686449;1500426286;sina;trinque: does the general commit his troops to an action and see if he fails? or try and understand the enemy movement and tactics, to say "ok, crossing the bridge with enemy awaiting on farside, bad idea" without needing to act on it 1686450;1500426337;sina;and so it is, "do not encrypt 500 cake recipes a second" 1686451;1500426360;trinque;absent asciilifeform's expertise which gave ^ as output, one'd just turn that into a totem 1686452;1500426360;asciilifeform;sina: you DON'T KNOW that it's 500 1686453;1500426369;asciilifeform;could be 499. could be 4. 1686454;1500426370;trinque;and it wasn't a specific example 1686455;1500426402;asciilifeform;whereas if you simply DON'T MOTHERFUCKING LEAK, it doesn't matter if 500, 5,000,000, whatever. 1686456;1500426411;trinque;sorta like these guys that come through asking what to do with their raspberry pi wallet or w/e, life savings in dogecoin 1686457;1500426416;asciilifeform;i had nfi that this is a difficult concept. 1686458;1500426444;sina;alright. please let me attempt to summarise the discussion thus far, and correct any misconceptions 1686459;1500426501;sina;"today, until a constanttime solution is in place, gpg is the tool of choice for RSA encryption. any time you use it, you can't know whether you have completely compromised your private key. and we use it anyway." 1686460;1500426534;mircea_popescu;sina> just, hopefully a list of adversary capability mapping to outcomes << anyone who can listen in (ie, intercept acoustic band) within a mile or so of your machine, can derive your key that way. anyone who can measure your power draw (say, up to the pole) can derive your key that way. anyone who can route to your box, and measure delays, can idem. 1686461;1500426592;mircea_popescu;for as long as you're running the "awl" there are no solutions for this -- just mitigations. do not permit micrphones ; do not permit antennas ; use inductor&battery arrangements ; shoot anyone seen approaching the solitary hilltop fortress and so on and so forth ad infinitum. 1686462;1500426609;mircea_popescu;the costs of mitigation ever mount, which is why a proper solution is even contemplated. 1686463;1500426632;sina;mircea_popescu: if that is a complete list, then I am content with a useful answer. 1686464;1500426646;mircea_popescu;there can never be a complete list. 1686465;1500426650;mircea_popescu;it is a reasonably complete list. 1686466;1500426660;sina;then I am reasonably content :P 1686467;1500426738;sina;asciilifeform, trinque, no misconceptions in my summary? 1686468;1500426780;trinque;just the contentment! 1686469;1500426796;sina;trinque: to clarify, contentment in understanding, not of the status quo 1686470;1500426803;trinque;is joek 1686471;1500426806;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-19#1686392 to this point : depends how much you're worth. if you're worth nothing, then you are thereby "safe" in this sense, that while protein rich i still don't eat the moths in my house. 1686472;1500426806;a111;Logged on 2017-07-19 00:40 sina: given that. what are the practicalities, today, on the ground 1686473;1500426839;mircea_popescu;otherwise, in order of cheapness-effectivity : 1) get an isolated box for rsa ops. this shouldn't ever connect ot the internet. stuffing into it a stick which was in a net-connected machine counts. 1686474;1500426883;mircea_popescu;2) get a proper power supply. this means -- that the power line should feed a battery, not your machine. you can measure leakage if you will, so this can be tweaked by hand to an arbitrary level. 1686475;1500426945;mircea_popescu;3) get a n-p detector, armed guards, your own spying machinery, declare interdiction zones, etcetera. 1686476;1500426955;mircea_popescu;4) infiltrate all conceivable enemies with your own agents 1686477;1500426960;mircea_popescu;5) take over the crown. 1686478;1500426980;sina;mircea_popescu: only as a matter of curiosity, given your worth re above statement, do you take any of these actions? 1686479;1500426993;mircea_popescu;somewhere between 1 and 3 most people have enough bellyache. because, really, it's never fucking worth it to 5. 1686480;1500427010;mircea_popescu;sina yes. i actually infiltrate all conceivable enemies. 1686481;1500427017;sina;:D 1686482;1500427076;sina;it's a picture of mircea_popescu https://68.media.tumblr.com/916cb4ae6b1ff824fc27d1ffdca8e207/tumblr_n915c69LhG1snb6qwo2_r2_400.gif 1686483;1500427096;mircea_popescu;whossat ? 1686484;1500427138;sina;some actor playing the character of "Vizzini" in "The Princess Bride" 1686485;1500427162;sina;also a famous internet meme 1686486;1500427176;mircea_popescu;what's the intension ? 1686487;1500427189;sina;is joek 1686488;1500427203;mircea_popescu;i get that part, but what does it aim to, what's the tendency ? 1686489;1500427266;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-16#1657137 << discussion of 5. 1686490;1500427266;a111;Logged on 2017-05-16 19:52 mircea_popescu: romania incidentally has a long history of just this, it's called fanarioti period. hundreds of groups over 3-4 centuries did just this, kept taking over because pissed off with insolence of ex crown. discovered worse deal to be king. 1686491;1500427272;sina;oh. so in the movie Vizzini is the supersmart villain trying to kidnap this lady, and the good guy Dread Pirate Roberts keeps chasing him despite various obstacles Vizzini has created 1686492;1500427300;sina;whenever DPR does a thing, Vizzini is forced to say "Inconceivable" 1686493;1500427331;sina;http://princessbride.wikia.com/wiki/Vizzini 1686494;1500427368;mircea_popescu;ah that's who that was. 1686495;1500427375;*;mircea_popescu has seen the "you killed my father" a long time ago. 1686496;1500427394;sina;that is the one, although the book from which it derived is equally enjoyable 1686497;1500427444;sina;actually this quote seems like 100% mircea_popescu 1686498;1500427449;sina;"You only think I guessed wrong! That's what's so funny! I switched glasses while your back was turned! Ha ha, you fool! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders - The most famous of which is "never get involved in a land war in Asia" - but only slightly less well-known is this: "Never go against a Sicilian when death is on the line"! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha... " 1686499;1500427469;sina;I mean I can picture reading it in the logs 1686500;1500427487;mircea_popescu;i can't fwiw 1686501;1500427493;trinque;oh jeez. 1686502;1500427524;sina;http://btcbase.org/log/2015-12-28#1354883 << lellll 1686503;1500427524;a111;Logged on 2015-12-28 01:23 mircea_popescu: the dictum "never get involved in a land war in asia" is mostly due to the fact that the portuguese were involved in a sea war in asia, and it worked splendidly for them. 1686504;1500427542;mircea_popescu;aha. 1686505;1500427550;sina;seek and ye shall find 1686506;1500427561;mircea_popescu;dja see the difference in quality ? 1686507;1500427603;mircea_popescu;not that i fault penny-an-hour hack/writer for not being able to reproduce reality in his fancy. 1686508;1500427630;sina;mircea_popescu: and yet it is so, the logs are the only place I can imagine such a sentence being discussed today 1686509;1500427659;hanbot;lol this poor guy's been trying to have a chuckle the last 20 mins...NOT ALLOWED! 1686510;1500427665;mircea_popescu;better chuckles! 1686511;1500427669;mircea_popescu;HA HA HA HA HA ha 1686512;1500427740;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-19#1686409 << altogether not even much of a question. 1686513;1500427740;a111;Logged on 2017-07-19 00:47 sina: feel free to say "it's a dumb question, go away" 1686514;1500427760;sina;anyhooz. patience from the usual suspects on RSA discussion greatly appreciated. must be off, have wonderful days all. 1686515;1500427761;mircea_popescu;the theory is that there's no "best practices", and deliberately. i'm pretty sure the practice follows the theory, but we'll definitely never know. 1686516;1500427957;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-19#1686438 <<< yes, because you're applying the pretense of statics to a dynamic situation. trinque 's metaphore is very much factual : we were paradopped on hot coals, by the FAULT, inexcusable, and indelible, of our parents. they should have taken care that we do not get dropped on hot coals, as children barely able to move. they did not, and derelict in their first and practically speaking on 1686517;1500427957;a111;Logged on 2017-07-19 00:58 sina: does my line of thought really make so little sense? 1686518;1500427957;mircea_popescu;ly duty can never be forgiven. 1686519;1500427966;mircea_popescu;and once there... well... there'll be more stepping on more coals to get away. 1686520;1500428231;lobbes;in other questions: Prompted by up-stack threads and after much log reading I've concluded that a SSD is a must for trb-ing. Would an external usb SSD be adequate, versus, say a SATA connection? 1686521;1500428267;asciilifeform;lobbes: generally no 1686522;1500428279;lobbes;okay 1686523;1500428286;asciilifeform;( clogs the bus ) 1686524;1500428431;lobbes;damn. looks like my plans for my old craptop being a trb node will have to wait until I secure better iron. 1686525;1500428445;asciilifeform;it doesn't hurt to try 1686526;1500428455;asciilifeform;but in my experience they make poor nodes. 1686527;1500428462;lobbes;I'll learn shit in the process, at least. 1686528;1500429140;mod6;never hurts, get the kinks out early 1686529;1500432160;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in the emaciated future, http://68.media.tumblr.com/94e47881942ed1fb6fa1349abd5841a5/tumblr_og8lhuAnZB1stijv1o1_1280.jpg 1686530;1500432629;BingoBoingo; whenever DPR does a thing, Vizzini is forced to say "Inconceivable" << Except irl, mircea_popescu is not short and DPR sits in sodomy box while mircea_popescu's muscle has titties 1686531;1500432715;BingoBoingo; damn. looks like my plans for my old craptop being a trb node will have to wait until I secure better iron. << Why can old craptop not eat SSD? 1686532;1500433119;mircea_popescu;possibly he doesn't want to pop the lid. 1686533;1500433151;mircea_popescu;a sentiment i can sympathize with -- no better way to ruin the day of cleanfreak chick than making her open up her years-old laptop. 1686534;1500433183;asciilifeform;pbfffffft 1686535;1500433214;asciilifeform;( am i the only one who still cleans these regularly ? ) 1686536;1500433240;*;BingoBoingo cleans 1686537;1500433240;mircea_popescu;well certainly people who don't know they come apart don't regularly anything. 1686538;1500433265;mircea_popescu;"i'm not only a virgin, but i never laid a hand on my slit" comes with a smegma guarantee. 1686539;1500433295;mircea_popescu;or in other words, innocence and drunkedness are, in that order, the superlative degrees of unhygienicity. 1686540;1500433397;BingoBoingo;Well, this is the story of how the puritains ruined America. "It dun work" "Have you tried cleaning it?" "STFU Imma not touch the filth" ... Disposable everythings 1686541;1500433412;asciilifeform;it isn't like you gotta clean it with own tongue 1686542;1500433414;mircea_popescu;keks 1686543;1500433478;*;BingoBoingo has met people who after touching granular pesticide barehanded tried to insist "hand sanitizer" was sufficient cleaning. 1686544;1500433488;*;BingoBoingo insisted STFU, GO HOSE!!! 1686545;1500433600;*;BingoBoingo wonders how reactive a hand santizer would have to be to reliably convert most organic compounds to "safe" forms. Likely would look like a hand solving vat of H2SO4 + H2O2 1686546;1500433659;asciilifeform;'national razor' lol 1686547;1500433828;BingoBoingo;Product nothing seriously toxic, just permetherins and fuller's earth but still. 1686548;1500433854;mircea_popescu;you just wanted her to splash hose water on her tits. 1686549;1500433942;BingoBoingo;Nah, was old woman. Sent to hose herself. 1686550;1500437471;mod6;solid logs 1686551;1500438095;mircea_popescu;*thumbsup* 1686552;1500445781;lobbes;BingoBoingo: damn. looks like my plans for my old craptop being a trb node will have to wait until I secure better iron. << Why can old craptop not eat SSD? << wtf I didn't even consider this. And yeah, this'll be a great opportunity to clean out the physical crap that's probably choking out the airflow in the thing. 1686553;1500468267;ave1;mod6, asciilifeform: I've been playing with GNAT versions and the fact code 1686554;1500468281;ave1;I also get this problem: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-16#1684855 1686555;1500468281;a111;Logged on 2017-07-16 02:00 mod6: asciilifeform: here's what I get when I grab the generic Makefile, and use your fact.tar.gz: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/RaNYu/?raw=true 1686556;1500468339;ave1;Turns out the version of gnat in gcc 4.9.* is based on GNAT GPL 2014 (from adacore) 1686557;1500468364;ave1;(also in gcc 5.*, I've not looked in the 6.* range) 1686558;1500468399;ave1;It seems that version has problems with inlined functions containing inlined functions 1686559;1500468405;ave1;(like the Mul functions...) 1686560;1500468482;shinohai; ave1 .... I got the same error as you (Have not looked into it further yet though) 1686561;1500468513;shinohai;well, same error as mod6 1686562;1500468740;ave1;yes, it seems that FSF gnat (the one in gcc) is not updated recently and for some reason it's really hard to compare version numbers between all the different gnats 1686563;1500468741;asciilifeform;ave1: can't be the reason, i have it working on 4.9 1686564;1500468785;ave1;well I went to the source code of 4.9.4 and GPL 2015 and it differs on this point 1686565;1500468806;ave1;(and GPL 2014 and gcc 4.9.4 are the same) 1686566;1500468820;asciilifeform;anyway if your gnat does this, it is rubbish, throw it out, i will not be v-releasing an ffa where everything is not inlined, each non-inlined routine is a ~10% speed ding. 1686567;1500468865;ave1;I can build a gnat using the sources from adacore and all is fine 1686568;1500468897;ave1;(but the 4.9 gcc from adacore does not match any 4.9.* release from FSF) 1686569;1500468931;shinohai;Lovely, nb 1686570;1500469053;ave1;asciilifeform, how did you get your 4.9 version (I see two version in gentoo) ? 1686571;1500469071;shinohai;!!up fromloper 1686572;1500469071;deedbot;fromloper voiced for 30 minutes. 1686573;1500469079;shinohai;heh 1686574;1500469095;asciilifeform;ave1: by emerging at some point 1686575;1500469100;ave1;p.s. I want to throw it out, but I like to have a version that cross compiles to ppc64le 1686576;1500469129;asciilifeform;ave1: gonna have to patch , then, and cure the retardation. 1686577;1500469130;ave1;and gcc 4.9.4 does so, but the adacore code has problems 1686578;1500469177;asciilifeform;the confiscation of gnat from the idiots is inevitable. may as well begin with this. 1686579;1500469194;ave1;ok, I will do some more banging against the wall on this 1686580;1500469236;shinohai;ave1: Can you link me to the adacore sources that worked for you? 1686581;1500469309;ave1;Go here: http://libre.adacore.com/download 1686582;1500469317;ave1;select GPL-2015 (or 2016) 1686583;1500469319;ave1;select sources 1686584;1500469334;shinohai;thx 1686585;1500469402;ave1;download gcc-4.9-gpl, gnat-gpl-2016, gcc-interface- files (so 3 files) 1686586;1500469412;ave1;unpack all tree 1686587;1500469441;ave1;copy gnat-gpl-*/src/ad to gcc-4.9-*/gcc/ (so you get an ada dir under gcc) 1686588;1500469456;ave1;ad -> ada 1686589;1500469481;ave1;copy gcc-interface-* to gcc-4.9-*/gcc/ada/gcc-interface (so rename of dir) 1686590;1500469490;ave1;then you have a gcc you can build 1686591;1500469610;ave1;p.s. the portage ebuild does exactly this (plus some gentoo patching) 1686592;1500469613;ave1;see https://gitweb.gentoo.org/repo/gentoo.git/tree/dev-lang/gnat-gpl/gnat-gpl-2016.ebuild?id=27440b1aa409e5471622a0ad0bbebbf97e7f79c8 1686593;1500469637;shinohai;Very resourceful, thank you 1686594;1500469707;mod6;thanks ave1 1686595;1500469735;ave1;p.s I already have a musl build for x86_64 (based on musl_cross) (works on adacore stuff and gcc-4.9.4), but is needs some more work 1686596;1500469785;ave1;I like to default it to building static files binaries 1686597;1500469794;asciilifeform;^ interesting, i'd like to see this 1686598;1500469814;asciilifeform;it was on my conveyor and promised to be a very gnarly chore 1686599;1500469872;ave1;yes, but mainly because the gnat makefiles hardcode the gnattool names at different places 1686600;1500469889;ave1;one moment, I will look for the diff 1686601;1500470358;ave1;ok, this is the diff (also contains musl diffs from musl_cross) 1686602;1500470360;ave1;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/NXbbK/?raw=true 1686603;1500470387;ave1;musl_cross from here: https://bitbucket.org/GregorR/musl-cross/ 1686604;1500470428;asciilifeform;of what is the diff ? 1686605;1500470503;ave1;of clean gcc 4.9.4 from FSF to a gcc 4.9.4 that build with musl + gnat 1686606;1500470571;ave1;if you get musl_cross, and replace the gcc-4.9.4-musl.diff therein with this one 1686607;1500470614;asciilifeform;ave1: consider writing down the recipe for this 1686608;1500470636;ave1;plus add ada to the languages to build 1686609;1500470668;ave1;will do, I will probably create version of musl_cross that does all this 1686610;1500470863;asciilifeform;!!rated ave1 1686611;1500470863;deedbot;asciilifeform rated ave1 1 at 2017/05/18 13:13:06 << ada lurker 1686612;1500470891;asciilifeform;!!rate ave1 3 gnatronicist 1686613;1500470893;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/BxfrQ/?raw=true 1686614;1500470927;asciilifeform;!!v 352B78C89FA88878A8EEE992E6C76F66D9EFAB1FF1D0035B53FEB73B163C0B23 1686615;1500470927;deedbot;asciilifeform updated rating of ave1 from 1 to 3 << gnatronicist 1686616;1500471897;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in gavinlandia, https://archive.is/KOhTm >> 'Resolution is to either guarantee there are non-bit1 signaling miners before enforcing (kind of incompatible with the definition of 80% activation), or manually guarantee the the graph of enforcing miners is connected.' << d00d realizes that the softshitfork thing won't work without cartel... proceeds to demand one 1686617;1500473644;shinohai;Which leads to lulz such as: http://archive.is/YKyYa 1686618;1500474452;asciilifeform;'It's also interesting to note that some miners are signalling to orphan themselves. Antpool, BTC.com, and BTC.top are all signalling for BIP 91 with bit 4, but are not signalling for segwit on bit 1. This means that once BIP 91 activates, if they don't change their version number (and it seems that this is a manual process as most mining pools set the version number manually), they will be orphaning their own blocks under the BIP 91 1686619;1500474452;asciilifeform; rules.' << lol julyphorq rerun 1686620;1500481044;asciilifeform;!~later tell ave1 have you ever used http://sabotage.tech 's musltronic linux ? or have any idea who maintains it ? invite'em here. 1686621;1500481044;jhvh1;asciilifeform: The operation succeeded. 1686622;1500481560;daffadil;This might be interesting to some: "DNA based Random Key Generation and Management for OTP Encryption" 1686623;1500481572;daffadil;http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0303264717300539 1686624;1500481586;daffadil;Here is full .pdf: https://dropfile.to/2T3Dkt1 1686625;1500481594;asciilifeform;hard to think of a more mindblowing idiocy 1686626;1500481603;mircea_popescu;did you read the "whores moaning in orgasmic agony source of rng" thread ? 1686627;1500481606;asciilifeform;yes, totally want to leave UNCHANGEABLE privkey every time you take a shit 1686628;1500481613;asciilifeform;or sneeze 1686629;1500481623;asciilifeform;only a ustard could have conceived of a gem like this. 1686630;1500481631;daffadil;Not necessarily generating privkey from your own DNA. 1686631;1500481637;mircea_popescu;daffadil DID YOU read. 1686632;1500481676;daffadil;Ya I didn't understand all details but I read it. 1686633;1500481683;asciilifeform;daffadil: see also this old, lesser, horror : http://btcbase.org/log/2015-04-02#1084139 1686634;1500481683;a111;Logged on 2015-04-02 14:59 asciilifeform: 'Identity-based encryption is a type of public-key encryption in which any arbitrary string (such as a user’s email address) can be used as a public key, enabling data to be protected without the need for long, randomly generated keys or certificates. Today, there are numerous standards for IBE based on Boneh’s work, including IEEE P1363.3 and several IETF RFCs.' << from the press release. 1686635;1500481683;mircea_popescu;link me 1686636;1500481739;asciilifeform;( summary : ustards are fixated on 'escrowable' ciphers, as they were called in 1990s, but today they do not use the word . i.e. schemes for getting your privkey to be something THEY can access on a whim ) 1686637;1500481822;asciilifeform;http://www.sciencedirect.com.sci-hub.cc/science/article/pii/S0303264717300539 << daffadil's link, for the dedicated entomologist. 1686638;1500481869;asciilifeform;'The advantage of this method is that a binary random sequence of any length can be easily generated from public or private genetic databases. An unlimited number of distinct random sequences can be obtained by multiplexing, shifting or concatenating sequences from different DNA species. To solve the major drawback of the OTP cryptosystems, key storage and transmission, Borda et al. proposed communicating the secure key through the s 1686639;1500481869;asciilifeform;hort identification numbers of the DNA sequences in the database. It is crucial to store the unique secure key in a highly reliable carrier and transmit it through a special secure channel to guarantee the correctness of the secure key' 1686640;1500481875;asciilifeform;this is == to the 18th century 'book cipher' 1686641;1500481897;mircea_popescu;even in the particular that literacy is reserved for a precious few. 1686642;1500481906;asciilifeform;but instead of cheap book, use expensive and usg-indexed dna collections, yes 1686643;1500481968;asciilifeform;the real usgtronic gem here is that there's massive existing investment in 'this is a transform of SOME dna sequence, SOMEWHERE, now tell me which' hardware 1686644;1500481996;asciilifeform;so nao naturally they'd like to trick some idiot, somewhere, into using their pre-indexed fauxotp as an otp... 1686645;1500482025;asciilifeform;just say no to faux otp, folx 1686646;1500482030;mircea_popescu;hey, they keep working to convince idiots someone somewhere would actually WANT to drink carbonic acid solution with 5k brix. 1686647;1500482033;daffadil;Haha yes. As the paper currently presents, the system is not built for privacy, especially if it uses publicly-indexed databases. However I thought that the idea of using mutational randomness as a physical process to generate private keys was interesting. 1686648;1500482046;asciilifeform;daffadil: thoroughly idiotic idea 1686649;1500482047;mircea_popescu;heh. 1686650;1500482054;mircea_popescu;!!rate daffadil -1 lies conversationally. 1686651;1500482057;daffadil;Good ~ 1686652;1500482057;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/178XC/?raw=true 1686653;1500482079;mircea_popescu;!!v 9422E13A8FEEF58FB0B30F04A86F39EE53EEC0B80B2271EB6B5B38E61757D500 1686654;1500482080;deedbot;mircea_popescu updated rating of daffadil from 1 to -1 << lies conversationally. 1686655;1500482104;trinque;d'oh, in-group signaling fail for poar daffadil 1686656;1500482106;mircea_popescu;!!down daffadil 1686657;1500482121;asciilifeform;where did the d00d even come from 1686658;1500482134;mircea_popescu;iirc gl's acquaintance. 1686659;1500482135;asciilifeform;i only know him as a steady source of disconnectolade rubbish 1686660;1500482136;asciilifeform;aah 1686661;1500482161;mircea_popescu;in any event, the pretense of hey, we're just talking hurr isn't going to take one far here. if that wasn't obvious. 1686662;1500482272;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/Fcggx << obliglolgif 1686663;1500482325;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform lol, considering how many brits zee germans shot for that... 1686664;1500482333;mircea_popescu;was there an actual german spy shot in britain at any point ? 1686665;1500482355;asciilifeform;handful iirc 1686666;1500482362;asciilifeform;most famously the d00d in the photo -- wasn't 1686667;1500482366;mircea_popescu;but i mean, actual germans, not confused brits 1686668;1500482369;asciilifeform;( theatric op ) 1686669;1500482373;asciilifeform;actual 1686670;1500482400;mircea_popescu;still wrong ratio for the pretense!!11 1686671;1500482447;asciilifeform;lolyes 1686672;1500482488;mircea_popescu;it's funny how repeating this pattern is : whosoever is on the receiving end of the cock, whatever the cock may be, doesn't really want porn around. 1686673;1500482509;mircea_popescu;zee germans, getting it in every hole from teh brits, didn't really do much in the way of "shot british spy" photo ops. 1686674;1500482527;mircea_popescu;the brits however, losing more men to spying than to trenchlines in some days, nevertheless... 1686675;1500482705;*;asciilifeform still lolling over the 'the system is not built for privacy' gem 1686676;1500482728;asciilifeform;'Не смешно? Зато про войну' (tm)(r) 1686677;1500482741;mircea_popescu;somehow if you go "the collegiate dorm is not built for modesty" they, the very same they, go in an uproar. 1686678;1500482750;mircea_popescu;"the land is not built for equality", how about that one ? 1686679;1500482793;mircea_popescu;gotta have all female values, an' selective privacy is teh foremost on the list. 1686680;1500482972;asciilifeform;keybasetronic 'crypto' is interesting parallel to, e.g., prb. in both cases the muppetmasters get to rejoice over 'user count' but weep when realizing that nobody of any import is in this count, and the net loot sums to 0 1686681;1500482999;mircea_popescu;something like that. 1686682;1500483017;mircea_popescu;but hey, fair is fair -- everyone gets what he says he wants and then gets to wash his head with it. 1686683;1500483035;asciilifeform;e.g., trump, with his 'encrypted chat' on ipnoje that leaks every fart 1686684;1500483043;asciilifeform;and continues. 1686685;1500483058;mircea_popescu;that was, since i was a wee tyke, the one fascinating, ceaselessly fascinating aspect of the world : that for all teh chagrin and professed despair and broken dreams hopes and aspirations etcetera 1686686;1500483070;mircea_popescu;everyone, at any point, without exception got EXACTLY what they asked for. 1686687;1500483104;asciilifeform;expand? 1686688;1500483104;mircea_popescu;and, as you say, continues. 1686689;1500483130;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform empire wants headcount, (because it sold itself on the lie of equality). gets headcount. except... 1686690;1500483139;asciilifeform;aah yes 1686691;1500483152;mircea_popescu;daffadil wants to participate, but does so in the manner of asking for it, and gets it. 1686692;1500483169;mircea_popescu;you can't actually find a case where anyone has any legitimate complaint against the world. hasn't, yet, happened. 1686693;1500483213;asciilifeform;i still reel from the riotous idiocy of even calling a public string 'an otp' 1686694;1500483229;asciilifeform;who the fuck is the target audience of that paper. 1686695;1500483230;mircea_popescu;it's "once upon a timepad" neh / 1686696;1500483242;asciilifeform;it's an potentially infinitely-time pad. 1686697;1500483290;mircea_popescu;that'd just mean it's famous! 1686698;1500483298;asciilifeform;lol 1686699;1500483308;mircea_popescu;twu luv! 1686700;1500483329;mircea_popescu;to answer your question : cunt, that still runs on perl, is the intended audience of that paper. 1686701;1500483343;mircea_popescu;the organ is clearly made for reuse and she wants to profess undying attachment. 1686702;1500483384;mircea_popescu;because... you've guessed it... the system was not built for any clear real-ideal bijectivity. 1686703;1500483501;asciilifeform;btw maybe 19 in 20, at this point, papers in 'crypto' are of this type. i.e. having exactly as much to do with genuine crypto as that caterpillar with the snake face has with actual snake. 1686704;1500483519;mircea_popescu;but at least black chix code. 1686705;1500483531;mircea_popescu;if not in their original bodies, then at least as emulated by pasty ass djb-wanna-bes. 1686706;1500483574;asciilifeform;lenin lives in our hearts!111!! 1686707;1500483593;mircea_popescu;and roosevelt in our buttholes! 1686708;1500483602;asciilifeform;where else. 1686709;1500483829;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/E9359E055174F1B18DFBD4BB1707BFC20C1D4C66EADCF502B3914FBCA6A68171 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1461...4917 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (static-wan-bl1-210-98.rev.webside.pt. PT) 1686710;1500483829;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/E9359E055174F1B18DFBD4BB1707BFC20C1D4C66EADCF502B3914FBCA6A68171 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1585...1349 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (static-wan-bl1-210-98.rev.webside.pt. PT) 1686711;1500485149;asciilifeform;in other unsurprises, https://yro.slashdot.org/story/17/07/19/1459244/amd-has-no-plans-to-release-psp-code 1686712;1500485312;asciilifeform;'..."We have no plans on releasing it to the public," the company executives said' 1686713;1500485389;mircea_popescu;eulora ? 1686714;1500485403;asciilifeform;waiwat 1686715;1500485489;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-12#1669270 1686716;1500485489;a111;Logged on 2017-06-12 18:10 mircea_popescu: absolutely never licensing any of this. people wish to contribute, they get to participate, not to "just like bitcoin with a little bit of censorship" bullshit. 1686717;1500485540;mircea_popescu;just saying, "releasing it to the public" is not the way the water goes anymore. 1686718;1500485542;asciilifeform;link was re amd's magic key cpu-integrated fritz chip, and how reddit et al 'protested', and reply was - unsurprisingly - 'fuck off' 1686719;1500485556;whaack;BingoBoingo: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/ooUIP/?raw=true 1686720;1500485584;mircea_popescu;"the public" isn't happening anymore. democracy (as the modernist nonsense) is gone. 1686721;1500485638;asciilifeform;a backdoor ain't burned unless publicly. 1686722;1500485649;asciilifeform;sorta the 1 remaining use of public. 1686723;1500485664;mircea_popescu;really ? because i've personally burned assholes in private. worked fine. 1686724;1500485704;asciilifeform;i met folx who were napoleon in private. worked great... ( for them ) 1686725;1500485733;mircea_popescu;suppose for the sake of theory i get the factors to your current key ; and then i send an encyclical to the rest of the wot saying -- alf's key factors, here. 1686726;1500485739;mircea_popescu;burned ? yes. private ? yes. qed ? 1686727;1500485773;asciilifeform;'what 3 know, the sow knows' 1686728;1500485776;asciilifeform;so no, not private. 1686729;1500485781;mircea_popescu;but the sow would never know. 1686730;1500485788;asciilifeform;and where is the guarantee of this 1686731;1500485801;trinque;same place sina's guarantees are 1686732;1500485809;mircea_popescu;the point here was that ~it was never released to the public~, not that brigher bulbs in the peanut gallery couldn'\t conceivably get hold of. 1686733;1500485820;asciilifeform;lessay this had happened 2y ago. kako would be one of the recipients. and 6mo later, the sow -- would know. 1686734;1500485830;mircea_popescu;or not. 1686735;1500485847;asciilifeform;if you have an 'or', then 'not private' 1686736;1500485857;mircea_popescu;again -- the point is the process not the final state. it was not ~RELEASED TO PUBLIC~. what x y or z found out -- their ~personal~ rather than public problem./ 1686737;1500485890;*;asciilifeform screws in fresh gas mask filter 1686738;1500485898;asciilifeform;aite, process. 1686739;1500485915;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform if amd fritz chip uses bad crypto and we derive the key, has amd thereby "Released to the public" ? no such thing happened. 1686740;1500485923;asciilifeform;sure is 1686741;1500485928;asciilifeform;phuctor is a public www 1686742;1500485939;asciilifeform;( whether reddit bothers to read it, is immaterial ) 1686743;1500485940;mircea_popescu;by our, not amd's decision. 1686744;1500485943;mircea_popescu;so no, amd hasn't released. 1686745;1500485943;asciilifeform;well yes 1686746;1500485955;trinque;"the public" is an ourdemocracy construct, does not mean "outside" or w/e 1686747;1500485956;mircea_popescu;these distinctions are as important as an yother distinctions in thought. 1686748;1500485964;asciilifeform;naturally it ain't the victim's decision, when his key is phuctored 1686749;1500485982;mircea_popescu;so then. 1686750;1500485988;asciilifeform;trinque: the material posted on phuctor is public in any reasonable sense 1686751;1500486002;mircea_popescu;the problem with pantsuit notions is that they admit no reasonable sense 1686752;1500486014;mircea_popescu;which is why they have to "educate" the black chix so they get out of the netflix reservation 1686753;1500486018;mircea_popescu;"public access" 1686754;1500486019;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/E3D5B6CEF7C0D4F0C6A1B6DBC8B066E8126C3549DC7105A9499D53CDC4A4174C << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1521...8123 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (mulberry.newhall.cam.ac.uk. GB CAM ENG) 1686755;1500486019;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/E3D5B6CEF7C0D4F0C6A1B6DBC8B066E8126C3549DC7105A9499D53CDC4A4174C << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1696...1703 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (mulberry.newhall.cam.ac.uk. GB CAM ENG) 1686756;1500486022;trinque;asciilifeform: the original claim was there is no longer a "the public" 1686757;1500486029;shinohai; phuctor agrees 1686758;1500486041;asciilifeform;oh this is luvvly: 1686759;1500486042;asciilifeform;'Murray Edwards is a Cambridge College for women. With so much gender inequality still in the world there is a role for a College able to focus on outstanding young women, their learning and skills for life.' 1686760;1500486042;trinque;or tell me, is the public chiming in re: phuctor? doesn't seem like such a thing cares, if it exists 1686761;1500486055;asciilifeform;'Murray Edwards College combines real academic excellence with strong pastoral support, as well as being a place where you can feel at home.' 1686762;1500486065;asciilifeform;'Male-dominated workplace culture alienates talented women' 1686763;1500486083;mircea_popescu;was there any proof of this ever offered btw ? or is it more "global warming" bull ? 1686764;1500486091;asciilifeform;lolproof 1686765;1500486094;mircea_popescu;becauyse in my experience male-dominated workplacfes are the only places talented women express. 1686766;1500486103;mircea_popescu;which is why no more noethers. 1686767;1500486108;mircea_popescu;or adas. or etc. 1686768;1500486136;mircea_popescu;curie happened as the domestic slave of a male ; not as an "equal partner" in a lesbo partnership. 1686769;1500486146;mircea_popescu;and for all the pretense, jorjes sand idem. 1686770;1500486162;asciilifeform;noshit.jpg 1686771;1500486178;mircea_popescu;not to go into krupskaya and what have you, topless with ak chickdom. 1686772;1500486204;mircea_popescu;!#s manuela pedraza 1686773;1500486205;a111;0 results for "manuela pedraza", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=manuela%20pedraza 1686774;1500486220;mircea_popescu;a that's unfortunate. woman went into mountain, watcher her 6 kids starve to deaths. 1686775;1500486646;asciilifeform;daffadil [ab42d109@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined << the sheer audacity 1686776;1500487205;mircea_popescu;lmao 1686777;1500487225;trinque;!!v 0A12492FF347C542AF1F6ED29181B4EB700967B92D9ADCBBBDAC92049109ABBC 1686778;1500487225;deedbot;trinque rated daffadil -1 << why do I smell california 1686779;1500487239;mircea_popescu;sucks to be a teen these days. 1686780;1500487714;hanbot;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-19#1686774 << that's juana azurduy. pedraza is the other one. 1686781;1500487714;a111;Logged on 2017-07-19 17:43 mircea_popescu: a that's unfortunate. woman went into mountain, watcher her 6 kids starve to deaths. 1686782;1500487722;mircea_popescu;oh ? 1686783;1500487734;mircea_popescu;damn, right you are. 1686784;1500487746;mircea_popescu;poor woman, first they took their children, now they take her story... 1686785;1500487773;hanbot;haunt incoming! 1686786;1500487978;hanbot;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-19#1686659 << he sounds just like that other d guy to me. they all sound the same, they have no male voice. 1686787;1500487978;a111;Logged on 2017-07-19 16:35 asciilifeform: i only know him as a steady source of disconnectolade rubbish 1686788;1500488191;trinque;they take feminizing drugs and sit on their balls all day hunched over. 1686789;1500488223;trinque;there's going to be no fixing the generation that took psych meds throughout puberty 1686790;1500488435;floog;can confirm, my peers are fucked 1686791;1500488437;asciilifeform;trinque: optimistic. the no-space 'civilized life' creates the bonsaikittens. whatever meds are simply to reduce thrashing. 1686792;1500488515;trinque;more thrashing would've meant beating idiots back and taking over space. 1686793;1500488551;trinque;"sit and behave" drugs are the worst kind of protestant mother. 1686794;1500488554;asciilifeform;trinque: mno. moar space requires http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-15#1684456 . 1686795;1500488554;a111;Logged on 2017-07-15 18:18 mircea_popescu: war makes the only thing peace never can, that is -- empty space. the value of empty space varies, from negative after a war to infinite during socialism. 1686796;1500488606;trinque;how do you disconnect "reduce thrashing" and "prevent war" in your mind? 1686797;1500488704;asciilifeform;world wars may be staffed by surplus teenagers, but not organized by them. 1686798;1500488743;asciilifeform;recall the chicken farm ? where they saw off the beaks 1686799;1500488768;trinque;I thought hitler's young ass-beaters had something to do with kicking off one. 1686800;1500488769;asciilifeform;the effect of letting the chickens keep the beaks, is not 'chicken liberation', but simply damaged meat 1686801;1500488785;trinque;suppose they were instead on zoloft, in bedroom, trying to get some cum to leak out of their ineffectual dicks 1686802;1500488806;asciilifeform;lol! 1686803;1500488827;asciilifeform;dope ain't new. goring had his morphine and equally ineffectual cock 1686804;1500488936;asciilifeform;for some reason modern-day lizards prefer that surplus people slowly goring themselves, rather than cleanly blowing one another with mortar and cannon 1686805;1500488949;asciilifeform;but root is the same -- surplus people. 1686806;1500489268;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-19#1686786 << this is a very interesting point, and it is possible to go to a meatspace gathering of these types, and see this with own eyes 1686807;1500489268;a111;Logged on 2017-07-19 18:12 hanbot: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-19#1686659 << he sounds just like that other d guy to me. they all sound the same, they have no male voice. 1686808;1500489349;asciilifeform;( see also, http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-08#1499608 ) 1686809;1500489349;a111;Logged on 2016-07-08 14:51 mircea_popescu: but the invisible line that unites curtis yarvin, that "lesswrong" derp, spandrell fellow, the restaurant manager chick yesterday, and on and on an endless list of these, is specifically that they welded the head shut. 1686810;1500489805;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-19#1686786 ah waht a concept. so basically, barbarian lacks indoor voice ; and pantsuit lacks forum voice. 1686811;1500489805;a111;Logged on 2017-07-19 18:12 hanbot: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-19#1686659 << he sounds just like that other d guy to me. they all sound the same, they have no male voice. 1686812;1500489934;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-19#1686562 << i keep running into this issue myself and half the time it ends up being actual code comparisons to identify wtf is what. 1686813;1500489934;a111;Logged on 2017-07-19 12:52 ave1: yes, it seems that FSF gnat (the one in gcc) is not updated recently and for some reason it's really hard to compare version numbers between all the different gnats 1686814;1500489968;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2017/07/coinbase-to-go-on-trading-vacation-with-your-coins-over-altcoin-fork-hysteria/ << Qntra - Coinbase To Go On Trading Vacation With "Your" Coins Over Altcoin Fork Hysteria 1686815;1500489981;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: so far it seems to be that adacore's gnat actually implements the standard; while fsf is a bit moth-eaten 1686816;1500489984;asciilifeform;*fsf's 1686817;1500489988;mircea_popescu;not gnat-specific. gnu/linux/unix specific. for some reason they do this retarded shit where package (version - package2 (version2 - package3 (version3))) and then you're more than welcome to buy ytour own flamethrower. 1686818;1500489997;asciilifeform;this also. 1686819;1500490053;mircea_popescu;and scandalously inept shit like "this version of x is part of shitsuite y version k". 1686820;1500490067;mircea_popescu;passing by reference. a mental disease. 1686821;1500490091;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-19#1686564 << word. 1686822;1500490091;a111;Logged on 2017-07-19 12:53 ave1: well I went to the source code of 4.9.4 and GPL 2015 and it differs on this point 1686823;1500490092;asciilifeform;by reference to hallucinations -- certainly 1686824;1500490392;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-19#1686568 << at this point you might even consider publishing the item as a v root under your own signature. 1686825;1500490392;a111;Logged on 2017-07-19 12:54 ave1: (but the 4.9 gcc from adacore does not match any 4.9.* release from FSF) 1686826;1500490406;BingoBoingo; there's going to be no fixing the generation that took psych meds throughout puberty << plenty of possible fixing. Back to 'spec' likely never. Into something possibly. 1686827;1500490462;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-19#1686596 << ahahaha you got this to take ?! 1686828;1500490462;a111;Logged on 2017-07-19 13:09 ave1: I like to default it to building static files binaries 1686829;1500490486;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: that part not new, my makefile builds statically 1686830;1500490494;asciilifeform;( with whatever libc is present ) 1686831;1500490523;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-19#1686599 << right! this "hardcoded paths/names/symbols in makefile because FUCK EVERYTHING!!!" goes just fine with http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-19#1686817 1686832;1500490523;a111;Logged on 2017-07-19 13:11 ave1: yes, but mainly because the gnat makefiles hardcode the gnattool names at different places 1686833;1500490523;a111;Logged on 2017-07-19 18:46 mircea_popescu: not gnat-specific. gnu/linux/unix specific. for some reason they do this retarded shit where package (version - package2 (version2 - package3 (version3))) and then you're more than welcome to buy ytour own flamethrower. 1686834;1500490524;asciilifeform;though, i will point out, not on crapple, where static linking is thoroughly impossible as of late 1686835;1500490538;mircea_popescu;possibly the #1 and #2 spots of dumb. 1686836;1500490557;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform ah do9es it ? for some reason i thought we were still chasing it. 1686837;1500490565;asciilifeform;nope. 1686838;1500490601;mircea_popescu;so there's a musl ada ? 1686839;1500490610;asciilifeform;( you can't dns from a statically linked glibc. but this does not bother me ) 1686840;1500490627;mircea_popescu;that is a golden fucking feature. 1686841;1500490630;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: there is, ave1 linked to a recipe. 1686842;1500490635;mircea_popescu;nice. 1686843;1500490642;asciilifeform;i was fully expecting to have to do the whole thing from empty space myself 1686844;1500490647;asciilifeform;so pleasant surprise, if it worx. 1686845;1500490659;mircea_popescu;!!rated ave1 1686846;1500490659;deedbot;mircea_popescu rated ave1 1 at 2017/05/18 13:08:19 << slow square! 1686847;1500490669;mircea_popescu;!!rate ave1 2 http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-19#1686605 1686848;1500490669;a111;Logged on 2017-07-19 13:21 ave1: of clean gcc 4.9.4 from FSF to a gcc 4.9.4 that build with musl + gnat 1686849;1500490670;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/Z4Kkm/?raw=true 1686850;1500490672;asciilifeform;( fwiw ada makes it reasonably possible to avoid needing ANY libc. but this is for laters. ) 1686851;1500490696;mircea_popescu;no this is actually splendid surprise. 1686852;1500490699;mircea_popescu;!!v E06416D79B3939AAC91D5A1B7AAE084754001E6088E5F57F414C7E84D67C4B33 1686853;1500490699;deedbot;mircea_popescu updated rating of ave1 from 1 to 2 << http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-19#1686605 1686854;1500490747;asciilifeform;all it really wants libc for is memcpy() etc. and i/o. total of maybe 6 functions. they really ought to be a separate asm thing, linked optionally and separately. 1686855;1500490754;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-19#1686616 << some pants getting shat. 1686856;1500490754;a111;Logged on 2017-07-19 13:44 asciilifeform: meanwhile, in gavinlandia, https://archive.is/KOhTm >> 'Resolution is to either guarantee there are non-bit1 signaling miners before enforcing (kind of incompatible with the definition of 80% activation), or manually guarantee the the graph of enforcing miners is connected.' << d00d realizes that the softshitfork thing won't work without cartel... proceeds to demand one 1686857;1500490764;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform very much so yes. 1686858;1500490794;mircea_popescu;some actual review and by-hand rewrite of those roots would actually benefit the republic immensely. 1686859;1500490823;asciilifeform;i have 'p' structured such that all it wants i/o-wise is a 'getbyte' and 'putbyte' that operator can replace with whatever 1686860;1500490838;asciilifeform;this is mainly to build later for microcontroller that just has uart, no file system 1686861;1500490853;asciilifeform;but also has effect of making dispensing with libc a reasonably easy proposition 1686862;1500490878;mircea_popescu;right 1686863;1500490893;mircea_popescu;correctness builds upon itself. 1686864;1500490898;asciilifeform;sure does. 1686865;1500490946;mircea_popescu;i sure as fuck would prefer the situation where i have to change half dozen asm quarter-pages to go from x86 to whatever than the current shitwolrd offering. 1686866;1500490986;mircea_popescu;because yes, once http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-19#1686858 is done "portability" becomes a very different item than the beast it is today. 1686867;1500490986;a111;Logged on 2017-07-19 18:59 mircea_popescu: some actual review and by-hand rewrite of those roots would actually benefit the republic immensely. 1686868;1500491005;asciilifeform;well, e.g., ffa, is 100% portable in the sense where it will build on ANY standards-compliant ada 1686869;1500491015;asciilifeform;0 arch-specific anything, in it. 1686870;1500491026;asciilifeform;doesn't even care how wide your machineword is 1686871;1500491031;asciilifeform;or what endian. 1686872;1500491038;mircea_popescu;yes. 1686873;1500491044;mircea_popescu;this is the fuckinbg point already. 1686874;1500491050;asciilifeform;( nao not everyone, turns out, has a standard ada. but this is fixable. ) 1686875;1500491056;mircea_popescu;no more hardcoded inept bullshit, magic numbers, inept passing by reference etcetera. 1686876;1500491221;whaack;!!v 5B9284644A2EAB1CDFBAA75044B1B8375BE1901CFB6BB6D60B80BD8AB6A01FAC 1686877;1500491222;deedbot;whaack rated BingoBoingo 1 << qntra editor, adds salt and pepper to my writing 1686878;1500491230;whaack;!!v CB10BF5557FFB0ED2A4E820E3B67D031624999410F4FD19368DA3FBDD5A7497C 1686879;1500491230;deedbot;whaack rated shinohai 1 << qntra writer, helped me a bit with my spanish pronunciation 1686880;1500491248;mircea_popescu;and this is not limited to cpus. it is re evertything. "either your videocard can be asm'd into utility or else it is not actually a video card" "but it works in windows!" "so does your mother." 1686881;1500491441;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-19#1686799 << the proposition is problematic. hitler was, for all intents and purposes, a farm chicken with beak sawed off. 1686882;1500491441;a111;Logged on 2017-07-19 18:26 trinque: I thought hitler's young ass-beaters had something to do with kicking off one. 1686883;1500491596;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in office blowjobs, http://68.media.tumblr.com/e5223667a01975480f49b0dd9e80045a/tumblr_nvo22rTOiZ1uncfngo1_400.gif 1686884;1500491816;BingoBoingo;ty whaack 1686885;1500491954;BingoBoingo;!~later tell pete_dushenski How is Blackzilla treating you? Is motor adequately cooled to handle a tortuous Canadian July? 1686886;1500491954;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: The operation succeeded. 1686887;1500492105;mircea_popescu;o right, cuz it gets hot in the rest of the world. 1686888;1500492174;asciilifeform;in other hilarities, https://archive.is/uHp7H >> 'Someone stole ~$32M (~153k ether) from three multisig wallets.' 1686889;1500492263;*;trinque drives a black gas guzzling 8cyl truck through 100 degree heat, working on that megawatt 1686890;1500492266;mod6;ROLL IT BACK! 1686891;1500492269;ben_vulpes;reputation of usg.polizei continues to decline, no longer safe to even approach cops once you've called for help: http://www.cnn.com/2017/07/19/us/minneapolis-australian-woman-killed-by-police/index.html 1686892;1500492270;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Well, mostly curious how fender flags are going to stick to that thing. 1686893;1500492291;BingoBoingo;ben_vulpes: Best part, the cop is a somali 1686894;1500492311;BingoBoingo;Mohamed Noor 1686895;1500492359;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the most amusing part is how they keep adding the official fiat value to the shit, as if. 1686896;1500492375;mircea_popescu;"someone stole a dumpster ($32M) from my driveway" 1686897;1500492380;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: par of ye olde tradition where crapple stock is 'worth' the moon etc, neh 1686898;1500492390;mircea_popescu;aha 1686899;1500492401;mircea_popescu;ethereum could buy bitcoin! 1686900;1500492402;shinohai;"Mohamed Moor" 1686901;1500492418;mircea_popescu;washington post could elect pantsuited hilarity president 1686902;1500492420;mircea_popescu;and so on! 1686903;1500492427;mircea_popescu;shinohai bwahaha 1686904;1500492818;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all 1686905;1500492824;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 2264.33, vol: 17719.90007047 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 2239.955, vol: 7531.19887 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 2253.9, vol: 38469.84629269 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 2335.58143, vol: 16373.42780000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 2266.773, vol: 10869.9039012 | Volume-weighted last average: 2271.01803041 1686906;1500492887;asciilifeform;somebody's trying to beat the disconnectolade record, or wut. 1686907;1500492897;shinohai;^ 1686908;1500495575;*;asciilifeform finally found the pertinent trilema re http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-19#1686793 >> '..."feminists" are merely trying to dissolve subjective blocks to regendering, so it's easier for more people to faster embrace what's socially required of them. Seeing how once you've decided to go to the dentist it's really very bad form to pick fights with the anesthesiologist, what exactly do you have against them ? Jus' doin' their job.' 1686909;1500495575;a111;Logged on 2017-07-19 18:22 trinque: "sit and behave" drugs are the worst kind of protestant mother. 1686910;1500495580;asciilifeform;( http://trilema.com/2016/the-labyrinth-of-gender/#selection-119.72-119.412 ) 1686911;1500495816;mircea_popescu;aha! 1686912;1500499800;asciilifeform;in other olds, filed under ucilogy, http://samy.pl/pwnat 1686913;1500499826;*;asciilifeform somehow missed this when it appeared 1686914;1500500161;mircea_popescu;ah, masquerade as tracert 1686915;1500500222;mircea_popescu;not bad. 1686916;1500500313;mircea_popescu;samy really should be here. 1686917;1500500363;asciilifeform;invite'im? 1686918;1500500434;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in the circus, https://archive.is/8bnEI 1686919;1500500524;shinohai;My God that thread is a lulzfest of begging redditards 1686920;1500500771;mod6;omg send me ur scamcoinz for lambos and blunts! 1686921;1500500796;asciilifeform;trabambos 1686922;1500500944;mod6;scambos 1686923;1500502542;mircea_popescu;laugh if you will, but the ENTIRE experience of wealth ustard enjoys is exactly this and nothing else. from the kid begging his parents for a lambo truck / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9s8XilZa2WY all the way up to the fiat captains of industry, stuck between being "too big to fail" and being FED-fed anyway. 1686924;1500502804;mircea_popescu;soon enough it's http://btcbase.org/log/2013-02-16#-121196 and then it's "rich people don't learn languages" and on it goes from there. 1686925;1500502804;a111;Logged on 2013-02-16 14:17 Diablo-D3: people who are that rich dont hang out on IRC 1686926;1500502888;shinohai;The point of being rich is doing whatever the fuck you want, be it irc or cursing whores in Latin 1686927;1500502903;mircea_popescu;no, you gotta get a credit card to buy more cars with. 1686928;1500503115;mircea_popescu;and in vintage trilemas i give you... the BEATTIE! http://trilema.com/2012/shampoo/#selection-57.620-57.938 1686929;1500503372;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-19#1686927 << ustard's conception of wealth is precisely 'neverending creditcard' -- see also http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-23#1631922 1686930;1500503372;a111;Logged on 2017-07-19 22:21 mircea_popescu: no, you gotta get a credit card to buy more cars with. 1686931;1500503372;a111;Logged on 2017-03-23 17:06 asciilifeform: not long ago i saw a photo of some american mega-rich d00d, forget who, and nobody cares, his refrigerator, was full of synthetic 'budveiser' beer 1686932;1500503404;mircea_popescu;"corporate account" 1686933;1500505592;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-07#1680305 << by the way the first three issues of mondo are on archive.org https://archive.org/details/Mondo.2000.Issue.01.1989, https://archive.org/details/Mondo.2000.Issue.02.1990 and https://archive.org/details/Mondo.2000.Issue.03.1991 1686934;1500505592;a111;Logged on 2017-07-07 23:52 phf: mondo 2000, the proto valley crowd, i think we had the thread. basically, jwz. 1686935;1500505674;phf;it's fun to look at the early valley culture artifacts. if nothing else this shit was still edgy compared to what it eventually turned into 1686936;1500505689;mircea_popescu;word. 1686937;1500505790;phf;articles by robert anton wilson, timophy leary interviews william gibson, psychic tv talking about rave culture 1686938;1500505969;phf;also vaguely related, a comic about "cyber-" culture, and the early (i.e. pre-mondo) valley excitement. i found it to be highly entertaining when viewed through the tmsr prism. http://www.electricsheepcomix.com/almostguy/ 1686939;1500506003;mircea_popescu;i recall electricsheep 1686940;1500506092;ben_vulpes;this looks extremely familiar 1686941;1500506150;ben_vulpes;ahah this yeah 1686942;1500507047;shinohai;!!v 3DC8C7A2D11E890D1A92E997B499D3AECD28849433351C3EE1F7EA894D2FB0FC 1686943;1500507047;deedbot;shinohai rated ave1 1 << Helpful Ada advice http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-19#1686592 1686944;1500508294;mod6;evenin' 1686945;1500508808;mircea_popescu;how's trix 1686946;1500509208;mod6;good! 1686947;1500509777;*;asciilifeform remembers this comic 1686948;1500509906;asciilifeform;'At the appointed time, Our Benevolent Corporate Patriarchs would "lift the curtains" and invite us all into the wondrous Future they'd made ready for us. We'd all be welcome; the Future, by its very nature, was cheerful and inclusive. In the meantime, while they were getting it all ready, the corporations would allow us to experience the Future in short, controlled bursts, such as the World's Fair Expo, or Disney World's Tomorrowlan 1686949;1500509906;asciilifeform;d.' 1686950;1500509940;mircea_popescu;entitlowank. somehow it wasn't so offensive in the 90s 1686951;1500510017;asciilifeform;because it wasn't an illusion only lived by the wankers. but, to some extent i suspect by everyone, this notion that 'there's enough sunlight' 1686952;1500510028;asciilifeform;'live an' let live' etc 1686953;1500510055;mircea_popescu;no. i recall the faggots, not yet VERY overweight, going to the things that meanwhile got captured by apple, much like coca-cola captured xmas 1686954;1500510066;mircea_popescu;"the so and so fair!" cars, gadgets, whatever. 1686955;1500510073;mircea_popescu;they looked ridiculous, yes, but they were not yet offensive. 1686956;1500510082;asciilifeform;did seem like harmless nonsense neh 1686957;1500510089;mircea_popescu;tho i harbored no notion of their presence being acceptable at my table. 1686958;1500510096;mircea_popescu;yup. quite exactly. 1686959;1500510107;asciilifeform;you wouldn't invite a walrus to your table either ( other than perhaps as main course ) 1686960;1500510122;asciilifeform;but dun feel actively disgusted by the fact that, over there up north, there he is. 1686961;1500510125;mircea_popescu;i suppose the first time black fucktoy whispers nonsense in the bedroom it's rather condiment than a reason to flay her kind alive. 1686962;1500510315;mircea_popescu;anyway. they DID have this glare in eye liek exactly as described. as if they believed celestial mom and dad are preparing the feasrt for them, and they best but fidgetingly wait. 1686963;1500510620;asciilifeform;the feast indeed was in the works. but the dishes not quite what the feasters imagine, no. 1686964;1500510653;mircea_popescu;i very much doubt anyone at any level had any plans besides "paradise begins once we outlive the soviets" 1686965;1500510696;asciilifeform;teenagers ( as in subj of comic ) dun have plans. 1686966;1500510707;asciilifeform;( they may have hallucinations of future but that's about it ) 1686967;1500510708;mircea_popescu;i meant anyone. reagan. name it. 1686968;1500510755;asciilifeform;reagan et al planned for exactly what they got : an extra ~three decades of Moar Time from the reaper 1686969;1500510767;asciilifeform;powered by battery charged by stalin 1686970;1500511196;mircea_popescu;i wonder what batteries we're charging. 1686971;1500511229;asciilifeform;it is not given to know. 1686972;1500511629;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-19#1686933 << when phf first described subj, asciilifeform thought 'what if i saw it then, would it have made sense, appealed?' but now i know -- no 1686973;1500511629;a111;Logged on 2017-07-19 23:06 phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-07#1680305 << by the way the first three issues of mondo are on archive.org https://archive.org/details/Mondo.2000.Issue.01.1989, https://archive.org/details/Mondo.2000.Issue.02.1990 and https://archive.org/details/Mondo.2000.Issue.03.1991 1686974;1500511641;mircea_popescu;kinda hard to know such 1686975;1500511642;asciilifeform;it's shannonized rubbish 1686976;1500511653;asciilifeform;would not have made any moar sense than mormon bible 1686977;1500511867;asciilifeform;1989 issue, p.25, ad: 'Cray on a chip. ... The computing power of a Cray supercomputer will be accessible to PC owners by the end of this year thanks to the Intel i860 Megaprocessor. ...' 1686978;1500511884;asciilifeform;almost beggars belief that intel paid to advertise in this rag 1686979;1500511895;mircea_popescu;why ? 1686980;1500511921;asciilifeform;for one thing, ~all of the other ads, are for witchcraft ( magical dream enhancement pills etc ) 1686981;1500511937;asciilifeform;but doubly funny considering what became of i860 1686982;1500511942;mircea_popescu;lol 1686983;1500512105;asciilifeform;subj was the itanic before the itanic. 1686984;1500512122;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in made-for-alf faces, http://68.media.tumblr.com/a1eb373b2c4340af35a55265cda4615d/tumblr_ogcswh8Dge1s3l9yao1_1280.png 1686985;1500512130;asciilifeform;lol! 1686986;1500512207;shinohai;Don't like the current face? Just airbrush another on! 1686987;1500512231;mircea_popescu;free face download-tones. 1686988;1500512246;asciilifeform;lol rms interview on p. 94 (1989) 1686989;1500512258;asciilifeform;d00d has talent for appearing in worst possible venue 1686990;1500512277;mircea_popescu;he just goes where invited. 1686991;1500512298;asciilifeform;y'know, it is possible to NOT go. 1686992;1500512311;mircea_popescu;wouldn't that be racist ? 1686993;1500512320;asciilifeform;asciilifeform was at one time invited to... microshit campus, to give a talk ( about what? never specified ) 1686994;1500512323;asciilifeform;stayed home. 1686995;1500512350;mircea_popescu;it'd have been great for your personal brand!! 1686996;1500512395;mircea_popescu;anyway, they never specify because they never give a shit. you're generally supposed to have a new book you're trying to promote or such. 1686997;1500512413;asciilifeform;prostitution makes sense. sucking for free -- does not 1686998;1500512428;mircea_popescu;prostitution wasn't on the table. more like marriage.\ 1686999;1500512463;mircea_popescu;you know all tjhe pretense of superiority of "honest" women always amused me. their pretense goes, that they could whore at any time, opt not to. in reality, whores could marry at any time, opt not to. 1687000;1500512499;ben_vulpes;in other woman stories, the wasps chewed a hole through the ceiling into the nursery last night 1687001;1500512508;mircea_popescu;left with baby ? 1687002;1500512516;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i thought the notion was, 'yes you can marry but not marry-without-having-been-whore' 1687003;1500512541;ben_vulpes;$girl handled whole thing from duct taping hole shut to bitching out landlord to scheduling exterminators and arranging for bill to arrive at landlord's place 1687004;1500512553;mircea_popescu;apparently now can marry even witouit having been woman. 1687005;1500512566;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes why is this landlord's fault ? 1687006;1500512589;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: now take a minute to clench your teeth and remember that ddt was once sold, fiddycents a pound, in corner store. 1687007;1500512598;ben_vulpes;well, 'bitching out' perhaps too strong. "you're going to do something right RIGHT?" "uh well yes we should do something!" 1687008;1500512600;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i wouldn't put it in the house. 1687009;1500512605;asciilifeform;wholly nonpoisonous to people 1687010;1500512610;asciilifeform;unlike organophosphates 1687011;1500512613;mircea_popescu;lol what ? 1687012;1500512614;asciilifeform;ddt. 1687013;1500512624;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: makes my lips numb, i don't really want it in the house. 1687014;1500512624;mircea_popescu;ddt is rather toxic ; random other examples notwithstanding. 1687015;1500512666;asciilifeform;i'd much rather eat it, than anything sold nao 1687016;1500512678;asciilifeform;and ~unbeatable on target species. 1687017;1500512688;mircea_popescu;this is alltogether dubious. 1687018;1500512691;mircea_popescu;anyway. 1687019;1500512691;shinohai;Otherwise USG wouldn't be payong benefits to all these peeps that developed cancer from Agent Orange in Vietnam 1687020;1500512692;asciilifeform;removal of ddt was one of the original triumphs of rampant envirowhinery. 1687021;1500512722;ben_vulpes;much less the nursery lol, i am old and nigh to my grave and so spray liberally about myself. but the wee ones? i'm nottabout to pump the kid full of chemicals when i go so far the fuck out of my way to keep them out of his life in the first place. 1687022;1500512733;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform while that is true, it's also not a proof ddt is safe. it's not particularly safe. 1687023;1500512762;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it is mistake to compare to thin air and distilled water. compare to, e.g., mosquito's malaria, wasp stings. 1687024;1500512778;mircea_popescu;wasp stings are actually a health benefit, within bounds. 1687025;1500512796;mircea_popescu;compared to malaria even cesium comes out smelling pretty good 1687026;1500512832;asciilifeform;fact : the replacements moar poisonous to mammal. 1687027;1500512836;asciilifeform;any an' all of'em 1687028;1500512839;ben_vulpes;subject of mosquitos, BingoBoingo have y'ever fucked with 'octenol'? 1687029;1500512847;asciilifeform;just as the replacement freons. because it wasn't about toxicity. 1687030;1500512848;mircea_popescu;depenmds what you replace it with. the only time i actually used something, i boiled tobacco. 1687031;1500512851;mircea_popescu;not more toxic. 1687032;1500512862;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: may as well compare to stamping bug with boot 1687033;1500512871;mircea_popescu;his situation is of this nature! 1687034;1500512894;asciilifeform;duct tape is not mega-obstacle for wasp. 1687035;1500512907;asciilifeform;( or anything else that happily eats through drywall ) 1687036;1500512914;mircea_popescu;if its a paper wasp colony, destroing the nest is usually enough. 1687037;1500512927;asciilifeform;and what do you suppose ben_vulpes will destroy it with 1687038;1500512929;mircea_popescu;maybe dump some copper sulphate or whatever. 1687039;1500512931;asciilifeform;probably not flamethrower. 1687040;1500512934;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: 'tis only a stopgap while i deploy rentier's capital 1687041;1500512934;mircea_popescu;alcohol. 1687042;1500512943;mircea_popescu;i have instructional set of pics on trilema even 1687043;1500512947;mircea_popescu;with the wasps laid out after 1687044;1500512992;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2011/viesparium/ << there. 1687045;1500513023;asciilifeform;had one of these here 1687046;1500513028;asciilifeform;some beast... ate it 1687047;1500513033;mircea_popescu;lol 1687048;1500513033;asciilifeform;raccoon, i think. 1687049;1500513047;mircea_popescu;sounds about right for a raccoon actually. 1687050;1500513055;asciilifeform;larvae are delish 1687051;1500513104;mircea_popescu;anyway. straight alcohol, like the 99 proof stuff for making at home liqueur. fire hazard, but otherwise repellent and killer of bugs. 1687052;1500513122;asciilifeform;lol i bet petrol worx just as well 1687053;1500513130;mircea_popescu;nah, leaves grease spot, stinks worse. 1687054;1500513137;asciilifeform;i'd still rather not pump it into the space b/w (hollow, ustard-built) walls. 1687055;1500513137;mircea_popescu;this is gone ~same day. 1687056;1500513158;mircea_popescu;my lifestyle solutions assume brick walls. 1687057;1500513171;asciilifeform;i'm almost surprised they don't assume orbit 1687058;1500513178;asciilifeform;'wasps? no prob, open the airlock a bit' 1687059;1500513178;mircea_popescu;!!up carlos222 1687060;1500513179;deedbot;carlos222 voiced for 30 minutes. 1687061;1500513183;mircea_popescu;how am i gonna get a wasp nest in orbit. 1687062;1500513192;mircea_popescu;space wasps sound fucking scary ftr. 1687063;1500513195;asciilifeform;separate q ! 1687064;1500513238;asciilifeform;re space wasps << mircea_popescu: ever see 'Les Maîtres du temps' (animated) ? 1687065;1500513240;asciilifeform;1982 1687066;1500513245;mircea_popescu;did not 1687067;1500513258;*;asciilifeform saw as a kid 1687068;1500513262;asciilifeform;recommended 1687069;1500513267;asciilifeform;complete with wasp 1687070;1500513273;mircea_popescu;goes on list\ 1687071;1500513629;mircea_popescu;(o look, even with inept 90s "web drm" technologees!) http://www.electricsheepcomix.com/almostguy/images/vansex_color.gif << such an inconvenient fuck position. you really gotta be a virgin to think this is where it's at. 1687072;1500514129;mircea_popescu;aaaahahahaha o brother. "postmodern film/video theory & crit with an emphasis on phenomenology" ? reheheheally. 1687073;1500514370;mircea_popescu;o look, he misspells piracetam 1687074;1500517734;mod6;<+asciilifeform> removal of ddt was one of the original triumphs of rampant envirowhinery. << "it softens up the eagle eggs!!1" 1687075;1500518768;mircea_popescu;and a little teratogenic. 1687076;1500519043;mircea_popescu;anyway. the problem with ddt was bioaccumulation. it was the original spark for a lot of the current understanding of "why it is bad to eat agroindustrial shit". ddt is weakly toxic, but it and metabolites accumulate, get stored in fat, etcetera. 1687077;1500519043;BingoBoingo; no. i recall the faggots, not yet VERY overweight, going to the things that meanwhile got captured by apple, much like coca-cola captured xmas << In elementry school historical context for the then present was established to be "on the verge of paradise, if only we stop littering" 1687078;1500519093;mircea_popescu;the other half of it being that it is very toxic to fish ; back then people still had this strange notion that oceans will continue populated in the indefinite future. 1687079;1500519115;mircea_popescu;this heresy has meanwhile been renounced in all but open admission. 1687080;1500519154;BingoBoingo; i'd much rather eat it, than anything sold nao << Any more the only things labeled for indoor use are permethrins 1687081;1500519260;mod6;i suppose the only non-toxic way to get rid of the nearby mosquitoes is to buy up all the surrounding properties and then take a flame thrower to the lawns. 1687082;1500519276;mircea_popescu;actually, sterile males. 1687083;1500519278;mircea_popescu;just like irl. 1687084;1500519285;mod6;lol, werd. 1687085;1500519372;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i'm not convinced that cumulative ( and yes -- mega-seekrit, it is ) damage to nervous system from organophosphates, beats ddt 1687086;1500519386;BingoBoingo;Mosquitoes are outdoor problem so you get to use BTi, which as complex protein is harmless unless immune system is bored and decides to bake an allergy 1687087;1500519405;asciilifeform;or that it had anything to do with the scarcity of oceanic edibles ( we -- ate them ) 1687088;1500519437;mircea_popescu;well, we ate them, we fukushima'd them, for a while we also ddt'd them. we still plastic slush them, it's a large ocean. 1687089;1500519463;asciilifeform;fukushima does 0 on the timescale a fish lives on. 1687090;1500519465;mircea_popescu;and i'm not discussing other items. the thesis was this one, not "this one compared to arbitrary others" 1687091;1500519487;mircea_popescu;this is not terribly true, sadly. 1687092;1500519491;BingoBoingo;Scarcity of oceanic edibles is likely still more synthetic girly hormones getting pissed out unmetabolized and Seaciety suffering pantsuit 1687093;1500519513;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo but right of choice! 1687094;1500519547;BingoBoingo;"Sea People + Semen = Seaciety" - Eric Cartman 1687095;1500519568;trinque;they're all going in; what's this "the one thing they don't want you to know about dead fish" 1687096;1500519591;trinque;can be pantsuit-piss, fukushima, corexit, "fertilizer", etc 1687097;1500519616;trinque;one thing in common is that nobody involved had any idea what they were doing 1687098;1500519631;mircea_popescu;in the case of ddt, they went to the trouble to stop. 1687099;1500519695;asciilifeform;the stopping had far moar to do with ustard pro concerntrolls than toxicology. 1687100;1500519698;BingoBoingo; mircea_popescu: i'm not convinced that cumulative ( and yes -- mega-seekrit, it is ) damage to nervous system from organophosphates, beats ddt << Where do you live that wealth of organophosphates are still available with indoor labeling? Around here store shelves have Malathion - outdoors, Carbaryl - outdoors, and Dichlorvos - unoccupied enclosed spaces and bagged bedding in war on bedbugs 1687101;1500519722;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: they are 'available' in whole usa, stuck to fruits, vegetables, sprayed into lawns etc 1687102;1500519724;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform afaik the thing was, much like "clean engine exhaust", entirely euro-nonsense. 1687103;1500519750;asciilifeform;!~google silent spring 1687104;1500519751;jhvh1;asciilifeform: Silent Spring - Wikipedia: ; Rachel Carson, Silent Spring: ; Silent Spring : Rachel Carson, Linda Lear, Edward O. Wilson ...: 1687105;1500519768;trinque;should stop the mass production of food instead : solved. 1687106;1500519776;mircea_popescu;is the next proposition going to be "michael moore matters" ? 1687107;1500519861;mircea_popescu;o look, wikipedia manages a very uscentric view of things and items lol. mk. 1687108;1500519865;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: And exposed to oxygen and sunlight they survive how long? Proximity to factory would be bigger concern than proximity to deployment. 1687109;1500519908;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: usa was at its economic peak ; usa banned -- others copy. 1687110;1500519928;trinque;the whole thing is based upon "mass produced idiot should be fed, gonna have to mass produce whatever 3 crops and feed them their derpmeal" 1687111;1500519950;trinque;usg pours subsidies into it 1687112;1500519973;mircea_popescu;not really my recollection. 1687113;1500519997;mircea_popescu;ddt is entirely euro item. invented by swiss, used to clear europe of eg malaria. euros changed their mind in the 60s 1687114;1500520000;mircea_popescu;ustards -- copied. 1687115;1500520074;trinque;was being used in agriculture, which I'd wager is where most of the bulk of what ended up in the ocean originated 1687116;1500520085;mircea_popescu;(and ftr, the usians had been whining about it just about since ww2. rando with a "book" on the topic is about as relevant as pink.) 1687117;1500520107;mircea_popescu;trinque ironically, most of what ended up in the ocean was dumoped there by us army trying to replicate successful european usage. 1687118;1500520115;mircea_popescu;arguably won a few battles in south pacific theatre. 1687119;1500520150;mircea_popescu;but ftr -- first that banned it was hungary ; and generally the warsaw pact. not teh us. 1687120;1500520200;asciilifeform;was used in su almost to last days 1687121;1500520213;mircea_popescu;euro side of warsaw pact. 1687122;1500520338;mircea_popescu;anyway. i'll rack the "us--major player in ddt history" up there with "apple could buy russia" and all other self-referential wank. 1687123;1500520348;mircea_popescu;"and this is how my grandfather built brighton" 1687124;1500520527;BingoBoingo;US was definitely big user though, river valleys in Mid west all malarial north to Chicago until the chemming 1687125;1500520539;mircea_popescu;sure. 1687126;1500520553;BingoBoingo;Now we just have loser non-threatening beta mosquitos 1687127;1500520556;mircea_popescu;cheap to make, pretty much everyone with a chem plant made some. which is how the soviets ended up using it. 1687128;1500520567;mircea_popescu;(at the time, soviet industry more or less indian industry today) 1687129;1500522002;trinque;guess I'm wrong about the proportions of ddt use re: ag. I have counted mass-production of The American Dream among the place's sins. 1687130;1500522003;mircea_popescu;"I'm now an HTML coder at a startup in San Francisco. The “World Wide Web” has enabled me to crawl out of my debt-hole and bootstrap myself into the lower middle class. For the first time in my adult life, I can afford to eat in restaurants where I don't work. ultra-specialized in the 'divide and conquer' thing << superpower of the schizoid? 1687224;1500572592;pete_dushenski;just because you're eating the liver, doesn't mean you won't find another source of food when it's gone or as soon as the aging father finally croaks. but this is a stretch analogy. 1687225;1500572614;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: try as i might, i can't follow this 1687226;1500572843;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: ya, reaching for sure. the point upstack was that paying sticker for pharma helps arm .il to the gills more than it helps usg maintain international kommonity relevance and that the former will outlast the latter 1687227;1500572882;asciilifeform;afaik they still dun have a, e.g., self-made fighter jet. 1687228;1500572892;pete_dushenski;recall that .il can and did actually build 'wall', not just talk about 'when i'm elected ima do such and such herpadurr' 1687229;1500572915;asciilifeform;( tried to, but usg offered 'for phreeee' and israelis were dumb enough to bite the hook ) 1687230;1500572922;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: because everyone know you need fighter jet in 21st century!!!1 1687231;1500572949;asciilifeform;did somebody build tesla's 100km death ray while asciilifeform slept, or wut 1687232;1500572952;asciilifeform;nobody cancelled the jet. 1687233;1500572955;pete_dushenski;for whatever 'cybermilitary' is worth, i'd pit .il against any other 1687234;1500572956;*;trinque recalls mircea_popescu's observation re: CN and missiles 1687235;1500572986;trinque;in contrast to aircraft carrier Power Projection (TM) 1687236;1500573000;pete_dushenski;this is post-nation-state world, cyber-d and a little bit of land is the best you can hope for. 1687237;1500573025;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: mojahed kalash dun run winblows. 1687238;1500573037;asciilifeform;'cyber' only works against overcivilized idiots 1687239;1500573106;pete_dushenski;mojahed runs winbloze... on phone. or his boss does. or his gf does. or the new recruit does. "coming to a pocket near you" (tm) 1687240;1500573160;trinque;what'd happen with the various sunni powers if suddenly usg vanished? 1687241;1500573195;trinque;meanwhile, correct me if wrong, they're all stacked with american military hardware 1687242;1500573212;trinque;was this true in the last such war? 1687243;1500573272;pete_dushenski;some russian hardware too, and increasingly chinese as per http://archive.is/xhzQI 1687244;1500573277;asciilifeform;trinque: that'd depend on whether 'usg vanishes' includes 'usg remote-disable codes leak' 1687245;1500573332;trinque;my amateur eye sees, at least, a region stacked for a rough war. 1687246;1500573434;pete_dushenski;in other rough regions, the usg 'left' is still confuzed as fuck http://archive.is/X9fwz 1687247;1500573482;pete_dushenski;when su 'vanished' did nuke codes leak ? if so, why no kablooey ? 1687248;1500573573;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: su didn't do the remote-disable thing, for exported iron 1687249;1500573585;asciilifeform;merely sold 2-3 generations behind state of the art. 1687250;1500573608;asciilifeform;other thing, remote-boobies are difficult with transistor-poor culture. 1687251;1500573615;asciilifeform;no place to hide. 1687252;1500573736;pete_dushenski;ic 1687253;1500573769;pete_dushenski;makes sense, but ya, trinque 's q is still open then 1687254;1500573865;trinque;y'know, if they're used to leaning on / suckling from USG, and it crumbles, they might consider leaning on whichever is biggest. turkey? 1687255;1500573912;asciilifeform;last i heard, turks dun make own jet either.. 1687256;1500573998;trinque;buy from RU/CN; do either of them like Israel? 1687257;1500574026;asciilifeform;not while it remains a muppet of a living usg, lol 1687258;1500574139;trinque;right, so usg crumbles, erdrogan or whoever throws a big neo-caliphate party, invites everyone to go israel-stomping. russia and china collectivey "meh" and lol at the US losing a colony 1687259;1500574219;trinque;or http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-20#1687163 http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-20#1687164 1687260;1500574219;a111;Logged on 2017-07-20 15:49 asciilifeform: the need to use un-NATed boxes as proxies, so that NATed boxes can speak with one another, creates star topologies 1687261;1500574219;a111;Logged on 2017-07-20 15:50 asciilifeform: which makes the whole thing quite vulnerable. 1687262;1500574321;trinque;pete_dushenski: looks like your link got snipped 1687263;1500574786;pete_dushenski;aha. archive.is didn't eat it : https://newrepublic.com/article/143926/dirtbag-left-problem-dominance-politics 1687264;1500574801;pete_dushenski;ima grab lunch. bbl 1687265;1500575066;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-20#1687147 << twasn't a joke, evidently the whole http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-19#1686643 is right on point. 1687266;1500575066;a111;Logged on 2017-07-20 08:40 jurov: they took djb's joke seriously 1687267;1500575066;a111;Logged on 2017-07-19 16:32 asciilifeform: the real usgtronic gem here is that there's massive existing investment in 'this is a transform of SOME dna sequence, SOMEWHERE, now tell me which' hardware 1687268;1500575139;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-20#1687160 << and yet, gaming. 1687269;1500575139;a111;Logged on 2017-07-20 15:41 asciilifeform: drilling holes in NAT is - apparently -- an open problem again. 1687270;1500575148;asciilifeform;why 'yet' ? 1687271;1500575160;asciilifeform;games connect to an un-natted central (star topology) box 1687272;1500575165;asciilifeform;just like www browser etc 1687273;1500575275;mircea_popescu;not all though. 1687274;1500575286;mircea_popescu;i suppose this may be a "yes, meanwhile all", haven't looked. 1687275;1500575296;asciilifeform;all. 1687276;1500575334;asciilifeform;the only quasi-reliable method ( 'udp hole punch' ), used by , e.g., 'skype', STILL requires a 3rd party non-natted box to broker the connection 1687277;1500575346;asciilifeform;so the star topology is still there. 1687278;1500575378;asciilifeform;( the 'star' does not have to physically pass ~all~ packets between ~all~ leaves, but this is still not actual p2p ) 1687279;1500575414;mircea_popescu;a solution to the problem would actually help trb too 1687280;1500575421;asciilifeform;sure would. 1687281;1500575422;mircea_popescu;(currently, nat'd boxes are ~useless as nodes) 1687282;1500575429;asciilifeform;or any other non-1990s-usgolade protocol. 1687283;1500575459;mircea_popescu;i suppose this goes on the list of tasks. "find nat hole". 1687284;1500575487;asciilifeform;in so far as the net is concerned, imho this is ~the~ openproblem. 1687285;1500575589;mircea_popescu;shinohai mind tweeting @samykamar ? apparently he's active. we wanna talk about pwnat. 1687286;1500575594;asciilifeform;i have a theory which might, potentially, lead to a pill, will put it here slightly later 1687287;1500575609;shinohai; Will do mircea_popescu 1687288;1500575612;mircea_popescu;rt 1687289;1500575615;mircea_popescu;ty( 1687290;1500575645;mircea_popescu;"Apparently future-dated gps packets disable Stingray phone signal intercept devices. The device thinks its license has expired and locks up." in other lulz 1687291;1500575649;mircea_popescu;(from the guy's timeline) 1687292;1500575654;asciilifeform;ahahahaha 1687293;1500575659;mircea_popescu;ikr ? 1687294;1500575664;mircea_popescu;this is like that scene in brazil. 1687295;1500575672;asciilifeform;betcha they disable that cnc mill also 1687296;1500575683;asciilifeform;the thing usg mandates on all large machines for export 1687297;1500575725;shinohai;Appears @samykamar has deleted account or fell afoul of twitter lawz. My own account finally got limited. 1687298;1500575726;mircea_popescu;shinohai and see if @Fox0x01 wants to come over also. apparently there's chicks into "offensive sec" whatever that is. 1687299;1500575740;mircea_popescu;shinohai @samykamkar i misspel;led. 1687300;1500575770;shinohai;ah kk 1687301;1500575783;mircea_popescu;yeah kk 1687302;1500575814;mircea_popescu;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DEZLXpyXcAACS6k.jpg the dood has a pretty decent twitter. 1687303;1500575921;mircea_popescu;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DDVe9zpWsAIOjGN.jpg also 1687304;1500576027;mircea_popescu;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C_eH54QWAAAzHKl.jpg << pizza parlor's "ai" crashes, reveals that no females eat pizza. oslo. 1687305;1500576068;asciilifeform;famous pic 1687306;1500576123;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform here's the thing : we don't actually have the problem of nat traversal. in the following sense : gossipd is not intended to work without introduction. as part of the introduction, the introducer server can provide ips. those can then be used for everything, bitcoind, you name it. 1687307;1500576131;mircea_popescu;basically the operating system of the republic will be gossipd. 1687308;1500576146;asciilifeform;gossipd dun have the problem 1687309;1500576149;asciilifeform;uci does. 1687310;1500576158;mircea_popescu;not intended to work except atop gossipd. 1687311;1500576170;mircea_popescu;making everything depend on gossipd present and running is the right thing anyway. 1687312;1500576178;asciilifeform;most botnet nodes are behind nat. 1687313;1500576182;mircea_popescu;so ? 1687314;1500576201;asciilifeform;so as things presently work, nobody can connect ~to~ them. 1687315;1500576219;mircea_popescu;but whosoever does connect, puts in tmsr, ie, gossipd + uci whatever. 1687316;1500576223;mircea_popescu;then the ycan connect to the whole fleet. 1687317;1500576237;mircea_popescu;because they get their ips FROM gossipd. 1687318;1500576239;asciilifeform;unless you have proper p2p, you get massive 'stars'. provenphakt. 1687319;1500576247;mircea_popescu;you have proper p2p. 1687320;1500576263;asciilifeform;mno. if there is a massive class of boxes that cannot plug directly into each other -- stars. 1687321;1500576272;mircea_popescu;they can plug directly into each other. 1687322;1500576278;asciilifeform;mno. 1687323;1500576283;asciilifeform;because nat. 1687324;1500576290;mircea_popescu;mno. because gossipd provides IPs. 1687325;1500576303;asciilifeform;i.e. stars. 1687326;1500576307;mircea_popescu;mno. 1687327;1500576311;asciilifeform;expand ? 1687328;1500576389;mircea_popescu;suppose you have nodes A, B behind a nat. suppose A and B run gossipd, and have been introduced to C. A aiming to connect to B or vice-versa for any reason is accomplished through : A asks C for an ip for B. C provides A with ip for B and B with notification of A's request (at the least, its ip). 1687329;1500576392;mircea_popescu;A and B can now connect. 1687330;1500576404;mircea_popescu;B can now become C for D ; and A can now become C for Z. 1687331;1500576418;mircea_popescu;ie, problem reduced to bootstrapping, significantly lower class. 1687332;1500576448;asciilifeform;skype 1687333;1500576463;mircea_popescu;no, because C doesn't need to be around. 1687334;1500576469;asciilifeform;well this is where it falls 1687335;1500576474;mircea_popescu;and why ? 1687336;1500576474;asciilifeform;you can't presently 'become C for D' 1687337;1500576479;mircea_popescu;and why not ? 1687338;1500576491;asciilifeform;read how 'udp hole punch' worx 1687339;1500576503;mircea_popescu;you become C for D in gossipd. 1687340;1500576505;asciilifeform;this was actually my 1st thought, essentially, 'why can't it be C for D' 1687341;1500576516;mircea_popescu;ie, D then asks B, "what about A ?" and B provides ip and notification to A. 1687342;1500576532;asciilifeform;and it can't because D has no way to contact the A and B pair . 1687343;1500576542;mircea_popescu;D is already introduced to B. 1687344;1500576553;mircea_popescu;and wants to be introduced to A also. 1687345;1500576569;asciilifeform;if D is already linked to B, it is not a D 1687346;1500576581;asciilifeform;i assumed D referred to a new node 1687347;1500576587;mircea_popescu;let me rephrase this for your own terminology then. 1687348;1500576634;mircea_popescu;you have nodes N1...Nn all behind a nat. Server S popus up and connects them in pairs such that no Ni is without at least one peer. Server S dies. The whole N1..Nn remains connected forever, notwithstanding how any NjNk connections may die. 1687349;1500576664;mircea_popescu;should any Nq become isolated, it will require a S to be reintroduced. 1687350;1500576667;asciilifeform;not forever. strictly until somebody's dynamicip changes. 1687351;1500576680;asciilifeform;and yes it will require an S to reintroduce itself. 1687352;1500576686;asciilifeform;which turns the class of S-capable nodes into stars. 1687353;1500576698;mircea_popescu;this is not a problem, but a good thing : provides monetary incentive to maintain node connections 1687354;1500576704;mircea_popescu;ie, alt-soilves the bitcoin node problem 1687355;1500576704;asciilifeform;( without them, the action stops ) 1687356;1500576731;asciilifeform;it doesn't provide monetary incentive, any more than today's expense of running a proper node magically transforms into compensation 1687357;1500576734;asciilifeform;there is no way to collect. 1687358;1500576738;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the correct approach to that problem is for all boxes which can not obtain leased ips but only dynamic ips to own two internet connections.\ 1687359;1500576756;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: and how about unwilling bots ? 1687360;1500576757;mircea_popescu;this is ALSO good : breask the ip-box bijectivity, as was intention all along transparently throughout spec docs. 1687361;1500576760;asciilifeform;i.e. uci installs 1687362;1500576776;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform will get reinstalled every ip change i guess. 1687363;1500576778;asciilifeform;understand, nat is the principal weak link in botnet topology. 1687364;1500576787;mircea_popescu;i understand no such thing. 1687365;1500576797;asciilifeform;there is no way to distribute an infector without hardcoded ips 1687366;1500576821;mircea_popescu;anyway -- the way to collect is that you don't have to pay for a S coming up. just like the car using less gasoline -- you do collect. 1687367;1500576828;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform nonsense. 1687368;1500576830;asciilifeform;( there are various 'cheats' around this, but all resolve to hardcoded hidey-hole ~somewhere~ that contains where next to connect ) 1687369;1500576911;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: let's concretize . say i write an infector. what should be its mechanism of connecting to greater tmsr ? 1687370;1500576961;mircea_popescu;a box you own can connect to the network through the usual process : asks all your peers for peers to connect to. 1687371;1500576969;asciilifeform;what peers ? 1687372;1500576972;asciilifeform;it has nfi what exists 1687373;1500576975;asciilifeform;it's a clean install. 1687374;1500577004;asciilifeform;but if you propose to package it with a hardcoded list of existing peers -- guess what, this is what people traditionally do. they get unplugged, and then whole net is useless. 1687375;1500577010;mircea_popescu;is this "how to run software on block of wood" ? 1687376;1500577026;asciilifeform;mno. this is the hypothetical of 'how to get properly p2p net' 1687377;1500577032;asciilifeform;my contention was -- we dun have it. yet. 1687378;1500577045;asciilifeform;but the problem is not solved by pretending it not to exist. 1687379;1500577057;asciilifeform;as BingoBoingo's 'big book' reminds. 1687380;1500577061;mircea_popescu;i dun follow what the problem's supposed to be with the above scheme. 1687381;1500577087;mircea_popescu;you keep wanting the solution expressed in different terminology and upon delivery promptly proceed to change the terminology. 1687382;1500577096;mircea_popescu;this'd be 3rd pass. 1687383;1500577117;asciilifeform;it ain't a solution if it merely redefines the problem as 'the way life is' 1687384;1500577127;asciilifeform;i want a nonstar topology. 1687385;1500577135;mircea_popescu;and above is such described. 1687386;1500577143;asciilifeform;can haz, or not, is a question that can be posed. but to give a solution WITH stars, is neither here nor there. 1687387;1500577149;asciilifeform;there must NOT BE any such thing as 'S'. 1687388;1500577156;mircea_popescu;ever ? 1687389;1500577158;asciilifeform;ever. 1687390;1500577160;asciilifeform;just peers. 1687391;1500577165;mircea_popescu;then your problem has no solution. 1687392;1500577166;asciilifeform;can haz? maybe cannot 1687393;1500577180;mircea_popescu;"i have boxes that don't respond to unknowns and no way to make unknowns known can has solution ?" alfian style problem. 1687394;1500577189;mircea_popescu;there's temporary Sn. this is quite literally just how life is. 1687395;1500577238;mircea_popescu;can "problematize" about it all you want, but when you're done -- the solution is to http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-20#1687348 1687396;1500577238;a111;Logged on 2017-07-20 18:50 mircea_popescu: you have nodes N1...Nn all behind a nat. Server S popus up and connects them in pairs such that no Ni is without at least one peer. Server S dies. The whole N1..Nn remains connected forever, notwithstanding how any NjNk connections may die. 1687397;1500577247;asciilifeform;that ain't a solution. 1687398;1500577250;asciilifeform;that's 'fuckoff' 1687399;1500577265;asciilifeform;which is a reasonable answer, but why package it as 'solution' 1687400;1500577265;mircea_popescu;hey. the world runs on fuckoff since ~forever. 1687401;1500577276;asciilifeform;esp. if actual solution may well exist. 1687402;1500577277;mircea_popescu;because sometimes that's exactly what it is neh. 1687403;1500577311;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform "actual solution" will be exploiting hole in nat which depends on nat staying stupid in that specific way, which pwnat experience shows is worse than nothing. 1687404;1500577312;trinque;pf: pf_normalize_tcp_stateful failed on first pkt << deedbot departures appear to correspond with this. 1687405;1500577328;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: not necessarily. 1687406;1500577355;asciilifeform;there are some invariant 'holes' that will never close so long as the thing has to pass www 1687407;1500577358;mircea_popescu;necessarily. if you grant nat implemented correctly, your problem is exactly that of the british girl on the deserted island. "so how was the sex ?" "i dunno, no star topoloigies!!!" 1687408;1500577360;asciilifeform;( and other tcp ) 1687409;1500577376;mircea_popescu;nonsense. "the eternal hole" is worse delusion than proper fuckoff. 1687410;1500577396;mircea_popescu;the whole "will never as long as www" bullshit is just a larger cycle pwnat delusion. 1687411;1500577412;mircea_popescu;"oh, the soviets could never x because market". da fuck do the soviets care. 1687412;1500577437;trinque;which amusingly enough is emitted right before this comment in pf.c: /* This really shouldn't happen!!! */ 1687413;1500577441;mircea_popescu;remember when amd would never have dared stopping contributing to coreboot because "public opinion" ? 1687414;1500577450;asciilifeform;'hole' is the wrong word re how udp holepunch works 1687415;1500577503;asciilifeform;it can't really be vanished away without killing 'tcp to arsebook' etc also. as i currently understand it. 1687416;1500577511;asciilifeform;( if somebody wants to describe how , i'll listen ) 1687417;1500577513;mircea_popescu;so it will be vanished away. 1687418;1500577526;mircea_popescu;again -- stop baking empire into your work. whether positively or negatively. 1687419;1500577543;asciilifeform;can only vanish along with http. 1687420;1500577550;mircea_popescu;so it will. 1687421;1500577567;asciilifeform;http://www.loper-os.org/?p=208 << like so. 1687422;1500577570;mircea_popescu;"can only vanish along with gopher, omfg who could live in a http world" 1687423;1500577570;asciilifeform;but strictly like so. 1687424;1500577571;mircea_popescu;guess who. 1687425;1500577579;asciilifeform;whitelist aol. 1687426;1500577581;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform not at all. strictly like as you see all around today. 1687427;1500577593;mircea_popescu;"the web" is the result of better things shut off. 1687428;1500577615;asciilifeform;there is no external cure for aol. 1687429;1500577632;mircea_popescu;there is. again in the vanishing hope that may help : http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-20#1687348 1687430;1500577632;a111;Logged on 2017-07-20 18:50 mircea_popescu: you have nodes N1...Nn all behind a nat. Server S popus up and connects them in pairs such that no Ni is without at least one peer. Server S dies. The whole N1..Nn remains connected forever, notwithstanding how any NjNk connections may die. 1687431;1500577637;asciilifeform;if serf can't get on the actual net, this is not something that can be solved ~for~ him by anyone else 1687432;1500577651;mircea_popescu;it can be solved, by peers, as above. as long as some kind of net exists. any kind. 1687433;1500577663;mircea_popescu;not "this kind we wrote against". ANY kind. 1687434;1500577678;asciilifeform;not if he has to connect to one of $smallint S boxes. that are all firewalled off at his isp. 1687435;1500577691;mircea_popescu;S are not known in advance but by him. 1687436;1500577698;asciilifeform;and how exactly is this achieved ? 1687437;1500577699;mircea_popescu;you can put whatever you want in that list, and should put plenty of crap. 1687438;1500577700;asciilifeform;telapathy ? 1687439;1500577702;asciilifeform;*telepathy 1687440;1500577705;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform YOUR peers. yours. 1687441;1500577719;mircea_popescu;you put, on the box you own, whatever list of your peers as you deem fit. 1687442;1500577750;mircea_popescu;as long as at least one of them actually works, the box is now connected. and will stay connected. 1687443;1500577780;mircea_popescu;and will discover peers and act as a peer beacon for others and so on. 1687444;1500577792;asciilifeform;well yes. if you were able to connect, you were... surprise... able to connect 1687445;1500577795;asciilifeform;mega-revelation 1687446;1500577807;mircea_popescu;... 1687447;1500577817;mircea_popescu;maybe we need to revisit the introduction part ? 1687448;1500577863;asciilifeform;the problem -- and it IS a problem -- is that cold bootup, for ~any~ node, requires knowing a working S. 1687449;1500577877;mircea_popescu;". A aiming to connect to B or vice-versa for any reason is accomplished through : A asks C for an ip for B. C provides A with ip for B and B with notification of A's request (at the least, its ip)." << A sends C a request. C sends A an ip for B and B an ip for A. both B and A start broadcasting at each other fixed packets until the conn is established. 1687450;1500577892;asciilifeform;^ or as pictured here, C 1687451;1500577896;asciilifeform;== S 1687452;1500577898;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform this is only a problem in the sense of "i have decided to not work today so i can't" 1687453;1500577913;asciilifeform;it is a problem in the same way as it is for trb. 1687454;1500577916;asciilifeform;and for botnet. 1687455;1500577927;mircea_popescu;trb has problems resulting from being written by monkeys. 1687456;1500577927;asciilifeform;creates massive stars, in practice. 1687457;1500577942;asciilifeform;speaking here of topological problem that will remain after rewritten by people. 1687458;1500577947;mircea_popescu;what creates massive stars in practice is that the geeks doing this have no peers. 1687459;1500577966;mircea_popescu;if i put up a box my S list will look nothing like yours. 1687460;1500578001;asciilifeform;this'd require at least 2 S to exist, lol 1687461;1500578009;mircea_popescu;and, to stick to fundamentals : your whole argument "proves" that #trilema could not exist. 1687462;1500578018;mircea_popescu;yet, notwithstanding sina's concerns, we did manage to bootstrap trust out of nothing. 1687463;1500578066;asciilifeform;this is == to sina's 'you used gpg yesterday, why is using it tomorrow a problem' 1687464;1500578100;mircea_popescu;there's no other way socialisation works than by introduction. this is not a problem. you are welcome to approach it, but you will be wasting your time. 1687465;1500578132;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: recall your joak re brits fucking ? 1687466;1500578147;mircea_popescu;a better world for computers where the rapist-racism of needing someone to introduce you has been resolved is truly not in any way different than the same re people. 1687467;1500578149;mircea_popescu;i do. 1687468;1500578150;asciilifeform;( as alluded to in http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-23#1660666 ) 1687469;1500578150;a111;Logged on 2017-05-23 23:34 mircea_popescu: what fucking fix. they can't open it anymore than they can fuck the woman on the deserted island. "nobody to introduce us!!1" 1687470;1500578173;mircea_popescu;amusingly i also put it in the log earlioer today. so what of it ? 1687471;1500578198;asciilifeform;it gives the current state of the art re 'how to connect without introduction' 1687472;1500578200;asciilifeform;i.e. to shout 1687473;1500578212;mircea_popescu;this is neither a solution nor a problem nor something fit for discussion. 1687474;1500578214;asciilifeform;existing botnets do this -- the familiar port scan and hammer 1687475;1500578220;asciilifeform;it is ugly. 1687476;1500578224;mircea_popescu;it is NOT A THING. 1687477;1500578241;mircea_popescu;also gives the state of the art re mate finding in the greater uslandia. and it's the lulz of all time. 1687478;1500578248;asciilifeform;depends what you're doing, neh. if you're a cicada looking for a fuck -- worx 1687479;1500578249;mircea_popescu;next we're gonna what, come up with flip flops for computers ? 1687480;1500578253;mircea_popescu;i hear apple stocks them. 1687481;1500578286;asciilifeform;it's the 'insect' solution, gotta mention it for completeness. 1687482;1500578293;mircea_popescu;i... guess 1687483;1500578319;asciilifeform;sorta as british admiral answered 'boil the ocean' to 'is there a solution to uboat' 1687484;1500578374;mircea_popescu;back to it -- once A knows what ip B is at and B knows what ip A is at, they can exchange crafter packets to the point of parlaying it into an established connection. in order to find these, they both rely on their peers. if they have no peers, they don't properly speaking exist, and an angel from above in the shape of a tmsr lord will have to bless them with the spark of life. 1687485;1500578380;mircea_popescu;as for computers -- so for biosacks. 1687486;1500578415;asciilifeform;i'll point out that i do not know of a different recipe than mircea_popescu's ( and in fact is same used by 'skype' and various heathens , for many years. ) 1687487;1500578433;mircea_popescu;and yes the fact that the list of S must be at least a dozen different lists and each a grosse long is why we can't do this arbitrarily early. 1687488;1500578439;mircea_popescu;and also why rando neckbeard can't do himself. 1687489;1500578455;mircea_popescu;(grosse ftr = 12 dozen) 1687490;1500578468;asciilifeform;my objection is that the star topology does not go away by virtue of being called something else. you have a class of fully-capable nodes, S, that can accept unsolicited pipes; and a much larger class of P ( lessay, peons ), behind NAT, who cannot. ergo stars. 1687491;1500578523;asciilifeform;this may very well be fundamental limit. 1687492;1500578530;mircea_popescu;this is not what i see. what i see is that you have a list of C1..n machines ; some of which are included arbitrarily in a list of S1...j and some of which are not. 1687493;1500578545;asciilifeform;and ergo net would have to be deployed in massive burst, whereby yesterday there were 0 S, but today 9000. 1687494;1500578546;mircea_popescu;any C could at any point be a S or not be a S (and because of encryption observer can't even tell which it is) 1687495;1500578593;asciilifeform;there is a separate problem pertaining to uci, that does not reduce strictly to 'nat problem' 1687496;1500578595;mircea_popescu;but -- the fact that A happens to already have a connection to B and therefore B can S for him does not imply or require either A or B be not behind a nat. 1687497;1500578604;asciilifeform;which is that new infections are not physically distinguishable from sybils 1687498;1500578615;mircea_popescu;they are not distinguishable at all, what. 1687499;1500578616;asciilifeform;and so you cannot have 'communicate only with knowns' in botnet 1687500;1500578623;asciilifeform;and cannot operate by 'nothing to allcomers' 1687501;1500578630;mircea_popescu;new guy walks in. how is he distinguishable from usg.pinoy ? 1687502;1500578630;asciilifeform;i do not know of a solution to this presently 1687503;1500578645;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: is not distinguishable. but he can make a key and build identity 1687504;1500578654;mircea_popescu;the solution is that some "people" will accept noobs and some won't. in practice, everyone will run multiple interfaces and thassat. 1687505;1500578656;asciilifeform;bot node, generally, has nothing like an actual rng. 1687506;1500578660;asciilifeform;so cannot form identity. 1687507;1500578671;asciilifeform;it is also subject to key compromise at any time. 1687508;1500578674;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform by now we are strasight back to http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-20#1687375 1687509;1500578674;a111;Logged on 2017-07-20 18:56 mircea_popescu: is this "how to run software on block of wood" ? 1687510;1500578683;mircea_popescu;"has no internet connection, and no rng. can still use ?" 1687511;1500578686;mircea_popescu;"sure, prop a door." 1687512;1500578687;asciilifeform;babbage knew how. 1687513;1500578720;mircea_popescu;the sad truth is that everyone is subject to key compromise at any time. 1687514;1500578731;asciilifeform;in practice, some folx moar often than others. 1687515;1500578741;asciilifeform;( everyone is also subject to piano falling on him ) 1687516;1500578745;mircea_popescu;and with computers also. 1687517;1500578783;mircea_popescu;but yes -- the standard here is that at no point will you know (or care!) whether box A is box A or box E. 1687518;1500578819;asciilifeform;this is necessary but not sufficient 1687519;1500578835;asciilifeform;you also want that nobody can affect how the net works by bringing 9000 of his own As to the table. 1687520;1500578854;mircea_popescu;you accomplish this by not sharing your S lists. 1687521;1500578867;asciilifeform;i was still speaking of uci bots 1687522;1500578876;mircea_popescu;there is no such distinction. gossipd carries all. 1687523;1500578906;mircea_popescu;whether server A im talking to i'm talking so it adds 2 and 2 for me, or gives me a new friend, or shoots a missile, is not a part of design consideration. 1687524;1500578906;asciilifeform;this doesn't magically become a description of a working scheme, by mircea_popescu stating so 1687525;1500578922;mircea_popescu;what do you mean ? 1687526;1500578953;asciilifeform;let's take the typical bot, of which existing nets ( of infected nodes, rather than 'voluntary' p2p ) are made 1687527;1500578962;mircea_popescu;ok 1687528;1500578964;asciilifeform;winblows box, containing potentially 900 other pieces of shitware 1687529;1500578988;asciilifeform;any and all of which look for other processes and occasionally snapshot to send back to $mothership - 'perhaps interesting', 'perhaps contains keys' 1687530;1500579000;mircea_popescu;i expect step 0 : rewrite mbr, fix rest of hdd, reboot into sane os. 1687531;1500579030;mircea_popescu;i see absolutely 0 reason of tmsr tolerating non tmsr software on same box. wipe it all on sight. 1687532;1500579032;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-15#1684024 << 1687533;1500579032;a111;Logged on 2017-07-15 05:27 mircea_popescu: !#s "can we have everything louder than everything else" 1687534;1500579041;mircea_popescu;what. 1687535;1500579051;asciilifeform;unobtainium. 1687536;1500579059;mircea_popescu;this whole "bitcoin ransom" bs is just that, an ouverture. 1687537;1500579076;mircea_popescu;the end game is, your computer was liberated from the crap. your "data" made on your "software". no need for either, grow up. 1687538;1500579078;asciilifeform;only works because it doesn't result in operating box. 1687539;1500579116;mircea_popescu;hm ? 1687540;1500579135;asciilifeform;in original description of uci, was described as 'cpu cycle by the pound' sort of affair 1687541;1500579141;asciilifeform;which implies that user keeps the machine plugged in 1687542;1500579145;asciilifeform;victim, rather 1687543;1500579147;mircea_popescu;ok ? 1687544;1500579163;mircea_popescu;victim is the windowshead. 1687545;1500579165;asciilifeform;why would he keep it plugged in if you formatted and installed slave-for-tmsr-os instead of all that stood there 1687546;1500579179;mircea_popescu;he can do whatever he pleases. ideally stop with the inane bullshit. 1687547;1500579187;asciilifeform;my current understanding is that you need ~some~ degree of stealth 1687548;1500579192;asciilifeform;similar to existing crapware 1687549;1500579195;mircea_popescu;mine isn't. 1687550;1500579198;asciilifeform;expand plox 1687551;1500579214;asciilifeform;user switches on box, sees 'muhahaha all my cycles belong to mircea_popescu OS installed!' 1687552;1500579225;mircea_popescu;but like i just said ? if you end up owning a machine with crap installed, what do you do ? wipe the crap, install a sane os and continue. 1687553;1500579225;asciilifeform;next thing - he takes it to the corner store and trades in hdd 1687554;1500579230;mircea_popescu;why do you think this is different from that ? 1687555;1500579249;asciilifeform;where does uci pool of available cpu cycles come from then 1687556;1500579251;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform why would it be "mirceapopescu os" ? it's just a sane os. he can say hi in gossipd. 1687557;1500579268;mircea_popescu;make some non-retarded friends for once in his life. 1687558;1500579281;asciilifeform;so 'sane os' magically containing luser's demanded toolset, is also somehow in the mix ??! 1687559;1500579293;mircea_popescu;sane os containing tmsr toolset. 1687560;1500579323;mircea_popescu;and yes, he's more than welcome to take a hammer at it / take it back to winapple shop to "have it fixed" (and it will be, and then re-fixed and so on) 1687561;1500579339;mircea_popescu;or else he can learn how to ada, why not. 1687562;1500579340;asciilifeform;this is an entertaining idea ( though i predict that the typical luser will run ever the moar quicker to the new hdd shop from it ) but was not in mircea_popescu's classical uci spec. 1687563;1500579348;mircea_popescu;it was, yes. 1687564;1500579362;mircea_popescu;uci does not convey OWNership of box but permits USAGE thereof. 1687565;1500579366;phf;what a beautiful idea 1687566;1500579368;mircea_popescu;if you OWN a box, you first set it up. 1687567;1500579380;mircea_popescu;phf ikr ? seems the most placid obviousness to me somehow. i must be a little odd. 1687568;1500579394;asciilifeform;hey who didn't think of 'say virus installed linux' in 1998 1687569;1500579408;*;asciilifeform certainly did 1687570;1500579411;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform point being, loser can just let uci churn, watch his bitcoin acrete. why not. 1687571;1500579418;asciilifeform;he dun have a his 1687572;1500579425;mircea_popescu;he just got one. 1687573;1500579437;mircea_popescu;for the first time in his lyf. 1687574;1500579448;asciilifeform;and if his hdd dun fit the chain ? 1687575;1500579468;mircea_popescu;then he'll be stuck waiting for a new hdd. 1687576;1500579469;asciilifeform;good chunk of extant iron, is not actually bitcointronic 1687577;1500579474;mircea_popescu;what do they do when their gfx card dun fit the game ?!?!?! 1687578;1500579593;asciilifeform;if cpu cycles were actually fungible, this would already long ago exist. 1687579;1500579595;asciilifeform;but they are not. 1687580;1500579611;asciilifeform;because there is not yet any known way to compensate the possibility of deliberate misanswer in the calculation. 1687581;1500579618;mircea_popescu;so far the ~only problem i can discern keeping cool things from long ago existing is the pretense of allowing idiots choice. 1687582;1500579632;mircea_popescu;take that away, let them learn how to use a tmsr computer or do without a computer at all. 1687583;1500579656;asciilifeform;you can achieve similar effect just by formatting their hdd, erasing whatever eraseable roms, etc 1687584;1500579661;asciilifeform;1990s virii folx had the right idea. 1687585;1500579685;mircea_popescu;why the fuyck competer in "gui" when you can just compete in holes and either bury the stubborn or else watch windows turn into very much tmsr kicking and screaming ? 1687586;1500579688;mircea_popescu;bitcoin. it corrupts. 1687587;1500579695;asciilifeform;however this does not buy you the use of the victim's willingly paid electric bill. 1687588;1500579711;mircea_popescu;i need his two dollars like i need his girlfriend. 1687589;1500579712;asciilifeform;( formatting hdd, that is. doesn't ) 1687590;1500579717;asciilifeform;2 * maxint 1687591;1500579722;asciilifeform;whole point of botnet neh 1687592;1500579722;mircea_popescu;yeah, right. 1687593;1500579730;mircea_popescu;botnet is not even ev. 1687594;1500579743;asciilifeform;that was my argument against the entire uci thing, recall 1687595;1500579748;asciilifeform;that nobody knows how to make it +ev. 1687596;1500579769;mircea_popescu;back to the topic : the idea is to have properly arranged owned boxes. this will include gossipd as a basis, uci on top of that if the OWNer opts to, bitcoind on top of that likely, a devenv, whatever. 1687597;1500579788;asciilifeform;so - willingly crafted boxes, then 1687598;1500579797;mircea_popescu;will doesn't enter into it one way or another. 1687599;1500579806;mircea_popescu;i really don't give a shit what anyone wants. 1687600;1500579818;asciilifeform;this has 0 bearing on physical reality. 1687601;1500579819;mircea_popescu;maximal boxes. 1687602;1500579842;mircea_popescu;this is how water flows, and how everything else happens. 1687603;1500579872;mircea_popescu;windows will either compete with tmsr or go away. if it competes -- it becomes. if it goes away -- it becomes. there is no choice and there is no will. 1687604;1500579878;asciilifeform;if you use infected idiots, you're stuck explaining what's to keep'em from reinstalling winblows + patch against whatever door you walked in through. 1687605;1500579883;mircea_popescu;nothing. 1687606;1500579894;mircea_popescu;if it competes -- it becomes. if it goes away -- it becomes. 1687607;1500579912;asciilifeform;this is reminiscent of the old virulence debate re ebola etc - 'why are there not moar ebolas' 1687608;1500579935;asciilifeform;or the evolution of 'hiv2' etc 1687609;1500579951;mircea_popescu;there is major difference between competition in software and competition in (any kind of) hardware. very narrow protein spaces in biofilms. 1687610;1500579974;asciilifeform;expand? 1687611;1500579984;mircea_popescu;(by spaces i mean spaces of possibilities, you can write any succession of letters but can't make any molecule you need work the way you'd expect) 1687612;1500580002;asciilifeform;far more narrow in the world of the artificial. 1687613;1500580022;asciilifeform;( this is called 'brittleness' by aficionados of 'meat-like machinery' ) 1687614;1500580052;mircea_popescu;there's less optionality in nature. if you need a GABA, you will use... GABA. that's it. most software problems of comparable complexity allow multiple solutions. 1687615;1500580069;asciilifeform;brittleness is in fact the reason why nobody's made 'evolved' code do much of ~anything interesting to date 1687616;1500580087;mircea_popescu;i hold this is a sore misperception. 1687617;1500580189;asciilifeform;what can i say, do try it 1687618;1500580195;asciilifeform;i -- did 1687619;1500580217;asciilifeform;fwiw cured me of 'this great unsolved problem is merely a small misconception everyone in the field merely happened to suffer from' 1687620;1500580249;mircea_popescu;what are you suggesting i try ? 1687621;1500580322;asciilifeform;describe a model of computation that is 1) usefully complete -- can carry out actual work 2) is substantially non-brittle - i.e. flipping 20% of the bits results in something that is only, say, 20% away from, but still recognizable as the original performer, rather than liquishit 1687622;1500580340;asciilifeform;this was what minsky was trying to achieve with neural network. failed. 1687623;1500580366;asciilifeform;( even if nn is used today -- it is in fact used very sparingly, and in combination with other algos , rather than as universal engine as originally envisioned ) 1687624;1500580372;asciilifeform;because unlearns faster than learns. 1687625;1500580446;asciilifeform;think of it as the ~opposite~ problem to mircea_popescu's hash func. 1687626;1500580505;asciilifeform;(i.e., on what do you compute, such that only MOST mutations are lethal, rather than ALL ) 1687627;1500580538;asciilifeform;this is a mega-problem -- an entire field went to the grave because it was not able to solve it. 1687628;1500580544;asciilifeform;and was replaced by bayesian garbage 1687629;1500580568;trinque;markets appear to solve it. 1687630;1500580586;asciilifeform;trinque: expand? 1687631;1500580599;mircea_popescu;and while we ponder this : what is the difference in your estimation between http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-15#1670731 and http://btcbase.org/log/2017-01-07#1598150 ? 1687632;1500580599;a111;Logged on 2017-06-15 15:16 mircea_popescu: aaand in other news, who wants to wire 2.5k for me ? 1687633;1500580599;a111;Logged on 2017-01-07 15:19 mircea_popescu: and entirely unrelatedly : anyone willing to stand up an irc bot for me (as a service for hire deal) and expose some kind of programmable interface that can read messages to it, process and push out a reply ? bonus points if i don't have to learn crazy-shitstick-"$modernlanguage". 1687634;1500580619;mircea_popescu;what, that they happened over freenode rather than over gossipd ? that the latter is "not properly uci" ? 1687635;1500580624;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: wiring some reichsmarks takes 5min of work 1687636;1500580630;asciilifeform;writing proggy -- longer.. 1687637;1500580634;mircea_popescu;if i ask the owner of machine A to write me a bubblesort or write abada on his tits or whatever ? 1687638;1500580639;mircea_popescu;what the hell is the difference supposed to be. 1687639;1500580658;asciilifeform;difference between mountain and molehill 1687640;1500580660;trinque;asciilifeform: sounds like you're thinking of UCI as one giant virtual machine atop which godman inca runs his programs 1687641;1500580663;mircea_popescu;pshhaw 1687642;1500580663;asciilifeform;to a topologist - maybe none 1687643;1500580670;asciilifeform;just as no diff bw a tennis ball and moon 1687644;1500580673;mircea_popescu;there is NO difference. 1687645;1500580677;trinque;rather than here I sit, I paid some nodes to do work, turned out the output was useful to me 1687646;1500580680;trinque;so I'll pay them to do more 1687647;1500580684;trinque;which is what business is 1687648;1500580688;asciilifeform;trinque: approx, but with 'l1 key holders' rather than inca 1687649;1500580701;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform this is a broken model. 1687650;1500580730;asciilifeform;it was how i read the original trilema article re subj 1687651;1500580764;mircea_popescu;yes, because you have in your head a rigid model of a specific thing. but you see, l1 is not defined afore the fact. l1 is WHAT EMERGES from this process, whatever it may be. 1687652;1500580780;mircea_popescu;that's why the original lordship discussion says "it's not an argument that these are the best, we don't care who's the best. these -- are." 1687653;1500580785;asciilifeform;it is defined by induction. 1687654;1500580810;mircea_popescu;well if l1 ends up as a skirt to hide inca into that'd be one sad fucking outcome. 1687655;1500580844;mircea_popescu;and who the fuck is corrupting who here! 1687656;1500580861;asciilifeform;what'd be the definition of the inca here ? 1687657;1500580890;mircea_popescu;i dunno that i have a definition, but the afore-the-fact grates. 1687658;1500580895;trinque;the imaginary observer before whom the whole UCI topology sits, with equal results for all-comers 1687659;1500580901;mircea_popescu;let us take a very lengthy detour if you'll indulge me. 1687660;1500580924;asciilifeform;trinque: this is where i will admit that your argument is making 0 sense to me 1687661;1500580932;mircea_popescu;so : there obviously is such a thing as "mainstream society". people meet, get married, have kids watch tv whatever. there ALSO is such a thing as "a bdsm community". 1687662;1500580941;mircea_popescu;we on the page so far ? 1687663;1500580944;asciilifeform;aha 1687664;1500580961;mircea_popescu;ok. now, it is the oft unspoken but nevertheless common self flattery of all males that they are "doms" or "masters" whatever. 1687665;1500580971;mircea_popescu;it is also the sad truth of biology that almost none actually are. 1687666;1500580978;asciilifeform;( or 'programmers' or 'artists' or 'carpenters' ... ) but yes 1687667;1500580995;mircea_popescu;women find themselves caught up in the usual sad position their lot ends caught up in : they're stuck bridging reality and male nonsense. 1687668;1500581001;mircea_popescu;so then, let's examine corruption. 1687669;1500581007;mircea_popescu;corruption is that act whereby software is patched. 1687670;1500581032;mircea_popescu;so, suppose a greatly respected dom dood hangs out by the highschool, and soft talks a girl studying there into coming along to the bdsm club. 1687671;1500581036;asciilifeform;i.e. where market re-prices the faux-carpenter as pork on the hoof per pound ? 1687672;1500581057;mircea_popescu;has she been corrupted ? perhaps. maybe, if she is turned from the "normal direction" of cooking-kids-tv into being an out and out slut, she has been corrupted. 1687673;1500581059;mircea_popescu;but has he ? 1687674;1500581079;mircea_popescu;maybe he finally marries. girl does a little bit of wearing push up bras for a year or so... and then for the rest of their natural lives they tvkids. 1687675;1500581089;mircea_popescu;so. who is corrupting who ? how do you tell ~early~ ? 1687676;1500581110;asciilifeform;from whose pov is either 'corrupted', other than hypothetical pantsuit priest's ? 1687677;1500581125;asciilifeform;'no longer operating within spec' of priest - yes 1687678;1500581130;asciilifeform;but who else gives a shit 1687679;1500581132;mircea_popescu;well, at time t they each purport to run a software. at time t1, they observably both run the same software. some patching went on. who ? 1687680;1500581172;mircea_popescu;and this is my point here : yes, bitcoin corrupts. i mean specific things by this term of art, they're in the logs. 1687681;1500581174;asciilifeform;could describe both as having run an ill-conceived winblowz, originally, that bsoded in the end in the same way 1687682;1500581185;asciilifeform;and yes bitcoin 'corrupts' like forest fire burns. 1687683;1500581195;mircea_popescu;the proposition that we'd end up with a sort of uci-as-nsa and l1-as-subtstitute-for-dnc is very much the proposition that, "you know what ? inca also corrupts" 1687684;1500581201;asciilifeform;( very overdue forest fire, at that ) 1687685;1500581233;asciilifeform;i read the original uci proposal as straight weapon of us vs them 1687686;1500581237;mircea_popescu;this is observably true, in history : the proposition that "it's a great idea to live above your means" was the proximate cause of "french revolution" and every other socialist attack on money hence 1687687;1500581239;asciilifeform;rather than eulora-like closes planet 1687688;1500581242;mircea_popescu;including the silver money lobby in us and so on. 1687689;1500581264;asciilifeform;*closed planet 1687690;1500581273;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform well in principle the problem is, nothing tmsr does can possibly be anything but straight weapon of "us against them". it is a terrorist organisation after all. 1687691;1500581286;asciilifeform;yes but distinguish bayonet thrust from recruitment 1687692;1500581291;mircea_popescu;how ? 1687693;1500581330;asciilifeform;bayonet is not making a new wot member in good standing. it is pest control. 1687694;1500581339;mircea_popescu;anyway, but the tendency is there, your mind is "oh, mircea_popescu os". except i've no intention to mircea_popescu os anyone as such. 1687695;1500581357;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform problem is, at amoeba stage, can't distinguish infection from copulation. it's still cytostrands. 1687696;1500581446;asciilifeform;the practical knot is -- do you wanna squeeze the winblowz idiots for max cpu cycle and storage space times electric current -- or to convert'em to tmsr participants ( do most have even the elementary neural makings of one ? why to suddenly think this ? ) 1687697;1500581448;mircea_popescu;moreover, explain. what DOES make such a new member in good standing ? trinque goes riding through poor neighbourhood, sees fetching negress, goes "hey ho! wanna be my slave ?" she goes "Sure loverboy". he takes her home, wipes her laptop and installs tmsr os. next you know it, black chix code. 1687698;1500581453;asciilifeform;as i see it the 2 are disjoint 1687699;1500581456;mircea_popescu;how do you then distinguish these thrusts ? 1687700;1500581456;asciilifeform;bayonet, or fuck. 1687701;1500581497;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i do not want anything in particular ; but i do observe and therefore declare that as water flows to lower ground and as good money pushes out the bad so too better computers own shittier computers and there's jack shit me or you or them or anyone can do about this. 1687702;1500581538;asciilifeform;this is great thread, but i have an incoming, so brb.. 1687703;1500581541;*;asciilifeform bbl - meat 1687704;1500581546;mircea_popescu;now -- whether windowshead wants to or doesn't want to participate is entirely irrelevant. he can destroy the machine, or keep bringing in to his dumbship for "repairs" or whatever flailing. what of it. 1687705;1500581600;mircea_popescu;but as to the practical knot - i dun wanna squeeze idiots for anything. to begin with, the very definition of idiocy assures me they have nothing i want. 1687706;1500582041;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-20#1687166 << ac has filters neh ? or not really cold enough up there to have airtight house 1687707;1500582041;a111;Logged on 2017-07-20 17:09 pete_dushenski: BingoBoingo: blackzilla is enjoying the seasonal weather more than i'm enjoying the seasonal smoke. being downwind of the massive bc fires isn't doing wonders for the ol' respiratory tract. (waking up coughing, etc.) . needless to say i've a newfound appreciation for the sorry denizens of chinese mega-cities. it's one of those "you never know what you've got until it's gone" (tm) things 1687708;1500582137;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-20#1687190 << bwhaahah 1687709;1500582137;a111;Logged on 2017-07-20 17:17 pete_dushenski: asciilifeform: alphabet is only 22-characters, it's doable 1687710;1500582142;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu: well, no 'ac' per se at either home or bureau. 1687711;1500582160;mircea_popescu;what do they even do in bc, central air ? or ? 1687712;1500582175;*;pete_dushenski sees that his hebe joek is well received 1687713;1500582196;*;mircea_popescu has in time become very partial to the solution for northern climes. "just pretend house is mfg plant, and that's why there must be a thick dong suspended under roof." 1687714;1500582283;pete_dushenski;bc is ~800km away, which is where the wildfires are. alberta is just downwind. there are basically just circulation fans on the rooves. and windows! glorious operable windows that do oh so little to keep out pm 1687715;1500582308;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-20#1687201 << this is rather not true. israel is up there with romania and the technological greats in "valuable subassembly production". 1687716;1500582308;a111;Logged on 2017-07-20 17:27 asciilifeform: pete_dushenski: modern-day .il is a parasitic rider on usg -- and not merely in the well-known 'free money' sense, but also in that the ~only exports are 'intellectual property' racket, which rides on usg's patent enforcement shakedown 1687717;1500582329;pete_dushenski;great, now i'm imagining black footlong dongs as ceiling mobiles. THIS IS BAD FOR CHILDREN MKDAY 1687718;1500582351;mircea_popescu;centrail air, i'm telling you. can heat/cool/humidifix/filter, you name it. 1687719;1500582367;mircea_popescu;you have a water plant in the basement, and it should be right next to the airplant. 1687720;1500582445;pete_dushenski;just got quote for a/c at house actually : $5k (~1.4btc). not terribru and better than coughing myself awake in the middle of the night ? 1687721;1500582489;mircea_popescu;the airtightness is more important than just plopping a split unit on the livingroom wall. 1687722;1500582498;mircea_popescu;from experience, about 3.5x cheaper to build for it than to retrofit.\ 1687723;1500582567;mircea_popescu;but anyway, yes, 5k in deductible payment that improves property is way the fuck better than aerosol induced astma, which is something that does happen, and which is something that can readily cost 10x that over a miserable lifetime. 1687724;1500582568;pete_dushenski;airtightness is pretty much a given in these parts, in my 60s house or 50s office maybe a bit less but certainly in newer builds 1687725;1500582628;pete_dushenski;well aren't we just the a/c salesmen. well goddamit if i call him right now to install it's of my own volition!!1 1687726;1500582672;mircea_popescu;lol 1687727;1500582749;mircea_popescu;tell you what, "eh fuck this shit" is how i ended up with millions in deployed capital, the roi of which was above par overall (not counting any subjectives). 1687728;1500582802;pete_dushenski;i can see it 1687729;1500582834;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-20#1687227 << the irony of it is that they stealthy do! when the romanians wiped the us ariforce out of the skies during that lulz exercise, what did it other than the pilots was the recently deployed israeli electronic upgrade. 1687730;1500582834;a111;Logged on 2017-07-20 17:48 asciilifeform: afaik they still dun have a, e.g., self-made fighter jet. 1687731;1500582865;mircea_popescu;the russians have no planes without the israeli bits. which means in point of fact that yes, the israelis have a fighter jet. and the best kind there can be had, also -- another's wife. 1687732;1500582961;mircea_popescu;(the event also set us policy -- the reason they moved to tomahawk-from-boat rather than the 1990s-style iraq sorties is that us airforce could not actually stand up to ro airforce if it came to dogfight, which is more ridiculous than it stands.) 1687733;1500582970;mircea_popescu;more ridiculous than it sounds* i mean. 1687734;1500583024;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-20#1687232 << ahaha. look into it sometime :D 1687735;1500583024;a111;Logged on 2017-07-20 17:49 asciilifeform: nobody cancelled the jet. 1687736;1500583045;mircea_popescu;as it stands currently, the russians will have the last jet much like the germans have the last car. 1687737;1500583069;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-20#1687233 << any other but iran, 1687738;1500583069;a111;Logged on 2017-07-20 17:49 pete_dushenski: for whatever 'cybermilitary' is worth, i'd pit .il against any other 1687739;1500583074;mircea_popescu;but sure. 1687740;1500583168;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-20#1687242 << kinda, yeah. and before that, french materiel they ~didn't know how to use either. 1687741;1500583168;a111;Logged on 2017-07-20 17:53 trinque: was this true in the last such war? 1687742;1500583183;mircea_popescu;lotta period lulz about british spitfires strafing bedouin warparties etc. 1687743;1500583224;trinque;heh, then the next one should be just as lulzy 1687744;1500583333;mircea_popescu;prolly. 1687745;1500583494;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-20#1687246 << was this something ? 1687746;1500583494;a111;Logged on 2017-07-20 17:57 pete_dushenski: in other rough regions, the usg 'left' is still confuzed as fuck http://archive.is/X9fwz 1687747;1500583647;mircea_popescu;anyway. the "UAE demands to Qatar" redo of WW1-era "serbian ultimatum" is ... still ongoing!! now with revisions and etc. 1687748;1500583661;mircea_popescu;but in more practical terms, apparently "teh terrorists" actually took over a country on the quiet. 1687749;1500583748;BingoBoingo; as it stands currently, the russians will have the last jet much like the germans have the last car. << But as we learned from pete_dushenski,sometimes the lawnmower's more fun 1687750;1500583789;mircea_popescu;ttp://www.reuters.com/article/us-russia-usa-sanctions-property-idUSKBN1A30H5 in moar random lulz 1687751;1500583987;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-20#1687243 << the framing is so lulzy. really, "unable to buy us junk", that's the lead ? cuz they totally would have bought if ... they could... get it for free ? and under no other circumstances ? awww. 1687752;1500583987;a111;Logged on 2017-07-20 17:54 pete_dushenski: some russian hardware too, and increasingly chinese as per http://archive.is/xhzQI 1687753;1500583997;BingoBoingo;Finally someone severed that damned h from ttp 1687754;1500584004;mircea_popescu;freeeeehdom! 1687755;1500584036;shinohai;It's new BingoBoingo, the Turd Transport Protocol (tm) 1687756;1500584077;mircea_popescu;ehehe 1687757;1500584108;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-20#1687247 << they didn't work. but yes, early 90s you could buy su nuke parts on black market. 1687758;1500584108;a111;Logged on 2017-07-20 17:58 pete_dushenski: when su 'vanished' did nuke codes leak ? if so, why no kablooey ? 1687759;1500584197;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-20#1687258 << absolutely not. if usg fell into the sea tomorrow, turkey would ally with israel and probably iran against the rest of the weirdos. and they'd throw such an arab peninsula rape party as the world's never seen. 1687760;1500584197;a111;Logged on 2017-07-20 18:08 trinque: right, so usg crumbles, erdrogan or whoever throws a big neo-caliphate party, invites everyone to go israel-stomping. russia and china collectivey "meh" and lol at the US losing a colony 1687761;1500584211;mircea_popescu;~everyone there's sick of the "rich" arab nations as of crab apples. 1687762;1500584509;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-20#1687404 << do either of you have the packet involved ? 1687763;1500584509;a111;Logged on 2017-07-20 19:01 trinque: pf: pf_normalize_tcp_stateful failed on first pkt << deedbot departures appear to correspond with this. 1687764;1500584748;BingoBoingo; ~everyone there's sick of the "rich" arab nations as of crab apples. << Poor crab apples, many are enslaved as the plumbing that allows fruiting apples to live. This is a rich metaphor space. 1687765;1500584751;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-20#1687493 << there is certainly a "minimum safe count". the issue is that just like with bitcoin -- the actual count increases as the item grows. so "waiting to polish it moar" not necessarily winning strategy. then again, too early not winning strategy either. 1687766;1500584751;a111;Logged on 2017-07-20 19:22 asciilifeform: and ergo net would have to be deployed in massive burst, whereby yesterday there were 0 S, but today 9000. 1687767;1500584761;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo aha. 1687768;1500584813;*;BingoBoingo senses crab apple oppresion fanfic inbound 1687769;1500584891;pete_dushenski;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-20#1687745 <--> http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-20#1687263 1687770;1500584891;a111;Logged on 2017-07-20 20:44 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-20#1687246 << was this something ? 1687771;1500584891;a111;Logged on 2017-07-20 18:19 pete_dushenski: aha. archive.is didn't eat it : https://newrepublic.com/article/143926/dirtbag-left-problem-dominance-politics 1687772;1500584958;pete_dushenski;i got a kick out of the 'we are mp because we can haz podcast, bow hethens!!1' schtick 1687773;1500584961;mircea_popescu;dun work here. 1687774;1500585034;pete_dushenski;https://web.archive.org/web/20170719131843/https://newrepublic.com/article/143926/dirtbag-left-problem-dominance-politics ? 1687775;1500585116;mircea_popescu;well it's loading... something. so meanwhile http://68.media.tumblr.com/dfa0b2a7a8ab3190014fcad8129f815d/tumblr_n063okIvVB1r2hz45o1_500.gif 1687776;1500585129;mircea_popescu;pete_dushenski spent 5 mins to load a 404 1687777;1500585291;*;asciilifeform slowly re-eats the l0gz 1687778;1500585338;pete_dushenski;http://archive.is/oyEC2 http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:https://newrepublic.com/article/143926/dirtbag-left-problem-dominance-politics 1687779;1500585378;pete_dushenski;i shan't give up on this lol even if it is now a stale, forced effort! 1687780;1500585445;asciilifeform;so which is it, http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-20#1687705 or http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-12#1681782 ? 1687781;1500585445;a111;Logged on 2017-07-20 20:13 mircea_popescu: but as to the practical knot - i dun wanna squeeze idiots for anything. to begin with, the very definition of idiocy assures me they have nothing i want. 1687782;1500585445;a111;Logged on 2017-07-12 03:19 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform just that -- have $100, get $100 worth of computer ; not have - not get. 1687783;1500585448;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-20#1687636 << how long it takes is not really the point. i DID in fact verify that candi_lustt was not http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-20#1687580 1687784;1500585448;a111;Logged on 2017-07-20 19:57 asciilifeform: writing proggy -- longer.. 1687785;1500585448;a111;Logged on 2017-07-20 19:40 asciilifeform: because there is not yet any known way to compensate the possibility of deliberate misanswer in the calculation. 1687786;1500585454;asciilifeform;as i understand it -- dichotomy 1687787;1500585464;mircea_popescu;i don't see this. write it out ? 1687788;1500585472;asciilifeform;pillage xor burn 1687789;1500585488;asciilifeform;y'know , like in civ1 1687790;1500585513;mircea_popescu;i still don't follow this. so : there's a chickfield. upon this chickfield you run a transform. it results in either all of them dying or some useful slavegirls surviving. 1687791;1500585518;mircea_popescu;where is the dichotomy ? 1687792;1500585543;mircea_popescu;obviously no slavegirl is free ranged pantsuit. so in this sense -- they all die, yes. 1687793;1500585550;mircea_popescu;some -- reborn. most don't. life. 1687794;1500585568;asciilifeform;but suppose what you really want is to clear a minefield. 1687795;1500585573;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2017/07/black-man-paroled-the-juice-is-once-again-loose/ << Qntra - Black Man Paroled: The Juice Is Once Again Loose 1687796;1500585576;asciilifeform;then herding, even temporarily -- is +ev 1687797;1500585731;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-20#1687704 << my contention was that trying to, e.g., 'solve 1024 chickens problem' is wasted effort in this case, just format their hdd and call it a day 1687798;1500585731;a111;Logged on 2017-07-20 20:12 mircea_popescu: now -- whether windowshead wants to or doesn't want to participate is entirely irrelevant. he can destroy the machine, or keep bringing in to his dumbship for "repairs" or whatever flailing. what of it. 1687799;1500585748;asciilifeform;the uptake of whatever 'liberation' you forcibly thrust upon the cattle will be 0. 1687800;1500585777;asciilifeform;( these are creatures whose entire existence sits on a hallucinated pillar of 'choice' etc ) 1687801;1500585841;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-20#1687721 << this is absolutely so. asciilifeform has a large ac in the work shed and it does ~0 -- because poor seals. 1687802;1500585841;a111;Logged on 2017-07-20 20:28 mircea_popescu: the airtightness is more important than just plopping a split unit on the livingroom wall. 1687803;1500585885;mircea_popescu;i don't give a shit if it's 0 or -0.01 1687804;1500585890;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-20#1687731 << if so, this does not bode well for ru planes if they ever face il 1687805;1500585890;a111;Logged on 2017-07-20 20:34 mircea_popescu: the russians have no planes without the israeli bits. which means in point of fact that yes, the israelis have a fighter jet. and the best kind there can be had, also -- another's wife. 1687806;1500585898;mircea_popescu;i own a box. this box has crap on it. therefore... i ... delete the crap. and put something sane on./ 1687807;1500585903;mircea_popescu;which juncture gives you pause ? 1687808;1500585929;asciilifeform;the utter futility of push-loading sanity. 1687809;1500585935;asciilifeform;sanity must be sought. 1687810;1500585940;trinque;whaat, isn't the whole thing here push-loading sanity? 1687811;1500585945;mircea_popescu;but... if i own a box... therefore... i check and remove... crap.. and then... instal... sanity. 1687812;1500585946;mircea_popescu;wtf. 1687813;1500585955;asciilifeform;if you own -- as in built with own hands 1687814;1500585959;mircea_popescu;own is own. 1687815;1500585963;mircea_popescu;if i own, then. 1687816;1500585965;asciilifeform;i thought thread was re hypothetical infected idjits 1687817;1500585967;asciilifeform;and 'their' iron 1687818;1500585979;trinque;why scare-quotes? 1687819;1500585984;trinque;because they don't own it, nsa does 1687820;1500585987;asciilifeform;trinque: because cuckoldry neh 1687821;1500585989;mircea_popescu;there is no such distinction. if you own, whether because your wife brought you it and said "here, this is your daugther" or because gf brought home "here, this is new fucktoy". 1687822;1500585992;mircea_popescu;if you own -- you own. 1687823;1500586010;asciilifeform;point being, idjit boots up his tetrisator one day and finds ????? 1687824;1500586016;mircea_popescu;so ? 1687825;1500586024;mircea_popescu;tmsr is not a ux shop. 1687826;1500586034;asciilifeform;so if you're maximizing him for wool, gotta do one thing, if for meat -- other 1687827;1500586044;mircea_popescu;i am not maximizing anyone for anything. 1687828;1500586050;asciilifeform;this is not a thing. 1687829;1500586058;asciilifeform;if you're doing it, there is some logic. 1687830;1500586062;mircea_popescu;this is the point. i'm neither the left pepsi can nor the right pepsi can and you're neither invited or allowed to choose me. 1687831;1500586096;asciilifeform;well i suppose you can also do it because achieved enlightenment on lsd, or whichever, but this is harem , not forum, and not communicable 1687832;1500586101;asciilifeform;is mircea_popescu's logic communicable ? 1687833;1500586122;mircea_popescu;yes. if... i own... a box... i ~~~therefore~~~ remove... the crap on it. and then, install, non crap on it. 1687834;1500586133;mircea_popescu;this is the whole logic that is, and that ever could be, involved in the matter. 1687835;1500586161;asciilifeform;and box evaporates next morning, without fail. so work that went into 'install noncrap' ( vs merely 'format hdd' ) was burned. 1687836;1500586165;mircea_popescu;whatever. 1687837;1500586171;mircea_popescu;i don't care what happens tomorrow. 1687838;1500586179;asciilifeform;'whatever' is only ever uttered by folx who don't have to lift a finger. 1687839;1500586182;mircea_popescu;i care what happened yesterday. and what happened yesterday was, i owned a box. and on it, i... 1687840;1500586200;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i literally, and entirely, don't give a shit what happens tomorrow. 1687841;1500586218;asciilifeform;and yet you do some things and not others. 1687842;1500586226;mircea_popescu;on the basis of previous things. 1687843;1500586230;asciilifeform;d00d who 'dun care what tomorrow' stays on the cocaine yacht. 1687844;1500586237;mircea_popescu;depends on dood. 1687845;1500586237;diana_coman;asciilifeform, fwiw re http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-06#1666713 <- finally got around to try it and I can confirm it works perfectly fine on gnat 2016 from adacore, gcc 4.9.4 1687846;1500586237;a111;Logged on 2017-06-06 20:56 diana_coman: neah, it says it can't even see it then; will try another time with the adacore 4.9 1687847;1500586237;asciilifeform;rather than screwing with software etc 1687848;1500586244;asciilifeform;diana_coman: very neato 1687849;1500586245;mircea_popescu;nice diana_coman 1687850;1500586257;asciilifeform;diana_coman: share your gnatology with mod6 1687851;1500586264;asciilifeform;( how didja build gnat ? from where ? etc ) 1687852;1500586274;*;asciilifeform bbl, out of food 1687853;1500586275;*;mircea_popescu is slightly amused we're back at http://btcbase.org/log/2013-02-16#-121196 1687854;1500586275;a111;Logged on 2013-02-16 14:17 Diablo-D3: people who are that rich dont hang out on IRC 1687855;1500586318;diana_coman;used the pointers given by ave1 really 1687856;1500586368;mircea_popescu;dumbfounding shitnonsense is this anyway. i do the things i do because they ARE! the right things to do. present fucking tense. not because i'm hopping such and such a tomorrow as'll make them retrospectively the right things. wtf is even this, inflatothink. 1687857;1500586385;diana_coman;played a bit with ffa too; maybe I get some time to add to mod6's testing of it 1687858;1500587943;asciilifeform;i betcha mircea_popescu plays fine game of chesss 1687859;1500587968;mircea_popescu;middling. why ? 1687860;1500587978;asciilifeform;given as he has a right-move oracle installed in him, and dun have to think any moves ahead 1687861;1500587995;asciilifeform;i dun got an oracle 1687862;1500588046;asciilifeform;and will say, thinking n moves ahead !=' femaleworry ' 1687863;1500588091;asciilifeform;though it is arduous, and i'd rather get oracle installed, somebody gotta say to me where . 1687864;1500588132;asciilifeform;'femaleworry' is idiotic because it's a decision algo that dun converge in constant time 1687865;1500588139;asciilifeform;not because thinking. 1687866;1500588263;BingoBoingo; middling. why ? << Only middling when you play for the sport of it. IRL you decapitate opponent's king with bolt cutters and dare them to object 1687867;1500588300;asciilifeform;i'll add that thinking per se dun have to make you predictable from game theoretical pov , the other major trap 1687868;1500588308;asciilifeform;not if you own an rng. 1687869;1500588312;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform it's not thinking at all ; but in any case : when there IS a fine oracle, why bother with more. 1687870;1500588386;mircea_popescu;"do i own this box, yes/no" "if yes, why is there crap on it / if no why am i futzing with it". 1687871;1500588410;phf;asciilifeform: presumably you have read pelevin's ддп(нн) 1687872;1500588556;BingoBoingo;https://archive.is/NoaB0 << More Alphabay lulz including etymology of where name came from 1687873;1500588902;shinohai;" Public court filings revealed by the US Federal Government show that his use of Paypal in paying for a gold membership was helpful to the government in identifying his true identity." 1687874;1500588910;shinohai;This is good for PayPalCoin 1687875;1500589122;pete_dushenski;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-20#1687858 << simplistic, almost shamanistic though it is, there is perhaps useful trichotomy of heart-heart-gut, being three possible answers for "why" a given person does a given thing. heart because of how it makes her feel and how it makes the people around her feel ; head because it's cerebrally satisfying ; gut because gotta get the fucking show on the road already here. 1687876;1500589122;a111;Logged on 2017-07-20 21:59 asciilifeform: i betcha mircea_popescu plays fine game of chesss 1687877;1500589197;pete_dushenski;of course there are proportions at play, no one is 100% any one thing, but mp is at least 3/4 gut, stan at least 3/4 head, thus the 'how can you just do?' question 1687878;1500589257;*;pete_dushenski prepares for hail storm of stones thrown at him for charlatanism 1687879;1500589811;ben_vulpes;phrenology, even 1687880;1500590576;BingoBoingo;Not charlatanism so much as Jewthink 1687881;1500590802;pete_dushenski;pretty much eh 1687882;1500590835;pete_dushenski;!~ticker 1687883;1500590837;jhvh1;pete_dushenski: Bitfinex BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 2793.3, Best ask: 2793.7, Bid-ask spread: 0.40000, Last trade: 2793.3, 24 hour volume: 72788.96715253, 24 hour low: 2226.3, 24 hour high: 2799.9, 24 hour vwap: None 1687884;1500590908;BingoBoingo;OMG STILL CRASHING! 1687885;1500590918;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all 1687886;1500590925;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 2780.07, vol: 27541.42796078 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 2640.016, vol: 13857.72139 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 2785.8, vol: 72921.33033807 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 2761.99, vol: 21584.28620000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 2788.0, vol: 14412.8671034 | Volume-weighted last average: 2768.10240903 1687887;1500590938;pete_dushenski;speaking of facing the music, http://archive.is/Zv5gG 1687888;1500591013;pete_dushenski;"Caskets can cost thousands of dollars to buy, and are even being sold in some major supermarket chains. But at the Coffin Club, members only need to supply their own materials. Russell Game is a club mentor but he is also making a coffin for himself. "It's so much cheaper than buying a coffin," he said." 1687889;1500592359;ben_vulpes;in other boeckisms: https://blog.hboeck.de/archives/888-How-I-tricked-Symantec-with-a-Fake-Private-Key.html 1687890;1500592382;*;ben_vulpes is regularly surprised at the thickness of derp found in the 'security community' 1687891;1500592534;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-20#1687877 << i hate to disappoint pete_dushenski , but i also think with gut. however, perhaps different section of gut than mircea_popescu . 1687892;1500592534;a111;Logged on 2017-07-20 22:19 pete_dushenski: of course there are proportions at play, no one is 100% any one thing, but mp is at least 3/4 gut, stan at least 3/4 head, thus the 'how can you just do?' question 1687893;1500592603;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-20#1687889 << ben_vulpes ponder the sheer hilarity of the 'they revoked key based on faux signature!11' by same derp who heckled the 'peter anvin' key affair 1687894;1500592603;a111;Logged on 2017-07-20 23:12 ben_vulpes: in other boeckisms: https://blog.hboeck.de/archives/888-How-I-tricked-Symantec-with-a-Fake-Private-Key.html 1687895;1500592632;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: lol need more ileum, less duodenum!1 1687896;1500592743;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-20#1687871 << sure, why? 1687897;1500592743;a111;Logged on 2017-07-20 22:06 phf: asciilifeform: presumably you have read pelevin's ддп(нн) 1687898;1500592756;asciilifeform;( it's a compendium of shorts. which one was phf thinking of ? ) 1687899;1500592779;asciilifeform;'диалектика переходного периода из ниоткуда в никуда' 1687900;1500592784;asciilifeform;( pretty great title, too ) 1687901;1500592846;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: i don't actually recall his role in the anvin affair 1687902;1500592859;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: also, that you framed "i think with this" shows that... you're head. hate to break it to you. to "think with gut" is to choose a restaurant to eat at not to open a restaurant. 1687903;1500592914;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: review, http://trilema.com/2015/full-disclosure-4096-rsa-key-in-the-strongset-factored , http://trilema.com/2015/more-factored-rsa-keys-and-assorted-other-considerations , http://trilema.com/2016/psa-hanno-bock-still-a-deceitful-shitbag 1687904;1500592963;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: what i meant is, i dun have necessarily a communicable logic for why i operate in particular way, and if pressed , tend to react similarly to mircea_popescu's 1687905;1500592979;asciilifeform;' the oracle in my arse told me to do it, and fuckoff.jpg ' 1687906;1500593111;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-20#1687873 << lol monkeymen 1687907;1500593111;a111;Logged on 2017-07-20 22:15 shinohai: " Public court filings revealed by the US Federal Government show that his use of Paypal in paying for a gold membership was helpful to the government in identifying his true identity." 1687908;1500593158;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: only you'd know that. twas just my 2c from 10k feet. 1687909;1500593396;asciilifeform;gotta wonder what was the thought process. 'i'ma pay for dope with shitpal just this ONCE' ?? 1687910;1500593517;pete_dushenski;bbl 1687911;1500593629;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-20#1687870 << 'do i own this cow? if yes, why is it not sausage yet' 1687912;1500593629;a111;Logged on 2017-07-20 22:06 mircea_popescu: "do i own this box, yes/no" "if yes, why is there crap on it / if no why am i futzing with it". 1687913;1500593657;asciilifeform;can milk cow. if it gives milk. whole puzzle was, as i understand, 'can haz milk? or go straight to meat' 1687914;1500593672;asciilifeform;( and do you even ~want~ this particular milk. ) 1687915;1500593801;asciilifeform;other thing is, even if you don't want for anything the 'milk' (cpu cycles etc) of pwned derp, and simply going for max materiel damage, formatting hdd is not necessarily the max 1687916;1500593851;asciilifeform;( set him up as a relay for whatever type of pr0n is banned where he is, leak his cc, etc ) 1687917;1500593897;asciilifeform;'if job is worth doing, it is worth doing well' or how did it go. 1687918;1500594067;phf;asciilifeform: i was thinking the one числа (or perhaps it's called мощь великого?), that was re http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-20#1687868 and the general discussion of "acting from gut" 1687919;1500594067;a111;Logged on 2017-07-20 22:05 asciilifeform: not if you own an rng. 1687920;1500594080;asciilifeform;aaaaahaha 1687921;1500594085;asciilifeform;i suspect mircea_popescu would luvv that piece 1687922;1500594094;asciilifeform;iirc it even exists in a (middling) engl translation 1687923;1500594123;asciilifeform;dun suppose phf has a 133337w4rez txt of this. 1687924;1500594146;phf;no, unfortunately, hardcover book picked up on a moscows trip 1687925;1500594163;asciilifeform;of the translation, i mean 1687926;1500594166;asciilifeform;( original is easy to find ) 1687927;1500594241;phf;шы еруку фт утп мукышщт? 1687928;1500594246;phf;erm 1687929;1500594250;phf;is there an eng version? 1687930;1500594252;asciilifeform;бнопня вхрюк 1687931;1500594261;asciilifeform;there is, some brit translated 1687932;1500594283;asciilifeform;( and iirc the result was not wholly barfalicious, even ) 1687933;1500594328;asciilifeform;http://www.electroniclibrary21.ru/literature/pelewin/41.shtml << generation p in engl 1687934;1500594335;asciilifeform;iirc it was this d00d. bromfield. 1687935;1500594340;asciilifeform;who did the other one 1687936;1500594416;phf;i found a "собрание сочинений" pack of his english texts, but it doesn't have dpp, nor is amazon etc. turning up a translated version. 1687937;1500594449;asciilifeform;'The USSR, which they'd begun to renovate and improve at about the time when Tatarsky decided to change his profession, improved so much that it ceased to exist (if a state is capable of entering nirvana, that's what must have happened in this case)...' 1687938;1500594451;asciilifeform;notbad.jpg 1687939;1500594453;asciilifeform;translationwise 1687940;1500594459;asciilifeform;would like to find the one of 'numbers' tho. 1687941;1500594538;asciilifeform;' Meanwhile the television was still showing the same old repulsive physiognomies that had been sickening the viewers for the last twenty years. Now they were saying exactly the same things they used to jail other people for, except that they were far bolder, far more decisive and radical. Tatarsky often found himself imagining Germany in 1946, with Doktor Goebbels shrieking hysterically on the radio about the abyss in 1687942;1500594538;asciilifeform;to which fascism had led the nation, with the former Kom-mandant of Auschwitz heading the Commission for the Detention of Nazi Criminals, and SS generals explaining in clear and simple words the importance of liberal values, while the whole cabal was led by the newly enlightened Gauleiter of Eastern Prussia. Tatarsky, of course, hated most of the manifestations of Soviet power, but he still couldn't understand w 1687943;1500594538;asciilifeform;hy it was worth exchanging an evil empire for an evil banana republic that imported its bananas from Finland.' 1687944;1500594547;asciilifeform;^ recommended for engl. folx. 1687945;1500594572;asciilifeform;( mircea_popescu would prolly snoar, however, this setting is old hat to him. ) 1687946;1500594658;phf;that, and subtitled Brat is pretty much all you need to understand moscow in the 90s :p 1687947;1500594746;phf;ahaha, http://www.jstor.org.sci-hub.cc/stable/23349218?seq=3#page_scan_tab_contents "THE MONSTROUS AGGREGATE OF THE SOCIAL: TOWARD BIOPOLITICS IN VICTOR PELEVIN'S WORK", haven't read but third page has a section titled "Biopolitics in Foucault" 1687948;1500594760;asciilifeform;i'll confess that i always pictured phf as literally the hero from 'generationp' 1687949;1500594804;asciilifeform;given as i missed out on the pleasure of the '90s in person, and he -- not 1687950;1500594849;asciilifeform;'While he was working in the kiosk (it went on for a little less than a year), Tatarsky acquired two new qualities. The first was a cynicism as boundless as the view from the Ostankino television tower; the second was something quite remarkable and inexplicable. Tatarsky only had to glance at a customer's hands to know whether he could short-change him and by exactly how much, whether he could be insulting to him, w 1687951;1500594849;asciilifeform;hether there was any likelihood of being passed a false banknote and whether he could pass on a false note himself. There was no definite system involved in all this. Sometimes a fist like a hairy water-melon would appear in the little window, but it was obvious that Tatarsky could quite safely send its owner to hell and beyond. Then sometimes Tatarsky's heart would skip a beat in fright at the sight of a slim female hand 1687952;1500594849;asciilifeform; with manicured nails.' 1687953;1500594853;asciilifeform;mega-b00k. 1687954;1500594877;*;asciilifeform will even re-read in engl., which previously could not have conceived of wanting to do. 1687955;1500595058;phf;hah, nah, i'm more of petka from chapayev i pustota. i spent the 90s with amateur esotericists. i didn't actually get to play the businessman, so didn't acquire any of these skills 1687956;1500595081;asciilifeform;well specifically the mushroom d00d 1687957;1500595116;asciilifeform;''And what will it do for me?' 'You'll see soon enough,' replied Gireiev. 'You'll be drying them for winter yourself.'' 1687958;1500595116;phf;aah 1687959;1500595371;phf;by the time i started figuring out the socioeconomic part of the question it was a year too late (they started tightening the screws some time before putin came to power, which was not so much the beginning but the announcement of the done deal. i remember '99 the situation of a lot of people changed drastically.) 1687960;1500595445;phf;i.e. a handful of arrests, a handful of "demoted and moved to a different department" etc. and at least one death that we knew was no longer "bratki" 1687961;1500599727;mircea_popescu;o hai 1687962;1500599812;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-20#1687884 << i had my life's ethers invested in paypalcoin please help. 1687963;1500599812;a111;Logged on 2017-07-20 22:48 BingoBoingo: OMG STILL CRASHING! 1687964;1500599957;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-20#1687890 << "they just mean well". if they could get the honest social signal / justthefacs!!! already ploxty. 1687965;1500599957;a111;Logged on 2017-07-20 23:13 ben_vulpes is regularly surprised at the thickness of derp found in the 'security community' 1687966;1500599998;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-20#1687893 << no it wasn't same derp see, as per ancient south park, ustards are allowed to be "different" when need be. 1687967;1500599998;a111;Logged on 2017-07-20 23:16 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-20#1687889 << ben_vulpes ponder the sheer hilarity of the 'they revoked key based on faux signature!11' by same derp who heckled the 'peter anvin' key affair 1687968;1500600060;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-20#1687900 << but what is this greatness composed of ? 1687969;1500600060;a111;Logged on 2017-07-20 23:19 asciilifeform: ( pretty great title, too ) 1687970;1500600166;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-20#1687915 << the problem with these "distinctions" is that they propose to import ntp in to "work". im not about to drag that into codebase, and i dont' care for "working" so defined. 1687971;1500600166;a111;Logged on 2017-07-20 23:36 asciilifeform: other thing is, even if you don't want for anything the 'milk' (cpu cycles etc) of pwned derp, and simply going for max materiel damage, formatting hdd is not necessarily the max 1687972;1500600535;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-20#1687945 << the problem is that the russian intellectual pose is very irritating to me. the whole fucking text exists so that the author can "roll his eyes" however you say that in russian, aka to bake in somehow unobservedly the proposition the speaker and all those like him aren't horse's asses. it doesn't amuse me in 16yo usian chicks ; let alone in 36 yo russian doods. 1687973;1500600535;a111;Logged on 2017-07-20 23:49 asciilifeform: ( mircea_popescu would prolly snoar, however, this setting is old hat to him. ) 1687974;1500600633;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-20#1687947 <<->> http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-20#1687072 and no, the similarities do not stop there. 1687975;1500600633;a111;Logged on 2017-07-20 23:52 phf: ahaha, http://www.jstor.org.sci-hub.cc/stable/23349218?seq=3#page_scan_tab_contents "THE MONSTROUS AGGREGATE OF THE SOCIAL: TOWARD BIOPOLITICS IN VICTOR PELEVIN'S WORK", haven't read but third page has a section titled "Biopolitics in Foucault" 1687976;1500600633;a111;Logged on 2017-07-20 01:28 mircea_popescu: aaaahahahaha o brother. "postmodern film/video theory & crit with an emphasis on phenomenology" ? reheheheally. 1687977;1500600900;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-20#1687955 << and why not ? 1687978;1500600900;a111;Logged on 2017-07-20 23:57 phf: hah, nah, i'm more of petka from chapayev i pustota. i spent the 90s with amateur esotericists. i didn't actually get to play the businessman, so didn't acquire any of these skills 1687979;1500601022;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-21#1687960 << hey, smartass dood too busy importantly nosebreathing about "how he doesn't like manele" / "evil banana republic" instead of queuing up in the recruitment strip clubs. 1687980;1500601022;a111;Logged on 2017-07-21 00:04 phf: i.e. a handful of arrests, a handful of "demoted and moved to a different department" etc. and at least one death that we knew was no longer "bratki" 1687981;1500601112;mircea_popescu;this is how http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-20#1687683 / http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-20#1687686 exactly works : footsoldier element of chickfield equivalent feels, see that, FEELS in his fulla-shit guts not merely that he is BETTER THAN such employment, but that he can... SEPARATE himself from the system. and in that bloody crevice of placenta abrupta the blessings of socialism fungate. 1687982;1500601112;a111;Logged on 2017-07-20 20:06 mircea_popescu: the proposition that we'd end up with a sort of uci-as-nsa and l1-as-subtstitute-for-dnc is very much the proposition that, "you know what ? inca also corrupts" 1687983;1500601112;a111;Logged on 2017-07-20 20:07 mircea_popescu: this is observably true, in history : the proposition that "it's a great idea to live above your means" was the proximate cause of "french revolution" and every other socialist attack on money hence 1687984;1500601163;mircea_popescu;and so now all of 'em got exactly what they were asking for. no more "evil banana republic" and their sense of "superior detachment' unhindered. they can roll their eyes all they want ; and it's not just the last but also the only thing to do. 1687985;1500601183;mircea_popescu;for the people who hallucinate choice where there is no space for them to choose, a usg will always be found somewhere. 1687986;1500601543;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/F92A17F4E8024732CEFD26BCDEF00A638E63BE3D6A133D8C86A963BA62704EC6 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1735...2813 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (server.scalabrini.com.br. BR) 1687987;1500601543;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/F92A17F4E8024732CEFD26BCDEF00A638E63BE3D6A133D8C86A963BA62704EC6 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1381...1273 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (server.scalabrini.com.br. BR) 1687988;1500602114;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-21#1687970 << just when i thought i get it - i dun get it! 1687989;1500602114;a111;Logged on 2017-07-21 01:22 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-20#1687915 << the problem with these "distinctions" is that they propose to import ntp in to "work". im not about to drag that into codebase, and i dont' care for "working" so defined. 1687990;1500602262;asciilifeform;( ftr asciilifeform knew - from experience - that infection/persistence/stealth on idjit winblowz boxes takes extraordinary pain, for little to no gain; and is somewhat surprised to see mircea_popescu apparently convinced nao ) 1687991;1500602310;mircea_popescu;im not sure i'm either. 1687992;1500602318;asciilifeform;makes drawing uranium from ocean look like great business in comparison 1687993;1500602344;mircea_popescu;why is it business ? 1687994;1500602365;asciilifeform;what's it then 1687995;1500602370;asciilifeform;sport? 1687996;1500602370;mircea_popescu;life! 1687997;1500602382;asciilifeform;i did it as sport. 1687998;1500602388;mircea_popescu;alright, works. 1687999;1500602442;asciilifeform;sorta like mircea_popescu's man , boy and dog trio 1688000;1500602446;asciilifeform;and their sport 1688001;1500602466;mircea_popescu;why do you expect you'd be invested in persistence ? and why is it not obvious, "getting my kids (ie, specified moo moos) to stay interested in republic persistently is extraordinary pain for no gain" 1688002;1500602471;mircea_popescu;dude... SHOOT THEM. have woman make other ones. 1688003;1500602477;mircea_popescu;nobody gives a shit about the persistence of bullcrap. 1688004;1500602482;asciilifeform;persistence is term of art 1688005;1500602492;mircea_popescu;but what it denotes is nonsense. 1688006;1500602509;asciilifeform;items like mining trojan, or cc harvester, operator wants to stay put for a while 1688007;1500602524;mircea_popescu;none of that has anything to do. 1688008;1500602547;asciilifeform;thinking moar of '90s 'format his hdd' then? 1688009;1500602556;mircea_popescu;there's a limit to this "understanding new ideas through the old forms of experience". that limit is, when the new idea parts start getting procusted. 1688010;1500602570;asciilifeform;i'm still waiting for the new bit 1688011;1500602580;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i am thinking of exactly what i said, no more, not less. if you own a computer you wipe the crap and install workable software on it. 1688012;1500602621;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: finding new arse through which to do this to same idjits again, and again.. is work. heavy work. 1688013;1500602636;asciilifeform;folx generally do it for +ev 1688014;1500602651;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/F92A17F4E8024732CEFD26BCDEF00A638E63BE3D6A133D8C86A963BA62704EC6 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1735...2813 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (server.scalabrini.com.br. BR) 1688015;1500602651;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/B194524425A0C7D4B8E776FEFFD3C76B0DA95D29D98FC1A3BDECEAD1AD54F169 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1735...2813 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' ( BR MG) 1688016;1500602651;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/B194524425A0C7D4B8E776FEFFD3C76B0DA95D29D98FC1A3BDECEAD1AD54F169 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1553...6617 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' ( BR MG) 1688017;1500602655;mircea_popescu;nothing else has any bearing on it. if the computer you own happens to be a laptop and it happens to be the third week thieves broke into your car and stole your laptop, this makes absolutely no difference re "own computer--clean and install". you might park your car some other place, but you won't change what's done to owned computer. 1688018;1500602666;asciilifeform;anybody who cultivated 0days with own hands will know what i meant. 1688019;1500602667;BingoBoingo; gotta wonder what was the thought process. 'i'ma pay for dope with shitpal just this ONCE' ?? << Nah, he wanted to be Alpha and bought GOLD MEMBERSHIP to forum linked to Return of Kinks 1688020;1500602670;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform so let folks do it for whatever reason they do it. 1688021;1500602686;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: they're already doing it, neh. 1688022;1500602689;mircea_popescu;yes! 1688023;1500602705;asciilifeform;i thought we were contemplating something novel tho. 1688024;1500602738;mircea_popescu;sanity is only a novel item to the sort of people who autosnap to random nonsense. no, it's not novel, it's sanity. 1688025;1500602783;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo well, he was rich and where's teh babes!!11 rite ? 1688026;1500602803;asciilifeform;interestingly, when asciilifeform worked as a pro collector and reverser of virii - found, to great sadness, that the 'art' mostly died. 1688027;1500602816;asciilifeform;( iirc we had thread, where described this ) 1688028;1500602827;mircea_popescu;well, govts started hiring. of course it died. 1688029;1500602872;asciilifeform;every yr or so, found something recognizably 'ru style', asm polymorpher etc 1688030;1500602883;asciilifeform;but could count these on 1 hand fingers 1688031;1500602904;asciilifeform;usg's shit, contrary to popular delusion, is deadly boring 1688032;1500602921;mircea_popescu;i dunno who holds the notion it isn't ? afaik ~consensus, boring. 1688033;1500602949;asciilifeform;( you dun need cleverness if you have microshit ) 1688034;1500602962;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the idjit av 'press' did 1688035;1500602967;BingoBoingo; BingoBoingo well, he was rich and where's teh babes!!11 rite ? << lol 1688036;1500602971;mircea_popescu;the fix going in is always bad for the cabaret act. 1688037;1500603003;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the faux news copy depts are in the business of "thinking" carbonated sugar is EXCITING 1688038;1500603051;mircea_popescu;(and yes, before you ask, this DOES work. to the sort of derp discussed above, the one with "options" he hallucinated) 1688039;1500603057;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: sad thing is, these weren't the honestly, organically retarded, but the mendacious and complicit sort 1688040;1500603068;mircea_popescu;sure. 1688041;1500603178;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-20#1687838 << riddle me this. when $nobody pops in and asks a question, do you answer on the basis of the present (ie, the question wasn't fucktarded) or do you answer on the basis of some sort of judgement that the dude behind the nick is going to i dunno, stick around and then lend you a pack of ciggs in april 2021 ? 1688042;1500603178;a111;Logged on 2017-07-20 21:29 asciilifeform: 'whatever' is only ever uttered by folx who don't have to lift a finger. 1688043;1500603178;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-21#1687972 << this is utterly and completely so, and is the reason i was never able to stomach most of p's worx. but a few of them i found entertaining for somewhat perverse thematic reason that i would not expect, elg 1688044;1500603178;a111;Logged on 2017-07-21 01:28 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-20#1687945 << the problem is that the russian intellectual pose is very irritating to me. the whole fucking text exists so that the author can "roll his eyes" however you say that in russian, aka to bake in somehow unobservedly the proposition the speaker and all those like him aren't horse's asses. it doesn't amuse me in 16yo usian chicks ; let alone in 36 yo russian doods. 1688045;1500603188;asciilifeform;e.g. mircea_popescu to share 1688046;1500603222;asciilifeform;( he dun need a vicarious smell of the '90s, for instance, he lived'em ) 1688047;1500603300;mircea_popescu;i'll tell you something else : it lasted a lot longer in ro. cca 2004. and in that half decade, we burned and permanently affixed to inside of architecture A LOT of those same ugly faces that were all "oh, it went away in russia, only matter of time". if you've seen miller's crossing (you should) the stereotypical objectionable faggot's desperation at the end (but there's no angle!! look into your heart!!!) is very much descr 1688048;1500603300;mircea_popescu;iptive. 1688049;1500603309;mircea_popescu;those were the best times. 1688050;1500603321;asciilifeform;i hear it still goes , in ukrlandia 1688051;1500603331;mircea_popescu;and they existed very much because ro girls, unlike russki stupid cunts, did NOT perceive themselves at some kind of liberty to not whore up for the gangster class. 1688052;1500603337;asciilifeform;( wai mircea_popescu not there, i wondered ) 1688053;1500603351;mircea_popescu;old, lazy, unconvinced, pick. 1688054;1500603358;asciilifeform;ukrs -- world's most eager whores, neh 1688055;1500603367;mircea_popescu;this isn't the criteria per se. 1688056;1500603499;asciilifeform;dunno that it ever really 'ends' , some background trickle of folx needin' affixin' to inside of new cement, get so affixed, in all times, neh 1688057;1500603570;asciilifeform;( lulzily i saw 'youtube' not long ago and got the 'recommended' film 'how to try to float with cement boots' ... ) 1688058;1500603576;mircea_popescu;it ends, in the sense that you either have the critical mass of organised youth raping and pillaging, or you do not. and the drag force of whether young cunts (and no, boys aren't anything but young cunts ftr) do perceive they're alive and do follow sense ; or imagine themselves dead and hang out with the stupid old women makes a difference irl. 1688059;1500603604;mircea_popescu;it's not "most eager whores". it's whether 15 yo is "i will burn down the fucking house while you sleep rather than not follow these guys". 1688060;1500603665;mircea_popescu;eg it's quite plainly to see argentina will go straight to shit : 16yo there is following her mom around, rather than being ashamed of being seen with her. 1688061;1500603675;mircea_popescu;ro chicks were, pointedly, ashamed of being seen, ever, with their mothers. 1688062;1500603676;asciilifeform;'end of ru 90s' is sometimes presented as 'low hanging loot ran out'. tru or not ? 1688063;1500603681;mircea_popescu;not. 1688064;1500603722;mircea_popescu;end of ru 90s was strictly desertion into perelman fantasyworld by the foot soldier. much like end of europe 1700s was -- desertion into socialist fantasyworld by foot soldier. 1688065;1500603747;asciilifeform;well-fed pirates dun desert. 1688066;1500603751;mircea_popescu;and the incontrovertible truth of the matter is that you can ALWAYS desert into fantasyworld. "marry jesus" rather than the extant boys. 1688067;1500603766;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform from experience, feeding has nothing to do. it's just a function of vanity and nothing else. 1688068;1500603788;mircea_popescu;people who overperceive themselves always desert no matter how fed ; and people who don't overperceive themselves never do, also no matter how fed. 1688069;1500603795;asciilifeform;yeah but why be a pirate and presumably a good one and then suddenly marryjesus. 1688070;1500603805;mircea_popescu;there is no accounting for stupid. 1688071;1500603825;mircea_popescu;why be a professor and actually a good one and then suddenly marry a cab ? 1688072;1500603846;asciilifeform;failed shot at the brass ring neh 1688073;1500603851;asciilifeform;nobody sets out to cab 1688074;1500603851;mircea_popescu;because nothing can beat the sugar of self delusion in those so inhabituated ; much like there's no dating in the future of Masturbation S Elliot. 1688075;1500603864;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform it never was a shot at brass ring, no. 1688076;1500603884;mircea_popescu;there was jewish imigration into the us before ; you know them by name, like you know, murder inc. 1688077;1500603888;mircea_popescu;this last wave was piddlepiss. 1688078;1500603922;mircea_popescu;meyer lansky is a name you know. anon soviet uni professor is a name you do not know. 1688079;1500603930;asciilifeform;largely 'plankton', last wave, aha 1688080;1500603944;mircea_popescu;lansky was plankton in fucking grodno. 1688081;1500603977;asciilifeform;'officeplankton', term of art in ru sphere 1688082;1500603978;mircea_popescu;THAT was failed shot at brass ring. those people -- actually tried. 1688083;1500604028;asciilifeform;waitasec, in what sense lansky 'failure' ? the hollywood racket boss ? 1688084;1500604063;mircea_popescu;hey, i give you the one success in the whole "jewish mafia" troop to make the point -- actually tried. one did ring it ; most didn't. but all tried. 1688085;1500604064;asciilifeform;if that's failure, what's success 1688086;1500604070;asciilifeform;lolk 1688087;1500604089;mircea_popescu;!#s undzer shtik 1688088;1500604090;a111;0 results for "undzer shtik", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=undzer%20shtik 1688089;1500604094;mircea_popescu;well now there is. 1688090;1500604195;asciilifeform;iirc we recently had the 'sausage emigres' thread. most of the folx were really 'running from own stupid self' and this is not mega-seekrit. 1688091;1500604209;mircea_popescu;right. so no, not actually tried ; and yes, married cab. 1688092;1500604227;mircea_popescu;because it's very convenient, a cab, for their purpose. it allows the "ironic detachment" with still a modicum of interaction present. 1688093;1500604233;mircea_popescu;if i were one of them i'd also run a cab. 1688094;1500604255;asciilifeform;'i wanna have my soul weighed! i am great hero inside' 'd00d, anubis weighed you: cab. 4evah' 1688095;1500604316;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: afaik 'ironic detachment' is a young cock thing. old folx just cab. 1688096;1500604332;asciilifeform;silently, for the most part. 1688097;1500604370;mircea_popescu;hardly. none of these have a plain and simple nigger's "I never injured any of those women," reflected I, with meek resignation: "but God will be kinder to me and to my errors than they are!" conviction. 1688098;1500604388;asciilifeform;( they also collected sad welfare cheques and sat on brighton beach, but these mostly collected by the reaper by nao ) 1688099;1500604394;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform it's "silently" in that they can't be arsed to communicate the spinning any longer. not in the sense it's not there. 1688100;1500604444;asciilifeform;my telepathy-fu is is not up to the job of saying what was in the heads of the silent cabbies. so i'll take mircea_popescu's word. 1688101;1500604455;*;mircea_popescu talks to lots of cabbies. 1688102;1500604497;asciilifeform;do they reveal 'i'ma write great poems any day nao!1!' ? 1688103;1500604507;asciilifeform;or moar complicated 1688104;1500604541;mircea_popescu;incidentally, mob history is very apropos. so -- originally, hard set loser elements of the sicilian caudillo class moved over, and aimed to maintain in the new place the old place. this did not work irl, because they were small portion of the new place (worked fine in argentina later). 1688105;1500604577;asciilifeform;relatedly to 'kinder than they were', ever read short by jack london 'the chinago' ? 1688106;1500604579;mircea_popescu;the 2nd generation did not care for this, and so literally sybilled the old shcmucks (luciano and gang, infiltrated all the orgs, and ~randomly picked a boss to kill first while feigning loyalty to the other) 1688107;1500604591;mircea_popescu;possibly the most visible and best documented case of a sybiling in nature. 1688108;1500604607;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform moar complicated ; yes read. 1688109;1500604617;asciilifeform;apropos imho 1688110;1500604655;mircea_popescu;generally, the cab's "rolled eyes" is almost never in the form of "great american novel". he'll disapprove loudly of the whores, for instance, even as he depends on them for his only sexual outlet. 1688111;1500604661;mircea_popescu;but he DISAPPROVES see. of things, specific. 1688112;1500604663;mircea_popescu;it's a whole pile. 1688113;1500604694;asciilifeform;few thing folx hate moar than the liquishit they ~rely~ on as sole sustenance 1688114;1500604712;asciilifeform;( gentoo!11 ) 1688115;1500605128;asciilifeform;the forced dependency -- grates. the detail that it is forced by the sufferer's own inadequacy is never interesting to him 1688116;1500605152;asciilifeform;( the ones to whom it was interesting - ate nagant and you won't meet'em ) 1688117;1500605672;asciilifeform;!!up Cory 1688118;1500605672;deedbot;Cory voiced for 30 minutes. 1688119;1500605688;asciilifeform;who might you be, Cory ? 1688120;1500605727;Cory;Sorry, haven't spoken in a while. I mostly idle here. 1688121;1500605763;asciilifeform;what do you find interesting in your lurk, Cory ? 1688122;1500605818;asciilifeform;... the connects and disconnects? 'cause everything else, you can read in the logz 1688123;1500605837;asciilifeform;( and iirc Framedragger's log even has connectolade ! ) 1688124;1500605857;asciilifeform;i've always wanted to ask the lurkers, why they lurk 1688125;1500605866;asciilifeform;given that there are logs. 1688126;1500605890;asciilifeform;indulge me, Cory , say in what is the thrill. 1688127;1500605907;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-21#1688115 << word, huh. 1688128;1500605907;a111;Logged on 2017-07-21 02:45 asciilifeform: the forced dependency -- grates. the detail that it is forced by the sufferer's own inadequacy is never interesting to him 1688129;1500606073;asciilifeform;recall how elliot (tm)(r) despised his father's house etc 1688130;1500606103;asciilifeform;or what was it , 'was given a mere merc 600 to drive' 1688131;1500606649;mircea_popescu;h3ey, 1688132;1500606657;mircea_popescu;inca has his rock to carry, let inca carry it. 1688133;1500606673;mircea_popescu;they will complain to me about republican ux and to the inca about the poverty of the bribes. 1688134;1500606691;mircea_popescu;one of these -- cares. as per the definition of the terms. 1688135;1500606796;asciilifeform;beelzebub answers prayers. but only as he knows how : with moar flies. 1688136;1500606949;mircea_popescu;back to the ironic detachement of they already detached : guy will never construct his nonsense into a positive something, like a great detachtard novel (which is what makes elliot so remarkable, it's like seeing what the africans thought an airplane'd be like, BY THEMSELVES). it's always a little formal curl that begets the whole system if you can be arsed to unearth it. so he disapproves of the whore's speech, or dress or m 1688137;1500606949;mircea_popescu;anner. not because he hates her as she's his only lay (and willingly and freely given, at that) but because subtle differences of no actual substance are important to him as the basis and guarantee of the imagined substance of his own self. 1688138;1500607006;mircea_popescu;something in the vein of, "he disapproves of her lipstick, because its color is almost but not quite imperial purple, and he's prophyrogenitos himself". 1688139;1500607030;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2016/tangerine/#selection-77.487-77.501 1688140;1500607055;BingoBoingo; beelzebub answers prayers. but only as he knows how : with moar flies. << Gotta be you own devil 1688141;1500609664;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2017/07/trump-issues-ultimatum-to-gop-senators-start-selling/ << Qntra - Trump Issues Ultimatum To GOP Senators: Start Selling! 1688142;1500609795;BingoBoingo;So, apparently a lot of Lichs do the coinbase thing and don't keep sole/soul possession of their phylacterys 1688143;1500609901;mircea_popescu;awwww 1688144;1500610118;mircea_popescu;wikipedia is such a lulz. after the earlier "ddt from an usian perspective" lulz, here's jewish manhood from an old woman's lens : 1688145;1500610119;mircea_popescu;If Jewish gangsters still thrived today, if they hadn't gone legit, if Jews of my generation didn't regard them as figments, creatures to be classed with Big Foot and the Loch Ness monster, I think the Jewish community would be better off.[11] ” 1688146;1500610119;mircea_popescu;Following Cohen's line of reasoning, one could say that Jewish-American organized crime played a role in the emancipation of the Jewish-American community from the ancient stereotypes. However, Cohen's description of Jewish gangsters ignores their criminality and immorality. These tough characters were still gangsters who extorted, exploited and murdered other members of the Jewish-American community for profit. They forced J 1688147;1500610121;mircea_popescu;ewish women into prostitution,[6][page needed] and were generally considered a scourge within their own community. 1688148;1500610166;*;mircea_popescu is all for an organised effort of "their own community" forced goat prostitution. why exactly is hillary clinton not naked in the barn atm ? 1688149;1500610184;mircea_popescu;keep the ewes for meat and the goats for the hilarities. 1688150;1500610258;BingoBoingo;You forget the Jewish peculiarity. If you knock up a Jewish woman, even if the baby comes out dark chocolate, it is still 'on their team' jewfro and all. 1688151;1500610277;mircea_popescu;so let there be a lot of goat-headed new jews, what. 1688152;1500610288;mircea_popescu;how is mccain any better ? 1688153;1500610373;BingoBoingo;McCain is not better. McCain apparently gave away the phylactry and is no longer invulerable to the natural immortaility of his oldgender. 1688154;1500610381;BingoBoingo;*mortality 1688155;1500610383;mircea_popescu;heh 1688156;1500610416;BingoBoingo;Shouldn't have trusted phylacterybase.soros 1688157;1500610797;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform incidentally re the sub dreams you certainly know of fainberg ? 1688158;1500610897;mircea_popescu;http://www.sun-sentinel.com/local/palm-beach/fl-accused-smuggler-home-detention-20170126-story.html 1688159;1500610937;mircea_popescu;(the defense attorney name kicks all possible ass) 1688160;1500611187;asciilifeform;lol sure does! 1688161;1500611192;asciilifeform;and yes heard 1688162;1500611198;asciilifeform;who hadn't heard 1688163;1500611230;asciilifeform;if only he scored the sub, too.. i dun think usg coast guard carries depth charges 1688164;1500611233;mircea_popescu;smells of usgtronic nonsense miles away ; much like the usg-organized kidnapping and extorsion of orthodox rabbis in the "divorce torture plot"/ 1688165;1500611245;mircea_popescu;goes well with the iirc discussed "sex scandal" of the lessee 1688166;1500611267;asciilifeform;goes best with the 'death ray of new york' 'plot' 1688167;1500611293;mircea_popescu;hmmm i never put this in the logs ?! 1688168;1500611300;asciilifeform;not iirc 1688169;1500611423;asciilifeform;!~google divorce torture plot 1688170;1500611424;jhvh1;asciilifeform: 2013 New York divorce torture plot - Wikipedia: ; U.S. Accuses 2 Rabbis of Kidnapping Husbands for a Fee - The ...: ; Rabbis Accused in Kidnap, Torture Plot to Gain Divorces - Newser: (1 more message) 1688171;1500611480;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2014-12-12#951861 a there we go 1688172;1500611480;a111;Logged on 2014-12-12 05:24 mircea_popescu: http://www.worldjewishcongress.org/en/news/13585/ultra_orthodox_jews_in_new_york_rally_against_israeli_army_draft_plans << check out the pics lol 1688173;1500611544;mircea_popescu;teh good old teitelbaums, owning a larger school sytstem than the state, helped along to "dynastic disension" etcetera. 1688174;1500611678;asciilifeform;what's the reason to suppose that the rabbis did not do what they were accused of ? 1688175;1500611679;BingoBoingo; if only he scored the sub, too.. i dun think usg coast guard carries depth charges << Some bigger boats likely do 1688176;1500611721;asciilifeform;it seems, from my distant perch at least, 'in character' 1688177;1500611728;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform what's the reason to suspect you're not "holding woman against her will" ? 1688178;1500611742;mircea_popescu;the usg has no title and no right to ascertain such "crimes". 1688179;1500611791;asciilifeform;on the day that it stops chasing after folx playing usg-in-miniature , may as well close shop neh 1688180;1500611812;mircea_popescu;nevertheless. it's not whether they did or did not do. that consideration can't be reach for lack of standing. 1688181;1500611813;asciilifeform;monopolist. 1688182;1500611863;asciilifeform;but tru, asciilifeform was not in the warehouse, has nfi whether buncha rabbis wires some schmuck to the mains or not 1688183;1500611887;mircea_popescu;and if they did -- asciilifeform also not in a position to say if this is good or bad. 1688184;1500611914;asciilifeform;mild bias to 'good' but dunno what diff it makes 1688185;1500611919;asciilifeform;i dun work there 1688186;1500611940;mircea_popescu;there shall be no banning of words. this does not reduce to my saying nigger ; or for that matter to http://btcbase.org/log/2015-01-30#998185 1688187;1500611940;a111;Logged on 2015-01-30 05:51 mircea_popescu: which is why i am not ever giving it up. the freedom to threaten is not merely my fundamental, unassailable sovereign property, but moreover essential for the construction of effectual instruments to squash the socialists and their golums. 1688188;1500611967;asciilifeform;was the rabbi trial about words, tho 1688189;1500611970;mircea_popescu;there's no proforma ban to my gouging babies eyes out and shoving them up self-same babies arseholes unlubricated. 1688190;1500611970;asciilifeform;or deeds 1688191;1500611983;mircea_popescu;there can never be a proforma ban. 1688192;1500612031;asciilifeform;the 'rule of law' racket is exactly about pro forma ban tho. 1688193;1500612050;asciilifeform;where , e.g., 'he needed gouging' is not a defense 1688194;1500612067;mircea_popescu;yeah well. and dirtyness is exactly about the lice. 1688195;1500612204;asciilifeform;however, i gotta ask, what happened to http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-17#1685436 ? usg beat and imprisoned the rabbis, at the end of the day. so how come it does not 'prove superiority' in mircea_popescu's lens ? 1688196;1500612204;a111;Logged on 2017-07-17 18:54 mircea_popescu: the man who, walking into a room, overpowers all present, is entitled, by right of force, to whatever he may extract. 1688197;1500612216;asciilifeform;if strength is what matters. 1688198;1500612271;asciilifeform;'treason never prospers.. none dare call it..' etc 1688199;1500612280;trinque;which man is usg? 1688200;1500612315;asciilifeform;trinque: read the original subj -- buncha rabbis accused of 'torture for hire', jailed 1688201;1500612329;asciilifeform;by feds 1688202;1500612426;mircea_popescu;(incidentally -- sheldon adelson, who is remarkably not ever mentioned by the sort of people who keep going "koch brothers!!!", but otherwise chiefly famous for a) helping trump get 25mn to win the election and b) being involved in a very typically http://btcbase.org/log/2017-02-27#1619009 shakedown and then buying newspaper to attack presiding judge and also making the "charge" go away. 1688203;1500612426;a111;Logged on 2017-02-27 12:30 mircea_popescu: (story there was, olympus "hired" aka finally accepted its first foreign devil ceo (michael woodford) in 2011 ; and fired him two weeks later as the dude was principally dedicated to the job of, how can we finance usg out of this japanese corp. the usg however didn't go home, but started "legal proceedings", which eventually resulted in the above theft, plus whatever office supplies woodford managed to take home. apparently 6 1688204;1500612431;trinque;asciilifeform: did read, my question went the other direction. 1688205;1500612440;trinque;usg isn't a he. 1688206;1500612452;BingoBoingo;In other news: Miners signaled for SegWit 'Lock In" UASF averted, network turbulence expected 1688207;1500612536;mircea_popescu;the substance of the usgtronic "moral panic" was all about how sheldon adelson's macau operations force local girls into prostitution and deal with triads and so on.) 1688208;1500612543;asciilifeform;trinque: this is a convenient device but is nonsense. robber who uses 'laws' is not somehow distinct from robber who uses knife. 1688209;1500612586;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: let the anyonecanspendolade bloom? what does it do to actual btc users 1688210;1500612588;asciilifeform;? 1688211;1500612593;asciilifeform;afaik 0 1688212;1500612599;BingoBoingo;AHA 1688213;1500612615;trinque;wasn't there some derping about 2mb blocks too? 1688214;1500612616;BingoBoingo;But because of SPV mining expect some orphans 1688215;1500612623;trinque;I admittedly didn't follow any of it 1688216;1500612637;BingoBoingo;trinque: Still derping, only really Silbert seems to be pushing atm 1688217;1500612643;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform robber who uses "laws" is properly known as whore, not robber. 1688218;1500612648;asciilifeform;trinque: there is eternal 'megablox' derp, never goes so far as to fork for some odd reason 1688219;1500612653;mircea_popescu;there's a difference between theft and robbery. 1688220;1500612767;asciilifeform;trinque: segshitness was in re 'we'll stop signing our tx so as to fit Moar in per block, and rando can Never! spend'em because of this other turd we shat out nowhere near the actual blockchain but Miners Will Enforce' approx 1688221;1500612779;mircea_popescu;(for completeness https://www.reviewjournal.com/business/casinos-gaming/las-vegas-sands-corp-steven-jacobs-reach-confidential-settlement-in-wrongful-termination-case/ ) 1688222;1500612812;mircea_popescu;^ the above is exact summary of "segregated witness". 1688223;1500612818;trinque;asciilifeform: right, so miners are the invoice bot I'm releasing later in the month, but without my character. 1688224;1500612846;mircea_popescu;trinque "not a he". dream of all the losers making up the sea of dumb since forever. 1688225;1500612851;mircea_popescu;"act -- but not respond!" 1688226;1500612860;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/48B5456D66499E0ED60570C5EC4C82C22F4BE2A40C32C979154D765F10912C8A << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1511...5653 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (201-0-143-139.dial-up.telesp.net.br. BR SP) 1688227;1500612860;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/48B5456D66499E0ED60570C5EC4C82C22F4BE2A40C32C979154D765F10912C8A << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1541...1033 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (201-0-143-139.dial-up.telesp.net.br. BR SP) 1688228;1500612862;trinque;wassat? 1688229;1500612894;mircea_popescu;trinque yes, the miners are the bot without the name. because that's what the tards want of this world -- to act, without responsibility. to be famous, but unknown. stuff. 1688230;1500612904;trinque;ah right 1688231;1500612918;asciilifeform;miningisabug.jpg 1688232;1500612924;trinque;I'm still chewing on this "usg is a man" thing, wondering if I'll hock up anything to spit 1688233;1500612948;trinque;even allowing the "man", *nobody* obeys when it's in the room 1688234;1500612957;trinque;would appear that's the entire point of it, pervasive scam 1688235;1500612986;asciilifeform;trinque: a beehive is not a man. but there is such a thing as a bee-keeper. 1688236;1500613023;mircea_popescu;it is a pervasive scam. if you can be made to believe bullshit, it may exist. 1688237;1500613026;trinque;corruption thread comes right back to mind. when bezos is head pantsuit, or whoever, will he look more like it, or it more like him? 1688238;1500613042;mircea_popescu;as the wise jew once said, "here's a bunch of pennies, let god keep what he needs and let the rest fall back down" 1688239;1500613060;mircea_popescu;trinque what of bezos is not entirely hillary ? 1688240;1500613087;mircea_popescu;she also hassled her maids, what. we're going to go by "how hard work is" nonsense on derpy blogs by derpy faux-media aspiring chicks ? 1688241;1500613130;trinque;no distinct male voice, can't be any men in there. 1688242;1500613182;asciilifeform;ocean dun have male voice either. dun help the drowned men. 1688243;1500613213;mircea_popescu;but it also doesn't make "drowning" some sort of ocean-agency. 1688244;1500613230;mircea_popescu;however many it drowns -- its score does not increase. however many go and return -- their score does increase. 1688245;1500613246;asciilifeform;nope. it's simply how reality reimposes itself on the strutting ballsack. 1688246;1500613248;mircea_popescu;this is in a word all of the original most serene republic. 1688247;1500613294;asciilifeform;the ancients did give impression of giving sea 'score' tho 1688248;1500613312;asciilifeform;this 'not increases', is modern 1688249;1500613408;mircea_popescu;well, the ancients had no venice. 1688250;1500613420;mircea_popescu;romans sucked at sailing for all the ocean scoring. 1688251;1500613422;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/9D53FDBC04BEBEAC8682535D804B15E08D89EED7E191698F28594DB1EA14FE67 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1422...8877 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (77-252-102-12.static.ip.netia.com.pl. PL) 1688252;1500613422;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/9D53FDBC04BEBEAC8682535D804B15E08D89EED7E191698F28594DB1EA14FE67 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1699...2657 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (77-252-102-12.static.ip.netia.com.pl. PL) 1688253;1500613423;*;asciilifeform not the first or the last to wonder if living by the sea makes for vastly less idiotic cultures 'automatically', from close and regular contact with unforgiving reality 1688254;1500613461;mircea_popescu;nah. central america, retarded as planks. polynesia, dumber than the average horse. coast of africa off zanzibar ? i think i saw cupcakers with more iq. 1688255;1500613505;asciilifeform;'by the sea' more specifically sailing. rather than sitting like beached whale. 1688256;1500613507;trinque;asciilifeform: is usg one of the gods in this metaphor? smothered the jewish strutting ballsacks? 1688257;1500613527;trinque;suppose to besos clinton it is. 1688258;1500613537;asciilifeform;trinque: you're far ahead of me on this train of thought, can't yet say 1688259;1500613563;asciilifeform;was thinking of the actual sea. 1688260;1500613611;asciilifeform;but mircea_popescu is right, the savages gained ~nothing from their sea. 1688261;1500613628;mircea_popescu;"usg as god" is about as laughable as all the iconodule fare. really, you've made this god-box ? you did ? 1688262;1500613638;trinque;look it has a very official sticker on it! 1688263;1500613641;trinque;we couldn't afford stitching 1688264;1500613682;asciilifeform;i'm not particular interested in trinque's straw men. 1688265;1500613698;asciilifeform;ftr. 1688266;1500613700;trinque;baw, you went from USG to ocean, not me. 1688267;1500613720;mircea_popescu;now, iconoclasm is necessarily a sort of http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-21#1688192 bullshit. but this does not make the iconolater anything more than the common dog, seriously now. manufactured gods ? and what, with a family ? 1688268;1500613720;a111;Logged on 2017-07-21 04:40 asciilifeform: the 'rule of law' racket is exactly about pro forma ban tho. 1688269;1500613749;asciilifeform;trinque's picture, not mine. 1688270;1500613756;mircea_popescu;the ocean stays the ocean in this discussion for just as long as no one made it ; and not a minute longer. electricity, witness, no longer any kind of god. 1688271;1500613782;asciilifeform;usg -- artifical bee hive. 1688272;1500613783;mircea_popescu;the lion no kind of god either, not since its continued existence depends entirely on human gift-giving. 1688273;1500613787;trinque;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-21#1688195 << was in reference to this. 1688274;1500613787;a111;Logged on 2017-07-21 04:43 asciilifeform: however, i gotta ask, what happened to http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-17#1685436 ? usg beat and imprisoned the rabbis, at the end of the day. so how come it does not 'prove superiority' in mircea_popescu's lens ? 1688275;1500613819;trinque;which amounts to a reference to USG as a thing with singular agency. 1688276;1500613822;mircea_popescu;ftr, i dun beleive in any kind of new york hasidim superiority. for one thing i fear the jews are congenitally retarded. for the other, the time for that item came and went in the 30s. 1688277;1500613855;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: they have ~bulletproof 'omerta' tho . gotta be worth something 1688278;1500613874;mircea_popescu;and very slutty teenagers, too. also worth something. 1688279;1500613898;asciilifeform;i dun particularly like the hassidim aesthetically, which is neither here nor there, but respect the omerta. 1688280;1500613921;asciilifeform;and the willingness to cut the inca out of the loop. 1688281;1500613925;mircea_popescu;large part of it is cultural. imagine, alf captured by africans. "tell us the trilema secrets!!1" 1688282;1500613935;mircea_popescu;"bitch... even if i wanted to..." 1688283;1500613956;asciilifeform;can easily picture, having as it happens already been 'captured by africans' 1688284;1500613998;asciilifeform;'show us how to write without bugs..' 1688285;1500614161;asciilifeform;i also readily buy the 'congenital reatarded' item. just say no to cousinfucking, folx. it dun do any good. 1688286;1500614163;mircea_popescu;which is the point here. divinity -- corupts. 1688287;1500614167;mircea_popescu;anything else -- is corrupted. 1688288;1500614182;mircea_popescu;which is how the xtian god ended up married with picket fences and an obnoxious wife. it got corrupted. 1688289;1500614206;asciilifeform;'regression to mean' 1688290;1500614290;mircea_popescu;if you will. happens everywhere though. divine boy will make the girl let all her articles of clothing go down the river one by one, and spend the rest of the weekend naked among the trees. base boy will be struck with the girl's beauty, marry her and raise her children. 1688291;1500614302;mircea_popescu;divinity -- corrupts. everything else, is corrupted. 1688292;1500614463;asciilifeform;and i pictured the halflingfaggotgodonastick got 'married with fishwife' when fishwives started praying to him 1688293;1500614481;asciilifeform;how else could it work 1688294;1500614483;mircea_popescu;when fishwives corrupted teh priesthood. 1688295;1500614526;mircea_popescu;see, that;s the item there. not when they started praying ; but when the priests started fearing their not praying any longer. 1688296;1500614546;asciilifeform;fwiw classic hassids did not have this problem, didnt permit females within a cannon's shot of temple or talmudery 1688297;1500614662;mircea_popescu;the hassids permitted. it's complicated, but, in the context of judaism (which is STRICTLY an eastern european affair, just as "united states" will not be a thing of hawaii even long after the continent is no longer us and the island still clings to history), hasidism was a sort of 1800s 1960s. flower power all the way. 1688298;1500614670;mircea_popescu;"love of god as dancing" and what have you. 1688299;1500614681;mircea_popescu;"joy of faith" 1688300;1500614725;asciilifeform;it is mistake to picture it as 'living fossil' of 1700s j000z ? 1688301;1500614751;mircea_popescu;i would say it is. it was a genuine reform movement, and it was shockingly liberal for the early 1800s born. 1688302;1500614767;asciilifeform;hm. 1688303;1500614788;mircea_popescu;and it permitted women in the first and fundamental sense of, allowing they are human. not as rabbis, and not usually educated in the formal yeshiva sense. but it did teach them to write and read, which was entirely novel. 1688304;1500614824;mircea_popescu;the whole concept was to make the wife more of a domestic partner and less of a domestic animal, with better results wrt the control of the young hussies. 1688305;1500614849;mircea_popescu;if you've seen cabaret with liza minelli, i would propose that the rich jewish chick there depicted is a very correct rendition of the hasid maiden. 1688306;1500614860;asciilifeform;hm..! 1688307;1500614861;mircea_popescu;very german, yes, but still. 1688308;1500614864;asciilifeform;makessens 1688309;1500614893;mircea_popescu;now, manwhile goym went to shit making hasids look ultraorthodfox whatever. but not what they were back when they actually carried meaning rather than mere tradiiton. 1688310;1500614940;asciilifeform;and before germans 'cut off the flower, leaving the stem' (tm)(r)(trilema) 1688311;1500614974;mircea_popescu;the germans -- also congenitally retarded -- managed to go to war with all their natural allies in fucking order. the sight, it boggles the mind. 1688312;1500615004;mircea_popescu;there was no better demographic to support nazism than the jews, is the truth of 1935. 1688313;1500615007;asciilifeform;and truly nuked. asciilifeform never once saw j00 'in costume' or in any other culturally relevant sense before usa. 1688314;1500615104;*;asciilifeform bbl 1688315;1500615378;mircea_popescu;this is no small matter, but touching to the very trunk of the tree of wisdom. inept schoolboy hitler saw WORDS proferred by anglo-sybils in new york as DEEDS of the jews. instead of embracing germany's jews and putting forth the god-obvious "those anglo muppets are jews like ford made tin cans are cars", cut them at the knees of their entirely absent legitimacy and then let the experts (all on his side) wipe the floor with t 1688316;1500615378;mircea_popescu;he upstart 1/3 of new york small time pimps and coffin sellers, he gutted his economy. 1688317;1500615410;mircea_popescu;i dunno how one could be dumber. literally. 1688318;1500616974;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2017/07/miners-signal-segwit-via-bip-91-lock-in-avoiding-user-activated-fork/ << Qntra - Miners Signal Segwit Via BIP 91 "Lock In" Avoiding "User Activated" Fork 1688319;1500616999;mircea_popescu;!~ticker --market all 1688320;1500617006;jhvh1;mircea_popescu: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 2800.0, vol: 35350.00751910 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 2637.67, vol: 17372.40298 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 2820.0, vol: 104783.35848556 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 2795.608758, vol: 30030.56970000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 2810.299, vol: 20226.5504777 | Volume-weighted last average: 2796.88128489 1688321;1500617017;BingoBoingo;!~google pointless and witless 1688322;1500617018;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: The story of Pointless and Witless on Trilema - A blog by Mircea ...: ; The Artful Critic: "Project X" alternately outrageous, fun, daring ...: ; Why do we pay for this pointless witless Z-grade? | Daily Mail Online: (1 more message) 1688323;1500617025;mircea_popescu;strange, i thought the stupid shit marttered and was needed and whatnot. 1688324;1500617039;mircea_popescu;and i guess the next round of these idiots will not "know" how to find the previous round in the logs. 1688325;1500617381;trinque;heh, some idiot central american dude just tried my front door. 1688326;1500617437;trinque;I opened it, asked him if he was having trouble with the lock. 1688327;1500617489;BingoBoingo;lol 1688328;1500617505;BingoBoingo;Did you try his backdoor? 1688329;1500617527;trinque;he turned and ran, but wasn't an ass worth chasing 1688330;1500617616;mod6;mega l0g 1688331;1500617627;mod6;trinque: da faq? 1688332;1500617649;BingoBoingo;Man, people gotta learn ettiquette. If you challenge someone's door, and someone on other side meets your challenge then you gotta offer your own door for their challenging. 1688333;1500618041;trinque;mod6: hey maybe there's some tight white girl pussy inside to visit. 1688334;1500618045;trinque;turns out there is, too 1688335;1500618048;*;trinque back to bed 1688336;1500618061;mod6;ni ni 1688337;1500619441;BingoBoingo;Sweet dreams of challenging salvadoran backdoor trinque 1688338;1500631546;ave1;I've put up the adapted musl-cross files for building gnat here: http://ave1.org/tarpit/ada-musl-cross-2017-07-21.tgz 1688339;1500631605;ave1;well, I did not, but have looked at it now, I like the static story but fail to understand why they need to have their own faux systemd 1688340;1500631734;ave1;it will build adacore's gpl 2015 by default, cd into dir, run ./ada-build.sh /absolute/build/dir 1688341;1500631815;ave1;after 3 hours or so, you'll have a tar file there with static gcc/gnat tools that are all based on musl 1688342;1500631861;ave1;it does not yet contain the asis based tools (gnatelim for example) 1688343;1500639702;diana_coman;thank you ave1, that looks great 1688344;1500643570;ave1;you're welcome! I'm working on getting the gnat gpl code to work with the gcc 4.9.4 release (now they are using a special version of 4.9) 1688345;1500643637;ave1;p.s. http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-21#1688339 was in reaction to: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-19#1686620 1688346;1500643637;a111;Logged on 2017-07-21 10:06 ave1: well, I did not, but have looked at it now, I like the static story but fail to understand why they need to have their own faux systemd 1688347;1500643637;a111;Logged on 2017-07-19 16:17 asciilifeform: !~later tell ave1 have you ever used http://sabotage.tech 's musltronic linux ? or have any idea who maintains it ? invite'em here. 1688348;1500644011;shinohai;I thank you also ave1 .... will try this sometimes this weekend 1688349;1500645041;asciilifeform;ave1: pretty compact, too 1688350;1500645042;asciilifeform;neato 1688351;1500645201;mod6;mornin' 1688352;1500645214;asciilifeform;heya mod6 1688353;1500645250;*;asciilifeform testing ave1's thing. it is an ultra-compact thing, in the style of my original 'stator' 1688354;1500645258;asciilifeform;aaaaand... 1688355;1500645260;asciilifeform;it barfs. 1688356;1500645278;mod6;huh. 1688357;1500645302;asciilifeform;or hm 1688358;1500645314;asciilifeform;wanted ~absolute~ path, let's try it again.. 1688359;1500645894;ave1;as said, it's mostly https://bitbucket.org/GregorR/musl-cross/ + patches to get ada to work in it 1688360;1500645968;ave1;bbl 1688361;1500647115;asciilifeform;ave1: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/KhZJS/?raw=true 1688362;1500647131;asciilifeform;^ eggog 1688363;1500650080;asciilifeform;!~later tell mircea_popescu http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-20#1687496 << i laid this out on paper and it worx. 1688364;1500650080;a111;Logged on 2017-07-20 19:23 mircea_popescu: but -- the fact that A happens to already have a connection to B and therefore B can S for him does not imply or require either A or B be not behind a nat. 1688365;1500650080;jhvh1;asciilifeform: The operation succeeded. 1688366;1500650092;asciilifeform;theoretically. 1688367;1500650234;shinohai;http://archive.is/tz5DN “… the U.S. homeland, individual American citizens, and U.S. public opinion and perceptions will increasingly become battlefields.” 1688368;1500650237;shinohai;bwahahahaha 1688369;1500650367;asciilifeform;'Observing that U.S. officials “naturally feel an obligation to preserve the U.S. global position within a favorable international order,” the report concludes that this “rules-based global order that the United States built and sustained for 7 decades is under enormous stress.”' 1688370;1500650368;asciilifeform;lol!! 1688371;1500650441;shinohai;Long live the Kyklos 1688372;1500650536;asciilifeform;'“Fact-toxic” information pertains to actual truths which, the document complains, are “exposed in the absence of context”, and therefore poison “important political discourse.” Such information is seen as being most potent in triggering outbreaks of civil unrest , because it: “… fatally weakens foundational security at an international, regional, national, or personal level. Indeed, fact-toxic exposures are those lik 1688373;1500650536;asciilifeform;eliest to trigger viral or contagious insecurity across or within borders and between or among peoples.”' didjaknow!! 1688374;1500650700;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-04-11#1450220 << see also thread. 1688375;1500650700;a111;Logged on 2016-04-11 17:05 asciilifeform: they have a phrase they use amongst themselves, 'societal security'. 1688376;1500651300;trinque;http://archive.is/k01lk << relevant 1688377;1500651860;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-21#1687977 << mostly age, the few years that i'm younger than you i think made all the difference in the 90s scheme of things. by the time i "queuing up in the recruitment strip" it was tail end of the epoch 1688378;1500651860;a111;Logged on 2017-07-21 01:35 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-20#1687955 << and why not ? 1688379;1500651896;asciilifeform;phf: hey, at least you dun have to live with narrowly missing ww1 trenches, like orwell did 1688380;1500651912;asciilifeform;( it was his formative trauma ) 1688381;1500652002;phf;the point i was trying to make here is that people that i had family/friends contact to that could've been "дядя ваня устроит, поработать" were suddenly!1(tm)(c) all http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-21#1687960 1688382;1500652002;a111;Logged on 2017-07-21 00:04 phf: i.e. a handful of arrests, a handful of "demoted and moved to a different department" etc. and at least one death that we knew was no longer "bratki" 1688383;1500652071;asciilifeform;'reallocation of capital' was done.. 1688384;1500652094;trinque;what's the quoted ru part, for the peanut gallery? 1688385;1500652119;asciilifeform;trinque: 'uncle vanya will giveya some work' 1688386;1500652130;asciilifeform;( foot-soldiery, naturally ) 1688387;1500652169;trinque;ah ty. 1688388;1500652173;phf;"unlce vanya will take you in, for a bit of work" 1688389;1500652244;phf;russian has this neat property of packing double triple meanings into the phrase by using subtle word modifications and word order, which is what asciilifeform tried approximating with "giveya" :) 1688390;1500652274;*;asciilifeform does try 1688391;1500652276;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-15#1684587 << see also. 1688392;1500652276;a111;Logged on 2017-07-15 19:15 asciilifeform: translating to engl always feels like hand-compiling to risc asm 1688393;1500652919;phf;amusingly enough all the mil crowd that was quietly sitting out the 90s are the ones that were making real bank on the sly, and that's the people i should've been reaching out to (considering...) 1688394;1500653147;phf;but the 90s was such a shoulda-coulda-woulda decade, looking at it in retrospect can only reveal your own limitations. so i can understand mp's sentiment 1688395;1500653528;trinque;I'm 30 now; 90s amount to a vague memory of "people might've done things before. maybe in the 80s?" 1688396;1500653718;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-21#1687972 << i'm not sure that's a criticism that can be leveled at pelevin, he's got other traps though. he has a keen eye for the present, but then he adds a layer of interpretation very much in the style of This Is What's Really Happening, which is usually of esoteric nature. his bratki take psychedelic mushrooms "to get fucked up next level!1" and accidentally break into the a shared buddhist realm of higher being, t 1688397;1500653718;a111;Logged on 2017-07-21 01:28 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-20#1687945 << the problem is that the russian intellectual pose is very irritating to me. the whole fucking text exists so that the author can "roll his eyes" however you say that in russian, aka to bake in somehow unobservedly the proposition the speaker and all those like him aren't horse's asses. it doesn't amuse me in 16yo usian chicks ; let alone in 36 yo russian doods. 1688398;1500653719;phf;hat sort of thing. 1688399;1500653891;phf;but then i was at a potomac jew book club where they were discussing generation p (or one of the earlier novels anyway), and they couldn't get past THE HORROR OF THE 90s, literally entire conversations were about omg so much crime. all these people emigrated right after the collapse, where's for me the staple of 90s (oh there's a dead body on the corner, because petya shnur couldn't share the territory with vasya kulak, shrug) were the norm 1688400;1500653897;trinque;can say that "ah I read some alan watts and huxley, my getting high has a point" *was* that kind of signaling in my younger stoner circles, can see how mp would get there. 1688401;1500653989;phf;so reading pelevin back then might've had a very different effect from reading him now. chapayev and pustota then blew my mind because i read it when it came out and it was very present time, but his 2000s stuff i don't get at all (because i read it in u.s. perhaps), and some things didn't age that well. 1688402;1500657655;mircea_popescu;and in other passions, http://68.media.tumblr.com/701675cc7cfe69b7377da328b8e5c1e4/tumblr_nd88sfR0iv1tt4iblo1_r1_1280.jpg 1688403;1500657960;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-21#1688363 "as good as it ever will" sort of thing. 1688404;1500657960;a111;Logged on 2017-07-21 15:14 asciilifeform: !~later tell mircea_popescu http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-20#1687496 << i laid this out on paper and it worx. 1688405;1500657989;mircea_popescu;the scheme DOES for instance require people maintain non-internet connections, and in general : multimedium links. because otherwise the night of no internet means the end of the republic as such. 1688406;1500658244;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform + die 'Failed to build gcc-4.9.5' << you clearly have the wrong one. because this is a thing now, "wrong 4.9" 1688407;1500658302;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-21#1688367 << aw look, brightest minds of the empire tracking trilema a few years late. isn't this cute. 1688408;1500658302;a111;Logged on 2017-07-21 15:17 shinohai: http://archive.is/tz5DN “… the U.S. homeland, individual American citizens, and U.S. public opinion and perceptions will increasingly become battlefields.” 1688409;1500658329;trinque;I've got a gentoo box that's severely tangled due to it having hauled in >gcc-5 with whichever portage gnat, something something ABI change C++2017 bright future (TM) 1688410;1500658362;trinque;attempted a downgrade back to 4.x, how naive! 1688411;1500658431;shinohai;I retardedly did the same thing trinque during one of my earlier attempts w/ ada 1688412;1500658458;mircea_popescu;good thing you two decided to put it in the log, sounds exactly what the baked-in "reasonable" move would be, who knows how many souls it claimed. 1688413;1500658484;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-21#1688406 << same barf on whole platoon of boxes with differing gcc here 1688414;1500658484;a111;Logged on 2017-07-21 17:30 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform + die 'Failed to build gcc-4.9.5' << you clearly have the wrong one. because this is a thing now, "wrong 4.9" 1688415;1500658508;trinque;did the "revdep-rebuild" and "fix_libtool_files.sh" and apparently none of these ever conceived of a man that wished to go back 1688416;1500658509;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform maybe they just don't happen to have the magic one. it's my story an' i'm sticking to it till ave1 pops back in. 1688417;1500658520;mircea_popescu;trinque accidentally on purpose. 1688418;1500658531;trinque;mmhhm 1688419;1500658535;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-21#1688405 << shortwave!!1! 1688420;1500658535;a111;Logged on 2017-07-21 17:26 mircea_popescu: the scheme DOES for instance require people maintain non-internet connections, and in general : multimedium links. because otherwise the night of no internet means the end of the republic as such. 1688421;1500658544;mircea_popescu;shortwave, cuntwave, the works. 1688422;1500658578;shinohai;Hey we make mistakes so you don't have to! (tm) 1688423;1500658607;mircea_popescu;let it be clearly stated that there's no such thing in nature as the isolated republican. true thay you may be busy working for a long time, but in the end, isolated citizen == cpu without i/o. 1688424;1500658623;*;asciilifeform at one point considered 'distributed shortwave' via 'accidentally bad cable' vga cards 1688425;1500658647;mircea_popescu;this is not at all a bad idea. possibly more expensive than the originally contemplated. 1688426;1500658658;asciilifeform;idea being -- hardware everyone already has in the cellar 1688427;1500658677;asciilifeform;muchc cheaper than actual station in antarctica or whatevers 1688428;1500658686;asciilifeform;and less 'star topo' 1688429;1500658802;asciilifeform;phf: how do i say стрёмный in the king's engl 1688430;1500658806;*;mircea_popescu is somewhat nonplussed phf sits around "hackerspace" derping with baloons instead of making the shortwave-nat-over-other-peoples-cars thing fore instance. 1688431;1500658810;mircea_popescu;just who's corrupting who! 1688432;1500658827;asciilifeform;that's what 'adult' sw station is. стрёмный. so donotwant 1688433;1500658854;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i sorta assumed the ballons were for antennae 1688434;1500658856;mircea_popescu;the young nazi is supposed to be the natural direction of any ruminant herd, and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29Mg6Gfh9Co !!! 1688435;1500658870;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i think he said as much. 1688436;1500658878;asciilifeform;lol i luvv that scene 1688437;1500658883;mircea_popescu;aha! 1688438;1500658927;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform stromniy works lol. 1688439;1500658934;phf;hmm, perhaps sketchy? dodgy? but yeah, some dimension is lost 1688440;1500658968;asciilifeform;looking for the other added flavour, 'gives away your position' 1688441;1500659023;mircea_popescu;calibanesque is teh only possible english word 1688442;1500659053;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: you dun get much range with unmodified vga card. but! with ~tenbux of added plug-in and long wire... 1688443;1500659056;mircea_popescu;"frightfully loud in presentation and dubiously effectual in activity" 1688444;1500659076;asciilifeform;the hard part ~used to~ be the: receiver. but! nomoar 1688445;1500659087;asciilifeform;rtlsdr is 10bux and ubiquitous 1688446;1500659113;mircea_popescu;yes, but plenty of people live in the by now soviet traditional http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-13#1682694 1688447;1500659113;a111;Logged on 2017-07-13 18:40 mircea_popescu: http://68.media.tumblr.com/2fc0db5e94b5ec60a1a6cf24f2b64ae7/tumblr_o5k91cVFvc1tgs3fno1_1280.png << this incidentally is a fine example of what i mean by http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-02#1664458 : bed-door clearance ? exactly enough to fit a standing chick, if were thin, AND NO MORE. 1688448;1500659116;mircea_popescu;no space for cables. 1688449;1500659129;asciilifeform;i had sw in uni dorm 1688450;1500659131;asciilifeform;doable 1688451;1500659143;mircea_popescu;alright. consider my piddly objections withdrawn. 1688452;1500659166;asciilifeform;and anywhere you can spread a clothesline, you get princely reception 1688453;1500659242;mircea_popescu;speaking of "why the fuck aren't your clotheslines connected to anything, lamer" : why the ef are they still not making aluminum books ? use 5 mils say, ruberized/siliconized edges... 1688454;1500659266;asciilifeform;waiwat 1688455;1500659272;mircea_popescu;which part ? 1688456;1500659278;asciilifeform;books? 1688457;1500659281;mircea_popescu;yes. 1688458;1500659286;asciilifeform;with aluminum cover? 1688459;1500659288;asciilifeform;wai 1688460;1500659290;mircea_popescu;PAGES 1688461;1500659320;asciilifeform;sounds nasty 1688462;1500659330;mircea_popescu;aluminum will go down to 5 micrometers np. this means 1k pages book = 5mm = 1/5th inch thickness. 1688463;1500659347;asciilifeform;oh hey i got 1 here 1688464;1500659349;mircea_popescu;can make PAGE arbitrarily thick so all books are the same thickness throughout, if you want. can do all sorts of things./ 1688465;1500659360;asciilifeform;except it ain't a book, it's a 1980s capacitor from su 1688466;1500659376;mircea_popescu;how is it not a book. will fucking outlats ANY paper support. 1688467;1500659376;asciilifeform;it nicely illustrates the down side 1688468;1500659380;mircea_popescu;by 5mn years or so. 1688469;1500659391;asciilifeform;mega-pain to separate'em 1688470;1500659398;mircea_popescu;ruberized/siliconized edges... 1688471;1500659420;asciilifeform;this one is mylarized. still pain, because static. 1688472;1500659426;asciilifeform;sorta why it worx as a cap 1688473;1500659453;asciilifeform;but this book would be great, easily hold enough charge to nuke unwary thief 1688474;1500659454;mircea_popescu;are you telling me someone tried and hated it ? because hey, tin foil is in every house, no pain to separate. 1688475;1500659479;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you don't use electrically isolated pages. 1688476;1500659495;asciilifeform;meh then, that's the 1 megafeature 1688477;1500659517;asciilifeform;( not 4evah either, al oxidizes at stp. just -- slowly ) 1688478;1500659537;mircea_popescu;right, alf has decided "permanent book, never will rot away" and "1/10th the thickness and 1/3rd the weight of current afid traps" no features./ 1688479;1500659556;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform oxidation dun matter, you don't write in aluminum on it wtf. 1688480;1500659556;asciilifeform;not perma, see above 1688481;1500659566;mircea_popescu;you can use pre-oxidized alum anyway. 1688482;1500659570;asciilifeform;pages will fuse 1688483;1500659579;mircea_popescu;not more than tin foil fuses. 1688484;1500659580;ag3nt_zer0;g'day fellas... 1688485;1500659585;mircea_popescu;hi. 1688486;1500659592;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: gotta try this. i do want one. 1688487;1500659607;asciilifeform;now where to get nanoleaf al... 1688488;1500659613;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i had taken you for a man who has and lived with a library. i am one of those also, and i have nfi how you can not immediately think of the 1688489;1500659614;mircea_popescu;DUST 1688490;1500659626;asciilifeform;oohyea 1688491;1500659627;mircea_popescu;motherfucker, my library in ro could produce a pail a week. a FULL pail. 1688492;1500659634;asciilifeform;i got filters here 1688493;1500659637;mircea_popescu;yeah well. 1688494;1500659645;asciilifeform;but obvious limits. 1688495;1500659663;mircea_popescu;much better to not have 5 trillion little afid shits eating away at the deliuciouys desert innit now. 1688496;1500659672;asciilifeform;tru!! 1688497;1500659701;asciilifeform;one catch : ain't nobody printing b00kz worth reading, nao 1688498;1500659707;asciilifeform;all them bookz, are old. 1688499;1500659714;mircea_popescu;so you repriont the old ones and need not worry about them. 1688500;1500659726;asciilifeform;may as well scan then, neh 1688501;1500659734;asciilifeform;if reprint and throw out paper. 1688502;1500659747;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-05#1638413 1688503;1500659747;a111;Logged on 2017-04-05 23:00 asciilifeform: but as a massively-distributed long-term backup, aluminum is ~unbeaten -- it's probably the only reason asciilifeform was able to find a copy of genera 1688504;1500659753;asciilifeform;this yes. 1688505;1500659760;mircea_popescu;you will want to note them on aluminum anyway. ANYWAY 1688506;1500659766;mircea_popescu;might as well make them optoinspectable neh. 1688507;1500659772;mircea_popescu;at a certain loss of density, surely. 1688508;1500659773;asciilifeform;i'll point out that the al in cd is not exposed to atmosphere. 1688509;1500659828;ag3nt_zer0;mricea_popescu I know your response to my question is run my own node... but if I currently do not have one set up and wanted to be safe with my coins during this nonsense (i.e. take them off of coinbase & store safely), would following pete_dushenski's guide to creating an offline brainwallet utilizing 13 words arrived at through the dice method using only english dictionary be sufficient until I get an up and running trb node? B 1688510;1500659862;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you can get single-atom coats nowadays. 1688511;1500659881;ag3nt_zer0;I dont know if there is a risk in transferring NOW seeing as this segwit stuff is going on... is there any kind of chance my coins won't be signed properly or something like this? 1688512;1500659902;mircea_popescu;ag3nt_zer0 i would say so, yes. make sure you use the dicelist method correctly, and make sure the privkey is not exposed to third parties. 1688513;1500659929;mircea_popescu;ag3nt_zer0 nothing is going on. go right ahead and generate a proper privkey, compute safely its associated address, and move your coins there. 1688514;1500659938;ag3nt_zer0;OK! 1688515;1500659939;ag3nt_zer0;TY 1688516;1500659942;ag3nt_zer0;:) 1688517;1500660044;*;phf goes wherever party tells him to go 1688518;1500660054;ag3nt_zer0;hehe 1688519;1500660107;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: upstack, imho 'pirate radio' ( for tmsr , not rando pseudomusic ) is fertile green field. plenty of idle spectrum for confiscation from its supposed 'owners'. and if done correctly ( see saddam jammer thread ) -- ungassable. 1688520;1500660120;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you could gild the pages at no extra cost. or you know, plutonim them, platinum them... 1688521;1500660147;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform no, i fully agree. that's why i'm nudging the not-entirely-desocialized elements to bring teh light to the masses already. 1688522;1500660161;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: recall the hypohetical pcb businesscard asciilifeform drew 1688523;1500660172;asciilifeform;even had gold. 1688524;1500660195;phf;but my electronics knowledge is limited, so for me durping with one radio transmitter/receiver is no different than another, because the result is going to be my improved understanding but very little in terms of practical results 1688525;1500660212;mircea_popescu;electromagnetics + power of the republic = http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-21#1688149 1688526;1500660212;a111;Logged on 2017-07-21 04:09 mircea_popescu: keep the ewes for meat and the goats for the hilarities. 1688527;1500660247;mircea_popescu;phf we're nowhere near political trials yet. 1688528;1500660266;phf;i'm a soviet man, i prepare my own defense even before i start thinking about doing it 1688529;1500660273;asciilifeform;lol 1688530;1500660279;mircea_popescu;my vrag naroda cards aren;t erven back from the shop yet. 1688531;1500660393;asciilifeform; i thought about very basic 'tmsr cicada' - for 84,399 seconds of the day, box listens for rsa-signed packet; 1 second - transmits latest known 1688532;1500660410;asciilifeform;86.. lol 1688533;1500660443;asciilifeform;( prolly dun even need whole sec ) 1688534;1500660453;asciilifeform;triangulate ~that~. 1688535;1500660499;mircea_popescu;could by now make ACTUAL bug-sized and looking item, with metal pike, insert into tree. solar + etc. triangulate and what, congrats you found a $15 prize ? 1688536;1500660509;asciilifeform;aha, we discussed this 1688537;1500660513;mircea_popescu;right. 1688538;1500660543;asciilifeform;it was what i got those lithium sulfide cells for. got prototype, veerry threadbare 1688539;1500660554;asciilifeform;they dun care about heat, frost. 1688540;1500660563;mircea_popescu;night. yeah, useful itam. 1688541;1500660565;asciilifeform;and 59yrs of ping pong easily. 1688542;1500660590;asciilifeform;cheaper than solar, incidentally. and less conspicuous. 1688543;1500660602;asciilifeform;( and similar life... ) 1688544;1500660660;asciilifeform;one gotcha is that the immediate practical ( vs 'fleet in being' ) value of such a thing is ~0. 1688545;1500660674;mircea_popescu;not quite so 0. 1688546;1500660678;mod6;<+asciilifeform> aha, we discussed this << ya, cool idea 1688547;1500660681;asciilifeform;say asciilifeform scatters these about. ends up... talking to self 1688548;1500660691;mircea_popescu;phf explains to you above -- it has significant training value. BOTH technical and political. 1688549;1500660698;mircea_popescu;it further has artistic and emotional value. 1688550;1500660699;asciilifeform;this yes. 1688551;1500660746;asciilifeform;btw asciilifeform is STILL, 3y !! after the original thread, looking for a supplier of RAW esp8266 1688552;1500660756;phf;also can probably string them as far as adams morgan zoo from your bunker, have a secondary effect as definitely getting labeled as terrorist when caught (lizard territory) 1688553;1500660758;asciilifeform;and 0 dice 1688554;1500660815;asciilifeform;phf: drop'em from the illicit chopper. 'may as well hang for sheep as for lamb' 1688555;1500660843;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform ideally, buy a fucking chinese drone, just for the hell of it. 1688556;1500660861;mircea_popescu;(no, as it stands, you could fly it over white house and nobody would know specifically what's going on. they can only detect them when landed in open air.) 1688557;1500660864;phf;drop them from the balloon glider 1688558;1500660877;asciilifeform;( and before anyone asks, NO i am not interested in paying moar per raw chip than the pcbs cost now. which is 1 $ ) 1688559;1500660910;mircea_popescu;phf you realise that me + daisy rifle = pest control for a fleet of 5k baloons/hour or somesuch ? 1688560;1500660940;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: where do i buy this rifle, that works for 20km 1688561;1500660942;asciilifeform;i want 1688562;1500660975;asciilifeform;( death ray!!1!! ) 1688563;1500660977;mircea_popescu;yeah, right, he's gonna disperse his launch pads over a 1200km area 1688564;1500660990;asciilifeform;balloon is 60km vertical easily 1688565;1500660991;mircea_popescu;he's goingto have one launchy spot, and ima sit in a chair across the street from it. 1688566;1500661015;phf;see, sergey, that's why launching at night! 1688567;1500661031;asciilifeform;but yes you can kill anything, e.g. icbm, if you know which 'street to sit across ' 1688568;1500661061;mircea_popescu;oh, i gotta get the stage whores get me a spot light too ?! say it's not so, inconvenience unthinkable. 1688569;1500661062;asciilifeform;sorta how launching anything worx. it's slow. 1688570;1500661104;mircea_popescu;o look, the daisy 499b (200 bux) actuallyu does 73mps muzzle velocity. i can even sit across parking lot. 1688571;1500661137;asciilifeform;these are neat, it was recced to me for squirrel control 1688572;1500661155;asciilifeform;almost as good as the old austrian 18th c thing 1688573;1500661219;mircea_popescu;aha! wars were fought in such 1688574;1500661238;mircea_popescu;now if they only made the spiked bb already. 1688575;1500661242;asciilifeform;incidentally i am picturing mircea_popescu's balloon hunt scene literally in my head, and wonder, suppose balooonist puts asymmmetric fin on. so goes up - spiraling. now aim. 1688576;1500661253;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you're kidding me aren't you ? 1688577;1500661265;mircea_popescu;i can shoot fucking squirrels your fined baloon is gonna do anything ? 1688578;1500661275;asciilifeform;squirrels sit put 1688579;1500661278;mircea_popescu;ahahaha 1688580;1500661286;mod6;:D 1688581;1500661287;mircea_popescu;you've never actually tried have you ? 1688582;1500661293;asciilifeform;at any rate this'd make great sport 1688583;1500661295;mircea_popescu;they run-stop, it is optimized for antishooting. 1688584;1500661311;mod6;anyway, finned ballon follows pattern; you just learn to lead 'em 1688585;1500661314;asciilifeform;1player makes baloon, other - shoots 1688586;1500661318;mircea_popescu;mod6 he's not a hunter, it shows. 1688587;1500661337;mircea_popescu;fucking squirrels. try leading those for a nervewracking experience. 1688588;1500661363;mod6;yeah they turn on dimes. 1688589;1500661366;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: city squirrel is stupid tho 1688590;1500661416;mircea_popescu;only until you start shooting at it. 1688591;1500661504;mircea_popescu;this convo with the "fin!!!" thing is eerily reminescent of early crypto discussion s, at that. 1688592;1500661518;mircea_popescu;"i will derive my entropy from physical processes nearby!" "o aren't you cute" 1688593;1500661520;asciilifeform;( other obvious recipe for headache for balloon hunter - bouquet'em , with 5x redundancy. now he needs a machine-gun ) 1688594;1500661546;mircea_popescu;or a friend. or nothing at all, his bb goes 70 meters a second, your baloon maybe .5 1688595;1500661580;ben_vulpes;"plink until it pops!" 1688596;1500661604;mircea_popescu;you could prolly get the street urchins involved, if only you can provide rifles for them. this is becoming a sort of "isis in mosul" deal 1688597;1500661624;asciilifeform;the obvious pill is to not get into the position of where olympic skeet shooters are following you around the world.. 1688598;1500661633;mircea_popescu;ahahahaha! 1688599;1500661642;mircea_popescu;ima link to this next time you say anything in the vein to me.\ 1688600;1500661661;mircea_popescu;"the obvious solution to acoso callejero is to not go around where horny males can see you" 1688601;1500661671;mircea_popescu;"why thank you most profusely, kind science man sir!" 1688602;1500661679;mircea_popescu;"would a spherical vacuum do ?" 1688603;1500661683;asciilifeform;( and must also ask, if they are already here, why wait for baloon, wai not my head ) 1688604;1500661693;mircea_popescu;no crime to shoot balloons. 1688605;1500661735;asciilifeform;depends. inca balloon may cost dearly, dearer than asciilifeform's head 1688606;1500661761;mircea_popescu;if it costs dearly it's gonna be a chopper noit a balloon. 1688607;1500661792;asciilifeform;recall the $billion balloon of all-seeing sauron from 2014 1688608;1500661799;asciilifeform;( deflated like toy ) 1688609;1500661816;mircea_popescu;aha. just how many kinds of spherical vacuums do you have in that belt of yours ? 1688610;1500661842;asciilifeform;only 1, installed in arse 1688611;1500661857;asciilifeform;instead of anal oracle from yest. thrd 1688612;1500661860;mircea_popescu;well stop flavouring us with it then! 1688613;1500661981;asciilifeform;upstack : if anybody knows where to get esp8266 , or knows who knows, etc.., plz write in 1688614;1500662069;asciilifeform;i'd personally buy, say, 5k @ 25c ea. 1688615;1500662140;asciilifeform;maybe in another 3y.. 1688616;1500662167;mircea_popescu;gotta talk to teh chinos. 1688617;1500662239;asciilifeform;i did, but must be doing it wrong, they only offer a) the pcb 2) chip, but for >= price the pcb sells at. 1688618;1500662257;asciilifeform;even in qty 10 1688619;1500662259;asciilifeform;K 1688620;1500662296;asciilifeform;nao if mircea_popescu knows how to get to the ~right~ chinos... 1688621;1500662338;mircea_popescu;it's iffy. i suppose by now we actually should employ a china-based supplies expert ? 1688622;1500662360;mircea_popescu;by the time it'll be 5 years old, like the "we should have isp expert" thing is, we'll have it just as solved as the isp thing is solved. 1688623;1500662379;asciilifeform;i dun actually know whether this has any hope of working. 1688624;1500662394;asciilifeform;gotta have, i suspect, a real, live cn fella in wot. 1688625;1500662401;asciilifeform;who can navigate. 1688626;1500662430;asciilifeform;hey wasn't mats chinese..? 1688627;1500662462;mircea_popescu;yeah but he lived in us neh ? 1688628;1500662469;asciilifeform;( now i recall, he found the 1$ pcb people for me earlier. but that was as good as it got then ) 1688629;1500662471;asciilifeform;ah yea. 1688630;1500662491;mircea_popescu;need someone lives in beijing. maybe hit the want ads 1688631;1500662508;mircea_popescu;sort-of like the manul chick, except moar dedicated. 1688632;1500662529;asciilifeform;alternatively we bake adhoc , simpler radio, from 25c microcontroller. 1688633;1500662530;mircea_popescu;is this something the foundation may maybe consider ? open us an embassy in beijing, hire a chick to sit there 4 hours/day or such ? 1688634;1500662535;asciilifeform;without 802.11 1688635;1500662556;asciilifeform;what do we need 80211 for anyway. 1688636;1500662577;ben_vulpes;interesting 1688637;1500662630;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: hiring a hireling for a l1wot work is recipe for evaporatiing money and no moar imho 1688638;1500662646;mircea_popescu;why ? 1688639;1500662657;mircea_popescu;i hired chicks to write on their tits. also recipe ? 1688640;1500662673;asciilifeform;cn rando will happily take yer money and sit pretty and 'sorry, no result today, lets try tomorrow ' 1688641;1500662695;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform o no. sits for specified 4 hours, has link here, gets specific tasks... 1688642;1500662697;mircea_popescu;im hiring a uci. 1688643;1500662704;asciilifeform;aah 1688644;1500662710;asciilifeform;could then, work 1688645;1500662712;mircea_popescu;biosac candi_flesh 1688646;1500662719;mircea_popescu;we could even call her that. 1688647;1500662738;asciilifeform;'get sample party of 8266 by next tues' etc 1688648;1500662752;mircea_popescu;you... never did this, did you ? 1688649;1500662759;asciilifeform;which this 1688650;1500662786;mircea_popescu;this, candi_flesh herding. if you say what you just said you merely pump up her anxiety. no, it's "make list of so and so websites. make list of so and so items." etcetera. 1688651;1500662794;mircea_popescu;gotta give proper tasks, there's no imperative c. 1688652;1500662828;asciilifeform;i only ordered bois 1688653;1500662839;mircea_popescu;aite 1688654;1500662845;asciilifeform;they gotta get in the format 'by next tues' etc 1688655;1500662861;mircea_popescu;works better for well understood tasks in well mapped spaces. 1688656;1500662867;asciilifeform;tru 1688657;1500662896;asciilifeform;iirc ben_vulpes still herds 'human compilers' , knows 1688658;1500663086;ben_vulpes;not any more 1688659;1500663311;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: now only own 2 hands ?! 1688660;1500663328;mircea_popescu;in any event, the business case is right here : if hireling gets 2k/month and takes less trhan a week to find alf's above 5k esp8266s at 22cents each, we in fact have positive roi on the scheme (for that week). 1688661;1500663357;asciilifeform;actually the 8266 episode taught me to eschew 'magic, rare' ic 1688662;1500663360;mircea_popescu;we can use her to i dunno, open a booth at chinese university distribute flyers. 1688663;1500663367;asciilifeform;gotta find how to make do with ordinary ones. 1688664;1500663374;asciilifeform;as i did for, e.g., FG. 1688665;1500663378;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform not a bad strategy but not immune to augmenting. 1688666;1500663395;asciilifeform;it wouldn't hurt to get illicit cheapo cn knockoff cpld either. 1688667;1500663405;mircea_popescu;besides, a mail point in the empire of the future can't hurt anything, and so on and so forth. 1688668;1500663412;asciilifeform;verytru 1688669;1500663429;mircea_popescu;so the bidniss case is here. mostly a matter of whether we can get the ops together. 1688670;1500663493;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: something like that 1688671;1500663715;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-21#1688372 << is this the orange revolution come home to roost ?! 1688672;1500663715;a111;Logged on 2017-07-21 15:22 asciilifeform: '“Fact-toxic” information pertains to actual truths which, the document complains, are “exposed in the absence of context”, and therefore poison “important political discourse.” Such information is seen as being most potent in triggering outbreaks of civil unrest , because it: “… fatally weakens foundational security at an international, regional, national, or personal level. Indeed, fact-toxic exposures are those lik 1688673;1500663821;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-21#1688377 << i believe. 1688674;1500663821;a111;Logged on 2017-07-21 15:44 phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-21#1687977 << mostly age, the few years that i'm younger than you i think made all the difference in the 90s scheme of things. by the time i "queuing up in the recruitment strip" it was tail end of the epoch 1688675;1500663905;mircea_popescu;i was ungodly young, by all accounts, to the point of giving the older people pause. and this was WITH my great benefit of easily passing in person for significantly older than i actually was. 1688676;1500664081;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-21#1688380 << the ww1 trenches were no fucking party. foot rot and malaria, nevermind. narrowly missing out on the 20s, now that i can see. be like 17 in 1928 sorta shit. 1688677;1500664081;a111;Logged on 2017-07-21 15:45 asciilifeform: ( it was his formative trauma ) 1688678;1500664088;asciilifeform;he wanted in, wat. 1688679;1500664102;mircea_popescu;i do not believe. 1688680;1500664103;trinque;wait, you were saying his trauma was not going to ww1? 1688681;1500664112;asciilifeform;trinque: or so he said 1688682;1500664113;mircea_popescu;trinque that's blair's own version. 1688683;1500664125;asciilifeform;selling it for same price i bought it for. 1688684;1500664132;mircea_popescu;aha. 1688685;1500664135;trinque;just curious 1688686;1500664169;asciilifeform;according to his b00k re spain, most of the other folx who went -- similar 1688687;1500664169;mircea_popescu;supposedly hitler also, formative trauma. 1688688;1500664190;asciilifeform;yeah but for him ~end~ of ww1 was the trauma. 1688689;1500664204;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i believe he is correct re similar, but incorrect in the anchor. he, and most other folks who went, were actually looking for the golden excuse. 1688690;1500664226;asciilifeform;y'mean the release of the kiss of the magic bullet ? 1688691;1500664236;mircea_popescu;no. but the acting as if. 1688692;1500664249;asciilifeform;he got his -- but a little too low, into the neck 1688693;1500664252;asciilifeform;lived 1688694;1500664259;mircea_popescu;there's great relief, you see, in my own mind, by simply noticing that, "hey, i was dead about twenty years ago ANYWAY. what do i care". 1688695;1500664277;mircea_popescu;this is something a certain sort of mind can simply take or leave ; but another sort absolutely desperately craves. 1688696;1500664287;asciilifeform;it's appealing yea 1688697;1500664306;mircea_popescu;"everything from here on end is just gravy", as it were. 1688698;1500664312;asciilifeform;'bonus level' 1688699;1500664322;mircea_popescu;right. "wasn't supposed to get this far anyways." 1688700;1500664340;mod6;"borrowed time" 1688701;1500664397;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-21#1688535 << briefly revisiting this thread, imho ideal masquerade is... cheap lost pen. just the right length, fits quarter-wave or so antenna inside, plus lithium batt etc. and looks entirely unremarkable wherever it falls. 1688702;1500664397;a111;Logged on 2017-07-21 18:08 mircea_popescu: could by now make ACTUAL bug-sized and looking item, with metal pike, insert into tree. solar + etc. triangulate and what, congrats you found a $15 prize ? 1688703;1500664420;asciilifeform;( bonus if it IS a pen, writes. ) 1688704;1500664431;phf;also shoots one bullet 1688705;1500664438;asciilifeform;lol that's a diff project 1688706;1500664445;mircea_popescu;i have a naked girl in my livingroom on all fours with a brush going at the carpet. whom should i call ? 1688707;1500664453;*;asciilifeform pictures the scene from 'numbers' 1688708;1500664460;asciilifeform;with the dildo + pen 1688709;1500664490;mircea_popescu;speaking of whch, i so don't fucking understand why ~all female cosmetics don't come in dildo packages anyway ? 1688710;1500664496;asciilifeform;i thought they did 1688711;1500664503;mircea_popescu;you know it's the only common element in the preteen masturbatory history of all girls i met ? 1688712;1500664511;asciilifeform;lipsticks, creams, etc. -- just about all of'em 1688713;1500664529;mircea_popescu;not rly, if you look closely most have dumbass ridges lips etc in the way. 1688714;1500664545;phf;still they try 1688715;1500664554;asciilifeform;file edges with nail file 1688716;1500664662;mircea_popescu;why not you know, dick-mold the things from the get go 1688717;1500664697;mircea_popescu;i naively thought industry is all about serving the market ; not about trying to impose strange ideologies upon it. 1688718;1500664710;asciilifeform;lol!! 1688719;1500664714;asciilifeform;see also naggum's 4-ring notebooks. 1688720;1500664715;mircea_popescu;ikr ? 1688721;1500664723;mircea_popescu;BUT THEY TAUGHT ME IN SCHOOL! 1688722;1500664728;ave1;asciilifeform: for http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-21#1688362, it looks like you are building with adacore 2016 edition, could you try with the 2015 edition (no need to do a real install, just unpack it and set path to the bin dir will be enough) 1688723;1500664728;a111;Logged on 2017-07-21 14:25 asciilifeform: ^ eggog 1688724;1500664732;asciilifeform;( http://btcbase.org/log/2013-12-22#429394 << ) 1688725;1500664732;a111;Logged on 2013-12-22 16:56 asciilifeform: 'what people “want” is a function of what they learn is available. e.g., do Americans want three-ring binders, and Europeans four-ring binders? or do they want binders and take whatever number of holes they come with? or do they want something that can help them organize their papers and take whatever is available? or do they really want a less cluttered office and ease of storage and retrieval of the infor 1688726;1500664750;ave1;I'll look into getting it to work with 2016 in the mean time... 1688727;1500664793;mircea_popescu;really, having one working point is all the job. 1688728;1500664807;mircea_popescu;dun worry about the rest unless you for some peculiar reason actually want to 1688729;1500664910;mircea_popescu;trinque http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-21#1688385 << uncle vania will give you A COSTUME and something to do. 1688730;1500664910;a111;Logged on 2017-07-21 15:48 asciilifeform: trinque: 'uncle vanya will giveya some work' 1688731;1500664914;mircea_popescu;livery being apropos. 1688732;1500664923;asciilifeform;ave1: it's pretty odd, the path IS valid and DOES contain the includes 1688733;1500664997;asciilifeform;ave1: can you tell me why it insists on having hg around, also / 1688734;1500664998;asciilifeform;? 1688735;1500665006;asciilifeform;fuck that 1688736;1500665028;asciilifeform;i thought we were cremating the dependency maggotry 1688737;1500665036;ave1;hmm, the musl-cross repository was hg but should not be needed, will remove 1688738;1500665045;ave1;asap 1688739;1500665053;asciilifeform;( on a box where i already happened to have it, it got past the hg thing. but pretty ridiculous that it even exists. ) 1688740;1500665084;ave1;as I had it too, it skipped my attention 1688741;1500665392;ave1;I see it was just so that a little id could be printed in the end, very stupid 1688742;1500665399;asciilifeform;lol! 1688743;1500665562;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-21#1688395 << there was no real us 90s. whole thing was just a derpy kumbaya of inept hipsters crawling out of the lousy studios with "i told you so" placards. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVmpNZ31CXw is about all of it. 1688744;1500665562;a111;Logged on 2017-07-21 16:12 trinque: I'm 30 now; 90s amount to a vague memory of "people might've done things before. maybe in the 80s?" 1688745;1500665590;mircea_popescu;he "followed moskva" dontchaknow. 1688746;1500665616;asciilifeform;usa 90s were really part of usa 80s, which lasted until 9/11/01 1688747;1500665622;mircea_popescu;right. 1688748;1500665647;asciilifeform;( just as '60s' in usa were period from '58 to '74 ) 1688749;1500665660;mircea_popescu;even the shitty "i'm not even trying" melody is part of the experience. 1688750;1500665674;mircea_popescu;fucking mosquat. rhymes with cumquat. 1688751;1500665710;mircea_popescu;cuz it's exotic, see. exotic flies like fruit. 1688752;1500665727;trinque;strikes me every time when I get a whiff of the apparent.. "placehood" what american folks would've referred to as the "post-soviet collapse space" of the 90s, had 1688753;1500665742;trinque;meanwhile the dirt that "won the cold war" no placehood my entire lifetime. 1688754;1500665783;mircea_popescu;the cold war was won in the manner of soccer game behind the apt building being won by other team's mom calling kids in for dinner. 1688755;1500665794;mircea_popescu;"soo... i guess we won huh." 1688756;1500665814;asciilifeform;^ 1688757;1500665820;mircea_popescu;"totally... and tomorrow in school these assholes are gonna have sukhois and we'll get an F in algebra" 1688758;1500665834;trinque;hah, paints a picture. 1688759;1500665848;mircea_popescu;such wins i'd rather let for the enemy. 1688760;1500665943;mircea_popescu;ahahahaha! o shit i forgot how epic this is 1688761;1500665951;mircea_popescu;"let your balalaika sing what my guitar wants to say"... 1688762;1500665964;mircea_popescu;"and don't forget to release the nuclear dancing bear..." 1688763;1500665983;mircea_popescu;"to the magic of the moment on a glory night... here's more words without any particular meanings... it's the way of tomooooroooo" 1688764;1500666001;mircea_popescu;"dream awaaaayyy... in the " etc. 1688765;1500666214;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-21#1688743 << https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ACf5ZYxPqes 1688766;1500666214;a111;Logged on 2017-07-21 19:32 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-21#1688395 << there was no real us 90s. whole thing was just a derpy kumbaya of inept hipsters crawling out of the lousy studios with "i told you so" placards. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVmpNZ31CXw is about all of it. 1688767;1500666279;mircea_popescu;imo that was pretty good. 1688768;1500666286;mircea_popescu;the mockery is like aspic all over it. 1688769;1500666296;mircea_popescu;very good band to do it, too, the mannerists. 1688770;1500666341;mircea_popescu;i suppose the period was ironclad to sarcasm... 1688771;1500666458;phf;heh, you know for how iconoclast petshopboys were i never even thought about "go west" being tongue in cheek. at the time pet shop boys were moscows bards of freedom so of course they would sing go west in earnest. fwiw, they tried warning us, but you had to be in the know to get it 1688772;1500666505;mircea_popescu;it was transparent to me, at the time. but then again i'm weird. 1688773;1500666524;mircea_popescu;it IS shocking to revisit, though. "quite ?!" overpowers the mind. 1688774;1500666582;mircea_popescu;phf in fairness might be an age thing again. a few years make all the difference in humor like in war. 1688775;1500666605;mircea_popescu;somehow 15yos are always spoken to in earnest. 1688776;1500666614;mircea_popescu;especially if you ask them. 1688777;1500667153;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-21#1688396 << and you don't see how this is exactly curtis yarvin crap ? 1688778;1500667153;a111;Logged on 2017-07-21 16:15 phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-21#1687972 << i'm not sure that's a criticism that can be leveled at pelevin, he's got other traps though. he has a keen eye for the present, but then he adds a layer of interpretation very much in the style of This Is What's Really Happening, which is usually of esoteric nature. his bratki take psychedelic mushrooms "to get fucked up next level!1" and accidentally break into the a shared buddhist realm of higher being, t 1688779;1500667180;mircea_popescu;"keen eye for the superficial" is not much of a qualification. 1688780;1500667212;phf;"helllooo springfield!!!1 --- omg it's us, he's talking about us" 1688781;1500667318;mircea_popescu;lol 1688782;1500667328;mircea_popescu;in other youboobs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7CYE0DYIbaw 1688783;1500667337;mircea_popescu;apparently i'm developing an amy winehouse interest. 1688784;1500667344;mircea_popescu;chick's actually pretty cool. 1688785;1500667391;mircea_popescu;she -- also tried to warn. 1688786;1500667488;trinque;> feel like a lady, and you my ladyboy 1688787;1500667493;trinque;great 1688788;1500667502;mircea_popescu;says the fucking words, you know ? "you should be stronger than me". dood... 1688789;1500667528;mircea_popescu;drunk self to death, age 28. literally. 1688790;1500667906;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-14#1683750 << see also!11 1688791;1500667906;a111;Logged on 2017-07-14 19:08 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-14#1683618 << 'at your age, sergei lazo was already circling around the locomotive!' 1688792;1500667945;phf;27, she's a member of the 27 club 1688793;1500667954;mircea_popescu;ah 1688794;1500668185;mircea_popescu;!~google "bondage crazed amy just can't beehive in bed" 1688795;1500668186;jhvh1;mircea_popescu: Bad girl Amy | Perth Now: ; Amy Winehouse 'begged to be tied up during sex', claims ex ...: ; 45 of 99 DOCUMENTS Copyright 2007 NEWS ... - Sex Degrees: > 'U.S. prosecutors on Friday said they plan to drop criminal charges against two former JPMorgan Chase & Co (JPM.N) derivatives traders... ... Prosecutors said their efforts to extradite the defendants have been unsuccessful or deemed futile..' 1688797;1500672589;deedbot;http://www.contravex.com/2017/07/21/what-is-israel-anymore/ << » Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski - What is Israel anymore? 1688798;1500673189;mircea_popescu;aww 1688799;1500673427;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-21#1688436 << especially tyhe genius of having the 2nd standing up to be that fairzuka balk sow-esque girl, all small eyes and animal zeit. 1688800;1500673427;a111;Logged on 2017-07-21 17:41 asciilifeform: lol i luvv that scene 1688801;1500673436;asciilifeform;aha!! 1688802;1500673455;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-21#1688051 1688803;1500673455;a111;Logged on 2017-07-21 02:15 mircea_popescu: and they existed very much because ro girls, unlike russki stupid cunts, did NOT perceive themselves at some kind of liberty to not whore up for the gangster class. 1688804;1500673496;asciilifeform;i thought the springs were springy, but ratchets rusty, or how it went 1688805;1500673511;mircea_popescu;wrong parts mounted on the chassis, car dun werk. 1688806;1500673517;mircea_popescu;correct parts have been ordered. 1688807;1500673541;mircea_popescu;poppenkorken expected thereupon. 1688808;1500673555;asciilifeform;gefingerpoken, gemittengraben!111 1688809;1500674029;BingoBoingo; I'm 30 now; 90s amount to a vague memory of "people might've done things before. maybe in the 80s?" << AHA http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-20#1687077 1688810;1500674029;a111;Logged on 2017-07-20 02:50 BingoBoingo: no. i recall the faggots, not yet VERY overweight, going to the things that meanwhile got captured by apple, much like coca-cola captured xmas << In elementry school historical context for the then present was established to be "on the verge of paradise, if only we stop littering" 1688811;1500674260;BingoBoingo; now if they only made the spiked bb already. << They do sell for air rifle. 1688812;1500674278;mircea_popescu;really ? does it shoot out of lise barrel ? 1688813;1500674894;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in the latest DoD studies as to things and matters wrt AMERICA!!!, http://68.media.tumblr.com/b45ce77c449df83a8bff2b3411d181fb/tumblr_og1n394flC1ueyc9co1_500.gif 1688814;1500674936;asciilifeform;lolswordswallower 1688815;1500674949;mircea_popescu;pro tip : most rapists prefer the body subdued but still warm. 1688816;1500674955;mircea_popescu;the us splendidly qualifies. 1688817;1500676151;mircea_popescu;and back to cabaret, it's plain to everyone joel grey's role is quite literally morte, the ace of spades, the xiiith card ? which is why he's in the morgige tag scene right at the end. 1688818;1500676473;BingoBoingo; really ? does it shoot out of lise barrel ? << Shoots out of .177 caliber barrel, standard ammo for air pellet rifle 1688819;1500676487;mircea_popescu;this i gotta see. link or anything ? 1688820;1500676548;BingoBoingo;https://archive.is/Q7NXy One variation 1688821;1500676565;BingoBoingo;Unarchived link https://www.walmart.com/ip/Crosman-Destroyer-177-Pellets/17757325 1688822;1500676575;BingoBoingo;Also variations without lip 1688823;1500676594;mircea_popescu;ah ah. no, i meant spiked. you know, all over :D 1688824;1500676596;shinohai; ^ I love those crossman destroyers ... perfect for taking out varmits 1688825;1500676606;BingoBoingo;AHA not seen yet 1688826;1500676613;mircea_popescu;for obvious reasons yes 1688827;1500676663;BingoBoingo;!~later tell pete_dushenski So, question of the day. How does infant car seat handle in Blackzilla? 1688828;1500676663;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: The operation succeeded. 1688829;1500676670;mod6;im just lucky that the woodpeckers go after the trees as opposed to the structure, or i'd be spending a lot more time in the backyard like rambo 1688830;1500676751;mircea_popescu;aaand in romanian accents, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7wveOu5hkQ 1688831;1500676997;BingoBoingo;In other Yesterday on Qntra http://qntra.net/2017/07/trump-issues-ultimatum-to-gop-senators-start-selling/ , as of noon-ish today Sean Spicer is out as Trump's press secretary. 1688832;1500677009;mircea_popescu;he wasn't very good. 1688833;1500677041;BingoBoingo;Well, legacy GOP appointee recommended by Priebus 1688834;1500677063;mircea_popescu;anyway, the old "gop" dorks fell over like so much paper candles, the traditional senatorial refuge in disease and bodily weakness. guy won his home front, no question. 1688835;1500677082;BingoBoingo;Of course he was going to suck. Didn't believe in "The Great Again" and tried repping Trump like a Lindsey Graham oldster. 1688836;1500677111;mircea_popescu;curious if he finds a workable goebbels. 1688837;1500677144;BingoBoingo;Well, I put in my application this winter. 1688838;1500677151;mircea_popescu;ehehe 1688839;1500677194;BingoBoingo;If he fails to find me through having the wrong rats read applciations, it is his failure. Unlike Obamacare he owns this failure to hire. 1688840;1500677206;mircea_popescu;should be interesting. 1688841;1500677292;asciilifeform;why in satan's name wouldja want a spiked-all-over musketball 1688842;1500677298;asciilifeform;vs normal human bullet 1688843;1500677313;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform it's a concept. 1688844;1500677316;asciilifeform;ain't like the spikes not facing the motion vector will do anything but drag 1688845;1500677330;mircea_popescu;you don't understand the humour. 1688846;1500677340;asciilifeform;is it variant of spherical horse? 1688847;1500677344;mircea_popescu;aha 1688848;1500677346;asciilifeform;lolk 1688849;1500677355;asciilifeform;one never knows with mircea_popescu-tech 1688850;1500677357;mircea_popescu;pressure-driven ordnance can't be stupid profile. 1688851;1500677384;shinohai;http://dsmedia.ign.com/ds/image/article/121/1210777/super-mario-3d-land-20111026034903029-000.jpg 1688852;1500677389;trinque;but dakka driven ordnance needs more dakka 1688853;1500677394;mircea_popescu;^ 1688854;1500677398;*;asciilifeform pictures em-launched 'ninja star' 1688855;1500677403;asciilifeform;hey not-pressuredriven!11 1688856;1500677405;mircea_popescu;dakka is formed out of spike. 1688857;1500677524;mircea_popescu;er blockt hinauf in himmels au'n wo heldengeister niederschaun'n -- alle schiessen stachelig kugeln! 1688858;1500677525;BingoBoingo;In other quotes from the wild: “The question that needs to be answered is, was this shooting a mistake or was it a “cultural seizure” by a Muslim officer who snapped and acted irrationally at the sight of a woman in her pajamas?” 1688859;1500677576;mircea_popescu;see, women naked indoors == no such problems. 1688860;1500677580;asciilifeform;Eine jede Kugel, die trifft ja nicht! Denn träfe jede Kugel apart ihren Mann, Wo kriegten die Könige ihre Soldaten dann? (tm)(r) 1688861;1500677643;mircea_popescu;that's because they weren't spiked approprioately. 1688862;1500678413;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all 1688863;1500678419;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 2680.0, vol: 23505.77466807 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 2585.999, vol: 9272.31027 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 2677.0, vol: 66199.91207557 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 2721.236616, vol: 20625.93920000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 2679.913, vol: 13673.6021251 | Volume-weighted last average: 2678.34291775 1688864;1500678427;BingoBoingo;^ OMG CRASHING SPIKED INAPPROPRIATELY!!! 1688865;1500678462;mircea_popescu;o noes 1688866;1500679446;BingoBoingo;And the latest from the delusionists: "If Trump abuses his presidential powers to pardon in a way that obstructs justice, he could be prosecuted under a future administration." 1688867;1500679765;mircea_popescu;bwahaha 1688868;1500679787;mircea_popescu;what future fucking administration. 1688869;1500679794;mircea_popescu;really, not obvious this is the last one ? 1688870;1500680435;asciilifeform;i recall when obummer was supposed to be the last. 1688871;1500681407;mircea_popescu;and bush! 1688872;1500681548;BingoBoingo;<< His was 1688873;1500681560;BingoBoingo;Trumpreich is not an administration 1688874;1500681572;BingoBoingo;It is a sentence! 1688875;1500681580;BingoBoingo;Of Great Again! 1688876;1500686632;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/591E09034D4735D2E66AB9DC734AFEAB7366F63AAAEB950745E6778258970791 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1401...7229 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (fragle.nts-online.net. US TX) 1688877;1500686632;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/591E09034D4735D2E66AB9DC734AFEAB7366F63AAAEB950745E6778258970791 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1391...3357 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (fragle.nts-online.net. US TX) 1688878;1500687830;mod6;<+mircea_popescu> what future fucking administration. << 'tis kinda true, with each successive one the twilight wanes. 1688879;1500696742;*;BingoBoingo still wonders what "Trump administration"? This is an 8 year reich that Estados Unidos has been sentenced to serve. 1688880;1500697092;BingoBoingo;Ask not what your Trump can do for you. Ask yourself what he did to you, hand on pussy. 1688881;1500697136;BingoBoingo;http://oglaf.com/annals/ 1688882;1500698286;BingoBoingo;https://archive.is/IxILl 1688883;1500707025;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-12#1681987 << bwahahaha 1688884;1500707025;a111;Logged on 2017-07-12 19:45 BingoBoingo: http://oglaf.com/pirated/ 1688885;1500707029;mircea_popescu;great one 1688886;1500715394;mircea_popescu;!!up scriba 1688887;1500715394;deedbot;scriba voiced for 30 minutes. 1688888;1500715397;mircea_popescu;!!up Scronty 1688889;1500715397;deedbot;Scronty voiced for 30 minutes. 1688890;1500715406;mircea_popescu;and who might you be ? 1688891;1500716444;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2017/the-practical-costs-of-hallucinated-freedom/ << Trilema - The practical costs of hallucinated freedom 1688892;1500716478;mircea_popescu;^ in celebration of the "recent events" that... weren't. 1688893;1500717067;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2015/why-representative-democracy-doesnt-work-and-doesnt-make-sense/#comment-114493 >> whole discussion very much on point re the whole ru 99 / ro 2004 thing, for the antiquarianly minded. 1688894;1500717939;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-05-02#1461007 << i FINALLY lolled : "Коллайдер" ??? У автора в лексиконе не нашлось подходящего русскоязычного слова? / Какое например? Исконно русский факторизатор? 1688895;1500717939;a111;Logged on 2016-05-02 12:43 asciilifeform: ;;later tell mircea_popescu https://www.opennet.ru/opennews/art.shtml?num=44356 << moar lulz 1688896;1500718475;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-21#1688195 << are you satisfied re this point, by the way ? trinque's "not a man" item wasn't much pursued, but it is substantial enough. 1688897;1500718475;a111;Logged on 2017-07-21 04:43 asciilifeform: however, i gotta ask, what happened to http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-17#1685436 ? usg beat and imprisoned the rabbis, at the end of the day. so how come it does not 'prove superiority' in mircea_popescu's lens ? 1688898;1500718548;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-21#1688217 << the whore gets paid because ~you~ think she should be. the robber gets paid because ~he~ thinks he should be. very unlike items, these. 1688899;1500718548;a111;Logged on 2017-07-21 04:50 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform robber who uses "laws" is properly known as whore, not robber. 1688900;1500718736;mircea_popescu;the case of the whore is not of "man who walks into room and overpowers all those present", but instead "woman walks into room and seduces all those present". 1688901;1500718765;mircea_popescu;these are very much not the same : i can say "i'm not interested" in the woman case only. 1688902;1500718789;mircea_popescu;which is the whole item here : yes usg seduces a bunch of dorks, but what i am saying is that a) i'm not seduced myslef and b) i do not think very much of they who are. 1688903;1500730351;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-22#1688896 << yea sold 1688904;1500730351;a111;Logged on 2017-07-22 10:14 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-21#1688195 << are you satisfied re this point, by the way ? trinque's "not a man" item wasn't much pursued, but it is substantial enough. 1688905;1500730387;asciilifeform;did mention insects in same thread, neh 1688906;1500731063;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-22#1688898 << how would you classify racketeer/bagman? 1688907;1500731063;a111;Logged on 2017-07-22 10:15 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-21#1688217 << the whore gets paid because ~you~ think she should be. the robber gets paid because ~he~ thinks he should be. very unlike items, these. 1688908;1500738222;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-22#1688906 << the classification of agent depends on the classification of principal he agents for. 1688909;1500738222;a111;Logged on 2017-07-22 13:44 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-22#1688898 << how would you classify racketeer/bagman? 1688910;1500740603;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: plox to expand? 1688911;1500740617;mircea_popescu;ok, but where ? 1688912;1500740632;asciilifeform;what diff does it make for whom the bagman bagmans 1688913;1500740687;mircea_popescu;all the difference in the world, neh ? what difference does it make for whom the postman brings letters ? well, if he brings othello letters from desdemona, he is a sort of cupid ; and if they are from the doge, a sort of mercury. 1688914;1500740776;asciilifeform;i dun see how this applies to robbery tho. how does it make a diff to me ~why~ i am being robbed. 1688915;1500740800;asciilifeform;i.e. whether it is because luciano wants new yacht or new whore 1688916;1500740821;asciilifeform;robbed just the same, neh 1688917;1500740837;mircea_popescu;so you just wanted the money ? 1688918;1500740856;mircea_popescu;if you spend it, does it make a difference to you what you spend it on ? 1688919;1500740865;asciilifeform;if ~i~ spend it. 1688920;1500740875;mircea_popescu;but not otherwise. 1688921;1500740885;asciilifeform;how would it make a diff to me how the robber spends it. 1688922;1500740899;mircea_popescu;how he spends it is not the item, but who or rather what he is. 1688923;1500740943;asciilifeform;all robbers are entirely the same type of thing from my pov, and vary only in skill and size. 1688924;1500740967;asciilifeform;and are as desirable a thing to have around, as cancer and landslides. 1688925;1500740968;mircea_popescu;and i suppose if i were come to your house tomorrow unbidden, sit on your couch and pour myself a glass of wine you'll say you weren't robbed ? 1688926;1500740986;asciilifeform;dunno, didja take the couch home? 1688927;1500740999;mircea_popescu;im taking some wine to the bathroom in any event. 1688928;1500741043;mircea_popescu;the "it was not robbery for [insert reasons]" is the common, but also nonsensical escape from this fix. the correct way out is to notice that yes you were robbed, but it matters who does it. 1688929;1500741074;asciilifeform;uninvited guest in your house at night, is rarely a friend. 1688930;1500741086;mircea_popescu;sure, rarely. yet you can be robbed of your heart and not mind the loss any. 1688931;1500741112;asciilifeform;this mixing of unlikes, dirty thinking, mircea_popescu barfs when other folx do it. 1688932;1500741129;mircea_popescu;the only problem's that they are unlikes here. 1688933;1500741142;mircea_popescu;whether they are* i mean 1688934;1500741167;asciilifeform;luciano is no friend of mine, my couch is not his couch, no wine willingly give to him. 1688935;1500741186;mircea_popescu;but that so far as luciano. 1688936;1500741210;mircea_popescu;can you say "no one is a friend of mine" ? and if you can, what does it mean, "wine" ? 1688937;1500741226;*;asciilifeform tightens gas mask canister 1688938;1500741307;mircea_popescu;suppose you go to the casino, yes, and lose some money playing with the fates. if you discover that the game was fixed, will you go "ah well, i had lost it anyway" ? 1688939;1500741309;asciilifeform;not being a gurl, i dun see any blur in the line between the willingly and unwillingly given wine , b/w friend and foe 1688940;1500741328;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform it can't possibly be willingly given, i didn't ask. 1688941;1500741339;asciilifeform;and where i live it is not customary for friend to break into house. it tends to end badly. 1688942;1500741365;mircea_popescu;yes, you live in a most strange of places :D where you aim to live it was quite customary. 1688943;1500741417;asciilifeform;at any rate mircea_popescu is welcome to walk into my yurt and drink all the kumys he wants whenever. 1688944;1500741435;mircea_popescu;why thank you. 1688945;1500741449;mircea_popescu;but the point remains -- it very much matters whose principal thje agent is. 1688946;1500741775;mircea_popescu;there's edges of this observable everywhere in nature. why make car insurance mandatory ? so that every idiot with a donut has a certain kind of principal behind him, so accidents can stay accidents and you can actually get your car fixed rather than "hurr durr i'm anon pothead, lolz". 1688947;1500741777;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-22#1688938 << this is actually a great puzzler ( what is it that folx feel cheated of, when they are cheated at cards ) 1688948;1500741777;a111;Logged on 2017-07-22 16:35 mircea_popescu: suppose you go to the casino, yes, and lose some money playing with the fates. if you discover that the game was fixed, will you go "ah well, i had lost it anyway" ? 1688949;1500741787;mircea_popescu;aha! 1688950;1500741837;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform it's not limited to that, either. what do folks feel cheated of, when they declare to have been cheated on by spouse ? 1688951;1500741866;mircea_popescu;"her affection!" "can you be cheated of things you imagined ?" 1688952;1500741874;asciilifeform;i thought it was the cockwidthcalibration. 1688953;1500741886;mircea_popescu;so maybe same with cards :) 1688954;1500741963;*;asciilifeform thinks back to the rather complicated philosophy of ru prison re when it is 'kosher' to cheat at cards, and with whom 1688955;1500741975;mircea_popescu;~and with whom~. 1688956;1500741996;mircea_popescu;expand, let's have the story in the logs. 1688957;1500741998;asciilifeform;( as illustrated here, http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-20#1687951 ) 1688958;1500741998;a111;Logged on 2017-07-20 23:54 asciilifeform: hether there was any likelihood of being passed a false banknote and whether he could pass on a false note himself. There was no definite system involved in all this. Sometimes a fist like a hairy water-melon would appear in the little window, but it was obvious that Tatarsky could quite safely send its owner to hell and beyond. Then sometimes Tatarsky's heart would skip a beat in fright at the sight of a slim female hand 1688959;1500742025;asciilifeform;my education consists of secondary sources, i'd rather mircea_popescu expanded. 1688960;1500742044;asciilifeform;also it is tea time, brb 1688961;1500742046;mircea_popescu;you know i wasn't ever in jail either. 1688962;1500743570;mircea_popescu;meanwhile at teh club, http://68.media.tumblr.com/90688d90d3207ffb7a2d1179f07c9b10/tumblr_o915ywAHth1vshvsro1_1280.jpg 1688963;1500743594;phf;she cute who dat 1688964;1500743640;mircea_popescu;random russki 1688965;1500745123;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-22#1688954 << "это был севочка, знаменитый знаток терца, штоса и буры -- трех классических карточных игр, вдохновенный исполнитель тысячи карточных правил, строгое соблюдение которых обязательно в настоящем сражении. про севочку говорили, 1688966;1500745123;a111;Logged on 2017-07-22 16:46 asciilifeform thinks back to the rather complicated philosophy of ru prison re when it is 'kosher' to cheat at cards, and with whom 1688967;1500745124;phf; что он «превосходно исполняет» -- то есть показывает умение и ловкость шулера. он был и шулер, конечно; честная воровская игра — это и есть игра на обман: следи и уличай партнера, это твое право, умей обмануть сам, умей отспорить сомнительный выигрыш. 1688968;1500745124;phf;играли всегда двое — один на один. никто из мастеров не унижал себя участием в групповых играх вроде очка. садиться с сильным «исполнителями» не боялись — так и в шахматах настоящий боец ищет сильнейшего противника." 1688969;1500745268;phf;(a rather butchered translation) "it was sevochka, a famous expert at terza, stos and bura, the three traditional card games. he was a master of the extensive ruleset, strict adherence to which was mandatory in any real confrontation. they said about sevochka that he is an “excellent performer” that is he shows the skill and the agility of a card sharp. of course he actually was a card sharp; an honest theifs game is a game of deceit: observe and c 1688970;1500745268;phf;atch your opponnent, it's your right, know how to cheat yourself, know how to dispute a questionable win. a game is always between two people -- one on one. none of the pros would degrade themselves by participating in a group game like ochko. none would be scared to play against a strong “performer” either -- like in chess a real pro looks for a strong oponnent." 1688971;1500745331;asciilifeform;phf nails it 1688972;1500745384;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-22#1688962 << woah : facechix!! 1688973;1500745384;a111;Logged on 2017-07-22 17:12 mircea_popescu: meanwhile at teh club, http://68.media.tumblr.com/90688d90d3207ffb7a2d1179f07c9b10/tumblr_o915ywAHth1vshvsro1_1280.jpg 1688974;1500745525;phf;apparently terza is a pure sakhalin invention, stos is known in u.s. as faro or pharaoh and bura while also a custom prison game is essentially thirty-one 1688975;1500745539;asciilifeform;faro interestingly was ~the~ 19th c game 1688976;1500745544;asciilifeform;but today ~extinct. 1688977;1500745560;asciilifeform;( in usa that is ) 1688978;1500746062;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/B4A9F8064616CAF4A77EF29B696C8E55FF481782DBFC35092B3CEC51BAA60B2A << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 9287...7133 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown SD) 1688979;1500746062;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/82DFE01A00E566825DFF781D85F4FB9EA8405E400F9B6C772D8FA7552383F0C6 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 9903...1737 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (14-244-112-92.ip.ukrtel.net. UA) 1688980;1500746062;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/B4A9F8064616CAF4A77EF29B696C8E55FF481782DBFC35092B3CEC51BAA60B2A << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 9903...1737 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown SD) 1688981;1500746062;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/82DFE01A00E566825DFF781D85F4FB9EA8405E400F9B6C772D8FA7552383F0C6 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 9900...7209 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (14-244-112-92.ip.ukrtel.net. UA) 1688982;1500746227;mircea_popescu;phf stos / drum de fier is also known in romanian. antique, and very stupid, french game. 1688983;1500746249;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform reason why extinct is that no longer need deck for rng. which is ~all that was. 1688984;1500746305;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-22#1688972 | http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-22#1688963 wut do you both see in random club slut like ~any other ?! this is interesting already. 1688985;1500746305;a111;Logged on 2017-07-22 17:43 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-22#1688962 << woah : facechix!! 1688986;1500746305;a111;Logged on 2017-07-22 17:13 phf: she cute who dat 1688987;1500746586;mircea_popescu;anyway, the discussion of card cheating brings us to an inverse of that ancient towers point ( http://btcbase.org/log/2015-10-31#1312420 ) : it is only in prison that technology is sufficiently limited for the "cheating -- allowed" approach to work. yes, it does work well, and yes it is very warmly human. but it is also a strong part of the rural vs urban dispute, in that it is strictly a matter of rurality, and can not live 1688988;1500746586;a111;Logged on 2015-10-31 04:27 mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2014/un-prophete/#selection-57.90-57.473 1688989;1500746586;mircea_popescu;in town. much like, of course, representative democracy belongs to the simple and them alone ( http://trilema.com/2015/why-representative-democracy-doesnt-work-and-doesnt-make-sense/#selection-79.0-85.2 ). 1688990;1500746650;mircea_popescu;a sort of fairness-and-equality-through-simplicity-and-poverty is required for such things. kinda why orange revolutions work, when they do. 1688991;1500746680;asciilifeform;stupidity is a sort of organic 'natural drm' yea 1688992;1500746692;asciilifeform;'who would ever think to...' 1688993;1500746737;mircea_popescu;the inconceivable is just as good impermissible as any other. 1688994;1500746773;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-22#1688981 << >> 1688995;1500746773;a111;Logged on 2017-07-22 17:54 deedbot: http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/82DFE01A00E566825DFF781D85F4FB9EA8405E400F9B6C772D8FA7552383F0C6 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 9900...7209 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (14-244-112-92.ip.ukrtel.net. UA) 1688996;1500746786;asciilifeform;^ some huawei rubbish or other 1688997;1500746793;asciilifeform;but not a type i recall seeing previously. 1688998;1500746805;mircea_popescu;but the point : there's always winds. whether men blow the winds against the mechanisms, and create the prison card playing world ; or whether mechanisms blow the winds against people, and create the "company policy" and us office, there'll still be wind, and there'll still be some towers, and some ground down mounds were other towers could have stood. 1688999;1500746830;mircea_popescu;if only wind blew strong the other way. 1689000;1500746944;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-22#1688984 << can't speak for phf, but to my eye she looks like a human face, vs plastic cow 1689001;1500746944;a111;Logged on 2017-07-22 17:58 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-22#1688972 | http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-22#1688963 wut do you both see in random club slut like ~any other ?! this is interesting already. 1689002;1500746966;asciilifeform;probably by accident, kabuki makeup sweated off etc. but nevertheless. 1689003;1500746991;asciilifeform;i didn't imprint on the kabuki and find it repulsive, is all. 1689004;1500747011;mircea_popescu;she's made up about to the evening level. 1689005;1500747038;mircea_popescu;her eyes are kohl'd, there's powder on the cheek, and well chosen rouge on the lip... what more, really ? 1689006;1500747042;asciilifeform;could be simply camera angle, or could be that there's actually somebody home in that head. i've nfi. 1689007;1500747080;mircea_popescu;mebbe you inprinted on teh sideways glance. 1689008;1500747312;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-22#1688983 << poker still lives 1689009;1500747312;a111;Logged on 2017-07-22 17:57 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform reason why extinct is that no longer need deck for rng. which is ~all that was. 1689010;1500747317;asciilifeform;so can't be the rng 1689011;1500747332;mircea_popescu;why not ? how's this reasoning go ? 1689012;1500747338;asciilifeform;( though today they ~mandate mechanical shuffling machines, for some reason ) 1689013;1500747344;mircea_popescu;you can play faro with a set of dice just as well. 1689014;1500747363;asciilifeform;well they still play cards, that get shuffled, just like 500 yrs ago. unless i misunderstood the rng remark. 1689015;1500747371;mircea_popescu;(in fact, the do, it's called barbut). 1689016;1500747415;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the game has no actual use for cards, it just uses cards to generate some random numbers. it's not a card game, properly speaking, not anymore than using your car engine for powering your laptop makes the assemblage "it" 1689017;1500747427;asciilifeform;aah in that sense yea 1689018;1500747515;mircea_popescu;that's what i meant. 1689019;1500747637;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-20#1686972 << in the same vein, though a slightly different subculture there was a super trashy ru magazine XAKEP, which was sort of combination of game/hardware reviews and script kiddie writeups in the style of 2600. they have their archive online https://xakep.ru/pdf/xa/002 https://xakep.ru/pdf/xa/003 https://xakep.ru/pdf/xa/004 etc. 1689020;1500747637;a111;Logged on 2017-07-20 00:47 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-19#1686933 << when phf first described subj, asciilifeform thought 'what if i saw it then, would it have made sense, appealed?' but now i know -- no 1689021;1500747667;asciilifeform;woah 100+MB pdf 1689022;1500747674;asciilifeform;holy mother of fuck 1689023;1500747683;mircea_popescu;heh 1689024;1500747689;mircea_popescu;maybe it's on aluminium. 1689025;1500747692;asciilifeform;aint these folx ever heard of djvu 1689026;1500747699;asciilifeform;being from ru -- 0 excuse 1689027;1500747748;asciilifeform;pg. 2 : 'как поиметь девочку из чата?' 1689028;1500747751;phf;:D 1689029;1500747763;phf;xakep magazine is sort of like "the hackers" movie. everybody made fun of it, and everybody bought a copy every month 1689030;1500747774;asciilifeform;in usa this was '2600' 1689031;1500747837;asciilifeform;i'll add that i ~never read ru '31333337 d00dz' material. because deadly boring, even moar thoroughly winblowz-centric than ANYTHING ever to come out of anything in usa short of microshit press itself 1689032;1500747843;phf;yeah, pretty much. but 2600 has the whole "fight the powa!!1" vibe to it, this is more of a trashy 16 y/o internet club rats learning how to deface websites. 1689033;1500747884;asciilifeform;lol p. 17 'how to irc' 1689034;1500747896;phf; "step 1) download mIRC etc." 1689035;1500747908;mircea_popescu;laugh, but from the trouble it gives randos i would expect "how to trilema" is like sitting on a warez pedestal somewhere. 1689036;1500747912;mircea_popescu;"GREATEST SKILLS" 1689037;1500748016;asciilifeform;'ufo detector' on p. 25 1689038;1500748084;mircea_popescu;girlfriend detector ? 1689039;1500748100;asciilifeform;'tv jammer' p. 32 1689040;1500748114;mircea_popescu;you would expect the one useful tech could do for 15yo neh ? "left, right, left, left, there she is" 1689041;1500748124;phf;article on "hacker style" "how does he dress? where he buys clothes?" "how does a real hacker speak?" 1689042;1500748140;mircea_popescu;translate that bit if you will ? how does he dress ? 1689043;1500748170;asciilifeform;lol i had nfi that goblin wrote for this rag, phf 1689044;1500748176;phf;mircea_popescu: you missed asciilifeform's "page 2: how to get a girl from irc chat?" 1689045;1500748192;asciilifeform;( p . 52 ) 1689046;1500748212;mircea_popescu;phf no but i mean, directional. like the metal detectors. 1689047;1500748214;asciilifeform;( and 63, and prolly elsewhere ) 1689048;1500748239;asciilifeform;waiwat directional what 1689049;1500748245;mircea_popescu;gf detector! 1689050;1500748257;mircea_popescu;you know, tindr. 1689051;1500748291;asciilifeform;lol iirc we had thread 1689052;1500748296;asciilifeform;with mhc-compat detector. 1689053;1500748333;mircea_popescu;well where is it. 1689054;1500748353;asciilifeform;same place as other barely plausible martian tech, lol 1689055;1500748355;mircea_popescu;fucking moths have it built in ; and rats. what's kids to do in town. 1689056;1500748401;mircea_popescu;rather than deeply dubious "disease scanning arrays" from whatever stupid ho, how about the equally dubious but deeply fun "go this way" aerosol evaluator. 1689057;1500748417;asciilifeform;asciilifeform actually investigated building this. 1689058;1500748421;mircea_popescu;ha! 1689059;1500748426;asciilifeform;but this was ( fortunately ? ) before he had money. 1689060;1500748436;mircea_popescu;i't put it on the car in preference of "radar detector". who fucks radars. 1689061;1500748509;mircea_popescu;fun fact : it should be able to detect A PARTY (say, mingled perfumes in trace amts) from a reasonable distance away. 1689062;1500748522;asciilifeform;i thought that was what yer ears were for 1689063;1500748531;mircea_popescu;i suspect this'd well beat ears. 1689064;1500748550;mircea_popescu;otherwise moth's have huge ears instead of those fuzzy chemcapture devices we call antennae. 1689065;1500748580;asciilifeform;did we ever do the concentrator thread ? 1689066;1500748584;mircea_popescu;iirc. 1689067;1500748627;asciilifeform;where asciilifeform admitted that in preference to gc/ms or other usgairport-like fancy junk, it could very well be a simpler matter of concentrating odours from air and simply piping into own nose 1689068;1500748637;asciilifeform;as telescope is to eye 1689069;1500748669;*;asciilifeform never found any record of such a thing being attempted 1689070;1500748704;asciilifeform;there is an 'olfactometer', instrument that pumps known volume of sampled air from the room into expert nose, for gas leaks etc but is NOT same thing as subj. 1689071;1500748751;asciilifeform;what you'd want here is a vortex tube, that lets dust/heavies settle into exhaust drain, air per se -- out the side pipe, and the magic fraction concentrated 100+x -- to nose. 1689072;1500748769;mircea_popescu;possibly ; though i don't think i'd use this. 1689073;1500748774;mircea_popescu;the whole point is to let the machine err. 1689074;1500748781;asciilifeform;i dunno why mircea_popescu would even want this sort of thing 1689075;1500748785;mircea_popescu;for fun! 1689076;1500748804;asciilifeform;i thought mircea_popescu-style fun consisted of sitting in chair and watching the gurlz fight over which one gets to go in the door 1689077;1500748830;asciilifeform;( or are they released in the forest to find later, like safari lions in 19th c... ? ) 1689078;1500749145;asciilifeform;revisiting http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-22#1689019 : 'XAKEP' mag stands head and shoulders above 'mondo' et al rubbish : it may be lame, but (most of) the things it describes ACTUALLY EXISTED, long-forgotten dos games, vapourware, electric schemes for 'detect ufo' that would at least detect passing truck certainly, tv jammer would in fact jam tv. 1689079;1500749145;a111;Logged on 2017-07-22 18:20 phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-20#1686972 << in the same vein, though a slightly different subculture there was a super trashy ru magazine XAKEP, which was sort of combination of game/hardware reviews and script kiddie writeups in the style of 2600. they have their archive online https://xakep.ru/pdf/xa/002 https://xakep.ru/pdf/xa/003 https://xakep.ru/pdf/xa/004 etc. 1689080;1500749160;asciilifeform;it was not the bizarre cocktail of mental illness exhibited in 'mondo' 1689081;1500749188;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i do all sorts of weird shit. there's iirc trilema telling the story of me calling chick out of the blue. "how did you get thsi number ?" "i had you followed". 1689082;1500749204;asciilifeform;( faith healers, esp, ufology, were on MAINSTREAM ru tv at the time. so a 'counterculture' mag ~had to~ avoid'em, see ) 1689083;1500749206;mircea_popescu;adding a "well, the detector pointed this way" answer to the repertoir wouldn't hurt jack. 1689084;1500749257;asciilifeform;'how didja find me, lavrentiy pavlovich' 'followed' 1689085;1500749258;asciilifeform;lol 1689086;1500749260;mircea_popescu;xakep, what happens when hacker drinks sake. 1689087;1500749271;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform no but see, it's a big deal, chick didn't shit her panties. 1689088;1500749287;asciilifeform;why would she 1689089;1500749292;mircea_popescu;wouldn't you like to have your wine surrepetitiously drunk by such rather than the melanogaster ? 1689090;1500749304;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform wouldn't you shit it if you were followed and didn't notice ? 1689091;1500749309;asciilifeform;if i had a cunt, wouldn't 1689092;1500749322;asciilifeform;makes a diff whether yer milk or meat, neh 1689093;1500749324;mircea_popescu;but most go around with this puta, neither cock nor cunt imature device. 1689094;1500749376;mircea_popescu;(she, memorably, went "ok, i'ma go out for coffee" "where ?" "just fucking follow me neh.") 1689095;1500749386;asciilifeform;lol! 1689096;1500749536;mircea_popescu;myeah. 1689097;1500749693;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2009/eu-ma-joc/#selection-29.0-41.121 << story, found meanwhile. 1689098;1500749998;phf;come to think of it, for non cyrillic readers, xakep is how you spell "hacker" in ru, written in this case with latin alphabet, because it just happens that the subset of cyrillic required to write the word "hacker" in ru is also latin 1689099;1500750258;mircea_popescu;except x is not h. 1689100;1500750263;mircea_popescu;csaker. 1689101;1500750287;phf;yeah, scratch the second part, i confused myself 1689102;1500750312;mircea_popescu;csaba the csaker could be a grandiose character, though. 1689103;1500750328;phf;well, also p is not r 1689104;1500750345;mircea_popescu;p is r, surely. 1689105;1500750390;mircea_popescu;https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/06/a5/d0/06a5d0c691cee2dd092acdc1b5d6f1ac.png << PRoof 1689106;1500750552;phf;vaguely relatedly: if you drink unicode cool aid, shouldn't cyrillic latin subset like "a" be unified with the latin equivalent, along the lines of han unification? and then you introduce "linguist context surrogate" or whatever to actually give the glyph proper i18n aware shape? or perhaps that information should be contained purely in font, i.e. "russian" font has latin A rendered with russian typographic conventions. #makeunicodegreatagain 1689107;1500750602;mircea_popescu;the reason they did not wish to do this is plain racism : they were afraid of me, and all the humour i was about to heap on them (the above x is not h but p is r very much apropos), and they understood (correctly) that no such scholarsip is available to yellow men. 1689108;1500750605;phf;and have the other half unified with greek 1689109;1500750662;mircea_popescu;(and since on it : prince csaba was the youngest son of atilla, king of the huns). 1689110;1500750887;mircea_popescu;the only correct unicode, is, obviously, dated font tables. whereby i write in the year-specified letter a. and to read my modern story typeset in fraktur you have to set your computer clock to year 1199 or else the machine will refuse to print ("error! temproally-unavailable fonts detected!") much like gedit refuses to open files in gnome. 1689111;1500750939;mircea_popescu;"the letter A as written in summer 2017 by MP" seems almost sufficient blather doesn't it. 1689112;1500750994;mircea_popescu;(and VERY much what http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-03#1513931 is all about) 1689113;1500750994;a111;Logged on 2016-08-03 15:40 phf: the whole font changes meaning take two is coming from the japanese. they were actively promoting this idea back during early unicode standardization days, where there was a strong drive to include every idiosyncratic version of kanji in the standard, because "that's how my family writes it in our last name". 1689114;1500751348;phf;but that's an alternative solution, since unicode claims taxonomy of symbols. "A" as written by mp in 2017 is not necessarily different from "A" written by mp during other times (but it might map to different A's within taxonomy, e.g. latin or cyrillic one). in case of japs they claim that the new symbol actually carries additional meaning 1689115;1500751433;mircea_popescu;how does it not carry aditional meaning ? 1689116;1500751494;mircea_popescu;for one thing, sometimes my a is /a/ and sometimes /ə/. and even some other times /ɨ/. 1689117;1500751528;mircea_popescu;and this is not to count the various jokes, and puns, and that in turn is to not count all the cases where i'm fucking with the fucking with it deliberately. 1689118;1500751577;phf;hmm 1689119;1500751594;phf;well, i have to conveniently go afk at this point :) 1689120;1500751700;mircea_popescu;laters :) 1689121;1500752207;asciilifeform;the sane solution , if hieroglyphs are your thing, is http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-15#1684293 1689122;1500752207;a111;Logged on 2017-07-15 16:48 asciilifeform: they wanna say 妓 -- let'em be stuck saying 32 bytes (16x16 bit matrix, more than enough for any hierohorror) rather than 2 bytes !!! 1689123;1500752217;asciilifeform;^ searchable, too. 1689124;1500752232;asciilifeform;which is more than you can say for multibyte turdicode 1689125;1500752298;asciilifeform;if they want fancy calligraphy, let'em recognize and substitute the 16x16 bitmap with a fancy. 1689126;1500752310;asciilifeform;but bitmap oughta be the canonical form. 1689127;1500752324;asciilifeform;and ~directly~ blittable. 1689128;1500752752;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2017/beating-that-spark-of-heaven/ << Trilema - Beating, that spark of heaven 1689129;1500754039;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform im pretty sure 16x16 "is not enough" because, for instance, "you can not tell if the strokes were made in the correct order" 1689130;1500754060;asciilifeform;nah, enough 1689131;1500754067;asciilifeform;to be readable . 1689132;1500754074;mircea_popescu;this is imperialism! 1689133;1500754096;asciilifeform;let'em suck it and be happy that they get to write their monkeylang at all. 1689134;1500754115;mircea_popescu;chinese matron requires to know whether author was drunk at time of writing. 1689135;1500754139;asciilifeform;and what day of menses the menstruade used as ink was from aha 1689136;1500754141;mircea_popescu;and during which letters. 1689137;1500754281;asciilifeform;incidentally, the 32byte thing will compress ok. just like earthling langs do. 1689138;1500754322;asciilifeform;( and keeps compressor where it belongs - simple and on the generic outside, rather than specific per monkeylang ) 1689139;1500754531;asciilifeform;i dun even give a fuck whether chinese get to write their hieroglyphs . but i'd like to insert occasional nabla or whatnot , greek etc without swapping code pages. 1689140;1500756005;BingoBoingo; mebbe you inprinted on teh sideways glance. << /me suspects this is how alf evals chix, sideways glance suggest greater activity than staring 1689141;1500757919;asciilifeform;at the cost of a bit of log clutter, let's indulge asciilifeform's crackpottery, and lay out 妓 ( U+5993 : whore ) : 1689142;1500757928;asciilifeform;000100000010000 1689143;1500757932;asciilifeform;000100000010000 1689144;1500757936;asciilifeform;000100000010000 1689145;1500757939;asciilifeform;000100111111111 1689146;1500757944;asciilifeform;111111000010000 1689147;1500757949;asciilifeform;001001000010000 1689148;1500757954;asciilifeform;001001000010000 1689149;1500757958;asciilifeform;001001011111110 1689150;1500757965;asciilifeform;001001001000010 1689151;1500757970;asciilifeform;010010001000100 1689152;1500757975;asciilifeform;001010000100100 1689153;1500757980;asciilifeform;000100000101000 1689154;1500757984;asciilifeform;001010000010000 1689155;1500757988;asciilifeform;010001000101000 1689156;1500757992;asciilifeform;100000011000100 1689157;1500757996;asciilifeform;000001100000011 1689158;1500758000;asciilifeform;there we go. 1689159;1500758035;asciilifeform;now cut it down the middle vertically, and walk left to right, and you get the 32 bytes. 1689160;1500758158;asciilifeform;( gotta add a col of 0s, lol. but worx ) 1689161;1500758637;asciilifeform;or... drumroll... : 1689162;1500758638;asciilifeform;08100810081009ff7e101210121012fe12422444142408281410222840c40303 . 1689163;1500758644;asciilifeform;~fin~ 1689164;1500758725;asciilifeform;it's a mighty mouthful to say 1 word 'whore', BUT it compresses ok -- even if all you use is runlength code. 1689165;1500758828;asciilifeform;and it 'sits on the cock AND eats the fish', in that hieroglyphists get ( if painfully ) to have their nonsense, BUT they also get to feel what it actually costs. and at the same time NO explicit support for any particular hieroglyph clutters yours or my box. 1689166;1500759030;asciilifeform;a clever man might be able to think of something involving vectorized 'brush strokes' rather than raster. might be moar searchable. but inevitably moar complex also. 1689167;1500759067;asciilifeform;i find it interesting that -- afaik -- nobody in actual asia thought of EITHER approach. 1689168;1500759074;asciilifeform;or certainly nobody both thought + implemented. 1689169;1500759081;asciilifeform;instead 'consensus' derp. 1689170;1500759643;asciilifeform;!!up user705 1689171;1500759644;deedbot;user705 voiced for 30 minutes. 1689172;1500759659;user705;hello 1689173;1500759684;asciilifeform;what brings you here, user705 ? 1689174;1500759732;user705;learning to properly do this btc 1689175;1500759759;asciilifeform;and...? 1689176;1500759763;user705;is this guide still more or less valid http://trilema.com/2013/how-to-airgap-a-practical-guide/ 1689177;1500759776;asciilifeform;sure 1689178;1500759782;user705;also what should one use for email? 1689179;1500759786;asciilifeform;nothing at all 1689180;1500759789;asciilifeform;don't use email. 1689181;1500759801;user705;seems harsh 1689182;1500759806;asciilifeform;not really. what's the point 1689183;1500759851;BingoBoingo;4srs, email's just a marketing vector 1689184;1500759861;user705;even on qntra and trilemma it asks for one I guess the question is what option is less bad 1689185;1500759895;asciilifeform;user705: it happile eats foo@bar.com etc 1689186;1500759900;asciilifeform;*happily 1689187;1500760066;user705;my old brain wants to say "but how ..." 1689188;1500760076;asciilifeform;like-so. 1689189;1500760206;BingoBoingo;user705: It's an iq test/spam filter element. If email address is an email address comment not marked spam on that point. Is email address used for anything else? no 1689190;1500760219;BingoBoingo;No email sent 1689191;1500760257;BingoBoingo;Simply but a string in that isn't formatted unlike an email address, at least on qntra 1689192;1500760311;mircea_popescu;so i joined the whores going to the gym. my first time in a gym at that! it was discovered that yes i'm a lot more powerful than they are, but i have neither the flexibility nor the endurance. 1689193;1500760323;mircea_popescu;house is now fulla giddy and ima be eating cunt all day long. 1689194;1500760332;BingoBoingo;lol 1689195;1500760344;BingoBoingo;gotta work on that stamina 1689196;1500760353;mircea_popescu;honestly i'd rather work on that tuna. 1689197;1500760381;user705;yeah flexibility will always be a losing battle since their bodies were designed to pop out clones but stamina is just a matter of conditioning 1689198;1500760403;mircea_popescu;i don't particularly want to be as flexible as a vixen willow in any case. 1689199;1500760410;user705;yep 1689200;1500760484;BingoBoingo; honestly i'd rather work on that tuna. << Tongue is a collection of muscles that can condition for endurance! 1689201;1500760632;user705;read somewhere that the whole eating pussy thing has gained popularity only recently because of big dicks in porn 1689202;1500760667;user705;the tit sucking thing is bound to be a leftover from childhood but certainly not eating a chick out 1689203;1500761267;BingoBoingo;It happens because girl is present, erections are the limiting factor in fucking, and girl's still there to interact with. 1689204;1500761452;asciilifeform;!!up user705 1689205;1500761453;deedbot;user705 voiced for 30 minutes. 1689206;1500761560;user705;apologies but last question on the email thing. what about exchanges, localbitcoin, etc... gotta be some way of interacting with the outside world is there really no place for email here? 1689207;1500761574;asciilifeform;what outside. 1689208;1500761641;mod6;<+asciilifeform> http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-22#1688962 << woah : facechix!! << hottie 1689209;1500761641;a111;Logged on 2017-07-22 17:12 mircea_popescu: meanwhile at teh club, http://68.media.tumblr.com/90688d90d3207ffb7a2d1179f07c9b10/tumblr_o915ywAHth1vshvsro1_1280.jpg 1689210;1500761936;asciilifeform;mod6: ever tried any of http://www.dragonlace.net gnats ? 1689211;1500761942;asciilifeform;on your bsd boxen 1689212;1500761954;asciilifeform;i'm about to attempt openbsd gnat 1689213;1500762035;PeterL;In the scheme described http://btcbase.org/log/2017-02-14#1613906 1689214;1500762035;a111;Logged on 2017-02-14 19:19 asciilifeform: specifically, for every byte you intend to send, you instead send two: x, y. which you generate by obtaining rng byte r, and payload byte b, and x := b xor r, y := r 1689215;1500762037;BingoBoingo;user705: Well, you get your penis hard and you stick it in the outside world. If you aren't sure of the safety of doing so at the time, you may begin with broomstick. 1689216;1500762057;asciilifeform;PeterL: ? 1689217;1500762064;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2017/07/swedish-railroad-consults-masses-trainy-mctrainface-results/ << Qntra - Swedish Railroad Consults Masses: Trainy McTrainface Results 1689218;1500762076;PeterL;is it sufficient to put x and y together, or does it only work if they are sent to two different keys? 1689219;1500762089;asciilifeform;sufficient for what?? 1689220;1500762113;PeterL;sufficient to work as message padding for rsa-grams? 1689221;1500762136;asciilifeform;no, they gotta be unrelated keys. 1689222;1500762142;asciilifeform;otherwise it may be possible to build a lattice and solve. 1689223;1500762144;PeterL;aha 1689224;1500762166;asciilifeform;the described scheme is identical to the one for adding cipher strenghts in 'best of'. 1689225;1500762172;asciilifeform;*strengths 1689226;1500762195;PeterL;could they be put into one udp-gram, like decrypt the first half with key one, and the second half with key two, then xor to get message? 1689227;1500762216;asciilifeform;( lessay you HAD to use a block cipher, and want to combine aes, serpent, and gost, such that to GUARANTEE the best strength of the 3 ) 1689228;1500762229;asciilifeform;PeterL: udpgram, or papyrus, it dun matter 1689229;1500762246;asciilifeform;in my draft of 'g', they went in udpgram. 1689230;1500762259;PeterL;(I have been thinking about gossipd, it is a fascinating subject) 1689231;1500762292;BingoBoingo;https://archive.is/VSCw3 lol http://qntra.net/2017/07/miners-signal-segwit-via-bip-91-lock-in-avoiding-user-activated-fork/#comment-105892 1689232;1500762339;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: 'bribing exchanges' to shitcoin, lol 1689233;1500762362;asciilifeform;( why not go to usg mint and 'bribe' them to print for you some moolah ? ) 1689234;1500762378;asciilifeform;( with... what? ) 1689235;1500762506;asciilifeform;PeterL: re rsa 'padding', see also thread http://btcbase.org/log/2016-12-24#1589901 . 1689236;1500762506;a111;Logged on 2016-12-24 01:11 asciilifeform: so one ~horrid~ padding algo would be to get a bitstring from my rng, xor the message to it, then send a message of 2x length of original consisting of: [the bitstring from rng][the result of the xor] 1689237;1500762574;PeterL;yeah, I was wondering about how it was horrid, but then later you suggested it as a good idea, I see the difference is having two separate keys encrypting the two parts 1689238;1500762583;asciilifeform;VERY significant diff. 1689239;1500762617;mod6;<+asciilifeform> mod6: ever tried any of http://www.dragonlace.net gnats ? << ah no, not yet 1689240;1500762643;mod6;<+asciilifeform> i'm about to attempt openbsd gnat << sweet, let me know how it goes, i've got a obsd box. 1689241;1500762645;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Worst part is site made on "wix.com" never loads directly on real browsers 1689242;1500762662;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: watsthis 1689243;1500762720;PeterL;so I wanted to make sure I understood this correctly, if you have an RSA encrypted message, you cannot say which key it was encrypted to just by looking at it, right? 1689244;1500762748;asciilifeform;PeterL: if you have a) a range of candidate keys or b) a handful of ciphertexts --- you can 1689245;1500762779;asciilifeform;( a is elementary, and you can do with bare hands. b is trickier but entirely doable, how many you need varies based on bit count of modulus ) 1689246;1500762829;PeterL;so for gossipd, I get a message, and (assuming it was encrypted to me) I can tell which of my keys it was encrypted to 1689247;1500762863;mod6;asciilifeform: with dragonlace, are you testing with binaries or are you pulling from the src repo? 1689248;1500762896;asciilifeform;mod6: bin at first 1689249;1500762904;asciilifeform;( recall, you can't build gnat without gnat ) 1689250;1500762925;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-22#1689201 << nonsense, read napoleon's letters to the j-slut. 1689251;1500762925;a111;Logged on 2017-07-22 21:57 user705: read somewhere that the whole eating pussy thing has gained popularity only recently because of big dicks in porn 1689252;1500762952;mod6;<+asciilifeform> ( recall, you can't build gnat without gnat ) << yeah, was the reason i asked. hehe 1689253;1500763005;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-22#1689230 << word. 1689254;1500763005;a111;Logged on 2017-07-22 22:24 PeterL: (I have been thinking about gossipd, it is a fascinating subject) 1689255;1500763170;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-22#1689234 <<< with their continued existence. "bitcoin" exchanges === tor. 1689256;1500763170;a111;Logged on 2017-07-22 22:26 asciilifeform: ( with... what? ) 1689257;1500763257;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-22#1689243 << depends what you mean by "rsa encrypted message". a) current rsa "encryption" as implemented by koch-gpg et al consists of encrypting a symmetric key. trivial to test this against a number of rsa keys. b) conceivably item will include a courtesy key fp to help you know. 1689258;1500763257;a111;Logged on 2017-07-22 22:32 PeterL: so I wanted to make sure I understood this correctly, if you have an RSA encrypted message, you cannot say which key it was encrypted to just by looking at it, right? 1689259;1500763303;mircea_popescu;even without b, there are numeric methods to sort out whether your keys will work or not, such as trying each one. 1689260;1500763305;PeterL;no, I was imagining straight RSA 1689261;1500763373;mircea_popescu;in the worst case it is not trivial to compute the fingerprint of an unknwn key that can decrypt an impredictable plaintext. 1689262;1500763413;mod6;ok asciilifeform, dropped "OpenBSD64 4.8 binary" on my obsd 5.6. reason being, is that that version seems to be the only x86_64 version?? not sure there. but it /looks/ promising. after extracting the binaries, tried to use it to gnatmake fact + ffa, but was unsuccessful because: 1689263;1500763424;mod6;[17:32:00 mod6@obsd: ~/ada/fact]% gnatmake ffa ffa_fact 1689264;1500763425;mod6;gnatmake: can't load library 'libc.so.56.0' 1689265;1500763436;mod6;# find /usr -name "libc.so*" 1689266;1500763436;mod6;/usr/lib/libc.so.77.0 1689267;1500763455;asciilifeform;mod6: i'm using the i386, on old lappy, and it dies similarly 1689268;1500763459;asciilifeform;dynamically linked liquishit. 1689269;1500763461;mod6;aha. ok. 1689270;1500763493;*;asciilifeform sets the final bozo bit on openbsd and everyone involved 1689271;1500763519;mod6;not a huge surprise, perhaps with all the right things in place (if that's even possible) and it "works" then one could build a real one from it's source. 1689272;1500763561;mod6;but yat chicken-egg is biting us here. 1689273;1500763594;asciilifeform;mod6: i have yet to hear of ANY actual argument in favour of wasting yet moar hours of life on bsd. 1689274;1500763599;asciilifeform;it's a black hole. 1689275;1500763608;mod6;i've honestly had a bitch of a time with it recently. 1689276;1500763628;mod6;(re: reading from the rs232, and now this, ya.) 1689277;1500763657;mod6;tmsr-os (cuntoo) will pick up where bsd leaves off. 1689278;1500763740;PeterL;I like the name cuntoo, it's catchy 1689279;1500763779;mod6;as far as freebsd, I feel like the 4.3 was pretty good, but there was a lot of in-fighting regarding technical decisions. this lead to Matt Dillon leaving and forking dragonfly. 1689280;1500763785;mod6;it seemed to have a slow decline from there. 1689281;1500763820;mod6;this is all pre SMP type shit, and trying to figure all of that out. ofc, my memory is a bit sketchy, that was like ... 14 years ago. 1689282;1500763831;asciilifeform;my last bsd was freebsd 4.7 1689283;1500763838;asciilifeform;well, before this last attempt 1689284;1500763844;mod6;for the apt-student, im sure all of the emails are still out there on their majordomo or whatever the fuck. 1689285;1500763893;shinohai;!!v DE98A1C799541339B6A1E48C60BA9F1AD26A0F7D5D74D4E35C488E0E076FF802 1689286;1500763897;asciilifeform;my last ~happy~ bsd was 4.7.. 1689287;1500763905;shinohai;!!v DE98A1C799541339B6A1E48C60BA9F1AD26A0F7D5D74D4E35C488E0E076FF802 1689288;1500763905;deedbot;shinohai rated sina 1 << Python mp-fhf works as advertised, though I suggest http://trilema.com/2015/a-new-software-licensing-paradigm/ for future license. 1689289;1500763981;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-22#1689257 << lol for some reason i assumed he was asking about whether ~enemy~ can tell, from traffic 1689290;1500763981;a111;Logged on 2017-07-22 22:40 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-22#1689243 << depends what you mean by "rsa encrypted message". a) current rsa "encryption" as implemented by koch-gpg et al consists of encrypting a symmetric key. trivial to test this against a number of rsa keys. b) conceivably item will include a courtesy key fp to help you know. 1689291;1500763985;asciilifeform;rather than intended recipient. 1689292;1500764062;BingoBoingo; ok asciilifeform, dropped "OpenBSD64 4.8 binary" on my obsd 5.6. reason being, is that that version seems to be the only x86_64 version?? not sure there. but it /looks/ promising. after extracting the binaries, tried to use it to gnatmake fact + ffa, but was unsuccessful because: << Gotta use OBSD 4.8, binaries are not compatible across .1 revisions 1689293;1500764062;PeterL;no, I was thinking: friend sends you message, now you have to pick a key to decrypt with 1689294;1500764165;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: the tards dynamicallylinked libc 1689295;1500764173;asciilifeform;just like linuxtards lately do 1689296;1500764196;asciilifeform;entirely and completely cremating whatever motherfucking point their worthless piece of shit had for a justification of existence to begin with 1689297;1500764310;asciilifeform;!!up user705 1689298;1500764311;deedbot;user705 voiced for 30 minutes. 1689299;1500764521;PeterL;I understand the "decrypt with each key until the message looks like a good message", but I was trying to think of the algorith for saying "that must be a good message"? 1689300;1500764655;asciilifeform;PeterL: that's guaranteed to work. 1689301;1500764919;user705;if anything the letters of napoleon show the opposite. obviously eating out didn't get invented yesterday but if anything what the royal monarch did it was not for the plebes 1689302;1500764946;mircea_popescu;napoleon was a plebe. 1689303;1500764983;user705;I mistyped that 1689304;1500764997;user705;plebian 1689305;1500765023;mircea_popescu;i suppose you could propose they were some sort of minor nobility or whatever, but it's at best tenuous. for all intents and purposes napoleon was a sort of hitler, lower middle class at best. 1689306;1500765065;asciilifeform;the idjit aristos created him. 1689307;1500765068;user705;at the time of the letters he was not though 1689308;1500765070;asciilifeform;just as surely as later created hitler. 1689309;1500765092;asciilifeform;or rotting redditfood in dumpster creates the fly. 1689310;1500765100;mircea_popescu;user705 are you proposing the emperor changed his private customs to suit the habits of the just-beheaded aristocracy ? 1689311;1500765237;user705;not at all. my original point was that the eating out of chicks is coming back into vogue so to speak because of the wide availability of porn where the mail talent is larger then average thus genpop of males is more conscious of making sure a female finishes ergo more eating out 1689312;1500765247;PeterL;ah, I guess my question is answered by having the "challenge pattern", which I guess you give to new contacts when you give them your pubkey 1689313;1500765268;mircea_popescu;i can't imagine who'd eat a girl out out of feeling of obligation. 1689314;1500765341;mircea_popescu;leaving aside who the fuck cares what the pron dudes do. what, i'm going to fuck a girl in that god-awful position of her straddling with her back to me because there's a camera in my livingroom too ? 1689315;1500765409;user705;positions is just the need for variety. normal human function there. 1689316;1500765438;PeterL;my last question, is gossipd supposed to automatically share peer information with other peers to build up the network, or is all peer addition supposed to be manual? 1689317;1500765441;mircea_popescu;some don't work though. the one discussed is entirely made so the CAMERA can see the tits and cunt, and as little of the dood as palatable to 80s audiences. 1689318;1500765450;mircea_popescu;it thankfully went away, but d'amato's stuff is full of it. 1689319;1500765462;mircea_popescu;PeterL entirely operator decision. 1689320;1500765474;PeterL;ok, that makes sense 1689321;1500765482;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-22#1689291 << well it was ambiguous. not sure it can not be ambiguous at that. 1689322;1500765482;a111;Logged on 2017-07-22 22:53 asciilifeform: rather than intended recipient. 1689323;1500765496;asciilifeform;PeterL: ideally a bare minimum of automatics. 1689324;1500765545;mircea_popescu;certainly none of those "behind the curtain" "for the good of all involved" sorta automatics. 1689325;1500765558;user705;but once it's out there the brain wants to try it and with that I bid you adieu to go try some positions 1689326;1500765559;mircea_popescu;become annoyingly fashionable of late, that sorta crap, too. 1689327;1500765607;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-22#1689296 << lol but how do you REALLY feel! 1689328;1500765607;a111;Logged on 2017-07-22 22:56 asciilifeform: entirely and completely cremating whatever motherfucking point their worthless piece of shit had for a justification of existence to begin with 1689329;1500765720;mod6;BingoBoingo: makes sense, I just dun have a 4.8 avail atm 1689330;1500765730;mircea_popescu;am i the only one doing chicks that don't specifically expect to or want to come every time ? 1689331;1500765768;shinohai;Nah you're not alone, I'm not about that annoying shit either. 1689332;1500765779;mircea_popescu;lol. no but i mean, is she. 1689333;1500765824;shinohai;Nope. 1689334;1500765844;PeterL;this has been enlightening, I have to feed the kiddos now, but I always read the logs 1689335;1500765882;*;asciilifeform goes to feed the... somethingelse 1689336;1500766605;mircea_popescu;and speaking of, http://68.media.tumblr.com/1b41ac407e45f23b7f2b08fa6c5baa9f/tumblr_nr2k0ooNxd1rvxb4uo1_400.gif 1689337;1500766670;shinohai;"Train your slave to test for radiator hose leaks with this one weird trick!" 1689338;1500766693;mircea_popescu;esp useful if you buy a ship. 1689339;1500767377;mircea_popescu;!!key bluthw 1689340;1500767379;deedbot;http://wot.deedbot.org/7338F12D6D59BFACF0D9F81CC3262D070A3BF734 1689341;1500767448;mircea_popescu;trinque ^ ? 1689342;1500768137;mircea_popescu;holy mother of god. in other unexpected user behaviours, i give you http://logs.minigame.bz/2017-07-23.log.html#t00:00:12 1689343;1500768138;lobbesbot;Logged on 2017-07-23 00:00:12: ok this is what I did (6:39:01 PM) bluthw: !!register wotpaste url from above 1689344;1500768219;BingoBoingo;BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHA 1689345;1500768238;asciilifeform;'make me a tasty sandwich' 1689346;1500768249;asciilifeform;'you are now a tasty sandwich' 1689347;1500768255;asciilifeform;(tm)(r)( mircea_popescu ) 1689348;1500768263;mircea_popescu;dexter's laboratory, rly. 1689349;1500768275;*;asciilifeform not familiar 1689350;1500768307;mircea_popescu;1990s was great in the us for one thing only -- cartoons. dexter's lab, cow and chicken, animaniacs... true revival of the genre. 1689351;1500768326;asciilifeform;i saw that last 1 1689352;1500768513;mircea_popescu;might check out cow and chicken. very iconoclastic. 1689353;1500768525;*;asciilifeform puts on list. 1689354;1500768554;asciilifeform;i actually liked a recent (gasp) item, 'rick & morty' 1689355;1500768579;asciilifeform;for some reason very, in my mind's eye, trilema-flavour. 1689356;1500768607;mircea_popescu;mr fleur in http://trilema.com/2017/mom/ is direct nod to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lW2B3lPUeQ8 1689357;1500769481;asciilifeform;'cause when you are ugly they dun come and sting you and hold you over a flame!' -- lel 1689358;1500771112;BingoBoingo;http://blog.therealcostarica.com/2007/04/04/like-caterpillars/ 1689359;1500771182;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: hey at least they don't (afaik!) have the lonomia 1689360;1500771186;asciilifeform;( ' lazy clown' ) 1689361;1500771247;asciilifeform;( https://archive.is/ww2pZ and elsewhere ) 1689362;1500771296;asciilifeform;1 touch -- like cobra bite 1689363;1500771333;asciilifeform;places white folx dun live -- typically dun live 'for a reason'. see the tsetse fly thread. 1689364;1500771373;asciilifeform;and incidentally such places were CONSIDERABLY moar numerous pre- ddt. 1689365;1500772075;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo i've yet to be stung by anything. reports of dangerous wildlife experimentally exaggerated. 1689366;1500772311;mircea_popescu;and in other texas lulz, http://www.collarspace.com/details.asp?v=2664826&bhcp=1 1689367;1500772380;shinohai;The 47 lbs in `147` must be in the tits 1689368;1500772473;mircea_popescu;the email is the best part. 1689369;1500772487;mircea_popescu;i'm giving it even odds it's some ethereum expert in his spare time. 1689370;1500772566;shinohai;https://tineye.com/search/c57585e8d3fd7b3905ef562637e9f80021233375/ 1689371;1500772569;shinohai;lol 1689372;1500772698;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2016/kismia-dating-scam/#selection-27.17-27.29 ~same story, nystrom rather than riley 1689373;1500773101;mod6;<+asciilifeform> 'you are now a tasty sandwich' << kekekek 1689374;1500774055;mircea_popescu;!!key bluthw 1689375;1500774056;deedbot;http://wot.deedbot.org/7338F12D6D59BFACF0D9F81CC3262D070A3BF734 1689376;1500774118;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in switzerland, http://68.media.tumblr.com/4e2d39eae0b876f2f8d6c403b19f7971/tumblr_o64p0pZToy1uneq3ho1_1280.jpg 1689377;1500774224;BingoBoingo; BingoBoingo i've yet to be stung by anything. reports of dangerous wildlife experimentally exaggerated. << Well what caterpillar of doom can penetrate your impecable suit jackets on a casual brushing? 1689378;1500774438;mircea_popescu;but still! 1689379;1500774495;asciilifeform;lol public shitter photo 1689380;1500774502;asciilifeform;wai are these so common 1689381;1500774509;asciilifeform;no mirror at home ? 1689382;1500774513;asciilifeform;no tripod ? 1689383;1500774542;mircea_popescu;cheap'n'easy 1689384;1500774605;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-23#1689365 << mircea_popescu has asciilifeform wholly beat on this score : i get stung by some horror ~every time i step out doors in summer 1689385;1500774605;a111;Logged on 2017-07-23 01:07 mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo i've yet to be stung by anything. reports of dangerous wildlife experimentally exaggerated. 1689386;1500774670;*;BingoBoingo occasionally get bitten by mosquito and less frequently collides with Cicada killer wasp 1689387;1500774677;asciilifeform;no lonomia yet tho. i'm a little surprised that nobody's tried to introduce it to north amer. imho it'd fit right in. 1689388;1500774689;mircea_popescu;prolly not hot or wet enough. 1689389;1500774712;asciilifeform;( there was a proposal to introduce lions to u.s. flyovers. but afaik went nowhere, insufficient bison ) 1689390;1500774722;BingoBoingo;Middle west is wet enough, but not consistently hot 1689391;1500774732;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: hot and wet like the best sf prison venus , here 1689392;1500774736;mircea_popescu;it should be noted that i have at least a dozen different wasp nests actively maintained all about. 1689393;1500774740;asciilifeform;and perhaps one day even yr round 1689394;1500774756;BingoBoingo; ( there was a proposal to introduce lions to u.s. flyovers. but afaik went nowhere, insufficient bison ) << Mountain lion is restablishing self at own pace 1689395;1500774759;mircea_popescu;one particularly active hive is trying to eat up a whole window. 1689396;1500774775;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: mountain 'lion' is poor man's lion 1689397;1500774792;mircea_popescu;actually, savannah lion does not actively hunt people. mountain lion - does. 1689398;1500774812;asciilifeform;dunno that actively 1689399;1500774824;mircea_popescu;o ya. very much in its prey envelope. 1689400;1500774827;BingoBoingo;actively if bicycle is involved apparently 1689401;1500775168;asciilifeform;in other mircea_popescuinity: asciilifeform: 'how were you going to prepare' pet: 'by.. worrying!' asciilifeform: 'that'd be stupid' pet: '...tru, isnnit' 1689402;1500775194;mircea_popescu;ha 1689403;1500775428;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2017/07/minneapolis-loses-first-native-american-female-and-openly-gay-police-chiefs-in-tripartite-resignation/ << Qntra - Minneapolis Loses First Native American, Female, And Openly Gay Police Chiefs In Tripartite Resignation 1689404;1500776849;mircea_popescu;so basically somali was playing with gun, accidentally discharged it ? 1689405;1500776878;mod6;lot of mpls news lately 'eh 1689406;1500776890;mircea_popescu;meanwhile at proper cocksucker's camp, http://68.media.tumblr.com/4d49d28ffd07d3011ddfd6cf1d48c6e5/tumblr_nid4a9hWFi1qksjw9o1_400.gif 1689407;1500776902;mircea_popescu;!!key elleross 1689408;1500776904;deedbot;http://wot.deedbot.org/D904455927A32F35CEBA76159266893667C147B8.asc 1689409;1500776909;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-23#1689354 << i like rick&morty but i think it suffers from the whole human element thing as far being "tmsr like". for example if you take original sherlock holmes, there's not really any attempts to either humanize or dehumanize him, he was just doing his thing, brilliantly, and it was the raison d'etre. take on the other hand modern remake, where half of the narrative is devoted to "oh, he's brilliant, BUT CAN HE SOLVE 1689410;1500776909;a111;Logged on 2017-07-23 00:09 asciilifeform: i actually liked a recent (gasp) item, 'rick & morty' 1689411;1500776909;phf; THE MYSTERY OF HUMAN LOVE". they go at it from all kinds of angles, his relationship with watson, his relationship with cops, his relationship with random english suburban twats; all written from a perspective of "he's alien, but maybe he's just the rest of us blokes, once you get to know him like, maybe grab a pint on sunday". an element completely missing from the originals. 1689412;1500776974;mircea_popescu;kinda the splooge that makes usian copywriting unreadable. 1689413;1500776976;phf;so in rick&morty you have the whole "rick is an asshole", but they can't just leave him be an asshole, they have to deconstruct it, show the human side, etc. 1689414;1500776993;mircea_popescu;can't have a faux media piece without "on the day of the moon landing i was eating an apple pie" '''human''' bullshit. 1689415;1500777251;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-21#1688780 1689416;1500777251;a111;Logged on 2017-07-21 20:00 phf: "helllooo springfield!!!1 --- omg it's us, he's talking about us" 1689417;1500777261;mircea_popescu;kek 1689418;1500777333;mircea_popescu;of course the deep reason is that 1800s brit didn't need to be told he's human ; because he spent ~0 hours of any day wondering on this topic. 1689419;1500777415;phf;it's very tlp, media telling you how to be human 1689420;1500777419;asciilifeform;phf: as with all us-produced film of recent decades, it tastes ok only after filleting. 1689421;1500777524;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i expect the kabuki will grow, it has room to grow. perhaps film of near future will have hero taking a shit many times during $adventure, to remind audience that 'he is hyooman Just Liek YOU' etc 1689422;1500777541;phf;i was thinking of the british tv show with benedict cumberbatch, but same thing, yes. the one where they made him addicted to nicotine patches. 1689423;1500777594;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform this is imo the great value of that applegate film. 1689424;1500777601;asciilifeform;which 1689425;1500777604;mircea_popescu;terrible film, yes, but the inversion is STRIKING! 1689426;1500777644;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2016/vacation/#selection-59.0-63.278 1689427;1500777657;mircea_popescu;"The sad truth of the matter is that the ustard male inverses the story of his revered antecessors. If a century ago the youth, inept like all youths, stubborn like all youths, took a whole two minutes to start on his journey of exploration and then proceeded to actually journey for an hour and a half, the manchild of "modern democracy" takes about an hour to finally, grudgingly, angrily proceed to travel for a whole two minu 1689428;1500777657;mircea_popescu;tes before the story rapidly folds as if this horror of horrors, the fucking trip, is so scary it can't even be contemplated, just a glimpse suffices and should be immediately forgotten." 1689429;1500777698;asciilifeform;dun sound too appetizing 1689430;1500777714;mircea_popescu;it isn't really. professional interest only. 1689431;1500777845;mircea_popescu;as amy once said, http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-21#1688788 1689432;1500777845;a111;Logged on 2017-07-21 20:05 mircea_popescu: says the fucking words, you know ? "you should be stronger than me". dood... 1689433;1500779010;BingoBoingo;Shot blondie from inside oppression wagon while bondie approached 1689434;1500779130;BingoBoingo; i was thinking of the british tv show with benedict cumberbatch, but same thing, yes. the one where they made him addicted to nicotine patches. << I though people got addicted to the gum 1689435;1500779146;BingoBoingo;Patches have horrible kinetics for addiction 1689436;1500779172;BingoBoingo;!!Up ziiip 1689437;1500779172;deedbot;ziiip voiced for 30 minutes. 1689438;1500780952;BingoBoingo;!!Up Birdman 1689439;1500780953;deedbot;Birdman voiced for 30 minutes. 1689440;1500780966;BingoBoingo;Birdman: What bring you flying in around these parts 1689441;1500780987;Birdman;better to fly around here than elsewhere, dont mind me 1689442;1500781083;BingoBoingo;Ah, I mean from eulora. Just wondering if there's something bringing you over to this side of the tracks now instead of any other time. 1689443;1500783823;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all 1689444;1500783830;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 2777.17, vol: 13340.54075993 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 2655.309, vol: 5296.06606 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 2774.8, vol: 37411.57305179 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 2772.175392, vol: 18024.58110000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 2788.519, vol: 8635.43403279 | Volume-weighted last average: 2768.39128696 1689445;1500784833;BingoBoingo;Lulz: "During the day I would work hard to promote the agenda of people who stood to make millions of dollars off of the addictions of chronic users like me. For some reason nothing about this clicked in the way that had happened when I learned about the tobacco and alcohol lobbies; for some reason I still clung to the idea that these were mom-and-pop growers and dispensaries when in reality they were places that often had millions of do 1689446;1500784834;BingoBoingo;llars of capital—the amount necessary to register and establish these stores and legal grow-ops. I ignored the warning signs of the industry pushing for higher levels of THC and lower levels of CBD" 1689447;1500784862;BingoBoingo;From https://www.thefix.com/addicted-weed text on http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/hTTYr/?raw=true because they dun know how to maek webz 1689448;1500784915;BingoBoingo;You know how it works on glaucoma... GEM: "I got a brain scan and after eight years of chronic use the vasoconstrictive properties of the substance had made my organ’s surface go from smooth and uniform to pockmarked and lumpy. I was told that I was lucky that it hadn’t turned out worse." 1689449;1500784922;mircea_popescu;!!up scr 1689450;1500784923;deedbot;scr voiced for 30 minutes. 1689451;1500784924;mircea_popescu;!!up Scronty 1689452;1500784925;deedbot;Scronty voiced for 30 minutes. 1689453;1500784983;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo wait, is this "large scale pot usage undercovers pot not being panacea" ? 1689454;1500784996;BingoBoingo;INDEED!!! 1689455;1500785048;BingoBoingo;The venue sucks at webbing, but the text is pinnacle of pantsuit's favorite herb being critiqued by one of its victims 1689456;1500785070;mircea_popescu;i am schlocked and applied. 1689457;1500785107;BingoBoingo;A WINNRAR: "The anxiety of being dankrupt horrified me and so I’d keep around waxes and vape pens and various other concentrates (even though they were too strong for my taste) just because I knew they’d be there when the flower inevitably ran out. I tried to get midis, strains with lower levels of THC, from the dispensary but they looked at me funny from behind the counter when I said I didn’t want to get too high." 1689458;1500785130;mircea_popescu;dankrupt ?! 1689459;1500785157;BingoBoingo;You know, out of that dank skunky shit. 1689460;1500785158;mircea_popescu;this is like not even horrid, as far as coinages go. where do they find flocks of seagulls with still firing neurons anyway ?! 1689461;1500785224;ben_vulpes;> "I momentarily resented having to misgender myself by attending a women's group ( I'm non-binary ) ..." 1689462;1500785254;mircea_popescu;wait wait. you mean to tell me every time i walk into a damas lavatory i'm misgendering myself ? 1689463;1500785257;mircea_popescu;i'd have never known! 1689464;1500785259;BingoBoingo;Did you get to the acid trip yet? 1689465;1500785290;ben_vulpes;mhm 1689466;1500785309;ben_vulpes;zhe had a hard time sleeping! 1689467;1500785314;ben_vulpes;quelle sup 1689468;1500785375;mircea_popescu;thc is a POSSIBLY neurotoxic chemical ? 1689469;1500785379;BingoBoingo;Well, "spiritual experience" is important for sobriety. 1689470;1500785391;mircea_popescu;here's a temporary moment of clarity : ALL physchoactives are neurotoxic. this is the DEFINITION of psychoactive. 1689471;1500785427;mircea_popescu;sort-of like how all window-piercing ammo is glass shattering. actually, strike that. not sort-of. exactly like. 1689472;1500785434;BingoBoingo;B B Butt not "that kind" of toxic 1689473;1500785438;mircea_popescu;oh oh i see 1689474;1500785446;mircea_popescu;can i stick it into them just a little ? 1689475;1500785449;mircea_popescu;JUST THE TIP! 1689476;1500785514;BingoBoingo;Only if it's a wide tip 1689477;1500785524;mircea_popescu;"maybe these broadleaf plants are hepatotoxic" "you know... how could they not be ?" "umm... well, if the horse were spherical and didn't need a liver at all..." 1689478;1500785714;BingoBoingo;Seriously though, that piece is a very unique glimse into the very un-unique pantsuit plan for future health 1689479;1500785742;mircea_popescu;is pothead implying his brain was smooth ? 1689480;1500785747;BingoBoingo;1 bed, 1 tv, 1 ounce of weed, and all the petro cheese 1689481;1500785763;mircea_popescu;next step, teh vats. 1689482;1500785860;BingoBoingo;Well, you know how wrinked things can be smooth about their wrinkles. Scrunched up silk vs scrunched up burlap may be what the stoner as going for 1689483;1500785944;asciilifeform;wtf is cbd 1689484;1500785956;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform other item in actual plant. 1689485;1500786007;mircea_popescu;"Attendance was scant—three people including the leader and me—" <<< aaaand it lost me. 1689486;1500786021;mircea_popescu;what the everloving fuck. they dare call this crap "a group" ? fuck this dumb shit. 1689487;1500786041;BingoBoingo;Cannabidiol, boring chemical that has very big pharma like not-intoxicating effects 1689488;1500786047;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-23#1689477 << many (most?) 'edible' plants , also toxic ( and not in the mere 'eating pound of salt will also do you in' megadose sense, but quite detectably). e.g. ordinary cabbage... 1689489;1500786047;a111;Logged on 2017-07-23 04:52 mircea_popescu: "maybe these broadleaf plants are hepatotoxic" "you know... how could they not be ?" "umm... well, if the horse were spherical and didn't need a liver at all..." 1689490;1500786078;mircea_popescu;let's wonder whether the most serene republic can actuallty dictate us policy and let's not wonder whether our "groups" of 3 idiots including the speaker and the "leader" are worth the mention. hurr durr and gtfo already. 1689491;1500786087;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform no, i know. 1689492;1500786133;mircea_popescu;i've kinda waiting fgor the "veggies ... are actually bad for you" trend reversal. because you know it's coming. 1689493;1500786140;mircea_popescu;california running out of water and all. 1689494;1500786165;BingoBoingo; "Attendance was scant—three people including the leader and me—" <<< aaaand it lost me. << Well, hard to rock bottom boring shit 1689495;1500786166;asciilifeform;will be a lul 1689496;1500786190;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it's coming as soon as they get the yeast-as-food thing well oiled an' going. 1689497;1500786192;mircea_popescu;(perhaps nobody noticed that the large 70s push away from "bad" meats exactly coincided with the failure of us agro to produce enough meat for the enbulkenking middle class.) 1689498;1500786199;asciilifeform;that plus liquid cockroach bars. 1689499;1500786199;mircea_popescu;much like teh soviets' at the ~same time. 1689500;1500786223;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform aha. the "meat is bad for you" totally got people off ribs and tbone steaks and onto mcd patties and soycrap. 1689501;1500786225;mircea_popescu;so... yea. 1689502;1500786229;BingoBoingo;AHA, lists of "toxic" produce with maximum organophosphate because California also circulating 1689503;1500786320;mircea_popescu;i have no idea how a pound of bloody porterhouse can possibly be worse for you than ~anything else ; but hey, who's gonna make 300 mn pounds of prime cut for all the idiots each day. 1689504;1500786373;BingoBoingo;!~google ewg dirty dozen 1689505;1500786375;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Summary | EWG's 2017 Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce: ; Dirty Dozen | EWG's 2017 Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce: ; Dirty Dozen - EWG: 1689506;1500786407;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo they do have a point though ; costa rica imports some stuff from the us, and you can always tell. don't even have to taste, smell is enough 90% of the time. 1689507;1500786442;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: dirty seekrit: anticholinergics are ~cumulative~ in effect. any and all of'em 1689508;1500786465;asciilifeform;this is internally known in usg since at the latest 1990 1689509;1500786474;mircea_popescu;most crap works that way. from ddt to hwat have you. it's not the safe dose. it's the fact you'll never clear it. 1689510;1500786486;asciilifeform;but 'it would be wrong' (tm)(r) to mention 1689511;1500786527;asciilifeform;it isn't even clear that the mutilated AChE gets cleared. 1689512;1500786565;mircea_popescu;there's a number of factors : water solubility ; electric philoreactivity ; specific enzimatic pathways ; molecular size in rough order. 1689513;1500786572;BingoBoingo;Well, the part getting mangled in the receptor, so clears... When nerve cell decommisions receptor 1689514;1500786576;mircea_popescu;touch two of the four you're probably taking it to the coffin. 1689515;1500786584;asciilifeform;'reactivators' (fast-acting antidote) are strictly a battlefield (live long enough to fire back) concern 1689516;1500786623;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: molecular size is of most interest re penetration 1689517;1500786642;mircea_popescu;sure. there's however also this tendency to fat store that correlates with mass. 1689518;1500786664;mircea_popescu;also with other things -- heavy metals are conjunctive-stored in preference of fat, but let's not go so deep. 1689519;1500786698;*;asciilifeform speaking strictly of 'bug sprays for people', formerly had professional interest in subj 1689520;1500786707;mircea_popescu;ah 1689521;1500786727;mircea_popescu;i'm thinking of the whole palette of anthropogenic chemicals. 1689522;1500786769;asciilifeform;that'd be whole know universe, lol 1689523;1500786773;asciilifeform;*known 1689524;1500786780;mircea_popescu;well, not HS for instance. 1689525;1500786784;mircea_popescu;which, btw, does clear. 1689526;1500786829;asciilifeform;unless yer a lucky fella like mozart, everything clears 'eventually' 1689527;1500786837;asciilifeform;( in coffin ) 1689528;1500786861;mircea_popescu;clears here means urine, sweat, mucus in that order. 1689529;1500786872;asciilifeform;btw did we do the marsh reaction thread ? 1689530;1500786886;mircea_popescu;nope. 1689531;1500786896;asciilifeform;re the key nuance re arsenic detection in corpse 1689532;1500786910;mircea_popescu;haha chitinous clearance is not on the list! 1689533;1500786922;asciilifeform;that being, to distinguish from background in soil water. which in europe is often substantial. 1689534;1500786949;asciilifeform;and after marsh, suddenly arsenic went from hero to zero. 1689535;1500786952;mircea_popescu;!#s "poudre de succession" 1689536;1500786953;a111;0 results for "\"poudre de succession\"", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%22poudre%20de%20succession%22 1689537;1500786955;mircea_popescu;aww 1689538;1500786964;asciilifeform;whereas previously poudre de succession 1689539;1500787012;asciilifeform;!~google marsh test 1689540;1500787014;jhvh1;asciilifeform: Marsh test - Wikipedia: ; Marsh test | Infoplease: ; The Marsh test - National Library of Medicine: 1689541;1500787026;asciilifeform;lol actually found sumpthin 1689542;1500787080;asciilifeform;^ foundational moment of modern toxicology 1689543;1500787090;mircea_popescu;of course, the whole thing needs arsenic-FREE zinc. 1689544;1500787101;mircea_popescu;which is not a trivial proposition ; and can kinda allow you to decide who to convict. 1689545;1500787112;asciilifeform;had other problems also 1689546;1500787125;asciilifeform;but mega-leap over what existed. 1689547;1500787143;asciilifeform;and introduced idea that test is even worth the bother. 1689548;1500787207;mircea_popescu;sure. 1689549;1500787605;asciilifeform;modern poisonmeisters lean to items that clear ~immediately, having done the work 1689550;1500787627;asciilifeform;al schwartz discussed a few. 1689551;1500787701;asciilifeform;( this in re poudres de succession. for battlefield, ye olde OPs still loved. but sometimes with 'penetration aids', help dissolve through rubber mask etc ) 1689552;1500787724;asciilifeform;iirc we did the dmso thread already. 1689553;1500787736;*;asciilifeform bbl 1689554;1500787793;ben_vulpes;in other penetratives, i've gotten mild mileage out of topical thc/cbd potions for 'programmer hand' leftover from laptop-on-train days 1689555;1500793803;mircea_popescu;~same as ice. 1689556;1500802788;lobbes;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-23#1689352 << dun forget Ren and Stimpy (early seasons especially). Cow and Chicken's creator was involved in the former, and you can see the influence in the latter 1689557;1500802788;a111;Logged on 2017-07-23 00:08 mircea_popescu: might check out cow and chicken. very iconoclastic. 1689558;1500802795;lobbes;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-23#1689413 << which is hilarious when you consider the origin of the characters: http://roilandtv.com/the-real-animated-adventures-of-doc-and-mharti/# 1689559;1500802795;a111;Logged on 2017-07-23 02:29 phf: so in rick&morty you have the whole "rick is an asshole", but they can't just leave him be an asshole, they have to deconstruct it, show the human side, etc. 1689560;1500815807;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/70B09AC265227A07C4A29E7F4EBF389A6FF6ED5631EB44FB4904C65E2DA2E3AA << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1292...4253 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown DE HE) 1689561;1500815808;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/70B09AC265227A07C4A29E7F4EBF389A6FF6ED5631EB44FB4904C65E2DA2E3AA << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1074...5123 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown DE HE) 1689562;1500818932;shinohai;In SFYL hilarity: http://archive.is/VyYQg 1689563;1500827039;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/9A7DE0E3F5A54BAEC3500C6F6FE1AFB5F663D993FD808ACCE5B43663EF290005 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1404...0619 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (kronika.silexline.hu. HU) 1689564;1500827040;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/9A7DE0E3F5A54BAEC3500C6F6FE1AFB5F663D993FD808ACCE5B43663EF290005 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1437...0203 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (kronika.silexline.hu. HU) 1689565;1500827040;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/E6484817884D95660C123A5603DB6B8DBBC9C71F18AD1A2930930C1EEEC97474 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1365...7357 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (ingeocad.md. MD CU) 1689566;1500827041;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/E6484817884D95660C123A5603DB6B8DBBC9C71F18AD1A2930930C1EEEC97474 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1514...4737 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (ingeocad.md. MD CU) 1689567;1500827460;trinque;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-22#1689341 << found some serious lol in my logs in re: that guy's registration attempts 1689568;1500827460;a111;Logged on 2017-07-22 23:50 mircea_popescu: trinque ^ ? 1689569;1500827465;trinque;!!key bluthw 1689570;1500827466;deedbot;http://wot.deedbot.org/7338F12D6D59BFACF0D9F81CC3262D070A3BF734.asc 1689571;1500827586;trinque;I'll ship some better-sanded edges when the wallet stuff ships 1689572;1500828552;trinque;oh shit, this guy burned his private key?! 1689573;1500828555;trinque;AHAHAHA 1689574;1500828618;trinque;"I've made a terrible mistake." 1689575;1500830501;mircea_popescu;bwahahaha superior coin 1689576;1500830564;mircea_popescu;epic. 1689577;1500830603;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-23#1689571 << no, i wouldn't bother. people who dump privkeys on pastes don't have any biz. 1689578;1500830603;a111;Logged on 2017-07-23 16:33 trinque: I'll ship some better-sanded edges when the wallet stuff ships 1689579;1500830642;mircea_popescu;it's just that it was so far of left field i dinged you before actually looking into it. because "did you attempt to reg your privkey" was not on my "you are speaking english online and therefore dumber than rocks" checklist. 1689580;1500830664;mircea_popescu;(needless to say, http://logs.minigame.bz/2017-07-23.log.html#t03:05:46 ) 1689581;1500830665;lobbesbot;Logged on 2017-07-23 03:05:46: ok so I did and I got the username and password but when I try to log in says no such user 1689582;1500830734;trinque;makes for great lulz. 1689583;1500831592;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/5E18C9DE5EEAF26D81101C6C9B3494D2E19B36D847A3AC327A88C034585BE10A << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1539...7663 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (mail.pape-dawson.com. US TX) 1689584;1500831592;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/5E18C9DE5EEAF26D81101C6C9B3494D2E19B36D847A3AC327A88C034585BE10A << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1790...8947 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (mail.pape-dawson.com. US TX) 1689585;1500831818;asciilifeform;privkey << pretty epic own goal 1689586;1500834736;mircea_popescu;isn't phuctor active these days. 1689587;1500834755;mircea_popescu;incidentally, broken ssh key of a mail.pape-dawson.com server is kinda how you get all those hilarity emails isn't it ? 1689588;1500834821;asciilifeform;which 1689589;1500834863;mircea_popescu;well, i imagine people connect to their local email account on the basis of ssh ? so you can masquerade it and read their mail. 1689590;1500834878;mircea_popescu;maybe they have a different scheme. 1689591;1500834963;mircea_popescu;"Pape-Dawson will continue to emphasize character and moral integrity; develop solutions in the best interest of the client and public; constantly re-evaluate and sharpen our engineering skills; provide an environment that encourages employee development and satisfaction; actively participate in professional, religious, and civic associations; nurture trusting relationships; and offer services only in our area of technical ca 1689592;1500834964;mircea_popescu;pability." 1689593;1500834984;mircea_popescu;they're industrial plumbers, you realise, they stick those meter-wide pipes in the ground. 1689594;1500835002;mircea_popescu;the politruk blather has reached absolutely soviet levels by now. what the fuck are they about even ? 1689595;1500835003;shinohai;http://pape-dawson.com/wp-login.php <<< Such engineer! 1689596;1500835052;mircea_popescu;o boy. 1689597;1500835163;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in the jungle, http://68.media.tumblr.com/3ed7743f9e7234bebd1f4509a5991d96/tumblr_ocdvu1AwWE1u0m7mto1_1280.jpg 1689598;1500835593;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-23#1689589 << just about every single popped-ssh box thus far has ancient ~password~ login 1689599;1500835593;a111;Logged on 2017-07-23 18:34 mircea_popescu: well, i imagine people connect to their local email account on the basis of ssh ? so you can masquerade it and read their mail. 1689600;1500835598;asciilifeform;rather than ssh. 1689601;1500835665;mircea_popescu;aha. 1689602;1500835728;asciilifeform;so popping'em only gets you logged in if you can sit in front of the box 1689603;1500835773;mircea_popescu;http://roilandtv.com/the-real-animated-adventures-of-doc-and-mharti/# << "I actually made this as a way to poke fun at the idea of getting cease and desist letters. At the time (October 2006) I had nothing to lose and my original intention was to call this “back to the future: the new official universal studios cartoon featuring the new Doc Brown and Marty McFly” and then I’d just sit back and wait for a letter from the 1689604;1500835773;mircea_popescu;ir lawyers to arrive. That’s actually why it’s so filthy. I was just looking to “troll” a big studio. Then, as I began editing the radio play and boarding it, the two characters ended up becoming something different than just a bad impression of Doc and Marty from BTTF. They slowly became two of my favorite characters that I’ve ever voiced. I backed down on the cease and desist bait and changed the spelling of their 1689605;1500835774;mircea_popescu; names and whatever else I could still change." 1689606;1500835779;mircea_popescu;how could one be more offensive ? i wish to know. 1689607;1500835821;mircea_popescu;fuck justin roiland with a spiked hot poker what the fuck is this poisonous crap. 1689608;1500835947;mircea_popescu;"at the time (october 2006) i was spending a lot of time jacking off to stuff i downloaded from the piratebay and i saw their hilariously republican blog ; so i figured... hey, i'm an american and therefore worse that a shitstain in a paki's undershorts. how could i possibly try and run off with as much of that as possible to sell to my nigger masters for some mountain dew ???" 1689609;1500837895;asciilifeform;http://www.loper-os.org/?p=8&cpage=1#comment-18260 << in other lullamatics 1689610;1500838030;mircea_popescu;i suppose the only recommendation is candi_lustt ? 1689611;1500838289;mircea_popescu;incidentally, i expect "Before the lecture was through, I had formed a very clear picture of the mythical photographic memory simulator. With only a few keystrokes, it would allow me to enter any thought which occurs to me, along with any associations. The latter set would be expanded by the program to include anything which logically relates to the entry in question." is pretty much exactly what emacs users expect to obtain, 1689612;1500838289;mircea_popescu; and dream they are obtaining from their emacs. re that whole http://btcbase.org/log/2016-12-13#1582625 1689613;1500838289;a111;Logged on 2016-12-13 14:48 mircea_popescu: depends what you use it for. if you msotly use an editor to create de novo text, not good fit. if you mostly use editor to adnotate other people's text, very good fit. 1689614;1500838352;mircea_popescu;vi very fucking definitely isn't even vaguely attempting to support this upwards expansion. it rather dedicates itself to trying to compactly symbolize the diffs downwards. 1689615;1500838715;mircea_popescu;(for the record -- while i do believe that IA (as opposed to ai bullcrap) is both perfectly achievable, in many ways achieved, and the ~only reasonable use of the machine in the first place ; i nevertheless think the problem is catastrophically ill posed in the "you know, like bullzoder" sense. yes there was such an application for digital computers, it is called "the numeric method" and still not widely deployed notwithstand 1689616;1500838715;mircea_popescu;ing widely available ( see eg http://trilema.com/2017/on-trisection-a-humble-contribution/#footnote_2_73491 ), but it can't possibly end there. and in all fairness, the uci as properly understood (see eg http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-21#1688642 ; http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-20#1687638 and so on) is definitely just this ia thing, one layer above bulldozer per se). 1689617;1500838715;a111;Logged on 2017-07-21 18:44 mircea_popescu: im hiring a uci. 1689618;1500838715;a111;Logged on 2017-07-20 19:57 mircea_popescu: what the hell is the difference supposed to be. 1689619;1500838733;mircea_popescu;wrong 2nd link. i meant http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-20#1687631 1689620;1500838733;a111;Logged on 2017-07-20 19:56 mircea_popescu: and while we ponder this : what is the difference in your estimation between http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-15#1670731 and http://btcbase.org/log/2017-01-07#1598150 ? 1689621;1500850179;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all 1689622;1500850185;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 2734.46, vol: 11062.47848939 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 2607.519, vol: 4301.13934 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 2738.4, vol: 35090.49496082 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 2661.556954, vol: 14057.49450000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 2735.0, vol: 8239.42844689 | Volume-weighted last average: 2714.82977424 1689623;1500852088;BingoBoingo;http://oglaf.com/prognostication/ 1689624;1500852303;mircea_popescu;well... i liked the tiny metal bikini part 1689625;1500852313;mircea_popescu;(much more of a torture implement than commonly realised btw) 1689626;1500852381;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in "check out whatall goes up my butt!", http://68.media.tumblr.com/38ddf8f1274c5ba8ca799f67f3be2c44/tumblr_oeffdxIcwa1uinnsao1_1280.jpg 1689627;1500852854;mircea_popescu;ohohoh this is pure gold. "To achieve this, you must first study the Gestalt laws and learn to Gestalt-program your own mind. For, we are self-programming Gestalt-computers, Stanislaw. Relax and look at these five patterns while sensing their perceptual force. Note how they are self-defining in any language. Through perceptual induction they govern all the logical deductions that you will ever be able to make:SIMILARITY | | | 1689628;1500852855;mircea_popescu; | | | | PROXIMITY || || || | CLOSURE ][ ][ ][ ] DESTINY >>>>>>> CONTINUITY —|—|—|— Modus Ponens is made of this… To achieve mastery of Gestalt self-programming you must start using the method of mentat computation (after Frank Herbert, of course) that I describe in the paper in this link:" 1689629;1500852859;shinohai;http://btcinfo.sdf.org/uploads/dryer1.mp4 1689630;1500852863;mircea_popescu;how is gestaltprogramming coming along alfie ? 1689631;1500853819;asciilifeform;lol mircea_popescu i forgot this was there! 1689632;1500854726;mircea_popescu;aha! 1689633;1500854729;mircea_popescu;happens to me to. 1689634;1500854864;mircea_popescu;the sad part being that the whole http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-14#1669947 is very much "Gestalt programming sense the perceptive powers". and they fall for it, cuz it dovetails with their stupid cultural warts. 1689635;1500854864;a111;Logged on 2017-06-14 04:18 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-14#1669938 >> 'Replace your public email with an inbox that pays you Set up a 21 profile to receive paid messages from people outside your network. Keep the money, or donate it to charities like Black Girls Code. It's like LinkedIn InMail, except you get paid!' 1689636;1500854901;mircea_popescu;some cultures are a boon, but some cultures are a baboon, and i've yet to meet the (actual, as opposed to "african-usian" ersatz) black person whose black culture wasn't a terrible burden on their mind. 1689637;1500855428;mircea_popescu;and in more of the same , http://qntra.net/2017/05/fiat-wraps-up-miserable-may-as-malaise-reaches-new-lows/#comment-104453 1689638;1500864919;mod6;evenin' 1689639;1500864961;asciilifeform;ohai mod6 1689640;1500865148;mod6;how goes asciilifeform ? 1689641;1500865183;mod6;someone just pasted this to me: https://i.imgur.com/USzmCKhl.jpg 1689642;1500865184;mod6;HEH 1689643;1500865210;mircea_popescu;kik 1689644;1500865214;asciilifeform;lol notbad 1689645;1500865923;mircea_popescu;in other lulz : http://singapore.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/just-arrived-y-this-busty-sweet-young-petite-blonde-blonde-whatzapp-37525913497/5452077 "cally", working in singapore aaand http://brisbane.backpage.com.au/FemaleEscorts/sexy-isabela-experience-the-perfection-of-pleasure-best-gfe-service/45193408 "isabella" from argentina both happen to look exactly liek Anastasia Verbovaia (the chick in the blue top that strangles h 1689646;1500865924;mircea_popescu;er large tits by the armpit) 1689647;1500866483;mircea_popescu;and speaking of fucking hookers, http://boards.4chan.org/biz/thread/2852399/this-guy-owns-over-a-billion-dollars-worth-of-btc 1689648;1500866563;asciilifeform;i had nfi mircea_popescu had his very own trabambourghini!1!!! 1689649;1500866569;mod6;haha 1689650;1500866586;asciilifeform;( nor ever before seen photo of subj ) 1689651;1500866597;asciilifeform;but nao, nao revealed. 1689652;1500866645;asciilifeform;'he owns one of the major exchanges, so he's not just a bag holder he's running a business that brings in passive all the time.' didjaknow!! 1689653;1500866711;asciilifeform;'own an island so you never have to deal with normies' 'spend all your time on IRC' 'He's living the NEET dream' 1689654;1500866899;mircea_popescu;wait, what ? 1689655;1500866928;asciilifeform;from linked item 1689656;1500866962;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform not only do i own vintage german cars (which, btw, were made for de market and imported here, not made in fucking us/brazil like the rest of the toyotas with bavarian paintjobs), but I WILL HAVE YOU KNOW i just ingested a 28 oz porterhouse steak! 1689657;1500867062;asciilifeform;neato 1689658;1500867066;mircea_popescu;lol 1689659;1500867105;mircea_popescu;srsly now, you lot gotta try this place. it definitely gives la estancia de buenos aires a run for its money. 1689660;1500867184;asciilifeform;what was at la estancia ? 1689661;1500867196;mircea_popescu;recall, the inch thick 1kg porterhouse steaks ? 1689662;1500867201;asciilifeform;aaaah 1689663;1500867203;asciilifeform;yea 1689664;1500867239;mircea_popescu;brought those charcoal arrangements to the table and shit. 1689665;1500867413;mircea_popescu;meanwehile in tardstalk world, https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2038252.0;all 1689666;1500867564;asciilifeform;lol sooopernoad lifestyle!! 1689667;1500867608;asciilifeform;in same heathenpit , https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2042470.0 1689668;1500867649;mircea_popescu;lolz k. 1689669;1500867672;mircea_popescu;huge fees eh ? 1689670;1500867683;asciilifeform;'I hope our competitors will hear our message and will close their services too. Very soon this kind of activity will be considered as illegal in most of countries.' 1689671;1500867714;mircea_popescu;gotta love usg pinoy tards. PLAYBOOK : 1. make bullshit nobody cares about ; 2. pretend bullshit you made is important ; 3. get tired and give up, pretending that this is meaningful now. 1689672;1500867747;mircea_popescu;"whether we ever mattered is controversial and please swallow the proposed meaning of our disappearance!!!" 1689673;1500867751;asciilifeform;ftr i have even now nfi what this was. 1689674;1500867752;mircea_popescu;riight-o. 1689675;1500867760;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform wasn't anything. 1689676;1500867775;BingoBoingo; and speaking of fucking hookers, http://boards.4chan.org/biz/thread/2852399/this-guy-owns-over-a-billion-dollars-worth-of-btc << Fuck, it's archived. 1689677;1500867873;*;BingoBoingo was going to shitpost about how before becoming a buttcoining NEET mircea_popescu made fortune murdering communism and making porn before he caught the assburgers 1689678;1500867886;mircea_popescu;why ruin the dreem. 1689679;1500867914;mircea_popescu;besides, i technically match the definition neh ? not in adult-prison, not in cuckold-prison, not in teenager-prison. 1689680;1500867941;BingoBoingo;Because it is injurious to the infidels. They start worrying, what if they CAUGHT their assburgers! And they or their parents COULD HAVE AVOIDED!!! 1689681;1500867954;mircea_popescu;well, their parents could have avoided. 1689682;1500867962;mircea_popescu;you either catch the clap or else you catch the reddit. 1689683;1500867964;BingoBoingo;Perhaps should have 1689684;1500868010;BingoBoingo;45th trimester is probably where casual abortion ought be allowed out to. 1689685;1500868088;BingoBoingo;At that point if kid's insufferable ought to have learned how to run away for purpose of self preservation and may through travails encountered actually running away be saved from sucking QUITE so much 1689686;1500868997;mod6;<+mircea_popescu> recall, the inch thick 1kg porterhouse steaks ? << mmmm. 1689687;1500869017;mircea_popescu;hehe 1689688;1500869444;mircea_popescu;!!up Vovka 1689689;1500869444;deedbot;Vovka voiced for 30 minutes. 1689690;1500869833;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in easy riders, https://68.media.tumblr.com/5cb577eea80d56d09c1a644512ecd2a9/tumblr_ni5aigR3Vk1sf68sto1_500.gif 1689691;1500874156;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/DBC8DE1779A059106AF03A742D31CE642EDDEF68BB2BD993B96806B73AFE5605 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1592...6403 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (db1.tic24.de. DE) 1689692;1500874156;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/DBC8DE1779A059106AF03A742D31CE642EDDEF68BB2BD993B96806B73AFE5605 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1639...8793 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (db1.tic24.de. DE) 1689693;1500875602;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2017/07/pokemon-go-creators-try-to-spark-new-interest-in-spyware-fad-with-event-nostlgia-successfully-comes-from-broken-gameplay/ << Qntra - Pokemon Go Creators Try To Spark New Interest In Spyware Fad With Event: Nostlgia Successfully Comes From Broken Gameplay 1689694;1500913435;mircea_popescu;moornin! 1689695;1500913545;shinohai;hiya mircea_popescu .... how goes? 1689696;1500913799;mircea_popescu;not bad! 1689697;1500913819;mircea_popescu;also, reverse ejaculation! http://68.media.tumblr.com/bdb244bbb44ed9db01c44a0414150bd8/tumblr_ob5l6bHdFk1vyp8zuo1_400.gif 1689698;1500914536;BingoBoingo;OMG Transerrorists! Peak SUTO https://archive.is/XWN1q 1689699;1500914614;shinohai;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-24#1689676 >billions in BTC so you never have to worry about running out of tendies <<< lulzy 1689700;1500914614;a111;Logged on 2017-07-24 03:42 BingoBoingo: and speaking of fucking hookers, http://boards.4chan.org/biz/thread/2852399/this-guy-owns-over-a-billion-dollars-worth-of-btc << Fuck, it's archived. 1689701;1500914659;mircea_popescu;what are tendies ftr ? 1689702;1500914670;shinohai;Chicken tenderz! 1689703;1500915110;BingoBoingo;Microwavvable pre-cooked petrobird 1689704;1500915326;mircea_popescu;jesus. 1689705;1500915423;mircea_popescu;speaking of which, overheard yest in car (as we were passing a quiznos sub thing with a huge "30% mas carne!!" ad) "do you know what that is ?" "no idea" "when i was a kid it was the very best sandwich thing, better than subway or what have you. so when you left me behind i went to try it out. jesus christ it was the saddest affair ever. i could have made a better sandwich in all of five minutes." 1689706;1500915529;mircea_popescu;pro tip : fill the fridge up with cured meats, as well as yest's leftover steak / broth meats etc. homecook bread, daily. http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-23#1689346 1689707;1500915529;a111;Logged on 2017-07-23 00:04 asciilifeform: 'you are now a tasty sandwich' 1689708;1500915742;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo ffs, they let some douche go around in a bra on campus ? 1689709;1500918173;BingoBoingo;AHA, and nao dude is apparently threatening to Elliot the campus 1689710;1500918189;shinohai;When your friend snitches on whats hidden in your snatch: http://archive.is/T1oeu 1689711;1500918330;ben_vulpes;hey algebra is racist dontcha know? http://www.npr.org/2017/07/19/538092649/say-goodbye-to-x-y-should-community-colleges-abolish-algebra 1689712;1500918365;mircea_popescu;community colleges should abolish altogether. 1689713;1500918367;ben_vulpes;complete with illustration of confuzzled brown kid poking at ersatz computer 1689714;1500918413;mircea_popescu;shinohai the part where they wore the gold i can see ; but why did they have underwear ?! 1689715;1500918490;mircea_popescu;Kayla Lattimore & Julie Depenbrock. right. totally not made up names, and totally not two dudes named todd from wisconsin "just tryina make it in dis game mang" 1689716;1500918564;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: actually in usa 'komyoonity kollege' is where they do the actual teaching -- welding, plumbing, etc 1689717;1500918568;mircea_popescu;At American community colleges, 60 percent of those enrolled are required to take at least one math course. Most — nearly 80 percent — never complete that requirement. << check that shit out. 1689718;1500918582;mircea_popescu;!~calc .4 + .6 * .2 1689719;1500918584;jhvh1;mircea_popescu: .4 + .6 * .2 = 0.52 1689720;1500918598;asciilifeform;this here is separate item, where they lately try to get some of the 'collegiate' chumpatronic moolah 1689721;1500918604;mircea_popescu;ahem. 1689722;1500918606;mircea_popescu;!~calc .4 + .6 * .8 1689723;1500918607;jhvh1;mircea_popescu: .4 + .6 * .8 = 0.88 1689724;1500918633;mircea_popescu;88% of usians are actually escaped groceries. 1689725;1500918645;ben_vulpes;escaped groceries lol 1689726;1500918649;mircea_popescu;well ? 1689727;1500918651;asciilifeform;escaped furniture 1689728;1500918658;mircea_popescu;no, furniture is rigid. 1689729;1500918659;ben_vulpes;nah it's hilarious 1689730;1500918659;mircea_popescu;these wilt. 1689731;1500918664;asciilifeform;lolyes 1689732;1500918667;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/BB9F724872EF92892C59E921B0AB271EA70833FD74390F67E60AE00F29A8F43E << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1669...0759 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (naima.fisica.unam.mx. MX DIF) 1689733;1500918667;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/BB9F724872EF92892C59E921B0AB271EA70833FD74390F67E60AE00F29A8F43E << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1749...3639 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (naima.fisica.unam.mx. MX DIF) 1689734;1500918673;asciilifeform;fisica lol 1689735;1500918692;*;ben_vulpes still laughing 1689736;1500918706;mircea_popescu;i thought the prison system was where they taught actual skills, welding, plumbing etc. 1689737;1500918721;mircea_popescu;only qualified usian i know (electrician) actually got his training while doing time for being an ustard. 1689738;1500918725;asciilifeform;there also 1689739;1500918736;asciilifeform;not so much, iirc, lately, so as not to help escape 1689740;1500918756;mircea_popescu;eh, escape shiscape. who the fuck wants to escape and who couldn't if they wanted to ? 1689741;1500918767;mircea_popescu;dem cardboard walls are still cardboard even if used for "prison" 1689742;1500918828;mircea_popescu;"Oakley is among a growing number of educators who view intermediate algebra as an obstacle to students obtaining their credentials — particularly in fields that require no higher level math skills." << teh confusion of ideas ffs. 1689743;1500918864;mircea_popescu;a) since when is "intermediatye" aka basic algebra HIGHER math ? b) what the fuck is a field that doesn't require math ? c) wtf is the point of an obstacless education. is this schmuck fucking air ? 1689744;1500918881;mircea_popescu;!#s resistence of the medium 1689745;1500918882;a111;5 results for "resistence of the medium", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=resistence%20of%20the%20medium 1689746;1500918894;asciilifeform;pretty sure they still have respectable walls in prisons here 1689747;1500918901;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you'd be surprised., 1689748;1500918939;mircea_popescu;"Their thinking has led to initiatives like Community College Pathways, which strays away from abstract algebra to engage students in real-world math applications." holy shitballs. REAL WORLD math. i had no idea there's also another kind. 1689749;1500918955;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you got any books on this false world math thingee ? i'm curious nao. 1689750;1500919000;mircea_popescu;is this just integer hate or what. 1689751;1500919012;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: which 1689752;1500919020;asciilifeform;ah lol 1689753;1500919023;mircea_popescu;"real world math". for when ints aren't really good enough anymore. 1689754;1500919031;asciilifeform;can't possibly help 1689755;1500919038;mircea_popescu;i suppose to be followed by the double-float-world. 1689756;1500919039;asciilifeform;probably requires lsd. 1689757;1500919076;mircea_popescu;i love the way ustard neologisms work these days. "pathways". how about i go ahead and say it like it is : roadpathwaydirections. 1689758;1500919100;mircea_popescu;Community College RepairFixMend Initiative. 1689759;1500919121;BingoBoingo;Old women even suck at serial killing << https://archive.is/3YjaO << "Wettlaufer goes on to describe an urge to kill that came on during her nursing shifts like a “red surge” of pressure in her chest, a compulsion that went away only when she’d injected someone with an overdose of insulin. “I thought this was something God, or whoever, wanted me to do,” she tells the detective. Later she adds, “I’m so embarrassed.”" 1689760;1500919197;BingoBoingo; this here is separate item, where they lately try to get some of the 'collegiate' chumpatronic moolah << AHA, really just gotta wipe half of each cowmunity cowledge 1689761;1500919245;mircea_popescu;in other corroborating data : had bot pm a few thousand redditards directing them to the obvious two-bit-tits article. as you probably observed there were 0 bits paid out for 0 bits taken out ; however the bot account is flooded with responses. 1689762;1500919254;BingoBoingo; not so much, iirc, lately, so as not to help escape << Yeah. Also turrorism. 1689763;1500919257;mircea_popescu;80% of which, "how does that works" and variations. 1689764;1500919302;ben_vulpes;from the peanut gallery, "amid declining relevancy, california community college cuts requirement that students complete a course of study in which there are right and wrong answers" 1689765;1500919324;*;mircea_popescu can readily picture all these in community colleges being confronted with "X + 5 = 9, solve for X" staring blankly at "teacher" and chanting in a bovine voice "how does that works" 1689766;1500919356;ben_vulpes;moo 1689767;1500919369;mircea_popescu;isn't it beeeamoooohtiful ? 1689768;1500919459;lobbes;(+mircea_popescu) [17:46:05] community colleges should abolish altogether. << case by case. The two years I spent at CC were more educational than the later two I spent at $stateuniversity (and no debt required for former!). But tru: many are garbage 1689769;1500919471;shinohai;COW × COW = DEDCOW 1689770;1500919503;mircea_popescu;lobbes not case by case but time by time. we're not discussing 90s colleges here. 1689771;1500919825;BingoBoingo;A lot of this seems to be a function of location. Community collge surrounded by dairy cows teaches "double your wage with job skills", one surrounded by retail teaches "exteranlize your oppression" 1689772;1500920002;asciilifeform;!!up lilpbutterfly 1689773;1500920002;deedbot;lilpbutterfly voiced for 30 minutes. 1689774;1500920008;lilpbutterfly;Hello 1689775;1500920024;asciilifeform;lilpbutterfly: who might you be ? 1689776;1500920053;lilpbutterfly;I followed this link here 1689777;1500920055;lilpbutterfly;http://trilema.com/2014/ill-pay-for-your-tits/ 1689778;1500920055;lilpbutterfly;I'm interested 1689779;1500920076;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu ^ 1689780;1500920162;lilpbutterfly;So, the offer is still up? 1689781;1500920197;asciilifeform;lilpbutterfly: mircea_popescu is the one behind this item, you will have to wait for him to reappear 1689782;1500920211;lilpbutterfly;Alright, i'll wait 1689783;1500920219;lilpbutterfly;thank you 1689784;1500921103;mircea_popescu;o hey there lilpbutterfly 1689785;1500921123;mircea_popescu;write bec978a8 on yer maidenly bosom and let's see it. 1689786;1500921435;lilpbutterfly;okay 1689787;1500921517;lilpbutterfly;ill upload those on imgur? 1689788;1500921522;mircea_popescu;sure. 1689789;1500922070;mircea_popescu;!!up lilpbutterfly 1689790;1500922071;deedbot;lilpbutterfly voiced for 30 minutes. 1689791;1500922179;lilpbutterfly;http://imgur.com/a/kXwc5 1689792;1500922192;lilpbutterfly;tell me what do you think 1689793;1500922283;mircea_popescu;lilpbutterfly i think i'll have to see your face. otherwise people could just do this forever, not like you can distinguish girls by their boobies. 1689794;1500922326;lilpbutterfly;Yes, i can show it to you but i don't really want it published 1689795;1500922364;mircea_popescu;well... but the problem there is that it makes the whole thing look like a scam, neh ? 1689796;1500922376;mircea_popescu;i mean, for later girls. you could see the faces of all the girls before, and what of it. 1689797;1500922463;lilpbutterfly;I get your point 1689798;1500922502;mircea_popescu;why so shy anyway ? mebbe rich fellow sees you and swoops in and rescues you from venezuela. 1689799;1500922506;mircea_popescu;how's things going there, by the way ? 1689800;1500922525;lilpbutterfly;Ugly, everyday worse 1689801;1500922552;lilpbutterfly;Thank you mircea but i don't think that could work for me. I'm not ready to show face at least no public 1689802;1500922573;mircea_popescu;that's a pity. 1689803;1500922596;asciilifeform;hm link dead 1689804;1500922639;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i think you might've seen such before. 1689805;1500922961;asciilifeform;in other candidates for mircea_popescu's butterfly collection, http://archive.is/FdLM6 1689806;1500923038;mircea_popescu;16yo sniper ? da fuck is this. 1689807;1500923080;mircea_popescu;insert, "yazidi schoolgirl 14 reveals how isis militant raped her every day for six months". totally. because this is biologically possible now, please believe. 1689808;1500923159;*;asciilifeform wonders if they recycle the actors, like the 'dating site' thing 1689809;1500923246;mircea_popescu;i would expect. "meet the team" right ? http://www.sexytits.online/about/ 1689810;1500923365;mircea_popescu;"it's a human thing". http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/nigerian-scammers.jpg 1689811;1500923700;mircea_popescu;(to be perfectly clear : the "not biologically possible" part re raping every day for six months doesn't discuss erections. if the rapee survives six months / 180 rapes, it'll have long become ENTIRELY consensual.) 1689812;1500927234;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-24#1689768 << community colleges in u.s. often attract people with industry expertise, who, now that they are old, want to teach "young bright minds". 1689813;1500927234;a111;Logged on 2017-07-24 18:04 lobbes: (+mircea_popescu) [17:46:05] community colleges should abolish altogether. << case by case. The two years I spent at CC were more educational than the later two I spent at $stateuniversity (and no debt required for former!). But tru: many are garbage 1689814;1500927302;phf;they can't get into big universities (unless they bring significant investment from their parent co. with them), but they end up being a priceless asset for a small community college 1689815;1500927459;phf;but to original point, higher education in u.s. should be dismantled, practitioners crucified by the sides of the road (with special treatment of the tenured crowd along "we'll hang you last" lines), and it should be replaced with 120 years of sodom, ~then~ maybe something can be put in its place. 1689816;1500927581;mircea_popescu;meanwhile they just redefined terminology. "college degree" became the modern equivalent of syphilis maculae. 1689817;1500927586;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-23#1689558 << this is great, you could just watch this one short, and that'll be the entirety of the rick&morty quality content 1689818;1500927586;a111;Logged on 2017-07-23 09:39 lobbes: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-23#1689413 << which is hilarious when you consider the origin of the characters: http://roilandtv.com/the-real-animated-adventures-of-doc-and-mharti/# 1689819;1500928617;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-23#1689434 << https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLuLTOwn3N8 come to think of it, they probably wanted to avoid implications of addiction altogether. 1689820;1500928617;a111;Logged on 2017-07-23 03:05 BingoBoingo: i was thinking of the british tv show with benedict cumberbatch, but same thing, yes. the one where they made him addicted to nicotine patches. << I though people got addicted to the gum 1689821;1500928658;mircea_popescu;meanwhile on the street, http://68.media.tumblr.com/b443e701cc5a058565455e37df17637b/tumblr_odzl5tbGqZ1vguadzo1_1280.jpg 1689822;1500930900;shinohai;Awww .... I hurried back from errands to review logs just to get "I can show tits but not face" :( 1689823;1500930904;shinohai;Monday sux 1689824;1500930947;trinque;shinohai: dunno if you've looked, but there's a whole internet of tits out there 1689825;1500930950;trinque;with face even 1689826;1500930999;mircea_popescu;we had a little chat on the topic, me of the unreviewed default opinion that whatever, girly's affraid her uncle might see her strumpety ways and beat her to death. but the girls proposed it's really that the implicit humiliation of service does not bode well with the self's delusions of grandeur. "when she's a great and famous pop star in like two or three years, she doesn't want to have nudies on the interwebs". 1689827;1500931001;shinohai;The thrill of the hunt tho 1689828;1500931005;mircea_popescu;upon meditation i suspect the girls wiser than i. 1689829;1500931051;mircea_popescu;!#s "my future life will begin any day now" 1689830;1500931051;a111;0 results for "\"my future life will begin any day now\"", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%22my%20future%20life%20will%20begin%20any%20day%20now%22 1689831;1500931231;*;asciilifeform also thought it was 'the uncle' 1689832;1500933067;mircea_popescu;when's the last time that happened. in fact, WHAT exactly is the substance of "the evil" in boko haram / daesh / what have you, BESIDES "those uncles WILL kill the strumpets" 1689833;1500933074;mircea_popescu;seen juno ? 1689834;1500933702;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all 1689835;1500933708;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 2751.97, vol: 9942.40314248 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 2661.989, vol: 4214.14695 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 2757.7, vol: 22510.22754231 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 2724.742319, vol: 9916.11850000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 2757.0, vol: 5485.93056719 | Volume-weighted last average: 2742.50928685 1689836;1500936382;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2017/07/higher-education-rag-excells-at-misleading-headlines/ << Qntra - "Higher Education" Rag Excells At Misleading Headlines 1689837;1500937311;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo to advance the cultural marxist agenda in US "higher education, today << missing quote 1689838;1500937553;BingoBoingo;ty fxd 1689839;1500937610;mircea_popescu;in other elements from the depths, "I am purchasing a house in partnership with my sister and her husband since they are reconciling. When the house purchase was entered into, I asked my sister if she was interested in buying it jointly. She is on SSDI and her monthly income would not cover living expenses. I am on SSDI and my income covers the mortgage and a few other bills." 1689840;1500937621;mircea_popescu;home "ownership" like it's clinton all over again! 1689841;1500938714;BingoBoingo;lol 1689842;1500945674;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/21B9669858203080326DB86F3AB1B88D51F892D38F17EA587F71640F604BA7AD << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1311...3307 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown CN) 1689843;1500945674;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/4E7AC0EEF980D94B18797FD2B95C091C4EAC05B15C9FCB329825F05B81B8D903 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1311...3307 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown CN) 1689844;1500945675;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/C70AFB4FA472C92568F8CEEA581B3841335F28CB9AF7233249A02B318FFD805C << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1311...3307 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown CN) 1689845;1500945675;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/E062C71137C09AE3CF48BE7F8A090EAA657B5715F7E6D6F4784AA45380ACD257 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1311...3307 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown CN) 1689846;1500945676;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/90FB0A6FDBCC29562706DB570C44344EDFF37AF529CEF92560914D7CE26B8192 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1311...3307 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown CN) 1689847;1500945676;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/C961D62D59B78442DB2FA4C4ABC4CE874FE0E95418BBDA01785049DB58B02591 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1311...3307 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown CN) 1689848;1500945677;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/C70AFB4FA472C92568F8CEEA581B3841335F28CB9AF7233249A02B318FFD805C << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1071...9307 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown CN) 1689849;1500951532;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in alt-tuck-ins and other bed times, http://68.media.tumblr.com/e27f251e20f577a380f52ae796cb77ea/tumblr_ocvn14UUJl1vq3kwco1_1280.jpg 1689850;1500954822;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2017/the-women/ << Trilema - The Women 1689851;1500959599;mircea_popescu;in other cypherfunk lulz, "SlaveRegistry.com was allowed to go defunk on April 4th 2017, it went to auction on 5-9-17 and after a bidding war for the domain my baby and I took formal ownership of it on 5/16/17 to make sure that the M/s community still had this resource. Just like many other M/s couples my baby has a slave number which is permanently etched on my body just as my masters mark is on hers. I was not about to let 1689852;1500959599;mircea_popescu;this registry go to the way side and be used by some random porn site to push traffic... to many that identify as M/s this is a part of who they are!" 1689853;1500959625;mircea_popescu;maybe vellum archival is the way to go after all. 1689854;1500974257;jurov;slavecoin blockchain 1689855;1500984885;asciilifeform;in other lulz, http://archive.is/vKW2T 1689856;1500984942;asciilifeform;^ ethertards cleaned again 1689857;1500985385;shinohai;lmao ... 1689858;1500987631;shinohai;LOL The Baloney xchange won' provide support for BCC, Ver immediately pays for farticle: http://archive.is/7RsXy 1689859;1500989100;mircea_popescu;In a post-mortem announcement, Middleton posted online today, the Veritaseum CEO said "the amount stolen was miniscule (less than 00.07%) although the dollar amount was quite material." 1689860;1500989123;mircea_popescu;this does not immediately translate to "we wash trade like nobody;s business", especially if you're fucktarded. 1689861;1500991715;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/30A4AD682B45FB1BFD5541FD2BDE7BFD28BB777EDB7C3F58D9DA35D8D0E603CE << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1736...6193 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (chaos.pa.msu.edu. US MI) 1689862;1500991715;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/30A4AD682B45FB1BFD5541FD2BDE7BFD28BB777EDB7C3F58D9DA35D8D0E603CE << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1654...2859 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (chaos.pa.msu.edu. US MI) 1689863;1500993630;mircea_popescu;and in other wtfs, http://www.issuesandalibis.org/041913.html 1689864;1500994049;shinohai;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DFiMhNUXoAUbdyR.jpg "If someone were to someone (sic) confiscate 100% of the available tokens, all we need to do is refuse to stand behind them and recreate the token under a new contract" 1689865;1500994061;mircea_popescu;lol 1689866;1500994062;shinohai;This shit is the ultimate SFYL generator 1689867;1500994084;mircea_popescu;i find it hysterical how the socialist mind is entirely immune to any consideration of communication costsa 1689868;1500994116;mircea_popescu;"what, that thing that makes our theoretical system unworkable in practice ? PISH! we could switch the earth into a concave form if we all agreed to jump at the same time!" 1689869;1500994147;mircea_popescu;the FUCKING POINT of the ipo was to get y'all idiots and imbeciles to "all" something. and it... failed. and now ? ??? 1689870;1500994198;shinohai;If your cardboard gets wet and misshapen, we simply cut you out a new one. Problem solved! 1689871;1500996924;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-25#1689863 << lol, the shitrag distinguished by masterpiece http://www.issuesandalibis.org/041913.html#twelve 1689872;1500996924;a111;Logged on 2017-07-25 14:40 mircea_popescu: and in other wtfs, http://www.issuesandalibis.org/041913.html 1689873;1500999333;lobbes;http://www.issuesandalibis.org/041913.html#twelve << "Unlike credit card transactions, which leave a digital trail, bitcoin transactions are designed to be anonymous and untraceable. When you transfer bitcoins to someone else, it's as if you handed over a paper bag filled with $100 bills in a dark alley." Hahahaha. This is gold. 1689874;1501003329;ben_vulpes;does anyone have b006b252052c84eb2dba6e59c011215b2e1f6d401f14e655a676537cb651b55b kicking around in a mempool? 1689875;1501003880;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: nope. why? 1689876;1501004385;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/A767717115907722CAF56D3C728599D81AE021A90EA02E7EBF170105426BC98A << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1640...1697 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (nagios.datapoint.spb.su. RU) 1689877;1501004385;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/A767717115907722CAF56D3C728599D81AE021A90EA02E7EBF170105426BC98A << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1669...1749 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (nagios.datapoint.spb.su. RU) 1689878;1501004524;asciilifeform;'Санкт-Петербург онлайн' 1689879;1501004629;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: sent a transaction, refuses to confirm 1689880;1501004642;ben_vulpes;ofc i forgot to set a fee for the node, so it's clearly my fault 1689881;1501004646;asciilifeform;lol 1689882;1501004664;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: you have the low-S patch , neh ? 1689883;1501004671;ben_vulpes;ja 1689884;1501004671;asciilifeform;( mod6's ) 1689885;1501004681;asciilifeform;then thank spamola 1689886;1501004781;ben_vulpes;how does this follow? 1689887;1501004811;asciilifeform;there are none so blind as those who will not open their third eye. or how did it go. 1689888;1501005096;ben_vulpes;well what i do not understand is what the low/high s bit has to do with its deprioritization in favor of spamola 1689889;1501005109;asciilifeform;nothing, was separate q 1689890;1501005114;ben_vulpes;ah 1689891;1501005245;asciilifeform;interestingly asciilifeform recently learned that the 'mutate high to low S and broadcast malleated tx but ONLY if a 'doublespend attempt' ( you retransmitting, say, with patched trb ) is detected ' thing is STILL running 1689892;1501005252;asciilifeform;and still nfi who or why. 1689893;1501005283;asciilifeform;( reencoding + retransmitting that is ) 1689894;1501011546;asciilifeform;in other phunphakts, ada does NOT permit the use of bitwise ops ('and', 'xor', etc) on integer. ( only on booleans; and on 'modular types' - i.e. where the compiler is absolutely certain that subj is a machine integer and machine uses 2s-complement representation.) 1689895;1501011627;asciilifeform;i can picture the discussion at the table : 'what if the sign bit on some machine is the FIRST, not last? or kept in the MIDDLE!111' 1689896;1501011697;asciilifeform;pretty interesting intro, turns out, to the world pre- intelhegemony -- where you have no ability to assume not only size of byte, but arithmetic model 1689897;1501011729;asciilifeform;'could be ANYTHING, and you may NOT program with assumptions as to what it is' 1689898;1501011757;asciilifeform;exquisite, imho, trap for c-tards. 1689899;1501015240;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-25#1689871 << aha! "The economic significance of this Bitcoin roller coaster was basically nil." ~Paul Krugman. a once-respected economist meanwhile quietly beheaded by the republic. 1689900;1501015240;a111;Logged on 2017-07-25 15:35 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-25#1689863 << lol, the shitrag distinguished by masterpiece http://www.issuesandalibis.org/041913.html#twelve 1689901;1501015291;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes> ofc i forgot to set a fee for the node, so it's clearly my fault << spend from the paid address, WITH a fee. most miners will include both. 1689902;1501015303;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: by whom and for what was he respected? 1689903;1501015333;mircea_popescu;by the washpo, and for being a convincingly "liberal" socialist. 1689904;1501015347;asciilifeform;is what i thought 1689905;1501015364;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in more interesting matter, http://68.media.tumblr.com/b296dc979dd54de52bc944424746a421/tumblr_obaeiyS9i81uydli6o1_1280.png 1689906;1501015375;mircea_popescu;leaving aside her pretty cunt, is she acceptalby faced ? 1689907;1501015376;asciilifeform;but 'once respected' had implication of 'by people' 1689908;1501015422;asciilifeform;faced << not imho 1689909;1501015433;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: spend from the paying address or paid address? 1689910;1501015436;mircea_popescu;ah, i didn't mean that. 1689911;1501015439;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes the paid address. 1689912;1501015503;ben_vulpes;so if i send a tx to friend a with no fee, and it gets stuck, the advice is to ask friend a to spend from that address and then miners are in the habit of then including the stuck txn? 1689913;1501015558;mircea_popescu;yes. specifically, to spend the input you sent him. this will produce a chain of A->B txn, of which A has no fee itself but B does (except to get at it you must also include A). 1689914;1501015614;asciilifeform;lulzy also in that it exposes elementary allcomer ddos of miner 1689915;1501015616;mircea_popescu;alternatively, you can simply import that address privkey into an offline wallet, have it sign a different tx (with a fee!) and broadcast that. 1689916;1501015632;mircea_popescu;"offline" here just means "that won't hear about the 0fee tx". 1689917;1501015633;asciilifeform;( this function requires potentially unbounded orphanage to eval ) 1689918;1501015661;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform nah, about half of them do max 2, about a third of the remainder max 3, and i think ther'es a max 8 also in there. 1689919;1501015677;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: oh neato 1689920;1501015703;ben_vulpes;yeah, i can do the wallet dance, was curious about this 1689921;1501015710;mircea_popescu;it's marginally cleaner to do the first rather than the 2nd, but then again it may be actually easier to do something yourselfd than explain to another what to do. 1689922;1501015714;ben_vulpes;i didn't know people were accepting chained transactions 1689923;1501015716;ben_vulpes;also that 1689924;1501015728;mircea_popescu;for a coupla years now, yes. 1689925;1501015728;ben_vulpes;this is the "replace by fee" thing? 1689926;1501015729;asciilifeform;yes, and you can flood'em with n-length (e.g. 7) chains that end in 'ha, gotcha' instead of tx-in-old-block, as root 1689927;1501015743;asciilifeform;which they're stuck walking 1689928;1501015744;ben_vulpes;dunno why it needed a name 1689929;1501015746;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes nah, that'd require an A and an A' and you decide which to go by terms of B fee. that is iffier. 1689930;1501015829;ben_vulpes;wallet dance as rbf i mean 1689931;1501015833;asciilifeform;eating chains also seems dumb from a likelihood of orphaning of block pov 1689932;1501015837;mircea_popescu;amusingly en0ough the tx chain started happening a few weeks after i whined about wtf why is it not there. but i'm sure coincidenceh. 1689933;1501015854;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform whyssat ? 1689934;1501015870;ben_vulpes;what does a' mean in this context; spending same inputs as a but with eg different fee? 1689935;1501015896;mircea_popescu;is that a quote or ? 1689936;1501015925;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: actually no, nm 1689937;1501015965;mircea_popescu;anyway, it's not cleanly ideal etc, but what you gonna do, people will accidentally 0fee. 1689938;1501017400;ben_vulpes;q is in re what makes an A' from an A, not a quote, prime symbol 1689939;1501022756;mircea_popescu;ah yes, you have two different txs that spend the same output ; and the proposal was to resolve which gets included by adding a dependent tx with a higher fee ; so that A' + B always confirm instead of A because larger joint tx fee. 1689940;1501022885;BingoBoingo; ( this function requires potentially unbounded orphanage to eval ) << Well since they can get away with doing it now, they MUST 1689941;1501022916;BingoBoingo;And yes, this was used as DDoS Sauce against miners in the mempool bloating attacks. 1689942;1501022928;BingoBoingo;Chains far longer than 2 transactions 1689943;1501022977;mircea_popescu;it was. 1689944;1501023218;BingoBoingo;But so long as miners live/die on sucking shit, they still gotta do it 1689945;1501023252;BingoBoingo;No ifs, ands, or butts 1689946;1501023272;mircea_popescu;in the meanwhilulz, someone made a "game" : https://www.nationstates.net/nation=tesla-land 1689947;1501023542;BingoBoingo;Ah, it's been a thing for a while https://www.nationstates.net/nation=bingotonia 1689948;1501023583;mircea_popescu;ahaha wait, is that yours ? 1689949;1501023662;BingoBoingo;AHA 1689950;1501023681;mircea_popescu;o hey. well, it must've crossed whatever google spam threshold or such, i finally saw it. 1689951;1501023691;BingoBoingo;only really ping it monthly to keep it from becoming inactive. 1689952;1501023702;shinohai;Pallas cat is nice touch 1689953;1501023740;BingoBoingo;Thing's been around long enough to have made now dead countries in school classes. If anything "game" prolly has lower profile now than ever. 1689954;1501023767;BingoBoingo;Unless still inflated user stats from people making Statal oppressions as projects for skewl 1689955;1501023776;mircea_popescu;hm. 1689956;1501024344;BingoBoingo;"The Tesla-landian economy, worth 231 billion Coils a year, is led by the Cheese Exports industry, with major contributions from Book Publishing, Arms Manufacturing, and Retail. State-owned companies are reasonably common. Average income is 38,599 Coils, and evenly distributed, with the richest citizens earning only 3.2 times as much as the poorest." << Oh my, what is this hippy stuff? 1689957;1501024406;mircea_popescu;no clue 1689958;1501024619;shinohai;http://archive.is/hABGX "in the unlikely event that the 2MB block size increase portion of Segwit2x fails to activate, Bitcoin.com will immediately shift all company resources to supporting Bitcoin Cash exclusively." 1689959;1501024624;shinohai;Ver gonna ver 1689960;1501024675;mircea_popescu;company resources ? sorry ? 1689961;1501024679;mircea_popescu;"oh i got a VALUABLE DOMAIN NAME!!!" 1689962;1501024685;shinohai;lmao 1689963;1501024697;mircea_popescu;am i the only one who recalls the inept lulz back when he was trying to sell/rent that in 2015 ? 1689964;1501025573;BingoBoingo; no clue << Git gud n00b, u mad cuz u bad? 1689965;1501025594;BingoBoingo; am i the only one who recalls the inept lulz back when he was trying to sell/rent that in 2015 ? << AHA, DID SELL/RENT, RE-NIG'd 1689966;1501025605;BingoBoingo;Poor Chicoms Ver fucked 1689967;1501025628;mircea_popescu;heh 1689968;1501025641;BingoBoingo;As opposed to the poor masses ver fucked Winter 2014 with "PLS GIX is SOLVENT, k thx Bi" 1689969;1501025675;mircea_popescu;one of the funniest dorks the upheaval temporarily drug up, at any rate. 1689970;1501025704;mircea_popescu;he and that schmuck filming a "bitcoin show" with the cam in demo mode pretty much share the accidentally-spotlighted-fucktard award for early bitcoinade. 1689971;1501025737;BingoBoingo;Ah, the Bitcoin/Pedocoin fork! 1689972;1501026122;shinohai;I always though https://bounty.bitcoin.com/mtgox.html was one of the lulziest things he ever did 1689973;1501026137;shinohai;(Besides the meltdown over 5 bitcents or whatever it was) 1689974;1501026483;mircea_popescu;nah it was like 20 bux. 15, 25, something. prolly half a btc at the time or such. 1689975;1501026657;BingoBoingo;It was 0.5 or 0.54 or something. 1689976;1501026765;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all 1689977;1501026781;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 2555.55, vol: 21325.01974007 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 2561.0, vol: 56062.96645355 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 2618.406519, vol: 17418.81890000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 2563.003, vol: 10782.9982542 | Volume-weighted last average: 2569.57403572 1689978;1501026813;BingoBoingo;If Ver didn't spend it all shoving agricultural explosives up his Buttcoinslot, he could prolly buy a working Honda del sol for that money. 1689979;1501026889;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2017/07/a-quick-faq-about-the-not-bitcoin-fork-bitcoin-cash/ << Qntra - A Quick FAQ About The Not Bitcoin fork "Bitcoin Cash" 1689980;1501027110;asciilifeform;in other noose, kako finally retromonkeying with his log 1689981;1501027133;asciilifeform;replaces all mention of trilema with 'fraudster' 1689982;1501027184;BingoBoingo;https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/6pkafw/a_quick_faq_about_the_not_bitcoin_fork_bitcoin/dkpyp82/ 1689983;1501027221;shinohai;So much butthurt still 1689984;1501027323;BingoBoingo;!!Up deep-book-gk_ 1689985;1501027323;deedbot;deep-book-gk_ voiced for 30 minutes. 1689986;1501027334;BingoBoingo;deep-book-gk_: Who is your daddy and what does he do? 1689987;1501027741;mod6;evenin' 1689988;1501028035;mircea_popescu;heya 1689989;1501028106;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in diaper world, http://68.media.tumblr.com/60b1bbe3a8bf5fc09ee657c5fa3d7354/tumblr_nugz6rJ3Sq1svlqo6o1_500.gif 1689990;1501028141;BingoBoingo;Good evening mod6 1689991;1501028157;mod6;hai, just catchin up on ze logs and qntra 1689992;1501028199;BingoBoingo;Kewl, Qntra's still a bit slow. The lulzy part of the year is still just beginning 1689993;1501028222;mod6;for sure 1689994;1501028257;mod6;lol diaper world. 1689995;1501028262;mod6;that one girl from earlier was smokin 1689996;1501028263;BingoBoingo;http://www.mazepath.com/uncleal/slurs.htm 1689997;1501034467;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/38A6B0B2A49CE250B5E15C13A267D6E1C92EEEFD6B079242BF5DD42DBDBDD603 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1725...6207 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown RU LEN) 1689998;1501034467;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/38A6B0B2A49CE250B5E15C13A267D6E1C92EEEFD6B079242BF5DD42DBDBDD603 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1485...7853 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown RU LEN) 1689999;1501045156;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/08F966CAFAAB077B60E65271205143FA409E08BF9814238D86515FE1413F260D << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1548...9609 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown SE) 1690000;1501045156;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/08F966CAFAAB077B60E65271205143FA409E08BF9814238D86515FE1413F260D << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1552...0679 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown SE) 1690001;1501049432;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: the amending is a point i get stuck on every time i start thinking about using sensible identifiers in my www logs 1690002;1501073606;shinohai;"We are still continue to perform our unscheduled ongoing maintenance. " (SFYL surely incoming) https://twitter.com/btcecom/status/889918430228492289 1690003;1501074535;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/5BEAD79C04B4DC96F7496F65C8635154EC75087E464A208300904D902358C4B7 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1125...1089 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (gjj1273899.lnk.telstra.net. AU QLD) 1690004;1501074535;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/5BEAD79C04B4DC96F7496F65C8635154EC75087E464A208300904D902358C4B7 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 9131...7439 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (gjj1273899.lnk.telstra.net. AU QLD) 1690005;1501075107;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/5BEAD79C04B4DC96F7496F65C8635154EC75087E464A208300904D902358C4B7 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1125...1089 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (gjj1273899.lnk.telstra.net. AU QLD) 1690006;1501075108;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/4560586FA1E4A4F8CD2FF7748617BEC361D2BBA2B3DE8DAF1B94C489DCCFEFEB << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1125...1089 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown CN) 1690007;1501075108;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/4560586FA1E4A4F8CD2FF7748617BEC361D2BBA2B3DE8DAF1B94C489DCCFEFEB << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1141...0173 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown CN) 1690008;1501076379;asciilifeform;in other lulz, http://www.reuters.com/article/us-greece-russia-arrest-idUSKBN1AB1OP 1690009;1501076400;asciilifeform;'(Reuters) - Greek police arrested a Russian man suspected of running a money laundering operation involving turning $4 billion from illicit business activities into the digital currency bitcoin, they said on Wednesday.' 1690010;1501076431;shinohai;Adios bitmixer 1690011;1501076475;asciilifeform;idiot ircs sucking nato cock and paying for the privilege 1690012;1501076478;asciilifeform;orcs 1690013;1501076481;asciilifeform;grr 1690014;1501076504;*;asciilifeform goes back to comp with kbd 1690015;1501081822;shinohai;!~ticker --market all 1690016;1501081830;jhvh1;shinohai: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 2493.47, vol: 19780.09434317 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 2488.0, vol: 41197.86809519 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 2539.67704, vol: 14837.08570000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 2486.2, vol: 10523.0180241 | Volume-weighted last average: 2497.91442585 1690017;1501083629;mod6;how's it goin this mornin? 1690018;1501084369;shinohai;https://www.reddit.com/r/Buttcoin/comments/6pnt8g/a_quick_faq_about_the_not_bitcoin_fork_bitcoin/dkqqn1m/ <<< kek 1690019;1501084470;asciilifeform;!~later tell ben_vulpes http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-26#1690001 << plox to elaborate 1690020;1501084470;a111;Logged on 2017-07-26 06:10 ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: the amending is a point i get stuck on every time i start thinking about using sensible identifiers in my www logs 1690021;1501084470;jhvh1;asciilifeform: The operation succeeded. 1690022;1501084473;shinohai;http://archive.is/j8cXI <<< PLOX to give us our money back 1690023;1501084485;asciilifeform;mod6: notbad, at beach 1690024;1501084524;asciilifeform;mod6: still marveling at the desperate audacity of the monkey 1690025;1501084615;mod6;nice! 1690026;1501084635;mod6;enjoy 1690027;1501084661;asciilifeform;and whatchaupto, mod6 ? 1690028;1501084860;mod6;nothing interesting at the moment. 1690029;1501084885;mod6;been adventuring in ada a bit recently. 1690030;1501084985;asciilifeform;do say moar 1690031;1501085140;mod6;nothing to write home about really, just sharpening my skills with containers, multi-d arrays, and record. 1690032;1501085144;mod6;*records 1690033;1501085197;mod6;most of which are fairly easy to utilize; i've been adventuring through reading in vpatch/sig/pubkeys and storing them in mem. 1690034;1501085228;mod6;the really interesting part will be doing any sort of string manip etc. 1690035;1501085245;mod6;how hard/easy that will be, i dunno yet. 1690036;1501085285;mod6;hopefully it'll be /fast/ too. 1690037;1501085562;mod6;<+shinohai> http://archive.is/j8cXI <<< PLOX to give us our money back << these ICOs are a scam-a-minute huh? 1690038;1501085692;mod6;http://www.reuters.com/article/us-greece-russia-arrest-idUSKBN1AB1OP?il=0 << this the btc-e guy? 1690039;1501086272;mircea_popescu;mod6 name fits at least. 1690040;1501086382;asciilifeform;mod6: you may have noticed that asciilifeform did not use the containers, or elaborate string ops 1690041;1501086390;asciilifeform;or oop 1690042;1501086408;asciilifeform;because heaptronic. 1690043;1501086413;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-26#1690011 << nah, that's not the way the money flows there. pretty much all orcs, from argentina to france, exist BECAUSE china credits the fed general account and the fed then credits their piddly "national bank" lookalikes. 1690044;1501086413;a111;Logged on 2017-07-26 13:41 asciilifeform: idiot ircs sucking nato cock and paying for the privilege 1690045;1501086421;mircea_popescu;without that, there's no bureaucracy. 1690046;1501086440;mircea_popescu;and greece is possibly the main offender. it gets more free money than ~anyone, per size. 1690047;1501086462;asciilifeform;they pay in sumthing, neh 1690048;1501086472;mod6;<+asciilifeform> mod6: you may have noticed that asciilifeform did not use the containers, or elaborate string ops << yeah, we discussed. just wanted to familiarize myself with 'em. 1690049;1501086502;asciilifeform;mod6: it doesn't hurt to be familiar: who knows, perhaps the eulora folx will use'dm 1690050;1501086506;asciilifeform;em 1690051;1501086507;mod6;for my purposes, i'd like to use arrays. anyway, im just kinda doing some educational stuff. 1690052;1501086526;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-26#1690018 << "why doesn't 'you hate x therefore love y' bullshit work on these people ?!?!?!" "because they're not idiots, idiot." 1690053;1501086526;a111;Logged on 2017-07-26 15:52 shinohai: https://www.reddit.com/r/Buttcoin/comments/6pnt8g/a_quick_faq_about_the_not_bitcoin_fork_bitcoin/dkqqn1m/ <<< kek 1690054;1501086530;mod6;<+mircea_popescu> mod6 name fits at least. << ah 1690055;1501086671;trinque;also btc-e still down, massive wad of coins on the move? 1690056;1501086679;trinque;smells of lulz 1690057;1501086715;asciilifeform;trinque: i still have nfi what is the reason to connect said coins with said lul 1690058;1501086724;mircea_popescu;well, the usg problem is that they got left with a larger-than-usual hole as a result of their recent attempt to "gold" bitcoin. 1690059;1501086729;asciilifeform;other than argumento ad redditum 1690060;1501086792;mircea_popescu;now, trying to get rid of "independent" "exchanges" is logical from their pow, but won't turn out particularly useful, because they weren't all that independent in the first place. 1690061;1501086794;trinque;didn't say they were. 1690062;1501086838;trinque;only "heard an explosion" and "hey, btc-e's on fire". 1690063;1501086854;trinque;but I'm sure gox is solvent; we'll see! 1690064;1501086866;mircea_popescu;lel. 1690065;1501086886;mircea_popescu;hey, for as long as the imbecile cattle "buys" bitcoin on usg.tor and then goes on reddit to "independently" opine about mp... 1690066;1501086907;asciilifeform;trinque: afaik goxes typically implode when the coins, such as there were, are long leaked out, and the tank - bone dry 1690067;1501086965;trinque;maybe btc-e guy's owner told him to fork over the wad, and go sit on his spike, as per prior arrangements. 1690068;1501086973;trinque;I find it hard to believe that exchange "owner" owns himself 1690069;1501087017;mircea_popescu;it's an iffy point. generally, trying to work the pig farm slowly increases the qty of shit you're covered in. digital pig farms aren't much better. 1690070;1501087065;trinque;makes sense. 1690071;1501087095;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in collegiate partying from a different era, http://68.media.tumblr.com/c39136e095b0133010f3d5ed0ef909c7/tumblr_o8y04xpAOv1rtg6n0o1_1280.jpg 1690072;1501087949;asciilifeform;phf: dks listed a... plane engine, for sale 1690073;1501087968;asciilifeform;'working pull' 1690074;1501088080;asciilifeform;possibly he 'totaled' his machine. 1690075;1501089156;asciilifeform;in other lulz, cokemachining of btce d00d confirmed in beobachter 1690076;1501089173;asciilifeform;'laundered $4B worth' etc 1690077;1501089187;mircea_popescu;the whole "for we say so therefore it is" confidence is somewhat chuckle worthy. 1690078;1501089385;BingoBoingo;USG continues desperate thrashing 1690079;1501089857;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: i know the number of links pasted to my logger approaches epsilon, but rewriting those few links to the sensible scheme makes me squeamish nevertheless. probably resolved with a "hey doodz, updating my loggers refs, this includes editing lines logged to point to the new schema." 1690080;1501089882;mircea_popescu;now rather than later is the time to do such a thing. 1690081;1501089946;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: imho the scheme currently in use by phf is The Right Thing 1690082;1501090252;ben_vulpes;dun disagree in the slightest with either point 1690083;1501090282;BingoBoingo;http://www.jameslafond.com/article.php?id=8422 1690084;1501091838;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in other lafonds, http://archive.is/VuTTk 1690085;1501091880;asciilifeform;!~later tell mod6 http://users.cis.fiu.edu/~weiss/ada.html << quite useful, imho, readings. 1690086;1501091881;jhvh1;asciilifeform: The operation succeeded. 1690087;1501091924;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: wassat 1690088;1501091946;asciilifeform;looks like a reddit clone? 1690089;1501091981;mircea_popescu;i'm not entirely sure how to phrase this correctly, but, some guy trying to use his own noggin emerged out of the tardstalk swamps at some point years past. apparently he's using some different-same "platform" thing, whatever. 1690090;1501092003;mod6;asciilifeform: thanks 1690091;1501092033;asciilifeform;'Craig Wright recently boasted they will have 20% of the network hashrate' << apparently these folx NEVER throw an 'asset' away, even when long dead an' rotten..? 1690092;1501092052;mircea_popescu;there is no such thing because of the enforced short memory of the herd. 1690093;1501092090;asciilifeform;is, e.g., gavin, still in circulation? i admit - lost track 1690094;1501092091;mircea_popescu;this, btw, should probably count as augmented intelligence : the normal workings of the normie brain make the past very foggy. the deliberate design of the apple and apple-clones makes memory both more costly and less useful than it'd be naturally. 1690095;1501092100;mircea_popescu;so they are... augmenting the... intelligence, such as it is, of the "customer base" 1690096;1501092127;mircea_popescu;it does look a lot more like augmented lactation, but hey. what's intelligence if not productive amirite. 1690097;1501092210;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2017/07/btc-e-down-owner-appears-headed-for-usg-coke-machine-treatment-as-fiatist-thefts-continue/ << Qntra - BTC-E Down Owner Appears Headed For USG "Coke Machine" Treatment As Fiatist Thefts Continue 1690098;1501092268;asciilifeform;meanwhile, usg pins 'mtgox affair' on btce d00d, http://archive.is/tUJgd 1690099;1501092272;BingoBoingo; is, e.g., gavin, still in circulation? i admit - lost track << Atm he appears to be mostly focused with his Amherst city council or neighborhood watch gig 1690100;1501092343;mircea_popescu;that's the other thing : so vast is the usg bureaucracy, you can always use them in a different province. that this is how it works is always evident : just like gavin was supposed to be accepted in bitcoin because of his mit credentials, now he's offered to the naive population of $random-small-town on the basis of his "bitcoin credentials" and so no. as long as nobody digs, figures the usg, the lies stand by default. 1690101;1501092372;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-23#1527465 etc 1690102;1501092372;a111;Logged on 2016-08-23 13:08 mircea_popescu: Framedragger the problem here is moreover default trust. so you wake up one day and you see... "gnupg". nomina nuda. you look around, theres' "werner koch" idem, nomina nuda. you look, there's "tor" with "shari" and "isis". names, hollow as can be. but the natural tendency of the brain, to see movement in a succession of stills and meaning in noise and structure in names convinces you these are THINGS. 1690103;1501092385;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: I understand you shiva hands are full, but maybe you can spit some venom at the Wizsec thing? As "coke machine" prognisticator affair could use your voice from on high. 1690104;1501092396;mircea_popescu;this is a point. 1690105;1501092414;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: i have no particular knowledge re usg's campaign of rape and pillage 1690106;1501092451;BingoBoingo;Rage into a text editor on this subject for 30-45 minutes, editor will insert links to support points and spellcheck before offering pre-press for your review. 1690107;1501092531;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform pretty lulzy item. "coins stolen from bitcoinica" aha hurr durr. 1690108;1501092544;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: asciilifeform went to countryside house, attempting to finish 'p' 'schrodinger-style' 1690109;1501092549;asciilifeform;so hands a bit full atm. 1690110;1501092574;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: feel free to make own ragepiece 1690111;1501092612;BingoBoingo;rage has many flavors, and mebbe USG lives long enough for there to be a next coke machine to Rage Against 1690112;1501092618;BingoBoingo;!!rate whaack 2 Qntra contributor 1690113;1501092619;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/7oCw1/?raw=true 1690114;1501092623;mircea_popescu;"While presented under the umbrella name of WizSec, this unofficial independent investigation into MtGox is a voluntary effort of individuals." ehehehehe 1690115;1501092648;BingoBoingo;!!v 8F69211669AE1FDB9865371B063A860BEF841B4B5D497F43A57ED8462A781E8C 1690116;1501092649;deedbot;BingoBoingo rated whaack 2 << Qntra contributor 1690117;1501099966;BingoBoingo;lol https://voat.co/v/bitcoin/new 1690118;1501099987;BingoBoingo;Sorry, lol https://voat.co/v/bitcoin 1690119;1501100238;shinohai;heh nice 1690120;1501105755;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all 1690121;1501105761;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 2481.32, vol: 17722.93282193 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 2473.2, vol: 32790.56208539 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 2539.90052, vol: 13445.00230000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 2482.0, vol: 9666.58462334 | Volume-weighted last average: 2488.49050666 1690122;1501112900;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2017/you-will-regret-having-read-this/ << Trilema - You will regret having read this 1690123;1501113041;asciilifeform;in other lullamatics, http://www.loper-os.org/?p=69&cpage=1#comment-18262 1690124;1501113223;mircea_popescu;in even more lulz : passed today by chinese restaurant "rong fad", rico y barato ; as well as by dr. rivera's FagRivet veterniarian hospital. you know, for pets. 1690125;1501113245;mircea_popescu;oh oh, and guess the name of my car mechanic ? 1690126;1501113920;shinohai;Welp my female companion has sworn off the internet for the evening after reading latest Trilema. 1690127;1501114126;deedbot;http://www.contravex.com/2017/07/26/worried-about-the-fork/ << » Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski - Worried about the fork? 1690128;1501118620;mircea_popescu;heh 1690129;1501118975;phf;mircea_popescu: got it, thinking 1690130;1501118992;mircea_popescu;no rush 1690131;1501119180;mod6;Geraldo? 1690132;1501119279;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the arse spider is a win 1690133;1501119289;mircea_popescu;works does it. 1690134;1501119297;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: incidentally i oughta dig out ye olde best-of-alt.tasteless archive 1690135;1501119300;mod6;lol, yeah, gnarly. 1690136;1501119304;asciilifeform;some of the folx here might greatly enjoy. 1690137;1501119307;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform prolly. 1690138;1501119333;mircea_popescu;put on your blog, make a long post of it. 1690139;1501119632;asciilifeform;incidentally, the derpy usg archive thing purports to have some of the original tarballs google 'harvested' to make its now largely dead usenet search : https://archive.org/details/usenet 1690140;1501119639;asciilifeform;it is possible to glue'em back into something useful 1690141;1501119698;asciilifeform;e.g., https://archive.org/details/utzoo-wiseman-usenet-archive , https://archive.org/details/cdrom-usenet-sources-newsgroups-1994-01 1690142;1501119769;asciilifeform;related vintage lulz : https://ask.slashdot.org/story/03/07/25/1947231/obtaining-archives-of-usenet 1690143;1501119783;asciilifeform;'...world has one single USENET archive (I hope they have backup floppies!), how can I obtain historical data...' 1690144;1501119789;asciilifeform;( circa 2003 . ) 1690145;1501119965;*;asciilifeform also found a https://www.theusenetarchive.com but it appears to be payware, and possible scamola. 1690146;1501119976;asciilifeform;at any rate i cannot currently be arsed to paypal to find out,. 1690147;1501120273;asciilifeform;who wants to be the hero, to confiscate usenet fossils from the heathens? 1690148;1501121825;mircea_popescu;traditionally, whosoever first gives a shit. 1690149;1501121867;asciilifeform;probably asciilifeform gives the most shit. but also has the smallest free hand atm. 1690150;1501121903;*;mircea_popescu will make no secret he has ~no respect for the "pistols" of such grandfathers. if they sucked less they might have solved say... ONE of the problems we're stuck with. 1690151;1501121913;mircea_popescu;fuck 'em, they have no claim to perpetuation whatsoever. 1690152;1501121935;asciilifeform;eh you were there. the fatal weakness, these folx could not make hardware. 1690153;1501121948;mircea_popescu;the fatal weakness, those folks just wanted to get along. 1690154;1501121952;asciilifeform;not really 1690155;1501121958;mircea_popescu;had no hardware, let alone make. 1690156;1501121963;asciilifeform;dunno what set you hung with. certainly not 'just want'. 1690157;1501121973;mircea_popescu;orly. proof ? 1690158;1501121978;asciilifeform;proof is in the archive. 1690159;1501121986;mircea_popescu;one item. anything. 1690160;1501121993;mircea_popescu;and no, not "SAID". did. 1690161;1501121998;asciilifeform;al schwartz's material for 1. 1690162;1501122010;mircea_popescu;al schwartz just wanted to get along. 1690163;1501122024;asciilifeform;[insert the benzyl thread here] 1690164;1501122034;mircea_popescu;!#s benzyl 1690165;1501122035;a111;5 results for "benzyl", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=benzyl 1690166;1501122054;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2014-08-22#804648 ? 1690167;1501122054;a111;Logged on 2014-08-22 03:06 peterl: no, a less traditional synthesis, from benzyl bromide, methylamine and acetaldehyde 1690168;1501122062;asciilifeform;nope 1690169;1501122093;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-11#1501551 << it 1690170;1501122093;a111;Logged on 2016-07-11 17:52 asciilifeform: he even had the benzyl crystals mostly grown. 1690171;1501122117;mircea_popescu;is this a "mostly did" ? 1690172;1501122146;mircea_popescu;what of this supposed work can i rely on today ? is there a schematic ? is therew anything ? HOW do you distinguish between this and henninger "publishing" ? 1690173;1501122165;asciilifeform;d00d laid out how to do the eotvos thing. recipe still on his www last i saw. 1690174;1501122192;mircea_popescu;so not actually on usenet. 1690175;1501122197;asciilifeform;originally there. 1690176;1501122212;mircea_popescu;i will grudgingly grant this much, and very grudgingly at that. 1690177;1501122215;asciilifeform;( received , incidentally, much the same way as mpoe-pr was on tardstalk. ) 1690178;1501122228;mircea_popescu;because the population just wanted to get along ? 1690179;1501122243;asciilifeform;schwartz played ~same role, (unpaid..) on sci.chem, sci.physics, a few elsewheres. 1690180;1501122270;mircea_popescu;i will agree with you that yes, man trying and failing is still man ; but you will i hope agree with me that man failing while still man nevertheless still loser. 1690181;1501122281;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: actually rather than 'get along', contained blithering 'einstein was a lyin' j000' crackpots, aetherists, perpetuum-mobilists, etc. 1690182;1501122282;mircea_popescu;there's two components to "grandfather" : a) man ; b) successful. 1690183;1501122290;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform this is getting along. 1690184;1501122301;mircea_popescu;improductive flailing != productive nonsense. 1690185;1501122305;mircea_popescu;i'm sorry. 1690186;1501122308;mircea_popescu;improductive flailing === productive nonsense. 1690187;1501122324;asciilifeform;i haven't visited the productive non-nonsense planet yet, so cannot further comment 1690188;1501122363;mircea_popescu;leaves open the question of "why is the history of improductive planet, be it the left can of soda or right can of soda, worthy of preservation". 1690189;1501122398;mircea_popescu;don't tell me that "if oyu don't read how imbecile smart doods trying to get along tried to get along, you won't ever guess on your own and may repeat the same mistakes". 1690190;1501122415;asciilifeform;vintage usenet ( in fact the 'yarchive' d00d -- no relation to ycombinator tards et al , see l0gz - has good chunk ) contained folx who actually spent good chunk of 20th c doing things such as organic synthesis of novel 'better living through chemistries', overseeing petro exploration, various productive pursuits of now-mostly-evaporated civilization 1690191;1501122416;mircea_popescu;having no intention of getting along is a perfect armor against repeating usenet ; or the internet ; or anything else. 1690192;1501122433;asciilifeform;as such it is worth imho whole modern net put together, gram for gram 1690193;1501122443;mircea_popescu;i feel no continuity with these folks, myself. 1690194;1501122448;asciilifeform;well i do. 1690195;1501122460;mircea_popescu;alrighty then! when you have a moment, elighten and instruct. 1690196;1501122502;mircea_popescu;it's not that i WANT to think that usg == usg, whether usg.yuppies or usg.countercultures. 1690197;1501122515;mircea_popescu;it's that sadly, i fail to find the difference. 1690198;1501122548;asciilifeform;http://yarchive.net . 1690199;1501122560;mircea_popescu;was looking for something to read anyway. 1690200;1501122577;asciilifeform;if i had to pick b/w keeping my library, and keeping yarchive, on trip to mars -- would pick yarchive. 1690201;1501122593;asciilifeform;( contains, incidentally, schwartz also ) 1690202;1501122654;asciilifeform;it ain't a full bore 'sinners and saints' usenet snapshot, but certain fella's 'best of'. i have my own, that really cries to be organized and similarly cleaned, posted. 1690203;1501122663;asciilifeform;probably buncha other folx -- have similar. 1690204;1501122723;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=yarchive << see also past threads. 1690205;1501122742;asciilifeform;^ has some favourites of asciilifeform's. 1690206;1501122746;mircea_popescu;ok, here's a brief journal. tried to pick a topic, which is a problem i don't have a solution for. heuristically picked "computers", inspected some entries, found them to be mostly minutia a la http://yarchive.net/comp/linux/disable_irq_races.html or else very brief and unstructured accidental likbezn a la http://yarchive.net/comp/caches.html 1690207;1501122866;mircea_popescu;so we try our luck with food, a topic on which we happen to know a lot more than most. http://yarchive.net/food/aged_beef.html is factually incorrect on the first meaty claim -- marbledness is poor man's tenderness. i have, like anyone rich enough has had, extremely tender cuts of beef with no fat marbling whatsoever. they sell here for ~50 bux a 28 oz, that's what http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-24#1689656 was. 1690208;1501122866;a111;Logged on 2017-07-24 03:29 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform not only do i own vintage german cars (which, btw, were made for de market and imported here, not made in fucking us/brazil like the rest of the toyotas with bavarian paintjobs), but I WILL HAVE YOU KNOW i just ingested a 28 oz porterhouse steak! 1690209;1501122929;mircea_popescu;now, aging meat is a respectable topic. problem is the subject is written in french, and these fellows evidently never read any. 1690210;1501123003;*;mircea_popescu approves of the cast iron seasoning words. 1690211;1501123010;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform where do i find substance in this ? 1690212;1501123189;mircea_popescu;"The attic of the restaurant was loaded with about 100 lbs of boric acid during the remodel."" << yeah, de armond dood clearly knows his way around a restaurant operaiton. 1690213;1501123421;phf;mircea_popescu: what's there to read in french on meat aging? asking for practical purposes 1690214;1501123613;phf;relatedly to the other conversation, though i grew up on the same yarns as asciilifeform, i start to think that usenet was the original reddit, just the guys were smarter, perhaps even grownups. i posted on reddit at some point, and i want to believe that my comments were carefully constructed and detailed, but there were many reasons that we 1690215;1501123685;phf;'ve discussed to death here, why doing so was a waste of time. i suspect that usenet was similar. you have a handful of insightful posts lost in the noise 1690216;1501123761;mircea_popescu;phf as far as moderns are concerned, y-m le bourdonnec, say, or else hugo desnoyer. probably can even buy a chunk. otherwise, as far as the anthropology / history an' generally scholarship of the matter is concerned, there's late medieval / early modern french, spanish sources, even a bit of latin, but i've not them assembled and at the ready. 1690217;1501123764;mircea_popescu;what's your pleasure ? 1690218;1501123840;mircea_popescu;phf the noise isn't even the subject. there's two kinds of girls : those who go, and those who do not go. this is established afore the fact, and NOT at the party. now, a party with the later, no matter how timed or where established, be it "night of the demons"-like or simply a rural "community center" church dance, will NOT yield fucking. period and full fucking stop and jack slow down and etcetera. 1690219;1501123871;mircea_popescu;this is the substantive difference here, that i dun care how fucking smart-casual you were dressed or how debate-club-approvably your wit flew. wrong party === losers and no further discussion is useful or necessary. 1690220;1501124047;asciilifeform;as i see it, mircea_popescu had the verdict quite ready before reading any. 1690221;1501124064;mircea_popescu;by the fruits you will have the verdict ready before inspecting any leaves. 1690222;1501124184;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-27#1690214 << tumourigenesis circa 1993 ( 'eternal september' ) and mostly dead by 2000. 1690223;1501124184;a111;Logged on 2017-07-27 02:46 phf: relatedly to the other conversation, though i grew up on the same yarns as asciilifeform, i start to think that usenet was the original reddit, just the guys were smarter, perhaps even grownups. i posted on reddit at some point, and i want to believe that my comments were carefully constructed and detailed, but there were many reasons that we 1690224;1501124282;asciilifeform;the interesting folx were 'practitioners' -- folx with actual meatspace professions -- rather than today's 'talkers'. 1690225;1501124291;mircea_popescu;the overarching point here is that just as never an ought came from an is ; just so no coward managed to reason his way into valor. 1690226;1501124308;asciilifeform;and the valor of afghan sums to 0 1690227;1501124315;asciilifeform;and ditto of ru mob et al. 1690228;1501124320;asciilifeform;cultural zero. 1690229;1501124421;mircea_popescu;oh it is ? 1690230;1501124452;asciilifeform;though i disagree that cowardice is inevitable 'professional disease' of the thinking man. illusion, comes from the fact of bipedal turds masquerading as thinking folx. 1690231;1501124537;mircea_popescu;now, had i believed any of those summed to 1, i'd say nothing but simply be there. the fuck i care, it takes me six weeks to learn a language, any language, and i know no women who'd dare "opine" on the move. 1690232;1501124548;mircea_popescu;BUT! are those two zeros the same zero ? 1690233;1501124556;asciilifeform;become spartan, speak with sword.. 1690234;1501124562;mircea_popescu;cuz i suspect they may be sortable, in which case your argument's in trouble. 1690235;1501124601;mircea_popescu;in any case -- i am entirely convinced the two are orthogonal. there's no more reason in intelligence to be cowardly than there's reason in rain to wet the bed. 1690236;1501124638;*;asciilifeform does not disagree with above 1690237;1501124670;mircea_popescu;very similar items, really. inborn, to some degree, can be cultivated, which helps, dependingly, and so on. 1690238;1501124775;mircea_popescu;neither very happy with the inept "relativism" of sophistry, at that. 1690239;1501124849;asciilifeform;where was the old mircea_popescu piece, re culture forming from struggle b/w the sane and 9,001 types of subtly mad 1690240;1501124861;mircea_popescu;this sounds familiar. 1690241;1501128184;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in blackening of viands, http://68.media.tumblr.com/9d8d721ad4453425b61baff6d247f02d/tumblr_o6usqnA9B11rq93veo1_500.gif 1690242;1501134220;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2017/07/trump-makes-small-cut-to-military-healthcare-spending-and-makes-jeff-sessions-great-again/ << Qntra - Trump Makes Small Cut To Military Healthcare Spending And Makes Jeff Sessions Great Again 1690243;1501134223;BingoBoingo;^ Dos historias, un titulo 1690244;1501134361;mircea_popescu;jeff bezos and the amazington host. 1690245;1501134398;BingoBoingo;lol 1690246;1501134441;BingoBoingo;The "amazington host" sounds liek a grand way to refer to a gathering of redditards. 1690247;1501134453;mircea_popescu;just about 1690248;1501134468;mircea_popescu;a great gay way. 1690249;1501134512;BingoBoingo;A host of amazingtons blocks you path. [fuck][marry][kill with fire] 1690250;1501134522;mircea_popescu;lol 1690251;1501134695;BingoBoingo;A lesser lol for the anal's beads http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2017/07/26/senate-democrats-delay-witness-from-testifying-against-fusion-gps/ 1690252;1501137214;ben_vulpes;!!rate mimisbrunnr 1 a bot of mine 1690253;1501137216;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/GTYPE/?raw=true 1690254;1501137252;ben_vulpes;!!v BB907D8F4402D2CA377D7BD22CEE31DE112100F6C197A433AA9EEE7F7D88669F 1690255;1501137252;deedbot;ben_vulpes rated mimisbrunnr 1 << a bot of mine 1690256;1501137590;ben_vulpes;http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2017-6-12#127336 << done 1690257;1501137590;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2017-06-12 18:05 phf: ben_vulpes: could you possibly add timestamp (hh:mm:ss, say) to your div.line's. maybe as data-ts="..." or perhaps as a div.nick title? 1690258;1501137596;ben_vulpes;http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2017-7-26#171249 << done 1690259;1501137596;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2017-07-26 17:25 asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: imho the scheme currently in use by phf is The Right Thing 1690260;1501137623;ben_vulpes;even preserved what little backwards compatibility needed preserving with some feeelthy htmlz 1690261;1501137628;ben_vulpes;and ty mircea_popescu for kicking my ass to do it 1690262;1501137696;ben_vulpes;obvs works in #eulora, #trilema-mod6 etc 1690263;1501159040;asciilifeform;in other noose, http://btcbase.org/log/2017-01-26#1607654 passed. 1690264;1501159040;a111;Logged on 2017-01-26 19:26 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: from same circus, u.s. senate is proposing to ban mr.t from revering obummer's 'ru sanctions and They Stole Election' decrees 1690265;1501159503;asciilifeform;( the veto-overriding ritual is still upcoming iirc ) 1690266;1501159965;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2017/07/bitcoin-network-mining-difficulty-continues-climb-up-6-92-percent-to-new-all-time-high/ << Qntra - Bitcoin Network Mining Difficulty Continues Climb, Up ~6.92 Percent To New All Time High 1690267;1501162703;asciilifeform;in other lulz, https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=GCC-RDRAND-CVE 1690268;1501162720;asciilifeform;'RDRAND/RDSEED instructions for pulling random number generators on modern CPUs may have not been as random as desired when using GCC. ' 1690269;1501162740;asciilifeform;'The issue was fixed in GCC back in March but only disclosed today on the oss-sec list as CVE-2017-11671. ' 1690270;1501162752;asciilifeform;'responsible disclosure' shitsackery. 1690271;1501168255;mod6;howdy! 1690272;1501168348;mircea_popescu;heya 1690273;1501169489;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-27#1690261 << took very little kicking. 1690274;1501169489;a111;Logged on 2017-07-27 06:40 ben_vulpes: and ty mircea_popescu for kicking my ass to do it 1690275;1501169497;mircea_popescu;hardly worth teh mention. 1690276;1501169546;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-27#1690265 << lame duck senate. it'll last for six months. trump is 4evah. 1690277;1501169546;a111;Logged on 2017-07-27 12:45 asciilifeform: ( the veto-overriding ritual is still upcoming iirc ) 1690278;1501169583;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-27#1690270 << heh. 1690279;1501169583;a111;Logged on 2017-07-27 13:39 asciilifeform: 'responsible disclosure' shitsackery. 1690280;1501175120;mircea_popescu;"Orbem iam totum victor Romanus habebat, qua mare, qua terrae, qua sidus currit utrumque; nec satiatus erat. Gravidis freta pulsa carinis iam peragebantur; si quis sinus abditus ultra, si qua foret tellus, quae fuluum mitteret aurum, hostis erat, fatisque in tristia bella paratis quaerebantur opes." 1690281;1501175284;asciilifeform;where didja find an unbitrotted ocr of that 1690282;1501175299;mircea_popescu;mah own files. 1690283;1501175331;asciilifeform;chix handkeyed didntthey. 1690284;1501175335;asciilifeform;neat. 1690285;1501175338;mircea_popescu;perhaps :D 1690286;1501175368;asciilifeform;1337w4r3z. 1690287;1501175391;mircea_popescu;hm. 1690288;1501175400;mircea_popescu;!~google "Orbem iam totum victor" 1690289;1501175401;jhvh1;mircea_popescu: '' Orbem iam totum victor Romanus habebat, qua' collaborative text ...: ; Satyricon Satyricon Index (Latin) (Latin) - Sacred Texts: 1690290;1501175473;mircea_popescu;http://www.thelatinlibrary.com/petronius1.html << there, apparently it exists online as well. saves me the trouble to publish it. 1690291;1501175485;*;mircea_popescu hasn't in much depth checked, but the quoted part at least is correct. 1690292;1501175704;asciilifeform;oh neat 1690293;1501175754;mircea_popescu;"hey, pudet effari perituraque prodere fata, persarum ritu male pubescentibus annis". 1690294;1501175917;mircea_popescu;(for the innocent : fata denotes fate in that text, and male evil. but at the time c. petronius wrote he was doubltess fully aware of the vulgar latin tendency towards what yielded romanian fata (girl), even if very unlikely unaware of the eventual meaning of "male". yet, we can read a vernacular relation there between male/female doubling agency/fate on the distal plane. THIS is what literary genius is all about, ulterior me 1690295;1501175917;mircea_popescu;aning.) 1690296;1501176088;mircea_popescu;(and yes, latin philosophy of the time was 60% by mass "women, unbridled, will doom the republic". hence ~porcius~ cato for instance.) 1690297;1501176828;asciilifeform;meanwhile in sunny monkeystan, http://archive.is/AxHUh : 'Russian National And Bitcoin Exchange Charged In 21-Count Indictment For Operating Alleged International Money Laundering Scheme And Allegedly Laundering Funds From Hack Of Mt. Gox' 1690298;1501176918;asciilifeform;'Homeland Security Investigations is strongly committed to tracking down criminals who seek to strike at the foundations of global financial security through complex money laundering schemes' didjaknow. 1690299;1501176978;mircea_popescu;hurr. 1690300;1501176991;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-27#1690280 1690301;1501176991;a111;Logged on 2017-07-27 17:05 mircea_popescu: "Orbem iam totum victor Romanus habebat, qua mare, qua terrae, qua sidus currit utrumque; nec satiatus erat. Gravidis freta pulsa carinis iam peragebantur; si quis sinus abditus ultra, si qua foret tellus, quae fuluum mitteret aurum, hostis erat, fatisque in tristia bella paratis quaerebantur opes." 1690302;1501177081;asciilifeform;gotta wonder, are the ru folx actually dumb enough to regularly visit natostans ( greece in above, spain earlier ) or dragged there 1st and parallelconstructed. 1690303;1501177109;mircea_popescu;pretty sure this guy lived in the eastern mediterranean. 1690304;1501177128;asciilifeform;as good as usa. 1690305;1501177136;mircea_popescu;nah, nice climate, pleasant women. 1690306;1501177185;asciilifeform;for gassing, i mean. 1690307;1501177209;mircea_popescu;eh, unless you're willing to shoot usg agents on shight / impale the captured etc, ~everywhere is same. 1690308;1501177250;asciilifeform;not quite everywhere. afaik 0 successful usg kidnappings in ru to date. 1690309;1501177337;mircea_popescu;you specifically care which idiot is involved ? 1690310;1501177352;asciilifeform;in this case yes 1690311;1501177355;mircea_popescu;why ? 1690312;1501177358;asciilifeform;d00d would be a free man if he sat in moscow. 1690313;1501177373;mircea_popescu;when exactly did russian citizens in russia become free men ? 1690314;1501177388;asciilifeform;1991 or so 1690315;1501177392;mircea_popescu;i musta missed this point. esp given the novel discovery that http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-27#1690227 1690316;1501177392;a111;Logged on 2017-07-27 02:58 asciilifeform: and ditto of ru mob et al. 1690317;1501177401;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i thought the ru mob had 0 cultural value. 1690318;1501177413;asciilifeform;0 from my telescope 1690319;1501177424;asciilifeform;but specifically to subj d00d , plenty value. 1690320;1501177425;mircea_popescu;your telescope runs on virtual basic it'd seem. 1690321;1501177445;asciilifeform;wassat 1690322;1501177457;mircea_popescu;did you not say the 1990s never happened ? 1690323;1501177464;asciilifeform;waiwat 1690324;1501177468;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-27#1690227 << 1690325;1501177468;a111;Logged on 2017-07-27 02:58 asciilifeform: and ditto of ru mob et al. 1690326;1501177503;asciilifeform;what's the cultural value of a fire ? 1690327;1501177513;asciilifeform;i can see the argument 'some things needed burnin' 1690328;1501177524;mircea_popescu;nevermind the fire. the cultural value of "d00d would be a free man if he sat in moscow." is ~1. 1690329;1501177550;mircea_popescu;if that's not the entirety of culture, then it's not missing much. 1690330;1501177567;asciilifeform;supposing it is so. ( it is far from my africa, and can't say for sure. perhaps phf will comment. ) 1690331;1501177597;mircea_popescu;well, you'll have to pick one which you believe, and stick to it. 1690332;1501177603;asciilifeform;i see where mircea_popescu was going tho. 1690333;1501177622;mircea_popescu;but be that as it may, for the brief interlude in question. there's no substantial difference today. 1690334;1501177650;asciilifeform;i do know that ~0 'hacking' prosecutions in ru. 1690335;1501177657;asciilifeform;and 0 extraditions to anywhere, for whatever reason. 1690336;1501177669;mircea_popescu;lol really ? 1690337;1501177677;asciilifeform;nao maybe they feed'em into woodchippers locally, and quietly, i have nfi. 1690338;1501177682;asciilifeform;but 0 usg-style preet process. 1690339;1501177697;mircea_popescu;lol. 1690340;1501177704;mircea_popescu;i thought you read russian ? 1690341;1501177713;asciilifeform;have counterexample? 1690342;1501177740;asciilifeform;i dun read every single local rag of every nowhere district in all of ru. so conceivable that i missed one. 1690343;1501177774;mircea_popescu;so what is teh isc ? 1690344;1501177805;mircea_popescu;who was sergei mikhailov ? 1690345;1501177870;mircea_popescu;moreover, what did the preet do before being canned, quite a la yezhov ? 1690346;1501177874;asciilifeform;what about mihailov 1690347;1501177890;mircea_popescu;exact preet. spent a while "prosecuting" "cybercrime", then got prosecuted in turn. 1690348;1501177955;asciilifeform;thinking of the kaspersky betrayal case ? 1690349;1501177959;asciilifeform;that ain't a 'hacking trial 1690350;1501177966;mircea_popescu;not what was said. 1690351;1501177981;asciilifeform;expand then plox 1690352;1501178005;mircea_popescu;your claim was "0 usg-style preet process", to which i showed 100% preet process : 1. that indeed there was a preet ; and that indeed he was preet'ed. 1690353;1501178033;asciilifeform;preet prosecuted free men for doing free man things. 1690354;1501178035;mircea_popescu;it's your job to now convince me the "centre for information securityt" of the fsb prosecuted no "hacker" at any point during its decade long tenure. 1690355;1501178041;mircea_popescu;rigth. 1690356;1501178263;asciilifeform;i dun have the desired exhaustive proof of absence. 1690357;1501178285;mircea_popescu;not a matter of proof of absence ; the structure is there quite plainly. if you can be bothered to dig you'll find the rest. 1690358;1501178297;mircea_popescu;the notion that somehow russia is a free country dun stand, or else you know, we'd just move there. 1690359;1501178301;asciilifeform;all i got is the observation that no ransomware writer who targets anglotards seems to feel in the slightest bit of danger in ru. 1690360;1501178316;mircea_popescu;good for them... 1690361;1501178322;asciilifeform;'free country' may be contradiction in terms. 1690362;1501178330;mircea_popescu;by this measure, neither do they "seem to feel" in danger in north korea. 1690363;1501178365;asciilifeform;i'm a little surprised that northkr has not attempted cultivating reputation as tmsr-friendly 1690364;1501178391;mircea_popescu;come to think about it, whether someone is publicly shitting hsi pants every change he gets (aka, http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-27#1690153 ) versus the other categorical alternative, "doesn't seem to feel in the slightest bit in danger" would rather predict us citizenship than anything else. 1690365;1501178391;a111;Logged on 2017-07-27 02:19 mircea_popescu: the fatal weakness, those folks just wanted to get along. 1690366;1501178405;mircea_popescu;ameritards pants are always freshly shat. everyone else's - not. 1690367;1501178408;mircea_popescu;bout as far as that goes. 1690368;1501178446;asciilifeform;dunno, afaik opposite, every d00d arrested in usa for anything, from pickpocket to seller of nsa key, seems very surprised 1690369;1501179664;*;trinque snarfed an archive of www.thelatinlibrary.com a while back 1690370;1501183361;mircea_popescu;good idea. 1690371;1501185326;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-27#1690293 << apparently the best english version of this is a r allinson's "I blush to speak, I tremble to recite our Persian manners and our curse of Fate!". 1690372;1501185326;a111;Logged on 2017-07-27 17:15 mircea_popescu: "hey, pudet effari perituraque prodere fata, persarum ritu male pubescentibus annis". 1690373;1501185329;mircea_popescu;it's not very good. 1690374;1501185388;mircea_popescu;I blush to tell, I tremble to recite our Persian childhood and its fated plight! or something at the very least. the cogent points is that one tempts the fates at his peril with a recount of how changing the republic for a satrapy contained in itself its future blessings such as they were. 1690375;1501187246;phf;"Like you, I also wanted to study the TeX code. After all, it was written by an eminent computer scientist, and, for a large piece of software, it is remarkably free of bugs. It looked like something significant could be learned. But, I gave up after a while. Mostly because the code is full of clever tricks to pack data into memory locations to save space. This made sense 30 years ago, but not so much today, and it makes the code very difficult to read 1690376;1501187246;phf; (for me, anyway). There is a system called JavaTex, by Tim Murphy, which might be a bit easier to read, maybe. But I ran out of time. – bubba" 1690377;1501187421;mircea_popescu;wait, knuth literate-programmed all his way into pointer magic etc ? 1690378;1501187823;phf;i suspect it's more about the choice of data structures. for one there are no allocs (very much in the spirit of ascii's ada explorations), so he probably has a lot of mempools, some byte compression and possibly bit twiddling. i've not read the second book yet, because i still haven't compiled the damn thing outside of the reservation 1690379;1501187882;phf;"This TEX implementation conforms to the rules of the Pascal User Manual published by Jensen and Wirth in 1975, except where system-dependent code is necessary to make a useful system program, and except in another respect where such conformity would unnecessarily obscure the meaning and clutter up the code" 1690380;1501188276;asciilifeform;phf: ftr i'm going for the exact opposite of this liquishit. 1690381;1501188301;phf;what liquishit? 1690382;1501188318;asciilifeform;bit twiddles to save 1 byte here and there etc 1690383;1501188344;phf;i don't know if that's the case, that's just my guess. but you are doing fixed size allocations though, and we had threads about it 1690384;1501188357;phf;who knows what "bubba" actually means 1690385;1501188446;asciilifeform;all sane programs do fixed allocation. 1690386;1501188814;phf;fwiw the dynamic around tex is fascinating. here's very much a literate artifact of high discipline. every piece is a carefully documented literate program, custom tooling that enforces the conventions, "I have also spent thousands of hours trying to ensure that the systems produce essentially identical results on all computers. I strongly believe that an unchanging system has great value, even though it is axiomatic that any complex system can be impr 1690387;1501188815;phf;oved." etc. etc. last tex release (apart from bug fixes) is version 3 in 1990. you'd think(c)(r), but the reality is that layers and layers of cancer are grown on top of it, and when there's a discussion it is in terms of original values, but when it comes to details its "use this lua pdf unicode thing which comes as part of a 5GB package" 1690388;1501188927;phf;i can envision a future where some TMSR SYSTEM package weights at 100GB but at its core is "p.vpatch" that is used exclusively through "vada2rust" translation system 1690389;1501189836;mircea_popescu;phf i wasn't aware he ever did bit twiddles. my sparse reading of bits and pieces never showed me any. 1690390;1501190029;mircea_popescu;it is, for the record, NOT axiomatic, or even true, that any large system can be improved. 1690391;1501190056;mircea_popescu;all systems designed through inductive means can always be improved -- through the removal of the inductive parts and their replacement with deductive equivalents. that's all. 1690392;1501190406;asciilifeform;phf: i can also imagine future where cannibals wear my stuffed skin, what of it 1690393;1501190496;mircea_popescu;moreover, i can envisage a future where the clean html of the republic is viewed through "browser2iphonekek" as javascript-whatever. 1690394;1501190505;mircea_popescu;that future is now, and just as soon as i fuck one i'll care. 1690395;1501190662;*;mircea_popescu avvers that had he run into remarkable crapola re knuth he'd have thrown a louder than usual and as public as usual hissy fit. 1690396;1501190862;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2017/again-with-the-money-laundering-bullshit/ << Trilema - Again with the "money laundering" bullshit. 1690397;1501191248;asciilifeform;trilema down?! 1690398;1501191275;asciilifeform;nm worx 1690399;1501191278;shinohai;worx for me 1690400;1501191283;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: what's an avvers 1690401;1501191335;mircea_popescu;an aver with a sticky v. 1690402;1501191352;asciilifeform;lolk 1690403;1501191408;mircea_popescu;meanwhile art teh beach, http://68.media.tumblr.com/e91d24998750471eb2d25bb34ea4c619/tumblr_oamax69J9W1u4jyyvo1_1280.jpg 1690404;1501191410;mircea_popescu;!!up palatine 1690405;1501191410;deedbot;palatine voiced for 30 minutes. 1690406;1501191430;palatine;hello 1690407;1501191436;mircea_popescu;hi. 1690408;1501191506;palatine;feels strange talking to you after all reading i did, sorta speaking with a character out of a book 1690409;1501191514;mircea_popescu;ha! 1690410;1501191553;mircea_popescu;what've you been reading then ? 1690411;1501191574;palatine;trilema and a bit of the logs 1690412;1501191605;mircea_popescu;cool. 1690413;1501191619;palatine;beginning to figure it out, almost ;) 1690414;1501191663;mircea_popescu;alrighty then 1690415;1501191675;palatine;not being a tech person i have some trouble with the WoT thing 1690416;1501191683;mircea_popescu;what person are you ? 1690417;1501191703;palatine;i knew a hard question was on my way 1690418;1501191734;mircea_popescu;lol but i mean, "i'm not a tech person because i am an ? person" ? 1690419;1501191781;palatine;i'm a lawyer by profession and trying to escape the barn in general 1690420;1501191805;mircea_popescu;ah. i suppose to keep to terminology, "i'm a scholar person". 1690421;1501191846;palatine;agreed then 1690422;1501191862;*;mircea_popescu is not much of a tech person either. 1690423;1501191900;palatine;yes, surprised me bit when i found out 1690424;1501191968;mircea_popescu;anyway, as a lawyer you absoluitely wish to bake pgp into every aspect of your practice. don't have any customer email you plaintext. 1690425;1501191984;mircea_popescu;that way you get actual, as opposed to theoretical, attorney-client priviledge. 1690426;1501192057;palatine;yes, that would be fine even if a somewhat hard on the practical level 1690427;1501192074;palatine;people being totally non tech people either 1690428;1501192122;mircea_popescu;well, people are also totally non-legal minds either, kinda why they come to you. 1690429;1501192162;mircea_popescu;at least in my experience, 60% or so of independent practice lawyer's work is educating people in his office. sort-of private schooling. 1690430;1501192171;mircea_popescu;or do you work in a corp law dept ? 1690431;1501192176;palatine;nope 1690432;1501192217;palatine;your remark is spot on, by the way 1690433;1501192225;mircea_popescu;:p 1690434;1501192277;palatine;fact is, the place i live the law is a joke 1690435;1501192311;palatine;not sure you can call it law practice anymore 1690436;1501192360;mircea_popescu;do you practice italian law ? 1690437;1501192369;palatine;yes 1690438;1501192383;mircea_popescu;hasn't been too serious for a long while now huh. 1690439;1501192401;palatine;yes 1690440;1501192424;palatine;crumbling at an faster pace lately anyhow 1690441;1501192429;mircea_popescu;well if it makes you feel any better, the us is rapidly catching up. 1690442;1501192443;palatine;haha 1690443;1501192469;palatine;i'm very happy to have found out this place 1690444;1501192485;mircea_popescu;cheers. 1690445;1501192597;palatine;i got a question for you, if you don't mind answering, did you plan trilema as a literary opus by the very start or sorta did it grew out on its own way? 1690446;1501192605;mircea_popescu;yes. 1690447;1501192623;palatine;which one? 1690448;1501192633;mircea_popescu;:) 1690449;1501192645;palatine;lol 1690450;1501192662;mircea_popescu;both. the distinction only exists in a certain (and false) view of teh world. otherwise, to plan it as a literary opus correctly IS for it to grow on its own wya. 1690451;1501192692;palatine;true 1690452;1501192727;mircea_popescu;generally "to plan" is used as a view towards results. this utterly is not what planning is. planning is all about the construction of processes. 1690453;1501192765;mircea_popescu;but hey, kids go to school, where http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-06#1679600 reigns rampant. 1690454;1501192765;a111;Logged on 2017-07-06 15:09 mircea_popescu: which is how every god damned kid that was sexually abused through the process of socialist schooling (which is all of them -- education is education, and socialist school is definitionally sexual abuse of all children involved) ends up with the idea that newton sat down TO discover whatever he did (unimportant, really) and THEREFORE he did. 1690455;1501192769;mircea_popescu;so the confusion is born. 1690456;1501192851;palatine;gotta take my time with this one 1690457;1501192878;mircea_popescu;can you read the romanian parts of trilema btw ? 1690458;1501192902;palatine;nope, i nicknamed it the "romanian wall" 1690459;1501193003;mircea_popescu;italian is somewhat mutually inteligible with romanian. but i suppose it also depends what exactly. 1690460;1501193155;palatine;yes, but the meaning is subtle and missing too many words make it a mess 1690461;1501193181;mircea_popescu;myeah. 1690462;1501193220;mircea_popescu;!!up palatine 1690463;1501193221;deedbot;palatine voiced for 30 minutes. 1690464;1501193331;palatine;how was that you picked the Serenissima? 1690465;1501193416;mircea_popescu;well, commercial republic. say, http://btcbase.org/log/2013-08-19#241422 1690466;1501193416;a111;Logged on 2013-08-19 13:24 mircea_popescu: it was the same in 1600s low countries, and in 1100s serene republic. 1690467;1501193425;mircea_popescu;what'd you have picked ? 1690468;1501193480;palatine;nothing else 1690469;1501193524;palatine;it's amazing because when i walk the streets here the San Marco lion is everywhere 1690470;1501193526;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2014-01-14#444413 << also. teh oldest references, as it'd appear. 1690471;1501193526;a111;Logged on 2014-01-14 10:51 mircea_popescu: and also my country, teh most serene republic of bitcoin. 1690472;1501193565;mircea_popescu;palatine iirc some greek church also uses it. 1690473;1501193658;palatine;have to check this out 1690474;1501193695;mircea_popescu;see, cause originally, when the venetics were little more than an orcish tribe, they wanted to matter in th world. so they went and stole st marcus remains from alexandria. 1690475;1501193779;palatine;i read a bit on the origins of the republic, i found striking similarities with our current situation 1690476;1501193800;mircea_popescu;kinda how it goes. 1690477;1501193885;palatine;little non-easily reacheable and defendable islands are like bitcoin 1690478;1501194602;mircea_popescu;!!up enzio 1690479;1501194603;deedbot;enzio voiced for 30 minutes. 1690480;1501194672;palatine;first time panic, totally understand ;) 1690481;1501197706;mircea_popescu;and in other shy to show face beauties, http://68.media.tumblr.com/c31bb64a67ec4619ef27018e4e7490bd/tumblr_obcnzxyJkW1voo3cao1_1280.jpg 1690482;1501197788;shinohai;"In case of emergency. wrap arms firmly around whore and use as a flotation device" 1690483;1501200319;mircea_popescu;also in case of submergency. 1690484;1501200973;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-27#1690392 << fear mongering for rhetoric purposes, but my point is the same one as was made by the situationists: you can build negation into your tooling all you want, but if need be the maggots will find a way. 1690485;1501200973;a111;Logged on 2017-07-27 21:20 asciilifeform: phf: i can also imagine future where cannibals wear my stuffed skin, what of it 1690486;1501201151;phf;fwiw, i'm just tryin' ta get a way to publish an occasional document; i was under an impression that TeX is a no brainer, it's supposedly inherently tmsr friendly. apparently not, and not only that, the whole stack, since before i was even doing computing was already llvm-like. layers upon layers of "autotools" 1690487;1501201392;phf;(this started because i couldn't find a printed version of julius evola's "ride the tiger" in russian translation. i found a pirated version, that i figured i can just print through lulu. i still haven't produced a pdf version that doesn't rely on the whole 6gb tex distribution) 1690488;1501201497;mircea_popescu;in other lulz, "kitchen appliance" really should be a standard body type. 1690489;1501201507;mircea_popescu;athletic, astenic, fridge. 1690490;1501201546;mircea_popescu;phf i have long searched for said way. trilema is what i came up with. 1690491;1501201590;mircea_popescu;in fairness though, it perhaps contains more "moderate your expectations" than actual solutions, by mass. 1690492;1501201657;mircea_popescu;also re the "maggots will find a way", the tmsr point is subtler than that : a) yes they will but b) let it be the intake manifold and c) make sure the machine corrupts them into humanity. 1690493;1501201661;mircea_popescu;this is teh current ideal. 1690494;1501202019;mod6;<+mircea_popescu> also in case of submergency. << haha 1690495;1501202104;mircea_popescu;in other shockers, " My name is Stephanie. I graduated college with an associates degree in baking and pastry arts." 1690496;1501202106;mircea_popescu;tru story. 1690497;1501202112;mod6;:D 1690498;1501202127;phf;still more useful than sociology 1690499;1501202143;mircea_popescu;at least in the sense that more obviously wrong. 1690500;1501202163;mircea_popescu;phf you realise, one could perhaps turn pastry making into a degree. BUT i guarantee that's not what they did. 1690501;1501202171;mircea_popescu;bitch prolly knows "what the good brands are". 1690502;1501202320;phf;i thought that's when they learn how to make this sort of stuff by hand https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/bc/99/3a/bc993a14c5bfc84a3e7fdb40ec6ae37f--pastry-art-pastry-chef.jpg 1690503;1501202444;mircea_popescu;i'm sorry ? 1690504;1501202463;mircea_popescu;souffle is a 4 week course if you're nuts. wtf are those, cupcakes ? out of pre-mixed batter ? 1690505;1501202805;phf;i just can't share in this sentiment. girl can probably make herself useful by making pretty looking edibles for cupcake stores and weddings. i think that's more useful than sociology 1690506;1501202973;mircea_popescu;you're considering things in isolation. sociology major has significantly different expense expectations. 1690507;1501202977;phf;i agree that packaging (and the attempted status implication) is distasteful. but electric engineering etc. associate wouldn't be much different. a handful of specialist classes of varied quality mixed with utterly useless "general education" stuff 1690508;1501203016;mircea_popescu;phf and a clear if intentionally obfuscated sentiment of own inferiority. 1690509;1501205367;phf;НОВАЯ ИДЕЯ ОГОРАШИВАЕТ ЧЕЛОВЕКА, К НЕЙ НЕ ПОДГОТОВЛЕННОГО. I ПИСАТЕЛЬ: Я писатель! ЧИТАТЕЛЬ: А по-моему, ты говно! (Писатель стоит несколько минут, потрясенный этой новой идеей и падает замертво. Его выносят.) etc. 1690510;1501205379;asciilifeform;lol!! 1690511;1501205416;mircea_popescu;lol 1690512;1501206043;mircea_popescu;"I'm a grad student who will be going to grad school to become an occupational therapist." 1690513;1501206969;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all 1690514;1501206984;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 2699.83, vol: 12011.12619810 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 2700.8, vol: 34323.3701497 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 2719.823483, vol: 11093.05620000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 2713.0, vol: 7050.33986801 | Volume-weighted last average: 2705.22619802 1690515;1501206994;BingoBoingo;OMG CRASHING!!! 1690516;1501207255;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/B90977FA5E6CCC083B075BF6BF4F13868101AD6B5C244CFAB7A206E13E2A8C03 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1782...9073 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (db.doshishanet.fsi.ne.jp. JP) 1690517;1501207255;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/B90977FA5E6CCC083B075BF6BF4F13868101AD6B5C244CFAB7A206E13E2A8C03 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1410...8397 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (db.doshishanet.fsi.ne.jp. JP) 1690518;1501207838;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/A1BCB2254F83DB9C90B449C3A06BB487653BE799DCFB81BA606613D05BC1A81E << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1743...3083 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown US MI) 1690519;1501207839;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/A1BCB2254F83DB9C90B449C3A06BB487653BE799DCFB81BA606613D05BC1A81E << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1626...6459 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown US MI) 1690520;1501207911;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-28#1690484 << when in 80s volga germans were expelled from their spiffy and self-sufficient freeholds in kazahstan, the shitmonkey locals promptly removed the roofs (kindling!) set up yurts (houses are for sheep!) and shat everywhere (toilet is for sheep watering bowl) 1690521;1501207911;a111;Logged on 2017-07-28 00:16 phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-27#1690392 << fear mongering for rhetoric purposes, but my point is the same one as was made by the situationists: you can build negation into your tooling all you want, but if need be the maggots will find a way. 1690522;1501207936;asciilifeform;observe that this was not the fault of how the germans built their roofs. 1690523;1501207990;asciilifeform;i hear that in 'post-colonial' africa, same scenario played, again and again 1690524;1501207998;asciilifeform;concert piano as kindling etc 1690525;1501208072;asciilifeform;this applies to niggers of all colours, piano they had nothing to do with the making of, is quite the same as a tree in the forest 1690526;1501208135;asciilifeform;( but also carries inside a reminder of their betters, and thereby actively 'musts die' ) 1690527;1501208220;asciilifeform;back to the tools: the 'sword that fights by itself' is a ~mythological~ item. 1690528;1501208286;asciilifeform;it dun exist. tool gotta be wielded. so to picture 'tools of tmsr' in the hands of maggots, presupposes defeat. 1690529;1501208334;asciilifeform;ftr, unlike albert speer and his 'ruins theory' - i dun participated care what happens 'after defeat' 1690530;1501208340;asciilifeform;grrrrr 1690531;1501208348;asciilifeform;*particularly 1690532;1501208366;*;asciilifeform throws craplet against the wall 1690533;1501211332;BingoBoingo;Did that fix it? 1690534;1501211536;BingoBoingo;RIPBSD https://marc.info/?l=openbsd-cvs&m=150109829003860 1690535;1501211553;BingoBoingo;Log message: 1690536;1501211553;BingoBoingo;switch the default compiler on amd64 and i386 to clang, 1690537;1501211553;BingoBoingo;but keep gcc4 in the build for these as well 1690538;1501211553;BingoBoingo;ok deraadt@ 1690539;1501211806;BingoBoingo;http://www.jameslafond.com/article.php?id=8434 << Lafond does the God King Vlad 1690540;1501216971;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/79DCAB59E709E691968F4FD4810941DFFFFA0F0992F9482562E6D2362B99523B << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1370...7779 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown TH) 1690541;1501216971;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/79DCAB59E709E691968F4FD4810941DFFFFA0F0992F9482562E6D2362B99523B << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1547...8607 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown TH) 1690542;1501220394;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform virus does fine in "the hands" of enemy. 1690543;1501220566;mircea_popescu;http://www.hindustantimes.com/books/jlf-2015-bringing-a-princess-home/story-ATF1m7sCBd29UtcgnOLhhN.html << meanwhile in orange revolutions. 1690544;1501220589;mircea_popescu;"senior" "political analist" "on maternity leave". hurr durr etcetera, signalling up to 11 maybe 9 wasn't enough. 1690545;1501220861;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo vlad tepee ? aww. 1690546;1501221066;mircea_popescu;for the record : it is incorrect romania had no indigenous vampire myth. the error is excusable due to the compelx circumstance : romania has TWO kinds of vampires. one is the flyer, a sort of strange beast that bothers young maidens (females only), giving them anemia and hot dreams. the other is a witch/ghost sort of item that comes out of children born with caput galeatum (caita in ro) which are improperly buried (no stake 1690547;1501221066;mircea_popescu;through heart and other proceedings). these will then suck the mana (life force) out of crops/cattle. 1690548;1501221093;mircea_popescu;so because the ro vampire idea was cleaved through the middle, separating the sexual and mystical portions into two different items it seems there's no indigenuous vampire myth. 1690549;1501221102;mircea_popescu;in fact, there is, it was just born with story bifida. 1690550;1501221153;BingoBoingo;Ah, well at least vlad tepee > jihadi peepee 1690551;1501221330;mircea_popescu;(everyone else thinks caul births are a good omen. romanians, as usual, reverse.) 1690552;1501221931;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/D66BD3E6D5843299486762685574A2B4EBE7483F4CDF685FA439CDCBC8F93B84 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1732...9023 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (23-25-244-209-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net. US) 1690553;1501221931;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/D66BD3E6D5843299486762685574A2B4EBE7483F4CDF685FA439CDCBC8F93B84 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1752...6829 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (23-25-244-209-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net. US) 1690554;1501225311;BingoBoingo; (everyone else thinks caul births are a good omen. romanians, as usual, reverse.) << Perhaps it is all the sons of beggars fearing the crown? 1690555;1501229679;*;mircea_popescu tried to review sherlock holmes (in the shape of 1939 piece, with b rathebone). still can't understand how anyone can like it. dude's simply an exercise in contradictorianism. 1690556;1501229703;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo dood only reigned in one of 3 principalities though. 1690557;1501230435;mircea_popescu;and in other weird, i give you tx 4dafebe97c293ac14788be9a0b8b4f900831c7424467dc92c787daf83d90c37c, sole item in block 477915 1690558;1501230957;mircea_popescu;the item recurs, being seen eg in march https://pastebin.com/3DxSFArc as well as in nov past on bitcoin testnet https://archive.is/odxVd#selection-4629.0-4629.72 1690559;1501231619;mircea_popescu;and in unrelated random lulz : during ww1 the count of derby came up with a nutty scheme to pressure people into "volunteering" for service without actually calling a draft. in spite of involving every busybody that could be find, male and female, to pester and harass the general populace, 54% of married men and 38% of single men publicly refused to enlist thereby empirically measuring the mental power of a period wife to be 1690560;1501231619;mircea_popescu;worth ~half a man. 1690561;1501242068;ave1;I worked a bit on the musl ada script, it's now here: http://ave1.org/tarpit/ada-musl-cross-2017-07-24.tar.gz 1690562;1501242086;ave1;It now builds the 2016 GPL version by default 1690563;1501242114;ave1;I've tested it with different gnats but so far did not get the adainclude problem 1690564;1501250624;mircea_popescu;!!up FUD 1690565;1501250624;deedbot;FUD voiced for 30 minutes. 1690566;1501250675;mircea_popescu;ave1 which gnats did you test ? 1690567;1501250980;asciilifeform;ave1: neato, i'll test this today 1690568;1501251028;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-28#1690557 << dun seem like one of those magic dupe txids: it was mined on mainchain this one time 1690569;1501251028;a111;Logged on 2017-07-28 08:27 mircea_popescu: and in other weird, i give you tx 4dafebe97c293ac14788be9a0b8b4f900831c7424467dc92c787daf83d90c37c, sole item in block 477915 1690570;1501251109;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yes, in an empty block. enshrined if you will 1690571;1501251163;asciilifeform;lotsa empties 1690572;1501251199;mircea_popescu;what are we talking about here ? 1690573;1501251216;asciilifeform;blocks with only coinbase tx 1690574;1501251222;mircea_popescu;mno. 1690575;1501251224;asciilifeform;still an everyday thibng 1690576;1501251320;mircea_popescu;the topic of that line is "strange, unexplained bitfield, found unfunctionally in single tx block, and other places". 1690577;1501251544;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-25#1689981 << lmao totally missed this. 1690578;1501251544;a111;Logged on 2017-07-25 23:58 asciilifeform: replaces all mention of trilema with 'fraudster' 1690579;1501251560;mircea_popescu;dorkitude's pretention to the contrary never lasts too long, or how did shakespeare put it. 1690580;1501251926;mircea_popescu;in other news, asciilifeform http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/xqZ7z/?raw=true 1690581;1501252394;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: on it 1690582;1501252421;mircea_popescu;ah, and in other imperial lulz : ahmed ben bella, m boufiaf, ex presidents of algerian republic, as well as all sorts of algerian politicians -> prison de la sante, paris. 1690583;1501252439;mircea_popescu;not to mention various corsican independence "malfaiteurs" and so forth. 1690584;1501252571;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: fixed 1690585;1501252590;mircea_popescu;(such as colonna, more or less source of the old guy in http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=un+prophete ; at his conviction in 2012 the french equivalent of a federal court gave reasoning for its sentence, for the first time in french legal practice. cuz empire wanna be part of euroland.) 1690586;1501252771;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/uMj94/?raw=true 1690587;1501253673;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: re the tx earlier, it seems to be a thing specific to segshitness 1690588;1501253693;asciilifeform;( the op_return is somehow significant ) 1690589;1501253783;mircea_popescu;makes it even lulzier that they had to destroy the block space to save it. 1690590;1501253785;asciilifeform;more interestingly, the magic opreturn string seems to pop up among the ~litecoin~ derps, http://archive.is/UpWKL 1690591;1501253791;mircea_popescu;no, i know. 1690592;1501253804;mircea_popescu;various other altscams too. 1690593;1501253806;asciilifeform;( grep for aa21a9ede2f61c3f71d1defd3fa999dfa36953755c690689799962b48bebd836974e8cf9 ) 1690594;1501254099;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: fwiw it doesn't disasm to anything interesting 1690595;1501254120;mircea_popescu;no, i know. it doesn't do anything interesting ; perhaps a hash of some nonsense. 1690596;1501254139;asciilifeform;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/Qc0Rw/?raw=true << 'shellcode? nope, seems' 1690597;1501254146;asciilifeform;prolly 1690598;1501254168;shinohai;!~later tell jurov getting error "MPEx rejected cancellation of this order. Please retry in few minutes." on coinbr for 3 days now, please to investigate. 1690599;1501254168;jhvh1;shinohai: The operation succeeded. 1690600;1501254199;mircea_popescu;shinohai looking 1690601;1501254283;shinohai;Oh, could be on your end? kk 1690602;1501254291;mod6;asciilifeform: hmm 1690603;1501254334;mircea_popescu;if it keeps refusing his cancellations it can very well be. 1690604;1501254795;mircea_popescu;and in other maga, wisconsin agrees to pay foxconn 3bn to employ 3k local tards so trump can claim the chinos invest in the us now. 1690605;1501254811;mircea_popescu;this is some of the choicest lolz chop ever seen in teh field. 1690606;1501254844;mircea_popescu;(for the slow of maffs and usg bureaukratura : 3bn for 3k means 1mn per head. woulda been cheaper to shoot them.) 1690607;1501255015;mod6;the first time i start to see that Null Data for the coinbase tx is on block 476`174. 1690608;1501255023;mod6;~11 days ago 1690609;1501255107;mod6;but 477915 seems to be strange with that 'data_hex: aa21a9ede2f61c3f71d1defd3fa999dfa36953755c690689799962b48bebd836974e8cf9' & 'script_type: null-data' 1690610;1501255579;mod6;fwiw, p.bvulpes.com/pastes/C7K44/?raw=true 1690611;1501255620;mod6;bah, ignore this ^ 1690612;1501255622;mod6;sec... 1690613;1501255804;mod6;p.bvulpes.com/pastes/MRdh7/?raw=true 1690614;1501256406;mod6;p.bvulpes.com/pastes/SG2rC/?raw=true 1690615;1501256431;mod6;i reversed the bytes of the script ^ 1690616;1501256643;asciilifeform;mod6: it's soup 1690617;1501256657;mod6;doesnt look like much ya 1690618;1501256673;mod6;enter and lcall kinda got me thinkin though 1690619;1501256686;asciilifeform;mod6: it's soup 1690620;1501256701;mod6;i wonder wtf though 'eh? 1690621;1501256735;asciilifeform;mod6: familiar with what shellcode looks like ? 1690622;1501256737;asciilifeform;this ain't it. 1690623;1501256911;mod6;Ok nevermind. 1690624;1501258247;asciilifeform;!!up adlai 1690625;1501258247;deedbot;adlai voiced for 30 minutes. 1690626;1501258292;mircea_popescu;meanwhile @picnic, https://i.imgbox.com/dUjxg1Tb.jpg 1690627;1501258346;adlai;that transaction matches the template described here: https://archive.is/GPz8E#user-content-Commitment_structure 1690628;1501258367;asciilifeform;adlai: so what's it do ? 1690629;1501258378;asciilifeform;adlai: and why would it recur in various altcoins 1690630;1501258413;adlai;my guess, given that it recurs, is that it's how the commitment to an empty tree looks. what it does, is tell us that those miners are producing SW blocks but have nobody actually using SW 1690631;1501258444;adlai;some alts activated SW already, all the political pressure with nowhere to go in bitcoin, overflowed into, eg, litecoin 1690632;1501258518;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-28#1690589 1690633;1501258518;a111;Logged on 2017-07-28 14:56 mircea_popescu: makes it even lulzier that they had to destroy the block space to save it. 1690634;1501258564;mircea_popescu;FACT : the "space gain" that will be provided by "segregated witness" in its entire existence will not actually cover the full bitcoin blocks lost to date with the dicking about. 1690635;1501258590;asciilifeform;was anybody dumb enough to actually believe that it would ? 1690636;1501258602;asciilifeform;or that it has anything to do with saving space or some other vaguely constructive item 1690637;1501258605;mircea_popescu;marginally qntrable, if bb's short on lulz today. 1690638;1501258619;asciilifeform;plain ol' attack on the bitcoinicity of bitcoin. 1690639;1501258626;asciilifeform;'signatures are optional nao!111' 1690640;1501258641;mircea_popescu;they always were. 1690641;1501258653;mircea_popescu;meanwhile, online commerce is ~entirely incapable to proceed with the use of credit cards. 1690642;1501258656;asciilifeform;well yes. but nao with magical nonprotocolic constraints on what can be mined ! 1690643;1501258658;mircea_popescu;but are they switching to bitcoin ? 1690644;1501258663;mircea_popescu;oh, noes, gotta usg moar. 1690645;1501258669;asciilifeform;unwitnessed, or terrorism-listed tx, not mined, etc 1690646;1501258735;asciilifeform;this is why i still hold that the high-S thing was a victory for the enemy. 'you can make your tx, but NOBODY will mine it, and to even find out why you now need to import prbism' 1690647;1501258781;asciilifeform;all 'soft fork' are entirely the same thing: permissioned tx. 1690648;1501258807;mircea_popescu;what exactly "victory" ? for as long as ustards keep on pretending washington dc is "the capital" of some imaginary "sovereign country", they're more than welcome to... themselves... act if iti were. no more. 1690649;1501258824;mircea_popescu;for as long as miners mine only txn divisible by two, they're welcome to... mine them. 1690650;1501258854;asciilifeform;first 'divisible by two', but then 'non-terrorismlisted'. 1690651;1501258880;mircea_popescu;by your line of reasoning, http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-28#1690577 is "some sort of victory" idem. 1690652;1501258880;a111;Logged on 2017-07-28 14:19 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-25#1689981 << lmao totally missed this. 1690653;1501258884;mircea_popescu;what victory is it ? 1690654;1501258885;asciilifeform;'Сегодня он играет джаз, а завтра родину продаст' (tm)(r) 1690655;1501258914;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: gonna argue that kako is in same category as 51% of cnminers? 1690656;1501258933;mircea_popescu;wrt to the item of interest ? who the fuck cares what dood writes on his website. 1690657;1501258951;asciilifeform;next time mircea_popescu complains re tx not being mined for no detectable reason, i'ma point him to this thread 1690658;1501258959;mircea_popescu;obviously not the same size of stupidity. but the same KIND. which was the point here, category. 1690659;1501258984;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i'm not saying stupidity is not stupidity, you. i am saying, it is no sort of victory for the stupid. 1690660;1501258998;asciilifeform;in the sense where idiocy is eventually 'own punishment' - yes 1690661;1501259013;mircea_popescu;people gouging out their eyes to spite their nose aren't specifically winning "some kind of victory against noses" 1690662;1501259018;asciilifeform;but big enough idiot creates a crater , for other folx to fall into. 1690663;1501259029;mircea_popescu;this is how idiot craters fill, in nature. 1690664;1501259043;mircea_popescu;other idiots fall into, then spiders come and lay eggs, then moss eats the etc. eventually it's flat again. 1690665;1501259083;mircea_popescu;it's EXACTLY why you don't want to give ak to monkey, like afritard "soldiers" ; and also the whole fucking point behind http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-13#1683142 1690666;1501259083;a111;Logged on 2017-07-13 23:30 hanbot: andreicon> do share if you have link, pls >> https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=106391.msg1167765 1690667;1501259101;mircea_popescu;thermodynamics will eventually dispose ; how about you don't give blind nature too much kinetics. 1690668;1501259110;asciilifeform;http://www.sat.dundee.ac.uk/~arb/durc/songs/ilkley.html << see also. 1690669;1501259162;mircea_popescu;speaking of bonnie dundee, http://www.mcgonagall-online.org.uk/gems/lines-in-protest-to-the-dundee-magistrates 1690670;1501259179;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the monkey kalash, alas, was a film promotion. 1690671;1501259208;mircea_popescu;the hot topic nation has yet to come up with an original idea. 1690672;1501259217;mircea_popescu;this is recurring item in african campaigns of colonial powers. 1690673;1501259226;asciilifeform;ah these monkeys - yes 1690674;1501259436;mircea_popescu;meanwhile, the bimbo body : http://68.media.tumblr.com/b49be60c43be0d617064ddd1f55d0ff6/tumblr_o3z5efr3jK1u5gkkao2_500.gif 1690675;1501260398;mircea_popescu;anyway, the important, overarching point above is that the situation is not symmetrical. yes, the continued existence of the republic is, in and of itself, some kind of victory against socialism ; but no, the continued existence of socialism is no kind of victory, for it, or against the republic. 1690676;1501260451;mircea_popescu;the reason for the asymmetry is that socialism positively needs its unicity argument, as it has no others. without "ourdemocracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others [we're willing to consider, in a limited review intended to circularily "prove" the point]" there's no ourdemocracy. 1690677;1501260470;mircea_popescu;meanwhile the republic needs no such nonsense, as it prevails in the open air against the pantsuit decoctions. 1690678;1501260589;mircea_popescu;to remind : venice stood for a millenium. this is longer than the "thousand years reich" national-socialism managed ; it is longer than any french "republic" ever succeeded ; longer than the entire existence of the us by a factor of about three, notwithstanding the us didn't start out as a socialist state. 1690679;1501260634;mircea_popescu;it is, actually, about twice as long as rome stood, their idle pretense to millenarity notwithstanding. 1690680;1501260770;mircea_popescu;(rome became a socialist state with sulla ; or if you prefer marian reforms. this is about 4 centuries after the founding -- we're not about to credit the 750 date of the founding of the ~etruscan~ city) 1690681;1501262377;asciilifeform;sounds like 'the sea wins' thread aha 1690682;1501263831;BingoBoingo; (for the slow of maffs and usg bureaukratura : 3bn for 3k means 1mn per head. woulda been cheaper to shoot them.) << But lulziest to en-millionaire 3 kilobodies. So many bad decisions! 1690683;1501264073;BingoBoingo; marginally qntrable, if bb's short on lulz today. << Still surveying the world. Could be Qntra'd likeley a perfect fit for shinohai's WHoreticulture journal 1690684;1501264155;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo except, of course, there's not going to be 3k enmilionaired, but a little campaign contribution for wi whatevers and a little extra propo for the bezzle fortunes of w/e the fuck is the oligarch in charge. 1690685;1501264190;mircea_popescu;also, mccain defected gop ticket did he 1690686;1501264221;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Sure there are. Happens in hospital ER's across USia every day. Customer gets million dollars in credit and then ObuggeredCare 1690687;1501264255;BingoBoingo; also, mccain defected gop ticket did he << Him AND Graham and a rotating handful of marginal Senators 1690688;1501265840;asciilifeform;waiwat 1690689;1501265843;asciilifeform;switched parties?? 1690690;1501265990;BingoBoingo;"Killed" obamacare repeal 1690691;1501266022;BingoBoingo;Gotta cement that "maverick" legacy before phylactery finally rots 1690692;1501266138;asciilifeform;elsewhewre in sunny monkeystan, 'A suspected bank robber, in the buff, was captured on cellphone video making a run for it in Fort Lauderdale. ... Users on social media posted video of the naked man attempting to flee. One user said the suspect was throwing out $100 and $50 bills.' 1690693;1501266882;mircea_popescu;"nobody bothered to pick them up, because http://trilema.com/sad-times-in-the-fiat-empire-apparently-you-cant-give-the-dollar-away-these-days yet nobody '''appears to have noticed''' this because $reasons" 1690694;1501266904;asciilifeform;nuffin in the beobachter re whether anyone picked up 1690695;1501266916;asciilifeform;( why wouldn't they ) 1690696;1501267219;mircea_popescu;why WOULD they.\ 1690697;1501267229;mircea_popescu;would you ? ask around. would anyone you know ? 1690698;1501267229;asciilifeform;i have nfi what planet mircea_popescu is posting from 1690699;1501267250;mircea_popescu;so, if dude is running down the street throwing benji confeti, you pick up ? 1690700;1501267273;asciilifeform;possibly 1690701;1501267295;mircea_popescu;i tell you i dun see it, but if you say i'll beleive. 1690702;1501267347;asciilifeform;why, is mircea_popescu aware of a d00d who sat in jail for picking up ? 1690703;1501267408;mircea_popescu;not specifically. 1690704;1501267702;asciilifeform;i'd be curious under what article in penal code, it'd be. 1690705;1501267760;asciilifeform;or is it moar of a 'Докажи, что ты не верблюд!' (tm)(r). 1690706;1501267792;asciilifeform;( orig.: 'Бегущего зайца спрашивают: “Куда ты, косой, бежишь? ” - “Да, говорят, что скоро верблюдов будут стричь, вот я и бегу в милицию записаться, что я - заяц”. - “Какое же тебе дело до верблюдов - ведь ты заяц?! ” - “Ну да, - 1690707;1501267798;asciilifeform;как схватят, да начнут стричь, - а потом доказывай, что ты не верблюд! ”') 1690708;1501267802;mircea_popescu;accessory after the fact ; or else obstruction of justice ; but in practice a cop will just come and steal all your shit, like the ever friendly usg-comissioner stealing bogart's money in passage to marseille. 1690709;1501267873;asciilifeform;'a hare is seen running like mad, 'where are you running?' -- 'they say they'll be shaving camels soon, so i am on my way to police station, to register as a hare.' 'why do you give a damn what will happen to camels, you are a hare' 'well, they'll grab me, start shaving, then go and prove that you ain't a camel' ' 1690710;1501267894;mircea_popescu;rather. 1690711;1501268185;mircea_popescu;bah, i mean "to have and have not", not passage to marseilles. apparently the cheapo war flicks are running together into one large casablanca. 1690712;1501268555;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in great natures, https://s23.postimg.org/3rf13ty3d/wallhaven-222467.jpg 1690713;1501268556;mircea_popescu;!!up ascii_wtf 1690714;1501268557;deedbot;ascii_wtf voiced for 30 minutes. 1690715;1501268571;ascii_wtf;sooo seems like my bouncer died, from magicpacket or similar 1690716;1501268578;ascii_wtf;ending yr or so of uptime 1690717;1501268629;mircea_popescu;aww 1690718;1501268635;ascii_wtf;zoolag ( same box ) also down until i can physically get to where it lives. 1690719;1501268645;ascii_wtf;( monday or tues at the earliest. ) 1690720;1501268684;mircea_popescu;maybe the fans fibally got clogged in dust 1690721;1501268693;ascii_wtf;fanless machine 1690722;1501268701;mircea_popescu;a 1690723;1501268794;BingoBoingo;Fins covered in dust? 1690724;1501268855;ascii_wtf;not as of last wk 1690725;1501269365;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2017/arachnofobia-inductor/ << Trilema - Arachnofobia inductor 1690726;1501270561;ag3nt_zer0;greetings TMSR 1690727;1501270912;ag3nt_zer0;perhaps its out of my current range of understanding, but might someone point me in the direction that I may grasp how the hell a keypair created on an airgapped computer has relevance in the actual online network...? Applied Cryptography (blue) is en route so perhaps that will help but in meantime thought I would ask here as no luck with searches - don't even know what terms would bring that up... 1690728;1501270982;asciilifeform;what means 'has relevance in the actual online network' ?? 1690729;1501271043;phf;i think the question is "how is that i can generate a wallet offline/airgapped without telling anyone, but then it magically works on real network" 1690730;1501271044;ag3nt_zer0;I guess my lame-o speculation is that a keypair somehow needs to have access to the network to "exist" 1690731;1501271053;asciilifeform;WHY?! 1690732;1501271057;asciilifeform;can exist on paper 1690733;1501271062;asciilifeform;or anywhere 1690734;1501271076;asciilifeform;does the number 7 need 'access to network' in order to 'exist' ?! 1690735;1501271097;phf;presumably the answer is "you make it exist by spending to a public key" 1690736;1501271294;phf;(and until you do its nature as a wallet can be debated philosophically. i think majority of tmsr is platonists, so there exists an infinitive number of wallets to which you can spend whether or not anyone has possession of them. you can though discover a wallet through the process of key generation) 1690737;1501271307;asciilifeform;phf: it wasn't clear to me that he was discussing bitcoin 1690738;1501271333;phf;i think it's a continuation of his "how do i keep my coins safe without running full node" question 1690739;1501271343;asciilifeform;( he mentioned 'applied crypto' which is a schoolbook that pre-dates subj, for instance) 1690740;1501271346;ag3nt_zer0;phf is this so because there can only be absolutely (1) corresponding private key to any given public key, no matter whether created on mars in the sand or in the computer on earth? 1690741;1501271376;ag3nt_zer0;because mathematics is absolute? or this math is? 1690742;1501271378;asciilifeform;ag3nt_zer0: in a well-designed public key cryptosystem -- yes 1690743;1501271398;asciilifeform;in a boobytrapped system - potentially 2, 3, infinity keys 1690744;1501271489;ag3nt_zer0;ok thanks... hmmm since you just indicated that applied crypto predates and answer to this question might you have anything to recommend off the top of your head for reading that I might get a more sturdy conceptual footing here? 1690745;1501271510;ag3nt_zer0;predates an answer 1690746;1501271684;asciilifeform;ag3nt_zer0: try to formulate more exactly what it is you are interested in finding out 1690747;1501271745;phf;i've not actually read applied cryptography but if it has a section on public key cryptography it should demonstrate the "there can only be absolutely (1) corresponding private key to any given public key", but i guess in order to have certainty about the mechanism you should be reading books on number theory 1690748;1501271793;asciilifeform;phf: this is true re rsa but potentially false re ecc 1690749;1501271815;phf;i don't understand ecc :( 1690750;1501271857;phf;i make periodic attempts at it every once in a while, and every time i have to go further back in my mathematics education 1690751;1501271884;asciilifeform;phf: same 1690752;1501271913;asciilifeform;i suspect that the basic component ( the choice of curve ) is not actually ~understood~ 1690753;1501271920;asciilifeform;at least by anyone who publicly documented. 1690754;1501271927;asciilifeform;it is voodoo. 1690755;1501271930;ag3nt_zer0;hmmmm ok phf and asciilifeform thanks very much... I am thinking I don't even know what a computer is, philosophically... not grokking the fundamentals of LOGIC and physics - fish in water... what the hell IS a computer I guess I need to find out 1690756;1501271948;asciilifeform;ag3nt_zer0: player piano with a conditional reverse gear 1690757;1501271972;asciilifeform;^ would have made sense to, e.g., mark twain. 1690758;1501271983;ag3nt_zer0;hehe 1690759;1501272186;ag3nt_zer0;anyone know of a good, or the good, metaphysics of computers or computation book? 1690760;1501272408;BingoBoingo;Perhaps start with Aristotle's Physics? 1690761;1501272471;phf;oh i was just taking a piss, because of asciilifeform's reaction. i don't think you have to go esoteric. i don't know of any books, but early lisp related research had plenty of "metaphysics of computing" papers of varied quality that will probably be easily demolished by any real philosopher. i don't know your level of knowledge but perhaps a "introduction to programming" book would do 1690762;1501272539;phf;for example https://mitpress.mit.edu/sicp/full-text/book/book.html is a classic book on the subject 1690763;1501272569;ag3nt_zer0;BingoBoingo, phf thanks 1690764;1501272641;phf;besides applied cryptography comes with C examples and to presupposes all kinds of knowledge that you probably don't have. since you already ordered it, and was planning on going through it, do so, and that'll show you where you might need to go from there 1690765;1501272734;phf;(it will not be a waste to do so; an alternative reading suggestion will only be necessary if applied crypto is too dense and you're too lazy/undisciplined to fully commit to it) 1690766;1501272923;ag3nt_zer0;phf ok sounds good thx again... 1690767;1501272946;ag3nt_zer0;heh this reminds me of TMSR: "E.W. Dijkstra who suggested IT companies not to hire programmers without a suitable knowledge in Latin." 1690768;1501272966;ag3nt_zer0;from: http://www.mathema.com/philosophy/metafisica/is-metaphysics-relevant-to-computer-science/ 1690769;1501274669;ag3nt_zer0;and this is an excellent album imo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpMfZPAc1kg&list=PLvAMs0JjDSO6GOR6VGbSVA3VbKKQQmAIU 1690770;1501275098;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2017/07/california-has-a-weed-problem/ << Qntra - California Has A Weed Problem 1690771;1501275432;ag3nt_zer0;can't even name a favorite track on that album - but a number of them are just incredible examples of his maturing skills and mastery of his niche... after listening to this album on repeat for the last two years I was totally shocked at the suicide news - made zero sense to me... it's a bit disconcerting to see those who helped inspire me to try to live a purposeful and meaningful life offing themselves 1690772;1501275790;mircea_popescu;this has been a weird read. 1690773;1501275900;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-28#1690752 << i thought this was the basic agreement. 1690774;1501275900;a111;Logged on 2017-07-28 19:58 asciilifeform: i suspect that the basic component ( the choice of curve ) is not actually ~understood~ 1690775;1501279095;BingoBoingo;!!up geekshop 1690776;1501279095;deedbot;geekshop voiced for 30 minutes. 1690777;1501279106;BingoBoingo;geekshop: WHo is your daddy and what does he do? 1690778;1501280774;shinohai;In Roger Ver whining over lost monies deja vu's: https://twitter.com/rogerkver/status/891059229632614400 1690779;1501286083;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2017/07/trumps-grand-old-purge-continues-establishment-legacy-appointee-priebus-out/ << Qntra - Trump's Grand Old Purge Continues: Establishment Legacy Appointee Priebus Out 1690780;1501293404;mircea_popescu;in other lulz, russia is confiscating us real estate in moscow in retaliation to us confiscating ru property in dc. 1690781;1501297704;mircea_popescu;!!up bb5656 1690782;1501297705;deedbot;bb5656 voiced for 30 minutes. 1690783;1501300915;BingoBoingo;"State-owned companies are reasonably common. Average income is 38,599 Coils, and evenly distributed, with the richest citizens earning only 3.2 times as much as the poorest." << OMG mircea_popescu Your wealth gap is closing!!! 1690784;1501301539;BingoBoingo;Today's meditation http://trilema.com/2016/the-darkening/ 1690785;1501302073;mircea_popescu;o noes ? 1690786;1501302743;BingoBoingo;Gotta have moar inequalitit 1690787;1501303734;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/1CE97661A3CE873AA6D23CE8FE7F4EE2799B8D304E4BEBFB26CECB4E968AD04E << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1350...0563 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (h1339032.stratoserver.net. DE BE) 1690788;1501303734;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/1CE97661A3CE873AA6D23CE8FE7F4EE2799B8D304E4BEBFB26CECB4E968AD04E << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1500...8157 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (h1339032.stratoserver.net. DE BE) 1690789;1501306548;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all 1690790;1501306556;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 2735.0, vol: 14404.64153817 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 2732.8, vol: 37801.09688667 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 2776.265716, vol: 19105.29680000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 2737.0, vol: 9657.48869009 | Volume-weighted last average: 2743.94849358 1690791;1501307151;ag3nt_zer0;greetings ben_vulpes I am trying to add a comment to this: http://cascadianhacker.com/how-to-actually-learn-programming and getting this: http://cascadianhacker.com/wp-comments-post.php is that normal? 1690792;1501344505;ag3nt_zer0;Ask Roger lulz: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1KFCc8xBD6Q 1690793;1501344684;mircea_popescu;!#s rothbard 1690794;1501344685;a111;20 results for "rothbard", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=rothbard 1690795;1501356407;ben_vulpes;ag3nt_zer0: not desired behavior, no, thanks for pointing it out 1690796;1501356492;ag3nt_zer0;np thx for putting that page together 1690797;1501356544;ag3nt_zer0;ben_vulpes ^ 1690798;1501361388;whaack;!~later tell BingoBoingo: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/wjr9m/?raw=true 1690799;1501361388;jhvh1;whaack: The operation succeeded. 1690800;1501364342;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2017/the-ethics-of-liberty-by-murray-n-rothbard-adnotated-part-i-natural-law-and-reason/ << Trilema - The Ethics of Liberty, by Murray N Rothbard. Adnotated. Part I (Natural Law and Reason) 1690801;1501367298;mircea_popescu;!!up finitemaz 1690802;1501367299;deedbot;finitemaz voiced for 30 minutes. 1690803;1501368142;finitemaz;Hello! Found myself reading through logs for 4 hours today lol 1690804;1501368158;finitemaz;after reading some of AnonyMint's material 1690805;1501368183;shinohai;lolz @ Anonymint 1690806;1501368316;finitemaz;is he known here? 1690807;1501368403;shinohai;I remember his posts from tardstalk, about it. 1690808;1501368428;shinohai;As he does not exist in WoT, then is not person as far as I am concerned. 1690809;1501368643;finitemaz;Lol, I actually did search for him in there 1690810;1501369049;mod6;hai 1690811;1501369118;shinohai;!!up finitemaz 1690812;1501369118;deedbot;finitemaz voiced for 30 minutes. 1690813;1501373467;BingoBoingo;lo-l http://qntra.net/2017/07/a-quick-faq-about-the-not-bitcoin-fork-bitcoin-cash/#comment-106422 1690814;1501373765;BingoBoingo;ty whaack 1690815;1501373851;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2017/07/coinbase-begins-trading-vacation-with-your-coins-early/ << Qntra - Coinbase Begins Trading Vacation With "Your" Coins Early 1690816;1501374157;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo answer't. 1690817;1501374200;BingoBoingo;tyvm http://qntra.net/2017/07/a-quick-faq-about-the-not-bitcoin-fork-bitcoin-cash/#comment-106450 1690818;1501374288;shinohai;!~later tell finitemaz See the above in response to your PM ^ 1690819;1501374288;jhvh1;shinohai: The operation succeeded. 1690820;1501374418;BingoBoingo;!!up Birdman Are you ready to test the waters on this side of the Republic yet? 1690821;1501374419;deedbot;Birdman voiced for 30 minutes. 1690822;1501374454;Birdman;whatcha mean 1690823;1501374506;BingoBoingo;Well, you've been join/parting for a while? Mebbe test your ability to talk every now and then. 1690824;1501374523;BingoBoingo;Or level up your bouncer? 1690825;1501374562;Birdman;i've nothing of importance to add around here 1690826;1501374608;BingoBoingo;Mebbe introduce yourself again? It's been a while. How great again are you this year? 1690827;1501374794;asciilifeform;'Outgoing BTC Transactions Delayed' << lol!! 1690828;1501374820;Birdman; I'm birdman, live in US, know danielpbarron irl, play eulora infrequently as of late, idk 1690829;1501374823;asciilifeform;goxlag archipelag. 1690830;1501374957;BingoBoingo;Birdman: That sounds like a lot of existential dread. 1690831;1501374982;Birdman;Right, thats why im not sure you asked lol. Isn't the concrete stuff found in the WoT anyways 1690832;1501375048;BingoBoingo;Well, that's a very meta epistemic question. 1690833;1501375101;BingoBoingo;The concrete stuff is usually found in the building materials department. 1690834;1501375114;BingoBoingo;trowels, backer rod, etc 1690835;1501375118;BingoBoingo;!!up mgoetze 1690836;1501375119;deedbot;mgoetze voiced for 30 minutes. 1690837;1501375127;mgoetze;good evening sirs 1690838;1501375130;BingoBoingo;mgoetze: Who is your daddy and what does he do? 1690839;1501375153;BingoBoingo;Someone's on their game http://qntra.net/2017/07/a-quick-faq-about-the-not-bitcoin-fork-bitcoin-cash/#comment-106451 1690840;1501375199;mgoetze;my dad is a retired engineer, and he enjoys his garden, a local culture club and a few beers every now and then 1690841;1501375287;mgoetze;if it is about the usual procedure here, i am aware about it 1690842;1501375326;mgoetze;currently contemplating running a tmsr node 1690843;1501375361;BingoBoingo;Ah, he harvest anything interesting yet? 1690844;1501375396;mircea_popescu;mgoetze do you have a pgp key ? 1690845;1501375402;mgoetze;yes, he harvests quite a substantial collective of herbs 1690846;1501375421;mgoetze;mircea_popescu: yes i do 1690847;1501375462;mircea_popescu;so put it in p.bvulpes.com/ and go !!register 1690848;1501375475;mircea_popescu;the public key i mean. 1690849;1501375485;mgoetze;sure thing 1690850;1501375524;mgoetze;how long would until i know that it cannot be phuctored ? 1690851;1501375532;BingoBoingo; the public key i mean. << AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA you have to specify now after the incident 1690852;1501375540;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo ikr ? 1690853;1501375547;BingoBoingo;mgoetze: Hard to say 1690854;1501375549;mircea_popescu;mgoetze you don't know that. you'll know if it is, though 1690855;1501375554;mircea_popescu;deedbot drops a line here. 1690856;1501375561;mgoetze;surei have seen it 1690857;1501375919;mgoetze;one question about the taxes 1690858;1501375994;mgoetze;does 'pay a tax in sum of 0.1% or a hundred thousand satoshi per full Bitcoin realised' define the method of realisation ? 1690859;1501376046;mgoetze;as in do you care how i realise ? 1690860;1501376219;mircea_popescu;not really. 1690861;1501376240;mircea_popescu;nobody's going to do your taxes for you. 1690862;1501376247;mgoetze;beautiful... 1690863;1501376280;mgoetze;as for then, let me sleep over it..... 1690864;1501376366;mgoetze;bowsandleaves 1690865;1501377498;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform can't find the original discussion re prison noobs playing cards for a fuffle aka buttfuck. dja recall ? 1690866;1501379209;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=from%3Aasciilifeform+%D1%84%D1%83%D1%84%D0%BB%D0%BE 1690867;1501379226;mircea_popescu;a ty! 1690868;1501379234;asciilifeform;np. 1690869;1501379255;asciilifeform;e.g. http://btcbase.org/log/2013-12-25#431156 1690870;1501379255;a111;Logged on 2013-12-25 21:00 asciilifeform: new prisoner is asked to gamble, he asks what the stakes will be, told: 1690871;1501379287;mircea_popescu;in other news, rothbard is getting massacred. 1690872;1501379336;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: didntcha already do him ? 1690873;1501379341;asciilifeform;or hm, that was mises 1690874;1501379353;mircea_popescu;i thought i had ; but then i searched and found nothing. 1690875;1501379358;asciilifeform;miserothbardawles is all 1 beast in my head 1690876;1501379381;asciilifeform;belowed by certain... subculture 1690877;1501379384;asciilifeform;*beloved 1690878;1501379593;*;asciilifeform bbl 1690879;1501380597;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2013-12-25#431157 << i've heard that one in a dozen of different variations (for example instead of фуфло "на просто так" which is as innocent as it gets). there's the whole genre of ru fiction "prison survival for newb", the gist of it is that supposedly you can fake the "correct" answer to "кто ты по жизни" so you won't be harassed. of course the whole framing is nonsense, and if you're reading it it 1690880;1501380597;a111;Logged on 2013-12-25 21:00 asciilifeform: 'фуфло' 1690881;1501380598;phf;'s for you. 1690882;1501380759;phf;i wonder if the narrative shares mythic dimension with the various "sure proof ways of dealing with a devil if you chance meeting him on the road" narratives of 100+ years prior 1690883;1501380954;mircea_popescu;it sure as fuck shares mystic dimensions with the whole "just give me the facts" "i fucking love science". 1690884;1501380964;mircea_popescu;mysticism is now what it always was : the adolescent's refuge. 1690885;1501381027;mircea_popescu;aka "this one secret mp doesn't want you to know about how to enlarge your brain without doing any reading". 1690886;1501385783;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform who the hell made that excellent point about the possible types of planar symmetries and the small count of human civilisations that discover all ? 1690887;1501386128;mircea_popescu;!!up ascii_modem 1690888;1501386128;deedbot;ascii_modem voiced for 30 minutes. 1690889;1501386149;ascii_modem;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-30#1690886 << steve dutch 1690890;1501386149;a111;Logged on 2017-07-30 03:36 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform who the hell made that excellent point about the possible types of planar symmetries and the small count of human civilisations that discover all ? 1690891;1501386154;mircea_popescu;ah yes! 1690892;1501386174;ascii_modem;'why does anti-intellectualism exist' iirc 1690893;1501386238;mircea_popescu;https://www.uwgb.edu/dutchs/PSEUDOSC/WhyAntiInt.htm 1690894;1501386312;ascii_modem;aha! 1690895;1501386318;ascii_modem;it. 1690896;1501386396;mircea_popescu;tyvm 1690897;1501388538;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform who had that great story about the three dorks in a garage inventing a super-efficient engine over 20 years of playing around throiugh the process of miss-measuring torque ? 1690898;1501388606;mircea_popescu;!!up ascii_modem 1690899;1501388606;deedbot;ascii_modem voiced for 30 minutes. 1690900;1501388634;mircea_popescu;this is almost like hte power of prayer. 1690901;1501388644;ascii_modem;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-30#1690897 << lol, you did, it was in the logs 1690902;1501388644;a111;Logged on 2017-07-30 04:22 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform who had that great story about the three dorks in a garage inventing a super-efficient engine over 20 years of playing around throiugh the process of miss-measuring torque ? 1690903;1501388666;mircea_popescu;but i was quoting one of your engineer folk. uncle al maybe ? 1690904;1501388682;mircea_popescu;i can't fucking find it again ;/ 1690905;1501388722;ascii_modem;mno, iirc this was the 3cycle engine thread 1690906;1501388864;ascii_modem;Or no 1690907;1501388868;ascii_modem;opposed piston 1690908;1501388916;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-17#1657460 << ? ah! right, reciprocating 1690909;1501388916;a111;Logged on 2017-05-17 16:52 ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: a three stroke engine?! 1690910;1501388947;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2014-11-02#907325 1690911;1501388947;a111;Logged on 2014-11-02 22:53 mircea_popescu: http://33.media.tumblr.com/02482ca023c5894b4d1d3cdf7f545300/tumblr_n8y2t9xTfN1tzuecno1_500.gif <<< aaaaaaaaand the reciprocating engine. 1690912;1501388949;mircea_popescu;heh. wtf is it. 1690913;1501389325;ascii_modem;so far only found http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-14#1655749 1690914;1501389325;a111;Logged on 2017-05-14 14:43 asciilifeform: some engine sound great on paper, but painful in practice 1690915;1501389336;ascii_modem;which alludes to original thread 1690916;1501390401;mircea_popescu;hm. 1690917;1501390403;mircea_popescu;!!up asciilifeform 1690918;1501390404;deedbot;asciilifeform voiced for 30 minutes. 1690919;1501390683;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/BF396129352CA6E9EE4EFB41E45E95DD7D897D37F1BE5C2967021050AE4BB497 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1414...0003 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown AU) 1690920;1501390683;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/BF396129352CA6E9EE4EFB41E45E95DD7D897D37F1BE5C2967021050AE4BB497 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1702...8679 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown AU) 1690921;1501391752;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/A05182865DD5AFE3D880718C70F337516EC28E148D66D9C300CEF202875A29BE << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1454...5623 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (u5625.netangels.ru. RU) 1690922;1501391752;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/A05182865DD5AFE3D880718C70F337516EC28E148D66D9C300CEF202875A29BE << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1763...7079 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (u5625.netangels.ru. RU) 1690923;1501391907;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2017/the-ethics-of-liberty-by-murray-n-rothbard-adnotated-part-ii-natural-law-as-science/ << Trilema - The Ethics of Liberty, by Murray N Rothbard. Adnotated. Part II (Natural Law as "Science") 1690924;1501395497;BingoBoingo; which alludes to original thread << Remebering ealier discussion happened, now suppose new though to etiquette of linking prior log while generating new log will emerge organically 1690925;1501395698;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo i still haven't found it, ftr. 1690926;1501397700;mircea_popescu;in other news, i can't fucking belive nobody has made a Book of Ulterior Doom, consisting of McGonagall poems with Thomas Kinkade illustrations. 1690927;1501424536;shinohai;!!up finitemaz 1690928;1501424536;deedbot;finitemaz voiced for 30 minutes. 1690929;1501425518;shinohai;!~ticker --market all 1690930;1501425531;jhvh1;shinohai: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 2686.0, vol: 11813.63466892 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 2701.6, vol: 27317.07843829 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 2767.66, vol: 6775.85220000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 2740.008, vol: 5280.32601628 | Volume-weighted last average: 2710.70637167 1690931;1501437886;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-17#1671683 << In other news, apparently coolant dyes don't mean anything anymore 1690932;1501437886;a111;Logged on 2017-06-17 21:27 mod6: <+BingoBoingo> i bought a can of coolant, it's FLUORESCENT GREEN << he dye is to tell you which of several incompatible types of coolant it is. Mixing GREEN and ORANGE coolant is a good way to introduce rust to one's engine block cooling passages. << iirc, all vehicles pre-1995 or so used the green coolant. 1690933;1501437898;mircea_popescu;a ? 1690934;1501437901;mircea_popescu;!!up guest846723 1690935;1501437902;deedbot;guest846723 voiced for 30 minutes. 1690936;1501438084;BingoBoingo;Holy fuck we are about as close to TMSR Wagon as we were to TRB in 2013 given all this engine talk 1690937;1501438182;phf;"Darpa Wants to Build a BS Detector for Science (wired.com)" 1690938;1501438224;phf;"Must answer questions before posting comments to prove you understand news (independent.co.uk)" 1690939;1501438284;mod6;<+BingoBoingo> http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-17#1671683 << In other news, apparently coolant dyes don't mean anything anymore << ah. well, i guess my car knowledge has fallen off since 96 1690940;1501438284;a111;Logged on 2017-06-17 21:27 mod6: <+BingoBoingo> i bought a can of coolant, it's FLUORESCENT GREEN << he dye is to tell you which of several incompatible types of coolant it is. Mixing GREEN and ORANGE coolant is a good way to introduce rust to one's engine block cooling passages. << iirc, all vehicles pre-1995 or so used the green coolant. 1690941;1501438321;mircea_popescu;phf hopefulyl they end up with "must submit a news story before eating a news story" stone soup. 1690942;1501438585;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-12#1519329 << Excellent alfnalogy 1690943;1501438585;a111;Logged on 2016-08-12 16:05 asciilifeform: 'suppose you drive down the highway and you suddenly want to go some nice place you saw just before you pass a forest. you veer off the road, plunge into the wilderness and promptly decide that you need four-wheel drive, a huge cutting device in front of your car, much better shock absorbers, a bigger engine that could actually run on swamp water instead of getting all drowned, and then need an amphibious vehicle to get across the r 1690944;1501440143;BingoBoingo;!!up liquidassets 1690945;1501440143;deedbot;liquidassets voiced for 30 minutes. 1690946;1501440286;liquidassets;I miss that small window of time when I could !up myself 1690947;1501440362;liquidassets;Greetings BingoBoingo, alass not much to contribute here.. 1690948;1501440389;BingoBoingo;Well you showed up, though mebbe you might have some new news 1690949;1501440436;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2017/the-ethics-of-liberty-by-murray-n-rothbard-adnotated-part-iii-natural-law-versus-positive-law/ << Trilema - The Ethics of Liberty, by Murray N Rothbard. Adnotated. Part III (Natural Law versus Positive Law) 1690950;1501441157;BingoBoingo;https://www.uwgb.edu/dutchs/PSEUDOSC/LiberalConsp.HTM 1690951;1501444436;mod6;<3 blkcut 1690952;1501446475;mircea_popescu;hehe nb bb 1690953;1501446635;mircea_popescu;and in other ingloryholes, http://68.media.tumblr.com/a120908f9848e77904f250de80f9ec61/tumblr_mrraajE2SL1syobifo1_500.png 1690954;1501447015;shinohai;!!up luny 1690955;1501447015;deedbot;luny voiced for 30 minutes. 1690956;1501452249;shinohai; "Putin to expel 75 US Diplomats" lol 1690957;1501452378;mod6;755 looks like 1690958;1501452388;shinohai;Yeah sorry I missed a 5 1690959;1501452415;shinohai;Or 680 1690960;1501452417;shinohai;lol 1690961;1501452478;mod6;heheh 1690962;1501452658;midnightmagic;\o/ yay 1690963;1501452720;midnightmagic;mircea_popescu: Just wanted to say thanks for the diversions 1690964;1501452727;mircea_popescu;hm ? 1690965;1501452751;midnightmagic;http://trilema.com/2013/the-story-of-pointless-and-witless/ 1690966;1501452788;mircea_popescu;ah 1690967;1501455691;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2017/the-ethics-of-liberty-by-murray-n-rothbard-adnotated-part-iv-natural-law-and-natural-rights/ << Trilema - The Ethics of Liberty, by Murray N Rothbard. Adnotated. Part IV (Natural Law and Natural Rights) 1690968;1501463098;mircea_popescu;!!up ascii_modem 1690969;1501463098;deedbot;ascii_modem voiced for 30 minutes. 1690970;1501463103;mircea_popescu;!!up User705 1690971;1501463103;deedbot;User705 voiced for 30 minutes. 1690972;1501463106;mircea_popescu;!!up finitemaz 1690973;1501463107;deedbot;finitemaz voiced for 30 minutes. 1690974;1501463110;ascii_modem;hiya mircea_popescu 1690975;1501463119;mircea_popescu;how goes 1690976;1501463142;ascii_modem;breathing clean air, it is great 1690977;1501463156;ascii_modem;0 mosquitoes also 1690978;1501463190;ascii_modem;soy fields grow here, tribute paid to pekin 1690979;1501463231;ascii_modem;also comba-squaring worx nao. 1690980;1501463238;mircea_popescu;o hey. 1690981;1501463267;ascii_modem;nao for karatsuba squaring case. and that's mostly it. 1690982;1501463300;User705;hi all 1690983;1501463305;ascii_modem;( we could even dispense with all of these and save loc. but it's 2x speedup 'for free' to have square cases ) 1690984;1501463339;ascii_modem;i also discovered how to write comba such that the only branch is the loop branch 1690985;1501463369;ascii_modem;this makes it very easily unrollable and also plays very nicely with branchpredicting iron 1690986;1501463378;mircea_popescu;a! 1690987;1501463442;ascii_modem;also read mircea_popescu's new series. i gotta learn where he buys his gas masks, i was never able to stomach even this amt of rothbard anglotardism, even for entomological work 1690988;1501463469;mircea_popescu;my mother dropped me in the shtix as an infant. 1690989;1501463476;mircea_popescu;as long as i don't read with my ankle i'm fine. 1690990;1501463545;User705;thought qntra or logs would cover the cryptsy judgment iirc this is first time a "legal" claim got laid to just a BTC address 1690991;1501463587;mircea_popescu;did you write it up ? 1690992;1501463613;ascii_modem;User705: why not counting sr case ? 1690993;1501463623;User705;that wasn't a claim 1690994;1501463629;User705;They already took the BTC 1690995;1501463657;ascii_modem;iirc there was set of addrs which - not 1690996;1501463662;User705;Judge in cryptsy suit ruled that the plaintiffs own the BTC in addresses they have no keys to 1690997;1501463703;mircea_popescu;pretty lulzy. 1690998;1501463762;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in piano lessons, http://68.media.tumblr.com/27fec73373291321cabc4c025d2fcce0/tumblr_oag9fzZVlT1vvpxd2o1_500.gif 1690999;1501463885;mircea_popescu;ascii_modem anyway, i'm sort of hoping that he becomes interesting once he gets out of the "introductory" phase. 1691000;1501463886;User705;On both ends lulzy the whole thing of you now own things I don't really own and the plaintiffs asking to get back a valuable thing that wouldn't be worth shit if you could get it back that way. The cryptsy dude should just send the court a letter stating I release all rights to those addresses to you as a satisfaction of judgement. Best of luck. 1691001;1501463924;ascii_modem;mircea_popescu: afaik whole thing is quite like the cited part 1691002;1501463968;ascii_modem;User705: do you know the hajja nasredin stories ? 1691003;1501463970;mircea_popescu;User705 nobody is seriously proposing a fiat court outside of tmsr jurisdiction has any leg to stand on. 1691004;1501463975;ascii_modem;the one with the baker, say 1691005;1501463984;BingoBoingo; soy fields grow here, tribute paid to pekin << Where? 1691006;1501463987;mircea_popescu;!#s "sound of money" 1691007;1501463988;a111;0 results for "\"sound of money\"", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%22sound%20of%20money%22 1691008;1501463990;mircea_popescu;hm. 1691009;1501464010;ascii_modem;BingoBoingo: delaware 1691010;1501464034;BingoBoingo;Ah, though maybe Pekin, Illinois and wondering what you were smoking with no mosquitoes claim 1691011;1501464045;ascii_modem;lol 1691012;1501464119;BingoBoingo; On both ends lulzy the whole thing of you now own things I don't really own and the plaintiffs asking to get back a valuable thing that wouldn't be worth shit if you could get it back that way. The cryptsy dude should just send the court a letter stating I release all rights to those addresses to you as a satisfaction of judgement. Best of luck. << Nah, this is how "family court" works 1691013;1501464134;User705;ascii_modem: no but will look it up 1691014;1501464138;ascii_modem;User705: nasredin stands by baker's shop , taking in the smell of freshly made bread. baker demands payment! 1691015;1501464145;ascii_modem;they end up before a judge 1691016;1501464157;ascii_modem;judge : 'he ate any bread?' 1691017;1501464169;User705;Heard that one. He jingles the coins. Didn't know it was him 1691018;1501464175;ascii_modem;baker : 'no, but breathed the smell' 1691019;1501464190;ascii_modem;judge : 'so pay him with jingle of coins' 1691020;1501464192;ascii_modem;aha. 1691021;1501464221;mircea_popescu;pretty sure i recounted this with juicy ass "student" avoiding one rape to get the other. 1691022;1501464243;ascii_modem;let's hear that one 1691023;1501464256;ascii_modem;( or is in log ? ) 1691024;1501464270;mircea_popescu;"baker says i have to let him fuck me because i can't pay for having smelled his bread!" "well... would you prefer to let me fuck you for having paid him by jingling my purse ?" 1691025;1501464285;mircea_popescu;^ history of "gender relations" to date. 1691026;1501464323;mircea_popescu;ascii_modem i'm sure it's somewhere but who the hell knows anymore where anytrhing is! 1691027;1501464353;ascii_modem;lolyes 1691028;1501464371;*;ascii_modem bbl 1691029;1501464413;BingoBoingo;!!up deep-book-gk 1691030;1501464414;deedbot;deep-book-gk voiced for 30 minutes. 1691031;1501464433;BingoBoingo;deep-book-gk: What jungle hell hole do you live in that has such poor conectivitit? 1691032;1501464441;mircea_popescu;you gotta be kidding me. too disinterested to actually participate, but interested enough to avoid bans, 1691033;1501464512;mircea_popescu;fucktard. 1691034;1501464646;*;BingoBoingo hopes next step is ban on *.pl 1691035;1501464686;mircea_popescu;in other gripes, holy shit the idiotic habit of tree ruiner idiots of making a footnote leak into the next page. wtf, people had like a single neuron and they kept having to borrow it from each other for a spell like the fates ? 1691036;1501464712;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo word. 1691037;1501464931;*;BingoBoingo favors per chapter endnotes 1691038;1501465159;mircea_popescu;per chapter is better than per book, but evidently the correct approach is per-article, which in the antiquated world probably should translate as "per-page". 1691039;1501465256;BingoBoingo;Nah, that's exactly per chapter 1691040;1501465319;BingoBoingo;Per page would be note's fucking intruding arbitrarily based on wwwdevfag's screen resolution 1691041;1501465337;mircea_popescu;a 1691042;1501465686;BingoBoingo;This means when reading from a not shit browser note would appear arbitrarely in the middle of fucking words 1691043;1501466428;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2017/the-ethics-of-liberty-by-murray-n-rothbard-adnotated-part-v-the-task-of-political-philosophy/ << Trilema - The Ethics of Liberty, by Murray N Rothbard. Adnotated. Part V (The Task of Political Philosophy) 1691044;1501466922;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/5763D92A606DA86DB9C60D74B65EC4BE4480DC68BEC5C3E659611F7D7EA0BBAC << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1615...9563 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (rev91-133.skleporion.net. PL) 1691045;1501466923;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/F2E74F8D67DF199B60999AD831B145C1991CC4DDC0449A15331A1C5888FC9298 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1627...4287 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (rev90-205.skleporion.net. PL SL) 1691046;1501466923;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/5763D92A606DA86DB9C60D74B65EC4BE4480DC68BEC5C3E659611F7D7EA0BBAC << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1627...4287 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (rev91-133.skleporion.net. PL) 1691047;1501466924;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/F2E74F8D67DF199B60999AD831B145C1991CC4DDC0449A15331A1C5888FC9298 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1654...2243 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (rev90-205.skleporion.net. PL SL) 1691048;1501467001;shinohai;BAd night for .pl 1691049;1501468095;mircea_popescu;lol 1691050;1501477632;BingoBoingo;!!up guest846723 1691051;1501477633;deedbot;guest846723 voiced for 30 minutes. 1691052;1501479599;mircea_popescu;alf wins -- the vith chapter is also the last. 1691053;1501479607;mircea_popescu;rothbard's a fucktard wtf is wrong with people. 1691054;1501480063;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/7FAF1D8AEC4C93DE1BC28ACD8D1843DFF1012CC00CBF19E9BC7609ED6BC879EA << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1544...9313 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown IT SA 72) 1691055;1501480063;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/7FAF1D8AEC4C93DE1BC28ACD8D1843DFF1012CC00CBF19E9BC7609ED6BC879EA << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1777...4357 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown IT SA 72) 1691056;1501480337;trinque;the libertarian derps that talk about him, mises, et al, apparently get their fill of social interaction renting a conference room in a shitty hotel, eating terrible food, listening to Ron Paul or whoever doublefirstname speaks. 1691057;1501480369;trinque;always the soothing words of mother. "you're special, and you *deserve* to be *free*!" 1691058;1501480381;mircea_popescu;none of that is a crime, but it'd help if the content was above mlm sales team prep fodder. 1691059;1501480596;BingoBoingo; none of that is a crime, but it'd help if the content was above mlm sales team prep fodder. << How else is an ECONOMIST supposed to make money? 1691060;1501480631;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2017/the-ethics-of-liberty-by-murray-n-rothbard-adnotated-part-vi-a-crusoe-social-philosophy/ << Trilema - The Ethics of Liberty, by Murray N Rothbard. Adnotated. Part VI (A Crusoe Social Philosophy) 1691061;1501482586;BingoBoingo;http://oglaf.com/salvage/ 1691062;1501508856;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/5532BA84E312E61D5403BA121BF39CF2420CF51633762ABC6A1F61BDBAE678B7 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1699...1027 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (SOR-EX2013.SOR-W2K.cobra-sor.com. DE) 1691063;1501508856;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/5532BA84E312E61D5403BA121BF39CF2420CF51633762ABC6A1F61BDBAE678B7 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1432...0703 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (SOR-EX2013.SOR-W2K.cobra-sor.com. DE) 1691064;1501512277;mod6;mornin 1691065;1501512803;shinohai;http://archive.is/9Hcc8 <<< spam the ethereum db with tits 1691066;1501513222;mod6;fill it up 1691067;1501513238;mod6;<+BingoBoingo> http://oglaf.com/salvage/ << i lel'd 1691068;1501516323;mircea_popescu;!!up crustdoggitydog 1691069;1501516324;deedbot;crustdoggitydog voiced for 30 minutes. 1691070;1501516603;mircea_popescu;!!up guest846723 1691071;1501516603;deedbot;guest846723 voiced for 30 minutes. 1691072;1501519488;BingoBoingo;Herr BeeDog Returns! 1691073;1501519502;asciilifeform;in other lulz, https://blog.exodusintel.com/2017/07/26/broadpwn >> 'Broadpwn is a fully remote attack against Broadcom’s BCM43xx family of WiFi chipsets, which allows for code execution on the main application processor in both Android and iOS.' 1691074;1501519518;asciilifeform;'During the early 2000s, self-propagating malware – or “worms” – were common. But the advent of DEP and ASLR largely killed off remote exploitation, and Conficker (2008) will be remembered as the last self-propagating network worm. We will revive this tradition by turning Broadpwn into the first WiFi worm for mobile devices, and the first public network worm in eight years.' supposedly. 1691075;1501519559;asciilifeform;comes with enough code snippet to, i suspect, reproduce, if there is something to reproduce. 1691076;1501519595;asciilifeform;they do not, for some reason, display on archive.is, so here is full txt, http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/c0qo5/?raw=true 1691077;1501519638;mircea_popescu;not bad, a mobile phone recall. saved the auto industry from bankruptcy for almost a decade. 1691078;1501519652;mircea_popescu;i suppose, by that guiderline, next there's going to be a phone emissions standards agency ? 1691079;1501519670;asciilifeform;'Running an Alfa wireless adapter on monitor mode for about an hour in a crowded urban area, we’ve sniffed hundreds of SSID names in Probe Request packets. Of these, approximately 70% were using a Broadcom WiFi chip ...' 1691080;1501519689;mircea_popescu;sounds probable. 1691081;1501519727;asciilifeform;most newer laptop etc also. 1691082;1501519746;asciilifeform;and unsurprisingly 0 'mainstream' noose re subj 1691083;1501519749;asciilifeform;( last i saw ) 1691084;1501519765;asciilifeform;the original piece is 4+ d. old 1691085;1501519771;mircea_popescu;this is not unlike observing "no opera composed on the subject". 1691086;1501519776;asciilifeform;aaha 1691087;1501519799;asciilifeform;'we'll close our eyes and it will go away' is the idea, i suspect 1691088;1501519817;mircea_popescu;first off operas have their own range of topics ; second off people writing them died long ago ; and third off who cares. 1691089;1501519948;asciilifeform;'Samsung’s Shannon modems are prevalent in most of the newer Samsungs; Intel’s Infineon chips have taken over Qualcomm as the baseband for iPhone 7 and above; and MediaTek’s chips are a popular choice for lower cost Androids. And to top it off, Qualcomm is still dominant in higher end non-Samsung Androids.' << suggests a burn 1691090;1501519970;asciilifeform;or hm nm 1691091;1501519974;asciilifeform;that was re baseband 1691092;1501520175;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-31#1691052 << ahahahaha even mircea_popescu's gas mask has limit 1691093;1501520175;a111;Logged on 2017-07-31 05:39 mircea_popescu: alf wins -- the vith chapter is also the last. 1691094;1501520196;mircea_popescu;certainly, i am a finite animal also. 1691095;1501520211;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-31#1691057 << imho trinque nails it -- i find all of the 'libertarian' canon unpalatable in much the same way 1691096;1501520211;a111;Logged on 2017-07-31 05:52 trinque: always the soothing words of mother. "you're special, and you *deserve* to be *free*!" 1691097;1501520240;asciilifeform;preoccupation with imaginary entities ('rights' etc) and misc anglotardism 1691098;1501520244;mircea_popescu;last item in the series prolly worth reading, i dun wanna try and put in a sentence what i dun like about the guy. 1691099;1501520268;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform quite. 1691100;1501520274;*;asciilifeform read all of the parts 1691101;1501520314;mircea_popescu;anyway, it's pretty miserable. i can readily see why liber which is it ? 1691102;1501520332;asciilifeform;libertardians 1691103;1501520333;mircea_popescu;liber-rothbards whatever are so poorly received by the anglo left. they prolly tried to read rothbard and fell over. 1691104;1501520460;mircea_popescu;in fact, the canon is shockingly dumb. there's that blavatsky-wannabe with her utterly unreadable 600 pages atlas thing. there's rothbard, which is about as terrible as trying to read http://www.mcgonagall-online.org.uk/works 1691105;1501520469;asciilifeform;lol rand 1691106;1501520475;mircea_popescu;even scientology has better literature. 1691107;1501520483;*;asciilifeform one time aficionado, read most (all?) of rand 1691108;1501520485;asciilifeform;then barfed 1691109;1501520493;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: they're about on par 1691110;1501520502;mircea_popescu;but on literary grounds! wtf! she CANT WRITE. 1691111;1501520507;asciilifeform;but rand also has these chixy/'romance' elements that appeal to chix 1691112;1501520526;mircea_popescu;"battlestar galactica" is actually more accomplished, and this coming from a man who actually despises tolkien, let alone rando pulper. 1691113;1501520529;asciilifeform;with one aryan uberman outcockwidthing the next, then the next, etc 1691114;1501520541;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform im not so sure this appeals to chix. 1691115;1501520551;asciilifeform;'atlas' even has a tmsr-like item in it 1691116;1501520558;asciilifeform;complete with the morally necessary pirate 1691117;1501520560;mircea_popescu;they all have "tmsr-like" items in them! 1691118;1501520579;mircea_popescu;tell you what : jules verne has a radio-like item in it, doesn't make it good writing. 1691119;1501520585;asciilifeform;tru 1691120;1501520600;mircea_popescu;clarke fucking invented satellites, he still writes like a sophomore. 1691121;1501520649;asciilifeform;in more interesting olds, http://j-core.org << super-h, a VERY nice arch, slowly comes back to life 1691122;1501520667;asciilifeform;it is no accident that the gcc wreckers are now removing support for it 1691123;1501520679;mircea_popescu;what's so nice about it ? 1691124;1501520683;asciilifeform;a number of things 1691125;1501520689;mircea_popescu;ah, open processor huh. 1691126;1501520702;asciilifeform;yes, but not quite so bare-bones as, e.g., schoolbook mips 1691127;1501520706;mircea_popescu;yeah. 1691128;1501520708;asciilifeform;(has, e.g., pipeline, and fpu ) 1691129;1501520717;asciilifeform;i've historically been a fan of superh 1691130;1501520719;mircea_popescu;risc, sadly. 1691131;1501520725;asciilifeform;has fixed-length instrs, for instance 1691132;1501520732;asciilifeform;it's really a risc 'in name only', has couple of 100 instr 1691133;1501520738;mircea_popescu;a 1691134;1501520768;asciilifeform;the interesting bit is that linked d00dz stuffed it in 60% of cheap xilinx (lx9, i have a pile of'em) 1691135;1501520781;asciilifeform;betcha with some actual sweat, one could get it smaller. 1691136;1501520804;mircea_popescu;i dunno, japanese item from the glory days. 1691137;1501520810;asciilifeform;for completeness, i will point out that the original is apparently STILL in production, goes for about 20bux usd in qty 1691138;1501520819;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: smaller fpga, i mean 1691139;1501520825;mircea_popescu;a 1691140;1501520828;asciilifeform;( an lx9 is also about 20bux ) 1691141;1501520856;mircea_popescu;yes yes, the dreamcast chip. 1691142;1501520864;mircea_popescu;i am now remembering this. 1691143;1501520872;asciilifeform;the sh2, which is still massively made, beats the mips micros available on open market in ability to run from external rom 1691144;1501520879;asciilifeform;which is something i've searched far and wide for 1691145;1501520887;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: saturn 1691146;1501520892;asciilifeform;dreamcast had the 64bit variant 1691147;1501520895;mircea_popescu;pretty sure it was in teh dreamcast. 1691148;1501520898;asciilifeform;(sadly out of print, afaik) 1691149;1501520898;mircea_popescu;ah 1691150;1501520960;asciilifeform;the superh was massaged to death by the orig authors, who licensed the patent (expired last yr) to number of firms, for megabux 1691151;1501520978;asciilifeform;it was a popular chip, in high end sound equipment, early wince horrors, various appliances 1691152;1501521068;asciilifeform;~very~ respectable performance. (esp per watt) 1691153;1501521137;asciilifeform;'the vanilla 4.7 kernel should support this board, as should Rich Felker's musl-libc toolchain.' << bonus 1691154;1501521192;mircea_popescu;o hey. 1691155;1501521195;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform btw, the ~only actually interesting point the rothbard expedition yielded hasn't much at all to do with rothbard, of course. http://trilema.com/2017/the-ethics-of-liberty-by-murray-n-rothbard-adnotated-part-i-natural-law-and-reason/#footnote_3_73699 1691156;1501521200;mircea_popescu;have you been misrepresented ? 1691157;1501521226;asciilifeform;dun think so 1691158;1501521232;asciilifeform;it's a valid observation 1691159;1501521234;mircea_popescu;aite. 1691160;1501521245;asciilifeform;and in fact the contradiction rears its head in every item asciilifeform works on 1691161;1501521260;asciilifeform;'must have sufficients, but cannot have infinites' 1691162;1501521276;mircea_popescu;an evidently pregnant matter. 1691163;1501521280;asciilifeform;it's the razor blade ffa walks on 1691164;1501521317;asciilifeform;imho the lesson thus far has been 'the only attainable thing that gives sufficients without attempting infinities, is the expectation-adjuster' 1691165;1501521358;mircea_popescu;actually, the lordship also has. 1691166;1501521369;asciilifeform;even the 'ffaishness' of ffa has certain natural limits. gcd, for instance, is not constanttimeable 1691167;1501521373;asciilifeform;by the nature of the op 1691168;1501521373;mircea_popescu;hence the constant "you can either make it foolproof ; or else make it lordship only". which is how bots work etc. 1691169;1501521397;asciilifeform;( fortunately it is not used in rsa other than in primality test during key gen. but is quite irritating a fact ) 1691170;1501521678;asciilifeform;previous 'expectation-adjusters' include : v 1691171;1501521692;asciilifeform;i suspect that subsequent ones, will have similar flavour 1691172;1501522107;BingoBoingo; liber-rothbards whatever are so poorly received by the anglo left. they prolly tried to read rothbard and fell over. << AHA, this IS the anglophone problem. Not much in the language that isn't worse than Rothbard. English gives you Twain, William James, and Shakespeare. Everthing else is translated into the language. 1691173;1501522126;mircea_popescu;he could FUCKING LEARN A LANGUAGE you know. 1691174;1501522134;mircea_popescu;it's not like it kills people. 1691175;1501522177;mircea_popescu;i don't fucking understand this nonsense. they know smoking kills, and still smoke. this -- i can see. they know alcohol is bad for you, yet still drink. so do i. they are aware television ruins your eyesight, and still watch it. i don't, but surely not for that reason. 1691176;1501522196;mircea_popescu;but then they guard themselves against learning a new tongue like it's the fucking plague. 1691177;1501522244;mircea_popescu;nobody yet has died of learning a foreign language! it's the most benign activity conceivable. 1691178;1501522389;mircea_popescu;that aside, there's also dunne, and fucking huxley. who, while not some sort of proustian pinnacle of english, AT LEAST CAN FUCKING HOLD HIS OWN. 1691179;1501522419;BingoBoingo;Shhhhhhh, I thought we were shitting on language 1691180;1501522433;mircea_popescu;this is what i want. we gotta produce some literature at the lest on the level of huxley, or else liberty will forever be oppressed by the komodo dragon breath of rand and rothbard and whatnot talented poets of the silver tay. 1691181;1501522911;mod6;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-31#1691110 << agreed, this does not flow/read very well. 1691182;1501522911;a111;Logged on 2017-07-31 17:01 mircea_popescu: but on literary grounds! wtf! she CANT WRITE. 1691183;1501522936;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all 1691184;1501522952;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 2780.06, vol: 9179.40571831 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 2781.1, vol: 28578.55375326 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 2835.286514, vol: 7161.31090000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 2813.99, vol: 5688.32945053 | Volume-weighted last average: 2792.27597059 1691185;1501522971;mircea_popescu;mod6 bardiche-built 1691186;1501523009;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the modern ( and it is a recent, afaik , thing ) anglo phobia of languages, remains a puzzler to asciilifeform 1691187;1501523038;mircea_popescu;if early colonists had built houses in the manner libertarian authors write, boston would have consisted of a length of shore on which brick had randomly landed, thrown ashore from ships on which the powder was set ablaze. 1691188;1501523038;asciilifeform;esp since civilized euro langs are eminently learnable 1691189;1501523064;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform and esp since most of these people still went to school in an environment where you either learned BOTH latin and greek or else flunked. 1691190;1501523088;BingoBoingo;https://electrum.org/bcc2.txt 1691191;1501523091;asciilifeform;evidently they 'learned' their greek in the way modern anglotards 'learn' things 1691192;1501523103;asciilifeform;'for exam' and that's it 1691193;1501523111;mircea_popescu;augustus, who was a fucking emperor not one of these rando twerks moving from mercury, minessota to new york to "find their forture" in the pages of the nyt, and therefore FUCKING BUSY not to mention about as untalented as they are, still COULD WRITE. 1691194;1501523124;mircea_popescu;not like a literary genius, but like an educated human for the love of fuck. 1691195;1501523165;mod6;BingoBoingo: sfyl 1691196;1501523230;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo what is "a separate same machine" ? 1691197;1501523289;BingoBoingo;No idea, sounds like someone less busy than caesar? 1691198;1501524206;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-11-02#1562128 << http://glyf.org/tmp/DMT.gif cc asciilifeform, i came accros that dmt guide that i was talking about in my archives 1691199;1501524206;a111;Logged on 2016-11-02 16:57 phf: used to be one of the first image hits for "dmt synthesis", a screenshot of a chanboard poast of making dmta "out of household objects" 1691200;1501524283;phf;i don't remember the context of the conversation, but it's been on my desktop for a while, presented here for the lulz 1691201;1501524284;mircea_popescu;aka errowind "noman TEK". 1691202;1501524328;mircea_popescu;https://www.dmt-nexus.me/forum/default.aspx?g=posts&t=26659 etc 1691203;1501524402;phf;well, artifact is presented here also for its peculiar lulzy nature: the "guide" is distributed as a gif screenshot of a chan thread of a step by step follow along breakdown etc etc 1691204;1501524426;mircea_popescu;and then people "don't remember what solvent they used" the first time and "about 15+ hours he would say" etcetera. 1691205;1501524470;mircea_popescu;pillhead chemistry is a whole 'nother thing. tempting today to just call them redditards, but in fact before reddit welcomed them all into their proper home they existed just the same, dispersed in the population and unnamed 1691206;1501524483;phf;"Занимательная химия" 1691207;1501524491;mircea_popescu;just like before myspace gave all the fatties a central repository where to deposit their myspace pics, they still took them, and mostly put them on tripods. 1691208;1501524526;mircea_popescu;phf ro equiv was "X pentru toti", ie "chemistry for all" 1691209;1501524559;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/C102F5981F365CA3DC2AC342CDFACD31F5B51F7DB21B7BD2FC38A362491D7D77 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1745...7923 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (cleancache.jfg-networks.net. FR) 1691210;1501524559;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/C102F5981F365CA3DC2AC342CDFACD31F5B51F7DB21B7BD2FC38A362491D7D77 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1789...3237 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (cleancache.jfg-networks.net. FR) 1691211;1501524563;mircea_popescu;but "zanimated chemistry" works pretty well also. zanimatelnaya, a portmanteau of zany and animation. 1691212;1501524755;phf;zanimated chemistry is a edutainment broadcast out of new york with thomas dolby as a host teaching you how to make prank bombs out of house hold supplies 1691213;1501524813;mircea_popescu;also hold bombs out of house prank supplies. 1691214;1501524913;mircea_popescu;it is ever so slighlty strange that all those zealots of brain expansion don't apply the procedure to more easily replaced item. "this is my car ; i ... expaned its cylinders. this was my blender ; i ... expanded its vase. this is my bed ; the reason it consists of four chunks of poliurethane is that i expanded its surface" and so on. 1691215;1501525056;asciilifeform;phf, mircea_popescu : this is not a synthesis!!! it is an extraction 1691216;1501525061;mircea_popescu;awww 1691217;1501525064;asciilifeform;so certainly not 'from household material' lol 1691218;1501525069;phf;:D 1691219;1501525070;asciilifeform;needs rare vegetable matter 1691220;1501525071;mircea_popescu;you mean to tell me these are different ? 1691221;1501525081;mircea_popescu;but i didn't use sodium bicarbonate. 1691222;1501525140;phf;i actually don't know if it's synthesis or an extraction because didn't read the whole thing, but i thought that there's a synthesis step further in 1691223;1501525162;mircea_popescu;a synthesis step ? 1691224;1501525270;mircea_popescu;anyway. afaik dmt synthesis goes tryptophan -> tryptamine -> dimethyltryptamine. 1691225;1501525352;phf;well, in the first step you're not extracting dmt, you're getting some intermediary that you then run synthesis with 1691226;1501525489;mircea_popescu;if you're going to go the plant route can just as well eat the damned things. there's thousands of different plants that naturally store it. 1691227;1501525539;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: afaik none 'naturally store' anything near an active dose 1691228;1501525545;mircea_popescu;of course they do. 1691229;1501525553;mircea_popescu;the whole religious practice of the amason basin is based on this. 1691230;1501525565;asciilifeform;'ayahuasca' ? 1691231;1501525589;mircea_popescu;for instance. and some mimosa and psychotria and so on 1691232;1501525591;asciilifeform;iirc it was not properly documented, what active ingredient was, and where it grows. 1691233;1501525602;phf;well, i'm wrong they use mimosa hostilis which contains 1.5% dmt (and yes same shit that they use to cook ayahuasca) 1691234;1501525615;*;asciilifeform evidently out of date on subj 1691235;1501525624;mircea_popescu;phf afaik it was m. tenouflora. 1691236;1501525642;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you know, the date is 1950s. hungarian dood researched this extensively. 1691237;1501525661;mircea_popescu;how the fuck do you think Daisies was made :D 1691238;1501525861;mircea_popescu;anyway, the whole shtick with the "extraction" is because ingested dmt gets reduced metabolically, so one's stuck ingesting enough to overwhelm the monoamine oxidase pathway. but instead of doing all the dumb shit with shot glasses and eating formaldehyde and whatnot, one could just take lifril and be about the same place. 1691239;1501525875;asciilifeform;wassat 1691240;1501525892;mircea_popescu;antidepressant, a sort of russki prozac let's say. 1691241;1501525908;mircea_popescu;but otherwise reversible MA inhibitor. 1691242;1501525926;asciilifeform;these tend to kill unprepared schucks 1691243;1501525930;asciilifeform;( 'cheese effect' etc ) 1691244;1501525934;asciilifeform;*schmucks 1691245;1501525948;mircea_popescu;less toxic than whatever's in their "i can't recall what solvent i used" preparations. 1691246;1501525951;asciilifeform;also ~unobtainium in monkeylandia 1691247;1501525988;mircea_popescu;eh, you can smuggle it just fine, have a doctor's recipe and a pharmacy receipt. nobody knows jack shit about anything, that's the fundamental principle of statehood. 1691248;1501526029;asciilifeform;i meant that it is probably out of print at this point 1691249;1501526035;mircea_popescu;not afaik 1691250;1501526043;mircea_popescu;possible. lessee 1691251;1501526073;mircea_popescu;http://rupharma.com/pirazidol/ << apparently not 1691252;1501526080;asciilifeform;interesting 1691253;1501526143;mircea_popescu;take quarter pill. its clearance is in the week-ish range. get yourself a pile of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mimosa_tenuiflora which grows wild pretty much everywhere, and start chewing leaves. 1691254;1501526155;mircea_popescu;do a small amount over time, you got a whole week to play with. 1691255;1501526168;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu personally tried this..? 1691256;1501526179;mircea_popescu;no. nor does he intend to. 1691257;1501526186;mircea_popescu;nor has he also personally tried cure for gonorhea. 1691258;1501526187;asciilifeform;didn't think so 1691259;1501526313;mircea_popescu;(in other "statehood is the state of clueleness" lulz : florida made tyramine a schedule i drug in all concentrations, mixtures or presentations. in other words it's not legal to own cheese, or baker's yeast, or rotten fruit in the state of florida) 1691260;1501526315;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: is the rupharma randomly picked link, or mircea_popescu used ? it's one of the few greymarket pharma shops claiming to take btc 1691261;1501526330;mircea_popescu;i have an intel. 1691262;1501526360;asciilifeform;yes but intel only read it on www, or tried buying ? do they in fact ship ? 1691263;1501526366;asciilifeform;( anyhtings ) 1691264;1501526377;asciilifeform;i saw it before, assumed btc blackhole. 1691265;1501526395;mircea_popescu;intel is a vague thing, constructs lists of truths. afaik did not actually order above item, no. 1691266;1501526401;asciilifeform;aite 1691267;1501526424;asciilifeform;afaik most 'online pharma' whatevers, are simple blackholes for coin. 1691268;1501526431;mircea_popescu;about 50-50 i would say. 1691269;1501526439;asciilifeform;( you pay, 0 package, and they will say 'your customes stole it' ) 1691270;1501526443;mircea_popescu;certainly i'm not endorsing the rupharma.com biz, wtf. 1691271;1501526445;asciilifeform;*customs 1691272;1501526462;asciilifeform;i dun endorse any of'em, afaik 0 in wot. 1691273;1501526467;phf;i did buy some stuff in online pharma (was buying desloratadine, which for whatever reason is prescription only in us) 1691274;1501526468;mircea_popescu;exactly. 1691275;1501526502;asciilifeform;phf: what was result ? 1691276;1501526506;mircea_popescu;phf because womenz. 1691277;1501526518;asciilifeform;btc in, reasonable approximation of $item out ?? 1691278;1501526537;phf;asciilifeform: 1 in 3 1691279;1501526567;asciilifeform;phf: 1 in 3 firms sent actual item ? 1691280;1501526572;phf;or maybe 1 in 4, yes 1691281;1501526574;asciilifeform;maybe say which ? 1691282;1501526607;phf;will do, i'll check the email archives when i'm home 1691283;1501526612;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform we're not going to lose you to hay chewing now are we ? 1691284;1501526617;phf;:D 1691285;1501526625;*;asciilifeform has relatives that use orc pharma, and they rely on 'so and so is flying in $month' etc 1691286;1501526645;phf;asciilifeform needs his парацетамольчик before bed 1691287;1501526649;mircea_popescu;imo this is the correct way. 1691288;1501526660;mircea_popescu;courriers > "online business". 1691289;1501526667;phf;^ 1691290;1501526739;BingoBoingo; it is ever so slighlty strange that all those zealots of brain expansion don't apply the procedure to more easily replaced item. "this is my car ; i ... expaned its cylinders. this was my blender ; i ... expanded its vase. this is my bed ; the reason it consists of four chunks of poliurethane is that i expanded its surface" and so on. << They DO this 1691291;1501526747;mircea_popescu;damn 1691292;1501526861;BingoBoingo; but otherwise reversible MA inhibitor. << AHA USia only has irreversible MAOIs, except selegiline which is for Micheal J Fox disease 1691293;1501526882;mircea_popescu;they're cheap and readily available though, was my point. 1691294;1501526919;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: what was behind 'because womentz' out of curiosity? 1691295;1501526921;mircea_popescu;rather than go through all the dubiosity of "extraction" because you think some sit com was great, it is biologically cheaper to just eat the plant and inhibit ma. 1691296;1501526954;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform he didn't know why antihistaminics are behind the glass in the us. they are behind the glass because women specifically tend to both overtake them and are vulnerable to them. 1691297;1501526965;mircea_popescu;it's not clear quite how much and why etc. but us is nothing if it's not flordia. 1691298;1501526968;BingoBoingo;Yeah few things cheaper than Phenelzine 1691299;1501526983;asciilifeform;last i was in a pharmacy, loratidine was sold behind no glass, buy by the bucket if you want. 1691300;1501527002;asciilifeform;( expensive, however. ) 1691301;1501527003;mircea_popescu;practice relaxes the organ. 1691302;1501527015;BingoBoingo; asciilifeform he didn't know why antihistaminics are behind the glass in the us. they are behind the glass because women specifically tend to both overtake them and are vulnerable to them. << Nah decongestants behind glass because meth 1691303;1501527032;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: subj is not an ephedrine 1691304;1501527033;mircea_popescu;that also. tho phf's item of choice isn't, afaik, on that list. 1691305;1501527056;asciilifeform;sorta the point, opens the sinus without being adrenergic 1691306;1501527077;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Often packaged together "loratidine D" is loratadine + pseudoephedrine, behind counter 1691307;1501527103;asciilifeform;nuts 1691308;1501527131;BingoBoingo;Pointing out the confusion comes from being lumped into class of "cold medicines" 1691309;1501527212;BingoBoingo;Anyways the one class of drugs which is relatively safe mixed with MAOIs is... AMPHETAMINES! 1691310;1501527215;phf;asciilifeform: desloratadine is a loratadine metabolite, it's not over the counter 1691311;1501527243;asciilifeform;phf: what's the win from this vs original ? 1691312;1501527248;BingoBoingo;desloratadine is a patent extender, so gotta raep the Obamacare piggy while they can 1691313;1501527279;phf;asciilifeform: no idea, placebo presumably, original doesn't work for me 1691314;1501527285;asciilifeform;lol! 1691315;1501527301;asciilifeform;and metabolite, will!? 1691316;1501527321;asciilifeform;( if this worked, 'drinking morarji-cola' would be a pharma-active practice ) 1691317;1501527369;mircea_popescu;without prejudice to extant practice : people who are willing to slowly suicide in the swamp will sometimes develop psycho-somatic reactions to the indignity. they tend to medicate them, through a trial-and-error approach, which is half bad luck and half placebo effect, instead of taking long hard look at why the fuck their eyes water every time they have to behold another instance of the same stable of idiots 1691318;1501527373;mircea_popescu;and get the fuck out of dodge. 1691319;1501527388;BingoBoingo;loratidine never tested better than placedo at approved dose, work only above approved dose, but then side effects... 1691320;1501527415;*;mircea_popescu did not take nor personally intends to take EITHER the ayahuasca OR the cough drops. and for the same fucking reasons. 1691321;1501527437;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: as you know, 80 (90?) % of swamp inhabitants, 'medicated' 1691322;1501527442;asciilifeform;for various. 1691323;1501527472;BingoBoingo; mircea_popescu: as you know, 80 (90?) % of swamp inhabitants, 'medicated' << For very good reason. Shifts blame from lizards to their diseases. 1691324;1501527474;mircea_popescu;i mean specifically this "doctor doesn't understand my allergies and i have this one blanky that works" attitude. it's very common, and the point is : it is very common in a) intelligent people of a technical inclination b) working in shitistans. 1691325;1501527487;mircea_popescu;the fact that blue collar / orcs do not get the same problems is a clear indication of their non-medical nature. 1691326;1501527505;asciilifeform;it is not the case that they do not 1691327;1501527522;asciilifeform;the 'blue collar' folx -- now very very medicated. as documented by tlp. 1691328;1501527524;mircea_popescu;i've not seen the "system designer's allergy" in anyone but. 1691329;1501527533;asciilifeform;moar psycho than allergy 1691330;1501527544;mircea_popescu;no, moar "this place is shit" than anything. 1691331;1501527553;asciilifeform;yes , speaking of choice of poison 1691332;1501527576;asciilifeform;the blue collar folx do moar 'ups' and 'downs' than antihistamines 1691333;1501527578;mircea_popescu;it's a horrid abuse of intelligence, to use it to dumb self to own body. 1691334;1501527632;asciilifeform;!#s tooth licking 1691335;1501527633;a111;1 result for "tooth licking", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=tooth%20licking 1691336;1501527635;asciilifeform;hm 1691337;1501527659;asciilifeform;naggum's phrase 1691338;1501527704;mircea_popescu;link ? 1691339;1501527734;asciilifeform;the archive dun find 1691340;1501527752;mircea_popescu;darn. i'd have liked to read naggum on this. 1691341;1501527767;asciilifeform;it's in the buried usenet archives, in the bunkers!11 1691342;1501527781;asciilifeform;but idea was roughly same as what causes 'alices' 1691343;1501527798;asciilifeform;a sort of destructive introspection 1691344;1501527810;mircea_popescu;hm. 1691345;1501527888;asciilifeform;http://www.xach.com/naggum/articles/3215999167870810@naggum.net.html << found. 1691346;1501527893;mircea_popescu;aty 1691347;1501527916;phf;naggum who died from a mystery gut condition 1691348;1501527922;mircea_popescu;ikr ? 1691349;1501527924;asciilifeform;phf: afaik not mystery 1691350;1501527929;mircea_popescu;he is recognizable expert on topic. 1691351;1501527942;asciilifeform;and incidentally almost certainly died from the anti-inflammatories he self-medicated with 1691352;1501527946;mircea_popescu;dude was so fucking smart he managed to not notice he had ulcer. possibly the most painful condition available. 1691353;1501527953;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform that's his point. 1691354;1501527954;asciilifeform;noticed. didn't care. 1691355;1501528196;mod6;'boiling the shadow of a pigeon starved to death' << heh 1691356;1501528303;mircea_popescu;this naggum piece is an absolutely fine diagnosis of the whole "needs creation" usgistani "marketing" thing. "raise awareness" "educate the public", etc 1691357;1501528380;mircea_popescu;nevertheless, the problem here is the reverse : "my eyes will jump out of my head if they have to read a single other page of this rothbard ; best i stop that and go build eye cages" 1691358;1501528587;mircea_popescu;i can appreciate that the only way they even got this far, having read all those books they had to read to be able to discuss something interesting in science today, as opposed to 1700 ; and all the time doing definitionally boring shit in the lab (because it's NOT "i can't recall what the solvent was" it is therefore boring!) is by subduing the natural voice saying "fuck this shit, let's go roll in the grass under the apple 1691359;1501528588;mircea_popescu;tree with the nude sluts". 1691360;1501528599;mircea_popescu;NEVERTHELESS. the voice of nature is to be silenced in school, not forevermore. not in life. 1691361;1501528695;mircea_popescu;at some point you're going to choke if you aspirate just one god damned single further corpuscle of calcium carbionate ; and you are going to strangle the next pubescent dicklet who imagines he invented novel problems and solutions through tracing the biological trace. THAT is when it's time to drop them all and go away. 1691362;1501528835;trinque;reminds me of the thread re: whether intelligent folks can be said to be intelligent if they can't translate themselves to moron. 1691363;1501528852;trinque;gotta also know how to operate the meat robot your brain's sitting in, which involves taking a shit regularly, etc 1691364;1501528904;mircea_popescu;or at least have a plan! "i;m not taking a shit now because i will THEN, and i have in point of fact checked and the plan is sound" 1691365;1501528914;mircea_popescu;none of this by-seat-of-pants adhockery. 1691366;1501528932;mod6;heheh 1691367;1501528933;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2017/07/broadcom-chips-vulnerable-to-remote-attack/ << Qntra - Broadcom Chips Vulnerable To Remote Attack 1691368;1501528948;mircea_popescu;nice bb. 1691369;1501528952;asciilifeform;ooh neato 1691370;1501530142;BingoBoingo;In other news, Trump's latest communications adviser has served his purpose, being replaced 1691371;1501530274;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-31#1691361 << observe that naggum did in fact go-away... 1691372;1501530274;a111;Logged on 2017-07-31 19:18 mircea_popescu: at some point you're going to choke if you aspirate just one god damned single further corpuscle of calcium carbionate ; and you are going to strangle the next pubescent dicklet who imagines he invented novel problems and solutions through tracing the biological trace. THAT is when it's time to drop them all and go away. 1691373;1501530279;asciilifeform;to his nearest away. 1691374;1501530286;asciilifeform;which is , i suspect, most folx's 1691375;1501530293;asciilifeform;nearest and only. 1691376;1501530325;mircea_popescu;it's unclear to me this is how it goes. the two options are "norway -- hell" ? really ? 1691377;1501530340;asciilifeform;whereas i can very easily picture it. 1691378;1501530351;BingoBoingo;Well, Norway is right next to hell 1691379;1501530372;mircea_popescu;he couldn't, eg, have been a syrian geodesic engineer. or a lebanese partizan. or a central asian goat herd. 1691380;1501530382;mircea_popescu;there was something in his blood preventing each and every possible alternative. 1691381;1501530383;asciilifeform;iirc he tried being an american engineer 1691382;1501530388;asciilifeform;and barfed 1691383;1501530416;mircea_popescu;i taught briefly ; and went away. and was romanian and left. and so on and so forth, dozens of different "Beings". but this is just my blessing as mp ; poor unfortunate naggum has been so cursed, as to only have two options. 1691384;1501530421;asciilifeform;( he was there for ~7y and right up to bush-II election ) 1691385;1501530444;mircea_popescu;similarily, i have had women, of many kinds and types and speaking various languages and on and on. but not huxley. he, cursed, ONLY ONE! and if she was a dumb slut -- he, therefore, convicted. 1691386;1501530453;mircea_popescu;wtf is this post-victorian romanticistic bullshit. 1691387;1501530459;mircea_popescu;cock is so made to fit most holes. 1691388;1501530465;asciilifeform;can debate forever who has what options. but the notion that everyone has every option, is batshit. 1691389;1501530480;mircea_popescu;yet the notion that "only option" is MORE batshit. 1691390;1501530487;asciilifeform;most folx are poor as church mice and extremely -- and thereby -- loss-averse 1691391;1501530498;mircea_popescu;stupidity is not a legitimate "option limiter". 1691392;1501530520;asciilifeform;aahahalol, 2 settings on the dial nao, ' mircea_popescu ' and ' stupidity ' 1691393;1501530543;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the loss adversity of the poor does not go well with an otherwise functional mind such as naggum displays. 1691394;1501530553;asciilifeform;sure it does 1691395;1501530562;mircea_popescu;how ? 1691396;1501530597;asciilifeform;can be arbitrarily 'functional mind' and arbitrarily poor, when pantsuits rob you of even the notion that there is such a thing as not being robbed 1691397;1501530612;mircea_popescu;you know, the idiot is not the liar, but the believer. 1691398;1501530615;*;asciilifeform for instance does not expect to ever live to not be robbed 1691399;1501530633;mircea_popescu;hey, i got robbed earlier, these tiny ants on my balcony ate a sliver of tuna. 1691400;1501530655;mod6;if they can they must 1691401;1501530664;asciilifeform;yeah now picture a 'planet of ants' where agriculture is a laughable idea because anything remotely concentrated gets devoured in an hour 1691402;1501530666;mircea_popescu;but yes, you will not live to not be robbed, seeing how gut disinfection ~= death. 1691403;1501530698;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform nevermind the theory. guy could have fucking hopped in a plan to ulaan baator and be raising his own goats within a fortnight. 1691404;1501530713;asciilifeform;lulzily this is rather like what the socialists preach -- 'we are like your gut bacteria, there For Your Own Good, and it ain't robbery' neh 1691405;1501530737;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yes, but the fact that they aren't what they preach doesn't mean the thing they preach being isn't there. 1691406;1501530740;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: life with goats in goatfuckistan is not -- to naggum, evidently, and just the same to asciilifeform -- life 1691407;1501530744;asciilifeform;it's a type of slow death 1691408;1501530749;mircea_popescu;except it isn't. 1691409;1501530752;asciilifeform;to mircea_popescu . 1691410;1501530763;asciilifeform;( who, last i saw, was not yet herding goats either ) 1691411;1501530777;mircea_popescu;this is the point of all magic act : not to "disappear", but to replace. naggum's idiocy is in having bought the sleigh of hand, whereby "life not worth living" was switrched for life, AND VICE VERSA. 1691412;1501530784;mircea_popescu;really, life with the goats not worth living ? says who the fuck ? 1691413;1501530821;asciilifeform;wai no goats in mircea_popescu's house ? 1691414;1501530830;asciilifeform;( or are they new ? ) 1691415;1501530853;mircea_popescu;well, i had them in egypt. but obviously any finite house wiull not contain all infinities the mind can conjure up. no room. 1691416;1501530857;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu just as a very high quality of goats 1691417;1501530883;mircea_popescu;nevertheless, I do not believe ~MY~ life would not be worth living because of the god damned goats, in presence or absence. 1691418;1501530890;asciilifeform;it ain't the goats 1691419;1501530894;mircea_popescu;and in the same vein my life is perfectly fine with or without anything. 1691420;1501530916;mircea_popescu;because it's my life, not the processing of my wife and her children and my favourite tv shows and my parking lot and my red stapler. ffs. 1691421;1501530921;asciilifeform;afaik mircea_popescu never once in entire life experienced anything like the garden variety lack of options of even a typical 1st world slave 1691422;1501530936;mircea_popescu;well no, mp was never fucked in the head. 1691423;1501530946;asciilifeform;even sans fishwife and fishchildren and fishjob -- ~0 options . 1691424;1501530963;mircea_popescu;what lack of options ? TODAY, any such "slave" could readily http://trilema.com/2017/the-universal-plan-for-wealth/#comment-122304 1691425;1501530991;asciilifeform;this #includes various skills that most folx dun have. 1691426;1501530994;asciilifeform;this scenario. 1691427;1501531003;trinque;what, running up your credit cards? 1691428;1501531007;mircea_popescu;includes jack. 1691429;1501531010;asciilifeform;( you land with a btc key and clothes on your back in orcistan. nao wat. ) 1691430;1501531020;mircea_popescu;"we can't have a baby until we built a baby room" is NOT A SKILL 1691431;1501531039;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform nao you find a girl and live with her a while. 1691432;1501531071;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: you forgot 1st step : 'put out your parachute, cut straps, roll up' 1691433;1501531085;mircea_popescu;i thought you just got there by bus, like normal people. 1691434;1501531088;mircea_popescu;why not bus ? 1691435;1501531110;asciilifeform;bus dun go on ocean? 1691436;1501531114;*;mircea_popescu was never worried about the "parachute" "sikrit agents". the only ones who were ever dangerous were the bus riding sort. 1691437;1501531115;BingoBoingo;Or lawnmower, or toyota 1691438;1501531129;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform oslo to ulaan-batoor, bus to goat-town, 3rd on left. 1691439;1501531145;phf;funny how lack of agency works: "mp: look at me do all the things you think is impossible! others: mp is so great, he can do things nobody else can!" 1691440;1501531155;mircea_popescu;isn't it thought! 1691441;1501531159;mircea_popescu;though* 1691442;1501531165;asciilifeform;phf: i dun recall any stories from a slave-less and money-less mp 1691443;1501531173;asciilifeform;other than 'the other kidz in class worshipped me' 1691444;1501531177;asciilifeform;well suppose they hadn't. 1691445;1501531188;mircea_popescu;suppose they hadn't. 1691446;1501531204;BingoBoingo;RoComm still falls 1691447;1501531207;mircea_popescu;what, you think a bunch of anodyne dorks made me, what is this. 1691448;1501531226;mircea_popescu;mp, the product of his mom and dad and the kids in school and stuff on the tv! 1691449;1501531241;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: mno, the 8999 other, less long-lived mircea_popescus, made. 1691450;1501531244;mircea_popescu;what was i doing during all this ? playing tables ? 1691451;1501531262;asciilifeform;!#s everett 1691452;1501531262;a111;29 results for "everett", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=everett 1691453;1501531310;mircea_popescu;looky here : it is very true that an african is going to perform worse than a caucasian. i have, like everyone, had ample opportunity to verify this fact, either through literature review over dead africans or work evaluation over live ones. 1691454;1501531343;mircea_popescu;the REASON, however, is not that africans have shittier genes. i was able to verify their genes are just fine, with my dick. african genes make tall, pretty girls that fuck just as fine as white girls. and they even have better asses on average. 1691455;1501531356;mircea_popescu;the reason africans unerperform is that african culture is idiotic. it is. 1691456;1501531356;asciilifeform;this proves something?! 1691457;1501531362;asciilifeform;re anything other than gurl meat ?! 1691458;1501531388;mircea_popescu;watch girly that'd be a fine intellect believe "metaphysics" is dumbass pulp nonsense. why ? because her mom's a wizard don't you know, and her grandmother was a faith healer. 1691459;1501531394;mircea_popescu;it's the culture ; not the genes. 1691460;1501531432;mircea_popescu;now : africa was inhabited long before europe. and here we come upon the worrying fact of the matter : italians today are the dumbest shitheads conceivable, below the gypsies really. but... why ? 1691461;1501531441;mircea_popescu;egyptians are entirely fucking stupid. yet they taught us to make maps ? 1691462;1501531458;mircea_popescu;why was it china conquered by europe ? complex explanations about but how about the simple one 1691463;1501531459;asciilifeform;which egyptians? taught whom 1691464;1501531464;mircea_popescu;it was fucking older. and age stupefies. 1691465;1501531471;asciilifeform;the old egyptians ain't here no moar 1691466;1501531488;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform right. maybe they were invaded. but maybe they weren't ? maybe senescence is what turned the tall guys with slender noses into today's orcs. 1691467;1501531514;asciilifeform;where was the mircea_popescu with the accumulated-recessives thing 1691468;1501531527;asciilifeform;can't seem to turn it up in the logz 1691469;1501531545;mircea_popescu;for instance. or for whatever other reason. but the point here is -- don't trust your culture to be a monotonously positive item. it's not. 1691470;1501531561;asciilifeform;( i also had difficulty picturing the short, shriveled orc fellas, invading an' winning ) 1691471;1501531568;mircea_popescu;ikr ? 1691472;1501531576;mircea_popescu;makes about as much sense as your being eaten by a frog. 1691473;1501531597;mircea_popescu;sure, frog is voracious, and it ~would~. but... really ? 1691474;1501531603;asciilifeform;interesting theory. i.e. place needs a rurik and dun get one in time. 1691475;1501531630;mircea_popescu;and the process through which it doesn't get it in time is, 1691476;1501531650;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-31#1691406 1691477;1501531650;a111;Logged on 2017-07-31 19:52 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: life with goats in goatfuckistan is not -- to naggum, evidently, and just the same to asciilifeform -- life 1691478;1501531723;*;mircea_popescu links http://trilema.com/2013/the-linguistic-mark-of-cultural-failure/ here just in case. 1691479;1501531729;asciilifeform;hey sometimes even pro ruriks barf ( witness mircea_popescu in south amer ) 1691480;1501531745;mod6;people better get ready. if you can't see yourself herding goats, or fishing off a dock, or living in a cabin in the woods; you've had an beyond-your-means "lifestyle" for far too long. it's coming to and end. 1691481;1501531757;mircea_popescu;no argument. but it helps if you reject the woman because you saw her naked, or you fucked her, or SOMETHING ; as opposed to barfing because okcupid scored her as 73. 1691482;1501531759;asciilifeform;mod6: everything comes to end. 1691483;1501531779;mircea_popescu;mod6 i'd rather phrase it as "you've been missing out on a lot of available joy". 1691484;1501531788;asciilifeform;mod6: which is why berlin philharmonic hands out the little pills 1691485;1501531812;mod6;mircea_popescu: ah, perhaps so 1691486;1501531812;mircea_popescu;this is the brick wall in the middle class princess' life, oft depicted in say russian folk talkes ; and also known to shakespeare and beautifully brought to life by liz taylor. 1691487;1501531817;asciilifeform;( what in '50s-present germany, i wonder, did the folx who took'em, miss out on ? that you'd want part of ) 1691488;1501531824;mod6;asciilifeform: opt-out, ah, sure. 1691489;1501531833;phf;i like the theory that general drying out of the region meant that people with resources left for better pastures, dumbasses stayed. so yeah, it's still egyptians, just bottom of the barrel 1691490;1501531834;mircea_popescu;"oh, married life is no sort of maiden life". well... don't worry your pretty head so much about it, the skin falls off. 1691491;1501531846;mircea_popescu;phf but why did they stay ? 1691492;1501531855;mod6;no need to though, just gotta be ready to embrase change at anytime 1691493;1501531868;phf;why does myself and asciilifeform stay in the swamp? 1691494;1501531881;asciilifeform;i actually have nfi why phf stays 1691495;1501531884;mircea_popescu;i dunno, cuz yo ubought into the "great inca will tell us what is true life" ? 1691496;1501531906;mod6;embrace. meanwhile, i'll have to embrace some literacy. hehe. 1691497;1501531912;mircea_popescu;lol 1691498;1501531975;mod6;you guys ever see the dudes fishing off the peer in .mx? or with nets in the shallows? 1691499;1501531984;asciilifeform;pier? 1691500;1501531990;mod6;that. ya 1691501;1501532002;mod6;try to picture yourself being that guy. 1691502;1501532008;asciilifeform;not been to mx. but seen same in usa 1691503;1501532009;mircea_popescu;and off the many bridges off the golden horn, also. and into the atlantic off buenos aires. 1691504;1501532032;mircea_popescu;that's kinda the problem, city man will do the moves, catch minnow's worth of polonium. 1691505;1501532109;mod6;my entire point is Air Conditioned life, as much as i like it myself != life 1691506;1501532129;*;phf witnessed a massive hand trawling undertaking in kerala. 20-30 strong men from local village pulling the net by hand, tourists "participating" etc. the end result was maybe 5 tiny fishes altogether.. 1691507;1501532152;mod6;hey whatever, no one said it'd be easy. or profitable. 1691508;1501532160;asciilifeform;orcs have families, friends, etc. 1691509;1501532167;mod6;throw the damn thing back in, and try again. or find a new spot. 1691510;1501532169;asciilifeform;they dun work in unit of 1 1691511;1501532177;mod6;where'd this defeatist shit come from anyway? 1691512;1501532180;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you ever seen birthday girl ? 1691513;1501532185;asciilifeform;nein 1691514;1501532211;mircea_popescu;it's an ok-ish hollycrap movie with the redhead what's her name. anyway, the substance is she's a mail order ru bride, bought by a dickless briton. 1691515;1501532236;mircea_popescu;her boyfriend, and his friend follow along. and the boyfriend attempts to engage the fiance in the VERY typical, ritual dance of "making a friend". 1691516;1501532251;mircea_popescu;this scares the shit out of the brit. as it would NOT have scared his grandfather, but whatever. 1691517;1501532257;mircea_popescu;it's very easy to make orc friends. 1691518;1501532265;mircea_popescu;they, unlike you, understand they need one. 1691519;1501532313;*;asciilifeform puts film on list 1691520;1501532323;mircea_popescu;(also, while we're at it : the "haughty" behaviour of low preference value ustard females, hair dressers and whatnot, where they roll their eyes and purport as if they're bothered by advances because that's what they imagine they must do, is also very much a function of food stamps.) 1691521;1501532349;asciilifeform;this is a wholly tru and much discussed among 'red pill reddit' etc , fact 1691522;1501532363;asciilifeform;'they avoid cock because washingtondaddy' 1691523;1501532373;mircea_popescu;so then. making a friend where you raise the goats is a lot simpler than it may seem in a maryland parking lot. 1691524;1501532543;*;trinque knows a guy whose brother fucked off to the woods in the states to raise alpacas, because why not, better than people 1691525;1501532866;mod6;werd to that 1691526;1501533234;BingoBoingo;In other minor victories, blinker switch in plasticar was replaced. ~20 bucks and 10 minutes. No pulling of steering wheel required 1691527;1501533331;mod6;Also, maybe I'm wrong. Yellen said ``I don't believe we'll see another financial crisis in our lifetimes...'' 1691528;1501533358;trinque;hers maybe. she's not looking great. 1691529;1501533362;mod6;lol 1691530;1501533554;mod6;obv. we don't know yet, but if that isn't the "we've reached a perm plateau..." statement of our times, i don't know what is. 1691531;1501534835;BingoBoingo;Don't you know, Obama was supposed to lock America into a miserly 1.5% growth rate for ever!!! 1691532;1501534871;mod6;oh ya, silly me! haha 1691533;1501535153;mod6;BingoBoingo: https://www.reuters.com/article/arizona-arpaio-idUSL1N1KM1AP 1691534;1501535209;BingoBoingo;mod6: Feel free to try a write up 1691535;1501535217;shinohai;Haha Sherrif Joe is contemptible ^.^ 1691536;1501535772;BingoBoingo;In other incredilols https://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2018/senate/mi/michigan_senate_kid_rock_vs_stabenow-6214.html 1691537;1501535814;BingoBoingo;Kid Rock 49% Sitting Pantsuit Senator 46% in Michigan, 15 months out 1691538;1501536966;mircea_popescu;lel 1691539;1501537740;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2017/07/alabama-special-senate-election-bleeding-legacy-gop-as-trumps-cleansing-continues/ << Qntra - Alabama Special Senate Election Bleeding Legacy GOP As Trump's Cleansing Continues 1691540;1501538720;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all 1691541;1501538735;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 2848.35, vol: 10985.48074324 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 2849.9, vol: 29288.5138258 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 2860.491342, vol: 7450.20410000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 2878.907, vol: 7247.20602887 | Volume-weighted last average: 2854.84984385 1691542;1501538745;BingoBoingo;!~bcstats 1691543;1501538746;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Current Blocks: 478462 | Current Difficulty: 8.60221984436E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 479807 | Next Difficulty In: 1345 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 2 days, 15 hours, 2 minutes, and 6 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1691544;1501538881;BingoBoingo;!!up finitemaz 1691545;1501538881;deedbot;finitemaz voiced for 30 minutes. 1691546;1501538885;BingoBoingo;finitemaz: Speak 1691547;1501538962;finitemaz;Hello! To introduce myself... I'm an american structural engineer (if anyone cares about profession) living on the east coast 1691548;1501538988;asciilifeform;hiya finitemaz . what brings you to #trilema ? 1691549;1501538989;finitemaz;Do you need to know who my daddy is 1691550;1501538992;finitemaz;and what he does? 1691551;1501539053;BingoBoingo;Yes 1691552;1501539056;finitemaz;I have been reading a lot of the logs, and came to trilema basically from reading AnonyMints blog posts 1691553;1501539073;BingoBoingo;Now sit, stay, and roll over. 1691554;1501539076;asciilifeform;what's anonymints 1691555;1501539115;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Aged tardstalk account, apparently posts on altcoin attempt at making a reddit that pays like a Qntra 1691556;1501539849;finitemaz;BingoBoingo: is that the wrong reason to come to #trilema? 1691557;1501540779;ben_vulpes;finitemaz: dunno that there's a wrong reason to come to trilema 1691558;1501540819;BingoBoingo;!!Up finitemaz 1691559;1501540819;deedbot;finitemaz voiced for 30 minutes. 1691560;1501540836;BingoBoingo;Nah, just telling alf who the anonyminute guy is 1691561;1501541200;BingoBoingo;http://qntra.net/2017/07/us-entertainer-kid-rock-takes-aim-at-pantsuit-senators-job/#comment-106620 1691562;1501542328;finitemaz;Not sure if I fell down a rabbit hole 1691563;1501542361;finitemaz;Morning has broken 1691564;1501542405;BingoBoingo;Maybe grab a shovel? 1691565;1501542620;finitemaz;Starting with a spoon 1691566;1501542666;BingoBoingo;!!Up finitemaz 1691567;1501542667;deedbot;finitemaz voiced for 30 minutes. 1691568;1501542682;BingoBoingo;Well, a shovel appropriate to what you are digging. 1691569;1501542870;finitemaz;What am I digging? 1691570;1501542989;BingoBoingo;That takes effort to find out. 1691571;1501543107;BingoBoingo;brb, sober time 1691572;1501543172;finitemaz;Time to quit my job? 1691573;1501543497;asciilifeform;Morning has broken << you'd better fix it!111 1691574;1501543520;shinohai;finitemaz: You should register yer gpg key already ;) 1691575;1501543683;mod6;^ 1691576;1501543927;finitemaz;What does registering my gpg key do? 1691577;1501544053;shinohai;Allows you to !!up yourself and prove thy identity 1691578;1501544403;mod6;!!up f1maze 1691579;1501544404;deedbot;f1maze voiced for 30 minutes. 1691580;1501544510;f1maze;Pardon me, but GPG registering on IRC different than the nickserv command I remember using? 1691581;1501544656;shinohai;Yes, it is different. Bot commands are: http://deedbot.org/help.html 1691582;1501544698;shinohai;Or tl;dr paste thy public key to: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/ then !!register 1691583;1501544721;mod6;nice, beat me to it :] 1691584;1501544740;mod6;Also, f1maze, you'll find countless examples of people going through the motions on this in the logs if you need. 1691585;1501544891;f1maze;thanks 1691586;1501544954;mircea_popescu;can you believe this schmuck ? 1691587;1501544961;deedbot;http://danielpbarron.com/2017/gentoo-eulora-quest/ << Daniel P. Barron - Gentoo Eulora Quest 1691588;1501545018;mod6;mircea_popescu: this guy has been trying over and over eh? 1691589;1501545037;mircea_popescu;no time to participate, all the time in the world to fuck with ips. 1691590;1501545042;mircea_popescu;ustardianism at its finest. 1691591;1501545068;mircea_popescu;got no time to talk to a girl, got all day to hang out on r/seduction or w/e the fuck. 1691592;1501545076;mod6;danielpbarron: heeeey! nice, thanks. i'll have to give this a try here one of these days. 1691593;1501545088;shinohai;You can have your very own Eulora-os laptop for 10 million copper (0.1 BTC) <<< Very enterprising, danielpbarron 1691594;1501545100;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-31#1691552 << so make a key, register with deedbot 1691595;1501545100;a111;Logged on 2017-07-31 22:10 finitemaz: I have been reading a lot of the logs, and came to trilema basically from reading AnonyMints blog posts 1691596;1501545121;mircea_popescu;does that include the laptop ? 1691597;1501545188;shinohai;!!up danielpbarron 1691598;1501545189;deedbot;danielpbarron voiced for 30 minutes. 1691599;1501545208;danielpbarron;yes. nothing special; some old used thing off ebay 1691600;1501545229;mod6;huh, that's pretty sweet there. 1691601;1501545262;mircea_popescu;epic offer. 1691602;1501545287;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron if you want to put up a reddit advertisement about it, i'll cover the first 0.1 btc you spend. 1691603;1501545315;danielpbarron;cool 1691604;1501545377;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-31#1691573 << bwhahaha, blue screen of morning. 1691605;1501545377;a111;Logged on 2017-07-31 23:24 asciilifeform: Morning has broken << you'd better fix it!111